THIRD ANNUAL SALE -OF- YEARLINGS AND OTHER AT ABDALLAH PARK, CYNTHIANA, KY„ WEDNESDAY. APRIL 16th, 1884. Sale Commences Promptly at 9;30 A. M. W. H, WILSON R. E. EDMONSON, Auctioneer. 1KS4. E. B. SMITH. PRINTER AND BINDER," Lexington, Ky. -- D a c ? I I t I L ANNOUNCEMENT. This being my Third annual sale, I beg to inform my friends and the public that I shall hereafter have an annual s ale of yearlings, at which time 1 shall also sell roadsters and other trotting stock owned by me, and perhaps, (as at this sale,) a few animals the property of those who are pa- trons of my stud I herewith append a list of my stallions now and here- after to be used in the stud, as the best eulogy on the young stock now of- fered, and on which the public may in i\\efuture rely, Gradually, year after year, experience teaches those \\ ho givefthe lireeding of trotters a study that the closer the parents are to the record on the black-board , the more likely the offspring is to put a faster mark there: for Insiance a a man twenty- five miles on the road should get to the end of a hundred miles sooner than the man that has the whole hun- dred to go in the same time, and I therefore call special attention to my Stallions, Respectfully, W. II. WILSON. Blue Grass Route, TIME TABLK FOR APRIL, IG, 1784. To and From Ahdallah (Park, Cynthiana, Ky. Trains leave C^ovington for Cynthiana, 74=° ^ "' Arriving at Cynthiana 10:30 v- ni Sale (•r)ninu'ncc's at 11:00 sharii. Trains leave LexMigton for Cyuthiana, ... . . 7:30 am Arriving at Cynthiana 8:55 a m Trains leave Maysvilie for t^ynthiana, 5:45 a ni Arriving at Cynthiana 8:55 a ni Note — Trains go to Lexington and May>vi]lc from the platform at Ah- dallah Park at 5 a. m. TRIUMVIR. Mahogony bay. foaled 1879; almost 16 hands high; star with black points; weighs 1,070 pounds. GOT BY GENERAL WASHINGTON. First dam, Lucy, record 2:18 V^ by Geo. M. Patchen, record 2:23^ sire of Chas. E. Loen, record 2:25^ Chas. E. Loen got Stuart Maloney 2:27 j^^ Second dam, Henry May Day, by Sir Henry. Third dam, by f'rizefighter, son of imp. Expedition. GEN'L. WASHINGTON, by Gen'l. Knox, record 2:3iX sire of Lady Maud, record • ■ 2;l8^ First dam, Lady Thorne, record 2: 18^ by Mambrino Chief, sire of Woodford Mambrino, record . . . 2:21 j/^ that got Abbottsford, record 2:19^ Lucy, the dam of Triumvir, was herself a finegaited trotter. Her best record. 2;i8j4^, was made in a memorable race at Buffalo, N. Y., August 9, 1872. when she defeated American Girl, Goldsmith Maid and Heniy in a race of four heats. Her relative, American Girl--also of the Clay fami- ly—was in great form that day, and succeeded in taking the second heat by a nose in 2:1714^, but Lucy outlasted her and got the race. The time was as follows: 2:i8^-2:i7ji( -2;i9 3^-2;22. During Lucy's turf career she defeated Fanny Allen, Hotspur, Bruno, Gen'l. Butler, Lady Thorne, Gold- smith Maid, Geo. Palmer, American Girl, Geo- Wilkes, Hem-y, Occident, &c., — a list that in her day comprised the brightest ornaments of the trot- ting turf. Lady Thorue — the dam of the sire of Triumvir, was one of the best and gamest trotters of her day, and was the best representative of the Mambri- no Chief family. Her best record was made at Narragansett Park, R. I., October 8, 1869, beating Geo. Palmer, Geo. Wilkes. Lucy and American (rirl. Geo. Palmer won the third heat in 2:i9|-, but Lady Thorne won tht race in four heats in the following time: 2:1914^, 2:i:i8|,2:i9], 2:2i. General Knox, the grandsire of Triumvir, no: only gained for himself a record of 2:31], but sired Lady Maud with a record of 2:i8j, and nine oth- ers in the 2:30 list. In Triumvir I have bought a horse which I believe possesses the blood needed by Kentucky Breeders for outcrosses, from the fact that his two developed grandsires Gen'l. Knox, record 2:31^, and Gorge M. Patchen, record 2:24 j^, have no'iqDresentatives in Kentucky, and the blood of the mediate ancestors of Triumvir have more and faster records than those of any other stallion within my knowledge. There are my reasons for purchasing the horse and putting him at the disposal of Kentucky breeders. TO THE PUBLIC. Having rented the Bouihon County Fair Grounds at Pari>, Ky., lor the purpose of starting a Branch Stock Farm, and locating a couple of stallions suitable, and at prices within the reach of all, James E Clay, of Paris, Ky., who purchased of the estate of the late Capt. M. M. Clay, at my sale last February, held on the above grounds, the fast trotting Stallion, Cyclone, and as he vvas desirous of giving him a chance in the stud, I have arranged that he l)e a stable compan- ion for Indianapolis during the season of I884, and I have ])ut the two stallions at $50 to insure, which I 1>elieve is the cheapest fee ever known within the limits of our Commonwealth for two such stallions, breerl- ing and performances considered. Record '2:25. IJrovvn stallion, foaled I876; 16 hands high; bred by Mr. Edwin Thome. Millbrook, Duchess County, Xew ^'ork. (JOT BV CALIBAN, record 'J:34 First dam. Camlet, by Hamlet, sire of Leontine, record •>..)-. 1 > — ji Second dam, Favorite, by Alexander's Abdallah >ire of Goldsmith Maid, record 2:i4 Thiid dam, liy Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Tlmrne, *2;i8{ Fourtli dam, by Tom Crowder, sire of tlie dam of Etliel .... 2:23 Fifth dam, by Grey Eagle. Si.xth dam, by Blackburn's Whip. <'ALIBAN, record 2:34, by Mamijrino I ilot sire if Hannis, recor _' l' Mike -i ■■'. -, Keveille „.. ? S 4 Tiioker 8 9 3 Kittie Silver, 4 5' (> Alcyone' i> 4 {> Stmnser (5 7 7 Hawthorne 7 6 5 Time, 2:26^, 2:25, 2:25. Cvclone will serve mares at $50 TO INSURE A MARE WITH FOAL, Money due as soon as the fact is l^nown or mare parted with. Having^ a good trainer employed on the place, Trotters can be handled nn the track for Speed at $1:25 per day. Stallions at f I 50. For further in- formation address H. P. KELLEY, SUPT., ^"^^>, /Cr- *«* . INDIANAPOLIS. Record 2:21 Brown, star and white on inside of heel; 1(3 hands; foa'ed 1868; bred by Mr. R. A. Alexander. Woodburn Farm, Ky.; sired by Tattler, record 2:26 First dam, Indiana,^by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorne, record 2:18X TATTLER, record • • . . 2:26 son of Pilot, Jr., sire of the dttms of Maud S,, record .... 2:\Q% and Jay-Eye-See, record 2:10% First dam. Tell-tale, by Telamon Second dam, Flea, by Medoc. Third dam, Martha Darneal, by Snmpter, PERFORMANCES OF INDIANAPOLIS. Cleveland, 0„ July 'ii. 1S7S. Piirse, §;i,OOU for 2:;!0 Class. .Kcott's Thomas I li 4 2 1 1 INDIANAPOLIS 2 1 2 1 2,2 Woolley 3 ;^ 1 S ;i :'> Col. Dawes 5 4 :> (> (iru Bay Dick 4 .'> (J 4 4 ro Up and Up 6 6 •"> 5 5 ro Gamball 7 7 Dis. Time 2:22%, 2:21, 2:25)^, 2:21, 2:21i4, 2:2414. 'Buffalo. N. Y. August 2, 'l87S. Purse. 1 000; for 2:30 Class. INDIANAPOLIS 12 12 1 Woollev 4 3 2 12 Scott's Thomas 2 1 3 3 :; <;rev Selim 3 4 4 4 4 Time, 2:2;5X„ ii:21, 2:22>^. 2:22}^, 2:21%. Rochester, N. Y. October 2, 1878. National Horse Breeders' Meeting: Stallion Stakes. INDIANAPOLIS 2 111 Chestnut Hill 1 2 3 ;: Result ...■...'. 3 3 2 2 Time. 2:26%, 2:2:%, 2:2;5>^, 2:23. TERMS OF BREEDING: Indianapolis will serve mares at ^50 to Insure a Jlrre u^ifJt JFoal, 6@°^Mon9v due as sood as the fact is known or the mare parted with. Note to the Public — Indian:ipolis will remain during the season of 1884, at my Branch Stock Farm, Bourbon County County Fair (irounds, Paris, Kv., in charge of H. P: KELLY, SupL, Paris_ Kij. I .%•/,// fro/// lij\\ hv Sclntltz. SIMMONS. f f>*rji Ht'other to SSosa HifF.en, lieeoi'd e./Af'^.> Winiu r (il i1k- pi't-iiiinm of llif t^iixat N;iti(mal ilursc Show at Madison Sijiiare (Jardi'Dj Ni w YorU, in cliis.s 14 forSlallioiis, tour years and over October 2'J, 1883. Black, Hi liaiids liijrh, small star and"l)otli hind feet white; foaled May 8th. ISTll; bred by T. J. M(>nt;i^ii(', Lcxintrion, Ky. Sired by 'iieo, Wilkes, (2;22 to harness, 2:2o to wagon, 2:28 to pole) ont of "I'.lack .lane', (ibc dam (if Rosa Wilkes. 2:18X, by Manibrino Patchen. TERMS OF BREEDING limited to twenty mares ( besides my own) M One Hundred Dollars to in- ; sure a mare in foil. Money ilno as soon as the fact is known, or mare parte.. .lulv -Jf). issj, I'urse $2,003. -IrlO Cliiss. i:!»S.\ Wtl.KHS ■ 1 1 1 .1. I'. -MnirU I •-• •-> I'liniiv \\'ill|L>rr;|iiinii 'J :'. I \Vllli:iin ir ;; I .■> liarly Ivosc .'i 7 :'. .\iiiiio W H .') C. iMivci' ■ ".» 7 7 Kiiiiv>t I'atclicii 7 s N <'!ihii;ir (■> ".i(li- Time— •JMSVi. •JtlH'V,, ±ls 1-4. 'I'lic iilxixa' showiii.j: proves that Sim jioNscoiiu's from the most iiishioimhjc strnins of the l!ial I'Ver si uted In imhKc ERRATA. Page 13 — Thomas L. Young's record should read 2:19J. Page 16 — Pocahontas should read pacing record to wagon 2:172. Page 17 — Flying Hiatoga is the sire of the dam of Mohawk Kate, re- cord 2:26i Page 25 — The dam of Harrison Chief is incorrect; should be Lute Boyd, by Joe Downing, sire of Abe Downing, record 2:203i{. Page 30 — Neave's Cassius M. Flag, should be Neave's CassiusM. Clay, Jr. Page 55 — Should be Andrew Jackson, sire of Kimble Jackson, wagon record 2.34, Page 56 — Botton of page: Abe Dovvning's record should be 2:20 j^. Page 59 — No. 45 name should be Lightning Bug. Page 60 — Lady Shannon's record should be 2:282. Page 62 — No. 50 name should be John Clary. Page 68 — No. 55 name should be vSmith's Lambert. THIRD ANNUAL SALE —OF— TROTTING STOCK. -AT— ABDALLAH PARK. April, 1884. JS'o. 1, JOE McCLINTOCK. P>ay colt, foaled April I8th, 1883; star in forehead; bred by W. 11. Wilson. GOT B I INDIANAPOLIS, record 2:21. First dam, Mol lie Wilson, b ' Forrest (xlencoe. Second daru, .Sallie Wilson, by John Edsall. Third dam, by Edwin Forrest, sire of Billy IToskins, record, 2:26|. Fourth dam, by Howard's Sir Charles. INDIANAPOLIS, record 2.-21, by Tattler, record 2:20, Mre of Voiiaire, 2:20]. first dam, Indiana, by Manibrino Chief, sire of Lady Thome, re* cord 2:18i. TATTLER, record 2:20, by I'ilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan, record 2:24. First dam. Tell-tale, by Telaiuon. Second dam, Flea, by Medoc. Third dam, Martha Darncal, by Sum|)ter, PILOT, JR., by Old Pilot, Canadian, Pacer. First dam, Nancy Pope. Second dam, Nancy Taylor. 2 THIRD AUNNAL SALE AT ABDAI.LAH PAKK, APRIL 1884. TELAMON, by Medoc. First (laiu, Cherry Elliott, bv Sumpter. Second dam, Rosemary, by Tiger. Third dam, Mary Bedford, by Duke of Bedford, MEDOC, by American Eclipse. Dam, Young Maid of the Oaks, by imp. Expedition. AMERICAN ECLIPSE, by Duroc.son of imp. Diomed. Dam, Miller's damsel, by imp. Messenger. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrinj Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster. FORREST GLENCOE, by Edwin Forrest. First dam, Lady Glencoe, by imp. Glencoe. Second dam, by Medoc. Third dam, by American Eclipse. EDWIN FORREST, by Bay Kentucky Hunter. First dam, by Watkins' Y'oung Highlander. Second dam, by Duroc. Third dam, by imp. Messenger, JOHN EDSALL, by Alexander's. Abdaliah, sire of Goldsmith Maid, record 2:14. Dam, a mare brought from Mansfield, O., to Cynthiana, Ky., where she became the property of Wm. a trade for some cattle, afterwards owned by James Miller, Bourbon county, the breeder of John Edsall. She was a good roadster. ALEXANDER'S ABDALLAH, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, sire of Dexter, record 2:17]. First dam, Katy Darling. RYSDYK'S HAMBLETONIAN, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter, re- cord, 2:27. First (lam, Chas. Kent mare, by imp. Bellfounder. Second dam. One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. Third (lam, Silvertail by imp. Messenger. • ABDALLAH, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazonia. * MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. Dam, by imp. Sourcrout. BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN, by imp. Messenger. Fiist dam. Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. HOWARD'S SIR CHARLES, by Ciinlon,son of Sir Chailis. THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABUALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. 3 Informal Statement. — McClintock is a very nice graded colt, and everv one who has seen hltn considers him a good prospect for a trotter. PERFORMANCES OF INDIANAPOLIS. Cleveland, O,, July 'i.'). 187S. Parsu, $1,01W for 2:30 Class. .Scott's Thomas 12 4 2 1 1 INDIANAP01.IS 2 12 12 2 W'Dolley 3 3 13 3":> Col. Diiwes ft 4 3 (i (J ro Hay Dick 4 5 (1 4 4 ro Up and Up 6 6 5 ■"> 5 ro Gumball 7 7 Dis. Time •l:1-l%, 2:21, 2:2rj>4, 2:21, 2;21V4, 2:241.4. •Buffalo, N. Y. Augu,';t2, 1878. Purse. 1 000; for 2::-!0 Class. INDIANAPOLIS 1 2 1 2 1 Woolley 4 3 2 12 .'^cott'.'* Thomas 2 1 3 3 3 Orey Selim 3 4 4 4 I Time, 2:2.3>^, 2:21, 2:22^. 2:22>^, 2:21%. Rochester, N. Y. October 2, 1878. National Horse Breeders' Meetius: Stallion Stake.s. INDIANAPOMS 2 111 Chestnut Hill 1 2 3 :; Result 3 3 2 •• Time, 2:26%, 2:23%, 2:23»^, 2:23. No. 2. CARLOT. P.ay colt, foaled 1883; bred on shares by W. H. Wilson and Capt. M. M. Clay, deceased. GOT BY INDIANAPOLIS, record 2:21. First dam, Circe, (that conld trot in 2:30), by Bell Morgan, sire of Lady Turpin, record 2:23 and dam of Westmont, pacer, re- cord 2:15. Second dam, by McDonald's Mambriiio Chief, sire of the dam of Alice West, record 2:26. Third dam, snppo.«;ed to be by one of the thoroughbred colts tiiat was at the time running in the same pasture. Fourth dai'i. Rattlesnake, by Hertrand 2:30. Fifth dam, Devil, by Paragon 4944. Sixth dam, by Whip 2767. Seventh dam, Woodpecker's dam by imp. Buzzard 377 Eighth dam, the Fawn, by Cruig's Alfred o3. Finth dam, Shepherdess, by Kintj 11 erod 1313. Tenth dam, by imp. Traveler 2oo8. Eleventh dam, imp. Whittington 2745. INDIANAPOLIS, record 2:21, by Tattler, record 2:26. First dam, Indiana, by Mambrino Cliief. TATTLER, record 2:26, by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan, record 2:24. and the dams uf Maud S., 2 lOJ, »nd .Jay Eye See, 2:10!^'. First dam, Tell-tale, by Telamon. 4 THIRrf ANmrAL sale at ABDALLAH FARK, APRIL 1884. Second dain, Flea, by Medoc. Third dam, Martha Darneal, by Siimpter. PILOT, JR., by Old Pilot, Canadian, pacer. First dam, Nancy Pope. Second dam, Nancy Taylor. TELAMON, by Medoc, son of American Eclipse. First dam. Cherry Elliott, by Sumpter. Second dam, Rosemary, by Tiger. Third dam, Mary Bedford, by Duke of Bedford. MEDOC, by American Eclipse. Young Maid of the Oaks, by imp. Expedition. AMERICAN ECLIPSE, by Duroc, sun of imp. Diomed. Dam, Miller's Damsel, by imp. Messenger. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster. BELL MORGAN, by Cottrell Morgan, son of Vermont Black Hawk, sire of Ethan Allen, record 2:25i. Dam said to be a Canadian. VERMONT BLACK HAWK, by Shernjan Morgan. Dam, unknown. MCDONALD'S M \MBRINO, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorne. record 2:1 8|. Dam, by Big Nora, by Downing's Bay Messenger. Second dam, Mrs. Caudle, the dam of Erricsson. MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. Dam, by imp. Sourcrout. DOWNING'S BAY MESSENGER, by Harpinus. Dam, of Rockingham and Messenger Blood. HARPINUS, by Bishop's Hambletonian. Dam, by imp. Messenger. HAMBLETONIAN, Bishop's, by imp. Messenger. First dam. Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Informal Statement. — [See performances of Indianapolis, under pedigree No. 1.] I will only add that Indianapolis came from the turf perfectly sound. He is a horse of immense power and bone, and a beau- tiful brown in color. Circe, the dam of Carlot, was a handsome hay mare, and could trot in about 2:81 or 2:32. She was by Bel! Morgan, that furnished to the turf Lady Turpin, 2:23, and the dam of Westmont, pacing record 2:15 &c. THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABD ALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. No. 3. INGERSOLL. Bav 3olf, foaled April oth, 1883; star in forehead; bred by .Judge J. .S. Boyd, Cynthiana, Ky. GOT BY INDIANAPOLIS, record 2:21. First d;ira. Long Nance, a mare well-known in Madison, Ind. When four years old she trotted over tlie Madison half-mile track, a balf-mile in 1:16. She was by a son of Stncker's Rainbow, sire of the pacer, Flora Belle, 2:12. INDIANAPOLIS, 2:21, by Tattler, 2:26. Dam, Indiana, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorne, record 2:181. TATTLER, record 2.26, by Pilot, Jr., sire of dam of Maud S., record 2:10], and Jay Eye See, record 2:10|. First dam, Tell-iale, by Telamon. Second dam, Flea, by Medoc. Third dam, Martha Darneal, by Surnpter. PILOL, JR , by Old Pilot, Canadian, pacer. First flam, Nancy Pope. Second dam, Nancy Tayliu'. TELAMON, by Medoc, son of American Eclipse. First dam, Chcry Elliott, by Surnpter. Second dam, Rosemary, by Tiger. Third dam, Mary Bedford, b}' Duke of Bedford. MEDOC, by American Eclipse. First dam. Young Maid of the Oaks, by imp. Expedition. AMERICAN ECLIPSE, by Duroc, son of imp. Diomed. Dam, Miller's Damsel, by imp. Messenger. ^^\MBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Payn'iastcr. Dam, the dam of (udiali. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by M.imbrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster, Informal Statejient. — Ingersoll will be over 16 hands high when matured, and is very handsome and well i>roportioned. [See performances of Indianapolis, under pedigree No. 1.] THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PAEK, APEIL, 1884- No. 4. KEHOE. Bay colt, foaled 1883, stripe on frice, both hind feet and left front fool white; bred by J. W. Kimbroiigh, Cynthiana, Ky. GOT BY RAVENSWOOD, breeder's record 2:26. First dam, Lizzie Berry, by Kimbrongh's Abdaliah. Second dam, the Dr. Adams mare, by Jameson's Highlander, sire cf the dam of Abe Downing, 2:205- KAVENSWOOD, by Blackwood, Jr , record 22:2^, sire of Hardwood, record 2:24i. First dam, Norma, by Norman, Jr. Second dam, Quaker Joe. Third dam. Perfection, by son of Elliston's Locomotive. Fourth dam, Jet, by Brilliant, thoroughbred. BLACKWOOD, JR., record 2:22^, by Blackwood, sire of rroteine, 2:18* Fifst dam. Belle Sheridan, by Blood's Black Hawk, sire of the dam of Von Arnim, 2:19^,. Second dam, by Moreland's Highlander. Third dam, by Virginia Wliip. BLACKWOOD, by Norman, sire of Lula 2:15. Dam, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorne, 2:18}. MORELAND'S HIGHLANDER, by Downing's Black Highlander. Dam, by Buford's Eclipse, son of Cook's Whip. BLACK HIGHLANDER, Downing's, by Steele's Crusader, son of Cook's Whip. First dam, by Hunt's Brown Highlander Second dam, by Comet. HUNT'S BROWN HIGHLANDER, by Sir Patrick Highlander, son of Imp. Highlander. First dam, by imp. Trafalgar. Second dam, by imp. Rockingham. Third dam, by imp. Messenger, NORMAN, JR., by Norman, sire of Lulu 2:1-5. First dam, by Sir Wallace, "Todhnnter's." Second dam, by Sabastopol, non of Whitehall. Third dam, bv Boner's Saxe Weimer. THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. NORMAX, by Morse Horse, sire of Gray Eddy, 2:38. Dam, the Slocum mare, by Magmim Boniim. MORSE HORSE, by European, McNitt Horse. P'irst dam. Beck, by Harris' Hambletnnian. Secouddam, Mozza, by Peacock, son of imp. Messenger. HARRIS' HAMBLETONIAN, by Bishop's Hambletonian. Dam, the ^fnnson mare. BISHOPS HAMBLETONIAN, by imp. Messenger. First dam, Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goiiah. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino, Dam, ))y imp. Paymaster. MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. First dam, by imjt. Sourcrout. BLOOD'S BLACK HAWK, by Hill's Black Hawk, l)y Sherman Mor- gan, by Justin Morgan. Dam, ihe Loring mare. KIMBROrOH'S ABDALLAH, by Alexander's Abdaliah, sire of (iold- smith Maid, record 2:14. Fifstdam, by Valentine, son of imp. Valentine. Second dam, by imp. Contract. Third dam, by Virginia Whip, (same as People's Whip.) Fourth dam, by Ganymede, he by imp. Diomed. ALEXANDER'S .VBDALLAH, by Ryslyk's Hambletonian, sire ..f Dexter, 2:17^. Dam, Katy Darling. RYSDYK'S HAMBLETONIAN, by Abd-ailah, sire of Sir Walter, record 2:27. First dam, Chas. Kent mare, by imp. Bellfounder. Second dam, One Eye, l)y Bishop's Hambletonion. Third dam, Silvertail, by imp. Missenger. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino. Dam, .\iiiazonia. -MABMRINO, by imp. M. ssenf,( r. I 8 THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. Dam, by imp. Sonrcrout. BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN, by imp. Messenger. First dara, Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. JAMESON'S HIGHLANDER, by Parks' Highlander. First dam, by Buck Elk. Second dam, by Virginia Whip, (People's Whip.) PARKS' HIGHLANDER, by Hunt's Brown Highlander. Dam, by Blackburn's Whip. Informal Statement. — Kehoe is a grand going big colt, has a verv open gait behind, and reaches over a lot of ground at each stride. No. 5. DECEIVER. Bay colt, foaled April 9th, 1883; right heel white; bred by W H.Wilson. GOT BY THE BAROV. First dam. Flirtation, b\' Shelby Chief, sire of RoUa, record 2:272. Second dam, Redowa, by Bill Cheatham, (son of imp. Albion.) Third dam. Dance, by imp. Glencoe, by Sultan. Fourth dam. Cotillion, by imp. Leviathan, by Muley. Fifth dam, imp. Gollopade, by Catton, by Golumpus. Sixth dam, Camillina, by Camillus, by Hambletonian. Seventh daai, by Smolensko, by Scocerer. Eighth dam. Miss Cannon, by Orville, by Banniugbrongh. Ninth dam, by Weathercock, by Highflyer. Tenth dam, by Cora, by Matchen, by Cade. Eleventh dam, by Turk, by Regulus. Twelfth dam, by Cub, by Fox. Thirteenth dam, by A..llworthy, by Crab. Fonrteenlh dam, by Starling, by Bay Bolton. Fifteenth dam, by Bloody Buttocks. Sixteenth dam, by Grayhound, a barb Seventeenth dam, Brockleshy Betty, by Curwen's Bay Baib. Eij«htcenlh dam, by Mr. Leede's Hobby mare, by The Lister Turk. THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL ISM.f THE BARON, by Smuggler, record 2:15J, sire of Smuggler's Bangfeiter, rpcord 2:29^. First dam, Sallie Wilsoii, by John EdsalL Second dam, by Edwin Forrest, sire of Billy Hoskiijs, record 2;2ti4, Third dam, by Howard's Sir Charles. JOHN EDSALL, by Alexander's A bd all ah. First dam, said to be by Long Island Black Hawk, and out ot a mare by Bush Messenger. .SMUGGLER, record 2:151, hy BUikx). First dam, by Herod Tuckahoe, Second dam, by imp, Toi« (?) BLANCO, by Iron's Cadmus,sire Pocahontas, jiaciii^ rcc. to wago«, 2;1.',, First daoi, b • Irwin's Tnckahoe, Second dam, by Jones' Oscar, Third dam, by Shepherd's Consul. IRON^S CADMUS, by Beach's Cadmus. First dam, by Brunswick, son of Sumpter, by JSir Ar<'hy, Second dam, by Blackburn's Whip, JJEACH'S CADMUS, by American Eclipse, First dam, Die Vernon, by Florixel, Second dam, by Ogle's Oscar. Third dam, by Hero, son of Union, AMERICAN ECLIPSE, by Duroc, son of imp, IViomed, Dam, Miller's Damsel, by imp. Messenger. IRWIN'S TUCKAHOE, by Herod Tnckahoe, First dam. Vine, by Parrott's Diomed, Second dam, by Voss' Sidi Hamet, JONES' Oscar, by Ogle's Oscar, by imp, Gabriel. S^IEPHERD'S CONSUL, by Bond's First Consal, First dam, by Arrakooker, Second dam, a Messenger Mare. HEROD TUCKAHOE, by Tuckahoe. Dam, by Wild Herod. SHELBY CHIEF, by Alexander's Abdallah, sire of (ioldsmitli Maid, record 2:14, First dam, Brunette, by Mambrino Chief, sire ol Lady Thome, re- cord 2:18], Second dam, Nancy King, by Gifford Morgan, Third dam. Pope mare, by Sherman Morgan. \LEXANDER,S ABDALLAH, by Rysdyk's Hanil.letonian, sire of Dexter, record 2:17], First dam, Katy Darling, said to be by Bay Roman, by imp. Roman. Second dam, by Mambrino, son of Mambrino. 10 THIRD AU'NNAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PAKK, APRIL 1884. RYSDYK'S HAMBLETONIAN, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter, re- cord 2:27. Fi'st dam, Cha-s. Kent mare, hy'imp. Bellfounder. Second dam. One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian Third dam, Silvertail, by imp. Messenger. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino, Dam, Amazonia;, by son of imp. Messenger. MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. Dam, by imp. Sourcronl. Second dam, by imp. Whirligig. BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN, by imp. Messenger. First darn, Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah. (tIFFORD morgan, by Woodbury Morgan, by Justin Morgan, Firsi dam, by Henry Dundas. SHBRMAN MORGAN, by Justin Morgan. Informal Statement.— Deceiver will deceive me if he ever beats 2:10; but he is a big, strong, likely colt, and will be over 16 hands, and a fine color. ' No. 6. JUDGE SMALLEY. Bay colt, foaled April 18, 1883; both hind legs white;bred by W H. Wilson GOT BY JUBILEE LAMBERT, 2:25, sire Crown Point Maid 2:30]- Dam, the Smalley mave, by Camden, that was driven by her owner Col. Smalley, of Newport, Ky., a trial over Chestti Park, to road wagon in 2:34. JUBILEE LAMBERT, 2:25, by Daniel Lambert, sire of Comee, 2:19]. Dam, the Harvey mare, by Taft Horse, son of Hill's Black Horse. DANIEL LAMBERT, by Ethan Allen, 2,2^)^, sire of Billy Barr, 2:23^. First dam, Fanny Cook, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter, 2:27. Second dam, by Stockholm's American Star. Third dam, by Red Bird. ETHAN ALLEN, 2:25^, by Hill's Black Hawk, sire of Lancet, 2:27i. Dam, the dam of Black Hawk Maid and Red Leg. HILL'S BLACK HAWK, by Sherman Morgan, by Justin Morgan. Dam, a black mare. .\BD ALLAH, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazonia. MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. 11 Dam, by imp. Sourcronf. RED BIRD, by Bishop's Hambletonitm. Dam, by Ked Bird, son of Cub. IIAMBLETONIAX, Bishop's, by imp. Messenger. First dam. Pheasant, by imp. Sharlc. ' Second dam, by imp. Medley. Note. — Dan Mace drove Mr. Whitehead's brown mare Crown Point maid to a 180-pound top wagon a half mile in ItO?!-. Informal Statement. — This colt will be a very handsome horse, about 15| hands high when grown. JNo. 7. MARY BOYD. Bay filly, foaled April 10,1883; no white; bred by Judge J. S, Boyd. Cynthiana. Ky. . GOT BY .JUBILEE LAMBERT, 2:2o, Sire of Crown Point Maid, record 2.'304: half-mile trial to wagon, 1:07',. First dam, Ella Arnold, by Mambrino Clay. Second dam, Fayette Forrest, by Berkley's Edwin Forrest, sire of the dam of Clemraie G., record 2:17. Third dam, Kate, by Gaines' Bellfounder. Fourth dam, Nell, the Cyrus Sanford mare, sired in Boone Co., Ky, . was a good road and saddle mare. JUBILEE LAxMBERT, record 2:25, by Daniel Lambert, sire of Comee. record 2:19]. Dam. the Harvey mare, by Taft Horse, son of Hill's Black Hawk. DANIEL LAMBERT, by Ethan Allen, record 2:25i, sire of Hot- spur, 2:24. First dam, Fanny Cook, by Al)dallah, sire of Sir Walter; 2:27. Second dam, by Stockholm's American Star. Third dam, by Red Bird. HTHAN ALLEN 2:25.1, by Hill's Black Hawk, sire of Lancet 2:27-]. Dam, the dam of Black Hawk Maid and Red Lieg. HILL'S BLACK HAWK, by Sherman Morgan, by Justin Mr.rgaii. Dam a black mare. ABDALL.\H,,i>y Mamiirino, son of imp. Messenger. Dm ra Amazonia. MAMBRINO, by imp. Messmger Firs' dam, by inn). Sourcrout. RED BIRD; by Bishop's Ilambleloniaii. Dairi, by. Red Bird, son of Cub. r.rSHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN, i)y imp. Missenger. 12 THIRD" ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH FARK, APKIl,, 1884- First dam, Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam,, by imp. Medley. 51AMBRIN0 CLAY, by Kentncky Clay, sire ©f the dam of Biondine. record 2.24f . Fir»t dam, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Ijady Thorne, re- cord 2:18}. Second dam, by Kodolph, racehorse, KENTUCKY CLAY, by Cassias M. Clay, Jr. Strader^s, sire of Hairy Clay, record 2:23|, First dam, Lady Thome's dam, by Gano. Second dam, by son of Sir William, by Sir Archy. €' M, CLAY, JR., Strader's, by Casaius M.Clay, sire of Geo. M, lateh- en, record 2:23}. First dam, by Abdallah, sire of CBlennis, record 2:27^. vSecond dam, by Lawrence^s Eclipse, Third dam, Cha*. Hadley roare, by imp. Messenger. CASSIUS M. CLAY, by Henry Clay, sire of Black Dongla.-^, rt-cord 2:.".0, Dam, Jersey Kate, John Anderson's dam. HENRY CLAY, by Andrew Jackson, sire of Kinibie Jackson, witgon record 2:S4. ANDREW JACKSON, by Young Bashaw. Dam, a pacing mare. YOUNG BASHAW, by Grand Bashaw, Arabian. First dam. Pearl, by First Consul. Secomi dam, Fancy, by imp. Messenger. LAWRENCE S ECLIPSE, by American Eclipse. Dam, Doll, by Algerine, by imp. Cormorant. AMERICAN ECLIPSE, by Dnroc,son of imp. Diomed. Dam, Miller^s damsel, by imp. Messenger. ♦ iANO, by American Eclipse. First dam, Betsy Richards, by Sir Archy. SIR WILLIAM, by Sir Archy, son of imp. Diomed. Dam, Transport, by Virginins, son of Sir Archy, MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrin;> Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster. THIBD ANNUAL SALK AT ABUALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. lo EDWIN FORREST, Berkley's by Edwin Forrest, sire of Billy Hoskins. record 2:26^. Dam, by Woodford, sire of the dam of Wagewood, record 2:19. EDWIN FORREST, by Bay Kentucky Hunter. First dara, by Watkins' Young Highlander. Second dam, by Duroc, son of imp. Diomed. Third dam, by imp. Messenger. P.AY KENTUCKY HUNTER, by Kentucky Hunter, son of Watkins' Young Highlander. Dam, by Bogus. WOODFORD, by Kosciusko, son of Sir Archy. First dam, Melissa, by Hancock's Hamiltonian. GAINES' BELLFOUNDER, by Brown's Bellfounder. BROWN'S BELLFOUNDER, by imp. Bellfounder. First dam. Lady Allport, by Mambrino. Second dam, by Tippoo Saib, by imp. Messenger. Third dam, by imp Messenger, Informal, Statement. — This is a rarely bred young Miss, and should she fail becoming a fine trotttr, she certainly will make a choic*- Ijrood mare. As this is the only pedigree in the catalogue in whicii Kentucky Clay and Berkley's Edwin Forrest appears, I will state that Kentucky Clay got the dams of Blondine, 2:24|. Annette, 2:252; Fancv Day, 2:30, &c. Berkley's Forrest got the dams of Clemmie G., 2:lf; Post Boy, 2:23]; Alice Sloner, 2:24^; and Daniel Lambert not only sire«l Jubilee Lambert as his fastest entire son, but has twenty-five of his get in the 2:30 list, and perhaps as many more that can go in had they not been kept exclusively for gentlemen's roadsters, because of their fine ap- I)earance. No. 8, LILIEAPOLIS. Bay filly, foaled May 22d, 1883; left hind heel white; bred by Mr. \\ . H. Kerr, North Middletown, Ky. GOT BY INDIANAPOLIS, record 2:21. First dam, LiHre' Morrow, by Clark Chief, sire of Croxie, nconl 2:19J. Second dam, by Thatcher's Glencoe. INDIANAPOLIS, record 2:21, by Tattler, record 2:2(;,sire Voltaire, 2:20] First dam, Indiana, bv Mambrino Chief, sire Lady Thorne, 2:18', . TATTLER, record 2:26, by Pilot, Jr.,Lnre of John Morgan, record 2:24 and the dams uf Maud S., 2;10|, tnd Jay Eye See, 2:](>ii. First dam. Tell-tale, by Telamon. Second dam. Flea, by Medoc. Third dam. Martiia r>arneal, by Sum|)t(r. T-i THTKD- ANIOTAI. SAILE AT ABDALtAH" PAEK,. APEIX,, TSSC Fourth diaini,.Araininda^by Doublehead, PILOT, J R.^ by Old Pilot, CanswiLau, pacer. First dam, Nancy Pope. Seeond daiu, Nancy Taylor. TEL-AMONy by Medoc, son of AniecieaR Eclipse- First dani. Cherry EJliott^bv Sumi>ter. Seeond dam, Rosemary, by Tiger, Third dam,. Mary Bedford,, by Duke of Bedford ^ AIEDOC, by American Eclipse. Dam, Ywing Maid of the Oaks, by im>p. Expedition, AMERICAN ECLIPSE, by Diiroc, son. onn>p.I>imii.ed. Dam., Miller's Damsel, by imp, viessenger, i'LARK CHIEF, by MambrinoChief, sireof Mambrino Woodford,2::2ii. Fir.=vt dam, by Downing's Bay Messenger, s-i re of Jim Porter^ saddlt- record 2:-28i. Secoud dam, Mrs. Cat>dle,the d»m v>i Erncsson, MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah, 51 A MERINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster. MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. First dam, by imp. Sonrcrout. DOWNING'S BAY MESSENGER, by Harpinus, Dam, of Rockingham and Messenger blood. Harpivius, by Bi&hop's Hambletonian. Firs't dam, by imp. Messenger. SecoiiMl dam, a Sob them mare- ' BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN, by imp. Messenger- First dam, Pheasant, by imp. Shark. ^ Second dam, by imp. Medley- Infokmal Statement. — LillieapoHs s?and» according fo the records" ;(s the best filly in this catalogue for a brood mare; besidej^s, she is a large and handsome filly. Hf^r dam, Lillie Morrow, I am, told, trotted fron* juile post to mile post on the turnpike near Lexington, in three minutes and ten f*econd, with two n>eni in a top buggy, on a bet, and was a very re- markable road mare; and by reference to the performances of her sire. Indianapolis, it will be seen that she come? of good lineage — she having {he Pilot;, Jr-, blood thatissH) prominent in the dams of jVIaud S., 2:10]- Jay Eye See 2:10|> and the dam, being by Clark Chief, who sired the ], and Toney Newall 2:19i,and it is with reluctance that I put this filly up for sale. [See performances oi Indianapolis, under pedigree No. 1.] "nnRI) ATsSXiA-L SAXT; AT ABX)A-LLA-fl: TA-R-K, Al'RB. 1884. I'-i :no. 9. SISTBR GILMAN. iBay .filly, .f(jalecl ScpU 21st^ 1883; w.lute hjiirs on forehead, a^ul ■hulk Jaiud ankles whiie; b-red by W, H. Wilson. GOT BY INDIA^WPOLIS, record 2:21, First dTiui, -sister Mac, (fuJ I sister to Lady Mac. 'reco^-d 2:2Si,) b*' Whirlwind, -sire of BarJcig, record 2:25^. Second dam, a black mare owned by Mr. Conn, of Loiaisville, Ky. and :^aid u> be by Old Pilot,, sire of Pilot, Jt IINDIANAPOLIS, record 2:21, by Tattler, record 2:26. Urst dam, Indiana, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thonie, 2:18 j. TATTLER, record 2:26, by Pilot, Jr., sire of John .Morgan, 2:24 First dam, TelJ-tale, by Telamon. Second dam. Flea, by Medoc Third dam, Martha Darneal, by Siimpter. PILOT, JR., bv Old Pi Itjt, Canadian, pacer. First daiw. Nancy Pope. Second dam, Nxmcy Taylor, TELAMON, by Med-oc, son of American Eclipse, First dam, Cherry Elliott, by Snmpter, Secottd dam, Rose^aary, by Tiger, Third dan., Mary Bedford, by Dake of Bedford, MEDOC, by American Eclipse, Dam, Young Maid of the Oak?;, by imp. Expedition, AMERICAN ECLIPSE, by Dnroc, soji of imp, Dionied. Dam, Miller's Damsel, by imp. Messenger. MAMRRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Pay«iaster, Dam, the dam of Goliah. MaMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino, Dam, by imp. Paymaster. Informal Statement.— Sister Gilman will be a 16-hand mare, and her dam was a better mare than Lady Mac, whose record of 2:23.', to' har- ness and 2:23 to pole, was early in her trotting career, and retired into Mr. Vanderbilt's private stables, or very likely she would have beaten 2:20 on the turf. [See performances of Indianapolis, under Pedi"re<- No. I. No. 10. RUSSELL BROWN. lilack filly, foaled May 7lh, 1883; star, and both hind and right hind feet white; bred by W. II. Wil.sonand F. G. Craigv GOT BY INDIANAPOLIS, lecord 2;21. 16 THIRD AUNNAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 18S4. First dam, Pusher Craig, by Redmon's Abdallah. Second dam, Jane, purchased of a Mr. Evans, of Cincinnati, <). , who stated she was by Long Island Cloud. INDIANAPOLIS, record 2:21, by Tattler, record 2:26. First dam, Indiana, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorne, re. cord 2:18|. TATTLER, record 2:26, by Pilot, Jr., sire of John*M.,rgan, record 2:24. First dam. Tell-tale, by Telamon. Second dam. Flea, by Medoc. Third dam, Martha Darneal, by Sumpter. PILOT, JR.. by Old P'lot, Canadian, pacer. First dam Nancy Pope. Second dam, Nancy Taylor. TELAMON, by Medoc, son of American Eclipse. First dam. Cherry Elliott, by Sumpter. Second dam, Rosemary, by Tiger. Third dam, Mary Bedford, by Duke of Bedford. MEDOC, by American Eclipse. Dam, Young Maid of the Oaks, by imp. Expedition. AMERICAN ECLIPSE, by Duroc, son of imp. Diomed. Dam, Miller's Damsel, by imp. Messenger. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster. REDMON'S ABDALLAH, by Alexander's Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid, record 2:14. First dam. Lady Valentine, by Redmon's Valentine, son of imp Valentine. Second dam. by Shakespeare, thoroughbred. Third dam, by Lail's Potomac. ALEXANDER'S ABDALLAH, by Ryskyk's Hombletonian, sne of Dexter, record 2:14. Dam, Kitty Darling, HAMBLETUNIAN, Rysdyk's, by Abdallah, sire of O'Blennis, record 2:27|. First dam, the Chas. Kent mare, by imp. Bellfounder. Second dam. One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by imp. Messenger. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazonia. MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. THIRIO ANNt'ATu SALE AT AliI»AXl.Afi PA-R'Jv, APRTL 1SS4. 'l« Dam, by imp, Soiiecrout. 3iISH0P'S HAMBI^TONIAN, by imp. Messenger- Fi^st dam, Pheasant, by imp. Shark, Second dam, by imp. Medley. Informal Statement — Russell Brown is not ciily tlie iHandsomesT anitual in thif^ catalogue, but brings into fday some of the best trotting •strains known to the turf, viz: Pilot, Jr., Mambrino Chief and Alexan- der's Abdallah. Pusher Craig could irot in about 2:50, and her dam^ Jane, eould trot iu a b'OU t tlwef^ .minutes, and was a g(->od reliable .road ■mare. No. IL TJPDEGRAFF. IBay CoU, fotaled May 5th, 1882; star and «nip- bred -by Ho«i. T. J. Vp- degraffj Mt. Pleasrint, Ohio, CJOT BY INDIANAPOLIS, record 2:2L First dam, Madam DpdegraflT, by Flying Hia-toga.. Second dam. Belle Barton, by Bucyrus. Third dam, Lucy Whetit, by Buck. Fourth dam, by imp. Diomed. FLYING HIATOGA, by Hanley's Hiatog-a, sire of Grtnid Duchess, record 2;262- First dairi, by Treasurer, said to be l)y a son of imp, Tre4isurers Second dam, by ^'^ictor. Third dam, by Cons^iL HANLEY'S IIIATOGA.,by Old Hiatoga, I>am , by Talmadge's Firetail. HIATOGA, by Brown's BeilfotJnder, Dam, unknown. imOWN'S BELLFOUNDER, by imp. Bellfonnd^r. First dam, Lady A3 1 port, by Mambrino, Second dam, by Tippoo Saib, Third dam, by imp. Messenger, AL\MBPJNO, by imp. Messenger, Dam, b}' imp, Sourcrout, Second dam, by inip. Whirligig, out of Old Slaunmrkin, by \ui\\ VVildair. 1INDIAXAK)LIS, record 2:21, by Tattler, record 2:26. First dam, Indiana, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thome, re- c<.rd2:18{. TATTLER, record 2:2(5, by I'iiot, Jr., sire of John Morgan, record 2.-24. First dam, Tell-tale, by Teiamon. Second dam, Flea, by Medoc. 18 THIRD ATJNNAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PAKK, APRIL 1884. Third dam, Mai'tha Darneal, by Sunipter. PILOT, JR.. by Old Pilot, Canadian, pacer. First dam Nancy Pope. Second dam, Nancy Taylor. TELAMON, by Medoc, son of American Eclipse. First dam, Cherry Elliott, by Siimpter. Second dam, Rosemary, by Tiger. Third dam, Mary Bedford, by Puke of Bedford. MEDOC, by American Eclipse. Dam, Young Maid of the Oaks, by imp. Expedition. AMERICAN ECLIPSE, by Duroc, son of imp. Dionied. Dam, Miller's Damsel, by imp. Messenger. .MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster. Informal Statement — UpdegrafF will make a horse over IG hands high, and very fine and handsome, and shows a good way of going. [See pei-formances of Indianapolis, under pedigree No. 1.]. No. 12. INDIAN BOY. Brown colt, foaled July 29, 1882, bred by W H. AVilson. GOT BY INDIANAPOLIS, record 2:21. First dam, Sally Wilson, by John Edsall, Second dara, by Edwin Forrest, sire of the dam of So-So, record 2:17]. Third dam, by Howard's Sir Charles. INDIANAPOLIS, record 2:21, by Tattler,record 2:2(),sire Voltaire, record 2:20. First dam, Indiana, by Mambrino Chief, sire Lady Thorne, record 2:181. TATTLER, record 2:26, by Pilot, Jr., sire of John Morgan, record 2:24 and the dams of Maud S., record 2;10|, and .lay EyeSee, reoord 2:101. First dam, Tell-tale, by Telamon. Second dam. Flea, by Medoc. Third dam, Martha Darneal, by Sumpter. Fourth dam, Araminda, by Doublchead. PILOT, JR., by Old Pilot, Canadian, pacer. First dam, Nancy Pope. Second dam, Nancy Taylor. THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. !!• TF.TvAMON, by Medoc, son of American Eclipse. First dam, Cherry Eiliotl, Ijy Siimpter. Second dam, Eosemary, by Tiger. Third dam, Mary Bedford, l\v Duke uf Bedford. MEDOC, by American Eclipse. Dam, Yonng Maid of the Oaks, by imp. Expedition. AMERICAN ECLIPSE, byl)nroc,son of imp. Diomed. Dam, Miller's Dam.sel, liy iujp. Messenger. MAMBRIXO CHIEF, by Maiubrin.i Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliaii. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster. lolIX EDSaLL, liy Alexanders Abdallah, sire of < ioldsmith Maid, record 2:14. Dam, a luave brought ivom ]\fansfie]d, (Jhio^ to (ynthiana, Ky. where she becauje the propert/ of Wm. Redmon, in a trade foi' some cattle, afterwards owned by James Miller, Bonrbon, Co. the breeder oi .John Edsall. She was a good roadster. AEKXANDER'S ABDALLAH, by Ryskyk's Hamblttonian, sue ol Dexter, record 2:17|. Dam, Kitty Darling, llAMBLETuXIAX.Rysdyk's, by AlHlallah. sire of OT.kimis, reconi 2:27i First dam, the Chas. Kent mare, l)y iniii. Eelll'ounder. Second dam, One Eye, by Bishop's IIand)letonian. Third tlam. Silvertail, by imp. .Messenger. .M'.D.VLLAH, l)y Mambrino. r)am, Amazonia. BISHOP'S HAMBLETOXIAX, i.y imp. Me-senge,. First dam, Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. ;.D\V1X lORREST, by Bay Kenlnckv Hum. r. by Kt Hunter, by Watkins' Young Highlander. First dam. by Watkins' Young Highland, r. Second dam, by Do roc, by imp. I Homed . Third dam, by imp. Messenger. HOWARD'S SIR CHARLES, In- Clinlon. sonol Sir Cliariv.-. Iloward'.- Sir Charles got Leer's Sir William, the -jirc of the dam of Jim Irving, record 2:23. IxKORMAi. Statkmknt. — With very Hue form and :iction this young- ster brings into play the strongest trotting lin.s known to the turf tt» wii: I'ilol. Jr.', the sire ol .Maud S., 2:10',. and Jay Eye vSoc, 2:10!j; Mambrino < hief, sire of Lady Thornc, 2:181; Alexander's .\bdallah, sire of Gold- -milli Maid, 2:14, and Edwin Forrest, sire of the dam of So-So, 2:17{. rhi< colt is extra line. 20 THrRD AyjrrAL SALE AT ABOALLAH PAEK, APRIL, 1884'.. No. 13. ABDALLAH CHIEF. Bay stallion^ foaled 1881, loi hands high; bied by J. Barton,. GOT BY SIMM'S CLARK CHIEF. First dani^ by Pacing Abdallah, sire of dam of King William, re- cord 2;.20f. Second dam, by Well's Yellow .Jacket,, sire of Thomas L. Y^oiing., 2:^19, SIMM'S G1>ARK CHIEF, by CI a,rk Chief, sire of Tony Newell, record :i:19] . I>am, by Alexaaider's Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid 2-.14i. Second dam^ by Star Highlander, CLARr^ CHIEF, by M.imbrino Chief, sire »f Lady Thome, 2:181.. Firs-t dam, Little Nora, by Downing's Bay Messenger, sire of Jiwj Porter, saddle record 2:28§, Second dam, Mrs. Caudle, dam of Erricsson, record o-^SOA. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dain of Goliali. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster- MAMBRINO, by imp, Mesbeuger- First daro, by imp. Sourcrout. Second daim, by imp. Whirligig, DOW^NING'S BAY MESSENGER, by Harpinus. Dam,of Rockingham a.od Messenger blood. KARPINUS,by Bishop's Hambletonian. First dam, by imp. Messenger. BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN, by imp. Messenger, First dam, Pleasant, by imp. Shark, Second dam, by imp. Medley. ^LEXANDER,S ABDALLAH. by Ry.sdvk's Hambletonian, si«e oi Dexter, record 2:171. First dam, Katy Darling, said to be by Bay Roman, by imp. Rnnian. EYSDYK'S HAMBLETONIAN, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Waller, re- cord 2-27. First dam, Chas. Kent mare, by imp. Bcllfonnder. Second dam. One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. Tliird dam.Silvertail, by imp. Messenger. ABDALLAH, by ]\Iaml)rino. Dam, Amazonia. IIISHOP'S HAMBLETONAIN, by imp. >rcsscn,u;ev. First dam. Pheasant, by imp. Shark. THIKD ANNUAL SAI.E AT ABDALLAH PAKK, APRIL 1884. Second dam, by imp. Medlov, STAR HIGHLANDEE, by Vetch's Highlander. First dam, Stocking.';, by Virginia Whip. Second dam, Brownie, by (iitiiymede. VEECH'S HIGHLANDER, by Downing's Black Highlander. First dam, bv Old Copperl)ottom. Second dam, by Buzzard. DOWNING'S BLACK HIGHLANDER, by Steele's Crii.>=ader, son of C'ook'.s Whip. Fir-tit dam, by Hunt's Brown Highlander. Second dam, by Comet. HUNT'S BROWN HIGHLANDER, by Sir Patrick Highlander, son ot imp. Highlander. First dam, by imp Trafalgar. Second dam, by imp. Rockingham. Third dam, by imp. Messenger. l'A(.*IN(i ABDALLAH, by Alexander's Abdailah, sire of Rosalind, re- cord 2. 2L|. First dam, Lvdia Taibott, liy Taylor Messenger. TAYLOR MESSENGER, by Gen. Taylor. Dam, by Downing's Bay Messenger. (JEN. TAYLOR, by McCoy's Comet, son of Irish Koaii. Dam, by Becraft's Whalebone, son of Cherokee, by Sir Anliy. WELL'S YELLOW JACKET, by Old Yellow Jacket. First dam, by Cook's Whip. Second dam, .said to be a thoroughbred. OLD YELLOW JACKET, by Eclipse. • Lam, a Canadian pacer. Informal Statj;mknt — Alxlallah Chief is a handsome strung colt, and will make a-grand stallion. He has a good way of going, and will make a trotter; never broken, and i)erfecllyjgreen. I purchased iiim at Capt. Moore's sale on speculation, at S')S'\ in Feb. 12, 1S84. -N... 14. ESTILL I'.-Av colt. I..a],..l issii: bifd on shares by W. ^V. K>lill and W. II. Wil- son. (.JOT I'.Y SMUG(iLER, record 2:1.')'|. sire of Sinuggler"s Daughter. record 2:29.1. First dam, Coquette, by .\merican Clay, sire of ( irauvillc, record 2:2G. Sec<_>nd dam, Lizzie Cari'. by Lexington, .Jr. '22 THIRD AXNrAL SAXE AT AT3I»Ar.i:;A'H' CAKK, A-SKXi;, 15S84'.. Third dam, by Bertrand, Jr. Foneth dam,. by He.phestion. Filth dam, )>y Young Bsronet,- J?MU&GLEE,. record 2:15^, by Blanco.. FiFsi dam by Herod Tuckahoe,. Secoiid dam,. by imp, Toiu (?) BL>A.NCO; by Iron's Cadmiis, sire of. Pocahoz^tas-, |jaeiiig. Pc^oKd U.i wagon EciTi. First dam,. by I.rwin'sT»ckah<(e.. Second dam, by Jones' Oscar. Third daui. by ybepherd's ConsM.I.. IBON'S- CADMUS-, by Beach's Gadmus, First dam-, by Braiiswick,-son oi Snmpter, l>y S-ir A,rcliy.. Second dam, by Blackburn's A^'liip. BP]ACH'S CADMUS, American Eclipse. First dam, Die VerHon,by Florizel.. Second dam, by Ogle's Oscar. Third dam,, by Hero,, son of Union. AMERICAN- ECLIPSE, by DuroCrSon at' Diomed . Da-my Miller's Damsel, by imp, M,es.senger. JRWIN'S TUCKAHOE^by Herod Tuckahoe. First dam. Vine,, by Parrot Diomed. Second dam,, by Yosa' Sidi Hamet, JONES' OSCAR, by Ogle's- Oscar, by imp. Gabriel . SH-E-PHERl>'& CONSUL, by Bond's Firs', Consul. First dam. by Arrakooker. Second dam, a Messenger mare, ilEROD TUCKAHOE, by Tuckahoe. D'am^ hy Wild Herod . TUCKAHOE, by Florizel, son of imp. l>iomeger. TASSIUS M, (";LAY, bv Heiu-y C;ay. sireof he d:uu ni ( u-o. Will... -. record 2:22- BIRFj ANxr'AL SWLE AT ALDALI.AH PARK, APkll. l8'8'-i. Dam, Jersey Kate, John Anderson's dam. IFENRY i'LAY, bj Andrew Jackson, sire of Kimble Jackson, wagow record 2:34. Dam. ihc tiotting uiare Snrrey-. A NI )KP: W .J Af 'KSf )X, by Yoting Bashaw. Trim, ii Canadian pacing mare. V<)rX(T il^SHAW, by GraHd Easbaw, Arabian Fii'st dam, Peajrl, by -First Consul, Second dam, Fancy, by imp. Messenger. ..TOSEPHUS, by American P^Ii.pse. Dxm, the dam of Piitsy A-nlhony. .V.MEKICAX ECLIPSE, by Ihiroc, by imp Tfiomed Dam, Miner's Dam.el, by imp- Messenger. LEXINGTON, JR, by Lexington, son of -Boston. DiUii, tboroughbred- IxKoR.MAi.\ie-n;i'. — Esti.ll is a handsome colt; showed 3:12 i« •hii- 2-year form, bnt was was not trained in his 3-year form on account of sickness- He is entered !« the Wilson stake in the National Trotting Horse Breeder's Association of -\n)erica, and all the eiitra-i^ce paid up to 'late. The slake will be about eleven thousand dollars, and as I have .110 idea of entering him against Hiiula Rose, recoixl 2:16], and have more slaJlions th^in I want, I offer hiju in the sale to the highest bidder. Smuggler., record ±-15], &tiU holds the fasle-st stallion record, and is ithe sire of Smuggler's Daughter, 2--292- The dam of P^still is niso the (JOT BY GOLDSMITH BOY, son of Goldsmith's Abdallah, 2:30. First dam., Tip AVilson, bv Selim,sire of Sliantv, 2:3] .', and Stranger^ 2;2o.]. S.M1TH BOY, by Gold.smJth's Abda-liah, record 2:3a First dam, by Bay Chief son of Mambriuo Chief, sire of Lady Thorne, 2:18]. 'GOLDSMITH'S ABDALLAH, by Volunteer, sire of St, Jiilien, record 2:1U, First dam, by .\bilallah, '^ire of Rysdyk's Hanibletonian.sire of De,x^ ter 2:17]. No. Hi. BANKER. r.av colt, foaUd March 24tli, ISSO; white un 1th liind ankle; brtd by M. L Hare, Indianapoli.s, Iiid. 1>4 THIRD AUNNAIi SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. GOT BY BEN HARKISON. First (lam, Everetta, by Edward Everett, sire of Judge Fullerton, re(!Ord 2:18, Second dam, the dam of Little Mae. HEN. HARKISON, by Strader's HatDbletonian. First dam, by Mambrino Clay. Second dam, b /, son of Madoc. STRADER'S HAMBLETONIAN, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, sire of Dexter, 2:171. Dam, Lady Talm'ulge, by Seely's American Star, sire of Widow Machree, 2:29. RYSDYK'S HAMBLETONLVN, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter, re- cord 2:27. Fi'st dam, Chas. Kent mare, hy imp. Bellfounder. Second dam, One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian Third dam, Silvertail, by^imp. Messenger. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazonia, by son of imp. Messenger. MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. Dam, by imp. Sourcrout. Second dam, by imp. Whirligig. AMERICAN STAR, Seeley's, by Stotkholm's American Star. First dam, Sally Slouch, by Henry. Second dam, by imp. Messenger. -MAMBRINO CLAY, by Kentucky Clay, sire of the dam of Blondine, record 2:24 1. Dam, qy Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorne, record 2:18]. KENTUCKY CLAY, by Strader's Cassius M. Clay, .Tr., sire of Harry Clay, record 2:23 f. Dam, the dam of Mambrino Patchen and Lady Thorne, 2:1S|, by Gano. C. M. CLAY, JR., by Strader's Cassius M. Clay, sire of ( k-o. M. I'ateh- en, record 2.'23^. First dam, hy Abdallaii, sire of O'Blennis, record 2:27if. Second dam, by Lawrence's Eclipee. Tiiird dam, Clias. TIadley mare, by imy. Messenger. CASSIUS M. CLAY, by Henry Clay, sire of Black Douglas, record 2:30. Dam, Jersey Kate, .John Anderson's dam. HENRY^CIjAY, by Andrew .Jackson, sire of Kimble .lackson, wagon record 2:34. Dam, Surry. ; THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL IPM. 25 ANDREW JACKSON, by YoungJBMhaw. Dam, a p«cing marr. YOUNG BASHAW, by Grand Banliaw, Arabian. First dam, Pearl, 'b_v' First Consul. Second dam, Fancy, by imp. Messenger. .MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Diim, the dam of Goliali; MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino, Dam, by imp. Paymaster. Informal Statement. — P>anknr is a natural pocer, andslioulil make either a pacer or a trotter, for hii gait is good at either. He is broken to harnes?. No. 17. LIZZIE O'CONNOR. Che«tniit filly, foaled 1882; bred by Mr. Jerry ( )'('onnor,Harrisoa Co. Ky, (iOTBY HARRISON CHlEF.^son of Clark^Chicf, sire [of Crcxie, re- cord 2:\9\. First dam, Kitty, foaled 1860, by Seiim, sire of|Stranger, 2:28J. Dam, by Ned Forreet. HARRISON CHIEF, by,:Clark Chief, sire of the dams of I'kallis, 2:15^ Wilson, 2:16J, and Majolica, 2:17. First dam, Anna, by Mambrino LeCirand, sire of Fanny Stoner, re- cord 2:24i. gg^^Second dam, byJMajor Breckinridge. '^'^^ CLARK CHIEF, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Mambrino Woodford,2:2U. First dam, by Downing's Bay Messenger, sire of Jim Porter, saddle* record 2: 28 J. Second dam, Mrs. Caudle, the dam of Erricsson, record 2 30.i. MAMBRINO J^AYMASTER,'.by Mambrino. Dam, by imp.J Paymaster. .MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. First dam, by imp. Sourcrout. DOWNING'S BAY MESSE:NGEIi, by Ilarpimis. Dam, of Rockingham and Mrsseneer bloo:uly Tlionu', rooord 2:1 8A. Diiin, by lliilconi, riAliCOUN, by Virginiut^; son of Sir Arciiy. First dam, by SiiykHik, son of imp- IUhUoiJ. Second dam, by im{). St. Oeorge. Third dam, by imp. Kearnought. SELIM, by J)r. Kenny liorsc, pacer. Dam by llalf-lndian, son of HlacU Indian, Canadian, pat'cr. ])\l. KKNNY IIOKSK, by Barrett's Faro. Dam, a gray saddle maro oalk'd a Wliiji. NED FOUKKST, by \oun^ ]5asliu\v, First dam, by Sallpe]re. Second dam, a Morgan mare. YOrNCJ 1)AS11AW, liy (irand Jkisiiaw, Arabijm. First dam. Pearl, by First Consnl. Second dam, l'\>ncy, by imp. Ales.senger: No. IS. OAKWOOD. 15av colt, star and snij), rigbt liind aidJe wiute; foaled 1SS3; bred by W. U. Wilson and Will Uarnett. (lOT liY IIAVFNSWOOD, breeder's record 2:2(). First dam, Kate May, by (iray's Joe Downing. Second dam, Ik'ttie l?ay, bv John Einiis, sire of llie dam of Jewelt, record 2:'22i. Third dam, Old Sal, a C'()pperbotli)m marc. RAVENSWOOD, bv Hlackwood, Jr., record 2:22..^ sire of Hardwood, record 2:24j|. l''irat dani, Norma, by Norman, Jr. Second dam, by (^naker Joe. Thiril dani, by Perfection, son of Fllislon's Loc(rmotivc. I'onrth dam, by Brilliant, a thoronghbred. BLACKWOOD, .llv., record 2:22A, by IMackwood, three-year old record 2:31, sire of Protoinc, record 2:18. First dam, Belle Sheridan, by Blood's Black Hawk, sire of the dam of Von Arnim, record 2:1 ». J. Second dam, by Moreland's lligiilander. Third dam, by Virginia Whip. BLACKWOOD, by Norman, sire of j^nla, record 2:1."). Dam, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thornc, record 2:18}, MORELANI>'S II Kill LANDER, by Downing's r>huk Highlander. Dttua, by Buford's Eclipse, son of Cook's AVhip. THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAU PARK, Al'RIL 1884. 27 IUjACK JIl(JIILANI)|';i{, l)()vvi)i(lf,'s, by Sict'le's ( 'nisatlor. son of Cook's Whip. First darn, hv limit s I'rown I li, and he sired Lucille, three-year old record 2:28}. Alexander's Abdallah sired Gold- smith Maid, record 2:14, and live others in the 2:30 list. ♦ No. 27. OSHIC. Chestnut colt, foaled May 0, 1882; bred by M. L. Hare, Indianapoli?, Ind. GOT BY HAMBRIISO, record 2:211, sire of Hambrino Belle, record 2:25J, and Oku, record 2:30.1. First dam, "Widow Eantoul, by Ulverson, son of Lexington. Second dam, by Paddy Burns, son of Grey Eagle. Third dam, Peggy, by Boston. Fourth dam, Too Soon, by Sir Lelsie. Fifth dam, Little Peggy, by Gallatin. HAMBRINO, record 2:21], by Edward Everett, sire of .Judge Fuller- ton, record 2:18. First dam, Mambrina, by ^farabrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorne, record 2:181. Second dam, Susie, by imp. Margrave. Third dam, Barbara Allen, by Collier. Fourth dam. Lady Jackson, by Sumpter. Fifth dam, Nancy Taylor, by imp. Spread Eagle. Sixth dam, by McKinney's roan. Seventh dam, by Rainbow. EDWARD EVERETT, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, sire of Dexter , record 2:171. First dam, Fanny, by imp. Margrarc. Second dam, by Trumpator. Third dam, by Lindsey's Arabian. Fourth dam, by imp. Oscar. Fifth dam, Kitty Fisher, by Cade. RYSDYK'S HAMBLETONIAN, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Waiter, rec- ord 2:27. Filst dam, Chas. Kent mare, by imp. Bellfounder. THIUD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 18g4. 43 Second dam, One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertaii, by imp. Messenger. ABDALLAH, by IMambrino. Dam, Amazonia. MAIMBKINO, by imp. Messenger. Dam, by imp. Sourcrout. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dana, the dam of Goliah MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster. * Informal Statement — This colt is large of his age, witli very heavy bone, and will make al6-hand horse, and not leggy. His full bro her is claimed to be very fast, and his dam produced Midbnm, by Middle- town, that can l)eat 2:30. His sire, Hambrino, record 2:21], has pro- duced speed in Hambrino Belle, record 2:2ol: Oku , 5-year old record 2:30] , and Nephew, four-year old record 2:33, and the breeding of his dam be- ing composed of the blood of Lexington, (Irey Eagle, Boston and the descendants of imp. Diomed, which is the most fashionable thorough- bred blood to be found in the trotting pedigrees. No. 28. EDINA. Bay tilly, foaled May 18^ 1881; bred by M. L. Hare, Indianapolis, Ind. GOT BY HAMBRINO, record 2:21}, sire of Hambrino Belle, record 2:25^. First dam, Edna, by Middletown, sire of Music, record 2:2l]. Second dam. Widow Eantout, by Ulverson. Third dam, by Paddy Burns, son of Grey Eagle^ Fourth dam, Peggy, by Boston. Fifth dam, Too Soon, by Sir Leslie. Sixth dam, Little Peggy, by Gallatin. HAMBRINO, record 2:21], by Edward Everett, sire of -ludge Fuller- ton, record 2:18. First dam, Mambrina, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorne, record 2:18}. Second dam, Susie, by imp. Margrave. Third dam, Barbara Allen, by Collier. Fourth dam. Lady Jackson, by Sumptor. Fifth dam, Nancy Taylor, by imp. Spread Eagle. Sixth dam, by McKinney's roan. Seventh dam, by Rainbow. RICHARD EVERETT, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, sire of Dexter, record 2:17]. First dam, Fanny, by imp. Margrave. 44 THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PAEK, APEIL 1884. Second dam, by Trumpator. Third dam, by Lindsey'SaArabian. Fourth dam, by imp. Oscar. Fifth d&m, imp. Kitty Fisher, by Cade. RYSDYK'S HAMBLETONIAN, by Abdalla!), sire of Sir Waiter, re- cord 2:27. First dam, Chas. Kent' mare, by imp. Bellfounder, Second dam, One Eye, by Bisliop's Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, liy imp. Messenger. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazonia. t MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. First dam, by imp. Sourcrout. BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN, by imp. Messenger. First dam. Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster. Informal Statement — This filly is good sized and a grandly bred one either for turf or breeding purposes, having for her sire and the sire of her dam two well-bred and producing strains of trotting blood, and that backed up br the of thoroughbred blood to be found in the breeding of trotters. Middletown sired Music, record 2:21il; Nellie Er- win, record 2:25; Orange Blossom, record 2:26^; Lady Blessington, rec- ord 2:27; and Bay Middletown, the sire of H. M. Strong, record 2:25J, and Mollie Middletown, record 2'29=2. No. 29. Chestnut fiUly, foaled May 9th, I882; Bred by M. L. Hare, Indianapolis, Indiana. GOT BY HAMBRINO, record 2:21 1, sire of Hambriuo Belle, record 2:25J. First dam, Lady Ijakeland, by Lakeland Abdallah, own brother to Harold, sire of MaudS., record 2:10]. Second dam. Lady Harold, by Mambrino Templar. Third dam, by Child* Harold. H.\MBRINO, record 2:21i,by Edward Everett, sire of Judge Fallerton, record 2:18. First dam, Mambrina, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorne, record 2:18J. Second dam, Susie, by imp. Margrave. Third dam, Barbara Allen, by Collier. THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAII PARK, APRIL, LSSl. 45 Fourth dain, L&dy Jackson, by Sutnpter. Fifth dam, Nancy Taylor, by imp. Spread Eagle. Sixth dam, by McKinney's roan. Seventh dam, by Rainbow. EDWARD EYERP:TT, by Rysdyk's Plambletonian, sire of Dexter, re- cord 2:17.1. First dam, Fanny, by imp" Margruve. Second dam, by Triimpator. Third dam, by Lindsay's Arabian. Fourth'dam, by imp. Oscar. Fiftli dani, imp. Kitty Fisher, by Cade. RYSDYK'S HA.MBLETONIAN, by Abdalhih,sire of Sir Walter, re- cord 2:27. Fii-st dam, Chas. Kent mure, by imp. BeUfounder. Second dam. One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian Third dam, Silvertail, by imp. Messenger. ABDALLAII, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazonia, by son of imp. Messenger. MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. Dam, by imp. Sourcrout. BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN, by imp. Messenger. First dam, Pheasant, by imp. Shark, Second dam, by imp. Medley. MAMBRINO (IIIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster.. Dam, the dam of Goliah. LAKELAND ABDALLAII, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian , sire of Nettie' record 2:18. First dam, f^nchantress, dam of Harold, by Abdallah, sire of O'Blennis, record 2:27:|. Second dam, the James Lewis mare. MAMBRINO TEMPLAR, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Woodford Mam. brino, record 2,2l^. Dam, Becky, dam of Brigand, sire of Red Cross. 2:21 ^'4^. Informal Statemkn-I'— Ilareid.i is'a good^sizcd, stout made filly, and very fine gaited, and will make a trotter. She is excellently bred, being by Ilambrino, record 2:21^4^, sire of Hambrino Bell, record 2:25.i, and several other trortters. Her first dam, by Lakeland Aqdallali, own brother of Harold, sire of the queen of theturf, Maud S., record 2:10^, and six others that have beaten 2:30, Her second dam is by Mambrino Templar, own brother of Brigand, sire of Red Cross, record '2:21>4 . 46 THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAII PARK, APRIL 1S84. No. 30. MADELOM. Chestnut tilly foaled Jane 3d, 1881, bred by Jas. Rudle, Fisher's Svvith Ind. GOT BY HAMBRINO, record 2:2U, sire of Hambrino Belle, record 2:25^. First dam, Bnla, by Hambletonian Margraye. Second dam, roan mare, E. C. Brundnge, kept for livery, and in her time was the best road mare in Indianapolis. She could trot and pace very fast, was bought in Madison county, Ind.. will endeavor to have her pedigree at day oi sale. HAMBRINO, record 2:2l j, by Edwin Everett, sire of Judge Fulleston, record 2:18. First dam, Mambrina, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Sady Thorn, rec- ord 2:181. Second dam, Susie, by imp. Margrave. Third dam, Barbara Allen, by Collier. Foarth dam, Lady Jackson, by Sumpter. Fifth dam, Nancy Taylor, by imp Spread Eagle. Sixth dam, by McKinney's Roan. Seventh dam, by Rainbow. EDWARD EVERETT, by Rysdyke's Hambletonian, sire of Dexter , record 2:17|. First dam, Fanny, by imp. Margrave. vSecond dam, by Trumpator. Third dam, by Lindsey's Arabian. Fourth dam, by imp. Oscar. Fifth dam, imp. Kitty Fisher, by Cade. HAMBLETONIAN, Rysdyk's, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter, record 2:27. First dam, the Chas. Kent mare, by imp. Bellfounder. Second dam. One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by imp. Messenger. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazonia. MAMRRINO, by imp. Messenger. Dam, by imp. Sourcrout. BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN, by imp. Messenger. First dam. Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah. HAMBLETONIAN M\R(!RAVE, by Edward Everett, sire of Shcr- THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. 47 iden, record 2:20X- Dam, Susie, grandam of Ilambrino, record 2:2lX,l'y imp. Margrave. Informal Statement. — Madelon is au inbred filly, botli her sire, Hambrino, record 2:21 X, and the sire of her dam, Hambletonian Mar- grave, (who showed 2:25) were by Edward Everett, and Hambletonian Margrave's dara was the grandam of Hambrino. Edward Everett sired Judge Fulleston (record 2:18), and ten others in the 2.30, list; and was sired by Kysdyke's Hambletonian, sire of Dexter, record 2:17X; iiiid thirty-six others that have trotted in 2:30 or better. This filly's second dam was an excellent road mare, that was both a fast trot- ter and pacer, and there seems to be no reason why Madelon should not have plenty of speed, as her immediate ancestors were well bred, fast per- formers and producers of trotters. No 31. RISSA. Chestnut fillj, foaled April 15, 1882; bred by ]\I. L. Ha;\, Indianapolis, Ind. GOT BY HAMBRINO, record 2:21X> sire of Hambrino Belle, record 2:2oh. First dam, Blazella, by Curtis' Hambletonian, sire of Hambleto- nian Mambrino, record 2:21 X- Second dam, by American Clay, sire of Granville, r?cord 2.2G. Third dam, by Prince Albert. Fourth dam, by Bertrand. HAMBRINO, record 2.21 X, by Edward Everett, sire of Judge FuUerton record 2.18. First dam, Mambrina, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Tliorne, record 21 8 j^^. Second dam, by imp. Margrave. Third dam, Bnrbara Allen, by Collier. Fourth dam, Lady Jackson, by Sumpter. Fifth dam, Nancy Taylor by imp. Spread Eagle. Sixth dam, by McKinney's roan. Sevenlli dam, by Rainbow. EDWARD EVERETT, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, sire of Dexter, rec- ord 2.17X. First dam, Fancy, by imp. Margrave. Second dam, by Trumpator. Third dam, by Lindsey's Arabian. Fourth dam, by imp. Oscar. Fifth dara, imp. Kitty Fisher, by Cade. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah. CURTIS' HAMBLETONIAN, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, sire of 48 THIRD ANNUAL, SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884, Nettie, record 2.18. First clam, Dolly Martin, by Defiance. HAMBLETONIAN (Rysdyk's), by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter, rec- ord 2:27. First dam, Charles Kent mare, by Imp, Bellfounder, Second dam. One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazonia. MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. First dam, imp. Sourcront, BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN, by imp. Messenger. First dam. Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. DEFIANCE, by Mambrino Paymaster, Jr. Dam, by Janus. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, JR., by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, by Mambrino, Jr., son of Mambrino. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino Dam, by imp. Paymaster. AMERICAN CLAY, by Strjider's Cassias M. Clay, Jr., sire of Harrv Clay, record 2-.23f. First dam, Constript's dam, by imp. Tanby. Second dam, by Aratus, son of Directir. Third dam, by Josephus, son of American Eclipse. Fourth dam, by Columbus, by imp. Pantaloon. CASSIUS M, CLAY, Jr., Strader's, by Cassius M. Clay, sire of George M. Patchen, record 2:23|. First dam, by Abdallah, sire of Sir AValter, record 2.27. Second dam, by Lawrence's Eclipse. Third dam, the Chas. Hadley mare, by imp. Messenger. CASSIUS M. CLAY, by Henry Clay, sire of Black Douglas, record 2:30. Dam, the dam of John Anderson's dam. HENRY CLAY, by Andrew Jackson, sire of Kimble Jackson, wagon record 2:34. Dam, Surrey. ANDREW JACKSON, by Young Bashaw. Dam, a pacing mare. YOUNG BASHAW, by Grand Bashaw, Arabian. First dam. Pearl, by First Consul. Second dam. Fancy, by imp. Messenger. JOSEPHUS, by American Eclipse. Dam, the dam of Patsy Anthony. THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. 49 AMERICAN ECLIPSE, by Duroc, son of imp. Dionied. DiiDi, Miller's Damsel, by imp. Messenger. LAWRENCE'S ECLIPSE, by American Eclipse. Dam, Dolt, by Algerine, by imp. Cormorant, Informal Statement— It will be seen at a glance that the breedino- this filly combines the blood of three of the leading trotting families' viz: Hambletonian,Mambrino and'(,'lay. Her sire, Hambrino, record 2:21X>s*ii"«fl Hambrino Bell, record 2:2")^; Oaku,5 year old record 2:30^, and Nephew, fonr-year old record 2:33, and he sired Lucilla, three-year old record "1:2^%. Curtis' Hambletonian sii-ed Hambletonian Mambrino record 2:21 J4; Dream, record 2:25X; Andy Mar.shon, record 2:2b^\ and Sunshine, record 2;30. American Clay sired Granville, record 2:26- Maggie Briggs, record 2:27, and Ella Clay, record 2;27X, besides the dam' of several others, and was the best son of Cassius M. Clay, Jr. With such breeding coming from these three great trotting families, this tillv can scarcely fail to make a trotter. No. 32. HAMBRINO PILOT. Brown colt foaled April 27, 1S82, bred by M. L. Hare, Indianapolis Ind. GOT BY HAMBRINO, record 2.21 X, sire of Hambrino Belle record 2.m- Eirst dam, by Mambrino Pilot, saddle record 2:270, sire of llannis record 2.17]. Second dam, by imp. Knight of St. George. Third dam, by imp. Monarch.' Fourth dam, Kitty Heath, by American Eclipse. Fifth (iam, Pomona, by Sir Alford. Sixth dam, by Sir Harry. HAMBRINO, record 2:211, by Edward Eyerett, sire of Judge Fuller- ton, record 2:18. First dam, Mambvina, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorne record 2:18|. Second dam, Susie, by imp. Margrave. Third dam, Barbara Alien, by Collier. Fourth dam. Lady Jackson, by Sumpter. Fifth dam, Nancy Taylor, by imp. Spread I-Cagle. Sixth dam, by McKinney's roan. Seventh dam, by Rainbow. EDWARD EVERETT, by Rvsdyk's Hambletonian, sire of Dexter, re- cord 2:17]. First dam, Fanny, by imp' Margriive. Second dam, by Trumpator. Third dam, by Lindsay's Arabian. 50 THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK APRIL 1884. Fourth'dam, by imp. Oscar. Fifth dam, imp. Kitty Fisher, by Cade. RYSDYK'S HAMBLETONIAN, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter, re- cord 2:27. First dam, Chas. Kent mare, by imp. Bellfounder. Second dam, One Eye, by Bishop's HamJbJet^nian Third dam, Silvertail, by imp. Messenger. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazonia. MAMBEINO, by imp. Messenger. First dam, imp. Sourcront BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN, by imp. Messenger. First dam. Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah. MAMBEINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster. MAMBRINO PILOT, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Woodford Mambrino, First dam, .Juliet, by Pilot, Jr., sire of the dam of Maud S., record 2:10X. Second dam, by Webster. Third dam by Cook's Whip. PILOT; JR., by Old Pilot, Canadian pacer. First dam, Nancy Pope. Second dam, Nancy Taylor. WEBSTER, be Medoc. Dam, Mary Hunter by Paragon. MEDOC, by American Eclipse. Young Maid of the Oaks, by imp, Expedition. AMERICAN ECLIPSE, by Duroc, son of imp, Diomed. Dam, Miller's Damsel, by imp. Messenger. Ilformal, vStatement — This colt is' large and fine, and his combina- tion of blood should make him valuable for a stock horse. His sire, Hambrino, record 2:210, sire of Hambrino Belle, record 2:252, was one of the best sons of Edward Everett, sire of Judge Fulleston, record 2:18. Mambrino Pilot has a saddle record of 2:27|, and is the sire of Hannis, record 2:17^. and four others in the 2:30 list. He also sired the dam of Romero, record 2:19.2; besides the dams of several others. Mambrino Pilot and the dam of Hambrino were sired by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thame, record 2:18]. and five otliers that beat 2:30 ; also the dams of Director, record 2:17, Piedmont, record 2:171. and about a dozen oth- ers. Mambrino Pilot's dam was by Pilot, Jr., sire of nine in the 2:30 list; and the dams of Maud 8.. record 2.10^, and Jay-Eye-See, record 2.10^; imp, Monarch, sired Strawn's Monarch, sire of Monarch Rule, record 2.24X, and Monarch, Jr., record 2.25^-. THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 188^. 51 No. 33. NANETTE. Bay tilly, foaled May 6th, 1882; bred by M. L. Hare, Indianapolis, Ind. GOT BY HAMBRINO, record 2:2li, sire of Hambrino Belle, record 2:25J. First dam, Minion, by Auditor. Second dam, the Kitchen mare, by Mambrino Templar. Third dam, by the Vermont horse, owned by Mr. Parker of Pitts- burg, who is now dead, and I failed to get his breeding, HAMBRINO, record 2:2l}, by Edwin Everett, sire of Judge Fulleston, record 2:18. First dam, Mambriua, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Sady Thorn, rec- ord 2:18}. Second dam, Susie, by imp. Margrave. Third dam, Barbara Allen, by Collier. Foarthdam, Lady Jackson, by Sumpter. Fifth dam, Nancy Taylor, by imp Spread Eagle. Sixth dam, by McKinney's Roan. Seventh dam, by Rainbow. EDWARD EVERETT, by Rysdyke's Hambletonian, sire of Dexter , record 2:17] . First dam, Fanny, by imp. Margrave. Second dam, by Trumpator. Third dam, by Lindsey's Arabian. Fourth dam, by imp. Oscar. Fifth dam, imp. Kitty Fisher, by Cade. HAMBLETONIAN, Rysdyk's, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter, record 2:27. First dam, the Chas. Kent mare, by imp. Bellfounder. Second dam, One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. Tiiird dam, Silvertail, by imp. Messenger. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazonia. MAMRRINO, by imp. Messenger. Dam, by imp. Sourcrout. BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN, by imp. Messenger. First dam, Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster. o2 THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. AUDITOK, by Eysdyk's Hambletonian, sire of Nettie, record 2:18. First dam, My Lady, by imp. Trustee. Second dam, by Abdallah, sire of O'Bknnis, record 2:27|. Third dam , by Engineer 2d, sire of Lady Suffolk, record 2:260. Fourth dam, by Mambrino. Fifth dam, by Sir Solomon, son of imp. Messenger. Sixth dam, by imp. Messenger. IMP. TRUSTEE, by Catton, son of Golumpus. First dam, Emma, by Whisker. Second dam, Gibside Fairy, by Hermes. Third dam. Vicissitude, by Pipator, etc. ENGINEER 2d, by Engineer, son of imp. Mtssenger. First dam, by Plato. Second dam, by imp. Medley. MAMBRINO TEMPLAR, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Woodford Mam- brino, record 2:2l^. First dam, Becky, dam of Brigand, sire of Red Cross, record 2:2io. Infoemal Statement — This is a filly of fine size and good breedir.g and will make a good brood mare if her prospects as a trotter should be a failure. She has two crosses to Kysdyk's Hambletonian and two to M ambrino Chief through performing and producing strains of trotting blood. No. 34. MAHAM. Bay colt, foaled] April 29, 1882; bred by M. L. Hare, Indianapolis, Ind. GOT BY H AMBRINO, record 2:21], sire of Hambrino Belle, record 2:2-5.' First dam. Belle Raymond, by Iron Duke. Second dam, Belle, dam of Belmont and McCurdy's Hambletonian, record 2:26^, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorne, record 2:18}. Third dam, by Brown's Bellfounder. HAMBRINO, record 2:21],'2,by Edward p]verctt, sire of Judge Fuller- ton, record 2:18. First dam,},Mambrinii, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorr.e, record 2:18]. Second dam, Susie, by imp. Margrave. Third dam, Barbara Allen, by Collier. Faurth dam, Lady Jackson, byj^Sumpter. Fifth dam, Nancy Taylor, by imp. Spve^d Eagle, Sixth dam, by McKinney's Roan. Seventh dam,' by Rainbow. EDWARD EVERETT, by Rysdyk's lliimbk Ionian, (iie'il loin, record 2:171. THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL, 18&4. 53 First dam, Fanny, by imp. ^largrave. Second dam, by Trumpator. Third dam, by Lindsey's Arabian. Fourth dam, by imp. Vampire. Si.xth dam, imp. Kitty Fisher, by Cade. RYSDYKS HAMBLETONIAN, by Abdallali, sire of Sir Walter, rec- ord 2;27. First dam, Chap. Kent mare, by imp. Bellfounder. Second dam. One Eye, by Bishop's Harabletonian. Tliird dam, Si'.vertail, by imp. Messenger. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazonia. MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. Dam, Iiy imp. vSonrcront. BISPIOP'S PLYMBLETOXIAN, by imp. Messenger. thirst dam, Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dan-i, the dam of Goliah MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino Dam, by imp. Paymaster. IRON DUKE, by Cassiiis ]\I. Clay, sire of Geo. il. Patchen, record 2:23^. First dam, by Y'oung Cleveland. Secoiind dam, by Bishop's Hambletonian. Third dam, by Commander, son of imp. Massenger. CASSIUS M. CLAY^,by Henry Clny, sire of Black Douglas, record 2:30. Dam, the dam of John Anderson's dam. HENRY" CL,\Y, by Andrew Jackson, sire of Kimble Jackson, wagon record 2:34. Dam, Surrey. ANDREW JACKSON, by Young Bashaw. Dam, a pacing mare. YOFNG BASHAW, by Grand Bashaw, Arabian. First dam, Pearl, by First Consul. Second dam, Fancy, by imp. Messenger. BROWN'S BELLFOUNDER, by imp. Bellfounder, First dam, Lady Allport, by Mambrino. Second dam, by Tippoo Saib, son of imp. Messenger, Third dam, by imp. Me.ssenger. Informai. St.vtemext — It is very seldom that a colt of such rare In-eeding, fine style, size and action is to be seen at a public sale. Ham- Jjrino, record 2:2il,hissii-e,wasnot ouly a fast, but was of the best of breed- 54 THIRD ANNUAL SALE aT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. ing, being by Edward Everett, one of the mosc potent sons of Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Hambrino's dam was by Mambriuo Chief, the head of the Mambrino family. Naham's dam was sired by one of the Clay fam- ily, that have become so fashionable as the sire of dams such as the dam of Geo, Wilkes, one of, if not the best stallion that ever stood in Ken- tucky, and the dam of Electioneer, the great California sire. His sec- ond dam was the dam of McCurdy's Hambletonian, record 2:26^, and Belmont, sire of Nutwood, record 2:1S|, Wedgewood, record 2;19, and six othars that have records of 2:30 or belter. His breeding is gilt edged, and whoever buys him may reasonably expect a trotter and suc- cessful sire. No. 35. l^ILKES BRINO. Chestnut colt, foaled May 2d, 1882; Bred by M. L. Hare, Indianapolis Indiana. GOT BY HAMBRINO, record 2:21], sire of Hambrino Belle, record 2:25^. First dam, EUa G., by George Wilkes, record 2:22, sire of So-So, record 2:17X- Second dam, Widow Rantoul, by Ulverson. Third dam, by Paddy Burns, son of Grey Eagle. Fourth dam, Peggy, by Boston. Fifth dam. Too Soon, by Sir Leslie. HAMBRINO, record 2.21>{, by Edward Everett, sire of Judge FuUerton record 2.18. First dam, Mambrina, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorne, record 218X. Second dam, by imp. Margrave. Third dam, Barbara Allen, by Collier. Fourth dam. Lady Jackson, by Sumpter. Fifth dan], Nancy Taylor by imp. Spread Eagle. Sixth dam, by McKinney's roan. Seventli dam, by Rainbow. EDWARD EVERETT, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, sire of Dexter, rec- ord 2.17X. First dam. Fancy, by imp. Margrave. Second dam, by Trumpator. Third dam, by Lindsey's Arabian. Fourth dam, by imp. Oscar. Fifth dam, imp. Kitty Fisher, by Cade. RYSDYK'S HAMBLETONIAN, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter, re- cord 2:27. First dam, Chas. Kent' mare, by imp. Bellfounder. Second dam, One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAII PARK, APRIL 188-1. 55 . s Third dam, Silvertail, by imp. Messenger. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazonia. MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. First dam, by imp. Sourcrout. BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN, by imp. Messenger. First dam. Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster. (tEORGE WILKES, record 2:22, by Rysdyk's Hambb. tuuian, sire uf Nettie, record 2:18. First dam, Doll/ Spanker, by Henry Clay, sire of Black Douglas, record 2:30. Second dam, Old Telegraph, by Baker's Highlander. Third dam, the Clark Phillips mare. HENRY CLAY, by Andrew .Jackson, sire of Andrew Jackson, wagon record 2:34. Dam, Surry, a famous trotting mare from Canada. ANDREW JACKSON, by Young Bashaw. Dam, a Canadian pacing mare. YOUNG BASHAW, by Grand Bashaw, Arabian. First dam. Pearl, by First Consul. Second dam. Fancy, by imp. Messenger. BAKER'S HIGHLANDER, by Paul's Highlander. Dam, by Y'oung Lion, son of Defiance. PAUL'S HIGHLANDER, by Kellogg's Highlander. Dam, by Bold Richn^ond. KELLOGG'S HIGHLANDER, by Sherman Morgan, by Justin Morgan Informal Statement — This is a strong and well-formed col , with good body and the best of legs and feet. He is a very fasliionably-bred Youngster, his sire, Hambrino. having a public record of 2:2l|, and be- ing the sire of Hambrino Belle, record 2:25; Oku, 5ve-year old record 2:30, and Nephew, four-year old record 2:33. Nephew sired Lucilla, three year old record 2:28j4, -'"^^l Fred Arnold, four-year old record 2;3(). Hambrino is by Edward Everett, sire of Judge J^ullerton, record 2:1S, and ten others that are in the 2:30 list- His dam was by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorne, record of 2:18|, and five others that beat 2:30. Wilkes Brino's dam is by the most popular and potent sire that ever stood in Kentucky, the renowned George Wilkes, harness record 2:22; wagon record 2:25, and record to pole 2:28. He sired Wilson, rec- ord 2:10^; Joe Bunker, record 2:19J; So-So, record 2:17j; Rosa Wilkes, record 2:18^, and twenty-two others that have trotted in 2:30 or better. r.3 THIRD ANNUALiSAI.E AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884, # Edward Everett and George AVilkes were sired by Rysdyk's Harableto- nian, sire of Dexter, record 2:17j, and Nettie, record 2:18, and thirt}'- iive others in the 2:30 list. All this backed up by the thoroughbred blood of Grey Eagle, whose blood is to be found in the pedigrees of some of the most prominent trotters oi the presennt day. Wilkes Brino should find a place at the head of some good stud. No. 36 and 37. BAY COACH TEAM. Owned by James M.Keller, Cynlhiana, Ky.. BAY GELDING, foaled 1877, 16 hands, 1 inch liigh, both hind feet white, weight 1140 pounds, got by ludian Chief, sire of War- rior, record 2.26, and Lady DeJarnett. BAY GELDING, foaled 1877, 16 hands, 2i inches high, both hind feet white, weight 1200 pounds; got by Joe Downing, sire of Abe Downing, record 2:20|. Informal Statement — These are two very rangy and stylish geld ings, and make an elegant coach team. Their sires were two noted- show stallions that were equally successful rivals in the show ring. Consignment of the Estate of the fate SIDNEY B^ KENNEDY, Paris, Ky. No. 38. BAY GELDING, foaled 1881; white on nose; bred by Mr. Sidney, B. Kennedy, Paris, Ky. GOT BY GEEAT WESTERN. First dam. Bonny, by Joe Downi of Abe Downing, record 2:20|. Second dam bought from the Confederate Army; breeding unknown but said to be thoroughbred. No. 39. BAY GELDING, foaled 1881; bred by Sidney B. Kennedy, Paris, Ky GOT BY GREAT WESTERN. First dam. Lightning Bug, by Joe Bowing, sire of Abe Downing, record 2:20|. Second dam, said to be thoroughbred. No. 40. BAY GELDING, foaled 1882, bred by Mr. Sidney B. Kennedy, Paris, Ky, GOT BY GREAT WESTERN. First dam, Bonny, by Joe Downiny, sire of Abe Downing, record 2:20i J THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. Second dam, bought from the Confederate Army; breeding unknown, but said to thoroughbred. No. 41. DAVE. BAY; GELDING,' foaled 1878; bred by Mr. ■ v B. Kennedy, Paris Ky. GOT BY WEST WOOD. First dam, Anna Mariah, by Joe Downing, sire of Abe Downing, record 2:20^. Second dam, by Tom Hal. Informal Statement — This gelding is a natural pacer, and there- fore should make a fast trotter. No. 42. BAY MARE, foaled 1880; bred by Sidney B. Kennedy, Paris, Ky. GOT BY GREAT WESTERN. First dam, Bonny, by Joe Downing, sire of Abe Downing, record 2:20^ Second dam, bought from the Confederate army, breeding unknown, but said to be thoroughbred. GREAT WESTERN, by Mambrino Patchen, sire of London, record 2:20h. Dam, Favorite, record 2:34, by Alexander's .\bdallah, sire of Crold- smith Maid, record 2:14. Second dam, the dam of Joe Downing and Monroe, by Wagner. MAMBRINO PATCHEN, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thome, record 2:18^. First dam, dam of Kentucky Clay, by (iano. Second dam, by son of Sir William, by Sir Archy. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliali. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster. MAMBRINO, by imp. 'Messenger. First dam, by imp. Sourcrout. Second dam, by imp. Whirligig. (tANO, by American Eclipse, First dam, Betsey Richards, by Sir Archy, son of imp. Dioraed. SIR WILLIAM, by Sir Archy, son of imp.'Diomed. Dam, Transport, by Virginius. son of Archy, he by imp. Diomed. AMERICAN ECLIPSE." by Duroc, son of imp. Diomed. Dam, Miller's Damsel, "by imp. Messenger, 58 THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK APRIL 1884. JOE DOWNING, Miller's, by Edwin Forrest, Billv Hoskins, record 2:26X- Dam, Lizzie Preebles, dam of Jim Monroe, sire of Monroe Chief, 2:18X. EDWIN FORKEST, by Bay Kentucky Hunter. First dam, by Watkins' Young Highlander. Second dam, by Durcc, son of imp. Diomed. Third daiQ, by imp. Messenger. RAY KENTUCKY HUNTER, by Kentucky Hunter, son of Watkins' Young Highlander. Dam, by Bogus. Informal Statement. — This mare should make a trotter or a brood mare. No. 43. BAY MARE, foalod 1879; bred by Sidney B. Kennedy, Paris, Ky. GOT BY WESTWOOD. First dam, Lightning Bug, by Joe Downing, sire of Abe Downing, record 2:20|, Second dam, said to be thoroughbred. WESTWOOD, by Blackwood, sire of Protine, record 2:18. First dam. Favorite, by Alexander's Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid, record 2:14. Second dam, by Wagner. BLACKWOOD,'by Alexander's Norman, sire of Lulu, record 2:15. Dam, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorne, record 2.1 S^- NORMAN, by Morse Horse, sire of Grey Eddy, record 2:28. Dam, the Slocum mare, by Magnum Bonum. MORSE HORSE, by European, the McNitt Horse. First dam. Beck, by Harris' Hambletonian. Second dam, Mozza, by Peacock, son of imp. Messenger. HARRIS' HAMBLETONIAN, by Bishop's Hambletonten, Dam, the Munson mare. BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN, by imp. Messenger. First dam. Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goilah. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino Dam, by imp. Paymaster. MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. Dam, by imp. Sourcrout. THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. 59 ALEXANDER'S ABDALLAH, by Rysdyke's Hambletoniau, sire of Dexter, record 2:i7-|. Dam, Kitty Darling, said to be by Bay Roman. RYSDYK"S HAMBLETONIAN, by Abdallab, sire of Sir Walter, rec- ord 2;27. First dam, Chas. Kent mare, by imp. Bellfounder. Second dam. One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by imp. M'^ssenger. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazoni.i. EDWIN FORREST, by Bay Kentucky Hunter. First dam, by Watkins' Young Highlander. Second dam, by Duroc, by imp. Diomed. Third dam, by imp. Eessenger. BAY KENTUCKY HUNTER, by Kentucky Hunter, son of Watkins' Young Highlander. First dam, by Bogus. Bred to Favorite Wilkes, sire of George Wilkes. No. 44. LIGHTNIHG BAY. Bay mare; foaled about 18G7; bred by Mr. Bob Adair, Bourbon county Kentucky. GOT BY JOE DOWNING, sir^ of Abe Downing, record 2:20^. dam, said to be a thoroughbred, JOE DOWNING, Miller's, by Edwin Forrest, sire of Billy Hoskins, re- cord 2:26i. Dam, Lizzie Prebles, dam of Jim Monroe, sire of Monroe Chief, rej cord 2:18]. EDWIN FORREST, by Bay Kentucky Hunter. First dam, by Watkins' Young Highlander. Second dam, by Duroc, son of imp. Diomed. Tiiird dam, by imp. Messenger. BAY KENTUCKY HUNTER, by Kentucky Hunter, son of Watkins' Yoang Highlander. Dam, by Bogus. Bred to Westwood, son of Blackwood, and out of Favorite, by Alex- ander's Abdallaii. No. 45. BONNEY. Bay marc, foaled about 1870; bred by James Miller, Paris, Ky. 60 THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT. ABDALLAHLPARK, APRIL 1884. GOT BY JOE DOWNING, sire of Abe Downing, record 2:20|. Dam, bought from the Confederate army, breediiig unknown, but said to be thoroughbred. JOE DOWNING, by Edwin P^orrest, t^ireof Billy Hoskins, record 2:26^. Dam, the dam of Jim Monroe, sire of Monroe Chief, record 2:18X- EDWIN FOEEEST, by Bay Kentucky Hunter. First dam, by W^atkins' Young Highlander. Second dam, by Duroc, son of imp. Diomed. Third dam, by imp. Messenger. BAY KENTUCKY HUNTEB, by Kentucky Hunter, son of Walking' Young Highlander. Dam, by Bogus. Bred to Westwood. No. 46. Chestnut hlly, foaled 1880; bred by N. L. S'lgeser, Paris, Ky. GGT BY WESTWOOD. First dam, Mary E. Miller, by Joe Downing, sire of Abe Downing, record 2:20f . Second dam. Bell Boyd, by Alexander's Abdallah, sire of Gold- smith's Maid, record 2:14. Third dam, Lady Redmond, by Long Island Black Hawk, record 2:38, sire of Prince, record 2:24^. Fourth dam, by Bush Messenger. WESTWOOD, by Blackwood, three year old, record 2:31, sire of Pro- teine, record 2:18. Dam, Favorite, by Alexander's Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid, record 2:14. Second dam, Bettie Peebles, by W^agner. BLACKWOOD, by Alexander's Norman, sire of Lulu 2:15. Dam, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Tharne, record 2:18]. NOEMAN, by Morse Horse, sire of Grey Eddy, 2:28. Dam, the Slocum mare, by Magnum Bonnm. MOESE HOESE,by European, the McNitt Horse. First dam, Beck, by Harris' Hambletonian sire of Lady Shannon, record 2,l8i. Second dam, Mozza, by Peacock, son of imp. Messenger. HAEEIS' HAMBLETONIAN, by Bishop's Hambletonian. Dam, the Munson mare. BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN, by imp. Messenger. First dam. Pheas»int, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL, 1.SK4. 61 ALEXANDER'S ABDALLAH,'" bv Rvsdyk's Hambletonian, sire of Nettie, record 2:18. J)rtin, Katy Darling: RYSDYK'S HAMBLETONIAN, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter, re- cord 2:27. First dam, Chas. Kent uiare, by imp. Bellfounder. Second dam, One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian Third dam, Silvertail, by imp. Messenger. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazonia. MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. First dam, imp. SourcroiU JOE DOWNING, by Fdwin Forrest, sire of dam of So-So, record 2:171. Dam, Lizzie Peebles, dam of Jim ^Vfonroe. sire," of Monroe Chief, record 2:18 X- EDWIN FORREST, by Bay Kentucky Hnnter. P"'irst dam, by Watkins' Young Highlander. Second dam, by Duroc, son of imp. Diomed. Third dam, by imp. Messenger. BAY KENTUCKY HUNTER, by Kentucky Hnnter, son of Watkins' Young Highlander, LONG ISLAND BLACK HAWK, by Andrew Jackson, sire of Kim- ble Jackson, wagon record 2:34. Dam, Miller, by Tippoo Saib, son of Tippoo Saib, by imp. Messen- ger, ANDREW JACKSON, by Young Bashaw. Dam, a Canadian pacing mare. YOUNG BASHAW, by ({rand Bashaw, Arabian. First dam. Pearl, by First Consul. Second dam. Fancy, by imp. Messenger. BUSH MESSENGER, by imp. Messengar. First dam, Queen Ann, by Celer. Second dam, by Figure Third dom, imp. mare, Leader. Informal Statement — In the breeding of this liliy there are four prominent and . fashionable strains of trotting blood represented, viz : Nornam, Edwin Forrest, Alexander's .\bdallah and Ciav, which should make her very desirable. No. 47 and 48. BROWN COACH TEAM. Property of C. R.; Kimbrough, Cynthiana, Ky. KIMBROUGH, brown gelding foaled 1878; 10 hands high; withou THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. ^Ir^white: got by Kimbrough's Abdallah, son of Alexander's Abdallah , sire of Gcldsmilh Maid, record 2:14. TUCKER, brown gelding foaled 1879; i6 hands: without white ; got by Crown Chief, sire of Rowland, record 2.28^. Informal Statement — This is a handsome, perfectly broken team, of finely matched horses, safe for family use; perfectly free from blemish or vice of any kind, and a substantial pair of Carriage horses. No. 49. BERT CHIEF, Property of M. J. Rankin. Brown gelding, foaled April 29, 1881, white in face and left pastern white; bred by Mr. M. J. Rankins, Cy.:thiana, Kentucky. GOT BY ^JUBILEE LAMBERT, record 2:25, sire of Crown Point Maid, record 2:30X) ^nd trial over half-mile track one-half mile in 1:07|. First dam, by Indian Chief, sire of Warrior, record 2:2fj. Second dam, Nancy Dawson, by Whaley's Messenger. Informal StatebienT — -He [has not been broken, but is handsome and has a fine way of going. No. 50. JOHl^ CLAY. Bay gelding, foaled 1879; 15J liaads high; two white hind feet;. bred and owned by Jefferson and Forman, Gynthiana, Ky. GOT BY RICHARDSON'S ALMONT, son of Almont, sire of Pied- mont, record 2:17. Dam, by Miller's Hambletonian (own brother to Jim Monroe, sire of Monroe Chief, record 2:13^ ) RICH.-VRDSON'S ALMONT, by Almont, sire of Fanny Weotherspoon, record 2.17. Dam, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Tliorne, record 2.18}. ALMONT, record 2:39i, by Alexander's Abdallah, sire of Goldsmith Maid, record 2:14: First dam, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorne, record 2:18j. Second dam, by Pilot, Jr.. sire of the dam of Mand S., record 2:10X- ALEXANDER' ABDALLAH, ;by Rysdyke's Hambletonian, sire of Dexter, record 2,17^. First dam, Katy Darling. RYSDYK'S HAMBLETONIAN, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Waiter, rec- ord 2:27. Fiist dam, Chas. Kent mare, by imp. Bellfounder. THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. C3 Second dam, One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by imp. Messenger. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazonia. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster. MAMBKINO, by imp. Messenger. First dam, by imp. Sourcront. Second dam, by imp. Whirlgig. PILOT, JR., by Old Pilot, Canadian pacer. First dam, Nancy Pope. Second dam, Nancy Taylor. MILLER'S HAMBLETONAIN, by Alexander's Abuiillah, sire of Rosalind, record 2:20^ Dam, the dam of Joe Downing, sire of Abe Dovvhing, record 2:205- Infokivial Statement — John Clary was worked about ninety days in 1883. He showed 3.34 in his first trial, and at the close of his work trotted a mile in 2:52, and has showed several quarters in 40 seconds. He is a square-going, resolute trotter, only wearing a 12-ounce shoe in front, He would make a fine road horse, as he drives kind and pleas- antly. No. 51 . YOLANDE. Bay iilly, foaled March, 1883; bred and owned by Mr. T. T. Forman, Cynthiana, Ky. GOT BY HARRISON CHIEF. First dam, by Patterson's Joe Downing. Second dam, by Texas, sire of the grandam of Lula, record 2:15. HARRISON CHIEF, by Clark Chief, sire of Croxie, record 2:19}. First dam. Lute Boyd, by .Joe Downing, son of Abe Downing, rec- ord 2:20i Second dam, by Robert Bruce. Third dam, by Black Elk. CLARK CHIEF, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thome, record 2:18}. First-dam, Little Nora, by Downing's Bay Messenger, sire of Jim Porter, saddle record 2:28|. Second dam, Mrs. Caudle, dam of Ericsson, sire of Doble, record 2:28. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mdmbrino Paymaster. ni THIRD ANNUAL^SALE AT ABDALLAH PAKK, APRIL 1884, Dam, the dam of Goliah MAMBEINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster. MAMBEINO, by imp. Messenger. First dam, by imp. Soiircrout. DOWNING'S BAY MESSENGEE, by Harpinus. Dam, by Eockingham and Messenger blood. HAEPINUS, by Bishop's Hambletonian. Dam, by imp. Messenger. JOE DOWNING, by Edwin Forrest, sire of the dam of So-So, record 2:17]-. Dam, Lizzie Peebles, dam of .Tim Monroe, sire of Monroe Cliief, record, 2:18^. EDWIN FOEEEST, by Bay Kentucky Hunter. First dam, by Watkins' Young Highlander. Second dam, by Duroc, son of imp. Diomed. Third dam, by imp. Messenger. BAY KENTUCKY HUNTEE, by Kentucky Hunter. Dam, by Bogus. KENTUCKY HUNTEE, by Watkins Young Highlander, son of imp. Brown Highlander. Dam, claimed to be by Henry. PATTEESON'S JOE DOWNING, by Joe Downing, First dam, Star, by Shropshire's Tom Hal, pacer. Second dam, Nancy Skluner, by Tom Crowder. Third dam, Lize, by Chief Justice. Informal Statement — This filly from her breeding can hardly fail to make a fine show mare, as the breeding of her sire and dam are noted as producing show horses. Her pedigree is composed of good and fashionable trotting lines, and should she fail to become a trotter or show animal must make a desirable brood marp. No. 52. ALBERTA. Chestnut mare, foaled 1879; property of T. T. Forman, Cynthiana, Ky. GOT BY EED NOEMAN, First dam, Josie, by Wells' Y^'ellow Jacket, sire of Thomas L. Y'ouug, record 2:19X- Second dam, by Clark Chief, sire of Croxie, record 2:19X- Third dam, Prince Albert, thoroughbred. EED NOEMAN, by Norman, sire of Lulu, record 2:1.'). First dam. Brown Bird, by Godman's Cherokee. Second dam, by Forrester. THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. 65 Third dam, by Copperbottom. Fourth dam, by Stockholder. Fifth dam, dam, by imp. Whip.j Sixth dam, by Regnlug, by imp. Fearnought. NORMAN, by Morse Horse, sire of Grey Eddy, record 2:28. Dam, the Slocum mare, by Magnum Bouum. MORSE HORSE, by European, the McNitt Hojse. First dam. Beck, by Harris' Hambletonian, sire of Lady Shannon, record 2:2Sj. Steond dam, Mozza, by Peacock, son of imp. Messenger. HARRIS' HAMBLETONIAN, bj Bishop's Hambletonian. Dam, by the Muneon mare. BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN, by imp. Messenger. First dam, Pheasant, by imp. Shark. vSecond dam, by imp. Medley. CHEROKEE, Godman's, by Lail's Cherokee. First dam, by Potomac, son of imp. Diomed. Second dam, a Fearnaugbt mare. ■ CHEROKEE, LAIL'S, by Hoggins' Cherokee. Dam, a thoroughbred. CHEROKEE, HOGGINS', by Sir Archy, son of imp, Diomed. First dam,Roiiana, by Hepheston, son of imp. Bnzzsrd. Second dam, Roxana, by imp. Marplot. Third dam, Juliet, by imp. Mexican. Fourth dam, by imp. Friar. FORRESTER, by Comet. First dam, by imp. Tup, son of Javelin. Second dam, by imp. Forrester. COMET, by Docius, he by Meade's Celar. son of imp. Janus, Dam, by imp. Fearnaugbt. COPPERBOTTOM, by Brntus. First dam .by Pitts' Ball, son of imp. Royalist. Second dam, a Celar mare. BRL'TUS, by Copperbottom. Cauadian. Dam, by Robin Gray, son of imp. Royalist. YELLOW JACKET, Well's, by Old Yellow Jacket. First dam, Ijy Cook's Whip. Second dam, said to be a thoroughbred. OLD YELLOW JACKET, by p>lipsc. Dam, a Canadian pacer. CLARK CHIEF, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Ladv Thorne recojd 2:18J. First dam, Little Nora, by Downing's Bay Messenger, sire of Jim Porter 66 THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT A BD ALLAH PARK APRIL 1884. saddle record 2:28X. Second dam, Mrs. Caudle, dam of Ericsson, record 2:30i. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliali. MAMBEINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster. MAMBRINO, 'by imp. Messenger. First dam, by imp. Sourcrout. DOWNING'S BAY MESSENGER, by Harpinus. Dam, by Rockingham and Messenger blood. HARPINUS, by Bishop's Hambletonian. Dam, by imp. Messenger. PRINCE ALBERT, by Billy Townes, son of imp. Fylde. First dam, by imp. Parian. Second dam, by Skylark. Third dam, by Sir Charles. Informal Statement — Josie, the first dam of Alberta, produced a colt by Hamlet that was sold T. C. Jefferson to Judge Owler of Cincin- nati, who stated that the colt showed a full mile in 2:34 when three . years old. This colt died before he was four years old, Josie also pro- duced by Cromwell's Almont "Keller V,," that trotted when two years old a mile in 3:07, and showed quarters at a 2:52 gait. At three years old he trotted a full mile in 2:39. Josie is also the dam of a two-year old stallion that is owned at Abdalluh Park called Chestnut Wilkes, by Red Wilkes, that is very promising, and I have him entered in several stakes which I expect him to get his shai-e. Whoever becomes the owuer of Alberta will get a brood mare, well worthy to be a matron, or any breeding estab- lishineut. Her sire was by Norman, sire of Lula, record 2.15; Mary Queen, record 2.20; and Blackwood, three years old, record 2.31, and he is the sire of Protine, record 2. IS; Blackwood, Jr., record 2.22i; and he sired Had wood, record 2,24f; her dam's sire got Thomas S. Young, rec- ord 2.19^; and her second dam was by Clark Chief, sire of Croxie, record 2.19i, and Tony Newell, reeordS.lQ^, and five others that have beaten 2"30; Pie also sired the dam's of Ph alias, record 2.15J; Wilson, record 2.1CX) Majolica, record 2.17; and is the most popular of the Mambrino Chief family. AH this trotting blood is backed up by the thoroughbred blood of Prince Albert. She is heavy with foal to Indianapolis, record 2.2I. No. 58. STELLA S. Bay filly, foaled April 1st, 1883; bred and owned by Horace Benton, Winchester, Ky. GOT BY MAGIC, sire of Clemmie G., record 2:17. Firet dam, Fanny, by A-sterisk, son of Ringgold, Second dam, by Kilkenny. Third dam, by Mingo, THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. 67 Fourth dam, by Mnckle John, MAGIC, record 2:33, by Americau Clay, sire of Granville, record 2:26. First dam, the dam of Eoger Hanson, Jrecord 2:28J, by Berkley's Edwin Forrest, sire of dam of Post Boy, record 2:23^. Second dam, by Grey Eagle. Third dam, by Bolivar. Fonrtii dam, by Cadwell's Whip. AMERICAN CLAY, by vStrader's Cassius M. Clay, Jr., sire of Harry Clay, record 2:23f . First dam. Conscript's dam, by imp. Tanby. Second dam, by Aratus, son of Director. Third dam, by Josephus, son of American Eclipse. Fourth dam, by Columbus, by imp. Pantaloon. CASSIUS M. CLAY, JR., Strader's, by Cassius M. Clay, sire of George M. Patchen, record 2:23i. First dam, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter, record 2:27. Second dam, b_,' Lawrence's Eclipse. Third dam, the Chas. Hadley mare, by imp. Messenger. CASSIUS M. CLAY, by Henry Clay, sire of Black Douglas, record 2:30. Dam, Jersey Kate, John Anderson's dam. HENRY CLAY, by Andrew Jackson, sire of Kimble .Jackson, wagon record 2:34. Dam, the trotting mare, Surry. ANDREW JACKSGN, by Young Bashaw. Dam, a Canadan pacing mare. YOUNG BASHAW, by Grand Bashaw, Arabian. First dam. Pearl, by First Consul. Second dam, Fancy, by imp. Messenger. .JOSEPHUS, by American Eclipse. Dam, the dam of Patsey Anthony. .AMERICAN ECLIPSE, by Duroe, son of imp. Diomed. Dam, Miller's Damsel, by imp. Messenger. LAWRENCE'S ECLIPSP:, by American Eclip:e. Dam, Doll, by Algerine, by imp. Cormorant. BERKLBY'S EDWIN FORREST, by Edwin Forrest, sire of Billy Hoskins, record 2:2()X- Dam, by Woodford, son of Kosciusko, he by Sir Archy. EDWIN FORREST, by Bay Kentucky Hunter. First dam, by Watkins' Young Highlander. Second dam, by Duroc, son of imp. Diomed. Third dam, by imp. Messenger. BAY KENTUCKY HUNTER, by Kentucky Hunter, son of Watkins' Young Highlander, 68 THIRD ANNUAL SrVLE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. Puiu, by Bogus. 'xInfokmaIj Statement — -This filly, if failing to make a trotter,' i'' bred exactly right for a brood mare to breed to inbred Hambletonian stallions, as the two great trotting strains — Clay and Edwin Forrest^ are backed up with thoroughbred blood. No. 54. Property of Geo. Ashbrook, (Vuthiana,' Ky. Bay gelding, foaled 1880; 16 hands high; bred by T. J. Megibben. GOT BY EDGEWATER. Dam, Kitty Keller, of unknown blood. EDGEWATER, by Curtis's Hambletonion, sire of Hambletonian Mara- brino, record 2:21j. First dam, by Kavanaugh's Grey Eagle. Second dam, a mare from the South. CURTIS' HAMBLETONIAN, by Rysdyke's Hambletoniun, sire of Dex ter, record 2:11%. First dam, Dolly Martin, by Defiance. RYSDYK'S HA.MBLETONIAN, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter, re cord 2:27. First dam, Chas. Kent mare, by imp. Bellfounder. Second dam, One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian Third dam, Silvertail, by imp. Messenger. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazonia. MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. . First dam, imp. Sourcront BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN, by imp. Messenger. First dam. Pheasint, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. DEFIANCE,',by Mambrino Paymaster, Jr. J Dam, by Janus. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, JR., by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, by Mambrino, son of Mambrino. MAMBRINO;PAYMASTER, by Mambrino. Dam, by imp. Paymaster. Informal Statement — Aleekis a green colt, but a rangy . and very fine gaitftd^gelding; will be broken by day of sale, and from appearances should make a trotter or fine road horse. No. 55. SMITHS . LAMBERT. Property of Martin Smith, Cynthiana, Ky. THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAII PARK, APKIL, 18!^. 69 Bay colt, foaled 1883; bred by Martin Smith, Cynthiana, Ky. GOT BY DANIEL LAMBERT, record 2:25, sire of Crown Point Maid, record 2:30|,'and trial on half-mile track a half in 1:07 % First dam, by Crown Chief, (Tucker Horse), sire of Roland, record 2:28. Second dam, by Indian Chief, sire ot Warrior, record '^:26. JUBILEE LAMBERT, by Daniel Lambert, sire of Comee, record 2:19} Dam, the Harvey mare, by Taft Horse, son of Hill's BlacK Hawk, sire of Lancet, record 2:21\.\ DANIEL LAMBERT, by Ethan Allen, sire of Hotspur, record 2:24. First dam, Fanny Cook, by Abdallah, sii-e of Sir Walter, record 2:27 Second dam, by Stockholm's American Star. Third dam, by Red Bird. ETHAN ALLEN, by Hill's Black Hawk, sire of Belle of Sasatoga, re- cord 2:29. Dam, the dam of Black Hawk Maid and Red Leg. HILL'S BLACK HAWK, by Sherman Morgan, by Sustin Morgan. Dam, a black mare. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino. Dim, Amazonia. MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. First dam, by imp. Sourcront. Second dam, by imp. Whirlgig. RED BIRD, by Bishop's Hambletonian. Dam, by Red Bird, son of Cub. BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN, by imp. Messenger. First dam. Pheasant, by imp. Shark. Second dam, by imp. Medley. MAMBRINO CHIEF, by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goilah. MAMBRINO PAYMASTER, by Mambrino Dam, by imp. Paymaster. MAMBRINO, by imp. Messenger. Dam, by imp. iSourcrout. STAR HIGHLANDER, by Veach's Higiiiander. First dam. Stockings, by Virginia Whip. Second dam, Brownie, by Ganymede. VEACH'S HIGHLANDER, by Downing's Black Highlan.Jer. First dam, by Old Copperbottom: Second dam, by Buzzard. DOWNING'S BLACK HIGHLANDER, by Crusader. THIRD ANNUAL SALE aT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884. First dam, by Hunt's Brown Highlander. Second dam, by Comet. CRUSADER, by Cook's Whip, son of imp. Whip. BKOWN HIGHLANDEER. Hunt's, by Sir Patrick Highlander. First dam, by imp. Trafalgar. Second dam, by imp. Rockingham. Third dam, by imp. Messenger. INDIAN CHIEF, by Blood's Black Hawk, sire of dam of Von Arnim, record 2:19^. First dam, Lou Berry, by Ned Forrest. Second dam, Fan, by Grey Messenger. Third dam, Fib, by Virginia Whip. BLOOD'S BLACK HAWK, by Hill's Black Hawk, sire of Ethen Al- len, record 2:25o. Dam, the Loring mare. HILL'S BLACK HAWK, also known as Vermont Black Hawk, by Sherman Morgan, son of Justin Morgan. Dam, a black mare. NED FORREST, by Young Bashaw. First dam, by Saltpetre. Second dam, a Morgan mare. YOUNG BASHAW, by Grand Bashaw, Arabian. First dam. Pearl, by First Consul. Second dam, Fancy, by imp. Messenger. GREY MESSENGER, by Dove, by Saratogo, son of imp. Messenger. Fsrst dam, by Sir Solomon, Second dam, by Sanspareil. Thirddam, by imp Messenger. Informal Statement. — This coli's sire. Jubilee Lambert, record 2:25, is inbred to Hill's Black Hawk, the founder of the faracus Black Hawk Morgan trotting family, and is the fastest entire son of Daniel Lambert, the sire of Comee, rccoi'd 2:19J, and twenty-four others that heve beaten 2:o0. The sire of bis dam, Crown Chief, sired Roland, rec- ord 2:28; the sire of his second dcm, Indian Chief, sired Warrior, record 2:26. He and ois produce have become famous in most of the show- rings of Kentucky, and elsewhere. He sired the world renowned Lady DeJarnette. No. 56. Property of Noe E. Dills. Bay mare, foaled 1877; bred by Josh Barton, Millersburg, Ky. GOT BY JOHN BRIGHT, own brother of Goldsmith Abdallah, rec- ord 2:30. First dam, Maltie, by Alexander's Norman, sire of Lula, record THIRD ANNUAL SALE AT ABDALLAH PAEK, APRIL 1884. 7l 2:15. Secoud dam, Mollie,by Black Hawk, Jr. Third dam, Bettie, by Bills' Copperbotton. Fourth dam, by Bean's Slashum,,by Comet, son of Blackburn's Whip. JOHN BRIGHT, Ly Volunteer, sire of St. JuHen, record 2:11X- First dam, Martha, by Abdallah, sire of Sir Walter, racord 2:27. ^iT^" Second dam, Nancy Dolson, by Conklin's Bellfounder. Third dam, Lady of the Lake, by Corn Cracker. Fourth dam, by Hulse's Hickory. VOLLINTEER, by Rysdyke's Hambletonian, sire of Dexter, record 2:17X. First dam. Lady Patriot, by Young Patriot, Sacond dam, the Lewis Hulse mare. RYSDYK'S HAMBLETONIAN, by Abdallah, sire of the dam of Goldsmigh Maid, record 2:14. First danj, Chas. Kent mare, by imp. Bellfounder. Second dam, One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. Third dam, Silvertail, by imp. Messenger. ABDALLAH, by Mambrino. Dam, Amazonia. YOUNG PATRIOT, by Patriot, son of Blucher. Dam, by Messenger Duroc. BLUCHER, by Duroc, son of imp. Diomed. First dam. Young Miller's Damsel, by Bishop's Hambleionian. Second dam. Miller's Damsel, by imp. Messenger. HAMBLETONIAN, Bishop's, by imp. Messenger. First drm,by Phaasant, by imp. Shark. Secend dam, by imp. Medley. MESSENGER DUROC, by Sir Archy Duroc, by Duroc. First dam, Messenger, by imp. Messenger. CONKLIN'S BELLFOUNDER, by imp. Bellfounder. Dam, by Beak's W^ildair, son of Conklin's Grey Messenger, by imp. Messenger. MAMBRINO, by imp.;]SIessenger- First dam, by imp. Sourcrout. Second dam, by imp. Whirligig. NORMAN, by Morse Horse, sire of Grey Eddy, record 2:28. Dam, the Slocum mare, by Magnum Bonum. MORSE HORSE, by European, the McNitt Horse. First dam. Beck, by Harris' Hambletonian, sire of Lady Shennon, re(;ood2:28L Second dam, Mozza, by Peacock, son of imi). Messenger. 72 THIRD ANNUAL|SALE AT ABDALLAH PARK, APRIL 1884, HAERIS' HAMBLETONIAN, by Bishop's Hambletonten. Dam, the Munson mare. BLACK HAWK, JR., by Blood's Black Hawk, sire of the dum of Von Ariiim, record 2:19J. Dara,by Davy Crockett. BLOOD'S BLACK HAWK, by Hill's Black Hawk, sire of Ethan Al- len, record 2:2o)^. Dam, the Loring mare. HILLS BLACK HAWK, by vSherman Morgan, son of Justin Morgan. BLACKBURN'S WHIP, by imp. Whip, he by Saltram, son of the renowned English Eclipse. Heavy ir. foal to Belmont Mambrino. BELMONT MAMBRINO. Bay stallion, bred by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn Farm, Ky.; foaled in 1880. By Belmont, sire of Nutwood, record 2:18]; Wedgewood, record 2:19, Dick Moore, record 2:22j, etc. First dam, Hortense, by Mambrino Chief, sire of Lady Thorne, record 2:18^. Second dam, by Sir Wallace (Todhunter's), sire of the dam of Nobby, Jr., record 2:252. Third dam, by Blackburn's Whip, thorough- bred. Fourth dam, by Medley, thoroughbred. Informal Statement — The get of John Bright (full brother to Goldsmith's Abdallah, record 2:30) are showing well. The noted horse- man, Mr, Alden Goldsmith, who owns the great stallion Volunteer, has been purchasing very largely of John Bright's get. Norma Bright has never been handled, but if trained she would be a trotter. Her loal by Belmont Mambrino should be one of excellence. NOTICE. The Hon. J. Quincy Ward, of this place, has placed in ray charge for sale an extra good pair of Chestnut Coach Geldings IGj hands high, with good mane and tails, elegant style, with fine way of going, and more than ordinary speed. They may be seen at anytime at Abdallah Park. I also have the following matured trotters for sale: A mare that can beat 2:25, and seven geldings that can show from 2:,30 low down in the twenties, also several fast colts from two to four years old. Respectfully, W. H. WILSON. Abdallah Park, Cynthiana, Ky., March 25, 1883. AT PUBLIC AUCTIO PHIL C. KIDD, Braecfers' Combination Sale, Lexing- ton, Ky., Tuesday, April 15^ 1884. SMITH & M ERR ELL, Breeders' Sale of 160 head at Lexington Fair Grounds, April 17 and 18, '84. Woodward & Brassfield's next Tri-Annual Grand Combination Sale of 399 Horses, at Lexington, Ky., Jl^pril 22, 23, 24 and 25, 1884. W. H. WILSON Third j^nnual Sale, OF YEARLINGS AND OTHER TROTTING STOCK, AT Abdallah, Park, Cynthiana, Ky. WEDI^ESDAY, APRIL 16,1884. Sale Commences Promptly at 9:30 A. M. SEND FOR CATALOGUES. > Dd O > r > -d > o o >