«*«*«** ►.♦^♦.♦^''.♦.♦.■.%.^'.-*-'' "1 '» V Gao^aloouk eO I^= HIZCa-HI-BKyEID TROTTING STOCK, ;.A.T THE: SHERMAN STOCK FARM, DR. J. A. SHERMAN, Proprietor. W. R. KIMBALL, Manager. TRAl Preface. In presenting this, my Second Annual Catalogue, with the hope that most of the animals owned at Sherman's Stock Farm may be found equal, in point of high breeding, to those of any similar establishment, such, at all events, has been my aim, and I have spared no labor or expense to gather the best material which, in the light of experience and tangible results, has been most uniformly successful in producing a high rate of speed — my stallions are mostly of the Hambletonian-Star cross, which has proved to be second to none — I have, and am crossing my stallions oh mares of good individuality, and the best of producing lines in Kentucky, with results which are v^r^ ^f^^i^^^k. 4-^ ^^ ^^ brood mares are num- /tntry. i have Aerman Stock Farm has increased very rapidly in the last year, for which I am well pleased. 4flHHttHHflHMfe9pl» ^''^ especially invited to Sherman Stock Farm, where my manager will take pleasure in showing them the stock on all days except Sundays. Sincerely thanking the public for its liberal patronage, and hoping my manner of doing business will merit a continuance of the same, I am Very Respectfully, DR. J. A. SHERMAN. Announcement. I have placed my high bred stallions at the disposal of the breeders of Kentucky, because I believe that here they would have better oppor- tunities than elsewhere to demonstrate their great value as sires of trotters. It affords me the greatest pleasure to say that they at once became very popular, and received the most liberal patronage. All of them are by Rj'sdyks Hambletonian, the great progenetor of trotters — a horse that has been crowned king by general consent. All of them, but one, are out of daughters of American Star, a sire that ranks second only to Hamble- tonian, if due allowances are made for the time in which he lived, and his opportunities in the stud. Henry Clay 8, Abdallah i, and American Star were cotemporary stallions and the best of their day. Henry Clay sired three trotters, three sons and three daughters that bred on. Abdallah, sired four trotters, one son and seven daughters that bred on. American Star sired four trotters, six sons, and thirty-four daugnters, producing forty -three trotters. That is to say American Star sired as many 2:30 performers as either Henry Clay or Abdallah. twice as many eons as Henry Clay and six times as many sons as Abdallah that bred on, and when it comes to the breeding on capacity of American Star's daughters, I think I am safe in saying they produced as many or rpore trotters as the daughters of all other stallions combined that had lived in or before his time. Some few are very loth to admit the inestimable value of the Star blood, but the records have settled the question forever, that it has pro- duced the fastest and gamest trotters that have yet appeared on the trotting turf. I mention Dexter, 2:173^; Bonnie McGregor, 2:16; Direc- tor, 2:17^; Phallas, 2:13^; Arab, 2:15; Guy, 2:12; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, and the colt performers. Sable Wilkes, 2:18; Ed Rosewater, 2:20)^; Axtell, 2:23; Sudie D., (yearling) 2:35^, and these will suggest many more to the reader. Jay Gould, 2:203^; Orange Girl, 2:20; Nettie, 2:18, and Dexter 2:173^, are all out of Star mares, and it is a fact worth remembering that Hambletonian, great as he was, never got a trotter of extreme speed except out of Star mares, and he sired 1,350 colts. That Hambletonian was a golden nich for the Star mares, all admit, but the Star is positive trot producing blood, independently of the blood of Ham- bletonian. American Star was a fast trotter himself, and his sons out of iv Announcement. unknown dams, sired trotters out of mares of unknown breeding. Fred Folger, 2:20%, and Guj, 2:12, (the fastest horse now on the turf) have no Hambletonian blood whatever. The records prove that the blood of American Star produces trotters in all sorts of combinations, known and unknown. His daughters have produced trotters by seventeen different stallions, some of which got one half, others one-third of their trotters out of Star mares, and still others never got a trotter except out of a Star mare, thus proving the great prepotency of the Star blood. It is notor- ious that the Hambletonian Star stallions have not had equal opportunities in the stud with the other distinguished sons of Hambletonian. Dictator has been in Kentucky longer than any other, but when he was 20 years old he had less than 200 colts, 18 of which are already in the 2:30 list and among them Director, 2:17; Phallas, 2:13^, and Jay-Eye-See, 2:10. The other Star stallions are all recent importations to Kentucky, and already among their very first colts Sheridan's Hambletonian has sired the sensa- tional Sudie D., yearling record, 2:35^. Aberdeen has sired Mulatto^ 2:22; Waunita, 2:24^-^; Godelia, 2:29^^. Volunteer Star has sired Volkyr, 2:19^, and Bethlehem Star, 2:20^, in 1888. For the first time in their lives the Hambletonian-Star stallions are having first-class opportunities, and the blood, which under adverse circumstances has produced such true race horses, now with favorable opportunities, is con- fidently expected to produce still more wonderful trotters than those which have have gone before. The first stallion, Sherman' s Hambletonian^ is much admired by experts as a noble specimen of Rysdyk's Hambletonian. His colts are just beginning to get before the public, being quite young. He sired, however, the sensational Sudie D., (yearling) record, 2:35^, and many more that promise well. His breeding is superb, and he is very popular, because of the size and quality of his get. He promises well, both as a sire and a trotter, is regarded as one of the choicest stallions of the two farms. Alexander H. Sherman, beyond doubt, is the nearest in resemblance to Rysdyk's Hambletonian in all the valuable parts and make-up of any other living horse. Elevator is another grand specimen of the produce of Rysdyk's Hambletonian. He is a fast trotter, with all the style, action, and fine carriage of the Morgans. His record, 2:343=^, is no measure of his speed, having shown a private trial in 2:233^, and in a public race, at Waverly, N. J., half-mile track, was on the wheel of the winner. Glide, in 2:26}^, which is considered as good as 2:23 on a mile track. He has bred but few colts, six or eight in all, which are unsurpassed for style, action, forma- Announcement. tion, and endurance, and though out of ordinary mares, are very fast roadsters of great endurance. He is a sure foal getter, but as the services of the stallion have not been heretofore offered to the public, and having such a large number of Hambletonian's get, and so few mares, Elevator has not had an oppor- tunity to gain that fame through his produce, to which his high qualities entitle him. Hambletonian's Last is a gem of the first water, and with indifferent handling has made a record of 2:253^. He has fine action, great endur- ance, and, being the last produce of his sire, is a wonderful specimen of that great family, and may prove as valuable in the stud as the first foal of Rysdyk's Hambletonian, Alexander Abdallah. Paladine is a remarkably well turned stallion, with a trotting gait, style, and way of handling himself that is much admired. His colts model after him, and are very promising, George F. Andrews has always been admired as perfection in all his parts, as well as in his style and beautiful trotting gait. With the little handling he has had, he has repeatedly trotted his mile over the ^ of a mile rough track at Battle Ground Stock Farm in 2:25. He trans- mits his form and action, hence his produce are admired and promising. Hambletonian Gem is another specimen of his famous sire that is much admired, — has never done service at the stud until 1886. He is quite speedy, has shown miles with inferior handling in 2:27, and repeated in 2:25 on Hampden Park, Springfield, Mass, which is but a meagre test of his capacity for speed. The celebrated Smith mare, the first dam of the four preceeding stallions, was a beautiful bay mare, 153^ hands high, very fine and stylish, fine cut head and neck, good, stout, clean, flat bone, of remakable sub- stance and individuality, speedy conformation, and was regarded as one of the best daughters of American Star, was used on the farm and road, and could pull two men in a top wagon on the road any time in 2:40, which was remarkable for an untrained mare; was not bred until 16 years old. Sherman has not been handled but very little for speed, but has showed ability to beat 2:20. Hambletonian Gem has showed 2:25 in his exercise. Paladine has shown 2:34 in his ordinary exercise since he has been in Kentucky, and George F. Andrews, 2:25, which shows conclusively that they could all beat 2:20 if they had been handled lor speed. Their second dam by Crabtree Bellfounder, a son of Imp. Bellfounder, the sire of the (Chas. Kent mare) dam of Hambletonian (10). From the best information we can get. Imp. Bellfounder was an extraordinary specimen vi Announcement. of the equine race, and beyond a doubt his daughter (the Chas. Kent mare) proved a great factor in the production of the old hero of Chester Hambletonian, (lo) in other words, if it had not been for Imp. Bellfounder we would not have had such a great Hambletonian. The other fine young standard stallions now coming into prominence are: Lambert Clay, Wonderful, Duroc Wilkes, and Ruskin Wilkes, sons of the famous sires George Wilkes, Harry Clay, Volunteer, and Mam- brino Pilot. Gentlemen wishing to purchase any of the stock that may be for sale, can have them priced on making selection. The pedigrees in this catalogue may be relied on, great pains having been taken to trace them out. The pedigrees of a few cf the colts and fillies are incomplete, owing to the failure of the breeders to send them in up to the time the catalogue went to press. STALLIONS.^ Standard Rule 6. No. 1. SHERMAN'S HAMBLETONIAN, 5864. (Sire of Sudie D., yearling record, 2:35^.) Bay Stallion, both hind ankles and one forward foot white; 16 hands high; foaled 1875; bred by Dr. J. A, Sherman, Freehold, N.J. SHERMAN'S HAMBLETONIAN HAMBLETONIAN, 10. Abdallah, 1. Charles Kent Mare. 5864 SMITH MARE American Star, 14. Doll. Sired hij MysdyJc's Hambletonian* 10, 1 dam Smitli Mare bred by Thomas Ellis, Ridgebury, Orange Co., N. Y., by Seely's American Star, 14. The sire of Widow Machree, 2:29; Bolly Lewis, 2:29)^; also 2 others in 2:30, and the dams of Dexter, 2:17)^; Robert McGregor, 2:17)^; Nettie, 2:18, and 36 others in 2:30. 2 dam Doll by Crabtree Bellfounder. Stallions. SHERMAN'S HAMBLETONIAN-Continued. Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallali, 1. The sire of Dexter, 2:173^; Artillery, The sire of Frank Forrester, 2:213^; Bella, 2:22; Breeze, 2:24; Nettie, 2:30; O'Blennis. 2:27^; Sir 2:i8;"Orange Girl, 2:20; Effis Dean, Walter, 2:27, and Ben Hig- 2:25}^; Ella Madden, 2:25^; Enfield, don (pacerj, 2:27. He is 2:29; Gazelle, 2:21 ; George Wilkes, also the sire of the dams of 2:22; Hambletonian's Last, 2:25}^; Hy- 7 2:30 performers. perion, 2:29)^; James Howell. Jr.. 2:24; Jay Gould, 2:20^; Jerome, 2:27; Kisbar, 2:27^; Ivady I3anker, 2:23; Madeline, 2:233^; Lottie, 2:28; Lottery, 2:27; Lady Augusta, 2:30; Young Bruno, 2:23^; Small Hopes, 2:26)^; Sentinel, 2r29^; Scotland Maid, 2:281^; Rysdyk Maid, 2:24!^; Maud, 2:29^; Mattie, 2:2i%\ Margurite, 2:29, and 11 other 2:30 performers. The sire of 103 sires with 512 2:30 performers, and the sire of 39 dams with 45 2:30 performers. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye. by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Abdallah, 1 by Mambrino. Dam Amazonia, by son of Imp. Messenger. Mambrino by Imp. Messenger. Dam, by Imp. Sourcrout. Bishop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant, by Imp. Shark. Seely's American Star, 14 . . .by Stockholm's American Star, son of Duroc. 1 dam Sally Slouch, by Henry, thoroughbred son of Sir Archy. 2 dam, by Imp. Messenger. Crabtree Bellfounder by Imp. Bellfounder. Dam Robert Benjamin Mare, of unknown pedigree. Note. — Sherman's Hambletonian is a beautiful bay, both hind ankles and one forward foot white; strong, 16 hands high, good mane and tail, stout and powerful in conformation, of strong muscular development, good. Stallions. SHERMAN'S HAMBLETONIAN-Continued. strong flat bone, on good feet, of a very speedy conformation, and can show that he is a trotter; although he never had any regular training, he can speed a 2:20 gait any time in his exercise. He is of the Hambleto- nian and American Star combination, the blood that breeds on, a sure foal getter, and his colts are large, likely, of good bone and substance, good gaited, and show speed, and will sire good race horses when mated with good dams, which he has proven by the performance of Sudie D,, yearling performance of 2:35^, and she is regarded as one of the best youngsters in the United States. it) Stallions. Standard Rule 6. No. 2. HAMBLETONIAN GEM. Bay Stallion, two hind ankles white; 15)^ hands high; foaled 1874; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman, Freehold, N. J. H A9VI BLETON I AN . • ( HAMBLETOXIAX, 10 | ^j^^!^J Kent Mare. C E M . 59 49. [ SMITH MAKE j ^^;;;r^^^' ''^^^'■' ^** Sired by Rysdyk^s Hambletonian, 10. 1 dam Smith mare bred by Thomas Ellis, Ridge- bury, Orange Co , N. Y., by Seely's American Star, 14. The sire of Widow Ma- chree, 2:29; Bolly Lewis. 2:293^; also two others in 2:30, and the dams of Dexter, 2:173^; Robert McGregor, 2:17)^; Net- tie, 2:18, and 36 others in 2:30. 2 dam Doll by Crabtree Bellfounder. Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallah, 1. The sire of Dexter, 2:2173^; Artillery, The sire of Frank Forrester, 2:211^; Bella, 2:22; Breeze, 2:24; Nettie, 2:30; O'Blennis, 2:27^; 2:18; Orange Girl, 2:20; Effie Dean, Sir Walter, 2:27, and Ben 2:253^; Ella Madden, 2:25^; Enfield, Higdon, pacer, 2:27. He 2:29; Gazelle, 2:21; George Wilkes, is also the sire of the 2:22; Hambletonian's Last, 2:25^; dams of seven 2:30 per- Hyperion, 2:29)^; James Howell, Jr , formers, 2:24; Jay Gould, 2:20)^; Jerome, 2:27; Kisbar, 2:27^; Lady Banker, 2:23; Madeline, 2:233^^; Lottie, 2:28; Lottery, 2:27; Lady Augusta, 2:30; Youn;g Bruno, 2:23!^; Small Hopes, 2:263^; Sentinel, 2:29^; Scotland Maid, 2:283^; Rysdyk Maid, 2:243^; Maud, 2:29^; Mattie, 2:223^: Marguerite, 2:29; and II other 2:30 performers. The sire of 103 sires with 512 2:30 performers, and the sire of 39 dams of 45 2:30 per- formers. Stallions. 11 HAMBLETONIAN CEM-Continued. 1 dam Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Abdallah, 1 by Mambrino. Dam Amazonia, by son of Imp. Messenger. Mambrino by Imp. Messenger. Dam, by Imp. Sourcrout. Bishop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant, by Imp Shark. Seeley's American Star, 14. . . by Stockholm's American Star. Son of Daroc. 1 dam Sally Slouch, by Henry, thoroughbred son of Sir Archy. 2 dam., by Imp. Messenger. Crabtree Bellfounder by Imp. Bellfounder. Dam Robert Benjamin Mare, of unknown pedigree. Note. — Hambletonian Gem, bay stallion, hind ankles white, 153^ hands high, a full brother to Sherman's Hambletonian, and is a horse of great individuality, muscular development, etc. He is of the Hamble- tonian and American Star combination, backed up by a double cross of Imp. Bellfounder, which in our estimation was no detriment to Hamble- tonian, 10. Hambletonian Gem is a sure foal getter, and his colts, are good individually, good colored and show speed although young. 12 Stallions. Standard Eule, 6. No. 3. GEORGE F. ANDREWS. Bay Stallion, two hind ankles white and diamond on nose; 15 hands high; foaled 1872; bred hy John A. Smith, Goshen, N. Y. fHAMBLETONIAN, 10 ] ChatientMave. CEO. F. ANDREWS^ ... [ sxMiTH MARE I ^;;;f.'"^^^'' ^*^'"' '^• Sired by Hysdyk's Hamhletonian, 10. 1 dam Smith Mare bred by Thomas Ellis, Ridgebury, Orange Co., KY., by Seely's American Star, 14. The sire of Widow Machree, 2 :29 BoUy Lewis, 2:29)^; also two others in 2:30, and the dams of Dexter, 2:i'j^\ Robt. McGregor, 2:17)^; Nettle, 2:18, and 40 others in 2:30. 2 dam Doll by Crabtree Bellfounder. Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10 . .by Abdallah, 1. The sire of Dexter, 2:17^; Ar- The sire of Frank Forrester, 2:30; tillerj, 2:2i;>^ ; Bella, 2:22 ; O'Blennis, 2:27^^ ; Sir Walter, Breeze, 2:.4 ; Nettie, 2:18; 2:27, and Ben Higdon, pacer, 2:27. Orange Girl, 2:20; Effie Dean, He is also the sire of the dams of 2:253^; Ella Madden, 2:25^; 7 2:30 performers. Enfield, 2:29 ; Gazelle, 2:21 ; George Wilkes, 2:22; Hamble- tonian's Last, 2:253^; Hyperion, 2:293^; James Howell, Jr., 2:24; Jay Gould, 2:203^; Jeromt-, 2:27; Kisbar, 2:27% ; Lady Banker, 2:23 ; Madeline, 2:233^ ; Lottie, 2:28 ; Lottery, 2:27 ; Lady Au- gusta, 2:30 ; Young Bruno, 2:23^ ; Small Hopes, 2:263^ ; Sentinel, 2:29^; Scotland Maid, 2:281^; Rysdyk Maid, 2:24!^; Maud, 2:29^; Mattie, 2:22)2; Marguerite, 2:29; and 11 other 2 :30 performers. The sire of 103 sires with 512 2:30' performers, and the sire of 39 dams with 45 2:30 performers. Stallions. 13 CEORCE F. ANDREWS-Continued. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Abdallah, 1 by Mambrino. Dam Amazonia, by Son of Imp. Messenger. Mambrino by Imp. Messenger. Dam, by Imp. Sourcrout, Bishop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant, by Imp. Shark. Seely's American Star, 14. . . .by Stockholm's American Star, son of Duroc. 1 dam Sally Slouch, by Henry, thoroughbred son of Sir Archy. 2 dam, by Imp. Messenger. Crabtree Bellfounder by Imp. Bellfounder. Dam Robert Benjamin Mare, of unknown pedigree. Note. — George F. Andrews is a full brother to Sherman's Hamble- tonian, and worthy of this name, he is also a good individual, and his colts- are very promising as youngsters, good colors, size, gait, etc., and we invite close inspection of our stallions mentioned in this catalogue. 14 Stallions. Standard Rule 6. :No 4. PALADINE. Brown Stallion, two hind ankles white ; 15^^ hands high ; foaled 1873 ; ^ bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman, Freehold, N, J. ^HAMBLETOXIAX, 10 J tUfeltent Mare. PALADINE < Umith mare j ^JJf ^'^''^ ^^^^'' ^^' Sired by Mysdyk's Hamhletonian, 10. 1 dam Smith Mare bred by Thomas Ellis, Ridgebury, Orange Co., N. Y., by Seely's American Star, 14. The sire of Widow Machree, 229 ; Bolly Lewis, 2:29)^ ; also two others in 2:30, and the dams of Dexter, 2:173^; Robt. McGregor, 2:17)^; Nettie, 2:18, and 36 others in 2:30. .2 dam Doll by Crabtree Bellfoimder. Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. . .by Abdallah 1. The sire of Dexter, 2:17)^; Ar~ The sire of Frank Forrester, 2:30; tillery, 2:213^; Bella, 2:22; O' Biennis, 2:273^; Sir Walter, 2:27, Breeze, 2:24 ; Nettie, 2:18 ; and Ben Higdon, pacer, 2:27. He Orange Girl, 2:20 ; Effie Dean, is also the sire of the dams of 7 2:253^; Ella Madden, 2:25^; 2:30 performers. Enifield, 2:29 ; Gazelle, 2:21 ; George Wilkes, 2:22 ; Hamble- tonian's Last, 2:253^; Hyperion, 2:293^; James Howell, Jr., 2:24; Jay Gould, 2:203^; Jerome, 2:27; Kisbar, 2:27^; Lady Banker, 2:23; Madeline, 2:23^^ ; Lottie, 2:28; Lottery, 2:27; Lady Au- gusta, 2:30 ; Young Bruno, 2:23^ ; Small Hopes, 2:263^ ; Sentinel, 2:29^; Scotland Maid, 2:283^; Rysdyk Maid, 2:24^^ ; Maud, 2:29^; Mattie, 2:22^^; Marguerite, 2:29, and 11 other 2:30 performers. The sire of 103 sires with 512 2:30 per- formers, and the sire of 39 dams of 45 2:30 performers, i dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. Stallions. 15 PALADIN E-Contlnued. 2 dam One Eje, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messensyer. Abdallah, 1 by Imp. Mambrino. Dam Amazonia by son of Imp. Messenger. Mambrino by Imp. Messenger. Dam, by Imp. Sourcrout. Bishop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant, by Imp. Shark. Seely's American Star, 14. . . .by Stockholm's American Star, son of Duroc. 1 dam Sally Slouch, by Henry, thoroughbred son of Sir Archy. 2 dam, by Imp. Messenger. Crabtree Bellfounder. by Imp. Bellfounder. Dam Robert Benjamin Mare, by unknown pedigree. NoTK. — Paladine is a brown, 15)^ hands high, of good conformation, size, and individual substance, of the Hambletonian Star type, a full brother of Sherman's Hambletonian, and he promises all we can ask in the way of a good sire, as his colts are showing remarkably well. 16 Stallions. Standard Rule 6. No. 5. HAMBLETONIAN'S LAST, 6403. Record, 2:25^. Brown Stallion, 15J hands high ; foaled 1876 ; bred by Dr. J. A.- Sherman. HAMBLETONIAN'S fHAMBLETOXIAX, 10....... \ '^l^^tienl'm^ve. LAST < , , c. -<< 64.03 " 2"25^i. T A T^^- T3T-ccT3^T T Americaii Star, U. 04U^, ^.-tfo.4. LLADl RLS&ELL j Dan. Bay Richmond, 176S Sired by HysdyU^s Hamhletonian, 10. 1 dam Lady Russell ... by Seely's American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 performers; sire of 6 sons with 10 performers; sire of 33 dams, with 40 trotters, i pacer. 2 dam ... by Bay Richmond, 1768. Sire of Fritz, 2:27)^, and the dam of St. Cloud. 2:21. Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. ...by Abdallah, 1. Thesireof Young Bruno, 2:23%; The sire of Frank Forrester, 2:30; Small Hopes, 2:263^; Sentinel, O'Blennis, 2:27^; Sir Walter,. 2:29^; Scotland Maid, 2:283^; 2;27^, and Ben Higdon, pacer,. Rysdjk Maid, 2:241.^; Orange 2:27. He is also the sire of the- Girl, 2:20; Nettie, 2:18; Maud, dams of 7 2:30 performers. 2:29%; Mattie, 2:22)^; Margue- rite, 2:29; Madeline, 2123)^; Lot- tie, 2:28; Lottery, 2:27; Lady Banker, 2:23; Lady Augusta, 2:30; Kisbar, 2:27^; Jerome, 2:27, and 24 other 2:30 perform- ers. He is the sire of 103 sires with 512 2:30 performers, and the sire of the dams of 45 2:30 performers. 1 dam Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Abdallah by Mambrino. Dam Amazonia, by son of Imp. Messengert. Mambrino by Imp. Messenger. Dam, by Imp.- Sourcrout, Stallions. 17 HAMBLETONIAN'S LAST-Continued. Bishop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant, by Imp. Shark. Seely's American Star, 14. . . by Stockholm's American Star, son of Duroc. The sire of Widow Machree, 2:29; Bollj Lewis, 2:29)^; Lady Whitman, 2:30. His sons sired 10 and his daughters 41 in the 2:30 list, including Dexter, 2:173=^; Robt. McGregor, 2:173^; Nettie, 2:18; Joe Bunker, 2:19^. 1 dam Sallj Slouch, by Henry, thoronghbred son of Sir Arclay. 2 dam, by Imp. Messenger. Bay Richmond, 1768 by Toby. Dam Lady Pluck, by Mambrino. Toby by Brown Highlander. Dam Kate, by Tippoo Saib, son of Imp. Messenger Brown Highlander by Imp. Brown Highlander. Dam, by Imp. Messenger. Mambrino by Imp. Messenger. Dam, by Imp. Sourcrout. Note. — Hambletonian's Last is a beautiful brown stallion, 15)^ hands high, of very fine form, style and action; good, flat leg, well set on good feet; handsome head and neck, well set on powerful shoulders; strong back, loin, hips and thighs. In other words, he is one of the handsomest stallions in Kentucky, and his present record, 2:25)^, is no measure of his speed. He is a sure foal-getter; his colts are good size, color, and gaited like trotters, and a little time is all that is required to show the ability of this horse to sire fast and game race horses. 18 • Stallions. No. 6. ELEVATOR. Brown Stallion, 15/^ hands high; bred by John Wallin Warwick, Orange County, New York. ( Abdallah, 1. ^ fHAMBLETONIAX, 10 ] I ( Chas. Kent Mare. ELEVATOR < I c Bullfrog (Canadian). I DAUGHTER OF ...] Daughter of ( Givens Bellfounder. Sired by Hysdyk's Hamhletonian, 10, Dam by Bullfrog, (Canadian) fast pacer. 2 dam by Givens Bellfounder, he by Crab- tree Bellfounder, he by Imp. Bellfounder. Kysdyk's Hambletoniau, 10 . .by Abdallah, 1. The sire of 41 2:30 performers; The sire of Frank Forrester, 2:30; the sire of 103 sires with 512 2:30 O'Blennis, 2:27^; Sir Walter, 2:27, performers, and the sire of the and Ben Higdon, 2:27. He is also dams of 45 2:30 performers. the sire of the dams of 7 2:30 per- formers. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 2 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Abdallah, 1 by Mambrino. Dam Amazonia. by son of Imp. Messenger, Mambrino by Imp. Messenger. Dam, by Imp. Sourcrout. Bishop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant, by Imp. Shark. Note. — Elevator showed 2:23)^ in trial, and has record of 2:34^, which is no m-asure of his speed. He is a brown stallion, full 15/^ hands high, of a very speedy conformation, stout and well formed in every way, has sired but few colts, those he has are large, handsome colts of remarkable power and conformation, and show wonderful speed. Stallions. 19 Standard Rule 7. No. 7. ALEXANDER H. SHERMAN, 4852. Bay Stallion, i6 hands high; foaled 1870; bred by Charles Backman, Stony Ford, New York. f IDOL, 44: rec, 2:29i<. rHa,„We.o„ian,10 | ^S. Keit Mare . IMATTIE. tHattie Wood,"d. Gazelle. Hambletonian, 10 Ladv Earle Harry Clay, 45. Grancimotlier by Terror. Abdallab, 1. Chas. Kent Mare. ^ Chaxmcey Green. } Dau. Jud. Hambletonian. Sired by Backman's Idol, 4:4 ; 2:29%, 1 dam Mattie by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. 2 dam Lady Earl by Chauncey Green. 3 dam by Judson's Hambletonian. Backman's Idol, 44 by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of Pickwick, 2:29)^; dam of Garrison, 2:26^^. 1 dam Hattie Wood. ..... Dam of Gazelle, 2:21; dam of Idol, 44, sire of Pickwick, 2:29)^; Louis Napoleon, sire of six per- formers; Victor Von Bismarck, sire of six performers. and The sire of Dexter, 2:17^^; Nettie, 2:18; Orange Girl, 2:20; Young Bruno, 2:22^; Jay Gould, 2:203^; George Wilkes, 2:22; Artillery, 2:213^; Ducalion, 2:22; Lady Bank- er. 2:23; Madeline, 2:23^; Mattie, ■2:22%, and 30 other 2:30 perform- ers. The sire of 103 sires with 512 2:30 performers, and the sire of the dams of 45 2:30 performers. - - . by Willis' (Sayre's) Harry Clay, 45. Record, 2:29. Sire of Shawmut, "2:26; Surprise, 2:26; sire of three sons with three performers; sire of I [ dams which represent 18 per- formers, including St. Julien, 2:1 1^^; also sire of Green Mountain Maid, dam of Elaine, 2:20; Prosper©, 2:20; Dame Trot, 2:22; Mansfield, 2:26; Storm, 2:26^; Antonio, 2:28^. Green Mountain Maid is also the dam of Electioneer, sire of Manzanita (4 years), 2:16; Adair, 2:173^; Ansel, 2:163^; Bonita, 2:183^; Antevolo, 2:19)^; Hinda Rose (3 years), 2 :i93^; Lot Slocum, 20 Stallions. ALEXANDER H. SHERMAN-Continued. 2 dam Grandmother, 3 dam Jennet, 4 dam, Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, 2 dam One Eje, 3 dam Silvertail, Abdallah, 1. Dam Amazonia, Mambrino Dam, Bishop's Hambletonian Dam Pheasant, 2:173^; Sunol (2 years), 2:18, and 30 other 2:30 performers. Thirteen entered the list in 1888, two more than was ever put in by any other horse in one year. by Terror. by Cock of the Rock. by Dubois' Duroc, . .by Abdallah, 1. The sire of 4 2:30 performers, and the sire of the dams of 7 2:30 per- formers. by Imp. Bellfounder. by Bishop's Hambletonian. by Imp. Messenger. . . by Mambrino. by Son of Imp. Messenger. . . by Imp. Messenger. by Imp. Sourcrout. . .by Imp. Messenger, by Imp. Shark. Note. — Alexander H. Sherman is a bay stallion, 16 hands high, with good individuality and trotting action; with plenty of style, bone and sub- stance. He is a strong, inbred Hambletonian, and we think he looks more like Hambletonian, 10, than any horse that has ever lived. His colts- are large, stylish and show plenty of speed. Stallions. 21 nfliiD-hfPT of 5 Ericsson, 130. IDaiightei of i Dau. of Captain Walker. Standard Rule 7. :N"o. 8. DUROO WILKES. Black Stallion, white ankles behind, small snip on nose; foaled May 17, 1884; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. - rftpovop Wilkps 'iiq \ Hambletonian, 10. « ^eoige v\ iike=,, 519 j^^^j gpanker. 2 fSHERMAX'S WILKES. .^ i| § f Messenger Duroc, 106. . . . j fS'e't!"'"""'' "■ ^ Lduroc pet <; 2 K'oii^ ^ Tom Hyer, (Halstead's.> U>eiiy I j3^^^_ ^j American Star, 14 Sired by Sherman's Wilkes, son of George Wilhes, 519, Record, 2:22. 1 dam Duroc Pet by Backman's Messenger Duroc, 106 Sire of fifteen performers, sire of five sons with nine performers, also sire of four dams with six per- formers. 2 dam Nelly by Halstead's Tom Hyer. 3 dam by Seely's American Star, 14. Sire of four 2:30 performers; sire of six sons with ten 2:30 performers; also the sire of thirty-three dams with forty 2:3'") trotters and one pacer. Sherman Wilkes. by George Wilkes, 519, record, 2:22 The sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13)^; Albert France, 2:20)^; Guy Wilkes, 2:15'.^; Rosa Wilkes, 2:18^=^; Tom Rogers, 2:20; Joe Bunker, 2:19)^; So So, 2:17^; Lumps, 2:21; Wil- son, 2:16^; Wilton, 2:1934; On- ward. 2:25^, and 54 other 2:30 performers ; the sire of 37 sires with 84 2:30 performers, and the sire of the dams of 11 2:30 per- forme s. 1 dam .by Ericsson, 130. Sire of 6 performers; two sons 4 performers;, and dams of 4 per- lormers. 22 Stallions. DUROC WILKES-Continued. 2 dam by Capt. Walker. Sire of the dams of Harry Wilkes^ 2:133^ ; Black Cloud, 2:17)^ ;. Ashland Kate, 2:29^ ; Garfield, 2:21; Item, 2:253^, etc. Messenger Duroc, 106. by Eysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of Elaine, 2:20; Charlie The sire of 41 2:30 performers; the Champlin, 2:21^ ; Dame Tret, sire of 103 sires with 512 2:30 per- 2:22; Prospero, 2:20 ; Hogarth, formers, and the sire of the dams of 2:26 45 2:30 performers. 1 dam Satinet, by Roe's Abdallah Chief. 2 dam Catbird, by Whistle Jacket. 3 dam Lyon Mare, by Bertholf Horse ,son of Imp, Mes- senger. 4 dam, by Duroc, son of Imp. Diomed. Note. — Duroc Wilkes, is a black stallion, with white ankles behind, small star, small snip on nose; i ^}^ hands high, extra good bone, with an unusual amount of substance, with a speedy conformation, and a trotter beyond a doubt. No. 9. RUSKIN WILKES. Bay or Brown Stallion, white feet behind, foaled May 26, 1884; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. w f t^eoi ge \\ likes, ol9 | j^^^j^ Spanker. r SHERMAN WILKES ....[ iBIa* Bess, record, -83. . j IZ^Tc'^C&l?'^* rHarry Clay (Doty-s, 70,. , | H-';^ Clay, «; (^an.) ILADY CLAY ...A [o^-^yteroi ISl'Snss Duroc. Sired by Sherman's WUkes^ son of George Wilkes, 519. Record, 2:22. 1 dam Lady Clay by Harry Clay (Doty's, 70), record^ 2:37^ Sire of Bateman, 2:22. Stallions. 23 RUSKIN WiLKES-Continued. 2 dam, by Telegraph. 3 dam, by Messenger Duroc, son of Old Messenger Duroc. Harry Clay, (Doty's 70) by Harry Clay, 45. ^aire of Shawmut, 2:26; Surprise,. 2:26; sire of 3 sons with 3 per- formers; sire of 11 dams with 18 performers. Harry Clay, 45.. .' by C. M. Clay, Jr , 20. Sire of Geo. Cooly, 2:27 ; Harry Claj', 2:29; Lady Lockwood, 2:25; Lew Say res, 2:28^; sire of 2 sons 4 performers; sire of the dam of Lady Ross, 2:2y^. 1 dam sister to Crabtree Bell- founder by Imp. Bellfounder. C. M. Clay, Jr., 20 , .by C. M. Clay, 18. Sire of Geo. M. Patchen, 2:231^. 1 dam by Chancellor. Son of Mambrino, etc. C. M. Clay, 18 by Henry Clay, 8. Sire of Black Douglass, 2:30; Cen- terville, 10, 2:32; sire of 3 sons, 5 performers; sire of the dam of Geo. Wilkes, 2:22, and 5 other 2:30 and , better performers. Henry Clay, 8 by Andrew Jackson, 4. Sire of Kimble Jackson, 10, 2:32; sire of 3 sons with 6 performers. 1 dam Surry Mare from Surry, N. H. Sherman Wilkes by George Wilkes, 519 . 1 dam Black Bess, hy Ericsson, 130. 2 dam, by Captain Walker. George Wilkes, 519 by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 65 performers from 2:13)^ Sire of 41 performers from 2:17^ to 2:30; sire of 37 sons with 84 to 2:30; sire of 39 dams with 45 performers; sire of 9 dams with performers; sire of 103 sons with 9 trotters and 2 pacers. 512 performers. Note. — Ruskin Wilkes is a bay or brown, white feet behind, good size, handsome, with plenty of individual merit and substance, com- bined with breeding, and a speedy conformation, good gaited and will make a grand stock horse. 24 Stallions. Standard Rule 6. No. 10. DOMINATOR, 9896. Bay Colt, star, snip on nose, white feet behind; foaled i886; bred by Dr J. A. Sherman. a r SHERMAN'S HAMBLE- fHambletonian, 10 ^.^^^^ Kent Mare. TONIAN, 5861 { [ Smith Mare \ ^X''''''' ^^^''' ^^' r Daniel Lambert, 102 | ff-y^S'. ''' HATTIE LAWRENCE. . Horse, ntraced. s § lj»-y !?i?A°c^. Sired by Sherman's Hamhletoniafin 5864, (Sire of Sudie D,, yearling record, 2:35^.) 1 dam Hattie Lawrence by Daniel Lambert, 102. Full sister to Col. Moulton, 932, Sire of Comee, 2:19^^, and 30 2:283^ ; Nonesuch, 2:253^, and other 2:30 performers; sire of 9 Brownie dam of Haldane (4 sons with 15 performers, also the years, 2:263=^.) dams of 5 2:30 performers. 2 dam Jenny by Bigelow Horse. dam of Col. Moulton, 2:28^^ ; Son of Black Hawk, 5, sire of 4 Nonesuch, 2:25)^; Brownie dam 2:30 performers; sire of 15 sons of Haldane, (4 years) 2:26j^. with 25 2:30 performers, also the sire of the dams of Blanche, 2:23)^; General Tweed, 2:263;^, and Ten- nessee, 2:27. Note. — Dominator is a nice bay colt, of good bone and remarkable substance for a horse of his height; speedy conformation, with a good gait and level head, and a glance at his breeding will indicate that he should be a grand young horse; will make a horse 15)^ hands when matured. Stallions. 25 Standard Rule 6. No. 11. PEMBROKE. Roan colt, one white foot behind; foaled 1887; bred bj James Roberts. .\bdallah, 1. ^has. Kent '. American S Doll, by C. Bellfounder. iJ SHERMAN'S fHambletohian, 10 | Clms'-'KenfMare. 2 fHAMBLETOXIAX, 58B4.^ I Smith Mare \ ^^^''\^,^'^. '^tar,^M 2' r John Dillard \ Y^)^'\^\^^^' > / Ladv Jackson. Ilj I NANCY DILLARD { ft (dam of Syenite, 2:29}:4.) «„-(,„ S G- Horse bv Highlander. "■ ' L&^^an |jay Bird. ' Sired by Sherman's Hamhletonian, 5864. (Sire of Sudie D., yearling record 2:35^.) 1 dam Nancy Dillard by John Dillard. Dam of Syenite, 2:293^, etc. Sire of thi dams of Phil Thomp- son, 2:163^; Repetition (3 years), 2:21; Eric, 2:283^; McLeod, 2 :2i3>^; Olaf, 2;22, and others. 2 dam Swan, by Roberts' dapple grey horse, by Broadest Highlander. 3 dam Jay Bird, by Copperhead (thoroughbred). Sherman's Hambletonian. . . .by R\sdyk's Hambletonian, 10. (5864.) Sire of Dexter, 2 173^; Nettie, 2:18, and 39 others; sire of the dams of 41^ 2:30 and better performers; also sire of 103 sons with 512 2:30 and better performers. 1 dam Smith Mare by Seely^s American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 6 sons with 10 trotters; sire of 33 dams which represent 40 trotters and i pacer. 2 dam Doll, by Crabtree Bellfounder, by Imp. Bell- founder. Note. — Pembroke is a roan coit^ of good size, conformation and indi- vidual merit; good bone and substance, and he comes from the source from which most all the trotters do, at least we have marked him as one of our best prospects. 26 Stallions. Standard Rule 6. No. 12. TORNADO. Bay colt, foaled i886; bred by James Roberts. ,-..,.. onm/ ^ Hambletonian, 10. f Idol, 44; rec, 2:29i^ ] jj^^^-g ^^^^,i_ 6 r ALEX. H. SHERMAN. . . { Q| ^852 [^^.^,,^^ I HamWetoman, 10. Lady Eaiie. tt I- P IMARYR -i r^xT ^ A r^\.-^f ifii- ^ Evicsson, 130; rec, 2:30; r Waveland Chief, 161 < j j^^^^ ^j p^^^^^^ j,, ^ja. I , J <",! \ American Clay, 34. ILady Clay j Lucy Roberts. Sired by Aleocander H. Sherman, 4852. 1 dam Mary E, . . .by Waveland Chief, 1617. Sire of Olaf, 2:22, and Syenite, 2:29!^. 2 dam Lady Clay by American Clay, 34. Sire of Granville, 2:26; Ella Clay, 2:273^; Maggie Briggs, 2:27; sire of 2 sons with 6 performers; sire of 11 dams^io trotters, i pacer. 3 dam Lucy Roberts by Bloomer. Alexander H. Sherman, 4852 . by Backman's Idol, 44 1 dam Mattie, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. 2 dam Lady Earle, by Chauncey Green. 3 dam, by Judson's Hambletonian. Waveland Chief, 1617 by Ericsson, 130. 1 dam, by Pilot, Jr., 12. 2 dam, by Drennon. Note. — Tornado is a bay colt, good size, and of great individual merit, with a speedy conformation, good bone and substance, and we think well of him. Stallions. 27 Standard Rule 6. No. 13. COLONEL MOORE. Bay Colt, one white foot behind, foaled 1887; bred by Thornton Moore. i rSHERMAN'S HAMBLE- ( Hambletomaii, 10.. j ChSKe'nt Mare. 5 TONIAN, 5864 ■^, 2 SmiMiM-iTP ) American Star, IL O ; Ibimtu Maie j P^^j^ ^ Crabtree BellTr i rspntinpl ^sn ^ Hambletonian, 10. . I [ '^entniel, ibO ^ Lady Patriot, dam of V. -I L LADY SENTINEL -^ O Sal SovPTPio-11 ( Montague's Sovereign. O I sal soveieign. ^ ^^^^,^^ Murphy by M. T. Sired by SJierinans Hamhletonian, 5864, (Sire of Sudie D., yearling, record, 2:35^. 1 dam Lady Sentinel by Sentinel, 280. Dam of Lelah H., 2:24)^ ; by Sire of Von Armin, 2:19^; Vivan- Homer, 1235. diere, 2:213^ ; Annette, 2-25)^ ; Young Sentinel, 2:26, and 4 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 5 sons with 10 performers, also the sire of the dams of Consul, 2:22!'^: Lelah H., 2:24)^ ; Lucy Walter, 2:30. 2 dam Sal Sovereign, by Montague's Soveriegn. 3 dam Ma-y Murphy, by Mark Time. 4 dam Peg, by Hunt's Commodore. 5 dam Nance, by Imp. " Non Plus." Sherman's Hambletonian. ... by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. (5864 ) Sire ot Sudie D. yearling, record, Sire of Dexter, 2-173^; Nettie, 2:18,- 2-35^- and 39 other 2:30 and better per- formers; sire of 39 dams with 45 2:30 and better performers; sire of 103 sons with 512 performers. 1 dam Smith Mare by Seeley's American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 performers; sire of 6- sons with lo performers; sire of the dams of 40 trotters and i pacer. 2 dam Doll, by Crabtree Bellfounder, by Imp. Bell- founder. Note. — Colonel Moore is a bay, with one white foot behind and a good individual, good size and conformation; his breeding is no indica- tion of his stopping in any race, no matter how long; he is good gaited and we regard him a trotter. 28 Stallions. Standard Rule 7. No. 14. ADMIRAL PORTER. Bay colt, foaled 1887; bred by Frank Battaille. ly SHERMAN'S.^, . f Hambletonian, 10 ] t^^H'tekt Mare fllAMBLETONIA, 5864.. . s tt I Smith Mare \ ^"|f ^^^^^ ^l^'i',.^*- ^ r j I Doll, by C. Bellfounder. ^ r Mambrino Wagner 1 ^{^"^^^"o Patchen, 58. H I DAUGHTER OF g lMarthaWashington,2:20>^ ] B!,^;f.^TAmerican Star,U - Sired by Sector Wilkes, 6276. 1 dam Queen Martha by Sherman's Hambletonian, 5864. Sire of Sudie D.; yearling, record, 2:35^- 2 dam Martha Washington.. . .by Blucher, 793. (2:20i) 3 dam by Seely's American Star, 14. The sire of Widow Machree, 2:29; Newburg, 2:30 ; Lady Whitman, 2:30, and BoUy Lewis, 2:29)^. Hector Wilkes, 6276 by George Wilkes, 519. The sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13)^; Rosa Wilkes; 2:183^; Early Dawn, 2:211^; Guy Wilkes, 2:251^; Albert France, 2:20)^: Joe Bunker, 2:19^^; Lumps, 2:21; So So, 2:17^; May Bird, 2:21; Wilton, 2:iq3^5 Sister Wilkes, 2:22^; Wilkes Boy, 2:24)^, and 53 other 2:30 performers. He is the sire of 39 sires with 84 2:30' performers, and the sire of the dams of II 2:30 performers. 30 Stallions. DE FORREST-Continued. 1 dam Carrie Clench. by Harold, 413. Sire of Maud S., 2:08^, and 20 other 2:30 performers; sire of two sons with 4 2:30 performers, and the sire of the dams of 6 2:30 per- formers. 2 daiQ Pearlie Leonard by American Clay, 34. Sire of Ella Clay, 2:27^; Granville, 2:26; Maggie Briggs, 2:17; sire of 2 sons with 6 2:30 performers, also sire of the dams of 11 2:30 per- formers. 3 dam, by John Campbell. 4 dam Milkinny, by Mingoe. Note. — DeForrest is a bay, good size and as would be expected from the breeding of his ancestors that he should make a horse of great merit. He is speedy shaped, good gaited, and bred right to make a trotter; will make a horse full 15/^ hands when matured. :o: Standard Rule 6. 1^0. 16. WAITING. Brown colt, foaled 1887; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. fHambletoniau, 10 j ^£'J?i-^tVre. C3 fHAMBLETOXIAN GEM^ (5949.) Smith Mavp f American Star, 14. Lfemitn Maie | j^^^^^ ^^, ^^ Bellfounder. r ATninhvino Kino- 197Q S Maiiibrino Patchen, 58. r Mambiino Knig, 12/9 j^^^ ^^ j.^^^.^^ Forrest, 49 [BLACK MARIA <( Dano-hfPT of \ Rothschild, 495. L uaugntei ot | ^^^^ ^^ ^j^^^^^ Patchen, 58 Sired by ELainhletonian Gem, 5949. 1 dam Black Maria by Mambrino King, 1279. Sire of Lady Mac, 2:253^; King Philip. 2.263^; Elyria, 2:27)^; Amy King, 2:22)^. 2 dam by Kothschild, 495. Stallions. 31 WAITINC-Continued. 3 dam by Mambrino Patcheu, 58. Sire of London, 2:203^; Katie Mid- dleton, 2:23; Mambrino Kate, 2:24; Jewess, 2:26; Banker, 2:29)^; Jessie Dixon, 2:281^; Lottie Thorn, 2:27, and 12 others; sire of 24 sons, who have sired 46 performers; also 18 dams — 29 trotters, i pacer. 4 dam, by Whalebone. Hambletonion Gem, 5949 by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of Dexter, 2:171^; Nettie, 2:18, and 39 other 2:30 performers; sire of 39 dams with 45 performers; sire of 103 sons with 512 performers. Note. — Waiting is a fine, handsome colt, of good size and speedy •conformation, good gaited, and a glance at his breeding will show that he is one of the best, and we look upon him as a colt of great promise. 32 Stallions. Standard Rule, 6. No. 17. HECTOR WILKES, 6276. Bay Colt, left hind heel white, white on inside of right hind heel, white on inside of left fore heel and black spots, foaled 1882, bred by Allen Bashford, Paris, Kentucky. Sired by George Wilkes, 519. 1 dam Carrie Clench by Harold, 413. 2 dam Pearlie Leonard by American Clay, 34. 3 dam. by jobn Campbell. 4 dam Kilkenny by Mingo. George Wilkes, 519 by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. 1 dam Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, 8. 2 dam Telegraph, by Baker's Highlander. Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallah, 1. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Abdallah, 1 by Imp. Mambrino, son of Imp. Messenger. Dam Amazonia by son of Imp. Messenger. Bishop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant, by Imp. Shark. Henry Clay, 8 by Andrew Jackson, 4 Dam, the famous trotting mare, Surrey, Andrew Jackson, 4 by Young Bashaw. Harold, 413 by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Dam Enchantress, by Abdallah. Bishop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant, by Imp. Shark. American Clay, 34 by Strader's Cassius M. Clay, Jr., 22 Foaled 1882, died 1888. Note. — Hector Wilkes was a young horse of extraordinary individ- uality, and great promise of speed, as well as a sire; his colts are of great promise. Young Stallions. 33 Young Stallions. [Note. — Attention is called to the following young stallions, as they have been reserved on account of their individual merit, breeding, gait speed lines, etc.] Standard Rule 7. No. 18. LUCKY WILKES. Bay Colt, 153^ hands high; off hind pastern white; foaled 1885; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Sherman's Wilkes , by George Wilkes , 519, Record, 2:22. 1 dam Alex. Ida by Alexander H. Sherman, 4852. 2 dam Ida by Mott's Independent, 179. Sire of Josh Billings, 2:293^; Uncle Dave, 2:263^. 3 dam a tborouglibred mare. Sherman's Wilkes by George Wilkes, 519. (Record, 2:22.) Sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13)^; Guy Wilkes, 2:151^, and 63 other 2:30 and better performers ; sire of 37 sons, 84 performers; sire of 9 dams^ 9 trotters, 2 pacers. 1 dam Black Bess by Ericsson, 130. (Record, 2:303^^.) Sire of six 2: -50 and better per- formers; sire of 2 sons, 3 perform- ers; sire of the dams of 4 performers. 2 dam by Capt. Walker. Sire of the dam of Harry Wilkes, 2:i3>^. 34 Young Stallions. LUCKY WILKES-Contlnued. George Wilkes, 519 ... .by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 4 c 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 clam Dolly Spanker by Henry Clay, 8. Sire of 3 2:30 and better performers; sire of 3 sons, 5 performers; sire of six dams, 6 performers. 2 dam Old Telegraph by Baker's Highlander. Ericsson, 130 by Mambrino Chief, 11. 4 years old, 2:30)^. Sire of Lady Thorne 2:i83>^, and 5 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 23 sons, 75 performers; sire of 16 dams, 19 performers. 1 dam Mrs. Caudle. Note. — Lucky Wilkes is a nice bay colt, 153^ hands high, very powerful in his make up, good stout bone, and good feet, good disposition, and a trotter, and 1 royal bred one he is; this combination has proved great results in Kentucky, his breeding shows what he is, or should be. ■:o:- Standard Rule 6. No. 19. WILKES F. Bay Colt, small star, oft' hind coronet white; foaled 1886; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Sherman's Wilkes, by George Wilkes, 519. Record, 2:22. 1 dam Florita by Florida, 482. Sire of Walnut, 2:193^ ; Lotta, 2:243^; Hamilton, 2:263^; Fortuna 2:31; Faust, (trial 2) 2:29, etc. 2 dam Rosemary .by Jupiter, 46. Sire of i; 2:30 performers; sire of 3 sons with 7 performers, and the dams of 5 performers. Young Stallions. 35 WILKES F.-Continued. 3 dam Lady Sauford by Seely's American Star, 14. Dam of Jay Gould, record 2-213/2, Sire of 4 2:30 and better performers; and grandam of Bella, 2:22. sire of six sons with 10 performers; sire of ;^^ dams, 40 trotters, i pacer. 4 dam Old Sorrel by Exton Eclipse. 5 dam. by Messenger Duroc, 106. Sire of 15 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 5 sons, 9 performers; sire of 4 dams, 6 performers. Florida, 482 by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 dam by Volunteer, 55. Sire of St. Julien, 2:1 ij^; and 26 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of '8 sons, 37 performers; sire of 16 dams, 16 performers. 2 dam unknown. Jupiter, 46 by Black Hawk, 24. Sire of 2 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 6 sons, 14 performers; sire of the dams of 3 performers. 1 dam Gipsy by Almack. Son of Mambrino. Note. — Wilkes F. is a bay colt, small star, off hind coronet white, fair size, good looker, powerful in construction, good gaited and royally bred. :o: No. 20. KNIGHT WILKES. Bay colt, black points, foaled 1886; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired'by Sherman's Wilkes, (Son of George Wilkes, 519; record, 2:22.) 1 dam Sissy Knigbt by Kegulus, 264. Sire of Echo, 2:283^; Pearle, 2:23)^; Jessie Maud, 2:29. 36 Young Stallions. KNICHT WILKES-Continued. 2 dam Mrs. Knight (pedigree unknown). Dam of Sir Knight, 2:31; could trot close to 2:20. Geo. Wilkes, 519 by Kysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13)^; Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform - Guy Wilkes, 2:153^, and 63 other ers; sire of 39 dams with 45 2:30 2:30 and better performers; sire and better performers; sire of 103, 37 sons with 842:30 and better sons with 512 performers, performers; sire of 9 dams — 10 trotters, 2 pacers. 1 dam Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay,8. 2 dam Telegraph, by Baker's Highlander. Kegulus, 264 by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Bred by George Lorillard. Dam, by Seely's American Star, 14. Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. ...by Abdallab, 1. 1 dam Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp, Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Abdallah, 1 by Mambrino. Dam Amazonia, by son of Imp. Messenger. Seely's American Star, 14. . . .by Stockbolm's American Star, son of Duroc. 1 dam Sally Slouch, by Henry. 2 dam, by Imp. Messenger, Note. — Knight Wilkes is a nice bay colt, black points, good size, stout conformation, good bone and feet, good style, and can show a good way of going. He is well bred, and will make a good Western stock horse. ■:o:- No. 21. PATCHEN WILKES. Bay Colt, off hind pastern white small star; foaled 1886; bred by Dr. J. A^ Sherman. Sired by Sherman's Wilkes. (By George Wilkes, 519; record, 2:22.) Sire of Harry Wilkes,. 2: 13)^; Guy Young Stallions. 37 PATCHEN WILKES-Contlnued. Wilkes, 2:15^, and 63 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 37 sons with 84 2:30 and better per- formers; sire of 9 dams with 9 trotters, 2 pacers. 1 dam Ida, by T. M. Patchen, Haley Horse. 2 dam, by St. Charles. 3 dam, by Morgan Black Hawk. 109. George Wilkes, 519 by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of Dexter, 2;i73^; Nettie, 2:18, and 39 others; sire of 103 sons with 512 performers, sire of 39 dams with 45 performers. 1 dam Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, 8. 2 dam Telegraph, by Baker's Highlander. Bysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. . .by Abdallah 1. 1 dam Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. T. M. Patchen .by George M. Patcben, 30. Dam, by May Day. George M. Patchen, 30 by Cassius M. Clay, 20. Dam, by Head 'Em Cassius M. Clay, 20 by Henry Clay, 8. Dam, John Anderson's dam. Henry Clay, 8 by Andrew Jackson, 4. Dam, the celebrated trotting mare Surrey. Andrew Jackson, 4 by Young Bashaw. Note — Patchen Wilkes is a nice bay, off hind pastern white, small star, good size and shape, good bone and feet, good looking and gaited, and can go, of which his breeding indicates. :o: No. 22. OLIVE3R DITSON. Bright bay colt, foaled 18S7; bred by P. Dolan. Sired by Hambletonian Gem, 5949, 1 dam by Mambrino Prince. 38 Young Stallions. OLIVER DITSON-Contlnued. Hambletonion Gem, 5949. 1 dam Smitli Mare. 2 dam Doll, Kysdyk's Hambletonian, 10 1 dam Chas. Kent Mare, 2 dam One Eye, 3 dam Silvertail, . by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of Dexter, 2:17^; Nettie, 2:18, and 39 other 2:30 performers; sire of 39 dams with 45 performers; sire of 103 sons with 512 performers. . by Seely's American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2 130 and better performers ; sire ot 6 sons with 10 performers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer. by Crabtree Btllfounder. .by Abdallab, 1. The sire of 4 2:30 performers, and the sire of the dams of 7 2:30 per- formers. by Imp. Bellfounder, by Bishop's Hambletonian. by Imp. Messenger. Note. — Oliver Ditson is a bright bay colt, black points, large and handsome, with plenty of substance, speedy conformation, good gaited, and a trotter. -:o:- No. 23. MAJOR BENTON. Chestnut colt, foaled 1887; bred by J. C. Prewitt. Sired by Hector Wilkes, 6276, 1 dam Lena, brown mare he by Mambrino . by Kichelieu ; Chief, 11. SireofLadyThorne, 2 :iS3^; Wood- ford Mambrino, 2:213^; Bay Henry, 2:283^^; North Star Mambrino, 2:261^, and 2 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 23 sons with 75 2:^0 and better performers; sire of 15 dams — 19 performers. 2 dam Dolly by Smith's Messenger. Son of Downing's Bay Messenger; son of Harpinus, 1225; he by Bish- ops's Hambletonian, son of Imp. Messenger. Young Stallions. 39 MAJOR BENTON-Continued. Richelieu's Dam, Helen by Bay Messenger. Second dam Red Bird, by Cannon's Whip; third dam by Imp. Diomed. Hector Wilkes, 6276 by George Wilkes, 519. Sire of 65 performers from 2:133^ to 2:30; sire of 9 dams, 9 trotters, 2 pacers; sire of 37 sons, 84 perform- ers. 1 dam Carrie Clencb by Harold, 413. Sire of Maud S., 2:08^, and 20 other 2:30 performers; sire of 3 sons with 4 2:30 performers, and the sire of the dams of 7 2:30 per- formers. 2 dam Pearlie Leonard by American Clay, 34. Sire of 3 2 :30 and better performers; sire of 2 sons, 4 performers; sire of II dams, 10 trotters, i pacer. 3 dam, by John Campbell. 4 dam Milkinny, by Mingoe. George Wilkes, 519 ; 2:22. . . .by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 performers from 2:17^=^ to 2:30; sire of 39 dams with 45 performers; sire of 103 sons with 512 performers. 1 dam Dolly Spanker by Henry Clay, 8. Sire of 3 2 :30 and better performers ; sire of 3 sons, 5 performers; sire of the dams of 6 performers. 2 dam Old Telegraph, by Baker's Highlander. Note. — Major Benton is a beautiful chestnut colt, of fine form in his general conformation, good legs and feet, good disposition, and a natural gaited trotter. He is well bred, and will make a good stock horse. 40 Young Stallions. Standard Kule 6. No. 24. TAOOMA. Dark bay colt; foaled 1887; bred by Lester Darnaby. Sired by Sherman's Hambletonian, 5864:, (Sire of Sudie D., yearling record, 2:35^.) -1 dam, the dam of Zora Medium. by American Clay, 34. Sire of Ella Clay, 2:27)^; Gran- ville, 2:26; Maggie Briggs, 2:27, sire of 2 sons with 6 performers ; sire II dams, 10 trotters, i pacer. 2 dam by Clark Chief, 89. Sire of Croxie, 2:193^ ; Woodford Chief, 2:221^ \ Blanche Amory, 2:26; John E., 2:28^; Lady Prew- itt, 2:30; Governor, 2:30; sire of 8 sons with 17 performers; sire of 9 dams with 9 performers. Sherman's Hambletonian by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. 5864. Sire of Dexter, 2:17)^, and 40 other 2:30 performers; sire of 39 dams with ^^ performers; sire 103 sons with 512 performers. 1 dam Smith Mare by Seely's American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons, 10 performers. 2 dam Doll by Crabtree Bellfounder. Clark Chief, 89 by Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of Lady Thorne, 2:18)^, and 5 other 2:30 "and better performers; sire of 23 sons, 75 performers; sire of 15 dams, 19 performers. 1 dam Little Nora by Downing's Bay Messenger. 2 dam Mrs. Caudle. Dam of Ericcson, 2:303=^. x Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallah, 1 . Sire of 4 2 130 and better performers, and the dams of 7 performers. I dam Chas. Kent Mare by Imp. Bellfouuder. Young Stallions. 41 TACOMA-Continued. -2*dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp, Messenger. Note, — Tacoma is a dark bay colt, black points, large and rangy, of good bone and great substance, speedy conformation, pure gaited, and will make a horse full i6 hands high. His breeding speaks for itself, will make a grand stock horse. -:o:- :^ro. 25. EX- SHERIFF. Light bay colt, one hind foot white; foaled 1887; bred by Robert Prewitt. Sired by Hambletonian Genif 5949. .1 dam Olivia by Ashland Chief, 751. Sire of Ashland Kate, 2:29^; Black Cloud, 2:17)4; ^^ue Cloud, 2:27. -2 dam .. by Oliver, Wagner (thoroughbred). Hambletonian Gem, 5949., . . .by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of Dexter, 2:17)^; Nettie, 2:18, and 39 other 2:30 and better per- formers; sire of 39 dams with 45 2:30 and better performers; sire of 103 sons with 512 performers. .1 dam Smith Mare. by Seely's American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 performers; sire of 6 sons with lo performers; sire of the dams of 40 trotters and 1 pacer. 2 dam Doll, by Crabtree Bellfounder, by Imp. Bell- founder, .Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallah, 1. The sire of Frank Forrester, 2:30; O'Blennis, 2:27^; Sir Walter, 2:27, and Ben Hiadon, 2:;7. He is also the sire of the dams of 7 2:30 per- formers. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp, Messenger. 42 Young Stallions. EX-SH ERI FF-Continued. Ashland Chief, 751 by Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of 3 2 130 and better pertorm- Sire of Ladj Thorn, 2:183^; and 5: ers; sire of I son. i performer. other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 23 sons, 75 performers; sire of 15 dams, 19 performers, I dam, the dam of Cripple ( Viley's) 1418, by Imp. Yorkshire. Note. — Ex- Sheriff is a h'ght bay colt, one hind foot white, large,. rangy and handsome, with plenty of style and substance, good gaited, and very promising as a trotter. -:o:- Standard Eule 6. No. 26. FUTURE HOPES. Brown colt, no marks; foaled 1887; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Wonderful. 1 dam Misfortune by Sweepstakes, 298. Sire of Inez, 2:22^; Harry Mills, 2:25!^; Jack Sailor, 2:253=^; Mont- gomery Boy, 2:283^; Willet, 2:27^,. and 5 mo'-e in 2:30 and better. 2 dam by Kysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of Dexter, 2:17)^; Nettie, 2:18; and 39 other 2:30 and better per- formers; sire of 39 dams, 45 per- formers; sire of 103. sons with 512 performers. 3 dam, by Exton Eclipse, Wonderful by Duroc Volunteer, 3123. 1 dam Martha Washington ... by Blucher, 793. . (Record, 2:20!^.) 2 dam • • by Seely's American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 6 sons with 10 perform- ers; sire of 33 dams — 40 trotters, i^ pacer. Young Stallions, 43' FUTURE HOPES-Continued. Sweepstakes, 298 by Hambletonian, 10. 1 dam Emma Mills by American Star, 14. Dam of Independent, 179. Duroc Volunteer, 3123 by Messenger Duroc, 106. Sire of 15 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 5 sons, 9 performers; sire of 4 dams, 6 performers. 1 clam Juno by Volunteer, 55. Sire of 27 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 18 sons, 37 performers; sire of 16 dams, 16 performers. 2 dam Dolly, bv Belbrino. 3 dam, bj Young Mambrino. Note.— Future Hopes is a brown colt; no marks. This youngster will have to be seen to be appreciated. He is truly a wonderful colt. He is a grand individual, and a sure trotter. His breeding speaks for him. He Is not for sale. No. 27. GREAT HOPES. Brown colt, star and strip, both hind legs white; foaled 1887; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Manibletott tank's Last, 6403. (Record, 2:25^=^; full brother to Sherman's Hambletonia, 5864, sire of Sudie D., yearling record, 2:35^.) 1 dam Mountain Maid by Kentucky Pilot, by Mailliard. Colt. Mailliard Colt by Hermes (thoroughbred). 1 dam, by Blumberg's Bashaw, 782. 2 dam, by Drake's Grey Saladin,sonof Saladin. Blumberg's Bashaw, 782 by Young Sleepy Davy. Sire of Cozette, 2:19; John H., 2:20. I dam Betsy, by Andrew Jackson, 4. 44 Young Stallions. GREAT HOPES-Continued. Saladin by Young I dam a Virginia Mare. Dam of Charlotte Temple, rec- ord in 1833, two miles, to saddle, 5:17; in 1^34, 2:38 to saddle. Hambletonian's Last, 6403. . . .by Kysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. :Record, 2:25;!^, and is no meas- Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ure of his speed. ers ; siie 39 dams, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 dam Lady Russell by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2 130 and better performers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons, 10 performers. % dam i by Bay Richmond, 1768. Sire of Fritz, 2 1273^, and the dam of St. Cloud, 2:21. Note. — Great Hopes is a brown colt, star and strip, both hind ankles white, good size and shapy, can show speed for his handling. -:o:- J^o. 28. CHESTNUT BILL. Chestnut colt, both hind and left front foot white, dim star; foaled 1887; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Hector Wilkes, 6276, 1 dam Kate by Dick West, son of Almont, 33. '2, dam by Red Bill, Jr , a fast pacer. Hector Wilkes, 6276 by George Wilkes, 519. Sire of Guy Wilkes, 2:153^; Harry Wilkes, 2:133^, and 63 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 9 dams. 9 trotters, 2 pacers; sire of 37 sons, 84 performers. 1 dam Carrie Clench by Harold, 413. Sire of Maud S., 2:08^, and 20 other 2:30 performers; sire of 3 sons, 4 performers; sire of 7 dams, 7 performers. Young Stallions. 45. CHESTNUT BILL-Continued. 2 dam Pearlie Leonard by American Clay, 34 . Sire of 3 2:30 and better performers; sire of 2 sons, ^ performers; sire of II dams, ID trotters, i pacer. 3 dam, by John Campbell. 4 dam, by Mingo. Dick West, 6949 by Almont, 33. Sire of 35 2:30 and better per- formers; sire of 13 dams, 13 per- formers; sire of 38 sons, 79 per- former*. 1 dam Monogram by Mambrino Chief, 11. Dam of Mattie West; dam of Sire of Lady Thorne, 2:183^, and 5 McMahon, 2:21}^ ; Durango, others in 2:30, and sire of 16 dams,. 2:21^', and Almont Chief, 361. 19 performers: sire of 23 sons, 75 performers. 2 dam, Untraced. George Wilkes, 519 by Hambletonian, 10. 2:22. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers ;. sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 dam Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, 8. 2 dam Old Telegraph, by Baker's Highlander. :o:- Standard Kule 6. No. 29. BRILLIANT. Bay colt; star; hind ankles white; foaled 1888; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman^ Sired by Sherman^s Hambletonian, 5864. (Sire of Sndie D., yearling record, 2:35^.) 1 dam Carrie Clencb by Harold, 413. Sire of Maud S., 2:08^, and 20- other 2:30 and better performers;, sire of 3 sons, 4 performers, sire of the dams of 7 performers. 2 dam Pearlie Leonard by American Clay, 34. Sire of 3 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 2 sons, 6 performers;, sire of II dams, 10 trotters, i pacer. 46 Young Stallions. BRILLIANT-Continued. 3 dam, bj John Campbell. 4 dam, bj Mingo .Sherman's Hambletonian . . by Hambletonian, 10 (5864.) Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons with 512 peiformers. 1 dam Smith Mare by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2 :3o and better performers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons, 10 performers 2 dam, by Crabtree Bellfounder. American Clay, 34 by American Clay, 22. Sire of Durango, 2:23^; Harry Clay, 2:23%; sire of 7 sons, 11 per- formers; sire of 6 dams, 7 perform- ers. I dam, dam of Conscript, by Imp. Tranby, Note. — Brilliant is a beautiful bay, star and hind ankles white, of good size, fine in conformation, and exceedingly well bred; reserved to take the place of one of the older horses. -:o:- Standard Kiile 6. ]^o. 30. PRELUDE. Brown colt, dim star, both hind ankles white; foaled 1888; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Hambletonian' s Last, 6403, 1 dam Ehoba by Middleton Colt. Dam of Rebate, 2:30^; private Son of Bayard, 53, by Pilot, Jr., 12. trial, 2:253>^. .2 dam by Edward Everett, 81. Sire of Judge Fullerton, 2:18, and 12 othei 2:30 and better performers; sire of 7 sires, 14 performers; sire of 6 dams, 7 performers. Young Stallions. 47 PRELUDE- Continued. 3Iiddleton Colt by Bayard, 53. Sire of 7 2:30 and better performers; sire of the dams of 3 2 130 and better performers. 1 dam by Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of Lady Thorne, 2:183^. -Edward Everett, 81 by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better per- formers; sire of 39 dams with 45 2:30 and better performers; sire of 1*3 sons with 512 2:30 and better performers. 1 dam Fanny, s. t. b by Imp. Margrave. Sambletonian's Last by Hambletonian, 10. (Record, 2:253^.) 1 dam Lady Russell, by American Star, 14. 2 dam, by Bay Richmond, 1768. Note. — Prelude is a nice brown colt, dim star, both hind ankles white, good size, and extra fine good stout flat le^s, speedy conformation, good gaited, very stylish; reserved to take the place of one of the old horses w^hen needed to do so. ■:o:- Standard Rule 6. No. 31. GOLD EDGE. Bay colt, star, hind ankles white; foaled 1888; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Sherman's JETambletonian, 5864. (Sire of Sudie D., yearling, record, 2:35^.) 1 dam Pettie by George Wilkes, 519, rec. 2:22. Sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13)^; Guy Wilkes, 2:1534. 2 dam Carrie Clench by Harold, 413. . Sire of Maud S., 2:08^. :3 dam Pearlie Leonard . . . .by American Clay, 34. Sire of Granville, 2:26. 48 Young Stallions. COLD EDGE— Continued. 4 dam.. hj John Campbell 5 dam Milkenny by Mingo. Sherman's Hambletonian.. . . by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. (5864.) Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams with 45 2:30- performers; sire of 103 sons with 512 2:30 and better performers. Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallah, 1. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 7 dams of 7 performers. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. George Wilkes, 519 by Hambletonian, 10 Sire of 65 2:30 andf^better per- formers; sire of 37 sons, 84 per- formers; sire of 9 dams, 9 trotters and 2 pacers. 1 dam Dolly Spanker by Henry Clay, 8. Sire of 3 2 130 and better performers; sire of 3 sons, 5 performers-; sire of 6 dams, 6 performers* 2 dam Old Telegraph, by Baker's Highlander. 3 dam Clark Phillips' Mare. Harold, 413 by Hambletonian, 10; Sire of 21, 2:30 and better per- formers; sire of 3 sons, 4 per- formers; sire of 6 dams with 6 performers. 1 dam Enchantress, by Abdallah, i. 2 dam, by Imp. Bellfounder. American Clay, 34 by C. M. Clay, 22 I dam, dam of Conscript, by Imp. Pranby. C. M. Clay, 22 by C. M. Clay, 18. 1 dam, by Abdallah, i. 2 dam, by^Lawrence's Eclipse. C. M. Clay, 18 by Henry Clay, 8. I dam Jersey Kate, dam of John Anderson. Brood Mares. 49 COLD EDGE— Continued. John Campbell by Wagner, son of Sir Charles. 1 dam Yarico, by Sumpter, son of Sir Archy. 2 dam, by Northumberland. Mingo by American Eclipse 1 dam Bay Bet, by Thornton's Ratler. 2 dam, by Imp. Clifton. Note. — Gold Edge is a bay colt; star, hind ankles white, very stout in conformation, good gaited, in fact good in every way, very fashionably bred; reserved to take the place of one of the older horses. ' l > — : Brood Mares.^^I^ Standard Eules 2 and 6. No. 32. BELLA. Bay mare, i6 hands high; bred by A. Welch and George Wilkes, Sired by Mysdyk's Sambletonian, 10, 1 dam Lady McMann by Jupiter, 46. Sire of Prince, 2:27; Result, 2:25; Tom Moore, 2:28; sire of 3 sons with. 7 performers; sire of the dams of Bella, 2:22; Bushwhacker, 2:29)^; Electric, 2:20; Young Fullerton,. 2:20^; May Thorn, 2:24^. 2 dam Lady Sanford by Seely's American Star, 14. Dam of Jay Gould, 197; record, Sire of 4 2:30 performers; sire of 6 2:203^. sons with lo 2:30 performers; also the sire of 33 dams, with 40 trotters, I pacer. 50 Brood Mares. BELLA-Continued. -> dam, by Exton Eclipse. 4 dam, by Messenger Duroc. Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. . by Abdallah, 1, The sire of 41 2:30 performers; The sire of 4 2:30 performers, and the sire of 103 sires with 512 2:30 the sire of the dams of 7 2:30 per- performers, and the sire of the formers, dams of 45 2:30 performers. 1 dam Chas Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. AbdaUab, 1 by Mambrino. Dam rVmazonia, by Son of Imp. Messenger. Mambrino by Imp. Messenger. Dam, by Imp. Sourcrout. Bisbop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant, by Imp. Shark. Jupiter, 46 by Long Island Black Hawk, 24. 1 dam Gipsy, by Almack. 2 dam, a Vermont mare. Long Island Black Hawk, 24... by Andrew Jackson, 4. Dam Sally Miller, the old-time distinguished trotter, by Tippoo Saib, son of Tippoo Saib. Andrew Jackson, 4 by Young Bashaw. Young Bashaw by Imp. Grand Bashaw. 1 dam Pearl, by First Consul. 2 dam Fanny, by Imp. Messenger. Tippoo Saib ... by Imp Messenger. Dam Imp. Mare. by Northumberland. Almack by Mambrino, by Imp. Messenger. Dam Sophonisba, by grandson of Imp. Baronet. Seel/s American Star, 14. ... by Stockholm's American Star, son of Duroc. 1 dam Sally Slouch, by Henry. 2 dam, by Imp. Messenger. Exton Eclipse by American Eclipse.. Dam, by Imp Exton. Brood Mares. 51 BELLA— Continued. American Eclipse by Duroc. Dam Miller's Damsel, by Imp. Messenger. Messenger Duroc by Sir Archy Duroc, son of Duroc. Dam, by Messenger, son of Imp. Messenger. Note. — Bella's record, 2:22, is no test of her speed, she having been kept back in order not to be obliged to enter in faster classes, and she is one of the best bred mares in the country. Private trial, 2:16^ and 2:16. Standard Kules 2 and 6. ISO. 33. MARTHA WASHINGTON. Record, 2:20)^. Chestnut mare, 16)^ hands high; foaled 1870; bred by William Turner, Croton, N. Y. Sired by Blucher. Dam by Seely's American Star, 14. SireofBolly Lewis, 2:29)^; Lady Whitman, 2:30; Nevv^burg, 2:30; Widow Machree, 2:29; sire of 6 sires with 10 performers; sire of 33 dams 40 trotters and i pacer. Blucber, 793 by Ball's Black Eagle. Dam Jenny Lind (Vogel's) the original, that trotted against L. I. Black Hawk. Her pedigree is now being investigated. Ball's Black Eagle by Long Island Black Hawk, 24. Sire of Prince, 2:24)^; Jake Oakley, 2:32>2. Long Island Black Hawk, 24 . . by Andrew Jackson, 4. Sire of 3 sires with 6 2:30 per- formers. Dam Sally Miller, record, 2:37, (the old-time distinguished trotter), by Tippoo Saib, son of Tippoo Saib. 52 Brood Mares. MARTHA WASHINCTON-Gontinued. Andrew Jackson, 4 by Young Bashaw. Young Bashaw by Imp. Grand Bashaw. 1 dam Pearl, bj First Consul. 2 dam Fancy, by Imp. Messenger. Tippoo Saib by Imp Messenger. Dam Imp, Mare, by Northumberland. Seely's American Star, 14 ... by Stockholm's American Star, son of Duroc. 1 dam Sally Slouch, by Henry. 2 dam, by Imp. Messenger. Note. — Martha Washington's record of 2:20^ was no measure of her speed. Mr. Z. E. Simmons timed her in 2:16 in her work one morn- ing when she was six years old, and it is strongly insisted that she showed a quarter in 29 seconds on Mystic track, Boston. An offer of $2,500 was refused for her first colt, owned by Messrs. Brooks & Travis, as a yearling, the colt was by Acker's (Peck's) Idol. -:o:- Standard Rule 6. No. 34. HAMBLETONIAN QUEEN. Full sister to Hambletonian's Last; bay mare; 15)^ hands high; foaled 1875; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by RysdyKs Hambletonian, 10<, 1 dam Lady Russell by Seely's American Star, 14. Sire of Bolly Lewis, 2:293^; Lady Whitman, 2:30 ; Newburg, 2:30, and Widow Machre, 2:29; the sire of 6 sires with 10 2:30 performers, and the sires of the dams of 41 2:30 performers. 2 dam by Bay Richmond, 1768. Sire of Fritz, 2:27^, and the dam of St. Cloud, 2:21. Brood Mares. 53 HAMBLETONIAN QUEEN-Continued. Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. by Abdallah, 1. The sire of Dexter, 2:173^ ; The sire of Frank Forrester, 2:30 ; Young Bruno, 2:22^; Lottery, O'Blennis, 2:27^; Sir Walter, 2:27; 2:27: Jay Gould, 2:20)^, Alma, Ben Higdon, 2:27, and the sire of 2:2b^, and 36 other 2:30 per- the dams of 7 2:30 performers, formers; the sire of 103 sires with 512 2:30 performers, and the sire of the dams of 45 2:30 per- formers. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Abdallah, 1 by Mambrino. Dam Amazonia,. by son of Imp. Messenger. Mambrino by Imp. Messenger. Dam, by Imp. Sourcrout. Bishop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant, by Imp. Shark. Seely's American Star, 14 .... by Stockholm's American Star, son of Duroc. 1 dam Sally Slouch, by Henry. 2 dam, by Imp. Messenger. Bay Richmond, 1768 by Toby. Dam Lady Pluck, by Mambrino, son of Imp. Messenger, Toby by Brown Highlander. Dam Kate, by Tippoo Saib, son of Imp. Messenger Brown Highlander by Imp . Brown Highlander. Dam, by Imp. Messenger. Note — Hambletonian Qjieen is a nice bay, 15^^ hands, good bone, great substance, and produces large fine styled colts, and good gaited. -:o:- Standard Rule 6. Ko. QUEEN MARTHA. Bay mare, foaled 1883; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Shermatt's Hambletonian ^ 5864, 1 dam Martha Washington. . . by Blucher, 793. (2:20i.) 54 Brood Mares. QUEEN MARTHA-Continued. 2 dam by Seely's American Star, 14. The sire of Widow Machree, 2:29; Bolly Lewis, 2:29)^, and the dams of Dextt-r, 2:i7>^; Robt. McGregor, 2:173^, and 40 trotters and i pacer; sire of 6 sons with 10 performers. Sherman's Hambletonian. . . .by R) sdyk's Hambletpnian, 10. > (5864.) Sire of Sudie D., yearling rec; Sire of Dexter, 2 17^^; Nettie, 2:18, ord, 2:35^. and 39 other performers; sire of 103 sons with 512 performers; also the sire cf the dams 0^45 2:30 per- lormers. 1 dam Smith Mare, by American Star, 14, 2 dam Doll, by Crabtree Bellfounder. Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallab, 1. 1 dam Chas Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp Messenger. For extended pedigree see Mar»ha Washington, No. 34, and Sher- man's Hambletonian, No. i. Note. — Qjieen Martha is a handsome, rangy bay mare, 15^ hands high, of good bone and substance, and we look upon her as one of our best prospects for a good brood mare of the highest order. Standard Rules 2 and 6. No. 36. DOLLY DAVIS. Record, 2:29, Chestnut mare, 16 hands high; bred by General Easton, Fayette County, Ky. Sired by Ahnont, 33* 1 dam Annie Easton by Morgan Rattler 2 dam by Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of Lady Thorne, 2:18^, and 5 oihers; sire of 23 sons with 75 2 30 performers and the sire of 15 dap^s with 19 performers. 3 dam Ellen Marr, by Downing's Bay Messenger. Brood Mares. 55 DOLLY DAVIS-Continued. 4 dam, by Cannon's Whip. Almont, 33 by Alexander's Abdallah, 15. Sire of Piedmont, 2:171^; Fanny Sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2:14; Ros- Witherspoon, 2:163^; Aldine, alind, 2:21^; Thorndale, 2:221^; 2:ic^; Early Rose, 2:2o3^; Ella St Elmo, 2:30; Major Edsall, 2:29; Earl, 2:25; Allie West, 2:25; Mercer, 2:23)^; sire of 12 sons Alta, 2:253^; Almont, Jr., 2:26; with 86 performers; also the sire of Katie Jackson, 2:25!^, Musette, 19 dams with 20 trotters and 2 2:2914", and 25 others in the 2:30 pacers. list; sire of 38 sons with 79 per formers; sire of the dams of 13 2:30 performers. In addition to the above, Almont has 55 sons that have made public records below 3:00; he also has 15 great, great grandsons and daughters. with performers in 2:30 and better. 1 dam Sally Anderson, by Mambrino Chief, 11. 2 dam Kate, by Pilot, Jr., 12. 3 dam, s. t. b. thoroughbred. Alexander's Abdallah, 15. . . .by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Dam Katy Darling, s. t. b. by Bay Roman. Kysdyk's Hambletonian, 10 . .by Abdallab, 1. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Abdallab, 1 by Mambrino. Dam Amazonia by son of Imp. Messenger. Mambrino by Imp. Messenger. Dam, by Imp. Sonrcrout. Bishop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant by Imp. Shark. Andrew Jackson, 4 by Young Bashaw. Young Bashaw by Imp. Grand Bashaw. 1 dam Pearl, by First Consul. 2 dam Fancy, by Imp. Messenger. Mambrino Chief, 11 ....... .by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah. 56 Beood Mares. DOLLY DAVIS-Continued. -Mambrino Paymaster by Mambrino. Dam, by Imp. Paymaster. -Mambrino by Imp. Messenger. Dam, by Imp. Sourcrout. Pilot, Jr., 12 by Old Canadian Pilot. 1 dam Nancy Pope, by Havoc. 2 dam Nancy Taylor. Morgan Rattler by Hale's Green Mountain Morgan. Hale's Green Mountain Mor- gan by Gifford Morgan. Dam, by Woodbury Morgan, Gifford Morgan . ... by Woodbury Morgan, son of Jus- tin Morgan. 1 dam, by Henry Dundas. 2 dam, by True Briton. 3 dam, by Imp. Wildair. Mambrino Chief, 11 by Mambrino Paymaster. Dam, the dam of Goliah, pedigree unknown. Mambrino Paymaster by Mambrino. Dam, by Imp. Paymaster. Mambrino by Imp. Messenger. Dam, by Imp. Sourcrout. Downing's Bay Messenger by Harpinus. Dam, of Messenger and Rockingham blood. Harpinus by Bishop's Hambietonian. 1 dam, s. t. b. by Imp. Messenger. 2 dam, a Southern mare. Bishop's Hambietonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant, by Imp. Shark. Note. — Dolly Davis is a large, handsome mare, of the highest indi- vidual excellence, and royally bred, and we look for great results from her. I Brood Maees. 57 Standard Rule 2. No. 37 CHICAGO MAID. (Callahan Maid) chestnut mare, 15^ hands high; bred by Benjamin Bookwalter, Gardner, 111. Record, 2:25. Sired by Revenge, 911, (Homes' Horses.) 1 dam Illinois Maid by Black Donald (Black Slasher). 2 dam by the McCartney Horse. Eevenge, 911 by Napoleon, son of Sherman Black Hawk, 142. Sire of Observer, 2:24)^; Trou- Sire of Chicago Jack, 2:30; Panic, badour, 2:193^. 2:28; sire of 4 sons with 6 perform- ers, and the dams of 3 performers. Dam, by Young Busiris. Sherman Black Hawk, 142 . . by Vermont Black Hawk, 5 1 dam, by Young Hambletonian (Smith's). 2 dam, by Matchem. Vermont Black Hawk, 5 by Sherman Morgan, son of Justin Morgan. Sire of Belle of Saratoga, 2:29 ; Ethan Allen, 2:25)^; Lancet, 2:27)^; Young America, (pacer) .2:23; sire of 15 sons with 25 trotters, also sire of the dams of 3 2 :30 and better performers. Dam, s t. b. a half-bred English Mare. Young Hambletonian by Harris' Hambletonian, 2. 1 dam, by Leonidas. 2 dam, by Imp. Bellfounder. Harris' Hambletonian, 2 ..... by Bishop's Hambletonian. Dam, Munson Mare, by Imp. Messenger. Bishop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant, by Imp. Shark. Young Busiris, .... by Busiris. 1 dam, by Falconer's Duroc. 2 dam, by Grand St ignor. 3 dam s. t. b. by Imp. Messenger. 58 Brood Mares. CHECACO MAID-Continued. Busiris . . by American Eclipse. 1 dam Grand Duchess, by Grachus. 2 dam Imp. Duchess, bv Grouse. American Eclipse by Duroc, son of Imp. Diomecl. 1 dam Miller's Damsel, hy Imp. Messenger. 2 dam Imp. Pot-8 os Mare. Falconer's Duroc by Duroc, son of Imp. Diomed. 1 dam Qjieen Mab (dam of Long's , Eclipse), by Bajazet. 2 dam, hy Mercury. 3 dam, by Imp. Messenger. Black Donald(Black Slasher) . .by Noble's Vermont Hambletoniani Dam, hy Andrus' Hambletonian. Noble's Vermont Hambleton- ian . . : by Harris' Hambletonian, 2 Dam, •■ by Comet. Harris' Hambletonian, 2 ..... by Bishop's Hambletonian. Dam Munson Mare, by Imp. Messenger. Bishop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant, by Imp. Shark. Comet by Bishop's Hambletonian- 1 dam Nancy, by Chanticleer. 2 dam Nancy, said to have been imported by Col. Ray, Fort Ann, N. Y.. Bishop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant, by Imp. Shark. Andrus' Hambletonian by Judson's Hambletonian. Jndson's Hambletonian ... by Bishop's Hambletonian. Dam, by Wells' Magnum Bonum. Bishop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant, by Imp. Shark. McCartney Horse, a fast trotter, said to be a Morgan Chicago Maid, record 2:25, was timed oy Z. E. Simmons in 2:19, is- said to have shown 2:18. Troubador, full brother to Chicago Maid, got a record of 2:19)^. Note. — Chicago Maid is a chestnut, full 15/^ hands high, good bone and powerful conformation. Her record (2:25) was no measure of her" speed, and Irom her and our Hambletonian stallions ve fully expect good; results. Brood Makes. 59 Standard Rule 6. No. 38. CARRIE CLENCH. Bay mare, no white; 15!-^ hands high; foaled 1875; bred by Allen Bashford, Paris, Kentucky. Sired by Harold, 413. (Sire of Maud S., 2:o83^.) 1 dam Pearlie Leonard . , . , . .by American Clay, 34 Sire of Granville, 2:26; Maggie- Briggs, 2:27; Ella Clay, 2:27)^. His daughters have produced Gar- net, 2:19; Ambassador, 2:2134; Ex ecutor, 2:24^4; Ranchero. 2:243^4, and 6 more with records of 2:28 or better. His sons have sired Clem mie G., 2:15; Post Boy, 2:23; Keno, 2:231^'-; Mystery, 2:251^ ; Roger ■ Hanson, 2:28^, and Stranger, 2:29 2 dam, by John Campbell. 3 dam Kilkenny, by Mingo. Harold, 413 by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 20 performers in the 2:30 Founder of the great trotting family list, including Maud S, 2:08^; that wears his name. His sons Noontide, 2:2oS^, and Mattie have sired the fastest mare, Maud Graham, 2:213^; McCreedy's S.. 2:08^; the fastest Gelding, Jay- Hambletonian, 2:263^; Hermes, Eye-See, 2:10; the fastest stallion, 2:273^; Good Morning, 2:283^; Maxey Cobb, 2:133^; and the colts^ Daciana, 2.273^; and his daugh that have the fastest records from ters have produced Pancoast, a earlings to five-year olds inclusive, 2:21^; Pennant, 2:23)^; Algath, excepting the three-year old, which 2:23, and three more better than is by his grandson, Guy Wilkes. 2:30. Dam Enchantress, by Abdallah, i. Kysdyk's Hambletonian, 10.. .by Abdallah, 1. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder, 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail. by Imp. Messenger. Abdallab, 1 by Mambrino. The sire of Sir Walter, 2:27, O'Blennis, 2:27%; Frank For- rester, 2:30; Ben Higdon(pacer), 2:^7 and dams of 7 performers. Dam Amazonian, by son of Imp. Messenger. 60 Brood Mases. CARRIE CLENCH-Continued. 3Iambriiio by Imp. Messenger. Dam, by Imp. Sourcrout. JBishop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant, by I Tip Shark. Abdallah, 1 .by Mambrino. Dam Amazonia, by son of Imp. Messenger. Mambrino by Imp. Messenger. Dam, by Imp. Sourcrout. American Clay, 34 by Strader's Cassius M. Clay, Jr., 22 1 dam, by Imp. Tranby, 2 dam, by Aratus, by Director, son of Sir Archy. 3 dam, by Josephus, son of American Eclipse. ;Strader's C. M. Clay, Jr., 22. .by Cassius M. Clay, 18. 1 dam, by Abdallah, i. 2 dam, by Lawrence's Eclipse, son of American Eclipse. 3 dam, Charles Hadley Mare, by Imp. Messenger. 'C. M. Clay, 18 by Henry Clay, 8. Dam Vestris, dam of J. Anderson. Henry Clay, 8 by Andrew Jackson, 4. Dam, the celebrated trotting mare Surrey. Andrew Jackson, 4 • • by Young Bashaw. ' Young Bashaw by Imp. Grand Bashaw. 1 dam Pearle, bj First Consul. 2 dam Fancy, by Imp. Messenger, Abdallah, 1 ... by Mambrino, son of Imported Messenger. Dam Amazonia, by son of Imp. Messenger. American Eclipse by Buroc, son of Imp. Diomed. 1 dam Miller's Damsel, by Im. Messenger. 2 dam Imp. Pot 8 os Mare. .John Campbell by the Celebrated Wagner. Dam Yorico, by Sumpter, son of Sir Archy. Mingo by American Eclipse. Dam Bay Bet, by Ratler, son of Sir Archy. Brood Mares. 61 CARRIE CLENCH-Continued. American Eclipse by Duroc, son of Imp. Diomed. 1 dam Millers' Damsel, by Imp. Messenger. 2 dam Imp. Pot-8-os Mare. Produce. 1881. Bay Filly, Pettie by George Wilkes. 1882. Bay Colt, Hector Wilkes by George Wilkes. Note. — Carrie Clench is a beautiful bay, stout flat bone, powerful con- formation, great constitution and fine disposition, and her foals are all that we could ask, very speedy and learn fast, consequently we regard her as one of the best brood mares in this country. :o:- No. 39. VENUS. Bay mare, 15^ hands high; foaled 1872; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Schuyler Colfax, 2174:. Dam. Young Pocaliontas pedigree unknown. Schuyler Colfax, 2174 by Eysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of Vivid C, 2:28)^. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 sons, 45 performers ;. sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 dam Jerusha, by May Duke, 2 dam, by Bacchus. Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallab 1. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 7 dams, 7 performers. 1 dam Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Note. — Venus is a good mare individually, and a good brood mare, as her foals are good and promise speed. Her dam's pedigree is being: traced. 62 Brood Mares. Standard Rule 6. No. 40. HATTIE LAWRENCE. Dark bay mare; little, slight strip in face; foaled i88-; bred by W. G, Baldwin, Ticonderoga, New York. Sired by Daniel Lambert, 102 » 1 dam Jenny by Bigelow Horse. Full sister to Colonel Moulton, Son of Black Hawk, 5; sire of 4 2:283^; Nonesuch, 2 r253^;Browne 2:30 and better performers; sire of (Col. Stoner's mare), dam of 15 sons, 25 performers; sire of the Haldane, 2:263^. dams of 3 performers, 2 dam, Untraced. Daniel Lambert, 102 by Ethan Allen, 43. Sire of 35 2:30 and better per Record, 2:25)^; sire of 6 2:30 and formers; sire of 9 sons, 15 per- better performers; sire of 18 sons, formers, and the dams of 5 per- 66 performers; sire of 13 dams, 14 formers. performers. .1 dam Fanny Cook by Abdallah, 1. Dam of Ethan Allen, 473. The sire of 4 2:30 performers, and the sire of the dams of 7 2:30 per- formers. 2 dam, by Stockholm's American Star. Black Hawk, 5 by Sherman's Morgan. Son of Justin Morgan. Note. — Hattie Lawrence is a dark bay mare, 15/^ hands higlj, and one of the finest individual mares most any person ever saw. For style, appearance, and speed she is unsurpassed by any in any country, and we are confident she is one of the strongest inbred Black Hawk Morgans in any country. :o: Standard Eule 6. 2^0. 41. LAMBERT GIRL. Brown mare, 153^ hands high; foaled 1877; bred by Solon Lapham, East Bridgeport, Vermont. Sired by Daniel Lambert, 102 » 1 dam by Sherman's Black Hawk, North Horse, 142. Sire of v^ hicago Jack, 2:30; Panic, 2:28; sire of 4 sons, 6 performers; sire of the dams of 3 perlormers. Brood Mares. 63 LAMBERT CI RL-Continued. 2 dam by Vermont Black Hawk, 5. Sire of 4 2 130 and better performers ; sire of 15 sons, 25 performers; sire of the dams of 3 performers. 3 dam by Barney Henry Daniel Lambert, 102 by Ethan Allan, 43. Sire of 35 2:30 and better per- Sire of 6 2:30 and better perform- formers; sire of 9 sons, 15 per- ers; sire of 13 dams, 14 performers; formers; sire of the dams of 3 sire of [8 sons, 66 performers, performers. 1 dam Fanny Cook by Abdallab, 1. Dam Ethan Allen, 43. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perforn:- ers; sire of the dams of 7 performers 2 dam Stockholm's American Star, Ethan Allen by Vermont Black Hawk, 5. Note. — Lambert Girl is a very fine brown mare of the Ethan Allen form and conformation, and shows more style than any mare in Kentucky, can go fast, and a good brood mare which her colts show. -:o:- Standard Rule 6. Ko 42 PETTIE. Bay mare, marked white crescent in face, inclining to right eye; snip on nose, inclining to left nostril; short stock on right hind leg, extending highest up on back part; left hind ankle half white, the white running around the coronet, with spots in white; foaled 1881; bred by Allen Bashford, Paris, Ky. Sired by George Wilkes, 519. Record, 2:22. 1 dam Carrie Clench by Harold, 413. Sire of Maud S., 2:08^. :2 dam Pearlie Leonard by American Clay, 34. 3 dam, by John Campbell. 4 dam Milkinny, by Mingoe. 64 Brood Maees. PETTI E-Continued. George Wilkes, 519 ; 2:22. . . .by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. The sire of Harry Wilkes, Sire of Dexter, 2:1714; Nettie 2:18^ 2:13^; Guy Wilkes, 2:15)^ (the Orange Girl, 2:20; Jay Gould, sire of Sable Wilkces, 3-year-old 2:20)^, Gazelle, 2:21; Artillery,, record, 2:18); Joe Bunker, 2:193=^; 2:211^, and 35 others in 2:30; sire Lumps, 2:21; So So, 2: 1734 ; of 103 sons with 512 performers;. Wilson, 2:i63>^; Wilton, 2:19)^; sire of the dams of 45 2:30 preform- Onward. 2:253^ (the sire of 7 ers. 2:30 performers); Mike Wilkes, 2:16)!; Tom Rogers, 2:20, and 57 2:30 performers. 1 dam Dolly Spanker by Henry Clay, 8.. Sire of 3 2 130 and better performers;, sire of 3 sons, 5 2:30 performers ^ sire of the dams of Captain Smith, 2:29; Carrie C, 2:24; Clay, 2:25; and Clay, 2:253^; Edwin A., 2:24^;. and George Wilkes, 2:22. Abdallab 1 ... by Mambrino. Son of Imp. Messsenger. Dam Amazonia, by son of Imp. Messenger. Bishop's Hambletonian by Imp, Messenger. Dam Pheasant, by Imp. Shark. Henry Clay, 8 by Andrew Jackson, 4 Dam, the famous trotting mare Surrey. Andrew Jackson, 4 by Young Bashaw. ' Young Bashaw by Imp. Grand Bashaw. 1 dam Pearle, by First Consul (Bond's). 2 dam Fancy, by Imp. Messenger. Harold, 413 by Kysdyk's Hambletonian, 10, I dam Enchantress, by Abdallah, i. Kysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. ..by Abdallah, 1. 1 dam Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Abdallah, 1 by Mambrino. Son of Imp. Messenger. Dam Amazonia, by son of Imp. Messenger. Bishop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant, by Imp. Shark. Abdallah, 1 by Mambrino. Son of Imp. Messenger, Brood Mares. 65 PETTI E-Continued. Dam Amazonia, by son of Imp. Messenger. American Clay, 34 by Strader's Cassius M. Clay, Jr. , 22. 1 dam, by Imp. Tranbj, 2 dam, by Aratus, by Director, son of Sir Archy. 3 dam, by Josephu^, son of American Eclipse. Strader's Cassius M. Clay, Jr. . .by Cassius M. Clay, 18. (22.) 1 dam, by Abdallah, i. 2 dam, by Lawrence's Eclipse, son of Ameri- can Eclipse. 3 dam Charles Hadley Mare, by Imp. Messenger. Cassius M. Clay, 18 by Henry Clay, 8. Dam, Vestris, dam of John Anderson. Henry Clay, 8 by Andrew Jackson, 4. Dam, the famous trotting mare Surrey, Andrew Jackson, 4 by Young Bashaw. Young Bashaw by Imp. Grand Bashaw^ 1 dam Pearl, I by First Consul. 2 dam Fancy, by Imp Messenger. Abdallah, 1 by Mambrino. Dam Amazonia, by son of Imp. Messenger. American Eclipse by Duroc, son of Imp. Diomed. 1 dam Miller's Damsel, by Imp. Messenger. 2 dam Imp. Pot-8-os Mare. American Eclipse by Duroc, son of Imp. Diomed. ' 1 dam Miller's Damsel, by Imp. Messenger. 2 dam, Imp. Pot-8-os Mare. John Campbell by the Celebrated Wagner, Dam Yorico, by Sumpter, son of Sir Archy. Mingo by American Eclipse. Dam Bay Bet, by Rattler, son of Sir Archy. American Eclipse by Duroc, son of Imp. Diomed. 1 dam Miller's Damsel, by Imp. Messenger. 2 dam, Imp. Pot-8-os Mare. 66 Brood Mares. PETTI E-Coptinued. Produce. 1881. Bay Filly- Pettie by George Wilkes. 1882. Bay Colt, Hector Wilkes by George Wilkes. Note. — Pettie is a handsome bay mare, of great power, substance and individuality, of the Wilkes and Harold type and conformation. Her youngsters are extra good, and show extreme sp-ed. We regard her as one of the best brood mares in Kentucky. -:o: Standard Rule 6. No. 43. SMUGGLER BB3LLE. Brown mare, iS/4 bands high; foaled February 20, 1876; bred by Wesley P. Balch, Boston, Mass. Sired by Smuggler, 927* (Record, 2:15!^.) 1 dam Belle Thorne by Strader's Cassius M. Clay, 22. Sire of Durango, 2:23^; Harry Clay, 2:23%; sire of 7 sons with 11 performers; sire of 6 dams with 7 performers. 2 dam, dam of Lady Thorne. by Gano. (Record, 2:181^.) 3 dam by son of Sir William, Sir William by Sir Archy. Smuggler, 927 by Blanco. The sire of Melton, 2:30; Reve- nue, 2:22^; Smuggler's Daugh- ter, 2:24%, and Young Smug- gler, 2:293^, etc. 1 dam, by Harold's Tuckahoe. 2 dam, by Old Consul. Blanco .by Iron's Cadmus. 1 dam, by Irwin's Tuckahoe. 2 dam, by Oscar. Brood Mares. 67 SMUGGLER BELLE-Continued. Iron's Cadmus ... by Beech's Cadmus. 1 dam, by Brunswick. 2 dam, bj' Blackburn's Whip. Beech's Cadmus by American . Dam, Die Vernon, by Florizel. Brunswick by Sumpter. Dam Mary Bedford. Sumpter by Sir Archy, son of Sir Archy. Dam Imp. Robin Red Breast. Herod's Tuckahoe by Tuckahoe, son of Ball's Florizel. Dam, by Wild Herod. Strader's C. M. Clay, Jr., 22. by Cassius M. Clay, 18. 1 dam, by Abdallah. 2 dam, by Lawrence's Eclipse, son of American Eclipse. 3 dam Charles Hadley Mare, by Imp. Messenger. Cassius M. Clay, 18 by Henry Clay, 8. Dam, John Anderson's dam. Henry Clay, 8 by Andrew Jackson, 4. Dam the famous trotting mare Surrey. Andrew Jackson, 4 by Young Bashaw. Young Bashaw by Imp, Grand Bashaw 1 dam Pearl ' by First Consul. 2 dam Fancy by Imp. Messenger. Abdallah, 1 by Mambrino . Dam Amazonia, by son of Imp. Messenger. Mambrino, 1 by Imp Messenger. Dam, by Imp. Sourcrout. American Eclipse by Duroc, son of Imp. Diomed. I dam Miller's Damsel, by Imp Messenger. Gano by American Eclipse. Dam Betsy Richards, bv Sir Archy. American Eclipse by Duroc, son of Imp. Diomed. Note — Smuggler Belle is a bay mare, 15^^ hands high, of powerful individuality; good flat bone, of very fine tcx ure, bv Smuggler, with a record of 2:153^, and a great campaigner, of which all horsemen know, and being out of a mare by C. M. Clay, 22, which is another great producing family; second dam, the dam of Lady Thorne, 2:183^, conse- .quently Smuggler Belle should be a grand brood mare. 68 Beood Mares. Standard Kule 6. No. 44. JANETTE. Bay mare, 153^ hands; foaled 1874; bi"ed by A. B. Darling, N. Y. Sired by Blackwood, 74. 1 dam Juno by Conklin's American Star, 37. Sire of St. Clcud, 2:21; Lowland Mary, 2:25; Star, 2:30; sire of i son, I performer; sire of 3 dams, 3 per- formers. 2 dam Bridget by George M. PatcKen, 30. (Record, 2:23}^.) Sire of Lucy, 2:183^, and 3 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 12 sons, 40 performers; sire of 6 dams, 6 performers. 3 dam, by May Day son of Henry. 4 dam, by Tom Benton. Blackwood, 74 by Alex Norman, 25. Sire of Lula, 2:15; May Qjieen,. 2:20; sire of 3 sons, 22 performers;, sire of 5 dams, 6 performers. 1 dam .... by Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of Lady Thorne, 2:18)^, and 5. other 2:30 and better performers;, sire of 23 sons, 75 performers; sire of 15 dams, 19 performers. 2 dam a Dun Mare from Ohio. Conklin's American Star, 37 . . by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons, 10 performers, I dam pedigree unknown. Alexander's Norman, 25 by the Morse Horse, 6. 1 dam, by Jersey Highlander. 2 dam, by Bishop's Hambletonian. Morse Horse, 6 by European (McNitt horse) fromi Canada. 1 dam Beck, by Harris Hambletonian, 2, 2 dam Mozza, by Peacock, son of Imp.. Messenger. Brood Mares. 69 JANETTE-Continued. Harris' Hambletonian, 2 .... by Bishop's Hambletonian. Dam Munson Mare bj Imp. Messenger. Bishop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant. by Imp. Shark. Jersey Highlander by American Highlander. Dam Thomas L. Young Mare, Untraced. American Highlander by Imp. Brown Highlander. 1 dam, bv Imp. Paymaster. 2 dam, by son of Imp. Messenger. Bishop's Hambletonian by Imp. Messenger. Dam Pheasant by Imp, Shark. Conklin's American Star, 37 . . by Seely's American Star, 14. Dam, of Tom Thumb Stock, ^ George M. Patchen, 30 . . .by Cassius M. Clay, 18. Dam, by Head 'Em. Head 'Em by Imp. Trustee. Dam Itasca, by American Eclipse. American Eclipse -by Duroc, son of Imp. Diomed. Dam Miller's Damsel. by Imp. Messenger. Cassius C. Clay, 18 by Henry Clay, 8. Dam John Anderson's dam. Henry Clay, 8 by Andrew Jackson, 4. Dam the famous trotting mare Surrey. Andrew Jackson, 4 by Young Bashaw. Young Bashaw by Imp. Grand Bashaw . 1 dam Pearle, by First Consul. 2 dam Fancy, by Imp. Messt nger. Tom Benton , . by Abdallah. Abdallah, 1 by Mambrino Dam Amazonia, by son of Imp. Messenger. Mambrino by Imp. Messenger. Dam, by Imp. Sourcrout. Note. — ^Jannette is a bay mare, 153^ hands high, very fine, good gaited, handsome and quite speedy, fine prompt driver, and a good breeder. 70 Bkood Mares. Standard Kiile 6. No. 45. ANDER GIRL. Bay mare, 153^ hands high; foaled April 22, 1879; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Alexander H. Sherman^ 4852. 1 dam Florita by Florida, 482. sire of Hamilton, 2:263=^; Lotta, 2:24)^; Walnut, 2:193^ ; Fortuna,^ (2-yr) 2:31; Toust, (2 yr. trial) 2:29, 2 dam Rosemary by Jupiter, 46. Sire of Harry Gilbert, 2:24; Lady Emma, 2:26^^; Lady Hughes, 2:30; M. R., 2:28; sire of 3 sires with 7 performers; sire of the dams of Bella, 2:22 ; Bushwacker, 2:293^; Electric, 2:20 ; Young Fullerton, 2:20^; May Thorne, 2:24^; sire of Jupiter Abdallah, 189 ; sire of Prince, 2:27; Result. 2:25; Tom Moore, 2:28; Lady Jupiter, 2:30. 3 dam Lady Sanford by Seely's American Star, 14. Dam of Jay Gould, record 2:21)^, Sire of Dolly Lewis, 2:29)^; Lady and grandam of Bella, 2:22. Whitman, 2:30; Widow Machree, 2:29; sire of b sons with 10 per- formers, also 33 dams with ^o per- lormcrs, i pacer. 4 dam Old Sorrel, by Ext-on Eclipse, 5 dam, by Messenger Duroc, 106. Alexander H. Sherman, 4852.. by Backman's Idol, 44. v>ire of Pickwick, 2:29)^, and the dam tif Garrison, 2:263^. 1 dam Mattie by Hambletonian, 1 0. >ire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 2 dam Lady Earle, by Chauncey Green. 3 dam, by J udson's Hambletonian. Florida, 482 by Hambletonian, 10. Brood Mares. 71 ANDER CIRL-Continued. 1 dam by Volunteer, 55. Sire of St, Julien, 2:11^, and 26 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 18 sons, 37 performers; sire of the dams of 16 performers. 2 dam a great individual mare, Untraced. Note. — Ander Girl is a bay mare, 153^ hands high, very powerful, of grand individual merit and beyond a question a very royal brood mare of which her foals show for themselves. Standard Kule 7. No 46. IDA GIRL. Bay mare, white hind ankles; 15^ hands high; foaled May 20, 1875; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Aleocander JET, Sherman, 4852, 1 dam Ida by Mott's Independent, 179. Sire of Uncle Dave, 2:26)^; Josh Billings, 2:29^; sire of 2 sons, 3 performers. 2 dam, thoroughbred. Alexander H. Sherman, 4852 . . by Backman's Idol, 44. Sire of Pickwick, 2:29)^, and of the dam of Garrison, 2:263>^. 1 dam Mattie by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 perform- ers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 2 dam Lady Earle, by Chauncey Green. 3 dam, by Judson's Hambletonian. Backman's Idol, 44 by Hambletonian, 10. 1 dam Hattie Wood . by Harry Clay, 45. Dam of Gazelle, 2:21; Louis Na- Sire of 2 2:30 and better perform- poleon, sire of 6 performers, and ers; sire of 3 sons, 3 performers; Victor Von Bismarck, sire of sire ol 11 dams, 18 performers. 5 performers. 72 Brood Mares. IDA CI RL— Continued. d dam Grandmother, by Terror. 3 dam Jennett, by Cock of the Rock. 4 dam, by Dubois' Duroc. Sysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. . by Abdallah, 1. The sire of 4 2:30 performers, and the sire of the dams of 7 2:30 per- formers. I dam Chas Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. .2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Note. — Ida Girl is a bay mare, 15/^ hands high, of good style and iinish, good bone, and plenty of substance. Her foals are good, and show- speed, although none of them have ever been handled for speed. No. 47. VILLAGE GIRL. Bay mare, 16 hands high; bred by Wm Young, Charlestown, N. J. Record, 2:36. Sired by Hobinson's Wild Arab, 1 dam by Black Bashaw (Dobb's). 2 dam by Hoagland's Grey Messenger, 155. Sire of Honest Dutchman, 2:263^; Blonde, 2:293^; Jenny, 2:293^. Wild Arab by Hoppuck's Wild Arab. Hoppuck's Wild Arab by Judge Jones' Imp. Caliph, of Cairo, Egypt. Dam, by Saladin. Saladin .by Young Bashaw. Dam a Virginia mare, dam of Charlotte Temple, record in 1833, two miles, 5:17, to saddle. Young Bashaw by Imp. Grand Bashaw. 1 dam Pearl, by First Consul. 2 dam Fancy, by Imp. Messenger. Brood Mares. 73 VILLAGE GIRL-Continued. Black Bashaw by Young Bashaw. 1 dam True American, a celebrated quarter racer. 2 dam, by Hickory. Young Bashaw by Imp. Grand Bashaw. 1 dam Pearl, by First Consul (Bond's). 2 dam Fancy, by Imp. Messenger. True American by True Whig. Hickory by Imp. Whip. Hoagland's Grey Messenger by son of Sherman Morgan. (I55-) Dam claimed to be of Messenger blood. Note. — Village Giri is a large, fine bay mare, of blood-like appear- ance, and will attract the attention of any horseman, as her individuality is unsurpassed by any in this country, and her record of 2:36 is no mark of her speed. We think exceedingly well of her promise as a brood mare. :o:- Standard Rule 6. No. 48. KITTY DALE. Sired by Alexander H. Sherman, 4852. Bay filly; foaled 1885; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. 1 dam Carrie Clench by Harold, 413. Sire of Maud S., 2:08^, and 20 other 2:30 and better performers; sir.' of 3 sons, 4 performers, and the dams of 7 more. ;2 dam Pearlie Leonard by American Clay, 34. Sire of Granville, 2:26; Maggie Briggs, 2:27; Ella Clay, 2:273^; sire of 2 sons. 6 performers, cire 0/ II dams. TO troUers, i pacer. 3 dam> by John Campbell. 4 dam Milkinny, by Mingoe. Alexander H. Sherman, 4852.. by Backman's Idol, 44. Sire of Pickwick, 2:29)^, and the dam of Garrison, 2:26!^. 74 Brood Mares. KITTY DALE-Continued. Harold, 413 by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of Maud S., 2:08^, and 20 Sire of 41 2:30 and belter perform- other 2 130 and better performers; ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers;. sire of 3 sons, 4 performers; sire sire of 103 sons, 512 ptrformers. of the dams of 7 perfo mers. 1 dam Enciiaii tress by Abdallah, 1. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire ot the dams of 7 per- formers. 2 dam, by Imp. Bellfounder. American Clay, 34 by Strader's Cassius M. Clay, Jr., 22: Sire of Durango, 2:23^; Harry Clay, 2:23^; sire of 7 son , it per- formers; sire of 6 dams, 7 perform- ers. I dam, (dam of Conscript) by Imp, Tranby. Note. — Kitty Dale is a mare of good size, style and individually good, shows a good pure gait, and fast for her handling; reserved for a. brood mare. -:o: Standard Rule 6. No. 49. HELIOTROPE. Brown filly; small star; foaled May 16, 1884; bred by Dr. J. A, Sherman.. Sired by Alexander H. Shermati, 4852. 1 dam Lambert Maid by Daniel Lambert, 102. Sire of Comet, 2:193^; Nancy,. 2:233^, Nonesuch, 2:25)^, Colonel Moulton. 2:283^, an 27 other 2:30 performers; sire of 9 sons, 15 per- lormers; also sire of the dams of 5 2:30 and better performers. 2 dam by Sherman's Black Hawk, 142. Sire of Chicago Jack, 2:30; Panic, 2:28; sire of 4 sons, 6 performers;, sire of the dams of 3 periormers. Brood Mares. 75- HELIOTROPE-Continued. 3 dam by Vermont Black Hawk, 5. Sire of Lancet, 2 :2']% ; Ethan Allen,. 2:25!^; Belle of Saratoga, 2:29; Young America (pacer), 2:23; sire of 15 sons with 25 2:30 and better performers; also sire of the dams of" Blanche, 2:231^: Genefal Tweed, 2:2634; Tennessee, 2:27. 4 dam, by Barney Henry. Alexander H. Sherman, 4852 by Backman's Idol, 44. Sire of Pickwick, 2:29)^; Rapture,. 2:32; sire of the dam of Garrison, 2:261^. 1 dam Mattie by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 sons, 45 performers;, sire of 103 sons, 512 perlormers. 2 dam Lady Earle, by Chauncey Green. 3 dam, by Judson's Hambletonian. Note. — Heliotrope is a good-sized bay mare, of extra good confor- mation and individuality, good gaited, and we think her a trotter; reserved' for a brood mare. ■:o:- Standard Rule 7. No. 50. MISS CALL. Chestnut filly, foaled 1887; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Sherman's Ha^nhletonian, 5864» (Sire of Sudie D., yearling record, 2:35^.) 1 dam Carrie Clench by Harold, 413. Sire of Maud S., 2:08^; Hartford,. 2:25; Mattie Graham, 2:21)^; Noon- tide, 2:2034, and 17 other 2:30 per- formers; sire of 3 sons with 4 per- formers; sire of 7 dams 7 per- formers. .76 Brood Mares. MISS CALL— Continued. "2 dam Pearlie Leonard 3 dam, 4 dam Kilkenny, Sherman's Hambletoniau. (5864.) by American Clay, 34. Sire of Granville, 2:26; Maggie Briggs, 2:27; Ella Clay, 2:273^; sire of 2 sons with 6 trotters; sire of 11 dams, 10 trotters, i pacer, bj John Campbell. by Mingo. .by R}sdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons with 512 2:30 and better performers. Harold, 413 . by Hambletonian, 10. 1 dam Enchantress by Abdallah, 1 . Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 7 dams, 7 performers. 2 dam, by Imp. Bellfoundef . American Clay, 34 by Cassius M. Clay, 22. Sire of Durango, 2:23^; Harry Clay, 2:23^; sire of 7 sons, 11 per- formers; sire of 6 dams, 7 perform- ers. I dam, (dam of Conscript) by Imp. Tranby. Note. — Miss Call is a Chestnut filly, very handsome, stylish, a grand individual, and a trotter, which is nothing more than her breeding indi- cates; reserved for a brood mare -:o:- Standard Rule 6. No. 51. SILVER EDGE. Bay filly; strip in face; white ankle behind; foaled 1887; bred by Dr. J A Sherman. Sired by Shertnan^s Hambletonian, 5864* 1 dam Pettie by George Wilkes, 519 ; rec, 2:22 Sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13)^, and 64 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 37 sons, with 84 performers; sire of 9 dams, 9 trotters, 2 pacers. Brood Mares. 77 SILVER EDCE-Continued. 2 dam Carrie Clench by Harold, 413. Sire of Maud S.. 2:08^, and 20 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 3 sons with 4 performers, and 7 dams with 7 performers. 3 dam Pearlie Leonard .... by American Clay, 34. Sire of Granville, 2:26; Maggie Briggs, 2:27; Ella Clay, 2:27^; sire of 2 sons with 6 performers; sire of ir dams, 10 trotters, i pacer.- 4 dam, by John Campbell. 5 dam Kilkenny, by Mingo. Sherman's Hambletonian . • by Kysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. (5864.) Sire of Sudie D,, yearling rec- Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ord, 2:35^. ers;sireof39 dams 45 performers;. sire of 103 sons with 512 perform- ers 1 dam Smith Mare by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of ^^ dams, 40 trotters,. I pacer; sire of 6 sons with 10 per- formers. 2 dam Doll, by Crabtree Bellfounder. Note. — Silver Edge is a very fine bay filly, of good size and sub- stance; shows a good way of going; reserved for a brood mare. :o: No. 52. VICTORIA. Bay filly, white feet behind; foaled 1887; bred by Thomas McDonald. Sired hy Sherman's Hambletonian, 5864, (Sire of Sudie D., yearling record, 2:35!^.) 1 dam Bay mare by McDonald's Mambrino Chief, hy son of Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire ofLadyThorne, 2:181^; Wood- ford Mambrino, 2:21)^. 2 dam, by Old Bay Messenger. 3 dam, by Old Woodpecker. 78 Brood Mares. VICTORIA— Continued. Sherman's Hambletonian by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10 (5864.) Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams with 45 2:30 and better performers; sire of 103 sons with 512 2:30 and better per- formers 1 dam Smith mare by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2 130 and better performers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons, 10 performers. 2 dam Dolly by Crabtree Bellfounder. Son of Imp Bellfounder. Note. — Victoria is a handsome large bay filly, stout, and well pro- portioned in her make, and shows a good gait, will learn to go fast, and no mistake, well bred, as a glance at her breeding will convince any horse- man that she is a remarkable young mare. Standard Rule 2, :So. 53. CHESTNUT QUEEN. Chestnut filly, long star; loaled 1887; bred by Robert Prewitt. Sired by Sherman's Hambletonian, 5864=. 1 dam Miss Jones by Ashland Chief, 751. Sire of Black Cloud, 2:171^; Blue Cloud, 2:27; Ashland Kate. 2:29^. 2 dam by untraced fast pacer. Sherman's Hambletonian ... by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. (5864.) Sire of Sudie D., yearling rec- Sire of Artillery, 2:21)^; George ord, 2:35^. Wilkes, 2:22; Bella, 2:22; Nettie. 2:18; Orange Girl, 2:20, and 36 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 39 dams with ^5 performers; ' 10^ sons with 512 performers. 1 dam Smith mare • l^y Seely's American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire ot 6 sons, 10 performers. Brood Mares. 79 CHESTNUT QUEEN-Continued. :2 dam Doll by Crab tree Bellfounder. Ashland Chief, 751 by Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of I son, i performer. Sire of Lady Thorne, 2:18^, and 5 2:y* and better performers; sire of 23 sons, 75 pertorrners; sire of 15 dams, 19 performers. 1 dam ... by Imp. Yorkshire. Dam of Cripple, 1418. Sire of Belle Brasfield, 2:20. Note. — Chestnut Qjxeen is a chestnut mare, long star, large and fine, good bone, feet and substance, a remarkable good individual, good gaited, and one that we intend to keep as a brood mare. :o:- ;No. 54. PINE LEAF. Brown filly, both left feet white; foaled 1886; bred by J. H. Hogan; owned by Hogan & Sherman. Sired hy Sherman's Mainhletonian, 5S64, 1 dam by Idol, 177. Dam of Hogan's Administrator; Sire of Barbara Patchen, 2:24)^; private trial, 2:20. Don, 2:22i<^; John R., 2:23; the sire of the dams of 5 2 '.t,o and better performers. 2 dam, by New York Black Hawk. 3 dam, by Hunt's Commodore. 4 dam, by Brawnson's Eclipse. Sherman's Hambletonian ... by Hambletonian, 10 (5864.) Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- Sire of Sudie D., yearling rec- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; ord, 2:35^. sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 dam Smith Mare by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons, 10 performers. .2 dam Doll, by Crabtree Bellfounder, son of Imp. Bellfounder. 80 Brood Mares. PINE LEAF-Continued. Idol, 177 by Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of Lady Thorne, 2:i83>^, and 5 other 2:30 and better performers;, sire of 23 sons, 75 performers; sire of ^5 darr.s, 19 performers. I dam, by American Eclipse. Note — Pine Leaf is a large, good-looking, stout filly, of extra indi- viduality, good bone and feet. She will make a trotter and a good brood mare. Sold to close partnership. -:o:- Standard Rule 6. No. 55. ALDA SHERMAN. Bay filly; foaled 1886; bred by Peter Evans. Sired by Sherman^ s Hamhletonian, 5864, (Sire of Sudie D., yearling record, 2:35^.) 1 dam by Clark Chief, Jr., 3002. Sire of Tonej- Newell, 2:19)^;- Ranchero, 2:22^ ; Rolla, 2:29 ; Cottonwood Chief, 2:29. 2 dam, by Dr. Graves' Messenger. 3 dam a fast road mare bred by Sampson Talbott, Bourbon, County, Kentucky. Sherman's Hambletonian .... by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of Nettie, 2:18; Dexter, 2:173^, and 39 other 2:30 and better per- formers; sire of 39 dams, 45 per- formers; sire of 103 sons with 512 performers. 1 dam Smith mare by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better fperform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons with 10 per- formers. 2 dam Doll by Crabtree Bellfounder. Brood Mares. 81 ALDA SHERMAN-Continued. Clark Chief, 3002 by Clark Chief, 89. Sire of 6 2:30 and better performers; sire of 8 sons, 17 performers; sire of 9 dams, 9 performers. 1 dam by Doniphan. Son of Davy Crockett, pacer. Note. — Alda Sherman is a large bay filly of good formation, stout broad legs on good feet, good gaited and a trotter. -:o:- Standard Rule 6. No. 56. CONNUNDRUM. Bay filly; star, and snip on nose; white feet behind; foaled 1887, bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Sector Wilkes, 6276. 1 dam Ander Girl by Alexander H. Sherman, 4852. 2 dam Florita by Florida, 482. Sire of Walnut, 2:19^^; Hamilton, 2:26)^; Lotta, 2.24!.^; Fortuna (2 yrs. old), 2:31; Faust (trial 2 yrs. old), 2:29. 3 dam Rosemary by Jupiter, 46. Sire of Harry Gilbert, 2:24, and 4 other 2:30 performers; sire of 3 sons with 7 performers; sire of the dams of Bella, 2:22; Electric, 2:20; Young Fullerton, 2:20^; May Tiiorne,, 2:24^; Bushwhacker, 2:29)^. 4 dam Lady Sanford by Seel/s American Star, 14. Dam of Jay Gould, 2:21^, and Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- grandam of Bella, 2:22, ers; sire of 6 sons with 10 perform- ers; sire of ^;^ dams 40 trotters, l pacer. 5 dam Old Sorrel, by Exton Eclipge. 6 dam, by Messenger Duroc, 106. 82 Brood Mares. CONNUNDRUM-Continued. Hector Wilkes, 6276 by George Wilkes 519; rec, 2:22. Sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:131^; Guy Wilkes. 2:153^, and 63 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 37 sons, 84 pcT formers; sire of 9 dams, 9 trotters and 2 pacers. 1 dam Carrie Clench by Harold, 413. Sire of Maud S., 2:08^, and 20 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 7 dams 7 performers. 2 dam Pearlie Leonard by American Clay, 34. Sire of 3 2:30 and better performers; sire of 2 sons, 6 performers; sire of II dams, 10 trotters, i pacer. 3 dam, by John Campbell. 4 dam Kilkenny, by Mingo. Note. — Connundrum is a bay mare, of fine -size, stjle, and very rangy, stout, good bone and feet, good conformation and individuality — in fact, one of the best joung mares in Kentucky. Reserved for a brood -:o: No. 57. LOUISE. Bay filly, white foot in front and two behind; foaled 1887; bred by- Peter Evans. Sifted by Sherman's Samhletonian, 5864^ 1 dam by Harrodsburg Boy, by Blood Chief, 792. Sire of Fanny Robinson, 2:203^; Wooly Jim, 2:29)^, and Chief, 2:23)^. 2 dam by Millions Copperbottom. 3 dam a fast pacer. Sherman's Hambletonian .... by Eysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of Sudie D., yearling rec- Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ord, 2:35^. ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; sireof 103 sons, 512 performers. I Brood Mares. 83 LOUISE-Continued. 1 dam Smith mare by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of ^^ dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons with 7 per- formers. 2 dam Doll ... by Crabtree Bellfoiinder. Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallah 1. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 7 dams, 7 performers. 1 dam Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertaii, bj Imp. Messenger. Note. — Louise is a handsome bay filly of fine size, very stylish in appearance, good gaited, and of much promise, will make a good brood mare. :o:- m. 58. LILY. Bay filly, long star; foaled 1887; bred by R. W. Davis, Sired by Hambletonian Gem, 5949, 1 dam by Bald Chief, son of Bald Chief, 1766. 2 dam Bay mare by Vindex, son of Blood's Black Hawk. Hambletonian Gem, 5949 .... by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams with 45 2:30 performers; sire of 103 sons with 512 2:30 and better performers. 1 dam Smith mare. ... ... . . .by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better performers, sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire ot 6 sons with 10 performers. 2 dam Doll by Crabtree Bellfounder. 84 Brood Maejes. LILY Continued. Vindex by Blood's Black Hawk. Sire of Blood Chief, 792; sire of Fanny Robinson, 2:203^^; Woolj Jim, 2:29)^; Chief, (p) 2:233^, and the dams of Blackwood, Jr., 2:22)^; Almontjr., 1829, 2:26; sire of Belle Hamlin, 2:[334, and 7 other 2:30 performers. 1 dam by Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of Ladj Thorne, 2:iS3>^, and 5 other 2:30 performers; sire of 23 sons with 75 performers; sire of 15, dams with 19 performers. 2 dam the Dunlap mare. Blood's Black Hawk by Black Hawk, 5. Sire of Ethan Allen, 43, 2:25)^, and 3 others in 2:30 and better; sire of 15 sons with 25 performers, and the dams of 3 performers. I dam the Loring mare. Black Hawk, 5 by Sherman Morgan. Son of Old Justin Morgan. Note. — Lilj is of medium size, plenty of substance and good gaited, and we think well of her. -:o:- Standard Kule 6. No. 59. SPLIT SILK. Bay filly; foaled 1887; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Mector Wilkes, 6276. 1 dam Hattie Lawrence by Daniel Lambert, 102. Own sister to Col. Moulton, Sire of Comee, 2:19)^; Nancy, None-Such, and Browney,with a 2:233^; Wild Lily, 2:24; Jim, 2:23)^; record of 2:30 and better. George A., 2:24^5^-. George R., 2:24; Ella Doe, 2:233^; Dickard, 2:25)^; Blanchard, 2:253^, etc., and 22r other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 9 sons with 15 2:30 and better performers; and sire of the dams of 5 2:30 and better perform- ers. Brood Mares. S5 SPLIT SILK-Continued. S dam by the Bigelow Horse, he by Old Blackhawk, 5, bred by W. G. Baldwin, Ticonderoga, N. Y. Hector Wilkes, 6276 by George Wilkes,, 519. Record, 2:22. The sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13)^; Guy Wilkes, 2:153^; Rosa Wilkes, 2:1834; Wilson, 2:1634; So So, 2:1734; Wilton, 2:1934, and 59 more 2:30 and better performers; sire of 37 sons with 84 2:30 and better performers; sire of the dams of 9 dams, 10 trottlers, and 2 pacers. * George Wilkes, 519 by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better per- formers; sire of 39 dams with 45 2:30 and better performers; sire of i('3 sons with 512 2:30 and better performers. 1 dam Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clay, 8, 2 dam Old Telegraph, by Baker's Highlander. 3 dam Clark Phillips Mare. Note. — Split Silk is a bay filly, fair size, good substance, very fine and rangy, after the Lambert style, good gaited and a trotter; she is reserved for a brood mare. Standard Biile 6. No. 60. CHANCERY. Bay filly, star, and snip on nose; foaled 1887; bred by Dr. J. A. o erman. Sired by JVed Wilkes, (By Sherman's Wilkes.) 1 dam Florita by Florida, 482. Sire of Walnut; 2:19^; Lotta, 2:24)^; Hamilton, 2:26^:^; Fortuna (2 yrs. old), 2:31; Foust (trial 2 yrs. old), 2:29. 86 Brood Makes. CHANCERY-Continued. 2 dam Kosemary by Jupiter, 46. The sire of Harry Gilbert, 2:24, and 5 other 2:30 performers; the sire of 3 sons, 7 performers; sire of the dams of Bella, 2:22; Electric, 2:20; Young Fullerton, 2:20^; Maj Thorne, 2:24^, and Bushwhacker, 2:291^. 3 dam Lady Sanford by American Star, 14. Dam of Jay Gould, 197; record, Sires of 4 2:30 performers; 6 sons, 2:213^. i»> performers; 33 dams, 40 trotters, I pacer. Ned Wilkes, . . , by Sherman's Wilkes, by George Wilkes, 519, record, 2:22. Sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:133^; Guy Wilkes, 2:153^, and 63 other 2:30 and better performers ; sire of 37 sons, 84 performers; sire of 9 dams, 9 trotters, 2 pacers. Florida, 482 by Hambletonian, 10. The sire of 41 2:30 and better per- formers; the sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; the sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 dam by Volunteer, 55. Sire of St. Julien, 2:ii3>^, and 26 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of i8 sons, 37 performers; sire 16 dams, 16 performers. Note. — Chancery is a nice bay filly, of. good size and individually good, good gaited, and royally bred, which a glance at her speed lines will show. Reserved for a brood mare. Brood Mares. 87 Standard Rule 6. No 61. MODEST WONDER. Bay filly, no marks; foaled i8S6; bred by Dr. J, A. Sherman. Sired by Wonderful. 1 dam Modesty, rec, 2:26J by Tom Wonder, 147. Sire of 6 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of i son, i performer, and of the dam of i performer. 2 dam Wells' Star by American Star, 14. Dam of Artillery, 750; record, Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform - 2:213^2; Madelaine, 2:23^^. ers; sire of 6 sons, 10 performers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer. 3 dam, by son of Bertrand. Wonderful.. by Duroc Volunteer, 3123. 1 dam Martba Washington by Blucber, 793 . (Record, 2:203^.) Son of Ball's Black Eagle, by Long Island Black Hawk, 24. 2 dam, by American Star, 14. Tom Wonder, 147. ... , by Old Tom Crowder (pacer). Son of Old Pilot (pacer). I dam, by Saratoga, son of Hiatoga, etc. Old Tom Crowder by Old Pilot. Sire of Pilot, Jr., 12; sire of 9 2:30 and better performers; sire of 7 sons, 15 performers; sire of 13 dams , 26 performers. 1 dam, by Slashem. 2 dam, by Blackburn's Whip. Note. — Modest Wonder is a bay filly, no marks, good size, and very handsome and perfect in every respect; very speedy; exceptionally well bred. Reserved for a brood mare. 88 Brood Mares. Standard Kule 6. 2^0. 62. JOSIE WONDER. Brown fiUj, near hind pastern white, foaled iS86; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Wonderful, 1 dam Josie Mansfield. ...... .bj Backman's Idol, 44. Sire of Pickwick, 2:29)^, and the dam of Garrison, 2:263^. 2 dam Lizzie McCoy by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, I pacer; sire of 6 sons with 10 per- formers. Wonderful by Duroc Adventurer, 3123. 1 dam Martba Washington ... by Blucher, 792. Record, 2:203^. Son of Ball's Black Eagle, by L, I. Black Hawk, 24. 2 dam,' by American Star, 14. Backman's Idol, 44 by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 dam Hattie Wood by Harry Clay, 45. Dam of Gazelle, 2:21. Sire of 2 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 3 sons, 3 performers; sire ol 11 dams, 18 performers. 2 dam Grandmother, by Terror. 3 dam, by Cock of the Rock. 4 dam, by Dubois' Duroc. Hambletonian, 10 . by Abdallab, 1. The sire of 4 2:30 performers, and the sire of the dams of 7 2:30 per- formers. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Note. — ^Josie Wonder is a brown filly, near hind pastern white, of good size and remarkable individuality, very speedy and very fashionably bred; reserved for a brood mare. Brood Mares. 89 Standard Rule 7. No. 63. PET WILKES. Bay filly, small star and strip; foaled iS86; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Sherman's Wilkes^ (By George Wilkes, 519; rec, 2:22.) Sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13)^; Guy Wilkes, 2:153^, and 63 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 37 son^, 84 perlormers; sire of 9 dams, 9 trotters, 2 pacers. 1 dam Black Bess by Ericsson, 130. (Record, 2:33.) (Record, 4 yrs., 2:30!^.) Sire of 6 2:30 and better performers; sire of 2 sons, 3 performers; sire of the dams of 4 performers. 2 dam by Captain Walker. Sire of the dams of Harry Wilkes, 2:13^2; Garfield, 2:21; The Item, 2:253^, etc. George Wilkes, 519 by Hambletonian, 10. (Record, 2:22.) Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 sons, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 dam Dolly Spanker by Henry Clay, 8 Sire of 3 2 130 and better performers; sire of 3 sonss 5 performers; sire of the dams of 6 performers. 2 dam Old Telegraph, by Baker's Highlander. Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallab, 1. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 7 dams, 7 performers. 1 dam Chas Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Ericsson, 130 .by Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of Uady Thorne, 2:18^, and 5 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 23 sons, 75 performers; sire of .5 dairs, 19 performers. I dam Mrs. Caudle. Note. — Pet Wilke« is a bay filly, smaU star and strip, of fine forma- tion, good bone, and plenty of substance ; good gaited and quite a trotter, .and royally bred, which her breeding fallj shows. 90 Brood Mares. Standard Rule 7. No. 64. LAST'S BEAUTY. Bay fillj, no marks; foaled i886; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Sambletoniari^s Last, 6403. (Record, 2:251^.) 1 dam Beauty. 2 dam Hambletonian's Last. 6403 1 dam Lady Russell . . . .by Blackwood's Patchen, 2450, by Blackwood, 74. by Tom Benton, record, 2:36, could. beat 2:30. by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10 Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons with 512 2:30 and better performers. by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 6 sons with 10 per- lormers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trot- ters, I pacer. 2 dam by Bay Richmond, 1768. Hambletonian, 10 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, 2 dam One Eye, 3 dam Silvertail, Blackwood Patchen, 2450 Sire of Fritz, 2:273^, and the dam of St. Cloud, 2:21. by Abdallah, 1 . Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire ot the dams of 7 per- formers. by Imp Bellfounder. by Bishop's Hambletonian. by Imp. Messenger. . by Blackwood, 74. Sire of Proteins, 2:18; Blackwood,. Jr , 2:223^ ; Blackwood Prince, 2:23'--^, and 2 other 2:30 and better performersj sire of i. son, 3 perform- ers; sire of the dams of 3 pertorm- ers; Brood Mares. 91 LAST'S BEAUTY-Continued. 1 dam by Geo. M. Patchen, 30, rec. 2:23^. Sire of 4 2:30 and better performers; sire of 12 sons, ^o performers; sire- of 6 dams, 6 performers. 2 dam, bj Henrj Maj Day. Note. — Last's Beauty is a black filly, no marks, of fine form, good size, and individuality, good bone, and muscular formation, and very speedy. -:o:- Standard Rule 6. No. 65. PRIDE OF MONMOUTH. Brown filly, no marks; foaled 18S7; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired hy Sambletouian^s Last, 6403. Record, 2:25)-^, full brother to Sherman's Hambletonian, 5S63, sire oF Sudie D., yearling record. 2:35^. 1 dam, Fanny Kemble by Green Bashaw, 50. Sire of 16 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 8 sons, 16 performers; sire of 6 dams 6 performers. 2 dam fast mare by Ben Patchen (Gen. Ly on), 1725.- Sire of Alexander, 2:19. Hambletonian's Last, 6403 .... by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10; Record, 2:25)^. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams with 45 2:30 and better performers; sire of 103 sons with 512 2:30 and better per- formers. 1 dam Lady Kussell by American Star, 14. Sire ot 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons, 10 trotters. 2 dam by Bay Richmond, 1764. Sire of Fritz, 2:27)^, and dam of St.- Cloud, 2:21. 92 Brood Mares. PRIDE OF MONMOUTH-Continued. Kysdyk's Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallali, 1. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, bj Imp Messenger. Note — Pride of Monmouth is a brown fillj, no marks, large and handsome, sound and perfect, good bone, plenty of power and substance, speedy conformation and a trotter, reserved for a brood mare. :o:- Standard Rule 6. No. 66. FLORA WILKES. Bay filly, off hind pastern white; foaled 1887; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired hy Sherman's Wilkes, (By George Wilkes, 519, record, 2:22.) 1 dam Florita by Florida, 482. Sire of Walnut, 2:193^ ; Lotta, 2:243^; Hamilton, 2:26)^; Fortuna 2:31; Faust, (trial 2) 2:29. 2 dam Rosemary by Jupiter, 46. Sire of < 2:30 performers; sire of 3 sons with 7 performers, and the dams of 5 performers 3 dam Lady Sanford by Seely's American Star, 14. Dam of Jay Gould, record 2:21)^, Sire of 4 2:30 and better performers; and grandam of Bella, 2:22. sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons, 10 performers. 4 dam Old Sorrel, by Exton Eclipse, 5 dam by Messenger Duroc, 106. Sire of 15 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 5 sons, q perlormersi sire of 4 dams, 6 performers, Sherman Wilkes by George Wilkes, 519. Sire of 65 2:30 and better per- formers; sire of 37 sons, 84 per- formers; sire of 9 dams, 9 trotters, 2 pacers. Brood Mares. 93 FLORA Wl LKES-Continued. 1 dam Black Bess by Ericsson, 130. Record, 2:33. (4-year old record, 2:30^.) Sire of 6 2:30 and better performers; sire of 2 sons, 3 performers; sire of 4 dams, 4 performers. 2 dam, by Captain Walker. Florida, 482 by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 perform- ers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 dam by Volunteer, 55. Sire of St, Julien, 2:ii3^, and 26 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 18 sons, 37 performers; sire of the dams of 16 performers. Note. — Flora Wilkes is a bay filly, black points, off hind pastern white, very fine conformation, good bone and muscular development, good size and style, royally bred; reserved for a brood mare. :o: Standard Rule 6. ]No. 67. BEAUTY. Bay filly, 15 hands high; foaled 1879; bred by Thos. Watts, 14 2d St., N.Y. Sired by Blacktvood JPatchen, 2450* 1 dam by Tom Benton, rec. 2:36, could- beat 2:30. Blackwood Patchen, 2450 .... by Blackwood, 74. Sire of Proteine, 2:18; Blackvk^ood, Jr., 2:223^, and Blackwood Prince, 2:23^; Rosewood, 2:27; Wildwood, 2:30; sire of i son, 3 performers; sire of the dams of 3 performers. 1 dam .by George M Patchen, 30. * Sire of Lucy, 2:183^, and 3 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 12 sons, 40 performers; sire of 6- dams, 6 performers. 2 dam, by Henry May Day. 3 dam, by John Richards, son of Sir Archy. 94 Brood Mares. BEAUTY-Contlnued. Blackwood, 75 by Alex. Norman, 25. Sire of Lulu, 2:14^; May Qjieen, 2:20; sire of 2 sons, 17 performers; sire of 5 dams, 6 performers. 1 dam • • • by Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of Lady Thorne, 2:t8J^, and 5 2:T,r> and better performers; sire of 16 dams, 19 performers; sire of 23 sons, 75 performers. 2 dam, a fast trotting mare from Ohio. ^George M. Patchen, 30 by C. M. Clay, 18. Sire of George M. Patchen, 2:23)^; sire of 7 sons with 14 performers; sire of the dam of Rutledge, 2:30. I dam, by Head 'Em, son of Imp. Trustee. Alex. Norman, 25 by Morse Horse, 6. ^ Sire of Grey Eddy, 2:30; sire of 2 sons, 3 performers; sire of the dams of 3 performers. I dam Slocum Mare, by Magnum Bonum. Mambrino Chief, 11 by Mambrino Paymaster. I dam, dam of Goliah, 2:33. Note. — Beauty is a black mare, 15 hands high, very stout and power- ful, speedy in conformation, a fine breeder, and her foals show remarkable speed; we regard her as a very promising brood mare. -:o:- Standard Rule 7. No. 68 MISFORTUNE. Bay mare, 15 hands high; foaled June i, i877;bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Sweepstakes, 29 8 > - dam by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. '2 dam by Exton Eclipse. Brood Mares. 95 MISFORTUNE-Continued. ;Sweepstakes by K} sdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of Black Jack, 2:291^; Inez, Sire of 4 c 2:30 and better perform - 2:22^; Jack Sailor,2:25^; Harrj ers; sire of 39 dams 45 performers; Mills, 2:253^, and 6 other 2:30 sire of 103 sons with 512 perform- performers. ers T dam Emma Mills hy Seelv's American Star. 2 dam, b}^ Rediker's Alexander W., son of Alexander W., by Cole's Messenger. Eysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. ..by Abdaliab, 1, ^Seely's American Star, 14. . . by Stockholm's American Star, son of Duroc. 1 dam Sally Slouch, hy Henrj. 2 dam, by Imp. Messenger. Cole's Messenger by Imp. Messenger. lExton Eclipse. by American Eclipse . Dam, by Imp. Exton. American Eclipse by Duroc, son of Imp. Diomed. 1 dam Miller's Damsel, by Imp. Messenger. 2 dam, Imp. Pot-8-os Mare Note. — Misfortune is a brown mare, 15 hands high; compact and stout built for her height, and promises to be a producer of speed. :o: Standard Rule 7. :^o. 69. ALEX. F. Bay Mare; foaled May 6, 18S0; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Aleocander H. Sherifnan, 4852.' Dam, the dam of Elorita, 482 . . by Volunteer, 55. Alexander H. Sherman, 4852.. by Backman's Idol, 44. Sire of Pickwick, 2:29^, and the dam of Garrison, 2:263^. 1 dam Mattie by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. ^ dam Lady Earle, by Chauncey Green. 3 dam, by Judson's Hambletonian. 96 Beood Maees. ALEX. F.-Continued. Backman's Idol, 44 by Eysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. 1 dam Hattie Wood by Sayre's Harry Clay, 45. Dam of Gazelle, record, 2:21. 2 dam Grandmother, by Terror. 3 dam Jennett, by Cock of the Rock. 4 dam, by Dubois' Duroc. Eysdyk's Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallah, 1. Note. — Alexander F. is a bay mare, 151^^ hands high, of good individ- uality, bone and substance, and promises to make a great brood mare. :o: Standard Bule 6. No. 70. LUCINDA WILKES. Brown filly, 15 hands high, off hind leg white, near hind ankle white; foaled, 1885; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Sherman's Wilkes. (By George Wilkes, 519, record, 2:22.) Sire of 65 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 37 sons, 84 performers; sire of dams with 9 trotters, and 2 pacers. 1 dam Lucinda ....... . - ... by Sweepstakes, 298. Sire of 10 2:30 and better perform- ers. 2 dam by Cassius M. Clay, 20. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 2 sons with 4 perform- ers; also the sire of the dam of Lady Ross, 2:29^. George Wilkes, 519 by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of Dexter, 2:17)^; Nettie, 2:18, and 39 other 2:30 and better per- formers; sire of 39 dams, 45 per- formers; sire of 103 sons with 512 performers. Note. — Lucinda Wilkes is a brown mare, 15 hands high, fine, with plenty of substance; will be used as a brood mare. Brood Mares. 97 No. 71. DOT. Brown mare, I5>2 hands high; foaled 187-; bred by Charles A. Reeves, Goshen, N. Y. Sired by Volunteer, 55, 1 dam Becky Sharp by Woful, sire of Young Woful, 119. Volunteer, 55. by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10 Sire of 27 performers in 2:30; Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- sire of [8 sons, with 37 2:30 per- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; formers, and the sire of the dams sire of 103 sons, 512 performers, of 16 2:30 performers. 1 dam Ladj Patriot, . j Young Patriot. 2 dam Lewis Hulse Mare, runner and trotter. Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. . by Abdallah, 1. Sire of 4 performers in 2:30, and of the dams of 7 2:30 perfo mers. Young Patriot by Patriot, son of Blucher, 793. Dam, by Messenger Duroc. Blucher, 793 by Duroc, son of Imp. Diomed. 1 dam Young Miller's Damsel, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 2 dam Miller's Damsel, by Imp. Messenger. 3 dam. Imp. Pot-8-os Mare. Note. — Dot is a brown mare; 15)^ hands high; a very fine blood -like mare, and her produce are promising. -:o:- Standard Rule 6. No. 72. FLORITA. Bay mare, 15)^ hands high; foaled 1874; hred by Taylor, Orange Co-^ bought by Nat. Roe, Orange County, New York. Sired hy Florida, 482. Sire of Walnut, 2:193^; Lotta, 2:243^; Hamilton, 2:263^; Fortuna, (2-year old) 2:31; Faust, (2-year trial) 2:29. 98 Beood Makes. FLO RITA— Continued. 1 dam Eosemary by Jupiter, 46. Sire of Harry Gilbert, 2:24; M. R., 2:28, etc. 2 dam Lady Sanford by Seely's American Star, 14. Dam of Jay Gould, record i:2\%, and grandam of Bella, 2:22. 3 dam Old Sorrell, by Exton Eclipse. 4 dam, by Messenger Duroc. Florida, 482 by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of Walnut, 2:193^; Lotta, The sire of 40 performers in 2:30: 2:243^; Hambleton, 2:26)^. the sire of 99 sires with 425 2:30 performers, and the sire of the dams of 43 2:30 performers. Dam, by Volunteer, 55. Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10 .by Abdallah, 1. 1 dam Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Volunteer, 55 by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. The sire of 27 performers in Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- 2:30; the sire of 18 sires with 37 ers; sire of 103 sons with 512 per- 2:30 performers, and the sire ol formers; sire of 39 dams, 45 per- the dams of 16 2 30 performers. forners. 1 dam Lady Patriot, by Young Patriot. 2 dam, Lewis Hulse Mare, that could botk trot and run. Note. — Florita is a mare of exceedingly good individuality and a good brood mare of merit. Standard Rule 7. No 73. SAUCY DEAN. Bay mare, star and a little white on one hind foot; foaled April 29, 1875; bred by Dr. J. A Sherman. Sired by Paladine, 4853, 1 dam Venus by Schuyler Colfax, 2174. Sire of Vivid C, 2:281^. Brood Mares. 99 SAUCY DEAN-Continued. 2 dam Young Pocahontas, pedigree unknown. Paladine, 4853 by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of Dexter, 2:171^; Nettie, 2:18; Orange Girl, 2:20; Jaj Gould, 2:21)^; Gazelle, 2:21; Artillery, 2:2134, and 35 others in 2:30 and better; sire of 39 dams, 45 per- formers; sire of 103 sons with 512 2:30 and better performers. 1 dam by Seel/s American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 6 sons, 10 performers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer. 2 dam, by Crabtree Bellfounder. Eysdyk's Hambletonian, 10.. . by Abdallah, 1. Sire of 4 2 :30 and better pei formers ; sire of the dams of 7 performers. 1 dam Chas; Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Note. — Saucy Dean is a bay; star, little white on one hind foot; of ;good individuality, good bone and feet, and she is giving promise of being a producer of speed. -:o: No. 74. TRUE LOVE'S SISTER. Bay mare, 15)^ hands high; foaled 1877; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Sweepstakes, 298. 1 dam Ukter Maid by Fillingham, Jr., son of Georg* Wilkes, 519, record 2:22. Sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:133^; Guy Wilkes, 2:15^^, and 63 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 9 dams. 9 trotters, 2 pacers; sire of 37 sons, 84 performers. 2 dam by Hector. 100 Brood Mares. TRUE LOVE'S SISTER-Continued. Sweepstakes, 298 by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of Inez. 2:22)^; Black Jack, Sire of Dexter, 2:17)^; Nettie. 2:18;. 2 :2Q>^; Frank G., 2:27)^; Harrj O'ange Girl, 2:20; Jay Gould, Mills, 2:25)^ ; Jack Sailor, 2:253^; 2:2034, etc, and 37 others; sire of Willet, 2:27!^; Montgomery 39 dams with ^5 performers; sire Boy,, 2:283=^; Smith O'Brien, of 103 sons with 512 performers. 2:29^, and 2 others. 1 dam Emma Mills by Seely's American Star. 14. Sire of 4 2 :3o and better performers ; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons with 10 performers. 2 dam, by Rediker's Alexander W., son oF Alexander W., by Cole's Mes'gr. Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. .by Abdallab, 1. The sire of 4 performers in 2:30, and the dams of 7 2:30 performers. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger, Note. — True Love's Sister is a bay mare of good size, and plenty of substance, and a very promising brood mare. :o:- No. 741. LIZZIE H. Bay mare; foaled 1880; bred by . Sired by Vidette, (Record, 2:39; trial, 2:26)^.) 1 dam by Clark Chief, 89. Sire of Croxie, 2:19)^, and 5 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 8 sons with 17 performers; sire of 9 dams with 9 performers. 2 dam by Edwin Forrest, 89. Sire of Billy Haskins, 2 1263^;. Champagne, 2:30; sire of 4 sons, 5. performers; sire of 9 dams, 9 per- formersv Brood Mares. 101 LIZZIE H.-Continued. Yidette by Vindex. 1 dam. by Whip. 2 dam, by Gallitin. 3 dam, by Old Tiger. 4 dam, by Buzzard. Clark Chief, 89 by Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of Lady Thorne, 2:t83^, and 5 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 23 sons, 75 performers; sire of 15 dams, 19 performers. 1 dam Little Nora, by Bay Messenger (Downing's). 2 dam Mrs. Caudle, dam of Ericsson, 2:3034'. Vindex by Blood's Black Hawk. 1 dam, by Mambrino Chief, 11. 2 dam, by Bay Messenger (Downing's). Note. — Lizzie H. is a handsome bay mare, of great individual excel- lence; good bone, very stout in conformation, and according to her breed- ing should make a valuable brood mare. 102 Yearling Fillies. =YeARLING FlLLIESJ No. 75. ROSEMARY. Light bay filly; foaled 1887; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired hy Hambletonian Gem^ 594:9,. 1 dam Polly, by Halcorn. 2 dam, by Gaine's Denmark. 3 dam, by Black Drennon. 4 dam, by Mason Whip. Hambletonian Gem, 5949 by Hambletonian, 10. Sie of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams with 45 2:30 perlormers; sire of 103 sons with 512 2:30 and better performers. 1 dam Smith mare by American Star, 14. Sire ot 4 2 :3o and better performers, sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire ot 6 sons with 10 performers. 2 dam Doll by Crabtree Bellfounder. Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallah, 1. The sire of 4 2:30 performers, and the sire of the dams of 7 2:30 per- formers. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Note. — Rosemary is a light bay filly, no marks, good size, very stylish, handsome, and stout bone, will make a large fine mare. Yearling Fillies. 103 Standard Rule 7. No. 76. POLKA. Chestnut filly, star; both hind ankles white; foaled i888; bred hy Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Mambletonian's Last, 6403» 1 dam Venus . . by Schuyler Colfax, 2174. 2 dam Young Pocahontas pedigree unknown. Schuyler Colfax, 2174 by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10 Sire of Vivid C, 2:253=^. Sire of Administrator, 2:29)^; Alma, 2:28^; Astoria,' 2:293^; Breeze, 2:24; Deucalion, 2:22; Drift, 2:293^; Effie Deans, 2:25^; Ella Madden, 2:25^, Enfield, 2:29, and 32 other 2:30 performers; the sire of 103 sires with 512 2:30 perform- ers, and the sire of 39 dams with 45 2:30 perlormers. 1 dam Jerusha by May Duke. 2 dam, by Bacchus' son of Cone's Bacchus. Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10 . . .by Abdallah, 1. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Abdallah, 1 by Mambrino, son of Imp. Messen- ger. The sire of Frank Forrester, 2:30; O'Blennis, 2:27^; Sir Walter, 2:27, and Ben Higdon (pacer), 2:27. He is also the sire of the dams of 7 2:30 per- formers. Note.— Polka is a chestnut filly, star; both hind ankles white; good size and exceedingly fine; good gaited, and very speedy conformation, and a trotter now, and the handsomest filly on the farm. 104 Yearling Fillies. No. 77. Standard Eule 6. SERENADE. Bay filly, star, both front feet white, white ankles behind; foaled i888; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Hector Wilkes, 6270. (Son of George Wilkes, 519.) 1 dam Ander Girl 2 dam Florita 3 dam Kosemary 4 dam Lady Sanford .... Dam of Jay Gould, 2:21)^. Hector Wilkes, 6276, 1 dam Carrie Clencli. .by Alexander H. Sherman, 4852. by Florida, 482. Sire of Walnut, 2:19^; Hamilton, 2:26)^; Lotta, 2.24^; Fortuna (2 yrs. old), 2:31; Faust (trial 2 yrs. old), 2:29. . by Jupiter, 46. Sire of 5 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 4 sons with 7 2:30 and better performers; sire of the dams of Bella, 2:22; Electric, 2:20; Young Fullerton, 2:20^; May Thorne, 2:24^; Bushwhacker, s t b. 2:29)^. . by Seely's American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire ot 6 sons with 10 per- formers. . by George Wilkes. 519. Record, 2:22; the sire of 65 2:30 and better performers; sire of 37 sons, 84 performers; sire of 9 dams, 9 trotters and 2 pacers. by Harold, 413. Sire of Maud S., 2:08^, and 20 other 2:30 and better performers', sire of 7 dams 7 performers. 2 dam Pearlie Leonard by American Clay, 34. 3 dam, 4 dam Kilkenny, Sire of 3 2 :30 and better performers; sire of 2 sons, 6 performers; sire of II dams, 10 trotters, i pacer. by John Campbell. by Mingo. Yearling Fillies, 105 SERENADE-Continued. Plorida, 482 by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 perform- ers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 dam .by Volunteer, 55. Sire of St, Julien, 2:ii3^, and 26 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 18 sons, ;^'j performers; sire ol the dams of 16 performers. Note, — Serenade is a beautiful bay filly, both front feet white, both hind ankles white, good size, powerful in her conformation, good stout bone, fine action, royally bred, and should make a trotter and a great brood mare. :o:- Standard Kule 6. No. 78. FULDA. Bay filly, little white on both feet behind; foaled 18SS; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Hector Wilkes, 6276. (By George Wil'kes, 519, record, 2:22.) 1 dam Queen Martha ...... . .by Sherman's Hambletonian, 5864. Sire of Sudie D., yearling record, 2:3534. 2 dam Martha Washington ... by Blucher, 593. Record, 2:20}/^. 3 dam . . . .... ... by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 6 sons with 10 per- iormers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trot- ters, I pacer. ilector Wilkes, 6276 by George Wilkes,, 519. Record, 2:22. Sire of 65 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 37 sons, 84 performers; ' sire of 9 dams with 9 trotters, and 2 pacers. 106 Yearling Fillies. FULDA-Continued. 1 dam Carrie Clench by Harold ^ 413. Sire of Maud S., 2:08^, and 20- others. 2 dam Pearlie Leonard by American Clay, 34. Sire of 3 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 2 sons, 6 performers^, sire of 11 dams, to trotters, i pacer. 3 dam, bj John Campbell. 4 dam Kilkenny, by Mingo. Note. — Fulda is a bay filly, little white on both hind feet; extra good. in every particular, and exceptionally well bred; by one of the best bred sons of the mighty George Wilkes; first dam. Queen Martha, by Sher- man's Hambletonian (sire of Sudie D,, yearling record, 2:35^); second dam Martha Washington, 2:2o3>^; third dam by American Star, 14, sire of the dams of forty-one performers, etc. ■:o:r Standard Eule 6. No. 79. SILVER BELLE. Bay filly, strip in face, right fore foot white, white ankles behind; foaled 1888; bred by Dr, J. A. Sherman. Sired by Hambletonian' s Last, 6403, (Record, 2:251^.) 1 dam Smuggler Belle by Smuggler, 927, rec. 2:15J. Sire of Milton 2:30; Revenge^ 2:223^ ; Smuggler's Daughter, 2:^4^; Young Smuggler, 2:29^^; Smuggler, 2;24. 2 dam Belle Thorne by C. M, Clay,. 22. Sire of Durango, 2:23^; Harry Clay, 2:23^; sire of 7 sons, 11 per- formers; sire of 6 dams, 7 perform- ers. 3 dam by Gano.. Dam of Lady Thorne, zuS^^. Yearling Fillies. 107 SILVER BELLE-Continued. Smuggler, 927 by Blanco, son of Iron's Cadmus. I dam pacing mare, Untraced. Hambletonian's Last, 6403 ... by Kysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers: sire of 39 dams with 45 2:30 and better performers; sire of 103 sons with 512 2:30 and better per- formers 1 dam Lady Russell by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons, 10 trotters. 2 dam by Bay Richmond, 1768. Sire of Fritz, 2 12^}^, and dam of St.- Cloud, 2:21. Note. — Silver Belle is a large handsome fillj of good stjle, and general conformation, good gaited, and well bred. -:o:- Standard Rule 7. No. 80. MOLLY K. Bay filly, little white on right hind foot; foaled April 18, 1S88; bred bj Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired hy Hainbletonian^s Last, 6403. (Record, 2:253^.) 1 dam Magg by Antar, 4950. Sire of Flossie G.. 2:22^. 2 dam Annie D by John Dillard. Sire of the dams of Phil. Thomp- son, 2:163^; Repetition 2:21; Mc- Leod, 2:211^; Olaf, 2:22; Wild Rake (3 years), 2:22^^; R. F. C.,. 2:233^; Mambrino Archie, 2:24%; Wick, 2:263^; Syenite, 2:293^, etc. 3 dam a fast pacer, by Old Black Hawk. 108 Yearling Fillies. MOLLY K.-Continued. Antar, 4950 by Almont, 33. Sire of 35 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 38 sons, 79 2:30 and better performers; sire of the dams 13 2:30 and better performers; sire of 22 grandsons and daughters, with rec»>rds from 2:15 to 2:30 1 dam - by Brown Chief, 4445. Sire of Maggie K., 2:29^; sire of the dams of Altamont, 2:26^; Lady Majolica, 2:25. 2 dam, by Bertrand, s. t. b. Brown Chief, 4445 by Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of Lady Thorne, 2:181^. Note. — Mollv K. is a bay filly, little white on right hind ankle; good size, stout in conformation, good bone and substance. She represents Hambletonian, American Star, Mambrino Chief, Almont, and John Dil- lard blood on a thoroughbied basis, which is the best in the land, which makes this filly very fashionably bred. -:o:- No. 81. MATTIE K. Light bay filly, medium star; foaled May i, 1888; bred by Dr. J. A, Sherman. Sired by Sherman's Hambletonian ^ 5864, (Sire of Sudie D., yearling record, 2:35?^.) 1 dam Pearl by Juggler, son of Harold, 413. Sire of Maud S., 2:08^. 2 dam Annie D ... by John Dillard. Sire of the dams of Phil Thomp^ son, 2:163^; Repetition, 2:21; Mc- Leod, 2:211^; Olaf. 2:22: Wild Rake (3 yrs), 2:222^; R. F. C, 2:2^3=^; Mambrino Archie, 2:24^; Wick, 2:263^; Syenite, 2:29)^, etc. 3 dam a fast pacer by Old Black Hawk. Yearling Fillies. 109 MATTIE K.-Continued. Juggler by Harold, 413. Sire of Maud S., 2:08^, and 20 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 3 sons with 4 2:30 and better performers; sire of 6 dams with 6 performers. 1 dam Hermosa by Edwin Forrest, 49. Dam of Hermes, 2:27)^. Sire of 2 2:30 and better performers; sire of 4 sons with 5 2:30 and better performers; sire of 9 dams with 9 performers. 2 dam Black Rose, bj Tom Teemer. Note. — Mattie K. is a light bay filly, medium star, good size and very shapely, stout in her conformation, she represents the blood that produces all the good ones, consequently this is enough. Standard Rule 7. No. 82. MAY LEAF. Bay filly, no white; foaled 1S88; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by HambJetonian Gem, 594:9 » 1 dam Kate by American Clay, 34. Sire of 3 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 2 sons with 6 perform- ers; also the sire of the n dams, 10 trotters, i pacer. 2 dam Cora, by Gay's Diamond. 3 dam, by Black Drennon. 4 dam, by Mason's Whip. Hambletonian Gem, 5949 .... by Hambletonian, 10. The sire of 41 2:30 and better per- formers; the sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; the sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 dam Smith Mare by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons with 10 per-- formers. 110 Yeael^g Fillies. MAY LEAF-Continued. '2 dam Doll by Crabtree Bellfounder. American Clay, 34 by C. M. Clay, 22. Sire of Durango, 2:23^, Harry Claj, 2:23^; sire of 7 sons, 11 performers; sire of 6 dams, 7 per- formers. Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallab 1. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 7 dams, 7 performers. 1 dam Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Seel/s American Star, 14 . . . by Stockholm's American Star, son of Duroc. 1 dam Sally Slouch, by Henry. 2 dam, by Imp. Messenger. C. M. Clay, 22 by C. M. Clay, 18. Sire of George M. Patchen, 2:23)^; sire of 7 sons with 14 performers; sire of the dam of Rutledge, 2:30. 1 dam by Abdallab, 1 . Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 7 dams, 7 performers. 2 dam by Lawrence's Eclipse. Son of American Eclipse. Note. — May Leaf is a bay filly, no white; of good size, stout in her general conformation. She represents the blood of Hambletonian, Amer- ican Star, American Clay, C. M. Clay, 22, C. M. Clay, 18, based on Imp. Messenger and American Eclipse. -:o: No. 83. LADY GARDNER. Chestnut filly, long star; foaled 188S; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Hambletonian Gem, 5949, 1 dam Philicia • • by Maj. Breckinridge. :2 dam Sphia ... by Old Copperbottom. Yearling Fillies. Ill LADY CARDNER-Continued. IHambletoniane Gem by Hambletonian, 10 Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons with 512 2:30 and better performers. .1 dam Smith Mare by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 6 sons, 10 performers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer 2 dam Doll, by Crabtree Bellfounder, son of Imp. Bellfounder. 31aj. Breckinridge . by Highlander. Hambletonian, 10 .by Abdallah, 1 . Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of the dams of 7 per- formers. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Note. — Lady Gardner is a nice chestnut, good size, and well forraed,^ good bone and substance, and will make a valuable mare. :o: :N©. 84. LADY VANCE. Brown filly; foaled 1888; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired hy Sherman's Hambletonian , 5864^ (Sire of Sudie D., yearling record. 2:35^.) 1 dam by Iroquois. .2 dam by Norman, 25. Sire of Lulu, 2:14^; May Qjieea, 2:20; sire of 3 sons, 22 performers; sire of 5 dams, 6 performers. ^ dam, by Japhet, thoroughbred., 4 dam, by Second John Dillard. ^Sherman's Hambletonian ... by Hambletonian, 10. §864. Sire of 4f 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 112 Yearling Fillies. LADY VANCE-Cbntinued. 1 dam Smith Mare by Seely's American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, I pacer; sire of 6 sons with lo per- formers. 2 dam Doll ............ by Crabtree Bellfounder. Son of Im. Bellfounder. Norman, 25 ... by Morse Horse, 6; Sire of Grey Eddy, 2:30; sire of 3' sons, 3 performers; sire of the dams of 3 performers. I dam Slocum Mare, by Magnum Bonum, (s.t.b.) Iroquois by John Dillard. Son of Old John Dillard, sire of the dam of Tilford, 2:29. 1 dam, by Mambrino Ashland. 2 dam fast pacer by a Canadian pacing horse. Hambletonian, 10 by i^bdallah, 1. Sire of 4 2 130 and better performers;, sire of the dams of 7 performers. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Note. — Lady Vance is a brown filly of good size and conformation,. a good individual and well bred. :o: Standard Rule 7. No. 85. PREFACE. Chestnut filly, white face; both hind and right front ankles white; foaled 1888; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Hambletonian^ s Last, 6403. (Record, 2:25^^.) 1 dam Kit by Justin Morgan, 2234. Sire of Wick, 2:2634; Lady Lowe,. 2:28. 2 dam, by Martin Hutchinson's Copperbottom. Yearijno Fillies. 113 PREFACE-Continued. 3 dam, by Old Copperbottom. 4 dam, by Bellfounder. Hambletoniau's Last, 6403... .by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better per- formers; sire of 39 dams with 45 2:30 and better performers; sire of i< 3 sons with 512 2:30 and better performers. 3 dam Lady Russell by Seely's American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2 :30 and better performers ; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons, 10 performers. 2 dam by Bay Richmond, 1768. Sire of Fritz, 2:273^, and the dam of St. Cloud, 2:21. Justin Morgan by Lowe's Comet Morgan. Son of Comet. I dam, by Downing's Bay Messenger. Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallab, 1. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 7 dams, 7 performers. 1 dam Chas Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp, Messenger. Note. — Preface is a nice chestnut filly, with three white ankles; fine conformation and good style. She will make a very handsome mare. -:o:- No. 86. BEAUTY. Bay filly; right hind foot white; foaled 1S8S; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman, Si^^ed hy Sector Wilkes, 6276. (Son of George Wilkes, 519.) 1 dam Birt by Bay Pilot. Son of Donophan. 114 Yearling Fillies. BEAUTY-Continued. 2 dam Kit 3 dam, Hector Wilkes, 6276 1 dam Carrie Clench -by Golddust, 150. Sir- of Lucille Golddust, 2:163^; Fleety Golddust, 2:20; Indicator, 2:23^; RoUa Golddust, 2:25; sire of 7 sons, 8 performers; sire of 7 dams, 8 trotters, i pacer. by Hiawatha, thoroughbred. by George Wilkes, 519, rec'd. 2:22. Sire of 65 2:30 and better perform- sire of 9 dams, 10 trotters, 2 pacers; sire of 37 sons, 84 performers. by Harold, 413. Sire of Maud S, 2:08^, and 20 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 3 sons, 4 performers; sire of the dams of 6 performers. 2 dam Pearlie Leonard . . .by American Clay, 34. Sire of 3 2:30 and better per- formers; sire of 2 sons, with 6 per- formers; sire of 11 dams, 10 trotters, I pacer 4 dam, bj John Campbell. 5 dam Kilkenny, by Mingo. Golddust, 150 by Vermont Morgan. 1 dam s. t. b by Zilcaadi, iVrabian. George Wilkes, 519 by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 sons, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. by Henry Clay, 8. by Baker's Highlander. 1 dam Dolly Spanker, 2 dam Old Telegraph, 3 dam Clark Phillips Mare. Note. — Beauty is a solid bay filly of good size, very handsome, well bred, and will be a very valuable mare for the track or stud. Yearling Fillies. 115 Standard Rule 7. No. 87. SEA BREEZE. Chestnut tilly, snip on nose; foaled i888; bred by Dr. J. A Sherman. Sired by Hambletonian Gem, 5949, 1 dam Squaw Chief by Indian Chief, 382. Sire of Warrior, 2:26. 2 dam Lou Berry by Ned Forrest, 871. Sire of Jessie Haves, 2:24. 3 dam by Drennon, a Canadian pacer. Hector Wilkes, 6276 by George Wilkes, 519 ; rec, 2:22. Sire of Harrj Wilkes, 2:13)^; Guy Wilkes. 2:15!^, and 63 other 2:30 and better performers ; sire of 37 sons, 84 performers; sire of 9 dams, 9 trotters, 2 pacers. Hambletonian Gem, 5949. ... by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 dam Smith Mare by American Star, 14. Sires of 4 2:30 performers; 6 sons, 10 performers; ;^^ dams, 40 trotters, I pacer. 2 dam Doll, bj Crabtree Bellfounder, son of Imp. Bellfounder. Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallah, 1. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of the dams of 7 perform- ers. 1 dam Chas Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Note. — Sea Breeze is a chestnut filly, snip on nose; right hind foot white; very handsome and stylish; good size, fine conformation, good bone and substance. She will make a very valuable mare for track or ■stud, as she is royally bred. 116 Yearling Fillies. No. 88. SEA SHORE. Brown fillj, little white on left hind foot; foaled iSSS; bred by Dr. J. A.. Sherman. Sired by Sherman's Hambletonian, 5864. (Sire of Sudie D , yearling record, 2:35^. 1 dam Joe ...... by Long Island Bashaw. 2 dam by Washington Denmark. 3 dam by Keen Richard's Arab Massono.. Long Island Bashaw by Hawkeye. 1 dam, by Eureka, he by Long Island Black Hawk, 24. 2 dam, by Mambrino Paymaster. 3 dam, by Timolien, sire of Boston. Sherman's Hambletonian . . .by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 4[ 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 dam Smith Mare by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 6 sons, 10 performers;, sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer. 2 dam Doll, by Crabtree Bellfounder. Note. — Sea Shore is a large, handsome filly, stout in conformation,, and extra good looking; will make a large valuable mare. -o: Standard Rule 6. No. 89. SEASIDE. Bay filly, small star; little white on left hind foot; foaled 1SS8; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman: ' Sired by Hector Wilkes, 6276, 1 dam Alice by Jacinto, 1918.. 2 dam Joe ". by Long Island Bashaw. 3 dam by Washington Denmark. Yearling Fillies. 117 SEAS IDE-Continued. 4 dam by Keen Richard's Arab Massono. Hector Wilkes, 6276 by George Wilkes, 519 ; rec, 2:22. The sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13)^; Guy Wilkes, 2:15!^; Rosa Wilkes, 2:183^; Wilson. 2:161^; So So, 2:17!^; Wilton, 2:193^, and 59 more 2:30 and better performers; sire of 37 sons with 84 2:30 and better performers; sire of the dams of 9 dams, 10 trottlers, and 2 pacers. 1 dam Carrie Clench by Harold, 413. Sire of Maud S., 2:08%, and 20 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 3 sons, 4 performers; sire I f 6 dams, ■< perlorrners. 2 dam Pearlie Leonard by American Clay, 34. Sire of 3 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 2 sons, 6 performers; sire of II dams, 10 trotters, i pacer. 3 dam, by John Campbell. 4 dam Kilkenny, by Mingo. George Wilkes, 519 by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 4c 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams 45 performers; sire of 103 sons with 512 perform- ers 1 dam Dolly Spanker by Henry Clay, 8. Sire of 3 2:^0 and better perform- ers; sire of the dams of 6 perform- ers. 2 dam. Old Telegraph by Baker's Highlander. Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10 . .by Abdallah, 1. Sire of 4 2 :30 and better performers ; sire of the dams of 7 performers. 1 dam Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Note.— Seaside is a bay filly, small star; little white on left hind -foot; good size, speedy conformation, and very speedy and well bred; will make a good sized, valuable mare. 118 Yearling Fillies. Standard Rule 7. No. 90. SEDA.TE. Light bay filly, no marks; foaled i88S; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Sherman's Hamhletonian, 5864:. (Sire of Sudie D., yearling record, 2:35^.) 1 dam by Blackwood, Jr:, 380. (Record, 22:2J^.) Sire of 3 2:30 and better perform- ers. 2 dam, by Edwin Forrest. Sherman's Hambletonian ... by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers;, t-ire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 dam Smith Mare by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, r pacer; sire of 6 sons with 10 per- foinieis. 2 dam Doll by Crabtree Bellfounder. Son of Imp. Bellfounder. Blackwood, Jr., 380 by Blackwood, 74. (Record, 2:223^.) (Record, 3 years, 2:31.) Sire of Proteine, 2:18, and 4 other 2:30 and better performers: sire 3 daiiiS, 3 performers; sire of i son^ 3 performers. 1 dam Belle Sheridan by Blood's Black Hawk. Son of Black Hawk, 5. Note. — Sedate is a light bay filly, no marks, very fine, good size^ speedy conformation, and very speedy; a^ ell bred and will make a trotter or a good brood mare. :o: No. 91. MISS DANIELS. Chestnut filly, dash in face; left hind foot white; foaled 1S88; bred by Dr. J, A. Sherman. Sired by Sanibletotiian Gem, 5949, 1 dam Bay Mare by Morgan Horse. Pedigree being traced. Yearling Fillies. 119 MISS DANIELS-Continued. Hambletonian Gem, 5949. . . .by Hambletouian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers;; sire of 103 sons with 512 2:30 and better performers. 1 dam Smitb Mare by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 6 sons, 10 performers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer. 2 dam Doll, by Crabtree Bellfounder, son of Imp» Bellfounder. Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallah, 1. Sire ot 4 2 :30 and better performers; sire of the dams of 7 performers. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Note. — Miss Daniels is a nice chestnut filly; dash in face; left hind foot white; good size and fine gaited; will make a large, handsome mare. -:o: No. 92. HATTIE G. Bay filly, white ankles behind, little white on left front foot; foaled 1888; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Sherman^s Hambletonian, 5864, (Sire of Sudie D., yearling record, 2:35^.) 1 dam by Captain Nick. Son of Vindex by Bloods Black Hawk. 2 dam by Moor's Mambrino. Prince, son of Mambrino Chief, ii» 3 dam by Content. Son of Hanibal, thoroughbred. 4 dam, by Collier, thoroughbred. Sherman's Hambletonian by Hambletonian, 10. 5864. ^ Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers^ sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 120 Yearling Fillies. HATTIE C.-Continued. 1 dam Smith Mare by Seely's American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, I pacer; sire of 6 sons with 10 per- formers. 2 dam Doll by Crabtree Bellfounder. Son of Im. Bellfounder. Note. — Hattie G. is a bay fiUy, white ankles behind, little white on left front foot, good size, stout and handsome, good gaited and will make a large fine mare. :o:- No. 93. MISS GOODWIN. Bay filly, solid color, foaled iSSS; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Hector Wilkes, 6276. (By George Wilkes, 519; rec, 2:22.) 1 dam ... by Trojan. 2 dam by Captain Walker. Sire of the dams of Harry Wilkes, 2:1334; Garfield, 2:21; The Item, 2:25)^, etc. 3 dam, by Swing's Lance. 4 dam, by Brown Pilot. Hector Wilkes, 6276 by George Wilkes, 519. Sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13)^; Guy WilK.es, 2:153^, and 63 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 37 sonj, 84 performers; sire of 9 dams, 9 trotters, 2 pacers. 1 dam Carrie Clench by Harold, 413. Sire of Maud S., 2:08^, and 20 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 3 sons with 4 performers: sire of the dams of 7 performers. 2 dam Pearlie Leonard by American Clay, 34. Sire of 3 2 :30 and better performers; sire of 2 sons, 6 performers; sire of II dams, 10 trotters, i pacer. 3 dam, by John Campbell. 4 dam Kilkenny, by Mingo. Yearling Fillies. 121 MISS COODWIN-Continued. 'George Wilkes, 519 by Hambletonian, 10. The sire of 41 performers in 2:30; the sire of 103 sires with 512 2:30 performers, and the sire of the dams of 45 2:30 performers. 1 dam Dolly Spanker by Henry Clay, 8. Sire of 3 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 3 sons, t; performers; sire of 6 dams, 6 performers. 2 dam Old Telegraph, by Baker's Highlander. Trojan by Brignoli. (Barklej's) son of Brignoli, 77, record, 2:293^.) 1 clam by Tom Crowder. (Old Pacer.) 2 dam, by Bald Hornet, 3 dam, by Buzzard. -4 dam, by Lance. Note. — -Miss Goodwin is a solid bay filly, medium size, very stout, good bone and muscular formation, shows a fine way of going; will make a very valuable mare. :o:- Standard Rule 7. No. 94. KATE ADAMS. Bay filly, left hind foot white; foaled May 8, iSSS; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired hy Hamhletotilari's Last, 6403» 1 dam Olivia .by Ashland Chief, 751. Dam of Medora, 2:30)^^. Sire of Black Cloud, 2:173^; Blue Cloud. 2:27; Ashland Kate, 2:29^; Black Cloud, sire of Black Cloud, Jr., 2:25. 2 dam, by Oliver, thoroughbred. 3 dam, by Wagner, thoroughbred. 122 Yearling Fillies. KATE ADAMS-Continued. Hambletonian's Last, 6403 Record, 2:25];^. 1 dam Ladv Russell . by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers: sire of 39 dams with 45 2:30- and better performers; sire of 103; sons with 512 2:30 and better per- formers by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons, 10 trotters. 2 dam by Bay Richmond, 1768. Sire of Fritz, 2:273^, and dam of St.. Cloud, 2:21- Ashland Chief, 751 by Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of Lady Thorne, 2:18!^, and 5 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of (6 dams. 19 performers; sire- of 23 sons, 75 performers. by Imp. Margravtf. by Sir Leslie. by Abdallah, 1. The sire of 4 2:30 performers, and the sire of the dams of 7 2:30 per- formers, by Imp. Bellfounder. by Bishop's Hambletonian. by Imp. Messenger. Note — Kate Adams is a bay filly, left hind foot white, medium size,, good stoul bone. Speedy conformation, very handsome, and royally: bred, bred just right for a fast trotter, or a valuable brood mare. 2 dam Utilla, 3 dam, Hambletonian, 10 f dam Charles Kent Mare, 2 dam One Eye, 3 dam Silvertail, No. 95. MARY MONROE. Bay filly; no white; foaled 18S8; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Hambletonian Gent, o949, 1 dam Ella.. -by Tom Crowder. Son of Old Tom Crowder, sire of Tom Crov der, 933, and Tom Won- der, [47. Yearling Fillies. 123 MARY MONROE-Continued. 2 dam by John Dillard. Sire of the dams of Repetition (3. vrs. old), 2:21; McLeod, 2:21^;. Olaf. 2:22, and manj others. 3 dam, by Blackburn's Whip- Hambletonian Gem, 5949 . . by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams with 45 2:30' per'ormers; sire of 103 sons with 512 2:30 and better performers. 1 dam Smith Mare by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better performers, sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, 1 pacer;, sire ot 6 sons with 10 performers. 2 dam Doll by Crab tree Bellfounder. Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallah, 1 . Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire ot the dams of 7 per- formers. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Note. — Mary Monroe is a solid bay filly, of good size and very fine; stout and well shaped, and bred just right to make a trotter or a good^ brood mare. No. 96. LADY GRIGSBY. Chestnut filly, both hind ankles white; foaled 1SS8; bred by Dr. J. A.- Sherman. Sired by Sherman's Hambletonian, 5864, 1 dam Maud by Wild Traveler. 2 dam Beauty by New York Beauty. 3 dam by Copperbottom. . . (Rashe's) son of Old Copperbottom.. "124 Yearling Fillies. LADY CRICSBY-Continued. :Sherman's Hambletonian ... by Hambletonian. 10. 5854. Sire of Sudie D., yearling rec- Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ord, 2:35^. ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 dam Smith Mare .....>. .by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons with 10 per- formers. 2 dam Doll • • ■ by Crabtree Bellfounder. Hambletonian, 10 by Abdallah, 1. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 7 dams, 7 performers. 1 dam Charles. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, hy Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. -:o: Standard Rule 6. No. 97. MAY HOOKER. Sorrel filly; foaled 1888; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired hy Sherman's Hambletonian, 5864, 1 dam Jenny Hocker by Lexington Goiddust, 4205. Sire of Roger, 2:233^^. 2 dam Dolly by Shelby Chief, 923. Sire 3 2:30 and better performers, and of the dam of Delineator, 2:18. 3 dam by Jehu Morgan. Son of Shernr an Black Hawk, 142. H dam, by Wagner (thoroughbred). 5 dam, by Tecum seh. Sherman's Hambletonian.. . . ■ by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of Sudie D., yearling rec- Siie of 41 2:30 and better perform - ord, 2:35^. ers: sire of 39 dams, 45 perform- ers; sire of 103 sons with 512 per- formers. Yearling Fillies. 125 MAY HOCKER-Continued. 1 dam Smith Mare, by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2 :30 and better performers ; . sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons, 10 performers. 2 dam Doll, bj Crabtree Bellfounder. Shelby Chief, 923 by Abdallah, 15 . Sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2: [4, and 4 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 12 sons with 98 performers; sii e of 19 dams, 20 trotters. 2 pacers. 1 dam Brunette -by Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of Ladj Thorne, 2:iS3>^, and 5 other 2:30 performers; sire of 23 sons with 75 performers; sire of 15 dams with 19 performers. 2 dam Nancy King, bj Gifford Morgan. Note. — May Hocker is a very fine chestnut filly, of good size, speedy conformation, and is royally bred. She will make a fine prospect for a; trotter and a good brood mare, as her breeding is first-class. .126 Yearling Colts. Yearling Colts.^^^-^ -^ — Standard Rule 6. No. 98. LAST'S BOY. Black Colt, four white feet; foaled i888; bred bj Dr. J. A, Sherman. Sired by Mamhletonian' s Last^ 6403, (Record, 2:251^.) 1 dam Dolly Davis .... - by Almont, 33. Record, 2:29. Sire of Westmont, (P) 2:13^; Puritan, (P) 2:16; Fanny Wither- spoon, 2:163^; Piedmont, 2 1273^; Aldine; 2:19^^ and 30 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 13 dams of 2:30 and better performers; sire of 38 sons with 79 2:30 and better performers. 2 dam Eastin by Morgan Rattler. Dam of Annie Eastin, 2:29; Endymion, 2:233^^. -3 dam by Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of Lady Thorne, 2:18^, and 5 more 2:30 and better performers; sire of 23 sons with 75 2:30 and better performers; sire of 15 dams, 19 performers. 4 dam, by Bay Messenger. 5 dam, by Cannon's Whip. IHambletonian's Last, 6403 ... by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 perform- ers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. ,1 dam Lady Russell by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better performers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons with 10 performers. Yearling Colts. 127 LAST'S BOY- Continued. :2 dam by Bay Richmond, 1768. Sire of Fritz, 2:27)^, and the dam of St. Cloud, 2:21. Note. — Last's Boy is a black colt, four white feet, good size, good bone and feet, extra in part of conformation; a royal bred one; in fact there is no better prospect. ■:o:- No. 99. WINCHESTER. Black colt; both hind and one fore foot white; foaled 1888; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Mambletonian's Last, 6403. 1 dam by Vidette, Jr. .2 dam by Mambrino Prince. Son of Mambrino Chief, 11. •3 dam by Contest. 4 dam .. by Grey Eagle (pacer). Hambletonian's Last, 6403 ... by Hambletonian, 10. Record, 2:25)^, and no measure Sire of 41 2:30 and better perforna- of his speed. ers; sire of 103 sons with 512 par- formers; sire of 39 dams, 45 per- for-iiers. 1 dam Lady Russell by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 6 sons with 10 per- lormers; sire of ^;^ dams, 40 trot* ters, I pacer, :2 dam by Bay Richmond, 1768. Sire of Fritz, 2:27)^, and of the dam of St. Cloud, 2:21. JRysdyk's Hambletonian, 10.. . .by Abdallah, 1, Sire of 4 2 130 and better performers ; sire of the dams of 7 performers. 1 dam Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Note. — Winchester is a black colt, both hind and one front foot •white; large, stout, handsome colt, with stout, flat bone, speedy conforma- tion; shows a fine way of going; will make a large, fine horse, about 16 hands hi^h. 128 Yearling Colts. No. 100. FORFEIT. Striwberry roan colt, small star; foaled iSSS; bred by Dr. J. A. Shermant- Sired by Sector Wilkes, 6270' (Son of George Wilkes, 519.) 1 dam by Tattler Chief, 453, by Tattler. Sire of Gossip, 2:. 8; Slander^. 2:28)^; Voltaire, 2:20^^; Indianap- olis, 2:21; Rumor, 2:293^. 2 dam by Richard's Knight of St. George. Hector Wilkes, 6276 by George Wilkes. 519. Record, 2:22; the sire of Harry Wilkes 2:13)^, Guy Wilkes. 2:153^; and 63 other 2:30 and better per- formers; sire of 37 sons, 84 per- formers; sire of 9 dams, 9 trotters and 2 pacers. 1 dam Carrie Clench by Harold, 413. Sire of Maud S., 2:08^, and 2&- other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 3 sons, 4 performers; sire of 6 dams 6 performers. 2 dam Pearlie Leonard by American. Clay,, 34. Sire of 3 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 2 sons with 6 perform- ers; also the sire of the 11 dams,. 10 trotters, i pacer, 3 dam, by John Campbell. 4 dam, by Mingo. George Wilkes, 519 ; 2^22 by Hambletonian, 10. The sire of 41 2:30 and better per- formers; the sire of 39 dams, 45; performers; the sire of 103 sons, 512: performers. 1 dam Dolly Spanker by Henry Clay, 8. Sire of 3 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 6 dams, 6 performers 2 dam Old Telegraph, by Baker's Highlander. Note. — Forfeit is a roan colt; large and very stout in conformation;, stylish and good gaited; will make a large, nice hors€. Yearling Colts. 129 No. 101. SENSATION. Strawberry roan colt, hind feet white above ankles; foaled i8S8; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman, Sired by Sherman's Hamhletonian, 5864* (Sire of Sudie D., yearling record, 1:35/^.) 1 dam Kittie Middleton by Middleton's Highlander. Dam of Ida Todd, trial on % Son of Beckley's Highlander by mile track, 2:25)^. Blackburn's Whip. 2 dam by Beatty's Birmingham . Son of Stockholder. 3 dam .... by Old Copperbottom. Canadian pacer. Sherman's Hambletonian ... .by Hambletonian, 10. (5864 ) Sire of Sudie D., yearling rec- Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ord, 2:35^. ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 dam Smith Mare by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons with 10 per- formers. 2 dam Doll by Crabtree Bellfounder. Note. — Sensation is a strawberry roan colt, hind feet white above ankles, good size and fine in appearance, good bone and speedy con- formation, and represents the best producing blood lines in the country, :o: No. 102. POTTER. Strawberry roan colt (pacer); foaled 1888; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Sherman's Hambletonian, 5864, (Sire of Sudie D., yearling record, 2:35^.) 1 dam Florence by Jewel. 2 dam Lizzie by Warfield. 3 dam Rose. by Copperbottom. 130 Yearling Colts. POTTER-Continued. Sherman's Hambletonian by Hambletonian, 10. (5S64.) Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams with 4.5 per- formers; sire of 103 sons with 512 performers. 1 dam Smith Mare . . ... by Seely's American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 6 sons, 10 performers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer. 2 dam Doll, by Crabtree Bellfounder, son of Imp. Bellfounder. Jewel - by Washington Denmark. 1 dam Queen The dam of Diamond and King William. Warfield by Haicorn. Son of Lewis' Haicorn, from Vir- ginia. Note. — Potter is a nice, stout, blockj colt; of uniform conformation, good, stout bone, of fine texture, and a nice gaited pacer, and can go fast. -:o:- Standard Knie 6. No. 103. CAPTAIN. Bay colt, white ankles behind; foaled 1888; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Mector Wilkes, €27^: Lucy Fry, 2:20^. lormers; sire of 12 sons, 90 perform- ers; sire of the dams of 20 trotters and 2 pacers. I dam Lizzie Phelps. Note. — Shipmate is a light bay colt, hind feet white, dim star, good size, stout bone and substance, fine trotting action; will make a valuable horse 15% or 16 hands high when matured. -:o:- No. 106. ELECTOR. Bay colt, star; white feet behind; foaled 1888; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Hambletonian' s Last, 6403, (Record, 2:25!^.) 1 dam Lady French by Peavine, 513. Sire of Lucy Fleming, 2:24; Nettie, 2:293^. He by Rattler; he by Stockbridge Chief, son of Vermont Black Hawk, 5. 2 dam by Walker's Grey Eagle (thor.). Hambletonian's Last, 6403 by Hambletonian, 10. (Record, 2:25)^.) Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 134 Yeakling Colts. ELECTOR-Continued. 1 dam Lady Kussell by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons with 10 per- formers. 2 dam by Bay Kichmond, 1768. Sire of Fritz, 2:27^^, and of the d^'.m of St. Cloud, 2:21. Kysdyk's Hambletonian, lO. .by Abdallah, 1. The sire of 4 performers in 2:30, and the dams of 7 2:30 performers. 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp, Messenger. -:o:- No. 107. PONDER. Bay colt; foaled 1888; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by HamhJ etoniati Gem, 5949* 1 dam Brown Mare by Bay wood, son of Lexington. 2 dam .by Justin Morgan, 2234. Sire of Wick, 2:263^; Lady Lowe, 2:28. 3 dam, by Hutchinson's Copperbottom. 4 dam, by Old Copperbottom. 5 dam, by Second Bellfounder. Hambletonian Gem, 5949. . . .by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:20 and better perform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 dam Smith Mare by American Star, 14. Sire oi 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer; sire of 6 sons, 10 performers. 2 dam Doll, by Crabtree Bellfounder. Yearling Colts. 135 PONDER-Continued. Justin Morgan .by Lowe's Comet Morgan. Son of Comet. I dam, by Dowing's Bay Messenger. Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 10. .by Abdallali, 1. Sire of 4 2:30 and better performers; sire of 7 dams, 7 performers. 1 dam Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bellfounder. 2 dam One Eye, by Sishop's Hambletonian. 3 dam Silvertail, by Imp. Messenger. Note. — Ponder is a nice bay colt, handsomely formed, stout and shapy, will make a good horse. ■:o: No. 108. SENATOR. Solid bay colt; foaled 188S; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Hector Willies, 6276. (Son of George Wilkes, 519; record, 2:22.) 1 dam Belle Clay by Empire, 2378. Sire of Eminence, 2:21^^; by Mam- brino Patchen, 58. 2 dam , by Eikwood. 3 dam by American Clay, 34. Sire of 3 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 2 sons, 6 performers; sire of 1 1 dams, 10 trotters, i pacer 4 dam by Ticonderoga. Son of BHck Hawk, 5, sire of 4 2:30 and better performers; sire of the dams of 3 performers; sire of 15 sons, 25 performers. Hector Wilkes, 6276 by George Wilkes, 519. Record, 2:22. Sire of 65 2 :30 and better perform- ers; sire of 37 sons, 84 performers; sire of 9 dams with 9 trotters, and 2 pacers. 136 Yearling Colts. SENATOR-Continued. 1 dam Carrie Clencli. by Harold, 413. Sire of Maud S, 2:08^, and 20 other 2:^0 and better performers; sire of 3 sons, 4 performers; sire of the dams of 6 performers. 2 dam Pearlie Leonard by American Clay, 34. Sire of 3 2:30 and better per- formers ; sire of 2 sons, with 6 per- formers; sire of 1 1 dams, 10 trotters, I pacer, 3 dam, by John Campbell. 4 dam Kilkenny, by Mingo. Empire, 5378 by Mambrino Patchen, 58. Sire of the dam of Eminence, Sire of 19 2:30 and better perform - 2:21^. ers; sire of 24 sires with 46 per- formers; sire of 30 dams, 29 trot- ters, I pacer; 42 grandsons and daughters have 42 performers. 1 dam Favorite by Abdallab, 15. (Record, 2:35^.) Sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2:14, and 5 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 12 sons with 86 performers; sire pf 19 dams, 20 trotters, 2 pacers. 2 dam Lizzie Peeples. by Wagner. Dam of Joe Downing, 710, and Jim Monroe, 835. Note. — Senator is a solid bay colt, good bone and substance, individ- ually good, and it he don't make a good race horse breeding is a failure in his case, as we have the Wilkes blood through one of his best bred sons (Hector Wilkes), Harold, Mambrino Patchen, American Clay, Alexan- der's Abdallah, based on the best thoroughbred; consequently, if he does not represent the best blood lines in Kentucky, we have missed our guess. ■:o:- No. 109. SIGNIFY. Sorrel colt; foaled May 28, 1888; bred by Dr. J. A Sherman. Sired by Sherman^s Hamhletonian, 5864, (Sire of Sudie D., yearling record, 2:35^.) 1 dam Prairie Bird by William's Mambrino. Sire of the dam of Santa Claus, 2:17^^. Yearling Colts. 137 SICNIFY-Continued. '2 dam by Downing's Bay Messenger. Sire of the dam of Clark Chief, 2:213^. •S dam by Gano. Sire of the dam of Lady Thorne, 2:18!^. 4 dam, by Old Shakespeare. ■Sherman's Hambletonian .... by Hambletonian, 10. (5864.) Sire of ^i 2:30 and better perform - Sire of Sudie D., yearling rec- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; ord, 2:35^. sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. William's Mambrino by Ericsson, 130. Sire of 6 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 2 sons, 3 performers; sire of the dams of 4 performers. Downing's Bay Messenger ... by Harpinus. Son of Bishop's Hambletonian. I dam of Messenger and Rockingham blood. Gano by American Eclipse, son of Duroc. I dam Betsy Richards, by Sir Archy. Note. — Signify is a handsome sorrel colt of good size, good bone and very fine, she represents the blood of Hambletonian, American Star, Mambrino Chief, on a thoroughbred basis, which is the best in the land. No. 110. OAK LEAF. Bay colt, long star; right hind foot white four inches above pastern; right front foot white, white extending above pastern on back part of leg; foaled 1888; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Sherman's Hambletonian, 5864:, (Sire of Sudie D., i year old, 2:35^.) 1 dam Maud .............. by Trojan, Jr. Son of Trojan. 2 dam Puss.. by Starlight. 3 dam by Sir Wallace. 4 dam by Roudolph. 138 Yearling Colts. OAK LEAF-Continued. Sherman's Hambletonian. 1 dam Smith Mare 2 dam Doll, Hambletonian, 10 . . . . 1 dam Charles Kent Mare, 2 dam One Eje, 3 dam Silvertail, American Star/ 14 .... 1 dam Sallj Slouch, 2 dam, Trojan, Jr 1 dam, 2 dam, 3 dam, Trojan. 1 dam, 2 dam, 3 dam, 4 dam. by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers;, sire of 103 sons with 512 2:30 and better performers. .by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 6 sons, 10 performers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, r pacer bj Crabtree Bellfounder, son of Imp. Bellfounder. by Abdallah, 1. Sire ot 4 2 :3o and better performers; sire of the dams of 7 performers. by Imp. Bellfounder. by Bishop's Hambletonian. by Imp. Messenger. . by Stockholm's American Star- by Henry. by Imp. Messenger. .by Trojan. Son of Barkly's Brignoli. by Captain Walker. by Don Juan. by Kosciusko. by Brignoli (Barkly's). by Tom Crowder. by Bald Hornet. ♦ by Buzzard'. by Lance. Brignoli (Barkly's) hj Brignoli, 77. (Record, 2:293^.) 1 dam, by Edwin Forrest, 49. 2 dam, by Columbus. Brignoli, 77 by Mambrido Chief, 11. (Record, 2:29)^.) Sire of Lad^ Thorne, 2:18)^, etc. Note. — Oak Leaf is a bay colt, star, ri^ht hind foot white, and quite- a good colt; good bone and conformation. He repres^ents the Hambleto- nian, American Star, Mambrino Chief and Black Hawk blood, on a thoroughbred foundation. Yearling Colts. 139' No. 111. SHERBET. Bay colt, black points; foaled iSSS; bred b^- Dr. J. A. Sherman, Sired by Hector Wilkes, 6276, (Son of George Wilkes, 519.) Record, 2:22; the sire of Harry Wilkes 2:13)^, Guy Wilkes. 2:15^; and 63 other 2:30 and better per- formers; sire of 37 sons, 84 per- formers; sire of 9 dams, 9 trotters and I pacer. 1 dam Village Girl, by Robinson's Wild Arab. 2 dam, by Black Bashaw (Dobb's). 3 dam, by Hoagland's Grey Messenger, 155. Robinson's Yf ild Arab by Hoppuck's Wild Arab. Hoppuck's Wild Arab by Judge Jones' Imp. Coliph, of Cairo, Egypt. 1 dam by Saladin, Saladin hj Young Bashaw. 1 dam Son of Grand Bashaw. A Virginia mare, dam of Char- lotte Temple, record in 1833, two miles, 5:17 to saddle Note, — Sherbet is a bay colt, clack points, good size, very stout,, generally good. Hector Wilkes' colts are all very powerful in confor- mation, :o: Standard Rule 6. No. 112. ADROIT. Bay colt, left hind foot white; foaled April 27, 1888; bred by Dr. J. A.. Sherman. Sired hy Hector Wilkes, 6276, (By George Wilkes, 519; rec, 2:22,) 1 dam Haggyard Filly hj Ashland Chief, 751. Full sister to Ashland Kate, Sire of Black Cloud, 2:17)^; Blue. 2:29^. Cloud, 2:27; Ashland Kate, 2:29^; Black Cloud, sire of Black Cloud,. Jr., 2:25. 140 Yearling Colts. ADROIT— Continued. 2 dam . . by Captain Walker Sire of the dams of Harrj Wilkes, 2:13!^^; General Garfield, 2:21; The Item, 2:21;^; Charley Friel, (p) 2:163^; Little Miss, 2:26)^; Ash- land Kate. 2:29^. etc. Hector Wilkes, 6276 by George Wilkes, 519. Sire of Harrv Wilkes, 2:133^; Guy WiUes. 2:1 !;3^. and 63 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 37 sons, 84 perlormers; sire of 9 dams, 9 trotters, 2 pacers. 1 dam Carrie Clencb by Harold, 413. Sire of Maud S.. 2:08^, and 20 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 3 sons with 4 performers; sire of the dams of 7 performers. 2 dam Pearlie Leonard ... by American Clay, 34. Sire of 3 2 :30 and better performers; sire of 2 sons, 6 performers; sire of II dams, 10 trotters, 2 pacers. 3 dam, bj John Campbell. 4 dam Kilkenny, by Mingo. George Wilkes, 519 ■ -^J Hambletonian, 10. The sire of 41 performers in 2:30; the sire of 103 sires with 512 2:30 performers, and the sire of the dams of 45 2:30 performers. 1 dam Dolly Spanker by Henry Clay, 8. Sire of 3 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 3 sons, t; performers; sire of 6 dams, 6 performers. 2 dam Old Telegraph, by Baker's Highlander. -Ashland Chief, 751 by Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of Lad_y Thorne, 2:i8i.£, and 5 more 2:30 and better performers; sire of 23 .^ons with 75 2:30 and better performers; KJre of 15 dam^. 19 performers. 1 dam Utilla, by Imp. Margrave. -2 dam, by Sir Leslie. Note — Adroit is a bay colt, left hind foot white, very stout, good bone, good gaited, royally bred and a grand colt of much merit; bred just right for a track or stock horse. Yearling Colts. 141 No. 113. SECRET. Bay or brown colt, small star; foaled i88S; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Hainbletonian's Last, 6403. 1 dam Belle Moore, bay by Homer, 1235. Sire of Lelah H. C4yrs. old), 2:243^. 2 dam .. by Imp. Knight of St. George. 3 dam Sal Sovereign .by Montague's Sovereign. 4 dam Mary Murpby by Mark Time. 5 dam Peg by Hunt's Commodore. 6 dam Nance • t)y Imp. Non Plus. Hambletonian's Last, 6403 ... by Hambletonian, 10. Sherman's Hambletonian.. . . by Hambletonian, 10. Record, 2:253^, which is no Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- - measure of his speed. ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 perform- ers; sire of 103 sons, 512 perform eis__ 1 dam Lady Russell by American Star, 14. Sireof 4 2:3oand better performers; sire of 33 dams, 40 trotters, i pacer;, sire of 6 sons with 10 performers. 2 dam by Bay Richmond, 1768. Homer, 1235 by Mambrino Patchen, 58. Sire of 19 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 30 dams, 29 trotters, i pacer; sire of 24 sons, 46 perform- ers; and has 42 grandsons and. daughters in the 2:30 list. 1 dam Sally Chorister by Mambrino Chorister. Dam of Proteine, 2:18; Belle Brassfield, 2:20. 2 dam Miss Blood by Blood's Black Hawk. Son of Black Hawk, 5. Note. — Secret is a bay or brown colt, small star; large, stout and hands jme, a finely formed, good-looking colt, of a speedy conformation; will make a large, fine horse. 142 Yearling Colts. Standard Rule 6. :N^o. 114. MOON BEAM. Bay colt, hind feet white, star; foaled i888; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired hy Sherman's JSambletonian, 5864. 1 dam Kate ... by Harrison Chief. Son of Clark Chief, 89. 2 dam by Joe Downing, 710. 3 dam - by Highlander. 4 dam . . by Old Copperbottom. -Sherman's Hambletonian ... .by Hambletonian, 10. (5864.) Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform - Sire of Sudie D., yearling rec- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 perform- ord, 2:35^. ers; sire of 103 sons with 512 per- formers. Harrison Chief, 3841 by Clark Chief, 89. Sire of George L., 2:263^; Har- Sire of 6 performers; sire of 9 dams, rison, 2:263^. 9 performers; sire of 8 sons, 17 performers. .Joe Downing, 710 by Edwin Forrest, 49. Sire of 2 2:30 and better per- Sire of 2 2:30 and better perform - formers; sire of 3 sons, 3 per- ers; sire of 4 sons, 5 performers; formers; sire of 5 dams, 5 per- sire of 9 dams, 9 performers, formers. Note. — Moon Beam is a solid bay colt, hind feet white, star; good "bone and substance, speedy conformation, bred right to make a trotter or a valuable horse. :o:— No. 115. WILL HOOKER. Bay colt, foaled 1888; bred bj Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Hambletonian' s Last* 6403* (P.ecord, 2:2.;3^.) 1 dam Dolly by Shelby Chief, 923. Sire 3 2:30 and better performers, and of the dam of Delineator, 2:18. Yearling Colts. 143 WELL HOCKER-Continued. '2 da,m Kate by Jehu Morgan. Son of Shern an Black Hawk, T43 ,3 dam, ' by "Wagner (thoroughbred). 4 dam, by Tecumseh. Harabletonian's Last, 6403 . . .'"Qj Hambletonian, 10. R.ecord, 2:253^, and no measure Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- of his speed. ers; sire of 103 sons with 512 par- formers; sire of 39 dams, 45 per- forfners. 1 dam Lady Russell. by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 6 sons with 10 per- formers; sire of 2,Z dams, 40 trot* ters, I pacer. 2 dam by Bay Richmond, 1768. Sire of Fritz, 2:273^, and of the dam of St. Cloud, 2:21. •Shelby Chief, 923 by Abdallah, 15. Sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2:14, and • 4 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 12 sons, 90 performers; sire of 19 dams, 20 trotters, 2 pacers. 1 dam Brunette. hj Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of Lady Thorne, 2:iS)^, and 5 other 2:30 performers; sire of 23 sons with 75 performers; sire of 15 dams v/ith 19 performers. 2 dam Nancy King, by GifFord Morgan. Note. — "Will Hocker is a nice bay colt, good size; fine in conforma- tion; good gaited, and will make a large, fine horse. — :o: Standard Rule 6. m. 116. JOHN HOOKER. Bay colt; foaled 1888; bred by Dr. J. A. Sherman. Sired by Hambletonian Gem^ 5949, 1 dam Wildflower .by Wildwood, 944. (Record, 2:30.) 144 Yearling Colts. JOHN HOCKER-Continued. 2 dam Dolly by Shelby Chief, 923. Sire of 3 2:30 and better perform- ers, and the dam of Delineator, 2:i8„ 3 dam. bv Jehu Morgan. 4 dam, by Wagner (thoroughbred). 5 dam, by Tecumseh. Wildwood, 944 by Blackwood, 74. (Record, 2:30.) (Record, 3 years, 2:31.) Dam not traced. Sire of Proteine, 2:18, and 4 other 2:30 and better performers: sire 3. dams, 3 performers; sire of i son, 3 performers. Blackwood, 74 by Alex. Norman, 25. Sire of Lulu, 2:14^; May Qjieen,. 2:20; sire of 3 sons, 22 performers;, sire of 5 dams, 6 performers. 1 dam by Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of Lady Thorne, 2:183^, and 5 other 2:30 and better performers; sire of 16 dams, 19 performers; sire of 23 sons, 75 performers. 2 dam unknown. Hambletonian Gem, 5949 by Hambletonian, 10. Sire of 41 2:30 and better perform- ers; sire of 39 dams, 45 performers; sire of 103 sons, 512 performers. 1 dam Smith Mare by American Star, 14. Sire of 4 2:30 performers; 6 sons, 10 performers; 33 dams, 40 trotters, I pacer. 2 dam Doll, by Crabtree Bellfounder, son of Imp. Bellfounder. Note. — John Hocker is a nice large bay colt, of fine formation, good stout bone, and speedy, is finely bred and will make a very valuable horse. Hegistration. 145 THE STANDARD OF ADMISSION TO REGIS- TRATION. The following are the rules for the standard of admission to registration recently adopted by the National Association of Trotting Horse Breeders: First. — Any stallion that has himself a record of 2:30 or better, provided any of his get has a record of 2:35 or better, or provided his Rire or his dam is already a standard animal. Second. — Any mare or gelding that has a record of 2:30 or better. Third. — Any horse that is the sire of two animals with a record of 2 :30 or better. Fourth. — Any horse that is the sire of one animal with a record of 2:30 or better, provided that he has either of the following additional qualifications: (i) A record himself of 2:35 or better; (2) is the sire of two other animals with a record of 2:35 or better; (3) has a sire or dam that is already a standard animal. Fifth. — Any mare that has produced an animal with a record of 2:30 or better. Sixth. — The progeny of a standard horse when out of a standard mare. Seventh. — The female progeny of a standard horse when out of a mare by a standard horse. Eighth. — The female progeny of a standard horse when out of a mare whose dam is a standard mare. Ninth. — Any mare that has a record of 2:35 or better, and whose sire or dam is a standard animal. Terms For Keep. ^mm=^ =Terms for Keep.^ Stock from a distance will be kept in the same manner as I keep my own, at the following rates, but no responsibilities assumed for accidents or escape* Mares per year f^yo oo. Mare per summer months 4 00. Weanlings from Oct. ist to May ist, per month S 00. All bills for keeping stock will be due when presented. Mares bred by the season, money due at the time of service. Mares bred by insvirance, money due the following January ist. -^-^-r^^TT^^ Kace Tracks. 147 MILE AND HALF-MILE TRACK. For a mile track, select your ground suitable; draw or run two paral- lel lines 440 yards long, and 291I3 yards apart; get the radius (or center between the ends of the two parallel lines) and drive a stake; attach a rope or wire to this stake long enough to reach to end of one parallel line; attach a handspike or sharp stake to the rope of wire so as to measure exactly to the end of parallel line; keep rope or wire tight; walk around in a half circle; mark and stick stakes as far apart as you want your fence posts; treat other end of the parallel lines same as those mentioned, and you will have a perfect mile track, three feet from the pole or fence. The tvirns should be elevated one half-inch for every foot in width. For a half-mile track, draw two parallel lines 220 yards long and 14473 yards apart; measure and make the half-circles (or turns) same way as for mile track, and you will have a perfect half-mile track three feet from the pole. The turns on half-mile track should be elevated one inch to the foot in width. 148 Index. Index> STALLIONS IN SERVICE. lO. NAME. SIRE. PAGE 1 Sherman's Hambletonian by Hambletonian 7 2 Hambletonian Gem by Hambletonian lo 3 George F. Andrews by Hambletonian 12 4 Paladine by Hambletonian 14 5 Hambletonian's Last by Hambletonian 16 6 Elevator by Hambletonian 18 7 Alexander H. Sherman by Backman's Idol 19 8 Duroc Wilkes by Sherman's Wilkes 21 9 Ruskin Wilkes by Sherman's Wilkes 22 10 Dominator, 9896 by Sherman's Hambletonian 24 11 Pembroke by Sherman's Hambletonian 25 12 Tornado by Alexander H. Sherman 26 13 Colonel Moore by Sherman's Hambletonian .... 27 14 Admiral Porter by Sherman's Hambletonian 28 15 DeForrest, 9897 by Hector Wilkes 29 16 Waiting by Hambletonian Gem 30 17 Hector Wilkes (dead) by George Wilkes 31 YOUNG STALLIONS. 18 Lucy Wilkes by Sherman's Wilkes ^^ 19 Wilkes F by Sherman's Wilkes 34 20 Knight Wilkes by Sherman's Wilkes 35 21 Patchen Wilkes by Sherman's Wilkes 36 22 Oliver Ditson by Hambletonian Gem 37 23 Major Benton by Hector Wilkes 38 24 Tacoma by Sherman's Hambletonian ^o 25 Ex-Sheriif by Hambletonian Gem 41 26 Future Hopes by Wonderful 42 27 Great Hopes by Hambletonian's Last. 43 28 Che'stnut Bill. by Hector Wilkes 44 29 Brilliant by Sherman's Hambletonian 45 30 Prelude by Hambletonian's Last. . 46 31 Gold Edge .by Sherman's Hambletonian 47 Index. 149 BROOD MARES. tsTO. NAME. SIRE. PAGE 32 Bella hy Hambletonian 49 2^ Martha Washington bj Blucher 51 34 Hambletonian Queen by Hambletonian 52 35 Queen Martha by Sherman's Hambletonian 53 36 Dolly Davis bj Almont 54 37 Chicago Maid by Revenge 57 38 Carrie Clench by Harold-. 59 39 Venus by Schuyler Colfax 61 40 Hattie Lawrence by Daniel Lambert 62 41 Lambert Girl by Daniel Lambert 62 42 Pettie . by George Wilkes 63 43 Smuggler Belle by Smuggler 66. 44 Jennette by Blackwood 68 45 Ander Girl by Alexander H. Sherman 70 46 Ida Girl by Alexander H. Sherman 71 47 Village Girl by Robinson's Wild Arab 72 48 Kitty Dale by Alexander H. Sherman 73 49 Heliotrope by Alexander H. Sherman 74 50 Miss Call by Sherman's Hambletonian 75 51 Silver Edg^ by Sherman's Hambletonian 76 52 Victoria by Sherman's Hambletonian 77 53 Chestnut Queen by Sherman's Hambletonian 78 54 Pine Leaf by Sherman's Hambletonian 79 55 Alda Sherman by Sherman's Hambletonian 80 56 Connundrum by Nestor Wilkes. . 81 57 Louise by Sherman's Hambletonian. ... 82 58 Lily by Hambletonian Gem 8^ 59 Split Silk by Hector Wilkes 84 60 Chancery by Ned Wilkes 85 61 Modest Wonder by Wonderful 87 62 Josie Wonder by Wonderful 88 63 Pet Wilkes by Sherman's Wilkes 89 64 Last's Beauty by Hambletonian's Last 90 65 Pride of Monmouth by Hambletonian's Last 91 66 Flora Wilkes by Sherman's Wilkes 92 67 Beauty by Blackwood Patchen 93 68 Misfortune by Sweepstakes. 94 69 Alex. F by Alexander H. Sherman . 95 150 Index. 70 Lucinda Wilkes by Sherman's Wilkes 96 71 Dot by Volunteer 97 72 Florita by Florida 97 73 Saucy Dean by Paladine 98 74 True Love's Sister by Sweepstakes 99 741^ Lizzie H by Vidette 100 YEARLING FILLIES. 75 Rosemary by Hambletonian Gem 102 76 Polka by Hambletonian's Last 103 77 Serenade by Hector Wilkes 1 04 78 Fulda by Hector Wilkes 105 79 Silver Belle by Hambletonian's Last 106 80 Mollie K by Hambletonian's Last 107 81 Mattie K by Sherman's Hambletonian. . . .108 82 May Leaf by Hambletonian Gem 109 83 Lady Gardner by Hambletonian Gem no 84 Lady Vance by Sherman's Hambletonian in 85 Preface by Hambletonian's Last 112 86 Beauty by Hector Wiikes 113 87 Sea Breeze by Hambletonian. Gem 115 88 Sea Shore by Sherman's Hambletonian 116 89 Sea Side by Hector Wilkes 116 90 Sedate by Sherman's Hambletonian 118 91 Miss Daniels by Hambletonian Gem 118 92 Hattie G by Sherman's Hambletonian. .... 119 93 Miss Goodwin by Hector Wilkes 120 94 Kate Adams by Hambletonian's Last 121 95 Mary Monroe by Hambletonian Gem 122 96 Lady Grigsby by Sherman's Hambletonian 123 97 May Hocker . . . .by Sherman's Hambletonian 124 YEARLING COLTS. 98 Last's Boy by Hambletonian's Last 126 99 Winchester by Hambletonian's Last 127 100 Forfeit by Hector Wilkes 128 loi Sensation by Sherman's Hambletonian 129 102 Potter by Sherman's Hambletonian 130 103 Captain by Hector Wilkes 130 NO. 10 Index. 151 104 Senior by Hambletonian Gem 131 Shipmate by Sherman's Hambletoniar 132 106 Elector by Hambletonian's Last 133 107 Ponder by Hambletonian Gem 134 108 Senator by Hector Wilkes 135 109 Signify by Sherman's Hambletonian 136 no Oak Leaf by Sherman's Hambletonian 137 111 Sher,. et by Hector Wilkes 139 112 Adroit by Hector Wilkes 139 113 Secret by Hambletonian's Last 141 114 Moonbeam by Sherman's Hambletonian 142 115 Will Hocker .by Hambletonian's Last 142 1 16 John Hocker . .by Hambletonian Gem 143 £^. •>!■ COMPILED BY-K' ^ \ <