ai0sci Imtitmt Lifiratp PUHCHASED FROM THE THOMAS COLE BEQUEST tJ^ J^ J^ Received Q^.-..<^:^,...J..9.^*^.. s o 1-^ o s 00 O S o o ^ .5 O O (ISO-Z), DFLOO- 2:22 This celebrated stallion will make the season of 1886 at J. H. Swan's Stables, Jerome Avenue and 169th Street, New York City, at $100, payable at time of lirst service. King Wilkes is a brown stallion, 16 hands high, and weighs 1,115 lbs., in stud condition. He was bred by Albert Allen, Lexington, Ky., and foaled in 1876, and is now in the full vigor of ma- tured power. He is a young, large, sound, pure gaited and level headed stallion. His breeding is given in full in the tabulated pedigree printed on the next page, and the attention of breed- ers is invited to it, in the contidence that it will repay careful perusal. It combines the gilt edge cross of Hambletonian and Mambriuo Chief. His sire, George Wilkes (519), 2:32, stands confessedly at the head of trotting progenitors. He was not only, by the record, the fastest of the entire sons of Rysdyk's Hambletonian (10), and one of the greatest of race horses, in his day, but his success since he went into the stud, rather late in life, was unexampled. No less than forty-one trotters and three pacers, of his get, are now in the 2:30 list, and of them, seven have beaten 2:20, and twenty-five have records of 2:25 or better. Eight of his sons are already represented by their get in tlie 2:30 list, and five of his daughters have each produced one or more with recoids from 2:103,^ to 2:30. George Wilkes has therefore surpassed his illus- trious sire, who has 38, the third largest number in the 2:30 list. Only one sire. Blue Bull, excels him in the number of his get in the 2:30 list, he having forty -seven trotters and three pacers to his credit, but of these only tive have beaten 2:20, and but twenty-three iiave records of 2:25 or better, conclusively showing the superiority of George Wilkes in getting performers gifted with a high rate of speed. This sire bequeaths to King Wilkes, in addition to his inheritance from old Hambletonian, and his own great and well founded reputation, most valuable crosses to Henry Clay and Sherman Morgan. Tlie dam of King Wilkes, Missie, by Brignoli {T7). 2:29%, produced but two others, Cascarilla, 2:2510, in a fourth heat, and Qui Vive,, who has shown a trial in 2:30. CascariJla's turf career was cut shoit by an accident, and she was put to breeding. She has produced Quartermaster, who was sold" for |3,000, after a two-year-old trial in 2:4210. Missie was a daughter of Brignoli, sou of the great Mambrino Chief (11), the sire of Lady Thorne, 2:1814, Woodford Mambrino, 2:21io, and nine others in the 2:30 list. The daughters of Mam- brino Chief have produced sixteen with records from 2:17 to 2:30, including Director, 2:17, Piedmont. 2:17i:£, Thorndale, 2:221:^. Voltaire, 2:21, and Onward, 2:25ii(. The dam of Brig- noli was Sally Woodford, by Woodford, who sired the dam of Woodford Mambrino, 2:21i2, and of Wedgewood (692), 2:19. King Wiikes not only combines the most valued blood lines, but his pedigree fairly bristles with speed points. He traces eight times to Imp. Messenger, and twice to Imp. Diomed, the fountain heads of trotting blood. But this horse does not depend upon his ancestry to recommend him. He is not only standard by blood, but also by performance, and by his progeny. His present record, 2:22i4', was obtained at Hartford, Conn., August 27, 1884, in the fourth heat of a six heat race, which he won witliout a break, beating among others Butterfly, Walnut and Bessie, all of whom have records better than 2:20. September 30, 1885, after a severe season in the stud, he won second money in the Champion Stallion Cup Race, at Mystic Park, being close up in 2: 19%, ^■^0}i, 2:20, although his preparation was very short, and he was reduced over 100 lbs. in fle.sli. In the few races he has trotted he has shown himself game, resolute and fast, and his gait, which he transmits to his get in a remarkable degree, is perfection. His colts are all young. But one of them, Oliver K., has been trained, and he has a four-year-old record of 2:24J^, in a fourth heat against aged horses, and has shown a trial as a four-year-old, in 2:22, over a half-mile track. His get are all bay or brown, and all level headed. King Wilkes himself has trotted atrial in 2:17, at the Gentlemen's Driving Park, New York City. He is a vigorous and very sure foal getter. Previous to 1885, liis first regular season in the stud, he covered but 26 mares, and got 20 foals. His services are offered to the breeding public, confident that they cannot go amiss in sending mares to him. Mares not parted with, and not proving in foal, may be returned free in 1887. Best care given to mares at reasonable terms. Address, R,. B. OOKTKLIlSr, 146 Centre Street, New York City. KINO TTILKES (1867), Record 2:22 1-4. Foaled 1876. Sire of Oliver K., four-year-old record, 2:24J. <5a ffi a B 5" ,-»o i-j H. F.n **?? S^ b k p .^ Sally Woodford. ?? ^ c o P D. i^ o g » 3 » 2 -.TO 32 .2^ 3§ o & Hi as CO O O'O 2 != m S ^ra »" • aS'!-2.oEs » M,-! o tog 00 P"- g Telegraph. 3 '5~ w 3. K" M? 2 O E5 p rt p =• S8 si ^ o K S'S' 5'5' 3-" ro 2 S^3 ^3 ohj ga bS. a^ l-£ ^ fl" . r^ s 3 o -< p 1 — ( K r^ Q ^ [i ^ W 1 — ( c^ 5 o p£3 c_^ t^ pQ ^ en a ^ O CORINTHIAN, 2413. Black Horse^ Foaled 1881. By HARRY CLAY, 45— (2:29). (Sire of dams of St. Jiilien, 2:lli, Electioneer, etc.) Dam CORINNE, by VOLUNTEER, 55. (Sire of St. Julien, 2:1 li and 24 in 2:30 list.) 2d dam, CLARA (dam of Dexter, 2:17J; Dictator, sire of Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, etc.), by Seely's AMERICAN STA.R, 14 ; 3d dam, McKiustrey Mare (Shark's dam). Will make the season of 1886 at Willis Lake Stock Farm, East Williston (near Mineola), L. I. , at $50.00 "with privilege of return in case mare proves not in foal. Mares from a distance will be met at any station or steamboat landing in New York City. Mares from New York can be shipped by steamboat from Peck Slip, East River, to Roslyn, which is near the farm. Mares kept at $12.00 per month, accidents and escapes at owners' risk. For further particulars, address, VALENTINE WILLIS, EAST WILLISTON. QUEENS COUNTY, L. I. JOHN POLHEMUS, General Printer, Cor. Ann and Nassau Streets, New York City. Special Facilities for Printing Horse Catalogues, Show Bills, Circulars and Books of Record. Tabulated Pedigrees a Specialty. For specimen, see Pedigree of King Wilkes, on second Advertising Page of this Work. Printer of Supplement to Chester's Complete Trotting and Pacing Record, Goodwin's Turf Guide, Bruce's Stud Books, Kellogg's Horse Sale Catalogues, etc. WORK DONE SPEEDIU, CORRECTLY AND CHEAPLY. Woodburn Farm. 1886. STALLIONS. 1$$6. LORD RUSSELL. Full Brother to Maud S., the Queen of the Turf, 2:o8f. By Harold, Dam Miss Russell, by Pilot, Jr. Service fee, $200, with privilege of return. CHICHESTER. By Harold, Dam Rosebush (full sister to Princeps, Sire of Trinket, 2:14), by Woodford Mambrino; second Dam Primrose, by Alexander's Abdallah; third Dam Black Rose, etc. Service fee, $100, with privilege of return. BELMONT. By Alexander's Abdallah, Dam Belle, by Mambrino Chief, Sire of Nutwood, 2:i8f ; Wedgewood, 2:19, etc. Service fee, $100; to insure, $200. HAROLD. By Rysdyk's Hambletonian, Dam Enchantress, by Abdallah. Sire of Maud S. 2:o8f ; Noontide, 2:205, etc. Service fee, $100; to insure, $200. THOROUGHBREDS. KINCr ALFONSO, Sire of Foxhall, Grenada, Fonso, Joe Cotton, Lizzie Dwyer, etc. Book Full. FALSETTO, Sire of Dew Drop and Rupert. Book Full. IMP. GLEN ATHOL, Sire of Glenmore, Checkmate, etc. LISBON, Sire of Ripple and Troubadour. $50. PAT MALLOY, Sire of Lord Murphy, Bob Miles, Favor, etc. POWHATAN, Brother of Parole. $50. Amal Sale of Tiioroililirei Yearlines, Ttmrsfey, May 13, 1886, A. J. ALEXANDER. For Catalogues, address L. BRODHEAD, Agent, Spring Station, Wpodford County, Ky. o CD O CO 'T3 0) a) u s O -ilVIOUIMT EDEN STOCK FARJVI.i- Jerome Ave. and 17 2d St., New York City. SE.A.S01Sr OF 1886. IDOL GIFT. (Standard No. 2814.) Black stallion, foaled 1881, sired by Idol (son of Mambrino Chief, dam by American Eclipse), dam Lady McKenney, by Sweepstakes ; grandam Winona, by Fillingham, Jr., son of George Wilkes; third dam Roebuck Star, by Wallace's Star, son of Seely's American Star. For full tabulated pedigree of this richly bred young stallion, see Supplement for 1884 to Chester's Complete Trotting and Pacing Record. Terms, $75 the season. Limited to twenty-five approved and sound mares. BLACKWOOD PATCHEN. (Standard No. 2450.) Bay stallion, foaled 1874, sired by Blackwood (he by Alexander's Norman, dam by Mam- brino Chief), dam Kate, by George M. Patchen; second dam by May Day, making the dam of BLACKWOOD PATCHEN full sister in blood to the famous trotting mare Lucy, 3:18^. Terras, $50 the season. IDOLSON. Bay stallion, foaled 1882, sired by Idol (son of Mambrino Chief, dam by American Eclipse), dam Hudson Maid, believed to be by Mambrino Chief or Abdallah— in process of investigation. Terms, $25 the season. Limited to ten mares. Stud fee payable at time of service. Privilege of return to either stallion. Mares pastured or kept by the year on reasonable terms. All accidents and escapes at owners' risk. FREDERICK AKERS. STARTLE AND NUTBOURNE. startle, Sire of Majolica, recoi-d 2 :15. Nutbouriie, out of dam of Maud 8., 2 :08 3-4. SB.A-S03Sr OF 1886. The fashionably-bred stallions, STARTLE and NUTBOURNE, will make the season of 1886 at my farm, three miles east of Tarrytown, Westchester County, N. Y. Terms for each horse, .f 100 the season, which is due in advance of service. Mares not proving in foal can be returned the following season free of charge. STARTLE is a bay horse, 15ir hands high, by Hambletonian, dam Lizzie Walker, by Seeley's American Star ; and although he has had but a very limited opportunity in the stud, is the sire of Majolica, record 2:15; Portia, record 3:29^, and Nero, four-year-old reeord 3:31. Westchester, by Startle, trotted a mile in 3:29 over my track as a three-year-old. Loretta trotted a mile over the same track in 3:34, and Alley Bonner, also by Startle, trotted over Carll Burr's track a trial in 3:34|. Many other instances could be given, such as a five-year- old and a four-year-old, owned by Mr. Ewart of Pittsburgh — the former having trotted in 3:23 and the latter in 2:38. Startle is not only a sire of trotters, but is a very fast horse himself, being the first horse to trot a mile in 3:19 over old Fleetwood Park, and on another occasion he trotted a half mile in 1 :04^. NUTBOURNE is a gray horse, 16 hands high, foaled 1877, by Belmont, dam Miss Russell, dam of Maud S., record 3:08f, by Pilot, .Jr.; second dam Sallie Russell, by Boston (thoroughbred), etc. As will be seen, Nutbourne is not only out of the dam of Maud S., but he is a full brother to Nutwood, record 3:18f, and Cora Belmont, record 2:24^. As a five-year- old Nutbourne trotted, with very little handling, in 2:26}, last quarter in 35 seconds; but since then he has not been trained, as he has been used exclusively for the stud. Nutbourne's full brother, Nutwood, is now the trotting sire in Kentucky, and is so popular that his services have been raised to $2.50. He had five of his get enter the 2:30 list during the season of 1885. I have no room for mares on my place, but they can be kept on Mr. George W. Campbell's farm, and other farms in the neighborhood, on reasonable terms. Address: ROBERT BONNER, Tarrytown, N. Y. AUIIilJLL F>ORTRJLITS. THE services of A. J. Schultz, Artist, who has made most of the pictures of horses for Chester s Complete Trotting and Pacing Record, as well as this Supplement, can be had on reason- able terms. He will work either from life or photograph, but the former is much to be preferred. Address, ^. J. SCHULTZ, p. O. Box 1021, New York City. ASHLAND STALLIONS, 1886. DICTATOR, (^Private Stallion). KING RENE, will Stand at $100 for the Season. Catalogues Sent on Demand. H. c. Mcdowell, Lexington, Ky. 1886, HIGHL AWN STAL LIONS. 1886, ALCANTARA and ALCYONE, By Geo. Wilkes, dam Alma Mater, by Mambrino Patchen. ^ISO THE SEASOIV- For Catalogues apply to •J. G. DAVIS, Agt, LEE, MASS. 1886. WILKIE COLLINS. 1886. (Standard) ]\o. 3901, black stallion, lof hands, foaled 1876, bred in Kentucky, sired by George Wilkes (519), dam Rosa, by Roscoe, he by Alexander's Pilot, Jr. ; 2d dam Vienna, by Vandal (thoroughbred). Service, $75 to insure. BLACK AVILKES (Standard) Xo. 390a, black stallion, 16 hands, foaled 1881, sired by Wilkie Collins (3901), dam Josie Eaton, by Erics- son, allowed to serve a few choice mares at $50 to insure. I have colts and fillies from one to four years old sired by Wilkie Collins from standard bred mare.s, for sale at less than Kentucky prices. Send for Catalogue containing full description and pedigrees. Stock guaranteed to be as represented. Address'R. L. Howard, Buffalo, N. Y., or The Howard Stock Farm, H. Conkling, Supt. MARSHLAND STOCK FARM. inAItlBRI^O DUDLEY, 2:20io, by Woodford Manibriiio, dam Sue Dudley, by Edw^in Forrest. See picture facing page 65. KENTUCKY WII^KES, '2\'l\}i, by George Wilkes, dam, Uliiina, by Red Jacket. No Other Breeding Farm in the world has Two Stallions, each having a Record betted' than 2:2 lyi. W^oodford IVIambrino, the best son of Iflanibriiio Chief, and Manibrino Dudley, the best son of W^oodford Manibrino. Georg^e Wilkes, the best son of Hambletonian, and Kentueky Wilkes, the best son of George Wilkes. The following appreciative remarks in regard to Mambrino Dudley are from the pen of a close and intelligent observer, and express an unbiased opinion : " Without meaning to disparage any other of the celebrated sires of the mighty Mambrino tribe, I must con- fess that Mambrino l5udley pleases me better than any other member of that family that I ever «aw. Docile, intelligent, kind, obedient, of fine size, good finish and imposing presence, speedy, game and pure gaited, elegantly coated and colored, fashionably bred, close up and remotely, his i)ersonal qualities seem near to perfection. His greatest claim to public confidence, however, is found in the remarkable quality of his offspring. I was recently at Marshland Farm, where I saw numerous foals by him, ranging from weanlings up to two-year-olds. With the single fault that there was an occasional chestnut, I never saw an equally good lot of Mambrinoes. They were strikingly uniform, enough io .show their paternity, notwithsiMudiiig the wide difference among the dams iii lines of blood and physical types, and the babies were nearly all little mature liorses, so well formed and forward were they; and they were uniformly fine looking, too. Trot, and nothing l)ut trot, was written over all alike. They were each and all a success, and i)roved thefr sire to be truly great. Superficially judged — that is to say, judged by the eye alone— they were simply above and beyond criticism, except, as before said, in regprd to an occasional chestnut or sorrel. It is very iuird for me to believe that a better Mambrino stock horse lives, and to all who like that strain, or want it (and it is undeniably great within certam limits), I can say that I cordially advise breeding to Mambrino Dudley, without hesitation or doubt. I am firmly convinced that history will write him down a phe- nomenal sire, regardless of the breeding of the mares mated to him. In this respect he stands absolutely inde- pendent and with few equals." MAMBHINO DVD LET has never had the benefit of an entire season upon the turf, all his campaigning having been done after a season in the stud. He made his present record after being for four years continuously in the stud, having heavy seasons every year. With but five weeks' training after the close season of 188.5 he trotted the first heat of his race in 2:27. his second in 2:21, and his third in 2:20>2, trotting the last quarter of the last mile in 34)4 seconds, or a 2:17 gait. KENTUCKY WILKES has as much speed as any entire son of George Wilkes, having trotted repeatedly in his work ,n 2:18. lie is larger than his sire and has more style and a higher finish than any other son of Wilkes, and the veterian observer Alden Goldsmith says he is the gamest Wilkes he ever saw. The oldest of his "et are now only about six months of age, but all agree that they are a siijierb lot of youngsters. They are owned in the vicinity of Boston, and the American Cultivator, the leading agricultural paper of New England, says that $500 have been offered for his colts not three months old. Mr. jf. K. Graham, of Boston, a most competent judge, writes that from what he had seen he is satisfied that Kentucky Wilkes will make a great sire and that he is worth $10,000. Mambrino Dudley [:'t^:rl^'^^?i^:^'^^'^^ - $100.00 Kentucky Wilkes (with nke privilege) - - - - $75.00 Money to be due at time of service, and in all cases to be paid before the removal of the mare. Mares kept at risk of owner for $6 per montli at pasture or $10 to hay and grain, or for $100 per annum. Season commences February 1st and ends August 1st. Address B. F. TRACY & SOlSr, Apalachin, Tioga County, N. Y. GEO. L. CATLIN, Sup't. Telegrapli Station at A-palacliiii. , _Iarshland is situated on the Erie and the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroads between Owego and Binghamton, and is therefore easily accessible from New England and the West. Marshland is connected by telephone with Owego, Binghamton, Elmira, Ithaca, and Cortland, N. Y., and with Montrose and Towanda, Pa. The Catalogue for 1886 is in print, and a copy of it will be sent to those making application for it. THORNDALE STUD FARM is situated on tlie New burgh, Dutcliess & Connecticut Railroad, three liours and a half distant from New York City. The 7:15 A. M. and the 8 P. M. trains on the Hudson Kiver Railroad connect at Dutchess Junction with trains for Millbrook, which station adjoins Thorndale. The early morning and early afternoon trains from Albany also connect at Dutchess Junction with trains for Millbrook. The stallions THORNDALE, 3:22^ (see picture facing page 74), by Alexander's Abdallah out of Dolly, by Mambrino Chief, and NIL DESPERANDUM, 3:24 (see picture facing page 26), by Belmont, who was by Alexander's Abdallah out of Belle, by Mambrino Chief, stand at the head of the stud. THORNDALE is the only living stallion with a record below 2:23 that has two repre- sentatives with records below 3:20. He is the only stallion standing east of the Alleghanies that has two representatives with records below 2:20. NIL DESPERANDUM has but eight foals over two years old; one of those, DeBarry. obtained a record last season as a 5-year-old of 2:19|. Both THORNDALE and NIL DESPERANDUM have, in their produce, given evidence of their ability to transmit their speed qualities to their produce; which all breeders know is one of the most 'valuable qualities in a stock horse. THORNDALE will be allowed to serve forty (40) mares at |100 the season, with the privilege of returning should the mare not prove to get in foal. NIL DESPERANDUM will be allowed to serve fifty (50) mares at fifty dollars ($50) the season, with the same privilege of returning mares as THORNDALE. lam always pleased to show the stock at Thorndale, on any day except Sunday, to all parties who take sufficient interest in breeding to favor me with a call. E5i3"w^irg- Tia:o:Fs.KrE3, MILLBROOK P. 0. THORNDALE, DUCHESS CO., N. Y. TROTTING AND PACING INFORMATION. In connection with the compilation of his statistical works, the undersigned has a very large correspondence, and is kept well posted — perhaps better than any other man in the country — in regard to the pedigrees and performances of the trotting and pacing stock of the country. Any facts not known to him are yet accessible, because of the reliable correspondents he has in all parts of the United States and Canada. People are frequently at a loss to obtain information that the undersigned can readily siipply, and letters to the sporting papers involve a delay before the answer is received, and the replies are fre- quently unsatisfactory. The ready way to obtain speedy and correct information is to write to the compiler of this work, inclosing a fee of $1, and the answer will be sent by return mail, if possible, and if not, as soon as the facts can be ascertained. Pedigrees of trotters or pacers will be traced and tabulated at reasonable charges, the amount depending upon the difficulties involved and the style in which the pedigree is to be prepared. Breeders desiring to issue catalogues, either for stock or sale purposes, can make arrangements with me for the entire work, printing, press-work and binding included, and satisfaction guaranteed. Cases conducted before the Board of Review, horses bought or sold upon com- mission, etc. All dealings in strict confidence. WALTER T. CHESTER, p. 0. Box 1021. New York City. ro-* CO CD CXI V K^ _ U Ln rc H Q \u ^ -a^ 2 3 u' X e-^ CHESTER'S iPLETE Trotting m Pacing Record CONTAINING Summaries of all Races Trotted or Paced IN THE UNITED STATES OR CANADA, From the Earliest Dates to the Close of 1885. SUPPLEMENT FOR 1885. COMPILED BY WALTER T. CHESTER. NEW YORK : PUBLISHED BY THE COMPILER 188O. Entered, accordinc; to Act of Congress, in the j'ear 1886, By WALTER T. CHESTER, In the otHce of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. John Polhemus, Printer and Mf'g Stationer, 102 Nassau Street, New Yorli. ANNOUNCEMENT. New York, March 15, 1886. This volume is the second annual supplement to " Chester's Complete Trotting and Pacing Record," and it is placed before the public with feelings of considerable satisfaction, as it comes very near realizing the ideas of the com- pilei'. If there is in its pages a single erroneous record or pedigree, or a solitary •case in which horses that should be separated are placed together, or vice versa, or if there is a wrong reference in the Index of Beaten Horses, it is something that has escai:)ed the utmost vigilance, and will be a surprise to me. The inten- tion is to have these works letter-perfect, books that horsemen can repose entire confidence in, in ever}^ respect. In compiling the present volume, as has been the case with all my works, the records have been most carefully compared with the returns on file in the office of the National Trotting Association at Hartford, Conn., and will be found to agree with those in most instances. When they differ, it is because this Supplement contains summaries of a number of races that have never been sent to the office of the National Association, in which faster heats were made than in any reported there for the same horses. Over 3,500 letters have been received by the compiler from owners, drivers and others in regard to horses whose performances are chronicled in this book, and the vast amount of information contained therein, when available and authentic, has been emptied into it. The good effect of the system of correspondence that has been prosecuted in its behalf is shown in the unexampled number of pedigrees that the work contains. The compiler feels indebted to the thousands of j^eople throughout the country who have assisted him with information, and discharges the indebted ness by embodying all the valuable facts contributed in a convenient form. It will be his aim to make each succeeding Supplement more comprehensive than its predecessor, and to this end he asks not only a continuance but an increase of the co-operation of those interested in such matters. Those who may purchase the Supplement for 1885 alone, are advised that the price of the entire work, including, also, the parent volume and the Supple- ment for 1884, making the record complete from the earliest dates until the close of last season, is |10, and that for |8 they Avill be supplied with the two preced- ing volumes. The j^rice of the Supplement for 1884 remains as before fixed, $1.00 in paper, and $1.50 in cloth binding ; but hereafter the annual books will be bound only in cloth, and sold at %2. WAT;TER T. CHESTER, P. O. Box 1021. mmn mmn nmm m mm iimi SUPPLEMENT FOR 1885. EXPLANATION. The names of horses in black type, arranged in alphabetical order, are those of the winners of the races, and under each horse's name the races won by him appear in chronological order. All races are trotting, mile heats, best three in five, in harness, unless the contrary is shown by the time, stated at the conclusion of the summary, or a different way of going indicated by proper signs. After the name of the winner appears his description, as "b s," for bay stallion, " br g,'' for brown gelding, " gr m," for gray mare, etc. The following figures, in heavy type and in parentheses, show the best record of the horse to the close of the year 1885. Then follow the pedio"ree of the winner, when known ; the name of the nominator, place and date of race, amount of money trotted for, and the names of the horses beaten, in the order of their standing at the close of the race, and last comes the time of the heats. The ordinary signs are used to denote the incidents and casualties of the race. Thus the character " " in connection with a number in a bracket indicates that the horse, whose name that sign follows, made a dead heat in accordance with the number, viz. : (3 0), signifies third heat dead. The abbreviation " dr "signifies drawn ; " dis" distanced ; " r o," ruled out ; " w o," walk over, etc. Figures following the name of a beaten horse shows that he won the heat or heats corresponding with the number. When the letter " w " follows the name of a horse, it signifies that he went to wagon, and the letter " s " that he went under saddle. In cases where a horse has a record to harness, or wagon, and a faster one under saddle, both are given. When an asterisk (*) is attached to the figures usually denot- ing a record, it signifies that the time, being over a short track, is a bar and not a record. The summaries preceded by dashes ( ) are subsequent victories of the horse whose description and record have been given, and in these, if the name of nominator, or of place of trotting, or of both of these, are not given, it signifies that they are identical with those of the race immediately preceding. It sometimes happens that a horse winning as a stallion wins later as a gelding, in which cases the castration is shown by the change in the description, but there being no tenewal of the name, it will be understood that it is the same horse under changed conditions. In order to keep them of record, losing performances against time are given under the name of the losing horse, as a part of his history, and the fact that he lost is mentioned in the summary. The numerals at the right of the printed pages divide them into blocks of ten lines each, for con- venience of reference in the Index of Beaten Horses, and the reader is referred to the explanation preceding that Index. mmn mmn teottie aid pacii mm, SUPPLEMENT FOR 1885. .A. Abby, bm (2:26"), by George Wilkes, dam by American Clay. C. D. Smith, Pittsfleld, Mass., Aug. 5, $300 Rex 4, Lady Independence 1, Tommy M., Chinaman 2, 3 (5 dr), Lucy Knox (4 dr), 2:34)^, 2:.32X, StSlj^, 2:313^, Albany. N. Y., Sept. 15, $900. Miss Leland (1.0) (4.0), Mary Ann, 2:2714, 2:26^, 2:29i^ 2-26 •2-2fty^ ■^^^Y^' •?? **^v35'. G. Clark, Cooper.stown, N. Y., July 31, $ — -. Prince, Lady Jupiter, Maggie, Bay Prince, Industry, Tom Ellis, Tom 2:35, 2:3r;^.2:;^r Abdallali (3:07), byBverly Abdallah. Thomas Savatre. Berlin, Mich., Oct. 3, Patchen, Jr., Bay Maggie, 3:12, 3:10, 3:07. Two-year-olds. Aberdoniau, bs (2:53), by Aberdeen, Jr., dam"Clayana, by Midnight. J. Allison, Belleville Ont Sent "3 $ . All competitors (1 dis), 2:53. ' ' i- • > Abe Dovvniug, b s (3:20%), by Joe Downing, dam by Harrison. J. H. and W. R. Bowman Ottumwa la Aug. 20, §300. Alert, Loafer, Alien Almont, 2:291/4, 2:3]i.^, 2:31)4. ' Abner F.. b g (2:24i4>. by son of Little Arthur, dam a Morgan mare. Alex. Carson, Kansas City Mo July 4, $250. Pritchard, Frank D., Coupon, 2:32iC, 2:,34V^, 2:34. George W. Few, Lawrence, Kansas, Sept. 11, $400. Lady Kelso 1, Grafton, Alleghany Boy, Golden Girl 2:29, 2:29, 2:29^.2:29?^. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 17, $.500. Kitty Kilburn 1, Grafton, Thistledown, Lady Kelso, Alleshany Bov (3 dr), Grand Duke (1 dis), 2:26, 2:241^, 2:27X,2:2fi34-. > » j j ■ Springfield, Mo., Oct. 3, $300. Billy Ford, Grand Duke, Executor, 2:33, 2:.32X, 2:31. ■ Paris, Texas, Oct. 21 and 22, $.3.50. Flora P. 1, 2 (4.0), Executor (4.0), Billy Boy, Billy Ford, Reno Defiance 2:28,2:29,2:30,2:30,2:301^. A. C, Jr., b g (2:4934). A. C. Barstow. Beacon Park, Boston, May 30, $100. Billy 2, Nelly R., Calais Bov Charles S., Charles G. Reddy (4 dr), 2:.54i^, 2:55>^, 2:4934, 2:58. Ada D., blk m (2:3134), by Elial G.. dam Belle Wilson. W. Van Yalkenburgh, Watertown, N. Y June 25 $20fJ. Little Kell 1, 2, Allie Rosebud, Oracle (1 dis), 2:31, 2:3.5i^. 2:34^, 2:34i^, 2:37. Four-year-olds and under' J. C. Preston, Canton, N. Y., July .3, $1.50. Molly Clark, Belle of Ilermon, , 2:44X 2:4314 Gouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 3, $2.50. Lady M. 1, 2, Ninette, Dot, 2:3334, 2:32%, 2:33, 2:3194, 2:333^. Four- year-olds. Ogdensbnrgh, N. Y., Sept. 10, $2"0. Ajax 3, Honeymaker ], Dot 4, 2:41%, 2:42, 2:44i4. 2:46, 2:4.5>^, 2:46%. Adair, b g (2:1 73/^), by Electioneer, dam Addie Lee, by Culver's Black Hawk. Wilbur F. Smith, Sacramento. Cal., Sept. 12, $1,500. Sister, 2:22>^, 2:20. 2:20%. W. A. Wright, Providence, R. I., Sept. 23, $200. Opodeldoc, Village Boy, S. W. C, Adaii C: Ada W.,"bm (2:363^). 2:.373^, 2::373^3, 2:4:?. Addie, ch m (,3:203^). W. Hammer, Vacaville, Cal., Oct. 30, $100. Modoc, 3:20>^, 3:40. Addie E. C, bm (2:2SX\ by Burgher, dam Fearless, by son of Hambletonian. J. B. Burlew, Rochester N. Y., Sept. 24, $59,5. Cora 1, Kitty Moore, Ethel Y., Ne'ppy (3 dr), Minnie Edsall (1 dis), 2:3134 2-32 2-28}^" 2:30>^. M. Brandon, Dryden, N. Y., Oct. 1, $ . Captain .Jeffers 1, 2:4234, 2:.38, 2:40>^, 2:40%. Addie Miller, bm (2:53%). J. I. Housman, New Dorp, N. Y., Ma'y 30, $100. Topsy 2, .3. Belle (4 dr) 2:.53%, 2:52, 2:50,1^, 2:.54, 2:.55. v . Adelaide, b m (2: 18), by Milwaukee, dam Minnie B., by Bay Mambrino. C. T. Bradlo}', Freeport III June 11, $600. John R., Malvina, Alfretta, 2:25M. 2:273^. 2:273^. Cleveland, O., July 28 and 29, $1,.500. Windsor"M., Montgomery, A. V. Pantlind, Onward, Albert France Urbana Belle, Gilbird's Sprague, James H., Secret, 2:18, 2:18, 2:19>^. Rochester, N. Y., AIlt;u>^t 4 and 6, $1,. 500. Judge Davis 4, 5, Montgomery 2, Onward 3, A. V Pantlind Albert France, Windsor M., James IL (4 dr), 2:21%, 2:21^. 2:22, 2:22, 2:24i^, 2:193^, 2:22}^. Adele Oould, ch m (2:19), by Jay Gould, dam Emeline, by Henry B. Patchen. E. W. Konover, Wilkes- barre. Pa., June 25. $ . 2:37, 2:26>^,. To beat 2:2:?%. Lost. Adjutant, bs (2:3934), by Administrator. M. Moloney, Ligonier, Ind., Oct. 15, 16 and 17, $245. Charley Boy 1, 2, John R. Wise, 2:40, 2:393^, 2:39^, 2:.39H. 2::fflM. Adler, b g (3:00). E. Knott, Waverly, la., Sept. 17, $60. Pilot, Sleepy Bill, 3:01, 3:00. 3:01. AdoniiS!, b s (2:39i4), by Ethan Allen, dam Charlotte F. L. B. Brown, Providence, R. I., Oct. 21, oats. Mill- er's Dam.sel, L'ldy Eldricige, 2:47, 2:49, 2:39^. A. G., b g (2;39M), by Black Bonner, dam by Hunting's Tippoo. Bowers and Gould, Watertown, N. Y., Aug. 18, $200. Daniel Lambert, Hector, Burdell Prince, 2:41, 2:40%, 2:.39i4. -\g}fie D., b m (2:56X> M. J. Doyle, Savannah, Ga., Dec. 25 and 26, $75. Joe C. 1, 2, Charles G. 5, 2:.58, 2:59, 3:00, 2:bt',}/-,, 3:00, 3:04. Agiie»>«, b m, by Pasaoas. F. H. Starkey, Howell, Mich., Sept. 25, $100. Maud B., Petoskey Maid. No time. Agnes D., b m (2:37!^). by Rvsdyk, dam hv Lovely's Priam. C.Hutchinson, Canton, N. Y., July 2, $1,50. Dot 4. 5 (3. 0), Jess R'., 2::W14,"2:40. 2:3934. 2":39>^, 2:40, 2:41. Agnes F., b m (2:353^), by Venango. F. Kilpatrick. Morrisania, N. Y., Oct. 26, cup. Nicotee 1, Lady Bare- foot, Jessie, Jenny H., Teaser, Arch, Bessie Sprague, Florence, Charley (2 dr), 2:41,2:38.2:39. 6 CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Almee, gr m (2:34), by Bayard, dam a pacing mare. T. H. Jones, Celina, O., Sept. 11, $200. Doctor Levi R , H., General Sigel, 2:36, 2:42, 2::^8. ' " '■ Albert A., b g (2:32V4)- E. II. Darting, Bridgeport, Conn., Sept. 1, $150. Charley A., Lennawana, Harry C Lady Lowe, Buckeye, 2:40, 2:40, 2:4.5. '' New Haven, Conn., Sept. 10, $200. Ansonia 2, Bob 1, Frank, Celeste, Vivian, Ramble (4 die), 2:3914, 2:;i.ot45 2 :3.'-yJ4, 2:401^, 2:3.5 j^. ^ > /4. /4 Mcriden, Conn., Sept. 17, $250. Jimmy Lewi.s, Jessie, Vivian, 2:.38)4, 2:3S, 2:S7X- Albert France, b g (2:'20ki), by George Wilkes, dam Alley, by Hambletonian. Frank Van Ness Albany N. v., July 7 and 8, $800. Frank, 2:21 >^, 2:22, 2:23. Alleghany, Pa., July 21 and 22, .|;l,200. Joe Davis 1, 6, Billy Button .3, Walnut 2, Deck Wright, Felix Lenna Swallow, Onward, 2:23, 2:25'/4, 2:2,sji, 2:24><^, 2:25)4, 2:31}4, 2:21. Albert "W., bs (2:20)^), by Electioneor. dam by John Nelson. A. Waldstein, San Francisco, Cal., Au'' 1 * $200. Sister2, 4, 2:2;3M, 2:24>^, 2:24, 2:2'i!4, 2:26. '' ' Alcazar, bs (2:29^>, by Sultan, dim Minnehaha, by Bald Chief. L. J. Rose, Santa Rosa, Cal., Aug 18 $200. Transit (ldi.s), Abmont(l dis), 2:381^. Two-year-olds and under. Oakland, Cal., Sept. 1, $200. Transit 1, 2:.33, 2:3:% 2:33. Two-year-olds. Saeraiaento, Cal., Sept. 17, $1,000. Transit, Senator, 2:311^, 2:2')^. Two-year-olds. Stockton, Cal., Sept. 23, $1,000. Transit 1, Senator 2, Tempest, 2:m}4, 2:33, 2:30J4, 2:32)^. Two-year-olds. Aleck Steplien»«, blk s (2:47). M. J. Doyle, Savannah. Ga., June 2.5. $175. R. P. Garsed 3, 4, Little Dick Ned S. (2 dis), Lydia Gold Dust (1 dis), Joe C. (1 dis), 2:47, 2:48^, 2:521^, 2:,52i.^, 2:5.5)^. Alcryon, gr 8 (2:59'4), l»y Alcyone, dam by Privateer. M. Noble, Schoolcraft, Mich., Oct. 10, $125 Ellen „ Gift, Nabob. Maud K.,2:59>4%2:.5<.!%, 2:59!4. ^ Alert, b g (2:24^), by Ensign. A. H. Danforth, Sioux Falls, Dakota, June 16, $400. Elmwood Chief, Maggie Kevin, Molly B., Th()rnless,2:2n, 2:29^, 2:26>^. ■ June 18, $400. Thornlcss, 2, 3, Elmwood Chief, 2:2T!4, 2:32^, 2:28^, 2:31 1^. 2:31. -J. D. Ladd, Ottumwa, la., Aug. 18, $;^00. Elmwood Cliief, Alien Almont, Molly B., 2:30-V, 2:281^, 2-32W — Oskaloosa, la., Sept. 3, .S-MO. Billy Ford (1. 0), Molly B., 2:27Ki 2:3014, 2:20. 2::B0. ■ Des Moines, la, S-pt. 10, $.500. Little Joe 1, Flora P. 4, Billy Ford (4 dis), 2:3i5X, ~:31, 2:3;3i4, 2:.34, 2:305^ Scott McCoy, Red Oak, la., Sept. 18. $100. 2:31, 2:2914, 2:27. To beat2:2;). Creston, la., Sej)!. 25, $300. Tom Kirkvvond, Molly B., 2:29. 2:;30i^, 2:25. Alex S., br g (3:00). J. W. Shnll, Princeton, Ind., Sept. 17, ,$30. General Gano, Chalk, 3:00, 3:04, 3:01. . Alf, blkg (2:441^). A.Grant, S.alt Lake City, Utah, Julv 4, $80. Caddy 1, 2:46, 2:47, 2:4.5,2:46. "* Alfred D., (Frank D.^ ch g (2:33>^). J. H. Levvis, Herkimer, N. Y., June 3, $250. Ace of Spades 1, Shela 4, Cynthia, Lucille's Baby, 2:37i4, 2::iC>M, 2:36>^, 2:39i4, 2:35%. Utica, N. Y., June 10, $250. Lucille's Babv, Cynthia, Island Maid, Cora B., Ace of Spades (3 dis), 2:35^4, 2:3;% 2:.3.5H. Danbury, Conn., Oct. 10, $100. Lady Dolphin, Fantine, Charley A. (2 dis), 2:39J4, 2:42)4, 2:50. Alice Addii^on, gr m (2:30), by Almont, dam Alice Drake, by Alexander's Norman. S. R. Clark, Jr., Elkton, Md., June 4, $400. Louise 1, 4, Efhe G. 3, J. A. E. (5 dr), Ike Medium (1 dis), 2:35, 2:33)4, 2:31, 2:33, 2:33i^, 2:40. Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 23, $250. Ike Schultz 2, 3, Bessie M. 4, Augusta Schuyler, Minnie L. (5 dis), 2:30, 2:30, 2:31M, 2:30, 2:-iVii. 2:;i0i4. June 24, $250. Daisy Hartshorno, Lady Poindexter, Bessie M.. 2:35, 2:.35)4, 2:31. ■ . M^estchester, Pa., Sept, 19, $200. Ike Schultz, Molly Mack (1 dis), 2:33:^, 2:34)4, 2:34. Alice C, b m (2:49?^). J. K, Glioen, Louisville. Ky., Aug. 29, $ , Miss Gabriel, 2:49%. Alice Croiild, rn m (2:40X>- A. Melcher, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 9, $100. Eradicator, Bessie F., Lady Bookhammer (1 dis), Nettie E. (1 dis), 2:403^, 2:44^^, 2:4;3>^. Alice Hyatt, b m (2:59-M), by Gen. George H. Thomas, dam Ella, by Enfield. W. R. Tomkins, Bowling (ireen, Ky,, Sept. 3, $ . Competitors not named, 2:.59^. Two-year-olds. Alien Almont, bm (2:27i4), by Hamlin's Almont, Jr., dam by Rattler. R. F. Meyers, Burlington, la., July 28, $100. Clark S., 2:36)4, 2:38, 2:4.5>^. Wapello, la,, Sept. 12, $-300. Clark S. 1, Black Logan, Lady W. (2 dis), 2:28^, 2:.30, 2:36)4, 2:29)4. Richland, la.. Sept. 25, $150. Black Logan, Billy Bashaw, 2:38, -':41, 9,::i:i}^. Alkali, bg (2:37%), by son of Green's Bashaw. H. B. Cobb, Mendota, 111., Sept. 12, $200. Doctor Shep- herd 1,2, Gray Jim, Blue Bull, 2:403^, 2:42X, 2:40%, 2:37%. Allendorfs Clieslnut Geldinj;^:, ch g. John AUendorf, Kansas City, Mo., June 3, $600. Ball's Brown Gelding 1,2. No time. Alley, bg(2:19), by Volunteer, dam by New York Black Hawk. A. Ross, Sherburne, N. Y., Sept. 26. $150. Small Hopes, Bay Prince, 2:,50, 2:;^7, 2:37. Allie B., chm (2:33X), by Almont, dam Kitty, by Blue Bull. William Mellen, Centreville, Mich., Oct. 1, $1.50, Vincent Cromwell, Pauline, Nelly T,, 2:39)4, 2::»3i. 2:40, Goshen, Ind„ Oct. 7, $60. Judge Hoadley 4, 5, Peanut 2,3, Judge Pierce, Ben Wright, 2:39%, 2:345^, 2:.37, 2:mi, 2:39%, 2:;«K', 2:37. Allie Rosebud, b m (2:59)4), by Happy Medium. A. Kulp, Cortlandt, N. Y.. June 10, $125, Skylight Pilot 2, (3.0), (5,0), Polly Hopkins, Stella W., King Philip (3dr), 2:59)4, 2:.59)<^, 2:.59)4, 2:,59)^, 2:.59%, 2:593^. Four year-olds. Alma Wallace, ch m, J. W. Titlcy, Brookville, Pa,, Sept. 24, $.50. Mabel Scott, 2:02)4, 1:58. Half-mile heats. Yearlings. Almeta, ch m (2:323^), by Almont, dam Alma Mater, by Mambrino Patchen. L. W. Sinclair, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 19, $.500. Maud Cook 1, 2, Charley M., Henry 0., John L., Black Dot, Protector (1 dis), 2:31%, 2:31, 2:32^, 2:;i6i.4, 2:35. Orleans, Ind., Sept, 25, $17.5. Grafton, Bessie G., 2:44, 2:40>i', 2:48. Aln*onette, b m (2:37)^), by Altamont, dam Favorite. J. L. Hallett, Hillsboro, Oregon, July 4, $100. Fred. Ilambleton, 2:42X, 2:51^, 2:41. Portland, Oregon, July 12, $175. Fowler, Lady Maud, 2:45, 2:44)^, 2:,39%. Almont, bg (2:27), by Alburn A, T. Tallman, Urbana, O., Aug. 28,$ . Rex, Flora, Prospect, Alice S,, Creed (3 dr), 2:34)4, 2:34i^, 2:Zm. A. Letson, Ada, O., Sept. 16, $200. Kenton Belle, Banner Boy, Yankee Tom, 2:34X. 2:34)4, 2:.34%. A. T. Tallman, Marion, O., Oct. 2, $350. Ambassador, Kenton Belle, 2:27, 2:30J^, 2:2714. Almont Boy, b g. R. G. Knight, Cornish, Me,, Sept. 10. $ . Sorrel Dan, Spangle, Jr. No time. Almont Oeneral,bg (2:24)4), by Hamlurs Almont, Jr., dam the Pratt mare, by Nigger Chief. R.K.Scott, Flint. Mich., Aug, 18, $300, liinthe, Topsy, Frank T,, Justice, Coaster, Jr,, 2:.38, 2:h8, 2:37)^. E.Saginaw, Mich., Aug. 26, $300. lanthe, Grace Darling, Coaster, Jr., Frank T., Justice, Col. Bowers, Camera^ dr), 2:33^, 2:33^. 2::i5)4. A. Teeple, Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. 30, $500, Fancy. George R,, Octavia, 2:24)4, 2:27)4, 2:30)4. Defiance, 0., Oct. 9, $ . Lady Elgin 2, William T., Frank Forrester, 2:50, 2:40, 2:45, 2:47. SUPPLEMENT FOR 1885. TROTTING 7 Aliiiont Cillt, h s (2:2714), by Almont Chief, dam Mohawk Damsel, by Mohawk. Langford Bros., Cleveland, ().. July L'S. $-2S)i)0. Mohawk Gift 1, 3, 2:35X- ~-2'i'l4< ~:a()X, 3:38K, 2:28. Aliiioul Iiedo, ch s (3:00), bv General Wither.-, dam Alice, by Ledo. C. M. Perry, Athol, Mas.s., Oct. 6, $25. William Cromwell, .■i:0'.),'8:CX). Four-year-olds. .Vlplia^ blk m (2:25Vii, liy Alcantara, dam Jessie Pepper, bv Mambrino Chief. II. and F. D. s-tout, Des Moines, la., Sept. 9, $500. Sunshine, oliio Maid, Tribune, 2:5i){. 2:.5:^, 2:b:\. Bowerman Bros., Lexinj^on, Ky., Oct. IT, $100. 2:2.5i^. To trot in ■.i:30, or better. Alplia, b g w (2:1:4>^ w), by Whalebone Kno.x. T. Loughran, Morrisania, N. Y., Nov. 26, cup. Lady Bare- foot, w., Daisy, w., at-HVa, 2:4!IX- AI R., b g (2:27J^), bj' Frank Nichols, dam by Fisk's Mambrino Chief. Rogers and Hill, Peoria, 111., July 21, $3.jO. Marquis, Kitty Kitterman, Victor Sprague, Decoration (2 dis), Molly West (1 dis), 2:S7M, 2:S7, 2:30. July 2;?, $3.50. Frank H. 2, Almeta, Cleo, Marquis, Maud Muller, Willy Knox, Patty P., Ophelia, 2:3.3 J^, 2:.3.3i4, 2::32?i, 2:34. A. W. Rogers, Joliet, 111., July 28, $400. Texas Girl, General Sibley, Marquis, Walter R. (1 di.«), 2 ::?2i4, 2:mX, 2:35j^. Tuly ;W, $400. Moody, Cleo, Kenton Belle, Sentry, Almeta, Frank II. (3 disi, Laura Belle (2 dis), Willy Knox (2 dis), Capitola (2 dis), 2:mx, 2:27^^^, 2:29ki. H. A. Hill, Ottawa, HI., Aug. 4, $:30.^ General Sibley, Granite, Gypsy Girl, Marquis, Texas Girl (3 dr). 2:36^, 2:38, 2:4L La Salle, 111., Aug. 11, $400. General Sibley, Gypsy. Girl, Marquis, Granite, Texas Girl (2 dis), 2 ::K>^, 3 2:32V, 2::54'I4. '- Aug. 13, $400. Moody 1, 2, Capitola, Almeta, Bohemian Girl, 2:.32%, 2:.32^, 2:.34^, 2:3.314, 2:36^. Rogers and Hill, Racine, Wis., Sept. 3, $400. Robin 3, Billy Dayton 1, 2:29, 2:31!4, 2:29, 2::32, 2:;iO. Alroy, b g (2:24), by Peacemaker, dam Mason Girl, by Arabian Chief. C. D. Smith, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 22, $500. Lotta 1, Dick Organ, George A. (3 dis), 2:26i<^, 2:24><^, 2:25, 2:25. Alta, b ni (2:42), by Altamont, dam Vermont Maid. L. Swan, Yreka, Cal., Oct. 9, $200. Zilophone, Frank Pilot, 2:4:i, 2:42, 2:44. .\Ita CoNwaek, b s by Don CJossack, dam Misnomer, by Alta. A. J. Caton, Chicago, 111., Sept. 16, $ . Dora, Edna Gift, 1::W>^, 1:32. Half-mile heats, yearlings. Altamont, br s (2:26?^ w), bv Almont, dam Sue Ford, by Brown Chief. Jay Beach, San Francisco, Cal., 4 Feb. 7, $2,50. Nighttime 3, 4, Ed 2, Cairo, Florence E. (2 dis), 2:;«, 2:;32, 2:29>^, 2:.31, 2:303^, 2:m. Feb. 14, .$200. Ed 1, Frank Moscow 2. Nighttime 3. 2:29,V. 2:29^, 2:;3.3i^, 2:31, 2:301^, 2:31}^. w. Feb. 2;?, $500. Frank Moscow, 2:29^, 2:29, 2:28^- w. Feb. 28, $200. Nighttime 1, Frank Moscow, 2::30, 2:30, 2:29, 2:29. w. March 7 and 9, $.500. Sam Lewis, pacer 2, 4, (5. 0). 2:40}^, 2:28, 2:3.31^, 2:29^, 2:28. Unfinished. w. Oakland, Cal., March 14, $200. B. B., w. 2, 3, Ed., Frank Moscow, Nighttime, 2:30, 2:28^, 2:28, 2:29,2:26%. w. Oakland. Cal., March 21 and 23, $200. Frank Moscow 4, 5, B. B., w. 3, 6, Ed 2 (8 dr). Nighttime, 2:;M, 2mX, 2:;^0, 2:-i\)4, 2:.34>^, 2:26%. Boise City, Idaho, Oct. 23, $250. Maggie Arnold 1 (2 dis), Stonewall (2 dis), 2:4 \ 3:30>4. Alvlra, b m (2:30), by Stillson, dam FanrTy, by Sayre's Harrv Clay. G. Patterson, Mansfleld, O., Oct. 1, $200. 5 Baby Mine 1, Mattle Hunter, 2:393^, 2:31X, 2:35, 2:;:i0. Oct. 2, $.300. Zeno 3, Mattie Hunter, Baby Mine. 2:32, 2:.34, 2:.32, 2:31><^. Amanda T., br m (2:34), by Brousrh.ani, dam by Finch's St. Lawrence. Carson and Phillips, Atlantic, la., Sept. 25, $75. Little Fred, Dick, 3:05, 2:5;>^, 2:,58>^. Ambassador, blk s (2:25), by George Wilkes, dam Ladv Carr, by American Clay. Williams and Harris, Wilmington, O., Aug. 13, $170. Gray Dave 3, Belle Ogle, Hattie T., Alvira, Freddy J. (3 dr), 2:;i2^, 2:33, 2:31, 2::3(%. — • V'. K. Williams, Upper Sandusky, O., Oct. 10, $200. Barney K., pacer. Limber Jim, pacer, Daisy Gray, 2:31, 2:28, 2:27. Ambler, b g (2:31%), by Smuggler. P. O. Shank, Medina, O., Sept. 17, $150. Sunshine, Maid of Erin, 2:36, 6 2:32>^, 2:31%. Sandusky, O.. Sept. 2:5, $150. Baby Mine, Bertha, Wally B., Black Mack, Monaco (3 dr), Mersburg (2 dr). Sorrel Billy (2 dis), 2:;W, 2:4:3, 2:,37. Ainie Klnu^, ch ni (2:28'4), by Mambrino King, dam by Kentucky Clay. L. W. Sinclair, Charlotte, Mich., July 16, $2.50. Dr. Frank 3, Robin, Irene, Big Ike, 2::«»i, 2:31>4. 2:;^!^, 2:;B3>^. — Peoria, 111., July 24, $3.50. Razor B., German Boy, Review, Nina K., Col. Crockett, Blackstone, Renegade (3 dis), 2:,3;i 2:29%, 2:31>^. Joliet, 111., July 31, $400. Nina K. 1, Razor B. 4 (5. 0), (6 dis), Sprague Pilot, Iris, German Boy, Blackstone, Bertha Clay (3 dis), Nelly Grant (3 dr), 2:29M. 2:29!4. 2:28)^, 2:31, 2:28%, 2:31. Amos, brg (3:11). James Waller, Ponca, Neb., Sept. 16, $50. Flora B. 1, 3, Weasel, Black Bill, 3:16, 3:11, 7 3:10, 3:17, 3:22. Amos, brg (2:40%). N. B. Davis, Blair, Neb., July 4, $120. Pearnaught, Tippoo Sultan (2 dis), Lucy Remington (2 dis). No time. .4.ndy C. (Captain B.), b g (2:39i4). J. C. Duncan, York, Pa., Oct. 8, $100. Dan Barnard 1, 2 (3. 0), Orphan Girl, 2:58, 2:50, 2:46, 2:4:3, 2:42, 2:41%. Oct. 9, $1.50. Dan Barnard, Lady K., 2:4;%, 2:41, 2:4.3%. Audy S., b g (2:46>M, 2:SH]4, 2:38^- Portland, Me.. Oct. 27 and 28, $150. Red Cross 1, 2, Gov. Morrill (5.0), Carrie T., Lady Independence, Harry L., Little Jim (5 dr), 2::i6i4, 2:;37%, 2:;J4>4, 2::38»4, 2:32%, 2:Aj. Annie Rene, b m (3:03), by King Rene, dam Romana, by Harold. E. W. Mosher, York, Neb., Sept. 3, $100. Belva Lockwood, Nebraska Chief, 3:28, 3:03. Four-year-olds. 8 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Annie T., ch m (2:35), by Allen Sontag, dam by Rust's Dave Hill. John Simpson, Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 1 15, $300. Van Duke, Place, Barney Holmes. Ethan Allen {2 dis), Fred (1 dis), 2:35, 2:.38i4, 2:37?^. ■ (irand Island, Neb., Sept. 25, $300. Polly M. 1, Edgewood, C. P. C, St. Lawrence, Kitty H. (4 die), 2:44, 2:40, 2:41, 2:42. Annie T., b m rii37). H. P. Libbey, Attleboro, Mass., Sept. 16, $200. G. T., Russell, Pontiac, Kitty C, Maud M., 2:42^^, 2:37i/t, 2:37. Ansonla, br s (2:33^), by Jay Gould, dam Lady Ella. Geo. Fockner, Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 17, $250. Bob Morau, Molly W., 2:361,^, 2:33^, 2:34V^. Anteeo, b s (2:16^), by Electioneer, dam Columbine, by A. W. Richmond. I. De Turk, Santa Rosa, Cal., Aug. 20, $500. La Granse 1, 2, 2:25, 2:2414 , 2:2434, 2:27%, 2:29. ■ Petaluma, Cal., Aug. 28, $300. Thapsin 1, 4, Marin, 2:26%, 2:24i4, 2:24%, 2:28, 2:2814. 2 ^ J. A. Goldsmith, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 19, $1,200. Magdallah 2, 5, Marin 1 (6 dis). La Grange, 2 :25U. 2:24, 2:231^, 2:29^, 2:27'3^, 2:2534. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 30, $2,000. Adair, 2:16i^, 2:20, 2:19. Antevolo, br s (2:19><2), by Electioneer, dam Columbine, by A. W.Richmond. J.C.Simpson, Stockton, Cal., Sept. 22, $1,000. Pansy 1, Dawn, Kismet, Voucher, 2:24i4, 2:2,514. 2:25?^, 2:29i^. Four-year-olds and under. Autlas, ch m (2:39>^). J. Shillinglaw, Southington, Conn., June 19, $150. Belle Jefferson, Never, Ralph B. U dis), Jessie C. B. (1 dis), 2:39^, 2:42}^, 2:42. Antonelll, b s (2:35M), by Cardinal. D. W."Thomas, Garrattsville O., Sept. 11, $100. Pilot T., Nelly B. (3dis), 2:59><^, 2:.53, 2:49>ir. Three-year-olds. 3 Apex, b 8 (2:31), by Prompter, dam byPlaxtail. S. K. Trefry, Glenbrook, Cal., Sept. 1, $600. Mill Boy, 2:51,2:533^. Three-year-olds. Stockton, Cal., Sept. 25, $1,000. Stamboul 1, 2, Lohengrin, 2:34>^, 2:35)^, 2:33^, 2:35, 2:393^. Three- year-olds. Apparition, b m, by Sir Walkill. A. H. Dore, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 29, $ . Grace 1:39, 1:31. Half mile heats. Three-year-olds. AquariU!^, ch s (2:29i4), by Pancoast, dam Doris, by Cuyler. Glenview Stock Farm, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 16, $575. 2:.33, 2:29>^. W. O. Three-year-olds. Ara, ch m (2:43), by Masterlode, dam by Magna Charta. Ray Warner, Detroit, Mich., Aug. 12, $210. Maymont (1 dis), Lizzie H. (1 dis). Jack (1 dis), 2:43. Two-year-olds. 4 Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. 17, $ . 2:43. W. O. Plainwell, Mich., Oct. 2, $75. Nabob 1, 2, Tramp Wilkes, Clara M., 3:03, 2:59}^, 2:53, 2:57}.^, 2:49?,^. Three- year-olds and under. Goshen, Ind., Oct. 8, $ . Maggie M., George Day, Frank Wayne, 1:29, 1:23. Half mile heats. Two- year-olds. Arab, b g (2:17X>- by Arthurton, dam Lady Hamilton, by Ethan Allen. O. A. Hickok, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 15, $500. Adair, Sister, 2:21, 2:20, 2:22>^. Petaluma, Cal., Aug. 26, $1,000. Sister 1. Magdallah, 2:26, 2:23J^, 2:19^, 2:20i^. Oakland, Cal., Sept. 1, $750. Sister. Magdallah, 2:21, 2:21. 2:22. . • Sept. 4, $1,000. Nelly R. (1.0), Monroe .Chief (2dr), 2:19}4, 2:261^, 2:19, 2:22Ji. 5 San Franci.sco, Cal., Oct. 17, $1,000. Anteeo, Guy Wilkes, Adair, 2:19, 2:18>^, 2:19^. Oct. 24, $2,000. Anteeo, 2:18^, 2:20^, 2:18%. . Oct. 31, $1,800. Guy Wilkes, 2:183^, 2:17X, 2:17K- Arabella, bm by Mambrino Patchen. O. P. Shuler, Charlotte, Mich., Sept. 24, $40. Fanny Parsons 1, Tom S., William T., Trophy, Uncle Ned, Maud Lees. No time. Arabian Girl, ch m (2:41), by Carnac, dam an Arabian mare. H. S. Frost, Keene, N. H., June 26, $100. Jeannette 3, Eddy, 2:45, 2:45, 2:46, 2:45. Manchester, N. H., Sept. 25, $ ■. Thornedale Jim, Gertie B., Jim, 2:41, 2:42. Archie, b 8 (2:243€), by Garibaldi, dam Lady Mischief, Charles Bissett, Providence, R. I., Sept. 25, $200. Vladimir, Green Boy, 2:27, 2:27^, 2:2434. 6 Areliie Oolddust, gr s (2:42pi), by Golddust. J. A. Juvinal, Upper Sandusky, O., Oct. 9, $150. Little Boy, Lady Logan, Don Castor, 2:52%, 2:45i4, 2:46J-4. Oct. 10, $100. Little Boy, Don Castor, Richard. 2:51, 2:421^,2:45. Arestine, b m (2:46), by Capoul, dam Marie Antoinette, by Almont. D. W. C. Vaile, Oregon, 111., Sept. 2.3, $100. Bob Lee. 3:14, 3:04, 3:00. Four-vear-olds. Arlstos, br g (2:56). E. E. Woods, Northampton, Mass., Oct. 8, $70. Frank, B. B., Billy, Nelson, 2:56, 2:,59. Arlstos, Jr., br 8 (2:34^), by Aristos, dam Annie Marshall, by Daniel Lambert. C. F. Pynchon, Tipton, Ind., Sept. 2.5, $100. Kaie Owen, Messenger Golddust, Jr., Nelly S., Brown Jug, Mary, Flora C, Stargazer, 2:441^, 2:43, 2:36. Waterloo. Ind., Sept. 30, $200. Hambletonian Star 1, Conductor. No time. 7 Arlington, (3:20). S. R. Gilbert, Selma, Ala., Oct. 29, $30. Moseley's Entry, Estelle, 3:20. Three-year- olds. Aroostook Girl, b m (2:45), by Cobbler. G. Palmer, Exeter, Me., Sept. 30, $65. Honest Dick 3, Harry L., Bianca, Bonny Rob, 2:45, 2:56, 2-A9}^, 2:45. Arthur, b g (2:261^), by De Long's Ethan Allen, dam by Vt. Black Hawk. Thomas Cornelie, Manchester N. H., July 28, .S:500. Belle Shackett, Hopemont, Minnie C. 2, 3 (4 dis), 2::i\)4. 2:3234, 2:311/^, 2::3.3, 2:35^. ArtliHr Boy, b g (2:34%). G. M. Webb, Winnipeg, Man., July 3, $200. Bella C, Minneapolis, 2:39i^, 2:36. Arthur li., blk s (2:56), by Warnick'e Bashaw. Pendleton, Oregon, Oct. 9, $100. Coquetta, 3:01, 2:56. Three-year-olds. 8 Artist, blk g (2:28)^), by McCracken's Golddust, dam Jenny, by Dave Hill, Jr. J. R. Hodson, Santa Rosa, Cal., Aug. 19, $500." Norman 3, Sultan, 2:28>^, 2:29, 2:28%, 2:30%. Ashland. Boy, b s (3:06X), by Fergus McGregor. John Greeley, Manhattan, Kan., Aug. 26, $125. Johnny Ford, Susie Carpenter, Challis (3 dr), 3:11, 3:06X. 3:06%. Three-year-olds. Astral, br m (2:28^^), by August Belmont, dam Patchen Maid, by Mambrino Patchen. P. S. Talbert, Lexing- ton, Ky., Oct. 22, $10. 2:28i^. To beat 2:30. ■ Oct. 29, $10. 2:31%. To beat 2:30. Lost. Atlantic, br s (2:24>^), by Almont, dam Isabella Clav, by Kentucky Clay. R. W. Davis, Jefferson, O., Sept. 24, $100. Reveille, Mink, 2:26^, 2:263^, 2:25. Stallions. Stoneboro, Pa., Oct. 1, $2.55. Sunbury Boy, St. John, Sam Woods, 2:31J^. 2:34>^, 2:;i8i^, 2:35. Jersey City. N. J., Sept. 11, $ . Bessie H., 2:44. 2:45. Auntie, blk m (2:3854), by Colonel Campbell. J. O'Neill. Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 3, $200. Emily H. 1, 4, Bob Shiner, Molly W., Sorrel Jim, Teaser, 2:46%, 2:48^, 2:46, 2:45%, 2:47>!r. SUPPLEMENT FOR 1885. TROTTING. 9 Aurella, b m (3:01). Fred. Biirrill, Pataskala, O., Aug. 28, $30. Eastmont 2, Linda Locke, Nelly B. 3:06, 3:03, 3:01, 3:05. Three-year-olds. Avoca Boy, b:46, 2:46, 2:.51. Avonmore, b s (3:04>^), by Strathmore, dam Arline, by Almont. E. B. Emory, Centreville, Md., Ans;. 10, g.-)0. Zorhnrst'schm 1, 3:12, 3:07%, 3:04i^, 2::39J^, 2:.39i^, 2:;WX. Barry Ciolddust, b s (3:38). A. L, Racy, Hastings, Mich., Sept. 30, $15. Jerrj', Poxie, Kitty, 3:40, 3:.38. Foiir-ycar-olds. Basliaw, eh g (2:5 7-'4), by Mambrino Bashaw. O. Moeller, Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 14. $.320. John S. 1, 4, Rocket, Cii])tain P. (2 disi, Si.ster ('. (1 dis), 3:01, 2:5914. 2:,57%. 3:00, 3:02i^. Tliree-vear-olds, Basliaw Baby, ch s (2:44X'- by Green's Bashaw. J. B. Fye, Sigourney, la., Sept. 17, f!160. Canada Star 1, 2, Little Tom, Clifton's Bashaw, Jewel, 2:48. 2:47}^, 2:45. 2:46i^, 2:44i^. Ba!>ilia%v flay, rn s (2:52'^), by Kentucky Clay. J. G. Smith, Schuyler, Neb.. Oct, 2, $200. Lira T. 1. Flora May, 2:58, 2:,59, 3:01^, 3:()2>^. Ba!«liatv Joe. Al. Frederick, Eldora, la., Sept. 17, $ . John 1, Dollv. No time. Ba.sliaw King, blk s (2:38^4). G. W. Beverly, Clarinda, la., Sept. .3, $1.50. Ned Powell 1, Ben B., Illinois Central, 2:,56, •■>:SH%. 2:40><^. 2:46>^. S. Walsh, Aug. 6, $25. Auntie, Ned Cole (3 dr), 2:41, 2:403^, 2:40, 2-AlX, 2:43. Bay Billy, b g (3:1 8). W. Van Sickle, Ancaster, Ont,, Oct. 21, $ . Pizen 1, 2, Romeo, Dan (5 dr), June Boy (5 (Ir), 3:15, 3:2(1, 3:19, 3:18, 3:22. Bay Billy, b g (3:08). Lebanon, O., Sept. 24, $.50. Black Frank 4, William A., Belle Thompson, Talley- rand, Lulu, Lilly IL, Lady Broker 1 (5 dr), Lady Pilot (5 dr), (^ueen (4 dr), 3:22, 3:15^. 3:143^, 3:14, 3:08. Bay Bob, b g. C, C, .Sanford, Fort Dodge, la., June 2, $ . Lady B. 2, :i. Gilt Edge 1. No time. Half- mile heats. Bay Dan, b g (2:36^). W. H. Nicholson, Kingston. N. Y., Oct. 16, $200. Bergen Belle 1, Roan Toin, McMul- len Boy, Hornet. Harry D (3 dr). 2::?63^, 2::^6i^, 2:mH- 2:36>^. Bay Dan, b g (2:32). II. Ryan, Lake Linden, Mich., July 31, $16.5. Dom Pedro 3, George R., 2:5.5, 2:50)^, 2:511^, a:,58. Bay Frank, b g. w (2:52^ W). M. J. Sherlock, St. Louis, Mo,, Aug. 29, medals. Frank C. 3, Melrose 3, Oscar Wild. Jim O'Neill, Fanny M., 2:52)4, 2:4814, 2:56, 2:521^. Bay Frank, b g (2:39). W. W. Edwards, GoldsSoro, N. C, May 7, $200. George B. 2, 2:41, 2:39, 2:40, 2:41. Bay Frank, b s (3:05^i. by Frank Medley. J. Rogers, Pach'eco, Cal., Sept. 9, $100. Rocky, Dandy, 3:10, 3:07, 3:05!^. Bay Frank, b g (2:-l2}i). bv Commodore Vanderbilt. Adam Thompson, Omaha. Neb., Sept. 9. $400. Annie T. 1, Black Bob, McKenzie, Long Lucy, Manhattan, Bob Bowles (3 dis), 2:46, 2:44)^, 2:42i4, 2:42%. Bay George, bg(3:04:'i), by Whirlwind. Mr. Kitley, Alliston, Ont., July 1, $ . Queen 2, 3:09, 3:0814, 3:04%. Bay George, b g(2:37>i^). A. Barngrover. Waverl}', N. J., Sept. 15, $200. George F.Andrews, Cora N., Brighton Boy, Hunter, St. Leno, Ouida (1 dis), 2::i7i^, 2:.38i4, 2:.38. 10 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. Dover, Del., Oct. 2, $200. Wedding Day. Billy K., Andy C. 1 (.3 dr), 2:40i^, 2-Al}4, 2:40J4, 2;43. Bayouiie Prince, blk s (2:21J4), by Kentucky Prince, dam Emily C, by State of Maine, R. ( adugan, Flemington, N. J., Sept. 34, $.300. Lizzie R. 1, 4, Irish Lad 3, Scotland, 3:30-^. . 2:29, 2:30i^, 2:3.'^, 3:32><^. Bay Prince, b g (2:40), S. K. Hawkins, Oxford, N. Y., Sept. 3:3, $100. Teleplione 1, Harry Hill, Bay Billy (4 dr), 2:41K', 2:42, 2:40,2:401^. Bay Prince, l)g (3:00). D. Barckalow, Clifton, N. J., May .30, $ . Flora Temple, Bay John, Chief, Doctor Dick, 3:10, 3:07^, 3:00. Bay Ctueen, bi- m (2:38i4>. H. P. Libby, Pramingham, Mass., Oct. 37, $300. Baby, Mary C, A. J. C, Mes- senger Girl, 2:.38H', 3:43U,, 2:41. Bay Bob, bg (2:4614), by Hampton. E. J. Gurney, Perth, Ont., June 18, $100. Young Chestnut Hill 2, Nettletop 3, Maud E.^ Billy Button (3 dr), 2:46>4-, 2:48, — -, 2:.50, 2:.50. Bay Tom, 1) g (3:07). F. Bowers, Dowagiac, Mich., Oct. 7, $75. Little Mack, Lady Loveland, Little Jack, 3:07,3:10,3:12^. Bay Tom, 1) g (2:44i4). A. Taillefer, Montreal, P. Q., Sept. 3, $50. Butcher Boy, General Patchen, Peanut, Des Jardine's blk s, 2:49^, 2:49?^, 2:.50. Bay Tom, b g (2:26), by Honest John, dam by Gray Jack. W. H. Becker, East Saginaw, Mich., June 2!, :5700. Little Joe 4, 5, Otto K. 2, Irene, S. J. Fletcher, 2:30'^, 2:39, 2:30i4, 2:;W3^, 2::32i^, i2::i-2%. G. N. Percy, Chatham, N.Y., Sept. 10, $300. David L. 5, 6, George W. 1, 2, 2::34, 2:32, 2:3.'X- 2:31->4, 2:29^. 2:29>^, 2:31%. C. E. Louudsbury, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 17, $200. George W., David L. (3 dis), 2:29i4, 2:305^. 3:30. G. N. Percv, Lawrence, Mass., Sept. 29, $400. Hunter, Arthur, Minnie C, 2:29^^, 2:Z0]4, 2:29}^. Danbury, Conn., Oct. 9, S:BOO. Josephus 1, 2, Westchester Girl, Volunteer Wilkes, Jack Wilkes, James H. (3 dis), 2:3214, 2:32^, 2:32X, 2:mU, 2:31. SauLierties, N. Y., Oct. 22, .SLiO. Harry Mills 1, T. A. K.. Carver, 2:333^, 2:.32M, 2::35, 2:34. Bayview Boy, blk s (2:40i4), by General Kn x. Oshkosh.Wis., Sept. 15, $100. Von Arnim, Jr., Bismarck, Jr., Chismore, John Powers (2 dis), 2:47}^, 2:48, 2:50!^. Greea stallions. Same day, $200. Robin, Lucy Golddust, Green Bay Boy 1 (3 dis). Lady C. (3 dis), Charley Macomber (3 dis), 2:41, 2:42!4, 2:40!^, 2:43i4, • B. B. Custer, blk g(2:34), by Almont, Jr., dam Bella. J. L. Palmer, Greenville, O., Sept. 16, $ -. Rue 3, Kit Curry, Tom Jackson, 2:38, 2:34, 2:42. Beaconisfleld, b g (2:31i^), by Dean Sage, dam Cricket, B. C. Watson, Morrisania, N.Y. Sept. 26, $800. 2:.53i^ VV. O. 4 Beaumont, ch s (2:40), by Belmont, dam Midnight, by Pilot, Jr. C. F. Predmore, Kittanning, Pa., Sept. 24, $125. Hairy, George A., William C, Laura, 2:40, 2:42, 2:42. Unionto.'. n, Pa., Oct. 7, $200. Maud A. 2, 5, Gray Harry 1, William C, George A. 2:42, 2:.39, 3:43, 3:43)^, 2:40, 2:42>^. Beauregard, ch g (2:21}^), by Mohican, dam Nelly Mac. H. D. Ernest. Cleveland. O., July 28, $1,000. Sir Roger, 1, 2, Robin Hood, Katy Isler, Bob Johnson. Silver Leaf, Otho, Edgehill, Tom Allen, Brighton (4dr), Maud R. (2 dr). 2:23i^, 2:23)4, 2:2234, 2:33, 3:31 1^. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 4, $1,000. Sir Roger, Jose S., Roxie M., Silver Leaf, Brighton (3 dis), 3:36i4, 2:34^. 2:2414. Albany, N, Y., Aug. 11, $1,000. Katy Isler, William Kearney, Jose S., Sir Roger, Mattie K., Kemble Maid, » Alfred D. 2:2:^^^,2:23, 2:2334. Aug. 13. $l,0a0, Roxie M., Kitefoot, Maggie Knox, Bay Tom, Abby, 2:25^, 2:26^, 2:24%. J. Mclntjre, Hamilton, O., Oct. 8, $250. Urbaua Belle 1, Desdemona, Bessie C. (4 dr), 2:32, 2::ii)4 , i-M}^, Bee Hive (2:59>^). Hicksville, O., Sept. 24, $ . German Girl, Shadeland, Denmark, Doctor (3 dis), 2:593^, 3:02, 3:00 Bee lilne, br s (2:43), by Joe Hooker, dam Spy, by Sweet Owen. T. Cone, Norwalk, O., Sept. 17, $200. Hotspur, Jr. 1, Horizon, 2:52, 2:50, 2:473^^, 2:50. Stallions. Sept. 18, $300. Black Mack, .\lr. Dick, Propeller, 2:4334, 2:4:3. 2:4434. Beeclier, b g (2:44), by Dick. M. Demarest, Hohokus, N. J., July 4, $175. Velvet Tip 3, Hebe 1, Viola Maid 6 (5 0), Lizzie L., Golddust (2 dr), 2:48, 2:473.^, 2:49, 2:48, 2:473^, 3:48. Beech wood, bg (2:493^). C. H. Smith. Woodbury, N. J., Aug. 8, $150. Bay George, Pat, 3:56, 3:49i^, 3:493^. Belle, chm(3:18). Jas. Tompkins, South Norridgewock, Me., Oct. 7,$ . Sandy River Maid 2, 3:22, 3:23,3:18. Three-year-olds. Belle, (Nashua Maid), grm(2:40). P. Seymour, Bristol, Conn., Oct. 2, $150. CollegjBoy, pacer. Sailor. Bessie, Lvdia D., 2:473^. 2:47)^, , Belle, b m (2:54), by Strader's Hambletonian. P. Hassenfeld, Carthage, O., Aug. 26, $.50. Prince Monroe, Katy R. 2:56, 2:56, 2:54. Belle Clay, b m, by Cuyler Clay, dam by Kirkwood. M. Moriarty, Hanover, Pa., Oct. 1, $75. Chickasaw, Westminister (2 dis), 1:523^, 1:56^, 1;57^. Half-mile-heats. Two-year-olds. < Belle <'rabb, br m (2:36), by Pilot Mambrino, dam by John Dillard. G. G. Whitcomb, Mason. Mich., July 2,5, $200. Bashaw Maid, Mattie Willis, Lady M. (2 dis), 2::37, 2::36, 2:373^. Hubbardstown, Mich., Sept. 33, $100. Sirocco 1, Barns, Jr., John Henry, Lady Holmes, Ned Forrest, Money Mac, Lady Thomas, Michigan Girl. No time. Sept. 35, $300. Belle of Fairfield 1, Lady Holmes, Ned Forrest. Belle Wood, John Henry. No time. Belle F., b m (2:20y^), by Masterlode, dam by Magna Charta. John Splan, E. Saginaw, Mich., June 33, $800. Felix 3, 4, Montgomery, Jim Early, 2:35, 3:24, 3:26%, 2:26, 2:29^. Belle Foster. Penton, Mich., Oct. 7, $30. Maud, Sam, Bay Major. No time. Oct. 8, $65. Maud, Frank B. No time. Oct. 9, S '. Prank B., Maud, Flora, Gazer. Billy Forbes. No time. ° Belle Gage, b m (2:44), N. C. Furbush, Phillips, Me., Oct. 1, $ . Uno, Lady Bradford, 3:00, 2:53, 2:.50. Parmington, Me., Oct. 8, $100. Harry L. 1, Mazeppa, 2:45-^, 2:45, 2:44, 2:483^. Belle Gamble, b m (2:44X), by Marshal Ney. F. C. Goldsboro, Centreville, Md., Sept. 23, $50. Moses 2, Lee, Lucy, 2:4AX, 2:49>j^, 3:45. 2:49. Belle Hackett, chm (2:39K), by Daniel Lambert. G. H. Smith, Canal Dover, O., Oct. 9, $250. Modoc, Frank Patchen, 2:;»34, 2:393-4, 2:39>^. Belle Isle, b in (2:42), by Cuyler, dam Kitty Johnson, by Mambrino Patchen. William Forrest, Tipton, Mo , Sept. 1, $ im. Jepp, Dora S., 3:10, 2:5934, 3:14. Helena, Ark., Oct. 34, $1;W. Hyperion 3, Adelina Patti 1, Castaway (3 dr), 2:50%, 3:475^, 3:44;^. Willimantic, Conn., Sept. 39, $1.50: Lady Flynn, Mary C, Jesse 3 (4 dis), 3:.3834, 3:.36%, 3:44^, 2:42. Sept. ;30, $150. Lady Flynn, Red Cloud, Mary C, Gold Nugget, Jenny, Roscoe (3 dr), 2:;383^, 2:37%, 3:41%. Rockville, Conn., Oct. 14, $150. Adonis, Roscoe, Morrill Coy, Hooker (3 dr), 3::3634, 2:38, 3:40. SUPPLEMENT FOR 1885. TROTTING. 11 Belle Jefferson, ch m (2:47M). James Campbell, Watertown, Conn., July 4, $18."5. Jeflertonian, 2:47%, 1 Belle Medium, b ra (2:37), by Happy Medium, dam Belle Vernon, by Gen. Mott. Dr. Leatherman, Easton, F:i , Sept. 17, SlOO. Jes^se 1, Emma, Perilous. New Hope Girl, Bob Pinkerton (3 dr), 2:441^, 2:.37, 2,42, 2:4;3. Belle of L.o\vell, prr m (2:4 1X> John ll. Morrison, Lowell, Mass., May 20, $250. Golden Rule, Dan, I(laC.,2:.52. 2:52, 2:4114. Belle of Shelby, gr m (2:3414). D. C. Pearsall, Alpena, Mich., July .31, $ . Midnight, June Fearnaught, Lansing Boy, 2.40, 2::39J^, 2::iiiX- Aug. 1. S . Huron Boy. Midnight. 2:44>^, 2:.39?|, 2:40. Windsor, Ont., Sept. 1(5, $175. Marvel (1 Oi, Nelly, Maud H., Mcintosh, Grace Scott, 2:39J^, 2:3434, 2::34^, 2:;i5. ;j Belle of York, b m (3:12). B. F. Kendig, York, Pa., Oct. 7. $.")0. Sentinel Boy, 3:12, 3:1(1, 3:14. Belle <»g-le b m (.2:30i, by Schenck's Mohawk. J. W. Kennedy, Hillsboro, O., Aug. 5, $175. Freddy J., Hattie T., Alvira, Baby Mine, Billy, Molly B., Molly Allen, 2:;i0>^. 2::U-^, 2:34. Jamestown, O., Aug. 20, $1.50. Fn\nk D., Molly Allen, Molly B., Granny Colfax. No time. Athens, O., Oct. 2, $22.5. Ida H., Hattie T. No time. T. M. Parsons, Marietta, O., Sei)t. 17, $150. Doctor Hull, Crazy Jane, Billy 8., 2:41, 2:415^, 2:41i^. Sept. IS, $150. Hattie T., Doctor Hull, 2:.30i4, 2::37-M, 2:35^^. Caldwell, O., Sept. 25, $300. Flora, Hattie T., 2::3;3, 2:.30, 2:.32J4. Belle S., b m (2:28'/2), by Andy Johnson, dam Lady Jones, by Champion Foxhunter. E. E. Rood, Freeport, 111., June 9, $.500. Georgiana, Sherman, Diamond Joe, Laura Dainty (1 dis), 2:33^, 2:.3.5%, 2:35-M. „ Janesville, Wis., Jui.e 26, $.500. Magna Wilkes, Captain Cook, 2:30)^, 2:31, 2:30^. -^ . Prairie dn Chien, Wis., July 2, $.300. Magna Wilkes, Ramona, 2:31-^, 2:36)4, 2:.30i^. Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 17, $ — -. Jim Bowman, 2::38, 2:28!^, 2:30X. Belle Sai'geant, gr m (2:30i^). J. Churchill, Lowell, Mass., July 4, $250. Lady Gibney 2, Eddy Wilkes, Ethan Golddnst, 2:38, 2:4(1, 2:40, 2:37. Belle SUackelt, ch m (2:27'^), by Abraham, dam Cloverfed, by De Long's Ethan Allen. H. Richardson, Saugiis, Mass., Aug. 10, $2U0. Old Judge, Gray Dan, 2:39, 2:33, 2:33i4. Belle Spencer, b m (2:263^', by Black Ralph, dam Molly, by Langford. E. V. Spencer, Glenbrook, Cal., Sept. 5, $500. Telegraph, Ned, Vengeance, Blacksmith, 2:3.5%, 2:3lM, 2:3454. Stockton, Cal., Sept. 23 and 24, $320. Carrie P., 2. 3, Blaine. 2:2G^, 2:27%, 2:28%, 2:.30, 2:28!4. ■ San Jose, Cal., .Sept, 29, $400. Blaine 1, 4, Carrie F. 5, 6. 2::32i^, 2:28i^, 2:27}-^, 2:.:J1, 2:30%, 2:31, 2:29%. Reno, Nev., Oct. 15, $125. Blacksmith, 2:45, 2:42^^, 2:32^. Belle Wilson, bm (2:24i4), by Mambrino Bruce, dam Kaic, by Action. J. M. Harrison, Tiffin, O., July, 4, $ . Blackstone 3, 4, 2::«i^, 2:27, 2:.30, 2:29>^, 2::31. Norwalk, O., Sept. 17, $300. Dr. West, Maud F., 2:45, 2:41, 2:.37. Fremont, O., Oct. 2, $280. Moxley, Frank Patchen, 2::M^, 2:28^, 2:29. Belle Wood, b m (2:49)/'), b.V Louis Napoleon. J.White, Greenville, Mich., Oct. 7, $100. Ned Eagle 2, Lady Holmes, Jim Handy, J'im Harry, Dan C. (4 dr), 2:49^, 2:49^4, 2:.50, 2:51!^. Belle Wytlie, b m (3:06>, by Toronto Patchen. E. P. Denton, Kahoka, Mo., Sept, 2, $50. La Belle Boy, Miss Legg, Lew Scott, Judge Lewis, 3:06, 3:09. Three-year-olds. Belllbunder Chief, Jr., br s (2:45), by Milliman's BeJlfounder. Dr. Deering, La Grande, Oregon, Sept. ;30, $150. Leona 3, Bay Frank (3 dr), 2:46, 2:46, 2:43}^, 2:45. Belmont, b g (2:5954). by Waverly. W, II. Garlick. Springville, N. Y., Sept. 11, $150. Little Moose 1 (4 0), Jack Hican, Sarah B., 2:.59i4, 2:59Ji, 2:.59i^, 2:.59i4, 2:.59^. Belva Lock wood, b m "3:1 5), by Volunteer Duroc. dam by Lightfoot. G. W. Shedler, Fairmont, Neb., Sept. .30, $100. Anna G., Zeuiola, 3:15, 3:W}4, 3:21. Four-year-olds. Belvidere, br g (2:55). G. Hossack, Harvard, 111., Oct. 1, $60. General Rodman 2, 5 (40), Grace, Bay Jane, Gray Lucy. 3:00,2.5:3, 3:0.3, , 2:56, 2:55. Ben, w (2:47X «'). Gent's Driving Park, Philadelphia, Oct. 1, cup. Major A., w. Commodore, w, 2:48>§, 2 "473^. Ben Condon, (2:48%). Ogden, Utah, July 4, $50. Pile Driver (1 dis), 2:48i4. tten Fletcher, b s (3:26), by Sentinel, dam Dutch Molly. D. Adams, Evart, Mich., Sept. 24, $75. Lulu B. 3, Sir Walter Scott, 3:30. 3:26, 3:181..^, 3:26. Four-year-olds, and under. Ben Olbson, b s (2:58), by Ben Gibbon. D. D. Johnson, Weeping Water, Neb., Sept. 11, $100. Le Count, Gertie, 3:01}^, 2:.58. 3:10. Ben ITIorrlll, Jr., ch g (2:50), by Ben Morrill. R. Croft, Port Hope, Ont., July 1, $100. Bdly B. 2, 2:50i4, 2::3.5, 2:.-0, 2:.50. Ben Wright, brs (2:4054^ by Royal Fearnausht. H. L. Wixon, Coldwatcr, Mich., Sept. 25, $100. Maggie, Thomas Claud, George F., Maggie B.. Billy M., Jim Curtis, 3:00, 2:59i^, 3;00. La Grange, Ind., Sept. 30, $100. Tasso, Flora H., J. M. B., Molly Bryan. No time. Oct. 2, $200. Tas.-^o, Flora H., J. M. B., 2:44, 2:49, 2:40)4. Bergen, b g (2:32)^), by Messenger Duroc, dam Belle of Richmond, by Hambletonian. W. H. Snyder, North Adams, Mass., July 15, $2.50. Cynthia 1, Don Carlos, Charley Van, Silas Wright, Ramble, 2:.34,'4', 2:34%, 2::3.5J^ 2*3(3 ^ July 17, $250. Don Carlos, J. W. P., Silas Wright, Ramble, Dutchman, Lady Sealskin, Major Benton, 2'34)4 2'34% 2"37}4 '- Ilijosi'ck Fall's, N.' Y., July 21, $2r}0. Charley Van 1, 2, Cynthia 3, Don Carlos, Silas Wright (5 dr), Franklin (5 dr), Dryden Boy (1 dis), 2::38, 2::37%, 2:3~)i, 2:.37i^, 2:39, 2:44^. Jul.y 23, $250. Don Carlos, George Throop, Dutchman, J. W. P., Dryden Boy, Major Benton (2 dr), 2::MJ4, 2::35 2::37l^. '- s'chaghiicoke, N. Y., July 28, $250. Dutchman, Harry East. Franklin, Cynthia. 2:3.5%, 2:34^, 2:34^. July :30, $250. Charley Van, George Throop, Don Carlos, J. W. P., 2:34)^. 2:;34%, 2:36,'<2. Pittsfleld, Mass., August 6, $300. Lucy Knox. Major, Dexter H., 2:34^, 2::34i4, 2::36. Pawlino-, N. Y., Aug. 26, $200. Farmer Boy, Miller's Damsel, Lucy Knox, John F., Jack Wilkes, Dr. Hall, Dora T. (3 dr), 2::3354, 2:34, 2:36)4. Lee, Mass., Sept. 3, $2.50. Fanny Burroughs 1, Dexter H., Roland (1 dis), 2:31^, 2:34%, 2:33%, 2:.33%. New Haven, Conn., Sept.. 10. $25J. Lady Independence 1, Lady Pinch 4, Sylvia M., Copeland, Old Judge, Nutwood, Jr., Alfred D., Charley .\. (5 dr).2::3354, 2:33!^, 2:;33V^, 2:.33,2:.33>4. Bergen Belle, b m (2:36%). by Sweepstakes, dam by Young Post Boy. A. W. Cowan, Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 0, $100. Emily H. 1, 2, Florence J. 4, Byron Chief. Jim, 2:45, 2:4.3, 2:43, 2:43, 2:42)^, 2:42X- _ Weehawken, N. J., Sept. 21, $.300. Teaser 2, Alpha, Cora N., Molly W., Lady Jane (4 dr), Sorrel Jim (1 dis), 2:36%, 2:41%, 2:;38%, 2:38}^. Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 26, $1.50. Jimmy Stewart 3, Bessie H., 2:46, 2:43, 2:43, 2:40)^. ----■•• — • — ' ■ "■ H. Van Alstine, North Manchester, Ind., Berkie, b s (2:45), by Anthony Wayne, dam Ella, by Ringmaster. July 4, $100. Frank R., W. S. B., Diamond Star, 2:.55, 2:56, 2:55. Waterloo, Ind., Oct. 2, $200. Dan Voorhees 3, Topsy, Edith Qillen, 2:45, 12 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Bermuda, blks (2 :29M), by Banker, dam Pattie, by Mambrino Patchen. B. J. Treacy, Lexington, Ky., Aug. 25, $G20. Castalia, S:49, 2:38>^. Two-year-olds. Paris, Ky., Sept. 1, $500. Kentucky Hambletonian (1 dis), 2:35J4. Two-year-olds. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 22, $10. 2:29:>4. To beat 2:353^. _. , Bertlia, br la (3:01 ), by Hotspur. Jr., dam by Joe Hooker. R. Enright, Clyde, O., Oct. 6, $60. Dandy, Dick, Chief, Billy Williams, 3:01, 3:01, 3:02. Bertlia, b m (2:2'7!4), by Hambletonian Downing, dam Belle Clay, by Strader's C. M. Clay, Jr. J. B. Curtis, Terre Haute, Ind., May 28, $400. Frank H., Bessiie G., Bob Johnson, Lady Mac, Maud MuUer, John R. Wise, Almeta, Maggie G. Middletou 1 (2 dis), Billy Patchen (1 dis), 2:32i4, 3:31^, 2:40, 2:42. Greensburg, Ind., Aug. 28, $250. Dutch Girl 1, Urbana Belle, 2:29, 2:29^, 2:32, 2:30)^. Port Wayne, Ind., Sept. 17, $300. Little Tommy 1, Prank Forester, Big Ike, 2:28M. 2:28i^, 2:273 273^. Dayton, O., Sept. 30, $400. Charley West, Spotted Beauty, Mike, Ernest Springer (2 dis), 2:30%, 2;30^, 2-3414 Beritha, chm (2:303;^). J. P. Gilbert, Waverly, N. J., Sept. 15, $200. Jim Medium, Jeannie, George C, Lilian B. (2 dis), Helen Jefferson (2 dis), 2::34i.4, 2:3314, 2:33Mi- ^. ^ , -,■ . c. ,-,-.,< Sept. 18, $:W. Lady Barefoot, Lady Marie, Dinah, General Knox, Jr., Fairy Queen (.1 dis), Starlight (1 ^^Goshen,' N. Y.Toc't. 1I)", $300. Dexter II., Lucy Knox, Don Carlos, Cuba, 2:31?^, 2:3^, 2:30!4'. Bertlia B., b m (2:303i). L. W. Westerman, Springfield, Mo,, Sept. 30, $150. Long John, Mary F., 2:493.6, 2 -4214 2-39 1 w~ B Harris, Fort Scott, Kansas, Oct. 7, $175. Mattie Price 3, Charley M., Trouble, Cash Boy, Widow Be- dott (4 dr), 2:32, 2:3:3, 2:34, 2:34. . „, ,, ^ „ -r,, • t„ t , Bertlia Clay, blkm (2:3<»), by Henry Clav, Jr., dam by Edwin Forrest. Wm. McDowell, Elgin, 111., July 4 « . Dick 1, 2, Will Butler, 2:34, 2:33, 2:3;% 2:34i^, 2:363^. Bertlia RI., bm. F. P. Fox, Cornish, Me., Sept. 10, $ . Patchen Boy, Cyclopedia. No time. Bertlia S., b m (2:29)4), by Bonny Bay, dam, Belle of Cayuga, by Hambletonian Prince. S. L. Catou, San- dusky, O., Sept, 25, $75. Kenton Belle, 2:341-4, 2:403X- 2:33. , . . , Tifflu, O., Oct. 2, $200. ThomasNitrog.n,JeiinyR.,2;.31K, 2:2914, 2:34M. Short track. Bertlia Wilkes II., ch m, by Mambrino Wilkes. Frank P. Johnson, Manchester, N. H., Sept. 24, $1,000. Mambrino Dart, Julia Wilkes (2 dr), l::32M, l::313^. Half mile heat^. ^^^. ^ „ , /..,.„.„. Bessie, b m (2:44i4). R. Sullivan, Saugus, Mass., Sept. 21, $75. Belle 2, 3, Rob, Joe Hooker (4 dr), 2:44J4, Bessie! chm (2: iVi by Blue Bull, dam by Truesdell's Hambletonian. F. R. Sargeant, Hartford, Conn., Aug. 20 $1 500. Harry Roberts, Maggie G. Middleton, Onward, Albert Franco, James H., Kitty Patchen, Mont- gomery, Stephen G., 2:19, 2:20, 2:22. , .^ . TT T, , . T TT T-.. T^*., — Providence, R. I.. Sept. 3, $800. Windsor M., Judge Davis, Harry Roberts, James H., Kitty P*4chen, Stephen G. (3 dr), 2:19^, 2,19^, 2:19. Sherbiooke, P. Q.,Sept. 11, $200. Driver, Chestnut Hill, 2:29;^, 2:29]^, 2:21?^. .. ^ ,. „. Bessie B., grm (2:32^1 ), by Sweepstakes, dam by Ethan Allen. C. E. Swan, Canajoharie, N. Y., May 26, $250. Era, Polly B., Sligo, 2:;W'ti, 2:41, 2:41. 1. Herkimer, N. Y., June 2, Sl.-,0 Polly B., Borax, Eva 1 (3 dis), 2:.353^, 2;.38, 2:42i^, 240. Bessie BasUaw, ch m (3:01) by Young Bashaw, J. C. Curryer, Fairmont, Minn., Sept. 2.3,$ , Jessie Bessie O.,' blk m^'(2V39i4")-"by' Rob' Roy. R. Merrifield, Baltimore, Md., Nov. 2, $200. Lady Auburn 2, Aster, Captain B., 2:44, 2:44; 2:4.33*^. 2:4:3. . .' . t^ . -. t.t- , ti o Bessie G. b m (2:253if ), by Almont Boy, dam by American Clay. Norris and Grant, Detroit, Mich., July 3, $600. BlackCloud, Jr., 2, Ilambletou, Tracy, 2:27%, 2:273^,2:251^,2:27. ^ ^ ^ ^ t , .0 * r, * Bessie H., b m (2:34>4), by Mambrino Pilot. Hiram Woodruff, Beacon Park, Boston, July 18, $ . Capt. Gaines, Tom Lambert, John, Mattie B., Lady Gibhey, D. P., Sweeper, Milton (3 dr), 2:35Ji, 2:34}4, 2:3414. T. Moore, Jersey Cnty, Nov. 19, $20. A. W. 0., Bay Billy, Taggart Boy, 2:48, 2:46, 2:47. Dec. 1, $20. Bergen Belle 2, Garry Manning, 3, 2:41,2:41, 2:42, 2:41, 2:47. „ ^, . ^.„^ Bessie L,., blk m (2:39i4), by Jupiter, Jr., dam by Niveu's Star. W. H. Stockton, Easton, Pa., July 4, $100. Bessi™M~., br''m (2:30), by Messenger Chief, dam Lady Elgin. C. R. Commings, Elmira, N. Y., June 3, $400. Gray Ghost 1, Sarah B., Merriment, Dutchman, Jack Micks, 2:33, 2:341.-^, 2:321i, 2:34. St Mary, Pa., June 17, $400. Gray Ghost 1, 2, Merriment, Dutchman (1 dis), 2:.323^, 2:33J4, 2:33, 2:33M, 2:33. Lebanon, Pa., Sept. 17, $;300. Lady Linda, Petersil 2:40% 2:;38>^ 2:34^^ Berwick, Pa., Oct. 1, $200. Nelly T., Dan L., Charley S., Prank Downs, 2:4014 2:40>^,2:42^. Bessie Sands, b m (3:48). C L. Sands, Bloomsburg, Pa., Oct. 16, $20. Flora, Prnice, Bird, 3:.o4, 3:48, 3:53. Bessie Slierida 11, blk m (2:25), by Phil Sheridan, dam by Hyde's Duroc. L. W. Russell, Canton, N. Y., July 2, $200. N. J. Fuller, Vision, James Halfpenny, 2:293^, 2:33, 2:33. July 4, $3.50. Robby B., pacer, James Halfpenny, Ira N., 2:29, 2:39, 2:29. Albany N Y.. Aug. 12 and 13, $1,000. Villette 7, Lady Bonner 4, Electric 6, Nixon, Sweetness, Guess Not, Alroy 5 (8 dr), Darkness 1 (8 dr). Kit Sanford (6 dr). Lady Kensett (2 dr), Kingriley (1 dis), 2:27%, 2:2t)%, 2:28, 2'38M 2'29 2'27M 2:30, 2:31. 1 Springfield, Mass., Aug. 27, $1,000. Alroy 1, 2, Bijou, Lady Bonner, Hunter, Electric, Ulva, Lady Kensett 0<^densburghf N. Y., Sept.' 11,"$4()6. Gypsy Queen 1. Robby B., pacer, 2:3.5, 2:31}.^, 2:373^, 2:34>^. Canton, N. Y., Sept. 17, $400. Dan, Brigham, Robby B., pacer, 2:;33>i, 2:;303^, 2:;34. Potsdam N. Y.;Sept., 25* $400. Tomm^ B. 2, St. Jacob, Elsie Groff, Ella Doe, 2:28, 2:29%, 2:29, 2:.30X. Malone, N. Y., Oct. 1, $400. Ella Doe 3, Tommy B. 1, N. J. Fuller, 2:;30, 2::30>^, 2:;31, _2:29,»5, 2:31. Bessie Siegler, b m(2:40). J. Siegler, Waverly, N. J., May 30, $250. Tilly Coring, 2:5734, 2:56 PineBrook, N. J., July22, $100. Charley M., 2:40, 2.401^. ,. „ „. ^,^ ^ ttt m -n, o ^. * • Bessie Turner, b m (3:02). C. E. Morse, Columbus, Neb., Sept. 9, $100. Highheaver, 6, W.T. R. 3, Captain Jackl, Allen ElmentS, ,3:13,3:12,3:0.5,3:03, -3:02. „. „ • -d o ■,,. o oi r^i Betsy,bm(3:16). Brook Travis, Laporte, Ind., Sept. 23, $30. Billy W., Prince R., 3:1b, 3:21. Three-year- Biddy, b. m. DanKennedy,Lockport,N. Y., Junel3, $100. Mill Boy, Laura D. No time Big Faimy, brm (2:443^). George Johns, St. Thomas, Ont., Aug. 11, $ . Flora B. 1, McKenzie, Madame AnnaBishop(2dr), York Stated dis), 2:45, 2:46,2:47%, 2:45. , „„*„.„ i:- 1 ht ^• Bis FeUowrbrg.(2:233, bv Edward Everett, J. C. Brown, Elmira, N. Y., May 22, $250. Frank Medium 2, Morton,JackMicks, Minnie Edsall, 2:39,2:39, 2:393^,2:41. ^ ^_ ., ^ ^ 00-01^1/01-. Big Frank, b g (3:1 5). M. P. Mattice, Osceola, Neb., Sept. 4 $75. Johnny, Tansy .3:2o 3,1% 3:15. Big Ike, gr g (2:29)4), by Yankee Bonner. Philo Sweet, Battle Creek, Mich., July 29, $.300. George R., Little Joe, Molly B., Kitty Fisher, Hambleton, William S. (3 dis), Maggie K. (3 dr), 2:32, 2:37M, 2:.3;3M. SUPPLEMENT FOR 1885. TROTTING. - Marshall, Mich., Aug. 8, $400. George R. 1. Black Cloud, Jr., Robin, 2:31, 2:29J^, 2:30, 2:23)^. teer Star. 'J'homas Levi, Tipton, Ind., Sept. 23, $2:i. Bay Fa B:2.5, 3:17, 3:17,3:1:3. Bie Joliu, b s (SilSL^by Volunteer s'tar. Tliomas Levi, Tipton, Ind., Sept. i:i, $2:i. Bay Fanny 1, Tom Ciowder, Billy Red Buck (2 dr), 3:2.5, 3:17, 3:17,3:1:3. , ^, . . „ ^. ,. BI«- Joliii, b g (2:24H)y hy P''ot Duroc, dam Kelly, by Young Turk. J. Mulready, St. Louis, Mo., May lb, 1l25. Leon D., 2:;W, 2::Mi^, 2:47?:^. „..,^ ,,., „ „. ^ Bi»'Soap, b s (2:23), by Honesty, dam by Uncas. John Winter, Ottawa, 111., Aug. 7, $400. Milo 3, Westmont " Loiigf; llow Whip, McMahon, Will Collendcr, Whirlwind, Jr., 3:26i4, 2:29, 2:27J^, 2:29, 2:2834. Biioii. br LM2:26'a), by Abdalluh Messenger, dam by Farmer's Glory, T. D. Marsh, Saugus, Mass., Sept. 22, i;4U0 Hunter 1, 5, Bay Tom 4, Arthur (5 dr). Red Bird (4 dr), Richmond (,:? dr), 2:26^, 2:2f%, 2:28, 2:23, 2:28i^. - tioorge Chirk, Lawrence, Mass., Nov. 4, $250. George A., ;i, 4, Arthur 5, 2:31, 2:31>^, 2:34, 2::33, 2:3^, 2::32X. Bill. l)rs(3:01). E. II. Potter, Moultou, la., Sept. 25, $60. No Nane 1, 2, Lulu K. 3:07, 3:01, 3:04, 3:01. 3:04. Bill Rilev. John Ouinn, Orwigsbura;, Pa., Sept. 24, $100. Minnio Blue Belle, Bella K., Livery Jim. No time. Billy, dug (2:52). C. Corrigan, Weehawken, N. J., Oct. 22 and 2:3, $100. Stephen B., Lady Cooper (3 dr), Bllly"b^'' (sVo 4"), by Altitude, dam by McKosson's Gray Eagle. H. Clark, Osage, la., Sept. 17, $100. Minnie Falls, Brown Billy, Gambetta,Fo.Yie v., 3:10, 3:08, 3:04. ^^ „ „ » Billy, br g t2:-44^). J. B. Stephens, Jamestown, O., Aug. 19, $7.5. Polly Miller, Molly Harrington. No Aug. 21, $100. Polly Miller 1, Zenobia, Molly Harrington. No time. Blanchester O , Sept. 17. fi . Zenolii;i, Moreanza, Theodore, Belle G., Noma, 2:45, 2:47, 2:44>^. Billy, rn g (2:39ki). J- M. Pride, Saugus, Mass., Sept. 21, $75. Cassius 1, Charley Taylor, Peter (;3.dr), 2:?,0H, Bil~ly^(James I) 1,1) g (2:35). O.S.Roberts, Saugus, Mass., Oct. 20, $100. John 1, Mattie B., Miss Ward, Messenger Girl, Henry K., Honest John (2 dr), 2:.34 1^,2:35^, 2:35, 2:37^. ,. , ^ ,, ,. , ., ,„ Billy, b g (3:15). J. Pitzpatrick, Vallejo, Cal., Nov. 1:3, $50. Nelly F., Silvcrheels, Topsy (1 dis), 3:19, BiiryVbr'g'"(2:40). H. C. Chappelear, Cambridge, O., Oct. 17, $100. Captain Stone, Black Prince, 3:01, 2:51, ""45 BllTy/b g (2:43). Davis and Conway, Jacksonville, Fla., March 18, $;200. Bob Lee, Gander, Georgia Girl, 2:46, BlHy A.', b g (2:36). A. Armitage, Albany, N. Y , Oct. 10, $400. Susie G., 2::36, 2:40, 2:45. Billy Bareioot.blkg (2:281^), by King Herod, dam by son of Hale's Green Mt. Morgan. J. D. Kidd, East()n,Md., July 4, $12.5. Lady Byron 1, Lady Bennett, 2::38, 2:41, 2:42, . Billv Bashaw, b g (2.39V4), by Wagner's Bashaw. W. Todd, Richland, la., Sept. 24, $100. Black Logan 1,4, Gniy Dick, Bashaw Bawley, 2:41, 2:39):^, 2:40, 2,:3914, 2:40. t> a f io Billy Bashaw, gr s (2:31K>. by Grand Bashaw, dam Lady McNair. D. R. Speck, Lebanon, Pa., Sept. 18, $200. lona, Maggie M., Blue Belle, Ike Livermore (2 r. o.), 2:49%, 2:44, 2:401^. „ . ^ r> f Billy Boy, b g (2:26K), hy Mambrino Temple, dam by son of St. Lawrence. G. Grimes, Pans, Texas, Oct., 24, $100. Billy Ford, 2::323i, 2:311^. ^ ,,.-,,„ „n,^ o .j.j G Baumuach, Fort Worth, Texas, Nov. 4, $150. Billy Ford, George R., Tramp, 2.2. 3^, 2:29^, 2:.3.3. Billy Button, ch g (2:18'/4>. by Hainbletonian Prince, dam by Paige's Logan. J. O. Stearns, \\ averly, N. J., May :30, $1,00(J. Helene, 2:;30^, 2:30, 2:32. ,. ^ , „,,„,.„ Mordsania, N. Y., June 5, $l,200.^Kenilworth 1, 4, Albert France, Zoe B. (3 dis), Frank (3 dr), St. Albans — &infton,^K JL; JuneTf^OO.^' Harry Mills, Hopeful, Jack, Adele Gould (2 dis), 2:2:3^, 2:20,2:28 r. T>nnhnm Providence. R.I. .June 17 and 18, $.500. Frank 4, 6, Amelia C 3, Judge Davis 1, Albert — L. Dunham, Providence, R. I., June 17 and 18, $.500. Frank 4, 6, Amelia C 3, Judge Dav France 5, Nettie T., Stephen G. (5 dr), 2:20^, 2:18i4. 2:19^, 2:20^, 3:22i^, 2:2:3^, ii.-Oi^, 2:20,V. — Albany, N.Y., July 10, $800. Maud Messenger, Phil Th'.mpson, Frank, 2:22 2:19%, 2:24. John e! Turner, Hartford, Conn., Aug. 18, $1,500. Adele Gould, Mambrino Sparkle, Lenua Swallow, Deu- calion (3 dr). Captain Emmons (1 dis), 2:18%, 2:21j^, 2:2:3X. „ ,, , . c „..l 1„ AT„nt„«m,.rv William Springfield, Mass., Aug. 28 and 29, $1,500. Adele Gould 2, 3, Mambrino Sparkle, Montgomery, ^^ illiam .""Mystic' Park, 'Boston' Sept. 8r$86o. Judge Davis, Mambrino Sparkle, Adele Gould (2 dis), 2:21^^,2:20, '--in' Holly, N. J., Oct. 15, $800. W. K. 2, Sciola, 2:29>^, 2:25]^, 2:25i^, 2:27^. __y^ifEolkPa^,Oct.23,^^^^ 18, $150. Rurie F., Gray Tom, McBain, Darby, Madame Anna Bishop, Amber, Jr., Cherry Lane (1 die), 2:46, 2:41, 2:42. Thi«tlPflmvn ■? Billy Douglass,b g (2:34'^), by Highlander. M. Colvin, Emporia, Kan., Oct. 21, $ . inistleclown 2, BlllvV''^f°•*^('^^5o5'~Fi'^'and^D Pa., Sept. 18, $50. Geary, Lettie, Bay Dan, Maywood, Kit (2'dis" Favorite (2 dis), George H.(l dis), 2:56L4,3:.50i4,2:54J4-^ Blllv Freer, grg(2:39M), by Western Fearnaught. R. S. Bennett, Lapeer, Mich., Aug 19 $100 Reuben Wright; Ba'shaw Maul, Robert, Kirkwood, Nelly C, Grasshopper, Coaster, Jr., \ ina S., Black Night, Jenny H., Jacks weitzer, 2:591-4, 2:.59X, 2:.59^. ,, , „t v \ o.qqi/ o.qqi.^ ■y-'^QW Flint, Mich., Sept. 23, $200. Robert, Prince, Jewel, Monongahela (2 dis), 2..39K: 2..39V^, 2..39i^. Billv Oreen, bg (2:41). E. Bloomer, Alliston, Ont., July 1, $100. Defiance 3, Sim Watson, Jenny Stewart (4dis), RobertBonner, Jr. (4dr), Micawber(2dis), 2:4114, 2::393^, 2:41!4, 2:41 .-ok*- t ^ Cannington, Ont., Sept. 3, $— . Bay Chief 1, 3, Bonny Bird 7, Mayflower 2, 4 (8 r. o.), Presbyterian, Jenny Billy Ho^'b g*(2:59^)- H. Donohue, McConnellsville, O., Sept. 17, $05. Blanche 1, Birdie G., Clara D., mmit^hfh^S^^l^ii^Snolyoke, Mass., Sept. 4, $60. Daisy 1, Fanny Ford, Springfield Boy, Billy "r. Pony Fan Kitty M., Black Jennj' (4 dr), 3:0(1, 2:59K>,2:59>^,2:59>|. Billy H., blk g (.3:02). Wm. Harrison, Mt. Pleasant, la., Sept. 22, $60. Little Dan, Maud Barnes, 3:02, Biily^ilayes, b s (2:46)4), by Cloud Mambrino. Hiat Bros., Newcastle, Ind., Sept. 17, $30. Judge Cravens 1, John the Baptist (4 dr), Hero (3 dr). Brown Dick (2 dr) 2:44, 2:46J.^, 2:.5.5 2:52Vg. n'TMeiii 9 Tpnnv R ^ Billy Johnson, b g (2:40), by Elmo. L. Shaner, Salinas, Cal., Oct. 10, $200. John O'Neill 2, Jenny B. 3, BiUy k!',*!;'!? g fijfsTX)'. ^cfGille^'ietDover, Del,, Sept. 29, $150. Lady Bishop, Felton, Mattie Morgan, Soli- BinyW^?b^\2t'&^)A^?Tom Hunter. Ira H. Harris, Plainwell, Mich., Oct. 2, $100. Pathfinder, Jr. 1, 2, Minnie D., 2:52, 2:59X, 2:.59^, 2:59}4, 2:59>^. 14 CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Billy P., ch g (2:34), by Iloneet Allen, dam by Highland Gray. J. W. Titus, Sprin^ w). Mr. McAvoy, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 17, $100. General, w, E. D. H. w, Brown Ben, w, 2:40>^. 2:413^, 2:42^. Billy R., ch g (2:45^). R. Brink, Sioux Falls, Dakota, Sept. 16, $50. Lady B. 2, Little Mack, 2:.-)33^, 2:43;^, 2:45X, 2:4!i>^, 2:44}.^, 2:44Ji, 2;44X, 2:45, 2:44)^. Billy Tomkiiis, b 8(2:67), by Gen. Geo. II. Tlioma-, dam Ella, by Enfield. Wm. R. Tomkins, Bowling Green, Ky., Sept. 22, $ . Competitors not named. 2:.57. Two-year-olds. ._ Miirfreosboro, Tenn., Sept. 23, $335. FrankBuford 1, Sparks, 2:5(i, 3,02, 2:581^. Two-year-olds. Billy Wilniot, b s (2:49X). C. 11. Smith, Woodbury, N. J., Aug 8, $150. Meta May 1, Starling. Dexter, 2:49, 2:51, 2:50, 2:49J4. Billy Wonder, b s (2:39). by Little Dandy. E. A. Hiland, Crawfordsville, Ind., Sept. 8, $200. Frank 11. , Exit, Billy Hayes, 2:473«s, 3:05, 3:07. — Loganspart, Ind., Sept. 24, « . Brakeman. Don K., Jean W., 2;.58, 2:51, 2:56. 3 Bird, ' (3:00>6). F. G. Daggett, Spearfish, Dakota, Sept. 25, $100. Lady Davis 1, 2 (3 dis), Almont (1 dis). Honest John (1 ciis), 3:10?^, 3:09i4, 3:00><^. Bird Howard, dn m (2:34). J. Conway, Chariton, la., Sept. 25, $200. Brien Borru 1, Little Crow 2, , 2:40, 2:34, 2:40, 2:40. Birdie D., (Marvel), bg (2:333^). J. S. Ryan, Sarnia, Ont., May 25, $ . Gray Prince, Brown Ned, Hai- wood, E. A. Gunthy. Best time, 2:37>^. Ridgetown, Ont., Aug. 24 and 25, $150. St. Clair Boy, pacer, 1, Lady Collins (2 0), Tennyson (2 0), Molly D., 2:3914, 2:393^, 2:40, 2:41, 2:42. Birdie"strader, (2:53X). JefE. Phillips, Mechanicsville, Ia.,Sept. 18, $70. Shakespeare, Kitty Mac, 2:53?:^, Birdseye, gr m (2:3'7>^). A. F. Darrow, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 18. $200. Kate Ewing 2, 3, Elsie 1, (3 dis), Prairie Cliief (1 dis), Folly (1 dis), 2:35>^, 2:36, 2:36>^, 2::37^, 2:40>^, 2:40. Oct. 30, $200. Washakie, pacer, 1, 4, Elsie (2 dis), g:4;3, 2:49, 2.423^, 2:40, 2:421^. Bisliop, b 8 (2:46K), '^y Princeps, dam Sentry, by Sentinel. Huntley and Clark, Helena, Mont., July 3, $200. Butcher Boy 2, Starlight, Conwav (1 dis), 2:48>^, 2:^)4. 2:46%, 2:.583^. Bismarok, blks(2:47^),by Ben Franklin. W. J. House, Burlington, Vt., Oct. 8, $140. Prentiss, Lucy P., 2:50, 2:475^. Three-year-olds. Bissou Boy, ch g (2:44i4)- C. T. Bisson, Montreal, P. Q., July 16, $100. Bay Tom 6 (5 0), Peanut 2, 3, Gen- eral Patcheii 4 (5 0), Postmaster, Red Dan (5 dr), 2:45, 2:48, 2:45, 2:44i4, 2:44,H, 2:44i^, 2:44^', 2:44^. Black Amble, blk g (2:39K», '>y Joe Irving, dam by Gen. Knox, E. Shibles, Bangor, Me., Sept. 2, $100. 5 Twilight, Col. West (1 dis), 2:49%, 2:511.^, 2:55^^. Four-year-olds, and under. Fairfield, Me., Sept. 16, $115. Junior, Col. West, 2:47^^, 2:;393^, 2:42}^. Four-year-olds. S. Haskell, Lewiston, Me., Sept. 2;3, $100. Twilight, Junior (1 dis), Leona B. (1 dis), 2:39'M, 2:45M, 2:39i^. Four-year-olds. Black Ba!«Het, blkg t2:36U). R. H. Hunter, Carmi, 111., Sept. 3, $100. Dan Neal 3, Gallatin Maid. 2:.54, 2:531^,2:541^. J. p. stuard, Sept. 4, $120. Principe 2, Buckthorn, 2:42X, 2:37%, 2:m}4. Princeton, Ind., Sept. 17, $120. General Gano, Buckthorn, 2:41, 2:39, 2:38>^. ■ Sept. 18, $50. General Gano 1, 2:41, 2:40, 2:411^, 2:391^. Black Besis, blk m (2:30) H. Sanborn, Providence, R. I., Aug. 1, $100. Billy D.. 2:31, 2:30. 6 Black Bob, blk g (2:393^), by Swigert. John Bell, Fort Scott, Kansas, Oct. 9, $150. Edward B. 3, 4, Gray Eagle, Wild Idle, 2:47i-.i, 2:40, 2:42, 2:40, 2:41. Black Clip, blk g (2:42>; ), by Stockwell's Vosburgh, dam a Morgan mare. Wm. Vosburgh, Dewitt, la., Sept. 16, $100. Ole Bull 2, Sliennan Bashaw, Aitch Pee, Romulus (3 dr), 2:4:33^, 2:S^. Black Cloud, Jr., blk g (2:25), by Black Cloud, dam by Hiram Woodruff. J. B. Baugh, E. Saginaw, Mich., Aug. 29, $:«0. Wade Hampton, Spotted Beauty, Princess, 2:26^, 2:25, 2:25%. Black Crook, blk s (2:35), by Tom Knox. J. L. EUinwood, Bangor, Me., Sept. 12, $.500. Butcher Boy 3, 2:40, 2 ::353^-, 2:41.2:35. Black Dan, w. blk g (2:433.i'). Ed. Getchell, Waterville, Me., Oct. 9, $30. C. H., w, 1, Unknown, w, Grover 7 C. w, 2:51, 2:513^,2:50. S. A. Nye, Albion, Me., Oct. 10, $ . Bannockburn, Jessie J., Dan, Mountain Girl, Irene, Little Fred (3dr), 2:52, 2:47, 2:4.334'- Black Dan, blk g (2:40). J. H. Phillips, Suffolk Park, Philadelphia, Oct. 24, $100. Paul Jones, Sherman Morgan, Jr.. 2:40, 2:46. Black Dandy, blk g (3:10). C. H. Beall, Uniontown, Pa., Oct. 9, $75. Sara, Dolly (3dis), Billy (3 dis),3:21i^, ■ 3:10,3:10. , , ^„ Black Diamond, blk m (2:391^), by Raven Golddust, dam by Gen. Staik. G. D. Schenck, Lincoln, 111., Sept. 10, $ . tiartield (1 dis), 2:.39i^. Black Diuiuond, blkg (2:32). P. Johnson, Abilene, Kan., Sept. 24, $200. Henry Clay, Reno Defiance, 8 Fleance, 2:;35i,4, 2:333^, 2:m^^. McPherson, Kan., Sept. 30, $200. Henry Clay 2, 4, Joe Dayton, Reno Defiance (1 dis), 2:;36i^, 2:35, 2:36, 2:36X. 2::«, 2::)5\4. Black Dick, blk g (2:3'7}4)- W. C. Tannery, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June .3, $120. Brown Johnny (1 dis), 2:3;>^. Black Dot, blk m (2:38-%), bv son of Roodhonse's St. Lawrence, dam by son of Honest John. N. T. Kirby, Springfield. Mo., Sept. 30, S200. Belle Isle, Monitor, 2:38%. 2:4;3X, 2:44. Black Dou^la^^, b s (3:02), by Clay Cadmus. A. M. Chapman, Vandalia, 111., Oct. 15, $120. Kidnapper, Starlight, S-.U-i, 3:0'.). Black Frank, Jr., blk s (2:44i4). W. D. Rickard, Oxford, Pa., Sept. 24, $75. Ida Hinkson, Willow Switch, 9 Molly Morrill, 2:47i/4, 2:4514, 2:4414, Black Henry, blk s (3:10). Kerry and Andrews, Garnet, Kan., Aug. 27, $30. Mohawk Buck, St. John, 3:25, 3:10. Black Jack, blk g (2:45), by Sweepstakes, dam by Wilkins Micawber. M. T. Bull, Goshen, N. Y.. Oct. 7, $ . Helen, 2:503^, 2:45. Three-year-olds. SUPPLEMENT FOR 1S85. TROTTING. 15 Blai-k Jolin, blkir i2:3-4i-4), by John T. Hoffman, dam Black Kate, by Humbird. F. G. Pellett, Sherburne, N. Y.. Sept. :l'5, $1-,>."). SluTbunie Boy, Hay Prince, Charley Walker, 2:.S9kt, 2::iHJ^, StliS^- Sept. -M, $125. Sherburne Boy, Harry Hill, Charley Walker, Bay Cart Horse (2 dr). Prince (1 dis), 2;42, 2:41}^, ^Oct. IJ.fSanO. Praetor. Nolly W., 2:;Wi^, 2:34>!r, 2:.34i4. Black Joliuu}-, blk s (2:30i. H. Peck. Bradford, Vt., Sept. 30, $ . McDougall, 2:44?^. 2:45, 2:4414. Black Kid, blk g (2:55) R. O. Grimes, Mt. Vernon, 111., Oct. 14, $7.5. Bill. Pegjry, 3:05, 2:.5.5. Black Knox, blk s (2;43). P. H. Hacke, Wheeling, W. Va., Sept. 12, $200. Pilot Wilkes (1 dis), McGrady (1 dis), 2:43. Three-year-olds. Kittaning, Pa., Sept. 24, $130. S. F. Booker (1 dis), Brailey (1 dis). Whirlwind Prince (1 dis), 2:.54. Three- year-olds. Black liOgan, blk s (2:34^), by S. J. Logan. 'SI. J. Jamison, Muscatine, la., Sept. 4, $ . Brown Bashaw 2, Isabel. Troder, 2:.58, 2:.-)9?4-, 2:.56K 2:.59. Black Nell, blk m (2:29)4), by Phil Sheridan. I. P. Woodbury, Fairfield, Me., Sept. 16, $200. Elmo, 2:34. 2:4:^X. 2:40. Black Pltfcon, blk m. (3:38/2)- A.Mullhaupt, St. Marys, Pa., July 4, $25. Nelly W. 1, Daisy, Wittman 3:45?^. 3:43^1. 3:;«i.,. Black Pilot, blk 8(2:33}^), by All Right, dam by the Mclnnis Pony. A. L. Slipp, Bangor, Me., Sept. 1, $200. Butcher Boy 1, Fred. S., Nelly B., Lucy L. (3 dis), Selini (1 dis). Plumed Knight (1 dis), 2:39, 2:42, 2:4.3}^ 2:44^4. Sept. 4, $200. McLain 1, 2, Plumed Knight, Hussar, Maud L., James A. (a dr), Nelly B. (4 dr.), Startle (1 dis), Siroc (1 dis), 2:3r»4, 2:;3r-M- 2:3^)4, 2:35%, 2:;irM. St. John, N. B., Sept. 11, $100. Tom Morris, Knox Lass, 2:52, 2:.59, 2:51. KentviUe, N. S., Oct. 1. $150. Helena, Messenger Boy. 2:;34>4, 2:.34, 2::M>i. Black Prince, blk g(2:35), by Jefferson Prince, dam Fanny, by Gen. Sheridan. H. C. Woodnutt, Islip, L. I., July 23, $2,50. Comiietitors not named. Best time 2:36. Black Kock, blk s (,2:31 ). by Joe Irving. E. J. Vose, Bangor, Me., Sept. 4, $200. Bloodmont, Black Crook, 2::i7X, 2-3H]4, 2:m. Stallions. Unity, Me., Sept. 29. $85. Butcher Boy 2, 3, 2:43. 2:.39, 2:38, 2:.31, 2:31. Blacksniltli, b s (2:30), by Champion Knox, dam Rosa. J. J. Cozart, Chico. Cal., Aug. 29, $400. Belle Spencer 2, Telegraph, 2:36X. 2::«)^, 2:3 '. 2::W. Black fsinitli Maid, b m (3:15). S. C. Bishop, Saugatuck, Mich., July 4, $23..50. Frank 2, Bay Curley (3 dr). ;i:24K,3:ir>^, 3:2:3, 3:1.5. Blackstoiie, blk g (2:29)-4), by Colcord's Mambrino Chief. H. Shinn, Alleghany, Pa., June 2, $200. Harry, Nick Ho*aid (1 dis), 2:34i^, 2:;36, 2:4U. J. A. Hull, Greenfield, 6., Oct. IT, $90. Bill}-, Judge D., Molly Allen, 2:57, 2:52. 2:57. Black Strap, b g (2:50). J. B. Roy, Montreal, P. t^., Jnne 17, $ . Patchcn, Bay Tom, Postmaster, Bay Charley, Hojiest Jonn, P'rank. Best time, 2:.50. Black Sue, blk m (2:47), liy Black Hawk. H. Townsend, Saucus. Mass., May 5 and C, $100. ..'ohn R. 1, 3, Leland 2, Emma, FrankDver, 2:.52, 2:53?i, 2:49=^, 2:.503^, 2:50^4, 2:47. Black Teaser, blk g (2:3"9}4. B. F. Arbuckle, Hamilton, Mo., July 4, $ . Little Dick, Phil. Crist, 2:.39U, 2:yji4, 2::y.}}4. ' Jamesijort, Mo., Sept. 1, $ . Phil. Crist, 2:47, 2:49, 2:51. Trenton, Mo., Sept. 7, $ . George II., Phil. Crist, Princeton Boy, 2:45, 2:46, 2:4.5. Sept. 18, $11.5. George H. 2, 2:4.5, 2:44, 2:41, 2:41. Lionville, Mo., Sept. — , $ , Scotch Boy, Regulator, Princeton Boy, 2:44^, 2:40, 2:48. Black Tom, blk g (2:30), by Widgeon. G.Emory, Harjier, Kan., May 28, $150. Cling .3, Napper, Henry Clay, Blue Cloud, Fred. Douglass (4 dis), 2:;MM, 2::34i4, 2:;37-M, 2:;34. H. M. Balch, Caldwell, Kan., Aug. 28, $ . Belle Harrison, Caroline (pacer), Simon, 2:40, 2:41, 2:39. Anthony, Kan., Sept. 4, ?i . P'rod. Douglass, Joe Neft'. Simon, 2:30, 2:35, 2:34. Sept. 6, $ . Cliflwood, Rebecca, Simon, 2:;32, 2:;30, 2:31. Harper, Kan., Sept. 15, $150. Fred Douglass 1, Light Bird, Cliflwood, Joe Neff (2 dis), 2:;35J^, 2:31i4, 2:321^, 2::30. Sept. 18, $175. Light Bird, Cliflwood, Fred. Douglass, 2:.32i4, 2:33, 2:323^. Winficld, Kan., Sept. 25, $2f0. CUiffwood 1, Aladdin (2 dis), 2:36, 2:.30, 2:;32^, 2::34. Eldorado, Kan., Sept. 30, $200. Winder, Thistledown, 2:;30%, 2::38, 2:32^. Oct. 2, $3(0. Joe Yonng 1, 2, Charley M., 2:27, 2:;33M, 2:.S0^, ii:31K, 2:36. Black Wash, ch g (2:37i. B. Rosenthal, Helena, Ark., Oct. 22, $125. Pepper Sauce, 3:0:3, 2:49, 2:46. Oct. 2.3, $175. Ranger 1. 2 (4 dis), :Maud (1 dis), 2:.55, 2:42M, 2:52>i, 2:.37. Black Wilkes, blk s (2:38X1^ bv Wilkie Collins, dam Josie Eaton, by Ericsson, R. L. Howard, Rochester, N. Y., Sejit. 23, $110. W. O.. 2-MX. Four-year-old stallions. Blackwood, br 8 (2:53%), by Blackwood. W. S. Baird, Howard, Kan., Sept. 18, $75. Dan Rice, 2:58j<, 2:.5.3-M, 2:.54i^. Blackwood, brg (2:47). M. W^alker, Belmont Park, Philadelphia, Nov. 13, $-100. Robert Bonner, 2:47, 2:49, 2:511/.;. Blaine, blk g (2:28^). by Milliman's Bellfounder. J. A. Goldsmith, San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 14, $200. Cleve-- land 1, Eluia (pacer), 2:32%, 2:31>^, 2:31^^, 2::3G. Petalunia, Cal., Aug. 27, $.300. Carrie F. 3, 4, Uncle True 1, Nighttime, Garfield (3 dis), 2:.37, 2:30i4, 2:27%, 2:;B1,3::32, 2:;34>^. Oakland, Cal., Sept. 2 and 3, $200. Carrie F. 1, 4, Cairo 2, Garfield, 2:31>^. 2:29%, 2::30, 2:29%, 2:31)^, 2::32X. ■ San Francisco. Cal., Oct. 24, $1,000. Grover C, 2:283^, 2:28^^, 2:31. Blanche, br m (2:25K), byDraco. Edward Posteo, Gent's Driving Park, Philadelphia, May 6, $500. Alice Addison, Cora Bell. Effle, George W., Gracie C, 2:.32, 2:31>^, 2:313:^. - - - Suffolk Park, Pliiladelphia, May 13, $.500. Mill Girl, Eftie, Vernette, Frank C, Happy Maid, Alice Addison (3dr), 2:.3;3i4, 2::32>4'', 2:;3:3. Belmont Park. Philadelphia, May 20. $.500. Effle 1, :3, Mill Girl, Frank C. (4 dis), Gracie C. (4 dis), Alice Addison (3 dis). Happy Maid ( 1 dis), 2:2K>r, 2:2714. 2:273^. 2:2.514. 2:2(ii.^. Point Breeze Park, Philadelphia, May 27, $50(). Ettie, Champion Wilkes, Mill Girl, Frank C, Pumpkin Seed, Happy Maid (1 dis), 2:27X, 2:28>^, 2:;i0i4. Williaiusport, Pa., June 10, $400. Kitty Wood 1, Nettie Thome 3, Molly Kistler, Superb Prince, 2:31^, 2:29%, 2 2S, 2:31, 2::32. June 12, $400. Dick Organ 1, Leon Boy, Superb Prince, Earl, 2:293^. 2:27>^, 2:31, 2::30. St. jMarys, Pa., June IK, $100. Leon Boy, Superb Prince, 2:26, 2:29. 2:27'. Cincinnati, O., July 10, $5tX). Molly Harris 1, Lotta Tliorne 2, Brighton, 2:3 :i^. 2:31, 2:29;^, 2:27%, 2:275^. Frederick, Md.. Oct. 14, $400. Nettie Thome, Myrtella G., 2::37>6, 2: .0 2: .0. 16 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Blanche Browrii, hrm (2:34i4), l>y Don Clay, dam by Crampton Lambert. J. C. Brown, Windsor, Ont., Sept. 1.5, $1,50. Jubilee 1, 2, Little Fred, Henry H., Black George (t die), Mary Stewart (3 dis), Middleton (3 dis), Grace Darlintr ri dis), 2:4:iK, 2:43, 2:3!)^, 2:38^, 2:37. Sept. 17, $1.50. Topsy, Little Fred, Jubilee, Hnmming Bird, 2:.363^, 8:.34»4, 3:37)^. Blaiiclie Clemens, rn m (2:27>^), by Ryland, dam by Tom Ilai. Buck Dickerson, Columbus, Ind., Sept. 17, $100. Pascarel, Zenobia, 2:50, 2:34, 2:42. Sept. 19, $1.50. Zenobia, Pascarel, 2:48, 2:.34, 2:.35. Blanc-be R., blk m (3:04), by Almont. William Robar, St. Paul, Ntb., Sept. .30, $100. Gray Eagle, Lady S., Bay Frank, Fred James, Bay Billy, 3:06, 3:00, 3:04. Blaze Madf^e, cli m (2:45). Matt. Bush, Grand Forks, Dakota, Aug. 5, $ . Sport, Lucy S., Gray Squirrel (2 dr), Hono-t Billy (3 dr), 2:48, 2:4.5, 2:48. Blood Chief (2:58). J. B. Ellis, Selma, Ala., Oct. 28, $ . Arbuckle, Blood Chief, 2:58, 3:00, 3:05. Bloodmoiitj b s (2:403^), by Olympus, dam Kitty Logan, by Jules Jurgensen. Thos. Phair, Presque Isle, Me., Sept. 11, $ -. Siroc, Frank Lamberl, 2:.50, .".:44^, 2:4014. Blue Belle, rn m (3:14), by Beer's Morgan. T. A. Fry, Keosauqua, la., Sept. 23, $35. Topsy Turvey, Dandy, Dexter Wagoner, Major H., 3:14, 3:15. Sept. 21), $75. Top.«y Turvey, Dandy, Dexter Wagoner, 3:15, 3:17, 3:17. Blue Belle, blk m (2:49^), by Prompter, dam by Volscian. C. F. Taylor, Glenbrook, Cal., Sept. .3, $400. Bally, Flora, 2: .52, 2:.50%, 2:49>^. Blue Belle (.MilaG.),chm(2:26K),l3y Blue Bull. W. R. Kendall, Lowell, Mass., May 21, ,$200. Arthur 1, Joe S. (pacer). Shamrock, 2:35i4, 2:2i)M, 2:30, 2:29X- Lawrence, Mass., May 28, $;i(5b. Joe S. (pacer), Arthur, George A., 2:29, 2:28^, 2:27^. May m\ $.300. Arthur, Joe S. (pacer), 2:2K>^, 2::30, 2:32. Bradford, Pa., June 9, $500. Hunter 1, Alice Addison (4 0), Blackstone (4 0), Bonny L., Effle G., 2:31}^, 2:31, 2:34, 2:31, 2 :.32. • Olean, N. Y., June 16, $.500. Hunter 1, Darkness, William G. No time. June 18, $.500. Windsor M. 1, 3, William G., 2:27, 2:27L|, 2:26J^, 2:27}^, 2:27J^. North Adams, Mass., July 15, $250. Tommy M., Kitty Ives, Duroc Maid, David L., Miss Leland, 2:31, 2:31,2:33. July 17, $250. Lotta 1, 3, Kitty Ives, Shamrock, 2:28i^, 2:29%, 2:.30, 2:313^, 2:30M- Hoosick Falls, N. Y., July 21, $250. Duroc Maid 1, Kitty Ives, Tommy M., George W., James D., David L. (4 dr), 2:3:%, 2:.30i^, 2:34, 2:333i. July 2:i, $250. Kitty Ives 1, 2, Lotta 4, Stonewall, Boss H., 2:29i4, 2:.31, 2:31, 2::32>^, 2:35, 2:.35. Scaghticoke, N. Y., July 28, $250. Duroc Maid, George W., David L. (3 dis), 2:295^, 2:27^^^, 2:27>i'. Rutland, Vt., Aug. 4, $:M0. Lotta 1, 2, Harry East, Boss H, 2:30^, 2:32, 2:30><^, 2:30^, 2:;30. Aug. 6, $400. Lotta2, Nettie T., Ella Doe, 2:30, 2:29, 2:29X, 2::31i^. Kingston, N. Y., Aug. 13, $300. Col. Wood, 3, 4, Vivandiere, Fleetwood Messenger, 2:27J^, 2:26M, 2:35, 2:30, 2:273^. Herkimer, N. Y., Aug. 18, $300. Lotta 2, Elsie Groff, Frank Gilman, 2:.30i^, 2:31, 2:31%, 2:30^^. Canajoharie, N. Y., Aug 25, $300. Lotta 2, El^ie Groff, St. Jacob, 2:.33, 2:32i^, 2:31, 2:33. Aug. 27, $300. Elsie Groff 1, Lotta, 2:3034, 2:30^, 2:30, 2:28>^. Johnstown, N. Y., Sept 1. $1.50. Lotta, Victor Clay, 2:33, 2:28X, 2:29%. Sept. 3, $500. Elsie Groff, Lotta, Victor Clay, 2:26i4, 2:.32. 2::W. Fonda, N. Y., Sept. 11, $:i,50. Jewell, Lotta, Victor Clay, 2:30, 2:28K. 2:28%. Binghamton, N. Y., Sept. 16, $250. Jewell, Judge Parsons, Winnie Wick, 2:86K, 2:27J^, 2:27. Sept. 18, $;j00. Jewell, J. P. Morris, 2:28, 2:28?^, 2:40^. Cobleskill, N. Y., Sept. 2S, $400. Jewell, 2:29^6, 2:28)4, 2:26X- • Sept. 25, $400. Jewell, 2:27, 2:263^, 2:28. Oneonta, N. Y., Sept. 26, $ . Jewell, Jimmv Stewart, 2:29, 2:28Jf, 2:28. Kingston, N. Y., Oct. 15, $300. Lotta 1, Col. Wood (4 0), Harry Mills, Bay Tom, Nixon (3 dr), 2:32J^, 2:29, 2:29>^, 2:27;'.i, 2:29Ji. Oct. 17, $400. Walnut 1, 4 (2 0), Lotta, Bay Tom, Westover, 2:27j^, 2:26>i^, 2:27K, 2:26K, 2:28>^. Race un- finished. Money divided. — Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 27, $200. Arthur, Minnie C, Bijou, 2:31>^, 2:.32, 2:34. Framingham, Mass., Oct. 28, $300. Little Dick, George A., 2:29, 2:28, 2:27 Blue Bill, rug (2:35!4), by Henry Gilbert, dam Fanny Cox. O. O. Tibbetts, Decorah, la., Sept. 3, $175. Christopher H. 1, 2, Senator Maid (1 dis), Little Ben (1 dis), 2:38?:^. 2:40%, 2:3Si^, 2:50%, 3.06. Sumner, la., Sept. 22, $125. Robert McParland 1, 2 (3 dis), 2:46, 2:46, 2:3.5X- Blue Bull, b 8 (2:561^). M. White, Meudota, 111., Sept. 9, $100. Forest Maid, Mamie M., Charley S., Black Boy, De.xter, 3:013^, 2:59, 2:56^^. Blue ('loud, ch g (2:39), by Gage's Logan. W. W. Y'etter, Winfield, Kan., May 22, $200. Frank D. 1, Henry Clay, 2:;teX, 2:49!4, 2::39i^, 2:41. Blue Cloud, blue g (2:27), by Ashland Chief, dam bv American Clay. W. S. Buckner, Falmouth, Ky, Sept. 11, $250. Four Corners 2, Mystery, 2:;3;3J^,2:31i^, 2:34J<, 2:;33. Mavsville, Ky., Sept. 18, $300. Ernest Springer, J. H. W., Bulwer, (3 dis), Jim Hill, (2 dis), Ashley (2 dis), Daisy Blackwood (1 dis), 2:28, 2:27, 2::W. Blue Skin, gr s (2:43 U). by Blue Bull. W. H. Baird, Oregon, 111., Sept. 23, $200. Black Diamond (1 dis), Alaho, (1 dis), 2:43%. Bob, grg (2:381^). H. E. Eaton, Bridgeport, Conn., July 16, $100. Ben 1, Dolly, Cypress, 2-A7l4,2:U]4,2-M}^, 2-A4X- w, C. L. Norton, Southington, Conn., July 29, oats. Spencer P., w, 1, J. M. C, w, Jim, w, Bndd, w (2 dr), J. B. (2 dr), 2:.56, 2:57, 2:53}^: G. E. Trask, Wallingford, Conn., Aug. 12, $100. Vivian 2, Jack, Sherbrooke (3 dr), 2:46%, 2:50, 2:43, 2:46. C. L. Norton, Watertown, Conn., Aug. 31, $100. M. J. B. 2, 3, 2:59, 2:4434, 2:42, 2:44, 2:41. Bob, gr g(2:46). T. J. Hoag, Milton, Pa., Oct. 16, $150. Almont 4, Troublesome 1, Dallas, 2:48, 2:46, 2:55»^, 2:49, 2:52. Bob Ingersoll, bg(2:50X), by Warr Ilulett. Patrick McSherry, Barrie, Out, Sept. 23, $125. Easy Nell, Annie Besant, 2;.50i^, 2:53i4, 2:54. Bob Johnson, b g (2:28 34), by Hero of Thorndale. H. Simmons, Terra Haute, Ind., May 26, $400. Little Mac .3, 4, Doctor Levi 2, Grafton, Royalmont, Florence S. (5 dis), Happy Traveler (4 dis), Lucy Fry (3 dis). Sunflower (3 dis), Charley M. (2 dis), Dan Huffe (2 dis), Viceroy (2 dis), 2:36, 2:32%, 2:34!4, 2:36Ji, 2:36K> 2:41!^. Akron, O., Oct. 7 and 8, $400. Minor 3, 4, Grove's Blue Bull 2, Bertha S. 1, Sunshine, Spotted Beauty, Mink, Letty Watterson, Trouble (5 dr), 2:33^, 2:3.5, 2:.33%, 2:381,^, 2:373^, 2-MX, 2:37. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 17, $400. Bob's Jug 2, Blue Cloud, J. H. W., 2:29)^, 2:27>^, 2:2834, 2:30J^. SUPPLEMENT FOR 1885. TROTTING. 17 BobM.jbrg (2:54i/4), by Orange Duroc. Murphy Bros., Iowa City, la., $85. Bacchus 3, Evening Glory 1 3:03}^, 2:55, 3:00, ::3:54i^4. ^ •'' Bob PInkertoii, b g (2:3934), by Poloniua. R. Dempster, Newton, N. J., Sept. ^4, $250. Hanneman 4. Jim Medium 3, Wedding Day, 2:;«^, 2:41, 2:.S8>4', 2::i9, 2:40. Somerville, N. J., Sept. 30, $18U. Etra 1, 2, Joseph C, Hunter, Harry S. (2 dr), 2:39, 2:44, 2:44^, 2:44V 2:46. Bob'!i« Jug, brg {2:27>^), by George Willies, dam by Honest Allen. Bowerman Bros., Dayton, O., Oct. 2, $400. Mambrino Smu-gler, Humming Bird (2 dis), Fred Moran 1 (2 v. o.), 2:33?4, 2:34J^, 2:42J4, 2:38>^. Bob AVbUe, wh g (3:02X'. I'Y <^i''ay Eagle. Mr. White, Alliston, Ont., July 1, § . Allision Girl,' Queen, Bay (Jeorge, Honest Billy, ;j:02;^. .-x , Bohemian Girl, brm (2:32'M). by son of Green's Bashaw. C. W. Smith, Oskaloosa, la., Sept. 4, S300. 2 Earl McGregor, 2 :.")4, 2:551^, 2:.5(i. - Hunt Barnes, Omaha, Neb., Sept. 9, $.500. Ira M., Almeti, Springfield Belle (2 dis), Byron Sherman (2 dis), rib (2dis), Ethan Allen (,2 dis), Maud B. (1 dis), 2:37}^. 2:33X, 2:38. Ti Strawberry Point, la., Sept. 23, $125. Little Frank (1 Oj, Marsh Young, Little Dan, 2:34)^, 2:33i4, 2:34J^, 2:373^ Sept. 25, $2.50. Malvlna 3, Marsh Young. 2:.3.3i^, 2:.3.3i^. , 2:32X. Bouiier Morrill, br s (2:51). J. E. O'Halloran, Sweetsburgh, P. 6., Aug. 2S, $.50. Homer 1, Lizzie B 2, 3 (t) dr), Kosie, -i-.yi, 2:41'), 2:50, 2.51, 2:.53, 2:54. Bonnie li.,ch g (2:27}4)i l^y ^-'harley B., dam Juliet, by Cayuga Star. Sire Bros., Hudson, N. Y., June 25, moo. Lotta 3, Inez, 2:32?^, 2:S1, 2:32, 2:.33i$4. Bridgeport, Conn., July 18, $200. Captain Emmons, Jewell, 2:2714, 2:.3C, 2:S1\. Bonnie MfCrregor, b s (2:20X), by Robert McGregor, dam Fanny, by Reconstruction. M. E. :\[cHenry, Freeport, III., June 10, $.500. Mary Sprague 2, Boston Davis, Jupiter, Napper, Maggie Fulton, Magna Wilkes (3 dis), 2:.31%, 2:mX> 2:321/2, 2:32%. S. W. Wheelock, Cliicago, 111., June 20 and 22, SV50. Bertha 3, Lotta Thome 4, Boston Davis, Jupiter. Bay Tom (5 dr), S. J. Fletcher (5 dr), Lucy Fry (5 dr), Napper (5 dr). Belle S. (5 dr), Lilly P. (5 dr), Zulu (4 dr), St. Elmo (3 dr), 2.27, 2:27^, 2:28X, -:30, 2:2914. M. E. McIIenvy, Kalamazoo, Mich., Julv 8, $800. Butterscotch 4. 6, Myrlie 2 (7 dis). Prince Middleton, Loretta F., Rol)in, St. Denis 1 (3 dis), 2:2:^^, 2:2t;i4, 2:25, 2:25!4, 2:25. 2:.32, 2:.353^. Ottawa, III., Aug. 5, $400. Myrtle, Executor, Huuter, Lula Hambletonian (2 dis), Nino (1 dis), 2:26}^, 2:243i 2:29. ^"La Sailed 111., Aug. 12, $400. Myrtle 2, 2:2934, 2:2734, 2:27^. 2:29. Freeport, 111., Aug. 20, $500. Longfellow Whip 2, Executor, Milo, Flora P., Will Collender, Belle S , Gil- bird's Sprague, 2:22^ y-24U. 2:27 2-mQi/a ■ S. W. Wheelock, Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 14 and 15, $1,.500. Prince Arthur 2, 4 (3 0), Butterscotch, Mag, gie G. Middleton, Boston Davis, 2:2234, 2:21 >^, 2:21^, 2:21%, 2:20^^. 2:203^. M. E. McHenrj', Chicago, 111., Sept. 22, $1,.500. Maggie G. Middleton, Charley Hogan, Butterscotch, 2:23, 2:22%, 2:21J^. Bonui>, br g (2:34). E. H. Potter, Moulton, la., Sept. 23. $100. Bruen, 2:46, 2:403^, 2:46. Borax, cli g {•2:35]4\ by Belmont, dam by Black Rat. C. W. C. Sigourney, Canajoharie, N. Y., May 27, $250. Cynthia 4, 5, Liicille's Baby 3, Ace of Spades, Alfred D. (1 dis), Daisy W. (1 dis), Shela (1 dis), 2:38, 2:37, , 2:40, 2:.38, 2:39. Bo«>»« H., b g (2t2oM), by ^inulus, dam by American Star (?). H. Pope, Mystic Park, Boston, June 23 and 24, f .5O1I. Nettie Thorne 4, 6, Sister Wilkes 1, Merry Thought 3. Miss Legacy 2, Faustina, Green Girl, George W. (5 dr), 2:2-IM, 2:25X. 2:25%, 2:27%, 2:25%, 2:2B>^, 2:3014,"2:25J^. Boston <:iiarley, blk s (2:50). Fred. Knowlton, Guthrie Centre. la., Sept. 2.5, $50. Z phae, Kate 1 (3 dr), 3:0;3>;, :i:)>bX. 2:M. Bo»«ton Bavis, blk g (2:26XI- by Atlantic Chief. A. Rohrbach, Janesville, Wis., June 2.5, $500. Zig, Sor- rel Ned, Jupiter, Billy R.. Nina K , Dayton Belle, 2:29Ji', 2:29, 2:30. Minneapolis, Minn., July 1, $400. Mabel II. 2, Zig, Carrie B., 2:27J^. 2:31. 2:26>j^, 2:293^. July 4, $400. Carrie B., Laura Belle, Western Maid, General F. (2 dis), 2:31%, 2:31%, 2:.36><^. Stillwater, Minn., Aug. 1, $ . Zig 1, , 2:28, 2:27. Boston Girl, b m (2:2 5 UK by Von Moltke, dam by Sherman (?). Frank Van Ness, Point Breeze Park, Phila- delphia, May 2(;, $500. Nettie Thorne, Sauveur, Favorita, 2:283^, 2:28%, 2:29%. Boston Joe, b g (2:40y ). J. Francis. Baltimore, Md., May 14, .$150. William B. 3, Frank, The Toper, Frank, Big Musette (4 dr), 2:40>j, 2:41, 2:44>i, 2:44. Bourbon, b g (2:35). G. Dean, Madison, Ind., Nov. 11, $200. Lucy Blackburn. Best time, 2:35. Brady Boy, ch g (2:42). A. P. Stevens, Burton, O., Sept. 17, $250. Expectation 2, Fred. R., Red Wing, Al- legan, 2:45, 2:42, 2:42, 2:4.5. Bravo B., br m (3:40). J. Bennett, Indiana, Pa.. Sept. .30, $50. Billy H., Billy C. 3:43, 3:40. Brazil, b g (2:49>^), by Albert Maywood. Mr. Smith, Saugatuck, Mich., Oct. 17, $(35. Ellen Gift 1, 3 (4 0), Nelly B., 3:03!/.^. 3:00, 2:5934, 3:01, 2:59%, 3:00. Breeze, brm (2:323^), by Kearsarge. Mr. Meyer, Woodside, L. I., May 30, $100. New Boston 2, Millie, Lydia R.,2:52, 2:. 50, 2:49, 2:l9i^. Breeze Medium, b m (2:223^), by Happy Medium, dam Net Frank, by son of Charles E. Loew. James Dougify, Hartford. Conn., June 12, $500. Merry Thought 2, 3. Lady Lear, W. K., Revenge, Buss H., Smug- gler's Daughter (5 dr), Eva (4 dr). Ward Medium (4 dr). Black Prince (4 dr), 2:24j^, 2:24, 2:2;i%, 2:2434, 2:25^. Providence, R. I., June 18 and 19, $.500. Irish Lad 1, 2, W. K., Revenge, Lady Lear, Dick Organ, Captain Ben, Lizzie R., Black Prince, 2:2434, 2;'^3%, 2:24%, 2:2.334- 2:23^. Beacon Park, Boston, July 1 and 2. $500. Revenge 3, Dick Organ, Irish Lad, Lizzie R., W. K., Ward Medium (1 dis), 2:22i4, 2:22>^, 2:2434,2:24. Albanv, July 9, $.500. Nettie T.. 2:.33%, 2:26%, 2:24)^. July 10, ft500. Lizzie R. 1, W. K.,Dick Organ, Windsor M., Irish Lad, Eva, Lotta, Smuggler's Daughter. Stonewall (4dr), Mambrinette (3 dis), Superb Prince (2 dr), 2:27. 2:2634, 2:22%, 2:2434. Alleghany, Pa., July 24, $1,000. Adelaide 3, 4 (1 0), Onward, Urbana Belle (5 dis), 2:26%, 2:26, 2:2C, 2:26, 2:28. 2:26. Brewer Boy, b g (3:00). C. G. Moser, Parkville, L. I., July9, $75. Spotted Nose, 3:00, 3:12. Brewster, br e (2:40%). Finch, Lord & Nelson, Emporia, Kan., Oct. 21, $ . Hoosier Frank, Telephone, 2:423^.;, 2:12^,2:40%. Briek, rn s (2:4334). F. M. Ilolloway, Hillsdale, Mich., Sept. 30, $75. William II. 2, 5, Pathfinder 1, 2:46?^, 2:39%, 2:48i/>. 2:52V. 2:4(i. 2:43%. Stallions. Oct. 2 and 10, $100. William H. 2, 4 (5 0), Lucy, 2:4()%, 2:4;% 2:46=^, 2:4.53^, 2:50%, 2:47%. Brick, b g (2:34X), by De Graaf s Alerander, dam a Morgan mare. Henry C. ('base, Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 7, $340. beth Thomas, Cricket, Isis, Fearnaught(l dis), 2:38, 2:.34>^, 2:37. Five-year-olds. 18 CHESTER'S COMPLP^TE TROTTING AND PACING KECORD. Brlokinaker (3:07). James Tibbitts, Readfleld, Me., Sept. 30, $ . Fanny Knox, Ben Wood, 3:07, 3:0r. I Four-year-olds and under. Brien iSurrti, b g (2:37%), by Iowa Star, dam Railroad Maid. C. W. Phillips, Winterset, la., Oct. 6, $150. Midnight 1, Bruen, Nero, 2:48}^, 2:4fi->^, 2:43, 2;44. Brigade, gr g (2:33^), liy Brigadier, dam American Maid, by Plumas. F. Grant, Glenbrook, Cal., Oct. 29, « . Sheriff, Doncaster. 2:40, 2:.34|^, 2:.35. Bri«»-liton, ch g (2:34). E. Postcn, Elmira, N. Y., June 2, $400. Gray Ghos^t 1, Floretta 2, Fearnaught, Lida K. (3 dis). Ruby S. (2 dis), Millie W. (2 dis), 2:38%. 2:.35i-4. 2::W%, 2:3t)><, 2:34%. Williamsport, Pa., June 9, $400. Fearnaught 1, 2, Myrtella G.; Sarah B., Floretta, Gray Ghost, Honey Bee (1 dis), 2:33, 2:34, 2:34i:{, 2:.35j«r, 2:;35. June 11, $400. Myrtella G., Lodi Belle, Charley Van, Honey Bee, 9:361:^, 2:37, 2:3.5%. 2 St. Marys, Pa., June 18 and 19, $400. Myrtella G., Floretta, Charley Van, Honey Bee, Belle D. [1 dis), 2::M>^, 2:34 Hf,2::M 1-4. Scranton, Pa., July 4, $:300. Frank Lambert 3, Charley Van. 2:37>^. 2:34 if . 2::33. 2:34X. Worton, Md., Sept. 24, $250. Faro 2, Happy Maid, Louise, 2:.36>i, 2::37, 2:34, 2:35>^. Bris'litwoodj br s (2:49J^), bySuperb, dam by Tom Ward. T. 1). Cock, Mineola, L. I., Sept. 25, $60. Black Abdallah2, Trapper's ch s,''Nero (4 dr), 2:51, 2:rA}4, 2:49X. 2:.51. Brig-iioll, b 8 (2:5 5), by Brigadier, dam Princess. B. Garrett, Chico, Cal., Aug. 25, $250. Maud Sherman, e\>-clone(l dis), 2:55, 2:.'55. Two-year-olds. Bristol, bg (2:36)4^. L. E. Currier, Concord, N. H.. May ICi, $100. Ned Hastings. No time. Manchester, N. H., June 30, $.50. Fanny P. 1, 2:Si))<2. 2:41 ^j , 2:50, 2:45. 3 Concord, N. IL, July 24, $100. Startle, Clara Belle, Dennis P., 2:419^, 2:42, 2:30. Bristol Boy, b g (2:52). J. R. Sumner, Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 21, $40. Pilot King 1, Dick W., Calais Boy (3 dr), B.Ue (3 dr), 2:5.5, 2:52, 2:5:3, 2:,52. Brooklet, b ra (3:49), by Volunteer, dam Young Saline, by Guy Miller. N. G. Edelblute, Brookville, Pa., Sept. 22, $60. Rena, 1 :55, 1 :44. Halt-mile heats. Two-year-olds. Clarion, Pa., Sept. 16, $100. General Duroc, Rena. 3:59, 3:49. Two-year-olds. Bristovv, b s (2:47'<^), by Mountain Chief, dam Ellie, by Gentleman. 11. G. Ward, Butte, Mont., Sept. IS, $200. Ebony 4, Fred." W.:3, 3:00, 2:51, 2:49X, 2:47)<. Bro%vn Basliaw, br s (2:39i.i ), by Green's Bashaw. W. Hartman, West Liberty, la., Sept. 16 and 17, $ . Senator N., Mattie Davis, Andrew H., Keller V., 2.403^, 2:42i4, 2:;i9'ti. 4 Sept. 17, $ . Andrew H., Mattie Davis, Franio, 2:42, 2:.39>:, , 2.41. Brown Billy, br g. Grand Rapids, Mich., May 13, $ . Annie K. 1, Adeline, Star, Frank. Best time, 1:25. Half-mile heats. Brown Dlc-k, br g (2:40), by Ned Hastings. G. W. Bemis, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 17, $200. Frank Patchen 2, Benjamin D., Billy Ford, S. W. C, Live Oak (3 dis), 2:40, 2:39>4, 2:40. 2:42>j. Brown Joliii, br g, w (2:44 w). John Fox. St. Louis, Mo., June 5, $ . Black Wash 2, White Stocking, Blue Boy, Frank C, Frank, Milo C, Rose Hill Nell 1 (4 dr), Jim Lincoln (4 dr). 2:4(), 2:45\i. 2:4.5;,;, 2:44. Brown Kate, br m(2:41),by Leoal Tender. S. Brandenburg, Sidney, O., Sept. 25. $200. Washington. Jr. 2, 3, Alice S. 1, Molly B., Molly Allen, Lady Brooks (5 dr). Barney McCoy (4 dr), 2:41 14, 2:413i, 2:42^4^ 2:42;^, 2:41,2:13. 5 Brown Wilkes, 1)r 8 (2:26'-.^), by George Wilkes, dam Jenny Erwin, by Henry B. Patchen. S. L. Caton, Sandusky, ()., Sept. 24. $240. Bertha S., Kenton Belle, 2:.3.5, 2:Z2. 2:35. Brownwood, br g (2:43). K. Hopkins, Sandy Plains, N. Y., Oct. 27, $75. William C. 2, George A., 2:43, 2:42,2:44, 2:43. rSruen, ch g (2:32X), by Tempter, dam by Skinkle's Hambletonian. J. A. King, Kahoka, Mo,, Sept. 3, $100. Bonus 1, 2, Fred Coe, Telephone, 2:34, 2::M, 2:.37%. 2:.37i4, -i-.SO. Bloomfield, la.. Sept. 17, $100. Blue Belle, Topsy Turvey, Winnie, 2:32i^, 2:45. Sept. 18, $1(^0. Blue Belle, Topsy Turvey, Gray Dan, 2:48^, 2:35, Mt. Ayr, la., Oct. 17, $100. Prohibition, Ben Bolt, 2:.52, 2:48. 2:.52. ,,.,„„ Briiinonla, br ni w (2:41>^w). J. G, K. Lawrence, Morrisauia. N. Y., May 15, $500. Violet, w. 2:411^, 2:4.. C Briinox blk g (2:39j^), T, II. Parker, St. Louis, Mo., May 23, $50. Joe Baker, Tony, 2:42X, 2,41, 2:43>^, July 25, $22. Lewis S. 2, Blanche Knox, Sir Lancelot (3 dr). Handy Andy (2 dis), Sadie Ray (2 dis), 2:391.^, o.cgi^ 2':3fli/ 2'.50 ^ Carlinville' lii.,'oct. 2, $120. Ringgold, 1, Nettie Thomas, Ironwood, Little B"n, 2:53)<, 2:49)^, 3:13, 3:105^. Bryant, br s (2:55), by Commander, Winterset, I;i., Oct. 8, $150. Ringwood, Jr, 1, General Grant, 2:54, 2:55, 3:00, 2.55. Btick, ch 8(3:25X F. Tinnin, Pacheco, Cal., Sept 8, $30. Bay Frank 1, 3:2^ '5-27i^. 3:25. Buck Foster, b s (2:41^), by General Dana, dam Nettie Brown, by John Nelson. W. Bihler, Petaluma, Cal., June 5. $1.50. Jackson Temple 1, 2, Sorrel Ben, Johnny, 2:51, 2:48, 2:44, 2:45>^, 2:49}^, 2:50. , ,,,, „ ■ Sept. 29, $50. Bisson Boy 1, 4, Big Bear 3, Bay Tom (5 dr). White Boy (5 dr), Ella Medium (5 dr). Mile End Brother(5dr), 2:4914, 2:491^, 2:49»4;, 2:49!^, 2:49^,2:49)^. . Bula, br m (3:02}.4)by Ed. Wood. D. Lawrence, Helena, Mont., Aug. 2.5, $450. Geranium (2 dis), 3:25>^, Bunion, ch s (2:'32^), by Blue Bull, dam by Legg's Archie. W. S. Weese, Yorkville, 111., Sept. 2, $100. Blue Cloud. Honest Abe.Snowball, 2:.55i^, 2:47i^, 2:321^. Stallions. Sept. 4, $200. Ida A., General Schuvler, Piano, Lucy (3 dr), 2:42Vi, 2:38>i', 2:41%. Bully Brooks, bg (2:5214). A. Reed, Manchester, N. H., July 2, $40, Bess (2 dis), 3:12, 2:55. Bur<«lier, gr s, w (2:49w). W, L, Ward, St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 28, medal. Bay Frank 1, Lady Forrest, Frank C. Melrose, Jim O'Neill, 2:.52i^, 2:49,2:50. _. ^ „ „.„ ^ Burlington Boy, b g (2:33). Mr. Clark, Whitney's Point, N, Y., Sept, 9, $100, Prince 1, Harry Hill, Tom Lyons, Creeper (4 dr), 2:::57, 2:33, 2:371^, 2:.37, .^ , ,,.,., Burnace, gr s (2:40), P. Culling, Schoharie, N. Y., Sept. 30, $100. Sleepy Dutchman, Bay Prank, 2:4o, 2:42, Burns, b s (3:00). A. Chase, Berlin, Mich,, Sept. 30, $30. Donald Dinnie, True Boy, Fred. B., Fred., 3:00, 3:20, 3:13. ^ . ,,. , „ . „ Burns, Jr., b s (2:3714), by Burns, dam by Washtenaw Cliicf. H. S. Compton, St. Louis, Mich., Sept. 8, $75. Minnie Mack 3, Ba'haw Maid, 2:42)^, 2:40, 2:39^- 2::37*i. Hubbardston, Mich., Sept. 24, $100. Belle Crabb, Belle of Fairfield, Belle Wood, 2:38, , • SUPPLEMENT FOR 1885. TROTTING. 19 Bujiibey, b g (2:29M\ by George Wilkes, dam bv Daniel Lambert. Sire Bros., Freehold, N. J., Sept. 8 $2.")0. Brown Billy 2, Lncy Walter 4, Fiora D. Harvey, Beulaih, Kembie Maid (4 dr), :>:;«, 2:;15, 2:34, L. E. Dunham, Mt. Holly, N. J. Oct. 10, S300. Flora D. 2, 4, Dexter H., Frank D., Alice Addison (4 dis) David L. (4 dr). Young Morrissey CJ dn, 2::iS^, 2:29 1<, 2:2;tX, 2:2'.)>i, 2:30K>. Sire Bros., Weehawkeu, N. J., Nov. IH, §200. Brown Billy 1, Jimmy Stewart 2, Falka 2::^8K, 2:37k: 2:3;35i, 2::«3^, 2:;34>^. Ilutoher Boy (2:50i. Butler, Pa., Sept. 10, SIOO. Gj'psy, George R., General r'anby (3 dn, Wolfinden (3 dr) Light (3 dr>, 2:55, 2:.J2, 2:.-j0. Butclior Boy, grg. J. O'Donohue, Winnipeg, Man., July 4, $50. Lady Winfleld, 1:21U;, 1:17K>- Half-mile heats. t'utclier Boy. H. Goetzinger, E. Saginaw. Mich., Sept. 18, $25. Salina Boy 1. No time. Biit«-lier Boy, w, bile g (2:40). (4. Bradford, Marshfleld, Mass., Sept. 18, $20. MandMuller, w.,3:00, 2:.56. Butcher Boy, bg (2:38). C. E. Kirk, St. Johnsbury, Vt., Sept. 18, $100. Little Harry, McDou<'all, Jenny Dean, 2:38, 2,41,2:38. Morrisville, Vt., Sejit. 23, $80. Little Harry, Gypsy, Ladv Lofty. Dandy, 2:51, 2:iS, 2:55. Sept. 24, $100. H. W. Beecher 2, >i, Dandy, 2:42, 2:46, 2:47, 2:42. 2:40. Butler, gr g (2:49J4)- G. F. D. Skinner, Haverhill, Mass., Aug. (3, $.W. Ben Star 2, Patchen Jim. Black Jack (2 dr), 2:.50i4. . 2:493^, 2:.5.5. Lawrence. Mass.. Aug. 1.3, $50. Prince, Hermitage, 2:51, 3:11, 2:52. Buttercup, blk m (2:37). G. Rossman, Hudson, N. Y., June 24, $250. Jessie Walter, Cynthia, Rowdy Boy, Jennv Medium. Harry W., Lady Finch. 2-M}4, 2:;i8, 2::37>,^. Butterfly (Gray Dan), wh g (2:50*). T. W. Johnson, Toronto, Out., Sept. 11 and 12, $95. Joe Vogan :i, 4, Tennyson 5. Six others, 2:58, 2:.50, 2, .52, 2:.54, 2:54, •. Four-flfih mile lieats. Butter^cotcli, b g (2:21^). by Panic, dam Maid of the Mist, by Cumining's Davy Crockett. D. G. Suther- land, E. Saginaw, Mich., June 27, $800. Felix, Wilson, 2:25K, 2,2.5^, 2:2614. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 7, $1,000. Prince Middleton, Dick Organ, Maggie G. Middleton, Blanche, 2:21V, 2:24, 2,21^. Albany, N. Y., Aug. 14, $1,000. Dick Organ, Prince Middleton, Maggie, G. Middleton, W. K., Electric, 2:26, 2:23, 2,22. Hartford. Conn., Aug. 21, $1,000. Prince Middleton 3. 4, Dick Organ 5, W. K., Lady Majolica, Sister Wilkes (4 dis), 2:243,', 2:2.5, 2:2214, 2:22i4, 2:263.^. 2:24^^. Minneapolis. Minn., Sept. 10, $500. Maggie G Middleton. Bonnie McGregor, 2:29, 2:24%, 2:29. Byron Oliiel', ch g (2:45). W. Roller, Jersey City. N. J., June 25, $200. Velvet Tip 1, 2, Roland, Lizzie W. (5 dr), Gussie H. (3 dr). Miss Mary (3 dis), 3:52, 2:48X. 8:45, 2:48, 2:50. €. A. €., blk g (2:49), byCharley B. M. E. Cornell, Oswego Fails, N. Y., Sept. 10, $100. Homer, Lysander GUrl, Lysander Belle, Teak Blackwood, Ciyp S., Sunset (3 dr), 3:00, 3:00, 2:.58. Cad Wade, b f , by New York, dam by Pacing Abdallah. Henry Thomas, Paris, Ky., Sept. 5, $100. Victor Wilkes, Kate Cahill, 1:;«i;i, 1:.34>-.;. Yearlings. Caesar, b g (2:32 v,). D. Stever, Baltimore, Md., Sept. 8, $2.50. Gloster, Jr. 3, J. A. E., Harry J., Andy C, Billy Beck, Eastern Shore Boy (2dis), 2::i4%. 2:.32l,, 2:.35, 2:37. Caesar, b g (3:30). I. H. Fairholm, Oskaloosa, Kai Sept. 24, $Z0. Sleepy Bill, Tom, 3:30, 3:;3.3, 3:36. Callahan, sp s (3:48), by Altamout. C. S. Moore, Yreka, Cal., Oct. 9, $150. Henry (1 dis). Rogue (1 dis), 3:48. Two-year-olds. Camera, bg(2:49'4), by Notable. W. H. Mosteller, St. Louis, Mich., Sept. 3, $75. Honest John, Matt, Monon- gahela, Kate B., 2:49K, 2:49>4, 2:49^. Canaris-sa, ch m (2:393^'), by John H. Ferry. J. B. Woodbury, Canton, Me., Sept. 10, $75. Belle Gage, Rear Guard, Billy Knox (2 dis), Mazcppa G. (2 dis), 2:44^:1, 2:44>4, 2:44li^. Fairfield, Me., Sept. 15, $100. Nelly B., Black Dan, James A., Ledo. Charles Oilman, 2:42, 3:413^, 2:41>^. Sept. If), $12.5. Maud L. 1, Maggie, James A., Castledare, 2:41 1-4, 2:39i-4, 2:41,»4, 2:43. J. Francis, Baltimore, Md.. Nov. 20, $200. Lady Auburn 3, 4 (5 0). 2:49, 2:42, 2;39>i, 2:40, 2:41, 2:42. Captain Bashaw, blk 8 (2:46'^.), by Green's Bashaw. Charles S. Smart, Southington, Csun., July 25 and 29, $.50. Utah I.Robert H.", LydiaD., Kita Hoe, Jimmy (3 dis), 2:48, 2:48, 2:40; '^y Captain, dam by Frank. F. A. Cook, Geneseo, 111., July 4. $200. Patty P. 1, Major Logan. Lou Sprague, McGregor Boy, Aitch Pee, 2::iUH, 2:42>^, 2:40, 2::39. Captain E., b s (3:05) by Siskiyou Boy. J. Fitten, Yreka, Cal., Oct. 7, $200. J. B., Honest Mike (1 dis), 3:05, 3:00, 3:08. Captain Kniinons, ch g (2:19M'X ^'>y Continental, dam Nelly, by Tiger Morgan. I. Nelson, Suffolk Park, Philadelphia, May 15, $500. Albert France 2, Frank 1, J. B. Thomas, Zoe B. (1 dis), 2:23, 2:231.;, 2:35, 2:;30, 2:25. Huntington. L. I., Sept. 12, $1,000. Hopeful 1, 2, 2:30, 2:30^, 2:30, 2:29>;, 2:29. J. H. Temple, Morrisania, N. Y., Nov. 4, $1,000. Hopeful, 2:273^, 2:27>j, 2:32. Captain Cialne!*, b g (2:32' •), bv Bostick's Almont, Jr., dam by Lookout. Joshua Wilkins, S. Weymouth, Mass,, July 4, $100. Charley L., Maftd Muller, Blossom (1 dis), 2:i3'<., 2:44, 2:42'... Sangus, Mass., Aug. 20, $200. Richmond 3, I). P., Annie T., Captain Bunnell, Gleam, 2:38^, 2:35X, 2:39^, 2:-ib}<.. Bridgewater, Mags, Sept. 25, $250. Frank Munson, 1, Speedress, Jerry L., 2:40, 2:395:1, 2:38, 2:.37>4;. Captain Jeflers, b g (2:34), by Wallham, dam Polly Barber, by Bully King. C. E. Bliss, Jersey City, N. J., May 29, $200. Jack Wilkes 3, 4, David Muckle (2 dis), Bergen Belle (2 dis), Victoria (2 dis), 2:38.'4, 2:34^, 2:37, 2::i7M, •'i:40>,. — H. Wells, Cortland, N. Y., Sept. 17, $150. Little Wonder, Jr. 2, 5 (3 0), Martha May, 2:34X, 2:39^, 2:39X, 2:35, 2:39X, 2:39>^. 20 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Marathon, N. Y., Sept. 25, $140. Susie Bell, Modoc, 2:35>rr, 2:.34, 2:35. Captain Mack, ch s (2'.olHh by Captain. J. McKennon, Princeton, 111., Sept. 16, S • Logan B. 1, %ate 2:.53, 2:51M 3:02>,. Captain Merritt, ch g (2:36>.). W. H. Benneni, Mineola, L. I., Sept. 24, $60. Valley Star, Georglana, Blazing Star (3 di), 2:53, 2:55, 2:54. . Sept 25 and 26, $200. Fleetwood 1, 2, Thomas R., Ellen Jefferson, Fenimore, Lizzie (5 dr), Biddy (4 dn, Mi.-chief (2 dr), 2:43>4, 2:42, 2:413^, 2:40, 2:36i<.. Captaiu Raoul, b g (2:35), by Komble Jackson, dam by Downing's Bay Messenger. A. B. Cook, Macon, Ga., Oct. 28, $300. El Dorado, Mary B., Oriana, Alexander Stephens, Emma Carson, R. P. Garsed (S dr),2:35, 2"3^ 2'37V. Captain Stone, blk 8 (3:00) by Legion, dam Lizzie. Wm. Wilkins, Cambridge, O., Oct. 16, $100. Black Prince, Nelly, 3:0:3, 3:00, 3:10. Washington, O., Oct. 1, $1.3. Black Prince 1, Gold Dust. No time. Oct. 2. $;:0. Black Prince 1, Filibuster. No time. <'ai)tain Ward, rn s (2:39^1), by Harry Ward, dam by Daniel Lambert. J. Zabriskie, Hohokus, N. J., Sept. ' n 4, 2:39>,, 2:;39k. Care Not, ch g (2:57>a). by Daniel Lambert. John B. Osborn, Plainfield, N. J., Aug. 8, $100. Lady Allen, Cai-i BronsoiK'b'g (2:37'-4). W. Hill, Watertown, N. Y., June 19, $200. Magg:e Palmer 4, Agnes D. 1, Jess R (5 dis), 2:43; 2:40^0, 2:40, 2:39'ii, 2:39>4'. Carrie Bell, b m (2:32i4;, by Commodore Belmont, dam Pocahontas, by Conscript. W. H. Raymond, He- lena Mont , Au<'. 26. $500. Lady Fisher 1, 3, RoUa, Maxim (3 dis), 2:.39i^, 2:34>4, 2:Ui4, 2:34, 2:34>^. Butte, Mont.; Sept. 11, $.300. Lady Fisher, 2::?4, 2:35i4, 2:32!^. <'arrie C, br m (2:24), by Electioneer, dam Maid of Clay, by Henry Clay, Palo Alto Stock Farm, Chicago, 111., Sept. 23, $1,350. Princeton, Superior, Issaquena (1 dis), Gambetta (1 dis), 2:24^4, 3:255^, 2:24. Four-year- Carrie F., br m (2:27;'4'). by Irwin Davis. J. W. Donathan, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 7, $1,000. Garfield 3, Carrie tI br mC2l34i;4")> by Dom Pedro. F.Boucher, Portland, Me., Sept. 12, $500. Roger D., 2:43, 2:138, •>-40 ' ' - Carver, b o- (2:33^i), by Volunteer, dam Woburii Maid, by Woburn. J. H. Goldsmith, Goshen. N. Y., Oct. 7, $:iOO. Spoflord 2, 3, Ben Butler, Kitty Moore, Estella, Moulton (2 dis), McMullen Boy (2 dis), Walkill (2 dr), 1 kiu'gs'tou, N. Y.', Oct! 15, $200. Roan Tom, Charley M., Daisy, Carrie May (1 dis), Frank W. (1 dis), Al- fonso (1 dis\ 3:36, 2:35>^, 3:36>^. Sau^erties, N. Y., Oct. 19, $200. Roan Tom. Charley M., Frank W., Jessica (2 dr), 2:39, 2:3734', 2:.35i^. Casli Boy, b o- (2:361-4), by Dick Turpin. J. W. Dunn, Charleston, 111., July 30, $100. Hitch 1, 2, Florence S 5 Frank Noble, Billy Wonder, Garfleld (5 dr), 2:;39i/o, 2:40, 2:36^, 2:40>4', 2:41X, 2:44^. Parsons, Kan., Sept. 19, $ . Edward B., Smuggler, Jr. Best time, 2:42. Viiiita, Indian Ter., Sept. 24, $125. Edward B., Fearnaught, 2:41, HiSSX- L. Wright, Girard, Kan., Oct. 3, $50. Edward B., 2:4.5,2:4.5, 2:48. ,, ., ^ . . . ,r tt Caskisie, br m (2:37^4). E. T. Burnham, Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 17, $100. May Jtfferson 1, Josie, May Harrol, Cassiiis,Tr g (2:39">i ).'*' H. L. Morrison, Saugus, Mass., May 30, $.50. Frank Dyer, Charley K., William IL, Ful- ler, Odiump, pacer (3 dr), 2:47, 2:43, 2:45. P. H. Foster, Aug. 10, $100. May Bird. Eddy, 2:42, 2:39"^, 2:43'^. Castelar, ch 8 (2:36), by Ajax, dam Fanny, by Young Drew. F. H. Brewster, Sweetsburgh, P. Q., Aug. 29, $100. Black Diamond, Jr. (1 dis). Homer (1 dis), Bonner MorrilUl dis) 2:36. Stallions . „ ,,, Cas^tledare, blk s (2:42?i), by Joe Irving. G. A. Hunt, Albion, Me., Oct. 10, $ . lolanthe, A. H., 2:42^4, Cat^skil^lCJirl, hlkm(3:26>^). F. Myers, Weehawken, N. J., Sept. 30, $100. Baby .3,4, 3:30, 3:26>^, 3:25, 3 '30 3 "39 C <' K blk g by Almont Eclipse. C. C. Kendrick, Manchester. N. H., Sept. 24, $50. Dai-y Wallace 2, White * Wilkes, Almout Jenny, 1:31>^, 1:.32, l:.30i4- Half mile heats. Four-year-olds. .. „ , . C <'. S.-grg by Young Abdallah, dam Josie. C. C. Stanford, Fort Dodge, Ja., June 4, $ . King Humbert 1, Mi-isMcBeth (20), 1:46, l:46li, 1:42>^', 1:49. Half-mile heats. Two-year-olds. Cedar, brs(2:52), by Green's Bashaw, dam Lucy Weeds. F. D. Liudsey, Millsville, Wis., Sept. 19, $200. Cedarbiirg Girl, b m (2:09*),' byOrraando. John Dineen, Saukville, Wis., Sept. 24, $30. Armando, 2:11, 2-10.2:09. Three quarter-mile-heats. ,^ ,. „ „., C. K. F. bg(2:65M). J. W. Orwig, Virginia, 111., Aug. 18, $100. Young Pepper, Johnson (1 dis), 3:01;^, 2"58''^ 2'55^i Celeste,' ch pi ('2:35>i). C. B. Adams, Merideu, Conn., Sept. 15, $250. Linda, Daisy, Harry C. (1 dis), Lock- Celia° b m (2^45H> S. McDowell, Oxford, Pa., June 12, $100. Lizzie C, Solitaire, 2:55,V, 2:58, 3:04. C F Clav» b 8(2:23), by Caliban, dam Soprano, by Strathmore. W. S. Buckner, Maysville, Ky., Sept. 19,. * «3*50 PostBov2, Mystery, 2:25, 2:23, 2:23>b', 2:23. C. H.,chg(2:41). C. Haskell, Greenfield, N. H., Sept. 9 and 10, $200. McGuinness 1, Arabian Girl, , Ciiamuio'n Wilkes, b o- (2:30>4), by Barney Wilkes. H. Hunter, Suffolk Park. Philadelphia, Oct. 21 and 2-' $^50 Faro 4 5 Dexter H. 2, 6, Mary McKinney 3, Minnie B., Jack Splan, Peach Blow, Alice M., Lorenzo (Sdn 2'.33V 2-33, 2:30K. 2:3114% 2:32K,2:29>4,2:30M.2:31X. ^ , ^ CUance, chg (2:59>^). H. L. Wixon, Coldwater, Mich., Sept. 24, $S8. Allie Wilkes, Dictator Boy, Frank G., Jennv'M . 2:59;<;^, 3:00. Three-year-olds. „, La (5range Ind Oct. 1, $60. Pavone, Maud C, J. W., Gray Kate, 3:03, 3:01, 3:01X. Three-year-olds. Cliarlty,w,t m(2:32M w), by Superb. Charles F. Wood, Bridgeport, Conn., Nov. 6, $1. 2:32^. To diaries E. Bennett, ch g (2:50), by Don J. Robinson, dam Easter Maid. Col. Wilson, Norwalk, O., Sept. 16 %200 'Bee Line 1, Dan Crockett, Propeller, 2:.50, 2:51, 2:50, 2:50. Charles W.,chg (3:06), by Marksman. Charles W. Belding, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 23, $o0. T.otta J S (2dis) Dick (2 dis), 3:12, 3:06, 3:09X- Four-year olds. Charley, blk g (3:1 1). Dell Fuller, Saugerties N. Y., Sept. 24, $15. Fanny 1, 2, Lilly (3 dr), 3:11, 3:07;!^, 3:11. r'linrl^v hs^ w (I'i'r^iC-w) H. Holmes, Belmont Park, Philadelphia, June 26, cup. Fred Thompson, w, 1, Helen H., w, Murdock K., w, Andy Ming, w, Frank, w (3 dr), Garfield, w (2 dr), 2:46^, 2:50?^, 2-A7X- SLTPPLEMENT FOR 1885. TROTTING. 21 •Charley, blk g (3 :06j. P. Shaefer, Harrisburg, Pa., Aug. 1, g.30. Barrel Dick 1 (4 0), Fanny K. (4 0), .3:35, 1 3:0i>, 3:24. 3:3t), 3:57. Charley .\llcrtoii, b g (2:51). H. E. Hunter. Newton, la., Sept. 2:5, $100. Lucy E., Irish Allen, Dandy G., Frank Ilurd, Dan Voorhees, 2:5!)^, 2:5934, 3:05>,. Charley Boy, c'lg CltSOV*- F. G. Barry, Valparaiso, Ind., Sept. 17, $100. Jerry R., Ballot Box, Jimmy Green, Deliance, 2:42 2:41>, , 2:iy.)y,. Charley C, b g (2:34 ••4). J. Kam'sey, Suffolk Park, Philadelphia, Oct. 20, $2.50. True Love 1, Lulu, William C, Cliester, Frank. V'vldemeer, Buttons, Moulton (2 di^:), Kradicator (2 dis), 2::i2hi, 2-M^, 2:36>;, 2:37. ^ Point Breezo Park Philadelphia, Oct. 2., $-mO. Moulton, William C, ValUemeer, Chester," John Madden, Lulu, Frank, 2::H'-. 2:.34i:,, 2:;U\.. (ient';< Driving PaiU, Philadelphia, Nov. 3, $250. Major A., Penistan, Chipmunk, 3:37, 2:38^, 2:37. 2 • Nov. 5, S2.50. Eililh, Martha May, Flode Holden, Andy C, William C, Pet Edsall. 2::57>4, 2:m, %:2&}i. Nov. 6, .5250. Hekn HonL'liton 1, Major A., Lady Albion, Tom Rockwood, 2-M}i, 3:3fi;«, 3:.37X, 3:.36. Charley C, bg (2:38), bv Gayo. B. T. Birney, Westcliester, Pa., Sept. IH, $150. Gray Morrill 3, White Cloud 1, Gvpsy Girl, Buck ^5 dr\ Dolly V. (5 dr), 2:4.3?4, 2:45^, 2:44i^, 2:44}'4, 2:44. ■ J. P. Jordan, Scranton, Pa., Sept. 23, $300. Miss Brady, pacer, Jenny IL, Jack L. (3 died), 2:401,^, 2:5I>^, 3:50. B. T. Birney, Hanover, Pa., Oct. 2, $150. Pet Edsall 1, John U., Brockie, Harry N., Billy D. (2 dis). Belle (3 dis), 2:39>., 2::58, 2:40>., 2:43. Wyoming, Pa., Oct. 7, $100. Nelly T., Dan L. 1 (2 0) (3 dr), 2:4:3, 2:42, 2:41, 3:42, 2:4.3. Charley C, ch g (2:36\i ), bv Almont, dam by i^enmark. Haziett & Corbin, Mt. Sterling, 111., Aug. 25, $100. 3 Cavalier Rex 1, Robert E. Lee, Climax (1 dis), Willy Schepper (1 dis), 2:49V, 2:4154, 3:44, 2:40>.,. Aug. 27, $100. Lilian Sprague 3, Robert E. Lee, Peep-'o-Day, Bruen, 2:.36>4, )i-M)<,, 2:39^, 2:37. Neosha Falls, Kan., Sept. 34, $50. Bob Smiley (1 dis), Harry McGregor (1 dis), Governor Wood (1 dis). Telephone (1 dis), 2:4.3. Charley Gib.son, grg (2:31), by Charles Douglass. Samuel Scott, Barrie, Ont., Sept. 24, $300. Geralds, W. G. 2, Lookout (5 dr), J. Lambert (4 dr), 2:32^, , 2::32>;, 2:31, 2-M. Owen Sound, Ont., Sept. 28, $1.50. Caledonia Chief, Bella C. (3 dis), 3:4:3, 3:47, 3:41. Sept. 29, $200. Rifleman, Caledonia Chief, Pirate (3 dr), 3:38, 2:41, 2:44>^. Charley li., bg (2:50). D.L.Sterling, Waukesha, Wis., Sept. 30, $100. Hector 1, Flirt, Fleeting, Black Derby (4 dr), 2:55 2:.52, , 2:50,2:50. 4 Charley M., ch g (2:29,?^) by a Broncho Horse. J. W. Mitten, Lansing, Mich., June 12, $200. Gray Prince, Spotted Beauty, Kitty Wells, Tom S., Purifier, Prank Middleton, Chippewa Girl (3 dr), 2:39V, 2:39>^, 2;39V- . Paris, Tex., Oct. 20, $350. Libby S. 3. George R., Brien Borru, 2:.37;^, 2:37^, 3:37, 2:35>^. Sherman, Tex., Oct. 27 and 28, $350. Libby S. 2, George R., Brien Borru, Monitor, 2 :36X, 3:36, 2 :41X. 2:391^'. Fort Worth, Tex., Nov. 3, $150. George R., Brien Borru, Monitor, 2:32)^, 2:34)^. Waco, Tex., Nov. 12, $200. George R. 1, 3, Brien Borru, Monitor, 2:38>^, 2:35, 2:3:3>i, 2:36V, 3:.32. Charley M., b g(2:37'<;). E. G. Weaver, Flemington, N. J., Sept. 23, $125. Bessie L., General Knox,Jr., Drover Boy, 2:41>,, 2:46^, 2:40. Charley M., blk g (3:01), by Columbus, Jr. E. M. Woodruff, Waverly, N. J., Aug. 26, $100. Bessie Siegler, 3:01, 3:05. Charley Kogan, blk g (3:14V)- Sterling Nichols, Franklin, Ky., Aug. 27, $100. Ruth V. (2 0), 3:16>^, 3:38V, 3:32, 3:14V. Charley Ro!^!«, b g (3:07). F. A. Ross, Saugerties, N. Y., May 30, $75. Little Bud 3, Bella Slade 4, Dan Manning, 3:18, 3:07, 3:08, 3:07, 3:09. Charley S., ch g (2:43), by Aberdeen. Wni. Hughes, Berwick, Pa., Oct. 2, $150. John W. 1, 5, Mott Medium 4, Frank Downs, Flora L. (2 dr), 2:42>i, 3:47, 3:473^, 2:46, , 2:43. Charley S., blkg (2:38V), by Notable, dam Daisy Dean. C. W. Spencer, Alleghany, Pa., July 4, $200. Caro- line 2, Ina B. 1, Andy S., Dairy Maid (1 dis), 2:42V, 3:40,V, 2:42%, 2:.38>V, 2:41V. Charley Thorn, ch g (2:34 V), by son of Aberdeen, dam bj' Otsego. Henry Bull, Jr., Newport, R. I., Sept. 15, $335. Alexander Boy, pacer. Syenite, 2:34V, 2:38, 2:;38. A. Johnson, Taunton, Mass., Oct. 1, $300. N. H. 3, Mary Ann, Lady Mack, Frank W., Wizz Medium, Ada W., 3:.36, 2:35V'. 2:.37, 3:;35V. Charley Tipton, brg (2:34). J.W.Tipton, Caldwell, O., Sept. 24, $85. Dr. Hull, Captain Stone, 2:41)^, 2:42V, ^:38. Charley Van, ch g (2:34V ), by Wood's Hambletonian. R. M. Ketcham, Scranton, Pa., July :3, $.300. Captain K., Jenny II., Parthenia. 3:44V, 2:44'.., 2:40. Charley West, ch s (2:28 V ), by Allie West, dam Clayette, by C. M. Clay. W. A. Dawson, Ada, O., Sept. 18 $ . Almont, Lucy Fry, 3:38V, ^:3^, 3:30V. Bucyrus, O., Sept. 25, $:300. Almont, Belle Wilson, 2-M%. 2:U}^, 2:30. Unioutown, Pa., Oct. 8, $400. Maud A., Mambrino Clay, Jr., Joe Hooper, Tom Meckley, 3:33X, 2:37>^, 3:35. Charlotte Cushman, br m (2:34V), by Dixon, dam Meg Merrilies, by Ethan Allen. P. C. Osborne, Sonierville, N. J., Sej)!. 30, $150. Care Not, Little Dock, Victor, 2:42, 2:44V, 2:43. Chazy 3Iaid, b m (2:34V), by eon of George M. Patchen. Abare and.Richards, Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 24, $200. Larry Boy, Money Maker, Shela, Carl Bronson, 2;35, 2:35, 2:;34V- Cherokee, bg (2:40). C.D.Warner, Hudson, Mich., June 17, $100. George T. 1, Walter O., Hard Knot. 2:41,2:411,, 2:40,2:43. Chestnut Bov, chs (2:28 V), by Burgher, dam Lady P., by Addison. H. V. Padfleld, Monmouth, 111., Sept. 8, $300. Logan Chief 3, Marquis, 2::32'i, 2:34>;, 2:35V, 2:36. ■ Sept. 10, .$2.50. Earl McGregor 3, Lilian Sprague 1, E20 (2 dr), , 2:34V, 2::34y, 2:.34V, 2::37>^. Sept. 11, $:300. Logan Chief 3, 4, Marquis, 3:;34V, 3:34^, 2:35X, 3:35V, 2:36. Benton, 111., Sept. 25, $1.50. Gilmer, Laxton. Best time, 2:43. St. Louis, Mc, Oct. 7, $1,000. Prince Edward 3, O. F. C, Tom Allen, Robert H. (4 dis), 2:29V, 3:28K, 3:28)j, 3:'(U. Sarco.xie, Mo., Oct. 9, $115. Pilot Chief, Texas, 2:.56X, 2:56%. Chicago Boy, br g (2:39 V)- George W. Palmer, Coxsackie, N.Y., Sept. 32, $150. Montgomery Boy 3,4, Jennv Medium, Walter B., Carrie May, 2:.39V, 3:40, 2:40, 2:45^, 2:45V. Chinaman, b g (2:31 V)- A. Richardson, Lawrence, Mass., July 4, $100. Nana 1, 2, Plumed Knight, Maud B. (4 dis), Nonpariel (4 dis), 2:45, 2:45, 2:40, 3:36, 2:40. • Saugus, Mass., July 7, $200. Richelieu, Plumed Knight, Mattie B., Little Mose, Yarmouth Boy (1 dis), 2:32X, 2:3.3, 2:34. 23 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Manchester, N. H., July 28, $200. Plnmed Knight, Helen Wilkes (2 dis), Molly H. (1 dis), 2:40, 2:-123^. 2:35. July 31, $200. Old Judge, Hoosac, Richmond, 2:34, 2:;i5!^, 2:35>^. Clilppy, ch g (2:4414). II. K. Bechtel, Reading, Pa„ Sept. 9, $150. Lady Linda, White Cloud, Rosa K., Maud L., Mamie G., Almont, Billy S., Little Ida (2 di ), Leather Boy (1 dis), 2:45, 2:4.5^, 2:4414. Sept. 11, $125. George, Maud L., KosaK., Billy S., Perilous, Almont (3 dis), 2:46, 2:45, 2:40. Lebanon, Ph., Sept. 18, $80. Wedding Day, 2:44%, 2:48?^, 2:49X. Cliiquita, b m ('2:59X). by Alert, dam Magnolia Girl, by Messenger Hambletonian. James Monahan, Dallas, Pa , (Jet. 28, $ . Spencer's Bay Gelding, pacer, K. H., II. Beclv, pacer (2 dr), 2:5914, 2:591^, 2:593^. Cliristliie, gr m (3:15). II. Fay, Greenfield, N. II., Aug. 15, cuji. Topsy, Gypsy (^ueen, Nell, 3:25,3:15. Cliub, rn g i2:38iLi), by Knox Boy, dam by Lewiston Boy. L. C. Ryerson, Lewiston, Me., July 4, $150, Clothing Boy 1, 2, Vesta L., 2:45^^, 2:47, 2:48, 2:44>4', 2:44. Gray, Me., Oct. 7, $125. Plumed Knight, Annie T., 2:.38^, 2:43, 2:45'X. Canton, Me., Oct. 20, $100. Annie M., Belle Gage, 2:44, 2:41>,. 2:41. Cliunk, b g (2:5914). R. T. Powers, Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 24, $45. Fanny M., Fall Brook, 2:.59i.i', 2:59>i. Four-year-olds. CiTlllzation, blk s (2:45i-.^). J. H. Conklin, Hamilton, O., Oct. 8, $150. Blackwood Belle, Mamie B.,. Prize, 2:47, 2;45i4 , 2:45>^. Three-year olds. Clair Cliatliaiii, b m (3:06), by Chatham, dam Nelly Norris, Jr., by Black Ranger. R. T. Kneebs, Ottumwa, la , Aug. 20, $l>0. King Humbert, Lilette, 3:0(S, 3:17. Two-year-olds. Clai-a, dn m (3:02). A. B. Commiugs, Ilarrisburg, Pa., Aug. 1, $75. Cleveland Boy, Storm Pilot, 3:09, 3:0G, 3:02. Five-year-olds. Clara Belle, b m (2:48%). M. A. Cavaaaugh, Manchester, N. H., July 2, $100. Richard L. 1, 2:.53:'4, 2:.50, 2:49;i', 2:30, 2:m. St. Johnsburv, Vt., Sept. 17, $170. Frank S.. Stadacona, Black Johnny, 2:.39, 2:37. 2:3t;. Clark. Clilef, b s" (2 :3 1 14 ), by Confederate Chief. N. Poyneer. Elmira. N. Y., Sept. 29, $400. Pickaway, Kitty Moore, Skylight Pilot, Nelly B., Semper, Lodi Belle (1 dis). 2:31 '4. 2:32}^, 2::W. Clark S., gr g (,2:2714), by Edward Everett, dam Jane Mui ■-----= ■ "'-^-- ton, la., July 4, $2a). Alien Almont, 2:.3U'X, 2:.3C?4, 2:38. p R. and P. II. Kinney Kahoka, Mo., Sept. 4, $150. Roxie Lee, Bruen. 2:38, 2:34, 2::}9. Claude, b s (3:48), by Wiiawood. T. A. Fry, Keosauqua, la., Sept. 25, $15. Silvertail, Belmont 1 (2 dr), 3:28, 3:.52, 3-48. Three-year-olds. Clavford, br s (3:07). Steen and Morris, Greenfield, O., Oct.. 17, $50. Lewis, Gus. H., 3:07, 3:10, 3:10. Claymout, bg (2:37^), by Almont, dam Willetta, by C. M. Clay, Jr. R. T. Powers, Saugus, Mass.. Aug. 18, and 19, $200. Russell 3, 4, Opodeldoc, Richmond, Nana. Charley B. (4 dr), 2::38X, 2:3i)i-, 2:40, 2:41>s, 2:.39,i^. Claytonlan, ch s, by Hambletonian Downing. J. B. Curtis and Son, Rushville. Ind., Sept. 12, $70. Messenger 1(3 0), Sam Davis, l:35\M:;«;s, 1:35!<^, 1:31. Half-mile-heats. Two-year-olds. r, ^ rrru. t, , -' - - ■ - --■ ■ "' " -^ Mr. Booth, Alliston, Ont., Sept. 28, $60. Bob White, Bob Clear Grit, Jr., ch s (2:55). by Clear Grit. Ingersoll. Annie Besant, 2:5914, 2:55, 2:58. Cleiiiiiite G., ch m (2: 1 5> ), by Mag=c, dam Ned, by Berkeley's Edwin Forrest. W. J. Gordon, Detroit, Mich. July 2, $800 Phvllis 1,2, Wilson 3, Felix, 2:20^i<<, 2:17M, 2:18X. 2:18>^, 2:19%. 2:18>i. - Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 7, $2,000. Phyllis 1, 2, 2:20, 2:18^. 2:18; 2:20:i^ - Albany, N. Y., Aug. 12, $2,000. Phyllis 3, 2:19%, 2:18%, 2^)4, 2:18i^. Cleo, bm (2:24V) by Badger, dam Birdie Grant, by Grant. D. R. Bowles, Jr., Preeport, III., Aug. 20, $400. Moody 1, 3, Almera, Novelty (2 dis). Doctor Smith (3 dis), Gertrude (2 dis), 2:28, 2:24 ii, 2:27>5', 2:29, 2:3114. J H.Clark, Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 26, $400. Georgiana 3 (4 0), Silver Leaf 2, Dove Eye, Laura Belle (3 died), 2:.32i^, 2:32, 2:28)^,2:371^, 2:33%, 2:;32%. „ ^ .,. ^ „, , t a . -ir-w. v. D. R. Bowles, Jr., Burlington, la., Sept. 10, $300. Lilian Sprague, Black Logan, Senator Maid (3 dis), 2:40>^, 2::i9, 2:37. „ „ Sept. 18, $:300. Lilly P., Logan Chief. 2:37%, 2:3<%, 2:.36V. „ „. , ^ „ . ^, , ^ ^, ,„„,,,,„„ J. H. Clark, Oregon, 111., Sept. 25, $300. Jupiter 3, 4 (5 0), Headlight, Major Ralston, Zulu, 2:.3^%, 2:36, 2-36 2-:39%, — ,"2:3914;. Cleveland, w, grg (2:54 w). F. G. Losekamp, St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 2, $ . Jim O'Neill, Bay George, Monkey, Sentinel, 3:00, 2:.54. ^ , .,„ ^ „ • ^ t!.^ j tt t. Clifford, bg (2:35). A. McAllister, Sandy Plains, N. Y., October 27, $ . Maggie C, Edward II., Roan Gelding, Black Frank, Doctor Carter (2 dr),2:.50, 2:51. j,,, ^ .., ^ ,- , t, it , ,a o 0= Oct. 28, $50. Maggie A. 1, Edward H., Maggie C, Randolph's Gray Mare, Curtis Bay Mare, 2:40, 2:35, Climax,' gr g (2:34%), by Jim Wilson. C. W. Cair, Farmer City, HI., Sept. 2, $150. Harrison, William B., ^"^Lmcofit'iidswt. 9, $150. Lilly C. 2, Nomad, 2:.38, , 2:44, 2:.35. Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 10, $200. Denmark, Nomad, 2:44, 2:40>,, 2::i4i4, 2::34X. ^ . Cling, b g (2:29%). A. C. Smith, Parsons, Kan., May 13, $20t). Black Tom 3, Napper 2, Review, 2:42, 2:42, !l^wfnfeId''Kan May 23, $200. Review 3, 4, G. T. Pilot, Col. Crockett, 2:29%, 2::M. 3:29)^, 2:,35X, 2:34%. Wichita,'Kan."june 2, $200. Black Tom 2, Col. Crockett, Fred. Douglass, ClifEwood (3 dis), 2:30,3:31, ^l^KfA^ii'ai^Kan., June 10, $200. Fred. Douglass, Light Bird, 3:38>4, 2:52, 2:38%. June 13 $200 Pritchard, G. T. Pilot, 2:36, 2:35V. 2:33. Minneapolis, Kan., Sept. 11, $300. Mattie Piice, Harry Pulling, St Elmo Don, 3:.32 2:.30X, 2-M. Clingstone, bg (2:14), by Rysdyk, dam Gretchen, by Chosrose. W. J. Gordon, Cleveland, O., July 30, % . 2-14. To beat 2:14. Lost. Detroit Mich Sept 20, $2,500. Harry Wilkes, 2:1.5^, 2:17,V, 2:16. Clipper (Red Cloiid), b g (2:43), by Lex. George W. Jamison, Delaware, O., Sept. 18, $300. Madge C, CoburT Boy," b"lf g (3:13%). John Fairfield, New Milford, Conn., Sept. 10, $;B0. Samuel, Clipper, Cone" e BoV'* b^?(2^:47V D. N. Upson, Collinsville, Conn., July 4, $50. Starlight, Nettie, 2:50, 2:47, 2:51i^. — — Simsbiirv Conn Oct 8, $60. Joe C. 1, Headlight, Clair B., 2:49%, 2:49J^, 2:49%, 2:47^. „ „ ^^ i^J^iieT blk g (sTiO) A. J. Corser, Suflield, Conn., Oct. 1, $50. Fred 1, Kit, Pansy, R. R. H., 3:16, 3:10, 3'.15. SUPPLEMENT FOR 1885. TROTTING. 23 Colonel, br g ('2:56\>, by Enchanter. I. C. Hayes, Napoleon, O., Sept. 25, $50. Prince, Maggie Black, Black Joe, 3:34, 3:13'.,. 2:M,\. €oloiicI, b .s ci:59 '...». Mr. Jonos, Waraego, Kan., Sept. 10. $70. Cola 1, 2, Frank H., Peter Murphy, Manx- brino Bov, 3:0,si.,, 3:01V, 2:59>,, 3:10V, 3:05',,. Sept. 11, $l;i0. Frank H. 3, 3, Peter Murphy, 3:15, 3:06V, 3:03, 3:08, 3:19. Colonel Bowers, b g (2:49i4). \V. S. McLaughlin, Plymouth, >Iich., Oct. 1, $100. Willy C, Mary Stew- art, Orphan Boy, 2:-49,V, 2:49V, 2:49\'. Colonel C, bg (2:39'4), by Lexington Chief, Jr., dam by Caledonia. S. Cross, Plainwell, Jlich., Aug. 8, SHK). Lottie B., Emo, Brazil, Florence A.. 2:49>j, 2:50, 2:49 V. Four-}'ear-old8. (entreville, Mich., Oct. 2, $150. Croniwell, Lilly D., 2:39V, 2:39X, 2:40^;. Four-year-olds. Colonel <'roekett, blk s 2:30^), by Ripple. A. S. Houk, Parsons, Kan., May 14, $150. Light Bird, Dal- ton. Roan Frank, Cash Boy, 2:42;,,, 2:41, 2:41. Colonel £ll!«\vortU, br s (2:33;2), by Egbert, dam Leila Patchen, by Mambrino Patchen. C. IL Nelson, Waterville, Me., Aug. 20, $115. Bella H. 2, 2:.58V, 2:.54v;, 2:46, 2:443^. Four-year-olds. Colonel Wlilte, b g (2:38j4'). M. J. Gammon, Hastings, Minn., Sept. 3, $200. Harry Holbrook 1, Rosa Allen, George A., 2:43 V, 2:47, 2:38X. 2:46V- Blue Earth City, Minn.. Sept. 25, $ . Startle 1, 4, 2:47, 2:4;?, 3:42, 2:42>^, 2:43. Colonel Wood, b g (2:24 '4 ), l>y Charley B., dam Flora Andrews, by Gooding's Champion. David Wood, Warren, Pa., June 24, $-M. Windsor M.. Blue Belle, William G., 2:26, 2:28%, 2:35V. Scrauton, Pa., July 4, $500. Blanche 1, Harry Mills, Blue Belle, Superb Prince, 2:27X, 2:25^, 2:27, 2:27;^. Goshen, N. y., July 15, $500. Harry Mills, 2, 3, Judge Parsons 4, Boss H., 2:25i4, 2:26V, 2:26, 2:26v, 2:28, 2:29 V. July 17, $.500. Breeze Medium 2, Nettie T. 1, Harry Mills (4 dr1, 2:30V, 2:315^, 2:25V, 2:26V, 2:26?^. W. A. Van Nostrand, Pittsfleld, Mass., Aug. 6, $400. George A., Alroy, W. K., Harry Parker, Black Prince (3 dr), 2:2S)^, 2;27V. 2:26V. Weehawken, N. J., Aug. 19 and 20, $,500. Nettie T. 1, Bonnie L. 2, Revenge 3, Lady Barefoot (5 dis), Cyclone (2 dr), 2:32, 2:28)^, 2:47;!^, 2:38V, 2:24X. 2:25>^-. David Wood, Pawling, N. Y., Aug. 28, $300. Vivandiere 1 (2 0), Bay Tom (2 0), Stonewall (2 0) (5 dr), 2:25, 2:29 2:25V 2:25 2:27. Amenia",'N. y'., Sept. 3, $300. Pay Tom, Stonewall, 2:.39>r, 2:28, 2:27. Hohokus, N. J., Sept. II, 300. Guess Notl, Leon Boy, 2:28=4% 2:29V, 2:28%, 2:28^. Waverly, N. J., Sept. 1.5, $400. Lizzie R., Revenge, 2:29^, 2:29, 2:24V. Sept. 17, $600. Walnut, King Wilkes, Lizzie R., Bayonne Prince, 2:263^, 2:27%, 2:27%. Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, $600. Alroy 3, 4, Miss Lelaud 1, 2, Westchester Girl, Nixon (5dis), 2:25V, 2:30, 2:26V, 2:24, 2:25V, 2:28V. 2:25. W. A. Van Nostrand, SuflEoik Park, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 21, $250. Nettie Thorne 3, William G. 2, Helen Houghton (5 dis), 2:30, . 2:26^, 2:27V, 2:28;V. Gent's Driving Park, Philadelphia, Nov. 4, $250. Molly Kistler 1, 2, Nettie Thorne, William (J., Blanche, 2:.30V, 2:.30V-, 2:31;V, 2:34V. 2:28. Colored Oirl, blk m (2:49V •• by Victor Knight, dam Gypsy, by Trophy. A. I. Barber, Mason, Mich., Sept, 2:3, .«;.50. Harry M., Mag-if .Morrison. 2:.-0, 2:493^', 2:51. Sept. 24, $,50. Harry M., Mambrino Henry, 2:.52;^, 2:50^, 2:51. Colvaiia Sprasue, blk m (2:39',. ), by Governor Sprague, dam by Richard's Bellfounder. F. J. Ayers, Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 28, $240. V'L. C, 3:lli<., 2:46V. Five-year-olds. • Waukegan, 111., Oct. 1, $150. Florida M., Sprague, Binkrupt, , 2:40, 2:.39,V. Commodore, grg (2:40V, ). A. McDowell, San Francisco, Cal., June 8, $150. Democrat 2, Sam, 2:41V', 2:41, 2:40}^, 2:43Vj-. Conio, bs (2:48), by Ballard's C. M. Clay, Jr. P.Ballard, Bethel, Vt., Sept. 17, $ . Black Diamond 1, Thought, 2:44%, 2:48, 2:48, 2:.j0. Stallions. Competine, bs (2:45), by Corsair, dam Bird, by son of Green's Bashaw. A. J. Briggs, Superior, Neb., June 17, $80. Frank R. 1, Flora L.. 3:10, 2:58, 2:57, 2:52. Knosville, la., Aug. 28, $200. Dolly Duroc 1, Blonde (3 dis), Abdallah Star, Jr. (3 dis), William Wheeler (3 (dis), Marion C. (3 dis), 2:51, 2:4S>,, 2:4534, 2:.57V. • John Weir, Osceola, la., Sept. f6, $80. Midnight, Abdallah Star, Jr., 2:.50j^, 2:53V, 2:55. Sept. 17, $1.50. Scotch Boy 1, 4 (5 Oi. Abdallah Star, Jr., Midnight, 2:47, 2:47, 2:49, 2:47, 2:.53, 2:59. Sept. ],S, $100. Scotch Boy, Abdallah Star, Jr., 2:.")0, 2:.53i.,,, 2:51>i. Superior, Neb., Oct. 7 and 8, $125. Wild Frenchman, Polly M. (3 dr), 2:45, 2:48, 2:49. Conductor, bs (2:.34V'>, by Mambrino Oliver, dam Molly L., by Anthony Wayne. John Draker, North Vernon, Ind., Aug. 6, $80. Ho Davis 1. 4, Blanche Clemens 2, Ed. Saxton, 2:37%, 2:.38%, 2:.39%, 2:.39, 2:34%. Muncie, Ind., Aug. 13, $60. Hishland B 'y 2, Maud M. No time. Van Wert, ()., Sept. 11, $50. Maud M. 3, Livery Dick 1, 2:40V, 2:S8X, 2:40, 2:.39, 2:43. Condnctor, b s (2:55), by General Knox. N. Clanton, Pacheco, Cal., Sept. 11, $150. McVeagh 1, Alex- ander, Jr., 3:01V, 2:5.5, 3:01, 3:01. Stallions. Confidential Charley, b s (2:56), by Confidence. J. I. Brown, Kentville. N. S., .Sept. .30 and Oct. 1, $25. Startle 1, 2, North Light, Columbus, Jr., 3:0.3%, 3:02%, 3:00, 2:57, 2:.50. Four-year-olds. Consul, ch s (2:3 5), by Saturn, dam Roulette, by Sentinel. G. H. Bailey, Omaha, Neb., Sept. 10, $.580. Holi- day, Victor Sprague, Jenny Cobb (2 dis). Patsy Smith (2 dis), Gladys (2 dr), Gail McMahon (2 dr), 2:.37%, 2:58V, 3:04. Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 18, $3.50. Gladys, Holiday, Gail McMahon (1 dis), Jenny Cobb (1 dis), 2:41%, 2:,35, 2:51V. Superior. Neb., Oct. 8, $160. Bertha Clay, Ben B. (3 dr), 2:41, 2:38, 2:.35. Contraband, Jr., blk s (3:02), by Contraband, dam by Ohio Morgan. L. W. GiflEord, St. Marys, Pa., Oct. 2, $20. Honey Bee 2, 3:02, 2:5b. Unfinished. 24 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Conyes, b g (2'.50v,). Coxsackie, N. T., Sept. 23, $120. Beauty Bright 3, 4, Maud L., Lillie Smith (2 dis), Harry (2 dis), Starlight (1 dis), ii:r,S'^i, 2:50>^, 2:51, 2:i57>^). W. T. Murphy, Mystic Park, Boston, June 18, $ . Daisy, 3:13^, 3:1.5>j', 3:14. Cora Bell. R. Smith, Pottersville, N. Y., Sept. 24, $55. Peggy Stone, Bay Lambert. No time. Sept. 25, $130. Frank Lambert, Bay Lambert, Malone Patchen, Lib Walker. No time. Coslier, b s (2:39j<.), by Caponl, dam Lola, by Administrator. J. H. Trout, Peabody, Kan., Sept. 2.3, $1,50. Lady Markle, ]\Iinnie Palmer, 2:53>4, 2:48>j, 2:53>^. Four-year-olds. Lawrence, Kan., Sept. 9, $200. Dick C, 3:05, 2:.52i-4. Four-year-olds. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 14, $200. Hambletonian, Hattie Carlisle, 2:42, 2:43i..i', 2:44. Four-year-olds. • Topeka, Kan., Sept. 24, $270. Rosemont, Evermont (1 dis), Topeka (1 dis), 2:44%, 2:40%, 2:39;^. Four- year-olds. Cossack maid, b m (2:38X). by Don Cossack, dam Louisville Maid, by Woodford Mambrino. A. L. Thomas, Chsmpaign, III., Aug. 28, $100. Climax 3, Star, Black Belle (3 dr), 2:42, 2:38)^2, 2:44, 2:.50. County Boy, br g (3:00ii), by Regalia. J. S. Dorr, Mt. Sterling, III, Aug. 27, $ . Louie F., Lady Van, Trojan, Jr., 3:05i^, 3:07%. Three-year-olds. Camp Point, 111., Sept. 2, $ . Louie F. 1, Lady Van, Ed. O. Wild (4 dr), 3:06%, 3:09%, 3:07}^, 3:003^. Three-vear-olds. Bushnell, 111., Oct. 2, $50. Col. Sprague, Hattie Reed, Black Top (2 dis), 3:38%, 3:40>^. Three-year-olds. Cow Boy, br g, w (2:52 w). T. Gafiney, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 29, $ . George C. w, Golddust, w, Rose Lambert, w, 2:59, 2:52, 2:54. CowBoy, brg (2:3 1>4). W. F. Jones, Denver, Col., May 26, $350. Romeo 2, Sadie, Maud (3 dis), Sarah (2 dr), 2:40, 2:38>4'', 2:35%, 2:36. Fort Collins, Col., Sept. 18, $500. Ladv Mack 3, Magnet 1, 2:33, 2:.34>,, 2:49,V. 2:.50i;i, 3:.54%, 2:59. Stallions. Creedmoor, b e (2:46), by Florida, dam Morning Glory. N. H. Brown, Dunlap, la., Oct. 7, $50. Robby Dunbar 2, 4 (5 0), John Wentworth 1, (5 0), 2:51, 2:.")0, 2:49, 2:48, 2:46, 2:.50, 2:47. Stallions. Cricket, b m, by Baymont, dam Molly Martin, by Old Mack. G. W. Sherwood, Sheldon, la., Sept. 25, $50. Exit 1, Kate McGuire (3 dr). No time. Cricket, b m (2:52). W. W. Sage, Oxford, N. Y., Sept. 22, $100. Wonder, Bismarck, 2:52%, 2:55, 2:52. Crlt Davis, ch s (3:1 3>j). Al. Brolliar, Sigouruey, la., Sept. 17, $40. Bashaw Billy 1, 3:12>i, 3:13;^, 3:19>^, 2:39X- g (2:38). H. G. Smith, Saugertie.s, N. Y., Aug. 20, $250. Frank W. 2, Nelly B. 1, Bergen Belle, McMnllen Boy (5 dr), Lizzie Brooks (5dr), Harry D. (5 dr), Carrie May (1 dis), 2::^4>;, 2:3(5,'^, 2::MV, 2:38, 2:42. Cuba, br g (2:33^4), by George Wilkes, dam by General Knox or Y'oung Morrill. E. Perrin, Weehawken, N. J., Sept. 25, $300. Little Albert, Agnes F. 2 (4 dis), Charley (1 dis), Pat (1 dis), Frank W. (1 dis), Telephone (1 dis), 2::53'4, 2::35i