JOHNA.SEAVERNS V7 Nursery Stud THOROUGHBREDS PROPERTY OF AUGUST BELMONT, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. 1902. PRESS OF JOHN POLHEMUS PRINTING COMPANY 121 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK. IN this catalogue the figures in the upper right hand corner of the pedigrees represent the proportion (in sixteenths) of Eclipse, Herod and Matchem blood, re- spectively, as indicated by the letters, E., H. and M. opposite the names of the stallions in the sixth generation, in ac- cordance with the system of Count Lehndorfif. THE numbers in the pedigrees indicate the families to which the horses so marked trace back, according to the so-called " Figure System," of which Bruce Lowe is the author, whose deductions regarding the racing ex- cellence of the different lines, are based on the number of winners of the three great English classic races, the Derby, Oaks and St. Leger, descended fi'om any particular mare, and the numbers show the position the family has attained in these three events, thus, Nos. i, 2, 3, 4. 5, and so on up to 34. The larger the figures the less successful have been the descendants of that family. The heavy figures, ft. 8, II, 12 and 14, indicate those families with a preponderance of sire blood, as in tracing the stud performances of all the prominent sires in the English Stud Book, up to Eclipse, the king of sires, it was found that not more than half a dozen of any importance were found outside of these five families, and these few never scored a marked success, except with mares coming either directly from these families or else inbred to them closely. It is essential to secure the best results, that the blood of Nos. I, 2, 3, 4 and 5 families should be grafted upon the sire families; in other words, every great race horse and sire of this century, will be found to have in his three top removes, one or more of the following figures, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, II, 12 and 14. Following are extracts from his book, showing the original mares or tap roots to which the different families trace back, with the characteristics supposed to be inherited by the individuals belonging to these lines. No. 1. TREGONWELL'S NATURAL BARB MARE. This is essentially a running, as distinguished from a sire line. It is very prominent as a winner of the three classic events. It has figured more largely than any line as a winner of the One Thousand and Two Thousand Guineas, and the fillies have proved themselves high-class, prolific brood mares. The earliest horses of note in the family were Old Snap, and his son Goldfinder, never beaten. Very few great sires have sprung from this line in proportion to Its winners. The best arc Partisan, Melbourne, Bay Middleton, Glencoe, Whalebone and Whisker. Minting is from this line, also his sire Lord Lyon, Silvio, Craig Millar and Trumpator. The above, except Whalebone and Whisker (both good all-round horses), are mostly esteemed through their female progeny. The members of the family possess great quality, brilliancy and good looks as a rule. No. 2. BURTON'S BARB MARE. Burton's Barb mare family, like its rival line, is a very valuable dam strain, and has furnished a large contingent of Oaks winners. Indications point to its being better staying blood than the No. i family, though it is somewhat behind as a Derby winner. As a sire line it is distinctly ahead of its rival line, and though not in the front rank by a long way, many celebrities may be counted among its members. Prominent are Whiskey, Blacklock, Sir Hercules, Selim, Castrel, Vol- tigeur, Harkaway, Surplice, St. Albans, Lord Clifden, Ithuriel, etc., in England. It was never strongly represented in America in early days, except through Yorkshire (imp.), and Hurrah (imp.), but of recent years frequent importations of the family have filled up this gap. While successful sires sprang from this family, they were either got by horses which were in sire families, or won their successes by being mated with dams from the sire families, thus showing their dependence on sire blood. No. 3. DAM OF TWO TRUE BLUES. This is perhaps the most valuable family in the Stud Book, because it possesses the dual qualities of both a running and sire line. It has produced more Derby winners than its two great rivals, and nearly as many winners of the Oaks, and the fillies are both prolific and successful as dams. As a sire line it stands nearly, if not quite, at the top of the tree, and mates well with ail the other families, being very pliable in its nature, and improving every other strain of blood it is crossed with. It is only necessary to mention the following names to show how prolific of winners its sons have invariably been when put to stud work : — Sir Peter Teazle, Buzzard (by Woodpecker), Tramp, Master Henry, Velocipede, The Saddler, Lanercost, Flatcatcher, Pyrrhus I, Van Tromp, The Flying Dutchman, Stockwell, Sir Hercules, Favonius, Galopin, King Tom, American bred Eclipse, Rayon d'Or and many others. No. 4. THE LAYTON BARB MARE. This family is prolific both in numbers and classic winners. It comes from a pure Barb source, and is distinctly feminine in character. No great all-round sires have sprung^ from this family, though many of them have been highly valued through their fillies, to wit, Matchem, Thormanby, Kisber, Iro- quois and notably Wenlock, whose daughters are veritable gold mines. No. 5. DAUGHTER OF MASSEY'S BLACK BARB. The horses of this family which stand out conspicuously are Gladiateur, Hermit, and Doncaster. As a running line it is most valuable, and from its pliability mates with most of the strains,, preferring sire blood. Great sires in the family are few and far between, i. e., as compared with sire lines. i\o. 6. OLD BALD PEG. This family played a conspicuous part in the early and middle ages of classic racing. To Diomed, one of its members, was accorded the honor of winning the first Derby, run in 1780. Diomed was imported to America, where his blood was highly esteemed, seeing that his stock (through Lexing- ton principally) was dominant for many years on the American turf. That the blood is only valuable as dam blood, is now generally recognized by American breeders. No. 6 has always been a poor sire family. The best horse it ever produced was Priam, and his failure in America was mainly owing to being bred back to to his own family descendants from Diomed. The paucity of Oalcs winners indicates the decadence of the line. No line had better chances, as it attracted attention in early racing days through Flying Childers, Young Giantess, Eleanor, Julia and Priam. No. 7. BLACK LEGGED ROYAL MARE. This line is familiar to pedigree men through West Australian, its best representative. Like No. 6 there is a preponderance of Derby over Oaks and Leger winners which would seem to point to its fillies being, as a general thing, wanting in feminine character and not over good producers. No. §. BUSTLER MARE (Dam of Byerly Turk Mare). This line is one of the most valuable sire families in the Stud Book, not excepting No. 3. Not only have many great sires come directly from the line, such as Maiske, Orville. Sultan, Ne vminster, Cain, Humphrey Clinker, etc., but there is a marked tendency to leave equally great sons and sires behind them. Marske begot Eclipse, a greater sire than himself ; Orville was inferior as a race horse and sire to Emilius, his son : Bay Middleton was more esteemed than his sire Sultan, as was Melbourne than his sire Humphrey Clinker : while few will be found to dispute the fact, that great as Newminster proved to be at turf and stud, he was outclassed by both Lord Clifden and Hermit in these respects. ]\o. 9. THE OLD VINTNER MARE. If any proof were wanting to show that families retain their original char- acteristics, even though they carry much contemporary blood in their veins, the history of this family affords strong evidence of the fact. Though not so high on the roll of winners as many of its rivals, it makes a goodly show and contains the names of such remarkable race horses as Mercury, Dick Andrews, Barefoot, Peter and Bendigo, and in Australia, Navigator, Trident, Camoola. Despite this, it would be a difficult task for the warmest believer in the family 10 point to one really high-class sire in its ranks. This is the more remarkable because of the proportion of Leger winners over Derby and Oaks, showing how really stout its sons havj been, as witness Peter and Bendigo. The three Australian horses mentioned above were noted for their staying powers ; also Commotion (by Panic), winner of Leger (and two champion races, three miles, under 5 min. 27 sec), yet a pronounced stud failure. \o. 10. CHILDERS' MARE (Dam of Dr. of Gower Stallion). This line came to the front early in its career by winning the sixth Derby with Aimwell, a son of Marc Antony. After this, winners were returned at rare intervals, and the family never assumed any importance until Blink Bonny appeared upon the scene and accomplished Eleanor's hitherto unrivalled per- formance of winning the double of Oaks and Derby. The line cannot be included amongst the high class running lines. As a sire line it has been successful when backed up with plenty of sire and running blood, as witness Blair Athol, Petrarch, Hampton and Fireworks. It will be found that many of the outside (obscure origin) families have blazoned into notoriety after years of silence, and this has been brought about in nearly all cases by striking combinations of the running lines i, 2, 3, 4 and 5, which have been grafted on to the parent stems ol the outside lines. ]\u. II. THE SEDBURY ROYAL MARE. This family includes many illustrious names that have helped to make the English stud famous. The first prominent horses of the family were Squirt and Regulus, and more recently Birdcatcher and Faugh-a-Ballagh kept up its prestige. St. Simon hails from its ranks. In America the name of " Austral- ian" (imp.) will long be treasured ; while at the Antipodes, Marvellous (imp.) claims the honor of siring Marvel, probably the fastest mile horse ever saddled in Australia, and the conqueror of Carbine over that distance of ground. Xo. 12. ROYAL MARE (Dam of Brimmer Mare). This line affords an instance of one of the anomalies of breeding, for whereas the Oaks winners are out of all proportion to the solitary and fluky Derby winner Cadland and would thereby lead one to the conclusion that it is effeminate in its nature, experience shows it to be the stoutest and most masculine in the stud book all the way up from Eclipse. To the name of Eclipse we can add a large number of good sires from this family than any other now existing except No. 3. Some of the best known names are Conductor, Voltaire, Sheet Anchor, Weatherbit, Edmund, Oxford, Ster- ling, Scottish Chief, Marsyas, Prince Charlie (and his son Salvator (Am.) Ethelbert, Restitution, Adventurer, Kingston, Springfield, Lexington (Am.) and some of the males of the Levity family It is also a line which stands inbreeding to itself. This is more noticeable in America, where there has been a great deal of inbreeding to the Levity family, and with good results. Salvator was the result of a cross of Prince Charlie (12) on to Selina of the same family ; and, what is more remarkable. Prince Charlie is him- self inbred to 12, and Selina is by Lexington of the same line. It will, how- ever, be found that in all cases of inbreeding the 12 line to itself with success, it was accompanied by a strong return of the running families as well, (through collateral branches) to insure the requisite amount of racing vitality to the offspring. Bfo. 13. ROYAL MARE (Dam of Mare by Darcy's White Turk). The first horse to give any prominence to this line was the unbeaten Highflyer. Stella (Oaks), in 1784, was the first classic winner, then Fyldener won the Leger in 1806, and we find nothing classical again till Elis won the Leger in 1836. Then appeared the sensational Orlando, and after this winners cropped up every now and then. No. 14. THE OI^DFIELD MARE. As a classic winner this family does not take high rank. Taking into consideration the inferior figure it cuts as a classic winner, one would hardly look to its ranks for great sires if one followed the orthodox plan of "using only running families." On the one side we require stout, mascu- line breeding, combined with strong individuality, symmetry, and ability to race, if possible, and on the other soundness of constitution with an accu- mulation of vitality only to be acquired by close breeding to Nos. i, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The first sire of any note in the 14 line was Trumpator '^of the God. Barb branch). Then came Touchstone, a horse that has made him- self a great name for all time. Also Leamington, imported to America, destined to sire Iroquois. The 14 line has done still further service in the States by producing the great horse Tammany (from TuUahoma, 14) ; but I think beyond doubt that this family ranks high as a sire line. ^o. 15. ROYAL MARE (Dam of Old Whynoi). It is very evident that the members of this family do not come early, or else are not partial to short courses, for I cannot find a winner of either looo or 2O0O Guineas, and this is corroborated by the fact that its Leger winners are out of proportion to the Oaks and Derby. This paucity of good females would in- dicate its gradual extinction, and such appears to be the case, though it has come again with a spurt in the shape of Foxhall and Harvester. As a sire family it has always been a pronounced failure. ^o. 16. SISTER TO STRIPLING BY BUTTON'S SPOT. Up to the time St. Gatien (1884) ran a dead heat for the Derby with Harvester, the line had been absolutely silent as regards classic winners, though many fair racehorses (and sires) came from its ranks, notably Tibthrope, Brown Bread, etc. The line is better known to the breeding and sporting world as "the Agnes family." The gradual building up of the Agnes family is one of the most interesting problems in the annals of breeding. There is no pedigree in the stud book with so much concentrated vital force as this of Lily Agnes. \o. 17. BYERLY TURK MARE. (Dam of mare by Carlisle Turk). The family is best known in England through Pantaloon, in Australia by Yattendon, and America by Sir Modred and Cheviot, his brother, sire of Rey el Santa Anita. Pantaloon's blood has always been esteemed highly, and should be more bred to than it is, considering how well it blends with Touchstone, Blacklock, Stockwell and Melbourne. The 17 line, though not a prolific one, has turned out a few really high-class sires, and one would infer that the line readily assimilates with other families, and there is no question that good in- dividuals of this family are valuable acquisition to any stud. ]\o. 1§. DR. OF OLD WOODCOCK (Dam of Dr. of Old Spot). Though a slightly larger classic winner than three of the preceding lines, Nos. 14, 16, and 17, I have placed it behind them in order of merit, as it appears to be on the decline. Most of its victories were won in the early and middle days. No. 19. DR. OF DAVILL'S OLD WOODCOCK. The descendants of this line have been singularly unfortunate as regards the higher classic races, considering the number of phenomenal horses the family has produced. Only one Derby and three Legers can be placed to its credit. Sir Hugo, in 1892, was the first Derby winner. No. 19 has produced 9 no Oak winners, and, indeed, very few mares of high class racing form (if we except Plaisanterie and one or two others) though they develop into good dams. In spite of its want of success in classic events, a glance at some of the celebrated hores descended from its ranks shows how valuable the blood is ; Isonomy, Vespasian, Monarque, Vedette. Plaisanterie, Alarm, Sabinus, Clearvvell, Surefoot. The sons have not only been great racehorses, but good sires as a rule. \0. 20. DR. OF GASCOlGxNE'S FOREIGN HORSE. The line is an effeminate but improving one, and more largely represented to-day in last vol. of the stud book than Nos. 15, i5, 17, 18, and 19. Traducer (20) (imp. to New Zealand) proved to be a high-class sire. Winslow, Strauss and Citadel were about the most prominent males in England of this family of late years, until we come to Heaume, Hawkeye and Chitabob. ]\o. 21. THE MOONAll BARB MARE OF QUEEN ANNE. A family well known to pedigree students through that excellent horse. Sweetmeat. Like the 20 line, it runs mostly to good fillies. The members of the family are evidently not early beginners or sprinters, as none of the shorter classic races have fallen 10 their share. In America the line is well and favorably known through imported Tranby (by Blacklock), whose name appears in so many good pedigrees across the water, where he undoubtedly helped to lay the foundation of Levity's greatness. It is worth noting that the triumphs of this family have been mainly owing to its association with the No. 2 line. I would infer that the fillies of this family should be put to sires closely inbred to Blacklock through the 2 and 3 lines to give their progeny the necessary running qualities. To in breed 21 to itself or to t4, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and so on, is only excusable where there is some intense inbreeding to Nos. i, 2, 3 and 4 on both sides, and in the first two or three removes. Where these conditions do not exist it is clearly a step backward in breeding. So. 22. BELGRADE TURK MARE (Dam of Bay Bolton Mare). Gladiator has made this family famous for all time, and evidence is forth- coming that the family is by no means dead (despite the poor figure it has cut in the Derby, Oaks and Leger), as St. Blaise and Merry Hampton testify. Up to the time St. Blaise won in 1883, the line had not been fortunate enough to win a Derby. It is no exception to the rest of the outside families in requiring the aid of running lines, and is decidedly feminine in its character. JWo. 23. PIPING PEG (Dam of the Hobby Mare). Two of the prominent horses of this family are Solon and his son Barcal- dine. The family is a valuable one and assimilates easily with the best running- blood. 10 \o. 21. HELMSLEY TURK MARE (Dam of Rockwood Mare). Some of the males of this family have been such excellent sires that it almost deserves the rank of a sire line. The sons of the 24 line have, in two cases (Camel and The Baron), earned imperishable fame as the sires respectively of Touchstone and Stockwell. Other good horses in this family were Old Starling, Pumpkin, Gohanna, Mountain Deer, Claret, Camerino, Y. Gladiator and Chippendale. In America a high class racehorse and sire, Hindoo ; and in Australia, imported New Warrior, an excellent sire ; also Welcome Jack (M. Z.), a brilliant racehorse. ^o. 25. A BRIMMER MARE (Dam of Old Scarborough Mare). Though low in scale of winners, the honors are equally divided between the three classic events, viz., Sefton, Bourbon and Zinc. This filly won the one thousand guineas, as did also Zeal and Arab from this family. Other noticeable horses are Y. Melbourne and Slane. Xo. 26. DR. OF MERLIN (Dam of Mare by Darley Arabian). There is no plea (save its unfitness) for ihis family being so low on the list of classic winners, because few lines t;ot such an excellant send off consequent upon King Herod's success as a racehorse and sire. In 1841 Coronation won the Derby. Previous to this (1821) Augusta won the Oaks and Two Thousand Guineas, and in 1854 Knight of St. George (by Birdcatcher) the St. Leger. In 1859 Promised Land won the Two Thousand Guineas. No. 27. A SPANKER MARE (Dam of the Byerly Turk Mare). This family has not singled itself out by any specialty, and, like all the outside lines, is wholly dependent upon the more favored ones. Wo. 28. DR. OF PLACE'S WHITE TURK (Dam of Coppin Mare). Emilius has made this family famous, but nothing else of note has sprung from its ranks except Wings, Imperator, Actaeon, Dalesman, Barbillion, etc. Emilius is the only high class sire in the line, which is evidently going to the wall. No. 29. A NATURAL BARB MARE (Dam of a Bissett Arabian Mare). This family is dying out apparently. In Australia it is known as the Lady Emily family; Reprieve, Pardon, and Queen's Head, by Yattendon, brought the line into some prominence a few years back. 11 Xo. 30. DR. OF DUC EE CHARTRES' HAWKER. Stamford and Delpini are the best known of a line which is poorly repre- sented to-day. Stamford was a full brother to Archduke and Paris, the three being from Horatia by Eclipse, and she was bred for ten years consecutively to Sir Peter. There was an interval of five years between the two Derby winners, Paris being the tenth foal by Sir Peter. ^o. 31. DICK BURTON'S MARE (sometimes called a Barb Mare). If this line had a really pure origin, it has failed to fulfill expectations. The only classic winners are Ruler, in 1780, and Fazzoletto in 1S56. It will be recognized of late years by Cape Flyaway, and that good mare Canezou, by Melbourne (i), dam by Velocipede (3), he by Blacklock. 9fo. 32. BARB MARE (Dam of Dodsworth). It is very evident (as is case of 31) that the pure origin availed nothing in this case. It is quite probable that ]Sios. 2g, 31 and 32 were not of pure Eastern descent at bottom. It has been a loose fashion from all time to designate a filly of first cross by an Arab stallion as "an Arab " amongst men who do not breed to race and attach no value to pedigrees, and in early days the mistake might easily have crept into records unwittingly. ^o. 33. SISTER TO HONEYCOMB PUNCH. This line can only claim a solitary Derby winner. Sergeant, in 1784. Dungannon is from this line, which has almost died out. Ko. 34. DR. OF HAUTBOY (Dam of Coneyskin's Mare, progenitor of Hutton's Daphne). Antonio in i8ig and Birmingham in 1830 placed two Legers to the credit of this family, not otherwise distinguished. The foregoing numbers include all the classic winners of the Derby, Oaks, and St. Leger, excepting the first St. Leger winner, Allabaculia, whose pedigree is not given in the Stud Book. There are a few well-known English, American and Australian horses from families that have never produced a classic winner in England, though they trace to Engli'^h Stud Book, and for this latter reason I have included them in a non-classic list to follow, so that the horses of the line may also be identified by a figure. 12 No. 35. DR. OF BUSTLER (the dam of grandam of Byerly Turk and Bay Bolton Mares). It is quite possible this Bustler mare is identical with the " Dr. of Bustler, dam of daughter of Byerly Turk," forming tap root of the No. 8 line, but in the absence of actual proof, they must be classed as separate families. The prom- inent horses of this family are Haphazard, Bustard, Newcourt, Consul, Battledore and Le Marechal. Xo. 36. DR. OF CURWIN'S BAY BARB. From this mare Economist descends. Economist is the only horse of note in the family, showing once more that the outside lines must be crossed with Nos. I, 2, 3 and 4 to insure success. ■ ]\o. 37. SISTER TO OLD MERLIN. Dr. Syntax and Little Red Rover trace to this mare, but the family is getting gradually extinct. No. 3§. THWAIT'S DUN MARE. I can find no horses of any note, save Pot-8-os, in this line, which speaks volumes for the potency of Eclipse as a sire. Few better horses than Pot-8-os ever carried a saddle, IVo. 39. BONNY BLACK (from a daujihter of Persian stallion). I know of nothing attaining any prominence in England from this family during this century. Xo. 40. A ROYAL MARE (Dam of Brimmer Mare). Boston, sire of Lexington, traces to this mare. ^o. 41. GRASSHOPPER MARE (Dam of Dr. of Hartley's Blind Horse). From this mare come Bagot and Portrait. No. 42. A SPANKER MARE (Dam of Mare by Pulleine's Arabian), Oiseau, Cestus and Theobald are from this line. , No. 43. NATURAL BARB MARE (Presented by Emperor of Morocco), Balfe and Underhand come under this family. STALLIONS. 14 HENRY OF NAVARRE. sire traces back to Bustler Mare. 8. r. 1. w o Pi ^ < > (1< < o z o J fc >, o ■a >^ pq ^ « 'A w 3 ffi c f? - Mo " r • I W 2 MIS a * IJ I >>□ |P = o I CO S ! =° L'^:? IS 5. •a . « 3 a ■^ •Imported. 15 HENRY OF NAVARRE (30). Henry of Navarre is a chestnut horse foaled at the Silver Brook Stud in 1891, by Knight of Ellerslie out of Moss Rose, by imp. The Ill-Used. Knight of Ellerslie (35), his sire, won the Army and Navy Stakes, Vernal Stakes, i^ miles, Preakness Stakes and other races and finished second in the Belmont Stakes, won later by his son. Eolus, the sire of Knight of Ellerslie, was a superior face horse and sire of Eole, Eon, Elkwood, Eurus, Eolian, St. Saviour, Russell, Morello, etc. Knight of Ellerslie is the sire of The Huguenot, Herald, Knight of the Garter, J. W. Brooks, Whist and many other superior winners. Moss Rose, the dam of Henry of Navarre, is one of the old Nursery Stud mares, by imp. The Ill-Used and is also the dam of Turk H, a frequent winner at two, three and four years old, and The Huguenot, full brother to Henry of Navarre, a superior two and three year old stake winner. Henry of Navarre is a horse of beautiful conformation and one of the greatest race horses known to the American turf. In four seasons he met and defeated all the best horses of his day, proving himself equal to any distance and weight, a horse of rare speed, courage and stamina. His turf performances are g'ven below — As a two year old, he won the Breeders' Stakes at Lexington, the Golden Rod and Dash Stakes at Coney Island, Algeria Handicap at Brooklyn, from Dobbins, Declare and others, and two other races ; was second twice, third once and once unplaced. As a three year old he won the Belmont Stakes, Spindrift, Travers, Fox- hall, and Iroquois Stakes, the Dolphin and Bay Stakes, ran a dead heat with Domino in the Third Special Stakes at Brooklyn, and a special purse at Morris Park, 1% miles in 1:543^ from Clifford and Domino. In the same year he was five times second, once third and once unplaced. As a four year old he won the Merchants' Stakes at Latonia, Country Club Handicap at Cincinnati, Special at Coney Island, from Domino and Rey el Santa Anita, First Special at Brooklyn and the Municipal and Manhattan Handicaps at Morris Park, besides being second once and third once. As a five year old he won The Suburoan Handicap, in 2:07 with 129 lbs. His total winnings amounted to $71,015. J 6 r+ S5 r - , 5-Sj f/) &5 o P 2; i-s 1— 1 H C/i < a X ■a r« HASTINGS. Humphrey Clmker.3r-| gSnt^bTcUnLr. I^augMer of._. ^ gl'^^^b^^iS^^^" rTmiohqfonp i;( Camel, by Whalebone. ^ i oucnstone £. ^ Banter, by Master Henry. P < Whisker, by Waxy. IJ^rama | Glbslde Fairy, by Hermes. Frnilins pi Orviile, by Beninghrough. liminus ^^ Emily, by Stamford. = p ohovpllpr \ '^'^^^' ^y Beningbrough. ,c tsnoveuer ^ Goosander, by tiambletonian. II WhlRlcpr F^ Waxy, by Pot-8-os. wmsKer ...£, ^ p^^elope, by Trumpator. I -t7„,.iot,T < **Selim or Soothsayer, by Sorcerer. L variety < Sprite, by Bobtail. ' Timolpon 77* ^*'" Archy, by »Diompd. ilmolcon -"t Daughter ol'Saltram. SKtpr to Tiir'-ahnp * ^'^"'s Florizel, by *Diomed. L bister to iuc^anoe.. ( paugnter of ^Alderman. r«c;irnpinn ^5 Emilius, by Orviile. j barpeaon ^ ^ Xcaria, by The Flj er. 1 Rowpni \ Sumpter, by Sir Archy. [Kowena.. 1 Lady Grey, by Kobln Grey. l-*^ 1 , rsiiltii rr^ Selim, by *Iiuzzard. ..^ buitan -" I Bacchante, by Ditto. i a { ' 8 Trnmnnnnp * Tramp, by Dick Andrews, u Lirampoune IWeb, by Wa^y. I - I ■• f\iiaAnr. u^ Amerlcan Kclipse, bv Duroc. l^ .^ M>ieaoc ■""( Young Maid of the Oake, by ^Expedition. •£ I 2 1 Rndnlnh's dam \ Haxall's Moses by *Sir Harry. 1- S LKodolphsdam ) Daughter of Blackburn's Whip. *' ( VpniRon Tj'> Partisan, by Walton. i- ^•^"ison -"(Fawn, by Smolensko. ri «S OiippT. Anne i Slane, by Roval OalJ. - Lyueen Anne ( Garcia, by Octavlan. ParnB-ntip F^ Touchstone, by Camel i-aragone -* | Hoyden, by Tomboy. Ellen Home..., 03 = f 00 ( Redshank, by Sandberk. --- ') Delhi, by Plenipotentiary. TT„,>,-c„x, TT^ Partisnn, by Walton venison.. ---■'-'} Fawn, by Smolensko. c;niiihrinwn * Defence, by Whalebone. L Southdown -^ Feltona, by X Y. Z. rrharlps XTT v'^ Voltaire, by Blacklock. (..naries ^ii... £. ^ Wagta. I, by Prime Minister. ' ^ 1 Af„„„„i TT-„„.,„i ( Merlin. b7 Castrel. cc I Mangel Wurzel "J Morel, by Sorcerer. Shppt Anrhrir -( Lottery, by Tramp, bneet Ancnnr ^ ^ Morglana, by Muley. l\[iq« T pttv 5 *Priam. by Emillus. Miss Letty I Miss Fanny's dam, by Orvi:ie. o ■ fWpKt Australian ;r 5 Melbourne, by Humphrey CKnker. « m west Australian... ^7 -^ Mowerina, by Touchstone. o c J «-^ MiBs Acrn-s ^ Birdcatcher. by Sir Hercules. l-^-q I. MISS Agn.s (Agnes, by Clarion. ' rsir Herrnlps r. ( Whalebone, by Waxy. ; "''^ Mercuics -. j p^,j.j^ ,jy Wanderer. i 1 r„t^,^,v,i * Bot) Booty, by Chanticleer. 1 L<^uiccio,i .- -) jFiight, by Irish Escape. IH •Imported. -Don rnbn ^( iTramp or Wavprly, by uon jonn. ■^ ( Daughter of Comus 1 nllvnnn < UStarch Or Voltaire, by .Louypop (B^iinda^ by Blacklock. ''Soothsayer given. Whalebone. Black'.oclv. 9. 5. 3. g o ~ 5 -o ^ — .Q .« ;r2 E - £■ =3 O O ■" o - £; rR ~ "^ "'bo A'g I ■= S ..- ^ cs CO O ~- o ?> O "M .^ m o - P. .-s ^ S -5 J= a te: * E S E ^ ja ■§2S c8 a a 'c .2 .2 - B 3 ^ i? is % ^ "" o S '5 C a 3 02 3 " '« 3 o tWaverly given. ttVoItalre given. tBlue Ruin given. X 17 HASTINGS (21). Hastings is a brown horse foaled in 1893. His sire Spendthrift was a grand race horse, winner like Hastings of the Belmont Stakes. In the stud he produced the great Kingston, Lamplighter, Lazzarone, Bankrupt, Pick- pocket, Stockton and a host of other good ones. ^ His dam imp. Cinderella also foaled Glenheim (winner of the Juvenile Stakes, etc., in 1883), Foreigner and Handsome (a brilliant two year old in 1894, being only once unplaced in nine starts). In the female line the pedigree of Hastings is a fine one, the representa- tives of the family in England including the great Sweetmeat and in America such good ones as Auricoma, Belinda, Barbara, Madam Dudley, Glen Dudley, Judith, Santa Rita, Virgie D., Brigand, Brown Prince, Ruby Royal etc. Hastings is a half brother to Plaudit, winner of the Champagne Stakes,, Nursery Handicap and Emerald Stakes as a two year old and at three he won the Buckeye Stakes, Oakley Derby, Clark Stakes and Kentucky Derby. He is also half brother to the superior race horse and fine campaigner, Ferrier, a winner at two years of six races, at three of sixteen races in 1894, fifteen in 1895, eight in 1896, one in 1897 and five in 1899. The turf record of Hastings was a brilliant one and a brief synopsis is herewith given. At two, won the Surf Stakes, five furlongs, beating Handspring. Won at four furlongs in 48 seconds, beating fourteen others, won at five furlongs in 1:02 vviih 122 lbs., and ran fifth in the Futurity. At three, won the Toboggan Handicap, won the Belmont, beating Hand- spring and others and ran second in the Tidal Stakes and fourth in the Realization. At four ran a dead heat for the Kearney Handicap with Clifford, won at six furlongs from Ornament and Cleophus, won at five furlongs in 5^14 seconds, with J 30 lbs., won a Handicap of seven furlongs with 140 lbs., ran second in the Ocean Handicap, second in the Omnium Handicap, second in the First Special, second in the Culver Handicap, second at ij^ miles, second over the Withers mile, 126 lbs., to Semper Ego, same age, 104 lbs., and was unplaced in the Fall and Metropolitan Handicaps. Hastings gives promise of proving a great sire. He was sent to the stud in 1899, the first of his get running in 1901 and seventeen of them were winners. Promise is given this year of even an improvement over last season in the get of Hastings : Masterman, out of Lady Margaret having won the Belmont Stakes, duplicating the performance of his sire and grandsire, Spendthrift, and in the two year old division, Mizzen, out of Donna Mia, up to the close of the Westchester Spring Meeting, has shown himself easily the best out so far, having won three stake races in succession, the Juvenile, National Stallion and Eclipse. Rosetint has won five straight races and among other winners are Toscan, Gloriosa, etc. All the get of Hastings have remarkable constitutions, possessing game- ness and ability to race in any sort of going. '18 O O <: U o OCTAGON. Sire traces back to dam of The Two True Blues. « r Orlanrtn wi Touchstone, by Camel, g,^ j urianao A^ Vultm-e, by Langar. SS cavatina 5 Red«hank, by Sandbeck. H ^ t,avatlna ^ Oxygen, by EmlUus. A rpinnpt T/jBayMlddleton. by Sultan. ■S'S P^^'ie^ - ^} Plenary, by Emillus. lO. 6. \0,-^ 1 r ■" r^^^^rTCEmXrff^ Defence, by Whalebone, a or ine n-mperor a T)„Hfft,t, hv r.-vpHpv Alice Brav ^ Verison, by Partisan. Alice way ^ Darkness, by *Glencoe. > a J. Delight, by Reveller. p„ptpsa < Royal OaW, by Catton. i-oeiess (Ada, oy Whisker. aifldintnr „( Partisan, by Walton, trladiator -^1 Pauline, bv Moses. ."I iTantprne < Hercule, by Rainbow. « ll^anterne ^ Elvira, by Eryx. f . "^ cramp] jfi '^^, by Waxy. ■g- ^i™el ■-•^i Daughter of Selim. ,d £ S RnntPr i Master Henry, by Orville. I jE-io (.Banter ^ Boadicea, by Alexandir. . f*PHnni ^5 Emllius, by OrvllIe. a; I ^"a"' -'^ ( Cressida, by Whiskey. C3 ■< CQ a o sa a c &1 PntpnfntP'H riim i ^°° .Tuan, bv Sorcerer. Potentate s dam ) Moll in the Wad, by Hambletonlan. '^ fc;iiitaTi nS Pelim, by *Buzzard. g jbultan ■'^) Bacchante, by Ditto. i TrsiTnnoHTiP 5 Tramn, by Dick Andrews. g Llrampollne ---- 1 Web,V Waxy. *. f llulpv Jiv Mnapa l^^ ? Pauline, by Moses. •^ I T nUnnn } Voltalre, by Blacklock. a I-^O'JPOP -■- 1 Behnda, by Blacklock. -• i-Pantalonn „< Castrel, by *Buzzard. a; f pantaloon H^ Idaiia, by Peruvian. ° I TiantPi- 5 Master Henry, by Orville. •^ L^-iuier \ Boadicea, by Alexander. rPhvsician /^S Brutandorf, by Blacklock. «= Jr-nysician. -----^ J primette, by Prime Minister. ■^ S -^ ^o Morsel * Mulatto, by Catton. W LMorsei ? Linda, by Waterloo. ' • (T Rirdratcbpr f( Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. o S Blrdcatcher A ^ Gulccioll, by bob Booty. 5 If 1 AtrnoB \ Clarion, by Sultan < LAgnes 1 Annette, by *PrlaD: Si« o s 3^ .^ f^ .a 0) a o 3 2 '^ "? OS C/2 ■q o o « S o KB "S •a i3 00 03 3 ;ri >> si 0*3 *Imported. 19 OCTAGON (16). Octagon, a chestnut horse, was foaled at the Nursery Stud in 1894. He is by imp. Rayon d'Or (3), one of the greatest sires and winner of the St. Leger, Prince of Wales and St. James Stakes at Ascot, Sussex Stakes, Great Foal, Select, Champion, Great Challenge Stakes, etc., and was unplaced but twice in thirty starts. Araucaria the dam of Rayon d'Or, was an excellent brood mare and the dam of winners, and one of the most distinguished of the produce of the famous Pocahontas. Imp. Ortegal, the dam of Octagon, belongs to the famous "Agnes family," from which the great Ormonde, " the horse of the century," sprang, her dam Lizzie Agnes, being sister in blood to Lilly Agnes, by Macaroni (14), Or- monde's dam. Ortegal only ran once, as a two year old in 1891, finishing third in the Priory Stakes. Octagon was an excellent performer and his turf record is herewith given. As a two year old he started in two races, his first appearance being in the Double Event at Coney Island, in which he ran second to Ornament, and was unplaced in the Great Trial Stakes. As a three year old, he won the Brooklyn Derby, 1I4 miles, on a heavy track, beating Buddha, Don de Oro, his stable companion, Scottish Chieftain, The Friar and Braw Lad. He also won the Toboggan Handicap at Morris Park, on a heavy track in 1:12, beating Irish Reel, Lithos and eleven others, and the Withers Stakes, beating Ogden, Regulator and Bannock. He ran third in the Belmont Stakes in which he carried 122 lbs., being beaten by Scottish Chieftain, 115 lbs., and On Deck, 115 lbs., and finishing ahead of his stable companion, Don de Oro, Ogden and Horoscope. Ran third in the Carlton Stakes, at Brooklyn, which was won by Don de Oro, and was unplaced in the Boulevard Handicap, also won by Don de Oro, and in four other races. As a four year old, he again won the Toboggan Handicap with 125 lbs., beating Irish Reel, Cleophus and four others ; won a purse race, 6}^ furlongs, at Morris Park, in which he carried 133 lbs., ran second in a High Weight Handicap, at Brooklyn, 140 lbs., being beating by Typhone II., 127 lbs., and finishing ahead of ten others. In the Metropolitan Handicap, he ran third with 116 lbs., being beaten by Bowling Brook, 102 lbs., and George Keene, 102 lbs., and finishing ahead of Macy, Ben Holliday and four others. As a five year old he only started once, running third in the Toboggan Handicap, with top weight, 130 lbs., being beating by Banastar, 116 lbs., Sanders, 121 lbs., and finishing ahead of Imp and six others. 20 MARGRAVE, sire traces back to Belgrade Turk Mare. 8. 6. 2. 1^ 3-! ca I fS > <: o S^ o ll> rs^ fl CS ,o -^ C3 ■d 03 T1 OJ ts 05 h'-! LPd f« M r^3 ,-> • f M O ■T! hJ ''?■! ffi >. Lr-I I rPampl p 5 Whalebone, by Waxy. M^*™''' --•'=' I Daughter of Sellm. 1 RflntPr 5 Master Henry, by Orville. L Danier ...^ Boadicea, by Alexander. ( nr Svntflv nr^ Paynatar. by Trurapator, I ur. !5ynca.\. m ^ £)aughter of Beningbrough. 1 nanebtpr of i Ardrossan, by .Tnhn Bull. 1, uaugnteror | j^ady Eilza, bj Whitworth. ,j rrf Cain, by Paulowitz. ^"" ■" (Margaret, by Edmund. 1 PftliTivra i Sultan, by Sellm. LI aiinyra j ^gg^^.,.^ i^y camel. ( rnwi rri R^y Middleton, by Sultan. I ^""^' •"} Crucifix, by »Priam. I Roiio nomo 5 *Belshazzar, by BlacklocK. I Belle Dame j ^^^^^ j^y Q^^iTch. f Tnncbstnne F^ Cimel, by Wha'ebone. I 1 oucnstone ....JiJ^ Banter, by Master rienry. 1 Vulture } Lnngar, by Tramp. L vulture | g^j^^^ ^^ Bustard. r Wbislv-pr ri "^axy, by Pot-S-Os. I ^ nisKcr ^1 Penelope, by Trumpator. Ifiarrta < Octavian. by Stripling. '-^'"^"'^ i Daughter of Shuttle. f Partisan ff ) Walton, by Sir Peter. |i-artisan -"j Parasol, bj Pot-8-Os I r>„„,i„„ * Moses, by Whalebone or Seymour, irauime ) Quadrille, by feelim. r sir Hprrnlrq F ^ ^halPtione, by Waxy. J blr uerculrs _ . . . & ^ pgj,^^ j^y Wanderer. I rrny,r. i Emilius, by Orville. '-'^*'°° ^ Daughter of Scud. {Tv,u nar-nn p S Irlsh Birdcatchcr, bv Sir Hercules inc Baron ''^Echidna, by Economist. Pncabontfls ) *Giencoe, by Sultan. Pocahontas | Marpessa, by JViuley. flMplboiirnp V ^, Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. I Melbourne ..i | Daughter of Cervantes. I Oiippn Mnrv 5 Gladiator, by Partisan. 1. yueen Marj ^ Daughter of Plenipotentiary. f ^''* '^ nlrnh.y wS Sii Herculcs, bv Whalebone. I caicntr. . .^ ^ Guiccioli, by Bob Booty. Tjtriijr.. 5 Irish Drone, by Master Robert. "-"^'"™ - I Kiss, by Waxy Pope. f T anprcost k\ T-iverpool, by Tramp. J ^anercost A ^ q^j^^ ^,y Bustard. I ABTa's dam \ Tomboy by Jerry. LAgra s dam. ^ 'Pesane, by Whisker. rRnsfnn TiS Timolpon, by Sir Archy. I Boston ±1^ gjgjgj, jQ xuckahoe, b,> Ball's Florizel. I A lire Carno-il \ *Sarpedon, bv Emilius. L Alice t,arne.ii | Rowena, by Sumpter. ( Kina-stoTi hS Venison, V>y Partisan. I i^ingston a ^ Quetn Anne, by Slane. 1 naua-hter of \ Pyi'^us the First, by Epirus. I Daughter ot ^ Palmyra, by Sultan. i Orlando w\ Touchstone, by Camel. J Orlando ^| Vulture, by Langar. I c-^,a. 5 I^ay Middleton, bv Sultan. y^^^^ ^ Fly Catcher, by Uodolphin. rMir-npr TfS Shark, by American Eclipse. I Mar.ner u ^^ Bonnets o'Blue, by Sir Charles. 1 Pfls^nnfira < *Priam, by Emilius. 1 i^assanara ^ FlirtlUa, .Ir., by Sir Archy. ^M ■=> 2 g s s g .2 ■s te ■« i o.'g ^ »J = ■=! _ TS cJQ ~^ >. •- ■. s 5s s w >> i: a5 ^t ^2. o ^ O e * £ o a t^ P -a 1 y i2 0) •« hr fl.S si .ilS MiJ OQ Cf. >^ '^ t, i.) ^'^ n 3 t. H ^ 1 5 c sb w s o ^ o U ^ R ^< ^. F a ca y j= 1^ - "3 52 0, id j= .- « -d a> 1^ 3 fl , s-^ Emilius, by Orville, I riiain -^(Cresslda, by Whiskey. ! Potentate's dam.. -iD0Vr{^1h'J"^*^J^,'"''u ,,* • ( Moll In the Wad, by HamMetonian. rc;iiitin rr* Seiim, by * Buzzard. I ='"'^''" ...iij Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. I TramnoUne 5 Tramp, by Dick Andrews, lirampoine ^ Web, by Waxy. nuiiipv !.( Orville, by Benlngbrough. imuiey ^^^ Eleanor, by Whiskey. rioro \ Marmlon, by Whiskey. ^""^•^ • - ( Harpalice, by Gohanna. r ramp". Ki Whalebone, by Waxy. J ^'*""=' ^i Daughter of Sellm, by Buzzard. Rn-ntpi- ^ Master Henry, by Orville. Lr>d,iii,ci ...^ Boadicea, by Alexandei-. I nr o,vnta\- v 5 Pas'iator, by Trumpator. I ui. ._yuid.\ -' I Daughter of Beningbrough. Daiia-htpr of * Ardrossan, by John Bull. Luaugnier oi ^ j^^^^^ j,jj^^_ ^^ Whitworth. rT„„ rr5 Cain, by Paul owltz. J '■" -"^Margaret, by Edmund. Pnlmrn 5 Sultan, by Sellm. ' l^^al'" ''i - -- \ Hester, by Camel. renvoi uS Bav Middleton, by Sultan. 1^°"^'---- ''^ I Crucifix, by *PrIain. ' Belle D.ime .. .. \ Belshazzar by Blacklock. ( Ellen, by btarch. fMelbournc . .il\ Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. I ( Daughter of Cervantes. 1 Clarissa \ Pantaloon, by Castrel . I Daughter of *OHencoe. fLanercoftor , „ i, t-. ,. tRetriever -c\ Recovery by EmiUus. J TKetrie\er ^^ xaglionl, by Whiskei-. piwaniii! 5 Bay Middleton, by Sultan. *■ -^ -- I Baleine, by Wlialebone. ( Partlsnn v5 Walton, by Sir Peter. I ^ '''^"^''" ^\ Parasol, by Pot-8 Os. ^p-"- -l^Siut^y'sti^r- rPlenipotentiary e\ g^t^'y^ FeVil^l'ls. l«^-h- - iK^n^Su'n^gSnua. 8. 6. 2. ^ s < So w >> u ,Q y. ^ •o i Si ■o •"t ja ^ d .Q Ph > p< ,o o u o O N « a o ^ •3 VJ rn &: O B O •Imported. 23 DON DE ORO (10). Don de Oro is a handsome chestnut horse, foaled at the Nursery Stud, in Kentucky in 1894 and is by the great sire imp. Rayon d'Or (3), out of imp. Bella Donna. Imp. Bella Donna, his dam, is by the Derby winner and one of the greatest English sires, Hermit (5), out of Bonnie Doon, a half sister to Blink Bonny, which won the Derby, Oaks, etc., and threw only three animals, viz.: Blair Athol. winner of the Derby, St. Leger, etc., Breadalbane, a great race horse and winner of the Prince of Wales Stakes, etc., and Borealis, winner of the Liverpool St. Leger, the Dee Stakes, the Great Northern St. Leger, etc. Don de Oro was considered one of the best two year olds of his year and proved himself to be an excellent campaigner. He has two track records to his credit, having won the Brookdale Handi- cap at Brooklyn in 1889, 1I3 miles in 1:53 with top weight, 125 lbs., and a Handicap at Saratoga, if'g miles in iisg^^ with 119 lbs. A summary of his racing career is herewith given. As a two year old, won the Tremont Stakes at Brooklyn, 6 furlongs, from The Friar, Rhodesia and three others ; Eclipse Stakes, and a five furlong race at Morris Park, and was unplaced in the Double Event, the Great American and the Great Trial. As a three year old, won the Boulevard Handicap, ij^g miles; the Carlton Stakes, beating Braw Lad and his stable companion, Octagon ; the Kenner Stakes at Saratoga, ii.j miles, with 126 lbs ; the Morris Park Handicap, 13:2 miles over the hill ; and a Handicap at Morris Park over the Withers mile. He was second in the Jerome Handicap, 1^:^ miles to Rensselaer, third in the Travers Stakes, 1^4' miles, in which he carried top weight, 131 lbs.; third in the Pocantico Handicap and third in the Brooklyn Derby, which was won by Octagon ; and unplaced in the Belmont and six other races. As a four year old, he won a Handicap at Morris Park, iig miles and two races at Aqueduct. Was second in a Handicap at Brooklyn, i}^ miles, and in a Handicap at Aqueduct, third once and unplaced five times. As a five year old, he won the Brookdale Handicap at Brooklyn, iig miles, in 1:53, carrying 125 lbs. establishing a new track record for the distance and also made a new track record at Saratoga in a i^\ mile race, 1:5994 with 119 lbs. Besides this he vvon the Parkway Handicap, a Handicap, iy\ miles, at Morris Park, beating Imp and other good ones ; a Handicap at a mile; a i^g mile race at Saratoga and a race iig miles at Brooklyn. He was second in the Brighton Cup, a race at Saratoga and a race at Aqueduct, unplaced in the Brooklyn and Metropolitan Handicaps and was left at the post in the New Rochelle Handicap. 24 MAGNETIZER. sire traces back to Woodcock Mare. 7.9.- S; firisb Bird ^ t h E-i Sir Hercules, by Whalebone, caicner n^ Guiccioli, by Bob tooty. Economist, by Whisker. a LEchidna j yjjgg Prait,'by Blacklocl; ifrio r. n „( Sultan by Selim. LTiencoe m -^ Trampoline, by Tramp. , Marpcssa Humphrey I Muley, by Orville ; Clare, by Marmion. ( ink/r V 5 Oomus, by Sorcerer. cimKer M J^ ciinjjerina, by Clinker. < Cervantes, by Don Quixote. '( Daughter of Oolumpud. fS 0^ w l-H W o < |.s I L Daughter of r,--i„ 7-,(-„,. n-S Partisan, by Walton ^ o ladiator ....._. ^ | Pauline, by Moses. I Daughter of.. ) Plenipotentiary, by Fmilius. ( Myrrha, by Whalebone. mr Herculps F^ Whalebone, by Waxy, bir Hercules.. -.£ ^ pgj.j^ j,y Wanderer. i;ob Booty, by Chantic]eer. Flight, by Irish Escape. T -ov. n-nno „< Master Robert, by Buflfer. jjrone u-^ Daughter of Sir Walter Kaleigh. o Guiccioli „. 5 Waxy Pope, by Waxy. ^'"^ - ( Daughter of Champion. • T . 1 Tp\ Tramp, by Dick Andrews I ;: M I Liverpool A ^ Daughter of Whisker. § S I „^, S Bustard, by *Buzzard. — o *-"-i^ - "( Gayhurst's dam, by Election. la I ::■ CT -nv. V 1,5 Jerry, by Smolensko. io.nDoy li J Emancipation s dam, by Ardrossan I rr. ( Whisker, by Waxy. l.iesanc ; i^ady of the Tees, by Octavian. ( Tlmfrenn ni *'''' Archy, by *Diomed. ilmo.eon -''' J Daughter of *Sali,ram. 1 ci„* .<- -r „,,„i,„„ < Ball's Florizel, by *Dionied I Sister toTuckahoe > ^^auguter of * Alderman. = 2 ■ < « ,q„__„,,„„ s- < Emllius, by Orville. Sarpedon A ; jcaria, by The Flyer. ■Roweni i Sumpter, by Sir Archy Kowena . | Lady Gray, by Ro t)in Gra; ,T„„,„ j7( Partisan, by Walton. Venison -" j The Fawn, by Smoknsko Oiippn Anne ^ Slanc. by Royal Oak. I yuten Anne ^ Garcia, by Octaviau. I I 53 fPi'-'-'^"?'}"^ 7 ( Epirus, by Langar. S -a-n ' ) Fortress, by Defence. IS :•} -p. !,„,--„ ^ Sultan, bvSelim. , 1 rtimj ra . ^ Hester, by Camel. Touchstone g^ Camel, by Whalebone, loucnstonc /.^ Banter, by Master Henry. Rebecca ^. Lottery, by Tramp, .tteoecca | Daughter of Cervantc . d • r Gladiator IT? Partisan, by Walton. ( Pauline, by Moses. l< •Tmported ©•S I nnno-htpr nf 5 Plenipotentiary, by Emilius. ■-i^ imu,nter ot ^ Myrrha, by Whalebone. r, rTv,.. Tio,.,,T, E,( Irish Birdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. f^„ j tnc liaron -^I Echidna, by Economist S I I Pocahontaq 5 *Glencoe, by Sultan. J3 ? (Pocahontas | Marpessa, by Muley. S5 f Lanercost r.( Liverpool, by Tramp. Lanercost £,j q^.^^ ^y Bustard. 25 I Sister t J Hornsea. Velocipede, ^y Blacklock Daughter of Cerberus. o 3 « t< _ "d c« a, " "3 • .e • -—10 s »| t: ^ g S -fa "^ S I:? O ^ (3 ^ >, ^ ■= a ■^ S tc 2 o y =5 §^^ P-I g 2 a S ■' n -o .c ca 3 -; Oh O 2 >. B .d a ,2 < w 1^ 3 =3 S 25 MAGNETIZER (15). Magnetizer was a superior race horse, winning among other races the Surf Stakes at Coney Island and the Independence Stakes, six furlongs, at Monmouth, where he got ofT last and conceding from 3 to 18 lbs., easily de- feated Miracle, Ballston, Sir Dixon and six others. Imp. The lU-Used (18), his sire, was a great race horse, winner of the Sequel Stakes, Kenner Stakes, 2 miles, etc., and was the sire of His Hi hness. winner of the Futurity, Lady Violet, Forester, Fides, Badge, Carita, Magian, Glory, etc. Magnetism, his dam, is by Kingfisher (12), which with The Ill-Used makes a most successful cross and is found in the pedigrees of Lady Violet, Glory, Lady Primrose, Lady M?rgaret, Belladonna, the dam of St. Leonards ; Carina, the dam of St. Carlo ; King Cadmus, etc. Magnetism is also the dam of Magian, winner of the Dunmow Stakes, the White Plains Handicap and a winner in 1896. She also threw Magnetic, dam of the excellent colt Magnet (winner of fifteen races as a three year old in 1895, of seven straight races, also the Gasconade Stakes in 1896, and again a winner in 1897); Magnate, a good performer and Masher, which finished second to Potomac in the Coney Island Futurity, beating a lot of good two year olds. Magnetizer is the sire of Jack of Spades (one of the fastest horses of his day, winner of the Seabright, Control Stakes, etc.), Woodvine (a splendid two year old in 1895, winner of the Seashore, Fashion Stakes, etc., and a winner in 1896), Julia Arthur, Belle Dick, Swamp Angel, Mr. Waverly, Demagogue (one of the speediest two year olds in 1897), King Max, Ortoland, Lep'da, etc. MARES. 28 r + AMICITIA. Sire traces back to Moonah Barb Mare. r "^ /M„iK„„™^ „( Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. '-* k S Melbourne ..... Jf| Daughter of Cervantes. ^ ojS ) d ^ S I m ,„„]„„ S Touchstone, by Camel. I 1 I [Mowerlna ] Emma, by Wsker. "^ rvm.ncr n-iTiiiiMQ E^JEmilius, byOrvillp. . rToung Emilias. ^•^ Shoveller, by Scud. l^S p..„,-„„ S Whisker, by Waxy. Li'ersian ^Variety, by Selim. ( Tj«ctr..> rri Timoieon, by Sir Archy. >, Boston ■" j Sister to Tuckahoe, b> Ball's Florlzel. 3 I Ai„„ /~.„„„„oi ( *Sarpedon, by Emillus. D lAiice Carneal ] Rowena. hv Snmnter. I < Rowena, by Sumpter. •rio,i/.r>o ni Sultan, by Selim. Liiencoe .a ^ Trampoline, by Tramp. [ g I Melody 5 Medoc, bv Am. Eclipse. ( Rudolph's dam, by Haxall's Moses. SJ r '^ rKitiBiton n-5 Venison, by Partisan, t. ,jf E.< Sheet Anchor, by Lottery. fa-; r\\eatherbit..-..J?5 vhss T.errv. hv *Prtftm. 2?^ i Miss Letty, by *Prlam. Ti.^„„ A „«oo * West Australian, bv Melbourne. Blown Agnes -, jjlss Agnes, by liirdcatcher. H I— I U 1— ( < I s f 2 j-,S Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. - ^ ^ GulccioU, by Bob Booty. ■g [ Blrdcatcher I Uemonade-s dam. | E^lVpop'by^sIlrcrcir Voltaire. 'Ti,<. «o,.«T> IT. ^ Irish Blrdcatcher, by Sir Hercules, ine Baron .a ^ Echidna, by Economist. fS IJ ^ S t>„«„i,„„»„ , i "Glencoe, by Sultan. CC& I Pocahontas | Marpessal by Muley. ■2 id >> \f plhniirnp ;V5 Humphrey Clinker, by Comus Melbourne 31 ^^ Daughter of Cervantes. I s Queen Mary Irish Blrd- 5 Gladiator, by Partisan. ■ ) Daughter of Plenipotentiary. In S ha oafVhpr pJ ^^''" Hercules, by Whalebone, catcner. .ii ^ Guiggion^ ^y Bob Booty. S ■" I Q-2- -nTv,i,v, i Drone, by Master tlobert. "^ '-"'n'™ ---|kISs, by Waxy Pope. I -[ nnercost Ei Liverpool by Tramp. ^ ai J L'*°ercost A | ^^j^^ ^^y Bustard. I S'O I AsTft's dam i Tomboy, by Jerry. ^ I, Agra s dam | Tesane, by Whisker. r k'„«» I Rnafnn ffJ Timoleou, Sy Sir Archy. gj7» J aosion ....M^ Sister to Tuckalioe, by Ball's Florlzel. '^ o 1 Alice Carneal i *Sarpedon, by Emillus, jO I Alice carneal.... ^jjQ.^g^j^,jyg,jjjjpjgp_ a , K-inp-qtnn ni Venison, by Partisan a ^ Kingston " I Queen Anne, by Slan( Ife ,3"^ Danffhter of ^ Pyrrhus I , by Epir 17* '^ Daugnter ot ^ Palmyra, by Sultan The Baron E Slane. rus. Irish Birdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. Echidna, by Economist. c— i i\(ak:\ Pocahontas i *Glenc e, by Sultan. g i. r Touchstone 7? J Camel, by Whalebone. Ij loucnscone ^ J Banter, by Master Henry. •Imported tBlue RulQ given. & Miss Wilfred i Lottery, by Tramp. H I Miss wutred ^ Royal Oak's dam, by Smolensko. S. 6. 3. B S 3 3 M ca 61 -^ •a I-i •° S i' - ^ ^ 3 T. S3 g ■^ « « 3 fl <1 >. £ B §" •a CQ n x: >> >; .h^ .2 M >J « '"' ° &" " ,« J2 " tS ... CO i§i 3 ->^ A Ph cq CO SC3 S « - s =« I.. rt £ 3 >> Jt; o -^ eq ^ S .a g « a . .§ ^ ^ ;§ o ^ ■° 5 S a» "Z a t>^'„ ■3 .a "m .2 C3 Pc § S o o ,• 29 AMICITIA. PRODUCE. 30 ANNOT LYLE (imp. in utero) Sire traces back to Matchem Mare. < p > R J 1^ H M O ^ z >> z ■a < « ^. f Humphrey ^^ ^| Cllnkerma, by Clinker i Comus, by Sorcerer. X Cllnkerma, by Clinkt s 5 I r> i,t„.. „*■ S Cervantes, by Don Quixote. So [Daughter ot | Dauj;iiter of Uolumpus. ,T,„ I, ^ m( Camel, by "Whalebone. . Touchstone -B|Bamer, by Master Henry. TTir,,,!., 5 Whisker, by Waxy. LJimnici ^ Gibsidd Fairy, by Hermes. pa aj Sir Hercules. „5 Whalebone, by Waxy. ■ ( Perl, by Wanderer. Chanticleer, scape. ij-g ^ . . ,, ( Bob Booty, by ^2 iGuiccioli .- -( Flight, by ksci , rr i T,, . « „( Brutandorf, by Blacklock Hetnian Platofl.^^ Daughter of comus 1 _., , ( Drone, by Master Eobert. t " him IkIss, by Waxy Pope. ip Irish Blrdcatcher, by ?ir Hercules. Echidna, by Economist. , W ( The Baron..- S'S 1 T. ,. ^ ( *Glencoe, bv Sultan. cc^ IPocahontas |Marpessa,by Muley. (p . ,, ^ „( Liverpool, by Tramp. dg rLanercost ^( Otis, by Bustard. •a * I _ ^ ( Partisan, by Walton. gP I Constance \ QuadrUle, by Selini. : f !?Tewmlnster j^^ Touchstone, by Camel. - ( Beeswing, by Dr. Syntax. » _ , \ Emllius, by Orville. ■ i aima . J Francesca, by Partisan. Irish Bird- , gjp Hercules, by Whalebone, catcher. ..A ^ Gulccioll, by Bob Booty. „ , .^ , ^ Hetman Platofif, by Brutandorf. ,Dai!ghter of ■^ ^^^j,,,^ ^jy prpue. r rr^ it „( Camel, bv WhalehoHc. f , ^ rTouchstone -E^^ Banter, by Master Ueurv. ^° [Beeswing ... a fTadmor H] i Dr. Syntax, by Paynator. ! Daughter of Andros.-an. I Ion, by Cain. [ Palmyra, by Sultan. ,,, o ,, ( Cowl, by Bay Mlddleton. MISS beiion 1 3gjig Dame, by * Belshazzar. Young Mel- , Melbourne, by Humphrey Cb^nker. "°"'°<^--^( Clarissa, by Pantaloon. So U.2"! ■== I ? ^ T^ It e ( Gamebov, by Tomboy. « ' (Sco '--'^'^'^S"'^" °^ ( Physahs, by Bay Mlddleto >= Uh a / nnn Tnhn F^ Tramp, by Waverly. ■2 og poi John -e-l Daughter of Comus. 3 2^ * « Tiii,„ 7 ,„n„ 5 Belshazzar, bv Blacklock. Is| [MIssLydia ^ Daughter of Comus. " rweatherbit g* Sheet Anchor, by Lottery, ^„ weatneroit -^^ Miss Letty, by *Priam. I a 1 MppfHrnnr 5 Touchstone, by Camel ag LMenaicant... j l,q(iv Moore Carew. bv Lady Moore Carew, by Tramp. , \ Bay Mlddleton, by Sultan. ( Criacitix. by *Priam. s o -a a -^ *- I 23 =2.3 r.i„„™i^„ S Defence, by Whalebone. I ; S Ml I. Diversion ( Folly , by Mlddleton. (•at„„i,„,oii I. \ The Baron, by Irish Blrdcatcher. I . ^j biocKweii £. -^ Pocahontas, by *Glencoe. .2 h^ g RriiiPru ^ The Libel, bv Pantaloon. - loj^ I, Bribery < Splitvote, by St. Luke. ^1— I . r Alarm h\ Venison, by Partisan. ^^ Aiaim ■"; Southdown, by Defence. ^ 9 DaiK^bter of 5 Glencoe, by Sultan, (.uaugntei ot , Q,g^ ^^ Whalebone. 11. 3. 2. 00 H ■a -a ■a ^ •Imported. SI ANNOT LYLE. PRODUCE. 1S98. b. c, Provost, by imp. Meddler. 1899. b. c, Cameron, by imp. Meddler. 1900. b. f , Lady Mentieth, by Hambura:. 1901. Missed to Ogden. 1902. ch. c. (died), by Henry of Navarre. 1903. by Henry of Navarre. 32 < < < IMP. AURATA. Sire traces back to Katural Barb Mare. ( -* i-T RlrrlrntphPT- r ( Sir Hercules, by Whalobone, ►J O ^ n u o u >. TS Oi ti t. B ■a j= s t-i .[^ a ij ^ 6 IH lohanm ( Selim, by *Buzzard. donanna ^ comical's dam, by Skyscraper. • r^'^^tEfr*:^" 7^ ^ Emilius, by Orville. 5? I "'^'^^^ ^ ) Harriet, by Pericles. 11 Pawn, Jr. ; Waxy, by Pot-S-Os. Pawn, by Trumpator. Irish BIrdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. Echidna, by Economist. ^ r^« fThe Baron E " S I Pnrahnntfls \ *tHencoe, by Sultan. or'* LPocanontas - ^ Marpessa, by Muley. -I i3 f T?p,i riPPT. 1^5 Venison, by Partisan. a Kea ueer .a^ r^^^ Soldier's Daughter, by The Colonel. o I T7,T,iHo 5 Young Emilius. bv Emilius. O i-J^miiia ^Persian, by Whisker. rHn*'kpr \r\ Comus, by Sorcerer. l.imKer.....« | ciinkerina, by Clinker. '-' fHumphrey i;> 2 LDaiiffhtpr of \ Cervantes, by Don Qu c, LDaugnterot ) Daughter of Golumpu itS "^^eloclpede, by Blacklock. ^'\ Sister of Dupont. S 1 ^ i„A„ ,^„ \P 1am, by Eml ius. "= l-Intlu try -■ J Arachnef by Fllho-dr.-I'i p( Camel, by Whalebone. I Banter, by Master Hcur, I— X C Touchstone "^ » " Tiao ^inr, ^ Dr. Syntax, by Pavnatnr. S jiz;"' LUeeswmg.... 5 Daughter of Ardros.-an. • fMplhoiirnp irSnumphrey Clinker. o ® I *ieiDourne .w ^ daughter of Cervantes. I ^55 I vr>iip,r ^ Voltaire, by Blacklock. *■ ^ vouey ) Martha Lynn, by Mulatto. [ S. fTTptmnn Platoff f5 '^'■"f^"'^^''^- ''>' ^'"'='^'°'^'^- .^ Hetman j-iatoir.i, -^ Daughter of Comus. S I Dfliia-htpr of 5 Camel, by Whalebone. g Luaugnter or ^ ^ady Elizabeth, b^ Lottery. t^ ■ fc;wpptme«t CT^Gladiator, by Pnrtisan. &^ Sweetmeat -'^i LoUy-i.op, by Starcl:. ^u rrv,„„„„ 5 Waverly, by Whnlebone. R i.ineano ^ cheiub by Hambletonian. S^ ♦Imported. IMP. AURATA. PRODUCE. 1892. ch. c, Aurelian, by Brag (in England). 1893. ch. c. (died), by Brag. 1894. Missed to Magnetizer. 1895. b. c, Aurum, by Badge. 189^. ch. f., Adornment, by Magnetizer. 1897. Missed to imp. St. Blaise. 1898. Missed to Top Gallant. 1899. ch. f., Augury, by Henry of Navarre. 1900. Missed to Henry of Navarre. 1901. Missed to Henry of Navarre. 1902. ch. c, Amberjack, by Henry of Navarre. 1903. by Margrave. 34 ff r To 11 ! IMP. BELLA DONNA. sire traces back to Bustler Mare. ^ ^wi,„i„K^.,, E'SWaxv, byPot-8-Os. ^_ f whalebona -^Ipenelope, by Trumpator. a 1 T^ i,<- f S Sellm. by *Bazzard. g iDaughter of ^ Maiden, by Sir Peter. y • , Kt *„_«„„..„ ,^( Orville, byBenlngbrough. t. j' Master Henry. ..^"-^ jyjjg^ gophia, by Stamford. § I „ „„„„ Si fPaynator ^^J Daughter of Mark Anth. ^^ { Ca „ ^^„„ „- 5 Beningbrough, by King Fergus. Q« [Daughter of ^Jenny Molefby Carbuncle. 6. 1. 3. „-( John Bull, by Fortitude. -" \ Miss Whip, by Volunteer. MB Lady Eliza. fCain H ; Whltworth, by Agonistes. ; X. Y. Z.'ti dam, by Spaaille. Paulowitz, by St. Paul. Daughter of Paynator. ° -. . S Edrrmnd. by Orvllle. I Margaret \ Medora, by Selim. 2 f Sultan 3 $ I Hester . Selim, by *Buzzard. Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto \ Camel, by Whalebone. I Monlmia, by Muley. < v. z o Q < =s I 13 " \ 3 O ^ 't T t-t ^ o -N. rn Kn/iii,. „( Sutton, by Selim. ■\ jBay Middleton..^] Cobweb, by Phantom. ° 1 r.„ .„ni^ 5 *Priam, by Emilius. o I crucmx | Octaviana, by Octavian. /■«oi„h„,.,o^ jr5 Blacklock, by Whitelock. 4, o5 iseisnazzar £ ^ Manuella, by Dick Andrews, s S i «:? T?iio„ * Starch, by Waxy Pope. r-l LEllen 5 Cuirass, by Oiseau. '-: rHuniphrey ( Comus. by Sorcerer. ^S Clmker J^l niinkerinL hv Clink Clinkerina, by Clinker. S3 ^ I I T. „~T.t„. „<■ S Cervantes, by Don Quixote. ■° LDaughter of ^ Daughter of Golumpus. j; ,^ .„, J, ( Castrel, by *Buzzard. 1 JPantaloon /7| i^ij^u^^ by Peruvian. * I r>„„ !,*„_ „j < *61encoe, bv Sultan. ^ LUaughter of -^ Frolicsome, by Frolic. 2 ,o „( Emilius, by Orvllle. i^ ["Recovery -^^ Daughter of Rubens. ■ £ 1 Tn^u 1 ( Whisker, by Waxy. 3-g L iaglioni j Daughter of Catton. oj , T> A.i.i.qi„.„ „( Sultan, by Selim. ;:; j Bay Mlddlcton..^^ Cobweb, by Phantom. .a I Roioina 5 Whalehonc, by Waxey. Ph '- Baieme ^ jyj jgg Craven's dam, by Soothsayer. '^^ -w»it«„ 77 < Sir Peter, by Highflyer. g I vvauon -" V Arethusa, by Dungannon. S I r.„ „o„i S Pot-8-Os, by Eclipse. a I Parasol ^ Prunella, by Highflyer. CD f lu^ooc ct5 Whalebone or tSeymour, by Dclpini. a I Moses ....J/| Daughter of Gohanna. § I r.„o,i,.ni» ( Sellm, by *Buzzard. Ph ' yuaariiie ^ canary Bird, by Whiskey or Sorcerer. o>; fEmillus ...E va f' Orvllle, by Beningbrough. Emily, by Stamford. 2 f Whalebone.. IP I". [Gift. 5 Pericles, by Evander. • ■ ( Daughter of Selim. ;^) Waxy, by Pot-8-Os. -■^l Penelope, by Trumpator. 5 Young Gohanna, by Gohanna. •-- ( Sister to Grazier, by Sir Peter. ^Imported. tKetriever given, jSeymour given. 'is, IS S .2 35 IMP. BELLA DONNA. PRODUCE. 1889. b. c, Bel Demonio, by Uncas. 1890. b. f., Queen Lute, by Kingfisher (sent to England.) 1891. Missed to imp. The Ill-Used. 1892. b, f., Donna Mia, by imp. The Ill-Used. 1S93. Missed to Fiddlesticks. 1894. ch. c, Don de Oro, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1895. b. f., Donna Rica, by Magnetizer. 1896. Missed to Magnetizer. « 1897. ch. c. (died), by ''mp. Rayon d'Or. 1898. ch. f., Donna Henrietta, by Henry of Navarre. 1899. b. f., Bellavista, by Henry of Navarre. 1900. b. f., Bella Mia, by Henry of Navarre. 1901. ch. f.. Beldame, by Octagon. 1902. ch. f., Bella Signora, by Henry of Navarre. 1903. by Henry of Navarre. 36 H^ BELLA MIA. sire traces back to Mare by Sir T. Gascoigne's Foreign Horse. M^ rFaugh-a-Ba',- , gjj. jjercuies, by Whalebone. 8. 6. 'i. S« 1 Daughter of. : GulccioU, by Bot) Booty. 5 Pantaloon, bv Castrel. ■ \ Daphne, by Laurel. ° fRpvPTi'ip E. ( *Tru8tee. by Catton. « Keienae -^ ^ RosaUe Somers, by Sir Charles. §^ Sarah Washlreton i Garrison's Zinganee, by Sir Archy. « »; Lbaraii Washington | g^gjig.^ ijy Contention. ^ «i?r.iin^i K-i Orlando, by Touchstone. '^''"P"' -^ ( Gaze, by Bay Mtddleton. Fanny WasliinsrtoD } Revenue, by 'Trustee, n asaingioQ | g^^,.^^ Washington, by Zinganee. War Danco //J i^exlngton, by Boston, war iJance .H | jjgg._ j^y «(^iencoe. ^^1 s'H7a navia (*Knigbto.°St Blrdcatcher. I JiUza l)a^ is ^ •Melrose, by Melbourne. -^= r«tr>f.vwp'' ri The Baron, by Birdcatcher. ^^ I htocKwe, -^ ^ Pocahontas, by *Ulencoe. S « I Riini,- KnriTw i Mclboume. by Humphrey Clinker. g^ LBlink Bonny | Q^^g^ j^^^^y^ -{jy gia'aiator. fChar finlppr 7?5 ^- Sirdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. L6 j Lhar.tlcieer -^| Whim, by Drone. S 9 1 F'liprria'p i luanercost, by Liverpool. Liiueraa.e } Agra's dam, by Tomooy. r -« r-T Q-,.inrrtr.n IT j Bostou. by Tlmoleon . f -^ rLexIngton H^ ^,j^.g carneal, by »Sarpedon. "Mi ^ § n,rQ„T,r,Ho < *Giencoe, by Sultan. = iMagnolia ] ♦Myrtle, by Mameluke. a f -Glencoe H^ Suitan. by Seiim. o ^'encoe nj Trampoline, by Trami>. 1 Sister to Tangent . I Wagner, by Sir Charles. [ Cherry Elliot, by Sumpter. ^ rrnmpi Ki Whalebone, oy Waxy :- "-amei -^ | Daughter of Selim. by Buzzard. 3 " i = o Banfer * Master Henry, by Orvllle. ■'^ ^ ---|Boadicea, by Alexander. fDr Svntax J/^ Paynatop. by Trumpaloi-. I "^ ''ynrax JJ j paugtjter of Beningbrough. I Daiishter of J Ardrossan, by .lohn Bull. 1 uaugnter oi ^ ^^^^ j^,j^^^ ^^ Whitworth. « r io„ D < Cain, by Paulowitz. ,3^ " 1 Margaret, by Edmund. 03 t." i ^ c Pnimvra 5 Sultan by Seiim. g IPalmyra ^Hester, by Camel. J ( rnwi «5 Bay Middleton, by Sultan, ^a jt-owi.. ■" I Crucilix, by 'Priam. ^1 1 Belle Dame J Belshazzar by Blacklo.;k. ( EUen, by Starch, in hni' rMelbourno Jf 5 Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. U)g Meioourne . - -^ ^(Daughter of Cervantes. SiS riaH'isfi * Pantaloon, by Castrel. tH5 I Clarissa ^ Daughter of "Glencoe. K ] SS f Lanercosl or Recovery, by Emtlius. 2 I Sv, J TKetrie\er..i!, J Taglioni by Whisker. « 3 ° I K I 5 phvsaiia ( Bay Mi'ldletoD by Sultan. l« '-^nysaus 5 Baleine, by Whalebone. f.s: f Partisan e\ Walton by Sir Peter. j Parasol, by Pot-8-Os. S 12 1 Pauline \ ^°^^b.}^y Whalebone Quadrille, by Sellm, g I S fPIenipotentiary..E:1 g™^l'"^ ''yP''T^V*'- g «^ J ' ■' < Harrief, by Pericles. 3 Mvrrhn 5 Whalebone, by Waxy. I ^ LMyrrha ^ ^.j^^^ ^^ ^oung Gohanna. i5 •Imported. tKeiriever given. 37 BELLA MIA. PRODUCE. 38 BELLEGARDE. Sire traces back to a mare by Belgrade Turk. r ."* rrnniPi „^ Whalebone, by Waxy. fX -- (t^amel -'^ } Daughter of Sellm. 3 » I = 9 T)„„*„„ 5 Master Henry, bv Orville. HS Loanter - - - - 1 Boadicea, by Alexander. , • fTir «vTitav ,, ( Paynator, by Trunipator. i M •"'^- syntax M ^ Daughter of Beningbrough. °^ ^ T^„„„^,^„.. „f 5 Ardrossan, by John Bull. [Daughter of ^ ^ady Eliza, by Whitworth. «H ,T^„ Tjji Cain, by Paulowitz. ^H M^on -"^Margaret, by Edmund. ^ S TJ 1 „ ..„ 5 Sultan, by Sellm. a I Palmyra | Hester, by Camel. ,„„ ,, rj 5 Bay Middleton, bv Sultan. ^"^*' ''' i Crucifix, by *Priam. 9. 6. 1. IP 1H * •< >) t cS S 71 ,|i( r l*aa Rpiip Dnmp < *Belshazzar, by Blacklock. I- Belle Dame - 1 Ellen, by Starch. ', Camel, by Wbalebono. [ rianter, by Master Heuiy. ' Touchstone A' o < o w w .so Viiltiii-P 5 Langar, by Selim. (.Vulture (Kite, by Bustard. r wh-^L-o,. 7^^ Waxy, by Pot-S-Os. vvniswer ^"(Penelope, by Trumpator. p „„„.„ \ Octavian, by Stripling. trarcia ^ Daughter of Shuttle. Partisan H^ Walton, by Sir Peter, rartisan tt-^ Parasol, by Pot-8-Os. p „ 5 Moses, by Whalebone. I. i-auiine | Quadrille, by Seliia. ^ f Sir Hemilpq F^ Whalebone, by Waxy. § hir uercuies ....£, ^ pgj.j^ ^^ Wanderer. S. Iw„h„ 5 Emilius, by Orville. '-^<'"° --^Daugl "^ ■ I ; Daughter of Scud or Pioneer { Timnlpon //{ ^^^ Archy, by *Diomed. ) ilmoieon M-^ Daughter of »Saltram. 5 Balls Florizel, by *Dio7ned. m 1 ucKauoe ... ^ j^aughter of *Alderman. -■ r»corr>pH,^n pJEmlHus, by Orville. gg PSarpedon ^| icarla, by The Flyer. ■^ <« RnwPTi^ 5 Sumpter, by Sir Archy. L Q |.Kowena. | Lady Gray, by Robin Gray. (^n f The Baron E I "-? ; Irish Blrdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. ; Echidna, by Economist. 1 i illpocahontas j L^l^I'l^f'^l^J',!!^"- ■ ( Marpessa, by Muley. p( Camel, by Whalebone. i Banter, by Master Henry. U' ^1 ^ r Touchstone * -Si I M Miss Wilfred \ Lottery, by Tramp. L cd L MISS u Hired | Daughter of Smolensko. (^ rirlsh Bird- ( sir Hercules, by Whalebone. I »gj catcher -^ ) Guiccioll, by Bob Booty. (■•.\^°] '~ m FphiHtin 5 Economist, by Whisker. W LEcmana - ^ Miss Pratt, by Blacklock. r»GlPTipop //S Sultan, by Sellm. Lxiencoe jj ^ Trampoline, by Tramp. iMarnpRsa ) Muley, by Orville. uviarpessa ... ^ Clare, by Marmion. ( 1 ivprnonl /■' ' Tramp, by Dick Andrews. Lilverpool 1^ nansrhter of Whisker. S§1 Daughter of Whisker. 1 Dmiehter of '• Emilius, by Orville. I Daughter oi -^ Surprise, by Scud. I • mQ,HQfr.r „t Partisan, by Walton, g>. Gladiator -f^j Pauline, by Moses. 1 ^^ naiiffhtpr of 5 Plenipotentiary, by Emilius. L Daughter oi ^ Myrrha, by Whalebone. St) S a m « t»..Q •= g 2 " a ja s •* £ a ■d ai ,a ^t UJ ^ s o >-, ,a pQ a § te-o y .a (H >, fX si a tfj o >> JO a a •Imported. 39 BELLEGARDE. PRODUCE. 1894. Missed to imp. Rayon d'Or. 1895. b. c, Bell Punch, by Badge. 1896. b. c, Belgrave, by Badge, 1897. ch. f., Beautiful, by Magnetizer. 1898. ch. f., Belle of Navarre, by Henry of Navarre. 1899. ch. f. (died), by Henry of Navarre. 1900. ch. c. Blue Peter, by Henry of Navarre. 1901. ch. f., Bellrope, by Henry of Navarre. 1902. ch. f., Beltline, by Henry of Navarre. (903. by Hastings. 40 s '2 u 1^ BELINDA. sire traces back to Old Montagu Mare ^ _LrS1r Arohv n( *Dlomed, by Florizol. ^4- sir Arcny -« J *Castlanira, by Kocklngha H S naiiehter of \ *Saltram, by Eclipse. f- L-Uaugnterot | Daughter of Syuiuies' Wil( o§ fBall's^ ( * Diomed, by Florlzel. \ Daughter of *Shai k. io 1 Dauehter of \ *Alderman. by Pot-8 08. g L Daughter oi ^ Daughter of 'Clockf ast. r, fFTniiliiH E-( Orvillle, by Reningbrough. I v-^ pml'lus -^ I Kmlly, by Stamford. S I I ° 1 Icaria \ 'T''® ^^^^"^^ ^^ Vandyke, .Jr. S \f-o i^tcana - ^ Parma, by Dick Andrews. \.< «; f o.,Tv,.^to,- aS ^'r Archy, by *DlomPd. g bumpier. . ..... /i | Daughter of *Kobln Red T.reast. ° [Lady Gray ( Kobin Gray, by*Royallst. — '< Maria, by Melzar. ^^ o '^ f Partisan n\ "^a'ton, by Sir Peter. -i^ [Partisan -'^{parasol, by Pot-S-os. > o 1 The Fawn \ ^molensko, by Sorcerer. ^ ,ine i». ^ « >, E s — OS 2S OJ CO ■o K .Q S ioses... ^ ^ DaugJiter of Gohanna. « 1 OiifliirniP i Pellm, by "Buzzard. ^ (^(^uaariiie ^ Canary Bird, by Whiskey or Sorcerer. ^^• rFmlliiis r.} Orville, by Beningbrough. iC (^™'""s -^J Emily, by Stamfora. 1 TTarriPt \ Pericles, by Evaiider. (. Jiarriei ^ Daughter of Selim 2 f Whilehnne F^ Waxy, by Pot-8-Os. wnaiebone ■C' ^ Penelope, by Trumpator. 1 pjf(. 5 Young Gohanna, bv Gohanna. '-""'' ---( Sister to Grazier, by Sir Peter. Sis. to Tuckahoe . ; Ball's Florizel, bv *Dlomed. ; Daughter of *Alderman. *s»rnpdfin w\ Emilius, by Orville t,arpedon ii | icaria, by The Flyer. Rowena '' < Sumpter, by Sir Arehy. Kowena ^ j^ady Grey, by Robin Grey. {Duroc J Miller's Damsel . r5 *Diomcd, by Florizel. ( Amanda, by Grey Diomed. 5 "Messenger, by Mainbrlno. ( Daughter of Pol-8 Os. . f Sir Charles M Sir Archy, by *Dlomed. ^ r bir Charles ^ j Daughter of "Citizen . § 1 H Dniis-htpr of } CJcero, by Sir Archv. t-i (.Daughter ot ^ Daughter of "Bedford. rcp.jrt b;( Beningbrough, by King Fergus. l^'^^'^ -^^ Eliza, by Highflyer. T,,„„„ 5 Stamford, by SJr Peter. ^^"^"'^ i Daughter i/f Wniskey. *^T++RiaPi.-inf.t pi Whitelock, by Hambletonian. t+tBlacklock. El Daughter of Coriander. I Moniioiio S Dick Andrews, by Joe Andrews. (.Manuella } Mandane, by Pot-8-Os. rPnpifip n5 Sir Archy, by "Diomed. J ^^""*^ ---"(Eliza, by "Bedford. i, Sir Richard, by Pacolet '( Daughter of "Eagle. Whalebone 7?5 Waxy, by Pot-8-Os. wnaieoone a- peneiope, by Trumpator I f iriri Tript * Q"i2> ^y *Buzzard. luaa iricK j (j^^y Duchess, by PotSOs. tWaverly given tttBlacklock given. [ Madam Bosley I If. S. 1. a Q p< 02 >, c y ^■S n r; S3 3 C8 fa c c« ^ s: '■fl 3 o ^S .Si ? j= I^>< ^ d < ^^ o « .S M — ' ■5 Dh 'n Q i-S 1^ c ^-s ;^^ « -3 P5 S o3 ■0 3 .. j: H .c - tii=5 < •a " r* r»i i« * i: -3 rt & ~ fO >. .0 c . £S 3 — a 1 s ci g ■S 52 00 >,o tT 3 t- H ^ IT CT ..^ £ ',:: -^ - c rr .c ;; tH 3 Fi •5 "^ XI ^6 ttttSeymour giver 43 BLISS. PRODUCE. 1883. Slipped foal, by King Alfonso. 1884. ch. f., Blessed, by Onondaga. 1885. ch. f., Felicity (Blithesome), by Onondaga. 1886. b. c, Samuel N. (Balzac), by Onondaga. 1887. ch. f., Beatify, by Onondaga. 1888. b. c, Blithe, by Onondaga. 1889. b. c, Poor Jonathan, by Spendthrift. 1890. ch. c, Harvest, by Onondaga. 1891. ch. f., Ondina, by Onondaga. 1892. ch. f., by Onondaga. 1893. b. c, (died), by imp. Hermence. 1894. b. f., Golden Dream, by imp. Rayon d'Or. , 1895. ch. f., Blissful, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1896. b. c, Sun Dream, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1897. b. f., Goldstream, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1898. Slipped foal, by Margrave. 1899. ch. f., Celestial Rose, by Henry of Navarre. 1900. ch. f.. Queen of Navarre, by Henry of Navarre, 1901. ch. c, Sunglint, by Don de Oro. 1902. Missed to Octagon. 1903. by Octagon. 44 2 I CAMPFIRE. Sire traces back to clam of the Two True Blues. ^ I OrlBurlo r\ Touchstone, by Camel. ^^ ^unanao -^^ Vulture, by Langar. la. 3. 1. ;tlc: o Oh IS < '» (i< .fcj o fe O 1^ f*\ o I /-o,rnfir,o 5 Redshank, by Sandheck. uavauna ^ Oxygen, by Eml lius. ( Pionof n-5 Bay Mlddleton, by Sultan, p'*"^" -"^Plenary, by Emlllus. I Allcp Rrav \ Venison, by Partisan. L Alice uray j Darkness, by *GleiiC0e. ( ThP Fmnernr P $ T)ef ence. by "W halrbone. , I The Emperor.... & I Daughter of Keveller. f I Poetess \ ^°y*l *^'''^' ''J' Catton. I I Poetess ^ ^jjg^^ [,y Whisker. {ni„.ii„*„_ rr( Partisan, by Walton. Gladiator H\ pauline, by Moses, f Uercule by Rainbow. _ Lanteme | Elvira, by Eryx. '2 og 2 rnmpi T^J Whalebone, by Waxy. *^^™<=^ '^\ Daughter of SeUm. I ^ , u„„+o,. 5 Master Henry, by OrvlUe. I Ht:; I canter ^ Boadlcea, by Alexander. ' ( *PHflTn !■( Emilius, by Orvllle. ; I i^riam £, j cresslda, by Whiskey. 5 Don .Tuan, bv Orvllle ( Moll In the Wad, by Hambletonlan. \< a §■) ■3 u pa 5 [Daughter of (^ ,„ ,,„„ ct5 Sellm, by *Buzzard. o ouitan i/ 1 Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto « 1 „„„ ^„i,„„ S Tramp, by Dick Andrews. ^ [ Trampoline \ ^^^^ ^y ^^^^y "■ rMnlPv pj Orvllle, by Benlngbrough. g Muiey £, ^ Eleanor, by Whiskey. 6 1 ^,„„„ ( Marmlon, bv Whlskev. 5 ^'-'are ^Harpallce, by Gohanna. Sf- rMpihniirne mS Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. 3 ^ TMelbourne M | Daughter of Cervanies. S^ I A, ,„„) ( Touchstone, by Camel. « « I Mowerlna \ ^^^^^ ^y whisker. atr- ia § f Irish Bird- ^ gj^ Hercules, by Whalebone, catcher. . .jl ^ gulccioll, by Bob Booty. "3 I b"^ r.„„„hto^ n.f ( Hetmen Platoff, by Brutandorf . ^ « LDaughter. of ..... J yfmni, by Drone. pj The Baron, by Irish Birdcatcher. i Pocahontas, by *Glencoe. ^■^ rstockwell ap I "".^ [Catharine Hayes. I Lanercost, by Liverpool. > Constance, by Partisan. , ,„ ♦„„„„ IP S Newminster, by Touchstone. Adventurer.. ....E^ Palma, by Emlllus. « fi •SiS Darling's dam. Touchstone. .. -> M ^ [ Pocahontas V i Touchstone. 5 *Glencoe, by Sultan. ---( Marpessa, by Muley. p( Camel, by Whalebone. -^ I Banter, by Master henry. I a 1 f'tiiiynee J Pantaloon, by Castrel LChuznee ; Lausulsh, by Cain. a .s> a e* OS s j= a S ■a ca W ^ .0 pj >: >, .Q ^ a > ■0 a" •Imported. 45 CAMPFIRE. PRODUCE, 1901. Missed to Henry of Navarre. 1902. ch. f., Campo, by Hastings. 1903. by Hastings. 46 < II- gl I f-\^ :!■! ii r;i« s© ^> (/JS >— 4 -^ •a ^ >. c a & s o 1. PQ £3 S CO « 1^,2 l< I f^S i " a S cm CARRARA. sire traces back to a mare by Belgrade Turk. f rampl F \ Whalebone, by Waxy p*™''' *( Daughter of Selliii. I H-ntor 5 Master Henry, by Orville. ( caaier ^ Boadicea, by Alexander. , nr SvTitav v't Paynator, by Trumpator UT. eynidx .... Ji | Daughter of Beuingbrough. I n«ncrvitpr nf * Ardrossan, by John Bull, luaugnter ot ^ ^ady Eliza, by Whitworth. ^ rA Cain, by Paulowitz. '■""■ ^'l Margaret, by Eduiund. p„i.,,,,^n * Sultan, by Sellm. t-ai.i.jra -■- J Heater, by Camel. {,,^„,, TT ( Bay Middleton, by Sultan. '-'<^^'- --■-'■'iCrucillx, by *i'iiam. Rpllp name * *PPlshazzar. by Blackloc::. lielle uame (Ellen, by Starch. . Tmirh^tnnp f\ Camel, by Whalebone. I louchbtone 1. ^ Banter, by Master Henry. I Viiltiirp 3 I angsr, by ?elim. ' ^ """'^•' - ■■■< Kite, by Bustard. r Whisker Ei "^axy, by Pot-8-Os. vvnisKer -^J Penelope, by Trumpator. Ip , 5 Octavlan, by Stripling. L Lrarcia ^ Daughter oi Shuttle. f Partisan yji Walton, by Sir Peter. I partisan -'■' j parasul, by Pot-H-Os. 1 iD„„nio ^ Moses, by Whalebone or iSeymour. ', Pauline ) Quadrille, by Sellm. I mr Hprciilps E^ Whalebone, by Waxy. j blr ±lercuies..../i j pgj.j_ ^^ Wanderer. 1 c-„hn 5 Emilius. by Orville. yt'-'^i^o \ Daughter of Scud, by Whisker. / Tho no-nr, 7.-^ Ivlfh Blrdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. I '■'^'^ ^""^ -^ ■< Echiuna, by Economist. 1 Pocahontas * *Glencoe, by Sultan. I pocanoDtas ■, jia,.pessa, by Muley. rMelbourne V * Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. j ^^^' DOU™e 1/ -^ Daughter of Cervantes. I niippn Mnrv i (^^ladlator, by Partisan. Lyueen Mary ^ Daughter of Plenipotentiary. I Irish Bird- g,^ Hercules, by Whalebone. I caicner....£, ^ (^ujecioH^ jjy ^oh Booty Whirr, i Irish Drone, by Master Hobert. '■ """ miss, by Waxy Pope. ( T anercoBt E^ Liverpool, by Tramp. I i-anercosi -^ ; uiis, by Bustard. I Aera's dam * Tomboy, by .Terry, LAgra a aam ■ -^^e^ane, by Whisker. ■ T7„«T,r.Tr.iot p ( Whisker, by Waxv. I Economist £•? Fioranthe, by Octavlan. 1 Fannv Dawson i Nabockllsh, by Rugantino Li -njjji^t rr( Sultan, by Selim. BayMlddIeton..//| cobweb, by Phantom. rrii<.ifiv J *Priam, by Emllius. i^rucmx ^ Octavlana, by Ociavian. T^„f „„ T-, S Whalebone, by Waxy. Defence... ^^^ Defiance, by Kubens. „ ,, S Middleton, by Phantom. *o"y - I Little Folly,b y Highland Fling. ™ .,„(.„„„ „( Camel, by Whalebone. Touchstone Aj ganter, by Master Henry. v^^^^tr.^ i Dr. Syntax, by Paynator. ueeswmg ^ Daughter of Ardrossan. r citnptwpii Ji-i The Baron, by Birdcatcher. btocKweii ■''^Pocahontas, by *Glencoe. I ^ , , ( Langar, by Selim. Ltrarland ^ ^ast Steel, by Whisker. {■o ii«^jji * „ Er( Sultan, by Sellm. Bay Middleton.. .B-^ Cobweb, by Phantom. „ , ,, ( Sandbeck, by Catton. Baroeiie ^ Darioletta, by Amadis. ,_ , . „^ Camel, by Whalebone. f Touchstone ii ^ Banter, by Master Henry. 1 PrnPiflv 5 *Priam, by Emllius. icrucinx .^ Octavlana, by Octavian. ,„ ,, » „^ Camel, by Whalebone, f Touchstone A ^ Banter, by Master Henry. I T>„„,„)«„ 5 Dr. Syntax, by Paynator. L Beeswing ^ Daughter of Ardrossan. rm j™ „< Ion, by Cain. I ialmor •'^^ Palmyra, by Sultan. I ,,, „ „ ( Cowl, by Bay Middleton. I Miss Sellon j Belle Dame, by *Belshazzar. T,. „ Tj jpS Birdcatcher, by Sir Hercules, The Baron A | Echidna, by Economist. ■a „),„„,.„„ 5 *Glencoe, by Sultan. Pocahontas \ Marpessa, by Muley. •c„.,~i, „ T)„ii„„;, TP^ Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. Faugh-a-BaIlagh.B| Gulccloll, by Bob Booty. Q„„>,„..i„„ S Plentlpotentiary, by Emllus. Barbarlna | gj^jg^ ^jy g^jj ^j pjpj^ Andrews. (T, ^t „( Camel, bv Whalebone. Touchstone £, j Banter, by Master Henry. In • 5 Dr. Snytax, by Paynator. I lieeswmg ^ Daughter of Ardrossan. f cio,,,. i^S Koyal Oak, by Catton. I »""ie ^ I Daughter of OrviUe. I ^, ^. . ( Defence, by Whalebone. [southdown \ Feltona, by X Y Z. r„ „i r.«i^ K,( Catton, by Golumpus. Koyal uak & ^ Daughter of Smolensko. I r.„.,„i,to.. «f 5 Orvllle, by Beningbrough. I Daughter ot | Epsom Lass, by Sir Peter. r ,,„,, ,„ ,, ( Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. f Melbourne .....M\ Daughter of Cervantes. I r..,„.,i„.. 5 Plenipotentiary, by Emllius. I Punnlar j Acacia, by Phantom . •^ n > < H %i a .a SB? >> .o o T3 s ■^ C >. E ■dog g 05 7, ^^ S3 ^ C8 SJ O <) 4i C8 49 IMP. CHRISTMAS TREE. PRODUCE. 1894. b. f., (died), by Fiddlesticks. 1895. b. f., Christmas Morn, by Magnetizer. 1S96. Slipped to Fiddlesticks. 1897. b. c, Christmas Carol, by Magnetizer. 1898. b. f., Christmas Card, by Henry of Navarre. 1899. b. c, by Carino. 1900. Missed to Henry of Navarre. 1901. b. c, (died), by Henry of Navarre. 1902. b. c, Chrysolite, by Hastings. 1903. by Hastings. 50 DETECTION. sire traces back to dam of the Two True Blues f A.^ f Orlnn'ln F> Touchstone, hy Camel. I a-- I urlanao ^i Vulture, by Langar. Lr-'S r„™tj„„ 5 Redshank, by Sandbeok. I H -^ LCavatina ^ Oxygen, by Emilius. rpionot wJ Bay Mlddleton, bv Sultaa. , ^Janet --") Plenary, by Euiillus. I I lh-1 r- =i lAlireTSrnv J Venison. hy Partisan. y^ L Alice «ray.. ^Darkness, by *Glencoe. ■ ^ f"^"^^ Baron, Sting r Defence, bv Whalebone, a g I or the En.peror E \ Delight, by" Reveher. ^ i^ Poetess \ Koy'*^ <^'^'^' '*'>' Catton. Ul oetess -j ^^^^ j,y Whisker. T^5 Partisan, by Walton. ...Ji I Pauline, by Moses. , i' f Gladiator . ^t^ T fltitprne \ Hercule, by Rainbow, (.luanterne | Elvira, by Eryx. f i- f rnmel F'J Whalebone, by Waxy. ■= (i>amei -^1 Daughter of Selim. £ ° 1 RontBr i Master Henry, by Orville. tH ^ t isanter ^ Boadicea, by Alexander. aJ I «PHnTn P'J Emilius, by Orville. :j iriam -^ J Cressida, by Whiskey. I 9 [potentate's dam. i Don Juan, by Orville. ! Moll in the Wad, by Hambletonlan. l< 7: o u Q iP. ci r^lllTfln rr\ Selim, by *Buzzard. o ouii^an ■"; Bacchante, by Williamson"; 5 1 T«„™„„ii„., 5 Tramp, bv I>ick Andrews. O iTrampolIne j Web, by Waxy. «' I M„io,r f5 f^rville, by BeninsBrough. g PJi-'ey ^^ Eleanor, by Whiskey. I S , , _ ( Marmion, by Whiskey. '^ '^ ( Harpallce, by Gohanua. rTv,o Ro-r^n F^ Irish Birdcatcher, by Sir Hercules 1 he Baron £.^ Echidna, by rs i *Glencoe, by Pultan. ' Mdr|)essa, by Muley. i Orlando, by Touchstone. ! Miss Twickenham, by Rockingham. 5 Ratan, by *Buzzard. ■ ( Daughter of Melbourne. ^l? 2 I oQ ? I Pocahontas \ J^^ ( Teddington I S M ^ Sister to t Singapore. r •* f Swpptmpat 77^ Gladiator, by Partisan. I ^.^ sweetmeat H^ Lollypop, by Starch. oj '§"3 -t„„^„„ 5 Pantaloon, by Castrel. I J £ L Jocose j Banter, by Master Henry 1 d f^^^^^ ^il'll.h^^ vS Sir Hercues, by Whalebone. Q\m\ catcner..^^ QyiggjQii^ {,y y^j, ggoty <) , 5 Clarion, by Sultan. L I, Agnes ^ lunette, by *Priam. «^ riSTpwrninstpr p\ Tf>uchstone, by Camel g^ jsewmmster -—-o^ Beeswing, by Dr. Syntax. !»(-■ \ 3 " Poi,T>o 5 Emilius, by Orville. > ^ •° o s* 'o.S' a o S "^ •«'^§ p ^ 53 oJ if 9 ° 5 -4 -a 3 -^ C3 .3 M t .-S p -A a, 6t Q •?: « •= 3 E a ^ oi r J3 o -3 -I ss.i TO a "^ K 'S- 3 « =^ £ -3 t- •a i3 3 51 DETECTION. PRODUCE. 1898. b. c, The Copper, by Henry of Navarre. 1899. dead filly, by Henry of Navarre. 1900. b. f., Dodona, by Henry of Navarre. 1901. b. f., Detention, by Henry of Navarre. 1902. ch. f., by Henry of Navarre. 1903. by Henry of Navarre. DONNA DE ORO. Sire traces back to the dam of The Two True Blues. ' i^ I Orlando. ; o I Cavati:ia. pj Touchstone, by Camel. j Vulture, by Langar. ( Redshank, by Sandbeck. --- '( Oxygen, by Emilius. ,„, . „^ Bay Mddleton, by Sultan. H fPianet ---'^^ Plenar, , by Eml.ius. 1 I AT Tr .- 5 Venison, by Partisan. I, Alice ijray -^ Darkness, by *Glencoe. f - f'''^^^l???n^.^'i??'* Defence, by Whalebone. I _, J or The Emperori, j Delight, by Reveller. ;S Sg* Poetess $ Royal Oak, by Catton. ■ i Ada, by Whisker. .\ Partisan, by Walton. ( Pauline, by Moses. 5 Hercule, by Rainbow. i Elvira, by Eryx. M fS !?■! jj (Gladiator .. pI ^•g [Lanterne .. . — rf>„moi n^ Whalebone, by Waxy. _ L-amei 1. ^ Daughter of &elim. o S r>o„t„,. 5 Master nenry, bv Orville. H^ Ltsantei J Boadlcea, by Alexander. ,,,„ . -,( Emilius, by Orville. , ^ rriam -^^ Cressiaa, by Whiskey. "^ S I -D t t t < 1 ^ Don Juan, by Orville c I potentate b aaiu.. ^ jj^j^ j^ (jjg ^yg^^^^ ,jy iiamblet(Hilan. „j .„ ,,. ;^^( Selim, by *Buzzard. g buitan -'■'"( Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. aj I „ ,, ( Tramp, bv Dick Andrews. j3 I Trampoline \ y^^^^ ^'y ^^xy. ,, , Ki ( Orville, by Bcningbrough. ^i^' I^Uaughtci ot I Physalls, by Bay Middleton „. ,, . „( Partisan, by Walton. Gladiator ^^j Pauline, bi" Moses. -n„ „i,t^,. , f 5 Plenipotentiary, by Emilius Daughter (,f ^ Myrnia, by Whalebone. ^Imported. tThe Emperor givej. JKetriever given. 9. 5. i. Ph a 61) M d - s p. t2« 53 DONNA DE ORO. PRODUCE, 1901. br. f., Oriza, by Hastings. 1902. b. c, Oro, by Hastings, 1903. by Henry of Navarre. 54 < W I— I z u <; Z Z o a- o c HH a 0) ta ^^ Sultan, by Sellni. *''^'^''°'^ ---" ( Trampoline, by Tramp. m^tpr fo Taneent ^ Wagner, by Sir Charles, bliter to tangent, j cherry Elliot, by Sumpter. ( Cftinpl f\ Whalebone, by Waxy. J i.amei j<-^ Daughter of Selim, by Buzzard. I RQTitPT- J Master Henry, by Orvllle. Luanter ( Boadicea, by Alexander. Dr Svntflx t, S Paynator, by Trumpator. ur. syntax ji ^ Daughter of Beningbrough. Dfliiffhtprof S Ardrossan, by John Bull. Daughter ot ^ j^ady Eliza, by Whltworth. , T irji Cain, by Paulowltz. I ^°° --- ■"( Margaret, by Edmund. I Pftlmvra \ Sultan, by Selim. (.faimyra ^ Hester, by Camel. , nn^i TjS Bay Middleton, by Sultan, j '^"^' '"; Crucifix, by 'Priam. I RpiiP namn ^ Belshazzar, by Blacklock. L belle Dame ) Ellen, by Starch. I Melbourne V \ Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. J Melbourne m j Daughter of Cervantes. I riQHasa J Pantaloon, by Castrel. LLiarissa j Daughter of 'Glencoe. ^*''tRe°trle°ver e\ Recovery, by Emilius. Tl4etriever..£,^ ^^gj.^^jjj^ by Whisker. Phvaniia i Bay Middleton, by Sultaa i-nysaiis ^ Baleine. by Whalebone. r Partisan 77 \ "^ 9.\toii, by Sir Peter, j partisan -"I parasol, by Pot-8-Os. 1 PonHnp 5 Moses, by Whalebone, (.rauiine ^ Quadrille, by Selim. PlfninotpnTlarv T^J Emilius, by Orville. Plenipotentiary .fc j Harriet, by Pericles. Mvrrbq 5 Whalebone, by Waxy. Myrrna ^ ^^j^^^ ^^ Voung Gohanna. 8. 6. 2. ^ ■o 53 DONNA HENRIETTA. PRODUCE. 1903. by Margrave. 55 56 DONNA MIA. Sire traces back to Old "Woodcock Mare. " I Irish Bird- , gj,. [:iercules, by Whalebone. faa I '^^'^''"^'^•-'^^Guiccioli, by Bob Booty. i — I '^S ■K'r.viiHnQ 5 Ecoiiomist, by Whisker. g; I CQ LEchidna ^Vliss Pratt, by Blacklock. fJS o ©■ M . a S 3 ( *ftlencop .ff^ Sultan, by Sellm. I ^'<^nco. -" 1 Trampoline, by Tramp. M rneasa 5 Muley, by Orville. lM rpessa | Clare, by MarmiDn. Humphrey f'linkpr 1/ * <^'o.Tius, by Sorcerer. >^nnKeTJi ^ ciinkerina, by Clinker. Daughter of ..... ^ Cervantes, by Den Quixote. — - ( Daughter ot Goiumpus. a . I Gladiator H\ Partisan by Walt in. aj >. / Pauline, by Moses. 3 a < liyS, nancrvitpr of (Plenipotentiary, bv Emlllus. I udu„.itei oi j Myrrha, by Whalebone. f'S- Sir Hercules jpi Whalebone, by Waxy. " ) Peri, by Wanderer. P -^ ~ GuiccioU i Bob Booty by Chanticleer. ^ i Flight, by Irish Escape. I Irish Drone 5^5 J^^^^t'L'' ^o^?^t, by BulTer I Daughter ot Sir Walter Raleigh. I Kiss 5 Wa.xy Pope, by Waxy. ^ Daughter of Champion. f Liverpool . si X""*™?' ^y '^^^ Andrews. ^ i Daughter of Whisker. Otis 5 Bustard, by *Buzzard. ( Gayhurst's dam, by Election. ( Tomboy r\ Jerry, by Smolensko. ( Beeswing's dam, by Ardrossan. l3'o I Tesane i Whisker, bv Waxy. ( Lady of the Tees, by Octavian. r , "2 r Camel Ei Whalebone, by Waxy. r*l-?:l " ( Daughter of Sellm, by Buzzard. I i; 3 » i £ \2,o Banter i Master Henry, by Orville. S ( Boadlcea, by Alexander. , 'r Dr. Syntax j/i Paynator, by Trumpator g ti ( Daughter of Benlngbrough. o° \ ^^ ^ Daughter of i Ardrossan, by John Bull. ? Lady Eliza, by Whitworth. f>CIon ^( Cain, by Paulowltz. f.^"" " i Margaret, by Edmund. 5s I ■ s [Palmyra . 1 a rCowl ^5 Bay Mlddleton, by Sultan. l^M ' Belle Dame S Sultan, by Selim. "■ '( Hester, by Camel. ; Crucliix, by *Prlam. 1 1 a) r[ an So 5 Belshazzar, by Blacklock. < Ellen, by Starch. Melbourne M S Humphrey Clinker, by Comua. ) Daughter of Cervantes. Clarissa i Pantaloon, by Castrel. ( Daughter of *Giencoe. Lanercost or tfietrlever Ei Hecovery, by Emlllus. ■ I TagUonl, by Whisker. Physalls } Way Mlddleton, by Sultan, I Baleine, by Whalebone. f Partisan /?( Walton, by Plr Peter. j Parasol, by Pot-8-Os. Pauline 5 Moses, by Wha'ebone. ) Quadrille, by Selim. g -2 ( Plenipotentiary. £5 Pmillus, by Orville. g •=,_ J ( Harriet, by Pericles. C? 3 * 1 S Myrrha 5 Whalebone, by Waxy. if^i ; Gift, by Young Gohanna. *Imported. tRetrlever given. 6. 7 3. Oh §5 57 DONNA MIA. PRODUCE. 1896. b. c. (died), by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1897. b. f., Donna de Oro, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1898. Missed to Tea Tray. 1899. b. f., Donna Honora, by Hastings. 1900. b. c, Mizzen, by Hastings. 1901. b. f., Mica, by Hastings. 1902. b. f., Donna Hastings, by Hastings. 1903. by Hastings. 58 m w < u ENCHANTRESS. Sire traces back to Merlin Mare. \Z \^i [Whalebone e\ ^eSpe^, by Trmnpator. ■§) i: 3 I p . ( Wanderer, by Gohanna. n I m" Lren -^ Thalestris, by Alexander. =a I . f R,^h Pr>r,i-., ?73 Chanticleer, by Woodpecker. ^ I i.j Bob Pooty. i/j jg ^y Bagot. M l^O « piichf $ Trlsh Es'-ape. by Commodore. 3 Lriigut- ( Young Ueroine, by Bagot. f i.'-Z rrnsfrpi ft * 'Buzzard, by Woodpecker, d- L-ascrei «j Selim's dam, by Alexander. t- h^ § TrtniiT < Peruvian, by Sir Peter. 2\ - uaaua ( Musidora, by Meteor. 11 2 fT nnrel F-* Blacklock, by Whitelock. a\ « -Liaiirp] ...- -c ^ Wagtail, by Prime Minister. §• L I Maid of Honor . 5 Champion, by Selim. " \ Etiquette, by Orville. ["fS^fDiiror „5 *Diomed, by Florizcl. g l.2g •" i Amanda, by Grey Biomed. J ATfilpr-s namspl \ Messenger, by Mambrino. I _^ _ i Miller s uamsel .- ^ daughter of Pot-h-Os. ,„ „ „ rr^ Sir Arcbv, bv *Diomed. Henry -"; Daughter of ''Diomed. = 1. y^ LYoungBomp.....-)Duroc,byM |-^.a fSir Archy H Diomed. uroc. \ *Diomed. by Florizel. ■( Castianira, "by Kocklngham. P,i„„ ( Bedford, by Dangannon. (.cilia i Mambrlna, by Mambrino. I ] >i% f'*'^''' RiI^pRpflrH v\ Brimmer, by Blue Beard. 3 I 'S 2 ] • '"*^ Beard. & | j^aughter of Lamplighter. o [woodpecK-er's , »Buzzard by Woodpecker. l? < The Fawn, by Craig's Alfred. d rThP Raro>i pS '"^^ Birdcatchpr, by Sir Hercules. g I Ihe baron ^j Echidna, by Economist. a I Pocahontas . P3 ; Glencoe. by Sultan. : Marpessa, by Muley. rs cs I i ■ f ThP Prnvnst Ti-S ^he Saddler, by Waverly. a Ihe t^ j Kebecca, by Lottery. a I nti^ina * Liverpool, by Tramp. ►^ LUtisma.. (Otis, by Bustard. ^^ rTT„* ,„„T>i„*„«: IT S Brutandorf, bv Blacklock. 12 P'^*™''° I Daughter of Comus. D.* I nhn,n^i * Jerry, by Smolensko. a , CO-' I Oblivion ^ Rea,embraiiee, by Sir Solomc a M r™ „^„^ „ E, ( Camel, by Whalebone. I loJChstone.... -& | Banter, by Master Henry. I r„„hoi ^ Pantaloon, by Castrel. iLsaoei I Larissa, by Trafalgar. fe f Newminster Miss Melbourne. p5 Touchstone, by Camel. i Beeswing, by Dr. Syntax. ii Melbourne, by Humphrey Clinker. \ Daughter of Morgan Rattler. l5 S I Tr>„ni,ctr.,iP p * Camel, by Banter. s I ^ Touchstone A ) y^Qjer, by Master Henry. _ ^%\ Boarding School ^ plenipotentiary. a- K Jiisb. -; Marpessa, by Muley. r . fTf>,„.iictr,no r,* Caiuel, by Bautcr. I ^S I ^0"*'"^fo°*' -'=') Banter, by Master Henry. i h^l 1 Rppswine 5 ^'■- Syntax, by Paynator. pi « itseeswing.. ( Daugnter of Ardrossan. ^1 P„„uH I' ( Emilius. by Orville. liuclia -'^) Maria, by Whisker. A.„.ti,„ T „„„ < .Mulatto, liy Catton. .Martha Lynn j ^^^^^^ ^^ Filho-da-Puta. '•Imported. tBrlm given. 11. 5. - 3 a" Cm S3 ^ 'd ^ Z. ri .^ a ., 5 % ^1 fl ■=" . ^ P3 ^' ^S 1 IS S ■a !>, .a -o S^ QO r^ «5 4 •a a S £3 T3 H ^, .d O 00 w .- •° « o 1^ S^ is c P Q ■a t3 A 59 ENCHANTRESS. PRODUCE. 1896. Missed to imp. Rayon d'Or. 1897. b. c, Medicine Man, by Magnetizer. 1898. ch. c, Enticer, by Henry of Navarre (sent to England). 1899. ch. f., Fascinate, by Henry of Navarre (sent to England). 1900. b. c, Royal Ensign, by Henry of Navarre. 1901. b. c, Eclectic, by Henry of Navarre. 1902. br. c, Earldom, by Hastings, 1903. by Hastings. 60 FELICIA. Sire traces back to Woodcock Mare. 8. 5. 3. fM ^^ cc S=i a Oh2 j= J 03 ■—I « ■^ c M a sH C£> . ^ a s:~ IH 1^ I '"' ;; f^^5 u : jK 5-! a" if lu fx iK 1- K, 3j , r_)„i,D!„«„„..„i,„„7^< Sir Hercules, by Wtialebone. r IrlshBiracatclierE'j' guiccioli, by Bob Booty. i Ppi.irinn 5 EcoDomist, by AVhlsker. (.Jicludna | .Miss Pratt, by Blacklocii. r».'ia^„„„ Z7-S Sultan, by Sellin. btiencoe -^1 irampoline, by Tramp. I ATflrr.p«fl \ Muley, by Orville LMarpessa ^ Care, by Marmlon. |- Humphrey 5 Comus. bv Sorcerer. J '-"u'^er....j/^ QjQ^gj. jjjj^ j,y Clinker. r.„.,„i,*.n„ „<> 5 Cervantes, by Don Qui.xote. LDaughter of \ Daughter of Golumpus. rnnfUntnr n\ Partisan, by Walton. Ciladlator -''l Pauline, by Moses. naiio-htpr of ^ Plenipotentiary, by Emilius. uaugnttr ot ^ Myrrha, by Whalebone. Sir HercTilpi ?^5 Whalebone, by Waxy, feir Hercules --.-A j pgj.j^ ^y Wanderer. Ouipcinli \ ^o'' Booty, by Chanticleer. LtUiccioii I j-jigijt^ ijy jrisii Kscape. Triqh Drnnp TT^ Master Robert, by Buffer. insn Drone M ^ Daughter of Sir Walter Pvaleigh. TT-iaa 5 "Waxy Pope, by Waxy. ^""' - i Daughter of Champion. rt Ivprnonl w\ Tramp, by Dick Andrews. I l^lverpool .fi, ^ Daughter of Whlskur. I p.^, < Bustard, by *Buzzard. i.uu.', ^ Gkx> hurst's dam, by Election, fTomhov ;j^,( .rerry, by Smolensko. I lomooy M ( Beeswing's dam, by Ardrossan. I Tp^qne \ Whisker, by Waxy. I lesane ^ Lady of the Tees, by Oct?. vian. {p,^,„ „( Paulowitz, by Sir Paul. '^'''° "\ Daughter of Paynator. Marcarpf k Edmund, by Orville. Margaret - 1 Medora, by Selim. I -o„„ ivr,vi^i„^„„ i-j-i Sultan, by Selim. jBay Middleton..//| cobweb, by Phantom. I Afvrrba \ Malek, by Blacklock. LMyrrua | Bessy, by Young Gouty. rT„„.v,.^ cS Dick Andrews, by .Toe Andrews. J iramp ■'^j Daughter of Gohanna. I ATiss Svnfaii- 5 Paynator, by Trurapator. LMiss bjntax ^^ Daughter of Beningbrough. rT'dmnnri r\ (>i"ville, by Beningbrough. J^l^'^^d... -'^JEmmellne, by Waxy. I o_ i, 5 Soothsayer, by Sorcerer. Lsquio ^ Berenice, by Alexander. ( Pamp) jr ^ Whalebone, by Waxy. I "-amel -'^^ Daughter of Selim. Ranto- -^ 5 Master Henry, by Orville. I. Banter ^ Boadicea, by Alexander. cn^ a„„<-„^ ,r5 Paynator, by Trumpator. ur. syntax -^'^ Daughter of Beningorough. 1 Dnua-htpr nf \ Ardro'san, by John Bull. LDaugtiter ot ^ ^ady Eliza, by Whitworth. I ■\7«it„j..o fS Blacklock, by Whltelock. I voitaire a^ Daughter of Phantom. 1 iij„-»H„ T „„„ ( Mulitto, by Catton. [Martha Lynn..... \ ^eda, by Fllho-da-Puta. f Irish Bird- , gj^ Hercules, by Whalebone. J catcher. ....& ^ Guiccioli, by Bob Booty. -N.T„« no-..oii 5 Inheritor, by Lottery. LNan Darren \ ^^^^^ ,-,y ^laSklock. g> m ^ a bn § .£?5 ^ := ►^ £ d^ 5* S M ^- ., c fl -— . — OS ? 'Ji _ >. 3 J= « O S i3 O S M § S ^ 5 ^^ « ■a 3 |5t 03 ^ V ^ "S >. n i-I j= o — ■- — « .2 o ■^ !3 CD «8 'O *^ 5 3 S 3 woe .2 § '£ S "= '^ S s s III >. 03 >, .c H .a S' ■a S" -; -" o o a 01 E- .a c: 2 w ^ « _- >, a 3 E .= 3 -^ B H 42 '^ o a S « 3 '^ ^ 5 ° 5^ AT >. >> S * - ^ « 3 g •a be -^ 3 5! 9 £ E-i ^ ° % S. 03 >> JS K. X! .Q U l> ' Imported. 61 FELICIA. PRODUCE. 1887. b. c, Felix, by Kingfisher. 1888. b. f., Feronia, by imp. St. Blaise. 1889. b. c, St. Felix, by imp. St. Blaise. 1890. b. f.. Lateen, by Prince Leopold. 1891. Missed to imp. St. Blaise. 1892. b. c, Franciscan, by imp. St. Blaise. 1893. b. c., Prince Felix, by Prince Royal. 1894. b. c, Falernian, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1895. Missed to imp. Rayon d'Or. 1896. b. c, Felician, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1896. b. f., Futile, by imp. Rayon d'Or (foaled Dec. 27). 1898. Slipped foal, by Tea Tray. 1899. b. f., Happy, by Hastings, 1900. br. f., Flycatcher, by Hastings. -1901. b. f., Fasting, by Hastings. 1902. b. f.. Ferment, by Octagon. 1903. by Octagon. 62 a i •d a; o 3 ■ fe 1 c a H S5 O a >-) M FETISH. Sire traces back to dam of The Two True Blues. firt rnriaTirio ^J Touclistone, by Camel. -.^ j orianao -''J vulture, hy langar. £ « I Pavntlna J Redshank, by Sandbeck. H I L.avatlna J Oxygen, by Emillus. A*-, r PinTiPt ui ^^y Middleton. by Sultan. f^oj i^'anei -"^Plenary, by Eml.ius. C-2 I Alice -Rrav i Veniscn, by Partisan. ^ I Alice isray j Darkness, by *Glencoe. f ~ ftThe Baron Sting ( Defence, by Whalebone. o a,- I or The Emperor £■} Delight, by Reveller. ' o s ■) ^ ^ Poetess 5 '^oy*' "a'^' ^y Catton. « I. roetess ^ ^jjj^ j,y Whisker. ■ rriadlator nj Partisan, by Walton. . g ftriamator -"^ Pauline, by Moses. oS T (.„^ „ S Hercule, by Rainbow. L S iLanterne { Elvira, by Eryx. ■ rramel F? Whalebone, by Waxy, camel ^ j Daughter of Sellm. • U'^ S RoTi'o- 5 Master ITenry, by Orville. c ;rr-« I uan.e. ) Boadicea, by Alexander. .s/ i„*„ »„*„■„ ■r,„^ ( Don Juan, by Sorcerer I Potentate s XJam.. j jj^^jj j^ jj^g ^^^ ,^y Hambletonlan. , „ ,^ n.-, .Q •a cq ?< 1 S d t: 1= ■V •! 4J tiS .c O ^ Sister to I Tuckaboe. i Sir Archy, by *Diomed. ; Daughter of *Saltrain. Ball's Florizel. by *Diomed. ' Daughter of *Aldermaii. .„„ p( Emillus, by Orville 'fearpedon E] ,n,n-ia. bv The Flv< ^ o [Rowena. .so 1^3 ( Icarla, by The Flyer. , Sumpter, by Sir Archy. [ Lady Gray, by Robin Gra;-. „ . rr( Partisan, by Walton. V enison ■" j The Fa wn, by Smolensko. I Queen Anne. ^1 I. [.^ I Slane, bv Koyal Oak. [ Garcia, by Octavian. _ , T D ( Epirus, by Langar. Pj'rrhus 1 -"l Fortress, by Defence. ■D i„,^„.. S Sultan, by Selim. [Palmyra | Hester, by Camel. _• , T r, ( Cain, by Paulowitz. ■S ion.. -Hj Margaret, by Edmund. Ellen Middleton . Little Ped , Rover..... £ 2 « < Bay Middleton, by Sultan. Myrrha, by Maiek. Tramp, by Dick Andrews. Miss Syntax, by Paynaior. ( Edmund, by Orville. 5 >- I u„t„t ^ iiiamuna, oy urviiie. ■^ ^O LECiat.... -•• i Squib, by Soothsayer. r'S-r. rrr: ,, . „( Camel by Whalebone. r.S/; Touchstone.. ...£•] Banter, by Master Henry. . g S-" J m kS r, , ( Dr. Syntax, by Paynator. _>. Ij^ [Beeswing | Daughter of Ardrossan. la I rvniHo.p„r p ( Voltaire by Blackiock. I _« fVoltlgeur ■''iMarthaLynn, by .Mulatto. ^ I i^ 1. t ( Irish Birncatcher, by Sir Hercules. -^ [Daughter of ^ ^^^^ Darrell, by Inheritor. 9. 7. - 3 „ Fl a a ■d ^ o ja fQ jt; ^ >. ■^ a 3 O hr 3 -LJ a H a T- O 02 S B >> hI -o ^ii M ss S 'S CO X. +3 CO J3 3 >, i & 2 r>l N a tag a CS X! "• P3 -a " o -o I.-1 t, CO J S 5 . o o a w o T. s O rt CO ., 3 00 t- ti . S 1$ " s .. .M 5 » m to O c r tH .- ^ § =§ I E M 5 ^ ^ ^. '^ ^ "» O .' * § e£^ S 5 5j) »> S .fl -2 >> S 5 2 g CO rl tc 13 41 >> B EX [z "P) OS ti a ^.a i-) « B ^ >• ♦Imported. tThe Emperor given. 63 FETISH. PRODUCE. 1900. ch. c, Forward, by Hastings. 1901. Missed to Hastings. 1902. ch. c, Faction, by Henry of Navarre. 1903. by Margrave. 64 FIDENA. Sire traces back to dam of The Two True Blues. ■ o.-- r Orlando F^ Touchstone, by Camel. o. urianao -^ J Vulture, by Langar. i^lcfl i 3° fS ( Redshank, tav Sandbeck. ' — I Oxygen, by Emilius. I- PioTiot o5 Bay Middleton, by Sultan. , I ^lanti -"(Plenary, by Emilua. Alice Rnv '< Venison, by Partisan. Alice liray (Darkness, by *aiencoe. i" (oJTheX°~1P<^fence, by Whalebone. rt g J or I he b.iii>eror.A J DgUgbt, by Reveller. ■^ I Poetess i '''Oy'*' Oak. by Catton. V.roetes8 j j^^^^ ^,y Whisker. a5 'filadlator ff S Partisan, by Walton. flS I ^'laaiator «j Pauline, by Moses. o g J '^'S T qnternp ^ Hercule, by Rainbow, ll-anterne — ( Elvira, by Eryx. A^ ( ramel f\ Whalebone, by Waxy. .a-H I uamei.._ -^| l»au_.hter of Selim. RantoT- 5 Master Henry, by Orvllle. '^'^^^''^ - - i Boadlcea, by Alexander. *Priom !,( Emilius, by Orville. rriam m,^ Cressida, by Whiskey. sgi t^2 Potentate's dam. S Don .Tuan, bv Orvllle. ■ \ Moil in the Wad, by Hambletonlan. cs„ir.,Ti Tj\ Sel'm. by »Buzzard. *^""''° ^\ Bacchante, by Ditto. \l ^ 1 Tramnnline \ Tramp, by Dick Andrews. ^Lirampoltne ( We b, by Waxy. " r Mnipv -R^ Orville, by HeninKbrough. S '^^""^y --•^5 Eleanor, by Whiskey. A ■A « H U a P 1 <, 1 !», 1 J= -a n % & 1— 1 -2 !*. H P I s p, ^ Marmlon, by Whlskev. -^'''"^ ------ ) aarpalice, by Gohanda. ^M f The Baron E Irish Birdcatcher. by Sir Hercules. Echidna, by Ecimomist. * Pocnbontas S. *Glencoe, by Sultan. L Pocahontas ^ Marpe^sa, by Muley. I -• r Afelhonrnp If} Humphrey Canker, by Comus, U; g. Melbourne J/ ^ £)aut,hter of Cervantes. \^^) I Sm I oiieen Afnrv \ Gladiator, by Partisan. L w [ i^uten fllary ^ Daughter of Plenipotentiary. {•h^'{ '"^'^ Ji'/'it^^ vS Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. I ac\ '''*''^"®'----'°' J Guiccioli, by Bob Booty. Oo ■riTv,(,„ 5 Drone, bv Master Robert. I l-vvnim i Kiss, by Waxy Pope. IE Lf^ . i T anercost f\ Liverpool, by Tramp. ^^ Lanercost ■''; otis, by Bustard. '^'^ Aora'a dam \ Tomboy, by -Terry. \ Agra 8 cam | Tesane. by Whisker. .' •♦ t RnatnT, vrS Timoleon, bv Sir Archy. grt I "0*^°° -"(Sister to Tuckahoe, by Ball's Florize!, ^ o I A lice rirneal 5 "Sarpedon . by Emilius. ^ o I, Alice carneai -.-. ^ i^o^yena, by Suuipter. |p rKintratnn rrj Vcnlson, by Pai'tisim. I „■ f Kingston H]^ Q^g^,, ^^^g^ ^^ ^^^^^_ M-^ Dauc'hter of \ Pj'rrhus I., by Epirus. IH |^i»au,,nteroi (Palmyra, by Sultan. r . „ rTKo Ti„r.r,r, TP S Irl«h Birdcatcher, by Sir Hercules, f ^ « r 1 he Baron A ^ Echidna, by Kconomist . II I Popflbonta^i 5 *Glencre, by Sultan. M^ ^Pocahontas ( Marpessa, by Muley. =;, r Tnncbstnne Ei Camel, bv Whalebone. >. louchstone ....a^ Banter, by Master Henry. r1 Af Is* wiifTPrt * Lottery, bv Tramp. H I MISS wiiircQ (Koyal Oak's dam, by Smolenako. 10. 5. 1, B >. », s; C5 a a o a O -d rt A > J3 St U] o ■d P^ ia H 3 * pa 21 o> o I ^.^^ I O ^ T3 .^ S> H ■* ^ CO S 'O Co CO .9 « ■o ^ i _ a •*! E o - n "3 b a> •- fc - « >> >> I-: .= n a ?■ n" -^Imported tThe Emperor given. 65 FIDENA. PRODUCE. 1898. ch. f., by Henry of Navarre. 1899. ch. c, Fatuity, by Hastings. 1900. b. f., (died), by Hastings. 1901. Missed to Hastings. 1902. b. f., Flinders, by Hastings. 1903. by Hastings. 66 FIDES. Sire traces back to Woodcock Mare. 7. 8. 1. f« .* r r_4„i,Dj..^„„f„i,„„r'* Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. ^ f IrlshBlrdcatcherff^ Gulccloli, by Bob Booty. id i '" ° PnhiHna ^ EcoDomist, by Whisker. ^ L Jicuiana | Aliss Pratt, by Blacklock. m r*r^^^ „„ „< Sultan, by Seliin. «5 trlencoe -'^ < irampoline, by Tramp. °^a Marnpssa ^ Muley, by Orville I. a i^jNiarpessa ^ Ciare, by Marmlon. ■^ I' Humphrey . 6 Cllnker_ ,,5 Comus. by Sorcerer. - I Clinker. na, by Clinker. ^ ° Dan^htPr nf < Cervantes, by Don Quixote. £, LDaughterof -^ Daughter of Golumpus. - . rrinfUatnr rrj Partisan, by Walton. a ^ r Gladiator . // ^ Pauiine, by Moses. 2; « < O-S naiis-btpv nf i Plenipotentiary, by Emilius. tor i^uaugliterot - jMyirha, by Whalebone. Sir Hercules ...e\ i Whalebone, by Waxy. Peri, by Wanderer. «■§ Gnlrrioli ^ ^°^ Booty, by Chanticleer £S Lt^uiccioii ^ Fjiffbf. bv Kscane. ' M * Flight, by Irish Kscape. rT„;<,>, r>„,,„„ „( Master Robert, by Buffer. I '"^'i urone -«^ Daughter of Sir Walter Raleigh. ^ „. J Waxy Pope, by Waxy. ^"*** ^ Daughter of Champion. iw I- . »• f T ivprnnnl 7Pi Tramp, by Dick Andrews. I fe . I Liverpool ±,j Daughter of AVhisker. Lj S Otis * Bustard, by *Buzzard. i I'Jtih ^ Gtay hurst's dam, by Election. .£ I ™ /-Tfimhov n(-Ierry,bySmolensko. S "« s '^""^.""■' •" ( Beeswing's dam, by Ardrossan. W Q Ik I «a I [<; ITesane f r?» c 5 ' . fTimoleon H M 5 I Sister toTuckahoe Whisker, by Waxy. Lady of the Tees, by Octavian. Sir Archy, by *Dfomed. Daughter of *Saltrani. < Ball's Florizel, bv *Dlomed. ( Daughter of * Alderman. - r*ao,-.^ortr,T, ET^Emilius, by Orville. gg rSarpedon -^ Ucaria, by The Flyer. so \ "^ « -Rnwpm ^ Sumpter, by Sir Archy. O LRowena 1 Lady Grey, by Robin Grey. , . « ,„ ,„„„ tt5 Partisan, by Walton. S2r^«°'*°° ^iTheFawn,bySmolensko. c8 M H „ „„„ . „ s Slane, by Royal Oak. !,-)!»= I Queen Anne ■^ Garcia, by Octavian. I I I S j-Pyrrhus the , Epirus, by Langar. I g U; ,H 1 * '^^'' ■" i Fortress, by Defence. I S 1 » a „ , <, Sultan, by Selim. IC LPalmyra ( Hester, by Camel. r SI rirlsh Bird- fM coj g; I ml i Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. i^ ■"Imported. catcher ...ff| Gulccloli, by Bob Booty. _ . , , f, Economist, by Whisker. Echidna ^ jijgg pj-att, by Blacklock. . „„, „( Sultan, by Selim. s 2 *Glencoe .tf ^ Trampoline, by Tramp. 0+5 ) Oh o 1 -, ( Muley, by Orville. ■° iMarpessa | Clare, by Marmlon. .**,„ , „$ Whalebone, by Waxy. •g-' Camel -'^ 5 Daughter of Selim. 3" \ P, o -a t„„ 5 Master Henry, by Orville. '^■g lisanter | Boadicea, by Alexander. ^ ] "in nttprv jri Tramp, by Dick Andrews. ^■is I S.£ fl'Ottery -" I Mandane, by Pot-6-Os. '-'S. I „ , r.„i,'o HoT^ 5 Smolensko, by Sorcerer. ^ [Royal Oak s dam. J j^ady Mary, by Beningbrough. a E . o ■= b ■°^ 3 s -o ^^ CM J2 fe >> o rt ■^ '"' ^^ c .- ca 5.. as -a "^ |o| ^ >> •S III O S s T3 O k) 23 E M g "O (S .g S OJ " t 3 C8 g" iTM u ■^, S>> I- g a O S m els «> a — t- . o C8 c fci 2 " ^ lu D5 Zc m 3 a' M^ 08 E >> 13 S .Q a a S S CO S 2 ° s >. a'o "S a ~^ ■P ■« S" K " 1*1 >>" § a ^ S ■o S CO 67 FIDES. PRODUCE. 1892. Missed to imp. St. Blaise. 1893. Missed to imp. St. Blaise. 1894. b. f., Fidena, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1895. b. c, Firearm, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1896. ch. c, Filon d'Or, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1897. b. f., Fond Hopes, by imp. St. Blaise. 1898. Missed to Top Gallant. 1899. b. f., Amicitia, by Hastings. 1900. b. c. Fire Eater, by Hastings. 1901. ch. f., Fine Art, by Octagon. 1902. (Twin fillies), by Octagon. 1903. by Octagon. 68 o g I— 1 ,S "3 _- 0! " S S a « '- ■d i « A' " § -S •-5 ^E^ § aiSg 2 S 60 V. .Q ^O ^ 69 FIZGIG. PRODUCE. 1901. ch. f., Figment by Henry of Navarre. 1902. Missed to Hastings. 1903. by Hastings. 70 FLAVIA. fS rx I r^M 15 hi a Sire traces back to a mare by Belgrade Turk. rnmei TfJ Whalebone, by Waxy. ^'*™'^' -^ i Daughter of Sellm, by *Buzzard. HontoT- S Master Henry, by Orville. "''"''^'^ iBoadicea, by Alexander. Dr Svnrnv ,/( Paynator, by Trumpator. UT. oyniax Ji | Daughter of Beningbrough. nane-hter of < Ardrossan, by .Tolin Bull, uaugnter oi ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ j^y ^iiit^^rth. r„n rrS Cain, by Paulowltz. ^"" -") Margaret, by Edmund. Pnlmrrn 5 Sultan, bv Selim. i^^^'^yrO' j Hester, by Camel. cnwi ttS Bay Mlddleton, hy Sultan, Cowl ^1 Crucifix, by «Priam. Rpiip name 5 *Belshazzar, by Blacklock. Bene Jjame 1 Ellen, by Starch. Touchstone E^ Camel, by Whalebone. louLiisrone -^| Banter, by Master Henry. Vnitiirp 5 Langar, by Selim. ^""^"'^^ --- iKlte, by Busti.rd. Whisker ni Waxy, by Pot-8-Os. ' '^^ ^ i Penelope, by Trumpator. fiflrpifl 5 '^ctavlan, by Stripling. ^ Daughter of Shuttle, by Young Marske. Partisan 775 ^a'ton, by Sir Peter. ^^'™*^ ---"l Parasol, by Pot-S-Os. p„,,Hno <) Moses, hy Whalebone. ^'"^"°® ---^Quadrille, by Selim. <5Jr Hprpjiips et^ Whalebone, by Waxy. Sir Hercules.... A^ p^^j^ ^^ Wanderer. ggjjn ( Emilius, by Orville. "' } Daughter of Scud, by Beningbrough. ThP Rarnn ^( Irish Birdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. 1 ne Bai on £, .^ Echidna, by Economist. Pocahontas \ *«lencoe, by Sultan. I Marpessa, by Muley. Melbourne J/5^"niphrey Clinker, by Comus. ( Daughtei of Cervantes. Oiippn Marv 5 Gladiator, by Partisan, yueen Mary | Daughter of Plenipotentiary. Irish Bird- ^j^. jjereules, by Whalebone. '^''^^"'''^---'^^ Gulccioli, by Bob Booty. Trri,,-™ ( Drone, by Master Robert. "^ '"" ---jKiss, by Waxy Pope. Tanprrost rj Liverpool, by Tramp, l^anercost a^ ^^j^^ ^^ Bustard. Affra's riain < Ton boy, by .Terry. Agra s aam j Xesane, hy Whisker. Rnatnn ?75 Timolcon, by Sir Archy. ""^"^ -"( Sister to Tuckahoe, by Ball's Florizel. Alice Carneal. .... 5 l^'^lP'^^o"' ''^ Emilius. ( Eowena, by Sumpter. Kineston Tri Venison, by Partisan, i^mgston ^ I Queen Anne, by Slane. Dau'^hter of 5 Pyrrhus I, by Epirus. i^au^nter oi j Paimyia, by Sultan. ThP Rnrnn /^ ( Irish Birdcatchcr, by Sir Hercules. 1 ne Baron /> j Ecjjidna, by Econornist. Pocahontas \ *Glencoe, by Sultan. ( Marpessa, by Muley. Tonrbstone r;} Camel, by Whalebone, loucnstone ^| Banter, by Master Henry. Miss Wilfrpri 5 Lottery, bv Tramp. MISS w uirea ^ jj^^y^^j q^^,^ ^^^^^ j^y stnoigngko. 9. e>. 2, m ■^ 3 S ? 3 ■a a o .a § E ^ ^ -^ a; .!4 b^ ^ S Si a 3 -2 I 03 K) S ° w 0) ;^ c; •as 9 Wgg p t3 M ^•^^ ■a .. 'o «o a g I" S2 - s iisi (M.S ^ •- "E -Q S 5 ti ^ =« T. 00 ^ o ... O 03 .O CO •S, ■^ S' « s •§■* 2 ■^ S"^ «is 03 i>, ^ 6 £■ t« (S >; •d ■« O *Imported. i893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 71 FLA VI A. PRODUCE. blk. f., Floretta IV,, by Civil Service or "^'Fiddlesticks. Missed. ch. c, Flacon, by imp. Rayon d'Or. Twin colts (died), by imp. Rayon d'Or. ch. c, Fluke, by Fiddlesticks. b. c, Foretop, by Top Gallant (sent to England). Missed to Hastings. Missed to Hastings. Missed to Hastings, ch. f.. Flavor, by Henry of Navarre, by Hastings. * Fiddlesticks given. 72 FLITTERMOUSE. sire traces back to dam of The Two True Blues. ,-/^,i„„j„ fS Touchstone, by Camel. ^^ Orlando.... -S-^ ym^^.g ,3y'L/ngar. it: J I" PQirotiriQ i Redshank, by Sandbeck. ;» LCavatlna ^ Oxygen, by Emllius. > f Planet CT * Bay Mlddleton, by Sultan. i^ fjanet -"^ Plenary, by Emllius. io \ i Alice Rrav ( Venison, bv Partisan. ! L Alice aray j Darkness, by *GleDCoe. " f o?The''Emnefor°li I'efence, by Whalebone. ^ , . I J e I ""^ l°eEnipeior..&| ^jj^lj^j j, Reveller. ^ I ^ fe Poetess i Koya' O^^- ''^ <"atton. ol c3 L Poetess ^ Ada, by Whisker. {/-■i„.u„^^- ij i Partisan, by Walton. C^ladiator IJ^ pauime, b/ftloses T anteme i Hercule, by Rainbow. Lanterne ^ Elvira, by Ery x. . 2 r Pampl F^ Whalebone, by Waxy. a <-ai"ei -Ji I Daughter of Seiim. o g Rantp- } Master Henry, by Orvil'.e. H- Ltianter.... J Boadicea. by Alexander. « r 'Prlnm K^ Emilius, by Orville. „ I Priam -^^ Cresslda, by Whiskey. 3 §1 Li: r** a o tt a « H »■ h hI £1 B PntPTitatP'H rinm 5 1^0° Juan, by Orvllle. ^ I potentate s uam.. | jj^j, j^^ ^j^^ ^^^^j^ |^y Hambletonian. _ r Sultan fl * Selim, by *Buzzard. -- bultan -"( Bacchante, by Ditto. 3 § Tramnoline i Tramp, by Dick Andrews. J- L irampoilne ^^ ^g(j_ ^,y waxy. • rMulev ^( Orvllle, by Beningbrough. . « M"'ey -^iEleanor, by Whiskey. S a rinrp 5 Marmion, by Whiskey. ' ^'"^ I Harpallce, by Gohanna. = ( Tlmnlpon //S ^Ir Archy, by *Dlomed. ^"l ilmoleon Z/j Daughter of *Saltram. «| I ^'^**^'"Turkahoe 5 Ball's Florizel, by 'Diomed. *^ L i uckanoe. . j Daughter of * Alderman. ■d r»«;nrnp(lnn fJ EmlHus, by Oiville 5 « Eowena ^ Sumpter, by Sir Archy. I. o 1. i.owena -^ j^ady Gray, by Robin Gray. /- • *» r Venison /T^* Partisan, by Walton. • fS" P^"'^"" •-'"iTheFawn, bySmolensko. " ' ^ r.' 1 'i I 3 o Oueen Anne 5 Slane, by Royal Oak. J wo I yueen Anne ^ Garcia, by Octavian. e\ . 2 fPvrrhus I ^ ( Epirus, by Langar S^ I ^y^™"^ ^ ■"■< Fortress, by Defence. 3 Pal-n-r.n 5 Suitan, by Selim. a '■ ^^'•"■' "^"^ - - - - ? Hester by Camel. I. Clrdcatcher..^ Sir Hercules , bv Whalebone. Gulccioll, by Bob Booty. « T?nhi-ir,a ( Economist, by Whisker. m tt-cniana U-liss Pratt, by Blacklock. ii (*Glencoc. ".a [Marpessa n( Sultan, by Selim. " ( Trampoline, by Tramp. ( Muley, by Orvllle. """ j Clare, by Marmion. (J:Z ( Camel E^ Whalebone, by Waxy. 1^ uamei -^ ^ Daughter of Selim. '^ H o Rontor ( Mastcf Henry, bv Orville. 55 I ^l earner g^^dicea by Alexander. L^ ■a / 1 rittprv ifS Tramp, by Dick Andrews. , J, i^ouery -''"| Mandane, by Pot-8-Os. '"> Rovnl Oak's dim 5 Smolensko, by Sorcerer. ^ IKoyal Oak s dam. ^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ Benlngbrough. 9. 7. 0. >. J3 ^ .c "^ ?; H ... ■o M* ja to ■» u 1 s* C8 T. fG t8 ^ <1 ^ «0 >> ■« f: a. ri s .M a O i^ -^ « 3 3 'i « a T3 ja a CO CO s .s ^ O o m « rt . .. JS o" S f^ o £! ^ Q _a> t. ii C8 o s r^ >. M o pq •' .Q Is c3 "S n a" be o +* •d ft ^ C/J 5* o S3 o 43 htl >> t) i5 n Ui 4 fi o fi- 2i a o T-t >. ^^ .o J= g u "* ,M >> B 'fi Fi OS ^ <<.§s ♦Imported. tThe Emperor given. 73 FLITTERMOUSE. PRODUCE. 1901. ch. c, by Henry of Navarre. 1902. b. f., Featherwing, by Henry of Navarre. 1903. by Henry of Navarre. 74 > < H W o f6 + I Sri FLORETTA IV. Sire traces back to Leede's Hobby Mare ' Sir Archy II Diomed, by Florizel. Castlanira, by Roekingbam. naiic'htpr of 5 *Saltrara, by Eclipse. ,uau„nter ot | Daughter of Sy mine's Wildair. r2 Ball's Florizel. .fi^ *Diomed, by Florizel. Daughter of *Sharl5:. -= I S =^ ^^ rT =^ Tio„™>,to,. „<' S *Aldermaii, by Pot-S-Os XH [Daughter of {Daughter of *Clockfast. TTTniniia fi'5 Orvillc, by Beningbrough. ^-"^'""^ -^ I Emily, by Stamford. S I Tporia 5 The Flyer, by Vandyke. Jr. o, I icana | Parma, by Dick Andrews. a ccmnto.. rri Sir Archy, by *Diompd. I bumpter ■"{ Daughter of *Kobin Redl)rea K I T adv Grav 5 Robin Gray, by 'Royalist. ^ l i-aay tjrray j Maria, by Melzar. :■ d f '""'^^ ^itnier F^ ^ir Hercules, by Whalebone. ^ Pnh.vim > Economist, by Whisker. Liicniana ... ^ Miss Pratt, by Blacklock. *Glencoe H Suitan, bv Selim Trampoline, by Tramp. '^■= I Marnpssa 5 '^"'"y, by OrviUe. LMarpessa | (^j^^g^ j,y Marmion. 'J* I a'* rroTnoi pj Whalebone, bv Waxy. "a; fC*™'" -^ 1 Daughter of Selim. ,\ o° { I hS d„„»o,. 5 Master Henry, bv Orvllle. ,. „ I Banter { Boadicea, by Alexander. „ oi r Lottery p■^ Tramp, by Dick Andrews. -- I Mandane, by Pot-8-Os. r , > r.„„„i /-.„i.'= rin,., ( Smolensko, by Sorcerer. ^ I Royal Oak s dam. | ^ady Mary', by Beningbro f Toiiphstone /7J Camel, b- Whalebone 1^ Touchstone l.j Banter, by Master Henry. I Rpp<.win - i ^"^ Synta.x, by Paymtor. t iieesw m^ ^ Daughter of Ardrossan. !l . i-Tart>Ti,>r rrUon,byCam. , g 1 admor « ^ Palmyra, by Sultan. '.o > ''■'" 1 Ml« Spllon -^ Cowl, by Bay Middle'on. I Miss seiion ^ ggj,g p^me, by Belsnazzar. '• I r\r.\„^Ar^ E- 5 Touchstone, bv Camel. Jg [Orlando -^{ Vulture, by Langar. I Malibran '> 'Whisker, by Waxy. a iMauoran ( Garcia, by Octavian. ^ I ^< !•„*„_ £7 S Partisan, by Walton. ig Gladiator ^| Pauline, by Moses. \.>] Iver i Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. I Echo, by Emilius. f^S o+„„i,„„,i 77 ^ The Baron, bv Irish Birdcateher. ■ocu I otocKweu -^ ) Pocahontas, by Glencoe ^S. I RHnL- RnTinv i Mclboume, by Humphrey Clinker. cq -o I Blink Bonny ^ Q^gg^ ^j^^.^ ^ j^y Gladiator. f rhantin^oo-r p5 THsh Birdcatchcr, by Sir Hcrcules. fe£ (Chanticleer ^{ Whim, by Drone. i-^ " I F ilpi-dalp '> l^anercost. by Liverpool. l,iiiieraaie ( Agra's Dam, by Tomboy. . i< ^T„„i„™t„., rj( Boston, by Timoleon ^- rLexington ^] Alice Carneal. bv Sar w-S I „,.^, , J Kingston, by Venison. ( Daughter of Pyrrhus 1. Alice Carneal, by Sarpedon. g [Elthain Lass. A „: ratnnh-arau B' $ Thc BaroH, bv Irish Birdcateher. gv fStockwell £ poealiontas. bv Glencoe. l^^l ' i Pocahontas, by Glencoe. T?nstaav ff > Touchstoue, by Camel. Jicstasy •«) Miss Wilfred, by Lottery. 9. 7 - 4) -a o-s a g ,-( ■a C6 oTg * o S <) S i « >. ■o « >■ _, o « 5 o cq ^ CQ QQ - >."(3 SIS" « &^ m si |4 ^ SP5 X! •a S" a ... u OJ 03 S ea _ 02 M 5 § fl - ■=! = S fi a a ^ '•f' — ;_• 9 S fe 2 o •»> o "^ - >> 5 >. g £■ ■o y ■= 5 •' fc^ ■2 '^ . ^ ° a J= ■= ^ . ^ S ^' t -§•9 >.S DO -c j= e o ■« -S 5> _ o -r ■S S =J =3 s •o cd 05 s 'Imported. tFlddlestlcks given. FLORETTA IV. FRODUCE. 1898. Missed to Henry of Navarre. 1899. br. f., Floret, by Hastings. 1900. Missed to Hastings. 1901. ch. c, Floridor, by Henry of Navarre. 1902. bl. f., Foliage, by Hastings. 1903. by Hastings. 76 r« FLYING FISH. Sire traces back to Old Montagu Mare. e . _L roi,. i,./.hT7 rrS *Dlomed, by Florizel. ^+ f bir Arcny u | castianira, by Kocklngham. H S 1 Dniiirhtor nf 5 *Saltram, by Eclipse. ■^-^ I. uaugntcr ot I Daughter of Symmes' Wildair. 6. 10. — %% f Ball's Florizel *Diomed, by Florizel. \ Daughter of *Shark. I— T w CO g I— I t o^ t— I '* . '' -a ►— • (O f2 If^ « « „„, , ,. „ , f ( *Alderman, by Pot-8-Os. -a I Daughter of | Daughter of *Clockfagt. SrFmiHiiH ET \ Orville, by Beningbrough. .^. f EmilluB Ji ^ Emiiy^ by Stamford. ?■§ rraria J The Flyer, by Vandyke, Jr. » L icaria ^ Parma, by Dick Andrew^. o 1 g cs r<;iimntpr ni S*'" Archy, by *Diomed. a gj -" iFUrtilla's dam, by *Kobin Redbreast. ° I T artv fira V 5 Robin Gray, by * Royalist. [ pj Li^aay t.ia> | Maria, by Melzar. f -* f Partiiian pi Walton, by Sir Peter. L^-f Partisan -« | Parasol, by Pot-8-Os. \^o\ The Fawn i Smolensko, by Sorcerer. o I inei-awn | Jerboa, by Gohanna. raiono E.5 Royal Oak, by Catton. [ "'^^'^ -"( Daughter of Orville. 0'< 1 Rarcia J Octavlan, by Stripling. I- ^ Ltrarcia ^ Daughter of Shuttle. ^ fFninis D^Langar, by Selim. 3„ E,Pirus -" I Olympla, by Sir Oliver. &.3 Fnrtrpaa J Defence, by Whalebone. (^ I fortress } Jewess, by Moses. 2 r c^iiltan 77^ Sellm, by *Buzzard. t; =""^^1 ----"^ Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. "3 1 Tioator 5 Camel, by Whalebone. Ph lUester j Monlmla, by Muley. -I r/-.i„^i„t„- uS Partisan, by Walton, ^c, r Gladiator -^^i Pauline, by Moses. fe 2 T «ii„„„., S Starch or JVoltaire, by Blacklock., tc a ^- •-'OUypop j Belinda, by Blacklock. « fVeriilam i; 5 Lottery, by Tramp. S3 veruiam -^^ Wire, by \Va.\y. ^1 2 Tennala i Touchstone, by Camel. O '-'Jennaia ^ Emma, by Whisker. rt^ f Rnitanflorf fJ Blacklock, by Whitelock. «„• Brutandort /i j Mandane, by Pot-8-Os. 3 { « ,15 Dauebter of i Comus, by Sorcerer. 2 ^ pqp:; i-Xiaugaier oi | Marclana, by Stamford. r«..uaT. „\ Sellm, by *Buzzard. c'g feuitan jj ^ Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. Q« I Salute 5 Muley, by Orville. I P l feaiute ^ Dulcamara, by Waxy. f nVN rTinatnn w5 Timolcon, by Sir Archy M^ Boston Hj Sister to Tuckahoe, by Ball's Florizel i'J al ttt WH t. bn 3 a Q IS Alice rarneal 5 *Sarpedon, by Emillus. Alice i..arneai ^ Rowena, by Sumpter. Ill « r«Hpfi!?pfoi(i w5 Fflo-da-Puta, by Haphazard. ^t I uedgetoia -«| Miss Craigie, by Orville. " ° Grav Fannv 5 Bertrand, by Sir Archy. L cq (.Gray fanny | Daughter of *Buzzard. feej f Sheet Anchor f>^^ T.ottery, by Tramp. ew j bheet Anctior...^ ^ Morgiana, by Muley. - 3^ I luioo T ottir 5 *Prlam, by Emilius. o ^ ^-o l-Miss i.etty j yjg^ fanny's dam, by Orville. f FftiK'h a Rallaffh K^ ^''^ Hercules, by Whalebone. I faugn-a-itauagnz!, j (jyjp(.jjjjj^ ^^ 3^^^ Booty. *' r^ 1 Daughter of ^ Liverpool, by Tramp. 1. o lUaugnieror V Rachel, hv Mnlev. ( Rachel, by Muley. w a ■a O s: ffl a S S » C8 n < 3 o a E >-, w 2i X] >> c« (•; J2 a bi) •S _* a O _o <1 3 o 0) a O •a >> ^ o o IS ■5 o ^i S?'^ « eS a o a o a S a ■d « a s P ^ a J3 CM s g ;». b' •a *»; f:^ T3 J3 s c8 .M j: '- i. 3 •O o '^ «; ^ S S ^ C3 3 fcf S 03 •3 ■3 n o s, ? ff* « E a ^ C5 C3 ■a •a £.4 o H C ■3 O P 3 o P3 •a 5 •3 g C8 a' 7. 4) Fl J3 -2 a S 0! •O ^ s: ... S •J,^ ... « > 0) .a .§• ?r « o ■3 C8 T3 S rt o O .^ M b= i ■a si P O >< a' n1 >-, >, -a A .Q H s a = o c o a ^ o a tM 3 (h f ■a tN H f^ Si 0? a a S3 be o iJ t w ^ a X c>. •o R S ■d ■a 5 a H cU y CO >, cj ^ p:, 2 .a T3 •Imported. tStrachlno given. tVoltalre given. FLYING FISH. PRODUCE. 1895. ch. f., Fleeting Gold, by imp. Rayon d'Or, 1896. ch. c. (died), by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1897. ch. f., Sun Fish, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1898. Missed to Top Gallant. 1S99. ch. f., Kansas Lily, by Henry of Navarre. 1900. ch. c, Flying Jib, by Henry of Navarre. 1901. ch. f., by Henry of Navarre. 1902. ch. f., Flying Spark, by Henry of Navarre. 1903. by Henry of Navarre. 78 r« p-g FOND HOPES. Sire traces back to Belgrade Turk Mare. 4,"^ f Pampi ;^i Whalebone, by Waxy. ^^jL-ameJ -^^ Daughter of Sellm. (2 9 I TiflntPr } Master Henry, by Orville H o L aanter ^ Boadlcea, by Alexander. { Dr S-v-ntax w-5 Paynator, by Trumpator. UT. sjTiiax ju^ Daughter of Benlngbrough., DniiP-htPT- nf i Ardrossan, by John Bull. Daughter ot j ^ady Eliza, by Whitworth. f W ( Inn rri Cain, bvPauIowitz, '•i'^ " -""(Margaret, by Edmund. I * t." 1 \^° \ Palmvra 5 Sultan, by Sellm. I g IPaimyra. J Hester, by Camel. . , r.„„i rri Bay Middleton, by Sultan. gg p"^' ""l Crucifix, by*Priam. ^1 I Belle Dame \ *Bel8hazzar, by Blacklock. cc L Bene Dame -- ^ Ellen, by Starch. I Tr,nnY,atnn„ Eri Camel, by Whalebonc. |- a?3 Touchstone. __.£■! jjamer, by Master Henry. f « Lg ■ <^ ^ C'O Viiitnrp i Langar, by SeUm. ^ 1^^ , vulture.... ^ Kite, by Bustard. es -J £l f Whisker 15) Pot-S-Os. « U d ^^'^^^^^^ ^i Penelope, by Trumpator. S ' 5 g ■ '-^■o Onrria 3 Octavlan, bv stripling. ' ^^^^^'^ ----i Daughter of Shuttle. a fS A^ I PnrHoan w3 Waltou, by Sir Peter. ,|5j Partisan "« | Parasol, by Pot-8-Os. £^\ aS Pniiiitip i Moses, by tWhalebone or Seymour, iraunne "--^Quadrille, by selim. ^ ( Sir Hercules.. ..S,< ^!!?'?''°S?' ^/ ^''^y- 3 ( Peri, by Wanderer. a J >! Echo * Emillus. by Orville. ■ ^ Daughter of Scud or Pioneer. .a" f The Baron E^ Irish Birdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. a . < Echidna, by Economist. OS . '"^ [Pocahontas roiencoe, by Sultan. I ^ ) Marpessa, by Muley. I .; t; ( Melbourne }/ \ Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. ■^5" ^eiDOurne Ji | ^^ughter of Cervantes. l-^ Uueen Mary \ gS^?'o'f^pfe1.?;!^t°miary. Irish Bird- catcher. 5 Sir Hercules, by Whalebone Hi Guiccioli, by Bob Booty. * Drone by Master Robert. Whim .1 Kiss, by Waxy Pope. i . . (Lanercost £■( Liverpool, by Tramp W A » - j Otis, by Bustard. 1^'° Agra's dam i '^°'^^°^J'yJ^''7- * ( 1 esane, by Whisker. « ■ hV I Boston ff i Timoleon, by Sir Archy. M)_ I uoswu... -" t Sister to Tuckahoe, '}y Ball's Florizel. Si I Ml Alice Carneal \ *Sarpedon. by Emllius. ( Kowena, by Suinpter. Kingston .h\ X«°1'°^' ^'^ Partisan ^ I Queen Anne, by Slane. . Daughter of. ( Pyrrhus I., by Eplrus. ■ ( Palmyra, by Sultan. 43- 1^1 ^M (The Baron E\ Irish t'.irdcatcher, by sir Hercules. •g_; ( Echidna, by Economist. &% I Pocahontas ) 'Glencoe, by Sultan. ^ ( Marpessa, by Muley. t Touchstone £;i Camel, by Whalebone. 1 Banter, by Master aenry. I Miss Wilfred 1 t:''"^,'"?; H^Jr^^Pw c , , ( Koyal Oak s dam, by Smolensko. CI ■a ^1 S a « S s t-< ^ t» >> ^^■^^ ^ 'O 5" a r- .s « 5 ^o ■S " t5 (D '-I -a ■' ^ a M « == g S c -S • .Co., ^ m -a be >> SI ^ I - .|-§€ 'S fl (§ ■° >>^; ^<1 u ^ >> >> ►J £! .0 I s I ■3 ■a -y ♦Imported. tSeyniour given. 79 FOND HOPES. PRODUCE. 1902. ch. f,, Fondness, by Henry of Navarre. 1903. by Henry of Navarre. 80 IMP. FRUITION. sire traces back to Belgrade Turk Mare. f ^ ^TT ,*j „( Voltaire, by Blacklock. 2 r voltigeur -^J Martha Lynn, by Mulatto. Blrdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. Nan Darren, by Inheritor. I [.Mrs. Eldgeway. ; rriying „( Bay Mlddleton, by Sultan. ; I Dutchman.. fl^l Barbelle, by Sandbeck. 5 Voltaire, by Blacklock. I Velocipede s dam, by Juniper. f« o f'- . p LMerope , „ , „ rr.( Economist, by Whisker. ^n f Harkaway ii | Fanny Dawson, by N abockllsh SoIt^ , *„ ( *Glencoe, by Sultan. •^ e I- Pocohontas ] Marpessa, by Muley . , tt( Cain, by Paulowltz. jj '^°^ ^) Margaret, by Edmund. I < 2 1 T )n^i„ T7„t>„ 5 Hornsea, by Velocipede ■o [Little Fairy ] i ,<,nprta.hv Zodiac J3 < Lacerta, by Zodiac. r-rrr * A , *_„n„„ ir < Melboume, by Humphrey Clinker, f West Australian if • j^^^j^^^ ^^. Y. Emilius. ^ I i3^„o„r,t ni,.i < Thg Major. o [Peasant Girl ^ Glance, by Waxy Pope. 9 ■* ^' f A „t„„„„t jri Bay Mlddleton, by Sultan. •s ! ?J [Autocrat ^\Ti.mpTess,X,y Emilius. Orlando, by Touchstone. Elopement, by Velocipede. ( Gladiator, by Partisan. "( Lollypop, by Starch or Voltaire I- r Sweetmeat S hO J '^ S I prnvprp i Verulam, by Lottery. g LGruyere j .Jennala, by Touchstone. "\^ ,T i,„„, ,7, ( Ithurlal, by Touchstone. a fe Longbow -E^l Miss BoVe, by Catton. j § « 1 TiTicriP } Siane, by Royal Oak. L<) I ungie ^ Vibration, by Sir Hercules. «i'^ I ,„„ S Laurel, by Black'ock. I. uapnne j j^j^^jjj ^^ Honor, by Champion. l:^; '""(w r Am Tr«n.,oQ 17^ Duroc, by *Dlomed. t.TO Am. h,cnpse....//| jjjugp.g Damsel, by *Messenger. ^•- I r.„„™i,i.„- «f ( Henry, by Sir Archv. So ll>aughter of | young Komp, by Duroc. . ("Bertrand... • '5' [Lady Fortune. tt5 Sir Archy, by *Diomed. --"(Eliza, by *Bedford. ( Blue Beard by *SterlIng. ■■■ ( Woodpecker's dam, by *Buzzard. rJ. f West Anatrallan M * Melbourne, by Humphrey Clinker, r-^ west Austranan.M , Mowerina, by Touchstone. i 1 *Ftniilfl J ^- Emilius, by Emilius. I I Jimilia 5 Persian, by Whisker. f T PvintrtnTi Tfi Bostou, by Timo'ieou. Lexington n ^ Alice Carneai, by Sarpedon. ^ J J <~ FloHnp i *Glencoe, by Sultan. '■^ L-tiorine } Melody, by Medoc. E,( Faugh a-Ballagh, by Sir Hercules. j Daughter of Pantaloon. fo -, f*LeamIngton S.J ^■^ T(Ho ( Lexington, by Boston * V LLiaa.. i Lize, by Am. Eclipse, Tpxineton „( Boston, by TimoleoD. i^exmgt on u ^ ^jj^g Carneal, by Sarpedon [Skedaddle .. ( *York8hlre, by St. Nicholas. " ■ ) Magnolia, by *G!encoe. 5. 9. 2 X o *^ 9 O 3 >, M ^ ■° § >. - •- Vc C a 0) g M O 03 « ■3 >. ^ P-i ^r * ta t, g £a 2 «5 o a » 2 a r,-!^ .Q -<1« ^ 03 H a) H ,0 ■o S B .a -a a 3 w o ■=8 H - Q - S S « s s 3 a 5 '^ -S £J 03 g m * Imported. IMP. FRUITION. PRODUCE. 82 FUTILE. Sire traces buck to dam of The Two True lUues. .^ „, , r^ Touchstone, by Camel. c.-- Orlando ^| Vulture, by Langar. I SS I ( Redshank, by Sandbeck. !-«; H" ICavatlna ^ Oxygen, by fcmiiius. bJJO I 93 °3 „, , „( Bay Mlddleton, by Sultan. Planet .U^ Plenary, by EmlUus ... „ ^ Venison, by Partisan. L Alice liray i Darkness, by *Glencoe. rtXhe Baron Stingy ^ pg^p^^,g^ ^^ whalebone. I'm c or The EmperorA'^ Delight.'by Keveller aj I «= 1 ■■S -^ ?■ n * S Roval Oak, by Catton. g I ce LPoetess J Ada, by Whisker. ,^, ., ^ ,,( Partisan, by Walton. ^ TGladiator //] Pauline, by Moses. U ;^2 [Lanterne. Hercule, by Rainbow. Elvira, by Eryx o II.' o ce I = la; a ij M M H P 1 P <1 C>< ,n 13 s; & « •"^ ■» Cl H >^ a « •2 I '^ , „ , „( Whalebone, bv Waxy. ^- r Camel -^^ Daughter of Sellm. g a ( Master Henry, by OrvlUe. g_,o 1^ Banter... ) Boadicea, by Alexander. . ,„_ , „\ Krailius, by OrvUle. g j *Prlam . A^ Cressida, by Whiskey. S T> .. . t . J ^ Don .Tuan, bv Orvllle. a [Potentate s dam.. ) j^j^j, j^ jj,g ^^d, by Hambletonlan. "1 „ ,^ „3 Selim, by *Buzzar'1. § I Sultan u , Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. g 1 „ ,, \ Tramp, bv Dick Andrews. I [Trampoline -, Web, by Waxy. J ... , ,.( Orvllle, by Beningbrough. I fMuley -'^lEleanor, by Whiskey. 0) \ „, ( Mannlon, bv Whiskev. '-''*''^-- - - ; Harpalice, by Gohanna. ^ _,. „ ,.* Irish Birdeatcher, by Sir Herculea. ^=^ The Baron -'^ ^ Echidna, by ficonomlst. 1 tc ^ I Pocahontas i£ & ("Melbourne j *Glencoe, by Sultan. ■ ■ '( Marpessa, by Muley. .,5 Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. - •*' ; Daughter of Cervantes. — a I Sm 1 ,-> 1. ( Gladiator, by Partisan. ►" [Queen Mary "( Daughter of Plenipotentiary. , cj I Irish Bird- . gj^ Hercules, by Whalebone. a t. I catcher. ...£,-( Gulccioli, by Bob Booty. ~' -i ,,,, , i Drone, by Master Robert. - I." him )Klss, by Waxy Pope. Lanercost E Liverpool, by Tramp. Otis, by Bustard. 1a -,= ,i„.„ \ Tomboy, by Jerry. [Agra s dam ; Tesane, by Whisker. . jA Cain, by Paulowitz. I ion -'^(Margaret, by .Edmund. iS Ellen Mlddleton.. ; Bav Mlddleton, hy Sultan. I Myrrha, by Malek 11 = Little Red , Tramp, bv Dick Andrews. Kovej...G.| Miss Syntax, by Paynator. ( Edmund, by Orvllle ( Squib, by Soothsayer. Eclat f * r-r^ „>.„♦„„., „( Camel, bv Whalebone, , C f Touchstone E\ banter, by Master Heury. 1 17 a 1 r, „„ ,„„ 5 Dr. SvntftX, by Paynator. i , ^- [ Beeswing ^ Daughter of Ardrossan. La; .— a; 3 > „ ... „„ „( Voltaire, bv Blacklock. Voltlgeur ■'=' I Martha Lynn, by Mulatto. . V Irl^h Birdcatcher, bv Sir Hercules. Daughterof \ Nan Darrell, by Inheritor. •Imported. tThe Emperor given. 11 1 . 1 -^ .- .a a ■3 C3 ■d ^ ^ .a ^ a •^ „ H "^ +j +a s P l-l a C3 4) a E cm cc a B Fi 'j: d A' J= 5 s to S bi a '^ 4> iH 1^ a E: " a 5 "^ o ^ « is - J3 S =,3 r W 5 g 1*. " a ■^ H o ►-1 W 3 - !»>.Q ■a £ 3 S3 «* ^ H C fc< c " " c cd EC ja - 1= a « s «o ° ■^*< o =: <^ £ -^ i i; IK tH - S ^ -< S '^ ^^ ^ 'o S aiS -c § P S B •°. I S sl !^^ s 4:^ « fe ,:; ii ■» ■3 o s >. .2 ^ ^^ S-" <-' .S >> - >»'^ s ^ ^ .. p M S o to -^ a>3's d a; o rt ■a _ o ■a 83 FUTILE. PRODUCE. 1901. b. c, Fume, by Henry of Navarre. 1902. Missed to Hastings. 1903. by Margrave. 84: GLORY. sire traces bacK to "Woodcock Mare. a. 8. 2. fM rail f2 la l« c o f*» ■^ 1 hr « c 1 - 1— 1 j: "1 « br a ^ -3 i;^ r B O H^ fJ" 1 0) I li §s ' rrisliRivflpatpiiTS'* ^''' Hercules, by Wha!ebone. J irlsliBiiacatcli rA , (jujcdoii, by Bob Booty. I Fcliiflna 5 EeoDomist, by AVhisker. Liicmana , ^ Miss Pratt, byBlacklock. f*61encop ir} Sultan, by Seliin. J ^'encoe h ^ Urampoline, by Tramp. I MBrnpq«n i Muley, by Orville LMarpessa j ^^^^^^^ by Marmion. f ^^"'"f&r V < Comus. by Sorcerer. I Clinker... J/.;, by C.inker. n-ino-htpr nf < Ccrvantes, bv Don Quixote, uaugrnterot • oaugliter of Golumpus. (ilflrH'itnr //"i Partisan, by Walton. Ulaantor H-^ Pauline, by Moses. nQi,o-),t.-,. nf 'i Plenipotentiary, bv Kmilius. udu„ntti oi -^ Myirha, by Whalebone. Sir llorciilps Jr^ Whalebone, by Waxy. &ir 11 ci ( uies ....£, -^ pgj..^ ^y Wanderer. p,„v.„i,,]i ( Bob Booty, by Chanticleer. Lxuicciou I Fliglit, by Irish Escape. Triqb Tirnnp w* Master Robert, by Buffer. insu uront Ji ^ Daughter of Sir Walter iialeigb. Trj„„ ( "Waxy Pope, bv "Waxy. "M)aughter of Champion. fLivernool Ei Tramp, by Dick Andrews, ji^iverpooi ..jij daughter of Whisker. /-,*<„ ( Bustard, by *Puzzard. ' - 1 Giiy hurst's dam, by Election. rxombov !/-(. Terry, by Smolensko. •' ' * Emancipation's dam, by Ardrossan. 1 Tes-np * Whis'„'er, by "Waxy. I ns^ue ^ Lady Of the Tees, by Octavian. rTimoleon Hi ^^^ Archy, by *Diomed. ilmoieon n -^ Daughter of *Saltrani. ) Daughter of *Alderii]an. tA Emilius, by Orville. / Icaria, by The }'"lyer. Si=tpr toTnrkahop \ ^' "'* Florizel, by 'Dionied. l,&lSTerr01UCKan0t ^ nmip-htpr nf * Alripvn.nT. |'*Sarpedon I "Rowem * Sumpter, by Sir Archy. U.owena ^ Lady Grey, by Pvobin Cirey. r Venison jy5 Partisan, by Walton. ^^°'*'"° -" i The Fawn, by Smolensko. 5 5t4 I- q Oueen Anne ' Slane, by Royal Oak. yucen Anne ^ Garcia, by Octavian. Pyrrhus the ^^^^^^^^^ ^^ Langar. ^ "*'' ^1 Fortress, by Defence. Poiin,r>.„ i Sultan, bv Sellm. ^'*"""'^ -* Hester, by Camel. FrntioTnisr pi Whisker, by Waxv. Jiconomist ^^ Floranthe, by Octavian. "S'flTiTiv T)!iw«on ^ Nibocklish, by Rugantino. .ii"- Syntax bv Pavnator. (.Beeswing ^ Daughter of Ardros.^an. P'-'l>--''--'---'^!?firneT;T;u^SL. Ullce Hawthorn.. I '^^^lll,''STto'^tl^''' ' e 5 OS ^ ■s ^ -• S iT *• •§§2 ■° ^ s ■^ S 1^ O .3 S - e -3 p ■ e -3 a. t; ■=■3 =3 •2 o^ 5 ^ o ^ ^ >. n.^ ■= X ao _- H - = p "G o o ^'^ .-S g 0) a •= a >. p. -3 -' ■5 3 5 j= a a I s i III m •a £■ =5 g.S S c8 c. a Tj c/; 'cJ •Imported 85 GLORY. PRODUCE. 1893. ch. f., Gloria, by imp. St. Blaise. 1894. ch. c, Glorious, by imp. Rayon d'Or, 1895. ch. c. Gala Day, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1896. ch. f., Gleeful, by Fiddlesticks (sent to England). 1897. Missed to Fiddlesticks. 1898. ch. c, St. Glor, by St. Savior. 1S99. Missed to Hastings. iqoo. ch. f., Gloriosa, by Hastings. 1901. Missed to Hastings. 1902. ch. c, Glorifier, by Hastings. 1903. by Octagon. 86 GOLDEN DREAM. Sire traces back to dam of The Two True Blues. f'-« rnr-ior^Ar. „ ( ToucbstODe, by Camcl. I --"t f Orlando -E^i Vulture, by Langar. t-S noTTofiTio ^ Redshank, by Sandbeck. p, (.i^avdcina -- '^ Oxygen, by Emillus. SB'S 03 , „, ,,. jri Bay Middleton, by Sultan. t-iant,i ^^ Plenary, by Kmilus. Aii<-p Rrnv ^ Veulson, by Partisan. Alice Jiray ^ Darkness, by *CTlencoe. I A^ rL^Th!.^FT,.rn!/'li Defence, by Whalebone. „; o« I <^'^^''*"^'"t'*^'^°'-^ Delight, by Reveller. fc b -a *„„„ ( Royal Oak, by Catton. ol s LPoetess.... -] Ada. bv Whisker. r- w Q :?: w p •J c c : Ada, by Whisker. ■ rr<^„^s„^ „( Partisan, by Walton. ^g r Gladiator H^ Pauline, by Moses. pal ^S T 4- ^ Hercules, bv Rainbow. CO [Lanterne..... | Elvira, by Eryx. i"* , PnniPi Tr!> Whalebone, by Waxy. .g^ oamel ■'^jDau hter of Selim. 3 OJ i H o 1 Ranter ^ Master Henry, by Orville. ■g I Banter ^ Boadicea, by Alexander. Prinm p-S Emllius, by Orville. priam Ai cressida, by Whiskey. l<1 If 3 I Potentate's dam. i Don .Tuan, bv Orville. ! Moll in the Wad, by Hanibletonlan. lo^ 6 /-a ,if„n „5 Sel m. by *Buzzard rouitan -" 5 Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. 3 •) - Trnmnniirip \ Tramp, by Dick Andrews. ^ l^liampoline ^ Web, by Waxy. S f Mnlpv jri Orville, by Beningbrough. 1 fMuley --■'^ I Eleanor, by Whiskey. g, \ « Clare ,<^ r Tramp or Is I tWaverly_ •-5 ( Hetman PlarofE's di ( Marmlon, by Whiskey. } Harpalice, by Gohanna. I Whalebone, by Waxy. I Margarelta, by Sir Peter. ', Comus, by Sorcerer. I Marciana, by Stamford. Selim ff * Buzzard, by Woodpecker. Castrel's dam, by Alexander. „„,!,, f ( Haphazard, bv Sir Peter. Daughter of ^ Daughter of Precipitate. S * •M ( Partisan rji, Walton, by Sir Peter. - ■" I Parasol, by Pot-8-Os. „„, ,. „ f, Mosps, by t+++ Whalebone or Seymour, .famine ... ) Quadrille, by Selim. 'Plenipoten- tiary. P ( Emiilus, bj Orville. - ^ '( Harriet, by Pericles. a Mvrrhfl * Whalebone, by Waxy. I.-1 LMyrrna ( Gift, by Young Gohani ■( Sister to Tuckahoe. by Ball's Florlzel. 32 I Alien Parneal ,* *Sarpedon, by Rmilius. .:]« LAllce l^arneai ) Rowena. bv Sumnter. g |- American , j5„roc, b v *Diomed. t, l!,Clipse...-/iJ Miller's nainsei. bv *? is } Rowena, by Sumpter. \ Duroc, by *Diomed. [ Miller's Damsel, by *Messenger, a „ .fl„ 5 Sir Charles, by Sir Archy. <2 Lintle ( Daughter of Cicero. t4 rCaln or , gp^, y^y Beningbrough. gj tActaeon....fc,uj^jjj^^ jjy g,|.jj„,jjj,.j 5 I „ ^. ( Comus or +t+Rlacklock, by Whitelock. ■< (.i^antnea ^ Manuella, by Dick Andrews. *j I Epsllon i o t_*Bustle . rri Pac'flc, by Sir Archy. - " I Madam Bosley, by Sir Richard. (, Whalebone, bv Waxy. -■-} Odd Trick, by Quis. 'Imported. tActaeon given. JWaverly given. tttBlacklock given. ttttSeymour given. 8 8. - CS S3 a * g P w a ss h p H § ■fp A Ph 00 ^ O g iV rs ja Ph CO t» a Q O 87 GOLDEN DREAM. PRODUCE. 1898. ch. f., Gold Mark, by Margrave. 1899. ch. c, (died), by Henry of Navarre. 1900. ch. f., Ocean Dream, by Henry of Navarre. 1901. b. f.. Silver Dream, by Henry of Navarre, 1902. ch. c, Diamond, by Hastings. 1903. by Hastings. z > o ^J t' o PS Q S :^ H w IS o GWENDOLYN. Sire traces back to Sedbury Koyal Mare. ,, ,^ . pCBlacMocfe, by Whitelock. f.i« I Voltaire. --■'^^Daugliter of Fbantoiu. f^llSLr >. T^„ (Mulatto, by Catton. I. t^ « I Mar, ha Lynn ^ ^eda, by Kilho da-Puta. 10. 6. - I Blrdcatcher . iNan Uarrell ■=1 i ■a . \ -a'p- •=2^ [Barbelle . „( Sir Hercules, by "Whalebone. ^ \ Gulccioll, by Bob Booty. ( Inheritor, bv Lottery. -■■; jSlII, by Blacklock. ,T, ^,iji » rr^ Sultan, by Relim. Bay Middleton..Zr-J cobweb, by Phantom. {Sandheck, by Catton. ■ ^Darloletta, by Aniadis. "^ IS f-S^- „ ,, . p < Blacklock, bv Whiteloci ^ oltaire - -ii j Daugtter of Phantom. TT , ) 1 •= H„„, ( JuniP'^i', by Whl'key. .Velocipede s dam -^ jjau^|,ter of Sorcerer. ,„ .. et( "Whisker, bv Waxy. r Economist A ^ Floranthe, by Octavlun. Fanny Dawson. I NabocVlish, by Rugantino. ' Mies Tooley, by Teday the urlnder. 1 c- i ,»„, „< Sultan. bvSelim. ' ^ ««' [ ^''^°°'"' - ''j Trampoline, by Tramp. 2 L°l k, ( Muley, bv Orville. I ■* It- 2 I Marpessa \ Claire, by Marmion. I ,„ . „(Paulowitz, by Sir Paul. I i"* M-'am -'''< Daughter of Paynator. d i w 1 \i„,.„„^^t 5 Edmund, by Orvllle. o ! I Margaret | jigdora, by Sellm. -Ti „=..„ „( Velocipede, by Blacklock. Hornsea a-^ Daughter of Cerberus. ( Zodiac, by St. George. , Laceria -^ Jerboa, by Gohanna. ii rJ. s V ^ S =-» x u « S S n « « Q sm 1 H ^ n > o a IS IQ"^ [Sheet Anchor...^|Ii^J^];5;3T™np^. ii.i„„ T ^tf, < *Priam, by Emllius. LMlss Letty | Daughier of Orvllle. ,_, w ,. „„ n.( Camel, by "Wlialebone. Touchstone L ^ Banter, by Master Henry. I n « J "S , , ,, ,. „„( Tramp, by Dick Andrews. I -s " [LadyMoore tarew \ ^^^^^ V;y ^ugtard. n ».j 11 , ,„ r,( Sultan, bv Sellm. Bay Middleton ./?] cobweb, by Phantom. I rrnciflx * *, by Emilius. H,rucmx. ^ Octaviana, by Ociavlan.. , nofcn^o ^("Whalebone, by "Waxy. [Defence ii^ ueflance, by Bubens I T,, „„ * Middleton, by Phantom. ^*""y ^ Little Folly, by Highland King;. T^ ■, E.\ "Whisker, by "Waxy. I Economist .E\ floranthe, by Octavian. I r>o„<,htov f,f iSt\"^- Syntax Mj Daughter of Beninsbrough. Sfe 1 T^ i>t„ r,f * Ardrossan, by .Tohn Bull. <^ LDaughter of ... j j^ady Eliza, by Wliitworth. H rinn „(Cain, by Paulowitz. ^ fion..-- ^^Margarel, by Edmund. S 1 D„i^ ™ S Sultan, bv Sellm. ■o ll'almyra i Hester, by Camel. ^. ,„ , „5 Bay Middleton, bv Sultan. ma M-'OWi n^ Crucifix, by *Priam. ^» 1 r, ii„ T^ ( *Belshazzar, by Blacklock. t/2 I Belle Dame | £ii^„^ ^y Starch. „ , . ' „( Camel, by Whalebone. ^n I louchstone •C' | Banter, by Master Henry. O-a ] vnltiirp 5 Langar, by Pelim L vulture ...^ Kate, by Bustard. , wi„-=L-„,. ;,' * Waxv, by Pot-8-Os. •^ 5J Whisker A J Penelope, by Trumpator. S.Q I rnrnta 5 Octa\i n, by Stripling. I Garcia ^ Daughter of Shuttle. ,„„_j, it( Walton, by Sir Peter. Sii JPartJsan ^|para8ol, by Pot-8-Os. 52|p»iiiinf. ^ Moses, by Whalebone. o- (.Pauline ^ Quadrille, by Sellm. ■ rc;ir Hpirnipq p 5 Whalebone, by Waxy. 2 rsir Hercules..../!,^ pgj.j jjy ^y3^jg,.pj. 5 \ Si ir„h„ 5 Emilius, by Orville. ?- L^cno ^ Daughter of Scud or Pioneer. . - /^wv.. 1 „ i,< Waxy, bvPot-8-Os. o -g f Whisker A ^ Penelope, by Trumpator. "— T,, ,!,„ ^ Octavian, by Stripling. K = iFloranthe _.. -J caprice, by Anvllle. « r-k.T„K«„i-n„v, 17 ( Rugantino, by Commodore; S Nabocklish i/] Butterfly, by Bagot. i -m^^ T„.^i^„ ( Teddv-the-Grinder. by Asparagus. I iMlssTooley j Lady ".lane, by Sir Peter. , „ ,,.„„ ' ji( Selim. bv *Buzzard. a- nultan -''^Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. ^ o 1 Tinninniinp < Tramp, bv Dick Andrews. ^ o [liampoline } Web, by Waxy. I Mnlpv f5 Orville, bv Beningbrough. ^55 Muiey £.j Eleanor, by WhisKey. =« 5 .' " S, I rioT-o ^ Marmion, by Whiskev. 1.^'are ._} Harpalice, by Gohanna. " fsiirniicp t.< Touchstone, bv Camel. 5 ourpiice ...ii-^ Crucifix, by *Priam. 2 I r.„ „i„„, „f < Bay Mlddleton. hv Sultan. >. I Daughter of | yil^^^^ ^y Voltaire. f Rprt cshnnu- P" * Sandbeck, by Catton. p . ftiedbhank ^ / Johanna, by Selini. ^•^ r.» ~Kt„_ e s Middleton, by Phantom. O [Daughter of j o^u. of Smoiensko. ■^''^ ^cito., „( Se' *Buzznrd. 'Sfl ''"'tan ^'' '( Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. Zb \ c3 oj r^„v,„,„i, ( Phantom, by Walton. ca-d H-oDweo 5 Filagree, by Sootlisayer. b >-\T„„(=„„ „( Partisan, by Walton. "- :«• 1 venison. ^WheFawn, by Smoiensko. S '^ J ^ ^>3 I •»;r„„„„iit„„ 5 Whisker, bv Waxv. " IMargelUna.. ^ j,anuella, by Dick Andrews. 8. 7. 1. S * S ^ o >, aJ o b H ., ^ T3 E s C ■a ^^ O 5 ^ m" ... 5 s o C & > < H ^ ,c s> c C3 E- If o Q >, <:r 2 ■a ^ B flS s j2 c 3 H ^ n: o a I? >! t- pM « . o o o s ^ fl * rt >, «< E a m o hi) c. ^ § •3 o O 5 B 2 g C8 •O ■n J= M M c; c .' ••Importrd 91 HER GRACE. PRODUCE. 1896. b. c, High Born, by Badge. 1897. b. f., Hoopstick, by Fiddlesticks. 1898. Missed to Henry of Navarre. 1899. (died) by Henry of Navarre. 1900. Missed to Henry of Navarre. 1901. ch. f. (died), by Henry of Navarre. 1902. ch. f.. High Game, by Hastings. 1903. by Hastings. 92 S !■ LSI 2< L3 II I '*•> p i u I— t H O, O O X Iw 1-3^ 3 C £ c I lU • I a ! •S i r.a. ]^ . tCaJ HOOPSTICK. sire traces back to Leede's Hobby Mare. , ei_ A -oi,,, ni *Dlomed, by Florizel. I feirArcny -« ^ *Ca8tlanira, by Rockingham. 1 naiiffhfer of ^ *Saltram, by Eclipse. ( uaugnteroT ^ Daughter of Symme's Wililalr. fR»Uo Fini-i7Pi ni »r)iomed,by Florizel. j Ball 3 t lonzel ...Hj daughter of «Shark. I Danffhtpr of 5 *A]derman, by Pot-S Os. L Daughter ot j Daughter of »Clockfast. rPmlliiiq pfl Orvllle, by Benlngbrough. liimims c^ Emily, by Stamford. T„,,ria 5 The Flyer, by Vandyke, .Jr. i.iL,!iiid ; Parma, by Dick Andrews. f t^nmnfpr ni ^'1" Archy, by *Diomed. J siumptei ^^ Daughter of *KoWn Red Breast. I T adv nTnv 5 Robin Gray, by *Royall3t. Ll^adj uraj •--- 1 Maria, by Melzar. rlriah Bird- . gij Hercules, by Whalebone. j catcher _ . . A ^ Guiccioll, by Bob Booty. Frhirina i Economist, by Whisker. LJicnmna -- 1 Miss Pratt, by Blacklock. {♦(llpncop w5 Sultan, by Sellm. Lriencoe ■"^Trampoline, by Tramp. Marnessa i Muley, by Orvllle. Marpessa ^ ^.j^^^.^^ j^^ Marmion. rPampl s;* Whalebone, by Waxy. I <-aniei_ a ^ Daughter of Selim. I Rnntpr } Maf ter Henry, by Orville. 1^ tsanier _ ^ Boadicea, by Alexander. , T r,tto^^ c) Tramp, by Dick Andrew.s. j Lottery E] Mandane, by^ Pot-8-Os. 1 Pnvnl Oak's dam ) Smolensko, by Sorcerer. [ Koyal oak s uam. j ^^^^^ j^^^^.^^ ^y Benlngbrough. , Tr,„/.i>ctr,r,p JT i Camcl, by Whalebone. I Touchstone £| Banter, by Master Henry. I Beeswinc i. ^^- Syntax, by Paynator. t iseeswiDfe ? Daughter of Ardrossan . ( Tftdmor Ifi l0°' ^y ^*'°- I ^a"'"o>^- -"} Palmyra, . y Sultan. 1 Miss Sellon i Cowl, by Bay Middleton. LMlas beiion ^ g^jj^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ *Belshazzar. r Orlando E'i Tou-^hstone by Camel. I Vulture, by Langar. iMallbran \iy^^''^''\'^y^^^Y,„ ^ t Garcia, by Octavian. f Gladiator Bi Panisau by Walt r.n. i Pauline, by Moses. I VpniiH (Sir Hercules by Whalebone. I veuuB lEcho, by Emllius. , Economist _ E\ Whisker, by Waxy. I ) Florence, by Octavian. I Dans'hfpr nf S Nabockllsh, by Rugantlno. uaugnter oi j ^^.^^ Tooley, by Teddy the Grinder. , ♦Glencoe i/^ SuUan. by Selim. I ^^^^^°^ ^1 Traiiipoline, by Tramp. Marpessa \ ^J.^H'^^'J^y 9'"*'"}e. ' \ Clare, by Marmion. , Pi/iartpq ir'i Surplice, by Touchstone. ryiaucs "^ j Daughter of Bay Middleton. I Cherokee - -\^^'^ ^^.^""K^l Saridbeck. '- ) Daughter of Middleton. rBayMlddleto;i..S'SSu'tao.bySeltm. ( Cooweb, by Phantom. 1 West Country , tt • ., t. <.. T aus S Venison, by Partisan I- ) Margellina, by Whisker. 8. 8.- S W O 01 ^ *s -; "Is =: o g i^ - -3 O -S "■ o • ^ a 3 -S =^ ■■■'a u ■^ ^■§ >. a !; " ►-1 - , -- 3 3 != ■5 ^ 2 .a 2: ■a Oi ^ 03 ^ a; J^ o f* ■2 !» &• O ■^ " «■ ^" S 5 £ JJ O JjJ ^ CT o 3 Oj o *^ S» 3 o 1, a a . 0) S 5 S ^ 5» li^ 03 ~ ~ is a^ •Imported. 93 HOOPSTICK. PRODUCE. 1 901. ch. f., Hoofbeat, by Henry of Navarre. 1902. Missed to Henry of Navarre. 1903. by Henry of Navarre. 94 < < Sire traces bac kto D, ( Orlando B^ 1 .e\ - 32 1 3 . ^^ I Cavatina S 2 fPlanet .n\ E ■c^ ■:d 5 [Alice Bray 0^ 31 C8 e ai 1 Tlie Emperor.. -E) E o > • 5sl * [Poetess C3 fc, M 03 . a; fGladiator .h\ -■ u 11 ^ [Lanterne 5 d ■ o 1 o • A- rCamel hS [Banter .e\ s S 1 »Priani .e\ °2 < 1 o3 a I . ^ [Daughter of... "3 o Pi. =< ' .5 o fSultan .h\ d" a a 1 H a o (^ [Trampoline J2 ■ o o "& fMuley ■^\ fi ^3-1 S a ■ ^ [Clare H C cr ?- t; fGladiator m\ NO j < . ^ a •^^ [zarali "O (5 1 O 'S e o o o . fThe Provost... -"^"n [Martha Lynn,. .e\ f g . 1 Plenipoten- 1 fflO 1 tiary.. .e\ 2 ■ B^ Uuy O ai S . fp;miliiis Sg 1 L^ t Mangel Wurzel e\ t a o -f f« a ( Tlmoleon .h\ ^ ° \ • m 1 Sister to o jg Tuckahoe.. Ml a o P J J, '3 f "Sarpedon — .e\ g .""^Q \ Rowena -- \ > l« d r Stock well ^1 .e\ T3 1 '^ 1 Bribery 1 rVoltlgeur .e\ S 1 « 1 Themis *Imported. tN unc 10 g ivei 1. IGNARRA. the dam of the Two True Blues. Touchstone, by Camel. Vulture, by Langar. Redshank, by Sandbeck. Oxygen, by Emilius. 11, 5. - Bay Mlddleton, bv Sultan. Plenary, by Euiilius. Venison, by Partisan. Darkness, iiy *Glencoe. Defence, by Whalebone. Daughter of Reveher. Royal Oak, bv Catton. Ada, by Whisker. Partisan, by Walton. Pauline, by Moses. Hercules, by Rainbow. Elvira, by Ery.x. Whalebone, by Waxy. Daughter of Sellm. Master Henry, by Orville. Boadlcea, by Alexander. Emilius, by Orville. Cressida, by Whiskey. Don Juan, by Orville. Moll in the Wad, by Harabletonlan. Sellm, by *Buzzard Bacchante, by Williimson's Ditto. Tramp, by Dick Andrews. Web, by Waxy. Orville, by Benlngbrough. Eleanor, by Whiskey. Marmlon, by Whiskey. Harpalice, by Gohanua. Partisan, by Walton. Pauline, by Moses. Reveller, by Comus. Sister to W'overmans, by Rubens. The Saddler, by Waverly. Rebecca, by Lottery. Mulatto, by Catton. Leda, by Filho-da-Puta. Emilius, by 'irville. Harriet, by Pericles. Partisan, by Walton. Jest, by Waxy. Orville, by BeningbrouTh. Emily, by Stamford. Merlin, by Castrel. Morel, by Sorcerer. Sir Archy, by *Dlomed. Daughter 3f *Saltram. Ball's Florizel, by *Dlo-ned. Daughter of *Aldermau. Emilius, by Orville Icaria, by The Flyer. ''umpter, by Sir Archy. Lady Grey, by Rol)in Grey. The Baron, by Irish Birdcatcher. Pocahontas, by -Gleucoe. The Libel, by Pantaloon. Splitvote, by St. Luke. VoltHire, by Blacklock. Martha Lynn, by Mulatto. Touchstone, by Camel. Rectitude, by Lottery. s rt •a o a a ?=; ■ji -1 OJ w^ a >. •3 A C3 "■J a J 3 M Of >x R m nj fl .d jj ^ PI ^j >i o o 'd OJ a ^ S -a 5 9 £ S 95 IGNARRA. PRODUCE. 1898. ch. c, Ignatius, by Henry of Navarre (sent to England). 1899. ch. c, Lord Falmouth, by Henry of Navarre. 1900. Missed to Henry of Navarre. 1901. ch. f., Ignatia, by Henry of Navarre. 1902. Slipped twins, by Hastings. 1903. by Margrave. 96 o Z w < w < 1^ [ss I o c ; [S: "M i=«S IS •Imported. IMP. KATE ALLEN. sire traces back to Matchem Mare. """ciinker j/} Com us. by Sorcerer. *""°'^'^'^- -"^i Clinkerina,by Clinker. nnno-htpr nf ) Cevvantes, by Don Quixote, uau^nter oi ^ Daughter of Golumpus. f Toiifhstrme ri Camel, by Whalebone. J ioutnstone a j ^.^ ^^^.^ ^^^ Master Henry. Ti'irinio < Whisker, by Waxy. ^^'"'"'^ ) Gibside Fairy, by Hermes. f Sir Hercules r5 "Whalebone, by Wax . I &II iiercuies ... .e.^ p^,,;^ ,^y Wanderer. PniVfinu * Bob Boot'-, bv Chanticleer, tliuictioil - Flighty by Escape. Hetiiian PlatofT f* Brutimdorf, by Blacklock. uetinan riaton.A-^ Daughter of Comus. -vv],,„, S Drone, by Master Robert. - ■( Kiss, by Wa.xy Pope. I Thn u> 2 .Q — S M « o i- S 03 .a >2 — ii 97 IMP. KATE ALLEN. PRODUCE. 1893. Missed to imp. St. Blaise. 1894. b. f., Katinka, by Magnetizer. 1895. Missed to Magnetizer. 1896. b. c, Catapult, by Magnetizer. 1897. b. f., Campfire, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1898. b. c, Kalsomine, by Henry of Navarre. 1899. b. f. (died), by Henry of Navarre. 1900. Missed to Henry of Navarre. 1901. b. f., Catalonia, by Henry of Navarre. 1902. Missed to Hastings. 1903. by Octagon. 98 i^ o n. o x> ■a ^ 11 a n 83 ;^ a t>. CS H 1 O IMP. LACK-A-DAISY. sire traces back to Chllder's Mare. f ^ rrorriQi ii* Whalebone, bv "R'axy. 5^^^ fCamel ^i Daughter of Seliii,. S o § Tt„„tp. ( Master Henry, by Orvllle. M l!-,o Luanier ( Boadloea, by Alexander. ( nr SvTiia\- v5 Paynator, by Trumpeter. I "^- ^y^^^^ ^ i Daughter of Beningbrough. 5 Ardrospan, by John Bull. "'" ( Lady Eliza, by Whitworth. W 05? 1 Daughter of. Humphrey Comus. by Sorcerer. ciinKer....jK ^ ciinkerina, by Clinker. Dniio-htpr nf 5 <^ervantes, by Quixote, .uaugnter ol ^ Daughter of Oolumpus. I vnitnfi-P rri Blacklock, by Whitelook. [ voltaire ._ii^ Daughter of Phantom. I > I Aiarfhfl 1 vnn 5 Mulatto, by Catton. [ r' L Martna Lynn j ^eda, by Filho-da-Puta. f , ** /-nomoi E,( Whalebone, by Waxy. U- Camel ^i Daughter of Seliui. X 2 o RfcTiter J Master Henry, by Orville. ■c •! ^ i ^ 1 Boadicea, by Alexander. a I f a;rTflTif?ftr rrj &elim, by Buzzard. O S I ^ -"i Daughter of Walton. 1 3 I iTito 5 Bustard, by Castrel. > l.^it'S---- - i Olympia, by Sir Oliver. S fVpniQon z^jPartisan, by Walton. ^ I venison.... -« J uhe Fawn, by Smoiensko. S. I Southdown 5 Defense, by Whalebone. ;- Lfeoutnaown j Feltona, by 5. Y. Z. El i; a! r»r!iPTirop 1/5 Sultan, by Sellm. o 2^ r Clencoe -"J Trampoline, by Tramp. '5l o i ,„ 3 Aipn ( Whalebone, by Waxy. I Q '^ ^"^'' ( Hazardess, by Haphazard. r. rPartisnn „( Walton, hy Sir Peter. ^ SU r ''™^'^° -"^Parasol, by Pot-8-Os. ■tj * o PanHnp 5 Moses, by Whalebone. ■ g l^« | Quadrille, by Selim. t\ • {^^°^^^. l^ daughter ot ^ vitula, by Voltaire. Wo 8. 6. 2. f Red Shank Jfi Sandbeck, by Catton. j "^'^ fenank -» | Johanna, by Selim. o'^ 1 Dauehter of ^ Middleton, by Phantom. 1.U luaugnter oi ^ iJaughter of Sraolensko. r ,W rThp TJai.r,n E.$ Irlsh Blrdcatcher, by Sir Herculcs. ^^ J ine Baron -^^ Echidna, by Economist. S '^ p, I Pocahontas 5 *Glpncoe, by Sultan. « I irocanontas J Marpessa, by Muley. ^ ca' r Venison //$ Partisan, by Walton. g V enison •« ^ The Fawn, by Smolensko. I fe [Partiality. *Iri-,ported. tVoltaire given. iNorth Lincoln given. [ Middleton. 1 Favorite, by Blucher. 99 IMP. LACK-A-DAISY. PRODUCE. 1893. b. f., Lasca, by Magnetizer or *Hanover. 1894. Missed to Magnetizer. 1895. ch. f., Daisy Cutter, by imp. Ciear-the-Way. 1896. b. f., Loiter, by Fiddlesticks. 1897. b. c, Gold Lack, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1898. ch. c, Lanceman, by Henry of Navarre. 1899. b. c. Alack, by Henry of Navarre. 1900. b. f., Loango, by Henry of Navarre. 1901. b. f., Lack-a-day, by Henry of Navarre. 1902. b. f., Lacquer, by tlasiings. 1903. by Hastings. *Hanover given. 100 IMP. LADY KIDBROOK. sire traces back to Davill's Old Woodcock Mare. f" o o c > Q < Dh" t, a: ( d o 3 1 u L 2^ LPh ►J ^' K i >, rw 1 ^ ■o *; 1 m D >^ (S « 3 > I ^ I IS f .^rCamel E \ "^ I ^g [Banter I ^ • (Dr. Syntax M "^ [Daughter of ,2 (Ion H ■« .1 ^g 1. Palmyra „d fCowl H S? 1 cc LBelle Dairc ^ ("Irish Bird- „'• catcher ...E m [Echidna , m f*Glcncoe U a << 8| f^fi [Marpessa A"« CCamel E 1 E-,° [Banter 53 f Irish Bird- g catcher ._.&' i ;§ Least Steel j3^ CCamel E 3« < O E-to [Banter H (Pantaloon H ^W [Rebecca a,** fMuley £• S=a J i-ip [Lacerta ^ (•BayMiddleton..^' ca J . (05 >< [Camilla • " fEconomist £" W| [Daughter of ■ M f*Glencoe .ff §2 1 o a i '^^ t Marpessa I x:^ ("Pylades £ og j I i^ a 1 Cherokee S I tc'gg- f BayMiddleton...ff ^ I — •(!:! S3 "( West Country Lass 'Imported. Whalebone, by Waxy. Daughter of Selim. Master Henry, by Orville. Boadicea, by Alexander. Paynator, by Trumpator. Daughter of Beningbrough. Ardrossan, by John Bull. Lady Eliza, by Whitworth. Cain, by Paulowitz. Margaret, by Edmund, Sultan, by Selim. Hester, by Camel. Bay Middleton, by Sultan. Cruclllx, by *Priam. *Belshazzar, by Blacklock. Ellen, by Starch. Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. Guiccioli, by Bob Booty. Economist, by Whisker. Miss Pratt, by Blacklock. Sultan, by Selim. Trampoline, by Tramp. Muley, by Orville. Clare, by Marmion. Whalebone, by Waxy. Daughter of Selim. Master Henry, by Orville. Boadicea, by Alexander. Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. Guccioli, by Bob Booty. Whisker, by Waxy. The Twinkle, by Walton. Whalebone, by Waxy. Daughter of Selim. Master Henry, by Orville. Boadicea, by Alexander. Castrel, by Buzzard. Idalia, by Peruvian. Lottery, by Tramp. Daughter of Cervantes. Or\ille, by Beningbrough. Eleanor, by Whiskey. Zodiac, by St. George. Jerboa, by Gohanna. Sultan, by Selim. Cobweb, by Phantom. T. Phanton, by Phantom. Sister of Speaker, by Camillus. Whisker, by Waxy. Florauthe, by Octavian. Nabocklish, by Kugantlno. Miss Tooley, by Teddy-the-Grinder. Sultan, bv Selim. Trampoline, by Tramp. Muley, by Orville. Clare, by Marmion. Surplice, by Touchstone. Daughter of Bay Middleton. Red Shank, by Sandheck. Daughter of Middleton. Sultan, by Selim. Cobweb, by Phantom. Venison, by Partisan. Marorpiijia, by Whisker. s s a a ■a ■=> 'I |5 M S 03 ca •a O'S a >, 3 A . o .. ^ tHg| o o s •S a" ill ■g SB •- g (u 0) s ^^ ■§ 1^ :9 . >» Sag 'O 1H •>=) IS =a ^ o §5 >» ft § "** -g 13 S, ° >< ■o u ^ 101 IMP. LADY KIDBROOK. PRODUCE. 1892. b. f., Lady Meadowbrook, by Master Kildare. 1893. Missed to Fiddlesticks. 1894. Missed to imp. King Galop. 1895. b. c, Kidnapper, by Magnetizer. 1896. blk. f., Lady Onward, by Onondaga. 1897. b. c, Kilogram, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1898. b. c, Kingbrook, by Henry of Navarre. 1899. ch. c, Kiang, by Henry of Navarre. 1900. Missed to Henry of Navarre. 1901. Missed to Henry of Navarre. 1902. Slipped tv/ins, by Octagon. 1903. by Hastings. 102 fM X >^ C/5 o >—( ^ R o K z IS < ti hJ M ^ >H •o Q m J » ^ ^ be is. L'^ IS I p^ o I- •= l-^ •=& i:« r^lH r , ^ ''.■^ H . a *^ '^ c3 aS II S3 . I - •' >, s 2 -y ■= iS ~ E-i ^ S S >> _5J "^ « J2 g — III- ^ -* -►4 c3 ,a ■^ . 0) . o Id aj ^ J • ^" § S g ■O 03 ^ « g'a'^ a c8 « S "^ O . * -d ^ ^ i^ M « ii-e" "^ I i2 m MO ^~ (^ S S 3 a f £ I 53 t- 5rt frH •d O -a W Imported. 103 IMP. LADY LANGUISH. PRODUCE. 104 O Q <: Q < LADY MADGE. sire traces back to dam of The T S70 True Bl ues. f. ,^, . „< Touchstone, bv Camel. P..-. f Orlando E-, Vulture, by Langar. 2^1 5 Redshank, by Sandbeck. H (.tyavatma J Oxygen, by Emllius. . ,„, . r; < Bay Middleton, by Sultan. •§,■" fPlanet -■^-') Plenary, by Emilius. I 5 S . ,. T> S Venison, by Partisan. >-P*- L Alice Bray j Darkness, by *Glencoe. 2 ftThe Baron Sting , jj^fgugg ^y "w-halebone. '^ or the Emperor .e^ Delight, by Reveller. §• „ ^ S Royal Oak, bv Catton. ^ LPoetess - \ ^^a, by Whisker. ,„, J, i „^ Partisan, by Walton. • ^Gladiator ■'^) Pauline, by Moses. ( Hercule, bv Rainbow. ^ iLanterne ^Elvira, by Eryx. -* ,„ , „( Whalebone, by Waxy. 3rt [Camel ■'=' ^ Daughter of Sellm. 3^1 s Master Henry, by Orvllle. ^ o I. Banter | Boadicea, by Alexander. o a . f*Prlam E Emilius, by Orville. Cresslda, by Whiskey. ° I Potentate's dam. ?J ( Don Juan, bv Orville. ) Moll in the Wad, by Hambletonian. ^ re ,. „ ( Selim, by *Buzzard. « oultan -") Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. o I _, ,, ( Tramp, by Dick Andrews. « iTrampoline | Web, \>y Waxy. cs ,,. , ., I Orville, by Beningbrough. I I Muley -^ I Eleanor, by Whiskey . _, 5 Marmion, by Whiskey. f^i3.Te 5 Harpalice, by Gohanna. a S i ^ r-. „ _< Irish Blrdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. ;,M [The Baron ■''(Echidna, by Economist. OS ■ _ , . ( *Glencoe, by Sultan. Pocahontas | Marpessa, by Muley . £! I ^,. ,,, „ ^ Humphrey Clinker, by Oomus. "3 I ^ t; r Melbourne .1/^^ Daughter of Cervantes. [5(2 [Queen Mary. ( Gladiator, by Pnrtisan. ( Daughter of Plenipotentiary. (^^ f Irish Bird Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. t) I I ^ ^- I catcher . & j (juiccloli, by Bob Booty. .^.. ( Irish Drone, bv Master Robert. Whim ^ Kiss, by Waxy Pope. • fLanercost ..E Liverpool, by Tramp. Otis, by Bustard. , . S Tomboy, by Jeny. .Agra s dam | Tesane, by Whisker. r^ L.J .„,„ * „( Timoleon, by Sir Archy. 42 [Boston ----■''l Sister to Tuckahoe. Sal.,. ^ 1 ( *Sarpedon, by Emilius. ^ o L Alice Carneal j Rowena, by Sumpter. 3 ,„, .. rr( Venison, by Partisan. a ^ [Kingston M-^ Queen Anne, by Slane. SS J T^ I,. c i Pvrrhus I., bv Eplrus. [Daughter of \ Palmyra, by Sultan. IW' a ^ ■SI B\ ,( Touchotone, by Camel. ' i Vulture, by Langar. ( Bay Middleton, by Sultan. ) Flycatcher, by Godolphin. f Mariner.. H Shark, by Am. Eclipse. Bonnets 'o Blue, by Sir Charles. Si,,, ( *Priam, by Emilius. a, LCasandra j puriiiia, Jr., by Sir Archy. •Imported. tTlie Emperor given. 9. 6. 1. ■d o ^ t*. a ^ 5* _- a - ^ S 33 a; ** "^ '^ H "S -■=.§« = ■=£": 5^ 1 m <:• *- § ^S - .73 rh .a S ■= fe * M t -^^ s a » s ^g -S Oh "►^ IT c" ^ ■S a .2 - y o -o a i tc S ■« ^■° :.:so 2 c Ml 1 g i .»;: ■a m t, B g 3 O a act s a o B a -^ a >• « -t -^ «5 •J3 « > a - .o a> a ja ja '^ .2 ^ •« >> ■d 3 S .c 105 LADY MADGE. PRODUCE. 1901. ch. f., by Henry of Navarre. 1902. Missed to Hastings. 1903. by Hastings. 106 LADY MARGARET. sire traces back to Woodcock Mare. 6. 8. 2. (n ' IrlshBirdcatcberJ? [Echidna \ r*Glencoe ff] o a Oh o [Marpessa .. Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. Guiccloli, by Bob Booty. Economist, by Whisker. Miss Pratt, by Blacklock. Sultan, by Sellm. Trampoline, by Tramp. Muley, by Orville Glare, by Marmlon. IS l»S Humphrey , Clinker.. ..J/5 Comus. by Sorcerer. Clinkerina, by Clinker. IH H W < < < h4 ■EH -n ' [ w!r. .cd w Sr! o ^ ^n a B U J I ^ r.„„„i,to,. ,^f < Cervantes, by Don Quixote. I Daughter of -^ Daughter of Golumpus. {„, ,,. TT^ Partisan, by Walton. Gladiator ./?; Pauline, by Moses. n„„o-htPr nf i Plenipotentiary, by Emllius. Daughter of | Myrrha, by Whalebone. Whalebone, by Waxy. Peri, by Wanderer. i Bob Booty, by Chanticleer. ! Flight, by Irish Escape. f Sir Hercules ....e\ I Guiccloli Iw A »* a o -^ tin (-« >^ »— ( , S ;;■=' ^ a ^ ■- o -3 oS-S g ■= 5 « eg pq b o «s ^ ^ S M 2 A p a « f? = s' i* ^ •° « s 8 s s. M S2 -^ B t. _ in S 1^5 s' "^ _, « T3 «■§« S S f s S . 03 E iF^ o 5 Sj S ^ € " 3 s o p SB'S .c is! s 03 ^ ai h .M r -o o i 5 s- °s ., ^ s 5 u -s a> 5 fl o "5 s' OS- S -a S (S o S s 03 •O Oi W be s ■S J= 1-5 cs .. w 2^ i fc j3 "I? o s s ^ O C3 V. P3 fe S fe imp. 1, Am byC (4 s >. S t,- s S a v . -a a *c est p S ii OS >> ■o ;3 fw XI •Imported. 107 LADY MARGARET. PRODUCE. 1891. b. c, by Longfellow. 1892. Missed to imp. St. Blaise. 1893. ch. c, Margrave, by imp. St. Blaise. 1894. Slipped to imp. St. Blaise. 1895. ch. f., Lady Marian, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1896. ch. f., Lady Madge, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1897. ch. c, Magnificent, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1898. Slipped foal, by Hanover. 1899. ch. c, Masterman, by Hastings. 1900. ch. f., Masthead, by Hastings. 1901. ch. c, Magistrate, by Hastings. 1902. b. c, by Sandringham. 1903. by Octagon. 108 < Si LADY MARIAN. sire traces back to dam of The Two True Blues. a'- f Orinnrin F^l Touchstonc, by Camel. £ . Orlando.. -'^^ Vulture, by Langar. ti'^ \ n „fi.> 5 Redshank, by Sandbeck. , '^ ICa-satlna 1 Oxygen, by Emllius. rt r-Pio^ot d5 Bay Mlddleton, by Sultan. Ud^ rPlanet -^^ Plenary, by EmiUus. oi ftThe Baron Sting AHr.o -Rrarr J VcDison, by Partisan. .Auce rsray < Darkness, by *Glencoe. ■=!■! «■! r ,2 n'^^Z S- »uug J Defence, by Whalebone. I g^ I or The Emperor E] Delight, by Keveller. r ^ F* T3 *„ * Royal Oak, bv Catton. o I S LPoetess <^ ^^^_ ^y Whisker. ,„, ,, . „( Partisan, by Walton. , g f Gladiator ±li pauilne, by Moses. '=i ■ ^5 , ^ ( Hercule, by Rainbow. ^ iLanterne -J Elvira, by Eryx. ,•*,„, „( Whalebone, by Waxy. 3- jCamel J^j Daughter of Selini. I o c 1 I Master Henry, by Orville. I Ho Luanter ^ Boadicea, by Alexander. ,»„ , Tpi, Emiliua, by Orville. . » I *Prlam ....^^ Cresslda, by Whiskey. "^ a -D t „t„+„.= ,!„,„ * ^on Juan, bv Orville. « LFotentate s dam.. , jy^^ij j^ jjjg ^g^^j (, Hambletonian. rSultan B ', Sellm, by *Buzzard. [ Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. c _ _ ,. < Tramp, by nick Andrews. g [Trampoline. | Web, by Waxy. S -1 , . TMuley ..E L Clare ; f The Baron E Orville, by Benlngbrough. Eleanor, by Whiskey. Marmion, by Whiskey. Harpalice, by Gohanna. < Irish Birdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. ( Echidna, by Economist. ( *Glencoe, by Sultan. i Marpessa, by Muley. SO ■ Pocahontas . .. ,, ,, ( Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. Melbourne J/ 1 daughter of Cervantes. Gladiator, by Partisan. . L^ Lm« I Queen Mary | Daughter of Plenipotentiary. t\ r . « Irish Bird catcher .£■ • fLanercost E Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. Guiccloli, by Bob Booty. I Irish Drone, by Master Robert. i Kiss, by Waxy Pope. Liverpool, by Tramp. Otis, by Bustard. [Agra's dam { TeSne.^ty VSer. , n rT, I- ztS Timoleon, by Sir Archy. ^2 Boston. ..H^ Sister to Tiickahoe. Sarpedon, by Emlllus. •g-! 3 o L Alice Carneal \ Rowena, by Sumpter. -KiTKr«tnn fri Venison, oy Partisan Kmgston // . oijppn Anne, bv Slan 3 £«< d ^ _ at ^^ 't Queen Anne, by Slane. T^„. „^, p S Pyrrhus I., by Epirus. LDaughter of | Palmyra, by Sultan. /•^.i„„^„ i^( Touchstone, by Camel. I Orlando A ^ Vulture, by Langar. ^|^„,„ 3 Bay Middleton, by Sultan. I i-^aze J Flycatcher, by Godolphln. f M„„i„„„ 17 ( Shark, by Am. Eclipse. [Manner. ±i -.^ Bonnets 'o Blue, by Sir Charles. 2 I ^■.„„„„.i_„ 't *Priam, by Emllius. a. tCasandra \ FUrtma, jr., by Sir Archy. *Imported. tThe Emparor given. - W ,°s oi & en *- P- tlfl o -o >, d fc. s~ ■Ji 03 O -6 H 5 c. ^ P 0! Qj •- •o P^ •;: t3 £ « te o "^ a ° ? o = '=' 3 J3 ^ " CO £ •- 4J - C6 ^ ^^ &s c' S O g 5 O o P ■a be '7 .'» "^ .b w a -M a c8 •^ &< o _ a » 03 " ^ m 2 ^- =1 £IS I .Q t- Ph S o a „ a> M S S >^ . H O > Q < !S \^ ^ r Orlando £ o [Cavatina Touctistone, by Camel. Vulture, by Langar. 5 Redshank, by Sandbeck. ( Oxygen, by Emilius. , _, . „( Bay Middleton, by Sultan. Flanet --"I Plenary, by Emilius. 3 .,. „ ( Venison, by Partisan. a (.Alice liray ^ Darkness, by *Glencoe. S r+The Baron Sting , pfg^gg ^ Whalebone. r g ^ I or The Emperor A ] jjaughter, by Reveller. 5 Roval Oak, by Catton. ' — - '( Ada, by Whisker. ill ,„,,,, „( Partisan, by Walton. ^ ^ ^Gladiator -f^i Pauline, by Moses. .9 S 1 T i ( Hercule, by Rainbow. oS iLanterne... "J Elvira, byEryx. w fCamel -..E \ Whalebone, by Waxy. ( Daughter of Selim. „ J ( Master Henry, by OrvlUe. tianier | Boadlcea, by Alexander. j [Daughter of. L . .,„ . „( Emilius, by Orvllle. « f *Priam A-^ Cresslda, by Whiskey. aj J ; Don .Tuan, bv Orvllle. ; Moll in the Wad, by Hambletonian 'I .„ ,, „( Selim, by *Buzzard. § I bultan ...Ji-^ Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. gl_ ,. ( Tramp, by Dick Andrews. I [Trampolme \ Web,¥y Waxy. ^ .-., , „( Orvllle, by Beningbrough. I r Muley ---^i Eleanor, by Whiskey. £•1 „ ( Marmion, bv Whisker. « ^ ^^lare ^ Harpalice, by Gohanua. ^_. „ „( Irish Birdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. 2 (m . I ^aroii -'^lEchidna, by Economist. ~"" 5 *Glencoe, by Sultan. --- ■( Marpessa, by Muley. S ^ [Pocahontas. O ,-, ,, „( Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. r Melbourne .....J/^-^ Daughter of Cervantes. _ ,, ^ Gladiator, by Partisan. , Queen Mai y -^ Daughter of Plenipotentiary. Irish Bird- catcher_ T~,<, Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. -■'^t Guiccioli, by Bob Booty. ( Irish Drone, by Master Robert. ---\ Kiss, by Waxy Pope. Is >< if a' • T „„„, „( Liverpool, by Tramp. ^Lanercost ^^ Otis by Bustard. . , J S Tomboy, by .Jerry. [Agra's dam ] Tesane, by Whisker. T)„„t„„ „( Timoleon, by Sir Archy. 1 Boston ...H-^ SistertoTuckahoe, by Ball's Florlzel. I , ,, ,^ „ , ( *Sarpedon, by Emilius. [ Alice Carneal \ Rowena, by Sumpter. 9. 6. 1. ■a f: a ^T^i„„„t™ rrS Venison, by Partisan. a ^ rKmgston JI^ Q^gg^ ^njjjg^ i,y giane. ".3 I T^ T* f ^ Pvrrlms the First, by Epirus. K)'^ [Daughter of "J palmyi ■ ~ ■■ cf I ^ 2i 1 li4 I Ph yra, by Sultan. ^/->„i„„H.. F^ Touchstone, by Camel. Orlando ....£.| Vulture, by Langar. „ $ Bay Middleton; by Sultan. L"^^^ - ( Fly Catcher, by Godolphlu. rTir„,.i^..„ CT< Shark, hy American Eclipse, f Mariner ---^) Bonnets o'Blue, by Sir Charles. I„ „„ ,„, ( *Priam, by Emilius. [ Cassandra ^ Flirtilla, Jr., by Sir Archy. ♦Imported. tThe Emperor given S-2 d a tjj •o =3 o; H . >. ■=! '°, •°-^ a .2 S ^ S .' .a i £J S S 5 " S >. fe o ■= a a " ' HI LADY OF THE VALE. PRODUCE. 1902. Slipped foal, by Hastings. 1903. by Hastings. 112 LADY OF THE VALLEY. Sire traces back to sister to Old Merlin. r. 7. 2, ^ t < i >\ P ■a . at r* 03 Q 1 ^ t-1 a MS . Sir Hercules £ 'o-i W fu+f a m i] OS J >> a 03 t IB ^ ■y fPantaloon £■ 1° a [Daphne , + f*Tru8tee E Rosalie Somers... Garrison's Zinganec.i? Stella l^ y^W f Boston H 0) a I -^2 lAlice Carneal.. *Glencoe. Gallopade -H taco f Irish P.lrd- catcher_ Maltese . l« r2 p-i f Melbourne M I Clarkia... fThe Baron E Pocahontas. , >■ f Melbourne J/ .^M (• Irish Blrd- S ■- catcher E " I. Whim ^ . rLanercost. E '^ ^ I Agra's dam > r « 1 a kI ti J= M o ta 1 1=1 r o i-< M Boston .ff Alice CarnerJ § ^- f Kingston II ^ [Daughter of 6 I Orlando. E Gaze ^;5l "Imported. o' fMarlner H "Whalebone, by Wasy. Peri, by Wanderer. Bob Booty, by Chanticleer. Flight, by I. Escape. Castrel, by *Buzzard. Idalia, by Peruvian. Laurel, by BlackJock. Maid of Honor, by Champion. Catton, by Golumpus. Kmma, by Whisker. Sir Charles, by Sir Archy. Mischief, by Virginian. Sir Archy, by *Diomed. Miss Chance, Dy *Chance. Contention, by Sir Archy. Daughter of *Speculator. Timoleon, by Sir Archy. Sister to Tuckahoe, by Ball's Florizel. *Sarpedon, by Emilius. Rowena, by Sumpter. Sultan, by Selim. Trampoline, by Tramp. Catton, by Golumpus. Camillina, by Camillus. Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. Gulccioll, by Bob Booty. Hetman Platofl, by Brutandorf. Waterwitch, by Sir Hercules. Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. Daughter of Cervantes. Muley Moloch, by Muley. Daughter of Palmerin. Irish Blrdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. Echidna, by Economist. *Glencoe, by Sultan. Marpessa, by Muley. Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. Daughter of Cervantes. Gladiator, by Partisan. Daughter of Plenipotentiary. Sir Hercules, by AVhalebone. Guiccioll, by Bob Booty. Irish Drone, by Master Robert. Kiss, by Waxy Pope. Liverpool, by Tramp. Otis, by Bustard. Tomboy, by Jerry. Tesaue, by Whisker. Timoleon, by Sir Archy. Sister to Tuckahoe, by Ball's Florizel. *Sarpedon, by Emilius. Rowena, by Suinpter. Venison, by Partisan, yueeu Anne, by Slane. Pyrrhus tho First, by Eplrus. Palmyra, by Sultan. Touchstone, by Camel Vulture, by Langar. Bay Mlddleton, by Sultan. Fly Catcher, by Godolphin. Shark, by American Eclipse. Bonnets o'Blue, by Sir Charles. [Cassandra i »Priam, by Emilius. ( Flirtilla, .)r , by blr Archy. hi P QJ I s P S CD O fii fe S ^ 15 5 - o a > :B. - o .Q a !•§ S ^ ^H ■a a m 113 LADY OF THE VALLEY. PRODUCE, 1903 by Henry of Navarre. 114 LADY ONWARD. sire traces back to Old Montague Mare. 11.5.- '^ ^ 1 Whalebone £■ « r t-JJ J J U) '"glperl 03 0) S M ■"* 03 = 1 Bob Booty // .2 d a g-i o 1 tic s 1 iFllght.. 6 r^S fCastrel.. fi" o *^ 3 (S o [idalia r« 6 fLauiel E r^ a s\ OS a.] 4< S^ [Maid of Honor. _, a a ' ^^ (Tlmoleon H O d c- m i } sister to ■" Tuckahoe... be a'5 f*Sarpedon E 00 O OJ ♦^ o eu "£ 1 "5 1-^ ^2 1 Rowena o fl C3 3 'A-h fSultan If is * " [Trampoline CO i Q H ►-I- ft^ 1 ^ o f*Barefoot E < d CO II ^l L ^ [Lady Thompklns. ^^ 1 f * o g J t-' (Touchstone E < (•in 1- > ^ •H 1 Beeswing G ^ 1 ■ a ' < £ '2 a a . 1 Tadnior S -] . n Ig.) « o a*-- 03 s. '■"^ l.Mlss Sellon a ^ ,a s 3 '.M • 1"^^'^ Baron E .5 o M^ [Pocahontas '< >i a o 2 ^ fTouchstone E B 1 ■3 5' p_, [Gossamer -i oS fTouchstone E 3s Iralr Helen ("The Little ^ no . Known ^ o 50 C 1 ts Sc-^ "O M L«=i. It J2 S 5| 3 t-a 3 •" xi S 2 C ■£ t^ B 3 ■=• o a .. ■a ti £ ^1 ■3 S M 3 n7 T: ^ B " 5 o S .a H 3 tc ^^ C3 =!■ h R S§ •o u o •Imported. 115 LADY ONWARD. PRODUCE. 1900. ch. f., Love Charm, by St. Bartholomew. 1901. Missed to Henry of Navarre. 1902. b. f., Jade, by Henry of Navarre. 1903. by Henry of Navarre. 116 C 3 G- 's N 3 J H 3 » Cm ■^ Q- o a V in O 3 i ^S o > n Em o IS 1^1 ■o 9^ 5^ S« Si 3^ ij LrJ H L2c iss 1-3 LADY RAYON. sire traces back to dam of the Two True Blues. r\„i„„^,. JT S Touchstone, by Camel. Orlando -'^^ Vulture, by Langar. „„ .n„„ 5 Redshank, bv Sandbeck. i.a\auna < Oxygen, by Emillus. „,„ „. „( Bay Middleton, by Sultan. Hanet ^) Plenary, by Emlifus. .,.„„T,_„,. ( Venison, by Partisan. Alice uraj ^ Darkness, by *Glencoe. ^'^^kP^'',2,^o^*,^?I< nefence, by Whalebone, or The EmperorA-^ Delight, by Reveller. „ ^ ( Royal Oak, by Catton. ■t^o'^tess ) Ada, by Whisker. r^i„Mi„tn^ „( Partisan, by Walton. Gladiator H^ PauUne, by Moses. 5 Hercule, by Rainbow. Lanterne ...j ^lyj^^^ ^y j^^y^ „ „ , I, ( Whalebone, by Waxy, camel -^ ) Daughter of Sellm. R._t„_ 5 Master Henry, by Orvllle. Banier.. ^ Boadicea, by Alexander. *D,.io,„ ^.(Emllius, by Orville. Priam A | Cresslda, by Whiskey. r> *„ *„»„'„/!„„, ( Don Juan, by Orville. Potentate s dam.. ^ jj-^,! j^ (^g -y^^^jj^ j,y Hambletonlan. citoT, w^ Selim, by *Buzzard. buiian -"(Bacchante, by Willlainson's Ditto. Tr-imnnHnp 5 Tramp, by Dick Andrews. lrampoline_ ^ -^^gjj^ ^,y -yvaxy. ii,„,„„ R. ^ Orvllle. by Bcningbrough. """'^y--- ''^ ■( Eleanor, by Whiskey. „, ( Marmlon, by Whiskey. '^'^'^^ } Harpallce, by Gohanna. _, V, » „ I- i Camel, by Whalebone. Touchstone 1:>^ ganter, by Master Henry. -„ „. ( Dr. Syntax, by Paynator. Beeswing J Daughter of Ardrossan. _ , rr,i„.,H« F* Touchstone, by Camel. Orlando ■*=■ J Vulture, by Langar. I ,, ,,. ( Whisker, by Waxy. LMallhran (Garcia, by Octavian. r/-.i„/u„t^,. ni Partisan, by Walton. I Gladiator . aj Pauline, by Moses. I „ ( Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. I. Venus ^ Echo, by Emillus. re „i „„ii E,( The Baron, bv Irish Blrdcatcher. f Stockwell ±,j Pocahontas, by *Glencoe. I Dii„i, D^ „ S Melbourne, by Humphrey Cliuker. L Blink Bonnj j Queen Mary, by Gladiator. , r-v,„„. !„!..„,. fS Irish Birdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. I Chanticleer.. ..£^^ Whim, by Irish Drone. I piiorHoio ^ Lanercost, by Liverpool. LEllerdale -^ j^^^.^ g ^^^^^^ {,y Tomboy. ,T=^i„.,t, „ „^ Boston, by Tlmoleon. Lexington ^^ Alice Carneal, by *Sarpedon. 1 »Pltham T flss 5 Kingston, by Venison. L Eltham Lass j Daughter of Pyrrhus I. r*-p/.nn»«. ri Orlando, by Touchstone. r*Ecllpse. -'^IGaze, by Bay Middleton. I r>v,-i„ i Mariner, by Shark. "-^ """ ( Ca sandra, by 'Priam. e8 S S t ^ .3^ .Q "O .• OJ — ft ■« '-' ■o X » i a a "-' S o •« O . 2 o .a « U £ a, TIE 6 1^ t. T3 -a ? 2 j= -^ Oh g S I ^^ <^ :::r3 a ^ ^ ■' tH OD «^ ■^ ■° S o b a « >> S >.5 C S fCl CO OJ -^ a T. S P3 a .- t. a M c3 ^ •o o Pi ^ L. 0) a r^ >.2 2 a ^ a t. s ca S 2 'S = u s oa — * 02 ^ g g g S 2 " si S " -a S "- c « 2 u ■g - o ^ . •«1 "3 >. .* j: i a m - ^ CO te '-- fe o -a a B 1^ •^ a" 3 a' I = a •°. s >-i i; * 2 t^ • S "" " Tl I - 5 6^ :; -a B b •« "ti « •Imported. 117 LADY RAYON. PRODUCE. 1899. Missed to Carino. 1900. ch. f., Lazer, by Hastings. 1901. Missed to Hastings. 1902. ch. f., Raiment, by Henry of Navarre. 1903. by Henry of Navarre. 118 LADY ROSEMARY. Sire traces back to Belgrade Turk Mare. 8. 6. 3. r» r.H 55 I r^ \^a ^ a S Tampl pS Walebone, by Waxy. I <^»'"ei -^ ( Daughter of Seliin. 1 RnntPr 5 Mastep Henry, by Orville. (.isamer < Boadlcea, by Alexander. I Dr Svntax v') Paynator, by Trumpator. I "'^- »y"''a'^ ^M ( Daughter of Beningbrough. I naiishtpr of 5 Ardrossan, by John Bull. (.Daughter of ^ ^^^^ ^jj^a, by Whitworth. ,-T„_ 1/5 Cain, by Paulowltz. lou -"(Margaret, by Edmund. I Pftlin vra 5 Sultan, by Selim. L t^almyra ^ Hester, by Camel. f r-riTiri it'i Bay Middleton, by Sultan. j^°^' -"i Crucifix, by'Priam. I Rpllp Damp 5 *Belshazzar, by Blacklock. I Belle Dame j ^jj^^^ f,y gjarch. f TniiphotnTiP ;^ < Camel, by "W halebone. I touchstone ....£,. B^^tg^, by Master Henry. 1 Vulture ^ Langar, by Selim. L vulture .^ g^jjg_ jjy Bustard. r Whisker F < '^axy, by Pot-8-Os. I wnisKcr ^-^ Penelope, by Trumpator. I oaipia $ Octavlan, by Stripling. '-^''"^'^ I Daughter of Shuttle. r Partisan ^/ * "Walton, by Sir Peter. J ^a'"san ''^(Parasol, by Pot-8-Os. I panHnP < Moscs, by Whalebone. I, Pauline ^ Quadrille, by Sellni. f Sir Hprpiilps F ' Whalpbone, by Waxy, j blr uercuies ._..£,- p^^ .^ ^y Wanderer. c-„v,« * EmiUus, by Orville. '-'*'*'"° ( Daughter of Scud. r Tv,o Rof^r, s' < Irish Birdcatcher, bv Sir Hercules. J int. uaron £,-, Echidna, by Economist. I Po;-flb mtas ^ »Glencoe, by Sultan. I Pocahontas , ^^^rpessa, by Muloy. f Mplhoiirnp 1/ ' Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. J Melbourne )/ -^ daughter of Cervantes. 1 OiippTi Marv * Gladiator, by Partisan, (.yueen luary ^ Daughter of Plenipotentiary. rirlsh Bird- ^ g.^. Hercules, by Whalebone. J catcner.-..^-^ Guiccloli, by Bob Booty. w>,trr, 'i Irish Drone, by Master Robert. ^"^"^^ ii Kiss, by Waxy Pope. I T anprcnst E * Liverpool, by Tramp. I i^anercost 7^ j q^j^^ ^^y jjugtard. 1 Aa-ra's dam i Tomboy, by Jerry. 1 Agras aam } Xesane, by Whisker. {Tj^ot^., r,( Timoleon, by Sir Archy. ^°^'^°° -'''' I Sister to Tuckahoe, by Ball's Florizel. Alice Carnpal * *Sarpedon, by Emilius. Alice carneai ^ Rowena, by Sumpter. f PCins-^ton // < Venison, by Partisan. I i^ingston _// J Queen Anne, by Slane. 1 r. ut f * Pyrrhus the First, by Epirus. iDaughterof ) palmyra, by Sultan. f Orlando K^ Touchstone, by Camel. I unanao j.-^ vulture, by Langar. I p,„„„ ( Bay Middleton, by Sultan, maze ■/ Fly Catcher, by Godolphin. ^u,._. „_ tt'i Shark, by American Eclipse. I Manner n-^ Bonnets o'Blue, by Sir Charles. I rassandra < *Priam, by Emilius. ^^*^^*"*''^* J nirtilla, Jr., by Sir Archy. *3 W O »n s *- Sc => s s S S 6 5 = ■« 'S - j: 02 ? u « t. >i V <) JS 05 t^^-a -^ *.^ E S ^ "O fe CJ '^ o-° s n t- B S Ki 'Imported. 119 LADY ROSEMARY. PRODUCE. 1895. Missed to imp. Rayon d'Or. 1896. ch. f., Lady Rayon, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1897. Slipped colt to imp. Rayon d'Or. 1898. ch, c, by Henry of Navarre. 1899. ch. c, Roseplume, by Henry of Navarre. 1900. ch. f., Rosetint, by Hastings. 190T. ch. f., Rushplume, by Henry of Navarre. 1902. Slipped colt by Henry of Navarre. 1903. by Octagon. 120 r+ O w P Q ^ LADY VIOLA. sire traces back to Moonah Barb Mare. -«i„ii,„ „, ,,( Humphrey Clinker, bv Comus. Melbourne .W| Daughter of Cervantes. ,, ^,„_,„„ ( Touchstone, bv Camel. ■ Mowerlna ^ Emma, by Whisker. < fVo„T,D- ft,iih„» ^5Emlllus,by Orvllle. 's r Young Emlllus.^J Shoveller, by Scud. W= T>„-=<„„ ( Whisker, by Waxy. , - ( Persian | Variety, by SeUmf I < I fe ' R^=t^„ f75 Tlmoleon, by Sir Archy. ^o^t^o" < Sister to Tuckahoe, by Ball's Florlzel . ( *Sarpedon, bv' Emlllus. I Rowena, by Sumpter. ttS Sultan, by Sellm. --• * Trampoline, by Tramp. \,ia,^A,r 5 Medoc, by Am. Eclipse. *^^'°"y ( Rudolph's dam , by Haxall's M oses. ten ■3d 1 «o I. Alice Carnoal. V I *Glencoe •r^ rTri^„^t „( Venison, by Partisan. ( vSi 1'^'''^^'"'° - •''iQueen Anne, by Slane. fen oM „„„„,„„,„ 5 Paragone, by Touchstone, f aradigm | gjig^ Home, by Redshanif . Aio..,„ ct5 Venison, by Partisan, ^''" '" - "\ Southdown, by Defence. ThpQwpHp (Charles XII. by Voltaire. 1 ne b weae j Mangel Wurzel, by Merlin. r woofho,.wt i?i Sheet Anchor, by Lottery. J-Weatherblt _... .E|]yjjgg Letty, by *Priam. „„ ,„ . „„„^ ( West Australian, by Melbourne. I Brown Agnes j j^jg^ j^gnes, by Blrdcatcher. ; f Blrdcatcher I Sir Hercules, bv Whalebone. ; bulccioli, by Bob Booty. ^ [Lemonade's dam. I ^°Vp°hp%7J-'SP^ f . fThe Baron.. S fe I Pocahontas I. Blrdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. Echidna, by Economist. ( *Glencoe, by Sultan. \ Marpessa, by Muley. cS ^ ■O •a B L3 « l-H a) £3 H rti • f Melbourne M I Humphrey Clinker, by Comua. ; Daughter of Cervantes. 531 SSI (^ [Queen Mary. 5 Gladiator, by Partisnn ( Daughter of Plenipotentiary. CO s" ( T ni..^.,ot^i,o,. p-i ^Ir Hercules, by Whalebone. 1. Blrdcatcher &] guIccIoU, by Bob Booty. Irish Drone, by Master Robert. Kiss, by Waxy Pope. I S Ih^ ft wt , fi s M a o a df o ■a bl [<-> .^jLanercost ^1 ^iL^TBi^d'^"'- i- [Agra's dam..... jTomboyj^by^Je^^^^^^^^^ ,„ . ,.( Tlmoleon, by Sir Archy. Mfj f Boston // ^ Sister to Tuckahoe. « 9 1 » n„„ ^^„,„.,„i J *Sarpedon, by Emlllus. ►J 2 I- A-llce Carneal | Rowena, by Sumpter. a r-rri =»„„ rr* Venlson, by Partisan. I £ f Kingston n^ Qyggjj ^jj£[g ,jy g,ane. -^-J T% .♦ jr ( PyrrhuB I, by Eplrus. W iDaughter of ] Palmyra, by Sultan. "^ fr>..i„.,H,. ^,i Touchstone, by Camel. „ Orlando.. -^ ^ Vulture, by Langar. \ ? I Bay Middleton, by Sultan. ; Flycatcher, by Goldolphln. rTii„,.i.,„- Tii Shark, by Am. Eclipse. o r Manner H^ Bonnets o' Blue, by Sir Charles £ 1 . . i.„ S *Priam, by Emlllus. ft^ I Cassandra J Flirtllla, Jr., by Sir Archy. 8. «. 2. ^ S, ^ . "3 £ » R « 13 .CN rs ^t .S ^ O o oj M t. CO 2 H '^ II a"! !>> 'J3 t3 c - J3 +^ .. ca , .0 c3 S S, T. S S ° ^ "^ OJ 13 * o 55 g « ?. S, c a o ,£ 5 fe o s [i< "r fe 2 ■« l!!" e • - a i3 * « I =■» S -' >> 3> U - 3 S XI S a ja d"-3 « ^ Ti « 03 Ss o i3 '^ S O .a TO ■= 3S' S =4 o H o g m » « a :u H a £ o fc, ■« S ph a" '^ _ i" ■- fc. .Q -(U _, <^ = a J; n .a -2 5? "So is s| a as^ t3 13 3 X! •Imported. 121 LADY VIOLA. PRODUCE. 1903. by Ogden. 122 rs LADY VIOLET. sire traces back to Old ^yoodcock Mare. I Irish Blm- (Sir Hercules, by 'Wbalebune. I catcner ./. ^ GuiccloU, by Bob Booty. T?„i,i,i„„ < Economist, by Whisker. Llichldna '/ Mias Prait, by Blacklock. »rioT,nr.o „ ^ Sultan, Dv Selim. Uiencoe j/ -^ Trampoline, by Tramp. M rnessa ^. Muley, by Orvllle. .VI rpessa | Clare, by Marmlon. -n 1 Humphrey Clinker. Daughter ol: , ( Comus, by Sorcerer. I CUnkerlna, by Chuker. 5 Cervantes, by Don Quixote. "( Daughter of Goiuinpus. H W o > < l« Jl [Daughter of. | Sy^^X^f &e&"'"- ■o- f sir Frprpiilp Kowena ^ Sumpter. by Sir Archy. . a I Venison. . Ol" J 5 c [Queen Anne. u 2 fPyrrhua I p\ Partisan, by Walton. ( The Fawn, by Snioiensko. j Slane, by Royal Oak. "" ( Garcia, by Ociavlan. TT^ F.pirus, by Langar. 1 Fortress, by Defence. Paimvra < Sultan,by Sellm. • ^""y'^'' Uester, by Camel. Touchstone. ^5 Camel, bv Whalebone. " ( Banter, by Master Henry. Vulture ...\ Langar, by Trainp. ( Kite, by Bustard. I "S f- rTinv Midiiipfnn riS SuUan, by Sellm. I « e f Bay Middleton..//^ cobweb, by Phantom. IplFly, t-" ri^hnrir rrS American Duroc. « --"(Lady Llghtfoot, by Sir Archy. • rnfphpv i Godolphln, by Partisan, ^.atcuei.. I gjgj^gj. j.^ (^■ot)web, by Phantom. I [Bonnets o' Blue... \ |,'r Charles, by Sir Archy. S ^ \ Reality, by Sir Archy. - I *Pri>iin jr < Emillus, by Orvllle i, £ """" *• ( Cressida, by Whiskey. Flirtilla, Jr. >, Sir Archy, by *Dlomed. ■( Flirtilla, by Sir .\rchy. 6. 8. 3. s g i ^ .2 s « g a S " ^ a fl 0^ ■^ 2 a V £ ■S fe £ S m fl 155 ^ ° a S ^ 55 S a m 3 '^ f^ f. - E >.-° £ .2 •° -r '^ ^ ca" o< EG ^ fc- .-S ■' S '=' -c .c a a b» f "" ■S .c I " £ 3 c - ^ ^^ ^ ca a J: c a ^ * 2 fe .a o O 'O "i a ,o O a i- .2 ^« a £?. -S ti >. a H i: ^ t fe rr a ^ = m a a, i B 5 P t. ^1" E « a '^ S S o * o *H a >» fe- i "^ i S a « j: 45 " "3 ^ •O tH M ^ •Imported. 12S LADY VIOLET. PRODUCE. 1896. b. c, Knight of the Vale, by Knight of Ellerslie. 1897. b. f., Lady of the Vale, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1898. b. f.. Lady of the Valley, by St. Savior. 1899. br. f., Lady Viola, by Hastings. 1900. ch. c. Lord of the Vale, by Hastings. 1901. b. c, Lord of the Valley, by Hastings. 1902. br. c. Lord Hastings, by Hastings, 1903. by Octagon. 124 f= = IMP. LUCY CROSS. Sire traces back to Sedbury Royal Mare. , „ ,, ,„„ jpS Blacklock, by Whitelcck. \ oltalre A | Daughter of Phantom. ^ S ^ I >»„„f.., T ,..,„ 5 Mulatto, by Catton. |-2 > M [Martha Lynn..... | Leda, by Fllho-da-Puta. fW' ( Blrdcatcher i,( Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. ■ '^ i Gulccloli, by Bob Booty. I ^ c/2 fe (/I . O g O S 1-4 ^ PL4« ai- te 1 „ T^„„„„,, ( Inheritor, by Lottery. £"* (.Nan Darren | Nell, by ^acklock. •^ I M Si r ^g f Bay Middleton.//| g^Teb^by Phantom. r -S I D i,„ii S Sandbeck, by Catton. fH| tBarbelle ] Darioletta, by Amadls. ■^ f^r^i+oivo t- 5 Blacklock, by Whitelock. g^ f Voltaire -^iDaughterof Phantom . |l| [velocipede's ci.m\-lZ'i^l^^lfl^iTrir. ,„ .„, I. (Whisker, by Waxy. i„ f Economist -^Irioranthe, by Octavlan. ^^ 15 I [Fanny Dawson ( Mabockllsh, by Rugantino. "( Miss Tooley, by Teddy the Grinder. l< r« .„, . TfS Sultan, by Selim. •Glencoe -" J Trampoline, by Tramp. Ipi S 1 Marnessa 5 *•"'''>'' by Orvllle '-^■a LMarpessa - ^ Clare, by Marmion. ,„ . ,7 5 Paulowltz, by SirPaul. ■* ^ain "I Daughter of Paynator. o I i.,.,„„,of 5 Edmund, by Orvllle. -, (.Margaret | Medora, by Sellm. TTnrnspa Ei Velocipede, by Blacklock. Hornsea "^(Daughter of CerLerus. 3S I T acerta ^ Zodiac, by St. George. *■ l- Liacerta - . . | jgrboa, by Gohanna. rT>,„ Ti „,.„., R.( Irish Blrdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. ^ M f The Baron ^ ] Echidna, by Economist. Ba I D K„„f„o ( *Glpncoe, by Sultan. cc^ [Pocahontas i Marpessa; by Muley. r The T llipl n 5 Pantaloon, by Castrel. r ine Lioei "(Pasquinade, by Camel. "^ '^m " I <5nHfvnip i St- Luke, by Bedlamite. w I bputvoie ^ Electress, by Election. e» rr\y.^^r,Ar. /-'5 Touchstoue, by Camel. S f Orlando . ^ | yulture, by Langar. ^ « MBlphran $ Whisker, by Waxy. ^ I Aiaieoran ... ^ Garcia, by Octavlan. l> ■gg rPyrrhusI ^1 i Epirus, by Langar. [ Fortress, by Defence. '■Si£ IPalmyra i Hester, by Came If r^ cTmichHtnnp e;( Camel, by Whalebone. 'ax I io"<^n8^'0"<^ '^i Banter, by Master Henry. '^- ^ " I Beeswlnc $ "''■ Syntax, by Payna'or. . aj w L ijeeswiufe — j Daughter of Ardrossan. a I , , „v. ». 1 F S Irish Blrdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. o i f Chanticleer •«■ 5 Gulccloli, by Bob Booty. S o c r,- ..I. J ( Assault, by Touchstone. •3 1.=" [Birthday < Nltocris, by Whisker. tc ,„ ,^ , „s Blacklock, by Whltelock. ^« r Voltaire £, ^ Daughter of Phantom. ! § Ut »>, T «„ i Mulatto, by Catton. » M [Martha Lynn j Leda, by Filho-da-Puta. r-n; *««*»>,„,. E-i Touchstone, by Camel. . . f Flatcatcher E^ Decoy, by Filho-da-Puta. Icu *•«" [Nan Darrell ] Inheritor, by Lottery. Nell, by Blacklock. li •^ s ■d b a •o n a.° •d .a a, br a s o ■« u o f w B •j; bt P> in ■13 Fl - M w o3 a IS A a OS •o rl) .a ^ _ •Imported. IMP. LUCY CROSS. 125 PRODUCE. 1896. Dead foal, by Orvieto. \ 1897. br. f,, Lacrosse, by Ladas. 1898. Dead foal. 1899. b. c, Roslyn, by Isinglass. ) In England. 1900. Barren. 1901. by Isinglass 1902. Missed to Melton. 1903. by Octagon. 126 << < MASTHEAD. sire traces back to Aloonuh Barb Mare. 1- ,n^i>^,>,,,.„o ,,( Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. ^ Melbourne ......V-^ oaughier of Cervantes. -g « . 5''3 »f „_• i Touchstone, by Camel. &£ iMowenna | Emma, by Whisker. 3 ^T. T7„,-u.,, ,,,( Emlllus. by Orvilie. «i j-Toung Emilius.£,|gj,„^g„g,/by6cud. I ta= 1 p„r„|„n 5 Whisker, by "Waxy. '* Li'erslan ... ^ variety, by Seimi. Boston ■ AJicc Cameal. ♦Glencoe „5 Timoipon. by Sir Archy ■" ( Sister lo Tuckahoe. by J ij *6arpedon, by Emflfus. ■ ( Rowena, by Sumpter. „^ Sultan, by Selim. "i Trampoline, by Tramp. Ball's Florlzel. V, ^ ( Medoc, bv Art. Eciipsc. , ftieioay | Rudolph's dam, by Haxall's Moses. ^3 I 1=' §33 " (Kingston * § I Paradigm „( Venison, by Partisan. -■° i Queen Anne, by Slane. \ Paragone. by Touchstoue. •-- ( Ellen Home, by Reashank. ! ^ I i lorrr, n ^ Venison, by Partisan. '^""^"^ -"(Southdown, by Defence. $ The Swpflp i Charles XII.. by Voltaire, a U he bweae ^ Mangel Wurzel, by Merlin ( a'£. fWeatherbit .. IN i ?; [Brown Agnes IJ pa [ pirdcatcher f 2 I OS - a >> f • a a A Sheet .\nchor, bv Lottery. ' I Miss Letty, by 'Priam. 5 West Australian, by Melbourne. ( Miss Agnes, by Birdcatcher. ,|| Sir Hercuies, by Whalebone. ' '( Guiccioli, by Bob Booty ,„ „.„., , „ ^ Don John, bv Tramp. .hemonade s -^ Lollypop, by Starch of Voltaire. Tv.„ r!„„„„ r-5 Irish Birdcatcher. by Sir Hercules, the Baron '^I Echidna, by Economist. Pocfthoiitas -* 'Glencoe. by Sultan, rocanontas , Marpessa, by Muley. Mpihoiirne l/"* Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. .Melbourne J/ ^ Daughter of Cervantes ^i Ouppn Marv 3 Gladiator, by Partisan ™ lyueen Mary j nAne-hter of Pleninotp ( Daughter of Plenipotentiary. 'Irish Bird- < g,y Hercules, bv Whalebone, caicner. £, ^ Quiecioii. by Bob Booty. Trrv,,^ i Irish Drone, by Master Robert. ^^^"'™ ( Kiss, by Waxy Pope. f 1 anerrost F^ Liverpool, by Tramp. ( i^anercost A ^ q^j^ j,y Bustard. Ae-ra-q dam ) Tomboy, by Jerry. Agra 9 aam j Tesane, by Whisker. ' Rnfi^r.n H i Timoleon, by Sit Archy. **°®'^°° ■■■"; Sister to Tuckahoe « Ib-h !-■ jS [Alice Carnea « s M) a •/: f W irl < ■•Sarpedon, by Emllius. '( Rowena, by Sumpter. Klntrsron fti Venison, by Partisan Kingston •'-'(Queen Anne by Hlane. Dauebtpr of 5 Pyrrhus I . by Epirus. Daughter ot j Palmyra, by Sultan. pi Touchstone, by Camel. '( Vuiture. by Langar. ij H - P ._„ ^ Bay Mlddleton. bv Sultan . " '^ ^"^*' ) Flycatcher, by Godoiphin. J I Ph [Casandra. rj( Shark by Am. Ecilpse. ( Bonnets o Blue, by Sir Charles. 5 'Priam, bv Emllius. - - (FlirtlUa. J I., by Sit Archy. * Imported. tBlue Ruin given. 7. 7 3. " 2 & ^ 5 a ^ ^ C6 fe ' i - o ■=> :;; — . -fl ■7 *^ « © — -3 33 S « 5 s s ° -o -.- e a - _ E 3 « S a o -a 7^ "^ ,£3 .rt s ""' >! 5 Cl« J- CD ffi ^ a t. — t>, a o - 3-5^3 O o -1 c. • 3 2 •^ 2 ■f ^ S ^ 2 «^ a y t^ o as .^ S >> ^ " ■ .a t- oj r 2 ~ CO M CD W .Q -5 ^ 5 TS - » -i ^ K 3 P- S a 5 00 "S S "< .& E fO a « CQ -■3 S >. ^ +^ a . ■o T^ ~* B J= - «J « -lis >, En -' r- *"1 O * " M .c o a I S I X i: 3 0^ a s ^ s a a i; >- •3 ts ^ .a 127 MASTHEAD. PRODUCE. 1903. by Octagon. 128 O P- w s > g 1-1 Z £ O s C 5 f" > 1 1 w • M X2 o 4 IQ r 3 I r"' o IS I |_< ta 5 k-H I S f + 1^1 MOUNT VERNON. Sire traces back to Brimmer Mare. „ 1, , „ ( Whiteloclf, by Hamhletonian. BiacKlocli ^^ Daughter of Coriander. „ .. , < Pliantoin, by Walton. Daughter of ^ Daughter of Overton. , - , , ., t-* Catton, bv Golumpus. Mulatto -.-ft) Desdemoiia, by Orvllle. ) , , 5 Filho-da-Puta, by Haphazard. [ Leaa j Treasure, by Camillus. ,„ i„ ,,( Interpreter, by Soothsayer. ■^^'con 1/ J sist. to The Colonel's dam, by Delpini. 1 -, . ( Tramp, by Dick Andrews. ^.*^"''* i Mandane, by Pot-8-Os. , , ,,( Selim, by * Buzzard. l.angar // ^ Daughter of Walton. „, ^ D ► ( Clinker, by Sir Peter, Ibis, to Busto j Bronze, by *Buzzard. rtPhantom , Muley, by Orvillo. I or Morisco . . E i^ Aquellna, by Eagle. „ .^, , ( Soothsayer, by Sorcerer. LKatharlne -. y Quadrille, by Sellui. ,T^ , „< Whalebone, by Waxy. I uef ence J^-^ Defiance, by Kubens. i „, ( Filho-da-Puta, by Haphazard. I'-'is.Ta. {ciarl, by Smoleusko. ,„ 1 , „t Castrel, by *Buz7ard. f Pantaloon B] i^^us^^ by Peruvian. 1 „ . , ( Camel, by Whalebone. L Pasquinade . -^ Banter, by Master Heury. ,„, IT. < Royal Oak, bv Catton. fSiane ■'^ < Daughter of Orville. I „,, ( 'Shakespeare, by Smolensko. I-J^" iZlnc, by Woful. T,, , „( Plr Archv, by *Dlomed. llmoleon Ji j^ Daughter of"»Saltram. Sister to , Ball's Florizel, bv •Dionied. 1 uckanoe j Daughter of * Alderman. ,»„ J .,, ( Emillus, bv Orville. f *Sarpedon ......A^ jg^rla, by the Flyer. 1 „ ( Sumpter. by Sir Archv. LKowena ---- (Lady Grey, by Kobin Grey. ,c. XT) T, 1 „ ,, ( Emlllus, by Orvillc. [St. Nicholas --ijseamew. byScud. 1 „-,. „ ( Tramp, by Dick Andrews. ( ♦Miss Kose J Daughter of Sancho. ,,,,, ,,( Sultan, bv Selim. (j *Glencoe Jl ^ Trampoline, by Tramp. I Minerva \ »Luzborough. by Ditto. Anderson ^ Daughter of Sir Charles. ^_, , . j^,( Camel, by Whalebone. I ^ ouchstone is -^ Banter, by Master Henry. 1 ,. ,. ( Langar, by Sellm. i Vulture ; ^nl by Bustard. {T. -..ijj, * „( Sultan, by Selim. Bay Middleton..^^ Cobweb, by Phantom. _,, . , ( God olphin, by Partisan. H lycatcner. | sister to Cobweb, by Phantom. .„ . „( Timoleon, by Sir Archy. f Boston -Hj gigter to Tuckahoe, by Ball's Florizel. 1 „j ,, ^ Contention, by Sir A rchy. l-'"'^"^ - ( Daughter of *Speculator. r !„»,„ Tii^„„t jj^ Mar'on, by Sir Archy. f .lohn Blount....//) j^j^j^i „f jf,g Brook, by Sir Alfred. „ ^ Sir Charles, by Sir Arcliy. ^an'''"y - } Daughter of Trafalgai'. 8. 7. 1. E? n >. ^ .o fe E 01 £! 00 a ^ ? 3 < > a> lO f-t E-^ <* rt •° § •o S U^ ^ XJ -"H a> is § ■^ ». ^ I a % « =■ 3 >~ ^ s «■?! m >> ai e M >. 0» — . -o a g^l i-a ^ a o M o -3 • •« iS ■°. ;"° ja Ph 5 7. •Imported. t Morisco given. 129 MOUNT VERNON. PRODUCE. 1894. b. c, Veronese, by imp. King Galop. 1895. b. c, Mont d'Or, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1896. Missed to Magnetizer. 1897. b. f., Mountain Mist, by Magnetizer. 1898. b. c, Margraviate, by Margrave. 1899. b. f., Maha (Grave & Gay), by Henry of Navarre. (Eng.) 1900. b. f., Malaka, by Henry of Navarre. 1901. Missed to Henry of Navarre. 1902. b. c. Mount Henry, by Henry of Navarre. 1903. by Henry of Navarre. 130 NINEVEH. sire traces back to Woodcock Mare. 7. 7. a. = Hg . « > ? o z 1 a en 1 o cfl ■a « 0) (1 :a a a o aa. is '-' a ■o « t?. TiUiiRirrif.iitpbPr/i'* ^i'" Hercules, by Whalebone. IilibBirdcatcberA ^ (^uiccloU, by Bob Booty. „ , . , ( Economist, by Whisker. '^'^ J"""*^ ( Miss Pratt, by Blacklock. *ripnpnp M Sultan, by Selim. trieneoc ^^ Trampoline, by Tramp. ■'ja iMarpessa [.if 5 Muley, by Orvllle. " ' ( Clare, by Marmion. Humphrey . comus, by Sorcerer. cimker...^i ^ cilnkerina, by Chnker. htov nf i Cervantes, by Don Quixote. """ *" I Daughter of Golumpus. 11^ [a Idsu 1- n i.^,HQrr>,. rrS Partisan, by Walton. , I Gladiator ^| pauUne, by Moses. 1 Dauffhtpr of i Plenipotentiary, hy Emilius. luaugnteroi Ulyrrha, by Whalebone. ■irt i-c, II i„„ T^( Whalebone, by Waxy. |-^ pir Hercules ....E^^^^^^ ^y Wanderer. « -So I Pnifplnli 5 Bob Booty, by Chanticleer. V ,~| IGulcclou.. ^Flight, by Irish Escape. ■" o CT v,i r>^„„Q 7y( Master Robert, by Buffer. g J irisli urone nj Daughter of Sir Waiter Kalelgh. S I v^.„„ 5 Waxy Pope, by Waxy. ^ l.^iss- < Daughter of Champion. r , m rr ivprnnni F'!) Tramp, by Dick Andrews. I fe (Liverpool -^ | Daughter of Whisker. . Ss - J S nfio 5 Bustard, by *Buzzard. a JMU i.uub-.- ^ Gayhurst 8 dam, by Election. t. j - « rTomhov |r( Jerry, by Smolensko. W -jj g '^"'"""•'^ -- I Beeswing's dam, by Ardrossan. TpqoTip 5 Whisker, by Waxy. le^ane ( Lady of the Tees, by Octavian. Tonrhitone /iS Camel, by Whalebone, louchstone /.j Banter, by Master Henry. ■1< " I Beeswing . 5 Dr. Syntax, by Paynator. t Daughter of Ardrossan. o j ladnioi -"< Palmyra, by Sultan. ■^ I Miss Spllon '• Cow], by Bay Middleion. i. ^ (.Miss&tiion ) Belle Dame, by *Belshazzar. *» ( Orlando F '< Touchstone, by Camel. ^^ Orlando * | Vulture, by Langar. ■^ >. (.Malibran .£ 5 Whisker, by Waxy. "" ( Garcia, by Octavian. aiadintor r/5 Partisan, by Walton. Gladiator ^^|pauline, by Moses. (V\ >~ vpiiiic ^ Sir Hercules, bv Whalebone. ^ '-^'^'•'1^ i Echo, by Emilius. ^ fTimolPon H^ ^'f Archy, by *Diomed. ^ I iimoieon //- p^ugiiter of *Sallram. « I «i,jtprfoTnpk-nbnp < Ball's Elorizel, by *Dionied. I L Sister to 1 uckahoe ^ jj^jjgjjj^j.jjj,^^,^gj,j^jjjj - ^•2 PQ w - g t. ^ t. "IB 3|! ■=? r; 5 « ,o O ^ 03 >> a o =3 I ■S «; « 03 |£^ 5 •" >> s i S = 1 es * o " >.>.-« 13 o n t. g 05 - aj ^ ^ 5 "k 5 " ■« S ■° a; ^ -e M s Tl -p '-' s •S " ■^ t. a a ^^^§ 08 t», >■& I Sarah Wash- fl.S ington ■ a-c ^ a ^ f »Eclipse ..^I ^2 I ^^°°y ^^sf"" I rWar Dance. i2^ 03 a ^ o [Eliza Davis. ■go fStockwell E So 1 |« [BUnk Bonny Chanticleer E ..r tt] s I Eilerdaie z ^ o ^ o H-' Pd p o H >. CJ x> O £; f -*( Lexington 11 I "*^ 3 [Magnolia ■ § (*Glencoe H a ( Sister to g Tangent ■ T. (The Baron E 03^ [Pocahontas.. IM ...i.^ f Teddington E lis /Sister to Singapore... [ ."^ rWindhound ...h\ j H I [Alice Hawthorne, j f Redshank E [S;S [Delhi ^i^ I Gladiator // oj B [Lolypop . Pantaloon H if ° Banter . <} Physician E o [Morsel 1 w i^- Blrdcatcher .£7 [ < [Agnes Pantaloon, by Castrel. Daphne, by Laurel. ( *Tru8lee, by Catton. ( Roballe Soriiers, by Sir Charles. ', Garrison's Zinganee. by Sir Archy. ' Stella, by Contention. i Orlando, by Touchstone. ! Gaze, by Bay Middleton. Revenue, by "Trustee. Sarah Washington, by Zinganee. S Lexington, by Boston. ( Reel, by *Glencoe. [ *Knlght of St. George, by Birdcatcher. I Melrose, by iMelDourne. i The Baron, by Birdcatcher. i Pocahontas, by *Glencoe. ( Melbourne, by Humphrey Clinker. ) Queen Mary, by Gladiator. ; Irish Birdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. ; Whim, hy Drone. S Lanercost, by Liverpool. i Agra's Dam, by Tomboy. j Boston, ny Timoleon. ! Alice Carneal, by *Sarpedon. i *Gleneoe, by Sultan. ! *Myrtle, by Mameluke. i Sultan, by Selim. ! Trampoline, by Tramp. i Wagner, by SirCharfes. ! Cherry Elliott, by Sumpter. i Birdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. ' Echidna, by Economist. j *Glencoe, by Sultan. [ Marpe.ssa, by Muley. i Orlando, by Touchstone. ! Miss Twickenham, by Rockingham. ; Rattan, by *Buzzard. I Daughter of Melbourne. ( Pantaloon, by Castrel. \ Phryne, by Touchstone. Muly Moloch, bv Muiey. Rebecca, by Lottery. I Sandbeck. by Catton. [ Johanna, by Selim. j Plenipotentiary, by Emlllus. ! Pawn, Jr., by Waxy. i Partisan by Walton. [ Paulint', by Moses. i Voitaire, by Biacklock. [ Belinda, by Biacklock. i Castrel, by *Buzzai'd [ Idalia. by Peruvian. I Master Henry, by Orviile. j Boadicea, by Alexander. I Brutanoorf, by Biacklock. > Primette, by Prime Minister J Mulatto, by Catton. I Linda, by Waterloo. i Sir Hercules, bv Whalebone. ! Guiccioli, by Bob Booty. i Clarion, by Sultan. i Annette, by *Prlam. a ^ s? 03 P. 1 ^ ^ i a o. h ns V 1^ ss M n S. t a o ^-^ o o ja OJ a CD h4 1 A o ■a PQ ^ a s ■o +s .a a to S " a W •Imported, OCTOROON. PRODUCE. 134 s s c ORIENTA. sire traces back to a uiare by Sir T. Gascoigne's Horse. ** i B-aiip-h a iViilaehFJ Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. ^ |„ |Faugh-a-lidllaghA^ y^jj.pj^j,j_ j,y ^^^ Bocy. 1 ss 1 -j-S (.Daughter of. ( Pantaloon, by Castrel. '( Daphne, by Laurel. ( Revenue E ( * Trustee, by Catton. ( Kosalie Somers, by Sir Cliarles. g tL I Sarah Wasb- ( Garrison's Zinganee, by Sir Archy. ingtou -^ Stella, by Contention - ' .a K -1 ■§ f i^ I 'Eclipse s^ y.!ij (Fanny Wash- « I '^ o Ington. r- * Orlando, by Touchstone. ■( Gaze, by Bay Mldaieton. War Danrc- t5L < Revenue, by 'Trustee. " " '( Sarah Washington, by Zinganee. Tj < liCxinglon, by Boston. '< Reel, by *Glencoe. iri!.,a T>o„,v ( *Knlglit of St. George, liv Birdcatcber. jiiiza i)a\ IS. -^ Melrose, by Melbourne. rat^«i-,„,.ii f5 The Baron, by Birdcatcber. t^tockw ( 11 £, I Pocahontas, by *Gleucoe. Tjiini- Hf..,T,, * Melbourne, by Humphrev Clinker. .niinKiJoim) -^ Queen Mary, by Gladiator. ri.Qn+,/ *'< Irish Birdcatcber, by Sir Hercules. Chanticleer A ^ whim, by Drone. Is Ellerdalc Lexington Z lMa,^nolia . e } Lanercost, by Liverpool. '-' \ Agra's Dam, by Tomboy. jrS Boston, by Tlmoleon. \ Alice Carheal, by *Sarpedon. ( *Glencoe, by Sultan. ■■" \ *Myrtle, by Mamelu'iie. o t *Glencoe H c ' ,2 ' Sister to fidin!?t()ii f'> Orlando, bv Touchstone ;2 I leduington ±. ^ ^^j^^^ Twickenham, by Kockinghi : Sister to Singapore. iil Windhound H = I Alice Hawthorn. IK r: <-, ( Hattan, by 'Buzzard. '( Daughter of Melbourne. rr( Pantaloon, by Castrel. ( Phryne, by Touchstone. ( Muley Moloch, by Muley. "( Reoecca, by Lottery. Redshank K^ Sanribeck, by Catton. lieosiianK -^ ( Jonanna, by Selim. r.„,,„. ( Plenipotentiary, by Euiilius. ■ ®"" -'I Pawn, Jr., by Waxy. fGlnrtiitor ;t( Partisan, by Walton. I Gladiator JJ ^ Pauline, by Moses. I T „n, .»,,.„ * Voltaire, by Blacklock. ILoiijpop -^ Belinda, by Blackloc _. r Pantiloon 7/ * (Wastrel, by 'Buzzard. I -t^anLiloon n ^ idalia, by Peruvian. t Rantpr $ Master Henry, by Orvllle. L Dam er ^ Boadicia, by Alexander. T>v,,rci<.)Qt< K'i Brutandorf, bv Blacklock rnysician £, | Pnmette, by Prime Minister. Mnrspi 5 Mulatto, by Catton. '^'^^^^^ - tLinda, by Waterloo. !.< Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. --^l Gulccioli, »)y Bob Booty. f Birdcatcber '^S^i Kcmoa 3 Clarion, bv Sultan. l.Ag°es. } Annette, by 'Priam. £■ '^ t:s h .c f^ •■"* Ml ^% M o a o a r, > X m ^ n >, £> ffl •a C3 fi ^ ■a 01 A S as B.Sf •Imported. 135 ORIENTA. PRODUCE. 1902. b. c, Oleroso, by Hastings. 1903. by Margrave. 136 IMP. ORTEGAL. sire traces back to Natural Barb Mare, , D- ^„„t,.i,^^ fi'S Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. I Birdcatcher -& | (iuiccioll, by Bob Booty. " H 2 I „„, . ,^„ ( Economist, by Whisker. = ^ « LJi-chiana ^ jyjjgg pj.^u, by Blacklock. • /•»/^i£,v,,.^a rzj Sultan, by Selim. ca § tjiencoe it ^ Trampoline, by Tramp. (V o I ,, ( Muley, by Orville. ^■a iMarpessa \ Clare, by Marmion. .,„ , . E,( Touchstone, by Camel, ^d (Orlando E] yulture, by Langar. h|i < Miss Twick- , Rockingham, by Humphrey Clinker. — ennam ^ Electress, by Election. § I n £ rn>oto„ pi Buzzard, by Blacklock. I og j-Ratan ------^i Daughter of Plcton. S !* I •2 d I 11.5.— is-a [Daughter of 5 Melbourne, by Humphrey Clinker I Lisbeth, by Phantom. CO ^ Si M rPo^tainnn w^J Castrel, by * Buzzard. • • f Pantaloon H^ idalia, by Peruvian. Tj,, ^ 5 Toucbstone, by ,:!amel. _a Pnrync j Decoy, by Fillio-da-Puta. „ S rMuIey Moloch ..e\ ^Sr%y VVhilkey. < ^ Reneoca * Lottery, by Tramp. CO LKcnecca ^ Uaugliter of Cervantes. l[2 f S fSandbeck.. o I ^ [Johanna . ^Plenipoten- E,5 Catton. by Goiumpus. '* j Orvillina, by Beningbrough. ■ 5 Selim, by *Buzzard. — '( Comical's dam, by Skyscraper, • r^'*'°t'Pf.';f"' s'5 Emlllus, by Orville. 5.1 "^"^^ -^'/Harriet, by Pericles. P T, T • ( Waxy, bv Pot-8-Os. LPawn Junior ) Pawi by Trumpator. , „ , . „ „ S Walton, by Sir Peter. « [Partisan fi] Parasol, by Pot-8-Os. = 1p-,iiHiip < Moses, by Sej-mour. „ I, Pauline ^Quadrille, by Selim. r vnita ir,. P 5 Blacklock, by WTiitelock. fvoltairt -'^{Daughter of Phantom. < Blacklock, by Whitelock. • } Wagtail, by Prime Minister. Castrel ff * Buzzard, by Woodpecker. Daughter of Alexander. «9 1^2 1^ 1^ , , ,, 5 Peruvian, by Sir Peter. '"''"'' i Musldora, by Meteoi'. ruM „4.„ XT »., IT, s Orville, by Beningbrough. ^ I Master Henry... ^] yjgg s6phia, by btamford. S 1 RnndifPa 5 Alexander, by Eclipse. pa lisoaaicea ^ Brunette, by Amai-authus. -I r R,.„tor„ir,H' JT^ Blacklock, by Whitelock. , ^ f Brutandorf .... E^ Mandane, by Pot-8-Os. ;| I p,.i,„offB 5 Prime Minister, by Sancho. •I I Prlmette | jjjgg pj^^j^ j,y Sir Paul. ■ rxu.iattr. „( Catton, by Goiumpus. _ [Mulatto A^ Desdemona, by Orville. o 1 , . . ( Waterloo, by '>7alton. I S ll-inda ^ Cresslda, by Whiskey. f I^ rio,.ir>« 7/5 Sultan, by Selim. Clailon... Ji ^ Clara, by Filho-da-Puta. A.,.,<.ftp < *Prlam, by Emlllus. •^"''®''''^ "( Potentate's dam, by Don .1 nan. P. .,. PI o »l ^ ^ p. s >, ^ ,s Pt p. 1 H ti M ° e a S ° ^1 (U P ^'1 •Imported 13Y IMP. ORTEGAL. PRODUCE. 1893. blk. c. (died), by Pepper and Salt. 1894. ch. c, Octagon, by imp. Rayon d'Oi. 1895. b. c, Ortoland, by Magnetizer. 1896. ch. c, Ordeal, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1897. ch. c , Okettee, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1898. ch. f., Octoroon, by Henry of Navarre. 1900. ch. c, Oarsman, by Hastings. 1901. ch. c, Orthodox, by Don de Oro. 1902. Missed to Sandringham. 1903. by Don de Oro. 138 PRICELESS. Dam traces back to a Eoyal mare. 9. «. 1. \:l = f 12 f^ s \^ W W U cm s I w Iph Ip: r^, i'^ itf I ,„. _ „S Irish Birdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. ^^. rihe Baron -''■( Echidna, by Economist. ■2*' In 1 » ^ ( *Glencoe, by Sultan. aj ^ I, Pocahontas. -^ Marpessa, by Muley. ,, ,^ T,( Humphrey Clinker, bv Comus. Melbourne M -^ ^^^ ^^ Cervantes, by Don Quixote. „ - I „ ,, „ ( Gladiator, bv Partisan. =^03 LQueeiMaiy i Dau. of Plenipotentiary, by Emilius. , „ rlrish Bird- , gjj, Hercules, by Whalebone. C'^. I catcner._..£, ^ Guiccioli, by Bob Booty. « » '1 f{S. _,. , \ Irish Drone, by M'jster Robert. "" LWhlm < Kiss, by Waxy Pope. T f p^ Liverpool, by Tramp. i 6 I Lan^Tcost . . . . .£^^ otjg^ ^y Bustard. S'° 1 nnno-htPi- nf 5 Tomboy, by 'erry. [ Daugntei ot I Tesane, by Whisker. ^,M „ 4. rr< Timoleon, by sir Archv. M« I Boston H^ Sister to Tuckahoe, by Ball's Florizel. w ' \ ^o ii- na r.,ii ( *Sarpedon, bv Emillus. „^ (.Alice i^arncai ... -^ fjQ^ena, by Sumpter, g ,„. ^ ,^( Venison, by Partisan. a g I l^ingston .11 ^ Queen Anne, by Slane. S'^ T.„„„i.t.... „f S Pyrrhus the First, bv Epirus. . 1^ daughter of ] Palmyra, by Sultan. > ,, ,„,„ £,( Touchstone, by Camel. |o I Annanilale E\ Rebecca, by Lottery. Kdlr>.„„„ Mo,., ( Gladiator, by Partisan. K« I Queen Mar,\ ^Dau. of Pleiiipotentlary. ■A - „^ , „,, ^( The Baron, bv Ir'sh Birdcatcher. 3 I btockwell /i -^ Pocahontas, by *GIencoe. * ~i f, ( Countess of ^ Lanercost. bv Liverpool. Aioemdiic — ,1 Sister to Hornsea, by Velocipede. A«= f Whisker F ^ Waxy, by Pot-8-Os. oco wniskei -^ ( Penelope, by Trumpator. o-g i rS- fi „„»!,„ \ Octavian, by Stripling. f^ s iFloranthe , Caprice, by Anvil. S fNahockliah y/.* Rugantino, by Commodore. ^ MaoocKiisn ... .ji ^ Butterfly, by Bagot. 5 m-o^-r, „i.^„ ( Teddy-the-Grinder, by Asparagus. 5 I Miss Tooley _ -^ Lady Jane, by Sir Peter. I a„it<.,i „5 Selim, by *Buzzard. a_ ouiian -"^Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. Si 6 J ? § Tr«mnoline ^ Tramp, by Dick Andrews. I irampoiine -^ yf^■^^^ ^y -yvaxy. . riuiiipv pj Orville, by Beningbrough. is j Muley -^5 Eleanor, by Whiskey. ■^ =■ 1 rinrp 5 Marmion, by Whiskey. ' ^'»"= 7 Harpalice, by Gohanna. " f '^iirniifP 7?"^ Touchstone, by Camel. g burpiici .a -J Crucifix, by *Priam. -a - " T^„ ,„i,f.>,. „f N Bay Middleton, bv Sultan. ^ I Daughter of , y^y^^^^ ^y Voltaire. 0^ f v>,./i choiL- f* Sandbeck, by Catton. X l^''^ '''^^°'" ^( Johanna, by Selim. o i ^ I nniishtpr of * Middleton, bv Phantom. _ i.i^augnter oi ■ jj^^ ^^ Smolensko, by Sorcerer. ■o"^ rG„itQ,i „\ Selim, by* Buzzard. g a """'*" ^^ ( Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. «S I fni.wph '• Phantom, by Walton. pqT3 i,ijO"weri ^ Filagree, by Soothsayer. f^ rvpnisnn „( Partisan, by Waltou. te^» I venison ■") The Fawn, by Smolensko. S 3 S -' ^°-i ' .. „„. „ ( Whisker, by Waxy. (.Margellina J Manuella, by Dick Andrews. 2 •" p. ja' ■tJ a 3 o o i o *i r^ tt e s u $> M •s ttl i i 1 V 5 1^ ^ M ^ ■t^ -^ >a Q. p s 1 a ■w 00 2 £ s» H t-i fc >. cS ^ .2 o C| ^ ■3 as 1 ■3 ^. i pq ■0 5 J3 in Q a> ^ ^ d i4 'd o s S ^ H •" v ,^3 >. t. § ,M a ^ « >> B £ •§ <3 o .a ^ >. >> .D £ oT 1 3 C3 £ S a h >, O .Q CI 3 p ^ O •a P s" >« g OS •tf OQ ^ 3 9 03 ■S ■o O 35 A 4 .ej* o Ph ^ .5 >) Ph .o 3 aS g f- a C8 a 13 •a g .c .2 ►5 s "j^^ is ^ p.. a C8 a ■o M m .a S "Imported. 139 PRICELESS. PRODUCE. 1897. b. f., Precocious, by Fiddlesticks. 1898. b. f., Plastic, by Fiddlesticks. 1899. ch. c. (died), by Hastings. 1900. b. f., Perpetua, by Hastings. 1901. b c, Jasper, by Hastings. 1902. b. f., Prickly, by Hastings. 1903. by Hastings. 140 RED GIRL. r+ 2 + ■p o f« " I +J o ■o C8 D Is O o- a V O 2k z: a "2^ 3C PS c;i> Arphr ;v!i *Dlomeaugnier oi ^ Blaeklock's dam, by Coriander. a„it„T, rri Sellm, by *Buzzard. """"*" --- ■" ; Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. Tranmniinp i Tramp, by Dick Andrews. irampouDe ( Web, by Waxy. »i ii7h,,i.f„..rh rrS Williamson's Ditto, by Sir Peter. ^"^'^"'^°"-" --'^5 Daughter of Dick Andrews. Daughter of i ^ir Charles, by Sir Archy. i»augnter oi | Daughter of Bess' Brimmer. Campl vS Whalebone, by Waxy, enamel -^ ( Daughter of Selim. Tj„„,p. S Master Henry, by Orville. rxtuiei I Boadicea, by Alexander. Panfainnn rr ( Castrel, by *Buzzard. Pantaloon //, lAiHiti, by Peruvian. Rphpcra ^ Lottery, by Tramp. Kcotcca ^ Daughter of Cervantes. ivinipv V * Orville. by Beningbrough. '"""'y - ■^'i Eleanor, by Whiskey. T.afprta J Zodiac, by St. George. ^^^^^^^ - \ Jerboa, by Gohanna. Rav Mlrtdlpton Tt\ Sultan, by Selim. Bay Mmaieton..7y| j^^jj^gi^^ ^^ Phantom. PnTnina S Touug Phantom, by Phantom. ^•"""^ ( Sister to Speaker, by Camilliis. Partisan //5 Walton, by Sir Peter. ^'''^"^^^ '^\ Parasol, by Pot-8-Os. x-„„m ( Smolensko, by Sorcerer, rawu I Jerboa, by Gohanna. ci„„„ p( Royal Oak, by Catton. ^'*°*^ ^ I Daughter of Orville. P„_„i„ ( Octavian, by Stripling. u,ai cia -^ Daughter of Shuttle, by Catherine. r-nrnpi i,A Whalebone, by Waxy. Camel *■ i Daughter of Selim. u.,_. „„ 5 Master Henry, by Orville. '^"^'^' ( Boadicea, by Alexander. Qnitan w* Sclim, bv *Buzzard. ^"""'" "\ Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. TrainnoliTip < Tramp, by Dick Andrews, iramponne -^ ^^^^ ^^ Waxy. . r. 9. - •H « ;:; 0) a tti W C8 >> >> a a OS a ■° « .2 5 "S >, 3 . ^ c ^ S ,.' « == x: ... u 2 ^ « CO . E =a a 3 CC i:; ^ .Q « ^ »" ^ •2 ^^ oj o s « S ^ (l< CQ 1^ B I I ■a 'O "o •Imported. Ul RED GIRL. PRODUCE. 1889. Barren. 1890. ch. c, Joe Chilton, by imp. Kantaka. 1891. ch. c, by imp. Hopeful. 1892. Barren. 1893. Slipped to imp. Aerolithe. 1894. b. c, Red Knight, by imp. King Galop. 1895. ch. f., Ruby Lips, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1896. Missed to imp. Rayon d'Or. 1897. ch, c, Red Path, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1898. b. f.. Red Mark, by Margrave. 1899. b. f., Red Damsel, by Hastings. 1900. ch. f., Ryxa, by Henry of Navarre. 1901. ch. c, Red Harry, by Henry of Navarre. T902. b. c, Red String, by Hastings. 1903. by Hastings. U2 IMP. RUSHLIGHT Sire traces back to mare by Belgrade Turk r ^ r <"aiiipl f5 Whalebone, by Waxy. I ^-v i^^amei -^ ( Daughter of Selim. 3 CJ fe o a vantpr < Master Henry, by Orvllle, S ) HO lt.aiiter ( Boadlcea, by Alexander. CO ^ Dr Svnrax )/ 5 Paynator, by Trumpator. i>r. hyntax u ^ Daughter of Beningbrough. f ,- lion. f ^ Ardrossan, bv John Bull. "' ^Lady Eliza, by Whitwoith. ct( Cain, by Paulowltz. " ( Margaret, by Edoiuud. H X O J X in D HO Palmvra, 5 Sultan, by SeMm. ■ ''™^'* ? Hester, by Camel. • rr-nwi rr( Bay Middleton, by Sultan gO fCo-ttl..- '^ ) Crucifix, by * Priam. L Rplle Dame 5 *Belshazzar, by Blacklock. Bene Dame. | Ellen, by Starch. P^ s ^. rTniirbsifnTi,-^ e,? Camel, by Whalebone. j louctiston^, ^^ Banter, by Master Henry. 1 ^> Vulture i. hangar, by Selim. S ^vulture I Kite, by Bustard. C r -HThfotov wS Waxv, by Pot-S-Os. , ^ ( wnisKer -^ ^ Penelope, by Trumpator. Bj= (iorrift 5 Cctavian, by Stripling. (^ It'arcia 1 DaugLter of Shuttle. f Mcj I Pflvti'san .ff < Walton, by Sir Peter. ~?5 Paitisan •" ^ Parasol, by Pot-S-Os. o2 Pantinp ^ MosBS, by Whalebone. I li-auimt, ■( Quadrille, bv Selim. ' fSir Hercules. y> r- ( Whalebone, by Waxy. " \ Peri, by Wanderer. w \ Pi P3 M S >, a V 1 2h j w « a E S 0) « O « > 1 t7pi,„ > a B5 143 IMP. RUSHLIGHT. PRODUCE. 1892. Missed to Galopin. 1893. Slipped to Fiddlesticks. 1894. ch. f., Swamp Angel, b\^ Magnetizer. 1895. Missed to Magnetizer. 1896. ch. c, Rusher, by Magnetizer. 1897. b. c, Magic Light, by Magnetizer. 1898. Missed to Magnetizer. 1899. ch. f., Torchlight, by Henry of Navarre. 1900. ch. f., Anchorlight, by Henry of Navarre. 1901. Missed to Henry of Navarre. 1902. ch. c, by Henry of Navarre. 1903. by Hastings. iu IMP. ST. BRIDGET. a a W Sg r.9. l!^; ^ ^-f ■F- t; 1 1=1 1 =3 =^ 3 o- ■ >, IPh s «H ^ " tc a Sire traces back to Seiibury Royal Mare. f Vnitnirp jri Blacklock, bv Whitelock. J '^o"^'*'i^e ^ I Daughter of Phantom. I Martha T vnn 5 Mulatto, by Catton I Manna J.ynn..... j ^eda, by f ilho-da-Puta. r Tiirflratphpr Jfi Sir Herf ulep, by TVhale'jone. J iiirdcatcner A J (jujccioll, by Bob Booty. ^^nTl Hflrrpii ( Inheritor, by Lottery. UN an Darren ^ -^gj^_ ^^^ Blacklock. f Ra V \rifi(llptoTi wJ Sultan, by Selim. j Bay ^ Cobweb, by Phantom. 1 RarhPiiP ^ Sandbeck, by Catton. lisarDeue ( Darloletta, by Aniadls. f VnitoJro n'i Blacklock, by Whitelocli. J voitaire -^ 1 Daughter of Phantom. I Velocinede'sdam \ i"niper, by Whiskey. I veiocipeae saam. ^ Daughter of Sorcerer. f Foonomist 77^ Whisker, by Waxy. J n-conomist a ^ Floranthe, by Octavian, Fannv Dawson S Nabocklish, by Rugantino. I J- anny ijawson... j j^j^^ Tooley, by Teddy the Grinder. f *fHpTipnp ff 5 Sultan, by Selim. I wencoe ^^ Trampoline, by Tramp. 1 Marnpssa i Muley, by Orville. LMarpessa ( Clare, by Marmion. frain tt) Paulowitz, by Sir Paul. I^**'" - -" i Daughter of Paynator. I Marearet \ Edmund, by Orville. (.Margaret j Medora, by Selim. {TTnrnaPQ B-i Veloclpedc, by Blacklock. Hornsea A ^ Daughter of Cerberus. T.HPPrta ^ Zodiac, by St. George, l^acerta jerboa, by Gohanna. {RirrlratphPr 7^5 Sir Hercules, by Whale one. Budcatcher ^j Guiccioli, by Bob Booty. Fphirin., i Economist, by Whisker. *'°°'"°' -I Miss Pratt, by Blacklock. f *Glencoe m\ Sultan, by Selim. I briencoe jj j Trampoline, by Tramp. I MarnpRsa i Muley, by Orville. (.Marpessa j ^^j^^.^^ |^y Ma-mion. rToiichstonp r\ Camel, by Whalebone. I ioucnstone a^ Banter, by Master Henry. IMniititaiTi Svlnb * *Belshazzar. by Blacklock. LMountam Sylph.. ^ Daughter o/ Whalebone. f Sir Hernilps F^ Whalebone, by Waxy. J bir iiercuies....^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^ Wanderer. Mustard \ Philip 1 ., by Langar. L Mustard } Vinegar, byPicton. T„j. Tf!) Cain, by Paulowitz. ( Margaret, by Edmund. Ellen Aliridlpton J ^^V Mlildleton, by Sultan. Jiiien Miaaieton.. j jiyrrha, by Malek. r^'"ued Rover F^ Tramp, bv Dick Andrews. I KCd Kovei ...e ^ ^ jgg gyntax, by Paynator. T^piot 'i Edmund, by Orville. ■ ^'^""^ - \ Squib, by Soothsayer. I vnitnirp w^ Blacklock, by Whitelock. ( ^"'we ----^ I Daughter of Phantom. I M'utha T vnn J Mulatta, bv Catton. I Maltha Lynn..... j ^eda, by Filho-da-Puta. rMelbourne 2f\ Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. I "^'^'"""rne ju -^ Morpeth's dam, by Cervantes. Tjii 5 Touchstone, by Camel. ^ - ('Johanna, by Sultan. lO 5 . 1. §> a e >, •a o a s cq £1 !>. F * ■a C8 J3 Hi !=^ a i<: a p 3 ■a oa H .a c S o *? ^ £! o A » tj ei ■a bli Ph a >, O XI o f-f d t. p o ■o t^ ja p. a Ph .Q .o H q tS >> n .o ■O ^_j oT .c ,m D >. P5 ^ .Q r.- .o 1-5 ^ 1) _r 'd ^ is ■O to 00 a g " fl <; Ji ^ >. o « t< b, fl <3 O CC Q •S o '^ CO -S3 >> g •' ® .15 2 ms 3 ?:; a c s !- •d B"Sl§ ''Imported. 145 IMP. ST. BRIDGET. PRODUCE. 1893. Missed to Royal Hampton, in England. 1894. b. c, St. Bartholomew, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1895. ch. c, Bridegroom, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1896. Missed to imp. Rayon d'Or. 1897. b. c, Brigadier, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1898. ch. c, Henri Quatre, by Henry of Navarre. 1899. ch. c. (died), by Henry of Navarre. 1900. Missed to Henry of Navarre. 1901. ch. f.. Bridlepath, by Octagon. 1902. b. c, Belligerent, by Don de Oro. 1903. by Octagon. 146 ST. EUDORA. . Sire traces back to Sedbury Royal Mare. ■^<^ f Voltaire E Blacklock, by Whitelock. Daughter of Phantom. i^- r-i • y. ,, . v.„ , „„„ ( Mulatto, by Cattou. M [Martha Lynn ] Leda, Dy Filho-da-Puta. I &f^''''''^JI'^;»,. s'5 Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. I . ^ I catcner.-.. A| y^jggjj,jj_ ^^ ^^^^ Booty. ■*2 . Ti„^..^ii S Inheritor, by Lottery. I X. Uan Darren \^^^^^ ^y Blacklock. "■« /r>„., \tiAA^^t^^ rr'i Sultan, by Selim ^W Bay Middleton .H] ,-„y,wph. hv Phai OdJ S I '^ fM < o Q O W K H H < O Q W c/} ^ Cobweb, by Phantom. Rarbpllp 5 Sandbeck, by Catton. .Baroeiie ^ Darioletta, by Amadls. '"* > ■ rPlpninotpntiarv r5 ^milius by Orville. ^ SS I ''^ P ^ (Harriet, by Pericles. o « i I a^ ,,„ r,p„_ S Middleton, by Sultan. I. (..Myuear - 1 Mias Letty. by * Priam. ^11 Touchstone... .E \ Camel, by Whalebone. ; Banter, by Master Henry. -^ 2 nppfur ) Filho-da-Puta, by Haphazard. g L'^ecuy ^ Finesse, by Peruvian. •ifS Humphrej Clinker, by Comus. " ( Daughter of Cervantes I" ff» 3 I - Melbourne . ^Secret The Baron _ I Pocahontas. 5 Hornsea, by Velocipede. ---( Solace, by Long Waist. p( Irish Birdcatchpr, by SirHerculea ( Echidna, by Economist. I >'.S ( *Glencoe, by Sultan. ■ 5 Marpessa, by Muley. fOrlflnrio p^Touchstone, by Camel. ^™''"°- --^-1 Vulture, by Langar. L;;) I Hersey . I S >; f Sir Hercules . S *- -^ S cS> I Snowdrop ... o J ^ S Glaucus, by Partisan. """ \ Hester, by Camel. rrj Whalebone, bv Waxy. ( Peri, by Wanderer. 5 Heron, bv Herod. -■- i Fairy, by Filho-da-Puta. I'-'e 'West Australian ^f\ Melhourne. by Humphrev Clinkers. west Australian.)/ ^ Mowerina, by Touchstone. t;,_„,,. 5 Bay Middleton, by Sultan. ' ^nnui J Blue Devils, by Velocipede. 11. 3. 'i. ^ 5 2 •a 5a ^ e8 a, t», O) <^ g ai S a >>& ■a p ^' 5 3^ Sag 03 * i^ ■n ^ Si ■2 J= K «= E a .o B ■a £ 2 5 S •^ S S3 cq Tl 1^^ •a .3 5 =^ S o '^ "ca >. •' t- o ^" ^ - .'^ a .= '^. ^ •gas pas >, 'O t3 » a i: ^ '^ 00 6 51 C8 3 -2 s >-'^ .. . o . a >■ a t. .00 a a" 2 ^2s CJ -4J ^ a a' i' a a - -^ ^ 5 3 >> 3 "H ■« 5 c S ■a ^ rt •Imported. 147 IMP. ST. EUDORA. PRODUCE. 1902. b. f., Euba, by Henry of Navarre. 1903. by Octagon. 14S fS 5 fe I 2^^ M^P- <3 » J i in g l-H 0! P^5 73 « Si > ^ a^^ ss ta, ST. PRISCILLA. sire traces back to dam of The Two True Blues. , „„, J „ E- ^ Touchstone, by Camel. J Orlando ...■E-^^^^^^J.^^ by Langar. I r.„„„n„„ ( Redshank, by Sandbeck. iCavatlna J Oxygen, by Emilias. , Di .t zjS Bay Middleton, by Sultan. rpianet -"^Plenary, by Eml.ius. I AHoo Tivo • * Venison, by Partisan. (.Alice lira J j Darkness, by 'Glencoe. f or^rh?EmDerof|} f^efence. by Whalebone, f or Ihe Emperor. A ^ ijellght, by Reyeller. I x.„„i-„„o 5 Royal Oak, by Catton. LPoetess I j^^^^ j,y whisker. rriflrtlntor H ^ Partisan, by Walton. Gladiator H ^ Pauline, by Moses. I T „„*„,.«o < Hercules, bv Rainbow. [Eanterne -^ Elvira, by Eryx. rr>„^„i jtS Whalebone, by Waxy. ( uamel a ^ Daughter of Sellm. 1 Rantcv 5 '^'aster Henry, by Orvllle. l^oauiei iBoadicea, by Alexander. r*Priflm J-'.* Emilius, by Orville. friam ^ ^ Cressida, by Whiskey. I TD„*„„,„+„'„ i„,., 5 Don Juan, by Orville. I potentate s dam.. | jyjQjj j^ jj^g -^^'aj^ |iy Hambletonlan. „ , /r-^Selim, by *Puzzard. suiian y/ ^ Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. I rr „ * Tramp, bv Dick Andrews. I Trampoline -^ Web, by Waxy. T^ , E,) Orvllle, by Beningbrough. Muiey.. M, ^ Eleanor, by Whiskey. p, 5 Marmion, by Whiskey. ^^^ - } Harpallce, by Gohanria. ,_ , , _( Camel, by Whalebone. Touchstone -c- 1 Banter, by Master Henry. I _ . ( Dr. Syntax, by Pavnator. l.Beeswing ^ Daughter of Ardrwsan. rT, J TT< Ion. by Cain. Tadmor H-^ paimyra, by Sultan. 1 ... „ ,, ( Cowl, by Bay Middleton. LMiss Sellon j Belladaine, by *BelHhazzar. ,„, , „( Touchstone, by Camel, f Orlando -----e^ Vulture, by Langar. I ,, ,,, < Whisker, by Waxv LMallbran..... ^ Garcia, by Octavian. f„, ,. ^ itS Partisan, by Walton. J Gladiator ^j Pauline, by Moses. I ,. „ ( Sir Hercules, bv Whalebone. '-^'^°"8 - ? Echo, by Emilius rriafiiflTnr ffi Partisan, by Walton. Gladiator Jiy Pauline, by Moses. 1 , „ ( Starch or VolCaire, by Blacklock. LLouypop ^Belinda, by Blacklock. rverulam... .^jI^pttery.b^Tramp. I , , >, Touchstone, by Camel. LJennala .. -- ^ tmuja, by Whisker. rin^iK.. ,™<> ,, \ Humphrey C'inker. by Comus. [ Melbourne J/ ^ Daughter of Cervantes. I D » 1 „ i„ S Pantaloon, by Castrel. iPantalonade --- | Festival, by Camel. I u It >ni ir. /- * The Baron, by Birdcatcher. ivaiapian j. -^ Pocahontas, by *Glencoe. I Dftutrhti r of * '"^ardham. by Falcon. I L>aufent(.roi ( Daughter oi Langai. 9. 6. 1. ^ - - a o V .a ^ W 3 d '.„ •° 5 fc I a '^ >>.« 25 £■" .- >- « a" I a c s as ^ I 5^ ■^ .3 .2 2 & M U3 S .c 5 a >.s -"■ • - -O 3 J= S ■cl O ., ^ s 2 £■ s 3 03 -^ ^ o s *^ 2 ° H f »: 2 s ^ «5 N 03 "" 3 ,. g'£^- i « fe g a ■» , « S ca -o C 3 _- — ' -» C ■--' OJ H ■= ^ 9 t- a" S -3 a" « -^ 1 1 ^ " i 2 ^ Q » a _ o a 2 S g ^S ►^ S Cu "- " ■S ■g t. g J =^' fi ■§ -S a c' << «* o a a S ° "C ■O .Q H ^ CO ♦Imported. 149 ST. PRISCILLA. PRODUCE. 1899. ch. f., Leenja, by Hastings. 1900. ch. f., Horla, by Henry of Navarre. 1901. ch. f., Pristina, by Henry of Navarre. 1902. ch. c, Priority, by Henry of Navarre. 1903. by Henry of Navarre. 150 ' .f ac f.^ 3 ^ ^f ^ Ardro8!-an, by John Bull. Luaugnter ot (Lady Eliza, hy Whltworth. I- r„„ n-( Cain, hv Taulowitz. I ^°" - -"? Margaret, by Edmund. I Pfllmvra 5 Sultan, bv Selim. li-aimyra .. ^ Hester, by Camei. r rnwi wS Bay Middleton, by Sultan. I ^"^' -^(Crucifix, by *Prlam. 1 Rplle Damp 5 »Bel8hazzar, by Blacklock. I Bene Dame | g„gjj^ ,,y gt^rch. fToiiphcitnTip 7^^ Camel, by Whalebone. j ioucnstone... ^ ^ Banter, by Master Henry I Viiltiirp i Langaj, by Seliin I, vulture I Kite, by Bustard. r Whisker 7r!i ^axy, by Pot-8-Os. vvuiHKer M-^ Penelope, by Trunipator. I ftflrrift 5 Octavian, by Stripling. 1 Vrarcia .... | j^augl.ter of Sliatlle. I Partisnn wJ Walton, by Sir Peter. I rartisan ■'^I Parasol, by Pot-8-Os. I PQ„-,iT,p J Mose;^, by Whalebone or Seymour. LPauiine ^ Quadrille, by Selim. rsir Hprciilps ri '"Whalebone, by Waxy. J feir ±iercuie8..../i^ pg^j_ ^^ wanderer. 1 p>„h„ I Emllius, by Orville. '■^^"" i Daughter of Scud or Pioneer. /Sir Arphv ^5 'Oiomed, by Florizel. J °"^ Arcny -"^ *Castianira, by Rockingham. ] nniiffbtpp of i *3altram, by Eclipse, luaugnter ot ^ Daughter of Symm. s' Wildair. I Ball's Flori/pl R * *niomed, by Florizel. jBall s HorIzel..//j Daughter of *Shark. I Daiie-hter of * *Alderman, by Pot-8-Os. luaugnter ol , Daughter of 'Clockfast. r Fmiliiis F ^ Orville, by Beningbrough. j J^milius Ji-^ Emily, by Stamford. 1 TpaHa i The Flyer, by Vandyke, Jr. '- ^^"*' " 1 Parma, by Dick Andrews. r Snmntpr «■* ^^^ Archy, by *Diomed. I Bumpter /i j FllrUUy's dam, by *Robin Redbreast I r nriv arpv (Robin Grey, by *RoyaIlst. I Lady trrey ^ ^j^^^jj^^ ,jy jielzar, , QoMiTi f/^ 'Buzzard, by Woodpecker. I ^*''"" - "i Castrel's dam, by Alexarder. 1 RnpphnntP * Williamson's Ditto, by Sir Peter. L i^accnante ^ gj^^^j. ^^ (jaiomel, by Mercury. r tt-qtvitv f* Dick Andrews, by Joe Andrews. j '■'^^"^P ^f Daughter of Gohanna. I Web \ ^'^^y' '^y Pot-S-Os. '- i Penelope, by Trumpator. i-f^otfrvr. 7P S Goluuipus, by Gohanna. J ^^"°° ^i Lady Grey, by Timothy. I Fmmii i Whisker, by Waxy. Liimma ^ gujside Fairy, by Hermes. c «T,.<.T.h,T fr S Blacklock, by Whitelock. J ^ranoy ^^ Daughter of Orville. I iipiiin 5 Trumpator, by Sir Solomon. '■^"*'"'* ^Lucy by Orphan. 8. 7. i. £ "J S S P £ o S < « .2 '~ s: 3 S S 5 a >,0 5r - 1- ill " S 5 i' £ s >. _ Xi ^ a.' 03 im S K E5 §■ « ■o £ M o g i a § w c O « B §• S « -y: S c I 'aj ■g ■!= S o S >> -' " m a O "O c s 5 s ^ S ■g .o ^ g. « ^ I jS * S «' - •= - o i§ -® § j^ » g" ?^ ,^ --' in 4) g , 1^ >. 'O .O C- ,Ci 151 SEMIRAMIS. PRODUCE. 1892. b. f., Nineveh, by imp. The Ill-Used. 1893. Slipped to imp. King Galop. 1894. b. c, Eastern Ray, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1895. b. f., Semida, by Badge. 1896. b. f., Seraphic, by Magnetizer. 1897. b. f., Chopsticks, by Fiddlesticks. 1898. Missed to Top Gallant. 1899. ch. f.. Semi Navarre, by Henry of Navarre. 1900. ch. c, Sailmaker, by Henry of Navarre. 1901. ch. f., Semitic, by Henry of Navarre. 1902. b. c, Semite, by Hastings. 1903. by Hastings. 152 SHE. f li i^ i^^ i ! log' % 3 Sii'3 traces back to Merlin Mare. f Irish Rirti- , gjp Hercules, bv Whalebone, I caicner ...£,j GuictioU, by Bob Booty. T7pi iHna i Economist, by Whisker. r.Liiiuua ... 5 .VlissPratt, by Blacklock. *01enrne H^ Sultan, by Sellm. ^"""''"'^ ^ i Trampoline, by Tramp. ( Muley. by Orville. " ) Clare, by Marmion. yfS Comus, by Sorcerer. ( Olmlierina, by Clinker. o [.Marpessa Humphrey Clinker.. Daughter of i Cervantes, by Don Quixote, .uaugnter oi j Daughter of Golumpus. a r Touchstone.. S [Gbuznee l=£ l" rWhale- one £•( Wa.xy, by Pot-8-Os. ^ wnaie one •^^ Penelope, by Trumpator. o ■ § nefiancp i Eubens, by *Buzzaril. ^ I Denance j kittle Folly, by Highland Fling. Rninesboroiiffli ffi Ruhens, by *Buzzard. Gamesooioufen.//^ ^jjjy ^^^^^^^. ^^ ^gonjgtes)^ ^y Danohter of \ Topsv Turvy, by St. George. Daughter ot ^ Agnes, by Shuttle. I'^ir Archv r/J *Diomed, by Florizel. ^ j . ir Artiij -" ? *Castlanira, by Kockingham. " § I Dau"-hter of ^ *Saltram, by Eclipse. H» ' L>«"^"t'^' "I -( Daughter of Symmes' Wildair. 6 ( Roii-Q TTirn-f^ni »^ *niomed, by Florizel. o| [BalU Floiizcl...??^ j)^^g^jgj'.j,^,gjj^j,j^ ■S-^ nana-btpr of J *Aldermen, by Pot-S-Os. .2 % ^ Liaugnter ot ; Daughter of *Clockfa8t. -■ rTTniiHiia 1^ ( Orvllle, bv Benlngbrougli. - I «■""""« ^ ( Emily, by Stamford. I o I Tpflria 3 The Flyer, by Vandyke, Jr. , .g 1, loaria ^ Parma, by Dick Andrews. p. r Snmntpr H^ "i"" Archy, by *Diomea , ^ jbumptei ^iFlinilla'sdam, by*Kobi^^^edbr€ ^ I.adv Grev * Robin Grey, by «Royallst. o t-^aay Lrrej ( Maria, by Melzar. «• fiipiim r,^ 'Ruzzard, by Woodpecker. 'rj ^''""' ""^ rastrel's dam, by Alexander. a TtapphnntP S Williamsou's Ditto, by Sir Peter. ■3 l-J*accnante J Sister to Calomel, by Mercury. {Tramn JT^ Dlck Andrcws, Dy Joe Andrews. ^^^™^ ■^ ^Daughter of Gohanna. „ web 5;«L^„'LTA.^.yp°t*«- Ig •Imported. 1 Penelope, by Trumpator. I- '^ fCaftnn 1.5 Golumpus, by Gohanna. { „• (^a"on -C'h.ucy Grey, by Timothy. • II Emma \ Whisker, by Waxy. >>| 2 i-^mma.... | Glbslde Fairy, by Hermes. > 1 V « I « fiTranhv i^5 Blacklock, bv Whtteloc)--.. -!fl . ^'^'*"''y ^1 Daughter of Orville. ^ °! T iipilla 5 Trumpator, by Sir Solomon l>^ (.i^ucma Hucy, by Orphan. S. 7. 1. E 3; as 1.. a?PH S « >. £ S^-" 60 M >. 3 •;:: » gH < S^^ E^ ^ r^ » J ,Q - "S 9 5s^ — S J2 fe « M ■S'<5 S" M g« K9 s t, "-^ s « >. fel >> s^ .=? "o .;;> •? "O .^ tit a 5" = •= * g g Sir Peter. .0 Q -d >i •' 3 s 2 .Q * ^ rt S g 2 •3 = 3 .Q CO "3 .. -a a 5 ° 5 ^ >-\ r^ o o * ^ S ?.- .° S 6 s 2 *=! O'O CO g a a f: -o 2 S .2 S o '^ "d o^ 03 :r ^ '- t- 2 tH S c5h53 « u t- >> M — O .2 S "^ M S •d ^ o 'd 153 SHE. PRODUCE. 1891. b. f., Sahara, by imp. The Ill-Used. 1892. b. or br. f., Shibboleth, by imp. St. Blaise. 1893. b. c, Shadrach (died), by Tremont. 1894. b. c, Billali, by.imp. Rayon d'Or. 1895. t). c. Shekel, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1896. Missed to Magnetizer. 1897. Missed to imp. St. Blaise and imp. Cheviot. 1898. Missed to Top Gallant. 1899. b. c, Amahagga, by Henry of Navarre or *Margrave. 1900. Missed to Henry of Navarre. 1901. b. f., Shibeen, by Henry of Navarre 1902. Missed to Hastings. 1903. by Hastings. ^Margrave given. 154 O % W I iJ-l o Z ffl H I tec f?» SJ IS ! S« l> Is ; IS ill s ' 1-1 S -^ si Sumpter, by Sir Archy. (.Kowena.... (Lady Grey, by Robin Grey. f . '^ " f ll .c Ph s a 5 i ■°. E § 'a a - ■= •= 1= S ^ ^ C .S - o s e "^ ^ >• Baa ^^ o >> ,-1 o t. .. & e'c i : a ti C £ S £> ■a ^ § 2 « iJ _^, S l5^ ♦Imported. tPioneer given. 155 SHIBBOLETH. PRODUCE. 1896. ch. f., Shiftless, by imp. Rayon d'Or or *Fiddlesticks. 1897. ch. c, Shamokin, by Magnetizer. 1898. ch. f., Symbol, by Magnetizer. 1899. cK. f.. Rose of Lorraine, by Henry of Navarre. 1900. ch. c, War Cry, by Henry of Navarre. 1901. b. f., Sjambok, by Henry of Navarre. 1902. ch. c. Chibouk, by Henry of Navarre. 1903. by Henry of Navarre. *FiJd;esticks given. 156 SOURIANTE. sire traces back to dam of The Two True P.luea r o.'" f Orlando . r.( Touchstone, by Camel. ( Vulture, by Langar. •v r'Q^Qtino $ Redshank, by Sandbeck. t y ^.avatma ^ Oxygen, by Emilius. .^ f pinnot ni Bay Middleton. bv Sultan. = o i^'^n" -----"{Plenary, by Emi.lus. tri 1 C8 M E^ 11 p 1-) a . q5 ( Venison, by Partisan. tThe Baron Sting: 5 Defence, by Whalebone, or The Emperor £■/ Delight, by Reveller. p ( Royal Oak. by Catton. 1 "Ctes3 i Ada. by Whisker. rr-i >,Ti ,tn.-r ai Partisan, by Walton. [ Gladiator E^ Pauline, by Moses. to I Lanterne . 5 Hercule, by Rainbow. • \ Elvira, by Eryx. fS [< Thtvipi rtJ Whalebone, by Waxy. ^'1™'" - -'^i Daughter of Sellm. v> , 5 Master Henry, by Orville. nam t. j Boadicea, by Alexander. l p5 Camel, bv Whalebone. ^ i ouc . ston( A ^ Banter, by Master Henry. ■a I S Vulture ' Langar, by Selim. a LVulturt -) Kite, by Bustard. O Hnv MiririlptnTi /T^ Sultsn, bv Sellm. Bay Middleton..//-^ Cobweb, by Phantom. ■F'lvt..itcher * Godolphin, by Partisan, iijcatcner ^ s.ster to Cobweb, by Phantom. Tv,o T-oi-nr, I- ( Birdcatcher, bv Sir Hercules, the j.aron ^{ Echidna, by Economiht. { *Glencoe, by Sultan. 1 Marpessa, by Muley. us i O V I Pocal'-ontas. ^■r rT „„„„„„= rS Liverpool, by Tramp. || jLanercos ^] Otis, by Bustard. 9.Q I m=tpr to rinrnsea ' Velocipede, by Blacklock. sS I Sister to lioinsea. -^ Daughter of Cerberus ^ rTfnmlpnn /7 * ***'" Archy, by *Diomed. g f Timoleon Ji ^ Daughter of *Saltram I I Sister to Tucka- ^ -g^ns piorizel, bv *Dioined. o ^ ""'^ \ Uaughter of *Aldernian. . ,,„ „^„^ c'* Emilius, by Orville. ^•5 pSarpedon -E^', Icaria, by The Flyer. " c • — b T3.^^,D„„ S Sumpter. bv Sir Archv. <^ luowena. { Lady Gray, by Robin Gray. T- ro .!.„„ 17 5 Sellm, bv *Buzzard. o »ultan -"^Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. S. I Trampoline ^ f*Barefoot .E S I Lady Thompkins.. i Tramp, bv Dick Andrews. ! Web, by Waxy. Tramp, by Dick Andrews. Rosaniond, by *Buzzard. American Eclipse, bv Duroc. Katy Ann, by t)gle's OsciAr. 10. 6. - t». p" >> J3 a CS 35 H ■o -a £1 a JS ■^ & S - 3 _ 3 ^ 3 J2 S 0' c S Y 3 .a 13 3 ^ 02 K * .0 j= a s i3 "S ■o fl ja x; ■a 2 fa - =1 fe: fe^- § M .a o d 3 i>. -fe >. ^ ■a H CO "^ ■' s s r (P a C CS -« i4 Ph o o A- -=" ^ ;a 2 5S 2 S 3 o - s a ■*< «^ 5 3 :>. ^ S S O S -g o ja S <) ^ .t^ a fl A ° t - >. ■3 OS M .0 ■3 (ii /? - « ^ " a M S .Q -a ^ 2 -rf -d o M g s Lh a 2 ^ = o l-S .2 .S Q ^ ■a 15 » W •Importofl. tThe Kmperor given. 157 SOURIANTE. PRODUCE. 1900. b. f. (died), by Henry of Navarre. 190T. b. c, Sourire, by Henry of Navarre. 1902. ch. c, by Henry of Navarre. 1903. by Henry of Navarre. 158 SOUVERAINE. Sire traces back to dam of Tlie Two True Blues. f nriandn / ^ Touchstone, by C imel. ^ f Orlando -'- ( Vultui^e, by Langar. f2 S- Cavarini ( Redshank, by Sandbock -; f; o S ", 2 T..„,„„.,n„„ ^ Tramp, by Dick Andrev.s. j« |;^^ I Trampoline - ^ Web, by Waxy. o .; d I f Miiipv f\ Orville, by BeringbroUgh. I o I , BJ Muiey -^^Eleanor, by Whiskey. 1^^ ,,, ( Marmion, by Whiskey. *■ ' ^"''^^ ( Harpalice, by Gohanna. fo n d I .a o Sir Archy . I Daughter cf ttS *Diomed, by Florlzel -" ( *Castianlra, by Rockingham. J *Saltram, by Eclipse. ■ - ( Daughter or Symmes' Wildalr. r-j) w £ Ball's Flori/el //3 'Diomed, by Florize'. uaii s i< loiizei .// ^ Daughter of *Shark. naiiffhter of i *Alderman, by Pot-8-Os. .uaugnter or ^ Daughter of *Clockfast. r . ■" r Pmilliia P J Orville, by Beningbrough. J^iml J^mi"u8 A ^ Emily, by Stamf oi-d S I g 1 T„„„j. ( The Flyer, by Van Dyke, Jr. g $po Licaria. - J Parma, by Dick Andrews, i< «' f Siimnter TT^ S'"" Archy, by *Diomed, g bumpter ^^^ Flirtllla'sdam,by *Robin Redbreast. r X o I T nrtv fii-pv i Robin Grey, by *Koyalist. Ph l-^^'^y ^'^y Ularia, by Melzar. ooHm iii *Buzzard, by Woodpecker. ''^""^ -----"(Castrersbam, by Alexancer. S 1 Racphnntp J Williamson's Ditto, by Sir Peter. 5 ijsaccnanie } Sister to Calomel, by Mercury. o r Ti.Q,nr> T? ^ Dick Andrews, by Joe Andrews. ^6] ^"^^"'P -^) Daughter of Gohanna. 2 " 1 Web 5 '^axy, by Pot-8-Os, H '-""=" — ( Penelope, by Trumpator. ■ rPatfriTi jri Golumpus, by Gohanna ^ ( Lucy Grey, by Timothy. I I Fmma J Whisker by Waxy. t. t Jimma j Gibside Fairy, by Uermes. S\^ ( »Tranbv f5 Blacklock, by Whitelock '■I'*,-: ^'^''"oy -"( Daughter of Orville. I §-3 I iipnia * Trumpator, by Sir Solomon. l> "^"ciiia ^ Lucy, by Orphan. S c S £ w a ^ ^ "S w ^ ^ p g > M be a H ^ ^^-^ r -? >> S9 g • x> Q ^ E e 3 r^^ N S - p5 !< O ^ >i ^ 73 2 9°. .al £ a S Q 2s -^ •'•«>, s i; o .= r^ « § 3 s Ci * O ^ J* >. 4J •G ^ — ^ s O -o "^, a "§ -I -o S .Q ..«i '^ 2 t- « •5^ S &" H f ■o -^ >> »* g ^fjl™„to„,^ = £■§ RnrbPiiP ^ Sandbeck, by Catton. "i Darioletta, by Amadis. ft ^ rTr t „ r>i,+„ff ,;, ^ Brutandorf , by Blacklock. o 0) , . ^ Jerry, by Tomboy. &hS LUDhvion -^ Remembrance, by Sir Soloi r '^J rPartisnT, iri Walton, by Sir Peter. ^ T;^?; Partisan... -" j Parasol, by Pot-S-Os. I ■!-: rii5 D,.,u.,Q ( Moses, by Whalebone. g I ^* L famine ^Quadrille, by Selim. g- { Starch or Blacklock by Whitelork. !l, \ Blacklock, by Whiteloc'c. '( Wagtail, by Prime Minister. §••: iZ t Voltaire . £;| Daughter of Phantom (^ yi I, Belinda I ^- I <^ t <»i 17 ( *Buzzard, by Woodpecker. ^^ oasrrei ■"( Daughter of Alexander. So Trf„H„ * Peruvian, by Sir Peter. ^^'S uaaua '( Musidora, by Meteor. ■ r^, „* _Tj„ £■( Orville, by Beningbrough. I piaster Henry. ..£•) j^j^^. gophia, by Stamfold. I c 1 I ^ u n,.oo 5 Alexander, by Eclipse. '. ^ i.aoaaicea ( Brunette, by Amarantlms. ■ " I PaniPi F < '^^halebone, by Waxy. ^-.jLamel ^ ( Daughter of Selim. h § 1 RnntPr < Master Henry, by Orville. *§, ^ ( Boadicea, by Alexander. a; f T ano-nr ffS Sellm, by *Buzzard. Z Langar ^) Daughter of Walton. 3 I c-u 5 Bustard, bv Castrel. > <-»^"e ^ Olympia, by Sir Oliver. ' fSlr Hercules , J,) Whalebonr, by Waxy. ( Perl, by Wanderer. 2 ""S iGulccioll s . ,»„, „ „( Sultan, by Sellm £ f*Glencoe Hi T^„„,r.„nV,o h,. ' Bob Booty, by Chanticleer. Flight, by Irish Escape. Trampoline, by Tramp. "^.g I Mnrnps^ia 5 Muley, by Orville a 1 aiarpcssa ^ Clare, by Marmion. ^Imported tVoltalre given. 1. lit c> to ^ S n^ >. S C3 3 O OJ ^ c8 m 3 .a == £^| X. >,S P .Q .. ^ cf a ■° a 2 p ^ d M n -S 5 _" » B a % «( a o >^ o 5 xj fe £ «a Sfi es 'U ^ ..5 >. QJ t- « o » -r; a > oa 6 --" ta E OT ■a w cj 161 IMP. SUBJECTION. PRODUCE. 1894. b. c. (died), by Fiddlesticks. 1895. Not bred, 1896. br. c, Subject, by Fiddlesticks. 1897. b. c. (died), by Magnetizer. 1898. ch. f.. Submarine, by Margrave. 1899. ch. c, Subjugation, by Henry of Navarre. 1900. ch. f., Siva, by Henry of Navarre. 1901. ch. c, Sou Marquee, by Margrave. 1902. b. f.. Sufferance, by Hastings. 1903. by Margrave. 162 X D oi rS r A»- S ^ HOJ s ■ h 3 CO ^-l ==3 r !!! -i«g L s 03 93 >>H L3C a I &:, L" SUN FISH. sire traces back to dam of The Two True BlueR. Orlando E^l Touchstone, by Camel. ""*°'^'' -^i Vulture, by Langar. PavatiTia i Redshank, by Sandbeck. uavatma ^ Oxygen, by Emlllus. pioriot ui S^v Mlddleton, bv Sultan, rianer -"J Plenary, by Emillus. xuop Rrnv i Venison, by Partisan. Alice iJray j Darkness, by *Glencoe. ^?The^Empefor°l^ I^^fence, by Whalebone, or ice B-n'Peror.A^ pgjjgj^j^ ^^ Reveller. p f 5 Royal Oak, by Catton. •^°"°^^ I Ada, by "Whisker. Gladiator h'' Partisan, by Walton. Gladiator. -« i pauline, by Moses. T HTitPrnp 5 Hercule, by Rainbow. l>anterne ^ Elvira, by Eryx. Camel rj Whalebone, by Waxy. '"''™^' -"jDaughierof Selim. r>„nfp- 5 Master Henry, by Orville. ^^"■^'^'^ I Boadlcea, by Alexander. »Prlnm 7^5 Emllius, by Orville. ^"'^"^ ■ - I Cressida, by Whiskey. Pntpntatp^; liam 5 ^"^ Juan, by Orville. rotentaie s oam.. j ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ Hambletonian. ^nlran 77} Sellm, by *Buzzard. ^""■"^ - - -"* Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. Trampoline | ^'eT b/walf ^'l^^^^" Miilpv R^ Orville, by Benlngbrough. Muiey a-^ Eleanor, by Whiskey. rin-p S Marmlon, by Whiskey. ^''"^'^ 1 Harpalice, by Gohanna. Timoleon JSi S*'" Archy, by *Diomed. iimoieon_ •" J Daughter of *Saltram. Sister *<> < Ball's Florlzel, bv •Diomed. ^"*^'^*"°''--^ Daughter of 'Alderman. ♦Sarnerion e5 EmiUus, by Orville. barpeaon. -»| icarla, by The Flyer. Rowena 5 Sumpter, by Sir Archy. noweua... ^ j^^^y gj.^y^ jjy Robin Gray. Venison h\ P?'»^i^,an, by Walton. I The lawn, by Smoiensko. Queen Anne \ Slane, by Royal Oak. ( Garcia, by Ociavlan. Pvrrhus I Bi '^P'i'"s, by Langar. < Fortress, by Defence. Palmyra.. _ _ _ \ Saltan, by Sellm. ( Hester, by Camel. Sweetmeat .5^ Gladiator, by Partisan. ( Lolly Pop, by Starch or Voltaire. Gruvere ^ Verulam, bv Lottery. ■^ ^ Jennala, by Touchstone. Hetman Plato:T.E,< Brutandorf, by Blacklock. ( Daughter of Comus. Daughter of < i",'*?'^'?^^?'}'"- 1, Salute, by Muley. Lexington ... .ff J ?o.ston, by Timoleon. < Alice Carneal, by *Sarpedon. Blue Bonnet \ 'Hedgeford, by Filho-da-Puta. ( Gray Fanny, by Bertrand. Weatherbit £•< ?.¥''* A"*''!?''' ^l Lottery. ( Miss Letty, by *Priam. Cestrea 5 Faugh-a- Ballagh, by Sir H ercules. I Daughter of Liverpool. ° °3 o S SB'S, a ^ a o p^ a ^■' t" "^ s 2 s B s a a " S Q .? " (P g a § -s S I a "=1 ■§ " ? ^ -i i ■£ "^ 5 2 m a o S " ^ « " g S a ■=) S ^ s « " H O Dh S — o H f- _- o 2 i H a Q iJ o 2 •» a &q P3 O 5 o ^a^".§ •^ S ^ S .2 -« - ^ ?. « > 1^ ."^ M =^ c« a) y -~ J3 t- >, u . S if 2 o ■a f a o o ^ i a .3 ^ " ■a a o •" jij 2 § § a' S • - >. "r -o t S .0 O jd ** 3 ^ w O 3 H ^ 00 r Q "S 3 " I*" tw 33 a !* "^ ^ a s s a ** ji 73 ■a '^ s =3 £• - .. 2 a^ .o « i 2 a" S f:^ a ■= 2 ■3 '^ if '2 S S p -3 s s ■S 2 a •a v.„ . ( Venison, by Partisan. iQ^ [Alice Bray J Darkness, by *Glencoe. T,^} Defence, by Whalebone. \ Daughter of Keveller. ( Royal Oak, by Catton. " ( Ada, by Whisker. j,\ Partisan, by Walton. ( Pauline, by Moses. 5 Hercule, by Rainbow. " ( Elvira, by Eryx. f 2 The Emperor . Poetess Gladiator ... ■ rCamel E rs Whalebone, by Waxy. Daughter of Sellm. o g I Tj„_,„_ ^ Master Henry, by Orvllle. H« (.earner "( Boadlcea, by Alexander. 3-' Kl^l •* B Pu f *Prinm ,,- ( Emlllus, by Orville. "'''™ - -^ (Cressida, by Whiskey. T^ „\,*r,^ r.f S Don Juan, by Orville. Daugnterot | Moll in the Wad, by Hambletonlan. „ ,. „< Selim, by *Piizzard. feuitan u-^^ Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. 2 J w a; 1 T ,.„„ ( Tramp, bv Dick Andrews. 5 llranipolme | Web, by Waxy. f MjiiPv wS Orvllle, by Beningbrough. t.« "Uiey 1^ ^ Eleanor, by Whiskey. ^ c. 1 rinrp ^ Marmion, by Whiskey. i^<_.mie__ ^ Harpalice, by Gohanna. „ ,„ ,,. . E,< Black lock, by Whitelock. •^u y^"'^^^^ -^ "( Daughter of PhaLtom. ■5 = 1 •S M, Tv.„,»>, , 1 ,.„„ S Mulatto, by Catton. > M I Martha l.ynn. . . . ] ^eda, by Filho-da-Puta. 3 t. ' Irish Bird- gj^ Hercules, by Whalebone, catcher. ..fc •, Guiccioll, by Bob Booty Bay Mlddleton. ( Inheritor, bv Lottery. ■ • ( Nell, by Blacklock. „^ Sultan. by Sellm. ) Cobweb, by Phantom S 2 I Rqrhpllp 5 Sandbeck, by Catton - iS3 Ltsaroeue... 1 n«r1nlet,ta. bv Amariis ; Darloletta, by Amadls. ' ir,>it<.i,.e TT * Blacklock, by Whitelock. ^"'^'^''^^ ^\ Daughter of Phantom. Vplocpnpdps dam * -'"niper. by Whiskey. , velocepede s dam ^ Daughter of Sorcerer. Economist, v.. E Whisker, by Waxy. Floranthe.'by octa-vian. ^Daughter of. . \ Nabocklish, bv Rugantlno. "( Miss Tooley, by Teddy the Grinder. "Glpnrop Tl\ Sultan, by Selim. ^"^"''°'^ -- -"I Trampoline, by Tramp. (P I Marpessa. . 5 Muley. by Orvllle ■ \ Clare, by Marmion. . .» ( Sultan Tj\ SeHm. by *3uzzard. g« buiian... -^ I Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. fia Franre'ica \ Pnrtlsan, by Walton. w^ I, i* rancesca ^ Daughter of Orvllle. Touchstone. et( Camel, by Whalebone. I Banter, by Master Uenry. Rprtha 5 Rubens. by • ^ **"*"* ^Boadlcea, by Buzzard. Alexander. lO. 6— g^ C8 Tl S K W .D >;a2 « & ,o s Fi s ■a ■o .o £1 =2 *Imported. 165 TARPEIA. PRODUCE. 1901. b. c, Dick Turpin, by Henry of Navarre. 1902. b. c, Trapper, by Hastings. 1903. by Hastings. 166 TORCHLIGHT. Sii-c traces back to mare by Sir T. Gascoigne's Foreign Horse. , rH r-c >, „ Tj^ii hir5 Sir Hercules, by Wbalebone. •jS paugb-a-BallaghS^ Gulccioli, b^ Bob Booty. t -^ - I bn ?5 la 2 ° i j^jj, [Daughter of. ^ Pantaloon, by Castrel. ■( Daphne, by Laurel. , pp„pn,,p zp ( 'TruPtee. by Catton. ^ ttevenue a-^ Rosalie Soiners, by Sir Gliarloj [ M I Sarah Wasli- 1.9 ' ingion_ < Garrison's Zlnganee, by Sir Archy. '( Steila, by Contention. tJ . ^„ ,. „( Orlando, by Touchstone. ^p; (| Jicllpse -^ I Gaze, by Bay Middleton. S'^ I Fanny Wash- ington. 1 Revenue, by *Trustee. [ Sarah Washington, by Ziuganee. O I— I X u o «^ ,.r^ T^ „( Lexington, by Boston. ^ rWar Dance. .../?|jjgg,_ by *Giencoe. 33 a ' ^ x I Piira Dfl vi, < ^Knight Of St George, by Blrdcatcher. I tLiiza i)d\ih_ (Melrose, by MeiOourne. .;.- ft;^ L -1 „5 The Baron, bv Birdcatcher. j3 _ bcocKweii -a ^ Pocahontas, by *Glencoe. •O 0) J £ § I T>^^„^. -c < Melbourne, by Dumphrey Clinker. ^n L Biink Bonn> j Queen Mary, by Gladiator. ,„. ^. , _ „nri5h Blrdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. ^ a; f Chanticleer... ..£•] ^j^^^, oy Drone. W S I piiprriaiP i Lanercost, by Liverpool. i.^^ (.Jiiieraaic . < Agra s Dam, by Tomboy. -* fTpxH„o-tr.„ „( Bostoti, t-y Timoleon. f a ti f Lexington Hj ^^^^.^ darneal, by *Sarpedon. I 1 Af «n„ S *Glencoe, by Suitan. , LMagnolla | »Myrtle, by'Mameiuke. i r*r^^ r. „( Sultan, bv Selim. , iriencoe - -" 1 Trampoline, by Tramp. qi«tpr to TBTiPPTit S Wagner, by Sir Charles. , bister to i angent ^ cherry Elliott, by Sumpter. T,„ ,„.„,. IP ( Camel, by Whalebone louchstone -C'^ uanter, by Master Henry. ijQoo in. 5 Dr Syntax, by Paynator. ueeswing.. ^ Daughter of Ardros^an. I ^ aid -r j„ „ CT^Ion, by Cain. Tadmor H] Paimyra, by S Sultan. Miss Sellnti J ^°'^'- ^^ ''"^ Middieton. MISS heuon. ^ Beile Dame, by 'Beishazzar. p,^ Touclistone, by Camel i Vulture, by Langar. f .. 2 r Orlando.. ni \^>,\ TVT„.n.„„„ < Whisker, by Waxy £ I ^-iMallbran ( Garcia, oy Octa via '*^ -S f Gladiator. I '' I Venus. .. r^ci r Gladiator jtS Partisan, by Walton -> Pauline, by Moses. ( Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. --- ( Echo, by Emiiius. rr\ Partisan, by Waiton. -^ ■( Paaime. by Moses. "^ 'I a r r,^u,r.,^,^ ' Voltaire or iS;.arch, by Blacklock. ,__. -f^ a l.LolIypop ■^ Belinda, by Blacklock. 'Pantaloon ...^| fa'alfa.'b.yPe Buzzard, eruvjan. v< 2.\ Wanfpr ( Mastct Henry, by Orville. I 1^ ^T i.cduiei > Boadicea. oy Aie.xander. f "« ( HarU-awiv wi Economist, by Whisker I be-: iiarivaw.1} ■°'| Fanny Dawson, by Nabocklish. .9 c J I '^H Pocahontas \ -Glencoe, by Sultan. I. Pocahontas ^ Marpessa, by .Muiey. IW rPantfllonn ff ^ Castrel, by "Buzzard. Pantaloon H ^ idalla, by Peruvian. <5 [Black Agnes S Velocipede, by Biack'ock. X Daughter of Walton. ♦Imported. tVoltalre given. 8. 8. - Si la .3 a |zi - is 167 TORCHLIGHT. PRODUCE. 168 TOSCANA. Sire traces back to Belgrade Turk Mare. r ^ fPoiini 7p( A\Tialebone, by Waxy. xU- l^""-'^' ---- -^ (Daughter of Seliiu. < < u O H 1 I' 2 ^< Rant,,,. ', Master Henry, bv Orvllle. Lcanui ^Boadicea, by Alexiinder. fDT '^vntav ,. ( Paynator, by Trumpator. I "'^■' ^""^ -^^ i Daughter of Beningbrough. ^ ^ Daiio-titpr of i Ardrossan, by John Bull. 1, L Daughter ot j ^ady Eliza, by Whitworch. S) f fnn d( Cain, by Paulowitz. ^■^ ]'■""■ '"? Margaret, by Edmund. ^2 Pnlmvr!) ( Sultan, by Selim a l^ t^a'my^a \ Hester, by Camel. • f rnwi D< Bay Middleton, bv Sultan. gg J *^o^^' -"K' *Priatn. ^S I Rpllp DftTTip J *Belshazzar, by Blacklock. I, 02 l.ueue Dame | Ellen, by Starch. f "^^ r Touchstone kJ Camel, by Whalebone. I ^ I loucnsione £, | eanter, by Master Henry. 5 Vulture 5 Lansar, by Selim. g IvuiTure . -. ^Klte, by Bustard. 9 ( Whisker k5 Waxy, by Pot-8-Os. g wnisker -» ^ Penelope, by Trumpator. S, 1 ■3 flBrria ^ Oetavian, by Stripling. S '- ^ Daughter of Shuttle. ■a 5o rj f Partisan cr^ Walton, by Sir Peter. n I rarusan // . parasol, by Pot-8-Os. 5| [Pauliiie. . 5 Moses,,Vy Whalebone. ^ =' ^ ( Quadrille, hy Selim. f Sir Hercules ...e\ 5'^?'ebone, by Waxy. I I Pen, by Wanderer. I Tr„i„> < Emilius, by Orvillc. '-^'^"" - ■( Daughter of Scud. in f 61) . zTj a; Sr r- Sw- f£ « Sh S-' ^;, o « 1 ^ o I Ph ^ rwhalebone E^ Waxy, by PotS-Os. g wnaieuonc -^ ? Penelope, by Trumpator. o . "S neflanee * Pvubens, by * Buzzard. » IDenance ^ kittle Folly, by Highland Fling. fRpveler M\ Comus, by Sorcerer. 1 Ke\eier m j ^Qgette, by Beningbrough. Mi's { 2 r>^n 5 Tramp, by Dick Andrews. a Luesign i Defiance, by Kubens. ■^ r noffrvn ET* ''OluTipus, by Gohanna. $ I catton .-e,^ j^^^y ^^.^^^ j,y •T.i,„ojj,y U I Tiaiio-iifpr nf * Smolcnsko, by Sorcerer. g. LDau,,nter oi ■ ^^^^ j^j^^.^ ^,y Beningbrough. f Whisker £;^ Waxy, by Pot-8-Os. ^ wmsKer ---^1 Penelope, by Trumpator. "^ Anna Belle 5 Shuttle, by Marske. I. Anna ueue j Daughter of Irish Drone. 2" ' Sir Hercules Ei Whalebone, by Waxy. St.- I ''ir Hercules ..../. ^^ p^^^ ^^ Wanderer. I -So Rnippioii * Sot) Booty, by Chant 'cleer. I _^ iLfUTLCioii -^ Flight, by Irish Escape. M t, «■ f Economist .?;> Whisker, by Waxy. a I economist -^ ^ Floranthe, by Octayian. 5 Blacklock. by Whitelock. ( Gadabout, by Orvllle. .« I Miss Pratt . ^f\ Comus, by Sorcerer. ■ ( Clinkerina, by Clinker. -' fHumphrey ^ 6 Clinker . Ha) sS I ° nniiffhter nf ^ Cervantes, by Don Qul.xote -° (-iJaugnter ot -^ Daughter of Golumpus. r Hnrnapa fi Velocipede, by Blacklock. ^ j uornsea £, | Daughter of Cerebus. 1 1 TndMstrv i *Prlam, by Emilius. CO Linausiry ^ Arachne, by Filho-da-Puta. 10. 3.3. s n JS e ^^ iS g a" 1^ t>> . B S >'S . s'il 2 "^ ■2 '^ *" " |(§ § bi .u a (1^ S a >>£ 3^5 •Imported. fThe Emperor given. 169 TOSCANA. PRODUCE. 1894. Missed to imp. Rayon d'Or. 1895. ch. c. (died), by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1896. blk. c, Tophet, by Fiddlesticks. 1897. Missed to imp. Rayon d'Or. 1898. ch. f., Topnotch, by Henry of Navarre. 1899. ch. c, Carroll D., by Hastings. 1900. ch. c, Toscan, by Hastings. 1901. Missed to Hastings. 1902. ch. c, Taxer, by Hastings. 1903. , by Hastings. 170 o c c > i^l — " ^1 X ■a 9^ >, s « c £ o D ^ 1 (H ^H 1 ^ t WOODNYMPH. Sii'8 traces back to Old Woodcock Mare. T •„i,r.,-„j„„+„i.„„i,'^ Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. IrishBirdcatcher&l (juiccioli, by Bob Booty. ■ \ n^r . T7.„i,-/i S Economist, by Wbisker. = Hs- iJicbidna -( Miss Pratt, by Blacklock. .„, „( Sultan, by Selim. ^g I triencoe ■''"( Trampoline, by Tramp. ,- ? I T,, S Muley, by Orville. 1,^ iMarpessa ] Clare, by Marmion. -. f Humphrey ,,< Comus, by Sorcerer. _^ g I L.imKu . . .u y ciinkerina, by Clinker, '^ ? TV 1 *„ * S Cervantes, by Don Quixote. o [Daughter of ] Daughter of Golumpus. ^„, ,. ,.„ ,,( Partisan, by "Walton. g ^ r txladiatoi // ^ Pauline, by M oses. cS [ Daughter of . I> ( Plenlpotent ary, bv Eaiilius. I Myrrlia, by Whalebone. , „. n , E, ( Whalebone, by Waxy. 'Sir Hercules ...if] pg^i, by Wanderer. „ . ... ( Bob Booty, by Chanticleer, ^truiccioii ^ flight, by Irish Escape. T, ! V, r.„„«„ u < Master Robert, by Buffer. lil»ti urone. ...n-^ Daughter of Sir Walter Raleigh. ^ llviss V Waxy Pope, by Waxy. '( Daughter of Champion. ,, . , j-,< Tramp, by Dick Andrews. Liverpool M. Daughter of Whisker. < Bustard, by *Buzzard. } Gayhurst's dam, by Election. Emancipation's dam, by Ardrossan. r-r .«K„„ „( Jerry, by Smolensko lomboy n^ Rmancination's dam. !.Tesane ^ Whisker, by Waxy. '( Lady of the Tees, by Octavian. I« ,™. , „5 Sir Archy, by *Diomed. I limoleon N^ paughter of *Saltram. ° 1 Sister to , g I Tuckahoe..- -3 I *Sarnedon E^, Ball's Florizel, by * Diomed. Daughter of *Alderinan. Emllius, by Orville. Icaria, by The Flyer. ' l'^^ \ -D * Sumpter, by Sir Archy. ; |-^ a IKowena -^ j^^dy Gray, by Robin Gray. I T- rcitar. „* Selim, by *Buzzard. I g fteultan ---^'(Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. I 5 g I „ ,. „ ( Tramp, by Dick Andrews, lol s I Trampoline : ^'' y„ IS ( Web, by Waxy. . , ,, ,, ,.„ „( Partisan, by Walton. o Mameluke tij jjjgg sop^ia, by Stamford. ^ I D 1,^)11, S Bobadll, by Rubens. S L*foi)aaiua ^ Pythoness, by Sorcerer. r,„,„„i jri Whalebone, by Waxy. ^*™'^' -^ I Daughter of Selim. o S I R„„f o,. 5 Master Henry, by Orville. H B ^ "''"^'^'^ - \ Boadlcea, by Alexander. M rnr nvntnv 1,^5 Paynator, by Trumpator. g |I>iSyntax j»/| Daughter of Beningbi'ougli. S 1 i^...,„i,fo,. ..f ^ Ardrossan, by John Bull g I Daughtei ot ^ , j^^jy EMzsl, by Whitworth. Kcniioinist pi Whisker, by Waxy. h.tonomist ii | Floranthe, by Octav 5 fe Ttana-htPT nf ^ Nabocklish, by Rugantino X ^ I uaugnter ot j jyjj^g Tooley, by Teddy-the-Grinder. I rsnpciilation s; 5 Whisker, by Waxy. ~ speculation -c- ^ Daughter of Walton. 5 Langar, by Selim. ( Steam, by Waxy Pope. •Imported. tThe-Ill-Used given. jKentucky given. 7.7.2. T3 5 ■§1 o a. B.£ S c8 •a _r ... t- a ^ £ s ^£ a § J3 £ 02 Ph >. Si S- S ^ = « B s a »> 03 a B ■« ■§ 1-^ 171 WOODNYMPH. PRODUCE. 1895. Missed to imp. Rayon d'Or. 1896. Missed to imp. Rayon d'Or. 1897. ch. f., Woodray, by imp. Rayon d'Or. 1898. ch. c, Woodstick, by Fiddlesticks. 1899. b. f., Emma A. M., by Hastings. 1900. Missed to Hastings. 1901. b. f., Woodshade, by Hastings. 1902. ch. f., Woodcrest by Octagon. 1903. by Henry of Navarre. 172 < Q O O WOODRAY. sire traces back to dam of The Two True Blues. A-i rnvioT,Hr> E, 5 Touchstone, by Camel. I §•" j Orlando... ^^ vulture, by Langar. \t,a\ ravatina J Redshank, by Sandheck. j2 .H'" Lcavatma ^ Oxygen, by Emilius. 3 I o f PlfiTipt rri ^^y Mlddleton, by Sultan. 3 I*- J " ----^ Venison, by Partisan. I s L Aiice ±sray ^ Daruness, by ♦Glencoe. I ." for^Tlfe'EmDlVor^£^^<^f'''^««'^y Whalebone. Q ^ J or Ihe Jimperor^l pg,igjjj_ j,y Reveller. o =« Li-oetess ^ Ada, by Whisker. * ^ fPHftriiatnr tt-J Partisan, liy "Walton. . Lriaaiator --"(Pauline, by Moses. ' T anternp 5 Hercule, by Rainbow. . Li-anterne | Elvira, by Ery.x. * r r-A,r,o} ^5 Whalebone, by Waxy. ■ ^''"lei.. - --■''I Daughter of Selini. I I Rnntpv S Master Henry, by Orville. I ' ti'ii'^er j Boadicea, by Alexander. ; f *Priani TT* Kmilius, by Orville. ; i^riam - -'^'^ Creselda, by Whiskey. I ^ \< H-1 lis: I < I Potentate's dam. I Don .Tuan, bv Orville < Moll in the Wad, by Hambletoniaa. 6 , Sultan ff> Selim, by *Buzzard. o ^""^'^n .,±1 1 Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. Ml °\ Tramnnline 5 Tramp, by Dick Andrews. o| -llrampolim i Web, by Waxy. oi o riUiilev S75 Orville, by Beningbrough. I o| ^ Muley -^(Eleanor, by W^hiskey. I £■ r'laro i Marmion, bv Whiskey. 1^ « n^idre ) Harpalice, by Gohanna. » , Thn Rornn jtS Msh Birdcatchcr, by Sir Hercules. fS r 2 '•^"1 -^i Echidna, by Economist. (JQ & [Pocahontas. ti £■ *Glencoe, by Sultan. Marpessa, by Muley. E-i.; =q I - a 1«5 Arelhoiirne Jf* Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. .Melbourne ju -^ Daughter of Cervantes. Oueen Alarv 5 Gladiator, by Partisan, k^ueeu -uai) ^ Daughter of Plenipotentiary. m r Irish Hird- •3'" catclier a Sl< 03 « I § o I Whim ^ ■'■''J^*' Drone, by Master Robert. E.5 Sir Hercules, bv Whalebone. ) Guiccloli, by Bob Booty. B\ L"""" (Kiss, by Waxy Pope. r T,a nereost 77 * Liverpool, by Tramp. S ^ J^anercost j..^ ^^j^ ^^ Bustard. ^^'° Aera's dam 5 Tomboy, by Jerry. LAgras aam J Tesane, by Wuisker. ,LA< I Boston ff 5 Tlmoleon, by Sir Archy =■1 o Alice Cameal Sister to Tuckahoe. •Sarpedon, by Erallius. Uowena, by Sumpter. »Glencoe I/i Sultan, by Sellm. ^'*''"^°*' ^i Trampoline, by Tramp. «Mvr-tio ( Mameluke, by Partisan, "^y""' i Bobadllla, by Bobadll. Tniirhitone Ki Camel, by Whalebone. g-. I ioucnstone......a j Banter, by Master Henry. 5 "2 Beeswin" 5 ^^- Syntax, by Paynatnr. a^\z, I »«^*^s*^'"<' \ Daughter Of Ardrossan. a; a E -S* • rHark-iwav r} Economist, by Whisker. .g J "arwaway ^^^ Daughter of Nabocklish. I I Suspicion i Speculation, by Whisker. '• ^ ) Foam, by Langar. *Imported. tThelll-Used given. ^Kentucky given. 10. 5. 1. o = ^ ■S fe ^ g a s O te 2 1-5 O fe a « s S ■§ ■« « 3.2 S w >, a" n" * - S S o "S .- ^ »" ■^ |S.s w _ 0^ a a S* a .9 S •i '^ t' a 5 -^ «. o a ., O H i^ ~ fc 3 =8 — ■a o "^ i >. a sg a a' S 3 a a S - ■= :; ~ S a 00 r-l d i' .^ S o, t- a o 2 j: S-S a. i? fe o f^ r 5 cm WOODRAY. PRODUCE. 1901. ch. c, Woodheart, by Hastings. 1902. Missed to Henry of Navarre. jgo^. by Hastings. 174 > Q O O > - "S WOODVINE. Sire traces tack to A Royal Mare (dam of Old Whynot). .,„, „ „\ Irish Birdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. The Baron ^^Ecnidna, by Economist. Pocahontas. Melbourne ^ l=QDa I Queen Mary. f 15 I Irish Bird- ( *Glencoe, by Sultan. — i Marpessa, by Muley. ,,( Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. — ( Daughter of Cervantes. ( Gladiator, by Partisan. — 7 Daughter of Plenipotentiary. „ ;„!,"„,. vS Sir Hercules, by Whalebone, catchei -...fc^ y^fg(.J(J^^ by Bob Booty. tJ f/3 -nr,,- ^i^^^ -f \ Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. Tramnnlinp 5 Tramp, by Dick Andrews, irampolme | -^^eb, by Waxy. -; f Ti/r„„„i„i-„ a ( Partisan, by Walton. 1 1 Mameluke ^ J Miss Sophia, by Stamford. s 1 rt^H i^iiio 5 Bobadil, by Rubens. r l^oD'iQ'"'! ^ Pythoness, by Sorcerer. Pnmpl pj Whalebone, by Waxy. fKl "" I '^ I Daughter of Sellni 1 = 1 15 5 fe .a ^ ^S T. . < Master Henry, bv Orville. '^^'^^^•^ (Boadicea, by" Alexander. f Dr ^vntav )/ * Pavnator. by TrumpEtor. , ^ iir.!5>ntax u , Daughter of Beuingbrough. S n J Si [Daughter of...... | Ardro^sam by J^hn ^^^^^^^^^ ^«JEconomist ^l^i^JSe^'^^cJ^cft^a-vian. a i I nnnirhtpr .,f 5 NabockUsh, by Rugantino. w^ Li^augnter oi ^ Miss Tooly, by Teddy-the-Gnnder, Snppiilnflon K^ Whisker, by Waxy, speculation a | Daughter of Walton . rn'^ Tj-r^o,., 5 Langar, by Sellm. [CO Lfoam 1 Steam, by Waxy Pope. •Imported. "tKentucky given. 9. 5. S. ss >, Si ja —- ^ « « s is ^ .0 ^ a "5 y a ^ .a fa S a S § S3 3 ■a S ■3 ^ b£ be J .a j;^ "H ■S^ w « 1^ a •3 >> ,0 CO l-l Ph y >> IS x: .e Qj S a a B -c ^ £1 1 S ;4 O g cs fi S s o . ii O ^ a 03 pH a 2 5 •S >->" So t a S;3 a S" S" B a c3 a! "3 -3 •a a 175 WOODVINE. PRODUCE. 1898. b. c, Woodspike, by Fiddlesticks. 1899. Missed to Hastings. 1900. Missed to Hastings. 1901. ch. f., Woodspring, by Hastings. 1902. ch. c, Woodsaw, by Octagon. 1903. by Hastings. 176 IMP. YSEULT. Sire traces laack to Chllder's Mare. ». 6, 1. r^"** ; jHo (■in « (J) Lk r « 03 b HO l£5 Lt^ I * ' br ?» p B O (t_ 6n 3 C8 Q as I O'S 5fe ■ 5S 1^5 „ , jfA Whalebone, by Waxy, "-^niel-- -"^Daugnterof belira. „ ^ 5 Master Henry, by Orville. lianter j JJoadicea, by Alexander. rT. o ta „ 5 Paynator, by Trumpator. uv. byntax ji ^ Daughter of Beningbrough. 1 _, i,j. ^f ( Ardrossan, by John Bull. I Daughter of ^ Lady Eliza, by Whitworth. , ., rrS Cain, by Paulowitz. I 1°" •" ( Margaret, by Kdmund. I T.„i.v,^«„ 5 Pultan, by Selim. [Palmyra | Hester, by Camel. ,„ , n^t Bay Middleton, by Sultan. cowl -" i Crucifix, by Priam. I ij„ii„ T^„^^ 5 Belshazzar, by Blacklock. I Belle Dame. | ^^^^^^ ^^ %i^ic:ix. flrish Bird- , gj^ Hercules, by Whalebone J catcher....^ ^ Guiccloll, by Bob Booty. Lc i,-.i„„ 5 Econom'st, by Whisker. LH-cliidna ... 1 Miss Pratt, by Blacklock. , . „, . 17-5 Sultan, by Selim. tilencoe u^.^^ rampoline, by Tramp. 1 T,,„ „„„ ( Muley, by Orville. LMarpessa \ d^re, by Marmion. , T ,„ 1 If S Tramp, by Dick Andrews. j Liverpool E\ Daughter ot Whisker. I T.„ ~i,+ f S Emilius, by Orville. [Daughter of ] surprise, by Scud. rr iHriintnr TJ^ Partisan, by Walton. J Crladlator ti ^ pauiine, by Moses. I Dfliiffbtpr nf ^ Plenipotentiary, by Emilius. LDaugnter ot -^ Myrrha, by AVhalebone. I !•„„„.,„.'„+ vS Whisker, by Waxy. j Economist E\ Floranihe.iy Octavian. I Fnimv Dawson ^ Nabocklish, by Bugantino. ll'anny Dawson... -^ MissTooley, by Teddy the Grinder. f *aipnrnp TT^ Sultan, by Selim. uiencoe ^ ) Trampoline, by Tramp. I MnrnpRsifl * Muley, by Orville. LMarpessa -^ glare, by Marmion. rT?nvni Onir ». ^ Catton, by Golumpus. j-Royal Oak -« ^ Daughter of Smolensko. ] Dauffhter of \ Orville, by Beningbrough. Liiaugntcr oi. ^ Epsom Lass, by Sir Peter. f mr TTprpiilps! F ' "WTialebone, by Waxy. j Sir uercules....ii ^ pgj,j^ j,y Wanderer. 1 Miss Lettv * *Priam, by Emilius. LMiss Letty -^ Daughter of Orville. r Gladiator // 5 Partisan, by Walton. I Gladiator ii'^ Pauline, by Moses. I T fiiivnnn ' Starch or Voltaire. LLollypop ^ Belinda, by Blacklock. f Vpriiiam v'i I-'Ottery, by Tramp. |\erulam ---^^ Wire, by Waxy. I Tpnn«ia ^ Toucbstone, by Camel. '-'^''""''^^ i Emma, by Whisker. f ithiiiMoi B-i Touchstone, by Camel. |'**>"'"'' -^\ Verbena, by Velocipede. Miss Rnwp * Catton, by Golumpus. LMiss Kowe ^ xranby's dam, by Orville. TQinnp I'J Royal Oak, bv Catton. 1'='"'°'^--- -^ ; Daughter of Orville. I VihrntioTi 5 Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. L vibration. ^ p^.jjQ_ i^^ £n,jiiug O •a St ■O X! 5 a S 2 O 08 t.' 3 a; ^ » 0) a 03 o '^ Oh x: ■a o "Imported. tt "' . -^^'If^^^M i^^i _ Jl;; •^^. ^^^^ ■ ^^^;^^>; ■ • '/ '^^ 1 ■ : ^l^'ll u ^ .vfi|€?;-^;J 1 177 IMP. YSEULT. PRODUCE. 1893. b. c. (died), by imp. King Galop. 1894. Missed to imp. Rayon d'Or. 1895. b c, Yaphank, by Magnetizer. 1896. br. or blk. c, Yuletide, by Badge. 1897. blk. f., Yam, by Fiddlesticks. 1898. br. c, Yemassee, by Henry of Navarre. 1899. ch. f., Toiseule, by Henry of Navarre. 1900. ch. c, Yardarm, by Henry of Navarre. 1901. ch. f., Yawl, by Henry of Navarre. igo2. ch. f., Yuletree, by Hastings. 1903. by Hastings,