^si^^M^ m ')/( ')}M 92^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofstandOOhigh < ^ Q 2 £s\'<-^V\V\V\V\\V\\V\^VV^V\VV\^^^^ ^i/S9/i<^ CATALOGUE OF STHNDHRD-BRED -^i-TrOTTING tSTOCKi^ AT Highland View Farm, OWNED BY Wm. H. Moody CbAREMONr, N. H. ^i/S9/t<^ sVVVVV\VVVVVVVV\VVVVVVVVVVVV\ VV\VVVVVVVVVVVV^ ^^ ^^v^^v^^v^^x^^%.v^%.^^vv^v^^v^^ ' v^^^^^^^^v^^v--'^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PRESS OF MILLS, KNIGHT & CO. BOSTON. ^V.\V\\-V\\V\\V\\V\VV\^VVVV\\^^^^ vV\\VV\V^^VV^VVVVVVV^^V^VV V\V\\V\VV\^^ ^ ^ ANNOUNCEMENT-- Highland View Stock Farm is located in Claremoiit, N. H., one mile from station, and consists of six hundred acres of highly improved land. The buildings have been constructed with a view to attractiveness as well as convenience, and sanitarily are well- nigh perfect. With good, never failing water supply, rich pasturage and ample yard room, the facilities for the breeding of trotting stock are unexcelled. The roads are excellently constructed throughout the town, besides which, there is on the farm as fast a half-mile track as is on any farm in the country ; forty feet wide all the way, with fast stretches and turns, which are nicely graded. From the buildings may be seen from any point of the com- pass the most picturesque views, including mountain, valley and river vistas, and altogether Highland View is excellently well adapted for a country seat. Visitors are welcome at all times save Sundays, when business is suspended and the stock cannot be shown. Those interested in breeding, developing or examining fine horses will, we feel assured, see much of interest here. The stock is bred in well tried lines, and individually as good as the breeding would suggest. Excepting Evolutio, any animal in the collection is for sale, reasonably priced, on application. MM. H. MOODY. Propr. M. K. NEi^INS, Mhnhger. ^ CLHREMONT, N. H. January ist, 1S91. \V\X\\V\V\\V\\VVVV\\V\\V\V V\X^\Vv\^^^ "t n,. UJ A ft. M :;;=="":""";•""=• +++-. ^*Sk r +++ +++-• ^H^ *- +++ ++-• •-++ +-^ *-+ J I. .r++++++-i. w\VV\\VVVVVVVS\V\\V^^V.^V\^VVVV\\V\\V\^^^ 1161. • Gen. Washington 3030. Stranger Sire of Nominee 2.24% Myriad''"' '.'.'.'. l'.ls% I Gen. H L, ^ Lady Thorn, 2.18V Goldsmith iVIali 332 heals ill 3.3. f Nominee . Own brother 1 2.24% EYOLUTia 14250. f Abdallah, 15 . . I Sire of ] Goldsmith Maid . 2.1 ^ OldAb Dam of Goldsmith Maid. r Hambletonian, 10 f Jay Gould Dexter Nettie Sapphire. Dam Nominee . . Nominator . ^24-4 :.28y2 Lucy, 2.l8y4 [ Lady Sanford . . . f Geo. M. Patchen, 30. J Sire of ) Lucy 2.181/4 ^ Daughter of ... . Hambletonian, 10 ■ . f Geo.WIII^VW\^ FARM STALLIONS. 5 STALLIONS. EiZOLUTIO, 14250. PRIVATE. Chestnut stallion ; foaled 1888 ; bred at " Highlawn," Lee, Mass. [Standard Bred, Rule 6.] Sire, NOMINEE, 4150. Record 2.24^. Brother to Nominator, 2.283^, at three years old, 3rd heat. First Dam, Katie Smith, Second Dam, Katie Jackson, Record, 2.25^^, as a four-year-old. Third Dam, Fanny, A noted show mare in Kentucky, winning many premiums. by Alcantara, 729. 4-year record, 2.23. Sire of 21 trotters to enter the 2.30 list during 1890, beating the world's pro- ductive record. Also sired dams of Prince Regent, 2.i63o, winner of the $10,000 Hart- ford Stake, and /Egon, 3-year record, 3d heat, 2.1834, winner of all his races, and could beat 2.17. by Almont, 2.39I, ss, Sire of Fannie Witherspoon, 2.i63^, 2 - mile record 4.463^, Piedmont, 2.1734 (11 i'"* 2.30 list), Aldi'ne, 2.193^ (2.163/0 to pole), and 30 others in 2.30 list. Sire of dam of Alabaster, 4-year record, 2,15, Catchfly, record 2.183^, and others. by Cadmus. a strain found prominently in Nelson, 2.10^, the present stallion king, and Smuggler, 2.153^, the ex-champion holder of that honor. \VVVVVVVVVV x VVV\VVVV\V \VVVVVVVV\^VVVV\X^^^^^ ^vv\vvv%.\v^x\v\\v\V\v-ady Emma 2.23^^ Alpha 2.23^ Alicante 2.23^ Robt. M. Taylor 2.24 Alcazar 2.24! Alcagetta 2.25 Thornton 2. 26^ Wilkes Bee 2.27^ Foggy 2.27i Mary S 2.28 Etta 2.28i Ariel 2.28I Fillmore 2.29 Alcavalla 2.29 Alcantara, Jr 2.29I by Stranger, Sire of Nominee, 2.24^, Nominator, 2.281^, Myriad, 2.283^. by Jay Gould, 2.20^, Sire of Pixley, 2,16, Adele Gould, 2.19, etc. by Geo. M. Patchen, 2.23!-, Sire of Lucy, 2.18^, Godfrey Patchen, sire of Hopeful, 2.14I, etc., etc. Note. — Montgomery is sire of Cleve- land S., 2.26^. May Day, Sire of dam of Madame Dudley. Prizefighter. by George Wilkes, 519, 2.22, Sire of Guv Wilkes, 2.15J, sire of Sable Wilkes, 2.18, he, sire of Freedom, one-year-old, 2.29!, fastest to date at the age. Wm. L., sire of Axtell, 2.12, cham- pion three-year-old stallion record. PACERS. Nightingale 2.i8f Empress Eugenie 2.19^^ Goldbeater 2.201^ Lady Hamilton 2.23^ Raven 2.26^ Bayard Wilkes 2.26J Zero 2.29 Attractive 2.29I Montezuma 2.29I V\\V\^V\\V\\V\\V\\V\\>VV\V\\X\\VV^VV\V\\^^^ FARM STALLIONS. 7 Alcander 2.29! Note.— Alpha, 2.23:^, produced iEgon, Estabrook 2.2gJ 3year record, 3d heat, 2. 18^. Queen Anne 2.30 Montezuma sired White Wings, Joe Wilkes 2 30 3-year record, 3d heat, 2.29}. Almont, by Abdallah, 15, Sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2.14. First Dam, Sally Anderson, by Mambrino Chief, ii. Sire of Lady Thorne, 2.1SJ. Second Dam, Pope Mare, by Pilot, Jr., 12, Sire of dams of Maud S., 2.o8|, Jay Eye See, 2.10. This breeding is unsurpassed in many directions. The ancestors were nearly all of developed speed, and were tried and found to be brilliant campaigners. As Stranger was by Gen. Washington, and out of Goldsmith Maid, record 2.14, 332 heats in or below 2.30, and Gen. Washington by Gen. Knox, 2.3 if (public trial, 2.24), out of Lady Thorne, 2.18^, 106 heats in or below 2.30, and own sister to the phenomenal broodmare sire. Mam. Patchen. Nomi- nee's dam. Sapphire, out of the great mare, Lucy, 2.18^, 62 heats in or below 2.30. Now we get a combination of the blood-lines of the three Queens of the Turf during their day, a line to Geo. M. Patchen, Champion Stallion during his time, and another to Jay Gould, which was also stallion king at one time. Alcantara leads the world's speed-producing record, and was by Geo. Wilkes, ex-champion stallion king, and the leading sire to date among sires of trotters ; his dam. Alma Mater, by the leading extreme speed broodmare sire (as judged by the 2.20 list). Mam. Patchen, 58, is dam of Alcyone, 2.27, sire of Alcryone, 2.15^, lona, 2.17^, etc., Arbiter, 2 30, and AUicia, 2.30, second dam Estella, by Australian, third dam Fanny G. (also third dam of Palo Alto, 2.12^), by Imp. Margrave. This includes, it will be seen, four direct lines to Hambletonian 10, the greatest sire of his time, and sire of Electioneer, George Wilkes, Happy Medium, Dictator, etc.; two strains to Alexander Abdallah, 15, opportunity considered, Hambletonian's best son ; three strains to Mambrino 8 FARM STALLIONS. Chief, II (once through his best daughter, and once through his best son) ; two Hnes to Henry Clay ; one each to Pilot, Jr., 12, sire of dams of fastest and second fastest trotters ever foaled, Ameri- can Star, 14, sire of dams of Dexter, 2.17^, Nettie, 2.18, Orange Girl, 2.20, Guy, 2.1 of. The famous sires, Geo. Wilkes, Almont, Mam. Chief, Abdallah, 15, and Mam. Patchen, are of themselves sufficient to form a gilt-edged pedigree, but add to this the out- crosses of pacing and enduring thoroughbred and it is complete. ^S\\\SVSV\\V\V\V\VS\V\VV\VVJsVv^S^^^JV\SVv^^^^ FARM STALLIONS. 9 EHGLE iflZILKES. Dam is own sister to Abdallah Wilkes, sire of Saxon, 2.22i, Voleta, 2.29i, etc. Bay stallion ; foaled 1883 ; bred by Dr. Wm. Jarvis, Claremont, N. H. Owned at Highland View. Sire, ALMONT EAGLE, 2.27. Could show a 2.15 gait, and with a chance should have beaten 2.20. First Dam, Vesta Wilkes, by Geo. Wilkes, 519. Record, 2.22. Sister to Abdallah Wilkes, trial, 2.29. Sire of Harry Wilkes, 2.13^, Guy Sire of Saxon, 2.22I, trial 2.18^, etc. Wilkes, 2.1 5^, Mike Wilkes, 2.15I, Wilson, 2.i6i, Wilcox, 2.16, etc. The leading sire of trotters and Ham- bletonian's best son. Second Dam, Marie, by Wagner Abdallah, Son of Jupiter Abdallah, sire of Result, 2.25, Prince, 2.27, Tom Moore, 2.28. His dam by the 4-mile racer, Wagner. Third Dam, Daughter of Kentucky, Son of the noted racer,. Lexington. Geo. Wilkes' best nick is with the Mambrino Chief blood ; here we have it reversed. The Wilkes, on dam's side : backed by gamest. of racing strains and crossed on sire's side to the double Mambrino Chief strains, with a Pilot, Jr., outcross, then direct to a foundation of great notoriety for stamina. Eagle Wilkes is not a large horse, but as handsome a horse as stands, of commanding appearance and absolutely perfect vi ajiatom- ical construction everywhere. He is fast, stylish, and will be, or should be, a great sire. There's no speculation about him, for on each side it has been shown to be of speed-producing value. There are few in all this broad land like him, and none handsomer, according to those who have the right of experience to say it. FOR SALE, TO FARM STALLIONS. NHPOLEON. [Standard, Rule 6.] Dark bay horse ; foaled 1885 ; bred by G. D. Frost, Bellows Falls, Vt.; stands 16 hands full. Sire, ALMONT EAGLE, 2.27. First Dam, Psyche, 2.27I, by Bayard, 2.31^, 53, Sire of Bliss, 2.21^, Emma B., 2.22, Fanny C, 2.24^, Lily J., 2.25^, Eagle Plume, 2.29J, Modie H., 2.29^, Aimee, 2.30; dams of Faust, 3 years, 2.18^, Jane R., 2.26^, etc., etc. Son of Pilot, Jr., 12. Sire of dams of 20 in 2.30 list. Second Dam, Arabian Girl, by Carnac, Record, 2.40. Son of Ashland (sire of dams of Edwin Thorne, 2.i6i, Black Cloud, 2.17^), by Mam. Chief, 11. Third Dam, Dam of Spotted Jim, 2.33. Could trot in 2. 25. Here we trace direct to the great broodmare fountains, Mam- brino Chief, 11, three times, and to Pilot, Jr., 12, twice, with speed- producing dams all round. Almont Eagle and Psyche both de- veloped performers both capable of faster records than attained at the time made, as their trials indicated each could beat 2.20. Back of all is another speed-producer, dam of Spotted Jim, 2.33, a horse trotted around half-mile tracks more to obtain purses than record; he could trot in 2.25 and faster, but was never allowed to trot there. Speed-producers denied first-rate opportunities are the very best examples of individuality to be found, and of far more value in a pedigree than fashionable strains which cannot substan- tiate by virtue of performance the trust put in the richness of breeding by patrons who wonder that they never got a trotter when those bred in similar lines go and perform creditably. Napoleon was retained, as he was well fortified with a high rate of natural speed, to prove what he now is, a trotter. FOR SALE. FARM STALLIONS. ii iAZM. H. MOODY, 9581. [Standard, Rule 6.] Brownish bay stallion; foaled, 1887; bred at Highland View; stands 16 hands full. Sire, VITTORIA. First Dam, Mermaid, by Volunteer Boy. Trial, driven by J. J. Bowen, in 2.28. Trial, 2.27 ; son of Volunteer, 55. Second Dam, Sea Foam, by Young Columbus, Record 2.24^. Sire of Myron Perry, 2.24I, Sea Foam, Could trot in 2.20, or better, and won 2.24I, Harry Harley, 25!, Phil 24 hotly contested heats in 2.30 and Sheridan (sire of Phylis, 2.15^), faster. 2.26I, Com. Vanderbilt, 2.25, Ben Smith, 2.27, Arthur, 2.27-^, Farmer Boy, 2.28, Fitzgerald, 2.30, Young Columbus, Jr., 2.30; dam of Ab- bottsford, 2.19^, and 6 others in 2.30. Third Dam, Daughter of Hambletonian, 2, (Harris,) Sire of Green Mountain Maid, 2.28^, and 3 others also, dams of 6 in 2.30. There is decidedly an outcross here, and includes fast performers. Mermaid ought to have been in the list, but has been bred in pre- ference to a turf career. The blood of Young Columbus breeds on: Adelaide, 2. 19I, a daughter of Phil Sheridan, has Nina D. 2.26^, at 4 years, and Addie D., 2.25 1, at 3 years, in the list. Such an outcross, when commingled with Hambletonian and Mambrino Chief blood, must result favorably, as it becomes stronger as a speed-productive factor. This fellow is a royally handsome horse, excellently fashioned, bred and gaited for a fast performer, and knows nothing but trot. Good judges think him capable of a record in his four-yearold form inside the "circle which divides." He will be handled this coming season, and, barring accident, will be given a mark. FOR SALE. 12 FARM STALLIONS. QUINTUPLE. [Standard, Rule 6.] Chestnut colt; foaled 1890; bred by S. W. Parlin, Phillips, Me. Sire, ALLECTUS, 3794. Own brother to lRf:NK, 2.23^. Dam, Hartelle, by Almont Eagle, 2.27, Brother to Piedmont, 2. 17 J. Second Dam, Heartless, by Hartford, Son of Rysdykjsire of Clingstone, 2.14. Third Dam, Dam of Jersey Lily, by Telegraph, 2.34^ Son of Locomotive by Blucher. Fourth Dam, Daughter of Charlton Horse. Could trot fast and draw heavy weight. ALLECTUS by Alcantara, Dan Tola, by Administrator, 2d dam the famous progenitor, Jessie Pepper, by Mambrin'o Chief. JESSIE PEPPER'S PRODUCE. Alpha, 2.23J, dam of ^Egon, 3 years, 2.18^, 3d heat. lona, 2.17^, dam of Acman, 3 years, 2.29!, pacer. lola, dam of Irene, 2.23^. Le Grand, sire of Grandee, 2.23-1^ at 3 years old. Starling, dam of Estabella, she the dam of Prince Regent, 2.i6|, winner of $10,000 2.20 Class Stake at Hartford, 1890. Wenonah, dam of Montezuma, 2.29J, sire of White Wings, 2.29^ at 3 years. ALMA MATER'S ROLL OF HONOR. Alcantara, 33 in 2.30 list at 14 years of age, 21 of which entered in 1890, beating all speed-productive records. Record at 4 years, 2.23, last half, i.o6|. Alcyone, 2.27, sire of 15 in 2.30 list. Arbiter, record 2.30. Allicia, 2.30. Quintuple traces five times to Mambrino Chief, five to Ham- bletonian, 10. To Mambrino Chief, through his best daughter really (breeding-on characteristics considered), Jessie Pepper. Dolly Halstead (dam of Administrator, 2.29^), Sally Ander- son (dam of Almont), Mag Ferguson (dam of Piedmont, 2.17:^, FARM STALLIONS. 13 Almont Eagle, 2.27, Mammont 2 in 2.30 list), and through Alma Mater (4 in 2.30) to Mambrino Patchen, son of Mambrino Chief, and his best son as well. To Hambletonian through Geo. Wilkes, 2.22, his best son, Administrator, 2.29^, Abdallah, 15, Rysdyk and Hartford's dam. In addition there are strains direct to Grey Eagle, Sir Archy and Diomed. He is individually one of the fastest gaited colts of his age to be found, look where we may, and extremely bloodlike^ and in every way promising. He is ultra- fashionably bred, possessing the best performing blood from Al- cantara (21 in 2.30 list in 1890), and tracing directly to the greatest matron of the year, Jessie Pepper. There is little to risk, for' with opportunity he will become a trotter, and his opportunities on the Highland View mares are con- ceded to be first-class for the production of trotters, and the rec- ords show that the trotters descended from Jessie Pepper are among the gamiest and most level-headed ever to show in public. Prince Regent can trot in 2.14, as can ^gon, if not indeed faster; 2.23:!: will not stop Irene — with another season she can undoubt- edly enter the 2.20 list easily. Taken all in all, there are few colts obtainable with as promising a speed inheritance as has this fellow, and with excellent bone structure and high finish we can but anticipate a brilliant future career for him either here or in the event of his being disposed of. In his two-year old form he will be allowed a few choice fillies from our stud. NNVS\\S\\\X\SVs\V\\V\\X\\Vs\V\VV\^V\\^^^ 14 FARM STALLIONS. REX NUTMOOD. Handsome rich bay ; foaled 1887 ; bred in Kentucky by W. H. Hill, Worcester, Mass; stands 16 hands; weighs iioq lbs. [Standard, Rule 6.] Sire, NUTWOOD, 600. Record 2.iSf. Sire of WooDNUT 2.j6^ Irma , 2.l8i Felix 2.iS| Belmont Boy 2.15 Dawn 2. iSf (Pacers.) Maggie E. 2.19! Nutwood added 19 to his roll of 2.30 Glenview Belle 2.20I performers in 1890 — a total to date 3 years, etc., etc.; also of 49 in 2.30. Manager 2.16^ (fastest 2-year record). First Dam, Sister Ruth, by Jim Munroe, Sire of Monroe Chief, 2.18^, Kitty 1 Bates, 2.19, and 6 others. Second Dam, Sister Mac, by Whirlwind, 2.30I, Sister to Lady Mac, 2.23, Mr. Van- Sire of dam of Maud Messenger, 2. 16^, derbilt's famous pole mate to and Pearl Madison, 2.27. Small Hopes. Third Dam, Madonna, by Untraced. Dam of Lady Mac, 2.23, held double team record with Small Hopes many years. Here is another pedigree rich in broodmare strains of great brilliancy : Nutwood being out of the famous producer, Miss Russell, which produced the Queen of the Turf, Maud S., 2.o8f, Nutwood, 2.i8f, with 49 in the list, Cora Belmont, 2.24^, Russia, 2.28. Besides these Lord Russell has sired several, including Kremlin, 2.22^, trial, 2.18 at 3 years old. Nutula is dam of Maudlen, 2.25^, and Mambrino Russell sired several, including FARM STALLIONS. 15 Happy Russell, 2.21^, he sire of Happy Bee, 2-year record 2.29^, on half-mile track. Nutbourne, trial, 2.26^, has two in the 2.30 list. A wonderful record of speed transmittance ; and several others will undoubtedly be in the list, as Miss Russell is alive, and breeding each year. Nutwood was by Belmont, trial 2.28:^, and his dam, Belle, by Mambrino Chief, produced McCurdy's Hamble- tonian, 2.26|-, with 7 in the list, including McEwen, 2.18^, at 4 years, Belmont, with 35 in the list, and Bicara, the dam of Pan- coast, 2.2 1|, famous as sire of Patron, 2.19I-, at three-years old, in a race; 2.14^, at 5 years, in a race. She was a daughter of the wonderful broodmare sire, Mambrino Chief, 11. Rex Nutwood's third dam produced Lady Mac, 2.23. Turn where you may this pedigree bristles with speed ancestry, and individually he is a great young horse^ and a promising candidate for turf success, possessing capabilities of high order as to speed. Nutwood sold at auction for $22,000, and has stood at the head of popular sires for six seasons, and as evidence of his success commands a fee of $500, wuth "book filled" for five years. A Nutwood weanling sold at private sale for $6,000, highest figure ever obtained to date. That Rex Nutwood will develop into a great young horse, there can scarcely be raised a doubt, if no unseen accident overtakes him previous to maturity. Horses of his individuality, by Nutwood, are not obtainable save at phenomenally high prices. FOR SALE. V\VV\\V^\V\\V\\V\\V\\VV\V\VV\\V\\V\^^^^ 16 FARM STALLIONS. SCUTHRI. JR. Dark bay stallion ; foaled 1883 ; bred by Wm. H. Moody, Clare- mont, N. H. Sire, SCUTARI. Son of Woodford Mambrino, 2.21^, sire of Abbottsford, 2.19I (sire of CoNDE, 2,20), Mambrino Dudley, 2.19! (sire of Crescendo, 2.24), and others. First Dam, Mary Curtis, by Volunteer Boy, Sire of dam of Fearnaught, 2.19, and obtained record his first heat in public, 2.i9f. Second Dam, Daughter of Black Sherman, Owned by Elijah Hoffman, Philadel- Son of Vt. Black Hawk, out of the phia, Pa. Hammill Mare by son of Bellfounder. Here's another pedigree built on the Mambrino Ch'ief Hamble- tonian cross and with a Morgan outcross. Woodford Mambrino started late in life, but got a record of 2.21^, and died before meeting the stud opportunity his breeding called for. He had same dam as Wedgewood, 2.19, the greatest compaigning stallion yet produced, and the only one to win all his races during the progress of a campaign through the Grand Circuit. Scutari was by a son of Mambrino Chief (his best son, so to speak), out of Sallina by Belmont, second dam, Susette by Pilot, Jf., third dam, Susan by American Eclipse, fourth dam by Woodpecker, fifth dam by Hephistion. He traces to Mambrino Chief twice, to Abdallah, 15, Pilot, Jr., Hambletonian, 10, and has a rich thoroughbred back- ing. He is in appearance a remarkably handsome horse, re- sembling Woodford Mambrino very much, it is said, by visitors having seen both horses. In action, pure-gaited, level-headed, and a fast stallion any time developed. As a sire, his colts speak louder in his behalf than words. He gets a line to that sire of game racehorses. Volunteer, and also to three noted broodmares. Woodbine, Belle and Martha. As an outcross with blood of the Clay or Morgan families, he would meet his best success, and ought to produce a rare lot of performers. His daughters will stand inbreeding or will produce trotters to the cover of Wilkes horses. All in all, Scutari, Jr., is a first-class individual. FOR SALE. ^v^,v^^v.^v^^v.\\^^\\^\^^\x^x^^ FARM STALLIONS. 17 HLMONT GHGLe, 1054. Record 2.27. Black stallion; foaled 1874; bred by Col. Richard West, George- town, Ky.; stands 15.3 hands, and weighs iioo lbs. [Standard, under Rule 6.] Sire, ALMONT, 33, Record, 2.39!. Sire of Fanny Witherspoon 2.16^ Westmont 2.13I 2-inile record 4.46^. Puritan 2.16 Piedmont 2.171- Pacers. Aldine 2.19^ Dams of Early Rose 2.20^ Alabaster (4 years) 2.15 Atlantic 2.21 Catchfly .' 2.18^ First Dam, Mag Ferguson, by Mambrino Chief, ii. Dam of Piedmont, 2.17J (11 in 2.30), Sire of Lady Thorn, 2.18^, Woodford Almont Eagle, 2.27, Mammont (2 in Mambrino, 2.21 1, etc.; dams of Di- 2.30), and the dam of J. F. Phelps' rector, 2.17, Piedmont, 2.17J, etc. 2.27J dam. Sire also of Mambrino Patchen, the noted broodmare sire. Second Dam, Daughter of Grey Eagle, Son of Woodpecker, by Bertrand, one of' the best sons of Sir Archy, by Imp. Diomed. He was a credit- able 4-mile race-horse in his days on the turf. Almont Eagle is, in every way, a wonderfully well-bred stallion, and superlatively capable individually; Almont's dam being by Mambrino Chief, and from a Pilot, Jr., mare, and his dams are among Mambrino Chief's most successful producers. He is a much faster horse than his record indicates, and judges of expe- rience stated, during his training, that he surely could beat 2.20. Outside of Highland View his opportunities have been limited. 1 8 FARM STALLIONS. We have here two which can trot in 2.25 to 2.20, and several better than 2.30. They will be trained and placed in the list another season (189 1) ; barring accidents will get fasts marks, and rank their sire among Almont's most productive speed-siring sons. His get are large, substantially fashioned, good-gaited, and handsome, uniformly; this, added to soundness and good dispositions, renders them very desirable for road use, where many have drifted after leaving their breeder's ownership. His sons breed a high class of colts, and from those among his daughters, which have been bred, we can show some remarkably promising speedy young animals. In every way Almont Eagle is desirable to head any stud in America. His own brother. Piedmont, 2.17:^, is fast proving his value at Palo Alto, though overshadowed many years by the great Electioneer. At the close of 189 1 Almont Eagle will be found among the foremost of Almont's producing sons, and whoever secures him will secure one of the richest bred developed sires in America. He can beat his record easily many seconds with a month's track work ; is roaded ten miles a day, and in the best condition for any use determined upon. FOR SALE. 1^-i^^fS. ^\VS\V\\V\\X\SV\\S\V\XNNXNNVS\S\\\\V\\\S\\\\\\V\^^^ FARM STALLIONS. 19 iZOLUNTeeR BOY, 1612. Trial, 2.27, Half in 1.13, Quarter in 35 Seconds. Brother to Goldsmith's Abdallah, 2.30. Dark bay stallion ; foaled 1873 ; bred by Alden Goldsmith, Washingtonville, N. Y. [Standard, Rule 6.] Sire, VOLUNTEER, 55. Sire of St. Julten 2.11^ Sired dam of Gloster 2.17 Homestake 2.14^ Alley 2.19 Amelia C 2.19.J BoDiNE 2.19^ Blackwood Prince 2.23^ Driver 2.19-J First Love 2.22^ Amy 2.20^ Bon Bon 2.26 Domestic 2.2o|- and others. etc. First Dam, Martha, Dam of Goldsmith Abdallah, 2.30 (4 in 2.30), John Bright (2 in 2.30 list and got dam of Betty Jones 2.19^), Dixon's Ethan Allen (sire of Sensation, 2.22), Volunteer Boy (sired dam of Fearnaught, 2.19). Second Dam, Daughter of Third Dam, Daughter of Fourth Dam, Daughter of by Abdallah i. Sire of O'Blemis, 2.27, etc., the dams of Goldsmith Maid, 2.14, and Harold, sire of Maud S.; also sire of Rys- dyk's Hambletonian. Bellfounder (Conklings'), Son of Imp. Bellfounder. Corncracker, Son of Imp. Tranby. Hickory. Volunteer Boy is a remarkably handsome bloodlike horse, and traces to the famous broodmare Lady Patriot (dam of Volunteer, with 31 in 2.30 list; Sentinel, 2.29I, with 8 in 2.30 list; Marksman, ^\V\vv\^-v\vv\vv^^V\^-v\\^v\\X\^^^^^ v\\-v\\-v\\-v\\-v\\v\\-v\\-v\\v\\^\\-v\\-v\\-v\^^^ 20 FARM STALLIONS. uilh 2 in 2.30 list ; Green's Hambletonian, witli i ; and Heroine, dam of Shawmut, 2.26 ; and Martha on dam's side. He was a very fast horse himself, beautifully gaited, and went a mile in 2.27 ; could show a 2.20 gait, but met an accident which ^retired him. He has several which can beat 2.30, but have trotted to save records, though his value as a sire is attested by Fearnaught, 2.19 (can trot in 2.17), which won fourth money at Hartford in the 2.20 $10,000 race in 1890, and nearly beat Prince Regent the fourth heat. We have several by him, very fast, and they will be brought out in 189 1. Hattie Proctor should be a great mare. The Volun- teers are noted for gameness, soundness and longevity on turf or road, and the get of Volunteer Boy are not exceptions to the high grade gone before. FOR SALE. \\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\Vs\V\\V\\X\\V\\X\SXS\V\^^^^ FARM STALLIONS. 21 iZITTORIH, 3993. [Standard, Rule 6.] Brother in blood to Catchfly, 2.18i. Black stallion; foaled 188 1; bred by Robert Steel, Philadelphia; stands 16 hands, full, and weighs 1150 lbs. Sire, ADMINISTRATOR, 35 7. Record, 2.29^^. Sire of Catchfly 2.18^ Clarkia 2.27 McMahon 2.21 Col. Stevens 2.28! Executor 2.24^ Peniston 2 28^ Adjustor 2.26 Marcus 2.29^ Arbiter 2.30. Also Dams of Lady Emma, First Dam, Victorine, Second Dam, Ama, 23J, and 7 others, and of Reference's (2.18) sire, Referee. by Almont, ^^, Sire of 39 sons which have sired 120, with records ranging from 2.i2f to 2.30, and the dams of 27 in the 2.30 list. by McDonald's Mambrino Chief, Sire of dams of Alice West, 2.26, Stranger, 2.28, and bred identical to Clark Chief, sire of dams of Phallas, 2.13!, Majolica, 2.15, Wil- son, 2.16^; also sire of Kentucky Prince, sire 'of Guv, 2.iof, etc. Third Dam, Miss Duncan, Fourth Dam, Daughter of by Scott's Highlander. Bertrand, Son of Sir Archy. 2 2 FARM STALLIONS. Fifth Dam, Daughter of Aratus, by Director, son of Sir Archy. Sixth Dam, Daughter of Timoleum, Son of Sir Archy. Sired Boston, he the sire of second dam of Maud S., 2.oSf, Nutwood, 2.i8f, etc., etc. Here is richness for you : Administrator, by Hambletonian, to, out of a Mambrino Chief mare ; Almont, sire of his dam by Ab- dallah, 15, one of Hambletonian's best sons (opportunities con- sidered the best), out of a mare by Mambrino Chief and Ama, Vit- toria's second dam by a successful son of Mambrino Chief, the whole resting on a three-ply throughbred foundation, tracing each time through his most noted sons to Sir Archy, son of Diomed. Is it to be wondered at that Vittoria gets fast colts, of great courage and determination, fine finished, and is, as well, a fast horse him- self? No, it would be contrary to the laws of Nature were it otherwise. For an ideal broodmare sire he must be a grand suc- cess, and his daughters, \yhen bred to Wilkes' Mambrino Patchen sires, are going to produce remarkably fast performers. The Hambletonian Mambrino blood stands doubling, and always im- proves when inbred through excellent individuals. Vittoria is probably the best bred son of his sire standing for service, if, indeed, not the best in existence. Administrator never was afforded the opportunity, but by downright meritorious indi- viduality came into the front rank among sires, notwithstanding his obscurity. Several among Vittoria's get here are remarkably fast, and, when trained, will show very credi4:ably. FOR SALE. B ^v^^v^^v^^v^^v^^v^^v^^v^^v^^^^^ FARM STALLIONS. 23 GRHNITe STHTe, 6337. Dark bay stallion ; foaled 1885; bred at Highland View; stands 15.2 hands, and very handsome. Sire, SCUTARI, JR. .Son of Scutari, by Woodford Mambrino, 2.21^. First Dam, Med Shepard, by Jack Shepard, Son of Hambletonian, 10, and sire of Minnie C, 2.25!, etc. Second Dam, Nashua, A fast road mare. Granite State adds to the Mambrino Hambletonian cross the blood of American Star through Laura Keene, dam of Jack Shepard. American Star mares were Hambletonian's best cross, and Hambletonian blood produced the Mambrino family's best performers, so in this blending we have intact all the proven speed fountains. He can show a very high rate of speed, though never trained. FOR SALE. .\V\\V\\V\Vs\V\^V^VVVVVVVVV \VV^VVVV\^^^^ 24 FARM STALLIONS. UBM ENGLHND. Black stallion ; foaled 1887 ; bred at Highland View ; 16 hands full, and extremely handsome. Sire, VITTORIA, son of ADMINISTRATOR, 2.29^. Sire of Catchfly, 2.i8|, McMahon, 2.21 (2 in 2.30 list), and dam of Lady Emma, 2.23^. First Dam, Twistwood, by Blackwood, 2.31, Can beat 2.30. At 3 years, Sire of Proteine, 2.18, Blackwood, Jr., 2.22I (sire of Also, 2.20}), Black- wood Prince, 2.23^, Rosewood, 2.27, and Wildwood, 2.30, Second Dam, Louise Kellogg, by Dial. Son of Geo. M. Patchen, 2.23^, sire of Lucy, 2.18^, etc. Third Dam, Hibernia, by Imp. Consternation. Fourth Dam, Daughter of American Eclipse. By Duroc, by Imp. Diomed. Fifth Dam, Roxanna, by Sir Archy. Son of Imp. Diomed, first Derby winner. This is great breeding. Blackwood, 2.31, could trot a 2.10 gait, and was out of a Mambrino Chief dam. Geo. M. Patchen, 2.23^, led all the stallions of his time, and got Lucyj 2.i8;|^ (see Evolutio for her roll of honor), and leaving these we go through Imp. Con- sternation to Imp. Trustee, to American Eclipse, grandson of Diomed, back to Sir Archy, best son of Diomed. Vittoria adds Hambletonian and Mambrino Chief blood. He is the fastest trotter ever bred here, and a great-gaited, level-headed fellow. His dam is in the stud, but will be given a record before again being bred. She is one of Blackwood's speediest daughters, and a grand broodmare. New England, at any price, is a good in- vestment. FOR SALE. >^^%^^-^^^^^^^^>^^>^\VSV^V^SV^V^V s<^\^^ FARM STALT.TONS. 25 NEM HAMPSHIRE. Seal brown stallion; foaled 1886; bred at Highland View; stands 15-3; weighs 1075 lbs. Sire, VOLUNTEER BOY. Trial 2,27. Got dam of Fearnaught, 2.19. First Dam, Collie, Second Dam, Carrie T., 2.34, Dam of Carrie Tiiomas, 3 years, 2.31, and Bessie Wilkes, dam of Albrazia, 3 years, 2.31^. Third Dam, Sister to Maud, The dam ofKing Jim, 2.20^, trial 2.16, etc., and Malaga, dam of Woodbrino, 2.25I, sire of Cromwood, 2 years, 2.46. Fourth Dam, Daughter of Fifth Dam, Daughter of Sixth Dam, Daughter of Seventh Dam, Daughter of by Lakeland Abdallah, Brother to sire of Maud S., 2.o8f Queen of the Turf. by Almont, ;^;^, Sire of dam of Alabaster, 2.15; ex- champion stallion at 4 years. by Abdallah, 15, Sired dam of Jerome Eddy, 216^; sold for $25,000. Robert Bruce, By Clinton, son of Sir Archy. Muckle John, By Sir Archy. Trumpeter. Stamboul (Arabian). Highland View is bred much like New Hampshire, and the same treatise as to the bloodlines is applicable to each. New Hampshire is one of the fastest ones ever bred here, and very handsomely proportioned, upheaded and of speed-promise : showing it in his every move whilst in action. Sound and of a cheerful disposition, possessing a rare amount of nerve force. FOR SALE. ^S^5SSSSS^^2^^^S^^2^^ai^^^^^^S^S^^^^^S5^5^e5^g^^5^ ^3f^C555?KvS^SS 26 FARM STALLIONS. iZITTMONT. 5995. Bay stallion; foaled 1886; bred at Highland View; stands 16 hands; weighs 1075 lbs. S!re, VITTORIA. Son of Administrator, 2.29^. First Dam, Marjorie, by Almont, ^^^ Son of Abdallah, 15; dam by Mam- brino Chief, second by Pilot, Jr. Second Dam, Belle, by Strader's Cass. M. Clay, Jr. Sire of Durango, 2.23!, etc., and dams of 13 trotters. Third Dam, Daughter of Hunt's Commodore, Son of Mambrino, by Imp. Mes- senger. Fourth Dam, Daughter of Brown Pilot, Son of Pilot, the sire of Pilot, Jr., the greatest broodmare sire as far as extreme speed is concerned. ViTTMONT traces on each side to Almont, and each time through him to Abdallah, 15, and Mambrino Chief ; also to Pilot, Jr. He gets a Clay outcross through one of the best of the descendants of Henry Clay, and it is well known that both Geo. Wilkes and Electioneer are by Hambletonian (sire of Administrator), out of Clay dams. He is inbred once remotely to Pilot, Jr.'s, sire, Pilot, a fast pacer, and of great individuality, judged by the contributions through his son's daughters to the 2 30, and notably the 2.20 list. Through Cassius M. Clay, Jr., he goes to the Imp. Diomed sire, Duroc, through American Eclipse, his best son, and through Commodore twice to the founder of trotters in America, Imp. Messenger. He has, all told, 27 strains to Imp. Messenger, and 7 to Diomed, 4 to Mambrino Chief, 11, 3 to Rysdyk's Hambletonian. A wonder- fully rich pedigree, as a more minute analysis will at once estab- lish. Every way he is a superlative young stallion, and of excellent finish, size, and can show a high rate of speed with great ease. FOR SALE. FARiM STALLIONS. 27 iZOLMONT, 5950. Blood bay; foaled 1885 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, VOLUNTEER BOY. Brother to Goldsmith's Abdallah, 2.30, etc. First Dam, Marjorie, Second Dam, Belle, ■ Third Dam, Daughter of Fourth Dam, Daughter of by Almont, S3, Sire of Fanny Witherspoon, 2.i6j, Piedmont, 2.17J. by Cass M. Clay, Jr., 22. Commodore (Hunt's). Brown Pilot, Son of Pilot, sire of Pilot, Jr. As Volunteer Boy and Marjorie are each catalogued, and have been discussed, it is unnecessary to enlarge on the breeding of VoLMONT. He is handsome, rangy, and elegantly gaited ; every way a promising stallion. FOR SALE. .^V\VV\\V\VV\\V\VV\\VV\VV\VV\V\ \V\\V\\X\^^^^ k\\V\\V\\VV\V\\V\\V\\VV\V\\V\\V\\VV\ V\\^^^ 28 FARM STALLIONS. HIGHLAND XZIGiflZ, 7597. Mahogany bay stallion; foaled 1887; bred at Highland View; stands 16 hands, and weighs iioo lbs. Sire, VOLUNTEER BOY, Trial 2.27. First Dam, Faith Dudley, by Mambrino Dudley, 2.19!, Sire of Crescendo, 2.24, trial 2.20, Gretna, 2.25i, Rintoul, 2.28^. Second Dam, Collie, by Lakeland Abdallah, Brother to Harold, sire of Maud S., etc.; sire of Geo. O., 2.26, and dams of 2 in 2.30 list. Third Dam, Carrie T., Record 2.34, Dam of Carrie Tho- mas, 3-year record 2.31, also 2d dam of Albrazia, 2-year record 2.32^, 3-year record 2.31-^. Fourth Dam, Sister to Maud, The dam of King Jim, 2.20^, and Malaga, dam of Woodbriuo, 2.25!, also of Attorney, sire of Attorney, Jr., 2.19, Mabel A., 2.23^, etc. Fifth Dam, Daughter of Sixth Dam, Daughter of Seventh Dam, Daughter of Eighth Dam, Daughter of by Almont, s3^ Sire of dams of Alabaster, 2.15, Catch- fly, 2.18^, McMahon, 2.21, etc., etc. by Abdallah, Sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2.14, and dams of Jerome Eddy, 2.16^, etc. Robert Bruce, Son of Clinton, by Sir Archy. MucKLE John, Son of Sir Archy. Trumpeter. Stamboul (Arabian). This pedigree bristles with great broodmare strains, great sires as well, and has the greatest thoroughbred strains in existence to back it up : Martha, his maternal granddam, a producer both of \x.^vv\vv\v.vvvvv\vvvvv\\vv\v\\v\\vv^^^^ FARM STALLIONS. 29 speed and producing sons ; Volunteer, dam, Lady Patriot, another wonderful matron, and on dam's side the great turf stars are near connections ; Lakeland Abdallah, sire of his second dam, a brother to the sire of the fastest performer to date. Mam. Dudley never had a foal but that trotted or produced speed, and Sue Dudley has two in 2.30 list, and each have 2.30 performers already. His fourth dam was sister to the well-known Woodburn producer, Maud, a great mare. In addition to Abdallah, 15, Mambrino Chief, 11, and Volunteer, 55 (to Hambletonian), Highland View has a line to Edwin Forrest, sire of dam of Mambrino King, the sire of Prince Regent, 2.i6|-, Mocking Bird, 2.16J, Henrietta, 2.18^, and Jocko, pacer, 2.165. Every line goes into thoroughbred blood, and it will improve on examining into the breeders of the most famous per- formers bred that way, for the reason that identical strains are found among their direct ancestors. If breeding of this sort fails to produce a performer of merit, or a sire of speed, it will be a seldom found exception. He is one of the choicest, individually con- sidered, stallions in New England, and fit to be placed in any stud collection in America. FOR SALE. V\\V\\V\\V\\V\\V\\X\\V\\V\\V\\X\\V\^^^^ :v\\-v\\-v\\-v\\v\\v\\Vs\v\\V\\V^^^ 30 FARM STALLIONS. HLMHT6. Black stallion ; foaled 1886 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, ALMONT EAGLE, 2.27. Brother to Piedmont, 2.17^; trial at Palo Alto much faster. First Dam, Kitty Walker, by Ericcson, 2.30^, First to reach that mark as a 4-year old, and sire of 6 in 2.30, dams of J. R. Shedd, 2.19J, and Godelia, 2.19I; 5 others. Second Dam, Daughter of Capt. Walker, Sire of dams of Harry Wilkes, 2.13^, Charley, trial 2.15!, and 3 others. Here is another pedigree with a triple infusion of Mambrino Chief blood. There are, in addition, two out-crosses to pacing blood of productive merit. On sire's side to Pilot, Jr., sire of dams of Maud S., 2.o8|, Jay Eye See, 2.10, Nutwood, 2.i8|, etc., and through his dam back to sire of Harry Wilkes' dam. He is not a large one, but very pow- erfully made from head to heels, and no inclination to mix or amble. His trotting action is beautiful and he may go very fast if he were trained. Nelson, 2.io|, Maud S., 2.08^, Harry Wilkes, 2.13^, Manzanita, 2.16, and others, are in a measure indebted to the pacing brood for their speed. Almate's pacing strains are those identical ones which have best resulted when introduced into trotting pedigrees heretofore. He will sire speed beyond a shadow of doubt, and is one of the nicest roadster stallions ever foaled. FOR SALE. Note. — Indian Hill Farm has a yearling out of a daughter of Kitty Walker's, sired by the young stallion, Indian Hill, by Princeps, which they term the fastest colt ever foaled there, and the list of record trotters bred there in- cludes Trinket, 2.14, Epaulet, 2.19, and others, consequently the compliment is a great credit to Kitty Walker as a speed progenitor. The dam of this colt is in foal to Axtel, 2.12; service fee, $1,000. BROODMARES. 31 BROODMARES, COLLIE. [Standard, Rule 6.] Mahogany bay mare; foaled 1878; bred by H. B. Tully, Russel- ville, Ky. ; stands 16 hands full, and very handsome. Sire, LAKELAND ABD ALLAH, 351. Sire of Geo. O., 2.26^; dams of Fred Hampton, 2.26, Mambrino Swigert, 2.30. Own brother to Harold, the sire of Maud S., 2.o8f, etc. First Dam, Carrie T., 2.34, by Almont, ;^;^, Dam of Maggie Thomas, 2,31 at Sire of 39 sons with 125 in 2,30; 20 3 years, also of Bessie Wilkes, daughters with 24 in 2.30 list. • dam of Albrazia, 2.314^ (3). Second Dam, Sister to Maud, by Abdallah, 15, Dam of King Jim, 2.20^, trial 2.16 Sire of Almont, Belmont, Thornedale, Jim Munroe, etc., all with perform- ers in the 2.30 list. Third Dam, Daughter of Robert Bruce, Son of Clinton, by Sir Archy. Fourth Dam, Daughter of Muckle John, By Sir Archy. Fifth Dam, Daughter of Trumpeter. Sixth Dam, Daughter of Stamboul (Arabian). Collie is a magnificent rangy bloodlike mare, an excellent pro- ducer, and her foals inherit her fine size and elegant appearance. They show speed and testify in every department as to the dam's qualifications for broodmare use. She is one of the finest bred mares in the land, as a careful analysis of her pedigree will show. Lakeland Abdallah with proper opportunities afforded him would have been a wonderfully successful sire. He was early taken to a locality more interested in breeding draught than trotting lines. 32 ' BROODMARES. MHRJ0RI6. [Standard, Rule 6.] Dark bay; foaled 1874; bred by Dr. Samuel H, Chew, Lexington, Ky.; stands 16 hands; very handsome. Sire, ALMONT, 33. Sire of Fanny Witherspoon, 2.16^; Piedmont, 2.17I; Aldine, 2 19J; Westmont, 2.13!; Puritan, 2.16, and others; and dam of Alabaster, record at 4 years 2.15, 3d heat. First Dam, Belle, by Strader's Cass. M. Clay, Jr. Sire of 8 sons with 18 in 2.30 list; 12 daughters with 13 in 2.30 list; record 2.35^. Second Dam, Daughter of Commodore (Hunt's). Third Dam, Daughter of Brown Pilot, IW Pilot, founder of the Pilot, Jr., family, Marjorie is one of Almont's best bred daughters, and highly prized at Highland View ; Volmont, out of her, is a fast young horse. Dr. Chew, her breeder, considered her one of the most finished and elegant mares in Kentucky, as was her dam, the Com- modore mare. She produces invariably a fine type of beauty ; from suckling form to maturity they never lose their marked symmetry of proportion. Marjorie will produce speed at Highland View, and we expect a rare foal when we mate her with Evolutio. \^\\V\\V\\.\\V.\V\V^^V\VV^V\V^VV^^^^^ BROODMARES. 33 TMISTMOOD. [Standard, Rule 6.] Brown mare, almost black; foaled 1879 5 t>red by G. W. Homer, West Newton, Mass; stands 15.2 hands, and extra rangy. Sire, BLACKWOOD. 3-year record 2.31. Sire of Proteine, 2.18; Blackwood, Jr., 2.22^; Blackwood Prince, 2,23^; Rose- wood, 2.27, etc.; and dam of Merry Thought, 2.22I, etc. ; one of the speediest stallions ever foaled. First Dam, Louise Kellogg, by Dial, Son of Geo. M. Patchen, 2.23^, sire of the noted producer and per- former, Lucy, 2.18^, and Godfrey's Patchen, he sire of Hopeful, 2.i4f. Second Dam, Daughter of Imp. Consternation. Third Dam, Daughter of American Eclipse. Famous racehorse. Fourth Dam, Roxanna, by Sir Archy. TwiSTWOOD traces twice to Imp. Trustee, the great 20-mile trotter, and is a mare remarkable for her beautiful finish, intelligence and high nerve force. She can trot in or near 2.30, and is very nervy but well behaved. At twenty she will be as graceful as she is now. Her sire, Blackwood, could go quarters in 32 seconds as a three- year old, and sold for $25,000. He yet lives at an advanced age, sound as a dollar and rugged. The Blackwoods are a speedy, dead game, long-lived lot of trotters, and campaign successfully. They are so highly organized that it becomes necessary to be very gentle in training them, though not "rattle-headed" necessarily. When bred they are a grand lot of producers. That the blood breeds on Blackwood, Jr., 2.22^, has shown in his table of per- formers, having 5 in 2.30 and dam of another already. Daughters of Blackwood have produced Merry Thought, 2.22^, and several others. Twistwood's foals here will bear very critical exam- ination, and all show her elegance, and show speed as well of a high order. 34 BROODMARES. HLMHiAZOOD. [Standard, Rule 6] Black without white; foaled 1886; bred at Highland View. Sire, ALMONT EAGLE, 2.27. First Dam, Twistwood, by Blackwood, 2.31, Out of ^ Mambrino Chief dam. Second Dam, Louise Kellogg, by Dl-xl, Son of Geo. M. Patchen, 2.23^. Third Dam, Daughter of Lmp. Consternation. Fourth Dam, Roxanna, by American Eclipse, by Duroc, son of Diomed, noted 3- and 4-mile racehorse. Fifth Dam, Roxanna, by Sir Archy, Best son of Diomed. Here we have a richly constructed pedigree, replete in its Mam- brino Chief dams, and with a line each to the famous 4-mile race- horses, Grey Eagle and American Eclipse. Her Abdallah, 15, blood never met better crosses than this combination furnish. Not a strain to a faint-hearted family, and with a Clay outcross as well as one to Alexander's Norman, a family which claims Lula, 2.15, May Queen, 2.20, dams of Norman Medium, 2.20, Norval, 2.17^ (sire of Norlain, i-year record 2.3 if), and nine more. Almawood is well qualified to pass down to her produce a high rate of. speed. She inherits it, and better still possesses it individually, is a beau- tiful, sound, stylish young mare. We shall probably train her pre-" vious to permanently retiring her from the stud. She has no '' slack places " and those who have looked her over are loifd in her praises. What a colt she will produce bred to Evolutio. BROODMARES. 35 CRYSTAL. [Standard Bred.] Dark chestnut; foaled 1883 ; bred by Highland View. Sire, ROBT. BURNS. Son of WiNTHRor Morrill, dam Highland Queen, by Rysdyk's Hamble- TONIAN. First Dam, Fanny Lambert, by Daniel Lambert, 102, Sire of Comee, 2.19J, Nancy, 2.23^, Ella Doe, 2.23^, and 32 others; also dams of Pamlico, 2.i6f, Dandy Jim, 2.19I, Revenue, 2.22^, and 16 others. Second Dam, Grey Mare, Claimed to be a Messenger. Crystal is in conformation a beautiful mare, strongly imbued with the Lambert characteristics ; can trot very fast, and with op- portunity should very nearly trot in 2.20 to prophecy within bounds. ROSSiflZOOD. [Standard.] Bay mare ; foaled 1885 ; bred by Highland View. Sire, Scutari, jr. First Dam, Twistwood, by Blackwood, 2.31. Second Dam, Louise Kellogg, by Dial, Son of Geo. M. Patchen, 2.23^. Third Dam, Hibernia, by Imp. Consternation. Fourth Dam, Roxanna, by American Eclipse. Fifth Dam, Roxanna, by Sir Archy. Examine Scutari, Jr.'s bloodlines, then turn to Twistwood and weigh well the breeding values of this pedigree for broodmare's use. Individually she comes up to the standard of excellence it calls for, is nicely gaited, and should she be handled would undoubtedly trot fast. Her every movement is grace itself. 36 BROODMARES. COLLEEN, [Standard, Rule 6.] Brownish chestnut; foaled 1887; bred by John F. Mills, Boston, Mass. Sire, ABBOTTONIAN. Son of Mambrino Dudley, 2.19!, he by Woodford Mambrino, 2.2ii. First Dam, Crystal, by Robert Burns, Son of Winthrop Morrill. Second Dam, Daughter of Daniel Lambert, 102, Sire of Comee, 2.19^, Ella Doe, 2.23I, etc. Abbottonian's dam. Muse, was by Winthrop Morrill, out of the well known trotting mare Lady Thornton, 2.26^ (dam of Virginia Evans, 2.24, trial 2.18), and has sired some very promising foals. Robert Burns' dam was by Old Hambletonian, 2d dam by Thos. Jefferson, son of Mambrino Paymaster, Jr., 3d dam, a daughter of Mambrino Paymaster. Thos. Jefferson's dam was also by Mam. Paymaster, giving three direct strains to Mambrino Paymaster, sire of Mambrino Chief, 11, the great sire of Lady Thorne, 2.i8|. CHRISTHBEL. [Standard, Rule 6.] Black filly; no white; foaled 1888; bred at Highland View. Sire, ALMONT EAGLE, 2.27. First Dam, Crystal, by Robert Burns. Second Dam, Fanny Lambert, by Daniel Lambert. The Mambrino Chief blood, technically speaking, is the back- ground for this pedigree. Robert Burns traces three times to Mambrino Chief's sire, and Almont Eagle twice to Mambrino Chief himself. Daniel Lambert throws in a strong dash of the best Morgan, backed by Abdallah and American Star strains. She is a very excellently well-bred filly, and can trot quite a bit, though it is, of course, all natural speed, for she has not had a moment's handling. BROODMARES. 37 EHRLY DKMN. [Standard, Registered.] Bay mare ; foaled 1885 ; bred by R. S. Bent, Natick, Mass. Sire, KENTUCKY WILKES, 1854. Record 2. 21 4^. Sire of Virginia Evans (4).- 2.24 Astoria (4) 2.27^ First Dam, Duette, by Princeps, 536, Son of Woodford Mambrino, out of daughter of Abdallah, 15, sire of Trinket, 2.14, Princeton, 2.19^, Greenlander, 2.15, Geneva, 2.19^, Granby, 2.19^, Femme Sole, 2.20, and 15 others in 2.20, dams of Epaulet, 2.19, and 7 others in 2.30. Second Dam, Belle Dudley, by Belmont, 64, Dam of Prince Dudley, 2.29!, at 2 Trial 2.28^, years; public trial 2.22f, at 3 years; Sire of Fred Arthur, 2.13!, Nutwood, also of Dodd Peet, pacing record, 2.i8f, Wedgewood, 2.19, Viking, 3 years, 2.194-. 2.19^, etc., etc. Third Dam, Madame Dudley, Breeding not established. By a Bashaw Jiorse. Dam of Sue Dudley, which produced Mam- brino Dudley, 2,19! (3 in 2.30 list), Grosjean, 2.30 (i in 2.30 list), Sa- cramento (sire of Nellie Rose, 2.2 5^). Dahlia, dam of Daireen, 2.2 1^, trial 2.18, Dacia, 2.29^^ (dam of Daciana, 2.274^), Davenant, 2.29!, Dalphine, 2.29 (dam of So-Long, 2.20^). Tulip, dam of Ulva, 2.27 (public trial 2.22f). Belle Dudley, dam of Dodd Peet, 2.19I, Belford, 2.26f, Prince Dud- le}^ 2.29I. Dalce, dam of Greenhorn, 2.28^. 38 BROODMARES. No mare living has a greater array of producing ancestors than Early Dawn. Her sire, by Geo. Wilkes, out of Minna, by Red Jacket, which produced the dam of Lizzie Wilkes, 2.22I; her dam by Princeps ; he by the great sire Woodford Mambrino, 2.21-^, which was out of dam of Wedgewood, 2.19 ; Princeps, dam by Abdallah, 15; second dam, Black Rose, byTomTeemer; Prim- rose, dam of Redwald, 2.28^, etc.; Black Rose, dam of Hermosa, 2.33 (dam of Hermes, 2.27^; 6 in 2.30 list), of Roscoe (sire of Black Pilot, 2.30; he the sire of Pilot Knox,^2.i9|; he, in turn, sire of Pilot Bird, 2.22!). Black Rose is dam of the dams of Hermes, Heptagon, Abdalbrino, Maxion, Parmenus, Princeps, Pluto, which have totally produced 40 in 2.30 list. Primrose produced Ichi Ban, 2.29^, Redwald, 2.28J, and the dam of Chichester, 2.25^- (sire of Stornaway, 2.30). Belmont brings in a producing dam as well. Every line to a producing dam, and, as endeavored to illus- trate the best and most positive " breeding on blood " in all the stud-book., She is a beautifully-gaited, fast, and handsome young mare, and worth, in these days of advanced breeding, $10,000, to be mated with any sire of prominence. How can she miss being a great producer herself. LOREEN. [Standard, Rule 6.] Bay mare ; no white ; bred by Cornelius O'Neill, Mystic Park, Medford, Mass; foaled 1886. Sire JERSEY WILKES, 5916. Sire of Hussar, 2.26^, Alice Black, 2.29^. First Dam, Lady Messenger, by Messenger Chief, 1825, Sire of Maud Messenger, 2.16^, Katharine S., 2.2o4^, Abel, 2.24^^, etc.; dam of Messenger Wilkes, 2.29f. Second Dam, Daughter of Whalebone, Son of Mambrino Chief, 11. Third Dam, Daughter of Frank, Son of Sir Archy. BROODMARES. 39 Jersey Wilkes, sired by Geo. Wilkes, dam Lady Patchen (dam of Jimmie Temple, 2 23^), by Mambrino Patchen, traces to the best thoroughbred blood : Messenger Chief, sired by Abdallah Pilot, he out of Blandina (the dam of five sires), by Mambrino Chief; second dam, Burch mare, dam of Rosalind, 2.2 if ; his dam was by Mambrino Messenger, by Mambrino Chief, and second dam by Mambrino Chief is dam of Gen. Geo. H. Thomas, 2.30, sire of Annie H., 2.20, Scott's Thomas, 2.21, etc., a famous Tennessee - sire. We have Wilkes Mambrino Patchen, the golden strains backed with several direct lines to Mambrino Chief, twice to the blood of the greatest son of Imp. Diomed, Sir Archy. LoREEN is in foal to Rex Nutwood, a commingling of the Abdal- lah, 15, Pilot, Jr., Mam. Chief and thoroughbred; all to strictly hisfh-class sires and dams as well. MHUD H. [Standard, Rule 6.] Bay mare ; foaled 1884; bred by Wm. Abbott, Boston, Mass. Sire, WEDGEWOOD, 2.19, 692. Sire of Favonia 2.15 Dams 01 CoxNWAY 2.i8f Crescendo 2.24 CoNNAUGHT 2.24 HoLMDEL, 3 years 2.2gi Myrtlewood 2.25^ Clenmore 2.294^ Nugget 2.26I Braxdoline 2.30-^ Ulva 2.27 First Dam, Muse, by Winthrop Morrill. Second Dam, Lady Thornton, by Mapes Horse. 2.26^ Third Dam, Daughter of Edsall's Jupiter. Son of Jupiter, 46. Fourth Dam, Wildair Mare. Here we get performers and producers closely related. Wedge- wood won all his races through the Grand Circuit in 1880, a feat never before or since accomplished by any horse, mare or gelding. He is breeding on in every direction, and Nugget, besides having a list to his credit, has already a son which is credited with 2.30 per- formers. 40 BROODMARES. MHRGUGRITE. [Standard, Rule 6.] Bay mare; foaled 1888 ; bred at Highland View. Sire VITTORIA, 3993. First Dam, Marjory, by Almont, ^;^. Son of Abdallah, 15. Second Dam, Belle, by C. M. Clay, 22 (Strader's). Third Dam, Daughter of Hunt's Commodore. Fourth Dam, Daughter of Brown Pilot, by Pilot, sire of Pilot, Jr., 12. Marguerite is full sister to Vittmont, and same remarks as to breeding qualifications, of excellence, etc., is equally applicable to each. She will be bred to *' Evolutio " in 1891. MHRGHRET. [Standard.] Black mare; foaled 1886; bred at Highland View. Sire ALMONT EAGLE, 2.2 7. Brother to Piedmont, sire of dam of Lizziemont, 2.25^, and Fanny Wiixox, 2.29^; first among Jerome Eddy's get to beat 2.30. First Dam, Mary Curtis, by Volunteer B6y. Trial, 2.27. Second Dam, Daughter of Black Sherman, 2 40. Elijah Hoffman mare. Traces direct to Hill's Black Hawk and Bellfounder. This breeding is elegant so far as it extends, and composed of animals excellent indiYidually. She is a fine young mare and half sister to Scutari, Jr., one of our best young stallions ; a trotter of promise and will be a good producer. Individually she compares with any on the farm. BROODMARES. 41 ELFIN. [Standard Bred.] Dark bay; foaled 1885 ; bred by us at Highland View. Sire VOLUNTEER BOY. Trial 2.27. First Dam, Fanny, by Florida, 482, Sire of Faust, 2.iS|- (3), Walnut, 2. 19^, Fanny Swope, 2.2 j, Fortuna (3), 2.23, Hambleton, 2.26^, Lotta, 2.24^, Frenzy (2), 2.27:^. (Florida's dam by Volunteer, 55.) Second Dam, Daughter of Dad, 2.40, By Ethan Allen (43), 2.25I, sire of Daniel Lambert, 102, etc., etc. Elfin calls for more than passing notice. She is inbred to the great Volunteer, the founder of the gamest, nerviest family of campaigners ever started, and she goes back to the sire of the greatest Morgan (Daniel Lambert) ever foaled, which had few opportunities but overcame all obstacles, and contributed 39 trotters and dams of 24 more to the list. N6TTIE GOODJflZOOD. [Standard, Rule 6.] Chestnut mare, 15.2 ; foaled 188 1 ; bred by John F. Merrow, Esq., Revere House, Boston, Mass. Sire, GOODWOOD. Son of Woodford Mambrino, 2.21^. First Dam, Nettie Burlew, by Champion, 807 (King's), Record, 2.24. Sire of Nettie Burlew, 2.24, Geo. Much faster than her mark, and could B. Daniels, 2.24, Charley B., go halves in 1.06. A very speedy 2.25, Myrtle, 2. 25J, Golden Girl, mare. 2.25^, Col. Barnes, 2.28^, News- boy, 2.27, Sorrell Dapper, 2.28^; dams of Frank Middleton, 2.2of, and 5 others in 2.30. 42 BROODMARES. Second Dam, Nipper, by Geo. M. Patchen, 30, 2.231^, Great road mare, fast for her Sire of Lucy, 2.16^, and 3 others, draught; was never trained. and dams of 6 others in the 2.30 list. Nettie Goodwood is a grand mare, and her yearling by Vittoria, good judges say, could show better than a three-minute gait, loose in the paddock, and strong, pure gait. He at once makes a reputa- tion for Nettie, for, bar all accident, it will be a very easy task for him to trot in 2.30 at 3-years'-old form. The mare is very nicely bred in true and tried lines, traces direct to the famous Geo. M. Patchen, king of the turf during his years, and gets through the Champion's the blood of Almack. Nettie 'iBurlew was a terribly speedy mare, and could doubtess trot a quarter at a 2.08 gait. She frequently went halves at a 2.12 gait in her work. She inherits speed and can trot quite fast untrained, but is needed at Highland View for broodmare use. That she will be very valuable as a producer, we think none who ever saw her or her produce will for a moment question. MISS WESTON Brown mare ; foaled 1887 ; bred by Geo. A. Weston, Bellows Falls, Vt. Sire, VITTORIA, 3993. First Dam, Rosa, by Carnac, Great road mare. Son of Ashland, he sire of dams of Edw. Thorne, 2.i6i, Black Cloud, 2.i7i, etc. Second Dam, The Ransom Bur- DiTT Mare, by Churchill Horse, Owned at Pittsford, Vt., passed to Son of Black Hawk, 5. Ransom Davis of Saxton's River, Vt. Produced Arabian Girl, 2.40 (dam of Psyche, 2.27^), also the dam of Spotted Jim, 2.33. Six of her produce could beat 2.30 had they been handled. There is marked individuality combined with breeding in the case of Mlss Weston. She will be a good producer we firmly be- lieve. ^\V\\'V\\V\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X\\X^^^ BROODMARES. 43 NHIHD. [Standard, Rulp: 6.] Bay mare ; foaled 1882 ; bred by Col. H. S. Russell, Milton, Mass. Sire, SMUGGLER, 2.15i. Champion Stallion from 1875 to 1883. Sire of Mt. Morris 2.194^ Milton (European record, of 2.20) 2.30 Revenue 2.22^ Dams of Gossiper 2.22:^ , Smuggle 2.24 " Lady Maxim 2.27^: Smuggler's Daughter ^... 2.24! " May W 2.29! Young Smuggler. First Dam, Sea Foam, 2.24I, by Young Columbus, Sire dam of Abbottsford, 2.19^^, etc. Second Dam, The Jos. H. Bil- lings Mare. A great reader and quite fast. This is breeding which has already trotted and acquired fast records. Smuggler mares are producing speed very uniformly. Naiad is bred to Evolutio, adding another fastest on record to the breeding. HHRTELLE. [Standard, Rule 6.] Bay mare ; foaled 1885 ; bred by S. W. Parlin, Phillips, Me. Sire, ALMONT EAGLE, 2.27. First Dam, Heartless, by Hartford, Son of Rysdyk, sire of Clingstone, 2.14. Second Dam, Dam of Jersey Lily, by Telegraph, (Record, 2.34I; trials much faster.) Son of Locomotive, by Blucher. Third Dam, Daughter of Charlton Horse. Could trot very fast, and drew weight as well. ^\v\vv^\x^^x^^ x^\v^^v\x^vv^^v ^^v\^x\^x^\x^^%^^^ 44 BROODMARES. This is a great young mare. Her foal here by Allectus (son of Alcantara), Quintuple, can show, loose, as much speed as any we ever saw at same age, and individually is a beauty. She is bred in well-tried lines. Hartford was out of Belle, said to be by Hamble- tonian, lo, but registered once as by that horse himself, again as by ''a Hambletonian horse." Rysdyk was out of Lady Duke, by Lex- ington, granddam by Medoc. Jersey Lily could trot in 2.25, but was bred before entering the list. Hartelle is herself beautifully gaited, a nice finished mare and finely coated winter or summer. She must produce a fine line of foals judged by the first one, Quintuple. MERMHID. Trial, 2.28. [Standard, Rule 6.] Dark bay mare ; foaled 1882; bred by John F. Merrow, Revere House, Boston, Mass. Sire, VOLUNTEER BOY. Trial, 2.27. First Dam, Sea Foam, by Young Columbus, 2.35^^, Record, 2.24^, could beat 2.20 easily, Son of Columbus, sire of Confidence, and won 24 hotly contested heats. 2.28, and dams of Louise N., 2.20:J-, and Ben Morrill, 2.27. Young Co- lumbus' dam, Black Maria, 2.32I, by Harris Hambletonian. Second Dam, Daughter of The Billings Mare, owned by Col. H. S. Russell. Mermaid is one of the big broodmares, standing 16 hands and over. A magnificent, roomy, high finished one all over, and by a successful son of Volunteer, sire of the gamest family of trotting horses extant, and out of a fast daughter of the nervy, game, Columbus, a similar, though improved (through her sire) strain to that which produced Phyllis, 2.15-^, one of the greatest BROODMARES. 45 performers ; a mare which began as a two-year old and trained many years, going into a faster class each season, and could beat 2.i5i- Mermaid can enter the list still. She is so well fortified with speed-producers that it is preferable to breed her each season. She will be mated with Evolutio, and we hope for something great. It will be an outcross, and a good one as well. CLHREMONT MHID. [Standard, Rule 6.] Brown mare; foaled 1884; bred by Joshua Wilkins, Braintree, Mass. Sire, ARBITER 2.30, 991. By Administrator, 2.29^, Dam Alma Mater, by Mambrino Patchen, 58, dam of Alcantara, Alcyone and Allicl\. First Dam, Media, by Garrard Chief, 2253 (Son of Mambrino Chief). Was sire of Basil Duke, 2.28^, and dams of Don Pizarro (3), 2,14!, Mistake, 2.291 Second Dam, Daughter of Abdallah Messenger, 801, (Son of Abdallah, 15,) sire of Abdal- lah Boy, 2.24J. Third Dam, Daughter of St. Lawrence Horse. Said to be. Claremont Maid traces direct to Mambrino Chief three times, and once indirectly to Abdallah, 15, and Administrator, both suc- cessful sons of " The Old Hero of Chester," and must make a grand broodmare. Mares by sons of Alma Mater are now com- manding high prices, and not obtainable at that, as well bred on dam's side as is Claremont Maid. She is just what we are using at Highland View in our stud for broodmare use, and intend to retain her fillies to add also to our collection. x-V\\V\\V\\X\\X\\X\\V\\X\\X\N^^^ 46 BROODMARES. HLTHRI. [Standard, Rule 6.] Brown mare; foaled 1886 ; bred at Highland View. Sire. SCUTARI, JR. First Dam, Daughter of Almont Eagle, 2.27. Sire of Ruby Almont, trial, 2.28^. Second Dam, Sired by Son of Vt. Black Hawk, Which was inbred to the Morgan strains. This filly we have kept for broodmare use. She has plenty of rich bloodlines through her sire, her grandsire and the sire of her dam, and it is backed by an inbred Morgan foundation of great value even in these days of advanced breeding, as Bell Hamlin,2.i2f, Guy, 2.io|, Pamlico, 2.i6|, and others going back to Black Hawk testified in public. The Morgan element produces finish, substance and courage, together with road-horse qualities of high order. REXIE LH7«^BERT. [StANI)AR1>.] Grey mare ; foaled 1879 5 t)red by Geo. W. Gould, Newtonville, Mass. Sire, REX PATCHEN, 2.30. Sire of Rex, 2,2SL First Dam, Fanny Lambert, by Daniel Lambert, 102, Sire of Comee, 2.19^, Nancy, 2.23I, Ella Doe, 2.23I, Lady Foxie, 2.24I, and many others. Second Dam, Daughter of Young Engineer. Said to be. Rexie Lambert is a nice daughter of a fast daughter of the great sire, Daniel Lambert, by far the greatest native New Eng- land sire. Her foal, Clay Patchen, stamps her a grand producer. She has a brother which would have beaten 2.30 had he had train- ^\V\V\\X\V\\V^^\\^V\\V\\VVVVV^^^^^ BROODMARES. 47 BROMN FERN. [Standard, Rule 6.] Brown mare ; foaled 1885 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, SCUTARI, JR. Son of Scutari, by Woodford Mambrino, 2.21^. First Dam, Fernleaf, by Idol, 177, Son of Mambrino Chief, 11, dam by American Eclipse, by Duroc, son of Diomed. Second Dam, Daughter of Vt. Black Hawk, 5, Sire of Ethan Allen, 2.25^. We get here a great blending of Mambrino Chief blood with that of Abdallah, 15, then Belmont and to Hambletonian, 10, through Volunteer, together with the ever-valued Morgan element, through the great old-time sire, Black Hawk. She gets a stout dash of best thoroughbred blood right close up. RED FERN. [Standard, Rule 6.] Bay; no marks ; 15.2 hands; foaledi885; bred at Highland View. Sire, VOLUNTEER BOY. Got dam of Fearnauc;ht, 2.19. First Dam, Ferndell, by Idol, 177, Son of Mambrino Chief, 11, and sire of Don, 2.224^, John R., 2.23, 3 others ; dams of Misty Morning, 2.21, etc. Second Dam, Daughter of Black Hawk, 5, Sire of Ethan Allen, 2.25^. Peck's Idol was by Mambrino Chief, dam by American Eclipse, the great racehorse ; American Eclipse, by Duroc, son of Diomed, out of Miller's Damsel, by Imp. Messenger. Red Fern is well qualified for broodmare use. '^^\'V^^i^-lR\^-??g^^l^^^?^^^^^^ x^g?;^*^^^^'^;-^ k\N^^^^\\Vs\N\\X\\X\^^ 48 BROODMARES. iZIOLH WILKES. [Standard, Rule 6.] Grey mare ; foaled 1885 ; bred by Dr. F. L. Gerald, Laconia, N. H. Sire, MAMBRINO WILKES, 3880, 2. 28f. Sire of i R. M. Wilkes 2.251 by Administrator, 357, 2.29^, Sire of Catchfly, 2.18^, McMahon, 2.21:^, etc., etc. by Peck's Idol, 177, Son of Mambrino Chief. by Sir Wallace. Kosciusko, by Sir Archy. Blackburn's Whip. Arthur Wilkes 2. Dam Viola, Second Dam, Valley Rose, Third Dam, Target, Fourth Dam, Daughter of Fifth Dam, Daughter of ANALYSIS.^ Mambrino Wilkes, First Dam, Hattie Fitch, Second Dam, Lady Turner, Dam of Ned, dam of Clemmie G., 2.15I, Post Boy, 2.23, Alice Stoner, 2.24J, Forrest Wilkes, 2.24!^, Mystery, 2.25^, and Stein- ette, dam of Bourbon Russell, 2.30. Third Dam, Daughter of Fourth Dam, Daughter of Fifth Dam, Daughter of Sixth Dam, Daughter of by Geo. Wilkes, 2.22, 519, Sire of 70 in 2.30 list. by William's Mambrino, Son of Ericcson by Mambrino Chief, by Mambrino Chief. Grey Eagle. Sir Wm. Wallace. Blackburn's Whip. Comet. Peck's Idol by Mambrino Chief, dam by American Eclipse, son of Duroc, by Diomed. American Eclipse, dam Miller's Damsel by Imp. Messenger. Kosciusko, by Sir Archy. Sir Archy, by Diomed, first English Derby Winner, dam by Rockingham. V\\X\\Vs\X\\X\\X\\\\\V\Vs\VsS\x\V\\V^^^ BROODMARES. 49 Viola Wilkes is exceptionally well bred, and inheriting, as she does, the blood of the famous Mrs. Caudle, dam of Ericcson, and of Lady Turner, dam of the grand producer, Ned, with five in the list, and a sixth, a producer of one, we think her well qualified to transmit her speed inheritance. She can show quite a deal of nat- ural speed with a splendid way of handling herself loose in the lot. She strains four times to Mambrino Chief and twice to Ham- bletonian, 10, once through his very best son, Geo. Wilkes, once through a most excellent son, opportunity considered, Administra- tor, whose daughters are passing 2.30 speed into the list each season. With her breeding excellence and individual excellence we look for good results from her union with the Highland View stallions. MEDORH. Bay mare; foaled 1886; bred at Highland View. Sire, VOLUNTEER BOY. First Dam, Med Shepard, by Jack Shepard, 183, Son of Hambletonian, lo, out of an American Star Dam. Second Dam, Nashua. Great roadmare. A great individual ; very promising. LHDY BHTES. Gray mare; foaled 1877; bred by Estate of B. E. Bates, Cream Hill Farm, Shoreham, Vt. Sire, ABRAHAM, 353. Sire of Frank, 2.o8f (running mate), 2.19+ ; Brightwood, 2.19I; and dam of Ketch, 2.i8f. Dam, Hartshorne Mare, Messenger Descent. Said to be. 50 BROODMARES. QUEEN DIDO. [Standard.] Dark bay; 15.3 hands ; foaled, 1887; bred by Jas. Piper, Clare- mont, N. H. Sire, VITTORIA, 3993. First Dam, Daughter of Almont Eagle, 2.27. Second Dam, Daughter of Metcalf Horse. By Black Hawk, 5. MISS CHRROLL. Bay mare ; foaled, 1885 ; bred by N. C. Carroll, Warner, N. H. Sire, VOLUNTEER BOY, 2.27. First Dam, Daughter of Abdallah, 16, Sire of Minnie C, 2.25!, etc. Bay mare; foaled 1887 ; bred by Pjert Chellis, Claremont, N. H. Sire, VOLUNTEER BOY. Trial 2.27. First Dam, Daughter of Robert Burns, Son of Winthrop Morill,out of High- land Queen, by Hambletonian, 10. In foal to Easfle Wilkes. •■to* i QUEEN ELIZHBETH. [Standard.] Bay; no white; foaled 1887 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, ALMONT EAGLE, 2.27. First Dam, Mary Curtis, by Volunteer Boy. Trial 2.27. Second Dam, Daughter of Black Sherman, 2.40, Elijah Hoffman Mare. Out of a Bellfounder mare. BROODMARES. 51 EUDORH. Brown mare; foaled 1882 ; bred by Mr. Fitch, Claremont, N. H. Sire, ALMONT EAGLE, 2.27. Brother to Piedmont, 2.17^, etc. Dam, Daughter of Young Draco, Son of Draco, 2.284^, sire of Draco Prince, 2.24I, Blanche, 2.25^, Out- law, 2.28^; also dam of Young Rolfe, sire of Nelson, 2.iof. Second Dam, Daughter of Cole Horse, Third Dam, Daughter of By the Perry Horse, son of Vermont Black Hawk. Bell Morgan, 61, Sire of Lady Turpin, 2.23 (by Cottrell Morgan, son of Black Hawk). EuDORA is a grand roadmare ; can trot right round 2.40, and is speedy, handsome, nice-gaited, and "able to give one a good stiff cross-country ride of forty miles, and return, without being at all fatigued, yet doesn't pull a pound. Her breeding is very good — a double Morgan foundation and the Abdallah Mambrino Chief top-cross. Statistics show that the old-time Morgan blood mingles with the more fashionable strains in the veins of Nelson, 2.iof, Axtell, 2.12, and a number of others among the bright stars either before the public, on the turf, or in the stud. .X\\V\\V\\V\\V\\V\\V\V\\V\ V\\^\\V\\V\^^^^ 52 YEARLINGS. YEARLINGS. EHSTER. [Standard, Rule 6.] Bay filly; foaled Easter Sunday, 1889 ; bred by A. Cunio, Boston. Sire, NELSON, 2.10f. The Stallion King, holder of the three best records possessed by any stallion, living or dead: — 2. 15^, fastest one-half mile track record by any horse, mare or gelding. 2.1 if, fastest stallion record over a kite-shaped track. 2.iof, fastest stallion record on any track made on regulation-shaped track. 2. 1 5^-2. 1 5^, fastest consecutive heats over half-mile track. First Dam, Norma, Second Dam, Alnorma, Third Dam, Daughter of by Happy Medium, 400, Sire of Maxey Cobb, 2.13^:, ex-cham- pion stallion record ; Maxey Cobb and Neta Medium, 2.15!, till 1890 fastest double team record ; Nancy Hanks, 4 years old, 2.14^, fastest race record at the age, fastest third heat at 4 years old ; and 50 others in 2 30 ; also dams of 1 2 others. by Almont, S3, Sire of dams of Alabaster, 2.15, sec- ond fastest 4-year stallion record made as well in a race, Catchfiy. 2.i8i, etc. Norman, 25, Sire of Lula, 2.ijf, May Queen, 2.20, dam of Norval, 2.17^, Norman Afe- dium, 2.20, etc. ^v\v\\v\vvv\v\\v\vv\\v\vv^^v\\v\vv^vv\\v\\v\\v^^^^^ Tom Rolfe, 2.33 Nelson, 2 ■lO'A ■ Champion Stallion co.d, ..,5%, . half mile track. Fastest on Record EASTER. ^oung Rolfe, 2.211/4 Sire of Nelson 2..0% Aubine 2..9V4 Medora ...2% Present 2.23% I Aratus, by ■ • • i I Pocohontas, 2.17Vi Sleepy Tom . . . 2. 12^2 Young Rolfe . . . 2.2 1V4 Lady Rolfe. . . . 2.21% Draco, 116, 2 28\!. . . Sire of Draco Prince . . . 2.24V4 Hambletonian, 10 Sire of ^C....s. ( D.UOHXHK / Young Mo ' Daughter Boston Girl . Daughter of Nettie 2, Daughter of . . Vt. Black Hawk. Abdallah 1 . . . Aubine . , Medora . . Westland . Hambletonian, 10 O'Ble Happy Medium, 400. . Maxey Cobb . . . 2.13V4 Norman Medium 2.20 Buzz Medium . . 2.2014 Brigadier 2.21V4 Breeze Medium . 2.221/4 Ernest Maltravers 2.22I/2 Happy Thought . 2.221^ Merry Thought . 2.22I/2 Neta Medium . . 2.221,2 Princess, 2.30 Almont, 33 Westmont 2. ,3% FannyWitherspoou 2.16I/4 Piedmont =..71/4 Aldine 2.19I/4 Early I^iose .... 2.20I/4 Hambletonian (Andrus) Wilcox Mare. Abdallah, 15 . . Sire of Goldsmith Maid . 2 SaUy Anderson ( Katy Daklin Daughter of Slocum Mare, by -( Lulu . . . May Queen I Untraced. MORRELL T Horse. Engineer Engineer, 2D, By Imp. Messenger. Untraced. / Imp. Messenger. Mambrino ) j Daughter of Sour Crout Amazonia, by son of , . Imp. Messenger. i Bishop's Hambletonian. Silvertail, By Imp. Messenger. Hambletonian, by . . Abdallah, 1. (Judson-s). By Imp. Messenger. By Hambleto Magnum Bonu »t^c»N YEARLINGS. 53 Easter is designed as a broodmare ; was purchased especially to mate at reaching her third year with my young stallion, " Evolu- tio," getting in the prospective foal the blood of all the great sires, Nutwood, Alcantara, Geo. Wilkes, Young Rolfe, Happy Medium, Almont, Alexander, Norman, and the famous broodmares, Miss Russell, Lucy, Gretchen, Alma Mater, and the great performers. Nelson, 2.io|, Goldsmith Maid, 2.14, Lady Thorne, 2.18^, Lucy, 2.18^, Geo. Wilkes, 2.22, Alcantara, 2.23, Jay Gould, 2.2o|-, Young Rolfe, 2.2 1^, Geo. M. Patchen, 2.23^, Katie Jackson, 2.25!. There will be no greater bred one to have been foaled than the issue of Easter by Evolutio. She is not for sale, money won't buy her, and individually she is a perfect young mare, which we value only second as a breeding requisite to sound ancestry. OHKiflZOOD. [Standard.] Sire, VITTORIA, 3993. Bay colt; foaled 1889; bred at Highland View. Dam, Nettie Goodwood, by Goodwood, Son of Woodford Mambrino, 2.2i4^. Second Dam, Nettie Burlew, by Champion, 807 (King's). 2.24. Third Dam, Nipper, by Geo. M. Patchen, 3.23:!-, 30. Oakwood is the fastest colt of his age we ever had here. He can show more speed and more stride in the yards than termed average speed limit for unbroken yearling form, and must, with no accident or set back, become a very fast horse. His action is per- fect and he is a very large colt for the age. Horsemen who have seen him, all pronounce him a wonderfully-gaited colt, and -a very promising one for turf honors at maturity. 54 yp:arlings. EBONY. Black colt; foaled 1889; bred by Highland View. Sire, VITTORIA, 3993. Dam, Daughter of Almont Eagle, 2.27. Second Dam, Daughter of Abe Rogers, By Vt. Black Hawk, 5. This colt is fine and handsome ; an own brother to Bellrice, our gelding of 1888. PICCOLO. Cherry bay gelding; foaled 1889 ; bred by Mr. Piper, Claremont. Sire, VITTMONT. Dam, Piper Mare, by Scutari, Jr. Second Dam, Daughter of Son of Black Hawk, 5. This is a nice, pretty colt, beautifully colored, and wears a coat like silk ; he is stylishly gaited. HMBER. Roan colt; foaled 1889 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, VITTORIA, 3993. Dam, Lady Bates, by Abraham, Son of Daniel Lambert. SILK BOY. [Standard, Rule 6.] Brownish bay; foaled 1889; bred at Highland View. Sire, SCUTARI, JR. Sire of Scltari by Woodford Mambrino, 2.21A. Dam, Almawood, by Almont Eagle, 2.27, Sire of Ruby Almont; trial 2.28^^. YEARLINGS. 55 Second Dam, Twistwood, by Blackwood, 2.31, Sire of Protein, 2.18. Third Dam, Louise Kellogg, by Dial, Son of Geo. M. Patchen, 30, sire of Lucy, 2.18:^. Fourth Dam, Hibernia, by Imp. Consternation. Fifth Dam, Roxanna, by American Eclipse. ]^y Duroc, by Diomed. Sixth Dam, Roxanna, by Sir Archv, Best Son of Imp. Diomed. This is grand breeding, and better even than good breeding ; Silk Boy is absokitely perfect at every point. Evenly balanced in his every movement, and a trotter from heels up. He is unusu- ally handsome, of good size, and beautifully coated. We have determined to keep him a stallion, thinking he will be quite up to our standard of excellence. HOLLYMOOD. [Standard, Rule 6.] Chestnut filly; foaled 1889 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, GRANITE STATE, 6337. Dam, Rexie Lambert, by Rex Patchen, 2.30. 912. Sire of Rex, 2.28^. Second Dam, Fanny Lambert, by Daniel Lambert, 102, Sire of Comee, 2.19:]:, etc. Third Dam, Daughter of Young Engineer. Claimed to be. : V\\Xk^VvVVV^V<^^VVV\VVv\V\sV^VVVVVVVVV^V^vVVVVVV^^^ S6 YEARLINGS. IDYLLMOOD. [Standard, Rule 6.] Bay filly ; foaled 1889 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, VITTORIA, 3993. Dam, Redfern, by Volunteer Boy. Second Dam, Fernleaf, by Peck's Idol, Sire of Don, 2.224^, John R., 2.23, Barbara Patchen, 2.24I, Idol Gift, 2.29^, Iodine, 2.29^, dams of 6 in 2.30 list. LOUELLH C. [Standard, Rule 6.] Bay filly; foaled 1889 ; bred by Edward Cogswell, Hyde Park, Mass. Sire, NORTHCOTE. Son of Mambrino Russell, he by Woodford Mamhrino out of Miss Russell. First Dam, Jennie PatchExV, by Tom Patchen, 3996, Dam of Airago, 2.33^, Sire of Captain, 2.21^, Jack Spratt, 2.23, Gladiator, Jr., 2.27^^, and grand- sire of Forrest Patchen, 2.19!^. Second Dam, Jennie, Third Dam, Daughter of by Gen. Knox, 140, 2.31 J, Sire of Lady Maud, 2.18^, etc. Drew Horse, 114, Sire of dams of Midnight, 2.18J, Iron Age, 2.19^, and others. This breeding is excellent. Mam. Russell's dam, by Volunteer, is a sister to Stephen G., 2.20^, second dam being by Knicker- bocker, and produced Stephen G. Mambrino Russell sired Hal- VVV\VV\VVV\X\\X\\-V\\V\\X\\X\\Vs\X\\Vs\^^^^ YEARLINGS. 57 dane, Happy Russell, AUie Russell and others, and was out of Miss Russell, dam of Maud S., 2.o8f, Nutwood, 2.i8f (19 in 1890 in the list), Cora Belmont, 2.24^, Russia, 2.28, and Nutula, dam of Maudlin, Lord Russell, sire of Kremlin, 2.22f, at 3 years old. We get the great broodmares. Miss Russell, Lady Patriot, Woodbine, a mighty triOj and of invaluable speed productive influ- ence. Everything which was produced by each has either trotted or produced performers, and their performers are great campaign- ers and hold the low down records. Gen. Knox, with limited op- portunities, did wonderful service to the trotting interests of Maine, and established a family which, whether possessed of 2.30 speed or slower, " all trot some." No one ever saw a Knox which couldn't show some sort of speedy inclination. The Patchen blood and Drew are valued outcrosses. Louella C. is a very promising filly and will be a great broodmare. Will be bred to Rex Nutwood, doubling the Miss Russell blood in the produce. NIXIE. Bay filly; foaled 1889; bred at Highland View. Sire, VITTORIA, 3993. Dam Miss Carroll, by Volunteer Boy. Trial, 2.27. Second Dam, Daughter of Abdallah, 16 (Taggart's). CHELLISSH. Bay filly : foaled 1889 ; bred by Burt Chellis, Claremont, N. H. Sire, VOLUNTEER BOY. Trial, 2.27. Dam Jenny, by Gen. Lyon, Son of Young Morrill. Second dam. Daughter of Pathfinder. Morrill Horse. 58 YEARLINGS. SHTHNELLH. [Standard, Rule 6.] Bay filly; foaled 1889 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, VOLUNTEER BOY. Trial, 2.27. First Dam, Maud A., by Wedgewood, 2.19, 600. Second Dam, Muse, by Winthrop Morrill, 373. Third Dam, Lady Thornton, by Mapes Horse, 2063. 2.26^, Dam of Virginia Evans. Fourth Dam, Daughter of Edsall's Jupiter. Fifth Dam, Wildair Mare. Comment on this breeding would seem well nigh superfluous. It is replete with strains directly to successful sires, and the dams all round were all producers of attested value. She is a smart- gaited miss, and we expect her to show well when thoroughly broken. In conformation she is about perfect, and much admired by those who have seen her. MOLLIE WILKES. [Standard, Rule 7.] Black brown filly ; foaled 1889 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, EAGLE WILKES. Dam, Mary Curtis, by Volunteer Boy. Trial 2.27. Second Dam, Daughter of Black Sherman, By Vermont Black Hawk, 5. YEARLINGS. 59 MHRGOT. Bay filly; foaled 1889 ; bred by Highland View. Sire, CLAY ABDALLAH. Dam, Marjory, by Almont, ^t„ Sire of dam of Alabaster, 2, 1 5, at 4 years. Second Dam, Belle, by Cass. M. Clay, Jr., 22 (Strader's). Record 2.35^. Third Dam, Daughter of Hunt's Commodore. Fourth Dam, Daughter of . Brown Pilot, He by Pilot, sire of Pilot, Jr., 12. We have here an indirectly inbred Clay, with a Hambletonian outcross, and it makes quite an interesting pedigree. A reference to the breeding of Clay Abdallah will be of interest. KHTHLEEN. [Stani^ard, Rulf, 6.] Black filly ; foaled 1889 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, EAGLE WILKES. Dam, Collie, by Lakeland Abdallah, Brother to Sire of Maud S. Second Dam, Carrie T., 2.34, by Almont, ^;^, Dam of Maggie Thomas, 2.31 ; second Sire of dam of Alabaster, 4 years, 2.15. dam of Albrazia, 2.314^ (3 yeats). 60 YEARLINGS. Third Dam, Maud's Sister, by Abdallah, 15, Sire of The Maid, 2.14. Fourth Dam, Daughter of Robert Bruce, Son of Clinton, by Sir Archy. Fifth Dam, Daughter of Muckle John, By Sir Archy. Sixth Dam, Daughter of Trumpeter. Seventh Dam, Daughter of Stamboul (Arabian). Eagle Wilkes is considered as handsome as the great show horse, Mambrino King, by some, and is certainly a very handsome horse under any judging. Kathleen compares in point of breed- ing favorably with almost any her age. She has the Wilkes, Al- mont, Abdallah, 15, and best of thoroughbred backing, tracing three times direct to Sir Archy ; and on the sire's side three great 4-mile runners are represented : Grey Eagle, Wagner, and Lexing- ington. Individually we are confident she will meet the approval of those her rare breeding may attract. From any standpoint she is a superior young filly, and after we trial her at maturity she will go into the stud, where she must needs be a grand producer. MONTCLHIR. Seal brown colt ; foaled 1889 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, VOLMOWT, 5950. First Dam, Claremont Maid, by Arbiter, 2.30, By Administrator, out of Alma Mater, dam of Alcantara, 2.23, Alcyone, 2,27, Allicia, 2.30, Arbiter, 2.30. by Garrard Chief, 2253 (Son of Mambrino Chief). Was sire of Basil Duke, 2.28^, and dams of Don Pi;?arro (3), 2.14!, Mistake, ^■.29^. Second Dam, Media, ^^v.^xk^%^^v\v\vv^%^^vv^v\^^ ^\v^^v\v^^^^^ YEARLINGS. 6i Third Dam, Daughter of Abdallah Messenger, 8or. Fourth Dam, Daughter of St. Lawrence Horse. Said to be. Here we get Vokinteer, Almont, Mambrino Chief, Mambrino Patchen, and thoroughbred foundation, a grandly bred (grandly constructed as well) individual. REGRET. [Standard, Rule 6.] Black filly; foaled 1889 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, VITTMONT, 5998. Dam, Rosewood, by Scutari, Jr. Second Dam, Twisiwood, by Blackwood, 2.31. Third Dam, Louise Kellogg, by Dial, Son of Geo. M. Patchen, 2.234-. Fourth Dam, Hibernia, By Imp. Consternation. Fifth Dam, Roxanna, by American Eclipse. Sixth Dam, Roxanna, by Sir Archy, Son of Imp. Diomed. This filly is one of the finest bred ones to be found, look where one may. No better trotting strains exist, and the broodmares in existence with such influential strains as Consternation, Eclipse, and Sir Archy, together with the Trustee blood, render it almost beyond comparison, unless one be bred in identical lines. Very clean cut, and a pretty gaited little miss already. 62 COLT FOALS. COLT FOALS, 1890. NETTLE. Bay ; foaled 1890 ; bred at Highland View. • Sire, GRANITE STATE. Dam, Nettie Goodwood, by Goodwood, Dam of Oakwood. Son of Woodford Mambrino, 2.2i|. Second Dam, Nettie Burlew, by Champion, 807, 2.24. Sire of Myrtle, 2.25^, dam of Myrtle- wood, 2.25^. Third Dam, Nipper, by Geo. M. Patchen, 2.23^, Sire of Lucy, 2. 18 J. This colt is half brother to Oakwood, the fastest yearling ever raised here, and is a grand gaited youngster already. He may be almost as fast same age as his half brother was. VICTOR CURTIS. [Standard.] Brownish bay ; foaled 1890 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, VITTMONT, 5950. First Dam, Mary Curtis, by Volunteer Boy. Dam of Scutari, Jr. Second Dam, Elijah Hoffman Mare. by Black Sherman, Son of Vt. Black Hawk: Black Sherman's Dam, The Hammill Mare, By Imp. Bellfounder. Victor Curtis is a grand colt as to breeding, viewed in the light of an oiitcross, as he has the valued Morgan outcross for a foundation, improved by the infusion of the blood of Volunteer, Almont and Administrator. COLT FOALS. 63 SHTINWOOD. [Standard, Rule 6.] Bay colt ; foaled 1890 ; bred at Highland View Sire, REX NUTWOOD. First Dam, Rosewood, Second Dam, Twistwood, Third Dam, Louise Kellogg, Fourth Dam, Hibernia, Fifth Dam, Roxanna, Sixth Dam, Roxanna, by Scutari, Jr. by Blackwood, 231. by Dial. , by Imp. Consternation. by American Eclipse. by Sir Archy. He is a grandly bred colt, replete with producing strains of rare merit and great brilliancy. He is as fine in form and finish as one could imagine and a very pleasing colt. He at once stamps his sire a good producer, and his dam is one of our highly prized young broodmares. Satinwood is good sized for his age, and will be a fine yearling. MEDINH. [Standard, Rule 6.] Dark bay ; foaled 1890; bred at Highland View. Sire, EAGLE WILKES. Dam Medora, by Volunteer Boy. Trial, 2.27. Second Dam, Med Shepard, by Jack Shepard, 183, Sire of four with records, 2.25^ to 2.29! 64 COLT FOALS. Third Dam, Nashua. A noted long distance roadmare, with considerable local reputation for speed possession. Medina is a large, well made, good-looking colt, elegantly col- ored, and will, without any unforseen accident, become a very promising young horse. He is very nervy, stylish as a young peacock, and comes naturally by it all ; his sire and his dam's sire both are elegantly finished stallions. PEERLESS. [Standard, Rule 6.] Bay colt ; foaled 1890 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, VOLMONT, 5950. First Dam, Early Dawn, by Kentucky Wilkes, 2.21^, Sire of Virginia Evans, 2.24 (trial, 2.18). Second Dam, Duette, by Princeps, Sire of Trinkett, 2.14. Third Dam, Belle Dudley, by Belmont, 64, Dam of Dodd Peet, 2.19^, Prince Sire of Nutwood, 2.i8|. Dudley, 2.29! (2), Belford, 2.26f. Fourth Dam, Madam Dudley, A Bashaw. Dam of four producing daughters. Said to be. When we interweave the blood of Almont, Geo. Wilkes, Wood- ford Mambrino, Abdallah, 15, Mambrino Chief, Belmont, Volun- teer, Cass. M. Clay, Jr., and the best background of thoroughbred sires in the Stud Book near at hand, it ought to be termed gilt- edged. When the strains were begotten by the highest representa- tive sires in these families it is advancing, as they are many times X^\V\\Vs\VV\V\\V\\V\V\\V\\-V\\V\\^\\V^^ COLT FOALS. 65 much better bred than are their sires. Add to all this the great producers, Belle Dudley, Mme. Dudley, Primrose, Woodbine, Belle, Martha, Lady Patriot, and there is hereditary excellence on every limb of the tree. Peerless ought to be a successful sire, a fast trotter, and yet is but a yearling as yet. Few colts are as well qualified for the stud as he, and whatever families may be fashionable a few years away, we think the " boom " will still be " on " in his families. INFUSION. [Standard, Rule 6.] Black colt; foaled 1890; bred at Highland View. Sire, EAGLE WILKES First Dam, Elfin, by Volunteer Boy, Trial, 2.27:^, brother to Goldsmith's Abdallah, 2.30, and sire of dam of Fearnaught, 2.19. Second Dam, Fanny, by Florida, 482, Sire of Faust, 2.18I (3), Walnut 2.19^, Fanny Swope, 2.21, Fortuna, 2.23, Hambletonian, 2.26^, Lotta, 2.24-i-, Frenzy (2), 2.27:^. Third. Dam, Daughter of Dad, 2.40, Son of Ethan Allen (43), 2.254-, sire of Daniel Lambert, 102, etc., etc. This breeding is essentially gilt-edged, the individuality is there, and in every respect he is first class on examination. - 66 COLT FOALS. CLHY PHTCHEN. Black colt ; foaled 1890 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, CLAY ABDALLAH. Dam, Rexie Lambert, by Rex Patchen, 2.30. Second Dam, Fanny Lambert, by Daniel Lambert, 102, Sire of dams of Pamlico, 2.i6f, Dandy Jim, 2.19^, etc. Third Dam, Daughter of Young Engineer. This is a ^ery handsome colt and well bred as well. Clay Ab- dallah's breeding will at once impress the reader as exceptionally valued for an outcross. He can step quite a lively gait for a year- ling unbroken. _^. W\\V\\X\\V\\V\\VV\V\\X\\V\\VV^V\\V\V\\^^^ FILLY FOALS. 67 FILLY FOALS yiSTH. [Standard, Rule 6.] Bay filly; foaled 1890; bred at Highland View. Sire, REX NUTWOOD. Son of Nutwood, 2.i8|. Put 19 in 2.30 list during 1890. Dam, Maud A., by Wedgewood, 2.19, Sire of Favonia, 2.15, and 5 others. Second Dam, Muse, by Winthrop Morrill, Sire of Honest Harry, 2.22I-. Third Dam, Lady Thornton, by Mapes Horse, 2.26-2, Son of Hambletonian, 10. Dam of Virginia Evans, 2.24 ; trial, 2.18. Fourth Dam, Daughter of, Edsall's Jupiter. Fifth Dam, Wildair Mare, by Wildair. SOLITHIRE. [Standard, Rule 6.] Bay filly ; foaled 1890; bred at Highland View. Sire, WM. H. MOODY. Dam, Collie, by Lakeland Abdallah, Brother to sire of Maud S., 2.o8f. Second Dam, Carrie T., 2.34, by Almont, ^^. Dam of Maggie Thomas, 3 years, "The great sire of trotters." 2.31 ; Bessie Wilkes, dam of Al- brazia, 2.31+. 68 FILLY FOALS. Third Dam, Sister to Maud, by Abdallah, 15, Dam of King Jim, 2.2o4-, Attorney, Sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2.14, etc. sire of Attorney, Jr., 2.13, Mabel A., 2.23, Malaga, dam of Wood- brino, 2.25!. Fourth Dam, Daughter of Robt. Brown, By Clinton, son of Sir Archy. Fifth Dam, Daughter of Muckle John, By Sir Archy. Sixth Dam, Daughter of Trumpeter. Seventh Dam, Daughter of Stamboul (Arabian). Wm. H. Moody, by Vittoria, son of Administrator, dam Mer- maid, trial, 2.28, by Volunteer Boy, second dam, Sea Foam, 2.24^, introduces a double cross of Mambrino Chief blood, the valued Abdallah, 15, blood, and that of the great sire of campaigners. Volunteer, 55. On dam's side Solitaire gets more Mambrino Chief- Abdallah, 15 (twice), with a phenomenal thoroughbred back- ing. She is the first of her young sire's get, and is a very credita- ble tribute. It would be hard to. exact a more perfect head and neck than she carries, and from end to end there seems no flaw in her make-up. Every one who has seen her has commented on her rare finish and beautifully colored, sleekly-laid coat. She knows nothing but trot, and for a weanling is extra attractive in action, and shows quite a deal of juvenile speed, loose in the yards. REiZERIE. [Standard.] Bay filly; foaled 1890; bred at Highland View. Sire, EAGLE WILKES. Dam, Red Fern, by Volunteer BoV. Second Dam, Ferndell, by Peck's Idol, Sire of Don, 2.22^, John R., 2.23,; 3 others. FILLY FOALS. 69 Third Dam, Daughter of Vt. Black Hawk, 5, Sire of Ethan Allen, 2.254^. This filly combines the blood-lines sired to Geo. Wilkes, Almont, Alexander's Abdallah, Mambrino Chief, Pilot, Jr., and thorough- bred, backed by the Black Hawk strain, famous for constitutional vigor, beauty of finish, and a very valuable outcross for any animal to possess. COMBINATION. [Standard.] Brown lilly ; foaled 1890; bred by Highland View. Sire, EASTERN BOY, 2.29^. First Dam, Naiad, by Smuggler, 2.15^. Stallion King, 1 875-1883. Second Dam, Sea Foam. 2.24I, by Young Columbus. Third Dam, BiLLiN(is Mare. Wonderful road-mare, very fast, and a great long distance animal. Owned by Col. Russell. Eastern Boy, 2.29^, by Gen. Knox. It will be seen there is a line everywhere to some developed speed ancestor. Sea Foam was a much faster mare than her record indicates. Gen. Knox, 2.31^, made a great reputation under extremely adverse circum- stances. 70 FILLY FOALS. iZIOLET. [Standard, Rule 6.] Dark bay filly; foaled 1890; bred at Highland View. Sire, VITTMONT. Dam, Miss Carroll, by VolUxNteer Boy. Second Dam, Daughter of Abdallah, 16 (Taggart's). HHiZEN. Bay filly; foaled 1890; bred by C. A. Haven, Claremont, N. H. Sire, VOLUNTEER BOY. Trial, 2.27. Dam, Daughter of Robert Burns, By Winthrop Morrill, out of High- land Queen, by Hambletonian, 10. \v\v\v\\v\\ v\v\\v\v\vv\v \vvvv^vxv^^^^ FILLY FOALS. ^ ROXIE. [Standard, Rule 6.] Bay filly ; foaled 1890 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, REX NUTWOOD. Dam, Altari, by Scutari, Jr. Second Dam, Daughter of Almont Eagle, 2.27. Third Dam, Daughter of Son of Black Hawk, 5. This filly proclaims her young sire a getter of juvenile promise, and is a very elegant, pretty filly, lots of bone, lots of finish. She is also excellently well bred, as a glance through her parent's pedi- grees will show. Suffice it to say, that every way she is up to her breeding. ^!s^\\X^\\'^\v^^v^^\^v\\x\\v^^v^^^ 72 MARES IN TRAINING. MARES IN TRAINING. HHTTIE PROCTOR. Dark bay mare ; foaled 1884 ; bred by Mr. Proctor, Claremont, N. H. Sire, VOLUNTEER BOY. Trial, 2.27. Dam, Proctor Mare, by Goldthwait Horse, (Morgan Hunter Jr.) Son of Morgan Hunter, by Gifford, he by Gifford Morgan; Morgan Hunter Jr.'s dam by Colby Horse, a son of the Barker Horse. Second Dam, Daughter of Flying Morgan. Hattie Proctor is a typically finished Morgan, fine, yet com- pactly made, and of grand substance on every hand. She is a nervy, resolute mare, possessed of indomitable courage and rare intelli- gence. With her high temperament, she is level-headed, and can undoubtedly with a season's handling, trot in 2.25. SNOWFLHKE. Gray mare ; foaled 1882 ; bred by John Jones, Claremont, N. H. Sire, ALMONT EAGLE, 2.27. Dam, Jones Mare, by Metcalf Horse, Son of Vt. Black Hawk. This mare could be trained a season with prospects of entering the 2.30 list, for she is speedy, well behaved and good gaited, very reliable, and a very nice mare. MARES IN TRAINING. 73 SISTER. Black mare ; foaled 1885 ; bred by A. W. Fairbanks, So. Cornish, N. H. Sire, ALMONT EAGLE, 2.27. Dam Kitty, Own Sister to Dam of Dandy. -Sister is fast and will be a 2.30 performer, bar all accidents. She and Dandy would make a magnificent double hitch, are ele- gantly made and gaited alike. She will be trained in 1891 for a record. \\\V\VSSV\\\S\\\N\\V\N\\\\NV\N\NV\V^^^^ 74 GELDINGS. GELDINGS. CLEiZELHND. Bay gelding; foaled 1887 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, VOLUNTEER BOY. Dam, Neitie Goodwood, by Goodwood. Second Dam, Nettie Burlew, by Champion, 807. 2.24. Third Dam, Nipper, by Geo. M. Patchen, 2.23^. Very promising, stands 15. i, and extra handsome. Will pay to develope for trotting purposes. GUIDE. Brownish bay gelding ; foaled 1887 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, VITTORIA, 3993. Dam, EuDORA, by Almont Eagle, 2.27. Second Dam, Volley's Dam. This horse stands 15.1, is handsome, and would with handling learn to go some. GELDINGS. 75 BELLRICE. Bay gelding ; foaled 1888 ; bred at Highland View. Sire VITTORIA, 3993. Dam, Daughter of Almont Eagle, 2.27. Second Dam, Leet Mare, by Abe Rogers, Son of Black Hawk, 5. The Abe Rogers Horse made a record of 3.00 over 30 years ago. Bellrice will develope into a superb, fast roadster, with possibilities of speed. He is very handsome. JHRiZIS. Black gelding ; foaled 1889 ; bred at Highland A^iew. Sire, VITTOKIA. Dam, Fairy, by Florida. Second Dam, Daughter of Dad, By Ethan Allen, 2.254-. FHRWELL. Black gelding ; foaled 1885 ; bred by Mr. Farwell. Sire, ALMONT EAGLE, 2.27. Dam, Farwell Mare, by Lexington, Son of Vt. Black Hawk. 76 GELDINGS. FRHNK B. Dark bay gelding; foaled 1885 ; bred by Frank Brock, Springfield, Vt. Sire, ALMONT EAGLE, 2.27. Dam, Brock Mare, by Perkins' YoUxVG Morrill. These geldings would make very elegant gentlemen's driving horses, are handsome, bold movers, and extra stylish and nicely gaited. Frank B. is one of the most elegant large horses we ever saw harnessed. DHNDY. Black gelding; foaled 1884 ; bred by A. W. Fairbanks, So. Cor- nish, N. H. Sire, ALMONT EAGLE, 2.27. Dam, ToPSY, by Hannibal, Son of Surprise, by Vt. Black Hawk, sire of Ethan Allen, 2.25I. Second Dam, Nelly, by Rip Van Winkle, By Vt. Black Hawk. Third Dam, Farley Rosseter Mare. Untraced. Surprise was out of a daughter of Black Hawk, 5, hence Dandy is highly inbred to the famous Black Hawk family. He is a very elegant horse, up-headed, handsome, very pure gaited, and can un- doubtedly trot in or very near 2.25 with regular track work. A Boston gentleman made a fair offer (for an undeveloped horse) last spring, but we preferred to bring him out or sell to one who would afford him a turf education. GELDINGS. 77 CLHY HBDHLLHH. Bay gelding ; foaled 1885 ; bred at Highland View. Sire, MORGAN CLAY. Dam, Collie, by Lakeland Abdallah, 160. Second Dam, Carrie T., 234, by Almont, 33. Dam of Maggie Thomas, 2.31, at 4 50 in 2.30 list, years. Third Dam, Maud's Sister, by Abdallah, 15. Fourth Dam, Daughter of Robt. Bruce, By Clinton. Fifth Dam, Daughter of Muckle John, By Sir Archy. Sixth Dam, Daughter of Trumpeter. Seventh Dam, Daughter of Stanboul (Arabian). Morgan Clay. Sired by Neeley's Henry Clay, 507, son of Strader's Cass. M. Clay, Jr., he by C. M. Clay, 18; dam Schamyl, by son of Vermont Black Hawk ; 2d dam by The Warner Horse, he by Long Island Black Hawk; 3d dam by Fireman, thorough- bred son of Sir William. Neeley's Henry Clay was out of Sue Letcher, by Norman, sire of Lulu, 2.14!, Kate Crocket, 2.20, etc. Norman was by The Morse Horse, he by European (McNitt Horse) ; dam by Hambletonian, 2 (Har- ris), son of Bishop's Messenger; 2d dam, Mozza, by Peacock, he by Imp. Messenger. Clay Abdallah is a grandly bred horse. He left some few colts, so we give an extension of his breeding for reference. He is now added to the list of geldings, and a very fine roadster, with promise of speed. 78 GELDINGS. ECLIPSE. Bay gelding; foaled 1880; bred by Wm. Abbott, Boston, Mass. Sire, MAMBRINO DUDLEY, 2.19f. Sire of Crescendo 2.24 Gretna -271 RiNALDO 2.27 Dam claimed to be, an^ undoubtedly was, a daughter of Blue Bull. Eclipse is not for sale, being Mrs. Moody's road-horse, and could not be replaced at any cost were we to part with him. vv^vvvv.^vvvv^^\\vv\v\v\v \v^^v\v\v^^^^ .VV^V-V^\H».x\VxV'*.x^-WxV^vv^\vV\s ' ^VVV\\V\nH.\v ' < ^VVV^'^vv^n\^v\V\V^^^^ ^VVVVVVVVV^V^\V^^V^VV\XS\V^^V^^V\V\^^^^ X'^\^K<^-V\\V^'V\\V.\V^N^^^ ^^^\\v^\V\\-v\\-v\\x^\X\\-v\\-v\v^^^^^ ^^v^\^^\^^\^^\\^\\^v^^\\^v\v^\^^\\^^^^ SUPPLEMENT. 8i SUPPLEMENT, Stock Turcbased since Catalogue was Issued, too late for classification. ESTELLA. [Standard, Rule 6.] Brown filly; foaled 1889. Purchased of M. J. Hendricks, Union Springs, New York. Owned at Highland View. Sire, CLAY KING, 2964. Record 2.30. Sire of King Clay, by Sayres' Harry Clay, out of Modesty, 2.26, by Tom Wonder; 2cl dam Wells Star, by American Star (dam also of Artjl- LERY, 2.2i|); Clay King's dam, Amy, 2 20^, by Volunteer, 55, out of Belle Brandon (dam of Gov.. Sprague, 2.20^, Wilmer, 2.30), by Ham- bletonian, id. Dam, Nelly, by Wm. M. Rysdyk, 5703, Sire of Lady Whitefoot, 2.18^. Second Dam, Daughter of Long Island. Third Dam, Daughter of Champion, 807, Sire of Nettie Burlew, 2.24, and 7 others. Third Dam, Daughter of Thoroughbred Tormentor. Estella was purchased to get the blood of Belle Brandon (dam of Gov. Sprague, 2.20^^, sire of 24 in 2.30 list), one of Hamble- tonian's best daughters, and of Amy, 2.20:^, one of Volunteer's 82 SUPPLEMENT producing and performing daughters ; together with the blood of the great broodmare, Well's Star, dam of the great stallion, Artillery, 2.21^, and Modesty, 2.26. She is a wonderfully well-bred filly, a superior individual, and bred to Evolutio will produce one of the very highest bred animals to be procured even in these days of advanced breeding. Is of good size, and well adapted at maturity for broodmare use. NYDIH. Bay filly; foaled 1890; bred by Francis B. Mitchell, Esq., New York Cit3^ Purchased through M. J. Hendricks, Union Springs, N". Y., by Highland View Farm. Sire, WATERLOO, 4716, 2.23f. Own brother to Viking, 2.19^-, Wavelet, 2.24:^^, Naiad (dam of Stornaway, 2.29!, Sprite (dam of Sphinx, 2.23, Egotist, 2.22^, and Spry, 2.28^), by Belmont, out of Waterwitch, by Pilot, Jr. Dam, Merelda, by Tremont, 1565, 2.28^, Sire of Junemont, 2.i8f, Bellerene, 2.26$, and Maymont, 2.284. Second Dam, Jessie Havnes, by Don J. Robinson, 451, Sire of Jessie B,, 2.24^. • This filly is destined to become a broodmare at Highland View, and when mated with Rex Nutwood the produce will carry two strains to Pilot, Jr., through his best daughters. Miss Russell, dam of Maud S., 2.o8f, Nutwood, 2.184- (51 i'l 2.30 list), Cora Belmont, 2.24^, Russia, 2.28, Nutula (dam of Maudlen, 2.25^), Maudlen, 2.25^, Lord Russell, (sire of 3 in 2.30), Mambrino Russell (sire of 5 in 2.30, and grandsire of 1 at 2 years), and Waterwitch, the dam of Viking, 2.19^, Mambrino Gift, 2 20 (7 in 2.30), Scotland, 2.22^, Waterloo, 2.23!, Wavelet, 2.24^, Fairy Belle (dam of Nymphia, 2.26:|), Sprite (dam of Egotist, 2.22I-, Sphinx, 2.23, and Spry, 2.28^), Naiad (dam of Stornaway, 2.29^) ; this will make quite a trotting inheritance, and that is what we are aiming to secure, along with individuality. She is a nice filly every way. Don J. SUPPLEMENT. 83 Robinson was by Marshall Chief, 452, sire of Dr. Lewis, 2.24, dams of A. V. Pantlind, 2.20:^, and Betsy Ann, 2.22^, and four sons, sires of 2.30 horses. Robinson's dam. Lady Bates, by Ham- bletonian, 10; 2d dam. Belle of Richmond, by Bathgate's Norman. Marshall Chief is a grandson of Vermont Black Hawk, and out of a Morgan mare. Tremont was by Belmont, out of Virginia, by Abdallah, 15 ; 2d dam, Grey Goose (dam of Champagne, 2.30), by Nottingham's Norman ; 3d dam by Brown Consul. We get the blood of Belmont doubled, as Waterloo was a son of that great sire. There are producers in every line of this filly's rich pedigree, and it will be very discouraging if she herself doesn't become a great speed- producer when she shall be bred to Rex Nutwood. The produce of Belmont are breeding on very commendably. MITCHCRHFT. Bay filly; foaled 1890; bred by R. M. Stone, Esq., Marcellus, N. Y. Purchased through M. J. Hendricks, by Highland View Farm. Sire, WATERLOO, 4716. Record 2.23!. Dam, Marella, by Sir Walkill, 1547, (Own brother to Orange Girl, 2.20), sire of Walkill Boy, 2.24, and Claudia, 2 29. Second Dam, Valley Belle, by Mambrino Boy, 844, Sire of dams of Axtell, 2.12, and Allerton, 2.13I, Champion Stallions at 3 years and 4 years old. Third Dam, Daughter of Sir William Wallace. (Bohannon's.) Fourth Dam, Mambrino Belle, by Mambrino Chief, ii. Sire of Lady Thorne, 2.18^, and Woodford Mambrino, 2.21^, etc. sX\\V\\X\\X\\V\\X\\V\\V\\X\\V\\X\\V\\V\\X\^^^ 84 SUPPLEMENT. In all the stud-book it is very doubtful if the superior to this filly in matter of great broodmare lines could be found. She has three lines to Mambrino Chief, 11, the great Hambletonian-x\merican Star cross the blood of Mambrino Boy, sire of dams of the greatest three-year old, Axtell, 2.12, and greatest four-3'ear-old stallion, Allerlon, 2.13^, both of which stand at a service fee of $1,000; then to the remarkable producer, Waterwitch. It is wonderful, but the sort of animals w^e consider best adapted to produce trot- ters, and what we have aimed to secure, to give opportunity to our young stallions, Rex Nutwood and Evolutio. Comment on Water- loo has already been made, so it is not necessary to lepeat it here. HESTER. Sire, ALMONT EAGLE, 2.27. Dam, Leet Mare, by The Sheldon Horse, Son of Morgan Empire, he by Empire State, son of Duroc, Morgan Em- pire's dam, by Woodbury, son of ' Justin Morgan, This pedigree is short, but a rich commingling of Abdallah-Mam- brino Chief blood with that of the stout, hardy Morgan, and tracing direct to the fountain head of the founder of the great family — Justin Morgan. She is a handsome, highly-finished mare, and speedy as well. ^ GJ X\VVV\V\VV\\X\\V\\X\\X\\X\\X\\V\\^^^ -V^\V^^'V\^^^^^^^^v\^V^^V.\V\^V^^^v^\■V\\^V^\V\^■V\\V.\^^^ SUPPLEMENT. 85 QUEEN JflZILKES. [Standard, Rule 6.] Bay filly; foaled July 13, 1890; bred by J. W. Willis, M. D., Wahham, Mass. - Sire, SIR WALTER, JR., 2.18i. Dam, Lady Ashley, by Kentucky Wilkes, 2.21^, Sire of Virginia Evans, 2.24, and Astoria, 2.30. Second Dam, Maragold, by Black Cloud, Own brother to Lady Stout, 2.29, and sire of Charmer, 2.27. Third Dam, Polly Farragut, by Admiral Farragut, Dam of Theresa, 2.304-, and Ethan Son of Young Quaker, by Harris's H. Drew, 2.33^, mile track. Hambletonian. Fourth Dam, Daughter of Young Morrill, 118. Sire of Fearnaught, 2.23|-, etc. Sir Walter, Jr., 2.18^, was much faster than the record, and showed a trial at five years of 2.17^ over Fleetwood track. He is by Sir Walter, 2.24:5^, sire of three in 2.30 list, and out of a daughter of the great broodmare sire, American Clay, the rest of his breed- ing tracing directly to the best thoroughbred sires. Sir Walter, 2.24^, was by Aberdeen, 2.331-, sire of Modoc, 2.19, Hattie Wood- ward, 2.15^, and many others, and his dam by Edward Everett, sire of Judge Fullerton, 2.18, and many others. Aberdeen, 2.33^, was by Hambletonian, 10, out of the fastest daughter of American Star, 14, Widow Machree, 2.29, one of the gamest mares ever trotted; so pronounced by the late Dan Mace, and other excellent authorities. We not only get the greatest Hambletonian-Star cross, but the Hambletonian-Clay strain, from which came Elec- tioneer, Geo. Wilkes, and St. Julien, among the trotters. Note the 86 SUPPLEMENT. speed progression : 2.33^, 2.24^, 2.18^, and she is gaited so to give the hope that these figures may yet be lowered. On the dam's side we get Kentucky Wilkes, 2.21^, on the best of Geo. Wilkes' sons, and is producing trotters, though but a short while in the stud. The second dam is by Black Cloud, son of the great brood- mare sire, Mambrino Patchen, 58, and a horse, own brother to Lady Stout, 2.29, the first to attain that record as a three-year-old. Black Cloud's dam produced Lady Stout, 2.29, Black Diamond, 2.29I, and Jeb Stuart, sire of Kitty Patchen, 2.21^, and others, also Mambrino Time, sire of two in 2.30, and the dam of Silverone, 2. 19 J, also Black Cloud, sire of Charmer, 2.27. Polly Farragut, her third dam, is a producer of speed, for Theresa trotted in 2.30^, while heavy in foal, and Ethan H. Drew has a record of 2.33!- on a half-mile track. We consider that in point of breeding Queen Wilkes is in the very front rank; few there are carrying the blood of the great sires, Geo. Wilkes, Hambletonian, American Star, and Mambrino Patchen, as well as the American Clay outcross. She is what w^e have tried hard to secure for the Highland View Stud. V^^V\\\.\\VS^V^^V^^\S\\.V^V\V\^^^ ^VxV^s-.^xx^xv-Vxs^xn-^nx-^vx-^nvVxx'^ ^xVVv^V^xVvV Vn^^^^^ — ^X.-^ ^\S\\^\^\\^^\^^VS^V\^\^^\^^\S^V\v^^\^^^^^ 1 k\\V\\-v\\V\\VV\ V^\V\VV\\V\\ V\\V\V\VV\\^^^ ^ k^\V\VV\V\\V\\VVVV\VV\V\\V\\V\X\\V\\V\^^^^ W^ym^ (f»/ /^((mmm ''iMW .1 I^H^^^ ^^^m£^ imiff!^ B mm t(s\\Vi\VS^