>V> (g) trJ ■4 » CO 7^ m p^ &' y YOUATT ON THE STRUCTURE AND TUB DISEASES OF THE HORSE, WITH THEIR REMEDIES. ALSO, PlIACTICAL RULES TO BTJTERS, BREEDERS, BREAKERS, SMITHS, ETC. BEING THE MOST IMPORTANT PARTS OF THE ENGLISH EDITION OF " YOUATT ON THE HORSE," SOMEWHAT SIMPLIFIED. BROUGHT DOWN BY W. C. SPOONER,M. K. C. V. S., AOrnOR OF SEVERAL VETERINARIAN WORKS, TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, AN ACCOUNT OF THE BREEDS IN THE UNITED STATES, CX)MPILED BY HENRY S. RANDALL. W!TH NUMEROUS ILLUSTliATIONS. NEW TOEK: C. M. SAXTON, BAEKER f the late English editions of Youatt. They are fully equal to the original English cuts. The present abridgment has been carefully prepared by a distinguished and well-known iVmerican agricul- turist, whose writings have been extensively read throughout the United States, for years. The peli mi- nary chapter in relation to the breeds now in the United States, was complied by Henry S. Eandall, Esq., it be- ing thought that this would be much more valuable to the American reader, than Mr. Youatt's first chapter. We believe that the author has been fortunate in the execution of his task, and we present the work to the public in the confident belief that we are rendering a valuable service to an important department of Ameri- can Agriculture. ^ The Publisheks. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION BY THE PUBLISHERS. CHAPTER I. PaOE Breeds of Horses in the United States 17 The English Race Horse l7 The Arabiim 25 The Canadian 29 The Norman 29 The Morgan 36 The Cleveland Bay 38 The Dray 39 The Trotting Horse 40 CHAPTER 11. The Zoological Classification of the House 44 The Sensorial Function 46 CHAPTER III. lujURiES AND Diseases of the Skull — the Brain — the Ears — and THE Eyes 68 Fracture 68 Exostosis 68 Caries 68 Compression of the Brain 69 Pressure on the Brain 69 Megrims . . ^ 69 Apoplexy 70 Phrenitis 74 Rabies, or Madness 76 Tetanus, or Locked Jaw 79 Cramp 82 Stringhalt 83 Chorea 83 Fits, or Epilepsy 84 VUl CONTENTS. Palsy 84 Rheumatism 85 Neurotomy 86 Insanity 90 Diseases of tlie Eye 91 Common Inflammation of the Eye 93 Specific Ophthalmia, or Moon-Blmdness 94 Gutta Serena 97 Diseases of the Ear 98 Deafness 98 CHAPTER IV. The Anatomy and Diseases of the Nose and Mouth 99 Nasal Polypus 104 Nasal Gleet, or Discharge from the Nose 104 Ozena 105 Glanders 107 Farcy 114 The Lips 117 The Bones of the Mouth 118 The Palate 118 Lampas 119 The Lower Jaw 120 Diseases of the Teeth 130 The Tongue 131 Diseases of the Tongue 132 The Salivary Glands 132 Strangles 133 The Pharynx 135 CHAPTER V. The Anatomy and Diseases of the Neck and Neighboring Pakts 136 PoU-Eva 136 The Muscles and proper form of the Neck 138 The Blood- Vessels of the Neck 140 The Veins of the Neck , 140 Inflammation of the Vein 141 The Palate 142 The Larynx 142 The Trachea or Windpipe 143 Tracheotomy 143 The Bronchial Tubes 144 CHAPTER VI. Tht: Chest 146 The Spine and Back 149 The Loins 160 CONTENTS. IX PAOE The Withers 1 50 Fistulous Withers 151 Warbles, Sitfasts, and Saddle Galls 151 Chest-Founder 152 CHAPTER, YII. The Coxtknts of the Chest 153 The Thymus Gland 153 The Diaphragm 153 Rupture of the Diaphragm , 154 The Pleura 154 The Lungs 155 The Heart 155 Diseases of the Heart 156 The Arteries 158 The Pulse 158 Inflammation 160 Fever 163 The Veins 164 Bog and Blood Spavin 164 Bleeding 166 CHAPTEE VIII. Thj!- MEAfBRANE OF THE N'OSE 169 Catarrh, or Cold 169 Inflammation of the Larynx 170 Inflammation of the Trachea 172 Roaring 172 Bronchocele 174 Epidemic Catarrh 176 The Malignant Epidemic 181 Bronchitis 184 Pneumonia — Inflammation of the Lnngs 186 Chronic Cough 193 Thick Wind 194 Broken Wind 196 Phthisis Pulmonalis, or Consumption 199 Pleurisy 200 CHAPTER IX. Tas Abdomen and its Contents 206 The Stomach 206 Bots 208 The Intestines 210 Tlie Liver 213 The Pancreas 213 Tlie Spleen 213 The Omentum 213 A CONTENTS. CHAPTEU X. PAGK The Diseases of the Intestines 215 The Duodenum 216 Spasmodic Colic 215 Flatulent Colic , 218 Inflammation of the Bowels 220 Enteritis 220 Physicking 224 Calculi, or Stones, in the Intestines 226 Introsusception of the Intestines 226 Entanglement of the Bowels 226 Worms 227 Hernia, or Rupture 227 Diseases of the Liver , 228 Jaundice 229 The Kidneys 230 Inflammation of the Kidneys 231 Diabetes, or Profuse Staling 233 Bloody Urine — Haematuria 233 Albuminous Urine 234 The Bladder 234 Inflammation of the Bladder 234 Stone in the Bladder 236 CHAPTER XI. Breeding, Castration, &c. 237 Castration 244 CHAPTER XII. The Fore Legs 247 Sprain of the Shoulder 24f Slanting direction of the Shoulder 247 The Humerus, or Lower Bone of the Shoulder 252 The Arm 252 The Knee 253 Broken Knees 254 The Leg ...256 Splint 256 Sprain of the Back-Sinews 258 Wind-Galls 261 The Pasterns 263 Injuries to the Suspensory Ligament 265 The Fetlock 265 Grogginess 265 Cutting 266 Sprain of the Coffin-Joint 26fJ Ringbone . , 268 CONTENTK. CHAPTER XIII. PAGE Th£ IIixD Legs 271 The Haunch 271 TheThigh 272 The Stifle 275 Thorough-Pin 277 The Hock 277 Enlargement of the Hock 279 Curb 280 Bog Spavin 281 Bone Spavin 283 Capped Hock 285 Mallenders and Sallenders 286 SweUed Legs 287 Grease 288 CHAPTER XIV. The foot 293 The Crust or WaU of the Hoof 294 The Coronary Ring 296 The Bars 296 The Horny Laminae 297 The Sole 297 The Frog 29S The Cofiin-Bone 299 The Sensible Sole 300 The Sensible Frog 300 The Navicular Bone 300 The Cartilages of the Foot 801 CHAPTER XV. The Diseases of the Foot 302 Inflammation of the Foot, or Acute Founder 802 Chronic Founder 805 Pumiced Feet 305 Contraction 807 The Navicular -Joint Disease 811 Sand-Crack 817 Tread and Over-reach 319 False Quarter 820 Quittor 321 Prick or Wound in the Sole or Crust 824 Corns 826 Thrush 828 Canker 380 Ossification of the Cartilages 331 Weakness of the Foot S31 U\ CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVI. Paos PaACTUREs ••••• 388 CHAPTER XVn. On Shoeing 843 The putting on the Shoe 345 Calkins 346 Clips 346 The hinder Shoe 347 Different kinds of Shoes 347 The Concave-seated Shoe 348 The Unilateral, or one side nailed Shoe 349 The Hunting Shoe 351 The Bar Shoe 352 Tips 352 The Expanding Shoe 353 Felt or Leather Soles 353 Stopping the Feet 355 The Sandal 666 To Manage a Fallen Horse 358 CHAPTER XVm. DrERATioNS 359 Bleeding 361 Blistering 362 Fu-ing 364 Setons 366 Docking 367 Nickins: 368 CHAPTER XIX. The Vices and Disagreeable or Dangerous Habits of the Horse 870 Restiveness 370 Backing or Gibbing 370 Biting ,. 372 Getting the Cheek of the Bit into the Mouth 372 Kicking 373 Unsteadiness while being Mounted 374 Rearing 374 Running Away • • 375 Vicious to Clean 375 Vicious to Shoe 376 Swallowing without Grinding 377 Crib-]^iting 378 CONTENTS. JiJll Paob Wind-Suckmg . . 379 Cutting 379 Not Lying Down 380 Overreach 380 Pawing 380 Quidding 381 RolUng 381 Shying 381 Slipping the Collar 383 Tripping 384 Weaving «>o'* CHAPTER XX. The General Management of the Horse 385 Air 385 Litter 387 Light 388 Grooming 389 Exercise 391 Food 392 CHAPTER XXI. The Sktn and its Diseases 405 Hide-bound 407 Pores of the Skin 409 Moulting 410 Color 411 Surfeit - 415 Mange 416 Warts 419 Vermin 419 CHAPTER XXII. Ov Soundness, and the Purchase and Sale of Horses 420 CHAPTER XXIII. A List of the Medicines used in the Treatment of the Diseases oj- THE Horse 435 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PORTRAIT OF CCNSTERNAIION, . . • . FRONUSP PORTRAIT OF FLYING CHILDERS, PORTRAIT OF LOUIS PHILIPPE (NORMAN), , . . PORTRAIT OF GENERAL GIFFORD (MORGAN), PORTRAIT OF LADY SUFFOLK (tROTTER), . . • FIG. 1. SKELETON OF THE HORSE, . . • " 2. BONES OF THE HORSE's HEAD, . • . " 3. SECTION OF THE HORSE's HEAD, . " 4. DIAGRAM OF THE SKULL, .... « 6. OCCIPITAL BONE OF THE HORSE, . « 6. SPINAL CHORD, WITH BRANCHING NERVES, . " 7. SECTION OF THE EYE, .... " 8. MUSCLES OF THE EYE, .... " 9. HORSE WITH LOCKJAW, .... " 10. ANATOMY OF THE LEG AND FOOT, •• 11. SECTION OF UPPER JAW BONE, •* 12. MUSCLES, NERVES, AND BLOOD-VESSELS OF THE AND UPPER PART OF NECK, « 13. THE PALATE, « 14. TEETH OF A FOAL A FEW DAYS AFTER BIRTH, « 15. TEETH OF A FOAL AT TWO MONTHS, . " 16. TEETH OF A FOAL AT TWELVE MONTHS, . " 17. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF A GRINDER, . " 18. TEETH OF A YEAR AND A HALF, " 19. TEETH OF THREE YEARS, *' 20. TEETH AT THREE YEARS AND A HALF, • " 21. TEETH AT FIVE YEARS, ** 22. TEETH AT SIX YEARS, . . . • " 23. TEETH AT SEVEN YEARS, ** 24. TEETH AT EIGHT OR NINE YEARS, •* 25. FINEST SHAPE OF HEAD AND NECK, HEAD 18 30 35 41 45 47 49 53 54 67 62 66 79 87 101 102 118 121 121 122 123 123 124 126 126 127 128 128 138 CVl LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Paor FIG. 26. THE RIBS AND VERTEBR-E, ' . . . . 145 " 27. THE STOMACH, 206 " 28. THE BOT FLY IN ITS VARIOUS STAGES, . . . 208 " 29. THE INTESTINES, 210 " 30. SECTION OF THE BLIND GUT, . . . . 212 " 31. ENTANGLEMENT OF THE INTESTINES, .... 226 " 32. CURVED AND STRAIGHT CATHETER, . . . 336 " 33. BONES Oy THE LEGS, .... . . 247 " 34. simple lever, . . 248 " 35. muscles of outside of the shoulder, . . . 250) " 36. muscles of inside of shoulder and forearm, 251 " 37. section of the pastern, 263 • 38. inside view of bones of pastern, . . . 267 " 39. outside view of bones of pastern, .... 267 *• 40. attachments of the muscles of pastern, . 267 " 41. diseases of the fore leg, 269 " 42. inside muscles of hind leg, 273 " 43. outside muscles of hind leg, 274 " 44. the haunch and hind legs, 276 " 45. the hock joint, 278 " 46. anatomy of the foot, . . ... 293 " 47. anatomy of the base of the foot, . . . 293 " 48. the coronary ring, ..... 296 " 49. percevall's suspensory apparatus, . . . 334 " 50. the concave seated shoe. .... 348 " 51. the unilateral shoe, .... 350 " 52. operation for corns, . . . . . 351 " 63. percevall's sandal, ....... 356 ■" 64. percevall's sandal fastened TO THE FOOT, , • 36" THE HORSE CHAPTER I PRINCIPAL BREEDS AND VARIETIES OF HORSES IN THE UNITED STATES. The horse was not known on any part of the American Conti- nent, until introduced by Europeans. The principal breeds and varieties which now prevail in the United States, are the common horse, descended from the horses originally introduced by the English colonists, and mixed, more or less, Mdth varieties of later introduction : the thorough-bred or Race-horse ; the Arabian ; the Canadian ; the Norman ; the Morgan ; the Cleveland Bay ; the Dray ; and the American Trotting-horse. The mongrel kno\\Ti as the " common horse," is too various in blood, and too multiform in his characteristics, to admit of any particular description. THE RACE-HORSE. Mr. Youatt says : " There is much dispute with regard to the origin of the thorough-bred horse. By some he is traced through both sire and dam to Eastern parentage ; others believe him to be the native horse, improved and perfected by judicious crossing with the Barb, the Turk, or the Arabian. The Stud Book, which is an authority acknowledged by every Enghsh breeder, traces all the old racers to some Eastern origin ; or it traces them until the pedigree is lost in the uncertainty of an early pe- riod of breeding. If the pedigree of a racer of the present day be required, it is traced back to a certain extent, and ends with a well-known racer ; or, if an earlier derivation be required, that ends with an Eastern horse, or in obscurity. It must on the whole, be allowed, that the present Enjrlish FLYING CHILDERS. thorough-l)red horse is of foreign extraction, improved and per- fected by the influence of the cHmate, and by diligent cultivation. There are some exceptions, as in the case of Sampson and Bay- Malton, in each of whom, although the best horses of their day, there was a cross of vulgar blood ; but they are only exceptions to a general rule. In our best racing stables, and, particularly in the studs of the Earls of Grosvenor and Egremont, this is an acknowledged principle ; and it is not, when properly con- sidered, a principle at all derogatory to the credit of the country. The British climate, and British skill, made the thorough-bred horse what he is. The beautiful tales of Eastern countries, and somewhat re- moter days, may lead us to imagine that the Arabian horse pos- sesses marvellous powers ; but' it cannot admit of a doubt, ^;hat the English trained horse is more beautiful, and far swifter and stouter than the justly-famed coursers of the desert. In the burning plains of the East, and the frozen climate of Russia, he has invariably beaten every antagonist on his native ground. A few years ago Recruit, an English horse of moderate reputation, easily beat Pyp^amus, the best Arabian on the Bengal side of India. It must not be objected, that the numoer of Eastern horses mi- ported is far too small to produce so numerous a progeny. It will be recollected, that the thousands of wild horses on the plains of South America descended from only two stallions and four mares, which the early Spanish adventurers left there. FLYING CHILDERS ^^ Whatevei may be thi, truth as to the origin of the race-horse, the strictest attention has for the last fifty years been paid to pedigree. In the descent of almost every miodern racer, not the slightest flaw can be discovered : or when, with the splendid ex- ception of Sampson and Bay-Malton, one drop of common blood has mingled with the pure stream, it has been immediately de- tected in, the inferiority of form, and deficiency of bottom, and it has required two or three generations to wipe away the stain, and get rid of its consequences. The racer is generally distinguished by his beautiful Arabian head ; his fine and finely-set-on neck ; his oblique, lengthened shoulders ; well-bent hinder legs ; his ample, muscular quar- ters ; his flat legs, rather short from the laiee downward, although not always so deep as they should be ; and his long and elastic pastern. These are separately considered where the structure of the horse is treated of. The racer, however, with the m.ost beautiful form, is occa- sionally a sorry animal. There is sometimes a want of energy in an apparently faultless shape, for which there is no account- ing ; but there are two points among those just enumerated, which will rarely or never deceive, a well-placed shoulder and a well-bent hinder leg. The Darley Arabian was the parent of our best racing stock He was purchased by Mr. Darley's brother, at Aleppo, and was bred in the neighboring desert of Palmyra. The immediate descendants of this invaluable horse, were the Devonshire or Flying Childers ; the Bleeding or Bartlett's Chil- ders, who was never trained ; Almanzor, and others. The two Childers were the means through which the blood and fame of their sire were widely circulated, and from them descended another Childers, Blaze, Snap, Sampson, Eclipse, and a host of excellent horses. The Devonshire or Flying Childers, so called from the name of his breeder, Mr. Childers, of Carr-House, and the sale of him to the Duke of Devonshire, was the fleetest horse of his day. He was at first trained as a hunter, but the superior speed and courage which he discovered caused him to be soon trans- ferred to the turf. Common report affirms, that he could run a mile in a minute, but there is no authentic record of this. Chil- ders ran over the round course at Newmarket (three miles six fur- longs and ninety -three yards) in six minutes and forty seconds; and the Beacon course (four miles one furlong and one hundred and thirty- eight yards) in seven minutes and thirty seconds. In 1772 a mile was rim by Firetail, in one minute and four seconds In October, 174., at the Curragh meeting in Ireland, Mr. Wilde engaged to ride one hundred and twenty-seven miles id 20 ECLIPSE. nine hours. He performed it in six hours and tewntyoue min utes. He employed ten horses, and, allowing for mounting and dismounting, and a moment for refreshment, he rode for six hours at the rate of twenty miles an hour. Mr Thornhill, in 1745, exceeded this, for he lude from Stil- ton to London and back, and again to Stilton, bcnig two hun- dred and thirteen miles, in eleven hours and thirty -four minutes, which is, after allowing the least possible time for changing horses, twenty miles an hour for eleven hours, and on the turn- pike road and uneven ground. Mr. Shaftoe, in 1762, with ten horses, and five of them ridden twice, accomplished fifty miles and a quarter, in one hour and forty-nine minutes. In 1763, Mr. Shaftoe won a more extraor- dinary match. He was to procure a person to ride one hundred miles a day, on any one horse each day, for twenty-nine days together, and to have any number of horses not exceeding twenty- nine. He accomplished it on fourteen horses ; and on one day he rode one hundred and sixty miles, on account of the tiring of his first horse. Mr. Hull's duibbler, however, afforded the most extraordinar}' mstance on record, of the stoutness as well as speed of the race- horse. In December, 1786, he ran twenty-three miles round the flat at Newmarket, in fifty-seven minutes and ten seconds. Eclipse was got by Marsk, a grandson of Bartlett's Childers. Of the beauty, yet peculiarity ol' his form, much has been said The very grent size, obliquity, and lowness of his shoulders were the objects of general remark — with the shortness of his fore- quarters, his ample and finely proportioned quarters, and the swelling muscles of his fore-arm and thigh. Of his speed, no correct estimate can be formed, for he never met with an op- ponent sufficiently fleet to put it to the test. He was bred by the Duke of Cumberland, and sold at his death to Mr. Wildman, a sheep salesman, for seventy-five guineas. Col. 0' Kelly purchased a share of him from Wildman. In the spring of the following year, when the reputation of this wonder- ful animal was at its height, 0' Kelly wislied to become sole owner of him, and bought the remaining share for one thousand pounds. Eclipse was what is termed a thick-winded horse, and puffed and roared so as to be heard at a considerable distance. For this or some other cause, he was not brought on the turf until he was five years old. 0' Kelly, aware of his horse's powers, had backed him freely on his first race, in May, 1769. The first heat was easily won, when 0' Kelly, observing that the rider had been pulling at Eclipse durmg the whole of the race, ofTered a wager that he LORD GODOLPIIIN S ARABIAN. •>1 placed the horses in the next heat. This seemed a thino- sc highly improbable, that he immediately had bets to a large amount. Being called on to declare, he replied, " Eclipse first, and the rest nowhere I" The event justified his prediction : all the others were distanced by Eclipse with the greatest ease ; or. In the language of the turf, they had no place. In the spring of the following year, he beat Mr. Wentworth's Bucephalus, who had never before been conquered. Two days afterwards he distanced Mr. Strode's Pensioner, a very good horse ; and, in the August of the same year, he won the great subscription at York. No horse daring to enter against him, he closed his short career of seventeen months, by walking over the Newmarket course for the Idng's plate, on October the 18th, 1770. He was never beaten, nor ever paid forfeit, and won for his owner more than twenty-five thousand pounds. Eclipse was afterwards employed as a stallion, and produced the extraordinary number of three hundred and thirty-four win- ners, and these netted to their owners more than a hundred and sixty thousand pounds exclusive of plates and cups. This fine animal died in 1789, at the age of twenty-five years. ^ More than twenty years after the Davley Arabian, and when the value of the Arabian blood was fully established. Lord Godol- phin possessed a beautiful, but singularly-shaped horse, which he called an Arabian, but which was really a Barb. His crest, lofty and arched almost to a fault, will distinguish liim from every other horse. He had a sinking behind his shoulders, almost as peculiar, and a corresponding elevation of the spine towards the loins. His muzzle was uncommonly fine, his head beautifully set on, his shoulders capacious, and his quarters well spread out. He was picked up in France, where he was actually employed in draw- ing a cart ; and when he was afterwards presented to Lord Godolphin, he was in that nobleman's stud a considerable time before his value was discovered. It was not until the birth of Lath, one of the first horses of that period, that his excellence began to be appreciated. He was then styled an Arabian, and became, m even a greater degree than the Darley, the founder of the modern thorough-bred horses. He died hi 1753, at the age of twenty-nine. An intimate friendship subsisted between him and a cat, which either sat on his back when he was in the stable, or nestled as closely to liim as she could. At liis death, the cat refused her "*■ The produce of King Herod . a descendant of Flying Childers, -was even more nuiaerous. He gMt no less than four hundred and ninety-seven win- ners, who gained for their proprietors upwards of two himdred thousand pounds. Highflyer was a son of King Herod. 22 HORSES BROUGHT OCT TOO EARLY food, and pined away, and soon died. — Mr. Holcroft gives a bimilar relation of the attachment between a race-horse and a cat, which the courser would take in liis mouth and place in his manger and upon his back without hurting her. Chillaby, called from his great ferocity the Mad Arabian, whom one only of the grooms dared to approach, and who savagely tore to pieces the mage of a man that was purposely placed in his way, had his peculiar attachment to a lamb, who used to employ himself for many an hour, in butting away the flies from him. It has been imagined that the breed of racing horses has lately very considerably degenerated. This is not the case. Thorough- bred horses were formerly fewer in number, and their perform- ances created greater wonder. The breed has now increased twenty-fold, and superiority is not so easily obtained among so many competitors. If one circumstance could, more than any other, produce this degeneracy, it would be our absurd and cruel habit of bringing out horses too soon, and the frequent failure oi tneir legs before they have come to their full power. Childers and Eclipse did not appear until they were five years old ; but mctny of our best horses, and those, perhaps, who would have shown equal excellence with the most celebrated racers, are foundered and destroyed before that period. Whether the introduction of sliort races, and so young horses, be advantageous, and whether stoutness and usefulness may not thus be somewhat too much sacrificed to speed : whether there may be danger that an animal designed for service may, in process of time, be frittered away almost to a shadow of what he was, in order that at two years old, over the one-mile-course, he may as- tonish the crowd by his fleetness, — are questions that more con- cern the sporting man than the agriculturist ; and yet they con- cern the agriculturist too, for racing is principally valuable as connected with breeding, and as the test of breeding. The horse is as susceptible of pleasure and pain as ourselves. He was committed to us for our protection and our use ; he is a willing, devoted servant. Whence did we derive the right to abuse him ? Interest speaks the same language : many a race has been lost by the infliction of wanton cruelty." Consternation, whose portrait fronts the title-page, is the prop- erty of John B. Burnett, Esq., Syracuse, N. Y. He was bred by Matthew Hornsey, Esq., Sittenham, near York, Yorkshire, England, in 1841. He was sold by that gentleman to C. T. Albot, Esq., who imported him into the United States in 1846, and introduced him into Stokes, Oneida Co., N. Y. He is a brown horse, dap- pled with bay — an unusual, but a rich and pleasing color. He is fiilly fifteen hands and three inches high, without his shoes, and weighs between eleven and twelve hundred pounds He is i'EUlGREE OF CONSTERNATION ? 2. p. J5 c s p Ss g 1 g 1 '' — >v J^ ^< te B o- I a ? $ p. ' 3 c '» m CP •^ p CD 7^ 3 0? ^ :? ►13 a .^ g^ CD ^ 3 o ^ ^ B £ ^ ? ^ >r) H C o "^ •^ & o 5" ^ ir o o e ^ 24 CONSTERNATION. a compact, and, for a thorough-bred, very bony horse, like his immediate ancestors, Confederate, Curiosity, Figaro, &c. In- deed, his sire, Confederate, after being withdrawn from the turf, was kept by his breeder. Earl Fitzwilliam, to breed hunters and carriage-horses from, owing to Lis size, bone, and symmetry, — • properties which eminently marked his progeny. His dam. Cu- riosity, was a large, strong mare ; and her sire, Figaro, possessed the same characteristics. The size and bone of Consternation are not, therefore, accidental, or merely individual traits ; they belong to his family, and are, consequently, far more likely to be transmitted to his descendants ; and experience has shown, that he almost invariably transmits these properties to his de- scendants. =^ Consternation is beautifully symmetrical in all his proportions, with a plumpness and roundness of outline unusual in the thorough-bred ; more like a perfect hunter, or exceedingly stylish carriage-horse, but without a particle of coarseness, cloddiness, or deviation from a true blood-like look. . He is a horse of extri ordinary mettle and activity, rapid in all his paces, singularly elastic and graceful in his movements. He walks nearly five miles an hour, and is a beautiful and rapid trotter. We believe he might be made a fleet, if not a " crack" trotter, under the training of Woodruff or Wheelan. He ran but one race in England, beating Phoenician, at York. (See Johnson's Racing Calendar, 1845.) • He was entered for the St. Leger, but, owing to an accident, which injured his off fore-leg, he was disqualified temporarily, and perhaps permanently, from running. Before this point was decided, Mr. Albot purchased and imported him to America for a breeding stallion. He was selected with more especial reference to the improvement of our common stock of horses. Consternation arrived in the United States in the latter part of June, 1345, and was shown in the September following, while still suffering from the effects of his voyage, at the N. Y. State Fair at Utica. He received the first premium in the class of blood horses, beating Mr. Hungerford's Sir Henry, Mr. Crosby's Florizelle, Mr. Thompson's Sir Charles — the viewing committee consisting of Col. J. M. Sherwood, Hon. John A. King, and Col. Edward Long. He was not again shown at a State Fair until 1849, at Syracuse. He here received the certificate of superior- * Tlie writer of this has seen perhaps fifty colts, from one to three years old, the get of Consternation, from common dams, and those possessing dif- ferent proportions of blood. Every one of these has Bhown good size, and quite as much bone as it is common to see in the get of the common coarse ■»talhons of the country. THE ARABIAN HORSE. 25 ity,* beating Lance, Waxy Pope (imported), Young Alexander Sir Hemy (by the horse of the same name, exiiibited at 'Jtica) Waxy (by Waxy Pope), and several others. We have been thus full in speaking of Consternation, be- cause we believe that it is by a judicious cross ^dth the tlior- ougli-hred horse, that the greatest improvement is to be made with a class of our common mares, in breeding animals with style, speed, and, above all, bottom, for the carriage, the buggy, and the saddle ; and because we believe on the principle that like lyroduces like, Oonsternation j)roinises better for such a cross than any other blood stallion of which we have any knowledge. His pedigree includes a host of winners, and the most cele- brated horses of England. It is given on the preceding page. It may interest some who wish to breed common mares to Consternation, and w^ho, very properly, consider color an im- portant consideration in carriage and saddle horses, to know that of his ancestors above given thirty-five were bay — tiuelve, brown — ten, chestnut — and tiuo, black. THE ARABIAN- HORSE. Mr. Youatt says : — " Although in the seventh century the Arabs had no horses of value, yet the Cappadocian and other horses which they had derived from their neighbors, were pre- served with so much care, and propagated so uniformly and strictly from the finest of the breed, that in the 13th century the Arabian horse began to assume a just and unrivalled celebrity. There are said to be three breeds or varieties of Arabian horses : the Attechi, or inferior breed, on which they set little value, and which are found wild on some parts of the deserts ; the Kadischi, literally horses of an unknown race, answering to our half-bred horses — a mixed breed ; and the Kochlani, b )rses whose genealogy, according to the Arab account, is known for two thousand years. Many of them have written and attested pedigrees extending more than four hundred years, and, with true Eastern exaggeration, traced by oral tradition from the stud of Solomon. A more careful account is kept of these genealogies than belongs to the most ancient family of the proudest Arab chief, and very singular precautions are taken to * His having once drawn the first premium in the same class, by the regulations of the Society, disqualified him from again receiving it. But In such cases, the former winner, if adjudged best, receives a certificate to that effect. B 26 PECULIARITIES OF THE ARABIAN HORSE. prevent the possibility of fraud, so far as the written pedigree extends. The Kochlani are principally reared by the Bedouin Arabs, m the remoter deserts. A stallion may be procured without much difficulty, although at a great price. A m^are is rarely to; be obtained, except by fraud and excessive bribery. The Arabs have found out that which the English breeder should never forget, that the female is more concerned than the male in the excellence and value of the produce ; and the genealogies of their horses are always reckoned from the mothers. The Arabian horse would not be acknow^ledged by every judge to possess a perfect form : his head, however, is inimitable. The broadness and squareness of the forehead, the shortness and fineness of the muzzle, the prominence and brilliancy of the eye, the smallness of the ears, and the beautiful course of the veins, will always characterize the head of the Arabia,n horse. His body may be considered as too light, and his chest as too narrow ; but behind the arms the barrel generally swells out, and leaves sufficient room for the play of the lungs. In the formation of the shoulder, next to that of the head, the Arab is superior to any other breed. The withers are high, and the shoulder-blade inclined backward, and so nicely adjusted, that in descending a hill the point or edge of the ham never ruffles the skin. He may not be thought sufficiently high ; he seldom stands more than fourteen hands two inches. The fineness of his legs, and the oblique position of his pasterns, may be supposed to lessen his apparent strength ; but the leg, altliough small, is flat and wiry ; anatomists know that the bone has no common density, and the startling muscles of the fore-arm and the thigh indicate that he is fully capable of accomplishing many of the feats which are recorded of him. The Barb alone excels him in noble and spirited action ; and if there be defects about him, he is perfect for that for which he was designed. He presents the true combination of speed and bottom — strength enough to carry more than a light weight, and courage that would cause him to die rather than to give up. We may not, perhaps, believe all that is told us of the Arabian. It has been remarked, that there are en the deserts which this horse traverses no mile-stones to mark the distance, or watches to calculate the time ; and the Bedouin is naturally given to exaggeration, and, most of all, when relating the prowess of the animal, which he loves as dearly a^ his children : yet it cannot be denied that, at the introduction of the Arabian into the European stables, there was no other horse comparable to him. The Ar*»b hr'r«»*> ig as celebrated for his docility and good KIND TREATMENT OF HIS HORSE BY THE ARAB. 27 temper as for his speed and coura^^'e. In that deUghtful bookj ' Bishop Heber's Narrative of a Jonrne) through the Upper Provinces of India,' the Ibilowing interest" ng character is given of him. " My morning rides are very pleasant. My horse is a nice, quiet, good-tempered httle Arab, who is so fearless, that he goes without starting close to an elephant, and so gentle and docile that he eats bread out of" my hand, and has almost as much attachment and coaxing ways as a dog. Tiiis seems the general character of the Arab horses, to judge from what I have seen in this country. It is not the (iery dashing animal I had supposed, but with more rationality about him, and more ap- parent confidence in his rider, than the majority of English horses." The kiudness with which he is treated from a foal, gives him an affection for his master, a wish to please, a pride in exerting every energy in obedience to his commands, and, consequently, an apparent sagacity which is seldom seen in other breeds. The mare and her foal inhabit the same tent with the Bedouin and his children. The neck of the mare is often the pillow of the rider, and, more frequently, of the children, who are rolling about upon her and the foal : yet no accident ever occurs, and the animal acquires that friendship and love for man which occasional ill-treatment will not cause him for a moment to forget. When the Arab falls from his mare, and is unable to rise, she will immediately stand still, and neigh until assistance arrives. If he lies down to sleep, as fatigue sometimes compels him, in the midst of the desert, she stands watchful over him, and neighs and rouses him if either man or beast approaches. An old Arab had a valuable mare that had carried him. for fifteen years in many a hard-fouglit battle, and many a rapid weary march ; at length, eighty years old, and unable longer to ride her, he gave her, and a scimiter that had been his father's, to his eldest son and told him to appreciate their value, and never lie down to rest until he had rubbed them both as bright as a looking-glass. In the first sldrmish in which the young man was engaged he was killed, and the mare fell into the hands of the enemy. AVhen the news reached the old man, he exclaimed that " life was no longer worth preserving, for he had lost both his son and his mare and he grieved for one as much as the other ;" and he immediately sickened and died. Man, however, is an inconsistent being. The Arab who thus lives with and loves his horses, regarding them as his most valuable treasure, sometimes treats them with a cruelty scarcely to be believed, and not at all to be justified. The severest treat- ment which the English race-horse endures is gentleness compared 28 ANECDOTE. with the trial of the young Arabian. Probably the filly has never before been mounted ; she is led out ; her owner springs on her back, and goads her over the sand and rocks of the desert at full speed for fifty or sixty miles without one moment's respite. She is then forced, steaming and panting, into water deep enough for her to swim. If, immediately after this, she will eat as if nothing had occurred, her character is established, and she is acknowledged to be a genuine descendant of the KocJilani breed. The Arab is not conscious of the cruelty which he thus inflicts. It is an invariable custom, and custom will induce us to inflict many a pang on those whom, after all, we love. The following anecdote of the attachment of an Arab to his mare has often been told, but it comes home to the bosom of every one possessed of common feeling. " The whole stock of an Arab of the desert consisted of a mare. The French consul offered to purchase her in order to send her to his sovereign, Louis XIV. The Arab would have rejected the proposal at once with indignation and scorn ; but he was miserably poor. He had no means of supplying his most urgent wants, or procuring the barest necessaries of life. Still he hesitated ; — he had scarcely a rag to cover him — and his wife and children were starving. The sum ofiered was great, — it would provide him and his family with food for life. At length, and reluctantly, he consented. He brought the mare to the dwelling of the consul, — he dismounted, — he stood leaning upon her ; — he looked now at the gold, and then at his favorite ; he sighed — he wept. ' To whom is it,' said he, ' I am going to yield thee up ? To Europeans, who will tie thee close, — who will beat thee, — who will render thee miserable. Return with me, my beauty, my jewel, and rejoice the hearts of my children.' As he pronounced the last words, he sprung upon her back, and was out of sight in a mo- ment." Our horses would fare badly on the scanty nourishment aflbrded the Arabian. The mare usually has but one or two meals in twenty-four hours. During the day she is tied to the door of the tent, ready for the Bedouin to spring, at a moment's warning, into the saddle ; or she is turned out before the tent ready sad- dled, the bridle merely taken olT, and so trained that she gallops up immediately at her master's call. At night she receives a' little water ; and with her scanty provender of five or six pounds of barley or beans, and sometimes a little straw, she lies down content, in the midst of her master's family. She can, however, endure great fatigue ; she will travel fifty miles without stopping ; she has been pushed, on emergency, one hundred and twenty miles, and occasionally, neither she nor her rider has tasted food for three whole days. THIL CANADIAN AND THE NORMAN HORSE. 29 To the Arabian, principally, England is indebted for her im- proved and now unrivalled breed of horses for the turf, the field, and the road." As already said, when speaking of the English race-horse, the Arabian is not equal to his English descendant. This has also been incontestably proved in the United States. Pure blood Arabians of the highest pretensions have at various times been mported into our country ; but they have never compared in either speed or bottom, with the English race-horse and his descendants. THE CANADIAN HORSE, Found in the Canadian Provinces, and somewhat in the Northern United States, is too well known to require any partic- ular description. He is mainly of French descent — though many so called, and doubtless some of the fleetest ones, are the produce of a cross between the Canadian and the English thorough-bred stal- lion. They are a long-lived, easily kept, and exceedingly hardy race, making good farm and draft horses, when sufficiently large. In form, many of them display in a marked manner the charac- teristics of the Norman — so too in their general qualities — but they are usually considerably smaller. Stallions of this breed have in various instances, of late, been introduced into New York and other northern States, to cross with our common mares. The result has been decidedly satisfactory, particularly in giving compactness and vigor of constitution, where the dam does not excel in those particulars. A black stallion imported from Canada, a few years since, by Mr. John Legg, of Skaneateles, N. Y., has got several hundred colts, which, when broken, have averaged about one hundred dollars a piece in value ; a sum considerably above the average prices of horses in the country. They are almost invariably fair roadsters, and excellent farm-horses. This cross is more and more findinjr favor amonir our farmers. THE NORMAN HORSE. In connection with the Canadian — though not so old a variety in the United States, as snmi^ of which we have presently to .speak — we will advert to the French or Norman horse, from which the Canadian is descended. We cannot do this more satisfactorily to ourselves, or more usefully to the reader, than to publish entire the following mterfistuig and admirably candid 30 LETTER FP.OM MR. HARRIS. 'etter from Edward Harris, Esq., of Moorestowii, Burlington Co., "STew Jersey, who introduced this breed into the United States. LOUIS PHILLIPB.* Moorestown, April 6, 1850. My dear Sir: — Tour kind favor of the last of March has been duly received. I regret that, in consequence of the decease of a near relative, it has been out of my power to prepare my answer as soon as you desired. I thank you, my dear sir, for the order you have suggested to be observed in my communication. You will soon perceive that I am by no means a practised writer, therefore your suggestions are the more acceptable in aiding me to draw up my " plain, unvarnished tale." These horses first came under my observation on a journey through France ii\ the year 1831. I was struck with the immense power displayed by th-^m in drawing the heavy diligences of that country, at a pace which, although not as rapid a=! the stage-coach travelling of England, yet such a pace, say from five to nine miles per hour, the lowest rate of which I do not hesitate to say, would, in a short time, kill the English horse if placed before the same load. \x\ confirmation of this opinion I will give you an extract ^roai an article on the Norman horse in the British Quarterly Jour- nal of Agriculture, which I quoted in my communication to the Farmer's Cabinet of Philadelpliia, in 1842, as follows: — * Bred by Edward Harris, Esq., of Moorestown, New Jersey (in 1843), from liis pure imported Norman stock. (See Mr. Harris's letter which follows.) Loui.s Phillipe is an excellent characteristic specimen of the Norman horse, is a dapple gray, fifteen hands one and one half inches high and weighs twelve huuihed pounds, in good condition. He is owned by R B. Howland, E.-q., of Union Springs, Cayuga Couniy, N. Y. QUALITIEa OF THE NORMAN. 3 J " Tlie writei , in giving an account of the origin of the liorse, which agi^^es in tracing it to the Spanisli horse (of Arabian ancestry), wirh the account which I have given above, wliich I procured from French sources, says, 'The horses of Normandy are a capital race for Iiard work and scaut\j fare. I have never seen such horses at the collar, under tjie tliligence, the post-carriage, the cumbrous and heavy voiture or cabriolet for one or two horses, or the farm-cart. They are enduring and enerc/etic hei/ond descrip- tion ; with their necks cut to the bone, they flincli not; they put forth all their etTi)rts at the voice of the brutal driver, or at the dreatied sound of his never-ceasing whip; theij keep their condition wlien other horses would die of neglect and hard treatment. A better cross for some of our horses can not be imagined than those of Normandy, provided they have not the ordi nary failing, of too much length from the hock downwards, and a heavy head.' I think that all who have paid attention to this particular breed of Norman horses (the Percheron, which stands A No. 1), will bear me out in the assertion that the latter part of this quotation will not apply to them, and that, on the contrary, they are short from the hock downwards ; that their heads are short, with the true Arabian face, and not thicker than they should be to correspond with the stoutness of their bodies. At all events you can witness that Diligence has not these failings, which, when absent, an Englishman (evidently, from hi-; article a good horseman) thinks, constitutes the Norman horse the best imaginable horse for a cross upon the English horse of a certain description. Again he says, ' They are very gentle and docile ; a kicking or vicious horse is almost unknown there ; any person may pass in security at a faii- at the heels of hundreds.' " My own impressions being fortified by such authority from such a source (where we look for little praise of anything French), and numerous others, verbal and written, I made up my mind to feturn to France at an early day and select a stallion at least, as an ex-.eriment in crossing upon the hght mares of New Jersey. My intention was unavoidably dela^'ed until the year 1839, when I went seriously to work to p\u-chase two stallions and two mares with the aid of a veterinary surgeon of Havre, Monsieur St. Marc, to whose knowledge of the various distinct breeds which exist in France, and his untiring zeal in aiding my enterprise, I take great pleasure in making acknowledgments. The animals in due time were procured, but the last which was brought for my decision, although a fine stallion, showed such evident signs of a cross of the English blood (afterwards acknowledged oy the owner), that I rejected him, and the packet being about to sail, and f)reparations being made for the shipment, I was obliged to put the stal- ion and two mares on board, no time beings left to look up another stal lion. Here another difficulty arose — I could find no competent groom in Havre to take charge of them on the voyage,. and deliver them in New York. I was obliged to make an ari-angement with one of the steerage passengers, a German, who had never been to sea before, to attend to them to the best of his ability. As you may suppose, I did not feel very well satisfied with this arrangement. I therefore wrote to M. Meuricc of Paris, to take charge of my baggage which I had left at his hotel, and the next morning I was on my way to New York on the packet ship Iowa, Captain Peck, where I lived in the round-hf>use on deck, with himself and officeru It was the Iowa's first voyage, and her cabin had not been finished, so great was the fear of the owners, at that time, that their " occupation was gone" of carrying cabin passengers, in consequence of the recent success of the English sea-steamers. We had three hundred steerage, and I was the only cabin passenger. The horses were also on deck. The first night, so great was the change in the temperature, on the occurrence of a slight storm, that aU the horses took violent colds, and. unfortunately, with the best U3<^ 32 THE PERCHERON. I could make of M. St. Marc's medicine-chest, and his very judicious direc- tions for the treatment of the horses under tliis anticipated state of affaira, I could not prevent the death of the stallion from inflammation of the lungs, before reaching New York. The mares were landed safely, but too much stiffened by the voyage and their sickness, to make the journey at once across the Jerseys on foot. I procured a trusty man to accompany them, and sent them by railroad for Burlington. The next morning I had the mortifica- tion to see my man returned with the sad news that the finest mai-e had I-»r()k(;n through the bottom of the car, and fractured one of her hind legs Tlnu left with one horse out of four selected, the only alternative was to giv(? up, or go back for more. I did not hesitate about the latter, and m three weeks I was steaming it on board the Great Western. My next pur- chase was " Diligence," another stallion, and two mares. This time I was move fortunate, and procured an excellent groom to accompany them, who succeeded in getting them safely to New York and to Moorestown, carefully cJmmdng the railroad. I have, since that time, lost one of the mares, and the other stallion went blind after making one season. Not wishing to run the risk of perpetuating a race of horses with weak eyes, I have not since permitted him to cover mares ; though I must say for him that his colts have all good eyes, and stand high in public favor. Those who are acquainted with the thorougli-bred Canadian horse, will see in hkn a perfect model, on a small scale, of the Percheron horse. This is the peculiar breed of Normandy which are used so extensively through- out tlie northern half of France for diligence and post-horses, and from the best French authorities I could command (I cannot now quote the precise authorities), I learned that they were proiluced by the cross of the Andahi- sian horse upon the old heavy Norman horse, whose portrait may still be seen as a war-horse on the painted windows of the cathedral of Rouen, sev- eral centuries old. At the ti.ne of the occupation of the Netherlands by the Spaniards, the Andalusian was the favorite stallion of the north of Eu rope, and thus a stamp of the true Barb was implanted, which remoins to the present day. If you will allow me to digress a moment, I will give you a short desc! iption of the old Norman draught-horse on which the cross was made. They average full sixteen hands in height, with head short, thick, wide and hollow between the eyes ; jaws heavy; ears short and pointed well forwards ; neck very short and thick ; mane heavy ; shoulder well inclined backwards; back extremely short; rump steep; quarters verv broad; chest deep and wide; tendons large; muscles excessively de- veloped ; legs very short, particularly from the knee and hock to the fet- lock, and thence to the coronet, which is covered with long hair, hiding half the hoof; much hair on the legs. The bone and muscle, and much of the form of the Percheron is derived from this horse, and he gets his spirit and action from thb Andalusian. Do- cility comes from both sides. On the expulsion of the Spaniards from the north, the supply of Andalusian stallions was cut off, and since that time in the Perche district in Normandy, their progeny has doubtless been bred in-and-in ; hence the remarkable uniformity of the breed, and the disposi- tion to impart their form to their progeny beyond any breed of domestic animals within my knowledge. Another circumstance which I think has tended to perpetuate the good qualities of these horses, is the fact of all their males being kept entire ; a gelding is, I believe, unknown among the rural horses of France. You may be startled at this notion of mine, but if you reflect a moment, you must perceive that in such a state of things (so contrary to our practice and that of the English) the farmer will always breed from the best horse, and he will have an opportunity of judging, be- cause the horse has been broken to harness and his qualities known before DILIGENCE. 33 he could command business «s a stallion. Hence, too, their indifference to pedigree. If the success of Diligence as a stallion is any evidence of the value of the breed, I can state, that he has averaged eighty mares per season for the ten seasons he has made in this country, and a^he is a very sure foal getter, be must have produced at least four hundred colts ; and as I have never vet heard of a colt of his that would not readily bring one hundred dollars, and many of them much higher prices, you can judge of the benefit which Qas accrued from his services. I have yet to learn that he has produced me worthless colt, nor have I heard of one that is spavined, curbed, ring- boned, or has any of those defects which render utterly useless so large a number of the tine-bred colts of the present day. The opinion of good judges here is, that we have never had, in this part of the country at least, so valuable a stock of horses for farming purposes ; and further, that no horse that ever stood in this section of the country has produced the same number of colts whose aggregate value has been equal to that of the colts of Diligence ; for the reason that, although there may have been indi- viduals among them which would command a much higher price than any of those of Diligence, yet the number of blemished and indifferent colts has been so great, as quite to turn the scale in his favor. In reply to your queries, I would say to the first, that Diligence has not been crossed at all with thorough-bred mares — such a thing is almost un- known here at the present day ; but those mares the nearest approaching to it have produced the cleanest, neatest, and handsomest colts, though hardly large enough to command the best prices. Those I know of that cross are excellent performers. 2. The style of mares with which Diligence breed? best, appears to me to be the mare which you would choose to breed carriage-horses from, with a good length of neck, and tail coming out on a line with the back, to cor- rect the two prominent faults in form of the breed, the short neck and steep rump. 3. What is the result of the cross with different styles (as regards size and shape) ? This may be answered in a general way by stating, the size will depend somewhat upon the size of the mare, with due allowance for casting after back stock, which will be well understood by breeders. As regards shape, you may depend upon the predominance of the form of the horse in nine cases out of ten ; indeed, I have only seen one of his colts that I could not instantly recognize from the form. The reason will occur to you from what I have said of the extreme purity of the breed : such as they are they have been for centuries ; and could you find another race of horses of entirely different form in the same category as regards theii pedigree, my belief is, that when you should see the first colt from them, you would see the model of all that were to follow. 4. Can you breed carriage-horses sufficiently fashionable for the city mar- kets ? I do not hesitate to say that it cannot be done with the first cross. There is too much coarseness about them, which must be worn down by judicious crossing ; and I think a stallion got by Diligence upon a large- sized thorough-bred mare, would go very far towards producing the desired result. Should this fail, I feel very confident that another cross from these colts on the thorough-bred mare, will give you the Morgan-horxe on a larger scale. I still hold to the opinion I expressed to you years ago, that le action of our common horses would be improved by this cross. His • •- Its have higher action than their dams, and generally keep their feet bet- ter under them; in other words, they pick them up quicker, not suffering tiiem to rest so long upon the ground. 3 b 34 THE COLTS OF DILIGENCE. Your fifth and sixth questions will be answered by what I have furtboi to '»ay in regard to the progeny of Diligence. I may safely say they are universally docile and kind, at the same time spirited and lively. They break-in without any difficulty. As regards their speed, I do not know ^f any that can be called fast horses, though many smart ones among ordinary road horses. Diligence, as I have said elsewhere, was chosen (for obvious reasons) as a full-sized specimen of the breed. As for speed in trotting, we cannot doubt its being in the breed, when we look at the instances among the thorough-bred Canadian ponies. Could I have made my selection from the stallions which I rode behind in the diligences, I could have satisfied the most fastidious on this point, but, unfortunately, these horses all belonged to the government, and are never sold until past service. My main object was to produce a valuable farm horse. The chance of fast colts is not very great ; because those persons having fast mares to breed from, naturally look for a fast stallion, and fail- ing to find him, take one of the best English blood they can find ; and should they occur, they will be mares, or, ten to one, horses, gelded before their good qualities are discovered. Perhaps some part of what I say above will be more clear to you if I say, that I hold to the opinion that the Percheron blood still exists in Canada in all its purity. You will think, perhaps, that I have said quite enough about my humble hobby, and you will have found out too, that I have no idea, contrary to your good-natured warning, of making " swans of my geese." What I should like to see would be further importations of these horses, thereby multiplying the chances for a happy hit in crossing, and to draw public atten- tion to them, which would do more for them than writing till doomsday. So fnr from considering these horses as capable by any crossing of producing the very best of horses for all purposes, that is to say, the best horse-of-all- work, I believe that if I had my time to live over again, had a very large landed estate, an unlimited supply of " the dust,'" I could produce that horse by breeding from the thorough-bred English racer. It would not be difficult now to select, to start from, stallions and mares possessing all the requisites of size, form, temper, (fee. ; but each of these individuals is such a compound of all kinds of ancestors, good, bad, and indifferent, that you would be obliged fi-om their progeny to select and reject so often, for faults of size and form, and for blemishes and vices, that your allotted days would be near a close before you produced anything like uniformity in the breed. Still, we see what has been done by Bakewell and others in breed- ing stock, therefore I contend, a la Sam Patch, that what has been done may be done again. I therefore am decidedly of opinion, that we cannot do better, if we wish to produce in any reasonable time a most invaluable race of horses for the farm and the road, than to breed form the full-sized Norman or Percheron horse. Mr. Rowland's horse (the portrait of which is given at the beginning of 1 his article) is of r!ie true breed, having been raised by me from one of my iHiiforted mare.'s put to Diligence, and I consider him a remarkably fine "Specimen of the breed. I remain, yours very sincerely, EDWARD HARRIS. Mr Youatt in speaking of the French horses, says : " The best French horses are bred in Limousin and Normandy. From the former district come excellent saddle-horses and hunters ; %nd from the latter a stronger species for the road, the cavalry, THE MORGAN. 35 or the (jarria^e. The Norman horses are now much crossed by our hunters, and occasionally by the thorough-bred ; and the Eng lish roadster and light drail horse has not suHered by a mixture with the Norman." In his remarks on the Coach Horse, Mr. Y. says : — " The Normandy carriers travel with a team of four horses, and from fourteen to twenty-two miles in a day, with a load of ninety hundred weight." THE MORGAN HORSE. GENERAL GIFFORD. OffH' Of this celebrated American variety or family of horses, the writer of this possesses little knowledge derived from personal experience. That they have obtained m.uch celebrity as light buggy and saddle horses, — attracted much notice and admira- tion at the New York State Fairs from their remarkably spirited action and evident docility — sold for high prices not only for the * " General GifFord" was got by Gifford Morgan, he by Burbank. he by the original " Morgan Horse." The dam of General Gifford was got by Sherman Morgan. He is ISi hands high, of a dark chestnut color, exceed ingly compact ; remarkable for his muscular development, and is said by a correspondent in the Genessee Farmer, in " only decent working condition' to have weighed 10-40 pounds. The same correspondent states on the au- thority of Mr. Mason (who has owned the horse), that he has trotted a mile inside of three minutes. He is a horse of great action, and is considered a very characteristic and favorable specimen of the breed in all particulars He is now owned by Chark^s W TngersoU Esq., of L^di. Seneca Co.. N, Y 0(j ORIGIN OF THE MORGAN. saddle and buggy, but as stallions to extend the breed, — is cei tain. They have many warm admirers, and find ready pur- chasers. Others, on the contrary, are disposed to concede to them no uncommon value as a family, as will be seen by some quotations v/hich we shall presently make. The origin of the Morgans is thus stated in a letter to us from a highly intelligent and, ah we believe, perfectly responsible source : — Burlington, March Sth, 1850. My dear Sir, — Tlie conflicting reports concerning the origin of the "Morgan" horse are so numerous, and come in "such questionable shapes," that no one can be satisfied beyond a doubt of the truth of any one story. The pedigree given by the descendants of Mr. Justin Morgan, is, in my estimation, the one entitled to the most credit. They have made oath to certain statements in regard to the pedigree of the " Morgan" horse. But these statements, so far as I can learn, depend upon the reminiscences of early childhood, anil consequently are not entitled to implicit confidence. Adopting the pedigree, as given by a son of Mr. Justin Morgan, as the most reliable pedigree, I will proceed. The original " Morgan " horse, the founder of the family of horses known by that name, was brought, at two years old. in 1795, from Springfield, Rlass., to Randolph, Vt., by Justin Morgan, of the latter place. He was got by " True Britton," he by More- ton's "Traveller" (imported), among whose ancestors are found "English Eclipse," " Childers," and the " Godolphin Arabian." "True Britton" (not the hoi-se of same name mentioned in the Stud Book, and got by imported " Othello"), was stolen from Gen. Delancey, of New York, while with a band of refugee troops on Long Island. Gen. Delancey was the importer of the horses " Wild-air" and " Lath," both thorough-bred horses — the for- mer of such superiority that he was sent back to England, in 1772. Judging from Gen. Delancey's taste in horses, it is but right to infer that "True Britton" was thorough-bred. Thus much for the sire of the "Morgan" horse. Concerning his dam, Mr. F. A. Weir, of Walpole, N. H., writes as follows (Cultivator, January, 1840, p. 19.): "The dam is described by Mr. John Morgan, who knew her, as of the 'Wild-air' breed, of middling size, with a heavy chest, of a very light bay color, with a bushy mane and tail, the hair on the legs rather long, and a smooth, hand- some traveller. She was got by ' Diamond,' a thick heavy horse, of about the middling size, with a thick heavy mane and tail, hairy legs, and a smooth traveller," " Diamond," Mr. Weir further says, was got by " Wild-air," out of the " noted imported ?^ar(? ' Wild-air.' " I can find no account of any such importation, and deem it improbable that a mare and horse should have been imported about the same time, and allowed to retain one and the same name. However, I may be wrong, and Mr. Weir right. " Wild- air," sire of " Diamond," was got by imported " Wild-air." The reasonable conclusion from this statement is, that the dam of the old " Morgan" had some good blood in her veins, but was ,iot thorough- bred. This, it is believed, is as correct and reliable an account of the pedi- gree of the " Morgan" horse as caji be obtained. From the appearance of chose horses now living, nearest related to the original " Morgan," it is evident that the old horse was possessed of no small share of pure blood. There can be no good reason to doubt the above pedigree, if we judge from the character of the immediate descendants of the old horse. There were but four colts of the original " Morgan" kept as stallions. and concerning; the blood of theu' dams nothing is known. DESCRIPTIONS OF THE MORGAN. 37 I. " Rpvenge ' was foaled in Claremont, N. H., out of a " middle-sized white mare, of no particular blood." II. " Shermau Morgan," raised in Lyndon, Vt., was from a " chestnut colored mare, of rather light bone, and said to be of English blood." III. " Bulrush," bred by Mr. Gifford, of Tunbridge, Vt., was out of . "thick, heavy, dark bay and rather lazy mare." IV. " Woodbury," or "Burbank," was also foaled in Tunbridge, Vt., and was out of a " bay marc, said to weigh about 1000 pounds, a smart, good Iriver." " Burbank" was doubtless the best colt from the loins of the old horse, kept as a stallion. He was the sire of the " GitTord Morgan, now owned by F. A. Weir, of Walpole, N. H.," [and grandsire of " General Gifford," given in our cut. — £d.] The Committee of the N. Y. State Agricultural Society, " on stock owned out ol' the State," at the State Fair at Auburn, in 184G, thus spoke of the Morgans, and of the horse (General Gifford) represented in the cut, and of his sire GijETord Morgan : — " Gififord Morgan, a dark chestnut stallion, fourteen hands and three inches high, aged twenty years, was exhibited by F. A. Weir, of Walpole, N. H. It is claimed on the part of his owner, that this horse possesses the celebrated " Morgan" blood in greater purity than any other now living. "General Gifford," got by the above-named horse, was exhibited by Mr. 0. Blodget, of Chelsea, Vt. In his size, figure, action, and color, he closely resembles his sire. Both are exceedingly compact horses, deep chested, strong-backed, with fore-legs set wide apart, and carrying their heads (which are small, with fine, well set eyes) high and gracefully, without a bearing-rein. Their action attracted the marked admiration of all. This breed are reputed to possess great bottom and hardiness, and everything about the two presented, goes to prove that their reputation, in this par- ticular, is well founded. For light carriage or buggy horses, it would l)e difficult to equal them, and if by crossing with prime large mares, of any breed, size could be obtained in the progeny, without losing the tjre ajid action of the Morgan, the result of the cross would be a carriage of very superior quality. Your committee are not aware of the extent or result of sucli crosses, in the region where the Morgans originated. Unless expe- rience has already demonstrated their inutility, we could recommend to our horse-breeders, some well-considered experiments, limited at first, to test the feasibility of engrafting the Morgan characteristics on a larger horse." A distinguished judge of horses in Yermont, writes us : — " The original Morgan ought not to be pronounced a thorough-bred horse, not having been bred from a full blood mare. Yet it is evident that the rich, high blood from which he sprung, though slightly diluted, is the cause of the reputation to which his stock has attained. But when we trace down his stock, we find, in the very first generation, an admixture of cold, worth- less blood, to the full measure of one half The result, usual in similar cases, IS found here. Many of the colts related more or less nearly to tha old horse, exliibit the characteristics of the " Morgan" /o?-jn, but lack com- pactness — not of general form, hut of muscle, and they lack bottom. The general characteristics of the Morgan family, are small size, weighing from Beven hundred to one thousand pounds — a long but strong back — plump 38 THE CLEVELAND BAY. ness of general contour, like a Berkshire pig — short, strong, hairy legs — a brufique air — a bustling gait, with more pucker and gather than freedom and elasticity of step — long, coarse hair — heavy mane and tail — and a sur- prising predisposition to accumulate fat, instead of muscle — and a remark- ably docile and tractable temper. As a general thing, the " Morgans" have not length of stride enough to be good roadsters. They take too many steps in a mile. It is but very rarely one can be found that proves to be a good " all-day horse." It often occurs that one can be driven ten miles within the hour, and perhaps at the same rate for the second hour, Avithout apparent distress or injury. But for a high rate of speed throughout the day, search must be made among other families than the " Morgan." There is a place for them, however. They are good for an hour's drive — for short stages. They are good to run around town with. They are good in the light pleasure-wagon — prompt, lively (not spirited) and " trappy." There is no question among those who have had fair opportunities of com- paring the " Morgans" with horses of purer blood, and descended from dif- ferent stocks, in regard to the relative position of the " Morgan." He is, a? he exists at the present day, inferior in size, speed, and bottom, in fact, Idn all those qualities necessary for the performance of " great deeds" on the road or the farm, to the descendants of Messenger, Duroc, imp. MagnuL.. Bonum, and of many other horses of deserved celebrity. The Clifford Mor- gan embodies the characteristics of the " Morgan" form, or did embody them, better, and in more prominent and pleasant relief than any other horse I am acquainted with, of this family." * * * The above is not, as already stated, the popular estimate of this family. Having stated both sides of the question, we leave it to the judgment of the pubhc. THE CLEVELAND BAT. According to Mr. Youatt, the true Cleveland Bay is nearly ex- tinct in England. They were formerly employed as a heavy, slow coach-horse. Mr. Y. says : " The origin of the better kind of coach-horse is the Cleveland Bay, coniined principally to Yorkshire and Durham, with, perhaps, Lincolnshire on one side, and Northumberland on the other, but difficult to meet with pure in either county. The Cleveland mare is crossed by a three-fourths, or thorough-bred horse of sufficient substance and height, and the produce is the coach-horse most in repute, with his arched crest and high action. From the thorough-bred of sufficient height, but not of so much substance, we obtain the four-in-hand, and superior curricle-horse. From less height and more substance we have the hunter and better sort of hackney ; and, from the half-bred, we derive the machineer, the poster, and the common carriage-horse : indeed, Cleveland, and the Yale of Pickering, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, may be considered as the most decided breeding coun- '.ry in England for coach-horses, hunters, and hackneys." Again, in his article on the Farmer's Horse, Mr. Y. says: "If THE DRAY HORSE. 39 he (the farmer) has a superior mare, one of the old Cleveland breed, and puts her to a L<:Jliy, three-fourths-bred horse, or, if he can find oTie stout and compact enough, a seven-eighths, or a thorough-bred one. he will have a fair chance to rear a colt that will amply repay tiim as a hunter or carriage-horse." In his article on Heavy Draught Horses, Mr. Y. says : " The Cleveland horses have been known to carnj more than seven hundred pounds sixty miles in twenty-four hours, and to perform this journey four times in a week." Cleveland Bays were imported into western New York, a few years since, where they have spread considerably. They have often been exhibited at our State Fairs. They are monstrously large, and, for their size, are symmetrical horses, and possess very respectable action. Whether they would endure on the road, at any but a moderate pace, we are not informed, and have some doubts. Whether they spring from the genuine and unmixed Cleveland stock, now so scarce in England, we have no means of knowmg. The half-bloods, the produce of a cross with our com- mon mares, are liked by many of our farmers. They are said to make strong, serviceable farm beasts — though rather prone to sullemiess of temper. THE DRAT HORSE. Of the Heavy Black Dray Horses, but few have been imported into this country, and they do not seem likely to become favorites here. Mr. Youatt says of them : " The Heavy Black Horse is the last variety it may be necessary to notice. It is bred chiefly in the midland counties from Lin- colnshire to Staffordshire. Many are bought up by the Surrey and Berkshire farmers at two years old, — and being worked mod- erately until they are four, earning their keep all the while, they are then sent to the London market, and sold at a profit of ten or twelve per cent. It would not answer the breeder s purpose to keep them until they are fit for toAvn-work. He has plenty of fillies and mares on his farm for every purpose that he can require ; he therefore sells them to a person nearer the metropolis, by whom they a.re gradually trained and prepared. The traveller has probably wondered to see four of these enormous animals in a line before a plough, on no very heavy soil, and where two lighter horses would have been quite sufficient. The farmer is training them for their future destiny ; and he does right in not requiring the exertion of all their strength, for their bones are not yet perfectly formed, nor their joints knit ; and were he to urge them too se- trerely, he would probably injure and deform them. By the geiw 40 THE AMERICAN TROTTING-HOK.SE. tie and constant exercise of the plough, he is preparing them for that continued and equable pull at the collar, which is after- wards so necessary. These horses are adapted more for parade and show, and to gratify the ambition which one brewer has to outvie his neighbor, than for any peculiar utility. They are cer- tainly noble-looking animals, with their round fat carcases, and their sleek coats, and the evident pride which tliey take in them- selves ; but they eat a great deal of hay and corn, and at hard and long-continued work they would be completely beaten by a team of active muscular horses an inch and a half lower. The only plea which can be urged in their favor, beside their fine appearance, is, that as shaft-lmrses over the badly-paved streets of the metropolis, and with the immense loads they often have behind them, great bulk and weight are necessary to stand the unavoidable shaking and battering. Weight must be opposed to weight, or the horse would sometimes be quite thiown off his legs. A large heavy horse must be in the shafts, and then little ones before him would not look well. Certainly no one has walked the streets of London without pitying the poor thill-horse, jolted from side to side, and exposed to many a bruise, unless, with admirable cleverness, he accom- modates himself to every motion ; but, at the same time, it must be evident, that bulk and fat do not always constitute strength, and that a compact muscular horse, approaching to sixteen hands high, would acquit himself far better in such a situation. The dray-horse, in the mere act of ascending from the wharf, may display a powerful effort, but he afterwards makes little exertion, much of his force being expended in transporting his own over- grown mass." THE AMERICAN TROTTING-HORSE. Before leaving the consideration of our present topic — the con- sideration of the principal breeds and varieties of horses now in the United States — we cannot refrain from calling attention to our trotting-horses, though in reality they do not, at least as a whole, constitute a breed, or even a distinct variety or family. There is a family of superior trotters, including several the best our country has ever produced, the descendants of Abdallah and Messenger, and running back through their sire Mambrino, to the thorough-bred horse, old Messenger. But many of our best trot- ters, including the extraordinary animal of which we have given a cut, have no known pedigrees, and some of them, without doubt, are entirely destitute of the blood of the race-horse. Lady Suffolk is by Engineer, but the blood of Engineer is unknown ^she is a {rray mare, fifteen hands and two inches high). Dutch SUPERIORITY OF AMERICAN TROTTERS. 41 LADY SUFFOLK. man has no known pedigree. Other celebrated trotters stand in the same category, — though we are inchned to think that a de- cided majority of the best, especially at long distances, have a greater or less infusion of the blood of the race-horse. The United States has undoubtedly produced more superior iTotters than any other country in the world, and in no other couutry has the speed of the best American trotters been equalled. The New York " Spirit of the Times" — the best authority in oui country on this and all kindred topics — thus compares the Eng- lish and American trotters : — • Ximrod, in admitting the superiority of our trotting-horses to the ' English,' claims that the English ' approach very near to the Americans, even in this breed of cattle. Possibly the characteristic national vanity would not allow him to make a further concession. But there is no com parison whatever between the trotting-horses of the two countries. Mr Wheelan, who took Rattler to England last season, and doubly distanced with ease every horse that ventured to start against him, as the record shows, informs us that there are twenty or more roadsters in common use in thia city, that could compete successfully with the fastest trotters on the Eng lish turf They neither understand the art of training, driving, or riding, there. For example : some few years since, Alexander was purchased by Messrs. C. and B. of this city, for a friend or acquaintance, in England. Alexander was a well-known roadster here, and was purchased to order af a low rate. The horse was sent out and trials made of him ; but so unsuc 42 CAUSES OF THE SUPERIORITY OF AMERICAN TROTTERS. cessful were they, that the English importers considered him an imposition. Thus the matter stood for a year or more. When Wheelan arrived in Eng land, he recognized the horse, and learned the particulars of his purchase and subsequent trials there. By his advice the horse was nominated in a stake at Manchester (we believe) with four or five of the best trotters in England, he (Wheelan) engaging to train and ride him. When the., horses came upon the ground, the odds were 4 and 5 to 1 against Alexander, who won by nearly a quarter of a mile ! Wheelan says he took the track at starting, and widened the gap at his ease — that near the finish, being sur- prised that no horse was anywhere near him, as his own had not yet made a stroke, he got frightened, thinking some one might outbrush him — that he put Alexander up to his work, and finally won by an immense way, no horse, literally, getting to the head of the quarter stretch, as he came out at the winning stand ! The importers of Alexander, at any rate, were so surprised aiiJ delighted at his performance, that they presented Wheelan with a magnificent gold timing- watch, and other valuable presents, and sent Messrs. 0. and B. a superb service of plate, which may be seen at any time at their establishment in Maiden Lane." From whence does this superiority of the American trotters spring ? Is it from blood ? This would seem to he disproved from the facts already shown. The American trotter belongs to no particular breed or blood. Many of our celebrated trotters have partaken more or less deeply of the blood of the English race-horse. The Abdallah and Messenger family are consider- ably more than half-bloods — the dams of these horses being also of Messenger blood. Unless it is shown that the unknown or common blood which they possess, has been the source of their siqieriority as trotters, then it is certain that England possesses as good materials as ourselves, so far as blood is con- cerned, for breeding trotters. The former has never, so far as we are aware, been claimed, and there is not a reasonable doubt that England does possess all the requisite materials to equal us. The diilereiice has been occasioned by management, training, and attentiou to this definite object. On this subject, we quote the following just and highly spirited remarks from a disser- tation on American Trotting Horses^ by that talented but ilU rewarded veteran agricultural writer, Hon. J. S. Skinner :- — " According to the theory here maintained, the great number of trotters in America that can go, as before said, their mile under three minutes, and there are many who do it under 2m. 40.s., and even in some cases under 1in. 305., — as for instance in the case of Ripton and Confidence, whose per- formances have given so much gratification to sportsmen, is to be explained ,x\ tlie same way that we account for the great number of siiperb hunters that are admitted to abound in England above all countries, not excepting our own. There, in every county in the Kingdom, there are organized " Hunts,'" with their whippers-in, and huntsmen, and earth-stoppers, and * See prefatory chapter to the American edition of Youatt on the ^lorse. Lea tk Blanchard : Philadelphia, 1849. ENGLISH HUNTERS AND AMERICAN TROTTERS. 43 costly appointmonts of every kind to accommodate some fifty or an hun- dred coujjle of high-bred hounds, whose pedigrees are as well preserved as those of Priam or Long waist ; and a wide district of country is reserved and assigned exclusively to each hunt. Fox-hunting is there termed par excellence, a princely amusement, and gentlemen of the most exalted rank and largest fortune, take pride in the office of ''Master of the liounds,^' and assuredly in all the wide field of manly exercises, none can compare with an English fox or steeple-chase, for union of athletic vigor and daring skill, and magnificence of equitation; unless perhaps it were some splendid charge de cavalrie, like those we used to read of, made by the gallant MuRAT at a critical moment of the battle, when he was wont, in his gor- geous uniform and towering plumes, to fall with his cavalry like an ava- lanche upon his adversary, confounding and crushing him at a blow ! Truly, it would well be worth a trip across the Atlantic, to see a single " turn out" of an English hunt, all in their fair tops, buckskin smalls, and scarlet coats, mounted on hunters that under Tattersall's hammer would command from one to two hundred guineas ! Imagine such a field with thirty couple of staunch hounds, heads up and sterns down, all in full cry, and well away with then- fox ! ! ■NoAV, my brave youths, Flourish the whip, nor spare the galling spur ; But in the madness of delight, forget Your fears. Far o'er the rocky hills we range, And dangerous our course ; but in the brave True courage never fails." To indicate more strongly the prevalence of this partiality for trotting- horses, and emulation to own the fiistest goer, and the number and extent of associations and arrangements for this sort of trial and amusement, it need only be mentioned that the " Spirit of the Times," published in New York, contains lists of matches and purses, and of thousands on thousands of dollars in small purses, won and lost on these };erformances on trotting courses! These performances show that the excel' etice which is conceded to American trotters, is not founded on a solitary achievement or very rare cases, nor to be ascribed to the possession of any distinct and peculiar breed of horses ; but is the natural and common fruit of that union of blood and bone, which forms proverbially the desideratum in a good hunter, with the superaddition of skilful training, much practice, and artful jockeying, for the trotting course. Who can doubt that if Hiram Woodruff were to go to England, having the run of their hunting-stables, he might select nags enough which could soon be made, under his training and consummate jockeyship, to go along with Edwin Forrest and Lady Suffolk, Ripton, llattler. Confidence, and the Dutchman ?" CHAPTER II. THE ZOOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE HORSE. [Before commencing the perusal of the following chapters, the reader, and particularly the young reader, is earnestly requested to turn back and read the Introduction. It is believed that he will there find some highly useful and important hints in regard to the manner of acquiring a full knowledge of the contents of the work. — much of which, comparatively speaking, will be but imperfectly understood by him, without attention to the rules there laid down. — Am. Fd.]*- In his zoological classification, the Horse ranks under the divi- sion vertebrata — ^the class mammalia — the tribe ungulata — the order pachydermata — and the family solipeda. The solipeda consist of several sjoecies, as the horse, the ass, the mule, and the quagga. First stands the Equus Caeallus, or Common Horse. The horse has six incisors or cutting teeth in the front of each jaw ; and one canine tooth or tusk. On each side, above and below — at some distance from the incisors, and behind the canines, and with some intervening space — are six molar teeth, or grinders ; and these molar teeth have flat crowns, with ridges of enamel, and that enamel pene- trating into the substance of the tooth. The whole is thus represented by natural historians : — Horse. — Incisors^, canines — , molar - — -. Total, fort\ .eeth. ^ -^ 1-1 ^-6 ♦ The work should be read through in course, ealier bemg f.^equentlj D3ces?ary to explain later portions of it : and he who would derive the full advantage of it, should never pass over a word without understanding its signification. Many of the scientific terms admit of no substitutes — at least without much and 'frequently recurring circumlocution — and their detinitiona will usually be found in Webster's dictionary. These should be committed to memory; and especially the names of the different parts and tissues. Much less trouble of this kind is necessary, than would be supposed, to r full understanding of the work. SKELr.i'ON OF THE HORSE. 45 Skeleton of the Horse. Fig. 1. The Head. The posterior maxillary or under jaw. The superior maxillary or upper jaw. A little lower down than the letter is a foramen, through which pass the nerves and blood vessels which chiefly supply the lower part of the face. The orbit, or cavity containing the eye. The nasal bones, or bones of the nose. The suture dividing the parietal bones below from the occipital bones above. The inferior maxillary bone, containing the upper incisor teeth. The Seven Cervical Vertebrae, or bones of the neck. The Eighteen Dorsal Vertebrte, or bones of the back. The Six Lumbar Vertebrae, or bones of the loins. The Five Sacral Vertebrae, or bones of the haunch. The Caudal Vertebrae, or bones of the tail, generally about fifteen. The Scapula, or shoulder-blade. The Sternum, or fore-part of the chest. The Costae, or ribs, seven or eight articulating with the sternum, and called the true ribs, and ten or eleven united together by cartilage, called the Jalse ribs. The Humerus, or upper bone of the arm. The Radius, or upper bone of the arm. The LHna, or elbow. The point of the elbow is called the Olecranon. The Carpus, or knee, consisting of seven bones. The Metacarpal bones. The larger metacarpal or cannon or shank in front, and the smaller metacarpal or splint bone behind. 46 THE SENSORIAL FUNCTION. g The fore pastern and foot, consisting of the Os SufFraginis, or the upper an«*' larger pastern bone, with the sesamoid bones behind, articulating with the cannon and greater pastern ; the Os Coronas, or lesser pastern ; the Os Pedis, or cotliu bone ; and the Os Naviculare, or navicular, or shuttle- bone, not seen, and articulating with the smaller pastern and collin bones. /i The coiTesponding bones of the hind-feet. O The Haunch, consisting of three portions, the Ilium, the Ischium, and the Pubis. P The Femur, or thigh. Q, The stiile joint with the Patella. R The Tibia, or proper leg bone — behind is a small bone called the fibula. S The Tarsus, or hock, composed of six bones. The prominent part is the Os Calcis, or point of the hock. T The Metatarsals of the hind leg. THE SENSORIAL FUN'CTIO:^' An accurate knowledge of what constitutes the just structure of the horse — the form and connection of parts on which strength, or fleetness, or stoutness, must necessarily depend, is claimed by nearly all who have had anything to do with this noble animal ; but in reality it is possessed by very few. In speaking of the structure of this animal, and the points which guide the opinion of real judges of him, we shall, as briefly and as simply as we are able, explain those fundamental princi- ples on which his usefulness and beauty must depend. We re- quire one kind of horse for slow and heavy draught, and another for lighter and quicker work ; one as a pleasant and safe roadster — another, with more speed and equal contiimance, as a hunter — and another still is wanted for the race-course. What is the pe- culiarity of structure — what are the particular points that will fit each for his proper business, and, to a certain degree, unfit him for everything else ? The farmer will require a horse of aU-ivork, that can carry him to market and take him round his farm — on which he can occasionally ride for pleasure, and which he must sometimes degrade to the dung-cart or the harrow. What com- bination of powers will enable the animal to discharge most of these duties well, and all of them to a certain extent profitably? Much time spent among horses, an acquired love of them, and a little, sometimes possibly too dearly-bought experience, may give the agriculturist some insight into these matters. And we shall try to render him some useful assistance in this affair — to teach him why certain points must be good or bad — and to induce him to discard many common but dangerous errors and prejudices. It is only by being well acquainted Math the structure and anatomy of the horse, that we can appreciate his shape and uses, or under- stand the different diseases to which he is liable. The nervous system will first pass in review, for it is the mov ing power of the whole machine. It consists of the brain, to THE HEAD. 47 which all sensation is referred or carried, ai.d from whicli all voluntary motion is derived — the spinal cord, a prolongation of the brain, and thus comiected with sensation and voluntary mo- tion, governing all the involuntary motions of the frame, and by power from which the heart beats, and the lungs heave, and the stomach digests ; and one other system of nerves — the ganglionic — presiding over the functions oi' secretion and of nutrition, atd the repair and the welfare of the frarae generally. The Head. — The following cut represents the head of the horse divided into the numerous bones of which it is composed, and the boundaries of each bone clearly marked by the sutures which comiect it with those around. It is composed of nine bones. a a Tlie frontal bones, oi' bones of the forehead. b b The supra-orbital foramina or holes above the oroit, through which the nerves and blood- vessels supplying the forehead pass out. The small hole beneath receives the vessels which dip into and supply the bone. C c The parietal bones, or walls of the skull. d d The temporal bones, or bones of the temples. e e The zygomatic, or yoke-shaped arch. // The temporal fossa, or pit above the eye. g g The occipital bone, or bone of the hinder part of the head. h k The orbits containing and defending the eye. i i The lachrymal bones belonging to the convey- ance of the tears from the eyes. j j The nasal bones, or bones of the nose. k k The malar, or cheek-bones. 1 1 The superior maxillary, or that portion of the upper jaw containing the molar teeth or grinders. mm The infra-orbital foramen — a hole below the or- bit, through which pass branches of nerves and blood-vessels to supply the lower part of the face. n n The inferior maxillary, the lower part of the upper jaw-bone — a separate bone in quadru- peds, containing the incisor or cutting teeth, and the upper tushes at the point of union between the superior and inferior maxillaries. o The upper incisor or cutting teeth. p The openings into the nose, with the bones forming the palate. The ethmoid and sphenoid bones will be better seen ii the cut Fig. 3. There is an evident intention in this division of the head into so many bones. When the fcutus — the unborn foal — first begins to have life, that which afterwards becomes bone, is a mere jelly- like substance. This is gradually changed into a harder material — cartilage ; and, before the birth of the animal, much of the cartilage is taken away by vessels called absorbents, and bone 48 THE HEAD. df^posited in its stead. In fiat bones, lilte those of the head, thib deposit talv3s place in tlie centre, and rays or radiations of bone extenrl tlience in every direction. Then, by having so many bones, tliere are so many centres of radiation ; and, consequently, the formation of bone is carried on so much the more rapidly, and perfected at the trnie when the necessities of the animal require it. At the period of birth, however, this process is not completed, out the edges of the bones remain somewhat soft and pliant, and therefore, in parturition, they yield a little and overlap each other, and ihus, by rendering the birth more easy, they save the mother much pain, and contribute to the safety of the foal. The frontal bones are united by a curious and intricate dove- tailing to defend from injury the brain which lies beneath the upper part of them. Lower down, and where the cavity of the nose is only to be defended, their union is sufficient, but far less complicated. Here we have a proof of wise design. Few things more clearly indicate the breed or blood of the horse thon the form of the frontal bones. Who has not remarked the broaa angular forehead of the blood horse, giving him a beautiful expression of intelligence and lire, and the face gradu- ally tapering from the forehead to the muzzle, contrasted with the large face of the cart or dray-horse, and the forehead scarcely wider than the face ? Aty, between the frontal bones, is the pit or cavity above the eye, and by the depth of which we form some idea of the age of the horse. There is placed at the back of the eye, a consider- able quantity of fatty substance, on which it may revolve easily and without friction. In aged horses, and in diseases attended with general loss of condition, much of this disappears ; the eye oecumes sunken, and the pit above it deepens. The sinuses on the different sides of the forehead do not commu- nicate with each other, but with other sinuses in the ethmoid, and sphenoid, and upper jaw-bones, and also with the cavities of the nose on. their respective sides. These sinuses afford a some- what increased protection to the brain beneath ; and by the con- tinuous and slightly projecting line which they form, they give beauty to the forehead ; but their principal use probably is, like the windings of the Frencii horn, to increase the clearness and loudness of the neighing. It will be remarked that they are very irregular in depth, which at one place is an inch or more. In the sheep, and occasionally in the ox — rarely in the horse — the larvae of maggots, produced by certain species of flies, crawl up the nose, lodge themselves in these sinuses, and produce intol- erable pain. Veterinary surgeons have availed themselves of these sniuses to detect the existence of glanders in doubtful cases, if the THE HEAD. 49 hor.-je is glandered, there will probably be a coiisideraole ulcera- lioii HI the upper part of the cavity of" the nose, and a colleciion of matter there. This is ascertained by making an opening into the sinuses, which may be done with perfect safety. [See Glanders.] Section of the Head. Fig. 3. %5f ~}0t a The nasal bone, or bone of the nose. b The frontal bone. The cavities or cells beneath art; called the frontal sinuses c The crest or ridge of the parietal bones. d The tentorium or bony separation between the cerebrum and cerebellum. e The occipital bone. / The ligament of the XiQ.Qk.,ox pack-rcax, by which the head is ch'efly supported ^ The atlas, svafaitdns^ or carrying : the first bone of the neck. k The dentata, tooth-like, or second bone of the neck. « The cuneiform, or wedge-shaped process, or base of the occipital bone. Be- tween it and the other portion of the occipital bone, e, lies the great foramen or apertui-e through which the prolongation of the brain — the spinal marrow — issues from the skull. k The sphenoid, icedge-like, bone, v^'ith its cavities. / The ethmoid, sieve like, bone, with its cells. m The cerebrum, or brain, with the appearance of its cortical and medullary substance. 11 The cerebellum, or little brain, with its beautiful arborescent appearance, o A portion of the central medullary, marroir-like^ substance of the brain, and the prolongation of it under the name of the crus cerebri, leg of tht brain, and from which many of the nerves take their origin. V The medulla oblongata — the prolongation of the brain after the medullary substance of the cerebrum and cerebellum have united, and forming the commencement of the soiual man-ow. The columnar appearance 4 C 50 TUC UKaD. of this portion of the brain is represented, and the origins of the reepi ratory nerves. q The spinal marrow extending through a canal in the centre of the bones of the neck, bank, and loins, to the extremities of the tail, and from which the nerves of feeling and of motion, that supply every part of the frame except the head, arise. r The septum narium, or cartilaginous division between the nostrils. & The same cut off at the lower part, to show the spongy turbinated, turban skaped, bones, filling the cavity of the nostril. i The palate. n The molar-teeth, or grinders. V The inferior maxillary bone, containing the incisor teeth, or nippers. The canine tooth, or tush, is concealed by the tongue. W7 The posterior maxillary, or lower jaw w^ith its incisors. X The lips, y The tongue. z A portion of the os hyoides, or bone of the tongue, lihe a Greek u, v. 1 The thyroid, Jielmet-shaped, cartilage, enclosing and shielding the neighboring parts. ^ 2 The epiglottis, or covering of the glottis, or aperture of the wind-pipe. 3 The artyenoid, funnel-shaped, cartilages, having between tl)em the aperture leading into the trachea or wind-pipe. 4 One of the chordae vocales, cords or ligaments concerned in the formation of the voice. 5 The sacculus laryjigis, sac or ventricle of the larynx, < throat, to modulate the voice. '^ 6 \E.he trachea, or wind-pipe, with its different rings. 7 The soft palate at the back of the mouth, so constru Jed as almost to prevent the possibility of vomiting. 8 The opening from the back part of the mouth into the nostril. 9 The cartilage covering the entrance into the eustachiai tube, or communication between the mouth and internal part of the ear. 10 The oesophagus, or gullet. Ij. The cricoid, ring-like, cartilage, below and behind th thyroid. 12 Muscle of the neck, covered by the membrane of the back part of the mouth. As the froatal sinuses are lined by a continuation of the mem- brane of the nose, they will sympathize with many of the affec- tions of that cavity ; but the membrane of the sinuses is susceptible of an inflammation peculiar to itself The disease is rare, and the cause of it has not been fully ascertained. It is oftenest metastasis of inflammation of the brain, — shifting of in- flammation from the brain to the membrane of the sinus, or communication of inflammation from tnc brain by proximity of situation. Inflammation of the Membrane of the Frontal Sinuses. — The attack is usually sudden — the horse is dull, lethargic, and almost as comatose as in stomach-staggers. The first thing that excites suspicion of the actual character of the disease, is heat in the situation of the frontal sinus, when the hand is placed on the forehead. The lethargy soon passes over, and a state of the high- 2st excitation succeeds. The conjunctiva and the membrane of the nose are injected — the pulse is quick and hard — the horse Decomes violent and dangerous ; he kicks, plunges, and, half con* scious and half unconscious, he endeavors to do all the ixiischief that he can. The disease is now evidently combined with, or is THE HEAD. 51 essentially, inflammation of the brain. It is distin^islied from madness by tliis half-consciousness, and also by his being more dis])osed to bite than he is in pure phrenitis. The disease is usually fatal. It rarely lasts more than eight- and-forty hours. The i^ost-mortem appearances are, great inflammation uf the brain, with frequent efiiisions of blood. The sinuses are some- times filled Avith coagulated blood. The brain seems to be affected just in proportion to the violence which the animal has exhibited. The treatment should consist of copious bleeding, application of ice to the head, blistering the head, and physic. The trephine is scarcely admissible, from the danger of producing greater irritation. Sometimes the disease assumes a more chronic form. There is ulceration of the membrane, but not cerebral affection. A pur- ulent discharge then appears from the nose, evidently not of a glanderous character, and none of the submaxillary glands are eidarged. In both the acute and chronic form, it is usually con- fined to one sinus. The inner plate of the frontal bone covers a considerable por- tion of the anterior part of the brain, and it is studded with de- pressions correspondmg with irregularities on the surface of the brain. Immediately above the frontal, and extending from the frontal to the poll, are the iDarietal bones. They are two, united together by a suture when the aninrial is young, but that suture soon becoming obliterated. They are of a closer and harder texture than the frontals, because they are more exposed to injury, and more concerned in defending the brain. A very small portion only of the 'parietal?, is naked, and that is composed of bone even harder than the other part, and with an additional layer of bone rising in the form of a crest or ridge externally. Every other part of these bones is covered by a thick mass of muscle, the temjooral muscle, which is principally concerned in chewing the food, but which, likewise, by its yield- ing resistance, speedily and effectually breaks the force of tlie most violent blow. On the side of the head, and under the parietals {d d, Fig. 3), are the temjooral bones, one on each side, //. These again are divided into two parts, or consist of two distinct bones ; the jjetrous portion, so called from its great or stony hardness, and containing the wonderful mechanism of the ear, and the squatnous portion, from the appearance of its union with the parietal, overlapping it like a great scale. From the latter there projects a portion of bone, e which 52 THE HEAD. onites witli the frontal, and forms a strong- arch — ^the zygomatic — distinctly to be felt at the side of the head, immediately above the eye. This arch is designed to protect the upper part of the lower jaw, the motion of which may very plainly be seen be- neath it when the horse is feeding. At the base of the arch is an important cavity not visible in the cut, receiving into it, and forming a joint with, the head of the lower jaw — it will be presently described. Having reached the base of the temporal bone, it is found united to the parietal, not by a simple suture, as the lower part of the frontals, or the bones of the nose (see fig. a and j. Fig. 2), nor by a dove-tailed suture, as the upper part of the frontals (see the same cut), but it is spread over the parietal in the form of a large scale, and hence, as before observed, called the sqitamous portion of the temporal bone. In fact, there are two plates of bone instead of one. Was there design in this ? Yes, evidently so. In the first place, to increase the strength of the base of the zygo- nuitic arch. This extensive union between the temporal and parie- tal bones, resembles the buttress or mass of masonry attached to the base of every arch, in order to counteract its lateral pressure. The concussion, likewise, which might be communicated by a blow on the top of the arch, is thus spread over a large surface, and consequently weakened and rendered comparatively harmless ; and that surface is composed of the union of two bones of dissimi- lar construction. The hard stonij structure of the parietal is very different from the tougher material of the temporal ; and thus, as a finger acts on a sounding-glass, the vibration commu- nicated to the temporal is at once stopped, and the brain receives no injury. There is another proof of admirable design. Where is this iqiiarnous portion of the temporal bone situated ? On the side of the head. And what is the figure of the cranium or skull, and principally that part of it which contains the cerebrum or brain ? It is an elhptical or oval arch (see fig. m, n, o, Fig. 3). If pressure is made on the crown of that arch — if a blow is re- ceived on the suture between the parietals sufficient to cause the elastic materials of which the skull is composed to yield — the seat of danger and injury is at the side. If a man receives a violent blow on the crown or back part of the head, the frac- ture, if there is any, is generally about the temple, and the ex- travasation of blood is oftenest found there. The following figure will explain this : — Let the line ABC represent an elliptical arch, composed af elastic materials. Some force shall be applied at B, sufficient to cause it to yield. We cannot compress it into smaller compass ; but iust in proportion as it yields at B, will it spur or bulge out at THE HEAD. >"). D, and give way sometimes as represented at E. In a dome the weight of the materials constantly acting may be considered as representing the force applied at B ; and so great is the lateral pressure, or tendency to bulge out [vide D and E), that it is necessary either to dove-tail the materials into one another, or to pass strong iron chains round them. For want of sufficient attention to this, " the dome of St. Sophia in Constantinople, C built in the time of the emperor Justinian, fell three times during its erection ; and the dome of the cathedral of Florence stood unfinished an hiuidred and twenty years, for want of an architect." Nature, in the construction of the horse's head, has taken away tlie pressure, or removed the probability of injury, by giv- ing an additional layer of bone, or a mass of muscle, where alone there was danger, and has dove-tailed all the materials. Farther than this, in order to make assurance doubly sure, she has placed this effectual girder at the base, in the overlapping of the squamous portion of the temporal bone. Above the 'parietah, and separated from them by a suture (fig. g", Fig. 2, and fig. e. Fig, 3), is the occijntal bone. Supe- riorly it covers and protects the smaller portion of the brain, the cerebellum ; and as it there constitutes the summit or crest of the head, and is particularly exposed to danger, and not pro- tected by muscles, it is. interesting to see what thickness it assumes. The head of the horse does not, like that of the hu- man being, ride upright on the neck, with all its weight sup- ported by the spinal column ; but it hangs in a slanting position from the extremity of the neck, and the neck itself projects a considerable distance from the chest, and thus the whole weight of the head and neck is suspended irom the chest, and require very great power in ore Br to support them. How is this weight tc be supported ? From the back of the occipital bone (fig. /*, Fig. 3), and im- mediately below the crest, proceeds a round cord of considerable bulk, and composed of a ligamentous substance, which reaches down and is securely attached to the spines of the vertebrae, or bones of the back ; and by this ligament — the ligamentum colli, ligament of the neck — the head is supported. There are, however, some admirable contrivances connected with this ligament. As it proceeds from the head, it is in the form of a romid cord.. It passes over the atla^^ or first bone of 54 THE HEAD. the neck, Jvatliout touching it, and then, attaching itself strongly to the second bone, principally supports the head by its union with this bone. The mechanical disadvantage is increased ; but the head is turned more freely on the first and second bones The principal stress is on the dentata or second bone, so much so, that in poll-evil, this ligament may be divided without seri- ous inconvenience to the horse. It then suddenly sinks deeper, and communicates with all the other vertebrae. Each of these communications becomes a separate point of support, and as they approach nearer to the base, the mechanical disadvantage, or the force with which the weight of the head and neck presses and acts, is materially lessened. The head, then, while the animal is in a state of rest, is sup- ported by this ligament, without any aid from muscular energy. It differs from the other ligaments of the body, in the fact that it is elastic. It stretches full two inches longer when the horse is browsing, and resumes its natural dimensions when the head is held erect. The ligament of the neck is inserted into the centre of the back part of the occipital bone, and immediately below the vertex or crest of that bone ; and therefore the bone is so thick at this part (see fig. e, Fig 3). Many large and powerful muscles are necessary'- to turn the head in various directions, as well as to assist in raising it when depressed. The occipital bone, as will be seen in the cut, pre- sents a spine running down the centre, B, and a large roughened surface for the attachment of these muscles, C C. Lower down, and still at the back' ©f the occipital bone, are two rounded protuberances D D, by which the head is coim^ected with the atlas, or upper or first vertebra, or bone of the neck : and these are called the condy- loid, cup-shaped, processes of the occipital bone. All the motions of the head are partly, and many of them wholly, performed by this joint. Between them is a large hole, i\\e foramen magnimi, or great aperture, E, through which the continuation of the brain, termed rhe spinal cord or marrow, passes out of the skull. As an additional contrivance to support the enormous weight of the head, are two other projections of the occipital bone, pe- culiar to animals whose heads are set on in a slantinsr direction. THE HEAD S5 and info wlilcli powerful mnsoles are inserted. They are called the conccoid, beak-like, processes or prolongations, F F, of the occipital bone. Running: ibr\^'ard, and forming outM\T.rdly a part of the base, and inwardly a portion of the floor of the skull, is what, from its wedge-like shape, is called the cuneiform process of the occipital bone (fig. i, Fig. 3). It is thick, strong, and solid, and placed at the bottom of the skull, not only to be a proper foun- dation for, and to give additional strength to, the arch on either side, but speedily to stop all vibration "and concussion. At the base of the skull, and anterior to or below the oc- cipital, lies the sphenoid, wedge-like bone (fig. k, Fig. 3). Its body, likewise called the cuneiforrti or wedge-shaped process, is a contmuation of the same process of the occipital, and, like it, is thick and solid, and for the same important purpose. This bone branches out into four irregular bodies or plates, two of which are called the ivings, and two running to the palate, the legs. They could not be represented in the cut, and there it nothing important belonging to them, so fa,r as this work is eon- cerned. Internally (fig. k), the sphenoid forms a portion of the cavity of the skull. Of the ethmoid, sieve-like, bone, little can be seen outwardly. A small portion is found in the back part of the orbit, and in the cavity of the cranium ; but the most important part of it is that which is composed of a great number of tliin plates, form- ing numerous cavities or cells (fig. I, Fig. 3), lined with the membrane of the nose, and entering into its cavity. The upper portion is called the cribriform or sieve-shaped plate, from its being perforated by a multitude of little holes, through wliich the nerve connected with smelling passes and spreads over the nose. Altogether these bones form a cavity of an irregular oval shape, but the tentorium penetrating into it. gives it the appear- ance of being divided into iwo {d, Fig. 3), The cavity of the skull may be said to be arched all round. The builder knows the strength which is connected with the form of an arch. If properly constructed, it is equal to a solid mass of masonry. The arch of a horse's skull has not much weight to support, but it is exposed to many injuries from the brutality of those by whom he should be protected, and from ac- cidental causes. On raising any part of the skull of the horse, the dense and strong membrane which is at once the lining of the cranium and the covering of the brain — the dura mater — presents itself. It is united to the membranes below by numerous little cords er prolongations of its substance, conveying blood and ftnmmuni- DO THE BRAIN. eating strength to the parts beneath. Between this membrane common to the cranium and the brain, and the proper investing tmiic of that organ, is fomid that delicate gossamer's web, appro- priately called the arachnoid — the spider's membrane — and which is seen in other animals, designed either to secrete the fluid which is interposed, for the purpose of obviating injurious concussion, or perhaps, to prevent the brain from readily sym- pathizing with any inflammatory action produced by injury of the skull. Beneath is the proper investing membrane of the brain — the 'pia 'inater — which not only covers the external surface of the brain, but penetrates into every depression, lines every ventricle, and clothes every irregularity and part and portion of the brain. The Brain. — We now arrive at the brain itself. The brain of the horse corresponds with the cavity in which it is placed (m, Fig. 3). It is a flattened oval. It is divided into two parts, one much larger than the other — the cerebrwtn or brain, and the cerebellum or little brain {n, Fig. 3). The brain of a horse is only about half the size and weight of that of a man. When the brain is cut, it is found to be composed of two sub- stances very unlike in appearance (w^, Fig. 3) ; one, principally on the outside, gray, or ash-colored, and therefore called the cortical {bark-like) from its situation, and cineritious [ashen) from its color ; and the other, lying deeper in the brain, and from its pulpy nature called the medullary substance. Although placed in apposition with each other, and seemingly mingling, they never run into the same mass, or change by degrees into one another, but are essentially distinct in construction as well as in function. The medullary portion is connected with the nervous system. The nerves are prolongations of it, and are concerned in the dis- charge of all the offices of life. They give motion and energy to the limbs, the heart, the lungs, the stomach, and every part connected with life. They are the medium through which sen- sation is conveyed ; and they supply the mind with materials to think and work upon. The cineritious part has a different appearance, and is differ- ently constituted. Some have supposed, and with much appear- ance of truth, 'that it is the residence of the mind — receiving the impressions that are conveyed to the brain by the sensitive nerves, and directing the operation and action of those which give motion to the limbs. From the medullary substance — as already stated — proceed certain cords or prolongations, termed nerves, by which the ani- mal is enabled to receive impressions from surrounding objects. 4nd to coimect himself with them ; and also to possess many THE L;RA1^. *>! pleasurable or painful sensations. One of them is spread over the membrane of the nose, and gives the sense of smell ; another expands on the back of the eye, and the faculty oi' sight is gained ; and a third goes to the internal structure of the ear, and tlie ani- mal is conscious of sound. Other nerves, proceeding to ditierent parts, give the faculty of motion, while an equally important one bestows the power of feeling. One division of nerves [Jl, Fig. 3), springing from a prolonga- tion of the brain, and yet within the skull, wanders to difierent parts of the frame, for important purposes connected with respira- tion or breathing. The act of breathing is essential to life, and were it to cease, the animal would die. These are nerves of ^?^- volic?itary motion ; so that, whether he is awake or asleep, con- scious of it or not, the lungs heave and liie is supported. Lastly, from the spinal cord q — a farther prolongation of the brain, and running through a cavity in the bones of the neck, back, and loins, and extending to the very tip of the tail — other nerves are given off at certain intervals. The cut below delineates a pair of them. The spmal cord a, is combined of six dii^tinct columns Fia:. 6. or rods, running through its whole length — three on either side The two upper columns — the portion of spinal marroAV represeu' ed in our cut, is supposed to be placed with its inner or lower surface towards us — proceed from those tracks of the brain devoted to sensation. Numerous distinct fibres spring abruptly from the column, and which collect together, and, passing through a little ganglion or enlargement, d — an enlargement of a nervous cord is called a ganglion — become a nerve of sensation. From the lower or imier side, — a prolongation of the track devoted to motion, — proceed other fibres, which also collect gradually to- gether, and form a nervous cord, c, giving the power of motion. Reyond the ganglion the two unite, and form a perfect spinal c 58 THE EAR. nerve, h, possessing the power both of sensation and motion ; and the fibres of the two columns proceed to "their destination, enveloped in the same sheath, and apparently one nerve. Out cut, closely examined, will give at b some idea of the man- ner in which these distinct fibres are continued ; — each covered by its own membrane, but all enveloped in a common en- velope. All these nerves are organs of sensation and motion alone ; but there are others whose origin seems to be outside of" and below the brain. These are the synij^athetic, so called from their union and sympathy with all the others, and identified with life itself. They proceed from a small ganglion or enlarge- ment in the upper part of the neck, or from a collection of little ganglia in the abdomen. They go to the heart, and it beats, and to the stomach, and it digests. They form a net-work round each blood-vessel, and the current flows on. They surround the very minutest vessels, and the frame is nourished and built up. They are destitute of sensation, and they are perfectly beyond the control of the will. The reader, we trust, will now comprehend this wonderful, yet simple machinery, and be able, by and by, to refer to it the explanation of several diseases, and particularly of the operation to which we have referred. Two of the senses have their residence in the cavity of the cranium — those of hearing and sight. The Ear. — They who know anything of the horse, pay much attention to the size, setting on, and motion of the ear. Ears rather small than large — placed not too far apart — erect and quick in motion, indicate both breeding and spirit ; and if a horse is frequently in the habit of carrying one ear forward, and the other backward, and especially if he does so on a journey, he will generally possess both spirit and continuance. The ear of the horse is more intelligible even than the eye, m indicating his temper and intentions. His hearing is remarkably acute. The cartilage of the ear is attached to the head by liga- ments and sustained by muscles, on which its action depends The ear is covered by skin thinner than in most other parts of the body, and is destitute of other tissues unnecessarily increasing its bulk and weight. Under the skin are glands that secrete and throw out a white greasy matter, destined to keep the parts sup- ple and smooth. Below this are other glandi=« which deposit the wax, which is supposed to be necessary to deter insects from crawling into the ear, by its offensiveness to them, or by mechan- ically arresting their progress. Long hair standing across the inner passage of the ear in e"v 'ry direction, keeps out insects, cold, and properly breaks sounds striking on the membrane cover- THE EYE 5^ ing the drum of the ear. It should not therefore be cut out, as is sometimes customary. - The sound, collected by the outer ear, is conveyed through the external auditory passage to the Qiiembrana tympani — the mem- brane of the drum, stretching across and closing the external passage. Between this and another membrane still deeper in the ear, are four little bones, highly elastic, and covered with a highly elastic cartilage, by means of which the vibrations of Bound are conveyed more perfectly than they would be through the mere air of the cavity. It is conveyed to a strangely irregular cavity, filled with an aqueous fluid, and the substance or pulp of the portio mollis or soft portion of the seventh pair of nerves, the cmditory nerve, expands on the membrane that lines the walls of this cavity. Sound is propagated far more intensely through water than through air ; and therefore it is that an aqueous fluid occupies those chambers of the ear on the walls of which the auditory nerve is expanded. The Eye — The Eye is a most important organ, and comes next under consideration, as enclosed in the bones of the skull. The eye of the horse should be large, somewhat but not too prominent, and the eyelid fine and thin. If the eye is sunlt in the head, and apparently little — for there is actually a ver)^ tri- fling difference in the size of the eye in animals of the same spe- cies and bulk, and that seeming difference arises from the larger or smaller opening between the lids — and the lid is thick, and especially if there is any puckering towards the inner corner of the hds, that eye either is diseased, or has lately been subject tc inflammation ; and, particularly, if one eye is smaller than the other, it has, at no great distance of time, been inflamed. The eye of the horse enables us with tolerable accuracy to guess at his temper. If much of the white is s'-en, the buyer should pause ere he completes his bargain ; for horses exhibiting this characteristic are usually found vicious-tempered. The eyes are placed at the side of the head, but the direction of the conoid cavity which they occupy, and of the sheath by which they are surrounded within the orbit, gives them a pre- vailing direction forwards, so that the animal has a veiy extended field of vision. The eye-ball is placed in the anterior and most capacious part of the orbit, nearer to the frontal than the temporal side, with a degree of prominence varying with diflerent individuals, and the will of the animal. It is protected by a bony socket beneath and on the inside, but is partially exposed on the roof and on the out- side. It is, however, covered and secured by thick and powerfu' muscles — ^by a mass of adipose matter which is distributed to va 60 THE KYI. nous parts of the orbit, upon which the eye may be readily moved without friction and by a sheath of considerable density and firmness, and especially where it is most needed, on tiie exteruai and superior portions. In front, the eye is supported and covered by the lids, which closinf? rapidly, protect it Irom many an injury that threatens and supply it witii that moisture which is necessary to preserve its transparency. Extending round both lids, and, it may be almost said, having neither origin nor insertion, is a muscle called the orbicidaru, or circular muscle. Its office is to close the lids in the act of wink- ing or otherwise, but only while the animal is awake. When he sleeps, this is effected by another and very ingenious mechanism. The natural state of the eyelids is that ol' being closed ; and they are kept open by the energy of the muscles whose office it is 1o raise the upper lid. As sleep steals upon the animal, these mus- cles cease to act, and the lids close by the inherent elasticity of the membrane of which they are composed. The skin of the lid is, like that of the ear, exceedingly fine, in order to prevent unnecessary weight and pressure on such a part* and to give more easy and extensive motion. The horse has no eye-brow^, and the eye-lashes are peculiarly arranged to guard against the ingress of too much light, or oi' in- sects, and therefore should never be clipped, as is the custom with some senseless grooms in England. There is a beautiful contrivance about the horse's eye, to cleai it of dust, insects, and other foreign matters. Concealed withir its inner corner, or only the margin of it, black or pied, visible is a triangular-shaped cartilage, the haiv^ with its broad part for- ■^ards. It is concave within, exactly to suit the globe of the eye; it is convex without, acurately to adapt itself to the membrane luring the lid ; and the base of it is reduced to a thin or almost sharp edge. At the will of the animal this is suddenly protruded from its hiding-place. It passes rapidly over the eye, and shovels up every nuisance mixed with the tears, and then, being speedily drawii back, the dust or msect is wiped away as the cartilage again passes under the corner of the eye. The ha\D has no muscle attached to it to thrust it forward or draw it dack. When that powerful muscle which the horse possesses m common with other quadrupeds, for the purpose of dra\\ang back the eye, or causing it to recede into its socket, when thi'eatened with danger, is brought into action, the eye presses upon the flitty matter below it, and as a portion of that fotty inatter is peculiarly accumulated about the mner corner of the r ye, it is forced outward in that direction and drives the haw be- '■ ire it. Being pressed ^ ^tween the eye and a polished bone, it THE EYli; 61 shoots out witli the velocity of lightning, and guided by the lids, projects over the eye, and clears it of oiiending matter. When the muscle which draws in the eye ceases to act, the eye resumes its natural situation in the orbit. There is room for the fatty matter to return to its place, and it immediately returns by the elasticity of the membrane by which it is covered, and draws after it this cartilage with which it is comiected, and whose return is as rapid as Avas the projection. The old farriers strangely misunderstood the nature and design of the haw, and many at the present day do not seem to be much better informed. When, from sympathy with other parts of the eye laboring under inflammation, and becoming itself inflamed and increased in bulk, and the neighboring parts likewise thick- ened, it is either forced out of its place, or voluntarily protruded to defend the eye from the action of light and cannot return, they mistake it for some injurious excrescence or tumor, and proceed to cut it out. The " haw in the eye" is a disease well known to the majority of grooms, and this sad remedy for it is deemed the only cure. It is a barbarous practice, and if they were compelled to walk half a dozen miles in a thick dust, without being per- mitted to wipe or to cleanse the eye, they would feel the torture to which they doom this noble animal. A little patience having been exercised, and a few cooling applications made to the eye while the mflammation lasted, and ai'terwards some mild astrin- gent ones, and other proper means being employed, the tumor would have disappeared, the haw would have returned to its place, and the animal would have discharged the duties required of him without inconvenience to himself, instead of the agony to which an unguarded and unprotected eye must now expose him. The loss of blood occasioned by the excision of the haw may frequently relieve the inflammation of the eye ; and the evident amendment which follows induces these wise men to believe that they have performed an excellent operation ; but the same loss of blood by scarification of the overloaded vessels of the con junctiva would be equally beneficial, and the animal would not be deprived of an instrument of admirable use to him. The eye is of a globular figure, yet not a perfect globe. It is rather composed of parts of two globes ; the half of one of them smaller and transparent in front, and of the other larger and the coat of it opaque, behind. We shall most conveniently begin with the coats of the eye. The conjunctiva, f (Fig. 7), is that membrane which lines the 'ids, and covers the fore-part of the eye. It spreads over all that we can see or feel of the eye, and even the transparent part. It is itself transparent, and transmits the color of the parts beneath It is very susceptible of inflammation. «2 THE EYK. Fig. 1. A B a supposed object viewed by the animal, and an inverted image of which, a b, is thrown on the retina at the back of the eye. c c The points where the rays, having passed the coi-nea and lens, converge by tlie refractive power of the lens. d e The rays proceeding from the extremities of the object to the eye. f The cornea, or horny and transparent part of the eye, covered by the con- junctiva, uniting different parts together. g' The crystalline (crystal or glassy) lens, behind the pupil, and in front of the vitreous humor. h h Muscles of the eye. i The optic nerve, or nerve of sight. k The sclerotica (hard firm coat) covering the whole of the eye except the por- tion occupied by the cornea, and being a seeming prolongation of the covering of the optic nerve. I The choroides (receptacle or covering), or choroid coat, covei'ed with a black secretion or paint. m m The iris or rainbow-colored circular membrane under the cornea, in front of the eye, and on which the color of the eye depends. The duplica- ture behind is the 2wea, from being colored like a grape. The opening in the centre is the pupil. n n The ciliary (hair-like) processes. o The retina, or net-like expansion of the optic nerve, spread over the whole of the choroides as far as the lens. p The vitreous (glass-like) humor filling the whole of the cavity of the eye behind the lens. q The aqueous (water-like) humor filling the space between the cornea and the lens. Covering the back part of the eye, and indeed four fifths of the globe of it, is the sclerotica, k. The cornea is, or we would wish it to be, the only visible part of the horse's eye. It fills up the vacuity which is left by the sclerotica in the fore-part of the eye, and, although closely united to the sclerotica, may be separated from it, and will drop out like a watch-glass. Its convexity or projection is a point of considerable importance, as we shall hereafter have occasion to ,«ee It should be perfectly transparent. Any cloudiness or opacity is the consequence of disease. There is nothing that deserves attention from the purchaser of a horse more than its perfect transparency over the whole of its surface. The eye should fee examined for this purpose both in front, and with the face of TIIE EYE. » 63 the examiner close to the cheek of the horse, under and behind the eye. The latter method of looking through the cornea is the most satisfactory, so far as the transparency of that part of the eye is concerned. During this exainination the horse should not be in the open air, but in the stable standing in the door- way and a little within the door. If any small, faint, whitish lines appear to cross the cornea, or spread over any part of it, they are assuredly the remains of previous inflammation ; or, although the centre and bulk of the cornea should be perfectly clear, yet if around the edge of it, where it unites with the sclerotica, there should be a narrow ring or circle of haziness, the conclusion is equally true, that the inflammation occurred at a more distant period. Whether however the inflammation has lately existed, or several weeks or months have elapsed since it was subdued, it is too likely to recur. There is one caution to be added. The cornea in its natural state is not only a beautiful transparent structure, but it reflects, even in proportion to its transparency, many of the rays which fall upon it; and if there is a white object immediately before the eye, as a light waistcoat, or much display of a white neck- cloth, the reflection may puzzle an experienced observer, and has misled many a careless one. The coat should be buttoned up, and the white cravat carefully concealed. Within the sclerotica, and connected with it by innumerable minute fibres and vessels, is the choroid coat, I. It is a very delicate membrane, and extends over the whole of the internal part of the eye, from the optic nerve to the cornea. It secretes a dark-colored substance or paint, by which it is covered ; the intention of which, like the inside of our telescopes and micro- scopes, is probably to absorb any wandering rays of light which might dazzle and confuse the vision. The different manner in which this colored matter is distributed in the horse's eye from that of the human being, and its difierent color, render the sight of the former less strong during the day, but much more acute in the night. Perfectly white and cream-colored horses have a peculiar ap- pearance of the eyes. The pupil is red instead of black. It is the choroid coat itself which we see in them ; and the red ap- pearance is caused by the numerous blood-vessels wliich are ^bund on every part of that coat. Tracing the choroides towards the fore-part of the eye, we perceive that it is reflected from the side to the edge of the lens, n, and has the appearance of several plaits or folds. They are Actually foldings of the membrane. They prevent the passage of any rays of light on the outside of the lens, and which, pro- ceeding forward in various directions, and uncondensed by the f>4 THE EYE. power of the lens, would render vision confused or imperfect These folds of the choroides are called the ciliary jyi'ocesses. Within the cornea, and occupying the fore-part of the eye, is the aqueous hirnior, j)^ so termed from its resemblance to pure water. It is that by which the cornea is preserved in its protu- berant and rounded form. It extends to the crystalline lens q, and therefore a portion of it, although a very small one, is be- hind the iris {tn, Fig. 7). Floating in this fluid is a membrane, with an oblong aperture, called the Iris. It is that which gives color to the eye. The color varies little in the horse, except that it always bears some analogy to that of the skin. We rarely see it lighter than a hazel, or darker than a brown. Horses perfectly white, or cream-colored, have the iris white and the pupil red. When horses of other colors, and that are usually pied, have a white iris and a black pupil, they are said to be ivall-eyed. Vulgar opinion has decided that a wall-eyed horse is never subject to blindness, but this is altogether erroneous. The aperture in the iris is termed the 'pupil, and through it light passes to the inner chamber of the eye. The pupil is ob- long, and variable in size. It differs with the intensity or de- gree of light that falls upon the eye. This alteration of form in the pupil is effected by the muscu- lar fibres that enter into the composition of the iris. When these fibres are relaxed, the pupil must proportionably diminish. This dilatation or contraction of the pupil gives a useful method of ascertaining the existence of blindness in one eye or in both. The cornea and crystalline lens remain perfectly transparent, but the retina is palsied, and is not affected by light ; and many persons have been deceived when blindness of this description has been confined to one eye. A horse blind in both eyes will usually have his ears in constant and rapid motion, directing them in quick succession to every quarter. He M'ill likcAvisc hang back in his halter in a peculiar way, and will lift his feet high as if he were stepping over some obstacle, when there is actually nothing to obstruct his passage, and there will be an evident uncertainty in the putting down of his feet. In blind- ness of one eye, little or nothing of this characteristic gait and manner can be perceived. Although a one-eyed horse may not be absolutely condemned for the common business of the car- nage or the road, he is generally deteriorated as a hunter, for he cannot measure his distance, and will run into his leaps. Let the size of both pupils be carefully noticed before the \orse is removed from the stable, and, as he is led to the door, observe whether they both contract, and equally so, with the increase of light. If the horse should be first seen in the o])e;i air, let it be observed whether the pupils are precisely of the same THE EYE. 65 size ; then let the hand be placed over each eye alternately and held there for a little while, and let it be observed whetlier the pupil dilates with the abstraction of light, and equally in each eye. In our cut, m gives a duplicature of the iris, or the back sur- face of it. This is called the uvea, and it is covered with a thick coat of black mucus, to arrest the rays of light, and to prevent them from entering the eye in any other way than through the pupil. The color of the iris is, in some unknown way, comiected with this black paint behind. Wall-eyed horses, whose iris is white, have no uvea. We now arrive at a body on which all the important uses of the eye mainly depend, the cnjstaUme lens, g, so called from its resemblance to a piece of crystal, or transparent glass. It is of a yielding jelly-like consistence, thicker and firmer towards the centre, and convex on each side, but more convex on the inner than the outer side. It is enclosed in a delicate transparent bag or capsule, and is placed between the aqueous and the vitreous humors, and received into a hollow in the vitreous humor, with which it exactly corresponds. It has, from its density and its double convexity, the chief concern in converging the rays of hght which pass into the pupil. The lens it very apt to be affected from long or violent inflam- mation of the conjunctiva, and either its capsule becomes cloudy, and imperfectly transmits the light, or the substance of the lens becomes opaque. The examination of the horse, with a view to detect this, must either be in the shade, or at a stable door, where the light shall fall on the animal from above and in front ; and in conducting this examination, we would once more cau- tion the intended purchaser against a superfluity of white about his neck. Holding the head of the animal a little up, and the light coming in the direction that has been described, the con- dition of the lens vidll at once be evident. The confirmed cata- ract, or the opaque lens of long standing, will exhibit a jjearly appearance, that cannot be mistaken, and will frequently be attended with a change of form — a portion of the lens being forced forwards into the pupil. Although the disease may not have proceeded so far as this, yet if there is the slightest cloudi- ness of the lens, either generally, or in the form of a minute spot in the centre, and with or without lines radiating from that spot, the horse is to be condemned ; for, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, the disease will proceed, and cataract, or complete opacity of the lens, and absolute blindness, will be the result. Behind the lens, and occupying four fifths of the cavity of the eye, is the vitreous himior (glassy, or resembling glass). It seems, when first taken from the eye, to be of the consistence of 5 66 THE EYE. a jelly, and of beautiful transparency ; but if it is punctured a fluid escapes from it as limpid and as thin as water, and when this has been suffered completely to ooze out, a mass of membra- neous bags or cells remains. Last of all, between the vitreous humor and the choroid coat, is the retina, o, or net-like membrane. It is an expansion of the substance, g, of the optic nerve. On this expansion of nervous pulp, the rays of light from sur- rounding objects, condensed by the lens and the humors, fall, and, producing a certain image corresponding with these objects, the animal is conscious of their existence and presence. It may, however, so happen that from the too great or too little convexity of the eye or a portion of it, the place of most distinct rision may not be immediately on the retina, but a little before or behind it. In proportion as this is the case, the sight will be indistinct and imperiect ; nor shall we be able to offer any remedy for this defect of sight. It is this chat occasions shying in the horse, and as he grows older and the eye becomes less convex, the habit of shying will increase. Nature has given seven muscles to the horse to enable him to turn his eye, so that he can command the whole of that extended field of view which the position of the organ enables it to take in. And that they may act with sufficient power and quickness, no fewer than ^ix nerves are directed to the muscles of the eye generally, or t'> particular ones — while the eye rests on a mass of fat, that it may be turned with little exertion of power, and without friction. Muscles of the Eye There are four straight muscles, three of which, d, e, and /, are represented in our cut, rising from the back of the orbit, and inserted into the ball of the eye, opposite to, and at equal distances from, each other. One. d, runs to the upper part of the eye, just behind the transparent and visible portion of it, and its office is clearly to raise the eye. When it contracts, the eye must be drawn upwards. Another, /, is inserted exactly opposite, at the bottom of the eye ; and its office is as clearly to depress the eye. TIIE EYE. G7 or enable the animal to look downwards, A third, e, is insert'^jd at the outer corner, and by means of it the eye is turned outwaid, and, from the situation of the eye of the horse, considerably back- ward ; and the fourth is inserted at the inner corner, turning the eye inward. They can thus rotate or turn the eye in any direc- tion the animal mshes, and by the action of one, or the combined power of any two of them, the eye can be immediately and ac- curately directed to every point. These muscles also assist to support the eye in its place. They are aided in this, especially when the head is depressed, by the retractor (drawer back) muscle, g, which has already been al- luded to. The power of this muscle is veiy great, and it renders some operations on the eye almost impossible. It is an admirable substitute for hands to defend the eye from many things that would injure it. Being partially separated into four divisions, it assists the straight muscles in turning the eye. The muscles we have described, perform another important office. By drawing back the eye, and slightly flattening it, they bring the lens nearer the retina, and adapt the eye to the obser vation of more distant objects. There are two other muscles, used solely in turning the eye, called oblique muscles, because their course is obliquely across the eye. The upper one, a, b, is most curiously constructed. It comes from the back part of the orbit, and takes a direction upwards and towards the inner side, and there, just under the ridge of the orbit, it passes through a perfect mechanical pulley, and, turning round, proceeds across the eye, and is inserted rather beyond the middle of the eye, towards the outer side. Thus the globe of the eye is evidently directed inward and upward. Something more, however, is accomplished by this singular mechanism. When it is necessar}'' to bring the eye forward in its socket, to enlarge the field of vision, the object is readily effected by this singular pulley, b, c. By the powder of this muscle — the trochlearis, or pulley-muscle — and the straight muscles at the same time not opposing it, or only regulating the direction of the eye, it is really brought somewhat forward. The lower oblique muscle rises just within the lachrymal bone (z, Fig. 2), and, proceeding across the eye, is fixed mto the part of the sclerotica opposite to the other obhque muscle, and it turns the eye in a contrary direction, assisting, however, the upper oblique Ip bringing the eye forward from its socket. CHAPTER III. INJURIES AND DISEASES OF THE SKULL THE BRAIN THE EARS AND THE EYES. We have now arrived at a convenient resting--place in our somewhat dry but necessary description of the structure of the horse, and we wilUngly turn to more practical matter. We will consider the injuries and diseases of the parts we have surveyed. FRACTURE. The skull of the horse is so strongly and admirably con- structed, that a fracture of it is almost impossible. A blow of sufficient violence to break these bones, must likewise irrepara- bly injure the brain, and remedies are out of the question. The upper part of the orbit of the eye is sometimes fractured by falling, or by violent blows. The slightest examination will detect the loosened pieces ; but a professional man alone can render effectual assistance. EXOSTOSIS. Bony enlargements of the orbital arch sometimes arise from natural predisposition or local injury. They should be attacked m the earliest stage, for they are too apt rapidly to increase. Some preparation of iodine, as described in the account of medi- cines, will be useful in this case. CARIES. Inflammation and enlargement of the injured bones, followed by abscess and the production of certain bony growths, are of occasional occurrence. A skilful practitioner can alone decide whether a cure should be attempted, or the sufferings of the ani mal terminated by death DISEASES OF THE BRAIN. ijj COMPRESSION OF THE BRAIN. Cysts containing a serous or viscid fluid, are occasionally Ibund witliin the cranial cavity, and lying upon or imbedded in the brain. The following is a history of a case of this kind : — A horse exhibited symptoms of vertigo, or staggers, which disap- peared after copious bleeding and purgatives. About twelve months afterwards the same complaint was evident. He carried his head low and inclined to the right side. He staggered as he walked, and the motion of his limbs was marked by a peculiar convulsive action, confined to the four extremities. He moved by a succession of spasmodic boundings. He was completely deaf ; and rapidly lost flesh, though he ate and drank voraciously. He remained in this state, to the shame of the owner and the practitioner, several months, and then he had a fresh attack of vertigo, and died suddenly. On examination of the brain, its membranes were found to be completely reddened ; and, between the two lobes of the brain, was a round cyst as large as a pullet's egg. The pressure of this was the manifest cause of the raiis- chief. PRESSURE ON THE BRAIN. This may be produced by some fluid thrown out between the membranes, or occupying and distending the ventricles of the brain. In the full-grown horse it rarely occurs ; but it is well known to breeders as an occasional disease of the foal, under the name of "water in the head." The head is either much en- larged, or stangely deformed, or both ; and the animal dies, eithci in the birth, or a few days after it. MEGRBIS. This is another kind of pressure on the brain, resulting from an unusual determination or flow of blood to it. From various causes, of which the most common is violent exercise on a hot day, and the horse being fat and full of blood, more than the usual quantity is sent to the head ; or, from some negligence about the harness — as the collar being too small, or the curb- rein too tight — the blood is prevented from returning from the head. The larger vessels of the brain will then be too long and injuriously distended ; and, what is of more consequence, the small vessels that permeate the substance of the brain will be enlarged, and the bulk of the brain increased, so that it will press upon the origins of the nerves, and produce, almost without warning, loss of power and consciousness 70 MEGRIMS — APOPLEXY. The mildest afTection of this kind is known as Megnms When the horse is driven rather quickly, he will, without any premonitory symptoms, suddenly stop, shake his head, and exhibit evident giddiness and half-unconsciousness. This will soon pass over, and he will go on as if nothing had happened. When the attack is more serious, he will fall without the slightest warning, or suddenly run round once or twice and then fall. He will lie insensible, or struggle with the utmost vio- lence. In five or ten minutes he will begin gradually to come to himself; he will get up and proceed on his journey, yet some- what dull, and evidently affected and exhausted by what had happened, although not seriously or permanently ill. At the moment of attack, three or four quarts of blood should be taken from the neck- vein, or the bars of the palate should bo cut, in the manner hereafter described. The driver should treat him soothingly, loosen the curb-rein, ease the collar if practicable and drive slowly the rest of his journey. When he gets home, a dose of physic should be administered if the horse can be spared, the quantity of dry food lessened, and mashes given or green food, or he should have a run at grass. A predisposition to a second attack almost always remains, and it is a long time before the blood-vessels recover their former tone. Experience has shown that a horse that has had a second attack of the megrims is never to be trusted.^ APOPLEXY. Megrims is Apoplexy under its mildest form. In the latter affection, the determination of blood, if not so sudden, is greater, or differently directed, or more lasting. It is seldom, however, that there are not timely warnings of its approach, if the carter or the groom had wit enough to observe them. The horse is a little off his feed — he is more than usually dull — there is a * Note hy Mr. Spooner. — Mi*. Spooner speaks of a species of the disease the symptoms of which border on epilepsy, and appear to arise from dis- ordered functions of the brain. He says : — We have known some horses more liable to this disease in very cold frosty weather; in such instances the symptoms have been those of giddi- ness, without the severity of ordinary megrims ; the animal has reeled, however, like a drunken man, and been extremely dangerous both to ride and drive. We have known an old horse thus continue almost useless tliroughout the winter, and gradually shake off the disease as warm weather came on. Now, it must be evident that the exciting causes ^ such instances must be altogether different from that of ordinary megrims ; and, whilst the bleeding and purging are very proper, as recommended in the text for ordinary megrims, arising from plethora, it is not to be advised for that variety of disease to which we have called attention, and which is rather to b J beuefited bv warmth, good groomhig, and tonic mediciua APOPLEXY 7 1 d«^grree of stupidity about him, and, generally, a somewhat stag- gering gait. This goes off when he has been out a little while, but it soon returns under a more decided character, until, at length, it forces itself on the attention of the most careless. The actual illness is perhaps first recognized by the horse standing with his head depressed. It bears upon, or is forced against the manger or the wall, and a considerable part of the weight of the animal is evidently supported by this pressure of the head. As he thus stands, he is balancing himself from one side to the other as if he were ready to fall ; and it is often dan- gerous to stand near to him, or to move him, for he falls without warning. If he can get his muzzle into a corner, he will some- times continue there motionless ibr a considerable time, and then drop as if he were shot ; but, the next moment, he is up again, with his feet almost in the rack. He sleeps or seems to do so as he stands, or at least he is nearly or quite unconscious of sur- roundmg objects. When he is roused, he looks vacantly around him. Perhaps he will take a lock of hay if it is offered to him , but ere it is half masticated, the eye closes, and he sleeps again with the food in his mouth. Soon afterwards he is, perhaps, roused once more. The eye opens, but it has an unmeaning glare. The hand is moved before him, but the eye closes not , he is spoken to, but he hears not. The last act of voluntary mo- tion which he vidll attempt is usually to drink ; but he has little power over the muscles of deglutition (swallowing), and the fluid returns through the nostrils. He now begins to foam at the mouth. His breathing is labo- rious and loud. It is performed by the influence of the organic nerves, arid those of animal life no longer lend their aid. The pulse is slow and oppressed — the jugular vein is distended almost to bursting — the muzzle is cold, and the discharge of the faeces involuntary. He grinds his teeth — twitchings steal over his face and attack his hmbs — they sometimes proceed to convul- sions, and dreadful ones, too, in which the horse beats himself about in a terrible manner ; but there is rarely disposition to do mischief. In the greater number of cases these convulsions last not long. All the powers of life are oppressed, and death speed ily closes the scene. Post-mortem examination usually shows the whole venous sys- tem in a state of congestion, and the vessels of the brain, par- ticularly, turgid with black blood. Occasionally, however, there IS no inflammation of the brain or its membranes ; but either the stomach contains a more than usual quantity of food, or the. larirer intestines are loaded with foul matter. Apoplexy is a determination of blood to the head, and tho 3'iuse is the over-condition of the animal, and too great fulness 72 APOPLEXY. of blood. > It used to be much more common, when it was cus tomary to keep horses exceedmgly fat, overwork them, and then sufler them to eat voraciously miti] their stomachs were preter- aaturally distended. The farmer used to keep his horses at the plough six or eight hours, then suffer them to overgorge them- selves at will. The consequence was, that the farmer's horse was notoriously subject to fits of heaviness and sleepiness — to staggers, or half-attacks of staggers. And from the frequent pressure on the optic nerve and other parts, caused by oppres- sion of the brain, they frequently became blind , A better divi- 6 ANATOMY AND DISEASES OF than a broad angular forehead, prominent features, and a short face ; nor of a horse with little breeding, than a narrow forehead small features, and lengthened nose. The comparative develop ment of the head and face indicates, with little error, the pre ponderance of the animal or intellectual principle. Fracture of the nasal bones of the horse will sometimes occui from falling, or a kick from the companion, or the brutality of the attendant. It is generally followed by laceration of .the lin ing membrane of the nostrils, and by haemorrhage. The bleed ing may usually be arrested by the application of cold watei externally. In spontaneous hsemorrhage, this decs not often succeed until a considerable quantity of blood is lost. In cases of fracture of the nasal bones, the assistance of a veterinary surgeon is indispensable. He alone knows the precise anatomy of the parts, and will have recourse to the elevator or the trephine, as circumstances may require. Ozena sometimes follows these wounds, or foundation may be laid for the appearance of glanders. Spontaneous bleeding from the nose must be carefully attended to. It may proceed from an over fulness of the blood vessels of the membrane of the nose, consequent on very high condition, or from the lungs. If from the nostril alone, it will usually be con- fined to one side ; if from the lungs, the discharge is from both nostrils, and generally mingled with mucus or froth ; and there is also a quickened respiration, and more or less cough. If it is apparently connected with some slight cause, a dose of physic and quietness for a day or two will be sufficient, and, if necessary, a slight solution of alum may be injected up the nos- stril. If the bleeding is apparently from the lungs, a more se- rious evacuation will be required. These bones form the roof of an important cavity (see <2, Fig. 3). The sides are constituted above by the nasal bones, and, lower down, by the upper jaw-bones {sujjerior inaxillaries), while plates from these latter bones project and compose the pal- ate, which is both the floor of the nose and the roof of the mouth {t, Fig. 3.) Above (near 8), not visible in our cut, is a bone called the palatine, although it contributes very little ta the formation of the palate. It is the termination of the palate, or the border of the opening where the cavities of the mouth and nose meet (8). The frontal sinuses, h, and large vacuities in the upper jaw-bone, and in the sethmoid, I, and sphenoid bones, k, communicate with and enlarge the cavity of the nose. This cavity is divided into two parts by a cartilage called the Septum (see r. Fig. 3.) It is of considerable thickness and strength, and divides the cavity of the nose into two equal parts. It is placed in the centre for the purpose of strength, and it is 101 formed of cartilage, in order that, by its gradual yielding resist- ance, it may neutralize almost any force that may be applied to it. When we open the nostril, we see the membrane lining the whole cavity of the nose, by the color of which, much more than by that of the lining of the eye-lids, we judge of the degree of fever, and particularly of inflammation of the lungs, or of any of the air passages. The cut above shows the ramification of the arterial and venous blood-vessels on this membrane. Certain ulcerations on it also betray the existence of glanders. The nasal cavity is, on either side, ocfupied by two bones, which, from their being rolled up somewhat in the form of a turban, are called the turhinated or turban-shajied bones, (s s, Fig. 3.) ; part of the cartilage is cut away in our cut in order to display them. They are as thin as gauze, and perforated, like gauze, with a thousand holes. Between them are left sufficient passages for the air. ^Spread out, they would occupy a consider- able surface. Over them is spread the substance or pulp of" the olfactory nerves, whicli makes them the seat of smell ; and they are thus expanded, because by the sense of smell, the horse must in a great degree "supply the want of that of touch. They also enable him to distinguish his proper herbage, detect distant dan- ger ; and they, like the windings of a horn, give loudness to his voice. The extension of the nostril at the lower part of these cavi- ties is an important part of the face, and intimately connected with breeding, courage, and speed. The horse can breathe only through the nose. All the air which goes to and returns from the lungs, must pass through the nostrils. In the common act of breathing, these are sufficiently large ; but when the animal is put on his speed, and the respiration is quickened, these pas- 102 MUSCLES, ETC., Of THE HEAD. sages must dilate, or he will be much distressed. The expanded nostril is a striking feature in the blood-horse, especially when he has been excited and not over-blown. The nostril should be proportioned to the kind of labor we require from the animal — larger in proportion to the activity of the labor, and the conse- quent liability of being blown. Some very powerful muscles proceed from different parts of the face to the neighborhood of the nostrils, in order to draAV them ba'sk and dilate them. Four of these are given in the following cut, which is inserted to complete our present subject, and which will be often referred to in the course of our work ; Z, m, 0, and 2^, are muscles employed for this purpose. THE MUSCLES, NERVES, AND BLOOD-VESSELS OF THE HEAD AND UPPER PART OF THE NECK. Fig. 12. a The upper part of the ligament of the neck. b The levator hnmen (elevator of the shoulder), arising from the tubercle of tho occiput, the mastoid (nipple-shaped) process of the temporal bone, and the transverse processes (cross projections) of the four first bones of the neck, and the ligament of the neck, and going to the muscles of the shoulders, and the upper bone of the arm; to draw forward the shoulder and arm; or turn the head and neck; and, when the two levators act, to depress the head. c The tendon common to the coinplexna major (larger complicated), and splenins (splint-like) • to the mastoid process of tlie temporal bone, to hold up the head, or, the muscles on one side alone acting, to turn it. d The xterno-inoxillarifi (l)elonging to the breastbone) and upper jaw, from tbs cartilage in front of the chest to the angle of tlie lower jaw : to bend the head, or, if one only acts, to bend it on one side. « Tho st^/o-maxi/lnris, from the styloid (pencil-shaped) or coracoid (beak-shaped) process of the occiput, to the angle of the jaw : to pull the jaw backward and open it. MUSCLES, ETC., OF THE HEAD. 103 / The anbarnpnlo hyoideuR, from under the .shouMor-blade, to the body of iho ox /ii/o/dcs (the bone at the root of the tongue formed like a Greek v, v) : to draw buck that bone. gr The massefer (chewins") ; a nio-^t powerful muscle, constituting the check of the horse :- -from the upper jaw bone into the rough surface round tlie anurle of the lower: in conjunction with the temporal muscle to close the mouth and chew the food. h The orbiciilarix (circular) surrounding the eye and closing the lids. t The zyqomaticnx, from the zygomatic arch and masseter to the corner of the mouth, to draw back the angle of the mouth. h The buccinator (trumpeter), from the inside of the mouth and cheeks, to the angle of the mouth, to draw it back. I The vaxalis labii siiperioris (belonging to the nose and upper lip), from a depres- sion at the junction of the superior maxillary and malar bones, to the angle of the nostril: to raise the lip, and dilate the no-strils. m Dilator naris lateralis (side dilator of the nostril), reversed to show the vessels and nerves which it covers, going from the covering of the nasal and frontal bones, to the angle of the mouth, and side of the nostril : to retract the upper lip and dilate the nostrils. n Dilator magnus (great dilator), assisting in the same office. o Deprenxor labii inferioris (puller down of the under lip), to the sides of the un- der lip : to pull it down. p Orbicularis oris (circular muscle of the mouth), surrounding the mouth : to close the lips and dilate the nostrils. q The upper portion of the parotid gland (gland near the ear) reversed, to show the blood-vessels and nerves beneath it. r The parotid duct piercing the cheek, to discharge the saliva into the mouth. s The maxillary gland (gland of the lower jaw) with its duct. t The jugular (neck) vein, after the two branches have united. 71 At this letter, the submaxillary artery, a branch of the jugular, and the parotid duct, pa.ss under and within the angle of the lower jaw ; they come out again at «•, and climb up the cheek to be distributed over the face. V The vein and artery, passing under the zygomatic arch. c A branch of the tifth pair, the sensitive nerve of the face, emerging from under the parotid gland. / The main branch oi' the j)ortio dura (hard portion) of the seventh pair, Xheviotor (moving) nerve of the face coming out from beneath the parotid gland, to spread over the face. z Branches of both nerves, with small blood-vessels. There are also four distinct cartilages attached to the nostrils, which, by their elasticity, bring back the nostrils to their former dimensions, as soon as the muscles cease to act. The bones of the nose {a a, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3), are also sharpened off to a point, to give wider range for the action of the muscles ; while the cartilages are so contrived, as not only to discharge the office we have mentioned, but to protect this projection of bone from injury. The membrane of the nose, as already stated, is an excellent guide to the degree and character of many diseases. In health, and uninfluenced by exercise, that portion of the membrane seen in the nostrils is a pale uniform pink. An increased blush of red betokens some excitement of the system — a streaked appear- ance, inflammation commenced — intense redness, acute inflam- mation — pale ground with patches of vivid red, half-subdued but still existing fever — uniform color, but somewhat redder than natural, a return to healthy circulation — paleness approacliinor 104 NASAL POLYPUS — NASAL DISCHARGE. to white, debility — and dark livid color, approaching stagnation of the vital current. NASAL POLYPUS. By the polypus, is meant an excrescence or tumor, varying in size, structure, and consistence, and attached by a pedicle to a mucous surface. The nasal polypus usually adheres to some portion of the superior turbinated bone, or it has come from some of the sin- uses connected with that cavity. As it increases in weight, it elongates that sac of the schnide- rian membrane which invests it, and it descends in the nose. It is of a pear form, and differs in weight from a few drachms to three or four pounds. When it descends so that it can fairly be got at with the fin- gers, the forceps, or (for it possesses little sensibility) the tenta- culum, it must be car^ully and gently drawn out, and a liga- ment passed tightly round the neck or pedicle of il, as high up as convenient, and then if practicable, it should be returned into the nostril. It will slough off in a few days, with very little inconvenience to the horse. If it cannot be returned, it should be cut off below the ligature. If the ligature is drawn suffi- ciently tightly, not much hemorrhage will often ensue. Cau teiy may be resorted to to stop bleeding, as a last resort, in case of obstinate hemorrhage, but it is objectionable on account of the degree of irritation it produces, and the difficulty of safely resorting to it in such a situation. In very bad cases, Avhere the tumor cannot be drawn out, it may be necessary to slit up the side of the nostril, but in that case the false nostril should not be cut through, as from its thinness it is difficult to confine the edges securely together until they unite. The incision should be made along the lateral edge of the nasal bone, beginning at its point. The flap will then conveniently turn down, so as to expose the cavity, and there will be sufficient muscular sub- stance to secure an almost certain union by the first intention, when stitched properly together.* NASAL GLEET, OR DISCHARGE FROM THE NOSE. There is a constant secretion of fluid to lubricate and moisten the membrane that lines the cavity of the nose, and which, un- * Note hy Mr. Spoonpr. — Still more rarely we find a bony tumor forming in ths nostrils, nearly obstructing all passage, and .-ausing a (li>charge some- what resembling that of glanders. This, like the f?rmer, should be removed if possible by an operation. OZENA. 105 cler catarrh or cold, is increased in quantity, and altered in ap- pearance and consistence. Tliis will properly belonir to the a.-- count of catarrh or cold ; but that wiiicli is innnediately undei consideration, is a continued and oftentimes proi'use discharge of thickened mucus, when every symptom of catarrh and fever has passed away. If the horse is at grass, the discharge is almost as green as the food on which he lives ; — or if he is stabled, it is white, or straw-coloured, or brown, or even bloody, and some- times purulent. It is either constantly running, or snorted out in masses many times a day ; teazing the horse, and becoming a perfect nuisance in the stable, and to the rider. This has been known to continue several mouths, and eventually to destroy the horse. If the discharge is not offensive to the smell, nor mixed wtih purulent matter, it is probably merely an nicreased and some- what vitiated secretion from the cavities of the nose ; and, all lever having disappeared, will frequently yield to small doses ol" blue vitriol, given twice in the day. If fever or cough remains, the cough medicine that will hereafter be described must be dmbined with the tonic. If the discharge is mingled with pus, and very offensive, the vegetable tonics, gentian and ginger, may be added to the copper ; but there is now reason to apprehend that the discharge will not be controlled, and will termuiate in glanders. Turning into a salt marsh will occasionally effect a cure, when both the mineral and the vegetable tonics have failed.* OZENA. Ozena is ulceration oi' the membrane of the nose, not always or often visible, but recognised by the discharge of muco-purulent matter, and the peculiar stench from which the disease derives its name. It resembles glanders, in being confined, in most in- stances, to one nostril, and the submaxillary gland on the same side being enlarged ; but differs from it in the gland not being adherent, and the discharge, from its earliest stage, being puru- lent and stinking. There is sometimes a foetid discharge from the nostril, in con- sequence of inflammation of the lungs, or produced by some of the sequelae of pheumonia ; distinguished, however, from ozena, * Hote by Mr. Spo^ner. — It is exceedingly rare that the nasal discharge s ever so profuse as that described in the text, unless produced by strangles, or severe catarrh, or glanders : nor is it brown or bloody, unless connected with other active disease. It is, indeed, very rare, and i< usually of a gray color and free ivom smell, and seems to arise from a relaxation of the secret- ing membrane of the nostrils. It should be treated by tonics internally, as- sisted by good feeding and grooming. e 106 OZENA. by its usually flowing irregularly, being coughed up in great quantities, more decidedly purulent, and the gland or glands sel dom affected. The discharge from ozena is constant, muco- purulent, and attended by enlargement of the glands. It is of immense consequence that wc should be enabled to distinguish the one from the other ; for while ozena may, sometimes at least, be manageable, the other is too frequently the precursor of death. The cause of ozena cannot always be discovered. Chronic in- flammation of the membrane may assume another and malignant character. In severe catarrh, the membrane may become abraded, and the abrasions may degenerate into foul and foetid ulcers. It is not an unfrequent consequence of epidemic catarrh. It has been produced by caustic applications to the lining mem- brane of the nose. It has followed hemorrhage, spontaneous, or the consequence of injury. In some cases, and those as obstinate as any, it cannot perhaps be traced to any probable cause, and the health of the animal has not appeared to be in the slightest degree affected. The steam of a- bran-mash, scalding hot, could, by means of a nose-bag, be made to penetrate the cavities of the nose, and would cleanse the part. By means of the nose-bag and warm mash, chloride of lime might be introduced into the cavities, removing the stench and arresting the tendency to decomposition. The vapor of turpentine, or of resinous pine shavings, can by the same means be brought in contact with all parts of the membrane, and it has been found serviceable. A run at spring grass promises still better. It is the finest alterative, depurative, and restora- tive in the whole list of remedies ; and if it is acceptable in the form of a salt-marsh, there is no better chance of doing good.=^ * Note hy Mr. Spooner. — When a nasal gleet is attended by much offen sive smell, we may rest assm'ed that it is not ghinders, but that it either arises from external injury, or maybe justly included under the de«;ignation ozena. This is a rare disease in a horse, and is generally prochiced by catarrh, particularly that of the epidemic Itind. The discharge is usually thick, considerable, and very offensive. The treatment should consist of tonics, internally and .externally, fumigations of chlorine gas by means of Read's inhaler, or with the common nose bag ; or, if this does not succeed a solution of the chloride of lime may be syringed up the nostrils every day, or may be alternated with a weak solution of the sulpliates of zmc and cop- per, and applied in the same manner. Nasal gleet, attended with foetid smell, and proceeding from one nostril only, is usually produced by some blow, or external injury. This much resembles glanders, and has often been confounded with it. GLANDERS. ! 07 GLANDERS. The most formidable of all the diseases to which the horse is subject, is Glanders. It has been known from the earliest an- tiquity. The earliest symptom of Glanders is an increased discharge from the nostril, small in quantity, constantly flowing, of an aque- ous (watery) character, and a little mucus mingling with it. It is a common and very mischievous error to suppose that this discharge is sticky, when it first makes its appearance. It is an aqueous or mucous, but small and constant discharge, and is thus distinguished from catarrh, or nasal gleet, or any other deiluxion (discharge) from the nostril. If a horse is in the highest condi- tion, yet has this small water}'' constant discharge, and especially from one nostril, no time should be lost in separating him from his companions. No harm will be done by this, although the defluxion should not ultimately betray lurking mischief of a worse character. The peculiar stickiness and gluiness which is generally supposed to distinguish the discharge of glanders from all other mucous and prevalent secretions belongs to the second stage of the dis- ease, and, for many months before this, glanders may have ex- isted in an insidious and highly contagious form. It must be ac- knowledged, however, that, in the majority of cases, some degree of stickiness does characterise the discharge of glanders from a very early period. It is a singular circumstance, for which no satisfactory accouni has yet been given, that when one nostril alone is attacked, it is. in a great majority of cases, the near, or left. This discharge, m cases of infection, may continue, and in sc shght a degree as to be scarcely perceptible, for many months, or even two or three years, unattended by any other disease, even ulceration of the nostril, and yet the horse being decidedly glaii- dered from the beginning, and capable of propagating the mala- dy. In process of time, however, pus (matter) mingles with tlit» discharge, and then another and a characteristic symptom a}>- pears. Some of this is absorbed, and the neighbouring glands be- come affected. If there is discharge from both nostrils, the glands within the under jaw will be on both sides enlarged. If the discharge is from one nostril only, the swelled gland will be found on that side alone. Glanders, however, will frequently exist at an early stage without these swelled glands, and some other dis- eases, as catarrh, will produce them. Then we must look out for some peculiarity about these glands, and we shall readily find it The swelling may be at first somewhat large and diffused. 108 GLANDERS. Dut the surrounaiiig enlargement soon goes off, and one or two small distinct glands remain ; and they are not in the centre oi the channel, but adhere closely to the jaw on the a,[fected side. The membrane of the nose should now be examined, and wilJ materially guide our opinion. It will either be of a dark purplish hue, or almost of a leaden colour, or of any sliade between the wo ; or if there is some of the redness of inflammation, it will have a purple tinge : but there will never be the faint pink blusli of health, or the intense and vivid red of usual inflammation. Spots of ulceration will probably appear on the membrane cover- ing the cartilage of the nose — not mere sore places, or streaks oi" abrasion, and quite superficial, but small ulcers, unusually ap- proaching to a circular form, deep, and with the edges abrupt and prominent. When these appearances are observed, there can be no doubt about the matter. Care should be taken, how- ever, to ascertain that these ulcers do actually exist, for spots of mucus adhering to the membrane have been more than once taken for them The finger should, if possible, be passed over the supposed ulcer, in order to determine whether it can be wiped away ; and it should be recollected, as was hinted when describ- ing the duct that conveys the tears to the nose, that the orifice of that duct, just within the nostril, and on the inner side of it, has been mistaken for a chancrous ulcer. This orifice is on the con- tinuation of the common skin of the muzzle which runs a little way up the nostril, while the ulcer of glanders is on the proper membrane of the nose above. The line of separation between the two is evident on the slightest inspection. When ulcers begin to appear on the membrane of the nose, the constitution of the horse is soon evidently affected. The patient loses flesh — his belly is tucked up — his coat unthrifty, and readily coming off — the appetite is impaired — the strength fails — cough, more or less urgent, may be heard — the discharge from the nose will increase in quantity ; it will be discoloured, bloody, offensive to the smell — the ulcers in the nose will become larger and more numerous, and the air-passages being obstructed, a grating, chok- ing noise will be heard at every act of breathing. There is now a peculiar tenderness about the forehead. The membrane lining the frontal sinuses is inflamed and ulcerated, and the integument of the forehead becomes thickened and somewhat swelled. Farcy is now superadded to glanders, or glanders has degenerated into farcy, and more of the absorbents are involved. At or before this time little tumours appear about the muscles, and face, and neck, following the course of the veins and the ab- sorbents, for they run side by side ; and these the tumours soon ulcerate. Tumours or buds, still pursuing the path of the ab- sorbents, soon appear on the inside of the thighs. They are eon- GLANDERS. 100 decied together by a corded substance. This is the inflamed and enlarged lymphatic ; and ulceration quickly follows the a})pcar- ance of these buds. The deeper seated absorbents are next affected ; and one or both of the hind-legs swell to a great size, and become still', and hot, and tender. The loss of ilesh and strength is more marked every day. The membrane of the nose becomes of a dirty livid color. The membrane of the mouth is strangely pallid. The eye is infiltrated with a yellow fluid ; and the discliarge from the nose becomes more profuse, and insufiera- bly ofiensive. The animal presents one mass of putrefaction, and at last dies, exhausted. There are peculiarities about the enlargement of the submax- illary glands, already referred to, which deserve particular atten- tion. They are rarely large, except at first, or hot, or tender ; but they are characterised by a singular hardness, a proximity to the jaw-bone, and, frequently, actual adhesion to it. The adhe- sion is produced by the inflammatory action going forward in the gland, and the effusion of coagulable lymph. This hardness and adhesion accompanying discharge from the nostril, and being on the same side with the nostril whence the discharge proceeds, aflbrd proof not to be controverted that the horse is glandered. But there are cases of glanders in which the glands are neithei adherent nor much enlarged. Glanders have often been confounded with strangles, and by those who ought to have known better. Strangles are peculiar to young horses. The early stage resembles common cold, with some degree of fever and sore throat — generally with distressing cough, or at least frequent wheezing , and Avhen the enlargement appears beneath the jaw, it is not a single small gland, but a swelling of the whole of the substance between the jaw^s, grow- ing harder towards the centre, and, after a while, appearing to contain a fluid, and breaking. In strangles, the membrane of the nose will be intensely red, and the discharge from the nose profuse and purulent, or mixed with matter almost from the first. When the tumor has burst, the fever will abate, and the horse will speedily get well. Should the discharge from the nose continue, as it sometimes does, for a considerable time after the horse has recovered from strangles, there is no cause for fear. Simple strangles need never degenerate into glanders. Good keep, and small doses of tonic medicine, will gradually perfect the cure. Glanders have been confounded wijth catarrh or cold ; but the distinction between them is plain enough. Fever, and loss of appetite and sore throat, accompany cold — the quiddiiig of the food and gulping of the water are sufficient indications of t. e latter of these ; the discharge from the nose is profuse, and per- f 1 GLANDERS. haps purulent ; the glands under the jaw, if swelled, are movt able, there is a thickening around them, and they are tender and hot. With proper treatment the fever abates ; the cough disap- pears ; the swellings under the throat subside ; and the dischargp from the nose gradually ceases, or, if it remains it is usually very different from that which characterises glanders. In glanders, ihere is seldom cough of any consequence, and generally no cough at all. A running from the nose, small in quantity, and, from the smallness of its quantity, drying about the edges of the nostril, and presenting some appearance of stickiness, will, in a few cases, remain after severe catarrh, and especially after the influenza of spring ; and these have gradually assumed the character of glan- ders, and more particularly when they have been accompanied by enlarged glands and ulceration in the nose. Here the aid of a judicious veterinary surgeon is indispensable ; and he will sometimes experience considerable difficulty in deciding the case. One circumstance will principally guide him. No disease will run on to glanders wliich has not, to a considerable and palpable degree, impaired and broken down the constitution ; and every disease that does this will run 07i to glanders. He will look then to the general state and condition of the horse, as well as to the situation of the glands, the nature of the discharge, and the character of the ulceration. If, after all, he is in doubt, an experiment may be resorted to, which wears indeed the appearance of cruelty, and which only the safety of a valuable animal, or of a whole team, can justify. He will inoculate an ass, or a horse already condemned to the hounds, with the matter discharged from the nose. If the horse is glandered, the symptoms of glanders or farcy will appear in the inoculated animal in the course of a few days. The post mortem examination of the horse will remove every doubt as to the character of the disease. The nostril is generally more or less blanched, with spots or lines of inflammation of considerable intensity. Ulceration is almost invariably found, and of a chancrous character, on the septum, and also on the SBthmoid and turbinated bones. The ulcers evidently follow the course of the absorbents, sometimes almost confined to the track of the main vessel, or, if scattered over the membrane generally, thickest over the path of the lymphatic. The sethmoid and tur- binated bones are often filled with pus, and sometimes eaten through and carious ; but, iai the majority of cases, the ulceration is confined to the external membrane, although there may be pus within. In aggravated cases the disease extends through all the cells of the face and head. The path of the disease down the larynx and windpipe is easily GLANDERS. 1 1 1 traced, and the ulcers follow one line — that of the alsorbents. In ag-rri'avated cases, this can generally be traced on to the lungs. It produces inflammation in these organs, characterised in some cases by congestion ; but hi other cases, the congestion having cone on to hepatisation, in which the cellular texture of the lungs 16 obliterated. Most frequently, when the lungs are aflected at all, tubercles are found — miliary tubercles — minute granulated spots on the surface, or in the substance of the lungs, and not accompanied by much inflammation. In a few cases there are larger tubercles, which soften and burst, and terminate in cavities of varying size. In some cases, and showing that glanders is not essentially oi necessarily a disease of the lungs, there is no morbid aflection whatever in those organs. The history thus given of the symptoms of glanders will clearly point out its nature. It is inflammation, whether specific or common, of the lining membrane of the nose — possibly for months, and even for years, confined to that membrane, and even to a portion of it — the health and the usei'ulness of the animal not being in the slightest degree impaired. Then, from some unknown cause, not a new but an intenser action is set up, the inflammation more speedily runs its course, and the membrane becomes ulcerated. The in- flammation spreads on either side down the septum, and the ul- ceration at length assumes that peculiar chandrous form which characterises inflammation of the absorbents. Even then, when the discharge becomes gluey, and sometimes after chancres have appeared, the horse is apparently well. There are hundreds of glandered horses about the country with not a sick one among them. For months or years this disease may do no injury to the general health. The inflammation is purely local, and is only recognised by the invariable accompaniment of inflammation and increased secretion. Its neighbors fall around, but the disease aflects not the animal whence it came. At length a constitu- tional inflammation appears ; farcy is established in its most hor- rible form, and death speedily closes the scene. Glanders may be either bred in the horse, or communicated by contagion. What we have farther to remark on this malady will be arranged under these two heads. Improper stable management we believe to be a far more fre- quent cause of glanders than contagion. The air which i? necessary to respiration is changed and empoisoned in its passage through the lungs, and a fresh supply is necessary for the support of life. That supply may be suflicient barely to support life, but not to prevent the vitiated air from again and again passing to the iunp-s, and producing irritation and disease. The membrane 112 GLANDERS. of the- nose, possessed of extreme sensibility for the purposes of smell, is easily irritated by this poison, and close and ill-ventilated stables oftenest witness the ravages of glanders. Professor Cole- man relates a case which proves to demonstration the rapid and fatal agency of this cause. " In the expedition to (iuiberon, the norses had not been long on board the transports before it became necessary to shut down the hatchways for a few hours ; the con- sequence of this was, that some of them were sufibcated, and rnat all the rest were disembarked either glandered or farcied." The injurious gasses arising from the dung, urine, &c., in badly wieaned stables, are also powerful sources of the mischief. vrlanders may be produced by anything that injures, or for a length of time acts upon and weakens, the vital energy of this membrane. They have been known to follow a fracture of the bones of the nose. They have been the consequence of violent caiairh, and particularly the long-continued discharge from the nosniis, ot whicli we have spoken. They have been produced by me injection of stimulating and acrid substances up the nos- tril, liveiytnmg that weakens the constitution generally will lead lo /i^iandeis. Among me causes of glanders are want of regular exercise, over-exeruon. anu the stimulating and debilitating cordials ad- ministered uy senseless grooms. Every exciimg cause of disease exerts its chief and worst in fluence on the membrane of the nose, and there is not another disease which niav not lay the foundation of glanders. A long time may elapse oefore it appears, but when at length the whole frame becomes excited or debilitated in some way, this debilitated portion is the tirst to yield to the attack. Several strongly marked instances are on record showing the connection between the attack of this disease and exposure to the dampness of brick or stone stables, the walls of which were not yet dry, and in others subject to damp exhalations. There is no doubt that glanders, or a predisposition to glanders, is sometimes hereditary. Glanders are highly contagious. If the discharge from the nostrils of" a glandered horse is rubbed on a wound, or on a mu- cous surface, like the nostrils, it will produce a similar disease. If the division between two horses were sufficiently high to pre- vent all smelling and snorting at each other, and contact of every kind, and they drank not out of the same pail, a sound horse might live for years, uninfected, by the side of a glandered one. The matter of glanders has been mixed up into a ball, and given to a healthy horse, without effect. Some horses have eaten the hay left by those that were glandered, and no bad consequence has followed : but others have been speedily infected. The GLANDERS. ] 1 3 glanderous matter must come in contact with a wound, or fall on some membrane, thin and delicate, like that of the nose, and through which it may be absorbed. It is easy, then, accustomed as horses are to be crowded together, and to recognize each other by the smell — eating out of the same manger, and drinking from the same pail — to imagine that the disease may be very readily communicated. One horse has passed another when he was in the act of" snorting, and has become glandered. Some fillies have received the infection from the matter blown by the wind across a lane, when a glandered horse, in the opposite field, has claimed acquaintance by neighing or snorting. It is almost impossible for an infected horse to remain long in a stable with others without irreparable mischief. If some persons underrate the danger, it is because the disease may remain unrecognised in the infected horse for some months, or even years, and therefore, when it appears, it is attributed to other causes, or to after inoculation. No glandered horse should be employed on any farm, nor should a glandered horse be per- mitted to work on any road, or even to pasture on any field He should be destroyed. In a well settled case of glanders it is not worth while, ex- cept by way of experiment at a veterinary school, to attempt any remedies. The chances of cure are too remote, and the danger of infection too great. If, however, remedial measures are resorted to, a pure atmos- phere is that which should first be tried. Turn out the horse, and, if practicable, on a salt marsh, — but much caution is requi- site, as the grass, and even the fences may receive the glander- ous matter ; and hardening on them, it may months afterward communicate the disease to horses ; and there is not yet decided proof that sheep and cattle are not subject to the same malady. Worse than all, the man who attends on that horse is in danger. The cases are now becoming far too numerous in which the groom or the veterinary surgeon attending on glan dered horses becomes infected, and in the majority of cases dies. Every portion of the stable, every vessel, &c., which have been within the reach of a nasal discharge of a glandered horse, should be well scraped, , scoured with soap and water, then well washed with a solution of chloride of lime (a pint ol the chloride to a pail full of water,) and the walls white- washed. His head gear should be burned — his clothing baked or washed — pails newly painted — and the iron work with which he has been in contact, should, where practicable, be exjiosed to a red heat.* * Note hy Mr. Spooner. — Mr. S.'s note contains nothing materially adding to Mr. Youatt's elaborate account ; but the following is important : The contagious character of glanders is very well known, and not only 114 FARCY. PARCY Farcy is intimately connected with glanders ; they will rui* into each other, or their symptoms will mingle together, anu before either arrives at its fatal termination its associate wih almost invariably appear. An animal inocculated with the matter of farcy will often be afflicted with glanders, while the matter of glanders will frequently produce farcy. They are different types or stages of the same disease. There is, how- ever, a very material difference in their "symptoms and progress, and this most important one of all, that while glanders are generally incurable, farcy, in its early stage and mild form, m.ay be successfully treated. While the capillary vessels of the arteries are everywhere employed in building up the frame, the absorbents are no less diligently at work in selecting and carrying away every useless or worn-out portion or part of it. There is no surface on which thousands of these little mouths do not open. Opening on the surfaces of glanderous ulcers, they absorb a portion of the virus secreted by them, and as it passes through these little tubes, they become thickened and inflamed by means of its acrimonious qualities, and hence they received the name of corded vein?, from farriers who mistook them for the veins whose courses they follow. At certain distances in the course of the absorbents are natural valves, or loose duplicatures of the lining membrane, which are pressed against the side of the vessel and permit the fluid to pass in a direction towards the chest, but belly out and impede or arrest its progress from the chest. The virus at these places, and the additional inflammation there excited, is to a greater or less degree evident to the eye and to the feeling. They are usually first observed about the lips, the nose, the neck, and the thighs. They are very hard — even of a scirrhous hard- ness, more or less tender, and with perceptible heat about them. The poisonous matter being thus confined and pressing on the part, suppuration and ulceration ensue. The ulcers have the it so with regard to the horse, but it is capable of being communicated to the human being- ; and, indeed, there have been very many deaths from this cause, and most horrible deaths they are. It is generally by means of eome cut or abrasion which comes in contact with the glandered matter, that the infection is communicated. The utmost caution should, therefore, be exercised by the attendants ; and it is most unpardonable to keep glan- dered horses any length of time for the sake of their work ; and we are scarcely justified in tampering long with them under tlie idea of effecting a cure, when the cases are decidedly glandered. FARCY. 1 10 same character as the g-landcrous ones on the membrane of the nose. They are rounded, with an elevated edire and a pale surface. They are true chancres, and they discharge a virus as infectious and as dangerous as the matter of glanders. While they remain in their hard prominent state, they are called buttons or farcy buds ; and they are connected together by the inflamed and corded veins. In some cases the horse vi^ill droop for many a day before the appearance of the corded veins or buds — his appetite will be impaired — his coat will stare — he will lose flesh. The poison is (evidently at work, but has not gained sufficient power to cause the absorbents to enlarge. In a few cases these buds do not ulcerate, but become hard and difficult to disperse. The pro- gress of the disease is then suspended, and possibly for some months the horse Avill appear to be restored to health ; but he bears the seeds of the malady about him, and in due time the larcy assumes its virulent form, and hurries him ofT. These buds have sometimes been confounded with the little tumors oi lumps termed surfeit. They are generally higher than these tumors, and not so broad. They have a more knotty character, and are principally found on the inside of the limbs, instead of the outside. The surfeit buinjJS are pustular and end in des- quamation (scaling ofi',) not in ulceration, and they do not follow the course of the absorbents, but are scattered irregularly over the skin. Few things are more unlike, or more perplexing, than thf; different forms Avhich farcy assumes at different times. One of the legs, and particularly one of the hinder legs, will suddenly swell to an enormous size. At night the horse will appear t() be perfectly well, and in the morning one leg will be three times the size of the other, with considerable fever, and scarcely the power of moving the limb. At other times the head will be subject to this enlargement, the muzzle particularly will swell, and an offensive discharge will proceed from the nose. Sometimes the horse will gradually lose flesh and strength ; he will be hide-bound ; many eruptions will appear in different parts ; the legs Avill swell ; cracks will be seen at the heels, and an inexperienced person may conceive it to be a mere want of condition, combined with grease. By degrees the affection becomes general. The virus has reached the termination of the absorbents, and mingles with the general circulating fluid, and is conveyed Avith the blood to every part of the frame. There are no longer any valves to impede its progress, and consequently no knots or buds, but th*? myriads of capillary absorbents that penetrate every part be come inflamed, and thickened, and enlarged, and cease to dis 116 FARCY. charge their function. Hence arises enlargement of the sub- stance of various parts, swellings of the legs, and chest, ami head — sudden, painful, enormous, and distinguished by a heat and tenderness, which do not accompany other enlargements. Farcy cannot probably exist without previous glanders, and it is certain that it cannot long and extensively prevail without being accompanied by it. They are, in fact, stages of the same disease. Farcy has been confounded with other diseases ; but he must be careless or ignorant who mistook sprain for it. The inflam- mation is too circumscribed and too plainly connected with the joint or tendon. It may be readily distinguished from grease or swelled legs. In grease there is usually some crack or scurfiness, a peculiar tenseness and redness and glossiness of the skin, some ichorous discharge, and a singular spasmodic catching up of the leg. In farcy the engorgement is even more sudden than that of grease. The horse is well to-day, and to-morrow he is gorged from the fet-lock to the haunch, and although there is not the same redness or glossiness, there is great tenderness, a burning heat in the limb, and much general fever. It is simultaneous inflammation of all the absorbents of the limb. Local dropsy of the cellular membrane, and particularly that enlargement beneath the thorax which has the strange appella- tion of ivater-farcy, have none of the characters of real farcy. 'It is general debility to a greater or less degree, and not in- flammation of the absorbents. Farcy, like glanders, springs from infection and from bad stable management. It is produced by all the causes which ffive rise to slanders, with this difierence, that it is more fre- quently generated, and sometimes strangely prevalent in particu- lar districts. The matter of farcy must come in contact Avith a wound or sore, in order to communicate the disease. The treatment of farcy differs with the form that it assumes. As a general rule, and especially when the buttons or buds are beginning to appear, a mild dose of physic should first be ad- ministered. The buds should then be carefully examined, and if any of them have broken, the budding-iron, at a dull red heat, should be applied. If pus should be felt in them, showing that they are disposed to break, they should be penetrated with the iron. These wounds should be daily inspected, and if, when the slough of the cautery comes ofl', they look pale, and foul, and spongy, and discharge a thin matter, they should be frequently washed with a strong lotion of corrosive sublimate, dissolved in rectified spirit. When the wounds begin to look red, and the bottom of them is even and firm, and they discharge a thick white or yel THE LIPS. 1 17 low matter, the Friar's balsam will usually dispose them to heal. As, however, the constitution is now tainted, local applications will not be sufficient, and the disease must be attacked by inter- nal medicine, as soon as the physic has ceased to operate. The most effectual constitutional remedy is the diniodide m copper. It is a stimulant of the absorbent vessels, and a tonic. The ofentian root is usually combined with it. Cantharides, in small quantities, may be advantag-eously added. An indication oi" its influence is a soreness of the diseased parts, arising from the absorbent vessels being roused into increased action : the agent should then be for a time withheld. The animal should be generously fed, have green food, if pos- sible, and a free circulation of air.^ THE LIPS. The lips of the horse are far more important organs than many suppose. They are the hands of the animal, and without them he could not convey his food to his mouth. The lips are composed of a muscular substance for the sake of strength, and a multitude of small glands, which secrete a fluid that covers the inside of the lips and the gums, in order to prevent friction, and likewise furnish a portion of the moisture so necessary for the proper chewing of the food. The lips of the horse should be thin and well kept together : and the depth of the mouth should be considerable. The cor- * Note hij Mr. Spooner. — The cure of farcy materially depends on the ex- tent to which the constitution is affected by the disease. If it be confinea to a single extremity, particularly one of the hind ones, or if the superficial absorbents are alone affected, there is then a very reasonable prospect of establishing a cure. The application of the caustic, as advised in the text, is very proper ; but we may also materially assist the case by rubbing into any swollen part, or along the course of the absorbents, an ointment consisting of Iodine 31 Lard 5I Mercurial ointment ... 5 1 to be incorporated together. Advantage will also be felt by the internal exhibition of five to ten grains daily of hydriodate of potash in combination with a mineral tonic, such as sulphate of iron, three drachms, and gentian, two drachms. The ointment as well as the ball must be continued for some time. We have succeeded in many cases by this mode of treatment, though it must be acknowledged that there is no disease, to which the horse is liable, so deceptive as this. When the external symptoms are most favorable, the ulcers healed, and the swelling reduced, the disease will somt times break out ag;iin, and prove rapidly fatal. I lo THE MOUTH PALATE. ners or angles of the lips are sometimes wounded by the ti^^ii- ness of the bearing-rein, or by sharp or badly formed bits. If inflammation or ulcers in the mouth follow contusions inflicted by the bit, a little cooling medicine may be administered ; and to the ulcers themselves, tincture of myrrh, diluted with water, or alum dissolved in water, may be applied with advantage. THE BONES OF THE MOUTH. The bones, in and giving form to the mouth, are the superior maxillary or upper jaw (b, Fig. 1, and /, Fig. 2,) containing the grinders : the anterior maxillaiy, or lower part of the upper jaw, (b, Fig. 1, n, Fig. 2, r, Fig. 3,) containing the upper-nippers or cutting-teeth ; the palatine bone (below 8, Fig. 3,) and the pos- terior maxillary or under jaw (a, Fig. 1, and 2U, Fig. 3,) con- taining all the under-teeth. The size of these, their connection with the other bones of the head, aiid their muscular attachments, will be sufiiciently learned from a careful inspection of the cuts, Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 12. THE PALATE. Adhering to a portion of the three bones just described, and constituting the lining of the roof of the mouth, is the palate {t, Fig. 3,) composed of an elastic and dense substance, divided into several ridges called bars. The following cut gives a view of them. Fig. 13. a The palate, divided into ridges or bars. b A strip dissected up to show the vessels and nerve beneath. c The palatine artery, d The palatine vein. e The palatine nerve, between the artery and the vein. / The cheek divided, showing the direction of the muscular fibres. g The grinders. h The nippers. i The lushes. LAMP AS, 1 1^ It will also point out the bleeding place, if it should occasion- ally be deemed advisable to abstract blood from the mouth ; or, if the horse should be attacked with megrims on a journey, and the driver, having no lancet, should be compelled to make use of his knife, the incision should be made betw^een the central and second nippers on either side, about an inch within the mouth, and cutting through the second bar. A stream of blood will be thus obtained, which will usually cease to flow when two or three quarts have escaped, or may generally be arrested by the application of a sponge filled with cold water. Should the cut be made a little too much on one side, and about the middle of the second incisor tooth, the artery may be wounded longitudinally, but not divided, and there may be very great difficulty in stopping the blood. We recollect a horse which almost bled to death from the artery being thus wounded. If, however, a large and firm pledget of lint or tow be rolled round a piece of twine, and that tied firmly round the front teeth, the pressure on the part will effect the desired purpose ; or, should this in a very few cases fail, a gag may be easily con- trived to press upon the pledget, and the bleeding will imme- diately cease. This, however, is a make-shift sort of bleeding, that may be allowable on a journey, and possibly in some cases of lampas, but which is decidedly objectionable as the usual mode of ab- stracting blood. The quantity withdrawn cannot be measured, the degree of inflammation cannot be ascertained by the manner in which it coagulates, and there may be difficulty to the operator, and annoyance and pain to the horse, in stopping the bleeding. LAMPAS. The bars occasionally swell, and rise to a level with, and even beyond the edge of, the teeth. They are very sore, and the horse feeds badly on account of the pain he sufiers from the pres- sure of the food on them. This is called the Lampas. It may arise from inflammation of the gums, propagated to the bars, when the horse is shedding his teeth — and young horses are more subject to it than others — or from some slight febrile tendency in the constitution generally, as when a young horse has lately been taken up from grass, and has been over-fed, or not sufficiently exercised. At times, it appears in aged horses ; for the process of growth in the teeth of the horse is continued during the whole life of the animal. In the majority of cases, the sw^elling wdll soon subside without medical treatment ; or a few mashes, and gentle alteratives, will 120 THE LOWER JAW. relieve tne animal. A few slight incisions across the bars with a lancet, or pen-knife, will remove the inflammation, and cause the swelling to subside ; indeed, this scarification of the bars in lamp as will seldom do harm, although it is far from being so necessary as is supposed. The brutal custom of the farrier, who sears and burns down the bars with a red-hot iron, is most objec- tionable. It is torturing the horse to no purpose, and rendering that part callous, on the delicate sensibility of which all the pleasure and safety of riding and driving depend. It may be prudent, in case of lampas, to examine the grinders, and more particularly the tushes, in order to ascertain whether either of them is making its way through the gum. If it is so, two inci- sions across each other should be made on the tooth, and the horse will experience immediate relief. =^ THE LOWER JAW. The posterior or lower jaw may be considered as forming the floor of the mouth {a, Fig. 1, or w, Fig. 3). The body, or lower part of it, contains the under cutting teeth and the tushes, and at the sides are two flat pieces of bone containing the grinders. \t>>QQ the preceding cuts of the anatomy and tissues of the head]. The joint which connects the lower to the upper jaw, unlike that in carnivorous animals, is so constructed, that it not only admits of the simple motion of a hinge, but of a lateral or grinding motion, necessary to break down vegetable fibre, and fit it for the stomach. * Note by Mr. Spooner. — It is almost impossible that the swelling of the bars of the mouth, denominated lampas, can interfere with the process of mastication, when the horse is in the stable and feeding on grain, for we well know that tlie food is ground as in a mill, by the 'molar teeth. It often happens, however, that connected with this lampas, there is an inability to masticate properly ; the horse quids his food, as it is called, that is, throws it out of his mouth in rolls covered with saliva. On the same principle as " Tenterden steeple being the cause of Goodwin sands," the lampas has been regarded as the cause of this imperfect mastication. If we look farther, however, -we shall almost invariably tind that the gums are swelled gene- rally, and particularly the membranous tissues covering the lower jaw-bone, between the molar and incisor teeth ; so much so, that when the horse at- tempts to masticate, this membrane gets between the molar teeth and causes pain, and interrupts the process of mastication. This state of the parts is often oveilooked, and the horse becomes weak and thin from not having sufficient nutriment. This disease, if it can be called so, is com- monly termed the Rags, or Washes, and is relieved by cutting off a portion of the membrane by means of a pair of scissors ; the bleeding relieves the inflammation, and the cicatrizatinn of the wound causes the membrane to contract, so as to be put out of the way of further injury from the teetk The b.orse should have mashes for some days after the operatioa and care muist be taken that tlie bit does not injure the denuded part. PROCESS OF TEETHING. IC) Fig. 14. The space beneath between the jaw-bones, called the channel, IS of considerable consequence. It may be a little too wide, and ilien the lace will have a clumsy appearance : but if it is too narrow, the horse will never be able to bend his head freely and gracefully ; he will be always pulling or boring upon the hand, nor can he possibly be well reined in. The jaws contain the teeth, which are the millstones employed in comminuting the food. The mouth of the horse at five yeai^ old contains forty teeth, viz. : six nippers or cutting-teeth in front, a tush on each side, and six molars, or grinding-teeth, above and below. The gums are singularly compact, that it may not be wounded by the hard or sharp particles of the food, and almost devoid of feeling, for the same purpose. Seven or eight months before the foal is born, the germs oi beginnings of the teeth are visible in the cavities of the jaws At the time of birth, the first and second grinders have appeared, large compared with the size of the jaw, and seemingly filling it. In the course of seven or eight days the two central nippers are seen as in Fig. 14. They likewise appear to be large, and to fill the front of the mouth ; although they will af- terwards be found to be small, compared with the permanent teeth that follow. In the course of the first month the third grinder appears above and below, and, not long after, and gen- erally before six weeks have expired, another incisor above and below will be seen on each side of the two first, which have now considerably grown, bm not attained their perfect height. The second cut will represent the appearance of the mouth at that time. At two months, the central nippers will natural level, and between the second and third month the second pair will have overtaken them. They will then begin to wear away a little, and the outer edge, which was at first somewhat raised and sharp, is brought to a level with the inner one, and so the mouth continues until some time between the sixth and ninth month, when another nipper begins to ap- pear on each side of the two first, making six above and below, and completing the colt's mouth ; after which, the only ob- servable difference, until between the sec- ond and third year, is in the wear of these teeth have reached their Fig-. 15. Sec Fiff. 122 PROCESS OF TEETHING. The teeth are covered with a polished and exceedingly hard substance, called the enamel. It spreads over that portion of the teeth which appears above the gum, and not only so, but as they are to be so much employed in nipping the grass, and gath- ering up the animal's food, and in such employment even this hard substance must be gradually worn away, a portion of it, as it passes over the upper surface of the teeth, is bent inward, and sunk into the body of the teeth, and forms a little pit ini them. The inside and bottom of this pit being blackened by| the food, constitutes the mark of the teeth, by the gradual dis- appearance of which, in consequence of the wearing down of the edge, we are enabled, for several years, to judge of the age of the animal. The colt's nipping-teeth are rounded in front, somewhat hol- low towards the mouth, and present at first a cutting surface, with the outer edge rising in a slanting direction above the inner edo-e. This, however, soon begms to wear down until both sur- faces are level, and the mark, which was originally long anil narrow, becomes shorter, and widei, and fainter. At six months the four nippers are beginning to wear to a level. The annexed cut will convey some idea of the appearance of the teeth at twelve months. The four middle teeth are almost level, and the corner ones becoming so. The mark in the two middle teeth is wide and faint ; in the two next teeth it is darker, and longer, and nar- rower ; and in the corner teeth it is darkest, and longest, and narrowest. The back teeth, or grinders, will not guide us far in ascertaining the age of the animal, for we cannot ea- sily inspect them ; but there are some interesting particulars connected with them. The foal is born with two grinders in each jaw, above and be- low ; or they appear within three or four days after the birth. Before the expiration of a month they are suc- ceeded by a third, more backward. The crowns of the grmders are entirely covered with enamel on the top and sides, but attrition soon wears it away from the top, and there remains a compound surface of alternate layers of crusted petraser, enamel, and ivory, which are employed iji grinding down the hardest portion of the food. Nature has, therefore, made an additional provision for their strength and endurance. Fia:. 16. PROCESS OF TEETHING. 123 Fig. 17. Fiff. 18. Fig. 17 represents a grinder sawed across. The five dark spots represent bony matter ; the parts covered with Hnes, enamel ; and the white spaces, a strong bony cement, uniting the other portions of the teeth. At the completion of the first year, a fourtli grinder usually comes up, and the yearling has then, or soon after- wards, six nippers, and four grinders above and below in each jaw, which, with the alteration m the appearance of the nippers that we have just described, will enable us to cal- culate nearly the age of the foal, suject to some variations aris- ing from the period of weaning, and the nature of the food. At the age ot" one year and a-half, the mark in the central nippers will be much shorter and fainter ; that in the two other pairs will have undergone an evident ohanire, and all the nippers will be flfit. ^ At two years this v/ill be more manifest. The accompanying cut (Fig. 18,) deserves attention, as giv- ing an accurate represention of the nipners in the lower jaw of a two- years-old colt. About this period a fifth grinder will appear, and now, likewise, will commence another process. The first teeth are adapted to the size and wants of the young animal They are sufl^iciently large to occupy and fill the colt's jaws ; Lul when these bones have expanded with the increasing growth of the animal, the teeth are separated too far from each other to be useful, and another and larger set is required. The second teeth then begin to push up from below, and the fangs of the first are absorbed, until the former approach the surface of the gum, when they drop out. Where the temporaiy teeth do not rise immediately under the milk-teeth, but by their sides, the latter being pressed sideway, are absorbed throughout their whole length. They grow narrow, are pushed out of place, and cause niconvenience to the gums, and sometimes the cheek. They are then called -wolf 's- teeth, and they should be extracted.* The teeth which first appeared are first renewed, and there- * Note hy Mr. Spooner. — Although irregularities of the teeth sometimes occur, as mentioned in the text, yet the wolves' teeth are generally two very small supplementary teeth appearing in front of the molar teeth ; and, 124 PROCESS Gi^ TEETHING. fore the front or first grinder is changed at the age of twn years. During the period between the falUng out of the central milk nippers, and the coming up of the permanent ones, the colt, having a broken mouth, may find some difficulty in grazing. If he should fall away considerably in condition, he should be fed with mashes and corn, or cut feed. The next cut (Fig. 19,) will represent a three-year-old mouth. The central teeth are larger than the others, with two grooves in the outer convex surface, and the mark is long, narrow, deep and black. Not having yet attained their full growth, they are rather lower than the others. The mark in the two next nip- pers is nearly worn out, and it is wearing away in the corner nippers. Is it possible to give this mouth to an early two-years- old ? The ages of all horses used to be reckoned from May, but some are tbaled even so early as January, and being actually four months over the two years, if they have been well nursed and fed, and are strong and large, they may, with the inexperi- enced, have an additional year put upon them. The central nippers are punched or drawn out, and the others appear three or four mouths eq,rlier than they otherwise would. In the natu- ral process, they could only rise by long pressing upon, and caus- ing the absorption of, the first set. But opposition from the first set being removed, it is easy to imagine that their pro- gress will be more rapid. Three or four months will be gained in the appearance of the teeth, and these three or four months may enable the breeder to term him a late colt of a preceding year. To him, however, who is accustomed to horses, the general form of the animal — the little development of the fore-hand — the continuance of the mark on the next pair of nippers — its more evident existence in the cor- ner ones, some enlargement or irregularity about the gums from the violence used in forcing out the teeth — ^the small growth of the first and fifth grinders and the non-appearance of the sixth though supposed to have an injurious effect on the eyes, we have rarely, if ev(!r, found that they produce any injurious effect, eitlier on the eyes or the mouth, and, consequently, it is useless to interfere with them. When, how- ever, the teeth grow irregularly, the permanent ones appearing by the side of the temporary, the latter should be removed. PROCESS OF TEETHING. 125 Fiar. 20. prinder, which if it is not through the gum at three years old, is swelling under it, and preparing to get through — any or all of these circumstances, carefully attended to, will be a sufficient security against deception. A horse at three years old ought to have the central perma- nent nippers growing — the other two pairs wasting — six grind- ers in each jaw, above and below — the first and fifth level with the others, and the sixth protruding. The sharp edge of the new incisors, although it could not be well expressed in the cut, will be very evident when compared with the neighboring teeth. As the permanent nippers wear, and continue to grow, a nar- rower portion of the cone-shaped tooth is exposed to the attrition, and they look as if they had been compressed, but it is not so. The mark, of course, gradually disappears as the pit is worn away. At three years and a half, or between that and four, the next pair of nippers will be changed, and the mouth at that time cannot be mistaken. The central nippers will have attained nearly their full growth. A vacuity will be left where the second stood, or they will begin to peep above the gum, and the corner ones will be diminished in breadth, worn down, and the mark becoming small and faint. At this period, like- wise, the second pair of grind- ers will be shed. Previously to this may be the attempt of the dealer to give to his three- year-old an additional year, but the fraud will be detected by an examination similar to that which has been already described. At four years, the central nippers will be fully devel- oped ; the sharp edge some- what worn off, and the mark shorter, wider, and fainter. The next pair will be up, but they will be small, with the mark deep, and extending quite across them. The corner nippers will be larger than the inside ones, yet smaller than they were, and flat, and the mark nearly effaced. The sixth grinder will have risen to a level with the others, and the tushes will begin to appear. Now, more than at any other time, will the dealer be anxious to put an additional year upon the animal, for the difference between a four-years-old colt, and a five-years-old horse, in strength, utility, and value, is very great; but, the want of 126 PROCESS OF TEETHING wear in the other nippers — the small size of the corner ones— the little growth of the tush — the smalhiess of the second grinder —the low fore-hand — the legginess of the colt, and the thick- ness and little depth of the mouth, will, to the man of common experience among horses, at once detect the cheat. The tushes (see Fig. 13,) are four in number, two in each jaw, situated between the nippers and the grinders — much nearer to the former than the latter, and nearer in the lower jaw than in the upper, but this distance increasing in both jaws with the age. It is conical, protrudes about an inch from the gum, and is sharp pointed and curved. Mares have the rudiments of them, and they usually appear externally in old age. The appearance of the tush in the horse may vary from four years to lour years and six months. It can only be accelerated a few weeks by cutting the gum over it. At four years and a half, or between that and five, the last im- portant change takes place in the mouth of the horse. The cor- ner nippers are shed, and the permanent ones begin to appear The central nippers are considerably worn, and the next pair are commencing to show marks of usage. The tush has now pro- truded, and is generally a full half-inch in height ; externally it has a rounded prominence, with a groove on either side, and it is evidently hollowed within. The reader needs not to be told that after the rising of the corner nipper, the animal changes its name — the colt becomes a horse, and the filly a raiare. At five years the horse's mouth is almost perfect, (see Fig. 21.) Yig, 21. T^^ corner nippers are quite up, with the long deep mark irreg- ular on the inside ; and the other nippers bearing evident tokens of increasing wearing. The tush is much grown — the grooves have almost or quite disappeared, and the outer sur- face is regularly convex. It is still as concave within, and with the edge nearly as sharp as it was six months before. The sixth molar is quite up, and the third molar is wanting. This last circumstance, if the general appearance of the animal, and particularly his forehead and the w^earing of the centre nippers, and the growth and shape of the tushes, are likewise carefully attended to, will prevent deception if a late four-years-old is attempted to be substituted for a five The nippers may be brought up a few months before their time PROCESS OF TEETHING 127 and the tushes a few weeks, but the grinder is with difficulty displaced. The three last grinders and the tushes are nevei shed. At six years, (see Fig. 22,) Fig. 22. the mark on the central nip- pers is worn out. There will still be a difference of color in the centre of the tooth. The cement filling up the hole, made by the dipping in of the enamel, will present a browner hue than the other part of the tooth, and it will be evidently surrounded by an edge of enamel, and there will even remain a little de- pression in the centre, and also a depression round the case of enamel : but the deep hole in the centre of the teeth, witL the blackened surface which it presents, and the elevated edge of enamel, will have disappeared. Persons not much accu.s- tomed to horses have been puzzled here. They expected to find a plain surlace of a unitbrra color, and knew not what conclu- sion to draw when there was both discoloration and irreg- ularity. In the next incisors the mark is shorter, broader and fainter ; and in the corner teeth the edges of the enamel are more regular, and the surface is evidently worn. The tush has attained its full growth, being nearly or quite an inch in length ; convex outward, concave within ; tending to a point, and the extremity some- what curved. The third grinder is fairly up ; and all the grind- ers are level. The horse may now be said to have a perfect mouth. All the teeth are produced, fully grown, and have hitherto sustained no material injury. During these important changes of the teeth, the ammal has suffered less than could be supposed possible. In children, the period of teething is fraught with danger. Dogs are subject to convulsions, and hundreds of them die, from the irritation caused by the cutting or shedding of their teeth ; but the horse appears to feel Uttle inconvenience. The gums and palate are occasionally somewhat hot and swollen ; but the slightest scarification will remove this. The teeth of the horse are more necessary to him than those of the other animals are to them. The child may be fed, and the dog wili bolt his food ; but that of the horse must be well ground down, or the nutri- ment caimot be extracted from it. 128 PROCESS OF TEETHING. At seven years, (see Fig. 23,) the mark, in the way in which „. ^ we have described it, is worn out in the four central nip- pers, and fast wearing away in the corner teeth ; the tush also is beginning to he altered. It is rounded at the point ; rounded at the edges ; stil] round without ; and begin- ning to get round inside. At eight years old, the tush is rounder in every way ; the mark is gone from all the bottom nippers, and it may almost be said to be out of the mouth. There is nothing remaining in the bottom nippers that can afterwards clearly show the age of the horse, or justify the most experienced ex- aminer in giving a positive opinion. Dishonest dealers have been said to resort to a method of pro- longing the mark in the lower nippers. It is called bhlwjmtg, from the name of the scoundrel who invented it. The horse of eight or nine years old, (see Fig. 24,) is thrown, and with an engraver's tool a hole is dug in the now almost plain surface of the corner teeth, and m shape and depth resembling the mark in a seven-years-old horse. The hole is then burned with a heated iron, and a permanent black stain is left. The next pair of nippers are sometimes light- ly touched. An ignorant man would be very easily imposed on by this trick : but the irregular appearance of the cavity — the diffusion of the black stain around the tushes, the sharpened edges and concave inner surface of which can never be given again — the marks on the uppjr nippers, together with the general con- formation of the horse, can never deceive the careful examiner Horsemen, after the animal is eight years old, are accustomed to look to the nippers .'n the upper jaw, and some conclusion has been drawn from the a ipearances which they present. It cannot T'vr 24. PROCESS OF TEETHING. 1^9 be doubted that the mark remains m them for some years after It has been obliterated irom the nippers in the lower jaw. There are various opinions as to the intervals between the dis- appearance of the marks from the different cutting-teeth in the upper jaw. Some have averaged it at two years, and others at one. The author is inclined to adopt the latter opinion, and then the age will be thus determined . at nine years, the mark will be worn out from the middle nippers — from the next pair at ten, and from all the upper nippers at eleven. During these periods, the tush is likewise undergoing a manifest change — it is blunter, shorter, and rounder In what degree this takes place in the difierent periods, long and most favorable opportunities for obser- vation can alone enable the horseman to decide. Tiie alteration in the form of the tushes is frequently uncertain. It will sometimes be blunt at eight, and at others, remain pointed at eighteen. After eleven, and until the horse is very old, the age may be guessed at, with some degree of confidence, from the shape of the upper surface or extremity of the nippers. At eight, they are all oval, the length of the oval running across from tooth to toooth ; but as the horse gets older, the teeth diminish in size — and this commencing in their width, and not in their thickness. They become a little apart from each other, and their surfaces become round instead of oval. At nine, the centre nippers are evidently so ; at ten, the others begin to have the oval shortened. At eleven, the second pair of nippers are quite rounded ; and at thirteen, the corner ones have that appearance. At fourteen, the faces of the central nippers become somewhat triangular. At seventeen, they are all so. At nineteen, the angles begin to wear off, and the central teeth are again oval, but in a reversed direc- tion, viz., from outward, inward ; and at twenty-one, they all wear this form. It would of course be folly to expect anything like certainty in an opinion of the exact age of an old horse, drawn from the above indications. Stabled horses have the marks sooner wora out than those that are at grass, and crib-biters still sooner. At nine or ten. the bars of the mouth become less prq^iiinent, and their reg- ular dimiimtion will designate increasing age. At eleven or twelve, the lower nippers change their original upright direction, and project forward or horizontally, and become of a yellow color. The general indications of old age, independent of the teeth, are deepening of the hollows over the eyes ; gray hairs, and par- ticularly over the eyes and about the muzzle ; thinness and hang- ing down of the lips ; sharpness of the withers ; sinking of the oack ; lengthening of the quarters ; and the disappearance of windo-alls, spavins, and tumors of every kind. 9 r 130 DISEASES OF THE TEETH. Horses, kindly and not prematurely used, sometimes live to be- tween thirty-five and forty years of age ; and Mr. Percivall gives an account of a barge horse that died in his sixty-second year.^*' DISEASES OF THE TEETH. Of the diseases of the teeth in the horse, we know little. Ca« rious or hollow teeth are occasionally, but not often, seen ; but the edges of the grinders, from the wearing off of the enamel, or * JS^ote by Mr. Spooner. — We have little to add. There are exceptions, however, to the above rules. We have known a horse at twelve exhibit the same appearance as another at six. In such instances, the age must be judged by the length and shape of the teeth, and more particularly by the shape of the faces of tlie teeth. A careful examination leads me to believe that the ob-^ervation in the text, that tlie teeth are developed much earlier in young animals that are corn- fed and taken early into tlie stable, and that in thorough-bred horses, conse- quently, the changes of the teeth are earlier than in animals that remain more in a state of nature, is erroneous. I thiftk them, of the two, rather more backward. Many successful attempts have doubtless been made to run four year old horses for three year okis, as in the celebrated case of Running Rein, which obtained such notoriety. An inoisor tooth, when it ia first shed, and for some time afterwards, is higher on the outer or front edge, than the inner or back edge. After some time, this outer edge is worn down to the same level as the inner, and subsequently both edges wear equally, till the bottom of the hole which forms the mark is reached, wlien, of course, the mark disappears. It takes about three years to effect this process, that is, from the time the tooth is cut to the disappearance of the mark. In a four year old mouth, there are four permanent lower incisors, and two corner temporary teeth. The outer and inner edge of the central teeth are tolerably level, and the mark smaller than the middle teeth next them, which present the appearance of j^ounger teeth. Now, in a three-year old mouth the central teeth have a younger appearance, the mark being larger, and the outer edge higher, than the inner, whilst the middle teeth are either in the act of being cut, or the temporary teeth have not yet dis- appeared. By careful examination, therefore, the difference between a three and four year old horse can be readily detected. The permanent teeth differ from the temporary, being larger, less white, and having more depth above the gums. After the marks have disappeared, the age of the horse may be judged partly by tlie shape of the faces of the teeth, and partly by the horizontal position in which the teeth proceed from the jaw. If we take a young in- cisor tooth and saw it off below the bottom of the hole whicli forms the mark, and again at a similar distance lower down, we shall find that the several surfaces made by the sections resemble the shape of the face of the tooth in a horse in which a similar quantity of the tooth has been naturally worn down. The comparison also holds good with regard to the direction in which the teeth proceed from the lower jaw, being in the young animal up- right or curved, and in the old one nearly horizontal. Altliough the teeth grow to supply the loss of that which wears away, yet the original shape remains, so that the face of an incisor tooth at different periods is owing to that particular part which, in its turn, reaches and forms the surface. THE TONGUE. 13) the iiTCirular growth of the teeth, become rough, and wound the inside of the cheek ; it is then necessary to adopt a summary, but eflectual method of cure ; namely, to rasp them smooth. Many bad ulcers have been produced in the mouth by neglect of this. The teeth sometimes grow irregularly in length — particularly the grinders — from not meeting the proper opposition of the cor- responding tooth in the other jaw. These sometimes penetrate the bars, causing ulceration ; and at others, interfere partially oi entirely with the grinding motion of the jaw. The teeth should be reduced to the level of the others with a saw, and occasionally looked to, because the difficulty will return. Horses oiten pine away from this unsuspected cause. Every horse that grows thin without apparent cause, especially if he qidch, (partly chews and then drops his feed) should be looked to in this particular. Very irregular teeth lessen the value of a horse, and to all intents and purposes constitute unsoundness. Decayed teeth should be removed to prevent injury to the other teeth and to the jaw. The hammer and punch should never be resorted to in this operation, but a keyed instrument, like that of the human subject, only on a larger scale.* Fever, cough, catarrhal affections generally, disease of the eyes, cutaneous affections, diarrhoea, dysentery, loss of appetite, and general derangement, will frequently be traced by the careful observer to irritation from teething, in the colt. It is a rule scarcely admitting of the slightest deviation, that, when young horses are laboring under any febrile affection, the mouth should be examined, and if the tushes are prominent and pushing against the gums, a crucial (in the form of a cross) inci- sion should be made across them. Relief will often be immediate. THE TONGUE. The tongue is the organ of taste. It is also employed in dis- posing the food for being ground between the teeth, and after- wards collecting it together, and conveying it to the back part of the mouth, in order to be swallowed. It is likewise the main instrument in swallowing, and the canal through which the water passes in the act of drinking. Its form, attachments, &c., are too well known to require description. * The keyed instrument is now banished from human practice, and the substitutes for it might probably be advantageously introduced into veteri- nary practice. — American Editor. 132 DISEASE:? JF THE TONGUE THE SALIVARY GLANDS. DISEASES OF THE TONGUE. The tongue is frequently lacerated by carelessness in adminis- tering medicine, by the bit, and sometimes by being bitten by the animal itself. A little diluted tincture of myrrh, or alum dis- solved in water, or, if the wound is not serious, unassisted nature, will heal the parts. Purple-colored vesicles or bladders will sometimes appear along the under side of the tongue, and increase to considerable size ; ihe tongue will be enlarged so that it becomes difficult to swallow ; and a great quantity of ropy saliva will drivel from the mouth. Lance the vesicles freely and deeply from end to end and they will soon disappear, and any little fever that remains may be subdued by cooling medicine. THE SALIVARY GLANDS. In order that the food may be properly comminuted preparatory to digestion, it is necessary that it should be previously moistened. Nature has made a provision for this. She has placed in the neighborhood of the mouth various glands to secrete, and that plentifully, a limpid fluid, somewhat saline to the taste. This fluid is conveyed from the glands into the mouth, by various ducts, in the act of chewing, and, being mixed with the food, renders it more easily ground, more easily passed afterwards into the stomach, and better fitted for digestion. The principal of these is the 'parotid gland (see Fig. 12). The quantity of" fl uid poured into the mouth, in the act of mastication, from each jf these glands, amounts to a pint in half an hour. The paiotid gland sympatliizes with every inflammatory afTec- tion of the upper part of the throat, and therefore it is found swollen, hot, and tender, in almost every catarrh or cold. The catarrh is to be treated in the usual way ; while a stimulating application, almost amounting to a blister, well rubbed over the gland, will best subdue the inflammation of that body. In bad strangles, and, sometimes, in violent cold, this gland will be much enlarged and ulcerated, or an obstruction will take place in some part of the duct, and the accumulating fluid will burst the vessel, and a fistulous ulcer will be formed that will be very difficult to heal. A veterinary surgeon alone will be com- petent to the treatment of either case ; and the principle by which he will be guided, will be to heal the abscess in the gland as speedily as he can, and, probably, by the application of the heated iron : or, if the ulcer is in the duct, either to restore the passage through the duct, or to form a new one, or to eut off the flow of the saliva by the destruction o^ the gland. STRANGLES. 133 A second source of the saliva is from the submaxillary glands. or the glands under the jaw. One of them is represented at s, Fig. 12. When the horse has catarrh or cold, these glands, like the parotid gland, enlarge. This is often to be observed after strangles, and several distinct kernels are to be felt under the jaw. The farriers call them vives, and often adopt cruel and absurd methods to disperse them, — as burning them with a lighted can- dle, or hot iron, or even cutting them out. They will, in the majority of instances, gradually disperse in proportion as the dis- ease which produced them subsides ; or they will yield to slightly stimulating embrocations ; or, if they are obstinate in their con- tinuance, they are of no further consequence, than as indicating that the horse has labored under severe cold or strangles. During catarrh, the little protuberances marking the mouths of these ducts on either side of the bridle of the tongue, are apt to enlarge, and the mouth under the tongue is a little red, and hot, and tender. The farriers call these swellings barbs or paps ; and as soon as they discover them, mistaking the effect of disease for the cause of it, they set to work to cut them close off. The bleeding that follows this operation somewhat abates the local inflammation, and affords temporary relief; but the wounds will not speedily heal, and even when healed are apt to break out again for months or years afterwards. These paps disappear with the cold that caused them, and should not be meddled with. The sublingual glands, resembling little folds in the integu- ment on the lower side of the tongue, or on the bottom of the mouth, sometimes enlarge during catarrh, and are called gigs, bladders, or flaps in the mouth. Let them alone ; and should any ulceration remain after that abatement of the swelling, use tincture of myrrh, or a solution of alum. STRANGLES.* This is a disease principally incident to young horses — usually appearing between the fourth and fifth year, and oftener in the spring than in any other part of the year. It is preceded by cough, and can at first be scarcely distinguished from common cough, except that there is more discharge from the nostril, of a yellowish color, mixed with pus, and generally without smell There is likewise a considerable discharge of ropy fluid from the mouth, and greater swelling than usual under the throat. This swelimg increases with uncertain rapidity, accompanied by some fever, and disinclination to eat, partly arising from the fever, but more from the pain wliich the animal feels in the act of masti * Usually termed " Horse distemper" in the United States. 1 34 STRANGLES cation. There is considerable thirst, but after a gulp or two the horse ceases to drink, yet is evidently desirous of contin jLing his draught. In the attempt to swallow, and sometimes when not drinking, a convulsive cough comes on, which almost threat- ens to suffocate the animal — and thence, probably, the name of the disease. The tumor is under the jaw, and about the centre of the channel. It soon fills the whole of the space, and is evidently one uniform body, and may thus be distinguished from glanders, or the enlarged glands of catarrh. In a few days it becomes more prominent and soft, and evidently contains a fluid. This rapidly increases ; the tumor bursts, and a great quantity of pus is discharged. As soon as the tumor has broken, the cough subsides, and the horse speedily mends, although some degree of weakness may hang about him for a considerable time. Few horses, possibly none, escape its attack ; but, the disease having passed over, the animal is free from it for the remainder of his life. Catarrh may precede, or may predispose to, the attack, and, undoubtedly the state of the atmosphere has much to do with it, for both its prevalence and its severity are connected with certain seasons of the year and changes of the weather. There is no preventive for the disease, nor is there anything contagious about it. Many strange stories are told with regard to this ; but the explanation of the matter is, that when several horses in the same form, or in the same neighbor- hood, have had strangles at the same time, they have been ex- posed to the same powerful but unknown exciting cause. As soon as the tumor under the jaw is decidedly apparent, the part should be actively blistered. From the thickness of skin, poultices, fomentations, &c., are of little avail. The blis- ter will also abate the internal inflammation and soreness of the throat, and thus lessen the cough and wheezing. As soon as the swelling is soft on its summit, and evidently contains matter, it should be freely and deeply lanced. It is a bad, although frequent practice, to suffer the tumor to burst naturally, for a ragged ulcer is formed, very slow to heal, and difficult of treatment. If the incision is deep and large enough, no second collection of matter will be formed : and that which is already there may be suffered to run out slowly, all pressure with the fingers being avoided. The part should be kept clean, and a little friar's balsam daily injected into the wound. The remainder of the treatment will depend on the sjinp- toms. If there is much fever, and evident affection of the chest, and which should carefully be distinguished from the oppression and choking occasioned by the pressure of the tumor it win be proper to bleed In the majority of cases, however THE PHARYNX. 135 bleeding will not only be unnecessary, but injurious. It will delay the suppuration of the tumor, and increase the subsequent debility. A few cooling medicines, as nitre, emetic tartar, and perhaps digitalis, may be given, as the case requires. The appe- tite, or railur the ability to eat, will return with the opening of the abscess. Bran-mashes, or fresh-cut-grass or tares, should be liberally supplied, which will not only afford sufficient nourish- ment to recruit tiie strength of the animal, but keep the bowels gently open. If the weakness is not great, no farther medicine will be wanted, except a dose of mild physic in order to prevent the swellings or eruptions which sometimes succeed to strangles In cases of debility, a small quantity of tonic medicine, as chamomile, gentian, or ginger, may be administered.* TUE PHARYNX. Proceeding to the back of the mouth, we find the pharynx [camjing or conveijing the food towards the stomach). It com- mences at the root of the tongue (see 7, 8 and 9, Fig. 3.) ; is separated from the mouth by the soft palate (7), which hangs down from the palatine bone at 8, and extends to the epiglottis or covering to the windpipe. In order to understand the diseases of these parts, the anatomy of the neck generally must be considered. * Note by Mr. Spooner. — A blister is, tinque. tionably, the best topical apphcation ; but it should be washed off as soon as it rises, by which means it can be repeated in a day or two, and so the actioL can be kept up, which will greatly promote the suppurative process. After the abscess is lanced, a linseed poultice will be a very desirable application ; and, with regard to injections, they may be omitted witl)out injury. Although the ages from two to five are the usual period for strangles to appear, yet it occasionally attacks old animals ; we have, indeed, known it affect a horse sixteen years old, and within the last month an animal eight years old, but such instances are rare. It is a very desirable thing in strangles to get the submaxillary abscess to form and suppurate without much delay ; for when it is suppressed, or does not form in this place, there is sometimes danger to be apprehended ; occasionally, abscesses will form internally, and carry off the patient. The symptoms of these untoward cases are an unthrifty coat, occasional shiver ing fits, and a pulse rather accelerated. When the glands remain hard, and do not suppurate, the disease is fre- quently termed bastard strangles, and may lead to glanders. The use of iodine, applied externally as an ointment, and internally as hydriodate of potass, in daily doses of five to ten grains combined with tonics, will be found useful. CHAPTER V. THE ANATOMY AND DISEASES OF THE NECK AND NEIGH- BORING PARTS. The neck of the horse, and of every animal belonging to the class mammalia^ except one species, is composed of seven bones called vertebrae,, movable or turning upon each other (see Fig. 1). They are connected together by strong ligaments, and form sc many distinct joints, in order to give sufficiently extensive motion to this important part of the body. The ailai has already been described. Its junction with the head is the seat of a very serious and troublesome ulcer, termed POLL-EVIL. From the horse rub! jig and sometimes striking his poll against the lower end of the manger, or hanging back in the stall and bruising the part wi'.n the halter — or from the frequent and pain- ful stretching of the ligaments and muscles by unnecessary tight reining, and, occasionally, from a violent blow on the poll, in- flammation ensues, and a swelling appears, hot, tender, and pain- ful. It used to be a disease of frequent occurrence, but it is now,, from better treatment of the animal, of comparatively rare oc- currence. It has been stated, that the ligament of the neck passes over the atlas, or first bone, without being attached to it, and the seat of inflammation is between the ligament and the bone beneath ; and being thus deeply situated, it is serious in its nature and dif- ficult of treatment. The first thing to be attempted is to abate the inflammation by bleeding, physic, and the application of cold lotions to the part. In a very early period of the case a blister might have considerable effect. Strong purgatives should also be employed. By these means the tumor will sometimes be dispersed. This system, however, must not be pursued too far. If the SAvelling ncreases, and the heat and tenderness likewise nicrease, mattei POLL-EVIL. 137 will form in the tumor ; and then our object should be to hasten its ibrmation by warm fomentations, poultices, or stimulating embrocations. As soon as the matter is formed, which may be known by the softness of the tumor, and before it has time to spread around and eat into the neighboring parts, it should be evacuated. Now comes the whole art of treating poll-evil ; tlip opening into the tumor must be so contrived that all the matter shall run out, and continue afterwards to run out as quickly as it is formed, and not collect at the bottom of the ulcer, irritating and corroding it. This can be effected by a seton alone. The needle should enter at the top of the tumor, penetrate through its bottom, and be brought out at the side of the neck, a little below the abscess. Without anything more than this, except frequent fomentation with warm water, in order to keep the part clean, and to obviate inflammation, poll-evil in its early stage w^ll frequently be cured. If the ulcer has deepened and spread, and threatens to eat into the ligaments of the joints of the neck, it may be necessary to stimulate its surface, and perhaps painfully so, in order to bring it to a healthy state, and dispose it to fill up. In extreme cases, some highly stimulating application may be employed. All measures, however, will be ineffectual, unless the pus or matter is, by the use of setons, perfectly evacuated. The application of these setons will require the skill and anatomical knowledge of the veteiinary surgeon. In desperate cases, the wound cannot be fairly exposed to the action of the caustic without the division of the ligament of the neck. This may be effected wdth perfect safety ; for although the ligament is carried on to the occipital bone, and some strength is gained by this prolongation of it, the main stress is on the second bone ; and the head wdll continue to be supported. The divided ligament, also, will soon unite again, and its former usefulness will be restored when the wound is healed. =^ * Note by Mr. Spooner. — All cooling applications to the poll-evil are use- less, for when once the swelling which constitutes the disease has appeared we have never known it dispersed, but sooner or later it suppurates. It often takes many months before the matter reaches the surface ; but the more complete the suppuration is, the easier it is to effect a cure. The in- jury, which generally arises from striking the poll against a low door-way, is deep-seated, and the surface of the bone is often diseased from the be- ginning. It must be confessed that the poll-evil is very difficult to cure, a difficulty arising not from the character of the injury, but rather from its situation, and the nature of the surrounding parts. When matter forms in any situation it has a tendency to pass downwards, and to seek an exit where the least obstacles are offered to its passtvge. It consequently forms passages or sinuses (pipesj amongst the muscles, and, when these are filled, the matter points to the surface. This tendency contLaues after an external openins: \9 138 MUSCLES AND FORM OF NECK. THE MUSCLES AND PROPER FORM OF THE NECK. The bones of the neck serve as the frame-work to which nu merous muscles concerned in the motions of the head and neck are attached. The weight of the head and neck is supported by the ligament without muscular aid, and without fatigue to the animal ; but in order to raise the head higher, or to lower it, or to turn it in every direction, a complicated system of muscles is necessary. The sjdenius muscle (c. Fig. 12) is the principal one concerned in this. It gives its bulk to the neck above, and the beauty of that member depends mainly upon it. It was admirably devel- oped in the horse of whose neck the annexed cut (Fig. 25) gives an accurate delineation. made, and deep sinuses are formed in various directions, rendering it alnost impossible to get a depending opening. The abscess should not be opened till the matter is thoroughly formed, and then a depending opening should be made, through which a seton may be passed. The great error frequently made in the treatment of poll-evil is, that these openings are not made half large enough, so that much of the pus flows in another direction, and there forms sinuses. Now, the chief art in the treatment of this disease is to use the bistoury freely, to lay all the sinuses open as much as possible, and to throw them together ; then to make the lower opening extremely large, and as low down as possible, large enough, indeed, for two fingers to be inserted. If the bone is injured, it will be necessary to apply some caustic application, in order to cause a healthy slough. Pressure is found very useful in keeping the sides of the wound together, and preventing the formation of sinuses. With this view, i'^ >^ag been recommended to apply a tight compress, by means of bandages, round the part, but it is extremely inconvenient to apply them in consequence of the windpipe interfering. MUSCLES AND FORM OF NECK. 139 If tlie curve were quite regular from the poll to the withers, we should call it a perfect neck. It is rather a long neck, and we do not like it the less for that. In the carriage-horse, a neck that is not half concealed by the collar is indispensable, so far as appearance goes ; and it is only the horse with a neck of tolera- ble length that will bear to be reined up, so as to give this part the arched and beautiful appearance which fashion demands. It is no detriment to the ridmg-horse, and there are few horses of extraordinaiy speed that have not the neck rather long. The race-horse at the top of" his speed not only extends it as far as he can, that the air-passages may be as straight as he can make them, and that he may therefore be able to breathe more freely, but the weight of the head and neck, and the effect increasing with their distance from the trunk, add materially to the rapidity of the animal's motion. It has been said, that a horse with a long neck will bear heavy on the hand ; neither the length of the neck nor even the bulk of the head has any influence in causing this. They are both counterbalanced by the power of the ligament of the neck. The setting on of the head is most of all connected with heavy bearing on the hand, and a short-necked horse will bear heavily, because, from the thickness of the lower part of the neck, consequent on its shortness, the head cannot be rightly placed, nor, generally, the shoulder. However fine at the top, the neck should be muscular at the bottom, or it generally indicates a weak and worthless animal. It is then called a loose neck. The principal bulk of the lower part of the neck is composed of the comiilexiis major, or larger complicated muscle. If its action is habitually too powerful, the muzzle is protruded, and the horse becomes what is technically called a star-gazer . He IS heavy in hand, and even the martingale will not ordinarily remedy the difficulty. Comiected with this is another unsightly deformity. The horse is ewe-necked ; i. e. the neck is hollowed above, and arched be- low. His head can never be fairly got down, and the bearing rein of harness is a source of constant torture to him. The mane is a matter of some importance. In a wild state, the horse has many battles to fight, and his neck, deprived of the mane, would be a vulnerable part. The hair of the mane, the tail, and the legs, is not shed in the same manner as that on the body. It does not fall so regularly, nor so often ; for, if all were shed at once, the parts would be for a long time defenceless. The mane is generally dressed so as to lie on the right side — some persons divide it equally on both sides. For ponies, it used to be cut off near the roots, only a few stumps being left to stand perpendicularly. This was termed the hog-mane. The groom 140 BLOOD-VESSELS AND VEINS OF THE NECK. sometimes bestows a great deal of pains in getting the mane of his horse into good and fashionable order. It is wetted, and plaited, and loaded with lead ; and every hair that is a little too long is pulled out. The mane and tail of the heavy draught- horse are seldom thin ; but on the well-bred horse, the than, well-arranged mane is very ornamental THE BLOOD-VESSELS OF THE N'ECK. Running down the under part of the neck, are the principal blood-vessels, going to and returning from the head, with the windpipe and gullet. Our cut could not give a view of the arteries that carry the blood from the heart to the head, because they are too deeply seated. The external arteries are the carotid, of which there are two. They ascend the neck on either side, close to the windpipe, until they have reached the middle of the neck, where they sometimes diverge, and lie more deeply. The vertebral arteric* run through the bones of the neck, supplying the neighboring parts as they climb, and at length enter the skull at the large hole in the occipital bone, and ramily on and supply the brain. It is rarely or never necessary to bleed from an artery. If an artery is opened in the direction in which it runs, there is usually great difficulty in stopping the bleeding, and it is sometimes ne- cessary to tie the vessel to accomplish this : if cut across, it re- tracts, and after the first gush of blood, no more is obtained. THE VEINS OF THE NECK. The external veins which return the blood from the head to the heart are the jugulars. The horse has but one on either side. The human being and the ox have two. The jugular takes its rise from the base of the skull ; it then descends, receiv- ing other branches in its way towards the angle of the jaw and behind the parotid gland ; and emerging from that, as seen at t, Fig. 12, and being united to a large branch from the face, it takes its course down the neck. Veterinary surgeons and horsemen have agreed to adopt the jugular, a little way below the union of these two branches, as the usual place for bleeding ; and a very convenient one it is, for it is easily got at, and the vessel is large. The manner of bleeding, &c., will hereafter be adverted to. (See page 166.) INFLAMMATION OF THE VEIN. 141 INFLAMMATION OF THE VEIN. It is usual and proper, after bleeding, to bring the edges of the wound carefully together, and to hold them in contact by insert- ing a pin through the skin, with a little tow twisted round it. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, the wound quickly heals, and gives no trouble ; but in a few instances, from using a blunt instrument, or a dirty or rusty one ; or striking too hard, and bruising the vein ; or, in the act of pinning up, pulling the skin too far from the neck, and suffering some blood to insinu- ate itself into the cellular texture ; or neglecting to tie the horse up for a little while, and thus enabling him to rub the bleeding place against the manger and tear out the pin ; or from the animal being worked immediately afterward ; or the reins of the bridle rubbing against it ; or several blows having been clumsily given, and a large and ragged wound made ; or from some disposition to inflammation about the horse (for the bleeder is not always in fault) the wound does not heal, or, if it closes for a little while, it re-opens. A slight bleeding appears — some tumefaction commences — the edges of the orifice sepa- rate, and become swollen and red — a discharge of sanious, bloody fluid proceeds from the wound, followed, perhaps, in a feAV days, by purulent matter. The neck swells, and is hot and tender both above and below the incision. The lips of the wound be- come everted — the swelling increases, particularly above the wound, where the vein is most hard and cordy — the horse begins to loathe his food, and little abscesses form round the orifice. The cordiness of the vein rapidly increases. Not only the vein itself has become obstructed and its coats thickened, but the cel- lular tissue inflamed and hardened, and is an additional source of irritation and torture. The thickening of the vein extends to the bifurcation above : it occupies both branches, and extends downward to the chest — even to the very heart itself, and the patient dies. Of the means of cure it is dilflcult to speak confidently. The wound should be carefully examined — the divided edges brought mto exact apposition, and any hair interposed between them re- moved — the pin withdrawn or not, according to circumstances — the part carefully and long fomented, and a dose of physic admin- istered. If two or three days have passed and the discharge still remains, the application of the budding-iron — not too large or too not — may produce engorgement of the neighboring part's, and union of the lips of the wound. Th's should be daily, or every second day, repeated, according to circumstances. A blister applied over the orifice, or as far as the mischief extends, will often be ser- 142 THE PALATE LARYNX. viceable. Here, likewise, the parts will be brought into contact with each other, and pressed together, and union may be effected. The owner of the horse will find it his interest to apply to a veterinary practitioner as soon as a case of inflamed vein occurs. Should the vein be destroyed, the horse will not be irrepara- bly injured, and perhaps at no great distance of time, scarcely njured at all.=* THE PALATE— (resumed). At the back of the paiate (see Fig. 3), and attached to the crescent-shaped border of the palatine bone, is a dense membra- nous curtain, called the velum 2^cdctti, so arranged that the horse can breathe through his nostrils alone, and in the act of vomiting, the contents of the stomach are ejected the same way, and not by the mouth. On this account it is, and on account of the struc- ture of the entrance of the stomach, that the horse can with great difficulty be excited to vomit. THE LARYNX Is placed on the top of the windpipe (see 1, Fig. 3) and is the inner guard of the lungs, if any injurious substance should pene- trate so far ; it is the main protection against the passage of food into the respiratory tubes, and it is at the same time the instru- ment of voice. The Epiglottis (see 2, Fig. 3), is a heart-shaped cartilage, placed at the extremity of the opening into the windpipe, with its back opposed to the pharynx, so that when a pellet of food passes the pharynx in its way to the oesophagus, it presses down the epiglottis, and by this means, as already described, closes the aperture of the larynx, and prevents any food from entering it. The food having passed over the epiglottis, from * Ao^e by Mr. Spooner. — This disease sometimes occurs when bleeding has been performed with the utmost care and skill. The course of treatment which a considerable experience of the disease has induced us to adopt, is to avoid all setons, and dissecting out the vein, and above all, caustic injection, whicli we have known to produce a fatal result. First allay the superficial inflammation by cold applications, and then blister the part, washing off the effects of the blistex the following day, and repeating it several times. The ointment of iodine may be alternated with the blister to advantage. During this time, the horse's head should be tied up to the rack, and he should be fed on such food as will not require any considerable action of the jaws, such as bran mashes, scalded oats, car- rots, and but very little hay. In a few weeks the swelling will become re- duced, the blood find new channels, and the horse will become as useful as ever. We have never known this treatment to fail. In a few instances it may be necessary to apply the iron to the edges of the wound, and use other methods to stop bleeding. I WINDPIPE TRACHEOTOMY. 143 its own elasticity and that of the membrane at its base, and more particularly the power of the hyo-epiglotideus muscle, rises again and resumes its former situation. The Thyroid Cartilage (see 1, Fig. 3) occupies almost the whole of the external part of the larynx, both anteriorly and laterally. It envelops and protects all the rest. THE TRACHEA OR WINDPIPE. The windpipe is composed of an elastic cartilage, divided into rings (50 or 52), sufficiently firm to resist ordinary pressure, and united together by means of an interposed highly elastic fibro- iigamentous substance, which, in efiect, constitutes a joint be- tween each ring, giving the necessary flexibility to all its mo- tions, and admitting of elongation when the head is stretched up- ward or downward. It is indisputable that the windpipe should be prominent and loose on the neck, in the horse from which active exertion is re- quired, and which consequently is subjected to hurried respiration. It is not commonly found thus in large slow beasts, like the cart- horse, nor is it necessary. TRACHEOTOMY. It has been found that when obstructions, not speedily re- movable enough for safety, occur in the windpipe of the horse, a portion of the trachea may be safely removed, on or below the point of obstruction, to admit of the continuance of respiration. The operation must be performed while the horse is standing, and secured by a side-line, for he would, probably, be sulibcated amidst the struggles with which he would resist the act of throwing. The twitch is then firmly fixed on the muzzle ; the operator stands on a stool or pail, by which means he can more perfectly command the part, and an assistant holds a scalpel, a bistoury, scissors, curvecf needles armed, and a moist sponge. The operator should once more examine the whole course of the windpipe, and the difierent sounds which he will be able to detect by the application of the ear, and likewise the difierent degrees of temperature and of tenderness wliich the finger will detect, will guide to the seat of the evil. The hair is to be closely cut oft^ from the part, the skin tight- ened across the trachea with the thumb and fingers of the left hand, and then a longitudinal incision cautiously made through the skin, three inches in length. This is usually efiected when there is no express indication to the contraiy on the fifth and sixth rin^s ; a slip from which, and the connecting ligament 144 THE BRONCHIAL TUBES. above and below, about half the width of each ring, should be excised with the intervening ligament. The remaining portion will then be strong enough to retain the perfect arched ibrm of the trachea. If the orifice is only to be kept open while some foreign body is extracted, or tumor removed, or ulcer healed, or inflammation subdued, nothing more is necessary than to keep the lips of the wound a little apart, by passing some thread through each, and slightly everting them, and tying the threads to the mane. If, however, there is any permanent obstruction, a tube will De necessary. It should be two or three inches long, curved at the top, and the external orifice turning downwards with a little ring on each side, by which, through the means of strings, it may be retained in its situation. The purpose of the operation being answered, the flaps of in- tegument must be brought over the wc-unds, the edges, if neces- sary, diminished, and the parts kept in apposition by a few stitches. The cartilage will be perfectly reproduced, only the rings will be a Httle thicker and wider. THE BROI^CHIAL TUBES. After the windpipe has entered the chest, and continued through the mediastinum to the base of the heart, it divides into two tubes — the Bronchial tubes — which enter each lung, where they are again subdivided into smaller tubes carrying air to every portion and cell of the lungs. Before considering their diseases, we will pause and consider the structure and functions of the chest. b a The first rib. b The cartilages of the eleven hindermost, or false ribs, connected together and unitins: with that of the seventh or last true rib. c The breast-bone. d The top, or point, of the withers, which are formed by the lengthened spinous, or upright processes of the ten or eleven first bones of the back. The bones of the back are eighteen in number. e The ribs, usually eighteen on each side ; the seven first united to the breast- bone by cartilage; the cartilages of the remaining eleven united to each other, as at b. f That portion of the spine where the loins coinmence, and composed of five bones. g The bones forming the hip, or haunch, and into the hole at the bottom of which the head of the thigh-bone is received. The portion of the spine belonging to the haunch, and consisting of five pieces. The bones of the tail, usually fifteen in number. The chest, in the horizontal position in which it is placed in the cut, is of a somewhat oval figure, with its extremities trun- cated (cut off). The spine is its roof; the sternum, or breast, its floor ; the ribs, its sides ; the trachea, oesophagus, and great blood-vessels passing' through its anterior extremity and the dia- ])hragm, being its posterior. It is contracted in front, broad and deep towards the central boundary, and again contracted pos- \eriorly. It encloses the heart and the lungs, the origin of the 1 '0 Tf!K CHEST. .arterial and the termination of the venous trunks and the col 'ected vessels of the absorhents. The windpipe penetrates into it, aiid the cesophagus traverses its whole extent. Most ingeniously and admirably is this whole structure con- trived to fill its various purposes. The ribs are eighteen in number on either side. Nine of them are perfect, and commonly called the true, or, more properly, sternal ribs, extending from the spine to the sternum. The remaining nine are posterior and shorter, and are only indi- rectly connected with the sternum. The ribs are united to the corresponding vertebrae, or bones of the spme, so as to form perfect joints — or, rather, each rib forms two joints. Before the ribs reach the sternum, they terminate in a cartilagmous prolongation. The cartilage is united to the ribs and sternum by joints, and the cartilages of the posterior ribs are united to them in the same manner. The stermmi, or breast-bone, is a long, flat, spongy bone, form- ing the floor of the chest. It supports the ribs by the connect- ing cartilage. It is composed of from seven to nine pieces united together by cartilage. The point of the breast-bone is occasionally injured by blows, and has even been completely broken off. A kind of tumor on it, difficult to heal, has also been produced by some cruelty or violence. The front of the chest is a very important consideration in the structure of the horse. It should be prominent and broad, and full, and the sides of it well occupied. When the breast is narrow, the chest has generally the same appearance : the animal is flat-sided, the proper cavity of the chest is diminished, and the stamina of the horse are materially diminished, although, perhaps, his speed for short distances may not be affected. When the chest is narrow, and the fore-legs are too close to- gether, in addition to the want of bottom, they will interfere with each other, and there will be wounds on the fetlocks, and bruises below the knee. A chest too broad is not desirable, but a fleshy and a prominent one ; yet even this, perhaps, may require some explanation. When the fore-legs appear to recede, and to shelter themselves under the body, there is a faulty position of the fore limbs, a bend, or standing over, an unnatural lengthiness about the fore parts of the breast, sadly disadvantageous in progression. The hitercGStal Muscles. — The spaces between the ribs are occupied by muscles firmly attached to their edges, the fibres of which cross each other in the form of the letter X. By the pro- longation thus obtained, they have a much greater latitude of ar'tion, than they would have if they run straight from rib to rib The ribs, while they protect the important viscera of the the- PROPlSR FORM OF THE CHEST. 147 rax from injury, are powerful agents in extending and contract- ing the chest in the alternate inspiration and expiration ol" air. TJie Proper Form of the Chest. — This leads to a very im- portant consideration, the most advantageous form of the chest for the proper discharge of the natural or extraordinary functions of the thoracic viscera. The contents of the chest are the lungs and the heart : — the first, to render the blood nutrient and stinmlating, and to give or restore it to that vitality which will enable it to support every part of the frame in the discharge of its function, and devoid of which, the complicated and beautiful machine is inert and dead ; and the second, to convey this puri- fied arterialized blood to every part of the frame. In order to produce, and to convey to the various parts, a suf- ficient quantity of blood, these organs must be large. If it amounts not to hypertrophy, the larger the heart and the larger the lungs, the more rapid the process of nutrition, and the more perfect the discharge of every animal function. Then it might be imagined that, as a circle is a figure which contains more than any other of equal girth and admeasurement, a circular form of the chest would be most advantageous. Not exactly so ; for the contents of the chest are alternately expand- ing and contracting. The circular chest could not expand, but every change of form would be a diminution of capacity. That form of chest which approaches nearest to a circle, while it admits of sufficient expansion and contraction, is the best — certainly for some animals, and for all under peculiar circum- stances, and with reference to the discharge of certain functions. This- was the grand principle on which Mr. Bakewell proceeded, and on which all our improvements in the breeding of cattle were founded. In the heavy draft-horse, the circular chest is no disadvantage, and it gives him, what we require, weight to oppose the weight of his load. Speed is not demanded of him. Some of our saddle-horses and cobs have barrels round enough, and we value them on account of it, for they are always in con- dition, and they rarely tire. But when we look at them more carefully, there is just that departure from the circular form of which mention has been made — that happy medium betweer the circle and the ellipse, which retains the capacity of the on< and the expansibility of the other. Such a horse is invaluable foi common purposes, but he is seldom a horse of speed. If he is per- mitted to go his OMTi pace, and that not a slow one, he v^dll work on forever ; but if he is too much hurried, he is soon distressed The Broad JDeep Chest. — Then for the usual purposes of the road, and more particularly for rapid progression, search is made for that form of the chest which shall unite, and to as great a 148 FORM OF CHEST degree as possible, considerable capacity in a quiescent state, and the power of increasing that capacity when the animal requires it. There must be the broad chest for the production of muscles and sinews, and the deep chest, to give the capacity or power of furnishing arterial blood equal to the most rapid exhaustion of vitality. This form of the chest is consistent A^dth lightness, or at least with all the lightness that can be rationally required. The broad-chested horse, or he that, with moderate depth at the girth, swells and barrels out immediately behind the elbow, may have as light a forehead and as elevated a wither as the horse with the narrowest chest ; but the animal with the barrel ap- proaching too near to rotundity is invariably heavy about the shoulders and low in the withers. It is to the mixture of the Arabian blood that we principally owe this peculiar and advan- tageous formation of the chest of the horse. The Arab is light ; some would say too much so before : but immediately behind the arms the barrel almost invariably swells out, and leaves plenty of room, and where it is most wanted for the play of the lungs, and at the same time where the weight does not press so exclusively on the fore-legs, and expose the feet to concussion and injury. Many horses with narrow chests, and a great deal of daylight under them, have plenty of spirit and willingness for work. They show themselves well off, and exhibit the address and gratify the vanity of their riders on the parade or in the park, but they have not the appetite nor the endurance that will carry them through three successive days' hard work. Five out of six of the animals that perish from inflamed lungs, are narrow-chested. There are many other important points, but that which is most of all connected with the general health of the animal, and with combined fleetness or bottom, is a deep, and broad, and swelling chest, with sufficient lengthening of the sternum, or breast-bone, beneath.* * Note hy Mr. Spooner. — In speedy animals the chest is, no doubt, more capacious than in slower ones, and a greater quantity of atmospheric air is inspired, so as to afford a full supply for the purpose of respiration. This large capacity is gained, however, not by the greater rotundity of the chest, but by its increased depth and length, more particularly the former. It is very evident that a circular chest must present a very unfavorable surface for the attachment of the shoulder blade, and, indeed, must induce a rolhng action which is inimical to speed ; thus we find that animals wnth very cir- cular chests, and with their fore-legs, in consequence, wide apart, are by no means speedy, but have a great predisposition to the accumulation of fat. In such animals a considerable quantity of fat is generally found round the heart and in otlier parts of the chest, so that, in point of fact, animals with circular chests have smaller lungs than those with deep and flat ribs. It ifi extremely desirable for a cart-horse to have a circular chest, as this de THE SPINE. 149 The above remarks show the impropriety of tigfht-gir thing, particularly where it is less necessary, as in the stable, or when the rider is oH" from the saddle. A point of consequence is the length of the carcase and the ribbing home. If the horse has to carry a heavy weight, and has much work to do, he should be w^ell ribbed home, i. e. there should be but little space between the last rib and the hip- bone. If speed, however, is required, there must be room for the full action of the hinder limbs ; and this can only exist where there is sufficient space between the last rib and the hip-bone. The thorax, or chest, is formed by the spine f, above (Fig. 26) the ribs e, on either side ; and the sternum, or breast-bone, c, beneath. THE SPINE AND BACK. The spine, or back, consists of a chain of bones from the poll to the extremity of the tail. It is made of twenty-three bones from the neck to the haunch ; eighteen, called dorsal vertebrcB, composing the back ; and five lumbar vertebrcB, occupying the loins. The structure and attachments of these are remarkably well calculated for easiness of carriage and strength. The hun- ter will carry a heavy man through a long chase without great fatigue or strain ; but if the horse is over-weighted, or tasked too long, or too suddenly pulled upon his haunches, the ligaments miiting the vertebrae are strained, inflammation follows, and the ligaments become changed to bone. From hard service, and especially from being used too young, very many horses have some of the bones ol" the back or loins anchyhsed — i. e. united by bony matter in the place of the natural ligament. When this exists to any considerable extent, the horse becomes un- pleasant to ride, turns with difficulty in his stall, is indisposed to lie down, or being down, to rise, and has a singular straddling action. The length of the back deserves attention. The long-backed horse will be easier in his paces, because the spring is longer ; and he is formed for speed, for there is more room to bring his hinder legs under him. But he will be comparatively weak in the back, and more easily over- weighted. For general purposes the horse with a short carcase, also, is to be preferred, as possessing greater health and hardiness. He will have sufficient easiness of action not to fatigue the rider, and speed notes a disposition to make flesh, and thus to economize food ; and, for the same reason, in other horses, a rather circular abdomen is approved of — i» fkct, one neither too wide nor too flat is the most desirable. IDO THE LOINS WITHERS. for every ordinary purpose. Length of back will always be de sirable when there is more than usual substance generally, and particularly when the loins are wide, and the muscles of the loins large and swelling. The two requisites, strength and speed, will then probably be united. The back should be depressed a little immediately behind the withers ; and then continue in an almost straight line to the loins. This is the form most consistent with beauty and strength. Some liorses have a very considerable hollow behind the withers. They are said to be saddle-hacked. Such horses are evidently easy goers, but in the same proportion, they are weak and liable to sprain. A few horses have the curve outward. They are said to^be roach-backed, from the supposed resemblance to the arched back of" a roach. This is a very serious defect ; — altogether incompati- ble with beauty, and materially diminishing the usefulness of the animal. It is almost impossible to prevent the saddle from being thrown on the shoulders, or the back from being galled ; — the elasticity of the spine is destroyed ; — the rump is badly set on ; — the hinder legs are too much under the animal ; — he is contm- ually overreaching, and his head is carried awkwardly low. THE LOINS. The loins are attentively examined by every good horseman They can scarcely be too broad and muscular. The strength of the back, and especially the strength of the hinder extremities, will depend materially on this. The union of the back and loins should be carefully observed, for there is sometimes a depression between them. A kind of line is drawn across, which shows im- perfection in the construction of the spine, and is regarded as an indication of weakness. THE WITHERS. The spinous processes of the vertebrae, above the upper part of the shoulder, form the elevated ridge called the withers. (See Figs. 1 and 26.) High withers have been always, in the miind of the judge of the horse, associated with good action, and generally with speed. The reason is plain enough : — they afford larger surface for the attachment of the muscles of the back ; and in proportion to the elevation of" the withers, these muscles act with greater advan- tage. And as the rising of the fore-parts depends not only upon the muscles of the legs and shoulders, but on certain ones connect- FISTULOUS WITliERS WARBLES, SITFASTS, ETC. ]7)[ mg the loins and the spinous processes, the longer the arm of the lever to whicli the power is applied, the easier and to the greate. height will the weight be carried up. Good and high action, and speed, will not, therefore, be often found without this con- formation. FISTULOUS WITHERS. When the saddle has been suffered to press long upon the withers, a tumor will be formed, hot and exceedingly tender. It may sometimes be dispersed by the cooling applications recom.- mended in the treatment of poll-evil ; but if, in despite of these, the swelling should remain stationary, and especially if it should become larger and more tender, warm fomentations and poultices, and stimulatmg embrocations, should be diligently applied, in or- der to hasten the formation of pus. As soon as that can be fairly detected, a seton should be passed from the top to the bottom of the tumor, so that the whole of the matter may be evacuated, and continue to be discharged as it is afterwards formed ; or the knife may be freely used, in order to get at the bottom of every sinus. The knife has succeeded many a time when the st ton has failed. The after treatment must be precisely that wliich was recommended for a similar disease in the poll. In neglected fistulous withers the ulcer may be larger and deeper, and more destructive than in poll-evil. It may burrow beneath the shoulder blade, and the pus may appear at the point of the shoulder or the elbow ; or the bones of the withers may become carious. WARBLES, SITFASTS, AND SADDLE GALLS. On other parts of the back, tumors and very troublesome ul- cers may be produced by the same cause. Those resulting from the pressure of the saddle are called ivarbles, and, when they ul- cerate, they frequently become sitfasts. Warbles are smaU circular bruises, or extravasations of blood, where there has been an undue pressure of the saddle or harness. If a horse is subject to these tumors, the saddle should remain on him two or three hours after he has returned to the stable. It is only for a certain time, however, that this will perfectly succeed, for by the frequent application of the pressure, the skin and the cellular substance are bruised or otherwise injured, and a permanent sore or tumor, of a very annoying description, takes place. The cen- tre of the sore gradually loses its vitality. A separation takes place from the surrounding integument, and there is a circular piece of dried and hard skin remaining in the centre. No effort ] 52 CHEST-FOUNDER. must be made to tear or dissect it ofi^, but stimulating poultices or fomentations, or, if these fail, a mild blister will cause a speedy separation ; and the wound will then readily heal by the use of turpentine dressings, more or less stimulating, according to cir- cumstances. Saddle galls are tumors, and sometimes galls or sores, arising also from the pressure and chafing of the saddle. They differ little from the warble, except that there is very seldom the sep- aration of the dead part in the centre, and the sore is larger and varying in its form. The application of cold water, or salt and water, will generally remove excoriations of this kind. CHEST-FOUNDER. The muscles of the breast are occasionally the seat of an ob- scure disease, called by the old farriers anticor and chest-founder. The horse has considerable stiffness in moving, evidently not ref- erable to the feet. There is tenderness about the muscles of the breast, and, occasionally, swelling. I believe it to be nothing more than rheumatism, produced by improper exposure. Some- times a considerable degree of fever accompanies this ; but bleed- ing, physic, a rowel in the chest, warm embrocations over the parts affected, warm stabling, and warm clothing, with occasional doses of antimonial powder, will soon subdue the complaint.* * Note hy Mr. Spooner. — The absorption or diminution of the muscles of the chest, alluded to in the text, and which used to be denominated chest founder, is neither more nor less than disease in the feet (the navicular dis- ease, in fact), and which, existing in both feet, prevents the fore-legs being exercised to the same extent as before ; and, consequently, the muscles, from being partially thrown out of use, become, to a certain extent, absorbed. By the term anticor, we rather understand an abscess in the breast, or brisket, to which some horses are liable. It is a rare disease, and more fre quently attacks heavy-chested horses. Foreign horses are more subject t \his disease than English ones. CHAPTER VIL THE CONTENTS OF THE CHEST. THE THYMUS GLAND. At the entrance of the trachea into the thorax, and situated in the doubhng of the anterior mediastinum, is an irregular glandular body, called the thymus gland, or " sweet-breac." It conveys a peculiar albuminous fluid to the vems, but its use in the system is unlaiown. THE DIAPHRAGM. The interposed curtain extending across the cavity of the chest, between the thorax and abdomen, is called the diaphragm (mid- riff). It is an irregular muscular expansion, proceeding from the inferior surface of the lumbar vertebrae posteriorly and superiorly, adhering to the ribs on either side, and extending obliquely for- ward and downward to the sternum ; or, rather it is a flattened muscle arising from all these points, with its fibres all converging towards the centre, and terminating there in an expansion of tendinous substance. It is lined anteriorly by the pleura or in- vesting membrane of the thoracic cavity, and posteriorly by the peritoneum or investing membrane of the abdominal cavity. The diaphragm is the main agent, both in ordinary and extra- ordinary respiration ; it assists also in the expulsion of the urine, and it is a most powerful auxiliary in the act of parturition. It is subject to injury and disease of a serious and varied char- acter. Whatever may be the original seat of thoracic or abdom- inal ailment, the diaphragm soon becomes irritable and inflamed. This accounts for the breathing of the horse being so much af- fected under every inflammation or excitement of the chest or belly. The irritability of this muscle is often evinced by a sin gular spasmodic action of a portion, or the whole of it. Opium should be administered in small doses, together with ammonia or nitric ether, and as soon as any reaction is observed have recourse to bleeding. g 154 RUPTURE OF THE DIAPHRAGM THE PLEURA RUPTURE OF THE DIAPHRAGM. This may sometimes occur from any extraordinary exertion, particularly when tke stomach is distended with food or gas. In rupture of the diaphragm, the horse usually sits op his haunches, like a dog ; but this is far from being an infallible symptom of the disease. It accompanies introsusception, as well as rupture of the diaphragm. [Mr. Youatt gives no remedy, and probably the case admits of none.) THE PLEURA. The walls of the chest are lined, and the lungs are covered, by a smooth glistening membrane, the 'pleura. It is a serous mem- brane, so called from the nature of its exhalation, in distinction from the mucous secretion yielded by the membrane of the air- passages. The serous membrane generally invests the most im- portant organs, and* always those that are essentially connected with life ; while the mucous membrane lines the interior of the greater part of them. The pleura is the investing membrane of the lungs, and a mucous membrane the lining one of the bronchial tubes. Among the circumstances principally to be noticed, with regard to the pleura, is the polish of its external surface. The glistening appearance of the lungs, and of the inside of the chest, is to be attributed to the membrane by which they are covered, and by means of whic*h the motion of the various organs is freer and less dangerous. Although the lungs, and the bony walls which con- tain them, are in constant approximation with each other, both in expiration and inspiration, yet in the frequently hurried and violent motion of the animal, and, in fact, in every act of expi- ration and inspiration, of dilatation and contraction, much and injurious friction would ensue if the surfaces did not glide freel} over each other by means of the peculiar polish of this membrane. Every serous membrane has innumerable exhalent vessels upon its surface, from which a considerable quantity of fluid is poured out. In life and during health it exists in the chest only as a kind of dew, just sufficient to lubricate the surfaces. The pleura possesses very little sensibility in health, but it is otherwise when it is the seat of disease. In pleurisy, pneumonia, &c., it becomes susceptible of intense pain. The pleura adheres intimately to the ribs and to the substance of the lungs. While the diseases of mucous membranes spread to other parts, those of serous membranes are generally isolated. THE LUNGS HEART. 15l THE LUNGS. The lungs form two distinct bodies, the right somewhat larger than the left, and are divided from each other by the duplicature of the pleura, which has been already described — the mediasti- num. Each lung has the same structure, and properties, and uses. Each of them is subdivided, the right lobe consisting of three lobes, and the left of two. The intention of these divisions is probably to adapt the substance of the lungs to the form of the cavity in which they are placed, and to enable them more per- fectly to occupy and fill the chest. If one of these lobes is cut into, it is found to consist of innu- merable irregularly formed compartments, to which anatomists have given the name of lobules, or little lobes. They are distinct from each other, and impervious. On close examination, they can be subdivided almost without end. There is no communica- tion between them, or if perchance such communication exists, it constitutes the disease known by the name of broken ivind. On the delicate membr-ane of which these cells are composed, innumerable minute blood-vessels ramify. They proceed from the heart, through the medium of the iralmonary artery — they fol- low all the subdivisions of the bronchial tubes — they ramify upon the membrane of these multitudinous lobules, and at length return to the heart, through the medium of the pulmonary veins, the character of the blood which they contain being essentially changed. The mechanism of this, and the effect produced, must be briefly considered. THE HEART. The heart is placed between a doubling of *he pleura — termed the mediastinum ; by means of which it is supported in its nat- ural situation, and all dangerous friction between these important organs is avoided. It is also surrounded by a membrane or bag of 'its own, called the idericardium, whose office is of a similar nature. By means of the heart, the blood is circulated through the frame. It is composed of four cavities — two above, called auricles, from their supposed resemblance to the ear of a dog ; and two below, termed ventricles, occupying the substance of the heart. In point of fact, there are two hearts — the one on the left side impelling the blood through the frame, the other on the right side conveying it through the pulmonary system ; but, unitv'd m the manner in which they are, their junction contributes to their nao 156 DISEASES OF HEART. tual strength and both circulations are carried on at the same time. The first is the arterial circulation. No function can be dis- charged — life cannot exist, without the presence of arterial blood The left ventricle that contains it contracts, and by the power of that contraction, aided by other means, which the limits of our work will not permit us to describe, the blood is driven through the whole arterial circulation — the capillary vessels and the veins — and returns again to the heart, but to the right ventricle. The other division of this viscus is likewise employed in circulating the blood thus conveyed to it, but is not the same fluid which was contained in the left ventricle It has gradually lost its vita] power. As it has passed along, it has changed from red to black, and from a vital to a poisonous fluid. Ere it can again convey the principle of nutrition, or give to each organ that impulse or stimulus which enables it to discharge its function, it must be materially changed. When the right ventricle contracts, and the blood is driven into the lungs, it passes over the gossamer membrane of which the lobules of the lungs have been described as consisting ; the lobules being filled with the air which has descended through the bronchial tubes in the act of inspiration. This delicate mem- brane permits some of the principles of the air to permeate it. The oxygen of the atmosphere attracts and combines with a por- tion of the superabundant carbon of this blood, and the expired air is poisoned with carbonic acid gas. Some of the constituents of the blood attract a portion of the oxygen of the air, and obtain their distinguishing character and properties as arterial blood, and being thus revivified, it passes on over the membrane of the lobes, unites into small and then larger vessels, and at length pours its full stream of arterial blood into the left auricle, thence to ascend into the ventricle, and to be diflused over the frame. DISEASES OF THE HEART. The best place to examine the beating of the heart is imme- diately behind the elbow, on the left side. The hand applied flat against the ribs will give the number of pulsations. The ear thus applied will enable the practitioner better to ascertain the character of the pulsation. The stethoscope affords an un- certain guide, for it cannot be flatly and evenly applied. Pericarditis. — The bag, or outer investing membrane of the heart (" heart case"), is liable to inflammation, in which the efiiised fluid becomes organized, and deposited in layers, in- creasing the thickness of the pericardium, and the difficulty of ♦lift exnansion and contraction of the heart. The only symptomt DISEASES OF HEART. 157 on which dependence can be placed, are a quickened and irregu- lar respiration ; a bounding action of the heart in an early stage of the disease ; but that, as the fluid increases and becomes con- crete, assuming a feeble and fluttering character. Hydrops Pericardu is the term used to designate the presence of the fluid secreted in consequence of this inflammation, and varying from a pint to a gallon or more. In addition to the symptoms already described, there is an expression of alarm and anxiety in the countenance of the animal which no other malady produces. The horse generally sinks from other disease, or from constitutional irritation, before the cavity of the pericardium is filled ; or if he lingers on, most dreadful palpitations and throb- Dings accompany the advanced stage of the disease. It is sel- dom or never that this disease exists alone, but is combined with dropsy of the chest or abdomen. Inflammation of the Lining of the Heart. — Mr. Simpson relates, in the Veterinarian for 1834, a case in which there were symptoms of severe abdominal pain ; the respiration was much disturbed, and the action of the heart took on an extraordinary character. Three or four beats succeeded to each other, so vio- lently as to shake the whole frame, and to be visible at the dis- tance of several yards, with intervals of quietude for five minutes or more. At length this violent beating became constant. On dissection both lungs were found to be inflamed, the serum in the pericardium increased in quantity, and the internal mem- brane of the heart violently inflamed, with spots of ecchymosis (livid spots occasioned by extravasated blood). This would seem to be a case of inflammation of the heart ; but in a considerable proportion of the cases of rabies, these spots of ecchymosis, and this general inflammation of the heart, are seen. Hypee-TRophy is an augmentation or thickening of the sub- stance of the heart ; and although not dreamed of a few years ago, seems now to be a disease of no rare occurrence among horses. The heart has been known to acquire double its natural volume, or the auricle and venticle on one side have been thus enlarged. Dilatation is increased capacity of the cavities of the heart, and the parietes being generally thinned. It is probable that this is a more frequent disease than is generally supposed ; and from the circulating power being lessened, or almost suspended, on account of the inability of the cavities to propel their con- tents, it is accompanied by much and rapid emaciation. Ossification of the heart, air in the heart, and aneu- rism of the aorta, sometimes occur. THE ARTERIES ^PULSE. THE ARTERIES. The vessels which carry the blood from the heart are called arteries. The yielding of the artery to the gush of blood, forced into it by the contraction of the heart, constitutes THE PULSE. The pulse is a very useful assistant to the practitioner of human medicine, and much more so to the veterinary surgeon, whose patients cannot describe either the seat or degree of ail- ment or pain. The number of pulsations m any artery will give the number of the beatings of the heart, and so express the irritation of that organ, and of the frame generally. In a state of health, the heart beats in a farmer's horse about thirty-six times a minute. In the smaller, and in the thorough-bred horse, the pulsations aire forty or forty-two. This is said to be the standard pulse — the pulse of health. It varies singularly little in horses of the same size and breed, and where it beats natu- rally there can be little materially wrong. The most convenient place to feel the pulse, is at the lower jaw (Fig. 1) a little behind the spot where the submaxillary artery and vein, and ^he parotid duct, come fromi under the jaw. There the number of pulsations will be easily counted, and the character of the pulse, a matter of fully equal importance, will be clearly ascer- tained. Many horsemen put the hand to the side. They can certainly count the pulse there, but they can do nothing more. We must be able to press the artery against some hard body, as the jaw-bone, in order to ascertain the manner in which thtj blood flows through it, and the quantity that flows. When the pulse reaches fifty or fifty-five, some degree of fever may be apprehended, and proper precaution should be taken Seventy or seventy-five will indicate a dangerous state, and put the owiier and the surgeon not a little on the alert. Few horses long survive a pulse of one hundred, for, by this excessive action the energies of nature are speedily worn out. Some things, however, should be taken into account in form- ing our conclusion from the frequency of the pulse. Exercise, a warm stable, and fear, will wonderfully increase the number of pulsations. When a careless, brutal fellow goes up to a horse, and speak? hastily to him, and handles him roughly, he adds ten beats per minute to the pulse, and will often be misled in the opinion he may form of the state of the animal. A judicious person wiD approach the patient gently, and pat and soothe him, and even THE PULSE. 1()9 then the circulation, probably, will be a little disturbed. He should take the additional precaution of noting the number and quality of the pulse, a second time, before he leaves the animal. If a quick pulse indicate irritation and fever, a slow pulse will likewise characterize diseases of an opposite description. It accompanies the sleepy stage of staggers, and every malady connected with deficiency of nervous energy. The heart may not only be excited to more frequent, bu' also to more violent action. It may contract more powerfully upon the blood, which will be driven with greater force through the arteries, and the expansion of the vessels will be greatei and more sudden. Then we have the hai'd pulse — the sure indicator of considerable fever, and calling for the immediate and free use of the lancet. Sometimes the pulse may be hard and jerking, and yet small. The stream though forcible is not great. The heart is so irritable that it contracts before the ventricle is properly filled. The practitioner knows that this indicates a dangerous state of disease. It is an almost invariable accompaniment of inflammation of the bowels. A iveak pulse, when the arterial stream flows slowly, is caused by the feeble action of the heart. It is the reverse of fever, and expressive of debility. The oppressed pulse is when the arteries seem to be fully distended with blood. There is obstruction somewhere, and the action of the heart can hardly force the stream along, or com- municate pulsation to the current. It is the case in sudden inflammation of the lungs. They are overloaded and gorged with blood, which cannot find its way through their minute vessels. This accounts for the well-known fact of a copious bleeding increasing a pulse previously oppressed. A portion being removed from the distended and choked vessels, the re- mainder is able to flow on. The state of the pulse should be carefully regarded during bleeding. The most experienced practitioner cannot tell what quantity of blood must be abstracted in order to produce the desired eflect. The change of the pulse can alone indicate when the object is accomplished ; therefore, the operator should have his finger on the artery during the act of bleeding, and, compara- tively regardless of the quantity, continue to take blood, until, in inflammation of the lungs, the oppressed pulse becomes fuller and more distinct, or the strong pulse of considerable fever is evidently softer, or the animal exliibits symptoms of faintness [See Bleeding.]* * Note hy Mr. Spooner.—Ihe frequency of the pulse is certainly over rated in tlie text. There is not that difference in the pulsation of the cart- 1 60 INFLAMMATION. INFLAMMATION. Local inflammation is characterized by redness, swelling, heat, and pain. If inflammation consists of an increased flow of blood to and through the part, the ready way to abate it is to lessen the quantity of blood. All other means are comparatively unim- portant, contrasted with bleedi7ig. Blood is generally abstracted from the jugular vein, and so the general quantity may be lessened ; but if it can be taken from the neighborhood of the diseased part, it will be productive of tenfold benefit. One quart of blood abstracted from the foot in acute founder, by unloading the vessels of the inflamed part, and enabUng them to contract, and, in that contraction, to acquire the tone and power to resist future distention, will do more good than five quarts taken from the general circulation. An ounce of blood obtained by scarify- ing the swelled vessels of the inflamed eye, will give as much relief to that organ as a copious bleeding from the jugular. It is a principle in the animal frame which should never be lost sight of by the veterinary surgeon, or the horseman, that if by bleeding the process of inflammation can once be checked, — if it can be suspended but for a little while, — although it may return, it is never with the same degree of violence, and in many cases it is got rid of entirely. Hence the necessity of bleeding early, and bleeding largely, in inflammation of the lungs or of the bowels, or of the brain, or of any important organ. Many horses are lost for want or insufficiency of bleeding, but we never knew one materially injured by che most copious extraction of blood in tho early stage of acute inflammation. The horse will bear, and with advantage, the loss of an almost incredible quantity of blood, — four quarts taken from him, will be comparatively little more than one pound taken from the human being. We can scarcely conceive of a considerable inflammation of any part of the horse, whether proceeding from sprains, contusions, or any other cause in which bleeding, local (if possible), or general, or both, will not be of essential service. Next in importance to bleeding, is purging. Something may horse and the thorough bred, as there stated, and 36 or 37 a minute may be considered the standard pulse in the latter when in health and free from excitement. It is most important to distinguish between the pulse of fever and that of inflammation. We may have a pulse of tlie greatest rapidity, as in influenza, and yet no one part of the body much inflamed. We have known the pulse of the horse more than trebled, and the animal still recover ; and, on the other hand, in cases of inflammation, a pulse of 60 has betokened great danger, and, in some cases, has been succeeded by death. INFLAMMATION. 161 be removed from the bowels, the retention of which would increase the general irritation and fever. The quantity of blood will be materially lessened, for the serous or watery fluid which is separated from it by a brisk purge, the action of which in the horse continues probably more than twenty-four hours, is enorm- ous. While the blood is thus determined to the bowels, less even of that which remains will flow through the inflamed part. "While the purging continues, some degree of languor and sickness is felt ; and the force of the circulation is thereby dimin- ished, and the general excitement lessened. The importance of physic in every case of considerable external inflammation, is sufficiently evident. If the horse is laid by for a few days from injury of the loot, or sprain, or poll-evil, or wound, or almost any cause of inflammation, a physic-ball should be given. In cases of internal inflammation, much judgment is required to determine when a purgative may be beneficial or injurious. In inflammation of the lungs or bowels, it should never be given. The means of abating external inflammation are various, and seemingly contradictory. The heat of the part very naturally and properly led to the application of cold embrocations and lo- tions. Heat has a strong tendency to equalize itself, or to leave that substance which has a too great quantity of it, or little ca- pacity to retain it, for another which has less of it, or more capacity. Hence the advantage of cold applications, by which a great deal of the unnatural heat is speedily abstracted from the inflamed part. The foot laboring under inflammation is put into cold water, or the horse is made to stand in water or wet clay. Various cold applications are also used to sprains. The part is wetted with diluted vinegar, or goulard, or salt and water. When benefit is derived from these applications, it is to be at- tributed to their coldness alone. Water, especially when cooled below the natural temperature, is as good an application as any that can be used. Nitre dissolved in water, will lower the tem- perature of the fluid many degrees ; but the lotion must be applied immediately after the salt has been dissolved. A band- age may be afterwards applied to strengthen the limb, but during the continuance of active inflammation, it would only confine the heat of the part, or prevent it from benefiting by the salu- tary influence of the cold produced by the evaporation of the water. Sometimes, however, we resort to warm fomentations, and if benefit is derived from their use, it is to be traced to the warmth of the fluid, more than to any medicinal property in it Warm water will do as much good to the horse, who has so thick a skin, as any decoction of chamomile, or marsh-mallow, or poppy heads, or any nostrum that the farrier may reconunend. Fo- 162 INFLAMMATION. mentations increase the warmth of the skin, and open the pores of it, and promote perspiration, and thus lessen the tension and swelling of the part, assuage pain, and relieve inflammation. Fomentations, to be beneficial, should be long and frequently applied, and at as great a degree of heat as can be used without giving the animal pain. Poultices are more permanent, or longer- continued fomentations. The part is exposed to the influence of warmth and moisture for many hours or days without intermis- sion, and perspiration being so long kept up, the distended vessels will be very materially relieved. The advantage derived from a poultice is attributable to the heat and moisture, which, by means of it, can be long applied to the skin, and it should be composed of materials which will best retain this moisture and heat. The bran poultice of the farrier is, consequently, objec- tionable. It is never perfectly in contact with the surface of the skin, and it becomes nearly dry in a few hours, after which it is injurious rather than beneficial. Linseed-meal is a much better material for a poultice, for, if properly made, it will remain moist during may hours. It is occasionally very difficult to decide when a cold or hot application is to be used, and no general rule can be laid down, except that in cases of superficial inflammation, and in the early stage, cold lotions will be preferable ; but, when the inflammation is deeper seated, or fully established, warm fomentations will be most serviceable. Stimulating applications are frequently used in local inflam- mation. When the disease is deeply seated, a stimulating appli- cation to the skin will cause some irritation and inflammation there, and lessen or sometimes remove the original malady : hence the use of rowels and blisters in inflammation of the chest. Inflammation to a high degree, cannot exist in parts that are near each other. If we can excite it in one, we shall abate it in the other, and also, by the discharge which we estabhsh from the one, we shall lessen the determination of blood to th( other. Stimulating and blistering applications should never be applied to a part already inflamed. A fire is not put out by heaping more fuel upon it. Hence the mischief which the farrier often does by rubbing his abominable oils on a recent sprain, hot and tender. Many a horse has been ruined by this absurd treatment. When the heat and tenderness have disappeared by the use of cold lotions or fomentations, and the leg or sprained part remains enlarged, or bony matter threatens to be deposited, it might be right to excite inflammation of the skin by a blister, in order to rouse the deeper-seated absorbents to action, and enable them to take up tliis deposit ; but, except to hasten the natural process FEVER. • 163 /^ and effects of inflammation, a blister, or stimulating application, should never be applied to a part already inflamed. FEVER. Fever is general increased arterial action, either without any local aflection, or in consequence of the sympathy of the system with inflammation in some particular part. The first is 'pure fever. Owing to bad stable management and general treatment, and the susceptibility of various parts of the horse to take on inflammation, this usually degenerates into in- flammation. But pure fever is sometimes seen, and runs its course regularly. It frequently begins with a cold or shivering fit, although this is» not essential to fever. The horse is dull, unwilling to move, has a staring coat, and cold legs and feet. This is succeeded by warmth of the body ; unequal distribution of warmth to the legs ; one hot, and the other three cold, or one or more unnaturally warm, and the others unusually cold, but not the deathlike cold- ness of inflammation of the lungs ; the pulse quick, soft, and often indistinct ; the breathing somewhat laborious ; but no cough or pawing, or looking at the flanks. The animal will scarcely eat, and is very costive. While the state of pure fever lasts, the shivering fit returns at nearly the same hour eveiy day, and is succeeded by the warm one, and that often by a slight degree of perspiration ; and these alternate during several days until local inflammation appears, or the fever gradually subsides. No horse ever died of pure fever. If he is not destroyed by inflammation of the lungs, or feet, or bowels succeeding to the fever, he gradually recovers. Fever is general increased action of the heart and arteries, and therefore evidently appears the necessity for bleeding, regulating the quantity of blood by the degree of fever, and usually keeping the finger on the artery until some evident and considerable impression is made upon the system The bowels should be gently opened ; but the danger of inflammation of the lungs, and the uniformly injurious consequence of purgation in that disease, will prevent the administration of an active purgative. A sn^all quantity of aloes may be given morning and night, with the proper fever medicine, until the bowels are slightly relaxed, after which nothing more of an aperient quality should be administered. Digitalis, emetic tarta'r, and nitre should be given morning and night, in proportions regulated by the circumstances of the case. The horse should be warmly clothed, but be placed in a cool and well- ventilated stable. Symptomatic fever is increased arterial action, proceeding from 164 THE VEINS BOG AND BLOOD SPAVIN. some local cause. No organ of consequence can be much disor- dered or inflamed without the neighboring- parts being disturbed, and the whole system gradually participating in the disturbance. Inflammation of the feet or of the lungs never existed long or to any material extent, without being accompanied by some degree of fever. The treatment of symptomatic fever should resemble that of simple fever, except that particular attention must be paid to the state of the part originally diseased. If the inflammation which existed there can be subdued, the general disturbance will usually cease.* * THE YEINS. These vessels carry back to the heart the blood which had beer conveyed to the difierent parts by the arteries. BOG AND BLOOD SPAVIN. Attached to the extremities of most of the tendons, and be tween the tendons and other parts, are little bags containing a mucous substance to enable the tendons to slide over each other without friction, and to move easily on the neighboring parts. From violent exercise these vessels are liable to enlarge. Wind- galls and thoroughpins are instances of this. There is one of * Note hy Mr. Spooner. — Pure fever does not of necessity require blood- letting, and, indeed, will often be removed better without the aid of deple tion. The fact is well shown in cases of influenza, wdiere great quickness of the pulse, with a hot mouth, and other tokens of fever, are present, and which symptoms may be often removed without the aid of bleeding. We decidedly object to bleeding in those cases of fever attended with a shiver ing fit; and, indeed, we have found that unless the pulse is full and strong, it is generally better to avoid bleeding. Fever is fiir more dependent on some irritation of the nervous system than is implied in the text, and bleed- ing is often calculated to increase this irritation. The administration of a diffusible stimulant that will act on the skin, such as the spirit of nitrous ether, is a far better mode of treatment, and will often cut short a case of fever, which the abstraction of blood would only prolong. In cases of fever the mucous membrane is very frequently in an irritable state, so that a purgative will greatly increase such irritation, and should therefore be avoided. If the bowels are costive, oily laxatives should be administered, and aloes carefully avoided, unless given in a liquid form, and as a single ver, be assured that tlie inflammation is subsiding, and there must be considerable constipation, or the purgative had better be let alone. If we must not give physic, we must endeavor to find some other auxiliary to the bleeding, and we have it in the compound of digitalis, nitre, and emetic tartar, which has been so often recommended. The greatest care should be taken of the patient laboiing undei this complaint. His legs should be well hand-rubbed, in order to restore, if possible, the circulation to the extremities. Comfort- able flannel rollers should encase the legs from the foot to the knee. He should be covered up warm. There cannot be a doubt about this. As for air, in warm weather he cannot have too much. In cold weather, his box must be airy, but not chilly. We want to determine the blood to the extremities and the skin but not all the clothing in the world will keep our patient warm if he is placed in a cold and uncomfortable situation. As for food, we think not of it. In nine cases out of ten h.k will not touch anj^hing ; or if he is inclined to eat, we give him nothing but a bran-mash, or a little green feed, or a few carrots We now look about us for some counter-irritant. Therefore we blister the sides and the brisket, and produce all the irritation we can on the skin ; and in proportion as we do so, we abate, or stand a chance of abating, the inflammation within. We have recourse to a blister in preference to a seton ; and decidedly so, for our stimulus can be spread over a larger surface, — there is more chance of its being applied to the imm.ediate neighborhood of the original inflammation — and, most assuredly, from the extent of surface on which we can act, we can employ a quantity of stimulus beyond comparison greater than a seton would permit us to do. Roicels are frequently excellent adju- vants (aids) to the blister, but should not be depended upon alone. In the latter stage of disease the blister will not act, because the powers of nature are exliausted. We must repeat it, — we must rouse the sinking energies of the frame, if we can, although the effort will generally be fruitless. The not rising of a blister, in the latter stage of the disease, may, too often, be regarded as the precursor of death, especially if it is accompanied by a livid or brown color of the membrane of the nose. Pneumonia, like bronchitis, requires anxious watching. The first object is to subdue the inflammation, and our measures must be prompt and decisive. If the mouth continues hot, and the extremities cold, and the nose red, we must bleed again and again, and that in rapid succession. The good which we can do must be done at first, or not at all. When we have obtained a little returning warmth to the ex- 192 INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS. treraities, we must continue to adminisier our sedative medicines without one grain ol" a carminative or a tonic ; and the return of the deathy-cold foot will be a signal for farther depletion. * The commencement of the state of convalescence requires the same guarded practice, as in bronchitis. As many horses arc lost by impatience now, as by want of decision at first. If we have Bubdued the disease, we should let well alone. We should guard against the return of the foe by the continued administration of our sedatives in smaller quantities ; but give no tonics unless de bility is rapidly succeeding. When we have apparently weath- ered the storm, we must still be cautious ; we must consider the nature and the seat of the disease, and the predisposition to re- turning inflammation. If the season will permit, two or three months' run at grass should succeed our medical treatment ; but if this is impracticable, we must put off the period of active work as long as it can be delayed, and even after that permit the horse to return as gradually as may be to his usual employment and food.* * Note by Mr. Spooner. — The diseases of the lungs liave been recently carefully investigated, and we are enabled *•<■' detect three important vai-ie ties in the inflammatory affections of the lungs and chest, viz., congestive iu- fiam-.nation of the lungs, or pulmonary apoplexy — piieuinonia, or true inflam- mation of the lungs — and pleurisy, or pleuritis. The first consists in the distention of the small vessels of the lungs with dark venous blood, and is generally produced by over-exertion, particularly if the animal, when at tacked, is not in proper condition for work. The symptoms are rapid breath ing, cold extremities, and short duration of the disease, ending either in death or recovery. When death supervenes, tlie lungs are black, as stated in the text. With regard to treatment, bleeding should be adopted if the pulse is disthict as well as rapid ; if not, a diffusible stimulant should first be given and bleeding should follow. True pneumonia is longer in its duration, but the symptoms are often ob scure at first. There is considerable distress, but there does not appear to be any active pain ; and in this respect it may generally be distinguished from pleurisy. The pulse is full, strong, and rapid — pain, sometimes acute but varying from time to time, and the blood presenting a considerable quantity of buff, or fibrine. The tendencies of the disease are either the deposition of water in the chest, or else fibrous flakes, and sometimes both conjoined. Sometimes pneumonia and pleurisy are combined together, causing pleuro- mieumonia, and then the danger is increased at the same time, as the symp- toms are rendered more obscure. Blood-letting is one of the first of our remedial measures for these dis- eases, but is called for in a more marked degree in pleurisy than in pneu- nonia. The pulse, however, in both cases must be our guide as to the quan- tity to be taken ; and, as stated in the text, a decided effect should be ob- tained. Repetition of bleeding, too, may be had recourse to with greater freedom, in pleurisy than in pneumonia. In the latter disease, we must take care tnat we do not shipwreck the vital powers by repeated and too copious bleeding, or mistake the effects produced by bleeding for the symptoms of the disease itself It is only by the conjoint aids of science and experi "•HIl0^f'C COUGH. 193 OnROMC COUGH. It would occupy too much space to treat all the causes of this obstinate cough. Irritability of" the air-passages, occasioned by previous inflammation, is the most ,frequent. It is sometimes connected with worms ; it is sometimes caused by glanders. It is the necessary attendant of thick or broken wind. n a harsh hollow cough is accompanied by a staring coat, and the appearance of worms, — a few worm-balls may expel the worms, and remove the irritation of the intestinal canal. If it pro- ceeds 11 om m-itability of the air-passages, which will be discov- ered by the horse coughing after drinking, or when he first goes out of tne stable m the morning, or by his occasionally snorting out thicK mucus from the nose, medicines may be given, and sometimes with advantage, to diminish irritation generally. Small dosess of digitalis, emetic tartar, and nitre, administered every nignc, frequently have a beneficial effect, especially when mixed witn car, which seems to have a powerful influence in allaying tlie irritation. These balls should, if necessary, be reg- ularly given lor a considerable time. They are sufficiently pow erful to quiet blight excitement of this kind, but not to nauseate the horse, or interfere with his food or his work. A blister, extending from the root of one ear to that of the other, taking in the Avhole of ine channel, and reaching six or eight inches down ence that these nice discriminations can be made; it is therefore the height of folly for the infcxpeiienced owner to attempt to treat such cases himself. When plemisy ai.d pneumonia are combined, the symptoms, though ex- tremely severe, are yet very obscure, anrl the chances of successful treatment are much diminished. Tne water in the chest spoken of in the text, is the termination of pleurisy, aj.J becomes fatal in a majority of cases (particu- larly if, in addition to this ^orous fluid, flakes of lymph are also thrown out). In some cases where water in the chest has supervened early, and the inflam- mation has otherwise subsided, relief has been obtained by tapping. We have little to add with regard to the treatment of these inflamma- tory diseases, except that we do not approve of the many repeated bleed- ings advised in the text. It is rarely the case that more "than one bleeding is desirable, but this in general should be very copious. The best guide as to the propriety of bleeding is the strength of the pulse and not its frequency. If some hours after the first bleeding the pulse is still strong and full, as well as quick, then bleeding is most probably called for again, and more particularly if the blood has exhibited a thick buffy coat. If the first bleed- ing has exhibited no buff on the surface, then a repetition of bleeiling is rarely demanded. Aloes should he always eschewed, and diuretics should not be continued rifter twelve drachm^ or two ounces of nitre or resin have been taken. We have also found very good effects from the administration of small doses of calomel and opium, twice a day, two scruples of the for- mer, and one of the latter, being suflficient for a dose ; and we have also found an ounce or two of the spirit of nitrous ether very serviceable in the early stage of the disease, particularly if the legs and ears are cold. 19 T ]\)-i THICK-WIND. the windpipe, has been tried, and often with good effect, on the supposition that the irritation may exist at the roots of the tongue or the larynx. The bUster has sometimes been extended through the whole course of the windpipe, until it enters the chest. Feeding has much influence on this complaint. Too much dry feed, and especially chalT, increase it. It is aggravated when the horse is suffered to eat his litter ; and is often relieved when spring tares are given. Carrots afford decided relief. The seat of the disease, however, is so uncertam, and all oui means and appliances so inefficacious, and the cough itself so little interfering, and sometimes interfering not at all with the health of the animal, that it i& scarcely worth while to persevere in any mode of treatment that is not evidently attended with benefit. When chronic cough chiefly occurs after eating, the seat of the disease is evidently in the substance of the lungs. In the violent effort of the lungs to discharge their functions, when laboring under congestion, irritation is produced, and the act of coughing is the consequence. *" THICK-WIND. When treating of pneumonia, it was observed, that not only are the vessels which spread over the delicate membrane of the air-cells gorged with blood, but they are sometimes ruptured, and the cells are filled with blood. The black, softened, pulpy appearance of the lungs thus produced, has been adverted to. If the horse is not destroyed by this injury to the structure of the lungs, the serous portion of the effused blood is absorbed, and the lung becomes organized in that solid form. Its appearance and structure then much resemble that of a liver, and it is said to be hepatizecl. This may occur in patches, or it may involve a con- siderable portion of the lung. If a portion of the lung is thus rendered impervious, the remainder will have additional work to perform. The same quantity of blood must be supplied with air ; and if the workmg part of the machine is diminished, it must move with great velocity as well as force — the respiration must be quicker and more laborious. This quick and labored breathing can be de- tected even when the animal is at rest ; and it is indicated plainly enough by his sad distress when he is urged to unusual * Note hy Mr. Spooner. — Chronic cough is generally caused by long- con- tinued or neglected catarrh, or sore throat. One of the best renaedies for an obstinate cough that bids fair to become chronic is a seton under the throat which should be kept in seven or eight weeks. THICK-WIND. 195 or continued speed. The inspirations and the expirations are shorter, as well as more violent ; the air must be more rapidly admitted, and more thoroughly pressed out ; and this is accom- panied by a peculiar sound that can rarely be mistaken. The inflammatory stage of the disease having passed, the horse is restored to comparative health, but in a thick-icinded state. Auscultation will indicate the amount of the hepatization, and it will enable us to distinguish between this cause of thick-wind and that thickening of the air-passages which sometimes results from bronchitis. Of the treatment, little can be said. We know not by what means we can excite the absorbents to take up the sohd organ- ized mass of hepatization, or restore the membrane of the cells, and the minute vessels ramifying over them, now confounded and lost. We have a somewhat better chance, and yet not much, in removing the thickening of the membrane, for counter-irritants, extensively and perseveringly applied to the external parietes of the chest, may do something. If thick- wind immediately fol- lowed bronchitis, it would certainly be justifiable practice to blis- ter the brisket and sides, and that repeatedly ; and to administer purgatives, if we dared, or diuretics, more effectual than the pur- gatives, and always safe. Our attention must be principally confined to diet and man- agement. A thick- winded horse should have his full proportion, or rather more than liis proportion of grain, and a diminished quantity of less nutritious food, in order that the stomach may never be overloaded, and press upon the diaphragm, and so upon the lungs, and increase the labor of these already over- worked organs. Particular care should be taken that the horse is not worked immediately after a full meal. The overcoming of the pressure and weight of the stomach, will be a serious addition to the extra work which the lungs already have to perform from their altered structure. . Thick-wind may be to some extent iKilliated by daily exer cising the horse to the fair extent of liis power, and without seri- ously distressing him. Thick-wind, however, is not always the consequence of disease. There are certain cloddy, round-chested horses, that are naturall) thick-winded, at least to a certain extent. They are capable of that slow exertion for which nature designed them, but they art immediately distressed if put a little out of their usual pace. A circular chest, whether the horse is large or small, indicates thick wind. 196 SROKEN-WIND. BROKEN-WIND* This Is immediately recognizable by the manner of breathing The inspiration is performed in somewhat less than the natural time, and with an increased degree of labor ; but the expiration has a peculiar difficulty accompanying it. It is accomplished by a double effort, in the first of which, as Mr. Blaine has well explained it, " the usual muscles operate ; and in the other, the auxiliary muscles, particularly the abdominal, are put on the sti'etch to complete the expulsion more perfectly ; and that being done, the flank falls, or the abdominal muscles relax with a kind of jerk or spasm." This is attributable to an emphysematous state of the lungs. The inner membrane of the bronchial tubes swells and partly obstructs them. The powerful muscles of inspiration, however, overcome that obstruction, and fill the cells of the lungs with air. But there are no such muscles to aid expiration — ^to force the air out again. It is left chiefly to the elasticity of the parts — suffi- cient when the bronchial tubes are in their ordinary unobstructed condition, but not sufficient when they are so obstructed as to retjuire considerable force to press the air through them. Ac- cordingly the air remains imprisoned in the cells, and eveiy suc- ceeding inspiration introduces more air into them until they are ruptured, or the dilated condition becomes permanent. Broken-wind is preceded or accompanied by cough — a cough perfectly characteristic, and by which the horseman would, in the daik, detect the existence of the disease. It is short — seemingly cut short — grunting, and followed by whepzing. When the ani- mal is suddenly struck or threatened, there is a low grunt of the same nature as that of roaring, but not so loud. Broken-wind is usually preceded by cough ; the cough becomes chronic, leads on to thick- wind, and then there is but a step to broken- wind. It is the consequence of the cough which accompanies catarrh and bronchitis oftener than that attending or following pneumonia ; and of inflammation, and probably, thickening of the membrane of the bronchise, rather than of congestion of the air-cells. A troublesome cough, and sometimes of long continuance, is the foundation of the disease, or indicates that irritable state of the bronchial membrane with which broken-wi rid is almost neces- sarily associated. Horses that are greedy feeders, or devour large quantities of slightly nutritious food, or are worked with a stom- ach distended by this food, are very subject to broken- wind. 3Iore depends upon the management of the food and exercise than is generally supposed. The post-horse, the coach-horse, and the * Called Heaves in the United States, BROKEN-WIND 197 racer, are comparatively seldom broken- winded. They are fed, at stated periods, on nutritious food that lies in little compass, and their hours of feeding and of exertion are so arranged that they seldom work on a full stomach. The agricultural horse is toe often fed on the very refuse of the farm, and his hours of feeding, and his hours of work, are frequently irregular ; and the carriage- horse, although fed on more nutritious food, is often summoned to work, by his capricious master, the moment his meal is de- voured. A rapid gallop on a full stomach has often produced broken- wind ; but generally, probably, there has been some gradual prep- aration for the result. There has been chronic cough, more than usually disturbed respiration after exercise, &c. Galloping after drinking has been censured as a cause of broken- wind, but it is not half so dangerous as galloping with a stomach distended with food. It is said that broken-winded horses are foul feeders, because they devour almost everything that comes in their way, and thus impede the play ol' the lungs ; but there is so much sympathy be- tween the respiratory and digestive systems, that one cannot be much deranged without the other evidently suffering. Flatu- lence, and a depraved appetite, may be the consequence as well as the cause of broken-wnid ; and there is no pathological fact of more frequent occurrence than the co-existence of indigestion and flatulence with broken-wind. The narrow-chested horse is more subject to broken- wind than the broader and deeper chested one, for there is not so much room for the lungs to expand when rapid progression requires the full discharge of their function. Is broken- wind hereditary ? We believe so. It may be re- ferred to hereditary conformation — to a narrower chest, and more fragile membrane — and predisposition to take on those inflamma- tor}^ diseases which end in broken-Avind ; and the circular chest, which cannot enlarge its capacity when exertion requires it, must render both thick and broken- wind of more probable occurrence. Is there any cure for broken- wind ? None I No medical skill can repair the broken-down structure of the lungs. If, however, we cannot cure, we may in some degree palliate broken-wnid ; and, first of all, we must attend carefully to the feeding. The food should lie in little compass — plenty of oat? and little hay, but no c\ aff'. Chafl^is particularly objectionable, from the rapidity with -v\ lich it is devoured, and the stomach dis- tended Water should oe given in moderate quantities, but tlie horse should not be suffered to drink as much as he likes until the day's work is over. G reen feed will always be serviceable. Car- rui» are particularly useful. They are readily digested, and ap- 1.98 UllOKEiN-WlND. pear to have a peculiarly beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Many horses become broken-winded even in the straw-yard. Keepmg the stomach constantly distended to get enough nutriment from such poor feed, and consequently habitually pressing on the lungs, the latter are easily ruptured when the horse plays with his companions. The pursive or broken-winded horse should be exercised daily By attention to this and to his feeding he may be rendered com- fortable to liimself, and no great nuisance to his owner. Occa- sional physic, or alterative medicine, will often give considerable relief where the broken- winded animal has been urged unpre- pared, or with a stomach full of food, on a journey, and is suffer- ing the consequences of it. Thick- wind and broken- wind exist in various degrees, and with many shades of difference. They have assumed various names. Pipers make a shrill noise when in quick action. This is a species of roaring. The wheezer utters a sound not unlike that of an asthmatic person when a little hurried. This can be heard even when the horse is at rest in the stable. The ivhistler utters a shriller sound than the wheezer, but only when in exercise, and that of some continuance. A sharp gallop up hill will speedily detect it. It is a great nuisance to the rider, and such a horse becomes speedily distressed. When the obstruction seems to be principally in the nose, the horse loudly puffs and blows, and the nostrils are dilated to the utmost, while the flanks are comparatively quiet. This animal is said to be a High-blower.^ With all' his apparent distress, he often possesses great speed and endurance. The sound is un- pleasant, but the lungs may be perfectly sound. Every horse violently exercised on a full stomach, or when overloaded with fat, will grunt almost like a hog ; but there are some horses who will at all times emit it, if suddenly touched with the wliip or spur. They are called Grunters, and should be avoided. It is the consequence of previous disease, and is fre- quently followed by thick or broken- wind, or roaring. f * Eclipse (the English horse of that name), perhaps as good a horse aa ever run, was a high-blower. — Am. Ed. f Note by Mr. Spooner. — The term piper is applied solely to a broken- winded horse, and not to any variety of roar' f. The terms wheezing and whistling are simply varieties of roaring, and ey^o- rus (doorkeepers),/, and enters the first small intestine ; the harder and undissolved parts being turned back to undergo farther action. The stomach is occasionally subject to inflammation and various other injuries. The symptoms, however, are obscure and frequently mistaken. They resemble those of colic more than anything else, and should be met by bleeding, oily purges, mashes, warm gruel, and the application of the stomach-pump : but when, in addition to the colicky pains, there appear indistinctness of the pulse — and a 208 BOTS. very characteristic symptom that is — pallidness of the mem- branes, coldness of the mouth, frequent lying down, and in such position that the weight of the horse may rest on the chest, fre- quently pointing with his muzzle at the seat of pain, and, espe- cially, if these symptoms are accompanied or followed by vomit- ing, rupture of the stomach is plainly indicated. The horse does not necessarily die as soon as this accident occurs. In a case related by Mr. Rogers, the animal died in about four hours after the accident, but in one that occurred in the prac- tice of the author, three days elapsed between the probable rupture of the stomach, from a sudden and violent fall, and the death of the animal, and in which interval he several times ate a little food. Wisely considering the shocks and dangers to which it is exposed, the stomach is extremely insensible. BOTS. In the spring and early part of the summer, horses are much troubled by a grub or caterpillar, which crawls out of the anus, fastens itself under the tail, and seems to cause a great deal of itching or uneasiness. Grooms are sometimes alaimed at the appearance of these insects. Their history is curious, and will dispel every fear with regard to them. We are indebeted to Mr. Bracy Clark for almost all we know of the bot. Fig. 28. a and b The eggs of the gad-fly, adhering to the hair of the horse. c The appearance of the bots on the stomach, firmly adhering by their hooked mouths. The marks or depressions are seen which are left on the coat of the stomach when the bots are detached from their hold d The bot detached. e The female of the gad-fly, of the horse, prepared to deposit her egga. / The gad-fly by which the red bots are produced er The en- ." - • or r«^>d hwt BOTS. 209 A species of gad-fly, c, the oetrus equi, is in the latter part of the summer exceediiig:ly busy about the horse. It is observed to be darting with great rapidity towards the knees and sides of the animul. The females are deposithig their eggs on the hair, and wliich adhere to it by means of a glutinous fluid with which they are surrounded (a and b). In a few days the eggs are ready to be hatched, and the slightest application of warmth and moisture will liberate the little animals which they contam. The horse in hcking himself touches the Qgg ; it bursts, and a small worm escapes, which adheres to the tongue, and is con- veyed with the food into the stomach. There it clings to the caticular portion of the stomach, c, by means of a hook on either side of its mouth ; and its hold is so firm and so obstinate, that it must be broken before it can be detached. It remains there feeding on the mucus of the stomach during the whole of the winter, and until the end of the ensuing spring ; when, having attained a considerable size, d, and being destined to undergo a certain transformation, it disengages itself from the cuticular coat, is carried into the villous portion of the stomach with the food, passes out of it with the chyme, and is evacuated with the dung. The larva or maggot seeks shelter in the ground, and buries Itself there ; it contracts in size, and becomes a chrysalis or grub, in which state it lies inactive for a few weeks, and then, bursting from its confinement, assumes the form of a fly. The female, becoming impregnated, quickly deposits her eggs on those parts of the horse which he is most accustomed to lick, and thus the species is perpetuated. There are several plain conclusions to be drawn from this history. The bots cannot, while they inhabit the stomach of the horse, give the animal any pain, for they have fastened on the cuticular and insensible coat. They cannot be injurious to the horse, for he enjoys the most perfect health when the cuticular part of his stomach is filled with them, and their presence is not even suspected until they appear at the anus. They cannot be removed by medicine, because they are not in that part of the stomach to which medicine is usually conveyed ; and if they were, their mouths are too deeply buried in the mucus for any medicine, that can be safely administered, to affect them ; and, last of all, in due course of time they detach themselves, and come away. Therefore, the wise man will leave them to them- selves, or content himself with picking them off when they col- lect under the tail and annoy the animal. The smaller hot, / and g", is not so frequently found. Of inflammation of the stomach of the horse, except from poisonous herbs, v r dmgs, we know little. It rarely occurs. It U 210 THE INTESTINES. can witli difficulty be distinguished from inflammation of the bowels ; and, in either case, the assistance of the veterinary sur- geon is required. Few horses are destroyed by poisonous plants in ou^ meadows Natural instinct teaches the animal to avoid the greater part of those that would be injurious. THE INTESTINES. The food having been partially digested in the stomach, and converted mto chyme, passes through the pyloric or'^ce into the intestines. Fiff. 29. a The commencement of the small intestines. The ducts which convey the bile and the secretion from the pancreas are seen entering a little below. b b The convolutions or winding of the small intestines. c A portion of the mesentery. d The small intestines, terminating in the caecum. e The cajcum, or blind gut, with the bands running along it, puckering and dividing it into numerous cells. /The begiuuing of the colon. q g The continuation and expansion of the colon, divided, like the caecum, into cells. h The termination of the colon in the rectum. i The termination of the rectum at the anus. The intestines of a full-gro^vn horse are not less than ninety feet in length. They are divided into the small and large intes- tines ; the former of which occupy about sixty-six feet, and the latter twenty-four. The intestines, like the stomach, are composed of three coats viz., the peritoneum, the middle coat, and the mucous or villousj one inside of the others. THE INTESTINES. 211 The inte&tines are chiefly retained in their relative positions by the mesentery, c, (middle of the intestines), which is a doubling of" the peritoneum, including each intestine in its folds, and also inclosing in its duplicatures the arteries, the veins, the nerves, and the vessels which convey the nutriment from the intestines to the circulation. The first of the small intestines, and commencing from the right extremity of the stomach, is the duodenum, a. It is the largest and shortest of all the small intestines. It receives the food partially converted into chyme by the digestive power of the stomach, and in which it undergoes another and very im portant change ; a portion of it being converted into chyle. It is here mixed with the bile and the secretion from the pancreas which enter this intestine about five inches from its commence- ment. The bile seems to be the principal agent in this change, for no sooner does it mingle with the chyme than that fluid begins to be separated into two distinct ingredients — a white, thick liquid termed chyle, and containing the nutr-tivj part of the food, and a yellow, pulpy substance, the imiutritive portion, which, when the chyle is all pressed from it, is evacuated through the rectum. The next portion of the small intestines is the Jejunum, so called because it is generally found to be empty. It is smaller in bulk and paler in color than the duodenum. It is more loosely confined in the abdomen — floating comparatively unat- tached in the cavity of the abdomen, and the passage of the food being comparatively rapid through it. There is no separation or distinction between it and the next intestine — the Hewn. Together they form that portion of the intestinal tube which floats in the umbilical region : the latter, however, is said to occupy three-fifths, and the former two-fifths, of this portion of the intestines, and the five would contain about eleven gallons of fluid. The ileum diminishes in size as it ap- proaches the larger intestines. These two intestines are attached to the spine by a loose doubling of the peritoneum, and float freely in the abdominal cavity. The large intestines are three in number : — the ccccum, the colon, and the rectum. The first of them is the ccECum (blind o-ut), e, — it has but one opening into it, and consequently every- thing that passes into it, having reached the blind or closed end. must return, in order to escape. It is not a continuation of the ileum, but the ileum pierces the head of it, as it were, at right angles, {d) and projects some way into it, and has a valve — the valvula coli — at its extremity, so that what has traversed trie ileum and entered the head of the colon, cannot return into the 212 THE INTESTINES. ileum. Along the outside of tlie caecum run three strong bands, each of them shorter than that mtestiiie, and thus puckering it Fig. 30. up, and ibrming it into three sets of cells, as shown m the accompanying side cut. That portion of the food which has not been taken up by the lacteals or alsorbent vessels of the small intestines, passes through this valvulai opening of the ileum, and a part of it enters the colon, while the remainder flows into the caecum. Then, from this being a blind pouch, and from the cellular structure of this pouch, the food must be detained in it a very long time ; and in order that, during this detention, all the nutriment maybe extracted, the caecum and its cells are largely supphed with blood-vessels and absorbents. It is principally the fluid part ol" the food that seems to enter the caecum. A horse will drink at one time a great deal more than his stomach will contain ; or even if he drinks a less quantity, it remains not m the stomach or small intestines, but passes on to the CEecum, and there is retained, as in a reservoir, to supply the wants of the system. The caecum will hold four gallons. The colo7i is an intestine of exceedingly large dimensions, and is capable of containing no less than twelve gallons of liquid or pulpy food. It has likewise, in the greater part of its course, three bands like the caecum, which also divide it, internally, into the same description of cells. The intention of this is evident, — to retard the progress of the food, and to give a more extensive surface on which the vessels of the lacteals may open ; and therefore, in the colon, all the chyle is finally separated and taken up. The food does not require to be much longer detained, and the mechafiism for detaining it is gradually disappearing. The colon, also, once more contracts in size, and the chyle hav- ing been all absorbed, the remaining mass, being of a harder consistence, is moulded into pellets or balls in its passage through these shallower cells. At the termination of the colon, the rectntn (straight gut) commences. It is smaller in circumference and capacity than the colon, although it will contain at least three gallons of water. It serves as a reservoir for the dung until it is evacuated The faeces descend to the rectum, which somewhat enlarges to receive tJiem ; and when they have accumulated to a certain extent the THE LTVER PANCREAS SPLEEN OMENTUM. 212 Animal, by the aid of the diaphragm and the muscles of the belly, presses upon them, and they are evacuated. A curious circular muscle, and always in action, called the sphincter (con- strictor muscle), is placed at the anus, to prevent the constant and unpleasant dropping of the fseces, (dung) and to retain them until the horse is disposed voluntarily to expel them. THE LIVER. Between the stomach and the diaphragm — its right lobe or division in contact with the diaphragm, the duodenum and the right kidney, and the middle and left divisions with the stomach — is the liver. It is an irregularly-shaped, reddish-brown sub- stance, of considerable bulk, and performs a very singular and important office. The blood brought back by the veins from the stomach, intes- tines, spleen, pancreas, and mesentery, instead of flowing directly to the heart, pass first through the liver. As the blood traverses this organ, the bile is separated from it, and discharged through the hepatic duct directly into the duodenum, without the inter- vention of any gall-bladder, as is found in most animals. The bile is probably a kind of excrement, the continuance of which in the blood would be injurious, and it doubtless aids in the pro- cess of digestion. THE PANCREAS. In the domestic animals which are used for food, this organ is called the siveet-bread. It lies between the stomach and left kidney. It secretes a fluid which is carried into the intestines by a duct which enters at the same aperture with that from the liver. The specific use of this fluid is unknown, but is clearly employed in aiding the process of digestion. THE SPLEEN. This organ, often called the melt, is a long, bluish-brown sub- stance, broad and thick at one end, and tapering at the other ; lying along the left side of the stomach, and between it and the short ribs. The particular use of this organ has never been clearly ascertained, for in some cruel experiments it has been removed without apparent injury to digestion or any other func- tion. THE OMENTUM. Or cawl, is a doubling of the peritoneum, or rather consists oi 214 THE OMENTUM. four layers of it. It has been supposed to have been placed be- tween the intestines and the walls of the belly, in order to prevent concussion and injury during the rapid movement of the animal. That, however, cannot be its principal use in the horse, from whom the most rapid movements are required ; for in him it is unusually short, extending only to the pancreas and a small portion of the colon. Being, however, thus short, the horse is exempt from a very troublesome, and occasionally, fatal 6pecies of rupture, when a portion of the omentum penetrates through some accidental opening in the covering of the belly. ' CHAPTER L THE DISEASES OF THE INTESTINES. These form a very important and mysterious class of ailments. They will be considered in the order in which the various con- tents of the abdomen have been described. THE DUODENUM. This intestine is subject to many more diseases than are m- cluded in the present imperfect veterinary nosology. The pas- sage of the food through it has been impeded by stricture. The symptoms resemble those of colic and end in death. It has been perforated by bots, which have escaped into the abdomen, caus- 'ng death. The diseases of the jejunum and the ileum consist either of ^,pasmodic affection or inflammation. SPASMODIC COLIC. The passage of the food through the intestinal canal is effected by the alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscular coat of the intestines. When that action is simply increased through the whole of the canal, the food passes more rapidly, and purg- ing is produced ; but the muscles of every part of the frame are liable to irregular and spasmodic action, and the muscular coat of some portion of the intestines may be thus afiected. The spasm may be confined to a very small part of the canal. The gut has been found, after death, strangely contracted in various places, but the contraction not exceeding five or six inches in any of them. In the horse, the ileum is the usual seat of this disease. It is of much importance to distinguish between spas- modic colic and inflammation of the bowels, for the symptoms have considerable resemblance, although the mode of treatment should be very different. The attack of colic xs usually very sudden. There is often 216 SPASMODIC COLIC. not the slightest warning. The horse begins to shift his posture, look round at his flanks, paw violently, strike his belly with his feet, and crouch in a peculiar manner, advancing his hind limbs under him ; he will then suddenly lie, or rather fall down, and balance himself upon his back, with his feet resting on his belly. The pain now seems to cease for a little while, and he gets up, and shakes himself, and begins to feed ; the respite, however, is but short — the spasm returns more violently — every indication oi pain is increased — he heaves at the flanks, breaks out into a pro- fuse perspiration, and throws himself more recklessly about. In the space of an hour or two, either the spasms begin to relax, and the remissions are of longer duration, or the torture is aug- mented at every paroxysm ; tlie intervals of ease are fewer and less marked, and inflammation and death supervene. The pulse is but little afi'ected at the commencement, but it soon becomes frequent and contracted, and at length is scarcely tangible. It will presently be seen that many of the symptoms very closely resemble those of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bowels : it may therefore be useful to point out the lead- ing distinctions between them. COLIC. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. Sudden in its attack. Gradual in its approach, -with pre- vious indications of fever. Pulse rarely much quickened in Pulse very much quickened, but the early period of the disease, and small, and often scarcely to be felt, during the intervals of ease; but evidently fuller. Legs and ears of the natural tern- Legs and ears coM. perature. ReUef obtained from rubbing the Belly exceedingly tender and pam- belly. ful to the touch. Relief obtained from motion. Motion evidently increasing the pain. Int a The shank-bone. b The upper and larger pastern-bone. c The sessamoid-bone. d The lower or smaller pastern-bone. e The navicular or shuttle-bone. /The coffin-bone, or bone of the foot. §• The suspensory ligament, inserted into the sessamoid-bone. fi A continuation of the suspensory ligament, inserted into the an aller pastern- bone. i The small inelastic ligament, tying down the sessamoid-bone to the larger pastern-bone. k A long ligament reaching from the pastern-bone to the knee. I The extensor tendon inserted into both the pasterns and the coffin-bone. m The tendon of the performing flexor inserted into the coffin-bone, after haviag passed over the navicular bone. n The seat of the navicular joint lameness. o The inner or sensible frog. p The cleft of the horny frog. q A ligament uniting the navicular bone to the smaller pastern. r A ligament uniting the navicular bone to the coffin-bone. s The sensible sole, between the coffin-bone and th-^ horny sole. t The horny sole. 7i The crust or wall of the foot. V The sensible laminae to which the crust is attached. 7C The coronary ring of the crust. X The covering of the coronary ligament from which the crust is secreted. •z Place of bleeding at the toe. 264 THE PASTERNS. At the back of the shank just below the knee, and in the space between the sphnt bones, is the susiJenwrTj ligament, admirably adapted to prevent concussion. It originates from the head of the shank-bone, and is inserted in the sessamoids. The pasterns (see Fig. 37) are united to the shank in an oblique direction, dif- fering in degree in the different breeds of horses, and in each adapt- ed to the purpose for which that breed was designed. The weight falls upon the pastern in the direction of the shank-bone, and the pastern being set on obliquely, a portion of that weight must oe communicated to the sessamoids. Much concussion is saved by the yielding of the pasterns, in consequence of their oblique direc- tion ; and the concussion which would be produced by that por- tion of weight which falls on the sessamoid bones is completely destroyed, for there is no bone underneath to receive it. They are suspended by this ligament — an elastAc ligament, which gradually yields to, and is lengthened by, the force impressed upon it, and in this gradual yielding and lengthening, materially lessening, or generally preventing, all painful or dangerous con- cussion. The length and obliquity of the pastern vary in the different breeds of horses, and on it depends the elastic action of the animal, and the easiness of his paces. The pastern must be long in pro- portion to its obliquity, or the fetlock will be too close to the ground, and, in rapid action, come violently into contact with it. In proportion as the pastern is oblique or slanting, two conse- quences will follow, less weight will be thrown on the pastern, and more on the sessamoid, and, in that proportion, concussion will be prevented. Every advantage, however, has, to a certain extent, its corre- sponding disadvantage. The long, slanting pastern has less strength, and will be more subject to strains. The long and slanting pastern is advantageous in the race- horse, from the springiness of action and greater extent of stride by which it is accompanied. A less degree of it is given in the nunter who is to unite continuance of exertion with ease of pace. For the hackney there should be sufficient obliquity to give pleas- antness of going, but not enough to endanger continuance and strength. In the cart-horse the pasterns are short and upright. Except a horse for general purposes, and particularly for riding, is very hardly used, a little too much obliquity is a far less evil than a pastern too upright. While the jolting of the upright pas- tern is an insufferable nuisance to the rider, it is injurious and most unsafe to the horse, and produces many diseases in the feet and legs, and particularly ringbone, ossification of the cartilage* and contracted feet. SUSPENSORY LIGAMENT ^FETLOCK GPuOGGINESS. 266 INJURIES TO THE SUSPENSORY LIGAMENT. The suspensory ligament is sometimes strained and even rup- tured by extraordinary exertion. The sessamoids, which in their natural state are suspended by it, and from which- function its name is derived, are in the latter case let down, and the fetlock almost touches the ground. This is generally mistaken for rup- ture of the flexor tendon ; but one circumstance will sufficiently demonstrate that it is the suspensory ligament which is concerned, viz. : that the horse is able to bend his foot. Rupture of this lig ament is a bad, and almost desperate case. The horse is frequently lame for life, and never becomes perfectly sound. Keeping him altogether quiet, bandaging the leg, and putting on a high-heeled shoe, will afibrd the most probable means of relief. The common injury to this ligament is sprain, indicated by lameness, and swelling, and heat, more or less severe in propor- tion as the neighboring parts are involved. This will sometimes yield to rest and cooling treatment ; but if the cape is obstinate, *t will be necessary to have recourse to firing. THE FETLOCK. The fetlock-joint is a very complicated one, and frr^m the stress which is laid on it, and its being the principal seat of motion be- low the knee, it is particularly subject to injury. There are not many cases of sprain of the back-sinew that are not ar^corapanied by inflammation of the ligaments of this joint ; and numerous supposed cases of sprain higher up are simple affection? of the fet- lock. It requires a great deal of care, and some experience, to distinguish the one from the other. The heat about the part, and the point at which the horse least endures the pressure of the finger, will be the principal guides. Occasionally, by the appli- cation of cooling lotions, the inflammation may be subdued, but, at other times, the horse sutlers dreadfully, and is unable to .stand A serious affection of the fetlock-joint demands treatment more prompt and severe than that of the sheaths of the tendons. GROGGINESS. The peculiar knuckling of the fetlock-joint, and the tottering ol the whole of the fore-leg, known by the name of grogginess, and which is so often seen in old and over- worked horses, is seldom an affection of either the fetlock or the pastern-joints simply. In deed it is difficult to fix on any particular joint, unless it is that .which is deep in the foot, and where the flexor tendon runs over L 266 CUTTING THE PASTERNS. the navicular bone. It seems oftenest to be a want of power in the ligaments of the joints generally, produced by frequent and severe sprains, or by ill-judged and cruel exertion. Professor Stewart very truly says, that "it is common among all kinds of fast workers, and long journeys at a fast pace will make almost any horse groggy. Bad shoeing and want of stable care may help to increase, but never can alone produce grogginess. It is one of the evils of excessive work." In the majority of cases it admits of no remedy.* CUTTLN-G. The inside of the fetlock is often bruised by the shoe or the hoof of the opposite foot. Many expedients used to be tried to remove this ; the inside heel has been raised and lowered, and the out- side raised and lowered ; and sometimes one operation has suc- ceeded, and sometimes the contrary ; and there was no point so involved in obscurity, or so destitute of principles to guide the practitioner. The most successful remedy, and that which in the great majority of cases supersedes all others, is Mr. Turner's shoe, of equal thickness from heel to toe, and having but one nail, and that near the toe on the inside of the shoe ; care being taken that the shoe shall not extend beyond the edge of the crust, and that the crust shall be rasped a little at the quarters. There are some defects, however, in the natural form of the horse, which are the causes of cutting, and which no contrivance will remedy ; as when the legs are placed too near to each other, or when the feet are turned inward or outward. A horse with these defects should be carefully examined at the inside of the fet- lock, and if there are any sore or callous places from cutting, there will be sufficient reason for rejecting the animal. Some horses will cut only when they are fatigued or lame, and old ; many colts will cut before they arrive at their full strength.! THE PASTERNS. A consideration of the pasterns will throw more light upon this and other diseases of the extremities. * Note hy Mr. Spooner. — The term grogc/lncss is applied by horsemen to slight lameness, which goes off with exercise, and whicli is shown in the sta- ble by the animal pointing the affected foot, 'f he seat of tlie disease is the navicular joint, and it is altogether miconnected witli that knuckling of the fetlock wiiich is often seen in horses much worked, and which appears to be owing to weakness of the sinews, principally of the extensors. f Note by Mr. Spooiier. — This evil is sometimes removed by shoeing the horse very thin on the inside, or even giving him a three-quarter slioe, the tendency of which plan is to make the horse carry his feet wider apart ; but. in some cases the very opposite plan is found the best THE PASTERNS. 267 The iipjoer pasteim "bone (5, Fig. 37, and a, in Fig, 38, and b, m Fig. 39,) receives the lower puUey-Uke head of the shank-bone, and forms a hinge-joint admitting only of bending and extension, but not of side motion ; it Hkewise forms a joint with the sessa- moid-bones. Its lower head has two rounded protuberances, which are received into corresponding depressions in the lower pastern. On either side, above the pastern-joint, are roughened projections for the attachment of very strong ligaments, both in capsular ligaments, and many cross ligaments, which render the joint between the two pasterns sufficiently secure. Fig. 38. Fig. 39. Fig. 38. a The upper pastern. b The lower pastern. c The navicular bone. The cofHn-bone. Fig. 39. a The sessamoid-bone. b The upper pastern. c The lower pastern. d The navicular bone. e The coffin-bone, with the horny laminas. The loiver pastern {d, Fig. 37, and b, in the first figure, and c, ill the second in this cut,) is a short and thick bone, with its larger Lead downward. Its upper head has tAvo depressions to receive the Fig. 40. protuberances on the lower head of the upper bone, bearing some resemblance to a pully, but not so decidedly as the lower head of the shank-bone. Its lower head resembles that 6M\T''^li!"\/ of the other pastern, and has also two prom- inences, somewhat resembling a pulley, by which it forms a joint with the colfiin-bone ; and a depression in front, corresponding with a projection in the coffin-bone. There are also two slight depressions behind, receiving eminences of the navicular bone. Neither of these joints admits of any lateral motion. The ligaments of this joint, both the capsu- lar and the cross ones, are, like those of the pastern-joint, exceedingly strong. The ten- don of the extensor muscle is inserted into 26S SPRAIN OF THE COFFIN-JOINT RINGBONE. the fore-part, both of the upper and lower pastern-bone&, as well as mto the upper part of the coiFin-bone (/, Fig. o7) ; and at the back of these bones the suspensory ligament is expanded and inserted, while a portion of it goes over the ibre- part of the upper pastern to reach the extensor tendon. These attachments hi liront of the bones i:re seen in P'ig. 40, in which ci represents the lower part of the shank-bone ; b the sessamoid- bones ; c the upper pastern ; d the lower pastern ; and e the coffin-bone ; f are tlie branches of the suspensory ligaments going to unite with the extensor tendon ; g the long extensor tendon ; h Lgaments connecting the two pastern-bones together ; and i the lateral cartilages of the foot. SPRAIN OF THE COFFIIS'-JOINT. The proof of this is when the lameness is sudden, and the heal and tenderness are principally felt round the coronet. Bleeding at the toe, physic, fomentation, and blisters are the usual means adopted. This lameness is not easily removed, even by a blister ; and if removed, like sprains of the fetlock and of the back sinews, it is apt to return, and finally produce a great deal of disorgani- zation and mischief in the foot. Sprain of the coffin-jointsome- times becomes a very serious affair. Not being always attended by any external swelling, and being detected only by heat round the coronet, the seat of the lameness is often overlooked by the groom and the farrier ; and the disease is suftered to become con- firmed before its nature is discovered. From violent or repeated sprains of the pastern or coffin-joints^ or extension of the ligaments attached to other parts of the pastern-bones, inflammation takes place in the periosteum, and bony matter is formed, which often rapidly increases, and is re- cognized by the name of =^ RINGBONE. Ringbone is is a deposit of bony matter in one of the pasterns, and usually near the joint. It rapidly spreads, and involves not only the pastern-bones, but the cartilages of .the foot, and spread- * Note by Mr. Spooner. — Sprain of the coffin-joint is extremely rare, the joint being so weU secured from injury by the horny box in which it is cased. Its hgaments are, however, occasionally strained, which may be detected by heat at the coronet and tenderness, when the joint is wrenched laterally. When these symptoms are absent, we may safely conclude the disease exists elsewhere. It is not this, but the navicular disease, which is often mistaken for shoulder lameness. This disease, when it does occur :)ften occasions ossifications of, and near, the side cartilages of the foot. RINGBONE. mg around tlie pasterns and cartilages thus derives its name. Wiien the first\] de])osit is on the lower pastern, and on both sides of it, and produced by violent aiflammation of the ligaments of the joints, it is recognized by a shght en- largement, or bony tumor on each side of the loot, and just above the coronet, (See /, Fig. 41.) Horses with short upright joints, and with small feet and high action, are oftenest, as may be sup- posed, the subjects of this disease, which is the consequence either of concussion or sprain of the pastern-joints. It is also more frequent in the hind foot than the fore, because, from the violent action of the hind legs in propelling the horse forward, the pasterns are more subject to legamentary injury behind than be- fore : yet the lameness is not so great there, because the disease is confined principally to the ligaments, and the bones have not been injured by con- cussion ; while from the position of the fore limbs, there will generally be in them injury of the bones to be added to that of the ligaments. In its early stage, and when recognized only by a bony enlargement on both sides of the pastern-joint, or in some few cases on one side only, the lameness is not very considerable, and it is not impossible to remove the disease by active blistering, or by the application of the cautery ; but there is so much wear and tear in this part of the animal, that the inflam- mation and the disposition to the for- mation of bone rapidly spread. The pasterns first become connected together by bone instead of ligament, and thence results what is called an anchylosed or fixed joint. From this joint the dis- ease proceeds to the cartilages of the foot, and to the union between the lower pas- tern, and the coffin and navicular bones. The motion cf these parts likewise is Fig. 41. 270 RINGBONE. impeded or lost, and the whole of the foot becomes one mass of spongy bone. From a disposition to spread, and at first around the paste rn-joint, which is situated just above the coronet, the disease has acquired the name of ringbone.* We have introduced a bird's-eye view of some of the principal lamenesses to which the fore extremities of the horse are sub- ject. At « is a representation of the capped hock, oi enlargement of the joint of the elbow. h is the tying-in of the leg below the knee. c is the most frequent situation of splint on the side of the shank-bone, and not producing lameness after its first forma- tion, because it does not interfere wtih the motion of the knee, nor injure the supensory ligament. d is the situation and appearance of the enlargement accom- panying sprain of the back sinews. This, however, is an aggravated case ; and the sprain may be great, and the lame- ness distressing, without all this swelling. e is the place of wind-gall. • / gives the appearance of ringbone when it first appears on the side of the pastern, about the joint, and where there is naturally some prominence of bone. g is the situation of sand-crack in the fore-leg. h the situation of mallenders. * Note hy Mr. Sjiooncr. — This disease, po termed because it constituted bony growth round the pastern-bones, is i>f two kinds, which are distin- guislied by horsemen as true and false ringbones. 'J'he former occurs at the pastern joint, and generally arises from strain of these ligaments ; but the latter consists in ossification of tiie cartilages of *l^e sides of the foot, which become enlarged, as well as converted into Done. This is less fre- quently the consequence of strains than the other disease, and it is oftener found with heavy cartdiorses than with lighter liorses. Indeed, with many horses there seems a predispositin to change their cartilaginous strucure into bone. The exciting cause of these false ringbones is concussion, pro- duced by the weight of the animal and the hardness of the road or pave- ment. Thus, on the London stones the disease is very common ; for the same reason, it is (he fore limbs where the disease occurs, in nine cases out of ten. Indeed, we have found that all ringbones are more common in the fore feet than in the hind ones. Tiie best treatment for ringbones of either kind is, after the inflammation has been in great measure removed by cooling applications, to fire the part, or ol her wise well rub in the iodide of mercury ointment, washing ofi' the effects on the following day, and thus repeating it again and again. We have by such means succeeded in removing the lameness, diminishing the enlargement, and restoring the animal, in many cases, to a state of useful- (less. CHAPTER XIII. THE HIND LEGS. THE HAUNCH. The haunch (see 0, p. Fig. 1, and Fig. 33,) is composed of three bones. The first is the iHum, principally concerned in the formation of the haunch. Its extended branches behind the flanks are prominent in every horse. Wheii they are more than usually wide, the animal is said to be ragged-ldpped. A branch runs up to the spine at the commencement of the sacral vertebrae (E), and here the haunch-bones are firmly united with the bones of the spine. The ischium, or hip-bone, is behind and below the ilium. Its tuberosities or prominences are seen under the tail (Fig. 1). The pubis unites with the two former below and behind. From the loins to the setting-on of the tail a line sliould be carried on almost straight, or rounded only in a slight degree. Thus the haunch-bones will be most oblique, and will produce a corresponding obliquity, or slanting direction, in the thigh-bone — a direction in which, as stated when the fore legs were described, the muscles act with most advantage. This direction of the haunch is characteristic of the thorough-bred horse ; and by the degree in which it is found, we judge to a considerable extent of the breeding of the animal. If the bones at D and E, (Fig. 1,) take a somewhat arched form, as they do in the cart-horse, it is evident that the haunch-bone would be more upright. The thigh-bone P would likewise be so. The stifle Q. would not be so far under the body, and the power of the horse would be con- siderably impaired. The oblique direction of the haunch and thigh-bovies, produced by the stiaightness of the line of the spine, does not, as is commonly supposed, afibrd increased surface for the attachment of muscles, but places the muscles in a direction to act with great advantage. It is in the advantageous direction, quite as much as in the bulk of the muscle, that the strength of the horse consists. iJ72 THE THIGH. Widtli of liaunch is a point of great consequence, for it evi dently affords more room for the attacjiment of muscles ; and even th)ugli it should be so wide as to subject the horse to the charg^e of being ragged-hipped, and may somewhat offend the eye, it will not often be any detriment to action. If the loins are broad and the horse well ribbed home, the protuberances of the hip-bones can scarcely be too far apart. Many a ragged- hipped horse has possessed both fleetncss and strength, while but few that were narrow across the haunch could boast of the latter quality. The only portion of these bones exposed to injury or fracture are the prominences of the haunch. A fall or blow may chip off or disunite a portion of them, and, if so, there are no means of forcibly bringing the disunited parts together again, and retain- ing them in their natural position. The power of nature, how- ever, will gradually unite them, but that union will be at- tended by deformity and lameness. A charge, or very strong adhesive plaster, across the haunch may be useful, as helping, in gome slight degree, to support the parts, and hold them together. [See "charge" in list of medicines.] THE THIGH. In. the loAver and fore part of the hip-bones is a deep cavity or cup to receive the head of the thigh-bone. The thigh-bone is both the largest and strongest in the frame. Its lower extremity is complicated in its form. It consists of two prominences, which are received into corresponding depressions in the next bone, and a hollow in front, in which the bone of the laiee or stifle plays as over a perfect pully. The muscles of the hinder extremity are more powerful than those in any other part of the frame, and they are covered by a strong tendinous coat or membrane, intended to confine them in their places. Another, thicker and firmer, lies below, and is intended to tighten and strengthen the first. It is represented at a in Fig. 42, raised and turned back. For practical purposes, and therefore for the purposes of this abridgment, the names of the muscles of the hinder parts — to identify the localities of injuries and diseases — is all that is necessary, and is all therefore that wiU 06 given. MUSCLES OF THE THIGH. cm OF THE MUSCLES, ETC., OF THE INSIDE OF THE THIGH 273 h a Inner tendinous coat raised and turned back. b The rectus, or straight muscle. c The vastus, or great muscle. d The sartorius, or tailor's muscle. e The gracilis muscle. f The pectineus muscle. h The extensor pedis, or extender of the foot i The flexor metatarsi, or bender of the leg. k The poplitceus muscle. / The peroiifeus muscle. Ki A portion of j in the next cut. 71 Inside view of the flexor, or perforatus of the foot. o The flexor perforatus, or perforating flexor of the foot p The course of the principal artery. q Blood-vessels belonging to the groin. r Tlie large cutaneous vein. s The princi pal nerves on the posterior part of the inside of the thigh t Principal nerves of the fore part of the inside of the thigh. u The ligamentous bands confining the tendons at the bending of the Lc-ik 18 274 MUSCLES OF THE THIGH. We now turn to some of the muscles, &c., that are evident to the eye on the outside of the thigh. CUT OF THE MUSCLES, ETC., OF THE OUTSIDE OF THE THIGIr Fig. 43. ^'^.^ c The great glutceus muscle. e Biceps femoris, or two-headed muscle. / Is a continuation of the membrane seen at a, in the preceding cut. t Glutasus externus. j A powerful muscle to extend the hock. k A slender muscle arising from the head of the fibula, its tendon unitmg wiUb that of the perforating muscle. m The peronseus muscle. n Extensor pedis, or extendor of the foot. o Flexor pedis, or bender of the foot. p Gives the course of the anterior arteries. Gives the course of the principal nerves. STIFLE. 275 The Os Femoris, or Thigh Bone (see P, Fig. 1), is long and cylindrical, taking an oblique direction from above, downwards, and from behind, forwards. At its upper extremities, and pro- jecting from the body, is a thick flattened neck, terminating in a large smooth hemispherical head, adapted to a hollow, in the su- perior point of the haunch. This bone is cominonly called the Round Bone. It has, in some rare instances, been dislocated and fractured. It is much oftener sprained, but not so frequently as the groom or farrier imagines. There is nothing peculiar in the lameness to detect injury of this part, except, that the horse will drag his leg aftei him. Injury of the round bone will be principally discovered by heat and tenderness in the situation of the 'oint. A part so deeply situated is treated with Ufficnlty. Fomen- tions should at first be used to abate the inflammation, and, aftei that, an active blister should be applied. Strains of this joint are not always immediately relieved, and the muscles of the limb in some cases waste considerably : it therefore may be necessary to repeat the blister, while absolute rest should accompany every stage of the treatment. It may even be requisite to fire the part, — or, as a last resort, a charge may be placed over the joint, and the horse turned out for two or three months.* THE STIFLE. The stifle joint and the patella (answering to the knee-pan m the human subject) are seen at p. 45, Fig. 1. The stifle joint is not often subject to sprain. The heat and tenderness will guide to the seat of injury. Occasionally, disloca- tion of the patella has occurred, and the horse drags the injured limb after him, or rests it on the fetlock ; the aid of a veteri- nary surgeon is here requisite. The muscles of the inside of the thigh have sometimes been sprained. This may be detected by diffused heat, or heat on the inside of the thigh above the stifle. * Note hy Mr. Spooner. — This disease is so extremely rare that we have eeldom met with an instance. The joint is so strong, so firmly secured, and so well protected, that it is almost impossible to become injm'ed without dislocation occurring. Unless we can detect heat or tenderness about the part, we are by no means justified in supposing that the round bone is the seat of injury. For, although it used to be the case that all obscure lame- nesses in the hind extremity were referred to some supposed disease in this joint, we are now well assured by post mortem examinations that in these ob- scure lamenesses the seat of disease is the hock joint. When the neighborhood of the hip joint is injured, there is external tender- ness, evinced on pressure, and the mischief is produced by external causas 276 HIND LEGS. CUT OF THE HAUNCH AND HIND LEGS. 44. Rest, fomentations, bleeding, and physic, will be the proper means of cure.* The lower bone of the thigh is double. The larger portion, in front, extending from the stifle to the hock, is called the Tibia. The smaller bone, or fibula, be- hind (see U, Fig. 1), reaches not more than a third of the way down. It is united to the shank-bone, like the splint-bone, by a cartilagin- ous substance, which is soon changed into a bony one. Of the use of these little bones we cannot speak. The lower bone of the thigh forms an angle with the upper one, being the re- verse of that which exists between the upper bone and the pelvis. In proportion to the acuteness of the angle between these two bones, and the degree consequently in which the stifle is brought under the horse, will be the direction given to the mus cles favorable to their power- ful action. [But, to prevent any misapprehension as to the external form of the parts which indicates what is here laid down as the proper di- rections of these bones, see the remarks on the Haunch in the beginning of this chapter. — Am. Ed.] There is much difference in this in different horses, * Note hy Mr. Spooner. — This joint and its connections are much more frequently the seat of disease than the joint above. From its situation, it i3 rather exposed to blows from the horse running through a narrow gateway^ and thus striking his stifle against the post. Swelling, and heat, and ten- derness, will point out the injured part, in addition to which the horse will DISEASES OF THE HOCK. 277 -nd the construction of this part of the frame is a matter worthy of more regard than is generally paid to it. This part of the thigh should likewise be long. In proportion to the length of the muscle is the degree of contraction of which it is capable ; and also in proportion to the contraction of the muscle is the extent of motion in the limb ; but it is still more necessary that this part of the thigh should have considerable muscle, in order that strength may be added to such extent oi compass of motion. Much endurance would not be expected from a horse with a thin arm. A horse with thin and lanky thighs will not possess the strength wliich considerable exertion would sometimes require. THOROUGH-PIK Mention has been made of wind-galls and their treatment. A similar enlargement is found above the hock, between the ten- dons of the flexor of the foot and the extensor of the hock. As from its situation it must necessarily project on both sides of the hock, in the form of a round swelling, it is called a thowugh- fin, a Fig. 44. It is an indication of considerable work, but is rarely attended by lameness. The mode of treatment must re- semble that for wind-galls. Although thorough-pin cannot, per- haps, be pronounced to be unsoundness, it behoves the buyer to examine well a horse that is disfigured by it, and to ascertain whether undue work may not have injured him in other respects. "^ THE HOCK. This is a most important joint, occasionally the evident, and much oftener the unsuspected seat of lameness, and the proper etep very short with the affected limb, being unable to extend it. The lat- ter symptom will be also present when the ligaments of this joint have been strained, which, though very unfrequent, is yet occasionally the case. The treatment in these cases consists in applying fomentations and cooling applications to the part affected, until the inflnmmation is subdued; which, if severe, may be farther assisted by bleeding from the vein inside the thigh, and so relieving the vessels in the neighborhood of the joint. When the iu ■ flammation is subdued, a blister on the joint will be desirable in cases or strains, but will rarely be required when a blow is the cause of injury. * Note hy Mr. Spooner. — The usual seat of thorough-pins is below, and in advance of the point of the hock, and it consists of distension of the cap- sular ligament at this part, and often a giving way or rupture of its connec- tions. It precisely resembles bog-spavin, which occurs at the lower and front part of the same joint. These affections may occur independently, but more frequently are found together. Though seldom productive of lame- ness, a weakness and stiffness of the part is often the consequence. The best treatment is either the application of the firing-iron, or the repeated rubbmg in of the ointment of oidine and mercury. A seton over the part has been found useful 278 THE HOCK. formation of which is essentially connected with the value of the horse. It answers to the ancle in the human being. Fiff.. 45. a. The fibia. b. The astragalus. c. Os calchis, or bone of the heel. d. Os euboides, or cube-formed bone. e. The larger cuneifora, or wedge-spaped bone. f. The two smaller wedge-shaped bones. fi-. The shank -bone. a. The splint-bones. ENLARGEMENT OF THE HOCK. 279 These bones are all connected together by very strong liga- ments which prevent dislocation, but allow a slight degree of mo- tion between them, and the surfaces which are opposed to each other are thickly covered by elastic cartilage. Much more depends, than they who are not well accustomed to horses imagine, on the length of the os calcis or projection of the hock. In proportion to the length of this bone will two pur- poses be effected. The line of direction will be more advantage- ous, for it will be nearer to a perpendicular, and the arm of the lever to which the power is applied will be lengthened, and thus mechanical advantage will be gained to an almost incredible ex- tent. The slightest lengthening of the point of the hock will wonderfully tell in the course of a day's work, and therefore it is that the character of the os calcis is of such immense importance. The line of direction of the legs beneath the hocks should not be disregarded. The leg should descend perpendicularly to the fetlock. The weight and stress will thus be equally diffused, not only over the whole of the hock, but also the pasterns and the foot. Some horses have their hocks closer than usual to each other. The legs take a divergo-nt direction outward, and the toes also are turned outward. These horses are said to be cat- or cow-hocked. They are generally supposed to possess considera- ble speed. But this advantage is more than counterbalanced by many evils. The increased contraction of the muscles is an ex- penditure of animal power ; and, as already stated, the weight and the concussion being so unequally distributed by this forma- tion of the limbs, some part must be over-strained and over- work- ed, and injury must ensue. On this account it is that the cow- hocked horse is more subject than others to thorough-pin and spa- vin ; and is so disposed to curbs, that these hocks are denominated by horsemen curby hocks. The mischief extends even farther than this. Such a horse is peculiarly liable to wind-gall, sprain of the fetlock, cutting, and laiuckling. A slight inclination to this form in a strong powerful horse may not be very objectionable, but a horse decidedly cow-hocked should never be selected. ENLARGEMENT OF THE HOCK. First, there is inflammation, or spraiii of the hock-joint gene- rally, arising from sudden violent concussion, by some check at speed, or overweight, and attended with enlargement of the whole joint, and great tenderness and lameness. This, however, like other diffused inflammations, is not so untractable as an intense one of a more circumscribed nature, and by rest and fomentation, 880 CURB. or, perchance, firing, tlie limb recovers its action, and the horse becomes fit for ordinary work. The swelling, however, does not always subside. Enlarge- ment, spread over the whole of the hock-joint, remains. A horse with an enlarged hock must always be regarded with suspicion. In truth, he is unsound. The parts-, altered in structure, must be, to a certain degree, weakened. The animal may discharge his usual work during a long period, without return of lameness ; but if one of those emergencies should occur when all his ener- gies require to be exerted, the disorganised and weakened part will fail. CURB. There are often injuries of particular parts of the hock-joint. Curb is an affection of this kind. It is an enlargement at the back of the hock, three or four inches below its point. It is rep- resented at d, Fig. 44, and is either a strain of the ring-like liga- ment which binds the tendons in their place, or of the sheath of the tendons ; oftener, however, of the ligament than of the sheath. Any sudden action of the limb of more than usual vio- lence may produce it, and therefore horses are found to ' throw out curbs' after a hardly-contested race, an extraordinary leap, a severe gallop over heavy ground, or a sudden check in the gal- lop. Young horses are particularly liable to it, and horses that are coiv-hocked (vide Fig. 44), — whose hocks and legs resemble those of the cow, the hocks being turned inward, and the legs forming a considerable angle outwards. This is intelligible enough ; for in hocks so formed, the annular ligament must be continually on the stretch, in order to confine the tendon. Curbs are generally accompanied by considerable lameness at their first appearance, but the swelling is not always great. They are best detected by observing the leg sideway. The first object in attempting the cure is to abate inflamma- tion, and this will be most readily accomplished by cold evapo- rating lotions frequantly applied to the part. Equal portions of spirit of wine, water, and vinegar, will afford an excellent appli- cation. It will be almost impossible to keep a bandage on. If the heat and lameness are considerable, it will be prudent to give a dose of physic, and to bleed from the subcutaneous vein, whose course is represented at r. Fig. 42 ; and whether the injury is of the annular ligament, or the sheath of the tendon, more active means will be necessary to perfect the cure. Either a liquid blister should be rubbed on the part, consisting of a vinous or turpentine tincture of cantharides, and this daily applied until some considerable swelling takes place ; or, what is th^ prefer BOG SPAVIN. 281 aWe plan, the hair should be cut off, and the part blistered aa Boon as the heat has been subdued. The blister should be re- peated until the swelling has disappeared, and the horse goes sound. In severe cases it may be necessary to fire ; but a fair trial, however, should be given to milder measures. If the iron is used, it should be applied in straight lines. There are few lamenesses in which the absolute and long-con- tinued rest is more requisite. It leaves the parts materially weak- ened, and, if the horse is soon put to work again, the lameness will frequently return. No horse that has had curbs, should be put even to ordinary work in less than a month after the appa- rent cure ; and, even then, he should very gradually resume his former habits. A horse with a curb is manifestly unsound. A horse with the vestige of curb, should be regarded with much suspicion, or gene- rally condemned as unsound. Curb is also an hereditary complaint, and therefore a horse that has once suffered from it should always be regarded with suspicion, especially if either of the parents has exhibited it.=^ BOG SPAVIN. The hock is plentifully supplied with reservoirs of mucus, to lubricate (make slippery) the different portions of this compli- * Note hy Ifr. Spooner. — The seat of this injury is usually the flexor tendon of the leg, as it passes through a sheath at the back of the hock. It therefore resembles a strain of the back sinews, as they are commonly called, although the injury is seldom so severe or so difficult to be cured. There are many degrees as to the amount and extent of the injury and the corresponding lameness. It is by far the best plan to take a horse out of work immediately on his showing lameness, as by that means the cure can be more expeditiously and perfectly effected ; and there is much less en- largement left afterwards than when a horse is patched up by the applica- cation of stimulants, and worked on, thereby renewing the strain ao-ain and again. After the inflammation has been quite subdued by the means pointed out in the text, we have found that the firing-iron effects the most perfect cure, and secures the animal, in nine cases out of ten, from a return of the lameness. The marks of the iron, in cases of curbs, need not be great, and never operate to the animal's disadvantage. We have always found that a horse which has been fired for a curb, will realize as much, or more, than another which has thrown out a curb, but has not been fired for it We have also frequently found that a horse fired for a curb has remained BouniJ, while in the course of a twelvemonth he has thrown out a curb on the other hock, even though he had been fired with a view of preventing it, showing that, though firing may act as a cure, it does not act as a pre- ventative. In the examination of horses for soundness, we have not hesitated to pass a horse with a curb, requiring, however, a special warranty that should the curb cause lameness within a reasonable time, the seller shaU be responsible. 282 BOG SPAVIN. cated joint. Some of these are found on the inside of the joint, which could not be represented in Fig. 45. From over exertion of the joint, they become inflamed, and considerably enlarged. They are wind-galls of the hock. The subcutaneous vein passes over the inside of the hock, and over some of these enlarged mucous reservoirs, and is compressed between them and the external integument — ^the course of the blood is partially ar rested, and a portion of the vein below the' impediment, anrf between it and the next valve, is distended, and causes the sofi tumor on the inside of the hock, called Bog or Blood sjjavin. This is a very serious disease, attended with no great, but often permanent lameness, and too apt to return when the en- largement has subsided under medical treatment. It must be considered as decided unsoundness. In a horse for slow draught, it is scarcely worth while even to attack it. And in one des- tined to more rapid action, the probability of a relapse should not be forgotten, when the chances of success and the expenses of treatment are calculated. The cause of the disease — ^the enlarged mucous sack or cap- sule — lies deep, and is with difficulty operated upon. Uniform pressure would sometimes cause the absorption of the fluid con- tained in cysts or bags like these, but in a joint of such exten sive motion as the hock, it is difficult, or almost impossible, to confine the pressure on the precise spot at which it is required. Could it be made to bear on the enlarged bag, it would likewise press on the vein, and to a greater degree hinder the passage of the blood, and increase the swelling below the obstruction. The old and absurd method of passing a ligature above and below the enlarged portion of the vein, and then dissecting out the tumor, is not, in the advanced stage of veterinary science, prac- tised by any surgeon who regards his reputation. The only method of relief which holds out any promise even of temporary success, IS exciting considerable inflammation on the skin, and thus rousing the deeper-seated absorbents to carry away the fluid eftused in the enlarged bag. For this purpose, blisters or firing may be tried : but in the majority of cases, the disease will bid defiance to all appliances, or will return and baffle our hopes when we had seemed to be accomplishing our object. A horse with bog spavin will do for ordinary work. He may draw in a cart, or trot fairly in a lighter carriage, with little detri- ment to his utility ; but he will never do for hard or rapid work.* _ * Note hy Mr. Spooner. — Our observations under the head of thorough- pins equally apply here ; only that bog spavins are generally more serious, the capsular ligament having a larger amount of surface at the lower part of the hock than at the upper It must not be forgotten that it is the joint itself that is affected, and not the parts exterior to it. BONE SPAVIN. 283 BONE SPAVIN. A still more formidable disease raiilvs under the name of Spavin, and is an affection of the bones of the hock-joint. It has been stated that the bones of the leg, the shank-bone, g, Fig. 45, and the two small splint-bones behind, h, support thelowei layer of the bones of the hock. The cube-bone, d, rests prin- cipally on the shanlv-bone, and in a slight degree on the outer splint-bone. The middle wedge-bone,/, rests entirely upon the shank-bone, and the smaller wedge-bone presses (not seen in the cut) in a very sliiiht degree on the shank-bone, but princi paliy, or almost entirely, on the inner splint-bone. Then the splint-bones sustain a very unequal degree of concussion and weight. Not only is the inner one placed more under the body, and nearer the centre of gravity, but it has almost the Avhole of tire weight and concussion communicated to the smaller cunei- form bone carried on it. It is not therefore to be wondered at that the mner splint-bone, or its ligaments, or the substance which connects it with the shanli-bone should receive injury, particularly in young horses, before the limbs have become properly knit. The smith frequently greatly increases this ten- dency, by raising the outer heel higher than the inner one, to prevent cutting (interfering). The weight and concussion bemg thrown principally on the mner splint-bone, produce inflammation of the cartilaginous substance that unites it to the shank-bone. In consequence of it, the cartilage is absorbed, and bone deposited ; the union be- tween the splint-bone and the shank becomes bony, instead of cartilaginous ; the degree of elastic action between them is destroyed, and there is formed a splint of the hind leg. As in the fore leg, the disposition to Ibrm bony matter having com- menced, and the cause which produced it continuing to act, bone continues to be deposited, and it generally appears in the form of a tumor, where the head of the splint-bone is united with the shank, and in front of that union. It is seen at c, Pig. 44. This is called bone spavin. Inflammation of the ligaments of any of the small bones of the hock, proceeding to bony tumor, would equally class under the name of spavin ; but, commonly, the disease commences on the precise spot that has been described. While spavin is forming, there is always lameness, and that frequently to a very great degree : but when the membrane of the bone has accommodated itself to the tumor that extended it, the lameness subsides or disappears, or depends upon the degree in wliich the bony deposit interferes with the motion of the 284 BONE SPAVIN. joint. It is well known to horsemen, that many a hunter, with spavm that would cause his rejection by a veterinary surg-eon, stands his work without lameness. Horses with exceedingly Large spavins, are often seen that are only slightly lame, or that merely have a stiffness in their gait at first starting, but which gradually goes off after a little motion ; while others, with the bony tumor comparatively small, have the lameness so great as to destroy the usefulness of the horse. There is always this peculiarity in the lameness of spavin, that it abates, and sometimes disappears, on exercise ; and, therefore, a horse, with regard to which there is any suspicion of this affection, should be examined when first in the morning it is taken from the stable. If the spavin continues to increase, the bony deposit first spreads over the lower wedge-bones, then the larger wedge- bones, and even to the cuboid bones on the other side, [see jFig. 45.] Up to this point, it may not produce much lameness, because there is very little motion in these parts of the joint. But when it extends to the union of the tibia and astragalus, in which is the chief motion of the hock, the lameness becomes severe, and the horse becomes nearly or quite useless. Spavined horses are generally capable of slow work and often improve on the farm. For fast work, and for work that must be regularly performed, spavined horses are not well calculated ; for this lameness behind produces great difficulty in rising, and the consciousness that he will not be able to rise without painful effort occasionally prevents the horse from lying down at all ; and the animal that cannot rest well cannot long travel far or fast. The treatment of spavin is simple enough, but far from being always efiectual. The owner of the horse will neither consult his own interest, nor the dictates of humanity, if he sufiers the chisel and mallet, or the gimlet, or the pointed iron, or arse- nic, to be used ; yet measures of considerable severity must be resorted to. Repeated blisters will usually cause either the absorption of the bony deposit, or the abatement or removal of the inflammation of the ligaments, or, as a last resource, the heated iron may be appHed.^ * Note hy Mr. Spooner. — Bone spavin, as stated in the text, is one of the most serious by which the horse is affected. In the majoiity of cases it must be confessed that treatment does not succeed*in removing lameness When the disease is a simple ossification, on or below the small bones of the hock, the lameness may generally be removed ; but it is more fre- quently the case that the disease extends itself between the small bones of the hock, causing ulceration of the synovial membrane and cartilage forming the articulating surfaces, and even extending to the substance of CAPPED HOCK. 285 The account of the diseases of the hock is not yet completed. It is well known that the horse is frequently subject to lameness behind, when no ostensible cause for it can be Ibund, and there •is no external heat or enlargement to indicate the seat of il . It is often pronounced an aflection of the stifle, or of the round bone ; or, if there is a stiffness about the hock, the commence- ment of spavin. Yet in the latter case, the joint may be of its natural size and neither heat nor tenderness perceptible ; and months and years elapse without any appearance of spavin. Repeated dissections have shown that m these cases of incurable lameness behind, where there are no indications, during life, to point out the seat of it, it is occasioned by injuries to the deli- cate and sensible membranes with which the upper and lower wedge-bones are invested. Ulceration of the synovial mem- brane between the upper and lower wedge-shaped bones some- times takes place, and the bones themselves become carious oi ulcerated. CAPPED HOCK. The point of the hock is sometimes swelled. A soft, fluctuat ing tumor appears on it. This is an enlargement of one of the mucous bags of which mention has been made, and that sur- rounds the insertion of the tendons into the point of the hock. It is seldom accompanied by lameness, and yet it is a some- the bones themselves. When such is the nature of the case, treatment will, to a great extent, prove unavailing. The amount of enlargement that may exist, therefore, offers no criterion as to the greater or lesser serious ness of the case, for a large exostosis may occur without this ulceration, which latter may exist in some instances with very little enlargement, and, in others, none whatever. Indeed, as stated in the text, in the greater number of cases of lameness of the hind extremities, where no cause is externally perceptible, the seat of injury is the hock. In the majority of cases, the synovial surfaces of the small bones of the hock are affected, in others the larger articulation between the tibia and astragalus is the seat of mischief, the synovial membrane and cartilage being similarly affected. With regard to the treatment of these hock cases, as we before ob- served, the result is extremely uncertain and unsatisfactory. If any ex- ternal inflammation is present, we cannot do better than commence by abstracting blood from tlie vein above, and use cooling applications to the hock ; after which we may resort either to the blister, the seton, or the iron. The first is the milder remedy, and if resorted to, should be repeated several times. With regard to the.seton, and the iron, we have both suc- ceeded and failed with each. It may be urged in favor of the seton that the marks and blemishes of the iron are avoided. In otherwise incurable lameness of tlie hock, the operation of neu- rotomy has been adopted with success, excising the nerve on the inside only a few inches above the hock. The merit of this operation is principally due to Professor Spooner, of the Royal Veterinary College of Loudon, who was ;he first to perform and introduce it. 286 MALLENDERS AND SALLENDERS. what serious business, for it is usually produced by blows and mostly by the injuries which the horse inflicts upon himself in the act of kicking : therefore it is that a horse with a capped hock is very properly regarded with a suspicious eye. The whole of the hock should be carefully examined, in order to discover whether there are other marks of violence, and the previous iiistory of the animal should be carefully inquired into. Does he kick in har- ness or in the stall, or has he been lying on a thin bed, or on no bed at all ; and thus may the hock have been bruised, and the swelling produced ? It is exceedingly difficult to apply a bandage over a capped hock ; and puncturing the tumor, or passing a seton through it, would be a most injudicious practice. Blisters, or iodine, repeated as often as may be necessary, are the best means to be employed. Occasionally the tumor will spontaneously disappear ; but at other times it will attain a large size, or assume a callous structure, that will bid defiance to all the means that can be employed.^ MALLENDERS AND SALLENDERS. On the inside of the hock, or a little below it, as well as at the oend of the knee {h, Fig. 41), there is occasionally a surfy erup- tion, called mallenders in the fore-leg, and saUenders in the hind- leg. They seldom produce lameness ; but if no means are taken to get rid of them, a discharge proceeds from them which it is af- terwards difficult to stop. They usually indicate bad stable man- agement. A diuretic ball should be occasionally given, and an ointment of sugar-of-lead and tar, with treble the quantity of lard, rubbed over the part. Should this fail, a weak mercurial ointment may be used. Iodine has here also been useful. * Note hy Mr. Spooner. — The actual seat of this injuiy is between the skin and the tendons inserted in, and passing over, the point of the hock. The skiu is very loose at this part, and, to facilitate the motions of the hock, there is much cellular membrane. A capped hock is a serous tumor or ab- scess ; that is, the parts are inflamed and irritated from blows, and serum is- thrown out between the skin and the cellular membrane, and the tumor is circumscribed. The vice of kicking against the stall-post is, in nearly every case, the cause of this disease. We sliould endeavor to remove the swelling by cooling measures, followed by a blister, or the application of iodine oint- ment : but if these means fail, and the tumor is large, we may pass a seton through it with impunity, for there is no joint or tendinous sheath opened The seton should be kept in until the discharge becomes slightly purulent, or otherwise the tumnr will soon fill again with. serum. SWELLED LEGS. 287 SWELLED LEGS The fore-legs, but oftener the hind ones, and especially in coarse hoises, are sometimes subject to considerable enlargement. Oc- casionaily, when the horse does not seem to labor under any other disease, and sometimes from an apparent shifting of disease from other parts, the hind-legs suddenly swell to an enormous degree from the hock, and almost from the stifle to the fetlock, attended by a greater or less degree of heat, and tenderness of the skin, and sometimes excessive and peculiar lameness. The pulse likewise becomes quick and hard, and the horse evidently labors under considerable fever. It is acute inflammation of the cellular sub- stance of the legs, and that most sudden in its attack, and most violent in its degree, and therefore attended by the effusion of a considerable quantity of fluid into the cellular memibrane. It oc- curs in young horses, and in those which are over-fed and little exercised. Fomentations, diuretics, or purgatives, or, if there is much fever, a moderate bleeding will often relieve the distention almost as suddenly as it appeared. Sometimes the legs are swelled without lameness. At other times there is a, great degree of stiffness and pain. Occasionally they become tremendously swollen in a single night, and exhibit great tenderness. Many horses, if suflered to remain several days without exercise, will have swelled legs. If the case is neglected, abscesses appear in various parts of the legs ; the heels are at- tacked by grease, and, if proper measures are not adopted, the horse has an enlarged leg for life. The cure, when the case has not been too long neglected, is sufficiently plain. Physic or diuretics, or both, must be had re- curse to. Mild cases will generally yield to their influence ; but, if the animal has been neglected, the treatment must be decisive. If the horse is m high condition, these should be preceded or ac- companied by bleeding ; but if there are any symptoms of debility, bleeding would only increase the want of tone in the vessels. Horses taken from grass and brought into close stables verj speedily have swelled legs, because the difference of food and in- crease of nutriment rapidly increase the quantity of the circulating fluid, while the want of exercise takes away the means by which it might be got rid of. The remedy here is sufficiently plain. Swelled legs, however, may proceed from general debility. They may be the consequences of starvation, or disease that has con- siderably weakened the animal ; and these parts, being farthest from the centre of circulation, are the first to show the loss of power by the accumulation of fluid in them. Here the means of cure would be to increase the general strength, with which the 288 GREASE. extremities would sympathize. Mild diuretics and tonics would therefore be evidently indicated. Horses in the spring and fall are subject to swelled legs. Tho powers of the constitution are principally employed in providing a new coat for the animal, and the extremities have not their share of vital influence. Mingled cordials and diuretics are indicated here — the diuretic to lessen the quantity of the circulating fluid, and the cordial to invigorate the frame. Swelled legs are often teasing in horses that are in tolerable or good health : but where the work is somewhat irregular, the cure consists in giving more equal exercise, walking the horse out daily when the usual work is not required, and using plenty of friction in the form of hand-rubbing. Bandages have a greater and more durable eflect, for nothing tends more to support the capillary ves- sels, and rouse the action of the absorbents, than moderate pres- sure. Hay-bands will form a good bandage for the agricultural horse, and their effect will probably be increased by previously dipping them in water. The physic, or the diuretic ball may occasionally be used, but very sparingly : and only when they are absolutely required. In the hands of the owner of the horse, or the veterinary surgeon, they may be employed with benefit ; but in those of the carter or the groom they will do far more harm than good. The frequent and undue stimulus of the urinary organs by the diuretic ball, will be too often followed by speedy and incurable debility. If the swelling bids defiance to exercise, and friction, and bandage, the aid of the diuretic may be resorted to, but never until these have failed, unless there is an evident tendency to humor or grease. GREASE.* Swelled legs, although distinct from grease, is a disease that is apt to degenerate into it. G-rease is a specific inflammation of the skin of the heels, sometimes of the fore-feet, but oftener of the hinder ones. It is noj; a contagious disease, as some have asserted, although when it once appears in a stable it frequently attacks almost every horse in it. Bad stable management is the true cause of it. There is a peculiarity about the skin of the heel of the horse. In its healthy state there is a secretion of greasy matter from it, in order to prevent excoriation and chapping, and the skin is soft and pliable. Too often, however, from bad management, the secre- tion of this greasy raiatter is stopped, and the skin of the heel be- comes red, and dry, and scurfy. The joint still continuing to bo * A variety of this is termed " Scratches" in the United States. — Am. Ed GREASE. 2d 9 extended and flexed, cracks of the skin begin to appear, and these, if neglected, rapidly extend, and the heel becomes a mass of sore- ness, ulceration, and fungus. The distance of the heel from the centre of circulation, and the exposure and changes to which the part is subjected, render it a matter of little wonder that it is frequently attacked by inflam- mation. Grease is a local complaint. It is produced principally by causes that act locally, and it is most successfully treated hy lo- cal applications. Diuretics and purgatives may be useful in abat- ing iuliammation ; but the grand object is to get rid of the in- flammatory action which exists in the skin of the heel, and to heal the wounds, and remedy the mischief which it has oc- casioned. The first appeaaance of grease is usually a dry and scurfy state of the skin ot" the heel, with redness, heat, and itchiness. The heel should be well but gently washed with soap and water, and as much of the scurf detached as is easily removable. An oint- ment, composed of one part plum, diacet. and seven of adeps suilla; will usually supple, and cool, and heal the part. When cracks appear, the mode of treatment will depend on their extent and depth. If they are but slight, a lotion, composed plumbi sulph. 3ij. et aluminis 3iiij., dissolved in a pint of water, will often speedily dry them up, and close them. There is some- times considerable caprice in the application of this lotion, which has induced Professor Morton to have recourse to alumen et tere- binthinus vulgaris one part each, and adeps suillse three parts, made into an ointment. If the cracks are deep, with an ichorous discharge and consider- able lameness, it will be necessary to poultice the heel. A poul- tice of linseed meal will be generally effective, unless the discharge is thin and oflensive, when an ounce of finely-powdered charcoal should be mixed with the linseed meal ; or a poultice of carrots, boiled soft and mashed. The efficacy of a carrot-poultice is sel- dom sufficiently appreciated in cases like this. When the inflammation and pain have evidently subsided, and the sores discharge good matter, the calamine ointment may be applied with advantage ; and the cure will generally be quickened if a very diluted vitriolic or alum solution is applied. The best medicine will consist of nfild aloetic balls ; gentle diu- retics being given towards the close of the treatment. After the chaps or cracks have healed, the legs will sometimes continue gorged and swelled. A flannel bandage, evenly applied over the whole of the swelled part, will be very serviceable ; or, should the season admit of it, a run at grass, particularly spring grass, "should be allowed. A blister is inadmissible, trom the dan 19 M 290 GREASE. ger of bringing back the inflammation of the skin, and the dis- charge from it ; but the actual cautery, special care being taken not to penetrate the skin, may occasionally be resorted to. In some cases the cracks are not confined to the centre of the heels, but spread over them, and extend on the fetlock, and even up the leg, while the legs are exceedingly swelled, and there is a watery discharge from the cracks, and an apparent oozing through the skin at other places. The legs are exceedingly tender and sometimes hot, and there is an appearance which the farrier thinks very decisive as to the state of the disease, and which the better informed man should not overlook — tlie heels smoke — the skin is so hot, that the watery fluid partly evaporates as it runs from the cracks or oozes through the skin. There will be great danger in suddenly stopping this discharge. Inflammation of a more important part has rapidly succeeded to the injudicious attempt. The local application should be directed to the abatement of the inflammation. The poultices just referred to should be diligently used night and day, and especially the carrot-poultice ; and when the heat, and tenderness, and stiffness of motion have diminished, astringent lotions may be applied — either the alum lotion, or a strong decoction of oak-bark, changed, or used alternately, but not mixed. The cracks should likewise be dressed Avith the ointment above-mentioned ; and, the moment the horse can bear it, a flannel bandage should be put on, reach- ing from the coronet to three or four inches above the swelling. The medicine should be confined to mild diuretics, mixed with one-third part of cordial mash ; or, if the horse is gross, and the inflammation runs high, a dose of physic may be given. If the horse is strong, and fall of flesh, physic should always precede and sometimes supercede the diuretics. In cases of much debil- ity, diuretics, with aromatics or tonics, will be preferable. The feeding should likewise vary with the case, but with these rules, which admit of no exception, that green meat should be given, and more especially carrots, when they are not too expen- sive, and mashes, if the horse will eat them, and never the full allowance of corn. Walking exercise should be resorted to as soon as the horse is able to bear it, and this by degrees may be increased to a gentle trot. From, bad stable management at first, and neglect during the disease, a yet worse kind of grease occasionally appears. The .ilceration extends over the skin of the heal and the fetlock, and a fungus springs from the surface of both, highly sensible, bleeding nt the slightest touch, and interspersed with scabs. By degrees, portions of the fungus begin to be covered with a horny substance protruding in the form of knobs, and collected together in bunches. GREASE. 291 These are known by the name of grajjes. A foetid and very pc cuHar exudation proceeds from nearly the whole of the unnatural substance. The horse evidently suilers much, and is gradually worn down by the discharge. The assistance of a veterinary sur- geon is here hidispensable. Some horses are more subject to grease than others, particu- larly draft horses, both heavy and light, but especially the former, and if they have no degree of blood in them. It was the experi- ence of this which partly contributed to the gradual change ol coach and other draught horses to those of a lighter breed. In the great majority of cases, grease arises from mismanagement and neglect. Want of exercise, high feeding and want of exercise, want of cleanliness, and dirty stables are among the causes of it. The absurd practice of washing the feet and legs of horses when they come from their work, and either carelessly spongnig them down afterwards, or leaving them to dry as they may, is, however, the most common origin of grease. AVhen the horse is warmed by his work, and xne heels share in the warmth, the momentary cold of washing may noi be inju- rious, if the animal is immediately rubbed dry ; yet even this would be better avoided : but to wash out the heeis, and then leave them partially dry or perfectly wet, and suiiering from the extreme cold that is produced by evaporation from a moist and wet surface, is the most absurd, dangerous, and injurious practice that can be imagined. It is worse when the post-horse or the plough-horse is plunged up to his belly in the river or pond, immediately after his work. The owner is little aware how many cases of inflammation of the lungs, and bowels, and feet, and heels follow. After they have been suffered to stand for twenty minutes in the stable, during which time the horse-keeper or the carter may be employed in taking care of the harness, oi carriage, or begiiming to dress the horse, the greater part of the dirt which had collected about the heels may be got rid of with a dry brush ; and the rest will disappear a quarter of an hour afterwards under the operation of a second brushing. The trouble will not be great, and the heels will not be chilled and subject to inflammation. Their has been some dispute as to the propriety of cutting the hair from the heels. Custom has very properly retained the bail on our farm- horses. Nature would not have given it, had it not been useful. It guards the heel from being injured by the in- equalities of the ploughed field ; it prevents the dirt in which the heels are constantly enveloped, from reaching and caking on, and irritating the skin ; it hinders the usual moisture which is mixed with the clay and mould from rcaching the skin, and it 292 GE.EASE. preserves an equal temperature in the parts. If the hair is suf- fered to remain on the heels of the farm-horses, there is greater necessity for brushing and hand-rubbing the heels, and never washing them. Fashion and utility have removed the hair from the heels of our hackney and carriage horses. When the horse is carefully tended after his work is over, and his legs quickly and completely dried, the less hair he has about them the better, for then both the skin and the hair can be made perfectly dry before evapora- tion begins, or proceeds so far as to deprive the legs of their heat.^ Note by Mr. Spooner. — In the treatment of this disease and those anal- agous cases of humors or swellings of the legs by which it is preceded, blood-letting will be generally desirable, with a dose of physic ; for it is while the system is under the cooling effects of these depletive agents that local oxeJKsures are attended with the greatest benefit. Poultices either of linsep^l meal or carrots, may be applied, and astringent lotions added to them so as to remove the irritation, and check the discharge at the samo time. CHAPTER XIV. THE FOOT. a The external crnst eeen at the quarter. b The coronary rhig. c The Httle horny plates lining the crust. d The same contin- ued over the bars. e e The two concave surfaces of the inside of the horny frog. / That vi^hich exter- nally is the cleft of the frog. g The bars. \ The rounded part of the heels, belonging to the frog. This cut exhibits, in as satisfactory an-l structure of the base of the foot. manner, the mechanism Fig. 47. a a The frog. h The sole. c c The bars. d. d The crast. Ttie toot is composed of the horny box that covers the extrem- ities of llic horse, and the contents of that box. The hoof or box is <'omj)i).fvhen they are dry, do not produce these effects in a ahill, and, therefore, all his work coming upon him at once, he gradually acquired this dangerous habit. A hasty and passionate breaker will often make a really good- tempered young horse an inveterate gibber. Every young horse is at first shy of the collar. If he is too quickly forced to throw his weight into it, he will possibly take a dislike to it, that will oocasionally show itself in the form of gibbing as long as he lives. The judicious horse-breaker will resort to no severity, even if the colt should go out several times without even touch- ing collar. The example of his companion will ultimately induce him to take it voluntarily and effectually. xA large and heavy stone should be put behind the wheel be- fore starting, when the horse, finding it more difficult to back than to go forward, will gradually forget this unpleasant trick. It will likewise be of advantage as often as it can be managed, so to start that the horse shall have to back up-hill. The diffi culty of accomplishing this will soon make him readily go for- ward. A little coaxing, or leading, or moderate flagellation, wili assist in accomplishing the cure. When, however, a horse, thinking he has had enough of work, or has been improperly checked or corrected, or begimiing to feel the pamful pressure of the collar, swerves, and gibs, and backs, it is a more serious matter. Persuasion should first be tried ; and, afterwards, reasonable coercion, but no cruelty : for the brutality which is often exercised to compel a gibbing horse to throw him- self habitually into the collar, never yet accomplished the purpose. The horse, may, perhaps, be whipped into motion ; but if he has once begun to gib, he will have recourse to it again whenever any circumstance displeases or annoys him, and the habit will be so rapidly and completely formed, that he will become insensible to all severity. Sometimes a horse not often accustomed to gib, betrays a relu tance to move, or a determination not to move. Before resorting to severity, the cause, if practicable, should be ascertained. The horse may be overtaxed, his withers may be wrung, or he may be insupportably galled or pained by the harness. These things should be examined into, and, if possible, rectified ; for, under such circumstances, cruelty may produce obstinacy and vice, but not willingf obediencf 372 BITING CHEEK OF THE BIT IN THE MOUTH. They who are accustomed to horses know what seemingly trivial circumstances occasionally produce this vice. A horse, whose shoulders are raw, or have frequently been so, will not start with a cold collar. When the collar has acquired the warmth of the parts on which it presses, the animal will go with- out reluctance. Some determined gibbers have been reformed by constantly wearing a false collar, or strip of cloth round the shoulders, so that the coldness of the usual collar should never be felt ; and others have been cured of gibbing by keeping the collar on night and day, for the animal is not able to lie down completely at full length, which the tired horse is always glad to do. When a horse gibs, not at starting, but while doing his work, it has sometimes been useful to line the collar with cloth instead of leather ; the perspiration is readily absorbed, the substance which presses on the shoulder is softer, and it may be far more accurately eased off at a tender place. BITING. This is either the consequence of natural ferocity, or a habit acquired from the foolish and teasing play of grooms and stable- boys. When a horse is tickled and pinched by thoughtless and mischievous youths, he will first pretend to bite his tor- mentors ; by degrees he will proceed farther, and actually bite them, and very soon after that, he will be the first to challenge to the combat, and, without provocation, seize some opportunity to gripe the incautious tormentor. At length, as the love of mischief is a propensity too easily acquired, this war, half play- ful and half in earnest, becomes habitual to him, and degen- erates into absolute viciousness. It is seldom that anything can be done in the way of cure. Kindness will aggravate the evil, and no degree of severity will correct it. "I have seen," says Professor Stewart, " bilers punished until they trembled in every joint, and were ready to drop, but have never in any case known them cured by this treatment, or by any other. The lash is forgotten in an hour, and the horse is as ready and determined to repeat the offence as before. He appears unable to resist the temptation, and in its worst form biting is a species of insanity." Prevention, however, is in the power of every proprietor of horses. While he insists on gentle and humane treatment of his cattle, he should systematically forbid this horse-play. GETTING THE CHEEK OF THE BIT INTO THE MOUTH. Some horses that are disposed to be mischievous try to do this, and are very expert at it. They soon find what advantage KICKING. 373 it gives them over their driver, who by this manoeuvre loses al- most all command. Harsh treatment is here completely out of the question. 4.11 that can he done, is, by some mechanical contrivance, to render the thing difficult or impossible, and this may be managed by fastening a round piece of leather on the inside of the cheek of the bit. KICKING. This, as a vice, is another consequence of the culpable habit of grooms and stable-boys of teasing the horse. That which is at first an indication of annoyance at the pinching and tickling of the groom, and without any design to injure, gradually be- comes the expression of anger, and the effort to do mischief. The horse likewise too soon recognizes the least appearance of timidity, and takes advantage of the discovery. There is no cure for this vice ; and he cannot be justified who keeps a kick- ing horse in his stable. Some horses acquire, from mere irritability and fidgetiness, a habit of kicking at the stall or the bail, and particularly at night. The neighboring horses are disturbed, and the kicker gets swelled hocks, or some more serious injury. This is also a habit very difficult to correct if suffered to become established Mares are far more subject to it than horses. Before the habit is inveterately established, a thorn-bush or a piece of furze fastened against the partition or post will some- times effect a cure. When the horse finds that he is pretty severely pricked, he will not long continue to punish himself In confirmed cases it may be necessary to have recourse to the log, but the legs are often not a little bruised by it. A rather long and heavy piece of wood attached to a chain has been buckled above the hock, so as to reach about half-way down the leg. When the horse attempts to kick violently, his leg will re- ceive a severe blow : this, and the repetition of it, may, after a time, teach him to be quiet. A much more serious vice is kicking in harness. From the least annoyance about the rump or quarters, some horses will kick at a most violent rate, and destroy the bottom ol the chaise, and endanger the limbs of the driver. Those that are fidgety in the stable are most apt to do this. If the reins should per- chance get under the tail, the violence of the kicker will often be most outrageous ; and while the animal presses down his tail so tightly that it is almost impossible to extricate the reins, he continues to plunge until he has demolished everything behind him. This is a vice standing foremost in point of danger, and wnich 374 UNSTEADINESS WHILE BEING MOUNTED REARING, no treatment will always conquer. It will be altogether in vain to try coercion. If the shafts are very strong and without flaw, or if they are plated with iron underneath, and a stout kicking- Btrap resorted to which will barely allow the horse the proper use of his hind limbs in progression, but not permit him to raise them sufficiently for the purpose of kicking, he may be pre- sented from doing mischief; or if he is harnessed to a heavy cart, and thus confined, his efforts to lash out will be restrained : but it is frequently a very unpleasant thing to witness these attempts, though ineffectual, to demolish the vehicle, for the shafts or the kicking-strap may possibly break, and extreme dan- ger may ensue. A horse that has once begun to kick, whatever may have been the original cause of it, can never be depended upon again, and he will be very unwise who ventures behind him. The man, however, who must come within reach of a kicker should come as close to him as possible. The blow maj thus become a push, and seldom is injurious. UNSTEADINESS WHILE BEING MOUNTED. When this merely amounts to eagerness to start — very un pleasant, indeed, at times, for many a rider has been thrown from his seat before he was fairly fixed in it — it may be remedied by an active and good horseman. We have known many instances in which, while the elderly, and inactive, and fearful man has been making more than one ineftectual attempt to vault into the saddle, the horse has been dancing about to his annoyance and danger ; but the animal had no sooner been trans- ferred to the management of a younger and more agile rider than he became perfectly subdued. Severity will here, more decidedly than in any other case, do harm. The rider should be fearless — he should carelessly and confidently approach the horse, mount at the first effort, and then restrain him for a while ; patting him, and not suffering him to proceed until he becomes perfectly quiet. Horses of this kind should not be too highly fed, and should have sufficient daily exercise. When the difficulty of mounting arises, not from eagerness to start, but unwillingness to be ridden, the sooner that horse is disposed of the better. He may be conquered by a skilful and determined horseman ; but even he will not succeed without frequent and dangerous contests that will mar all the pleasure of the ride. REARING. This sometimes results from playfulness, carried indeed, to an unpleasant and dangerous extent ; but it is oftener a desperate RUNNING AWAY ^VICIOUS TO CLEAN. 375 and occasionally successful effort to unhorse the rider, and con so. queutly a vice. The horse that has twice decidedly and danger ously reared, should never be trusted again, unless, indeed, it was the fault of the rider, who had been using a deep curb and a sharp bit. Some of the best horses will contend against these and then rearing may be immediately and permanently cured by using a snaffle-bridle alone. The horse-breaker's remedy, that of pulling the horse back- ward on a soft piece of ground, should be practised by reckless and brutal fellows alone. Many horses have been injured in the spine, and others have broken their necks, by being thus suddenly pulled over ; while even the fellow who fears no danger, is not always able to extricate himself from the falling horse. If rear- ing proceeds from vice, and is unjjrovoked by the bruising and laceration of the mouth, it fully partakes of the inveteracy which attends the other divisions of restiveness. RUISTNING AWAY. Some headstrong horses will occasionally endeavor to bolt with the best rider. Others with their wonted sagacity endeavor thus to dislodge the timid or unskilful one. Some are hard to hold. or bolt only during the excitement of the chase ; others will run away, prompted by a vicious propensity alone. There is no cer- tain cure here. The method which affords any probabil- ity of success is, to ride such a horse with a strong curb and sharp bit ; to have him always firmly in hand ; and, if he will run away, and the place will admit of it, to give him (sparing neither curb, whip, nor spur) a great deal more rumiing than he likes. VICIOUS TO CLEAN. It would scarcely be credited to what an extent this exists in some horses that are otherwise perfectly quiet. It is only at great hazard that they can be cleansed at all. The origin of this m probably some maltreatment. There is, however, a great differ- ence in the sensibility of the skin in different horses. Some seem as if they could scarcely be made to feel the whip, while others cannot bear a fly to light on them without an expression of an- noyance. In young horses the skin is peculiarly delicate. If they have been curried with a broken comb, or hardly rubbed with an uneven brush, the recollection of the torture they have felt makes them impatient, and even vicious, during every suc- ceeding operation of the kind. Many grooms, likewise, seem to delight in producmg these exhibitions of uneasiness and vice : 376 VICIOUS TO SHOE. although, when they are carried a little too far, and at the liaz ard of the limbs of the groom, the animals that have been almost tutored into these expressions of irritation are brutally kicked and punished. This, however, is a vice that may be conquered. If the horse is dressed with a lighter hand, and wisped rather than brushed, and the places where the skin is most sensitive are avoided as much as thorough cleanliness will allow, he will gradually lose the recollection of former ill-treatment, and become tractable and quiet.* VICIOUS TO SHOE. The correction of this is more peculiarly the business of the smith ; yet the master should diligently concern himself with it, for it is oftener the consequence of injudicious or bae usage than of natural vice. It may be expected that there will be some dif ficulty in shoeing a horse for the first few times. It is an opera- tion that gives him a little uneasiness. The man to whom he is most accustomed should go with him to the forge ; and if anothei and steady horse is shod before him, he may be induced more readily to submit. It cannot be denied that, after the habit of resisting this necessary operation is formed, force may sometimes be necessary to reduce our rebellious servant to obedience ; but we unhesitatingly affirm that the majority of horses vicious to shoe are rendered so by harsh usage, and by the pain of correc- tion being added to the uneasiness of shoeing. It should be a rule in every forge that no smith should be permitted to strike a horse, much less to twitch or to gag him, without the master-far- rier's order ; and that a young horse should never be twitched or struck. There are few horses that may not be gradually ren- dered manageable for this purpose by mildness and firmness in the operator. They will soon understand that no harm is meant, and they will not forget their usual habit of obedience ; but if the remembrance of corporal punishment is connected with shoe- ing, they will always be fidgety, and occasionally dangerous. t * Note by Mr. Spooner. — In some instances the skin is so irritable that the horse really endures a great deal of misery ever}' time he is cleaned, besides expending a great deal of muscular exertion needlessly. The rem- edy for this is very simple ; instead of being currycombed and wiped, he should be simply washed over with warm water on his coming in warm from a journey, then gently scraped and covered with a rug. The warmth of the body will very soon dry the skin. f Note by Mr. Spooner. — ^This is certainly a very bad vice, and one, in- deed, that very materially diminishes the value of the horse, for it is a habit that generally gets worse at each time of shoeing, ft is not so much the kicking of the horse that is to be feared, but the animal will bear his whole SWALLOWING WITHOUT GRINDING. 377 SWALLOWING WITHOUT GRINDING. Horses have many unpleasant habits in the stable and on the road, which cannot be said to amount to vice, but which mate- rially lessen their value. Some greedy horses habitually swallow their grain without properly grinding it, and the power of digestion not being ade- quate to the dissolving of the husk, no nutriment is extracted, and the oats are voided whole. This is particularly the case when horses of unequal appetite feed from the same manger. The greedy one, in his eagerness to get more then his share, bolts a portion of his grain whole. If the farmer, without considerable inconvenience, could contrive that every horse shall have his separate division of the manger, the one of smaller appetite and slower feed would have the opportunity of grinding at his leisure, without the fear of the greater share being stolen by his neigh- boi-. Some horses, however, are naturally greedy feeders, and will not, even when alone, allow themselves time to chew or grind their grain. In consequence of this they carry but little flesh, and are not equal to severe work. If the rack was supplied with hay when the grain was put into the manger, they will continue to eat on, and their stomachs will become distended with half- chewed and indigestible food. In consequence of this they v/ill be incapable of considerable exertion for a long time after feed- ing, and, occasionally, dangerous symptoms of staggers will occur. The remedy is, not to let such horses fast too long. The nose- bag should be the companion of every considerable journey. The food should likewise be of such a nature that it cannot be rapidly bolted. Chaff should be plentifully mixed with the grain, and, in some cases, and especially in horses of slow work, it should, with the grain, constitute the whole of the food. This will be treated on more at large under the article "Feeding." In every case of this kind the teeth should be carefully exam- ined. Some of them may be unduly lengthened, particularly the first of the grinders : or they may be ragged at the edges, and may abrade and wound the cheek. In the first place the horse cannot properly masticate his food ; in the latter he will not , weight on the foot required to be shod, so that the smith is unable to lift it up, or afterwards to support it ; besides which the animal will keep continu ally kicking or endeavoring to get the foot away, to the imminent dangei of the limbs of the unfortunate operative. This deplorable and vicious habit is greatly increased, if not altogether produced, by rough usage at the early shoeings, and it generally gets worse at each time of shoeing, so that the horse is often rendered at last completely worthless 378 CRIB-BITING. for these animals, as too often happens in sore-throat, would rathei starve than put themselves to much pain. CRIB-BITING. This is a very unpleasant habit, and a considerable defect, al- though riot so serious a one as some have represented. The horse lays hold of the manger Avith his teeth, violently extends his neck, and then, after some convulsive action of the throat, a slight grunting is heard, accompanied by a sucking or drawing in of air. It is not an eflbrt at simple eructation, arising from indiges- tion. It is the inhalation of air. It is that which takes place with all kinds of diet, and when the stomach is empty as well as when it is full. The effects of crib-biting are plain enough. The teeth are in- jured and worn away, and that, in an old horse, to a very serious degree. A considerable quantity of grain is often lost, for the horse will frequently crib with his mouth full of it, and the greater part will fall over the edge of the manger. Much saliva escapes while the manger is thus forcibly held, the loss of which must be of serious detriment in impairing the digestion. The crib-biting horse is notoriously more subject to colic than other horses, and to a species difficult of treatment and frequently dangerous. Although many a crib-biter is stout and strong, and capable of all ordinary work, these horses do not generally carry so much flesh as others, and have not their endurance. On these accounts crib-biting has very properly been decided to be un- soundness We must not look to the state of the disease at the time of purchase. The question is, does it exist at all ? A case was tried before Lord Tenterden, and thus decided ; "a horse with crib-biting is unsound." It is one of those tricks which are exceedingly contagious. Every companion of a crib-biter in the same stables is likely to acquire the habit, and it is the most inveterate of all habits. The edge of the manger will in vain be lined with iron, or with sheej)-skin, or with sheep-skin covered with tar or aloes, or any other unpleasant substance. In defiance of the annoyance which these may occasion, the horse will persist in the attack on his manger. A strap buckled tightly round the neck, by compress- ing the wind-pipe, is the best means of preventing the possibility of this trick ; but the strap must be constantly worn, and its pressure is too apt to produce a worse affection, viz., an irritation ai the windpipe, which terminates in roaring. Some have recommended turning out for five or six months ; but this has never succeeded except with a young horse, and then rarely. The old crib-biter will employ the gate for the same WIND-SUCKING CUTTING. 379 / purpose as the edpe of his manger, and we have often seen him galloping- across a field lor the mere object of having a gripe at a rail. Medicine will be altogether thrown away in this case. The only remedy is a muzzle, with bars across the bottom ; sufficiently wide to enable the animal to pick up his corn and to pull his hay, but not to grasp the edge of the manger. If this is worn for a considerable period, the horse may be tired of attempt- ing that which he cannot accomplish, and for a while forget the habit, but in a majority of cases, the desire of crib-biting will re turn with the power of gratifying it. The causes of crib-biting are various, and some of them beyond the control of the proprietor of the horse. It is often the result of imitation ; but it is more frequently the consequence of idle- ness. The high-fed and spirited horse must be in mischief if he is not usefully employed. Sometimes, but we believe not often, it is produced by partial starvation, whether in a bad straw-yard, or from unpalatable food. An occasional cause of crib-biting is the frequent custom of grooms, even when the weather is not severe, of dressing them in the stable. The horse either catches at the edge of the manger, or at that of the partition on each side, if he has been turned, and thus he forms the habit of laying hold of these substances on every occasion. WIND-SUCK1N"G. This bears a close analogy to crib-biting. It arises from the same causes ; the same purpose is accomplished ; and the same results follow. The horse stands with his neck bent ; his head drawn inward ; his lips alternately a little opened and then closed, and a noise is heard as if he were sucking. If we may judge from the same comparative want of condition and the flat- ulence which we have described under the last head, either some portion of wind enters the stomach, or there is an injurious loss of saliva. This diminishes the value of the horse almost as much as crib-biting ; it is as contagious, and it is as inveterate. The only remedies, and they will seldom avail, are tying the head up, except when the horse is feeding, or putting on a muzzle with sharp spikes towards the neck, and which will prick him when- ever he attempts to rein his head in for the purpose of wind- sucking, CUTTING. Of this habit, mention has been made at page 266 ; and we would advise the owner of a cutting horse, without trying any previous experiments of raising or lowering the heels, to put on 380 NOT LYING DOWN OVERREACH PAWING. the cutting foot a shoe of even thickness from heel to toe, not pro jectins: ID the shghtest degree be5^ond the crust, and the crust it self" being rasped a little at the quarters. The shoe should be fas- tened as usual, on the outside, but with only one nail on the in side, and that almost close to the toe. The principle on which this shoe acts, has been explained at page 350 N^OT LYING DOWN. It not uncommonly happens that a horse will seldom or never lie down in the stable. He sometimes continues in apparent good health, and feeds and works well ; but generally his legs swell, or he becomes fatigued sooner than another horse. If it is impossible to let him loose in the saddle, or to put him into a spare box, we know not what is to be done. No means, gentle or cruel, will force him to lie down. The secret is that he is tied up, and either has never dared to lie down through fear of the confinement of the halter, or he has been cast in the night and severely injured. If he can be suffered to range the stable, or have a comfortable box in which he may be loose, he will usually lie down the first night. Some few horses, however, will lie down in the stable, and not in a loose box. A fresh, well made bed, will generally tempt the tired horse to refresh himself with sleep.* OVERREACH. This unpleasant noise, known also by the term "clicking," arises from the toe of the hind-foot knocking against the shoe of the fore-foot. The consequences of it, and the treatment of the wounds resulting from it, have been sufficently given on page 320 If the animal is young, the action of the horse may be materi- ally improved ; otherwise nothing can be done, except to keep the toe of the hind foot as short and as round as it can safely be, and to bevel off and round the toe of the shoe, like that which has been worn off by a stumbling horse, and perhaps, to lower the heel of the fore-foot a little. PAWING. Some hot and irritable horses are restless even in the stable, and paw frequently and violently. Their litter is destroyed, the * Note by Mr. Spooner. — It should not be forgotten that the basis of sup- port afforded by the four extremities is so considerable in the horse, that he is able to sleep in a standing position, and we have known some horses pre- serve their health, strength, and condition, although they have never been Known to lie down. At the same time, it must be confessed that an anima! that will quietly lie down and take his rest, generally preserves his condi tion, and is better fitted for exertion. QUIDDING ROLLING SHYING. 381 floor of the stable broken up, the shoes worn out, the feet bruised, and the legs sometimes sprained. If this habit does not exist to any great extent, yet the stable never looks well. Shackles are the only remedy, with a chain sufficiently long to enable the horse to shift his posture, or move in his stall ; but these must be taken off at night, otherwise the animal will seldom lie down. Ex- cept, however, the horse possesses peculiar value, it will be better to dispose of him at once, than to submit to the danger and incon- venience that he may occasion. QUIDDING. A horse will sometimes partly chew his hay, and suffer it to drop from his mouth. If this does not proceed from irregular teeth, which it will be the business of the veterinary surgeon to rasp down, it will be found to be connected with sore-throat, and then the horse, will exhibit some other symptoms of indisposition, and particularly, the swallowing of water will be accompanied by a peculiar gulping effort. In this case, the disease (catarrh, with Bore-throat) must be attacked, and the quidding will cease. ROLLING. This is a very pleasant and perfectly safe amusement for a horse at grass, but cannot be indulged in the stable without the chance of his being dangerously entangled with the collar-rein (halter) and being cast. Yet, although the horse is cast, and bruised, and hali-strangled, he will roll again on the following night and continue to do so as long as he lives. The only remedy is not a very pleasant one lor the horse, nor always quite safe ; yet it must be had recourse to, if the habit of rolling is inveter- ate. " The horse," says Mr. Castley, " should be tied with length enough of halter to lie down, but not to allow of his head resting on the ground ; because, in order to roll over, a horse is obliged to place his head quite down upon the ground." * SHYING. We have briefly treated of the cause of this vice at page 66, and observed that while it is often the result of cowardice, or playfulness, or want of work, it is at other times the consequence of a defect of sight. It has been remarked, and we believe very truly, that shying is oftener a vice of half or quarter-bred horses, than of those who have in them more of the genuine racing blood. In the tieatment of shying, is it of great importance to distin- guish between that which is the consequence of defective sight. 382 SHYING. and wliat results from fear, or newness of objects, or mere affec- tation or skittishness. For the first, the nature of which we have explained at page 66, every allowance must be made, and care must be taken that the fear of correction is not associated with the imagined existence of some terrifying object. The severe use of the whip and the spur cannot do good here, and are likely to ag- gravate the vice ten-fold. A word half encouraging and half scolding, with a slight pressure of the heel, or a slight touch of the spur, will tell the horse that there was nothing to fear, and will give him confidence in his rider on a future occasion. The shying from skittishness or affectation is quite a different affair, and must be conquered : but how ? Severity is altogether out of place. If he is forced into contact with the object by dint of correction, the dread of punishment will afterwards be associ- ated with that object, and, on the next occasion, his startings will be more frequent and more dangerous. The way to cure him is to go on, turning as little as possible out of the road, giving a harsh word or two, and a gentle touch with the spur, and then taking no more notice of the matter. After a few times, what- ever may have been the object which he chose to select as the pretended cause of aflright, he will pass it almost without notice. In page 243, under the head "breaking in," we described how the colt may be cured of the habit of shying from fear or newness of objects-; and, if he then is accustomed as much as possible to the objects among which his services will be required, he will not possess this annoying vice when he grows to maturer age. It is now generally admitted by all riding-masters and colt- breakers, that a great deal more is to be effected by lenient than by harsh treatment. Rewards are found to operate more benefi- cially than punishments ; and therefore the most scientific and practised riding-masters adopt methods based upon the former. Let us not be understood to mean that the animal is to receive any encouragement to shy ; for by no other expression can be characterized that erroneous and foolish practice of patting the horse, or "making much of him," either just before or during the time he evinces shyness. The former is bad, because it draws the attention of the animal to the object he dreads ; the latter if worse, because it fills him with the impression either that the ob- ject itself is really terrific, or that he has acted right in shying at it, and ought to do so again. Whether we are approaching the frightful object, or the horse is actually shying, " we should let him alone" — " we should take no notice whatever of him" — neither letting him perceive that we are aware that we are advancing towards anything he dis- likes ; nor do more Avith him, while in the act of shying, than is necessary for due restraint with a steady hand upon the rein. We SLIPPING THE HALTEB, 383 may depend upon it, tliat battling on our part will only serve to augment affright and arouse resistance on his, and that the most judicious course we can pursue is to persevere in mild forbearant usage. Skying on coming out of the stable is a habit that can rarely or never be cured. It proceeds from the remembrance of some ill-usage or hurt which the animal has received in the act of pro- ceeding from the stable, such as striking his head against a low -door- way, or entangling the harness. When the cure, however, is early attempted, it may be so far overcome that it will be unattended with danger or difficulty. The horse should be bridled when led out or in. He should be held short and tight by the head, that he may feel he has not lib- erty to make a leap, and this of itself is often sufficient to restrain him. Punishment, or a threat of punishment, Vv^ill be highly im- proper. It is only timid or high-spirited horses that acquire this habit, and rough usage invariably increases their agitation and terror. =^ SLIPPING THE COLLAR OR, HALTER. This is a trick at which many horses are so clever, that scarcely a night passes without their getting loose. It is a very serious habit, for it enables the horse sometimes to gorge himself with food, to the imminent danger of staggers ; or it exposes him, as he * Note hy Mr. Spooncr. — This %dce or habit — for it ranges between the one and the other — exists in every variety of degree. There are more horses that shy than do not: when the practice exists in a shght degree, it is a mat- ter of no consequence, but when the animal, instead of merely looking at the object of alarm and dwelling a little in his pace as he approaches it, stops suddenly, or turns round, or swerves considerably, the habit becomes a dan- gerous vice, and is exceedingly objectionable. There is more affectation than real fear about this habit, the horse making use of every unusual ob- ject as an excuse for the indulgence of his skittishness, or his obstinacy. There are often some strange eccentricities connected with it. Horses will often pass a frightful object without the least fear ; but if, perchance, there is a puddle in the road, or a stick of tiuiber lying beside it, imagination ap- pears to paint the object in the most hideous colors or portentous forms. Horses shy most in the country, where there are but few objects to meet ; and they rarely exhibit this propensity in the crowded streets of the metro- polis. The objects are there far too numerous to allow an excuse for shying, or would soon weary them of the habit ; indeed tl e very best method of curing the vice is to use the animal in crowded streets. Though shying is often connected with impei'fect vision, it is I'arely produced by actual disease, and, therefore, its existence does not augur unsound eyes. Too great con- vexity of the eye is certainly often connected with shying, so that objects are refracted too quickly, and thus are imperfectly painted on the retina. Shying horses are frequently made much worse by rough usage ; instead of which they should always be treated with gentleness and firmncPB, which eystem, in many iLstances, wiU succeed in effecting a cure. 384 TRIPPING WEAVING. wanders about, to be kicked and injured by the other horses, wliile his restlessness will often keep the whole team awake. If the web of the halter, being first accurately fitted to his neck, is suflered to slip only one way, or a strap is attached to the halter and buckled round the neck, but not sufficiently tight to be of serious inconvenience, the power of slipping the collar will be taken away. TRIPPING. He must be a skilful practitioner or a mere pretender who promises to remedy this habit. If it arises from a heavy fore-hand, and the fore-legs being too much under the horse, no one can al- ter the natural frame of the animal : if it proceeds from tender- ness of the foot, grogginess, or old lameness, these ailments are seldom cured. Also if it is to be traced to habitual carelessness and idleness, no whipping will rouse the drone. A known stum- bler should never be ridden, or driven by any one who values his safety or his life. A tight hand or a strong-bearing rein are pre- cautions that should not be neglected, although they are generally of little avail ; for the inveterate stumbler will rarely be able to save, himself, and this tight rein may sooner and farther precipi- tate the rider. If, after a trip, the horse suddenly starts forward, and endeavors to break into a short trot or canter, the rider or driver may be assured that others before him have fruitlessly en- deavored to remedy the nuisance. If the stumbler has the foot kept as short, and the toe pared as close as safety will permit, and the shoe is rounded at the toe, or has that shape given to it which it naturally acquires in a fort- night from the peculiar action of such a horse, the animal may not stumble quite so much ; or if the disease which produced the habit can be alleviated, some trifling good may be done, but in almost every case a stumbler should be got rid of, or put to slow and heavy work. If the latter alternative is adopted, he may trip as m.uch as he pleases, for the weight of the load and the motion of the other horses will keep him upon his legs. WEAVING This consists in a motion of the head, neck, and body, from side to side, like the shuttle of a weaver passing through the web, and hence the name which is given to this peculiar, and incessant, and unpleasant action. It indicates an impatient, irritable temper, and a disliite to the confinement of the stable. A horse that is thus incessantly on the fret will seldom carry flesh, or be safe to ride or drive. There is no cure for it, but the close tying-up of the animal, or at least allowing him but one loose rein, except a*, feeding-time. CHAPTER XX. THE GENERAL MANAGEMENT OF THE HORSE. This is a most important part of our subject, even as it re- gards the farmer, although there are comparatively few glaring errors in the treatment of the agricultural horse ; but it comes more especially home to the gentleman, who is too often, and too implicitly, under the guidance of an idle, and ignorant, and designing groom. We will arrange the most important points of general man- agement under the following heads : — AIR. The breathing of pure air is necessary to the existence and the health of man and beast. It is comparatively lately that this has been admitted even in the management of our best sta- bles. They have been close, and hot, and foul, instead of airy, and cool, and wholesome. • The stable should be as large, compared with the number of horses that it is destined to contain, as circumstances will allow. A stable for six horses should not be less than forty feet in length, and thirteen or fourteen feet wide.^ If there is no loft above, the inside of the roof should always be plastered in order to prevent direct currents of air and occasional droppings from broken tiles. The heated and foul air should escape, and cool and pure air be admitted, by elevation of the central tiles ; or by large tubes car- ried through the roof, with caps a little above them, to prevent the beating in of the rain ; or by gratings placed high up in thmany in- stances his appetite and his spirits will return soon after he has partaken of the refreshing draught. Management of the Feet. — This is the only division of stable management that remains to be considered, and one sadly neglected by the carter and groom. The feet should be care- fully examined every morning, for the shoes may be loose and the horse would have been stopped in the middle of his work : or the clenches may be raised, and endanger the wounding of his legs ; or the shoe may begin to press upon the sole or the heel, and bruises of the sole, or corn, may be the result ; and, the horse having stood so long in the stable, every little increase of heat in the loot, or lameness, will be more readily detected, and serious disease may often be prevented. When the horse comes in at night, and after the harness has been taken off and stowed away, the heels should be well brushed out. Hand-rubbing will be preferable to washing, especially in the agricultural horse, whose heels, covered with long hair, can scarcely be dried again. If the dirt is suffered to accumulate in that long liair, the heels will become sore, and grease will follow ; and if the heliB are washed, and particu- larly during the winter, grease will result from the coldness occasioned by the slow evaporation of the moisture. The feet should be stopped — even the feet of the farmer's horse, if he remains in the stable. Very little clay should be used in the stopping, for it will get hard and press upon the sole. Cow- dung is the best stopping to preserve the feet cool and elastic ; but •104 MANAGEMENT OF THE FEET. before the stopping is applied, the picker should be run round the whole of the foot, between the shoe and the sole, in order to detect any stone that may have insinuated itself there, or a wound on any other part of the sole. For the hackney and hunter stopping is indispensable. After several days' hard work it will aflbrd very great relief to take the shoes off, having put plenty of litter under the horse, or to turn him, if possible, into a loose- box ; and the shoes of every horse, whether hardly worked or not, should be removed or changed once in every three weeks. CHAPTER XXI. THE SKIN AND ITS DISEASES. The skin of the liorse consists of three layers. Externally is the cuticle, epidermis, or scarf-skin, composed of innumerable thin transparent scales, like those of a fish. They are raised in the form of pellucid bladders in blistering, and are thrown ofi' in hard, dry, white scales, in mange and some other diseases. The scarf- skin is permeated by innumerable pores, for the passage of the hair, perspiration, and unctuous secretions, and for the inha- lation of gasses and fluids. It is destitute of nerves and blood- vessels, is insensible, and its principal use seems to be to protect the true skin, and to moderate its occasional morbid sensibility. There is a constant alteration and renewal of every part of it, but it adheres to the true skin through the medium of the pores, and also numerous little eminences, or projections, which seem to be prolongations of the nerves of the skin. Beneath the cuticle is a thin, soft substance, through which the pores and eminences of the true skin pass. It is termed the rete 7micosu')n, from its web-like structure, and its soft mucous consistence. Its office is to cover the minute vessels and nerves in their way from the cutis to the cuticle. It is also connected with the color of the skin. The cutis, or true skin, lies beneath the rete mucosum. It is decidedly of a fibrous texture, elastic, but with difficulty lacerated — exceedingly vascular, and highly sensitive. The skin answers the double purpose of protection and strength. Where it is necessary that the parts should be bound and knit together, it adheres so tightly that we can scarcely raise it. Thus the bones of the knees and the pasterns and the tendons of the legs, on which so much stress is frequently thrown, are securely tied down and kept in their places. Of its strength we have abundant proof, both in the living and dead animal. It is, while the animal is alive, one of the most elastic bodies with which we are acquainted. It not only perfectly adapts it- self to the slow growth or decrease of the body, and appears 4:06 THE SKIN AND ITS DISEASES. equally to fit, whether the horse is in the plumpest condition oi reduced to a skeleton ; but, when a portion of it is distended to an extraordinary degree, in the most powerful action of the m.uscles, it, in a moment, again contracts to its usual dimensions. It is principally indebted for this elasticity to almost innumer- able minute glands which pour out an oily fluid that softens and supplies it. When the horse is in health, and every organ dis- charges its proper functions, a certain quantity of this unctuous matter is spread over the surface of the skin, and is contained in all the pores that penetrate its substance; and the skin becomes pliable, easily raised from the texture beneath, and presenting that peculiar yielding softness and elasticity which experience has proved to be the best proofs of the condition, or in other words, the general health of the animal. Then, too, from the oilness and soilness of the skin, the hair lies in its natural and proper direc- tion, and is smooth and glossy. When the system is deranged, and especially the digestive system, and the vessels concerned in the nourishment of the animal feebly act, those of the skin evi- dently sympathize. This oily secretion is no more thrown out ; the skin loses its pliancy ; it seems to cling to the animal, and we have that peculiar appearance which we call hide-bound. This, however, requires attentive consideration. We observe a horse in the summer. We find him with a thin, smooth, glossy coat, and his extremities clean and tree almost from a single rough and misplaced hair. We me-et with him again towards the winter, when the thermometer has fallen al- most or quite to the freezing point, and we scarcely recogiwze him in his thick, rough, coarse, colorless coat, and his legs enveloped in long, shaggy hair. The health of the horse is, to a certain de- gree, deranged. He is dull, languid, easily fatigued. He will break into a sweat with the slightest exertion, and it is almost imposssble thoroughly to dry him. He may perhaps feed as well as usual, although that will not generally be the case, but he is not equal to the demands which we are compelled to make upon him. This process goes on for an uncertain time, depending on the constitution of the animal, until nature has effected a ohangc, and then he once more rallies ; but a great alteration has taken phice in him — the hair has lost its soft and glossy cliaracter, and is be- come dry and staring. The skin ceases to secrete that peculiar unctuous matter which kept it soft and flexible, and becomes dry and scaly ; and the exhaients on the surface, having become re- laxed, are frequently pouring out a profuse perspiration, without any apparent adequate cause for it. So passes the approach to winter, and the owner complains Badly of the appearance of his steed, and, according to the old HIDE-BOUND. 407 custom, gives him plenty of cordial balls, — perhaps too many of them, — on the whole not being unserviceable at this critical pe- riod, yet not productive of a great deal of good. At length the animal rallies of himself, and although not so strong and full of spirits as he ought to be, is hardier and more lively than he was, and able to struggle with the cold of the coming winter. What a desideratum in the management of the horse would be a course of treatment that would render all this unnecessary ! The desideratum has been found — a free escape of perspiration, a moist and softened state of the skin, an evident increase of health, and capability of enduring fatigue, and working on shorter supply of food than he could beibre. This is said to be performed by the clipping and singeing systems. Mr. Thomas Turner, who was almost one of the earliest advo- cates of these systems, states that during the months of October and November an inordinate growth of hair is observed over the whole surface of the body, and in many horses as early as the be- ginning of September, and almost invariably prevails, more or less, in every horse that is not thorough-bred. The debilitating effects thereby induced are profuse perspira^tion on the least pos- sible exertion — depression of the animal spirits, and temporary loss of appetite. The immediate removal of all the superfluous hair by close clipping, instantly proves so powerful a tonic to the animal, that he unhesitatingly affirms it to be inferior to none at present known in our pharmacopseia. Mr. Turner adds, — " Now, signal as the success of clipping has been, I do entertain a hope, and am of opinion that, in the majority of instances, it may be superseded by singeing under certain modifications." We may not, perhaps, be able satisfactorily to explain the ap- parently magical effects of clipping and singeing on the general constitution, and particularly the wind of the horse, or the respi- ratory functions generally, but there is no doubt of their exist- ence. An increased tone is given to the system generally ; and probably, in some way not yet sufficiently developed, the increased current of the electric fluid may have much to do with it. HIDE-BOUI^D. This is not so much a dimhmtion of the cellular or fatty sub- stance between the skin and the muscles beneath, as it is an al- teration in the skin itself It is a hardness and unyieldingness of the skin from the want of the oily matter on its surface and its substance. It is the diflerence that is presented to the feeling by well curried and supple leather, and that which has become dry and unyielding. The surface of the skin becoming dry and hard, the scales of 408 HIDE -BOUND. the cuticle are no longer penetrated "by the hair, but separating themselves in every direction, give that peculiar roughness to the coat which accompanies want of condition. It betokens impaired function of the vessels everywhere, and particularly those of the stomach and bowels. Hide-bound is not so much a disease as a symptom of disease, and particularly of the digestive organs ; and our remedies must be applied not so much to the skin — although we have, in friction and in warmth, most valuable agents in pro- ducing a healthy condition of the integuments — as to the came of the hide-bound, and the state of the constitution generally. Every disease that can affect the general system may produce this derangement of the functions of the skin. Glanders, when become constitutional, is strongly indicated by the unthrifty ap- pearance of the coat. Chronic cough, grease, farcy, and founder, are accompanied by hide-bound ; and diet too sparing, and not adequate to the work exacted, is an unfailing source of it. If the cause is removed, the effect will cease. Should the cause be obscure, as it frequently is — should the horse wear an unthrifty coat, and his hide cling to his ribs, with- out any apparent disease, we shall generally be warranted in tracing it to sympathy with the actual, although not demonstrable, suspension of some important secretion or function, either of the alimentary canal or the respiratory functions. A few mashes, and a mild dose of physic, are first indicated, and, simple as they ap- pear to be, they often have a very beneficial effect. The regular action of the bowels being re-established, that of all the organs of the frame will speedily follow. If the horse cannot be spared for physic, alteratives may be administered. There is no better alterative for hide-bound and an unthrifty coat, than that which is in common use, pulverized antimony, nitre, and sulphur. The peculiar effect of the antimony and sulphur, and electric influ- ence on the skin, with that of the sulphur on the bowels, and of the nitre on the urinary organs, will be here advantageously combined. Should the horse not feed well, and there is no indication of fever, a slight tonic may be added, as gentian or ginger ; but in the majority of cases, attended by loss of condition and an un- thrifty coat, and hide-bound, tonics and aromatics should be care- fully avoided. The cause of the impaired action of the vessels being removed, the powers of nature will generally be sufficient, and had better be left to themselves. There are not any more dangerous medi- cines in common use in the stable, and especially in cases like these, than tonics and cordials. They often arouse to fatal action a tendency to fever that would otherwise have slept, or they pro- duce a state of" excitement near akin to fever, and apt to degen- PORES OF THE SKIN 409 erate into it. By tlie stimulus of a cordial, the secretions may be suddenly roused, and among them, this unctuous secretion from the pores of the skin, so necessary to apparent condition ; but the efiect soon passes over, and a repetition of the stimulus is neces- sary — the habit is soon formed — the dose must be gradually in- creased, and in the mean time the animal is kept in a state of dangerous excitement, by which the powers of nature must be eventually impaired. Friction may be employed with advantage in the removal of hide- bound. It has repeatedly been shown that this is one of the most efficacious instruments we can use, to call into exercise the sus- pended energies either of the absorbent or secreting vessels. Warmth may likewise he had recourse to — not Avarmth of stable, which has been shown to be so injurious, but warmth arising from exercise, and the salutary, although inexplicable, influenct of clippmg and smgeing. PORES OF THE SKIN. Besides the openings already mentioned, through which pro- ceeds the unctuous fluid that supplies and softens the skin, there are others more numerous, by means of which a vast quantity of aqueous fluid escapes, and perspiration is carried on. This process of perspiration is not, however, so far under the control of medicine as in the human being. ^ We are not aware of any drugs that will certainly produce it. Warm clothing seems occasionally to effect it, but this is more in appearance than reality. The insensible perspiration cannot escape through the mass of clothing, and assumes a visible form. There are, however, a few medicines, as antimony and sulphur, that have an evident and very considerable effect on the skin, in opening its pores and exciting its vessels to action. Of" the existence of absorbent vessels on the skin, or those which take up some fluid or substance, and convey it into the circulation, we have satisfactory proof A horse is even more easily salivated than the human being. Salivation has been pro- duced by rubbing a splint with mercurial ointment, previous to blistering ; and a very few drachms rubbed on the inside of the thighs, will probably produce a greater efiect than the practitioner desires. * Note by Mr. Spooner. — Although the same medicines will not pro- duce this effect, yet those that come under the designation of diffusible stimulants, will. Thus, a large dose of spirit of nitrous ether will often pro- duce perspiration; and so, likewise, w^ll the spirit of hartshorn, and even vinegar. R 410 MOULTING. MOULTING. Twice in the year, the hair of the body of the horso is changed. The short, fine coat of summer would afford Httle protection against the winter, and that of the winter would be oppressive to the animal, if it appeared during the summer. The hair of the mane and tail remains. The bulbous root of the hair does not die, but the pulpy matter seems to be removed from the root of the hair, which, thus deprived of its nourishment, perishes and droj off, and a new hair springs at its side from the same bulb. The hair which is produced in the autumn, is evidently differ vi".£ from that which grows in the spring ; it is coarser, thick(>:r, and not so glossy as the other. As moulting is a process extending over the whole of the skin, and requiring a very con- siderable expenditure of vital power, the health of the animal is generally afiected at these times. That energy, and nervous vital influence, which should support the whole of the frame, is to a great degree determined to the skin, and the animal is languid, and unequal to much hard work. He perspires greatly wzth the least unusual exertion, and if he is pressed beyond his strength, becomes seriously ill. The treatment which the groom in this case adopts, is most absurd and dangerous. The horse, from the deranged distribution of vital power, is disposed to fever, or he labors under a slight degree of fever, sufficiently indicated by the increased quicknea« of pulse, redness of nose, and heat of mouth. The lassitude an4 want of appetite which are the accompaniments of this febrD^ state, are mistaken for debility ; and cordials of various kinds some of them exceedingly stimulating, are unsparingly adminis- tered. At length, with regard to the hunter, the racer, and even in the hackney and the carriage-horse, the scissors or the lamp are introduced, and a new method is established of guarding agamst this periodical debility, setting at defiance the occasional exposure to cold, and establishing a degree of health and strength previously unknown. Friction may be allowed, to assist the fall- ing off of the old hair, and to loosen the cuticle for the appear- ance of the new hair, but it is somewhat more gently applied than it used to be. The curry-comb is in a great measure ban- ished, and even the brush is not applied too hard or too long. The old hair is not forced off before the young hair is ready to take its place. Nature adapts the coat to the climate and to the season. The Sheltie has one as long and thick as that of a bear ; and, as the summer is short and cold in those northern islands, the coat is cough and shaggy during the whole of the year. In the southern COLOR. 411 parts sf our country, the short, and light and glossy coat of sum mer gradually yields to the close and heavy, and warm clothing of winter. In the deserts of Arabia, where the winter is rarely cold, the coat remains short and glossy throughout the year. These are wise and kind provisions of nature, and exoite our ad miration.* COLOR. The color of the hair admits of every variety, and each color becomes in turn fashionable. Like that of the skin, it is influ- enced by, or depends on, the mucous mesh- work under the cuticle. There are comparatively few perfectly white horses now remain- ing. Tlie majority of white horses are those that have become so. Light-grey colts begin to grow white before they are five years old, especially if they have not much dark mixture about the joints. Grey horses are of diflerent shades, from the lightest silver to a dark iron-grey. The silver-grey reminds the observer of the palfrey, improved by an admixture of Arab blood. He does not often exceed fourteen hands and a half in height, and is round carcassed — thin-legged — with oblique pasterns, calculated for a light carriage, or for a lady's riding — seldom subject to disease — but not very fleet, or capable of hard work. The iron-grey is usually a larger horse ; higher in the withers, deeper and thinner in the carcass, more angular in all his propor- tions, and in many cases a little too long in the legs. Some of these greys make good hackneys and hunters, and especially the Irish horses ; but they are principally used for the carriage. They have more endurance than the flatness of their chest would pro- mise ; but their principal defect is their feet, which are liable to contraction, and yet that contraction not so often accompanied by lameness as in m.any other horses. The dappled grey is generally a handsom.er and a better horse * Note by Mr, Spooner. — We must protest against the idea that a horse v'ith a long coat, however fed and trained, is in as good condition, or capable of as great exertion, as a horse with a sleek glossy coat. As M'ell may a man with a great coat on attempt to run a race with another stripped al- most to the skin. This fact it is which has led to the now general practice of clipping or singeing, by which the coats of coarse-skinned horses are re- moved, and the horses put on a par with sleek skinned animals, without the necessity of very hot stables, and a long course of preparatory treatment. The advantages of clipping are great; perspiration is considerably lessened, the horse is soon brought into condition, and grooming is greatly facilitated, without unnecessary irritation ; indeed, the quickest method is to wash the skin while the animal is somewhat warm, with warm water (and soap if ne- cessary), and then scrape the skin, and throw a horse-cloth on the body, which, in the coui'se of ten minutes, will be found dry and comfortable. 412 COLOR. All the angulai points of the iron-grey are filled up, and with that which not jniy cAds to symmetry, but to use. Whether as a hackney, or, the larger variety, a carriage-horse, there are few better, especially since his form lias been so materially improved, and so much of" his heaviness got rid of, by the free use of foreign blood. There are not, however, so many dappled greys as there ased to be, since the bays have been bred with so much care. The dappled grey, if dark at first, generally retains his color to old age. Some of the greys approach to a nutmeg, or even hsij color. Many of these are handsome, and most of them are hardy. The roans, of every variety of color and form, are composed of white mixed with bay, or red, or black. In some it seems to be a natural mixture of the colors ; in others it appears as if one color was powdered or sprinkled over another. They are pretty horses for ladies or light carriages, and many of them easy in their paces, but they do not usually display much blood, nor are they celebrated for endurance. If they should have white fore legs, with white hoofs, they are too often tender-footed, or become BO with even a little hard work. The strawberry horse is a mixture of sorrel with white ; usu- ally handsome and pleasant, but more celebrated for these quali ties than for strength and endurance. The pied horse is one that has distinct spots or patches of dif- ferent colors, but generally of white with some other color. They are not liked as hackneys, on account of their peculiarity of color, nor in teams of horses ; but they look well when tolerably matched in a phaeton or light carriage. Their value must depend on theii breed. Of themselves they have no peculiar character, except thai a white leg and foot is as suspicious in them as it is in the roan. The dun, of the Galloway size, and with considerable blood, is often attached to the curricle or the plijeton. The larger variety is a true farmer's or miller's horse, with no great speed or extra- ordinary strength, yet a good-tempered, good-feeling, good-consti tutioned, useful horse enough. Varieties of the dun, shaded with a darker color, or dappled, and with some breeding, and not stand- ing too high, are beautiful animals, and much sought after lor light carriages. The cream-color, of Hanoverian extraction, with his white iris and red pupil, is appropriated to royal use. Attached to the state- carriage of the monarch, he is a superb animal. His bulky, yet perfectly-formed body, his swelling crest, and his proud and loft;y action, as if conscious of his office, qualify him for the service that is exacted from him, but we have little experience how far ne would suit other purposes. Of the chestnuts there are three varieties — the pale red or the COLOR. 413 sorrel, usually with some white, either on the face or the legs — generally lightly made, yet some of them bulky enough for the heaviest loads. Tlieir color is generally objectionable, and thcv are supposed to be somewhat deficient in eiubirance. Tiie light chestnut, with less red and a little more bay or brown, is considered a preferable animal, especially if he has little or no white about him ; yet even he, although pleasant to ride, is some- times irritable, and generally weak. We must except one variety, the Suiiblk punch ; a heavy horse, and adapted ibr slow work, but perfect of his kind — whom no labor can daunt, no fatigue overcome. This is a breed now, imibrtunately, nearly extinct. The present variety, however crossed, is not equal to the old Suffolk. The dark chestnut is as different a horse from the hackney-like chestnut as can be well imagined ; round in the carcase ; pow- erful in the quarters, but rather fine in the legs ; possessed of great endurance, and with a constitution that rarely knows an ailment, except that the feet are small and disposed to contrac- tion, and the horse is occasionally of a hot and unmanageable temper. Of the bays, there are many varieties, and they include the very best of our horses of every description. The bright yellow bay, although very beautiful, and especially if his mane and tail are black, is the least valuable — the lightness of" his color seems to give him some tenderness of constitution. The pure bay, with no white about him, and black from the knees and hocks to the feet, is the most desirable of all. He has generally a good con- stitution, and good feet ; and, if his conformation is not faulty, will turn out a valuable horse for almost eveiy purpose. The bay-brown has not always so much show and action, buf, generally, more strength and endurance, and usefulness. He has greater substance than the lighter bay, and more depth of leg ; and, if he had the same degree of breeding, he would be as hand- some and more valuable. When, however, we arrive at the browns, it is necessary to examine the degree of breeding. This color is not so fashionable, and therefore these horses have been considerably neglected. There are many good ones, and those that are good are val. uable ; others, probably, are only half or a quarter bred, and therefore comparatively coarse, yet useful for the saddle and for harness — for slow Avork, and, occasionally, for that which is more rapid. The black-brown is generally more neglected so far as its breed is concerned, and should be more carefulh' examined. It is val- uable if it retains the goodness of constitution of the brown and bay-brown. 414 COLOR. Of the black, greater care has been taken. The heavy black of liincolnshire and the midland counties is a noble animal, and would be almost beyond price if he could be rendered more ac live. The next in size constitute the majority of our wagon- horses, and perhaps our best ; and, on a smaller breed, and to the improvement of which much attention has been devoted, nany of our cavalry are mounted. A few black thoroug-]i-bred horses and black hunters are occasionally seen, but the improve- ment of horses of this color has not been studied, except for the purposes that have been mentioned. Their peculiar high action, while not objectionable for draught, and desirable for the parade, would be unbearable in the roadster. Black horses have been said to be more subject to vice, disease, and blindness, than those of any other color. This charge is not true to its full extent ; but there certainly are a great many worthless black horses in in every part of the country. After all, there is an old saying, that a good horse cannot be a bad color ; and that it is far more necessary to attend to the conformation and points of the animal than to his color. The foregoing observations, however, although they admit of many exceptions, may be useful m guiding to the judicious purchase of the horse. ^ * Note hj Mr. Spooner. — Color. — We do not consider that the size, con- formation, and qualitications of hors^es depend so much on the color as the text would imply. We have found both good and bad horses of every color, and the only rule we can admit as correct is, that certain colors denote deficient breeding, ami therefore such animal is not likely to be so good as he looks, but is probably deficient in bottom or the powers of endurance. These colors are black, whicli prevails so much with cart-horses, and sorrel, dun, piebald, ttc. ; the possessors of which come from the north, and possess no eastern blood. Black horses, unless evidently high bred, are very oftei). soft and sluggish, with breeding insufficient for their work ; the pedigree of the majority of them may be dated from the plough-tail, whatever admix- tures there may have been since. White hair denotes a thin skin, which is objectionable, when it prevails on the legs of horses, as such animals are moie disposed to swelled legs and cracked heels than others. Bay horses with black legs are greatly esteemed, and yet we have known many determined slugs of this hue. Their constitution is, however, almost inva- riably good. Chestnut is the prevailing color with our race-horses, and con- sequently chestnut horses are generally pretty well bred, and possess the good and bad qualities which obtain most amongst thorough- breds. The Suffolk cart-norse is also distinguished b}^ his light chestnut color : and it ia no small recommendation to find that this br^ed has, for several years past< carried away tlie principal prizes at the animal shows of the Royal Agricul tural Society of Enghiud. Gray is a very good color, and one which has become very fashionable for carriage and phaiton horses during the present reign. Her Majesty's ponies, as they are still called, although they have increased in height from thirteen to fifteen hands, are beautiful specimens of this color, and have rendered the color fashionable for harneiss purposes. These horses have a SURFEIT. 4 Id SURFEIT. Lai-f^e pimples or eruptions often appear suddenly on the skin of the horse, and especially in the spring of the year. Occasion- ally they disappear as quickly as they came. (Sometimes they S^em to be attended with great itching, but at other times, the an- noyance is comparatively little. When these eruptions have remained a few days, the cuticle frequently peels ofi", and a small scaly spot — rarely a sore — is left. This is called a surfeit, from its resemblance to some eruptions on the skin of the human being when mdigestible or unwholesome food has been taken. The surfeit is, in some cases, confined to the neck ; but it ofteuei spreads over the sides, back, loins, and quarters. The cause is enveloped in some obscurity. The disease most frequently appears when the skin is irritable during or after the process of moulting, or when it sympathizes with any disorder of the stomach. It has been known to follow the eating of poisonous herbs or mow- burnt hay, but, much oftener, it is to be traced to exposure to cold when the skin was previously irritable and the horse heated by exercise. It has also been attributed to the immoderate drink- ing of cold water when the animal was hot. It is obstruction of some of the pores of the skin and swelling of the surrounding sub- stance, either from primary affection of the skin, or a plethoric state of the system, or sympathy with the digestive organs. The state of the patient will sufficiently guide the surgeon as to the course he should pursue. If there is simple eruption, without any marked inflammatory action, alteratives should be resorted to, and particularly those recommended for hide-bound in page 407. They should be given on several successive nights. The night is better than the morning, because the warmth of the stable will cause the antimony and sulphur to act more power- fully on the skin. The horse should be warmly clothed — half an considerable admixture of eastern blood, and most of them are immediately derived from an Arab or a Turkish horse. This, indeed, is the principal or only use of the eastern horse in this country. It is vain to expect any miprovement in the speed of our race-horses from foreign admixture, for every attempt of the kind for some years past has been unsuccessful. The circular carcase, arched neck, good shoulders and fore legs, high and excel- lent trotting action, are, however, qualifications which our thorough-breds cannot supply, and are truly valuable in animals required for gettmg car- riage-horses. The white Arabian horse is, therefore, the very animal re- quired for getting phseton horses, and, if put to large mares, are also well adapted for perpetuating handsome and valuable carriage-horses. There are also some excellent cart-horses of a gray color ; some of massive propor tions, and others of moderate size, and more active. The iron grays and roans are generally cleaner about the legs, and more compact than the mottled greys. 416 MANGE. hour's walking exercise should be given, an additional rug thrown over him — such green feed- as can be procured should be used in moderate quantities, and the chill should be taken from the water. Should the eruption continue or assume a more violent charac- ter, bleeding and aloes must be had recourse to, but neither should be carried to any extreme. The physic havnig set, the al- teratives should again be had recourse to, and attention should be paid to the comfort and diet of the horse. If the eruption, after several of these alternative appearan jes and disappearances, should remain, and the cuticle and the hair begin extensively to peel off, a worse affection is to be feared, for surfeit is too apt to precede, or degenerate into, mange. This dis- order, therefore, must next be considered. MANGE Is a pimpled or vesicular eruption. After a while the vesicles break, or the cuticle and the hair fall off, and there is, as in ob- stinate surfeit, a bare spot covered with scurf — some fluid oozing from the skin beneath, and this changing to a scab, which like- • wise soon peels off, and leaves a wider spot. This process is at- tended by considerable itching and tenderness, and thickening of the skin, which soon becomes more or less folded, or puckered. The mange generally first appears on the neck at the root of" tht; mane, and its existence may be susnected even before the blotches appear, and when there is only considerable itchiness of the part, by the ease with which the short hair at the root of the mane is plucked out. From the neck it spreads upward to the head, or downward to the withers and back, and occasionally extends over the whole carcass of the horse. One cause of it, although an unfrequent one, has been stated to be neglected or inveterate surfeit. Several instances are on record in which poverty of condition, and general neglect of cleanliness, preceded or produced the most violent mange. A remark of Mr. Blaine is very important: — "Among the truly healthy, so far as my experience goes, it never arises spontane- ously, but it does readily form a spontaneous origin among the unhealthy." The most common cause is contagion. Amidst the whole list of diseases to which the horse is exposed, there is not one more highly contagious than mange. If it once gets into a stable, it spreads through it, for the slightest contact seems suffi- cient for the communication of this noisome complaint. If the same brush and currycomb is used on all the horses, the propagation of mange is assured ; and horses feeding in the same pasture with a mangy one rarely escape, from the propensity they MANGE. 417 have to nibble one another. Mange in cattle has been propagated to the horse, and from the horse to cattle. There are also some well-authenticated instances of the same disease being connuuni- cated from the dog to the horse, but not from the horse to the dog. Mange has been said to originate in want of cleanliness in the management of the stable. The comfort and the health of tlic horse demand the strictest cleanliness. The eyes and the lungy frequently suffer from the noxious fumes of the purifying dung and urine ; but, in defiance of common prejudice, there is no au- thentic instance of mange being the result. Poverty and starva- tion are fruitful sources of mange, but it does not appear that filth has much to do with it, although poverty and filth generally go hand in hand. The propriety of bleeding in cases of mange depends on the con- dition of the patient. If mange is the result of poverty, and the animal is much debilitated, bleeding will increase tlie evil, and will probably deprive the constitution of the power of rallying. Physic, however, is indispensable in every case. A mercurial ball will be preferable to a common aloetic one, as more certain and effectual in its operation, and the mercury probably having some influence in mitigating the disease. In this, however, mange in the horse resembles itch in the human being — medicine alone will never effect a cure. There must be some local appli- ?,ation. There is this additional similarity — that which is most ofiectual in curing the itch in the human being must form the basis of every local application for the cure of mange in the horse Sulphur is indispensable in every ointment for mange. It is the sheet-anchor of the veterinary surgeon. In an early and not very acute state of mange, equal portions of sulphur, turpentine, and train-oil, gently but well rubbed on the part, will be applied with advantage. Farriers are fond of the black sulphur, but that which consists of earthy matter, with the mere dregs of various substan- ces, cannot be so efTectual as the pure sublimed sulphur. A tol- erably stout brush, or even a curry-comb, lightly applied, should be used, in order to remove the dandriH^or scurf", wherever there is any appearance of mange. After that, the horse' should be washed with strong soap and water as far as the disease has ex- tended ; and, when he has been thoroughly dried, the ointment should be well rubbed in with the naked hand, or with a piece of flannel. More good will be done by a little of the ointment being well rubbed in, than by a great deal being smeared over the part. The rubbing should be daily repeated. During the application of the ointment, and as soon as the physic has set, an alterative ball or powder, similar to those recommend- ed for the other affections of the skin, should be daily given. If, after some days have passed, no progress should apj-ear to hav* 27 1. 418 MANGE. been .tiade, half a pound of sulphur should be well mixed with a pint of oil of tar, or, if thai is not to be obtained, a pint of Barba- boes tar, and tlie ah'ected parts rubbed, as before. On every fiith or sixth day, the ointmeni snould be washed off with warm soap and water. The prop:ress towards cure will thus be ascertained, and the skin will be cleansed, and its pores opened for the more effectual application of the ointment. The horse should be well supplied with nourishing, but not stimulating food. As much green feed as he will eat should be given to him, or, what is far better, he should be turned out, ii the weather is not too cold. It may be useful to add, that, alter the horse has been once well dressed with either of these liniments, the danger of contagion ceases. It is necessary, however, to be assured that every mangy place has been anointed. It will be prudent to give two or three dressings after the horse has been ap- parently cured, and to continue the alteratives for ten days or a fortnight. The cure being completed, the clothing of the horse should be well soaked in water, to which a fortieth part of the saturated so- lution of the chloride of lime has been a Ided ; after which i* should be washed with soap and water, and again washed ana soaked in a solution of the chloride of lime. Every part of the harness should undergo a similar purification. The curry-comb may be scoured but the brush should be burned. The rack and manger, and partitions, and every part of the stable which the horse could possibly have touched, should be well washed with a hair-broom — a pint of the chloride of lime being added to three gallons of water. All the wood-work should then be scoured with soap and water, after which a second washing with the chloride of lime will render all secure. Every case of itchiness of the skin should be regarded with sus- picion. When a horse is seen to rub the root of his tail, or his head, or neck, against the manger, the parts should be carefully examined. Some of the hair m^ay have been rubbed or torn otf, but if the roots remain firmly adherent, and there is only rediirss and not scurfiness of the skin, it probably is not mange, but only inflammation of the skin, from too great fulness of blood. A lit- tle blood should be abstracted — a purgative administered — and the alteratives given. The mange ointrnxcnt caimot do harm, and may possibly prevent this heat of the skin from degenerating into mange, or arrest the progress of mange if it has commenced. If a scurfiness of the skin should appear on any of the points that are pressed upon by the collar or harness, the veterinary surgeon will do right to guard against danger by alterative medicine and the use of the ointment. =^ * Note by Mr. Spooner. — "We have only tc» remark, that the adniiniatratioti WARTS VERMIN. 419 WARTS. These are occasionally found on all parts of the horse. There are some caustics available, but frequently they must be removed by an operation. If the root is very small, it may be snipped asunder, close to the skin, with a pair of scissors, and touched with the lunar caustic. If the pedicle or stem is somewhat larger, a ligature of waxed silk should be passed firmly round it, and tight- ened every day. The source of nutriment being thus removed, the tumor will, in a short time, die and drop off. If the warts are large, or in considerable clusters, it will be necessary to cast the horse, in order to cut them off close to the skin : the root should then be seared with a red-hot iron. Unless these precautions are used, the warts will speedily sprout again. VERMIN. Both the biped and the quadruped are subject to the visitation of insects that fasten on the skin, and are a constant nuisance from the itchiness which they occasion. If the horse, after being turned out for the winter, is taken up in the spring long and rough in his coat, and poor in condition, and with evident hide-bound, he will almost invariably be afflicted with vermin. In our present imperfect acquaintance with natural history, it IS difficult to account for the appearance of certain insects, and of diose alone, on the integument of one animal, while others of an altogether different character are Ibund on its neighbor. Each one has a tormentor peculiar to itself. The vermin of the horse is destroyed by an infusion of tobacco or a solution of corrosive sublimate, the latter requiring the great- est caution. The skin being once cleansed of them, an attention to cleanliness will prevent their reappearance. of mercurial physic requires extreme caution in this disease. We h:'ve known horses very low in condition killed by this means, and we doubt tne necessity of the purge. Topical treatment is the principal remedy, and it i-* also well to administer sulphur internally at the same time. There is a disease very much resembling the mange, which we occasionally meet with. The horse is affected with the most violent itching, and the hair is often rubbed off, but the skin does not become wrinkled, as in mange. Though this disease often appears to yield to the same topical treatment as the mange, yet, in some instances, it is incurable, and continue' tlirough life. CHAPTER XXII. ON SOUNDNESS, AND THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF HORSES. [This chapter is given nearly entire, as in the original, and in the remarks on warranty, &c., entire, because it is believed to give a luminous exposition of what equity in all cases demands in regard to the matters of which it treats. It constitutes there- fore the proper basis of amicable settlement between gentlemen, in all countries, where tlie purchaser of the horse alleges a violation of warranty ; and the basis of proper adjudication where an action is commenced for fraud. In some of the States of the Union, there may be statutes or judicial decisions which would vary from the English ones cited on the subject of warranty, fraud, and as to what constitutes unsoundness, — but probably in most cases, they will be found substantially the same. — Am. Ed.] There are few sources of greater annoyance both to the pur- chaser and the seller of the horse than disputes with regard to the soundness of the animal. That horse is sound in whom there is no disease, and no alter- ation of structure that impairs, or is likely to impair, his natural usefulness. The horse is unsound that labors under disease, or has some alteration of structure which docs interfere, or is likely to interfere, with his natural usefulness.* The term " natural usefubiess " must be borne in mind. One horse may possess great speed, but is soon knocked up ; another will work all day, but cannot be got beyond a snail's pace : a third with a heavy * Since the publication of our first edition, tliis definition or rule as to soundness or unsoundness has received very high judicinl sanction. Coates V. Steplipus, 2 Moody and Robinson, 157, Scholcjield v. Robh, id. 210. We eJiall adhere to it as our test of soundness or unsoundness tlironghout this chapter, not forgetting what is said in the following extract from a note to one of these cases. "As it may now be considered as settled law, that the breach of a warranty or soundness does not entitle the purchaser to return the horse, but only to recover the dilference of value of the horse with or without tlie particrlar unsoundness, the question of temixirary nialadies, producing no permanent deterioration of the animal, would, generally speaking, only involve a right to damages merely nominal." SOUNDNESS RULES FOR PURCHASE. 4:<51 forehand is liable to stumble, and is continually -aitting to hazard the neck of his rider ; another, with an irritable consti- tution and a loose, washy form, loses his appetite and beji^ins to scour if a litte extra work is exacted from him. The term un- soundness must not be applied to either of these ; it would be opening far too widely a door to disputation and endless wrang- ling. The buyer can discern, or ought to know, whether the form of the horse is that which will render him likely to suit his purpose, and he should try him sufiiciently to ascertain his natural strength, endurance, and manner of going. Unsound- ness, we repeat, has reference only to diseease, or to that al- teration of structure which is connected with, or will produce disease, and lessen the usefulness of the animal. These principles will be best illustrated by a hrief consider- ation of the usually supposed appearances or causes of unsound- ness. Broken knees certainly do not constitute unsoundness, after tlie wounds are healed, unless they interfere with the action of the joint ; for the horse may have fallen from mere accident, or through the fault of the rider, without the slightest damage more than the blemish. No person, however, would buy a horse with broken knees, until he has thoroughly tried him, and satisfied himself as to his form and action. Capped hocks may be produced by lying on an unevenly paved stable, with a scanty supply of litter, or by kicking gen- erally, in neither of which cases would they constitute unsound- ness, although in the latter they would be an indication of vice ; but, in the majority of instances, they are the consequence of sprain, or of latent injury of the hock, and accompanied by eidargement of it, and would constitute unsoundness. A special Warranty should always be taken against capped hocks.*' Contraction is a considerable deviation from the natural form of the foot, but not necessarily constituting unsoundness. It re- quires, however, a most careful examination on the part of the purchaser or veterinary surgeon, in order to ascertain that there is no heat about the quarter, or ossification of the cartilage — that the frog, although diminished in size, is not diseased — that * Note hy Mr. Spooner. — Capped hocks. — In nine cases out of ten these enlargements are occasioned by kicking in the stall, a vice altogether differ- ent from that of spitefulne^^s, which appears to arise more from restless- ness than anything else. The swelling consists of an effusion of serum or water in the cellular bag which is found beneath the skin at the point of the hock, placed there for the purpose of giving facihty of motion. It is never occasioned by strains, therefore, although a sad blemish, it should not be regarded as an unsoundness, unless accompanied with other indications of disease. 422 SOUNDNESS RULES I'OIl rURCIIASL. the horse docs not sit'p short and ^o as if tho loot were tender, and that there is not the sli«!:litest traee of lameness. Unless these eircunistaiutes, or some ot" them, are detected, a horse must uot be pronounced to be unsound because his leet arc contracted ; for many horses with strangely contracted ieet do not suller at all in their action. A special warranty, however, should be required where the feet are at all contracted. Corns manifestly constitute unsoundness. The portion of the foot in wliich bad corns are situated will not bear the ordinary pressure of the shoe ; and accidental additional pressure from the p:r()win«!: down of the horn, or the introduction of dirt or gravel, will cause serious lameness. They render it necessary to wear ;i tliick and heavy shoe, or a bar-shoe, in order to protect the weakened and diseased part ; and they are very seldom radically cured. There may be, however, and frequently is, a dilierence of o})inion as to the actual existence or character of the corn. They are sometimes, too, so slight that they do not diminish the value oi' the horse, and will disappear on the horse being shod with ordinary skill and care, even without any alteration in the shoe. Cough. — This is a disease, and consequently unsoundness. However slight may be its degree, and of whatever short stand- ing it may be, althougli it may sometimes scarcely seem to inter lere with the useiulness of the horse, yet a change of stabling or slight exposure to wet and cold, or the least over-exertioi/, may, at other times, cause it to degenerate into many dangerous comjilaints. A horse, therefore, should never be purchased with a cough upon him, without a special warranty; or il^ — the cough not being observed — he is ])urchased under a general war- ranty, that warranty is thereby broken. It is not law, that a Jiorse may be returned on breach of the warranty. The seller is not bounil to take him back, unless he has contracted so to do ; but he is liable to damages. Lord Ellenborough has completely decided this matter. "1 have always held," said he, "that a warranty of sounchiess is broken, if the animal, at the time of sale, had any infirmity upon him that rendered him less fit for present service. It is not necessary that the disorder should be permanent or incurable. While he has a cough, he is unsound, nlthough tlnit may either be temporary or prove mortal." Iii deciding on another case, tlie same judge said, " I have al- ways held it that a cough is a breach of the warranty. On that understanding I have always acted, and think it quite clear." It was argued on the other liand that two-thirds of the horses in liondon had coughs, yet still the judge maintained that the cough was a breach of warranty. When it was larther argued that the n(.rse had been hunted tlie day after tho purcliase, and tlie ..ough SOUNDNESS. 423 mipht have boon inoroasod by ibis, ibo ivi)ly was siiiirnbir, but decisive. " Tbere is no proof tluit be woiibl bave «>ot well it" ho had not been bunted." Tbiti doetrine is condnned by Parke, B., in tbe fust ease eited in p. 420. UOAUING, WllKKZlNG, VVlllSTLl N(i, 11 IC H-lU.OWINd , aud (JkUNT- ING, beinh some learned judj^es have asserted that crib-bitinjr is simply a trick or bad habit, it must be re«rarded as unsoundness. This unnatural suckiu«i; in of the air must, to a certain dcfrree injure dijxestion. It must disi)osc to colic, and so interfere with the strenj^th, and usefulness, and health of the horse. ►Some crib-biters are p^ood pfocrs, but they ])robably woubl have possessed more endurance had they not ac(iuired this habit ; and it is a iact well established, that, as soon as a horse becomes a crib-biter, he, in nine cases out of ten, loses condition. In its very early stance it may be a mere trick — conllrmed, it must have produced morbid deterioration. The wear of the front tec^tb, iind tbe occasional breaking- oi" them, make a horse old belbre bistinu\ and sonu^times render it dillicult or impossible lor him to ^n-ji/e. wben tbe static of tbe animal or the convenience of tbe owner re quires that he should be turned out.f * Note bu J\fr. Spoonrr. — Roaring, whr.fzincj, and wlihU'mg inny bo con- sidered as inodiliculioiH of tlu* sjiine disease, viz., an ohslruction to the pas- Ra^'c of air to and iVoin i\w lunjjjs ; and as the nature and amount of ihis ob- struction necessarily varies, so must the noise thereby produced, and which isconsecpiently expressed by the terms in cpiestion ; all, however, bein;:,' de- cidedly iDinomuhusa. Urantinp is the noise whicli many roarers will evince when suddenly alarmed by a real (»r pretended blow. It is the common liorsedealer's method of discovering a roarer, but by no means one that can 1)0 tlependcMl on, as many moderate roarers, particuhirly if they luivo lately become so, will notL,^runt. With reirard to hii^di-hlowinj.,', we by no means consider it iin unsoundness, understandinjj; by this term, however, the noise, often very considerable, which some Ijorses make t)n beinj^ first e.vcited, or put into motion. 'I'his noise is produced by the false nostrils, which either possess fi;reater laxity than common, or else it is owinj.^ to the neivousiiess of the liorse. It bei^ins at once if the horse is excited, and, instead of increasin-,' with exertion, bke roaring, it diminishes or goes oil". This is, or ought to be, the proper test of soundness. Broken loind is of course decided unsoundness, and equally so is thick w/?if/, or quickened respiration, whi(!h often arise" «Vom consolidation of a portion of tlie lungs, and sometimes merely from iliickening of the mcm- iA ane of the air passages. \ N(ift hv Mr.Spooner. — (Jrihhitinf/hfifi often been the s\ibie(!t of dispute 424 SOUNDNESS. Curb constitutes unsoundness while it lasts, and perhaps while the swelling remains, although the inflammation may have sub- sided ; for a horse that has once thrown out a curb is, for a while at least, very liable to do so again, to get lame in the same place on the slightest extra exertion ; or, at all events, he would there first fail on extraordinary exertion. A horse, however, is not re- turnable, although he should spring a curb five minutes after the purchase ; for it is done in a moment, and does not necessarily in- dicate any previous unsoundness or weakness of the part. =^ Cutting, as rendering a horse liable to serious injury of the legs, and indicating that he is either weak, or has an awkward- ness of gait inconsistent with safety, produces, rather than this, unsoundness. Many horses go lame for a considerable period after cutting themselves severely ; and others have dropped Irom the sudden agony, and endangered themselves and their riders. As some doubt, however, exists on this subject, and as it is a very material objection to a horse, cutting, when evid nt, should have its serious consequences provided against by a special warranty.! Enlarged Glands. — The enlargement of the glands under thf^ jaw has not been so raiuch considered as it ought to have been in 13 to whether it constitutes unsoundness or not, which is not to be wondered at, seeing that many crib-biters will perform their work for many years without hindrance or inconvenience. Crib-biting is now, however, regarded as an unsoundness, on the principle that though at the present time the horse may be equal to his work, yet, at a future period, it may render him unequal to its performance, by causing indigestion, loss of flesh, and weakness. It is better that the question should be thus set at rest, as the value of the ani mal is very materially diminished by being a crib-biter, which is owing not 80 much to real injury, as to the disagreeable habit, and to the fact that if the animal is in a stable with other horses, they are very likely to learn the habit. Wind-suching must come under the same rules as crib-biting, which re- sembles it so far as the swallowing of air is concerned, the animal, howeverj being enabled to do it without the necessity of laying hold of the manger. * Note by Mr. Spooner. — Curb constitutes unsoundness, unless it is well known that the horse has stood the ordeal of work for some months since the curb was thrown out, or any treatment adopted for it. As this infor- mation, however, can seldom be satisfactorily obtained, the possible effects of a curb should be guarded against by a special warranty. f Note by Mr. Spooner. — We cannot agree with the text in considering this an unsoundness. It is a visible defect, and therefore can readily be observed, and pointed out, and objected to, in proportion to the amount of the evil which may be very severe and unlikely to be remedied, or slight, and owing either to improper shoeing, or youth, awkwardness, or weakness. To consider it, therefore, as an unsoundness, there being neither alteration of structure nor function, would be to open the door to perpetual disputes, and render the alr.eady vexed question of soundness still more vexatious. At the same time, if the cutting is considerable, and evidently arises from naturally defective action, and is of such a nature as not to ad jnit of a remedy, we should noi hesitate, in such a case, to pronounce the animal unsound. SOUNDNESS. 426 our estimate of the soundness of the horse. Simple catarrh will occasionally, and severe affection of the chest will generally, be accompanied by swellinfr of these glands, which does not subside for a considerable time after the cold or lever has apparently been cured. To slight enlargements of the glands under the jaw much attention need not be paid ; but if they are of ccusiderable size, and especially if they are tender, and the glands at the root of the ear partake of the enlargement, and the membrane of the nose is redder than it should be, we should hesitate in pronouncing that horse to be sound. "We must consider the swelling as a symptom of disease. Enlarged Hock. — A horse with enlarged hock is unsound, the structure of this complicated joint being so materially afiected that, although the horse may appear for a considerable time to be capable of ordinary work, he will occasionally fail even in that, and a few days' hard work will always lame him.* The Eyes. — That inflammation of the eye of the horse which usually terminates in blindness of one or both eyes, has the pecu- liar character of receding or disappearing for a time, once or twice, or thrice, before it fully runs its course. The eye, after an attack of inflammation, regains so nearly its former natural bril- liancy that a person even well acquahited with horses will not always recognize the traces of former disease. After a time, how- ever, the inflammation returns, and the result is inevitable. A horse that has had one attack of this complaint, is long afterwards unsound, however perfect the eye may seem to be, because he carries about with him a disease that will probably again break out, and eventually destroy the sight. AVhether, therefore, he may be rejected or not, depends on the possibility of proving an attack of mflammation of the eye, prior to the purchase. Next to direct evidence of this are appearances about the eye, of which the veterinary surgeon at least ought not to be ignorant. Allu- sion has been made to them in page 64. They consist chiefly of a puckering of the lids towards the inner corner of one or both eyes — a difference in the size of the eyes, although perhaps only a slight one, and not discovered except it be looked for — a gloom- iness of the eye — a dullness of the iris — a little dullness of the * Note hy Mr. Spooner. — The greater number of these cases, arising as they most frequently do from stniins, we should consider as unsoundness, even although the probability may be that the horse will stand work with- out lameness. There is weakness of the part, and a possibility of lame- ness. There are, however, other ca-;es in which the enlargement may be in the skin, or immediately under it, or on the outside of the bone, such cases being often produced by kicks or blows, or other external injuries. There are many such cases that we should regard as blemishes, but not as un soimdnesa 426 SOUNDNESS. transparent pari, ol' the oyo «!;cMU'rjilly — a minute, faint, dusky spot (loop in tlio eye, and ^(nu'rally with little radiations of wliito liuea ]>ro(U^odiii<>" IVoni it. 1 1" these symplonis, or th(^ majority olthem. ox.ist(ul at the time of [)iirehase, ihi' animal hail assuredly been diseased l)erore, and was unsound Slartin;; has been considered as muMpiivoeal jn'oof. It is usually au indication ol" detective si^ht, but it is occasionally a trick. Connected, however, with ]\c api>(Niran(H'S just described, it is a very strong" corroborative prool'.* Lamkniws, from whatever cause arisiu<2:, is uusouiulness. Jiow- cvcr temporary it may be, or however ob.scure, there must be dis- ease which lessens the utility of the liorse, and renders him un- sound for the time. So says couunon sense, but there are contra- dictory decisions on the case. " A horse laborin«r under a tempo- rary injury or hurt, which is capable of bein«>' speedily cured or removed, is not, according- to Chief Justice Eyre, au unsound horse ; and where a. warranty is made that such a horse is sound, it is made without any view to such au injury ; nor is a horse so circumstanced within the meaning- of the warranty. To vitiate the warranty, the injury the horse had sustained, or the malady * Nott' hi/ J\fr.Spooiirr. — All inloiiml ilisoase^i of the oyo, or the ri'iniiiiisi of snoh iliscasi's, t'oiistitiito unsouuiliu'ss ; and wen ultliouivh no iniscliicr run be (lisoovni'd at tln^ time ofsalc, yet, if intlaiiuiuition can l)o proved toiiavo existed pii'viously, and such inllaiiimatioii siihseipiently reours, (ho horse is returnable. As, Ijowever, it is extreintdy dillicult to obtain sneh proof, the most particular care should be (aki'u with rej^ard to an exaiuiiiatiim of tho eyes. Distinetiou. however, imist be made between those streaks or opacpie spots often seen on the eoriu-a alone, and witlioutthe axis of vision, and wliieb. invariably arises IVoiu blows or other external injuries, and whieh, alliionii^h uinountiu!^' to a blemish, iloes not eonstitule unsoiuulness. 'i'lu'ris aie also occasional speeks deepi^r in tho eye, about the size of a pin's head, oviilently on tho surface of tho crystalline lens, and not in its body. These false oata- raets, as tiioy may be called in contraihstinction to true cataracts, are very frecpaMitly absorbeil, and do not inereaso or injure vision. When, there- fore, the examiner can satify himself that such is the nature of the spe(>ks in ipiestion, he will be Jusiitii'd, whilst pointing out their existence, in deciding in tavor of soundness of the animal. We cannot by any mi'ans agree with the doctrine implied in the text, that a blind horse is not returnable. If the horse is warranted-sound.and proves to be blind, the warranty is broken, and the liorso is returnable. Many purchasers of horses know no mi>re about a lh)rse than a horse tloes about them, and eanni>t be supposeil to be eaj>able of diseovi-ring the animal's liefecls. ami they have a right to C(»nsider tlu> warranty as their prt)teotion, Tho writer himself remiMubers, many years since, riding a horse twenty miles on a turnpike road, without knt)wii)g that the aninud was blind. It was a castM)f amaurosis; the eye was clear and appari>ntly free from dis- ease, tho animal wei\t safe, straight and well, and he could scarcidy believe it, the next morning. wlu>n he found that the animal was stone blind. If, however, the horse is bought without a warranty, (lie tiefect being ap- ixareut, tho horse is then not returnable on the ground of fraud. SOIINDNKSS. 487 liiuUn- wliii'li 111' lahovi'd, ou^^lil lo he of a prnnaiu'iil iialiiic, and not sucli as may arise IVdiu u tciuporary iiijury oi- .•idciil." Oil the coiilrary, Lord I'^llcuboroii^li says: "I have always lic'ld, and iit)\v lu)ld, that a warranty ol Hoiiiuliicss is IjioIumi, if till' auiiiial at tlm tiiiK^ of siilo has any iiiHruiity upon liim which renders him less lit lor present serviee. It is not necessary that the disorder should l)e permanent or incnf:il)le. While a horse lias a eou^^h he is unsound, although it may either be temporary or may ])rove mortal. The horse in (piestion havinji; been lame at the time of sale, when ho was warranted to Uo sound, his condi- tion subse([uently is no (lelenc(^ to the action.* 'V\w diunsioii ot Mr. liaroii Tarke, already referred to, conllrms this doctrine. Niu'uoToMY. — A (piestion has arisen how far a horse that has under«^one the operation of the division of the nerve of the le«r (seo p. 8G), and has recovered from the lameness with which ho wa3 before alU'ctiui, and stands his work well, may bo considered to boi Bound. (Jliief Justice Best held such a. horsi^ to b(^ unsound, and ill our opinion there cannot be a, doubt about tln^ matter. Tho operation of neurotomy does not remove tlu^ diseasi* causing' tho lameness, lint only the sensation of pain. A horsti on whom this operation has been performed may be improved by it — may cease to be lame — may «••<) W(dl l()r many years; but there is no ccr tainty of this, and he is unsound, within our defniition, unless na- ture "i^ave tho iiervo lor no useful J)urpos(^ O.SSll'lCATlON OF TIIH LATKRAL (MKTliwVU i;S constitutes UllSOUud- !iess, as iiiterferinjj^ witli the natural expansion of the loot, and, ill horses of ([uick work, almost universally produein;,^ lameness. PiiMicKD-FooT. — When the union between the horny and seu- sible lamiine, or little jilates of tlu^ l()ot (see p. IJOT)), is weakcMuul, and the (Ujllin-bone is letdown, and presses upon the sole, and tho sole yields to this unnatural wei<;ht, and becomes rounded, and is brou^j^ht in contact with the ^n'ound, and is bruiscul and injured, that horse must bo unsound, and unsound forever, because thero arc no moans by which wo can raise tho coilin-bono a^'^aiu hito its" place. (i,uii)i)iN(;. — If th(! mastication of the food ^ivcs pain to the ani- mal, in conse(]uenco of sonnu'ss of tho mouth or throat, ln5 will drop it bel()re it is i)erle(ttly chewed. This, as an indicration of di.sease, constitutes unsoundness, t^uiddin^ sometimes arises from irreij)l).-ll, '.!r)l, h7/i Deadly Nightshade, — extract of, see Belladonna Extrac- T-JM. Demulcents, — are substances that have the power of dimin- ishing the eHect of acrimonious or stimulating substances. The first, by some oily or mucilaginous substance, sheaths the sensible parts. The other dilutes the stimulus, and diminishes its power. It will rarely be difficult to determine which effect should be produced, and the means by which it is to be effected. Diaphoretics, — are raiedicines that increase the sensible and insensible perspiration of the animal. As it regards the horse, they are neither many nor powerful. Antimony in its various forms, and sulphur, have some effect in opening the pores of the skin, and exciting its vessels to action, and especially when assist- ed by warmth of stable or clothing, and therefore is useful in those diseases in which it is desirable that some portion of the blood should be diverted from the overloaded, and inflamed, and vital organs of the chest, to the skin or the extremities. The only diaphoretics, however, on which much confidence can be placed, and especially to produce condition, are warm clothing and good grooming. Digestives, — are applications to recent or old wounds, as mild stimulants, in order to produce a healthy appearance and action in them, and to cause them more speedily to heal. A weak so- lution of blue vitriol is an excellent digestive ; so is the tincture of aloes, and the tincture of myrrh. The best digestive oint- ment is one composed of three parts of calamine ointment (Tur- ner's cerate) and one of common turpentine. Digitalis — Fox-G-love. — The leaves of the common fox-glove, gathered about the flowering time, dried carefully in a dark place, and powdered, and kept in a close black bottle, form one of the most valuable medicines in veterinary practice. It is a direct and powerful sedative, diminishing the frequency of the pulse, and the general irritability of the system, and acting also as a mild diuretic : it is therefore useful in every inflammatory and febrile complaint, and particularly in inflammation of the chest. It is usually given in combination with emetic tartar and nitre The average dose is one drachm of digitalis, one and a half of emet ic tartar, and three of nitre, repeated twice or thrice in a day. Digitalis seems to have an immediate effect on the heart, less- ening the number of its pulsations ; but effecting this in a singular manner — not by causing the heart to beat more slowly, but produ- cing certain intermissions or pauses in its action. When these become marked — when at every sixth or seventh beat, the pulsa- tions are suspended while two or three can be slowly counted, this is precisely the effect that is intended to be produced, and, how- ever ill the horse may appear to be, or however alaiming this m- 152 MEDIC^I'^ES. termittent pulse may seem to the standers-by, from that moment the animal will frequently begin to amend. The dose must then oe diminished one-half, and in a few days it may be omitted al- together : but the emetic tartar and the nitre should be continued during some days after the practitioner has deemed it prudent to try the effect of mild vegetable tonics. There is no danger in the intermittent pulse thus produced ; but there is much when the digitalis fails to produce any effect on the circulation. The disease is then too powerful to be arrested by medicine. Digitalis requires watching ; but the only consequence to be apprehended from an over-dose is, that the pa- tient may be reduced a little too low, and his convalescence re- tarded for a day or two. In the form of infusion or tincture, digitalis is very useful in inflammation of the eyes. It is almost equal in its sedative in- fluence to opium, and it may with great advantage be alternated with it, when opium begins to lose its power. The infusion is made by pouring a quart of boiling water on an ounce of the powder. When it is become cold, a portion of the liquid may be introduced into the eye. One or two drops of the tincture may be introduced with good effect. This may be obtained by mace- rating three ounces of digitalis in a quart of spirit. The infusion has been serviceable in mange ; but there are better applications. Diuretics, — constitute a useful but much abused class of medi- cines. They stimulate the kidneys to secrete more than the usual quantity of urine, or to separate a greater than ordinary proportion of the watery parts of the blood. The deficiency of water in the blood thus occasioned, must be speedily supplied, or the healthy circulation cannot be carried on ; and it is generally supphed by the absorbents taking up the watery fluid in some part of the frame, and carrying it into the circulation. Hence the evident use of diuretics in dropsical affections, in swelled legs, and also in inflammation and fever, by lessening the quantity of the circulating fluid, and, consequently, that which is sent to the inflamed parts. All this is effected by the kidneys being stimulated to increased action ; but if this stimulus is too often or too violently applied, the energy of the kidney may be impaired, or inflamimation may be produced. That inflammation may be of an acute character, and destroy the patient ; or, although not intense in its nature, it may by frequent repetition assume a chronic form, and more slowly, but as surely, do irreparable mischief Hence the neces- sity of attention to that portion of the food which may have a diuretic power. Mow-burnt hay and foxy oats are the unsus- pected causes of many a disease in the horse, at first obscure, but MEDICINES. 453 ultimately referable to injury or inflammation of the urinary or- gans. Hence, too, the impropriety of sullering medicines of a diuretic nature to be at the coimnand oi" the ignorant carter or groom. In swelled legs, cracks, grease, or accumulation of lluid in any part, and in those superficial eruptions and inflammations which are said to be produced by humors floating in the blood, diuretics are evidently beneficial ; but they should be as mild as possible, and not oftener given or continued longer than the case requires. For some cautions as to the administration of diu- retics, and a list of the safest and best, the reader is referred to page 231. The expensive Castile soap, and camphor, so often resorted to, are not needed, for the common liquid turpentine is quite sufficient in all ordinary cases, and nitre and digitalis may be added if fever is suspected. Drinks. — Many practitioners and horse-proprietors have a great objection to the administration of medicines in the form of drinks. A drink is not so portable as a ball, it is more trouble- some to give, and a portion of it is usually wasted. If the drink contains any acid substance, it is apt to excoriate the mouth, or to irritate the throat, already sore from disease, or the unpleasant taste of the drug, may unnecessarily nauseate the horse. There are some medicines, however, Which must be given in the form of drinlv, as in colic ; and the time, perliaps, in not distant when purgatives will be thus administered, as more speedy, and safer in their operation. In cases of much debility and entire loss of ap- petite, all medicine should be given in solution, for the stomach may not have sufficient power to dissolve the paper in which tha ball is wrapped, or the substance of the ball.=^ An ox's horn, the larger end being cut slantingly, is the usual and best instrument for administering drinks. The noose of a halter is introduced into the mouth, and then,*by means of a sta- ble-fork, the head is elevated by an assistant considerably higher than for the delivery of a ball. The surgeon stands on a pail or stable-basket on the ofT-side of the horse, and draws out the tongue with the left hand ; he then, with the right hand , intro- duces the horn gently into the mouth, and over the tongue, and by a dexterous turn of the horn empties the whole of the drink — not more than about six ounces — into the back part of the mouth. The horn is now quickly withdrawn, and the tongue loosened, and the greater portion of the fluid will be swallowed. A portion of it, however, will often be obstinately held in the mouth for a long time, and the head must be kept up until the whole is got rid of, which a quick, but not violent slap on the muzzle will generally compel the horse to do. The art of giving * See note on p. 225. 454 MEDICINES. a drink consists in not putting too much into the horn at once , introducing the horn far enough into the mouth, and quickly turn- ing and withdrawing it, without bruising or wounding the mouth, the tongue being loosened at the same moment. A bottle is a disgraceful and dangerous instrument to use, except it be a flat pint bottle, with a long and thick neck. Emetic Tartar. — See Antimonio Potassio Tartras. Epsom Salts. — See under Magnesia. Ergot of Rye. — See Secale Cornutum. Ethiops Mineral. — See under Hydrargyrum. Eye Lotions or Washes. — See CollyfcIa. Fep^rum, Iron. — Of this metal there are two preparations adopted by veterinarians. The rust, or Carbonate, is a mild and useful tonic, in doses of from two to four drachms. The Sul- phate {green vitriol or cojyjjeras) is more powerful. It should never be given in the early stages of recovery, and always with caution. The dose should be the same as that of the carbonate. The sulphate has lately been recommended for the cure of that de- ceitful stage or form of glanders, in which there is nothing to char- acterize the disease but a very slight discharge from the nostrils. It is to be dissolved in the common drink of the horse. It is worth a trial, but too sanguine expectations must not be encouraged of the power of any drug over this intractable malady. The iron should be given in combination with gentian and ginger, but never with any alkali or nitre or soap, or catechu, or astringent vegetable. Fever. — For the nature and treatment of the fever, both pure and symptomatic, reference may be made to page 163. Forge Water, — used to be a favorite tonic with farriers, and also a lotion for canker and ulcers in the mouth. It owes its power, if there be any, to the iron with which it is impregnated. Flax Seed. — See Linseed. Fomentations, — open the pores of the skin and promote per- spiration in the part, and so abate the local swelling, and relieve pain and lessen inflammation. They are often used, and with more benefit when the inflammation is somewhat deeply seated, than when it is superficial. The effect depends upon the warmth of the water, and not on any herb that may have been boiled in it. They are best applied by means of flannel, frequently dipped in the hot water, or on which the water is poured, and the heat should be as great as the hand will bear. The benefit that might be derived from them is much impaired by the absurd method in which the fomentations are conducted. They are rarely contin- ued long enough, and when they are removed, the part is left wet and uncovered, and the coldness of evaporation succeeds to the heat of fomentation. The perspiration is thus suddenly checked , MEDICINES. 453 the animal suffers considerable pain, and more harm is done by the extreme change of temperature than if the fomentation had not been attempted. Fox-Glove. — See Digitalis. Gentian, — stands at the head of the vegetable tonics, and is a stomachic as well as a tonic. It is equally useful in chronic de- bility, and in that w^hich is consequent on severe and protracted ill- ness. It is generally united with chamomile, ginger, and, when the patient will bear it, carbonate of iron. Four drachms of gen- tian, two of chamomile, one of carbonate of iron, and one of ginger, will make an excellent tonic ball. An infusion of gentian is one of the best applications to putrid ulcers. Ginger, — is as valuable as a cordial, as gentian is as a tonic. It is the basis of the cordial ball, and it is indispensable in the tonic ball. Although it is difficult to powder, the veterinary prac- titioner should always purchase it in its solid form. If the root is large, heavy, and not worm-eaten, the black ginger is as good as the white, and considerably cheaper. The powder is adulterated with bean-meal and the sawdust of boxwood, and rendered warm and pungent by means of capsicum. Goulard's Extract. — See under Lead. (xlauber's Salt. — See Sod^ Sulphur. Hartshorn. — See Ammonia. Healing Ointment. — See under Zinc. Hellebore, luhite, — This is a drastic cathartic, and should be used with great caution. It is a powerful nauseant, and lowers both the force and frequency of the pulse, and is therefore given with good effect in various inflammations, and particularly that of the lungs. In the hospital of the veterinary surgeon, or in the stable of the gentleman who will superintend the giving and the operation of every medicine, it may be used with safety ; but with him who has to trust to others, and who does not see the horse more than once in twelve or twenty-four hours, it is a dangerous drug. If it is pushed a little too far, trembling and giddiness, and purging follow, and the horse is sometimes lost. The hanging of the head, and the frothing of the mouth, and, more particularly, the sinking of the pulse, will give warning of danger ; but the medical attendant may not have the opportunity of observing this, and when he does observe it, it may be too late. Its dose varies from a scruple to half a drachm. In doses of a drachm, it could not be given with safety ; and yet, such is the different effect of med- icines given in different doses, that in the quantity of an ounce it is said to be a diuretic and a tonic, and exhibited with advantage in chronic and obstinate grease. Hellebore, black, — This is used mostly as a local application, and as such it is a very powerful stimulant. Mr. E. Stanley, of 456 MEDICINES. Banbury, frequently resorts to it in fistulous affections of the poL' and withers, and with considerable success. Tlie abscess having formed, and exit being given to the imprisoned fluid, it is allowed to discharge itself, for two or three days, being dressed with an ordinary digestive ointment. When the pus assumes a laudable character, he introduces a few portions of the fibrous part of the root, passing them down to the bottom of the sinus, and letting them remain for a fortnight or more ; in the mean time, merely keeping the surrounding parts clean. On examination, it will be found that the healing process has commenced. Professor Morton adds, that an ointment, formed of the powder of either the black or white Hellebore, in the proportion of one part of the powder to eight of lard, will be found exceedingly ac- tive for the dressing of rowels and setons. Hemlock, — is used by some practitioners, instead of digitalis or hellebore, in affections of the chest, whether acute or chrojiic ; but it is inferior to both. The dose of the powder of the dried leaves is about a drachm. Hog's Lard. — See Adeps. Hydrargyrum, Mercury. — This metal is found native in many countries in the form of minute globules. It also occurs in masses, and in different varieties of crystallization. It has the singular property of being liquid in the natural temperature of our earth. It freezes, or assumes a singular species of crystalliza- tion, at 39^ below of Fah., and at 660' above of Fah. it boils, and rapidly evaporates. In its metallic state it appears to have no action on the animal system, but its compounds are mostly powerful excitants, and some of them are active caustics. The Common Mercurial Ointment may be used for ring- worm, and that species of acarus which seems to be the source, or the precursor of, mange. The compound mercurial ointment is also useful in the destruction of the same insect. For most erup- tions connecting with or simulating mange, the author of this work has been accustomed to apply the following ointment with considerable success : — Sublimed sulphur . Common turpentine Mercurial ointment . Linseed oil . 1 pound. . 4 oz. . 2 oz. . 1 pint. The Mercurial Ointment is prepared by rubbing quicksilver with lard, in the proportion of one part of mercury to three of lard, until no globules appear. The practitioner should, if possible, pre- pare it himself, for he can seldom get it pure or of the proper strength from the druggist. It is employed with considerable ad vantage in preparing splints, spavins, or other bony or callous tu MEDICINES. 457 mors, for blistering or firing. One or two drachms, according to the nature and size of the swelling, may be daily well rubbed in ; but it should be watched, for it sometimes salivates the horse very speedily. The tumors more readily disperse, at the application of a stronger stimulant," when they have been thus prepared. Mer- curial ointment in a weaker state is sometimes necessary for th cure of mallenders and sallenders ; and in very obstinate cases of mange, one-eighth part of mercurial ointment may be added to the ointment recommended at page 409. Calomel, the submuriate or protochloride of mercury, may be given, combined with aloes, in mange, surfeit, or worms. It is also useful in some cases of chronic cough, in farcy and in jaun- dice. Alone it has little purgative effect on the horse, but it as- sists the action of other aperients. It is given in doses from a scruple to a drachm. As soon as the gums become red, or the ani- mal begins to quid or drop his hay, it must be discontinued. Cal- omel has lately gained much repute in arresting the progress of epidemic catarrh in the horse. Mr. Percival has succeeded in this attempt to a very considerable extent. In fact, the influence of calomel in veterinary practice seems to have been far too much undervalued. Corwuve Sublimate, the oxymuriate or bichloride of mercury, combined with chlorine in a double proportion, is a useful tonic in farcy. It should be given in doses of ten grains daily, and gradually increased to a scruple, until the horse is purged, or the mouth becomes sore, when it may be omitted for a few days, and resumed. Some have recommended it as a diuretic, but it is too dangerous a medicine for this purpose. It is used externally in solution ; m substance in quittor, as a stimulant to foul ulcers ; and in the proportion of five grains to an oiaice of rectified spirit n obstinate mange, or to destroy vermin on the skin. It is, how- ever, too uncertain and too dangerous a medicine for the horse- proprietor to venture on its use. jEthiops Mineral, the black sulphuret of mercury, is not often used in horse-practice, but it is a good alterative for obstin- ate surfeit or foulness of the skin, in doses of three drachms daily. Four drachms of cream of tartar may be advantageously added to each dose. Infusions. — The active matter of some vegetable substances is partly or entirely extracted by water. Dried vegetables yield their properties more readily and perfectly than when in their ^reen state. Boiling water is poured on the substance to be in- fused, and Avhich should have been previously pounded oi pow- dered, and the vessel then covered and placed near a fire. In five or six hours the transparent part may be poured .off, and is •^ady for use. In a few days, however, all infusions become thick. 458 MEDICINES. and lose their virtue, from the decomposition of the vegetable Tiatter. The infusion of chamomile is advantageously used instead of water in compounding a mild tonic drench. The infusion of catechu is uselul in astringent mixtures ; that of linseed is used instead of common water in catarrh and cold ; and the infusion \)f tobacco in some injections. Injections. — See Clysters. Iodine. — This substance has not been long introduced intr. veterinary practice. The first object which it seemed to accom- plish, was the reduction of the enlarged glands that frequently remain after catarrh, but it soon appeared that it could reduce almost every species of tumor. Much concerned in the first in- troduction of iodine into veterinary practice, the writer of the present work bears willing testimony to the zeal and success of others, in establishing the claims of this most valuable medi- cine. Professor Morton has devoted much time and labor to the different combinations of iodine, and they are described at length in thq useful " Manual of Pharmacy." He gives the formulae of the composition of a liniment, an ointment, and a tincture of iodine, adapted to different species and stages of disease. He next describes the preparation of the iodide of potassium — the combination of iodine and potash — and then the improvement on that under the name of the diniodide of copper — the union of two parts of the iodide of potassium with four of the sulphate of copper. The action of this compound is an admirable tonic and a stim- alant to the absorbent system, if combined with vegetable tonics, and, occasionally, small doses of cantharides. Professor Spooner and Mr. Daws applied this compound, and with marked suci-vss, to the alleviation of farcy, nasal gleet, and glanders. It is pleatj- ing to witness these triumphs over disease, a little while ago so unexpected, and now so assured.^ Iodine Ointment. — See under Iodine. Iron. — See Ferrum. James's Powder. — See Pulvis Antimonii Compositus. Japan Earth. — See Catechu. Juniper, Oil of. — This essential oil is retained because it has some diruetic property, as well as being a pleasant aromatic. It frequently enters into the composition ot" the diuretic ball. * Note by Mr. Spooner. — Iodine is employed in various foims. In that of iodide of potassium it is best administered internally, as a promoter of ab- sorption. Combined with the sulphate of ropper it forms a powerful and useful tonic ; whilst in the form of iodide of mercury, and combined with lard or palm oil, it becomes a powerful blister, and a useful promoter of absorption MEDICINES 469 Lead, Pluimeum. — The Carbonate of Lead had a deleterioug efiect on the biped and the quadruped m the neijihborhood of lead works. They are subject to violent griping pains, and to constipation that can with great difficulty, or not at all, be over- come. Something of the same kind is occasionally observed in the cider counties, and the " painter's colic" is a circumstance of too frequent occurrence — the occasional dreadiul pains, and the ravenous appetite extending to everything that comes in the way of the animal. Active purgatives followed by opium are the most effectual remedies. The Acetate of Lead, Plumbi Acetas. — Sugar of lead is sel- dom given externally to the horse, but is used as a coUyrium for inflammation of the eyes. The Liquor Plumbi Subacetatis, or Goulard's Extract, or, as it used to be termed at the Veterinary College, the Aqua Vegeto, is a better eye wash, and advantageously used in external and superficial inflammation, and particularly the inflammation that remains after the application of a blister. Lime, — was formerly sprinkled over cankered feet and greasy heels, but there are less painful caustics, and more eflectual ab- sorbents of moisture. Lime-water is rarely used, but the Chloride of Lime is exceedingly valuable. Diluted with twenty times its quantity of water, it helps to form the poultice applied to every part from which there is the slightest offensive discharge. The foetid smell of fistulous withers, poll-evil, canker, and ill-condi- tioned wounds, is immediately removed, and the ulcers are more disposed to heal. When mangy horses are dismissed as cured, a washing with the diluted chloride will remove any infection that may lurk about them, or which they may carry from the place in which they have been confined. One pint of the chloride mixed with three gallons of water, and brushed over the walls and manger and rack of the foulest stable, will completely re- move all infection. Professor Morton, very properly, says tha the common practice of merely white-washing the walls server only to cover the infectious matter, and perhaps to preserve it for an indefinite length of time, so that when the lime scales off, dis ease may be again engendered by the exposed virus. The horse furniture worn by a glandered or mangy animal will be efTectu- ally purified by the chloride. Internally administered, it seems to have little or no power. Liniments, — are oily applications of the consistence of a thick fluid, and designed either to soothe an inflamed surface, or, by gently stimulating the skin, to remove deeper-seated pain or in- flammation. As an emollient, one composed of half an ounce of extract of lead and four ounces of olive oil will be useful. , For sprains, old swellings, or rheumatism, two ounces of hartshorn, 460 MEDICINES. the same quantity of camphorated spirit, an ounce of oil of tur- pentine, and half an ounce of laudanum, may he mixed too:ether ; or an ounce of camphor may be dissolved in four ounces of sweet oil, to which an ounce of oil of turpentine may be afterwards added. A little powdered cantharides, or tincture of cantharides, or mustard powder, will render either of these more powerful, or convert it into a liquid blister. Linseed. — An infusion of linseed is often used instead of water, for the drink of the horse with sore- throat or catarrh, or disease of the urinary organs or of the bowels. A pail containing it should be slung in the stable or loose box. Thus gruel, however, is preferable ; it is as bland and soothing, and it is more nutri- tiovis. Linseed meal forms the best poultice for almost every pur- pose. Lunar Caustic. — See under Argentium. Magnesia. — The sulphate of magnesia, or Epsom Salts, should be used only in promoting the purgative effect of clysters, or, in repeated doses of six or eight ounces, gently to open the boAvels at the commencement of fever. Some doubt, however, attends the latter practice ; for the dose must occasionally be thrice re- peated before it will act, and then, although safer than aloes, it may produce too much irritation in the intestinal canal, especially if the fever is the precursor of inflammation of the lungs. Mashes, — constitute a very important part of horse-provender, whether in sickness or health. A mash given occasionally to a horse that is otherwise fed on dry meat prevents him from be- coming dangerously costive. To the over-w^orked and tired horse, nothing is so refreshing as a warm mash with his usual allow- ance of corn in it. The art of getting a liorse into apparent con- dition for sale, or giving him a round and plump appearance, con- sists principally in the frequent repetition of mashes, and, from their easiness of digestion and the mild nutriment which they afibrd, as well as their laxative effect, they form the principal diet of the sick horse. They are made by pouring boiling water or bran, and stirring it well, and then covering it over until it is sufficiently cool for the horse to eat. If in the heat of summer a cold mash is pre- ferred, it should, nevertheless, be made with hot water, and then suffered to remain until it is cold. This is not always suf ficiently attended to by the groom, who is not aware that the efficacy of the mash depends principally on the change which is effected hi the bran and the other ingredients by boiling water rendering them more easy of digestion, as well as more aperient. If the horse refuses the mash, a few oats may be sprinkl'-d over ••t, in order to tempt him to eat it ; but if it is previously designed that corn should be ffiven in the mash, it should be scalded Avitb MEDICINES. 461 the bran, in order to soften it and render it more difrestilde. Bran nnashes are very usoi'ul preparatives for physic, and they are necessary during the operation of the physic. They very soon become sour, and the manger of the horse, of w^hose diet they tbrm a principal part, should be daily and carefully cleaned out. When horses are weakly and much reduced, malt mashes will often be very palatable to them and very nutritive : but the water that is poured on a malt mash should be considerably below the boiling heat, otherwise the malt will be set, or clogged together. If the owner was aware of the value of a malt mash, it would be oltener given when the horse is rapidly getting weaker from protracted disease, or when he is beginning to recover from a dis- ease by which he has been much reduced. The only exception to their use is in cases of chest affection, in which they must not be given too early. In grease, and in mange accompanied by much emaciation, malt mashes will be peculiarly useful, especially if they constitute a principal portion of the food. Mercury, — see Hydrargyrum. Mercurial Ointment, — see under Hydrargyrum. Muriatic Acid, — see Acidum MuRfATicuM. Mustard, Sinaris. — This will be found occasionally useful, if, in inflammation of the chest or bowels, it is well rubbed on the chest or the abdomen. The external swelling and irritation which it excites may, to a greater or less degree, abate the inflammation within. Myr-RH, — may be used in the form of tincture, or it may be united to the tincture of aloes as a stimulating and digestive ap- plication to w^ounds Diluted with an equal quantity of water, it ic a good application for canker in the mouth, but as an inter- nal medicine it seems to be inert, although some practitioners ad- vocate its use, combined with opium, in cases of chronic cough. Nitre, — see under Potash. Nitrous ^ther. Spirit of, — is a A'-ery useful medicine in the advanced stages of fever, for while it, to a certain degree, rouses the exhausted powers of the animal, and may be denominated a stimulant, it never brings back the dangerous febrile action which was subsiding. It is given in doses of three or four drachms. Olive Oil, — is an emollient and demulcent. Its laxative effect is very inconsiderable and uncertain in the horse. Opium. — However underrated by some, there is not a more valuable drug on our list. It does not often act as a narcotic, ex- ci pt in considerable doses ; but it is a powerful antispasmodic, sedative, and astringent. As an antispasmodic, it enters into the cholic drink, and it is the sheet-anchor of the veterinarian in the treatment of tetanus or locked-jaw. As a sedative it relaxes that umversal spasm of the muscular system which is the character- 462 MEDICINES. lsti« of tetanus ; and, perhaps, it is only as a sedative that it has such admirable effect as an astringent, for when the irritation around the mouths of the vessels of the intestines and kidneys is allayed by the opium, the undue purging and profuse staling wil' necessarily be arrested. Opium should, however, be given with caution. It is its sec- ndary effect that is sedative, and, if given in cases of fever, its primary effect in increasing the excitation of the frame may be very considerable and highly injurious. In the early and acute stage of fever, it would be bad practice to give it in the smallest quantity ; but when the fever has passed, or is passing, there is nothing which so rapidly subdues the irritability that accompanies extreme weakness. It becomes an excellent tonic, because it is a sedative. If the blue or green vitriol, or cantharides, have been pushed too far, opium, sooner than any other drug, quiets the disorder they have occasioned. It is given in doses of one or two drachms, in the form of ball. Other medicines are usually combined with it, according to the circumstances of the case. Externally, it is useful in ophthalmia. In the form of decoc- tion of the poppy-head, it may constitute the basis of an' anodyne poultice ; but it must not be given in union with any alkali, with the exception of chalk, in over-purging ; nor with the superace- tate of lead, by which its powers are materially impaired ; nor with sulphate of zinc, or copper, or iron. From its high price it is much adulterated, and it is not always met with in a state of purity. The best tests are its smell, its taste, its toughness and pliancy, its fawn or brown color, and its weight, for it is the heaviest of all the vegetable extracts except gum arable ; yet its weight is often fraudulently increased by stones and bits of lead dexterously concealed in it. The English opium is almost as good as the Turkish, and frequently sold for it ; but is distinguishable by its blackness and softness. Palm Oil, — when genuine, is the very best substance that can be used for making masses and balls. It has a pleasant smell, and it never becomes rancid. Pepper, — see Capsici Bacc^. Pitch, — is used to give adhesiveness and firmness to charges ind piasters. The common pitch is quite as good as the more ^expensive Burgundy pitch. The best plaster for sand-crack con- sists of one pound oi" pitch and an ounce of yellow beeswax melted together. Phvsic. — The cases which require physic, the composition of ihe most effectual and safest physic-ball, and the mode of treat- ment under physic, have been already described. Potash. — Two compounds of potash are used in veterinary MEDICINES. 463 practice The Nitrate of Potash (Nitre) is a valualle cooling medicine and a mild diuretic, and, therefore, it should enter into the composition of every fever-ball. Its dose is from two to four drachms. Grooms often dissolve it in the water. There are two objections to this : either the horse is nauseated and will not drink so much water as he ought ; or the salt taste of the water causes considerable thirst, and disinclination to solid food. Nitre, whilst dissolving, materially lowers the temperature of water, and fur- nishes a very cold and useful lotion for sprain of the back-sinews, and other local inflammations. The lotion should be used as soon as the salt is dissolved, for it quickly becomes as warm as the surrounding air. The Bitartrate of Potash {Cream, of Tartar) is a mild diuretic, and, combined with ^Ethiop's mineral, is used as an alterative in obstinate mange or grease. The objection, however, to its use in such an animal as the horse, is the little power which it seems to exercise. Poultices. — Few horsemen are aware of the value of these simple applications in abating inflammation, relieviiig pain, cleans- ing wounds, and disposing them to heal. They are .applications of the best kind continued much longer than a simple fomentation can be. In all inflammations of the foot they are very beneficial, by softening the horn hardened by the heat of the foot and con- tracted and pressing on the internal and highly sensible parts. The moisture and warmth are the useful qiialities of the poultice ; and that poultice is the best for general purposes in which moisture and warmth are longest retained. Perspiration is most abundantly promoted in the part, the pores are opened, swellings are relieved and discharges of a healthy nature procured from wounds. Linseed meal forms the best general poultice, because it longest retains the moisture. Bran, although frequently used for poultices, is objectionable, because it so soon becomes dry To abate con- siderable inflammation, and especially in a wounded part, (ioulard may be added, or the linseed meal may be made into a paste with a decoction of poppy-heads. To promote a healthy discharge from an old or foul ulcer ; or separation of the dead from the liv- ing parts, in the process of what is called coring out ; or to hasten the ripening of a tumor that must be opened ; or to cleanse it when it is opened, — two ounces of common turpentine may be added to a pound of linseed meal : but nothing can be so absurd, or is so injurious, as the addition of turpentine to a poultice that is designed to be an emollient. The drawing poultices and stop- pings of farriers are often highly injurious, instead of abating inflammation. If the ulcer smells oflensively, two ounces of powdered chai- coal may be added to the linseed meal, or the poultice may be made of water, to which a solution of the chloride of lime ha> 464 MEDICINES. been added in the proportion of half an ounce to a pound. As an emollient poultice for grease and cracked heels, and especially if accompanied by much unpleasant smell, there is nothing prefer- able to a poultice of mashed carrots with charcoal. For old grease some slight stimulant must be added, as a little yeast or the grounds of table beer. There are two errors, in the application of a poultice, and par- ticularly as it regards the legs. It is often put on too tight, by means of which the return of the blood from the foot is prevent- ed, and the disease is increased instead of lessened ; or it is too hot, and unnecessary pain is given, and the inflammation aggravated. Powders.— Some horses are very difficult to ball or drench, and the violent struggle that would accompany the attempt to conquer them may heighten the fever or inflammation. To such horses powders must be given in mashes. Emetic tartar and digitalis may be generally used in cases of inflammation or fever ; or emetic tartar for worms ; or calomel or even the farina of the croton-nut for physic : but powders are too often an excuse for the laziness or awkwardness of the carter or groom. The horse fre- quently refuses them, especially if his appetite has otherwise be- gun to fail ; the powder and the mash are wasted, and the animal is unnecessarily nauseated. All medicine should be given in the form of a ball or drink. Prussic Acid. — See Acidum Hydrocianicum. GluiNiNE. — See under Bark, Peruvian. Raking. — This consists in introducing the hand into the rec- tum of the horse, and drawing out any hardened dung that may be there. It may be necessary in costiveness or fever, if a clyster pipe cannot *be obtained ; but an injection will better efiect the purpose, and with less inconvenience to the animal. The introduction of the hand into the rectum is, however, useful to ascertain the existence of stone in the bladder, or the degree of distension of the bladder in suppression of the urine, for the bladder will be easily felt below the intestine, and, at the same time by the heat of the intestine, the degree of inflammation in it or in the bladder may be detected. Hesin. — The yellow resin is that which rerriains after the distillation of oil of turpentine. It is used externally to give consistence to ointments, and to render them slightly stimulant. Internally it is a useful diuretic, and is given in doses of tive or six drachms made into a ball with soft soan. The common liquid turpentine is, however, preferable. HowELS. — The manner of rowelling has been already de- scribed. As exciting inflammation on the suriaoe, and so les- sening that which had previously existed in a neighboring but deeper-seated part., they are decidedly inferior to blisters, for they MEDICINES. 4t)() ao not act so quickly or so extensively ; therefore they should not be used in acute inflammation of the lungs or bowels, or any vital part. When the inflammation, however, although not in- tense, has long coutinued, rowels will be serviceable by produ- cing an irritation and discharge that can be better kept up than by a blister. As promoting a permanent, although not very con- siderable discharge, and some inflammation, rowels in the thighs are useful in swelled legs and obstinate grease. If fluid is thrown out under the skin in any other part, the rowel acts as a per- manent drain. "When the sprain of the joint or the muscles oi the shoulders is suspected, a rowel in the chest will be ser- viceable. The wound caused by a rowel will readily heal, and With little blemish, unless the useless leather of the farrier has i»een inserted. Sal Ammoniac, — See Chloride of Ammonia. Salt, common, see Sodh Chloridum. Secale cornutum. Ergot of Kye. — This is well known to be an excitant in assisting parturition in cattle, sheep, and dogs. It has been used with success in the mare by Mr. Richardson, of Lin- cuin. It should only be applied in difficult cases, and the dose siiould be two drachms, combined with some carminative, and gj ven every hour. Sedatives, — are medicines that subdue irritation, repress spas modic action, or deaden pain. We will not inquire whether they ace first as stimulants : if they do, their effect is exceedingly tran- sient, and is quickly followed by depression and diminished action. Digitalis, hellebore, opium, turpentine, are medicines of this kind. Their effect in different diseases or stages of disease, and the circumstances which indicate the use of any one of them in preference to the rest, are considered under their respective titles.* Soda. — The Carbonate of Soda is a useful antacid, and prob- ably a diuretic, but it is not much used in veterinary practice. The Chloride of Soda is not so efficacious for the removal of un- pleasant smells and all infection as the chloride of lime ; but it is exceedingly useful in changing malignant and corroding and de- structive sores into the state of simple ulcers, and, in ulcers that are not malignant, it much hastens the cure. Poll-evil and fis- tulous withers are much benefited by it, and all farcy ulcers. It is used in the proportion of one part of the solution to twenty-four of water. SoDii Chloridum, Common Salt, — is very extensively em- ployed in veterinary practice. It forms an efficacious aperient * Note hy Mr. Spooner. — Sedatives. — To the list enumera^€:d in the text' may be added the extract of belladonna, or the deadly nightshade, which is Ejiven in doses of two drachms. 3Q 466 MEDICINES. clyster, and a solution of it has been given as an aperient drink. Sprinkled over the hay, or in a mash, it is very palatable to sick horses ; and in that languor und disinclination to food which re- main after severe illness, few things will so soon recall the appe- tite as a drink composed of six or eight ounces of salt in solution. To horses in health it is more useful than is generally imagmed, as promoting the digestion of the food, and, consequently, condi tion. Externally applied, there are few better lotions for in flamed eyes than a solution of half a drachm of salt in four ounces of water. In the proportion of an ounce of salt to the same quan- tity of water, it is a good embrocation for sore shoulders and backs ; and if it does not always disperse warbles and tumors, it takes away much of the tenderness of the skin. SoD.E Sulphas, — Sidjihate of Soda. — Glauber's Salt. — This medicine is seldom used in the treatment of the horse. It ap- pears to have some diuretic property. Soap, — is supposed to possess a diuretic quality, and therefore enters into the composition of some diuretic masses. See Resin. By many practitioners it is made an ingredient in the physic-ball, but uselessly or injuriously so ; for if the shoes are finely powdered and mixed with palm oil, they will dissolve readily enough in the bowels without the aid of the soap, while the action of the soap on the kidneys will impair the purgative efiect of the aloes. Spanish Fly, — See Cantharides. Starch, — may be substituted with advantage for gruel in ob- stinate cases of purging, both as a clyster, and to support the strength of the animal. Stoppings, — constitute an important, but too often neglected part of stable management. If a horse is irregularly or seldom worked, his feet are deprived of moisture ; they become hard and unyielding and brittle, and disposed to corn and contraction and founder. The very dung of a neglected and filthy stable would be preferable to habitual standing on the cleanest litter without stop- ping. In wounds, and bruises, and corns, moisture is even more ne- cessary, in order to supple the horn, and relieve its pressure on the tender parts beneath. As a common stopping, nothing is better than cow-dung with a fourth part of clay well beaten into it, and confined with splents from the binding or larger twigs of the broom. In cases of wounds, a little tar may be added ; but tar, as a common stopping, is too stimulating and drying. Pads made of thick felt have lately been contrived, which are fitted to the sole, and, swelling on being wetted, are sufhciently confined by the shoe. Having been well saturated with water, they will continue moist during the night. They are very useful in gen- tlemen's stables ; but the cow-dung and clay are sufficient for the farmer. MEDICINES 467 Strychnia. — This drug has frequently heen employed with decided advantage in cases of paralysis in the d )g ; and lately, and with decided advantage, it has been administered to the horse. The dose is from one to three grains, given twice in the day. Sugar op Lead, — see under Lead. Sulphur, — is the basis of the most effectual applications for mange. It is an excellent alterative, combined usually with an- timony and nitre, and particularly for mange, surfeit, grease, hide- bound, or want of condition ; and it is a useful ingredient in the cough and fever ball. When given alone, it seems to have little effect, except as a laxative in doses of six or eight ounces ; but there are much better aperients. The black sulphur consists prin- cipally of the dross after the pure sulphur has been separated. Tar, — melted with an equal quantity of grease forms the usu al stopping of the farrier. It is a warm, or slightly stimulant, and therefore useful, dressing for bruised or wounded feet ; but its principal virtue seems to consist in preventing the penetration of dirt and water to the wounded part. As a common stopping it has been considered objectionable. From its warm and drying properties it is the usual and proper basis for thrush ointments ; and from its adhesiveness, and shghtly stimulating power, it qften forms an ingredient in application for mange. Some practition- ers give it, and advantageously, with the usual cough medicine, and in doses of two or three drachms for chronic cough. The common tar is as effectual as the Barbadoes for every veterinary purpose. The oil, or spirit (rectified oil) of tar is sometimes used alone for the cure of mange, but it is not to be depended upon. The spirit of tar, mixed with double the quantity of fish-oil, is, from its peculiar penetrating property, one of the best applica- tions for hard and brittle feet. It should be well rubbed with a brush, every night, both on the crust and sole. Tinctures. — The medicinal properties of many substances are extracted by spirit of win^, but in such small quantities as to be scarcely available for internal use in veterinary practice. So much aloes or opium must be given in order to produce effect on the horse, that the quantity of spirit necessary to dissolve it would be injurious or might be fatal. As applications to wounds or in- flamed surfaces, the tinctures of aloes, digitalis, myrrh, and opium, are highly useful. Tobacco, — in the hands of the skilful veterinarian, may be ad- vantageously employed in cases of extreme costiveness, or danger- ous cholic ; but should never be permitted to be used as an ex- ternal application for the cure of mange, or an internal medicine to promote a fine coat. Tonics —are valuable medicines when iudiciously employed ; 468 MEDICINES. but, like cordials, they have been fatally abused. Many a horst recovering from severe disease has been destroyed by their too early, or too free use. The veterinary surgeon occasionally ad- ministers them injuriously, in his anxiety to gratify the impa- tience of his employer. The mild vegetable tonics, chamomile, gentian, and ginger, and, perhaps, the carbonate of iron, may sometimes be given with benefit, and m,ay hasten the perfect reco- very of the patient ; but there are few principles more truly found- ed on reason and experience, than, that disease once removed, the powers of nature are sufficient to re-establish health. Against the more powerful mineral tonics, except for the particular pur- poses that have been pointed out under the proper heads, the horse proprietor and the veterinarian should be on his guard. Turner's Oerate, — see under Digestives, and also under Zinc. Turpentine. — The common liquid turpentine has been de- scribed as one of the best diuretics, in doses of half an ounce, and made into a ball with linseed meal and powdered ginger. It is added to the calamine or any other mild ointment in order to ren- der it stimulating and digestive, and, from its adhesiveness and slight stimulating power it is an ingredient in mange ointments. The oil of turpentine is an excellent antispasmodic. For the re- moval of colic it stands unrivalled. Forming a tincture with cantharides, it is the basis of the sweating blister for old strains and swellings. As a blister it is far inferior to the common oint- ment. As a stimulant frequently applied it must be sufficiently lowered, or it may blemish. — See Resin. Verdigris, — see under Copper. Vinegar, — see Acidum Aceticum. Vitriol, — blue, — see under Copper, Vitriol,— g?-ee7Z, — see under Ferrum. Vitriol, — ivhite, — see under Zinc. Vitriol, — Oil of, — see Acidum Sulphuricum. Wax, — The yellow wax is used in charges and some plasters ;o render them less brittle. Zinc. — The impure carbonate of zinc, under the name of Calamine Powder, is used in the preparation of a valuable heal- ing ointment, called Turner's Cerate. Five parts of lard and ont of resin are melted together, and when these begin to get cool two parts of the calamine, reduced to an impalpable powder, ar<3 stirred in. If the wound is not healthy, a small quantity of com mon turpentine may be added. This salve justly deserves thd ..■•ine which it has gained, " The Healing Ointment." The ca- i amine is sometimes sprinkled with advantage on cracked heela and superficial sores. The sulphate of zinc. White Vitriol, in the proportion of three MEDICIWES 469 grains to an ounce of water, is an excellent application in opthal- mia, when the inflammatory stage is passing over ; and quitter is most successfully treated by a saturated solution of white vitriol being injected into the sinuses, A solution of white vitriol of less strength forms a wash for grease that is occasionally useful, when ihe alum or blue vitriol does not appear to succeed. ZiNGiBERis Radix. — Ginger Root. — This is an admirable sti- mulant and carminative. It is useful in loss of appetite and fla- tulent colic, while it rouses the intestinal canal to its propei action. The cordial mass resorted to by the best surgeons con- sists of equal parts of ginger and gentian beaten into a mass with treacle. INDEX. Acetabulum, descriptiou of the, 272. A.ciui, description of, 213. Acetic acid, its properties, 436. Adeps, properties of, 437. ^thiop's mineral, an alterative, 411. Age, natural, of the horse, 130 ; of the horse as indicated by the teeth, 122 ; other indications of, 129. Air, a supply of pure, necessary for the health of the horse, 385. Alcohol, its medicinal properties, 437. Aloes, Barbadoes, far preferable to Cape, 437 ; description of the differ- ent kinds of, 438 ; principal adultera- tions of, 439 ; tincture of, its composi- tion and use, ib. Alteratives, the best, 439 ; nature and effect of 440. Alum, the use of in restraining purging, 440 ; solution of, a good w^ash for grease, ib ; burnt, a stimulant and caus- tic for wounds, ib. Ammonia, given in flatulent colic, 440 : vapor of plentifully extricated from dung and urine, most injurious to the eyes and lungs, ib. Anchylosis of bones, what, 149. Animals, zoological divisions of, 44. Anise-seed, its properties, 441. Anodyne, opium the only one to be de- pended on, 441. Antea-spinatus muscle, description of the, 251. Antimonial powder, a good febrifuge, 441. Antimony, black sulphuret of, method of detecting its adulterations, 441 ; used as an alterative, ib. ; tartarized, used as a nauseant, diaphoretic and worm medicine, ib. Antispasmodics, nature of, 442. Apoplexy, nature and treatment of 70. Aqueous fluid, an, why placed in the labyrinth of the ear, 58 ; humor of the eye, description of the, 64. Arabian Horses, different varieties of 2.5, 26 ; character of, 26, 27 ; fondness of the Arabs for, 27 ; prices of 28 ; unequal to the English race-horse, 29. Arabian, 25 ; Darley, 19 ; Godolphin, 21. Arcned form of the skull, advantage o£ 55. Arm, description of the, 252 ; action of explained on the principle of the lev- er, 249, 252 ; extensor muscles of the, 252, 253 ; Hexor muscles of the, 253 , full and swelling, advantage of, ib. ; should be muscular and long, 252 ; fracture of the, 338. Arsenic, medical use of, 442. Arteries, description of the, 140; of the arm, 252 : of the face, 101 ; neck, 140 shoulder, 246. Ascaris, account of the, 227. Astragalus, account of the, 278. Atlas, anatomy of the, 136. Au.scu!tation, the importance of, 171. Back, general description of the, 149; proper form of the, ib. ; long and short, comparative advantages of, ib. ; anat- omy of the, ib. ; mu.scies of the, 151. Backing, of the colt, 371 ; a bad habit of the horse, usual origin of it, ib. Back-sinews, sprain of the, 258 ; thicken- ing of the. constituting unsoundness 429. Balls, the manner of giving, 442 ; the manner of making, ib. Barbary horse, description of 21. Barbs or paps, treatment of, 133. Bark, Peruvian, the properties of it, 443. Barley, considered as food for the horse, 396. Barnacles, use of the, as a mode of re- straint, 360. Bar-shoe, description and use of, 352. Bars, description and office of the, 296 ; proper paring of for shoeing, 297 folly of cutting them away, ib. ; re- moval of, a cause of contraction, ib. ; corns, ib. Basilicon ointment, 443. Bay horses, description of 413. Beans, good for hardly-worked horses, and that have a tendency to purge, 397, 402; should always he crushed 398. Bearing-rein, the use and abuse cf 116. Beet, the nutritive matter in, 401. Belladonna, extract of 443. 472 Biceps femoris, account of the, 274. Bile, account of the, 213. Bishopingthe teeth, description of, 128. Biting, a had hahit, and how usually ac- quired, 372. Bit, the, often too sharp, 118; sometimes got into the mouth, 372. Biting of the colt, 242. Black horses, description and character of, 414. Blaze, 19. Bladder, description of the, 234; inflam- mation of symptoms and treatment, ib. ; neck of ib. ; stone in the, 235. Bleeding, best place f©r general, 166, 361; directions for, 140, 166; from veins rather than arteries, 140; finger should be on the pulse during, 360 ; importance of, in inflammation, ib. ; at the toe described, 168; comparison between the fleam and lancet, 166, 167. Blindness, usual method of discovering, 64 ; discovered by the pupil not dila- ting or contracting, ib. ; of one eye, ib. Blistering all round at once, barbarity and danger of, 363, 445 ; after firing, absurdity and cruelty of, 362. Blisters, best composition of, 3P2 ; the different kinds and uses of, ib. ; best mode of applying, ib. ; caution with regard to their application, ib. ; the principle of their action, 443 ; use of, in inflammation, 362 ; comparison be- tween them and rowels and setons, 366, 367. Blood, change in after bleeding, 167 ; changes in during respiration, 156 ; coagulation of, 189 ; horses, very sub- ject to contraction, 309 ; spavin, na- ture and treatment of, 164. Bloody urine, 233. Bog spavin, nature and treatment of, 164, 281, 282, 287. _ Bole- Armenian, medical use of, 444. Bones, strength does not depend on the size of, 28. Bone-spavin, nature and treatment of, £83. Bots in the stomach, natural history of, 208, 209 ; not usually injurious, 209. Bowels, inflammation of the, 220. Brain, description of the, 55 ; its cortical and cineritious composition, 56 ; the office of eacl), ib. ; compression of the, 56, 69 ; pressure on the, 69 ; inflamma- tion of the, 74. Bran, as food for the horse, 397. Breaking in should commence in the second winter, 240 ; description of its various stages, 240, 241 ; necessity of gentleness and patience in. ib. ; of the farmer's horse, ib. ; of the hunter or iiackney, ib. Breast, muscles of the, 152. Breathing, the mechanism of, 154, Breeding, qualities of the mare of bj much importance as those of the horse, 237 ; the peculiarity of form and con- stitution inherited, ib. ; in-and-in. ob- servaiions on, 26, 238. Breeds, good effects of crossing them, 29 ; bad effects of ditto, ib. Broken down, what. 259. Broken knees, treatment of, 254 ; method of judging of the danger of ib. ; when healed, not unsoundness, but the form and action of the horse should be care- fully examined, 421, Broken-wind, nature and ti'eatment of, 196 ; influenced much, and often caused by the manner of feeding, 198 ; how distinguished from thick- wind, ib. Bronchial tubes, description of the, 144 Bronchitis, nature and treatment of, 184 Bronchocele, account of, 174. Bronchotomy, the operation of, 165, Brood mare, description of the, 237 should not be too old, ib. ; treatment of, after covering, 238 ; after foalmg, 239. Brown horses, description of, 387, Buccinator muscle, description of the, 103. CAECUM, description of the, 211. Calamine powder, account of. 417, Calculi in the intestines, 226. Calkins, advantages and disadvantages of 346 ; should be placed on both heels, ib. Camphor, the medical use of, 444. Canadian horse, character of, 29 ; cross with American horse, 29. Canker of the foot, nature and treatment . of, 330. Cannon, or shank-bone, description of the 256. Cantharides, from the best blister, 445 » given for the cure of glanders, ib. Capillary vessels, the, 159, Capivi, balsam of, 448. Capped hock, nature and treatment of, 270, 285, 286; although not always unsoundness there should be a special warranty against it, 421. Capsicum Berries, their stimulating ef- fect, 445. Carbonate of blood got rid of in respira tion. Carbonate of iron, a mild tonic, 454. Carraways, a good aromatic, 445. Carrots, excellent effects of in disease, 401, Cartilages of the foot, description and action of the, 299 ; ossification of the 331, 427 ; a cause of unsoundness, 4'~7 Caruncula lacrymalis, the, 93. Cascarilla Bark, a tonic and aromatic, 445 INDEX. 473 Castor oil, not a purgative for the horse, 445. Casitration, method of, 245 ; proper pe- riod for, 244, 245 ; the operation by torsion, 245. Cataract in the eye, nature "of, 65; can- not be operated on in the horse, ib. ; metliod of examination for, ib. : the occasional appearance and disappear;- ance of, 96. Catarrh, description and ti-eatment of, 169. 170 ; distin^fuished from inlanders, 170; distinguished from inilammation of the lungs, 169; epidemic, 175. Catarrhal fever, nature and treatment of, 170. Catachu, a good astringent, method of giving, and adulterations of, 446. Catheter, description of one, 235, 236. Caustic, an account of the best, 446. Cawl, description of the, 214. Cerebellum, description of the, 56. Cerebrum, description of the, 56. Chalk, its medicinal use in the horse, 446. Chatf. attention should be paid to the goodness of the ingredients, 393 ; best composition of, ib. ; when given to the hard-worked horse, much time is saved for repose, 394; quantity necessary for different kinds of horse.s, 393. Chamomile, a mild tonic, 446. Channel of the jaws, what, 121. Charcoal, useful in a poultice, and as an antiseptic, 447. Charges, composition and use of, 447. Chest, anatomy of the. 145; proper form of the, 146; cut of the, 145; the im- portance of depth of 146 ; narrow and rounded, comparison between, ib. ; the broad chest, 147 ; founder, descrip- tion of, 152. Chestnut horses, varieties of, 412. * Chinked in the chine, what, 149. Childers, Flying, cut of, 18 : Bartletts, 19 ; their get, ib. Chloride of lime, an excellent disinfec- tant. 412 ; of soda, useful in unhealthy ulcers, 415. Chorea, 83. Choroid coat of the eye, description and use of the, 63. Chyle, the formation of, 211. Ciliary processes of the eye, description of tile, 64. Cineritous matter of the brain, nature and function of the, 56 Cleveland Bay, character of, 39 ; im- ported into United States, ib. Clicking, cause and remedy of 380. Clipping, recommendation of, 407. Clips, when necessary, 346. Clover, considered as an article of food, 400. Clysters, the composition and great use- fulness of, 447 ; directions as to the administration of, ih. Coat, fine, persons much too solicitou* to procure it, 390. Cocktail horse, mode of nicking, 368 Cotiin-bone. description of the, 299; the lamellae, or leaves of, ib. ; fracture of, 342. Coffin-joint, sprain of, 368. Cold, common, description and treat ment of 169. Colic, flatulent, account of, 21 8; spasmed ic. description and treatment of 215. Colon, description of the, 211, 212. Color, remarks on, 411. Colt, early treatment of the. 240. Complexus major, description of the, 139 ; minor, description of the, ib. Concave-seated shoe, the, described and recommended, 348. Conjunctiva, description of the. 61 ; ap- pearance of how far a test of inflam- mation, ib. Consternation, cut of , frontispiece ; ped- igree of 22; character of 23, 24. Consumption, account of 199. Contraction of the foot, nature of 307, 391 ; the peculiarity of the lameness produced by, 309 ; how far connected with the navicular disease, 312 ; is not the necessary consequence of shoeing 307 ; produced by neglect of paring 308 ; wearing the shoes too long. ib. want of natural moisture, 309 ; the re moval of the bars, ib. ; not so much produced by litter as imagined, 309 . the cause rather than the consequence of thrush, 307 ; best mode of treating 310, 311 ; rarely permanently cured 311; does not necessarily imply un soundness, 421 ; although not neces sarily unsoundness, should have i, special warranty against it, 422 ; blood horses very subject to, 309. Convexity of the eye, the proper, not sufKciently attended to, 62. Copaiba, account of the resin, 448. Copper, the combination of, used in vet erinary practice, 448. Corded veins^ what, 114. Cordials, the use and abuse of, in the horse, 449. Cornea, description of the, 62; mode of examining the, ib. ; its prominence or flatness, ib. ; should be perfectly trans parent, ib. Corns, the nature and treatment of, 326 ; produced by cutting away the bars, ib. ; not paring out the foot be tween the crust and bars, ib. ; pres- sure, ib. ; very difficult to cure, 329 constitute unsoundness, 422. Coronary ligament, description of the 296; the crust principally producetf from, ib. ; ring, description of the, ib. 4 '4 INDEX. Coronet, description of the, 296. Corrosive sublimate, a good tonic for farcy, 411. Cortical substance of the brain, descrip- tion and fraction of, 56. Cough, the nature and treatment of, 190, 191 ; constitutes unsoundness, 421 ; the occasional difficulty with re- gard to this, 430. Cow hocks, description of, 286. Cradle, a safe I'estraint upon the horse when blistered, 363. Cramp, the nature and treatment of 82. Cream c iored horses, account of, 412 ; peculiarity in their eyes, 63. Cream of tartar, a mild diuretic, 414. Creasote, its use in veterinary practice, 450. Crib-biting, description of, 378 ; causes and cure, ib. ; injurious to the horse, 378 ; constitutes unsoundness, 378, 379. Cricoid cartilage of the windpipe, the, 143. Cropping of the ear, absurdity of 59. Crossing the breeds, good effect of, 29 ; bad effects of ditto, ib. Croton, the farina of, used in physic, 450. Crust of the foot, description of the, 293 ; composition of the, 294 ; consisting within of numerous horny plates, ib. ; proper degree of it, slanting, 295 ; proper thickness of the, ib. ; brittleness of remedy for, 297 ; the cause of sand- crack, 317. Crystalline lens, description of the, 65. Cuboid bones, description of the, 279. Cuneiform bones, description of the, 55, 279. Curbs, nature and treatment of, 280; constitute unsoundness, 424. Cuticle, description of the, 405. Cutis, or true skin, account of the, 405. Cutting, cause and cure of 266, 380 ; constitutes unsoundness, 424 ; away the foot, unfounded prejadice against, 308. Dandriff, the nature of, 405. Darley Arabian, 19. Deafness, 98. Depressor labii inferioris muscle, des- cription of the, 103. Diabetes, the nature and treatment of 233. Diaphoretics, their nature and effects, 451. Diaphragm, description of the, 153 ; rupture of 207 ; its connection with respiration, 154. Digestion, the process of it described, 451. .'digestives, their nature and use, 45i. Digitalis, highly recommended in colds and all iullammatory complaints, 451. Dilator magnus lateralis muscle, des cription of the, 274 ; naris lateralis muscle, description of, ib. Distance, 42. Diuretic medicines, the use and abuse of, 452. Docking, method of performing, 367. Dogs, danger of encouraging them about the stable, 76. Dray horse, character of 40. Drinks, how to administer, 453 ; com parison between them and balls, ib. Dropsy of the chest, 203; of the heart, 157. Drum of the ear, description and use of the. 58, 59. Dun horse, account of the, 412. Duodenum, description of the, 211 , diseases of the, ib. Dura mater, description of the, 55. Ear, description of the external parts, 58 ; internal parts, ib. ; bones of the, description and use of 58, 59 ; laby- rinth of the, 58 ; indicative of the tern per, ib. ; clipping and singeing, cruelty of 59 ; treatment of wounds or bruises of 98 ; cruel operations on the, ib. Eclipse, pedigree of, 20; form of, 20, history and performances of, 20, 21 thickwinded, 20. Elasticity of the ligament of the neck, 54. Elbow, the proper form and inclination of 253 ; capped, 252 ; fracture of, 338 ; punctured, 253. Emetic tartar, used as a nauseant, dia phoretic, and worm medicine, 441. Enamel of the teeth, account of the, 122 English Echpse, 20. Ensiform cartilage, the, 146. Entanglement of the intestines, descrip tion of 226. Enteritis, account of, 220. Epidemic catarrh, nature and treatraen- of 175 ; malignant, nature and treat ment of 181. Epiglottis, description of the, 142. Epilepsy, natui-e and treatment of, 84. Epsom salts, used as a purgative, 460 Ergot of rye, the action of, 405. Ethmoid bone, description of the, 55. Ewe-neck, unsightliness and inconveni ence of 139. Exchanges of horses stand on the sam* ground as sales, 433. Exercise, directions for, 391 ; the neces sity of regular, 392 ; want of produ- cing grease, 290 ; more injury done by the want of it than by the hardest work.. 391. Exi)ansion shoe, description and use of the 35.7 Extensor pedis muscle, description of the, 267. Eye, description of the, 89 ; cut of the, 62 ; fracture of the orbit of the, 68 ; healthy appearance of the, 61; dis- eases of the. 91 ; iatianimation of, common, 93 ; ditto, specitic, 94 ; ditto, causes, 95 ; ditto, medical treatment of, 94, 95 ; ditto, untractable nature of, 95, 96 ; ditto, consequences of, 95 ; ditto, marks of recent, 425 ; ditto, con- stitutes unsoundness, ib. ; ditto, here- ditary, 95 ; method and importance of examining it, 62, 64 ; indicative of the temper, 59 ; the pit above, indicative of the age, 48 ; mascles of the, 66. Eyebrows, substitute for, 60, Eyelashes, description of, 60 ; folly of singeing them, ib. Eyelid, description of, 60. Eyelids, diseases of the, 91. Exostosis on the orbit of the eye, 68. Face, description of the, 99 ; cut of the muscles, nerves, and blood-vessels of, 102. Falling in of the foot, what, 306. False quarter, nature and treatment of, 320, 321. Farcy, a disease of the absorbents of the skin, 114, 115; connected with glan- ders, 114 ; both general and infectious. 116 ; symptoms of, 115 ; treatment of 116 ; buds, what, 115 , the efteLt of cantharides in, 117 ; diniodide of cop- per, ib. Feeding, high, connected with grease, 291 ; regular periods of, necessity of attending to, 402; manner of, has much inlluence on broken wind, 197. Feet, the general management of, 403 ; attention to, and stopping at night, re- commended, ib. Felt soles, description and use of 353. Femur, fracture of the, 339. Fetlock, description of the, 267. Fever, idiopathic or pure, 163 ; symp- toms of, ib. ; symptomatic, 164. Fibula, description of the, 276. Firing, the principle on which resorted to, 364 ; mode of applying, 365 ; .should not penetrate the skin, ib. ; absurdity and cruelty of blistering after, ib. ; horse should not be used for some months after, ib. Fistulai'acrymalis, 60 ; in the poll, 136. Fits, symptoms, causes, and treatment of 84. Fleam and lancet, comparison between them, 166. Plexor of the arm, description of the, 253 ; meiatarsi muscle, description of the. 276: pedis perforatus, the perfora- ted muscle, description of the, 253, 276 ; pedis perforans, the perforating muscle, description of the, 253, 258 276. Flying Childers. the nc plus nUra of success reached in his days, 29. Foal, early treatment of, 239 ; early handling of, important, 240 ; impor- tance of liberal feeding of, ib. ; time for w^eaning, ib. Fomentations, theory and use of, 454. Food of the horse, observations on, 392 ; a list of the usual articles of, 395, et seq. should be apportioned to the work, 393. Foot, description of the, 293 ; diseases of the, 302 ; canker, 330 ; corns, 326 , contraction, 307 ; fal.se quarter, 320 ; founder, acute, 302; chronic laminitis, 305 ; inflammation, 304 ; navicular joint disease, 311; overreach, 319, prick, 324 ; pumiced, 305 ; quitter, 321 ; sandcrack, 317 ; thrush, 329 ; tread, 319 ; weakness, 331 ; wounds, 324. Forceps, arterial, the use of, 168. Forehead, the different form of, in the ox and horse, 56. Fore-legs, description of, 246 ; diseases of them, 254 ; proper position of them, 270. Forge-water occasionally used, 454. Form, on the improvement of, 25. Founder, acute, symptoms, causes, and treatment of, 302 ; chronic, nature and treatment of 305. Foxglove, strongly recommended in colds, and all fevers, 451. Fracture of the skull, treatment of 68 ; general observations on fractures, 333; of the skull, 335 ; orbit of the eye, ib. , nasal bones, ib. ; superior maxillary or upper jaw-bone, ib. ; inferior ditto, 336 ; spine, ib. ; ribs, ib. ; pelvis, 337 ; tail, ib. ; limbs, ib. ; shoulder, 338 ; arm ib. ; elbow, ib. ; femur, 339 ; patella, ib. ; tibia, ib. ; hock, ib. ; "leg, 340 ; sessamoid bones, ib. ; pastern, ib. ; lower pastern, 341 ; coffin-bone, 342 ; navicular bone, ib. Frog, horny, description of the, 298 j sensible, description of the, 298, 300 ; ditto, action and use of the, 298 ; pressure, question of the, 299 ; proper paring of for shoeing, ib. ; diseases of the, ib. Frontal bone-s description of the, 47 ; sinuses, description of the, 48 ; ditto, perforated to detect glanders, ib. Furze, considered as an article of food, 401. Gall, account of the, 213 ; bladder, the horse has none, ib. Gall-stones, 229. Gentian, the best trjnio for the horse, 455 47G INDEK. Gibbing, a bad habit, cause of, and means of lessening, 370. Gigs, forrnaiion of, 133. Ginger, aa excellent aromatic and tonic, 45.5, 468. Glanders, nature of, 107, 109 ; symp- toms, 51, 107, 112; slow progress of, 107, 109; appearance of the nose in, "il, 107, 110; detected by injecting the frontal sinuses, 48 ; how distin- guished from catai-rh, 109 ; ditto from strangles, ib. ; connected with farcy, 108, 110; treatment of 113; cause's, 111; both generated and contagious, 111, 112 429; oftenest produced by improper stable management, 112 ; mode of communication, iM. ; preven- tion of, 113 ; account of its speedy ap- pearance, 111, 112. Glands, enlarged, it depends on many circumstances whether they constitute unsoundness, 424. Glass-eye, nature and treatment of, 97. Glauber's salt, its etfect, 466. Glutaei muscles, description of the, 274. Goulard's extract, the use of it much overvalued, 460. Gracilis muscle, description of the, 273. Grains, occasionally used for horses of slow work, 396. Grapes on the heels, treatment of, 291. Grasses, neglect of the farmer as to the proper mixture of, 399. Gray horses, account of the different shades of, 411, 412. Grease, nature and treatment of, 288 ; cause of, 289 ; farmer's horse not so subject tf) it as others, 290 ; generally a mere local complaint, 289. Grinders, construction of the, 122. Grinding, of the food, accomplished by the mechanism of the joint of the low- er jaw, 120 ; swallowing without, 377. GroggineSvS, account of, 265. Grooming, as important as exercise to the horse, 399 ; opens the pores of the skin, and gives a fine coat, 390 ; di- rections for, ib. Grunter, the, description of, 198 ; is un- sound, 423. Gullet, description of the, 206; foreign bodies in, 208. Gum-arabic, for what purposes used, 435. Gutta serena, nature and treatment of, 97. Habits, vicious or dangerous, 370. Ha^maturia, 233. Hair, account of the, 405 ; question of cutting it from the heels, 2S1. Haunch, description of the, 271 ; wide, advantage of, 272 ; injuries of the, ib.*; joint, singular strength of it, 271 ; also of the thigh bones, advantage of tti« oblique direction of ib. Haw, curious mechanisii. of the, 6C diseases of 92 : absurdit} and crue. ty of destroying it, 61. Hay, considered as food, 394; mow- burnt, injurious, 399 ; old preferable to new, 398. Head, anatomy of the, 47 ; the numerous bones composing it the reason of thi.e, 47,48; section of the, 49 ; beautiul provision for its support, 53. Healing ointment, account of the. 468. Hearing of the horse, the very acute, 58. Heart, de.scription of the, 155 ; its action described, 156 ; inflammation of the, 157 ; dropsy of the, ib. Heels, question of cutting tlie hair from them, 291 ; low, disadvantage of, 332, profier paring of, for shoeing, 343 ; \vashing of the, producing grease, 291. Hellebore, white, used in inflammation of the lungs and fevers, 455 ; black, its use, ib. Hemlock, given in inflammation of the chest, 456. Hepatic duct, the, 213. Hernia, the nature and treatment of, 227. Hide-bound, the nature and treatment of, 383. High-blower, or I'oarer, a description of the 193 ; is unsound, 423. Hind legs, description of the, 271. Hip-joint, the great strength of the, 272 Hips, ragged, what, 272. Hobbles, description of the best, 359. Hock, capped, 285, 286 ; description of the, 278 ; enlargement of the, nature of and how affecting soundness, 279, 425 ; inflammation of the small bonea of, a frequent cau.se of lameness, 279; the principal seat of lameness behind, ib. ; lameness of it, without apparent cause, 285 ; fracture of 339. Hogs' lard, properties of, 437. Hoof, cut of the, 293 ; description of the, 294. Horn of the crust, secreted principally by the coronary ligament, 297 ; once separated from the sensible part with- in, will never again unite with it, ib. Horse, the race horse, 17 ; Arabian, 25 ; the Canadian, 29 ; the Cleveland bay, 38 ; the Norman, 29 ; the Morgan, 35 ; the dray, 39 ; the trotter, 40 ; superi- ority of American over English, 41, 42. Humerus, description of the, 252. Hydrocyanic acid, its occasional good service, 436. Hydrothorax, symptoms and treatment of, 202. INDEX. 477 IvEUM, descript'on of the. 211 [nHaininatioo, nature of, 160 ; treatment of, ItiO, 161 ; hot or cold applications to, guide in the choice of, ib. ; import- ance of bleedini^ in, 160, 361 ; when proper to physic in. 161 ; of the bow- els, 2-20 ; ditto, distinction between it and colic, ?7>. ; brain, 74 ; eye, 93 ; fool, 30-2; kidneys, 231 ; larj/nx, 171; lungs, 186; stomach,* 207; trachea, 172; veins. 141. Influenza, nature and treatment of, 175. Infusions, manner of making them, 457. Insanity, 90. Iniercostal muscles, description of the. 146. Intestines, description of the, 210. Introsusception of the intestines, treat- ment of, 226. Invertebrated animals, what, 44. Iodine, usefulness of, in i-educing en- larged glands, 458. Iris, description of the, 64. Iron, the carbonate of, a mild and useful tonic, 454 ; sulphate of. a stronger tonic, ib. ; ditto, recommended for the cure of glanders, ib. Itchiness of the skin should always be regarded with suspicion, 458. James's powder, 442. Jaundice, symptoms and treatment of, 229, 230. Jaw, the lower, admirable mechanism of i20 ; vipper. description of, 121. Jejunum, description of the, 211. Jointed shoe, the description and use of, 3.53. Jugular vein, bleeding from the, 167. Juniper, oil of, use of, 458. Kicking, a bad and inveterate habit. 373. Kidneys, description of the, 230 ,• in- flammation of, symptoms and treat- ment of 231. Knee, an anatomical description of the, 253 ; tied in below, 258 ; broken, treat- ment of, 254, 421. Knowledge of the horse.how acquired,46. Labyiunth of the ear, description and use of the, 58. Lachrymal duct, description of the, 60; gland, de.scription and use of the, ib. Lamed*, or laniin;T», horny, account of tlie, 297 ; fleshy, account of the, ib. ; weight of the horse, supported by the, ib. Lameness, shoulder, method of ascer- taining. 246 ; from whatever cause, unsoundness. 426. Lampas, nature and treatment of, 119 ; < cruelty of burning the bars for, 120. Laminae of the foot. See Lamellae. 1 Lancet and fleam, comparison between ! them, 166. Laryngitis, chronic and acute, 172. [ Larynx, description of the, 143 ; inflara- [ matiou of the, 171. I Laudanum, the u.se of in veterinary practice, 461, 462. Lead, the compounds of, used in veter- inary practice, 459 ; extract of, its power much over-valued, ib. ; sugar of use of //;. ; while, use of ib. Leather, soles, description and use of, 353. Leg, cut of the, 87 ; description of the, 256; fracture of the, 342. Legs, fore, the situation of, 246; hind, anatomical description of the, 271 ; swelled, 287. Levator humeri muscle, description of the, 250. Lever, muscular action explained on j the principle of it, 248. I Ligament of the neck, description and [ elasticity of the, 53, 54. I Light, the degree of, in the stable, 389. j Limbs, fracture of the, 337. I Lime, the chloride of, exceedingly use- ful for bad smelling wounds, &c., 459 ; the chloride of valuable in cleansing stables from infection, ib. Liniments, the composition and use of. 459. Linseed, an infusion of, used in catarrh, 398, 460 ; meal forms the best poultice, 460, 463. Lips, anatomy and uses of the, 117 lips the hands of the horse, ib. Litter, the, cannot be too frequently re- moved, 387 ; proper .substances for 388 ; conti'action not so much pro- duced by it as some imagine, 309. Liver, the anatomy and use of it, 213 ; diseases of the, 228. Locked jaw, symptom.s, cause, and treatment of 79. Loins, description of the, 150. Luceru, considered as an article of food, 400. Lumbricus teres, or long white worm, the, 227. Lunar caustic, a very excellent applica- tion, 442. Lungs, description of the, 155; symp- toms of intiammation of the, 186 , causes of, ib. ; how distinguished from catarrh and distemper, 186, 187; » treatment of 188, 189 ; importance of early bleeding in, 190 ; blisters prefer- able to rowels or setons in, 191. Madness, the symptoms and treatment of, 76. .Magnesia, the sulphate of 460. Mailenders, the situation of 270 ; the nature and treatment of, 286. 478 INDEX. Mammalia, the, an important class of animals, 45. Manchester, account of the course at, 42. Mane, description and use of the, 139. Mange, description and treatment of, 416 ; causes of, 416, 417 ; ointment, recipes for, 417 ; highly infectious, 418 ; method of purifying the stable after, ib. Manger-feeding, the advantage of, 393. Mare, put to the horse too early, 237, 238 ; deterioration in, 238 ; her proper form, ib. : breeding in-and-in, ib. ; time of being at heat, 239 ; time of going with foal, ib. ; best time for covering, ib. ; management of, when with foal, ib. ; management of, after foaling, ib. Mark of the teeth, what, 122. Mashes, importance of their use, 460 ; best method of making them, ib. Masseier muscle, description of the, 103. Maxillary bones, anatomy of the, 118; fractures of, 335, 336. Medicines, a list of the most useful, 435 Medullary substance of the brain, its nature and function, 50, 56. Megrims, cause, 69 ; .symptoms, 70 ; treatment, ib. ; apt to return, ib. Melt, description of the, 213. Mercurial ointment, the use of in veteri- nary practice, 456. Mercury, various preparations of, 456. Me.sentery, description of the, 211. Metacarpals, de.scription of tlie, 253. Midriff, description of the, 153. Moisture, \vant of, a cause of contraction. 309. Moon-blindness, the nature of, 94. Morgan horse, cut of 35 ; origin of, 36, 37 •, character of, 37, 38. Moulting, the process of, 410 ; the horse usually languid at the time of, ib. ; no stimulant or spices should be given, ib. ; mode of treatment under, ib. Mounting the colt, 243. Mouth of the horse, description of the bones of, 118; should be always felt lightly in riding, ib. ; importance of its sensibihty, ib. Mowburnt hay injurious, 399. Muriatic acid, its properties, 436. Mu.scles of the back, description of the, 150 ; breast, ditto, 150 ; eye, ditto, 67'; face, ditto, 102 ; neck, ditto, 138; rihe, ditto, 146 ; shoulder-blade, 250 ; lower bone of the shoulder, ib. ; the advan- tageous direction of, more important than their bulk, 247—249. Muscular action, the principle of 252. Mustard, the use of, 461. Myrrh, the use of, for canker and wounds, 461. Nasalis labii snperioris muscle, descrip tion of the, 103. Nasal bones, fracture of, 335 ; descrip tion of, 49. gleet, 104. polypus, 104. Navicular bone, de.scription of the, 300 ; the action and use of it, 301. Navicular joint, disease, nature and treatment of the, 311 ; how far con- nected with contraction, 312 ; the cure very uncertain, ib. ; fracture of 342. Neck, anatomy and muscles of the, 1S8, 139 ; description of the arteries of the, 140 ; description of the veins of the, ib. ; bones of the, 138; proper confor- mation of the, ib. ; comparison be- tween long and short, 139 ; loose, what, ib. Nerves, the construction and theory of, 46 ; spinal, the compound nature of, 57; of the face, 102. Neurotomy, or nerve operation, object and effect of it, SG ; manner of per- forming it, ib. ; ca.ses in which it should or sliould not be pei-formed 87, 88 ; a vestige of the performance of it, constitutes unsoundness, 427. Nicking, the method of performing, 368 ; useless cruelty often resorted to, 369. Nitre, a valuable cooling medicine, and mild diuretic, 463. Nitric acid, for what employed. 436. Nitrous fBther, spirit of, a mild stimulant and diuretic, 461. Norman hor.se, cu.t of, 30 ; imported into United States, ib. ; character of, 31. Nose, descri[)tion of the bones of the, 99, 100 ; spontaneous bleeding from. ib. ; the importance of its lining mem- brane, 101, 169 ; the no.-^e of the horse slit to increase his wind, 102. No.sebag, importance of the, 401. Nostrils, description of the, 99; peculiar inflammation of the membrane of the, 50; the membrane of, important in a.scertaining di.sease, 103, 169 ; im- portance of an expanded one, 101 , slit by some nations to increase the wind of the hor.se, 102. Nutriment, contained' in the different ar- ticles of food, 392, et seq. Oats, the usual food of the horse, 395; should be old, heavy, dry, and sweet ib. ; kiln^dried, injuriou.s to the ho' se ib. ; proper (luantiiy of, for ahorse ib Oatmeal, excellent for gruel, and so.a© times used as a poultice, 296. Occipital bone, description of the, 5' (Esophagus, description of the, 206 Olfactory nerves, the importance .->' them. 102. Olive oil, an emollient, 461. Omentum, description of the, 214 INDEX. 470 Opacity of the eye, the nature and treatment of, 94. Operations, description of the most im- portant, 359. Ophthahiiia, 94. Opium, its great value in veterinary practice, 461 ; adulterations of it, 462. Orbicularis muscle of the eye, descrip- tion of it, 67. Orbit of the eye. fracture of, 68. Os femoris, account of, 275. Ossification of the cartilages; cause and trcLtment of, 332. Over-reach, the nature and treatment of, 319, 380 ; often producing sandcrack or quittor, 380. Ozena, account of, 105. Pachydermata, an order of animals, 44. Pack-wax, or ligamentum colli, descrip- tion of the, 53, 136. Palate, description of the, 143. Palm-oil, the b6st substance for making up balls, 462. Palsy, the causes and treatment of, 84. Pancreas, description of the, 230. Paps or barbs, 133. Parietal bones, description of the, 51. Paring out of the foot for shoeing, direc- tions for, 343 ; neglect of, a cause of contraction, 309. Parotid gland, description of the, and its diseases, 103, 133. Pastern, upper, fracture of, 340 ; lower, fracture of, 341; description of the, 263, 267 ; bones of the, ib. ; cut of the, ib. ; proper obliquity of the, 264. Patella or stifle bone, description of the, 275 ; fracture of, 339. Pawing, remedy for, 331. Payment of the smallest sum completes the purchase of a horse, 431. Peas, sometimes used as food, but should be crushed, 398. Pectineus muscle, the, 273. Pectorales muscles, description of the, 251. Pedigrees of American trotters, 40. Pelvis, fracture of the, 337. Pericardium, description of the, 155. Perspiration, insensible, no medicines will certainly increase it. 410. Pharynx, anatomy of the, 135. Phrenitis, 74. Phthisis pulmonalis, description of, 199. Physic balls, methodof compounding the best, 442; should never be given in inflammation of the lungs, 154. Pliysicking, rules for, 224. Pia mater, description of the, 56. Pied horse, account of the, 412. Pigraentura nigrum, account of the, 63. Piper, description of the, 198. I Pit of the eye,the,indicative of the age,4a Pitch, its use for charges and plastera 462. Pleura, description of the, 154. Pleurisy, the nature and treatment of. 154, 200. Pneumonia, the nature and treatment of, 186. Poll-evil, the cause and treatment of, 13« importance of the free escape of tht matter, 137. Postea spinatus muscle, description of the, 251. Potash, the compound of, 462. Potatoes, considered as an article of i food, 401. j Poultices, their various compositions, ! manner of acting, and great use, 463. j Powders, comparison between them and balls, 464. Pressure on the brain, effect of, 69. Prick, in the toot, treatment of, 324 ; in- jurious method of removing the horn in searching for, 326. Pulse, the natural standard of the, 158 ; varieties of the, ib. ; importance of at- tention to the, ib. ; the most conveni- ent place to feel it, ib. ; the finger on the pulse during the bleeding, 159. Pumiced feet, description and treatment of, 305 ; do not admit of cure, 306 ; constitute unsoundness, 427. Pupil of the eye, des.iription of the, 64, the mode of discovering blindness in it, ib. Purchase, to complete the, there must be a memorandum, or payment of some sum, however small. 431. Purging, violent, treavcaent of, 222, 223. Quarters of the hone, description of the, 272 ; importance- of their muscu-, larity and depth, ib. , foot, description of, 293 ; the inner, cr ast thinner and weaker at, 295 ; foUj of lowering the crust, ib. duidding the food, ca^se of, 381 ; un- soundness while it lasts, 427. duinine, the sulphate of, 443. Cluittor, the nature and treatment of, 321 ; the treatment of'te^J long and dif ficult, exercising the patience both of the practitioner and owner. 322, 323 ; is unsoundness, 428. Rabies, symptoms of, 76. Race-horse, English, pedigree of, 17 ; excels the Arabian, 18 ; form of, 19 j examples of, 19, 20. 21. Racers may beget trotters, 40. Racks, no openings should be allowed above them, 386. Radius, description of the, 252. Ragged-hipped, what, 272 ; no impedi- ment to action, ib 480 INDEX. Raking, the operation of, 465. bearing, a dangerous and inveterate habit. 375. Rdcruit, beat the best Arabian in India, 18. Recti muscles, of the neck, description of, 138; of thetliigh, 273. Rectum, description of the, 211, 212. Reins, description of the proper, 118. esin, its use in veterinary practice, 464. Respiratory nerves, the, 57. Restiveness, a bad habit, and never cured, 370. Retina, description of the, 66. Retractor muscle of the eye, description of it, 67. Rheumatism, 85. Ribbed-home, advantage of being, 148. Ribs, anatomy of tlie, 146. Ring-bone, the nature and treatment of, 268, 269 ; constitutes unsoundness, 428. Roach-backed, what, 150. Roan horses, account of, 412. Roaring, the nature of, 172, 198 ; curi- ous history of, 173 ; constitutes un- soundness, 423 ; from tight reining, 173 ; from buckling in crib-biting, ib. ; treatment of, 174. Rolling, danger of, and remedy for, 381. Roman nose in the horse, what, 99. Round-bone, the, can scarcely be dislo- cated, 275. Rowels, manner of inserting, and their operation, 464 ; comparison between them, blisters, and setous, 366. Running away, method of restraining, 375. Rupture, treatment of, 227 ; of the sus- pensory ligament, 265. Rye-grass, considered as an article of food, 400. Saddles, the proper construction of, 151 ; points of, ib. Saddle-backed, what, 150 ; galls, treat- ment of, 152. Saddling of the colt, 243. Sainfoin used as an article of food, 400. Sal ammoniac, the medical use of, 441. Saliva, its nature and use, 132. Salivary glands, description of the, 132. Sallenders, nature and treatment of, 286. Salt, use of in veterinary practice. 465 ; value of, mingled in the food of ani- mals, 399. Sampson, 18. Sandal, Mr. Percivall's, 356. Sandcrack, the situation of 270 ; the na- ture and treatment of 317, 318 ; most dangerous when proceeding from tread, 318 ; liable to return, unless the brittleness of the hoof is remedied, ib. ; con.stitutes unsoundness, 428. Sartorius muscle, description of the, 273 Scapula, description of the, 246. Sclerotica, description of the, 62. Scouring, general treatment of 218, 219 Secale cornutum, the effect of, 465. Sedatives, a list of them, and their mode of action, 465. Serratus major muscle, description of the, 250. Sessamoid bones, admirable use of in obviating concussion, 366 ; fracture of, 264, 340^ Setons, mode of introducing, 366; cases in which they are indicated, ib. ; com- parison between them and rowels and blisters, ib. Shank-hone, the, 256. Shoe, the concave-seated, cut of 34t described and recommended, ib. ; tht manner in which the old one should be taken oft" 343 ; the putting on of the shoe. 345 ; it should be fitted to the foot, and not the foot to the shoe, ib. ; description of the hinder, 347; the unilateral, or one side nailed shoe, 350 ; the bar shoe. 352 ; the tip, ib. ; the hunting, 351 ; the jointed, or ex- pansion, 353. Shoeing not necessarily productive of contraction. 309 ; preparation of the foot for, 343 ; the principles of 344. Shoulder, anatomical description of the, 246 ; slanting direction of the, advan- tageous, 247, 248 ; when it should be oblique, and when upright, 249 ; sprain of the, 246 ; lameness, method of ascertaining, ib. ; fracture of the, 338. Shoulder-blade, muscles of the, ^6 ; lower bone of the, description of, 252 ; muscles of the, 252, 253. Shying, the probable cause of 66, 381 ; treatment of 382 ; on coming out of the stable, description of 383. Side-line, description of the, 359. Sight, the acute sense of in the horse, 59. Silver, the nitrate of an excellent caus- tic, 442. Singeing, recommendation of 407. Sinuses in the toot, necessity of follow- ing them as far as they reach, 328 frontal, of the head, 49. Sitfasts, treatment of, 151. Skeleton of the horse, description of the, 45. Skin, anatomical description of the, 405 ; functions and u.ses of it, 405, 406 ; pores of it, 409 ; when the au> imal is in health, is soft and elastic, 403 Skull, anatomical description of the, 47 arched form of the roof, 55 ; fracture of the, 68, 335. 481 Slipping the halter, remedy for, 383. Smell, tlie sense and seat of, 101 ; very acute in the horse, ib. Snap, 2. Soap, its use in veterinary practice, 466. Soda, chloride of, its use in ulcers, 465 ; sulphate of, ib. Sole, the horny, description of, 297 ; descent of, 298 ; proper form of, ib. ; management of, in shoeing, ib. ; the sensible, 298 ; felt or leather, their use. 353. Bore-throat, symptoms and treatment of, 171. Soundness, consists in there being no disease or alteration of structure that I does or is likely to impair the useful- j ness of the horse, 420 ; considered i with reference to the principal causes of unsoundness, 421. Spasmodic colic, nature and ti-eatment of, 215. Spavin, blood, the nature and treatment | of, 165 ; is unsoundness, 428 ; bog, j I cause, nature and treatment of, 164, j 165, 281 ; bone, 283 ; why not always accompanied by lameness, ib. ; is un- soundaess, 428. Spavined horses, the kind of work they are capable of, 284. Speedy-cut, account of, 257. Sphenoid bone, description of the, 55. Spine, description of the, 145, 146 ; fracture of, 336. Spleen, description of the, 213, 230. Splenius muscle, description of the, 138. Splint, nature and treatraenF of, 256, 270 ; wdien constituting unsoundness, 429 ; bones, description of the, 256. Sprain of the back sinews, treatment of 258, 270 ; sometimes requires firing, 260 ; any remaining thickening consti- tutes unsoundness, 429 ; sprain of the shoulder, 246. Stables, dark, an occasional cause of in- flammation of the eye, 95 ; hot and foul, a frequent one of inflammation of the eye, ib. ; ditto, lungs, 385 ; ditto, glanders, 112, 113 ; should be large, compared with the number of horses, ib. ; the management of, too much neglected by the owner of the horse, ib. ; the ceiling of should be pla.-stered, if there is a loft above, ib. ; should be so contrived that the urine will run off, 388 ; the stalls should not have too much declivity, ib. ; should be sufficiently light, yet with- out any glaring color, 388, 389. Staggers, stomach, symptoms, cause, and treatment of 70, 71, 401 ; generally fatal, 71 ; producing blindness, 73 ; sometimes epidemic, ib. ; mad, symp- toms and treatment, 74. qi Staling, profuse, cause and treatment of, 233. Stallion, description of the proper, foi breeding, 237. Starch, useful in superpurgation, 466. Stargazer, the, 139. Sternum, or breast-bone, description of the, 147, 251. Stifle, description of the, 275 ; accidents and diseases of the, ib. Stomach, description of the, 206, 207 ; very small in the horse, 207 ; inflam- mation of the, 207, 208 ; pump recom- mended in apoplexy, 72. Stone in the bladder, symptoms and ♦^r^atment of, 235 ; kidney, ib. Stoppings, the best composition of, and their great use, 466. Strangles, symptoms and treatment of, 133 ; distinguished from glanders, 109 ; the importance of blistering early in, 134. Strangury, produced by blistering, 363 ; treatment of, 364. Strawberry horse, account of the, 412 Stringhalt, nature of, 83 ; is decidedly unsoundness, 83, 429. Structure of the horse, importance of a knowledi^e of, 46. Strychnia, account of, 467. Styio-maxillaris muscle, description of the, 102. Sublingual gland, description of the, 133. Submaxillary glands, description of the, 133 ; artery, description of the, 103. Sub-scapulo hyoideus muscle, descrip- tion of the, 103. Sugar of lead, use of, 459. Sulphate of copper, use of in veteri- nary practice, 449 ; ii'on, 454 ; mag- nesia, 460 ; zinc, 468. Sulphur, an excellent alterative and in- gredient in all applications for mange, 467. Surfeit, description and treatment of, 415 ; importance of bleeding in, 416. Suspensory ligament, beautiful mechan- ism of the, 265 ; rupture of the, ib. ; suspensory muscle of the eye, descrip- tion of the, 67. Swallowing without grinding, 377. Swelled legs, cause and ti'eatment of, 287 ; most frequently connected with debility, ib. Sweetbread, description of the, 213. Sympathetic nerves, description of the, '58. Tail, anatomy of the, 145 ; fracture of the, 337 ; docking, 367 ; nicking, 368. Tar, its use in veterinary practice, 467. Tares, a nutritive and healthy food, 399. Tartar, cream of, 463. 482 INDEX. Tears, the secretion and nature of the, 60. Teeth, description of the, as connect- ed with age, 121 ; at birth, ih. ; 2 months, ib. ; 12 months, 122 ; 18 months, 123 ; the front sometimes pushed out, that the next pair may sooner appear, and the horse seem to be older than he is, 124 ; 3 years, ib. ; 3k years, 125 ; 4 years, ib. ; 4i yeai-s. 126 ; 5 years, ib. ; 6 years, 127 ; 7 years, 128; 8 years, ib. ; change of .ne, 123 ; enamel of the, 122 ; irregular, inconvenience and danger of, 131 ; mark of the, 122 ; frauds practised with regard to the, 124, 125 ; diseases of the, 130. Temper denoted by the eye, 59 ; by the ear, 58. Temperature, sudden change o^ Injuri- ous in its effect, 385. Temporal bones, description of the, 51. Tendons of the leg, 256. Tetanus, symptoms, causes and treat- ment of, 79. Thick wind, nature and treatment of, 194, 198 ; often found in round-chested horses, 195. Thidi and haunch bones, description of, 271, 272; form of, 272; should be long and muscular, ib. ; description of the muscles of the inside of the upper bone of, 272, 273 ; do. of the outside, ib. ; mechanical calculation of their power, 273, 274. Thorough- pin, the nature and treatment of, 277 ; is not unsoundness, 429. Thrush, nature and treatment of, 328 ; the consequences, rather than the cause of contraction, ib. ; its serious nature and consequences not suffi- ciently considered, 329 ; constitutes unsoundness, 430. Thymus gland, the, 153. Thyroid cartilage of the windpipe, de- scription of the, 143. Tibia, account of the, 276, 279 ; fracture of, 339. Tied in below the knee, nature and dis- advantage of, 258. Tinctures, account of the best, 467. Tips, description and use of, 352. Tobacco, when used, 467. Toe, bleeding at the, described, 168. Tongue, anatomy of the, 131; diseases of, 132 ; bladders along the under part of, ib. Tonics, an account of the best, 467 ; their use and danger in veterinary practice, 468. Torsion, the mode of castration by, 245 ; forceps, description of, ib. Trachea, or windpipe, description of, 144; inflammation of, 172. Tracheotomy, 143; operation of, 143, 144. Trapezius muscle, description of the 250. Trapezium bone, description of the, 253 Tread, nature and treatment of, 319 often producing sandcrack or quittor ib. Tripping, an annoying and inveterate habit, 384. Trochanter of the thigh, description of the, 272. Trochlearis muscle, the, 67. Trotter, American, cut of, 41 ; pedigrees of, 40, 41 ; superiority to the English, 41, 42 ; reasons for, 42, 43. Turbinated bones, description of the, 101. Turpentine, the best diuretic, 468 ; a useful ingredient in many ointments, ib. Tushes, descriptioii of the, 125 — 127. Twitch, description of the, 360. Ulceks in the mouth, treatment of, 131. Ulna, description of the, 252. Ungulata, a tribe of animals, 44. Unilateral shoe, 349. Unsoundness, contraction does not al- ways cause it, 307 ; being discovered, the animal should be tendered, 431 ; ditto, but the tender or return not le- gally necessary, ib. ; the horse may be returned and action bi-ought for depreciation in value, but this not ad- visable, 432 ; medical means may be adopted to cure the horse, they are, however, better declined, lest in an unfortunate issue of the case they should be misrepresented, 431. Unsteadiness whilst mounting, remedy for, 374. Urine, albuminous, 234 ; bloody, 233. Vastus muscle, description of the, 273. Vein.s, description of the, 164 ; of the arm, de.'scription, cScc, 250 ; of the neck, ditto, 140; of the face, ditto, 102; of the shoulder, ditto, 250 ; inflammation of the, treatment of, 141. Vena portarum, the, 213. Verdigris, an uncertain medicine, when given internally, 449 ; a mild -caustic, ib. Vermin, account of, 419. Vertebrae, the dorsal and lumbar, 145. Vertebrated animal, the horse a, 44. Vices of hor.ses, account of the, 370. Vicious to clean, a bad habit that should be conquered, 375 ; to shoe, a bad habit that may also be conquered, 376. Vinegar, its use in veterinary practice, 436. Vines, Mr., his use of the Spanish fly ia glanders, 445, Vision, theory of, 63. INDEX. 483 Vitreous humor of the eye, acrount of the, 05. Vitriol, bhxe, use of, in veterinary prac- tice, 449. Wall-eyed horses, what, 64; whether they become blind, ib. Warbles, treatment of, 152. Warranty, the form of a, 430 ; breach of, how established, ib. ; no price w^ill imply it, 431 ; when there is none, the action must be brought on the p^round of fraud, ib. Warts, method of getting rid of, 419. Washing of the heels, productive of a:rease, 291. VV^ashy horses, description and treat- ment of, 223. Water, generally given too sparingly, 402 ; management of on a journey, 403 ; the difference in effect, between hard and soft, 402 ; spring, principally in- jurious on account of its coldness, ib. ; stomach of the horse, the, 212. Water farcy, nature and treatment of, 116. Wax used in charges and plasters, 468. Weakness of the foot, what, 331. Weaving indicating an iiTitable temper, and no cure for it, 384. Wheat, considered as food for the horse, 397 ; inconvenience and danger of it, 3Qh. Whcezer, description of the, 198 ; is un- sound, 423. Whistler, description of the, 398 ; is un sound, 423. White lead, use of, 459 ; vitriol, its use in veterinary practice, 4G9. Wind, broken, nature and trealmcMit of 196 ; galls, description and treatincDt of, 261, 268 ; ditto, unsoundness when they cause lameness, or are likely to do so, 430 ; thick, nature and treat ment of, 194. Windpipe, description of the, 143 , should be prominent and loose, ib. Wind-sucking, nature of, and remedy .for, 380. Withers, description of the, 150 ; high, advantage of, ib. ; fistulous, treatment of, 151. Worms, different kinds, and treatment of, 227. Wounds in the feet, treatment of, 324. Yellows, symptoms and treatment of the, 229. Zinc, its use in medicine, 468. Zoological classification of the horse 44. Zygomatic arch, reason of the strong construction of the, 52. Zygomaticus muscle, description or«K« THS END. Gentle Dora ! !-Dashing Maggie ! ! ! MRS. MARY J. HOLMES' IS^EW STORIES, DORA DEANE and MAGGIE MILLER lu One neat 12mo. Volume. 474 pages. Price $1.00. Mrs. Holmes endeavors to touch tlie heart, to take what is pure and excellent and hold it up to the reader in contrast with wliat is vile and deceptive. And in this she excels. The fireside, we are sure, will thank her heartily for these books, and preserve them with religions strictness, for they are entertaining as well as instructive.— iVe?o Yofk Commercial Times. The two tales in this new volume are delightful, and will be well received by the many who have derived so much entertainment from their predecessors. — Bodon Trav. There is an air of truthfulness in her common-^ense style, an absence of exaggeration and of high coloring, which conveys a sense of repose to the mind which has fed on the arciflcial stimulus of exciting novels. Her womanly gentleness wins iho heart, and her charming fancy throws a spell over the imagination. — Detroit Free Press. The incidents in both these stories are such as pertain to dally experience, and on that account they brins out more touchingly the traits of individuals in whom the author determines to interest her readers. Her knowledge of the human heart, in childhood, and in the multiform trials of woman's lot, gives her the power of an expe- rienced artist. — ^V. Y. Express. She has the h:ippy fiiculty of enlisting the sympathies and affections of her readers, and of holding their attention to her pages with deep and absorbing interest. — Albany Times. The two stories which make up this volume — " Dora Deane" and " Maggie Miller" — have the elements of as wide a popularity as either of their predecessors. She wields a graceful and graphic pen. Her characters are t'kilfully portrayed, and she never fails to win and retain the good opinion of her readers. She has not failed in this agreeable volume. — Detroit Advertiser. These stories are told in her best manner. " Maggie Miller" will be found particu- larly interesting. The characters are finely drawn, and the incidents are life-like and truthful. — Loicell Vox Populi. The stories in this volume will be read by e\ ery lover of fiction with unadulterated satisfaction. As a student of human character Mrs. Holmes has few equals, and her descriptive faculties are of a superior order. " Maggie Miller" especially demonstrates this fact. Some of its passages, as specimei.s of spirited composition, are seldom excelled. — Troy Times. The two stories in the work before us are among the most entertaining the talented authoress has ever written ; there is, throughout both, a charm and a beauty which cannot fail to please, and they have not a dull page within them. The characters are sketched with a master pen — not overwrought. V>ut yet so earnestly life-like as to be full of interest — and an easy grace pervades the wb jle. — Lawrence American. Also ready, uniform in style with the above, New Editions of LENA ER^ES, , 416 pages, 12mo. Sl.OO HOItlESTEAD ON THE HILLSIDE, 380 pages, 12mo. $1.00 liIEADOW BROOK ; or, ROSA LEE, 380 pages, 12mo. $1.00 MRS. HOI.MES' ^^ORKS, Uniform style, 4 vols., scarlet cloth, $4.00.-4 vols., half-calf, $6.00 Sold by all Booksellers. Single copies sent by mail, postage paid, upon rftceipt of the price. C. M. SAXTOK", BARKER & CO., PubUshers, 25 Pitrk Roac. N'eio York. A Book which will not be forgotten. 'LEIA"ETTEES. BY MARY J. HOLMES, est and Sunshine,'" "The English Orphans," on the nUlside," etc. etc. In One Volume, 416 Pag^es, 12iuo. Price $1 00. Author of "Tempest and Sunshine,"' "The English Orphans," "The Homestead on the nUlside," etc. etc. As the social and domestic relations are the great sources of happi- ess, or its opposites, so those romances that properly treat of those re- lations — of the virtues that adorn, and of the vices that deform them —are clearly the most interesting, impressive, and useful. 'LEjVA rivers is an American Domestic Story, unveiling in a mas- terly manner the sources of social and domestic enjoyment, or of dis- quiet and misery. By intermarriages of New England and Kentucky parties, a field is opened to exhibit both Yankee and Southern domestic life, for which the talented authoress was well prepared, being of Yankee birth and early education, and having subsequently resided in the South. She was thus especially fitted to daguerreotype the strictly domestic and social peculiarities of both sections. 'LENA RIVERS AND THE PRESS. A work of unusual promise. Mrs. Holmes possesses an enviable talent in the study of American character, which is so perfectly developed by acute observation from life, that it would now be impossible for her to write an uninteresting book. — PIdla. Sat. BuUetin. There still lingers the artist-mind, enlivening, cheering, and consoling by happy thoughts and pleasant words; moving the heart alternately to joy or sorrow, convulsing with laughter, or bringing tears to the eyes. — liodieater American. The characters are well drawn, and the tale is one of interest It will find many well pleased readers. — Albany Statesman. The story is simple, natural, truthful. — Rochester Daily Advertiser. Before we were aware, we had road the first two chapters. We read on — and an — and it was long after midnight when we finished the volume. We could not leave it We know of no work with which we could compare " 'Lena Kivers " — so as to form a just estimation of its merits. — MerrickciUe Chroyiicle. It is not the first of the author's works, but it Is the he&t— State Register. To the sex wo commend it, on the assurance of its merit volunteered to us by ladies 111 whose critical acumen we have the fullest confidence. — Buffalo Express. The story opens in New England, and is continued in Kentucky, with very lively and characteristic sketches of scenery and character in both States. It is both good and in- teresting. — New York Daily Times. The moral of the plot is excellent Cowardly virtue, as exhibited by 'Lena's father, may here learn a lesson without sutfering his bitter experience ; while the rashness of youth may be warned against desperate acts, before a perfect understanding is had.— A^sza Bedford Express. This is an American novel possessing merit far superior to many which have been Dublished during the last two years. The delineations of character are neatly and accu rately drawn, and the tale is a deeply interesting one, containing many and varied inci ients, illustrative of the workings of the human mind, and of social and domestic life ir iifferent parts of this country. The lesson to be deduced from its pages is a profitable )n.e^which is more than can be said of many novels of the day. — Portfolio. The scene of this tale is in Kentucky, although Now England figures in it somewhat ind New Englanders still more largely. It is written in a lively style, and the inte^cot 8 not allowed to flag till the story terminates. One ot the best things in the book ,s its Bly and admirable hits at American aristocracy. It quietly shows some of '-the plebeian 'ocation," which have, early or late, been connected with the "first families," an^ gives us a peep behind the curtain into the private life of those who are often objects of envy. Sold by all Booksellers. Sitigle copies rmnXed, post paid, on receipt of she price. c. M. SAXTOJST, BARKER & CO., Publishers, 25 Park Row, New York. ftuiet, Gentle, Home-like, Earnest, Truthful. MEADOW BEOOK; ^IIOSA LEE. BY MARY J. HOLMES, Author of " 'Lena Kivers," " Homestead on the Ilillside," etc., etc. One Volume, Itiino, 3S0 imgcs. Price $1 00. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. No admirer of Mrs. ITolmos' writinffs will thank us for a " critical" opinion of this, Ler latest and best work. The time for such a thinp: has gone by. But surely they will pardon us if we dwell lingoringly and lovingly over one or two of her"cl)aracters: — the angel-like Jessie, the rightly-nained Angel" of the Pines, who, though a child, went about like a ministering anopular works. " Meadow Brook" is an exceedingl 3' attractive book, and one that will alternately call forth smiles and tears. The chapters delineating the life of the youthful '■ school-ma'am," and her experience in "boarding round," may be termed "rich" in every sense of the word. We doubt if their equal can be met with in any of the novels of the present day. The after-life of Eosa Lee, the heroine of Meadow Brook, will be found to be of equal, if not of supt-rior interest to the earlier part, so grai)hically delineated in the first half-dozen chapters. — Providence Journal. Many of her characters might be. if they are not, drawn from life. We liave met a little Jessie whose bright, sweet face, winning ways, and sunny, happy temper, made her a favorite with alTwho knew her. Jessie Lansing vividly recalls our little Je.ssio, who, we hope, is still the sunbeam of her own sweet Southern home. Mrs. Holmes draws her pictures from the deep welling fountain of her own heart and life, reaching our hearts as well as our imaginations, and will always meet a cordial reception when- ever she appears. — Binghamtnn Republican. "Meadow Brook" is a plain story of American life and American people, with capital illustrations of American habits and manners. . . The story is a well-written common- sense atfair, containing much that will please the reader. Nothing is distorted or over- drawn, but all is calculated to impress the reader with a belief \n the writer — that is, that she is telling a true \.&\e.—Eochester Advertiser. Sold by all Booksellers. Single copies sent by mail, postage paid, upon receipt, of the price. C. M. SAXTOl'7, BARKER & CO., Publishers, 25 Park Bow, New York. Natural, Truthful, and Enticing T II E HOMESTEAD ON THE HILLSIDE, BY MRS. MARY J. HOLMES, The Popular Author of "Tempest and Sunshine" and "The English Orphans." IML One Volume, 380 Pages, 12iuo. Price %1 00. The numerous and delighted readers of "Tempest and Sunshine" and "The En- glish Orphans " — Mrs. Holmes' former works — will be pleased to learn that another work of their favorite author is again within their reach. That this work will be ea- gerly sought and widely read, her former brilliant success aifords the surest guaranty. Mrs. Holmes is a peculiarly pleasant and fascinating writer. Her subjects are the home and family relations. She has the happy faculty of enlisting the sympathies and affec- tions of her readers and of holding their attention to her pages, with deep and absorbing interest. Tlie Hoiiiesteatl on llie Millside is, therefore, attracting the liveliest attention ; and readers and REVIEWERS ARE DECIDED IN ITS PRAISE. Any one taking up the book must take a "through ticket," as there is no stopping place "this side" of the last page. The arts of the designing woman are given in their true color, showing to what oily-tongued hypocrisy humanity will stoop for the further- ance of its purposes ; what a vast amount of unhappiness one individual may bring up- on an otherwise happy family; what untold misery may result from the groveling spirit of fancied revenge, when cherished in the bosom of its unhappy possessor.— ^/-ocAj^ori Gasette. The talented author of "Tempest and Sunshine" has again hit on a happy subject. ^The Homestead on the Hillside " has afforded her ample scope for the exercise of those high descriptive powei's and those striking portraitures of character which have ren- dered her former works such general favorites. In one word, the book before us is no ordinary production.— P7ii^ac?ei!p/aa Daili/ Neios. Vigor, variety, a boldness and freedom of style and expression, eccentricity alike of character and incident, are among its most striking peculiarities. She has improved, in the book before us, upon her flrst effort, and several of these tales will not fail to add to her already well established reputation as a vigorous and attractive writer. — Bost. Atlas. The artfulness and resignation exhibited by the "Widow Carter, in her modest but not unnatural endeavors to gain the tender regard of Mr. Hamilton, as she smoothed the pil- low of his dying wife, de'serve the especial attention of gentlemen liable to a like attempt from a similar cause. They will doubtless see a dozen widows in the very dress and po- sition of the philanthropic Mrs. Carter. There is quite a moral for young Misses, too, in the book."— A^. Y. Dutchman. It cannot fail to please the lovers of flowing and graceful narrative.— TVi&ime. It will be superfluous to say that ISIrs. Holmes is a charming writer.— 2>wa Flag. Its genial spirit, its readv wit, its kindly feeling, will doubtless meet with due appreci- ation from all its readers, 'it touches with ready sympathy the fountains of mirth and tears, and one can neither restrain the one nor withhold the other, in reading its tales of joy and sorrow. — Broome Bepub. "We have perused this book with none but feelings of pleasure ; and we have closed ita pages, bearing in our heart its sweet spirit and eloquent moral. "We heartily commend x'i.— Lock port Courier. Her portrayal of human character and actions are admirable; her style is fluent and fascinating, and a most intense degree of interest is kept up throughout the volume. But among all it3 excellent qualities^ most prominent appears its eloquent morals. P.ead It, so ftiat'you can have it to say, ^ I once kead a good booil.'"— Lock port Democrat Sold by all Booksellers. Single copies sent by mail, postpaid, upon receipt of tbe price. C. M. SAX'i'ON, BARKEK & CO., Publishers, 25 Pa/rk Bow, N&uo York. LOUIS NAPOLEON, AND THE COMPRISIxVa A HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, THE CAREER OF NAPOLEON, THE RESTORATION OF THE B0I7B- BONS, THE REIGN OF LOUIS PHILLIPPE, THE LIFE AND CA- REER OF LOUIS NAPOLEON, AND THE CAUSES, EVENTS, AND CONSEQUENCES OF THE CRIMEAN WAR. BY HENRY W. DE PUY, ATTTHOB OF " KOSSUTH AND HIS GENEEAL8," " ETHAN ALLEU," ETC. One Yolume, 457 pp. 12mo., with Steel Portraits of Louis Napoleon and the Empress Eugenie. Price $1 25. The foregoing is an interesting and a reliable history of the Bona- parte family, from the dawn of its celebrity to the present time. It contains a biography, not only of Napoleon L, Napoleon III., and of the other members and branches of that distinguished family, but also of other prominent actors in French affairs, with such a sketch of French history as is necessary to the proper connection and clear understand- ing of the work. EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWERS. The Bonaparte family is one of the most remarkable that has ever appeared on the earth. Its origin T\'as so humble, its elevation so rapid and dazzling, its power so great, its fall so signal and low, its re-appearance in the person of Louis~ Napoleon so unex- pected and potent, and its future so portentous, that it at once arrests the attention of the modern historian, and audaciously takes its place In the very foreground of his canvjis. We are not aware that any author has before attempted to present the entire Bona- parte family in one concise, yet clear and satisfactory volume. It is a work long needed, and for which every intelligent person constantly feels a pressing necessity. Hence we heartily welcome the work before us. Its method is excellent, its breadth and grasp very remarkable, and the style lucid and brilliant. The engravings are superior, and type, paper, and binding excellent. — Taunton Demoevat. » An interesting and instructive volume. The author has given a graphic description of the career of the great Napoleon, free from that excessive flattery which distisguishes the work of Abbott ; and the scarcely less brilliant career of Louis Napoleon is set forth with admirable succinctness and truthfulness. The work comprises the history of France, and in fact of Europe, from the revolution of 'S9 to the present time, of which the misfortunes and successes of Louis Philippe fi>rm a most interesting chapter. The biographical notices of the most distinguished characters that participated in public af- fairs during that period, is also a valuable feature of the work. — Dem. Expounder. The style of the author is popular and attractive, and his book blends the interest of history with that of biography. Portraits of the present Emperor and of the Empress Eugenie, finely engraved, adorn the volume, which is handsomely issued in all respects. — BoHton Telegraph. The notices of the various members of the Bonaparte family are written with clear- ness, as are also the sketches of Louis XVIII., Charles X., Louis Philippe, Theirs, La- martine, Guizot, Abdel-Kader, and numerous others whose names are familiar with French movements during the present century. The outline of the liussian War is lmj)artially given, a commendation which may be generally accorded to the entire vol- nme. — Thomas Francis Mka';her. Sold by all Booksellers. Mailed, post-paid, to any address, upon receipt of price. C. M. SAXTOT.', BAKKEH & CO., Publishers, 25 Pivrk Reyin, New York. THE BOOK OF THE AGE. RECOLLECTIONS OF A LIFETIME, OR MEN AND THINGS I HAVE SEEN IN EUROPE AND AMEEICA. BY S. G. GOODRICH, The veritable " Peter Parley," author of " The History of All Nations," &c. &c. In two volumes, 1105 pp. large 12mo., 25 Original Engravings, including an accurate Steel Portrait of the Author. Price, Black or Scarlet Cloth, $3 GO ; Scarlet Cloth, Gilt Edges, $4 GO ; Half Calf, Marble Edges, $5 GO ; Full Calf, Gilt Edges, $Y GO. This work embraces the prominent public events of the last half century, both at horae and abroad; a complete Autobiography of the author— his early days, education, and lit- erary career; and an amount of original curious, and valuable Personal Incident, Anec- dote, and Description, seldom, if ever, met with in a single work. It is the Author's Life-long Wokk, and nothing superior, if anything equal to it, in blended amusement and instruction, has ever been published. Mr. Goodrich is the author and editor of ITO Volumes, of which over seven millions of copies have been sold! and this, the great work of his life, embodies the condensed substance of his ample Literavy and Practical Evperience ; the War icith England in 1812-14, in which Mr. Goodrich was a private soldier; the Ilaiiford Convention, whose operations took place under his immediate observation, and with most of the members of which he was personally ac- quainted. Embracing curious and interesting details respecting Old Jeffernonian De- mocracy, Old Federalism, and Connecticut Blue Lights; curious and marvellous events connected with the rise and progress of Religious Sects in the United States; with descriptions of the French Revolution o/lS4S, and Louis jS^apoleon's Coup d'Etat, both of which the author witnessed. Also, a full account of the " PETER PARLEY'? TALES," of which Kour Millions have been sold. In the course of the work will be found a Gallery of Pex axd Ink Poetkaits of over Two Hundred Celebrated P^;'6^o?«s— Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Kings, Queens, Emperors, Soldiers, Poets, Wits, Enthusiasts, Physicians, Preachers, Lawy'ei's, Politi- cians, Diplomatists, &c.— all described from personal acquaintance or observation — among whom are the following: George IV. Lamartine, Henry Clay, Duke of "Wellington, Benjamin West, William IV. Victor Hugo, Dan'l Webster, Lord Brougham, Fenimore Cooper, Prince Albert, Alex. Dumas, M. Van Buren, Sir J. Mackintosh, Percival, Queen Victoria Mad. Catalini, M.Fillmore, King Rhio Rhio, or Brainerd, Sir W. Scott, Mad. Malibran, J. C. Fremont, Dog of Dogs, Willis, Lord Jeffrey, Pasta, General Scott, Louis Phillippe, Hawthorne, J. G. Lockhart, Talma, Prof Silliman, Louis Napoleon, Mi-s. Sigourney, W. BJackwood Mile. Mars, Eli Whitney, Thos. A. Emmett, Miss Sedgwick, Hannah More, Rachel, Judge Kent, Bishop Seabury, Mrs. Child, Dr. Chalmers, Ristori, GeoT Cabot, Bishop Wainwright, Charles Sprague, Edw. Irving, Pope Pius IX. H. G. Otis, Dr. Mason, Longfellow, Thos. Hood, Preset Monroe, Jas. Hillhouse, Dr. Romcyn, Pierpont, Louis XVIII. J. Q. Adams, Uriah Tracy, Archibald Gracie, T. Buchanan Eoed, Charles X. Dr. Dwight, Nath'l Smith, Minot Sherman, Jacob Perkins. To all which is added, the Author's recent ANECDOTES OF TRAVEL, In England. Scotland, Ireland, France and Italy, together with a Complete Catalogttj OF TiiK Aittiior's Works, HOW for the first time published; with curious commentario-' on the Counterfeit Parley Books, got up in London. SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. Single Copies mailed, POST-PAID, to any address. Published by C. M. SAXTON", BARKER & CO., PubUshers, 25 Park Bow, New York. GREAT AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY I WEBSTER AND HIS MASTER-PIECES fis fife aiilr 6xmi ^prcljts BY B. F. TEFFT, r>. D., LI.. D. Steel Portrait, Two Volumes, 1032 pp. l?wio. I -ki^jc, $2 oOt THE LIFE EMBRACED ?. The Webster Family. ; 6. Webstei the Leglditor. 2. Webster the Boy and Youth. 7. Webster the Cit'z.en. 3. Weboter the Student. 8. Wehster the Rrrator. 4 Webster the Lawyer. 9. T* ebcter the Orator. 5. Webster in his Domestic Eelations. ' 10. Webster the li'jtecutive Officer. THE SPEECHES EMBRACE L Argument in the Dartmouth College Case. 2. Plymouth Oration — ^First Settlement of ' New England. 8. Speech on the Greek Eevolution. 4. Bunker Hill Monument Oration. 5. Funeral Oration — Adams and Jefferson. 6. Lecture before Mechanic's Institution, Boston. 7. The Character of Washington. 8. Speech at Niblo"s Garden, New York. 9. Letter on Impressment. 10. Eeply to Hayue on Foot's Eesolution. 11, Constitution not a Compact— Eeply to Calhoun, li;. Constitution and the Union — 7th of Mnrch Speech. We receive these volumes with especial satisfaction. Dr. Tefft's book, we doubt not, will be a popular one. It has that brilliancy of touch and that vivacity of style which are always popular with the great body of readers.- -5o.s-to?i Traveler. Such a life of the great statesman was needed. There is no other as cheap yet elegant form in which Webster's great efforts are to be found. They will sell well, we doubt not The more of them there are distributed, the better it is *or our intelligence, our political virtue and the public weal. — M. Y. Times. Dr. Tefft has displayed much industry, versatility and discrimination in his biography, and good taste in the selection of Mr. Webster's efforts, and these volumes cannot but meet with a favorable reception from the public. — Boston Atlas. There is no doubt but the book will be very generally sought and read by an appre- ciating public. It must be regarded as a valuable addition to the standard literary works of the times. The author is exceedingly happy in his use of language. Tliere is nothing laborious, dull or dillicult in the perusal; but on the contrary, it possesses an affahUi, concenial spirit which is entirely winning. We have been peculiarly interested with the description of Mr. Webster's character contained in the last chapter of the biography The author enters into the subject with l-is whole soul, delineating faithfully tho.se traits peculiar to the man, expanding upon those qualities of mind which constituted his great- ness. The work is handsomely got up, and is ht to adorn any library.— ^w/u/o I^ep. We doubt whether a better biogrxphy will ever meet the eyes of the student, or en • rich the library of the man of letters. The style -S polished, clear, and interesting in « bigh degree. — Boston Eve. Gazette. The best life of Webster that has ever appeared— .2«#;< to Democracy. Sold by all Booktxrllers. Mailed, post-paid, to any address, upon receipt of pnee, C. M. SAXTOW, BAEKEK & CO., Publishers, 25 Park Row, New York. LIFE OF HENRY CLAY, BY HORACE GREELEY AND EPES SARGEANT. " But there are deeds which should not pass away, And names which should not wither." One Volume, 428 pp. 12mo., Steel Portrait, Muslin, Price $1,25 Wliile the youth of America should imitate his noble qualities, they may take courage from his career, and note the high proof it affords that, under our equal institutions, tlie avenues of hon >r are open to all. Mr. Clay rose by the force of his own genius, unaided by power, ])ationage, or wealth. At an age when our young men are usually advanced to the higher scliools of learning, provided only with the ru- diments of an English education, he turned his steps to the West, and, amidst the rude collisions of a border life, matured a character whose highest exhibitions were destined to mark eras in his country s history. Beginning on tlie frontiers of American civiliza- tion, tlie orphan boy, supported only by the consciousness of his own powers, and by the confidence of the people, sunuv^unted all the barriers of adverse fortune, and won a glorious name in the annals of his country. Let the generous youth, fired with honora- ble ambition, remember that the American system of government offers on every hand bounties to merit. If, like Clay, orphanage, obscurity, ]ioverty, shall oppress him ; yet, if, like Clay, he feels the Promethean spark within, let him remember that his '••ountry, like a generous mother, extends her arms to welcome and to cherish every o • ." ^«r children whose genius and worth may promote her prosperity or increase her reno,vi? BEING THE ABOVE, TO WHICH IS ADDED HIS MOST ABLE AND POPULAR SPEECHES. steel Portrait, 633 pp. 8vo., Muslin, $2 00; Morocco, Marble Edge, S2 50. "The rush of native eloquence, resistless as Niagara, The keen demand, the clear reply, the fine poetic image, The nice analogy, the clenching fact, the metaphor, bold and free, The grasp of concentrated intellect, wielding the omnipotence of truth. Upon whose lips the mystic bee hath dropped the honey of persuasion.'" As a leader in a deliberative body, Mr. Cday had no equal in Araer ica. In him, intellect, person, eloquence and courage, united to form a character fit to command. He fired with his own enthusiasm, and controlled by his amazing will, indi- viduals and masses. No reverse could crush his spirit, nor defeat reduce him to des- pair. Equally erect and dauntless in prosperity and adversity, when successful, he moved to the accomplishment of his purposes with- severe resolution; when defeated he rallied his broken bands around liim, and from his eagle-eye shot along their rank the contagion of his own courage. Destined for a leader, he everywhere asserted his destiny. In his long and eventt'iil life, he came in contact with men of all ranks and pro- fessions, but he never felt that he was in the presence of a man superior to himself In tho assemblies of the people, at the bar, in the Senate — everywhere within the circle of his personal presence, he tissumed and maintained a position of pre-eminence. aold by all Booksellers. Mailed, post-piid, to any liidross, upon recipt of price. C. M. SAXTOISr, BAKKER & CO., Publishers, 25 Park lioic, J^^'eio Yr-r7,: