^m^^s§sJmm^ss§^^^5s^i«s3 i IP Spiii *i ^ =1^;:^^-:-^ lMi?.^.y,^.>v4^.M.s Z ^ >^ ^-r A/ ^ Dr. A. N. SMEALL'S CAMPHORATED Leg and Body Wash. This preparation must be diluted in the proportion of one ounce of the Wash to one quart of rain water, and thus diluted to be used as an ordinary wash for race horses in training. It will be found superior to any pre- paration designed for the same purpose, as it contains properties, which, when applied as a body wash^ assists nature in opening the pores of the skin, which enables the blood to throw off its watery surplus through the pores, thereby reducing the temperature of the body and relieving the internal organs of circulation and respira- tion, and should always be used in assisting a horse to recover between heats of a race. As a Leg Wash it is equally valuable. Legs in- clined to inflammation and swelling from work, if ban- daged with wet bandages and kept moist Vv'ith the Wash v/hlie not at work, will regain their normal condition, without a "let up ^' in train-ng. Put up in Quart Bottles only, and sent by Express to any address on receipt of price, $3.00. One Quart makes Eight Gallons when diluted. Address orders to Smeall Horse Remedy Co., Toledo, Ohio. \, DR. A. X. SMEALL'S Nerve & Blood Tonic This remedy corrects every irregularity of the Digestive Organs, Liver, and Blood, arousing a healthy appetite, and assisting the stomach in digest- ing the food perfectlv, whereby all functional troubles are expelled. This medicine is in form of powders, each box containing twelve powders, one to be given at a dose in soft feed, or bran mash. This preparation is compounded from pure in- gredients, and contains no metallic substance but Iron. Each powder has an outside wrapping of tin foil, and will retain its strength indefinitely. Xo medicine has ever been offered the owners of horses equal to this for Loss of Appetite, Staring- Coat, General AVeakness and Emaciation, A'ertigo or Staggers, Swelling of the Legs, and all forms of trouble resulting from Lidigestion, ^N'eglect, or Over- tcorJc. One box is usually^sufficien^ Price, SI. 00 per box. Sent to any address on receipt of price. Prepared by The Smeall Horse Remedy Co., TOLEDO, OHIO, J. V. IVE^WTON, Veterinary Surgeon (Graduate Ontario Veterinary College.) Medicine lor Horses and Cattle ALWAYS ON HAND. Has the following Stal lions in stud: WINFIELD BOY, By Edvt^ard Everelt. CalLs to Country by I^ail or Xele- MAMBRINO^^^^^^ ^^ gram promptly attended to. By DeHerr's Mambrino ' Patchen. Office. Infirmary, Boarding and Sale Stable, HENGiS, imp LORD LORNE percharon. 299 ST, CLAIR STREET, TOLEDO, OHIO. Imp. Clyde. Residence, 2fst and Jefferson Sts. mr. M. m. m^MmME.iL, Veterinary Surgeon. (Graduate Ontario Veterinary College,) LIMA, OHIO. Calls hy i:^^l0graph proKiptly attended to. ®®Q0G0030®0© ^j) 3 ® CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction 5 Shoeing, Feeding and Watering 7 Teeth 9 Clothing, Harness, Bits, etc 13 Shoeing, Boots, Care after Work 16 Faster Work, Repeats, etc 19 Sweating Scrapes, Their effects and Reasons for 22 The Sweat 27 Treatment After the Sweat 30 Watclifulness now the Order of the Day 32 Financial Matters Discussed a Little 34 How to Develop a Horse 36 Win if You Can 39 Toe Weights changing the Way of Going 41 Management Before and in the Race _ , 43 Value of Trotters Compared with Pacers 46 Wintering a Trotter or Pacer 48 Developing a Pacer 50 Harnessing and Driving Horses 54 Buying a Horse 57 Conclusion .... 61 Rules National Trotting Association.. 63-92 Betting Rules. . . 93-99 List of 2:30 Trotters, 1883... 100-134 List of 2:30 Pacers, 1883 135-141 List of 2:30 Trotters, 1884 143-150 Trotters that Lowered Their Record in 1884 151-154 List of 2:30 Pacers, 1884 154-156 Pacers that Lowered Their Record in 1884 156 The Fastest Records 157-158 Fast Trotters, Under Their Sires 159-181 Appendix 183 How to Make Money witli a Trotter 188 HAY SEED: HOW TO DEVELOP SPEED TROTTERS AND PACERS, STEER TIIEXl I^sl A. RACE Also, the Rules of the National Trotting Association, and the names of all Horses with Records of 2:30 or better, Trotting or Pacing, down to the close of 1884. TOLEDO: Blade Fhinting and Paper Co. Ib84. Entered accord ng to Act of Congress, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C, by J E. WATSON. In the vear of or.r Lord. 1884. PREKACE. ^IJIpHE author and compiler of this work has endeav- ^1^ ored to condense and crystalize, in as brief a nian- ^i',^ ner as possible, the great fundamental principles of * developing speed in Horses, and believes that by a careful reading and attention to the contents of this work, any man with horse sense and a natural love for this noblest of all animals, coupled with a patient disposition — a man who can "wait and win," — can become a success- ful trainer and driver The work is peculiarly adapted to amateurs and farmer boys, who can readily understand every word contained in the work without reference to the dictionary. The author has confidence the work will be appreciated, from the fact that it is the only brief treatise of its kind in English literature that embodies all the information the amateur needs. And there is no doubt that in the future, when interviewing the great Knights of the Ribbons rivaling the fame of Bither, Johnson, Turner, Mace, Splan, Frank Van Ness, Jack Phillips, and other present great lights of the trotting turf, the reporter will be informed that their fame is indebted in no small degree to Hay Seed. H^Y SBBD. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. It Is my intention to give in this work a few short and sensible hints as a guide to the horsemen who seek to handle their own horses, who have had little orno experi- ence in the art of developing speed. There is no leger- demain or slight of hand business about developing a trotter ; the business was formerly, say twenty-five years ago, shrouded in mystery, and a trainer of trotting horses was looked upon as a walking epitome of knowledge, when at the same time nine out of ten of these same men were comparatively amateurs. The whole business of developmg speed in horses is based upon common sense and the knowledge of the laws of health as applied to the equine race. Now, to begin with, don't ever fool your time away with a dunghill or cold-blooded animal, one that will be looking for a place to lie down before he gets to the half-mile pole. But don't understand me that a horse of whose breeding nothing is known is necessarily a dunghill. A well bred horse, if he doesn't look it, will show it in his mi/es, and there is where breeding is of the most value and satisfaction. But an exceptionally well bred animal will never be overlooked by a horseman, though he may have no pedigree that anybody knows of. We will take it for granted that your horse is broken or has been driven in harness ; if your colt has never been driven he may be worth more than if he had been handled by some of the self-styled horse breakers. In the first place, don't do anything to the young horse to shake his confidence in mankind, but try and cultivate his confidence and respect. As gpod a way as I know of to 6 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO gentle green colts — three, or even four years old — is to tie them in a stall in a barn with other horses and treat them just the same, viz: feed, water, bed, groom and go through the whole business with them until they become accustomed to the noise, and having people around. They will in a couple of weeks be- come perfectly docile. I have found that the less fuss that was made about hitching up a green colt the better. If you have got a good driving pole horse, hitch the colt in with him, to some light running vehicle, having first had a harness on him a few times and a bit in his mouth, and if he has had the proper kind of treatment around the stable it is a hundred to one he will go off readily, and by the time he has been driven a mile he will act like a horse ; don't drive him too far, two or three miles is far enough the first time. Keep driving him every day carefully. But if you have not got a good driving pole horse, hitch the colt to a skeleton wagon or sulky and get up behind him just as though he had been driven be- fore. Make him think he is a horse, and above all don't fight him, and don't try to pull his head up too high un- less you know he is going to kick. Get him to do what he does cheerfully and you will have a better broken horse in two weeks than half the old ones are. DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. CHAPTER 11. SHOEING, FEEDING AND WATERING. The colt should be shod if worked on dirt roads, and if snow or ice prevail shoe him all around sharp, so he can stand up. Don't shoe him too heavy, a twelve or thirteen ounce shoe in front and an eight ounce shoe behind is heavy enough. If you don't know how to have him shod, go to the best and most intelligent blacksmith you know and tell him you want him shod just as well as he would shoe a trotter, and pay him what he asks, if he is a man of judgment and experience in this kind of shoe- ing. I am not going to write a work on shoeing horses ; there are too many of that kind of publications now, and the more a man reads — the greater part of them — the less he knows. In regard to feeding, which is a very important part of our undertaking, I will say: A three-year-old ought to have at least ten quarts of oats a day and what hay he will eat up in an hour, say at night. If you are going to make a practice of driving him early in the morning, give him tw^o quarts of oats and a little water before you hitch him up ; it will stay his stomach and he will feel more like going out. But if you don't work him until late in the forenoon, give him his full feed, four quarts, about six o'clock in the morning, and a little hay. In respect to feeding hay, or grain either, no man can lay down any rule as to how much any horse should con- sume in 24 hours. They want what they need to supply the natural waste of the body and keep them in strength and flesh and growing every day. Here is where judgment comes in play. A colt doesn't want drawing so as to make him look gaunt like an old campaigner, neither do you want to stuff him. In aged horses hay at night only will ordinarily suffice if the horse is a hearty 8 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO feeder, and again some horses will not eat any more than they need if they have it by them all day. Colts, like boys, ordinarily have good appetites, and want enough to keep them growing. Give the horse all the water he wants at night, unless he has a race or trial on hand for the morrow, when it would not be advisable. In the morning a horse, if he is in good health and is accustomed to have what water he wants at night after he has finished his hay, will not ex- hibit much thirst, unless he is a glutton and has gorged himself with his bedding, which habit ought to be cur- tailed at once, for no horse can be gotten into condition or kept so, if he eats all the litter he can reach. In short, water should not be given a horse in quantity when it is going to interfere with the performance of his daily work. Give him a couple of swallows in the morning before he eats his feed. Never give him over one-half a bucket at once except at night, when he may have a reasonable .llov^^ance. Rain, river and spring water are the kinds ordinarily in use for horses in training, well water being too cold, drawn directly from the well, to give horses with safety. A sudden change of localities, as a cam- paign necessitates, sometimes compels a change of water from hard to soft, or vice versa, and is attended alwavs with some danger of relaxation of the bowels, but by add- ing a small handful of linseed meal to a bucket of water and gradually decreasing the quantity, the use of it can be discontinued in two or three days, and your horse wdll have become accustomed to the water. Water is better to stand in the sun and air long enough to ap- proach the temperature of the atmosphere before using it if it is well or cistern water. If a horse is a light and delicate feeder, the more water you can get him to drink the more he will consume of feed. Dainty feeders are nearly always light drinkers. The use of water for such horses with just enough cream tartar in it to assidulate it slightly has been found beneficial. If a horse is in- clined to drink too much put only as much in the bucket as you want him to drink at one time. Other horses DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. ft want a pailful set down for them so they can drink it unobserved. In checking a horse up you need a check bit inde- pendent of the driving bit. Some horses will check with an old-fashioned check rein and check bit with the gag runners sewed or hooked high on the crown piece of the headstall, but nearly all the trotters and pacers are checked with an overdraw check running over the top of the head and buckling into the small check bit. You want a set of bandages, a couple of scrapers and plenty of rubbers made from linen salt sacks ; you want a dozen for each horse ; you want a couple of soaking tubs ; take a kerosene oil barrel and saw off each end with a depth of six or eight inches, fit some boards inside of the chime and screw them to the head, so your horse will not push the bottom out when he steps his weight onto them. Wire spring skewers are essential ; and you also want a good muzzle, but be careful how you use it. You will need a rubbing out headstall, merely a strap over the top of the head, each end buckling into the ring of a bit ; you want a foot and a tooth rasp, and numerous other ar- ticles as your wants will suggest. Toe weights are very useful in some instances, and occasionally indispensable, but never use a weight that you have to fasten to the foot with screws screwed into the horn. I have seen in-^ flammation set up in the foot from the screws pressing into the laminse of the foot, and severe lameness result from their use. • TEETH. The teeth in horses are receiving more attention than formerly, as it is a well settled fact that their teeth are subject to decay, ulceration, irregular growth etc., same as in the human family, though not perhaps, in the sam^ degree. A horse in his three or four year old forms '> most liable to suffer, as the three-year-old cuts foux front teeth and eight back teeth, and in their fourth year they cut four front, eight back, and four tushes, and con- siderable irritation and fever often attend the cutting of these teeth. 10 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO Attention should be directed to the shedding of the molars in the three-year-old, the roots becoming absorbed, the crowns of the teeth get loose and hang to the gums. and should be removed as they will cut the cheek and make the mouth sore. ]Many horses I am satisfied suffer from toothache with decayed teeth, and when a decayed tooth is discovered it ought to be removed immediately, upon its first attempt to ac/ie. The presence of decayed teeth may be detected by such symptoms, as improperly masticated food passing the bowels undigested, tossing the head, discharge from one nostril, irritable disposition pulling or driving on one rein, and pulling at the bit or refusal to take hold of the bit. The remedy for de- cayed teeth is removal. You will need the assist- ance of some one skilled in Veterinary dentistry, to re- move a decayed molar tooth. The upper jaw being wider than the under one, the outer margin of the upper grinders become sharp, and unless this over-growth is removed with a tooth-rasp, the cheek, coming in contact with the sharp edges of the grinders, gets sore, and check- ing a horse aggravates him, as it presses the cheek against the teeth with greater force. The inside margins of the lower grinders get sharp in the same w^ay, and hurt the tongue, and no horse can be made to trot or pace fast, that has teeth that hurt or aggravate him, and as a trainer, you should always keep a tooth-rasp handy, they cost lit- tle, and you can remove the sharp edges of teeth as well as any one, but for the extraction of a grinder, you had better employ a Veterinary dentist, as it is quite an under- taking. The reason a horse cannot go fast with teeth that hurt him is, that if he carries his head one sided, as he will invariably do if he is driving on one rein, he can't go square, and is bound to tangle in his gait, and of course cannot speed fast. I have seen horses in a race in scoring, that carried their heads one sided, and pulled on one rein ; these horses were suffering from imperfect teeth or effects of same. These horses knowing /107a to go, would finally take hold of the bit and go fast, but this yva.s game in its triumph over infirmity, the horse having DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 11 acquired the proper way of going, in his course of train- ing, and possessing the spirit to door tf/e, he takes hold of the bit, though it may be ever so painful, and tries to get there. Horses possessing this valuable inheritance, known as game^ ( which is by the way imparted from one generation to the othei ), are very dangerous competitors in a race. 12 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO CHAPTER III. CLOTHING, HARNESS, BITS, ETC. There are different opinions about blankets and cover- ing for horses in the stable. I don't believe a horse needs anything more than to make him comfortable. No horse ought to sweat under the blankets in the stable, and he should be provided v/ith changes, so he can be made comfortable in any change of the temperature. In winter, if he is clipped, he must be provided with extra clothing, unless the stable is heated artificially, and for out door use the blanket for clipped horses should be large enough to cover them well down toward their feet, and the shed ought to be a very warm one, or they ought not to be left under it at all if it is a cold day. A single strap rubber trimmed harness with a good, substantial, three inch saddle and fiat lines, all made from Maffot's leather, is good enough for anybody and looks as well as any harness that was ever made. Horses ordinarily act as well in a headstall with winkers as any, although some flighty, nervous horses, and shyers, act better in an open bridle. Experiment will teach you which kind of head- stall to adopt. There are a thousand styles of bits, but the ordinary jointed bit, known as the Dexter trotting snaffle, is as good as any. Some horses act better with a plain bar bit than any other, but use the one your horses appear to like best. Don't make a puller of him by driving him on a bit he is continually fighting against. DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 13 CHAPTER IV. OBJECT OF WORKING HORSES WORK FOR AGED HORSES. It is important for the amateur to understand why he is working his horse. What is the object of it? Why to develop his speed, of course. But not one man in ten can give you an intelligent answer to your questions as why do you do so and so. Now no horse can go any faster than he has got power to carry him. If the speed is not in him, no man can make him show it. Speed is the physical capacity or power to get over the ground at a rapid rate. A horse may have appa- rently the physical capacity to go fast, but does not and can not; he maybe proportioned correctly and fill all the dimensions of the fape li7ie trotter and lookXxV^ a trot- ter, but can't go on — and here is where those knowing men get left in trying to pick out a trotter with a tape line and references to the stud books. A horse without the inborn disposition to go on and get there is no good, no matter how he is bred, how he is formed, or how he is gaited. You get him in a tight place where it is nec- essary for him to extend himself and he will shut up like a jack knife, and quit without any apparent reason, only that he don't seem to want to do it. If a horse is strong 2iXiAhas the disposition to go on, if he is not quite per- fectly gaited, he will oftener surprise you by his rapid improvement than would a finely gaited one, and just as strong and sound, that don't care whether he gets there or not. We will assume that you have got a horse sound and live years old, that has a gait that is pure enough to carry him a mile in 2:3c, when in condition to go a mile ; and this horse has never had an attempt made to develop the speed he is supposed to possess. We will also assume that nt is early spring, the roads are in condition to 14 ^ HAY SEED, OR HOW TO ■drive upon, and you are situated so you can give tnis horse all the attention he needs to develop the latent speed he is expected in the near future to exhibit. I will say a few words respecting the quarters you give the horse to occupy, A box stall twelve by fourteen feet, with a plank floor not too tight to prevent the urine from run- ning through, will answer, and the floor should be far enough from the ground not to be damp. Arrangements should be made to properly drain the grounds in the vicinity of barns and stabling, as horses are, in my judg- ment, susceptible to malarial disorders, as well as the human family. I do not like an underground barn with stalls for horses over the basement, as there is always a draft through any aperture there may be in the floor, and horses' feet dry up when kept in such a place, and require a great deal of attention. A clay or earth floor is not desirable for horses doing fast work and sweating consid- erably, as they are liable to contract colds, coughs and rheumatic troubles from lying on these ground floors with nothing but straw between them and the earth. Don't let your horse lie on the ground if you are working him for speed. It is understood by you, of course, that proper venti- lation is desirable, as is also light. The windows for ventilating the stable should be about six feet from the floor, so that any draft through these windows will not strike the horse. We will suppose this horse as yet has not shown any disposition to interfere or cut himself any- where ; ..this being the case, you have not got to worry yourself about the shoeing, a very great relief, I assure you. Now you want to make a firm resolve not to speed this horse, either for your own or any other person's grat- ification or amusement, until he has had some work and got strong, and has learned something about going along— if you expect to make a trotter out of him. Walk- ing exercise has been found not absolutely necessary, as formerly indulged in. Old time trainers used to begin by giving horses walking exercise in the spring tor two or three weeks before they even thought of driving them in DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 15 harness ; but I believe that a horse is safer in the hands of the trainer, hooked to a light wagon or sulky, than he is in the care of a boy doing his walking work out of sight of the barn. You may commence by jogging and walking a little, say five or six miles (in the forenoon is the best time) for the first week or ten days. Ten quarts of oats in three feeds, of four quarts in the morning, two at noon, and four again at night, with some hay, ought to be enough for him, and you ought to see him begin to improve in the way he does his work as well as in appearance. By this tune he will be in shape to send along a little, and you ought to increase his work a little, and likewise the amount of oats, say to twelve quarts per day; but if you observe that he don't like the increased amount of work, wait a week more. By this time the muscles must have tone enough in them to carry him along on a good road a ten-mile-an-hour clip, for four or five miles, without much apparent fatigue. But don't begin to brush him yet; he wants to be able to jog his ten miles out in an hour easy before you commence to call on him. If he is the horse we think he is, he will soon commence to do his brushing himself. And here is where you want to use judgment; right here is where one-half the good horses are ruined. If he now commences to take hold of the bit and go away at a rapid clip, steady him carefully, and take him back before he commences to tangle or tire. The chances are at this time, if you let him go on and trot over himself and go infeo a break, he will hit himself somewhere, and it will set him back in his training weeks, and perhaps spoil him. Don't let him go to a break* trotters nowadays don't leave their feet often when they^ Kppt 5.-.an.- tK£»y don't have time. 16 BAY SEED, OR HOW TO CHAPTER V. SHOEING, BOOTS, CARE AFTER WORK, iiTC. Up to this time, perhaps, you have seen no occasion to change his shoeing, except to have them removed and re- set, which ought to be done once in three weeks at tbe longest. You now want to observe closely how he carries his legs, and if he is brushing himself anywhere. Young horses often exhibit a propensity to shove the hind foot under the front foot and brush the hoof up at the coro- net, which is called " scalping." If your horse does f/iis, get a pair of scalping boots the first thing you do, and wear them on him in this work. Horses do this scalping while jogging, but it gets them into the habit of single footing, and when they get this habit it takes a long time to restore their confidence so they will go square again. All horses, or nearly all that can go fast, go with their hind feet outside of their forward ones. You also want to observe if this horse brushes his hind pasterns with the outside of the shoes of the front feet ; this is called speedy cutting. If your horse, in your judgment, -can show indications of a three minute clip or better, look out for this speedy cutting business. If you are working him on a half mile tsack he will probably brush himself here while making the turns, which will have the -eff'ect to scare him and make him unsteady and break. Now if your horse ever goes to a break when he is mov- ing within his speed, he has hit himself somewhere, and you should get right out and see about it at once. If, upon examination, you find he has hit himself, don't start him up again until he is protected. If he is shod all right don't expect to remedy the difficulty by chang- ing shoes unless the trouble is apparent. Clinches some times work out by the head of the nail striking a stone and driving it up; to avoid this have the shoer DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 17 file the heads of the nails down even with the shoe, then the clinches will not work out to bother you. And here is something I want you to recollect about shoeing for interfering or knee knocking. Don't ever take any portion of the wall of the foot away in any case. All you take off the inside of the feet just so much nearer together the horse's feet will be whether in motion or standing, and you spoil the shape of the foot and weaken it. Horses sometimes interfere and hit themselves with- out any fault of the shoer. Perhaps the animal has not learned to travel, is weak, or a dozen other causes no blacksmith is responsible for. In bringing your horse in from a drive after he has acquired some strength, let him come home in shape, so you can scrape a little sweat out of him after he has stood with a woolen sheet on him a few minutes, or while you are hanging up his harness. If he breaks out in perspiration strip off the sheet and scrape him out as dry as possible and throw the sheet over his back and loins, and commence and rub out his head and ears and neck, and finally his whole body Don't put him in the stall until he is cooled off, so he will not break out again. It may take three quarters of an hour, probably; you need not rub all the time. Pin the sheet on him and walk him around in the sun and out of a draft, and before you get done with him wash out his feet clean and brush him all over; brush out his mane and foretop and tail, but don't tear out any hair. If it is time to feed now, give him a suck of water and his dinner, and go and get your own. The best rubbers I have ever seen are Ashton salt sacks cut into four pieces. Always have plenty of clean, dry rubbers on hand; you can't dry out a horse with a dirty, damp rubber. There is considerable work about training one horse if you do all the work yourself. But your ingenuity will devise some way to get along with the work. I have never seen a man yet who liked to ride behind a good horse and do the driving, but who would manage some way to have some body around the barn when he got back to help do up the trotter. 18 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO Don't be afraid to give your horse some grass. Let him pick it himself in the latter part of the afternoon if you work him in the forenoon, and if he at any time is constipated give him a big bran mash at night with some salt in it. Keep his bowels open unless he is of a washy constitution and inclined to scour; you must use judg- ment. A horse that scours (or in other vv'ords exhibits an unnatural looseness of the bowels) is out of shape some where, and is probably the result of indigestion or derangement of the stomach and bowels. If you live near a good veterinary surgeon, consult him; it will be cheaper in the end. However, I have corrected this trouble more than once by giving a tablespoonful of powdered charcoal three times a day in the feed. The feet and legs must be looked after now; don't soak your horse out too much in hot or any other water, because you have seen some other trainer do it. It might have been necessary in the case, of an old ringer that had to be scalded every day to keep him on earth. Jack Phillips has probably won more races with hot water than any other man in this country. He knows when to use it. If you don't detect any fever in the legs, or inclination to swell over night, your horse is all right, and a good walk in the grass in the morning when the dew is on is as good a poultice as the feet can have. Don't oil or anoint the feet, or stuff them, if they don't need it. Blue clay or moss wet in water is the oest stuff- ing, and oils are a detriment, I think. DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 19 CHAPTER VI FASTER WORK, REPEATS, ETC. About four weeks must have elapsed by this time, and you can now begin to call on the horse for a brush occa- sionally in his work. Don't brush him over a quarter yet at a time, and not too often, and never up to the full measure of his speed. Some horses will take more work than others, but an ordinary well-bred horse ought to jog out ten or twelve miles a day to a wagon in about an hour without falling off any in appearance, condition or feelings. After you commence to brush the horse along in his daily work, your judgment ought to guide you as to whether you are overworking him or not. I suppose you think you ought to give him a big scrape now. Perhaps it is not necessary ; a neck sweat and hood may reduce the throat and neck enough, and per- haps he don't want any scrape of the body more than he gets every day in his work yet a while. I will, further on in the work, give you a scientific explanation of a scrape, how to do it and what to do it for. It is about time this horse had a half mile trial. If you have any suspicion he will hit his knees, protect him. The night before you give him the trial, give him about half the amount of hay he ordinarily has and about two-thirds the usual quantity of water ; in the morning give him two quarts of oats at the usual time of feeding (we assume you have been giving him his breakfast in one feed up to this time) and no hay of any account. Give him a couple or quarts of water when you go to the stable in the morning, and after he has eaten his oats and a very little hay let him have two or three swallows more. Hook him up about ten o'clock, the food having had time to assimilate, and jog him out five miles; then give him a swallow of water, and give him a half mile, commencing 20 HAY SEED, OR HO\V TO to call on him as you approach the half mile pole and send him for all he is worth till you get to the win, with- out letting him leave his feet. Have some friend you can rely on to hold the watch that can catch the time correctly, and that won't lie to you. If your horse has shown a half in 1:25, you have got a quite promising young horse that has only been worked four weeks. This is a 50 clip, and lots of them can't do it that have been worked all summer. Now jog your horse to the stable and do him up in good shape. The first thing you do, put a set of linen bandages wet in warm water on his legs, all round, and let them stay on till they get dry or the horse has cooled out, then take them off, hand rub the legs a little, and if you don't see any swelling or heat in the legs they are all right and he has done well. Work him now just the same as you have all along; in a week give him a trial a mile out. If he has improved he ought to show you a mile in 2:45. I^ ^^ should chance to be one of those phenomenal trotters of the period, he might go so fast your hair would turn gray in the mile. Soberly speaking, the speed shown at the pre':ent day by horses with comparatively little training, and in the hands of amateurs in some cases, is truly marvelous. They break out at different places, hundreds of miles apart, but al- most without exception upon investigation it is discov- ered that these horses are bred to go fast and stay the distance. You will, by observing how your horse finishes his first mile, be able to determine to a great extent what kind of a horse you have. If he finishes his mile as though he had another mile in him, and trots the last half a couple of seconds the fastest, and does not show much distress in breathing, and his legs tremble but slightly if any, you may conclude you have got quite a horse, providing, of course, he has done his mile in as good time as you have reason to expect of him. You ought not to have driven him to a break in either of these trials. He had better have a little speed left in him than to have gone to a break. In ten days, if he is improving, give him another trial, a mile and repeat. Don't try to DEVELOP SPEED IX HORSES. 21 drive all the speed out of him the first heat, and if he acts as though he had plenty more in him, give him the sec- ond mile with an interval of twenty minutes or half an hour between the heats. As soon as you have finished the first heat, unhook him from the sulky, pull off his harness and throw a sheet on him ; give him two or three swallows of water, and in three or four minutes, while you are walking him around, he will break out in a pro- fuse perspiration. (Don't get in a draft with him.) Com- mence and scrape out his neck and shoulders and finally his whole body; have a couple of boys who can help rub him up, and in course of twenty minutes he will be suffi- ciently recovered to harness again and prepare for the next heat. If he has worn any boots ia the first trial, remove them as soon as he is unharnessed and see that they have not chafed him, and put them back on the last thing before you hitch him in the sulky for the last heat. Jog him a mile or two, and, remember, always to jog your horses the reverse way of the track, and if any other party is driving the rig/i^ way of the track and you meet them, give them the pole, or pass to the left, they pass- ing you on your right. In working a horse the reverse way of the track, and only turning him when you want to speed him, he acquires the habit of getting away rapidly. A very important thing for a trotter to know is how to score well; it frequently wms a race. Up to this time, I have counciled extreme caution, which every trainer will tell you is safer that to rush business. 23 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO CHAPTER VII. SWEATING SCRAPES, THEIR EFFECT AND REASONS FOR. I have promised to give you a chapter on sweating, and I will quote from that eminent authority on the subject, Joseph Carn Simpson : The natural outlets of the body are the skin, bowels and kidneys. With their aid we get rid of what the old trainers called the waste and spare. We can increase the action of them all by articles given as food or medi- cine. The evacuations through the numerous pores of the skin are what we call sweating, the effects of which — when properly used — being to bring a horse into such a state, called condition, that he can do without injury, what would be an impossibility for him to perform with- out its aid. 1 have signified my objections to stimulating the bowels and kidneys by cathartics and diuretics as aids of training, and I must necessarily show that condi- tion can be acquired without their help. Sweating has two distinct things to perform : the first, to give freedom to the respiratory organs and the action of the heart, which we may call internal relief; the second, to promote the strength and activity of the muscles and lighten the load to be carried, which, with the same propriety, may be term.ed external relief. The organs of respiration are the lungs, bronchial tubes, trachea or wind-pipe, glottis or valve, at the extremity of the trachea, nasal passages and nostrils. It requires study to understand the work- ings of the organs of circulation and breathing, and I must confess that I am not capable of understanding any of the treatises that I have read on the subject suffi- ciently to explain them, or to make them as intelligible to you as they are to mc, though the dediiciiofis drawn from DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 23 the statements I am ,i^\'>nig to make I know to be correct. They have been demonstrated by my practice, and since I have followed my present plan of sweating I have never had a horse become baked or feverish, which was fre- quently the case when I sweated them without thinking of the causes why it should be done, or was aware of the results that might be expected to follow. The action of the heart is so closely identified with the lungs that both have to be taken into consideration. Quicken the motion of the one and you accelerate the other, but not in the same proportion. For instance, when a horse is breathing tranquilly the respirations are from four to eight in a minute, and the pulsations thirty-six to forty. As you increase the motion of the lungs by fast work, the respirations will be multiplied till the ratio wdll be as one to two, possibly two to three. 'Suppose that, in driving your horse, you keep up the rate of speed until he becomes distressed ; the respi- ration? would probably be forty to forty-five times in a minute, with the pulsations at seventy-five to eighty. The inspirations at times-.would be a good deal longer than the expirations, frequently sighing and " blowing out " suddenly. This arises from the amount of adipose matter interfering with the heart and lungs, restricting the first and enfeebling the others, and it would be along time before he would recover and the circulation and breathing be restored to their natural condition. You get rid of the superfluities, and drive him until he exhibits great fatigue, having gone perhaps two or three miles, the respirations have increased to two-thirds that of the heart. Still the expirations and inspirations are nearly equal, and there is very little if any. sighing. He blows out freely and forcibly, recovering the natural breathing in much less time than before. In the first case he would have been " dead beat ; " in the second, by taking a pull he would " come again ' and make another struggle. This shows that rapid respiration and arterial action can be kept up if the organs are in a proper state. The main muscle acting on the lungs and assisting in respiration is 24 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO the diaphragm. In forcible expiration the abdominal muscles act with great power. It will be useless to take much time to show that if an excessive deposit of fat exists their. aid will be much diminished. Fat within the chest is laid in layers beneath the serous coating, and about the base of the heart. It materially affects the breathing by encroaching on the pulmonary chamber, and interfering with the expansion of the lungs, so that the minute air cells can not be filled to the extent of their capacity as thry can when freed from this obstruction. If the heart is healthy, there is room within the pericar- dium for all its motions, contraction and expansion not being greatly restricted by the outside coating of fat. But this coating t^oes affect the equalization or rythm of the pulsations when the action is hurried, so it becomes necessary to remove the obstruction here as elsewhere. The change in the blood, from the time it leaves the heart by the arteries till it is returned by the veins, after having been aerated in the lungs, is a won- derful provision of nature for it to obtain properties from the atmosphere essential to the existence of life. The passage of the blood to the extremities of the vessels that convey it, is accompanied in swjating by another phenomenon, viz: the forcing the moisture through the pores of the skin, which we call sweat. In the evacuations from the bowels and kidneys there is never a particle of fat, and the emaciation following purg- ing or excessive stalling is not due to fat being carried from the body directly, but to causes resulting therefrom. In exudation, however, the oily part of the blood is got rid of as well as the watery fluid that accompanies it. You will perceive, when a horse takes his first sweats, the moisture is of a thick, unctious nature, forming a lather like soap when it meets with friction from the clothes or harness. As the horse's body becoiies freed from impur- ities, the sweat becomes thinner and cleaner, finally hav- ing the appearance ot clean water as it trickles down his legs. The skin, then appears to be the most direct way of getting rid of the fat, and not only the most direct but DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 35 the most natural. The fat, in the first place, being depos- ited by the blood, the loss of the oily portion in sweating is replaced by the absorbants working on the surplus in store, removing it from where the original deposit was made, and, as the sweatings are continued, exhausting all that we desire to get rid of. There are other changes, probably, that take place in the blood, one being a greater fluidity, perhaps occasioned by an increase of heat. It would appear that the abstraction of the watery particles would have a contrary effect, yet I am satisfied that this is counteracted by an opposing force, which I cannot explain, rendering the arteries and veins less liable to engorgement than when the circulating fluid had proper- ties which made it more difiicult to propel through them. From the relief afforded by copious and repeated sweat- ings, we might infer that the abstraction of the fatty globules in the blood was the means of lessening the labor of the heart, which is of the greatest importance when the blood is sent bounding along more than twice as fast as when the animal is at rest. The theory that the pulsation keeps time to the step is, I believe, correct when the action is much hurried. Hence, when a horse is mak- ing a fraction more than two bounds in a second, the work of the heart is greatly increased, and the labor of that vital force-pump would be much lessened by the blood being easier to urge through the tubing of the veins as fast as the accelerated pace required that it should be. It will be readily seen that nearly all the inside fat will have to be got away before the respiratory organs are capable of performing their functions in a manner that will endure fast work. The heart is also facilitated in its operations by the removal, and the diaphragm and abdom- inal muscles can act with far greater force. The whole internal economy is in a measure changed, the muscles of the stomach are strengthened, and digestion is better and more rapid. The gastric juices are more intimately blended with the contents of the stomach, and the waste for the bowels to carry off is less acrid and easier expelled. We will also find that the same process will get rid of the 26 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO external fat, and while the load is lightened for the horse to carry, and ihe muscular system is brought to a higher state of vigor, it also assists in the expansion of the chest. The intercostal muscles, or the muscles between the ribs, have a good deal to do with respiration, and the reduction of the neck removes the unnecessary load of fat which surrounds the wind-pipe, giving more room for it to con- vey the air to the bronchial tubes, and through them to the lungs. I have just said that the same process gets rid of fat whenever it is deposited either among the inter- nal vicera or where it surrounds the muscles. This is so, yet we can so modify it in practice that the effect will be greater in absorbing the interior than the exterior deposit. Thus you will frequently see an animal in racing condi- tion w^ith a fair covering of hard flesh over the general exterior of the body. I'ill we remove from the lungs and heart the adipose deposit that hinders their working, we cannot give exercise to be of much benefit to the muscles of locomotion. The first sweats, then, will have to be given independent of speed, which these organs are yet unable to endure. The questions attending sweating for the outward formation are not so complicated. The muscles are masses of elastic fibers, terminated by the tendons on which they act by contraction and relaxation. Thus, while one set exert their force in one direction by contraction, the opposite are lengthened so not to interfere with the power applied. Some run parallel with the tendons, others cross these in an oblique direction, and still others at nearly righi angles from the first. The fat is deposited where they overlap each other, filling up the interstices and giving prominence to the muscles by pushing the outside one out. In a very fat horse there is a further deposit of adipose matter between the skin and body, sometimes covering the muscles of the ribs to quite a depth. This is entirely useless, while that in the inter- stices has a duty to perform of great importance, viz.: lubricating the fibers so that the friction at the points of attrition is much lessened. The muscles become harder and more tendonous as they are made to perform active duty. This change takes place as the result of exercise. DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 37 as does not the removal of fat, when that removal is dependent on other agencies than muscular exertion. Exercise is the only means of effecting this change of the muscular system, and the amount of work best adapted to effect this end is varied in almost every animal that has to undergo the conditioning process. As the fat is wasted, there ought to be a proportional increase of muscle, and which will invariably ensue if the training has been prop- erly attended to. Sweating under clothes has also a local effect. This is an advantage which no other system of depletion can boast of, and the benefits of which can hardly be over estimated. If it were otherwise, we would be compelled to bring one part of the horse's body much lower than we would like it in order that some other part might be in a condition to stand the requirements of fast work. There is nothing like the danger of over-sweating the neck that there is in the chest, which will bear a great deal 'of reduction. We may reduce the muscles that cover the shoulder-blade loo much, but the intercostal and abdominal muscles will bear some reduction if it is necessary to get rid of any fat in the immediate vicinity. There is a vast difference between young and matured horses, both as to the necessity and effects of sweating, and the treatment given some aged horses would ruin a colt. The reason is, that young horses are not so fat in- side as older ones, and reducing them inside would be accompanied by the wasting of the muscles. Till colts can go fast enough to tire themselves, there is ordinarily no necessity for sweating them under clothes more than enough to cleanse the skin. They will sweat enough in their work to answer all purposes. THE SWEAT. The nighi before you sweat your horse, give him a bran mash in lieu of his regular feed of grain, and only half the ordinary allowance of water, and half his usual allowance of hay, and if a gross feeder muzzle him. In the morning, give him not over two o^uarts of oats when 2S HAY SEED, OR HOW TO you feed your other horses, and no water, and as soon as he has eaten the grain muzzle him, groom him as usual, and about eight o'clock give him a walk for half an hour. By the time he has been walked the bran mash will have performed its office, and he will be emptied out and ready to prepare for the sweat. Take him into the sta- ble, take a long, soft woolen blanket and double it to- gether so it will be full length and half the width, throw it over his back and bring the end under his belly; be careful to have it straight and free from wrinkles — it ought to lap a foot or more — fasten it with safety skew- ers, or, what is better, four strings sewed onto the side of the blanket a little below where it crosses the back bone, and the same number on the end that you bring between the fore and hind legs; then it can be fastened without any danger of wounding the skin. Take a little lighter blanket and double it in the same way, and fold it as many times around the neck, enveloping it from the shoulders to the ears ; now take another blanket, but smaller, and cover the horse all over with it, tying it under the tail and around the breast. A hood large enough to cover the shoulders, without ear pieces. A Kersey suit over this, buckled at the flank ; hood with ear pieces, and his costume is complete. Let out your harness to accommodate the extra amount of clothing, and hitch him into the sulky. (Have a drink made for him of oat meal and water, which make a little above blood heat by adding hot water.) Walk him and jog a couple of miles, when the perspiration will begin to start some, and you can give him a drink of the .varm gruel, a few swallows (two or three), which will facilitate the flow. Then give him a couple of miles more jogging, fast enough to start the moisture, and go to the stable, unhitch him, but throw immediately onto him a couple of extra blankets to retain all the heat. He will labor in breathing, but give him another swallow of the warm drink, when the perspiration will begin to run down his legs and ooze through the blankets. Don't be alarmed at the profuse flow ; you will see that he doesn't breathe as hard as before, and the arteries will become more DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 20 elastic and the pulsations less rapic'. Have your scrapers and rubbers ready, unbuckle the hood and outside blanket, throw the hood across his loin and turn back the clothes so as to expose his chest, throw the neck wrapper to one side and scrape him out carefully. Have help enough to rub him gently around the head and ears while you, after cover- ing the neck and chest, scrape his back, sides and quar- ters ; be careful not to irritate him. His neck will now scrape again ; go all over him again, and then throw off all the wet clothes ; rub him briskly, but gently, all over with dry, clean rubbers, and get some dry, clean clothes —-blanket and hood — and smooth his hair down the right way, put on the blanket and hood and put a light blanket over this, outside the tail, and have him walked for fif- teen minutes, when you can finish doing him up by dry- ing him up slowly, occasionally removing the clothes and substituting lighter ones all the time. Wash his feet and get the tubs and put his feet into them, and wash his legs Irom the knees and hocks down with warm water. When this is done, dip the bandages in hot water and do up his legs from the knee and hock to the coronet. Fix up his bedding, give him two quarts of drink previously prepared by putting a tablespoonful of pure cream tartar into ten quarts of water, which is all he ought to have until the next morning. Pour out about two quarts of the asced- ulated drink at a time, so not to tantalize him by showing him more water than you want him to drink at one time. Give him two quarts of oats and three or four pounds of hay, and when he has eaten it, muzzle him, and leave him undisturbed till the next feed. The object of re- stricting him in the amount of water, is that the absorb- ents will take hold of the fat, which they would not do if you give him an unlimited supply of fluids. A good clear warm day should always be taken advantage of to give a horse a sweat, and you should be careful not to get into a draft of air in the cooling out process. His next feed will be his regular evening meal of oats and hay, which ought to be curtailed about one-third in amount, but the morning following feed him as usual, and give water likewise. 30 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO CHAPTER VIII. TREATMENT AFTER THE SWEAT. Hitch up your horse the morning after his sweat and jog him three or four miles slowly, but don't give him any fast work until the day after. If you have not over- done the sweating, your horse will act and step out as light as a feather, and his eye will be clear and bright. You can't fail to see if your horse ^on^ feel as well as common. You will, the second day after the sweat, give him some fast work, but not up to his limit of speed, as this should never be done except in a trial, and I don't think half mile trials amount to much, only to teach the horse to quit after he has gone to the half mile pole. In the early part of the horse's preparation a half mile heat is well enough to gauge the speed he has, but I would not persist in half mile trials. I will say a little more about walking. In the early part of the horse's training, walking exercise in the morning should be given when the dew is on the grass, and walk him so he can have the benefit of it on his legs and feet. A walk to- wards evening of an hour, with the privilege of picking grass, will be enjoyed by the animal and his appetite and constitution benefited. In training horses a man must get up in the morning, A horse in training ought to be fed at five o'clock in the morning, after having a few swal- lows of water, two quarts of oats, his bed shaken up and stall cleaned of manure and wet straw. After you have had your breakfast, clean his coat and feet and give him a little walk in the dew, hitch him into the sulky and give him his work, after which he can be fed two quarts more oats and some hay, and watered. Now fix up his bed and leave him to himself till three o'clock in the af- DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 31 ternoon, when you can feed him two quarts more oats, and when they are eaten give him some more water, after which you can give him his afternoon or evening walk, when is your opportunity to let him eat some grass, and after he has been returned to the stable, hand rub his legs a little, see if he has cuffed himself anywhere, pick and wash out his feet, have his bed fixed up a little and return him to his stall till seven o'clock, when you can give him his feed of four quarts of oats and his full al- lowance of water, and what hay he needs. Some horses need a little corn to keep up their flesh and stamina, and some very ravenous feeders, by mixing a little shelled corn in the oats, will be compelled to eat slower and mas- ticate the grain properly. You ought always to have on hand, ears of corn, good, sound oats and wheat bran, the coarser and lighter in weight to the bushel the better, to be used for bran mashes. You want salt handy, also.. 32 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO CHAPTER IX. WATCHFULNESS NOW THE ORDER OF THE DAY. Your trotter now being on the high road to the object of your ambition, viz, to beat 2:30, you want to see that he gains in speed and style of going, and if you are train- ing in the vicinity of a track you will have opportunities to see how he likes company, and you should try and get him used to it. You want to take care he doesn't take on too much flesh, if he is a hardy horse, and also you don't want to over-work him. By reference to the article on sweating, you will learn by noticing the inspirations and expirations of air to and from his lungs when pulled up after fast work, and how he does it; how he is pro- gressing in his training in respect to his internal organs. If he ^" blows out" forcibly after fast work and fatiguing exercise, and recovers rapidly, it is fair to assume that he is doing well. As a horse approaches racing condition, the quicker and more completely does he recover from exhaustion in a short space of time. Your judgment must continually guide you now ; once a week is often enough, ordinarily, tor a horse to have fast work. You had better save him some and let him trot himself into condition than to have him right on edge the first race you start in. If you contemplate giving your horse only one race and then laying him out of work, that is a different affair from trotting through half a dozen meetiuLS. and in that case should be on edge if you expect him to distin- guish^imself, for it is exceedingly rare for a green horse and a green driver to win their first race, unless they lay over the rest of the entries in speed by several seconds, and then, if you have the most speed, some man may out drive you. DEVELOP SPEED IN IIOESES. 33 But your horse should have five repeats before you start him to win a race, and one of them should be of three heats; the others just mile and repeat. But never give your horse a repeat within five days of a race, or after you start into a campaign. If he trots one race each week, he will not need any repeating, and, while I think of it, I wish to state that there is not a liorse that ever marked the earth that can not be made to giiit^ by overwork. And here is where many horses n-ot possess- ing the the stamina afforded by thoroughbred crosses have gone wrong, the trainer not having the judgment to tell him w^hen to let up in the work. Always work vour horse in the forenoon, when he can ge^ the beriefit of the sun. A horse worked only in the cool of the day will wilt like a mushroom when started in a race in the heat of the afternoon. 34 UAY SEED, OR HOW TO CHAPTER X. FINANCIAL MATTERS DISCUSSED A LITTLE. It takes a smarter man to campaign a trotter or string of them and come out in the Fall with enough morvev to pay him for his time, risk and amount of capital invested, even if he has a winner to handle, than it does to do any- other kind of business. You may inquire, how can this be; that a man controlling a winner, viz., one that is an average horse in his class, and not make anything out of it? It is this way : these men ordinarily beat themselves. They get into some job to work the pool box, and the first they know they are left. Jam.es Wade, formerly owner of Red Cloud (now dead), can tell you how it works. He entertained the writer I-ist summer one after- noon with his experience with a trotter who, by the way, wars a winfier. The business left a lasting impression upon Mr. Wade's mind. He went into the campaign in- experienced, but he knows all about the business now — no little job to let somebody else win will ever capture him now — not if he can win. If you are going to handle one horse to develop him, you might as well have two or three. It would use up more of the time and not be so monotonous. You could help pay the ex- penses by handling a couple of others besides your own horse, and afford to hire a good man to rub and take care. When you hire a rubber you had better give him double pay and get a good man than to have a bummer do your work for nothing. Good horses cost money and are worth money, and no class of property requires as faithful, sober men to take care of it as property invested in race horses. Still, fifty per cent, of the rubbers in charge of good horses representing a large outlay of DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 35 capital jw/ would not trust to watch a lumber pile. But owners are requiring better men than formerly, to do work around trotters and pacers, and will not have men addicted to drunkenness and dissipation, and it is right.- You want a man whom you can trust to sleep in the barn, and take care of the horses and premises, and back bone enough to clean out all bummers and tramps who or- dinarily intest training grounds and not have them sleep- ing and loafing around the premises at night. If it is your first experience try and manage it so you can relate during the hours spent around the stove in the winter coming, some of your experience in the charmed circle, with that feeling of satisfaction which is afforded by the fact that you got there. 33 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO CHAPTER XI. A FAST TROTTER OR PACER 13 ONE THING, BUT A RACE- HORSE IS another: and nothing makes race-horses BUT races. NECESSITY OF RACES TO THOROUGHLY DEVELOP A HORSE AND FIND OUT WHAT THERE IS IN HIM. You will never be satisfied as to the capacity of your horse until you have had him in a race. So you will naturally look around and see where you had better enter him. You will probably select the three minute and two forty classes as the proper place to give him a chance to distinguish himself, although there is more danger at the present time of getting a record for your horse, that you would rather not have in the three minute, than in the *' two forty class, " as nearly all the fliers make their debut in the slower classes. But make your entries where you think you will have a fair chance given you to win, if you can, and I would select a meeting where the track belonged to the National Association, for such or- ganizations are responsible, and in case you are not satis- fied with the treatment you get, you stand a chance to get some satisfaction if you are really in the right, by an ap- peal. Make your entry according to the conditions published and send the money to pay the entrance fee. you will have to pay it any way, and you might as well do it first as last. If possible get to the track in time to secure good stabling for your horses, and get an extra stall for a feed room, to put your hay and feed in, as well as the rest of your traps. You want above all things a good sulky, made by one of the reliable makers, of which there are a number, which vary in price from one hundred to a DEVELOP BPEEI.) IN HORSES. 37 hundred and fifty dollars. A well built fifty or fifty-five pouna sulky, will carry you around any turn at any rate of speed if you know how to sit in it, with perfect safety, and will tear down any ordinary buggy if you shuld run into it. These well built sulkies may bend, but very larely break, so patronize a builder of known reputation. You want plenty of sheets, woolen and linen. Your woolen blankets which are not in use will come in play to hang on lines around the stalls to keep the air from blowing through the cracks in the stable, as at some places you can throw a cat through the cracks. Take plenty of rubbers, a couple of lanterns, curry combs, brushes, sponges, pails, foot tub, foot picks, boots, bandages, and hooks with screw eye and screw staples, are very handy to put on doors while you stay, and when you pack up take them away again. You want an oat seive and a two quart measure, a Marine clock with an alarm, a half gallon of leg wash of some kind, Castile soap, hammer or hatchet, foot rasp, a pair of pinchers and small saw. You can have a chest or large trunk that you can pack all these things into except the foot tub. You will need all the articles I have enumerated and many more, and it is not a convenient place to borrow things at a race track. A couple of camp stools and a hammock are articles of convenience and don't take up much room. But the most important thing I have omitted, and that is money enough to carry you as far as you want to go, if you don't win a cent. It contributes so largely to a man's peace of mind, and is, I believe, a powerful nervine, and will assist you immensely by its influence when you get up to drive the race. You will meet the gang when you get there, probably, or some of them ; they will size you up right away as a "tender foot," let them enjoy their convictions, and talk about anything but your horses and what you know about the business, they will find out all you want them to know, without you informing them. After getting located to suit you, get plenty of straw, and if your stall has no board or plank floor get some boards and put down before you make up 33 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO the beds, if you have to buy the lumber; then fix up the things you have brought in their respective places; you want a clothesline to go around the stalls to hang the blankets on. You will have no trouble about buying what feed you want, nearly all the tracks now furnish nay and straw free. If you have shipped by rail (which is always the way to move, if you don't go more than twenty-five miles, unless you go with the horse yourself), don't hook up your horse until the next morning; you may give him his regular evening walk and let him get all the rest he can. Do not change the feeding time or manner of feeding or kind of feed from what you have been using all the time, and observe what the character of the water is and how it varies from the water at home, and govern your actions accordingly. Get a place to board as near as possible to your horses, so that you can go to your meals and leave your man or men in charge of the stable till you gel back ; never leave your horses alone, even if you lock the stalls; there is no necessity for doing it if you have men you cm rely upon, and if you have not, get different ones. You are out to make a dollar if you can with your horses and you will need to attend strictly to business. Don't try to drink up all the ".Conversation Water" that comes in your way; that has been tried by some very hardy individuals of my ac- quaintance, and no man ever lived to accomplish it. In short, conduct yourself just as well as though you had your wife along with you, and set a good example for your men, it will have its effect and accrue to your bene- fit invariably. DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 39 CHAPTER XII. G-ENERAL VIEWS ABOUT WINNING IF YOU CAN. Some men are continually contriving to save a record. I never saw one of thes-e men have a horse that could get a record that would be fast enough to hurt him. You never can win either, by staying behind, you have got to get up in front to win. It is a very rare thing for any horse to be fast longer than two seasons in succession, There are some exceptions to this rule, however, as in- stanced in the case of Goldsmith Maid, Dexter, Rarus, and Driver, and that is about all I think of now. -■ So if you have got the speed and staying qualities, you had better make use of them ; you can not tell how long you will have either. Horse flesh is a very_uncertain_com- modity. A man having a horse in a race and driving him him- self, has a great percentage in his favor over any outside bettor. He can not help but know whether he can win or not, and he will know if there is any ." fixing " going on. Where a strange field of horses come together, every body is at sea when contemplating the relative chances of the starters. Occasionally there is a horse that cannot win a race, but can brush and speed so fast that if the driver is as astute as a number of men I could mention, he will be approached by some backer of a horse who desires to win the race, and an offer of a divide will be made in advance of the start, which arrangement is ordinarily effected. It is very amusing to observe the tangle these fixers sometimes get themselves into, by leaving out of the arrangement the itn-ong horse, or the one that proves to be able to win the race in spite of all the ingenuity of the opposition. The pacing race at 40 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO Chicago, in 1883, where the Missouri pacer, Richball, downed them all, when he had been bringing but ten dollars in a hundred and twenty in the pools, is an instance where the discovery was made too late, and the *' posted division " met their " Waterloo." No business sharpens a man's perceptive faculties like managing race horses, or awakens him to the fact that he may be operatmg out of his proper sphere. I never could see the odds that we often see one horse bring over the "Jfield," when there is a large field of good horses to start, and all of them good ones and known to be by previous performances nearly matched in point of speed and staying qualities. In a race wheie such a field of starters show up, I want the short end to begin with, for it verv frequently occurs that before the race is won, the /w/ favorite is selling in the field, and you can get both ends of the race and go out and set down and see them fight it out, as you will be ahead whoever v/ins. A man under these circumstances can view the race with a calmness that is truly blissful. DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. -^ 41 CHAPTER Xm TOE WEIGHTS CHANGING THE WAY OF GOING. Toe weights have played an important part in devel- oping the speed and steadiness in way of going in trot- ters, and are of recent discovery, comparatively. As near as I can ascertain, they were first used by James. Wilson, of Rushville, Ind., who was the owner of that phenominal sire of trotters, Old Blue Bull, and who now leads all others in the number of his get that have ob- tained records of 2-30 and better in many a hotly con- tested race. Many of Blue Bull's get were either pacing or mixed gaited horses, and by the judicious use of toe weights, they were easily converted to the trotting gait of the purest character, and nearly every converted pace^,. that possessed a sufficient amount of " hard bottom '* blood, have proved themselves horses of no ordinary capacity in their day and time. But I think many good horses have been injured by wearing more weight than was absolutely necessary, which has had the effect of straining the muscles and tendons, and by injuring the feet, by bringing them in contact with the ground with greater force than the feet were calculated to stand with- out serious results. After a horse has been converted, I think the weights should be decreased in ounces gradu- ally, to the lowest point possible, and more reliance be placed upon skillful driving, to keep the horse level in his gait. Many horses that are pure gaited trotters can trot faster, and without detriment to themselves, by wear- ing a reasonable amount oi weight on each fore foot, as the weight at the apex of the toe has the effect to straigthen out the fore leg when extended, and thus gain in length of stride, whereby they can trot 42 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO the mile out from 2 to 5 seconds faster than they could without them. There are a dozen different styles of toe weights that have, as claimed by their respective inventors, their advantages, and of their usefulness in many cases there is no question, and I might add that they are indispensable as part of your outfit as a trotting horse trainer. In the development of speed in horses that are mixed gaited, by this I mean horses that cannot either pace or trot squarely, weights will always have to be resorted to, if you desire to square them and save time in doing so. The application of a 4 or 6 ounce weight to each hind foot, on the outside, has the effect of opening their gait behind and thereby improving the way of go- ing. A trotter that puts one hind foot past his front foot on the outside, but carries the other hind foot in line with the front one on the same side is something very annoying to a trainer. The foot that does not go out where it ought to is ordinarily shod v/ith a shoe twice as heavy on the out- side as on the inside, and sometimes a side weight is used, and there are cases where the reverse has been re- sorted to with success This is accounted for by some men as sympathetic. The mare Adelaide by Phil Sheri- dan, placed one hind foot between her front ones inst'^ad of going outside with l^of/i hind feet. She could go very fast and got a record of 2-19^ this way of going, but these examples are rare. r.Iany experiments will have to be resorted to in order to gait some horses properly, while others are the poetry or motion. If you have a horse that uses one hind leg properly and swings the other in line with his front foot, if a side weight or a shoe with the weight in the outside half doesn't have the desired effect, reverse the matter and shoe that foot light, with an ordinary shoe, and shoe the foot that is carried properly, same as you have previously shod the other, and use a side weight also. This has had the effect in some cases, of inducing the horse to carry both legs properly. Many experiments have to be resorted to, in order to get some horses to go square. DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 43 CHAPTER XIV. MANAGTiMENT BEFORE AND IN THE RACE. We will assume now that your horse is good enough to keep the starters company in the race, as far as speed is concerned, but never having been in a race, you can not tell how he will act in scoring among a half dozen starters, some up in the air, and some in fron», sone be- hind, the crowd in the ampitheatre and along the inside railing to the track all excited and more or less noise, is all calculated to somewhat excite a green trott'er, and a green driver as well. If you are going to start your horse in a race to-morrow, you should observe some of the hints before spoken of, as to the curtailment of hay and water, to-night. In the morning give the horse his regular feed of oats at the regular time, and a little hay, and probably w^alking exercise will be all he will require ; and at ten o'clock give him two more quarts of oats and a few swallows ot water. He will not want any thing more until an hour before you start, you can give him a pint of oats; it doesn't amount to much but satisfies the animal, and he will not miss his afternoon feed so much it the race should be prolonged by broken heats. Get everything ready and have boots, if you wear boots on the horse, that will protect him ; they should be made to fit. You Avill need quarter boots any way, and probably knee boots, and hind leg, shin and pass boots; at all events give him what protection he needs, and own them yourself; don't borrow or depend on borrowing; have bandages, sponges, pail of water, etc., handy. If you go to the stable to rub out you will only have to take a pail of water and sponges to the quarter stretch to sponge out with. If you do not weigh 150 pounds have your extra weight to mjake that in the cushion to your sulky. Hitch up about fifteen minutes before you will be called, and proceed to warm up for the heat, and accustom the horse to the crowd and the music (if there is any), and the 44 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO general surroundings, but don't unnecessarily excite him. When the judges have drawn the position for each horse the bell will call you all up, and you will proceed to weigh, get your colors and position. When you are all ready to score for a start, you will go to the distance stand, or where you think best, watching the rest closely, and turn as soon as any of them and come down to the wire in the position assigned to you. You will never get the word the first attempt, but if it is not a "go" you will be signaled by the bell to come back, where as if it is a ''go " the judges will say "go," in which case go on. If you have the pole and can keep it, do so, and don't ''shrink" or "cringe" if some chap comes close to you. Never let anybody drive you into the fence nor carry you out on the turns; stay where you are and keep your horse level. If any of them can out trot you they will be entitled to the pole, but never have any fear at this point; remember if they run into you, you can hurt them as much as they do you, and if you don't flinch they will not try it again. Drivers do not ordinarily drive into a man known to be resolute and game ; when they do it is owing to being mistaken in the man. If your horse hap- pens to leave his feet don't snatch him, but let him take one, two or three jumps, steady him, and by a little skill- ful management you will be able to land him on his feet without slacking his pace, as a steady pull to land him in a trot is the proper thing. It is all wrong to teach a trotter when he leaves his feet to come almost to a stand- still before you catch him, as you will lose so much ground you will not be able to regain it and thereby lose the heat. If it is evident that you can win the heat and you want to do so, go on ; but there is no use in winning with a dozen lengths to spare. You will save getting a lower mark for your horse by winning by a length, and it will answer all purposes. After you have won the heat, or finished it, slacken the gait and jog back to the stand, where your rubber should be to take the horse, while you dismount, by permission of the judges, and weigh, which by consulting the rules of the National DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 4o Trotting Association, you will find is one of the require- ments. You will now attend to the wants of your horse. Slip him out of the sulky, slip off the harness, and cover him up so as to insure a scrape; pull off the boots and have a set of wet bandages (not cold) and do up his legs immediately. Shower some water, with a sponge, on his poll and forehead, sponge out his mouth and move him until you get a scrape, when you can proceed to dry him out some with the rubbers. You will have ample time without any need of hurry or confusion, to get your horse ready for the next heat, as you will have twenty minutes any way, and if two races are sandwiched, you will have half an hour. A few sweet apples are the finest thing you can have to give him while he is walking — two or three between the heats — and a little wisp of hay. You can give him a couple of swallows of water and sponge out his mouth the last thing after having hitched up for the next heat. You must pay attention to his legs and see that the boots have not chafed him. The wash you have must be used on his legs, and can be used over his shoulders and loins when you strip those parts to scrape him. You will cool out in the open air, and in the warm season of the year there is very little danger of his getting chilly; the sun will not hurt him unless he is very much fatigued, in which case you may walk in the shade. This is the general way of conducting a race, and you will by this time have accumulated considerable experi- ence of your own. If your horse is strong in his legs and not very much fatigued by the heat he has trotted, there may be no real necessity for bandages, but they will do no harm, are put on in a moment, and may be of service ; and if weak in any of his legs they are positively necessary. Before you put the boots back onto him brush all the sand out of them and scrape off with a knife any accumulation of sweat that will come in contact with the skin. A boot that chafes a horse may make him unsteady and flighty, and practically defeat every other effort you have made to win the race. 46 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO CHAPTER XV. VALUE OF TROTTERS AS COMPARED WITH THAT OF PACERS. Individual trotters of the first-class have as yet sold for more money than any pacer. But allow me to predict, (and I am not interested in any pacer or sire of pacers), that the time will come when a first-class pacer will bring as much as a trotter of the same degree of merit. There is a reason at present existing that is manifest, why a pacer is not as valuable in dollars for racing purposes, as a trotter. This is it : There are a thousand fast trotters where there are ten pacers, and consequently, trotting associations that are composed of men largely interested in breeding trotters, and as trotters predominate in such a degree, more money by far is offered by such associa- tions to be competed for by trotters ; and until within two years, there was no show anywhere for a pacer if he was not a "Whirlwind" in point of iipeed, and for this reason, men who wanted to invest money in racing stock bought trotters because there was a greater number of chances to win out their investment in races. But the pacer can no longer be ignored, he is bound to come to the front, the public demand it. You over-hear men talking now a days about attending a meeting, many of whom cannot leave their business more than one day perhaps, and nine out of ten of this class, will ask what day do the pacers go? "I want to see the " Sidewheelers." Any day at a race meeting where a large field of pacers are advertised to start, there will be a good attendance; it is the attraction of the day and meeting, as a race among a fair field of pacers of any class, has been invariably worth seeing, they have in the past invariably "gone for blood," DEVELOP SPEED LY HORSES. 47 and the receipts at the gate and pool-box, have been very satisfactory. There have been more genuine sur prises in the pacing races of the last two years, than in any other, and that element of uncertainty which lends its charm to racing of any kind, is intensified. The general verdict is "no man can pick a winner in the pacing race," and in conclusion I will sav, I had rather own a fast pacer than l)e President of the !■ nited States, in so far as fun and money areconcernedc Jt is gratifying and mteresting to contemplate the fact that che American people can produce almost anything there is a demand for, in an incredible short space of time, and the pacer is a case in point, in proof of this assertion, as until quite recently, fast pacers were very scarce, now I can name a number who can almost break a watch with their speed, and a number yet to hear from not yet distinguished. Any gentleman desiring information concerning pacers, their pedigrees, location of birth, and general history, should correspond with Mr. N. A. Randall, of Indianap- olis, proprietor of the Western Sportsman, who knows more about the pacing element in Indiana, Kentucky, and Illinois, thaa any laau I have met. 43 HAY SEED, OE HOW TO CHAPTER XVI. ^VINTERIN^T A TROTTER OR PACER WITH THE VIEW OF CAMPAIGNING HIM THE FOLLOWING SEASON. Unless a horse has some infirmity at the close of the season when it is intended to devote his powers to racing the following season, there is no good reason as I can see, for a complete let-up in his training. But if he is weak in his legs, and it is evident that comparative rest will not lenew his accustomed strength and stoutness, he will have to have a let-up, and a course of blistering or firing re- sorted to, and before you do it, if you are not a compe- tent judge yourself of what is necessary to be done in the case consult some Veterenarian of standing in his pro- fession and follow his directions in the matter. But if on the contrary, the horse is all plumb on his legs, a season of comparative rest and good care, will take him through the Winter, and bring him out in the Spring in fine fettle, and eager again to renew the contest which will be ever ready to welcome him, providing he is not a * ringer." After you get him home, give him a chance to eat all the fresh grass he wants, and let him up in his work, jogging him short distances about every other day, and if there have been any inflammatory symptoms about his legs or elsewhere, they will shortly disappear. You can have his shoes removed and replace them with a set of tips, which will answer all purposes for him to do his jogging in, and will give his feet a chance to expand by allowing the heels to come in contact with the ground, but don't stop feeding him a reasonable amount of oats daily. When icy roads have taken the place of soft dirt roads, you will need to have him shod sharp with caulks, and give him work enough to keep him in health and DEVELOP SPEED IX HORSES. 49 bodily strength, and unless you are very anxious to sleigh- riae and brush with the boys, you have no need to ch'p him. I would not indulge in speeding him at all during the Winter, as he will have all the fast Avork he wants when Springtime comes. A horse wintered in the man- ner I have indicated, can be made " June fast," if you need the speed thus early. While you are passing the Winter months, subscribe for one or more of the Weekly- Journals of the country, of which there are a number, to. wit: Turf, Field and Farm, Spirit of the Times, of New York, or the W^estern Sportsman, of Indianapolis, or the Chicago Horseman and Dunton's Spirit of the Turf, pub- lished in Chicago, all of which are interesting reading, and devoted to the interests of Horsemen throughout the World. No Horseman can read either of these papers without learning something of value to him, beside enter- taining him during the leisure hours at home. Any ques- tion you may desire to ask of any of the foregoing jour- nals respecting the treatment for various complaints that horses, as well as other domestic animals, are subject to, will be answered through their columns by a competent Veterinarian employed for that purpose, free of charge, which many times is very convenient, especially if you reside at a point remote from a Veterinary Surgeon's place of business, and also a saving in expense. No trotter or pacer should be allowed to lay on a superabun- dance of fat in Winter, as it will have to be removed, and this must be accomplished at the expense of the legs, largely. But a horse can b-i allowed to lay on some fat, it helps him to keep warm, and when time comes to shed his coat in Spring, the fat will be there to assist nature in the reproduction of the new coat. I should never clip a horse designed to be campaigned the following season. 60 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO CHAPTER XVII. DEVELOPING A PACEP. Many of the trotting-horse trainers and drivers, even of the present day, have had but limited experience in this department, if any. I think that Indiana has at present more talent in the line of developing pacers than any other State, and as it is the home of the pacer it is not to be wondered at. A pacer probably will give evi- dence, if he is going to show any remarkable speed, sooner, and with less trouble, in the hands of a compe- tent man. than a trotter. The lateral movements of a pacer in action at once demonstrates that there should be less trouble, by odds in developing him, than would be ordinarily with a trotter. A pacer moves a side at a time, or the fore and hind legs of each side of the animal move simultaneously; now all that is necessaryis, to have a level head, and a disposition to "go on" (without which no horse is worth a dollar as a race horse)," together with the requisite strength bodily, to carry him along, and the condition to continue those exertions, and you have a pacer. Ifyouhavea pacing bred horse, with hard bot- tomed crosses in his pedigree, and he shows an aptitude for pacing, you would, I assume, be foolish to try and convert him, and make a trotter of him; it can be done as a rule, but the chances are that you would have but an indifferent trotter, where you might have had a *'vvhirl- wind" in the form of a pacer. I will enumerate some of the requisites you will need in developing a pacer. In the first place a pacing horse should be shod as light in front, with steel shoes, as possible, and have a shoe (not a plate) on; and if you have any suspicion he will touch his knees, you want the most approved style of knee boot DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 51 you can find, for when a pacing horse hits his knee, squarely, with the other fore foot moving at speed, and without boots, you will have a cripple for some time, and you therefore should never take any chances. Knee and quarter boots are ordinarily all the boots you will need; they are at all events the most important, any others that may be needed will suggest themselves as time pro gresses. A pacer can move rapidly with his head ele- vated by the check pretty high, with greater ease to him- self than can a trotter. You will notice by close attention that nearly every pacer that can go fast, goes with his head in a peculiar position, nearly all higher than you would expect to see them carry their heads if they were trotting. There are some exceptions to this rule, it is true, but in teaching a pacer to go, you will want his'head pretty well up, and you can gauge the matter as the re- quirements indicate. In five weeks from the time you take a green pacer in hand you will be able to judge pretty accurately whether you have got any 7iatural speed or not. For the horse should — if he was in good plight, as regards flesh and soundness when you took him in hand — have shown you he has some speed, if there is any in him — in four or five weeks. It is the theory of some good trainers, that a pacer tires in his legs before he co«;s any where else, as evidenced by the fact, that when a pacer does leave his feet, he generally makes a wild losing break, and is rarely a good breaker. The lat- eral movements of the pacing gait will, I think, help to establish this theory, as the power applied to move the body along at the rapid pace, is not distributed as in the the trotter, and he consequently tires sooner. The long distant matches of earlier times substantiates this theory ; notably, the ten mile races between Kentucky Prince and Hero, the pacer, in 1853, for $5,000 a side, each race ; in the first Hero was stopped in the seventh mile, and in the last he struggled on and quit in the tenth mile. Although Hero had a v/orld of speed and had shown a mile in 2-1 8^, he tired, and in the last race, nine miles in a trifle less than twenty-five minutes, was the best he could do. 53 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO Kentucky Prince winning both races easily, driven by the veteran, Hiram Woodruff, while Hero was driven by George Spicer, a worthy contemporary of Hiram's. Therefore assuming the theory to be correct, that a pacer tires in his legs sooner than a trotter, it stands the trainer ill hand to season the pacers legs thoroughly. The pac- ing gait is not as trying to the legs as the trotting gait, and consequently the pacer can, and does stand more fast work in his preparation for a campaign, or in the course of his development than you would subject the average trotter to. All the rules of health, feed, care and man- agement in his sw^eats and races are identical to those in vogue respecting the management of trotters. The pac- ing mare Gurgle, now owned by J. I- Case, Esq., of Racine, Wis., is a noticeable example of how near you can come to spoiling a pacer of the first magnitude by endeavoring to make an indifferent trotter. Pat Dicker- son, of North Vernon, Ind., bought her of his brother in the Spring of 1883, for six or seven hundred dollars, as a trotter, but she demonstrated to her owner's satisfaction in the first race he had her in, that he had more of a pacer than trotter, and acting upon the impulse, changed her shoes, and at the Chicago meeting she distinguished her- self in the great pacing contest, wherein Johnson was the winner, by finishing a good second in 2-13, and was sold then and there to J. I. Case, for, I think, $7,000. This was a happy change. Gurgle was sired by the pacing stallion Pocahontas Boy, sire of Buffalo Girl, J. H. Clark, of Scio, Alleghany County, New York, is owner of Poca- hontas Boy. Pacers before they get balanced in their gait will often hit the inside of one front foot against the inside of the hind foot of the opposite side, and sometimes " scalp " the inside of the hind pastern, in which case a pair of scalping or toe boots would be necessary ; but a pair of very light toe weights from two to four ounces, ordinarily corrects the habit, and, once over it, by continued proper attention to shoeing and driving, it rarely returns. I believe a light steel bar shoe, not to exceed twelve ounces in weight, for front DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. o3 feet, will suit a pacer better than any other, and I will add, that no shoe for any horse is as good as a bar shoe properly set. There should be a space between the froej and the bar of the shoe, when first applied, so you can readily slip a silver quarter of a dollar between. By using a bar shoe, the horse gets a natural frog pressure and keeps the frog pressed up into the sole where it belongs, and the foot will stay sound longer at fast work, with a bar shoe properly applied than with any other. In driv- ing a pacer, a different position in the sulky may be as- sumed than in driving trotters; a pacer needs more weight on his back than a trotter, and the position intended to throw as much weight on the horse's back as possible should be assumed. In catching a pacer when he makes a break, swing him a little side wise, first one way then the other, he has got to catch a side at a time and this motion will do it quicker than a pull you would take on a trotter to recover him from a break. There is a family that belong in Southern Indiana, named Stewart, who are natural born handlers of pacers. They brought out Flora Bell, Greeley, and a number of others, not so distinguished, but fast. I have heard them state that a pacer could be made to go as fast as he ever would in sixty days. No horse designed to become a fast pacer should ever be allowed to trot; make him either pace or walk. A double gaited pacer is a fraud and a delu- sion. 54 ' HAY SEED. OR HOW TO CHAPTER XVIII, HARNESSING AND DRIVING HORSES, In "hitching a horse," as it is termed among horsemen, many men are deficient, otherwise good horsemen. A horse with a harness on that does not fit him, is in about the same frame of mind as his driver would be with a shirt on that is an uncomfortable fit. See that your head- stall fits his head, and that the hair in his mane and fore- top is not doubled up under the crown piece of the head- stall, the saddle should be set at the right point, back of withers, and the back strap should be the right length to keep the check-rein from pulling the saddle forward onto the withers. The girths should be buckled snugly and the breeching should be loose enough to give the quarters plenty of room, and tight enough not to allow the wagon to run on to the horse, should you be obliged to take a pull on him. Make a point to see that everything about the harness and vehicle is strong, and properly hitched; at- tention to this particular often saves many an accident, and in some cases, loss of life and property. Martingales should be long enough, ordinarily, to allow the reins to draw straight from the bit to turrets, and in many cases can be dispensed with entirely. The use of head- stalls with winkers, can also, in many cases be dispensed with. In trotting and pacing horses for racing purposes, I think an open bridle is preferable. Bat in road horses that are inclined to be slack drivers I think winkers are an advantage, as without them a lazy horse is watching you and will slacken his gait if he can see you are not prepared to give him a cut with the whip. DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 55 In driving, the whip is an important auxiliary, and you should never get in behind a horse without one, but an indiscriminate use of the whip will produce unsatisfactory results with horses, as well as with the growing generation of men. Never use it unless it is necessary, then let the horse know that it is no plaything. In driving horses, insist upon an even rate of speed when you start them up, and don't pull at the bit, only steady the horse, he will as he improves in strength and gait, take hold of the bit hard enough to suit you. Horses learn to go themselves if they are not interfered with and have the capacity to go. A horse in a horseman's hands may in a short time learn to go a clip that will carry a man ten or twelve miles an hour, without any persuasion, and do it cheerfully, and passing into another man's hands, get in a short time so that he will have to be clubbed to get him ten miles in an hour, or else he will graduate into a chronic puller ; now this is all in the treatment and driv- ing. I have seen some ladies who were exceptionally good drivers of road horses and exhibited a judgment and discretion found in but few of the sterner sex. For horses that shy, and are afraid of objects they are unac- quainted with, of course you must be on the lookout for. But the fear in the horse is oftener intensified by the timid driver, than a catastrophe is averted by such a driver's exertions. Watch your horse but don't commu- nicate to him through the medium of the reins and bit, that you anticipate any unruly exhibition from him. There is a magnetism existing which I cannot account for, that is communicated from the driver to the horse and from the horse to the man through the medium, of the reins and bit. Any man having had much experience in riding and driving horses, can attest to this statement. You may go out to drive, not feeling first rate, on a fine morning ; if the horse possesses a superabundance of ani- mal spirits, you will shortly begin to feel better and ex- hilerated by the association. Some may say it is only the air and exercise, and constant and rapid change of scenery, but I know better, you get into a street car, and ride, 56 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO eight or ten miles at the same rate as behind the horse and you will be able to appreciate the difference. I would not give a cent to ride behind a horse if I couldn't drive him. I have no doubt many men have experienced the difference between riding with a friend, he doing the driving, and driving themselves. In recovering a horse from a break, some horses acquire the habit of catching their gait by a pull upon the left rein, some will only catch with the right, which habit is formed by the driver to whom they owe their education. A horse should not be snatched fromx side to side but steady him until he knows what he is about, and ordina- rily by a slight shake of the bit he will recover his trot readily. Never allow a horse to slacken his rate of speed if it is possible to catch himj without doing so. There is occasionally a horse that will leave his feet and make a couple of jumps, when a steady pull will seemingly catch him in the air and he will land in a square trot and ap- parently glorying in his accomplishment. Horses that leave their feet without cause, like interfering, brushing themselves, etc., and are moving entirely within their limit of speed, a little whalebone does a world of good, and you can make them understand by its use, that you will put up with no such foolishness. But before you use the whip be sure that the horse is not brushing himself any- where, in which case you would commit an unpardonable mistake by whipping him, and a horse may be guilty of the offense of leaving his feet in a//^j/«/ manner without being able seemingly to control his animal spirits. Work is the remedy to be applied in this case instead of the whip. DEVELOP SPEED III HCPSE^, 57 CHAPTER XIX. BUYING A HORSE. In buying a horse that is supposed to possess speed, insist upon seeing him harnessed and driven, if he is broken to harness. Never buy a " lot trotter " unless you know to a dead certainty that he will not '"'shut up "when you hitch him in harness. The writer has seen horses thai: in the field, could show you a gait that would seem to indicate a capacity to wipe out all previous records, and when harnessed could not go fast enough to keep warm. Of course, a thorough horseman can judge something of the claims to merit a horse or colt may have in respect to speed, by observing^ their action in the field, being able by reason of their experience and observation to discrimi- nate between a high "tail over the back" gait, and genuine trotting action, he would take into consideration the conformation of the animal in general, and also his near ancestry, or pedigree upon which the writer places considerable reliance. I had rather have a green colt out of sire and dam who were performers, than out of a sire and dam not performers, whose offspring is untried ; other things being equal. If a man comes to you and says : '* I have got a horse that can show a mile in '25, he is sound and all right and no record, and I'll sell him for a thousand dollars!" If he will agree to show you 2-25 and take off fifty dollars per second for every second he falls short of the mark, the probability is, if you can nail him to this agreement, he will have to give you the horse and odds besides. Men always over-rate the speed their horses possess, when negotiating a sale. If you are not a judge of speed, there is no sure test for you to ap- ply but a watch, it will generally beat any trotter. There 58 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO are many men whose experience has made them excel- lent judges of speed, and Vvill readily depend upon their judgment in estimating the speed of a horse under nego- tiation. Any unsoundness of limbs, feet or wind, in a trotter or pacer renders the animal practically of little value, there are some exceptions however. The loss of an eye would not incapacitate a horse for turf or road purposes, and horses with a bone spavin on each leg, are frequently of considerable value, but atiy infirmity of the locomotive or breathing powers will result in great disappointment to the owner nine times out of ten ; so, if you value your peace of mind, don't buy a cripple. Size in horses men may differ about more than either of my foregoing obser- vations, respecting speed and soundness. Horses both big and little, have been not only great performers but great lasters as well. From fifteen to sixteen hands seems by experience to be about the range that first-class per- formers cover in respect to height. A sixteen hand horse is large enough and a fifteen hand horse is small enough for turf purposes- Length of body is quite as important as height. A horse " long on the groand " has an advantage over a horse much shorter ; some horses fifteen and a half hands high, frequently are longer than other horses sixteen hands, in which case other things being equal, the smaller horse I would prefer for a race horse. Limbs, feet, respiratory and digestive organs in a sound and healthy condition, we must admit, con- tribute largely in the make up of a horse, but a horse without a well balanced head is of no earthly account as a race or road horse of the first order. The brain is the seat of nervous energy, and this is what is absolutely essential in a performer of the first magnitude. VV^ere this not a fact, how can the superiority of Maud S., Jay Eye See, St. Julian, Richball and Johnson, be accounted for, as compared with others of the equine family. Thou- sands of horses all over the United States, trained and untrained, possesses as fine muscular development, just as good bone, from the same families, been educated and DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 59 handled by just as good men, and liave not lacked in opportunities to distinguish themselves. If the brain is not the fountain of speed in the trotter and pacer, will not some Solon of the present day enlighten us? The existence of this brain power in the requisite degree to impell the animal at the rate of a mile in 2-10 is not ap- parent to the observation, and it remains to be seen whether the horse has this requisite or not. All horses exhibit in their countenance and eyes, an index of their general disposition. If you will judge them in the same manner you would estimate a man's character, providing you are a good physiognomist, you will come as near the right estimate as any body. I have seen men who placed great stress upon a high tempered boisterously disposed colt, some kicker or runaway animal, that did it out of pure "cussedness." I have seen men go and buy one of this kind, and unbeknown to any neighbor work at his purchase for a month or six weeks, felicitously awaiting for the time to arrive for him to astonish and paralyze his friends and acquaintances with his newly acquired treas- ure, but I have never known a man made happy by the purchase of such an animal. We prefer a mild mannered sensibly disposed horse to any hot headed kicker or run- away animal, both for a road or a race horse, or in any other capacity. In respect to breedins^, a well bred horse will not be overlooked on account of the absence of known pedigree. The breeding is apparent in the animal whether good or bad. In selecting a trotter that is un- developed from among a number of unbroken colts, the pedigree and performances of his immediate ancestors should not be overlooked, although one colt from the sire and dam of a number of colts and fillies may be a phe- nomenal trotter or pacer, while the others, full brothers and sisters, are of no particular account. The Bruno and Brunette family was remarkable for their all being trotters of no mean capacity. Bruno and Brunette trot- ted a trial in double harness^ in 2-25 }4. Young Bruno's record 2-22 V2, Breeze 2-24, Daniel Boone, record 2-31. trial 2-26, Carl Burr, trial 2-24}i and Jack Archol, the 60 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO youngest of Old Kate's foals, won a race in 1880, in 2-29,' and Bona Fide has no record, but is a trotter; all these colts by R}sdyks Hambleionian, and Old Kate, of whose breeding nothing is known. Some men we hear speak very regretfully on account of the deaths of such sires as Rysdyks Hambletonian, Blue Bull, Ethan Allen, George Wilkes, etc., as though there would never be another sire capable of producing a first-class trotter, but I believe that to-day there are ten stallions calculated and capable of siring as fast and game trotters as any of the dead heroe^ proved themselves capable of doing, to where there was one such sire fifteen years ago. All there is necessary to prove this asseriion is time and opportunity. We vv^ould not detract from the fame of the dead heroes above alluded to, if we could. At the same time, I believe in according to the living and vigorous representatives now in the stud, the opportunity they deserve, believing that the time is not far distant, when some trotter or pacer will do a mile in two minutes, and moreover, I be- lieve that there will appear upon the trottmg and pacing horizon within the next three years, a double team that will wipe out all previous records, any way of going, and both horses go the same gait, or in other words, no run- ning mate will be employed. DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 61 CHAP TER XX. CONCLUSION. When a horse has come to his speed, do not dog the speed out of him by long tedious slow jogging, for when his limbs are seasoned to go a mile in good time, say 2-30, or a little better, his further improvement in speed will result from short jogs and sharp brushes of speed in his work, not too extended, together with close attention to the conditioning process, vvith a repeat once a week or ten days, if you are not trotting him in races, and if you are, he will not need a repeat. Don't over work him; two-thirds of the "quitters" are horses that have had too much work ; and bear in mind another important truth, different horses will require different treatment in respect both to feeding, water and work, and if you should have a dozen horses in charge, probably not more than two of them would require the same treatment, and your judgment must guide you as to feed, water, work, shoeing and hitching. No man has ever attained a desirable reputation as a trainer and driver of trotting horses with- out possessing the elements in his make up, that would have made him successful in any other department of life wherein judgment, perseverance and a level head, would be required to insure success. As to the general integ- rity of the profession I will say, that I believe they have exhibited as much fidelity to the trusts reposed in them as any other class of men ; bank officials and treasurers of trust funds not excepted. One thing is certain, you need never expect any man to serve you unflinchingly, unless you make it an object for him to do so. Very little complaint is ever heard from men who employ first-class trainers and drivers, and pay them what their services are worth. And further, no horseman on earth can take a natural born *Muffer " and make a race horse of him, and still you hear men every day condemned and ma- 62 HAY SEED, OR HOW TO ligned for not making a win?ier out of some animal utterly destitute of the first element of a race horse (except in the mind of his owner). If you set out to develop a trot- ter, your object, I presume, will be the dollars and cents that will accrue as speed is acquired by the horse. If you have not that object in view you will never make a trot- ter. I have never known a first-class trotter or race horse of any description, brought out by a trainer, just for the fun of the thing; amusement is not a sufficient incentive. As I observed at the outset, do not trot or pace your horse for any one's amusement, or your own even, if he don't need speeding; great harm has befallen horses in showing them to people who had no interest in seeing them go, but idle curiosity. I have endeavored in the foregoing pages, to give the information the amateur horseman would naturally crave upon the subject of developing speed, at the outset of his career as a trainer. Perhaps there \\i\\ never be a man read this book but what knows, or thinks he knows more than the writer, but that is nothing, there is no subject that the average man, and \voman even, think they are as competent to grapple with as The Horse, and if you desire to arouse a man's antagonism, tell him he doesn't know anything about a horse. If I have succeeded in interesting you, reader, to the extent, that you will seek to upset any of the theories or practices laid down in this work, I am satisfied. There is a great amount of pleasure and satisfaction in the companionship of horses if they are good ones, but if you possess the knowledge and discernment that will enable you, not only to select a good one from among ten thousand, but to develop him in speed and money value also, you combine pleasure with profit. Many a horse to-day is performing menial service that had he in his youth been taken in hand by a thorough horseman, would have had his name enrolled in the 2-30 list. JS/o horse C2in ever distinguish himself without an opportunity and the assistance of a compe- tent trainer, and knowledge is the pre-requisite of the trainer's qualifications. DEVELOP SPEED IN HORSES. 63 RULES AND REGULATIONS or The Nstionsl Trotting Sssocistion. [TO GOVERN ALL ENGAGEMENTS AND PERFORMANCES OVER THE ASSOCIATED COURSES.] Enacted by the National Trotting Association at the Congress held in the City cf New York February 13, 1884. Rule i. — Mandate. Section i. All trotting and pacing engagements and performances over the several courses which are, or shall be, represented by membership in "The National Trotting Association," and each and every person who shall ir\ any way be concerned or employed therein, as well as all associations and proprietors themselves who are or shall become members of said National As- sociation, shall be governed by the following rules from and after February 13, 1884. [See also Articles 12 and rj of By-Laws.] Rule 2. — Entries. Section i. All entries must be made in writing, signed by the person making the same or by some one authorized in his behalf; and, within the time appointed for closing, they must be addressed and forwarded according to the published conditions, or deposited with the Secretary or other person authorized to receive them. Sec 2. All entries not actually received by the member as aforesaid, at the hour of closing, shall be in- eligible, except entries by letter bearing postmark not later than the day of closing, or entries notified by telegram, the telegram to be actually received at the 64 RULES NATIONAL office of sending at or before the hour of closing, such telegram to state the color, sex, and name of the horse, and the class to be entered, also to give the name and resi- dence of the party making the entry. Sec. 3. The hour for closing the entries for all purses or premiums offered by any of the associated courses shall be II o'clock p. m., except for stakes and purses for horses to be named at the post, the entries to which shall close at the hour fixed for the race. Se-c. 4. Nominations for sVeepstakes shall not be privileged to compete unless the payments have- been made as required by the conditions. And nominations for premiums may be rejected when not accompanied by the entrance 'money. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Secretary, or other person authorized, to prepare the list of entries for publication, comprising all information necessary for the enlightenment of the general public and parties to the race. Rule 3.— Entrance-Fee. Section i. The entrance-fee shall be 10 per cent of the purse, unless otherwise specified; and any person fail- ing to pay his entrance dues, or in stake races his declara- tion, forfeit, or entrance, may, together with his horse or horses, be suspended until they are paid in full, which shall be with addition of 10 per cent, penalty, and interest at 7 per cent, per annum until paid — the penalty to go to the National Association. [See Rule 50; also Rule 51, Sec. 7; and Rule 52, Sec. 3.] Sf.c. 2 No suspension for non-payinents of dues as aforesaid shall be lawful unless ordered within one week ofthe close of the meeting, and no suspension shall be imposed for non-payment of such dues contracted in a class wherein the horse was permitted to start, or in any case when the member has applied for membership sub- sequent to the closing of its entries. Sec. 3. All entries shall be governed by the published conditions, and shall be bound for the entrance fee TROTTING ASSOCIATION. 65 regardless of any proposed deviation from such published condition, and any member who shall make a collusive arrangement to allow a nominator privileges differing from those allowed by the terms of the race to other entries in the same class, shall upon satisfactory evidence therof produced to the Board of Review to be held to for- feit to the National Association, the amount of the purse in which such collusive arrangement was made, one-half of such forfeit to go to the informant upon recovery of the same, and the member, upon a second conviction of like character, shall be expelled. Rule 4. — How' Many to Enter. Section i. In all purses three or more entries are re- quired, and two to start, unless otherwise specified Rule 5. — Horses to be Eligible when Entries Close. Section i. A horse shall not be eligible to start in any race that has beaten the advertised time prior to the clos- ing of the entries for the race in which he is entered, un- less otherwise specified in the published conditions. Frac- tions of a second shall be considered in determining the time made, and shall be entered in the record, but they shall not operate as a bar in making entries; that is, a horse gaining a record of 2.29J shall remain eligible in the 2.30 class. Sec. 2. A horse shall not be eligible if the time specified has been beaten by him at a greater distance ; that is, a horse having made tw^o miles in five minutes shall take a record of 2.30 and be eligible for a 2.30 race, but not for a race limited to horses of a slower class than that. Rule 6. — Description and Name of Each Horse Required. Section i. An accurate and sufficient description of each entry will be required; such as shall identify the ani- mal, and shall embrace the following particulars, to wit : 5 66 B ULES XA TIOXA L [color ] Sec. 2. The color shall always be given, and when necessary to identification, the marks shall be stated. [Sex.] Sec. 3. It shall be distinctly stated whether the entry be a stallion, mare or .gelding, and the names of the sire and dam ii known shall be given in all cases, and when unknown it shall be so stated in the entry. If this requirement as to pedigree is not complied with the entry may be rejected; and when the pedigree is given, it shall be stated by the member with the publication of the entry, and if the pedigree or record of a horse be falsely stated, for the purpose of deception, the guilty party may be fined, suspended, or expelled, by order of the Board of Review. [name of horse.] Sec. 4. Every horse shall be named, and the name correctly and plainly written in the entry; and after enter- ing or trotting in a public race such name shall not be changed without procuring a record thereof to be made in the office of the Secretary of the National Trotting Asso- ciation, for which there shall be paid a recording fee of $50, the fee to go to said National Association. For each violation of this requirement a fine of $100 shall be imposed, together wqth suspension of the horse until paid, and no horse shall be thus recorded by a name that has been recorded for another horse. Sec. 5. If a horse has ever trotted in a public race, the last name unaer which he or she trotted shall be given with the entry; and it the name has been changed within two years, each name he or she has borne during that time must be given; and if any horse without a name has ever trotted in a public race, mention must be made in the en- try of a sufficient number of his or her most recent perfor- mances, to enable interested parties to identify the animal: provided, that it shall not be necessary to furnish any one association or proprietor with the same record of per- formance the second time during one season. TROTTING ASSOCIATION. 67 Sec. 6. In entries and nominations made after 1875, the words "no name " shall not be received as a name ; neither shall such descriptive words as "bay horse," " gray mare," ''unknown," etc., be allowed as name, under a penalty of a fine not to exceed the entrance-fee, to be imposed on the member who violates this restriction. But this restriction shall not apply to any horse having obtained a record previous to 1876 under the name of "Unknown." Sec. 7. Ahorse having once been named, shall not afterwards start in a race on any association course, with- out a name, or under a different name, unless the fore- going requirements have been complied with. [double teams.] Sec 8. In all double-team races the entry must contain the name and description of each horse, in the_ manner provided for entry of single horses. Rule 7. — Identification. Section i. The residence and post-office address, in full, of the person or persons in whose name an entry is made must always be given, and if the name or residence be falsely stated, for the purpose of deception, the entry shall be disqualified from winning, and the offender shall be punished by a fine not or exceed $100, or by suspen- sion or expulsion. Sec. 2. If the nominator is not the owner, then the name and residence of the owner or owners must also be stated with the nomination. Sec. 3. Whenever the nominator is personally un- known to the officers of the course, if required, or if his entry is protested, he shall establish his identity, and that of his horse, by sufficient references or evidence; and if the Judges are not satisfied in regard to said identity, before or after the start, all pooh and bets on said horse may be declared off, and if so declared off it shall be publicly announced from the stand; and if the identity of the horse shall nnt be established within twenty-one days be 6S RULES NATIONAL barred from winning, and any premium which might be awarded said horse which is not distributable under the rules to another horse in the race shall revert to the National Trotting Association. [See Rule 16, Sec. 8.] Rule 8. — Entries that Cannot Start. Section i. As many horses may be entered by one party, or as many horses trained in the same stables as may be desired, but only one that has been owned or controlled wholly or partly by the same person or persons, or trained in the same stable within ten days preceding the race, can start in any race of heats. Rule 9. Section i. No purse will be awarded for a "walk over, "but in cases where only one of the horses entered for a purse shall appear on the course, he shall be entitled to his own entrance money and to one-half of the entrance money received from the other entries for said purse. The restriction herein as to '' walk over," shall not apply to stakes or forfeits. Rule 10. — In Case of Death, Engagements Void. Section i. All engagements, including obligations for entrance fees, shall be void upon the decease of either party or horse, so far as they shall effect the deceased party or horse; but forfeits, also matches made, " play or pay," shall not be affected by the death of a horse. Rule 11. — M atch Races. Section i. In all match races these rules shall govern, unless the contrary be expressly stipulated and assented to by the club, association, or proprietor of the course over which the race is to come off. Rule 12. — When ]\Iatches Become "Play or Pay." Section i. In all matches made to come off over any of thd associate courses, the parties shall place the amount of the._ match in the hands of the stakeholder one day before the event (omitting Sunday) is to come off, at such time and plac:e as the club, association, or proprietor, upon application, may determine, and the race shall then become "play or pay." TROTTING ASSOCIATION. 6£ Rule 13. — Purse or Stake Wrongfully Obtained. Section i. A person obtaining a purse or stake through fraud or error, shall return it to the Treasurer of The National Trotting Association, if demanded within one )r^r, by the member or by the President or Secretary of this Association, or by order of the Board of Appeals, or he shall be punished, as follows : He together with the parties implicated in the wrong, and the horse or horses, shall be suspended until such demand is complied with and such purse or stake shall be awarded to the party justly entitled to the same. Rule 14. — Fraudulent Entries or Meddling wjih Horses. Section i. Any person found guilty of dosing or tampering with any horse, or of making a fraudulent entry of any horse, or of disguising a horse with intent to con- ceal his identity, or being in any way concerned in such a ".ransaction, shall be expelled. Sfc. 2. Any horse that shall have been painted or disguised, to represent another or a different horse, or shal 1 have been entered in a purse in which he does not belong, >hall forfeit the entrance money and be expelled. Rule 15. — Reward. Section i. A reward of ^50 v/ill be paid to any per- son who shall first give inform .ition leading to the detec- tion and conviction of any fraudulent entry and of the parties thereto, to be paid out of the funds of The National Trotting Association by the Trea5urer,.upon the decision and order of the Board of Review: provided^ that this shall not be construed to extend protection to co;irses outside of this Association. RuLF 16. — Protest. Section i. Protests may be made verbally before or during a race, and shall be reduced to writing, and shall contain at least one specific charge, and •when required, a statement of the nature of the evidence upon vhich they are based, and they shall be filed with the 70 RULES NATIONAL judges, association, or proprietor, before the close of the meeting; and the protesting party shall be allowed to file additional charges with evidence. [See Rule 7, Sec. 3. ] Sec. 2. The Judges shall in every case of protest demand that the rider or driver, and the owner or owners, if present, shall immediately testify under oath in the manner hereinafter provided; and in case of their refusal to do so, the horse shall not be allowed thereupon to start or continue in that race, but shall be considered and declared ruled out, with forfeit of entrance money. Sec. 3. But if the parties do comply, and take the oath as herein required, unless the Judges find conclusive evidence to warrant excludmg the horse, they shall allow him to start or continue in the race under protest, and the premium, if any is won by that horse, shall be retained a sufficient length of time (say three weeks) to allow the parties interested a chance to sustain the allegations of the protest, or to furnish information which shall warrant an investigation of the matter by the associate member, or the Board of Ay^'^qsXs: provided, that where no action as aforesaid has been taken to sustain a protest, or to furnish information, during three weeks, the associate member may proceed as if such protest had not been made. Sec. 4- In any heat such protested horse shall win, the Judges shall waive the application of a distance as to all other horses, except for " fouls " defined in rule 48. Sec- 5. When a protest is presented before or during a race, and the parties refuse to make the prescribed oath, if the Judges believe the refusal 13 designed to favor a fraud, they may require the horse under protest to start or continue in the race. Sec. 6. Any person found guilty of protesting ahorse falsely and without cause, or merely with intent to em- barrass a race, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100, or by suspension or expulsion. Sec. 7. When a protest has been duly made, or any information lodged with the Judges in support of a protest, TROTTIXG ASSOC lATIOX. 71 alleging an improper entry or any act prohibited or punishable under these rules, the same shall not be with- drawn or surrendered before the expiration of three weeks, without the approbation of the association or proprietor of the course upon which such protest or information was produced; and if any association or proprietor shall permit such a withdrawal of protest or information, with a corrupt motive to favor any party who shall be affected by the same, the association or proprietor so permitting, if con- victed thereof by the Board of x^ppeals, shall be expelled from all connection with the National Trotting Associa- tion. [See By-Laws, Art. 7, Sec. 9.] Sec. 8. Associations or proprietors shall be warranted in withholding the premium of any horse, during the time herein mentioned, without any formal protest, if before it is paid they shall receive information in their judgment tending to establish fraud. Premiums withheld under this rule to be forthwith sent to the Treasurer of said National Association and by him be retained, awaiting the result of an investigation by the member or by the Board of Ap- peals. [See Rule 7, Sec. 3.] Sec. 9. The oath required in answer to protest shall be in the following form, to wit: I of in the County of--- - State of - _ ...on oath depose' and say that I am the _ . of the called tlie same entered in a purse for horses that have never trotted better than minutes and - - seconds, to be trotted this day on this course, and the same that has been protested, and to which protest this affidavit is in answer, hereby declare and affirm that to the best of my knowled/2:e and belief said before-mentioned horse is eligible to start or compete in the race aforesaid; and that I fully believe all the provisions and conditions required in the rules and regulations for the goverment of trials of speed over this course were fully and honestly complied with in making the entry aforesaid. Given under ray hand at this." day of A. D. 183 . Subscribed and sworn to before me, this, day of A. D. 188 . Justice of the Peace. 72 RULES XATIOXAL [Note. — In the absence of a Justice of the Peace, if this oath be administered by an officer oi the association, or one of the Judges of the race, it will be considered sufficient for the purposes of the National Association.] Rule 17. — When Horses Shall Not ee Drawn. Section i. No horse shall be drawn except by per- mission of the Judges of the race, unless at or before seven o'clock p. M. of the day preceding the race (omitting Sunday), the proper party shall have lodged with the Pres- ident, Secretary or proprietor of tie course a written notice or notice by telegraph, of his intention not to start, after which notice the horse so drawn shall be ineligible to start in the race. For a violation of the requirement herein, a fine not to exceed $100, or suspension or expul- sion shall be imposed, the penalty to apply to both the horse and party who violates the regulation. Sec. 2. Parties having two or more entries in one shall elect which they will not start, and notify their decision at the same time, in the same manner and under the same penalty as provided above. This rule shall not be construed to relieve nominators from payment for entries that are drawn. Rule iS. — Power of Postponement. Section i. In cases of unfavorable v/eather, or other unavoidable cause, each association or proprietor shall have power to postpone to the next fair day and good track (omitting Sunday) all purses or sweepstakes, or any race to which they have contributed money, upon giving notice thereof; and they may exercise this power before or after the race has commenced. [See also Rule 19.] Rule 19. — No TpvOTting after Dark. Section i . No heat shall be trotted when it is so dark that the gait of the horses cannot be plainly seen by the Judges from the stand, but all such races shall be con- tinued by the Judges the next fair day (omitting Sun- day), at such hour as they may designate. TROTTING ASSOCIATION. 73 Sec. 2. In all purses, matches, and stakes, the above rule shall govern, unless otherwise especially agreed be- tween the parties and the association or proprietors. Rule 20. — Weights and Weighing. Section i. Every horse starting for purse, sweepstake, or match, in any trotting or pacing race, shall carry, if to wagon or sulky, 150 lbs., exclusive of harness; and if under the saddle, 145 lbs., the saddle and whip only to be weighed with the rider. Sec. 2. Riders and drivers shall weigh in the pres>= ence of one or more of the Judges previous to starting for any race, and rfter each heat shall come to the starting stand, and not dismount or leave their vehicles Avithout permission of the Judges, and those who are deficient in bodily weight shall be re-weighed after each heat. Any rider or driver not bringing in his required-weight shall be distanced, unless such decision shall be deemed to favor a fraud. But a rider or driver thrown or taken by force from his horse or vehicle, after having passed the winning-post, shall not be considered as having dis- mounted without permission of the Judges, and, if disabled, may be carried to the Judges stand to be weighed, and the Judge may take the circumstances into consideration and decide accordingly, and the riders or drivers who shall carry during the heat and bring home with them the weights which have been approved or announced correct and proper by the Judges, shall be subject to no penalty for light weight in thai- heat : provided, the Judges are satisfied the mistake or fault was their own, and that there has been no decep- tion on the part of the rider or driver who shall be de- ficient in weight, but all parties shall thereafter carry the required weight. Rule 21. — Handicaps and Miscellaneous Weights. Section i. In matches or handicaps, where extra or lesser weights are to be carried, the Judges shall carefully examine and ascertain before starting whether the riders. 74 RULES NATIONAL drivers, or vehicles are of suck weights as have been agreed upon or required by the match or handicap, and thereafter the riders and drivers shall be subject to the same penalties and conditions as if they were to carry the weights prescribed by the rules. Rule 22. — -When Riders and Drivers are Over- weight. Section i. If the bodily weight of any rider or driver shall be found to exceed that which is prescribed in the rules, or that which is required by the conditions of the race, and the overweight shall not exceed twenty pounds, it shall be announced from the stand before the heat; and the judges shall have power, if in their belief such ex- tra weight was imposed on the horse for an improper or fraudulent purpose, to substitute another rider or driver of suitable weight; and if they believe the horse has been prejudiced in the race by such overweight, he shall not be allowed to start again or continue in the race, and all bets on such horse may be declared off. [See also Rule 28, Sec. 5.] Sec. 2, A horse prevented by this rule from continu- ing in the race shall not be distanced, but ?'u!ed out. Rule 23. — Length of Whips. Section i. Riders and drivers will be allowed whips not to exceed the following lengths : for saddle horses, 2 ft. 10 in.; sulkies, 4 ft. 8 in.; wagons, 5 ft. 10 in.; double teams, 8 ft. 6 in.; tandem teams and four-in-hand, unlimited; snapheri, not longer than three inches, will be allowed in addition to the foregoing measurement. Rule 24. — Judges' Stand. Section 1. None but the Judges of the race in pro- gress, the Clerk of the Course, or Secretary and their as- sistance, shall be allowed in the Judges' stand during the pendency of a heat. Rule 25. — Selection of Judges. Section i. In every exhibition or race, over any course represented in the National Trotting Association, each TROTTING ASSOCIATION. 75 course for itself, through the proprietor or association controlhng the same shall choose or authorize the selec- tion of three (3) competent Judges, for the day or race, who shall understand the rules of the said National Associ ation, and shall rigidly enforce the same; and all their decisions shall be subject to and in conformity with said rules. [See also Art. 13 of By-Laws.] Sec. 2. Any person who at the time is under penalty of suspension or expulsion, or who has any interest in, or has any interest in either of the horses engaged therein, shall thereby be disqualified and restricted from acting as a Judge in that race. And if any person who is thus disqualified shall intentionally and deceptively violate this restriction, he shall upon conviction thereof by the Board of Appeals, be adjudged guilty of a dishonorable act, for which he shall be expelled from every course represented in said National Association. Rule 26.— Authority 0/ Judges. [See also Rule 28.] Section i. The Judges of the d:iy or race shall have authority, while presiding, to appoint Distance and Patrol Judges and Timers; to inflict fines and penalties, as pre- scribed by these rules, to determine all questions of fact relating to the race over which they preside- to decide respecting any matters of difference between parties to the race, or any contingent matter which shall arise, such as are not otherwise provided for in these rules; and they may declare pools and bets ''off'' in case of fraud, no ap- peal to be allowed from their decision in that respect, but all their decisions shall be in strict conformity with the rules, or with the principals thereof. They shall have control over the horses about to start, and the riders or drivers and assistants of the horses, and, in the absence of other provisions in these rules, they shall have authority to punish by a fine not exceeding $100, or by suspension or expulsion, any such person who shall fail to obey their orders or the rules. [See Rule 28; and Rule 52, Sec. r and Sec. 2.] 76 RULES NATIONAL Rule 27. — Distance and Patrol Judges. Section i. In all races of heats there shall be a Distance Judge appointed by the Judges of the race or by those in authority, who shall remain in the distance- stand during the heats, and immediately after each heat shall repair to the Judges' stand and report to the Judges the horse or horses that are distanced, and all foul or improper conduct, if any has occurred under his observa- tion. But, in the absence of a Distance Judge, or in his failure to act, the Judges of the race shall determine what horses are distanced. Sec. 2. Patrol Judges may be similarly appointed, and it shall be their duty to repair in like manner to the Judges' stand, and repDrt all foul or improper conduct, if any has occurred under their observations. Rule 28. — Power and Duties of Judges. [See also Rule 26.] Section i. The Judges shall be in the stand fifteen minutes before the time for starting the race; they shall weigh the riders or drivers, and determine the positions of the horses, and inform each rider and driver of his place, before starting: they may require the riders and drivers to be properly dressed; they shall be prepared to take the time of each heat in the race, and they may appoint some suitable person or persons to assist them in that respect, and the time so taken shall be recorded and an- nounced in conformity with these rules. [See also Rule 26 and Rules 39 to 44 inclusive, and Art. 13 of By-Laws.] Sec. 2. The Judge shall ring the bell, or give other notice, ten minutes previous to the time announced for the race or heat to come off, which shall be notice to all parties to prepare for the race or heat at the appointed time, when all the horses must appear at the stand, ready for the race or heat, and any rider or driver failing to obey this summons may be punished by a fine not ex- ceeding $100, or his horse may be ruled out by the Judges and considered drawn; but in all stakes and matches a failure to appear promptly at the appointed time shall render the delinquent party liable to forfeit. TROTTING ASSOCIATION. 77 Sec. 3. The result cf a heat shall not be announced until the Judges are satisfied as to the Aveights of the riders or drivers, and sufficient time has elapsed to receive the reports of the Distance and Patrol Judges. Sec. 4. The Judges shall not notice or consider complaints of foul from any person or persons, except the Distance and Patrol Judges appointed by themselves or by those in authority, and from owners, riders, or drivers in the race. [See also Rule 48.] Sec. 5. If the Judges believe that a horse is being or has been "pulled," or has been ridden or driven in other respects improperly, with a design to prevent his winning a heat or place which he was evidently able to win, and that such act was done on the part of the rider or driver for the purpose of throwing the race, or to perpetrate or aid a fraud, they shall have power to substitute a com- petent and reliable rider or driver for the remainder of the race, who shall be paid a reasonable compensation for his services, but not to exceed $50, which shall be paid by the member, and the member may retain the amount paid from the purse if any, which said substitute driver may win; and any professional rider or driver who. without good and sufficient reason, refuses to be so sub- stituted, may be fined, suspended, or expelled, by order of the Judges and upon approval of the Board of Appeals; and the Judges may declare such heat void, if it be a deciding heat of the race; and, if the result and circum- stances of the race shall confirm their belief, the rider or driver so removed shall be expelled by the Judges. And if the owner or person or persons controlling the offend- ing horse shall be a party or parties to such fraud, he or they together with the horse, shall be punished by expul- sion. [See also Rules 22 and 48.] Rule 29. — Starting and Keeping Positions. Section 1. No rider or driver shall cause unneces- sary delay after the horses are called up, either by neglect- ing to prepare for the race in time, or by failing to come for the. word, or otherv/ise; and in scoring, if the word is 78 R UL ES X. 1 TIOXA L not given, all the horses in the race shall immediately turn, at the tap of the bell or other signal given, and jog back for a fresh start. But their shall be no recall after the starting word or signal has been given, and the horses shall be deemed to have started in the race when the word "o-y,"ch g, by Potter Horse 2.29^ Fancy, b m 2.30 Farcy Day, b m, by Alcalde 2,30 Famiv, ch m, by Flying Banner 2.29 FannV, ch m ^-.27 Fanny Alleu, b m, by Ethan Allen _. 2.28^ Fanny Jefferson, blk m, by Thomas Jefferson 2.28^ Fanny Lee, b m, by Ethan Allen... 2.29| Fanny Otis (Louise), b m, by Post Boy 2.28| Fanny Raymond (Princess), b m, by American Ethan 2.30 Fanny Robinson, b m, by Blood Chief _.. g-.20i Fanny Wilkes, br m, 5 yrs, by George Wilkes = ,-=.._ 2=26^ "Fanny Witherspoon, ch m, by Almont _ 2.17 *Farce, b m, 4 yrs, by Priuccps „ 2.29^ Farmer Boy, gr g, by Young Columbus >» ^ S 28 Farmer Maid, b m „_o-., 2=28^ Fashion, b m, by Clark's Mohawk Jr_ ,,...„ 2.23| Faugh-a-Ballagh, bg.^o ,^ S.2o|- ^Faustina, b m, by K.i: fjlieridan 2.23^ Favorite, ch m, by SenCoCci" , ^^^. 2=30 Fearless, b m, by Meeksi; Horse ... = „„ 2=28 Fearnaught, br s, by Canada Black Hawk... .,_.„ S.29 Fearnaught, ch s, by Ferkia's Young Morrill... „._-^ 2.23| Fearnaught Jr., ch s, by Fearnaught, son of Young Korrill 2.26 *Felix, b g, by Nutwood 2.25^ *Fides, chg, Gen. Stanton 2.27^ Filbert, gr g _ J?. 28 Fitzgerald (Dunn); b g, by Young Columbus 2.30 *Flash, blk m, 5 yr?, by Bonesetter 2.27f Fleta, blkm, by Gen. Hatch 2.28 Fleetwood, b s, by Happy Medium ._ 2.29 Fleetwood, chg, by Winthrop Morrill 2.29 Fleety Golddust, gr m, by Golddust ,... 2.20 *Flight. b m, 5 yrs, by Buccaneer 2.29 Flirt, ch m, by Gen. Kno:: 2 28^ *Flora B., bm _ 2.28 *Flora Belie, ch m, by Prince, son of Wm. Tell 2.29|- Flora Belle, b m, by Stevens' Uwharie ^ 2.22f Fl-ora Belle, ch m, by Abe Lincoln 2.27^ Flora Belle, ch m.. b" Prin3e 2.30 Flora F.- b m, by Clear Grit 2.24i *Flora Jefferson, b m, by Thos. Jefferson 2.28f Flora Shepherd, ch m, by Gen. McClellan 2.30 Flora Temple, b m, by Bogua Hunter 2.19| 112 TROTTERS. Flora Wind?cr. b m, by T^'indsor 2 30 Florence, cli m, by Highland Gray. 2.23:|- Florence M., ch m, 5 yrs, by Blue Bull 2.25^ Forest King, b g. by Honest Dan 2.27" ^Forest Patchen. br g, by King Patchen 2.194- Fox, cb g, by Peacock 2.30 ^Foxie Y , cii m, by King Herod. 2.23f Frances, wh m, by H. W. Genet 2.27 Frank, b g, (Bemis) _ 2.28 Frank, br in, (Wilson's) _. 2.27^ Frank, blk c, by Young Oneida 2.20 *Frank, b g,^bv Abraliam... _.. 2.23| Frank Alfison, b s, by Atherton's Blackbird 2.28^ Frank Davis, b g... '^r2^ Frank F., by Emperor William. 2.26^ Frank Ferguson, b ec, bv Billy Glenn 2.26 Frank Fisk, rn 2:, by Black Hawk Bertrand 2.29 Frank Forester,"b 'r, by Abdallah 2.30 Frank X, (Milton Day), dn g 2.23| Frank Kernan, b g..! 2.26^ Frank Landers, b g, by Saddling Buck 2. 264 *Frank Moscow, ch g, by Moscow _ 2 274 Frank Munsou, cli g, by Paragon 2.25 Frank Palmer, bg - 2.26^ *Frank Patchin, ch cr, by Seneca Patcliin.. 2.30 Frank Reeves, b g, by Skedaddle .._ 2.23^ Frank Wood, b g, by Yolunteer 2.24 Fred, b g, (Roden's) 2.30 Fred, b g. by Democrat 1 2.30 Fred (Texas), bg.. 2.28f Fred Casey, ch g, by Fessenden 2.23^ Fred Crocker, b 0, 2\yrs, by Electioneer 2.25^ Fred Doudas. ch s. bV Green's Bashaw 2.20^ Fred Douslas, blk g, by Black Frank -.. 2.25^ Fred Golddust, ch s, by Fancy Golddust 2.27* Fred Hooper (J. Ellis); b g, by Royal Revenge. 2.23 *FredNeil. b g, by Bay Tom....." 2.29 Freeman, blk s, by Macedonian 2.29 ^Freestone, b g, by Capt. Webster .-. 2,28A Fritz, bg, by Bay Richmond... _ 2.27i *Frustone, b g, by Republic 2.28^ *Fugue, b f, 3 yrs, bv'King Rene --- 2.27:^ *Fulton Maid, b m, by Clay Pilot 2.29^ Galatea, b m, by Fearnaught 2.24f Gazalle, b m, by Rysdyk's^Hambletonian 2.21 Gen. Beamish, gr g, bv Royal George — 2.26^ Gen. Butler, blk 2:^, by"' Smith Burr... 2.2U Gen. Garfield, bg, by Ky. Black Hawk 2.21 TROTTERS, 113 Gen. Grant, cli s, by TVapsie 2.21 *Gen. Hancock, b g, by Lightninc; 2.25 Gen. Howard, br g, by Badger Bov 2.26^ Gen. Lee, eh g 2.29 Gen. Love, ch s, by Field's Royal George 2.80 Gen. McClellan, b s, by Drew Horse 2.29 Gen. McClellan, dn g, by Montauk 2.29 Gen. Picton, gr g, by Rattler 2.80 Gen. Sherman, gr g, by Pilot, Jr 2.28f Gen. Tweed, chg, by Myron Perry 2.26.^ George, bg 2.24| George, blk g, by Mambrino Patchen 2.24| *George, br s, by George Wilkes 2.30 "George A., b g, by Daniel Lambert 2 25 George A. Ayer, gr g, by Woodford Mambrino. 2.30 George B. Daniels, ch g, by King's Champion __ 2.24 George Cooley, b g, by Neave's'C. M. Clay 2.27 "George D. Sherman, blk g, by Black Ralph 2.29^ George F. Smith, b g, by Niagara Chief 2.28 George H, br g, by Gen. Benton.. , 2.26| George H., b g, by Godfrey's Patchen 2.25 George Henry, bg __ 2.27 George H. Mitchell, b g, by American Ethan _. .. 2.26 George Judd, rn g 2.26^ George K., gr g, by Swi^ert.. 2.25^ George M., bg, by" Westtield Boy- 2.24 George Miller, b g, by Boston Boy 2.30 George M. Patchen, b s, by Cassius M. Clay.. 2.?3i- George M. Patchen, Jr., br s, by George M. Patchen 2.27 George Palmer, b g, by Palmer Bogus : 2. 19^ George Treat, br g, by McCracken's David Hill 2.25^ *George v., ch g, by Masterlode _ 2.20 George Wilkes, br s, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian_ 2.22 Gibraltar, b s, by Echo 2.22^ Gift, Jr.. brs, by Mambrino Gift 2 27 '"Gil bird's Sprague, blk s, by Gov. Sprague 2.29|- Gilbreth Knox,''blk s. by Gen. Knox 2.26| *Gladiator, b g, by Blue Bull... 2.22^ *Glamis, gr g, by Godfrey's Patchen 2.25 Glendale, b g, by Mambrino Wagner 2.20^ Glengarry ("Uncle Abe|^ br g by Winthrop Morrill , 2.27 *Glen Miller, gr s, by Wlrite Line 2.28^ *GleQwood. ch s, by Wapsie... 2.27| Glide, ch s, by Perkins' Moriall 2.24 Gloster, b g, by Yoxunteeu 2.17 Gloucester, b g, by Highland Boy 2.23^ *Golden Bow, ch s, by Satelite 2.27f Golden Girl, gr m, by King's Champion 2.25i 8 114 TROTTERS. Goldfinder g n. - - 3.29i *Golden Girl, b m, by Golden Bow.. 2.28i Goldfiuder, ch s, bv Jolin Lambert 2.23^ Goldleaf, chg.-..* - -.-. 2.28^ Gold Note, bg 2.25 Goldsmith Maid, b m, by Alexanders Abdallah 2.14 Good Morning, b m, by Harold _ 2.28^ Governor, grs. _ ..- 2.28 Governor, b g, by Clark Chief 2.30 Gov. Plaisted, b g, by Gray Dan .._ 2.29:^ Gov. Sprague, blk s, 5 yrs, by Rhode Island (?) 2.201 Gov. Stanford, ch g, by John Nelson 2.27^ Grace, gr m,_... - -- 2.27^ Grace, b m, by Knickerbocker.. 2.27 Grace Bertram, ch m, by New Jersey 2.29 Grafton, ch g, by Van Meter's Waxy 2.22i Grand Duchess (Mary Ann), b m, by Hanley's Hiatoga.. 2.26^ *Grand Sentmel, b s, by Sentinel _ 2.27^ Granville, ch g, by American Clay _ 2.26 Grateful, ch g, by the Brown Horse 2.28^ Graves, ch g, by Whipple's Hambletonian 2. 20 *GrayDan, gr g 2.30 Great Eastern, br g, by Walkill Chief 2.18 Great Western, blk g, by Superb 2.29 Green Charley, blk g, by Green's Bashaw 2.26^ Grey Bill, gr/g, by Young Brandy wine 2.30 Grey Charley, grg 2.29 Grey Chief, gr g, by Napolean 2.24| Grey Cloud, gr s, by Blue Grass 2.23^ Grey Edd v, gr g, by Morse Horse - . 2. 30 Grey Eddy, gr g, bv Blue Colt - 2.27 Grey Hawk, grg..'.. - - 2.28f Grey Jack, grg, by Clifton Pilot 2.28^ Grey Mack (Mack), gr g, by Black Hawk Hero 2.26^ Grey Salem, grg 2.24 Guess Not, b m, by Hambletonian Prince 2.27-i Gus, b s, bv Milliman's Bellfounder 2.26f Gypsy, b m, by Winthrop Morrill 2.24^ Gypsy Bov, blk s, by Stonewall Jackson 2. 28 Hall Terrill (S V. Switz), b g 2.28| Hambletonian Bashaw, b s, by Green's Bashaw 2.21^ Hambletonian Membrino, b s, by Curtis' Hambletonian. 2.21^ Hambrino, b s, by Edward Everett --- 2.21^ Hambrino Belle, bm, 5 yrs, by Hambrino ..- 2.25^ Hamperion. b s. by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2.29.^ Hancock, b g, by Whipple's Hambletonian. 2.29 *Handicap, rn g^ by Stephen A Douglas 2.22 Hannah D, br m, by Magna Charter 2. 22i Hannis, ch s, by Mambrino Pilot 2.17? TROTTERS. 11^ *Happy, whm 2.27 Happy Jack, b g, by Andrew Jackson, Jr... 2.30 "Happy Thouglit, b s, by'Happy Medium... ^.^ 2.22^ Happy Traveler, b s. by Hambietonian jiriu^o.-.. „. 2,27-^ Hardwo(jd, b s, by Blackwood.. „.., „,. 2.24|- Harry, b g, by Happy Medium 2.20 Harry Clay, blk s, by Neaves' Cassius M. Cl^y 2.29 Harry Clay, blkg, by Strader's Cassius M. Clay 2.23| Harry Couklin, b g^ by Superb __. 2.26 Harry Gilbert, ch g, by Jupiter 2=24 Harry Harlcy, b g, by Young Columbus. 2.25f *H .rry I^Iills, br g, by Sweepstakes... 2.27^ Hairy Mitchell (Ed. Foster), by Foster's St. Lawrence 2.23f *Harry Pulling, b s, by Menelaus _ 2.29|- *Harry Pelham, gr g, by Thomas Jefferson 2.28^ Harry Spanker, b g, by Gen. Knox 2. 30 Harry Velox, b g, by Vclox 2.26^ Harry AV, Genet (Dan vers Boy), b s, by Godfrey's Patchen 2.26 Harvest Queen, b m^ by Rysclyk's Hambietonian 2.29| Hattie, ch m 2.30 Harry Wilkes, b g, by George Wilkes 2.23^ Haltie Arnold (Lady Daniels), b m. 2.2d Hattie Woodward, b m, by Aberdeen 2.15^ Haviland (Ned Cole), b g, by Mountain Chief 2.29|- Hazor (Atwood) ^r g, by Young ximerica 2.26^ ^H. B. Winship, blk g, by Aristos 2.20^ Header, ch g 2.28 Headlight, ch g, by Scott's Hiatoga 2.30 Hector", b g, by Otego Chief 2.23 Helena, ch m, by Hambietonian Prince 2.22 *Henderson, ch g, by Strathmore 2.27^ Henry (Whitcomb) b g.. 2.29^ Henry, bg, by Harry Lathrop _ 2.20ir Henry (John Chambers), b g, by Canadian Lion 2.27i Hermes, br s, by Harold _. 2.27| Herod, blk s, by King Herod 2.26| *Hersey. br s, by Macedonia 2.23| *Hetty Pearl, br m, by Princeps 2.27 Hickok. O. A., bg 2.30 Hickory, b s, by Goldsmith's Abdallah 2.27f Highland Grey, gr s, by Darkey 2.28 Highland Maid, t> m, by Saltram 2.27 Highland Mary, br m, by Pocahontas Boy 2.26 Highland Stranger, b s, by Mambrino Patchen 2.25^ Hill, H. C , b g 2.251 *Hinda Rose, b f , 3 yrs, by Electioneer 2 .19| Hiram Woodruff, br g, by Phil. Sheridan 2.25 Hogarth, blk s, 5 yrs, by 3Iessenger Duroc 2.26 116 TROTTERS. Honest Billy, b g, by Green Mountain Morgan 2.29| Honest Dutchman, ch s, by Hoagland's Grey Messenger.. 2 26| Honest Harry, rn g, by Winthrop Morrill. 2 22.^ Honesty, ch s, 4 yrs, by Priam 2.25| Hope, ch g, by Telegraph 2 28 Hopeful, gr g, by Godfrey's Patchen 2.14| Hotspur (C'ol. Maynard), b g, by Ethan Allen : 2.24 Hotspur Chief , b g, by Hotspur 2.29i *Howard Jay, rn g, by Wood's Hambietonian _ 2.21^ Hudson, b g, by I'ippo 2.29 Huffh ]\IcLaughlin,'b s, bv Aberdeen ._ 2.23 Humboldt, b g, by Stocking Chief 2.20 Hunter (Wild Irishman), ch g, by Black Dutchman 2.29 Huntress, b m, by Volunteer 2.20f ^Huntress, ch m, 6 yrs, by Admiral.. 2.28 Hylas, ch s, by Alcalde _ _.. 2.24i ^Idlewild, blk m, by Glenair 2.29J Idol, ch m, by Black Warrior 2.27 idol (Myrtle Thompson), b m, by Stephen A. Douglass 2.23 InaG. bm, Blue Bull. .„ ....1 2.23^ Inca, br s. by Woodford Mambrino. 2.27 Independence, br s, by \oung Hindoo 2.28^ *Index, b g, by James R. Reese 2.26|- Indianapolis, br s, bv Tattler 2.21 India Rubber, bik g,' by Rocket 2.29^ Indicator, ch s, by Golddust... _ 2.27" ^[ngomar, rn g, by Dick. 2.28 *Ino, b m, by Chenery's Gray Eagle 2.22| Irene, gr m, by Dusty Miller _ 2.20| Iron Age, rn g, by Jules Jurgensen 2 23^ Iron King, b g, by Key's Abdallah 2.30 *Isa^hcr, h m, by Glenn's Hambletonian 2 .29^ Kitty Morris, b m, by Lon Morris 2.30 *Kitty Patchen, ch ra, by Jeb Stewart 2.22^ Kittyfiilver, ch m, by Mambrino Patcheu 2.27f *Kitty Van, b m, by Walker's Morrell _ 2.24 Knox Boy, br 8, by Gen. Knox 2.23^ Lady Alice, b m _ 2.29f Lady Augusta, b m, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2.30 Lady Banker, b m, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. 2.23 Lady Blanchard, gr m, by Whipple's Hambletonian 2.26^: Lady Blanche, bm.. ..2.28^ Lady Ble.ssiugton , 1) m , by Middletown 2. 27 Lady Browuell, bm, by Western Fearuaught 2.25| LadyByror, blk m, by Royal George _ 2.28 Lady Clark, rn m, by Clark's Mohawk Jr 2.27 Lady Crossin, b m, by Sussex Chief S, 28 Lady Daggett, gr m. by Logue Horse _ 2. 26 Lady Dahlman, b m. by Roberi Bonner 2.28 Lady Dinsmore, b m 2.30 *Lady Elgin, b m. by Legal Tender Jr 2.26| Lady Ellen, b m, by Cair's ^Mambrino 2.28 Lady Emma, ch m, by Jupiter 2.26^ Lady Emma, b m, by Champion (Poscora) 2.28 Lady Faustina, b m. by Vermont . 2.29| Lady Fox, ch m, by D'rury's Ethan Allen 2.30 Lady Foxie, ch m, by Daniel Lambert.. _ = „._„ 2.24^ LadyGarfield, bm 2.28^ Lady Griswold. gr m 2.29 Lady Groesbeck, gr m, by Star of the West 2.2oi Lady H,grm, by Manchester's Tuckahoe 2.27 Lady Hamilton, gr m, by Royal George 2 30 Lady Hughes, b m, by Jupiter 2.30 Lady Jan'e. bm 2.30 Lady K , b m, by Gen. Geo H.Thomas . 2.29^ Lady Kerns, b m, by Ambov. 2.295 Lady Kildeer, br m, by Black Dutchman 2.28 *Lady Leah, grm .- f3.25i Lady Lemmon, b m, by Knickerboclier „„.„ 2.30 Lady Lockwood, b m, by Neaves' C. M. Clay 2.25 Lady Lowe, ch m = =. Q.28 *Lady Lucas, ch m, by Tramn 2.29^ Lady Lumber, blk m, by Lumber 2.27^ 120 TROTTERS. Lady M., gr m, by Vermont Hero 2.30 Lady Mac", b m, by Whirlwind 2.23 Lady MoFatrid2:e/b m, by Woodford Mambrino 2.2t3 Lady Mack, b m 2.30 ^Lady Martin, b m, by Downing's Abdallah... 2.2S Lady Maud, br m, by Gen. Knox _ 2.18| Lady Mills, b m, by Cliosroes , 2.24| Lady Monroe, gr m, by Jim Monroe 2.26^ Lady Moore, b m, by Peacemaker 2.25 Lady Morrison, b m , by Volunteer 2.27^ Lady Moscow, b m 2.30 Lady Prewitt, b m, by Clark Chief 2.30 Lady Pritchard, ch m, by Green Mountain Banner 2.21 Lady Rolfe, b m, 5 vrs, by Tom Rolfe 2.22| Lady Eoss, b m, by Virgennes Black Hawk. ._ 2,29f Lady Sampson, b m, by^Dolphus 2.28f Lady Sarsceant, b m, bv CTOoding"s Champion 2.27t *Lady Scud, b m, by Edward Everett 2.29^ Lady Shannon, ch m, by Harris' Hambletonian 2.28^ Lady Sheridan, b m 2.28| Lady Sherman, br m, by Gen. Sherman 2.25^ Lady Snell, b m, by Godfrey's Patchen... 2.23|- Lady Star (Capitola), b m, by Sir Henry 2.24 Lady Stout, ch m, 3 vrs, by Mambrino Patchen 2.29 Lady Suffolk, gr m, by Engineer 2d 2.26^ Lady Sutton, b m, by Morgan Eagle 2.30 Lady Thorne, b m, by Mambrino'Chief 2.18^ Lady Thornton, b m, by Mapes' Hamiltonian 2.26^ Lady Thorne, b m, by 'Darlbay 2.25 Lady Tighe, blk m, by Felter's Hamiltonian... 2.29 Lady Turpin, blk m, by Bell Morgan. 2.23 Lady Vernon, gr m _ 2.29^ Lady Voorhees, bm 2.23^ Lad}^ Williams, ch m, by Parson's Horse 2.28^ Lady Woodruff, b m, by Burr's Washington 2.29" Lancet, blk g, by Vermont Black Hawk 2. 27^ Largesse, br m, by Scott's Thomas 2 28f *Laura M., b m, by Washington, son of G. M. Patchen 2.27 Laura Williams, gr m, by Holabird's Ethan Allen 2.24^ Leda, b m, by Aberdeen". 2.25|- *Lee W. (Sorgum), b g, by Bourbon Blue 2. 26^ Legal R,bg. 2.30 Legal Tender, b g, by Legal Tender 2.27:j *Lem. b s, bv Orange County 2.27^ ^Leon'Boy, b g , 2.29i Leantine, br m, by Hamlet.. 2.235 Lewinsld b g, by Mambrino Messenger - 2.25^ Lew Ives, b g, by Bacon's Ethan Allen 2.28 TROTTERS. , 121 Lew Pettee, b g, by Bcns?on Horse 2.29 Lew Sayres, ni g, by Keaves' Cassius M. Clay Jr 2.2Sf Lew Scott, b g, by Scott's Hiatoga 2.23 License, ch g 2.26^ Lida Bassett, b m, by Forrest King _. 2.20j Lida Picton, br m 2.27} Lillian, ch m, by Almont 2.23 Lilly, ch m .„ 2.26^ Llllv Shields, ch m. by King's Cadmus 2.29^ Little Frank, b g 2.30 Little Fred, b g, by Pirigo 2.26| Little Fred, b g, by Eastman Morgan 2.20 Little Gem, ch g, by Henry B. Patchen 2.29^ Littte Qvpsy, b m, by Shawan's Tom Hal. 2.22 Little Jake (Erastus), rn g 2.30 Little Longfellow, ch 2", by Flyina: Morgan. 2.29^ Little Mac, b s, by Columbus....^ 2.28^ Little Mary, c-h m, by Billy Musiapha 2.24 *Little Miss, b m, by Goldsmith's Abdallah 2.26^ Little Sam, ch g, by Marshall Chief 2.29 Little Soux, b g, by Monitor... __ 2.22|- Little AVonden, ch s, 5 yrs, by Blue Bull 2.30 Little Woader, b s, by Tom Wonder _. 2.30 ■''Lizzie, rn m _ 2.30 Liz55ie ir, b m, by Trouble 2.23^ Lizzie Keller (Emma E), br m, by Tom Moore 2.30 Lizzie M., br m, by Thomas Jefferson 2.27^ *L/izzie O'Brien, ch m 2.23^ Loaf ep, rn g, by Copperbottom 2.24| Logan, ch s, by Wadleigh's Logan 2.2o Lola, mm 2.30 *Lomi Guffin. b m, by Blue Bull 2.23^ London, ch g, 5 yrs, by Mambrino Patchen 2.20i ^Longfellow vVhip, blk s 2.23f Loftkair, blk s, by Gilbert Knox... 2.29i Lottery, gi g, by llysdyk's Hambletonian 2.27 Lottie, b m, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2.28 Lottie K., b m, by American Emperor Jr __ 2.27 Louis D., b g, by King William 2.24| Louise, b m, by Volunteer 2.29:1 ■'^Louise N., b m, by Alpine. 2.20^ Lou Whipple, b m, by Whipple's Hambletonian 2.26| Lucca, b m, by DeLongs Ethan Alien 2.30 *Lucilla, bf, 3 yrs, by Nephew 2.28^ Lucille, b m, by Exchequer 2.21 Lucille Golddust, b m, by Golddust 2.16^ Lucreco, b m, by Robert Whaley 2.2'^\ Lucy, b m, by George M. Patcheii. 2. 18 J 122 TROTTERS. *^Lucy. b m, Ly Feltcr's Ham];letonian 2.26^ Lucy, blk m, by Royal Revenge -.. 2.20^ liucy C, ch m, b3'- Hotspur 2.30 Lucy Fleming, cb m. Lv Peavine 2.24 Lula, bm.by Ale'ianCefs Korman. 2.15 Lulu F, b m, by Ericsson 2. 29 Lumps, br s, by George Wilkes „ . 2.21 Lydia Tliompson, b m, by Wild Wagoner 2.26^ Lyman, dn g, by Boy Chief = . — 2 254 Lysander Boy, ch g, by Lysander. 2.20| Mack, brg, by Morgan Caesar . 2.28 Madawaska Maid, c b m 2.29^ ♦Madeline, b m, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2.23^ Magdallah, ch m, by Primus 2.24 Magenta, b m, by AYoodford Mambrino _' 2.24^ Maggie Briggs, b m, by American Clay 2.27 Maggie C, b m, by Whipple's Hambletonian 2.25 ^laggie F., » m, 5 yrs, by Menelaus-„-_ = ,__„ 2.26 ^Maggie H., gr m =, 2.2&|- Maggie M, blk m, by Patrick Henry 2.21\ *Maffgie Morrell, ch m, by Charley B . — 2.29i Maggie S., blk m, by Iron Duke 2.26^ *Magic, blk g, by Jim Fisk, son of Benedict's Morrell... . 2.25^ Magnolia, gr g, hj Magnolia 2.26^ Maid of Monte, b m, by Benedict's Comet 2.28 *Majolica, b g, by Startle 2.17 Major Allen (Locust), ch g, by Frank Allen 2.24^ Major Edsall, b s, by Alexander's Abdallah 2.29 Major Kins:, ch g, b v Careless 2. 30 Major Lord, dn e, by Edward Everett „ 2 23f Major Root, brg -- 2.27 Majors., b g, 2.29 Mallory , W, M. , r^r g, by Orange County 2 30 ^Malvfna, b m, by Fearnausrht Spy.- 2.24^ Mambrino Boy, blk s, by Mambrino Patchen 2.26^ *Mambrino Diamond, blk s, by jNlarabrino Patchen 2.30 Mambrino Dudley, b s, by Woodford Mambrino 2.22 Mambrino General, b g, by Fisk's Mambrino Cbief 2 25i- Mambrino George, br s, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief 2 23^ *Mambrino George, b s, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief. 2.30 Mambrino Gift, ch s, by Mambrino Pilot.. 2.20 Mambrino Kate, gr m, by Mambrino Patchen 2 24 ^Mambrino Southam, blk s, by Mambrino Gift 2.26^ *Mambrino Sparkle, b m, 5 yrs, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief 2.29|- Mambrino Star, b s, by Mambrino Chief 2.28.^ Mamie, b n:., 5 yrs, by Blue Bull 2.2U *Mami6 M., b m, 5 yrs, by Crittenden 2.25 *Manon, b"m, 5 yrs, by Nutwood 2.22i TROTTERS. 123 Marguerite, bin, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2.29 Marion, cli ir, bv Jamison's Tom Crowder .- 2.2.-]l ♦^Marion, cb'sj, by Harold (?) 2.29 Marion H., b^m.... 2.30 Mars, ch s, by Geu. Sherman 2.2H Martha, b m, by Prospect 2.30 Martha ^Vashini^ton, eli m, by Young Blucher 2.22^ Marvel, b g, by Messene^er Chief 2.28 Marv, bm, bv Geo. M.Patchen 2.28 Mary Davis, b m, by Werner's Rattler. 2.26^ Mary Russell, v^\\ m, by Joe Brown... 2.23^ Mary A. Wliitney, b m, by Volunteer 2.28 Matthew Smith, b g 2.261 Mattie, b m, by Rysdj^k's Hambletonian __ 2.22^ Mattie Graham, b m, by Harold 2.2lJ *Mattie H., gr ra, by Blue Bull _. 2.29| Mattie Lyle, br m, by Young Morrill 2.28 Matt Kirk wood, b g, by Sam Kirkwood 2.30 Maud, b m, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2.29| Maud Macey, ch m, 5 yrs, by Joe Hooker.. 2.2Tf *Maud Messenger, b m, by Messenger Chief 2.20 Maud S., chm', bv Harold 2.10^ Maud T., b m, by Allie Gaines 2.26 *Maxey Cobb, b "s, by Happy Medium 2.20^ Mav, ch m, bv Young Moscow — 2 27 3Iay Bird, blk m, by George Wilkes . 2.21 ^Mav Bird, b m, by Jimmie _ 2.26:^ May^Day, b m, by Ballard's C. M Clay 2.30 *May H., b m, by Chicago Volunteer „=. 2.26^ May Howard, gr m, by Capt. Hanford 2 S4: May Morning, b m, by D miel Lambert -.._„ 2.33 May Queen, b m. by May Day _. 2.23 May Queen (Nashvflle Girl), b m, by Alexander's Konnan 2.20 May Thorne, b m, by Thornedale 2=24f Mazomanie, ch g, by General Morgan. 2.20^ *McClure, blk g, by Messenger Duroc ._ 2,30 McCurdy's Hambletonian, b s, 5 yrs, by Harold 2.26^ McLeod, b g, 4 yrs, by Hemphill's Patchen. 2.25^ *Mc.Mahon, br s, by Admmistrator _ 2.27 *Mearfider, b s, 4 yrs, by Belmont _-.. 2.80 Medoc, grg, _ '2.28^ Messenger Knox, gr s, by Gen. Knox 2.30 Metropolis, br g.' 2.30 Middlesex, ch g, by Seneca Chief ,-.. = 2.24 Midge, b m, by Wilkie Collins. „ 2.273 Midnight, blk g, by Peacemaker .-.. 2.18i Mignou, b m, by Sentinel 2.27i 124 TROTTERS. Mike, brg, by BeecLcr _ 2.28* Mike Jefferson, cb g, by Thomas Jefferson 2.29^ :Mila C. (Mila Caldwell); cb m, by Blue Bull 2.26^ Mill Boy, br g, by Jay Gould = 2.26 Miller's Damsel, chm, by Jackson. 2.28|- *Milo. b s, by Milwaukee 2.26 Milton Medium, b s, by Kappy Medium 2.25^ ^Minnie D, b m, by Alexander , = 2.30 Minnie Llaxfield, b m, by Charley -.- 2.28^ Minnie R., b m, by J. C. Breckinridge 2.21^ Minnie Warren, ch m, by Yankirk's Xig'nt Hawk 2.27|- Mistletoe, blk m, by Mambriuo Patchen 2.30 Modesty, b m, by Tom Wonder... 2.26^ Modoc, ch g, by Ely's Tornado = 2.25 Modoc, gr g „ o 2.25 *Modoc, ch ^;, by Aberdeen 2.194- Mohawk Chref, ch s, by Hall's Mohawk Jr 2.30" *Mohawk Gift, ch s, by Hall's Mohawk 2.29^ Mohawk Jr. (Clark's), b s, by Mohawk . 2=25 Mohawk Jr. (Hall's), b s, by Mohawk... 2,26 Mohawk Prl::ce, b g, by The Commodore = 2.28 *Mollie B., br m, by Duke of Saratoga , 2.30 *Molli3 Mic'lc'llcton, bra, by Bay Middleton 2.291 Molly, bm^ bj Dolphus 2,27^ Molly, chiii 2.27i Molly, bm, by Magna Charta... , 2.27 Molly Bell, br in- by Consternation. „... ._ 2.30 Molly Drew, ch m, by Winthrop „... 2,27 Molly Kistler, b m, 5 yrs, by Blue Bull 2.27| Molly Morris, chm „ 2.23 3Iolsey, b m, by "Whiteside's Black Hawk 2.21^ Monarch, b g, by Yv'oodburn 2.28|- Monarch Jr, rn s, by Strawn's Monarch 2.S^1|- Monarch Rule, b m, by Strawn's Monarch... „ 2.24J Monitor, gr g, 5 yrs, by Strathmore 2.295- Monroe, ch s, by Miller's Iron Duke... 2.27^ Monroe Chief, b s. by Jim Monroe „ 2.181 Monroe D., b s, by Jim Monroe = = 2=28|- Montreal Girl, b m, by Tiger.. _. ... = 2.gO Moose, b g, by Y ash burn Horse „ 2,19f Morning, gr m, by Mambriuo Pilot _ — S.30 *Morocco5 b g, by James R. Reese „.„ = ._ 2.80 31orrill, J. G., chg, by Winthrop Morrill _. „_ 2=29 Morris, br g, by Slierman Horse „ 2=29 Morris, J. P, br g. by Robert R.Morris „ 9j.2^ Morrissey, ch g, by Black Wairior „ „„- .1,26^ Moscow, b e = .--., „» 2=30 Moscow, blk g -. '^=28| TROTTERS. 122 Motion, ch s, by Daniel Lambert 2.29 Mountain Boy, b g, by Edward Everett 2.20f •^Mountain Girl, b m, by Weigeon 2.28^ Mountain Maid, b m, by MorrilL.. 2.27f Mountain Quail, b m, by Widgon 2.28 M. R., bg. by Jupiter 2.28 Musette, b m, by Almont 2.29i Music, b m - 2.29i Music, ch m, by Middletown 2.21^ Myron Perry, b g, by Young Columbus 2. 24^ Mvrtle, b m, by King's Champion 2.25^ Mvrtle, rn m,"'by Flying Cloud 2.26i *Mystery, b g, by Magic 2.24^ Mystic, bg, by Reliance -.. 2.22 Nabocklish, br g, by Rising Sun 2.29i Naiad Queen, b m, by Gooding's Champion 2.20^ Nancy, dim, by Daniel Lambert. 2.22| Nancy Hacket. rn m, by Wood's Hambletonian.. 2.20 Nannie Talbot, dim. 5 yrs, by Strathmore 2.28 Natchez, bg 2.30 Ned Forrest, blk g, by King's Brandy wine. 2.28^ Ned Wallace, b s, by Taggart's Abdallah.. 2.25 Neli, b 111, by Thomas Jefferson. 2.27 Nelia, b m, by Camden Denmark — 2.26 Nell, blk m 2.29i "Nellie Burns, b m, by Milliman's Belifounder 2.27^ *NdlieG, br m 2.2U Nelh', bill, by Green's Hambletonian. 2.30 NellyG, b m.. 2.30 Nelly Ilolcomb, gr m, by American 2.28 Nelly Irwin, b m, by Middletown 2.25 Nelly K. , blk m, by Mambrino Templar 2.29 Nelly Patclien, b m, bv Alexander - 2 .27^ Nelly Rose, b m, by Henry B. Patchen 2.80 Nelly Walton, b m, by Jules Jurgensen 2.26^ Nelly Webster, br m, by American Ethan. 2.28f Nemo, b g, by John Nelson.. 2.30 Neome, br g, by Post Boy Frank 2 24 Nerea, ch m, by John Nelson _ 2.23^ Neta Medium, b m, by Happy Medium... 2.22| Nettie, b m, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2.18 Nettie Burlew, b m, by King's Champion 2.24 *Nettie R., ch m, by Gen. McClellan, Jr.. 2.19^ Nettie Ward, ch m, by Peavine 2.29^ *Neva, b m, by Stralers Hambletonian 2.23i^ New Berlin Girl, ch m _ 2.29^ Newbrook, blk g, by Wilson's Henry Clay 2.80 Newburg, b g, by Seely's American Star 2.30 126 TROTTERS. Nick, blkg... 2.29i *Nickle, b g, by Oak Hill _.. 2.21 Kigger Baby, blk g, by Yankee Bill 2.27^ Mightingale, b m, by Ericsson... 2.29f Nil Desperandum, b s, by Belmont 2.24 Kino, b g 2.27 Nira Belle, b m, by son of Ethan Alien. 2.29 *Xobby, Jr., b g, by Nobby, by Garard Chief 2.25^ Nonesuch, ch m, by Daniel Lambert.. 2.25| Noontide, gr m, by Harold 2.20| *Nora Temple, b m, by Belmont 2.29| North Star Mambrino, b s, by Mambrino Chief 2.26i iSfovelty, ch m, by Gooding's Champion 2.23i Nutwood, ch s, by Belmont... ._ 2.18| Oakland Maid, cr m, by Speculation 2.22 O'Blenuis, bg, byAbcUillah 2.27| Observer, ch g, by Revenue 2.24|^ Occident, b g, by Dec Z 2.16f Oceana Chief, ch s, by Aldrich Colt... 2.23 Ohio Boy (Henry Chase), bg 2.27f Old Put,^br s, by Clarion 2.30 Onawa, blk s, by Goodwin's Hambletouian 2. 22^1^ Onward, blk s, ty George Wilkes 2.25^- Orange Blossom, "^b s, by Middletown 2 23i Orange Girl, b m, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2.20 Orient, b g, by Smith's "^Mambrino Patchen 2. 24 Orient, ch m, 4 yrs, by Cuyler 2.30 Oscar, br g, by Reserve 2.30 *Ossian Pet, b g, by St. Lawrence. 2.29| ^Ottawa Chief, b s,"o yrs, by Byron 2.25 ^Overman, ch g. by Elmo.!!... "^ 2.19:^ Palma, ch g, bj^ Matchless 2.22| *^Pancoast, b s, by Woodford Mambrino 2.25| Panic (Frank Vernon), b g, by Sherman Black Hawk 2.28 Parana, b m, by Mambrino Hambleionian 2,19^ Parkis Abdallali (Dauntless), b h. by Taggart's Abdallah.. 2.26| Parole, b g, by Prince Fearnaught 2.26| Parrott, b g, by Vermont 2.26' Patch, b g. by Detective Patchen 2.29| Patchen (Orwell Boy), eg 2 .18f *Pathfinder, Jr., br s, by Pathfinder 2.30 Pat Hunt, ch g, by Tecumseh 2.25 Pat McCann, blk g, by Sir George 2.28f Pat Ring, b g 2.28 Peaceful, blk m, by Gen. Knox 2.2G Pearl, b m, by Gentle Breeze 2.80 Pedro, gr g, by Rooney 's Hambletonian 2.2o| Pelham, bg 2.28 TROTTERS. 127 Pembcrton, b g, by Fearnaught, Jr 2.29i Penelope, blue m, by Young Kemble Jackson 2.27 Peralto, ch s, by Hambletouian Prince 2.26^ Peie, bg-.r -. 2.28 • *Phallas, bs, by Dictator 2.15^ Pbil,bg -- 2.23i Phi] D.mdiertv, ch g, by Frank Pierce Jr 2.28 Phi) Dwyer. bg, by Island Chief 2.29^ Phil Sheridan, Vh g, by Swanborough's Creeper 2.26^ Phil Sheridan, br s, by Young Columbus 2.26| *Phil Sheridan Jr, blk s, by Phil Sheridan 2.29^ Phil Thompson, grtr, 3 vrs, by Red Wilkes 2.21 *Phyllis, bin, by Phil Sheridan... 2.17^ Pickarcl,bg, byAbdallah Pdot,.. 2.18^ Pickwick, brg, by Packman's Idol. 2.29i Piedmont, ch s, by Almont 2.17i Pilot, blkg. by Pilot Jr 2.28f Pilot Bov, b g, by Kilmore 2.27f Pilot, G.^T., dn g 2.24 *Pilot Knox, br s. by Black Pilot 2 24i Pilot R, bg, by Black Knight.. ._ 2.21i Pilot Temple, b s, by Pilot Jr 2.24.^ Planter, ch g, by Red Bird.... 2.24^ Pluck, blk g 2.29i Pocahontas, b m, by Ethan Allen 2 26^ PochuckMaid, b m.. 2.30 Point Breeze, b g 2.28^ *Polka Dot, chm, 5 yrs, by Pocahontas Bey 2.28 Pompey , ch g .- 2. 29 Portia, chm, by Startle 2.29^ *Poscora Hay ward, gr s, by Billy Hay ward 2.23|- Post Boy, ch s, by Magic 2.23J Potter, T. J., gr g 2.29i Powers, br g, by Volunteer 2.21 Pratt, brg, by Strideaway 2.28 Preston, dn g, by George Washington 2.28^ Prince (Hartf.,rd), by L. I. Black Hawk 2.24^ Prince, ch g, by Jupiter Abdallah 2.27 Prince, rn or sp g 2.27^- *Prince, b g 2. 23 *Prince, blk g, by Royal Revenge 2.28| Prince Allen, ch s, by Honest Allen 2.36^ Prince Allen, b g, by Woodward's Ethan Allen.. 2.27 Prince Arthur, b g, by Western Fearnaught 2.27^ Prince Arthur, b g, Hy Volunteer 2.29 Prince Charles, ch g .- — 2.30 Princess, b m, by Andrus' Hambletonian 2.30 Princess, blk m, by Dictator 2.29^ 12S TROTTERS. Princton Boy, ch g, by Vermont Boy -.. 2.28 Proctor, blk g, by Harris' Mambrino Chief Jr. 2,23 Professor, b g. .-- ._ 2.27| Prospect Maid, b m, by George Wilkes 2.285 Psospero, blk g, by Messenger Duroc. _ 2.20 Proteine, br m. by Blackwood.. 2.18 Purity, ch m, by Blue Bull ._ 2.30 Quaker Boy, b g 2.28f Queechee Maid, br m, by Ballard's C. M. Clay Jr... 2.25 Queen of the West, gr m, by Pilot Jr 2.26^ Rachel, b m, by Woodford Mambrino.. 2.26f Rachel B., blk m, by Allie West 2.28i Randall, ch g, by Chauucey Goodrich 2 24^ Rarus, b g, by Conklin's Abdallah. 2.I35 Rattler, dng 2.28i Ray Gould, b m, by Jay Gould 2.29^ Red Bird, b 2:, by Chenery's Grey Eagle. 2.27^ Red Bird, bg .'.. 2.30 Red Cloud, b g, by Legal Tender 2.1« Red Cross, ch s, by Brigand 2.21^ Red Cross, b g, by Vankirk's Night Hawk 2.29^ Red Dick, ch g, by Gen. Morgan 2.28 Red Jim, b g, 3 yrs, by Abdallah Pilot 2.30 Red Line, bg 2.25^ Reindeer, blk g 2.29 Reliance, blk s, by Alexander 2. 224- Resolute, b g, by Swigert _ . 2.27| Result, b s, by Jupiter Abdallah 2.25 Reveille, br s, by New York 2.27^ RexPatchen, br s, by Godfrey's Patcheu 2.30 Rhode Island, br s, by White'hall 2.23^ Richard, ch g, by Blue Bull 2.21 Richmond, blk 2:, by Gen. Lyon 2.26 Richwood, bg.r 2.27 Rienzi, b g, by Erie Abdallah 2.2oi ^Rifleman, b g, by the Pratt Horse, son of Rexford's Black Hawk 2.29i Rigolette, b m, by Exchequer 2.29^ Riley, b g, by Enoch 2.30 Ripon (Tete Matthews), br s, by Ira Allen 2.25 Rip Rap, br g, by Mambrino Brave 2.28^ Ripton, b g, by American Boy 2.29| Rival, gr s. by Whiteside's Black Hawk 2.30 Roanoke Mii'd, b m 2.30 Robert H., b g 2.29^ Robert Lee, blk g, by Ridley Horse 2.23 *Rober McGregor, ch s, by Major Edsall 2.17^ Robert B. Thomas, ch g, by Prince Allen 2. 25 TROTTERS. 139 *Ilobin, gr g, by Enfield 2.26^ Rockingham, grg ._ 2.251 Rockton, b g, by Highland Beauty 2.25^ Roger Hanson, gr s, by Alta... 2 28^ Roland, b s, by Crown Chief 2.28 *Rolla, ch g, by Shelby Chief 2.27^ Rolla Golddust, br g, by Golddust. 2.25 Romance, blk m, 4 yrs, by Princeps 2.29^ Romeo, b R, by Menelaus 2.29|- Romero, gr s, 5 yrs, by A. W. Richmond. 2.19^ Rosalind, b m, by Alexander's Abdallah 2.21 f Rosalind, grm 2.29:^ Rosa Wilkes, b m, by George Wilkes 2 18^ Rose Medium, b m, by Happy JMedium... 2.26i Rose Standish (Maud O.), b m, by Corbeau_ 2.29 Rose of Washington, gr m, by Green's Bashaw 2.21f Rosewood, br m, by Blackwood 2.27 *Rosew-ood, b s, by Creole 2.28^ Ross, sptd g .- 2.29f Royal George, grg, by Black Eagle 2.26^ RoyalJohn, gr g, by Woodstock 2.26^ R. P., bg, by Happy Medium 2.22^ Rufus, brg, by Bacon's Ethan Allen 2.29 Russell, gr g, by Blue Bull 2.26 Russ Ellis, b g, by Bacon's Ethan Allen 2.27^ Russian Spy, bg 2.26^ Rustic, gr s, by Whipple's Hambletonian 2.30 Rutledge, b g. by Conqueror... 2.30 Sadie Belle, ch m, by Odin Bell 2.24 Sadie H., b m, by Williams' St. Lawrence 2.30 Sadie Howe, b m, by Mambrunello 2.26 St. Charles, sp g, by Grey Eagle 2.26 '^St. Cloud, b s, by Conklin's American Star 2.20.^ St. Elmo, grg, by Brown Harry. 2.29^ St. Elmo, br s, by Alexander's Abdallah 2.30 St. Gothard, b s, by George Wilkes. 2.29 St. Helena, b m, by Gen. McClellan 2.27i St. James, b g, by Gooding's Champion 2.23^ St. Julieu, b g, by Volunteer 2.1li St. Louis, b g, by Colossus Mambrino 2.25 St. Remo, br g, by Volunteer 2 28^ *Sally Benton, gr f, 3 yrs, by Gen. Benton 2.30 Sally Scott, b m, by Magna Charta. 2.28i Sam Bruno, b g, by George M. Patchen, Jr 2.25^ Sam Curtis, b g, by Winthrop Morrill 2.28 SamPurdy, b s, by George M. Patchen, Jr 2.20^ Sam West, bg, by Davy Crocket 2.29 Sannie G., grm, by Almont 2.27 9 130 TROTTERS, Santa Claus, b s, by Strathmore 2.17] *Saturn, bs, by Satellite - 2.23 *Scandinavian, b g, by Yermont Black Hawk, Jr... 2.27 *ScliuYball, b g, by Gooding's Champion 2. 26^ Schuyler, b s, 5 yrs, by Seneca Chief 2. 26 Sciola, b m, by Hansliaw Horse 2.23| Sciota Belle, br m 2.28 Scotland, blk g, by Bonnie Scotland... .-. 2.22^ Scotland Maid"(George M.), b ra, by Hambletonian 2.28^ Scott's Chief, b g, by son of Edwin Forrest 2.23 Scolt's Thomas, "b s,'by Gen. George H. Thomas 2.21 Sea Foam, gr ra, by Youna: Columbus _ 2.24| Selkirk, br s t -- ---- 2.29^ Sensation, b g, by Dixon's Ethan Allen 2. 22^ Sentinel, b s, l3y"^Rysdyk's Hambletonian... 2.29| Shadow (Ayer), b g, by Gen. Lightfoot 2.28 Shakespeare, b s, i3y Honest AlFen 2.80 Shamrock, gr g, by Sampson 2.28 Shepherd Boyrgr g, by Woodward's Ethan Allen 2.23^- Shepherd Knapp, Jr , by Shepherd F. Knapp 2.27f Sheridan, b g, by Edward Everett 2.20^ ♦Sherman, brs, by George Wilkes 2.23^ Sherman Morgan, Jr., b s^, by Sherman Morgan 2.29 Silas Kick, ch ff, by Youns: Priam -.. 2.24| *Silas AYright,"b s," by DeGralf's Alexander.. 2.28i Silky B., ch g, by Ely's Tornado, Jr 2.80 Silver. 2.30 Silver Duke, gr s, by Iron Duke.. 2.28| Silversides, gr g, by Scott's Hiatoga 2.22 Silverton, b g, by Blue Bull 2.20^ Simon, ch g, by son of Ethan Allen.. 2.30 Sinbad, bff_ 2.291 Sir Guy, bg, 4 yrs, by The Moor 2,28^ Sir Walter, b g, by Abdallah 2.27 Sir Walter, ch s, by Aberdeen 2.25^ Sir William y>'allace, b s, by Robinson Horse 2.27^ Sisson Girl, blk m, by McCracken's Black Hawk 2.28^ Sister, b f, 4 yrs, by^ldmiral.. 2.291 Skinkle's Hambletonian, b s, by Gage's Logan 2.28| Sleepy Bill, br g 2.26 Sleepy George, ch g 2.29 *Sleepy Joe, br g, by Joe Thompson 2.19^ Sleepy John, bg 2.24^ Sleepy Tom, b g, by Blazing Star 2.28^ Sligo, b g, by Hone^st Dan - 2.30 Slow Go, rn g, by Sharatack, Jr 2.18^ Small Hopes, b g, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 2.26^^ *Smith O'Brien, b s, by Sweepstakes 2.29:^ TROTTERS. 131 Smuggler, br s, by Blanco 2.15^ *Smuggler's Daughter, b m, 5 yrs, by Smuggler _ 2.29| Snow Ball, wh g... , 2.27:^ Socrates, rn g, by Socrates 2.27| Solo, b m, 5 yrs, by Strathmore.. 2.28^ Sooner, b g, by Hambletonian Rattler _ 2.24 Sophia Temple, br ra, by Rattler 2.27 Sorrel Dapper (Auburn Horse), eh g, by King's Champion 2!28i So-So,b m, by George Wilkes ._ 2.17:i- Spider, rng.. _ 2.30 Spinella, br m, by Louis Kapoleon 2.30 Spotted Colt, sp g , __ 2 25^ *Spudress, b m, by King Phillip.. 2.2o|- Star, b g, by Aberdeen 2.25^ Star, ch g, by Conkling's American Star 2.30 Star of the West, blk s, by Jackson's Flying Cloud 2.261 Startle, blk s, by Andrews' Horse 2,26.^ Starr King, dn s, by George M. Patchen, jr 2.22' Stein way, b c, 3 yrs, by STrathmore.. _ 2.25f Stella Blake, br m, by Pequawket 2.25| Stella C, b m, by Aberdeen 2.27^ Stephanus, b s, by Bajardo _ _ 2.28-^ ■^Stephen G., bg by Knickerbocker 2.23| Stephen M., b g 2.29 Steve Maxwell, gr g, by Ole Bull, jr-.".".""''"""!"^'.'" 2.'21+ Stewart Maloney, b g, by Charles E. Loew. 2.27' Stonewall, cb g, by Frank Pierce III.,. 2.24t *Stormer, b s, by Surprise 2.29^- Stranger, gr g, by Eaton Horse 2.30 Stranger, bg 2.30 *Stranger, ch g, by Alta 2.25 *Stranger, b g, by Mambrino Hambletonian 2.22|- Stranger, gr g, by Selim... 2.28 *Strathlan, br s, by Strathmore... 2.29^ Strathmore, b g _ 2.30 Strideaway, br g... _. 2.2>*^ Strong, H. M., ch g, by Bay Middleton.. 2.25| Sucker Maid, wh m, by Robinson's Rockaway. .._ 2.29^ Sue Grundy, br m, by Getaway..., 2.25^ Sunbeam, bm 2.30' Sunnyside, blk m VJ^. . SJW"^S^J[ 2.30 *Sunshine, ch s, by Curtis' Hambletonianl"."""."."!!!"*^! 2^30 Surprise, gr g, by Say re's Harry Clay 2.26 Susie, ch m, by Hampshire Hoy 2.21 Susie, ch m, by George M. Patchen, Jr 2.26^ Susie Parker (Ellen), b m, by Henry B. Patchen 2.25i Sussex, blk g, by Dunn'sStar.. 2:30 Swtetbrier, gr m, by Eugene Casserly 2.26;^ 132 TROTTERS. Sweetheart, br m, 3 yrs, by Sultan 2 33^ Sweet Home, ch m, 5 yrs, by Milliman's Bellfounder 2.30 Sweetness, b m, by Volunteer 2.21^ T. A, bg, by Sentinel _. 2.26 Tackey (Polly) gr m, by Pilot, Jr. 2.26 Tacony, rn g, by Sportsman.. 2.27 Tamarack, gr g, by Jim Hawkins.. 2.28| Tanner Bov^, gr g, by Edward Everett 2.22^ Tariff, b s,"'by Clarion Chief... 2.20^ Tartar, b g, by Royal George 2.28^ Tattler, b s, by Pilot Jr 2.26 Taylor, rn g, by Johnny B 2.26| Taylor, W. H., ch g, by Crawford Horse 2.29^ *Tecnmsch, ch s, by Mambrino Gift 2.29| Tennessee (Dora Thayer) br m, by Commodore 2.27 *The King, blk s, by George Wilkes 2.29^ Thomas, J. B, b s, by Sterling. 2.18| Thomas, J. W, ch g, by Scott's Thomas 2.27| Thomas, W. K., gr g, by Osceola 2.26 Thomas Jefferson, blk s, by Toronto Chief 2.23 Thomas L. Young, ch g, by Well's Yellow Jacket 2.199- Thornedale, b s, by Alexander's Abdallah 2.22:^ Ticonic, b g, by Milwaukee 2.27$ *Tilton Almont, b s, by Almont ., 2.28 Timothy, b g, by Young Hindoo 2.26$ Tola.grm ." 2.29^ Tolu Maid (Neitie C), br m, by son of Red Bird 2.23^ Tom B. Palchen, br s, by Churchill Horse 2.27^ Tom Britton, b g, by Mambrunello 2.26 Tom Brown, ch g, by Adam's Bald Chief 2.27^ Tom Hendricks, gr g, by Tom Hunter 2.30 Tom Hendricks, b g, by Tom Rolf 2.25 Tom Keel er, b g, by Jersey Star 2.25 Tom Malloy, blk g. by Phil Sheridan 2.27 TomMedley, b gV. 2.27f Tom Moore, b s, by Jupiler Abdallah 2.28 Tommy Dodd, rn g, by Alexander 2.24 Tommy Gates, br g. by The Moor 2.24 Tommy Norwood, b g, by JM or wood. 2.26| ''Tom Rogers, blk s, by George Wilkes 2.23| Tom Walter, ch g, by Grey Messenger 2.29 Tom Wonder, br g .., 2.27 •^Tony Newell, b g, by Clark Chief 2.19^ Topsy, br m, 5 yrs, by Skinkle's Hambletonian 2.30 Topsy, brm, by Walkill Chief 2.21| Toronto Chief Jr, br s, by Toronto Chief 2 26i *Toronto Maid, blk m, by Captain. 2.30 Trampoline, ch m, by Tramp ^ 2 23| TROTTERS. 133 Traveler (Grit), cli g, by Flying Morgan 2 27i Tremout. bs, by Belmont 2.28|- Trinket, b m, by Princeps 2.14' Trio, b m, by Volunteer 2 23^ Troubadour, bik g, by Revenge 2.19i ^Troublesome, br in, by ^Messenger Duroc 2. 29^ *Tucker, ch g, by Strathmore 2.19^ Tump Winston, ch g. by Primus 2.25i Twang (John A Logan)rb g, by Hanley's Hiatoga 2 28i Twilight, ffr m, by Washington Jackson 2.27 Una, bm.Xv Almont. 2 29^ Uncle Da ve,"^ spt g, by Mott'a Independent 2.26^ Unknown, ch g 2 23 Unolala, bm, by Volunteer ._ 2.22:Jr UpandUp, bg 228 *Urbana Belle, br m, by Gen. Washington. 2 29i: Valliant, bs, by Enchanter.. _ 2.28i Valley Boy, bg, by Aberdeen 2 24i- Valley Chief, grs, by Phil Sheridan 2.25 Vanderlynn, b s, by George M. Patchen, Jr 2.22 Vanity Fair, br g, by Albion 2.24^ Venture, ch s, by Belmont.. 2.27^ Versailles Girl, b m, by Swift's Stephen A. Douglass 2.28} Victor, blk s, by Gen. Knox 2 23 Victor,.brs 2 29i Village Girl, ch m, by son of L I. Black Hawk 2 28 Viola (Hattie), br m, by Morgan Prince 2 28 Vivandiere, br m, by Sentinel - 2 26i VividCbg, by Schuyler Colfax. 2 28ir ^Vision, bm, byEdsall's Clay 2.2fii *Vladimer, ch g, by Wood burn Pilot 2.28^ Volnc-y, bg, by Volunteer _.. 2 23 Voltaire, br s, by Tattler.. 2.21 Volunteer, br s, by Gen. Dana. 2 27 Volunteer Maid, b m, by Volunteer .2 27 Von Arnim, bs, by Sentinel 2 19|- Vulcan, blk g, by Green Mountain Banner. _ 2 25 Wagner's Bashaw, b s, by Green's Bashaw. _ 2.25^ Waiting, be, 4 yrs, by Lexington Chief Jr 2.25f *Wallace. b g, by Whalebone Knox 2 29i Walnut, b s. bv Florida 2 22^ Walter, chg-.: 2 29^ Warrior, br g, by Indian Chief 2 2G Warwick, b s, by Ethan Allen.. - 2 29^ Webber, br g, by Como Chief 2 28 Wedge wood, br s, by Belmont 2.19 Wellesley Bov, br g, by Godfrey's Patchen 2 26^ Western, b g," by Swift's S. A. Douglass 2 30 * Western, ch g, by Tramp Dexter.. 2 25:1 134 TROTIERS, "Western Boy (John Feio), b g 2.371 Western New York, b g, by Nonpareil 2. 29 Westfield, ch g, by Whipple's Hambletonian 2.26^ West Liberty, ch g, by Wapsie 2 28 *Westmont,''b s, by Colonel West _. 2.27| Whalebone, bg 2.29 -^Whirlwind, b g, by Whirlwind 2.27^- White Cloud, wh g, by Joe Brown 2.25f White Line, gr s 2.30 W hite Stockings, b g, by son of Commerce 2.21 Wick, bg, by Justin Morgan. 2.30 Widow Machree, ch ni, by Seely's American Star 2.29 Wilbur F., blk g, by Hinsdale Horse _ 2.24^ Wildair, b g, by Sherman Morgan, Jr _ 2.23 Wildflower, b f, 2 yrs. by Electioneer _ . 2.21 Wild Lily, b m, by Daniel Lambert. 2.24 Wild Oats, br g, by Green's Bashaw 2.29A Wildwood, br s, by Blackwood.. 2.30 ^Will Benham, b g, by Whip Clay 2.24f Will Cody, bg, by Blue Bull .- 2.19^ William H., b g, by Sampson. - 2.29 William H , b g, by Young Wilkes.. 2.18^ * Willis Woods, b g, by Rescue. 2.25 •^Wilson, bg, by George Wilkes 2.16ir *Winnie Wick, blk m, by Swigert 2.26^ Winthrop Morrill, Jr., blks, by Metacomet 2.27 Wizz, bg, by Roscoe 2.28f Woodchuck, b s, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief 2.30 Woodford Chief, b s, 5 yrs, by Clark Chief 2.22i. Woodford Z. , b g, by Capt. Beaumont - 2.2^ *Woodlake, b g, by Darlbay.. 2 27^ Wolford Mambrino, br s, by Mambrino Chief 2.21^ Wooley, C W, b g, by Crazy Nick - 2.22^ YankeeSam.bg 2.27 Yellow Dock (Mohawk Chief), ch m, by Clark's Mohawk. 2.20f York State, b g, by Gooding's Champion 2.23|: Young. J. S,bg,..-- ... 2 29^ Young Brun o. br g, by Ry sdy k's Hambletonian -. 2. 22f Young Buchanan, b s, by Buchanan II 2.29^ Youns Columbus, b g, by Y^'oung Columbus 2.30 *Young Fullerton, ch s, by Edward Everett - 2.20|- Young Magna, b g, by Magna Charta - 2.29 Y^cung Rattler, br g, by Pathfinder... - 2 80 Y''oung Sentinel, b s, by Sentinel 2.26 Y'oung Wilkes, blks, by George Wilkes - 2.28| Zelda, b m, by Tattersall'a Hambletonian .- 2.29i Zephyr, ch s 2 29i Zephyr, b m, by son of Ethan Allen 2.30 *ZoeB., chm, by Blue Bull - 2.20^ PACERS. 135 List of 2:30 Pacers, Complete to tlie Close of (Horses that got their " mark" in 1883 are designated thus: *) Abe Johnson, grg 2.29 Ace of Clubs, rn g, by Sam Hazzard _ 2.24^ Ace of Diamonds, bg 2.28^ Aggie Downs, b m 2. 29 Albany Boy, ch g, by Sam Hazzard 2.20 AllieBeil, b m, by Tempest Jr 2.29^ *American Boy, b s, by Pocahontas Boy 2.29 Americus, b 2: 2.24^ Andrew J. Polk, ch g 2.26| Andy Mellon, b g (Dayy Crocket) 2.25i Annie Boyd, b m _ _ 2.20i Badge r, b s (Badger Boy"), by Kerr's Bashaw 2. 29- Bald Hornet, ch s, by Red Buck 2.21 Bay Billy, b g 1 2.14 Bay Bob, b g 2.25 Bay Jim, bg 2.21f Bay Lucy, b m 2.30 Bay Sally, b m, by Gosnell's Tom Crowder 2.20 BayTom.bg.. 2.26 Belle Hamill, bm.. 2.30 *Belle Mahone, b m, by Finches' St. Lawrence 2.24| Ben Butler, br g, by St. Clair. 2.19|- Ben Hamilton, b g, by DeWitt's Norman 2.16^ BenHigdon, ch g, by Abdallah _ 2.27 *Bessie M., blk m, by Pocahontas Boy... 2.21f Betty Walker, bm 2.30 Bill White, rng.. ., 2.30 Billy Boyce, b g, by Corbeau... _ 2.19 Billy BuUon, grg 2.29i Billy C, b g 2.25| Billy Hopper (Billy Hooper), gr g 2.24i Billy Hotspur, ch s. 2.24 Billy Larkin, bg _. 2.27 *Billy M., ch g, by Clear Grit, dam by Toronto Chief 2.24^ Billy Mayo, gr sr .. 2.20 *Billy N., ch g,''Ne w Ross, Ind., Aug. 16 2 30 *Billy N., bg, at Red Wing, Minn., Aug. 23 2.22.^ *Billy S., bg, by Corbeau 2.16f *Billy Scott, ch g, by Billy Green 2.21 136 PACERS. *Black Basscnsrer', blk s, by Old Legal Tender 2.29f Black Cat, blkm 2.29 Black Jack, blk g.. 2.20i *IMack Rainbow, blk g, by A Rainbow 2.30 Black Shy, blk g ^... 2.30 Black Weasel, blk g, by Longfellow 2.26f *Bright Light, br s, by Legal Tender 2. 29 *Brown Prince, br g 2.27-| *Buck Dickerson, cli g, bv Red Buck 2.27 *Buckskin, dn g 1...1 2.27 Buckskin, dn s 2.28 Buffalo Girl, b m, by Pocahontas Boy 2.12i *Bursrher , b g .2.30 *CaliWnia Girl, b m 2.29| Capitola, ch m 2.25.^ Capt. Dan, bg._ 2.24^ Capt. Dan, b g, by son of Scott's Hiatoga 2 26 *Capt. Jack, bs. 2.24a Capt. Kinnev, b g ..2.25 Capt. Walker, ch s 2.27.^ Carrie T., b m. by Sam Hazzard 2.28^ Cayuga Maid, b m _ 2.28 Centreville Maid, bm... 2.25.^ Change, b g 2.19 Charley, blk g 2.27 Charley Evans (Isaac B. Loder), rng 2.21|- Charley F,b g 2.28 Charley H., b g 2.21 ^Charley Harvey, b g (to saddle) 2.29^ *Chestnut Star, ch s 2 22 *Chief, b g 2.24* Chieftain.be: 2.28^ Clara D.,rn m 2.29} Clinker, blk s, by Sam Hazzard-. 2.20 Coldwater Billy, gr g. 2.23 Col. Dickev. b g, by Strathmore 2 27.^ Comet, gr^g 2.22 Comet, gr m. 2.21^ Commodore, b g — . 2.27 Conlisk's (James Conlisk and Jack), rn g _ 2 27 Copperbottom, rn g 2.19 Corette. b m, by Winthrop _ 2.19 Cotton Picker, ch m , 2.27^ Creole, br m 2.30 Crown Point, wh g 2.26 *Cvclone, bg. 2.29^ *Daisy D, blk m, by Black Steer... _ 2.22^ Dan Maboney, rn s 2.Ll} PACERS. 137 0an Miller.- ch g 2.23 Dan Rice (Dennis Kearney), b g, by Signal 2.21^ Dan Rice, rn g 2.28 Dan Voorhees, gr g. 2.19^ Dan Webster, b g. 2.29i Daniel Webster, ch g. 2.25^ Dave,bg .- 2.27 Defiance, br g, by Chieftain... 2.24 Dexter, ch g, by Woodward's Ethan Allen _ 2. 29 Dido, bm. by Scott's Hiatoga 2.23^ Dixie.gr m 2.29i Doc Snyder, b g, by Wild Tom 2.27i *DoctorM., blk g 2.27 Dolly Spanker, b m 2.27 *Don Cameron, grg 2.24^ Drover, bg 2.28 *Eddie C, b g, by Happy Medium.... _. 2.22* *EddieD., grg, by Accidental. 2.17i Edwin A, b g.. 2 25 *Edwin Frost, b g 2.30 Ella Davis, b m 2.30 Emma,ch m 2.29 Estelle, b m, by Scott's Hiatoga. 2.231- *Etta C, bm, by Hampshire Boy 2.29J Fanny Ellsler, gr m 2.27^ Fanny Fern, b m 2.28f *Fannie Golddust, ch m, by son of Golddust, dam by Red Buck 2.25A Felix, rn g, by Dictator 2.24^ Fisherman (Svvindle), bg 2.21 Fleetfoot, br ra 2.25 Fiitterfoot, ch s 2.24^ Flora, bm.by Chieftain 2.30 *Flora Bell, brm, by Stuker's Rainbow 2.12.A Flying Hiatoga, Jr.,br s, by Flying Hiatoga 2.25i Frank, ch g 2.27:^ Frank Pierce, ch g 2.23f *Frank W., dag....... 2.28i *Fred Akermun, bg 2 26^ Frederick, grg... 2.29| P>ed Johnson, grg 2.26 Fred Wormley, bg.. 2.29 *Fritz, gT g 2.24Jr ^Fuller, b g, by Clear Grit 2.13f *Gem. b m, by Tom Rolfe 2.13| Gen. Taylor, br g 2.26 *GeorgcG., dn g, by Flying Dutchman 2.23i *George Gordon, ch s, by Gen. Hardee 2.27^ 138 PACERS. *GidcoD, grg 3.29i Granger, ch g, by Tom Crowdcr... 2.24 Granger Pete, grg 2.23 *Gray Frank, grg, by Haywood Chief 2.26 Grey Dan, gr g 2.24| Grey Dick, gr s ._ 2.26^ Grey Eagle, grg 2.25 Grey Harry, gr s, by Tempest 2.26^ *GvpsieJoe, brg... 2.30 Gypsy, b g, by Scott's Hiatoga 2.28^ Oypsy Queen^blk m _ 2.24 Gypsy Koan, mm. _ 2.25 Handy Andv, rn g.... 2.29^ Harrv, bg 2.19f Harry D., bg 2.28 Harry Goodrich (Nigger Boy), bg, by Cadmus 2.25| Heffner's blk g 2.30 Hendricks, T. A. (Tom Hendricks), bg 2 29 Hero, gr g, by Harris' Hambletonian 2.20^ Highjack, ch g 2.251 Hiram Tracy, b g, by Tecumseh. 2.22^ Honest Jim, br g, by Dillon Horse 2.281 Honesty, bg .- 2.28 HoosierDick, bg 2 19 HoosierSam, b g 2.24^ HoosierTom, b g, by Tom Hal 2.19^ Horace Greelev, brg... 2.22 Humming Bird, ch m, by St. Clair 2.30 Innocent Sam, b g. 2.27| IrishMoll, blk m. .-... 2.28i Jack Evans, brg 2.29^ ■^Jack Hart, ch g, by American Boy 2. 23:^ •*Jack Rapid, gr s, bv Jack Rapid.'. 2.25 James K.Polk, ch g 2 27 Jeff Davis, brg 2.25f Jenny Lind, chm 2.28 Jerry 2.30 Jim Brovrn, chg 2.17^ *Jim Jewell, b g, by Aberdeen 2.19^ JimMcCue, bs, by St. Clair.... 2.18 Joe Bowers, Jr. , b g, bv Joe Bowers 2.25J *Joe Braden, b g, by Bull Gopher.. 2.20^ JoeCoburn .-. 2.30 Joe Gates, gr g. 2.23i Joe Hooker, blk s _ 2 30 *Joe Lewis, grg 2.29f Joe Wilson, bg 2.24f John Burke, bg _ 2.26 PACERS. 139 Jonn Burnett, clig. 2.30 *John H.,chg- 2.29 John Heenan, b g, by Henry Clay (pacer) 2.25 John (Jim) McKinney, rn g. 2.23 John ]\IcN air, b g 2.23| John Schoncliin, chg... _ 2.25;^ *Johnson, foaled 1877 by Basbaw Golddust, son of Billy Bashaw, said to be a son of Green's Bashaw. Bashaw Golddu.<=;t'3 dara by Champion Golddust. Johnson's dam, chestnut mare by Ned Forrest ; second dam, by Steele's KGntucky Hunter. Ned Forrest, by Alexan- der's Edwin Forrest ; dam by Young Sir Henry 2. 10 John Towle, b g "". / 2.26 Johnny Weigle, b g 2.20^ *Jordan, dig, by son of Scott's Hiatoga 2.26 Jo4e, brm.- 2.30 Katie F., dn m 2.27i Keno, br g 2.30 KillbuckTom, ch s. 2.26 *Kismet, b g, by Capt. Walker _ 2.24| Lady Alice, b m. ___ 2.29 Lady Bevins, rnm 2.26 Lady Gray, gr m 2.25 *Lady Lightfoot, br m, by Strathmore 2.27^ Lady Mac, rnm.. 2.25^ *Lady Mack, b m, by son of Hamerick's Hambletonian, dam by Mambrino Templer.. 2.29 Lady Ryan, bm _.. ...2.28 Lady St. Clair, b m, by St. Clair 2.20 *Lady Win, bm 2.28f Lamplighter, ch m » _ 2.23| *Laura J. , blk m, by Legal Tender, Jr 2 .27^ Legal Tender, bs 2 28 *Leviathan, ch g _ 2.24 Limber .Lack, b g, by Tom Hal.. 2.18^ Limber Jim, ch g 2.26" Lincoln, ch g, by Tempest Jr _ __ 2.23| *Link, bg _ 2.23^ Little Brown Jug, br g, by Gibson's Torn Hal... 2.1l| Little Ed, grg 2.27 *Little Jennie, blk m _ 2.26^ Little Mac, bg 2.22 *Little Ned, b g, by Hotspur Jr, 2.24^ *Little Wi;lie, sp g _ 2 24 Longfellow, ch g, by Red Bill. 2.19^ *Lone Jack, br g... _ _ 2.19 Lotta, rn m 2.25^ *Lottie P., bm, by Blue BuUc?) 2.24^ Louisa, rnm 2.29^^ 140 PACERS. Lucy, gr m, by Sligo... 2.14 lilagoozler, gr g 2.20| Marie Scott, b m, by Scott's Hiatoga - 2.24 Mattie Hunter, ch m, by Prince Pulaski 2.r2| MinnieN, b m 2.25 Ned, gr s... ---. 2.25 Ked, bg - - 2.28 Ned Forrester, ch g, by Young Forrester 2.23| *Nellie Shaw, ch m 2.27 Nelly Davis, b m, by Kremer's Eainbow 2.24:^ Nelly Gray, gr m 2.24 *Nettle Keenan, br m, by Geo. Gordon 2.27 *Nigger, blk g 2. 30 Nimrod, ch e, by Missouri Chief. — 2.19| Noondav, bg.. 2.27 Oddfellow, ch g 2.28^ *Ohio Maid, b m 2.28 Onward, blk g, bv Chieftain 2.24| Ouida. b m, by Black Hawk 2.24 Pacific, ch ff/- 2.28 Pedro, b gSl - 2.30 Pet, rng 2.28| Pete Whetstone, bg ..- 2.22 Pocahontas, ch m, by Iron's Cadmus ._ 2.20 Pompev Jones, gr g _ 2.28^ *Prince, br g 2.26 *Princess, b m, by Pocahontas Boy 2.19^ Prussian Maid, b m, by Siacnal 2.19 Queen of the West, dn m,1 -.. 2.28f Rattling Jim, b g, by Flying Hiatoga 2.23| Red Bill, bg 3.2i| *Richball, br g, by King Pharoab, son of Seely's Ameri- can Star, dam"^bv Little Arthur, son of Imp! Glenco.. 2.12^ Roanoke, rn g, by Old Pilot 2 26 *Rostrever, gr g,'by Cutters Davy Crockett 2.26^ Rowdy Boy, blk g.- -. 2.13f Sailor Boy, rn ff, by Smuacgle Jr 2.17i Sallie, b m, by Tom Crowder .- 2.2H *Sallie B., blk m 2.25 Sallie Morris, bm 2.20 Sam Slick, b g 2.28 Sealskin, blk g 2.26^ Shackleford, rn g _ 2.20^ *Shaker. bg -.- 2.25| Shaker Boy, b g ___ 2.27^ Sherman, b g 2.2T Silas, gr g 2.27 Silvertail, b m 2.26f Silvertail, ch g 2.26 PACERS. 141 ♦^Silvertail, gr g. by Tempest Jr, dam Red Buck 2.21| Simcoe, b s, by Signal 2.26 Skinner Dick, ch g .- 2.27 Sleepy Bill, b g... 2.22^ Sleepy Bill, grg 2.30 Sleepy David, rn g ..- 2.29| Sleepy George, b g, by Belmont Bill .- 2.15 Sleepy John , b g -- 2. 30 Sleepy Tom, chg, by Tom Rolf 2.12i Sorrel Billy, ch g, by Scott's Hiatoga ^.. 2.20 Sorrel Dan, ch g, by Red Buck -. 2.14 Sorrel Frank, ch g 2.25i Stella - 2.29 Stocking Leg, grm.. - 2.29^ Stonewall, ch g, by Blue Bull. 2.28 Straightedge, grg. 2.24^ Sucker State, b g 2.23 Sweeper, gr g 2.23^ iSweetzer, gr g, .by Gosnell's Tom Crowder 2.15 Tecumseh, chg.. .- '.--- 2.20^ *Thunder, ch g, by Hardee 2.22^ Tippecanoe, ch g - - 2.29 Tom Parker, br g 2.30 Tom Smiley, chg -.. 2.30 Topsy, blk m 2.25^ Trifle, rn g _ 2.28i *Truro, b g, by Hamlet, dam by Marshall Chief 2.22| *TuckerB.,bg -. ---- 2.30 Unknown, gr m... -- 2.23 * Vasco, b g, by Copperbottora 2. 26| Velocipede, b g --- 2.27:| ^Victor, bg - 2.281 Victor, grg... 2. 28 Village Boy, rn g 2.25 Wake Up Jake, brg... 2.30 "Warrior, b g, by Warrior... -- 2.22^ Washington, b g ..- 2.20 Washington, blk s, by Bucephalus 2.26^ Washington Maid, ohm 2. 26 *Westmont, ch g, l)y Almont 2.15| *Wild Frank, bg 2.25^ William C, bg 2.21| Winder, ch g, by Whitehall -.- 2.21 Wiscon.siQ Chief, gr g - - 2.27 Wonder, gr g ^ 2.26 Wonderful, b g, by l.egal Tender Jr.. .-. 2.25^ Wyandotte Chief, gr g.. 2.30 Yankee Sam, dn g 2.2.51- Young America, brg, by Vt. Black Uawk , 2.23 143 TROTTERS. List of 2:30 Trotters that Obtained a Record in 1883, Omitted in Preceding List. Goldfinder, gv s, Council Bluffs, Iowa, July 3 ..3.27f Gen. Lee, blk s, by Gen. Knox, at Wintersett, la., July 3_..2.30 Jack Splan, b b, by Almont, Paris, Ky., Sept.* 7 2.30 John H., ch g, by Dau'l Lambert, at Sweetsburg, P. Q. June 23 2.25 Kate Jordan, b m, Parkville, L. I., Oct. 9 _ 2.30 Lizzie D,, br m, by Royal Revenge, at Youngstown, O., July 4- 2.30 May Bird, b m, by Blue Bull, at Columbus, O., Sept. 6 2.30 Nino, gr m, by Deucalion, A.lbany, N. Y., Oct. 21 2.30 Pearl, b m, by Regulus, Albany, K Y., Sept. 3 _2.29i Prince, b g, Hartford, Ct., June 13 _ 2.26 Princess, ch m., Boston, Mass., July 24 _ 2.27^ Roscoe, br s, by Rescue, Vincennes, Ind., May 17 2.25 Ruby, br m, by Sultan, San Gabriel, Cal., __ ...2.24 Sheridan, br g, Watertown, N. Y., Aug. 28 2.29^ Stuart, b s, (4) by Strathmore, at Maysvilie, Ky., Sept. 20. .2.38 Superb Prince, by Hambletonian Prince _ 2.26 Tanner Girl, ch m, at Providence, R. L, Oct. 13, -.2.25| Sweepstakes, Jr., b g, by Kentucky Prince, Goshen, N. Y., June 7 2.27|- Texas Bill, gr g, at Fort Worth, Texas, Nov. 21...... 2.29^ Ottawa Chief, b s, by Bvron, Chicago, ill., Oct 9. ..2.25 Durango, br s, by Strader's C. M. Clay^ Jr., at Chicago, DL, Oct. 10 2.23f TROTTERS. Trotters that Obtained Records of 2:30, or "better, during i (With previous records), date and place of performance. Former ■ New Record. Record. 2.40 Abby, b m, by Geo. Wilkes, dam by American Star, at Ham- burij, N. Y., Sept. 26 2.27 2.35>^ Atlantic, blk e. bv Almont, dam by Kentucky Clay, at East Saginaw, Mich., Aug. 29, 2d heat 2.24^4 Norec. Almont Eagle, blks, by Almont, dam Mag Ferguson, by Mam Chief, ac Providence, R. I., Sept. 30, 1st heat 2.27 Alicia, b m, by Geo. Wilkes, dam the dam of Alcantara and Aleyone, at Lexington, Ky 2.29 2.39Ji Aileen Almont, b m. by Hamlin's Almont, Jr., dam by Rattler, (501), at Belmont Park, Oct. 22 2.27^4 No rec. Alert, b g, by Ensign, son of Enchanter, at Des Moines, Iowa, Sept. 3 2.28'/^ 3.07 Antevolo, br s (3), by Electioneer, dam by A. W. Richmond, at Sacramento, Ca!., Sept. 11 2.29% 2.341.4 Albert France, b g. by Geo. Wilkes, dam by Hambletomack, at Providence. R. I., Sept. 12. Qd heat 2.21^, 2.42J^ Artillery, br s, by Ry^dyk's Hambletonian, dam Wells' Star, by by Star, Narragansett Park. July 24 2.21^^, 2.43 A. V. Pantland, b g. by Hamlet, dam Truro's dam, by the Marshall Chief, at Cleveland, O., Aug. 2 2.20^ No rec. All.ndin. br s, by Jay Gould, dam by Price's St. Lawrence, at Boston, Mass., Jnly 9 2.27^^ 2.40 Alfretta, b m, by Mam. Gift, dam by Night Hawk, at East Saginaw, Mich.. Aug. 27 2.2614 2.84J4 Amy King (5), ch m, by Mam. King, dam by Kentucky Clay, at Chicago, III., Sept. 9 2.28^^ No rec. Allegro, b s, by Swigert, bv Alexander's Norman, dam by Goldsmith's Abdallah, at Janesville, Wis., Oct. 4 2.30 Alpha, b g, by , at Dubuque, la. July 25 2.30 2.33 Anteos, b s, by Electioneer, dam Antevolo's dam, at Bay Dis- trict Course, San Francisco, driven by Jno. A. Goldsmith— 2.24 2.313^ Abner F, b g, by Little Arthur, at Topeka, Kan., Sept. 12, con- trolled by G. W. Fenn 2 i^X 2.33X Adrian, b s (5), by Reliance, dam Adriana, by Shanandoah, Omaha, Oct. 8 2.29^ 2.3114 Boss H. bg, by^Emulus, by Mambrino Pilot, s. t. b., dam by American Star, at New Haven, Ct., Oct. 22 2.283^ No rec. Belle Hamlin, b m (5\ by Hamlin's Almont, Jr., dam by Ham- lin's Patchin, at BuflEalo, Aug. 9 2.23^ No rec. Billy Dayton, b g, by Archie Mambrino, dam by son of Hill's Black Hawk, at Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 4 2.273^ 2.35)4 Bessie, ch m, by Wilson's Blue Bull, dam by Patrick Henry, at Buffalo. N. Y., Aug. 7 2.213^ No rec. Bertha S, b m, by Bonny Bay, son of Sweepstakes, dam Belle of Cayuga, by Hambletonian Prince, at Columbus, O., Nov. 10, against time, Cator 2.2914. 143 TROTTERS. Former New * Record. Record. 2.3134 Blackstone, blk g, by Colcord's Mambrino Chief, at Newark, Ohio 2.291^ 2.31J4 Busbv, b ^, by Geo. Wilkes, dam by Dan'l Lambert, at Suf- folk Park, Philadelphia, Oct 14 2.293^ No rec. Blanche, b m. by Gen"l McClellan (144), dam by John Nelson, at San Francisco, Aug. 6 2.25^^ 2.33 Bertha Clay, blk m. by Henry Clay, Jr., dam by Alex. Edwin Forest. Cedar Rapid?. Iowa. June 12 2 30 2.3734 B. B. (Billy Barlowi, blk g, by Milliman's Bellfounder, dam by Waile".* Mart'hall. at San Francisco. Aug. 8 2.23>^ No rec. Butterscotch, b g, bv Panic, son of Ethan Allen, dam by Cum- niings' Davy Crockett, at Chicago. 111., Oct . 6 2.243^ 2 Z^V. Bessie Sheridan, blk m, by Phil Sheridan, dam untraced, at Malone, N. Y., Oct. 1, by A. McDonald 2.2834 No rec. Blanch Clemmons. ro m, by Evland, dam bv Reuben, at Pitts- buro:. Pa.. July 15 _' 1 2.273^ Norec. Bedford, b c (3). by Strathmore, dam by Mambrino Patchin, Lexington. Ky." Oct. 14. 4th beat 2.30 2.35 Burt Sheldon, br e, bv Warwick Boy. dam by Henry Clay, at Binghampton. N. Y., June 11 (dead) _" i 2.2934 2.303-2 Black Prince, blk g, by Wilkins' Micawber. dam Miss Brunette by Hambletonian (10), at Narragansett Park, Jnne 20 2.25)^ 2.31?^ Buttertiy, br m, by Young Jim, by Geo. Wilkes. Butterfly's dam Fanny, by Geo. Wilkes, at Mystic Park, Boston. Sept. 18, Jim Golden 1 2.19% Ringer. Blue Bell, ch m (Bell Wilson 2.23J^). at Malone, N. Y., Oct. 2, 2.28 Ringer. Baby Mine, blk m (a ringer and beli-^ved to be Minnie Moul- ton), controlled by P. Hinchey. in 3-minute class, at Cleve- land, O., Sept. 24 2.273.^ No rec. Bijou, br g, by Abdallah Messenger, dam by Farmer's Glory, at Mystic Park. Boston, in 2.50 class, Oct. 17, driven by t. D. Marsh. 2d heat 2,2734 2.39 Blue Cloud, b 2-, by Ashland Chief, dam by American Clay, at Cynthiana, Ky.. Aug. 18 2.293^ 2.32 Ben Lommond,' Jr., ch s, bv Ben Lommond, dam May by Morgan Trenton, Helena. Mont., Aug. 16 2.28 2 40^i Charlie West, ch s. by Allie West, dam bv Strader's Cassius M. Clay, at Wheeling, W. Va.. Sept. 13. 6th heat 2.28H 2.33 Captain Douds, ch g. by Tom Allen, Wheeling, Sept. 10 2.27^ 2.353^ Col. Wood, b g, bv Charley B (812), dam by Goodin's Champion, at Albany,'"N. Y., Sept. 25 2.263^ Col. Crockett, blk s, by Ripple, son of Romulus, at Fairfield, Iowa, Sept. 11 2.30 2.55 Cadmus Hambletonian (4). blk s. by Strader's Hambletonian, dam by Cadmus, at Xenia, Ohio,' Aug. 6 2.29?^ Norec. Cora Belle, b m, by Joe Gavin, dam Owosso Bell, by Louis Napoleon, ar St. Louis. Mich., Sept. 3 2.29^^ 2.31 Centella. b m, bv Sam Kirkwood. dam by Imp. Horten, at Beacon Park, Boston. Mass., Oct. 9 2.25>^ 2.3034 Catherine, b m, by McDonald's Mambrino, dam bv John Innie, at Prairie du Chien, Wis , Oct. 10 1 2.28X No rec. Cascarilla, b m, bv Shelby Chief, dam by Brignoli, at Pittsburg, July 16 : 2.253^ No rec. Chandos, ch s. bv Strathmore, dam Arline by AJmont, at Malone, N. Y., Sept. 30 2.28J4 No rec. Charlie Hoi-an, br g, bv Virgo Hambletonian, dam by Wacker Horse, at Buffalo, N Y., Aug. 6 2.22 Charlie E. blk g, at Joliet, 111., Aus. 12 2.25 2.333^ Capt. Beu, b g, by King Phillip, at Brockton, Mass., Oct. 2, in 2.30 class, driven by A Johnson 2,27 No rec. Christine, rom, by Wood's Hambletonian, dam by Fox Hunter, at Providence, R. I , Sept. 25, in 2.37 class, J. Brown 2.29)^ 144 TROTTERS. FomiT Xew Record. Record. 2.44 Capt, Bogardns, b s, by Wilson's Blue Bull, dam Jennie, by Highland Champion, at Columbia City, Ind., Oct. 18, 18r*4, Sd'heat 2.28>^ No rcc. Claytonian, b m, bv Havene' Henry Clay, at Narragausett Parli, Oct. 1. 3d heat, driven by H. C. Woodnut (in 2.35 class) 2.2714 Ko rec, Charlie D. b g, by Wood's Hambletouian, dam by Elhan Allen, at Beacon Park, Oct. .9, in 2.35 class, driven by Jas. Dougery, 5th heat 2.29,^ 2.31 Clay, bik s, by Electioneer dam Maid oi Clay, by Henry Clay, at San Fraucisco, Nov. 1 2.25 No rec. C. E C, br g. at Leighton, Pa., Oct. 10 2.30 2.402i Dayton BeJle, ch m, by Wilson's Blue Bull, dam by Clark's iJohawk, at .)anesville. Wis., June 21 2.29^ 2.31>^ Dr. Sheppard, b s, by Wilson's Blue Bull, at Newark, Ohio, June 2fj 2.293^ 2 59;< Don Carlos, b s (4), by Cuyler Clay, dam by Alexatder's Abdal- iah, at Chicago, July 11 2.2.3J4 2.30>:^ Daisey Eye Bright, br m, by Kirkvvood, at Morrissauia, N. Y., June 21 2.27 No rec. D.C. S, b g, by Pacing Abdallah, dam by Sir Wallace, at Ga nes- ville, Tex., Nov. 6 2.231^ 2 44% Dutch Girl, g m, by Silvertail, at Marshaltown, Iowa. June 19, -^.29 No rec. Dick C4arrett, b g, by Tramp, dam by Abdallah, at La Salle, July 31 2.29J4 No rec. Darkness, blk m, by Jeb. Stuart (,5(ilj, at Cleveland, O., in 2.40 class. Sept 26 2.27 -2.31 Effie G. b m, by Wilson's Blue Bull, at Belmont Park, Phila- delphia, Oct. 21 2 2914 No rec. Early Dawn, br m (4>, by Gr^o. W^ilkts, dam by Mam. Star, Lexington. Ky., Oct. 15, 3d heat 2.215^ No rec. Emery's Alexander, br s, by son of Swigert, at Omaha, July 9, d h with Urbana Belle 2.26J4 No rec. Echo, br g, by Reguliis, by Hambletouian (10», at Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 9 2.28ii Ed, b g, controlled by W. H. Jackson, at Santa Cruz, Cal., Aug. 15 2.30 2.32 Easy Bily, b g. Geo. M. Patchen, at Binghampton, N. Y., Aug. 27, entered by J. Flemming 2.29V^ Electric, b g, by Edward Everett, at Albany, N. Y., Oct. 17 2.30j| 2.32 Echo Chief, ch s, by Octibaha, dam Lady Bonner, at Topeka, Kansas, July 17 2.2914 No rec. Falka, b m, by Woodward's Ethan Allen, dam Ben Wood's dam. at Huntington, L. I., Oct. 29, controlled by E.Perrine, 2d heat 2.29>^ 2.3914 F. D., b g, by Emery's Fearnaught, at Mystic Park, Boston, Sept, 19 2.241/i No rec. Fleet Medium, b g, by Happy Medium, dam by Legal Tender, at Belmont Park, Philadelphia, May 21 2.293^ 2.32 Flora P., ch m, by Mambrino Sample, at Council Blufis, la., J une 2S 2.24K 2.331^ Fanny M, blk m, by Phil. Sheridan, at Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 3 2.2914 No rec. Frank G. b g, by Sweepstakes, dam by Edward Everett, at Charter Oak Park, June 14 2.27>^ Frank Hurd, b g, Haitford, Ct., June 14 2.27J^ 2.31 Frank Hull, br g, by Hull, son of Belmont, at St. Marys, Pa., July 7 - 2.29)4 No rec. Ferd S, b g, by Godfrey's Patchen, at Mystic Park, 'Boston, Nov. 5 2.29>^ 2AQ% George E, b g. by Daniel Lambert, dam by son of Vermont Black Hawk, at Mystic Park, Boston 2.24 No rec. George W, bg, by Mambrino Pilot, jr., at Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 7, 2.293/^ 145 TROTTERS. Former New Record. Record. No rec. Gny Wilkes, b s, by Geo. Wilkes, dam by Mam.Patclien, at San Francisco. Cal , Oct. 11 1 2.19J4 2.363^ Green Girl, b m (.5). by Ajax or Artemus (.full brothers), in 2.30 class, at Providence, K. I., Oct. 2 2.2714 No rec. Geo. W. Davis, br e, bv Glencoe Golddiist, dam by Sykes' Morgac, at Ft. Worth" Texas. Nov. 12 2.26^4 2.375^ Gen. Lee. ch s. bv Green's Bashaw, dam by Hank v's Hiatoga, at Marshalltowu, la, June 20 2.263^ No rec. Gen. Garfield, b s, by Menelaus, driven bv J. Swanbrow. at K'^ncsha, Wis., Sept. 10 I 2.291^ 2.37?^ Geortrie W., b m. by ]Sew Tork, tdam bv Blazing Star, at Columbus, O , Sept. 8d. D. H.. with Atlantic 2.263^ No rec. Grand Duke, b g. by Shelby Chief, dam by Jim Monroe, at Ft. Worth Texas. 'Nov. 13 2.293^ 2.4034. Gieen Mountain Bov. b s. bv Thos. Jefferson, dam by Tag- gert's Abdaliah, Charter Oak Park, June U "_ 2.281^ No rec. German Bov. ch g, by Waverl}-, dam bv Kichard's Belifounder, Jo'^esville, Wis., June 17 '. 2.283^ 2 3134 George U.. b g, bv Hambletonian Chief, dam by Gen'l Knox, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 17, 5th heat 2.2414 No rec. General Storms, b g, by Logan, at Beacon Park. Boston, in 2.50 class, Oct 9, driven by W. F BrooKs, d h with Bijou 2.27>^ 2.303^ Highland Win. b m. by Hitchcock's Ashland, dam Young Highland Maid by 'Ethan Allen, g dam Old Highlarid Maid, by Saltram, at Morrisjania, N. Y.. Sept. 9. 6ta heat— 2.26 2.403^ Hambletonian"s Last, b s, by Hambjetonian ( 10), dam Lady Rus- sel. by American Star, at Springfield, Mass., Sept 2 2.2514 2.39 Highland Maid, ch m. by Pocahontas Boy, dam by Blue Bull, at Newark, O., June"27 1 2.— 2.321^ Ha'-vey, g g, bv Tom Hunter, dam by Magna Charts, at Erie, Pa, June 24 2.29^ No rec. Hastings, b g. by Woodbridge (70i). by Belmont, at M vstic Park, Oct. 18— - '- 2.28)'2 No rec. Ham Morrison, b g, bv Masterlode, at Wheeling. West Va., Sept. 11, 1st heat. C. C. Pond 2.30 No rec. Homewood. ch s, by Hambletonian Tranby, dam by Fred Pierson. at Cleveland, C, Sept. 26, in 2.40 class 2.203^ No rec. Harrv Parker, blk g. bv Signal, dam by Hinsdale Horse, at Mystic Park, June 14 2.25 No rec. Inez, blk m, bv Sweepstakes, in 2.29 class, at Newton, N. J., 5ih heat and'race, Oct. -.il 2.28>^ 2.40 John F. Pheips, Jr., b s, bv Almont, dam Sue Monday, by Con- script. St. Hyacinthe. Quebec, Oct. 1 2.26 No rec. Justina, b m (5). bv Hamlnrs Almont, Jr., dam by Hamlm's Patchen, at Buffalo. Oct. 10 2,28>^ No rec. Joe Arthurton, b g, by Avthurton, by Hambletonian (10), at Sacrament , Cal., Sept. 18 2.25^4 2 4;? Jerome Turner, 1^ s (.5). by Bveriv's Abdaliah, dam by Pacing Abdaliah, at Gainesville, Tt-xas, Nov. 6 2 22 Norec. Jim Mulvenna. gr s (4), by ^urwood. flam Jane McLane. by Budd Doble, at Stockton. Cal.. S^ pt. -Zi 2.27^ 2.30i'2 Jini Schriber, gr s. by Rhode Island, dam by Grey Eagle, at Cleveland, O., Sepr. 26. 5th heat. W. H. Potts 2.21>^ 2.33 Jim Early, ch a. bv Fitz-;:mmon"s Champion, dam by Pilgrim Eclipse, at Cuicago, Oct. 11 2.2234 2.33% Jack Spralt. b g, bv Tom Patchen, dam of Morgan descent, ai Norway, Me.. Sept. 9 - 2.29^ No rec. J. H. McCormick, ch g, by Wagner's Bashaw, dam by Flaxtail, at Minneapolis, Sept. 4 2.29 Norec. James H., b g, at Sacramento, Cal.. Sept. 11 2.21 Norec. James D.,bg, at Belmont Park, Philadelphia, Oct. 21, in 3 minute class, entered by F. P. George 2.28>^ 146 TROTTERS, Former IS^ew Record. Record. •2.31}4 Judge Parsons, b g. by Powers' Hambletonian. dam by Sweet — ~ Owen, at Pittsbnrg. in 2.30 class (18), Geo. W. Yoorhees— _ 2.26 2.35 Joe Davis, br g, by Dr. Herr, dam by Mambiino Pilot, jr., Marshalltown, Iowa, June 18, 5th heat 2-24}^ 4.3034 JohnD.,bg. by Messenger Duroc. dam by Shaw's KembJe Jackson, at Providence, R. I., July 23 2.20^ No rec. John y\ ,, b g, at Erie, Pa.. Jnn" 28 2,293^ No rec. John N.. b g, match against Edwin A., at Frederick, Md., Oct. 16 _: 2.265^ No rec. Kitty Wood, ro m, by Woods' Hambletonian, at Bradford, Pa., June 14 2.29»4 No rec. Kenilworth, b g, by Lothair, son of Woodford Mambrino, dam s tb Thoroughbred, Providence, E. I., Sept. 9 2.21 No rec. Kitefoot. b m, bv Parks' Volunteer, Jr., dam by Mambrino Pilot, at St. Marys. Pa.. July? 2.29i^ 2.3314. Lilly J., blk m, by Bayard, dam by Goldsmith's Abdallah, at East Saginaw, Mich.. June 19— _I 2.2334 2.3234 Lillie Dale, b m, bv Alden Goldsmith, dam by Goldsmith's Abdallah, at Utica, N. Y.. Aug. 20 2.2534 2.29 Lady Kelso, gr m, by Belmont, dam bv Pilot, jr., at Kansas City, Sept. 18 .' 2.29 No rec. Lena Swallow, b m. by Wilson's Blue Bull, dam by Legg's Sir Archy, at Cleveland. O., 2.40 class, Sept. 2T 2.2T>^ 2.3234 Lyuwood, g s, by Clinker (pacer 2.20;, dam Belton Maid, C:hicago, 111., July 9. 3d heat 2.2014 2 37 La De Dah. b m, by Ferdinand C, at Baltimore. Md., May 12, 2.2634 No rec. Lady Majolica, b m, by Dictator (113), dam by Pontiac Chief, at Morrissania, N. Y.. Sept. 10 2.25 2.31% Lotta, b m, by Florida, dam byDan'l Lambert, at Providence, July 24 2.2434 2.3534 Lulu Hambletonian. b m, by McCurdy's Hambletonian, dam by Sue (4), pedigree untraced, at Huntsville, Ala., Oct. 10__ 2.28 No rec. Lelah H., br m, by Homer, son of Mam. Patchen, dam by Sentinel. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 16, 2d heat 2.2434 No rec. Lady Kensett, b m, by Kensett, by Hambletonian (10). at Provi- dence, R. I., June 20 1 2.26}4 No rec. Louis R., b g, by Louis Napoleon, dam by Fisk"8 Mambrino Chief, at East Saginaw, Mich., Aug. 26 2.2934 No rec. Ladv- Alert (5), ch m, by Mambrino Lance, dam by Honest Tom, Albany, N. Y., June 27 2.24i<^ 2.48 Little Crow, blk s, by Reconstruction, dam Dolly Wright, by Sherman's Black Hawk, at Hamburg, Iowa, Sept. 17 2 2834 2.32X Lulu Jndd, blk m, by Silver Duke, by Iron Duke, dam Mo- hawk Belle, by Field's Royal George, Minneapolis, Sept. 5, 2.2634 No rec. LeGrange, blk s, by Sultan, by The Moore, dam by Overland, Oakland, Cal., Sept. 2 2.2634 No rec. Loretta F., b m. by Hamlet, dam bv Colonel Grayson, at Cleve- land. O., in 2.27 class, Sept. 23 '(C. C. Pond), 2.26=^ No rec. Lizzie R, br m, by Mambrino Boy, dam by Cripple, at Belmont Park. Philadelphia, Oct. 21, in 2.35 class, A. Bamgrover, driver 2.2T3^ 2 233^ Landmark, ch g, Rinser (Marion). Coldwater, Mich , Mav 16— 2.30 2.30i4 Little Billy, b s. by Clear Grit, at Evart, Mich., June 27,' con- trolled by I. Hodgins 2.28 2.35 Little Tommy, ch g, by Blackwood, Jr., at Gainesville, Texas, Nov. 8 ' 2.30 2.34^ Mollie Harris, blk m, by Couch's Bashaw, at East Saginaw, June 19 2.2534 2.35 Miss Legacv, b m, by Legacy, dam by Dusty Miller, Albany, Sept. 27, 5th heat 1_ 2.28i^ No rec. Myrtie, b m, by Louis Napoleon (207), dam by Fisk's Mambrino Chief, at Waco, Texas, Nov. 18 2.2734 147 TEOTTERS. Former ^^ew Eecord: Record. 2.54 Montsoraerv, b s. bv Inheritor (son of Jay Gould and Lucy), dam by Kentucky Chief, Providence. R. I., Sept. 11, 4th heat 2.213^ 2.36% Minnie Moulton. bik m, by Lambert Chief, son of Daniel Lambert, Mvstic Park, Boston, July 9 2.2714 2.3534 Mambrinetta, b m, by Mambrino Gift, dam by Mambrino Chorister, Cleveland. O., Sept. 24 2.213^ Norec. Minnesota, b m, bv Portion, dam Lorena, Eochester, Minn., Sept. 4 1 2-2--M 2.41 Maggie S. b m, by Robert Lee, atMaysville, Ky.,July4 2.30 No rec, Mark Time, b s. bv Robert McGregor, dam by Clancy's Morgan, CedarPtapids, Iowa, Sept. 9 2.30 2.39 Maggie Kevin, b m, by Star of the West (666), dam by Fergo's Sampson, at Owattonna, Minn., Sept. 3 2.30 2.3434 Mambrmo Clav. blk s, bv Strater's C. M. Clay, dam Queen Victoria bv Mambrino Chief, at St. Marys, Pa., Jniy 3 2.2T3^ Norec. Mink, blk s. by Michie, dam by Onderdonk, at Jefferson, O., Sept. 27—. 2.29M 2.3434 ModieH.chg, bv Bayard. dam bv Foster's Clay, Xenia.O., Aug. 6 2.29^^ Norec. Mollie Midd'leton, b m. bv Bay Middleton, dam by King's Champion, at LaSalle. III., July 29 2.28>^ No rec. Matt Kirkwood. b g, at Farmer City, III., Sept. 4, driven by J. H. Clark. 2d heat 2.30 Norec. Mabel H., ch m. by Col. West, dam by Almont, at Kenosha, Wis., Supt. 12 2.293^ Norec. Nellie L., b m. by Geo. Wilkes, dam by Gill's Vermont, Rochester. N. Y.. Aug. 15 2.233^ No rec. Nina K. b m, bv Honestv (UQ). dam Bonny Pet, by Black Hawk Champion, at Joliet.'lll., Aug. 15 2.29?^ 2.343>i Nellie Grant, ch m. bv Major Grant, dam by Frank Pierce, Jr., Davenport, la., Julv 1*^ 2.283-^ No rec. Noveltv, br m (3), by New York (534), dam by Clarke's Tom Hal,'Lexington, Kv., Oct. 14 2.28-% 2 32 Namonna,bm,bvPelham Tartar, at Minneapolis, Minn., July 4 2 28>^ Norec. Nellie R., b m..'bv Stephen A. Douglas (422), dam a pacing mare, at Buffalo, N. Y , Aug. 8, 4th heat 2.2214 No rec. Nugget, ch s, by Wedgewood (692i, dam by Pilot, Jr., Cleve- land, O., Oct. 15 2.26% Norec. Nellie Grav, gr m, Providence, R. I , June 20 2.25 No rec. Nettie T.."br m, by General Stanton, dam by Pr nee of Wales, at Narragansett Park, Oct. 2d, in 2.35 cla.«s, driven by W. S Brook's. 1st heat 2.28 2.3334 Nellie Woodroff, gr m (3), by Rooker, dam by Mohawk, at Chariton, Iowa, Oct. 4 2 30 No rec. Nellie G., b m, by Brentham, son of Lex Loci, dam by son of Royal George-" 2.443^ Ned, b g, by Overland, Sacramento. Cal., Sept. 19 2 29i/^ 2.3034 Nellie Brvant, b m, bv Palmer's Norman, dam Lady Bryant by Wilcox Horse. at^Mvstic Park, Boston. Oct. 17, 2d heat, driven by J. S. Brown 2.25J4 2 30><^ Outlaw, br g, bv Draco, bv Youug Morrill, dam Iodine, by Gill's Vermont, Shelbv. 0.. June 4 2.28^ 3 00 Oliver K., b g (4). bv King Wiikes. 1867, dam Bessie Turner, bv Virginius, CleVeland. ()., Sept. 26 2.24^^ 2.3234 Onward, b g, bv Knickerbocker, 200, dam by Reserve, Mystic Park. Sept. 17 2.2034 2 3534 Oranee Boy, h g, by Orarge Blossom 238, dam by Hambleto- nian a0\ Washington, D.'C. May 31 2.30 Overlake, brg, at Builington. Vt . Sept. 11 2.2054 2 36 Prince3Iiddleton,b.g, by Bay Middleton, dam by Night Hawk, Waco. Texas, 4th heat, Nov. 21 2,24>^ No rec. Perplexed, ch m (5>, bv Locksmith, dam Early Rose, by God- frey's Patchen, Mystic Park. Boston, Oct. 17 2.20 148 TROTTERS. Fwmer New Record. Record. 2.3434 Princeton, b g, formerly Don Palmer, by Honest Abe, by Little Cassius (298), dam by Tornado, C'oimcil Bluffs, June 28 2.27 No rec. Pritcliard. ch g, bv Pulaski (11), at Council Bluffs, June 28 2.2414 2.58»4 Paul Hacke, grg, bv Strathmore (408). dam bv Pilot, jr., Home- %TOod Park, Pittsburg, Pa., Jnlv 16th, Gtiiheat 2.24J4 2.321^ Polly B., br m, by Toronto Abdallah, dam by Montauk, at Beacon Park, Boston, June 5 2.28^ No rec. Paddy Collins, blk g, at Belmont Park, Piiiladelphla, Oct. 22, ;jtb heat, entered by I. Sand. 3-min. class 2.29i£ 2.50 Pilot R., jr . b g, by Western Fearnaught, at Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 18, driven bv G. C. Rowe 2.30 2.321^ Pearl, b m, by Regulus, at Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 7th, 4th heat— 2.23^ No rcc. Prairie King, b s, by Chester Chief, at Racine, \\ is., Sept. 4— 2.283^ No rec. Prince Orloff. b g, a^t Fort Worth, Texas, Nov. 13, in 2.38 class, controlled by A. J. Carliu 2.291^ 2.32V^ Prospect, b g, at Celina, O , Sept. 4 2.30 2.34^4 Ranchero, ch s, by Clark Chief, Jr., dam by American Clay, at Helena, Montana, July 5 2.28>^ No rec. Revenge, blk g, bv Patchen Chief, jr., at Hartford, Ct, June 13, 2.25 2.42><^ Razor B., b g, by Robt. Whaley at Des Moines, la.. Sept. 3— 2.29^ Norec. Revenue, b s (4), by Smuggler (927), dam Mav Morning, by Dan'l Lambert, at Chicago, 111., Splan, 3d heat 2.2214 Norec. Review, b m, by Joe Elmo, by St. Elmo, dam a double gaited mare, owned by J. T. Lovd, of Holdem, Mo., at Council Bluff ^ Iowa. Aug. 26, driven by Geo. H. Conklin 2.2834 No rec. Rex, b. by Orion, dam by John C. Breckenridge, Council Bluff^^. Iowa, 5th heat, Aug. 26 2.26^ 2.36J^ Robert Burns, ch s, by Green's Bashaw, dam Dolly, by Iowa Chief, West Liberty, Iowa, Sept. 18, driven by Frank War- field, 2d heat 2.30 No rec. St. Dennis, b s, by Wilson's Blue Bull, dam by Shawhan's Tom Hal, Chicago, July 12, 6th heat 2.233^ No rec. Star W, b m, by Concord, son of Lexington, dam by Blue Bull, Marshalitown, Iowa June 19, 6th heat 2.27^ 2.34 St. Arnaud br s, by Cnvlcr, dam by Mambrino Patchen, Rochester, N. Y.. Oct. 21. against time 2.2934 2.36% Shamrock, br g, by Gayo, dam by Potter's Clay, Suffolk Park, Philadelphia, Oct. 17 2.27^^ 2.31 Sister Wilke-', ro m, by Geo. Wilkes, dam Cherokee Girl (pacer), Topeka, Kansas, Sept. 13—1 2.27 Norec. Storm, b m, by Middletown, dam Green Mountain Maid, by Harry C^lay, Cleveland, O., June 7 2.263^ 2.313^ Star Duroc, b s, by Messenger Duroc, dam by American Star, Morrisiania, N. Y., 6th heat 2 252^ 2 51 Swigert, jr , b s, by Swigert i650), at Waukesha, Wis.. Oct. 4-_ 2.28^^ Norec. St. Albans, blk g, by Geo. Monmouth Patchen (3214), dam by Dan'l Boone, Pittsburg, July 18 2.203^ Norec. Snap, b m, bv Strathmore, dam by Marshal Ney, Watertown, N. Y., Aug 30 2.30 Norec. Speculator, rn g, at Celina, O., Sept. 5, driven by A. Colvin, 1st heat 2.28 2.3214 Secret, b m, by Strathmore (408), dam Amanda by Waxy, 2d dam by Bob Henry, PiitsburL', Pa., July 16, 2d heat 2.20>^ Norec. Symbolic, br g, by Louis Napoleon, dam by July , at Kalamazoo, Mich., to wagon 2.30 Norec. Susie M, b k m, Norwich, IN. Y., July 3 2.27 2.40 Titania, b m. by Aberdeen, 27, dam Bonnie Lassie, Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 4, against time 2 27 2.43 Thappin. blk g (4), by Berlin, son of Califon ia Blackbird, dam by Lady Hubbard, by Benecia Boy, Marysville.Cal., Aug. 27 2.28 2.44 Thornless, b g, by Dauntless, dam Nanny Thorn, by Hamlet, Davenport, la., July 18 2.2834 149 TROTTERS. Former New Becord. Record. 2.37>^ TinTiieB.,brni, by Black Pilot, 1797,byEoscoe, daratheLibby Mare, by Stewart's Morgan, dam of Jno. S. Heal, 227, at Beacon Park, Oct 8 2.2734 No rec. T. A, K., b. e, bv Gilroy, 1186, by Messenger Duroc, at Pough- keepsie, N. Y., Aug. 20 2.28>^ 2.39 Telephone, ro g, by Wood's Hambletonian, dam by Young Andrew Jackson. Chicago, 111., July 12 2.22>^ No rec. Temple, b g, by Harold, dam Bland Temple, bv Lexington, Quincy, 111., Aug. 19 _' 1 2.30 No rec. Thornburgb, b g, by Judge Advocate, 1263, by Messenger Duroc, dam by General Grant, Buffalo, Aug. 9 2.2]>^ 2 37 Tempest, ch g, by Milliman's Bellfounder, dam by Walnut Bark, Helena, Montana, July 4 2.29 2.31 Tom. Cameron, g g, bv Scott's Hiatoga, 498, at Buffalo, N. Y., Aug- 6 2.23^ No rec. Tom Kolf, b g, bv Tom Rolf, 306, bv PughV Aratus, dam Charlote, tby Fearnaugbt, jr.. Chicago. 111., July 11 2 22^^ No rec, Tom Ban y, ch g, bv Warwick Bov, at Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Aug. 20 (John Discroll) 1 2.26^ No rec. Tyler, rn g, at Narraganset Park, Providence, Sept. 24 2.28>^ 2.32J4 Tom Kirkwood, blk s, by Green's Ba^havv, dam Nancy Bell, dam of Fred Douglas, driven by Hunt Barnes, West Union, la., Sept. 19 2.2914 No rec. Tom Allen, blk g, bv Honest Allen, dam Lucy Smith, by Brig- noli, Elvria. O., Au 2.87 Victor, b 2. by Eysdyk ((i5()), dam by Imp. Coacher Phenom- enon, Windsor, Ont., July 17 2 29J^ William R, gr g, by American Boy. at Franklinville, N. Y., Sept. 19. 3d heat and race, controlled by J. Medbury 2.27 No rec, Wallace, blk g, bv Bowman's Grey Comit, dam by Grey Eagle, Prairie duChien, Oct. 10 2.2714 2.351^ Wildmont, b s (4), by Egmont (1828), by Belmont, dam by Advance, Springfield, III.. Sept. 3 2.29 2.30^ Wilkes Boy, b s, by Geo. Wilkes, dam by Mambrico Patchen, Lexington, Ky., Aug. 23. dead heat with Fugue 2.24i/2 No rec. Ward Medium, b g, by Happy Medium, dam Betty Ward by Kossouth, Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 20.5th heat 2.25>^ Westover, b g, Billy Bad Eye, by Marshall Ney, at Morriesania, N. Y., June 20 2.263^ 2.3534 Will Collender. br g, by Strader (673). dam bv son of Grey Eagle, Chicago, 111.. July 11. : d heat, Budd Doble 2.21>^ No rec. Windror M, b g. by Windsor (652), by Major Anderson, Mvstic Park, Boston. Sept. 20. 3d heat. I 2.241/2 2.323^ W. K., b g, by Chosroes, by Hambletonian (10). dam by King Pharoah, sire of Rich Ball, at Beacon Park, Boston, Nov. 13, free for all, 4th heat, F. M. Dodge, driver 2.2514 2.44 William G., gr g ^benting Geo. A, and Amelia C), by American Boy. at Alba y, N Y.. June 27 2.2514 No rec. Wiley, b g, at Maysville, Ky., July 4 2 25 No rec. William R., gr g, by American J30y, at Franklinville N. Y., S« pf. 19, driven by J. Medbury 2.27 2.39>5' YonuiT Smuegler, b s, by Smuggler, 927, dam Parepa Rosa, by Andrew Jiickson (Canadian^, Washington, D. C, May .30— 2.2934 2.291^ Young Rolf, b s. by Tom Rolf, 306, by Pugh's Aratus, dam by Draco, Springfield, JIass., Sept. 5, (dead) 2.2134 2.82>^ Young Morrissey, br g, by 0' rbean Chief, dam by Foreigner, at Suffolk Paik, Philanelphia, May 16 2.29^4 2 3914 Zig, b g, by Guide, Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 4 2.30 150 TROTTERS. Trotters Previously in tlie 2:30 List, that Lowered tlieir Records during 1884. (With Place of Performance.) Former ' JVew Record. Secord. il.2ij% Adelaide, bm, bv Milwaukee, dam bv Bay Mambrino, at TJtica, N. Y., Au-. SO" 2-2014 2.24 V Arab, b g, by Arthurton, dam Lady Hamilton, at San Francisco, Aug. 9 *- 2.203^ 2.21>^ Amelia C, b m, by Dexter Bradford, at Beacon Park, Oct. 10___ 2.213>| 2.22 Albert W., b s, by Electioneer, dam by John Nelson, at San Francisco. Aug. 9 2.20>^ 2.30 Adair, b g [5), by Electioneer, dam by Culver's Black Hawk, at Sacrmento, Cai , Sept. 20, 2d heat 2.21 2.25)^ Ambassador, bro s, by Geo. Wilkes, dam by American Clay, at Kent-m. O., Oct. 16, M heat 2.25 2.27>^ Bavonne Prince, blk s (5 ), by Ky. Prince, dam by State of Maine, Pittsburg, Pa., July 18 2.21^^ 2.26>i' Billy Boy. b g bv Mambrino Temple, son of Pilot Temple, at Kansas City, Mo.. May 21 2.26^ 2.28 Betsey Ann, ch m, by Ploagland Horse, dam untraced, at Mil- waukee, Wis., June 26 2.25 2.29M Breeze Medium, b m, by Happy Medium, dam untraced. Provi- dence, R. I., July 23 : 2.241^ 2.23^ Belle Echo, b m. by Echo, dam by Belmont (thoroughbred), Chicago, July 10, 3d heat 2.20 2.2914 Belle F., b m. by Masterlode, dam by Magna Charta, at Hart- ford. Ct . , Aug. 28 2.20M 2.29 Billy Ford, ch g, bv Blondin, dam a pacing mare, at Lancaster, O., Oct 18 : 2.26 2.28}^ Baybrmo, b g, by Swigert, dam by son of Royal George 2.28 2.19 ' Catchfly, b m, by Adminstrator, dam by Altmont. at Janesville, Wis., June 21 2.183^ 2.20 Capt. Emmons, ch g, bv Continental, dam the Emmons' mare, at Providence, R. I., June 19 -- 2.1934 2.2934 Coupon, dn g, by High Jack, son of Wilson's Blue Bull, Mar- shalltown, Iowa, June 19 ■ 2.263^ 2.25% Eva, b m (5), by Sultan, dam Minnehaha, by Bald Chief, Chicago. JulvT, Hickox.. 2.25 2.28 Elmwood Chief, br g, bv Black Ranger, dam by Revenge, at Ottumwa, Iowa, Aug. 19 2.27^ 2.26 Earl, ch g, by Young Revenue, dam by Napoleon, at Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 13 2.2014 2.27 Elvira, blk m (4), by Cuyler, dam by Mambrinn Patchen, 2d dam Beil Wagner, thoroughbred, daughter of Embrey's Wagner (Fuller), at Cleveland. Sept. 26 2.I814 2.2714 Fides, ch g, by General Stanton, at Providence, R. I., Sept. 14.. 2.22>^ 151 TROTTERS. Former Nero Record. Record. 2.17 Fannv Witherspoon. ch m, by Almont, dam by Gough's Wagner, at Chicago, 111., Oct. 3 2 1634 2.26H Frank Landers, br g, by Saddling Buck, dam old Roanv, Chicago. TIL, June 15 I_ 2.18^ 2.25>^ Flora B. (Dream), b m, bv Curtis' Hambletonian, dam Nicoia, bv Reveille, Detroit. Mich., June 28 2 24X> 2.2534 Felix, b g, by Nutwood, dam by Abdallah Chief, BufEalo, N. Y., Aug 7 2.1934 2.21% Flash, blk m. bv Bonesetter, dam by Sir Alfred, Cleveland, O., Aug. 2 _-_" 2 19>4 2.2534 Florence M., ch m, by Blue Bull. Chicaeo 111., Sept. 19 2.22^ 2.233^ Frank, b g, by Abraham, dam by Mott's Independence, at Albany, N. Y., Sept. 26 (dead beat'witii Lizzie M.) 2.203^ 2.273^-^ Fugue, b m (4). by King Kene, dam Fuga, by Geo. Wilkes, at Lexington, Ky., Aug. 26 • 2.24,'4 2.30 Frank Patchen, chg, by Seneca Patchen, dam by Ands- Johnson, 2.29 2 25 George A., b g, by Dan"I Lambert., Beacon Park, Boston. Oct. 8, 2.2434 2.25 Gon'j Hancock, b g, by Lightning, dam Seely's American Star, at Minneapol s, Minn.. Sept. 5, 3d heat 2.24)4 2.28)-^ Glen Miller, gr s, by White Line, dam bv Alexander's Abdallah, at Ft. Wavne, Oct 3 2.27J^ 2 263.^ Harry Velox. b g. by Yelox, Council Bluflf^, June U 2.243^ 2.27>4 Harrv Miiis, br g, by Sweepstakes, at Waverlv. X. J.. Sept. 14, 2.2.5X 2.29>.^ Harry Wilkes, b g, by Geo. Wilkes, dam bv Capt. Walker, at Springfield. Ma.«s., Sept. 4lh, 3d heat 2.15 2.26% Herod, blk s, by King Herod, at Ptochester. Minn.. Sept. 4 2.24>^ 2.263^ Index, b g, by James R. Reese, son of Walkill Chief, dam not traced, at Providence, Sept. 10 2.21 2.2334 Iron Age, ro g, by Jules Jurgensen, at Providence, Sept. 10 2.1934 2.29^ Isaac, b g, by Geo. Wilkes, dam bv Pa chen Chief, at Chicago, Oct. 6 2.2.514 2.22 Judge Davis, b g, bv Joe Brown, at Springfield, Sept. 2,4th heat, 2.21 2.2834 Jewel!, b g, bv Buckingham, at Providence, R. I. , July 24 2.24-% 2.29>i Josephine S., blk m, by Guy Miller, jr., New York, June 20 2.2434 2.1034 Jav Eye See. blk g, by Dictator, dam bv Pilot, jr., at Providence. R. I : 1 - 2.10 2.29>^ Joe Young, blk s, by Star of the West, at Council Bluffs, Iowa, Aug 29 22.534 2.23 King sVilkes, b k s, by Geo. Wilkes, Hartford. Ct., Aug 27 2.i2^ 2.223^ Kitty Patchen, ch m, by Jeb. Stuart, son of Mambrino Pat- chen, at Mystic Park. Boston. Sept. 17 2.21J4 2.293-^ Lady Faustina (Lolly T.), b m, by Vermont, at Fore Worth, April 9 2.2314 2.27^ Lizzie M., b m, by Thos. Jefferson, at Albany. X. Y., Sept.. 26__ 2.203| 2.2634 Lee u'. (Sorgura), b g, by Bourbon Blue, at Chicago. Sept. 13— 2.2334 2.2934 Mars, ch s, bv General Sherman, ai Suffolk Park, Philadelphia, May 13— : 2.2734 2.29J^ Mambrino Sparkle, b m, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief, at Kalama- zoo. June 11 2,2.334 2.263^ Maybird, b m, by Jimmie, he by Leon, son of Anthony Wayne, dam by Kate Swift, by Champion, at Chicago, June 7 2.21^ 2.2?i4 Mike by Beecher.I 2.28 Z.-29.X Maggie H., gr m, by Iron Duke. Fort Dodge, Iowa, June 3 2.2834 2.2914. Mohawk Gift, cli s, by Hall's Mohawk, jr., Mt Vernon, Ohio, Oct. 10 2.2734 2 2234 Manon, b m, by Nutwood, dam by Hambletonian Chief, at Sacramento. Cal., Sept. 18 1 2.21 2.29 Mystery, ch g, bv Magic, dam by Berkley's Ned Forrest, at Maysville. Ky , July 3 2 2534 2.30 Minnie D.. b m, s.t.b., bv Nonpareil, by L. I. Black Hawk, at Pitrsbursr. Pa., Julv 15 2.2.33^ 2.25 Mamie M., b m, by Crittenden, La Salle, 111., July 31 2.22>^ 152 TROTTERS. Former New Record. liecord. Mavbird, b m, by Bine Bull, dam by Pilot, jr., at Pittsburg, Pa., July 15 2,2.3 2.28 Mounrain Girl, bm, by Weidgeon. son of Hale's Green Mountain Morgan, at Davenport, Iowa. July 16 2.27J4 2.1054 Maud 5., ch m. bv Harold, dam Mrs. Russell, by Pilot, jr., at Lexinirton, K3'.', Nov. 11 2.09J^ 2.20 Maud Messenger, b m. by Messenger Cliief, son of Abdallah Pilot, dam by Gentle Breeze, Hartford, Ct , Sept. 16 .- 2.163i 2.2934 Mollie Middleton. b m, by Bay Middlelon, at Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 4 ■ .-. 225)4 2.20)4 Maxy Cobb, b s, by Happy >redium, at Providence, Sept. 30.... 2.13»4 Maxy Cobb, b s, by Happy Medium, dam Lady Jenkins, by Prince Nebo, son of Long Island Black Hawk, bred by Harri- rison Piobbins, of Philadelphia, Penn., foaled in 1875. Pur- chased by Edward Pyle, of Humboldt. Neb., who developed his speed somewnat, and won some races with him Pyle then sold Maxy Cobb in the Fall of 1881, to Mr. A. H. Swan, of Cheyenne, W. T. In the Winter of 18=2, the horse was brought east by James W. Page, and trotted successfully in the Grand Circuit of thnt year, closing the season with a record of 2.2014, ohtaine 1 at Cleveland, U., July 81, 1883. He was then purchased by his present owner, Mr. Isidore Cohn- field, of N. Y. City. Under John Murphy's management he obtained a record of 2.15, at Hartford, Conn. Ht; was then sent to Narragansett Park, Providence. R. I., with the object of still lowering his record. His training, however was in- terfered with by an assault upon Murphy, who was laid up by his injuries, and for three weeks prior to his effort, his groom was the sole handler, who gave him three heats twice a week, ransfing from 2.35 to 2.22 or 2.23. On ^ept. 30. John Murphy drove Maxy Cobb a mi!e, in a race again.*t time, over Narra- gansett Park, in 1st quarter 33s, 2d quarter 31 1/25 3d quarter 33}4 mile in 2.1314. 2.30 Meander, b s (5\ by Belmont, dam by Pilot, jr., at Sandy Hill N. Y.,Sept. 12 226}^ 2.2534 McLeod (McCloud), b g, by Mambrino Patchen, dam the dam of Erie - 2.24 2.253^ Nobbv. b g, bv Nobbv, whose breed ng is unknown to us. dam by Sir Wallace, Cleveland, O., Aug. 1, Splan 2.23^ 2.2914 Nora Temple, b m, bv Belmont, son of Alex Abdallah, dam Bland Temple, by Lexington. Utica. N. Y., Au^. 19 82714 2.27 Nellie Burns, b m, by MiUiman's Bellfoundt r, son of the Morse Horse, dam untraced, San Francisco. Nov. 1, 6rh heat 2.25 2.28 Prince, blk g, by Royal Revenge, son of Toronto Chief, dam by McKesson's Grey Eagle, Chicacro, III., July 14 2.2134 2.21 Phil Thompson, gr g, by Red Wilkes, dam by John Dillon, Cleveland, O., Aug. 2 -.. 2.1634 2.153^ Phallas, b s, by Dictator, dam Betsey Trotwood bv Clark Chief, Chicago, 111.. July 14. 4fh heat, (fastest 4th heat on record) 2.139£ 2.2414 Pilot Knox, blks, "bv Black Pilot, dam by Col. Ellsworth, at Mystic Park. Boston. Oct. 18 2.21 2.255i Pancoast. b s, bv Woodford Mambrino, dam Bicara by Harold, Lexington, k:, Oct. 13. Fuller --.. 2 21?i 2,2734 R. F. C. (Woodlake), b g, by Darlbuy, son cf Mambrino Patchen, dam by Denmark, Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 15 2.23>2 2.27ii Reveille, br s, by New York, dam by Kearsarge, Eatt Saginaw, Mich., Auc'. 26 - : 2.22)4 2.2934 Ripton, b g, by American Boy, dam by American Star, at Park- ville, L. L, Aug. 25, to wagon 2.26 2.2914 Sister, ch m (5). by Admiral, son of Volunteer, dam by Black Prince, at Oakland, Cal , Sept 26 2.22)4 2.23>^ Stephen G, b g, by Knickerbocker, at Providence, R. I., Oct. 1.. 2.20>t^ 153 PACERS, former New Hecoi'd. Becord. 2.-29 St. Gothard, b s, by Geo. Wilkes, dam Nora bv American Clay, at East Saginaw. Mich., June 19 2.27 2.29)4 Strathlan, b s, br Sirathmore, dam by Peck's Idol, at Chicago, Oct. 11 2.21^ 2.29>^ Smugscler's Dautjhier. b m, bv Smuggler, dam Mollie D., by Mambrino Chief, Myst'c Park, Boston Aug. 11. 3d heat 2.24% "2.2834 Silas Wright, bs, by Alexander, sou of Goldsmith's AbdaHah, dam by Gov. Wright, at Rochester. Minn , Sept. 5th 3.251.^ 2.2534 Sir Walter, ch s, by Aberdeen, dam bv Edward Everett, at Lex- ington, Ky., Oct. 16, 3d heat 2 2414 5.30 Sunshine, ch s, by Curtis' Hambletonian, at New London. Ohio, Aug. 22. 5th heat 2.2934 2.30 Spinella, b m, by Louis Napoleon, Waco, Texas, Nov. 20 2.26;34 2.293^ Sally Bentou, gr m (4), by Gen'l Benton, dam Sontag Mohawk, by Mohawk Chief 2. 17?^ ■2.29>'2 Tecumseh, ch s, by Mambrino Gift, dam by Night Hawk, East Saginaw. Mich., June 17 2.28 2.2934 Troublesome, br m, by Messenger Duroc, dam by Brignolia, at Binghampton. Aug. 28 2.253^ 2.27K Ticonic. b g, by Milwaukee, Prairie Du Chien, Wis.. July 2 2 263^ ^.26M Tump Winston, ch z, by Primus. Santa Cruz, Cal.. Aug. 6 2.24j^ 2.26>^ Texas Bill (Pathfinder),'gr g. breeding unknown, at Huntsvilie, Ala., Oct. 10 - 2.26 2.2934 Urbaua Belle, b m, by Gen. Washington, dam by Jno. C. Breck- enridge, Omaha. Neb.. July 9, dead heat 2 2634 ■2.22 Yanderlynn, b s. bv Geo. M. Patchen, jr., dam by Joseph 2 21 2 24% Will Benham, b g.'bv Brit Clav, Sherman, Tex., April 18 2.2314 2.2734 Whirwind, (Sneak, jr.,) by Zilcade Golddust, Hartford, Conn., June 13 2.24 :2.2234 Walnut, b g, bv Florida, dam Relief, by Messenger's Hamble- tonian, Sprinsfield, Mass.. Sept. 4 2.20>^ 2.203^ H. B. Wiuship, blk g, by Aristos, dam by Col. Moulton, Provi- d nee, R. I., June 20 2.203i ^.29>4 Westover (BiJly Bad Eye), by Marshal Ney, dam's pedigree unknown, Morri^sania", N. Y , June 20 2.26^ "2.2734 Westmont, b s, by Col. West, son of Almont, dam by Mambrino Sherman. Des Moines. Sept. 2 2.24 2.26% Winnie Wick, blk m, bv Swigcrt. dam by Richard's Bellfounder, Beacon Park, Boston, Julv 17 2.2434 2.29>^ Wallace, b g, bv Larkin Horse, Minneapolis, Minn., Sept 4 2.29>^ Pacers that Obtained Records of 2:30, or better, during 1884, (With previous records), date and place of performance. Former (* indicates former trotting record.) New Becord. Becord. Norec. Belle M., gr m, at Madison, Wis., Sept. 19, driven by E.D. Morse 2.295i Norec. Belmont Bov, ch g, by Nutwood, dam Lilly Vernon, by Tom Ternon, at Santa Rosa, Cal., Aug. 19 2.23J^ 2.30>^ Bennie, gr g. by Carenaught, son of Fearnaught, dam by Gen'l Knox, at St. Joe. Mo. ."Sept. 6 2.24 2.3234 Big Sam, ch g, at Stillwater, Minn,, June 28 2.2!)J^ 154 PACERS. Former New lifcord. Record. *2.2y>^ Ben Starr, b g, by St. Johu's Tom Hazzard, at Mansfield,' 0., June 18 2.24)^ No rec. Bulldozer, b g (5), by Standard Bearer, dam Press, by Kinney's Eclipse, at Ottumwa, la., driven by B. B. Kinney 2.2I14 No rec. Chief, b g, by Blood Chief, dam Big White Cloud, at Winnepeg against time, Sept. 26, W. J. Hinmau 2.2314 No rec. Cohannet, b s. by Bav State, dam Grand Duchess, by Hanley's Hiatoga. Providence, R. I., Sept. 19 2.185^ No rec. Conway, sv s, bv Wedgewood, dam Vanity Fair, by Alexander's Abflallah, at Jeffer.<^ Gossip, Jr., b g, at Belmont Park, Philadelphia, October 22, driven by D. S. Quinton 2.2434 2.36 Gursfle. b m, by Pocahontas Boy, dam by Blue Bull, at Allegheny, Pa.. July 22 2.20 2.331^ Jack Rapid gr g, by Jack Rapid, dam bv Falcon 2.2934 *2.223^ Jewett. blk g, bv A Hie Wesc, dam by John Innis, at Ft. Worth, Texas, Nov. 14 2.14% No rec. Jim Crow, br s, bv Manchester, at Des Moines, Iowa, Sept. 5, controlled by D. Wilson, 2d heat 2.26 2.44 Joe S., blk g, by Nimble Dan, at Mystic Park, Boston, July 10, 2.26>^ 2.4234 John Moloney, rn g, by Corbean, at Mystic Park, Boston, July 10 2.24^ 2.303^ Juliet, b m, by Howard's Copper Bottom, at Belmont Park, May 22 2.29;!4 No rec. Katie Howard, blk m, by Smith's Almont, dam by Hall's Pilot, Chicago, Oct. 10 . 2.19^^ No rec. Killarnev, blk s, bv Black Ralph, at Santa Rosa, Cal., Aug. 19, in 2.20 class 2.22 2.31 Lady Belle, b m, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 21 2.282^ 2.44 Little Em., b m, by Billy Green, dam by Black Bill, Shelby, O., June 6 2.24J4 2.303^ Little Mack, bg, at Milwaukee, June 5 2.29 2.40 Little Tony, ro g, by Blackbird, at Charlotte, Mich., July 16, 5th heat 2.28?^ 2.30% Lorena. blk ro, by Col. West, dam by Miller's Joe Downing, Providence, R.,I., Sept. 10 2.1534 No rec. Mattie Bond, b m by Buford's Tom Hall, at Gainesville, Tex., Nov. 6. Frank Van Ness.- 2.2734 No rec. Maud B., b m, by Bertrand Blk Hawk, dam by Hamilton Chief, at Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 11. driven by H. J. Agnew 2.21^^ 2.35 May Wood, b m, by Limber B'jII, ram Moilie W.,by Cass' Red Buck, Davenport, Iowa, July 15 2.2734 No rec. McP^adden. b g, bv Mohawk, at Omaha, July 10 *2.36 Mike Wilkes, b g,' bv Geo. Wilkes, dam Nelly B, by Curtley's Patchen, Chicago. III.. Oct. 4 2.161/4 *2.19 Minnie R.. b m, by J. C. Breckenridge, dam by Exchequer, at Chicago, Oct. 8 2.163^ No rec. Miss Mouser, b m, \A% hands, at Fort Worth, Texas, Nov. 6, driven by J. S. Campbell, 3d heat 2.25 PACERS. Former New Recoi'd. Record. No rec. Messina Bov. b z. by Walkill. at Erie, Pa.. June 27 '. 2.19 *2.25 Mollie L. (Qneechee Maid), br m, bv Ballard's C. M. Clay, dam by The Morse Horse, at Rochester, Minn.. Sept. 3 2.26>^ No rec. Nettie Clav. ch m, at Topeka, Kansas, Sept. 12, driven by H. B. Warner 1__ 2.20 No rec. Nettie Hoppiii, ch m, bv Longstnde, at Springfield. 111., Sept. 4 2.26 No rec. New Hope, blk g, at Centralia. 111., Oct. 23, 4th heat 2.2914 No rec. Patchen T, b g, by Shadow, dam by Hole-in-the-Day, Minneap- olis, July 4 2 241^ No rec. Patsev Clinker, gr g. by Clinker (2.20), dam by Copperbottom, Topeka, Kan., Sept. 13 2.222i No rec. Pearl, b m. bv Abraham, dam by General Washington, Wash- ington, D. C. May 11 2.29>^ No rec. Pronto, br g, at Belmont Parlv. Philadelphia, Oct. 22 2.243^ 2.31 Sleepy Bill, blkg. St. Loui.s. Mo., July 19 2.30 No rec. Sol M'iller, ch s (3). bv Col. West, at Topeka, Kansas, Sept. 12, driven by C. E. Leland 2.29% No rec. Toledo Girl, ro m, bv Monarch, Jr. (2.24i<^), at Battle Creek, Mich.. July 23-___" 2.26H No rec. Tommv Lvnn, b g. at Council Biufifs, Iowa, June 26 2.27% 2.31 Twister, blk g. Suffolk Park, Philadelphia, May 15, to wagon__ 2.291^ No rec. Uncle Ned, ro g. by Kurtz Morgan, at Cleveland, O., Sepc. 25 2.23% No rec. Van Zandr, br g, at Dayton, O., Oct. 3, driven by A. Sharp 2.29 Pacers that Lowered tlieir Records in 1884. Foiiner New Record. Rec^/rd. 2.21% Bessie M.. blk m. bv Pocahontas Bov. at Providence, Sept. 10— 2.16% 2.169£ Billv S., b g. bv Corhean. at Buffalo. N. Y.. Aug. 9 2.I414 2.24 Billv M.. ch g,''bv Little Mac. driven bv Chas. H. Baldwin, at Mys-tic Park. lionon, Scpr. 18. 2d heat 2.19% 2.27 Buck Dickerson. ch z. by Fowler. <,an inbred Tom Crowder), dam Chestnut Star's dam, by Sleepy Abe, at Council Bluffs, la., Aug. 28 2.26 2.29K Clara D..>om. at Chicago, 111.. Aug. 16 2.22% 2.24^4 Fritz, gr g, by Tom Hunter, Cleveland, O., 3d heat, J.S.Campbell, 2.18 2.2334 Geo G . dn g, bv Flving Dutchman, at Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 13. (now dead)" 1 2.17 2.10 Johnston, b g, bv Bashaw Golddust, at Chicago, Oct. 3, driven by Splan 1 2.06>4 2 2014 Joe Braden, b g, by Bull Gopher, at Pittsburg. July 16 2.18 2.26 Jordan, chg by son of Scott's Hiaroga, at Cleveland, Sept. 25— 2.1934 2.29 Lndv Mack, b m. bv Pat. son of Hamerick's Hamiltordan, dam by Mambrino Temnler, Shelby, O., June 6 2.251^ 2.24 Little Willie, sp g, bv 2.231^ 2.243^ Lottie P., b m, bv Blue Bull, at Kansas City, Sept. 18 2.21% 2.271/2 Nellie Shaw, ch m 2.26% 2.27 Nettle Kernan. br s, by George Gordon (2.27^^), at Nashville, Tenn.. Sept.' 13 2 2634 2.26 Prince, b g. bv Missouri Chief, at Fresno, Cal., Oct. 10, 4th heat, 2.23% 2.25% Shaker, b g, at San Jose. Cal., Oct. 2 2.2?'/, 2.213^ Silvertail. gr g, bv Tempest, jr.. at Chiaaso, 111., Aug. 22 2.19 2.151/2 Westmont. chg, by Almont. at Prov.dence, Sept. 11, 3d heat— 2.13% 2.2814 Frank W. dn g, bv Bishop Berklev, at La Salle, 111., July 31, driven by Ben Walker 1 2.211^ 156 FASTEST RECORDS. THE KASTEST RECORDS TABLE OF THE BEST TIME ON RECORD, AT ALL DISTANCES, AND ALL WAYS OF GOING, TO DEC. 20, 1884. TROTTING IN HARNESS. One mile— Mand S , Lexington, Kv., Nov. 11, 1884, 'i-m%. Bt'Ht by ge'ding— Jay Eye See, Providence, R I., July 31. 18=^4, 2:10. Best bv stallion-Maxy'Cobb, Providence, R. I., Sept. 30, 1884, 2:13i4. Ouemde. by a yearling filly— Hinda Rose, San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 14, 1881, 2:363o. One mile, by a yearling stallion— Nutbreaker, Lexington. Ky., Oct. 14, 1884, 2:421^. One mile, by a two-year-old filly— Wildflower, San Francisco, Oct. 22, 1881, 2:21. One mile, bv a two-year-old stallion— Fred Crocker, San Francisco, Nov. 20, 1880, 2':25J^. One mile, bv a turee-y ear-old- filly — Hinda Rose, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 10, 1883, 2:193^". One mile, by a three-year old stallion— Steinway, Lexington, Ky., Aug. 28, 1879, One miie.'ity a four year-old fillv— Sallie Benton, San Francisco, Dec. 13, 1884, 2:175^. One mile, by a four-year-old stallion— Albert W., Oakland, Cal., Sept. 5, 1882, 2:22. One mile, bv a four-year- old gelding— Jav Eve See, Chicago, Sept. 23, 1382, 2:19. ( 'ne mile, by a five-year-old filly— Trinket, Dover, Del., Sept. 30, 1880, 2:193^. One mile, bv a five-year-old stallion— Santa Claus, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 11, 18T9, 2:18. One mile, bv a five-year-old gelding— Jay Eye See, Providence, R. I., Sept. 13, 1883, 2:103^. One mile, over a half-mile track— Rarus, Toledo, O., July 20. 1878, 2:16. Two miles— Monroe Chief. Lexingrm, Ky., Oct. 21, 1882. 4:46. Three miles— Huntress. Prospect Park, L. I.. Sept. 21, 18T2, 7:21^. Four miles— Trustee, Union Course, L. I., June 13, 1849, 11:06. Five miles— Lady Mack. San Francisco, April 2, 1874, 1-^:00. Ten miles— Contr.)l]er, San Francisco, Nov. 23, 1878, 27:2334. Twenty miles— Captain McGowan. Boston, M;iss.. Oct 31, 1865, 58:25. Fifty miles— Ariel. Albany, N. Y.. Mav 5, 1646, 3:55:401^ One hundred miles— Conqueror, Centreville. L. I., Nov. 12, 18.53, 8:55 :.53. One hundred and one miles— Fanny Jenks, Albany, N. Y., May 5, 1845, 9:42:57. TROTTING TO WAGON. One mile— Hop -ful, Chicago, Oc^ 12, 1878, 2:163^. One mile, drawing 2,000 lbs.— Mountain Maid, Long Island, 1865, 3:42}^. Two miles— General Butler, Fashion Course, L I, June 18, I8t33, 4:5GJ^; and Dexter. Fashion Course. L. I., Oct. 27, 1865, 4:561^. Three miles— I'rince, Union Course. L. I., Sept. 15, 1857, 7:533^. Vive miles— Little Mac, Fashion Course, L. I., Oct. 29, 186'., 13:43*4. T.-n miles— John Stewart, Boston, Mass., June :30. 1868, iS-M^. Twent miles— Controller, San Francisco, April 20, 1878, .58:57. Fifty miles— Spangle, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 15, 1855, 3:59:04. 167 FASTEST RECORDS. TROTTING UNDER SADDLE. One mile— Great Eastern, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1877, 2\\o%. Two miles — George M. Patchen, Fashion Course. L. I., July 1, 1868, 4:56. Three miles— Dutchman, Beacon Course, N. J., Aug. 1, 1839, 7:SZ}4. Four miles— Dutchman, Centreville Course, L. I., May, 1836, 10:51. TROTTING, DOUBLE TEAMS. One mile— Maxy Cobb and Xeta Medinm. New York, Nov. 13, 1884, 2:15^. One hundred miles — Master Burke and Robm, 1834, 10:17:22. TROTTER WITH RUNNING MATE. One mile~H. B. Winship and Gabe Case, Providence, R. I., Aug. 1, 1884, 2.06. Three miles— Ethan Allen and running mate, 1861, 7:03%. FA CING IN HARNESS. One mile— Johnston (gelding), Chicago, Oct. 3, 1884, 2:06i4. One mile— Buffalo Girl. Pittsbursh. Pa., July 27, 1883, i-.VZi^. One mile— Cohannet (stallion). Providence. R, I., Sept. 9, 1884. 2:18^. Two miles — Defiance and Longfellow. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 26. 1872, 4:4754- Three miles— James K. Polk. Centreville, L. 1.. Sept. 13. 1847, 7:44. Four miles— Longfellow, San Francisco, Dec. 31. 1869. 10:34>^. Five miles— Onward, San Francisco, Dec. 11, 1874, 12:51%. PA CING UNDER SADDLE. One mile— Billv Boice, Buffalo, K. Y., Aug. 1, 1868, 2:14%. Two miles— James K. Polk, Philadelphia, June 2o, 1850, 4:571-^. Three miles— Oneida Chief, Beacon Course, N. J., August 14, 1843, 7:44. PACING TO WAGON. One mile— Sweetzer, Chico, Cal.. Nov. 21, 1878, 2:17i4. One mile— Pocahontas, Union Course, L. I , June 21, 1855, drawing 265 lbs., 2'17i<» Two miles— Hero, Centreville, L. I., Oct. 17, 1855, 4:59. PACING WITH A RUNNING MATE. One mile — Westmont, ch g. by Almont, with running mate Firebrand, to road wagon, at Chicago, Ills .." July 10. driven by J. S. Campbell, 2.012^. (Exhibition Performance.) 158 FAST SIRES. Trotters with 2:-^o Records, under Sires. Table gtvixg Names and Records op all Trotters with Records oj» 2:30 OR Better, in Harness, or to Wagon, grouped under THE Names of their Sires, as far as known. 2.14 •2.21 34 2.2214 2.29 Abdallau. bv Mambrino. Sir Walter, b g 2.27 OBleni^^. b ? 2.273^ Frank Forrester, b g 2.30 Abdallah (Alexander's;, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Goldsmith Maid, b m_ Rosalind, b m Tnomedale. b s Major Edsall, b s St. Elmo, br s 2.30 Abdallah (Byerly's). by Mam. Patchen. Jerome Turner, b s 2.22 Abdallab (Conklin's), breed, unknown. Rarus. b g 2,1314 Abdallah (Downing's). Lady Martin, bm 2.2,3 Abdallah (Goldsmith's), by Volunteer. Little M;sp, b m 2.2GK Dictator (Rease's), bg 2.27 Hickory, b s 2 27^ Alexander, b S4- 2.28?.£ Abdallah (Key's). Iron King, bg 2 30 Abdallah (Taggart's), by Farmer's Beautv. Ned Wallace, b s 2.2.0 Parkis Abdallah, b s 2.26% Abdall.^h Bot. bv Abdallah Mes.«'£rer. Dutch Girl, rn m '2.27%, Abdallah Messenger, by Alexander e- Abdallah. Abdallah Boy, b s 2.2414 Abdallah Messenger (formerly Butih Messenger). Bijou, brer 2.2714 Abdallah Pilot, by Alex.'s Abdallah. Pickard, b g 2.18^ Red Jim, b g 2.30 Abe Lincoln', by Young Columbus Flora Belle, ch m 2.273>^ Abraham, by Daniel Lambert. Frank, b g 2.20;^' Kittie Cook, b m 2.26 AJice, b m 2.23 Aberdeen, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian.. Hattie Woodward, b m 2.1514 Modoc, ch g 2.19>^ HughMcLauzhlin, b s 2 23 Kate Taylor, b m ^ 2.233^ Vallev Boy, b g 2.24!% Sir Walter, ch s 2.24V's Star, b g 2.2534 Leda. b m 2.25>poon, ch m-__ 2.1634 Piedmont, ch s 2.1734 Aldine. br m 2.1934 Early Rose, br m 2.2014 Kini? Almont, b s 2.2134 Lillian, ch m 2.2-3 Alta. br m 2.2S}yi Atlantic, blk s 2 241/2 Aimonarch, b s 2.24^ Allie West, blk s 2.2.5 Ella Earl, br m 2.25 Katie Jackson, bm 2.2.5^ Alice West, blk m 2.2G Almont, Jr. (Hamlin's), b S— 2.26 John F. Phelps, Jr., b s 2.26 Tiltou Almont, blk s 2.26 Annie S.. b m 2.203^ Almont Eagle, br s 2.27 Sannie G., gr m 2 27 Una. b m 2.273^ Almont. Jr. (Bostick's) 2.v9 Dolly Davis, ch m 2.29 Musette, b m 2.293^ Clermont, ch g 2.30 Almont Chikf. bv Almont. Almont Gift, 'b s 2.2934 Almont M., b s 2..30 AL3IONT Jr. (Bostick's), by Almort. Annie W., ch m 2.20 Alsiont Jr. (Hamlin's), by Almont. Belle Hamlin, b m (5) 2.2:334 Maud T., b m 2.26 Alien Almont, b m 2.2734 Justiiia, b m (5) 2.28>'2 Alpine, by Edward Everett. Lonise ><"., b m 2.2034 Alta, bv American Clay. Roger Hanson, gr s 2.283^ Stranger, ch g 2.29 Ambot. bv Green's Bashaw. Clara Cleveland, ch m 2.23 Corbin's Bashaw, ch s 2.2634 Lady Kerns, b m 2.29><^ American, by Whitehall i Nelly Hofcomb. gr m 2.28 | American Boy, by John Gilpin. I William G., gr g 2.2.534 Ripion, brg 2.2834 American Clat, by Strader's C. M. Clay Jr. Gran\ille, ch g 2 26 Maggie Briggs, bm 2.27 Ella Clay, b m 2.27^4 American Empebor, by Young Emp'r. Dot, b g 2.29M American Emperor, Jr., by Am. Emp. Lottie K.. b m I 2.27 American Ethan, bv Ethan Allen. Geo. H. Mitchel^'b g 2.26 Nelly Webster, br m 2.2^^ Fanny Raymond, b m 2.30 American Star (Conklin's), by Amer- ican Star (Seelv's). St. Cloud, b g 2.21 Star, ch g 2.30 American Star (Seely'sj, by American Star (Stockholm":-). Widow Machree, ch m 2.29 Polly Lewis, b g 2.293^ Lady Whitman, b m 2.30 Newburgn, ch g 2.30 Andrews' Horse by the Crawford Horse, Startle, blk s 2.263^ Andrew Jackson (Canada). Schuyler Colfax, b g 2.273£ Elmore Everett, ch g 2.30 Kitty, b m 2.30 Andreav Jackson Jr., by Long Island Black Hawk. California Damsel, ch m 2.243^ Happy Jack, bg 2 30 Andy Johnson, bv Henrv Clay. S. S. Ellsworth, ch g 2.29 Joe Hooker, ch g 2.30 Anthony Wayne, by Andv Johnson. Brown Dick, bg 2.2934 Archie Mambrino, by ilambrino For- rest. Billy Dayton, b g 2.27i^ Aristos, bv Daniel Lambert. H. B. vVinsliip. oik g 2.2034 Arthurton, by" Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Arab, b g 2.2OI2 Joe Arthurton, b g 2.25>^ Ashlanu, bv Mambrino Chief. Hiffhland Win, b m 2 26 Jue Pcttit, b g 2.30 Ashland Chief, bv Mambrino Chief. Black Cloud, blk s 2.1734 Blue Cloud, b g 2.29I4 Ashland Kate, ch m 2.29§2 ArGUST Belmont, by Rysdyk's Ham bJeionian. Don Cossack, b s 2.28 A. W Richmond, by Simpson's Black- bird. Romeo, gr s 2.1934 Bacchus H"Kse. by Cone's Bacchus. Jenny Holton. b m 2.2234 Badger Boy, bv Rossman Horse. Gen. Howard, gr g 2.26>^ Bajardo, bv Stephen A. Douglas. Stephanus, b s 2.2834 Bald Chief, by Bav Chief. Tom Brown, ch g 2.27^ 160 FAST SIRES. BALPORA.by Alexander's Abdallah. Keniuckian. ch 8 2.21^ Bashaw (Crouch's), by Bashaw Prince. Mollie Harris, "'Ik m 2.2.-))^ Bashaw (Wagner's). byGreen's Bashaw J. H. McCormick, ch g 2.:29 Bashaw (Green s), by Yernol's Black Hawk. Josephus. ch g 2.1fl% Fred Dougla'?, ch s 2.2034 Hambletonian Bashaw, b s__ 2.2114 Rose of Washington, gr m-_ 2.2]'?4 Kirkwood, b s 2.24 Bashaw Jr.. ch s 2 24?^ Wagner's Bashaw, b s 2.25^ Ambov. ch s 2.2f> Green'Charley, bik g 2.26J4 Gen. Lee, ch s 2.2fii/2 Tom Kirkwood. b'.k e 2.29)^ W^ild Oats, br g 2.29=^ Josephine, b m 2.30 Robert Barns, ch s 2.30 Bashaw Jackson. Key West, ch s 2.28j«r Bayard, by Pilot Jr. Bliss, brm 2.213^ Emma B., gr m 2.221/2 Lilly J., blk m 2 25^ Eagle Plume, gr g 2 293^ Modie H.. ch k 2.2912' Bat Billy, by Rysdvk's Hambletonian John McDougall.'b s 2.29 Bat Chief, by Napoleon. Lyman, dn g 2.25X Bay MiDDL>;Ti)N, bv Middleton. Prince Middleton, b g 2 245^ H. M. Strong, ch g 2.2.5^ Mollie Middleton. b m 2.25)4 Bay Richmond, by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Fritz, b g 2.2-34 Bay Tom. Fred Neil, b g 2.293^ Beecheu, by Blue Grass. Mike, br g 2.28 Bellfounder (Milliman's), by Bell- founder. B. U., b g 2.23V, Dexter, bs 2.24^ Nellie Burns, b m 2.2.5 Gus. b s 2.2B-H Bellflower, b m Tempest, ch g 2.29 Sweet Home, ch m 2.30 Bellfounder (Richard's), by Blucher l^Hungerford's). Angeline, b m 2.27 Bell Morgan, by Cottrill Morgan, Lady Turpin, blk m 2.23 Ben Lomond, by Trojan. Ben Lomond Jr., ch s ,_ 2 28 Blue Jay, m g ^ 2.2934 Belmont, bv Alexander's Abdallah. Nutwood, ch s 2.185i Wedgewood br s 2.19 D ck Moore, ch g 2.223^ Nil Dr^sperandum, b s 2 24 Cora Belmont, gr m 2 24V3 Meande-, b s (oi 2.265^ Nora Temple, b m 2.27j| Tremont, b s 2.283^2 Lady Kelso, gr ra 2.29 Belmont, by Americau Boy. Venture, ch s 2.27^ Belmont (Fisk's), by Irish Hunter. Belle H., ch m 2 24J4 Belmont Morgan. Richwo.id. br g 2 27 Bex Patchen. by Burlington. Frai^ce's Alexander, blk s 2.19 Benson Horse, by Crawford Horse. Lew Pettee. b e 2.29 Bekhe Horse, by Horner Colt. Belle Smith, ch m 2.29 Berlin, by California Blackbird. Thapsin. blk g (4) 2.28 Billy Bowlegs, by Smith's Young Columbus. Kitty, b m 2.30 Billy Denton, by Rysdyk"s Hamble- tonian. Captain, b s 2.28 John Love, b g 2.28^ Billy Glenn, bvJohnC.Breckenbridge Frank Ferguson, b g 2.26 Billy Hayward by Geo. M. PaichenJr Poscora Hayward, gr s 2.23J4 Alonzo Hayward. gr g 2.30 Billy Mustapha. breeding unknown. Little Mar3% ch m 2.25 Bishop, by Tom Allen Jr. Captain Douds, bg 2.27% Black Bashaw (Biumberg's), by Young Sleepy Davy. Cozette, blk m 2.19 John H.. b g 2.20 Eve, b m 2.2934 Blackbird, bv Little Cassius. Frank Allison, b s 2.2834 Blackbird (Simpson s), by Camden. Blackbird, blk s 2.22 Black Chief, bv Copperbottom. Bickford, dng 2.29^ Black Flying Cloud, by Vermont Black Hawk. Badger Girl, gr m 2.22}^ Black Diamond, by a French Canadian Clara J., ch m 2.28 Black Dutchman, by Doble's Black Ba--haw. Lady Kildeer, b m 2.28 Hunter, ch g 2.29 Black Eagle, breeding unknown. Royal George, gr g 2.26J^ 161 FAST J3IRES. Black Frank, by Bull Pup. Fred Douglas, blk g 2.2434 Black Hawk Montreal Girl, b m 2.2714 Black Hawk (Vermont), by Sherman Morean. Ethan Allen, b s 2.25>^ Lancet, blk g 2 27^4 BeJJe of Saratoga, br m 2.29 Black Hawk, Jk.. (Vermont), by Ver- mont Black Hawk. Scandinavian, br g 2.27 Black Hawk (M' Cracken's), by Ver- mont Black Hav.k. Sii^son Girl, blk m 2.2814 Black Hawk Hero, by Vermont Biack aiwk. Gray Mack, gr g 2.253< Black Hawk ^Whiteside), by Black Hawk. Molsev, b m 2.21% Rival, gr g 2.30 Black Haavk (Long Island), by Andrew Jackson. Prince, b g 2 243^ Black Hawk Morgajt, by Morgan Eclipse. Frank Fiske, rn g 2 29 Black Hawk (Tyler's). Billy O'Neill, bg 2.27 Black Knight, bv Dave Highland. Pilot R., b g-1 2.21% Black Milo, by Cornish Morrill. Judgment, br ^- 2.29 Black Pilot, bv Roscoe. Pilot Knox,*'brs 2.21 Centurion, blk g 2.2734 Tinnie B., brm 2.2734 Black Prince. Prince, sp g 2.273£ Black Ralph, by Flying Cloud. Georse D . Sheaman, blk g__ 2.293^ Black Ranger. Elmwood Chief, br s 2.27)^ Blackstone, by Kysdyk's Hambleto'n. Baisv Hamilton, b m (5) 2.28>4 Black Warrior, breeding unknown. Morrissey, ch g 2.2614 Idol, ch m 2.27 Blackwood, by Alexander's Norman, Proteine, br m 2.18 Blackwood. 1r., blk s 2 22J^ Blackwood Prince, blk s 2.2334 Rosewood, br m 2.27 Wildwood. br s 2.30 Blackwood. Jr. , by Blackwood. Hardwood, b s 2.24% Little Tommy, chg 2.30 Blanco, by Iron's Caamus. SmjTgHler, br s 2.1534 Blazing Star, bv Henry Clay, pacer. Sleepy Tom, b g 2.-2S)i Blondin, bv Clark's Mohawk, Billy Ford, ch g 2.26^ Blood Chief, by Blood's Black Hawk. Fanny Robinson, b m 2.20X Blue Bull, by Pruden's Blue Bull. Will Cody, b g 2.I914 Silverton, b g^ 2.2034 ZoeB., chm 2.2034 Chance, ch g 2.2O1/2 Richard, ch g 2.21 Bessie, ch m 2 2134 Mamie, b m 2.21 )i Florence M., chm 2.2234 Gladiator, b g 2.2234 Elsie Good, ch m 2.2234 Ethel, gr m 2.2:^ Kate McCall. gr m 2.23 Maybird. b m 2.23 St. Dennis, b g 2.-Zi}4 Belle Wilson, ch m 2.2-53^^ Lona Guffin, b m 2.233^ Ina G., b m 2.24 Kate Hall, chm 2.2V4 Russell, grg 2.2(1 Sheridan, 2.25 Blanche H , blk m 2.263^ Commander, b s 2 263^ Jennie C.,grm 2.2^3^ Mila C, ch m 2.263^2 Bertie, gr m 2.27 Dom Pedro, b g 2.27 Doctor Frank, m g 2.273^ Lena Swallow, b m 2.27 1.^ Mattie H., gr m 2 27J^ Mollie Kistler, b m 2.273^ Texas Jack, ch g 2.27J£ Doctor Sheppard, b s 2.2934 Effie G., b m 2.29^ General Russ, b g 2.2^3^ Joseph, b g 2.293-i Kate Bennett, rn m 2.29 j^ Captain Bogardus, b s 2.29^ Davton Belle, ch m 2.29?^ Ed" Wilder, chg , 2.30 Elia Wilson, b m 2.30 James Halfpenny, b g 2.30 Little Wonder, clig 2.30 Purity, ch m 2.30 Blue Colt, by Son of George M. Patchen. Grev Eddy, gr g 2.27 Blue Grass, by Rysdyk"s Hamble- tonian. Grey Cloud ,gr s 2.233^ Bob Didlake, by Mambrino Chief. Dick Taylor, gr g 2.24i^ Bogus Hunter, bv Kentucky Hunter. Flora Temple, "b m 2.19% Bonesetter, by Brooks Horse. Flash, blk m 2.19>^ Bonnie Bav, by Sweepstakes. Bertha's., b m 2.2934 162 FAST SIRES, BoNNiK Scotland (imp.), by lago. Scotland, blk g 2.22!^ Dan Donaldson (?), ch g 2.24^ Boston Boy. bv brover Boy. George Miller, b g 2.30 BouKBON Blue, by Bald Chief. Lee W. (Sorghum), b g 2.23^^ Bourbon Chief^ by Mambrino Chief. (almar, bg 2 22 Brandywine (Keene's),by Braudysvine. Ned Forrest, blk g 2.28>^ Brecke>tkidge, J. C, by Gray Eagle. Minnie R., b m 2.19 Brigand, by Mambiiuo Chief. Red Cross, ch s 2.2l>2 Brit Clay. Will Benham, b g— 2.2334 Brook's Horse, by Pilot, son of old Pilot. Bonesetter, b 8 2.19 Brown Harry, by Thurston's Black Hawk. Cora F., gr m 2.28 St. Elmo, gr g 2.29^ Jennie W., br m 2.30 Brown Horse, by Sandy River Grateful, ch g 2.28)^' Buccaneer, by Iowa Chief. Flight, b m (5) 2.29 Buchanan H., by Buchanan. Young Buchanan, b s 2.29>^ BucKiNGUAM, by Rvsdyk's Hambleto'n. J. well, b g.___: 2.24-% Burger, bv Boston Boy. Addie E. C, b m 2.30 Byron, by Field's Royal George. Ottawa Chief, b s (.5) 2.25 Cadmus (King's), bv Glitner'e Whip. Lilly Shields, ch m 2 29^4 Calkins Horse, by Vermont Black Hawk. Robert Lee, blk g 2.23i^ Caliban, by Mambrino Pilot. Cvclone, bre 2.25 Qca.^ter, b s 2.2634 Camden Denmark, by a Denmark Horse Nelia. b m 2.2G Canada Black Haavk, by Black Hawk. Fearnaught, br s 2.29 Canadian Lion, by . John Chambers, b g 2.27>^ Captain, bv Billy Denton. Toronto Maid, blk m 2.30 Capt. Beaumont, by . Wolford Z.. bg 2.22 Capt. We.-t, by Sam Beli. Sadie Bell, ch ra 2.24 Cardinal, by a French Horse. Cardinal, gr 2: 2.30 Careless, bv Smith's Abdallah. Charlev Green, b g 2.2Q% Majorizing, ch g 2.30 Cassius M. Clay, by Henry Clay. George M. Patchen, b s" 2.23V^ Cassius M. Clay (Amos'), by C. M.Clay. American Girl,bm 2.16;4 Cassius M. Clay (Ballard's), by Jones' C. M. Clay Queecliee Maid, br m 2 25 Cassias Prince, ch s. 2.29 Col. Pike, b g 2 29)4 May Day, b m 2.30 Cassius M. Clay (Neaves'),byC. M.Clay Lady Lockwood, bm 2.25 George Cooley, b g 2.27 Lew Sayres, rn g L 2.28)4 Harry Clay, blk s 2.29 Cassius M. CLAYiStrader"8).byC.M.i lav Durango, blk s 2.23% Harry Clay, blk g 2.23% Challenge, by Vermont Black HawK. Doty, b g 2.21 Champion (Fitzsimmons'), by King's Champion. JimEarley, ch g 2.22)4 Champion (King's), ;by Grinnell's Cham. George B. Daniels, ch g 2.24 Nettie Berlew, b m 2.24 Lark (Charley B.), b s 2.25 Golden Girl, gr m 2.2514 Myrtle, bm 2.2.5)^ Col. Barnes, ch g 2.28>^ Sorrel Dapper, ch g 2.28^^ Champion (Gooding's), by King's Cham. Naiad Queen, b m 2 20)4 Castle Boy, b g 2.21 Elmer, br g 2.22K York State, bg 2.23)4 Novelty, ch m 2.23J^ St. James, b g 2.2314 Edwin A., b g 2.24% Eva, b m 2.25)4 Schuyball, bg 2.20>i Lady Sargeaht, b ra 2.271^ Champion Girl, bm 2.29)^ Chauncey M. Bedle, b g 2 30 Charles Backman, by Rysdyk'e Ham. Backman Maid, b m 2.251^ Chaules Douglass, by Field's Royal George. Cora, b m 2.29)4 Charles E. Loew, bv Geo. M. Patchen. Stewart Maloney.'b g 2 27 Charley, by Washtenaw Chief. Minnie Maxwell, b m 2 28)4 Charley B., by King's Champion. Col. Wood, b g 2.2614 Bonnie L . , ch g 2.28 Maggie Morrill, ch m 2.29)4 Chauncey GooDRicH,by Marshall Chief Randall, ch ^ Chickamauga, by Vermont Boy. Charley B.. ch g 2.30 CHOSRoEs'bv Rvsdvk's Hambietonian. Ladv Mills, b ml 2.243£ W. E., b g 2. 2.5 .Hi Chdrchill Horse, by Young Black Hawk. Tom B. Patchen, br s 2.27>.^ Clarion, by ^Naugatuck. Old Pnt, br g 2.30 Clarion Chief, by Tippoo Chief. Hasting.*, bg 2.28H Tariff, b s 2.202£ Clark Chief, by Mambrino Chief. Croxie, b m 2.19^^ Woodford Chief, b s 2.2214 Blanche Amory, b m 2 26 John E., ru g 2.'iS% Chiefttiin, b s 2.29 Governor, b g 2.30 Lady Prewitt, b m 2.30 Clark Chief Jr., by Clark Chief. Ranchero, ch s 2 2S3^ Clay (Edsai's), by Harry Clay. Vision, b m 2.2C34 Clay Pilot, bv Cassias M. Clay, Jr., BillvR.. brg 2,29 Fulton Maid, b m 2.29^' Clear Grit, bv imp. Lapidist. Flora F., b m 2.241^ Amber, b s 2.253^ Bav William, b g (?) 2.27)4 Little Billy (Monitor), b S— 2.28 Clinker, bv Hazard. Lynwood (Billy Clinker), grs 2.20^^ Cloud Mambrino, by Dan Uuderhill. Kittie Bates, gr m (?) 2.19 Alfred, b g 2.26 Billy Lambertson, b g 2.2SJ4 Colossus Mambrino, by Colossus. St. Louis, brg 2.25 Col. Bonner, by Independent. Cornelia, blk m 2.2134 Col. Ellsworth, by Gen. Knox. Arthur T., br g 2.20 Col. Moore, by Rocky Mountain, Br. Normin, b g 2.19)^ CoL. MouLTON.by Daniel Lambert. Minnie Moukon (alias Baby Mine), blk m 2 2734 CoL. West, by Altmont. Westm-^nt, b s 2.24 Mabel H. ch m 2.2au Col. Winfield, by Edward Everett. Edgar, ch g 2.30 Columbus, bv Brown's Bellfounder. Little Mack, brs 2.283^ Vralter, b g (?)... 2.294 Columbus, Old, breeding unknown. Confidence, gr s 2.28 Columbus Young, by Old Columbus. Myron Perry, b g 2.243^ Sea F->am, gr m 2 243^ Commodore Vauderbilt, b s. 2 25 Harry Harlev, b 2: 2.255£ Phil Sheridan, br^s 2.2*ii^ Ben Smith, "r g 2.27 Anhur, gr g 2.27>^ Farmer Bov. gr g 2.28 Jim Ward,'bg 2.28}^ Fitzgerald, b g 2.30 Young Columbus, b g 2.30 Comet, by Vermont Black Hawk. Dictator, blk g 2 2:21^ Comet (Benedict's), by the Williams Horse. Maid of Monte, b m 2.28 CoMo Chief, bv Chieftain. Webber, brg 2.23 Commodore, by Boston. Tennessee, br m 2.27 Commodore, bv . Dick Organ, blk g 2.2534 Concord, by Lexington. StarW.,bm.../. 2.27?£ Conqueror, by Ed. Holly. Rutlcdge, b g 2.-30 Consternation, by Consternation. Molly Bell, br m 2.20 Continental, by Bacon's Ethan Allen. Captain Emmons, ch g 2.1934 Cooloo. b g 1 2.30 Contraband. Gold Note, b 2: 2.25 Copperbottom Horse, by Loafer, rn g 2 24>4 Little Jake, rn g 2..30 CoRBEAU, by Corbeau. Dora, brm 2.2634 Rose Standish, b m 2.29 Zephyr, ch g 2.29^^ Corbeau Chief, by Corbeau. Young Morrissey, blk g 2.22% Cortlandt Star, by Seely's American Star. Bonner, ch g 2.23 Country Boy, bv Prince Charles. Denmark, br"g 2.30 Crawford Horse, bv Truedell (?). W. H. Taylor, ch'g 2.2934 Crazy Nick, bv Kremer's Rainbow. C. W. Woolley, b g 2.223^ Creeper (Swanborough's), by the Peck Horse. Phil Sheridan, gr g 2.203^ 1(54 FAST SIRES. Creole, by John Eandolph. Rosewood, b s 2.283^ Cripple (Viley's), by Ward's Flying Cloud. Belle Brasfield, b m _.. 2.20 Crittenden. byStraders'C. M.Clay Jr. Mamie M., br m 2.22i4 Crown Chief, byMilford Mambrino. Roland, bs 2.28 Cub. Lady Alice, b m 2.2934 CoTLEK, by Rysdvk's Hambletonian. Day Dream, ch f (4) 2.213^ Al^'ath, b f (4) 2.23 Elvira, bik f (4) 2.18i/^ Orient, ch m 2.30 Cutler Cl.^y, bv Cuvler. Don Carlos, b s (4) 2.2.3i^ Dandt, by Long Lsland Black Hawk. Jenny, b m 2.293^ Daniel Booxe, by Tom Crowder. Cooley, blk g 2.26 Daniel Lambert, by Ethan Allen. Comee, b g 2.193^ Ella Doe, ch m 2.23^ Jim, rng 2.233^ Nancv, ch m 2.233^ Wild Lily, bm 2.24 Jimmy Stewart, b g 2.24^ Ladv Foxy, ch m 2.2414 John Hall, bg 2.2414 George A., b g 2.2414 Jubilee Lamb rt, b s 2.25 Blanchard, b g ..^ 2 253^ Nonesuch, ch m 2.2.5>^ Billy D.. chg 2.26 Addison Lambert, b e 2.27 Dickard, chg 2.27 Annie Pasre, b m 2 2714 Aristos, bs 2 27:^ Boston, b g 2.27^ Col. Moulton, ch s 2.28^ Co den. ch s 2.28^^ W. H. Arnold, gr g 2.29 Ben Franklin, ch s 2 29 3Iotion, ch e 2.29 Joe S , b g 2.311 May Morning, b m 2..30 Danville, by Provincial Chief. Elsie Groff, bm 2.24i^ Darkky, by Round's Horse. Highland Gray, gr s 2.28 Darleay. by Mambrino Patchen. Ladv Throne, b m 2 2.5 R. F. C. (Woodhike), b g 2.233^ D -trNTLEss. by Rysdyk's Hambletonian Thornless, bg 2.2834 .Dave Hill, bv Dave Hill. Kinsman Boy, blks 2.28>^ Dave Hill Jr., by Dave Hill (California) 2.2.^3 George Treat, br g. Black Swan, blk m 2.28}^ Davy Crockett, breeding unknown. Sam West, b g 2.29 Davy Crockett (Benton's;, by Davy Crockett. Business, b g 2.29 Delmonico, by Guy Miller. Darby, br g 2.163^ Democrat, by Columbu.?. Fred, b g 2.30 Denmark, breeding unknown. Belle Lawrence, b m 2.28 Detective Patchen, by Patchen Star. Patch, b g 2.2934 Deucalion, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian Nino, gr m 2.30 Dexter Bradford, by Rysdvk's Ham. Amelia C, b m 2 2134 Dick, by Buckskin. Tngomar, rn g 2.28 Dictator by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Jav Eye See, blk g 2.10 Pliallas. b s 2.1331£ Director, blk s 2.17 Ladv Majolica, b m 2.2.5 Code, b s 2.261^ Donald, bg 2.27 Annie G., br m 2 28 Princess, blk m 2.29K DiRiGo, by Drew Horse. Camors. b g 2.25^4 Little Fred, b g 2.2(5% Bully Brooks, b g 2.28 John Yirein, ch g 2.29 Doc, bv St. Clair. Occident, bg 2.16?^ Doctor Herr, by Mambrino Patchen Joe Davis (Tornado), b g 2.34><^ DoLAN (Canadian). Kitty Ives, gr m 2.2834 DoLPHUs. by Nimrod. Molly, b m 2.27>^ Lady Sampson, b m 2.16%. Dorsey, bj-^ S. A Douglas. Frank Davi<, b g 2.29 DoRESY GoLDDUST, by Golddust. Arthur, ch g 2 27 Draco, by Yoting Morrill. Eraco Prince, blk s 2.243^ Outlaw, br g 2.283i Drew Horse, by son of imp. Buzzard. Gen. McClellan, b s 2.29 Geo. B. McClellan, br s 2.30 Duke op Saratoga, by Young Woful. Mollie B.. b m (?) 2 30 Duke of York, by Small's Duke of York. Duke, b g 2.261^ Eastman Morgan, by Hale's Green Mountain Morgan. Little Fred, b g 2.20 Eaton Horse, by Avtry Horse . Stranger, gr g 2.30 165 FAST SIRES. Echo, by Rvsdyk's Hambletonian. Belle Echo, b m 2.20 Gibraltar, b a 2.223^ Echora, b m 2.2^}4 Annie Laurie, b m 2.30 Edward Everett, by Rysdyk's Hamb. Jud^ Enfield, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Robin, trr c 2.263.^ Engineer II.. by Engineer. Lady Suffolk, gr m 2.28 Enoch, by Ethan Allen. Rilev, b g 2.30 Emert t'EARNAFGHT,by Feamausrlit Jr F. D., b g 2.243^ Ensign, by Enchanter. Alert, "b g 2.2'=!i4 Brie Abdallah, by Roe's Abdallah Chief. Rienzi, b g 2.2534 I Ericsson, bv Mambrino Chief. Doble. blk s 2.23 Belle, bm 2.2834 Eric, b g 2.28)4 Lulu F.. b m 2 29 Nightingale, b m 2.29% Ethan Allen, by Yerm't Black Hawk. Billy Barr, dn g 2 2355£ HotsDur, b s 2.24 Pocahontas," b m 2.26*^ Fanny Lee, b m 2.28 Faunv Allen, b m 2.233^ Warwick, b s 2.29>^ Simon, ch g 2.30 Ethan Allen (Drurv's), by Vermont Black Hawk. Lady Fox, ch m 2.30 Ethan Allen (Bacon's) by Ethan Allen George R.. b g (s. t. b.) 2 M Russ Ellis, b g 2.2734 Lew Ives, b g 2.28 Rufus, brg 2.29 Ethan Allen iDeLong's), by Ethan Allen. Arthur, b g 2.26>^ Lucca, b m 2.30 Ethan Allen (Dixon's), by Ethan Allen. Sensation, b s 2.233^ Ethan Allen (Holabird's), by Ethan Allen. Laura Williams, ar m 2.243^ Charley Mac, ch g 2.25 Ethan Allen (Holland's), by Ethan Allen. Barney Kelly, b g 2.25 Ethan Allen (Woodward's), by Ethan Allen. Shepherd Boy, gr g 2.23)^ Aulinda, b m 2.25 Prince Allen, b g 2.27 Alhn, b g 2.2S34 Charley C, bg 2.2><>% Falka, b m ^ 2.2934 Fury, ch g 2.2934 Eugene Casserly, by Gen. Taylor. Sweet Brier, gr m 2.26J4 ExcnE<5rF.R, by Revenue. Lucille, b m 2.21 Rigolette, b m 2.2934 Fancy Golddcpst, by Golddust. Fred Golddust. ch s 2.27i^ Fearnaught, by Young Morrill. Arj^onaut, b s 2.2S}g Galatea, b m 2.24% Fearnaught Jr.. ch s 2.26 Fbarn aught Jr , by Fearnaught. Pemberton. b g 2.29><^ Fearnaught Prince, by Fearnaught. Parole, blk g 2.26>^ Fearnaught Spy, by Black Spy. Malvina, bm 2.241^ 1G6 FAST SIEES, Fbnia-n Chief, bv Canada Gray Eagle. Capt Smith, grg 2.j28;^ Perdinan C, byX'onductor. Lah-de dah, b ra 2.2634 Field's Black Hawk, by Vermont Black Hawk. Major Root, b g 2.27 Fine Cut, by John C . Fremont . Jacks(m, b s 2.27% FiREAWAY. Selkirk, br s 2.29>^ Florida, by Rysdyk's HambletoniaB. WalQut, bg 2.2r.X Lotta, b m 2.251/2 Flying Banner, bv Black Banner. Fanny, ch m __1 2.27 Flying Cloud (Jackson's), by Vermont Black Hawk. Star of the West, blk s 2 263^ Flying Cloud, by Pacing Abdallah. Myrtle, rn m 2.2G><^- Flying Morgan, b ceding unknown. Little Longfellow, ch g 2.293^^ FoRKEHT King, by Mambrino Patchen. Lida Bassett, b m 2.20>^ Fox Hunter. Dirigo. b g 2.27 Frank, bv Pendergast's St. Lawrence. Black Frank, blk g 2.28J4 Frank Allen, by Ethan Allen. Major Ailen. ch g 2.245^ Zephyr, br in 2.30 FRA^fK PiEKCE, Jr., by Frank Pierce. Phil Dougherty, ch g 2.26 Frank Pierce III., by Frank Pierce, Jr. Stonewall, ch g 2.2434 Fred Low. bv St. Clair. Clay, bikg 2 2S3^ Claremont, b s 2.29 Gambetta, by Volunteer. Volmer, br s (51 2.293^ Garibaldi, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Archie, b s 2.2814 Birdie C. b m 2.2S34 Gakaealdi. bv Dnroc Messenger. Belle Oaklev. ch m 2.34j^ Gayo, by Jeff Davis. Shamrock, br g 2.2734 Gen. Benton, bv Jim Scott. Bailie Benton, grf (4) 2.17^ Bonnie, b f (4) 2.2.5 George H., br g 2.2(^14 Gen.Dana, byWhipple's Hambletonian. Volunteer, b s 2.27 Gen. Grant, bv Draco. Eureka, blk g 2.23 Gen. Hatch, by C. M. Clay, jr. Envoy, br s 2.28 Fleta, blk m 2.28 Gen. Howard, by Badger Boy. John Hall, blk g 2.25 Gen. Knox, by Vermont Hero. Lady Maud, br m 2.I814 Camors, blk g 2.19% Independence, gr s 2.21?^ Victor, br s 2.23 Knox Boy, br s 2.2;33^ Peaceful, blk m 2 26 Gilbreth Knox, blk s 2.2G% Colonel, blk g 2.27 Emperor William, b s 2.2734 Harry Spanker, b g 2.30 Messen^'or Knox, gr s 2.30 Gen. Lightfoot, bv Gen. Knox. Shadow, b g_— 1 2.28 Gen. Lyon, bv Morrill. Richmond^ blk g 2.26i^ Eva, blkm 2.27 Belle Dean, blk m 2.30 Gen. McClellan, by North Star. Dan Voorhees, ch. s 2.2S14 St. Helena, b m 2.27)^; Flora Shepherd, ch m 2.30 " Gen. ]\IcClellan, Jr., by Gen. Mc- Clellan. Nelly R., ohm 2.19>^ Gen. Sherman, by Young Columbus. Ladv Sherman, b m 2.253^ Mars, ch s 2.27i^ Dio, b g 2.30 Gen. George H.- Thomas, by Mambrino Messenger. Scott's Thomas, b s 2.21 Lady K.,b m 2.29>^ Gen. Stanton, by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Fides, ch g 2.2214 Nettie T., br m 2.28 Gen. Washington, by Vermont Black Hawk. Bill Ed., b g . 2.28 Gentle Breeze, by Whirlwind. Pearl, b m 2.30 Geo. B. McClellan, by King's Pat- chen. Kitty Burcb, ch m 2.28 George M. Patchen, by Cassius M. Clay. Lucy, bm 2.131^ Charles E. Loew, blk s 2.2dX George M. Patchen, ir., br s_ 2.27 Mary, b m 2.28 George M. Patch h;n, Jr., by George M. Patchen. Sam Pnrdy, b s 2.20)^ Vanderlvnn. b s 2.21 Star King, dn g 2.22 Big Lize, b m (3. t. b.) 2.241^ San Bruno, b g 2.2.53^ Susie, chm 2.2634 Albert FrancH, b g 2.21 Lumps, br s 2.21 May Bird, Mk m 2 21 Kentucky Wilkes, blk s 2.21 14 Early Dawn, b f (4) 2.21 ?4 King Wilkes, br s 2.2214 Alcantara, b c (4) 2 2.3 Nellie L. , b m (5) 2 2314 Prospect Maid, br m 2.23^ Sherman, br ^^ 2.2;3i^ Tom Rogers, blk s 2 233^ Wilkes Boy, b c (1) 2.^»4 Blondine, ch m 2.24% Ambassador, blk s 2.25 Onward, b s 2.25i^ Defender, blk s 2.26 Brown Wiikes. br s 2.2fi34 Fanny Wilkes, brm 2 263.^ Alcyone, br s 2.27 Sister Wilkes, rn m 2.27 Abby b m 2.27 St. Gothard, b s 2.27 Anglin.b e 2 273^ Young Wilkes, blk s 2.2814 Isaac, b g 2.283*^ Georee, br s 2.25) Busby, b g 2.29)4 The King, blk s 2 2914 Bonnie Wilkes, b m 2.29>^ Getawat. by Gossip Jones. Sue Grundy, br m 2 25}4 Gideon, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. EzraL., rhg 2 21i^ Gllbreth Kxox, by General Knox. Capitola, br m 2.22^^ Charles R., b g 2.27 Lothair. blks 2 29}^ GiLLis Horse, by Long's Tornado. Contidence, ch g..r.- 2.26 GiLROY, by Messenger Duroc. T. A. k., b g 2.281^ Glencoe Golbdust, bv Old Golddust. George W. Dayis, bg 2.26)4 Glexair. by Messenger Duroc. Idlewild. blkm 2.29>^ Golddust, by Vermont Morgan. Lucille Golddust, bm 2.16^4 Fieety Golddust. grm 2.-20 Rolla Golddust, org 2.25 Indicator, ch s 2.27 Arthur, chg (?) 2.2?^ Golden Bow. by Satellite. Golden Giri; b m 2.28^4 Governor Sprague, by Rhode Island. Kate Sprague. brm 2.18 Dixie Sprague. bm 2.2o}r^ Gilbird"s Spraeue. blk s 2.i934 Grantham Chief, by Royal George. Commodore Nutt, b g 2.29 Green Mountain Ban.ner, by Black Banner. Lady Pritchard, ch m 2.21 A'ulcan, blk g 2.25 Green Mountain Morgan, by Black Banner. Professor, ch s 2.263^ Honest Billy, b g 2.293^ Grey Comet, by Black Comet. Wallace, blk g 2.27)4 Grey Dan. by Gideon. GoyeinorPlaisted 2.29)4 Grey E.agle (Earing"s), by Vermont Black Hawk. Carrie K., grm 2.30 Grey Eagle, bv Vermont Black Hawk St. Charles,' spg 2.26 Grey Eagle (McKesson's), by Coman's Grey Eagle. Charley Ford, grg 2.16^^ Don Quixote, grg 2.2934 Grey Eagle (Canavan's), by Canada Grey Eagle. Irene, grm 2.2Q% Dutch Girl, grm 2.29>'2 Grey Eagle (Chenery's), by Grey Eagle (thoroughbred). Ino, b m 2.21)4 Red Bird, bg 2.27>4 Grey Highlander, bv Dan Howell, b^.' 2.29V^ Grey Messenger, by Miller's Comer's Black Hawk. Tom Walters, che 2.29 Grey ^Iessengkr (Hoagland's), by son of Sherman Morgan. Honest Dutchman, ch s 2.263^ Blonde, grm 2.29}^ Grey McClellan, by General Mc- Clellan. Blanche, b m 2,25)^ Guide, bv Swigert. Zi2, bg 2.30 Gurney, bv Alex S.'. rng 2.28i^ Guy Miller Jr., by Guv Miller. Josephine S., blk m 2.24>^ H.\mbletonian (Andrus"), by Judson's Hambletonian. Princess, b m 2..30 Hambletonian (Parrish's), by Harris' Hambletonian. Joker, b g 2.22)^ George, b g i.24)4 168 FAST SIRES. Hambletontan (Rysdyk's), by AbdaPh. Dexter, bg S-llJ^ Nettie, bm 2.18 Oran^re Girl, b m 2.20 Gazelle, b m 2.21 Artillerv. bs 2.213^ Jav Golild, b s 2.21^ Bella, b m 2.22 Deucalion, b s 2.22 George Wilkes, br s 2.-22 Mattie, b m 2.22}^ Youns Bruno, br g 2.22^i Lady ^Banker, b m 2.23 Madeleine, bm 2.23}4 Bneze. b g 2 24 James Howell Jr., br g 2 24 Hambletonian's Last, b s 2M}4 Etfie Deans, b m 2 2b}4 Ella Madden, b m 2.25% Smell Hoops, br g. Chester, b g Jerome, b g Lottery, gr g Kisber, b s 2.2fii 2.27 ■ 2>27 2.27% Lottie, b m 2. Georgie M., b m (same as Scot- laLd Maid; 2.28^4 Alma, br m 2.283£ Enfidd, b s 2.20 Marguerite, b m 2.29 Factory Girl b m 2.201^ Afimlnistrator, br s 2.29,^ Astoria, b m 2.293< Bruno, br g 2.29J^ Hamperion, bs 2.29V2 Drift, D s 2 293^ Maud, b m 2.29% Sentinel, b s 2.29% Harvest Queen, b m 2.30 Lady Augusta, b m 2.30 IIasibletoxia.n (Glenn's), by Volunteer. Kitty Fisher, bm 2.29J4 Ha:mbleto.vian (Curtis'), by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. HambletonianMambrino, b s 2.2134 Flora B. (Dream), b m 2.24.^ Andy Mershon, gr s 2.2.5^ Sunshine, ch s 2.2914 Hambletonian (Goodwin's), by Kys- dyk's Hambletonian. Onawa, blk s 2.221^ Hambletonian (Green's), by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Nelly, b m 2.30 Hambletonian (McCurdy's),by Harold. Lulu Hambletonian. b m 2.28 Hambletonian (Mapes'), by Eyskyk's Hambletonian. Lady Thornton, b m 2.26j^ Hambletonian (Powers'), by Robert Bonner. Judge Parsons, b g 2.263^ Hambletonian (Felter's), by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Lucy, b m 2.26?£ Lady Tighe, blk m 2.29 Hambletonian (Rooney's), by Tally- Ho Morgan. Pedro, gr g 2.2534 Hambletonian (Sackctt's), by Rys- dyk's Hambletonian. Joseph A., b g 2.24 Hambletonian (Sawin's), by Wheeler'* Hambletonian. Joe Ripley, b g 2 25 Hambletonian (Strader's), by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Neva, b'm 2.2314 Cadmus Hambleto'n br c (4) 2.29?£ Hambletonian (Skinkle's), by Gage's Logan. Topsy, br m_ 2..30 Hambletonian (Whipple's), by Guy Miller. Graves, ch g 2.19 Empress, ch m 2.24 Lady Blanchard, gr m 2.2614 Maeirie C, br m 2.2(134 WesFfield, ch g 2.2fi,i^ Lou Whipple, b m 2.2t);5i" Alameda JIaid, (hm 2.27)^ Ajax. bs 2.29 Hancock, b g 2.29 Rustic, gr s 2.30 Hambletonian (Wood's), by Alexan- der's Abd.altah. Nancy Hacket, rn m 2.30 Howard Jav, rn g 21! Telephone, rn g 2.22^^ Blue Mare, rn m 2 23 Kilbum Jim, b s 2.23 Arsonaut, br g 2.-i334 BilTv Rav, rn g 2 23% Allegheny Boy, rn s 2.2734 Charley D., b g 2.293^' Chris^tine, rn m 2.2934 Kit Sanford, b m 2.2U^4_ Kitiv Wood, rnm 2.'2934 Ambler, b g 2.30 Hambletonian Chief, by Middletown. Georce 0., b g 2.243^ Hambletonian Prince, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Billv Button, ch g 2.2034 Helene, ch m 2.21 Peralto, ch g 2.261/2 Guess Not, b m 2.271/2 Happy Traveler, b s 2.2';i4 Hambletonian RATTLER,by Mambrino Rattler. Sooner, b g 2.24 Hambletonian Tranbt, by Edward Everett, Homewocd, ch 8 2.2334 169 FAST SIRES. Hambrino, by Edward Everett. Hambrino Belle 2.253^ Hamilton, by Eysdyk's Hambletonian. Jerome, b g 2.25% Hamlet, bv Volunteer. A. V. Pantliiid, b g 2.20 Leontine, br m 2.2?,% Loretta F.. b m 2.2'v^ Brookside Flora, br m 2.29 Hampshire Bot, by Hemingway Horse. Susie, ch m 2.21 Hanshaw Horse, by son of Blind Tuck- ahoe. Sciola, b m 2.23i^ Happy Medium, by Eysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Maxy Cobb, b s 2.18i^ Buzz Medium, b m 2.2014 Brigadier, b s 2.2114 Happy Thought, b s 2.22V, Neta Medium, b m •2.2-l^i R. P., bg 2.2-23.r Breeze Medium, b m 2.243^ Ellwood >Iedium, b s 2 24 34 Ward Medium, b g 2.2.514 Ethel Medium, bm 2.•2'^}4 Milton Medium, b s 2.2.5^ Harry, b g 2.26 Alexander, b g 2 2f;i^ ■ Eose Medium, bm 2.2'j^ Enchantress, b m 2.263;^ Baron Luff b g 2.2T Fleetwood, b g 2.29 Alice Medium, b m 2.291^ Fleet Medium, b g 2.2914 Happy Medium Jr.. by Happy Medium Carrie Medium, b m 2.273^ Harold, by Evsdyk's Hambletonian. Maud S., ch m 2.093^ ^Xoontide, gr m 2. 203^ :Mattie Graham, b m 2.2] 1^ McCurdy's Hambleton'n, ch s 2.2fii^ Daciana, blkm 2.271? Hermes, br s 2.2714 Good Morning, b m 2.28)^ Temple, bg 2.30 Harry Clay^ (Dotys), by Neave's Cas- siusM. Clay Jr. Bateman, bg 2.22i:£ Harry Clay (Haven's), by Sayre's Harry Clay. Claytonian, b m 2 2734 Harry Clay (Sayre's), by Neave's C. M. Clay. Surprise, gr g 2.26 Harry LATHROP,by Blood's Bl'k Hawk. Henry, b g 2.2034 Hazzard (St. John's), by Bob, son of Iron's Cadmus. Ben Starr, b g 2.29>^ Henry' Clay, by Andrew Jackson. Black Douglas, blk g— 2.30 Henry Clay Jr.. by Henry Clay (pacer) Bertha Clay, blk m 2.80 Henry B. Patchen, by Geo. M. Patchen Susie Parker, b m 2.2.5>4 Ki Ki, b g 2.28 Little Gem, ch g 2.30 Xellie Eose, b m 2 30 Hero of Thorndale, bv Thorndale. Alice Taylor, bm 2 30 HiATOGA(House:'s),bv Hanlev's Hiatoga Bay Dick, b g__-l _' 2.29 ^^ Hiatoga (Hanley's), by Eice's Hiatoga. Grand Duchess, b m 2.263^ Twang, be 2.28ii Hiatoga (Scoit's), by Hanley s Hiatoga Lew Scott, b g 2 2-3 Tom Cameron, gr g 2 23 3< Kate Campbell, br m 2.2.53^2 Erebus, blk g 2.2SI4 Duck, blk m 2..30' Headlii'ht, chg 2.30 Hiatoga (Sutton's), by Scoit's Hiatoga. Charley Douglass, b g 2 30 High Jack, by Blue Bull. Coupon, dn g 2.26% Highland Beauty, by Highland Boy. Eockton. b g 2.25V2 Highland Boy, by Hamlet. Glo.ster, b g 2.2.33^ Highland Grey, by Darkey, Florence, ch m 2.233^ Hinsdale Horse, bv Hinsdale Colt Deck Wright, bg 2.19^ Wilbur F.: b'k g 2.-Zi]4 Hippz, by (rarrard Chief. Basil' Duke, rn g 2.2^1.4 Hoagland Horse, by North America. Betsy Ann, ch m 2.25 Homer, by Mambrino Patchen. Lelah H., b f (4) 2.24i^ Honest Abk, by C. M. Clay. Princeton (Don Palmer") 2.27 Honest Allen, by Ethan Allen. J'rince Allen, ch s 2.26i< Tom Allen, blk g 2.283^ Bob Acres, chg 2.28j^ Honest At len Jr., by Honest Allen. Alton Boy,rn s 2.29>^' Shakespeare, b s 2.30 HoNKST Dan, by Vermont Hamblet'n. Forest King, b g 2.27 Sligo, b g 2.30 Honesty, by Stier's Hiatoga. Big Soap, b g 2.23 Nina K., b m 2.29?^ Hotspur, by Evsdyk's Hambletonian. Hotspur Chief, b s 2.29 Lucy C, ch m 2.30 HuMBiRD. by Tom Jefferson. Jack Draper, gr g 2.27 H. W. Genet, by Godfrey's Patchen. Frances, wh m 2 27 no FAST SIRES. Ipol, bv Ev?dylc's ITambletonian. Pickwick, br g 2.2914 Idol (Peck's), by Mambrino Chief. Don, gr g 2.223^ John 11.,. b cr 2.23 Barbara Patchen, b m 2.24^ lNDEPEND5NXE,bj-Young And. Jackson. John W. Hall, ch g 2.25 Independent, by Rysdyk's Hamblet'n. Uncle Dave, s g 2.26)':2 Josh Billings, ch g 2.29?^ Indian Chief, by Blood's Black Hawk. Warrior, br g 2.26 Inheritor, by Jay Gonld. Sioiitgomery, b s 2.213^ Iowa Chief, by Green's Bashaw. Corisande, b m 2.2414 Iowa Tuckahoe (Hansbaw Horse). Sciohi, b m 2.2:3J.| Ira Allen, by Flving Morgan. Ripon Boy, b s 2.25 Iron Dike, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Monroe, ch s 2.27Vo Mairgie H., gr m 2.2814' Silver Duke, gr s 2.28?^ Coriander, b s 2.29^ Island Chief, bv Daniel Lambert. Phil. Dwyer, brg 2.2914 Jack Hawkins, Jr., by Jack Hawkins Coquette, ch m 2 28}4 Tamarack, gi- g 2.28>^ Jack Shepard, by Rysdvk's Hamble'n. Clara M., bm 1 2.29)^ Jackson, bv Andrew Jackson. Miller's" Damsel, ch m 2.2834 James R. Reese, bv Walkill Chief. Index, bg 2.21 Morocco, b g 2.30 Jay Gould, bv Rysdyk's Hambleton'n. Adele Gould, ch m 2.19 Kin? Phillip, b s 2.21 Mill Bov. brg 2.26 Alladin; b s 2. 271^ Ray Gould, bm 2.29)4 Jean Baptiste, by Brandy. Deceit, brg 2 30 Jeb Stuart, bv Mambrino Patchen. Kittv Patchen, chm 2 2134 Darkness, blk m 2.27 Jersey Star, by Seely's American Star. Tom Keeler, bg 2.2.5 Sinbad, bg 2.29i'i J. H. Welsh, by Sammis' Washington. Urbana Belle, b m 2.2034 Jim Bister, by Blue Goose, b g 2.30 Jim Monroe, bv Alexander's Abdullah. Monroe Chief, b s 2.I814 Judge Hawes, b g 2.24 Lady Monroe, gr m 2.263^ Dread, b g 2.273^ D. Monroe, b 8 2.28?^ 1- Jim Ervin, by Clark Chief. Bristol Girl, b m 2.285i Jim FisK, by Benedict's Morrill. Magic, blkg 2.253^ JiMMiE, bv Leon (Badger's). Maybird, b m 2.2134 Jim Scott, bv Rich's Hambletonian. Ed. White, bg 2.27 Joe, bv son of Vermont Black Hawk. Clifton B03', blkg 2.23 Joe Bkown, by Woodward's Rattler. Judge Davis, b g 2.21 Mary Russell, gr m 2.233^ White Cloud, wh g 2.2534 Joe Dow^ning, bv Edwin Forrest. Abe Downing, b s 2.20% Dick Jamieson, b g 2.26 Joe Elmo, by St. Elmo. D. C. S., bg 2231^ Review, bm 2.2834 Joe Gavin, by Messenger Duroc. Cora Bell, bm 2.30 Joe Hooker, by Mambrino Chief. Maud Macey, chm 2.21% Bushwhacker, bs 2.2914 Joe Johnson (The Brooks Horse). Sleepy Joe, brg 2.193^ Johnny B., by Wood's Hambletonian. Taylor, rn g 2.26=4 John W. Conley, by Tom Wonder. Drummer Boy, bg 2.29!^ John Greene, bv Green Girl, b m (5) (s. t. b.).. 2.273^ John Lambert, by Daniel Lambert. Goldfiuder, ch s 2.23X John Nelson, by a son of Trustee. Nerea, ch m 2.233^ Aurora, ch m 2.27 Gov. Stanford, ch g 2.273^^ Nemo.bg 2.30 John F. Payne, bv Adam's Bald Chief. Bay Chief tain,' b g 2. 2834 Judge Advocatk, bv Messenger Duroc. Thornburg, brg 2.2154 Jules Juhgensen, by Gen. Knox. Iron Age, rn g 2.1934 Nelly Walton, bm 2.263/2 Jupiter, bv Long Island Black Hawk. Harry Gilbert, ci\ g 2.24 Ladv Emma,chfhl 2.263^ AL R., b g 2.28 Lady Hughe.-, b m 2.30 Jupiter Abdallah, by Jupiter. Result, b s 2.25 Prince, ch g 2.27 Tom Moore, b s 2.28 Justin Morgan, by Comet, Jr. Lady Lowe, ch m 2.28 Wick, b s 2.30 Kentucky Whip, by . Longfellow Whip (bar 2.23^) 2.265£ Marian H., ch ra 2.30 FAST SIRES. Keokuk, by Vermont Black Hawk. Jerome, ch g 2.27 Kensett. by Rvsdvk's Hambletonian. Lady Kensett, b m 2.26% Kent, bv Skipton. Jaybird, b m 2.30 Kentucky Black Kawk, by Smith's BJack Hawk. General Garfield, b g 2.21 Kentucky Hunter, by Furguson's Kentuckv Hunter. Lady Garfield, b rii 2 28)4 Kentucky Hunter, by . Patchen, ch g 2.18% Kentucky Princz, by Clark Chief. Bayonne Prince, blk s 2.2134 Kilmore, by Black's Hambletonian. Pilot Boy, b g (?) 2.27% King Herod, by Sherman Black Hawk. Foxie v., ch m 2.2:]% Herod, blk .s 2.24i'2 Billy Barefoot, blk g 2.23!/^ King Philip, by Jay Gould. Speedress, b m 2.2.514 Capt. Ben, b g 2.27 King Rene, by Belmont. Fn^ne, b f (4) 2.24i^ King Wilkks, bv George Wilkes. Oliver K., b s (4) 2.24>^ King ^Vii^y/iAM, by King William. Loiiis D., b g 2.24% KiRKwooD. bv Green's Bashaw. Daisy Eyebright, br m 2.27 Burns, b s 2.30 Knickerbocker, by Kysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Onward, b g 2.20J^ Stephen G., bg 2.20i/^ Grace, b m 2 27 Lady Lemmon. b m 2.30 Kossuth, bv John C. Fremont. CatskiHGirl, blk m 2.29^^ Kurtz Horse, by Paul Jones. Mazo-Manie, ch g 2.20^ Ancient Order Bov, ch g 2.27 Red Dick, ch g— ' 2.28 Larkin Horse, bv Gen. Knox. Wallace, b g 2.2934 Ledger, by Robert Bonner. Adele Clark, b m 2.2534 Legacy, by Goldsmith. Miss Legac}% b m 2.28^^ Legal Tender, by Moody's Davy Crockett. Red Cloud, b g 2.18 Fau2h-a-Ba]laj:h, b g 2.2G Legal Tender, bg 2.2714 Legal R , b g 2.30 Legal Tender Jr., 'by Legal Tender. Lady Elgin, b m 2.26% Leon, bv Anthony Wayne, Badger Boy, b g 2.29 V Lewiston Boy, by Pollard Morgan. Windsor, rng"(alias Dispatch) 2.243^ Lexington, by Brandywine. Arthur, blk g 2.283^ Lexington Chief Jr., bv Lex'gn Chief. Waiting, b g _'_ 2.253£ Lightning, bv Black Bashaw. Gen. Hancock, b g 2.24^^ Little Eastern, bv Gen. Benton. Blanciie, b f (4)-" 2.30 Locks.mith, by Goldsmith. Perplexed, chm (5) 2.29 Locomotive, by Bobert E. Lee. Capt Smith, b g 2.29 Logan (Gage's) by Rysdyk's Hambl'n. Skinkle's Hambletonian, b s_ 2.285^ Logan (. Wadleigh's), by Pomeroy's Logan. Wineman's Logan, ch s 2 28 Logan, bv Shoreham Black Hawk. Gen. Storms, b g 2.2714 Logan Jr. (Kipp's), breeding unknown. Carl)olic, b g 2.24>^ LoGUE Horse, bv son of Osirus. Lady Daggett, gr m 2.26 LoN Morris, by Gen. Knox. Kitty Morris, b m 2.30 Lookout, by Bourbon Chief. Keeue Jim, rn g 2.193^4 Lotuair (Woodford Abdallah), by Woodford Mambrino. Kenilworth. b g 2.21 Louis Napoleon, bv Ticonderoga. Col. Russell, b 2 2.25?^ Louis Napoleon, Canaila. Gray Chief, gr g 2.24?^ Louis Napoleon, by Volunteer. Jerome Eddy, b s 2.I6V2 Spinella. br m 2.2fi^ Mvrtle. b m 2 2734 Louie R.. bg 2.2934 Symbolic, b g (w) 2.30 Lumber, by Ericsson. Lady Lumber, blk m 2.2734 Lysander, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Lysander Boy, ch g 2.20% Macedonian, by Rysdvk's Hamblet'n. Hersev, br s 1 2.2:33^ Freeman, blk g 2.29 Magic, bv American Clay. Clemfnie G., ch m 2.153^ PostiBoy, ch s 2.2334 Keno, h g 2.233^ Mj-stery,!) g 2.253| Magna Charta. by Morgan Eagle. Hannah D., br in 2 22^4 Belle of Lexington, ch m 2.2()% Molly, b m 2.27 Sally Scott, b m 2.2834 Young Magna, bg 2.29 Magnolia, by Seely s American Star. Magnolia, gr g 2.2634 FAST SIRES. Major Edsall, by Alexander's Abdal'h. Robert McGregor, ch s 2.171/2 Major Grant, bv Delmouico. Nelly Grant, ch m 2.28}^ Major \ViNFiELD (Jack's), by Edward Everett. Clifton Boy, b g 2.30 Mambri.no (Carr's), oy Mambr'o Patch'n Lady Ellen, b m' 2.28 Mambrino Black Hawk, by Stock- bridpe Chief. Columbia Chief, blk s 2.2814 Mambuino Blitzen, by Mam. Patcheii. McLeod, b g 2 24 Mambrino Boy, by Mambrino Patchen. L'zzie R , br m 2 27J^ Mambrino Brave, by Mambrino Chief. Rip Rap, br g 2.2G Mambrino Bruce, bv Alcalde. Belle Wilson, bm 2.24}^ Mambrino Champion, by Eureka. Champion Jr., br s 2 24 Mambrino Chief, bv Mam. Paymaster. Lady Thorne, b m 2.18>^ Woodford Mambrino, br S— 2.21"^ North Star Mambrino, b s__ 2.26% Bay Henry, b g 2.28>^ Mambrino Star, b s 2.28}-^ Brignoli, b s 2.29J£ Mambrino Chief (Colcord's), by Mam- brino (Jhief. Blackstone, b g 2.29i^ Mambrino Chief (Fisk's), by Mambri- no Chief. Mambrino Sparkle, b m 2.231^ Mambrino General, b g 2.25>| Mambrino George, b 8 2.30 Woodchnck, b g 2.30 Matmbrino Chief (McDonald's), by Mambrino Chief. Catherine, b m 2.38% Mambrino Chief, Jr , by Mambrino Chief. Proctor, b g 2.23 Mambrino Clat, byStrader's Clay. Mambrino Clay Jr., blk s 2.2T>^ Mambrino Gift, by Mambrino Pilot. Wambrinette, b m 2.24?< Alfretta, b m 2.2(iV4 Mambrino Sotham, blk 8 2.2tt% Gift Jr., br s 2.27 >i Tecumseh, ch s 2.28 Mambrino Hambletonian, by Mam- brino Pilot. Parana, bm 2.I914 Stranger, b g 2 273£ Mambrino King, by Mambrino Patcheu Amie King i5), ch m 2.28J^ Mambrino Prince, by Garrard Chief . Maggie K., br m 2.30 Mambrino Sample, by son of Bashaw jr Flora P.. ch m 2.24^ Mambrino Star, by Mambrino Chief. Cottage Girl, ch m _— 2.29% Mambrino Temple, by Pilot Temple Billy Boy, b g 2.':>.6yi Mambrino Wagner, by Mam. Patcheu Glendale, b g __— 2.2014 Mambrunello, by Mambrino Chief. Sadie Howe, b m 2.26 Tom Britton. br g 2.26 Marshall Chief, by Kilburn Horse. Dr. Lewis, ch g 2.24 Little Sam, ch g 2.30 Marshal Net. by Mambrino Pilot. W^estover (B-llly Badeye), b g 2.26J4 Cyclops, b s 2.27 Masteklode, by Rysdyk's Hamblel'n. Edward, ch g 2.19 George V , ch g 2.20 Belie F., b m 2.201^ Ham Monison. b g 2.30 Matchless, bv Prince Albert. Palma, ch"g 2.22% May Day, bv Henry. May Queen, b m 2.26>^ Mazeppa, by imp. Uooton. Happy, wh m 2 27 Meeker Horse, breeding unknown. Fearless, b m 2.28 Menelaus, bv Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Cleora, blk m 2.18^^ Maggie F., b m 2.27 Harry Pulling, b s 2.2934 Romeo, b e 2.29ij 173 FAST SIRES. Mercurt, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Chester F., ch g 2.30 Merroav Horsb, by Winthrop Messen- ger. Belie Strickland, chm 2.26 Messenger Chief, by Abdallah Pilot. Maud ?\Ie?senger, b m 2.1634 Marvel, b g 2.28 Messenger Do roc, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Elaine, b m 2.20 Prospero,blk g 2.20 Charlev Champlin,bg 2.213.| Dame Trot, blk m 2.22 John D., b g 2.23!^ Troublesome, br m 2.2.53^ Star Duroc, b s 2.25?^ Hogarth, blks 2 26 Mcl'lure. blk g 2.30 Messenger Hunter, by an imp. Eng- lish Hunter. J. G. Blaine, blk g 2 283^ Messenger (Logan's), by State of Maine Crown Prince, wh o 2.25 Metacomet, by Morrill. Winthrop Morrill Jr., blkS— 2.27 MicHiE. by Young C. M. Clay. Mink.' blk s 2.29^ MiDDLETOWN, byRysdyk's Hamblefn. Music, ch m 2 2\}i Nelly Irwin, b m 2.25 Orange Blossom, b s 2.263^ Storm, b m 2.26?^ Lady Blcssington, b m 2.28 Mike, bV Vermont. Barney, b g 2.2.5>J MrLw.^uKEE. by Rysdyk's Hambleto'n. Adelaide, b ml 2.20^ Milo, b s 2.26 Ticonic, b g 2.26,i^ Mohawk, by Lone Island Black Hawk. Mohawk Jr. (Clarices), b s — 2.26 Mohawk Jr. (Hall's), b 8 2.26 Elmo, ch s 2.27 Mohawk Jr. (Clark's), by Mohawk. Yellow Dock, ch m 2.203^ Fashion, bm 2.23^ Lady Clark, rn m 2.27 Mohawk Jr. (Hall's), by Mohawk. Mohawk Kate, b m 2.26?^ Mohawk Gift, ch s 2 273^; Mohawk Chief, b s 2.30 Monarch (Strawn's), by imp. Monarch. Monarch Rule, b ml 2.2434 Monarch Jr., rn s 2.24 >^ Monitor, by Conklin's American Star. Little Sioux, b g 2.23^ Monmouth Patchen, by George Mon- mouth Patchen. St. Albans, blk g 2.2034 Montauk. by Cassius M. Clay. Gen. McClellan, dn g 8.29 1' Morgan Black Hawk, by Vermont Black Hawk. Delaware, ch g 2.28 Morgan Cesar, by Woodbury Morgan Mack, br g 2.28 Morgan Eagle, by Hale's Green Moun- tain Morgan. Lady Sutton, b m 2.30 Morgan Hunter, by . Modoc, gr g 2.25 Morgan Messenger (Morrison's), by Enterprise. Bronze, b m 2.21i^ Morgan Prince, by Morgan Hunter. Viola, br m 2.28 Morrill, by Jennison Horse. Mountain Maid, b m 2.26^4 Morse Horse, by McNitt Horse. Gray Eddy, gr g 2.283^ Mopcow, by Defiance. Frank Moscow, ch g 2.2734 Mountain Chief, by Morrill. Hayiland. b g 2.29>4 Myron Perry, by Young Columbus. General Tweed, ch g__. 2.26}^ Xed Forrest ( Braunock's), by Joe Downing. Edwin Forrest, bg 2.18 Ned Forrest, (Hughes'), by Edwin Forrest. Cleveland, b g 2.28J4 Ned Forrest, by Dave Hill, Jessie Hayes, b m 2.24 Nephew, by Hambiino. Lucilla. b f (3) 2.2834 Nero, by Vermont Boy. Oceana Chief, ch s 2 23 New Jersey, by George M. Patchen. Grace Bertram, ch m 2.29 Newman Horse, by Rollins Horse. Emperor, blk s 2.2934 Newry. thoroughbred son of Lexington Maggie F., b m 2.25 New York, by Rvsdvk's Hambletonian. Reveille, br s...' 2.223.i Georgie W., b m 2.265^ Novelty, br f (3) 2.28% Niagara Chief, by Toronto Chief. Ben Flagler, gr g 2.2834 George F Smith, b g 2,28 Nigger B.^by, bv Bay Fanny, bm 2 28 Sciota Belle, br m 2.28 Night Hawk, by GrinnelFs Champion. Red Cross, bg 2.26':^ Minnie Warren, ch m 2.273-4 Nobby, by Garrard Chief. Nobby, jr., bg 2.23% Nonpareil, by Long Island Black Hawk. Commodore Perry, b a 2.27J^ W^estern New York, b g 2.29 FAST SIRES. NoNPARiBL, by Wood's nambletonian Minnie D.. b m 2.23>^ Norman (Alexander's), by Morse Horse. Lnla, bni 2.15 Mav Qneen, b m 2.20 NoRM.AX (Palmer's), by Alexander's Norman. Nelly Bryant, br m 2.2514 NoKWJOD, by Kysdyk's Hambletonian. Tumray Norwood, br g 2.263^ Nutwood, by Belmont, P'eiix, b? 2.I914 Mar.on. bm 2.21 Jim Mulvenna, gr c (-i) 2.273^ Oak HrLL, bv Rvsdyk's Hambletonian. Nickle, b g.: 2.21 OCTIBAHA, bv Echo Chief, ch s 2.29J4 OLE Bull, bv Old Pilot. ChicaLTo.'br 2 2.24% OLE Bull Jr., bv Ole Bull. Steve Maxwell, gr g 2.21>^ Oraxge Blossom, bv Middletown. Orange Boy, b g 2.-30 Orange County, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Lem, b s 2.27K W. M. Mallory,bg 2.30 Orion, bv Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Res, b s (5) 2.261.^ Osceola, bv Drennon. W. K. Thomas, gr g 2.26 Gen. Lee, ch g 2.29 Otego Chief, by Victor. Hector (Billy Sheridan), bg.. 2.23 Overland, by Bald Chief. Ned, bg 2.2914 Paddy Magee. by Gen. Taylor. May Howard, gr m 2.24 Palmer Bogus, by Ballard's Bogus. George Palmer, br g 2. 19^4 Damon, b s 2.23% Panic, by Ethan Allen. Butterscotch, bg 2.2414 Paragon, by Andrew Jackson(Canada). Frank Munson, ch g 2.25 Paragon, bv Bailey's Paragon. Belle of Fitchburgh, b m... 2.30 Parsons' Horse by the Ball Horse. Lady Williams, ch m 2.28>^ Patchen (Gcdtrey's), by George M. Patchen. Hopeful, grg 2.149^ Lady Snell, b m 2 23^4 George H., bg 2 25 Glamis, cr g 2.25 H. W. Genet, b s 2 28 Welleslev Boy, br g 2.2f;i4 FerdS., bg 2.2wi^ Rex Patchen, br s 2.3i) Patchen (Haley's), by Essex, brg 2.29 Patchen (Fisher's), by Garwood Pat- chen. Capt. Jack, bg 2.26 Patchen (King's), by Tom Patchen. Forest Patchen, br g 2.I914 Patchen (Sargeant's), by Barney B., bg 2.2714 Patchen Chief Jr., by Chas. E. Loevv. Reverge, blk g 2.25 Patchen Vernon, by Allen Roy, grg 2.23 Pathfinder (BueH's), by Benedict'^ Pathfinder. Frank, blk g 2.20 Pathfinder Jr., br s 2.30 Pathfinder, breeding unknown. Young Rattler, brg 2.30 Patrick Henry, by Vermont Black Hawk. Maggie M., blk m 2.273^ Chester, ch g 2.2814 Peacemaker, by Ryskyk's Hamblet'n. Midnight, blk g 2.18>i Lady Moore, b m 2.25 Alroy, bc(.3) 2.27% Peacemaker, by Bourbon. Unknown, ch g 2.23 Peacock, breeding unknown. Fox, ch g 2.30 Pearsall, by Jupiter. W. T.Allen, grg 2.29 Charley Hood, b g 2.29>^ Peavine, by Rattler. Lucv Fleming, ch m 2.24>4 Nettie Ward, ch m 2.293^ Pelh.^m Tartar, by Toronto Chief. Namouna, bm 2.2834 Pequawket, bv Gideon. Stella B]ake,b m 2.2534 Perkin's Morrill by Young Morrill. Glide, chs 2 24 Phil Sheridan, by Young Columbus. Phyllis, br m 2.1714 Adelaide, bm 2 19% Commonwealth, brs. 2.22 Hiram Woodruff brg 2.25 Valley Chief, gr s 2 25 Bessie Sheridan bikm(5).-. 2.28Ji FaustinH, br m 2 2sj^ H. W. Beecher. blk s 2.2s3^ Phil Sheridan Jr., blk s 2.-.i934 TomMalloy, blk g 2 30 Phil Sheridan, bv Gen. Knox. F.innyM., bikm 2.29^ Pilot Jr.. by Pilot John Morgan, ch g 2 24 Pilot Temple, bs 2 2\% Tackey. grm 2 ,'6 Tatrler,bs 2 26 Queen of the West, gr m 2.2 14 Gen Sherman, grg 2.285^ Dixie, grm 2.3U 175 FAST SIRES. Pilot (Parrish's), by Pilot Jr. ('') EttaJones, bm 2.20 Pilot Dueoc, bv Pilot Jr. BigJohi3.bg 2.24K Plow Boy, bv L. I. Black Hawk. Bashaw Maid, ch ra 2.30 Plow Boy, bv Excelsior. Dan Brj-ant, ch g 2.24 Plumas, by Werner's Rattler. Ashley, ch g 2.23?^ Pocahontas Boy, bv Tom Rolfe. Polka Dot, ch m" (5) 2.28 Hishland Maid, ch m 2.29^^ Highland Mary, chm 2.30 Portion, by Planet. Minnesota, b m 2.'23% PoscoRA, by Powell's Expedition. Lady Emma, b m 2.2S Post Boy, by . Fanny utis, bm 2.283^ Post Boy Frank, by Post Boy. Neome, b g 2.24 Pottkr Horse by the Rollins Horse. Falmouth Boy, ch g 2.29>^ Potter Horse, breeding unknown. Brother Jonathan, bg 2.24 Pratt Horse, by Rexford's Blk Hawk Rifleman, b g 2.2!)i4 Priam, by Whipple's Hambletonian. Honesty, ch s 2.255^ Pri.mus, by Marshall Chief. Ewing, b g 2.211^ Magdaliah, ch m 2.24 Tump Winston, ch g 2.243^ Prince, bv William Tell. Flora Belle, ch m 2:l^V}i Prince Allen, by Honest Allen. Robert B. Thomas, ch g 2.25 Princeps, bv Woodford Mambrino. Trinket.'b ra 2.i4 Hetty Pearl, bm 2.27 Farce, b m {b) 2 2914 Romance, blk m <4) 2.29>2 Prosper, by Rvsdvk's Hambletonian." Martha, b m..' 2.30 Rappahannock, by Ethan Allen Brushy John, blk g 2.27 Rattler, by Stockbridge Chief. Sophia Temple, br m 2 27 General Picton, gr g 2 30 Rattler (Werner's), by Biggart's Rat- tler. Mary Davis, b m 2.2'33t' Rattler (Woodward's), by Biggart's Rattler. Joe Brown, gr s 2.22 Reconstruction, by . Little Crow, blk s 2.2S;l^ Red Bird, bv Nottingham's Norman. Planter, ch g 2.2414 Red Bird, bv Lexington (?). Lady Mack, b m 2.30 Red Bird (Wille's), by Diamond Den- mark. Victor, br s (?) 2.293^ Red Buck (Stone's), by Old Red Buck. Ada Paul, b m 2.26 Lady Griswold, gr m 2.29 Red Eagle, by Gray Eagle. Jenny, b m 2.22^4 Daniel the Prophet 2.27 Red Lion, bv . Header, ch g 2.28 Red Wilkes, bv George Wilkes. Phil Thompson, gr e 2.16)-^ Regulus, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Pearl, b m 2 233^ Echo, b g 2.28J^ Jessie Maud, gr m 2.29 Reliance, by Cassius M. Clay. Mvstic. b g 2.22 Adrian, b s (5) 2.29^ Sussex, blk g 2.30 Reporter, by Rvsdvk's Hambletonian. Dan Smith, b g_l 2.2114 Republic (or Captain Webster). Freestone, b g 2.28'/^ Rescue, by Satellite. Roscoe, br s 2.25 Willis Woods, b g 2.25 Reserve, by Rysdvk's Hambletonian. Oscar br g—J 2.30 Revenge, bv >iapo1eon. Troubadour, blk g 2.19V^ Observer, ch g 2.24l% Chicaso Maid, ch m 2.25 Rhode Island, by Whitehall. Gov. Sprague, blk s 2.20>^ Jim Schriber, gr s 2.21>i Rising Sun, by Rising Sun. Nabocklish, br g 2.29)^ Rifleman, bv imp. Glencoe. Colonel Lewis, gr g 2.18% Robert Bonner, by Rysdjk s Hamble- tonian. Chauncey H., b g 2.273^ Lady Datilman, b m 2.28 Robert Fulton, bv Morrill Black Hawk. JanesvUle, b g 2.29J^ Robert Lee, bv . Mag2io S.. b m 2.30 Robert McGregor, by Maj. Edsall. Mark Time, b s 2.30 Robert Whaley, by Night Hawk. Lucrece. b m 2.2334 Razor B., bg 2.29i4 Robin Clay, bv Star Clay. Bill Thunder, b g 2.25 Robinson, bv Swigert. Emery's "Alexander, b s 2.201^ Rockaway (Robinson's), by Brown's Tom Crowder (?). Sucker Maid, wh m 2 29>^ 176 FAST SIRES. Rocket, by Sherman Black Hawk. India Kuhber, blk g 2.29>^ Eollin's House, by Rising Sun. Emperor, b g 2.30 RooKKR. bv Stranger. Nelly Woodruli (4), gr f 2.30 Rosco?:,"bv Chark-v Ball. Wizz,'b g-— : 2.23K RoscoE. by Pilot Jr. Biack'Pilot, blk s 2.30 Ross Colt, by Burke Colt. Anodyne, ch g 2.25 Rough and Readt, by Vermont Black Hawk. Derby, b g 2.2.5}^ Catterangus Chief, b g 2.2934 Royal Dukk, bv Silver Duke. Lulu Judd. blk m 2.26>^ Royal Gkorge, bv Black Warrior. Lndv Brown, blk m 2.28 Tartar, b g 2M% Lady Hamilton, grni 2.30 Royal George (Field's), by Royal Geo. Bvron, ch s 2 2.5^ General Beamish (?), grg. — 2.-m},^ General Love, ch s 2.30 Royal George (Howe's), by Royal Geo. Caledonian Chief, ch s 2.29)^ Royal Georos, (Murphy's), by Royal George. Russian Spy, b g 2.26;^ Royal George, (Thompson's), by . Sir William Wallace, b s 2.27>^ Royal Revenge, by Toronto Chief. Lucy, blk m-__: 2,2014 Prince, blk g 2.2134 Fred Hooper, b g 2.23 J. Ellis, b g 2.29 R. R. Morris, by Mott's Independent, J. P. Morris, b g 2.m\i Ryland, by Hamlet. Blanche Clemans, rn m 2.27J4 Rysdyk, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. CiiBgstone, b g 2.14 Beilrace, b m 2.2~]4 Victor, br g 2.2934 Saddling Buck, by Chad's Red Buck. Frank Landers, bg 2 IS?^: Buffalo Bill, rn g (?) 2.29>2 Sager Horse, by Old Tippoo. Clara, bm 2.2T St. Lawrence (Foster's), by St. Law- rence. HarryMitchell.bg 2 28-% St. Lawrence (Shaw's), by St. Law- rence. John Taylor, b g 2.25 Saltram. by Kentucky Whip. Highland Maid, b m 2.27 Sampson, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Shamrock, grg 2 28 WUliar^H., bg 2.29 Sam Kirkwood, by Kirkwood. Centeila, bm 2.25"'/^ Matt Kirkwood, b g 2.29^ Kitty Clyde, br m 2.29>^ Satellite, by Robert Bonner. Saturn, bs 2.22 Golden Bow, ch s 2.27% Schuyler Colfax, by Rysdyk's Hamb. Vivid C, bg 2.28)^ Scott's Thomas, by Gen. George H. Thomas. Largesse, br m 2.25 J. W. Thomas, ch g 2.27>^ Seli.m, by Stranger, grg 2 28 Senator, by Bathgate's Norman. Favorite, ch m 2.,30 Seneca Chief, by Rysdyk's Hamble'n. Middlesex, ch g ,. 2.24 Schuyler, bs !. 2.26 Seneca Patchen, bv Geo. M. Patchen. Frank Patchen, ch g 2 29 Sentinel, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Von Arnim, b s 2.193^ Annette, b m 2.25)^ T. A., bg 2.26 Young Sentinel, b s 2.26 Vivandiere, bra 2.26i^ Grand Sentinel, b s '■i^'>}i Mignon, bm 2 27j^ Caponl, b s 2.28 Shelby Chief, by Alexander's Ab- dallah. Cascarilla, b m 2.2.5V> Rolia. ch g 2.27J4' Grand Duke, b g 2.29^^ Shepherd F. Knapp, by the Eaton Horse. Shepherd Knapp Jr., b g .... 2.28^ Sher.man Black Hawk, by Vermont Black Hawk. Panic, bg 2.28 Chicago Jack, b g 2.80 Sherman Horse, by General Sherman. Morris, br g 2.29 Sherman Morgan, by John Morgan. Sherman Morgan Jr., b s 2.29 Sherman Morgan Jr., by Sherman Morgan. W^ildair, bg 2.23 Signal, by Volunteer. Harry Parker, blk g 2.25 Silvertail. by Dutch Girl, gr m 2.29 Sir George, by Silver Dick. PatMcCann, blk g 2.28'^ Sir Henry, by Seely's American Star. Lady Star (Capitola), b m.... 2.24 She.na.ndoah, by Broken-legged Hunter. Daisy Burns, b m 2.29% Skedaddle, by Whiteside's Bl'k Hawk. Frank Reeves, bg 2.2314 177 FAST SIRES. Smith Burr, by Burr's Napoleon. Gen. Butler, blk g 2.233^ Smuggler, by Blanco. Kevenue. bs 2 22}/ Smuggler's Daughter, bm... 22i% Yomig Smuggler, bs 2.29J4 Snip (Viclor), bv'Cassius M. Clay. Bay Jack, bg 2.30 Snow Storm, by SteePs Snow Storm. Jim Irving, bg 2.23 Socrates, by'Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Socrates, rn g 2.27»4 Son of American Star (Seely's). Brown Dick, brg 2.24)^ Son op Ericsson, by Jim Booman, b g 2.2914 Son of Ethan Allen. Nira Belle, b m 2.29 Deceiver, br g 2.2934 O. A. Hickok, b g 2.30 Son of Gen. Knox. Lillie. ch m 2.263^ Son of Henry Clay. Dutchess Boy. b g 2.291^ Son of King Herod. Capt. Herod, ch s 2.255£ Son of Miles Horse, he by Sherman Morgan. Clara G.,bm 2.26 Son of Pulaski. Pritchard. ch g 2.24Vi Son of Red Bird (pacer). Tolu Maid, br m 2.231.4 Son op Rising Sun. Tammany, gr g 2.27 Son of Wisconsin Tiger. Edna, rnm 2.27>^ Spencer Horse, bv Little Arthur. AbnerF..bg 2.285£ : Speculation, by Rysdyk's Hamblet'u. ; Oakland Maid, g'r m 2.22 j Crown Point, ch s 2.24 • Spink, by Andy Johnson. i Capt..' Lewis chg 2 201^1 Sportsman, by Tippoo. Tacony, rn g 2.27 I St. Arntz, by ' Dakota Maid, ch m 2.2(;i'^ ; St. Lawrence (Grays), by Old St. Lawrence. OssianPet.bg 2.29i^ Star of the West, by Jackson's Fly- ing Cloud. I Joe Youns. blk s 2.2.514 Lady Groesbeck, gr m 2.25^^ ; John J. Cook, gr g 2.29^^' j Jim Raven, blk g. 2.30 ' Maggie Kevin, b m 2.30 Sterling, by Patchen Boy. ! J. B. Thomas, bs 2.181/2 : Stockholm, bv Phil Sheridan. 1 Betty Bump, blk m 2.30 I 178 Startle, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Majolica, bg 2.17 Portia, chm ..__ 2.29i/^ Stephen A. Douglas, by Rysdyks Hambletonian. Handicap, gr g 2.22 Nelly R.. bm 2 221^ Dave Young, ch g 2.23 Idol,bm 2.23 Versailles Girl, b m^ 2.2514 Western, bg 2.30 Stockbridge Chief Jr., by Stock- bridge Chief. Abe Eddington. gr g 2.23?^ Stocking Chief, by Clark Chief. Humboldt, bg 2.20 Stonewall Jackson, by Mamb'o Chief. Baby Mine, rnm..." 2.2714 Gypsy Boy, br s 2.28 Strader, by Strader's C. M. Clay. W^ill Collender vJack Pere- goy), br g 2.21?i Stbath.more, by Rysdyk's Hambleto'n. Santa Claus.' b s 2.175^ Tucker, ch g 2 19>^ Secret, b m 2.20'A Strathian. br s 2.21 ?£ Chestnut Hill, b s 2.22>a Alice Stoner, b m 2.24V2 Paul Hacke, gr g 2 243/2 Stein way, b s i3) 2.259-4 Henderson, ch sr 2.21}^ Chandos, ch s (5) 2.283/ Solo, b m 2.28-M Monitor, gr g 2 2934 Nannie Talbot, ch m 2.291^ Stuart, b s (3) 2.29>4 Snap, b m (?) 2.30 Bedford, b c (3; 2.30 Strideawat, bv Bl'k Hawk Telegraph. Pratt, br g_1 2.28 Sultan, by The Moor. Sweetheart, br m 2.2214 Eva. b m (5) *, 2.25 Le Grange, blk g (5) 2.26^ Center, gr g 2.29)^ Superb, by Ethan Allen. Harry C-nkliDg, b g 2.26 Prince, b g (,'') 2-23 Great Western, brg 2.29 Emma C, blk m 2.30 Surprise, bv Red Line, b g 2.25i/ Stormer. b s 2.2914 Sussex Chief, by . Ladv Crossin, b m 2.28 Sweepstakes, by Rysdyk's Hamblet'n. JackSailor.bg 2.25>4 Harrv Mills, br g 2.2.5i^ Frank G., b g 22714 Inez, blk m 2.283/o Smith O'Brien, b s 2.29>4 FAST SIRES. SwiGERT, bv Alexander's Norman. Winnie Wick, blk m 2.24?4 Calamus, b m 2.2A% George K., gr g 2.25J4 Resolute, bg 2.27J£ Baybrino, b g 2.28 Swigert Jr., bs 2 28^4 Allegro, bs 2.30 Tattersall, by Rysdyk's Hambleto'n. Zelda. bm 2.29^4 Tattler, by Pilot Jr. Voltaire, brs 2.20J4 Indianapolis, br s 2.21 Tecumseh, breeding unknown. Pat Hunt, chg 2.25 Telegraph, by Hope, chg 2.28 The Commodore, by Guy Miller. Mohawk Prince, b g 2.28 The Moor, bv Clay Pilot. Del 8ur, blk b 2.24 Tommy Gates, b g 2.24 Sir Guy, bg 2.283^ Beautiful Bells, blk m 2.29^^ Thomas Jefferson, by Toronto Chief. Johns. Clark, chg 2.193^ Lizzie M., b m 2.2034 Nell,b m 2.27 Green Mountain Boy, b s.... 2.28^4 Fanny Jefferson, blk m 2.28^ Harry Pelham. gr g 2 28\^ Flora Jefferson, o m 2.28% Mike Jefferson, ch g 2.291/2 Thohndale. by Alexander's Abdaliah. Edwin Thorne, chg 2.16i^ r)ai«vdale, bra 2193^ May Thorne, b m 2.24^ Tippoo. by Hudson, b g 2.20 Tippoo Bashaw, by Doble's Black Bashaw. Duquesne, ch s 2.17^ Tlppoo Hukse, by James H. Burke, blk g 2 27i^ Tom Crow^der f Brown's), by Pilot. Judge Pollard, ch g 2 29\^ Tom Crowder (Jamison's), by Brown's Tom Crowder. Marion, chg 2.23^ Tom Hal, by Shawhan's Tom Hal. Little Gypsy, bm 2.22 Tom Hunter, by Secor's Black Hawk. Albemarle, grg 2.19 Harvey, gr g 2.291.4 Tom Hendricks, grg 2.30 Tom Moore, by Eihan Allen, Lizzie Keller, br m 2.30 Tom Kolfe. by Piigh's Aratus. Young Kolfe, b s 2 2114 Lady Rolfe, b m 2.22^4 TomRolfe, bg 2.2234 Tom Hendricks, b g 2.25 Tom Patchen, by Geo. M, Patchen. Jack Spratt. brg 2.29>^ Tom Wonder, by Tom Crowder. John W. Conlev, b s 2.24 Modesty, bm 2.26i4 John Stewart, bg 2.30 Little Wonder, b a 2.30 ToKNADO, by Keimett, Bay Frank, bg 2 20 Tornado Jr. (Ely's), by son of Long's Tornado. Modoc, ch g 2.25 Silky B., ch m 2.30 Toronto Abdallah, by Polh'B..brm 2.28>^ Toronto Chief, son of Royal George. Thomas Jefferson, blk s 2.23 Toronto Chief Jr.. br s 2.233^ Belle of Toronto, gr m 2 30 Toronto Chief Jr , by Toronto Chief. Johnny Gordon, ch g 2.253^ Toronto Chief (Canadian). Buz^, br s 2.2814 Touchstone, by imp. Lapidist. Frank Hull (Dandy J.), br g. 2.2934 Tramp, by Gage's Logan. Trampoline, ch m 2.23 Dick Garrett, bg 2.29}^ Lady Lucas, ch m 2.29J4 Tramp Dexter, by Tramp. Western, ch g 2.2534 Trojan, bv Jackson's Flying Cloud. Elia Wright, b m 2.24^^ Trouble, by Almont. Lizzie II., b m 2.2.3)^ TUCKAHOE. bv Ladv Voorhees. chm 2.23>^ Joe Kellogg, brg 2 30 TucKAHOE (Manchester's), breeding unknown. LadyH., gr m 2.27 Uwharrie (Stevens"), by Farlow's Uwharrie. Flora Belle, b m 2.23% Velox, by Yourg Morrill. Harry Velox, bg 2 243^ Vergknnes Black Hawk, by Vermont Black Hawk. Lady Ross, bm 2.29M Vermont, by Independence. PaiTOtt, b g 2.26 Ella Lewis, b m 2.27 Lady Fausiina (Lolly T.)b m 2 2834 Vermont (Gill's), by Downing'sVerm't. Bonner Boy, bg 2.23 Vermont Hero, by Hale's Green Moun- tain Morgan. Princeton Boy, ch g.. 2.28 Vermont Hero, by Sherman's Black Hawk. I'pand Up, b g 2.28 LadyM.,grm 2.30 179 FAST SIRES. Vermont Ranger, by Young Morrill. Champion Morrill, b s 2. "27 ViCTOK Denmark, by Gray Denmark. Billy.bg 2.2914 Virgo Hambletonian, by Rysdyk'^ Harabletonian. Charley Hogan, b g 2.22 Volunteer, bv Rysdyk's Hambletonian St Julien.'bg 2.1134 Gloster, bg 2.17 Alley, b g 2.19 Budine, bg 2.1^14 Driver, b g 2.193*^ Amy, b m 2. 2014 Huntress,b m 2.205^ Powers, br g 2.21 Sweetness, bm 2.21J^^ Unolala. b m 2.22^ Volney. b g 2.23 Trio, bm 2.2:314 W. H.Allen, bs 2.28^^ Frank Wood, bg 2 24 Carrie, bm 2.24^ California Dexter, b g 2.27 Volunteer Maid, bm 2.27 Lady Morrison, b m 2 27i<^ MarvA. Whitney, b m 2.28 St. Remo, bg 2.283<^ Prince Arthur, bg 2.29 Loui.'^e. b m 2.2934 Goldsmith's Abdallah, b s... 2.30 Volunteer (Park's), by Volunteer. Kldefoot, b ra 2.29^.^ VoN Moltke, by Morrill Colt, eon of Old Drew Horse. Ciinard. b g 2.30 Walker's Morrill, by Winthrop Mor- rill. Kitty Van. b ra 2.24 Walkill Chikf, by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonion. Dick Swiveller, b g 2.18 Great Eastern, b g 2.18 Topsy, brm 2.21-^ Billy Bnrr, b g 2.29i4 W^AP.^iE, by Green's Bashaw. General Grant, ch s 2.21 Glenwood, ch s 2.27?^ West Liberty, chs 2.28 Warwick Boy, by Iron Dake. Tom Berrv, ch g i.^^^4 Bnrt Sheldon, br g 2.2934 Washburn' Horse, by Pendergasi's St. Lawrence, Moose, b g 2.19X Washington (Burr's), by Napoleon. Lady Woodruff, b m 2.29 Washington, by Geo, M. Patchen. Laura M., b m 2.27 Waphtngton Denmark by Gaines Den- mark. King William, blk g 2.20% Washington Jackson, by Andrew Jackson. Twilight, wh m 2.27 Waverley, by Rysdyk's Hambletonion German Boy,'ch g 2.2834 Waxy (Van Meter's), by Berthune. Grafton, ch g 2.225^ Wedgewood, bv Belmont. Nugget, b s" 2.265£ Weige, breeding unknown. Mountain Quail, b m 2.2.53^ Mountain Girl, b m 2.27^ Western Fearnaught, bv Fearnaught. Lady Brownell, b m.-I 2.2.i% Prince Arthur, b g 2.27;^ Pilot R. Jr.. b g 2 30 Westfield Boy, by Black Prince- George N., br g 2.24 Whalebone ( Clark's ), by Sherman Morgan. Blackstone Belle, blk m 2.28^ Whalebone Knox, by Gen. Knox. John S. Heald, br g 2.2734 Wallace, b g 2.293^ Whipsaw, by . Henry, b g 2.29J4 Whirlwind, breeding unknown. Lady Mac, b m 2.23 Barkis, b g 2.25>^ Whirlavind. a pacer. Bay Whalebone, b g 2 263^ White Ghost, by Simpson Mes.senger. Ed. Eaton, gr g 2.;^8 Whitehall, bv North American. Rhode Island, br s 2.233^ White Line, by Glen Miller, gr s 2.273^ Wild Bashaw, by Green's Bashaw. Diamond, blk s 2.2S14 Wild Bill, by Vermont Black Hawk. Fairmont, ch g 2.29>^ Wild Wagoner, bv Geo, M. Patchen. Black Frank, blk g 2.2434 Lydia Thompson, b m 2 2034 Essex Maid, b m 2.30 WiLKiE Collins, by Ah-wa-ga Chief. >lidge. bm 2.27»^ WiLKiNs ;Micawber, by Rysdyks Hambletonian. Black Prince, blk g 2.2534 William Miner, breeding unknown. Chieftain, b g 2.2.iJ$' William M. Rysdyk, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Nellie, b m 2.30 Williams' St. Lawrence, by Sadie H., bm 2.30 W^INDSOR, bv Major Anderson. Windsor M., bg 2.24^ Flora Windsor, b m 2.30 Winnebago (Young), by Winnebago. Amy B.,bm 2.2434 180 FAST SIRES. WiNTTiROP Morrill, by Young Morrill. Honest Hurry, rn g 2.2-2»4 Gyp!^y,b m 2My2 Ben Morrill, br s 2.27 Ed. Getchel,brg 2.27 Uncle Abe, br g 2.27 Sam Curtii?, b g 2 28 Fleetwood, ch g 2.29 J. G. Morrill, ch g 2 29 Modoc, ch 2- 2.29 Baby Boy, wh g 2.29 WiNTHROP, by the Drew Horse. Molly Drew, av m 2.30 WiNTON, bv Fancy, bm 2.30 Withe RELL Messenger, by Winthrop Messenger. Belle of Portland, b m 2.26 WooDBURN , bv Lexington. Monarch b g 2.28 WooDBURN Pilot, by Pilot Jr. Vladimir, ch g 2.28 Woodford Mambrino, by Mambrino Chief. Abbotsford, b s 2.19V^ Pancoast. b s 2.21 3£ Mambrino Dudley, b s 2.22 Convoy, gr g '2-Zi}4 Magenta, b m 2.2414 Rachel, b m 2 2^.% Inca, br s 2.27 Ladv ilcFatridge, b m 2.29 Dacia, blk m 2.-i9>^ Geo. A. Aver, gr g 2.30 Woodpecker, by Bertrand. Prince, blic g 2.27 Woodstock, bv Young Merrill. Royal John, gr g 2.26i^ Yanke'e Bill, by Morgan Trotter. iS'igger Baby, blk g_ 2.27^.^ Yellow Jacket (Wells'), by Yellow Jacket. Thomas L. Young, ch g 2.193^ Young Blucher, by Balls' Black Eagle. Martha Washington, chm... 2.2!)^' Young Dexter, by Rysdyk's Hamb. Duroc, b 8 2.2614 YotTNo America, by Hoaglanda Grey Messenger. Hazor, gr g _ 2.27 Young Brandtwine, by Brandywine. Careless Bov, b g 2.28 Grey Bill, grg 2.30 YouxG Flying Cloud, by Flying Cloud. Dinah, blkm 2.30 Young Hindoo, by Hindoo. Independence, bs 2 23^ Clover, bg 2.2.514 Timothy, b g 2.2(ji-4 Young Jim, bv George Wilkes. Butterfly, brm (.5) 2.19?^ Young Josi:PHCS, by Hughes' Josephus. KansasChief.bg 2.21i^ Young Kemble Jackson, by Wilson's Kemble Jackson. Penople, blue m 2.27 Young Morrill (Perkin's). by Morrill, Martie Lvle, b m .' 2 28 Draco, blk s 2.30 Young Morrill, by Perkin'.s Young Morrill. Blanche, blkm ^ 2.2314 Young Moscow, by Moscow. May, chm 2.28 Young Plenipo, by Plenipo, a pacer. Joe, ch g, alias Triumph 2 25^^ Young Post Bor, by Young Andrew Jackson. Commodore, b g 2.23 Young Pkiam, by Priam. Silas Rich, ch g 2.24% Young Revenue, by Revenue. Earl, ch g 2.20j^ Young Sharatack, by Sharatack. Siow Go. rn g 2.183^ Young Volunteer, by Volunteer. Jersey Boy, b g 2.21i^ Young Wilkes, bv George Wilkes. William H., b g 2.18)^ Young Wopul, by Woful. Carrie N., b m 2.27 Larkin, bg 2.30 ZiLCAriE GoLDDUST, by Golddust. Whirlwind, b g (Sneak Jr.)__ 2.24 181 APPENDIX, 183 CHAPTEE I. DIFFERENT KINDS OF TRAINERS. A few words of advice to parties having horses they desire to have trained, ma}' perhaps be of benefit to some of my readers. There are two classes of trotting horse trainers, viz. : One class, is looking all the time for a campaigner, to take out and trot in races, and are never satisfied to remain permanently, in any locality and w^ork at developing green horses. This class, generally, in the spring, set out ostensibly, with the intention of handling trotters at your track, and to remain all the season, but by the first of July they will manage some way, to get two or three horses, whose owners are not proof against " wind," and they will be found after this date, tiying to break up the country by winning what money there is in circulation. They generally struggle through the season, if the owner and backer holds out ; but November will usually find them with a linen duster, split up the back, in lieu of an overcoat. I have known a number of this class of trainers, who were really competent men, and good drivers and condi- tioners, but had not the tenacity of purpose, to withstand the temptation, to undertake a campaign with horses, until they struck a horse, having the capacity to go out and icin. These men get uneasy, after remaining located a short time, and seem to feel that they are wasting their existence, and will not give horses they may have in their charge, (that they know will not be campaigned) the attention, and pains, they know so well how to bestow. There is another class of men, who prefer to locate somewhere permanently and, train. They may occa- sionally be seen at fairs with some of their horses, but very many of this class are incompetent, lacking experi- ence, and judgment, as well as pluck, to drive a horse out in company, or anywhere else. They will (many of 184 APPENDIX. them) take a horse to train for any price, from fifteen dollars per month up. Take the horse, feed him about a ])eck of wheat bran, to every quart of oats, and a little hay — that no animal but a goat ought to eat — and you will go oat, in a couple of weeks, to see how the horse is getting along. There is something out of joint when yoii come, and they can't hitch him that day for you, but will tell you, to come out in a week from that time, and they will astonish you; come at a certain hour. You go out at the appointed time, and Mr. Man will not be there ; he had to go away. You bother in this way for three or four weeks. In the meantime your horse has got thin in flesh and weak from starvation ; cannot of course show any speed ; you get disgusted, think perhaps you got cheated, when you bought him, and finally sell him at a loss, and retire from the business of picking out trotters for a time. This same horse passes into other hands, gets a chance to pick up some flesh ; owner knows how to use him — perhaps has read " Hayseed " with a view of learning something last season and has developed into something of a horseman. You tackle him on the road, some day, with your best horse, thinking you will have an easy victory over your cast-ofl" purchase, when he downs you easy^ and you begin to realize there is as much differ- ence in the treatment of horses as there is in horses. You catch one of these " two -for -Jive " trainers feeding nearly all wheat bran, two, or three times in succession, and remonstrate with him about it, he will tell you he don't propose to let his horses get burnt up ; and you ask him if grass would not be a preventive against the burning process, and he will probably tell you that he would rather give them bran, than take the chances of their dying with the colic. Many of this class of train- ers, keep on fooling owners from year, to year, and make money, by cheating the horses out of the feed they are entitled to, and should have, and you will often hear it remarked of this class, that they are careful men, and will not over-drive or hurt a horse, which is usually true, for they know that the system of diet, they subject APPEyDIX, 185 their horses to, will not admit of much work. Driven twice a week, is about all the work your horse will stand in this man's hands, and a very few rubbers and grooms will take care of a large stable of horses. I have said that there are two classes of trainers, which I have attempted to describe, and my descrip- tion will be endorse by an occasional reader. But there is another class of trainers, who are entirel}^ dif- ferent men. This last class are men who intend to earn the money they charge you for training your horse, and many of tbein will tell you, after they have had your horse long enough to form an opinion of him, whether it is worth while to persevere in training him. They get all the business they can attend to^ any way, and regard their reputation as prophets in their line of business, to the extent that they will not purposely deceive a patron for the sake of the amount of money they may receive for the care of liis horse. I know a number of this kind of men, and they are rarely seen at race meetings, except when the}^ have a colt to trot in some stake race for which he has prepared him. This is the kind of a maa to work horses for me. They charge you a good price, and earn it. But you as an owner need some experience, and must observe for yourself, to teach you whose hands to put your horse into. I have described the different kinds of trainers, and you can take your choice. The information you should acquire from a close perusal of this work will qualify you to select a trainer (if you want to send your trotter away) that will do justice to the animal, and this same information should qualify you to judge as to whether it is worth while to have him trained. If he is not bred well enough for a trotter, and cannot in your hands show you a three- minute gait, after having a fair chance, do not get the big head by listening to some trainer's advice, who wants the horse to work; you had (if you feel incom- petent to judge for yourself) better call in some disin- terested advice from some of your acquaintances; they will not charge you anything. 186 APPENDIX. CHAPTEE II. SUPPLEMENTARY REMARKS RESPECTING PACERS. In the original edition of this work I omitted an item that is very important to a man who attempts to handle pacers that are not confirmed in their gait, and that will change legs in front, putting one foot ahead first, and after going a short distance change and put the other one forward, out of its turn, and change almost immediately the hind legs to correspond with the motion in front ; or change and trot or rack, or foxtrot. All this is very annoying and very difficult to overcome, and will generally exhibit itself in double-gaited horses that have been "saddled" some, or that some one has attempted to convert to trotting. To overcome this trouble, in the first place, see that the horse is shod as near right as possible, and that he is not soro or tender in his feet or tendons, which, would make him unsteady in his gait. After getting him balanced up with ten or twelve-ounce shoes in front, and six to eight-ounce shoes behind, commence to jog him slowly two or three davs, and see if he will not go square at a slow gait, which he may do. But compel him, (after you are sat- isfied he will not go square) by wearing on him a set of pacinsj hopples, which will compel him to pace and do nothing else. The hopples will not interfere with him in any way, and a horse can pace a mile in 2.12 with a set of hopples on, if he has got that amount of speed. The hopples you will expect some information about, so I will describe them to you : They are the same as used on trotters, only applied differently. You hopple the front and hind leg together on the same side, instead of crossing them as in case of a trotter, you would like to square. You can take up the strap that connects the front and hind leg together, so the horse c^in just APPENDIX. 187 commence to bend his knee as the connecting line becomes taut, which will incline him to move the hind leg at the same time ; in fact, he must do so, as he can do nothing else. Xow jog him with these hopples on whenever yoii drive him, and when he gets to going a good clip, you and he will discover that he can not change legs, and must from necessity go square. The hopples should be made nicely, and covered with lamb's skin, wool outside, and take particular pains and see that they do not chafe him, as that will irritate him and perhaps defeat the object you have in view. You will, of course, as your horse increases his stride, regu- late the connecting line of the hopples to correspond. In shoeing pacers, light shoes made from steel, both frorit and hind, are what are used by men who under- stand their business, in ordinary cases, but always steel shoes, for the reason that it may be necessary to have the shoe so light, that a shoe made trom iron, would not be stiff enough, to stay where it is nailed, and would spring, and shortly unbalance your horse. There is no rule as to iceight of shoes, either for pacers or trotters, but as light shoes as can be used to advantage, are now adoj^ted by all first-class mechanics, who take their horses through long, and arduous campaigns, and I believe for front feet bar shoes are the proper thing, for reasons set forth in a former chapter of this work. There is a work entitled " Eussell on Horseshoeing" that contains more sound information upon the subject generally than any work in print, and the author I know is a practical shoer, and well known as such. The work I take pleasure in recommending. 188 APPENDIX. BOUGERY'S ^^IXE RULES FOR MAKING MONEY WITH A TROTTER. [Written for "Hatseed" by James Dou^ery, driver of Amelia C, 2.21J4; Stephen G., 2.203^; Joker, 2.22j/^ ; Breeze Medium, 2.2J»4 ; and other winners.] Mechanicsville, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1884. Friend Dodge, Plftsfield, 3rass. : Yours received and noted. You say you want me to write on one of four subjects that you mention for "Hayseed." I will write on the last one 3'ou mention, viz. : "How to make money with a trotter." First. Get the trotter. Second. Keej) it to yourself. Third. Skin every one you can with him. Fourth. Have no one in with you unless you know he is on the level. Fifth. After you have found such a man, don't say a word to any one else about it. Sixth. Never show your horse to any man but the one who is in with you. Seventh. Xever start him in a race until you know what he can do. Then you will know how to ^^ play " him. Eighth. Never i)lay him to win until you find out you can. Ninth. Xever deceive an owner, but skin every one else. If you follow the above directions and do not make money, I have no idea how you can. Yours truly, James Dougery. HORSE BOOKS. The Farmers' Yeterixary Adviser. A guide to the prevention and treatment of disease in domestic animals, with numerous illustrations. By James Law, Professor of Veterinary Science in Cornell Universit}^ at Ithica, X. Y. Cloth, $3.00. StONEHEXGE OS THE HoRSE IX THE StABLE AND FlELD. American edition, 12 mo. Cloth, $2.00. Dadd's Moderx Horse Doctor. $1-50. Mayhew's Illustrated Horse Doctor. $3.00. Going's Yeterixary Dictionary. 82.00. Russell ox Sciextific Horseshoeing. Containing fifty illustrations. Cloth, $2.00. Tips axd Toe ^^eights. A natural and plain method of horseshoeing with an appendix, treating of the action of the race- horse and trotter, as shown by IXSTAXTAXEOUS PHOTOGRAPHY. By Joseph Cairn Simpson, author of "Horse Portraiture." Two iiundred pages. In paper, sl.Ou ; cloth, 81-50. Hayseed, Cloth, 81.00. Ani/ hook in the ahove list sent to any address^ post- jpaid^ upon receipt of the price. Address — HAYSEED PUBLISHING COMPANY, TOLEDO, O. TESTIMONIALS. Toledo, O., Feb. 10, 1885. I HAVE used Smeall's Le^ and. Body Wash upon Toledo Girl, pacing record of 2.26^, and can say that it is the hest preparation ever offered the horse- owning public, in my judgment, and no trainer's, outfit is complete without it. J. A. Anson, Owner. Toledo, O., Feb. 16, 1885. I HAVE used Smeall's Camphorated Leg and Body Wash and have no hesitation in saying that it is, in my judgment, the best and cheapest article ever offered the public for the purpose it is designed. John Steinman, Owner of Lady Mack, Pacing record 2.25^. Chicago, III., Feb. 20, 1885. I have used the Camphorated Leg and Body Wash, prepared and sold by the Smeall Horse Eemedy Co.^ of Toledo, O., and can say that rr has no equal, and will be found the cheapest of any preparation for the purpose. Ben Walker, 1885 \ ^^^^^^ of Frxnk Landis, 2.18^. ' ( Frank W., pacing record 2.2l^. The preparations advertised in this work by "The Smeall H(jrse Eemedy Co.," of Toledo, Ohio, we can vouch for respecting the merits of each, and a trial of either will not fail to convince anj^ horseman of their value. Hayseed Company.