m H &$ JOHNA.SEAVERNS -:: --" .■"."■ . ■ : : - ■ TUFTS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES I II I II II I III 3 9090 013 408 949 Jkt Vf <4t *lt> cMoVERo T cMo^PeRj, cMoYeRj, cMoYeRs cMoYeRj, I c^VoYdrj) > cMoYero cMoVer. cAVoVero cAVoYero cHO^ERj, > cA\OYERs c A\OV , ER 5 cHoYers cHoYeRj, cMoYeRj, cHoYERj, I cMoYers cHoVERs I cA\OVERr cMoYeRj, I A A.A. gAIoYerq . DES ICNER BUILDER. HIGH GRADE CARRIAGE/ 5YItACUJE,N.Y. Webster Famiry .nary Medicine Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 200 Wesiboro Road No. 171 The Parisian No. 24 The Rosamond Straight Sill Surrey No. 23 — Same as above, open No. 26— Same as above, with regular Canopy Top No. 25 The Rosamond Straight Sill Surrey iMiii'iitii i'ii&j ifijii'iiiiwiTijf'IF f|Pf ,iii lii i ' i| ilii ' !i'f , '| l, pi' l|, |i!P'!i!' , !' !, 'ii fiilii irit t, h No. 22 Rosamond Cut-Under Surrey No. 19 — Same as above, open No. 20 — Same as above with regular Canopy Top No. 21 Rosamond Cut-Under Surrey No. 30 Florence Cut-Under Surrey — Open No. 32— Same style as above with English Canopy Top ! 'l!!™,^:'' ' i! ' • - ' " Jl ''''■ (l ' lll: '- T No. 31 Florence Cut-Under Surrey — Canopy Top No. 120 Florence Straight Sill Surrey — Open No.. 122— Same style as above with sh Canopy Top 10 ^^^^ 'Y^Wf^n^TP^ I"^f , 'HTI t tf Fi»j|f t*" T F if f/ 1 *f f ^ff * W'"f l|f 'jt; i-f f t j-p f f i > r'H 1 1?' tj'f jf r jt f M^f^f MTftM^ffrYnm ^ i'MV^TftjP^fl^j No. 121 Florence Straight Sill Surrey— Canopy Top 11 " ' lun i u 'i M '' " * ■■■■ No. 130 Light Stanhope Surrey No. 129 — Same style as above, open No. 132 — Same style as above with English Canopy Top 12 No. 131 Light Stanhope Surrey 13 No. 135 New Light Surrey No. 137 — Same style as above with English Car.opy 14 No. 136 New Light Surrey 15 No. 36 Ideal Surrey No. 35 — Same as above, open 16 iliilljjllt'iljijliij]!!^ No. 37 — Same style as above, open No. 38 — Same style as above with English Canopy Top No. 39 Ideal Surrey 17 » - v > JBC g c MofER : No. 78 Lady's Phaeton No. 75— Same as above, open No. 77— Same as above, Victoria Top 18 No. 76 Lady's Phaeton 19 MM e MO^ER, No. 73 New Park Stanhope 20 ^M otPei C No. 71 Park Stanhope 21 No. 74 Park Stanhope 22 No. 72 Park Stanhope 23 No. 88 New Bostonian Stanhope 24 No. 89 New Bostonian Stanhope 25 -"% MoVer , No. 81 Light Park Stanhope 26 'jAotm, No. 82 New Light Park Stanhope Solid Spring Back, Phaeton Seat and Wing Dash 27 „ MofER , No. 84 Light Park Stanhope Victor: 2S No. 49 1 2 Bracket Front Corn ing 33 itirnri . yMo^R^ Round Cornered Seat and Plain Body Arched Axles No. 409 Hackney Runabout 34 JYlofER , No. 410 The Moyer Genteel Road Wagon Arched Axles 35 JM*K, No. 400 The Mover Genteel Road Wagon 36 No. 410 The Mover Genteel Road Wagon 37 , Mo\ER No. 46 1 2 Medium Size Piano Box Buggy 38 e/AQYER, No. 45 Large Size Piano Bex Buggy 41 inches wide inside bows 39 J^OlElC No. 47 J 2 Medium Size Corning No. -. Same style as above 40 - No. 48 I 2 Large Size Corning Body Buggy 41 VAofER, No. 41 ' 2 Piano Body Buggy, Phaeton Seat 42 No. 41 Piano Body Buggy, Plain Seat Arched Axles 43 No. 44 ' 4 End Spring Road Wagon 44 No. 44 ' 2 End Spring Road Wa con 45 c A\ofERo No. 101 The Moyer Buckboard An Elegant Pole Wagon 41 inches wide inside bows 46 No. 100 The New Moyer Buckboard 47 No. 104 The Moyer Pet Side Spring 48 No. 105 The Mover Pet Side Spring 49 c MofER : No. 103 Open. The Mover New England Side Spring Extra Wide Drop Sill Body with Double Bend Side Springs no Equalizers 50 e/dOfEFG No. 102 The Moyer New England Side Spring ixtra Wide Drop Sill Body vith Double Bend Side Springs 10 Equalizers 51 No. 116^ Concord Democrat, with One Seat 52 \ No. 118 New Bulls Head Concord 53 No. 114 Three Perch Concord Buggy 54 c/AQ&RT No. 116 Heavy Collector's Concord 55 JIoVef^ No. 60' 2 Moyer Favorite Side Spring Side Bar Buggy 56 No. 68' 2 Moyer Favorite Side Spring Side Bar Buggy 57 No. 64 1 .' Moyer Favorite Side Spring Side Bar Buggy 5S No. 66'_. Moyer Favorite Side Spring Side Bar Buggy 59 No. 66 J 2 Moyer Favorite Side Spring Side Bar Buggy 60 >W:i\- No. 63 l 2 Moyer Favorite Side Spring Side Bar Buggy 61 . No. 197 New Style Moyer Banner Spring Surrey No. 199 —Same style as above ;h Canopy Top 62 No. 198 New Style Mover Banner Spring Surrey 63 No. 97 ' + Moyer Banner Spring Surrey Stick Seats 64 i|Y!|!||illii||l , : | 'tTI|'"!|!i||ii|ll||l | ' l ''""''l , ''l ,( '' l ' , || jlil 1 "! No. 97 T 2 Moyer Banner Spring Surrey Phaeton Seats, Canopy Top. Rear Seat Removable without interfering with the Top ^°- 97 — Same as above, open 65 No. 90 % Moyer Banner Spring Buggy Concord Body with Stick Seat 66 No. 90 1 z Moyer Banner Spring Buggy 67 No. 91 J + Moyer Banner Spring Buggy Spindle Body with Stick Seat 68 No. 91 1 2 Moyer Banner Spring Buggy 69 ■■-- - ■ . *w< -; No. 98 J 4 Moyer Banner Spring Buggy Panel Body, Spindle Moulding and Stick Seat 70 No. 98 T 2 Moyer Banner Spring Buggy 71 ■ No. 94' 4 Moyer Banner Spring Buggy Bracket Front Body with Stick Seat 72 No. 94] 2 Moyer Banner Spring Buggy 73 No. 92 ! 4 Moyer Banner Spring Buggy Piano Body with Stick Seat 74 ■ ... No. 92? 4 Moyer Banner Spring Buggy Piano Body and Solid Panel Round Cornered Seat 75 No. 96 1 ; Mover Banner Spring Buggy 76 No. 93' j Moyer Banner Spring Buggy 77 No. 50 New Perfected Runabout 78 64. ffy»di £*$■&>. ~^~- fflofe\ No. 50'j New Perfected Runabout 79 No. 117 Concord Democrat so ^^S^^SiiifS^^^^^ No. 117'j Concord Democrat 81 ,.- .„> No. 7 Monopoly Speed and Road Cart 82 *y v MoYEI\« No. 8 Monopoly Bike 83 Banner Spring Gear 84 No. 50 New Perfected Gear 85 Single Bend Light Buggy Pole Double Bend Surrey Pole 86 Moyer's Patent Noiseless King Bolt THIS, I consider one of the greatest improvements to the old style clip king bolt that has ever been made, on account of the endless trouble 1 have had with the old style king bolt getting loose and rattling. You will notice that the clip king bolt here does the same work it has always done, but through the centre of this king bolt there is an independent bolt which is forged solid to the stay brace which goes from the bottom of the axle to the reach. This does away with the clumsy, awkward nut on the bottom, which was always getting loose and producing a rattle. In the old style clip king bolt there is a nut on the top and one on the bottom. These nuts screw up in opposite directions to each other, so that by cramping the carriage you tighten one nut and loosen the other. When this is done, in one case it causes Dei ember 13. 1898 In II \ Moyei it to rattle and in the other case causes the king bolt to be twisted off. With my improve- ment, the nut on the top of the king bolt never moves and is no more apt to get loose than the nut that holds the spring to the head block, as the king bolt always stands still, the clip king bolt turning with the axle back and forth as the carriage is cramped. In this way that great trouble of the loosening of the nut of the king bolt is avoided. The endless trouble that 1 have had in past years with the old style clip king bolt caused me to make this improvement, which 1 am very proud of, as it has done away with all that old trouble which we had with the old style clip king bolt and king bolt tie. This also makes a much tidier and neater connection than the old style. 87 Moyer's Self-Oiling Axle SURPASSES ANY AXLE EVER PRODUCED. The only absolute perfect self-oiling axle, which distributes its oil the entire length of the spindle without any opening through the axle to weaken it and cause it to break. No openings to stop up and stop the flow of grease and no felt pads to look after. The groove in this axle is filled with Moyer's Thirty- Day Axle Grease and the friction of the axle box on the axle, causes the axle to warm, and it at once causes the grease to flow out of the groove the entire length. For this reason it is a perfect self-oiling axle. The collar on this axle is so arranged as to admit the use of washers twice the width usually used. The axle box bears the entire length of the spindle, which causes the axle to wear alike the entire length. A box of Moyer's Thirty-Day Axle Grease will be furnished with each set of axles. A great selling feature for any carriage. Moyer's Thirty-Day Axle Grease FOR FINE carriages only. Moyer's Self-Oiling Axle, oiled with this grease, used with a wheel on it running 500 days or over 19 months, running 140 miles per day — making a total distance of 70,000 miles with one oiling the day the wheel was started to run. This test was made on a wheel run by power in my factory and is surely one of the greatest tests I ever knew of being made. This simply shows the merit of this great axle and this great axle grease, which 1 truly believe have no equals, and by purchasing one of Moyer's carriages you will be able to prove the quality of this axle and axle grease to be all that 1 claim for it — the greatest in use. Another desirable feature in using this axle and grease is that you will never be troubled with oil running out all over the hub of your wheel. Also 1 have run a carriage four months with one oiling — an average of 100 miles per week. ALTHOUGH the Moyer Self-Oiling Axle, when oiled with Moyer's Thirty- Day Axle Grease, will run four months without oiling, I do not advise that it be used this way, as 1 think it better to clean the axle up and re-oil it about every two months. I have received a great many compliments on this axle and the Thirty- Day Axle Grease, and my customers all tell me that they have never used anything that was any comparison to it. In fact, some of my customers have claimed that they would be willing to give me $25 more for a carriage to wear out with this axle on, if necessary, in preference to using any other. When this grease is used on com- mon, ordinary axles it is not necessary to grease the carriage but once a week, and when the carriage is not used very much it will run two weeks with one greasing and give good satisfaction. This Grease will last four times as long on a common axle as any other oil. 89 The King of All Patented November 29, roj February 25, 18% by H \ Moyi i The Improved Moyer Patent Hub Boring Machine Four hundred of these great machines used by the largest carriage builders of the world. Does the work perfectly and guaranteed to do it twice as fast as any other machine. A proved success and a great winner. No factory making 500 jobs can afford to be without it. 90 Terms of Sale STRICTLY Three Months. Positively no goods on con- signment. No goods will be sent from factory except on a bona-fide sale. Positively no open accounts. Goods must be settled for by note or acceptance within 30 days from date of shipment. All bills not settled for within 40 days will be subject to three months' draft, dating from date of ship- ment. When purchasers are unknown to me, or without satisfactory rating, 1 will ship the gcods in my own name and draw at sight, with endorsed bill of lading attached, providing money is advanced to pay freight both ways. 1 obtain the best rates possible for my customers, but do not in any case guarantee them or allow overcharges to be made to me or deducted from remittances. My work is all boxed and delivered free of charge on board of cars at Syracuse, N. Y., and shipped in good order. 1 do not insure safe car- riage or delivery. In case of overcharge or delay in transit, the purchasers' recourse is on the carrier. In ordering, be sure and state the width of track desired, otherwise, where no track is mentioned, New York track, 4-8, will be sent. 91 THE CARGILL COW GRAND RAPID! Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Cummings Sch ~ ' ; Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, MA 01536 - ^ ER5 cHoVero i — • — cHoYeRo cMoVERs ) cMoVERj, ^ \. t ■■— » ■!■■ ■■—■ ■II HW1 IMIII 1 1 ■■— ■■^ jnwriMB cMoYers >— — — cMoVero cMoVers — - — c> gMoYers _ — ^t>_ cMoVERs cHo^PERo >- ,.,-» cHoVers ( cMO^ERo II ■ —■■■II I I II l< f cMoVerj, < cHO^ERo cHoYero cHoVerj, eMoYERa [cHoVers — — <>— — cA\oYERo > oHcnPERs — — <> I cMoYERj, A ?•;«?.' '^ WM mm mm :