McLaugl^lin Bros. Columbus, Ohio. jt ^ IMPORTERS OF Ji Jt Frencli Coacl} & Percl^eron Stallions. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries Percheron and French Coach STALLIONS Imported from France -BY- McLaughlin bros., Cor. Sixth and Wesley Aves., Telephone 275. Columbus, Ohio. INTRODUCTORY. In publishing this Catalogue we realize that it will be necessary for men who wish to buy horses to actually see them ; that pictures and descriptions in catalogues are not sufficient, therefore in this we have simply given a list of our horses and the cuts of some of them. These cuts are as nearly true to life, as it is j^ossible for artistic skill and photography to make them. The purpose of this publica- tion is not to add to the reputation of these two breeds of French horses, for their merits are two well known for us to add anything, but it is for the purpose of advertising the fact, that we have the best horses of both of these breeds produced on either Continent. Mclaughlin bros. January 31st, 1900. Pcrcbcron Stallions. Aaron (43416) 23064, S: Dark gray, foaled 1897. Adam (43486) 23065, Black, foaled 1S97. Our motto is, " That the best is none too good x\kbar (43600) 22S93, for the enterprising, intelligent American farmer Black, foaled 1897. and breeder." Algerien (43567) 22S05, Black, foaled 1.S97. As long as the French Government buys and Alpin (43564) 22S91, offers to its breeders the services of the best Black, foaled 1897. Stallions ; so long will they not only improve their Alpin (43292) 22S94, breeds of horses, but they will continue to produce Dark gray, foaled 1896. the best specimens of their two favorite breeds, the Ardent (44595) 23062, Perch eron and French Coacher. Dark gray, foaled 1.S97. Argus (44569) 23067, Black, foaled 1S97. S' Aurillac (44571) 23066, Black, foaled 1.S97. .^: ^ . iO. ■ -Z . 'Si?** Percberon Stallions. Bel Etoilr (43466) 22885, Brown, foaled 1897. BiBINOFF (42618) 23197, Black, foaled 1S94. Bill (43273) 21614, Black, foaled iSg6. Bismarck (43337) 21605, Black, foaled 1896. Bob (44136) 21606, Black, foaled 1S97. Bob (43212) 22S87, Black, foaled 1896. Bon Coeur (43207) 23073, Black, foaled 1S96. BONXEVAL (44597) 23072, Black, foaled 1S97. Briard III (43232) 21362, Black, foaled 1896 S' Ouly the best Stallion.s are approved for pul> lic .service in France, the inferior ones are never allowed to reproduce their defects. The climate in France is very similar to onrs, consequently the vStallions brought from there very readily become acclimated. ^ Percbcron Stallions. Briolans (43190) 21601, Dark gray, foaled 1 896. ^ Brock (43022) 22801, Black, fualfcd 1S95. Bruce (44134) 2160;, Black, foaled 1S97. The Percheron is the most active of all draft Celestin (42S53) 2250S, Black, foaled 1895. breeds. Charlatan (42541) 228S4, Black, foaled 1894. Every prize winner at the Great Annual Show of France of 1899, that came to America, was im- Chocolat (44582) 23074, Black, foaled 1897. ported by us. Clothaire (43358) 21361, Black, foaled 1896. Colin (430S6) 23061, Dark gray, foaled 1895. «^ COLINO (431S3) 22507, Black, foaled 1S96 /^:;.^s>" tf^J'^il^ i ^^'- Pcrcbcron Stallions. CorERNic (44614) 23203, S' Black, foaled 1S96. COOURI.ICOT (43255) 21613, Black, foaled 1896. Crampon (42567) 21600, Our Percherons are all blacks and dark grays, Black, foaled 1895. ninety per cent, of them blacks. Crksi'S (43419) 22504, Black, foaled 1S97. Our Perclieron horses are large with extremeh- D'Ai'LOJii! (43071) 21604, Dark gray, foaled 1S95. heavy bone. Ninety per cent, of them will when mature weigh two thousand pounds or more. Docile (43237) 23070, Black, foaled 1S96. Edom (44570) 23063, Black, foaled 1896. ^ Felix Faure (43161) 22809, Black, foaled 1S96. Pcrcberon Stallions. ^ Festix (4459S) 23071, Black, foaled 1896. Frejus (44613) 23202, Brown, foaled 1S97. The breed of Percherons is produced in the GisoRS (42815) 22895, hills of Normandy, on limestone soil, where the Black, foaled 1S95. pasture is the most luxuriant and nutritious that Grandixi (44572) 23068, can be found any where in the world ; and the Brown, foaled 1.S97. horses raised in that Country have the perfect mus- Henry (41472) 22S99, cular development, the hard flinty bone, the perfect Black, foaled 1894. conformation and the active, energetic, temperament Ignace (42345) 22888, found in tlie Percheron horse. Black, foaled 1894. Jules (42009) 20609, Dark gray, foaled 1893. ^ Luxembourg (41S19) 21603, Black, foaled 1893. Pcrcbcron Stallions. Mabille (44574) 23069, Black, foaled 1S96. ^ AIargotix (43165) 21602, Black, foaled 1S96. ]\Iathurin (42S14) 20607, Dark gray, foaled 1S95. There is no other place in the world better Moscow (4339S) 2060S, Dark gra}-, foaled 1896. adapted to the production of high class horses than Normandy, and the renown of French horses is Napolitain (43046) 22882, Dark gray, foaled 1895. due largely to its natural conditions. Neron (42S5S) 22503, Black, foaled 1895. Nevada (42409) 22S96, Black, foaled 1894. ^ NicAisE (43395 > 22SS9, Black, foaled 1896. Pcrcbcron Stallions. NOGENTAIS (437S1) 2319S, Black, foaled 1S97. Ordini (42777) 23083, Dark graj-, foaled 1S95. Ormeau (42922) 22S00, Black, foaled 1895. OzAN (43617) 22S07, Black, foaled 1S97. Paulin (4456S) 23076, Black, foaled 1896. Paulus (44599* 23084, Black, foaled 1S97. Pericles (44565) 23075, Black, foaled 1.S96. Pierre (44130) 21608, Black, foaled 1.S97. ^ Our Perclierons are all recorded with pedigree in the Percheron Stud books of France and America. We are particular to bu}' not only good individuals, but the best bred Stallions. IMost of our Percli- erons are descendants of Jean-le-Blanc the foun- tain head of the breed. ^ Percbcron Stallions. Plantagenet (44573) 23200, Black, foaled 1897. Poker 144135) 2161 1, Black, foaled 1897. Porteur (42906) 22509, Black, foaled 1S95. Rameur (41S03) 22900, Black, foaled 1S93. Rapporteur (43445) 230.82, Black, foaled 1897. Raphael (43483) 22S90, Black, foaled 1897. Ra\-aillac (43477) 230S1, Black, foaled 1897. Reginald (44615) 23204, Black, foaled 1896. S' A Stallion reproduces his merits or defects so many times each year in his offspring, that the greatest economy in breeding is to procure the Best Sires. The first cost of a valuable Sire is of really little consequence, when results are taken into consideration. ^ Percbcron Stallions. Remy Belleau (43504) 22S04, Black, foaled 1S97. ^ Reve D'Or (43519) 22S02, Black, foaled 1897. Re\-eil AIartin (43518) 22800, Black, foaled 1897. It seems to be one of the instincts of the French horse breeders to assist their Government RiCHEMONT (43470) 23078, Dark gray, foaled 1897. in keeping their best Sires, and for this reason we look today to France for the most perfect specimens ROKERTHUR (43343) 22S08, Black, foaled 1896. of the Percheron and French Coach breeds. ROCHEFORT (44567) 23080, Black, foaled 1897. Roland (44139) 21609, Dark gray, foaled 1897. ^ ROLLOX (44566) 23079, Black, foaled 1897. Pcrcbcron Stallions. Romeo (42933) 23077, Dark gray, foaled 1895. ^ ROUBLARD (43219) 22S92, Black, foaled 1S96. Saint Louis (43424) 22S06, Black, foaled 1S97. On account of the fact that we import more, we are able to make better bargains with the Sarthois (4327S) 21612, Black, foaled 1896. Frenchmen, onr expense is less per horse and we can therefore give more value for the money paid Savinien (43191) 22505, Black, foaled 1896. us than can any of our competitors. Splendide (41722) 2289S, Black, foaled 1S93. Stanislas (43502) 22S81, Black, foaled 1897. S> Stuart (44133) 21610, Black, foaled 1S97. Percbcroit Stallions. Sylvio (43344) 228S6, Black, foaled 1S96. ^ Tramway (44609) 23201, Black, foaled 1897. Transvaal (44612) 23199, Black, foaled 1S97. We believe that we should buy the best Stal- lions that France produces, irrespective of the cost, TURCOUF (371 13) 21364, Gray, foaled 1893. and in doing so our only competitor is the French Government. In order to get the best horses we Yalory (43530) 21363, Black, foaled 1897. must offer prices equal to, and some time a little in advance of those paid by the Administration. ViDOCO (42075) 22506, Gray, foaled 1893. ViGOUREUX (43362) 22SS3, Black, foaled 1896. ^ Zenon (42492) 230S5, Black, foaled 1894. frencb Coach Stallions. ^ Cherbourg (2078), Ba)', foaled 1895. NojriNATiF (1623), Black-brown, foaled iSgi. The French Coacher is without a rival. He goes into England, Germany and every other Orateur (1742), Dark bay, foaled 1S92. nation, but no where does he run across his equal. Those who have inferior horses may be jealous of Quadruple (2004), Black, foaled 1S94. him, but the judges of horse flesh the world over praise him, and acknowledge his supremacy. OUERCV (2073), Brown, foaled 1894. There is no other breed with such perfect confor- mation, so free from common faults, .so large and Ques-a'co (2000), Brown, foaled 1S94. handsome with so much speed and magnificent high action. Quince (1999), Bay, foaled 1894. Qui Vive (2126), Bay, foaled 1894. ^ "^ f rcncb Coach Stallions. Racleur (2103), S' Chestnut, foaled 1S95. - Radeau (2096), Brown, foaled 1893. The pedigrees of all our French Coachers are Rafale (2084), Bay, foaled 1S95. extended along known lines for OYer two htmdred 3'ears. Rameau (2105), Black, foaled 1S95. There is no other breed of domestic animals Ratisbonne (2102), concerning the origin of which so much is known Bay brown, foaled 1895. with certainty. Rauby (2095), Bay brown, foaled 1S95. Rayon O'Or (2076), S' Ba>-, foaled 1S95. Regal (2077) Bay, foaled 1S95. Trench Coach Stallions. Regale (20S2), S' Bay, foaled 1S95. Remarouable (2104), Bay browu, foaled 1S95. Each of our French Coach Stallions is accom- Requiem (2100), Brown, foaled 1S95. panied by a certificate of breeding issued by the French Government. Tlicy are also recorded with Reseda (2074), pedigree in the French Coach Stud Book of Bay, foaled 1895. America. Rets (2097), Bay, foaled 1895. Reussi (2101), ^ Bay brown, foaled 1895. Reveil (20S3), Bay brown, foaled 1895. frcnci) Coach Stallions. RiEl'R (2oSl ), ^ Bay brown, foaled 1895. RiOUET (2075), Bay brown, foaled 1S95. The development of the magnificent high Rival (20SS), Brown, foaled 1894. acting French Coach horse is one of the grandest achievements of the breeding science. Every thing has worked for one end — the production of Robert (209S), the highest acting, finest looking, proudest and Brown, foaled 1895. most spirited vet perfectly gentle horse, the world RODEUR (2106), has ever seen. Black, foaled 1895. ROSCOFF (2079), Bay, foaled 1S95. Sadi-Carxot (2303), ^ Brown, foaled 1896. Trench Coach Stallions. ^ Sadoc (2321 ), Brown, foaled 1896. vSaint Brieuc (2323), Black, foaled 1.S96. The favorite breed of the French Nation and the French people is their Coach horse. He is handsome, nsefnl and speedy. He is the carriage Saint Jouin (2307), horse most commonh' nsed on the boulevards and Brown, foaled 1896. in the parks of Paris. He is relied upon by the Saint Leger (2313), Government for cavalry in case of war. He is Brown, foaled 1896. the French trotter, and the races in France draw larger crowds than in any other country, on account Salisbury (2301) Brown, foaled 1896. of the good management and superior quality of their trotters. Salpetre (2304), Brown, foaled 1896. ^^ Sans-Amour (2302), ^ Bay, foaled 1S96. Trench Coach Stallions. «^ Sang Froid (2314), ^«--'^J Brown, foaled 1896. "The French Coacher is evidently a great Sans Peur (2228), Dark bay, foaled 1S96. horse for crossing with trotting bred mares, he per- sistently breeds good size. He is not proportion- Sapeur (2305), ately as short in the leg as the Hackne}-, nor has Dark bay, foaled 1S96. he quite the perfection of st3'le, though he makes Sans-Souci (2300), Bay brown, foaled i8g6. up for it in majesty and shows more quality. He seems to carry more " blood " than the Hackney and if reports ma\- be believed, a great deal of Sans-Souci (2316), Bay brown, foaled 1S96. trotting speed frequent]}- crops out in the blood." — Rider and Driver. Santerrk (2093), Brown, foaled 1896. Satan (229S), s> Bay, foaled 1896. Trench Coach Stallions. ^ SCAPHAXDRE (2230), Chestnut, foaled 1896. Serge (2094), This is not only the best, but it is the largest Bay, foaled 1896. collection of French Coach Stallions in the world Sergent (2320), witli the exception of the National Studs (Haras Browu, foaled 1896. National ) of France. Serguis (20S0), The production of high class coach and car- Bay, foaled 1S96. riage horses has been much neglected in America, Serix (2231), and this branch of the horse breeding industr}', Bay, foaled 1896. promises to return the largest profits. Serieux (23 1 1 ), Dark bay, foaled 1896. Serieux (2309), ^ Bay, foaled 1896. Trench Coach Stallions, ^ Serviteur (20S9), Brown, foaled 1S96. Shannon (230S), Bay, foaled 1896. Our offices and stables are in the city of Columbus, Ohio, and occupy all of the frontage on Wesley Avenue between Sixth and Seventh Aves. SlECLE (2315), Visitors can take the North High Street car line Brown, foaled 1S96. at the Union Depot and go as far as Sixth Avenue, SiFELEUR (231S), whence the}- will have a walk of two short squares Brown, foaled 1896. east. Columbus is one of the greatest railroad SiGALON (2324), Brown, foaled 1S96. centres, as every trunk line either runs through or has a branch to this city, consequently our shipping facilities are the best and rates the lowest. Sire (2319), Brown, foaled 1S96. Socrate (2310), ^ Brown, foaled 1896. frencb Coach Stallions. SOLIDE (2090), Dark bay, foaled 1896. Soubriquet (2312), Bay, foaled 1S96. SOUWAROW (2317), Browu, foaled 1S96. Sphinx (2306), Bay, foaled 1896. Sting (2299), Browu, foaled 1S96. Stirling (2091), Brown, foaled 1896. Surrey (2227), Bay, foaled 1896. America's Leading Horse Importers. PERCHERON and FRENCH COACHERS. Every prize winner at the Great Annual Show of France in 1899, brought to America was im- ported by us. We brought twice the number of stallions imported by any other firm in that ^-ear. The unprecedented growth of our business is due to the excellent quality of our stock, careful, conservative management, just and liberal treatment of customers and perfect fulfilment of obligations. McLaughlin Bros., Cor. Sixth and Wesley Aves., Columbus, Ohio. te.^«ai^.to.A.M;. ,..^. ^'jlk-iT" ■--- . ^