Western lyinois Horse Sales Company Auction Sale Light Harness Horses AT THE FAIR GROUNDS Macomb, Thursday, Mar. 13 Commencing at 12 O'clock Noon, Sharp ^ SEE THE GOOD ONES ATTEND THE AUCTION SALE OF LIGHT HARNESS HORSES TO BE HELD AT THE FAIR GROUNDS MACOMB, ILL, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 191 3 SALE COMMENCING PROMPTLY AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON COL, R N. WEAR, { A„,tioneers COL. "TIP" GREER, ) '*"^^'°"'^^'^^ WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALES CO. Animals will be sold in the order designated in this catalog. There will be NO deviation from this order. NO SUBSTITUTE animals will be offered in place of horses regularly catalogued. JOURNAL PRINTING CO., PRINTERS. Maccmb, III. WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. Of Importance to Bidders This sale will be conducted under the following TERMS AND CONDITIONS Each animal offered will be sold without reservation (unless publicly stipulated to the contrary) under the following conditions, to-wit: TERMS — This sale is for cnsh, 2 5 per cent to be paid immedi- ately after the animal is sold, or the sale may be declared void, at the option of the seller. The balance of the purchase money must be paid, or secured, on the same day, or the deposit so made will be forfeited as agreed damages. All payments must be made to the cashier of the sale, for in no case will payments to the consignor entitle the purchaser to obtain the stock. On final payment for an animal the cashier of the sale will issue an order for presentation to the superintendent of stalls for the delivery of the animal so paid for, which orders buyers are cautioned not to lose. Buyers assume all risks and expenses on animals incurred after they are struck down. BUYERS WILL PROVIDE THEMSELVES WITH CURRENCY, BANK EXCHANGE, OR BANK REFERENCE. ^ WARRANTIES — The name of the owner, who is the respon- sible party, is given with each entry, and all representations are made by him. All remarks of the consignor at the time of the sale as to a guarantee of any character, correction of catalogue, etc., will be noted in the auctioneer's record at the same time, and all set- tlements will be made in accordance therewith. This company will announce, when known, any turf penalty in force on the animal offered, but will assume no liability by reason of any penalty, whether such announcement is made or not. Where consignors re- port the futuriay engagements of youngsters, a memorandum is printed under the name of each animal. On these engagements, no liability is assumed by the purchaser and further payments to con- tinue eligibility to the events are optional with the purchaser. BUYERS ARE, THEREFORE, CAUTIONED TO PAY ATTEN- TION TO THE xANNOUNCE3IENTS FROM THE AUCTIONEER'S STAND. CHALLENGES — All animals will be sold "as they stand," as respects soundness, the eyes and the wind being guaranteed by the consignor unless otherv,ase announced by the auctioneer. Any vice, WESTERN ILLlx\OIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 19 1! however, is subject to challenge. All sales, therefore, will be bind- ing unless a representation be challenged on grounds other than Avhere the soundness of the animal is involved. No liabilitj^ legal or otherwise, is assumed by the Western Illinois Horse Sale Com- pany from either party in consequence of any representation or challenge, and, after full payment for the animal and its delivery to the buyer, no warranty of the seiler can be challenged through the Western Illinois Horse Sale Company. WE ACT AS AGENTS SIMPLY AND SHALL ENDEAVOR TO PROTECT THE INTERESTS OF BOTH, SELLER AND BUYER. BIDS — No bids less than $5.00 will be accepted. The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arises between two or m.ore bidders, the animal in dispute shall be immediately put up again for advance bids. If there be no advance, then the animal shall go to the person from whom the auctioneer recognized the last bid. No bids will be recognized from intoxicated or disorderly par- ties. SPECIAL NOTICE. Purchasers are earnestly requested, for their own protection, to comply strictly with the foregoing conditions of the sale, but should they fail to take advantage of th-e conditions, adopted main- ly for their protection, they waive all recourse thereafter. Bidders are cautioned to comply with the laws of the state regarding auc- tion sales and are hereby warned against bidding unless prepared to comply with the foregoing conditions. Animals resold, owing to the dereliction of the bidder, are sold for the account of the party defaulting, who will be liable for the commission charges of this company and other liabilities.- HORSES TO BE SOLD WILL BE AT THE SALE BARNS PRIOR TO THE DAY OF THE SALE AND BUYERS ARE INVITED TO COME AND EXAMINE THEM. Prospective buyers should go to the grounds early and examine the horses carefully. The grooins in charge are instructed to show any horse on request, and will gladly do so. Horses consigned are uirned over tc the Western Illinois Horse Sales Company, but can be shown by the consignor, and after they are knocked down are to be returned to the company, and will be held by them until paid for by the purchaser, when a release slip is given the buyer which must be presented to the stall manager. 4 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE^ — ^MiARCH 13, 1913. Slusher Phone No. 50 Main 117 South Side Square J. w. CAMPBELL DEALHR IN Hardware, Stoves, Bicycles And Farming Implements John Deere Gangs Deere Cultivators Hays Cultivators and Planters Deere No, 99 Planters Deering Binders and Mowers Emerson Mowers and Rakes Everything in Farm Machinery Builders Hardware a Specialty Yours for Service J. W. CAIVLPBELL MACOMB, ILLINOIS (^jMuma^ WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MARCH 13, 1913. No. I j ''^ RED VI NCENT 53749 Trotter. Brown colt. Foaled 1910. Standard and Registered. Con- signed by F. C. Caine, Galesburg, 111. r Baron Wilks 2:18. Motell 40427 • Three year trial 2:26 Moko 24457 Sire of Manrico, Si- liko, Freno and Na- tive Bell and >SG others. [^ Queen Ethel. fAxtell (3) 2:12. 1^ Actress T. 2:261/2 A Dam of Rose Rankin Orangewood- 2:19%; Janice Mere- L Dam of 2 by dith 2:26%. wood. r Wilkes Boy 3803 Nut- r St. Vincent 2:13Vi Hattie Vincent 2:29%.. Dam of Allie Vincent 2:121/4; Baronlaa (3) 2:191/4. Baroness Bell Dam of Bar 2:131/2; Oil 2:13%; Hat cent 2:1914. \Aileen Boy. Manibrim Boy. Son of Bell Boy 2:2I'.^ . Wake Bell 28588. ron Lad-liei )llie Bell ittie Vin- >- Lady Ethel 2:25%. Dam of Constfine 2:16%. 4th dam Princess Ethel b'y VojuntO'r -o; 5th dam Black Bess by Stock- bride Chief, dam of Mabrino Paymaster. Owner's Statement^ — Red Vincent is one of the most desirable colts to be found anywhere. A beautiful seal-brown, foaled 1910. A very grand individual, every inch of him. AVill develop into a horse to weigh 1150 pounds and to stand 15.3 hands^ He was broken this last fall, and his disposition is perfect; has no bad habits. Is sound and smooth. Is a show colt. With his limited' amount of handling he can show a lot of speed at the trot. Now, how about his breeding? He is one of the best and most fashionably bred ones in the world. Sired by the best bred son of the great sire Moko, and having five good producing dams, what a stock horse he should make. I know that it is seldom that a colt of this kind is sold at public auction, and whoever gets him will no doubt buy him for less than his value. m n 6 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. No. 2 10^ PARKVILLE JR. 47583 Trotter. Bay horse. Stands 16 hands; weighs 115 pounds. Standard and registered. Consigned by F. C. Caine, Galesburg, 111. f Hambletonian 10. Parkville 6050 . Sire of Suadrig'a 2: OS; 4 and dams of Coui'.- try Jay 2:05%; Ken- tucky Todd 208%; Or- monde 2:08%; Judge Parker 2:09%. Electioneer 125 ^Glycera 2:20% Aurora 2:27 Dam of 2 trotter.s, sire, 1 dam. Onward 2:2 5% Green Mountain Mtiid (g-. b. m.) Jolm Nelson 87. Lamott Mare (g'. b. m.) fGeo. Wilks 2:22. Ravenna (5 Dam or ; dams. b. m.) .... tro iters; 2- Dolly (g. b. m.) Princeps 536. Jean Wood (; b. iu.> OwTier's Statement — Parkville, Jr., is a beautiful bright bay stallion: stands about 16 hands and weighs 1150 pounds. He is a good breeder and sure foal getter. He is perfectly sound and smooth and has trotted a mile in 2:19%, and is a good gaited one with perfect manners. A pleas- ant horse to handle or to use in any way or place. Hasn't a bad habit of any kind. He is a grand bred one for a stock horse and would be a useful horse to race, besides being one of the most perfect and pleasant horses on the Toad to be found. ^ . No. 3/^=<7 MAY SWIFT BELL Bay mare. Trotter. Foaled 1908. Consigned by F. C. Caine, Galesburg, 111. Advertiser. Adbell 2:23 Champion yearling for 17 years. -; Swift Fell P5 Sire of 9. including Tony aJck Swi Svvi ft ft (P) 2:04%, 2:101/2. I < J Unknown. Tintoret 2:24% Dictator 1131-. I Sire of 60 and 65 sires, I S4 dams. Ethelwyn. J Dam of 11. WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — ^MARCH 13, 1913. Owner's Statement — Fine driver; city broke; good style; fine dis- position. This mare will make an excellent single or double driver, and good enough to train. Her dam, believed to be a high bred trotting mare, was shipped from Wisconsin to be bred to Swift Bell at North Henderson, 111. Her owner allowed her to be sold for the breeding and feed bill, and her breeding was lost track of. Her owner was never afterwards located. This mare shows that she is a high bred one. Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware Fine Repairing and Engraving Expert Optician Jeweler -^ Optician Stop Watches, a Large Selection.. North Side Square Macomb, Illinois IT WILL PA Y YOU To Patronize the Merchants Whose Advertisements Ap- pear in this Catalogue. 7^^%^'- WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MARCH 13, 1913. No. 4 LELA BROWN Trotter. Foaled 1904. Chestnut sorrel mare, eligible to register. Bred by Dan Brown, Cliicago. Consigned by A. M. Woods, Augusta, 111. ■Juno 2:1; 2. rAthreg-ent 33717 Athanio 2:10 Sire of three. Princess Reg-ent Miss Corbin Dictator, Jr., 219£ Hasty (^ Atlialia (g. b. m.) jjy Electioneer. r Prince Regent 2:16i/2. I Sire of 9, dams of o L Fancy. fDictator 113. Lsy Almont 33. r Young- Jim. Fidget. 4th dam Providence, by Donerail. Owner's Statement — ^Lela Brown is a handsome chestnut mare; stands about 15.1, with good conformation. She has a nice way of going; steps •veJl, and was trained for about 90 days. She showed remarkable' speed and stepped a mile in 2:261/2, last half in l:lli/2 and an eighth in 16 seronds. She is akind driver, has beautiful all-round action and is not afraid of automobiles. tJi'^L-i, WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE^MARCH 13, 1913. No. 5 ^^/f>^ E/VRL OF AUGUSTA Trotter. Standard and registered. Sorrel gelding, foaled 19 OS. Bred ajid consigned by A. M. Woods, Augusta, III. f Mambrino Patchen. The Ear). Mambrino King- 1279. ^ Sire of 10 better tlmn 2:10 and 66 others. I'By Edwin Forrest, Princcvss Royal 2:20.... Dam of three. Miss Corbin Dictator Jr. 2193 r Chimes 5348. I Estebella. Dam of three, fBy Almont S3. Hasty Young Jim. t Fidget. 4th d'am Providence, by Doncrail. Owner's Statement — Earl of Augusta is a handsome, tOppy, high- going fellow, with good bone; stands about 15.2. He has never been worked for speed, being just nicely broken. He shows remarkable speed at the end of the halter, and there is no doubt but what he would make a good race horse if given the opportunity. He has shown kind in all his handling; is not afraid of automobiles, and will make an excellent horse for the matinees, if you don't want a racing prospect. Keaieniber the auction oojnniences at .12 ^o'clock noon sharp. so WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE^ — ^MiARCH 13, 1913. NEW LOCATION M.&A. GARAGE We have purchased Stocker's newly equipped garage oppos- ite the park and just south of the Pace Hotel. This, with our old stand, makes us better prepared than ever to handle general Automobile repairs. Full Line of Accessories. . Tires^ Sundries, Oil, Gasoline, Etc. M. & A. Garage Both Phones MACOMB, ILLINOIS &. ,7C WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MARCH 13, 1913. n No. 6 i 2 PEARL EARL Trotter. Bay filly; foaled 1909. Eligible to rf^gister. Bred and con- signed by A. M, WoodS^ Allguista, 111. r MambrSno Patchet ^The Earl . . . ^ ■1-1 Sire of Earl Jr. Minor Earl 2;i Taylor 2:14»4, others. 2:011/2,1 2. r:ari •and 7 ^Miss Corbift ... .......' than 1 Mambrino IKng- 127S. Sire of 10 faster th£ _ 2:10 and fi6 others. iBy Edwin Forrest Princess "Royal 2:20. f Chimes 5348. I Estabella. Dam of three^ r Dictator 112, Dictator Jr. 2193 Hasty .By Almont, Young Jim, - Pidgel. 4th dam Providence, bv Donerail. Ownei''s Statement — PeaH Earl is a nice, blocky filly; has never been broken, but shows well as a lot trotter. She is of good bone and good disposition, and should make a nice road mare if she does not develop int© something faster. TJuy a bfood niaite attcl l^aisfe otip that will gi-ow into mone)^ WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE-4MARCH 13, 1913. No. 7 BROWNLIGHT Trotter. -Bay colt, foaled 1911. Eligible to register. Bred and coasigiied l)y A. M. Woods, Augusta^ III. {Onward. Dolly. f fAmljoy 17370". ' Hazlett's ^Vndptta ....4 I r Harris StarligM §6332. [Lilly. By Amber 768. (TAnthonlo 2:10. Leia Brown Athregion 1 ^Mfss Cort)in 4th dam Fidg'et, by H omer. 5th dam Providence, by Donecrail. Princess Reg^ent, Dictator Jr. 113. Hasty. Owner's Statement — Brownlig'ht is a fine, big colt: is baiter brolveii only, and has never been handled for speed, but shows well as a lot trotter. He steips out well and is a promising youngster, and with his bi-eeding: should keep improving as he is handled. No. 8 SOLE HEIR Pacer, Bay horse, foaled 1908. Stands 15.3. Weighs IIOO pounds. Bred and consigned by J. B. Ewing, Blandinsville, III. fMambrino King. , Heir at Law •< fMinor Heir 1:58% , Sii-e of Legal Heir 2:17 Kitty Clover ■Frank S t Estebella- {Redwald, Allista. Adjutant, Lenore 1 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — ^MARCH 13, 1913. 13 Owaier's Statement — Sole Heir is a fine looking, dark bay stallion; absolutely sound. He has never been trained but little, but has shown his ability to pace fast. He has the finest disposition; is fearless on the road; a sure foal-getter, and no doubt will be a great sire. Is sold for no fault. I have too many stallions. No. 9 MAC GRVTH 56729 Trotter. Brown colt. Foaled 1911. Bred by Iron Mountain Farm. Iron Mountain, Mo. Consigned by Chas. S. Harris, Galesburg, 111. Standard and registered. <4 O < Echo Bell 35372 Record 2:21%. Sire of CoronaBell 2:1814, Bel- ford Bell 2:19%., Iron Bell 2:251/4, Limonite (3) 2:2714, King's Cou- rier(2) 2:29i4, Sir Gas- conade (3) 2:2914, and 2 others in 2:30. Rag-time 2:30 Dam of Ragtime Belle (two - year - old trial) 2:31% and half sister to Sandwich 2:2Si/o (a sire) and Rozell (a sire). Allerton 512S - Record 2: 09 14. Sire of Locanda 2:02. Stroller 2:0514, Allerson 2:05 14, and 244 others in 2:30. Palo Alto Bells 2:22i/2..-= Dam of Echo Bell 2:- 21% and Fairy Dreams 2:2714. Expedition 14900 Record 2:15%. Sire ofl Exalted 2:07%, Bon Voyage 2: OS, Bi-Plora 2:09% and S6 others in 2:30. Rosabella J Dam of Sandwich 2:-| 28i/> (a sire). Ragtime 2:30 and Rozell Rus- ' sell (a sire). Jay Bird 5060. by George Wilkes 519. , Gu.ssies ^Vilkes (g.b.m. ) by Mambrino Boy 841. Electioneer 125. by Hambletonian 10. Beautiful' Bells 2:29^ (g. b. m.) , by the Moor 870. Electioneer 125 by' "Hambletonian 10. Lady Russell (g.b by Harold 413. Belmont 64. by Abdallah 15. ■Rosebush (g. b. m.) by Woodford Mambri- no 345. Rosebush is the dam of Chichester 2: 25^,4 (sire of Robert J. 2:11% and nine others in 2:30), Extractor (sire of 2 in 2:30), Fairthorn (sire of 7 in 2:30), Pelletier (sire of 15 in 230), Rosabella (dam of Sand- wich 2:28% and Ragtime 2:30) and Rosebay (dam of Ruth Aller- ton 2:26). Expedition 145>00, record 2:15%, sired the dams of .Tack Leyburn 2:04%, Baron Reaper 2:09%, Charmond 2:10%, Peter Chimes 2:11%, Miss Red Chute 2:14%, Kereri 2:15, Dutchland 2:15y2. Bessie Maurin Cn 2:15%, Royal Expedition 2:16%, Sally Rau 2: 16%,, Fritz (3) 2:- 17%, and 24 others in -2:30. Echo Bell has two daughters (Corona Bell and Belford Bell) that are Grand Circuit timber for 1913. Owner's Statement- — Mac Grath is a corking good colt, a good gaited one, and shows enough to high-wheel cart to insure a high-class trotter. He is good enough to get ready for the three-year-old trots in 1914. 14 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 12, 1913. No. 10 GALE J. S. 42061 Bay horse. Foaled 1902. Bred by J. S. Butty, Libertyville, 111, Con- signed by J. D. Tabier, Plymouth, 111. i fJay Bird 5060. Sire of Hawthorne 2:061^, and 8 in 2 MO, 12 Gale Allerton Allerton 2:09 14 Sire of Locanda 2:02, 1 Stroller 2:05i4, Nancy Gussie Wilkes. Royce 2:06i4,, Redl:ic 2:071/2. and 242 oth- ers, r Alcantara 7229. Sire of Alcantara Nightengale 2:13i-2 ■{ 10, and 170 other Dam of Nighten^^ule 2:22%, Brownlee 2:24. t Noscaletta. Eater E. G. Eager 10787 ^ Redina r Erelong 1141, Ishoral. fRed Chief 4603. l-Ina. Owner's Statement^ — The secret of "It's always a Jay Bird" is well understood by those acquainted with his descendants, the Allertons along V. ith the rest. It is their super-vitality first of all— this with their won- derful speed conformation and disposition to stick to their gait, makes this the greatest of all harness horse families. This is a family that stays soLinO in training and never quits on the home stretch. They cross uni- formly well with the other great families, as proven by the records. No other sire approaches Allerton, with his 246 in the list, inclivding Laconda 2:02, also Stroller 2: 05 14, the fastest new trotter out last year. Gale J. S of this consignment is probably as well bred as any grandson of Aller- ton. if not the best bred. Combining, as he does, the blood of Allerton and Alcantara on his sire's side, with that of Belmont, Nutwood, Red Wilkes, and Dictator on his dam's side. Gale J. S. will prove his worth ill proportion to his breeding, if given a fair chance on the track and in the Stud. He has had no track work, but has been driven quite a good dea? to buggy. He is a prolific sire and his colts are a sound lot, with good size and big gaited. Tf you are a member of tho Driving Club joii (?ftii get ft wiimer in tisis catalogue. WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. 15 No. u-,; C ELECTRIC Electric Swift Flossie Dove Chestnut Colt. Foaled 1911. Standard and registered. Consigned by Joe Pine, Galesburg, 111. I^Adbell 2:23. ^ Swift Bell 2:271/2 J Sire of 9, including ) Tintouret 2:24% (g-.b.m) Tony Swift (p) 2:04%, by Dictator. Jack Swift (3) 2:10i/>. "^ Electricity 2:17%. f Sire of 19, and 8 sires and 2 dams. Daughter of Mambrino. I Caris) Sire of the dam of Sweet Marie 2:02. {Dick Wilkes 2:09%. Sire of dam of Ross B. 2:06. Daughter of Billy Wilkes. r Marquis 2:26%. X Daughter of Roscoe Conkling 2:30. Sire of 9 and 6 dams. Ellene . . , Dam of Kennon Robert V Miss Floss Electric J:25%. Mc- 4th dam by Aymore 27 728. OAvnei".s Statement — I consider this colt the making of a high class trotter with a little more work. He was worked six weeks in 1912, and including breaking he learnei to trot an eighth in : 21^/4. He is city broke and a very nice colt. If you are a member of the Driving Olub 5*^011 fail get a winner in this catalogue. i6 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. No. 12 CLAUDIA I*iiblic Trial 2:22. Pacer. Bay mare. Foaled 1903, Bred by A. V. Brooking, Macomb, IlL Consigned by Wallace Pellheimer, Macomb, 111. Q Future Gilbert It:-!'!!) . .. Sire of Bessie Gilb-rt 2:141/4 and other;^. Henry Gilbert f Clark's Chief. Sire of Coxie 2:19. L Gilbert Mare. r Toronto Patchen. Red Wing- -| Dam of D C L 2.1:314, Future Gilbert 2:22i4,LLady Lightfoot. Alvavis 2:221/^. Claudia Chickamaug-a. r Vermont Boy. Mary, by Canadian Cliief. Claudia's dam was a high-class road mare, purchased in the west, and her breeding was lost. She was a mare of quality, and considered one of the best road mares in the county. Owner's Statement' — Claudia is a good-sized, nice, clean, breedy- looking mare. She was worked as a 4-year-old and had lots of speed, showing a public trial of 2:22. For the past few years she has been used for a family mare, in which capacity she cannot be surpassed. With her speed, breeding and manners, she should make an exceptionally good brood ktiare. 11" yon need a di'iver you can select a good one here. WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MARCH 13, 1913. 17 No. 13 ELLEN WINTER Trotter. Bay mare. Foaled 1908. Standard and Registered. Bred by A. T. Cole Wheaton, III. Consigned by Allie Robblns, Good Hope, 111. Consigned by Allie Robbins, Good Hope, IlL r Geo. Wilks 519. Edward Wintei- 33ill2. Jay Bird 5060 2;;;ii4 ..J Sire of Hawothoriiel 2:061^ and 123 others. I Lady Frank. Dam of Early Dawn Lady Ham rHambletonian 10. j^ Untraced. rGeo. Wilks. ^Vanetta "Wilks . , Baron Wilks 475S -{ Founder of the Futur- ty family, sire of 151. (_ Belle Patchen, Vanetta "Vasco 10996. L Untraced. OwTier's Statements — This mare could trot a half-mile track in 2:30 at three years old, and the last eighth in 17% seco^nds. She was not trained as a 4-year-oId, and is now big and strong. With her breeding, is certainly qualified for either a race or brood mare. Ail the stores advertised in tliis catalogue ai-e good places to trade. ig WESTERN ILMNOIS HORSE SALE^ — MARCH 13, 1913, H. E. Pennington Road and Track Shoeing A Specialty Special Attention Given to Lame, Interfering and Faulty Gaited Horses 130 S. Lafayette St. MACOMB, ILLINOIS WEiSTERN ILLiLN'OIS HORSE SALE — ^MiARCH 13, 1913. "^ 19 No. 14 ROGEN E4RLE Trotter. Chestnut mare. Foaled 1909. Standard and Registered. Bred by A. H. Wingate, Avon ,111. Consigned by Allie Robbins, Good Hope. < Hi H O The Earl 2S609 Record (3) 2:17. Sirei of Earl Jr. 2:0iy2, Princess Lula 2:06i^, Bessie Earl 2:i0, Min- or Earl 2:12. Princess Margaret 2 : 1 .3 ^4 a nd 1 ?. otiiers in 2:30. Lady Sliirley . . . Dam of Mn.i. Shine 2:141/2, Lord Shirl*; 2: 17:14, Mambrino King 1279 ..J Sire of Lady ■ of tlie ] Manor 2:041^. Lord Derby 2:05%, Heir-at " Law 2:05% and 71 others in 2:30. , Princess Royal (2) 2.2oJ Dam of Ess H. Kay 2:00%, Queen Royal 2:13 and 4 others in 2:30. -Glasston Sire Lulu Glasston-. 2:191/4, Jimmy G-laston and 5 others. Evaline Wilks 2:27. Mambrino Patchen bS. by Mambrino Chief 11. Belle Thorton. By Electioneer 123. Chimes 5348. By Edwin Forrest. Estabella g. b. ra. by Alcantara 729. Dictator Jr. Mare by Monroe CliieE, 'Young Wilks. L Flaxy Fearnaught. by Hadley Fearnaught. Owner's Statement — Rogene Earl is a large, strong-going filly, and' with ninety days' training, including breaking, paced a mile over ths Macomb track in 2:34; last eighth in 17 seconds. She is a half-sister to Major Shirley 2:14i/4, and Lord Shirley 2:17i^. She looks like the mak- ing of a fast mare. 11 you wfijit a good stalliou there are a fine bunch to select frOni. 7 '/H/t'- 2Q WE&TERxV ILLINOIS HORSE SALE^— MARCH iS, 1913, No. 15 ABIAH Dam of Signal Boy 2:14M< ^gnal Boy was oiie of the best trotte«*s out last season and sold for $2500, Trotter. Bay mare. Registered. Consigiied by Allie Robbinsj, Good Hope, 111. r Harold 413, -Lord Russell 467? r Sandwich 11818, tlosabella Myra Russell Adjutant 188S , , . . Abdallah Bird I Miss Russell. Lam of Maud fh 'Administrator, Lizzie Brinker. ' Lakeland. I Abdallah Jr. 1292, Owner's Statement — Abiah, the dam Of Signal Boy 2:14%, is a mare of extra quality and action she has never been trained but Is a pure gaited trotter. In the last eight years she has produced eight foals. If given the right kind of a chance will surely produce more very useful trotters. She is now bred to Cignette 2: 20 14, the sire of Signal Boy 2:14%. Iteuieniber the auction comniences at 12 o'clock noon sharp. ^ff- ,^,\,Ayi/vif^ WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. 21 No. 16 PATRIGA WIGGINS Trotter. Bay mare. Foaled 1910. Standard and Registered. Consigned Allie Robbins, Good Hope, Illinois. ^ Wiggins 33907 ^ Sire 20 in list. 'Major Wiggins ln40G .. Bondmaiden Babe Dillon . Harris' Dillon 37884. Roxie 'Baron Dillon 17237. .Eva, 'NutpicK, -Babe. Owner'is Statemenfe— Patricia Wiggins was trained lightly last year as a two year old and learned to trot an eighth in 21 seconds quita handily. She will make a good sized mare with plenty of quality and the best of feet and legs. All the stores adA-ertised in this catalosiie are good places to trade. \^,- WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. No. 17 ABBIE KING Out of Dam of Signal Boy 2:14M. Trotter. Sorrel filly. Foaled 1912. Standard (sire and dam registered), Bred and Consigned by Allio Robbing, Good Hope, 111. , Glacier B 2:15% r Gambetta Wilks. Sire of 278. , Glacier Kinj Abiah Sandwich Myra Russell 'Lord Russell 461 Rosabella. 'Adjutant 188S. lAbdallah Bird. 4th dam by Abdall-.ih Jr. 1292. Owner Statement- — This is a handsome bay filly with good growth C'.nd snap and acts like a trotter. She should be as good as her half hi'other, who was one of the best trotters out last year. No. 18 MISSOURI GIRL Public Trial 2:19M. Pacer. Bay mare. Foaled 1906. Consigned by Allie Robbins, Good Hope, Illinois. OAvner's Statement — This is an extra nice mare in the harness, a good road mare; stands 15.2 and weighs 1000 Ib^. She was worked last season and paced a Vz mile track in 2:19 i/4, last half in 1;09 and eighths in 16 seconds. She will make you like her. T?uy a brood mare and raise onp that will grow into money WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MARC H 13, 1913. 23 No. 19 ROXE Worked in 3:40 AVith Three Days Handling. Worked His Third Mile in 2:30 With Eighth in 17 94 seconds. Family of General Forrest 2:08. Trotter Bay gelding. Four years old. Bred by J. B. Elliott, Kno^ ville, Iowa. Consigned by R. H. Rexroat, Macomb, Illinois. ■George Wilkes oVi. Record 2:22. Jay Bird 5060 Sire of Hawtliorne Bai'on Vie Jav 41 !G7 Record 2:26 1/2. 2-06%. Alceste 2:07i4.tLady Frank (g.,,b. m.)._ Justa 2:0SVi. and 1 iO by Mambrino scar o,S.t others in 2:30. fBaron Wilkes 4, Record 2:1S. 3aronetti "{ „ , , ,„ \ Dam of Baron Dr^-J^iy Evelyn (g. bm.). 2-2614, and half-sister L By Egbert 1136. *- to Cuckoo 2:1614, Frankie Lyons J by Mambrino Chief 11, Grandam of Jay Medi-'i um 2:28 an(i Frances! Red 2:29%. ^Leah. 4th dam jPuss, by Bald Hornet. by Edwin Forrest 49, 5th dam Gris^g-, by John Knowsley. "laj Bird 0O6O, record (3) 2:31%, sired the dams of Don N. 2:01 V2, Bar- oness Virginia (3) 2:0B''/4, Crescent Route 2:08%, Bessie Drake 2:08%, Codero 2:09%, Codero 2:09%, Altoka 2: 10 1/2, Rebecca G. 2:1114, Alice Edgar 2:12%, Pretty Polly 2:12%, Queen Alfred 2:- 1214, Jessie Benyon 2:12%, Litt'e Doc 2:12%, Baroness Evelyn (3) 2:12%, and 89 others in 2:30. Owner's Statement — Frauees M. is a high-class filly; is well broken to harness, but has never been trained. She is improving nicely and should learn to trot fa^t^ There are a good many colts here that mil develop fast. 26 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MARCH 13, I gig. Get Ready for Spring Work Order your TVork Harness made the way you want them. The best assortment of Home- Made Harness in the county at 0. D. Gumbart's Make up your list of the strap work and harness repairs you want and let us show you w^at we can do. Sign of the S. Side Square Macoi ^ x4'^'^ WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MARCH 13, 1913. 2? No. 21 CORNER STONE Trial 2:16. Half in 15 07^^ ; Eighth in 16 seconds. 1^-otlier to Noidra 2:25, Pure bred Stallion No. A 8246. Pacer, Bay horses, 16 liaiids. Foaled 1904. Bred by Grassland Farms^ ludianapoiis. Ind. Standard and registered. Consigned by Chandler Bros., Macomb, 111. f Belmont 64. by Abdallah IS. Nutwood 660 < Recoi-d 2:18%. Sire of ,. , , Manager 2:06%, Lock- iMiss Russell (g. b. mj- heart 2:08%, Addie De by Pilot Jr. 12. 2:10iA, and 1?1 others in 2:36. J Georg-e Wilkes 519. J Record "2:22, Starling .>........>... S Grandam of Early . , . Reaper 2:09%, Hive V Jessie Pepper Xg. b. m.) 2:1114, Gentle Lady by Mambrino Chief 11-. Greystone- 6164 , Sire of Dan S. 2: 01 Vs. Argetta 2:0SiA, Byron K. 2:0814, Orin B. 2:091^, Ethlyn C. 2:10 Safeguard .2 :10 14 • Larly M. 2:1214, EnvoV2:12ii and 5.5 othcrp i» 2::30. Esmerelf^a '2:30 Dam of I^cT-drH 3:16iA, and Cabalist 2:191/4. rHambrino 820 J Record 2:22%. Sire ofl Elbrlno 2:07%, Del- march 2:111/2, Ham- ^ wafd 2:121/2, and 47 others in 2: SO. j J Erma J ^ Dam of Cfesson '2:211/. | Optimist 2:'28% (a sireh Eula 2:29%, Es- merelda 2:30. and gradam of Nordra 2:25 by Pilot Jr. 12. Edward Everett 81. by Hambletonian 10. -Mambfina (g\ ta. m.). . by Mambrino Chief 1\- - Belmont 64. by Abdallah 15. Tweedle. by Woodford no 3:45. Mambri = 4th dam ''rweedh-'du-n. Owners* Statement. — Corner Stone has plenty of speed. His blood lines cannot be improved on. He has the GreystDne-MambrinO cross that produced three horses with marks better than 2:10. Paitherfofd Bros, of Austin, Minn., credit him with working a mile in 2:16. He won the mati- nee race here last summer; fastest half in 1:09. I have driven him a half in 1:071/2 and an eigtith in 16 seconds. He is a beautiful blood bay 16.1 liands high and weighs about 1200 pounds. No better dispositioned horse ever lived, either in or out of the barn. He does not care for autos 01' steam cars. He has plenty of mares here that show he is a foal getter. Jf you want a horse that will pay himself out and make you good hard cash, one that you can have fun with and beat the other fellow, buy him. Ufciiieniber the aiiclioi) ccinnionces at 12 o'clock noon .>^ha»i)- 28 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MARCH 13, I9i; No. 22 McDONOUGH COUNTY BOY Trotter. Black gelding. Foared 1906. Consigned by Chandler Bros., Macomb, III. Julian Kue 35074 ...... Sons of Allerton have' sired 114, Includin:^ Jack Leyburn 2 : Oi V^. , Alcelia, p. 2:07%. pn Red, p 2:08%, Dutch A, p 2:1314, Coplin 2:13%, Col. Forrest p 2::13%, Lambert, J., p 2:1314, Alto Clark, tj 2:14%, Red Lac, Jr. 2:14y4, Tezuca fJay Bird 5060 f Rec. 2:31?4. :-;h'e Allerton 5128 ^ Hawthorne 2:06 14 Rec. 2:0914, Sire of others, dams of 71 Laconda, p 2:02, Aller- [ Gussie Wilkes son, p 2:05%, Charley dam of Allertoi. Hayt 2:06%, Red Lac 2:07%, f Regal "Wilkes 12.i51 Rec. 2:11^4 Regal Flower .........-< t Egotist Mare f Pancost, Patron .... Beatrice. of Untraced Teziica was purchased in Missouri by W. C. Sutton and was said to be standard. She showed good breeding, and an effort was made to trace her breeding, but it could not be accurately established; but she was a high bred mare. 0%\Tier's Statement — Here is the horse that will fulfill any picture in regard to beauty and intelligence. He is a coal black with two white hind feet; a beautiful, cresty, full-made neck that grows straight out of his wethers, topped off with a nice, clean-cut, well-proportioned head Avith a pointed, upheld, fox-like ear; a nice, full-made loin and back, with hips as smooth and rounding as an apple. He is used to city sights, drives on either a tight or loose line, has lots of action, and can brush a fair gait. If you are looking for a driver, look him over. Nos. 23, 24, 25 Reserved All the stores aflvcrtised in this catalogiie are good placfes to iratlfe* i:. ^'jU/U^ WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. 29 No. 26 RASTUS R. 51785 Trotter. Black colt. Foaled 1909. Standard and registered. Bred and consigned by James Runkle, Macomb, 111. J Geo. Wilks. Pi J Adino 15469 ' Record 2:21. Kire of Major Shirley 2:T4V4, Lord Shirley 2 17 ',4, Jimmy Glaston 2:loVL. The Goat Hattie Ethan ^Namwyt 31385 Happy Grey I Black Jane, r Ethan Wllks. [Untraced. {McBwen. Jessie Enfield, r Happy Day 7 SOS. 1 Blackbird. L by King Almont. Owner's Statement — Here Is a fine looking colt which has never been handled for spee:!. but from his breeding he should be able tO' str-i) ffvst. With M^ork he will doubtless show fast. He is well broke and kind to handle. He is a good prospect and will make a 'good stock horse. No. 27 //^ DAN PATCH 2d Trotter. Bay gelding. Foaled 1908. Standard (sire and dam registered) Bred by Harve Helms, Bushnell, consigned by Harry Rich, Bushnell. Owner's Statement — This is a large handsome fellow, resembling' Dan Patch in size, color and conformation standing 16 hands or bettei. He is a toppy hitcher and a show horse in gait and possessed of considex- able speed but it is all natural as he was never trained. Jlcasember tl)e auction copuiiences at 12 o'cloik noon feharp. 30 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. Sells the Roark Best Hats and Furnishings 128 and 130 N. Macomb, S. Square Illinois DOUG TURNER'S Feed, Boarding and Sale Stable TURNER BROS., Props S. W. CORNER SQ. ^jxZX'U^ WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MAROH 13, 1913 31 No. 28 BESSIE PA TCHEN Trotter. Black -filly. Foaled 1912. Bred and consigned by Dan Darnaby, Macomb, 111. Eh McDonough County Boy' Julian Kue 350V4 Sons of Allerton have sired 114. Tezuca. Allerton 5128. Sire of 264. Regal Flower, by Reg-al Wilks. Patron. _ Beatrice. 'Mambrine Patchen, Bessie Grey Patchen Randolph mare OA^^lel•'s Statement — Bessie Patchen is a nice, large filly and has shown good step in the lot. She has been harnessed but never hitched. She is in nice condition and will make someone a good mare. If yon are a tnember of the Diiving Club yoii can get a winner i( this catalogue. 32 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MARCH 13, 1913. No. 29 AARON RHOADES Trotter. Bay colt. Foaled 1911. Standard. Bred by John Calder Jr. Consigned by A. R. Baldwin, Keithsburg, 111. f Jay Bird 5060. Cecil Rhoacles 2:30 ....' Son of Ed Winter 2:'\-^. and sister to Me die 2:07%. r Edward Winter J Sire Allen Winter 2:06] Vz and seventy others. I Lady Ham, Sister Redlae Allerton 2:09^4. Sire of 246. The Grandma. Dani of RecUac> Our Own , , J fAdbell 2:1914. Swift Bell 2:27% Champion Yearlln.'^. Sire Tony Swift 2.0Is'i,J Jack Swift 2:10y2. ^Galatana 2:241^. r Muscovite 2:18. 1 Benedict. Fourth dam, Fanny by Alex.inder's Abdallah. Owner's Statement — Is just rjildly broken. Is a good looking, grand individual and sound. R D. ROARK Prescription Druggist Exclusive Sale on Rexall Remedies, Vinol and Sal Vet North Side Square, Macomb, 111. WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALfe— MARCH 13, IB 13 33 No. 30 y/^- CECIL ADVERTISER Trotter. Bay colt. Foaled 1911. Standard. Bred by John Calder Jr. Consigned by A. R. Baldwin, Keithsburg, IlL Jay Bird 5060. Cecil J. Riioades 2:30.. , Son of Ed Winter 2]-, and sister to Ueillaj. 207%, by Allerton 2:091/4, r ,rd winter 2:VZ-i.J^ Allen Winter 2:»G ,n(J seventy -."vthtTs. 1^ Edward Wiritev Sire Vz a Lady Ham. By Hambrino. r Allerton 2: 091/4. The Grandma. Sister Redlac -{ By Muscovite, dain of Redlac 2:07%, and 3 t others. Molly Randolpii -Vdvertiser 2:15 5/4, Sire of 23. Electioneer 125. Lulu Wilkes. . By Cjeo. Wilkes. . Elecrtcity 2:17%. Ellene 2:281/4, i „„,, Dam of Electric Mc- Lady Ellen 2:29%. Kerron 2-25%. *- By Mambrino, sire of 2 and dam of Sweet Marie 2:02. OAvnei-'s Statement — This is a nice large colt. Ought to make a great trotter and a sire. Just nicely broken but a graJid, good gaited trotter. ViWj a brood mare and raise on^ that will grow into money 34 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — ^MARCH 13, 1913. No. 31 CECIL DIRECTUM Trotter. Bay colt. Foaled 1911. Standard. Bred by John Calder Jr. Consigned by A. R. Baldwin, Keithsburg, 111. rJay Bird 5060. ^Edward Winter 2:12 ^4 J Sire Allen "Winter 2:0(i % and seventy others. |^L,ady Ham. Cecil J. Rhoades 2:30..) By Hambrino. Son Of Ed Winter 2:12,1 and sister to Redlac rAllerton 2:09^4. 2:071/2. Sire of 246. I Sister Redlac Hart-is 50096' -i-i tl2 Harris Starlight .36332.. r OtwaY 12728. Sire of Mornina: Light 2:15 Va, Leslie H. 2:10-J M., Tom Montgomery 2:11%, Albert S. 2-.11 j^Hazlett Vendetta. 14, Samuel Harris ^■■^^''^' [-Motor 7411 2:29'.4. Helen E. H Dam of Harris Boy^ >- 2:14, Claudia H. 2:19- 14 Samuel Harris 2:16- l^lone 2:0Si^. 14, Earl Patch 2:21i4, Grace Harris second in in 2:121/4. rActelyte, Vatican 2:18% -{ Daisy Santa Claus. (^ Hazlets Amboy 17307. Owner's Statement — Radlight is a light sorrel with flaxy mane and tail white strip in face. Is 15% hands high; is double gaited and lias shown ability to go very fast, at the pace. He is a well broke horse and I have used him on the road to buggy both single and double. The Harris Bros, at Plymouth who raised him have lost the papers to the dam which is the reason his pedigree cannot be traced further. If you want a jjood .stallion there are a fine bunch to select from. ^6 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. No. 33 ROY DILLON Trotter. Bay colt. Foaled 1910. Consigned by O. D. Harris, Plymouth. r Baron Wilkes. ^Baron Dillon 17237 -< Harris Dillon 37884 . . ., Sire of Daisy D. 2:15^i, Grace Ola 2:19i4, Grace Harris trial 2:08. TAmboy 17370. Eva -< Nutwood. Hard Patch Sire of Ha;^el Patch Duchess J 2:0214. [Moody. Audry J Sire of lone 2:0S'-4. OAvner's Statement — This colt is nicely broken and will show quite a lot of speed, although he has been handled but little and never tried out to see how fast he really is. He is bred high to make a race horse and is just the kind to buy for the driving club and develop him into something valuable. If you are a member of the Driving Club you can get a A\innev in this i.atalogue. WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MARCH 13, 1913. 37 No. 34 BUSTER THOMAS Trotter. Bay colt. Foaled 1911. Consigned by O. D. Harris, Agent, Plymouth, Illinois. C Baron Wilkes. ^Baron Dillon 17237 -i Harris Dillon 37Sy4 ... Sire of Daisy D. 2UoVt, Gi-ace Ola 2:19y, . Grace Harris trial 2:0S. Eva 'Amboy 17370. 'Nutwood. Duchess « Hard Patch Sire of Hazel Patch- 2:0214. J Moody. Sire of lone 2:0SVi. Owner's Statement— This fellow is nicely broken and is a nice look- ing colt, a full brother to Roy Dillon, consequently bred right to make a good race horse. He has never been handled for speed but will show you that he is a good one when stepped up. All the siores advertised in this catalogue al-e good places to trade. 38 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MARCH 13, 1913. • • ••OC^w* • • • Fellheimer' s New Spring Stock of Clothing and Gents' Furnishings III. North Side Square, Macomb, A, DOUGHERTY West Side 1 l-t-l ■■ rf O Elk Square J_7rU§S '^^ ! s ding When you want; what you want when you want it, come here lator. Gilkcy's Veterinary Remedies. Giles Veterinary Remedies. Dougherty's Veterinary Worm Extermir House Store Phones Nos 427 R 355 Store 23 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE-^MARCH 13, 1913. 39 No. 35 7 (^ PETE Pacer. Four years old. Consigned by A. R. Stickle, Macomb, Illinois. fTgrn Hal Jr. - Brown Hal X \__ Lizzie. f Hal Burk 2:24 J By John Netherland. Mare by Gold Dust "Vermont Morgan. .By Imp Zilcaadi. Lady Standard bred but breeding lost. Owner's Statement — He is a trim little four-year-old ready for work. He has been hitched a few times and is bred to move fast. He is sure some pacer now with no handling for speed. llciiieniber ti)e auctxon copiiiieHces at 12 o'clock noon sharp. 40 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MARC H 13, 1913. No. 36 MAC Trotter. Sorrel gelding. Foaled 1907. Consigned by A. R. Stickle Macomb, Illinois. Sired by the White Arabian Stallion o^vned by Dave Thomas, of Swan Creek, Illinois. Dam — ^A mare named Lady, Standard Bred. OAvner's Statement — He is a nice dark sorrel and is full of vim and eo but is quiet to handle and a lady can drive him. He is broken single and double and is a good saddle horse and broken to drive cattle. He is coming six years old. . A. WEABER & SON Try Us Once^ It Pays COMPLETE LINE Spring Suits, Coats, Shirts Underwear, and Hats Society Brand Clothes, Manhattan Shirts, Knap Felt Hats There are a good many colts here that will develop fast. WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MARCH 13, 1913. 41 No. 37 NIG Sired by Edina, a great horse. Dam — A roan mai-e, half Arabian. OwTier's Statement — ^Nig is a nice black and is a good double and single driver. V /.■ , ',. No. 38/^/) GYP Combination Saddle and Driving Mare. Black Foaled 1903. Consigned by Mrs. Adaie Hendee, Macomb, 111, OwTier's Statement — This mare has been used in our family as a fam- ily horse and is quiet and tractable in every way? is automobile brok© rnd a pleasant driver. She is a fine saddle horse. Is sold only because I do not need ker. Nos. 39, 40, 41, 42 RESERVED SATISFACTION When you go in for anything you no doubt want the best to be had. There is dependence to be placed on every article we recommend to you and sat- isfaction is certain if you use them. We give you absolute values at lowest prices. W. J. STINSON PHARMACIST Both Phones 268 WEST SIDE SQ. MACOMB, ILL. 42 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MtARCH 13, 1913. J. N. REYNOLDS DRUG STORE S. E. Corner Square, Macomb, Illinois Send all your Drug orders to us and you will be pleased with every purchase. There is a personal guarantee which goes with every article we sell. Our rule to dispense the best went into effect the day we started in business. No better can be had anywhere at any price. Union Cafe Meals, Lunch and Short Orders OYSTERS SERVED ANY STYLE The Best Coffee on Earth Tom A. Adcock, Prop East Side Square; WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. 43 Consignment of Geo. E. Luster, Jn ANNOUNC7EMEIST. The stock offered for sale in this cataIog:ue is owned by Geo. E. Lus- ter Jr. We gniarante eacli and every animal is bred as represented and the title good. We think them sound but you must be your own judge. We do not guarantee soividnoss. As you will see this bunch of coUs are en- tirely undeveloped and in the rough. The trotting horse '4»me »s yo" know at the best is a lotleiy. Whei-e you consider the sopeih breeding of this stock is it not possible, yes probable there may be 2:10 trotters and pacers in this bunch. Hei-e is a chance for some horseman to reap the benefit of development. Wo raise them for that purpose. Respectfully Submitted G. E. LUSTER JR. FOR REFERENCE ONLY Allerton 5138 World's Ohaiiipion .Sire S545. 71 sires 45 dams. Alphia Maid 2:18^ . . Jay Bird 5000 .By Geo. Wilkes 519. Gussie Wilks (g. b. . m. ) . . By Mambrino Boy 844. Constantine 2:12 M Alphia Wilks. . . . By Baron Wilks. All the scores advertised in this catalogue are good places to trade. 44 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. No. 43 HELEN Trotter. Bay Filly. Foaled April 1910. Bred and Consigned by the Luster Stock Farm, Good Hope, 111. rAllerton 5128 "World's champion sire. -Jay Bird 5060. By George Wilks 51!). ,Redlac 2:07i/4, 40091 Sire of 20. m Gussie Wilks (gr. b. m.) By Mambrino Bo./ S-i-f. {Muscovite 5221. Sire of 36. 6 sires 12 dams. Lilly, dam of Dave 2:27. by Geo. Wilks 619. fHambletonian Wilks. Minnie Hamer 22802 L Daughter of trator. AdndnK?- Oakland Abdallab i33S ^Ollie Clark LClark Chief Maid. By Clark Chief. 4th dam by Robert Lee, 5th dam by Blinker Deen. OwTier's Statement — A well bred filly halter broke only. Should be fast considering breeding and dam. Consider well the breeding of this filly by the fastest son of the noted Allerton. Redlac himself a great sire then notice the "V^ iikes and Hambletonian crosses, last but not least the noted Clark Chief blood, he being the sire of Kentucky Prince. The sire as you know of the dam of Axworthy one of the greatest living sires today. If breeding will not produce speed it is useless to try farther. I might call your attention also to the Abdallah blood as you know traces directly to Maud S. This mare was taken out of pasture four weeks ago. Here is a diamond in the rough. Oakland Abdallah was by Lakeland full brother of Harold sire of Maud S. ^here are a good miuiy oolts here that mil develoo fast. I) l^^ WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MARCH 13, 1913. 45 No. 44 RED STAR Trotter. Bay Gelding. Foaled June 5, 1910. Bred and Consigned by Luster Stock Farm, Good Hope, 111. ^Allerton 5128 World's champion sire. Redlac 2:0714, 400!j1 Sire of 20. rJay Bird 5060. By George Wilks r.l9, I Gussie Wilks (g. b. m. > By Mambrino Boy S)4. fMuscovite 5221. The Grandma Sire of 36. 6 sires 12 Dam of 3 trotter.s, 1-^ dams. sire and 1 dam. K^ .„ , ^- ^^ o ..- (^Lilly, dam ot Dave 2:2/. Woodfant ■Woodfund 2:19, 147 S': 'Reserve Fund 2:2CVi. 5302, Kate Lee. by Harold. fBowerman 17623. Dora Ames J By Buron Wilkes. LMenner. 4th dam Minnie Banker, by Banker Messenger, 5th dam Morgan Mare by by Justins Morgan. 0«Taer's Statement — Halter broke, taken out of pasture four weeks ago. Another extra well bred RedlaxJ. Notice the dams, the sire of the 1st dam a fast horse, this should be a valuable colt. Reserve Fund's Dam, Kate Lee, dam of Woodford 2:19%, Colonel Men 2:23 by Harold. ^tliete ate a good many colts here that will develop fast. 46 :/. WESTERN ILLINOIS' HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. No. 45 ELMER MUSCOVITE Trotter. Bay horse. Foaled June 4, 1908. Bred and Consigned by the Luster Stock Farm, Good Hope, 111. fNutwood 2:181/4. C George Mucovite 2:0SV1^ Sire of Buck Mu.scoviLe 2071A, Wm. Pcnn 2:10 14, and 5 others. ^Muscovite 2:18 <; Sire of 3G, 6 sires 12 | dams. I^Reina Victoria. fa Etholeen Dam of 2 trotters, sires. fAxtell (3) 2:12. Pounder of a -^ family. ' L Cyprus. Dam of 7. Woodfunt fReserve Fund 2:20 1,4. Woodfund 2:19% by Nutwood 2:18%. 14782. -Kate Lee. By Harold. JBowerman, 17623. by Baron Wilkes. iKa B: rBo\ J by llVIinr 4th dam Minnie Banker by Banker Messenger, 5th day Morgan Mare by Justins Morgan. Owner's Statement — This gelding is simply halter broke according to breeding should be valuable. Buy a brood mare and raise one that will gi-ow into money s ^4 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORS E SALE— MARCH 13, 1913. 4 7 No. 46 BESSIE MUSCOVITE Sorrel mare. Foaled May 19, 1905. Bred and Consigned by The Luster Stock Farm, Good Hope, 111. rNutwood 2:181^. George Mucovite 2:0SVi, Sire of Buck Muscovite 2:07%. ^^m. Penn 2:10 V4,, and 5 otliers. r Muscovite 3:IS. 5221 .A Sire of 36, 6 gires, 12 . dams. iReina Victoria. fAxtell (3) 2:12. Founder of a .grf;at -{ family. Etholeen \ ^ Dam of 2 trotters. 3 L Cyprus, sires. Dam o. 7. r Oakland Abadallali . 1338. Ollie Clark Clark Chief Maid r Clark Chief. •-Daughter of Robert Lee 4tli dam by Blinker Deen. Owner's Statement— Bred July 7, to Aleuxenite 5 3 2.^1 In foal to Aleuxenite. I belie /e fbe best bred son of Allerton. Aleuxenite ist dam Euxnite race record 2 : 11 Vi . trotting Euxnite by Expedirlon by Elec- tioneer etc. Buxenite first dam, Euxine by Axtell 2:141/4, Euxine the dam of Euxenite 2:14y4, trotting, Libbie Queen 2:15 trotting. Guy John very fast record around 2:15 and one or two others. Euxenite 2nd dam. Russia by Harold Euxenite, 3rd dam Miss Russell by Pilot Jr. Euxnite, 4th dam Boston, noted thorough bred. Can you beat the pedi- gree of this foal? Combining three crosses close up of the noted Miss Russell, Expedition's 1st dam having a cross. Euxnite's 3rd dam Miss Russell. Euxenite's 2nd dam, a full sister of Maud S., then the Miss Russell cross again by Nutwood consider the fact that Miss Russell today stands at the head of the list as a producer of 2:10 speed. I re- peat can you conceive of a colt having a more fashionable bred pedi- gree combining the blood of Nutv/f.od. Pilot Jr. Axtell, Expedition Har- old Clark, Chief, Allerton. Volunteer, American Star, last but not leas^ the Boston thorough bred cross and others to numerous to mention. Study the pedigree for yourself. Ft Tou want a jrooil stallion thete are a fine bunch to select from. WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. No. 47 - JOE Trotter. Bay Colt. Foaled April 13, 1910. Bred and Consigned by Tlie Luster Stock Farm, Good Hope, 111. Aleuxenite -vaSS) £1 Maud ^Allerton 2:00ii Sire of 24C. :uxinitc, 2:1114 ■Jay Bird. Family Pounder. ^Gussie Wilkes (g.b. ni.) f Expedition 2:15i/4 Sire of 89. , Euxine 2:lSii (g-. b. L m.) By Axtell. fLakeland Abdallah. I Sire of 4. 6 .siros 18 Lakeland Abdallali .Tr. . -j dams. Sire of 1 and 2siros . I Mary Miller, by Bashman. fArilla Adjutant Owner's Statement — See foot notp after Bessie Muscovite for Aleux- Gite breeding. A well bred colt, simply halter broke. Joe Larner Practical Horse Shoer Specialty of Balancing and Cor- recting Faulty Gaited, Harness and Speed Horses. WEST JACKSON STREET WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE^MAROH 13, '1913 49 No. 48 EDITH Trotter. Bay mare. Poalad May 24, 1907. Bred and Consigned by Luster Stock Farm, Good Hope, Illinois. Ollivier 33373 M Dora Ames Allerton 2:09i/4, 512S Sire of 246. Alpha Maid -2:18^4, Bowerman 17623. 'Jay Bird 5060. By George Wilkes 5i&. _Gussie Wilks (g. b. m.) By Mambrino Boy S44. 'Constantine 2:12i^. By Wilkes Boy. 2nd dam Alpha Wilkes by Baron Wilkes 2:1S. 3rd .. dam Alpha Russell. 4th dam Alley by Ham- - iltonian. J Baron Wilkes. Sire of 11. ] sire and j By George Wilkes. 4 dams. 1 A 1* 4... >-Alfretta. By Mambrino Russell. iMii r Quees PlialJas. I Minnie Banker. 1^ by Banker Messenger. 4th dam Morgan Mare by Justins Morgan. Owner's Statement— Is halter broke. A well bred mare. I think should be good for breodiug purposes or track. See Ollivier s breeding at head of consignment. Jleuiember the auctxoii copiniences at 12 o'clock noon sharp. 5© WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. No. 49 GUY Bay Colt. Foaled June 1, 1912. Bred and Consigned by the Luster Stock Farm, Good Hope, 111. rOIliver 33373 t3J Laura Heart Allerton 2:09%, 5128 Sire of 246. Alpha Maid 2:1 8 14. /-Red Heart 2:19. Sire of 41. Rose Rysdyke, Dam of 1. ■Jay Bird 5060. By Georgre Wilkfs 51», l^Gussie Wilks (g-. b. m.) By Mambrino Boy t>44. {Constantine 2:12i4. By Wilkes Boy. dam Alpha Wilkes by Baron Wilkes 2:1S. 3rd dam Alpha RiisKell, 4th dam Alley by H.iin- iltonian. {Red Wilkes. Sire of 180. Sweet Heart 2:22i^. {Robt Rysdyke 2:13 Vj. Olivet, by Onward 2:25'/!. 4th dam Santa Claus by Magic, 5th dam Josle Railey by Gen. G. H. Tliomas. Owner's Statement — See Ollivier's complete breeding in catalogue. A well bred colt. I'ou can get a good racing prosiiect in this catalogue. WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. 51 No. 50 JUNE Bay PJlly. Foaled May 17, 1912. Bred and consigned by tlie Luster Stock Farm, Good Hope, 111. fOllivier 33373. ^Allerton 2:09i4, 512S Sire of 246. Alpha Maid 2:18 vi- Jay Bird 5060. r By George Wilkes .'il9. J Gussie Wilks (g. b. in.) I By Mambrino Boy 844, Constantine 2:12^. By Wilkes Boy. {dam Alpha Wilkes by Baron Wilkes 2:1.S. 3rd dam Alpha liussell. 4th dam Alley by Han>- p iltonian. {Reserve Fund 2:26 14. Kate L,ee. by Harold. Bowerman 17623. Dora Ames f by Baron Wilkes 4758. I Minnie. L by Queen Phallas, son of Phallas. 4th dam Minnie Banker by Kanlvev Messenger, 5th day Morgan Mare by Justin's Morgan. Owner's Statement — Should be valuable either for breeding purposes or track. If yon wnnt a uood stJiJlion there are a fine bunch to select from. 52 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. No. 51 ERNEST Sorrel Co]t. Foaled May 7, 1912. Bred and Consigned by the Luster Stock Farm, Good Hope, 111. Ollivier 3337.'.. Bessie Muscovite Allerton 2: 09 14, 512S Sire of 246. Alpha Maid 2:lSVi,. ... •Geo. Muscovite 2.0S%. Sire of 7. Ollie CTark rjay Bird 5060. By George Wilkes ol'J. [.Gussie Wilks (g-. b. m.) By Mambrino Boy S44. fConstantine 2:12^1. J By Wilkes Boy. Alphia Wilkes (g. b. ni.) I Baron Wilkes 2:18. 3rd dam Alpha Russell. fMuscovite 2:18 Sire of 36. LEtholeen dam of 2. (Oakland Abdallah .SSS. 1 Clark Chief Maid, by Clark Chief. 4th dam Robt. Lee, 5th dam Blickeii Deen. Owner's Statement — See catalogue for Ollivier's breeding, also Geo. Muscovite's breeding". This colt is simply halter broke, taken from pas- ture three weeks ago. If breeding counts for anything he should be fast. You Can get a good racing prospect in this catalogue. WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. 53 No. 52 PEARL HEART Black Mare. Foaled April 20, 1908. Bred and Consigned by Luster Stock Farm, Good Hope, 111. Laura Heart Ollivier 333'?:^. fAllerton 2:09i4, 51>3 Sire of 246. ■1 Alpha Maid 2:18 Vi, Breeding- on day of sale fRed Heart 2:19i/i, sire of 41. ^Rosa Rysdyke dam of 1. Red Wilkes, sire of ISO. L Sweet Heart 2:2.2^,4.. fRobt. Rysdyke 1:lSVi Ollevet. '^ by Onward 2:25yt. 4Lndam Santa C?laus by Magis. Owner's Statement — You can notice, see in the catalogue Ollivier's breeding. This mare is simply halter broke but will step fast and make an elegant road mare. Her sire I am driving myself. Those who know the animal can inform yoii. There are a !>;ood many colts here that Avill develop fast. 54 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. No. 53 DELMAS Freuch Coach Stallion. Foaled 1904. C-No. 555 Grade. Consigned by J. D. Tabler, Plymouth, 111. Owner's Statement — Very dark bay; black points; no white; weight 1400 pounds. His sire was imported and formerly owned at Huntsville. His dam is of French Coach breeding. I was informed by the breder of Delmas that he thought possibly that Delmas' dam was of full blood French Coach breeding. Delmas is a beautiful horse of great strength and smooth build. Has proven himself a sure getter and sires fine speci- n ens for coach and all-purpose, and has always been a favorite with the patrons. maiit One Big Buy in SHOES Making the trip to Boston shoe market with eight other shoe buyers enabled us to buy any quanity that was offered. We are offering Ladies' absolutely solid shoes in button or blucher in all 1913 styles for $1.48. We also made a good buy in Men's and children's shoes which we are now throwing on sale for Spring bargains. So we are able to take care of you at prices that haA'e never been offered you before. "The Store That Makes Yonr Dollar Famous." A. L STEWART & CO. Who Sell Everything. EAST SIDE SQUARE MACOMB, ILLINOIS There are a good mnny colts here that will dei'elop fast. WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MARCH 13, 1913. 55 No. 54 MAY BUTTE Registered in A^'ol XII. Consigned by Chandler Bros., Macomb, 111. Dam of Burney 2:17 U; Grand dam of Nilma 2:0594- Sired by Tribute, he by Tribune. Dam Madeline, by Tribune. Owner's Statement — May Bute is a demonstrated brood mare; is the dam and grand dam of extreme speed. She is a mare of fine confor- mation, an easy keeper. The registration papers have been mislaid but will be on hands on date of sale. If you need a i'river yori can select a good one here. ^6 C Y.. c/XaA^ WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. No. 55 ALDA SHIRLEY Race Record 2:15 ?4. Trial 2:11. Half in 1:04. Won three straight firsts. Was in the money 9 times out of 12 starts. Pacer. Chesnut sorrel mare. Foaled 1907. Sonsigned by A. H. Wingate Avon, 111. r Simmons 258. by Georg-e Wilkes. ^Adino 15469 2:21 J f Sire of Maj. Shirlevl 2:141/2, Lord Shirley [^ Hattie Ethan. 2:1714. Jimmy Glasston "^ 2:15%, dams of Nil- man 2:05%, Silvermoori r Glasston. 2:1214. Sire of Lulu Glasston Lady Shirley J. 21914. Dam of Maj. Shirle.y 2:14, Lord Shirley 2:- L Mare by Monroe Chief. 171/4. St. Croix 2:1614 A f Major Shirley 2:14 1/2 Daisy St. Croix Untraced. The Second I'Kim of this Tast n:are was brought to this state from California and proved to be an exceptionally fast road mare. "When she showed so good an effort was made to trace her breeding ;:s 1". er looks showed lier to be high- bred but the effort was unsncess- ful. Owner's Statement — Alda Shirley is a beautiful sorrel chestnut mare, and was a good, consistent race mare last season, winning three straight races in two weeks. She not only won three firsts but was in the money nine times out of twelve starts. Today she is as sound as a new-milled dollar. She has been a half in 1:04 and a mile in 2:11. She is not near the end of her speed by any means; is easy to drive, and will make an iieal race or matinee mare. Where could you beat her for a fun mare to beat your friends? All tlfe stores adverlisel in this catalogue are good i)lace.s to trade. WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. 57 A. T. EWING & SON DEALERS IN t Harness, w agons and Vehicles HORSES AND MULES BOUGHT AND SOLD Good Milch Cows Always on Hand e can get you some speed if you want it 58 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE^MARCH 13, 19IS, No. 56 LENA SHIRLEY Pacer, Bay Filly. Foaled 1912. Standard and Registered. Consigned by A. H, Wiagate, Avon, Illinois. r Russian. Russianeer 30470' ■< Sire of Russianier Maid 2:lgi^. l_Mi93 L0 Sire of four better than-< 2:30 and dam of Bee Allerton 2:24% and Joe Boy 2:l'i%. Abiah Dam of Signal Boy 2:14" %. ' Sandwich. vMyra Russell. Owner's Statement — Scott Aeriton is a chesilut gelding and just the kind you have ben looking for if you want a fun horse or something to train and worth deveolpins:. He is a handsome fellow, having tafeen three ribbons in the show ring at the horse shows. Is not afraid of atlto- mobiles and has been used as a family horse. He will maJie a trotter il trained and is just the kind any man wants who is looking for a high- class driver. There are a ^ood mtiny colts here that will develop fast. ft(S JJr^"^^ 60 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MARCH 13. 1913, No. 58 %S ^ OLA MAY Trial 2:lli^. Second six times. Rett er than 3:18. The best prospect for the green paces in Central Illinois, Pacer. Bay mare, 15.3. Foaled 1907. Bred by Henry Statt, Monmoutli, HI. Consigned by J. C. Canfield, Agent, Walnut Grove, 111. rNutwood 2:1834, ^Muscovite 2:18 J. I Sire of Geo.Muscovite 2:0814, and dam of tAlma Mater, fChauncey M :. J Red Lac 2:07%. Sire of Sir Chauncey [ I LTnknown. 2:1414, Ola May, trial 2:11%. Alice M ."I Dam of Henry S. 2:- I 17%. <^ Unknown. Mi.ss Lee Leewood 11389 Sire of Josie M. 2:12>4, Virginia Jim 2:11%, dams of Direct Wood 2:07%, Elred 2:08%. "Hamer Girl "^ Dexter Pririce, Hamer. . '' ^Unknown. Owner''s Statement- — Ola Mciy is one of the best=;^reen pacers in Cen- tral Illinois. She has had two season's careful training and has been a mile in 2:1114,, last half in 1-03. She was raced a few times last year for education and the summaries below speak for themselves. She is game, good headed, and can be placed anywhere. She is sound and all right in every way, and is a 2:10 pacer on a half-mile track in good hands. Sold for no fault, only owner wants to get out of the game. Here is the result of her two starts last season: Griggsville, III., July 2-5, 1912. — 2:20 Pace — Purse $300. Jimmy Leaburn, b.g., G. W. Leaburn 1 1 1 Ola May, b.m., by Chauncy M ....3 2 2 Jimmy Glasston Jr., s,g., by Jimmy Glasston 2 3 3 Midnight, blk. g., 4 4 4 Jolly Girl 5 5 5 Time 2: 17 14, 2: 17 14, 2:18. Smithville, Mo., Oct. 2, 1912. — '2:20 Pace — Purse $300. Mamie Strath, b.m., by Strathberry 1 1 1 Ola May, b.m., by Chauncy M..... 2 2 2 Patty Cake, b.m., by Rustic Wood 4 3 3 Baby Bells, blk. m., by K. N. Bells 3 4 5 Brownie .5 5 4 Time 2:1714, 2:1714, 2:17%. WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MARCH 13, 1913. 6i. ^Dam . . ... Mather Earth Velides (Sire . . . Old Hickory Nut Beggips as lo¥/ as $40J0 Road Wagons as low as $35c00 Carriages as low as $75 JO Horse Furnishing Goods of al! kinds. Harness, all kinds. Wagons, $70. 00 to $80.00. Osborn Harrows. Osborn Discs. McCormick Binders, Mowers and Rakes. Manure Spreaders, Cream Seperators Terms: Day of Sale O. ^V. RAINEl'" 20), 202, 204, 206, 208 South Lafayett. n:. MACOMB, ILLINOIS r (-€-• ^f^-y 62 WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. No. 59 MAY SHIRLEY rotter. Chestnut filly; 15.1. Foaled 1910. Bred by Geo. W. Canfield, Avon, 111. Consigned by J. C. Canfield, Walnut Grove, 111. f Simmons 25S. Adino 2:21 J Sire of Mai. Phirl<»" 2:14iA. Lord Sliiflcy 1 Hattie Etlian. 2:17 1/4. . Major Shirh^v 2:1 P4. Sire of Alda Sliirley' 2:1534. TGlasston. Lady Sliirley < '^ Dam of Maj. Shirley 2:14, Lord Shirley 2:17 L Sire Lulu C-la.sstou. Maggie D Vi. Nelson D. 2.26Vi Maggie Lou 2:191/4. ("Mare by Monroe Chief. Nelson 2:09. L Untraced. f Copperbottom. . Untraced. Owner' sStatement — May Sliirley is a handsome filly, just nicely broken; has a nice way of going acts like she would learn to trot. WTill make a nice road marc, as she has a good disposition and plenty of style. S , I Remember the auction commences at 12 o'clock sharp. WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE — MARCH 13, 1913. 63 Those Famous MARION CARS This popular car is now being handled in Macomb and vicinity, and it will pay everyone intending to purchase a new machine to inves- tigate this car. The Maroa 37-A The Marion 48-A The Marion 37-A is a large, delightfully roona.;. easy rii- ing car for Ave people. It has all the refinf^meuly which mod- ern methods make possible, and the most comptoni and lux- urious equipment which the market affords. It is a big car — big in quallry size, and efficiency, and sell.3 at $1475. T-h;e Marion 4S-A is a 48- hors€^ower car de luxe, with electric se)f-startf')\ lighting system, horn, au;I cumylete equipment, Because it is lor.g- er, roomier and more power- ful, it is not only an un(iues- tioned leader amon?; ears of its own price, but it immediately compares with much m.ire ex- pensive products. Purc.'iasing and manufacturing facilities and superior mruuigenient have made the live passenger Marion 48-A to.i.-iiit', car pos- sible for $185 0. ID CARNAHAN, Agent Headquarters at M. & A. Garage WESTERN ILLINOIS HORSE SALE— MARCH 13, 191?. No. 60 %