GOLDEN. m GOLDEN & LOWE, ^^ HIGH CLASS TROTTING ALLEN LOWE. ifi) o o)©ST(§)[Ki" COnnEHClNQ nAY 2, I89'5. i» Mark W. Cross & Co., W. H. PETERSON. HARNESS AND HORSE BOOTS. The great interest in, and the wonderful development of the trotter has given a great impetus to this branch of our business, and we are now showing the FINEST COLLECTION OF HORSE BOOTS AND TROTTING APPLIANCES IN THIS COUNTRY. All our boots are Made in Our Own Workshops^ and include the best devices that human ingenuity has developed for the protection of the trotting horse. Our boots will be found light and durable, and PERFECT IN FIT. They are used by all leading trainers and owners of fast horses in New Bn gland. Our new catalogue for 1893 will be mailed on application. NONE GENUINE UNLESS STAMPED MARK W. CROSS & CO., fC- QOLDEN & LOWE'S Great Combination High=Class TROTTING HORSE SALE, AT THE ARENA. TREflONT AND CHANDLER STREETS. Commencing Tuesday, flay 2, 1893, and continuing until all stock is disposed of. 5ale Commences daily at 10.30 A. M. Compiled by ALLEN LOWE, Room 100, Boston Globe. BOSTON. L. Barta & Co., Printers, 1893. % CONSIGNMENTS. \ Numbers" John R, Graham ABC Graham & Conley , 1 to 31 Wm. Kelley 32 and 33 J. J. Coons 34 and 35 Estate of John B. Clarke 36 to 38 J. W. Ellsworth . ... I ......... . 39 to 44 John E. Thayer 45 A. B. Forbes 46 to 49A E. C. Graves 50 J. W. Brodbine 51 D. W. Blanchard 52 to 55 Payne Stock Farm 56 to 66 J. W. Knibbs. 67 J. Malcolm Forbes , 68 to 71 J. C. Otis 72 and 73 T. E. Scanlan 74 and 75 S. C. Bailey 76 to 89 J. W. Matthewson 90 and 91 Z. E. Simmons . 92 to 97 Albion Towle 98 to 100 Col. H. S. Russell 101 to 130 G.H. Newell 131 Valley Stock Farm 132 to 140 A. B. Huron 141 and 142 John Cheney 143 to 146 H. D. Kendall 147 and 148 J.A.Ripley 149 and 150 F. M. Patten 151 and 152 CONDITIONS OF SALE, ARENA, BOSTON. (1) The Sale will be conducted in the interest of both buyer and seller. (2) Stock will be sold in the order catalogued. Each animal will be sold without reserve. No by-bidding will be allowed. (3) The management acts solely as agent and does not hold itself responsible for any representation, warranty or guarantee, of any kind, verbal or otherwise. The name of the owner is given with each entry and he alone is responsible for all statements. (4) In case a warranty of any animal is intended, it will be so stated in the catalogue or by the auctioneer at the time of sale. In absence of such special statement, each animal will be sold as it stands. (5) Descriptions : The descriptions printed in the catalogue are received from owners, and are given in order that intending purchasers may form a reasonably correct opinion of the animals before seeing them. Animals described as registered are either recorded in the American Trotting Register or have been accepted for that purpose. The word « Standard " implies only that the animal is qualified for (but not necessai-ily registered in) the Standard Department of the Register. Beyond the fact that the registered blood lines correspond with the Trotting Register and Thorough- Bred Stud Book, and that reasonable precautions have been taken in the statement of unregistered blood lines, or parts of blood lines, no represen- tations are made regarding them and nothing is guaranteed. Descriptions as to height, age, weight, marks, and speed of horses are approximated by owners and these, with all records, trials, matter of current history, and accredited reports are given in the belief that they are correct, but bidders should examine for themselves, bearing in mind that all such matters depend largely upon estimates of memory and may not be exact. (6) Bidding: Each animal will be sold to the highest bidder. When a dispute arises between two or more bidders as to which is the highest, the 4 auctioneer shall decide, and if his decision is doubted, the animal shall be offered again, and unless the party objecting makes a larger bid, the animal will be sold to the party in whose favor the auctioneer originally decided. (7) Payments: All payments must be made in cash. A deposit of twenty-five per cent, of the price bid must be made in cash immediately upon the sale of each animal, in default of which the auctioneer may at his option declare the sale void, and the animal may be at once resold, any loss to be borne by the first purchaser. The balance of the purchase money must be paid in cash within twenty-four hours from time of sale. If the balance is not paid, or satisfactorily secured within the time limited as aforesaid, the deposit of twenty-five per cent, will be forfeited as an agreed liquida- tion of damages, and the sale otherwise held void. (8) Proof of warranty : The purchase price of each animal will be retained by the man- agement for four days from date of sale (unless the purchaser waives this protection by accepting a previous delivery), thus giving an opportunity for the vei'ification of any warranty. Upon proof of a false warranty, the sale will be cancelled and money refunded. At the expiration of four days, if the warranty has not been challenged, or if the animal has been delivered, the management will be at liberty to pay the money to the owner. All warranties must be tested and decided before the animal leaves our possession, as after that no claim will be received or consid- ered. In case of a controversy as to any warranty, the management will appoint some disinterested party to examine the animal, and the decision of the person so appointed shall be final and binding upon all parties. The management, however, assumes no personal responsibility for, and no action shall accrue to either party against the management, because of such decision. The person against whom the decision is made must pay the fees for the examination. (9) Delivery : No animal will be delivered until it is paid for. No payments will be accepted at the stable. The purchaser must pay his bill (together with all charges for keep) at the ofiice in the Arena Building, Tremont and Chandler Streets. A written order upon the superintendent of the stable will be given for each animal, at the time the bill is paid, and no animal will be delivered except upon the production and surrender of such order. No delivery will be made on an order written by the purchaser. The superintendent is instructed to recognize orders from the office only. (10) Keeping : No charge for keeping will be made to the purchaser for any animal removed on the day of sale. But thereafter a charge of $2 a day will be made, to be paid upon delivery of the animal. This rule is rendered necessary from the fact that the stable room is needed for other horses to be sold on succeeding days. (11) Conditions: Our charge for services in making a sale is ten per cent, upon the purchase price ; no charge however to b6 less than |30. In case a sale fails through any misrepresentation on the part of the seller, ten per cent, upon the price bid will be charged, together with the expense of keeping. If the animal is passed without a bid, a charge of |30 will be made to the owner for expenses, of advertising, etc., and the same charge will be made for each animal catalogued and subsequently withdrawn. The full commission of ten per cent, will be charged upon the gross amount of the price obtained in all cases where an animal listed is sold privately prior to the sale. A charge of |1 per day will be made for the keep of each animal up to and including day of sale. (12) Telegrapli orders: Orders by mail or telegraph from responsible parties will be carefully observed, and in case of purchase, the animal will be held subject to Boston or New York draft. ^'r^^. %■?■'' 6 DeiVid H. Blaijcba^rd'?. . - #11,000 . . A A A A >TALLfi©H RACI ^P MYSTIC PARK, BOSTON, MASS., September 13, 1SQ3. Divided in Six Moneys, $5000, $2500, $1500, $1000, $600, $400. Open to all trotting stallions of the 2.12 class eligible May i, 1893. Mile heats 3 in 5 to harness. National Trotting Rules to govern, five or more to enter, three or more to start. Purse divided, $5000, $2500, $1500, ^1000, ^600, $400. ENTRANCE FEE PAYABLE AS FOLLOWS : $200 May i, $200 June i, $200 July i, ^200 August I, $200 September i. ENTRIES CLOSE AND STALLIONS TO BE NAMED MAY i. Party making entries and having paid entrance in full to SEPTEMBER i, and not being satisfied with the horse originally named, can substitute one that was eligible MAY i. Address, E>. H. BLAIVCHARD, 17 Dock Sq., Boston, Mass. BLANCHARD & FARRAR, Wilson Whiskey. J. E, Pepper Whiskey. Mt. Vernon Whiskey. Whiskey, Gin, and Brandy Cocktails Specially prepared by us trom PURE LIQUORS. . . . AND ALL LEADING BRANDS. CALIFORNIA WINES (Direct from the Vineyards). PRIVATE STOCK PUNCH. FAMILY THJIDE our SPECIALTY, 14, 15, 16, 17 Dock Sq, and 31 Faneuil Hall Sq, - - BOSTON. 7 For reference only, CONSTANTINE, 10870. The finest type of a trotting stallion yet produced. Two-year-old trial, 2:26; four-year-old record, 2:19|4:'; five-year-old record, 2:12^. Sired by WILKES BOY, 3803. Four-year-old record, 2 :24^ . At twelve years old the sire of more trotters with records better than 2 :19 than any other stallion in the world, and is the sire of the only yearling that ever beat 2 :30 in a race on a regulation track. Sire of Constantine, race record, 2:12^; St. Vincent, race record, 2:13X; Grattan, race record, 2:113^; Angelina, race record, 2:18X; Sternberg, race record, 2:18^; JSTellie A. (yearling), race record, 2:29^; Wilkes Lad (p.), race record, 2:22; Abbadone (p.), race record, 2:24; and ten othei's with records of 2:30 or better. Dam, KmCORA by MAMBRi;NrO PATCHElSr, 58. (Great brood-mare.) The dam of Sire of the dams of Ealph Wilkes, Constantine, 2:12>^; Josie 2:13j^ ; Guy Wilkes, 2:1.5>4; Houri, King, 2:291^ (the dam of Nelly 2:17; Baron Wilkes, 2:18; and 79 Aldine, trial, 2:193^); and Con- others in 2:30. stance, 2:35X. 2d dam, KITTY TEANBT by MAMBRIISO TRANBY. (Great brood-mare.) Dam of Glen Son of Mambrino Patchen, whose Wilkes (4), 2:25; Wilkes Girl, sons have sired the dams of AUer- trial, 2:35 on half-mile track. ton, 2:09i^; Axtell (3), 2:12; New York Central, 2:13^; Mary Mar- shall, 2:123^^; and many other race horses. 3d dam, BETTY BROWN by MAMBRINO PATCHEN", 58. (Great brood-mare.) Dam of Wilkes The sire of London, 2:20)4; Katie Boy, 2:24^; Anglin, 2:21)4; Middleton, 2:23; and 22 others in Belle Clay, dam of Amie King, 2:30; and the progenitor of 645 2 :22;^ ; Socratist, 2 :25 ; Macey, trotters with records of 2 :30 or 2:26;^ ; Kitty Patchen, the dam better, of Georgiana, 2 :26X ; Patchen Wilkes, 2:29^ (sire of Divan (3, p.), 2:15X; Lissa (4), 2:17; Henrico (3), 2:17^; Favora, 2:19)4', etc.); Aileen (dam of Ell erslie Wilkes, 2:28^; Lydia Wilkes, 2:27^; and St. Vin- cent, 2:1314); Kitty Tranby (dam of Glen Wilkes, 2:25; and of Kincora, dam of Con- stantine, 2:12)^). 4th dam, PICKLES by MAMBEIlSrO CHIEF, 11. Grandam of Wilkes Boy, 2:24^; Sire of the dams of Bed Wilkes, Di- sire of 18 in the 2:80 list at 12 rector, 2:17; Onward, 2:25X, etc. ; years old. grandsire of the dam of Jay Bird; and other sires 5th dam by BROWN'S BELLFOUNDER. Sire of the grandam of Belmont, sire of 41 in the 2 :30 list ; and of sons that have sired Belle Vara, 2:08^ ; Lobasco, 2 :103^ ; Cheyenne, 2:14:)(; Junemont, 2: 1 4; Pamlico, 2:16^; Manager (p), 2:0934: ; Lock- heart, 2:13; Sarcanet, 2:16^, etc. 6th dam by GREY EAGLE, Sire of the grandams of Piedmont, 2:17X; Catchfly, 2:18>i:; Paul Hacke, 2 :24>^ ; Almont Eagle, 2:27, etc. Description. — Constantine is a blood bay horse, with star and hind ankles white, 15)4 hands high, foaled in 1887, and bred by Mr. Timothy Anglin, Lexing- ton, Ky. In size, color, style, and general conformation he is as near perfection as it is possible for a horse to be, and in the combined points of superior individu- ality, high breeding, and extreme speed we believe he stands without an equal. The George Wilkes-Mambrino Patchen cross, of which Constantine is the fastest trotting representative by the records, is, without doubt, the most successful and fashionable cross among trotters. It has produced such pei'formers and race- horses as Allerton, 2:09)4:; Ralph Wilkes, 2:13>^; Guy Wilkes, 2:13)^; Baron Wilkes, 2:18; and many others, while in the stud it has given us such successful sires of early and extreme speed as Alcyone, Alcantara, Guy Wilkes, Simmons, Wilkes Boy, Barron Wilkes, etc. Since these stallions have proved and are prov- ing themselves so successful in the stud, we believe that we are justified in pre- dicting that Constantine, so much more intensely bred in the same bloodlines and with a faster record, will prove even more successful. He will make the season of 1893 at $300 the season, money due October 1st, with a free return privilege, should mare not prove in foal, for the mare bred, or any other approved mare in her place, until a live foal is obtained, provided the horse is alive and still owned by us. 9 For reference only. DON CARLOS, 2097. (Standard.) Eecord at four years, 2:23X ; 2:25; 2:23>^ ; present record, 2:23. Sire of Otis Shaw, 2 :19X ; Carldon, three-year-old record, 2 :25)4 '■, Carldon, four- year-old record, 2:22^; Alspur, 2:24>|; Carlos, 2:27; Howdy, record, 2:33, and timed separately in a race in 2 :2'7 ; Revolver (trial) 2 :2'7 ; Princess Eboli (trial) 2:27; Topsey (trial) 2:29. Sire, CUYLER CLAY, 2796. Dam, LADY ABDALLAH .... Dam of Don Carlos, 2:23; Gran- ville, 2:26; Halcyon, trial, 2:21)4 ; Argyle (sire of Lady of Lyons, 2:23^, and Fiction, 2:24X); Lady Ayres (dam of Lottie Thorne, 2 :27, and Byerly Abdallah, sire of Jerome Turner, 2:15;^). by ABDALLAH, 15 (Alex). Sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2:14; Rosa- lind, 2:2134:; Thorndale, 2:21^ (sire of Edwin Thorne, 2:16X); Major Edsall, 2:29 (sire of Robert McGregor, 2: 2:30. 17>^), and St. Elmo, 2d dam, AYRES MARE by A superior trotting mare, breeder and pedigree not traced. Description. — Don Carlos has fully demonstrated his ability to get trotters and race horses. Besides the colts mentioned above a number of others have shown their ability to obtain records of 2:30 or better. Among them is "Richball" whom Mr. John Shepard, of Boston, drove double with Arab 2:15 and could beat 2:30 whenever driven for it. " Wisteria" trotted last year in a race at ISTew London, Conn., in 2:33)^ over a poor half mile track. " Red Briar," owned by J. M. Darnaby, Muir, Ky., trotted in 2:42 as a two-year-old, and had she not met with a serious injury, would have beaten 2:30 long ago. " Celia F." trotted in 2:59 to a road cart as a yearling and can beat 2:30 whenever trained, and " Sweetmeat," full sister to Richball, that was knocked off at the Arena Building, last spring, for $150, immediately went out and won the yearling race at Marsh- field, Mass. We might go on and mention others but we think we have said enough to show that Don Carlos' colts trot and trot fast. 10 For reference only. IVANEER, 6250. Brother in blood to Sunol, 2:08>4: ; and full brother to Yeda, 2:26^4:. (Standard.) Sire, ELECTIONEER, 125. Sire of Sunol, 2j08X; Norval, 2 :14|4: ; Palo Alto, 208^; Sweet Eose (1), 2:25|^; Arion(3), 2:10>|; Advertiser (3), 2:16; Truman, 2:12; Anteeo, 2 :16X, and 124 others in 2 :30. Dam, ISMA by GEN. BEJSTTOJS', 1755. Dam of Veda, 2:26X; Ivanhoe Sire of Daley, 2:15; Sally Benton, (trial, pacing), 2:23, and has 2:17^ as a four-year-old; Bonnie, trotted quarters 35 and 36 2:25 as a four-year-old, and 15 seconds at Palo Alto. others better than 2 :30, and of the dam of Sunol, 2 :08X ; Truman, \ 2:12, and 21 others in 2:30. 2d dam, IKENE by MOHAWK CHIEF. Dam of Ira, 2:24^ and Stanford Sire of the dams of Lot Slocum, 2:26>^andg. d. of Veda, 2:26X. 2:17X; Salhe Benton, 2;17X as a four-year-old and Eros, 2:29^, and 10 others in 2 :30. 3d dam, LAUEA KEENE by HAMBLETOIS'IAjS', 10. Own sister to the dam of Alban, Sire of Dexter, 2:11% \ Nettie, 2:18, '"' 2:24; Marion^ 2:26^; Merri- and 38 others, ment, 2:26^; g. d. of Ira, 2:24>^, and Stanford, 2:26X. • 4th dam, FANNY by EXTON ECLIPSE. G. d. of Alban, 2:24; Marion, Son of American Eclipse, and sire of 2:26X, and Merriment, 2:26^. the grandam of Jay Gould, 2:20>^. 5th dam by SEAGULL. 6th dam, LADY MARVIN by YOUNG TEAVELLER. Description. — We are more than satisfied with Ivaneer as a stock horse, and believe had his colts had the opportunities of many horses' get, that as a sire, he would equal any horse of his age. His colts as yearlings have shown us a phenomenal amount of speed and pure trotting action, but they have all been sold as yearlings in this city (Boston) and we have heard of only one that has been trained. He is out of a strictly running bred mare (by Imp. Glenelg) and his owner, Mr. David H. Blanchard, Boston, Mass., writes us that he showed him a full mile last year as a two-year-old in 2:42 3^. Another filly by him out of a common vroi-k mare, showed us a 2:30 gait before she was half broken, but contracted a skin disease and had to be turned out. She is now in good condition and we expect to put her in the list this year. In fact we never heard of anyone who regretted breeding to this horse or buying one of his colts. 11 For reference only. STAMBULA, 1 1772. Trial, 2:30>^; last half in 1:12. (Standard.) Sire, STAMBOUL. Eecord 2 rOY)^. Sire of Murtha, 2:17; Sweetwater (2), 2:26; Daghestan (2), 2:25^^; ISradjy, 2:26; Kedondo (4), 2:23; Harry Winchester (:3), 2:24^, and 5 others in 2:30. Dam, CHOICE by DICTATOR. Half-sister to Coralloid, 2:13)^; Sire of Jay Eye See, 2:10 (pacing sister in blood to Phallas, 2:06X); Phallas, 2:13^; Director 2:131^:. (the sire of Directum (3), 2:11^4:; Direct, 2:05>^; Evangeline (4), 2:113^^, etc.), and the dam of Nancy Hanks, 2:04, etc. 2d dam, CORAL by CLARK CHIEF. Dam of Coralloid, 2 :133^ and Colon Sire of Croxie, 2 :19X and 5 others (the dam of Semicolon, 2 :13^ in 2 :30, and the dams of Martha and Patchmore, 2:30). Wilkes, 2:08; Phallas, 2:13|^; Miss Majolica, 2:15, etc. 3d dam, CASSIA by C. M. CLAY, JR., 22. • Dam of Caliban, 394. Rec. 2:.34. Rec. 2.35X- Sire of Harry Clay, 2.-2354r; Sire of C. F. Clay, 2:18, and 5 Durango, 2:23^, and grandsire of others in 2 :30. 32 in 2 :30. 4th dam, OLD BECK, s. t. b . . . . by a son of MARK ANTHONY. .5th dam by INSTRUCTOR, son of Yirginian. 6th dam by CHESTERYALE HORSE. 7th dam ROMULUS, son of Bacchus. Description. — Stambula's oldest colts are coming two years old, and were sold last spring in the Arena Building this city. One of his fillies, out of a mare by Pancoast, which was bought by Mr. John O' Conner, of Bromfield St., Boston, and returned to the farm to be kept and trained, trotted a half mile last fall (as a yearling), in 1:19, last quarter in thirty-seven seconds, and eighth in seventeen seconds (a 2 :16 gait). Another filly, bought and returned by the same gentleman, showed us quarters in 45 seconds. Those that remained in the east were equally as promising as these two, and if given a chance are sure to develop plenty of speed. 12 Consignment of John R. Graham. No. A. REGAL SON. Bay coll, foaled February 2, 1893. Bred by John E. Graham. BY CONSTANTINE, 10870, 2: 12>^. (See front of catalogue.) Bam, DEL KOSE by DEL SUE, 1098, 2 :24. Sister to Don Thomas, 2:20. Sire of four from 2:1034: ; sire of dam of Lady H., 2:18. 2ddam, VE3TUE by MAMBEINO PATCHED, 58. Dam of one in 2:20. Sire of 22 trotters; 39 sons with 100; 6.5 dams of 82, including 18 in 2:20. 3d dam, KATE by MAMBEINO MESSENGEE, 218. Sire of Lewinski, 2 :25i, etc. Description. — Here is the prize of the year. It is the first Constantine colt ever bred by Graham & Conley and out of one of the finest mares ever owned at Briar Hill. Eace horses of the stripe of this sire are very few, and Del Eose is sister to one of the gamest trotters that ever looked through a bridle. Here is a future champion and is a fair sample of the way Constantine breeds. Don't pass over Eegal Son if you want a sure trotter and a future grand young sire. He will be sold with his dam, No. B in this catalogue. He is the image of his sire. No. B. DEL ROSE. Full sister to Don Thomas, 2:20. Bay mare, foaled 1882. Bred by L. J. Eose. BY DEL SUR, 1098, 2:24. Sire- of 4 from 2:103^: ; sire of the dam of Lady H., 2:18. Dam, VESTUE by MAMBEINO PATCHEjST, 58. Dam of Don Thomas, 2:20. Sire of 22; 39 sons of 100; 65 dams of 18 in 2 :20, and 82 in 2 :30. 13 2d dam, KATE by MAMBEINO MESSENGER, 2 :18. Sire of Lewinski, 2:25)^. Description. — Del Rose, foaled 1882, is a bay mare, 15)4 bands bigb; bred by L. J. Rose, Los Angeles, California. Sbe is a splendid mare individually, of fine size, bandsome, and stylisb, is by a half-brotber to the phenomenal trotting- sire. Sultan, who has seventeen in the list at thirteen years of age. Then her dam is by the greatest brood-mare sire of the greatest brood-mare family, and she has two other Mambrino crosses through both grandams. Del Rose has a fine turn of speed, and her action is magnificent. At Mr. Rose's sale in Chicago, just after her arrival from California, as a two-year-old, she trotted a half in 1:17X) the last quarter in 0:37. Her son, by Constantine, shows what kind of colts she produces, and she is booked to Ralph Wilkes, Col. John E. Thayer's grand young horse, and service can be bought by her purchaser if desired. Regal Son will be sold with her. No. C. HAL ROLFE. Bay gelding, foaled 1889; bred by Graham & Conley. BT BROWN HAL, 1 6935, 2:1 2>^. Sire of Storm, 2:08>^ ; 4 in 2:20; 9 in 2:30; dam of lalene, 2:21^ ; son of Tom Hal; dam, the dam of Little Brown Jug, 2:11^, etc. Dam, BELLE ROLFE by TOM ROLFE, 306, 2. -SS^^. Sire of Sleepy Tom, 2:12^; Gem, 2 :13^ , and 5 others ; 2 speed getters ; 2 dams of speed. 2d dam, WOODSTOCK BELLE , . . by WOODSTOCK, 813. Sire of Royal John and the dam of Little Witch. 3d dam, LADY DRACO by FURMAT^'S BLACK HAWK. Dam of Draco Prince, 2:24X. Description. — Here is a pacing-bred pacing gelding that is a ready-made race horse. lie can show fast, and prior to the sale can be seen at Col. J. M. Galvin's stable at Mystic Park. A pacing mare out of Belle Rolfe is to be trained for George Haddock this year, and can beat 2:20. Graham & Conley sold Allen Lowe, 2:16j^, at their sale last year, and here is another equally fast pacer. Do not let this fellow slip out of your hands. Has Your Horse Colic? For every case of Colic, Curb, Splints, Contracted and Knotted Cords, Shoe Boils when first started, and Callous of all kinds, $100 reward if not cured, by using Tuttle's Elixir will be paid. Relieves Spavins, Ring-Bone, and Cockle Joints. Locates Lameness. Dr. S. a. Tuttle: — Have used your Elixir for sore backs, colic, sprains, horse ail, spinal meningitis, all with ^ perfect success, and would recommend it to all horse owners. Blackmer & Shepard, Lumber Dealers, 354 Albany St., Boston, Mass. Boston, July 13, 1883. Dr. S. A. Tuttle, Dear Sir : — I used your Elixk on two horses for curbs, and in ten days they were as free from the disease as on the day they were foaled. I can cheerfully recommend it as a sure cure for curbs. John F. Winch, 130 and 136 Federal St. TUTTLE'S FAMILY ELIXIR cures Rheumatism, Pneumonia, La Grippe, and all joint affections. Sample free for three 2c. stamps for postage. Sold by all Druggists. DR. S. A. TUTTLE, 4 MERRIMAG ST., BOSTON, MASS. Consignment of Graham & Conley. No. 1. RIFLE BALL. Sire, DON CARLOS, 2097. Eecord 2 :23. Sire of Otis Shaw, 2:19i^; Carldon (4), 2:22)^; Alspur, 2:243^; Carlos, 2:27. 1st dam, LADY ALMONT .... by STAR ALMONT, 6673. Sire of the dams of Bonhomie, 2:17)^; Catherine Leyburn, 2:20; Eose Leyburn, 2 :21 ; and others in 2:30. 2d dam, SARAH McDOWELL ... by BILLY G. MORGAlSr. Son of Justin Morgan, sire of "Wick, 2:26>^; Lady Lowe, 2:28; and the dam of Saul E., 2:30. 3d dam by CAPTAIN WALKER. Sire of the dams of Harry Welkes, 2:13K; Charley Friel, 2:15^; General Garfield, 2 :21 ; and 3 others in 2:30. 4th dam by TRUMPETER. 5th dam by MERCER. 6th dam by CADMUS. Description. — Chestnut colt, foaled 1892; bred at Briar Hill Farm, Lexing- ton, Ky. Good size, well proportioned, sound, and very good gaited. 15 IHlouf f}t@iq) &" Dutt© BOSTON, MASS. IMPORTERS AND RETAILERS OF PRY AND FANCY 0@@Pi Englisli, French and German China, Glass, Silverware, Clocks, Brie a brae, etc., Carpets, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Furniture, Draperies of all Kinds, Cloaks, Suits, Jewelry, Ladies' and Gents' Boots and Shoes, Confectionery, Wall Paper, Lamps, Groceries, Musical Goods, Horse Clothing and Bicycles. 16 JAflES R. HILL & CO., 34-36 Federal St., 1 31 -1 33 Congress St., BOSTON, = = = MA5S. MAKERS OF FINE CUSTOM HAND-MADE HARNESS FOR ALL PURPOSES. DEALERS IN ALL FURNISHINGS FOR THE HORSE, THE STABLE, THE CARRIAGE. TURF GOODS A SPECIALTY. Manufactory at Concord, N. H. Only Makers of '' The Concord Harness." J. R. HILL & CO., 34=36 Federal St., Opposite Hancock Building. No. 2. JUDGE RENO. (Standard.) Sire, DON CARLOS, 2097. Eecord 2 :23. Sire of Otis Shaw, 2:19)^; Carldon (4), 2:22i^; Alspur, 2:24)^; Carlos, 2:27. Dam, THORNLEAF. Standard. Full sister to Thornburg, Sire, Judge Advocate, 1263 ; sire of 2:21>^. Thornburg 2:21i^; Romulus, 2:241^; Hortense, 2. -263^; son of Messenger Duroc; sire of Elaine, 2:20; Prospero, 2:20; Charley , Champlin, 2:21^^; Dame Trot, 2:22; John D., 2:23>^; Lancelot, 2:23; and 16 others in 2:30. 2d dam, LADY RENO ...... by GENERAL GRANT. Dam of Thornburg, 2:213^, Son of Drew Horse (sii-e of Dirigo, 2:29; General McClellan, 2:29, and Stella, 2:33). 3d dam, FANTINE by DREW HORSE, 114. Sire of the dams of Midnight, 2 :183^, Iron Age, 2:19%; Volunteer Maid, 2:27; Minnie Moulton, 2:27)^; and lolanthe, 2:30. Description. — Chestnut colt, foaled 1892; bred at Briar Hill Farm, Lexing- ton, Ky. Good size, sound, shapely, and good gaited. 17 J. M. E. MORRILL, CONTBACTOK AND BUILDER OF FINE PRIVATE RESIDENCES and urge PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Also Stables for Stock Farms. 148 CENTRE ST, DORCHESTER. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. No. 3. DEY DUDLEY. (Standard.) Sire, DON CARLOS, 2097. Record 2 :23. Sire of Otis Shaw, 2:19>^; Carldon (4), 2 :22>i: ; Alspur, 2:24)^; Carlos, 2:27. Dam, IVY. Standard. Sister to the dam of Sire, Mambrino Dudley, 967; record, Carlos, 2:27. 2:19^; sire of Crescendo, 2:24; Gretna (4 yrs.), 2:22)^; and three others in 2:30, and the dams of Carlos, 2:27; Alspur, 2:24>^. 2d dam, MYRTLE ........ by CHAMPION, 807, (King's). Record 2:25io. Sister to Charley Sire of George B. Daniels, 2:24; Net- B., 2:25 (sire of 18 in the 2:30 tie Burlew, 2:24; Golden Girl, list), dam of Myrtlewood, 2. -253^; and five others in 2:30. 2:253<; g. d. of Carlos, 2:27. 3d dam OLD JANE by NIMROD. Dam of Charley B., 2 :25 (sire of 18 Son of Zeiley's Eclipse, by Ameri- in the 2 :30 list) ; Myrtle, 2 :25}4 ; can Eclipse. Maggie, 2:34 to wagon; Oneida Maid, 2:36, and Lady White- foot, 2 :48 as a four-year-old in 1861. 4th dam by MESSENGER (Dey's). Son of Liberty, by Coriander, by Imp. Messenger. Description. — Chestnut colt, foaled 1892; bred at Briar Hill Farm, Lexing- ton, Ky. Good size, strong, and stoutly made, sound, and very promising gaited. 18 SHEPARP, NORWELL & CO. 3^irz^iT)s for A\ei7. ' ■ iggv.g 4 ftf < j > w»»g » aag«M« »> w»av« i Ay ! y . ; r 500 Dozens of Short Bosom Shirts (unlaundered), open back and front. PRICE 50c. EACH. ^^^ ^^^ ^"^ ORIENT SHIRT. P-^gf^9I FITTING. NECK WEAR 5oo dozens of 4-in-hands, Princess, Ascot, Teck, Puff. AI50 B2ii735. MUSTEK HILiI. FAKM is reached from West Brookfield on Boston & Albany R. R., and from New Braintree on the Massachusetts Central. Mares met at and shipped from these stations free of charge. Best of care guaranteed while mares remain at farm, but no liability on account of accidents and escapes. For fur- ther particulars address MUSTEK HILL FARM, New Braintree, Mass., or GEO. A. LITCH- FIELD, 53 State St., Boston, Mass. No. 4. TAWNY BELLE. (Half-sister to Howdy [4], 2:33.) Sire, IVANEER, 6250. Son of Electioneer, 125. Sire of Sunol, 2:0814'; Palo Alto, 2:08^; Arion (3), 2:10%; Truman, 2:12; Norval, 2:14^; Sweet Eose (1), 2:25^; Advertiser (3), 2:16; Anteeo, 2:16>^; and 124 others in 2 :30. Dam, BROWJ^IE by SELIM. Dam of " Howdy, yearling record Son of Innis' Glencoe (Tlior). 3:011^; two-year record 2:39; four-year record 2 :33. 2d dam by AMERICAN BOY. G. d. of Howdy, 2:33. Description. — Brown filly, foaled 1892; bred at Briar Hill Stock Farm, Good size, fine shape, sound, and full of nerve and vim, with a good trotting action. No. 5. MAY SANDERS, (Standard.) Sire, STAMBULA, 11772. Trial 2 :30>^ ; half in 1 :12. Son of Stamboul, 2:07>^; sire of Murtha, 2:18; Daghestan (2), 2:25>^; Redondo (4), 2:23; Sweetwater (2), 2:26; Nadjy, 2:26; Harry Winchester (3), 2:27)^; and .5 others in 2 :30. 20 SIR WALTER, Jr., "Winner First Prize for Handsomest Trotting Stallion. Boston Horse Show, Oct., 1891. Rich Dark Chestnut, 15-3 hands high. OO ta (- (0 z < o £ u S < HAMBLETONIAN, DOUBLE CROSS. Five= S. N year=old RACE RECORD 2.18% \ To the old high ^ wheel THOROUGHBRED BLOOD. o c DO r m o 3} O (0 0) O r > -< CD r O O O From such as imp. Margrave, imp. Tranby, and the great four-mile race horse "Wagner. WiiliBinS Fdrm, JSmSICS Plains, Mass., $100 season, with Usual Return privilege. For further particulars address, WALDO T. PEIRCE, Telephone Connection. r.3 BELLEVUE ST.. BACK BAY, BOSTON, MASS. Dam, HULDA. Standard. Sire, Princeps, 536; sire of Trinket, 2:14; Guelph, 2:16)^; Greenlan- der, 2:15)^; Princeton, 2:19^; Femme Sole, 2:20; Granby, 2:19i^; Lucille' s Baby, 2:201^; Invincible (4 yrs.), 2:23; and 29 others in 2:30. by MAMBRINO PATCHEN, 58. Sire of the dams of Constantine, 2:121^: Ralph Wilkes (2), 2:18; Guy Wilkes, 2:15)^; and 71 others in 2:30. by EDWIN FOREST, 49. Sire of the dams of So-So, 2:17X; Mambrino Dudley, 2:19^; Lon- don, 2 :20>^ ; and 9 others in 2 :30, by BIRMINGHAM. Thoroughbred son of Stockholder. 2d dam, LADOGA Sister to Mambrino King, sire of Nightingale, 2:10)4'- Prince Re- gent, 2:163^; Mocking Bird, 2 -.IQX ; and 24 others in 2 :30. 3d dam, BELLE THORNTON . . . Dam of Mambrino King (sire of 27 in the 2:30 list). 4th dam, BROWN KITTY Dam of Fisk's Mambrino Chief, 2:29^ (sire of Mambrino Spar- kle, 2:17; and 4 others in 2:30). 5th dam 6th dam 7th dam Description. — Brown filly, foaled 1892; bred by Graham & Conley, Lex- ington, Ky. Good size, handsome, and well proportioned, soundi and a very promising way of going. by BERTRAND. by SUMPTER. by BUZZARD. 21 7\ rcade .StaI)Ie PERFECT VENTILATION, CLEAN FLOORS, COnPETENT ATTENDANCE. Cal)s, Carriages, &^c, AT ALL HOURS. TELEPHONE No., TREMONT 705. REAR, 1217 WASHINGTON ST., , Cieorge ^. PrencI), Prop. N. B. Horses boarded by the day, week, montb., or year. REASONABLE RATES. 22 GEO. E. CLARKE,- JVtercJ;jai;t Tailor^ 131 Court Street, BOSTON. t)atc5t Stijles. rTsivisx*st>*^ popular Prices^ No. 6. SIAMESE GIRL. (Standard.) Sire, DON CARLOS, 2097. Record 2:23. Sire of Otis Shaw, 2:191^; Carldon (4), 2;22i^; Alspur, 2 :24i^ ; Carlos, 2:27. Dam, MAY DUDLEY. Standard. Sire, Mambrino Dudley, 967; Re- cord, 2:19^; sire of Crescendo, 2:24; Gretna, 2:22)^; and others in 2:30; and the dams of Alspur, 2:241^; Carlos, 2:27, etc. 2d dam, LADY LAMBERT .... by DANIEL LAMBERT, 102. Dam of Lady Wallace, 2 :30)^. Sire of Comee, 2 :19X ; Nancy, 2:23j4'; Ella Doe, 2:23;^; and .33 others in 2:30; and the dams of Pamlico, 2:16^; Nightingale (p), 2:13>^; and 34 others in 2 :30. 3d dam . by TI BOY. Son of Vermont Black Hawk (sire of Ethan Allen, 2:25>^; and three others in 2 :30). Description. — Bay filly, foaled 1892 ; bred by Graham & Conley, Lexing- ton, Ky. Good size, finely made, and good gaited. PETERS & CALHOUN CO. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF FINE 54: & 56 SuLdbuiry Street, BOSTON. 23 (ISuropean Plan) Opposite Providence Depot, - - BOSTON. Nicely Furnished Rooms by the Day or Week. G. W. BIXBY, Proprietor. No. 7. PARTHENIA. (Standard.) Sire, STAMBULA, 1 1772. • Trial 2 :30>^ ; half in 1 :12. Son of Stamboul, 2:07)^. Sire of Murtha, 2:18; Daghestan (2), 2:25^; Kedondo (4), 2:23; Sweetwater (2), 2:26; Nadjy, 2:26; Harry Winchester (3), 2:27)^; and 5 others in 2:30. Dam, WILDBRIAE. Four-year record 2 :22^. Sire, Forrest Glencoe, son of Edwin Foi-rest; sire of the dams of So-So, 2 :173^ ; Toney Newell, 2:19}i ; Mam- brino Dudley, 2:19^; London, 2:20>^; Hermes, 2:273^; and 7 others in 2 :30. 2d Dam by AMERICAN CLAY, 34. Sire of the dams of David B. (3), 2 :19)4 ; Ambassador, 2 :2 13^; Execu- tor, 2:24)^; Ranchero, 2:243^; and 24others in2:.30. Description. — Bay filly, foaled 1892; bred by Graham & Conley, Lex- ington, Ky. Fair size, good shape, and promising gaited. A. HOITT'S SON, ^^^ He^y, Straiw a.pd Gr2iir>.^ In PACKING HAY AND STRAW CONSTANTLY ON HAND. 148 CANAL ST., Near Causeway St., BOSTON. GEO. I. HOITT. Telepbooe 2560. 24 No. 8. GENNIE BURKETT. (Standard.) Sire, DON CARLOS, 2097, Record 2:23. Sire of Otis Shaw, 2 :19>4'; Carldon (4), 2:22X ; Alspur, 2:24)^; Carlos, 2:27. Dam, GENEVE BATES by GOODWOOD, 2223. Sire of Greenwood, 2:30; etc. 2d dam, LADY BATES by YOUNG ETHAN. Eecord 2 :41. Son of Ethan Allen, 43 ; sire of the dams of 20 iji 2 :30. Description. — Bay filly, foaled 1892; bred by Graham & Conley, Lexing- ton, Ky. Extra good size, elegant shape, sound, and well gaited. F. IVERS S SON, BUILDERS OF Tbe Celebr2ited Ivers Buggy ^^T)d Ro2icl Weigop. New England Agents for TOOnEY TWO-/>\IMUTE BIK SULKY. NORTH GAMBRIBGE, MASS. 25 No. 9. INNOCENTIA. Sire, IVANEER, 6250. Son of Electioneer, 125. Sire of Sunol, 2:08X; Palo Alto, 2:083^^; Arion (3), 2:10>^; Truman, 2:12; Nor- val, 2:14^; Sweet Kose (1), 2 :2534r; Advertiser (3), 2:16; Anteeo, 2:16i|; and 124 others in 2 :30. Dam, KATE TINGLE . T • . . . . by VINDEX. Sire of the dam of Etta, 2:283^; and son of Blood's Black Hawk; sire of the dam of Almont, Jr. ; sire of 23 in 2:30. 2d dam by DARN^ABY'S MESSENGER. Son of Downing' s Bay Messenger; sire of Jim Porter, 2:28)^ (sad- dle), etc. 3d dam .' by VICTOR. Son of Downing' s Bay Messenger; sire of Jim Porter, 2 :28)^, etc. Description.— Chestnut filly, foaled April 20, 1892; bred at Briar Hill Farm, Lexington, Ky. Good size, elegant shape, fine style, and handsome, sound, and a trotting action. No. 10. TOREADOR, (Standard.) Sire, IVANEER, 6250. Son of Electioneer, 125. Sire of Sunol, 2:08>C; Palo Alto, 2 :08^^ ; Arion (3),2:10>^; Trueman, 2 :12 ; Norval, 2:143^; Sweet Rose (1), 2:251^:; Advertiser (:3), 2:16; Anteeo, 2:16>^; and 124 others in 2 :30. Dam, HURRICANE. Standard. Sire, Wedgewood, 692 ; Record 2:19; sire of Lucille, 2:143^; Favonia, 2:15; Conway (pacer), 2:18^; Con- naught, 2:18%: Malabar, 2:21^^ Connaught, 2 :24 ; Myrtlewood,, 2 :25X ; and 10 others in 2 :30. 26 2d dam, DRIYING WIND by BRIGNOLI, 77. Trial 2 :40 as a four-year-old. Eecord 2 :29^. Sire of tlie dams of King Wilkes, 2 :22X (sire of Oliver K., 2:163^^); Lady Turpin, 2:23; and 9 others in 2 :30. 3d dam, MAY QUEEN by ETHAN ALLEN, 43. Dam of May Morning, 2 :30 (dam Eecord 2 :26}4. Sire of Billy Barr, . of Revenue, 2:22i|) ; and full 2:23^; Hofspur, 2:24; Pocahontas, sister to Pocahontas, 2 :26X. 2 :26^ ; and 3 others in 2 :30. 4th dam, POCAHONTAS by CADMUS (Iron's). Pacing record 2:17>^; to wagon in Sire of Blanco (sire of Smuggler, 1855. Dam of Pocahontas, 2:15^). 2:26>^; Tom Rolfe, 2:333/^ (sire of Young Rolfe, 2:21i^); May Day (dam of Nancy, 2:23)^); May Queen (dam of May Morn- ing, 2:30) ; and Strideaway, 2:31 (sire of Pratt, 2:28). 5th dam by BIG SHAKESPEARE. 6th dam by BADGER (Probascoe's). Description. — Black colt foaled 1892, bred by Graham & Conley, Lexing- ton, Ky. Good size, sound, rangy, and good gaited. HORSE AMBULANCE STATIONED AT Boston Veterinary Hospital, 549 ALBANY, CORNER DEOHAM ST. THE FINEST ACCOMMODATIONS FOR HORSES, DOGS, and CATS. Ambulance can be had for use at any time, day or night, by calHng Tel. 992 Tremont. CALLS MADE BY EDWARD C. BICKETT, DANIEL D. LEE, WILBERT SOULE. 27 No. 11. ALMA WRIGHT. (Standard.) Sire, IVANEER, 6250. Son of Electioneer, 125. Sire of S'unol, 2:081^; Palo Alto, 2:08^; Arion(3), 2:10)^; Truman, 2:12; ISTorval, 2:143^; Sweet Rose (1), 2:25^; Advertiser (3), 2:16; Anteeo, 2:16,14; and 124 others in 2 :30. Dam by DOT^ WILKES, 2:241^. Sire of Capt. John, 2:21^; Doris, 2:29; and son of Alcyone, sire of Martha Wilkes, 2 :08, etc. 2d dam by WESTWOOD, 2363. Sire of St. Valentine, 2 :16^ : and the dams of Sweetbriar, 2 :17>^, Blanche Louise (4), 2:15)^, etc. Description.— Bay filly, foaled 1892 ; bred by Graham & Conley, Lexing- ton, Ky. Fair size, good shape, sound, and good gaited. No. 12. ALMA TADEMA. (Standard. ) Out of Katie Jackson, record (4 yrs.) 2 :2.5^. Sire, ALCANTARA, 729. Eecord 2 :23. Sire of Chronos, 2:12>^; Nightingale, 2:13)^; Bayard Wilkes, 2:15; Allen Lowe, 2:16J4; Lightning, 2:17; Autograph, 2:17; Miss Alice, 2:17^; White Locks, 2:20>^; and 48 others in 2:30; also the dams of Princess Royal (2), 2:20; Prince Regent, 2:16)^; vEgon (3), 2:18i^, and others. Dam, KATIE JACKSON . . Four-year-old record 2 :25^. . . by ALMONT, 33. Sire of Fanny Witherspoon, 2:16)^; Piedmont, 2 :17X ; Westmont (p), 2:13^; Puritan (p.), 2:16; and 34 others in 2:30; and the dams of Winslow Wilkes, 2 :09X ; Alabaster, 2 :15 ; and 58 others in 2 :30. 2d dam, FANNY s. t. b. by IRON'S CADMUS. Dam of Katie Jackson (4), 2:25^; Sire of Pocahontas (p.), 2:17^; and Petoskey, sire of Kingtoska Blanco (Sire of Smuggler), 2 :153^. (p.), 2:17; Dora Martin (3), 2:1914:; Jewell ('4), 2:221^; and 3 others in 2 :30. 3d dam s. t. b. by CADMUS. 4th dam s. t. b. by BROWN'S BELLFOUNDER. Description. — Alma Tadema is a chestnut filly, foaled 1891; bred at High- lawn Farm, Lee, Mass. Good size, sound, well proportioned, good gaited, and very speedy, and trotted a trial quarter last year, as a yearling, in forty-five seconds. 28 No. 13. ALICE CLARKE. Sire, SENTINEL WILKES, 2499. Sire of Dashwood, 2:22; Brother G., 2:25i^; Thistle Dew (3), 2:24; Western Wilkes, 2 :29^ ; and others. Dam by MAMBRINO HEEO. Son of Mambrino Patchen, 58. Sire of the dams of Constantine, 2:12^^; Crawford (p.), 2:09^; Riley Me- dium (p.), 2:10X; Guy Wilkes, 2 :153^ ; and 80 other standard per- formers. 2d dam . . . .' by HOMER, 1235. Sire of Lelah H. (4), 2:24>^; Yivian, 2:27)^; and son of Mambrino Patchenj 58; whose sons have sired the dams of Allerton, 2 :09X ; Axtell (3), 2 :12 ; St. Vincent, 2 :133^ ; • N. Y. Central, 2:13>^, etc. 3d dam by MARION (THOR). Son of Lexington, sire of the dam of Ansel, 2:20; and 3 others in 2:30; and g. d, of Jay-Eye-See, 2:06X, and 2:10; Sunol, 2:08>^, etc. Description. — Bay filly, foaled 1892, bred by W. H. Crawford, Lexington, Ky. Extra good size, and very handsome shape ; smooth and stoutly built, sound, and gaited like a trotter. No. 14. COLUMBINE. Sire, BURLESQUE, 225X. Son of Hambrino, 820. Record 2 :21X. Sire of Delmarch, 2:11>^; Hamdallah, 2:23; Wildbrino, 2:19>^; Wilkesbrino, 2:23; and 18 others in 2:30 or better. Dam, NELL by DONIPHAN. 2d dam, LUCY by DARNABY'S TOM. By Caldwell's Lexington, son of Gist's Black Hawk, by Blood's Black Ha^k. 3d dam by ASHLAND MAMBRINO. Son of Mambrino Chief. 4th dam .by SCOTT'S HIGHLANDER. 5th dam . by BELT WHIP. Description. — Bay filly, foaled April 1, 1891 ; bred by J. J. Coons, Muir, Ky. Good size, handsome and stylish, smoothly put together, sound, a very fast natural pacer, and could show a 40-gait before well broken as a yearling. 29 PETERS & CALHOUN CO., SOLE AGENTS FOR CYNTHIANA HORSE BOOTS, 54 AND 56 SUDBURY ST., BOSTON, MASS. No. 15. Sire, DON CARLOS, 2097. Kecord 2 :23. Sire of Otis Shaw, 2:19i^; Carldon (4), 2:221^; Alspur, 2:24>^; Carlos, 2:27, etc. Dam, GRACE DARLING by GOODWOOD, 2223 (trial 2 :24>^), Sire of Greenwood, 2 :30. Description. — Chestnut colt, foaled 1892; bred by Graham & Conley, Lex- ington, Ky. Good size, strong, and stoutly built, smoothly turned, sound, and very good gaited. No. 16. HEART'S EASE. (Standard.) " Sire, STAMBULA, 1 1772. Trial 2:30i^; half in 1:12. Son of Stamboul, 2:0Y>^. Sire of Murtha, 2:18; Daghestan (2), 2:25>^; Rendodo (4), 2:23; Sweetwater (2), 2:26; Nadjy, 2:26; Harry Winchester (3), 2:27^; and 5 others in 2:30. Dam, AGNES WILKES by COMMODORE WILKES, 14197. Sire of Hardshell (3), 2 :28 ; Coalburg, 2:30, etc., and son of Geo. Wilkes, 519. 2d dam by TROTTING BOY. Son of Mambrino Patchen, 58; sire of the dam of Constantine, 2 :12)^ ; Ralph Wilkes, 2 :13>^ ; Guy Wilkes, 2:15X ; and 80 others iu 2:30. 30 3d dam by MAMBEHSTO PATCHEN, 58. The sire of London, 2:20>^; and 23 others in 2:30; and the progenitor of 645 trotters with records of 2:30 and better. 4th dam .• . by BENTON'S DIOMED. 5th dam by GREY EAGLE. Description. — Brown filly, foaled May 16, 1892; bred at Briar Hill Farm. Good size, fine shape, handsome, and stylish, sound, and very promising. No. 1 7. ALLABRIVE. (Standard.) Sire, IVANEER, 6250. Son of Electioneer, 125. Sire of Sunol, 2:08^; Palo Alto, 2:083^:; Arion (3), 2:10>^; Truman, 2:12; Nerval, 2:143^; Sweet Rose (1), 2:25^; Advertiser (:3), 2:16; Anteeo, 2:16)^; and 124 others in 2 :30. Dam, LA PERLA by PILOTEER, 13595. Sire of Prize, 2:22J^, and son of Bayard, 53; sire of Kitty Bayard, 2:12)^. 2d dam, KITTY MORRILL .... by YOUNG MORRILL, 118. Out of the g. d. of Faust (;3), 2:18^. Sire of Fearnaught, 2:23^; Mattie Lyle, 2:28, and Draco, 2:28>^. 3d dam, LADY KITTREDGE .... by C. M. CLAY, Jr., 20. Dam of Claire, 2:31; dam of Faust Sire of Lady Lockwood, 2:25; Geo. (3), 2:18>^. Cooley, 2:27; Lew Sayres, 2:28^, and Harry Clay, 2 :29. Description. — Bay colt, foaled 1892; bred by Graham & Conley, Lexington, Ky. Good size, strong, and stoutly built, sound, and good gaited. No. 18. NELL JARLEY. (Standard.) Sire, DON WILKES, 4418. Record 2 :24^. Sire of Capt. John, 2:21i^, and Doris,*2:29 Son of Alcyone, 732, sire of Martha Wilkes, 2:08; McKinney, 2:12)^; Alcryon, 2:15; Bush, 2:16; Harrietta, 2:18^; lona, 2:17>^; and 27 others in 2:30. 31 Dam by VERMONT WILKES. Son of Lyle Wilkes, 4658; sire of Wood Wilkes, 2:25; Danville Wilkes, 2:27; Konantz, 2:28, etc. 2d dam The g. d. of Wildbriar (4), 2:22^. Description. — Black filly, foaled 1892 ; bred by Graham & Conley, Lexing- ton, Ky. Good size, sound, strong, and compactly built, and good gaited. 2:191. J. R. SHBDD^ 2:191. The Fastest Son of Red Wilkes in the East. Standard by Breeding. Standard by Performance. Sire, Red Wilkes (sire of Prince Wilkes, 2:1454, Phil Thompson, 2:165^, and 85 others with records of 2:30 or better). Dam, Belle Ericsson, by Ericsson (2:30^), son of Mambrino Chief; second dam by Vandal, thorough- bred son of imported Glencoe; third dam by Pilot, Jr. J. R. SHEDD has a faster trotting record than any other entire son of Red Wilkes, made in a race which he won from Aubine in Buffalo, N. Y., taking the third, fourth, and fifth heats in 2:n)l/i, 2:19^, 2:20%. He has a two-mile four-year-old record of 5:14. TERMS SlOO, with the usual return privilege. Send for catalogue and book your mares now. Address L. J. STURTEVANT, 15 Union Market, Boston, Mass. or R. M, STURTEVANT, SomerviUe, Mass. No. 19. ROSS ALLEN. Sire, ALLEN LOWE, 12279. Kecord 2:163^. Son of Alcantara, 729. Sire of Chronos, 2:12>^; Nightingale, 2:13>^; Bayard Wilkes; 2:15; Allen Lowe, 2:W%; Lightning, 2:17; Autograph, 2:17; Miss Alice, 2:17>^; White Socks, 2:20>^ ; and 48 others in 2:30. Dam by DON CARLOS, 2:23. Sire of Otis Shaw, 2:19i^; Carldon, 2:221^; Alspur, 2:24>i; Carlos, 2:27. 2d dam by JUSTIN MOEGAN, 2234. Sire of Wick, 2:26>^; Lady Lowe, 2:28; and the dam of S and E, 2:30. Description. — Bay colt, foaled 1892; bred by Graham & Conley, Lexing- ton, Ky. Good size, sound, well built, and good gaited. 32 No. 20. KATTIE PETIT. (Standard. ) Sire, DON CARLOS, 2097. Record 2 :23. Sire of Otis Sliaw, 2:19^; Carldon (4), 2:22i^; Allspur, 2:24>^; Carlos, 2:27. Dam, TOPSEY Standard. Sire, Wedgewood 692; record 2:19; sire of Lucille, 2:14^; Favonia, 2:15; Conway, 2:18^; Malabar, 2:211^; Connaught, 2:24; Myrtle- wood, 2 :25 1^ ; and 10 others in 2:30. 2d dam, TOPSEY by ETHAN ALLEN", 43. Sister to Carrie Allen, 2 :32. Record 2:2b]4. Sire of Billy Barr, 2:23%; Hotspur, 2:24; Pocahontas, 2:26^; and 3 others in 2:30; and the dams of 20 in 2 :30. 3d dam, by Dam of Carrie Allen, 2:32. Description. — Bay filly, foaled 1892 ; bred at Briar Hill Farm, Lexington, Ky. Fair size, sound and shapely, and good gaited. ADAMS & ILSLEY, Successors to John B. Baker & Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Harness, Saddlery, AND Horse Clothing. SOLID SOLE LEATHER Trunks, Valises, and Bags. 150 Tremont Street, Boston. 33 No. 21. ROSIRA. (Standard.) Sire, IVANEER, 6250. Son of Electioneer, 125. Sire of Sunol, 2:08X ; Palo Alto, 2:08^; Arion (3), 2:10^; Truman, 2:12; Norval, 2:14^; Sweet Kose (1), 2:25%; Advertiser (3), 2:16; Anteeo, 2:16i^;and 124 others in 2 :30. Dam, IRIS. Full sister to Goodwood Jr., record Sire, Goodwood, 2223; trial 2:24; sire 2:34. of Greenwood, 2:30. 2d Dam, KITTY MORRILL .... by TOUJiTG MORRILL, 118. Out of theg.d. of Faust (3), 2:18>i:- Sire of Fearnaught, 2:23: Mattie Lyle, 2:28; Draco, 2:28>^ ;' and the dams of Matchless, 2 :24% ; Volun- teer Chief, 2:29}^ ; Nelly, 2:30; and Greenwood, 2:30. 3d dam, LADY KITTRIDGE . . . . s. t. b. by C. M. CLAY, Jr., 20. The dam of Claire, 2:31, and gran- Sire of Lady Lockwood, 2:25; Geo. dam of Faust,' 2:18X at three Cooley, 2:21; Lew Sayres, 2:28%; years. and Harry Clay, 2 :29. Description. — Bay colt, foaled 1892; bred by Graham &.Conley, Lexington, Ky. Good size, well built, sound, and good gaited. No. 22. GOLDEN LIGHT. % Sire, IVANEER, 6250. . Son of Electioneer, 125. Sire of Sunol, 2:083-4"; Palo Alto, 2:08^; Arion (3), 2:10>^; Truman, 2:12; Norval, 2:14^; Sweet Rose (1), 2:25%; Advertiser (3), 2:16; Anteeo, i!:16%; and 124 others in 2 :30. Dam by HALCORN. 2d dam s. t. b. by JOHN" DILLARD. Sire of the dam of Repetition, 2:19^, and many others. Description.— Chestnut filly, foaled June 3, 1892; bred at Briar Hill Farm, Lexington, Ky. Extra good size, and nicely shaped filly, strong and stoutly built, sound, and Electioneer gaited. 34 THE STALL SULKY WHEEL, AS "USED EXCLUSIVELY IN 1892 BY THE ^ PRAY PNEUMATIC SULKY GO., CAN NOW BE OBTAINED ONLY FROM W. W. STALL, 509 TREMONT ST., BOSTON, OR HIS AUTHORIZED AGENTS. The Pray Pneumatic Sulky Co. has passed into the hands of a receiver and is now defunct, and we have no business relations of any nature at present with Mr. Pray. The Stall Wheel is the only Steel Wheel which has given satisfaction and stood up to its work, and is now used or owned by such well-known parties as James Golden, John Cheney, and John Riley, of Mystic Park ; Ed. Bithers, of Allen Stock Farm, behind Kremlin ; J. P. B. Wheelding, of Bangor ; D. G. Hatfield, of Railway, If. J., better known as " Old Hat " ; John Draper, of Brighton ; Andrew Miller, of Jf. T., connected with " Life " ; William Rogers, Bath, Me.; C. P. Drake, lewiston, Me.; John A. Sawyer, Boston ; Oscar Wolfenden, of Attleboro ; J. H. Taylor, Pennacook, X. H.; Sylvester and Gray, St. Johusbury, Vt.; E. F. Brownell, Rutland, Vt., and many others. The Stall Sulky Wheel is NOT a bicycle wheel in any pari, being made entirely for the purpose for which it is intended, and of a specially heavy line of stock. Stiff spring steel felloes, extra thick spokes, and solid bronze hubs, positively NON-RUSTING, large bearings cf finest tool steel, supplied with the celebrated GRANT BALLS, and made positively dirt and water proof by our special appliances, are among the advantages offered by us. Quality of the goods better than ever. Prices reduced to meet competition. We supply wheels alone, ready for hanging, and you can have the work done by your local smith at a reasonable price. Wheels complete with bearings and dustproof attachment, furnished with our special heavy double pneumatic tire and patent valve, each pair provided ^th repairing outfit and elegant and serviceable foot pump, $60.00 per pair. (Quality guaranteed and goods sent C. 0. D. with privilege of inspection. Address all orders and correspondence to me personally. W. W. STALL, 509 TREMONT ST., BOSTON. 35 No. 23. FRANK STANYAN. (Standard.) Sire, BLACK WILKES, 3541. Sire of Winslow Wilkes, 2:09X ; Promise, 2:25i^ ; Angelina, 2:29X- Dam, BERNICE WILKES by FAYETTE WILKES, 2036, trial 2:23^. Son of Geo. Wilkes, 519; sire of 79 in 2 :30. 2d dam, BERNICE by HAMBLETONIAN MAMBRINO, 540. Sire of Wild Rake, 2:22^; Hayden, 2 :26>2 ; and 5 otbers in 2 :30. 3d dam, MAGGIE RABBATHEN . . by MAMBRHSTO ABDALLAH, 2201. Sire of Mambrino Prince, 2:23X; Mambrino Bashaw (Sire of Mam- brino, 2:27^); and son of Mam- brino Patclien, 58. 4th dam, PATCHED LASS by TROTTING BOY. Son of Mambrino Patclien, 58. 5th dam by MAMBRINO PATCHEN, 58. Sire of the dams of Constantine, 2:12>^ ; Ralph Wilkes (2), 2:18, etc. Description. — Black colt, foaled 1892; bred by Adams & Vaughan, Lex- ington, Ky. Good size, sound, good proportion, and good gaited. His breeding is exceptionally high, being a double Wilkes cross on a double Mambrino Patchen. No. 24. FRANK PIPER. Full brother to Precieuse, yearling trial ^^ in thirty-seven seconds. (Standard.) Sire, STAMBULA, 1 1772. Trial 2:30>^ ; half in 1:12. Sonof Stamboul, 2:07>^. Sire of Murtha,''2:18; Daghestan (2), 2:25>^; Redondo (4), 2:23; Sweetwater (2), 2:26; Nadjy, 2:26; Harry Winchester (:3), 2:27>( ; and five others in 2:30. Dam, DEVOTEE. Standard. Dam of Revolver, trial Sire, Pancoast, 1489; record 2:21^; 2:27; and Pi-ecieuse (1), trial X sire of Ponce de Leon, 2:13; Gar- in thirty-seven seconds. net, 2:133^; Patron, 2:14^4^; Prodi- gal, 2:16; and 12 others in 2:30; and grandsire of Alix, (4) 2:10;Pacto- lus, 2 :1234;, etc. 36 2d dam, BELLE BOYD hj ABD ALLAH, 15. Eecord 2:45 as a three-year-old. 8ire of Goldsmith Maid, 2:14; Eosa- lind, 2:2134:; Thorndale, 2:22^4: (sire of Edwin Thorne, 2:16X) ; and 3 others in 2:30; and sire of the dams of 39 in 2 :30. 3d dam by L. I. BLACK HAWK, 24. Sire of Prince, 2 :24>^ ; and Jake Oak- ley, 2 :32i.^ to wagon in 1856. Desci'iption. — Bay colt, foaled 1892 ; bred by Graham & Conley, Lexing- son, Ky. Large size, well made, and very promising. This colt promises as well as his full sister, who is a certain trotter, and went a half last fall as a yearling in 1 :19 — quarter in 37 seconds — and we expect her to beat 2 :30 this year. No. 25. CHEVALIER BAYARD. Sire, IVANEER, 6250. Son of Electioneer, 125. Sire of Sunol, 2:0854:; Palo Alto, 2:083^; Arion (3), 2:10>^; Truman, 2:12; Nerval, 2:143^; Sweet Eos6 (1), 2:25%; Advertiser (;5), 2:16; Anteeo, 2:16X; and 124 others in 2 :30. Dam, GEEY MAC by BAIE, 1689. Son of Bayard, 53; Sire of Kitty Bayard, 2 :12X , etc. 2d dam, LADY McBETH. ..... by WILKIN'S McBETH. Son of Mambrino Chief, 11. Description.— Bay colt, foaled 1892; bred by Graham & Conley, Lexington, Ky. Good size, well put up, sound, and a very promising way of going. No. 26. COMING SON. (Standard.) Sire, ALLEN LOWE, 12279. Eecord 2 :16>^. Son of Alcantara, 729. Eecord 2:23. Sire of Chronos, 2:12^; Nightingale, 2:13^; Bayard Wilkes, 2:15; Allen Lowe, 2:16>^; Lightning, 2:17; Autograph, 2:17; Miss Ahce, 2:173^; White Socks, 2:20>^ ; and 48 others in 2:;30. Dam, BELLE EOLFE. Standard. Sire, Tom Eolfe, 306; sire of Sleepy Tom (pacer), 2:12j^; Gem (pacer), 2:13%; Young Eolfe, 2:21%; sire of Nelson, 2:10; Lady Eolfe, 2 :22 X ; Tom Eolfe, Jr., 2 :22X ; Tom Hendricks, 2:25. 37 THE LARGEST AtiD BEST JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE Trottinp" Horse Interest IN NEW ENGLAND. CIRCULATION, 26,400- READ BY ALL THE HORSEMEN. ABLY EDITED. CAREFULLY PUBLISHED. Subscription price only $2.00 per annum. ADMITTED TO BE THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. ADVERTISING RATES LOW IN PROPORTION TO CIRCULATION. Specimen Copies Sent Free on application by mail to AMERICAN HORSE BREEDER, 220 Washington St., Boston, Mass. 38 2d clam, WOODSTOCK BELLE ... by WOODSTOCK, 873. Sire of Royal John, 2:26X. 3d dam, LADY DRACO . ..... by BLACK HAWK (Furman's). Dam of Draco Prince, 2 :24X • Son of Vermont Black Hawk (sire of Ethan Allen, 2 -Myi ; and 3 others in 2:30). Description. — (Chestnut colt, foaled 1892; bred by Graham & Conley, Lex- ington, Ky. Rather small size, nice shape, sound, and compactly built, a natural pacer, with vim and nerve force enough to make a very fast one. ■ ■ ■ ^\^^f\^J ■ ■ ■ THE 5FimT OF THE HUP THE HORSEH/IN'S LE/IbINQ LOWL T/IFER. All Turf and Breeding News boiled down. The easiest reading journal in the world. PUBLISHED AT 180 WASHINGTON STREET, - - BOSTON, MASS. Terms, $2.00 per year. No. 27. LADY STANWOOD. (Standard.) Sire, STAMBULA, 1 1772. Son of Stamboul, 2:0'7>^. Sire of Murtha, 2:18; Daghestan (2), 2:25^; Redondo (4), 2:23; Sweetwater (2), 2:26; Xadjy, 2:26; Harry Winchester (;3), 2:27X ; and 5 others in 2:30. Dam by WEDGEWOOD, 2 :19. Sire of Lucille, 2:14>2; Favonia, 2:15; Conway, 2:18?<; Malabar, 2:21^; and 12 others in 2 :30. 39 2d Dam by ARBITER, 2:223^ Son of Administrator, 3.57 ; and the great Alma Mater, dam of Alcyone, Alcantara, etc. Description.— LADY STANWOOD is a brown filly, foaled 1890; bred by Mr. Winslow, Rockland, Mass., fair size, good proportion, and promising. No. 28. HULDA. (Standard.) Sire, PRINCEPS, 536. Sire of Trinket, 2:14; Greenlander, 2:15^; Guelpb, 2:1Q%; Princeton, 2:19^; Femme Sole, 2:20; Granby, 2:19^; Lucille's Baby, 2:20;^ ; Invincible (4 yrs.), 2 :23 ; and 29 others in 2 :30. Dam, LADOGA by MAMBRINO PATCHEiS^, 58. Sister to Mambrino King, sire of Sire of the dams of Ralph Wilkes Nightingale, 2 :10>^ ; Prince Re- (2), 2:18; Tr. 3 yrs., 2:13^^; Con- gent, 2:16>^; Mocking Bird, stantine, 2:12>^; Guy Wilkes, 2:16^; and 24 others in 2:30. 2:15X ; and 71 others in 2:30. 2d dam, BELLE THORNTON ... by EDWIN FORREST, 49. Dam of Mambrino King (sire of 27 Sire of the dams of So-So, 2:17X; in the 2 :30 list). Mambrino Dudley, 2 :19^ ; London, 2:20>^ ; and 9 others in 2:30. 3d dam, BROWN KITTY by BIRMINGHAM. Dam of Fisk's Mambrino Chief, Thoroughbred son of Stockholder. 2:29)4. (sire of Mambrino Sparkle, 2:17 and 4 others in 2:30). 4th dam by BERTRAND. 5th dam by SUMPTER. 6th dam by BUZZARD. PRODUCE. 1886— Missed . .' to DON CARLOS, 2:23. 1887— Missed to SULTAN, 2:24. 1888— Slipped foal to DON WILKES, 4418. 1889— Missed to DON CARLOS, 2097. 1890— Ch. f (died) by DON CARLOS, 2:23, 1891— Br. f (Viola Harding) sold . . by STAMBULA, 11772. 1892— B. f by STAMBULA, 11772. 1893— In foal to CONSTANTINE, 2:12>^ Description.— Hulda, foaled 1883, is a bay mare, 16 hands in height; bred by R. S. Yeach, Indian Hill Stock Farm, St. Mathew's, Ky. This is a magnificent mare individually, large, and justly proportioned, and as she has a rich combina- tion oi brood-mare blood, we esteem her very highly. 40 HOW ARE YOUR HORSES' TEETH? GEORGE K. PORTER, HORSE DENTIST. Horse dentistry in all its branches executed in the most skilful and humane manner. All orders promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Best of city references. Office at Snow's Combination Stables, Residence, 245 FRIEND SX., 31 BOWDOIN ST., TELEPHONE NO. 2799. BOSTON, MASS. No. 29. TOPSEY. (Standard.) Sire, WEDGEWOOD, 692. Record 2 :19. Sire of Lucille, 2 :14j4 ; Favonia, 2 :15 ; Conway, 2 :18|4f ; Malabar, 2 :21X' ; Connaugh*, 2:24; Myrtlewood, 2:2.5X- Dam, TOPSEY by ETHAN ALLEN, 43. Sister to Carrie Allen, 2;82. Record 2:25^; Sire of Billy Barr, 2:23^ ; Hotspur, 2:24; Pocahontas, 2:26^, and three others in 2:30. 2d dam by « Dam of Carrie Allen, 2:32 PKODUCE. 1889— Blk c by CHARLEY WILKES, 2 :2.5X- 1890— Slipped to DON CARLOS, record 2:23. 1891— B. f. (sold) by DON CARLOS, 2:23, 1892-^ B. f by DON CARLOS, 2:23. 1892- Bred to DON CARLOS, 2:23. Description. — Topsey, foaled 1884, is a black mare, bred by Orlando Thompkins, Lexington, Mass. A good-sized, well-formed, and nicely gaited young mare, bred right for either track or breeding purposes. Wedgewood is, without doubt, destined to prove one of the greatest trotting-sires of his genera- tion, and he is just the right kind of a horse to cross with the Ethan Allen family. Bred to Don Carlos, the result ought to be a trotter by right of inheri- tance at least. Broken to drive. 41 No. 30. THORNLEAF. (Standard.) Full sister to Tliornburg, 2:21)4. Sire, JUDGE ADVOCATE, 1263. Sire of Thornburg, 2:21>^ ; Komulus, 2:24X ; Hortense, 2:26>^. Son of Messenger Duroc. Sire of Elaine, 2:20; Prospero, 2:20; Charley Champlin, 2:21^; Dame Trot, 2:22; John D, 2:23>^ ; Lancelot, 2:23, and 16 others in 2:30. Dam LADY RENO by GEN. GRANT. Dam of Thornburg, 2:21}4 Son of Drew Horse (sire of Dirigo, 2:29; Gen. McClellan, 2:29, and Stella, 2:33). 2d dam, FANTINE by DREW HORSE, 114. Sire of the dams of Midnight, 2 :18X ; Iron Age, 2:19X ; Volunteer Maid, 2:27; Minnie Moulton, 2:27i, and lolanthe, 2:30. PEODUCE. 1888— Missed to BERMUDA, 2 :20>^. 1891— B. F. ROSELEAF by MYRTLEWOOD, 2:25X• 1892— Ch. c by DON CARLOS, 2:23. 1892— Bred to DON CARLOS, 2:23. Description. — THORNLEAF, foaled 1885, is a bay mare; bred by J. M. Littlefleld, Foxcroft, Me. This is a full sister to the fast gelding, Thornburg, 2:21)4, and should prove valuable as a brood-mare, as producing blood is so much in demand. No. 31. MISS WILLIAMS. Sire, BRYANT W. Full brother to Molly McCarthy, the great race mare. Dam by NUTWOOD, 2:18^,600. Sire of Manager (4), 2:09|4:; Lock- heart, 2:13; Nuthurst, 2:14^4: ; Nut- pine, 2:15>^ ; and 97 others in2:.30; and the dams of Arion (3), 2:10>^ ; Sabledale (2), 2 :18>^ ; and 30 others in 2 :30. 2d dam by WILLIAMSON'S BELMONT. A great road mare that trialed in Sire of Ventiire, 2:27>(; and the 2:31. dams of Nimrod, 2:19|4:; Belle Echo, 2:20; Prince, 2:233^; Bob Mason, 2 :27X j and 4 others in 2:30. Description. — Miss Williams is bay mare, with star and snip, foaled 188.5; bred by Mr. Thomas Williams, San Francisco, Cal. Fine size, very elegant con- formation, smooth, sound, and good gaited. Broken double. 42 She has two colts now in the hands of Mr. John Goldsmith, one by Guy Wilkes, 2:15)^, and the other by Sidney, 2:193^; and Mr. Goldsmith writes us that he is just breaking the latter and expects that she will make a trotter from the way she promises now. Miss Williams also has a yearling filly by Constantine, 2:12^, that is an elegant individual and very good gaited and promising. There is little doubt but what this mare will be a producing dam very soon. She is in foal to Empire Wilkes, 2 :30, which cross should prove a very happy one. Consignment of W^m. Kelley, South Boston, Mass. No. 32. MOLLY K. (Standard.) Sire, IVANEER, 6250. Son of Electioneer, 125. Sire of Sunol, 2:08X; Palo Alto, 2:08^; Arion (3), 2:10>^; Truman, 2:12; JSTorval, 2:14%'; Sweet Rose (.1), 2:25^; Advertiser (3), 2:16; Anteeo, 2:16^ ; > and 124 others in 2 :30. Dam, ROSADONNA 2d dam, BRIAR ROSE. Standard, by DON WILKES, 4418; record 2:24^|'. Sire of Capt. Jc^hn, 2 :21^ ; and Doris, 2:29; and son of Alcyone; sire of Martha Wilkes, 2:08. Sire Joe Downing, 710; sire of dam of •2 Lorene, 2:15^ ; Abe Downing, 20^; dam of Rarely, 2:24>^; 3d dam, GOODMA:?^ MARE dam of Jewess, 2:26; Dick Jami- son, 2:26; dam of Ky. Hamble- tonian, 2:27. by ERICSSON, 130. Sire of Rarely, 2:24%; Doble, 2:28; Eric, 2 :28X ; as a four-year-old, and three others in 2 :30. 4th dam by BERTRAISTD. Description. — Molly K. is a black filly, foaled April 6, 1891 ; bred by Wm. Kelly, South Boston, Mass. Fair size, nicely shaped, and a sure trotter if there ever was one; was broken as a yearling, and showed as mvich speed as any yeai'ling ever on Briar Hill Farm. When barely broken showed quarter in forty-five seconds, but went wrong soon after and was obliged to be turned out; with proper handling she is sure to develop into a very fast mare. 43 No. 33. ARENA. (Standard.) , Sire, STAMBULA, 1 1772. Trial, 2:30>^; half in 1:12. Son of Stamboul, 2:07;^. Sire of Murtlia, 2:18; Dagliestan (2), 2:25>^; Eedonda (4), 2:23; Sweetwater (2), 2:26; Nadjy, 2:26; Harry Winchester (3), 2:21}4; and 5 others in 2::W. Dam, EOSADONNA by DON WILKES, 4418; record 2 :24K. Sire of Capt. John, 2:21)^; and Doris, 2:29; and son of Alcyone, sire of Martha Wilkes, 2:08. Description. — Bay colt, foaled March 12, 1892; bred by Wni. Kelly, South Boston, Mass. Extra good size, strong, and stoutly built, sound, and very prom- ising gaited. Consignment of J. J. Coons, Muir, Ky. No. 34. KENELM. Sire, IVANEER, 6250. Son of Electioneer, 125. Sire of Sunol, 2:08X ; Palo Alto, 2:08^; Arion (3), 2:10)^; Truman, 2:12; Nerval, 2:143^:; Sweet Rose (1), 2:25^; Advertiser (3), 2:16; Anteeo, 2:16X; and 124 others in 2 :30. Dam, NEB . by FAYETTE CHIEF, 8894. Sire of King Herod, 2:16^; and sou of Mambrino King, 1279. 2d dam by SIR WESTLY, son of Washington Denmark. 3d dam by DONIPHAN. Description. — Bay colt, foaled May 8, 1892; bred at Briar Hill Farm, Lex- ington, Ky., good size, well put up, I'angy, and bloodlike, sound and very good gaited, and promising. 44 No. 35. DR. SIMMONS. , Sire, BLACK CHIEF. Son of Mambrino Chief, 11. Sire of Lady Thorn, 2:lSj4'i Woodford Mambrino, 2:21^; dam of Director, 2:17 (sire of 18 in 2:30); dam of Onward, 2:25X; sire of 65in2::30; Mam- brino Patchen, 58; sire of 24 in 2:;30; and the dams of 83 in 2::30. Dam, BEAUTY by REVEILLE, 1472. Eecord 2:21^. Sire of Rinaldo, 2:27; Revolt (:3), 2:22^; Harry Baldwin, 2 :24>^ ; Linnette, 2 :28X ; etc. 2d dam by BLACK SNAKE. Description. — Dr. Simmons is a black gelding, foaled 1889, bred by Dr. Simmons, Lexington, Ky., good size, good shape, sound and kind. Well broken to ride and drive, afraid of nothing and can show considerable speed, and will make a great road or general purpose horse. Consignment of Estate of John B. Clarke. No. 36. ELECTIONHER. Brown filly, foaled June 8, 1892. (Standard and registered, A. T. R.) BY FALLIS, 2:23. (Sire of Fal Rose and 3 others in 2:30) by Electioneer (sire of 132 from 2:08X ; 31 from 2:08X to 2 :20; 28 speed-getting sons and 24 dams of speed) ; dam Felicia, by Messenger Duroc. Dam, STARLETTE by STEELE, 1556. Steel gray mare, foaled 1888. Sire of Arago, Puritan, etc., by Startle; dam Hebe by the great Belmont. 2d dam, NELLIE WILKES .... by MAMBRINO WILKES, 2. •283^. Sire of Arthur Wilkes, 2 :19; Mischief, 2:24^; R. M. Wilkes, 2:25X, etc., by George Wilkes, 5:19, 2:22; dam by Williams' Mambrino. 45 3d dam, FANNY LYON by GENERAL LYON, 493. Sire of Eichmond, 2:26, etc. Sire of the dams of 3, by Morrill, 850. 4th dam, SHERMAN MORGAN MARE Description. — Electionher is one of the best bred fillies in New England, and, individually, is as good as her breeding. Fallis is conceded to be one of the very best sons of the great Electioneer, from whatever standpoint considered, and Electionher is a credit to her sire. She has good color, splendid size, and a trotting gait that will land her ahead of the money. She will grow to be a grand brood-mare. No better blood lines can be asked than those contained in this filly ? The blood of Electioneer, George Wilkes, Belmont, and American Star are all there, with other rich strains, in hot quantities, and, with an individual built right to propel them, there can be but one result, — a trotter and a race horse. No. 37. STARLETTE. steel-gray mare, foaled 1888; standard and registered, A. T. R. BY STEELE, 1556. Sire of Arago, 2:22>^; Puritan, 2:25, etc.; by Startle, 290; sire of Instant, 2:14)^; Majolica, 2:15, etc.; sire of Mambrino Startle, sire of Mambrino Maid, 2:15^ ; and grandsire of the world's champion five-year-old race trotter. Belle Vard, 2:083/ Dam, NELLIE WILKES 2d dam, FANNY LYON 3d dam, SHERMAN MORGAN MARE. by MAMBRINO WILKES, 2:28^. Sire of Arthur Wilkes, 2:19 (the fastest New Hampshire bred trot- ter) ; Mischief, 2 :24^ ; R. M. Wilkes, 2:25X5 6t<^- ; son of George Wilkes, 519, 2:22; dam by Williams' Mam- brino. by GENERAL LYON, 493. Sire of Richmond, 2:26, etc.; sire of dams of 3 ; by Morrill, 850. Description. — Here is a right good young mare, and a sure enough trotter if she gets the chance. The Wilkes-Belmont cross has rarely failed to produce trotters, and this particular nick has been very successful. The New Hampshire bred four-year-old, Bonner Steele, is bred just like Starlette. This colt could trot in 2:30 last fall, and was the winner last winter of a hotly contested seven heat race over the ice at Concord, N. H., against a field of agecl horses. He is one of the best gaited and gamest colts ever raised in New England, and Starlette possesses all of his nerve and vim, and, I think, will go as fast. She has never been trained, having produced a foal last year (next number in the Catalogue) and is due to foal this summer to the grand young stallion. Fire King, 17638, a fashionably bred grandson of Lord Russell, Ibrother to Maud S., 2:08^, and sire of the world's champion race stallion, Kremlin, 2 :07^. Starlette should beat 2 :30 the first season she is trained. 46 No. 38. JOLLY JINGLES. Bay colt, foaled May 25, 1892. Bred by W. H. Jones, Garfield, Vt. BY JINGLES, 14872, 2:28^. (Son of Baron Wilkes, 2:18; sire of Brava, 2:143^; Margrave (2), 2:19X, and 16 others; the champion sire of his age; dam Lamberta (a producer) by Daniel Lambert. Dam by PLOW BOY. Grandson of Morrill, 850. Sire of 8 speed getters. 2d dam s. t. b. by WOODBURY MORGAN. Son of Justin Morgan, founder of the Morgan family. Description. — Here is a colt that all lovers of Morgan horses will vrant to take a good look at. The Morgan nerve and style is all here in an individual that will make his mark on the track and road. His dam is a direct descendant of the founder of the great Morgan family, through Old Morrill, grandson of Young Bulrush Morgan, on one side, and Woodbury Morgan, son of Justin Morgan, on the other. She has been one of the toughest and speediest road- mares ever raised in Vermont, and her imprint has been indelibly placed upon this colt. Jingles, the sire of Jolly Jingles (that, by the way, is the oldest of his get) is a son of Baron Wilkes, 2:18, one of the stoutest bred and gamest race horses in the whole Wilkes family. At the age of ten years he is the sire of eighteen standard performers, including the great stake-winning two-year-old Margrave, 2:19^, and takes rank as the champion ten-year-old sire. The dam of Baron Wilkes was Belle Patchen, 2:30^, by Mambrino Patchen, and his grandam was Sally Chorister (dam of Proteine, 2 :18, Belle Brasfield, 2 :20, etc.), by Mambrino Chorister, son of Mambrino Chief. This is hot stuff, and is the kind of blood the market is paying for. Consignment of J. 'W. Ellsworth. No. 39. DOCTOR. Black gelding, foaled July 31, 1889. Bred by Walter Flagg, Worcester, Mass; owned .by J. W. Ellsworth. BY CROMWELL PRINCE. By Cronawell, 9979, 2 :36>^, the sire of Baby S, 2 :24>^ ; Cromwell, Jr., 2 :21)4 ; Bright- wood, 2:295^, and many others with records, 2:30. Dam, MORGAN MARE Pedigree not traced. Was a good, sound mare and could go in 2 :50. Description. — This is a handsome black colt with long tail; stands close to 15^ hands high, weighs about 950, good styled, speedy formed colt with best of action and lots of speed, and with a little handling will go fast; is sound and kind; broke to both single and double harness, and is worthy the attention of good horsemen. 47 No. 40. GLENBELLE. (Standard). Gray roan filly, foaled April 5, 1890. Bred and owned by J. W. Ellsworth. BY GLEN WOOD, 12403. Son of ITutwood, 600, dam, Tipsey, by Alcalde, 103. Dam, KAZETA by CASSIUS M. CLAY, Jr., 22. Dam of Silver King, 2:.38>^. Sire of 4; 10 sons with 31; 26 dams of 32. 2d dam, KATE THOMPSOjST .... by EKICSSON, 130. Dam of Eampart, 2 :36. Sire of 6; 3 speed-getting sons ; 12 dams of 13. 3d dam, LADY GOODWIN" .... by BURR'S COLUMBUS. 4th dam ' by ABDALLAH I. Description. — Roan filly; star and feather; 153^ hands high; weight, 900 pounds. Glenbelle is a superb filly individually as well as by breeding; she was hroken in her yearling form and showed quarters in 46 seconds; last year she was not used. This winter, however, she has been used to sleigh some, and shows ispeed enough to warrant the prediction that she will trot in 2:30 this year. She is beautifully gaited and an extra good road mare. Her first and second dams produced Silver King, 2:.38^, and Rampart, 2:36, respectively. She is very highly finished, stylish, and handsome, and will show for herself on day of sale. No. 41. ALCAZETA. (Standard.) Bay filly, foaled March 1.5, 1891. Bred and owned by J. W. Ellsworth. BY ALCANTARA (4), 723, 2:23. Sire of 51 from 2:12)2; 1^ speed getters; 5 dams of 1. Dam, KAZETA by CASSIUS M. CLAY, Jr., 22. Dam of Silver King, 2:38}4- Sire of 4; 10 sons with 31; 26 dams of 32. 2d dam, KATE THOMPSON" .... by ERICSSON", 130. Dam of Rampart, 2 :36. Sire of 6; 3 speed-getting sons; 12 dams of 13. 3d dam, LADY GOODWIN" .... by BURR'S COLUMBUS. 4th dam by ABDALLAH I. Description. — Small star; left hind pastern white; 15 hands high; weighs about 900 pounds ; broken the past winter. She is a typical Alcantara in every respect; very speedy and with handling will learn to go fast. She won the first premium last year at the N". E. Fair over 23 competitors. It is needless to eulo- gize on the merits of her size. Her dam, Kazeta, has produced Silver King, four- year-old race recoi-d 2:38)^; and her second dam produced Rampart, 2:36. Alcantara fillies are seldom on the market at any price, and this is a rare chance to secure a first-class one ; she is large and handsome, with the best of feet and legs, and is warranted sound. 48 No. 42. PURE WILKES FILLY. (Standard.) Brown filly, foaled April 11, 1892. Bred and owned by J. W. Ellsworth. BY PURE WILKES, 18897,2:29. Son of Eed Wilkes, the greatest son of George Wilkes; dam Purity, a great pro- ducing mare by Brignoli. Dam, KAZETA by CASSIUS M. CLAY, Jr., 22. Dam of Silver King, 2:38j4. Sire of 4; 10 sons with 31; 26 dams of 32. 2d dam, KATE THOMPSON ... by ERICCSON, 130. Dam of Rampart, 2 :36. Sire of 6; 3 speed getters; 12 dams of trotters. 3d dam, LADY GOODWLST .... by BURR'S COLUMBUS. 4th dam by ABDALLAH L Description. — Dark brown, black points; this filly is a grand individual and a well-bred one. She is finely gaited, broken to halter, and leads very fast; her sire is acknowledged one of the best sires of early speed in New England; and lier first and second dams have produced race horses ; she has good size, the best of feet and legs, and if trained will make a sure yearling stake winner next fall; perfectly straight and sound in every way. No. 43. WHIPPLE. Bay gelding, foaled May 7, 1890; bred and owned by J. W. Ellsworth. BY WHIPSTER, 13478. Son of WhipS; 13407, by Electioneer; dam, Maybird, by St. Clair, 656. Dam, FLY by RICHWOOD, 5323. Has shown a mile in 2:.34. Sire of Jennie, 2:21^; and 7 others in the list. 2d dam, VELOCIPEDE by NED SARGENT. A fast road mare. Son of Nonpareil. 3d dam Thoroughbred. Description.— Solid cherry bay ; 15>2 hands high ; weight, about 1,000 pounds. This is one of the finest young geldings that can be found. His size, gait, and conformation are all that can be desired in a gentleman's driving horse. He was broken as a yearling, and showed quarters under 50 seconds. As a two-year-old he was castrated and was not used. He has been driven the past winter to sleigh, and can now speed a 30 gait, and will trot fast this year if handled. Absolutely sound and kind in every respect. 49 No. 44. KNEELAND, (standard.) Bay colt, foaled May 1, 1892; bred by Chas. Backman, Esq.; owned by J. W. Ells- worth. BT LELAND, 1300. Sire of Geneva, 2:14, and 6 otlier race horses; by Hambletonian, 10; dam, Imogene, the dam of Arthurton. Dam, MINETTO by KENTUCKY PRINCE, 2470. Dam of Blondette, two-year-old Sire of 26 from 2 :10^ ; 10 sons with record, 2:36X. 44; 8 dams of 10. 2d dam, MINgOLA by HAMBLETONIAN, 10. Sister to Banker (sire of Bermuda, Sire of 40; 138 sons with 1182; 69 2:20.) dams of 91. 3d dam, LADY BANKER by ROE'S ABDALLAH CHIEF. Dam of Banker (sire of Bermuda, 2:20). 4th dam by SALTRAN. 5th dam Thoroughbred. Description. — Light bay; star and white hind ankles. This is a finely bred colt with rich speed inheritance, fine appearing, and good gaited; broken to halter and leads fast. His full sister, Blondette, has a two-year-old race record of 2:36Xj and last year, as a three-year-old, she showed a mile in 2:25, with repeat in 2 :243^, and this colt will be equally as fast at the same age. Consignment of John E. Thayer. No. 45. SISTER B. (Full sister to Tiny B. (3), 2:34^ ; race record, 2:26X0 Bay mare ; foaled 1890. Bred by Burlen & Finn, Union Springs, N. Y. BY CHARLEY B., 2:25. (Sire of 16 square-gaited trotters in the list) by Champion, 807; dam by Magnum Bonum. Dam, PAULINE by PRINCE IMPERIAL. Dam of Tiny B., 2:26>^; Douglas Son of Flora Temple, 2 :19^. (3),2:41>^. 50 2d dam, BECKY SHARP 3d dam, KENT MAEE .... by BILLY DENTON, 65. Son of Hambletonian, 10; dam by Exton Eclipse. He sired Jobn .Love, 2:28)4, and Captain, 2:28; two of his sons sired trotters, and his daughter produced Nino, 2 :30. .... by LONG ISLAND BLACK HAWK, 24. Son of Andrew Jackson, 4; dam Sally Miller, 2:27, by Tippoo Saib. He sired Prince, 2:24J^; Jake Oakley (wagon), 2:32^. Seven sons sired 15, and his daughters produced Lady Mack, 2:25^2, and three others. .... by ABDALLAH I. Son of Mambrino; dam Amazonia. He sired Sir Walter, 2:27, and three others; his daughters pro- duced Goldsmith Maid, 2:14, and 6 others, and his son, Hamble- tonian 10, needs no introduction. Description. — This is a sweetly gaited filly, stands 15 hands; sound and broken to single and double hai-ness. She ought to be a trotter, and as fast as her sister which is to be campaigned this year and should lower her present record. Here is a bargain for some one that can buy a mate to her. It will take a good team to beat such a pair on track or road. 4th dam Consignment of A. B. Forbes. No. 46. CALLISTE. Chestnut filly, foaled March 27, 1891. Bred by A. B. Forbes. BY CALLISTO, 10748,2:35. (Son of Alcantara; dam, Annie Page, by Daniel Lambert, 102.) Dam, LA TOSCA by WILLIAM TELL, 1692. Son of Knickerbocker, 200; dam Gossip, by Mambrino Patchen, 58, 2d dam, LADY HOE by EGBERT BONNER, 270, 2 :33. Sire of 2; 6 sons with 11; and the dams of 4. 3d dam, HOE MARE by WILSON'S SIR HENRY. 4th dam by CROCKER'S ECLIPSE. 5th dam by RED BIRD. Description. — Calliste is a chestnut filly, no white. She is perfectly sound. She has been driven double and shows better than a three-minute clip. She has been driven single a few times and is a grand roadster. 51 No. 47. VELOS. Bay gelding, foaled March 8, 1891; bred by A. B. Forbes. BY LOMBARDY, 4901. Son of Clairmont, 2420 ; dam Ballot, by Electioneer. Dam, YARA by LAEKIN", 3070. ' Son of Sir Walkill; sire of 7; dam, Anna, by Victor, 937. 2d dam, ANN AUGUSTA by UNCAS CHIEF. Son of Hambletonian, 10. 3d dam, ANNA by VICTOR. Son of Cassius M, Clay. 4th dam, LADY LARKIN by LITTLE JACK. Son of L. I. Black Hawk. 5tb dam by LONG- ISLAND BLACK HAWK. Description. — This is a dark bay, no white, of good size and perfectly sound. He has been driven double with Vardy (see next entry). Has never been handled for speed, but shows a good gait. No. 48. VARDY. Bay gelding, foaled Feb. 28, 1890; bred by A. B. Forbes. BT LOMBARDY, 4901. Son of Clairmont, 2420; dam. Ballot, by Electioneer. Dam, VARA by LARKIN, 3070. Son of Sir Walkill; sire of 7; dam, Anna, by Victor, 937. Description. — Mate to full brother, preceding entry. Dark bay gelding with black points; no white. Good size and perfectly sound. He has not been handled for speed. 52 No. 49. HIGHLARK. Chestnut colt, foaled May 22, 1892. Bred by A. B. Forbes. BY LARKIN, 3070. (Son of Sir Walkill, sire of 7; dam, Anna, by Yictor, 937.) Dam. HIATOGA BELLE by BILLY GEEEIST. Trial, 2:24X. Son of Scott's Hiatoga; sire of 9; 4 sons that have sired speed; 11 dams of 13. 2d dam by HAUDLEY'S HIATOGA. 3d dam by QUINN'S TUCKAHOE. 4th dam by INBRED CONSUL. Description. — This is a chestnut with two white hind pasterns and small strip in face. He is a natural pacer in the lot but has not been broken. No. 49 A. SYPHAX. Bay colt, foaled 1889; bred by A. B. Forbes. BY NOMINEE, 4150, 2:21 Combination of the blood lines of Goldsmith Maid, Lucy, Jay Gould, Lady Thorn, George M. Patchen, and General Knox. Dam, FAWN by ABRAHAM, 353. Three fourths sister to Ella Doe, 2 in 2:20; 7 in 2:30; dams of Hustler, 2:23i. 2:20i; Ketch, 2:18^. 2d dam, STICKNOSE by COLUMBUS, 1703. Dam of Ella Doe, 2 :23|-. , Son of Young Columbus, 95. 8d dam, GRANDAM OF ELLA DOE . by COLUMBUS, 95. Sire of 11; 6 sires of 19; 8 dams of 9. 4th dam, FANNY COOK by ABDALLAH I. Dam of Daniel Lambert and Ethan Sire of 3; 1 with 40; 7 dams of trot- Allen, ters. 5th dam by AMERICAN STAR. 6th dam ^ by RED BIRD. Son of Bishop's Hambletonian. Description. — This fellow is certainly entitled to show speed if there is any virtue in the law of heredity. A notable peculiarity in the breeding of his sire is that in four generations of his tabulated pedigree not one non-standard animal is found, thus making him nearly a thoroughbred trotter. There are very few indeed in the whole country of horses so purely bred in standard lines as is Nominee. Syphax's dam, Fawn, is three fourths sister to Ella Doe, 2:23^, and is equally speedy, but being less controllable has never taken a record. His second dam, Sticknose, is a producing mare. His fourth dam, Fanny Cook, is the dam of two producing sons. He could show one fourth in forty-five seconds as a three- year-old. He is 15i hands high, and sound. Here is a bargain. He is of good size, and a grand individual. 53 Consignment of E. C. Graves. No. 50. SEA BREEZE. (Standard.) Black filly, foaled 1888. Owned and bred by Edward C. Graves, 35 Hawkins Street, Boston, Mass. Standard bred. BY BLACKWOOD (3), 74, 2:31. (Sire of Proteine, 2:18; and 6 others in the list; 8 speed getters and 14 dams of 19), by Norman, 25; dam by Mambrino Chief, 11. Dam, EOSA, 2d by ARISTOS, 7Y1 ; 2 :2YM'- Sire of 14 in the list; 5 speed getters; dams of 3. 2d dam ROSA by BROWjST HARRY, 799. Sire of Cora F., Jennie W., and St. Elmo. Dams of Emma B. and Pearl. Description. — Black mare, with small white star, about 15^ hands, foaled April 28, 1888; partially broken single; proved kind and good gaited. She was bred as a three-year-old to Eldorado 10700 by Guy Wilkes. She foaled a fine colt last summer and was ordered bred back to the same horse, but through a misunder- standing the instructions were not carried out. Daughters of Blackwood have produced eighteen trotters in the 2:30 list and his blood is highly prized on the best stock farms in the country. In Sea Breeze this favorite brood-mare cross is backed up by Morgan blood through two of the best families of that strain, and she will prove a valuable addition to the harem of any breeder. Consignment of J. "W. Brodbine. No. 51. BILLY BIRD, 10149, 2:26^. Roan horse, foaled 1886. Property of J. W. Brodbine, Boston. BT JAY BIRD, 5060. Sire of 5060; sire of 25 trotters from 2:09^; 2 sons that have sired speed from a three-year-old in 2 :11^ ; and the dam of Courrier, 2 :30. Dam, EMMA G by ALMOISTT, 33, 2:39^. Dam of Billy Bird, 2:26X ; Molly Sire of 37, from 2:133^: 75 sons with Bird, 2:25. 269; 49 daughters with 67 from 3/ 54 2d dam, MADAM FINCH by MAWPIN'S DEENNON. Dam of Jim Finch, 2 :25 ; and a Sire of the dam of Jim Finch and a great brood-mare. producer of 2 in the list. 3d dam, MADAM FIJSTCH'S DAM . . by GENEKAL TAYLOR. Sire of General Taylor, 2d; sire of dams of 2 in the list. Description. — This grand race horse requires no commendation in New Eng- land. He has been owned, trained, and driven by an amateur who weighs two hun- dred pounds, and who does not claim to be expert. He started this horse eight time and won four first moneys. He never won a heat that he did not win the race, and he forced Huldy B. to her mark of 2:21^. Look up the Year Book on this fellow and take into consideration his chances, and you will make up your mind he is a cheap horse at any price. We sold great horses last year but here is the best race horse of the lot. Consignment of D. "W. Blanchard. No. 52. HOMERE. Chestnut horse, foaled 1885. Bred by the French Government. Description.— This imported French roadster stallion is of a bright chestnut color, stands 16 hands, and weighs 1250 pounds. Was bred by the French Government at Robour's Department of L'Orne, France, May 20, 1885. He is the finest type of the high-bred horse, being trappy-gaited as a pony, with a vigorous constitution, strong nerve, and extreme stylish action; is a perfect type of the well-known Morgan breed of horses. He not only possesses speed, courage, and endurance, and a perfect disposition, but is capable of roading twelve to fifteen miles an hour, and can trot a mile better than three minutes. He was imported for stud service only; is a sure foal getter. His colts are extra fine, and worthy of attention, a few of which are owned by Col. John E. Thayer, who can be referred to. Homere was awarded first premium at the Bay State Fair, 1889. No. 53. REFUND. Ref und,the racing thoroughbred stallion, was foaled 1885 ; color, chestnut ; stands 16 hands. Bred by R. W. Walden, Bowling Brook Stud, Maryland. By " Sensa- tion," he by " Im]). Leamington,^^ and 1st dam, " Susie Beane," by " Lexington " ; 2d, Sally Lewis," by '' Imp. Gleiicoe''; and 3d, "Motto," by " Imp. Barefoot." Befund's dam was '■'■Letty" by '■'■Imp. Australian'''' ; 2d, " Little Miss," by " Imp. Sovereign" ; 3d, "Little Mistress," by "Imp. Shamrock" ; 4th, "Glance," by " Wild Bill" ; 5th, " Grey Goose," by " Pacolet" ; 6th, " Sally Sneed," by "Imp. Buzzard"; 7tli, "Jane Hunt," by "Wade Hampton Paragon"; 8th, mare by "Imp. Figure"; 9th, "Miss Slamerkin," by " Imp. Wildare" ; 10th, "Imp. Cub Mare," by " Cub" ; 11th, " Amaranthus," dam by " Second." Description. — Refund is royally bred, good disposition, has the size and substance to make a grand stallion for stock purposes; he can carry any weight 55 and has won races in the fastest company from 5-8 mile to 1 1-2 miles. Can be fitted to race at short notice. Eefund met with an accident when a two-year-old, causing bunch on ankle, which never interfered with his racing. Would make a great stock horse to cross with trotting-mares. The story that has. been told by the infusion of these bloodlines is told in the production of Maud S., Jay-Eye- See, Martha Wilkes, Kremlin, Moquette, Greenleaf, and most of the champion harness horses. No. 54. MAGOG PRINCE, 20822. Bay colt, foaled July 15, 1890. Property of D. W. Blanchard. BY ABDALLAH WILKES, 7562, Sire of Saxon, 2:22;^, and Voleta, 2:26^. Dam, BLACK PEHSTCESS by MAMBRIIS^O PATCHEN", 58. Dam of Fred Wilkes, 2 :26X. Sire of 22; 39 sons with 100; 65 dams of 82. 2d dam, LADY BUGG ..;... by STAR DAVIS. 3d dam, LIZZIE BUGG by EPSILON^. 4th dam, COTTAGE GIRL .... Strictly thoroughbred. Description. — This is a solid colored bay of good size. Though a late foal he is of good size and shows natural ability at tlie trot. He will show for himself. He is bred exactly like Ralph Wilkes, being by a son of George Wilkes, out of a Mambrino Patchen mare ; second dam, thoroughbred. No. 55. ISONOMY. Cherry bay gelding, foaled April 9, 1889. Bred by Graham and Conley. BT IVANEER, 6250. (For full description see front of catalogue in Graham & Conley's consignment.) Dam, GOLDEX SLIPPER . . . , . by IMP. GLEISTELG, 2d dam, LITTLE KIT by STAR DAVIS, Jr. 3d dam, OLD KIT by BOSTON. Description. — This is a stylish, handsome, well-shaped colt, bred in Palo Alto style. He is a sure trotter. Hiram Woodruff drove him last fall in 2 :42, last half in 1 :19, with only a few weeks' handling. He is clever and safe for any- one to drive. This is a good one and a trotter. 56 Consignment of Payne Stock Farm, Hinsdale, Mass. For reference only. WILLIAM TELL, 1692. Brother in blood to Tribune, 2 :25i. Bay horse, foaled May 11, 1880. Owned by L. M. Payne, Hinsdale, Mass. BY KNICKERBOCKER, 200. (By Hambletonian, 10; dam, Lady Patchen, by Geo. M. Patclien.) Sire of 10 trotters; 6 speed getters; dams of Chronos, 2:12^, and 6 others. Dam, GOSSIP by MA.MBEi:NrO PATCHED, 58. Dam of Altus, 2 :30. Full brother to Lady Thorne, 2 rlSJ. Sire of 22 trotters; 39 sires of 100;. 65 dams of 82 in list. 2d dam, PKECEPTRESS by CASSIUS M. CLAY, Jk., 22, 2:35J. Sire of 4; 10 sons with 31; 26 dams of 34 from 2 :18i. 3d dam, thoroughbred , by BEKTKAND. Son of Sir Archy, by Imp. Diomed. Description, — This brother in blood to Tribune, five-year-old record 2:25J, is a dark mahogany bay, star, off hind foot white. Foaled May 11, 1880^ stands 16i hands high, weight in stud condition, 1300 lbs. William Tell was winner of the first prize at New England Fair, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 5, 1882; Pittsfield and Adams fairs, 1882 ; Pittsfield fair, 1883 ; and winners cf first prize at the National Horse Show, New York, Oct. 22, 1883, and awarded first prize at Bay State Fair, Springfield, Mass., Oct., 1888, always getting first prize wherever shown. William Tell is all that could be expected from such magnificent race- horse breeding. He is as fine a looking stallion as can be found, is a natural trotter, starts off on a trot, does not hitch or hobble, does not require boots or weights, is a fast walker, and a great road horse. He will not only sire speed, but size, and looks as well. He has never been a season out of the stud, was handled a very little one fall, and trotted over a half mile track in 2 :31i. Only two of his colts foaled at the Payne Stock Farm have been handled and but little- they trotted on a half-mile track as two-year-olds in 2:50, one of them winning a race and taking a record in 3:08|-. She was then put to breeding; the other, a stallion, has been in the stud ever since, and trotted last year a half mile in 1 :1(> as a five-year-old. 57 For reference only. HAROLD THORNE, 400. Bay horse, foaled April 10, 1885. Owned at Payne Stock Farm. BY HEPTAGON, 1230. Sire of Amboy, 2:30; Cleon, 2:22; Huntsman (4), 2:30; full brother to Hermes, 2:273^; by Harold, sire of Maud S., 2:08^, etc., by Hambletonian, 10. Dam, PHANTOM by THORNDALE, 305, 2:22i. 2d dam, LADY WORTH ..... by HAMBLETONIAN, 10. 3d dam, STEVE WURTZ, mare ... by ABD ALLAH L Description. — This horse is a handsome bay; star; hind feet white; 16 hands high ; 1200 lbs. weight. He has three Hambletonian crosses, a Mambrino Chief cross through Dolly, the dam of Thorndale, 2:22^; Onward, 2:2.ji-; and Director, 2:1*7; the sire of Direct, fastest pacing record 2 :06. No mare living or dead ever produced three such noted sons and all by different sires. Edwin For- rest sired the dam of Mambrino King, pronounced by officers of the French government to be the handsomest horse in the world. He sired Prince Regent 2:16>^; winner of the $10,000 race at Hartford in 1890; also, Nightingale, 2:18>^; winner of the same stake in 1891. Edwin Forrest sired the dam of Dr. Herr (son of Mambrino Patchen), the sire of Joe Davis, 2:17^; winner of the purse in 1885. Edwin Forrest sired the grandam of Nancy Hanks, 2 :09, winner of the five- year-old stake, beating AUerton, record 2:09J, in three straight heats in 2:12, 2:12|!(, and 2:12, the fastest three heats ever trotted, and each heat being faster than any ever before trotted in a race. Harold Thorne has five lines to Abdallah I., the sire of Hambletonian 10, the founder of the greatest trotting family. Harold Thorne made his first season in the stud when three years old, and his oldest colts are three years old in 1892. They show great promise, but like his sire, have never been trained. Harold Thorne was awarded first prize at the Bay State Fair, Boston, Mass., October, 1886; first prize at the National Horse Show, New York, November, 1886; first prize at New England Fair, Worcester, Mass., September, 1S87, and at Bay State Fair, Springfield, Mass., October, 1888. No. 56. BUSS THORNE. (Standard and registered Vol. XII.) Bay gelding, foaled May 11, 1892. Bred at Payne Farm. BY HAROLD THORNE, 400. Son of Heptagon, 1230; darn, Phantom, by Thorndale, 305. Dam, WALKILL TELL by WILLIAM TELL, 1692. Vol. VI., p. 365. By Knickerbocker, 200; dam Gossip, dam of one, by Mambrino Patchen, 58. 58 2d dam, WALKILL MAID Vol. X., p. 415. 3d dam, SALLY FEAGLES by HAMBLETONIAIS', 10. Sire of 40 from 2:17i; 138 sons with 1182; 69 dams of 89 from 2:08. by SMITH'S CLAY. Son of Cassius M. Clay, Jr. 4th dam by HICKOKY. Desci'iption. — Buss Thorne is a bay, with off fore pastern, and nigh hind ankle white, broken, and good size. He will make a fast horse. He tracks five times to Hambletonian. His grandam ("Walkill Maid), like Kremlin's, 2:07^, is by Hambletonian. She is an own sister of Dauntless, the sire of Gene Smith, 2:15)^; Thornless, 2:1.5^; Hendryx, 2:17i; Ed Annan, 2:16^. He has three Clay lines, and two Mambrino Chief Strains. All this colt wants is a chance, and he will not only trot fast, but will make a race-horse. He is sound. No. 57. DORENE. (Standard and registered Yol. XII.) Bay filly, foaled June 27, 1892, Bred at Payne Farm. BY HAROLD THORNE, 400 Son of Heptagon, 1230; dam. Phantom, by Thorndale, 305. Dam, DORA by THORN^DALE, 305. Vol. v., p. 178. Sire of 7 from 2:16i; 5 speed getters; 7 dams of 15 great race horses. 2d dam, DAUNTLESS ..... by HARRY CLAY, 45. Sire of 4 from 2:19; 9 si^eed getters; 17 dams of 29. 3d dam, DOLL by CASSIUS M. CLAY, Jk. (Coming's). 4th dam, WATSON MARE . . . . by L. I. BLACK HAWK, 24. Description. — Dorene is a bay with white between nostrils, and off hind pastern white ; broken, kind, and of good size. This filly will make a large, fine mare, and is bred in speedy lines. She traces four times to Hambletonian. Her sire dam and her dam are by Thorndale, 2 :22i; the sire of Edwin Thorne, 2:16i; Daisy Dale, 2:19^; and other fast ones. He also sired the dam of Egthorne, 2:12^. Thorndale's dam, Dolly, is the dam of Director, 2:17, the sire of Directum, three-year-old record, 2:llf; Evangehne (4), 2:11|; Margaret S., 2:12^; Guide, 2:16J; Direct, 2:0.5^. Dorene's grandam is by Harry Clay. He sired the dam of Electioneer, the sire of Arion, two-year-old record, 2: lOf; three-year-old record, 2:10|. Sound. 59 No. 58. LA TELL. (Standard and registered Yol. XII.) Black gelding, foaled May 23, 1892. Bred at Payne Farm. BY WILLIAM TELL, 1692. Son of Knickerbocker, 200; dam. Gossip, dam of Altus, by Mambrino Patchen, 58. Dam, JULIA LELAND by LELAKD,1300. Vol. 7, p. 411. Sire of Geneva, 2:14; and 6 other fast ones. 2d dam, BARONESS .by HAERT CLAY, 45. Vol. v., p. 304. See Lady Vander- Sire of 4 from 2:19; 9 speed getters; bilt. Vol. IV., p. 345. 17 dams of 29. 3d dam, THE HARPtIS MARE. (One of a fast pair brought from Canada and known in Albany as the Harris team.) Description. — La Tell is black with a large star, of good size, broken, kind, and very intelligent. He is finely bred, tracing twice to Hambletonian. Has three Clay lines. Has five lines to Abdallah, the sire of Hambletonian, and has three lines to Imp. Bellfounder, the sire of Hambletonian' s dam. He also has a Mambrino Chief strain through Mambrino Patchen, and a Star cross. The third dam of Kremlin, 2:07f, was by American Star. Leland, the sire of La Tell's dam, is the sire of Geneva, 2:14. Harry Clay, the sire of his grandam, is the sire of the dam of the great Electioneei-, the sire of 132 trotters with records f rom 2 :08J to 2 :30. Sound. No. 59. ARTHUR THORNE. (Standard and registered Vol. XII.) Bay gelding, foaled June 2, 1892. Bred at Payne Farm. BY HAROLD THORNE, 400. (Son of Heptagon, 1230; dam, Phantom, by Thorndale, 305.) Dam, AMIE TELL by WILLIAM TELL, 1692. Vol. VL, p. 194. Son of Knickerbocker, 200; dam. Gossip (dam of one), by Mambrino Patchen, 58. 2d dam, JESSIE McCONNELL ... by SEIS'ATOR, 277. Vol. v., p. 210. Dam of Favorite, Sire of Favorite, 2:30. 2:30. 60 3d dam, MAD PATCH by GEO. M. PATCHEN, 30. Vol. IL, p. 370. Sire of 4 from 2:l8i; 14 sons witb 56; 4 dams of 5. 4tli dam, PENELOPE by ABD ALLAH I. Sire of 3; 1 son with 40; 7 dams of trotters. 5th dam by MESSENGER DUROC, By Sir Duroc, he by Sir Archy, by Imp. Diomed. Description. — Arthur Thorne is a bay with a star, and off fore foot white. Large and broken. Has a splendid disposition, and will make a fine, large horse. He is bred in trotting lines to go with the best, and will have size enough for a fine family carriage horse if he does not prove a trotter. He has four lines to Hambletonian. Four Clay lines, two of them through George M. Patchen, the greatest Clay. He traces ten times to old Abdallah, the sire of Hambletonian, besides two lines to Mambrino Chief, one through Mambrino Patchen, the Chief's greatest sire, and one through Dolly, the dam of Director, 2:17, the sire of Di- rect, 2:05 J^ (pacing record). Sound. No. 60. KALEIDOSCOPE. Standard and registered, Vol. XII. Bay [filly, foaled May 2, 1892; bred at Payne Farm. BY TELESCOPE, 7500, Son of William Tell, 1692; dam, Belle Ericsson, by Mambrino Patchen, 58. Dam, WEST TELL by WILLIAM TELL, 1692. Vol. VI., p. 366. Son of Knickerbocker, 200; dam, Gossip (dam of 1), by Mambrino Patchen, 58. 2d dam, WESTON GIRL ... o. by ADMINISTRATOR, 357. Vol. IV., p. 290; dam of Tribune, Sire of 13 in list; 15 sires of 26; 29 2:25X- dams of 33 race horses. 3d dam, SCHOOL GIRL by MAMBRINO PATCHEN, 58. Sire of 22 trotters; 39 sons with 100; 65 dams of 82. 4th dam, PRECEPTRESS bv CASSIUS M. CLAY, 22. Vol. III., p. 523. Sire of 4; 10 sons with 31; 26 daugh- ters with 34. 5th dam by BERTRAND. Description. — Kaleidoscope is a bay with elongated star, white on nose, nigh hind foot white. Broken, large, and fine. Will make a large, elegant, fast carriage mare. All her ancestors are large and fine. She has four direct lines to Mambrino Patchen. Mambrino Patchen mares are the dams of Alcyone, the sire of Martha Wilkes, 2:08, Alcantara, Guy Wilkes, 2:15X, ^°d Constantine, 2:12|, and many other good ones. Telescope's dam was by Mambrino Patchen; his second dam was by Ericsson, the sire of the dam of Moquette, 2:10; his third dam was by Bob Letcher, by Medoc (the foiir-mile running horse), by American Eclipse, the winner over Henry in the great $20,000 race between the North and South. Sound. 61 No. 61. PLUMB THORNE. (Standard and registered Vol. XII.) Bay colt, foaled June 12, 1892. Bred at Payne Farm. BY HAROLD THORNE, 400. By Heptagon, 1230; dam, Phanton, by Thorndale, 305. Dam, NETTIE TELL by WILLIAM TELL, 1692. Vol. VI. p. 326. By Knickerbocker, 200; dam. Gossip (dam of 1), by Mambrino Patchen, 58. 2d dam, NETTIE PLUMMER ... by HAMBLETONIAN, 10. Vol IX., p. 528. Sire of Dexter, 2:1*7^; and 39 others; 138 sires of 1182; 69 dams of 89 from 2:08. 3d dam, COQUETTE ...... by JUPITER, 46. Sire of 5; 2 speed getters; 5 dams of 6. 4tb dam, SUFFOLK MAID . . . . by HENRY. By Sir Archy, Description. — Plumb Thorne is a bay colt with. of£ hind heel white. He, too, is large, broken, and sound. He is so nice a colt in every way that he should be kept for a stallion. He will make a large, handsome horse. He combines the blood of Harold Thorne and William Tell, both prize winners. Harold Thorne, like Kremlin, 2 :07f , is by a son of Harold. The grandams of both are by Hambletonian. The grandam of Plumb Thorne is also by Hamble- tonian. He has five direct lines to Hambletonian. Two Mambrino Chief lines, one through Mambrino Patchen, the other through Dolly, the dam of Di- rector, 2:17, the sire of Directum, 2:113^, race record as a three-year-old. He has three Clay lines, one of which comes through old George M. Patchen, the great- est Clay. His fourth dam was Suffolk Maid who trotted against Lady SuiTolk in 1838. She was by the race horse Henry, the competitor of American Eclipse in the great $20,000 race. 62 No. 62. BARONESS THORNE. (Standard and registered Yol. XII.) Bay filly, foaled May 22, 1892. Bred at Payne Farm. BY HAROLD THORNE, 400. (Son of Heptagon, 1230; dam Phantom, by Thorndale, 305. Dam, BAKONESS by HAEEY CLAY, 45. Yol. Y., p. 304. Sire of 4 from 2:19; D speed-getting sons; 17 dams of 29. ^ Harris mare a fast pole mare. Description. — Baroness Thorne is a rosewood bay with large elongated star extending over nose ; nigh fore pastern white ; nigh hind leg white and oif hind ankle white. Is broken and has a splendid disposition. Will make as nice a mare as any gentleman could wish to own. Is large, and will go fast. Harold Thorne, her sire, is by a son of Harold the same as Kremlin, 2 :07f, and this filly is out of a mare by old Harry Clay, the sire of the dam of Electioneer, the sire of 119 trotters. Sound. She combines the Hambletonian blood three times with Clay and Mambrino Chief strains. No. 63. DRIFT, 1 6290. (Altered since being registered.) Bay gelding, foaled July 21, 1891 ; bred at Payne Farm. BY WILLIAM TELL, 1692. Son of Knickerbocker, 200; dam. Gossip, dam of one in 2:30, by Mambrino Patchen, 58. Dam, DORA by THORNDALE, 305. Yol. Y., p. 178. * Sire of 7; 5 speed getters; dams of Egthorne, 2:12)^; Miss Alice, 2:17; Idavan, 2:19^, and 12 others. 2d dam, DAUNTLESS by HARRY CLAY, 45. Sire of 4 from 2:19; 9 speed getters; 17 daughters with 29. 3d dam, DOLL by C. M. CLAY, Jk. (Coming's). 4th dam, WATSON MARE . . . . by L. I. BLACK HAWK, 24. Description. — Drift is a bay .with star, near hind ankle white, and stands 1534^ hands high. Broken, and a very powerful gelding. Will make a great car- riage horse. Has splendid feet and limbs, and will go fast. He is nicely bred. Traces twice to Hambletonian, twice to Mambrino Chief, and has four Clay lines. In fact, is a Clay in build, shape, and characteristics. The Clay blood combined with Hambletonian produced George Wilkes and Electioneer. Sound. 63 No. 64. ELLA H. (Standard and registered, Yol. X, p. 451.) Roan mare, foaled May 25, 1891 ; bred at Payne Farm. BY WILLIAM TELL, 1692. Son of Knickerbocker, 200; dam, Gossip, dam of Altus, 2:30, by Mambrino Patchen. 58. Dam, JESSIE McCONNELL . . . . by SENATOR, 217. Sire of Favorite, 2 :30. 2d dam, MAD PATCH by GEO. M. PATCHEN, 30. Sire of Lucy, 2:18i, and 3 others; a speed-getting son with 12 and 14 with 66; 4 dams of 5. 3d dam, PENELOPE by ABD ALLAH I. Founder of the Hambletonian family. 4th dam by MESSENGER DUROC. Description. — Ella H. is a roan mare about 15 j{ hands high; broken. She will make a nice road horse. Has a long, fine neck and a nice disposition. Any- one fancying a nice red roan will like this mare. She is stout and hardy, and will improve with driving all the time. Sound. She traces to Hambletonian, Mam- brino Patchen, to Old George M. Patchen twice, and five times to Abdallah, the sire of Hambletonian. It will be hard to find a much better bred or a nicer one. Her grandam, like Stamboul's, is by George M. Patchen, and her great grandam, like his, is also by Abdallah. No. 65. STALACTITE. (Standard and registered, Yol. X, p. 597.) Bay mare, foaled May 8, 1891 ; bred at Payne Farm. BY WILLIAM TELL, 1692. Son of Knickerbocker, 200, out of a producing daughter of Mambrino Patchen, 58. Dam, LADY STEYENS by CHAMPION, 807. Sire of 8; 6 sons with 37; 6 dams of 7 heat winners. 2d dam by LONG ISLAND. 3d dam by BARTLETT'S TURK. 4th dam by DEY'S MESSENGER. Description. — Stalactite is a bay with elongated star, hind ankles white. Stands 15^^ hands high. Broken, and has a nice disposition. Shows speed, and will make a fine carriage mare. Is very strong and powerfully made. Her dam stands fully 16 hands, weighs 1250 lbs., and is a fine road horse. The champion mares have plenty of nerve and staying qualities. This mare will have size and quality. Sound. 64 No. 66. LODI TELL. (Staxidard and registered, Yol. X., p, 451.) Bay mare, foaled June 10, 1890; bred at Payne Farm. BY WILLIAM TELL, 1692. Dam, LODI MAID by WM. M. KYSDYK, 5703. Vol. VII., p. 438. Sire of Lady Whitefoot, 2:18i; 2 speed getters, and the dam of Myr- tle S., 2 :28X. 2d dam, POST MAKE by CHAMPIOIST, 807. Vol. v., p. 393. Sire of 8; 6 sons with 37; 6 dams of 7 race horses. 3d dam by CHANCE. by Chance, a son of thoroughbred Rattler. Description. — Lodi Tell is a bay, nigh hind pastern white. Stands 16 hands high. Broken. This is a very fine mare, and her equal in looks can hardly be found. Anyone matching her will have tbe iinest carriage team in New England. Has never been handled for speed, but will go fast. Her dam was owned by Lieutenant-Governor Weston, of Dalton, Mass., and used in his carriage team. She stood 16]4 hands high, could out-road and out-style any horse of her size, and could trot close to 2 :40 without any handling. All the stock entered by the Payne Stock Farm are sound. Should any unsoundness occur, it will be pointed out at time of sale. Consigned by J. W^, Knibbs. No. 67. PHIL BENTON. Seal brown gelding, foaled 1887. Sixteen hands, 1075 pounds. BY MAJOR BENTON, 9109. (Sire of Governor Benton, 2. -2214:; and Dick, 2:26X-) (Son of Jim Scott, 836; dam. Lady Benton, a great producer.) Dam byPHILSHERIDAlSr, 630, 2:26>^. Sire of 11; 4 speed getters and 6 dams of 7 trotters. Descriptiou. — • This is a perfect road horse, sound and kind in stable and harness; broken double and single. He is a very showy horse in harness and can trot in 2:35. He has the Benton action, is bold and free, but very easy to drive. This horse should beat 2 :30. 65 Consignment of J. Malcolm Forbes, Ponkapog, Mass. No. 68. BRIOSA. Brown filly, foaled May 6, 1892 ; bred by J. Malcolm Forbes. BY PAWNEE, 17312. Son of Stamboul, 5101, 2:08; dam, Minnehaha, dam of 5 in the list; 2 speed getters; dams of 11; 2d dam, Nettie Clay, by Cassius M. Clay, 22. Dam, EDGELINE by VICTOR VON" BISMARCK, 326. Sister to Edgemark (4), 2:16. Sire of 27 from 2:16; 4 speed-getting sons ; dams of 4. 2d dam, EDGEWATER BELLE . . . by EDGEWATER, 12730. Dam of Edgemark, 2:16. Sire of 2; dams of Edgemark, 2:16; and Wilto (3), 2:29. 3d dam, EASTER by AMERICAN CLAY, 34. Sire of 3 ; 2 speed getters ; 27 dams of 32. 4th dam, NANNIE MARDENS ... by ERICSSON, 130. Sire of 6; 3 speed-getting sons; 12 dams of trotters. '' Description. — Here is a royally bred filly, whose blood lines entitle her to a place on any farm in America. Look at the magnificent breeding of her sire, and note the producing qualities on the maternal side. There is enough Hamble- tonian 10 blood in the pedigree to almost warrant a producer of extreme speed. No. 69. CORVA. Brown colt, foaled May 13, 1892. Bred by J. Malcolm Forbes. BY PAWNEE, 17312. Son of Stamboul, .5101, 2 :08; dam, Minnehaha, dam of .5 in the list; 2 speed getters; dams of 11; 2d dam, Nettie Clay, by Cassius M. Clay, 22. Dam, TITANIA ......... by ELECTIONEER, 12.5. Sire of 120 in the list from 2:08^; 27 sons with 108; 22 dams of 24. 2ddam, EILA by DEL SUR, 1098; 2:24. Sire of 4 from 2:10^; sire of dam of Lady H., 2:18. 3d dam, EILEEN OGE by NORFOLK. 4th dam by OWEN DALE. Description. — This representative of the highest type of California breed- ing is a rare prize. Here is the Stamboul, Electioneer, Minnehaha combination, and through individuals selected for their excellence. Corva must make a grand stock hoi'se and is bred for a speed phenomenon. 66 No. 70: CRAVO. Bay colt, foaled April 24, 1892. Bred by J. Malcolm Forbes. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16, (Champion colt trotter of his age, when the mark was made.) Dam, MAGGIE SULTAN by SULTAN, 1513; 2:24. Three-year-old record, 2 :30 Sire of 28 from 2 :08 ; 6 speed getters ; dams of 7 from 2:11^. 2d dam, MAGGIE PKESCOTT ... by JIM MONEOE, 835. Public trial, 2:23j^. Sire of 8 from 2:19; 2 speed getters; 10 dams of speed from 2:10_j^. 3d dam, LAURA LOGAN by AMERICAN CLAY, 34. Dam of St. Yalentine, 2:1'J}4', Sire of 3; 2 speed getters; 37 dams Judge Hawes, 2:23; Maggie of 32. Prescott and Lubins (2), 2:39. 4th dam, PEG .by LOW'S CRUSADER. Description. — There is trot in every line of this colt's breeding and rarely is one with such a rich inheritance put on the market. He is fashionably, stoutly, " and superbly bred, and cannot fail to be a grand investment. No. 71. PANDORAS. Roan colt, foaled May 26, 1892. Bred by J. Malcolm Forbes. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2: 1 6. (Champion four-year-old stallion in his day.) Dam PANDORA by BEN FRANKLIN, 753, 2 :29. Sire of 23 from 2 :20^ ; a speed-get- ting son and the dam of Capt. Thorne (3), 2:18;^. 2d dam by DeLONG'S ETHAN ALLEN (4), 860, 243. Sire of 3 in the list; dams of 3 in the list. 3d dam by YOUNG HAWK'S EYE. Description. — With the steady rise in the value of Lambert brood-mares, this ought to make a good investment. This class of combination gave the world a Pamlico and a Jay Bird. No. 72. 67 Consignment of J. C. Otis, Bay gelding, 5 years old. Bred by M. Smith, Ionia, Mich. BY MONTGOMERY, 3512 ; 2:21X. By Inheritor, 124^; dam, Bazaar (dam of Fanny Wilkes, 2:26X ; and Effie, 2:27X), by Kentucky Chief. Dam, HANNAH by s. t. b. by son of Genknox. Description. — Broken double and single, strip in face, ankles white, is good gaited and with handling would make a fast horse. Montgomery is sire of " Cleveland S.," 2:11|^. In addition to this he is out of a mare that has put three in the list and he is a sure sire of early speed and race horse qualities. No. 73. Bay gelding, 2 years old. Bred by J. C. Otis, Norwell, Mass. BT AMERICAN LAD, 8842; 2:26^. Son of Ethan Wilkes, 6417; dam, Rarity by Messenger Bashaw; 2d dam by Lexington. Dam, JUDITH by s. t. b. MASTERLODE, 595. Sire of 23 from 2:1514: ; 12 sons with 18, and 9 dams of 10 in the list. Description. — This colt is good size, a nice bay with faint star and snip, no other white, broken single and double. He has never been handled for speed ; is well gaited enough to go along some. He will make a fine gentleman's driver, as his dam is a natural roadster of ten to twelve miles an hour on her courage and has endurance enough to do it all day. Consignment of T. E. Scanlan. No. 74. FLOWER GIRL, Bay filly, foaled 1892; bred by T. E. Scanlan. BY NORWOOD, 522. Dam, CAPER by KENTUCKY WILEIES, 2 :21X. 2d dam, MASON GIRL by ARABIAN CHIEF. Dam of Alroy, 2:23. 68 3d dam, LADY MASON by AMERICAN STAR, 14. 4th dam by COMMODORE. Description. — Flower Girl is bred for a trotter, and gives every promise of being one. She is of fair size, has a very clever way of going, and can show speed. She is bred well enough for anyone, and in producing lines. No. 75. CAPER. Bay mare, foaled May 28, 1889. Bred at Marchland Farm. BY KENTUCKY WILKES, 2:21%. Dam, MASON GIRL by ARABIAN CHIEF. Dam of Alroy, 2:23. 2d dam, LADY MASON by AMERICAN STAR, 14. Dam of a producer. 3d dam by COMMODORE. Description. — This standard bred mare out of a producer of a great race horse and sired by a getter of speed and a horse that stood the test of cam- paigning, ought to make a great brood-mare. She is of good size, well made, and ought to make a trotter. Consignment of S. C. Bailey, Ticonderoga, N. Y. No. 76. FRANKLINWOOD. Bay mare ; standard bred, BY BLACKWOOD(3), 74, 2:31. Sire of Proteine, 2 :18, and 6 others ; 7 speed getters and 14 dams of 19 in list. Dam, LADY BURNS by BEN FRANKLIN, 2:29. Four-year-old record, 2:46. Also Sire of 23 from 2:20^; 1 speed- tlie dam of New England getting son and the dam of a three- Queen, 2:32, year-old in 2:183^. 2d dam by THE HOWARD HORSE. Son of Old Blackhawk, 5. Description. — Bay mare stands 15 hands, li^ inches; sound, kind, broken single and double; can show a 2:50 gait. This lilly should jjrove to be a great brood-mare, bred as she is with Morgan and Mambrino Chief cross. Black- wood, 74, sired the dams of six new 2 :30 performers last year with a total of 19 in the list. Ben Franklin brood-mares are every day proving their ability. 69 No. 77. DOANWOOD. Black filly, foaled 1890. BY BLACKWOOD (3), 74, 2:31. (Sire of Proteine, 2:18 and 6 others; Y speed getters and dams of 19 in list.) By- Alexander's Norman, 25; dam, Kose Edwards by a grandson of Mambrino Chief, 11. Dam, DOAN MARE by COLUMBUS, 95. Dam of Dickard, 2:25. Sire of 11; 6 sons with 19; 8 dams of 9. 2d dam by VERMONT BLACK HAWK, 5. Sire of Ethan Allen, etc.; 14 sons with 23 in list; dams of Gen. Tweed and Tennessee. 3d dam by BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAN. Sire of Hambletonian, 2, sire of 3 ; 1 speed getter and the dams of 6 in the list. Description. — This is a handsome black filly, 15 hands high, broken double and single. She is nicely gaited and shows a great turn of speed. She should make a splendid brood-mare after she has been trotted a season or two. No. 78. MARGARET. Brown mare, foaled 1886. BY DANIEL LAMBERT (3), 102, 2:42. Sire of 36 trotters from 2 :19X ; 27 sons with 81 in the list and 29 daughters with 40. Dam, CALKINS MARE by BIGELOW HORSE. Half sister to the dam of Frank, Son of Black Hawk, 5, sire of, the 2 :19)4 ; 2 :08 to pole. dam of Haldome, 2 :26, sire of Halo, etc, Description. — Brown; 16 hands high; nigh hind ankle white. Bred by Samuel Root, Westport, N. Y. ; has been used exclusively for road purposes until put to breeding. One of her foals is sure to enter the 2:30 list this season. Bred to Victor Wilkes, Sept. 12. 70 No. 79. VERMONT. Bay horse, foaled 1890. BY VERMONT VOLUNTEER. Dam by GEIST'L SHERMAISr, 862. Record 2 :38 ; sire of 4 in list ; a speed- getting son, and the dams of 2. 2d dam by THE HOWARD HORSE. Son of Old Black Hawk. Description. — Bay; lo}4 hands high; broken single and double; safe for lady to drive; can show considerable speed and will make a very nice family horse. No. 80. HATTO. Bay mare; bred by H. Y. Simpson, "Worcester, Mass. ; standard and registered, BY THORNDALE, 305, 2: 22^. Sire of Edwin Thorn, 2:16X? and 6 others; 5 speed getters; dams of Miss Alice, Idavan, Dr. West, Watchword, and 10 others. Dam, GOSSIP by HARRY CLAY, 45 ; 2 :29. Sire of Clayton, 2 :19, etc. ; 9 sires of '^ 15 and 17 dams of 20. 2d dam, GERTRUDE by IMP. LAPIDIST, 4451. 3d dam, LADY MAXON^ by IMP. COlSTSTERlSrATIOlSr, 3441. 4th dam, LADY CLINTOIST .... by REVOLUTION, 2052. 5th dam, YOUNG MOGG by BILLY W. DUROC. 6th dam, OLD MOGG. Thoroughbred. Description. — Bay mare ; 15 hands, 1}4 inches high ; broken both single and double. She has a pacing record of 2:44. She was bred to Hyperion in '92, and is a regular breeder, and has proven herself a good brood-mare. She is safe for a lady to drive. She is the dam of one colt sold to A. E. Tainter of New Yoi'k, for $2,500 at a year old. Look at the royalty of her breeding for those who want grand thoroughbred backing. 71 No. 81. MAJOR. Bay gelding, foaleji May 10, 1891. Bred by J. B. Haggin, El Paso, Cal. BY ALBERT W., 2:20. Sire of Little Albert, 2:10)^; Flowing Tide, 2:14^, etc., etc. Dam, PIRATE QUEEN by BUCCANEER, 2656. Son of Iowa Chief, 528; and sire of Flight, 2:29; Shamrock (2), 2:25, etc., etc. 2d dam, ECHO QUEEN by YOUNG ECHO. Son of Echo, 462, out of Huntress, 2 :24; dam of Hidalgo, 2 :27. 3d dam, QUEEN OF HEARTS ... by SAMPSON, 276. Son of Hambletonian, 10. 4th dam, LADY CRAWFORD ... by AMERICAN STAR, 14. 5th dam, OLD LADY by HECTOR. Son of Latourette's BelKounder. Desci'iption.— Bay 15 1< hands; foaled May 10, 1891; bred by J. B. Haggin, Rancho Del Paso Farm, California. Small white mark in forehead, snip on nose; near forefoot white, off fore leg white above the pastern; branded 41 under mane; broken double and single; kind, good disposition; should trot fast if trained. This is a great bred youngster; should develop into a fast one ; he is from a first-class producing family. No. 82. BELLE OF PUTNAM. Brown mare, foaled 1888. BY LAMBERT CHIEF. Son of Daniel Lambert. Dam by GOURLEY HORSE. Son of C. W. Mitchell; sire of Help- ing Hand, 2:28, etc., etc. Description. — Brown, 16 hands high; bi-ed by Thomas Maxwell, Putnam, N". Y. Broken single and double; splendid roadster; should trot fast if trained; she is from a speed-producing family. 72 No. 83. LIZZIE H. Bay mare; foaled 1890. BY BENEFIT, 5327. Son of General Benton, sire of Sallie Benton, 2 :17)t'; the Seer, 2:193^; Lord Byron^ 2:18, etc.; dams of Sunol, 2:083^, etc., etc. Dam, GAZELLE by PEIMERS, 2 :55. Dam of Fowler boy, 2:29>^. Son of Marshall Chief, 452, out of a daughter of Yoiing Messenger. 2d dam, MAYFLY, 2:30i^ . . . . . by ST. CLAIR, 16675. Dam of Bonita (4), 2:18)4; Mecca, Sire of dams of Manzanita (4), 2:16; Gazelle, etc. Bonita (4), 2:18>^ ; Wiklflower (2), 2:21; Fred Crocker (2), 2:25X- Description. — This mare is branded J. 147, and was bred by Hon. Leland Stanford. She is broken single and double, is an elegant roadster, and is clever to saddle. A child has used her. Her breeding entitles her to be a great producer. No. 84. DANDY. Bay gelding, foaled 1886. Breeding unknown. Bred in Kentucky and is about ^ thoroughbred. Description. — Bay, 15)^ hands high; broken single and double; cheer- ful, pleasant driver, and one of the finest saddle horses in the country. Should make a great all around horse for any gentleman. No. 85. BONEY. Bay horse ; bred by John Root, Benson, Yt. BY BONIFIED. (I. V. BAKER'S HORSE.) Dam by BAY LAMBERT. 2d dam by THE HOWARD HORSE. He by Old Black Hawk. Description. — Bay stands lo}i hands; very stylish, great knee actor; broken single and double, and can show a great deal of speed. If handled should make a fast horse. Foaled in 1890. 73 No. 86. MYRON. Sorrel horse, foaled 1886. One of pair. BY . ARISTOS, 271, 2:27|C. Sire of 14; 5 speed getters and dams of 3. Dam by BAY COLUMBUS. 2d dam ; . . by SHEKMAN'S BLACK HAWK. Description. — Sorrel horse, 16J>^ hands high, two white ankles behind; foaled in 1886; sired by Aristos (2:27), out of the dam of Toby by Daniel Lambert (2:32). Broken single and double, perfectly sound, kind, safe for a lady to drive; and can show a three-minute gait single. No. 87. DANDY. Sorrel horse, foaled 1887. One of pair. BY BOSAR. By Hambletonian. Dam by BAY LAMBERT. Son of Daniel Lambert. 2d dam by OLD COLUMBUS. Description. — Sorrel horse, two white ankles and white face. Foaled in 1887; broken single and double, perfectly sound, and kind, and fearless every way. Can show a three-minute gait single. No. 88. RUTH. Bay mare, foaled 1889. BY BLACKWOOD (3), 74, 2:26. (Sire of Proteine, 2:18; and 6 others; 7 speed getters and dams of 19 in list.) By Alexander's Norman, 25; dam, Rose Edwards, by grandson of Mambrino Chief, 11. Dam, ALPEAlSr ^ . by MONTELLO, 1900. 2d dam, THE DOAN MARE .... by COLUMBUS, 95. Dam of Dickard (2:25). Sire of 11; 6 speed-getting sons and dams of 9. 74 3d dam by BLACK HAWK, 5. Sire of 4 ; 14 sons with. 23 ; dams of 20, 4tlidam by BISHOP'S HAMBLETOJSTI AN. Description. — Bay mare, stands 15 bands 1)4, incbes; broken single and double, is a little inclined to pace. Foaled in 1889, showed a mile in 2:50 as a two- year-old over tbe ice. She won second money in the two-year-old race on Lake George. She was bred the next year (1892), but did not prove with foal. This is a very promising filly and from her breeding and her individuality should make a race horse. No. 89. ALPEAN. Chestnut mare, standard and registered ; foaled 1886. BY MONTELLO, 1900. Dam, DOAN MAKE -by BAT COLUMBUS, 95. Dam of Dickard, 2:25. Sire of 11; 6 speed-getting sons and dams of 9. 2d dam by OLD BLACK HAWK. Sire of 4; 14 sons with 23; dams of 20. 3d dam by BISHOP'S HAMBLETONIAJST. Description. — ^ Fifteen % hands; broken single and double; never has been worked any for speed; has been in the stud since she was two years old; should make a very fast mare if trained, and was stinted to a son of Guy Wilkes last year. Consignment of J. W. Matthewson. No. 90. SPONSOR, 11712. Bay colt, foaled March 29, 1889. Bred by M. L. Hare, Indianapolis. BT HAMBRINO, 820, 2:21X. Sire of Delmarch, 2:11}^; and 19 others; 4 great speed getters; 9 dams of 12 including one dam of 2 and one of 3 in the list. Dam, FASHION by CUETIS HAMBLETONIAN, 539. Dam of Pomona, 2:25; Gladstone, Sire of 4 in the list; 4 speed-getting 2:28X; Belle Ure, 2:29^; sons; and dams of 4. 75 3d dam, PICCOLI by MAMBRINO CHIEF, 11. Sire of 6 from 2:18>i^; 23 sires of 92; 17 dams of 24. 3d dam . . , by OLD GREY EAGLE. Description. — ■ Sponsor is a natural trotter and one of the handsomest stallions ever raised. He is full brother to Pomona, 2:25; Gladstone, 2:28X; Belle Ure, 2 :28X • You will see by his breeding he combines the blood of Ham- bletonian and Mambrino Chief with his dam Fashion. In the great brood-mare list he should make a sire of race horses of the highest order. Sponsor has never been worked for speed, but with the pure trotting action he possesses and his elegant bloodlines, he will beat '30 with very little handling. He is a colt of magnificent conformation, well coupled, good bone and great style. Hambrino is everywhere known and acknowledged to be a most prepotent sire of speed and stamina. He has 24 in the 2:30 list; including Delmarch, 2:111-; has 4 sons that have sired 22 2:30 performers; has 6 daughters that are the dams of 8 2 :30 performers, two of them being great brood-mares. Hambrino will this season far surpass all he has ever done. No. 91. SETH CLOVER. Geldmg colt, foaled July 31, 188Y. Bred by G. C. Dempsey, Springboro, Pa. / BY BIGAROON. Sire of Bigaroon, Jr., Florence J., Bertha, Pete Reed, Begota, Terry Barton, and other money-earners. (Son of Imp. Bonnie Scotland; dam, Laura Bruce, the great four-miler, through which mare he is inbred.) Dam, BELLE D. ........ by BELMOXT. Sold to Governor Stafford for Sire of Irene, Bomessia, Blossly, $7,500. etc. (son of Lexington)* dam by a son of Boston. 2d dam, INFALLIBLE by LIGHTNING. Dam of Belle D. Son of Lexington. 3d dam, LAURA BRUCE by STAR DAYIS. 4thdam,ALlDA . by BUFORD. 5th dam, SARPUSETTE by IMP. SARPEDON. 6th dam, SUSETTE by ARATUS. 7th dam, JENNIE COCKRACY ... by POTOMAC. 8th dam by IMP. SALTRAM. Description. — Bigaroon met, as a four-year-old, such good ones as Nelly- Bush, Romance, Regent, Spendrift, Molly Cad, Lady Ida, Belle Mahone, Boaster, Jim Conner, Bob Craig, Sabina, and the great Morlachi, and defeated them with, perfect ease, stamping him as one of Bonnie's best sons. 76 Consignment of Z. E. Simmons, Lexington, Ky. No. 92. PRINCE SIMMONS, 20559. Br. c, foaled 1892; bred at "Wilkes Lodge. BY SIMMONS, 2744, 2:28. Sire of Greenleaf, 2:10i; New York Central, 2:13^; Coralloid, 2:14^, and 26 other race horses; 3 speed getters; only 14 years old; son of George Wilkes; dam, Black Jane, dam of Eosa, 2 :18i, by Mambrino Patchen, 58. Dam, PKINCESS BENE by KIjSTG BENE, 1278, 2 :30i. Sire of Sarcanett, 2 :16i, and 21 others; 8 sires of 10, and 5 dams of 1 heat winners. 2d dam, POLLY PATCHEIS]' .... by MAMBBUSTO PATCHElSr, 58. Sire of 22; 39 sons with 100; 65 dams of 82 from 2:09^. 3d dam, MABIA BAENES .... by BYLATSTD, 3580. Sire of Blanche demons, 2 :27i. 4th dam by HOWABD'S ABDALLAH. Son of Abdallah, 15. Description. — This is a fine looking colt, and is bred to go fast. He has not been broken, but shows great speed in the lot, and is good gaited. He has the best kind of a disposition. No. 93. KATY F. Bay filly, foaled June 26, 1892; bred by Z. E. Simmons, Wilkes Lodge. BY FLORIDA, 482. Sire of 4 in 2:20; 12 trotters in 2:30; 7 sons that have bred on and sired speed. Dam, KATY K by GEOBGE WILKES, 519, 2:22. Sire of 78; 13 in 2:20; 83 sons with 792; 51 dams of 65 from 2:11^. 2d dam . o . . . . by LEXINGTON. Sire of the dams of 4; 3 speed get- ters ; dams of 3 getters of 15 ; dams of the producers of Jay-Eye-See, Sunol, and 8 others. Description. — This is a handsome bay filly, with near hind pastern white. That she shows a grand and speedy way of going cannot be wondered at from her breeding. Fillies out of George Wilkes mares are too good goods to need praise, especially when by such a horse as Florida. 77 No. 94. BONNIE. Ch. f., foaled May 4, 1892; bred by Z. E. Simmons, Wilkes Lodge. BY BONNIE McGregor, STTS; 2:13)^. Sire of Ethel B., 2:191; Adelaide McGregor (2), 2:20i; Bonnie Mack, 2:20^, and Burt, 2:26i. Dam, NELLIE WILKES by ABDALLAH WILKES, 7562. Half sister to Navarro, 2 :263^. Sire of Saxon, 2 :22>^, and Voleta, 2:26^. 2d dam, NELLY G by ELECTIONEER, 125. Dam of Navarro, 2:26^. Sire of 120 in the list; 27 sons with 106; 22 daughters with 24. 3d dam by PRINCE OF ORANGE. Son of Hambletonian, 157. 4th dam by MAMBRINO PAYMASTER. Desct-iption. — • This filly has a strip in face with hind ankles white, and is a sure trotter. She combines the blood of Robert McGregor, George Wilkes, and Electioneer, backed up by the brood-mare elements of the Mambrinos. It is pro- ducing lines, also, and her second dam was the dam of Navarro. No. 95. AMY G. Bay filly, foaled April 30, 1892 ; bred by Z. E. Simmons, Wilkes Lodge. BY ALFRED G., 12452, 2:19^. Son of Anteeo, 7868 ; dam, Rosa B, Speculation, 928. Dam, FEDIE by FERGUSON, 8015. Sire of 8 from 2:11>^ ; son of George Wilkes ; dam, the dam of Favorita, 2:25^. 2d dam, FIDORA . . s. t. b. by HAMBLETONIAN, 10. Sire of 40; 138 sons with 1182; 69 dams of 89. 3d dam s. t. b. by BATHGATE'S NORMAN. , Description. — This filly has a star and nigh hind pastern white. She is good gaited, has an excellent disposition, and though not broken shows an ex- cellent way of going. Here is the blood of Electioneer and George Wilkes through two great lines. 78 No. 96. FLOBERT. Bay colt, foaled July 18, 1892; bred at Wilkes Lodge. BY FLORIDA, 482. Sire of 4 in 2:20; 12 in 2:30; 7 sires of speed. Dam, HATTIE D by WOODWAHD'S ETHAN. Son of Ethan Allen. 2d dam, MAGGIE by DANIEL LAMBEET, 102. Sire of 36; 27 sires of 81; 29 dams of 40. 3d dam by WALKILL CHIEF, 330. Sire of 2 in 2:18; 5 in 2:30; 9 sires of 12; 5 dams of 5. Description. — This colt is a bay with hind pasterns white, and is as finely gaited as any ever bred at Wilkes Lodge. He is a natural trotter, and goes as if, when broken, he would make a race horse. No. 97. WONDA. Bay filly, foaled April 6, 1892; bred by Z. E. Simmons. BY WILLIAM L., 4244. Sire of Axtell, 2:12 at 3 years; Emperor Wilkes, 2:20^, and Alexis, 2:18; 1 sire of 2 colt trotters, and the dam of Winks, 2 :283^. Dam, LIZZIE TREACEY by GEORGE WILKES, 519, 2:22. Sister to Nelly L., 2:23^^. Sire of 78; 13 in 20; 83 sons with 792; 51 dams of 65 from 2:11J^. 2d dam, LADY OAKS by GILL'S VERMONT, 104. Dam of Nelly L., 2:23>£. Sire of Bonner Boy, 2:23; 1 speed getter; 10 dams of 12. 3d- dam, KATE HUNTER by KING AID'S St. LAWRENCE. 4th dam, BRENDA by THOROUGHBRED. Description. — This is a bay filly, with white face and near hind pastern white. She is broken, and shows an excellent way of going, and speed. She is an inbred Wilkes, and ought to be a fast trotter. 79 Consignment of Albion Towle. No. 98. ZENOBIA. Ch. m., foaled 1885; full sister to El Capitan, 2:20|. BY ALCANTARA (4), 729, 2:23. Sire of 51 from 2:12^; 12 sons with lY in the list; 5 dams of Y great race horses. Dam, PIEDMONT MAID by PIEDMONT, 904, 2 ilTJ. Dam of El Capitan, 2:20^. Sire of 13from2:18i; a speed getter, and 5 dams of 7. 2d dam, MINNEHAHA . ' by HAMBLETONIAN, 10. Sire of 40 from 2:17i; 138 sons with 1182; 69 dams of 87 in the list. 3d dam by BELLFOUNDER. Description. — This full sister to the fast young horse and sire of early speed, El Capitan, is a good one. She is fine, showy, and her breeding warrants her to be fast and a producer of extreme speed. She has never been handled, but shows great speed to halter. She has been bred to the great Ralph Wilkes, 2:18, at two years old, and the result ought to make a champion. No. 99. ETTA WILKES. Chestnut mare, foaled 1883. Bred by J. P. McCann, Lexington, Ky. BY RED WILKES (4), 1749, 2:40. Sire of 79 from 2:11)^; 18 sires of 30, and 13 mares that have produced 16. Dam, LIZZIE by HARRODSBURG BOY. Dam of Etta Wilkes, 2:27^ and Sire of a great producer, of the dam Red Mack, 2 :27%. of Donald McKay and Pansy Blossom. 2d dam, MOLLY BERRY by BOURBON CHIEF, 383. Dam of a great brood-mare. Sire of Calmar, 2 :22 ; one speed getter and the dams of 7. 3d dam by VERMONT, 104. Sire of 1; 1 speed getter; 10 dams of 12. 4th dam . s. t. b. by GREY EAGLE (Boner's). Description. — Here is a prize and a race mare of more than ordinary merit. She was out in 1892 and every one has a chance to know that she was a game and speedy trotter. Her breeding is of the kind that produces bread winners and such a mare is cheap at any money. Tlie owner prefers to leave her to the buyers, and expects that such a good one will be looked over by men of judgment and means. 80 No. 1 00. J. ALBA, 2:34^. Black horse, foaled 1887. Owned by Albion Towle. BY GLEN KNOX. Son of Howe's Bismark. A trotting-bred mare brought from Kentucky whose pedigree has not been traced. Description. — This horse stands 16 hands and weighs 1050 pounds; pure gaited and kind disposition. He has the best of limbs, flat and cordy — perfectly smooth without a pimple on him. He was tracked but a short time last season, and was timed separately in 2 :27i. With proper handling can trot this season in 2:20. He is second to no gentleman's horse. Consignment of Col. H. S. Russell. No. 101. SCOTT. Bay gelding, foaled March 4, 1891. Bred by H. S. Russell, Milton, Mass. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. (Champion colt trotter of his day; started in 11 races and never yet has been beaten.) Dam, SMUGGLER GIRL by SMUGGLER, 2:15)^; 927. Sire of Mount Morris, 2:19>^; and 8 others; 10 speed-getting sons and the dams of 10 trotters. 2d dam, MADAM POWELL .... by BAY CHIEF. Dam of Monroe Chief, 2:18^', sire Sire of dams of 2 from 2:18X; 2 of 3 in the- list; 5 dams of 8 speed getters ; dams of the sire of a trotters including 1 dam of 3 great brood-mare with 3 from from2:llX. 2:11^. 3d dam by TORONTO. Son of St. Lawrence. Description.— Here is a representative of royal breeding. His sire was a champion and his dam was by a champion race horse. His second dam was a great producer and Scott should make a high class race trotter. 81 No. 102. HARMONY. (Dam of Puritan, 2:25 in 8-tli heat.) Bay mare, foaled 1876. Property of H. S. Russell, Milton, Mass. BY SMUGGLER, 927, 2:15X. Sire of Mount Morris, 2:19X; and 8 others; 10 speed-getting sons and the dams of 10 trotters. Dam, SILKSTONE . by IMP. LAPIDIST. Son of Touchstone, dam, lo, by Tarsus. (See A. S. B., p. 32, Vol. I.) 2d dam, PAULINE by STAR DAVIS. Son of Imp. Glencoe ; dam, Margaret Wood, by Imp. Priam. (See Am. Stud Book, p. 20, Vol. II.) Description. — This mare, which is the dam of a game and fast race horse, must prove of great value to any stock horse owner who wishes to get race horses. She has been bred to Edgemark and the produce must be good. No. 103. SALVO. Chestnut gelding, foaled May 29, 1891. Bred by H. S. Russell, Milton, Mass. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. (Champion of his age when the record was made; the unbeaten hero of his colt races.) Dam, HARMONY by SMUGGLER, 927, 2 :15X. Dam of Puritan, 2:25 in 8th heat. Sire of 9 from 2:19^4! ; 10 speed getters and 10 speed producers. 2d dam, SILKSTONE by IMP. LAPIDIST. Son of Touchstone, dam, lo, by Tarsus. (See A. S. B., p. 32, Vol. I.) 3d dam, PAULINE by STAR DAVIS. Son of Imp. Glencoe; dam, Margaret Wood, by Imp. Priam. (See Am. Stud Book, p. 20, Vol. II.) Description. — Here is a ready-made race winner out of a speed producer and by a tried race horse. He is just at the age to start work on and ought to be a splendid investment. 82 No. 104. OLIVE. Brown mare, foaled 1883. Bred by H. S. Russell, Milton, Mass. BY WEDGEWOOD, 692, 2:19. Sire of 3 in 2:20; 16 in the list ; 4 speed-getting sons, and the dams of 5 from 2.13. Dam, MISS LORING . ...... by SMUGGLER, 92Y; 2 :15X- Sire of 9 from 2:19X; 10 speed getters and 10 speed producers. 2d dam, WHITE MARE by DONG ASTER, By Trotting Childers, a son of Ver- mont Black Hawkj 5. Description. — This mare is broken to harness, and has a good disposition. She is bred in producing lines and has been served by Edgemark. Her produce will be bred in the lines of three grand race horses. She stands 15)4 hands, weighs 950 pounds, and is a good individual. No. 105, . REMUS. Bay gelding, foaled March 11, 1890. Bred by H. S. Russell, Milton^ Mass. BY EDGEMARK C4) 432,2:16. (Champion and unbeaten colt trotter of his day.) Dam, NETTIE T by SMUGGLER, 927; 2 :15X. Sire of 9 from 219^ ; 10 speed getters and 10 producers. 2d dam, PERFECTIOlSr by PERFECTION. 3d dam by TORONTO. Son of St. Lawrence. Description.— This colt should make a fast and good race horse. He is Ibred in lines that cannot fail to produce gameness and speed. No. 106. 83 ROSE OF ERIN. B. m., foaled 1888. Property of H. S. Russell, Milton, Mass. BY SHAMROCK (2), 1510, 2:25. Son of Buccaneer, 2656; dam. Fern Leaf, 2:40; dam of Gold Leaf, 2:11)4 ] l)y Flax- tail, 8132. Dam, OAK GROVE BELLE . by ARTHURTOlSr, 365. Sire of Arab, 2:15, and 4 others; 1 speed getter; 13 dams of 18 from 2:14^4:. 2d dam, HENRIETTA by BELL ALTA. No. 107. TORY. Bay colt; foaled April 14, 1892. Bred by H. S. Russell, Milton, Mass. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. (Champion colt trotter of his age in his day.) Dam, ROSE OF ERIN" 2d dam, OAK GROVE BELLE by SHAMROCK, (2), 12510, 2:25. A famous colt trotter out of the dam of famous young race horses. Son of Buccaneer, 2656; dam Fern Leaf 2:40; dam of Gold Leaf, 2:11^4; by Flaxtail, 81320. by ARTHURTON, 365. Sire of 5 from 2:15; 1 speed getter; 13 dams of 18 from 2:143^. 3d dam, HENRIETTA by BELL ALTA. Description. — This colt's -wonderfully grand breeding should ensure him a royal individuality in speed and race winning ability. He is by an unbeaten colt trotter, out of a mare by a famous colt trotter, and she out of a mare by that great brood-mare sire, Arthurton. This youngster must prove a valuable invest- ment. 84 No. 108. TUSSLE, Bay filly; foaled May 10, 1892, Bred by H. S. Russell, Milton, Mass. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. • (Champion and unbeaten colt trottei* of his day.) Dam, MAGENTA by MAGIC, 1451, 2:33. Sire of Clemmie G., 2:15)^, and 3 others ; 2 speed getters and 6 dams of 11, 3 in 2:20. 2d dam, STAE QUEE:^^' by WHIPPLE, 8975. Sire of Glaucus and Retta; sire of dam of Chesterfield, 2 :17. Description. — This stoutly bred filly should make a great producer. She is from blood lines that have given some game, resolute and fast campaigners. Magic, backing up the great Victor You Bismarck, with a reinforcement of the Hambletonian blood through Whipple, is too good to need comment. No. 109. TOMBOY. Bay filly, foaled Feb. 27, 1892, • Bred by H. S. Eussell, Milton, Mass. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. (Champion and unbeaten colt trotter of his day,) Dam, EENA SIMMONS by SIMMONS, 2744, 2 :28, Sister to Col. Simmons, 2:22^. Sire of 5 in 2:20 from 2:10)^; 29 in the list, and 3 speed getter-s at 13 years old. 2d dam, LENA by CLAEK CHIEF, Jr.. 3002, 2:3234. Sire of 4 from 2:19)^; 1 speed getter; and the dams of 2 young phenom- ena. 3d dam, ALICE by DOWNING' S BAY MESSENGER. Description. — No filly living has any finer breeding than this. Her dam is a daughter of that grandson of George Wilkes which sired such race horses as Greenleaf, the only horse that won a race over Martha Wilkes in 1892, Tabulate this pedigree and see the royalty of the blood lines. 85 No. 1 10. THEODORA. Bay filly, foaled May 8, 1892. Bred by H. S. Russell, Milton, Mass. BY EDGEIVIARK(4), 7432, 2:16. (Unbeaten colt trotter of his age in his day.) Dam, GURGLE. . by POCAHONTAS BOY, 1790, 2 :31. Record, 2 :20. Sire of 13 from 2 :12 1^, including that great race mare, Buffalo Girl. 2d dam, MATLOCK . by GREY DIOMED. Dam of Sancho, 2 :24X ; Gurgle, Sire of a producer of 2 in the list. 2:20. 3d dam by TOM HAL, 3000. Sire of 2 from 2:18)^; dams of 3 in 2:20; 7 in 2:30. Description. — Here is a representative of extreme speed. Her dam was a fast mare and her second dam the producer of two in the list through those stout old lines that have given the track some of its brightest lights. No. 111. REFORM. Bay filly, foaled May 3, 1890. Bred by H. S. Russell, Milton, Mass. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. Son of Victor Von Bismarck, sire of 27 in list; 3 speed getters; dams of 4; dam, Edgewater Belle, by Edgewater, 12730. Dam, EMILY R by PEACEMAKER, 260. Sire of 2 in 2:20; 5 in 2:30; dams of 3 from 2:18^. 2d dam, JENNY LIND by HOAGL AND' S GREY MESSENGER, 155, 2:43; sire of 2 in list; 2 speed getters ; dam of 1 — . 3d dam, JENNY LIND by ABD ALLAH, 1. Sire of 3; 1 son with 40; dams of Goldsmith Maid, and 6 others. 4th dam by IMP. TRUSTEE. 86 No. 1 12. SUNBEAM. Bay filly, foaled June 9, 1891. Bred by H. S. Eussell, Milton, Mass. (Full sister to Eeform, ISTo, 46.) No. 1 1 3. LAURA WILSON. (With filly at side by Edgemark, foaled March 12, 1893, stinted again to Edge- mark.) Bay mare, foaled 1880. Property of H. S. Russell, Milton, ..lass. BY SMUGGLER, 927, 2:15X. (Sire of 9 from 2:19>^; 10 speed getters and 10 speed producers.) Dam, BECK by WHITE OAK. Son of Black Hawk, 5; dam, Susie, by Brown Davy Crockett. 2d dam by WOODFORD'S YALENTmE, * Son of Redman's Valentine, by Imp. "Valentine. Description.— This mare should be a great producer, for being individ- ually good, she has that stout breeding which has for a foundation the blood of Smuggler, and carries the lines of Vermont Black Hawk, backed up by good thor- ough breeding; she is the dam of one in the 2:30 list. No. 1 14. TALISMAN. Bay colt; foaled Feb. 24, 1892. Bred by H. S. Russell, Milton, Mass. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. (Champion Golt of his day and age.) Dam, LAURA WILSOiS" by SMUGGLER, 927; 2 :15><. Dam of Kate Hamilton, 2:30. Sire of 9 from 2:19X; 10 speed getters and 10 producers. 2d dam, BECK by WHITE OAK. Son of Black Hawk, 5; dam, Susie, by Brown Davy Crockett. 3d dam by WOODFORD'S VALENT^E. Son of Redman's Valentine, by Imp. Valentine. .* Description. — Here is a colt by Edgemark out of the dam of one in the list. His individuality is good and his stout breeding guarantees a trotter. , ■ 87 No. 115. LAURA GIDEON. (With foal at foot, of March Y, 1893, by Edgemark; bred back March 15.) Grey mare; foaled, 1885. Property of H. S. Eussell, Milton, Mass. BY GIDEON, 145. Dam by DANVILE BAT. Sire of 3; 2 speed-getting sons; dams of Nelson, 2:10; Glenarm, Independence* Edna, Daisy Eolfe, Grace, and 5 others. Description. — This mare is by the horse that sired that grand trotter, Nelson. The quality of her foals is shown by that at her side and she has been bred back to Edgemark. No. 1 16. GURGLE, 2:20. B. m., foaled 1888. (Served by Edgemark March 17, 1893.) BY POCAHONTAS BOY, 1790. Sire of 13 from 2:12)^; 5 speed getters and 6 dams of 8. Dam, MATLOCK by GKEY DIOMED Dam of 1 in 2 :20. Sire of the dam of Gurgle. 2d dam by TOM HAL, ALLISON'S. Description. — Here is a mare that has proven herself fast and has a right to produce speed. She has a representative in the sale and is herself able to show. She was served to Edgemark, and the produce ought to be good. No. 1 17. RANSOM. B. f., foaled April 24, 1890. Bred by H. S. Eussell. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. Dam, GUEGLE by POCAHONTAS BOY, 1790. Eecord, 2:20. Sire of 13 from 2:12>^; 5 speed getters and 6 dams of 8. 88 2d clam, MATLOCK by GREY DIOMED. Dam of Gurgle, 2 :20. Sire of the dam of 1 in 2 :20, 3d dam by TOM HAL. Description. — This filly is fast and trotted a quarter last year in 38)^ seconds. She is entered in the Connecticut $15,000 purse to be trotted at Hartford in 1894. No. 1 18. TALLY HO. B. c, foaled Apr. 2, 1892; bred by H. S. Russell. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. Unbeaten colt trotter of his day; champion record holder of his age, when made. Dam, STAR OF HOPE by SHAMROCK, 12510. 2 :25 at two years ; out of the dam of Gold Leaf. 2d dam, LADY BRAY by s. t. b. OWEN DALE. Son of California Belmont. Description.— This colt is of fair size and is broken double and single. He is gaited like Edgemark, and bred through bloodlines that have produced phenomenal early speed ; should be a prize. No. 1 19. ROMULUS. B, g., foaled Feb. 13, 1890; bred by H. S. Russell. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. , Champion four-year-old of his day. Dam, SMUGGLER GIRL . . . . by SMUGGLER, 927, 2 :15i. Dam of Amurath, 2 :28. Sire of 9 from 2 :19 j^ ; 10 sires of speed, and 9 producing daughters. 2d dam, MADAM POWELL .... by BAY CHIEF. Dam of Monroe Chief, 2 :18i. Son of Mambrino Chief. 3d dam by TORONTO. Son of St. Lawrence. Description. — Romulus is of fair size, and is broken double and single. He can pace very fast. Smuggler girl is dam of Amurath, 2:28; Romulus paced a quarter in 35 seconds last year. Here is a strong bred pacer to make a money earner. 89 No. 120. TILLY. B, f., foaled April 12, 1892; bred by H. S. Russell. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. Speed cliampion and race winner of bis age. Dam, MINjSTIE CORBITT . .... by GUY WILKES, 2867, 2 :15i. Out of a fast mare in 2 :20}4. Sire of 10 in 2 :20; 26 in 2 :30; 3 speed getters ; dam a producer. 2d dam, CARRIE T. by SIGNAL, 3327. Record 2:20^^. Sire of 3; 2 in 2:20; dams of Anteeo, Jr., Nevada, and Fred Ackerman. Description.— Tilly is of fair size. She is not very promising, but time may help her, and her breeding warrants the assumption. No. 121. TURENNE. Bay colt, foaled Feb. 23, 1892. Bred by H. S. Russell. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. (Champion colt trotter of his age in his day.) Dam, GRACE by BLUE BULL, 75. Sire of 59; 6 in 2:20; 31 sons with 59; 43 dams of 52. 2d dam, MOLLIE D by MAMBRINO CHIEF, 11. Dam of Smuggler's Daughter, Sire of Lady Thorne, 2:18J-; and 5 2:24^, and Abbott. others; 23 sires of 92; 17 dams of 24; all trotters. 3d dam. Dam of a great producer . . by IMP. ENVOY. Description. — Here is one of good size, fine, and well gaited. He is broken double and single. JMollie D. is dam of Smuggler's Daughter, 2:24^; and Abbott. No. 122. STILETTO. B. c, foaled May 13, 1891. Bred by H. S. Russell. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. (To be trained and raced in 1893. Get in before the boom.) Dam, MARY ARNOLD by ARNOLD, 966. (Inbred Abdallah. ) Sire of 3 and a speed getter, son of Abdallah, 164. 90 2d dam, LADY MONEOE, 2:26i ... by JIM MONROE, 835. Sire of eight; 2 speed getters; 10 producers; son of Alexander's. Abdallah, 15. Description. — This colt is small but very fast. He has been broken double and single, and trotted a quarter last year in 42 seconds. No. 123. SMUGGLER GIRL. Dam of Amurath, 2:28. B. m., foaled 1881. Bred by "W. H. Wilson, Cynthiana, Ky. BY SMUGGLER, 927, 2:1 5X. Champion of the -world in his day; sire of 9 from 2:19^, 10 speed getters, and 9 producers. Dam, MADAM POWELL ..... by BAY CHIEF. Dam of Monroe Chief, 2:18J. Speed-getting son of Mambrino- Chief, 11. 2d dam by TORONTO. Son of St. Lawrence. Description. — This producing mare stands 15|^ hands and is sound and kind. She is the dam of Amurath, 2:28, at four years on a half-mile track. She was sired by Edgemark, Feb. 27, 1893. No. 124. THEKLA. (Out of the dam of Porcellian, 2:29.) B. f., foaled January 1, 1892. * Bred by H. S. Russell. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. (Champion and unbeaten colt in his day.) Dam, ILKA by SMUGGLER, 927, 2 :15i. Record, 2:32^; trial, 2:24, 1881. 9 in list from 2:19^; 10 speed get- ters ; 9 producers. 2d dam, KITTY CHILDERS .... by TROTTING CHILDERS. 3d dam, KITTY by WOODBURY MORGAN. Description. — Thekla is fair sized. She is mixed gaited. She has beeC' broken double and single. Ilka is dam of Porcellian, 2 :29. 91 No. 125. RABBI. Bay colt, foaled June 11, 1890. Bred by H. E. Paissell. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. (Champion colt Of liis age when made.) Dam, KEJSTA SIMMOISrS by SIMMONS, 2744; 2:28. Sister to Col. Simmons, 2:22^. Sire of 29 in the list; leads all Wilkes horses of his age. 2d dam, LENA by CLARK CHIEF, Jr. Dam of one in 2:22^. Sire of a producer. 3d dam, ALICE by DOWNING'S BAT MESSENGER. 4th dam, FANNY by SWISS BOY. 5th dam by TAZEWELL. 6th dam by BERTRAND. Description. — This colt is of fair size and is fast. He is broken double and single. Rena Simmons is full sister to Col. Simmons, 2:22|4f. Rabbi trotted quarters in 40 seconds last year. No. 126. ROMA. B. f., foaled April 27, 1890. Bred by H. S. Russell. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. (Son of Victor Von Bismarck; dam by Edgewater.) Dam LAURA WILSON by SMUGGLER, 927, 2 :15i. Dam of Kate Hamilton, 2::30. Sire of 9 from 2:19>^ ; 10 sires of 14; and 9 dams of 10 trotters. 2d dam, BECK by WHITE OAK. Son of Vermont Black Hawk, by Woodford's Valentine, son of Red- mond's Valentine, by Imt». Valen- tine. Description. — ■ This colt is large and fast and is broken double and single. Laura Wilson is dam of Kate Hamilton, 2 :30. Roma won forfeit as a yearling in a match at New England Breeders' Meeting. 92 No. 127. STANDARD. B. c, foaled June 4, 1891. Bred by H. S, Russell. BY . EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. (Will start in liis class this year.) Dam, MISS LONGFELLOW .... by LOiSra TAW. Son of Longfellow. 2d dam, IVY H • • by KINNET. 3d dam, AUGUSTA by AINDERLY. 4th dam, PRINCESS by IMP. LEVIATHAN. Description. — This one is of fair size and is broken double and single. He is very promising. No. 128. THISTLE. B. f., foaled April 21, 1892. Bred by H. S. Russell. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. ' (Entered in this season's stallion stakes.) Dam, SONORA by HAMLIN'S ALMONT, 1829, 2:26. Son of 23 from 2:12^; 3 speed get- ters ; dams of 12 with 5 in 2 :20. 2d dam, SATEENE by MAMBRINO KING, 1279. Sire of 26 from 2:10^; Y in 2:20- 5 speed getters ; 6 dams of 9. 3d dam, MIRANDA ..;.... by MAMBRINO PATCHEN, 58. Sire of 22; 39 sires of 100; 65 dams of 82. Description.— This colt is fair sized and broken double and single. He is most promising and his breeding is ultra royal. Here ought to be a world beater. 93 No. 129. SUCCESS. Bay filly, foaled 1891 ; bred by H. S. Kussell. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2: 1 6. (Champion and unbeaten colt trotter.) Dam, GUEGLE by POCAHONTAS BOY, 1790. Kecord2:20. Sire of 13 from 2:12)^; 5 speed get- ters, and 6 dams of 8. 2d dam, MATLOCK by GREY DIOMED. Dam of Gurgle, 2:20. Sire of dam of Gurgle, 2:20. 3d dam by TOM HAL. Description. — This is full sister to the preceding entry, and ought to make a very fast mare. She shows for herself. She is entered in the Nutmeg $20,000 stake to be trotted at Charter Oak Park in 1894. No. 130. TEMPLAR. B. c, foaled March 22, 1892; bred by H. S. Russell. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16, By Victor Von Bismarck ; dam by Edgewater. Dam, ADDIE H by ASHLAND CHIEF, 751. Dam of Whitefoot, 2:22^, out of a Sire of Black Cloud, 2:17|-, etc.; a great producer. speed getter, and 12 dams of 13. 2d dam, OLD LADY by CAPT. WALKER. Dam of Charley Friel, 2:16^; little Sire of Molly Walker, dam of 3 from Miss, 2:26^; Jessie Kirke, dam 2:13^; Old Lady, dam of 2, etc.; 1 of Majolica, 2:15. speed getter, and 7 speed getters and producers. 3d dam, OLD LADY'S DAM . . . . by BROWN PILOT. Description. — This is a royally bred fellow, and ought to be a race horse. . He will have a chance to show his ability, for he is entered in the Terre Haute stake in 1894. N. B. Ransom is entered on ^15,000 purse to be trotted at Hartford in 1894. Stiletto, Success, and Standard are in the Nutmeg $20,000 purse at Cliarter Oak Park in 1894. Thistle, Templar, Tallyho, Turenne, are in Terre Haute purse to be trotted in 1894. All Colonel Russell's foals of 1892 are in the Charter Oak $20,000 Nutmeg purse to be trotted in 1895, and also in stake 47 of New England Breeders. Success, Sunbeam, Standard, and Stiletto are in stake 35 of New England Breeders, to be trotted in 1894. 94 Consignment of G. H. Newell. No. 131. BEAUPORT. Bay colt, foaled May 10, 1890. Bred by Dr. G. H. Newell. BY EDGEMARK (4), 7432, 2:16. (Unbeaten colt of his age in liis day.) Dam, BLANCHE by LANDER'S KNOX. Son of General Xnox. 2d dam, LADY BLANCHE .... by LORD NELSON. Son of Morgan Bellfoundei-. 3d dam. . by IMP. WELLINGTON. Description. — Bay colt, two white feet and a small star and strip. He is full of life but with a splendid disposition. He has only been handled by his owner and never for speed, but is fairly broken to harness. His dam was a 16 hand, 1075 pound mare, and showed quarters in 35 seconds. If anyone wants a roadster here he is, and the owner will sell him under contract to castrate him and return him safe to the buyer, if desired. Consignment of Valley Stock Farm. No. 132. DOLLY. Black mare, foaled 1887. 153^ hands high. BY ' DESPOT, 4221, 2:29; (P) 2:24)^. Sire of Edward B., 2:24)4; son of Dictator; dam. Spray, by Brunson; Son of Geo. M. Patchen. Dam, dam of Dolly ....... by HINSDALE HORSE, 826. (Out of a great producer.) Sire of 5 in the list; 1 speed getter; dam of Malacca. 2d dam, DOLL WICKS by YOUNG NORTH BRITAIN. Dam of Deck Wright, 2:19i; N. J. Fuller, 2:24; Black Ira, 2:S0)4; grandam of Deck Wright. Description. — This handsome black mare is broken single and double and is very intelligent. She is safe for anyone to drive. She produced a colt in 1891 which is a fair sample of her capabilities in that line. She missed in 1892 and was driven on the road, proving a first-class roadster, and can strike a 2 :40 clip so easily that it is almost a surety, that with handling, she can beat 2 :30. She is bred for a campaigner for her dam is out of the producer of Deck Wright and others. Despot is a son of Dictator with a trotting and jiacing record. If any horse were to be retained in this lot Dolly is the one. 95 No. 133. SNOW FLIER. Seal brown gelding, foaled 188Y. 15 hands 2>yi inches high. BY JEFFERSON PRINCE, 6212. Sire of 8 from 2:19^; 2 speed-getting sons; and the dams of Belmont Prince, 2:lYi, etc. Dam, dam of Hazel Kirke, 2:29^. by PHIL SHERIDAN, 630, 2:26^. Sire of Phyllis, 2:15>^ ; and 10 others; 4 speed getters ; 6 dams of 7. Description. — This horse could beat any'horse in Adams, N. T., last winter, except Belmont Prince, 2:17i. He is a sure 2:20 trotter and in any first-class man's hands can easily go there. He is a first-class road horse and can fly on any kind of footing. He is cheap at any price. No. 134. MAMIE C. Chestnut mare, foaled 1886. ' Bred by "Wm. C. Owens, Adams, N. Y. . " BY JEFFERSON PRINCE, 6212. Sire of 8 from 2:19i; 2 speed-getting sons and the dams of 2 race horses. Dam by BACON'S ETHATSr ALLEN, 356. Sire of 5; 1 speed getter; and the dams of 9. Description. — This mare stands 15 hands 2% inches and is well broken to single and double hai-ness. She is a grand road mare and has shown a 3-minute gait when heavy with foal. She is a regular producer and will make anyone a great roadster and brood-mare. The seller has a colt out of her by St. Bel that will make a producer of his dam. No. 135. TOPSEY. Dam of Dick, 2:26^ in 5th heat of a race; owned by Yalley Farm. BY ETHAN ALLEN, 356. Sire of 5 ; 1 speed getter, and the dams of 9. Dam, grandam of Dick by EICH'S H AMBLE TONI AN. Description. — This mare is already a producer, and will be in the great "brood-mare list before winter. She is a regular producer, and all her colts are speedy, level headed, and game. She has a two-year-old in the sale that will do to go to the races with. 96 No. 136. SULWOOD PRINCE. Bay colt, foaled 1891 ; bred by Yalley Farm. BY SULWOOD, 6913. Son of Sultan, 1513; dam, Lady Graves, by Nutwood, 600. Dam, MAMIE C by JEFFEKSOJS!" PKINCE, 621'2. Sire of 8 from 2:19|-; 2 speed getters; dams of 2. 2d dam by BACON'S ETHAIS" ALLEN, 356. Sire of 5; 1 speed getter; dams of 9. Description. — This will make a 16 hand stallion, and ought to be a great stock horse. He is fine, large, and can show better than a three-minute gait. He is well broken. He carries similar bloodlines to Kremlin, Stamboul, and Sunol, all noted for the production of extreme speed. This is one of the finest gaited colts on earth. No. 137. RICHESSE. Full sister to Dick, 2:26i; bay filly, foaled 1891; bred by Valley Farm. BY MAJOR BENTON, 9109. Sire of Gov. Benton, 2:22^, and Dick, 2:26i. Dam, TOPSEY by ETHAN ALLEN, 356. Dam of Dick, 2:26^ . Sire of 5; 1 speed getter; dams of 9. 2d dam by RICH'S HAMBLETONIAN. Description. — Hei-e is a fine bay filly; good sized, well broken in single and double harness. If this filly is not a star then there is no iise in anticipating any good ones. For the amount of work she has had she is a wonder, for though not broken before January last she can now show a 2 :oO gait. She has been driven double with No. 138, and it took a good horse to head them on the road. No. 138. ALBERT HAYNES. Bay gelding, foaled 1891. (Mate to No. 137.) BY MAJOR BENTON, 9109. (Sire of Gov. Benton, 2:22i; and Dick, 2:26^.) Dam, DOLLY by DESPOT, 4221, 2:24>^. Sire of one in 2 -.24)4 ; son of Dictator; dam of son of Geo. M. Patchen. 97 2d dam, dam of Dolly by HINSDALE HOESE. Sire of 5 in the list; one speed getter j dam of Malacca. 3d dam, DOLL WICKS by YOUNG NOKTH BRITAIN. Dam of Deck Wright, 2:19^; N. J. Fuller, 2:24; Black Ira, 2:30>^. Description. — Here is a trotting bred trotter and can prove it by his per- formance. He and Richesse can show a 2 :50 gait double or either can do it single. He is a handy fellow and if ever he makes a break he will get back to his gait quicker than any other two-year-old. This is another Deck Wright in every way and when one looks vip the heats he won in 2 :30 or better, no one need ask for a better one. No. 139. ALLEN LASS. Chestnut filly, foaled 1892. Bred at Valley Farm. BY PRINCE ALLEN, 10114, 2:32X- (Separately timed in a race in 2 :24|^.) Dam, a producer by BONNIE SCOTLAND. Dam of Hugo H., 2:25; Little Hugo (4), 2:30 trial. Description. — This racing bred filly is unbroken, but will show speed to halter and is in every way a high-class article. No. 140. TOURISTE. Brown filly, foaled 1892. Bred at Valley Farm. BY SNOW FLIER. (Son of Jefferson Prince, 6212; dam, the dam of Hazel Kirke, by Phil Sheridan. Dam by MIDDLETOWN, Jr., 6056, 2:271-. Full sister to Nelly Bly, 2:23i-; Sire of Nelly Ely, Sylvia, and and Silvie, 2:27. Blanche. 2d dam, BLACK KATE by ANDREW JACKSON, 363. Dam of Nelly Bly, 2:23i; Silvie, Sire of Elmore Everett; 2 speed 2:27; Mark B., 2:28; Black Bon- getters; dams of 5 in list, ner, sire of A. G., 2:26; and R. C.,2:28. Description. — This filly is not broken, but is a trotter by right of inheri- tance, for her sire and dam are both trotters and all out of producing mares. She will show for herself. 98 Consignment of A. B. Huron, Adams, N. Y. No. 141. LADY HURON. Bay mare, 16 hands, foaled 1885 ; due to foal in June. BY JEFFERSON PRINCE, 6212. Sire of 8 from 2:19J; 2 speed getters, and the dams of Belmont Prince, 2:l'7i, etc. Dam by IRA ALLEIST. Son of Ethan Allen, 356. 2d dam by TIPPOO HORSE. Description. — This mare has produced three colts by Alcone, son of Alcyone. Her first foal was sold as a three-year-old for $1,200, her second I expect to put in the list this year, and her next, now two years old, is very promising. Her last is the yearling by Alcantara Prince, and she is due to drop another to the same horse in June. No. 142; HURON BELLE. Bay filly, foaled 1892. See No. 141. BY ALCANTARA PRINCE, 12210. Son of Alcantara, 129, 2:23; dam, Souvenir, by Administrator, 357, Dam, LADY HURON ...... by JEFFERSON" PRINCE, 6212. Sire of 8 from 2 :19i: 2 speed getters; dams of 2 from 2:l'7i. 2d dam by IRA ALLEN. Son of Ethan Allen, 356. .Sd dam by TIPPOO HORSE. Description.— This is a fine, straight filly, and should, by her breeding, be oil in the can. She will show for herself at the sale. > 99 Consignment of John Cheney. No. 143. JUNE. Chestnut filly, foaled 1891 ; John Cheney. BY ALPATRA, 15245. Son of Alcyone, 2:27, by Geo. Wilkes; dam, Cleopatra, by Abdallah Prince. . Dam, LAUEA M, 2:32 by GOODWIN'S CHAMPION. Dam of Col. Kipp, 2:24^. Sire of 16 trotters, 1 speed getter; 3 dams of speed. Description. — This mare is of good size, very handsome, and is broken double and single. She is good gaited, and could show 2 :50 gait on the ice past winters. She will make a fast mare, and will trot in 2 :30 this season with proper training. She is out of a producing dam, and her sire is out of a producing dam, and he will be given a record this season. He could trot in 2:25 last season. June is faster to pole; will show speed on day of sale. She is standard. No. 144. SOLTAIRE. Bay colt, foaled 1891 ; John Cheney. BY ALPATRA, 15245. Son of Alcyone, 2:27; dam, Cleopatra, by Abdallah Prince. Dam, MABLE C by AKISTOS, 771, 2:27|<. Sire of 14; 5 speed-getters; 3 dams of speed. 2d dam, TWILIGHT, 2:27 by WASHINGTON JACKSON, 690. Sire of Twilight, 2:27. Description. — This is a large, nice bay, hind ankles white; broken double and single ; good gaited and very attractive in harness. She has shown quarters in forty-two seconds as a yearling ; will make a fast horse. She i s very level headed, and comes from a family of trotters. She will go into the 2 :30 list this season if given an opportunity. She is standard. 100 No. 145. MABEL C. See No. 144. Bay mare, foaled 1882 ; Geo. W. Kingsley, N. Y. BY ARISTOS, 2.\2.1U. Son of Daniel Lambert; sire of II. B. Winship, 2:20^; 2:06 with running mate. Dam, TWILIGHT, 2:27 . ..... by WASHINGTON JACKSON. A game and speedy mare .... Sire of a race mare. Description. — Mabel C. is broken double, single, and to saddle, Slie is safe for a lady to drive. She is large, good gaited, and fast, and showed a half in 1 :16 as a three-year-old. She will beat 2::30 now if put in condition; is level headed and a good actor; will make a grand brood-mare and fast road horse. She can pull a wagon in 2 :40 or better. She is standard registered. No. 146. JESSIE W. Bay filly 15 hands, 3 inches, foaled 1889. Bred by Graham & Conley. BY DON CARLOS, 2097, 2:23. (See front of catalogue. Briar Hill stallions.) Dam, LIZZIE SMITH by SCOTT'S THOMAS, 919; 2:21. Dam of Carldron, 2 :22i. Sire of 3 ; dams of 3. 2d dam, FANNY HOWARD .... by WOFUL. Dam of Largusse, 2 :25. Sire of a race mare and a producer. Description. — This mare is broken double and single. She is nice looking and can show fast. She is out of a producing dam; should make a fast mare. She has been handled very little for speed; if worked this season should beat 2:30. She will make a grand brood-mare or fast road or track mare. She is standard. 101 Consignment of H. D. Kendall. No. 147. WILKES REGENT, (Standard.) Chestnut colt, foaled June, 1892, Bred by H. D. Kendall. BY ALLECTUS. . Son of Alcantara, dam Tola, (dam of Irene, 2:23X)) ^7 Administrator. 2d dam, Jessie Pepper, by Mambrino Chief. Dam, CAMILLA . by MELBOURISrE KING. Son of Mambrino King. 2d dam, HATTIE by FRAISTK ALLISON, 2 :28. 3d dam Daughter of Henry Black Hawk. Description. — Chestnut colt. Strip in face, both hind ankles white; medium size, handsome, and nicely gaited. The great Prince Eegent, 2:16^, was by Mambrino King out of an Alcantara mare, whose second dam was the famous Jessie Pepper. Here is a youngster, sired by one of the best sons of Alcantara, with a ijrodiicing dam, and Jessie Pepper for his second dam, out of a mare by one of Mambrino King's best sons. Wilkes and Mambrino Patchen blood through Mambrino King and Alma Mater, with Edwin Forrest and Morgan crosses, rep- resent a rare prospect in the trotting horse and this colt will prove a prize. No. 148. CAMILLA. (Standard and registered. ) Bay mare, foaled 1886. Bred by Harry Townsend, New Glasgow, N. S. ^ BY MELBOURNE KING, 1962. Son of Mambrino King, 1269; dam, Helen McGregor (dam of Almont Battler), by Rattler, .501, g. d., by Brignoli, 77; 3d dam, by Pilot, Jr., 12; 4th dam, by Grey Eagle, thoroughbred. Dam, HATTIE by FRANK ALLISON, 4218. Record, 2:28. Son of Blackbird, 4217; dam, Lucy Pope by Harris' Morgan. 2d dam Daughter of Henry Black Hawk. Description. — Bay mare, 15i- hands, strip in face, one hind and one fore ankle white. Sound, broken, single and double; kind in disposition and safe for a lady to drive. Low-gaited, wears no boots, and gives every promise of speed. 102 Her blood lines are worthy the most careful attention. The splendid pey- formances of the progeny of her grandsire, Mambrino King, are too well known to require extended mention. Mambrino King, "the handsomest horse in the world," son of Mambrino Patcheu, the greatest brood-mare sire, and grandson of Edwin Forrest, grandsire of jSTancy Hanks, has no better son than Melbourne King, sire of Camilla. To the blood of his sire he adds the Black Hawk-Morgan strain through Rattler, sire of his dam. Brignoli, sire of his second dam, has seven producing daughters and is a son of old Mambrino Chief; his dam by thorough- bred Woodford, sire of the dam of Woodford Mambrino and Wedgewood. Back of this is the inestimable Pilot, Jr., cross, and the stout four-mile blood at Grey Eagle. With this rich heritage from her sire, Camilla combines the best Morgan and Long Island Black Hawk blood. Melbourne King's get are trotting fast and several will doubtless enter the list this year. Camilla produced last June a promising colt which is also entered in this sale. She certainly will prove veiy valuable either as a brood-mare or a trotter. Consignment of J. A. Ripley. No. 149. MAGGIE McIVOR. Bay mare, foaled in 1884. BY ■•■ALCANTARA (4), 729, 2:23. Sire of 51 from 2:12}4 ', 12 speed getters; dams of 7 from 2:14|4f. • Son of George Wilkes ; dam. Alma Mater. Dam r by GEEEN'S HAMBLETONIAN, 158. Sire of Nelly and of the dam of Green Boy; full brother to Volun- teer, 55; sire of 31 from 2:11^; 30' sons with 98; 41 dams of 45. Description. — Maggie Mclvor is a very handsome bay mare, 15^ hands high, weight 1,000 pounds. She is perfectly sound and can trot very fast. She. is a mare of great resolution and an ambitious roadster, but perfectly safe for a woman to drive. Mares by Alcantara are pi'oving great brood-mares and have produced Prince Kegent, 2:16X; ^gon, 2:18X; Diable (3), 2:14^; Princess Eoyal (2), 2:20; Ovid (3), 2:15>^, etc. Maggie Mclvor should make a great brood- mare. She had one foal in 1891, which is said to be very promising. .^ V