Special No. 12 - ^ - '<*' The Muncie Jobbing & Mfg. Co. Jobbers and Manufacturers MUNCIE, INDIANA. BUGGIES ?£?• Sc?» «^w C. T. DAGES, P,e, & Trea, " OUR G °° DS FOR Y0UR CASH '" F. R. THRALL, Vice Pres. More goods and better value for your money than any other house in the world. O. B. BANNISTER, Sec. & Gen'l Mgr. We can furnish you any and everything that goes into a 'wagon or buggy. •>*•>* Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/specialno12munci00munc SPECIAL No. 1 1 iS '•< v 3 A " 7 ^ 6 ,0 / 9 m " '54 ". i% " 7 2=; f< CO lA " 8^ M - >% " . u. c ■ !4 " ,% " ; 7 25 6 so 7^ " 9 >K " vo i 1 ; ' " *% " 7 25 so 8- " 9 " 2% " ,% " 2 " 7 75 7 no 8 IO " 2M, " — i / ''. 2 " 7 75 7 00 8 '• - 10" " 2% " 00 to \ «K " 2 " 7 7> . ■ 7 00 8% "-•■ IO " 2^ " u Tf '& " 2 '' 7 75 7 00 S'/ 2 " 1 1 " 2* " - fe > 3 X " 2% " - 8 2 S 7 5° SJ4 " II " - • 2^ " ■ I/ » '?i " : 2j< " ■ s ^5 7 so 9 " ' 12 " ir " 2% •' 2^ •' ' £ u ■ 2- " 2 " • 2 y z " 2 l A " 9 00 9 00 ■ 8 25 S 25 9^ " - 12 " 2% " " u 2 " 2^ " 9 00 8 25 IO " II " 2% " tt, '/> 2- " 2 l A " 9 OO s 25 lO " 12 " 2^ " « 2'/ " 2*4 •< 14 00 >2 75 :o% " 12 " 2& " fc 2^ " 2 1 /* " 14 00 12 75 ii " -, '3 3 2^ " 2*4 " 14 OO "2 75 12 " 13 3 2}4 " 2^ " 14 00 '2 75 12 " 14 3Ji " 3 2 l A " 15 °° '3 5o o p >-* Q o o & CO o Kj o c o p CO "IRON WAGON TIRES. -ROUND OR SQUARE EDGE. J ■ Price-. Cash With Order. HICKORY ?}XLE5. 1 THICK % | X ^8 K % ' ' WIDTH. Price -Per Set of Fou r .Bars, 1 2 feet each. ■54 ■•$1 19 ; «' 53 ; ■$2 20 • $2 63 • S3 °7 $3 55 ■*B 1 40 • 1 90 2 39 2 86 3 33 3 79 ■ 'X : ' 53 • ■ 2 03 ■• 2 56 3 o7 3 59 • • 4 IO 1% 1 65 2 20 " 2 74 ; 3 2S 3 S3 4 39 2 " ' 75 ' 2 34 ' 3 "9 3 5' ' 4 10 - 4 6S 25* 1 97 • 2 62 ■ 3 2S 4 oS . 4 61 5 28 2% - 2 19 • ' 2 9t • 3 65 4 39 - 5 21 5 S S 2% ' 2 3' 3 22 4 02 483 5 63 : 6 43 3 2 62 3 5o • 4 39 5 27 ' ■ 6 15 ■ 7 03 3K ■ 2 84 . ■ 3 80 4 85 ■ 5 7i 6 6s 7 61 3% ' 3 07 4 10 5 .2 6 i S 7 iS ■ S 19 3X 3 29 4 38 5 49 6 S S 7 69 851 4 3 5' 4 67 5 86 7 03 S 19 9 25 3 x 4 3% x 4^ 4 x 5 ' 4^ x sK 5 x6- Per Pair, $ 81 " " • 98 " 1 14 " " 1 46 .1 79 WaGON Tongues. OAK OR ASH. 2% X 2% X 12 - - $ O 39 2Vi x 3^- x 12 - - - o 46 3. x 4 - x 12 - - . o 59 WaaoN' Rounds. I STIFF TONGUE. 2-horse front, per pr. 'Jo Si " hind, • " " : o 65 4-horse front, " " o 9S " .hind, - " ." j o Si o H Q o o & CD o Kl o S3 o p CD 'Our Goods For Your Cash." PRICE CASH WITH ORDER. NO. SIZE. 1. 2 x 6 inches $ 80 2. 2 x 6> 2 " 80 3. 2%* 6i 2 » 86 4. 2Mx 7 93 5. 2%x 7 1 00 6. 2 > 4 x 7^ " 1 00 7. 2%x 1% " 1 00 8. 21, x 7^ " 1 12 9. 2^x 8 1 18 10. 2%x 8 1 31 11. 2%x 8!^ " 1 35 12. 2%x 9 1 50 13. 3 x 9 1 50 14. 3 x 10 1 62 15. 3' 4 x 9 " 1 75 16. 3 ' 4 x 10 1 87 17. 3 l 4 x 11 1 93 18. 3>,,x 10 2 00 19. 3'ox 11 2 02 20. :^., X 12 2 20 21. 3 V 11 2 25 22. 3' 4 x 12 2 35 23. 4 x 12 " 2 65 24. 4 ' , x 12 3 75 25. 4} 2* 13 5 00 26. 5 x 14 6 25 There is not an ounce of Scrap Iron used in their manufacture. Only the best Lake Superior Iron. Capewell Horse Nails o Neatly Boxed. s- The Best in the World. PRICE,CffSH WITH ORDER. NUMBER 3 4 A l A 5 6 7 8 9 10 II Price per box of 5 lbs. Price per box of 25 lbs. $3 75 18 75 1 75 8 75 1 50 7 5 J 1 10 5 50 95 90 4 75 4 50 85 4 25 80 4 00 80 4 00 75 3 75 We do not ship less than live pound boxes. Special Prices quoted on Ten Boses of 25 lbs. each. In ordering state whether City or regular head iswanted Special N O 8. -Our Goods for ^ S^Your Cash." You can not only get more goods of us for your money than from any other house in the world, but you can always get the best the world affords. The Huncie Jobbing & Mfg. Co. 'Our Goods for MUNCIE, Your Cash." "-- 1 NDIANff Special No. 10. WE LEAD! ^ * j> OTHERS FOLLOW! See other side for .....New Prices on CARRIAGE ... AND TIRE BOLTS. OUR PRICES Are Always the Lowest and Our Goods the Best, j* <* MORE GOODS For your money than Any Other House in the World. 1 he JVLuncie Jobbing & JVifg. C^o. MUNCIE t INDIANA. FULL SgUAKL Common Carriage Bolts* With short full size square under heads, forged nuts. finished points. PRICE PER IOO. LENGTH, fir AND % 1 to 1%. W 2 2% .'.'..'.: 2'A 2K 3 3M 3% .... 3H 4 W *A 4% 5 sy 2 V£ VA '.'.'.'.'.'.'. 8 $0 23 34 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 32 32 33 34 35 37 39 4! 42 44 46 ft H SO 27 $0 34 28 34 28 34 29 35 32 37 33 39 34 40 35 42 36 43 ->* 45 38 4(i 39 48 41 50 42 51 43 53 45 56 47 59 49 62 52 65 54 68 56 72 SO 50 50 50 51 53 55 57 59 60 62 64 66 68 69- 71 75 78 82 86- 89 93 yi SO 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 70 72 74 77 79 81 83 86 90 95 99 1 04 1 08 1 12 EXCELSIOK TIRE BOLTS. PRICE PER IOO. Length. X 16 ■% 16 X i $0 14 14 14 15 16 18 SO 14 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 1 26 SO 18 18 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 •28 29 $0 25 35 35 35 26 28 29 31 33 34 36 37 30 SO 50 50 50 so 50 52 54 56 59 61 64 66 68 \% VA i% 2 l A 2% 2H 3 y/i VA Wi. ... 4 Annulling Prices for Bolts in Special No. 9. Ob o x B re C" ea c 3 S re re re :/: 2 o OT> "n m ■n o Z O-o 6PECIAL OFFER NO. 3. SPECIAL OFFER NO. 4. SPECIAL OFFER NO. 5. z O -o "INDIANA' WAGON. o 9 z m ^O ■n j ! — (0 w m o " -n CO • m o ■n : Z O I m 6) I H ■n o z H g m c_ o CD CD Z Q T] P o o c z o m 5? &2 to Co t*1 P 3 D. ar o 3 > fD 3* 3* O 3* 3 as fD 5" t/j i to o H 2 O fD < fD t T3 a o Q o w u w >< 50 r o < CI r r i— i 25 C/3 H 50 O !l l \ j I I o 111 X Q z I I--*": i 1 , ' 1 : : ! i : : :' ■ ! : (-' z O DC H : ! ! 1 i CO s 0) w K t- o > CO cc X H a. hi Q : ! ! : ■ □ < U IE H : : ! ; j CO D I z i- o z ui _i 1 1 j < Q i j !3 W J CI >- z H < CO -I HI Q. z £ ^ z Z 1 * p. OB ** O s ~ fc • 0. J= i es *o cu ts •4-1 s 3 as u -t, HI S cu o eo .H P hn 25 "C *> £ •o T3 a eo Ih o DC b3 Ih O Ed >-> W = C m 35 © w u 11 hJ ^3 K Ih a o X 1- £ 3 O K PS >— • «4h « o S5 P £ o 49 rt ■*- 03 CU 0) ® W Si MUNOIE JOBBING & MFG. CO. MUNCIE, Lock Drawer 316. INDIANA "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." .* ,* & We will sell you Better Goods and more of them for the & money you pay us than any other house in the world. MUNCIE JOBBING & MANUFACTURING CO. <^* *2r* t2r* *&* t^t Guaranty on Four Wheelers as Private Vehicles Only. With fair and reasonable usage, wheel, spring- and axle are warranted for oneyear. If defective on ac- count of material or workmanship, we will replace or repair same Free of Charge, ou return of defective part to us. Should we find, on examination, that the parts so returned were not defective in material or workmanship, we will charge for repairing the same, including all expenses to us, attached to the return of broken parts. We will not allow deductions for any cash you pay out. DAMAGE to paint or varnish on account of ammonia or exposure to the elements, loose or worn-out tires or a broken spring that does not show a flaw in the steel, can not be considered as coming under the above guaranty-. The above guaranty- on wheels does not apply unless tire is kept tight and wheel properly dished. REMEMBER, that by shipping goods under a general release clause, we obtain freight rates very much lower than otherwise, for the sole benefit of our customers. Bear this in mind, and do not hold us responsible for loss or damage caused by transportation companies. WE DELIVER the work in good condition to the transportation companies, taking their receipt for same Our responsibility thereafter ceases. You must make your claim for damage against the trans, portation company. WHEELS, AXLES AND SPRINGS— If they prove defective on account of poor work or material, we will GIVE YOU TWO to replace the ONE broken. "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." No. 1 PIANO BOX BUGGY. Arched Axle, End Spring. ^ Arched Axle, Brewster Spring. Dropped Axle, End Spring. Dropped Axle, Brewster Spring. AXLE— Double collar, swaged, made of steel }| inch, dropped axle. Axle cap is fitted perfectly and ce- mented to the axle. BODY- 24x52 or 20x52 inches, oval corner irons in front, swell panel, 8 inches deep, concave seat risers, full length body loops. Frame is made of best ash, panels of poplar, put together in the very best manner. DASH— No. 1 patent leather, on extra heavy iron frames. FORGINGS — Clips and bolts are all of Norway iron. GEAR— Best grade second-growth hickory, Norway ironed, double reach, king bolt in rear of axle. Axle caps are clipped on by eight Norway iron clips. PAINTING — Gear, either carmine or a dark Brewster green, or natural wood, varnished, nicely striped. Body, black, all finished in the best possible manner. SPRINGS — Best grade of steel, tempered in oil. Reinforced heads, double sweep. TOP — 3 or 4 bow, leather quarters and back stays, rubber roof, rubber back curtain, lined with 8-oz. all- wool green cloth, leather valance. Side ourtains are green-back rubber. TRACK—* feet 8 inches narrow or 5 feet 2 inches wide. Be sure to mention which you want. TRIMMINGS— Cushion and back are either 16-oz. all-wool cloth or fancy trimming leather, biscuit pat- tern, upholstered with hair, spring back, full Brussels carpet, lined box, rubber storm apron, solid boot. WHEELS— Sarven Patent, shell band or Warner, % x % steel tire, 38-42 inches or £x£ steel tire, 40-44 inches. All % wheels have felloes screwed on each side of the spoke tenon. Tires are all full bolted between each spoke. Price $39.79, Cash with Order. '"OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." Price $39.79 Cash with Order. See Opposite Page. No. 1 "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." No. 2 Open Piano Box Buggy* End Spring, Arch Axle. ^ Brewster Spring, Arch Axle. End Spring, Drop Axle. ^ Brewster Spring, Drop Axle. AXLE — M, double collar, steel, swaged and dropped. BODY — Regular piano box, padded seat and arms. DASH— No. 1 patent leather. FORGINGS— Norway iron clips and bolts. GEAR Second-growth hickory, perches ironed full length, rear king bolt, axle caps cemented to axle. PAINTING— Gear, carmine or dark Brewster green, gold striped; body black. SEAT— Round corners, properly ironed, wide lazy back. If drop back or panel back is wanted, extra will be charged. SPRINGS— Oil Tempered, Brewster. TRIMMINGS— Rubber or imitation leather. Extra if in leather, cloth or corduroy. TRACK — Wide and narrow. WHEELS— Sarven Patent, shell band or Warner, % or one inch, 40-44, or % inch, 38-42. All X wheels have screwed felloes. Shafts — If pole is wanted an extra charge is made. Price $29*15, Cash with Order* "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH.' Price $29.15 Cash with Order. See Opposite Page. No. 2 OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." No. 3 MUNCIE CONCORD. AXLE — Double collar, swaged steel, \% inch dropped axle. DASH — No. 1 patent leather on extra heavy iron frame. FORGINGS— Clips and bolts are all Norway iron. GEAR — Best second-growth hickory. Three reach. PAINTING— Gear either carmine or dark Brewster green. Body black, all finished in first-class shape. SPRINGS— Best oil tempered. TRACK — 4 ft. 8 in. narrow, or 5 ft. 2 in. wide. Be sure and mention which you want. TRIMMINGS — Wide, solid back, corduroy, leather, or 16 oz. green or blue cloth, spring back and cush- ion. Full length Brusssl carpet. WHEELS — Sarven patent or compressed band hub. Strictly second growth, %x l 4, 38-42; or 7 /s~k% 40-44. Shafts — If pole is wanted an extra charge is made. Price $29*86, Cash with Order, OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." Price $29.86 Cash with Order. See Opposite Page, No. 3 "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH/' No. 4 Jackson-Spring Road Wagon* AXLE — Double collar, swaged, made of steel J| inch, dropped axle. Axle cap is fitted perfectly and ce" mented to the axle. BODY — New, strong and well made, of the very best materials. DASH— No. 1 patent leather, on extra heavy iron frames. FORGINGS— Clips and bolts are all of Norway iron. GEAR — Best grade second-growth hickory, Norway ironed, double reach, king bolt in rear of axle. Axle caps are clipped on by eight Norway iron clips. PAINTING — Gear, either carmine or a dark Brewster green, or natural wood, varnished, nicely striped. Body, black, all finished in the best possible manner. SPRINGS — Made from the very best grade of steel, tempered in oil. Improved and up to date in the coup- lings. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches narrow or 5 feet 2 inches wide. Be sure to mention which you want. TRIMMINGS— Wide back, cloth, corduroy or leather. WHEELS— Sarven Patent, shell band or Warner, U*% steel tire, 38-42 inches or J4x l 4 steel tire, 40-44 inches. All % wheels have felloes screwed on each side of the spoke tenon. Tires are all full bolted between each spoke. Shafts — If pole is wanted an extra charge is made. Price $28.94, Cash with Order. "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH.' Price $2894 Cash with Order See Opposite Page. No. 4 10 "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH/ No. 5 Dropped Axle, End Spring Road Wagon, Dropped Axle, Brewster Spring Road Wagon. AXXE — Double collar, swaged, made of steel }§ inch, dropped axle. Axle cap is fitted perfectly and cemented to the axles. BODY — New, strong and well made, of the very best materials. DASH — No. 1 patent leather, on extra heavy iron frame. FORGINGS — Clips and bolts are all of Norway iron. GEAR— Best grade second-growth hickory, No r way ironed, double reach, king bolt in rear of axle. Axle caps are clipped on by six Norway iron clips. PAINTING — Gear, either carmine or a dark Brewster green, or natural wood, varnished, nicely striped. Body, black, all finished in the best possible manner. SPRINGS — Best grade of steel, tempered in oil. Reinforced heads, double sweep. TRIMMINGS — Wide back, rubber or imitation leather. If in cloth, corduroy or leather extra is charged. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches narrow or 5 feet 2 inches wide. Be sure to mention which you want. "WHEELS— Sarven Patent, shell band or Warner, \i±% steel tire, 38-42 inches or Y%±% steel tire, 40-44 in- ches. All % wheels have felloes screwed on each side of the spoke tenon. Shafts — If pole is wanted an extra charge is made. CANOPY OR BUGGY TOP CAN BE PUT ON. Price, $2133, Cash with Order. "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." 11 Price n $S1.33 Cash with Order. See Opposite Page, No. 5 12 "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." 44 We will sell you better goods and more of them "|^T ** £? for the money you pay us than any other house in the world." * Fancy Road Wagon, End Spring* AXLE—}!, double collar, steel, swaged and dropped. BODY^Ash frame, poplar sides, inside of sticks made very strong-. DASH— No. 1 patent leather. FORGINGS — Norway iron clips and bolts. GEAR — Second-growth hickory, perches ironed full length, rear king bolt, axle caps cemented to axle. PAINTING — Gear, carmine or dark Brewster green, gold striped; body, black frame, carmine, blue or black panels. SEAT — Round corners, properly ironed, wide lazy back. If drop back or panel back is wanted extra will be charged. SPRINGS — Double sweep, elliptic, oil tempered. TOP — Canopy, lined, fringe, strongly braced. Side curtains cost extra. TRIMMINGS Cloth, corduroy, plush or leather. TRACK— Wide and narrow. WHEELS — Sarven patent, shell band or Warner, |orl inch, 40-44, or % inch, 38-42. All -£- wheels have screwed felloes. Shafts — If pole is wanted an extra charge is made. Price, Open, $27.75 1 n , , ~ , With Canopy Top, $32.75 < Cash WIth 0rder * "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." 13 STl lot? (open, .... $27.75 i ^ ash with Order See Opposite Page. No. 6 "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." Phaeton t Extension Top, A Grade* AXLE ! ,: iwaged or rounded on bottom, double collar, axle <;i i>s fitted i" axle ;i nf perfectly * 1 1 * n- lumber, glued, screwed and plug' ged. Frame is plated with heavy steel. DASH r.est patenl leather, heavy frame, [f wing dash is wanted, extra will be charged. FORGINGS All Norway iron. Norway clips and i.e. its. GEAR I test second-growth hickory and Norway iron. Our fifth wheel was never known to break. King boll in rear. Track is S feel 2 inches for wide, <>r I feel 8 inches for narrdw. PAINTING Body, black; gear, dark green or carmine, nicely striped and elegantly fini-hed. We use the i>est varnish on this vehicle thai money will buy. SEAT Vei v high back, wide se.it, plenty of room. SPRINGS itcst grade of steel, tempered in oil. Long.easy riders. TOP leather quarters and back stays, rubber deck, back and side curtains. Roof is lined with 10-oz. ith, stays 14-oz, Back curtain lined with Kin/, cloth, side curtains are heavy green-back (■in i M i.i. TRIMMING Cushion and bach 18-oa, all-wool wool-dyed body cloth, or fancy trimming leather, springs back, hi pholstered, biscuil pattern. Sides of seal nicely padded. Fancy lamps and fend- ers. Full Brussels rug, storm apron. WHEELS s.iiyen patent, shell band or Winner, ( , or %x% tire; <., wheels have screwed rims, [f you keep the I ires t if; hi .iild w heel in dish we w i 1 1 g I l.l r.l II t ee t hem t<. st.i lid .ill u .1 :•«■ .1 wheel tlOUld stand, Heighl of wheels, 36 n inches, I or M . Shafts li pole is wanted an extra charge is made. Price $54* 1 5, Cash with Order* "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH. IS Price $54.15 Cash with Order See Opposite Page. No. 7 16 "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." No. 8 Straight-Sill Surrey* Extension Top, End Spring* A GRADE. AXLE — liV> double collar, steel, swayed, axle cap cemented and perfectly fitted to axle, full clipped, with Norway iron clips. BODY — Ash frame, select poplar sides, perfectly made, glued, screwed and plugged, high bracket, round corners, body loops run full length. DASH — Best patent leather. When wing dash is wanted we charge extra. FORGINGS— Hest Norway iron clips and bolts. GEAR — Selected second-growth hickor3', ironed in best possible manner, rear king bolt. Our fifth wheel never breaks. Bight clips on axle. PAINTING — Body, black; gears, dark green or carmine, nicely striped. SEATS— 17 inches, solid panel backs, 20 inches high. SPRINGS — Oil tempered, half double sweep. Very easy riding. TOP — Leather quarters and stays, rubber roof, side and back curtains, all wool, 10-oz. head lining and back curtain, back stays lined with body cloth. TRIMMINGS — 18-oz., all wool, wool dyed dark green body cloth cushion and back, or fancy trimming leather, full length Brussels carpet, fancy lamps, full double fenders, rubber lap apron. TRACK — Wide, 5 feet 2 inches, narrow. 4 feet 8 inches. Price includes shafts. If pole is wanted an ex- tra charge will be made. "WHEELS — Sarven patent, shell band or Warner, £ or 1 inch, 36-40 or 40-44 inches high. Price, $72*41, Cash with Order. "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH/' 17 Price $72.41 Cash with Order. No. 8 See Opposite Page» !8 "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." No. 9 Canopy-Top, Straight-Sill Surrey, End Spring* A GRADE. AXLE — IjV) double collar, steel, swaged, axle cap cemented and perfectly fitted to axle, full clipped, with Norway iron clips. BODY — Ash frame, select poplar sides, perfectly made, glued, screwed and plugged, high bracket, round corners, body loops run full length. DASH — Best patent leather. When wing dash is wanted we charge extra. FORGINGS — Best Norway iron clips and bolts. GEAR — Selected second-growth hickory, ironed in best possible manner, rear king bolt. Our fifth wheel never breaks. Eight clips on axle. PAINTING — ' ody, black; gears, dark green or carmine, nicely striped. SEATS 17 inches, solid panel backs, 20 inches high. SPRINGS Oil tempered, half double sweep. Very easy riding. TOP Canopy, coupe shape, looped and corded fringe, rubber side curtains and storm apron. TRIMMINGS 18-oz., all-wool, wool-dyed dark green, body cloth cushion and back, or fancy trimmi :g leather, full length Hrussels carpet, fancy lamps, full double fenders, rubber lap apron. TRACK — Wide. 5 feet 2 inches; narrow, 4 feet8 inches. Price includes shafts. If pole is wanted an ex- tra charge will he made. WHEELS— Sarven Patent, shell band or Warner, I or 1 inch, 36-40 or 40-44 inches high. Price $66*16, Cash with Order* "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." 19 Price $66 J 6 Cash No. 9 20 "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH/' No. 10 Extension Top, Cut-Under Surrey. A GRADE. AXLE— l, 1 ,;, double collar, steel, swaged, axle cap cemented and perfectly fitted to axle, full clipped, with Norway iron clips. BODY— Is cut under so it will not hit the wheel in turning-. Sills, plated full length; body, round cor- nered, made very strong - . DASH — Best patent leather. When wing dash is wanted we charge extra. FORGINGS— Best Norway iron clips and bolts. GEAR— Selected second-growth hickory, ironed in best possible manner, rear king bolt. Our fifth wheel never breaks. Eight clips on axle. PAINTING— Body, black; gears, dark green or carmine, nicely striped. SEATS— 17 inches, solid panel back, 20 inches high. SPRINGS Oil tempered, half double sweep. Very easy riding. TOP— Leather quarters and stays, rubber roof, side and back curtains, all wool 10 oz. head lining and back curtains, back stays lined with body cloth. TRIMMINGS — 18-oz., all wool, wool-dyed dark green body cloth cushion and back, or fancy trimming leather, full length Brussels carpet, fanc3' lamps, full double fenders, rubber lap apron. TRACK — Wide, 5 feet 2 inches; narrow, 4 feet 8 inches. Price includes shafts. If pole is wanted an ex- tra charge will be made. WHEELS— Sarven patent, shell band or Warner, % or 1 inch, 34-4? inches high. Price $84. 14, Cash with Order. "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." 21 Price $84.14 Cash with Order. Sec Opposite Page, No. 10 22 "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." No. 11 Canopy-Top Surrey, Removable Rear Seat. AXLE — l-iV) double collar, steel, swaged, axle cap cemented and perfectly fitted to axle, full clipped, with Norway iron clips. BODY — Large, roomy, ash framed. Panels are painted black, blue or carmine. DASH — Best patent leather. When wing dash is wanted we charge extra. FORGINGS — Rest Norway iron clips and bolts. GEAR — Selected second-growth hickory, ironed in best possible manner, rear king bolt. Our fifth wheel never breaks. Eight clips on axle. PAINTING — Body, black; gears, dark green or carmine, nicely striped. SEATS — Round corners. Rear seat can be taken out, making it convenient to haul trunks or other bulky articles. SPRINGS — Oil tempered, half double sweep. Very easy riding. TOP — Canopy, coupe shape, looped and corded fringe, rubber side curtains and storm apron. TRIMMINGS — 16 oz., all-wool body cloth or fancy trimming leather. Solid panel backs. TRACK — Wide, 5 feet 2 inches; narrow, 4 feet 8 inches. Price includes shafts. If pole is wanted an ex- tra charge will be made. WHEELS — Sarven Patent, shell band or Warner, | or 1 inch, 36-40 or 40-44 inches high. End Spring, Extension Top, $66 06 Brewster Spring. Extension Top, $66.06 End Spring Canopy Top, $60.15 Brewster Spring, Canopy Top, $60.15 Cash with Order. "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." 23 See Opposite Page. Price— End Spring;, Extension Top, $66.06 Price— End Spring, Canopy Top, $60.15 Price— Brewster Spring, Canopy Top, $60.15 Price— Brewster Spring, Extension Top, $66.06 Cash with Order. No. 11 24 "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." We will sell you better goods and more of them TVT/^ 1 O for the money you pay us than any other house in the world, ^ • ^ Three-Spring Spring Wagon* AXLE — Double collar, steel, 1 inch. BODY — Ash frame, screwed, glued and plugged, drop tail gate, 6)4 feet long, 30 inches wide. DASH — No. 1 patent leather or English wood. FORGINGS— All Norway iron GEAR — Double reach, best grade hickory, thoroughly plated and bolted. PAINTING — Body, black or natural wood; wheels, dark green or carmine. SEATS — Round corners, properly ironed, wide lazy backs. Seats can be removed. SPRINGS — Long, double sweep, oil tempered. TOP — Canopy, lined, fringe. If side curtains are wanted extra is charged. TRIMMINGS — Imitation leather. If real leather is wanted extra is charged. WHEELS — Sarven patent or shell band, J or 1 inch, 3 feet 4 inches and 3 feet 8 inches, oval edge, steel tire Price, Open, $32.44) r , . , n , With Canopy Top, $36.70 f Cash Wlth ° rder * "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH/ 25 P-piaa * Witn Canopy Top, $36-70/ n * -iX, r\ A irriCe \ 0pe n, - - - $32.44 \ Cash with Order. See Opposite Page, No. 12 26 "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." No. 14 Combination Spring Wagon* ROUND CORNERS. AXLE — \y% inch, double collar, steel. BODY — 32 inches wide, 6 feet 6 inches long - , 8J-2 inches deep, ironed on top, round iron corners, framed body. DASH— No. 1 patent leather. FORGINGS - Norway iron. GEAR— Single reach, made extra strong, thoroughly braced. PAINTING — Black body, with transfers, carmine or dark green gear. SEATS — Round corners, adjustable forward or back. SPRINGS - Best oil tempered. TOP— Canopy, roll-up side curtains. TRIMMINGS -Real leather. WHEELS Sarven patent or shell band, 40-44, 7 8 or 1 inch, heavy steel tire, round edge, full bolted. With pole unless otherwise mentioned. Price, Open, $40.81 , With Canopy Top, $47.75 j Cash Wlth ° rdcr * OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." :7 "D-wi/"*** f With Canopy Top, $47.75) n . ,,, n , JrriCe j 0p en, .... $40.81 \ Cash Wlth ° rder See Opposite Page, TOT No. 14 28 "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." No. 15 Drummers' Combination Spring Wagon* AXLE— \% -inch, double collar, steel. BODY— 8 feet 6 inches long-, 36 inches wide, drop tail gate, round iron corners, framed body. DASH— No. 1 patent leather. FORGINGS —Norway iron, rear king bolt. GEAR— Reach, ironed in best possible manner, extra strong, thoroug-hly braced. PAINTING — Body, black; gear, dark green or carmine. SEATS— Round corners, convex, wide lazy back on front seat, full back on rear seats. SPRINGS — Best oil tempered, four springs in rear, elliptic in front. TOP — Roll-up or detachable curtain. Canopy Top is strong, easily removed. TRIMMINGS — Rubber, imitation leather. If genuine leather, extra charg-e is made. "WHEELS — Sarven patent or shell band, 40-44 inches hig-h, 1% x Xis tires. With pole unless otherwise mentioned. Price $63.40, Cash with Order. "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." 29 PriCe $63. 40, Cash with Order. -■ ■ ' --- : -+ T - '' : ■ —■^-^■- -:■ ,■■■-■-■ , i- No. 15 See Opposite Page. 30 "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH/' No. 16 Our All-purpose, Low-down Handy Market Wagon* UP TO DATE AND AT A LOW PRICE. Description — Body 9 feet long-, 3 feet 2 inches wide, drop endgate. Duplex short-turn gear; \ l /% inch steel axles and wheels; capacity 1,500 pounds. Height from ground 30 inches. Shipping weight 600 pounds. This job is attractively painted, is a first-class strong and durable wagon and a big seller. With shafts; if pole is wanted extra charge will be made. Price, as Shown in Cut, $38.45, Cash With Order. Will furnish high slat sideboards. Three slats, $4 extra; four slats, $5 extra. Will furnish porta- ble, enameled oil duck top for $15; making the best all-round, covered all-purpose wagon. For dairymen, florists, gardeners and hucksters it has no equal. "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH." 31 Price $38 45 Cash with Order See Opposite Page. No. 16 32 "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH/' Our Latest Gardeners and Hucksters Wagon Spring* EXAMINE THE CUT OF THIS CELEBRATED UP-TO-DATE IMPROVED LOW-DOWN EASY BOLSTER SPRING. Shows Application to Wagon Bolster. Raises the Box or B>i less than any other Spring in the Market. THIS SPRING IS PERFECTLY RELIABLE AND DURABLE AND GUARANTEED TO GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION. I Capacity to carry up to 1200 pounds, per set $4 20 1 Pf fro ] Ca P acit V to cart T U P to 2000 pounds, per set 4 80 ', <-■ i __! f t_ fVrlot. 1 IlLC | Capacity to carry up to 3000 pounds, per set 6 00 f V^asn Willi KJTaCV I Capacity to carry up to 4000 pounds, per set 7 20 J The Muncie Jobbing & Mfg* Co* MUNCIE, INDIANA, "OUR GOODS FOR YOUR CASH."