.■»':.i,- •" .ti( . *>-^^, ■i Webster Family library of Vetarinary Medicine Cunimlngs Schoo! of Velorinarv f^edicine at Tuits liniversity 200 Westboro Road M — -^u Kx iL n /I A r\- 3 9090 014 535 138 JOHNSON ON < HUNTING. HUNTING DIRECTORY; CONTAINING A COMPENDIOUS VIEW OF THE ANCIENT AND MODERN SYSTEMS OF THE CHASE; THE Method of Breeding and Managing the various Kinds of Hounds, particularly Fox Hounds : their Diseases, with a certain Cure for the Distemper; THE PURSUIT OF THE FOX, THE HARE, THE STAG, &c. THE NATURE OF SCENT CONSIDERED AND ELUCIDATED : ALSO, NOTICES OF THE WOLF AND BOAR HUNTING OF FRANCE; Together witii A VARIETY OF ILLUSTRATIVE OBSERVATIONS. BY T. B. JOHNSON, AUTHOR OF THE SHOOTER'S COMPANION, &C. &C. Better to hunt in fields for health unbought. Than fee the doctor for a nauseous draught. Uryden. LONDON: PRINTED FOR SHERWOOD, GILBERT, AND PIPER, PATERNOSTER-ROW, 1830. DEDICATION. TO Sir harry M. MAINWARING, Bart. Sir, In dedicating the present little volume to you, allow me to observe, that I am actuated by no interested motive whatever ; but by an unqualified and sincere desire to express, in a distinguished manner, the high sense I en- tertain of your excellent character, as well as of yom* condescending and truly polite attention ; and in saying this, I am perfectly convinced, that I express, at the same time, the feelings of all those who have had the pleasure of attending your hoimds. As a genuine English Gentleman, there- fore, I dedicate this work to you ; which you will be pleased to accept as a token of sincere respect, fiom. Sir, Your obedient humble Servant, T. B. JOHNSON. Liverpool, 1 Sept. «1, 1826.5 PREFACE. — <♦ » 1 — Of all the sciences which have fallen under human contemplation, less, perhaps, has been written on the subject of Hunting than any other ; not that it is so cir- cumscribed as to admit of little elucidation, but because sportsmen, occupied by the practical business of the chase, have not sufficient leisure, or probably seldom feel the inclination, to bestow that labour which is indis- pensable to such undertakings. The sportsmen of old, who have bequeathed us their notions on hunting, are to be read more as matter of curiosity than as sources from which may be derived any practical utility, since the progress of time has, in a great degree, oblitera- ted the old system of field sports. Amongst the sports- men of what may be called modern days, Somervile has given us his opinion in an elegant poem ; and Beckford, more recently, published his volume of sen- sible Letters ; these, with trifling exception, might be said to constitute all that has been written (at least in modern days) on the subject of hunting ; if we except the late publication of Colonel Cook, which I have not PREFACE. V. yet perused : in fact, all the chapters of the present volume were put together before I saw the announce- ment of the Colonel's work. However, as in a volume like the present, recurrence must necessarily be had to the opinions of preceding writers (Colonel Cook alone excepted), I have unhesi- tatingly quoted largely from Beckford and Somervile ; and indeed extracted whatever I thought worthy of notice from every other author, giving my own opinion where I happen to differ from them, and of course the reasons upon which such opinion is founded. Also, I have endeavoured to supply whatever appeared defec- tive, or had been altogether omitted, by those who have preceded me on the subject ; as well as noticed every recent improvement. I am, therefore, willing to hope, that the following pages will prove interesting and useful to the sportsman. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Introductory Observations. — Ancient British Sports- men, the Saxons, the Danes, the Normans. — Ancient Method of Hunting. — Sjiortsmen of the Old and Modern Schools 1 — 25. CHAPTER II. Of Forming and Building the Kennel. — Its Courts, Lodging Rooms, Boiling Houses, 8fc. . 26 — 32. CHAPTER III. Extraordinary Sliced of Fox Hounds. — Of the Origin of Hounds. — The Talbot or Blood Hound, the Stag Hound, the Southern Hound, the Beagle, the Fox Hound. — The Olfactory Organs of the Hound. — Of the Size, Colour, and Breeding of Hounds, ^-c. 33—53. CHAPTER IV. Diseases (f Hounds and Methods of Cure. 54 — 112. CONTENTS. vii. CHAPTER V. Of the Naming of Hounds. — A List of Names. — Of the Feeder. — Of Boiling and Mixing the Meat, and the proper Food for Hounds.— The Method and Time of Feeding. — Of Bleeding and Physicking Hounds. — Of Entering Young Hounds. — Summer Hunting, Sfc. — Of Flogging Hounds. — Bedford' s System. 112—145. CHAPTER VI. Of the Huntsman and the Whippers-in, and their re- spective Duties 146 — 173. CHAPTER Vn. Of the Time of Meeting. — Of Blood. — The Opinion of the late Mr. Meynell upon the Subject of Blood, as well as on Hounds and Fox Hunting. — Of Draw- ing. — Riding to Hounds, and the Management of the Run. — Changing Foxes. — Hounds at Fault. — Of Halloos. — Bag Foxes. — Of Fox Courts. — Treatment of Cubs. — Digging Foxes. — Of Badgers. 174—207. CHAPTER Vni. Of Hare Hunting. — The Opinion of a Sportsinan of the last Century ttpon this Subject. — The Hoiinds best calcidated for Hare Hunting. -^Of the Hunts- man and Whipper-in to a Pack of Harriers. — Hare Finders. — The Doubles of the Hare. — Warren Hares. — Pedestrian Sjjortsmen. — Of Music and Speed 207—230. viii. CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. Stag Hunting. — Otter Hunting. . . . 231 — 239. CHAPTER X. Of Scent. — Influence of the Atmosj)here upon Scent. — Is different in different Animals. . . 240 — 256. CHAPTER XI. Wolf Hunting in France, with a Description of the Hounds and Equipage for that purpose. — A Wolf Chase 257—280. CHAPTER XII. Hoar Hunting. — Manner of Training or Entering Yomig Hounds in France. . . . 281 — 294. CHAPTER XIII. The Methods of pursuing the Chase in Engla?id and in France compared. — Anecdotes of an extraordi- nary Pedestrian Fox Hunter. — Observations on the Mischievous Propensities of the Fox ; and upon the Injury sustained by his Depredations. 295 — 307. CHAPTER I. IntroductoryObscrvntions.-— Ancient British Sportsmen, the Saxons, the Danes, the Normans. — Ancient Method of Hunting. — Sportsmen of the Old and Modern Schools, In order to give a clear and somewhat comprehensive view of the present subject, it is my intention not to confine myself to the modern practice of Hunting, or the way in which it is now followed, but to give a retro- spective sketch of, or rapidly trace, its progress from the earliest periods to the present time ; and hence we shall perceive that the improvement which the chase, like all other sciences, has experienced, was the necessary consequence of circumstances ; that it resulted indeed from the different aspects which the country has, at various times, presented ; that hunting has, in fact, only kept pace with the progress of civilization, and the in- creased cultivation of the soil ; and that, therefore, the mode which at one period characterised it was by no means applicable to another. In saying that I shall trace its progress from the earliest periods, I do not mean to be understood as purposing to extend my observations to the most remote ages of the world, but merely to what may be called the earliest authenticated records of this country. Hunting is so deeply interesting to the human heart, that it is ardently followed by the savage as well as by the A viii. CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. Stag Hunting. — Otter Hunting. . . . 231—239. CHAPTER X. Of Scent. — Influence of the AtmospJiere upon Scent. — /* different in different Animals. . . 240 — 256. CHAPTER XL Wolf Hunting in France, with a Description of the Hounds and Equipage for that purpose. — A Wolf Chase 257—280. CHAPTER Xn. Boar Hunting. — Manner of Training or Entering Young Hounds in France. . . . 281 — 294. CHAPTER Xni. The Methods of pursuing the Chase in England and in France compared. — Anecdotes of an extraordi- nary Pedestrian Fox Hunter. — Observatiotis on the Mischievous Propensities of the Fox ; and upon the Injur?/ sustained hy his Depredations. 295 — 307. CHAPTER I. Introductory Observations. — Ancient British Sportsmen^ the Saxons, the Danes, the Normans. — Ancient Method of Hunting. — Sportsmen of the Old and Modern Schools. In order to give a clear and somewhat comprehensive view of tlie present subject, it is my intention not to confine myself to the modern practice of Hunting, or the way in which it is now followed, but to give a retro- spective sketch of, or rapidly trace, its progress from the earliest periods to the present time ; and hence we shall perceive that the improvement which the chase, like all other sciences, has experienced, was the necessary consequence of circumstances ; that it resulted indeed from the different aspects which the country has, at various times, presented ; that hunting has, in fact, only kept pace with the progress of civilization, and the in- creased cultivation of the soil ; and that, therefore, the mode which at one period characterised it was by no means applicable to another. In saying that I shall trace its progress from the earliest periods, I do not mean to be understood as purposing to extend my observations to the most remote ages of the world, but merely to what may be called the earliest authenticated records of this country. Hunting is so deeply interesting to the human heart, that it is ardently followed by the savage as well as by the 10' HUNTING DIRECTORY. Ancient British Sportsmen. civilized man ; and no doubt can be entertained, that the inhabitants of this island, prior to the invasion of Julius Caesar, followed the chase, as well for amusement, as for the means of subsistence ; but, as we are ignorant of the means which they adopted to accomplish their purpose, we must be content with the slender knowledge we pos- sess on the subject, and proceed for further information to periods when the chase was followed under what may be called a regular and well-authenticated form. When the Saxons visited this country, hunting as- sumed an organized character ; and no sooner had the Danes attained the mastery, than they instituted laws for the protection of game, the increased severity of which marked the imperious sway of the Normans, and fixed an indelible stigma on the memory of William I. The Saxons were undoubtedly much attached to hunting — the same remark will equally apply to the Danes ; while the Normans manifested such an invincible passion for field sports, that the business of the chase was re- garded as one of the most important duties of life by the monarch and all the great men of the kingdom. Hence it is not surprising, that the science of hunting should have made considerable progress under such ardent sportsmen ; the services of that noblest of quadrupeds, the horse,* were called in to enhance the pleasures of the chase ; and the breeding of hounds seems, at this period, to have been well understood, and pursued upon syste- matic principles. It is true, the hounds used by the • It is doubtful if the horse was used in the chase prior to the Norman Conquest. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 11 Hunting of our Ancestors. Normans might be somewhat different from our modern stocks ; but they -were, no doubt, well adapted to the state of the country, and the mode of hunting then pursued ; and were, hi all probability, of the old Talbot kind, whence have sprung, I am inclined to think, all the various ramifications of the hound tribe which may be seen in various parts of the kingdom at the present day. Somervile's ideas upon the subject of the hunting of our remote ancestors perfectly agrees with the opinion above expressed, as will be seen by the following quota- tion from his expressive and elegant poem: — — — " Devotion pure, And strong necessity, thus 6rst began The chase of beasts : though bloody was the deed. Yet without guilt. For the green herb alone, Unequal to sustain man's labouring race, Now every moving thing that liv'd on earth Was granted him for food. So just is Heaven, To give us in proportion to our wants. Or chance or industry in after time Some few improvements made, but short as yet Of due perfection. In this isle remote, Our painted ancestors were slow to learn. To arms devote, of the politer arts Nor skill'd nor studious; till from Neustria's coasts Victorious William, to more decent rules Subdu'd our Saxon fatlicrs, taught to speak The proper dialect, %vith horn and voice To cheer the busy hound, whose well-known cry His listening peers approve with joint acclaim. From him buccessive huntsmen leara d to join In bloody social leagues, the multitude Dispers'd, to size, to sort their various tribes, a2 12 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Origin of Hunting Terms. To rear, feed, hunt, and discipline the pack. Hail, happy Britain ! highly favor'd isle. And Heav'n's peculiar care ! to thee 'tis given To train the sprightly steed, more fleet than those Begot by winds, or the celestial breed That bore the great Pelides through the press Of heroes arm'd, and broke their crowded ranks, Which, proudly neighing, with the sun begins Cheerful his course, and, ere his beams decline. Has measur'd half thy surface unfatigu'd. In thee alone, fair land of liberty ! Is bred the perfect hound, in scent and speed As yet unrivall'd; while, in other climes, Their virtue fails, a weak degenerate race. Tn vain malignant steams and winter fogs Load the dull air, and hover round our coasts. The huntsman, ever gay, robust, and bold. Defies the noxious vapour, and confides In this delightful exercise to raise His drooping head, and cheer his heart with joy." 1 am inclined to think that many of our hunting terms at present in use may be traced to a Norman origin : halloo, for instance, immediately derived from a loup, seems to have descended from the source just mentioned. The Normans went to the field, or rather perhaps to the forest, on horseback, armed with bows and arrows, and other weapons, and attended by a great retinue. The game was roused by the dogs, and shot at by the sportsmen, as often as opportunity offered ; a consider- able space was, on some occasions, encircled by toils or nets, and a sort of indiscriminate slaughter ensued of the Various .animals thus inclosed. The stag, the wolf, and the wild boar, constituted the principal objects of pursuit ; and though there was no HUNTING DIRECTORY. 13 Ancient Norman Hunters. scarcity of foxes, yet these animals, which at present afford a species of diversion which leaves all other field sports at an immeasurable distance, were httle attended to by the sportsmen of the remote period now iinder contemplation : the reason is evident — the chase of the fox was not understood, nor yet adapted to the state of the country ; and though we now regard the pursuit of this animal as far preferable to any other chase, it is owing almost intirely to the different aspect which the face of the country presents, that it stands so deservedly high in the estimation of modern sportsmen. When the early Normans followed the chase in this country, the game, it is true, was roused and pursued by the hounds, as I have already observed ; but it generally received its quietus from the hand of the sportsman, either by means of the arrow, the spear, or other weapon with which he was prepared for the purpose. Under such a system of the chase, a fox would appear scarcely entitled to atten- tion ; nor would he indeed form a mark sufficiently con- spicuous for the arrow or the spear ; and therefore, upon a transient view of the subject, it will seem no way sur- prising, that he was little, if at all, sought after by the old Norman sportsmen. A few illustrative observations, from an ancient writer, will show the irresistible propensity of the Normans for the chase, as well as the style and character in which they pursued it. — " In these days (says he) our nobihty esteem the sports of hunting and hawking as the most honourable employments, the most exalted virtues ; and to be conti- nually engaged in these amusements is, in their opinion, the summit of human ha})piness. They prepare for a A 3 14 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Ancient Norman Hunters. hunt with more trouble, anxiety, and cost, than they would for a battle, and follow the beasts of the forest with more fury than they do their enemies : by being con- stantly engaged in this savage sport, they contract habits of barbarity, lose, in a great measure, their feelings of humanity, and become nearly as ferocious as the beasts they pursue. The husbandman is driven, together with his innocent flocks and herds, from his fertile fields, his meadows, and his pastures, that beasts may roam there in his stead. Should one of these potent and merciless sportsmen pass your door, place before him, in a moment, all the refreshment your habitation affords, or that can be purchased or borrowed in your neighbourhood, that you may not be utterly ruined, or perchance accused of treason. The sam.e writer tells us, that the fair sex caught the predominant passion ; while we learn, from other sources, that the mitre deserted its functions, and the coiol quitted the quiet retirement of the monastery, to join in the transporting pleasures of the chase." Walterus, archdeacon of Canterbury, who was pro- moted to the see of Rochester in 1147, totally neglected the duties of his sacred profession, and devoted his time entirely to hunting. At the age of 80, he is said to have been a keen sportsman, and he died at a very advanced period. Reginaldus Brian, bishop of Worcester in 1332, was distinguished for his attention to field sports ; and in an epistle of his (now extant) to the bishop of St. David's, he reminds him of a promise he had made to send him six couple of excellent hunting dogs. He de- clares his heart languishes for their arrival, and observes > — " Let them come, then, oh ! reverend father ! without HUNTING DIRECTORY. 15 Ancient Hunters. delay ; let my woods re-echo with the music of their cry, and the cheerful notes of the horn ; and let the walls of my palace be decorated with the trophies of the chase !" Some of these clerical sportsmen, however, contrived to blend amusement and business, as it were ; and in their visitations through their dioceses, they were attended with such numbers of horses, hounds, huntsmen, and falconers, that the religious houses were frequently very much distressed to provide for so numerous a retinue. About the year 1200, the prior and canons of Bridlington in Yorkshire, presented a formal complaint to the pope (Innocent III) against the archdeacon of Richmond, who, when he made his visitations, brought such a prodigious number of attendants, that the complainants declared, that his suite consumed more provision in one hour than would serve the whole community a long time. The pope, in consequence, despatched a bull, forbidding such scandalous and oppressive visits in future. The monasteries also produced their mighty hun- ters ; and William de Clowne, who is celebrated as the most amiable ecclesiastic of his time, and who filled the abbacy of St. Mary, in Leicestershire, is no less distin- guished for his p: ofound skill in the science of the chase, which is numbered amongst his excellent qualities ; and that his kennel might always be well supplied with hounds, the king granted him the privilege of holding a fair or market, for the sole purpose of dealing in dogs. It would appear from ancient records, that the Anglo- Saxons pursued the wild boar and wolf on foot ; while the Normans improved upon this method by introducing the horse, and directed their attention, for the most part, 16 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Progress of Hunting. to the pursuit of the stag, the roe-buck, the fox, the hare, &c. nor do they appear to have depended entirely on their dogs, as they were excellent marksmen and made a very liberal use of the bow — thus William Rufus lost his life. Edward I. may be justly enumerated among the ori- ginal fox-hunters ; and his wardrobe book, for the 28th year of his reign, contains an item of the number and expense of his kennel, which it seems consisted of twelve hounds, and their annual expense amounted to twenty- one pounds, six shillings. Hunting, indeed, about this period, appears to have been reduced to a regular science ; and several treatises were written on the subject, containing instructions for juvenile sportsmen, as well as rules for the various offices in the forest, the stable, and the kennel. A curious performance on this subject, in Norman-French, is still extant. It was written in the beginning of the fourteenth century, by William Twice, grand huntsman to Edward II. and an ancient translation of it may be found among the Cottonian manuscripts. After all, it is very clear that the oppressive severity of the forest laws was not sufficient to restrain the yeomanry from a diversion to which they were so passionately attached. Many of them, taking advantage of that relaxed state which the feudal system naturally produced, retired into the recesses of the large forests, which, at this period, covered a con- siderable part of the kingdom, and, forming themselves into a sort of banditti, pursued their favourite sport almost without restraint. Hence the tradition of Robin Hood and Little John ; whose deeds are related in num- HUNTING DIRECTORY. 17 Old Method of Fox-hunting. berless old songs, which still continue great favourites with the vulgar. But such a state of things was found incompatible with the progress of civilization, and consequently gave way to a different system : as the cultivation of the soil proceeded, the wolf and the wild boar continued to retire from the face of man, till at length they could no longer shelter themselves, and were thus ultimately extermi- nated. The stag, however, long maintained his ground against the cultivators of the soil ; or rather, he might be said to be taken under especial protection, and con- tinued to animate and adorn the various forests, which are not, even at the present day, entirely disafforested, though little remains to remind us of their former appear- ances. The stag constituted the principal object of chase after the extirpation of the wild boar and the wolf, and stag- hunting has continued the favourite pastime of royalty to the present period. As the country was progressively cleared of its useless woods and morasses, missiles were laid aside in the pursuit of this animal, it being dis- covered that his powers of speed and contrivance enabled him to afford far superior diversion, when the exertions of the hounds were unassisted by the use of those wea- pons which had hitherto been employed on the occasion. But, though the stag was regarded as the noblest chase, the pursuit of the fox occupied the attention of the sportsman, and the manner of it is thus described by a writer of the seventeenth century: — "The fox is taken with hounds, greyhounds, terriers, nets, and gins. I« HUNTING DIRECTORY. Old Method of Fox-hunting. " Of terriers there are two sorts — the one is crooked- legged and commonly short-haired, and these will take earth well, and will he very long at fox or badger; the other sort is shagged and straight-legged, and these will not only hunt above ground as others, but also enter the earth with much more fury than the former, but cannot stay in so long by reason of their great eagerness. "The entering and fleshing them may be done several ways; in the first place, thus: when foxes and badgers have young cubs, then take your old terriers and enter them in the ground, and when they begin to bay, you must then hold every one of your terriers at a sundry hole or mouth of the earth, that they may listen and hear the old ones bay. Having taken the old fox or badger, and that nothing remains within but the young cubs, then couple up all your old terriers and put in the young in their stead, encouraging them by crying to him, to hinii to him ! and if they take any young cub within the ground, let them alone to do what they please with him, and forget not to give the old ones their reward, which is the blood and hvers, fried with cheese and some of their own grease, shewing them the heads and skins to encourage them : — before you reward them, wash them with soap and warm water, to clear their skins from earth and cjlay that is clodded to the hair, other- wise they are apt to be mangie. *' Now, to say the truth, there is not much pastime or pleasure in hunting a fox under ground ; for as soon as that subtle creature perceiveth the terriers, if they bay hard, and lie near unto them, they will bolt out imme- diately, unless it be when the bitch hath youn§ cubs, HUNTING DIRECTORY. 19 Old Method of Fox-hunting. then they will sooner die than stir. — They make their earths as near as they can in stony ground, or amongst the roots of trees ; and their earths have commonly but one hole, and that is straight a long way in before it comes at their couch : sometimes craftily they possess themselves of a badger's old burrow, which hath variety of chambers, holes, and angles. When a good terrier doth once bind the fox, he then yearns and defends him- self very notably, but not so strenuously as the badger, nor is his biting half so dangerous. ** Of fox-hunting above ground. — To this purpose you must draw with your hounds about groves, thickets, and bushes near villages ; a fox will lurk in such places to prey on young pigs and poultry ; but it will be neces- sary to stop up his earths, if you can find them, the night before you intend to hunt, and the best time will be about midnight, for then the fox goeth out to seek his prey : you may stop his holes by laying two white sticks across before them, which will make him imagine it is some gin or trap laid for him ; or else you may stop them up close with black thorns and earth together. " The best hunting a fox above ground, is in January, February, and March, for then you shall best see your hounds hunting, and best find his earthing ; besides, at those times the fox's skin is best in season. Again, the hounds best hunt the fox in the coldest weather, because he leaveth a very strong scent behind him ; yet, in cold weather, it chills fastest. At first, only cast off your sure finders, and as the drag mends, so add more as you dare trust them. Shun easting off too many hounds at once, because woods and coverts are full of sundry 20 HUNTING DIRECTORY* Draper, the Fox-hunterj - chases, and so you may engage them in too many at one time. Let such as you cast off first, be old staunch hounds, which are sure ; and if you hear such a hound call on merrily, you may cast off some other to him; and when they run it on the full cry, cast off the rest, and thus you shall complete your pastime. The words of comfort are the same which are used in the other chases, attended with the same hoUowings and other ceremonies. Let the hounds kill the fox themselves, and worry and tear him as much as they please : many hounds will eat him with eagerness. When he is dead, hang him at the end of a pike-stafF, and hollow in your hounds to bay him : but reward them not with any thing belonging to the fox, for it is not good." The greyhovmds employed in the pursuit of the fox were strong, wire-haired animals, placed in situations where it was expected the fox would make his appear- ance, and they were slipped at him as he passed. Thus, when the fox had been driven from his kennel by the hounds, he had to encounter a succession of greyhounds which were placed in relays for the purpose. It is difficult to trace the progress of hunting, and of fox-hunting in particular; but yet, I am inclined to think, what may be called its next stage may be tolerably well conceived from the following : — " In the old, but now ruinous, mansion of Berwick Hall, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, once lived the well-known William Draper, Esq. who bred, fed, and hunted the staunchest pack of fox-hounds in Europe. Upon an income of only 700/. per annum he brought up^ creditably, eleven sons and daughters; kept a stable of excellent hunters, a kennel HUNTING DIREGTGJIY. 2\ And bis Daughter. of true-bred fox-hounds, besides a carriage with horses suitable, for the convenience of my lady and her daughters. He lived in the old honest style of his county, kiUing every month a good ox of his own feeding, and priding himself on maintaining a substantial table, but with no foreign kickshaws. His general apparel was a long dark drab hunting coat, a belt round his waist, and a strong velvet cap on his head. In his humour he was very facetious, always having some pleasant story, both in the field and in the hall, so that his company was much sought after by persons of good condition, and which was of great use to him in the subsequent advancement of his children. His stables and kennels were kept in such order, that sportsmen observed them as schools for huntsmen and grooms, who were glad to come there without wages, merely to learn their business. When they had obtained proper instruction, he then recom- mended them to other gentlemen, who wished for no better character than Squu-e Draper's recommendation. He was always up, during the hunting season, at four in the morning, mounted on one of his nags at five o'clock, hunself bringing forth his hounds, who knew every note of their old master's voice. In the field he rode with judgment, avoiding what was unnecessary, and helping his hounds when they were at fault. His daughter Di, who was equally famous at riding, used to assist him, cheering the hounds with her voice. She died at York in a good old age, and, what was wonderful to many sportsmen who dared not follow her, she died with whole bones, in her bed. 22 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Hugh Meynell, Ksq. "After the fatigues of the day, which were generally crowned with the brushes of a brace of foxes, he enter- tained those who would return with him, and which was sometimes thirty miles distance, with old English hospi- tality. Good old October was the liquor drank ; and his first fox-hunting toast, was ' All the brushes in Christendom.' At the age of eighty years this gentleman died, as he chiefly lived, for he died on horseback. As he was going to give some instructions to a friend who was rearing up a pack of fox-hounds, he was seized with a fit, and dropping from his old favourite pony, he ex- pired ! There was no man, rich or poor, in his neigh- bourhood, but lamented his death ; and the foxes were the only things that had occasion to be glad that Squire Draper was no more." The foundation of the present system of fox-hunting was unquestionably laid by the celebrated Hugo Mey- nell, Esq. who for many years conducted the Quorndon establishment, and whose ideas upon the subject I shall notice repeatedly in the course of this work. When fox-hunting had assumed something of its modern form, the chase was followed by a slow, heavy hound, whose exquisite olfactory organs enabled him to carry on the scent a considerable time after the fox had passed, as v/ell over greasy fallows, as hard roads, and other places where the modern high-bred fox-hound would not be able to recognise it. Thus the chase conti- nued for double the duration which it at present occupies, and hence may be seen the reason why the old Enghsh hunter, so celebrated in former days, and so great a favourite witli sportsmen of the old school, was enabled HUNTING DIRECTORY. 83 Ancient and Modern Hour of Meeting. to perform those feats which are exultingly bruited in his praise. The fact is, that the hounds and the horses were very well calculated for each other : — if the latter possessed not the speed of the Meltonian hunter, the hounds were equally slow ; and though the pursuit was not carried on with that impetuous velocity, which forms the leading feature of its present highly-improved state, still the superior olfactory nerves of the old hound enabled him to bring the business to a more certain, though a more protracted, conclusion. Sportsmen of the old school, it would appear, com- menced their operations at a much earlier period than the moderns : — it is recorded of 'Squire Draper, for instance, who has been already noticed, that "he was always up at four in the morning, and mounted on one of his nags at five ;" and the question which naturally suggests itself to the mind, on reading such a statement, is, — how far had he to ride to cover ? for, unless the distance was much greater than usual, he would, during the best part of the hunting season, arrive at the appointed spot several hours before day-light ; and I cannot induce myself to believe, that fox-hunting can be very pleasant diversion in the dark ! However, I have no hesitation in supposing, that the sportsmen of the old school met at an earlier hour than the modern fox-hunter thinks necessary ; that they met, in fact, as soon as day-light would enable them to observe the motions of the hounds, and this circumstance gave them decided advantages : — in the first place, there would be less difficulty in finding, and in the next, the fox would be less calculated for maintaining the contest, in consequence of having to run upon an overgorged M HUNTING DIRECTORY. stomach : yet, notwithstanding all this, the runs were frequently of very long duration ; and if commenced at a later period of the day, according to modern custom, would, perhaps, rarely have ended vnth the death of the fox. It may be truly remarked indeed, that while the old fox-hunters ran down their game, the sportsmen of modern days run up to it ; and this, in a few words, constitutes the essential difference between what may be called the old and the modern school of fox-hvmting. For the former, as I have already observed, a heavy tender-nosed hound was used, which would follow on the line of the fox under very adverse circumstances of atmosphere and country ; and was thus enabled at last to run down the chase : while the modern fox-hound pos- sesses sufficient speed to run well up to the fox ; and, by blowing or distressing him at the commencement of the struggle, he is generally not able to get far ahead ; the business is thus finished in a much shorter period, with little or no interruption, accompanied by all that dash, that maddening impetuosity, which constitutes the supreme delight of fox-hunting. At the same time, it must be admitted, that the modern high-bred fox-hound cannot, generally speaking, hunt a cold scent ; if the atmosphere be unfavourable, he cannot hunt ; if he cannot run well up to the game, he soon loses it alto- gether — his nose is not sufficiently tender to enable him to recognize the scent, when the chase is far before him. There are fox-hounds still to be met with which are able to hunt what may called a cold scent ; in Yorkshire, fox-hounds of this description are to be found. In the year 1825, I noticed many in Lord Harewood's pack HUNTING DIRECTORY. 25 Fox Hounds. which partook much of the old school ; the same remark is equally applicable to the fox-hounds of Sir Tatton Sykes, to the York and Ainsty, as well as to the Bads- worth, though not in so great a degree, and may perhaps extend to others which have not fallen under my obser- vation. The country hunted by the hounds just enu- merated, would appear to render tender-nosed hounds indispensable, since extensive fallows are of frequent occurrence, and also other circumstances equally unfa- fourable to scent. The case is different in Leicester- shire, which is chiefly a grazing county, and where, of course, a high-bred hound is afforded an opportunity of exhibiting his powers under every possible advantage. In the month of November of the year 1824, I saw a fox found, by the Duke of Rutland's hounds, in a cover called Holywell Mouth, near Melton ; the hovmds went away close at his brush, and killed him very handsomely in two and twenty minutes ! such a circumstance could rarely, if ever, occur, with hounds of the old school. The Cheshire hounds (those of Sir Harry Mainwaring) are as fleet as the hounds used in Leicestershire, though the country is not so favourable for hunting ; but the inclosures are, for the most part, small ; and thus a judi- cious huntsman, when he comes to a fallow or other ground, where his hounds cannot recognize the scent, will immediately lift them to the next fence, where it seldom fails to be hit off again. CHAPTER II. Of Forming and Building the Kennel. — Its CourtSj Lodging Rooms, Boiling Houses, ^c. In the establishment of a pack of hounds, the first consideration that obviously presents itself is the Kennel, upon which the poet of the chase thus beautifully ex- presses himself: — " First let the kennel be the huntsman's care. Upon some little eminence erect, And fronting to the ruddy dawn ; its courts On either hand wide opening to receive The sun's all-cheering beams, when mild he shines. And gilds the mountain tops. For much the pack (Rous'd from their dark alcoves) delight to stretch And bask in his invigorating ray : Warn'd by the streaming light, and merry lark, Forth rush the jolly clan : with tuneful throats They carol loud, and, in grand chorus join'd. Salute the new-born day. O'er all let cleanliness preside, no scraps Bestrew the pavement, and no half-pick'd bones To kindle fierce debate, or to disgust That nicer sense, on which the sportsman's hope, And all his future triumphs, must depend. Soon as the growling pack, with eager joy. Have lapp'd their smoking viands, morn or eve. From the full cistern lead the ductile streams, To wash thy court well pav'd, nor spare thy pains, For much to health will cleanliness avail. Seck'st thou for bounds to climb the rocky steep, HUNTING DIRECTORY. 27 Two Kennels lecommended. And brush th' entangled covert, whose nice scent O'er greasy fallows, and frequented roads. Can pick the dubious way. Banish far oflF Each noisome stench, let no oflFensive smell Invade thy wide enclosure, but admit The nitrous air, and purifying breeze." Beckford is very particular in his instructions respecting the kennel ; and as he very judiciously observes, its size must be suited to the number of its inhabitants ; but, he continues, " I make no doubt, there are many better kennels than mine ; some of which, I think, you should see before you begin to build." No better advice can be given ; and it is highly advisable for any person who contemplates building a kennel, in the first place, to visit several of the principal fox-hunting establishments, from which he will not fail to derive much useful information^, as well as obtain the best possible guide for his own con- templated structure. It is not easy to convey the requi- site directions on paper for this purpose ; and, after all, a little personal inspection of a few of the kennels which are already reared, would convey much better and more lucid ideas to the mind, than a bulky volume written on the subject. The author of the " Thoughts on Hunting," speaking of his own kennel, observes : — " I think two kennels absolutely necessary to the Avell-being of the hounds : when there is but one, it is seldom sweet ; and when cleaned out, the hounds, particularly in winter, suffer both whilst it is cleaning, and as long as it remains wet afterwards. *'The floor of each lodging-room should be bricked, and sloped on both sides to run to the center, with a b2 28 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Interior of the Kennel. gutter left to carry off the water, that when they are washed, they may be soon dry. If water should stand through any fault in the floor, it should be carefully mopped up ; for as warmth is in the greatest degree necessary to hounds after work, so damps are equally prejudicial. " I also wish that, contrary to the usual practice in building kennels, you would have three doors ; two in front, and one in the back, the last to have a lattice window in it, with a wooden shutter, which is constantly to be kept closed when the hounds are in, except in summer, when it should be left open all the day. This door answers two very necessary purposes : It gives an opportunity of carrying out the straw when the lodging- room is cleaned, and as it is opposite to the window, will be a means to let in a thorough air, which will greatly contribute to the keeping of it sweet and wholesome. The other doors will be of use in drying the room, when the hounds are out, and as one is to be kept shut, and the other hooked back, (allowing just room for a dog to pass) they are not liable to any objection. The great window in the centre should have a folding shutter; half, or the whole of which, may be shut at nights, accord- ing to the weather ; and your kennels by that means, may be kept warm, or cool, just as you please to have them. The two great lodging-rooms are exactly alike, and as each has a court belonging to it, are distinct ken- nels, and are at the opposite ends of the building ; in the centre of which, is the boiling-house, and feeding-yard ; and on each side a lesser kennel, either for hounds that are drafted off; hounds that are sick or lame ; or for any HUNTING DIRECTORY. 29 Interior of the Kennel. other purposes, as occasion may require. At the back of which, as they are but half the depth of the two great kennels, are places for coals, &c. for the use of the kennel. There is also a small building in the rear for hot bitches. The floors of the inner courts, like to those of the lodging- rooms, are bricked and sloped to run to the centre, and a channel of water, brought in by a leaden pipe, runs through the middle of them. In the centre of each court is a well, large enough to dip a bucket to clean the ken- nels ; this must be faced with stone, or it will be often out of repair. In the feeding-yard, you must have a wooden cover. '*The benches, which must be open to let the urine through, shovdd have hinges and hooks in the wall, that they may fold up, for the greater convenience of washing out the kennel ; and they should be made as low as pos- sible, that a tired hovmd may have no difficulty in jmnping up ; let me add, that the boiler should be of cast-iron. *' The rest of the kennel consists of a large court in front, which is also bricked, having a grass-court adjoin- ing, and a little brook running through the middle of it. The earth which was taken out of it, is thrown up into a mount, where the hounds in summer delight to sit. This court is planted round with trees, and has besides a lime tree, and some horse chesnut trees near the middle of it, for the sake of shade. A high pale incloses the whole ; part of which, to the height of about four feet, is close ; the other open : tlie intex'stices are about two inches wide. The grass-court is pitched (paved) near the pale, to prevent the hounds from scratching out. b3 30 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Appendages to the Kennel. "At the back of the kennel is a house, thatched and furzed up on the sides, big enough to contain at least a load ^f straw. Here should be a pit ready to receive the dung, and a gallows for the flesh. The gal-lows should have a thatched roof, and a circular board at the posts of it, to prevent vermin from climbing up. "A stove,* I believe, is made use of in some kennels; but where the feeder is a good one, a mop, properly used, will render it unnecessary. I have a little hay- rick in the grass-yard, which I think is of use to keep the hounds clean and fine in their coats ; you will find them frequently rubbing themselves against it : the shade of it also is useful to them in summer. If ticks at any time should be troublesome in your kennel, let the walls of it be well washed ; if that does not destroy them, the walls should then be whitewashed. * I cannot agree with Beckford that stoves are unnecessary ; on the contrary, as nothing is more conducive to the health of hounds than ' w-armth, so the introduction and use of stoves in newly-built or damp tennels must be of the most essential utility. In the year 1825, Sir Bel- lingham Graham's hounds took possession of 3 new kennel built near Shrewsbury ; many of them soon afterwards became lame in the shoulder, and continued to get worse in defiance of the application of various means for their restoration : the disease spread — it might justly be called an epi- demic; the progress of which was ultimately arrested by the introduction of stoves. — This lameness in the shoulder is by no means a new disease ; it has frequently shewn itself, and indeed occasionally made considerable havock ; yet. upon investigation, 1 am inclined to think, that it has seldom, if ever, been known in dry, warm kennels. Like the rheumatism in the human subject, it is brought on by humidity or cold, or both ; and, like that disease, is only to be removed by the administration of heat But, as a preventative is preferable to a cure, so, therefore, are stoves to be recom- mended as a certain method of obviating lameness in the shoulder, which, to say the least of it, renders a hound completely useless. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 31 The Quorndon Kennel. " In the summer when you do not hunt, one kennel will be sufficient ; the other then may be for the youug hounds, who should also have the grass-court adjoining to it. It is best at that time of the year to keep them separate, and it prevents many accidents which otherwise might happen ; nor should they be put together till the hunting season begins. If your hounds are very quarrel- some, the feeder may sleep in a cot, in the kennel adjoin- ing ; and if they are well chastised at the first quarrel, his voice will be sufficient to settle all their differences afterwards. Close to the door of the kennel, let there be always a quantity of little switches ; which three narrow boards, nailed to one of the posts, will easily contain. " My kennel is close to the road-side, but it was un- avoidable. This is the reason why my front pale is close, and only the side ones open ; it is a great fault : avoid it if you can, and your hounds will be the quieter." Beckford's remarks are evidently characterized by good sense, and no doubt can be entertained that his knowledge on the subject was not only extensive, but even accurate, to speak by comparison ; yet, as the human genius is continually at work, so the kennel may be said to have shared the benefits arising from its labours. Improvements have unquestionably been made upon the plan of Mr. Beckford. The kennel of the first fox- hunting establishment in the world (the Quorndon, at present under the direction of Mr. Osbaldeston) is suffi- ciently extensive to accommodate about one hundred couple of hounds. It consists of two very spacious grass courts, without either mount or brook, with several lodg- ing-rooms, (four, if my memory be correct) some of which 32 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Duke of Rutland's Kennel. are circular, and have not only a very pretty appearance, but are preferable even on the score of utility : the stage upon which the hounds repose in these circular lodging- rooms is also circular, placed in the centre of the apart- ment, sufficient space being left to walk round it, and thus the hounds may be said to be placed out of the reach of damp walls — the superiority of this plan is obvious at the first glance. The boiling-house and feeding-room are conveniently contrived, and placed of course near the lodging-rooms. Mr. Osbaldeston's house is situated close to the kennel, a door from which may be said indeed to open into one of the grass courts. The stable, capable of containing about thirty hunters, is situated on the same side of the kennel, and also joins the mansion. The huntsman's house is at the opposite corner, the door of which opens into the kennel close to the lodging-rooms. The feeder sleeps close to the lodging-rooms also. — The boiling-house, lodging-rooms, &c. may be said to form the top of the kennel, an entrance from which leads into a circular covered ride, where the horses are exer- cised in wet weather. At a short distance is situated another kennel for the young hounds, the court of which is of considerable extent. The kennels of his Grace the Duke of Rutland are worthy of attention, as well as several others in various parts of the kingdom. More on the subject of the kennel seems unnecessary. CHAPTER III. Extraordinary Speed of Fox Hounds. — Of the Origin of Hounds — The Talbot or Blood Hound, the Stag Hound, the Southern Hound, the Beagle, the Fox Hound. — The Olfactory Organs of the Hound. — Of the Si%e, Colour, and Breeding of Hounds, Sfc. The kennel being prepared, its tenants of course form the next subject for consideration. The breeding of hounds demands the utmost attention of the sportsman ; and I am incHned to think, that, up to the present period, it has not been thoroughly understood : I am of opinion that we have not reached the acme of perfection in this respect, although I am aware that extraordinary hounds have occasionally made their appearance, whose perform- ances are to be found recorded in several pubhcations, and who have therefore obtained a triumphant immor- tahty through the medium of the press. For instance, two hounds belonging to the late Mr. Barry, (then master of the Cheshire hounds) Bluecap and Wanton, became celebrious for micommon speed : they are said to have run a drag "from the Rubbing House at New- market-town-end, to the Rubbing House at the starting- post of the Beacon course, in a few seconds more than eight minutes," beating two capital hounds belonging to the late Mr. Meyncll. Merkin, a fox-hound bitch, bred by the late Colonel Thornton, ran a trial of four miles, 34 HUNTING DIRECTORY. The Talbot, which she performed in seven minutes and half a second. Madcap was another famous hound belonging to the same gentleman; as also Lounger, who was supposed to be the best fox-hound of his time. " Madcap, at two years old, challenged all England for 500 guineas. Lounger, brother to Madcap, did the same at four years old ; the challenge was accepted, and a bet made for 200 guineas, to run Mr. Meynell's Pillager ; the parties were also allowed to start any other hound of Mr. Meynell's, and Lounger was to beat both ; but, upon Lounger being seen at Tattersall's by many of the first sportsmen, his bone and form were so capital that it was thought proper to pay forfeit, which was done by giving Colonel Thorn- ton a pair of gold couples." These, however, are instances merely of extraordinary speed, which is certainly highly necessary in a fox-hound ; yet, there are other qualities, and superior olfactory organs in particular, which ought to be considered as equally indispensable. All the ramifications of the hound which we at present possess sprung from one and the same source, namely, the Talbot, or old English blood-hound.* These dogs are noticed by our immortal bard, who represents them as " crook-kneed and dewlapt, like Thessalian bulls." Shakespeare, it is well known, was prosecuted for deer- * A very different animal from the blood'bound employed by the Spani- ards in the West Indies, to hunt the runaway negroes. The Spanish blood-hound is a large ferocious animal, with small pointed cars, and very inferior olfactory organs ; so much so indeed, that in all intricate cases they are accompanied by a smaller dog, called a ^nrfer. For a further illustration of this subject, we refer the reader to Dallas's Historij of the Maroon War. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 35 Or okl English Blood-hound. stealing, by Sir Thomas Lucy ; and as the Talbot, or something nearly allied to the Talbot, was used at this period by deer-stealers, he must have been well ac- quainted with them. Crook-kneed is not a flattering recommendation in a hound, nor is such a circumstance noticed by Somervile, who thus describes the Talbot : — " But if th'amphibious otter be thy chase, Or stately stag, that o'er the woodland reigns. Or if t'harmonious thunder of the field Delight thy ravished ears, the deep-flew'd hound Breed up with care, strong, heavy, slow, but sure; Whose ears down hanging from his thick round head Shall sweep the morning dew, whose clanging voice Awake the mountain echo in her cell, And shake the forests : the bold Talbot kind, Of these the prime as white Alpine snows, And great their use of old." It is very probable that neither Shakespeare nor Somervile was so intimately acquainted with the Talbot, as to render either of their descriptions perfectly accu- rate. As to the dewlap noticed by the former, we see a striking approach to this in many of the deep-mouthed hounds of the present day ; which an old sporting friend was wont to denominate, significantly enough, " throaty dogs." Those specimens of the Talbot, or at least of a near approach to the Talbot, which have fallen under my observation, were animals of great size, in height about twenty-seven inches, bony and powerful. Their heads and ears were very large, with much loose skin or leather about the mouth, and the nose much more obtuse than 36 HUNTING DIRECTORY. The Talbot, pointed. Their countenances were expressive of a solemn sagacity, which rendered them highly interesting and even majestic. Voice very deep and sonorous. In colour they were inclining to what may be called the dark tan, though Somervile seems to think (I believe erroneously) that white was the distinguishing colour of the prime Talbot. The stag-hounds, which, about forty years since, were used by George III. manifested a considerable degree of affinity to the Talbot. In many of what are called the southern-hounds, we have a tolerable picture of the Talbot, only that the animal is much smaller. Mr. Charlesworth, who keeps the Black Swan Inn, Shude Hill, Manchester, has, at this time, (1826) a hound, which in height measures twenty-seven inches, and every way answers the description of the Talbot as nearly as pos- sible. Something of the Talbot kind was in use amongst the Greeks, as may be gathered from the following descrip- tion of the dog of Ulysses : — *« He knew his Lord, he knew, and strove to meet ; In vain he strove to crawl and kiss his feet; Yet all he could, his tail, his ears, his eyes, Salute his Master and confess his joys. O had you seen him vigorous, bold, and young, Swift as a stag, and as a lion strong : Him no fell savage on the plains withstood, None scap'd him bosom 'd in the gloomy wood. His eye how piercing, and his scent how true, To wind the vapour in th« tainted dew. This dog, wliom fate thus granted to behold His Lord, when twenty tedious years had roirri, HUNTING DIRECTORY. 37 Or old English Blood-hound. Takes a last look, and having seen bim, dies. So closed for ever, faithful Argus' eyes. Then pity touched the mighty Warrior's soul, And down his cheek a tear unbidden stole." — Pope. As I have already hinted, there is strong reason to believe the Normans first introduced the Talbot or blood- hound into this kingdom ; and some centuries afterwards they were used on the borders of England and Scotland, Avhich were then much infested by robbers and also by murderers. The dogs were maintained by a tax upon the inhabitants, though individuals were no doubt pri- vately possessed of them. In Scotland, a law existed, that no person should deny entrance to these dogs when in pursuit of stolen goods upon pain of being deemed an accessary. Persons called Moss Troopers were pursued by hounds of this description. These robbers generally retired with their plunder through mosses (morasses), bogs, and sloughs, which were passable only to those acquainted with the various intricate paths by which alone these places could be crossed by a human being. This peculiar pursuit was distinguished by the name of Hot- trod, and the dogs were sometimes called slough-hounds and .s/er. " Although it is hkely the fever accompanying the distemper has a pecuhar character, I am decidedly of opinion that there is no specific remedy against this com- plaint : and it is better to point out the indications of cure, than to enumerate a long list of medicines with their respective doses, the selection of which must depend on the circumstances of each individual case. Richard Williams, Surgeon." Aberystwith, June 10, 1825." I am not aware of any other remedies worth notice, though a great number might be added, if we could give credit to the stories retailed by dealers in dogs, as well as gamekeepers and huntsmen. Much will be foimd to depend on good nursing, and particularly to prevent the animal from taking cold. — From what I have witnessed of Blaine's medicine, I should not recommend it. It is very advisable to inoculate for the distemper. If you can nleet with a dog already afflicted, take a little mucous from his nose, and insert it up the nostrils of your whelp, after having prepared him by a dose or two of syrup of buckthorn ; if the animal does not take the disease, repeat the operation. By inoculating for the distemper, the disease will be as much less severe, as the inoculated small pox compared to what is called the natural mode of taking it. A dog rarely, if ever, has the distemper twice ; nor does it often attack him after he has attained the age of two years ; but frequently makes its appearance before the animal has reached his twelfth month. A notion be- 68 HUNTING DIRECTORY. The Cow Pock. came prevalent a few years back, that by inoculating a dog with the cow pock, the distemper would be pre- vented. The Coiv Pock. — Dr. Jenner has asserted that by inoculating dogs for the cow pock, a " disease similar to that which is called the dog's distemper is produced, but in a very slight degree. What is most remarkable, (adds Dr. Jenner) this inoculation renders them afterwards unsusceptible of that affection." Dr. Jenner is certainly no mean authority : but, having tried the experiment a number of times, from what I have witnessed, I can as- sert, that unless much more than ordinary pains are taken in the operation, no disease whatever will be produced ; and when at length, pustules have been raised, they have not been attended with symptoms any way resembling what is called the distemper. The catalogue of dog diseases is extended in some publications to a puzzling length, where the various rami- fications or different stages of each disease receive a new name, in direct violation of that clearness and perspicuity so preferable, indeed so essentially requisite, in a state- ment of cases, many of which are frequently doubtful even to the skilful and experienced. Young dogs are very subject to worms, and appearances thus produced are too often mistaken for other disorders, receive various appellations, and are treated in the most injudicious manner. I have been informed that the following will cure the distemper ; but I have never tried it ; and am rather sceptical as to the fact : — One clove of garlic given every or every other day, or accord- ing to the violence of the disorder. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 69 Worms, Worms. — Dogs, like liuinan beings, are subject to worm diseases of various kinds. A disorder, generally distinguished by the appellation of lank madness, is pro- duced by short thick worms, which occasionally breed in the animal's stomach and intestines. This, and what is denominated sleeping madness, appear to be merely two names for the same disease. When a hound is thus afflicted, he will become lean, though he will feed vora- ciously ; as the disorder increases, his appetite in a great degree forsakes him ; his eyes appear dull and drowsy, and he will manifest an almost continual inclination for slumber, without being able, however, to sleep soundly — Take of calomel, six grains common soap, two scruples made into two bolusses, one of which to be given at night, and tlie other the following morning : after two days, the same to be repeated, and in four days more, give the following : Extract of coloquintida, two scruples made into three bolusses, and one given every morning ; on the fourth morning, give the animal a table spoonful of syrup of buckthorn. If the worms should not be entirely destroyed, in a little time repeat the course. Hounds are often troubled with large worms, which, without medicine, are occasionally voided singly or in clusters. Their existence may be known by the dog's voracity and leanness. The best remedy is the preced- ing, though the following may probably answer the purpose : Calomel, three grains jalap, twenty grains golden sulphur of antimony, four grains 70 HUNTING DIRECTORY. mixed up with butter or lard into one dose. Three of these doses to be given — one every other morning. A table spoonful or two of linseed oil, given the first thing in a morning, will frequently bring away a quantity of worms : but it can never be depended on as an effec- tual remedy, for the following reason : — upon the linseed oil being swallowed, those worms with which it comes in contact, that are not fastened on the intestines, but loose as it were, in expectation of food, will be brought away ; but such as are fast to the intestines (and many will be found so situated) stick like leeches, and thus prevent the effects of the oil. There is nothing so effectual as calomel. Calomel administered externally, in tolerable plenty, upon the human subject, will destroy Avorms in the stomach. — If the worms are situated near the anus, the calomel may be so completely absorbed, when taken inwardly, as to lose its effect before it reaches that part ; some tobacco smoke blown up the anus (which may be easily done by inserting the thin end of a pipe) will most completely destroy these noxious vermin, and they will be voided, most likely, in prodigious numbers. The remark which was made on the last article would equally apply in this place, respecting the numerous remedies prescribed for the same disease. What are mentioned throughout are such as will be found to answer the purpose ; and to give a number of doubtful and inef- fectual recipes, for the sake of making a long list, or giving a false air of importance to the subject, would be as perplexing to the reader as it would be contemptible and even dishonest, in the writer. However, for worms, generally speaking, the following HUNTING DIRECTORY. 71 Convulsions or Fits. may be regarded as a sovereign remedy, and there are few cases which it will not effectually cure — take Linseed oil, half a pint oil of turpentine, two drachms* repeat the dose, if necessary. Convulsions or Fits. — Complaints of this nature are sometimes caused by an accumulation of worms in the stomach, which in the first stage create giddiness, and end in violent convulsive paroxysms. When the com- plaint is to be attributed to worms, the animal will have an itching at the nose and fundament, and will sneeze frequently. In this case, the best treatment is what has been already prescribed for worms. When convulsions proceed from other causes, which may be generally known by a wild appearance in the animal's eyes, frothing at the mouth, when labouring under the most violent paroxysm of convulsion, the dog may be recovered by being thrown into the water, perhaps a bucket of water thrown over him might answer the purpose : but this is merely a temporary relief ; and to eradicate the disease, recourse must be had to something more effectual. In the first place, the animal should lose a few ounces of blood ( from three to six ounces, according to his size and strength) when the following should be administered : — Jalap, one scruple cream of tartar, half a dram water, one ounce mixed ; half taken the morning after the dog has been bled ; the other half in two hours after, well shaken : — * I am supposing for a full-grown dog. 72 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Megrim. a rowel should afterwards be put in the neck, and kept open for a considerable time : the following should then be given : — Peruvian bark, half an ounce water, half a pint boiled for a few minutes and strained ; then add, sweet spirit of nitre, one dram : a table spoonful to be given every two hours, the animal afterwards to be kept on a mild nourishing diet. Wlien convulsions arise from indigestion, the following has generally been found efficacious : — from two to eight grains of tartar emetic (according to the age and size of the dog) and in tAvo days after, give the following : — Calomel, six grains Barbadoes aloes, half a dram Divide into six doses, and administer one every, or per- haps every other, morning, as you may judge the patient can bear it ; when you may give tonics, as recommended under the head Distetnper. What is called the megrim or giddiness in the head is a species of fit, and may be removed by bleeding. The same disease is, by some, &ex\ovi\\naiedi falling madness, (a ridiculous name certainly) from, I suppose, the animal occasionally falling from giddiness. When thus afflicted, the dog will frequently rub his feet against the sides of his mouth, and appear as if he had a bone in his throat. Any of these symptoms will give way to the treatment just described : and where the disorder is not very vio- lent, it may generally be removed by bleeding ; which, as it has formed a principal feature for the last few pages. HUNTING DIRECTORY. Bleeding. it may not be amiss to say a word or two on the best mode of performing the operation under a distinct head. Bleed'mg. — In speaking on this subject, I am not sup- posing that the huntsman is a member of the medical profession in any of its branches, but sufficiently skilled in anatomy to know a vein from an artery, which is all the knowledge requisite for performing the operation of bleeding a dog. A vein* may be distinguished from an artery by its having no pulsation ; if an artery of any consequence should be divided, the blood will flow in irregular gushes, it will be difficult to stop, and may cause the death of the dog. However, there is little danger of such an unpleasant circumstance happening, and an ordinary degree of attention is quite sufficient to obviate it. The most convenient, and the best place to bleed a dog, is to open a vein (the jugular vein) longitudinally, in the side of the neck, round which a cord should be first tied ; and if the huntsman is not expert at handling a lancet, he may purchase a fleam at any of the shops where surgical instruments are sold, which, by means of springs, is so contrived that the greatest bungler need be under no apprehension. Those who sell this instru- ment will describe the method of using it, which indeed is so obvious at first view as to render elucidation super- fluous in this place. If, after the vein is opened, the animal should not bleed freely, pressure a little below the orifice will cause the blood to flow. When sufficient Ijlood has been * An artery brings the blood from the heart ; a vein carries back the blood to the heart. 74 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Cold and Cough — Formica. taken, (eight ounces, if a strong dog) the bleeding will generally subside ; should this not be the case, a little fur from a hat will stop it ; or, the lips of the orifice may be drawn together with a needle and thread. The vein should be opened longitudinally, as I have already observed ; as, if opened in a transverse direction, it may be difficult to stop the bleeding, owing to the cir- cimfistance of the incision opening every time the dog holds down or stretches out his head. Caustic or hot iron will stop bleeding, even when an artery is divided ; or it may be sewn up. Cold and Cough. — A cough arises from an irritation of the lungs, and may be produced by a cold or other- wise ; it is generally the effect of cold, and may be re- moved by Antimonial powder, five grains calomel, four grains made with honey into two bolusses, and given in the evening for two nights successively. If a hound should be afflicted with a cough, in the first place, examine his throat, in order to ascertain if any' pieces of bone are lodged there, as such a circumstance will cause a dog to cough for weeks. If the cough arises from cold, administer a dose* or two of syrup of buck- thorn. Should the cough still continue, give tartar emetic as described under the head Distemj^er. Formica, Scab in the Ears. — A little mercurial oint- ment rubbed upon the affected parts every two or three days, will very soon effect a cure. * A table spoonful is a dose for a common sized hound. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 75 Canker, Swellings, ."ic. Canker i.>. the hips. — Rub the aifected parts with alum-water two or three times a day : Or, rub with bole ammoniac and burnt alum two or three times a day. Swellings in general. — See Liflammation, page 78. Films in the Eye. — Bathe the affected part twice a day with water in which a little vitriol has been dissolved, (the size of a large horse bean to a pint of spring water) and in a minute or two wash it in clear water. Or bathe with the following lotion twice a day : — Sulphate of copper, one scruple water, four ounces Sprains. — Sprains are painful swellings of the liga- ments and tendons of the joints, and are caused by too great exertion of the limbs, of which the tendons become relaxed. They should be well rubbed with the following twice a day : — - Camphor, two drams brandy, one ounce when the camphor is well dissolved, add one ounce of sweet oil, and shake them well together. Should this not have the desired effect, try the following : — Spirit of hartshorn, two drams sweet oil, six drams well shaken, and applied as the other. Give a spoonful or two of syrup of buckthorn. N. B. As sprains are attended with inflammation,* this should be got rid of in the first place by fomenting * See also the article " Inflammation," page 78. e2 76 HUNTING DIRECTORY. with warm water four or five times a day, and the fol- lowing lotion applied : — Extiact of lead, two ounces water, one pint Should any stiffness remain after the inflammation has totally subsided, apply a blister. IVoimds, and to stop an Effusion of Blood. — The fol- lowing will be found very effective in wounds : Spirit of sal ammoniac, opodeldoc, sweet nitre, equal parts wine, half quantity spirit of turpentine, half quantity If an artery is wounded, it may be known (as before observed) by the blood gushing out (not flowing regu- larly) and assuming a florid appearance. If a vein is wounded, the blood will be darker coloured and flow regularly. Wounds may be divided into two classes — incised^ or those cut with a sharp instrument ; and contused, or those inflicted with any thing blunt or heavy. Slight wounds require little or no attention ; but sup- posing a serious incised wound, the first operation should be cutting, or rather shaving, the hair from around the wound, when, if the blood continues to flow, it should be stopped by filling the wound with bits of sponge or dry lint ; if the wound be in the dog's limbs, a bandage tied very tight just above it will materially assist in stop- ping the flow of blood, should not the sponge or lint be found sufficient. The edges or lips of the wound should afterwards be stitched, or drawn close together with ad- hesive plaister cut into shps long enough to extend three or four inches on each sNJde— the number of slips must of HUNTING DIRECTORY. 77 Contused Wounds. course be regulated by the size of the wound : plenty of lint or soft rag should be laid on, over which a roller or bandage must be applied to confine the dressing, which should not be removed for four or five days. The wound should afterwards be dressed with Turners cerate spa- ringly spread on rag, and the bandage as before, and great caution used not to remove the adhesive plaister till the third or fourth dressing. A table spoonful of syrup of buckthorn may be occasionally given to keep the animal's bowels open : and he must be muzzled or otherwise so secured as to prevent his tearing away or disturbing the bandage. Contused wounds are more painful than incised ; always swohi, ragged, and not attended with much hcemorrhage or flow of blood : no attempt should be made to bring the edges together, but a cold poultice apphed, made with oatmeal and the followmg lotion : Goulard's extract of lead, one dram vinegar, two ounces water, one pint the poultice should extend over the swelled parts sur- rounding the wound, and be renewed three or four times during the day. When the wound begins to suppurate or discharge, unaccompanied with blood, the cold poul- tice should be changed for a warm one, consisting of oatmeal and water in which there is a httle grease, and renewed three times a day as warm as the dog can bear it. In a few days the matter will be completely dis- charged, when the wound should be dressed daily with yellow basilicon spread on rag, and a long roller applied tightly over. e3 78 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Inflammation. N. B. Whenever fungus or proud flesh appears, it should be touched with blue stone. Inflammation.— In^s^mmdiiion arises from various causes ; but is distinguished by the part affected be- coming swoln, dry, and hot. A shght degree of inflam- mation will generally subside without the aid either of medicine or external apphcation. Bleeding in the neck will frequently remove an inflammation ; or the applica- tion of leeches to the aflfected part, having previously shaved the hair off. If the swelhng or tumour becomes larger, soft, and shining, matter is forming, when warm poultices should be applied as described under contused wounds, and the same treatment adopted. When the matter is completely formed (which may be known by the fluctuation of the fluid upon a shght pressure) if the skin is very thin, a deep opening or incision should be made with a lancet on the prominent part ; but if hard- ness is felt the tumour must remain till it breaks itself.— After the tumour is emptied, care should be taken that the air does not penetrate, or the wound will be much more difficult to heal. When a hound's eyes become inflamed, and assume a red and fiery appearance, bleeding will generally reheve him. Dogs, however, are not very subject to inflammation ; and, generally speaking, will be troubled with few dis- eases if properly dieted and exercised. Dogs kept in towns are much more subject to disorders, than such as are kept in the country. Confinement is always injurious to health. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 79 Sore Feet, &c. For the bite of another Dog. — See the article Wounds, &c. page 76. Sore Feet. — Styptic tincture ; or, if this cannot be procured, salt and water. For extracting Thorns. — Thorns may be generally extracted with the thumb and fore-finger nails ; or re- course may be had to the assistance of the pen-knife in the same way as the sportsman would extract a thorn from his own finger. The dog will frequently perform the operation with his mouth. If the wound festers, the thorn may be squeezed out. To bring Hair upon a scalded part. — Fresh hog's lard rubbed frequently upon the affected part, will reproduce hair ; indeed, I am inclined to think that animal fat in general will have the desired effect. Fresh goose grease or the fat of fowls, unmixed with salt, will answer the purpose equally well. Vegetable oils are of too dry a nature, and their effects, as applied to the growth of hair, pernicious. Yet there are not wanting quacks who daily advertise the sale of oil for the growth of hair on the human head ; and by way of the strongest possible recommendation, specifically state, that it is extracted from vegetables ! This is lamentable ; but it is still more so, that such numbers of the unthinking become the dupes of these ignorant pretenders, whose existence is a stigma on the liberality of the public. To destroy Fleas, Lice, ^'-c. Take of white arsenic, one dram water, one gallon soft soap, one quarter of a pound boil for ten minutes ; then take it off the fire and let it 80 HUNTING DIRECTORY. stand to settle, then pour it ofFinto another vessel, leaving about half a pint at the bottom, which throw away, and dress with the water. — a certain remedy. Linseed oil, or Scotch snufF, rubbed well all over the body is a temporary remedy. A good washing with common soap and water will perhaps answer the purpose. In hot weather, hounds are much troubled with fleas ; and if the huntsman is anxious for their comfort, he will find it necessaiy to use the above several times during the summer. Clean beds and cleanliness in general act as preventives. To recover the Sense of Smell. — When a hound's ol- factory organs become affected, it will frequently be found to arise from colds, costiveness, or other causes, which a dose or two of opening physic seldom fails to re- move. A little sulphvu' or syrup of buckthorn will have the desired effect. For Hounds that have taJcen Poison. — For all vege- table poisons, vinegar has been supposed to be a specific. At all events, whether vegetable or mineral poison has been swallowed, the sooner it is discharged from the stomach, the better. Take of sulphate of copper, half a drachm water, six ounces Give two table spoonfuls every five minutes until effect- ual vomiting has taken place ; when a strong dose of ' castor oil should be administered, followed by nourishing diet. Whatever will cause instantaneous vomiting may have the desired effect. If a hound has swallowed poison? and no better remedy happen to be at hand, almost any HUNTING DIRECTORY. 81 Vegetable Poisons. kind of oil (rancid or otherwise) poured down the throat is advisable. The poison will most likely be either nox vomica, arsenic, or corrosive sublimate ; however, let the poison be what it will, the best remedy is the following : Ipecacuanha, fifteen grains water, two table spoonfuls, mixed Should it not operate in fifteen minutes, repeat the dose. After the operation Take of prepared kali, three drains water, one ounce give a table spoonful every fifteen minutes, which will most likely produce vomiting and purging. Afterwards nourishing diet. *' Antidote for Vegetable Poisons. — M. Drapiez has ascertained, by numerous experiments, that the fruit of the fcM'illea cordifoha is a powerful antidote against vege- table poisons. He poisoned dogs with rhus toxicoden- dron, hemlock, and nox vomica. All those that were left to the effects of the poison died, but those to whom the fruit of the fewillea cordifolia was administered, re- covered completely, after a short illness. M. Drapiez also took two arrows which had been dipt in the juice of manchinelle, and slightly wounded with them two young cats. To the one of these he applied a poultice, com- posed of the fruit of the fewillea cordifolia, while the other was left without any ^pphcation. The wound of the former speedily healed ; while the other, in a short time, fell into convulsions, and died." It is very difficult however to save the life of a dog that has taken poison. Nox vomica is what the base 82 HUNTING DIRECTORY. The Mange. minded generally use for the purpose. If recourse can be had to the process before described the moment the animal has swallowed the baneful drug, I should have no doubt of success ; but if only a few minutes elapse, the cure is extremely doubtful. I have witnessed several instances, in all of which the animals died, though every exertion was used for their preservation. Sickness, or a Foul Stomach. — A foul stomach pro- ceeds from indigestion ; therefore eight or ten grains of tartar emetic may be very beneficially given, followed^ in a day or two, by a purge of syrup of buckthorn. A dog never perspires ; but whenever he is unwell, his eyes very strongly exhibit the change, are a certain index of the state of his health, and assume a languid, a dull, or a fiery appearance, according to the natvire of the dis- order with which he is afflicted. The powers of diges- tion in a dog do not appear to be promoted by exercise. If you take a dog into the field to hunt with a full stomach, he will throw up the contents of it in a few minutes, or at least in a short period. If you suffer him to sleep after a hearty meal, the digestion is rapid and healthy. The Common Mange. — This disorder is very infectious, and originally proceeds from dirty beds, bad food, and filth in general. It has a loathsome, scabby, dirty ap- pearance, somewhat similar to the itch in human beings ; and, like that disease, contains animalcula in each of the pustules. It may be cured with the following : — Oil of tar sulphur vivura train oil, of each an equal quantity with which the dog should be well rubbed several times, HUNTING DIRECTORY. 83 jrrj jfi^jfif i r i fr » -r . ^r i i -rr » -rrrrr «i ** i T i ' i 'r i 'r-" i I .^^j^a^Aaaii ■»■■ ■■»■■■■» ■»*i The Mange. a day or two elapsing between each rubbing. Sulphur given internally will be of service. Another : — Flowers of sulphur, half an ounce hog's lard or butter, one ounce well mixed and rubbed completely over the animal twice a day, giving a tea spoonful of the flowers of sulphur every evening in a little molasses. Keep the animal confined alone, and the moment the cure is effected, give him a clean bed. — As the disease is very infectious, without great care, all your dogs will become disordered. Mercurial ointment rubbed on the parts affected will remove this disease ; but it is rather a dangerous re- medy, and will kill a weak animal, if not carefully ad- ministered : — muzzle the dog. An infusion of fox-glove leaves, I have reason to believe, will answer the purpose : it is the cleanest re- medy ; and though I have not had sufficient experience to pronounce its infallibility, I have no hesitation in re- commending it : — put a handful of fox-glove leaves into a quart or three-pint jug, pour boiling water upon them ; and, when cold, rub the dog every day for three or four days. The dog need not be muzzled — as soon as dressed he will attempt to hck, but will not take a second taste. The following I have seen successfully used : — Sulphur, two ounces mercurial ointment, two drams hog's lard, four ounces well mixed : with which rub the dog every other day — three or four dressings will generally be sufficient. Two drams of aloes, mixed up with the above, will not injure 84 HUNTING DIRECTORY. The Red Mange. the composition, [and will probably prevent the animal licking himself — otherwise, muzzle him. The Red Mange. — The disorder called the red MANGE does not appear to be nearly allied to what is so well known by the common appellation of mange, but to be a species of disease within itself, seated in the skin, and not always infectious amongst dogs lying together, but almost invariably communicated by a bitch to her litter of whelps, particularly if she had it vipon her during the time she was in pup. This disorder is most malig- nant in its effect ; the incessant and severe itching, which, from all observation, seems accompanied by a burning heat, and this too increased by the perpetual biting and scratching of the tortured animal, give such parts of the frame as are severely affected, the appearance of having been scalded by some boiling liquor, with a con- sequent loss of hair. It is this distinct kind of mange that so constantly baffles dog-doctors and dog-mongers of every description, and reduces them to their ne plus ultra, where the fertility of invention can go no further. It is, perhaps, the most deceptive disorder to which any part of the animal world can become unluckily subject ; for when it has (seemingly and repeatedly) submitted to, and been subdued by, some of the combinations of com- bustibles before described, it has as suddenly, as repeat- edly, and as unexpectedly, made its re-appearance with all its former virulence. Great care, nice attention, and long experience, have discovered one or two modes of perfect eradication. Let half an ounce of corrosive sub- limate be reduced in a glass mortar to an impalpable powder ; to this, by a very small quantity at a time, add HUNTING DIRECTORY. 85 The Red Mange. two ounces (lialf a gill) of spirits of wine ; and, lastly, one pint of rain or river water, and, with a sponge dipt in the solution, let every part palpably affected be well washed, every third day, till thrice performed ; then leave three clear days, and repeat the former ceremony of thrice as before ; letting three mercurial purging halls be given at the equal distances of three or four days, and not the least doubt of cure need be entertained, if the mode prescribed is properly and judiciously attended to. Of the red mange General Hanger thus speaks : — " My dog had the mange ; not very bad, but something much worse with it ; he had eight or ten large blotches on his body, as big as large hazel nuts. I sent for an old man who made a livelihood by curing dogs : he took a bottle out of his pocket, and first dabbed the blotches with a bit of tow, each two or three times. He then stopped about five minutes, for that to dry in and pene- trate ; after which he took a pot of ointment, and rubbed the dog in well, for at least ten minutes, under the fore legs, and on the belly, but particularly on the hack hone. He then desired me not to wash the dog, or let him go into the water ; telling me, he would call in about five days. When he called, the dog was apparently well ; so much so, that he said he did not think it necessary to rub the dog again : however, I made him dab the blotches again, and rub once more in. — When he called to be paid, I told him that, upon my honour, if he would dis- cover how the liquid and ointment were made, I would give him two guineas, and never discover it till after his death. He consented. The liquid is thus made : — Half 86 HUNTING DIRECTORY. an ounce of quicksilver is put into a bottle, with half an ounce of oil of turpentine, for about eight hours before using it : shake the bottle frequently, and shake it always when you use it, for there will be a sediment at the bot- tom. The ointment is thus made : — Take half an ounce of quicksilver ; put it into a bottle with half an ounce of oil of turpentine ; let it stand for eight hours, shaking the bottle frequently ; then take four ounces of hog's lard, and by degrees, mix both together, a little of each at a time, till the whole be incorporated. — He told me that he always carried two pots of ointment with him, one stronger than the other, in case of a dog being vei-y bad with the mange. The strongest ointment was made with ofili/ three ounces of hog's lard, but with the same quantity of the quicksilver and turpentine." The following is an effectual cure : Train oil, one ounce black sulphur, one ounce liquid blister, half an ounce to be rubbed on the dog every other day. For the Bite of the Adder, 8^c. — The adder is not un- common in some parts of England, and is occasionally met with, in the heat of summer, among sedges, and in marshy places. It differs from the snake in not being so long, the latter being found from three-quarters to a yard long ; the former seldom, or never, reaching three- quarters of a yard ; there is an appearance of malignity in the countenance of the adder, which does not obtain in that of the snake, the head of which is not so blunt as that of the adder ; while the tail of the latter tapers more abruptly, and it is generally found of a more dusky colour. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 87 and Remedy. There is, however, another very essential difference : — the snake is destitute of teeth ; while the adder is not only prepared in this respect, but has one particular tooth, in the side of the jaw, which has a communication with a sort of alembic, situated in the reptile's head, and which contains the venom : in this tooth, there is a slit ; and when the creature becomes irritated and bites, the pi'es- sure thus occasioned upon the tooth, causes the venom to ooze through the slit, and it is thus injected into the blood. I have heard of a reptile, called the slow worm, the bite of which is said to be venomous ; but I never saw one. The snake is perfectly harmless ; the bite of the adder or viper will be attended with serious consequences if a remedy is not speedily applied. The remedy, how- ever, is simple — the immediate application of sweet oil rubbed upon the affected part, counteracts the effects of the venom most surprisingly : as I have witnessed it, I speak with confidence. Indeed, I am of opinion, that any vegetable oil (or animal either, perhaps) will answer the purpose ; and have little doubt, that what will cure the bite of the adder will cure that of the slow worm also. Yet, for a further illustration of this subject, I will bor- row the account of a favourite author. I am aware that the same account has already appeared in various pub- lications ; but, from a conviction that much good may result from its becoming generally known, I shall tran- scribe it without hesitation : — " One William Oliver, a viper catcher, of Bath, was the first who discovered this admirable remedy. On the first of June, 1735, in the presence of a great number 88 HUNTING DIRECTORY of persons, he suffered himself to be bit by an old black viper ( brought by one of the company) upon the wrist and joint of the thumb, so that drops of blood came out of the wound : he immediately felt a violent pain both at the top of his thumb and up his arm, even before the viper was loosened from his hand : soon after he felt a pain, resembling that of burning, trickle up his arm ; in a few minutes, his eyes began to look red and fiery, and to water much ; in less than an hour, he perceived the venom seize his heart, with a pricking pain, which was attended with faintness, shortness of breath, and cold sweats ; in a few minutes after this, his belly began to swell, with great gripings and pains in his back, which were attended with vomitings and purgings ; during the violence of these symptoms, his sight was gone for several minutes, but he could hear all the while. He said, that in former experiments he had never deferred making use of his remedy longer than he perceived the effects of the venom reaching his heart ; but this time, being wil- ling to satisfy the company thoroughly, and trusting to the speedy effects of his remedy, which was nothing more than olive oil, he forbore to apply anything, till he found himself exceedingly ill and quite giddy. About an hour and a quarter after the first of his being bit, a chaffing dish of glowing charcoal was brought in, and his naked arm held over it as long as he could bear, while his wife rubbed in the oil with her hand, turning his arm continu- ally round, as if she would have roasted it over the coals : he said the poison soon abated, but the swelling did not diminish much. Most violent purgings and vomitings soon ensued ; and his pulse became so low, and so often HUNTING DIRECTORY. 89 and Remedy. — Burns and Scalds. interrupted, that it was thought proper to order him a repetition of cordial potions : he said he was not sensible of any great relief from these ; but that a glass or two of olive oil drank down, seemed to give him ease. Con- tinuing in this dangerous condition, he was put to bed, where his arm was again bathed over a pan of charcoal, and rubbed with olive oil heated in a ladle over the charcoal, by Dr. Mortimer's direction, who was the phy- sician that drew up the account. From this last operation he declared, that he found immediate ease, as though by some charm ; he soon after fell into a profound sleep, and after nine hours' sound rest, awaked, about six the next morning, and found himself very well ; but, in the afternoon, on drinking some rum and strong beer, so as to be almost intoxicated, the swelling returned, with much pain and cold sweats, which abated soon, on bathing the arm, as before, and wrapping it up in brown paper soaked in the oil." Burns and Scalds assume a very different appearance, according to the degree of heat or violence by which they are occasioned ; if slight, and the skin only irri- tated, they are easily cured by instantly dashing the part affected in cold water, or constantly applying it till the pain and irritation have ceased ; if slight blisters rise they should not be opened at first, as is generally recom- mended ; for if the air penetrates it frequently produces an ulcer or sore. When a burn or scald is more severe, it must be constantly kept wet with rag dipped in the following lotion : — Goulard's extract of leail, two drams water, half a pint V 90 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Hydrophobia. and the part kept as quiet as possible. Strong spirits, or oil of turpentine, is also serviceable when immediately applied ; but the lotion is the most successful treatment either in scalds or burns. After the third or fourth day the blisters should be opened, but the skin not removed, and then dressed with the following ointment : Olive oil, half an ounce Goulard's extract of lead, one ounce well mixed together, and spread on lint or soft rag with a bandage over moderately tight. Wlien burns or scalds are so severe as to destroy the flesh from the bone, warm poultices of oatmeal and water should be apphed, and then treated as sujjpuration. — See the article Wounds, &c. page 76. The Hydrophobia. — This is a dreadful disease, and has received a very appropriate name, as human beings, but not dogs, when afflicted with this little understood malady, uniformly testify an abhorrence of water, and, I believe, of fluids in general, and even shining substances. " When Sirius reigns, and the sun's parching beams Bake the dry gaping surface, visit thou Each ev'n and morn, with quick observant eye, Thy panting pack. If, in dark sullen mood, The glouting hound refuse his wonted meal. Retiring to some close, obscure retreat, Gloomy, disconsolate ; with speed remove The poor infectious wretch, and in strong chains Bind him suspected. Thus that dire disease Which art can't cure, wise caution may prevent." SOMERVILE. The hydrophobia affords a striking instance of sue- HUNTING DIRECTORY. 91 Urmskirk Medicine. cessful quackery in the avidity with which the Ormskirk Medicine was purchased, till within these few years that the imposture has been exposed. This compound of calcined oyster shells, elecampane, roach alum, and bole ammoniac, was originally administered gratis ; but no sooner was it discovered that the medicine was eagerly sought after, than the sale of it was advertised ; agents were appointed in different parts ; and many hundreds purchased and took the medicine who had been bitten, but not by mad dogs. A dog accustomed to the country, is generally alarmed when he approaches a town or vil- lage — the shaking of a cobler's apron, or some such thing, is frequently resorted to by the lower orders — the terrified animal takes to his heels, and will most likely snap at any person who attempts to impede his progress. Nothing is heard but the cry of mad dog ! and many who have been bitten under such circumstances, have called in the assistance of the Ormskirk medicine, and have thus been willing to suppose a disorder prevented, which did not exist in the dog, and which, of course, could not be communicated. The venders of the Ormskirk medicine, however, made the most of the matter — its infallibihty Wiis23njfed upon the public in the most barefaced manner ; and it was even publicly stated, that such Avas the virtue of the medicine, that even after the hydrophobia had made its appearance, the disease could be removed by takhig it. Cases, with fictitious names, were stated, and the grossest falsehoods resorted to, in order to levy contributions with more plausibility upon the credulity of the unthink- ing. I believe, at present, no person who wishes to p o 92 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Orraskirk Medicine. preserve even an appearance of character, will attempt to palm the medicine upon the world ; but it has stiU its supporters, and a number of old women, in various parts of Lancashire, still practice the deception ; and shew considerable dexterity in propping its falling reputatioUr The recipe was obtained by the late Mr. Hill's father, who resided near Oi-mskirk, from an itinerant tinker, in the year 1704. The medicine is thus prepared : — take one tea spoonful of prepared (calcined) oyster shells, one knife point full of roach alum, as much elecampane, in powder, and half a tea spoonful of bole ammoniac ; all to be powdered finely, and given to the patient in the morning fasting, in a little wine and water, or small beer : at the same time the wound is to be dressed with a pre- paration, varying from that just described, only in a greater portion of roach alum. Not one dog in twenty, reputed mad, is so in reality — the cxire, or rather the prevention, therefore, is certain in many instances ; and where it happens otherwise, and the dog was labouring under the hydrophobia, the result is most melancholy : but then it is immediately and un- blushingly asserted, that the medicine had not operated in a proper manner — it had not remained upon the stomach, or been taken in sufficient quantity ; and thus the cheat continues, though on a much more circum- scribed scale. The fact is, that the only certain remedy hitherto dis- covered for this dreadful disease, is the application of the knife : — the blood becomes infected by the saliva from the dog's teeth ; and unless the bitten part can be immediately cut out, death will most likely be the result, HUNTING DIRECTORY. 93 Hydrophobia. though the precise time will be very uncertain ; for so capricious is this malady, that, after infection, it some- times lies dormant, as it were, in the system for months, sometimes for weeks ; while instances, I believe, are not wanting, where it has appeared, in all its terrible symp- toms^ in the course of a few days. It is possible that a person might be bitten by a mad dog, and yet escape the hydrophobia : if, in the act of biting, the animal's teeth pass through a thick woollen coat, or other garment, so that his teeth in passing through are wiped dry, he might inflict a wound without any of the infectious saliva or fluid reaching it. Respecting the bite of a mad dog, Dr. Vandeburgh very judiciously observes : — " not a moment should be lost to destroy the poison from the wound (even if only on supposition of the animal being mad) ; many reme- dies are recommended, but should not be trusted to ; the only effectual method is to destroy the foundation of the poison, and give the following course of medicine : — the part bitten must be entirely cut out with a sharp in- strument, and the edges of the wound seared with a red- hot iron, to prevent the smallest particle of poison re- maining ; afterwards, warm poultices of oatmeal and water to be applied as warm as the patient can possibly bear, to produce a quick and copious discharge of matter or suppuration. The following pills should be given :— Calomel, one scruple opium, half a scruple well mixed and divided into ten pills of equal size, one pill to be taken every four hours ; two drams of strong ointment of quicksilver to be wellrubl)ed in on the thighs 94 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Symptoms of and arms morning and evening, M'hich, with the medicine, must be continued till the mouth becomes sore and spit- ting is produced : when matter discharges from the sore, it should also be dressed with strong ointment of quicksilver thickly spread on lint and the poidtice con- tinued over it : this treatment must be pursued for the space of one month, then the wound healed with Tirr- ners cerate spread on lint, but the mouth kept sore and slight spitting prolonged for at least two months, as hydrophobia has been known to make its appearance five and six months after the bite of the animal : sea bathing is strongly advised, but I would always recom- mend the foregoing treatment in preference, a trial of which should not be omitted, if the poison was destroyed at first by cutting, neither if the bite has happened some time, nor even when the following symptoms have taken place : the part bitten becoming tender and inflamed, uneasiness and stupidity, frightful dreams, convulsions, eyes red and watery, pain all over the body, difficulty in swallowing, great thirst, and when liquid is only brought before the patient he appears choked, accompanied with trembling and shivering over the whole body ; vomiting bile frequently occurs, attended with great thirst and fever : the last symptoms are raging and foaming at the mouth, spitting at the bystanders, and strong convul- sions, as if drawn double ; — no patient should be given over till the last moment : the mercurial friction should be tried, and the prescribed medicine given while he exists, as there is hope of recovery by perseverance in the foregoing method. The patient should be kept on very low diet, and no spirits or wine be used." HUNTING DIRECTORY. 95 the Hydrophobia. The following are the progressive symptoms of hy- drophobia : when a dog becomes melancholy, droops his head, forbears eating, seems to forget his former habits, and as he runs snatches at every thing : if he often looks upwards, and that his tail at its setting on be rather erect, and the rest of it hanging down ; if his eyes be red, his breath strong, his voice hoarse, and that he drivels and foams at the mouth, you may be satisfied of the approaches of hydrophobia ; and the only thing that should be done is instantly to despatch him, how- ever great a favourite he may be. If at this period he should remain at liberty, he will certainly leave his home : he goes as fast as he can ; and the mischief that may happen, owing thus to a mad dog breaking away, and running over an extent of country, is incalculable, as he spares no living creature. The following accurate description, from the pen of Mr. Youatt, appeared in the Sporting Magazine, Sep- tember, 1825 : — ■ *' The symptoms of rabies in the dog are the following, and nearly in the order in which they usually appear : — An earnest licking, or scratching or rubbing of some particular part ; sullenness, and a disposition to hide from observation ; considerable costiveness and occa- sional vomiting ; an eager search for indigestible sub- stances — as bits of thread, hair, straw, and dung ; an occasional inclination to eat its own dung, and a general propensity to lap its own urine. The two last are per- fectly characteristic circumstances. The dog becomes irritable ; quarrels with his companions ; eagerly hunts and worries the cat ; mumbles tlie hand or foot of his 96 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Symptoms of master, or perhaps suddenly bites it, and then crouches and asks pardon. As the disease proceeds, the eyes become red ; they have a pecuhar bright and fierce ex- pression ; some degree of strabismus or squinting very early appears ; not the protrusion of the membrana nic- titans, or haw, over the eye, which, in distemper, often gives the appearance of squinting, but an actual distor- tion of the eyes ; the lid of one eye is evidently more contracted than the other : twitchings occur round that eye ; they gradually spread over that cheek, and finally over the whole face. In the latter stages of the disease that eye frequently assumes a dull green colour, and at length becomes a mass of ulceration. *' After the second day the dog usually begins to lose a perfect control over the voluntary muscles. He catches at his food with an eager snap, as if uncertain whether he could seize it ; and he often fails in the attempt. He either bolts his meat almost unchewed, or in the attempt to chew it, suffers it to drop from his mouth. This want of power over the muscles of the jaw, tongue, and throat, increases, until the lower jaw becomes dependent, the tongue protrudes from the mouth, and is of a dark and almost black colour. The animal is able, however, by a sudden convulsive effort to close his jaws, and to inflict a severe bite. *' The dog is in incessant action : he scrapes his bed together, disposes it under him in various forms, shifts his posture every instant — starts up, and eagerly gazes at some real or imaginary object: a peculiar kind of de- lirium comes on : he traces the fancied path of ^me imaginary object floating around him : he fixes his gaze HUNTING DIRECTORY. 97 the Hydrophobia. intently on some spot in the wall or partition, and sud- denly plunges and snaps at it ; his eyes then close, and his head droops ; but the next moment he starts again to renewed activity : he is in an instant recalled from this delirium by the voice of his master, and listens attentively to his commands ; but as soon as his master ceases to address him, he relapses into his former mental wandering. "His thirst is excessive (there is no hydrophobia in the dog) and the power over the muscles concerned in deglutition being impaired, he plunges his face into the water, up to the very eyes, and assiduously, but ineffect- ually, attempts to lap.* ** His desire to do mischief depends much on his pre- vious disposition and habits. I have known it not to proceed beyond an occasional snap, and then only when purposely irritated ; but with the fighting dog the scene is often terrific. He springs to the end of his chain — he darts with ferocity at some object he conceives to be within his reach — he dihgently tears to pieces every thing about him ; the carpet or rug is sliaken with savage vio- lence ; the door or partition is gnawed asunder ; and so eager is he in this work of demolition, and so regardless of bodily pain, that he not unfrequently breaks one or all of his tushes. If he effects his escape he wanders about, sometimes merely attacking those dogs which fall * In those instauces of hydrophobia which have fallen under my notice, 1 have never observed the dog •' plunge his face into the water up to the very eyes, and assiduously, but ineffectually, attempt to lap.'" On the contrary, the animal has always been capable of lapping : however, in the disease called Dumb Madness, I have noticed symptoms similar to the above. 98 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Symptoms of in his way, and at other times he diligently and perse- veringly hunts out his prey : he overcomes every obstacle to effect his purpose ; and, unless he has been detected in his march of death, he returns in about four and twenty hours, completely exhausted to the habitation of his master. " He frequently utters a short and peculiar howl, which if once heard, can rarely be forgotten ; or if he barks, it is a short, hoarse, inward sound, altogether dissimilar from his usual tone. "In the latter stages of the disease a viscid saliva flows from his mouth, with which the surface of the water that may. be placed before him is covered in a few min- utes, and his breathing is attended with a harsh grating sovmd, as if impeded by the accumulation of phlegm in the respiratory passages. " The loss of power over the voluntary muscles extends after the third day through his whole frame, and is par- ticularly evident in the loins : he staggers in his gait 5 there is an uncertainty in all his n.otions ; and he fre- quently falls, not only when he attempts to walk, but when he stands balancing himself as well as he can. On the fourth or fifth day of the disease he dies, sometimes in convulsions, but, more frequently, without a struggle. " After death there will invariably be found more or less inflammation of the mucous coat of the stomach ; sometimes confined to the rugse, at other times in patches ; generally with spots of extravasated blood, and occasion- ally intense, and occupying the whole of that viscus. The stomach will likewise contain some portion of indi- gestible matter, (hair, straw, dung), and occasionally it HUNTING DIRECTORY. 99 the Hydiophobia. will be completely filled and distended by an incongruous mass. The lungs will usually present appearances of inflammation, more intense in one, and generally the left lung, than in the other. Some particular points and patches will be of a deep colour, while the neighbouring- portions are unaftected. The sublinqual and parotid glands will be invariably enlarged ; and there will also be a certain portion of inflammation, sometimes intense, and at other times assuming only a faint blush, on the edge of the epiglottis, or on the rima glottidis, or in the angle of the larynx at the back of it." When the human species become unhappily the sub- jects of this calamity, though in particular instances some variation may be observed, yet the first symptoms are generally the same ; these are a torpid disquietude in the wound (or seat of injury), attended with slight in- tervening itchings, ultimately amounting to pain, and much resembling rheumatic affection. It continues to extend itself to the surrounding parts ; and, at length, from the extremities it expands its poisonous power to the viscera ; the cicatrice, if there has been a wound, begins to swell, inflammation hourly increases, till, at length, a serous bloody iclior is discharged, and this alone may be considered the primary and invariable prog- nostic of certain hydrophobia. These leading symptoms soon become progressively general, bearing with them every appearance of confirmed rheumatism ; they are fluc- tuating, quick, acute, and of the spasmodic, convulsive kind ; they suddenly attack the patient, severely affect- ing the head, neck, and principal joints ; a dull, drowsy pain often seizes the head, neck, breast, abdomen, and 100 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Symptoms of even vibrates along the back bone. The patient is gloomy and inchned to soUtude, murmurs much, seems lost in reflection, is forgetful, inattentive, and prone to sleep ; at times agitating starts denote the mind to be disordered ; by turns he is attentively watchful ; his slumbers become disturbed, and suddenly awaking from those, convulsive appearances soon follow. A deafness is sometimes complained of, the eyes are watery ; the aspect sorrowful ; the countenance pale, and the face contracted ; sweat breaks out about the temples ; an unusual flow of saliva, slimy and viscid, at length comes on with a dryness of the fauces, a fovilness of the tongue, and a disagreeable smell (or rather fetid effluvia) from the breath. As the symptoms already recited in- crease, the second stage advances : a fever commences, which at first is mild, but makes with gigantic strides the most rapid advances to extremity ; it is accompanied with hourly increasing horrors, and all the alarming con- comitants of mental derangement. Wakefulness becomes perpetual ; violent periodical agitations ensue ; the mind is evidently more and more disturbed ; a delirium follows, at which critical moment an invincible aversion to fluid, glass, or any polished or shining body is plainly per- ceived. A constriction of the gullet takes place, and an incredible difficulty of swallowing ensues ; liquids are offered, and are attempted to be taken, but the disgust and loathing become so predominant, that they are most violently declined : and this symptomatic dread and aversion so wonderfully increases, that, upon the very appearance of any watery fluid, the greatest horror conies on, and the most shocking muscular distortions ensue: HUNTING DIRECTORY. 101 the Hydrophobia. if the liquor is attempted to be forcibly pressed upon them, the experiment is rejected by an instantaneous succession of the most horrid gesticulations, and convul- sive distortions, in which every ray of reason seems to be absorbed. Upon a temporary cessation of so serious and distressing a paroxysm, the poor unhappy patient now murmurs, groans, and mourns most miserably ; loses, by degrees, all knowledge of his dearest friends and most familiar acquaintance : and their presenting them- selves before him, is the very critical moment when all of this description give proof of their desire to bite, which, in the attempt, bears no ill affinity to the similar snappings of a village cur. Awful to relate, reason returns at intervals, and he feelingly laments his own calamity, and deplores his own incapacity. A consciousness of appi'oaching dissolu- tion is perceptible even to himself, and he seems truly resigned to the singularity of his fate. Severe pain and consequent heat producing thirst, a desire to drink is displayed, but nature shrinks from her office ; in vain the patient raises his hand to touch the vessel, it almost magically produces instant tremor — the hand recedes, and the patient sinks into the most afflicting despon- dency. Conscious, likewise, of his constantly increasing inclination to bite, he, in his rational moments, makes signals to warn his friends of the danger, and keep them- selves at a distance. Towards the conclusion of this dreadful and most melancholy scene, the fever and parching thirst increase, the tongue becomes swelled and protruded, foam issues from the mouth, strength fails, cold sweats come on, the stricture upon the breast in- 102 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Treatment of creases, as well as the other predommant symptoms, until, in a long succession of convulsive struggles, all- powerful death closes the scene. The cause of the hydrophobia is utterly unknown ; and its effects hitherto appear to have bafHed every remedy which has been tried for its removal. Copious and re- peated venesection was, a few years ago, announced to the world as a cure for the hydrophobia, and instances were given in order to confirm it : it is true, they came in a questionable shape on account of the distance which they had to travel, being chiefly from the East Indies : however, the method just mentioned, has been tried in this country and found unavailing. The alis7na plantago was introduced as a remedy ; but, on repeated trial, has proved ineffectual. Another remedy has been introduced. This new remedy comes from a distance ; but let us not reject it merely on that score. The account has appeared in several medical works, and was first published, it seems, by Dr. Mailer, of Vienna, a scientific physician, now resident at Paris. The German physician says, he re- ceived the particulars from M. Marochetti, a Russian surgeon, who informed him, that, during his residence in the Ukraine, in the year 1813, he was called on to at- tend fifteen persons who had been bit by a mad dog, when some old men requested him to treat the unfortu- nate people according to the directions of a neighbouring peasant, who had acquired a great reputation for curing the hydrophobia. M. Marochetti allowed the peasant to dXi&w^ fourteen , reserving one to himself, a female of sixteen, who was cauterized and treated in the usual way. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 103 the Hydrophobia. and expired eight days after the attack. The peasant gave to the fourteen persons placed under his care a strong decoction of the tops of the flowers of the yellow broom (a pound and a half a day). He examined twice a day the under part of the tongue, where he had gener- ally discovered little pimples, containing, as beheved, the hydrophobic poison : these pimples really followed, and were observed by Marochetti himself. As they formed, the peasant opened them, and cauterized the parts with a red hot needle ; after which, the patients gargled with the decoction mentioned above. The result of this treat- ment was, that the fourteen patients were cured, having only drank the decoction for six weeks. Marochetti then states, that, five years afterwards, he himself had an opportuninity of giving this treatment another trial. Twenty-six persons who had been bit by a mad dog, were put under his care, viz. nine men, eleven women, and six children : he ordered the decoction of the tops of the flowers of yellow broom to be given them as soon as possible ; and upon an attentive exammation of their tongues, he discovered pimples on five men, three chil- dren, and all the women. Those who were most wounded Mere afflicted on the third day ; the others on the fifth, seventh, or ninth. One of the women who had been slightly bitten on the leg had no appearance till the twenty-first day. The seven who wei*e free from pimples took the decoction of broom for six weeks, with success. M. Marochetti thinks that the hydrophobic poison, after having remained in the wound, fixes itself under the tongue, in the orifices of the ducts of the submaxillary gland, which are situated on the sides of the fraenum. 104 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Dumb Madness. The inflammation, of which the httle pimples are the result, has a peculiar appearance. The time in which these pimples appear, is generally between the third and ninth day after the bite. If they are not opened before twenty-four hours after their appearance, the venom is absorbed and the patient is lost. I shall be extremely anxious to hear of the success of this mode of treatment nearer home ; for I must confess I cannot place implicit confidence in the narrative. Upon the disease, erroneously denominated Dumb Madness, I will relate what fell under my own observa- tion, and from which a tolerable idea of the disorder may be formed : — In the month of May, 1823, a pointer whelp was presented to me by a friend, which I knew to be as well bred as any in the kingdom, and on that account, I, of course, prized him more highly. The dog was whelped on the 16th of April, of the same year ; and as soon as I received him, a kennel was appropriated for his use in the open air, well littered with wheat straw, and kept clean. He had full liberty, and a clear stream of water close at hand, to quench his thirst whenever he thought proper. The dog, as might be expected, was remarkably healthy ; and, at seven months old, had be- come an amazingly fine animal : at this period, he expe- rienced a slight attack of the distemper, which immedi- ately gave way to bleeding and a dose of tartar emetic ; and in three or four days he was restored to perfect health. His colour was a perfect jet black ; he was: larger than common, and altogether, the finest young pointer I ever saw. On the 8th of January, (of the following year,) I observed the dog keep his mouth HUNTING DIRECTORY. 10a Dumb Madness. almost continually open, the inside of which appeared darker coloured than usual, and somewhat swelled. I immediately bled him copiously, which, however, pro- duced no visible alteration ; on the contrary, the next day all the symptoms had evidently increased, and I observed that he was unable to swallow, though he made many attempts both to eat and drink, particularly the latter : but the water, or the milk, which, by putting his nose into the vessel, he contrived to get into his movith, uniformly run out again, and he appeared utterly unable to pass it down his throat : he licked his fore-legs very much, and seemed to have a trifling discharge of mucus, or saliva : but all this time the dog appeared not only perfectly sensible, but even in good spirits, and evidently experienced but little pain. A sporting acquaintance, who saw him, said the disease was what was distin- guished by the appellation of dumb madness, which seems to me altogether a ridiculous term ; and supposing this tx> have been the disorder with which my dog was af- fected, I can testify that the term is very improperly applied, as the animal in question regularly barked on the approach of a stranger, though in a different tone, and with more difficulty than usual. However, I imme- diately searched authorities for dumb madness, with a view to ascertain the proper mode of treatment. In an old writer, (the author of the " Gentleman's Recreation,") I found it thus described: — "The dog that is troubled with dumb madness will not feed, bvit holds his mouth tvide open continually, putting his feet to his mouth fre- quently, as if he had a bone in his throat." Now, though my dog kept his jaws somewhat distended, his mouth G 106 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Dumb Madness. was not wide open, but only partially so, and that he was able to shut it I can safely attest, as I saw him many times close his jaws, though he never kept them more than a second or two in that position ; further, the animal frequently licked his fore-legs, but I never saw him raise his feet, or otherwise use indications similar to those adopted by a dog when he seems to have a bone in his throat ; and therefore the cases did not appear to agree. I had next recourse to the " Sportsman's Dictionary, or Gentleman's Companion ;" the third edition of which was published in 1783, which contained the following observations; — "Dumb madness lies in the blood, and causes the dog not to feed, but to hold his mouth always wide open, frequently putting his feet to his mouth, as if he had a bone in his throat." To be brief — I perused every thing within my reach, on the subject of dogs and their diseases, but without gaining the least information ; and, as the disorder, at least in the form in which it presented itself, was new to me, I began to entertain fears for the life of my dog, and the sequel will prove they were but too well founded. I have already remarked, that I first perceived the disease on the 8th of January, and the dog continued much in the same way for four successive days, during which, all his faculties appeared very little, if at all, impaired. He would follow me into the field, and even hunt, frequently attempting to drink, and, in order to accomplish that desirable object, would thrust his nose into the water, instead of attempting to lap ; but he never succeeded in forcing any of the fluid down his throat : his sense of smell was as perfect as ever; and, indeed, though he HUNTING DIRECTORY. 107 Dumb Madness. evidently became very lean, he might be said to be in good spirits till the morning of the 13th, when I found him very languid, his eye had lost its lustre, and death was evidently fast approaching. He was perfectly sen- sible, and whenever I approached and spoke to him, he raised his heavy eyes, and by these, as well as by the movement of his tail, appeared grateful for my attention. Towards the evening he made a last effort to swallow food, but was not able. On the following morning he was stretched on his side, and had every appearance of death, only that a breathing, at very long intervals, proved that the vital spark was not absolutely extinct. Some few hours afterwards he was perfectly lifeless ; and I was resolved, if possible, to ascertain the cause of his death. For this purpose I called in the assistance of a skilful veterinary surgeon, and the animal was partly dissected in my presence. On opening the body, it was abundantly evident that the dog had been starved to death ; or, in other words, had died for want of food. The lungs, the liver, and, indeed, all those parts of the animal organization were totally unaffected, and mani- fested not the slightest symptom of disease ; the same remark will equally apply to all parts of the throat, and also to the brain ; and the only affection that could be discovered, was in the salivary glands, which were tri- flingly swelled. On the whole, I feel a perfect con- viction, that the disorder of the dog was a glandular affection, which, by rendering him incapable of swallow- ing sustenance, caused his death. Of the cure, should a similar case come under my observation, I feel confident ; and I have been thus 108 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Dumb Madness. minute for the information of spoi'tsmen in general, par- ticularly as I have been informed, that the disorder which I have attempted to describe, or something very much resembling it, has carried off, within the last few years, great numbers of valuable dogs, especially in Yorkshire. Should a similar case occur with any of my dogs, I should force food, (nourishing broth, for instance), down the throat, with an instrument adapted for the purpose ; and if I found it impossible to get it down, I would inject it into the bowels, when a sufficient quantity would be taken up by the absorbents, to sustain life till the dis- ease of the glands abated. In the first place, I should feel a disposition to bleed the afflicted animal, as this would prevent any superabundant pressure of blood upon the parts affected, which I might perhaps rub well with mercurial ointment. It is a lamentable fact, that so little attention has been paid to the diseases of this invaluable animal, though no creature which has yet been taken under human pro- tection affords so good an opportunity for observation, or is so much entitled to the assistance and kind offices of its master. The dog vhas become a domestic of the most familiar description, whose greatest delight is in administering to the pleasures of the sportsman, or those by whom his services are called into action ; his civiliza- tion may be said to proceed in the precise ratio with that of human nature, and he uniformly takes his tone from the circumstance or the situation of his master. As he has closely associated himself with man, therefore, he has brought upon himself a train of diseases, resulting from his artificial mode of life ; and from which, in a HUNTING DIRECTORY. 109 Dumb Madness. State of nature, there is little doubt, but he is altogether exempt. In fact, living under the same roof, and in the same manner, as his master, he seems to be afflicted something in the same way ; and, upon close examina- tion, it will be found, that many of his disorders bear a strong resemblance to those in man, and would, I have little doubt, give way to a somewhat similar treatment. Thus circumstanced, it seems unaccountable that the medical treatment of this faithful creature should have been so neglected. Generally speaking, whenever a dog is attacked with any disease, little trouble is taken in his recovery ; food is offered him, and if he is able to eat it and recovers, it is all right ; but it very frequently happens, tliat the moment he exhibits symptoms of uidis- position, he is suspected of hydrophobia, and, without any attempts to alleviate his pains, he is placed in a situa- tion of security, and either suffered to pine away, or is prematurely despatched. This may not apply altogether to sportsmen, perhaps ; though many of these, I have not the least doubt, pay but httle attention to the matter. In kennels of hounds, and other large dog establish- ments, there is a certain method followed ; or, in other words, there is a list of disorders which is supposed to be understood by the huntsman, or the game-keeper, and, in like manner, a regular list of antiquated applications or medicines is placed, as it were, opposite the disorders : now, if the medicines were positively applicable to the diseases, is it likely that the latter are so understood, that one is not frecjuently mistaken for another? Or, can it be supposed, that the persons in question are sufficiently skilled in the science of healing, so as to discern those g3 no HUNTING DIRECTORY. Dumb Madness. turns or alterations by which the same disease assumes a different form, and, accordingly, requires different treat- ment? This is too much to expect. Huntsmen and gamekeepers, also, are generally much attached to their dogs, and seldom fail to show them considerable atten- tion, when they are diseased ; and though I may have met with some who possessed acute perception and sound sense, yet, in order to acquire a thorough knowledge of the subject on which I have been speaking, a superior education seems indispensable, as well as much more extensive practice than could possibly be afforded by any one dog establishment in the kingdom : if extensive practice be necessary to the physician and the surgeon, why not to the dog-doctor also ? In any science or pro- fession where success must depend very much upon the practitioner's powers of perception, some degree of edu- cation is not only indispensable, but superior abihties or considerable genius also. It is not likely, that the requi- site opportunities and qualifications will be found united in many instances ; and, under such circumstances, I would strongly advise sportsmen to pay as much atten- tion to their diseased dogs as possible ; and whatever reliance they may place upon their servants, it can do no harm to watch the progress of the disorder themselves. Many sportsmen of the old school, in their treatment of the diseases of dogs, seem to have resorted to super- stitious notions, and to have disregarded true philosophy altogether ; so much so, indeed, that it is amusing to read many of their ideas on the subject. It is possible, however, that dog-diseases might formerly have existed, which are unknown at the present day ; but a disease HUNTING DIRECTORY. Ill called the Yellows, that has sometimes appeared in ken- nels of hounds, I never saw described in any publication, either ancient or modern ; nor is it generally known even among sportsmen, though, wherever it has appeared, its effects have been very violent, and frequently attended with fatal consequences. The Yellows. — This would appear to be a disease peculiar to the kennel, which makes its appearance in all ages of the hound. In the first approaches of the yellows, the animal loses his appetite, and of course appears dull. On turning up his eye-lids, a yellow appearance presents itself; the inside of his flanks exhibit a similar hue or colour. Hence it would seem that the disorder is some- thing of a bilious nature ; or, at least, it assumes a com- plexion which would seem to warrant such a conjecture. At all events, if it be not immediately checked, it will end with the death of the dog. This disease, which is not of an ancient date, made considerable havock in many kennels, till at length, the following treatment was found efficacious : — As soon as the dog is perceived to be ill, four grains of calomel should be administered to him, and he should be kept warm during their operation. Then take Rhubarb, one ouHce aloes, half an ounce Castile soap, half an ounce (Ethiop's mineral, half an ounce These should be mixed up with syrup of buckthorn, and made into bolusses about the size of a nutmeg : one of which should be given every morning for three suc- cessive days, when one may be administered every other 112 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Lameness in the Shoulder. morning, for a week or longer, if necessary. For this method of treating the yellows, I am indebted to W. Head, Sir Harry Mainwaring's huntsman ; which, he informed me, he had found successful almost invariably. Lameness in the Shoulder may also be regarded as a disease of the kennel. This, as I have observed at page 30, seems to be produced by damp kennels ; and may be prevented by the administration of warmth, though it cannot always be cured when it has taken place ; yet I am inclined to think that warmth is the best remedy, as well as an absolute preventive. CHAPTER V. Of the Naming of Hounds. — A List of Names. — Of the Feeder. — Of Boiling and Mixing the Meat, and the proper Food for Hounds. — The Method and Time of Feeding. — Of Bleedhig and Physicking Hounds. — Of Entering Young Hounds. — Summer Hunting, SfC. — Of Flogging Hounds. — Bedford's System. Young hounds (says Beckford) are commonly named when they are first put out to their walks, and sometimes indeed ridiculously enough ; nor is it easy, where many are bred, to find suitable and harmonious names for the HUNTING DIRECTORY. 113 Naming of Hounds. whole ; particularly as it is the cusitom to name all the whelps of a litter with the same initial letter as the sire or the dam. However, one exception at least exists to thus naming young hounds when put out to walks : — At Sandiway Head Inn, (kept by J. Whittle) near Dela- mere Forest, a whelp is kept for Sir Harry Mainwaring, which must uniformly receive the name of Bluecap. The house, as I have already noticed, is known by the name of Sandiway Head Inn ; it is also further distin- guished by the sign of the celebrated hound, Bluecap, whose performance at Newmarket has been stated in the earlier part of this volume, and whose memory is par- ticularly cherished here, from the circumstance of his having formed one of the Cheshire pack, then under the direction of Mr. Barry. In consequence of this parti- ality on the part of honest James Whittle, the hound kept by him has of course to undergo a second baptism on being taken into the kennel. A list of names for hoimds seems at first view a waste of time ; yet to render the work as complete as possible, it seems necessary. NAMES OF HOUNDS. A. dogs. Antic Artist Active Audible Able Anxious Atlas Actress Actor Arbiter Atom Affable B. dogs Adamant Archer Auditor Agile Bachelor Adjutant Ardent Augur Airy Banger Agent Ardor Awful Amity Baffler Aider Arrogant Angry Barbarous Aimwell Arsenic A. bitches. Animate BcllmaH Amorous Artful Accurate Artifice Bender 114 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Names of Hounds. Blaster Busy Constant Crazy Doubtful Bluecap Buxom Contest Credible Doubtless Blueman Coroner Credulous Dreadful Bluster C. dogs. Cottager Croney Dreadless Boaster Caitiff Counsellor Cruel Dulcet Boisterous Capital Countryman Curious Bonnyface Captain Courteous E. dogs. Bouncer Captor Coxcomb D. dogs. Eager Bowler Carol Craftsman Damper Earnest Bravo Carver Crasher Danger Effort Brawler Caster Critic Dangerous Elegant Brazen Catcher Critical Dapper Eminent Brilliant Catchpole Crowner Dapster Envious Brusher Caviller Cruiser Darter Envoy Brutal Cerberus Crusty Dasher Errant Burster Bustler Challenger Champion Cryer Curfew Dashwood Daunter Excellent Charon Currier Dexterous E. bitches. B. bitches. Chaser Disputant Easy Baneful Chaunter C. bitches. Downright Echo Bashful Chieftain Capable Dragon Ecstacy Bawble Chimcr Captious Dreadnought Endless Beauteous Chirper Careless Driver Energy Beauty Choleric Carefel Duster Enmity Beldam Claimant Carnage Essay Bellmaid Clamorous Caution D. bitches. Blameless Clangor Cautious Dainty F. degs. Blithsome Clasher Charmer Daphne Factor Blowzy Climbank Chauntress Darling Factious Bluebell Clinker Cheerful Dashaway Fatal Bluemaid Bonny Combat Combatant Cherriper Circe Dauntless Delicate Fearnought Ferryman Bonnybell Comforter Clarinet Desperate Fervent Bonnylass Boundless Comrade Comus Clio Comely Destiny Dian Finder Firebrand Brevity Brimstone Conflict Conqueror Comical Courtesy Diligent Docile Flagrant Flasher Conquest Crafty Document Fleecc'm HUNTING DIRECTORY. 115 Names of Hounds. Fleecer Funnylass Gladsome Helen Listener FJinger Furious Governess Heroine Lounger Flippant Fury Graceful Hideous Lucifer Flourisher Graceless Honesty Lunatic Flyer G.dogs. Gracious Hostile Lunger Foamer Gainer Grateful I. dogs. Lurker Foiler Gallant Gravity Jerker Lusty Foreman Gal Hard Guilesome Jingler Foremost Galloper Guilty Impetus L. bitches Foresight Gamboy Jockey Lacerate Forester Gamester H. dogs. Jolly Laudable Forward Garrulous Hannibal Jolly-boy Lavish Fluminant General Harbinger Jostler Lavvless Furrier Genius Hardiman Jovial Lenity Gimcrack Hardy Jubal Levity F, bitches. Giant Harlequin Judgment Liberty Faithful Giancer Harasser Jumper Lightning Fairmaid Glider Havock Lightsome Fairplay Glorious Hazard I. bitches. Likely Famous Goblin Headstrong Jealousy Lissome Fanciful Governor Hearty Industry Litigate Fashion Grapler Hector Jollity Lively Favorite Grasper Heedful Joyful Lofty Fearless Griper Hercules Joyous Lovely Festive Growler Hero Luckylass Fickle Grumbler Highflyer L. dogs. Lunacy Fidget Guider Hopeful Laborer Fireaway Hotspur Larum M. dogs. Firetail G. bitches. Humbler Lasher Manager Flighty Galley Hurtful Launcher Manful Flourish Gambol Leader Marescha! Flurry Gamesome H. bitches. Leveller Marksman Forcible Gayety • Hasty Liberal Marplot Fretful Gayly Handsome Libertine Martial Friendly Gaylass Harlot Lictor Marvellous Frisky Ghastly Harmony Lifter Matchem Frolic Giddy Hazardous Lightfoot Maxim Frolicsome Gladness Heedless Linguist Maximus 116 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Kames of Hounds. Meanwell Modish Perfect Phrenzy Rifler Medler Monody Perilous Placid Rigid Menacer Music Pertinent Playful Rigour Mendall Petulant Pleasant Ringwood Mender N. dogs. Phoebus Pliant Rioter Mentor Nervous Piercer Positive Risker Mercury Nestor Pilgrim Precious RockvFOod Morlin Nettier Pillager Prettylass Romper Merry boy Newsman Pilot Previous Rouser Merryman Nimrod Pincher Priestess Router Messmate Noble Piper Probity Rover Methodist Nonsuch Playful Prudence Rudesby Mighty Novel Plodder Ruffian Militant Noxious Plunder R. dogs. Ruffler Minikin Politic Racer Ruler Miscreant N. bitches. Potent Rager Rummager Mittimus Narrative Prater Rallywood Rumbler Monarch Neatness Prattler Rambler Rumour Monitor Needful Premier Ramper Runner Motley Negative President Rampant Rural Mounter Nicety Presto Rancour Rusher Mover Nimble Prevalent Random Rustic Mungo Noisy Primate Ranger Musical Notable Principal Ransack R. bitches. Mutinous Notice Prodigal Rantaway Racket Mutterer Notion Prowler Ranter Rally Myrmidon Novelty Prompter Rapper Ranlipole Novice Prophet Rattler Rapid M. bitches. Prosper Ravager Rapine Madcap P. dogs. Prosperous Ravenous Rapture Magic Pagan Pryer Reacher Rarity Matchless Pageant Reasoner Rashness Melody Paragon P. bitches. Rector Rattle Merrylass Paramount Passion Regent Reptile Mindful Partner Pastime Render Resolute Minion Partyman Patience Resonant Restless Miriam Pealer Phoenix Restive Rhapsody Mischief Penetrant Phrenetic Reveler Riddance HUNTING DIRECTORY. 117 Names of Hounds. Riot Spanker Songstress Torrent Thoughtful Rival Special Specious Torturer Tidings Roguish Specimen Speedy Tosser Toilsome Ruin Spinner Spiteful Touchstone Tractable Rummage Splendor Spitfire Tracer Tragedy Ruthless Splenetic Sportful Tragic Trespass Spoiler Sportive Trampler Trifle S. dogs. Spokesman Sportly Transit Trivial Salient Sportsman Sprightly Transport Trollop Sampler Squabbler Stately Traveller Troublesome Sampion Squeaker Stoutness Trimbush Truelass Sanction Statesman Strenuous Trimmer Truemaid Sapient Steady Strumpet Triumph Tunable Saucebox Stickler Surety Trojan Tuneful Saunter Stringer Sybil Trouncer Scalper Stormer Symphony Truant V, do^s. Scamper Stranger Trueboy Vagabond Schemer Stripling T. dogs. Trueman Vagrant Scourer Striver Tackier Trudger Valiant Scramble Strivewell Talisman Trusty Valid Screamer Stroker Tamer Tryal Valorous Screecher Stroller Tangent Tryer Valour Scuffler Struggler Tartar Tryweil Vaulter Searcher Sturdy Tatler Tuner Vaunter Settler Subtile Taunter Turbulent Venture Sharper Succour Teaser Twanger Venturer Shifter Suppler Terror Twig' em Venturous Signal Surly Thrasher Tryant Vermin Singer Swaggerer Threatner Vexer Singwell Sylvan Thumper Tattle Victor Skirmish Thunderer Telltale Vigilant Smoker S. bitches. Thwaekcr Tempest Vigorous Social Sanguine Thwarter Tentative Vigour Solomon Sappho Tickler Termagant Villager Solon Science Tomboy Terminate Viper ' ongster Scrupulous Topmost Terrible Volant Sonorous Shrewdness Topper Testy Voucher Sounduell Skilful Torment Thankful 118 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of the Feeder V. bitches. Vigilance Warning Workman Watchful Vanquish Violent Warrior Worthy Wasteful Vehemence Viperous Warhoop Wrangler Welcome Vehement Virulent Wayward Wrestler Welldone Vengeance Vitiate Wellbred Whimsey Vengeful Vivid Whipster W. bitches. Whirligig Venomous Vixen Whynot Waggery Wildfire Venturesome Vocal Wildair Waggish Willing Venus Volatile Wildman Wagtail Wishful Verify Voluble Wilful Wanton Wonderful Verity Wisdom Warfare Worry Vicious W. dogs. Woodman Warlike Wrathful Victory Wanderer Worker Waspish Wreakful Victrix Warbler Beckford says, and says truly, that a good feeder is an essential part of the kennel establishment ; and he further observes, " let him be young and active ; and have the reputation, at least, of not disliking work : he should be good tempered, for the sake of the animals entrusted to his care ; and who, however they may be treated by him, cannot complain." These are highly commendable qualifications for the office of feeder ; but we do not find them always exactly attended to ; for instance, we do not find feeders always "young;" on the contrary, the task occasionally, perhaps frequently, de- volves upon men somewhat advanced in life, and who are thus enabled to earn a livelihood, when it would be difficult to obtain it in any other way. However, whether the feeder be young or old, he should cheerfully and punctually attend to the directions of the huntsman ; and if the latter understands his business, the age of the feeder will be, in all probability, of little consequence, so HUNTING DIRECTORY. 119 and Feeding. long as he is able to perform the requisite labour. Feed- ing the hounds is an indispensable part of the business of the kennel ; and if this be regarded as the primary object, cleanhness must be considered as the next in im- portance. " O'er all let cleanliness preside, no scraps Bestrew the pavement, and no half pick'd bones To kindle fierce debate, or to disgust That nicer sense, on which the sportsman's hope. And all his future triumphs, must depend. Soon as the growling pack, with eager joy, Have lapp'd their smoking viands, morn and eve. From the full cistern lead the ductile streams. To wash thy court well pav'd, nor spare thy pains, For much to health will cleanliness avail. Seek'st thou for hounds to climb the rocky steep, And brush th'entangled covert, whose nice scent O'er greasy fallows, and frequented roads. Can pick the dubious way, banish far off Each noisome stench, let no offensive smell Invade thy wide enclosure, but admit The nitrous air, and purifying breeze." SOMERVILE. Boiling for the hounds, mixing the meat, and getting it ready for them at proper hours, is the business of the feeder, of course under the superintendance of the huntsman ; and care should be taken not to let the hounds have their meat too hot ; the thicker it is mixed, perhaps, the better. Oat-meal is generally used, and certainly makes the best meat for hounds ; and oat-meal is best for the pur- pose when it is two years old; barley has been tried, but it does not mix up so well ; the proof, or essential 120 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Feeding. principle of it, is also much inferior ; even when mixed* with oat-meal it is not advisable food ; and it is, on the whole, more expensive than oat-meal, tho' the first cost may appear not so great. However, I have reason to believe that the quality of the oat-meal is not always sufficiently regarded ; and even the best of oat-meal is very much improved by keeping for two years, as I have already observed. I have known instances, where what is called Bread Dust has been substituted for oat-meal ; but it has not been found equal to the latter : — by Bread Dust is meant the refuse of ship bread or biscuit, which may be purchased in the large sea-port towns in almost any quantity. Where horse flesh happens to be scarce, cow heels, bellies, and sheep's trotters will make an ex- cellent substitute. In many kennels, they do not boil for the hounds in summer, I believe ; but give them meal only : — I sliould certainly prefer boiling : though the meat at this period might be mixed up thinner, and be thus more conducive to the health of the hounds. Indeed, in the hunting season, when many of the hounds, after long rest, become too fat, feeding them on thinner meat than the rest is more advisable than stinting them in the quantity of it. * On this subject, Beckford observes — " I have enquired of my feeder, who is a very good one, how he mixes up his meat. He tells me that, in his opinion, oat-meal and barley mixt, an equal quantity of each, make the best meat for hounds. The oat-meal he boils for half an hour, and then puts out the fire, puts the barley into the copper, and mixes both well together. I asked him why he boiled one and not the other ? — he told me, boiling, which made the oat-meal thick, made barley thin ; and that when you feed with barley only, it should not be put into the copper, but be scalded with the liquor and mixed up in a bucket." HUNTING DIRECTORY. 121 The Duty of a Huntsmm. It is the duty of the huntsman always to attend the feed- ing of the hounds ; which shoukl be drafted according to their condition ; that is, making due allowance for other collateral circumstances — some hounds, like some horses, will feed better than others — some will look better than others — and some will be able to endure more fatigue than others : these are matters with which a huntsman, if he possess discernment, will soon become acquainted, and will of course act accordingly: — this, however, is what distinguishes a good kennel huntsman. Beckford says, such as are low in flesh had better be drafted off into a separate kennel ; by this means the hounds that require ^e*/i will have an equal share of it. If any are much poorer than the rest, they should be fed again — such hounds cannot be fed too often. He continues, '' I have been told that in one kennel* in particular, the hounds are under such excellent management, that they are constantly fed with the door of the feeding yard open ; and the rough nature of the fox-hound is changed into so much politeness, that he waits at the door till he is in- vited in ; and what perhaps is not less extraordmary, he comes out again, whether he has satisfied his hunger or not, the moment he is desired — the effect of severe di;-- cipline. But since this is not absolutely necessary, and hounds may be good without it ; and since I well know your other amusements (he is writing to a friend) will not permit you to attend to all this manoeuvring, I would by no means wish you to give such power to your hunts- • Alluding no doubt to the Quorndon, when undor the direction of the late Hugo Meynell, Esq. H 122 HUNTING DIRECTORY. man. The business would be injudiciously done, and most probably would not answer your expectations. The hound would be tormented mal-a-propos ; — an animal so little deserving of it from our hands, that I should be sorry to disturb his hours of repose by unnecessary seve- rity. You will perceive it is a nice affair ; and I assure you I know no huntsman who is equal to it. The gen- tleman, who has carried this matter to its utmost perfec- tion, has attended to it regularly himself; has constantly acted on fixed principles ; from which he has never deviated, and I believe has succeeded to the very utmost of his wishes." In Beckford's time, the method above described was in its infancy, and he speaks inconsiderately upon it ; he derides a practise of the most essential utihty, (par- ticularly in making hounds well acquainted with their names) which in fact may be said to constitute the per- fection of kennel discipline ; and which, in the field, has the most beneficial influence, inasmuch as it renders the hounds more obedient. The advantages of such a system are evident at the first glance, and the practise has become general throughout the kingdom : — hence the drafting off lean hounds into a separate kennel may be easily avoided, as well as several other rather antiquated methods which the above able writer has taken the trouble to describe. " My hounds are generally fed (says Beckford) about eleven o'clock ; and if I am present myself, I take the same opportunity to make my draft for the next day's hunting. I seldom, when I can help it, leave this to my huntsman ; though it is necessary he should be present when the draft is made, that he may know what hounds HUNTING DIRECTORY. 123 Discipline. he has out. If your hounds are low in flesh, and have far to go to cover, they may all have a little thin lap again in the evening ; but this should never be done if you hunt early. Hounds, I think, should be sharp-set before hunting ; they run the better for it. *' I have heard that it is the custom in some kennels to shut up the hounds for a couple of hours after they come in from hunting, before they are fed ; and that other hounds are shut up with them to lick them clean." This is certainly "a custom more honoured in the breach than the observance." It savours strongly of the old school ; and has long been, I have reason to believe, utterly abandoned. Surely, when hounds have under- gone the fatigues of a day's hunting, having commenced their operations too, fasting, nothing can be more reason- able, or more consistent with the laws of nature, than that they should fill their bellies immediately on their return ; when they will not fail to retire comfortably to rest. In the month of November or December, 1825, 1 visited the York and Ainsty fox-hounds. When in the kennel, and talking with the huntsman (William Naylor) he observed, that, on his return from hunting, he gene- rally disturbed his hounds, half an hour perhaps after having fed them, and walked them out, before he allowed them to retire to rest for the night :^his motive for this practise was in order to prevent lameness in the shoulder (a disorder which has already been noticed) ; which he thought arose from the hounds being suffered to repose immediately after hard labour, from which stiffness en- sued, and ulthnately lameness in the shoulder. There may be something original in the idea ; but it is a mis- 11 2 124 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Physicking taken notion : lameness in the shoulder unquestionably arises from damp kennels. Some of his hounds, when his kennel was newly erected, had been thus afflicted ; and although it must have proceeded from the cause already mentioned, yet I am not prepared to deny that Naylor's method of walking out the hounds would not render the effect of damp kennels less violent, and con- sequently less injurious. When hounds come in from hunting, they should be carefully looked over, or examined ; and those that have sustained any injury should be immediately attended to. Beckford says, that " if you will permit those hounds that are unable to work to run about your house, it will be of great service to them. Of this there can be no doubt, as hounds which are suffered to go at large, are not nearly so liable to disease, as those kept in kennels — it may in fact be justly observed, that liberty is highly conducive to health. But it is not always convenient for hounds to run about a house. " Every Thursday during the hunting season (says Beckford) my hounds have one pound of sulphur given them in their meat ; and every Sunday throughout the year they have plenty of greens boiled up with it." I am seldom inclined to give physick to dogs in good health ; yet, although I may entertain no very exalted notion of Beckford's weekly administration of sulphur, I am per*- fectly convinced that greens may be occasionally (per- haps frequently) given to hounds with the most bene- ficial effect. The same writer further observes — " I am not fond of bleeding hounds, unless I see they want it." Yet, I am HUNTING DIRECTORY. 125 inclined to think that hounds will derive benefit from bleeding much oftener than Beckford seems to suppose. A dog is relieved by bleeding in many of the diseases to which he is liable, and in none more than the distemper. In the first place, it should be considered that the dog's skin is not porous, that he never perspires ; and that consequently oppressed nature is not relieved in him by that general and copious evacuation, which is frequently found so salutary in man, as well as in many animals : in many of the casual illnesses of the dog (to say nothing of his well known diseases) there seems to be a determi- nation of blood towards the head ; or, at least, the animal will appear dull and heavy about the eyes — in all cases of this description, bleeding invariably relieves him. " It has long been the custom in my kennel (continues the same writer) to physick the hounds twice a year — after they leave off hunting and before they begin. It is given in hot weather, and at an idle time. It cools their bodies, and without doubt is of service to them. If a hound is in want of physick, I prefer giving it in balls." I have already observed, that when a hound is in good health, I should be seldom disposed to physick him ; and I cannot help thinking that periodical physicking is quite unnecessary. If a hovmd be perfectly well, what more can be required ; and under such circumstances, gene- rally speaking, to administer physick seems utterly un- called for, if not altogether ridiculous. I differ from Beckford also in his mode of administering medicine to hounds : I prefer mixing it in their meat, to giving it " in balls." His physick, he observes, was composed of '* two pounds of sulphur, one pound of antimony, and a h3 126 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Management of pint and a half of syrup of buckthorn, for about forty couple of hounds." I am induced to suppose syrup of buckthorn alone will answer the purpose as well, if not better, given in the proportion of a large table spoonful for each hound. I have always thought, and still continue to think, that the mode and manner of physicking hounds partakes too much of parade and mystery, and that these animals are sometimes (perhaps often) physicked, when there is not the slightest occasion for such a process. Of exercise, during summer, I would give them as much as possible. " A regular course of whey and vegetables during the hot months must certainly be wholesome (says Beckford, in which I perfectly agree.) Every Monday and Thurs- day my hounds go for whey till the hunting season begins ; are kept out several hovu-s, and are often made to swim through rivers during the hot weather." In writing to his friend, the same author observes, " You little think, perhaps, how difficult it is to be a good kennel huntsman, nor can you as yet know the nicety that is required in feeding hounds properly. You are not aware that some hounds will hunt best when fed late ; others, when fed early : — that some should have but little ; that others cannot have too much. I shall only advise you, while you endeavour to keep your hounds in good order, not to let them get too fat." As soon as young hounds are reconciled to the kennel, they should be put into couples and walked out with their attendants on foot — if amongst sheep, so much the better ; and indeed amongst deer also. If any of them happen to be very stubborn and troublesome, it will be HUNTING DIRECTORY. 127 Young Hounds. advisable to couple them to old hounds rather than to young ones. If the young hounds are particularly awk- ward, they should be sent out by a few at a time. They will thus soon become tractable and handy enough to follow a horse. When they have often been walked out in the manner just described, and have become obedient, a few should be uncoupled at a tune, and such as oft'er to run sheep or any kind of riot, should be chastised. The less, however, the whip is used the better ; and if they stop at the word, the whip should not be applied. If they have tasted mutton, it will be much more difficult to reclaun them — indeed they are to be viewed with sus- picion ever after : not that there is much danger to be .apprehended when hounds have been taken into the ken- nel, and have undergone a regular course of disciplme, as they are afterwards under proper care, and have few opportunities of committing depredations, however well they may be inclined for it. But accidents sometimes occur. " My hounds (says Beckford) were near being spoiled by the accident of a horse's falling. The whip- per-in was thrown from his horse. The horse ran away, and the whole pack followed him. A flock of sheep, which were at a little distance, took fright, began to run, and the hounds pursued them. The most vicious set on the rest, and several sheep were soon pulled down and killed. " I have sometimes observed even old hounds to cast a sort of a longing eye when passing a small lamb. Wlien hounds are taken out for air or exercise, it is perhaps advisable to couple the young ones, as they are prone to mischief. To air and exercise young hounds 128 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of Entering in the covintry they are meant to begin to hunt, is an ad- vantage: they acquire a knowledge of it; and if they happen to be left behind, they will thus be enabled to find their way home more easily. " Summer hunting, though useful to young hounds, is prejudicial to old ones : I think therefore (observes the writer whom I have had frequent occasion to quote) you will do well to reserve some of the best of your draft hounds to enter your young ones with, selecting such as are most likely to set them a good example. I need not tell you they should not be skirters ; but, on the contrary, should be fair hunting hounds, such as love a scent, and that hunt closest on the line of it : — it will be necessary that some of them should be good finders, and all must be steady. Thus you procure for your young hounds the best instructions, and at the same time prevent two evils, which would necessarily ensue, were they taught by the whole pack ; one, that of corrupting and getting into scrapes, such as are not much wiser than themselves; and the other, that of occasioning much flogging and rating, which always shies and interrupts the hunting of an old hound. An old hound is a sagacious animal, and is not fond of trusting himself in the way of an enraged whipper-in, who, as experience has taught him, can flog, and can flog unjustly. By attending to this advice, you will improve one part of your pack, without any injury to the other ; whilst such as never separate their young hounds from the old, are not likely to have any of them steady." The time of entering young hounds must depend upon circumstances. The sooner they are entered the better HUNTING DIRECTORY. 129 Young Hounds. certainly ; but, in corn countries this business cannot be conveniently commenced till the corn is cut; grass countries are better adapted for the purpose (and indeed for hunting altogether) ; and in woodlands cub hunting may begin almost at any period. I am no advocate for stooping young hounds to any scent but the one which they are intended to hunt ; perfectly convinced that they will thus, not only give less trouble, but are more to be depended on afterwards. " If, owing to scarcity of foxes, you should stoop your hounds at hare, let them not have the blood of her at least ; nor, for the sake of consistency, give them much encouragement. Hare hunting has one advantage — hounds are chiefly in open ground, where you can easily command them ; but, notwithstanding that, if foxes arc in tolerable plenty, keep them to their own game." Trail scents are objectionable; as well as the method piu'sued by sportsmen of the old school, such as di'ag- ging a cat along the ground for a mile or two, turning out a badger, &c. If a few foxes can be aftbrded for the purpose, they are highly preferable to any thing else. Young hounds should be first taken where there is least riot, putting some of the steadiest old hounds amongst them. If, in such a place, there fortunately happens to be a litter of foxes, there will be but little trouble with young hounds afterwards. Cub hunting should be com- menced as early as possible in the morning ; as soon, in fact, as objects can be clearly distinguished. Frequent hallooing is of use to young hounds ; it keeps them forward, prevents their being lost, and hinders them from hunting after the rest. The oftener therefore 130 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Ot Chastising a fox is seen and hallooed the better ; it serves to let them in, makes them eager, induces them to exert them- selves, as well as to become handy. The case, however, is very different with old hounds, to whom much halloo- ing is highly prejudicial — a fault, by the bye, into which ignorant huntsmen generally fall. At the same tune it may be justly observed that there is a time when hallooing is of use ; a time when it is injurious ; and a time when it is indifferent : practice and attention can alone teach the correct application. Young hounds, at their first entering, require encour- agement. As soon as they have become handy, love a scent, and begin to know what is right, it will be soon enough to chastise them for doing ivrong : in which case, let it be recollected, one severe flogging will save much trouble afterwards. Whenever a hound is undergoing castigation, the voice should accompany the stroke ; and the whipper-in (whose duty it is to flog) should recollect that the sound or smack of the whip will frequently an- swer the purpose better than the lash, to a hound that has already felt it. If any are very unsteady, it may be advisable to take them out by themselves : a hare may be found sitting, and be put off before them ; and thus the most riotous may be reduced to obedience. Young hounds should be frequently taken out amongst deer, (as I have already observed) and they will sooner learn to disregard them. When a cur dog is met with on the road or other place, it may not be amiss for the hunts- maxi to gallop after it, as it were, should not the hounds attempt to run it Avithout that manoeuvre, and they will, by these means, be thoroughly taught what to pursue, HUNTING DIRECTORY. 131 and what to disregard altogether. Turning a cub out before them, with some old steady hounds to lead them, is an excellent method of rendering them steady to their own game. As soon as young hounds are become handy, stoop to the scent, know a rate, and stop easily, they may be put into the pack, a few at a time. The horn may be re- garded as an indispensable appendage to a pack of fox- hounds ; or at least, if not indispensable, it is very useful. " Flogging hounds in kennel, the frequent px'actice of most huntsmen, I hold in abhorrence ; it is unreasonable, unjust, and cruel ; and, carried to the excess we some- times see it, is a disgrace to humanity. Hounds that are old offenders, that are very riotous, and at the same time very cunning, may be difficvdt to catch — such hounds may be excepted: — they deserve punishment whenever it happens, and you should not fail to give it them when you can. This, you will allow, is a particular case, and necessity may excuse it ; but let not the peace and quiet of your kennel be often thus disturbed. When hounds offend, punish them : when caught in the fact, then let them suffer ; and, if you are severe, at least be just." Whatever might have been the practice of hunts- men in the days of the writer (Beckford) from which 1 have quoted the above, I have reason to believe that flogging hounds in the kennel for faults committed in the field has been long since abandoned, except perhaps where the whipper-in was not able to reach or secure the culprit ; but, even in this case, the offending hound should be pursued immediately, and the chastisement in- flicted while the animal is conscious of the crime ; since. 1S2 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of Chastising Hounds. if he be allowed to continue out, and the punishment delayed till the regular period of returning home, he becomes ignorant for what it is inflicted ; and the correc- tion, which, under other circumstances would have been necessary and wholesome, is thus converted into cruelty, and the purpose intended to be answered by its applica- tion rendered completely abortive. When, however, hounds are unruly or disobedient in the kennel, they should of course be punished there ; and, in all cases, the more quickly the chastisement follows the commission of the crime, the better. But, in no case would I apply the lash, where the smack of the whip, accompanied by angry words, would answer the purpose. At the same time, I am well aware, that flogging, and severe flogging too, is frequently indispensable to the requisite discipline and well-being of a pack of fox-hounds ; and the higher these animals are bred, the more will they require the application of the lash : this arises from the inferiority of their olfactory organs, which disqualifies them from per- ceiving the difference of scents with that discriminating nicety which distinguishes the deep-flewed hound, and they in consequence become more unsteady. The management of hounds should be considered as a regular system of education ; and "if you expect sa- gacity in your hoimd when he is old, you must be mind- ful what instruction he receives from you in his youth ; for, as he is of all animals, the most docile, he is also most liable to bad habits. A diversity of character, con- stitution, and disposition is to be observed amongst them ; which, to be made the most of, must be carefully attended to, and treated differentlv," HUNTING DIRECTORY. 133 Time of Entering Young Hounds. Beckford having detailed his own system consecutively, I here insert it, stating in notes where I happen to differ from him in opinion. " I begin to hunt my young hounds in August. The employment of my huntsman the preceding months, is to keep his old hounds healthy and quiet, by giving them proper exercise, and to get his young hounds forward. They are called over often in the kennel ; it uses them to their names,* to the huntsman, and to the whipper-in. They are walked out often among sheep, hares, and deer ; it uses them to a rate. Sometimes he turns down a catf before them, which they hunt up to and kill ; and, when the time of hunting approaches, he turns out badgersf or young foxes, taking out some of the steadiest of his old hounds to lead them on — this teaches them to hunt. He draws small covers and furze brakes with them, to use them to a halloo, and to teach them obedience. If they find improper game, and hunt it, they are stopped and brought back ; and as long as they will stop at a rate, they are not chastised. Obedience is all that is required of them, till they have been sufficiently taught the game they are to hunt. An obstinate deviation from it afterwards is never pardoned. * This is an excellent plan ; upon which modern sportsmen have, liow- tver, greatly improved ; since it has been carried to such perfection, that the dogs separate from the bitches at a word, and vice versa. In some es- tablishments, a pack is formed entirely of bitches; by which means no' only these, but the other packs, become more sizeable, and have a more pleasing appearance. Mr. OsbalJeston's bitch pack in 1825-6 presented the most beautiful appearance I ever beheld. f I have already expressed my disapproval of the above practises. 134 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of the Hunting of " When my young hounds are taken out to air, my huntsman takes them into the country in which they are to begin to hunt. It is attended with this advantage : they acquire a knowledge of the country, and when left behind at any time, cannot fail to find their way home more easily. "When they begin to hunt, they are first taken into a large cover of my own, which has many ridings cut in it ; and where young foxes are turned out every year for them. Here it is they are taught the scent they are to hunt, are encouraged to pursue it, and are stopped from every other. Here they are blooded to fox. I must also tell you, that as foxes are plentiful in this cover, the principal earth is not stopped, and the foxes are checked back, or some of them let in, as may best suit the purpose of blooding. After they have been hunted a few days in this manner, they are then sent to distant covers, and more old hounds are added to them ; there they continue hunting till they are taken into the pack, which is seldom later than the beginning of September ; for by that time they will have learned what is required of them, and they seldom give much trouble afterwards. In Sep- tember, I begin to hunt in earnest, and after the old hounds have killed a few foxes, the young hounds are put into the pack, two or three couple at a time, till all have hunted. They are then divided ; and as I seldom have occasion to take in more than nine or ten couple, one half are taken out one day, the other half the next, till all are steady. " Two other methods of entering young hounds I have practised occasionally, as the number of hounds has HUNTING DIRECTORY. 135 Young Hounds. required ; for instance, when that number is very con- siderable, I make a large draft of my steadiest hounds, Avhich are kept with the young hounds in a separate kennel, and are hunted with them all the fore part of the season. This, when the old hounds begin to hunt, makes two distinct packs, and is always attended with great trouble and inconvenience. Nothing hurts a pack so much as to enter many young hounds, since it must weaken it considerably by robbing it of those which are the most steady ; and yet young hounds can do nothing without their assistance. Such, therefore, as constantly enter their young hounds in this manner, will, sometimes at least, have two indifterent packs, instead of one good one. *' In the other method, the young hounds are well awed from sheep, but never stooped to a scent, till they are taken out with the pack ; they are then taken out a few only at a time ; and if your pack is perfectly steady, and well manned, may not give you much trouble. The method I first mentioned, which is the one I most com- monly practise, will be necessary when you have many young hounds to enter ; when you have only a few, the last will be most convenient. The other, which requires two distinct packs, is on too extensive a plan to suit your establishment, requiring more horses and hounds than you intend to keep. "Though I have mentioned, in a former letter, from eight to twelve couple of young hounds, as a sufficient number to keep up your pack to its present establish- ment, yet it is always best to keep a few couple more than you want, in reserve, in case of accidents : since, 136 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of Blooding Young Hounds. from the time you make your draft, to the time of hunt- ing, is a long period ; and their existence at that age and season very precarious : besides, when they are safe from the distemper, they are not always safe from each other; and a summer, I think, seldom passes without some losses of that kind. At the same time I must tell you, that I should decline the entering of more than are necessary to keep up the pack, since a greater number would only create useless trouble and vexation. " You wish to know what number of old hounds you should hunt with the young ones : — that must depend on the strength of your pack, and the number which you choose to spare ; if good and steady, ten or twelve couple will be sufficient. " The young hounds, and such old ones as are in- tended to hunt along with them, should be kept in a kennel by themselves, till the young hounds are hunted with the pack. I need not, I am sure, enumerate the many reasons that make this regulation necessary. *■ I never trust my young hounds in the forest till they have been well blooded to fox, and seldom put more than a couple into the pack at a time. The others are walked out amongst the deer, when the men exercise their horses, and are severely chastised if they take any notice of them. They also draw covers with them ; choosing out such, where they can best see their hounds, and most easily command them, and where there is the least chance to find a fox. On these occasions I had rather they should have to rate their hounds than to encourage them. It requires less judgment ; and, if improperly done, is less dangerous in its consequences. One halloo HUNTING DIRECTORY. 137 Entering Young Fox-hounds. of encouragement to a wrong scent, more than undoes all that you have been doing. " When young hounds begin to love a scent, it may be of use to turn out a badger* before them ; you will then be able to discover what improvement they have made ; I mention a badger, on a supposition that young foxes cannot so well be spared ; besides, the badger, being a slower animal, he may easily be followed, and driven the way you choose he should run. *' The day you intend to turn out a fox, or badger, you will do well to send them amongst hares or deer. A little rating and flogging, before they are encouraged to vermin, is of the greatest use, as it teaches them both what they should, and what they should not, do ; I have known a badger run several miles, if judiciously managed ; for which purpose he should be turned out in a very open country, and followed by a person who has more sense than to ride on the line of him. If he does not meet with any cover or hedge in his way, he will keep on for several miles ; if he does, you will not be able to get him any farther. — You should give him a great deal of law, and you will do well to break his teeth. " If you run any cubs to ground in an indifferent country, and do not want blood, bring them home, and they will be of use to your young hounds. Turn out bag foxes to your young hounds, but never to your old ones. "The day after your hounds have had blood, is also a proper tune to send them where there is riot, and to * See note, page 133. I 138 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Various Methods of chastise them if they deserve it : it is always best to cor- rect them when they cannot help knowing what they are corrected for. When you send out your hounds for this purpose, the later they go out, I think, the better ; as the worse the scent is, the less incUnable will they be to run it, and of course will give less trouble in stopping them. It is a common practice with huntsmen to flog their hounds most unmercifully in the kennel : I have al- ready told you I like it not ; but if many of your hounds are obstinately riotous, you may with less impropriety put a live hare into the kennel to them, flogging them as often as they approach her ; they will then have some notion at least, for what they are beaten : but, let me entreat you, before this chaviari begins, to draft off your steady hounds : an animal to whom we owe so much good diversion, should not be ill used unnecessarily. — When a hare is put into the kennel, the huntsman and both the whippers-in should be present, and the whip- pers-in should flog every hound, calling him by his name, and rating him as often as he is near the hare, and upon this occasion they cannot cut them too hard, or rate them too much ; when they think they have chastised them enough, the hare should be taken away, the huntsman should halloo off his hounds, and the whippers-in should rate them to him. — If any one loves a hare more than the rest, you may tie a dead one round his neck, flogging him and rating him at the same time. " I would advise you to hunt your large covers with your young hounds ; it will tire them out ; a necessary step towards making them steady; and will open the cover against the time you begin to hunt in earnest, and by disturbing the large covers early in the year, foxes HUNTING DIRECTORY. 139 Entering Young Fox-hounds. will be shy of them in the season, and shew you better chases : besides, as they are not likely to break from thence, you can do no hurt to the corn, and may begin before it is cut. " If your hounds are very riotous, and you are obliged to stop them very often from hare, it will be advisable, I think, to try on (however late it may be) till you find a fox, as the giving them encouragement should, at such a time, prevail over every other consideration. " Such as are very riotous should have little rest ; you should hunt them one day in large covers, where foxes are in plenty ; the next day they should be walked out amongst hares and deer, and stopped from riot ; the day following be hunted again as before. Old hounds, that I have had from other packs (particularly such as have been entered at hare) I have sometimes found incorrigible ; but I never yet knew a young hound so riotous, but, by this management, he soon became steady. "When hounds are rated and do not answer the rate, they should be coupled up immediately, and be made to know the whipper-in : in all probability this method will save any farther trouble. These fellows sometimes flog hounds most unmercifully, and some of them seem to take pleasure in their cruelty. "I have heard, that no fox-hounds will break off to deer, after once a fox is found. — I cannot say the experience I have liad of this diversion will any ways justify the re- mark ; let me advise you therefore to seek a surer de- pendance. Before you hunt your young hounds where hares are in plenty, let them be awed, and stopped from hare : before you hunt amongst deer, let them not only i2 HO HUNTING DIRECTORY. Importance of First Impressions. see deer, but let them draw covers where deer are : for you must not be surprised, if, after they are so far steady, as not to run them in view, they should challenge on the scent of them. Unless you take this method with your young hounds, before you put them into the pack, you will run a great risk of corrupting such as are steady, and will lose the pleasure of hunting with steady hounds. I have already said, that after my young hounds are taken into the pack, I still take out but very few at a time, when I hunt among deer. I also change them when I take out others ; for the steadiness they may have ac- quired could be but little depended on, were they to meet with any encouragement to be riotous. " I confess I think first impressions of more conse- quence than they are in general thought to be : I not only enter my young hounds to vermin on that account, but I even use them, as early as I can, to the strongest covers and thickest brakes, and I seldom find they are ever shy of them afterwards. A friend of mine has as- sured me, that he once entered a spaniel to snipes, and the dog ever after was partial to them, preferring them to every other bird. ^'Ifyouhavemarterns* within your reach, as all hounds * Beckford seems, in some degree, to contradict himself; in the pre- ceding paragraph, the instance of the spaniel and snipes seems at variance with the advice which immediately follows for entering young hounds at the martern. In his sixth letter he also observes ; — "You had better enter them at their own game — it will save you much trouble afterwards. Many (logs, I believe, like that scent best they were first blooded to; but be that as it may, it is certainly most reasonable to use them to that which it is in- tended they should hunt.'' — He also severely reprobates the practice of en- tering young hounds at hare, as will be seen by the following pages. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 141 Summer Hunting. are fond of their scent, you will do well to enter your young hounds in covers which they frequent. The mar- tern being a small animal, by running the thickest brakes it can find, teaches hounds to run cover, and is therefore of the greatest use. — I do not much approve of hunting them with the old hounds ; they shew but little sport, are continually climbing trees ; and as the cover they run seldom fails to scratch and teai- hounds considerably, I think you might be sorry to see your whole pack dis- figured by it. The agility of this little animal is really wonderful ; and though it falls frequently from a tree, in the midst of a whole pack of hounds, all intent on catch- ing it, there are but few instances, I believe, of a mar- tern's being caught by them in that situation. **In summer, hounds might hunt in an evening ; — I know a pack, that, after having killed one fox in the morning with the young hounds, killed another in the evening with the old ones. Scent generally lies well at the close of the day, yet there is a great objection to luniting at that time ; animals are then more easily dis- turbed, and you have a greater variety of scents than at an earlier hour. "Having given you all the information I can possibly recollect with regard to my own management of young- hounds, I shall now take notice of that part of your last letter, where I am soi'ry to find that our opinions diftbr. Obedience, you say, is every thing necessary in a hound, and that it is of little consequence by what means it is obtained. I cannot concur altogether in that opinion ; for I think it very necessary, that the hound should at the same time understand you. Obedience, under i)roper 1 3 H2 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Obedience indispensable management, will be a necessary consequence of it. Obedience, surely, is not all that is required of them : they should be taught to distinguish of themselves right from wrong, or I know not how they are to be managed ; when, as it frequently happens, we cannot see what they are at, and must take their words for it. A hound that hears a voice which has often rated him, and that hears the whip he has often ^elt, I know, will stop. — I also know, he will commit the same fault again, if he has been accustomed to be guilty of it. " Obedience, you very rightly observe, is a necessary quality in a hound, for he is useless without it. It is therefore an excellent principle for a huntsman to set out upon ; yet, good as it is, I think it may be carried too far. I would not have him insist on too much, or tor- ment his hounds, mal-a-propos, by exacting of them by force what is not absolutely necessary to your diversion. You say, he intends to enter your hounds at hare — is it to teach them obedience? — Does he mean to encourage vice in them, to correct it afterwards ? — I have heard, indeed, that the way to make hounds steady from hare, is to enter them at hare : that is, to encourage them to hunt her. It requires more faith than I pretend to, to believe so strange a paradox. "It concerns me to be obliged to differ from you in opinion ; but since it cannot now be helped, we will pur- sue the subject, and examine it throughout ; permit me then to ask you, what it is you propose from the entering of your hounds at hare ? Two advantages, I shall pre- sume, you expect from it ; — The teaching of your hounds to hunt, and teaching them to be obedient. — However HUNTING DIRECTORY. 143 in Fox-hounds. necessary you may think these requisites in a hound, I cannot but flatter myself they are to be acquired by less exceptionable means. The method I have already men- tioned to make hounds obedient, as it is practised in my own kennel — that of calling them over often in the ken- nel, to use them to their names, and walking them out often amongst sheep, hares, and deer, from which they are stopped to use them to a rate, in my opinion, would answer your purpose better. The teaching your hounds to hunt is by no means so necessary as you seem to ima- gine. Nature will teach it them, nor need you give yourself so much concern about it. Art only will be ne- cessary to prevent them hunting what they ought not to hunt — and do you really think your method a proper one to accomplish it ? " The first and most essential thing towards making hounds obedient, I suppose, is to make them understand you ; nor do I apprehend you will find any difficulty on their parts, but such as may be occasioned on yours. — The language we use to them, to convey our meaning should never vary : — still less, should we alter the very meaning of the terms we use. — Would it not be absurd to encourage, when we mean to rate? and if we did, could we expect to be obeyed ? — You will not deny this, and yet you are guilty of no less an inconsistency, when you encourage your hounds to run a scent to-day, which you know, at the same time, you must be obliged to break them from to-morrow : — is it not running counter to justice and reason ? " I confess there is some use in hunting young hounds, where you can easily command them ; but even this you 144 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Impropriety of Entering may pay too clearly for. Enter your hounds in small covers, or in such large ones as have ridings cut in them ; whippers-in can then get at them, can always see what they are at, and I have no doubt that you may have a pack of fox-hounds steady to fox by this means, without adopting so preposterous a method as that of first making hare-hunters of them. You will find, that hounds, thus instructed what game they are to hunt, and what they are not, will stop at a word ; because they will under- stand you ; and after they have been treated in this manner, a smack only of the whip, will spare you the inhumanity of cutting your hounds in pieces (not very justly) for faults which you yourself have encouraged them to commit. " I think, in your last letter, you seem very anxious to get your young hounds well blooded to fox, at the same time that you talk of entering them at hare. How am I to reconcile such contradictions ? If the blood of fox is of so much use, surely you cannot think the blood of a hare a matter of indifference, unless you should be of opinion that a fox is better eating. — Nature, I suppose, never intended they should hunt sheep, yet we very well know, when once they have killed sheep, that they have no dislike to mutton afterwards. "You have conceived an idea, perhaps, that a fox- hound is designed by nature to hunt a fox. Yet, surely, if that vi^as your opinion, you would never think of enter- ing him at any other game. I cannot, however, think nature designed the dog, which we call a fox-hound, to hunt fox only, since we know he will also hunt other animals. That a well-bred fox-hound may give a pre- HUNTING DIRECTORY. 145 Young Fox-hounds at Hare. ference to vermin, caeteris paribus, I will not dispute ; I think it very possible he may ; but this I am certain of — that every fox-hound will leave a bad scent of fox, for a good one of either hare or deer, unless he has been made steady from them ; and in this, I shall not fear to be con- tradicted. But, as I do not wish to enter abstruse rea- soning with you, or think it any ways material to our present purpose, whether the dogs we call fox-hounds w^ere originally designed by nature to hunt fox or not, Ave will drop the subject. I must at the same time beg leave to observe, that dogs are not the only animals in which an extraordinary diversity of species has happen- ed since the days of Adam. Yet a great naturalist tells us, that man is nearer, by eight degrees, to Adam, than is the dog to the first dog of his race ; since the age of man is fourscore years, and that of a dog but ten. It therefore follows, that if both should equally degenerate, the alteration would be eight times more remarkable in the dog than in the man. " The two most necessary questions which result from the foregoing premises, are — whether hounds entered at hare are perfectly steady, afterwards, to fox ; — and whether steadiness is not attainable by more reasonable means. Having never hunted with gentlemen who fol- low this practise, I must leave the first question for others to determine ; but having always had my hounds steady, I can myself answer the second." CHAPTER VI. Of the Huntsman and the Whippers-in, and their respec- tive Duties. It very often happens, that the laborious or working classes of the community foolishly repine at the situation in which Providence has placed them, and are dissatis- fied with the means by which they obtain a livelihood ; to this, however, the huntsman is an evident, indeed a very striking, exception. A huntsman's life cannot be otherwise than happy, since he is liberally paid for doing that which gives him the greatest possible gratification.* Beckford observes that a huntsman " should be young, strong, and active, bold and enterprising ; fond of the diversion and indefatigable in the pursuit of it; he should be sensible and good-tempered ; he ought also to be sober ; he should be exact, civil, and cleanly ; he should be a good horseman and a good groom ; his voice should be strong and clear, and he should have an eye so quick, as to perceive which of his hounds carries the scent, when all are running ; and should have so excellent an ear, as always to distinguish the foremost hounds when he does not see them. He should be quiet, patient, and without conceit. Such are the excellencies which con- stitute a good huntsman : he should not, however, be * The above remarks will also apply to the gamekeeper; but scarcely perhaps to any other avocations in life— at least, in a manner so forcible and striking. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 147 Duty of the Huntsman. too fond of displaying them till necessity calls them forth. He should let his hounds alone whilst they can hunt, and he should have genius to assist them when they cannot" The above qualifications will, however, rarely be found united in the same person. Good temper is a most de- sirable quality in a huntsman, as circumstances frequently occur where it is put to a very severe trial : — when, for instance, a fox is found, imprudent sportsmen are apt to ride over the scent, as well as to head him back. If the cover be small, so that the fox cannot go away unseen, heading back may not perhaps be of very great conse- quence ; but the case is frequently very different, and very vexatious ; but to ride over the scent is, I think, more provoking. When a fox has just broke cover, and before the hounds have got settled to the scent, how often have I seen the scent ridden over ! and that too in the most vexatious manner : — it certainly is not to be wondered at, however it may be regretted, if, on such occasions, the huntsman should forget the respect due to his superiors. On the 7th of last January (1826) I met the hounds of Hugo Meynell, Esq. at Radborne, about three miles from the town of Derby. A fox was found in a cover, called the Pasture : he was well viewed away ; in fact, he went off in such a manner as to enable a number of thoughtless and highly reprehensible sports- men to ride before the hounds — they rode over the scent : the hounds endeavoured to pick it out from among the horses' legs ; but the country presenting no formi- dable fences, the mercurial spirits above alluded to were enabled to head the hounds repeatedly, so that they could not get settled to the scent ; and we ultimately lost 148 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Anecdotes of the the fox ! Could any thing be more provoking ? A few weeks prior to this period, I met the York and Ainsty fox-hovmds at Skehon Springs, near York. We found in Overton Wood, a cover of very considerable extent ; which renard seemed very unwilling to leave. At length, he broke away, and faced the open country in the direction of Beningborough ; but, at a short distance from the wood, he crossed a lane, where several secon- dary sort of sportsmen were waiting ; who rode over the scent in all directions : and though the pursuit was con- tinued for more than half an hour, the hounds were unable to run well up to their fox, (owing no doubt to the circumstance just mentioned) and we of course lost him. However, Naylor, the huntsman, kept his temper ; though he informed me, that, some time before this period, he had broken out into a great rage, in conse- quence of a gentleman, not merely riding over the scent, but also over the best hound in the pack, and killing it ! I have met with several huntsmen who possessed good sense, who were not altogether destitute of what is un- derstood by the word genius ; but who, however, had received scai'cely a common village education. The famous Dick Knight, who was huntsman to Lord Althorp, and who, with his favourite horse (Contract) is repre- sented in a well-known series of engravings, was as illiterate as possible, but occasionally elicited something- like strokes of genius. This man was a great favourite with his master ; was a desperate rider ; and one who excelled in low games at cards, in which he passed most of his leisure hours. The features of Dick Knight's face were by no means prepossessing ; yet they were strongly HUNTING DIRECTORY. 149 jjn^ i r i f i r^jij »iiii rriv i fr i 'r < r i -' i ■■■■ — ».■■■..■..»■■. i ■■ ■ * i ' iii>» famous Dick Knight, marked, and very expressive. He is celebrated for several extraordinary feats, amongst which, his leap down the precipice, known by the name of Dick Knight's leap, was perhaps the most remarkable and the most dan- gerous. Dick had repeatedly run a particular fox, which uniformly beat his hounds ; this same fox became well known, and Knight always knew where to find him. Renard invariably made for and reached a cover, (Cank Wood) distant about ten miles, in defiance of every ex- ertion made to kill him ; and in this cover he uniformly eluded all further pursuit. Knight was bent on killing this fox, whose acknowledged game ought, however, to have insured him fau- play ; but Dick, chafed by the sneers of the sportsmen who attended his hounds, and finding it impossible to kill this fox in the ordinary manner, adopted the following mode in order to accom- phsh his purpose. He gave his whippers-in the requisite directions as to the manner in which they were to second his exertions ; and, placing himself in a situation where he might be able to view away his old acquaintance, the hounds were thrown into the cover, the fox found, and viewed off by Dick Knight. But Knight was not content with this ; he had resolved to keep him company as long or as far as possible : he therefore went away with him and kept him in sight for four or five miles : this was an exertion of which very few would have been capable ; but it answered the purpose, (not a praiseworthy purpose certainly ;) for by this method the fox was so pressed and so blown, that he was unable to reach the place that had always afibrded him secure protection : however, he made the most desperate ellbrts, and the hounds reached him only one mile from his place of safety ! 150 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Notices of several Shaw, one of the most famous huntsmen of modern days, appeared to have something hke genius in his com- position, though he was not able to write till he entered the service of the Duke of Rutland, when he was about thirty years of age. The first time I ever saw this man was with the harriers of Lord Moira (Marquis of Hast- mgs) about thirty-iive years ago, to which he was hunts- man, and it was the first season he had ever acted in that capacity. These harriers were afterwards replaced by fox-hounds, and Shaw continued to hunt them (several years) till they were sold by Lord Moira to Sir Henry Harper, of Caulk, Derbyshire. Shaw afterwards became huntsman to Sir Thomas Mostyn ; and ultimately served the Duke of Rutland in that capacity; with both of whom he was a great favourite. He continued in the Duke's service for a series of years, until, in fact, he was afflicted with some disorder, which disabled him from fulfilling the duties of his office. He quitted the service of his Grace for some time, and returned again at the express desire of the latter ; but he was still incapable of going through the fatigue necessarily attendant upon the office of huntsman, and he retired. Such, however, had been the kindness of his master, that Shaw had realized, not a splendid fortune, but sufficient to live respectably and keep a couple of hunters. When Sir Bellingham Graham had the Pycheley hunt, Shaw was frequently out; he also visited other parts, and I believe resides at present in Northamptonshire. Shaw was not only a favourite with the Duke, his master, but with those who attended his hounds. He was a good horseman, very active in the field, civil and HUNTING DIRECTORY. 151 Modern Huntsmen. respectful, and sometimes manifested what Beckford would call genius. On one occasion, when he had been running a fox for some time in the Vale of Belvoir, the hounds came to a cover, which the fox had evidently entered : they were soon through it ; and went away as merrily as possible on the other side. But, before they had run far, Shaw stopped them, and led them again to the cover against the opinion of the field ; where, how- ever, he found his original fox and killed him ! A fresh fox had evidently gone away when the hounds first en- tered the cover, and they changed ; of which Shaw was soon aware, and hence we see his reason for returning. Shaw became a huntsman without going through those probationary steps, which generally lead to the office : — he never officiated in the subordinate capacity of whip- per-in. I have seen several good huntsmen within the last half score years ; and I am of opinion that few packs of fox- hounds were ever better managed in the field than the Quorndon, a few years ago, when Sebright was the huntsman, assisted by those two very active whippers-in, Richard Burton and Will Head. — They are all light weights, and good riders — Sebright in particular. The latter is huntsman to Lord Fitzwilliam ; Burton remains still at Quorndon with Mr. Osbaldeston ; Head has for several years hunted Sir Harry Mainwaring's hounds. Richards, who hunts the Badsworth, seems to under- stand his business ; but, unfortunately for a huntsman, he cannot be called a ligJit weight. He is, however, a good rider, and an active man in the field. In the year 1825, 1 visited the Badsworth ; and had thus an oppor- 152 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Slow Huntsmen improper for Fox-hounds. tunity of observing the motions of Richards : I pro- ceeded to Lord Harewood's hunt, where the operations of George Payne (his lordship's huntsman) formed a striking contrast to those of Richards. The hounds must, in a certain degree, take their tone and manner from the character of the huntsman : — the Badsworth are quick and active ; Lord Harewood's are more slow and more philosophical. There was one hound in par- ticular in Lord Harewood's pack that struck my atten- tion : I remarked to Payne, the huntsman, that I was much pleased with the hound in question : — " That hoxmd, Sir, (said he) would hunt through York Min- ster." Slow huntsmen will kill but very few foxes : they are in fact a check upon their hounds ; which, with a high scent only, are able to run up to their game ; when it is indeed out of the huntsman's power to prevent it. " What avails it to be told which way the fox is gone when he is so far before that you cannot hunt him ? A New- market boy, with a good understanding and a good voice, might be preferable perhaps to an indifferent and slack huntsman ; he would press on his hounds while the scent was good, and the foxes he killed, he would kill handsomely. — A perfect knowledge of the intricacies of hunting is chiefly of use to slow huntsmen and bad hounds, since they more often stand in need of it. — Activity is the first requisite in a huntsman to a pack of fox-hounds ; a want of it no judgment can make amends for ; but the most difficult of all his undertakings is the distinguishing of different scents, and knowing, with any certainty, the scent of the hunted fox. Much speculation is here re~ HUNTING DIRECTORY. 153 Lord Darlington as a Huntsman. quired — the length of time hounds remain at fault — the difference of ground — change of weather — all these contrihute to increase the difficulty, and require a nicety of judgment and a precision, much above the compre- hension of most huntsmen." Lord Darlington performs the duty of huntsman to his own pack ; but I cannot say that I much admire his lordship in that capacity. He appears to be impatient, and his method seems to partake as much of coursing the fox, as of hunting him. The qualification of being a ''good groom,'' which Beckford states as essential in a huntsman, is not, how- ever, so indispensable as he seems to think. Fox-hunting has been on the increase since Beckford's time ; the es- tablishments in general are more extensive ; and, on this account, the management of the hounds and the care of the horses form two distinct arrangements. In small establishments, the huntsman may officiate as principal groom ; but it is probably too much to expect that a clever groom and a good huntsman should be united in the same person. A huntsman should be very punctual in arriving at the fixture or place of meeting ; and, when at the cover side, he should throw in his hounds as quietly as possible, and see that they spread the cover properly. When the fox has gone away, "the huntsman should certainly set oft' with his foremost hounds, and keep as close to them afterwards as he conveniently can. No hounds then can slip dow n the wind, and get out of his hearing ; he will also see how far they carry the scent ; a necessary know- K 154 HUNTING DIRECTORY. When a Huntsman ledge ; for without it, he never can make a cast, with any certainty. '* It is his business to be ready at all times, to lend them that assistance they so frequently stand in need of, and which, when they are first at fault, is most critical. A fox-hound, at that time, will exert himself most ; he afterwards cools, and becomes more indifferent about his game. Those huntsmen who do not get forward enough, to take advantage of this eagerness and impetu- osity, and direct it properly, seldom know enough of hunting to be of much use to them afterwards. "A huntsman should always listen to his hounds, whilst they are running in cover ; he should be particu- larly attentive to the head hounds, and he should be constantly on his guard against a skirter, for if there ai-e two scents, he must be wrong. — Generally speaking, the best scent is least likely to be that of the hunted fox : and as a fox seldom suffers hounds to run up to him, as long as he is able to prevent it ; so, nine times out of ten, when foxes are hallooed early in the day, they are all fresh foxes. The hounds most likely to be right, are the hard-running, line-hunting hounds ; or such as the hunts- man knows had the lead, before there arose any doubt of changing. With regard to the fox, if he breaks over an open country, it is no sign that he is hard run, for they seldom at any time will do that, unless they are a great way before the hounds. Also, if he runs up the -wind — they seldom or ever do that, when they have been long hunted, and grow weak ; and when they run their .foil, that also may direct him. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 155 should assist his Hounds. " The huntsman, at a check, had better let liis liounds alone, or content himself with holding them forward, without taking them off their noses. Hounds that are not used to be cast, will of themselves acquire a better cast than it is in the power of any huntsman to give them ; will spread more, and try better for the scent; and, if they are in health and spirits, they will want no en- couragement. "If they are at fault, and have made their own cast, (which the huntsman should always first encourage them to do) it is then his business to assist them further. The first cast I bid my huntsman make, is generally a regular one ; not choosing to rely entirely on his judgment : if that does not succeed, he is then at liberty to follow his own opinion, and proceed as observation and genius may direct. When such a cast is made, I like to see some mark of good sense and meaning in it ; whether down the wind, or towards some likely cover, or strong earth : however, as it is at best uncertain, and as the huntsman and the fox may be of different opinions, I always wish to see a regular cast, before I see a knowing one ; which, as a last resource, should not be called forth till it is wanted. The letting homids alone is but a negative goodness in a huntsman ; whereas it is true, that thts last shows real genius ; and to be perfect, must be born u ith him. There is a fault, however, which a knowing hunts- man is too apt to commit: he will find a fresh fox, and then claim the merit of having recovered the hunted one. It always is dangerous to throw hounds into a cover to retrieve a lost scent; and, unless they hit him in, is not to be depended on. OvWen to the last extremity, should k2 156 HUNTING DIRECTORY. a knowing cast not succeed, your huntsman is in no wise blameable : mine, I remember, lost me a good chace, by persevering too long in a favourite cast : but he gave me so many good reasons why the fox ought to have gone that way, that I returned perfectly well satisfied, telling him at the same time, that, if the fox was a fool, he could not help it. "A huntsman will complain of hounds for staying behind in cover : it is a great fault, and makes the hound that has it of little value ; a fault frequently occasioned by his own mismanagement. Having drawn one cover, he hurries away to another, and leaves the whipper-in to bring on the hounds after him ; but the whipper-in is seldom less desirous of getting forward than the hunts- man; and, unless they come off easily, it is not often that he gives himself much concern about them. Also, hounds that are left too long at their walks, will acquire this trick from hunting'by themselves, and are not easily broken off it. '« Before a huntsman goes into the kennel to draft his hounds, let him determine within himself the number of hounds'he intends to take out ; as likewise the number of young hounds that he can venture in the country where he is going to hunt. Different countries may require different hounds ; some may require more hoimds than others : it is not an easy matter to draft hounds properly ; nor can any expedition be made in it, without some method. '' If the huntsman, without inconvenience, can begm drawing at the farthest cover down the wind, and so draw from cover to cover up the wind till you find, let HUNTING DIRECTORY. 157 Fox Huunds should draw. him do it — it will have many advantages attending it : he will draw the same covers in half the time ; there will be less difficulty in getting the hounds off; and as the fox will most probably run the covers that have already been drawn, you are certain not to change. "Judicious huntsmen will observe where foxes like best to lie. Generally speaking, I think they are fondest of such covers as lie high, and are dry and thick at bottom ; such also as lie out of the wind ; and such as are on the sunny side of hills. The same cover where you find one fox, when it has remained quiet any time, will probably produce another. " It is to little purpose to draw hazle coppices at the time when nuts are gathered ; furze covers, or two or three years coppices, are then the only quiet places a fox can kennel in : they also are disturbed when pheasant shooting begins, and older covers are more likely. The season when foxes are most wild and strong is about Christmas ; a huntsman then must lose no time in drawing — he must draw up the wind, unless the cover be very large, in which case it may be better perhaps to cross it, giving the hounds a side wind, lest he should be obliged to turn down the wind at last : in either case, let him draw as quietly as he can. " Young coppices, at this time, are quite bare : the most likely places are four or five years coppices, and such as are furzy at bottom. " Some huntsmen draw too quick — some too slow. The time of the day, the behaviovu- of his hounds, and the covers they are drawing, will direct an observing huntsman in the pace which he ought to go. k3 158 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of Casting " When you try a furze brakcy let me give you one caution : never halloo a fox till you see he is got quite clear of it. When a fox is found in such places, hounds are sure to go off" well at him ; and it must be owing either to bad scent, bad hounds, bad management, or bad luck, if they fail to kill him afterwards. Huntsmen, whilst their hounds are drawing, or are at fault, fre- quently make so much noise themselves, that they can hear nothing else ; they should always have an ear to a halloo. " Though a huntsman ought to be as silent as possible at going into a cover, he cannot be too noisy at coming out of it again ; and if at any time he should turn back suddenly, let him give as much notice of it as he can to his hounds, or he will leave many of them behind him ; and, should he turn down the wind, he may see no more of them. ''Though I Uke to see fox hounds cast wide and for- ward, and dislike to see them pick a cold scent through flocks of sheep to no purpose, yet I must beg leave to observe, that I dislike still more to see that unaccount- able hurry, which huntsmen will sometimes put themselves into, the moment their hounds are at fault. Time ought always to be allowed them, to make their own cast ; and if a huntsman is judicious, he will take that opportunity to consider, what part he himself has next to act ; but instead of this, I have seen hounds hurried away the very instant they came to a fault, a wide cast made, and the hounds at last brought back to the very spot whence they were so abruptly taken, and where, if the huntsman had had a minute's patience, they would have hit off the HUNTING DIRECTORY. 159 scent themselves. It is always great impertinence in a huntsman to pretend to make a cast himself, before the hounds have made theirs. Prudence should direct hun to encourage, and, I may say, humour his hounds, in the cast they seem inclined to make, and either to stand still, or trot round with them, as circumstances may require. " I have seen huntsmen make their cast on bad ground, when they might as easily have made it on good. I have seen them suffer their hounds to try in the midst of a flock of sheep, when there was a hedge, near which they might have been sure to take the scent ; and I have seen a cast made with every hound at their horses' heels. — When a hound tries for the scent, his nose is to the ground : when a huntsman makes a cast, his eye should be on his hounds ; and when he sees them spread wide, and try as they ought, his cast may then be quick. " When hounds are at fault, and the huntsman halloos them off the line of the scent, the whippers-in smacking their whips, and rating them after him, if he trots away with them, may not they think the business of the day is over ? — Hounds never, in my opinion, (unless in par- ticular cases, or when you go to a halloo) should be taken entirely off their noses : but, when lifted, should be con- stantly made to try as they go. Some huntsmen have a dull, stupid way of speaking to their hounds ; at these times, little should be said ; and that should have both, meaning and expression in it. *' When your huntsman makes a cast, I hope he makes it perfect one way, before he tries another, as much time is lost by going backwards and forwards. You will see huntsmen, when a forward cast docs not succeed, come 160 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of Foxes running the Roads. slowly back again : they should return as fast as they can. " When hounds are at fault, and it is probable that the fox has headed back, your cast forward should be short and quick ; for the scent is then likely to be behind you : too obstinate a perseverance forward has been the loss of many foxes. In heathy countries, if there are many roads, foxes will always run them in dry weather ; when hounds, therefore, overrun the scent, if your huntsman returns to the first cross road, he probably will hit off the scent again. *' In large covers, if there are many roads, in bad scenting days when these roads are dry, or after a thaw, when they carry, it is necessary your huntsman should be near to his hounds to help them, and hold them for- ward. Foxes will rvui the roads at these times, and hounds cannot always own the scent. When they are at fault on a dry road, let not your himtsman turn back too soon ; let him not stop till he can be certain the fox is not gone on. The hounds should try on both sides the road at once : if he perceives that they try on one side only, on his return let him try the other. " If a fox runs up the wind when first found, and af- terwards turns, he seldom, if ever, turns again. This observation may not only be of use to your huntsman in his cast, but may be of use to you, if you should lose the hounds. ** When you are pursuing a fox over a country, the scent being bad, and the fox a long way before, without ever having been pressed, if his point should be for strong- earths that are open, or for large covers, where game is HUNTING DIRECTORY. 161 Recovering a hunted Fox when Scent fails. in plenty, it may be acting wisely to take oft' the hounds at the first fault they come to ; for the fox will go many miles for your one, and probably will run you out of all scent ; but if he should not, you wiU be likely to change at the first cover you come into : when a fox has been hard pressed, he should not be easily given up. " When you would recover a hunted fox, and have no longer a scent to hunt him by, a long cast to the first cover he seems to point to, is the only resource you have left : get there as fast as you can, and then let your hounds try as slowly and as quietly as possible : if hunt- ing after him is hopeless, and a long cast does not succeed ^ you had better give him up. Need I remind you, that, when the scent lies badly, and you find it impossible for hounds to run, you had better return home, since the next day may be more favourable. It surely is a great fault in a huntsman to persevere in bad weather, when hounds cannot riui, and when there is not a probabihty of kilHng a fox. Some there are, who, after they have lost one fox for want of scent to hunt him by, will find another ; this makes their hounds slack, and sometimes vicious ; it also disturbs the covers to no purpose. Some sportsmen are more lucky in their days than others. If you hunt every other day, it is possible they may be all bad, and the intermediate days all good ; an indifferent pack therefore, by hunting on good days, may kill foxes, without any merit ; and a good pack, notwithstanding all their exertion, may lose foxes which they deserved to kill. "A perfect knowledge of his country certainly is a great help to a huntsman ; if your's as yet has it not, 162 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of a tired Fox. great allowance ought to be made. The trotting away with hounds to make a long and knowing cast, is a pri- vilege which a new huntsman cannot pretend to : an ex- perienced one may safely say, a fox has made for such a cover, when he has known, perhaps, that nine out of ten, with the wind in the same quarter, have constantly gone thither. " In a country where there are large earths, a fox that knows the country, and tries any of them, seldom fails to try the rest. A huntsman may take advantage of this ; they are certain casts, and may help him to get nearer to his fox. " Great caution is necessary when a fox runs into a village : if he is halloo'd there, get forward as fast as you can. Foxes, when tired, will lie down any where, and are often lost by it. A wide cast is not the best to recover a tired fox with tired hounds : they should hvmt him out, inch by inch, though they are ever so long about it, for the reason I have just given, that he will lie down any ivhere. " In chases and forestSj where high fences are made to preserve the coppices, I like to see a huntsman put only a few hounds over, enough to carry on the scent, and get forward with the rest : it is a proof that he knows his business. "A huntsman must take care, where foxes are in plenty, that he does not run the heel ; for it frequently happens, that hounds can run the wrong way of the scent better than they can the right, when one is up the wind and the other down. " Fox-hunters, I think, are never guilty of the fault of trying up the wind, before they have tried down. I HUNTING DIRECTORY. 163 Kunning the Foil. have known them lose foxes, rather than condescend to try up the wind at all. '* When a huntsman hears a halloo, and has five or six couple of hounds along with him, the pack not running, let him get forward with those which he has : when they are on the scent, the rest will soon join them. " Let him lift his tail hounds, and get them forward after the rest : it can do no hurt. But let him be cautious how he lifts any hounds to get forward before the rest : it always is dangerous, and foxes are sometimes lost by it. ** When a fox runs his foil in cover, if you suffer all your hounds to hunt on the line of him, they will foil the ground, and tire themselves to little purpose. I have before told you, that your huntsman, at such a time, may stop the tail hounds, and throw them in at head. I am almost inclined to say, it is the only tune it should be done. Whilst hounds run straight, it cannot be of any use ; for they will get on faster with the scent than they would without it. "When hounds are hunting a cold scent, and point towards a cover, let a whipper-in get forward to the op- posite side of it. Should the fox break before the hounds reach the cover, stop them, and get them nearer to him. " When a fox persists in running in a strong cover, lies down often behind the hounds, and they are slack in hunting him, let the huntsman get into the cover to them. It may make the fox break, it may keep him off his foil, or may prevent the hounds from giving him up. " When hounds are at fault, and cannot make it out of themselves, let the first cast be quick ; the scent is then good, nor are the hounds likely to go over it : as 164 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Hounds Casting themselves. the scent gets worse, the cast should be slower, and be more cautiously made. This is an essential part of hunting, and which, I am sorry to say, few huntsmen attend to. I wish they would remember the following rules, viz. that with a good scent, their cast should be quick ; with a bad scent, slow ; and that, when the hounds are picking along a cold scent, they are not to cast them at all. "When hounds are at fault, and staring about, trust- ing solely to their eyes, and to their ears, the making a cast with them, I apprehend, wovdd be to little purpose. The likeliest place for them to find a scent, is where they left it ; and when the fault is evidently in the dog, a forward cast is least likely to recover the scent. " When hounds are making a good and regular cast, trying for the scent as they go, suffer not your huntsman to say a word to them : it cannot do any good, and pro- bably may make them go over the scent. "When hounds come to a check, a huntsman should observe the tail hounds : they are the least likely to overrun the scent, and he may see by them how far they brought it. In most packs there are some hounds that will shew the point of the fox ; and, if attended to, will direct his cast : when such hounds follow unwillingly, he may be certain the rest of the pack are running without the scent. "When he casts his hounds, let him not cast wide, without reason ; for of course it will take more time. Huntsmen, in general, keep too forward in their casts ; or, as a sailor would say, keep too long on one tacJc. They should endeavour to hit off the scent by crossing HUNTING DIRECTORY. 165 Of Casting lound Sheep. the line of it. Two parallel lines, you know, can never meet. " When he goes to a halloo, let him be careful, lest his hounds run the heel, as much time is lost by it. I once saw this mistake made by a famous hvmtsman : — after we had left a cover, which we had been drawing, a disturbed fox was seen to go into it ; he was halloo'd, and we re- turned. The huntsman, who never enquired njhere the fox was seen, or on which side the cover he entered, threw his hounds in at random; and, as it happened, on the opposite side : they immediately took the heel of him, broke cover, and hunted the scent back to his very kennel. " Different countries require different casts : such huntsmen as have been used to a woodland, and inclosed country, I have seen lose time in an open country, where wide casts are always necessary. " When you want to cast round a flock of sheep, the whipper-in ought to drive them the other way, lest they should keep running on before you. "A fox seldom goes over or under a gate, when he can avoid it. *' Huntsmen are frequently very conceited, and very obstinate. Often have I seen them, when their hounds came to a check, turn directly back, on seeing hounds at head, which they had no opinion of. They supposed the fox was gone another way ; in which case, Mr. Bayes's remark in the Rehearsal always occurs to me : " that if he should not, what then becomes of their sup- pose." Better, gurely, would it be, to make a short cast forward first; they then might be certain the hounds 166 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of obstinate Hounds and obstinate Huntsmen. were wrong, and of course, could make their own cast with greater confidence. The advantage, next to that of knowing where the fox is gone, is that of knowing, with certainty, where he is not. " Most huntsmen hke to have all their hounds turned after them, when they make a cast : I wonder not at them for it, but I am always sorry when I see it done ; for, till I find a huntsman that is infallible, I shall con- tinue to think, the more my hounds spread, the better : as long as they are within sight or hearing, it is sufficient. Many a time have I seen an obstinate hound hit off" the scent, when an obstinate huntsman, by casting the wrong- way, has done all in his power to prevent it.* Two foxes I remember to have seen killed in one day, by skirting hounds, whilst the huntsman was making his cast the contrary way. * It is recorded, that, "in drawing a strong cover, a young bitch gave tongue very freely, while none of the other hounds challenged: the whipper- in rated to no purpose ; the huntsman insisted she was wrong, and the whip was applied with great severity — in doing this, the lash accidentally struck one of her eyes out of the socket. Notwithstanding this painful situation, the bitch again took the scent, and proved herself right, for a fox had stole away, and she broke cover after him unheeded and alone. How- ever, after much delay and cold hunting, the pack did hit off the chase : at some distance a farmer informed the sportsmen that they were far behind their fox ; for that a single hound, very bloody about the head, had passed a field off from him, and was running breast high, and that there was little chance of their getting up to him. The pack, from her coming to a check, did at length get up ; and after some cold hunting, the bitch again hit off the scent : the fox was killed, after a long and severe run, and the eye of the bitch, which had hung pendant during the chase, was taken off by a pair of scissors after the fox was dead !" HUNTING DIRECTORY. 167 Trying back for a Fox. " When hounds, running in cover, come into a road, and horses are on before, let tlie huntsman hold them quickly on beyond where the horses have been, trying the opposite side as he goes along. Should the horse- men have been there long enough to have headed back the fox, let them then try back. Condemn me not for suftering hounds to try back, when the fox has been headed back ; I recommend it at no other time. *' When your hounds are divided into many parts, you had better go off with the first fox that breaks. The ground will soon get tainted, nor will hounds like a cover where they are often changing. " The heading a fox back at first, if the cover be not a large one, is oftentimes of service to hounds, as he will not stop, and cannot go off unseen. When a fox has been hard run, I have known it turn out otherwise ; and hounds that would easily have killed him out of the cover, have left him in it. " When a fox has been often headed back on one side of a cover, and a huntsman knows there is not any body on the other side to halloo him, the first fault his hounds come to, let him cast that way, lest the fox should be gone off; and if he is in the cover, he may still recover him. ''The two principal things which a huntsman has to attend to, are the keeping of his hounds healthy and steady. The first is attained by cleanliness and proper food ; the latter, by putting as seldom as possible, any unsteady ones amongst them. " When a fox is lost, the huntsman, on his return home, should examine himself, and endeavour to find in what 168 HUNTING DIRECTORY. What constitutes a Perfect Huntsman. he might have done better ; he may by this means make the very losing of a fox of use to him. ** Sometimes you will meet with a good kennel hunts- man ; sometimes an active and judicious one in the field ; some are clever at finding a fox, others are better after he is found ; whilst perfection in a huntsman, like per- fection in any thing else, is scarcely any where to be met with. " The keeping hounds clean and healthy, and bringing them into the field in their fullest vigour, is the excellence of a good kennel huntsman; if besides this, he makes his hounds both love and fear him ; if he is active, and presses them on while the scent is good, always aiming to keep as near to the fox as he can ; if, when his hounds are at fault, he makes his cast with judgment, not casting the wrong way first, and blundering on the right at last, as many do ; if, added to this, he is patient and perse- vering, never giving up a fox while there remains a chance of killing him, he then is a perfect huntsman." With regard to the whippers-in — on leaving the kennel, the place of the first whipper-in is before the hounds ; the second whipper-in should follow them at some little distance. — The first whipper-in may be considered as a second huntsman, and should possess as nearly as pos- sible the same good qualities ; but acting, as he must,under the direction of the huntsman, a person may fulfil the duties of this office without the experience so essential to a good huntsman. He must always maintain to the huntsman's halloo, and stop such hounds as divide from it : when stopped, he should get to the huntsman with them as soon as possible. He must always be content HUNTING DIRECTORY. 169 Anecdote of Will Dean. to act in a subordinate capacity, except when circum- stances require that he should act otherwise. If, for instance, the huntsman happen to be thrown out, it is the duty of the first whipper-in to supply his place. — Beckford says, " I prefer an excellent Avhipper-in to an excellent huntsman. The opinion I believe is new ; — I must endeavour to explain it. My meaning is this, that I think I should have better sport, and kill more foxes, with a moderate huntsman, and an excellent whipper-in, than with the best of huntsmen, without such an assist- ant. You will say, perhaps, that a good huntsman will make a good whipper-in ; not such a one as I mean; his talent must be born with him. My reasons are, that good hounds, (and I would not keep bad ones) stand oftener in need of the one than the other ; and genius, which in a whipper-in, if attended by obedience, his first requisite, can do no hurt ; in a huntsman, is a dangerous, though desirable, quality : and if not accompanied with a large share of prudence, and I may s^y humility, will often spoil your sport, and hurt your hounds. A gen- tleman told me, he heard the famous Will Dean, when his hoimds were running hard in a line with Daventry, from whence they were at that time many miles distant, swear exceedingly at the whipper-in, saying, " What business have yoti here?" the man was amazed at the question, 'W/y dont you know" said he, "and be d — 'd to yon, that the great earth at Daventry is open ?" — The man got forward, and reached the earth just time enough to see the fox go in. If therefore whippers-in are at liberty to act as they shall think right, they are much less confined than the himtsman himself, wlio must L 170 HUNTING DIRECTORY. The Steadiness of a Pack of Fox Hounds follow his hounds ; and consequently they have greater scope to exert their genius, if they have any." There ai*e many sportsmen, however, who do not agree in opinion with Beckford on the subject just quoted ; nor can I help thinking that the success of the chase depends more upon the genius of the huntsman, than upon that of the first whipper-in. The making and keeping the pack steady depends much upon him, as a huntsman should seldom, if ever, flog a hound. When a whipper-in is desirous to stop the head hounds, he should, if possible, get to the head of them before he attempts to stop them. Rating behind is often of little use, and if they are in cover, it may prevent him from ascertaining which are the culprits. When hounds are running a fox, he should content himself with stopping- such as are riotous, and should get them forward. " They may be condemned on the spot, but the punishment should be deferred till the next day, when they may be taken out on purpose to commit the fault, and receive the punishment." Sometimes a whipper-in will rate young hounds, when he perceives them about to commit a fault ; this may prevent them for that time; but will not deter them pei'haps for the future, as they will bo very likely to do the same again on the first opportunity which is presented to them. He should let them alone till he has completely ascertained what they would be at— and he may then chastise them according to the degree of the offence. If when a whipper-in rate a hound, the hound pays no at- tention to it, he should take him up immediately and give him a severe flogging. Whippers-in are too apt to HUNTING DIRECTORY. 171 depends much on the \Vhi|iper-in. continue rating when tliey find rating is of no avail ; at the same time, he should never strike a hound without the animal being perfectly conscious for what the blow has been inflicted. A blow should never be given to a hound that does not deserve it ; but whenever a blow is called for, it should be severely administered. " Such hounds as are notorious offenders should also feel the lash and hear a rate as they go to cover ; it may be an useful hint to thein, and may prevent a severe flogging afterwards. A sensible whipper-in will wait his opportunity to single out his hound ; he will then hit him hard, and rate him well ; whilst a foolish one will often hit a dog he did not intend to strike ; will ride full gallop into the midst of the hounds ; will perhaps i*ide over some of the best of them, and put the whole pack into confusion ! " Whenever a hound deserves the lash, the whipper-in should hit him first and rate him afterwards ; as a hound, if rated first, will naturally enough avoid the whip, if possible. The second whipper-in is frequently a youth, ignorant in a great degree of the business of hunting ; and indeed, if such an one be tractable, he will answer the purpose. He should never encourage or rate a hound, but when he is quite certain it is right to do so ; nor should he ever get forward whilst a single hound remains behind — he should be particularly careful to suffer no hound to remain behind in cover. Beckford says the first whipper-in is sometimes con- ceited ; I have known instances where the second whip- per-in has manifested more than a sufficient portion of this baneful quality: as a specimen of which, I give the 1.2 172 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Funeral of Moody, following instance : — The Cheshire fox-hounds (Sir Harry Mainwaring's) on the 31st of January, 1826, met at Shavington, the seat of Lord Kilmorey. A brace of foxes were found in a neighbouring plantation, one of which gave us a run of nearly an hour, and was lost. Another fox was found at Combermere, which afforded a very good run of fifty minutes. But, prior to the con- clusion of the business, Will Head's (the huntsman) horse came to a stand still ; the horse of the first whipper-in (Joseph Howard) was completely exhausted at the same time, and took his station by the side of the huntsman's horse: Henry GaiF(the second whipper-in) had his horse still in a going condition. The huntsman called to him to lend him his horse, when he replied, " 111 see you d 'd first ; exultingly rode forward, and killed the fox." The merits of famous huntsmen have frequently been recorded ; but perhaps Moody alone, as a whipper-in, has been rendered immortal through the medium of the press. Moody was, for thirty years, whipper-in to Mr. Forrester's hounds in Shropshire. He was carried to his last home by six earth stoppers, attended by many friends. Directly after the coi-pse, followed his favourite horse (whom he used to call Old Soul) with a fox's brush at the front of the bridle ; his cap, whip, boots, &c. across the saddle. After the burial service was read, three view halloos were given over his grave. This mode of consigning the earthly remains of Moody to the grave was in consequence of his own express desire while living : and the event has been commemorated by the following song frf)m the pen of W. Pearce, Esq^ HUNTING DIRECTORY. 173 the famous Whipper-in. which was frequently sung with uncommon effect by Incledon : — You all knew Tom Moody, the Whipper-in, well: The bell just done tolling was honest Tom's knell : A more able sportsman ne'er follow'd a hound Through a country, well known to him, fifty miles round s No hound ever chnllcngd so deep in the wood, But Tom well knew the sound, and could tell if 't was good ; — And ALL, with attention, would eagerly mark, When he cheer'd up the pack witli — " Hark ! Ratller ! hark! hark ! High ! — wind him ! and cross him ! Now, Rattler, boy ! —Hark !" Six crafty hearth-stoppers, in hunter's-green drest, Supported poor Tom to "an earth" made for rest: His horse, which he styld his " Old Soul," next apjjear'd, On whose forehead the brush of his last fox was rear'd ; Whip, cap, boots, and spurs, in a trophy were bound ; And here and there follow'd an old straggling hound. Ah ! no more at his halloo yon vales will they trace ! Nor the Wrekin* resound his first scream in the chase! With " high-over ! now press him ! Tally ho! tally ho!" Tom thus spoke to his friends, ere he gave up his breath ; — " Since I see you're rcsolv'd to be in at the death. One favour bestow — 'tis the last I shall crave ; — Give a rattling view halloo thrice over my grave : And unless at that warning I lift up my head. My boys ! you may fairly conclude I am dead !" Honest Tom was obey'd, and the shout rent the sky, For ev'ry voice join'd in th' enlivening cry ! " Tally ho ! hark forward I Tally ho! tally ho!" # The famous mountain ja Shropshire. l3 CHAPTER VII. Of the Time of Meeting.— Of Blood.— The Opinion of the late Mr. Meynell upon the Subject of Blood, as well as on Homids and Fox Hunting. — Of Draiving. — Riding to Hounds, and the Manageinent of the Run. — Changing Foxes.— Hounds at Fault. — Of Halloos. — Bag Foxes. — Of Fox Courts. — Treatment of Cubs. — Digging Foxes. — Of Badgers. I have already made a few observations on the methods of the ancient and modern schools of fox-hunting, in which I have not forgotten to notice the difference of the hour of meeting. It is not likely that any remarks which I may offer upon this subject will have much in- fluence upon what has become the general custom ; but, it must be admitted that an early hour is most favourable to sport. A fox is then more easily found than at a later period, and the mol'ning is perhaps the time which gene- rally affords best scent : blood is consequently more easily obtained under such circumstances; which, ac- cording to Beckford, constitutes the leading principle and indeed the very essence of fox-hunting. He thus expresses himself — " the whole art of fox-hunting being to keep the hounds well in blood : sport is but a secon- dary consideration with a true fox-hunter. The first is, the killing of the fox — hence arises the eagerness of pursuit and the chief pleasure of the chase. I confess I esteem blood so necessary to a pack of fox-hounds, HUNTING DIRECTORY. 175 Difi'erence of Opinion in respect to Blood. that, with regard to myself, I ahva) s return home better pleased with an indifferent chase, with death at the end of it, than with the best chase possible if it ends with the loss of the fox." It cannot" be denied that the death of the fox is a satisfactory termination of the chase ; but, on the indispensable necessity of blood to a pack of fox- hounds, all fox-huntei's are not agreed. I am perfectly aware that the opinion expressed by Beckford on the subject of blood is generally entertained; but there has been one exception at least, and that exception entitled to much more than ordinary consideration : — the justly celebrated Mr. Meynell, we are told, "was more indif- ferent about blood than most masters of hounds." His notions on the subject of fox-hunting having appeared through the medium of the press, I will quote them in this place for the benefit of the reader : — " Hugo Meynell, Esq. of Quorndon, in the county of Leicester, was, doubtless, the most successful sports- man of his time ; producing the steadiest, wisest, best, and handsomest pack of fox-hovmds in the kingdom. " His object in breeding hounds was, to combine strength with beauty, and steadiness with high mettle. " His idea of perfection of shape was, short backs, open bosoms, straight legs, and compact feet; as the greatest and first considerations in form. "The first qualities he considered were, fine noses and stout runners. " In the spring of the year he broke in his hounds at hare, to find out their propensities, which, when at all flagrant, they early manifested, and he drafted them ac- cordinti to their defects. 176 HUNTING DIRECTORY. The System of the " After hare-hunting, they were, the remaming part of the summer, daily walked amongst riot. " When the hunting season commenced, his hounds wei'e hunted in the woodlands, amidst abundance of foxes, for two months. "In the month of November, the pack was carefully divided into the old and young pack. The old pack consisted of three years' old and upwards ; and no two years' old was admitted, except a very high opinion was entertained of his virtues and abilities. " The young hounds were hunted twice a week, as much in woodlands as possible, and in the most un- popular coverts. The young pack had always a few couple of steady old hounds with them. " The old pack hunted the best country. When any bad faults were discovered, they were immediately draft- ed, for fear of contamination. " Skirting, over-running the scent, and babbling, were the greatest faults. " Perfections consisted of true guiders in hard run- ning, and close patient hunters in a cold scent — together with stoutness. "Mr. Meynell's hounds were criticised, by himself and his friends, in the most minute manner : every hound had his peculiar talents, and was sure to have a fair op- portunity of displaying them. Some had the remark- able faculty of finding a fox, which they would do, almost invariably, notwithstanding twenty or thirty couple were out in the same cover ; some had the propensity to hunt the doubles and short turns ; some were inclined to be hard runners ; some had a i-emarkable faculty of hunting HUNTING DIRECTORY 177 celebrated Hugo Mcyncll, Esq. the drag of a fox, which they would do very late in the day ; and sometimes the hardest runners were the best hunters : and fortunate was the year when such excel- lencies prevailed. " Mr. Meynell prided himself on the steadiness and docility of his hounds, and their hunting through sheep and hares, which they did in a very superior manner. He seldom, or ever, attempted to lift his hounds through sheep ; and from habit, and the great flocks the hounds were accustomed to, they carried the scent on most cor- rectly and expeditiously, much sooner than any lifting could accomplish. " Mr. Meynell was not fond of casting hounds : when once they were laid upon the line of scent, he left it to them — he only encouraged them to take pains, and kept aloof, so that the steam of the horses could not interfere with the scent. " When a fox was found in a gorse covert, very httle noise or encouragement was made ; and, when he went away, as soon as the hounds were apprised of it, they did not go headlong after, but commenced very quietly — settled and collected together gradually, mending their pace, and accumulating their force, as they went along ; completing what was emphatically termed — a terrible burst ! " When his hounds came to a check, every encourage- ment was given them to recover the scent, without the huntsman getting amongst them, or the whippers-in driving them about, which is the common practice of most packs. The hounds were halloo'd back to the place where they brought the scent, and encouraged to 178 HUNTING DIRECTORY. The System of the try round in their own way, which they generally did successfully ; avoiding the time lost in the mistaken practice of casting the hounds at the heels of the hunts- man. " When the hounds were cast, it was in two or three different lots, by Mr. Meynell, his huntsman, and whip- per-in ; and not driven together in a body like a flock of sheep. They were allowed to spread and use their own sagacity, at a very gentle pace ; and not hurried about in a blustering manner, but patiently. " It was Mr. Meynell's opinion, that a great noise, and scolding of hounds, made them wild : correcting them in a quiet way was the most judicious method. " Wliippers-in should turn hounds quietly ; and not call after them in a noisy, disagreeable manner. " When hounds are going to the cry, they should be encouraged in a pleasant way : not driven and rated, as if discord was a necessary ingredient in the sport and music of a fine cry of hounds. Whippers-in are too apt to think their own importance and consequence consists in shouting, hallooing, and unnecessary activity. When hounds can hear the cry, they get together sooner than any whipper-in can drive them. If any hound is con- ceited, and disinclined to go to the cry, he should be immediately drafted. " Should there be only one fox in cover, and two or three hounds get away with him whilst the body of the pack are hunting the line behind, some judicious sports- man should ride to them, and view halloo for the rest of the pack to join them. It is the most certain way to ensure the run, and the hounds will very speedily get HUNTING DIRECTORY. 179 celebrated Hugo Meynell, Esq. together, when properly treated. If there are many foxes in cover, and one should go away, and the hounds are running m various parts, you may, if a favourable opportunity presents itself, try to halloo the pack away ; but do not attempt it without such favourable circum- stance, as a good rummaging in cover will do the hounds service. When a fox dwells in cover, and will not go away, the best plan is to leave him, and not kill him ; another day he may afford a good run. *' Blood ivas a thing Mr. Meynell was more indifferent about than most owners of hounds. The wildest packs of hounds were known to kill the most foxes in cover, but very seldom shewed good runs over a country. " Hounds chopping foxes in cover, is more a vice than a proof of their being good cover hounds. Murdering foxes is a most absurd prodigality. Seasoned foxes are as necessary to sport as experienced hounds. " To obtain a good run, your hounds should not only have good abilities, but they should be experienced, and well acquainted with each other. To gviide a scent well over a country for a length of time, and through all the difficulties usually encountered, requires the best and most experienced abihties : a faulty hound, or injudicious rider, by one improper step, may defeat the most pro- mising run. " Gentlemen, and every person who makes hunting his pursuit, should learn to ride judiciously to hounds ; it is a contemplative amusement, and much good diver- sion might be promoted by a few regular precautions. The principal thing to attend to is, not to ride too near the hounds, and always as much as possible anticipate a 180 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Mr. Meynell's System. check ; by which means, the leading men will pull their horses up in time, and afford the hounds fair oppor- tunity to keep the line of scent unbroken : sheep, cattle, teams at plough, and arable land, are all causes of checks, -ffif Thoughtless sportsmen are apt to press too much on hounds, particularly down a road. Every one should consider, that every check operates against the hounds, and that scent is of a fleeting nature — soon lost — never again to be recovered. " Mr. Meynell's hounds had more good runs than any pack of his day : two very extraordinary ones happened of a very rare description : — one was a run of one hour and twenty minutes, without a check, and killed their fox : the other was two hours and fifty minutes, without a cast, and killed. The hounds, in the first run, kept well together, and only two horses performed it ; the rest of the field were unequal to its fleetness : the other run alluded to was performed by the whole of the pack ; and though all were up at the death, two or three slack- ened in their pace just at the last : one horse only went the whole of it. *' Mr. Meynell's natural taste led him to admire large hounds ; but, his experience convinced him that small ones were generally the stoutest, soundest, and in every respect the most executive. "Various are the attentions necessary to manage a pack of hounds, and quite sufficient to engage the occu- pation of an active man's mind. Should the master of the hounds have other important concerns to call his attention off, sensible and confidential agents and servants should be chosen in every department. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 181 The Subject of Blood considered. " Fox-hunting is manly and fine exercise, aftbrding health to the body, and food for a contemplative mind ; in no situation are the faculties of man more displayed. Fortitude, good sense, and collectiveness of mind, have a wide field for exercise ; and a sensible sportsman would be a respectable character in any situation of life. " The field is a most agreeable coffee-house, and there is more real society to be met with there than in any other situation of life : it links all classes together, from the peer to the peasant — it is the Englishman's pecuhar privilege — it is not to be found in any other part of the globe, but in England's true land of liberty — and may it flourish to the end of time ! " But to return — I have already stated that an opinion is generally entertained that blood is indispensable to a pack of fox hounds. — If we reason by analogy on the subject, we shall find that the stag hound is seldom al- lowed to taste blood, and yet he continues to pursue the chase with the utmost ardour ; the same remark will in some degree apply to the harrier, though not to the same extent ; the greyhound pursues the hare with headlong impetuosity, though he is never allowed to share the prize when he has obtained it ; but, if we extend this reasoning to the pointer, the setter, and the spaniel, we shall find that they are cautiously prevented from ever tasting blood — they are taught indeed never to expect it, and yet this certainly has not the effect of slackening their mettle, or rendei'ing them less eager in the pursuit. Even amongst fox hounds there are individuals to be foimd not inclined to devour the fox ; and I have seen excellent fox hounds, which, though tliey ran tlie fox in 182 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Considerations on the Necessity of tlie most gallant and determined manner imaginable, Avould, nevertheless, refuse to eat him, nor indeed could they ever be induced to swallow a morsel ! Young fox hounds frequently testify no great desire to eat the fox, though they may run into him with the utmost fury ; nor, in fact, would a fox, one hour after his death, be very eagerly devoured by old hoimds, accustomed to blood — they would perhaps refuse him altogether. Fox hounds are maddened with the pursuit — they are worked up to a pitch of fury ; and unless the fox is devoured before their anger is allowed to cool, they would, in all proba- bility, feel but little disposed for such a repast. Hence it might appear that the capture, and not the blood, of the object of pursuit is the main stimulus to that extraordinary exertion which we frequently see dis- played by hounds ; and that perhaps if fox hounds were left intirely to themselves, and had never been encouraged to devour their game, it is doubtful whether many of them ( if not the whole pack) would not be satisfied with killing him. I am aware that this would not be the case with stag hounds or harriers ; but it must be recollected that a fox is not a very enticing delicacy, like a deer or a hare, and can only be rendered a tempting morsel under an extraordinary degree of excitement — under, in fact, the circumstances which generally precede and attend his death. In support of this hypothesis, it may be further ob- served, that a pointer or any of those dogs that are used in the pursuit of winged game, however excellent they may previously have been, soon become vmeasy, unruly, and ultimately good for nothing, unless a reasonable HUNTING DIRECTORY. 183 Blood to a Pack of Fox Hounds. quantity of game be killed to them : — for instance, a pointer, which, in the hands of a good shot, is a capital dog, and performs his work in the best possible style, will soon manifest uneasiness and disappointment, if he happen to be taken out by an indifferent or bad marks- man: if tlie game fall not before him, he soon loses the inclination to pursue it, at least in a proper manner : and hence it would clearly appear that the capture of the ob- ject of pursuit is necessary to the excellence of the dog, though blood is by no means indispensable, since he ea- gerly pursues that which he can never expect to taste. Similar remarks are applicable to the greyhound ; and harriers, I am inclined to think, which seldom reach the game, will never be remarkable for their excellence. — The dog feels an indescribable pleasure in the gratifica- tion of his master — to accomplish this he exerts his powers to the utmost, and when he is conscious of having accomplished it, he may be fairly supposed to be satis- fied. Fox hunters, however, in general, will have some dif- ficulty in reconciUng themselves to the idea of blood not being essential to a pack of fox hounds ; yet, from what has been stated, it is reasonable to conclude, that, though the death of the fox may be indispensable to the excel- lence of the hounds, devouring him afterwards is a cir- cinnstance not absolutely called for, and no further ne- cessary than merely giving a better and more complete finish to the business than could be otherwise accom- plished. There is a decree of interest and animation about fox 184 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Enthusiasm of a Fox Chase. hunting which fox hunters only can well understand, and upon which Somervile thus expresses himself: — " Huntsman, prepare ! Ere yet the morning peep, Or stars retire from the first blush of day, With thy far-echoing voice alarm thy pack. And rouse thy bold compeers. Then to the copse, Thiek with entangling grass, or prickly furze, With silence, lead thy many-coloured hounds, In all their beauty's pride. See ! how they range, Dispers'd, how busily this way. and that, They cross, examining with curious nose Each likely haunt. Hark ! on the drag I hear Their doubtful notes, preluding to a cry More nobly full and swell'd with every mouth. As straggling armies, at the trumpet's voice, Press to their standard, hither all repair, And hurry through the woods; with hasty step Rustling, and full of hope ; now driven on heaps They push, they strive ; while from his kennel sneaks The conscious villain. See ! he skulks along. Sleek at the shepherd's cost, and plump with meals Puiloin'd : so thrive the wicked here below. Though high his brush he bear, though tipt with white It gaily shine ; yet ere the sun declin'd Recal the shades of night, the pamper'd rogue Shall rue his fate revers'd ; and at his heels Behold the just avenger, swift to seize His forfeit head, and thirsting for his blood. Heavens! what melodious strains ! how beat our hearts , Big with tumultuous joy ! the loaded gales Breathe harmony ; and as the tempest drives From wood to wood, through every dark recess The forest thunders, and the mountains shake. The chorus swells ; less various, and less sweet, The thrilling notes, when in those very groves, The feather'd choristers salute the spring. And every bush in concert joins ; or when HUNTING DIRECTORY. 185 The Fox Chase. The master's band, in modulated air, Bids the loud organ breathe, and all the powers Of music in one instrument combine. An universal minstrelsy. And now In vain each earth he tries, the doors are barr'd Impregnable, nor is the covert safe ; He pants for purer air ! Hark ! what loud shouts Re-echo tlirough the groves ! he breaks away. Shrill boms proclaim his flight. Each straggling hound Strains o'er tbc lawn to reach the distant pack. 'Tis triumph all and joy. Now, my brave youths, Now give a loose to the clean generous steed ; Flourish the whip, nor spare the galling spur ; But, in the madness of delight, forget Your fears. Far o'er the rocky hills we range, And dangerous our course; but in the brave True courage never fails. In vain the stream In foaming eddies whirls ; in vain the ditch Wide gaping threatens death. The craggy steep, Where the poor dizzy shepherd crawls with care, And clings to every twig, gives us no pain ; But down we sweep, as stoops the fakon bold To pounce his prey. Then up th' opponent hill. By the swift motion flung, we mount aloft. What lengths we pass ! where will the wandering chase Lead us bewildered ! smooth as swallows skim The new-shorn mead, and far more swift, we fly. See my brave pack ; how to the head they press, Jostling in close array, then more diffuse Obliquely wheel, while from their opening mouths The voUied tli under breaks. Now far behind The hunter crew, wide-straggling o'er the plain ! The panting courser now with trembling nerves Begins to reel ; urg'd by the goring spur, Makes many a faint effort: he snorts, he foams. The big round drops run trickling down his sides, With sweat and blood distain'd. Look back and view The strange confusion of the vale below, M 186 HUNTING DIRECTORY. The Fox Chase. Where sour vexation reigns; see }'on poor jade, In vain th' impatient rider frets and swears ; With galling spurs harrovps his mangled sides ; He can no more : his stiff unpliant limbs Rooted in earth, unmov'd and fix'd he stands, For every cruel curse returns a groan, And sobs, and faints, and dies. While these, with loosen'd reins and dangling heels, Hang on their reeling palfreys, that scarce bear Their weights : another in the treacherous bog T/ies floundering, half ingulf 'd. What biting thoughts Torment th' abandon'd crew ! Old age laments His vigour spent : the tall, plump, brawny youth Curses his cumberous bulk ; and envies now The short pygmaean race, he whilom kenn'd With pi'oud insulting leer. A chosen few Alone the sport enjoy, nor droop beneath Their pleasing toils. Here, huntsman, from this height Observe yon birds of prey : if I can judge, 'Tis there the villain lurks : they hover round And claim him as their own. Was I not right? See ! there he creeps along ; his brush he drags, And sweeps the mire impure; from his wide jaws His tongue unmoisten'd hangs ; symptoms too sure Of sudden death. Ha ! yet he flies, nor yields To black despair. But one loose more, and all His wiles are vain. Hark ! through yon village now The rattling clamour rings. The barns, the cots, And leafless elms return the joyous sounds. Through every homestall, and through every yard. His midnight walks, panting, forlorn, he flies ; Through every hole he sneaks, through every jakes Plunging he wades besmear'd, and fondly hopes In a superior stench to lose his own : But, faithful to the track, th' unerring hounds With peals of echoing vengeance close pursue. And now distress'd, no sheltering covert near, Into tlie hen roost crpcj>s, whose walls witli gore HUNTING DIRECTORY. 187 The Huntsman should draw up the Wind. Distain'd attest his guilt. There, villain, there Expect thy fate deserv'd. And soon from thence The pack inquisitive, with clamour loud, Drag out their trembling prize ; and on his blood With greedy transport feast." — Somervile. I agree with Beckford that the huntsman should, generally speaking, draw quietly, and up the wind : the following are his observations on the subject: — "With regard to drawing quietly, that may depend on the kind of cover which he is drawing, and also on the season of the year. If your covers are small, or such from which a fox cannot break unseen, then noise can do no hurt ; if you draw at a late hour, and when there is no drag, then the more the cover is disturbed the better ; the more likely you are to find. Late in the season, the foxes are generally wild, particularly in covers that are often hunted. If you do not draw quietly, he will get off a long way before you : when you have any suspicion of this, send on a whipper-in to the opposite side of the cover, before you throw in your hounds. With regard to the drawing up the wind, that is much more material. You never fail to give the wind to a pointer or a setter — why not to a hound ? — Besides the fox, if you draw up the wind, does not hear you coming ; and your hounds, by this means, are never out of your hearing ; moreover, if he turns down the wind, as most probably he will, it lets them all in." Speaking of gentlemen who ride after hounds, the same writer observes, that few of them are sportsmen. " Few gentlemen, (says he) will take any pains, few of them will stop a hound, though he should run riot close m2 188 HUNTING DIRECTORY. 01 Riding to Hounds. by the side of them, or will place themselves for a mo- ment, though it be to halloo a fox ; it is true, they will not fail to halloo if he comes in their way, and they will do the same to as many foxes as they see. Some will encourage hounds which they do not know ; it is a great fault : were every gentleman who follows hounds to fancy himself a huntsman, what noise, what confusion, would ensue ! I consider many of them as gentlemen riding out, knd I am never so well pleased as when I see them riding home again. You may perhaps have thought that I wished them all to be huntsmen. Most certainly not ; but the more assistance a huntsman has, the better, in all probability, his hounds will be. Good sense, and a little observation, will soon prevent such people from doing amiss ; and I hold it as almost an invariable rule in hunting, that those who do not know how to do good, are always liable to do harm : there is scarcely an instant during the whole chase, when a sportsman ought not to be in one particular place : and I will venture to say, that if he is not tliere^ he might as well be in his bed." Not- withstanding the above assertion that the more assistance a huntsman receives the better, I am of opinion that the huntsman should be as little interfered with as possible. I have generally observed, that those gentlemen who are the most busy and forward in giving advice seldom un- derstand the business sufficiently, to render it acceptable or pleasing. Nothing can be more obvious than the situation in which gentlemen should place themselves during the run, as no person but the huntsman and his assistants should be within a certain space of the hounds : it is true, when the scent is good, those who are not well HUNTING DIRECTORY. 189 Of Hounds running well up to their Vox. mounted, will not easily keep their proper places with modern fox hoimds ; yet, by falling behind, they only lose the delight of the chase, and cannot possibly do any injury to the hunting of the hounds. However, it very frequently happens, when a fox is viewed away, that impetuous and thoughtless sportsmen are apt to ride after him instead of following the hounds : nothing can be more vexatious to a good sportsman than to see the scent thus ridden over, the hounds prevented from settling to it, and the run frequently spoiled. On bad scenting days, fonvard sportsmen are a great plague to the huntsman, and are highly detrimental to the sport by riding too close upon and pressing the hounds. When the scent is good, and the hounds have got fairly away, there is little or nothing to fear from the sportsmen just alluded to, as it is then seldom in their power to do any serious mischief. If the scent is good, hounds cannot well be pressed on too much ; but this is the huntsman's duty, and not the business of the gentlemen who follow the hounds. If hounds can run well up to their fox at the commence- ment or in the early part of the chase, there is every reason to anticipate a satisfactory conclusion ; but if the fox is suffered to get far a-head, he will regulate his pace, according to circumstances, and will most likely beat the hounds. A fox should, if possible, be blown at first, when his death is almost sure to follow. A fox, no doubt, like the hounds, after some time, gets second wind, when his pace becomes well regulated and steady ; if, at this period, he be far before the hounds, the business m3 190 HUNTING DIRECTORY. style of Fox Hounds running. will be much protracted, and will most likely end in the loss of the fox. If, however, hounds should be pressed when the scent is good, they should not be hurried when it is bad. "Most fox-hunters wish to see their hounds run in a good style. I confess I am myself one of those. I hate to see a string of them, nor can I bear to see them creep where they can leap. It is the dash of the fox hound which distinguishes Mm as truly as the motto of William of Wickham distinguishes us. A pack of harriers, if they have time, will kill a fox ; but I defy them to kill him in the style in which a fox ought to be killed ; they must hunt him down. If you are to tire him out, you must expect to be tired yourself also : I never wish a chase to be less than one hour, or to exceed two : it is suffi- ciently long, if properly followed." Hounds, after five or six seasons running, frequently do more harm than good : too many old hounds should not be kept, if the pack are expected to run well together ; and every hound that is off the scent, or behind the rest, should not fail to come to a halloo. Changing foxes is a very unpleasant occurrence ; nor is it possible always to guard against it. " Could a fox hound (says Beckford) distinguish a hunted fox, as the deer hound does the deer that is blown, fox-hunting would then be perfect." On this subject Beckford does not seem to be well infomied : he does not seem to be aware that this distinction arises rather fi-om the capacity of the hound than the scent of the objects of pursuit ; since there is every reason to believe that the scent of the fox is stronger and more obvious than that of the HUNTING DIRECTORY. 191 Of the Olfactory Organs of the Fox Hound. deer. The deer hounds formerly in use were nearly alhed to the old Talbot ; the}' possessed exquisite olfac- tory organs, and were thus enabled to distinguish and pursue the very scent upon which they were first laid ; but some of the modern deer hounds, those of the Earl of Derby, for instance, would not be able to do it, as they have not the requisite capacity — they are high-bred fleet hounds, (fox hounds in appearance) and could no more distinguish the hunted deer, were another to cross them, than the fox hound is able to recognize the scent of a fresh fox : while it may be justly observed, that if the fox hound possessed similar olfactory organs to those which distinguished the stag hound of old, he would be able to distinguish a fresh fox from the hunted fox. Could the olfactory organs of the Talbot, or something like them, be united with the speed of the modern fox hoimd, fox-hunting, to use the words of Beckford, " would then be perfect." When hounds come to a check, there should be as little noise as possible. At this time whippers-in are frequently coming on with the tail hounds. Tliey should never halloo to them when the liounds are at fault ; the least thing is injurious at such a time ; but a halloo more than any other. When hounds come to a check, gen- tlemen should stop their horses some distance behind ; they should be careful not to ride over the scent, nor should they ever meet a hound in the face, unless with a design to stop hun. If a gentleman at any time happen to be before the hounds, he should turn his horse's head the way they are going, get out of the way, and let them pass. In dry weather foxes will sometimes run the roads : 192 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of Fox Hoiincis coining to a Fault. if gentlemen, at such a time, ride close upon the hounds, they may drive them miles without any scent ; as fox hounds are seldom inclined to stop whilst horses are close upon them. The first moment hoinids come to a fault is a critical one. Gentlemen should then be very attentive. Those who look forward may possibly see the fox ; or the move- ments of crows, magpies, or sheep may afford some tidings of him. A halloo may be heard, and nothing that can give any intelhgence at such a time as this, should be neglected : but caution is requisite in going to a halloo. " The halloo itself must in a great measure direct you ; and though it affords no certain rule, you may frequently guess by it, whether it is to be depended on or not. At the sowing time, when boys are bird keeping, if you are not very much on your guard, their halloo will sometimes deceive you. It is best, when you are in doubt, to send on a whipper-in to know ; the worst then that can befal you is the loss of a little time; whereas, if you gallop away with the hounds to the halloo, and are obliged to return, it is a chance if they try for the scent afterwards : on the other hand, if you are certain of the halloo, and intend going to it, then the sooner you get to it the better. Huntsmen who are slow at getting to a halloo are void of common sense. They frequently commit ailbther fault by being in too great a hurry when they get there. It is hardly credible how much our eagerness is apt, at such a time, to mislead our judgment : for instance, when we get to the halloo, the first questions are naturally enough — Did you see the fox ? — which way did he go ? The man points with HUNTING DIRECTORY. 193 Of Halloos and Tired Foxes. his finger perhaps, and then away you all ride as fast as you can ; and in such a hurry, that not one will stay to hear the answer which you were all so desirous of knowing : the general consequence of which is, you mistake the place, and are obliged to return to the man for better information. Depend upon it the less hurry you are in on this occasion, the less time you lose ; and wherever the fox was seen for a certainty, whether near or distant, that will not only be the surest, but also the best, place to take the scent. " Once a man hallooed us back a mile (says Beckford) only to tell us that we were right before ; and we lost the fox by it." Hounds ought not to be cast as long as they are able to hunt ; and though it is a good maxim for a fox-himter to suppose that a hunted fox never stops, that he may be active and lose no time, yet tired foxes must stop somewhere ; and I once recollect observing one lying on a dunghill, in a farm yard, amongst the pigs. He had been run for more than one hour and a half, and the hounds came in full cry up to a farm yard, when they could no longer make out the scent. A gentleman posi- tively declared that he saw the fox go through the stack yard and make off, and was anxious that the huntsman should proceed in that direction : the latter, however, appeared very doubtful of the correctness of this infor- mation, and after casting his hounds round the buildings, became convinced that renard had not gone forward. On examining the farm yard, he was found to have placed himself in the midst of the pigs on the dunghill, where he lay completely exhausted. A tired fox ought 194 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of Cold Hunting, coming to a Check, &c. not easily to be given up, since he has been known some- times to lie down in cart ruts, and to get up very unex- pectedly in the midst of the hounds. When hounds are at cold hunting with a bad scent, a whipper-in may be sent forward : if he can see the fox, a little mobbing, as Beckford says, at such a time as this, may be reasonably allowed. When hounds come to a check on a high road, by the fox being headed back, if, in that case the hounds are suffered to try back, it gives them the best chance of hitting off the scent again. When hounds are running in cover, the sportsmen should be as quiet as possible. If renard be near his end — if he be running short, and the hounds are catching at him, not a word should be spoken : this is a difficult time for hounds, as the fox is continually turning, and will sometimes lie down, and let them pass him. A fox is more likely to be lost, when first found, and when he is sinking, than at any other period : at these times, he will frequently run short, and the eagerness of the hounds is apt to carry them beyond the scent. In regard to halloos, it may be observed that those who have good voices are too apt to use them. When a fox is hallooed, those who understand the business, and get forward, may halloo him again ; yet they should recollect that, if the hounds go the contrary way, and do not seem to come on upon the line of him, to halloo no more, as it is tolerably evident he has not seen the hunted fox, though most persons are willing to persuade them- selves that whatever fox they see must be the hunted fox and no other. Halloos of encouragement to the leading liounds, if injudiciously given, are highly injurious; hut HUNTING DIRECTORY. 195 Hounds should not be too much used to Halloos. such halloos as get on the tail hounds, or serve to keep the hounds together, are always useful. View halloos are prejudicial — in a strong cover, full of foxes, for instance — if, under such circumstances, view halloos are frequently given, hounds will not take the requisite trouble in hunting. While hounds are running with a good scent, they should never be taken off to go to a halloo ; but, under other circumstances, when the fox, for instance, is a great distance ahead, such a step may be very advisable. When the fox persists in running his foil, the tail hounds may be thrown in at head ; as such foxes are difficult to kill ; and it frequently happens that, the longer you hunt after such foxes, the further you are behind them. Such a manoeuvre will most likely put renard out of his pace, or off his foil ; and whenever it is resorted to, the whipper-in should stop the pack from hunting after, and get forward with them to the huntsman. If hounds, however, are often used to halloos, they will expect them, and may trust to their ears and eyes in preference to their noses. If they are often taken from the scent, it teaches them to shuffle, and will probably make them slack in cover : halloos, therefore, should be used with due circumspection, and never employed vmnecessarily. Whilst hounds can get well on with the scent, it is not advisable to take them off from it ; but when they are stopped for want of it, in such case it cannot be wrong to assist them as much as possible. Hounds should not be suffered to hunt after other hounds that are gone on with the scent, since they are not likely to get up with a worse scent. Besides, it makes 196 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of Fox Hounds being left to themselves. them tie on the scent, to run dog, and destroys that most essential quality in the fox hoimd, an eagerness to get forward. If the head hounds happen to get away from the huntsman, he should sink the wind with the rest of the pack, in order to reach the leading hounds as soon as possible : when, however, a single hound is gone on with the scent, it is best to send forward a whipper-in to stop him ; were the pack to be taken off the scent to get to him, and he should no longer have any scent when they reach him, it is very hkely the fox would be lost by it. Skirting is a bad quality either in men or dogs. Those sportsmen who skirt to save their horses or themselves, are very liable to head the fox. " I cannot (says Beck- ford) subscribe to the doctrine that a pack of fox hounds, if left to themselves, would never lose a fox ;" yet it is probable that if fox hounds were left to themselves, they would miss few foxes. There are, in every pack, line himting hounds that will not come on but with the scent — they perseveringly proceed on the line of the fox ; the brilliant running hounds are perfectly aware of this cir- cumstance, as when their impetuosity has hurried them beyond the scent, they lean as naturally as possible to the line hunting hounds, and thus recover it. If, how- ever, foxes would seldom be missed by hounds, if left to themselves, the run would generally be tedious, and the foxes would be killed in a style inconsistent with the spu'it of the diversion. When the scent is good, fox hounds require but little assistance from the huntsman, nor are the most eager horsemen able to accomplish much mischief; but when the atmosphere is unfavour- able, hounds, by imprudent sportsmen, are often hurried HUNTING DIRECTORY. 197 Change of Country injurious to Hounds. beyond the scent ; while the steam, issuing in vokimes from the horses, mixed with the hounds, must be highly prejudicial to the sport. If covers are much disturbed, foxes will be in a state of alarm, and will break as soon as they hear a hound, and sometimes before. Such foxes seldom return ; and if you can get well away with one, a good run will most likely follow. On such occasions a whipper-in should be posted to halloo one away, upon which the hoimds should be immediately laid. Hounds should be as little used to change of country as possible. Should they change from a good scenting country to a bad one, they will most likely be some time without killing a fox. Hounds have a decided advantage in a country with which they are familiar : they know where to find their game ; and they will pursue more eagerly when it is found. Beckford says, " no good country should be hunted after February ; nor should there be any hunting at all after March. Spring hunting is sad destruction of foxes : in one week you may destroy as many as would have shewn you sport during a whole season. We killed a bitch fox one morning, with seven young ones, which were all alive : I can assure you we missed them very much the next year, and had many blank days, which we need not have had, but through our own fault. If you should hunt late in the season, you should at least leave your terriers behind you." Fox-hunting, however, is seldom given up till the middle or latter end of Ajn-il, and in some places it is customary to kill a May fox. With regard to the bitch fox just mentioned, had she 198 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Injurious Consequences of late Hunting. been killed at an early period of the season, it would have produced precisely the same effect, though the mischief would have been less obvious. When bitch foxes are heavy (in a state of gestation) they are very ill calculated to stand up before hounds : however, the death of such may, with proper management, be generally avoided. But I am no advocate for late hunting ; nor indeed are hounds able to hunt in hot weather, neither are horses able to follow them. In 1825, the month of April, or at least the greater part of it, was remarkably warm: I recollect, on this occasion, one of the best packs in Eng- land (Sir Harry Mainwaring's) being unable to hunt. I would never have a single fox unnecessarily destroyed. Huntsmen are anxious for a great display of foxes' heads — to kill so many brace — but they should never be suffered to commit miu'der. " I told you, (says Beckford) I believe, at the begin- ning of our correspondence, that I disliked bag foxes ; I shall now tell you what my objections to them are : — the scent of them is different from that of other foxes : it is too good, and makes hounds idle ; besides, in the manner in which they are generally turned out, it makes hounds very wild. They seldom fail to know what you are going about before you begin, and if often used to hunt bag foxes, will become riotous enough to run any thing. A fox that has been confined long in a small place, and carried out afterwards many miles perhaps, in a sack, his own ordure hanging about him, must needs stink extravagantly. You are also to add to this account, that he most probably is weakened for want of his natural food and usual exercise ; his spirit broken by despair. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 199 Of Bag Foxes and Breeding Cubs. and his limbs stiffened by confinement : he then is turned out in open ground, without any point to go to. He runs down the wind, it is true ; but he is so much at a loss all the while, that he loses a deal of time in not knowing what to do ; while the hounds, who have no occasion to hunt, pursue as closely as if they were tied to him. If, notwithstanding these objections, you still choose to turn one out, turn him into a small cover, give him what time you judge necessary, and lay on your hovmds as quietly as you can ; and^ if it be possible, let them think they find him. If you tiu'n out a fox for ])lood, I should, in that case, prefer the turning him into a large cover, first drawing it well, to prevent a change. The hounds should then find themselves ; and the sooner he is killed the better. Fifteen or twenty minutes is as long as I should ever wish a bag fox to run, that is de- signed for blood : the hounds should then go home. " Bag foxes always run down the wind : such sports- men, therefore, as choose to turn them out, may at the same time choose what country they shall run. Foxes that are found, do not follow this rule invariably. Strong earths and large covers are great inducements to them, and it is no inconsiderable wind that will keep them from them. " If you breed up cubs, you will find a fox court neces- sary : they should be kept there till they are large enough to take care of themselves. It ought to be open at the top and walled in. I need not tell you that it must be every way well secured, and particularly the floor of it, which must be either bricked or paved. A few boards fitted to the corners will also be of use to shelter and to 500 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of Breeding and Rearing Cubs. hide them. Foxes ought to be kept very clean, and have plenty of fresh water : birds and rabbits are their best food : horse flesh might give them the mange ; for they are subject to this disorder. '^ I have kept foxes too long : I also have turned them out too young. The safest way, I believe, will be to avoid either extreme. When cubs are bred in an earth near you, if you add two or three to the number, it is not improbable that the old fox will take care of them. Of this you may be certain, that if they live they will be good foxes ; for the others will show them the country. Those which you turn into an earth should be regularly fed. If they are once neglected, it is probable they will forsake the place, wander away, and die for want of food. When the cubs leave the earth (which they may soon do) your gamekeeper should throw food for them in parts of the cover where it may be most easy for them to find it ; and when he knows their haunt, he should continue to feed them there. Nothing destroys so much the breed of foxes, as buying them to turn out ; unless care is taken of them afterwards. " Your country being extensive, probably it may not be all equally good : it may be worth your while, there- fore, to remove some of the cubs from one part of it into the other : it is what I frequently do myself, and find it answer. A fox court, therefore, is of great use : it should be airy, or I would not advise you to keep them long in it. I turned out one year ten brace of cubs, most of which, by being kept till they were tainted before they were turned out, were found dead in the covers, with scarce any hair upon them : whilst a brace, which HUNTING DIRECTORY. 201 Of Diseased or Mangy Cubs. had made their escape by making a hole in the sack in which they Mere brought, lived, and showed excellent sport. If the cubs are large, you may turn them out immediately : — a large earth will be the best for that pur- pose, where they shovdd l)e regularly fed with rabbits, birds, or sheep's henges, whichever you can most con- veniently get. I believe, when a fox is once tainted, he never recovers it. The weather being remarkably hot, those that I kept irrmy fox court (which at that time was a very close one) all died, one after the other, of the same disorder. " Where rabbits are plentiful, iiature will soon teach them how to catch the young ones ; and, till that period of abundance arrives, it may be necessary to provide food for them. Where game is scarce, wet weather will be most favourable to them : they can then live on bee- tles, chaffers, worms, &c. which they will find great plenty of. I think the morning is the best time to turn them out : if turned out in the evening, they will be more likely to r;imble ; but if turned out early, and fed on the earth, I think there is little doubt of their remaining there. I also recommend to you to turn them into large covers and strong earths: out of small earths they are more liable to be stolen, and from small covers are more likely to wander away. Your gamekeepers, at this time of the year, having little else to do, may feed and take care of them. When you stop any of these earths, re- member to have them opened again, as I have reason to think I lost some young foxes one year by not doing it. For your own satisfaction, put a private mark on every fox which you turn out, tbat you may know him again. N '202 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Purchasing Foxes condemned. Your cvibs, though they may get off from the covers where they were bred, when hunted, will seldom fail to return to them. " Gentlemen who buy foxes do great injury to fox- hunting : they encourage the robbing of neighbouring hunts ; in which case, without doubt, the receiver is as bad as the thief. It is the interest of every fox-hunter to be cautious how he behaves in this particular: indeed, I believe most gentlemen are so ; %nd it may be easy to retaliate on such as are not. I am told, that in some hunts it is the constant employment of one person to watch the earths at the breeding time, to prevent the cubs from being stolen. Furze covers cannot be too much encouraged, for that reason ; for there they are safe. They have also other advantages attending them : they are certain places to find in : foxes cannot break from them unseen ; nor are you so liable to change as in other covers. " With respect to the digging of foxes that you run to ground, — what I myself have observed in that busi- ness I will endeavour to recollect. My people usually, I think, follow the hole, except when the earth is large, and the terriers have fixe'd the fox in an angle of it ; for they then find it a more expeditious method to sink a pit as near to him as they can. You should always keep a terrier in at the fox ; for if you do not, he not only may move, but also, in loose ground, may dig himself further in. In digging, you should keep room enough ; and care should be taken not to throw the earth whence you may have to move it again. In following the hole, the surest way not to lose it is to keep below it. — When HUNTING DIRECTORY. 203 Of Digging Foxes. your hounds are in v\ ant of blood, stop all the holes, lest the fox should bolt out unseen. It causes no small eon- fusion when this happens. The hounds are dispersed about, and asleep in different places : the horses are often at a considerable distance ; and many a fox, by taking advantage of this favoiu'able moment, has saved his life. " If hounds are in want of blood, and they have had a long run, it is the best way, without doubt, to kill the fox upon the earth ; but if they have not run long, if the fox is easy to be digged, and the cover is such a one as they are not likely to change in, it does the hounds more good to turn him out upon the earth, and let them work for him. It is the blood that will dp them most good, and may be serviceable to the hounds, to the horses, and to yourself. Digging a fox is cold work, and may i*equire a gallop afterwards to warm you all again. Before you do this, if there are any other earths in the cover, they should be stopped, lest the fox should go to ground again. " Let your huntsman try all around, and let him be perfectly satisfied that the fox is not gone on, before you try an earth : for want of this precaution, I dug three hours to a terrier that lay all the time at a rabbit : there was another circumstance which I am not likely to forget, — ' that I had twenty miles to ride home afterwards.' A fox sometimes runs over an earth, and does not go into it : he sometimes goes in, and does not stay : he may find it too hot, or may not like the company he meets with there. 1 make no doubt that he has good 204 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Mciliod of Drawing a Fox. reasons for every tiling he does, though we are not always acquainted with them. " Huntsmen, when they get near the fox, will some- times put a hound in to draw him. This is, however, a cruel operation, and seldom answers any other purpose than to occasion the dog a bad bite, the fox's head gene- rally being towards him ; besides, a few minutes digging will make it unnecessary. If you let the fox first seize your whip, the hound will draw him more readily. " You should not encourage badgers in your woods : they make strong earths, which will be expensive and troublesome to you to stop, or fatal to your sport if you do not. You, without doubt, remember an old Oxford toast : " Hounds stouf, and horses healthy, Earths welt slopj/d, and foxes plenty. All certainly very desirable to a fox-hunter; yet I apprehend the earths stopped to be the most necessary ; for the others, without that, would be useless. Besides, I am not certain that earths are the safest places for foxes to breed in ; for frequently, when poachers cannot dig them, they will catch the young foxes in trenches, dug at the mouth of the hole, which I believe they call timning them. A few large earths near to your house are certainly desirable, as they will draw the foxes thither, and, after a long day, will sometimes bring you home. " If foxes are bred in an earth which you think unsafe, yovi had better stink them out : that, or indeed any dis- turbance at the mouth of the hole, Avill make the old one carry them off to another place. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 205 OfTcrriers best suited lor l'"ox Huntiii;:. " In open countries, foxes, when they are much dis- turbed, will lie at earth. If you have difficulty in finding, stinking the earths will sometimes produce them again. The method which I use to stink an earth is as follows : — Three pounds of sulphur and one pound of assafoetida are boiled up together ; matches are then made of brown paper, and lighted in the holes, which are afterwards stopped very close. Earths that are not used by badgers may be stopped early, which will answer the same pur- pose ; but where badgers frequent it would be useless, as they would open them again. " Badgers may be caught alive in sacks, placed at the mouth of the hole : setting traps for them would be dangerous, as you might catch your foxes also. They may be caught by stinking them out of a great earth, and afterwards following them to a smaller one, and digging them. "lour country requires a good terrier. I should prefer the black or white terrier : some there are so like a fox, that awkward people frequently mistake one for the other. If you like terriers to run with your pack, large ones, at times, are useful ; but in an earth they do but little good, as they cannot always get up to the fox. You had better not enter a young terrier at a badger : young terriers have not the art of shifting like old ones ; and, if they are good for any thing, most probably will go up boldly to him at once, and get themselves most terribly bitten : for this reason, you should enter them at young foxes when you can. " Besides the digging of foxes, by which method many young ones are taken and old ones destroyed, traps, &c. N li 206 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Fox Hunting superior to all other Diversions. too often are fatal to tliem. Farmers, for their lambs (which, by the bye, few foxes ever kill), gentlemen for their game, and old women for their poultry, are their inveterate enemies. " Fox-hunting, an acquaintance of mine says, is only followed because you can ride hard, and do less harm in that than in any other hunting. There may be some truth in the observation; but to such as love the riding- part only of hunting, would not a trail scent be much more suitable ? Gentlemen who hunt for the sake of a ride, who are indifferent about the hounds, and know little of the business, if they do no harm, it is to the full as much as we have reason to expect from them ; while those of a contrary description do good, and have much greater pleasure. Such as are acquainted with the hounds, and can at tunes assist them, find the sport more interesting, and frequently have the satisfaction to think that they themselves contribute to the success of the day. My spirits are always good after good sport in hunting ; nor is the rest of the day ever disagreeable to me afterwards. What are other sports compared with this, which is all enthusiasm ! Fishing is, in my opinion, a dull diversion ; shooting, though it admits of a com- panion, does not allow of many : both therefore may be considered as selfish and solitary amusements compared with hunting ; to which as many as please are welcome. The one might teach patience to a philosopher ; and the other, though it occasions great fatigue to the body, seldom affords much occupation to the mind. Whereas, fox-hunting is a kind of warfare ; its uncertainties, its fiitigues, its difficulties, and its dangers, rendering it interesting above all other diversions." HUNTING DIRECTORY. 207 Of Hare Hunting. It has of late been much the fashion for gentlemen to perform the office of huntsman to their own pack : I see no objection to such a system, if they will take the necessary trouble for that })urpose, which I am inclined to think is not always the case. CHAPTER VHI. Of Hare Hunting. — The Opinion of a Sportsman of the last Century upon this Subject. — The Hounds best calculated for Hare Hunting. — Of the Huntsman and Whipjier-iti to a Pack of Harriers. — Hare Finders. — The Doubles of the Hare. — Warren Hares. — Pedestrian Sportsmen. — Of Music and Speed. From what has been said in the preceding pages of this work, it will easily be perceived that fox-hunting stands pre-eminent in my estimation ; however, there are those who entertain a different opinion, and prefer the chase of the hare to the pursuit of the fox : a writer, known by the denomination of the " Country Scjuire," who published his notions on the subject of hunting in the year 11 AS, tlni.s expresses himself:- 208 HUNTING DIRECTORY. An old Sportsman's Opinion " There is certainly something noble and heroic in hunting the wild boar, the tiger, and the lion ; but we inhabit an island wherein art and activity are more requisite to the huntsman than strength of body, and where safety must compensate for the want of glory. " The principal games of Great Britain are the deer, the fox, the hare, the otter, the badger, and martin ; though the three last of these would hardly deserve the honour of being hunted, were they not in season in the spring of the year, when the poor hare ought to be in peace to mviltiply her species, and were not our young gentlemen contented to play at a small game rather than stand idle. "There are authors before me on this subject, who have with accurate judgment and great learning described the pursuit after each of the animals above mentioned, and been so particular as to lay down at large the terms of art, the ways of finding, recovering, and taking each distinct species ; as well as the kinds and marks of the dogs proper to be chosen for the different games ; to such therefore I refer my readers, it being my design to repeat very little of other men's labours, and not to enlarge on topics that every green coat officer under- stands, or at least pretends to do it, better than myself. *' The stag, I confess, is a noble prize ; and as the taking it requires a large pack of dogs, the very best of horses, and a great expence, to the nobility and men of noble estates I have long since resigned it. The pursuit after the fox is also violent, and fit rather for those youthful heroes who glory in breaking the hearts of their horses, and venturinff their own necks. The fliffht of these two HUNTING DIRECTORY. 209 of Hare Hunting. animals is swift, and (though they make some few heads and turnings) most commonly in straight lines towards a place of refuge at some distance. The scent they leave is generally so high, that the pack (though ever so w'ell matched) is forced to folloAV after two or three strong- winded leaders in a straggling yelping string, and the horsemen are cast, though ever so well mounted: by this means the music is broken, the art of the huntsman of little use, and the pleasure of those who designed to be spectators, dwindles into enquiries — which way went the dogs ? However, as these games afford an oppor- tunity to our generous youth to shew their courage, to boast of the performance of themselves and their horses, and to excel one another in feats of activity ; as the pre- servation of lambs or geese is an act of charity to the honest farmer ; and as a venison pasty is a savoury orna- ment to my lady's table, I would by no means depreciate the triumphs obtained by our gallant Nimrods in the conquest of such beasts. " Yet I hope for pardon from my more sprightly brethren, if I give my vote for the innocent hare above all other game. The transports of every mortal breast at the sight of that little quadruped is no less amazing than unaccountable, and has often made me inclined to imagine she has some^hidden mechanical attractive power over man as well as beast : whatever it be, it ought to be a constant motive of gratitude to the indulgent Creator, that has furnished us with this physic, so delicious to the taste, as well as salutary in effect. Let the philo- sopher, the grave Stoic himself, be present at the tracing and unravelling the morning walk, and see this subtle 210 HUNTING DIRECTORY. The Doubles, &c. of the Hare. absconding creature suddenly starting in view of the whole cry, and he shall feel a passion that all his affected apathy cannot cover, that all his most lucky discoveries could never equal ! Let the most morose and incredu- lous sceptic suffer himself to be persuaded to ride the chase, or but to stand on an eminence and observe the perplexing shifts and wiles of the flyer and the pursuers, and he must be convinced that God's providence is over all his works, that the minutest and vilest part of the creation have been the care and contrivance of infinite wisdom. The swiftness and subtilty of this incom- parable creature demonstrate that she was made to give us pleasure, with purpose to tempt us into the wholesome fields : the doubles and indentures she is perpetually making, argues a design in their great Creator that every hound should come in to bear a part of the chorus — that each should have an opportunity of shewing his acute- ness and policy in the pursuit ; and the tours and rings she naturally traverses and repeats over the same ground, gives an advantage to every one of the company to enjoy their share, even old men and maidens. ** The chase after the fox or stag is violent, and little more than riding and running ; but the hare displays the very art of hunting — she affords a pleasure worthy of a philosopher— a curiosity that may justly raise the admi- ration of the wisest statesman, physician, or divine. Let the most learned and inquisitive naturalist dissect the carcase of this feeble animal, let him carefully trace every sinew and muscle, let him note the smallness of her head and neck, the fullness and prominency of her eyes, the leanness of her shoulders, the depth of her chest, the HUNTING DIRECTORY 211 Every Hare has her particular Play. largeness of her heart and lungs, the strength of her joints, the hardness of her little bones, the firm braces of her back, the slenderness of her belly, the portable shape of her paps or udders, the measure of her ears, the firmness of her gaskins, the superior length of her hinder legs, the obscurity of her colour, and the inimi- table contexture of her feet ; and let him then declare the causes and ends of this wonderful formation; let him dare to say she could have been formed better in any one part to qualify her for lying hid in her form, for nimbleness of flight, for holding out against her foes, or for giving pleasure to man. " We must never forget that every hare (as we say of fencers) has her particular play ; that, however, that play is occasionally changed, according to the variation of wind and weather, the weight of the air, the nature of the ground, and the degree of eagerness with which she is pursued. Nor are we to be unmindful of the numerous accidents she may meet in her way, to turn her out of her course, to cover her flight, to quicken her speed, or to furnish her with an opportunity for new devices. I say, it is not enough to have a general knowledge of these things before the game is started ; but in the heat of action (when we are most tempted to be in raptures, with the sound of the horns, the melody of the cry, and the expectation of success) we must carry them in our heads ; every step we make we must calmly observe the alterations of the soil, the position of the wind, the time of the year ; and no less take notice with what speed she is driven — how far she is before — to what place she tends — whether she is likely to keep on forward, or to 212 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Individual Character of the Hounds. turn short behind — whether she has not been met by passengers, frighted by curs, intercepted by sheep — whether an approaching storm, a I'ising wind, a sudden blast of the sun, the going off of a frost, the repetition of foiled ground, the decay of her own strength, or any other probable turn of affairs, has not abated or altered the scent. There are other things still no less necessary to be remembered than the former : as, the particular quality and character of each dog — whether the present leaders are not apt to overrun it — which are most in- clined to stand on the double — which are to be depended upon in the highway, on the ploughed ground, or a bare turf, in an uncertain scent, in the crossing of fresh game, through a flock of sheep, upon the foil or stole-back. The size also and strength of the hare will make a dif- ference ; nor must the hounds themselves be followed so closely, or so loudly cherished when fresh and vigorous, as after they have run off their speed and mettle, and begin to be tired. " I would advise a young huntsman, when the scent lies well, always to keep himself pretty far behind : at such a time (especially if it be against the wind) it is impossible for the poor hare to hold it forward ; nor has she any trick or refuge for her life, but to stop short by a way or path, and, when all are past, to steal immedi- ately back, which is often the occasion of an irrecoverable fault, in the midst of the warmest sport and expectations, and is the best trick the poor hare has for her life in scenting weather. Whereas, if the huntsman were not • too forward, he would have the advantage of seeing her steal off, and turniiig her aside ; or more probably the HUNTING DIRECTORY. 213 Harriers should be well matched in Speed. pleasure of the clogs returning, and thrusting her up in view. *' It is very common for the fleet dog to be the great favourite, though it would be much better if he were hanged or exchanged. Be a dog in his own nature never so good, yet he is not good in that pack that is too slow for him. There is at most times work enough for every one of the train, and every one ought to bear his part : but this it is impossible for the heavy ones to do, if they are run out of breath by the unproportionable speed of a light-heeled leader ; for it is not enough that they are able to keep up, (which a true hound will labour hard for) but they must be able to do it with ease, with retention of breath and spirits, and with their tongues at command. It must never be expected that the inden- tures of the hai-e can be well covered, or her doubles struck oft", (nor is the sport worth a farthing) if the har- riers run yelping in a long string, like deer or fox hounds. " Another thing I would advise my friends, is to hang up every liar and chanter, not spai'ing even those that are silly and trifling, without nose or sagacity. It is common enough in numerous kennels, to keep some for their music or beauty ; but this is perfectly wrong. It is a certain maxim, that every dog that does no good, does a great deal of hurt : they serve only to foil the ground, and confound the scent ; to scamper before, and interrupt their betters in the most difficult points. And I may venture to affirm (by long experience) that four or five couple, all good and trusty, will do more execu- tion than thirty or forty, where a third of them are eager and headstrong, and (like coxcombs among men) noisy in doing nothing. 214 HUNTING DIRECTORY. The Hare should be fairly hunted. " Above all, I abhor joining with strangers ; for that is the way to spoil and debauch the staunchest hunters — to turn the best mettled into mad-headed gallopers, liars, and chatterers ; and to put them on nothing but outrun- ning their rivals, and overrunning the scent. The emu- lation of leading (in dogs and their masters) has been the utter ruin of many a good cry. Nor are strange huntsmen of much better consequence than strange companions ; for as the skill and excellence of these animals consist in use and habit, they should be always accustomed to the same voice, the same notes or hallooings, and the same terms of chiding, cherishing, pressing, or recalling ; nor should the country fellows be allowed in their tran- sports to extend their throats. " It will be taken ill if I should also speak against a change of game ; because mere Squires would be at a great loss to kill some of their time, had they nothing to kill when hares are out of season. However, I am well satisfied, that the best harriers are those that know no other. Nor is it advisable to let them change for a fresh hare, as long as they can possibly follow the old ; nor to take off their noses from the scent they are upon, for the cutting shorter or gaining of ground. This last is a common trick with pot-hunters ; but as it is unfair and barbarous to the hare, so you will seldom find it of ad- vantage to the hounds." "By inclination (says Beckford) I was never a hare- hunter : I followed this diversion merely for air and exer- cise ; and if I could have persuaded myself to ride on the turnpike road to the three-mile stone and back again, I should have thought I had no need of a pack of har- HUNTING DIRECTORY. 215 Number of the Pack. riers. Excuse me, brother hare-hunters ! I mean not to offend ; I speak only of the country where I live. The hare-hunthig there is so bad, that, did you know it, your wonder would be how I could have persevered in it so long, not that I should forsake it now. I respect hunting, in whatever shape it appears : it is a manly and a wholesome exercise, and seems by nature designed to be the amusement of a Briton. " You ask, how many hounds a pack of harriers should consist of? and what kind of hound is best suited to that diversion ? You should never, I think, exceed twenty couple in the field ; it might be difficult to get a greater number to run well together, and a pack of harriers cannot be complete if they do not : besides, the fewer hounds you have, the less you foil the ground, which you otherwise would find a great hindrance to your hunting. Your other question is not easily answered : the hounds, I think, most likely to show you sport, are between the large slow-hunting harrier and the littleyb.f beagle :* one is too dull, too heavy, and too slow : the • Fox Beagle. — In this place, Beckford does not appear sufficiently explicit. Hounds may be divided into three classes, viz. the Talbot, the Southern Hound, and the Beagle. Fox hounds have a portion of the blood of the first or second, or both ; but the beagle, 1 am inclined to tliink, would seldom, if ever, be resorted to for the same purpose. The beagle is the smallest of the hound tribe, with short legs and of an elon- gated form, and calculated for the pursuit of the hare. 7he genuine Beagle may be regarded as the dwarf Talbot : like the latter, he has a very capacious head and large pendant ears, and, like the latter also, he is re- markable for tenderness of nose, and deep, sonorous music : the genuine Beagle has, it is true, undergone some alterations in his form : he lias been rendered lighter and more fleet, his head has been compressed, and his nose 216 HUNTING DIRECTORY. The Hound best calculated for Hare Hunting. other, too lively, too light, and too fleet. The first, it is true, have most excellent noses, and I make no doubt will kill their game at last, if the day be long enough ; but you know the days are short in winter, and it is bad hunting in the dark. The others, on the contrary, fling and dash, and are all alive ; but every cold blast affects them ; and if your country is deep and wet, it is not im- possible but some of them may be drowned. My hounds were a cross of both these kinds, in which it was my en- deavour to get as much bone and strength in as small a compass as possible. It was a difficult undertaking. I bred many years, and an infinity of hounds, before I could get what I wanted : I, at last, had the pleasure to see them very handsome ; small, yet very bony : they ran remarkably well together ; ran fast enough ; had all the alacrity you could desire ; and would hunt the coldest scent. " It may be necessary to unsay, now I am turned hare- hunter again, many things I have been saying as a fox- hunter ; as I hardly know any two things of the same genus (if I may be allowed the expression) that differ so entirely. What I said in a former letter, about the huntsman and whipper-in, are among the number : as to the huntsman, I think, he should not be young : I should most certainly prefer one, as the French call it, cVun certain age, as he is to be quiet and patient ; for patience, rendered more pointed and sharp ; and he has thus exhibited (as indeed must be the case) inferior organs of smell, and a harsh and less musical voice : yet, under any circumstances, the beagle could never be calculated for the pursuit of the fox ; it would therefore appear that the term /ox engfe is not well applied to this little liound. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 217 Much Noise and Rattle inconsistent witli Hare Hunting. he should be a very Grizzle ; and the more quiet he is, the better. He should have infinite perseverance ; for a hare should never be given up whilst it is possible to hunt her : she is sure to stop, and therefore may always be recovered. *' The whipper-in also ha§ little to do with the one I before described : yet he may be like the second whip- per-in to a pack of fox hounds ; the stable boy who is to follow the huntsman : but I would have him still more confined, for he should not dare even to stop a hound, or smack a whip, without the huntsman's order. Much noise and rattle is directly contrary to the first principles of hare-hunting, which is to be perfectly quiet, and to let your hounds alone. I have seen few hounds so good as town packs, that have no professed huntsman to follow them. If they have no one to help them, they have at the same time no one to spoil them ; which, I believe, for this kind of hunting, is still more material. I should, however, mention a fault I have observed, and which such hounds must' of necessity sometimes be guilty of, that is, running back the heel. Hounds are naturally fond of scent ; if they cannot carry it forward, they will turn, and hunt it back again : hounds that are left to themselves make a ftiult of this, and it is, I think, the only one they commonly have. Though it is certainly best to let your hounds alone, and thei*eby to give as much scope to their natural instinct as you can ; yet in this particular instance you should check it mildly ; for as it is almost an invariable rule in all hunting to make the head good, you should encoin-age tlicm to try forward first; which may ho done without taking them oif their o 218 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Harriets sliould lie kept to their own Game. noses, or without the least prejudice to their hunting. If trying forward should not succeed, they may then be suffered to try back again, which you will find them all ready enough to do ; for they are sensible how far they brought the scent, and where they left it. " Harriers, to be good, like all other hounds, must be kept to their own game. If you run fox with them, you spoil them. Hounds cannot be perfect unless used to one scent, and one style of hunting. Harriers run fox in so different a style from hare, that it is of great dis- service to them when they return to hare again. It makes them wild, and teaches them to skirt. The high scent Vv^hich a fox leaves, the straightness of his running, the eagerness of the pursuit, and the noise that generally accompanies it, all contribute to spoil a harrier. " I hope you agree with me, that it is a favdt in a pack of harriers to go too fast ; for a hare is a little timorous animal, that we cannot help feeling some compassion for, at the very time when we are pursuing her destruction : we sliould give scope to all her little tricks, nor kill her foully and overmatched. Instinct instructs her to make a good defence, when not unfairly treated ; and I will venture to say, that, as far as her own safety is concerned, she has more cunning than the fox, and makes many shifts to save her life, far beyond all his r.rlifice. Without doubt, you have often heard of hares, who, from the miraculous escapes they have made, have been thought ivitches ; but, I believe, you never heard of a fox that had cunning enough to be thought a wizard. " They who like to rise early have amusement in seeing the hare trailed to her form ; it is of areat service to HUNTING DIRECTORY. 219 Of Hare Finders and Chopping Hares. hounds ; it also shows their goodness to the huntsman more than any other hunting, as it discovers to him those who have the most tender noses. But, I confess, I seldom thought it worth while to leave my bed a moment sooner on that account. I always thought hare-hunting should be taken as a ride after breakfast, to get us an appetite to our dinner. If you make a serious business of it, I think you spoil it. Hare-finders, in this case, are neces- sary : it is agreeable to know where to go immediately for your diversion, and not beat about for hours perhaps before you find. It is more material, I think, with re- gard to the second hare than the first : for if you are warmed with your gallop, the waiting long in the cold afterwards is, I believe, as unwholesome as it is disagree- able. Whoever does not mind this, had better let his hounds find their own game ; they will certainly hunt it with more spirit afterwards, and he will have a pleasure himself in expectation, which no certainty can ever give. Hare-finders make hounds idle ; they also make them wild. Mine knew the men as well as I did myself; could see them almost as far, and would run full cry to meet them. Hare-finders are of one great use : they hinder your hounds from chopping hares, which they otherwise could not fail to do. I had in my pack one hound in particular that was famous for it ; he would challenge on a trail very late at noon, and had as good a knack at chopping a hare afterwards ; he was one that liked to go the shortest way to work, nor did he choose to take more trouble than was necessary. Is it not wonderful that the trail of a hare shoidd lie after so many hours, when the scent of her dies away so soon ? n 9 220 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of the Pursuit " Hares are said (I know not with what truth) to foresee a change of weather, and to seat themselves accordingly. This is however certain, that they are seldom found in places much exposed to the wind. In inclosures, I think, they more frequently are found near to a hedge than in the middle of a field. They who make a profession of hare finding (and a very advantageous one it is in some countries) are directed by the wind where to look for their game. With good eyes and nice observation, they are enabled to find them in any weather. " When the game is fovmd, you cannot be too quiet : the hare is an animal so very timorous, that she is fre- quently headed back, and your dogs are liable to overrun the scent at every instant : it is best, therefore, to keep a considerable way behind them, that they may have room to turn as soon as they perceive they have lost the scent ; and if treated in this manner, they will seldom overrun it much. Your hounds, through the whole chase, should be left almost entirely to themselves, nor should they be hallooed too much : when the hare doubles, they should hunt through those doubles ; nor is a hare hunted fairly when hunted otherwise. They should follow her every step she takes, as well over greasy fallows as through large flocks of sheep ; nor should they ever be cast but when nothing can be done without it. " I have already observed that a trail in the morning is of great service to hounds, and that to be perfect they should always find their own game ; for the method of hare finding, though more convenient, will occasion some vices in them, which it will be impossible to correct. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 221 of the Hare. " Mr. Sonicrvile's authority strengthens my observa- tion, that M'hen a hare is found, all should be quiet ; nor should you ride near your hounds, till they are well settled to the scent. " Let all be hiish'd, No clamour loud, no frantic joy l)e heard ; Lest the wild liound run gadding o'er the plain Untractable, nor licar ihy chiding voice." " The natural eagerness of the hounds will, at such a time as this, frequently carry even the best of them wide of the scent, which too much encouragement, or pressing too close upon them, may continue beyond all possibility of recovery ; this should be always guarded against. After a little while, you have less to fear : you may then approach them nearer, and encourage them more ; leaving, however, at all times sufficient room for them to turn, should they overrun the scent. On high roads and dry paths, be always doubtful of the scent, nor give them much encouragement ; but when a hit is made on either side, you may halloo as much as you please, nor can you then encourage your hounds too much. A hare generally describes a circle as she runs ; larger or less, according to her strength, and the openness of the country. In inclosures, and where there is much cover, the circle is for the most part so small, that it is a constant puzzle to the hounds. They have a Gordian knot, in that case, ever to unloose ; and though it may afford matter of speculation to the philosopher, it is always contrary to the wishes of the sportsman. Such was the country I hunted in for many years. o3 222 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of Running the Foil and the Doubles of the Hare. •' Huntsman ! her gait observe : if in wide rings She wheel her raazy way, in the same round Persisting still, she'll foil the beaten track. But if she fly, and, with the fav'ring wind, Urge her bold course, less intricate tliy task ; Push on thy pack." — Somervile. "Besides running the foil, they frequently make doubles, which is going forward to tread the same steps back again, on purpose to confuse their pursuers; and in the same manner in which they make the first double they generally continue, whether long or short. This information, therefore, if properly attended to by the huntsman, may also be of use to him in his casts. " When they make their double on a high road, or dry path, and then leave it with a spring, it is often the occasion of a long fault : the spring which a hare makes on these occasions is hardly to be credited, any more than is her ingenuity in making it ; both are wojiderful ! " ■ let cavillers deny That brutes have reason ; sure 'lis something more : 'Tis Heav'n directs, and stratagems inspire, Beyond the short extent of human thought." — Somervilk. She frequently, after running a path a considerable way, will make a double, and then stop till the hounds have past her ; she will then steal away as secretly as she can, and return the same way she came : this is the greatest of all trials for hounds. It is so hot a foil, that in the best packs there are not many hounds that can hunt it ; you must follow those hounds that can, and try to hit her off where she breaks her foil, which in all proba- HUNTING DIRECTORY. 223 Ofa Check and Fault bility she will soon do, as she now flatters herself she is secure. When the scent hes bad in cover, she will sometimes hunt the hounds. The covert's utmost bound Slily she skirts ; behind them cautious creeps, And in that very track, so lately stain'd By all the steaming crowd, seems to pursue The foe she flies." — Sojis-rvilf.. Allien the hounds are at a check, make your huntsman stand still, nor suffer him to move his horse one way or the other : hounds lean naturally towards the scent, and if he does not say a word to them, will soon recover it. If you speak to a hound at such a time, calling him by his name, which is too much the practice, he seldom fails to look up in your face, as much as to say, what the deuce do you want ? When he stoops to the scent again, is it not probable he means to say, you fool you, let me alone! " When your hounds are at fault, let not a word be said. In a good day, good hounds seldom give up the scent at head ; if they do, there is generally an obvious reason for it : this observation a huntsman should always make : it will direct his cast. If he is a good one, he will be attentive as he goes, not only to his hounds, nicely observing which have the lead, and the degree of scent they carry, but also to the various circumstances that are continually happening from change of weather, and difference of ground. He will also be mindful of the distance which the hare keeps before the hounds, and of her former doubles, and he will remark what point 224 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of Casting Harriers. she makes to. All these observations will be of use, should a long fault make his assistance necessary ; and if the hare has headed back, he will carefully observe whether she met any thing in her course to turn her, or turned of her own accord. When he casts his hounds, let him begin by making a small circle : if that will not do, then let him try a larger : he afterwards may be at liberty to persevere in any cast he may judge most likely. As a hare generally revisits her old haunts, and returns to the place where she was first found, if the scent is quite gone, and the hounds can no longer hunt, that is as likely a cast as any to recover her. Let him remember this in all his casts, that the hounds are not to follow his horse's heels ; nor are they to carry their heads high, and noses in the air. At these times they must try for the scent, or they will never find it ; and he is either to make his cast slow or quick, as he perceives his hounds try, and as the scent is either good or bad. " Give particular directions to your huntsman to prevent his hounds, as much as he can, from chopping hares. Huntsmen like to get blood at any rate ; and when hounds are used to it, it would surprise you to see how attentive they are to find opportunities. A hare must be very wild, or very nimble, to escape them. I remember, in a furzy country, that my hounds chopped three hares in one morning ; for it is the nature of those animals either to leap up before the hounds come near them, and steal away, as it is called ; or else to lie close, till they put their very noses upon them. Hedges also are very dangerous : if the huntsman beats the hedge himself, which is the usual practice, the hounds are HUNTING DIRECTORY. 225 Babblers should not be kept always upon the watch, and a hare must have good hick to escape them all. The best way to prevent it, is to have the hedge well beaten at some distance before the hounds. " Hares seldom rim so well as when they do not know where they are. They run well in a fog, and generally take a good country. If they set oiFdown the wind, they seldom return ; you then cannot push on your hounds too much. When the game is sinking, you will perceive your old hounds get forward ; they then will run at head. " Happy the man, who with unrivall'd speed Can pass his fellows, and with pleasure view The struggling pack ; how in the rapid course Alternate they preside, and jostling push To guide the dubious scent ; how giddy youth Oft babbling errs, by wiser age improved ; How, niggard of his strength, the wise old hound Hangs in the rear, till some important point Rouse all his diligence, or till the chase Sinking he finds j then to tlie head he springs, With thirst of glory fired, and wins the prize." SoMEKVILE. Keep no babblers ; for though the rest of the pack soon find them out, and do not mind them, yet it is un- pleasant to hear their noise ; nor are such fit companions for the rest. " Keep no hound that runs false : the loss of one hare is more than such a dog is worth. "It is too much the custom, first to ride over a dog, and then cry 'ware horse/ Take care not to ride over your hoimds : I have known many a good dog spoiled ])y HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of Hsre Warrens it. In open ground speak to them first ; you may after- wards ride over them, if you please ; but in roads and paths they frequently cannot get out of your way : it surely then is your business either to stop your horse, or break the way for them ; and the not doing it, give me leave to say, is absurd and cruel ; nor can that man be called a good sportsman who thus wantonly destroys his own sport. On the subject of Hare-warrens, Beckford observes : — You wish to know how my warren-hares are caught i " they are caught in traps, not unlike the common rat- traps. I leave mine always at the muses, but they are set only when hares are wanted : the hares, by thus con- stantly going through them, have no mistrust, and are easily caught. These traps should be made of old wood, and even then it will be some time before they venture through them. Other muses must be also left open, lest a distaste should make them forsake the place. To my warren I have about twenty of these traps ; though, as the stock of hares is great, I seldom have occasion to set more than five or six, and scarcely ever fail of catching as many hares. The warren is paled in, but I found it necessary to make the muses of brick ; that is, where the traps are placed. Should you at any time wish to make a hare-warren, it will be necessary for yovi to see one first, and examine the traps, boxes, and stoppers, to all which there are particularities not easy to be described. Should you find the hares, towards the end of the sea- son, shy of the traps, from having been often caught, it will be necessary to drive them in with spaniels. Should this be the case, von will find them very thick round the HUNTING DIRECTORY. 227 and Warren Hares. warren ; for the warren-hares will be unwilling to leave it, and, when disturbed by dogs, will immediately go in. " If you turn them out before greyhounds, you cannot give them too much law ; if before hounds you cannot give them too little ; for reasons which I will give you presently. Though hares, as I told you before, never run so well before hounds as when they do not know where they ai-e, yet before greyhounds it is the reverse; and your trap-hares, to run well, should always be turned out within their knowledge : they are naturally timid, and are easily disheartened when they have no point to make to for safety. " If you turn out any befoi'e your hounds (which, if it is not your wish, I shall by no means recommend) do not give them much time, but lay on your hounds as soon as they are out of view : if you do not, they will very likely stop, which is often fatal. Views are at all times to be avoided, but particularly with trap-hares ; for, as these know not where they are, the hounds have too great an advantage over them. It is best to turn them down the wind ; they hear the hounds better and seldom turn again. Hounds for this business should not be too fleet. These hares run straight, and make no doubles ; they leave a strong scent, and have other objections in common with animals turned out before hounds : they may give you a gallop, but they will show but little hunting. The hounds are to be hunted like a pack of fox-hounds, as a trap-hare runs very much in the same manner, and will even top the hedges. What I should prefer to catching the hares in traps, would be a warren in the midst of an open country, which might be stopped 228 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Hare Hunting favourable to Pedestrians. close on hunting days. This would supply the whole country with hares, which, after one turn round the warren, would most probably run straight an end. The number of hares a warren will supply is hardly to be conceived : I seldom turned out less in one year than thirty brace of trap-hares, besides a great many more killed in the environs, of M'hich no account was taken. My M'arren is a wood of near thirty acres : one of half the size would answer the purpose to the full as well. Mine is cut out into many walks ; a smaller warren should have only one, and t/mt round the outside of it. No dog should ever be suffered to go into it ; and traps should be constantly set for stoats and polecats. It is said, parsley makes hares strong ; they certainly are vei'y fond of eating it : it therefore cannot be amiss to sow some within the warren, as it will be a means of keeping your hares more at home." Hare-hunting, however, will always be a favourite diversion with the pedestrian sportsman ; as from the manner of running which characterises the object of pursuit, he is enabled to witness a considerable portion of the chase : this circumstance is thus noticed by Somer- vile : — " Hark ! from yon covert, where those towering oaks Above the humble copse aspiring rise, What glorious triumphs burst in every gale Upon our ravish'd ears ! the hunter's shout, The clanging horns swell their sweet winding notes, The pack wide-opening load the trembling air With various melody ; from tree to tree The propagated cry redoubling bounds, And winged zephyrs waft the floating joy HUNTING DIRECTORY. 229 Of Harriers. Through all the rigions near : afflictive birch No more the school boy dreads, his prison broke, Scampering he flies, nor heeds his master's call ; The weary traveller forgets his road. And climbs th' adjacent hill ; the ploughman leaves Th' unfinish'd furrow ; nor his bleating flocks Are now the shepherd's joy ! men, boys, and girls, Desert th' unpeopled village ; and wild crowds Spread o'er the plain, by the sweet frenzy seiz'd." It has been the fashion of late years to breed harriers with the power and speed of fox hounds, or nearly so. I was out with a pack of this sort, in the month of Janu- ary, 1825, They were called the Kirkham (in Lan- cashire) harriers, and belonged to Mr. King ; and were large, powerful, and altogether handsome hounds : they were more than a match for a hare : I saw them kill two brace one morning, and that too in a very short time. Much pains had no doubt been taken in breeding them ; for, although they were very fleet, they retained much of the Talbot, and displayed excellent olfactory organs. There are still to be found in some of the hilly districts of Lancashire (and in other parts of England, for aught I know to the contrary) harriers which partake so much of the southern hound as to render them well calculated for the diversion. They are not too fleet, have excellent noses and delightful nuisic ; and such hounds I should choose for the purpose of hare-hunting, though I am well aware, that excellent harriers may be produced by crossing the hounds of this description with the beagle ; while there are many impetuous sportsmen who prefer harriers bred as fleet as possible. How far the union of uncommon speed and nuisic are compatible I am somewhat doubtful: a hound, I am 230 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of Speed and Music. inclined to think, cannot run at the very top of his speed, and send forth a considerable volume of music at the same time. In the latter end of the month of February, 1825, I was out with a pretty pack of harriers belonging to R. Seed, Esq. in the neighbourhood of Liverpool: we had quested for some hours, without finding, and had every prospect of a blank day, when, about three o'clock, a hare moved from a wheat field, in the township of Maghull, and went away as if she meant to run. The hounds got well settled to the scent immediately, and ran breast high. The hare never doubled, the scent was as good as possible, and such was the speed of the hounds that it was not without the utmost difficulty the leading sportsmen could keep with them. The pack ran un- commonly well together, but were by no means so loud and musical as usual ; and in running over some fine grazizig ground, they became nearly mute : Pilot, one of the pack, a dog with much of the southern blood in his composition, who was remarkable for music, and whose voice was generally heard above the rest, crossed a con- siderable space without opening. In fact, I never saw these harriers run with such speed, or make so little noise over it. The hare ran six miles, and was killed almost without the occurrence of a trifling check. From this, as well as similar circumstances which I have wit- nessed, I infer that a hound, when running at the very extremity of his speed, cannot be very musical ; indeed, if we reason upon the matter, we must come to the same conclusion. CHAPTER IX. Stag Hunting. — Otter Hunting. In regard to Stag Hunting, upon which I intend to make a few observations, it has gradually given way to the increasing cultivation of the country ; and as the object of pvu'suit has nearly ceased to exist in a state of unlimited freedom, this noble and princely diversion has, of course, in a great degree subsided. Some few wild deer are still to be met with in Ireland ; in the Highlands of Scotland, particularly in the neighbourhood of Blair Athol, these beautiful animals are still to be found roam- ing at large ; in some parts of Devonshire, wild deer may be occasionally seen : but the mode in which the pursuit of the stag is at present conducted in this coun- try, (with very little, if any, exception) is by taking a semi-domesticated deer in a cart to an appointed spot, and turning him out before the hounds. Reasonable law is allowed him ; nor is this all ; for, if the hounds approach too near their game, they are stopped, and the stag allowed to get ahead again. Sometimes the animal is sulky, and will not run ; but supposing the contrary, and the stag goes away in gallant style, the hounds would soon run up to him, if they were not stopped : the stag is very soon blown, and if not allowed to get second wind, the business of course must be over in a few minutes. However, by repeatedly stopping the hounds, the chase is sometimes lengtlicned to several hours, and is thus, no 232 HUNTING DIRECTORY. stag Hunting. doubt, highly gratifying to the stag hunter ; but would perhaps appear like an apology for hunting in the esti- mation of a fox hunter. His late Majesty, George III. was very partial to stag hunting ; but it has been remarked that if he " had ever seen a fox well found and handsomely killed," he would have preferred the pursuit of the fox to that of the stag : I have no doubt such would have been the case — it could not have been otherwise. The stag-hunting of George III. was gorgeous and imposing, and this monarch was very affable in the field. The late king sat tolerably well on horseback ; yet the hounds were frequently stopped to enable him to come up ; when they were again suffered to proceed : a fox hunter would have thought little of such doings ; but he would nevertheless have been highly gratified with the pleasing familiarity of the king. His present Majesty, George IV. does not attend the royal hounds, though they go out regularly by his command, and are kept up in as much style (if not more) than they were during the life of his father. The Earl of Derby also has an establishment for stag-hunting ; and his lordship pursues the stag during the season in Surrey. The hounds for the purpose have been bred from fox hounds, and are consequently very fleet. There are a few other stag-hunting establish- ments in England, which, however, do not require any particular notice in this place. The stag-hunting of former days was a very different business. Prior to the inclosure of the various forests, wild deer were plentiful, and the stag at this period, in all probability, afforded excellent runs — in fact, stag- HUNTING DIRECTORY 2S3 Ancient Method of Stag Hunting. hunting at that time might be regarded in the same hght as fox-hunting is viewed at the present day, namely, as superior to all other diversions of the field. Of the stag-hunting of former tunes, some idea may he formed from the following : The huntsman rose at early morn to track the deer to his lair, and then being sure of his game, returned to the sportsmen ; who, we must suppose, dined at our hour of breakfasting, and afterwards hied them to the chase. " I am the hunt, which rathe and earely rise, (My botlell filde with wine in any wise) Two draughts I drinke, to stay my steps withall, For each foote one, because I would not fall. Then take my hound, in liara me behind. The stately hart in fryth or fell to find. And whiles I seeke his slotte where he hath fedde, The sweet byrdes sing, to cheare my drowsie head. And when my hound doth straine upon good vent, I must confesse, the same doth me content. But when I hauc my couerts walkt about, And harbred fast, the hart for comming out ; Then I returne, to make a graue report, Whereas I find th' assembly doth resort. And lowe T crouch, before the lordlings all, Out of my home, the fewmets let I fall, And other signcs and tokens do I tell, To make them hope, the hart may like them well. Then they command, that 1 the wine should taste ; So biddes mine art — and so my throat I baste. The dinner done, I go straightwayes againe, Vnto my markes, and shew my master plaine. Then put my hound, vpon the view to drawe, And rowse the hart out of his layre by lawe. O gamsters all, a little by your leaue, Can you such ioyes in trifling games conceaue ? 234> HUNTING DIRECTORY. stag Hunting of Queen Elizabeth. In 1575, when Queen Elizabeth was so magnificently entertained by her favourite, Dudley, Earl of Leicester, at Kenilworth Castle, hart-hunting was one of the amuse- ments she partook of, and which a spectator thus de- scribes : — " The Hunting of the Hart at Fors. — Munday was hot, and thearfore her highness kept in till a five a clok in the eevening : what time it pleazz'd her to ride foorth into the chace too hunt the hart of fors : which foound anon, and after sore chased by the hot pursuit of the hooundes, was fain of fine fors, at last to take soil. Thear to beholld the swift fleeting of the deer afore with the stately cariage of his head in hiz swimmyng, spred (for the quantitee) lyke the sail of a ship : the hounds har- loing after, az they had bin a number of skiphs too the spoyle of a karvell : the ton no lesse eager in purchaz of his pray, then was the other earnest in savegard of hiz life : so az the earning of the hoounds in continuauns of their crie, the swiftness of the deer, the running of the footmen, the galloping of horsez, the blasting of hornz, the hallooing and hewing of the huntsmen, with the ex- cellent echoz between whilez from the woods and waters in valleiz resounding; mooved pastime delectabl in so hye a degree, az for ony parson to take pleazure by moost sensez at onez, in mine opinion, thear can be none ony wey comparable to this ; and speciall in this place, that of nature is foormed so fytt for the purpose ; in feith. Master Martin, if ye coold with a wish, I woold ye had bin at it : wel, the hart was kild, a goodly deer, but so ceast not the game yet. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 235 Chase of 3 Hart by Richard I. " The Hart 2:>ardoned. — Wednsday, her majesty rode intoo the chase, to hunting again of the hart of fors. The deer, after his property, for refuge took the soyl ; but so master'd by hote pursuit on al parts, that he was taken quick in the pool : the Avatermen held him up hard by the hed, while at her highness commaundment he lost his earz for a raundsum, and so had pardon for lyfe." In early times, when the king lost a stag, open pro- clamations were made in all towns and villages, near where the deer was supposed to remain, that no person should kill, hunt, or chase him, that he might safely retiu'n to the forest again ; and the foresters were or- dered to harbour the said hart, and by degrees to bring him back to the forest, and that deer was ever after called, a hart royal proclaimed. Some years since an old record remained in Nottingham Castle, stating, that in 1194 Richard the First chased a hart from Sherwood Forest to Barnsdale, in Yorkshire, and there lost him. He made proclamation at Tunhill in Yorkshire, and divers other places in the neighbourhood of Barnsdale, that no person should chase, kill, or hunt the said deer, that he might return to his lair in the forest of Sher- wood. Wliite-hart-silter, as it is called, was a heavy fine laid on some lands, near the forest of Blackmore, Dor- setshire : the proprietor, T. de la Lynde, a Dorsetshire baron, in the time of Henry III. having destroyed a white hart, which had afforded that prince much amuse- ment, (probably had been proclaimed) : an acknoM'Iedg- ment of which has been paid into the exchequer so late as the reign of Elizabeth. 236 HUNTING DIRECTORY. An extraordinary Wager. What follows, describes a stake, upon the capture of a deer, that perhaps neither ancient nor modern his- tory can parallel : — *' The St. Clairs are of Norman extraction, being de- scended from William de St. Clair, and Margaret, daughter of Richard, Duke of Normandy. He was called, for his fair deportment, the seemly St. Clair, and settling in Scotland during the reign of Malcolm Cean- more, obtained large grants of land in Mid-lothian. These domains were increased, by the liberality of suc- ceeding monavchs, to the descendants of the family, and comprehended the baronies of Rosline, Pentland, Cows- land, Cardaine, and several others. It is said a large addition was obtained from Robert Bruce on this occa- sion : — The king, in following the chase upon Pentland Hills, had often started a ' white faunch deer,' which had always escaped from his hounds ; and he asked the nobles, who w^ere assembled around him, whether any of them had dogs which they thought might be more successful. No courtier would affirm that his hounds were fleeter than those of the king, imtil Sir William St. Clair, of Rosline, unceremoniously said, he would wager his head that his two favourite dogs, ' Help and Hold,' would kill the deer before she could cross the March-burn. The king instantly caught at his unwary offer, and betted the forest of Pentland Moor against the life of Sir William St. Clair. All the hounds were tied up, except a few ratches or slow hounds, to rouse the deer; whilst Sir William St. Clair, posting himself in the best situation for slipping his dogs, prayed de- voutly to Christ, thr blessed Virgin, and St. Katharine. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 237 otter Hunting. The deer was shortly after roused, and the hounds sHpped; Sir WiUiam following himself on a gallant steed to cheer his dogs. The hind, however, reached the middle of the brook, upon which the hunter threw him- self from his horse in despau'. At this critical moment, however, Hold stopped her in the brook; and Help, coming up, turned her back, and killed her on Sir Wil- liam's side. The king descended from the hill, embraced Sir William, and bestowed on him the lands of Kirkton, Laganhouse, Earncraig, &c. in free forestrie. Sir Wil- liam, in acknowledgment of St. Katharine's intercession, built the chapel of St. Katharine in the Hopes, the chapel yard of which is still to be seen. The hill from which Robert Bruce beheld this memorable chase is still called the King's Hill; and the place where Sir William hunted is called the Knight's Field." Otter hunting, like the pursuit of the stag, is, at present, but little followed. Of all field amusements, otter hunting is perhaps the least interesting. Fox hounds, harriers, or indeed any kind of hounds, will pursue the otter ; though the dog chiefly used for the purpose has been produced by a cross between the southern hound and the water spaniel. Those who have never witnessed otter hunting, may form a tolerable notion of the business by imaging to the mind a superior duck hunt ; though Somervile has rendered it immortal by the follov/ing beautiful lines : — •' The subtle spoiler of the beaver kind, Far off perhaps, where ancient alders shade The deep still pool ; within some hollow trunk. Contrives his wii-ker couch : whence he surveys P. J 238 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Somervile's Description of His long purlieu, lord of the stream, and all The finny shoals his own. But you, brave youths. Dispute the felon's claim ; try every root. And every reedy bank ; encourage all The busy-spreading pack, that fearless plunge Into the flood, and cross the rapid stream. Bid rocks and caves, and each resounding shore, Proclaim your bold defiance ; loudly raise Each cheering voice, till distant hills repeat The triumphs of the vale. On the soft sand See there his seal impress'd ! and on that bank Behold the glittering spoils, half-eaten fish, Scales, fins, and bones, the leavings of his feast. Ah! on that yielding sag-bed, see, once more, His seal I view. O'er yon dark rushy marsh The sly goose-footed prowler bends his course, And seeks the distant shallows. Huntsman, bring Thy eager pack, and trail him to his couch. Hark ! the loud peal begins, the clamorous joy. The gallant chiding, loads the trembling air. How greedily They snufT the fishy steam, that to each blade Rank-scenting clings. See ! how the morning dews They sweep, that from their feet besprinkling drop Dispers'd, and leave a track oblique behind. Now on firm land they range; then in the flood They plunge tumultuous ; or through reedy pools Rustling they work their way ; no hole escapes Their curious search. With quick sensation now The fuming vapour stings ; flutter their hearts, And joy redoubled bursts from every mouth In louder symphonies. Yon hollow trunk, That with its hoary head incurv'd salutes The passing wave, must be the tyrant's fort, And dread abode. How these impatient climb. While others at the root incessant bay ! They put him down. See, there he dives along! Th' ascending bubbles mark his gloomy way. Quick fix the nets, and cut off his retreat HUNTING DIRECTORY. 239 the Pursuit of the Otter. Into the sheltering deeps ! Ah ! there he vents ! The pack plunge headlong, and protended spears Menace destruction : while the troubled surge Indignant foams, and all the scaly kind, Affrighted, hide their heads. Wild tumult reigns, And loud uproar. Ah ! there once more he vents ! See, that bold hound has seiz'd him ; down they sink Together lost : but soon shall he repent His rash assault. See ! there escap'd, he flies Half drown'd, and clambers up the slippery bank With ouze and blood distain'd. Of all the brutes. Whether by nature form'd, or by long use, This artful diver best can bear the want Of vital air. Unequal is the fight, Beneath the whelming element. Yet there He lives not long ; but respiration needs At proper intervals. Again he vents; Again the crowd attack. That spear has pierc'd His neck; the crimson waves confess the wound. Fix'd is the bearded lance, unwelcome guest, Where'er he flies; with him it sinks beneath, With him it mounts; sure guide to every foe. Inly he groans ; nor can his tender wound Bear the cold stream. Lo ! to yon sedgy bank He creeps disconsolate ; his numerous foes Surround him, hounds and men. Pierc'd thro' and thro', On pointed spears they lift him high in air: Wriggling he hangs and grins, and bites in vain : Bid the loud horns, in gaily warbling strains. Proclaim the felon's fate— he dies ! he dies ! '* CHAPTER X. Of Scent. — Influence of the Atmosphere upon Scent. — Is differetit in different Anhnals. Scent is that exudation or effluvium, which is con- stantly issuing fi'om the pores of all animal substances, and consists of minute particles or corpuscles, which, driven by the wind or otherwise, and coming in contact with the olfactory nerves of the hound, enable him to follow his game, or to continue the pursuit. Several writers have given their opinion upon this subject, which I shall place successively before the reader. An author, (the Old Squire) whom I have already noticed observes : " Above all other things, the scent has been ever my admiration: the bulk, size, figure, and other accidents or qualities of these parts or portions of matter that dis- charge themselves from the bodies of these beasts of game, are subjects much fitter for the experiments and learned descants of a philosopher, than a simple hunts- man. Whether they are to be considered as an extrane- ous stock or treasure of odoriferous particles given them by Divine Wisdom, for the very purpose of hunting? whether they are proper identical parts of the animal's body, that continually ferment and perspire from it? whether these exhalations are from the breath of her lungs, or through the skin of her whole body ? are questions also that deserve the subtilty of a virtuoso. But such observations as long experience has suggested HUNTING DIRECTORY. 241 Smallncss of the Particles of Scent. to me, I shall, in the plainest manner I am able, lay before my readers. ** That these particles are inconceivably small, is (I think) manifest from their vast numbers. I have taken hundreds of hares, after a chase of two, three, four, or live hours, and could never perceive the least difference in bulk or weight, from those I have seized or snapt in their forms : nor could I ever learn from gentlemen who have hunted basket hares, that theycould discover any visible waste in their bodies, any farther than may be supposed to be the effect of discharging their grosser excrements. But, supposing an abatement of two or three grains, or drams, after so long a fatigue ; yet how minute and almost infinite must be the division of so small a quantity of matter, when it affords a share to so many couple of dogs, for eight, ten, or twelve miles suc- cessively : deducting at the same time, the much greater numbers of those particles, that are lost in the ground, dissipated in the air, extinguished and obscured by the foetid perspirations of the dogs, and other animals ; or by the very fumes and exhalations of the earth itself. That these particles are subject to such dissipation or corruption, every sportsman knows ; for as none of them will retain their odour after a certain proportionable time, so it is daily evident that this time of their duration is very obnoxious to the vicissitudes of the weather, that the scent of the animal (as well as her more solid flesh) will lose its sweetness sooner or later, according to the disposition of the ambient air. I have frequently heard the good housewives complain that, against rain or thunder, their milk will turn, and their larders taint ; 242 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Effect of the Atmosphere and I have as often perceived that, a storm approaching, the scent will in a moment change and vanish. Nor is the suddenness of such alteration the least wonder, if we take into consideration the smallness of the particles. The same efficient cause may penetrate and corrupt these minute corpuscles in the twinkling of an eye, which requires an hour or a day to operate on bodies of greater bulk and substance : as the same fire or aquafortis will dissolve the filings of steel in an instant ; though a pound lump of that same metal is so long able to resist their violence. " That these particles of scent are of an equal (exactly equal) specific gravity with the particles of the air, is demonstrated by the falling and rising of them in just proportion to it. I have often smiled at hasty huntsmen, to hear them rating and cursing their dogs (that yes- terday were the best in England) for galloping and staring with their noses in the air, as if their game was flown ; for often does it happen that it is in vain for them to seek after the scent in any other place, the increasing weight of that fluid element having wafted it over their heads. Though even at such a season, (after the first mettle and fury of the cry is something abated) the more steady beagles may make a shift to pick it out by the particles left by the brush of her feet, (especially if there be not a strong, drying, exhaling wind, to hurry these away after the rest.) This often happens in a calm, gentle, steady frost, when (as I conceive) the purity, coldness, or perhaps the nitre, of the air, serves to fix and preserve a few remaining particles, that they do not easily corrupt. At another season, when the air is light. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 243 on Scent or growing lighter, the scent must proportionably be faUing or sinking ; and then every dog (though in the heat of his courage he pushes forward, yet) is forced to come back again and again, and cannot make any sure advances, but with his nose on the ground. When cir- cumstances are thus, (if there be not a storm or thunder impending to corrupt the scent, as I said before) you may expect the most curious and lasting sport ; puss having then a fair opportunity to shew her wiles, and every old or slow dog to come in for his share, to display his experience, the subtilty of his judgment, and the tenderness of his nostrils. The most terrible day for the poor hare is when the air is in its mean gravity, or cBquilihrio, tolerably moist, but inclining to grow drier, and fanned with the gentle breezes of the zephyrs. The moderate gravity buoys up the scent as high as the dog's breast ; the vesicles of moisture serve as so many canals, or vehicles, to carry the effluvia into the tubes of their noses ; and the gentle fannings help in such wise to spread and dissipate them, that every hound, even at eight or ten paces distant, (especially on the windy side) may have his proportion. " I advise all gentlemen, who delight in hunting, to provide themselves with a barometer, or weather glass. I am sorry to say that this instrument (though a fine invention) is still imperfectly understood by the philo- sopher, as well as the farmer ; and the index generally annexed to it of rain, fair, settled fair, ^c. are imperti- nent and delusive. If the gravity of the air is the cause of drought, the latter should be in proportionate degrees with the former ; and yet we sec the sudden or extraor- 244 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Variations of tlie Barometer. dinary rising of the mercury, a sure prognostic of an approaching change : we see it often continue to fall after the rain is over ; and we may generally observe the most settled fair, and the greatest rains, both happen when it is in a moderate height. By the accounts I have kept, the mercury is commonly at the highest marks in dull cloudy weather ; yet does it often fall a great deal faster before a few drops, or a dry mist, than an impetuous rain ; and even continue to do so after a hard rain is over. And what is more common than to see it descend many days together, to the terror of the husbandman, in hay or corn harvest ; when the conse- quence, at last, is only a few drops weighty enough to descend, though the air was in its utmost degree of gravity, and the mercury at thirty-one inches ? The vulgar solutions of these difficulties are insufficient and puzzling, and vei'y inconsistent with avowed principles ; and, in my humble opinion, there will never appear a certain and satisfactory account of these perplexing phenomena, till some sage naturalist shall give himself the trouble of a more full and complete diary than has yet been published ; where, together with the degrees of the barometer, thermometer, and hygrometer, shall be taken in (in distinct columns) the time of the year, the length of the days, the age of the moon, the situation of the wind, with its degrees of roughness ; the colours of the clouds at sun rising and setting ; the manner of flying, chattering, or flocking of birds, and divers other concurring tokens and symptoms, which may be of great use in conjunction with the said instruments, to settle and confirm our prognostications. In the mean time it HUNTING DIRECTORY. 245 Uncertainty of the Weather for Hunting. must be confessed, that this ingenious machine is of great use to the observant huntsman : and when he rises in a morning, and finds the air moist and temperate, the quicksilver in his glass moderately high, or gently convex, he has a fair invitation to prepai'e for his exercise. I know it is the custom with our juvenile sportsmen to fix the tmie, two or three days beforehand, to meet a friend, or to hunt in such or such a quarter ; but appointed matches of this kind are my aversion and abhorrence ; he that will enjoy the pleasure of the chase, must ask leave of the heavens. Hunting is a trade that is not to be forced ; nor can the best cry that ever was coupled make any thing of it, unless the air be in tune. " The earth also hath no small influence on this deli- cious pastime ; for though it sometimes happens (accord- ing to the observations above) that the scent is floating, so that you may run down a hare through water and mire (especially if you keep pretty close after her) without the trouble of stooping : yet, at such a season, the first fault is the loss of your game ; the perspirations of her body being wafted over head by the gravity of the air, and those of her feet being left on elements that absorb or confound them. " This last case very often happens at the going oil' of a frost ; the mercury is then commonly falling, and by consequence the scent sinking to the ground. The earth is naturally on such occasion fermenting ; dissolving, stinking, exhaling, and very porous ; so that it is impos- sible but most of the particles must then be corrupted, buried, or overcome by stronger vapours. 'Tis very common to heir tlic vulgar say, .s/w carries dirt in her 246 HUNTING DIRECTORY Influence of the Frost heels : but that is not all, it being very plain, by what has been observed, that it is not only by the scent of the foot she is so eagerly pursued. " The mention of frost puts me in mind of a particular observation of my own making, that may be useful or diverting to my brethren of the chase. You all make it a great part of your pleasure to hunt out the walk of a hare to her seat, and doubtless you have often been sur- prizingly disappointed on such occasions. You have many times been able to hunt the same walk in one part of the field, and not in another ; you have hunted the same walk at ten or eleven, which gave not the least scent at seven in the morning ; and which is most pro- voking and perplexing of all, you have often been able to hunt it only at the wrong end, or backwards ; after many hours' wonder and expectation, cherishing your dogs, and cursing your fortune : you are in truth never so far from your game as when your hunt is warmest. All these accidents are only the effect of the hoar-frost, or very gross dew (for they never happen otherwise) and from thence must the miracle be accounted for. " I have already proved that a thaw tends to corrupt the particles, and have as good reason to maintain that frost fixes, covers, and preserves them. (Whether this is done by intercepting their ascent, and precipitating them to the ground by the gross particles of frozen dew, or whether by sheathing them, and protecting them from the penetrating air (as the good wives preserve their potted meats and pickles) I leave to the learned ; but the facts are certain, and confirmed by experience. We have therefore only to take notice (by the way) that the HUNTING DIRECTORY. 247 on Scent. hoar frost is very often of short continuance, changeable and uncertain, both as to its time and place of falling ; and hence all those difficulties are easily resolved. Let the huntsman, as soon as he is out of his bed, examme but the glass windows, which commonly discover whether any hoar frost has fallen, what time it came, and in what condition of continuance or gomg off it is for the present. If it appears to have fallen at two, three, or four in the morning, (suppose in the month of October, and other times of the year must be judged of in proportion) and to be going off about day break, it may then be expected that there will be a great difficulty or impossibility of trailing to her seat, because her morning retreat being on the top of the frozen dew, the scent is either dissolved or corrupted with it, or dissipated and exhaled. 'Tis true (after such a night) the dogs will find work in every field, and often hunt in full cry ; but it will be generally backward, and always in vain, her midnight ramblings (which were covered by the frost) being now open, fresh, and fragrant. If the said frost begins later in the morn- ing, after puss is seated, there is nothing to be done till that is gone off; and this is the reason that we often see the whole pack picking out a walk at nine or ten, in the same path where Siveet-lijjs herself could not touch at seven. Again, if the frost began early enough, and con- tinues steadily till you are gotten into the fields, you may then make it good to her seat, as well as at other times on naked ground ; though you must expect to run a great risk of losing her at the going off of the frost, ac- cording to the observations already laid down. " It is also to be remembered, that there is no small accidental difference in the very particles of scent; I 248 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Difference of Scent in the same Animals. mean, that they are stronger, sweeter, or more distin- guishable at one time than at another ; and that this dif- ference is found not only in diverse, but often in the same individual creature, according to the changes of the air or the soil, as well as of her own motions or conditions. That there is a different scent in other animals of the same species, is evident from draught hounds, which were formerly made use of for tracing and pursuing thieves and deer stealers, or rather from any common cur or spaniel, which will hunt out their masters, or their master's horse, distinctly from all others : and that it is the same with the hare is no less visible with the old beagles, which will not readily change for a fresh one, vmless she starts in view, or unless a fault happens that puts them in confusion, and inclines them in despair to take up with the next they can come by. " That the same hare will at divers times emit finer or grosser particles, is equally manifest to every one who shall observe the frequent changes in one single chase, the alterations that ensue on any different motion, and on her degrees of sinking. The coursing of a cur dog, or the fright from an obvious passenger, is often the occasion of an unexpected fault ; and after such an acci- dent the dogs must be cherished, and be put upon it again and again before they will take it and acknowledge it for their own game. The reason is (as I conceive) the change of the motion causes a change in the perspiring particles ; and as the spirits of the dogs are all engaged and attached to particles of such or such a figure, 'tis with difficulty they come to be sensible of, or attentive to, those of a different relish. You Mill pardon the ex- HUNTING DIRECTORY. 249 Motion the principal Cause of Scent. pression, if I compai*e old Jowler, in this case, to a ma- thematician, who is so intent on the long perplexing- ambages of the problem before him, that he hears not the clock or bell that summons him to a new employment. ** The alterations in a yielding hare are less frequently the occasion of faults, because they are more gradual ; and, like the same rope, insensibly tapering and growing smaller : but that alterations there are, every dog boy knows by the old hounds, which still pursue with greater eagerness, as she is nearer her end. " I take motion to be the chief cause of shedding or discharging these scenting particles ; because she is very seldom perceived whilst quiet in her form, though the dogs are ever so near, though they leap over her, or (as I have often seen) even tread upon her. Indeed it some- times happens that she is, as we say, winded where she sits. But this may be the effect of that train of scent she left behind her in going to her chair ; or more pro- bably the consequence of her own curiosity, in moving and rising up, as I have also seeUj to peep after and watch the proceedings of her adversaries. However, we must grant, that these particles of scent, though the effect of motion, are not more gross and copious in pro- portion to the increasing swiftness of the animal; no more than in a watering pot, which the swifter it passes, the less of the falling water it bestows on the subjacent plants. "It is very plain, the slower the hare moves, the stronger and grosser, ccetarisjiarihusy are those particles she leaves behind her ; which I take to be one reason 250 HUNTING DIRECTORY. (besides the cloathing and shielding of them from the penetrating air by the descending frost or dew) that the morning walk will give scent so much longer than the flight in hunting. However, it is remarkable, that these odorous particles gradually decay and end with her life, because it requires the most curious noses to lead the cry when she is near her last ; because she is so often entirely lost at the last quat : and because, if you knock her on the head before them, there is hardly one in the pack that will stop or take any notice of her. " The greatest art and curiosity is discovered in hunt- ing the/o?7, especially if she immediately steal back be- hind the dogs the same path she came : for it must re- quire the utmost skill to distinguish well the new scent from the old, when both are mixed, obscured, and con- founded with the strong perspirations of so many dogs and horses. Yet, this we have often seen performed by ready and expert hunters. However, if the dogs be not masters of their business, or if the air be not in due balance, the difficulty will be the greater. " The reader will observe that the remarks I have made are generally on the hare; which, as I have said, is of aU others most worthy of our speculation and en- quiry.. By analogy, the hunting of the deer or fox will be easily imderstood ; for, though the scent of these is generally higher, more obvious to the noses of the dogs, and in greater plenty whilst the particles last; yet, for that very reason (floating in air) they are sooner dissi- pated, and require a more vigorous, though less subtle, huntsman, as well as swifter beagles." HUNTING DIRECTORY. 251 Somcrvile's Notion ot Scent. Somervile expresses his opinion on scent in the fol- lowing beautiful hnes : — " The blood that from the heart incessant rolls In many a crimson tide, then here and there In smaller rills disparted, as it flows Propell'd, the serous particles evade Through th' open pores, and with the ambient air Entangling mis. As fuming vapours rise, And hang upon the gently purling brook. There by th' incumbent atmosphere compress'd. The panting chase grows warmer as he flies. And through the net-work of the skin perspires, Leaves a long steaming trail behind, which by The cooler air condens'd, remains, unless By some rude storm dispers'd, or rarified By the meridian sun's intenser heat. To every shrub the warm effluvia cling, Hang on the grass, impregnate earth and skies. AVith nostrils opening wide, o'er hill, o'er dale, The vigorous hounds pursue ; with every breath Inhale the grateful steam : quick pleasures sting Their tingling nerves, while they their thanks repay, And in triumphant melody confess The titillating joy. Thus on the air Depend the hunter's hope. When ruddy streaks At eve forebode a blustering stormy day, Or lowering clouds blacken the mountain's brow, When nipping fronts, and the keen biting blasts Of the dry parching east, menace the trees With tender blossoms teeming, kindly spare Thy sleeping pack." Beckford says, " I cannot agree with Mr. Somervile, in thinking scent depends on the ah' only. It depends also on the soil. Without doubt, the best scent is that which is occasioned by the efHuvia, as he calls it, or par- 252 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Beckford's Opinion tides of scent, which are constantly perspiring from the game as it runs, and are strongest and most favourable to the hound when kept, by the gravity of the air, to the height of his breast ; for then it neither is above his reach, nor is it necessary he should stoop for it. At such times, scent is said to lie breast-high. Experience tells us, that difference of soil occasions difference of scent ; and on the richness of soil and the moderate moisture of it, does scent also depend, I think, as well as on the air. At the time leaves begin to fall, and before they are rotted, we know that the scent lies ill in cover. This alone would be a sufficient proof that scent does not depend on the air only. A difference of scent is also occasioned by difference of motion : the faster the game goes, the less scent it leaves. When game has been ridden after, and hurried on by imprudent sportsmen, or has been coursed by sheep dogs, the scent is less favourable to hounds ; one reason of which may be, that the particles of scent are then more dissipated. " I believe it is very difficult to ascertain what scent exactly is : I have known it alter very often in the same day. I believe, however, it depends chiefly on two things, — "the condition the ground is in, and the tem- perature of the air," both of which, I apprehend, should be moist, without being wet. When both are in this condition, the scent is then perfect; and vice versa, when the ground is hard, and the air dry, there seldom will be any scent. It scarce ever lies with a north or an east wind : a southerly wind without rain, and a westerly wind that is not too rough, are the most favourable. Storms in the air are great enemies to scent, and seldom HUNTING DIRECTORY. 253 fail to take it entirely away. A fine sunshiny day is not often a good hunting day ; hut what the French ca\\ jour des dames, warm without sun, is generally a perfect one : there are not many such in a whole season. In some fogs I have known the scent lie high ; in others, not at all ; depending, I believe, on the quarter the wind is then in. I have known it lie very high in a mist, when not too wet ; but if the wet hangs much on the boughs and bushes, it falls on the scent and deadens it. When the dogs roll, the scent, I have frequently observed, seldom lies, for what reason I know not ; but, with per- mission, if they smell strong when they first come out of the kennel, the proverb is in their favour ; and that smell is a prognostic of good luck. When the cobwebs hang to the bushes, there is seldom much scent. During a white frost the scent lies high ; as it also does when the frost is quite gone : there is a time, just as it is going off, when it never lies : it is a critical minute for hounds, in which their game is frequently lost. In a great dew the scent is the same. In heathy countries, where the game brushes as it goes along, scent seldom fails. Where the ground carries, the scent is bad, for a very evident reason, which hare-hunters, who pursue their game over greasy fallows and through dirty roads, have great cause to complain of. A Avet night frequently produces good chases, as then the game never like to run the covers or the roads. It has often been remarked, that scent lies best in the richest soils ; and countries which are favour- able to horses are seldom so to hounds. I have also ob- served, that in some particular places scent never lies." Q b 254 HUNTING DIRECTORY. At first view, Somervile and Beckford would appear at variance on the subject of scent; but, in fact, they are both correct. Scent is entirely under the influence of the atmosphere ; yet it is equally true that it varies, ac- cording to the nature of the land, in the manner pointed out by Beckford. On Friday, February 3rd, 182G, I met the Cheshire hounds at Ravensmoor, near Nantwich, and a fox was found in a neighbouring cover, called Radnor Gorse. The hounds went away with uncommon speed ; and sly renard having gone oft* in a line for Ravensmoor, turned to the left to Beechhouse. The fox took the direction of Bar Bridge, j^assing over a fine grass country, where the scent was very good, and the hounds continued the pursuit with so much speed, that none but good workmen were able to keep in sight of them. I never recollect seeing hounds carry a better head or go faster. The fox ultimately turned to the left towards the village of Bunbury, where the land was higher and sandy, and where the scent immediately died away. Yet, I am inclined to think that this circumstance was owing as well to atmospheric influence as to the alteration in the soil, as rain came on immediately after- wards. On rich pasture land, the scent will be much better than on poor pasture land— for the following reason :— the herbage on the former being more luxuri- iint, more plentiful, and possessing a more adhesive quahty, the floating particles of scent arc thus more numerously and longer detained, and consequently afford a superior scent to the hounds. Nevertheless, the degree of scent is, beyond all question, regulated entirely by the atmosphere :— when the latter if favourable (as HUNTING DIRECTORY. ^55 Influence of the Wind on Scent. with a soft southern wind, for instance) the hounds will run breast high over good land, and on such occasions the scent will be found much superior even on the worst land. When the scent is most propitious to the sports- man's hopes, it would seem to float for a considerable time at that precise elevation as to enable the hound to run with his utmost speed, (as Beckford has noticed) : the particles of scent not only adhere to the herbage and other obstacles with which they come in contact on the immediate line of the chase, but float and fill up a con- siderable space, as is clearly proved by many of the hounds very frequently running breast high at an evident distance to the windward of the line of the chase. On the contrary, when the scent is bad (as with a cold, harsh, easterly wind) it can be made out (if at all) only by thorough line-hunting hounds ; while those dogs, which, under other circumstances, ran so brilliantly, are not able to recognise it. Experience convinces every sportsman that, over fallows or beaten roads, scent never lies well : the reason is evident : — there is no herbage or other attractive objects to detain the floating particles, and the consequence is, that if the hounds do not follow on over such places immediately after the chase has passed, they are not able to hunt — the scent has been dissipated. Scent will continue, precisely according to the air or atmosphere, for a longer or a shorter period. Whenever the chase brushes against a number of ob- stacles, as when running amongst heath, for instance, the scent cannot be otherwise than excellent; (unless the atmosphere be vei'y unfavourable indeed ;) nor can a fox stand up long before the hounds under such cir- cumstances : renard seems conscious of the advantage ^56 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Erroneous Notions respecting the Scent of diSferent Animals. of his enemies in such case, as he will avoid the heath as much as possible, and perseveringly continue his course along the roads or any beaten track he can meet with. That the scent of the fox does not continue so long as that of the hare, is a mistaken notion ; and has arisen most likely from harriers being generally more tender nosed than fox hounds, and are thence enabled to speak to the scent after a considerable lapse of time — in pro- portion of course to the quality of the olfactory organs. Also, it may be further remarked, that, while it has been the custom amongst sportsmen to consider the scent of the fox stronger, but more evanescent, than that of the hare, it has, at the same time, been the general opinion, that the scent of the stag was the strongest of the three, and the most agreeable to hounds. I have no hesitation in supposing that the scent issuing from so large an animal as the stag must be much greater in volume (if I may be allowed the expression) than the odorous exhalations from the two much smaller animals already noticed ; yet, I think it will appear, when the matter is duly investigated, that the general notions respecting scent have been inconsiderately adopted, and have arisen as much, or perhaps more, from the olfactory organs of the hound as from the difference in the scent of the animals which constitute the objects of chase. At all events, I feel a perfect conviction (which indeed I have already expressed) that the scent of the fox is not more evanescent than that of the hare, if so much, and that hounds which could recognise the scent of a hare after the lapse of a considerable period, would also speak to that of the fox in the same manner, or perhaps more easily. CHAPTER XL Wolf Hunting in France, iiit/i a Description of the Hounds and Equipage for that Purpose. — A Wolf Chase. It is generally admitted that the English are the best sportsmen in the world ; yet it cannot be denied that the foundation of their present superior knowledge of the chase was imported from the Continent. The Saxons taught the Britons to pursue the chase on scientific principles ; the Normans afterwards introduced a much improved system ; which has been gradually advanced in this country till it has reached its present comparative perfection. However, in order to enable the reader to form an opinion of the manner in which the chase is at present pursued by our Continental neighbours, I shall here introduce a few pages from the late Colonel Thorn- ton's Sporting Tour through France. " Before we proceed on this subject, it may, perhaps, be necessary to observe, that the hunting of the wolf being entirely confined to the countries of the continent, and particularly to France, many of the technical terms employed in this interesting sport are of such a nature, that it is impossible to render them into the English language. The original expressions have, therefore, in some cases, been retained in the following pages. Terms emplo?/ed in Hunting the Wolf. — Wolves arc divided, according to their age, into cub wolves, old 258 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Terms employed in Wolf Hunting. wolves, and Avolves ; their age may be discovered by their feet, and their footsteps are called the track of the wolf. When the wolf goes a gentle pace without hurrying himself, he is said to go with confidence. When he goes in quest of food, it is said, he is seeking food, he is going to feed on carrion, he seized the car- rion, he glutted himself with carrion. In the season of copulation, wolves are said to be at heat. Some sportsmen have employed the term rut; but that can only be applied to the stag, the deer, and the wild boar. When the wolf has covered the female, it is said, the wolf has coupled, the wolf has covered or lined the she wolf. When they have produced whelps, they are called a litter of young wolves. It commonly consists of five, six and seven ; and never of less than three. We say, the head, the teeth, the skin of the wolf. The nipples of a she wolf are called teats. The places where they have scratched up the earth are called dechmissures, and we say the wolf has torn up such a place. The place where he lies is called his kennel. We say the footsteps of a wolf; some have called them the track. When we see the wolf of which we are in chase, we cry — Velelau, Velclau, liarluu chicns, harlou, veleci aller, i^eleci aller. We say the howling of wolves : to howl for wolves is to entice them to you, that you may shoot them in the niafht. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 259 Manner of distinguishing a Male from a Female Wolf, &a To place greyhounds in stations is to post them in a situation between two thickets, when you expect the wolf to leave one of them and to go into the other. . Manner of clistingidshing a He Wolf from a She Wolf by the Feet. — The he wolf has a larger and thicker foot than the she wolf. When the wolf is young, his foot expands as he walks ; when he grows old, his foot is narrower, both before and behind ; his claws are thick, long, and close ; his heel thick and broad, and the fore- part of the foot thicker than the hmder part. When the wolf goes with assurance ; that is, when he walks his ordinary pace, he commonly puts the hind foot into the step or track of the fore foot. It is easy to perceive this in wet weather, or in snow ; but when he goes at a trot, the hind foot keeps at the distance of three fingers from the fore foot. The she wolf has a longer and nar- rower foot than the male ; her heel is smaller and closer, and her claws are not so strong. By taking notice of these differences, the sportsman may know whether he is in the track of a he or a she wolf. The Time in ivhich Wolves are in Heat. — It is com- monly in winter that these animals are in heat ; but some she wolves are not in heat so early as others. The old ones are more early, and the young ones later. In general, they are not in heat for the first time till they are nearly two years old, or between twenty-one and twenty-two months ; because, as the mothers are in heat again the same year they litter, the young ones being- then only nine or ten months old, have not attained a sufficient growth to be in heat ; so that they are not in that state till the second heat which comes upon the 260 HUNTING DIRECTORY. The Littering of Wolves. mother after their birth. The she wolf produces her first fitter about the conchision of her second year : it is always in the most inclement season of the year that these beasts are in heat — the old ones till nearly the month of February, and the young ones till towards the end of that month. The she wolves are extremely coy before they yield to the advances of the males ; and if several of the latter happen to meet when they have found a female, they fight for her with the utmost ob- stinacy, and the strongest wins the prize. The jealousy of these animals is extreme ; and is carried to such a height, that, if by accident a he wolf, after lining a female, is met alone with her by several males, they will attack and tear him in pieces. The Time when She Wolves Litter. — When the she wolf is big, she commonly goes three months and a half, or more — that is, upwards of a hundred days. They litter earlier or later, according to the time they were in heat. Their most numerous litters consist of six or seven ; but never of less than three ; and there are always more males than females. When the she wolf is about to litter, she seeks some large ditch in an unfre- quented place, or some hole at a distance from any road, into which she retires. She even seeks to avoid the presence of the male ; because, if he were present when she brings forth her young, he would not fail to devour them. If, however, the female happens soon afterwards to die, the male, appearing to be actuated by paternal affection, feeds the yoimg cubs, defends them against every enemy, and when they have acquired a little strength, he conducts them into large corn fields^ and HUNTING DIRECTORY. 261 The Places where Wolves Litter. Other situations not far from the forest or thickets. He there places them in security, while he prowls in quest of food. He carries to them all he can catch, such as sheep or other animals ; but he first devours them himself, and on his return to his cubs, he disgorges the half-digested food, Mhich is swallowed by the cubs. When his prey consists only of puppies, or fowls, he carries it off alive : at first he gives these animals to his cubs to play with, and then instructs them how to kill them. When he and she wolves have young ones, they are extremely alert in avoiding the snares that may be laid for them ; and when they hear the report of a gun, or the cry of dogs, they decamp as speedily as possible, and carry away with them all their family. Manner of discovering the Places where the She Wolves have Littered. — In the month of August, or September, the cubs having acquired a little strength, begin to walk about, and to sport among the thickets. They never remove far from the woods, because there is then no corn in the plains. In looking for them, you should go into the thickest part of the woods, and the closest thickets ; and, in particular, take notice of all the places near which there are marshes. The females usually seek those situations, as well for the convenience of retreat, as to allay the burning thirst caused by the season, and the food on which they subsist. It is com- monly in the morning and evening that the young wolves go to the marshes. You may take young dogs to the spot, but you ought to have one in particular that is well trained to that kind of search : in beating the wood, he will not fail to discover the wolf; he will even pursue 262 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of Training Dogs to Hunt the Wolf, him, rouse him, and follow him to his haunt : M'hen there, you should caress and encourage him, to induce him afterwards to go and pursue him alone. The move- ments of the old dog will animate the younger ; you should, therefore, sometimes send him forward to excite the others, and afterwards you may call him behind, to see whether the young dogs are capable to go by them- selves. They should be caressed a good deal the first time they manifest timidity. You should go before them, to teach them to pursue by themselves ; and as the young wolves will not easily quit their situations, you must make the dogs return to the charge, and follow the scent ; and then, after having encouraged them, call them off. To train young dogs to hunt the wolf, the sportsman must proceed in the following manner : — He should take them to the wood every two days, towards the places which he supposes to be frequented by the wolves. He cannot fail to discover them, because the he or she wolf always goes in the morning to the cubs, and then retires into other thickets to deceive the hunters : it is then that you have an excellent opportunity of employing blood hounds to advantage. The thickets chosen by the wolves for their retreat are easily known : near them are always some fragments of their prey, by which they are betrayed, as bones of horses, skeletons of dogs and other animals. It is, besides, easy to remark whether the grass about the spot is trodden, which is a sign that the young wolves have come thither to lie down. Eqidpage for Hunting the Wolf. — Having described the M'olf, and the manner of discovering him in a general HUNTING DIRECTORY. 263 and the Kind best adapted for the Purpose. way, it is necessary to enter into the details of the chase ; but it may not be amiss previously to say something of the proper equipage for that purpose. In this respect it is not necessary to go to any great expence, as twenty-five or thirty hounds are sufficient. They ought to be of a good size, to have a grey coat, and to be marked with red about the eyes and on the cheeks : by these marks you may discover their greater or less degree of eagerness in the chase. You ought, likewise, to have six or eight leashes of large, choice greyhounds, and some good whelps. They encourage each other, and attack the wolf with the greater vigour. A good whipper-in is also highly necessary ; two attend- ants for the blood hounds, two for the hounds, and one to slip the greyhounds. Your blood hounds for hunting the wolf cannot be too good ; they ought to be bold, lively, and full of ardour. When they possess all these qualities, you derive from them a two-fold advantage ; for, besides that which you enjoy in the chase, they hkewise serve to train other dogs. A good sportsman ought to be prudent as to the service he requires of his dogs, and he should be very careful of them, for the chase of the wolf is more fatiouinf to the blood hounds than any other kind, the wolf being naturally crafty and mistrustfuL From the moment that he perceives they are after him, he is constantly going ; and when he finds himself pursued, he changes his abode, and leads his pursuers a very fatiguing chase. It is, therefore, advisable to spare the blood hounds, and to make them serve alternately. A day of rest gives them fresh ardour, and enables the sportsmen to liunt with more satisfaction. 264 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of Trying for the Wolf. The Search for the Wolf. — The wolf is tried for in various ways, according to the difference of the seasons. If it be in winter, you should go to the wood some time before sunrise, because that is about the time when the wolves repair to it. In summer there is no occasion to go so early, because those animals frequently stay among the corn, and do not return to the wood till the day is advanced ; therefore, without being in too great a hurry, it will be sufficient to beat twice along the skirts of the thicket towards the corn ; and, if you meet with nothing, it will be advisable, on your return, to beat the contrary side. There is a considerable difference between trying for the stag and the wolf. The former remains a long time in the thickets ; sometimes he does not even leave them to pass the night in the open fields : but the conduct of the wolf is exactly the reverse. Hunger, it is said, drives him out of the wood ; and as he subsists entirely by carnage, he frequently approaches farms, villages, and even towns, and seizes whatever falls in his way. If, by accident, he remains a considerable time in a thicket without quitting it, even during the night, it is only when he has taken a deer, or some other animal that he is occupied in devouring. When the assistant huntsman shall have arrived with his limier, or blood hound, at the place containing the object of search, he must loosen the leash, and make his dog advance before him more than half the length of it, continually caressing him and saying — Va outre Ribaut hau mon valet, hau lo lo lo lo, iieleci, veleci alle mon petit. It is well frequently to repeat these w^ords, because HUNTING DIRECTORY. ^65 Hounds not eager in the Pursuit of the Wolf. nothing more encourages and animates the dog in the pursuit. You must take good care that the blood hound may not take the scent of some wolf that has entered the forest by some ravine or great road ; and when you perceive that the dog is about to acknowledge the scent, and that he puts his nose either to the branches or the tufts of grass, you must encourage him; for dogs are naturally not very eager after the wolf; and I have re- marked, that they are not very eager in quest of him. Besides, the scent of the wolf does not continue more than two or three hours ; and to be enabled to unkennel him, he should not have passed more than two hours ; otherwise the blood hounds will scarcely be able to hunt up to him, especially if it be on a beaten dry road. For he leaves more scent behind him when he runs upon the grass or among the bushes, because he touches whatever he meets, as well with his body as his feet, and when the scent is protected from the wind or sun ; and this cir- cumstance assists the blood hounds in the pursuit. When the huntsman perceives that his dog has got upon the scent of a wolf, he should encourage him in these terms : — Wliat! is he there boy? — haii Vamy apres veleci y d'lt vrai, and he should frequently repeat them in order to encourage the dog, which he must continue to follow, either by the side of the way or hi the faux fuyant. Too much attention cannot be used on this occasion, because there is always reason to apprehend, lest the scent should grow too weak, and lest the blood hound should relinquish it at the first cross-way to which the wolf may have betaken himself. It is to be observed, that when the wolf passes a cross-way, he always stops R 2G6 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Habits of the Wolf, and there for some time, either to clung or to make water against some bush of broom or furze, or a tuft of grass. He then immediately scratches up a spot on the surface of the ground four feet in extent, tearing up the turf backwards with his claws. He then continues his course, and sometimes conceals himself at a considerable dis- tance ; sometimes he likewise endeavours to give his pursuers the slip, and instead of following the road takes another, and turns toward the thickest part of the wood, with a view to enter it. For this purpose he takes the first double he comes to, or some favourable passage, which hapi^ens principally when the earth is moist. It is at such times that the sportsman should be careful to train the hound to the scent, at about half the length of the line, and to encourage his blood hound more and more. If it be still early in the day, he may follow the drag with little noise, and withdraw secretly to proceed before. He should observe, that during this time, the hound may surprize the wolf either by some JauxfuT/anf, or by some glade, by which he may have penetrated into the recesses of the wood ; for wolves have different paces according as they are more or less hungry. When driven by hunger, they are almost incessantly on the foot, and proceed forward till they have found something to eat : but when they have glutted themselves, they fre- quently retire into the first thicket they come to, provided they find favourable places for their kennel ; as hollies, fern, and other shrubs. If the sportsman be at the forest on a hunting day, he will content himself with ascertaining whether the wolf has entered the thicket. He will endeavour to dis- HUNTING DIRECTORY. £67 Method of training a young Blood Hound to hunt him. cover the little avenue oi' glade by which he may have entered : he will caress his blood hound, and afterwards break the branches at the entrance of the thicket. After he has convinced himself that he has discovered the track of the wolf, he will return to the company to make his report ; but if he had no other intention than to exercise his dog, or if it is a considerable time since he dislodged the wolf, he may, as soon as he has reconnoi- tred, return to the inclosure of broken boughs to dis- cover the traces, then push on and dislodge the wolf, and follow the drag to the haunt, caressing his blood hound and continually using the above-mentioned terms. If the blood hound be young, his ardour will abate on approaching the haunt, because the scent of the wolf naturally inspires dogs with terror, and there are very few which dare venture to follow him by themselves. It is, therefore, necessary to speak to him a good deal, in order to animate and embolden him to pursue ; and he should be much caressed on the track. With regard to the haunt, I shall observe here, that wolves frequently change them, according to the diiierence of the season ; for instance, in summer they choose an open place among the grass, on which the sun shines a little ; but in winter they repair to the recesses of the woods or thickets, among heath or fern. They seldom fix their abode beneath very high trees, excepting they find there very thick bushes, or abundance of fern or rushes. In what Manner it may he discovered that the Blood Hound has got Scent of a Wolf. — It is very difficult to get sight of a wolf, on account of his great swiftness : he even scarcely leaves behind him any traces, excepting 11 2 268 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Mode of ascertaining whether the Dog is on the right Scent. in winter, in a white frost ; or in summer, when there is much dust. In all other circumstances you may be said to proceed with no great certainty ; and if a person has not had long experience in the chase, he frequently takes many a step in vain. There are, however, certain signs, by means of which you may discover the object of the blood hound's movements, and consequently distinguish whether it is a wolf or some other animal of which the dog has got the scent. If it be a wolf, he will not fail to go and smell at the branches and grass the wolf has touched, and will immediately proceed in pursuit of him. If the wolf makes a good impression on the ground, and the dog has any scent, you will see him pursue briskly, provided you take care to encourage him, from time to time, on the drag. But if the wolf passed very early, and you are not on the spot in good time, the blood hound will lose the scent, particularly if the wolf pro- ceeds in a right line, and is gone to a considerable distance ; for a dog must have an excellent nose to dis- cover a wolf that has passed longer than two hours and a half, or three hours ; and he is liable to change if there be any deer in the thicket, or if he have not been exclusively trahied to wolf hunting. When the sports- man perceives, by the manner of the dog, that it is the track of a wolf which he has discovered, he must en- deavour to find out whether the animal is alone or in company. They generally go in pairs : it is only in seasonable weather that he can discover their number and quality, by examining their footsteps with attention, conformably to what I have already said on that subject, in treating of the difference between the foot of the he and she wolf. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 269 Manner of placing Relays of Dogs. Manner of making a Report of the Discovery of a Wolf — It appears that it is not very easy to distinguish the track of wolves from every other animal : a sports- man should possess much experience, and be capable of just observation, to be able to make an accurate report. A report is commonly made in the following manner : I believe I have discovered the track of one or two wolves, or of a he and a she wolf, or of several, according to the indications one has oljserved; they came from such a thicket, or they went in quest of food towards such a village ; they killed so many deer, which I found in following them ; and they afterwards repaired to such a thicket. I continued the search ; and as I imagine that their direct road lies from such a thicket, in which I have reason to suppose they are, to such other thicket, there is a fine opportunity for driving them into the open country, and an advantageous situation for placing grey- hounds. Manner of placing Greijlionnds, — The greyhounds for the wolf are divided into three classes — the levriers iVestric, levriers compagnons, likewise called the flank greyhounds, and levriers de teste. There ought, in general, to be two leashes of each kind, each leash being composed of two or three greyhounds. The levriers d'estric are first placed by the side of a thicket, near the spot at which you imagine the wolf will break. These two leashes should be about five or six hundred paces distant from each other, more or less, according to the situation of the place. Each leash should be supported by a horseman, who should take care to conceal himself, with the dogs, on the skirts of the wood down Mind, to r3 270 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Method of killing the Wolf. push the wolf when the dogs are let loose, and to make him take to the open country. At five or six hundred paces from the former, and about half way between the two thickets, must be posted the flank greyhomads : the two relays of these are placed opposite to each other, for the wolf to pass between them. Attention nmst be paid to keep these still more concealed than the former, lest the wolf should perceive them ; and the valets must attend, to loose them as soon as the wolf is ready to pass. The levriers de teste shovdd be placed near the thicket which the wolf is expected to make for ; and, when he is observed to approach, pursued by the other dogs, the levriers de teste should then be brought forward, and let loose upon the wolf. The latter being stronger, and more furious than the others, soon bring the wolf to bay : the valets should then halloo up the blood hovmds, and hasten to the wolf as speedily as possible. As soon as the dogs hold him to bay, the valets must take care to provide themselves with short thick sticks, to thrust down the wolf's throat the moment they are within reach ; because that animal never quitting any thing that he once seizes upon, the stick which is presented to him protects the dogs from the wounds he might otherwise inflict. The huntsmen must then employ their hunting- knives, observing the precaution, when they approach to stab the Avolf, to have one hand always at the point of the knife, lest they should hurt the dogs ; as I have fre- quently seen dogs, in the hurry, maimed, in consequence of the neglect of it. When a favourable moment for stab- bing (or houghing) the wolf presents itself, the knife must be thrust through his body, near the shoulder. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 271 Of finding and hunting the Wolf. Manner of Hunting the Wolf ivltk Hounds. — To succeed in this mode of hunting, the greyhounds must, above all things, be placed in the manner as before de- scribed. You must then post on the side of the thicket at which you wish to prevent the wolves from issuing, ten or a dozen men, each provided with a rattle, to be employed on the occasion. Care must be taken to station them at the distance of sixty paces from each other, more or less, according to the extent of the thicket. When every thing is ready, the leader gives the order ; and the dogs are immediately taken to the brisecs to be let loose. The whipper-in holds the dogs to the brisees in the thicket, to make them take the scent ; and then conducts them along the track, towards the spot where he supposes the wolves reside, continually encouraging them by the cries of hala ila la tayau veleci aller. He blows his horn from time to time, to animate them in the pursuit. The noise of the dogs will perhaps make the wolf quit his kennel long before they come up ; but sometimes he waits till they are close to him before he breaks. If the huntsman perceives him, he must then call to his dogs in these terms — Velelau, velelaii, Jiarlou, harlou, veleci aller. He will then sound his horn, to make them follow the traces, and then cry — Harlou chiens, harlou veleci aller. When the dogs have taken to the traces, they will not fail to rouse the wolf, and pursue him with eagerness : the huntsman will then sound his horn, to animate them still more. The wolf thus pursued will, perhaps, hang cover before he breaks it, that he may obtain the advantage of the wind in his flight ; but the men stationed to keep ^'72 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Method of inducing Ihe Wolf to break Cover. him in will make use of their rattles, the sound of which will head him, and make him go off without having the advantage of the wind. While the wolf is thus in sus- pense concerning the way he shall take, he is briskly pushed by the dogs, supported by the huntsman, who will incessantly keep crying — Ha yfidt la chiens, yfuit la ha ha. He will then .sound two blasts, and again begin hallooing — Hou veleci aller, veleei aller. At length the wolf finding himself pressed by the dogs, the cries of the hunters, and the noise of those stationed to keep him in, resolves to escape by the place where he hears no noise, which is precisely the part next to the open country. He stops a moment at the skirts of the wood, to observe whether he can see any person, and he imme- diately sets off to cross the plain. He is suffered to advance about one hundred paces, when the levriers d'estric, and afterwards the others, are let loose upon him, on the plan already mentioned. Two horsemen, at the same time, ride after him, to oblige him to con- tinue his course, as it is of great consequence that he should be kept in it : but for this he would escape, as the attempt to run down a wolf is scarcely ever made. To command success in the latter case, you ought to be perfectly sure of your relays — that the dogs were trained exclusively to the chase of the wolf — that there were neither deer nor boars in the forest. This kind of chase would, besides, be long and fatiguing, because the wolf is rarely blown : he runs a long time, never ahead, almost constantly viewing him for six or seven hours together. The greyhounds placed in ambush greatly abridge this chase, and likewise render it more amusing and certain to the spectators. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 273 Forms observed at the Death of the Wolf. As soon as a wolf is taken, he should be given up to the hounds which come up almost immediately ; because, otherwise, the greyhounds would attack the hounds. It is therefore advisable that they should be taken off im- mediately and coupled, to return and go in quest of another, for it is easy to take several wolves ui one day. When this is intended to be done, each should resume his former position : as for those who are stationed to prevent the animal's escape, they must not, on any account, quit their post, till they receive orders to that effect. When the wolf is expiring his death is announced by three loud blasts of the horn. The huntsmen alight, and caress the dogs, to excite them to worry him. It is the duty of the whipper-in to cut off the animal's right foot, which he presents to the commander of the com- pany. Manner of Chasing the She Wolf and the Young Cubs. — Nearly the same things are observed in the chase of the female as of the male — the same method of pur- suit, and the same cries are employed ; but the young wolves are chased with less precaution, and are attacked even in their caverns by the dogs. As soon as the dogs have discovered them they are seized with fear, and run from one side to the other, without ever quitting the thicket. The whipper-in must follow and encourage the dogs by three notes of his horn, and must speak briskly to them in these terms — Harlou, harlouy hou velcci: this gives the dogs fresh spirits, courage, and strength, and they rush upon the young wolves with renewed ardour. When they have overtaken them, the hunts- £74 HUNTING DIRECTORY. The Blooding of man despatches them with his hunting knife, always observing the precaution mentioned above, lest the dogs should sustain any injury. If there are in the pack any young dogs which have not before been in the chase, they might be made to begin with chasing the young wolves, in company with old steady hound dogs : they would soon learn, and be able to hunt. In their beginnings they ought to be ani- mated and encouraged by frequent caresses with the hand ; and when the young wolves are taken, they should be made to approach, and to ruffle on them, and pull them. When the chase is over, a retreat is sounded, all the dogs are collected, and the wolves that have been taken are carried away. The Blooding of the Wolf.— The blooding of the wolf differs very much from that of stag, deer, and other beasts, which are given to the dogs on the spot. The scent of the wolf is extremely strong, and the dogs would not taste the flesh if care were not taken to dis- guise it. I have frequently remarked, that dogs which manifested abundance of ardour in pursuit, durst not venture to approach the animal to trample on him when killed. Nothing but great precaution, and repeated caresses, can overcome their aversion to the flesh of the wolf. The following is the manner in which it is pre- pared : — The wolf must first be skinned, and the entrails taken out ; the head is then cut off, but the skin and ears are left upon it ; the quarters are then cut ofl', and are baked with the body in a very hot oven. While the whole is HUNTING DIRECTORY. 275 Hounds to Wolf. rousting, small pieces of bread are put into one or more tubs, into which are thrown the quarters of the wolf, cut into pieces, as soon as they come out of the oven. Upon this is then poured a large pot full of boiling water, into which, while heating, have been put three or four pounds of grease ; and the whole is well stirred and mixed. When the whole is soaked, empty it out of the tubs upon a piece of sacking made for the purpose, and stir it again, that the mixture, which is still warm, may be in a state fit to be eaten by the dogs. When every thing is ready for the blooding of the pack, the whij)per- in receives the switches from the hands of the first valet. He presents two to the commander of the company, who gives one to the master to whom he belongs. The switches being distributed, the kennel is opened, and the huntsmen sound the tune customary on other occa- sions of this kind. At the same time, the skin and head of the wolf are held before the dogs, that they may be- come accustomed to that animal. After eating the mash, the roasted body of the wolf, to which the head has been affixed, is presented to them, at the distance of thirty paces. The best way of making them eat it, is to shew it them at the point of a fork, and to animate them with words, and the sound of the horn, and they will not fail to fall upon it with eagerness. The foregoing is the French manner of preparing the animal for winter — the method employed in summer is somewhat different : — The quarters are roasted and cut in pieces, as before ; but, instead of water boiled with grease, two or three pails full of milk, into which have been put a quantity of very small pieces of bread, or rye 276 HUNTING DIRECTORY. French Hounds inferior to the Enghsh Hounds. flour, are poured over them : the whole is mixed toge- ther, and this mess is given the dogs in the same manner as the other. They eat it wilhngly, and it is extremely refreshing for them. The body is afterwards given them in the manner before described. Thus much for the French mode of treatment : their hounds will not bear any comparison with those of the English breed. The former are deficient in animation, and possess a very small share of mettle ; while, on the contrary, such is the blood of the well-bred English hound, that he would instantly break up any wolf on seizing it." The introduction of the fowling-piece in wolf hunting does not, however, well harmonize with the ideas of an English sportsman; though it is very freely used in France, as will appear from the following description of a run with a wolf: — Colonel Thornton, after observing that they threw off at four o'clock, (whether morning or evening is not stated) thus proceeds : — *' We soon roused a wolf, of which we had a view for five or six miles ; however, there was no probability of killing but by shooting him, and this was not easily done, as the cover was extremely thick in underwood and heath, the avenues having been entirely neglected since the revolution. I heard several shots in different parts, and some of them so near together, that I did not suppose them to be at the same animal : however, the cry returned, and I faintly saw something rush near me. The, hunters then came up, and informed me that they had shot at a wolf; and one of the party said, in an exulting tone, he was confident that he had mortally wounded him. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 277 Description of a Wolf Chase. I had twenty-one balls in my seven-barrelled gun, and trusted, if I could get a shot the least clear of cover, I should wound the game. We then took our respective stations in the allees, all agreeing (as is necessary) to shoot forwards. In about half an hour I heard the cry no more, and therefore dashed on at a good rate for two miles, when I heard the hounds but very faintly. Having placed myself in what I thought a likely pass, I heard a rustling, and soon discovered an animal listening, about sixty yards distant. Agitated as I was at this moment, I could not decide whether I should fire. I was certain of hitting with some of the balls ; but, as the cry con- tinued to advance, I resolved to wait, and in a little time mij gentleman passed the avenue: he seemed jaded, and was evidently hit in the hinder part. I then fired ; but whether successfully or not I could not tell. Running up to the boughs where he had appeared, I found them cut ; and, on carefully examining the range of the balls, I conceived that I had certainly wovmded him — in con- sequence of which, I remounted my horse, and tallyhoed so as to make the forest ring. In about ten minutes a couple and a half of my hounds appeared, nearly toge- ther. Caustic and Consul, grand-son and grand-daughter of Merkin, of true Conqueror blood, seemed the most vermin. They flew counter down the avenue, but I hallooed them back ; and, at this instant, three couple and a half out of my four came in, and were immediately followed by Vixen, who appeared full as vicious. I caped them, and they went off' at a rattling pace after the wolf; but still they were almost mute. Having galloped on to the next avenue, I was joined by some straggling gentlemen, and at length by the 278 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Description of huntsman, whom I informed of what had transphed. He was in rapture with my hounds, and exclaimed — " Par Dieu, Monsieur le Colonel, ce sont des veritahles cMens, Us sont superbes. lis hieront non pas seulement tons le loups mats aussi le Diable" If I hallooed like a madman, he certainly was not behind me in blowing ; for I really thought he would have hurst either himself or his Jiorn. The rest of the sportsmen, being furnished with horns, blew in confidence ; and the noise they made has never since been out of my ears ! Another shot proclaimed that the game was again seen, when he turned shorter, and the hounds got nearer; and, on my representing to the gentlemen that our hounds would soon outrate him, they politely agreed to fire no more. The wolf was now frequently seen, and at every time the horns gave notice. He crossed an avenue tolerably clear, when Vixen, who had joined us, saw him; and, although just before jaded, the little devil got the scent and gave tongue. When she seemed to be near, and teazing him, my hounds came up within two hundred yards of his Jack, all in a sheet ; and even some of the French hounds, which had given up the chase, now came in: one of them, between a Newfoundland dog and a deep-mouthed Norman hound, worked very hard. The huntsman said — " Monsieur le Colonel, ce chien Norman est un gaillard, il aime les loup)s. II sera hientot mort." But, I replied, "I fear he will wound my hounds severely, there are so few : if, indeed, the pack were here, I should not fear him." " N'atjez pas peur, Mons. le Colonel," rejoined the huntsman, "je serai proche etje lui flan^rcrai un coup de man carabine.'' HUNTING DIRECTORY 279 a Wolf Chase. At this moment the wolf turned to us, when the ter- rier, having a decided advantage from the thickness of the cover, continued catching at his haunches. I hal- looed, the huntsman blew away, and the game was now at the point of death, surrounded by his enemies. His tongue hung out, and he was evidently wounded in more places than one, as he could scarcely draw his near hind leg after him. After he had been tormented for some time by Vixen, he came to a sort of opening in the ride ; l)ut, in crossing some deep ruts, he fell in, and could not recover himself. The Norman hound and three others rushed in, and threw him on his back. He snatched, but they seized him by the throat and back, whilst Vixen had good hold of his haunch. I thrust the end of my whip in his mouth, and the huntsman coolly tied his nose, and drew his cotiteau de cJiasse, which I told him was unnecessary — the hounds being at him, he must soon expire. Having blown our horns, and hallooed till we were almost dead with drought, we tied our horses to some trees, and sat down whilst the wolf was dying. The huntsman said it was a " gros loiip de quartier annee :" and I observed he had a famous set of grinders and good dog teeth. He had received, from the first fire of M. de Beaumont, a small pistol ball through the upper part of his back, and one buck shot had grazed his neck. My balls, being rifled very neatly, were easily known : two of them had entered the fleshy part of the thigh, and a third, which crossed the kidneys, seemed to have given the mortal wound — as without that, the huntsman said, he would have stood much longer. His l)rush had oSO HUNTING DIRECTORY. Dogs wounticd by the Wolf. suffered from some balls, which almost every gentleman present asserted to have been his own. Having opened our canteens and taken some refresh- ment, I ordered the carcase of the wolf to be thrown to the hounds ; and the greater part of it was soon de- voured ; but the French hounds would not touch it. On examining the dogs, we found that one of Consul's ears was almost bit off; Caustic was sadly cut on the side of her face ; and the rest a little injured. Vixen had escaped with only a bloody nose : that was, indeed, a severe wound for a terrier ; but she did not seem to mind it ; and indeed they all suffered much less than I expected. Thus terminated, about ten o'clock, what I had been so anxious to see — a wolf hunt ; and I had now ascer- tained what might be done by fox hounds." However highly our Continental neighbours may esti- mate a wolf hunt, it would seem, in the estimation of an English sportsman, very inferior indeed to a run with a fox. Colonel Thornton observes, that they never think of running down a wolf, nor indeed does the English sportsman of the present day ever wish to run down a fox ; but, on the contrary, to run well tip to him. Fox hunting woidd lose its essence and spirit were the fox to be merely run down ; but from the language used by Colonel Thornton respecting the wolf, running him down would seem to be regarded as next to an impossibility ; and it would appear from his superior speed, that run- ning up to him would be no easy matter, even with the fleetest hounds in the world. CHAPTER XII. Boar Hunting. — Manner of Training or Entering Young Hounds in France. On the chase of the wild boar, the same writer which I quoted in the last chapter, makes the following obser- vations : — "The equipage destined for the chase of the wild boar is denominated vautrait. In great hunting estab- lishments it forms a separate department, in which par- ticular officers and attendants are employed. Large equipages for this sport are usually attended by a pack of fifteen or twenty couple of hounds. The huntsmen and whippers-in ought to be extremely expert. This chase is very fatiguing : the huntsmen are obliged to shout incessantly, to make the dogs follow, as they are frequently discouraged, especially if they are pursuing an old boar. It requires mettlesome and vigorous horses ; and the riders must not be afraid of the branches in the thick recesses of the forest, into which they are obliged to penetrate. It is extremely difficult to procure hounds well trained for hunting the boar, and this instruction requires great patience and attention ; not that a young hound will not at first pursue the animal, but his scent sometimes dis- gusts, and the country, covered with thickets and moras- ses, discourages him. A boar is not so easily hunted down as a stag; and, let the establishment be ever so s 282 HUNTING DIRECTORY. excellent, the chase seldom lasts less than four or five hours. SometuTies the animal is checked by firing a gun— or he is pursued by mastiffs and greyhounds. Chases have been known to continue two whole days, and at last tlie hunters could not have taken the boar but by shooting him, on the third day. When the boar finds himself driven to the last ex- tremity, he does not run forward, but frequently turns, keeping for a considerable time near the same spot, and seeking to make the dogs start some other game. When he is done up, he foams much, advances only by leaps and bounds, throws himself into some marsh, or sets his back against a thicket, facing the dogs, and defending himself with incredible fury. It is then that the whip- pers-in must give effectual support to their dogs, and endeavour to dislodge the animal ; but, if he keeps at bay, it is proper to prevent the dogs from approaching too near. The whippers-in enter the thicket with pre- caution—one of them alights, approaches the boar, and plunges his hunting knife into the small of his back. The man who inflicts the wound must be very alert, and instantly run ofl^ a contrary way ; for the boar always turns towards the side on which he feels himself wounded. If, however, he should prove so furious as to endanger the sportsmen and the dogs, the best way is to kill him with a gun or pistol : this is a privilege or honour re- served for the leader of the company, and is resorted to only at the last extremity. The whippers-in then sound the death of the animal, and encourage the dogs to trample on him. Having cut off the testicles, which would cause the flesh to contract a very disagreeable HUNTING DIRECTORY. 283 Of Shooting Boars. smell, and the fore foot, which is given to the huntsman, who presents it to the leader of the company, the ])oar is carried off. Before they return, the dogs are in- spected, and those that have received wounds are dressed, as the huntsman ought to he provided with needles, thread, and every thing necessary for that piu'- pose. Dogs do not eat the flesh of the boar with as much avidity as that of the stag ; nor must it ever be presented to them raw. All that is in general given them is the shoulders and the intestines cut in pieces, and boiled in water. In some parts, small bells are fostened to the necks of hounds that hunt the boar and the wolf. If it is not in- tended to hunt down the boar, but only to shoot him, an equipage becomes perfectly useless ; one or two blood hounds, and a few good hounds are, in this case, quite sufficient. Nay, you need then only employ the mastiffs with which the gamekeepers traverse the forests where the boars couch, and drive them towards the spot where the hunters are posted. In Germany, and occasionally in France, very fine sport is obtained by limiting of boars, and likewise of stags, with toils. An enclosure is formed with toils and pitchforks, round the thickets into which the boars have been driven. A huntsman sets his blood hound upon the scent, and follows him till he has reared the game. Five or six hounds are then slipped: this number is suf- ficient to hunt a large boar ; but if there are several, the whole pack is taken.- 284 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Huntsmen must assist the Dogs in killing the Boar. In the first case, it is proper to accompany the hounds with a few clogs, produced hy crossing the breed of the mastiff with the hound : these animals, which are ex- tremely ardent, will closely press the boar and drive him round the enclosure. The dogs are powerfully sup- ported with the voice and the horn, and are followed close to prevent the boar from making head against them. After the chase has continuedsome time, the large mas- tiffs and greyhounds are then slipped, and these rush upon the boar with fury. The huntsmen advance ; one pierces the animal with his hunting knife in the small of the back ; the others, armed with sticks, are ready to receive him, in case he should make towards the person who wounded him, and strike him upon the snout, keeping him off with the end of the stick, till they have despatched him. When the proposed number of boars are taken, the dogs are called off." It would, at first view of the case, appear hardly cre- dible, that a boar should stand so long before hounds ; but this animal, in a state of unlimited freedom, is, beyond all question, a very different creature from the heavy, sluggish, domesticated boar, which frequently appears scarce able to support his own unwieldy bulk. From a private letter of the late Colonel Thornton, to a friend, I copy the following observations respecting the wild boar, and also of the pursuit of it:— " I sent you a paper M^iich contained something about a noble wild boar, which I ordered to be hunted ; and, when killed, in Chambord, to send it here at my expence ; and thus to try to let such sportsmen here (London) as never saw one, be able to judge for themselves. Accordingly, it being arrived, HUNTING DIRECTORY. 285 Chase of the Boar. every person that heard of it came to see it. It was hung up at a venison dealer's in Old Bond Street. The concourse of people was so great, that the man could not get out of, or others enter, his shop. It is to day (January 15, 1819) being cut up into forty pieces, to be disposed of to various friends; and I have given the skin, head, ike. all unmutilated, to Bullock ; to shew them, with the account of the different balls he received ere he would resign to hounds or men. He is by no means the largest boar I have killed ; but he is a terrible looking fellow, more danoerous than one much older, for then their tushes grow thicker, become curved, and the animal is more inactive. He wounded many of the hounds, but only killed, I believe, three. A couple of vermin terriers plagued him the most, as he could not get his tushes to bear on them. The last final shaft was a lingo, which, I see, broke three of his ribs and passed through him. The number of balls he received I shall examine and relate. I understand, he stood a run of full forty miles. But I am sure I ran one at least one hundred and forty, and then he was not done up, though constantly view^ed from half past eleven till past ten the next day, relays of hounds being uncoupled close at him at every three or four hours. What other animal can shew such game and bottom ? We dine to-day a party on his loin or saddle, which was where he received his death wound. The wound, as I have already observed, was inflicted by a lingo, which is a piece of iron or lead, formed something like a weaver's shuttle, of the weight of two or three balls, and made to fit the calibre of the gun. It is a sort of 286 HUNTING DIRECTORY. French Method of bolt, which, if it strike into flesh, it goes deeper : if it touches a bone, it then turns itself broadways ; and thus, though a ball would only have broke one rib, it broke three, close up to the back. The number of balls that he received shall be the subject of my next letter." — This boar, it seems, was three years old, was run by fleet fox hounds, and during the progress of the chase, crossed four rivers. The following is the plan adopted by the French of training or entering young hounds, from Colonel Thorn- ton : — ''In the country, puppies, after their separation from the mother, which generally takes place when they are two months old, are fed with bread, milk, and soup ; they are never suffered to eat carrion, nor to run about among the warrens; they are not shut up, but being- kept in the covu't yard, they become familiar with the other domestic animals, which they are afterwards not tempted to pursue, and are habituated to the inclemency of the air by their frequent courses in the fields. At the age of ten months, or a year at farthest, they are taken to the kennel for the pvu-pose of training : it is here thought to be of advantage to keep them together in the same kennel. The whipper-in, to whom their education is committed, takes care not to suffer them to stir a step, or take their meals, without orders. He therefore begins by habituating them to the different tones and expressions used in the chase, to make them obedient to these. For this purpose he puts a trough with bread, about ten yards from the door of the kennel, which he half opens, and putting in, through the open- HUNTING DIRECTORY. 287 Training Hounds. ing, a switch, which he holds in his hand, he moves it in such a manner, that those dogs which attempt to force their way through, receive a smart stroke on the nose. In a short time, with the aid of gentleness and patience, and of the switch, which he still keeps moving, he is enabled to open the door quite w ide, and placing him- self in the middle, he prevents the dogs from going out. When he has brought them so far, that not one of them stirs when he half opens the door and cries back/ he then turns round and permits them to go out to eat, saying, come along, come along / This lesson being repeated morning and evening, for several days, the young pack become perfectly acquainted with the first expressions ; on which, the next step is to make them lie still on the benches in the kennel, crying back, while he brings the tray into the place. When he sees that they are perfect in this new lesson, he increases the diffi- culty, by repeating the terms, tallij-ho, back, and come along, before they eat. By degrees, he deters them from stirring from the benches by the mere motion of his hand, his handkerchief, or a whip, though he feigns to turn round, and even when turning half round, he employs one of these means of obedience contrary to that motion. When the dogs are found to be less wild, and know the persons who have the care of them, they may then be coupled, and taken out morning and evening, or three times a day, if despatch be necessary, to a place where there is no danger of losing them — such as a field in- closed with hedges. They are accompanied by four men — one before, one behind, and two others on each 288 HUNTING DIRECTORY. French Method of side. The first clay they are taken straight forward ; and the man who is at their head frequently calls them to him with lio, ho^ ho ! The second day the lesson is varied, turning off sometimes to the right and to the left ; still, however, using the same terms. The third day they describe a semicircle, sometimes on one side, some- times on the other, accompanying the above-mentioned terms with the exclamations, ha au retoiir, ha au retour. They are next made to describe a complete circle ; after which, they are stopped now and then with the cry of hack, and not suffered to proceed till they are called with come along. When the dogs are perfect in these lessons, they are made to turn about in this manner: — They are first stopped ; on which, the man behind places himself before him who is at the head : those at the two sides never quit their places. The man at the head then walks through the dogs, saying, ha au retour, and snapping his fingers : the other strikes the ground with a switch or whip, to prevent them from proceeding, and points to the other man who calls them, at the same time saying, ttirn about. By this method they are soon accustomed to comprehend the term which is of such essential im- portance in the chase. To these lessons the hounds are confined till they are perfect masters of them, and per- form them with facility and intelligence They are then taught to practise the return to their place. For this manoeuvre, the person at the head stops the hounds, checking them with the term toide bellement, (softly) pro- nounced in a milder tone than back, which being intended to enforce speedy obedience, ought to be articulated HUNTING DIRECTORY. 289 Training Hounds. sharply. When they have stopped, he who is behind, and at first very near to the dogs, calls them with Ao, ho^ ho J As soon as they begin to turn their heads, he instantly cries an retour^ au retour, (turn, turn,) and immediately begins to walk fonvard again, after having turned half round : this lesson is repeated till the dogs make no fault. The term ho, ho, is then omitted, and the hounds are taught to turn, the man keeping at a greater distance, but yet so as to be heard by them. When the dogs perfectly comprehend all the above in- structions, they are made to repeat, in one lesson, all the manoeuvres they have learned in several. After this, they are taught to stop, though the man at their head continues to walk on : in this lesson he stops the dogs, crying back, and facing them ; he then retires backward, keeping them on the spot by the word bad'. If a dog advances, he calls him by his name, and cries back ; one of the men on the flanks, in like manner, repeats his name, and if he does not obey, he applies the whip, crying back, and adding ventre a la meute (get back to the pack.) When they are all attentive, the leader turns round and calls them, saying, come along, come along — ho, ho, ho ! When they have reached him, he immedi- ately faces them, cries back, and snaps his fingers to animate them. He then turns again, calling them with come along, Jind softly. After they have practised this lesson several days, and learned to execute it properly, it is thus varied : — The man at the head, still walking forward, and without turning, checks the hounds with softly, softly, and back, and continues his way. The two men on the flanks are obliged to pay great attention 290 HUNTING DIRECTORY. French MothoU of at this moment, to keep the dogs in exact order, caUing them by name, and chastising such as are in fault. When they are all quiet, the man at the head calls them to him, and faces them when they have reached him. A docility still more complete is obtained, if the man at the head walks forward without giving any orders, and the man in the rear checks and stops the dogs with the words softly, and hack ; though the first continues advancing, and must not halt, except at the command of the second, for the purpose of turning half round, calling the hounds to him, and facing. The hounds being stopped in this manner by the whipper-in in the rear, and setting oiF again at the com- mand of him at the head, to join him, the former checks them a second time by the same terms, and stops them in full career, notwithstanding the continued progression of the latter. All this being perfectly well comprehended and exe- cuted, the pack is exercised in returns, commanded alter- nately by the men at the head and in the rear. For this purpose, the latter suffers the hounds and the other three conductors to proceed forward, to the distance of fifty or sixty yards, and then calls to them to return. The first who, at the moment of recal, turns about and stands still, while the pack executes the movement directed, waits till they are within ten yards of him who commanded it, and then cries bacl\ As soon as they have stopped, he calls to them to return ; and when they are within ten yards of him, the other renews the same command. While this manoeuvre is repeated several times alternately, by those in the front and rear, the men on the flanks are stationary. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 291 Training Hounds. When they are masters of these alternate returns, their execution is rendered moi-e difficult, by obliging them to halt as instantaneously as if they had been or- dered by the voice, by the mere motion of the arm, or the handkerchief of one of the men on the flanks, or of the leader, when they are at a considerable distance from him. These movements, it is true, are not new to them, since they are taught them in the first lessons they receive in the kennel ; and they are required to obey them as promptly as verbal commands. The dogs having become familiar with their guides, and perfectly comprehending their gestures and orders, they are then accustomed to go out without being- coupled, taking care to unloose first those that are the most tractable and docile. They are at first walked in places where they cannot be lost, nor diverted by any object from the attention that is required of them ; they are then taken to all kinds of situations, to accustom them to execute their different lessons, and to be kept in the same state of docility amidst the variety of objects that will present themselves. This ensures their perfect obedience, which is one of the principal delights of the chase ; and can never be obtained in enclosed places, which are justly considered pernicious, even to old packs. When the hounds are supposed to be sufficiently in- structed in all the intonations of the voice, they are then exercised with the sound of the horn, preserving the same gradation in these new lessons. They are first stopped with the voice ; the man at their head removes to some distance, and calls them to him by a recheat ; they are in like manner commanded to return ; and when '292 HUNTING DIRECTORY. French Method of they have learned this perfectly, they are stopped from time to time, by the cry of back, tally-ho, as in the chase: a flourish is then sounded, and they are made to set off again with come along, softly, or a recheat. The dogs being as perfect in all these lessons as is re- quired, they are uncoupled, and exercised on horseback, at a foot pace and short trot, with the same number of men, and in the same situations, in all they have been daily taught on foot. Above all things, care is taken not to give them ardour, to check them at every object capable of taking off their attention, and even to ahght, to correct, immediately, such as begin to chatter. When the dogs are complete masters of all that has before been taught them, both on horseback and on foot, a still more difficult task succeeds — that is, to walk them out in the plains, in the midst of hares, without mani- festing any ardour. For this purpose, they are coupled in troops of six or eight at most, and led by valets on foot, who take them to the plain best stocked with hares, through which the men proceed, at the distance of one hundred yards from each other. The young hounds are all eager to pursue the first hare that is started ; each valet takes notice of those dogs who prick their ears most, falls upon them with his whip, crying, ha hey, les vilains, ha hey, derriere, and continues his way. At each new fault he repeats the same correction, till the dogs draw back, instead of advancing, when they per- ceive a hare. This lesson being repeated two days suc- cessively, the dogs are then taken out, simply coupled. The person who is at their head keeps attentively on the look out for all the hares that may be started : as soon HUNTING DIRECTORY. 293 Training Hounds. as he perceives one, lie checks the clogs, crying, toute hellement , fi-de-ca , derriere, ha hey. He removes from before them, that they may have a view of the whole plain ; and if any of them but raises an ear, he is not spared. By this method the dogs are habituated, even uncoupled, to pass through the plains in the midst of hares, without taking any notice of them. These excursions having succeeded as well as could be wished, they are repeated with men on horseback: if the hounds should so far forget themselves as to run away and return to the kennel, they are immediately led back to the plain, and walked along coupled, by men on foot, who correct them severely when they shew the least signs of ardour ; and especially those which, by their example, hurry along the others in their indocility. The young pack being sufficiently advanced, they are taken out in troops to hunt, that they may become ac- quainted with the country, and be habituated to re- turn to their kennel. The valets who take them out are particularly attentive to keep them behind them during the whole chase, to silence them whenever they begin to open, and to maintain the most rigid obedience ; they can come up time enough to be in at the death — this will make them acquainted with the animal which they are destined to hunt. After two or three chases of this kind, the young- hounds are divided into two equal companies, which are subdivided into two and two among the lower troops, (hardes basses) to be uncoupled with them. Each of these companies is hunted only twice, to prevent their getting so much exercise as to beat the old hounds. In 294 HUNTING DIRECTORY. French Method of Training Hounds. proportion as they become more steady, the hounds are removed from troop to troop, (cVharde en harde) to the old pack ; at the same time, attention is paid that half of the latter always consists of old dogs. The troops remain in this state at least three months ; and the young hounds are not removed into the pack till they have no longer any occasion for persons to conduct them. When the new hounds are not numerous, they may be trained in this manner without deranging the old pack : when it is numerous, and the sportsman is desirous of keeping up an excellent equipage, a small number of the fleetest and staunchest hounds are selected to train the young dogs ; and, when these are sufficiently docile and steady, they are joined to the pack — so that no derange- ment or suspension of pleasure takes place. Spring-hunting is considered the best for completing the training of young hounds. To render them indif- ferent to every other species of game but that which they are destined to hunt, they are taken out coupled, and in troops, (several couple of hounds tied together is called a troop) to places where there is abundance of game. They are suffered to see those kinds which they are not intended to hunt, and if any of them appear eager, and begin to chatter, they are corrected by the person that accompanies them, who leads them, repeat- ing — toute hellement,Ji ha hey, derriere, and continues his way. This lesson is practised every day, till the hounds are so steady as not to follow the scent of any animal but that which they are to hunt : they soon look upon all others with indifference." CHAPTER XIIL The Methods of 'pursuing the Chase in England and in France compared. — Anecdotes of an extraordinary Pedestrian Fox Hunter. — Observations on the Mis- chievous Propensities of the Fox ; and upon the Injury sustained by his Dejrredations. If we compare the manner in which the Chase is con- ducted on the Continent, particularly in France, with the mode of pursuit adopted in England ; or, at least, if we look at the matter with English feeling, we shall be apt to despise the former, although attended with much pomp and parade. At the same time, it is but fair to observe, that a Frenchman, accustomed from infancy to be fond of shew, would naturally enough prefer his boar, his wolf, or his stag hunt, to our enthusiastic and mad- dening pvu'suit of the fox : the latter, I am inclined to think, would not be well suited to the nerves of a French- man, who, unaccustomed to such horses as the English hunter, as also to our method of crossing a country, would regard a five-barred gate, or indeed any rasper, as an insurmountable obstacle. Beckford, in one of his amusing and instructive letters, observes, that a French- man was on a visit to the late Lord C , "who Ijeing a great sportsman, thought that he could not oblige his friend more than by offering him to partake of an amusement, which he himself was so fond of :— he there- fore mounted him on one of his best horses, and shewed S96 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Frenchmen not partial to Fox Hunting. him a fox chase. The Frenchman, after having been well shaken, dirted, tired, run away with, and thrown down, was asked, on his return, * Comment il avoit trouve la chasse ? ' — ' Morbleu, Milord (said he, shrug- ging up his shoulders) votre chasse est une chasse dia- bolique!'" — In another place, Beckford remarks, "I hunted two winters at Turin ; but their hunting is no more like ours, than is the hot meal you there stand up to eat, to the English breakfast you sit down to here. Were I to describe their manner of hunting, their in- finity of dogs, their number of huntsmen, their relays of horses, their great saddles, great bits, and jack boots, it would be no more to our present purpose than the description of a wild boar chase in Germany, or the hunting of jackals in Bengal. C'est une chasse magni- Jique, et voila tout. — However, to give you an idea of their huntsmen, I must tell you that one day the stag (which is very unusual) broke cover, and left the forest ; a circumstance which gave as much pleasure to me as displeasure to the rest — it put every thing into confusion. I followed one of the huntsmen, thinking he knew the country best ; but it was not long before we were sepa- rated : the first ditch we came to stopped him. I, eager to go on, hallooed out to him, * Allons, jjiquettr, sautez done.'' — * Non, pardi, (replied he, very coolly) cest un double fosse — -je ne saute i^as des double fosses.' '* From the nature of the country, having few, if any, fences, what a Frenchman would regard as excellent runs may, no doubt, be obtained ; indeed, Colonel Thornton remarks, in one part of his Sporting Tour, that the finest bursts he ever enjoyed took place in HUNTING DIRECTORY. 297 Comparison of French and English Hunting. France ; however, although the Colonel speaks of them — not exactly in raptui'es perhaps — -but in terms of un- qualified approbation, yet they are not exactly the sort of bursts to suit the taste of the generality of English sportsmen : — a burst of three or ten miles over a cham- paign country, without the interruption, perhaps, of a single leap, is not the kind of sport from which a true English fox hunter derives his greatest pleasure — he is pleased with the intervention of a few raspers and other difficulties; to surmount which renders the run much more interesting, and maybe said to constitute his greatest delight. Different countries have different customs, and different tastes ; and I can very easily conceive, that a good run in England with a fox would be as unpleasant, u'ksome, and even alarming to a Frenchman, as the hunting in France would be insipid and tedious to an English sportsman. The number of Englishmen, how- ever, who have visited France, and many of whom have taken up a temporary residence in that country, has, in all probability, somewhat improved the French system of sporting. This seems tolerably evident from the number of English hounds and English horses which the nobility and gentry of France have procured within the few last years. That the French have much improved in what relates to the chase, is evident from a number of circumstances which will impress the mind on a slight retrospective glance — some of the grosser absurdities have been alto- gether abandoned : — some years back, for instance, the hounds of the king of France were fed with wheaten bread of the finest and best quality! — Tlie kennel win- 1 298 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Hunting, an universal passion. dows, however, in France, are entitled to notice. Instead of glass, thin canvas is vised, which, it seems, will admit a free circulation of air, and, at the same time, effectually keep out the flies, which, in summer, are great torments to dogs. Hunting may be regarded as an universal passion ; but pursued with more ardour in England than in any other country ; and it must be admitted that English sportsmen stand unrivalled either as to their know- ledge of the chase, or the manner in which they pursue it. Nor is hunting in this country confined exactly to the higher orders, or such as can afford to keep horses for the purpose ; as the hounds are miiformly attended by pedestrian sportsmen. It is true, the pursuit of the fox is not well calculated to afford diversion to the latter class ; yet extraordinary instances of this kind occasion- ally present themselvesj and cannot fail to excite atten- tion. In the present year (1826) I repeatedly met the fox hounds of Hugo Meynell, Esq. of Hoarecross Hall, Staffordshire ; and I uniformly found them attended by a pedestrian sportsman, of rather singular, but charac- teristic, appearance : he was a yovmg man, about five feet eight inches high, with a countenance not remark- able for animation ; yet there was something about him more than usually interesting. He appeared in a scarlet jacket, buttoned close, and in other respects equipped for running. The first time I had occasion particularly to notice this young man, was one morning, when Mr. Meynell's hounds found in a cover called Ravensdale, eight miles from the town of Derby. It had been a sharp frost during the night ; and when the fox went HUNTING DIRECTORY. 299 An extraordinary I'edestriau Sportsman. away, the ground was hard, and in many places, very slippery : in consequence, I got a fall at the commence- ment of the run ; and before I was again mounted, such was the speed of the hounds, that I was distanced, if not thrown out. However, I followed as fast as possible by the marks of the horses' feet which had gone before me ; #ind after riding a mile or two, I came up with the red coated pedestrian already noticed ; but we did not long keep company : — I fell in with him several times ; and when I at length reached the hounds, owing to the fox having gone to ground, I perceived that the pedestrian sportsman had arrived before me ! I saw him whenever I met Mr. Meynell's hounds, and a little inquiry furnished me with the following particu- lars respecting him : — His name is Thomas White, he was born at Andover, and is now about two and twenty years of age. From infancy, he was much attached to the sports of the field, and followed the hounds on foot as soon as he was able to run. He has been known to run sixty miles a day in the pursuit of the chase, taking into calculation the distance of the fixture and the return home. Last winter (1825), a fine dog fox was found (by Mr. Meynell's hounds) at Pot Luck cover, near Willing- ton : renard passed through Willington ; and, making away in the direction of Sir Henry Every 's, passed the ice house — thence to Ettwall — thence to Sutton on the Hill and Dalbury Lees — round the covers at Radborne — over the meadows to the left, crossing the Uttoxeter turnpike road to Burneston. The fox then turned towards Egginton, passed Sir H. Every 's dog kennel, making away again for Pot Luck cover, and was killed t2 SOO HUNTING DIRECTORY. All extraordinary at the very place where he was found, after an excellent run of two hours and thirty-five mmutes. During the run. White was frequently with the hounds, and was up at the death. On another occasion the same hounds found at Aries- ton covers, and went away at a rattling rate for Swinfen Moor — thence to Osmaston — turned to the right for Swarkston, where he was lost, afl^ording, however, a very sharp run of twenty-five minutes, over a heavy country. Tried the covers at Arleston again — no find. Tried a small ozier bed at no great distance — found. Renard broke cover in gallant style, passing through Mr. Glover's farm yard, skirting the canal, and made away for Arles- ton Gorse — passed through the cover for Swarkston cover — crossed a large drain below the gorse, and, pas- sing Chellaston, proceeded to within a mile of Weston; when renard, finding himself pressed, made a sharp turn for Chellaston, making away for Swarkston cover ; but, being headed back by some men at work in a field, he crossed the Derby road — thence to Elvaston, and turn- ing to the left, lay down in a meadow. This caused a check for some minutes, when renard was at length viewed off by the whole field : — he went in a direct line for th6 ozier bed where he had been found — passed through it — crossed Denman's Lane — reached Derby race course, passing close to the stand — he proceeded along the banks of the canal, and entered some small gardens between the canal and the river Derwent, where some boatmen hit him with a stone, by which he was disabled, and the hounds killed him in the gardens. One hour and thirty minutes. White was frequently HUNTING DIRECTORY. 301 Pedestrian Sportsman. conspicuous during the run — was up at the death, and was presented with a pad ! — This occurred in March, 1825. In the following December, Mr. Meynell's fox hounds found at Arleston covers ; when renard passed through Pot Lucks ; leaning to the right, he passed through the village of Willington — crossed the Derby road, Eggin- ton Common, through Egginton, crossed the river Dove close to Sir Henry's ozier beds — thence to RoUeston, keeping up the meadows, turned to the left towards Burton on Trent, through Rolleston, and got to ground in a rabbit warren. While digging at one hole the fox bolted at another, going off in the direction of Horninglow — back towards Rolleston, which he did not seem inclined to leave, and where, after some dodging, he was lost. This business lasted nearly seven hours, from first to last ; the first two hours of which was very good : it finished at five o'clock. White was almost constantly with the hounds, and witnessed the conclusion. Many similar occurrences might be eiunuerated, wherein White displayed his invincible ardour for the chase, and his uncommon abilities as a pedestrian : one of them, however, merits particular notice: — Early in the present year (1826) Mr. Meynell's hounds met at Stoves Gorse in Necdwood Forest, Staffordshire, a distance of nine or ten miles from White's residence ; but he appeared at the appointed place in due time. After several covers were unsuccessfully tried, a fox was found in a turnip field ; and the hounds, after running one mile and a half, came to a check : however, he was hit off' again from some willows, and the hounds went T 8 302 HUNTING DIRECTORY. An extraordinary Pedestrian Sportsman. away breast high, passing through the village of Han- bury, thence proceeding in the direction for Tutbury Castle : when near this place, renard turned to the left ; and, after describing a large circle, passed again through Hanbury, and a second time approached Tutbury Castle. — Some dodging took place in the covers here, when at length, renard again faced the open country ; but finding he could not hve before his pursuers, he went to ground in the bottom of a hedge. After digging thirty-five minutes, two foxes were discovered. The run fox was killed ; the second was turned out ; and was lost after a run of thirty-eight minutes. White was very conspicuous during both runs, and at the conclusion of the business, walked home, a distance of fourteen miles ! In May last, White ran from Derby to Burton, eleven miles, by the side of the Birmingham mail. In Febru- ary, IS25, he ran from Derby to Nottingham, sixteen miles, by the side of the mail. In June, 1825, he ran round the course at Buxton, one mile, in four minutes and fifty seconds, after having walked eighteen miles. The gentleman, to whom I am indebted for the fore- going particulars, remarked that " Tom White was a truly interesting young fellow, of most eccentric habits ; good hearted, thoughtless, amiable, and unfortunate." White occasionally attended Sir Henry Every's harriers, and, on such occasions, appeared in a green jacket. Fox Hunting, however, was his favourite sport, and he always honoured it in scarlet. W^hite enlisted into the tenth hussars either in the month of June or July, 1826. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 30^ Unjust Accusations against the Fox. The MiscJiievous Propensities of the Fox. — A great outcry is frequently raised against the fox by surly, ill- tempered farmers, and silly, chattering, old women, and many depredations are laid to the charge of renard of which he is most perfectly innocent. — In order to silence the discontent and clamour of these growlers, it was the custom, in some hunts, to pay for damages which were laid to the fox's charge. Lord Anson (if my informa- tion be correct) was, a few years ago, very liberal in this respect, and, I make no doubt, sustained many imposi- tions in consequence ; and those masters of fox hounds who pursue the same system (if there are any) may rest assured that they will constantly be subjected to the most unjust demands. That foxes will sometimes make free with geese and poultry, is a matter which admits of no sort of doubt ; but whenever depredations of this sort are committed, it is entirely owing to the insecure situa- tions in which the birds are suffered to remain during the night ; since, if they are properly attended to, they will be placed beyond the reach of the fox. At the same time, it may very justly be remarked, that a fox will not approach a human habitation for the purpose of plunder, unless constrained by hunger : as, although he is by no means deficient in courage, will fight to the last gasp, and die without complaining — yet there is scarcely a shyer animal in nature. The fox will feed upon great variety — he will eat worms, when greater dainties are not to be had ; he will eagerly seek and devour field mice and rats, nor can any terrier in existence be a more expert rat catcher than a fox. He is fond of fish, which he contrives to catch, particularly eels ; and what is 304 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Trifling Injury sustained by much worse, he will destroy partridges and pheasants ; he will take these birds not only upon the nest, but will hunt for them, draw and set, something after the manner of a pointer ; with this difference, however, that he sets only a sufficient length of time to ascertain as nearly as possible (by means of his olfactory organs) the situation of his intended victim, in order to spring upon and secure it. He sacrifices leverets too when they fall in his way ; but it very rarely happens that he meddles with lambs. The rabbit is his obvious and perhaps most favourite food; since, where rabbits are in tolerable plenty, the fox rarely gives himself any further trouble : on this account, therefore, it should always be contrived, if possible, to have every hunt sufficiently stocked with rabbits. From very considerable inquiry, I can very safely assert, that the injury sustained by farmers in the fox- hunting districts, from the depredations of foxes, does not amount to one pound sterling, annually, each — most likely not to five shillings. But it must be remarked that complaints arise only from those who are not fond of the chase, as a fox-hunting farmer will never suffer a fox to be killed unfairly. Not many months ago, I hap- pened to be walking with Mr. White of the Crown Inn, Nantwich, over a farm in his occupation, not far from the town last mentioned. He remarked that a very fine fox had generally kennelled in some part of it for two years. Upon one occasion renard made free with an old favourite goose, when Mr. White's husbandman ear- nestly inquired if he might not be allowed to destroy him? — Not for all the geese in Christendom was the reply. This was as it should be. HUNTING DIRECTORY 305 the Farmer from Foxes. Foxes are more mischievous perhaps in the mountain- ous districts than in any other parts : — in the north of England, for instance, and the mountainous parts of Scotland, where they are probably in some degree cir- cumscribed in their food, and where their destruction by the shepherds is of little consequence to the chase, since it is not possible to follow foxes with hounds in such places. It is true, some years ago, Mr. Forbes kept a pack of fox hounds in the Highlands of Scotland, in the neighbourhood of Inverness, and there may be fox hounds still kept in some parts of that rugged country, for aught I know to the contrary ; but, of all places, the Highlands of Scotland appear to me the least hkely to afford diversion. On the 13th of August, 1824, I hap- pened to be shooting in the Highlands of Caithness, in company with Mr. John Gun, whose father, John Sin- clair Gun, Esq. occupies a very considerable extent of these Highlands, upon wliich he feeds many himdreds of cattle and sheep — his farm yard is also well stocked with poultry. Finding that foxes frequently appeared amongst the hills, I inquired as to the damage which was sustained from their depredations — it was very trifling indeed. It must be recollected that in these parts there are plenty of grouse, as well as ptarmigan and the Alpine hare, upon the tops of the grey hills, wliich, with a number of other birds and small animals, no doubt, form the food of the foxes. The same remarks will, in a great degree, apply to the mountains of the north of England, in some parts of which foxes are very numerous : it is true, neither the ptarmigan nor the Alpine hare is foimd upon them; but 306 HUNTING DIRECTORY. Of the Foxes found there are a number of small animals, grouse, and various other birds, in the immediate neighbourhood of these rocky fastnesses, which, no doubt, constitute the princi- pal sources of supply. From inquiries which I have repeatedly made, during various grouse shooting excur- sions, I feel no hesitation in asserting that the instances are very rare indeed where lambs fall sacrifices to ren- ard's voracity — it is only, in fact, when a lamb is first dropped, that a fox will, even under the pressing calls of hunger, attack it. With the geese, (and many are frequently seen in the vallies immediately beneath the hills) the foxes are much more apt to make free ; but as they prowl for prey only during the night, it is entirely the fault of the owners if their flocks suffer. However, in these parts, a price is set upon renard's head, and foxes are unsparingly destroyed as often as opportuni- ties are presented. Their extirpation, however, would appear almost impossible, or at least a work of much more than ordinary difficulty, from the nature of the holds in which they hide themselves, and in which they bring forth their young. In Westmoreland, not far from Kirkby Stephen, on the rocky summit of an im- mense hill, situated close to the main road, foxes have fovmd a secure asylum for ages. By means of narrow ledges of stone, which will afford no footing for a human being, these animals contrive to enter holes or dens in the very face of an abrupt rock, whence it is not possible to dislodge them, vinless some extraordinary means were employed for the purpose. The shepherds sometimes surprise a fox at a distance from his retreat, and he falls a victim to his own carelessness, or his own confidence. HUNTING DIRECTORY. 307 in the Mountains. In some parts of these mountainous regions, foxes are very plentiful. In the latter end of the year 1823, or the early part of 1824, the hounds of R. Bradshaw, Esq. of Halton, near Lancaster, ran a fox from the neighboui'hood of the last mentioned place for many miles in the direction of Kendall. It so happened at the commencement of the run, that the fox passed within a few yards of me, and I scarcely ever recollect observing so fine an animal of the kind. The hounds went away close at his brush, and followed him with great speed ; but he ultimately reached the inaccessible fortress of Farlton Knots, almost in sight of the hounds, after a run of more than twenty miles. Farlton Knots is the rocky crest of one of the large mountains, which form a range between Burton and Kendall, as it were, in Westmoreland, and affords the most perfect security for foxes. The music of the pack had attracted the attention of several shepherds, who approached, and one of them informed me that no less than four foxes had stolen away when they heard the hounds. I ex- pressed a degree of doubtful surprise at what he had stated ; when, by way, I suppose, of completely removing my scepticism, he further remarked, that he had no doubt there were twenty more still remaining in various fastnesses of the rock ! Half the number, it must be allowed, would constitute sufficient plenty. THE END. INDEX. Page Adder, for the bite of the . . . . .86 Ancient objects of pursuit, the stag, the wolf, and the boar, were the 12 Anecdote of Will. Dean -s of the famous Dick Knight — s of an extraordinary pedestrian fox hunter Babblers should not be kept Bag foxes, of Barometer, vaiiations of the Beagle, the . . . '■ ■! the lap-dog . . — — — the genuine . Bite of a dog, remedy for the of the adder, remedy for Bleeding Blood, to stop an effusion of . — — — difference of opinion respecting ■ the subject of, considered Blood hound, old English Bluecap, an extraordinary fox hound Boar, hunting the wild Breeding in an in Burns, remedy for Canker in the lips Casting round sheep . Chase, methods of pursuing the, in France an Check, coming to a . Circumstance, extraordinary, of a young fox hou Cold hunting, of . . , Cold ..... Convulsions . . Cough ..... Country, change of, injurious to hounds Cubs, breeding of . . , of diseased, or mangy D Darlington, Lord, as a huntsman Dean, Will, anecdote of Discipline, kennel . . Diseases of hounds and methods of cure Distemper, the .... appearances of, on dissection the cow pock will not prevent the Dog's age . . . , England compared nd bitch 169 148 298 225 199 244 39 ibid 215 79 86 73 76 175 181 55 53 281 51 89 75 165 295 194 166 194 74 71 74 197 199 201 155 169 122 54,57 58 61 68 55 INDEX. 309 Draper, Squire, a celebrated fox-hunter, and his daughter Di Dumb madness ••.... Page 20, 21 104 Edward I. the first Engh'sh fox hunter , English hounds superior to those of France 16 276 Feeding, of Feeder, of the . Feet, sore Films in the eye . . Fleas, to destroy . . Foil, hunting the . . Formica . . . Foxes, likely places to try for them running the roads bag, of • • . purchasing, condemned of digging Fox hound, the speed of the . . of the olfactory organs of the Fox hounds, of . . Sir Tatton Sykes's impropriety of entering young, at hare the Badsworth the Duke of Rutland's ———^ the Cheshire (Sir H. Mainwaring's) extraordinary speed of obedience indispensable in — — the manner in which they should draw of casting . . ; coming to a fault being left to themselves . Fox hunting, old method of . . • superior to all other diversions Fox, recovering a hunted, wlien scent fails tired . . . . running the foil , ; . trying back for a - metiiod of drawing a Gaoler, the fox hound Glider, the fox hound G H Hair, to bring, upon a scalded part Halloos, of ... . Hare hunting the hounds best calculated for Hare, the doubles, &c. of the every, has her particular play the, should be fairly hunted . 119 118 79 75 79 250 74 157 160 199 202 203 40 44 . 191 24 25 145 ibid ibid . ibid 33 142 156 158 192 . 196 17, 184 . 206 161 162, 193 163 167 204 42 ibid 79 193, 195 207, 209 216 210 211 214 310 INDEX. Hare finders . ■ of the pursuit of the . . Hares, of chopping Harriers should be well matched in speed — — — should be kept to their own game of casting . . , various kinds of Heel, of running back the Hound, form of the Hounds, of various - diseases of, and methods of cure - quarrelsome . . . . - breeding of . . . -I young, treatment of ■ young, should be fed twice a day — — — of chastising casting themselves ^. individual character of the . French method of training Hunting, the progress of - improved in this country by the Saxons and Normans of our ancestors • . . . . terms of Norman origin ... summer i . .... spring, censured Huntsman, the duty of a what constitutes a perfect should draw up wind . , Huntsmen, modern, notices of several slow, improper for fox hounds Hydrophobia Page 219 220 219 213 218 224 229 217 50 39,43 . 54 53 45 52 55 130 164 212 286 9, 16 10 11, 1'2 12 141 197 21, 147 168 187 150 152 90 Impressions, importance of first Inflammation 140 78 K Kennel, of the - - _ two recommended . interior of the — — appendages to the ■ stoves of essential service in the '—— the Quorndon ' the Duke of Rutland's > ' discipline Kibble, the ... Knight, Dick, anecdotes of 26 27 28 30 ibid 51 32 122 39 149 Lameness in the shoulder Lice, to destroy Lounger, a celebrated fox hound Madcap, a famous fox hound Madness, dumb M 112 79 54,43 54, 45 104 INDEX. 311 Page Mange, the common _ - - - - 83 the red - - .... 84 Meeting, the ancient and modern hour of - - - 23 an early hoar of, favourable to sport - - - 174 Megrim ..._--- 72 Merkin, an extraordinary fox hound bitch - - • 53 Moody, the famous whipper-in - - - • 192 Meynell, Hugo, Esq. of Quorndon, a celebrated fox hunter - 22 his opinions respecting fox hunting - 1 75 N Names of hounds -- - - - - 113 Oatmeal, preferable to barley flour for hounds - - - 119 bread dust, a substitute for . _ _ 120 Observations on the mischievous propensities of the fox - - 305 Opinion cf an old sportsman _ _ . . 209 Otter hunting -._---. 257 P Fack, number of the - - - - 215 Pedestrians, hare hunting favourable to - - - - 229 Poison, remedy for hounds that have taken - - .. 80 ■ antidote for vegetable - - -^ - - 81 Physicing hounds - - - - - 125 R Riding to hounds - - -- - -188 S Scalds, remedy for ----- - 89 Scent, of -------240 - smallness of the particles of - - - - 241 effect of the atmosphere on . . - - 242 influence of the frost on - - - - 246 difference of, in the same animals - - - - 248 — — motion the principal cause of. , •.. 249 Somervile's opinion of. 251 Beckford's opinion of. ibid ——— rich land favourable to 254 Influence of the wind on 255 — ^ erroneous notion respecting the, of different animals 256 Shoulder, lameness in the 112 Sickness, remedy for 82 Smell, the sense of, in dogs 41 — — to recover the sense of. 80 Sore feet 79 Speed and music, of. 250 Sportsmen, of the old Norman 15, 14, 15, 16 Sprains 75 Stag, chase of a, by Richard 1 255 Stag hound, the 39 Stag hounds, the Earl of Derby's 44, 232 Stag hunting * 231 31^ INDEX. Page Stag Hunting, ancient method of. 233 of Queen Elizabeth 234 St. Clair, William de, extraordinary chase by 236 Stomach, foul ^^ Style of fox hounds running ^°^ Swellings '^ T Talbot, the ^^* Terriers, of the sort best suited for foxhunting ^05 Thorns, for extracting '^ W Wager, an extraordinary 2j6 Wanton, an extraordinary fox hound bitch 3^ Warren hares. Warrens, of hare. 227 226 Weather, uncertainty of the, for hunting 245 Whelps, the treatment of. ^' the naming of. •. ^^ Whipper-in, duty of the ^JP White-hart-silver ^^^ Wolf-hunting in France 257 . terms employed in '"'^ dogs best adapted for 265 Wolf, manner of dislinguiihing the male from the female 259 of training dogs to hunt the 262, 267 trying for the • • 264 hounds not eager in the pursuit of. -t)5 habits of the V" ^^^ mode of ascertaining whether the hound is on the right scent of the If of the discovery of a 269 method of killing the 270 method of hunting and finding the 271,273 method of inducing the, to break cover 272 foims observed at the death of the 275 manner of placing greyhounds for the 269 the blooding of hounds to ••• 274 dogs wounded by the 280 . chase, description of a 2/G Wolves, when they are in heat 259 . the littering of. 260 places where they litter 261 Worming puppies ^" Worms ^^ Wounds, and to stop an effusion of blood '" contused ' ' Y Yellows, the '" Young hounds, management of. ^ _ Z of entering ^28, 133,137 of blooding ^^^ Webster Family li'omry of Veterinary Medicine Cornmlniis School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 200 Westboro Road S\lortri Grafton. yA 01536