* m All these Prices are subject to a LIBERAL DISCOUNT Write for Discount. GRAF, MORSBACH & CO. CINCINNATI, O. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueOOgraf dlZaif 25td, 1S97. N BUYING HARNESS «tobe % <§«of, ©Horatio-cn Sc Co., oectleta get a reli- aMe attic fc, vuzlt fwoi-uvv to tne <** ^* V0«a-be in ■vnoat of- tfte States. eKat- neaa t&at aJVan" oeff wait nvnot -not onfg- tooli njeff fjnt vucai vuen\ ©tvcfv iy the. cfva-ta-ctet of tfve goobo -vuc off'ct. 9Io tid& i» wn in ttuing vt». 9vt a pa-wpfifct of tft.i» fi-wtiteb s'v&e. it is pooaiuie to afiovu onfu a fc-vu leabing ot-wtcs. c 3Va-Cet:v ivvtereoteb a-t* hiiibiu iivuiteft to njtttc ns for oisoo-uvvt*. '^sfve prices waweb in tfiia Oioofi -vuiff leauc uon a goob margin of profit it' twcb in seffing cing of tfic fiaititM ofiovun. WE DO NOT SELL TO THE CONSUMER. COHEN & CO., PRINTERS, CINCINNATI. VERY CHEAP. BUT NOT AS POOR AS SOME OTHERS MAKE. No. 0305. per set Breast Collar, Web Lines $5 30 Breast Collar, Leather Lines 5 60 Collarand Hames, Leather Lines 6 55 SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS, No. 0305. BRIDLE — Y% inch, flat reins or overcheck, patent-leather blinds. BREAST COLLAR— Folded, i-inch traces attached. SADDLE — 2V2 inch, iron jockey, doubled and stitched back bands. BREECHING— Folded, flat dock, flat hip strap and turnback. SHAFT TUGS— Doubled and stitched ; flat belly bands. LINES— X inch, flat. No martingale. TRIMMINGS— C plate. Made also with collar and hames. COLLAR— Black buggy. HAMES— Iron, C plate or japanned, with traces attached. THE FOLDS ARE CALFSKIN, WHICH PREVENT CHAFING. No. 0310. Price per set. Nickel, Breast Collar $14 60 Davis Rubber, Breast Collar... 14 60 Collar and Hames 16 20 Sin. o- SINGLE BUQQY HARNESS, No. 0310 BRIDLE— s s inch, box loops, patent-leather front, round sewed winker stays, overcheck with nose piece. BREAST COLLAR -Calfskin fold, with scolloped layer, doubled and stitched, with, box loops, traces to buckle on. Neck strap, patent leather, doubled and stitched. GIG SADDLE — Hand laced, swell pattern, patent-leather skirts, enameled- leather bottom, patent-leather jockeys, long track tree, 3 inch. SHAFT TUGS— Track style, doubled and stitched, with box loops. BREECHING — Calfskin fold, with scolloped harness-leather layer, doubled and stitched, 3-ring, doubled and stitched stays, with box loops, %-inch breeching straps, ^-inch solid waved and scolloped turnback, %-inch, smooth finish hip straps, round crupper. BELLY BANDS— Calfskin, folded, doubled and stitched, with harness-leather layer, Griffith style. TRACES— Single strap, with doubled and stitched ends, \ x /% inch. LINES— Flat, black, spring end, % x iH inch, THIS GRADE IS AT THE FRONT OF THE PROCESSION. 11 inn Pl ' ice No. 709. per set , Nickel, Breast Collar $7 80 Davis Rubber, Breast Collar 7 80 SINGLE BUCiGY HARNESS, No. 709. BRIDLE— fa inch, box loops, flat reins or overcheck, chain front, patent- leather blinds. BREAST COLLAR— Connected, iJ4-inch traces, single strap, doubled and stitched ends, edge creased. GIG SADDLE — Single strap, 2^-iuch tree, 3^-inch stuffed drill bottom, double aud stitched back bands. BREECHING — Single strap, doubled and stitched stays, 24-inch turnback, round crupper, edge creased. SHAFT TUGS— Doubled and stitched. BELLY BANDS-Flat, l'A inch, Griffith buckles. LINES — % inch, black. No martingale. TRIMMINGS — Nickel band, wire ball or Dai-is rubber. f A. ! OUR SINGLE-STRAP HARNESS IS IN THE LEAD. IT SELLS RAPIDLY. Nickel, Breast Collar $9 40 Davis Rubber, Breast Collar 9 40 SINGLE STRAP TRACK HARNESS, No. 710^. BRIDLE — 5 /8 inch, with box loops, overcheck, round sewed winker stays, chain front. BREAST COLLAR — Edge creased, with ij^-inch single strap traces attached with scolloped layer. GIG SADDLE — 2^2-inch, single strap, beveled edge, iron jockey tree, i-inch back band, 2-inch skirt, euameled-leather bottom pad. SHAFT TUGS— Doubled and stitched, track style. BREECHING — Single strap, doubled and stitched stays, waved and scolloped turnback and hip strap, with edge creased. BELLY BAND— 1% inch, single strap, Griffith style. LINES— y x % inch, black, flat. TRIMMINGS— Full nickel or Davis rubber throughout. IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THIS GRADE, DO SO, FOR IT IS ONE OF THE LEADERS No. 711% pef'slt. Full Nickel, Breast Collar $10 30 Full Davis Rubber, Breast Collar 10 30 SINGLE STRAP HARNESS, No. 711^. BRIDLE — -IHj inch, box loops, overcheck, with round sewed winker stays, chain front. BREAST COLLAR — 2% inch, V curved shape, with i^-inch traces attached, single strap. GIG SADDLE — Single strap, with patent-leather jockeys, swell pad, low set ~ tercets, 2^-inch skirts, swinging back band, i-inch doubled and stitched. SHAFT TUGS— Doubled and stitched, track style. BREECHING— Single strap, with scolloped and stitched layer, doubled and stitched stays, ^-inch turnback scolloped and stitched, scolloped hip straps. BELLY BANDS— ij^ inch, single strap, Griffith style. LINES— % x 1 inch, black, spring end. TRIMMINGS— Full nickel or Davis rubber throughout. FANCY STAMP ON BREECHING AND BREAST COLLAR. BALANCE SMOOTH, ROUND-EDGE FINISH. VERY NICE. „ ,,.. Price No. 715. p er seti Nickel, Breast Collar $11 50 Davis Rubber, Breast Collar.. 11 50 SINGLE STRAP TRACK HARNESS, No. 715 BRIDLE— f 8 inch, box loop, roimd sewed winker stays, patent-leather front. BREAST COLLAR— iv^-inch curved, heavy single strap, with fancy stamp, 1 14-inch traces attached. GIG SADDLE — Machine laced. Kersey bottom, patent-leather jockeys, track style, patent-leather skirts, i-inch back bands, doubled and stitched. SHAFT TUGS— Doubled and stitched, track style. BELLY BANDS— l}S-ineh, doubled and stitched. Griffith style. BREECHING — 1% inch, with fancy stamp, heavy single strap with solid turnback, scolloped, "s-inch breeching strap, and %-iuch hip straps. LINES — % x 1 inch, black, spring end. TRIMMINGS— Full nickel or Davis rubber throughout. lKi GENUINE RUBBER. No. 617. Genuine Rubber Wire, Breast Collar $1 BRIDLE — >s inch, box loops, rouud reins or overcheck, fancy front, patent- leather blinds. BREAST COLLAR— Single strap leather, with i^-inch traces sewed on ends, doubled and stitched, all round-edge finish. GIG SADDLE — Hand laced, 2% inch, with leather jockey, enameled-leather bottom, double and stitched back bands, %-inch billets, patent-leather skirts. SHAFT TUGS— Doubled aud stitched, track style. SINGLE STRAP TRACK HARNESS, No. 617. BREECHING — Single strap leather, doubled and stitched stays, ^-inch scol- loped and stitched turnback, 34 -inch" breeching straps, all round-edge finish, round crupper. BELLY BANDS — Either for wrapping around shafts or two flat, buggy style. LINES — i-inch track, round-edge finish, blacked on flesh side. TRIMMINGS — Genuine rubber wire terrets, hooks and shaft buckles, bal- ance Davis rubber throughout. THIS [GRADE IS SUITABLE TOR A TRAP OR LIGHT SURREY No, 717. per set. Full Nickel, Breast Collar $13 75 Full Davis Rubber, Breast Collar 13 75 QJN.'O- SINGLE STRAP TRACK HARNESS, No. 717. BRIDLE — % inch, box loops, with overcheck or round side reins, round sewed winker stays, layer on the crown, and patent-leather front. BREAST COLLAR— 2 inch, heavy single strap, with i^-inch traces attached, with long scolloped layers, and box-loop tugs. GIG SADDLE— 3 inch, hand laced, low set terrets, patent-leather swell skirts, leather jockeys, i inch, doubled and stitched back bands, ^-iuch billet. SHAFT TUGS— With box loops, doubled and stitched, no billet. BREECHING — 1% inch, heavy single strap, 3-ring round stays, with box loops, scolloped and stitched turnback, with round crupper. BELLY BAND— 2 inch, single strap, with Griffith buckle. LINES — J/g x 1% inch, black, spring end, round-edge finish. No martingale. TRIMMINGS— Nickel band, wire ball, nickel King, or full imitation rubber throughout. THIS GRADE IS SUITABLE FOR HILLY COUNTRY, INSTEAD OF COLLAR AND HAMES. Price per set. Full Nickel, Breast Collar $12 00 Full Davis Rubber, Breast Col- lar 12 00 SINGLE TRACK HARNESS, No. i V. BRIDLE— y s inch, box loops, overcheck, stitched blinds, fancy front, half cheek bit. BREAST COLLAR— 3 inch, curved or V shaped, I'^-inch traces attached, ends doubled and stitched. GIG SADDLE — Single-strap saddle, leather jockeys, euameled-leather bottom BREECHING— 3-ring stays, K-inch solid turnback, scolloped and stitched round dock, %-iuch breeching straps. SHAFT TUGS— Doubled and stitched, l'/ 2 inch, flat belly bands, Griffith buckle. LINES — i inch, loop end. No martingale. TRIMMINGS — Nickel or imitation rubber throughout. AN ELEGANTLY SMOOTH-FINTSHED GRADE. BREAST COLLAR SHAPED TO PREVENT CHOKING. No ' 2 ». per set. Full Nickel, Breast Coilar $14 00 Full Davis Rubber, Breast Col- lar 14 00 Full Genuine Rubber, Breast Collar 16 65 <2»N. b. SINGLE TRACK HARNESS, No. 2 V. BRIDLE— f| inch, box loops, overcheck, stitched blinds, fancy front, square metal rosettes, half-cheek bit. BREAST COLLAR — 3 inch, curved or V shaped, i^-inch traces attached, ends doubled and stitched. GIG SADDLE — 3 inch, single strap, enameled-leather bottom, leather jockeys, terrets set low. BREECHING— i-K-inch wide, 3-ring round stays, &-inch solid turnback, scol- loped and stitched, round crupper, %-i-nch breeching straps. SHAFT TUGS— Doubled and stitched ; heavy, wide, flat belly bands. LINES— 1 inch, black, fiat, loop end. MARTINGALE— Flat, with black rings. TRIMMINGS — Choice of any, including genuine rubber. THIS IS A SUBSTANTIAL AND FINELY-FINISHED GRADE, EQUAL TO FIRST-CLASS CUSTOM WORK. No. 719. £&, Nickel, Breast Collar $16 00 Genuine Rubber, Breast Collar 18 65 SINGLE STRAP TRACK HARNESS, No. 719. BRIDLE— H inch, box loops, double overcheck with bar, patent-leather nose piece, patent-leather front, round sewed winker stays, patent-leather blinds. BREAST COLLAR— 2 inch, curved heavy single strap, with 1 14 -inch traces attached, with doubled and stitched ends and scolloped points, box- loop tugs. GIG SADDLE — 3 inch, hand laced, with covered seat, patent-leather jockeys, low set track tree, French swell skirts, enameled-leather bottom. SHAFT TUGS— Doubled and stitched, raised center, no billet. BREECHING— iM inch, heavy single strap, with sewed round breeching stays, with box loops, turnback, long scollop, doubled and stitched, with round crupper. BELLY BAND— 2% inch, single strap, to wrap around the shafts. LINES— ?/ B x iVa inch, spring billet ends, round-edge finish. Martingale, flat, with rubber rings. TRIMMINGS— Choice of fancy nickel or imitation rubber or genuine rubber trimmings throughout. JUST OUT! ENTIRELY NEW. WE THINK IT'S A SUCCESS. QUEEN'S TASTE ™« Genuine Rubber, Breast Collar t $21 25 SINGLE STRAP HARNESS " QUEEN'S TASTE." BRIDLE— % inch, box loop, with nose piece, overcheck, round stays and patent-leather front. LINES— All black, y s x 1*/$ inch, spring end, with bordered handparts. BREAST COLLAR— Single strap, i% inch, with ij£-inch double beaded layer, ij^-inch single strap traces attached, scolloped layer ends. GIG SADDLE— 2% inch, half track, covered seat, patent-leather jockeys, swell skirt, enameled-leather bottom, hand laced. SHAFT TUGS— Box loops, doubled and stitched, raised center, handsomely finished. BREECHING— Single strap, iH inch, with 1 54-inch double beaded layer, fiat stays, ^-inch turnbacks and breeching straps, fa-inch flat hip straps, soft round crupper. BELLY BAND— Maud S, single strap, with raised layer. TRIMMINGS— Full genuine rubber throughout. NEARLY FIVE DOZEN METAL LOOPS ON THIS GRADE. VERY DAZZLING. "QUEEN CITY." p ™ s c e e t . Nickel Loops, Collar and Hames $14 65 I BRIDLE— % inch, with horseshoe patent-leather blinds, round reins and winker stays, chain front, with gag chain, nickel metal loops. SADDJ-E — Single strap, 3-inch tree, 4-inch patent-leather stuffed pad, with enameled-leather bottom, i-inch back band, %-inch billets. BREECHING— 1}4 inch, flat, doubled and stitched, -V 8 -inch split hip straps, ^xiJi-inch waved turnback with buckle docks, % breeching straps. SHAFT TUGS— 1 inch, doubled and stitched, with metal loops. QUEEN CITY" SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS. TRACES— Doubled and stitched, i}i inch. LINES-A11 black, flat, 1 inch. HAME TUGS— With nickel terret, i^-inch tugs with nickel metal loops. COLLAR— All kip buggy. This harness is made with nickel metal loops throughout, and is a very attractive grade. ■ 14- THIS GRADE IS VERY NOBBY, AND BUILT FOR SERVICE No. 324. per set. Nickel, Collar and Hames $25 50 Davis Rubber,Collar and Hames 25 50 With Hip Straps, P, L drops, extra 1 00 J H