^.^ s-/ SKETCHES OF NOTED MAINE HORSES, VOL. II. BY J. W. THOMPSON, With an Alphabetical Index, a list of Maine 2.30 horses Alphabetically arrangecl, and an Appendix con- taining the pedigrees of the principal Standard Bred Stallions standing for service in the State, not 3faine Bred. — ==o<^^>oositive informa- tion on the subject, I prefer not to deal in possibilities, but give the pedigree the same as formerly. In two or three instances errors have crept in, for instance, Dora M., page 80, is 16 hands high, and the types made me say 15 hands. Paystreak was foaled in 1876, although my first information gave his age as foaled in 1878. After this vii NOTED MAINE HORSES. was printed we learned that he was foaled in 1876. These, however, are minor errors, and if there are none discov- ered of a more serious nature I shall be well pleased. I have made no attempt to follow all the changes in owner- ship ; as fall a description as practicable, with age and name of breeder, and the names of owners sufficient to properly identify the animal in question, I have consid- ered sufficient, and space is too valuable to be used up with useless matter. Some of the animals have lowered their records since the forms giving their pedigrees went to press; for instance, Cushnoc, |)age 76, had no record when his pedigree was printed, while at the Maine State Fair of 1886, at Lewiston, Sept. 14th, he won a heat in the race of Green Horses, with a record of 2.34^. I have used others, however, as well as I have myself, for in the case of my own filly Louviska, page 159 ; she had no rec- ord when her pedigree was printed, but Sept. 30th, at the Oxford County Fair, I gave her a three-year-old record of2.51|. So my friends will see that no partiality has been used. I believe the Maine 2.30 list to be very nearly perfect, much more so than any previous one ever pub- lished. I regret that I have been unable to learn the full pedigree and breeder of the black mare Peaceful. 2.26. She is generally credited to Gen. Knox, but I am no ways certain that such is her breeding. The black mare Black Bess, which made a record of 2.30 in 1885, is said to be by St. Elmo, son of Gen. Knox. I have corresponded with parties living in the vicinity where St. Elmo was owned, even including his owner, and have been unable to learn that there was such a mare. The bay gelding John Mor_ rill, 2.29, by Winthrop Morrill, I have been informed was foaled in New Hampshire, his dam having been brought to Maine to be bred. I have also been told that he was bred in Maine and taken to New Hampshire as a yearling or two year old. If any one can tell me the facls of the case I shall feel greatly obliged. It is said that the gray INTRODUCTION. viii pacing gelding Comet, record 2.22, was bred in Maine, and got by Dirigo, but I have no certain knowledge that such is the fact. The black mare Kitty Y., reeord 2.81^, is said to be by Royal Knox, and bred in Maine, but I have been unable to trace her fully. Alpha, 2.291 is claimed to be by Whalebone Knox, but I have only lately learned the fact and have not had time to investigate the matter fully. In the case of the brown horse Transcendent, since his pedigree was put in type I have learned that his dam is by Dirigo. Old Abe, the sire of Aroostook Boy, we learn was not by the Old Drew Hoise, but by a son. Should another edition of this work be called for, all errors and omissions will be corrected us far as we are able to correct them. Since the pedigree of Dirigo was printed we have learned that he was foaled in 185-lr, the property of John Hagen, Prospect, Me., and first called Hiram. In 1857, when three years old he was sold to Andrew Mudgett of Belfast, Me., and named Geo. B. McClellan, then sold to Horace McKenney of Monroe, and name changed to Diri- go. McKenny sold him to Capt. Sanford of Bangor, he to David Quimby of Corinna, and he to Judson Higgins of Palmyra. In conclusion we must express our indebtedness to Wallace and Chester, whose indispensable works have been a great convenience to us in looking up the standard numbers and records of horses. And to all our friends who have aided us in the compilation of this work, we return our sincere and hearty thanks for their co-operation and generous words of encouragement. J. W. Thompson, Canton, Me., January, 1887. NOTED MAINE HORSES. HEADS OF FAMILIES. BRANDYWINES AND OTHER CANADIANS. In the second volume of Wallace's Trotting Register, published in 1874, the author, in speaking of that section of Canada, from whence came St. Lawrence, Columbus, and many other noted sires, uses the following language: ''There is no little interest attaching to that region, and if ever sufficient leisure is aflforded, I shall seek to explore it." Leisure has never been found, and the mysteries of that Utopian country still remain unsolved. Maine, as a breeding State, is largely indebted to Canada, as several animals, whose performances have en- titled them to an honorable place in the 2.30 list, have de- scended from Canadian sires. Perhaps the most prominent sire brought into the State from that region, and the only one which, from the num- ber and quality of his descendants, is entitled to the dis- tinction of being the founder of a family is Brandywine. Brandywine. — A dark bay stallion with black points, about 15i hands high. He was brought to Maine in 1853, by Aaron Cobb, of Hebron, who owned him until he (Brandywine) died a year or two afterwards. 10 NOTED MAINE HORSES. He was known while he lived, and is now designated as Cobb's Brandy wine. He had the appearance of being a well-bred horse, liad fine trotting action, and was fast. He came from that mysterious region 'Hhirty or forty miles below Montreal," and his excellence as a sire, his great speed, and his early death, led to the importation of two of his sons, as follows : Young Brandywine. — Mahogany bay stallion, 14 hands high, and weighed about 800 pounds. He was bought in the city of Montreal in Feb. 1856, and brought to Maine by Henry A. Young, of Hartford. He was an exceedingly stylish little horse, with fine trotting action, and considerable speed, although from his diminutive size, he was not regarded as a first class sire. Among his get there appear in the 2.30 list, the following: Gray Bill g g by Young Brandywine. Dam by State of Maine. 2.30. Careless Boy b g by Young Brandywine. Dam of Morgan descent. 2.28. Besides the above he got Gladiator, a bay gelding, pos- sessing speed equal to either of the above, but he went wrong, after scoring a record in the thirties. The descendants of Young Brandywine are noted for iron constitutions, are almost universally sound and free from blemishes, and although like their sire, generally of diminutive size, are a class of horses that possess any amount of business qualities. Among his descendants is a grandson owned by L. L. Lorillard, of New York City. He is a dark brown gelding and is said to be a very speedy roadster. Keene's Brandywine. — This son of Cobb's Brandy- wine was brought to Maine from Canada in 1858, by William Keene, of Mechanic Falls. He was a black stal- lion and was a trotter himself and a sire of trotters. The only one of his get in the 2.30 list is NOTED MAINE HORSES. n Ned Forrest, blk g by Keene's Brandywine, record, 2.28^. Among the other descendants of Cobb's Brandywine in the 2.30 list we find the following: Arthur, b g by Lexington, son of Brandywine, record, 2.28^. Belle Smith ch m by the Bearce Horse, he by the Horner Horse, by Brandywine, record 2.29. This list of five embraces all the descendants of Brandy- wine which have records of 2.30 or better. Among the others are many fine animals whose names have not been mentioned. Perhaps the most prominent is the stallion known as Fowler's Brandy. Fowler's Brandy. — Dark bay, with black points, foaled in 1855 and bred in Hebron, Me., got by Cobb's Brandywine. Fowler's Brandy was the sire of several noted animals, among them Lady Damon, out of a mare by the Hunton Horse, son of Bush Messenger. Lady Damon was a brown mare, foaled in 1863, bred by John Damon, Buckfield, Me., and was very fast. The writer has seen her trot several fast races on the ice while owned in this State. She was sold in 1871, and finally passed into the hands of Mr. Robert Bonner, of New York City, and was bred to his horse, Edward Everett. In May, 1874, she foaled the ch g Decoration, and in 1875, the bay colt Ellsworth. Soon after giving birth to Ellsworth, Lady Damon died, and he was brought up on a bottle. The brown stallion Brandywine, owned for several years by the Rev. W. H. H. Murray, of Boston, and a noted winner of prizes and premiums at Fairs, was a son of Fowler's Brandy. Murray's Brandywine was rated as capable of trotting in 2.25 or better. Crawford Horse. — The Crawford Horse, by virtue of having three descendants in the 2.30 list, is entitled to a prominent place in this article. He was a chestnut horse and was brought to Maine from Canada by Mr. Crawford, 12 NOTED MAINE HORSES. of Skowhegau. Of his descendants, the following have honorable positions in the 2.30 list. W. H. Taylor, ch g by Crawford Horse. Dam by Witherell, record, 2.29J Lew. Pettee, b g by Benson Horse, son of Crawford Horse, record 2.29 Startle, blk h by Andrews Horse, son of Crawford Horse, record 2.26^. Whirlwind was a bay stallion with black mane and tail, and could both pace and trot fast. He was brought to Me., from Canada in 1852, by G. A. Hastings, of Bethel. He is known as the sire of Bay Whalebone b g record 2.26^. Among the other Canadians which have left valuable stock in the State is the gray stallion Indian Chief. This horse was brought to Maine by S. L. Gale of Augusta, in 1831, and all that is known of his breeding is contained in his advertisement of that year, of which the following is a copy : INDIAN CHIEF. Is a horse of more power and speed than any other in the New England States. He was raised and sold three years since by Van- tassel, a chiet of the Upper Canada tribe, to a company in the County of Columbia, State of New York, where he has been match- ed against time and won a number of large bets. He has been let to mares and left the most powerful colts ever known fj'om any other horse in that section. The subscriber was induced to pur- chase him for the improvement of the stock in Maine, and now offers the use of him at the low price of six dollars for the season. The public are requested to call at the stable of the subscriber and examine this uncommon animal, where also will stand the well known horse DUROC. Terms as usual— $6 season — $5 single service S. L. GALE. Augusta, May 4, 1831. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 13 DREW HORSE, 114. Among the noted horses of the past, who by their ser- vices in the stud, have contributed their share towards placing the State of Maine in the front ranks as a horse- breeding State, the Old Drew Horse occupies a prominent position. And, as a tribute to his memory, I deem it fit- ting that he should receive this slight recognition of his valuable services in this direction. He was a dark brown- bay stallion, with black points, 15| hands high, and weighed, in good condition, about 1000 pounds. He was of genteel form and fine style and action ; but, like all our older horses, was untrained to trot. His appearance has been described as follows, by one who saw him shortly before his death: ''Shoulders extremely high, broad and deep ; neck light at the head, well arched and deep at the body ; face a little rounding, eyes not very prominent, ears good length and well cut ; body small, loins a trifle arched, hips very long and beautifully turned; limbs large, pasterns long, feet high, black and nice ; mane spare, tail in waves, and hair short and fine all over his body." He was foaled in May, 1842, bred by Hiram Drew, then of Exeter, Me., and dropped on his father's farm, where he then lived. His sire was a three-year-old bay colt, 16 hands high, said to be thoroughbred. Said colt was brought from New Brunswick to Maine, by A. G. Hunt, Esq., then of Exeter. His dam was said to have been brought from England, in foal by a thoroughbred running-horse, and this colt being the produce. At Exeter, Mr. Hunt turned him into his pasture, which joined Mr. Drew's, 14 NOTED MAINE HORSES. from which he was taken several times. Here, in Mr. Drew's pasture, he sired the colt afterward known as the Drew Horse, which is probably the only colt he ever got, as Mr. Hunt had him castrated shortly after and sold him. The dam of the Drew Horse was a bay mare, about 15h hands high, foaled about the year 1836, bred by Mark Pease, of Jackson, Me., got by a horse called Sir Henry, he by a son of American Eclipse, taken from Connecticut to Maine by a Dr. Brewster, now dead. In 1843, the mare was taken to Massachusetts, and sold to the late Gen. F. W. Lauder; she was first known as Grace Darling, and afterward as Boston Girl, under which name she was said to have obtained a record of 2.37. After several transfers, she was sent up into Vermont, on a breeding farm, where she died without produce. The grandam of the Drew Horse was Lady Jane, by WintUrop Messenger. Ac I have before intimated, the Drew Horse, «>r, as he is now universally designated, ^^ Old Drew, '^ was untrained to trot; his reputation having been all earned in the stud. Of his immediate descendants, only two appear in the 2.30 list, as follows: Gen. McClellan 2.26 Dirigo 2.29 Gen. McClellan afterward obtained quite a rej)utation on the turf. Among his performances he beat Feai-naught, a race to wagons, in straight heats, over the old Riverside Park, Boston, in 1865. In 1866 he won a double-team race with Dashaway, beating Ethan Allen and Hono^t Allen. He was subsequently purchased and taken to California by M. J. Lewis, Esq. Here he won a race at Sacramento, after which time he was in the stud at San Francisco, Stockton, Oakland, and other places in that State. None of his get are in the 2.30 list. He is now dead. Dirigo is said to resemble his sire more nearly in style, color, etc., than any son of Old Drew. At the time he made his record of 2.29, in a race at Belfast, Me., lie was NOTED MAINE HORSES. 15 known as Geo. B. McClellan. He never afterward start- ed in a race ; but was retired for service in the stud. Here he has been a success, as the following are to his credit in the 2.80 list. Little Fred 2.261 John Virgin 2.29 Bully Brooks 2.28 Camors, b g 2.25^ Besides the above, he is sire of Black Walnut, 2.30^ ; Hard Road, 2.33; and many other fast and stylish horses, with and without records. Among the other prominent sons of Old Drew, may be mentioned, Hiram Drew, record 2.31^; Winthrop, now standing for semce in California, John Bright, Ned Davis, Independence, Garibaldi, Bachelder Horse, and many others too numerous to mention. Hiram Drew (not tt> be confounded with his sire the Drew Horse) , achieved considerable reputation as a sire. Among other good ones, he got Red Jacket, 2.31 ; and Lady Bach, the dam of Beau- sire, son of Rysdyk's Hambletonian. This mare is better known in Maine as the Seavey Mare, and is famous as a broixl-mare, never dropping any but good ones. Her daughter, Echo, by Gen. Knox, at six years old, showed a trial in 2.26, she is also the dam of Gen. Sherman, by Gen. Knox, and of Violet and Pequawket, by Gideon all of which could trot in the twenties. It will be remembered that Beausire sold at the great Kellogg sale, in April 1878, fur $5,150 under the hammer. The daughters of theDre ,v Horse have an honorable position as dams of trotters, in the li>t of horses that have trotted in 2.20 or better, we find Midnight, blk g by Peacemaker, dam by Old Drew, 2.18i, and again in the 2.30 list, we find Volunteer Maid, 2.27, and Minnie Moulton, 2.27^. He was also the sire of tlie black mare Stella, the mate to Alice Gray, in the great double-team race against Lantern and Whale- bone, on the Union Course, Long Island, in 1855. In 1866, i6 NOTED MAINE HORSES. Stella produced the fine horse Robert R. Morris, by Inde- pendent, son of Hambletonian. Among the other daugh- ers of the Drew Horse, noted as brood-mares may be found Mary Drew, owned in Brooklyn, and bred to Peace- maker. Dot, owned in Brooklyn, and bred to Norwood, Gipsey Queen, &c. In the next generation we find Joe Hooker, Gen. Burnside, Penobscot Chief, Gen. Lyon, Von Moltke, Prince Hal, Aroostook Boy, which have upheld the family rejmtation both as aires and trotters. Among the mares and geldings with records, are Contraband, Eastern Queen, Lady Warren, Gentle Annie, Forest Girl, Bayard, Detective, Georgie B., Cloudman, Johnny Schmo- ker. Deceitful, Maine Girl and many others. The Drew Horse lived to be twenty-four years old, when he was found in his stall one morning, with his leg broken, and had to be destroyed ; and then passed away one of the most remarkable sires, considering his opportunities, tliat ever stood in Maine. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 17 EATON HORSE, 122. The ''Eaton Horse" w^s a sorrel stallion with mane and tail the same color, a horse of immense size and sub- stance, standing 16i hands high, and weighing in good flesh 1450 pounds. He was foaled in 1842, and hence the same age as the Drew horse, and one year older than Ris- ing Sun. He was bred by Thomas Pelton, of Anson, Me., near Madison Bridge, got by the Avery horse, and his dam, the Pelton mare, (so called), by Winthrop Mes- senger. Pelton sold him when two years old to E. D. Robinnon, of Wilton, and he to Eliab L. Eaton, who owned him several years and from whom he took his name. Eaton sold him in 1854, to William Beals, of Winthrop, who kept him for three years, and then sold him to Fanning & Allen, of Nashville, Tenn., to which place he was taken in April, 1857. Up to March, 1878, nothing was known in Maine, concerning the subsequent history of the Eaton Horse, but in Wallace's Monthly for the above date, Mr. A. J. McKimmin, of Nashville, says that *'the Eaton Horse was kept in Nashville but one season, where he was not appreciated, and he was taken from thence of Hopkinsville, Ky." He further says that ''he left several good horses in Nashville two or three of which made trot- ters." The name of the Eaton Horse appears but once as a sire in the 2.30 list, as follows: (xrey Stranger, gr g by the Eaton Horse 2.30. i8 NOTED MAINE HORSES. Among his descendants are two more in the 2.30 list which trace in the direct male line to the Eaton Horse. Shepherd Knapp, Jr. b g by Shepherd F. Knapp, son of Eaton Horse 2.27| Grateful, oh g by Brown Horse, he by Sandy River Horse, son of Eaton Horse 2.28i Among his entire sons are Shepherd F. Knapp, Beals Horse, Mount Vernon, taken to Philadelphia, Kennebec Messenger, Sandy River horse, or as he was perhaps bet- ter known, *'Sandy River Trotter," Bennett Horse, who founded a family of considerable local repute; Red Cloud, Oaks Horse, Roman Eaton, Black Morgan, and many more. The most prominent of the above, perhaps, is the chestnut stallion Shepherd F. Knapp, that went to England. He (Knapp) was bred by George Snell of Turner, Me., got by the Eaton Horse, and his dam by Whalebone known by many as the Clark horse, and he by Sherman, son of Justin Morgan. Knapp was owned from a weanling to a three-year-old in Buckfield, adjoining Turner, and was regarded as an exceedingly promising colt, and there was talk of forming a stock company, to buy and retain him for stock purposes. The Eaton and Whalebone families were popular at that time, but the project fell through, and he was sold and taken to New York, and afterward to England. As a three-year-old he got Shepherd Knapp, Jr., 2.27|, and the sorrel mare Caoutchouc 2.35^, out of less than a dozen, which proves that he would have been a successful sire here, whatever he may have been in England. Knapp was a trotter him- self and won a race of two miles and a half, near Paris, France, in 1865, the time being 6 minutes, 14 seconds, a trifle better than 2.30 to the mile. The daughters of the Eaton Horse were famous breed- ers, and have produced the following, with records inside of 2.30: Lothair, blk h by Gilbreth Knox, dam by Eaton Horse NOTED MAINE HORSES. xg 2.2 9i Sam Curti8, b g by "Winthrop Morrill, dam by Eaton horse 2.28 J. G. Morrill ch g by Winthrop Morrill dam by the Eaton horse 2.29 Beside the above there descended from the Eaton Horse, Daniel Boone, What Is It, 'Village Maid, Troublesome, Copper Bottom and many other fast and useful animals. 20 NOTED MAINE HORSES. GEN. KNOX, 140. In publishing the history of Gen. Knox, we find that his life has been so much a matter of record, and so many writers have preceded us, that our duty is little more than to compile and arrange the data at hand. In August, 1870, Col. Lang, who then owned the horse, in reply to repeat- ed calls for information concerning him, published a his- tory of the horse, while owned by him, in the Maine Farmer. From this article we extract the following, which may be relied upon as a truthful statement of his career while owned in Maine: *'I purchased Gen. Knox of Messrs. Denny & Bush, whose breeding establishment was near the east shore of Lake Champlain, in the town of Shoreham, Vt. The pur- chase was made in January, 1859. Knox was then three years old, and was called Slasher by his owners; he was dropped, as I was informed, in Ticonderoga, New York. At the same time, I purchased and brought to Maine the stallion Son of Ethan, by Ethan Allen, and Bucephalus, by old Black Hawk, — dam of Bucephalus, the celebrated mare Mary Taylor, she by Boliver, a thoroughbred horse — Mary Taylor's dam by Abdallah. I mention Bucepha- lus' pedigree thus, as it may interest some breeders in Penobscot County. A few days after the purchase of Gen. Knox, I purchased the stallion Black Hawk Telegraph, of W. G. Baldwin, of Ticonderoga, N. Y., at the same time the stallion Grey Fox, by Ethan Allen, and the well bred mare Priscilla. Black Hawk Telegraph, after serving in the stud two seasons at Vassalboro', was sold with Grey NOTED MAINE HORSES. 21 Fox and Priscilla, May, 1861, to R. S. Denny, Esq., of Clappville, Mass. Telegraph was burnt in the great fire at Riverside track. Gen. Knox and Son of Ethan, I re- tained in service. I also bought the stallion Sharon, by old Witherell, he by Winthrop Messenger, he by inap. Messenger. Sharon was sold to Wm. H. Ladd, Esq., President of the Ohio Agricultural Society. Subsequent- ly I bought the stallion Ned Davis, by Old Drew; also, the stallion Trenton, by Geo. M. Patchen — dam of Tren- ton, a thoroughbred mare. Trenton was bred upon the Bonaparte estate. New Jersey. The horse Trenton served three years in the stud, one in Vassalboro- and two in the town of Athens, in the care of Mr. Brice Palmer, when he was removed from the stud on account of his vicious habits. Later I purchased the stallion known as the Palmer Horse by Old Drew. This horse stood for service one season in Maine, then was sold in Massachusetts. It may not be amiss to name the geld- ing Cloudman, as I am often asked his pedigree. Cloud- man was by Hiram Drew, out of a mare supposed to be of Messenger blood. He was a remarkably finely devel- oped horse, and should have been kept a stallion — trotted in 2.30 to a one hundred and thirty-eight pound wagon, in less than one month's training. Subsequently trotted a mile in 2.22 and a half in 1.06. I next bought of Alden Goldsmith, Esq., the proprietor of the Hambletonian stallion Volunteer, the grey stallion Gideon, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, he by Abdallah, by Mambrino, by imp. Messenger. Dam of Gideon was a half-sister to Lady Suffolk, by thoroughbred Engineer, he by Engineer, and he by imp. Messenger. Gideon is now owned by Foster S. Palmer, Esq. This horse, for which I paid $2,500 at four years old, I consider one of the best descended horses ever brought to Maine, since old Mes- senger's time, and confidently believe that time will satis- fy breeders of the value of this infusion of this branch of 22 NOTED MAINE HORSES. approved blood among our Drew, Messenger and Morgan stock. To return to Gen. Knox, who represents one branch of the Messenger and Morgan blood, will describe as fol- lows: Black with brownish stifles, flanks and nose, star in the forehead and strip of white on the upper lip and nose, is 15i hands high and weighs 1050 lbs. in fair condition, ample mane and tail, small, well-formed ears, broad head between the eyes, tapering to a thin, well-defined nose, rather thick neck, excellent fore-leg well under the body, hind leg quite remarkable for development of hock mus- cle — which he transmits to many of his colts — hock and knee joints well defined. The feet are perfect, the shell of unusual thickness and toughness, the body round and compact, the back is short, and the loin as strong as can be found. In speaking of these qualifications, I cheer- fully invite the readers to criticise my description when- ever they may see the horse. I may add that in all his sweating and working, he has never shown the first symptom of scratches or foul blood , has never cut a hair upon his fore feet in trotting or breaking. His temper is always good, always cheerful and full of spirits and am- bition, and never nervous at the most exciting sights and noises. Strike him in anger or abruptly, and it must be a strong man to hold him even when tired with trotting, yet entirely under control of the voice — attaches himself readily to those who pet him, and when away from home on the cars or boat, lies down to rest readily if his groom lies down near him. While speaking of his intelligence, I will refer to the occasion of his coming in collision while at speed upon the Waterville grounds, for the gratification of the crowd. He was run into and his driver thrown out by parties going in an opposite direction. By this acci- dent Knox suffered seriously, having his breast and the space between his fore-legs cut open nearly twenty inches long, and the skin entirely taken ofl" a space one foot square, and the muscle lacerated shockingly, yet in the NOTED MAINE HORSES. 23 presence of a large crowd, he, perfectly conscious of his injury, allowed himself to be sewed up without halter or a strap upon him, or moving from his tracks. Knox trotted for the first time in public at Augusta, at the State Agricultural Show in 1859, beating the horse Brandy, in 2.54; both colts were four years old. His next public work was a few days after this first race, when he trotted for the first stallion purse, of any age, of the North Kennebec Agricultural Society at Waterville, which he won. His next appearance upon the track was in June, 1860, when five years old, when he trotted to show his gait — being then in service at Augusta — in 2.41. But not getting any business in the stud, he returned to Vassal- boro', and on the 3d of July went to Skowhegan, and on the next day, July 4th, trotted against the Drew stallion Penobscot Boy. Knox lost the first heat in 2.52, having broken his martingal ring, and could not be held. The next heat Knox won in 2A0h without a break. Third heat Penobscot Boy was drawn. His next public trial was against Lewiston Boy and Kettle-bail, at the Maine State Agricultural Show at Augusta. Kettle-bail lost a shoe in first heat and was drawn. Knox won the first and second heats. In the third heat, which was also given to Knox by the judges, Knox ran badly, Mr. Palmer not being able to hold him. I publicly declined to accept the race unless fairly won, and preferred to try another heat. Knox hav- ing a change of bit, was in hand and won the 4th heat. This race was in the rain, and the track very muddy — time 2.44. On the next day Knox was entered to make a field with Hiram Drew — no other stallion having entered. Knox was drawn after the first heat, not being able to compete with so fast a horse. The next year, being noti- fied early that a horse fair would be holden in Bangor, I prepared my stock to show at that time, but when the bills came out, my horses were barred out on account of being foaled out of the State. I wrote to a manager desiring to 24 NOTED MAINE HORSES. be allowed to compete, as my horses expected to stand at service in Maine, as they had been doing, but was notified that it was too late to change the programme. Knox had been trotting quite well, in his work showing 2.30 and under quite readily. The next year, being seven years old, Knox was drawn early from his services in the stud, to be prepared to meet the Drew stallion Gen. Mc- Clellan, then owned by G. M. Robinson, Esq., of Augusta, Mr. Robinson having by letter expressed his desire to bi'ing the two horses together. Knox was fitted at the half-mile track at Skowhegan. He worked well in his private trials, showed 2.30, 2.28, and once 2.26. While at this track preparing to meet Gen. McClellan, Knox was entered to trot two races in one afternoon, one in the stallion purse with Penobscot Boy, his former competitor, and the other, in the sweepstakes with Henry Taylor^s black gelding Lucknow. Penobscot Boy was drawn at the close of the second heat, and Luck- now at the close of the first heat, in their respective races. A few days later Knox entered in the sweepstakes of the Waterville Horse Association, expecting to meet Gen. Mc- Clellan. The day of the race, Mr. Robinson declined to enter McClellan, he having been beaten a few days before at the Maine State Agricultural Show at Portland, by Hiram Drew, and Hiram was now present, and had entered for the sweepstakes. Knox beat Hiram easily in three straight heats, without a break, best time 2.32. Knox was fitted for this race in twenty-two days from the ser- vices of the stud, having served one hundred and thirty- six difierent mares since April. This season, near a close, had shown me such qualifications in Knox, as made me desirous to draw him from the track altogether, that his services might be had in the stud without hindrances and publicly expressed that determination in the stand. How- ever, during the next spring Knox was challenged to meet Hiram Drew in June, at Bangor. I declined for reasons NOTED MAINE HORSES. 25 which were published, but offered as publicly to trot Knox against Hiram upon the Bangor track in September, with- out stakes, but for the Champion belt. This was de- clined. The reason which induced me to give up my determina- tion not to trot Knox again, was that I desired to satisfy the public that I did not withdraw him because he had beaten Hiram Drew, and I supposed that Mr. Shaw did not desire to try him again with Hiram. Had I held the champion belt, I should have expected to have complied with the requirements whenever called upon, as I do not doubt Mr. Shaw was ready to do, if called upon. How- ever, I was now called upon by the Trustees of the New England Society, myself, being one of them, to rally the Maine horses to meet and compete for the honors of New England at the fair at Springfield. I did not assume to speak for Maine, but I did assume to let Knox fight for the honor of Maine in the absence of any better horse, against the chances of bringing him home crest-fallen. The result was Knox beat Draco and two other stallions who entered against him, without a skip, in 2.31i, 2.37 and 2.34. Horsemen who were there well know that Knox was held in hand the last half of each heat, scarcely jog- ging to the score in the first heat, as I walked under the wire with my hand upon his saddle, and for several rods before he passed the wire on his fastest heat. Knox had that season served since April, one hundred and twelve different mares, and left fifteen awaiting ser- vice when he left home for Springfield. In five days af- ter leaving service, I had him tried at Waterville, (half- mile track). He trotted in 2.30 and repeated in 2.28. I started him for Springfield on Thursday morning, arrived there Sunday morning, trotted him Thursday, and came back to Boston same night, making in all twenty-one days flora the time he was drawn from service until he had traveled upon cars and boat three days and nights without 26 NOTED MAINE HORSES. rest, won Ids race and was bound home. I never saw him in such fine condition and spirits as while at Spring- field, and after a close examination b,v the committee, he was awarded the first stock premium, as well as for speed. Whether the horse was looked upon by judges us a trotter the reader must judge, when I say that, at a public table, four prominent horsemen of New England publicly of- fered me $15,000, $20,000, $25,000 and $30,000 for him the evening after the race. If Knox was worth that for Massachusetts or New York, he was worth it for Maine, therefore I brought him home; and when I see such animals as the Gilbreth Knox, Gen. Logan, or the Little- field Horse, Black Sultan, Gen. Sherman, Plato, Lexing- ton, Col. Knox, Wyers Horse, Tom Knox, Skowhegan Boy, Lawrence Horse, Hoe's, Larkin's, T. S. Lang, Col. Lang, Nell Seavey. Sampson Mare, Watts Mare, Carr Mare, Sampson Horse, Means Mare, Sturgis Horse, Ab- bot Horse, not to name a large number lately sold at the highest average that any colts of any horse yet ever sold for in Maine, I repeat, when I see such animals among those of his first few years' service, I am not sorry he was brought back to Maine. Nor am I sorry that my neigh- bors and friends can share with me the value of this fine animal. In the fall of 1865, there seemed to be a feeling on the part of the friends of the Drew stock to see McClellan (who had been making extraordinary time at Belfast and elsewhere) and Knox come together again. I therefore entered him in the sweepstakes at the fair of the Horse Association at Waterville, and left for Canada, my health having entirely given out. The day previous to the day for the sweepstakes trial, Mr. Palmer was thrown from his sulky, and badly injured, so as to be unable to drive. No other person ever drove him, and my friends were unwilling to take the responsibility to select a driver, therefore Knox was drawn, I then felt it was best to NOTED MAINE HORSES. ay withdraw Knox entirely from the track, feeling that the friends of the Drew stock having shown their readiness to meet Knox, could not complain at my decision. Knox has not trotted since, except in August, 1866, a few days before I left for Europe, fearing that I might never see the horse again, I requested Mr. Palmer to drive him a half mile over the usual exercise ground where he had been trained at speed. Although the horse was then in service, this was done in the presence of many spectators, without a break in the 1.12. Since my departure for Europe in 1866, the horse has not been trotted iu public. Although fitted partially in the fall of 1869 to try his speed at the New England Fair, at Portland, he was accidentally lamed by a stroke in his fore ankle, and unable to appear in a race. Since April of the present year his services have been called for each day, and will be an increase upon any year's service. I have no desire in writing this history of Knox to place him in any false light before the public interested in horses, or to detract one atom from the great value and admiration due to the many splendid horses in the stud in Maine for ten years past or at present. Not one of them that does not possess traits which I wish I could add to the Knox and his good points. The good sense of the reader must see, that the good points united and fixed by coupling through several generations, will bring Maine out a winner. This completes the history of Gen. Knox up to the close of the season of 1870. In 1871, Mr. Nodine, of New Yojk, bought Gen. Knox for Mr. Smith, of the Fashion Stud Farm, Trenton, N. J., for the sum of ten thousand dollars. The horse was not purchased — so says a writer in Wallace's Monthly — for breeding purposes, but as a trotter. Mr. Nodine took him to Prospect Park in July, just before starting for Buffalo, where he was entei*ed in the 2.30 class. After being there a short time, Mr. Smith 28 NOTED MAINE HORSES. was sent for to take a mile and repeat. He could not go, so he sent James B. Bach and Mr. Salters to time him. The first mile was trotted in 2.25i and repeated with per- fect ease in 2.24. He then went to Buffalo, where the As- sociation gave him the best stall on the track, a new one. He slipped on the fresh planking, wrenching one of his forward legs, and was unable to start in the race. In ten days he was well again, and received some further train- ing. In 1872 he stood in Westchester County, New York, and it was not until 1873 that he went to Fashion Farm, where he has ever since stood for service. The pedigree of Gen. Knox has undergone several re- visions, until, at present, it stands in Wallace^s American Trotting Register, Vol. 5, as follows: Gen. Knox, blk h foaled 1855; got by Vermont Hero,then known as the "Rockwood Colt," son of Sherman Black Hawk; dam by Searcher, sou of Barney Henry ; g d the Hunsden Mare, by Hill's Sir Charles, son of Duroc, and out of a mare by Plato. Bred by Daniel Heustis, Bridport, Vt. ; sold with his dam, 1855, to Oliver Eldridge, and by him the colt alone was sold to D. A. Bennett, all of the same place; at three years old Ben- net sold him to Denny & Bush, representing him to be by Sherman Black Hawk, and the same year he was purchased by Col. T. S. Lang, and taken to Maine, where he stood at the head of all New England stal- lions till 1872, when he was purchased at ten thousand dollars by his present owner, Henrv N. Smith, Fashion Stud Farm, Trenton, N. J. This result is reached after a thorough investigation of the subject, and we regard it as conclusive, as, aside from Mr. Wallace himself, the pedigrees in the 3rd Volume were subject to the approval of a board of censors, com- prised of several of the most intelligent breeders of the country. Mr. Helm, in his work entitled American Roadsters and Trotting Horses, says of Gen. Knox, *'He spent nearly all of his days prior to 1872 in the State of Maine. A NOTED MAINE HORSES. 29 lucky State to have held one such sire, for he has been a most remarkable one. We have produced no stallion in our day which can surpass him. At present his reputa- tion as a sire is based upon what he did while owned in Maine." Among the get of Gen. Knox are the following who have records of 2.80 or better; Lady Maud, 2.18^; Camors, 2.19}; Knox Boy, 2.23^ ; Peaceful, 2.26; Gil- breth Knox, 2.261 ; Emperor William, 2 27i ; Harry Spanker, 2.30; Independence, 2.21 J; Victor, 2.23. Gen. Knox has ten sons that have sired 2.30 trotters, and is the sire of the dams of Bay, 2.27i; Cunard, 2.30; Geo. O., 2.24i; and Tommy Norwood, 2.26i. Besides these he has an array of sons and daughters with records in the thirties, achieved on the slow half mile tracks of this State, that in any other State under favorable circumstances, would have placed him along- side of the most prominent sires in the country. 30 NOTED MAINE HORSES. RISING SUN, 429. As the 2.30 list contains the names of several animals who trace in the direct male line to this horse,Ilising Sun, it has been thought by the writer that as a matter of history it might be valuable, and perhaps not wholly devoid of interest to the general reader as well, that the facts con- cerning this family of horses should be put on record. Rising Sun was a light, or yellowish bay stallion, with star in the forehead, and black mane and tail, 15^ hands high, and weighed about 1,000 lbs. He was foaled in 1843, bred by Eben Young, of Peru, Me. He was purchased when four months old by Messrs. G. & C. Hayford, of Canton, who kept him until the Fall after he was two years old, when he was purchased by Major Isaac Strickland, of Livermore, who in turn sold him when five years old to Gideon Ellis, Jr., of Canton. He was finally sold to Grant and Milliken, of Farming- dale, and from thence taken to Massachusetts, but was afterward brought back to Waterville, from Waterville to Livermore, into Major Strickland's hands again, and was finally sold and died in Franklin county in 1867. The sire of Rising Sun was a dark bay stallion, with heavy black mane and tail, and black legs, and weighed about 1,000 pounds. He was brought into Canton in January, 1842, from Meddy hemps, near Calais, by a Mr. Grifteth, who said that he was owned by his father-in-law, a Mr. Gilman who was in the Legislature, and he (Griff- eth) had taken the horse to winter. The pedigree of this horse (the sire of Rising Sun) was unknown, as also any- NOTED MAINE HORSES. 31 thing concerning his history previous to his being brought to Canton, up to the time my history of Maine-bred horses appeared in 1874. Since that time I have received a communication from Caleb Oilman of Meddybemps, a son of the former owner of the Oilman Horse, as he was called, and it probably gives all that is known concern- ing him: Meddybemps, June 5, 1876. In your communication to the Maine Farmer, of the 27th, ult., in reference to the pedigree of Rising Sun, you make mention of his sire being a horse owned by a Mr. Oilman, and sold in Canton in 1842. Thinking a short history of this horse might be of interest to you, I made inquiry of the man who raised him, Mr. Robert Bridges of this town, and he made the following statement: "The sire of 'Major' (that vvas the name of the Oilman horse) was a colt that I bought of Abram Marks, of St. Stephen, N. B. He was by an English horse called Hunter, and out of a full blooded English mare, both owned by Marks and kept for running races. The dam of Major was a light bay mare, weighing about 1,000, and a splendid roadster. I purchased her from a man named Webster, a school-teacher from Durham, Me., who brought her into this country from Sandy River. I know nothing of her pedigree, but she was a very valua- ble animal." This is Mr. Bridges' statement and can be relied upon. Major was one of the best styled horses that was ever in this country. I used when a boy to drive him some, and I never saw a horse on the road that had any business with him. My father purchased him when about three years old. Very Respectfully, &c., Caleb Oilman. The Dam of Rising Sun was a bay mare owned by Eben Young, of Peru, and in order to give all that is known concerning her blood it is necessary to digress a little. About fifty years ago Maj. Bennett Pompilly, of Turner, a noted horseman, when running horses were popular in this State, went to Long Island and brought home a white stallion which he called Young Duroc. This is the only pedigree that was ever given him in Maine. 32 NOTED MAINE HORSES. From many circumstances it would seem that he may have been by Duroc, son of imp. Diomed. Durocdied in 1825 on Long Island, where he had been owned for many years, and this borse. Young Duroc, was brought to Maine in say, 1828 or 29, a fact which leaves nothing antagonistic in the way of dates. Again, like the get of Duroc, he was a fast running horse, and will be well remembered even now by many who saw him run fifty years ago on the plains at Turner, Westbrook, Norridgewock and other points throughout the State. As a sire, I have heard many men say that his get were greatly inclined to imperfect limbs, showing marked tendency to curb, ringbon* and spavin. This was eminently characteristic of the get of Duroc himself. But theorize as we may, his pedigree must always remain as it is at present, unknown. This horse was the sire of the Eben Young mare that produced Rising Sun. As a trotter Rising Sun was untrained, he was a roadster of great courage, a fast walker, but when urged to his fastest was inclined to single-foot. It is the opinion now of those best qualified to judge, who knew him best, that with the present skillful methods of training, combined with a judicious use of toe-weights, he might have earned a record unsurpassed by any of his descendants. As a sire of 2.30 horses Rising Sun appears but once, in connection with that of his son, Nabocklish, the Never Mind of Simpson's "Horse Portraiture," as follows: Nabocklish, blk g, by Rising Sun 2.29^ It seems as though the owners of the descendants of Rising Sun had a marked partiality for the name of Emperor, as two Emperors appear in the 2.30 list as follows : Emperor, b g by Rollins Horse, son of Rising Sun 2.30 Emperor, blk h by Newman Horse, son of Rollins Horse, by Rising Sun 2.29i Besides the above we have : — NOTED MAINE HORSES. 33 Tammany, gr g by son of Rising Sun The above list completes the history of the Rising Sun family, as represented in the 2.30 list up to date. Besides the above we have Carthage Boy, 2.32i, Lady Fairfield, Lady Berry and many others with records in the thirties, also Lady Balch and Lady Childs, noted brood mares. It may be well, perhaps, to state that this horse Major, alias the Oilman Horse, lived to make only one season at Can- ton, as he died in March, 1843, the property of G. & C. Hayford, who purchased him the first vdnter he was kept there. They called him Rising Sun, and he is now called by the old inhabitants the Old, First, or Original Rising Sun, to distinguish from his son, who is known by horse- men and fanciers everywhere as the Rising Sun, the founder of the family. 34 NOTED MAINE HORSES. WINTHROP MORRILL, 373. Winthrop Morrill has been well described by one who knew him well, as follows: "Bright bay horse with dark points, star, oflf hind ankle white; full mane and tail; height about 15i handn; weight, 1,000 pounds; head, after the Morgan type, clean and intelligent; neck, thin, long, blood-like, and carried in good style. Shoulders sloping and strong; chest deep; back stout and beautiful in contour from withers to haunches; barrel, round and well ribbed back; tail finely set on and well carried ; limbs rather light in bone, but well muscled; hind pasterns very straight; upper bone of the forearm let down low to the knee ; cannon-bone short; feet blue, tough and excellent. Foaled, 1855. Placed in training when from three to four years old, he devoloped wonderful speed as a trotter, and was en- tered in a race at Providence, R. I. Too severe work for a youngster caused him to suddenly shift from a trot to a pace. Repeated attempts failing to correct the evil he was traded to a jockey and went to Maine, where he passed from one to another at a mere pittance in price, finally bringing up in a peddler's cart. While in this menial capacity, he sired the chestnut gelding Fleetwood, record, 2.29. Purchased by Geo. C. Goodale, then of "Winthrop, Me., for ninety dollars, he was used for general farm work for a season and finally sold to Messrs. Charles G. Jackson and Jos. G. Rounds, and went into the stud at Winthrop. In Mr. Goodale's possession he WiNTHROP Morrill. 373. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 35 was driven a carefully measured mile on Winthrop pond, two men to a sleigh, without a break in 2.32, the last quarter in the remarkable time of 33 seconds or a 2.12 gait, and was not up to his speed until the half mile was passed. He paced at that time, but next season shifted, and has been a square trotter since. His success in the stud, always with common hard-worked farmer's mares (Gen. Knox and Drew always taking the best) is a mat- ter of public record. At the close of the season of 1877 he stood number five on the list of sires of horses trotting in 2.30 or better. Said list including all which have trotted in that time since the first record in this country, viz: Hambletonian, 27 representatives; Volunteer, 16 representatives; Blue Bull, 10 representa- tives; Daniel Lambert, 9 representatives; Winthrop Mor- rill, 7 representatives. His get are uniformly of great courage, excellent trot- ting action, and have an appearance of higher breeding than would be expected from his ancestry. Mr. H. T. Helm, in his work entitled ^'American Boad- sters and Trotting HorseSy^' has the following concern- ing Winthrop Morrill. ''This is one of the most successful stallions of the Morgan family, and the only one that can be claimed to be a real Morgan. He was foaled in 1855, is a bay horse, by Young Morrill, his dam by the Huckins Horse, son of Royal Morgan, called al«o Morgan Rattler; his next dam by Morgan Eagle and the next by Bulrush. He has two crosses of Messenger, one of Duroc ; the one line to the Vance Horse through old Morrill,and the dam of Morgan Eagle being by Callender, son of American Eclipse. But it is a matter of frequent occurrence that one or two crosses of Messenger blood in connection with genuine road elements, will after awhile develop and produce a trotter and a trotting sire. Such was the case with Rhode Island, and such un- 36 NOTED MAINE HORSES. doubtedly was the case with (xolddust. The blood of Messenger received such modification by the road ele- ments found in these Morgan strains as to give it the true character of trotting blood, and to eliminate all racing in- clination from it. The germ once planted would come out, and the result in Winthrop Morrill, is a trottting sire of remarkable success. He stands side by side with Knox and Lambert, but is more nearly a Morgan than either of them." The following is the pedigree of Winthrop Morrill, as it appears in the American Trotting Register, Vol. 2, pub- lished in 1874: Winthrop Morrill (late Slasher), b. h., foaled 1855; got by Young Morrill (Perkins') ; dam by the Huck- ins Horse, son of Royal Morgan, — known as the Crane Horse, Steele Horse, and Morgan Rattler ;g.d. by Morgan Eagle; g. g. d. by Bulrush; g. g. g. d. by old Carson, son of Quicksilver. Bred by Rodney Bradford, Barre, Vt. ; sold, before three years old, to Mr. Town, and kept under the name of Slasher, till 1860, when he was sold to Leonard T. Tucker; in June, 1861, to H. B. Varrill, Laconia, N. H. ; passed through two or three hands to David Blanchard, Bos- ton; sold to Mr. Savage, Waterville, Me.; then, in 1863, to Mr. Garland of Skowhegan; in 1864, toChas. J. Jackson of Winthrop, who gave him his present name; now owned by T. B. Williams, Boston, Mass. Winthrop Morrill was afterwards sold to John F. Mills of Boston and returned to Maine and stood several sea- sons in Hartland, was finally purchased by B. F. Fair- banks of Winthrop, where the horse finally died. He has to his credit nine in the 2.30 list. Honest Harry, 2.22i, Ben Morrill, 2.27, Ed. Getchell, 2.27, Glengarry, 2.27, Sam Curtis, 2.28, John Morrill, 2.28i, J. G. Morrill, 2.29, Fleetwood, 2.29 and Baby Boy 2.30; with a sufficient number between 2.40 and 2.30, to make a remarkable NOTED MAINE HORSES. 37 showing as a sire of speed, considering the fact that he commenced his stud career six years after Gen. Knox, and under the most adverse circumstances, standing for a ser- vice fee of five dollars, securing the very poorest class of mares until, by the force of his own merit, he won a place of honor and distinction. Like Gen. Knox, he would doubtless have added several to the number with records of 2.30, had he remained in Maine, for, like him, the years he has spent out of the State are a blank. What may yet result from these years of stud service, of course no one can foretell ; but it seems a strange coincidence that, as the result of the last year's service in Maine, each pro- duced some that have, and several that can beat 2.30, while we do not recall one with a record that either sired after leaving Maine. 38 NOTED MAINE HORSES. NOTED MAINE HORSES. ALMONT LAMBERT. Bay colt with black points, one white ankle behind ; got by Gen. Withers, 1157. Dam Baby Lambert, by Lambert Chief, by Daniel Lambert ; grandam by Green's Bashaw. Owned by Wm. E. Hight, Saco,Me. ANDY. Red chestnut colt with blaze in face, foaled May 18th, 1885 ; got by Hugo, son of Gen. Withers. Dam said to be by Winthrop Morrill. Owned by Ellsworth Hay ward, Winthrop, Me. ALBOY. Strawberry roan colt with one white ankle and star in forehead, foaled in 1885 ; sired by Albrino, by Almont. Dam Mountain Girl. Owned by D. M. Allen, Jay, Me. ANNIE E. Chestnut mare foaled in April 1883 ; got by Kennebec, by Independence, by Gen. Knox. Dam an Imported Eng- lish mare. Owned by M. M. Leahy, Hallowell, Me. ALMONT B()ONE. Bay colt with star and black points, foaled June 1st, 1885 ; got by Olympus, son of Almont. Dam Molly Gar- field, by Daniel Boone, 2d dam a Patchen mare. Owned by Asia Jones, Springfield, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 39 AROOSTOOK ALMONT. Chestnut horse with star and little white on hind foot, 16 hands high and weighs 1200 lbs. ; got by Olympus. Owned by H. C. Townsend, Fort Fairfield, Me. ALMONT BELLE. Chestnut mare foaled in 1881, one white ankle behind, stands 15 hands high and weighs 925 lbs. ; sired by Olym- pus, by Almont. Dam by Ethan Allen. Owned by Dr. J. B. Twaddle, No. Anson, Me. ANNIE P. Bay mare foaled July 28th, 1884 ; got by Baymont Chief, 2919, he by Gen. "Withers. Dam by Gen. Logan. Owned by J. C. Pillsbury, Palmyra, Me. ALICE B. Bay filly foaled May 30th, 1884, by Redwood, son of Belmont, dam by Dom Pedro, son of Tom Patchen, 2d dam by "Winthrop Morrill. Bred and owned by P. R. Cobb, Mechanic Falls, Me. ADAC. Bay filly foaled Apr. 11th, 1886; got by Dictator Chief. Dam by Sterling, 2d dam by Honest Allen. Bred and owned by J. A. & E. A. Cilley, Fairfield, Me. ALICE M. Dark bay filly with one white hind foot, foaled in June, 1883 ; got by Blackfoot. Bred and owned by M. E. Strout, Charleston, Me. ALBERT B. Red roan colt with black points, foaled June 16th, 1885 ; got by Harry Brown, he by Union Boy. Dam by Count Monte Christo, son of Gen. Knox, 2d dam by Gen. Mc- Clellan. Owned by Albert Burrill, Corinna, Me. 40 NOTED MAINE HORSES. ADDIE B. Brown tilly with near hind foot white, foaled Aug. 6th, 1883 ; bred by Jacob LoTejoy, Mexico, Me., got by Ven- ture Boone, 2810. Dam said to be by Daniel Lambert. Owned by H. W. Brackett, Dixfield, Me. ALMONT WITHERS. Bay colt with yery little white on both off ankles, foaled June 25th, 1884; bred by G. B. Pillsbury, Unity, Me., got by Gen. Withers. Dam Singe Cat, by Gen. Knox. ALLI KARLI. Chestnut colt foaled June 7th, 1884 ; got by Watchmak- er. Dam Indelible, by Constellation. Bred and owned by A. R. Yates, Vassalboro, Me. ALCAZAR. Chestnut roan colt foaled April 18th, 1885 ; got by Al- brino, son of Almont. Dam Oxford Lilly, by Young Bonner, son of Robert Bonner Jr., 2d dam by Champion Black Hawk, $d dam by French Tiger. Bred and owned by Wm. Gregg, Andover, Me. ALICE MILLER. Bay mare with black points and one white hind foot, foaled June 15th, 1879; bred by W. C. Stevens, Canton, Me., got by Harry Knox (Miller's). Dam Molly, record 2.27i, by Dolphus, 2d dam said to be by Old Abdallah. Owned by F. C. Stevens, Canton, Me. ADELAIDE. Chestnut mare foaled in 1876 ; bred by Frank Spauld- ing, Buckfield, Me. ; got by Robert Bonner, Jr., son of Robert Bonner by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Dam by Champion Black Hawk, 2d dam by French Tiger. Sold to Wm. Gregg, of Andover, Me., and by him to Chas A. Newhall, of Philadelphia, Pa. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 41 ANNIE PARKS. Black mare foaled Sept. 15th, 1880; got by Royal Knox, son of Gen. Knox, dam by Tuckahoe. Owned by Elwell Parks, Boston, Mass. ANNA F. Gray mare foaled May 8th, 1881 ; got by Glenarm, son of Constellation, dam by Haskell Horse. Bred by Geo. Bowker, Lewiston, Me. ARCHER. Bay gelding foaled May 23d, 1881 ; got by Glenarm, dam of Morgan descent, bred by Dodge & Glidden, Lewiston, Me. Sold to C. P. Drake, and by him to A. T. Neal, of Lewiston. ALWOOD. Bay colt foaled Sept. 24th, 1881 ; got by Glenarm, dam by Humphrey Horse. Bred by I. T. Waterman, E. Au- burn, Me. ABBOTTONIAN. Brown colt foaled in May, 1882; got by Mambrino Dud- ley, record 2. 20i. Dam Muse, by Winthrop Morrill, 2d dam Lady Thornton, record 2. 26^, by Mape's Hambletoni- an. Owned by W. T. Abbott, Boston, Mass. AROOSTOOK BOY. Bay horse foaled in 1866; bred by Nelson Herrin, Houl- ton. Me. ; g«)t by Old Abe, sod of the Drew Horse. Aroos- took Boy came into the hands of Col. Walter G. Morrill, now of Pittsfield, Me.; in his hands Aroostook Boy be- came well known and achieved a record of 2.31i. ANNIE M. Chestnut mare got by Hampton, son of Jupiter. Owned by J. A. Brooks, West Paris, Me. Record 2.32i, at Pre- sumpscot Park, Portland, Me., Oct. 27th, 1885. 42 NOTED MAINE HORSES. ACHILLES. Bay stallion with long star in the forehead, and one white forward ankle, 16 hands high and foaled in 1876 ; bred by E. L. Norcross, Fearnaught, Farm, Manchester, Me., got by Carenaught, son of Fearnaught, 2.23|, dam the dam of Manchester, said to be by Old Cassias M. Clay. Achilles made a record of 2.35«| at Bath, Me., June 23d, 1881. ANNIE BAILEY. Koan mare foaled in 1862, bred by S. L. Stevenson, Sac- carappa, Me.; got by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, dam by the Drew Horse. This mare was owned for a long time by L. D. M. Swett, Esq., of Portland, and was finally sold to Gen. W. T. Withers, Lexington, Ky. AMBLER. Black colt with white stripe in face and off hind ankle white, foaled May 31, 1881 ; got by Daniel Boone, dam Minnie Myrtle (record 2.53) by Rocket, sire of Parks Rocket. Bred by A. H. Price, Rumford, Me. Owned by E. K. Woodman, Farmington Me. ARGIL. Bay colt foaled in 1885; got by Allie Clay, 2931. Dam by Dan Morrill, by Perkins Young Morrill, 118; grand- dam by Locomotive. Bred by O. H. Parker, Brooklyn Street, Kings Co., N. S. Owned by C. R. Bill, Meadow Stock Farm, Billtown, N. S. ALMONT LEDO. Chestnut horse foaled In 1881 ; bred by Albert Burrill, Hartland, Me., got by Gen. Withers, 1157, son of Al- mont; dam Alice by Ledo, son of Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 2d dam Bess by Burnett Horse son of Old Drew ; 3d dam by Eaton Horse, sold to G. J. Shaw and by him to B. W. Abbott & Co., Worcester, Mass. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 43 ANTIOCH. Dark bay colt foaled May 18, 1881 ; two white ankles behind and small star; got by Daniel Boone, son of Rysdyks Hambletonian. Dam by Rising Sun. Bred by A. H. Price, Rumford, Me. ALMONT HAMBLETONIAN. Bay colt with small stripe in face, foaled June 22d, 1881, bred by Messrs. Foster & Roberts, Vassalboro, Me.; got by Bcausire, dam Marplot, by Almont, 2d dam Helen Mc- Gregor, by Rattler, 3d dam by Brignoli. AGNES M. Bay^mare foaled Sept. 11th, 1884; sired by Gen. With- ers. Dam by Danville Boy, he by Young Morrill, he by Old Morrill; granddam by Rysdyks Hambletonian. Owned by Henry A. Whittier, E. Corinth, Me. ANNIE. Mahogany bay mare with four white ankles and white strip in the face, foaled in 1878; bred by Harry Brown, Canton, Me., got by Benseeboo, dam by the Taft Horse, son of Rollins Horse, 2d dam by the Eustis Hore. Sold to Levi S. Gould, Boston, Mass. AUBINE. Brown mare foaled in 1882, bred by C. H. Nelson. Sun- nyside Farm, Waterville, Me.; got by Young Rolfe, 2.2U, by Tom Rolfe, dam Knox Girl, by Gen. Knox, 2d dam Gretchen (dam of Susie Owen, 2.26 and Nelson, 2.261), by Gideon. ALMARGO. Black colt with star and left hind leg white, foaled Aug. 3d, 1883: bred by Samuel B. Brooks, No. Newport, Me.; got by Daniel Boone, dam by Dirigo, 2d dam a Witherell mare. 44 NOTED MAINE HORSES. ACHSA. Chestnut filly foaled in May, 1886 ; got by Onawa Prince, son of Ouawa, dam by Mambrino Dudley. Owned by W. P. Martin, Pittsfield, Me. ALICE BOONE. Gray mare foaled July 17th, 1879 ; bred by A. K. Fos- ter, Canton Point, Me. ; got by Daniel Boone, son of Rys- dyk's Hambletonian. Dam by the Farnum Horse, son of Young Brandywine, 2d dam by Trustee Messenger. Owned by Childs & McFadden. ARROW. Bay colt foaled in 1877, got by Black Hawk Chief, son of Brown Harry. Dam Nellie, by the Ross Colt, son of the Burke Colt, by Young Harpinus, known as the Colby Horse, by Harpinus, son of Bishop's Hambletonian. Bred by John Hoyt, Phillips, Me., owned by S. W. Parlin, Bos- ton, Mass. ACHSA M. Chestnut mare foaled June 1st, 1879; bred by Walter S. Keene, Palmyra, Me., got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Young Eaton. ALDINE. Bay mare foaled July 7th, 1880; bred by John F. Mills, Pittsfield, Me., got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Royal Tanner. AUCTIONEER. Bay colt, no white, foaled July 20th, 1885; bred by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me., got by Gen. Withers, 1157, dam Lady K., by Godfrey's Patchen. ANNA MAUD. Black filly foaled in August, 1885; by Whalebone Knox Jr., dam by Henry Clay. Owned by R. M. Macomber, E. Monmouth, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 45 BEN F. Bay colt foaled June 27th, 1886 ; got by Claremont, dam Susan, by Winthrop Morrill. Owned by W. P. Martin, Pittsfield, Me. BUSYBODY. Brown colt with star and two white ankles behind, foaled March 28th, 1884 ; got by Inca, dam by Parker's Messenger, bred by S. W. Jackson and foaled the property of N. H. Penley, Lewiston, Me. BESSIE REDWOOD. Bay filly with white stripe in face and white ankles be- hind; foaled June 10th, 1884, bred by S. P. Hersey, No. Auburn, Me.; got by Redwood, dam Bessie Morrill, by Gov. Morrill (record 2.32J). Owned by Whitman Leslie West Gray, Me. BELLE OF BANGOR. Black mare foaled May 29, 1882; got by Lothair Jr., dam Morgan and Drew. Owned by A. B. Farnham, Ban- gor, Me. BISMARCK. Black eolt, small star and near hind ankle white ; got by Beau8ire,son of Rysdyk's Hambletouian, dam by Hiram Drew. Bred and owned by Capt. E. H. Goudy, West Bristol, Me. BETTY. Yellow bay mare with white in face, foaled July 4th, 1882; got by Howard, son of Constellation, dam the Cali- co mare. Owned by Thos. Sanders, Haverhill, Mass. BILLIE S. Bay colt foaled June 20th, 1886 ; got by Claremont, dam Avis, by Gen. Lyon, 2d dam by Diamond, son of Old Drew. Owned by Walter S. Keene, Stoneham, Mass. 46 NOTED MAINE HORSES. BLITZEN. Bay colt with blaze in face and white hind feet, foaled July 1st, 1882 ; got by Sam Oliver, 2945, dam Dora, by Daniel Boone. Owned by Thos. Sanders, Haverhill, Mass. BLIZZARD. Bay colt with star in face and two white feet ; foaled Aug. 19th, 1882, got by Goodwin's Hambletonian, dam sister to Woodford Z., record 2.22. Owned by Thos. Sanders, Haverhill, Mass. BUTTERCUP. Bay mare with narrow white strip in face, and near hind ankle white, foaled April 19, 1884; got by Inca, dam by Knox Boy. Owned by Geo. Pottle, Lewiston, Me. BALDWIN. Roan colt with black points foaled in 1882 ; bred by W. S. Penley. Lewiston Me.; got by Glenarm, dam by Lew- iston Boy. BLOODMONT. Bay horse with black points, foaled May 27th, 1880; bred by M. N. McKusick, Calais, Me. ; got by Olympus, son of Almont, dam Kitty Logan by Jules Jurgenson son of Gen. Knox. Owned by T. H. Phair, Presque Isle, Me. Record, 2.40^, at Presque Isle, Me., Sept. 11th, 1885. BAY ROLFE. Bay colt with white hind feet, foaled July 1881 ; bred by G. J. Parmenter, Albion, Me. ; got by Young Rolfe (record, 2.2U) dam by Metacomet by Old Morrill. Owned by B. R. Hunt, Unity, Me. BERTHA. Bay mare with star and white ankles behind, foaled in 1882; bred by C. H. Hibbard, Lewiston, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 47 BLONDE. Chestnut filly with stripe in the face and small diamond on left hand pastern, bred by Lee Brown, Weld, Me.; got by Brown colt by Richards colt by son of Ethan Al- len. Dam's pedigree untraced. Owned by Geo. E. Sampson, Chase's Mills, Me. BATTALIA. Bay colt with white ankles behind, foaled Aug., 1882 ; bred by Augustus Frost, Lewiston, Me.; got by Glen- arm, dam a Canadian mare. BESSIE B. Bay Mare with star and black points ; foaled in 1882 ; bred by I. Mitchell, Lewiston Me.; got by Glenarm dam by Parker's Messenger ; 2d dam Lewiston Lady, record 2.41i by Lewiston Boy. Owned by B. F. Briggs, Auburn Me. BARBARA. Dark bay mare with black points, foaled in May, 1882 ; bred by D. B. Ross, Lewiston, Me., got by Glenarm, dam by Parker's Messenger. BENEDICT. Bay colt with black points, foaled in March, 1882 ; bred by E. F. Packard, Auburn, Me., got by Glenarm, dam by Plow Boy. BEN BUTLER. Bay colt foaled in 1882 ; got by Racquet, son of Daniel Boone, Dam Drew and Witherell. Owned by Geo. E. Shores, Waterville, Me. BLIZZARD. Bay colt with small star and near hind ankle white, foaled June 20, 1878 ; got by Judge Advocate, dam by Wintbrop Morrill. Owned by J. A. Monroe, Abbot, Me. 48 NOTED MAINE HORSES. BEN WOODMAN. Bay oolt foaled June 20, 1883; got by Redwood, dam Nellie Q. by Messenger Knox; 2d dam the imported thoroughbred mare Inverlocky. Owned by Geo. H. Ray- mond, Saccarappa, Me. BELLE, Bay mare foaled June 1877, got by Gold Hunter, non of Yon Moltke, dam by Almont. Owned by Geo. Sweetser, Newburgh Village, Me. BOOMERANG. Red chestnut colt, foaled August, 1883 ; got by Whale- bone Knox, dam by Monogram, son of Mambrino Pilot; 2d dam of Messenger descent. Owned by Frank Jack- son, Winthrop, Me. BLACK ROCK. Black stallion with star in the forehead and white hind foot, foaled May 16, 1879; got by Joe Irving by Whit- comb's Fearnaught, dam a Black Hawk mare. Owned by E. J. Vose, Knox, Me. Record, 2.31, at Unity, Me., Sept. 28th, 1885. BEULAH. Bay mare with black points, foaled April, 1882; bred by Winslow Jones, Auburn, Me., got by Glenarm, dam brought from the Provinces. BELLE FRANKLIN. Black mare with small star, foaled March 5th, 1878 ; got by Dr. Franklin, dam by Hiram Drew. Owned by Capt. E. H. Goudy, West Bristol, Me. BLANCHE J. Bay filly, with star and white ankles behind foaled in 1882; bred by N. P. Downing, Minot, Me., got by Glen- arm, dam of Messenger descent. Owned by A. F. John- son, Wayne, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 49 BELBRINO. Bay colt with star and white ankle behind, foaled in May 1884 ; got by Redwood, dam Lena Boone, by Daniel Boone, 2d dam by Old Eaton. Owned by E. B. Hill, Skowhe- gan, Me. BISMONT. Bay colt with small star, foaled April 30th, 1884; got by Inca, son of Constellation, dam Ino, by Young Ruler, 2d dam by Parker's Messenger, 3d dam by LewistonBoy. Owned by F. B. Jeffrey, Lewiston, Me. BALDRIC. Brown colt with off feet white, foaled June 20th, 1884; got by Inca, son of Constellation, dam of Morgan de- scent. Owned by J. N. Eastman, Lewiston, Me. BONTON. Bay filly with two white ankles behind, and left for- ward foot white, foaled July 19th, 1884; got by Inca, dani claimed to be Hambletonian. Owned by J. N. Eastman, Lewiston, Me. BELLE SWIFT. Black filly foaled Aug. 1st, 1885; got by Gen. Kingston, he by Defiance, dam by Carenaught, son of Fearnaught, 2d dam by Tom Lang, by Gen. Knox. Owned by C. V. White, Presque Isle, Me. BELLE WILKES. Bay filly with star and four white ankles, foaled April 23d, 1886 ; got by Messenger Wilkes, son of Red Wilkes, dam Rosie Morrill, by Winthrop Morrill. Bred and owned by W. H. Miles, Lisbon, Me. BLACK BESS. Black mare foaled in June, 1870; got by Gen. Knox, dam by Dirigo, son of Old Drew. Owned by Chas A. Chase, Hillside Farm, Carmel, Me. 50 NOTED MAINE HORSES. BESS. Bay filly with star, foaled Aug. 30th, 1882, got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Batchelder Horse, son of Old Drew, bred by Homer Higgins, Winthrop, Me. Owned by Henry Chick, E. Monmouth, Me. BAY CHIEF. Dark brown colt with tan muzzle and flanks and both hind feet white, foaled in 1882; got by Dirigo, dam Lady B. by Whalebone Morgan 2d. Owned by Martin Whit- ten, Freedom, Me. BASSETT. Roan horse, foaled in 1877 ; got by Seneca Pet, son of Seneca Chief, dam by Grand Turk, Jr. Bred and owned by J. B. Watts, Thomaston, Me. BLACK SUSAN. Black mare, foaled in 1874; got by Champion Black Hawk, dam by a son of the Rollin's Horse. Bred by Rufus Bryant, Hartford, Me. Sold in Massachusetts. BLUE JOHN. Black colt with gray hairs, foaled in 1884; got by Young Rolfe (2.21^) dam by Mayhew son of Gen. Knox; 2d dam by Dirigo. Owned by C. H. Nelson, Sunny side Stock Farm, Waterville, Me. BELLE BOYD. Chestnut filly with small star, foaled in May, 1884; got by Blackfoot. Owned by Geo. S. Walker, Charleston, Me. BABY WOODLAWN. Bay filly with black points, foaled May 22d, 1884; got by Woodlawn, 1568, dam by Gilbreth Knox. Owned by Capt. E. H. Goudy. West Bristol, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 5^ BLACK ROLFE. Black colt with small star, foaled Sept. 11th, 1884; got by Young Rolfe (2.21i), dam Flora B. by Howes Bis- marck. Bred and owned by H. W. Records, Buckfield Me. BESSIE KNOX. Bay mare with white spot on nose and two white ankles behind, foaled May 24th, 1883; got by Whalebone Knox, dam of thoroughbred descent. Owned by G. C. Jacobs, Winthrop, Me. BREXDA. Bay filly with black points, foaled May 6th, 1886; got by Nelson (2.261), dam Elise by Fearuaught, Jr. Owned by M. B. D'Artheuay, Vassalboro, Me. BLANCHE BOONE. Bay filly with star and snip on nose and one white ankle behind, foaled July 3d, 1885 ; got by Daniel Boone, dam Mambrino Blanche by Mambrino Thatcher; 2d dam Blanche Robinson (record 2.35). Owned by Josiah French, Solon, Me. BAYMONT CHIEF, 2919. Bay horse with star in the forehead and two white ankles, foaled June 6th, 1881; got by Gen. Withers, 1157, dam Singe Cat by Gen. Knox; 2d dam Lady Miller. Bred and owned by G. B. Pillsbury, Unity, Me. BABY BOY. Bay colt foaled May 1st, 1882 ; got by Glenarm dam of Morgan descent. Owned by Dodge & Glidden, Lewiston, Me. BELLE BONNER. Chestnut mare foaled in 1877 ; got by Robert Bonner, Jr., dam by Cobb's Brandywine; 2d dam Morgan and Messenger. Owned bv Horatio Davie, Buckfield, Me. 52 NOTED MAINE HORSES. BAY BILL. Bay horse with white stripe in face, foaled April 16th, 1880; bred by E. Cornish, Topsham, Me. Got by Maine Jefferson, dam Una (record 2.50), pedigree untraced. BLACKBIRD. Black mare foaled in 1880, bred by Benj. Abbott, Rum- ford, Me.: got by Goldbird, son of Young Brandywine dam by Rising Sun. Sold to C. Richards, Wilton, Me. BIMELECH. Bay gelding, foaled June 20th, 1878 ; got by Goldbird, dam's pedigree unknown. Bred by Ed. Morse, Jay, Me. BOONETTA. Bay filly with stripe in face and off hind ankle white, foaled April 25th, 1885 ; got by Daniel Boone, dam Shoo Fly, by Rising Sun, 2d dam the dam of Maine Slasher, record 2.31|, by the Crawford Horse. Bred and owned by H. A. Archer, Skowhegan, Me. BOONELLA. Bay filly with white stripe in face and white ankles be- hind, foaled May 24th, 1885; got by Daniel Boone, dam Leonna, by Royal Knox, 2d dam Shoo Fly, by Rising Sun. Bred and owned by H. A. Archer, Skowhegan, Me. BESSIE TEMPLE. Sorrel filly with blaze in the forehead, foaled May 15th, 1884 ; got by a Messenger horse, dam McGinnis. Owned by John F. Hatch, New Bedford, Mass. BELLADONNA. Chestnut filly with white coronet on left hind foot, foaled June 4th, 1884; got by Prescott, son of Harold, dam of Morgan descent. Owned by C B. Woodman, Saccarappa, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 53 BAY PILOT. Bay colt with star, foaled Sept. 19th, 1885; got by Black Pilot, (record 2.30) dam Kitty by Gen. Knox; 2ddani by Young Columbus. Owned by S.I. Abbott, Waterville, Me. BLONDETTE. Bay filly, foaled 1885; got by Black Cloud, dam Blondee by Myrus Patchen son of Godfrey's Patchen : 2d dam Belle by Taggart's Abdallah. Owned by Dr. C. A. Bemis, West Medway, Mass. BIEDMONT MORGAN. Chestnut horse with white stripe in face; left forward and hind legs white to knee and hock; foaled May 26th, 1884; got by Inca,dam an inbred Morgan Mare. Owned by G. W. Kierstead, Durham, Me. BROWN'S PILOT. Brown colt with star and two white ankles behind, foaled May 6th, 1885; got by Black Pilot, dam Kittie B. by Young Lambert, son of Daniel Lambert. Bred and owned by C. R. Brown, Springfield, Me. BAL^EG BEG BOY. Bay colt with star and stripe on nose, foaled Sep. 10th, 1884; got by Redwood, dam by Fearnaught, Jr. Owned by E. A. Weymouth, Bauneg Beg, Me. BELLE LINDSEY. Bay mare with star, foaled June, 1883 ; got by Busy Boy, dam of Drew descent. Owned by A. R. Briery, Richmond Cor., Me. BESSIE. Bay mare with one white coronet behind, foaled May 10th, 1884; got by Prescott, son of Harold, dam Donna Peaks. Owned by Wm. S. Pratt, East Boston, Mass. 54 NOTED MAINE HORSES. BLACK BESS. Black mare, foaled June, 1882; got by Blackfoot. Owned by Almon Trim, Charleston, Me. BELLE S. Dark bay filly, foaled Apr. 10th, 1885 ; got by Black- foot. Owned by M. E. Strout, Charleston, Me. BAKRETT. Bay colt with black points, and small white spot on hind heels, foaled June 20th, 1880; got by A^on Moltke, dam Kitty Wells. Owned by John P. Gibbs, Bangor, Me. BLACK AMBLE. Black gelding foaled May 27th, 1881, 15i hands high, bred by E. Shibles, Knox, Me. ; got by Joe Irving, dam by Gen. Knox. As a three-year-old Black Amble won the four-year-old race at Belffist ia 2.45^, in Oct. 1884, which was the fastest three-year-old record ever made in the State at the time. Record 2.39^ in 1885. Owned by Stanley Bros., Lewiston, Me. BLACK ARTHUR. Black horse 15| hands high, foaled in 1873; got by Phil Sheridan, sou of Gen. Knox. Was owned in 1880 by the late V. C. Hall of Windham. Has since died. Record 2.33d. BERT. Black gelding foaled in 1877 ; got by a son of Phil Sher- idan, by Gen. Knox. Owned in 1883 by J. P. Edmonds, Dixfield, Me., and sold to J. R. McCrillis, Marlboro. Mass. BLACK SAM. Black gelding foaled in 1883; got by Startle, dam by Joe Irving. Owned by B. R. Hunt, Unity, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 55 BELLE JONES. Bay filly with star and black points, foaled May 20th, 1885 ; got by Olympus, son of Almont, dam Trinket, by Lambert Boy, son of Daniel Lambert, 2d dam Baltimore Belle, by Young Morrill. Owned by Asia Jones, Spring- field, Me. B.R. Bay colt foaled in 1884; got by Startle, dam Susie F., by Gideon, 2d dam by Young Morrill. Owned by B. R. Hunt, Unity, Me. BARBER BOY. Mahogany bay colt foaled May 13th, 1884; got by* Al- mont Ledo, son of Gen. Withers, dam Maud W., by Von Moltke. Owned by E. V. Weymouth, Pittsfield, Me. BYRON P. Chestnut colt with white stripe in face and one white ankle behind, foaled Aug. 7th, 1884; got by Harbinger, dam said to be a Bush Messenger mare. Owned by Dr. C. B. Porter, Corinna Me. BAY BILLY. Dark bay colt with one white ankle behind, foaled June 17th, 1882 ; got by Ace of Spades, dam a Knox mare. Owned by W. S. Lovejoy, Medford Centre, Me. BLACK HARRY. Black horse with one white ankle, foaled May 12, 1881 ; got by the Ingalls Horse. Owned by A. L. Burnham, Bridgton, Me. BLACK RALPH. Black colt with one white ankle behind, foaled July 18, 1884 ; got by Baymont Chief , dam by Pillsbury's Knox, son of Gen. Knox. Owned by G. B. Pillsbury & Son, Unity, Me. 56 NOTED MAINE HORSES. BELSORA. Bay mare with short stripe in the face and white ankle behind ; foaled in 1882 ; bred by Freenaan Andrews, got by Glenarm, dam's pedigree unknown. Owned by J. W. Varney, Lewiston, Me. BESSIE. Chestnut mare with small star, foaled June 3d, 1885; got by Joe Hopkins son of Winthrop Morrill, dam by Somerset Knox. Owned by E. S. Hight, Norridgewock, Me. BURNA. Gray colt foaled May 10th, 1885 ; got by Straw Boy son of Almont, dam by Cobb's Brandy (Beans). Owned by A. P. Adams, Jay, Me. BEECHER. Bay colt with star and one white ankle, foaled July 19th, 1885; got by Harry Boone, son of Daniel Boone, dam by Locomotive. Owned by E. S. Hight, "Norridge- wock, Me. BEN ADHEM. Black colt with star in forehead and one white hind foot, foaled May 14th, 1882 ; got by Ben Franklin son of Daniel Lambert, dam Lady Rogers by Len Rogers sou of Telegraph. Owned by D. W. Bliss, Bethel Vt. BONNIE FRANKLIN. Bay filly with white stripe in face, foaled June 13th, 1885; got by Dr. Franklin, dam Lady Withers, by Gen. Withers, 2d dam Miss Morrill, by Morrill Champion. Bred and owned by E. S. Foster & Son, Canaan, Me. BLACK JOE. Black gelding foaled in 1881 ; got by Joe Irving, dam by Gen. Lightfoot. Owned by B. R. Hunt, Unity, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 57 BLACK KOSE. Black mare foaled in 1868; bred by John Swain, Wil- ton, Me., got by Howe's Bismarck. Sold to John Wall of Portland and at the Maine State Fair, of 1876, held at Presumpscot Park, Portland, Me., she won the 2.34 race in straight heats in 2.35, 2.34, 2.36i. BLANCHE ROBINSON. Bay mare 15i hands high with black points, foaled in July 1864, bred by Capt. Moses Chandler, of Farmington, Me., got by Wamsutta, by Vermont Herd, dam by the Beals' Horse sou of Old Eaton. Owned by J. P. Robinson, Boston, Mass., Record 2.35 at Beacon Park, Boston, Mass., Aug. 21st, 1875. BUB MORRILL. Bay colt with black points, foaled May 10th, 1885; got by Reuel R., son of Winthrop Morrill, dam a Drew mare. Owned by I. H. Crowell, Corinna, Me. BLACK PRINCE. Black colt foaled June 1st, 1885; got by Gen. Warren, by Herald, by Smuggler, Gen. Warren's dam Rosa Allen by Ethan Allen. Dam Black Jen by Dan Rysdyk son of Danville Boy. Owned by Charles Wad- leigh, Meredith, N. H. BELLE JAY. Brown filly with near hind ankle white, foaled Apr. 25th, 1885; got by Kernwood son of Wedgewood (2.19) dam by Bayard son of Pilot Jr. Dam Belle Alger by Fearnaught (2.23i). Bred and owned by R. Jones, Lynn, Mass., and foaled on the McCollister farm, Canton, Me. BABY GIRL. Sorrel mare foaled in 1883 ; got by Smuggler Gift, son of Smuggler, dam Hambletonian. Owned by John B. Dority, No. Palermo, Me. 58 NOTED MAINE HORSES. BEN BUTLER. Bay colt with star in forehead and right hind foot white, foaled June 9th, 1883 ; got by Geo. Harris, by Bucking- ham, dam Dirigo Maid, by Dirigo. BETTY HOOKER. Bay mare with black points, 15i hands high, foaled in 1872; got by Joe Hooker (2. 32i), he by Spiritualist, son of Old Drew, dam by Bay Morgan (Jones Horse) of Rip- ley, Me., 2d dam by John Bright, sou of old Drew. Owned by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. BEPPO. Spotted gelding 15 hands, foaled in 1876, bred by C. C. Trafton, St. Albans, Me., got by Nimble Dan, son of Skinner's Knox, dam said to be an Arabian mare. Owned in 1882, by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. BETTY WITHERS. Chestnut filly with both hind feet partly white, foaled April 29th, 1884; got by Gen. Withers, 1157, dam Betty Hooker, by Joe Hooker (2.32^), Bred and owned by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. BESSIE. Chestnut mare 15 hands high, foaled in 1875; got by Waldo Chief, record 2.36^, son of Gen. Knox, dam a Can- adian pacing mare. Owned by G.J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. BLACK HAWK KATE. Bay mare with black points, foaled in 1866, bred by St. John Hastings, Bethel, Me.; got by the Ramsey Horse, by Rix Horse, son of Vermont B lack Hawk, dam by Haz- zard Eclipse, brought to Maine from New York, and said to be a son of American Eclipse. Owned by J. A. & W. T.Pike, Stark, N. H. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 59 BLACK RANGER. Black gelding 15 hands high; got by Harry Knox, son of Larkin's Knox, dam a Brandy wine mare. Sold by F. P. Butterfield & Son, E. Dixfield, Me., to J. W. Withee of Farmington. Record 2.33i at Farmington, Me., June 15th, 1883. BLACK HAWK MAID. Bay mare with black points, white stripe in face, and near hind foot white to fetlock, 15| hands high, foaled in June, 1878; got by Brown Harry, dam Black Hawk Kate. Owned by J. A. & W. T. Pike, Stark, N. H. BLACK STRANGER. Black horse foaled in 1866, bred by James Hussey, Getchell's Cor., Me.: got by Uncle Shube, son of Gen. Knox, dam by Homan's Messenger. Owned by Jas. F. Ferguson, Baker City, Oregon, BELLE OF WILD WOOD. Bay mare foalad in 1883, bred by A. N. Burrill, Hart- land, Me.; got by Gen, Withers, 1157, dam Alice, by Ledo, 2d dam by the Burnett Horse, son of Old Drew. Owned by J. C. Ellis, Worcester, Mass. BAYARD KNOX. Bjty horse foaled in 1874, bred by A. W. Hewes Saco, Me.; got by Palmer Knox, dam by John O'Gaunt. Rec- ord 2.40 as a four-year-old, at Portland, Me., Sept. 17th, 1878. BLACKFOOT. Bay horse with black points, 16 hands high, foaled June 8th, 1878 ; got by the Pierce Horse, he by the Baker Horse, a grandson of Old Drew. Dam a Morgan mare. Owned by Geo. S. Walker, Chai-leston, Me. 6o NOTED MAINE HORSES. BELLE KNOX. Brown mare foaled about 1870; got by Gilbreth Knox. Owned by H. D. Donovan, Auburn, Me. Record 2.34, at Gardiner, Me., Aug. 21st, 1877. BABY BOY. Black gelding foaled in 1879, bred by A. D. Bumps of Thorndike, Me. ; got by Joe Irving. Sold to Chas E. Ruggles of Massachusetts. BLACK KNOB. Black colt with one white hind foot, foaled in June, 1883; got by Blackfoot. Owned by E. S. Richards, Charleston, Me. BRIDGHAM HORSE. Bridgham horse or Young Indian Chief, for Mr. Bridg- ham, who formerly owned him, assures us that he was always known and advertised by that name, was a large showy horse weighing in good condition thirteen hundred pounds. He was a powerful horse with an open slashing gait and fine knee action, and could trot fast for the times. He was a flea-bitten gray in color which did not bleach out with age, the spots being large and diamond shaped. His ears were large and set wide apart on his head which gave him the appearance of being lop-eared. Mr. Geo. Bridgham then of Poland Corner bought him in 1849 — the horse then being called eight years old — of a gentleman named Wentworth Archibald, who brought him to that place and said that he bought him of a truck- man in Bangor named Hathaway. It seems that Mr. A. was a sickly man, and died shortly after disposing of the horse, and we have the impression that he lived at Poland Corner. Mr. Bridgham, whose letter lies before us, adds "he was always called a Messen- ger horse while I owned him, and I never heard it dis- puted.'' This latter statement, together with the endorse- NOTED MAINE HORSES. 6i ment given by the public in general, that the Bridgham horse was *^a Messenger," we are inclined to the absence of proof, to receive with considerable allowance. We regard the fact that he was called Young Indian Chief as significant. The gray stallion Indian Chief, brought to Maine from Canada, was a prominent stock horse in 1841 and '42, and it is possible that the Bridgham horse, or Young Indian Chief, was got by him and out of a Mes- senger dam. Bridgham sold the horse to America Farrar, of Buck- field ; finally repurchased him and kept him four years, after which he was owned by different parties; viz; Are- tus Farrar, of Buckfield; Essec Fuller, of Turner; Nat. Mabury and others. He was well known in this vicinity as the horse that bit Essec Fuller, and will pass into history as the sire of the dam of Hopeful. 62 NOTED MAINE HORSES. EITHER, EDWIN D. Edwin D. Either was born in Charleston, Me., August 7 th, 1851, and as his hand was the first to guide a trotter in public in 2.10 we have thought it appropriate in a work like this to give him a prominent position. In 1871, when 20 years of age, young Either went West and entered the employ of Mr. J. I. Case of Racine, Wis., where he has ever since remained. His preliminary lessons in training and driving were taken under the tuition of Foster S. Palmer, then of Eangor, Me., who brought out Gen. Knox. Since Either has been in the employ of Mr. Case he has driven to a record Dom Pedro, 2.27, Edwin E., 2.27, Phal- las, 2.131 and Jay-Eye-See, 2.10, the last two of which were entirely developed by him. We believe no other man living has brought out and driven to their records two such horses as the above. He is said by one who knows him well to be "a good conditioner, and handles his horses with rare good judgment. He has plenty of courage, without too much temper, and will live out a race and win, if his horse is equal to the emergency." Edwin D. 13ither. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 63 COBBOSSEE. Chestnut colt with star and near hind foot white, foaled July 22d, 1884, bred by B . F. Fairbanks, Winthrop, Me. ; got by Hugo, son of Gen. Withers, dam by Whalebone Knox, 2d dam said to be a Drew. Owned by A. F. Douglass, Lisbon, Me. CHARLEY L. Dark brown colt with star in forehead, spot on nose and off hind foot white, foaled May 10th, 1885; got by John Duroc, he by Dore's Duroc, dam by Champion Knox, son of Gen. Knox, 2d dam Lady Palmer, by Gideon. Owned by S. Y. Luce, Levant, Me. CHESTNUT JOE. Dark chestnut gelding foaled in 1882 ; got by Joe Irving, dam by Joe Irving. Owned by B. R. Hunt, Unity, Me. CLARA B. Black mare foaled in 1883 ; got by Startle, son of Joe Irving, dam by Gen. Lee. Owned by B. R. Hunt, Unity, Me. CHESTER MORRILL. Black gelding with star and two white hind feet, foaled May 21st, 1882; got by Gov. Morrill, dam's pedigree un- traced. Owned by G. W. Welsh, Auburn, Me. CUSTER JR. Bay colt with star in forehead and black points, foaled June 16th, 1882; got by Gen. Custer, dam Kitty, by Black Morgan. Bred and owned by C. F. Cobb, No. Leeds, Me. CHLOE J. Black mare foaled in July, 1883; got by Wanderer, son of Gen. Knox, dam Carrie J., by Winthrop Morrill. Owned by Chas. Hanson, Gorham, Me. 64 NOTED MAINE HORSES. CLAREMONT. Bay colt foaled Aug. 2oth, 1882; got by Almont Eagle (record 2.27), son of Almont, dam by Jack Shepard, son of Eysdyk's Hambletonian, 2d dam by American Star. Owned by Mills & Waterhouse, Boston, Mass. COUNTRY GIRL. Bay mare, no white, foaled June 1st, 1882 ; got by Olym- pus, son of Almont, dam's pedigree unknown. Owned by M. N. McKusick, Calais, Me. CURIOSITY. Bay filly with star and white hind feet, foaled June 3d, 1882 ; got by Olympus, dam Franconia, by Almont, 2d dam Sally Y^ork, by Alexander's Abdallah. Owned by M. N. McKusick, Calais, Me. CUNARD JR. Chestnut hoi-se with star and slight stripe in face and two white ankles behind, foaled May 20th, 1881; got by Cunard (record 2.30) , dam Pet Morris, pedigree unknown. Owned by A. K. Perkins, Skowhegan, Me. CLARA M. Bay tilly with star in forehead and one white ankle be- hind, foaled in May, 1884; got by Baymont Chief, dam Brandywine and Messenger. Owned by E. ^oulton. Unity. Me. COMET. Chestnut colt with star and white hind feet, foaled in May, 1883; got by Claymo, dam by Beacon, sou of Vol- unteer. Owned by Geo. J. Springer, Danforth, Me. CASHIER. Chestnut colt foaled May 8th, 1884; got by John F. Mills, by Winthrop Morrill, dam Tonie, by Joe Hooker. Owned by C. C. Trafton, St. Albans, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 65 CASSIE. Bay mare with white on left hind heel, foaled in April, 1883; got by Glenarm, dam Nellie, by Knox Boy, son of Gen. Knox. Bred and owned by Geo. B. Bearce, Lewis- ton, Me. CHLOE. Bay filly with small star, foaled in April, 1883; got by Glenarm, dam Fanny, by son of Keene's Brandy wine. Bred and owned by Geo. B. Bearce, Lewiston, Me. CYCLONE. Bay colt with black points and few white hairs in fore- head, foaled May 8th, 1883; got by Glenarm, dam Lady Patchen. by Tom Patchen. Bred and owned by J. D. Records, Buckfield, Me. CYRIL. Bay colt with black points, foaled May 12th, 1883 ; got by Glenarm, dam (ripsy Bonner, by Robert Bonner, son of Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 2d dam by Young Columbus. Bred and owned by Jas. F. Jewett, Auburn, Me. CADDIE B. Dark bay mare foaled Sept. 23d, 1883; got by Glenarm, dam a Western mare pedigree unknown. Owned by Chas. Cole, E. Raymond, Me. CHARGER. Bay colt foaled in February, 1883 ; got by Glenarm, dam Susie, by Plow Boy. Owned by E. F. Packard, Auburn, Me. CAMILLA. Bay mare with star and white ankles behind, foaled in June, 1883 ; got by Glenarm, dam Jessie, breeding un- known. Owned by A. F. Johnson, Wayne, Me. 66 NOTED MAINE HORSES. CARRIE F. Bay filly foaled June 2d, 1880 ; got by Winthrop Mor- rill, dam by Lion Messenger; Owned by J. F. Mills, Pittsfield, Me. CANTON BOY. Brown gelding foaled in 1880 ; got by Rocket, dam by Goding's Brandy. Bred by Gorham Parks, Canton Point, Me. CASSIE BONNER. Bay mare with white stripe in face, 16 hands high, bred by J. W. Shaw, Buckfield, Me., foaled April 16th, 1876; got by Robert Bonner Jr., dam by Keene's Brandy wine. CHARLES GILMAN. Black horse with star and spot on nose, and tan muzzle and flanks, foaled in 1878, bred by Chas. B. Gilman, Waterville, Me. ; got by Victor, (2.23) son of Gen. Knox. Dam (full sister to Bay, record 2.27i) by Gideon, 2d dam Fanny Knox, by Gen. Knox. Owned by Dr. F. A. Rob- erts Waterville, Me. CHIEFTAIN. Sorrel gelding with white stripe in face, 15^ hands high, foaled July 1st, 1878, bred by A- Lothrop, Jay, Me. ; got by Modoc, son of Minoken Boy, dam by son of Gilbreth linox. Owned by J. W. Dunham, Livermore Falls, Me. COUNTESS. Bay mare foaled in 1869 ; got by Flying Eaton, dam said to be by Witherell. Owned by F. W. Miner, Provi- dence, R. I. CHAPLAIN WIGHT. Bay colt one off foot white, foaled May 2nd, 1881; got by David Garrick, son of Ledo, dam brought from Pictou, N. S. Owned by A. Cushman, Jr., Sherman, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 67 COONEY. Brownish bay mare with some white on nose and two white stockings behind half way to hock, and consider- able white hair at root of tail, hence her name '^Cooney ;" 141 hands high and weighs about 850 lbs., foaled May 7th, 1858, bred and always owned by J. W. Libby, Gardiner, Me. ; got by a horse brought from Boston by a Mr. Stew- art and called a Morgan, although his breeding is un- known ; dam a Witherell mare. This mare is the dam of John S. Heald, 2.27J and Tiny B., 2.27^. CHILION. Bay horse foaled in 1876 ; got by Seneca Pet, son of Seneca Chief, dam Lucy Knox, by Gen. Knox, 2d dam by Canadian Black Hawk. Bred and owned by J. B. Watts, Thomaston, Me. CONDUCTOR. Bay horse foaled in 1871, bred by F. O. J. Bodge, Deering, Me.; got by Gen. Knox, dam by Trenton, son of Geo. M. Patchen, 2d dam by Homan's Messenger. Sold to Amos Gerald, Fairfield, Me., by him to G. J. Shaw of Hartlaud, and by him to W.E. Greene, Oakland, Cal. CHARLEY F. Dark bay colt with faint star and right hind ankle white, foaled July 27th, 1879, bred by John Folsom, Palmyra, Me.; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Lion Messenger. Sold to Geo. C. . M. Luce, Presque Isle, Me. ETTA PRESCOTT. Bay tilly with black points foaled June 4th, 1884; got by Prescoit, son of Harold, dam Etta M. by Ridley's Knox son of Gen. Knox. Bred and owned by J. C. Stinchfield. Wayne, Me. ELLEN B. Bay mare no white, foaled 1878; got by Weston's Knox, son of Gen. Knox, dam by Tozier's Knox, son of Gen. Knox. Owned by Dr. J. B. Twaddle, No. Anson, Me. EMMA F. Bay mare foaled July 1883; got by Whalebone Knox, Jr., dam by Henry Clay. Bred by R. M. Macomber, E. Monmouth, Me. ELLA D. Brown filly with white stripe in face, and one white ankle forward, foaled June 12th, 1885; got by A^enture Boone, son of Daniel Boone, dam Oifa by Silver Boy; 2d dam Midnight by Godfrey's Patchen. Bred and owned by C. H. Dwinal, Mechanic Falls, Me. ESTARTE. Brown filly foaled in 1884; got by Watchmaker, dam by Anderson Horse, son of Gen. Knox. Owned by A. R. Yates, Vassalboro. Me. 102 NOTED MAINE HORSES. ECHO. Bay filly foaled in March, 1885; got by Gleuarm, dam by Humphrey Horse. Owned by I. T. Waterman, Au- burn, Me. EDGAK D. Bay colt foaled in June, 1885 ; got by Glenarm, dam Lit- tle Daisy, record 2.41^. Owned by A. S. Doughty, East Deering, Me. EUTHALIA. Bay filly foaled in May, 1885; got by Glenarm, dam Olivette, 2.36, by Sultan Jr., grandam a Brandy wine mare. Owned by J. E. Miller, Lewiston, Me. EMPRESS K. Bay filly with black points, foaled June 2d, 1885 ; got by Glenarm, dam unknown. Owned by Burtt Kidder, Lewiston, Me. EVALOCKY. Bay filly with star and black points, foaled in May, 1885; got by Glenarm, dam by Flying Eaton. Owned by George Bowker, Lewiston, Me. EVENING STAR. Bay filly with star and one white ankle forward, foaled in May, 1885; got by Glenarm, dam said to be Hambieto- nian and Star. Owned by J. E. Elliott, Bowdoinham,Me. EGMONT. Bay colt with black points, white ankle behind, foaled in 1885; got by Glenarm, dam by Hampton. Owned by W. G. Farwell, Lewiston, Me. EMILY. Bay filly with black points, toaled in June, 1885; got by Glenarm, dam a ^(^^ of Gen. Knox. Owned by J. B. Hammond, New Gloucester, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 103 ESTHER. Bay filly with black points, foaled in June, 1885; got by Glenarm, dam Black Hawk descent. Owned by J. B. Hammond, New Gloucester, Me. ELECTOR. Chestnut colt with star and snip, foaled June 7th, 1883; got by Edmand's Knox, dam said to be by Young Brandy- wine, 2d dam Morgan. Owned by Josiah Fernald, Cana- an, Me. EMERY FEARNAUGHT. Bay horse with black mane and tail, foaled in 1868 ; bred by Samuel B. Emery, Sanford, Me., got by Fear- naught, Jr., dam a Morgan mare. Record 2.33:| at Lew- iston. Me., Sept. 18th, 1883. Sire of F. D., record 2.24^. EVERLET. Bay filly, near hind foot white, foaled in Sept., 1885; got by Glenarm, dam Katie Boone, by Daniel Boone. Owned by C. P. Drake, Lewiston, Me. ERICA. Bay filly with black points, foaled in June, 1885 ; got by Glenarm, dam an English bred mare. Owned by J. B. Hammond, New Gloucester, Me. EUCLID. Bay colt, no white, foaled in June, 1885; got by Glen- arm, dam of Hambletonian descent. Owned by W. H. Tilton, Monmouth, Me. FRED LOTHAIR, JR. Bay colt with a few white hairs all over his body, foaled June 1st, 1882 ; got by Fred Lothair, dam known as the Stevens mare. Owned by Eugene Taylor, Dover, Me. I04 NOTED MAINE HORSES. ELMWOOD. Dark brown colt foaled Aug. IStli, 1884: the property of G.J. Shaw, Hartland, Me., got by Wedgewood, 2.19, darn Lady K. by Godfrey's Patchen. Sold to A. A. Goodrich and Wallace Ireland, Canaan, Me. FLORA E. Bay filly with white stripe in face and white stockings behind, foaled June 10th, 1885; got by Kentucky Knox, by Gen. Lightfoot, dam Emma E., by Tom Patchen. Owned by Augustus Lowe, Gray, Me. FANNY RIDLEY. Light gray mare; got by Donnybrook, dam by French Tiger. Owned by John Rost?, Skowhegan, Me. FRIDAY. Light chestnut filly with both ankles white on the right side, foaled June 20th, 1884; got by "Whalebone Knox, dam by Chenery's Scythian (thoroughbred), 2d dam by Sandy River Trotter. Bred and owned by John Davis, Readfield, Me. FLORENCE REDWOOD. Bay filly with white stripe in face and white legs, foaled May 19th, 1883; got by Redwood, son of Belmont, dam Electric Patchen, by Tom Patchen, by G. M. Patchen, 2d dam Spitfire, by Bradbury Horse. Owned by John Rob- erts, Saccarappa, Me. FRANK D. Bay colt with black points, star and spot on nose, foaled June 25th, 1883; got by Franklin, he by Cassius M. Clay 3rd; dam a Wuherell mare. Owned by C. C. Durgin,La Grange, Me. FRANK M. Dark bay colt with black points, foaled in Juiit', 1883; got by Franklin, dam um Abdallah (?) mare. Owned by M. L. Durgin, Jr., Milo, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 105 F. H. Chestnut colt with star and snip, foaled July Ist, 1883; got by Mambrino Eclipse, by Fiske's Mambrino Chief, dam Black Jen, by Dan Rysdyk. Owned by Chas Wad- leigh, Meredith, N. H. FRANCES. Bay mare with blaze in face and two white feet, bred by James T. Small, Lewiston, Me. ; got by Flying Eaton. Owned by Geo. W. Bowker, Lewiston, Me. FAIRLONC^ GIRL. Chestnut filly with white stripe in face, foaled June 16, 1884:; got by Harbinger, dam Flora B., by Brown Harry. Owned by James M. Boyd, Carmel, Me. FANNY FERN. Chestnut mare foaled June 22d, 1872; got by Brown Harry, dam by French Tiger. Owned by Ira F. Palmer, Dover, Me. Dam of Gloster, 4-year-old record of 2.391 . FALAHDEEN. Bay mare foaled June 20th, 1883, bred by C. H. Nelson, Waterville, Me. ; got by Young Rolfe, dam Lady Tomp- kins, by Harris' Hambletonian. Owned by Orlando Tompkins, Boston, Mass. FLORA B. Bay mare with black points, foaled in 1872 ; got by Brown Harry, dam by Young Black Snake, 2d dam by Morgan Messenger. ( ►wned by James M. Boyce, (Jarmel Village, Me. FOXIE. Iron gray filly with black points, foaled May 12th, 1883; got by Whalebone Knox, dam by Winthrop Morrill, 2d dam by Hanscom Horse. Owned by N. Davis, Winthrop, Me. io6 NOTED MAINE HORSES. FAJS^NY RAMPART. Light bay filly, black points, foaled May 28th 1885; got by Rampart, 2930, dam Norman, by Norman King (pac- er). Owned by C. L. Illsley, Somerset, N. S. FLORENCE. Bay mare foaled in 1877 ; got by Constellation, dam by Gen. Knox. Owned by L. Titcomb, Augusta, Me. FOREST KING. Dark brown gelding, 16 hands high, foaled in 1865 ; bred in China, Me., got by Col. Ellsworth, son of Gen. Knox, dam a Canadian mare. Sold to Maj. John T. Richards, Gardiner, Me. Record 2.38i at Portland, Aug. 30th, 1876. FANNY D. Sorrel mare with star in face, foaled in June, 1873 ; got by Pequawket, son of Gideon, dam Black Maria, by Whalebone Knox. Owned by Wm. L- Davis, E. Hiram, Me. FRED ROBIE. Bay colt with star, foaled in June, 1882 ; got by Walter S., by Franklin, by Cassius M. Clay 3d; dam by Hiram Woodruff, by Jules Jurgenson, 2d dam by Dirigo. Owned by H. P. Whitney, Lincoln, Me. FRED LOTHAIR. Dark bay roan horse with black points, foaled May 25th, 1877; got by Lothair, by (rilbreth Knox, dam Mary Ann by Brandywine; 2d dam by a Drew Horse Owned by Eugene Taylor, Dover, Me FELTON. Bay horse foaled Aug. 1st, 1879, bred by D. Turner, No. Buckfield, Me.; got by Hector, son of Howes' Bi;?- marck, son of Gen. Knox. Dam, full sister to Patch, 2.29^, by Detective Patchen. Owned by Geo. W. Turner, Stoneham, Mass. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 107 FANNY KNOX. Dark bay mare foaled in 1862; got by Gen. Knox, dam by a sou of Blue Dick. Owned by M. C. Percival, Au- burn, Me. Dam of Bay, record 2.27^. FAVORITE. Bay horse foaled in 1877; got by Constellation, dam's pedigree unknown. Owned by S. Marson, Pittston, Me. FALMOUTH. Black horse foaled in 1877 ; got by Constellation, dam unknown. Owned by John A. Mitchell, Augusta, Me. FAIRLAWN. Dark bay horse foaled in 1877; got by Constellation, dam by Col. Kling, son of Gen. Knox. Owned by Thos. Nesraith, Lowell, Mass. FEARLESS KNOX. Bay horse with narrow white stripe in face, foaled June 11th, 1878; got by Eclair, dam Lady Lightfoot, by Shaks- peare. Bred by John G. Crawford, No. Paris, Me. FLANKER. Light bay horse foaled in 1877 ; got by Constellation, dam by Bonney's Eaton; bred by W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me. Sold to James A. Frazer, Goldenville, N. S. FERGUS. Bay horse foaled in 1877; got by Constellation, dam a Canadian mare. Owned by W. F. Peva, Augusta, Me. FAIRY. Bay mare foaled in 1877 ; got by Constellation, dam by Seeboomook, son of Ledo. Owned by L. Moody, Brooklyn, N. Y. FAMOUS. Bay horse foaled in 1877 ; got by Constellation, dam by Hector. Owned by W. G. Boothby Augusta, Me. io8 NOTED MAINE HORSES. FEED AND BELLE. Bay colt and filly (twins), foaled May 8th, 1880, bred by R. P. Chase, Canaan, Me. ; got by Dr. Livingston, dam of Morgan descent. Sold to Josiah S. Kenerson, Barnet, Vt. FRED BOONE. Brown horse with star, both hind legs white half way to hocks, got by Daniel Boone, dam May by Uncle Shube. Owned by L. B. Paine, Fairfield Centre, Me. FANNY AN FIELD. Bay mare with star and three white feet, foaled June 7, 1871; got by the imported thoroughbred horse Anfield, dam Kate a Morgan mare. Bred by E. K. Whitney, Harrison, Me. FLORA T. Bay filly, star, no other white, foaled June 8th, 1883; bred by J. W. Chandler, E. Corinth, Me., got by Gideon, dam byDirigo; 2d dam by Old Drew. Sold to G.J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. FANNY WITHERS. Chestnut filly, foaled June 1883; got by Gen. Withers, dam by Flying Morrill ; 2d dam Black Hawk. Owned by H. G. Parshley, Dexter, Me. FRANK B. Black horse with star and three white stockings, foaled Oct. 6th, 1880; got by Tom B. Patchen (2.27^) dam (the dam of Benny, pacer, record 2.18^) ; 2d dam Mayflower. Bred and owned by F. O. J. Bodge, Deering, Me. FAIRY. Chestnut mare with star, foaled Apr. 13th, 1882; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by (Champion Morrill (Beals) 2d dam (the dam of J. G. Morrill 2.29) by Old Eaton. Owned by S. E. Packard, E. Winthrop, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 109 FANCHON. Gray mare foaled iu 1877; got by Gideon, dam Susan by Winthrop Morrill ; 2d dam a mare brought from New Hampsliire and said to be a Morgan. Bred by B. F. Fair- banks, Winthrop, Me. Sold to Gen. W. S. Tilton then of Togus, by him to J. W. Thompson, Canton, by him to M. C. Percival, Auburn, and now owned by B. F. & F. H. Briggs, Auburn, Me. FLASH. Bay mare foaled in 1875; got by Coupon, son of Gen. Knox, dam Patchen Maid by Geo. M. Patchen; 2d dam by Old Abdallah. Bred by C. F. Wadsworth, Hiram, Me. FLIGHT. . Gray mare foaled in 1875; got by Don Fulano son of Gen. Knox, dam by Penobscot Boy son of the Drew Horse. Bred by C. W. Pitts, Shapleigh, Me. FRONTINA. Black mare foaled in 1873 ; got by Emperor William son of Gen. Knox, dam by Jules Jurgersen son of Gen. Knox. Bred by J. M. Littlefield then of Abbott, Me. Sold to James Edgecomb, Cornish, Me. FANNY HERSEY. Chestnut mare with stripe in face, foaled in June 1865; got by Horner's Brandywine by Cobb's Brandywine, dam of Horner's Brandywine by Whalebone or the Clark Horse. Dam of Fanny Hersey by French Fox; 2d dam by the Hunton Horse by Bush Messenger. Dam of Lone Star, 2.o6i. Owned by S. P. Hersey, No. Auburn, Me. FAIRMOUNT. Bay horse foaled in 1877; bred by Gen. W. 8. Tilton, Togus, Me., by Constellation, dam Atlanta by Scythian; 2d dam Belle Winthrop by Smith's Bashaw, Jr. Sold to D. A. Coney, Augusta, Me. no NOTED MAINE HORSES. FLYING YANKEE. Bay colt with star, snip on nose and small white spot on off hind foot, foaled June 30th, 1882; got by Gen. With- ers, dam by Danville Boy, by Young Morrill, 2d dam by Rysdyk's Hambletoniau. Bred and owned by Chas.Shaw, Dexter, Me. FLEETWING. Dark bay colt with black points, foaled June 10th, 1883; got by Pickpocket, son of Pequawket. Owned by H. P. Elliott, No, Waterford, Me. FLORA. Dark brown filly foaled in Sept. 1884; got by Orphan Boy, son of Godfrey's Patchen, dam an English mare. Owned by F. F. Barden, Newburg, Me. FRANK O. Bay gelding with white spot on nose, foaled June 29th, 1881; got by Franklin, he by Cassius M. Clay 3d, dam Pert by Dirigo; 2d dam by Old Drew. Bred and owned by W. W. Odlin, Cambridge, Me. FREDERICK ROBIE. Dark bay colt foaled June 12th, 1884; got by Judge Kelley son of Winthrop Morrill, dam a Drew mare. Owned by A. G. Farrar, Ripley, Me. FRANK WILKES. Dark bay colt with star, foaled May 8th, 1886 ; got by Messenger Wilkes son of Red Wilkes, dam Beulah, by Glenarm son of Constellation. Owned by Daniel W. Jones, Auburn, Me. FANNY KNOX. Gray mare; got by Gilbert Knox. Owned by A. B. Page, Houlton, Me. Record 2.33^ at Bangor, Me., Sept. 4th, 1885. NOTED MAINE HORSES. iii FRED C. Golden chestnut colt with blaze in face and white hind feet, foaled July 3d, 1885; got by Whalebone Knox Jr., dam by Winthrop Morrill, 2d dam by the Knights Horse. Owned by F. C. Robie, Winthrop, Me. FAXNY W. Dark bay mare with white on one hind heel, foaled in 1878; got by Palmer Knox, dam of Hambletonian descent. Owned by E. A. Weymouth, Bauneg Beg, Me FANNY. Gray mare foaled in 1876; got by Gray Dan, dam by Brown Harry, 2d dam by Winthrop Morrill. Owned by F. F. Barden, Newburg, Me. FLIRT. Black filly with small star and left hind ankle white, foaled in May, 1884; got by Edmand's Knox, dam Fanny Ridley, by Donnybrook, 2d dam by French Tiger. Owned by John Ross, Skowhegan, Me. FREMONT ROLFE. Chestnut colt foaled Apr. 22d, 1886 ; got by Indepen- dent Rolfe, son of Tom Rolfe, Jr., dam Daisy Douglass by Dirigo Chief; 2d dam Kitty Douglass by Fred Doug- lass. Owned by Eugene Danforth, Madison, Me. FLORENCE. Bay filly, foaled March 19th 1885; got by Gen. Withers, dam Gladiola by Cassius M. Clay, Jr. ; 2d dam by Curtis' Hamblntonian. Bred and owned by J. A. &. E. A. Cilley, Fairfield, Me. FRANK A. Sorrel colt with white stripe in face and white ankles behiud, foaled May 15th, 1884; bred by Frank Allen, Canton, Me., got by Harry Knox, dam Rosamond (record 2.301) by Old Columbus. 112 NOTED MAINE HORSES. FOLLIE. Gray mare foaled in 1882; got by Gideon, dam by Hambletonian Chief; 2d dam by Hiram Drew. Bred by Geo. D. Otis on his stock farm at Belfast, Me. Owned by C. H. Nelson, Waterville, Me. FLIRT. Brown mare got by Winthrop Morrill. Owned by W. D. Ramsdell, Knightville, Me. Record 2.351 . FINANCIER. Bay horse foaled in 1877 ; got by Constellation, dam by Imported Scythian. Owned by G. M. Robinson, Augus- ta, Me. FANNY EATON. Chestnut mare, foaled in 1861; got by Bonney's Eaton son of the Eaton Horse, dam by the Rent Horse son of the Eaton Horse; 2d dam by the Avery Horse, sire of the Eaton Horse. Bred by Russell Prescott, Winthrop Me. Owned by Alvah Gil man, Monmouth, Me. FANNY. Chestnut mare foaled in 1860; bred by J. W. Little- field, Lisbon Falls, Me., got bj- a son of the Drew horse, dam by Bush Messenger 2d. Owned by J. Beattee, Jr., Fall River, Mass. FRED. Black colt, foaled May 25th, 1881 ; got by Don Juan, he by Champion Knox, dam an Eaton maie. Owned by J. Bartlett, E. Stoneham, Me. FRED B. Dark bay colt, foaled Sept. 22nd, 1879; got by Win- throp Morrill, dam by the Laughton Horse; 2d dam by a son of Bush Messenger. Owned by F. A. Brown, St Albans, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 113 FANNIE EDGECOMB. Bay filly with black points, foaled May 2d, 188J: ; got by Eed wood, dam Avilocky, by Messenger Knox; 2d dam thoroughbred mare Inverlocky. Owned by Geo. H. Raymond, Saccarappa, Me. GOV. MORRILL. Black horse with star, 16 hands high, foaled in 1875; bred by A. I. Allen, E. Hebron, Me., got by Knox Mor- rill, he by AVinthrop Morrill out of a mare by Gen. Knox; dam by imported Anfield (thoroughbred). Owned by L. W. Dyer, of E. Deering and Dr. Dolley, of Falmouth, Me. Record 2.32i at Presumpscot Park, Portland, in Oct., 1885. GIPSEY H. Bay mare with black points and small star, foaled Apr. 26th, J 875; got by Dirigo, dam by Midnight son of Black Sultan. Owned by David Qnimby, Corinna, Me. GEN. HOOKER. Bay gelding, foaled Sept. 8th, 1882; got by Gen. Withers, dam Betty Hooker by Joe Hooker. Bred and owned by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. GID WITHERS. Bay colt wUh star and snip and near hind ankle white half way to hock, foaled Apr. 4th, 1885; got by Gideon, dam Withers Star by Gen. Withers. Bred by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me., and sold to Capt. Robert Crockett, Rock- land, Me. GEN. CUSTER. Black horse, 16 hands high, foaled in 1873; got by Black Monitor (Hinds' Horse) son of Gen. Knox. Dam by the Bennett Horse; 2d dam by the Stone Horse. Owned by Wm. M. Allen, Wilton, Me., and sold to Pom- pilly and Ryerson, Auburn, Me., and by them to Frank Hollins, of New York City. 114 NOTED MAINE HORSES. GEOKGIE B. Chestnut mare 15 hands high, foaled in 1867, bred by Alfred Brown, Bowdoin, Me.; got by Gen. Burnside, he by Gen. McClellan, dam's pedigree unknown. Sold to Savage & Nye, Waterville, Me. Record 2.31 at Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 28th, 1875. Recorded in Vol. 1. GEO. BANCROFT. Roan gelding foaled in 1869, bred by David Records, Buckfield, Me. ; got by Champion Black Hawk, dam by Lewiston Boy. Sold in 1875 to E. C. Mosher, Lawrence, Mass. Record 2.38. GEORGE BROOKS. Brown horse foaled in 1871, bred by Ai Brooks, Lewis- ton, Me.; got by Gen. Knox, dam by Lewiston Boy. Sold to J. P. Norton, and afterwards owned by Chas. E. Carman, of Marlboro, N. J. Record 2.335 at Morristown, N. J., Aug. 31st, 1881. Recorded in Vol. 1 as Lewiston Knox. GIPSY GIRL. Dark chestnut filly with small star, foaled June 8th, 1885 ; got by Spirit of '76, dam by John Bunyan. Owned by E. E. & F. M. Stevens, Rumford, Me. GARDA. Bay filly with black points and star, foaled June 7th, 1886 ; got by Maine Duroc, dam Delia Bonner, by Spirit of '76. Owned by S. R. Hutchins, Rumford, Me. GENTLE ANNIE. Black mare with star in forehead, foaled in 186 — ; got by Dirigo. Owned by H. C. Burleigh, Fairfield, Me., who sold her to parties who took her to California in 1876. Record 2.35 at Waterville, Me., July 30th, 1874. Record- ed in Vol. 1. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 115 GARABALDI. Browu horse foaled iu 186 — , bred by Nathaniel Bur- rill, Newport, Me. ; got by Old Drew, dam by French Tiger. GALLANT. Black Jiorse foaled in 1878, bred by John S. Heald, Portland, Me.; got by Constellation, dam Nonpareil, by Morrill Champion. Sold to Gen. W. S. Tilton, then of Togus, Me. Record of 2.50 at Lewiston, Me., Sept. 7th, 1881, as a three-year-old. Castrated and afterwards died. GRAY DAN, 2127. Gray horse foaled in 1871, bred by Geo. Goodrich, So. Newburg, Me.; got by Gideon, dam by Dirigo. Sold to Robinson, Bros. jNewburg ,Me.,by them to Morrill & Gibbs, Bangor, Me., and by them to Massachusetts parties. Rec- ord 2.311. Sire of Gov. Plaisted, 2.29i and Surprise, 2.28i. GRAND DUKE. Bay horse foaled in 1878, bred by R. W. Gardner,Cross Hill, Me.; got by Constellation, dam by Hector. GEO. F. Light bay colt with four white stockings and white stripe in face, foaled in June, 1884 ; got by Edmaud's Knox, dam by Somerset Knox. Owned by Ansel A. Goodridge, Canaan, Me. GLORY. Bay horse foaled in 1878, bred by Samuel Miller, No. Searsmont, Me.; got by Constellation, dam by Dirigo. GILSPIE B. Black colt, foaled in 1884; got by Norway Knox, dam a full sister to Mattie B. (2.271) by Phil Sheridan, Jr. Owned by A. F. Jackson, Norway, Me. li6 NOTED MAINE HORSES. GEORGE R. Bay gelding foaled May 14th, 1880; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Drews Knox, son of Gen. Lightfoot. Bred by John F. Mills, Pittsfield, Me. GOLDIE B. Bay mare with star, foaled May 18th, 1879; bred by Chas. Mason, St. Albans, Me.; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Stonewall Jackson, 2d dam by Old Drew. Sold to Geo. C. Goodale, now of Winthrop, Me. GERTIE BONNER. Chestnut mare with four white stockings, foaled in 1876 ; got by Robert Bonner Jr., dam by Cobb's Brandy wine, 2d dam Morgan and Messenger. Owned by A. E. Rob- inson, E, Hebron, Me. GEORGE H. Bay colt with black points, foaled April 26th, 1881 ; got by Gen. Lightfoot, son of Gen. Knox, dam Averlocky, by Messenger Knox, 2d dam the imported thoroughbred mare Inverlocky. Owned by Wm. Barbour, Saccarappa, Me. GOV. COBURN. Light bay gelding with star in forehead, foaled May 25th, 1876 ; got by Goldhunter, dam by Tuckahoe. Owned by El well Parks, Boston, Mass. GARRICKSON. Black horse with one white hind foot, foaled May 13th, 1879 ; got by David Garrick son of Ledo, dam a Nova Scotia mare, pedigree unknown. Owned by A. Cush- man, Jr., Sherman, Me. GEN. BOONE. Dark bay horse with white stripe in face, foaled in 1880 ; got by Daniel Boone, dam Drew and Witherell. Owned by Pray & Shores, Waterville, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 117 GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bay horse with star aad both near feet white, foaled May 26th, 1877 ; got by imported English Ranger, dam by Gen. Knox; 2d dam Lady Miller. Bred by G. B. Pillsbury, Unity, Me. GLENWOOD. Black horse with star, spot of white on upper lip and offhind ankle white; got by Gov. Morrill, dam a Canadi- an mare. Owned by Whitman Leslie, West Gray, Me. GLEN AIR. Black gelding with star in forehead and little white on left hind foot, foaled in 1877 ; got by Independence, son of Old Drew, dam Lady B., by Whalebone Morgan 2d. Owned by Martin Whitten, Freedom, Me. (rEORGE LOGAN. Bay horse with snip on nose and white hind feet, foaled June 7th, 1882; got by Gen. Withers, dam Olive Logan, (record 2.40) by Jules Jurgenseu, son of Gen. Knox. Bred and owned by Dr. H. F. Copeland, Whitman, Mass. GEN. SHIELDS. Black horse foaled May 23d, 1881 ; got by Yon Moltke Jr., son of Von Moltke. Owned by J. A. Halacy, Lewis- ton, Me. GEORGE C. Sorrel horse with light mane and tail, foaled in 1880; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam unknown. Owned by L H. Crowell, Corinna, Me. GEN. WITHERS Jr. Red chestnut horse without white, foaled May 6th, 1882 ; bred by Chas. B. Dore, Levant, Me.; got by Gen. With- ers, dam Duchess Fearnaught, 2d dam Nellie Grant. Owned by J. P. Bass, Bangor, Me. ii8 NOTED MAINE HORSES. GILBERT KNOX. Brown horse, foaled July 2oth, 1867; bred by Gilbert Lougfellow, Machias, Me., got by Gen. Knox, dam by Paddy ; 2d dam the Townsend mare. Sold at one year old to Clark Perry of same town, and in 1876 to Wm. D. Mansfield, Hillsborough, Albert Co., N. B. GEN. LEE. Recorded in Vol. 1 as R. E. Lee. Brown horse with star, 16^ hands high, foaled in June, 1866; bred by N. M. Prescott, Clinton, Me., got by Black Sultan, dam by Hiram Drew. Sold to J. S. Roberts, Oregon. 111. Record 2.341. At Winterset, Iowa, July 3d, 1883, Gen. Lee won a race in straight heats in 2.40.|, 2.41, 2.30, but for some informality the record of 2.30 was not allowed. GILBERT. Bay horse foaled in 1878; got by Constellation, dam by Gen. Knox. Bred by W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me., Sold to C. R. Bill, Billtown, N. S. GODDESS. Chestnut filly with white stripe in face, one white ankle forward and two white ankles behind, foaled March, 14th, 1885 ; got by Achilles, dam Sister by Fear- naught, Jr. ; 2d dam Sontag by Volunteer; 3d dam Old Sontag. Bred by E. L. Norcross, Fearnaught Farm, Manchester, Me. GEN. LKiHTFOOT, 1763. Dark bay horse foaled July, 1865; bred by Watson Blaisdell, Burnham, Me; got by Gen. Knox, dam's pedi- gree untraced. Sold to V. C. Hall, of Windham, in 1873, afterwards to E. N. Perry, Cape Elizabeth, and finally to Wm. J. Dyer, Cape Elizabeth, whose property he died. Record 2.31 at Presumpscot Park, June 14th, 1876. Sire of Shadow 2.28. NOTED MAINE HORSES. iig GOV. CONY. Bay colt with small star and snip, right forward foot and left hind foot white, foaled May 20th, 1882; got by Judge Advocate, dam by the Merrow horse. Owned by Albert Dorr, Corinua, Me. GENET GIRL. Chestnut mare foaled in June, 1877; got by Harry W. (Jenet, Jr., full brother to Frances, 2.27, by Harry \V« Genet, 2.26, by Godfrey's Patchen, sire of Hopeful, 2. lit. Owned by C. V. Neal, Meredith, N. H. GEN. LOGAN. Bay colt foaled June 15th, 1884; got by Whalebone Knox, dam, the dam of Ed Getchell by the Downing Horse; 2d dam by the Avery Horse. Owned by Ells- worth Hay ward, Winthrop, Me. GILMAN COOPER. Brown colt with star, foaled May 2od, 1885; got by Chas. Gilman, dam Ella Cooper by Blood Chief. Owned by H. A. Reed, Lewiston, Me. GIDEON CHIEF. Bay colt with snip on nose and one white hind ankle, foaled July 16th, 1884; got by Gideon, dam by Carrabas- sett. Owned by Dr. J. B. Twaddle, No. Anson, Me. GOV. BOONE. Black colt foaled May 18th, 1882; bred by Milton Smith, Skowhegan, Me., got by Daniel Boone, dam by Hendrick Hudson by Roe's Abdallah Chief; 2d dam by Avery Horse. Owned by H. A. Archer, Skowhegan, Me. ' GEORGE R. Dark bay horse foaled in May, 1880; got by Dirigo, dams pedigree unknown. Owned by C. W. Wentworth, So. Exeter, Me. I20 NOTED MAINE HORSES. GEORGE L. Dark brown gelding, foaled in June, 1876; got by Whalebone Knox. Bred by Geo. L. Macomber, E. Mon- mouth, Me. GEN. CHESTER A. ARTHUR. Chestnut horse, foaled May 1,1881; got by Olympus, dam by Young Cobbler. Owned by W. J. Fleming, Calais, Me. GRETCHEN. Bay mare 15| hands high, foaled in 1867; bred by A K. Jones, Vassalboro, Me., got by Gideon, dam Kate, formerly owned by Geo. Lawrence, Damariscotta, Me. Owned by C. H. Nelson, Sunnyside Stock Farm. Water- ville. Me. Gretchen is the dam of Susie Owen, record 2.26, and Nelson 2.26|. GIPSEY M. Brown mare foaled in 1879; bred by J. C. Marble, Paris, Me., got by Eclair, son of Gen. Knox, dam Fanny Patchen by Tom Patchen. Sold in 1884 to Mr. Field, of Brockton, Mass. GAZELLE. Black mare foaled in 1879, bred by a Mr. \Yard of Thorndike, Me. ; got by Joe Irving, dam by Gen. Lee. Owned by B. R. Hunt, Unity, Me. GEN. HANCOCK. Dark bay colt foaled Apr. 27th, 1883; got by Daniel Boone, dam Drew and Witherell. BredbyGeo.E.Siiores, Waterville, Me. GLADSTONE. Dark chestnut roan gelding with star and left hind leg white, foaled May 13th, 1877; got by Union Boy, by Sor- rel Tom, by Gen. McClellan, dam Fanny B., by Don Ju- an. ()wned by S. R. Lancaster, No. Newport, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 121 (JERALD. Bay horse foaled in 1878; got by Constellation, dam un- known. Owned by Dr. A. Kenible, Salem, Mass. GERMANIA. Bay horse foaled in 1878 ; got by Constellation, dam un- known. Owned by C. W. Jones, Vassalboro, Me. GEN. TILTON. Black horse foaled in 1878; got by Constellation, dam by Gen. Knox. Owned by O. D. Gardner, Cross Hill, Me. GLEAM. Bay mare foaled in 1878; got by Constellation, dam by Hendrick Hudson. Owned by Jas. M. Floyd, Portland, Me. GAMAREA. Gray horse foaled in 1878; got by Constellation, dam by Flying Mac. Owned by Chas. H. White, Augusta, Me. GLENDALE. Bay horse foaled in 1878; got by Constellation, dam by Otis' Morrill. Owned by D. H. Jones, So. Vassalboro, Me. GIDEON McCLELLAN. Bay colt foaled in June, 1883 ; got by Gideon, dam by Gen. McClellan, 2d dam by Dirigo, 3d dam Messenger. Owned by Benj. Bussey, Dixmont, Me. GRETCHEN. Brown mare foaled in 1878; got by Constellation, dam by Col. Kling, son of Gen. Knox. Owned by Gideon Barton, Windsor, Me. GITANA. Bay mare foaled in 1878 ; got by Constellation, dam by Minoken Boy. Owned by Thomas Mitchell, Augusta, Me. 122 NOTED MAINE HORSES. GERTIE J. Brown mare with narrow stripe in face and near hind ankle white, foaled June 26th, 1880; got by Daniel IJoone^ dam by Monogram, son of Mambrino Pilot, 2d dam by the Millett Horse, son of Old Eaton. Bred and owned by J. F. Jennings, West Leeds, Me. GRAY NELL. Gray mare foaled July 15th, 1880; got by Gray Dan, dam by Young Warrior, by Warrior, by Bush Messenger 2d. Owned by Edmund Clement, Levant, Me. GEN. GORDON. Dark bay colt with white stripe in face and one white hind foot, foaled June 14th, 1884; got by Daniel Boone, dam Lady Bassntt Bred and owned by E. T. Goodrich, No. Cornville, Me. GEN. LOGAN. Bay colt with white hind feet, foaled in July, 1884; got by Marvin, he by Smuggler, dam by Hersom Horse, he by Allen Messenger. Owned by C. B. Whittier, Mercer, Me. GROYER CLEVELAND. Bay colt, no white, foaled Apr. 2oth, 1884; got by Red- wood, dam Lady Morrill, by Sherwood, son of Tom Patchen, 2d dam by Winthrop Morrill, 3d dam by Gen. Knox. Bred and owned by Edwin Emery, West Poland, Me. GIL BLAS. Bay horse foaled in 1878; got by Constellation, dam by Gen. Knox. Owned by Jasper Kelley, Chelsea, Mass. GILROY. Bay horse foaled in 1878; got by Constellation, dam by Col. Kling. Bred by Gen. W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 123 GYPSY. Bay mare with two white ankles behind, foaled in June 1876; got by a Messenger horse, dam by Gen. Knox. Owned by B. A. Gowen, Freedom, Me. GUESS. Bay colt foaled April 18th, 18S6; got by Nelson (2.261), son of Young Rolfe, dam by Cassius M. Clay Jr., 2d dam by Curtis' Hambletonian. Bred and owned by J. A. & E. A.Cilley, Fairfield, Me. GOLDEN BELL. Bay filly with star and off hind foot white, foaled April 22d, 1886: got by Harbinger, dam by Trafton Knox, son of Gen. Knox, 2d dam a Drew. Owned by E. J. Mitchell, Skowhegan, Me. GROVER. Dark bay horse with left hind foot and right fore foot white and small stripe in face ; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam a Hambletonian mare. Owned by Stephen Lander, New Portland, Me. GODFREY. Black horse foaled in 1878, bred by W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me.; got by Constellation, dam by Henry Mambrino. Sold to E. M. Shaw, Victoria Cor., N. B., and name changed to Concentration. GERTRUDE. Black mare foaled in 1878, bred by Gen. C. P. Mattocks, Portland, Me.; got by Constellation, dam by Edward Ev- erett Jr. GIPSY GIRL. Bay filly foaled June 13th, 1886; got by Fearnaught Jr., dam Gipsy Maid, by a son of Old Drew. Owned by Lewis I. Bickford, Dixmont Centre, Me. 124 NOTED MAINE HORSES. GEORGIA. Bay mare foaled in 1878; got by Constellation, dam by Young Paragon. Bied by Gen. C. P. Mattocks, Port- land, Me. GIPSY. Bay mare foaled in 1878; got by Constellation, dam un- known. Owned by A. B. Hawes, So. Yassalboro, Me. GARAFILTA. Chestnut mare foaled in 1878 ; got by Constellation, dam by Sandy River Trotter. Bred by W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me. GRACE. Bay mare foaled in 1878; got by Constellation, dam by Gen. Knox. C)wned by W. R. Lewis, Pittston, Me. GOVERNOR. Bay horse foaled in 1878, bred by E. Barrows, Augusta, Me. ; got by Constellation, dam by Uncle Shube, son of Gen. Knox. GLADIATOR. Bay horse foaled in 1878; got by Constellation, dam by imported Anfield. Owned by C. F. Maun, Worcester, Mass. GENEVA QUEEN. Bay mare foaled in 1878 ; bred and owned by H. B. Wardwell, Auburn, Me. ; got by Constellation, dam by (irodfrey's Patchen, 2d dam by Ethan Allen. GODFREY WITHERS, 3820. Light bay colt with star and snip on nose, foaled July 29th, 1883; got by Gen. Withers, dam by Godfrey's Patchen. Bred and owned by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me., and G. A. Brackett, Quincy, Mass. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 125 GEM. Gray mare foaled in 1878; got by Constellation, dam by Gen. Knox. Owned by C. H. Kenison, Augusta, Me. GENEVA. Bay mare with small star, got by Locomotive, dam Kate E. by American Boy. Owned by H. W. Edmands, Canaan, Me. GALAXY. Black mare foaled in 1878, bred by J. H. Manley, Au- gusta, Me., got by Constellation, dam by thoroughbred Lancaster, son of Lexington. (t^ENEVRA. Bay mare foaled in 1876; bred by .J. F. Jewett, Buck- field, Me,, got by Volunteer Boy, dam Hannah Thurston by Flying Morgan. Sold to Pompilly & Ryerson, and by them to New York parties. GLEAM. Bay mare foaled in 1875; got by Coupon son of Gen. Knox, dam Lady Peirson by Neave's Cassius M. Clay, Jr. ; 2d dam by Diamond son of American Eclipse. Bred by Jas. Edgecomb, Cornish, Me. (Larkins) GEN. KNOX JR., 3516. Mahogany bay horse, foaled June 12th, 1864; bred and owned by K. Larkin, Farmington, Me., got by Gen. Knox, dam Lady Perham by the Beals horse son of Old Eaton. Died at Wilton, Me., June 10th, 1872. Sire of Wallace, 2.29^. HARRY KNOX. Black horse foaled in 1868; bred by J. C. Miller, Wilton, Me., got by Larkin's Gen. Knox, Jr., dam by Napoleon, son of Ford's Black Hawk; 2d dam by Rising Sun. Owned by Gilbert Miller, Wilton, Me. Sire of Black Ranger and Maggie MUler. 126 NOTED MAINE HORSES. HECTOR. Dark bay colt with black points, foaled in May, 1884; got by Edmand's Knox, dam by Gilbretli Knox. Owned by Ansel A. Goodridge, Canaan, Me. HARRY OAK, 5084. Black gray colt; got by Revolution, son of Dirigo, dam Dixie Bond, by Lothair. Owned Ify Brlggs F. Bacon, E. Corinth, Me. HATTIE M. Black filly with star and near hind ankle white, foaled May 24th, 1886; got by Young General, by Gen. Knox, dam Kittle Miller, by Dexter Morrill, son of Winthrop Morrill, 2d dam by Collins' Horse, 3d dam by Norridge- wock Messenger. Owned by C. R. Miller, So. Norridge- wock. Me. HAGO. Dark bay colt foaled in May, 1885; got by Lothair Jr., by Lothair, dam by Sir Edwin, by Hamlet, son of Volun- teer. Owned by M. H. & H. F. Salley, Charleston, Me. HOXIE. Bay colt with star and black points, foaled Apr. 25th, 1886; got by Charles J., by Prescott, dam Daisy, an Eng- lish running mare. Owned by Geo. H. Raymond, Saccar- appa. Me. HOWARD. Bay horse foaled in 1879; got by Constellation, dam Nanny Marders, by Clark Chief, lired by Gen. W. S. Tilton, Tog us. Me. Owned by Thomas Sanders, Birch Brow Stock Farm, Haverhill, Mass. HESPERIA. Gray mare foaled in 1879; got by Constellation, dam by Gen. Knox. Owned by H. W. Sawtelle, Riverside, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 127 HERBERT E. Bay colt with stripe in face and four white feet, foaled May 17th, 1884; got by Edmand's Knox by Locomotive. Owned by S. H. Penney, Canaan, Me. HECTOR H. Dark bay gelding with star, foaled June 27th, 1884; got bv Emery Fearnaught, dam a Morgan mare. Bred and owned by James Hunt, Jr., Biddeford, Me. HAMPDEN. Iron gray horse, foaled in 1879; got by Constellation, dam by Lancaster thoroughbred son of Lexington. Bred by D. A. Cony, Augusta, Me. HESTIA. Brown mare, foaled in 1879; got by Constellation, dam by Scythian. Bred by W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me. HACKER. Bav horse foaled in 1879 ; got by Constellation dam by Sultan. Bred by H. Pettengill, Augusta, Me. HORTENSE. Bay mare foaled in 1879; got by Constellation, dam by Edward Everett, Jr. Bred by C. P. Mattocks, Portland, Me. HERCULES. Chestnut colt with near hind foot white, foaled June 6th, 1884, got by Harbinger, dam Trinket by Monte Christo, sou of Gen. Knox. Owned by A. W. Brackett, Pittstield, Me. HARALMONT. Bay colt with star and both hind ankles white, foaled June 17th, 1884; got by Harbinger, dam Music by Pure Gold, he by Speedwell son of Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Owned by A. W. Brackett, Pittstield, Me. 128 NOTED MAINE HORSES. HAZZARD. Sometimes called Bold Hazzard, bay horse with small star foaled iu 1834 ; bred by Simeon Brown, Hartford, Me., got bv Hazzard or Hazzard Eclipse, a bay horse 15 hands high, and weighing 850 pounds, brought from New York by John Swan, of No. Anson, Me., in 1832, and claimed by him to be by American Eclipse. This horse, Hazzard Eclipse, was sold to George Bridgham, of Buck- lield, in 1833, and here he became the sire of (Brown's) Hazzard. Dam of (Brown's) Hazzard was a Messenger mare. Afterwards sold and went down into the Provinces. HONEST TOM. Bay horse with star and snip and two vvhite feet, foaled in 1882; got by Shooting Star, dam of Morgan descent. Owned by A. H. Bradford, West Farmington Me. HONEST FRED. Light bay colt with star, foaled in 1883; got by Joe Hopkins, son of Winthrop Morrill, dam by son of Lang's Telegraph. Owned by Sumner Topman, So. Norridge- wock. Me. HARLOW. Dark chestnut colt with white in face and two white ankles behind, foaled in 1885 ; got by Harbinger son of Almont. Owned by John B. Low, Somerset Mills, Me. HIRAM P. Bay horse with near hind ankle white, foaled June 22d, 1880; got by Don Juan, he by Champion Knox, dam Belle Brandon by St. Lawrence. Owned by H. P. Elliot, No. Waterford, Me. HARRY H. Bay colt with stripe in face and two white hind feet, got by Locomotive son of Gen. Knox, dam Susie Lyford by Howe's Bismarck. Owned by I.H. Hersom, Oakland, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 1^9 HARCOURT. Black horse foaled in j879; got by Coustellation, dam's pedigree unknown. Bred by W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me. HENRICA. Bay mare foaled in 1879 ; got by Constellation, dam's pedigree unknown. Bred by W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me. HIRAM W. Dark brown horse foaled June 9th, 1879; got by Gen. Lightfoot, dam the Doughty mare, dam of Little Daisy, Owned by Wm. J. Dyer, Portland, Me. HARRY HAZEL. Red roan horse with star and right hind foot white, foaled in June, 1879 ; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by a son of imp. Leopard, imported into Canada in 1858. Owned by Geo. C. Goodale, then of Hartland, Me. HARRY KNOX JR. Black horse with star and one wliite ankle behind, foaled in 1877; got by Harry Knox, dam by the Beals Horse, son of Old Eaton. Owned by D. M. Teague & J. H. Rollins of Weld, Me. Sold and taken out of the State. HIRAM ABIFF. Bay gelding with star, foaled in 1877 ; got by Thomas A. Patchen, dam Fanny Cole, by the Root Horse. Owned by Geo. A. Cole, Norway, Me. HONEST NED. Dark bay horse with star, foaled in 1879 ; got by Empe- ror William, dam Messenger and Morgan. Owned by G. B. Pillsbury, Unity, Me. HARRY MORRILL. Iron gray gelding foaled in 1879 ; got by Winthroj) Morrill, dam of Drew and Messenger descent. Owned by H. F. D. Wyman, Belgrade, Me. I30 NOTED MAINE HORSES. HENRY F. Bay gelding foaled in 1876 ; got by Leader sou of Gen. Knox, dam unknown. Owned by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. HORACE. Bay gelding with little white in forehead, and two white heels behind, bred by C H. Nelson, Watervilie, Me., got by Young Rolfe, dam Lady Tompkins by Har- ris Hambletonian. Owned by Orlando Tompkins, Bos- ton, Mass. HEMLOCK. Dark bay colt foaled May 2d, 1883; got by Gen. With- ers, dam Lady Knox by Cleveland's Knox Boy ; 2d dam by Burnt Back by Warrior. Bred and owned by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. HENRY M. TELLER. Dark bay colt foaled in June 1884; got by John F. Mills, son of Winthrop Morrill, dam Midget by NimVde Dan, by Skinner's Knox. Owned by Wilson Bigelow, St. Albans, Me. HARRY. Black gelding foaled in 1875; bred by John Richard- son, Chesterville, Me., got by Monogram son of Mam- brino Pilot, dam a Morgan mare. Sold when two years old to Benj. W. French, Livermore Falls, Me., and by him to H. French, Lynn, Mass. Record 2.-11I at Farm- ington, Me., June 14th, 1883. HARTLAND, 3994. B a}' colt with black points and spot of white on inside quarter of near hind heel, foaled Apr. 2d, 1884; got by Gideon, dam Abilene by Alwood sou of Almont; 2d dam Lady Bates by Hitchcock's Ashland; 3d dam by Conklin's Rattler. Bred by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. i^i HENRY B. Black gelding foaled in 1876; bred by Elmer Smith, Harmony, Me., got by Emperor William, dam said to be Messenger. Sold to G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me., in 1881. HARMONT. Chestnut colt with star and near Mnd foot white ; got by Harbinger, dam Black Bess, by Gen. Knox, 2d dam by Dirigo. Owned by Chas. A. Chase, Hillside Farm, Carmel, Me. HAWTHORNE. Gray gelding with white in face and on both hind ank- les, foaled May 10th, 1876, bred by C. A. Fuller, Fair- field, Me.: got by Smuggler, dam Gray Rose, by T. S. Lang, son of Gen. Knox. Sold when two-years-old to W. H. Wilson, Cynthiana, Ky. Record 2.35 at Falmouth, Ky., Sept. 12th, 1S83. HANNAH THURSTON. Bay mare foaled in 1864, bred by Richard Norris, Fort Fairfield, Me.; got by Flying Morgan, son of Old Drew, dam by Young Moscow, 2d dam by son of Witherell. Sold to J. F. Jewett now of Auburn, Me., and by him to B. F. & F, H. Briggs, Auburn, Me. HIRAM KNOX. Brown horse foaled in 1874, bred by Peleg Wadsworth, Hiram, Me.; got by Coupon, son of Gen. Knox, dam hj Gen. Stark, sou of Hill's Black Hawk. Owned by A. F. Fernald, Wolfboro, N. H. HARRY BOONE. Brown horse, foaled July 21st, 1880; bred by W. H. Thompson, Hartford, Me., got by Daniel Boone, dam by Knox Boy son of Gen. Knox. Sold to P. R. Nevins, Washington, Me. Got a few colts and was then castrated. 132 NOTED MAINE HORSES. HASTY. Bay mare foaled in 1879 ; got by Constellation, dam by Hector. Bred by R. W. Gardner, Cross Hill, Me. HOMESPUN. Roan filly foaled in 1883 ; got by Prescott, dam by Whalebone Knox; 2d dam by Lewiston Boy. Owned by E. C. Wyman, Auburn, Me. HENRIETTA. Bay mare foaled in 1879; got by Constellation, dam by Gen. Knox. Bred by J. O. Page, China, Me. Sold to Ambrose Withee, E. Vassal boro. Me. and by him to Roland Rose, Providence, R. I. HELENA. Bay mare foaled in 1879; got by Constellation, dam by Daniel Lambert. Owned by A. Williams, Exeter, N. H. HAWKEYE. Bay horse foaled in 1879; got by Constellation, dam by Bucephalas. Owned by J. E. Melvin, Windsor, Me. HANDFUL. Bay horse, foaled in 1879; got by Constellation, dam by Lewiston Boy. Owned by J. A. Dunton, New Castle, Me. HIGHFLYER. Dark brown colt with star and little white on one hind foot, foaled in July, 1882; bred by E. A. Wood, Win- throp, Me., got by Winthrop Morrill, dam untraced Owned by Geo. Palmer, No. Wayne, Me. HILLMONT. Bay colt with star and four white feet, foaled July 2d, 1881; got by Olympus, dam Vichy by Pierson sou of Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Owned by E. Q. Hill, Calais, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 133 HARMONY. Black mare foaled in 1879; got b}^ Constellation, dam Delia by Maine Slasher, son of Gen. Knox. Bred by W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me. Sold to G. J. Shaw, Hartlaud, Me. HOURI. Bay mare foaled in 1879; got by Constellation, dam Fanny Eaton by Bonney's Eaton. Bred by W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me. HATTIE T. Black mare with white stripe in face and two white ankles behind, foaled July 10th, 1883; got by Venture Boone, dam by Judge W., son of Whalebone Knox, 2d dam a Morgan & Messenger mare. Bred and owned by O. F. Trask, Dixfield, Me. HARVESTER. Dark bay colt foaled June od, 1882; got by Von Moltke Jr. (GoflTs), dam by Col. Lang. Owned bv James B. Golf, Auburn, Me. HARMLESS. Gray mare, off fore foot white, foaled May 18th, 1883; got by Gideon, dam Harmony, by Constellation, 2d dam Delia, by Maine Slasher. Bred by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. Sold to Wm. Dickey, Lewiston, Me. HAREBELL. Chestnut mare foaled July 20th, 1883, bred by A. W. Brackett, Pittsfield, Me.; got by Harbinger, dam Isabel, by Happy Medium. Owned by Gen. W. S. Tilton, Bos- ton, Mass. Record 2Aoh at the Maine State Fair of 1885, at Lewiston, Me., as a two-year-old. HERO. Bay horse foaled in 1879; got by Constellation, dam un- known. Owned by John Kirk, Togus, Me. 134 NOTED MAINE HORSES. HECTOR. Bay colt with white in face and one white hnid foot, foaled May 10th, 1885; got by a sou of Harry Russell, dam Fanny of Eaton blood. Owned by C. L. Bartlett, Stoneham, Me. HUSSAR. Bay gelding foaled in 1879 ; got by Coustellatiou, dam by Volunteer. Bred by W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me.; sold in 1886 to Boston parties. Record 2A9 to wagon. HOIDEN. Black mare, full sister to Gallant, foaled in 1879 ; got by Constellation, dam Nonpareil, by Champion Morrill. Bred and owned by John S. Heald, Portland, Me. HONEST FARMER. Gray gelding foaled in 1866; got by Penobscot Chief, dam's pedigree untraced. Owned by J. P. B. Wheelden, Bangor, Me. Record 2.34 at Fredericton, N. B., Sept. 13th, 1877. HUGO. Red chestnut horse with star, foaled Aug. oth, 1881 ; got by Gen. Withers, dam by Henry Clay, by Dean's Black Hawk. Bred and owned by B. F. Fairbanks, Winthrop, Me. HARVEY D. PARKER. Chestnut horse with white stripe in face and one white hind foot, foaled July 19th, 1881, bred by J. D. Whitney, Freeman, Me. ; got by Golddust Lambert, dam by Black Monitor, 2d dam by Sandy River Trotter. Owned by S. W. Parlin, Boston, Mass. HATTIE M. Gray filly with star foaled in May, 1884; got by Bay- mont Chief, dam of Messenger descent. Owned by H. F. Mitchell, Unity, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 135 HARRY. Bay gelding with black points, foaled June 20th, 1881 ; got by Judge Advocate, dam by Chandler Knox. Owned by Chandler Wood, Lincoln, Me. HIGHLAND MAID. Chestnut filly with star, foaled June 18th, 1884; got by Lone Star, dam a Morgan mare. Owned by Freeman Pugsley, Hiram, Me. HERNANI. Bay filly foaled June 8th, 1885; got by Hernando, dam Starlight by Thorndale ; 2d dam Starling by Seely's Am- erican Star. Bred by Wm. McNeil, Cavendish, P. E. I. Owned by Leslie E. McLeod, Summerside, P. E. I. HARVESTER. Bay horse foaled in 1879 ; got by Constellation, dam unknown. Owned by E. R. Brown, Vassalboro, Mei HORACE. Bay horse foaled in 1879, got by Constellation, dam by Seeboomook. Owned at Togus Farm. HARBINGER GIFT. Dark bay colt with star and white ankles behind, foaled July 13th, 1886; got by Harbinger, dam Nellie Morrill by Winthrop Morrill. Bred and owned by Chas. B. Dore- Levant, Me. HARVON. Bay colt foaled June 16th, 1885 ; got by Harbinger, dam Maud W. by Yon Moltke. Owned by E. V. Wey- mouth, Pittsfield, Me. HAZARD. Bay horse foaled in 1879 ; got by Constellation, dam's pedigree unknown. Owned by C. W. Jones, Vassalboro, Me. 136 NOTED MAINE HORSES. INGOMAR. Chestnut colt with star and snip, near hind ankle and both fore feet white, foaled May 20th, 1883; got by Gen. Withers, dam Olive Logan, by Jules Jurgensen. Bred and owned by Dr. H. F. Copeland^ Whitman, Mass. Brother to Geo. Logan. IDAMONT. Brown mare foaled in June, 1883; got by Whalebone Knox, dam Coronet, by Almont, 2d dam by Alcalde, son of Mambrino Chief. Bred and owned by G. C. Town, Winthrop, Me. INGOT. Bay gelding foaled in May, 1881; got by Prescott, dam Molly, (record 2.27^), by Dolphus. Bred and owned by James Edgecomb, Cornish, Me. IRAC. Black horse with star, foaled in 1880; got by Phil Sher- idan, son of Gen. Knox, dam Black Rose (record 2.34), by Howes' Bismarck. Owned by Ira Clay, Portland, Me. IKE. Brown colt foaled in April, 1884; got by Smuggler Chief, son of Smuggler, dam by the Lyford Horse. Bred and owned by S. H. Burbank, Canton, Me. I. H.C. Black colt foaled June 20th, 1884; got by Champion, son of Dirigo, dam by Brandy wine. Owned by I. H. Crowell, Corinna, Me. lOLANTHE. Bay mare with black points excepting one white heel behind, foaled June 12th, 1879; got by Victor (2.23), sou of Gen. Knox, dam The Countess, by Old Drew. Bred by John C. Mullen, No. Vassalboro, Me. Sold to Chas. B. Wellington, Albion, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 137 lONE. Brown mare 15^ hands high, foaled in 1871 ; bred by C. Butman, Plymouth, Me., got by Black Sultan son of Gen. Knox, dam called an English mare. Sold to John P. Gibbs, Bangor, Me. Winner of the nine heat race for 2.40 horses at the State Fair of 1879, in which eleven horses started. Record 2.37 in the seventh heat, also won the the eighth heat in 2.37, and ninth and race in 2.40^. IDLERIM. Chestnut gelding with two white feet and white stripe in face, foaled in 1871; bred by Wright & Norcross, Fearnaught Farm, Manchester, Me., got by Fearnaught Jr., dam brought from the South, pedigree unknown. Record 2.43 at Keene, N. H., Aug. 2d, 1876. IRVING S. Bay colt foaled Aug. 11th, 1885; got by Startle son of Joe Irving, dam Sunbeam by Gideon. Owned by C. A. Fuller, Fairfield, Me. INDEPENDENT ROLFE. Chestnut horse with star and two white ankles behind, foaled July 4th, 1882; got by Tom Rolfe, Jr., dam Mes- senger. Dam of Tom Rolfe Jr. Kitty Childers by Trot- ting Childers. Owned by H. F. Danforth, Madison, Me. INK'S ROLFE. Bay colt with star, little white on one hind foot and one-half of off forefoot white, foaled July 26th, 1884; got by Young Rolfe, dam Ink (record 2.36). Bred and owned by W. H. Turner, Augusta, Me. INA. Gray raarn foaled in 1880; got by Constellation, dam brought from P. E. Island. Owned by A. G. Hawes, Vassalboro, Me. 138 NOTED MAINE HORSES. INDEX. Bay horse foaled in 1880; got by Constellation dam by Sultan. Owned A. N. Douglass, Chelsea, Me. IDAHO. Bay horse foaled in 1880; got by Constellation, dam unknown. Bred by D. Campbell, Chelsea, Me. INEZ. Bay mare foaled May 12th, 1880; got by Constellation, dam by Hector. Owned by R. W. Gardiner, Vassalboro, Me. ISABELLA. Bay mare foaled May 19th, 1880; got by Constellation, dam a Black Hawk mare. Owned by H. R. Swallow, Augusta, Me. INGOT. Gray mare foaled May 27th, 1880; got by Constellation, dam by Almont. Bred by W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me. INTEREST. Bay mare foaled June 3d, 1880; got by Constellation, dam by Tom Patchen. Bred by C. H. Milliken, New York City. IMOGEN. Bay mare foaled June 12th, 1880; got by Constellation, dam by Rolla Golddust. Bred by F. M. Hinds, Fairfield, Me. IVY. Bay mare foaled June 27th, 1880; got by Constellation, dam by Gilbreth Knox. Bred by J. Kelly, Boston, Mass. ILSIE. Bay mare foaled June 20th, 1880; got by Constellation. dam by Volunteer. Bred by Wm. S. Tilton, Togus, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 139 INC A. Bay horse foaled May 25th, 1880; got by Constellation, dam Nanny Marders by Clark Chief ; 2d dam Fanny by Pilot Jr.; 3d dam by Lewis' Sterling; 4th dam by son of Woodpecker. Bred by W. S. Tiiton, Togus, Me. Sold to Chas. W. Moore, Lewiston, Me. IVANA. Bay mare foaled May 19th, 1880; got by Constellation, dam by Dirigo. Owned by S. Miller, Searsmout, Me. IMPERIAL. Bay horse foaled May 24th, 1880 ; got by Constellation, dam by Uncle Shube, sou of Gen. Knox. Bred by Horace Choate, Windsor, Me. ITALY. Bay horse foaled May 28th, 1880; got by Constellation, dam by Sandy River Trotter. Bred by B. F. Libby, Au- gusta, Me. INDICATOR. Black horse foaled June 2d, 1880; got by Constellation, dam by Shakspeare, bred by Frank Jones, Portsmouth, N. H.' ILLUSION. Chestnut gelding foaled June 10th, 1880 ; got by Con- stellation, 'dam unknown. Bred by Frank Jones, Ports- mouth, N. H. ISIS. Brown horse foaled June 5th, 1880; got by Constella- tion, dam by Rising Sun. Bred by F. M. Hinds, Fair- field, Me. IDLER. Black horse foaled in 1880; got by Constellation, dam by Gen. Knox. Owned by C. L. Boothby, Augusta, Me. I40 NOTED MAINE HORSES. ISLANDER. Bay horse foaled May 22d, 1880; got by Constellation,, dam Fanny Eaton, by Bonney's Eaton. Bred by W. S. Tilton, Togas, Me. Sold to F. M. Hacker, Livermore Falls, Me., and by him to Dr. D. O. Rowell, Coos, N. H. INKERMAN. Black colt, foaled June 30th, 1880; got by Constellation, dam a Black Hawk mare. Bred by J. T. Moore, Gardi- ner, Me. INDEPENDENCE. Bay horse foaled July 23d, 1880; got by Constellation, dam's pedigree unknown. Bred by C. H. Kenison, Augusta, Me. IPSWICH. Bay horse, foaled July 18th, 1880; got by Constellation, dam's pedigree unknown Bred by W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me. IDA. Bay mare foaled May 29th, 1880, bred by S. H. Bur- bank, Canton, Me.; got by Smuggler Chief, dam by the Lyford horse, son of Bay State. Sold to Geo D. Bisbee, Esq., Buckfield, Me. ISABELLA. Bay mare with blaze in face, foaled May 12th, 1882; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Young Ethan (grand- son of Ethan Allen), 2d dam by Bonney's Eaton. Owned by Sherburn Towle, Winthrop, Me. INDUBIOUS. Brown colt with white on inside of left hind heel, foaled May 14th, 1882; got by Dirigo, dam Drewcie,by Indepen- dence, son of Old Drew. Bred by G. R. Brown, Solon, Me.. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 141 INTRINSIC. Dark bay gelding with white ankles behind, foaled in 1878; got by Dirigo, dam's pedigree unknown. Bred by G. R. Brown, Solon, Me. INDEPENDENCE. Brown horse 16 hands high and weighs 1100 pounds, foaled in 185 — . Owned by Harford Merrow, Hartlaud, Me. ; got by Old Drew, dam by Morgan Black Hawk. INC. Bay mare foaled in 1879 ; got by Young Ruler, dam by Parker's Messenger, 2d dam by Lewiston Boy. Owned by P. B. Jeffrey, Lewiston, Me. lOLANTHE. Black mare foaled in 1880 ; got by Olympus, dam by Winthrop Morrill, 2d dam by Gen. Knox. Owned by J. A. Monroe, Abbott, Me. IDYL. Bay mare with white hind feet, foaled May 31st, 1880; got by Alraont Burton, dam's pedigree unknown. Bred by W. S.Tilton, Togus, Me. IKE. Bay horse foaled in 1880; got by Constellation, dam by Edward Everett Jr. Bred by C. P. Mattocks, Portland, Me. INDELIBLE. Bay mare foaled in 1880; got by Constellatioa, dam Shark, by the Cooper Horse, son of Dirigo. Bred and owned by A. R. Yates, Yassalboro, Me. ILIA. Bay mare foaled May 12th, 1880; got by Constellation, dam an Eaton mare. Owned by O. N. Blackington, Au- gusta, Me. 142 NOTED MAINE HORSES. INGLE. Black horse, foaled July 3d, 188); got by Constellation, dam's pedigree unknown. Bred by J. E. Melvin, Winds- or, Me. INTREPED. Bay horse foaled July 14th, 1880; got by Constellation, dam by Uncle Shube son of Gen. Knox. Bred by E. Barrows, Augusta, Me. Sold to S. W. Parlin, Boston, Mass. INDUS. Bay horse, foaled June 23d, 1880; got by Constellation, dam by Henry Mambrino, son of Mambrino Chief. Bred by Gen. W. S.Tilton, Togus, Me., andsoldto G.M. Luce, Presque Isle, Me. J. M. P. Chestnut colt with star and snip, foaled May 19th, 1885 ; got by Gen. Withers, dam Betty Hooker, by Joe Hooker. Bred by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. JOHN S. Black gray gelding with star, foaled August 8th, 1882 ; got by Gen. Withers, dam said to be by Taggart's Abdal- lah. Bred and owned by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. JULIA. Black mare foaled in 1871, bred by Dr. W. C. Gordon, Plymouth, Me. ; got by Midnight, son of Black Sultan. Sold. Record 2.39 at Portland, Me., in 1879. JOE IRVING. Black horse 151 hands high, foaled in 1873; got by Whitcomb's Fearnaught, son of Old Fearnaught, dam by Gen. Knox. 2d dam by Rising Sun. Dam of Whitcomb's Fearnaught, by Ethan Allen. Owned by A. W. Brackett, Pittstield, Me., who castrated him in 1881 and afterwards sold him with a mate to parties in Lynn, Mass. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 143 JEFFERSON BELLE. Brown mare 16 hands high, foaled in 1869, bred by Jas. Powers, Jefferson, Me. ; got by Uncle Shube, son of Gen. Knox, dam's pedigree nnknown. JOHN O. Brown gelding foaled in 1874, bred by John O. Page, China, Me.; got by Young Fearnaught, dam Lady Lang, by Gen. Knox. Sold in 1881 to parties in Providence, R. I. JUNE. Bay filly foaled in 1884, bred by C. H. Nelson, Water- ville. Me. ; got by Young Rolfe, dam Gretchen (dam of Susie Owen, 2.26 and Nelson, 2.261), by Gideon. JOE HOOKER. Bay horse with black points, 16 hands high, foaled in 1864, bred by Ed. Ham, Hartland, Me. ; got by Spiritual- ist, son of Old Drew, dam a Messenger mare. At Gardi- ner, Me., Sept. 7th, 1875, he beat Messenger Knox, King William and Maine Slasher, winning the last three out of five heats in 2.331, 2.35, 2.37. Record 2.32i. JIM FISKE. Gray gelding foaled in 1866; got by Rising Sun, dam of Messenger descent. Owned by Dr. Fitzgerald, Dexter, Me. Record 2.35 at Bangor, Me., Oct. 2d, 1874. JUDGE WAUGH. Bay gelding with two white ankles behind, foaled Jane 16th, 1879; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Whalebone Knox. Bred by B. F. Fairbanks, Winthrop, Me. JUDGE KELLEY. Bay horse with star foaled Sept. 5th, 1879 ; got by Win- throp Morrill, dam by Hendrick Hudson by Roe's Abdal- lah Chief; 2d dam by Witherell, bred by C. C. Trafton, St. Albans, Me. Sold in 1886 to E. H. Page, Guilford, Me. 144 NOTED MAINE HORSES. JAMES G. BLAESTE. ChestDut horse foaled June 17th, 1879 ; got by Palmer Knox, dam's pedigree unknown. Owned by Wm, J. Dyer, Portland, Me. JOHN MILLS. Brown gelding foaled May 27th, 1880; got by Wiuthrop Morrill, dam an Indian Chief mare. Bred by John F. Mills, Pittsfield, Me. Sold to Morrill & Gibbs, Bangor, Me., by them in 1886 to M. Cashman, New York City, for $2,500, after showing a mile in 2.26. Record 2.34 at Lewiston, Me., Sept. 1885. JOE MOPtGAN. Steel gray hor^e with black points, foaled in May, 1870; bred by Geo. Jewett, Sangerville, Me. ; got by Mo- hawk, son of Ames' Knox, dam a Morgan mare. Owned by John H. Dore, S. Levant, Me. JEWELL. Bay mare foaled Apr. 25th, 1881 ; got by Constellation, dam by Hector. Bred by R. W. Gardner, Cross Hill, Me. JANETTE. Bay mare foaled Apr. 28th, 1881; got by Constellation, dam's pedigree unknown. Owned by D. Campbell, Chelsea, Me. ^JUNIUS. Bay horse foaled May 7th, 1881; got by Constellation, dam by Flying Morrill. Bred by W. T. Searls, Chelsea, Me. JEF. Bay mare foaled May 8th, 1881 ; got by Constellation, dam by Mambrino Chief. Bred by J. H. Williams, Au- gusta, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 145 JENNIE PROCTER. Gray mare, foaled May 6th, 1879; got by Gray Dan, dam by tho Proctor Horse, he by the Mitchell Horse. Bred by Benjamin Walker, Newburgh Centre, Me. Owned by S. J. Dunton, EUingwood's Cor., Me JAMES G. BLAINE. Bay colt with stripe in face, foaled in June, 1883; got by Gen. Garfield, he by Hector, son of Howe's Bismarck, dam an Eaton mare. Owned by J. Bartlett, East Stone- ham, Me. JENNIE. Brown filly foaled June 22d, 1884; got by Whalebone Knox, dam by Monogram, son of Mambrino Pilot; 2d dam by son of Knight's Horse. Owned by Cyrus Stevens Wayne, Me. JERSEY MAID. Gray mare foaled in July, 1875; got by McClellan Knox, dam by Black Arthur; 2d dam by Witherell. Owned by E. B. Hill, Skowhegan, Me. JAY JAY SEE. Bay horse foaled May 10th, 1883 ; got by Dorchester, son of Dictator, dam by Skowhegan Boy, son of Gen. Knox, 2d dam a Witherell mare. Owned by F. D. Har- mon, Gardiner, Me. JAY GIRL. Bay filly foaled May 20th, 1885; got by Albrino, dam Nixie B., by Daniel Boone, 2d dam by Matchless. Bred and owned by D. M. Allen, Jay, Me. JACK FROST. Bay colt foaled in June, 1883 ; got by Joe Hopkins, dam said to be a Hambletonian mare. Owned by Fred H. Bur- rill, So. Norridgewock, Me. 146 NOTED MAINE HORSES. JENNETTE. Black mare with one white hind foot, foaled in June, 1883; got by Wanderer son of Gen. Knox, darn Madge. Owned by E. D. Ridlon, Fryeburg, Me. JOHN L. SULLIVAN. Black colt with white ankles behind, foaled in 1883; got by Watchmaker, dam a Knox mare. Owned by Charles Partridge, Boothbay, Me. JENNIE A. Black filly foaled Junn 20th, 1884; got by Baymont Chief, dam by Gen. Knox. Owned by D. B. Johnson, Freedom, Me. JACK HARKAWAY. Dark brown horse with star, snip on nose, and white on left forward heel, foaled June 11th, 1882; got by Kennebec, dam Nell by Gilbreth Knox; 2d dam a Black Hawk mare. Owned by Lon Rogers, Windsor, Me. JENNIE ROLFE. Dark brown mare foaled Aug. 20th, 1882; got by Young Rolfe, dam by Somerset Knox; 2d dam by Gen. Knox. Owned by J. J. Pray, Waterville, Me. JUDGE KELLY, JR. Black colt foaled in May, 1884; got by Judge Kelley dam by Trotting Billy. Owned by C. E. Tripp, Ripley, Me. JACKET ROLFE. Bay colt foaled in 1885 ; got by Bay Rolfe, dam a Knox mare. Owned by Nelson V. Cornforth, Thorudike Me. JENNIE. Black filly with star and left hind ankle white, foaled in April, 1884; got by Edmand's Knox, dam's pedigree untraced. Owned by Salem Edmands, Canaan, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 147 JACOB H. Black colt without white, foaled in 1881 ; dam a thoroughbred mare of great speed. Owned by Dr. J. B. Twaddle, No. Aiiijon, Me. JIM. Bay colt with black points, star, and one white ankle behind, foaled June 4th, 1884; got by Redwood, dam Kit by Harry Knox. Owned by Isaac Webb, Bridgton, Me. J. G. Sori-el gelding with stripe in face, foaled in 1877 ; got by J. G.Morrill, (2.29) dam (the dam of Startle 2.26^) said to be by Withe rell. Owned by G. J . Shaw, Hartland, Me. JUDGE. Bay horse foaled July 25th, 1881; got by Constellation, dam's pedigree unknown. Owned by J. H. Flinter, Bos- ton, Mass. JENNIE MORRILL. Dark bay filly foaled in June, 1883; got by Judge Kel- ley, dam by Charlie Morrill Jr. Owned by John Bow- man, St. Albans, Me. JUNE BIRD. Red chestnut filly with blaze in face, foaled June 30th, 1885; got by Hugo son of Gen. Withers, dam by Lothair, 2.29^; 2d dam by a son of Old Eaton. Bred and owned by Hiram Titus, E. Monmouth, Me. JUNE. Chestnut filly no white marks, foaled June 5th, 1882; got bt Emery Fearnaught, 2.33i, dam by Magic, sire of Clemmie G. 2.15^ ; 2d dam by Blue Bull. Owned by Abial Jones, Biddeford, Me. 148 NOTED MAINE HORSES. JOY. Bay mare foaled June 15th, 1881 ; got b)^ Alraont Bur- ton, dam India, by Henry Mambrino, 2ddamby Ingomar, 3d dam by Old Traveller, 4th dam by imp. Skylark. Bred by W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me. JOUBERT. Chestnut horse foaled June 3d, 1881; got by Almont Burton, dam Cornelia, by Dirigo. Owned by James A. Eraser, Golden vi He, N. S. JOSIE AND JESSIE. Bay mares (twins) foaled in June 1879, bred by David Morse, Peru, Me.; got by a son of Phil Sheridan, dam a mare brought from Canada. Sold to Josiah S. Kenerson, Barnet, Vt., when two years old. JUMBO. Chestnut horse with white points, foaled in 1872 ; got by Grant's St. Lawrence, dam a Morgan mare called the Tufts mare. Owned by John H. Ayer, Minot, Me. JULIET. Bay mare foaled in July, 1881 ; got by a son of Harry Knox, dam a Drew mare. Owned by Daniel Burr, Mer- cer, Me. JUMBO. Black gelding (pacer) foaled in June, 1882; got by the Asa Waugh horse, dam by Winthrop Morrill. JIFFY. Black mare foaled June 16th, 1881; got by Constella- tion, dam by Gilbreth Knox. Bred by Jasper Kelly, Chelsea, Mass. JESTER. Bay horse foaled Aug. 5th, 1881; got by Constellation, dam by Flying Morrill. Bred by F. S. Blackman, Pitts- ton, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSE*. '^^g JULIUS. Bay horse foaled May oOth, 1881; got by Constellation, dam by Rolla (Tolddust. Bred by F. M. Hinds, Fairfield, Me. JASPER. Bay horse foaled June 2d, 1881 ; got by Constellation, dam by Uncle Shube, son of Gen. Knox. Bred by H. Choate, Windsor, Me. JUNIOR. Black horse foaled June 4th, 1881; got by Constellation, dam by Gen. Knox. Bred by H. M. Piper, Benton, Me. Sold to JeAvell Bros., Fairfield, Me., and by them in 1886, to C. H. Nelson of Waterville, who had him castrated. JULIA. Bay mare foaled June 6th, 1881 ; got by Constellation, dam a Knox mare. Bred by George Peva, Augusta, Me, JESSICA. Bay mare foaled June 13th, 1881; got by Constellation, dam by Rising Sun. Bred by F. M. Hinds, Fairfield, Me. JUDITH. Bay mare foaled June 14th, 1881 ; got by Constellation, dam unknown. Bred by J. W. Estes, Togus, Me. JOSEPHINE. Bay mare foaled July 23d, 1881 ; got by Constellation, dam a Drew mare. Bred by A. R. Rice, Augusta, Me. JASMINE. Bay mare foaled July 9th, 1881 ; got by Constellation, dam's pedigree unknown. Bred at Togus Farm. JUNIETTA. Black mare foaled July 11th, 1881 ; got by Constellation, dam by Gen. Knox. Bred by H. Dow, Pittstou, Me. 150 NOTED MAINE HORSES. JILT. Bay mare, foaled Apr. 5th, 1881; got by Constellation, dam by Whalebone Knox. Bred and owned by B. F. Fairbanks, Winthrop, Me. JUBAL. Gray horse, foaled Ai»r. 16th, 1881; got by Constella- tion, dam by Lancaster, thoroughbred son of Lexington. Owned by E. J. Adams, Togus, Me JEHU. Gray horse, foaled May 15th, 1881 ; got by Constella- tion, dam by the Simpson Horse. Bred by J. LeBallister, Windsor, Me. JULIET. Bay mare, foaled May 15th, 1881; got by Constellation, dam by Chas. Backman. Bred by C. H. Adams, Boston, Mass. JUNO. Black mare, foaled May 17th, 1881; got by Constella- dam by Shakespeare. Bred by Frank Jones, Portsmouth, N. H.' JOCKO. Bay horse, foaled May 28th, 1881 ; got by Constella- tion, dam by Green Mountain Boy. Bred by H. R. Swal- low, Augusta, Me. JUPITER. Bay horse foaled May 28th, 1881; got by Constellation, dam by Tom Patchen. Bred by C. H. Milliken, Portland, Me. JURA. Bay mare foaled May 29th, 1881; got by Constellation^ dam by Henry Mambrino. Owned by W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 151 JESSIE. Chestnut mare, foaled May 30th, 1881; got by Con- stellation, dam of Drew blood. Bred by Frank Jones, Portsmouth, N. H. JOHNDUROC. Dark bay horse with star, spot on nose, both hind feet white, and little white on inside of oif fore foot, foaled May loth, 1882; got by Dore's Duroc, dam Lady Palmer by Gideon ; 2d dam by Wild Pi-airie. Bred and owned by S. Y. Luce, Levant. Me. JENNIE GOLDDUST. Light bay mare with small white stripe on nose, foaled May 25th, 1882; got by Golddust Lambert, son of Jubilee Lambert, 2.25, out of Gentianella, 2.35, by Golddust. dam Nellie Wildwood by Matchless, sire of Palma, 2.22^. Bred and owned by W. V. Tainter, So. Carthage, Me. J ALMA. Black colt foaled June 21st, 1882; got by Young Rolfe, dam Lady Tompkins by Harris Hambletonian. Bred by C. H. Nelson, Waterville, Me., sold to Orlando Tompkins, Boston, Mass. JESSIE B. Iron gray mare, foaled June 10th, 1883; got by Champ- ion Knox son of Gen. Knox, dam by Gideon. Owned by Geo. A. Bragg, So. Levant, Me. JOHN FRANKLIN. Bay gelding with black points and one white hind foot, foaled in 1865; bred by Joseph Bangs, Salem, Me., got by Flying Eaton, dam of Messenger descent. Sold to Sam- uel Farmer then of Farmington, Me., and by him to Bradford & Sawyer, Hyde Park, Mass. Record 2.34^ at Lancaster, N. H., July 3d, 1875. 152 NOTED MAINE HORSES. JUNO. Black mare foaled in June, 1882; got by Wanderer son of Gen. Knox, dam Madge an inbred Knox. Owned by E. D. Eidlon, Fryeburg, Me. JUSTICE. Bay horse foaled July 2d, 1881; got by Constellation, dam's pedigree unknown. Bred by C. A. Erskine, Paler- mo, Me. JEi^NIE. Bay mare foaled July 2d, 1881 ; got by Constellation, dam's pedigree unknown. Bred by C. H. Kenison, Au- gusta, Me. JUXTA. Bay horse foaled July 12th, 1881; got by Constellation, dam Shark, by the Cooper Horse, son of Dirigo. Bred and owned by A. R. Yates, Vassal boro. Me. JAYMONT. Dark bay horse foaled July 15th, 1881 ; got by Constel- lation, dam by Alexander's Abdaliah. Owned by E. Bates, New York City. KING REDWOOD. Brown colt with black points-, star in forehead and snip on nose, foaled June 251h, 1884; got by Redwood, son of Belmont, dam Electric Patchen, by Tom Patchen, 2d dam Spitfire, by the Bradbury Horse. Owned by John Rob- erts, Saccarappa, Me. KANTAKA. Chestnut mare with star, foaled May 5th, 1883; got by Robert Bonne)- Jr., dam by Champion Black Hawk, 2d dam by French Tiger. Owned by Wm. Gregg, Andover, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 153 KEATING. Chestnut mare foaled in 188); got by Fearuaught Jr., dam thoroughbred. Owned by E. L. Norcross, Fear- naught Farm, Manchester. Me. KATE S. Brown mare with white stripe in face, and two white ankles behind, foaled June 24th, 1883; got by Daniel Boone, dam Mag by Uncle Shube son of Gen. Knox. Bred and owned by L. B. Paine, Fairfield Ctr., Me. KIT S. Bay mare foaled in 1878; got by Independence, by Old Drew, dam Messenger and French. Owned by John Stuart, Newport, Me. KATE E. Black mare with small star, foaled in May, 1872 ; got by American Boy son of Gen. Knox, dam Old Nelly of Messenger descent. Owned by H. W. Edmands, Canaan, Me. KITTYS. Bay mare with black points, foaled May 5th, 1883; got by Prescott, dam by Godfrey's Patchen. Owned by H. S. Sprague, Haverhill, Mass. KROOBOY. Gray colt foaled June 23d, 1882; got by Constellation, dam Shark by the Cooper Horse son of Dirigo. Bred and owned by A. R. Yates, Vassalboro, Me. KING GEORGE. Mahogany bay horse with star and off hind ankle white, foaled May 6th, 1877; got by Gen. Knox Jr., 6on of Gen. Knox, dam Lady Seyniore, said to be by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian. Owned by Geo. M. Small, East Limington, Me. 154 NOTED MAINE HORSES. KNOX CHIEF. Bay horse with black points, foaled in 1873; got by Palmer Knox, dam brought from Virginia and said to be thoroughbred. Owned by C. A. McKenney, Monroe, Me. Eecord 2.411 at Belfast, Me., Oct. 3d, 1883. KING FATCHEN. Brown horse foaled June 6th, 1870; got by Tom Patch- en, dam a gray mare said to be of Messenger descent. Bred by Edward F. Hill, Cape Elizabeth, Me., and sold when two months old to Jonathan Wentworth, Rochester, N. H. This horse is the sire of Forrest Patchen 2.19i. KING'S PATCHEN. Black horse foaled in 1871 ; bred by Mr. King, of Welshville, Oxford Co., Me., and sold to L. D. King, "West Gray, Me., when two years old, got by Tom Patch- en, dam the King mare by Blackjack; 2d dam by the Liunell Horse son of Hazard. King sold him to Wm. Smith, of Windham. The horse was afterwards castrated and sold to John Winslow Jones, of Deering, and by him to go to England. KNOX MORRILL. Black horse foaled May 1st, 1875; bred by W. B. Bon- ney, Winthrop, Me., got by Bonney's Knox, son of Gen. Knox, dam by Winthrop Morrill. Sold to G.J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. KATE PATCHEN. Dark bay mare with white stripe in face and one white hind foot, foaled June 21st, 1875. Bred by E. K. Whit- ney, Harrison, Me. KENTUCKY WONDER. Dark bay horse foaled May 26th, 1881, bred and owned by Rowe Emery, Frankfort, Me.; got by Mambrino Wilkes, dam by Young Buchanan, 2d dam by Matchless, 3d dam by the Merrow Horse. NOTED MAINE KOKSES. 155 KNIGHT TEMPLER. Black colt with tan muzzle and flanks, white half-moon in forehead and white spot on end of nose, foaled in June, 1883; got by Dr. Franklin, dam by Locomotive, 2d dam a Messenger mare. Owned by Fairfield Nevens, Hartland, Me. KATE BISHOP. Chestnut mare with small star and two white hind feet, foaled in March, 1878, bred by Moses G. Stewart, Pal- myra, Me. ; got by Touchstone, dam a Canadian pacer. Owned by F. A. Bishop, Hermon, Me. KATE WITHERS. Dark gray mare, star, spot on nose, near fore foot and both hind feet white, foaled May 18th, 1882; got by Gen. Withers, dam Lena Boone, by Daniel Boone, 2d dam by Old Eaton. Bred by E. B. Hill, Skowhegan, Me. KATIE BOONE. Brown mare with white stripe in face and one white ankle behind, foaled May 22, 1879; got by Daniel Boone, dam Lady Demeritt, by Gen. Knox, 2d dam by Old Eat- on. Bred by D. M. Foster, Canton Point, Me. Owned by C. P. Drake, Lewiston, Me. KNOX CHIEF JR. Brown colt foaled in 1884. light nose, star and snip, in- side of near hind foot white; got by Knox Chief, by Pal- mer Knox, by Gen. Knox, dam Gray Nell, by Gray Dan, by Gideon. Bred and owned by D. E. Clement, Levant, Me. KEOKA. Bay filly foaled May 3d, 1883, witli naiTOw strip of white in face and two wiiite ankles behind; got by Pres- cott, dam by Glon Knox, by Bismarck, 2d dam by Hast- ings Horse. Owned by J. G. Lary, Gilead, Me. 156 NOTED MAINE HORSES. KAISER. Brown horse with white spot on each hind foot, foaled May 4th, 1882; bred by Gen. W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me., and foaled in Kentucky, got by Geo. Wilkes, dam Fair Lady by Dictator ; 2d dam by Almont ; 3d dam by Zenith son of American Eclipse ; 4th dam by Gray Eagle ; 5th dam thoroughbred. KINSMAN. Dark gray horse with small star, foaled May 30th, 1882; bred by W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me., got by Constellation, dam Skip by Gideon ; 2d dam by Young Indian Chief. •Sold to Pompilly and Ryerson, Auburn, Me. KATAHDIN. Bay horse with white stripe in face, foaled June 19th, 1882; got by Constellation, dam Silvertail by Gen. Knox; 2d dam by Lion Messenger. Bred by W. S. Tilton,Togus, Me. KALMIA. Brown mare, near hind foot white, foaled July 13th, 1882; got by Constellation, dam Gretchen by Daniel Lam- bert. Bred by W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me. KNEEL AND. Brown horse with small star and little white on near hind foot, foaled Apr. 16th, 1882; got by Constellation, dam Kitty Williams by Whalebone Knox. Bred and ow^ned by G. C. Town, Winthrop, Me. KING ARTHUR. Bay horse foaled May 20th, 1882; got by Constellation, dam Snip by Black Dan by Ramsey Horse; 2d dam by Young Tobin son of Rising Sun. Bred by F. M. Hacker, Livermore Falls, Me., and sold to Dr. D. O. Rowell, Coos, N. H. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 157 KITTY PERKINS. Bay mare foaled in 1878; bred by I. A. Perkins, Wind- sor, Me., got by Onward son of Otis' Morrill, dam by Uncle Shube. Sold to Wm. M. Allen, Wilton, Me. KITTIE M. Black mare with star and snip, foaled in 1882; got by Harry Knox, dam by Young McClellan, son of Gen. Mc- Clellan. Bred by Mr. Thompson, of Jay, Me. Owned by Dr. Edmon Eaton, Livermore Falls, Me. KINEO. Bay colt with star, foaled June 2d, 1884; got by Judge Advocate, dam Fanny by Brown Harry. Owned by Geo. M. Paul, Foxcroft, Me. KATE OILMAN. Brown filly with star, foaled June 1st, 1884; got by Chas. Gihnan, dam by Harry Knox; 2d dam by Winthrop Morrill; 3d dam by Hiram Drew. Bred by E. P. Ladd, No. Livevmore, Me. Owned by (t. O. Hussey, Dickvale, Me. KITTY FRANKLIN. Gray mare foaled in May, 1882; got by Dr. Franklin, dam by Black Ranger. Owned by M. T. Pooler, Skow- hegan. Me. KINGSTON. Black colt no white, foaled May 8th, 1882 ; got by Con- stellation, dam Kate, by Middletown. Owned by F. K. Hatch, No. Newcastle, Me. KITTIE MILLER. Chestnut mare with hind legs and one forward ankle white, star in forehead, foaled in 1879; got by Dexter Morrill, dam by Collins Horse, 2d dam by Norridgewock Messenger. Owned by C. R. Miller, So. Norridgewock, Me. 158 NOTED MAINE HORSES. KYLEMAR, 3318. Bay colt foaled May 25th, 1884; got by Prescott, 1452, by Harold, sire of Maud S.; dam Rosa B., the dam t)f Stella Blake, record 2.25^. Owned by G. P. Young, Nor- way, Me. KENNEBEC BOY. Chestnut gelding with one white ankle behind, foaled in 1867; bred in Phillips, Me., got by the Booker Horse son of Flying Eaton. Sold to (Japt. Chase, of Gardiner^ when five years old. Record 2.35^ in 1876. KENNEBEC. Mahogany bay horse, 16 hands high, foaled May 25th, 1877; got by Independence (2.21|) son of Gen. Knox, dam by the Barnard Horse he by Young Ethan Allen. Owned by Capt. Thomas Mitchell, Augusta, Me. KITTY. Black mare foaled in 1879; bred by Thaddeus Oldham, Peru, Me., got by Lord Nelson son of Lander's Knox, dam by Rocket, sire of Park's Rocket. Sold to Reuel Jackson, Auburn, Me., and by him to Stanley Bros., Lewiston, Me., and by them to New York parties. Rec- ord, 2.35^, at Canton, Me., June 17th, 1886. KNOX GIRL. Brown mare 16 hands high, foaled in 1871; bred by A. K. Jones, Yassalboro, Me., got by Gen. Knox, dam Gretchen by Gideon. Owned by C. H. Nelson, Water- ville, Me. Dam of Dora M. KITTY WINK. Bay filly with star, foaled June 15th, 1884, got by Bay Fred, he by Locomotive, dam Mollie Garfield by Dr. Livingston son of Gen. Lightfoot. Owned by E. S. Fos- ter & Son, Canaan, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 159 KITTY WITHERS. Bay filly no white, foaled Apr. 16th, 1885; got by (reiu Withers, dam Tox, by Peacemaker. Bred by G.J. 8haw, Hartlaud, Me. KATE. Bay filly foaled Aug. 5th, 1884; got by Onward son of Otis Morrill, dam Peggy by Nickawa. Owned by C. A. Fuller, Fairfield Centre, Me. KITTIE B. Mahogany bay mare, foaled June 1st, 1880; got by Young Lambert son of Daniel Lambert, dam by Lucy's Black Hawk. Owned by C. R. Brown, Springfield, Me. KYRAT. Chestnut gelding with stripe in face and four white legs, foaled in May, 1877; bred by A. B. Benson, Hart- ford, Me., got by Robert Bonner, Jr.. dam paid to be by Ethan Allen. Record 2.50. KENELM. Bay horse with faint star and left forefoot white, foaled May 15th, 1882; got by Constellation, dam Non- pariel by Morrill Champion. Bred by W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me. LOUISE. Black mare foaled in 1872; bred by C. H. Skinner, St. Albans, Me., got by Gen. Knox, dam of Messenger des- cent. Sold to G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me., and by him to Massachusetts parties. Record 2.31^ at Pittsfield, Mass., in Sept. 1879. Recorded in Vol. I as ''Princess Louise." LOUVISKA. Bay mare with no white, foaled May 6th, 1883; got by Constellation, dam Fanchon, by Gideon, 2d dam Susan, by Winthrop Morrill. Bred and owned by J. W. Thomp- son, Canton, Me. i6o NOTED MAINE HORSES. LADY TILTON. Ray mare with small star and two white ankles, foaled May loth, 1883; got by Constellation, dam Fanny, by Flying Morrill. Bred by W. T. Searls, Chelsea, Me. LADY B. Flea-bitten gray mare foaled in 1869; got by Whalebone Morgan 2d, he by Whalebone Morgan, dam by Gray Eagle. Owned by Martin Whitten, Freedom, Me. LEBA FELLOWS. Bay mare foaled in Ajhop, Hermon, Me. MOLLIE BAWN. Chestnut filly with small star and both hind ankles white, foaled May 15th, 1885; got by Harbinger, dam Mabel by Fearnaught ; 2d dam by Dreadnaught ; 3d dam an imported mare. Owned by P. M. Prentiss, East Troy, Me. MAY ALMONT. Dark bay filly, foaled May 12th, 1885; got by Albrino, son of Almont, dam by the Rix horse son of Vermont Black Hawk. Bred and owned by C. F. Millet, Norway, Me. MABEL B. Bay mare foaled in May, 1883; got by Dr. Franklin, dam by Locomotive. Owned by C. A. Fuller, Fairfield Ctr., Me. MIKADO. Roancoltfoaled May 22d,1885;got by Trusty Boy. Dam a P. E. Island mare. Owned by S. D. Perry, Machias, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 179 MISS MORRILL. Bay mare with star and three white feet, foaledJuiie 4th, 1868; got by Morrill Champion, he by Old Morrill, dam Old Tib by the Merrow Horse. Owned by E. S. Foster & Son, Canaan, Me. MINNIE. Bay raare with stripe in face and white on all her feet, foaled in May, 1879; g-ot by Somerset Knox, dam Miss Morrill by Morrill Champion ; 2d davii Old Tib by the Merrow Horse. Owned bv E. S. Foster & Son, Canaan, Me. MOLLIE GARFIELD. Bay raare with one white foot, foaled in May, 1881; got by Dr. Livingston, he by a son of Gen. Lightfoot, dam Miss Morrill by Morrill Champion. Owned by E. S. Foster & Son, Canaan, Me. MOLLY ADVOCATE. (rray mare with star, foaled May 6th, 1882; got by Judge Advocate, dam by Dirigo; 2d dam by Penobscot Boy. Bred by J. B. Chamberlain, Exeter, Me. Owned by Nahum Tozier, Fairfield Ctr., Me. McINTYRE HORSE. Chestnut horse foaled in 185 — , bred by a Mr. Stevens of Portland Me. ; got by Sir Charles, son of Gifford Mor- gan, dam a Messenger mare known as ''The Nun." Own- ed for many years by I T. Mclntyre of New Gloucester, Me. ' ' MABEL L. Black mare foaled in 1880, bred by Dr. F. A. Roberts, then of Vassalboro, Me, ; got by Victor, son of Gen. Knox, dam by Volunteer, 2d dam by Liberty. Sold to H. M. Littell, Macedon, N. Y. Known in Maine as Hiawatha. i8o NOTED MAINE HORSES. McINTYRE HORSE. Chestnut horse with star in forehead and stripe on nose and one white hind heel, 15| hands high, foaled about 1855, bred by Seth Fifield, of Norridgewock, Me., who sold him to Ed Mclntyre, of Smithfield, got by Witherell, dam by the Capt. Allen horse, of Norridgewock, Me. MAY BIRD. Red chestnut filly, foaled May 11th, 1885; got by Hugo, dam by Monogram son of Mambrino Pilot. Bred by Thos Jackson, Winthrop, Me. MATTIE C. Bay filly with star and one white hind foot, foaled in June, 1884; got by Baymont Chief, dam said to be Ham- bletonian. Owned by F. Clark, Troy, Me. MATTIE L. Black filly with star, foaled Aug. 3d, 1884; got by Baymont Chief, dam Betty J. by the Lamson Horse. Owned by D. B. Johnson, Freedom, Me. MAUD B. Seal brown mare with star, foaled in 1880; got by Telephone son of (reo. Brooks, dam by Gilbreth Knox; 2d dam by Cobb's Brandywine. Owned by Dr. W. G. Brown, Norway, Ne. MAUD. Dark bay mare with star and one white hind foot, foaled in May, 1882; got by Claymo, dam, pedigree un- known. Owned by Geo. W. Brannon, Danforth, Me. MUSA. Chestnut filly with stripe in face, foaled Apr. 5th, 1884; got by Romeo, dam Topsy by the Allen Horse. Owned by M. S. Gordon, A^ienna, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. i8i MOUNTAIN MAID. Bay filly with star, spot on nose, and near hind foot white, foaled June 6th, 1886; got by Fearnaught Jr., dam Fanny by Gideon. Bred by F. E. Nye, Brewer, Me. MIDNIGHT. Black colt with white ankles behind, foaled June 14th, 1886; got by Baymont Chief , dam Singe Cat by Gen. Knox. Owned by G. B. Pillsbury, Unity, Me. MYSTERY. Light chestnut gelding with star and one white ankle behind, foaled in 1884; got by Harbinger, dam Polly a Drew mare. Owned by A. W. Brackett, Pittsfield, Me. MALCOLM. Blood bay colt, foaled June 21st, 1883; got by Gifibrd Patchen son of Tom Patchen, dam by Giflford Morgan. Owned by J. T. Vose, Dennysville, Me. MAY MORN. Chestnut foaled May 11th, 1885; got by Hugo, dam a Canadian mare. Bred and owned by Jesse Wood, Win- throp, Me. MAMBRINO LANCE, JR. Black colt foaled July 13th, 1885; got by Mambrino Lance, dam Alice Maud, by an English bred horse, 2d dam a French mare. Owned by Jas. Milliken, Bangor, Me. MODOC CHIEF. Bay colt with star, foaled in May, 1885; got by Hugo, dam by TVinthrop Morrill. Ov/ned by Newell Davis, Winthrop Me. MARCHON. Chestnut colt with small stripe in face, foaled March 1st, 1885 ; got by Fearnaught Jr., dam Sultana, by Carenaught. Bred and owned by E. L. Norcross, Manchester, Me. i82 NOTED MAINE HORSES. MISCHIEVOUS BOY. Black colt with small star, foaled May 22d, 1885; got by Black Prince by Gen. Knox, dam by Royal Knox. Owned by S. R. Hussey, Oakland, Me. MABEL GRAY. Gray filly foaled in 1884; got by Pilot Golddust, dam of Messenger descent. Owned by C. M. Richards, Jay, Me. MILDEW. Gray mare foaled July 11th, 1882 ; got by Pickpocket he by Pequawket, dam by Young Harpinus by Harpinus son of Bishop's Hambletonian. Ovvned by Dr. Wm. B. Swasey, Cornish, Me. MARY B. Dark bay filly with star, foaled June 6th, 1884; got by Busy Boy, dam by Winthrop Morrill. Owned by Chas. Belcher, Harding, Me. MATTJE MACE. Chestnut filly with star, foaled May 15th, 1885; got by Hugo, dam a Brandywine mare. Bred and owned by W. H. Weutworth, Winthrop, Me. MAINE ALMONT. Chestnut horse, no white, foaled March 16th, 1880; got by Gen. Withers, dam Lady Gilbreth, by Gilbreth Knox. Bred by J. A & E. A. Cilley, Fairfield, Me. MIDDY MORGAN. Dark bay mare foaled in May, 1879; got by Judge Ad- vocate, dam Lady Reno, by Gen. Grant. Bred by P. M. Butters then of E. Exeter, Me. Sister to Thornburg, 2.21i|. MAUD B. Brown filly foaled in June, 1883 ; got by Blackfoot, dam's pedigree unknown. Owned by J. A. Brooks, Charleston, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 183 MITCHIE. Black filly, no white, foaled in June, 1884; gotbyHam- bletoniaii Knox, dain Nell, by GilbrethKnox. Owned by Lon Rogers, Windsor, Me. MAGGIE MITCHELL. Black raai'H with small star, foaled May 18th, 1886 ; got by Independent Guy, son of Kennebec, dam Nell, by Gil- breth Knox. Owned by Lon Rogers, Windsor, Me. MAUD B. Bay filly foaled June 20th, 1883; got by Claymo, dam Kitty B., by Young Lambert. Bred and owned by C. R. Brown, Springfield, Me. MOSELLE. Bay filly with white stripe in face and two white hind feet, foaled April 26th, 1884; got by Redwood, dam by Pathfinder. Bred and owned by C. H. Foster, Mechanic Falls, Me. • MOLLIE M. Chestnut mare with star, and one white stocking behind, foaled July 1st, 1881 ; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Whalebone Knox. Bred by B. F. Fairbanks, Winthrop, Me. MOLLIE BOONE. Brown mare with star in forehead, spot on nose and and one white ankle behind, foaled May 28th, 1881; got by Daniel Boone, dam by Tom Patchen. Bred by C. C. Freeman, Dixfield, Me. MAINE SWEETHEART. Gray mare foaled in June, 1879 ; got by Von Moltke, dam by Gen. Knox, bred by Isaac S. Staples, Brooks, Me. Sold to Dr. E. Hopkins, Searsport, Me., and by him to Massachusetts parties. i84 NOTED I&AINE HORSES. MOLLIE BOONE. Dark bay mare with'white stripe in face and left hind ankle white, foaled !May 18th, 1883; got by Daniel Boone, dam Lady Lambert, by Daniel Lambert, 2d dam by Gen. Knox, 3d dam Sea Foam, record 2.24^, by Young Colum- bus. Owned by Geo. S. Metcalf , Wiuthrop, Me. MAMBRINO TOUCHSTONE. Rosewood bay colt with star and two white ankles be- hind, foaled July 10th, 1885; got by Mambrino Lance, sou of Mambrino Patchen, dam Kate Bishop, by Touchstone, son of imp. Lapidist. Owned by Frank A. Bishop, Her- mon, Me. MAY EYE SEE. Bay filly foaled June 4th, 1885; got by Orville W., dam by Gen. Logan, 2d dam by Black Sultan. Owned by John Lally, Skowhegan, Me. MINNIE BOONE. Bay mare with small star and white ankles behind ; got by Daniel Boone, dam by Crawford. Owned by Dr. J. B. Twaddle, No. Anson, Me. MAMBRINO CHALLENGE. Chestmit colt with star, foaled July 8th, 1885; got by Mambrino Kirkman, 2126, dam by Howes' Bismarck, son of Gen. Knox, 2d dam by Old Witherell. Bred and owned by J. W. Dunham, Livermore Falls, Me. MIKADO. Chestnut colt with star, foaled June 1st, 1885; got by Hugo, son of Gen. Withers, dam untraced. Owned by Wm. Atkinson, Wiuthrop, Me. MYRA M. Black filly foaled May 21st, 1883; got by Blackfoot, dam untraced. Owned by S. L. Paine, Charleston, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 185 MAY MONT. Golden chestnut mare foaled April 25th, ^881; got by (^en. Withers, dam Duchess Fearnaught, by Young Fear- naught, 2d dam Nellie Grant. Bred by Chas. B. Dore, Levant, Me. MAY MORNING. Light bay mare with stripe in face and one white hind foot, foaled Aug. 13th, 1879; got by Phil Sheridan, dam by the Hardy Horse, son of Sherman Black Hawk, 2d dam by Winthrop Morrill. Owned by Wm J. Dyer, Portland, Me. MIDNIGHT QUEEN. Chestnut mare with star and near hind ankle white, foaled April 15th, 1882; got by Prescott, dam Midnight (dam of Jay Eye See, 2.10) , by Pilot Jr., 2d dam Twil ight by Lexington, 3d dam Daylight,' by Glencoe, 4th dam Darkness, by Wagner. Bred by James Edgecomb, Cor- nish, Me. Sold to Chas. H. Kerner, New York City, and by him to Chas. Backman, Stony Ford, N. Y. MAYFLOWER. Light bay mare with star and spot on nose and four white feet, foaled May 2oth, 1882; got by Carenaught, dam (own sister to Achilles, 2.35), by Carenaught. Bred and owned by E. L. Norcross, Fearnaught Farm, Man- chester, Me. MAUD. Chestnut mare with one white hind foot, foaled in 1880; got by Fearnaught Jr., dam by the Warner Horse. Owned by E. L. Norcross, Manchester, Me. MOUNTAIN MAID. Black mare with white stripe and one white hind foot, foaled May 16th, 1883; got by Daniel Boone, dam Peace- ful by Gen. Knox. Owned by C. A. Fuller, Fairfield Centre, Me. i86 NOTED MAINE HORSES. MADISON BELLE. Bay mare foaled in May, 1882; got by Young Volun- teer, dam by Flying Morrill. Owned by Chas. Thomp- son, East Madison, Me. MISS WILKES. Browu filly no white, foaled May 26th, 1885; got by Kaiser, by Geo. AVilkes, dam Nonpariel, by Morrill Champion, by Old Morrill. Owned by Dr. W. B. Mor- rill, Portland, Me. MELBRINO. Bay colt with black points, foaled July 22, 1883 ; got by Melbourne King, son of Mambrino King, dam Gipsy, by a Messenger horse. Owned by G. A. Gowen, Freedom, Me. MIDGET. Chestnut fillj^ with one white ankle behind, foaled June 23d, 1884; got by Woodlawn, he by Hero of Thorndale, dam Gypsy, by a Messenger Horse. Owned by G. A Gowen, Freedom, Me. MILLIE E. Bay mare foaled in 1882 ; got by Nestor, son of Geo. M. Patchen, dam by Volunteer. Owned by S. H. Eaton, Somerset Mills, Me. MABEL W. AND MAUD P. Black mares with star in forehead, foaled in 1882; Mabel W., by Robert, son of Sandy River Trotter, dam by Gen. Knox. Maud P., by Wanderer, dam by Live Oak Jr. Owned by J. L. Parker, E. Stoneham, Me. MADGE. Black filly with white spot on nose and one white hind foot, foaled in 1884; got by a son of Harry Russell, dam Maud P. by W^anderer. Owned by J. L. Parker, East Stoneham. Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 187 MALTA MAID. Dark brown mare with star, foaled July 7th, 1880; got by Brandywine, son of Drummond's Knox, dam by Bush Messenger 2d. Owned by Lon Rogers, Windsor, Me. MEDORA R. Ray mare with star, white on left forward foot and both hind ankles, foaled June 4th, 1881; got by Hambletonian Patchen, son of Maine Duroc, dam Miss Bonner, by Rob- ert Bonner Jr. Owned by J. H. Robinson, E. Sumner, Me. MI8S WARD. Bay mare with white face and white legs, foaled in 1878, bred by Freeman Ward, China, Me.; got by Victor, son of Gen. Knox, dam by Col. Lang, son of Gen. Knox. Sold to C. H. Nelson, Waterville. Owned by J. B. Palm- er, Allston, Mass. Record 2.35^ in 1885. MISCHIVEOUS JACK. Black gelding foaled in 1880 ; got by Hector, son of Howes' Bismarck, dam said to be by Winthrop Morrill. Owned by John Pierce, Paris, Me., and sold to F. C. Crocker, Portland, Me. Record 2.36i in 1885. MISS MORRILL. Brown mare with star and white hind feet, foaled June 4th, 1882; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Whalebone Knox, 2d dam by Morrill Champion. Owned by G. C. Macomber, East Monmouth, Me. MAXIMILIAN. Chestnut gelding with white stripe in face and four white legs, foaled in 1880; got by Fearnaught Jr., dam Emma Lee, by Young Columbus. Bred and owned by E. L. Norcross, Manchester, Me. i88 NOTED MAINE HORSES. MAUD R. Bay mare foaled in 1880; got by Hector, son of Howes' Bismarck, dam Nan,by Col. Waters, a horse brought from the South during the war; 2d dam a Morgan mare. Owned by Joseph C. Ricker, Stoneham, Me. MAUD M. Dark chestnut mare with star and narrow white stripe in face and near hind ankle white, foaled June 12th, 1878 ; got by Champion Knox, dam Lady Palmer, by Gideon. Bred and owned by S. Y. Luce, Levant, Me. MERCURY BOONE. Bay colt (pacer) foaled Aug. 1st, 1883 ; got by Venture Boone, dam by Judge W. son of Whalebone Knox. Bred and owned by W. W. Abbott, Dixfield, Me. MASCOTTE Chestnut colt foaled May 22d, 1883; got by Gen. Lyon son of Dirigo, dam by Howes' Bismarck; 2d dam a AVitherell mare. Owned by W. M. Butters, Mercer, Me. MAGGIE M. Black mare (pacer) foaled in 1877 ; got by Patchen Prince, dam Buttercup by Burke Horse by Young Har- pinus. Owned by W. H. Charles, No. Fryeburg, Me. MAJOR BOONE. Dark bay horse with white stripe in face and white stockings behind, foaled June 8th, 1881; got by Daniel Boone, dam Cassie Bonner by Robert Bonner Jr. Bred and owned by J. W. Shaw, Buckfield, Me. MOLLIE B. Bay mare with star and white nose, foaled April 15th, 1882; got by Gen. Lightfoot, dam Averlocky by Messen- ger Knox; 2d dam Inverlocky (thoroughbred). Owned by Wm. Barbour, Sacarappa Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 189 MAUD E. Chestnut mare with white stripe in face and fore feet and hind ankles white, foaled May 1st, 1881; got by Defiance, dam Nell by Plato son of Gen. Knox. Bred by E. F. Morton, Thorndike, Me. MAINE FAEMER. Bay horse with two white ankles behind, foaled May 10th, 1881; got by Judge Advocate, dam Goodenough by Eysdyk's Hambletonian. Owned by S. M. Gile, Sanger- ville, Me. MAY QUEEN. Chestnut mare with one white hind ankle, foaled Aug. 1st, 1882; got by Von Moltke, dam of Drew and Knox blood. Owned by J. B. Emerson, Bangor, Me. MAUD L. Bay mare, foaled June 3d, 1880; bred by F. A. Lom- bard, Auburn, Me., got by Champion Drew, dam Kittie B. by Gilbreth Knox. Owned by B. H. Josslyn, Auburn, Me.' MONTELLO. Brown horse with white stripe in face, foaled in 1878 ; got by Hector son of Howe's Bismarck, dam Morgan and Hambletonian. Owned by J. A. Holt, Eaymond, N. H. MAUD. Dark brown mare, foaled in July, 1881 ; got by Whale- bone, Knox, Jr., dam's pedigree unknown. Owned by A. Cunningham, Monmouth, Me. MA-MIE. Gray mare foaled in 1881 ; got by Daniel Boone, dam by the Farnum Horse son of Young Brandywine ; 3d dam by Trustee Messenger. Bred by A. K. Foster, Canton Point, Me. Owned by M. C. Delano, Canton, Me. igo NOTED MAINE HORSES. MAGGIE MILLER. Bay mare with star, foaled in 1878; bred by D. M. Foster, Cdnton Point, Me., got by Harry Knox, (see page 125) dam by Bay State son of Vermont Black Hawk; 2d dam by Rising Sun; 3d dam by Bush Messenger; 4th dam by Morgan Caesar. Owned by M. C. Delano, Can- ton, Me. Record 2.31^ at Dixfield, Me., Aug. 4th, 1886. MAGGIE FRANKLIN. Brown filly with star, foaled June 12th, 1884; got by Dr. Franklin, dam Maggie Miller by Harry Knox. Bred and owned by D. M. Foster, Canton Point, Me. 9 MYRA. Bay mare foaled in 1883 : got by Prescott, dam Pansy by Volunteer Boy; 2d dam Hannah Thurston. Bred and owned by J. F. Jewett, Auburn, Me. MAZIE. Bay mare foaled in 1883; got by Redwood, dam Mollis Duroc by Maine Duroc. Owned by J. F. Jewett, Au- burn, Me. McMONT. Bay colt foaled Aug. 1st, 1884; bred by M. N. Mc- Kusick, Calais, Me., got by Bloodmont, dam Franconia by Almont; 2d dam by Alexander's Abdallah; 3d dam (Bayard's dam) by American. Ownnd by S. W. Parlin, Boston, Mass. MAINE HAMBLETONIAN. ^ Brown horse foaled in 1875 ; got by Gideon, dam (the dam of Black Sultan) of Morgan and Messenger descent. Owned by W. R. Nims, Lexington, Mich. MAUD P. Brown mare with black points, foaled in 1882 ; got by Cunard, dam by Black Ranger. Owned by M. T. Pooler, Skowhegan, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 191 MARY C. Black mare, no white, foaled Apr. 27th, 1881; bred by D. M. Foster, Canton Point, Me., got by Daniel Boone, dam by Benseboo; 2d dam by (roldbird; 3d dam (dam of Maggie Miller 2.3U) by Bay State. Owned by Geo. W. Stone, Lewiston, Me. MAGGIE M. Sorrel mare with star, foaled May 3d, 1881 ; got by Elmo son of St. Elmo, dam Dolly M. by the Bodge Horse. Owned by O. P. Cooper, Chelsea, Me. MACBETH. Dark bay colt with small star and white ankles behind, foaled June 4th, 1881 ; got by Gideon, dam, pedigree un- known. Owned by Charles Baker, Belfast, Me. MAY QUEEN. Roan mare foaled May 1st, 1883; got by Olympus, dam Forrest Lady by Beacon, son of Volunteer. Owned by Albert Pomroy, Pembroke, Me. MAUD IRISH. Chestnut mare, foaled in 1871 ; got by Disraeli son of Howes Bismarck, dam by Rising Sun. Bred by Mr. Young, Bethel, Me. Owned by Jonathan Irish, Avon, Me. MAGGIE GRAY. Gray mare with stripe in face and four white stockings, foaled in June, 1883; bred by Chas. Weston, Cambridge, Me., got by Walter S. he by Franklin, dam by Jules Jur- gensen. Owned by Victor W. Odlin, Cambridge, Me. MOUNTAINEER. Black colt with star, foaled in July 1883 ; got by Zac Chandler he by Sir Wm. Wallace, dam Armina; 2d dam Fanny P. by Daniel Lambert. Owned by A. R. Briery, Richmond Cor., Me. 192 NOTED MAINE HORSES. MABEL BKYAN. Bay filly foaled in 1884; bred by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me., got by Gen. Withers, dam Maggie Bryan by Cassius M. Clay Jr.; 2d dam Belle Bryan by Mambrino Patcheu. Owned by M. T. Pooler, Skowhegan, Me. MAGNUM KNOX. Brown horse foaled in 1871 ; got by Gen. Knox, dam by Bobbins' Messenger. Bred by Wm. M. Robinson, "Vassalboro, Me. Owned by Chandler & Rooper, Bake Oven, Wasco Co., Oregon. MANCHESTER. Mahogany bay horse with narrow white stripe in face, snip on nose and two white feet on the near side, 15| hands high, foaled in June, 1870, bred by Wright & Nor- cross, Fearnaiight Farm, Manchester, Me.; got by Fear- naught, 2.23?, dam said to be by Cassius M.Clay. Taken to Iowa, where he became the sire of Jim Crow (pacer) record 2.26. NELLIE B. Roan mare with black points, foaled in 1878; got by Joe Hooker, he by a son of Old Drew, dam by Waldo Chief, son of Gen. Knox. Bred by Amasa Burrill, Canaan, Me. Sold to Joseph Jewell, Canaan, by him to G. J. Shaw, Hartland, by him to (tCo. B. Bearce, Lewiston. Owned by W. H. Bailey, Canton, Me. Record 2.39^, at Canton, July 3d. 1886. NELLIE B. Chestnut roan mare with white in face and white ankles behind, foaled in 1875; bred by Ward Hutchins, Frye- burg. Me., got by a son of Ethan Allen, dam by Gen. Knox. Sold to A. H. Price, Rumford, Me., and named Cassandra. Owned by Budgett Bros., Belfast, Me. Record 2.38d, at Belfast, Me., Oct. 6th, 1885. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 193 NIRIA P. Rosewood bay mare with star and four white feet, bred by L. C. Gray, Dixmout, Me., got by Niagara by Sir Edwin, dam by Young Defiance. Owned by P. M. Pren- tiss, East Troy, Me. NELLMONT. Dark bay filly with star, spot on nose and one white ankle behind, foaled April 8th, 1886; got by Baymont Chief, dam Daisy Girl by Gideon. Owned by G. R. Pills- bury, Unity, Me. NIXIE B. Bay mare with white stripe in face and three white feet, foaled in 1881 ; got by Daniel Boone, dam Mountain Girl by Matchless. Owned by D. M. Allen, Jay, Me. NINA FRANKLIN. Black filly with star, foaled July 4th, 1884; got by Dr. Franklin, dam by Cunard. Owned by E. S. Hight, Nor- ridgewock. Me. NELLIE MORRILL. Dark bay mare with black points and star, foaled Apr. 22d, 1880; got by Wiuthrop Morrill, dam Duchess Fear- naught; 2d dam Nellie Grant. Owned by Chas. B. Dore, Levant, Me. NETTIE MORRILL. Bay filly with one white ankle behind, foaled July 25th, 1884; got by Daniel Morrill, dam by Hall's Black Hawk. Owned by Wm. H. Fritz, Clarence, N. S. NELLY ROLFE. Black mare with white ankles behind, foaled May 15th, 1882; got by Young Rolfe, dam by Chandler's Knox; 2d dam a Morgan mare. Owned by Nahum Tozier, Fairfield Centre, Me. 194 NOTED MAINE HORSES. NED B. Gray gelding foaled in 1873; got by Emperor William, dam by the Merrow Horse. Owned by A. W. Brackett, Pittsfield, Me. Sold to parties in Pennsysvania. Record 2.361, at Lewiston, Me., Sept. 21st, 1880. NORWAY KNOX. Black horse with small star, foaled in 1879, bred by H. L. Home, Norway, Me. ; got by Phil Sheridan Jr., by Phil Sheridan, son of Gen. Knox, dam by Godfrey's Patchen. Owned by Burnham & Morrill, Portland, Me. Record 2.36i at Canton, Me., July 28th, 1886. NELLIE SHERMAN. Brown mare with stripe in face, 15^ hands high, foaled in 1866, bred by J. E. Noyes, Portland, Me. ; got by Sher- man Black Hawk, dam a pacing mare of unknown blood. Record 2.37 at Portland, Me., Sept. 27th, 1877. NELL. Bay maie with star and off hind heel white, foaled in 1872; got by Gideon, dam Old Kate, of Morgan descent, 2d dam brought from Canada. Owned by R. F. Meader, Bradford, Me. NELLIE CONDIT. Chestnut mare foaled in 1865; got by Gen. Knox, dam a fast pacing mare pedigree unknown. Bred in Maine and owned by Alfred Condit, Orange, N. J. NANCY KNOX. Roan mare foaled in 1871 ; got by Col. Ellsworth son of Gen. Knox, dam a gray mare supposed to be of Messen- ger descent. Owned by Gen. John T. Richards, Gardiner, Me. Dam of Pilot Knox 2.19|. NELLIE Q. Gray mare foaled in 1879; got by Messenger Knox^ dam the imported thoroughbred mare Inverlocky. Owned by A. M. Qaimby, Saccarrappa, Me. Norway Knox. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 195 NELLIE WILD WOOD. (Jhestnut mare with white stripe in face, foaled in 1870 ; got by Matchless, dam by the Beals Horse, son of Old Eaton. Died in 1886 Bred and owned by W. V. Taint- er, So. Carthage, Me. Dam of Tainter, 2.36|. NELLIE T. Black mare with star in forehead and two white hind feet, foaled in 1876 ; got by Reckless, he by Winthrop Morrill, dam a Canadian mare. Owned by O. W. Tiiton, Ookland, Me. NEDT. Black gelding foaled July 15th, 1879 ; got by Carrabas- sett, dam a Witherell mare. Owned by O. W. Tiiton, Oakland, Me. NELLIE P. Black mare with star, foaled in July, 1883; got by Rac- quet, son of Daniel Boone, dam by Gen. Knox. Owned by G. B. Pillsbury, Unity, Me. NELLIE C. Chestnut mare with star, foaled in May, 1878; got by the Pierce Horse, he by Bill Baker, dam by Midnight, son of Black Sultan. Owned by Edmund Clement, Le- vant, Me. NEDC. Chestnut gelding with star and spot on nose, foaled in 1879 ; got by the Pierce Horse, son of Bill Baker, dam by Midnight. Owned by Edmund Clement, Levant, Me. NINA. Black mare foaled in May, 1882, bred by Lucius Alley, Hartford, Me.; got by Hambletonian Patchen, son of Maine Duroc, dam (sister to John S. Heald 2.27^), by Whalebone Knox. Owned by J. H. Robinson, E. Sum- ner, Me. 196 NOTED MAINE HORSES. NELLIE F. Bay mare foaled in 1877; got by Coupon, son of Gen. Knox, dam by Young Ethan Allen. Owned by J. H. Foss, E. Parsonsfield, Me. NELLIE D. Sorrel mare foaled July I6th, 1868; got by the Andrews Horse, dam a gray Messenger mare. Owned by M. M. Danforth & Son, Madison, Me. NELLIE F. Chestnut filly with star, foaled April 19th, 1886, got by Hugo son of Gen. Withers, dam by Saladin by imp Sala- din. Bred and owned by I. N. Packard, Wiuthrop, Me. NETTIE. Red chestnut mare without white, foaled May 3d, 1880; bred by B. F. Fairbanks, Winthrop, Me., got by Gen. Withers, dam Susan by Winthrop Morrill. Sold to G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me., and died in 1886 the property of C. A. Cross. Lynn, Mass. NELLIE BOONE. Dark bay mare with white stripe in face and four white stockings, foaled Apr. 1st, 1881 ; got by Daniel Boone, dam by Robert Bonner, Jr., bred by F. M. Mayo, Canton, Me. Sold to Oscar Childs and by him to Massachusetts parties. NANCY B. Bay mare with black points, foaled June 1st, 1877 ; got by Gold Hunter son of Gen. Lightfoot, dam byTuckahoe. Owned by Elwell Park, Boston, Mass. NEVER MIND. Chestnut mare foaled in 1860 ; bred by Eben Oakes, Presque Isle, Me., got by Young Moscow, dam a Morgan and Messenger mare. Owned by Joseph Battell, Middle- bury, Vt. Dam of Motion 2.29. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 197 NORTHERN SPY. Bay geldiug- with black points and star, 16 hands high, foaled in 1867; bred by a Mr. Nichols of Vassalboro, Me., got by Uncle Shube, dam by Homau's Messenger. Sold when five } ears old to Thos. Springer, Skowliegau, Me. Record 2.34 at Pittsfield, Me., Sept. 13th, 1876. NELLIE R. Gray mare foaled in 1878 ; got by Gray Fearnaught, dam by the Allen Horse. Owned by E. Perkins, So. Nor- ridgewock. Me., and sold out of the State. Record 2.36 at Waterville, Me., Oct. 10th, 1885. ORATOR HENLEY. Bay gelding foaled May 1st, 1879. 16 hands high, got by Black Crook, dam by Royal George. Owned by Geo. W. Sullivan, Bangor, Me. Record 2.331 at Lewiston, Me., in 1885. O.K. Bay gelding with black points, foaled June 12th, 1879 : got by Von Moltke, dam an English thoroughbred mare. Owned by John P. Gibbs, Bangor, Me. ORPHAN BOY. Brown horse, small star, foaled July 10th, 1878; got by Judge Advocate, dam by Right Bower, son of Gen. Knox. Owned by W. D. Blethen, Dover, Me. OAKLAND BOY. Dark brown colt with star, and stripe on nose, foaled June 14th, 1883; got by Dr. Franklin, dam Drew. Owned by O. W. Tilton, Oakland, Me. OLIVE M. Bay mare foaled in 1882; got by AVatchmaker, dam by Lord Byron. 2d dam Hopeless, by Hamlet. Bred and owned by H. S. Moore, Rockland, Me. igS NOTED MAINE HORSES. OCALA. Chestnut filly foaled June 3d, 1884; got by Olympus, dam Princess by Cobbler. Owned by M. N. McKusick, Calais, Me. ORLANDO. Bay colt with star and white ankle behind, foaled July 8th, 1884; got by Baymont Chief, dam Messenger and Drew. Owned by R. B. Pillsbury, Waterville, Me. ORPHAN GIRL. Bay filly with spot on nose and ofi'hind ankle white, with spot on near hind heel and ofi" forward heel, foaled April 28th, 1885 ; got by Achilles, dam Young Sontag by Volunteer. Bred and owned by E. L. Norcross, Manches- ter, Me. OXFORD LILY. Gray mare foaled in 1879, got by Young Bonner, son of Robert Bonner, Jr., dam by Champion Black Hawk; 2d dam by French Tiger. Owned by Wm. Gregg, An- dover. Me. ORPHAN BOY. Bay colt with black points, foaled June 6th, 1884; got by Winchester he by Edward Everett, dam by Gilbreth Knox. Owned by S. R. Hussey, Oakland, Me. OTAR. Bright bay gelding with black points aud left hind foot white, foaled May 17th, 1885; got by Dorchester, dam the Merriman mare pedigree untraced. Bred by Edwin Tot- man, and owned by J. M. Odiorne, Richmond, Me. OLINDO. Chestnut colt with star, foaled May 3d 1883 ; got by Olympus, dam imported from Pictou, N. S., said to be by a Morgan horse called Tornado. Bred and owned by Alfred Cushman, Jr., Sherman, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 199 OAKLAND GIRL. iJay mare with very small star, foaled in 1880; bred and owned by Peter Letourueau, Oakland, Me., got by Victor son of Gen. Knox, dam Parity 2.37i by Winthrop Morrill. Record 2.31i at Lewiston, Me., Sept. 18th, 1886. OLD MAID. Brown mare 15^ hands high, foaled in 1873; bred by A. J. Foss, Leeds Centre, Me., got by Monogram son of Mambrino Pilot, dam said to be an Ethan Allen mare. Sold to Pompilly & Ryerson, Lewiston, Me., and by them to New Yorif parties. Record 2.36^ at Lewiston, Me., Sept. 9th, 1881. ONWARD. Bay horse foaled in 1873 ; got by Otis Morrill by Win- throp Morrill, dam Gretchen by Gideon. Owned by C. H. Nelson, Waterville, Me. OREN H. Brown colt with star, foaled Sept. 25th, 1883; got by Venture Boone, dam by Brandy wine. Bred and owned by Oren Hammond, Peru, Me. OSCEOLA. Chestnut mare with small star and off hind ankle white, foaled June 20th, 1882; bred by W. G. Davidson, St. Stephen, N. B., got by Olympus, dam a Morgan mare. Owned by E. E. Caldwell, Andover, Me. OFFA. Bay mare foaled in June, 1878; got by Silver Boy, he by Emperor 2.29, by Newman Horse, dam Midnight by Godfrey's Patchen. Bred and owned by C. H. Dwinal, Mechanic Falls, Me. ORPHAN (JIRL. Bay mare foaled May 13th, 1878, got by Ino son of Gen. Knox, dam Messenger. Owned by Frank Tuttle, So. Smithfield, Me. 200 NOTED MAINE HORSES. OLIVETTE. Brown mare foaled in 1875, bred by Joseph Hibbs, He- bron, Me. ; got by Sultan Jr., son of Black Sultan, dam a Brandy wine mare. Owned by John Miller, Lewiston,Me. Record 2.32 at Bangor, Me., Sept. 3d, 1886. OXFORD. Bay horse foaled in 1870; got by Gen. Knox, dam by Champion Black Hawk. 2d dam by Norman Prince, 3d dam by Winthrop Messenger. Owned by Amos Blazo, Porter, Me. OSSIPEE. Bay gelding foaled in 1879 ; got by Maine Duroc, dam Lady Seymour, pedigree unknown. Bred and owned by Geo. M. Small, East Limingtou, Me. PALMER KNOX. Brown horse with star, foaled in 1865, bred by M. G. Palmer, Portland, Me. ; got by Gen. Knox, dam by the Robinson Horse, by Bucephalas. Record 2.31 at Beacon Park, Boston, June 24, 1878. PHIL SHERIDAN. Black horse with star, foaled July 27th, 1864, bred by Greenleaf Lowe, Winslow, Me. ; got by Gen. Knox, dam, pedigree untraced. Sold to P. M. Thurlow, Lewiston,Me., afterwards gelded and sold. Record 2.311 at Bangor, Me., June 24th, 1875. Made a record of 2.30 in a dead heat with Maine Slasher at Portland, Me., in 1876, which record was afterwards removed. Sire of Fannie M., 2.29^. PHIL SHERIDAN, JR. Black horse foaled in 1870, bred by A. F. Jackson, Nor- way, Me.; got by Phil Sheridan, by Gen. Knox. Dam unknown. Sold to Portland parties and gelded. Sire of Mattie B., 2.271 . NOTED MAINE HORSES. 201 PRESCOTT BELLE. Bay mare with star and black points, foaled in May, 1882; got by Prescott, son of Harold, dam Belle Knox, by Coupon, son of Gen. Knox. Bred and owned by J. G. Hanscom, Buxton, Me. PRODIGY. Dark bay filly with black points, foaled in April, 1883; got by Prescott, dam Belle Knox, by Coupon. Bred and owned by J. G. Hanscom, Buxton, Me. PEARL. Dark bay mare foaled in June, 1880; got by Dirigo, dam a pacing mare brought from the Provinces. Owned by C. W. Wentworth, So. Exeter, Me. PATCHEN WILKES. Dark gray colt with white stripe in face, foaled July 14th, 1882; got by Mambrino Wilkes, dam Lady Patchen by Star Patchen. Owned by Charles Wadleigh, Meredith, N. H. POMPEY. Bay horse with star and black points, foaled in August, 1880; got by Whalebone Knox, Jr., dam's pedigree un- known. Owned by A. Cunningham, Monmouth, Me. PEACEFUL. Dark brpwn mare foaled in 1870 ; got by Gen. Knox, dam untraced. Owned by C. A. Fuller, Fairfield Centre, Me. PERFECTION. Chestnut gelding with narrow stripe in face, foaled in 1879; bred by W. V. Tainter, So. Carthage, Me. Got by Harry Knox, dam by Matchless. Owned by J. S. Swett, Carthage, Me. 202 NOTED MAINE HORSES. PSYCHE. Dark brown mare with black points, foaled June 21st, 1880; got by Maine Jefferson, dam a Canadian mare. Owned by Elisha Hall, Minot, Me. PET MORRILL. Dark chestnut mare with three white ankles, foaled in 1879; bred by S. C. Silver, Dexter, Me. Got by Win- throp Morrill, dam by Crown Prince, son of Gen. Knox. Owned by Wm. Dickey, Lewiston, Me. PSYCHE. Bay filly with black points foaled in August, 1883; got by Prescott, dams pedigree unknown. Owned by Dr. W. B. Swasey, Cornish, Me. PERT. Brown bay mare foaled July 6th, 1877; got by Dirigo, dam by Old Drew. Bred and owned by W. W. Odlin, Cambridge, Me. PERCY CLIFTON. Bay gelding foaled May 22d, 1877 ; got by Wonder, dam a Morgan mare. Owned by H. G. Wakefield, Hollis Centre, Me. PLUMED KNIGHT, Black gelding foaled in 1879, bred by Wm. Herring, Guilford, Me. ; got by Mike Logan, son of Jules Jurgen- sen, dam by Old Drew. Sold when three years old to J. Q. Lander, Dover, Me,, and by him to 1885; got by Redwood, dam Fanny W, by Palmer Knox. Bred and owned by E. A. Weymouth, Bauneg Beg, Me. ROBERT LEE. Dark bay horse with star, foaled May 18th, 1881 ; got by Black Cloud, dam by son of Dirigo. Owned by J. P. Wiley, Hope, Me. RICHMOND. Recorded in Vol. I. as Bill Baker. Black horse foaled in 1869, bred by E. D. Baker, Levant, Me.; got by Don- caster, son of Old Drew, dam by Old Eaton. Owned by Geo. F. Atkins, Lowell, Mass. Record 2.36^. REDWIN(^. Bay horse foaled in 1874, bred by James B. Erskine, Sprague's Mills, Aroostook Co., Me., and foaled in Brad- ford, Me.; got by Honest John, son of Gilbreth Knox, dam Kit, a dark bay mare traced to Dud Leavitt, a lum- berman of Bangor. The mare is said to be by Brown Harry, Owned by Josiah Farrar, East Dover, Me. ROSALIND. Bay filly, no white, foaled May 16th, 1885; got by Glen- arm, dam Lady Morrill, by Sherwood, 2d dam by Win- throp Morrill, 3d dam by Gen. Knox. Bred aud owned by Edwin Emery, West Poland, Me. RESOLUTE. Dark gray colt foaled April 23d, 1885; got by Lothair, Jr., dam by Daniel Lambert. Owned by A. N. Piei'ce, Garland, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 217 ROSA BONNER. Roan mare with one white hind foot, foaled May 17th, 1881 ; got by Spirit of 76, dam Blister by a son of French Tiger. Bred and owned by O. C. Houghton, Bryants Pond, Me. RUBY M. Dark bay filly no white, foaled in June, 1884; got by Judge Kelly son of Winthrop Morrill dam Drew and Morgan. Owned by Orlando Matthews, St. Albans, Me. REDOWA. Dark bay filly with little white on each heel behind, foaled July 23d, 1884; got by Redwood, dam by J. G. Morrill, 2.29; 2d dam by Bay State son of Vermont Black Hawk. Owned by D. M. Foster, Canton Point, Me. RUBY ROGERS. Chestnut mare with faint star, foaled May 14th, 1876 ; got by Black Pilot, dam by Col. Ellsworth son of Gen. Knox. Bred by O. H. Clark, West Bristol, Me. Sold to Gen. J. T. Richards, Gardiner, Me. Sister to Pilot Knox, 2.191. ROBERT BURNS Brown horse foaled June 26th, 1876; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Rysdyk's Hambletouian. Owned by Abbott & Mills, Boston, Mass. ROBERT M. Dark bay colt with black points, foaled in May, 1885 ; got by Whalebone Knox Jr., dam by Morrill Champion. Owned by J. E. Clark, Winthrop, Me. ROSA REDWOOD. Dark bay filly with star, and little white on all four feet, foaled June 10th, 1885 ; got by Redwood, dam's ped- igree UDtraced. Owned by L. M. Nute, Berwick, Me. 2i8 NOTED MAINE HORSES. RED SQUIRREL. Bay mare with black points, foalnd in 1877; got by the Cooper Horse, son of Dirigo, dam's pedigree unknown. Owned by Henry E. Haley, Monroe, Me. ROSE BUD. Bay mare with star, foaled July 5th, 1882; got by Whalebone Knox, dam Scythia, by Chenery's Scythian, 2d dam by Sandy River Trotter. Owned by Cyrus Wood, Winthrop, Me. RED ROSE. Bay filly with small star, foaled April 22d, 1885; got by Redwood, dam Fanny Heisey, by Horner's Brandy wine. Bred and owned by S. P. Hersey, No. Auburn, Me. ROLFE. Bay gelding with star and one white forward foot and two white ankles behind, foaled May 10th, 1883; got by Tom Rolfe Jr., dam Rose Denmark by Fayette Denmark. Owned by W. B. Fletcher, Starks, Me. REDWOOD BOONE. Dark bay colt with star, spot on nose and white stock- ings behind, foaled Aug. 5th, 1884; got by Redwood, dam Gertie J., by Daniel Boone, 2d dam by Monogram. Bred and owned by J. F. Jennings, West Leeds, Me. ROSA B. Bay mare foaled in 1864; got by Morgan Trotter, dam's pedigree untraced. Bred by Henry Day, and owned by Geo. S. Blake, Brownfield, Me Dam of Stella Blake, 2.25i. ROSA BONHEUR. Black mare foaled in 1883 ; got by Dr. Franklin, dam by Gen. Knox. Bred by E. J. Lawrence, Somerset Mills, Me. Owned by Weeks & Buford, Albion, N. Y. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 219 ROCOMECO, 2407. Bay horse with black points, foaled June 26th, 1882, bred bv D. M. Foster, Canton Point, Me.; got by (^en. Withers, dam Katie Boone, by Daniel Boone, 2d dam by Gen. Knox, 3d dam by Old Eaton. Owned by Edwin "VVoodside, Sabatis, Me. RAPID BOONE. Black colt with star and near hind ankle white, foaled May 19th, 1883; got by Daniel Boone, dam Leonna by Royal Knox, 2d dam Shoo Fly, by Rising Sun. Bred and owned by H. A. Archer, Skowhegan, Me. ROMEO. Dark bay colt with black points, foaled May 17th, 1883; got by Gen. Withers, dam of Drew blood. Owned by Chas. Baker, Belfast, Me. RENA BOONE. Bay iilly with star and near hind ankle white, foaled July 21st, 1883; got by Daniel Boone, dam Shoo Fly, by Rising Sun. Bred and owned by H. A. Archer, Skowhe- gan, Me. ROGER D. Bay gelding with star and off forward foot white, foaled June 23d, 1875; got by Gen. Lightfoot, dam's pedigree unl^nown. Owned by Wm. J. Dyer, Portland, Me. Rec- ord 2.37i. RACQUET. Bay horse with star in forehead and one white forward foot, foaled Aug. 2d, 1877 ; got by Daniel Boone, dam a Knox mare. Owned by Gustavus Sawtelle, then of Water- vilie. Me. REUEL R. Bright bay horse with star, foaled May 16th, 1881 ; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam a Brandy wine mare. Bred and owned by 1. H. Crowell, Corinna, Me. 2;«o NOTED MAINE HORSES. RIPLEY P. Bay horse foaled June 14th, 1879; bred by John F. Mills, Pittsfield, Me., got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Drew's Knox son of Gen. Lightfoot. RECLUSE. Chestnut gelding (pacer) with small star, off fore ankle and both hind ankles white, foaled Aug. 19th, 1882; got by Prescott son of Harold, dam Molly, 2.27^, by Dolphus: 2d dam said to be by Old Abdallah. Bred and owned by J. W. Thompson, Canton, Me. ROSA MORRILL. Bright bay mare with large star and two white ankles behind, foaled Aug. 15th, 1882; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Dolbier's Ethan Allen. Owned by Freeman Hoyt, Winthrop, Me. RICE BOY. Chestnut horse foaled in 1876 ; got by Seneca Pet. dam by the Mahoney Horse son of Dirigo. Bred by J. B. Watts, Thomaston, Me. SPANGLE. Dapple gray horse, foaled in 1871; bred by a Mr. Thurber, Winslow, Me., got by Gilbreth Knox, dam's pedigree unknown. Sold when two years old to Gen. W . S. Tilton, Togus, Me., and by him in 1875 toLarrabee & Hamilton, Biddeford, M^^. Record 2.37 at Portland in 1876 as a five year old. Dead. SILVER KING. Gray colt with off fore and near hind foot white, foaled March 27th, 1884; got by Gideon, dam Kazeta by C. M. Clay, Jr. ; 2d dam Kate Thompson by Ericsson ; 3d dam Lady Goodwin by Smith Burr's Columbus ; 4th dam by Old Abdallah. Bred and owned by G. J. Shaw, Hart- land, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 221 SADIE L. Black mare foaled in 1883; bred by C. H. Nelson, Waterville, Me., got by Young Rolt'e, dam Gretchen by Gideon, (Fall sister to Nelson, 2.261, at three years.) Owned by B. F. & F. H. Briggs, Auburn, Me. SPRINGSTEEL. Bay gelding foaled in 1877 ; bred by Frank Weeks, Vassalboro, Me. got by Victor son of Gen. Knox, dam by Brown Harry. Sold to Chas. W. Moore, Vassalboro, Me STELLA PRESCOTT. Bay filly foaled in May, 1883; got by Prescott, dam Geneva Queen, by Constellation, 2d dam by Godfrey's Patchen. Bred and owned by H. B. Ward well, Auburn, Me. SAMOSET. Seal brown colt with star, foaled July 30th, 1884; got by Dr. Franklin, dam a Morgan mare. Owned by Chas. Mabry, Fairfield Centre, Me. SILVER LEAF. Gray colt foaled in June, 1885; got by Redwood, dam Early Dawn, by Crusoe, 2d dam Jennie Knox, by Messen- ger Knox. Owned by Whitman Leslie, Gray, Me. SILVER BELL. Bay filly with star and both hind ankles white, foaled Apr. 21st, 1886; got by Harbinger, dam Lady Isabel, by Happy Medium. (Full sister to Harebell). Bred and owned by A. W. Brackett, Pittsfield, Me. SAVEET HEART. Bay filly with white stripe in face and two white ankles behind; got by Startle Hambletonian, son of Startle, dam Lady Bright Star, 2.40, by John Bright. Foaled May 22, 1885. Owned by F. C. Crocker, Portland, Me. 2^2 NOTED MAINE HORSES. SPIRIT OF '76. Chestnut horse with star and stripe in face and white hind ankles, foaled June 5th, 1876; got by Robert Bon- ner, Jr., dam Old Kate by Gray Eagle son of Hunton Horse. Bred and owned by S. R. Hutchins, Rumford, Me. SETH T. Bay horse with star, foaled May 20th, 1874; bred by Joseph Tufts, Paris, Me., got by Highland Patchen by Tom Patchen, dam Belle Tufts by Black Jack. SPOT. Spotted gelding foaled in 1873; got by Whalebone Knox, dam by Hector. Owned by Henry Fairbanks, Winthrop, Me., and sold to Massachusetts parties. SATAN. Dark bay horse, foaled in 1876; got by Col. Tom Knox, dam a Hambletonian mare brought from New York. Owned by James L. Sanders, No. Bluehill, Me, ST. VALENTINE. Chestnut colt with small star and off hind foot white? foaled Feb. 14th, 1885; got by Fearnaught Jr., dam Mol- lie Allen by Ethan Allen ; 2d dam Mollie Buford by Hickman, by Wagner &c. Bred and owned by E. L. Norcross, Fearnaught Farm, Manchester, Me. SILVER LOCKS. Sorrel mare with star foaled in June, 1881 ; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam's pedigree unknown. Owned by Josiah Fernald, Canaan, Me. SEMBUCH. Bay filly foaled May 15th, 1884; got by Monaco (full brother to Wedgewood) dam Jessie Morrill by Winthrop Morrill; 2d dam Dolly Rice. Bred and owned by E. E. and H. L. Whitney, Maple Glen Farm, Hebron, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 223 SARAH J. Bay filly with both hind ankles white, foaled July 27th, 188i; got by Redwood, dam by Modoc Boy by Minoken Boy (Western Fearnaught.) Bred and owned by Dr. A, R. Millett, Livermore Falls, Me. SHERWOOD. Black gelding with star, foaled in 1872, bred by Gilbert Fowler, Portland, Me. ; got by Tom Patchen, dam by Fowler's Brandy wine. Sold to C. R. Moulton, Portland Me. Record 2.311 at Lewiston, Me., Sept. 22, 1880. Kept awhile as a stallion and left some stock. SIL VERT AIL. Bay mare with star and narrow white stripe in face and gray hairs in tail, foaled in 1865, bred by a Mr. Holloway, Waterville, Me. ; got by Gen. Knox, dam Dolly, by Lion Messenger. Sold to Peter Letourneau, Oakland, and afterwards owned by W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me. SUMNER L. Bay colt with star and white coronet on right hind foot, foaled May 30th, 1884; got by Whalebone Knox, dam of thoroughbred descent. Owned by G. C. Jacobs, Win- throp. Me. SNELLING. Bay gelding with black points, foaled May 25th, 1882; got by Gray Dan, dam Gipsey, a pacing mare (dam of Iron Age 2.191) said to be by a son of Old Drew. Owned by J. A. Monroe, Abbot, Me. STONEHAM WILKES. Black colt with star and spot on nose and four white stockings, foaled Aug. 11th, 1885; got by Geo. Wilkes Jr. by Geo. Wilkes, dam a Knox mare bred in Maine. Owned by John T. Kenney, Stoneham, Mass. 224 NOTED MAINE HORSES. SUPERB. Brown colt foaled in June, 1885; got by Echo, son of Victor, dam Wild Rose by Morrill's Knox Boy. Bred and owned by Henry James, Waterville, Me. SOURCROUT. Gray gelding foaled in 1882; got by Smuggler Gift, dam by Gen. Lightfoot. Owned by B. R. Hunt, Thorn- dike, Me. SILVER TAIL. Blood bay colt with star and white hairs in tail, foaled May 5th, 1884; got by Watchmaker, dam an English mare. Owned by Geo. Belcher, Harding, Me. SUSIE P. Bay filly with one white ankle behind, foaled June 22d, 1885; got by (feu. Withers, dam Singe Cat, by Gen. Knox. Owned by G. B. Pillsbury, Unity, Me. SEAFOAM. Iron gray mare foaled in 1883; got by Startle, dam Sun- beam, by Gideon. Owned by B. R. Hunt, Thorndike, Me. SKIP. Flea-bitten gray mare, foaled in 1865, bred and owned by C. F. Tayloi;, So. Vassalboro, Me.; got by Gideou, dam by Young Indian Chief. Dam of Independence, 2.21i and Glenarm, 2.26-^. SOMERSET KNOX. Recorded in Vol. I, page 184 as Saturn. Black horse with white stripe in face and a little white on each hind foot, foaled April 23d, 1871; got by Gen. Knox, dam a Messenger mare, bred by Fessenden Colcord, Fairfield, Me. Sold to Geo. E. Shores, Waterville, Me., and by him to New York parties. Record 2.33 at Mystic I'ark, Boston, Oct. 8th, 1879. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 225 STAR DIAMOND. Dark chestnut mare, star and snip, and both ankles white on near side, got by Thayer's Knox by Gen. Knox, dam Lady Oak by Gen. Lee. Owned by S. A. Davis, Oldtown, Me. SUSIE'S ROLFE. Bay filly foaled in 1885 ; got by Bay Rolfe, dam Susie F., by Gideon, 2d dam by Young Morrill. Owned by B. R. Hunt, Thorndike, Me. SORREL MAID. Sorrel mare foaled June 24th, 1883 ; got by Watchmak- er, dam a Knox mare. Owned by Joshua Bennett, Dam- ariscotta, Me. SAND HILL. Dark roan colt foaled in May, 1884; got by Watchmak- er, dam by Col. Ellsworth, son of Gen. Knox. Owned by F. G. Hastings, Damariscotta, Me. SMUT. Black filly foaled July 13th, 1883; got by Cushnoc, he by Victor, dam Nell, by Gilbreth Knox. Owned by Lon Rogers, Windsor, Me. SUSIE MAY. Dark bay filly with one white hind foot, foaled May 18, 1883; got by Golddust Lambert, dam Nellie Wildwood, by Matchless. Bred and owned by W. V. Tainter, So. Carthage, Me. SCOTT L. Bay colt with star and black points, foaled in 1884; got by Dorchester, by Dictator, dam Coouey, dam by JohnS. Heald, 2.27i and Tinnie B., 2.27^. Bred by John Libby, Gardiner, Me. Owned by Chas. M. Jewett & Henry Read, Lewiston, Me. 2-^6 NOTED MAINE HORSES. SCHOOL MARM. Chestnut filly with star, foaled May 27th, 1883; got by Olympus, dam Princess, by Cobbler. Owned by M. N. McKusick, Calais, Me. ST. LAWRENCE. Bay horse foaled June 28th, 1881; got by Gray Dan, son of Gideon, dam by Gen. Knox. Owned by J. H. Campbell, Plymouth, Me. SISTER. Chestnut mare with one white hind foot, foaled in 1880; got by Fearnaught Jr., dam by the Warner Horse. Owned by E. L. Norc»oss, Manchester, Me. SUSIE F. Iron gray mare foaled in 1878, bred by Ed. Ferguson, Bangor, Me. ; got by Gideon, dam by Young Morrill. Owned by B. R. Hunt, Unity, Me. SUNBEAM. Dark gray mare, foaled in 1878; got by Gideon, dam a Drew mare. Bred by a Mr. Overlook, Bangor, Me. Owned by B. R. Hunt, Unity, Me. SLOCUM. Sorrel horse with star, foaled Aug. 10th, 1880; got by Whalebone Knox, dam by Henry Clay. Owned by N. T. Sinclair, Palmyi'a, Me. SPEEDAWAY. Bay filly foaled in 1883 ; got by Olympus, dam Nelly Robbins, by Messenger Boy, 2d dam by imp. Saladin. Bred and owned by G. L. Harmon, Machias, Me. SCOTT D. Brown colt with star, foaled July 15th, 1883; got by Venture Boone, dam by Young Flying Eaton. Bred and owned by Scott Dore, Mexico, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 227 SELMOR ALMONT. Cliestnnt horse foaled May 17th, 1881; got by Olympus, dam Fanny Edgerly, by Eastern Morgan. Owned by Chas. A. Rolfe, Princeton, Me. SULTAN. Roan horse with black mane and tail, foaled June 28th, 1882; got by Lothair Jr., dam by Gen. Lyon. Owned by Edgar L. Tewksbury, Atkinson, Me. SIGNAL. Bay horse foaled in May, 1883; got by Lothair Jr., dam by the Leighton Horse, son of Old Drew Owned by J. C. Richardson, Garland, Me. SUSAN. Bay mare with star and two white ankles behind, foaled in May, 1868, bred by Mr. Crowell, Winthrop, Me.; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam a mare brought from New Hampshire, pedigree unknown. Owned by B. F. Fair- banks, Winthrop, Me. SHARK. Formerly Mercury, ('hestnut horse foaled about 1818; got by Quicksilver, by Dey of Algiers, dam's pedigree unknown. Bred by Benjamin Brown, Vassalboro, Me. Sold to Ira Wadleigh, Oldtown, Me., and afterwards tak- en to Fredericton, N. B. STELLA. Gray filly foaled June 10th, 1884; got by Maine Duroc dam Blister, by a son of French Tiger. Bred and owned by O. C. Houghton, Bryants Pond, Me. susu. Bay mare foaled in April, 1882; got by Watchmaker, dam by the Hodgman horse, son of Dirigo. Bred and owned b\- A. R. Yates, Vassalboro, Me. 2^8 NOTED MAINE HORSES. SHERBRO. Bay filly foaled in 1883 ; got by Watchmaker, dam by the Hodgmaii horse son of Dirigo. Bred and owned by A. R. Yates, Vassalboro, Me. SULYMAH. Light cream colored filly with white stiipe in face, white feet and white mane and tail, foaled in 1884; got by Watchmaker, dam's pedigree unknown. Owned by A. R. Yates, Yassalboro, Me. SADIE. Black filly with white stripe in forehead, foaled in June, 1883; got by Wanderer son of Gen. Knox, dam by Minoken. Owned by H. W. Cousens, Fryeburg, Me. SURPRISE. Black horse with star and left hind foot white, foaled May 3d, 1879; got by Gen. Custer, dam by Brown's Black Hawk. Owned by Geo. E. Sampson, Chases Mills, Me. SCYTHIA. Bay mare with star and two white ankles on near side, foaled in May, 1880; got by Whalebonn Knox, dam by Chenery's Scythian; 2d dam by Sandy River Trotter: 3d dam by Witherell. Bred by B. F. Fairbanks, Winthrop, Me. SMUGGLER GIFT JR. Bay horse with stripe in face and near hind ankle white foaled in June. 1882; got by Smuggler Gift, dam Drew and Messenger. Owned by A. D. Bumps, Thorndike, Me. STARMONT. Chestnut horse with star and black points, foaled Apr. 15th, 1882; got by Olympus, dam Lady Hayward by Old Ben thoroughbred son of Dickens. Owned by H. C. Townsend, Ft. Fairfield, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 229 SIR RUPERT. Bay horse foaled in 1875; got by Whalebone Knox, dam by Winthrop Morrill. Bred and owned by A. J. Crowell, Winthrop, Me, 8WALL0W. Bay mare foaled in 1877 ; got by Black Hawk Chief, dam Maud Irish, by Disraeli, son of Howes' Bismarck, 2d dam by Rising Sun. Bred by S. W. Parlin, Boston, Mass. SPORTSMAN, 1509. Bay horse foaled in 1877; bred by Dr. (reo. H. Bailey, Portland, Me.; got by Thomas Jefferson, dam Annie Bailey, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, 2d dam by the Old Drew Horse. Sold to L. D. M. Swett, Esq., Portland, Me. SMILEY. Bay mare foaled in 1868, bred by a Mr. Smiley, Water- ville. Me.; got by Gen. Knox, dam by Lion Messenger. Sold to R. H. Ingraham, Hempstead, L. I. SUSIE PRESCOTT. Chestnut mare foaled in 1882; got by Prescott, dam by Brown Harry, 2d dam by Merrow Horse Bred by J. W. Flint, E. Baldwin, Me. Sold to L. C. Ryerson, Auburn, Me. SARAH E. Brown mare foaled June 16th, 1881; got by Dirigo, dam Brandy wine. Owned by I. H. Crowell, Corinna, Me. SLIPPERY KIT. Dark bay mare, foaled Sept. 10th, 1878; bred by a Mr. Sawyer, Greene, Me., got by Gen. Knox Jr., dam by Hampton. O.vued by Fred E. Luce, Auburn, Me. 230 NOTED MAINE HORSES. STARLIGHT. Spotted horse with white stripe in face, white ankle forward and two white stockings behind, foaled June 10th, 1880; got by Whalebone Knox. Owned by Harold Martin, Winthrop, Me. STAETLE. Black horse foaled in May, 1879 ; got by Joe Irving, dam Fanny by Whitraore's Messenger. Owned by B. R. Hunt, Unity, Me. SEBASTICOOK. Light bay horse with star and off hind foot white, foaled Aug. 2d, 1879; got by Gideon, dam "Winthrop Belle by Whalebone Knox. Bred andowned by W. L. Sturtevant, E. Boston, Mass. TONY BONNER. Bay gelding foaled in 1883; bred by Isaac Tobin, Can- ton, Me., got by Robert Bonner Jr., dam a Drew mare. Owned by S. H. Lovejoy, Auburn, Me. TAINTER. Brown bay gelding, foaled in 1879; got by Eclair son of Gen. Knox, dam Nellie Wildwood by Matchless. Bred by W. V. Tainter, So. Carthage, Me. Owned by A. H. Price, Brunswick, Me. Record 2.36| at Fairfield, Me., in 1886. TOODLES. Golden bay colt with right hind foot white, foaled May 26th, 1884; got by Smuggler, 2.15|, dam by Daniel Lam- bert. Owned by T. C. Carter, Bethel, Me. TEAKWOOD. Brown chestnut colt with white stripe in forehead, fooled June 13th, 1885 ; got by Redwood, dam Lady Knox- ford, by Palmer Knox. Owned by Siinon S. Andrews, Biddeford, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 231 TOMAH. Black horse with star and three white stockings, foaled Jane 18th, 1881 ; got by Daniel Boone, dam Lizzie E. b}^ Don Shakspeare. Bred and owned by E. E. Caldwell, Audover, Me. TWILIGHT. Light chestnut filly foaled in June, 1884; got by Olym- pus, dam Hattie Pollard by Paddy by Black Hawk; 2d dam by Foster's Morgan. Owned by J. C. Gibson, Woodstock, N. B. TRICK8EY. Dark bay mare with black points, foaled in 1880 ; got by a grandson of Gen. Knox, dam a Black Hawk mare. Owned by S. S. Fuller, Bridgton, Me. TRYMEON. Bay horse foaled in 1872 ; bred by Wright and Nor- cross, Manchester, Me., got by Feai naught Jr., dam Eugenie (Black Pilot's dam) by Swigerts Lexington; 2d dam by Brawner's Eclipse; 3d dam by Medoc &c. Aft- erwards taken to Marshalltown, Iowa, by G. W. Fergu- son. Sept. 12th, 1877, at the Marshall County Fair Grounds, Marshalltown, Iowa, Trymeon won a race in three straight heats, fastest 2.37^. TOPSY ROLFE. Bay filly with white stripe in face and one white ankle behind, foaled Aug. 23d, 1883; got by Young Rolfe, dam by Chandler's Knox; 2d dam a Morgan mare. Bred and owned by Nahum Tozier, Fairfield Centre, Me. TOLU. Red Chestnut filly with star, foaled July 24th, 1885 ; got by Hugo, dam by Whalebone Knox; 2d dam by Fayette Messenger son of Hunion Horse. Owned by E. O. Coffin, Freeport, Me. 232 NOTED MAINE HORSES. TROUT BEOOK. Chestnut horse with white stocking on off hind leg, foaled May 3d, 1880; got by Gen. Withers, dam Delia, by Maine Slasher, son of Gen. Knox. Bred and owned by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. TANNERY BOY. Bay colt with white on off hind heel, foaled June 24th, 1885; got by Gen. Withers, dam Tanner's Star, by Royal Tanner, son of Gen. Knox. Bred and owned by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. THORNLEAF. Bay Ally foaled in 1885, bred by J. M. Littlefield, Fox- croft, Me. ; got by Judge Advocate, dam Lady Reno, by Gen. Grant. Owned by J. R. Graham, Lexington, Ky. Sister to Thornburg, 2. 21 J. TWILIGHT. Brown mare 15^ hands high, foaled in 1881 bred by Wallace Turner, No. Newport, Me. ; got by Von Moltke, dam by Gen. Knox. Sold to G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. Record 2.45 as a four-year-old. THOMAS CARLYLE. Bay horse foaled May 4th, 1882; bred by A. N. Burrill, Hartland, Me., got by (^en. Withers, dam Alice by Ledo son of Rysdyk's Harabletonian; 2d dam by the Burnett Horse son of Old Drew ; 3d dam by Old Eaton. Sold to G. J. Shaw, Hartland, by him to H. B. Grant, Pittsfield, and now owned by W. J. Wheeler, So. Paris, Me. TANNER'S STAR. Bay mare with white stripe in face and four white feet, foaled June 2d, 1878; got by Royal Tanner son of Gen. Knox, dam Sally Wright by Seely's American Star. Bred and owned by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 233 TOM F. PATCHEN. Bay horse locally known as "Farnsworth's Patchen," with star and white on both hind feet, foaled Sept. 13th, 1869, bred by Geo. S. Farnsworth, No. Bridgton, Me.; got by Tom Patchen, dam of Messenger descent. After- wards gelded and taken to Massachusetts. Sire of Star Gazer, 2.28^. TRINKET. Dark bay mare foaled in June, 1880; gotby Vanderbilt, he by Union Boy, dam by Dirigo, 2d dam by the Merrow Horse. Owned by C. W. Wentworth, So. Exeter, Me. TACOMA CHIEF. Seal brown colt with star, spot on upper and under lips and white stockings behind, foaled in May, 1883; got by Daniel Boone, dam Jersey Maid by McClellan Knox. Owned by E. B. Hill, Skowhegan, Me. TEXAS JACK. Dark bay colt foaled in 1884; got by a sou of Gen. McClellan, dam said to be thoroughbred. Owned by John B. Dority, No. Palermo, Me. TRUSTY. Brown horse with star, foaled June 15th, 1879; bred by Wm. L. Sturtevant, E. Boston, Mass., got by Whale- bone Knox, dam Faniiy Fern of French descent. THOMAS A. PATCHEN. Mahogany bay horse, 16 hands high, foaled in 1872; got by Tom Patchen. Own^id by Geo. S. Ames, Norway, Me. Afterwards gelded and sold. TRINKET. Bay mare with black points, foaled in May 1877; got by Dirigo, dam by Midnight son of Black Sultan. Own- ed at one time by David Quimby, Corinna. Me. 234 NOTED MAINE HORSES. THETA. Chestnut filly with star, foaled May 17th, 1884; got by Robert Bonner Jr., dam by Cadmus, Jr., 233, 2d dam said to be by Royal George. Owned by L. B. Smith, Canton, Me. TOM F. Black horse with star and right hind ankle white, foaled July 1st, 1879; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam's pedigree not traced. Bred by Thos. Fuller, Hartland, Me. Owned by G. W. Tuttle, Winthrop, Me. TELEPHONE KNOX. Black horse with star, foaled May 13th, 1880; got by Palmer Knox, dam by Star Patchen, 2d dam by Penobscot Boy, 3d dam by Witherell. Owned by J. W. Munger, Portland Me. TWILIGHT. Chestnut mare with white stripe in face, foaled April 7th, 1881 ; got by Gov. Morrill, dani Fanny Hersey, by Horner's Brandy wine. Bred by S. P. Hersey, No. Au- burn, Me. Owned by Whitman Leslie, West Gray, Me. TWINKLE. Bay mare with star and white on near hind foot, foaled May 12th, 1882; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by White Stockings, son of Old Eaton, 2d dam by Hunton Horse, 3d dam by Stone Messenger. Owned by W. H. Atkinson Wayne, Me. TOPSEY. Black mare foaled in 1871: bred by John H.May, Augusta, Me., got by Gen. Knox, dam untraced. Sold to S. S. Houghton, Boston, Mass . THACKAMBAU 3603. Bay horse foaled in June, 1876 ; got by Gideon, dam by Dirigo. Owned by Mudgett Bros., Belfast, Me. Record 2.41 at Lewiston, Me., in 1884. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 235 TINA. Dark hsij mare with star, and white on inside of off hind foot, foaled May 18th, 1880; got by Winthrop Mor- rill, dam by Whalebone Knox. Bred by B. F. Fairbanks, Winthrop, Me. TICONIC. Brown colt foaled in 1883; bred by L P. Foster, Canaan, Me., got by Dr. Franklin, dam by Morrill Cham- pion. Owned by E. J. Lawrence, Somerset Mills, Me. Record 2.50 as a three-year-old at Waterville, Me., Sept. 8th, 1886. TREASURE. Gray mare foaled in 1876 ; got by Pequawket sou of Gideon, dam by Gen. Knox. Bred and owned by N. M. Adams, Cornish, Me. TONTINE BELLE. Black mare 15 hands high, foaled in 1863; bred by Mr. Spaulding, Buckfield, Me., got by Le.viston Boy, dam said to be a Morgan. Mr. Spaulding sold her to Jesse Turner and he took her to Brunswick and sold her to Pink- ham and Campbell. She was afterward taken to Mass. Record 2.37. UNCLE BEN. Chestnut gelding, 15 hands high, foaled in 1865; bred by Mr. Gould, of Camden, got by the Dean horse by Old Drew. Uncle Ben was purchased in 1875 by C. W. Bis- bee, of Camden. At the Maine State Fair of 1875, at Pre- sumpscot Park, Portland, he won two races. The first a race for green horses in which he won a record of 2.44, the next the 2.50 race in which he lowered it to 2.391 VON. Bay colt foaled June 1st, 1882; got by Von Moltke, dam by Whalebone Knox. Owned by N. T. Sinclair, Palmyra, Me. 236 NOTED MAINE HORSES. VASSALBORO BOY. Bay horse with black points, foaled iu March, 1879; got by Victor son of Gen. Knox, dam's pedigree unknown. Owned by Joseph White, No. Vassalboro, Me. VEXIN. Roan gelding with white ankles behind, foaled Jnl y 18th, 1877; got by Peerless son of Gen. Knox, daman Indian Chief mare. Owned by O. W. Tilton, Oakland, Me. VIOLA. Bay roan filly with black points, foaled May 19th. 1885; got by Hugo, dam by Whalebone Knox ; 2d dam said to be by Lewiston Boy. Owned by B. Gilman, E. Mon- mouth, Me. VOLKA. Dark brown filly foaled in July, 1884; got by Kenne- bec by Independence by Gen. Knox, dam a Knox mare. Owned by O. D. Haskell, Augusta, Me. VOLUNTEER KNOX. Dark bay colt with black points,ifoaled June 19th, 1881 ; got by McKenney Knox, dam by Volunteer; 2d dam by American Star. Owned by W. G. Stephens, Auburn, Me. VANDERBILT. Dark chestnut colt stripe in face and oflfhind foot white foaled May 24th, 1886; got by Dick Lightheart 2929, dam Minnie by Somerset Knox. Owned by Lon Rogers, Windsor, Me. VIXEN. Black gray filly foaled May 9th, 1885, bred by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. ; got by Gideon, dam Abilene, by Alwood, by Almont, 2d dam Lady Bates, by Hitchcock's Ashland, 3d dam by Conklin's Rattler, by Abdallah. Sold to Dr. J. A. Twaddle, Bethel, Me. Appears in Mr. Shaw's cataloifue for 1886 as Fan tine. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 237 VICTRESS. Bay mare 16 hands high, foaled in 1879, bred by Peter Letourneaii, Oakland, Me.; got by Victor, son of Gen. Knox, dam Purity, by Winthrop Morrill. Owned by John R. Graham, Lexington, Ky. Sister to Oakland Girl. VICTOR MAUREL. Dark bay colt foaled May 4th, 1880; got by Hermes, son of Harold, dam Jessie Morrill, by Winthrop Morrill, 2d dam Dolly Rice. Bred and owned by E. E. & H. L. Whitney, Maple Glen Farm, Hebron, Me. VICTORIA. Chestnut filly foaled April 23d, 1884; got by Gen. With- ers, 1157, dam Nellie Ham, by Gen. Lyon, by Diamond, son of Old Drew, 2d dam by the Merrow Horse, by With- erell, 3d dam by Truedell. Owned by E. & J. C. Ham, Hartland, Me. VINA VENTURE. Mahogany bay lilly with star, one hind foot white, and black points, foaled June 4th, 1884; got by Emery Fear- naught, by Fearnaught Jr., dam Lucy Patchen, 2d dam Dandy. Owned by Simon S. Andrews, Biddeford, Me. VIDA. Chestnut filly with star, foaled July loth, 1885 ; got by Hugo, son of Gen. Withers, dam by Whalebone Knox. Owned by L. E. Lincoln, Palmyra, Me. VENTURE BOONE 2810. Brown horse with star and white ankle behind, foaled Aug. 3d, 1880; got by Daniel Boone, dam by Winthrop Morrill; 2d dam by Witherell. Bred and owned by H. W. Brackett, Dixfleld, Me. Dead. VIX. Black filly foaled June 10th, 1883; got by Wanderer son of Gen. Knox, dam Maggie M. by Patchen Prince. Owned by W. H. Charles, No. Fryeburg, Me. 238 NOTED MAINE HORSES. VOLUNDALE. Bay mare with star and two white ankles behind, foaled May 8th, 1879; got by Thorndale, dam Lady Faxon, by Volunteer, 2d dam by imported Balrownie. Bred and owned by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. VILLAGE GIRL. Bay mare with black points, foaled in 1879, bred by David Sawyer, Hartland, Me.; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Cleveland's Knox Boy, son of Gen. Knox. Sold to G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. VIVIAN. Bay filly with faint star, and little white on off hind heel, foaled July oth, 1885; got by Gen. Withers, dam A^olundale by Thorndale. Bred and owned by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. VILLAGE MAID. Bay filly no white, foaled Apr. 27th, 1885; got by Gen. Withers, dam Village Girl by Winthrop Morrill. Bred and owned by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. VOUCHER. Bay horse with star, off hind ankle white and white on heel of neai- forward foot, foaled June 15th, 1878 ; got by Maine Duroc, dam Miss Goodnow by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian. Owned by Hiram W. Harmon, Saco, Me. VON MOLTKE 4195, Bay horse foaled in May, 1868; bred by James Morri- son, Newburg, Me., got by the Morrill colt sou of Old Drew, dam by the Merrow Horse. Sold to A. W. Brack- ett, Pittsfield, Me., by him to Dunn Walton, New York City, bought by the late Dr. S. H. Tevvkshury, of Port- land, Me., and brought back into the State. Owned by G. A. Noble, Pittsfield, Me. Sire of Cunard, 2.30, Flora, 2.25i, and said to be the sire of Boston Girl, 2.25^. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 239 VERE 2299. Brown colt with white stripe in face, off forward foot white and two white ankles behind, foaled May 26th, 1881; bred by W. C. Bartlett, Hartford, Me., got by Daniel Boone, dam Kate Claxton by Whalebone Knox; 2d dam by a son of Lewiston Boy. Sold to L. L. Kil- breth, Hartford, by him to Chas. Cushman, Auburn, and by him to J. F. Harris, Bath, Me. VICTOR PATCH EN. Black horse with star, foaled June 21st, 1881, bred by Frederick Haines of Bethel, Me.; got by Tom Patchen, dam by H. W. Genet (Danvers Boy). Owned by O. P. Farrington, Lokes Mills, Me. VIDA BOONE. Brown mare with star and white ankles behind, foaled in 1880, bred and owned by D. M. Foster, Canton Point, Me.; got by Daniel Boone, dam by J. G. Morrill, 2d dam (the dam of Maggie Miller) by Bay State. Dam of Del- mo nt. VON MOLTKE JR. Bay horse foaled in 1874; got by Von Moltke, son of the Morrill Colt, by Old Drew, dam by Gen. Knox, son of Vermont Hero. Bred at Newburgh, Me., sold by A.W. Brackett, Pittsfield, Me., to Chas. Colbath, Melbourne, Australia, and shipped to him March, 1879. WRECKER'S DAU(iHTER. Chestnut filly with white face and two white stockings, foaled Apr. 30th, 1885; got by Olympus, son of Almont. Bred by B. A. Swasey, Canton, Me. WELLINGTON. Bay horse foaled in 1874; bred by Lyman Cousens, Gorham, Me., got by Phil Sheridan son of Gen. Knox, dam Sea Foam by Braudywine. Sold to C. R. Moulton, Portland, Me. Record 2.37 at Portland, Sept. 24th, 1880. 240 NOTED MAINE HORSES. WmXHROP 505. Blood bay horse with black points, 16 hands high, foaled in July, 1864; bred by E. J. Greene, Newport, Me., got by Old Drew, dam by Old Eaton; 2d dam by Stones Messenger. Sold to Judge W". E. Greene, Oak- land, Cal. and taken to that State in 1870. Sire of Molly Drew, 2.27. WATCHMAKER, 2564. Black horse with white in face, foaled in 1871 ; bred by H. S. Moor, Rockland, Me., got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Gen. Knox. Sold to F. G. Hastings, Damaris- cotta, Me., and by him to Fred Hall, Bangor. Record 2.3U. WILD IRISHMAN. Dark sorrel colt with star in forehf^ad, foaled June 26th, 1884; got by Robinson, by Chas. Backman, he said to be by Rysdyk's Hambletoiiian, dam by Godfrey's Patchen. Owned by M. V. Woodman, Rockland, Me. WILLIS G. Bay colt foaled May 22d, 1885; got by Castle Dare, by Joe Irving, by Whitcomb's Fearnaught, dam Flossie Noyes, by Onward, by Otis Morrill, 2d dam by Gideon. Owned by W. G. Hunt, Unity, Me. WATCHMAKER JR. Black colt with two white ankles behind, star in fore- head, foaled in June, 1883 ; got by Watchmaker, dam a Knox mare. Owned by C. A. Partridge, Boothbay, Me. Changed from John L. Sullivan page 146. WARWICK. Bay or brown colt with black points, foaled April 23d, 1885; got by Fearnaught Jr., 133, dam Fanny (the dam of Pemberton, 2.29^), by Dirigo, 2d dam by Shorey's Mes- senger, 3d dam by Giles Horse, by Witherell. Owned by E. L. Norcross, Manchester, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. . 241 WALTER K. Bay colt foaled in April, 1886; got by Claremont, dam Morrill, by Winthrop Morrill, 2d dam by Whaleboue Knox. Owned by W. P. Martin, Pittsfield, Me. WINTHROP WILKES. Bay colt with star and one white foot, foaled March 28th, 1886; got by Messenger Wilkes, 3743, dam Molly M., by Winthrop Morrill, 273, 2d dam by Whalebone Knox, 696. Owned by W. H. Miles, Lisbon, Me. WYONA H. Bay filly foaled April 3d, 1885 ; got by Harbinger, by Almont, dam Fairstar, by Dr. Franklin, 2d dam by Stone Messenger. Owned by Mrs. M. J. Gower, Canaan, Me. WINNER F. Bay mare with star, foaled May 25th, 1886; got by Dr- Franklin, dam Miss Morrill. Full sister to Lawrence, 4- y ear-old record 2. 30i. Owned by E. S. Foster & Son, Canaan, Me. WILLIAM J. Gray colt with star in face and white ankles behind, foaled June 1st, 1885 ; got by Hartford, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian, dam by Doncello, by a son of Sherman Black Hawk, 2d dam by Norridgewock Messenger. Owned by Wm. J. Hayes, Smithfield, Me. WINMONT. Bay colt with very few white hairs on hind feet next to hoof, foaled June 19th, 1884; got by Gen. Withers, dam Winsome, by CM. Clay Jr., 2d dam Kate, by Alhoit, 3d dam by Brignoii, 4th dam by Pilot Jr., 5th dam by Ole Bull. Bred and owned by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. WITHERS' STAR. Bay mare with star, off hind foot and near hind heel white, foaled June 10th, 1880; got by Gen. Withers, dam Sally Wright, by Seely's American Star, 2d dam by Wild- air. Bred and owned by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. 242 _ NOTED MAINE HORSES. WALKER MORRELL 2557. Recorded in Vol. 1, page 213, as Winthrop. Bay horse with white in face and three white feet, foalnd in 1869 ; bred by G. H. Fulsom, Winthrop, Me., got by Winthrop Morrill, dam (the dam of Sam Curtis 2.28) by Old Eaton. Sold to Wright and Norcross, Fearnaught Farm and by them to E. C. Walker & Co., Coldwater, Mich. Owned by Fred Waddy, Accomac Co., Va. Sire of Kitty Van 2.24. Record 2.37. WOODFORD KNOX 949. Bay horse with star and black points, foaled in May, 1871; bred by H. A. Archer, now of Skowhegan, Me., got by Gen. Knox, dam Shoo Fly by Rising Sun. Sold in 1876 to E. C. Walker &Co., Coldwater, Mich., and afterwards to parties in Sedalia. Mo. Sire of Honesty (pacer) 2.23i. WESTERN BOY. Gray gelding with star and snip, and off hind ankle and near forefoot white, foaled Aug. 28th, 1883; got by Gideon, dam Western Girl, breeding unknown. Bred and owned by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. WOODBROOK. Bay colt with star, foaled May 23d, 1884 ; got by Wood- lawn, dam by Walebone Knox; 2d dam by Hobart colt. Owned by Franklin Woodard, Winthrop, Me. WILMONT. Bay colt foaled in June, 1882; got by Gen. Withers, dam by Flying Morrill; 2d dam Black Hawk. Owned by H. G. Parshley, Dexter, Me. WESTLAND. Black colt foaled in 1885 ; got by Egbert, dam Knox Girl by Gen. Knox; 2d dam Gretchen by Gideon. Bred and owned by C. H. Nelson, Waterville, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 243 WALDO CHIEF. Black horse 15 hands high, foaled in 1866, bred by Jas. Huxford, Brooks, Me.; got by Gen. Knox, dam of Mor- gan descent. Sold when seven years old to H. H. Tufts, Skowhegan, Me., who had him castrated. Record 2.36^. WINTHROP. Chestnut colt with white stripe in face and two white ankles behind, foaled May 15th, 1882; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by the Downing Horse. Owned by J. E. Fairbanks, Lisbon, Me. Full brother to Ed. Getchell, 2.27. WHIZ. Roan gelding foaled in 1877 ; got by Union Boy, by Sor- rel Tom, by Gen. McClellan, dam by Gen. McClellau. Owned by E. T. Monroe, Foxcroft, Me. WATCHMAN, 4521. Dark bay colt with black points, foaled June 12th, 1883; got by Von Moltke, dam Lynn, by Gideon. Bred and owned by Geo. Sweetser, Hampden, Me. WESLEY P. Brown gelding, foaled in June, 1880, bred by C. H. Nelson, Waterville, Me.; got by Onward, dam Lady Tompkins, by Harris Hambletonian. Sold to Orlando Tompkins, Boston, Mass. WHALEBONE KNOX 696. Bay horse with star foaled in May, 1864; bred by New- man Whittier, Rome, Me., got by Gen. Knox, dam by Pollard Morgan. Owneil by B. F. Fairbanks, Winthrop, Me. Sire of John S. Heald, 2.27^. WELCH MARE. Chestnut mare, foaled in 1854; bred by Josephus Welch, Wellington, Me., got by the Witherell Horse, dam's pedigree unknown. Sold to James Dodson, East Exeter, Me. Dam of Belle Strickland 2.26 244 NOTED MAINE HORSES. WITHERS WILKES. Black browD colt, foaled in 1886 ; got by Kaiser, son of Geo. Wilkes, dam May Withers, by Gen. Withers, 2d dam Queen. Bred and owned by W. C. Marshall, Belfast, Me. XULLA. Brown filly with star and little white on both hind feet, foaled July 12th, 1883; bred by C. G. Delano, Dixfield, Me., got by Venture Boone, dam by Champion Black Hawk. Sold to Frank F. Carpenter, Providence, R. I. YELLOW DOG. Sorrel gelding foaled in 1871; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam's pedigree untraced. Owned by J.D. Packard, Win- throp, Me., and afterwards to John P. Gibbs, Bangor. Record 2.35i. YANKEE BOY. Bay horse with small star, foaled April 15th, 1878, bred by Wm. Knight, Peru, Me.; got by Lone Star, dam by Champion Black Hawk. Owned by V. A. Dunn, West Peru, Me., and sold to Massachusetts. YOUNG KNOX. Black horse, star in forehead, near hind foot white, foaled June 28th, 1882; got by Edmund's Knox, by Loco- motive, by Gen. Knox, dam Fannie P., 2d dam Messen- ger. Owned by S. P. Penney, Canaan, Me. YOUNG ARTHUR. Brown horse with star and spot on right hind foot, foaled July 16th, 1880; got by Phil Sheridan, son of Gen. Knox. Owned by the late V. C. Hall, Windham, Me. YOUNG ROLFE JR. Bay colt with tvvo white ankles behind, foaled May 1st. 1882; got by Young Rolfe, 2.2U. Owned by Cushman Walker, Hallowell, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 245 YOUN(^ REDWOOD. Dark bay colt foaled Aug. 1st, 1885; got by Redwood, son of Belmont and Blandina, dam Dolly, by Diamond Knox, by Sheridan; 2d dam was known as the Brazier mare, pedigree not traced. Owned by Chas. S. Hay den, Raymond, Me. YUM YUM. Bay filly with black points, foaled May 5th, 1886; got by L'Empereur, by Alcyone, by Geo. Wlkes, dam Avi- locky, by Messenger Knox, 2d dam imported mare Inver- locky. Owned by Geo. H. Raymond, Saccarappa, Me. YOUNG GIDEON, 3097. Black gray colt with white spot on near hind heel,foaled April 29th, 1883; got by Gideon, dam Tox, by Peacemak- er, 2d dam Kitty Wink, by Seely's American star. Bred and owned by G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. Y'OUNG FEARNAUGHT, C'hestnut horse with star and stripe and white forward feet, foaled Junh 7th, 1870, bred by John D'Arthenay, Augusta, Me.; got by Fearnaught, 2.235, dam Duchess, by Brandywine. Sold to C. C. Mayberry, Lowell, Mass. Record 2.36. YOUNG GENERAL. Black horse 15i hands high, weighs 1050 lbs., foaled in 1871, bred and owned by Otis Sawyer & S. J. Doyen, Smithfield, Me. Gut by Gen. Kuox, dam of Black Hawk descent. YOUNG HERO. Bay colt with black points, star and one white ankle be- hind, foaled Aug. 13th, 1884; got by Judge Advocate, by Messenger Duroc, dam unknown. Owned by Chandler Wood, Lincoln, Me. 246 NOTED MAINE HORSES. ZOROC. Bay filly with star and snip, off fore and near hind feet white, and inside of off hind foot white, foaled Jnue 6th, 1884; bred by S. L. Stevens, of Levant, Me., got by Judge Advocate, dam by Gideon ; 2d dam by Defiance. Owned by Frank A. Bishop, Hermon, Me. ZAZELLE. Bay filly foaled May 19th, 1883; got by Locomotive son of Gen. Knox, dam by Flying Roman Boy by Waterville Boy by Gen. Knox. Owned by Cora M. Rowe, Oakland, Me. ZILAH. Gray filly foaled July 2d, 1884; bred and owned by Frank R. Stevens, Canton, Me., got by Smuggler Chief, dam's pedigree unknown. ZILLAH. Bay filly with black points, foaled May 16th, 1886 ; got by Blackwood Chief, son of Blackwood, dam Fanchett by Kenduskeag Boy. Bred and owned by H. W. Peaks, Charleston, Me. ZARA. Strawberry roan mare, 15^ hands high, foaled in 1880; got by Young Buchanan 2.29, dam by Gen. McClellan. Owned by T. H. Nye, Brewer, Me. Sold to John P. Jones, Worcester, Mass., in Oct., 1886. ZULAH. Bay mare with white star, spot on nose and white ankles behind, foaled in 1877; bred by Geo. C. Town, Winthrop, Me., got by Gideon, dam Kitty by Whalebone Knox Sold to G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. ZULU. Flea bitten gray colt foaled in 1884; got by Startle, dam Sunbeam, by Gideon. Owned by B. R. Hunt, Unity, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 247 ZEPHYR. Formerly called May Cal. Bay mare with star and right hind ankle white, foaled June 8th, 1879, bred by H. J. Robinson, Hartland, Me.; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by (:len. Lyon, 2d dam by Crockett Horse. Sold to H. L. Williams, Hartland, and by him to C. C. Foster of Victor Stock Fai-m, Vassalboro, Me. Won the race for foals of 1879, at Portland, in 1882. ANSON BOONE. Bay colt foaled June 28th, 1882; got by Daniel Boone, dam Lady Dore by Crawford Horse. Owned by T. B, Townsend, No. Anson, Me. A. B. G. Bay gelding foaled May 19th, 1884; got by Olympus, dam's breeding unknown. Owned by A. B. Getchell, Baring, Me. ARCHO. Dark bay colt no white, foaled in June, 1885 ; got by Redwood, dam of Morgan descent. Owned by W. C. Call, Norway, Me. ALERT. Bay filly with stripe in face and two white ankles behind, foaled Apr. 29th, 1884; got by Hinds Hamble- tonian, dam's pedigree unknown. Owned by Gep. H. Jones, Oxford, Me. BIJOU. Bay filly with black points and small star, foaled June 5th, 1885; got by Baymont Chief, dam Lady Gideon by Gideon. Bred and owned by Sewell Pratt, Newport, Me. BAUNEG BEG CHIEF. Blood bay colt, foaled Aug. 25th, 1885; got by Red- wood, dam by Fearnaught Jr. ; 2d dam Messenger. Owned by F. U. Chadbourne, Bauneg Beg, Me. 248 NOTED MAINE HORSES. AZRO. Chestnut gelding 15^ hands high, foaled in 1867, bred by Azro Mills, Corinna, Me.; got by Dirigo, dam brought from Prince Edwards Island. Owned by A. W. Brack- ett, Pittsfield, Me. Record 2AU. ALBION. Lay gelding foaled in 1877, bred by Isaac Rowe, Smith- field, Me. ; got by Dr. Franklin, dam by a son of Gen. Knox. Sold to E. J. Lawrence and W. H. Jewell, Som- erset Mills, Me., and by them to M. P. Longley, Lynn, Mass. Record 2.33 at Franklin Park, Saugus, Mass., in 1884. ALLECTO. Brown colt foaled in June 1884; got by Dr. Franklin, dam by Somerset Knox. Bred and owned by Benj. Bur- rill, Fairfield, Me. ADELAIDE. Black mare foaled in 1877 ; got by Royal Knox, dam Kate, said to be thoroughbred. Owned by J. A. & E. A. Cilley, Fairfield, Me. ANNIE BOONE. Dark bay filly with black points, foaled May 29th, 1884; got by Daniel Boone, dam of Messenger descent. Owned by M. M. Danforth & Sons, No. Anson, Me. ALMONT BLACK HAWK. Dapple Chestnut colt, white stripe in face and near hind foot white, foaled July 1st, 1884; got by Islander son of Constellation, dam Black Hawk Kate by Ramsey Black Hawk. Owned by J. A. and W. T. Pike, Stark, N. H. ARLIE RAYMOND. Chestnut mare foaled in June, 1881; got by Wanderer son of Gen. Knox, dam Lady Minoken. Owned by W. H. Abbott, Fryeburg, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 249 ARAL, 2247. Gray horse (pacer) foaled in 1877 ; got bj^ Gray Eagle, 2061, dam Katie, by Hampton, 201, 2d dam Kitty, a pac- ing mare by Young Tobin, 3d dam by the Geo. Bridgham horse, sire of the dam of Hopeful. Bred by J. G. Spauld- ing. No. Haven, Me. Sold to Fred Jones, Rockport, Me., and owned by F. G. Hastings, Damariscotta, Me. ALICE GATES. Black filly with star, foaled June 7th, 1884; got by Young Monogram, by Monogram, dam Nell, by Lewiston Boy. Owned by A. A. Garcelon, Auburn, Me. ANNIE LOUISE. Bay filly with black points, foaled June 20th, 1885 ; got by Dorchester, by Dictator, dam Minnie E., by Ridley's Knox. Bred and owned by J. C. Stinchfield, Wayne, Me. ALICE. Sorrel mare with star, foaled in 1866 ; got by Crawford Horse, dam's pedigree unknown. Owned by E. B. Mel- viu, So. Exeter, Me. ASA L. Brown colt with with star and two white hind feet, foaled May 7th, 1886; got by Greenbacker, by the Chas. Proctor Horse. Green backer's dam by Gideon, Dam of Asa L., Maggie, by Monte Christo. Owned by E. B. Melvin, So. Exeter, Me. ALBONl. Bay colt foaled in 1886; got by (^en. Withers, dam Per- fection, by Bay Billy. Owned by E. Earl, Worcester, Mass. 250 NOTED MAINE HORSES. BLUE BLOOD. Baj" colt foaled in 1885 ; got by Judge Advocate, dam Kathleen, by Hambletonian Chief, 2d dam Queen. Bred and owned by Wm. C. Mai-shall, Belfast, Me. BABY DEAN. Bay horse with white stripe in face, two white ankles on nearside, black mane and gray tail, foaled June 1st, 1881; got by Daniel Boone, dam the dam of Robert D. Bred and owned by Eobinson Dean, Buckfield, Me. BRILLIANT. Sorrel gelding, foaled in 1878; bred in Liberty, Me., got by the Cooper Horse, son of Dirigo, dam's pedigree untraced. Sold to Ambrose Withee, by him to Jas. VV". "Withee, from him to John Home and finally to Geo. Wright, of New York City. BARNEY KENDALL. Dark bay gelding with black points, foaled Apr. 8th, 1883; got by Pickpocket, dam Kitty (Jole by Smith Horse. Bred and owned by W. C. Cole, Norway, Me. BOONER. Seal brown colt with three white feet, foaled June 15tli, 1884; got by Hind's Hambletonian, dam said to be of Black Hawk descent. Owned by John F. Hinds, Ox- ford, Me. BELLONA. Chestnut filly with .vhite stripe in face and white hind ankles, foaled in 1885; got by Spirit of '76, dam by Lord Nelson. Owned by D. A. Thurston, Rumford, Me. BLANCHE JAY. Roan filly with black points, foaled June 13th, 1886, on the McCoUister Farm, Canton, Me.; got by Zampa, dam Belle Alger, by Fearnaught, 2.23^. Bred and owned by Rosalvin Jones, Lynn, Mass. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 251 BONNET'S EATON. Sorrel horse with light mane and tail, lo| hands high, foaled in 1855, bred by Oliver C. Smith, Readfield, Me.; got by the Eaton Horse, dam's pedigree unknown. Sold when three years old to I. E. Bonuey of Winthrop, Me., and by him in 1862 to Philip M. Slicer, 25 So. Frederick St., Baltimore, Md, BESSIE MORRILL. Chestnut mare with stripe in face and near hind foot white, foaled April 28th, 1880; got by Gov. Morrill, dam Fanny Hersey, by Horner's Brandywine. Bred and owned by S. P. Hersey, No. Auburn, Me. BRANDYWINE (Murray's). Brown horse 15| hands high, foaled in 1868, bred by Benj. P. Bean, Jay Bridge, Me.; got by Goding's Brandy, dam a gray mare said to be of Messenger blood. He was sold to Wm. Monroe, of Boston, and afterwards to the Rev. W. H. H. Murray and kept at his farm at Guilford, Conn. The editor of the Turf, Field &, Farm on visiting the "Murray Stock Farm" at Guilford said of Brandy- wine: "Mr. Murray got up behind him at his farm and speeded him for our benefit with the reins lying on his back. He is a horse of wonderful speed in harness, and although he has no record can trot in 2.25 or better." BLACK HAWK CHIEF. Bay horse 15d hands high, with a little white on both hind ankles, foaled in June, 1871, bred by Geo. Hamil- ton, Dexter, Me.; got by Brown Harry, dam by a Black Hawk horse. Owned by John Hoyt, Phillips, Me. BERNARD. Bay colt with star and white ankles, foaled in 1882, bred and t)wned by Freeman Andrews, Lewiston, Me. ; got by Gleuarm, dam's pedigree unknown. 252 NOTED MAINE HORSES. BANQUO. Bay colt with star and near forward and off hind ankle white, foaled July 17th, 1885; got by Daniel Boone, dam Mag, by Uncle Shube, by Gen. Knox. Bred and owned by L. B. Paine, Fairfield Centre, Me. BEN BOLT. Brown colt with star and white hind feet, foaled June 15th, 1885 ; got by Fred Boone, dam by a son of Gen. Knox. Bred and owned by L. B. Paine, Fairfield Centre, Me. BLANCHE. Bay filly with star, foaled June 2d, 1884; got by Rich- mond, dam Alice, by Crawford Horse. Owned by E. B. Melvin, So. Exeter, Me. CANAAN. Brown colt foaled in 1883; got by Dr. Franklin, dam by Decker Knox son of (rilbreth Knox. Owned by E. J. Lawrence, Somerset Mills, Me. CARLETON COLT. Chestnut horse foaled in 1870; bred by Dr. Albion Bradbury, Hollis, Me., got by Don Fulano son of Gen. Knox, dam a pacing mare by Well Known, he by Nicholas he by the Wakefield Horse, he by Old Blazing Star, also known as the Watson Horse. Dr. Bradbury sold him when 16 months old to C. W. Pitts, of Shapleigh, and he to John Smith, of Waterboro, and he was known as the "Smith Horse." Smith sold him to V. C. Hall and Wm. Irish and they to Portland parties. Sire of Helen Wilkes^ 2.25^. Afterwards castrated. CARLOTTA. Chestnut mare with no white marks, foaled in 1869, bred by Wright & Norcross, Fear naught Farm, Manches;- ter, Me.; got by Fearnaught Jr., dam's pedigree unknown. Dam of Tom Rolfe, 2.22^. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 253 CLEVELAND GIRL. F^Iack mare foaled in 1877; bred by Abizer Hood, Wa3'ne, Me., got by Ridley's Knox son of Gen. Knox, dam by the Bennett horse son of Old Eaton. Sold when two years old to Chas. Lane, Leeds Ctr., by him when five or six years old to a Mr. Tasker, of Gardiner, and by him to Prudent Letourneau, Oakland, Me. Record 2.37| at Lewiston, Me., in 1886. COL. DYER. Black horse with star and three white feet, 16 hands high, foaled in 1882; bred by Col. Isaac Dyer, Skowhe- gau. Me., got by Dr. Franklin, dam by Morrill Champion. Sold when four mouths old to E. J. Lawrence and Joseph Jewell. Three-year-old record 2. 48 J. CAD MILLER. Black mare foaled in 1883; bred by E. S. Foster and Son, Canaan, Me., got by Dr. Franklin, dam by Morrill Champion. Sold to E. J. Lawrence, Somerset Mills Me., and by him to parties in Amesbury, Mass. Full sister to Lawrence 2.30| as a four-year-old. COL. ELLSWORTH, 1769. Bay horse foaled in 186-, bred by a Mr. Clark of China, Me. ; got by Gen. Knox, dam by Homans Messenger, 2d dam by China Farmer. Sold to Joseph Baker of East Boston, Mass., who took him to Indiana and sold him to Garl Hale of Peru, Ind. Sire of Arthur T., 2.30, and of the dam of Pilot Knox, 2.19|. CARRABASSET. Black horse 16 hands high, foaled May 5th, 1871; bred by Hapgood and Townsend, No. Anson, Me., got by Norridgewock son of Gen. Knox, dam brought from Prince Edwards Island and said to have been sired "by the imported blood horse Saladin." Sold to New York and afterwards to Philadelphia parties. Record 2.31^. 254 NOTED MAINE HORSES. CARLOTTA. Formerly '45elle of Augusta." Roan mare with black poiuts, 14i hands high, foaled in 1855; bred by Rev. W. A. P. Dillingham, of Sidney, Me., got by Indian Chief, dam by Witherell. Charles Milliken, of Augusta, bought her and sold her to George M. Robinson, and he to George Means, for $U00. Record 2.40. Dam of Socra- tes 2.271. CAPT. WEDGEWOOD. Black horse with star and near hind foot white, foaled June 27th, 1883; bred by J. L. Witherell, Norway, Me., got by Wedgewood, 2.19, dam Capitola, 2.22^, by Gilbreth Knox. Owned by T. P. Richardson, Norway, Me. Record 2.58 as a three-year-old. CAT ALP A 3007. Brown colt, foaled June 28th, 1883; bred bv A. L. Barker, Dexter, Me., got by Daniel Boone, dam Twinkle by Emperor William. Sold to P. F. Brownell, Fairhaven, Mass. CHARLES M. Bay horse foaled May 19th, 1882; got by Prescott, dam by Howe's Bismarck son of Gen. Knox; 2d dam the Bridgham mare, dam of Capitola 2.22^. Bred and owned by Samuel Records, Buckfield, Me. DON FULANO. Black horse with tan muzzle and flanks, foaled in 1863, bred by the late H. I. Robinson, Portland, Me.; got by Gen. Knox, dam known as the Robinson Mare, and said to have been brought from Canada. Owned in Weymouth, Mass. DICK DEADEYE. Bay colt with star, foaled in 1884; got by Young Fear- naught, dam by Rysd}k's Hambletonian. Owned by D. A. Thurston, Rumfoid, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 255 DAISY KNOX. Black mare with some white marks, foaled May 17th, 1873, bred by Albert Stover, Bath, Me.; got by Sagada- hoc, son of Gen. Knox, dam Jessie Fremont, by Telegraph Morgan, also known as the Mclntyre Horse. (See page 179). Owned by Frank A. Hale, who bought her of Bos- ton parties and sold her to Stanley Bros., Lewiston, Me. Record 2.81| at Canton, Me., June 17th, 1886. DOLPHIN. Seal brown horse with white stripe in face and four white feet, foaled June 5th, 1882 ; got by Hinds Hamble- touian, dam of Morgan and Messenger descent. Owned by John F. Hinds, Oxford, Me. DICKWICK. Bay gelding foaled in 1876, bred by Frank Trask,Wind- sor, Me.; got by St. Elmo, son of Gen. Knox, dam by Young MeClellan. Sold to A. W. Chad wick, Vassalboro, Me. Kecord 2.39i, at Lewiston, Me., in 1884. DICK DEADEYE. Bay gelding (pacer) small star, foaled in 1877 ; bred by Frank Moore, Anson, Me., got by Tom Moore by Gil- breth Knox, dam a Witherell mare. Sold to E F. Gilman, Farmington, Me. Owned by M. P. Longley,Lynn, Mass. Record 2.3U in 1885. DAISY L. Brown mare 15i hands high, foaled in 1882, bred by John Libby, Gardiner, Me. ; got by Dorchester, son of Dictator, dam Cooney, dam of John S. Heald and Tiny B. Owned by J. R. Graham, Lexington, Ky. DOROTHY MAY. F3ay filly with narrow stripe in face and three white feet, foaled May 2-4th, 1885; got by Gov. Morrill, dam Kate by Volunteer. Bred and owned by C. H. Bradford, Turner Ctr,, Me. 256 NOTED MAINE HORSES. DICK WITHERS. Chestnut colt with four white ankles, foaled June 23d, 1884; got by Gen. Withers, dam Pet Morrill, by Winthrop Morrill. Bred and owned by Wm. Dickey, Lewiston, Me. DART. Formerly Slocum, brown gelding, foaled in Fairfield, Me., in 1876; the property of Ed Gibson, Peabody Mass., got by Dr. Franklin, dam's pedigree unknown. Sold when four years old to E. J. Lawrence and W. H. Jewell, Fairfield, Me. They to Mr. Reed, of New York City, and he to M. B. Smith, same City. This horse probably has as much speed as any horse living. ELMO. Mahogany bay horse with black points and no white marks, 16 hands high, foaled in 1876; bred and owned by O. S. Chafiee, Vassalboro, Me., got by St. Elmo son of Gen. Knox, dam by Tiger son of the Dr. Call horse, son of Cannon Ball ; 2d dam by Morgan Prince, of Vermont. Record 2.32 at Belfast, Me., in 1886. ETTRICK. Bay colt with one white hind leg, foaled May 16th, 1886 ; got by Judge Advocate, dam Lady Dot by English Beauty by Brown Harry. Bred and owned by J. D. Cochrane, E. Corinth, Me. ERVIN M. Bay colt with star, foaled May 26th, 1886 ; got by Lothair Jr., dam Nell by Gen. Grant. Bred and owned by E. B. Melvin, So. Exeter, Me. ECHO. Brown horse 151 hands high, foaled in 187- ; got by Victor, son of Gen. Knox, dam a mare brought from Can- ada. Bred and owned by Andrew Rice, Waterville, Me. 4 NOTED MAINE HORSES. 257 DIAMOND. Chestnut mare with small star, foaled in 1877 ; got by the Pierce horse he by Richmond (Bill Baker) dam a Ken- tucky mare. Owned by E. B. Melvin, So. Exeter, Me. ELLSWORTH MAID. Sorrel mare, foaled in 1863; bred by D. J. Allen, No. Sedgwick, Me., got by a horse called Abe Lincoln, said to be a Morrill, dam said to be a Drew mare. Sold to E. E. and F. M. Rowe and won the 2.50 race at Bangor, Me., June 23d, 1875, in 2.39, 2.34, 2.35^. ED STETSON. Bay colt with star, foaled May 16th, 1885; got by Harry Brown by Union Boy, dam Maggie by Monte Cbristo. Owned by E. B. Melvin, So. Exeter, Me. EARL. Chestnut horse foaled in 1874 ; bred and owned by Chas. A. Merrill, Hartford, Me., got by Howe's Bismarck, son of Gen. Knox. Dam by Cobb's Brandy wine. EHRLACHER. Bay horse with left hind foot white, foaled May 12th, 1883 ; got by Dirigo son of Old Drew, dam by Indepen- dence by Old Drew; 2d dam, pedigree of sire unknown; 3d dam by the Zack Williams horse by Stone Horse. Bred and owned by G. R. Brown, Solon, Me. ESCORT. Bay colt with star and two white ankles behind, foaled June 30th, 1886; got by Rolfe by Young Rolfe, dam Sun- beam by Gideon. Owned by C. A. Fuller, Fairfield Centre, Me. EMPRESS M. Chestnut mare with stripe in face and white on three ankles, foaled in June, 1882 ; got by Judge Advocate, dam by Fearnaught Jr. Owned by H. B. May hew, East Dover, Me. 258 NOTED MAINE HORSES. ECHO. Lay mare 14| hands high, foaled in 1874; bred by Sewell Dunn, Dixfield, Me., got by Harry Knox. Dam (the dam of Elcho) by son of Young Brandywiile. Sold to M. C. Delano, Canton, and by him to Odell Bros., New York City. Record 2.41 at Norway, Me., in 1881. FANCHETT. Bay mare with black points 16i hands high, foaled in June, 1875; got by Kenduskeag Boy, dam by the Leavitt Horse son of Old Drew. Owned by H. W. Peaks, Char- leston, Me. FANNY PATCHEN. Brown mare foaled in 1872: bred and owned by J. C. Marble, Paris, Me., got by Tom Patchen, dam Jenny by the Mclntyre horse, of New Gloucester ; 2d dam said to be an Arabian mare. GLOSTER. Bay horse foaled in 1879; bred by Ira F. Palmer, Dov- er, Me., got by Judge Advocate, dam Fanny Fern by Brown Harry; 2d dam the Jackson mare by French Tiger. Sold when three years old to C. O. Palmer, Dover, Me. Record 2.39| as a four year old at the Maine State Fair of 1883. GWENDOLEN. Black filly with small star, near forward ankle and off hind ankle white, foaled — ; got by Redwing by Honest John, dam a Kentucky mare, formerly owned by N, Ward, Boston, Mass. Owned by J. B. Cochrane, E. Corinth, Me. GOLDEN ROD. Chestnut colt foaled July 2d, 1883; got by Elmo by St. Elmo, 2.30, by Alexander's Abdallah, dam by Columbus Hambletonian, 2.26, by Ajax. Owned by M. H. Salley, Charleston, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 259 GRAY JACKET. Gray gelding foaled in 1870 ; got by (Gideon, dam by Witherell. Owned by F. J. Nodine, Brooklyn, N. Y. GEOVER'S MESSENGER. Gray horse foaled about 1850, bred by Nahum Palmer, Athens, Me.; got by the Stone Horse, dam a Canadian mare. Sold and taken to California. GEORGIA C. Formerly Shark. Gray mare foaled June 10th, 1873, bred by Joseph Chapman, E. Jefferson Me.; got by the Cooper Horse, son of Dirigo. Owned by A. R. Yates, now of Vassalboro, Me., who bred from her Indelible, Juxta and Krooboy. Afterwards sold to Berry Bros., Rockland, and trotted as Georgia C. GUY WITHERS. Chestnut colt foaled May 30th, 1885; got by Gen. With- ers, dam Kate French by Trotwell, son of St. Elmo. Bred and owned by Dr. A. S. Bird, Stockton, Me. GEN. WEAVER. Bay horse foaled June 20th, 1880; got by Bayard Knox, dam Patchen Maid, by Geo. M. Patchen, 2d dam by Old Abdallah, 3d dam thoroughbred. Bred by Hiram B. Knight, Saco, Me., and sold to J. M. Floyd, Portland, Me. GEN. GARFIELD. Black horse with star and one white hind foot, 15^ hands high, foaled June 19th, 1880 ; got by Hector, sou of Howes' Bismarck, dam by Stearns Knox, by Gen. Knox, 2d dam a Morgan mare. Bred and owned by H. M.Fiske, No. Waterford, Me. GRETCHEN. Brown filly with few white hairs in forehead, foaled May 20th, 1885; got by Maine Duroc, dam Gipsy, by Phil Sheridan Jr. Bred and owned by Frank P. Cole, Bryants Pond, Me. 26o NOTED MAINE HORSES. GERALDINE. Dark bay filly with star, foaled April 2d, 1886; got by Lothair Jr., dam Kitty Lambert by Daniel Lambert. Owned by A. N. Pierce, Garland, Me. GRACE A. Bay filly with star and black points, foaled May 19th, 1886; got by Black Pilot, dam by Daniel Lambert. Own- ed by T. C. Carter, Bethel, Me. GENEVA. Bay filly with star and one white ankle, foaled May 20, 1886; got by Norway Knox, dam by Gilbreth Knox. Owned by C. F. Ayers, Portland, Me. GIPSEY CLAY. Chestnut mare foaled in Aug., 1882; got by Franklin he by Cassius M. Clay 3d, dam by VVinthrop Morrill ; 2d dam by Emperor William. Owned by Edwin Fulsom, Corinna, Me. HECTOR. Chestnut gelding with star and white ankles behind, foaled June 4th, 1882; got by Yankee Boy, by Red Jacket, by Weasel, by Old Drew, dam Daisy, of Morgan descent. Owned by H. W. Peaks, Charleston, Me. HAROLDSON. Bay colt foaled in 1884; got by Prescott, dam Queen. Bred and owned by W. C. Marshall, Belfast, Me. HARVEST. Gray gelding 16 hands high, foaled in 1879; got by Judge Advocate, by Messenger Duroc, dam by Gideon, owned by I. C. Mosher, So. Norridgewock, Me. HAMBLETONIAN KNOX. Brown horse foaled in 1878; got by Gideon, dam by Gen. Knox. Owned by C. B. Wellington, Albion, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 261 HARRIS KNOX. Black horse 15| hands high, foaled in 1878; gol by Sag- adahoc, son of Gen. Knox, dam by the Robinson Horse, by Bucephalas. Owned by J. F. Harris, Bath, Me. HAMLET. Roan gelding 16 hands high, foaled Jane 21st, 1881, bred by Fred Pollard, Skowhegan, Me.; got by Locomo- tive, son of Gen. Knox, dam's pedigree unknown to us. Owned by C. T. Stackpole, Gardiner, Me. Record 2.35^ at Fairfield, Me., Oct. 7th, 1886. ISAAC A. Chestnut gelding foaled in 1876; got by Watchmaker son of Winthrop Morrill. Owned by Isaac Adams, Bel- fast, Me. Record 2.31 at Monroe, Me., Sept. 21st, 1886. Fell dead on the track at Belfast, Me., after winning the first heat in a race in 2.33. mo. Brown horse with star and white hind feet, 14^ hands high, foaled in 1871 ; bred by Enoch L. Hight, Norridge- wock. Me., got by Gen. Knox, dam by Doucello; 2d dam by Norridgewock Messenger. Doncello by the Grover Horse by Sherman Black Hawk, dam by Pishon Horse by Stojie Horse. Sold to F. B. Heselton, Skowhegan, Me., and by him to Ed Ware; of Athens, who had him gelded. Record 2.32i at Lewiston, Me., Sept. 22d, 1880. INEZ E. Brown filly with white on feet, foaled Apr. 16th, 1884; bred and owned by G. R. Ellis, Belfast, Me., got by Hambletonian Chief, dam Pet Knox by (Tilbreth Knox. Record 3.15 in 1886 as a two-year-old. ida'w. Black mare foaled in 1879 ; got by Carrabassett, by Norridgewock by Gen. Knox, dam said to be part thor- oughbred. Owned by Robert Wasson, No. Anson, Me. Record 2.35 at Farmington, Me., in 1886. 262 NOTED MAINE HORSES. IVAN. Gray colt, foaled May Slst, 1883; bred and owned by Capt. James S. Cooper, Pittston, Me., got by Dorchester son of Dictator, dam, (the dam of Mollie Mitchell) by British Hunter ; 2d dam Phantom by Grovers Messenger. Winner of the cup for stallions three years old or under at the Maine State Fair of 1886. Time 2.41^. JULES JURGENSEN, 1681. Formerly Logan, or the Littlefield Horse. Brown stal- lion 15^ hands high, and weighs 1050 lbs, foaled July 27th, 1862, bred by Geo. Knowell, No. Vassalboro, Me.; got by Gen. Knox, dam the Knowell mare (so called), by Young Abdallah. Knowell sold him when two years old to J. M. Littlefield of Abbott, Me. Littlefield owned him until eight years old when he was sold to Chas. Carman, of New York City. Sire of Iron Age, 2.19^ and Nellie Wal- ton, 2.26«^. JEFFERSON G. Black roan colt foaled May 30th, 1883; got by Maine Jnfierson, dam Fanny G., by Winthrop Morrill. Bred by P. C. Greenleaf, E. Otisfleld, Me. Owned by John B. Robinson, Oxford, Me. JOSIE WEST. (fray filly foaled June 24th, 1884; got by Gideon, dam Kate French, by Trot well, son of St. Elmo. Bred and owned by Dr. A. S. Bird, Stockton, Me. JOSIE. Bay filly foaled in 1886; got by Nelson, son of Young Rolfe, dam by Somerset Knox, 2d dam by Gen. Knox. Owned by J. J. Pray, Waterville, Me. JENNY LIND. Roan mare foaled in 1870; got by Gideon, dam Mary Drew, by Old Drew. Owned by F. J. Nodine, Brooklyn, N. Y. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 263 JOSIE B. Gra}' filly foaled June 22d, 1886 ; got by Youiig General, by Gen. Knox, dam Queen Mab, by Doncello, son of Sherman Black Hawk. Owned by Wm. J. Haynes, So. Norridgewoek, Me. JOHN GILPm. Bay gelding foaled in 1870, bred by Robert Spear of Bowdoinham, Me ; got by Sagadahoc, son of Gen. Knox, dam the Spear mare (dam of Slippery Dick, 2.30), said to be part thoroughbred. Record 2.35 at Bath, Me., in 1878. JOSIE L. Black roan mare with small star, foaled in 1875; got by Phil Sheridan, dam by Lewiston Boy. Owned by A. A. Dollifi", Biddeford, Me. JIM BLAINE. Gray gelding foaled in 187- ; got by Kentucky Boy, dam Lady Ellsworth. Owned by Henry Bradbury, Hart- land, Me. Record 2.38 in 1885. J AY-EYE- ALLEN. Formerly Allen's Knox. Black horse foaled in 187- ; got by Gilbreth Knox, dam by Sandy River Trotter. Owned for several years by J. Allen, Livermore Falls, and sold in 1885 to Chas. Y. White, Presque Isle, Me. Record 2.39^ at Farmington, Me., in June, 1883, as Al- len's Knox. KITTY MORGAN. Light bay filly with star, foaled May 30th, 1886 ; got by La Mont, by Redwood, dam Kitty Cole, by Smith Horse. Bred and owned by W. C. Cole, Norway, Me. KITTY P. Gray mare foaled in 1880; got by Joe Irving, dam said to be by Gideon. Owned by A. W. Brackett, Pittifield, Me. Record 2.34i at Fairfield, Me., in 1885. 264 NOTED MAINE HORSES. KATE FRENCH. liay mare foaled in 1874; got by Trotwell sou of St. Elmo, dam by the Shute Horse. Owned by Dr. A. S. Bird, Stockton, Me. KATIE B. Bay mare foaled in 1879; bred by Wm. S. Skofield, Weld, Me., got by Lord Nelson, son of Lauder's Knox, dam a Braudywine mare. Owned by Irvin Hutchinson, Weld, Me. Record 2.35i at Canton, Me., Oct. oth, 1886. KITT. Bay mare »vith star and white ankles behind, got by the Wheeler Horse by Old Morrill, dam a Morgan mare. Owned by Thos. W. Bunnell, Gloucester, Mass. ^ KATE. Chestnut mare 15| hands high, foaled in 1877 ; got by Morrill Drew, by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Gray Fear- naught, by Fearnaught. Dam of Morrill Drew by Hiram Drew. Bred and owned by F. J. Watts, So. Norridge- wock, Me. Record 2.34 at Topsham, Oct. 13th, 1886. LITTLE JIM. Brown gelding foaled in 1879; got by Don Fulano, son of Gen. Knox, dam unknown to us. Driven in his races by J. Scott Jordan, Cape Elizabeth, Me. Record 2.37| at Gray, Me., in 1886. LADY INDEPENDENCE. Gray mare foaled in 1877; got by Messenger Knox,dam by Sherman Black Hawk. Bred and owned by Alonzo Libby, Saccarappa, Me. LENORE. Bay filly with star, foaled May 3d, 1886; got by Lothair Jr., dam by Gideon. Owned by L. B. Paine, Fairfield Centre, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 265 KNOX MEDIUM. Dark brown colt with black points, foaled June 28th, 1886 ; g-ot by Mambrino Medium by Happy Medium, dam by Gerrish Knox by Gen. Knox. Owned by Chas. W. Welsh, Edgecomb, Me. LADY PRESCOTT. Bay mare with two white ankles behind, foaled in June, 1882; Bred and owned by J. F. Jewett, Auburn, Me., got by Prescott, dam Pansey by Volunteer Boy. LOTTIE LANCE. Roan Ally, foaled Apr. 12th, 1886; got by Mambrino Lance, dam by Frank Pierce. Owned by Homer J. Brown, Springfield, Me. LAWRENCE. Brown horse with small star, 15| hands high, foaled in 1882; bred by E. S. Foster & Son, Canaan, Me., got by Dr. Franklin, dam by Morrill Champion. Owned by E. J. Lawrence, Somerset Mills, Me. Lawrence beat 2.40 as a three-year-old in 1885, and as a four-year-old in 1886 he won the free for all race at Fairfield. Time 2.34i, 2.33^, 2.32i and at Topsham in 2.35, 2.83, 2.30^. LADY FRANKLIN. Brown mare foaled in 1882; bred by Benj. Burrill, Fairfield, Me., got by Dr. Franklin, dam by Somerset Knox. LADY LAWRENCE. Formerly Nettie Franklin. Bay mare foaled in 1875; bred by E.J. Lawrence, Somerset Mills, Me., got by Dr. Franklin, dam by French Tiger. Sold to Wm. Seavey, Boston, Mass., and now owned in Tiffin, Ohio. Record 2.341 at Shelby, Ohio, June 5th, 1884. 266 NOTED MAINE HORSES. LIZZIE O. C. Black mare with star, foaled Jane 10th, 1882; bred by Daniel Bowman, Skowhegan, Me., got by VVy man's Knox by Dexter Knox by Gen. Knox, dam by Robert Bonner son of Gen. Knox; 2d dam a Witherell mare. Sold to E. Cornish, Auburn, Me. Sold in 1886 to F. S. Tiltou, Oakland, Me. LADY MORRILL. Bay filly, foaled June 3d, 1885; got by Aroostook Roy by Old Abe, dam Alice by the Crawford Horse. Owned by E. B. Melvin, So. Exeter, Me. LIGHTFOOT. Bay colt with white face and one white stocking behind, foaled May 30th, 1885; got by Lothair Jr., dam Nell by Gen. Grant. Owned by E. B. Melvin, So Exeter, Me LILLYMONT. Chestnut filly with white in face and white ankles behind, foaled June 23d, 1886; got by Harbinger, dam by Royal Knox; 2d dam by Winthrop Morrill. Bred and owned by J. B. L)w, Clinton, Me. LADY DOT. Dark brown mare with white coronets forward and white ankles behind, foaled in June, 1878; bi^d by Henry Williams, Bradford, Me., got by English Beauty by Brown Harry, dam by Bro.vn Harry. Owned by J. D. Cochrane, M. D., E. Corinth, Me. LADY (ilLBRETH. Brown mare foaled in 1872; bred by J. A. Cilley, Fair- field, Me., got by Gilbreth Knox, dam a mare brought from the Provinces. Sold to Allen Risk, Middletown, Conn. Record 2.35 at Willimantic, Conn., in 1884. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 267 LADY INO. Black mare foaled in 187 — ; owned by I. C. Mosher, So. Norridgewock, Me., got by Ino sou of Gen. Knox, dam by Rising Sun. Record 2.39^ at So. Norridgewock in 1885. MAUD L. Gray mare foaled in 1880; bred by Rufus Bartlett, Hampden, Me., got by Gray Dan by Gideon, dam by a son of Hiram Drew ; 2d dam by the Mitchell Horse. Owned by R. P. Leonard, Monroe, Me. MAGGIE MITCHFLL. Bay mare with black points and a small star, foaled in June, 1880; got by Thayer's Knox by Gen. Knox, dam by a full brother to Taggart's Abdallah. Owned by J. Q. Lander, Dover, Me. MIKADO. Black horse with one white hind foot, foaled in June, 1878; got by the Patter Horse by Black Sultan, dam of Morgan descent. Owned by L. P. Hawkins, Portland, Me. Record 2.82i at Lewiston, Me., in 1886, Maine State Fair. MOLLIE MITCHELL. Dapple gray mare foaled in 1881, bred and owned by Capt. Jas. S. Cooper, Pittston, Me. ; got by Kennebec, son of Independence, 2.21^, by Gen. Knox, dam by British Hunter (Vol. I, page 309), 2d dam Phantom, by Grover's Messenger. Record 2.3U at Lewiston, Me., in 1886. MOUNTAIN MAID. Red roan filly, foaled May 9th, 1886; got by Joe Hop- kins, by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Reckless by Winthrop Morrill. Owned by Guy (J. Haynes, So. Norridgewock, Me. 268 NOTED MAINE HORSES. METALLUK. Black colt foaled iu 1884, bred and owned by Marble & Pierce, Paris, Me.; got by Eclair, dam Fanny Patchen, by Tom Patchen. MAZEPPA. Bay horse foaled iu 186- ; got by Winthrop MorrilUdain Fanny Carr, Bred by Robert Carr, Bowdoinham, Me. Kept entire until four or five years old and then gelded. Sire of Slippery Dick, 2.30. MAUD H. Bay mare with star and black points, foaled in June, 1881 ; got by Tom Lang, dam by George Knox. Owned by F. M. Hume, Bridge water, Me. MAY BURRILL. Buckskin mare foaled in 1871, bred by Chas. H. Burrill, Skowhegan, Me.; got by the Hersom Horse, sou of Gen. Knox, dam a Drew mare. Record 2.83 at Portland, Me., Sept. 19th, 1878. MAUD. Bay filly with star and two white hind feet, foaled May 12th, 1884; got by Richmond, dam Nell, by Gen. Grant. Owned by E. B. Melvin, So. Exeter, Me. MAGGIE. Bay mare (pacer) with star, foaled in 1876 ; got by Monte Christo, by Gen. Knox, dam by Flying Cloud, by Black Sultan. Owned by E. B. Melvin, So. Exeter, Me. MAUD R. Roan mare foaled in 1879, bred by Ira S. Rogers, Nor- ridgewock. Me.; got by Cunard, 2.30, dam by Butcher Boy, sometimes called the Brackett Horse, 2d dam by Old Withereli. Sold in 1876 to S. A. Nye, Fairfield, Me. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 269 MYRA SHAW. Brown mare with white ankles behind, foaled in June, 1867, bred by W. H. Mathews, Searsport, Me.; got by Tom Lang, son of Gen. Knox, dam's pedigree not traced. Sold to O. M. Shaw, Bangor, by hira to Dr. Geo. H. Bailey, Portland, and af'erwards taken to Indiana and bred to Blue Bull. Dam of Groves' Blue Bull, 2.26^, Myrtella G., 2.291 and Alice Peyton, 2.30. Record 2.38 at Lewiston, Me., in 1872. MAILLIW. Black filly with star, foaled May 19th, 1885; got by Daniel Boone, dam by a son of Old Drew. Owned by H. W. Pratt, Corinna, Me. MAINE PILOT. Roan colt foaled in 1885, bred and owned by Gen. J. T. Richards, Gardiner, Me. ; got by Black Pilot, dam Nancy Knox, by Col. Ellsworth, son of Gen. Knox. Full broth- er to Pilot Knox, 2.191. MEDDLER. Chestnut colt foaled in April, 1884; got by Lone Star, dam by Cornish Horse, son of Old Drew. Owned by C. H. Ward, Lewiston, Me. MAY-EYE. Black filly with spot on nose and white heels behind, foaled Aug. 22d, 1886; got by Jay-Eye- Allen, dam by Witherell. Owned by C. Y. White, Preeque Isle, Me. MORE HOPES. Chestnut filly foaled May 21, 1886; got by Indus, by Constellation, dam by Carenaught, by Fearnaught, 2d dam by Tom Lang, 3d dam by Flying Morgan. Owned by C. V. White, Presque Isle, Me. 270 NOTED MAINE HORSES. NATHALIA. Bay mare with white stripe in face and white hind feet, foaled June 2d, 1882 ; got by Thackambau by Gideon, dam Pet Knox. Bred and owned by G. R. Ellis, Belfast, Me. NELL. Bay mare with narrow white stripe in face and two white hind feet, foaled in 1875; got by Gen. Grant, dam's pedigree unknown. Owned by E. B. Melvin, So. Exeter, Me. NIMBLE DAN. Black horse foaled in 1870; bred by Calvin Lyford, Corinna, Me., got by Skinner's Knox, dam's pedigree un- traced. Sire of Joe S. (pacer) 2.2O5. OAKLAND GIRL. Bay mare with very small star, foaled in 1880 ; bred and owned by Peter Letourneau, Oakland, Me., got by Victor son of Gen. Knox, dam Purity by Wiuthrop Mor- rill. Record 2.3U at Lewiston, Me., Sept. 18th, 1886. PYTHIAS. Black roan colt with faint star and two white hind feet, foaled Apr. 23d, 1886; got by Emery Fearnaught, dam by Lewiston Boy. Bred and owned by A. A. Dolliff, Biddeford, Me. PREVIOUS. Dapple chestnut gelding 16| hands high, foaled in 1877, bred by Mrs. George A. Pierce, Frankfort, Me. ; got by Young Buchanan, dam by Matchless. Sold to L. C. Chase of Boston, and by him to private parties in Philadelphia, Pa. Record 2.34^. PRINCE ARTHUR. Bay colt with star, foaled Sept. 1st, 1886; got by King Arthur, by Constellation, dam Black Hawk, by Ramsey Black Hawk. Owned by J. A. & W. T. Pike, Stai-k, N. H. NOTED MAINE HORSES. 271 PILOTTA. Baj' mare mare loi hands high, foaled in 1877 ; got by Black Pilot, dam by a son of Vermont Black Hawk. Owned by E. D. Wiggin, Boston, Mass. QUICKSILVER. Dark bay horse with white hind feet, about 16 hands high and weighs 1100 lbs., foaled in 186- ; got by Young Hiram Drew, dam by a son of Witherell. Owned by Asa Turner, Esq., Moscow, Me. Sire of the pacer George Jones, 2.261. ROGER WAYNE. Bay colt with one white hind foot, foaled June 25th, 1886 ; got by Dorchnster, by Dictator, dam Etta M., by Ridley's Knox. Bred and owned by J. C. Stinchtield, Wayne, Me. / ROYALMONT. Bay colt foaled in 1886; got by Gen. Withers, dam Prin- cess, by Prescott, 2d dam Abilene, by Alwood, 3d dam Lady Bates, by Ashland, 4th dam by Conklin'g Rattler, son of Abdallah. Bred by G. J. Shaw. Hartland, Me. Owned by Marshall & Littletield, Belfast, Me. STELLA M. Bay filly with black points, foaled June loth, 1886; got by Lothair Jr., dam Diamond by the Pierce Horse son of Richmond. Bred and owned by E. B. Melvin, So. Exe- ter, Me. TRANSCENDENT. Brown horse, foaled in 1881; got by Victor son of Gen- Knox, dam's pedigree unknown to us. Owned by J. M. Fulton, Bowdoinham, Me. TRINKET B. Black mare, bred by Rev. P. E. Brown, got by Blenn Morrill by Winthrop Morrill, dam Jennie Horn by Mes- senger Hunter. Owned by J. B. Cochrane, E. Corinth, Me. 272 NOTED MAINE HORSES. FOSTER. Bay colt with spot on nose, foaled July 4th, 1886 ; got by Dr. Franklin, dam Lady Withers by Gen. Withers. Bred and owned by E. S. Foster & Son, Canaan, Me. FRANK F. Chestnut gelding foaled in 187 — ; owned by Edwin Woodside, Brunswick, Me., said to be sired by Trouble- some he by a son of the Eaton Horse. Record 2.31. MAINE 2.30 LIST. 273 MAINE 2.30 LIST. ANODYNE 2.25. Chestnut gelding 15 hands high, with white stripe in the face and one white stocking forward and one behind, foaled in 1863; bred by Wm. T. Hoar, Range- ley, Me., got by the Ross colt son of the Burke Horse, dam by Young Hogarth. Sold when three years old to B. R. Rollins, of Weld, Me., who developed his speed and gave him a record of 2.40i. Finally sold to Stephen Jennings, of Bangor, Me., one of the proprietors of ^'Johnson's Anodyne Liniment," and his named changed to Anodyne. He trotted during the season of 1875 with- out lowering his record, and Mr. Jennings drove him on the road until shortly before the New England Fair of 1877. Here he was entered in the 2.38 race which he won with a record of 2.36. Afterwards at Dexter and Mon- roe he won races with a heat in 2.30 in each on half mile tracks. Mr. Jennings then sent him to Boston, and enter- ed him in the 2.30 race at Mystic Park, Oct. 18th, 1877, which race he won, the fifth heat being in 2.25. ARTHUR, 2.281. Dark brown gelding foaled in 1866, bred by the late John Judkins, Waterville, Me., got by Lexington son of Keene's Brandywine, dam a mare brought from Canada by Joseph Percival, of Waterville, and a very fast road 274 NOTED MAINE HORSES, mare. Lexington, the sire of Arthur, was owned by Mr. Judkins, and was afterwards sold to New York parties. Arthur was sold to E. T. Monroe and by him to Dunn Walton, of New York City. In June, 1875, at Prospect Park, N. Y., Arthur won the 2.31 race, winning the last three out of four heats in 2.28^. 2.3U, 2.31^. June 16th, at Providence, R. I., he won the 2.29 class in 2.31^, 2.29^, 2.29^. June 25th at Beacon Park, Boston, he was entered in the 2.29 race, winning the first two heats in 2.29^, 2.29^, when owing to a collision between him and Frank J., both were distanced, Arthnr being so badly injured that it was feared he would never be able to start again. ARTHUR T., 2.30. Brown bay gelding with gray spots, foaled in 1869, bred by a Mr. Palmer, So. China, Me.; got by Col. Ellsworth, sometimes called the Clark Horse, son of Gen. Knox, dam by Hector. Owned by John H. Nutter, Great Falls,N.H. On the turf several years previous to 1880, with indiffer- ent success. At the Maine State Fair of that year he won the ^'Consolation" race in four heats, of which he won the last three in 2.33^, 2.331, 2.34^. Oct. 14th, following, at Mystic Park, Boston, he won the 2.32 race in four heats, winning the last three in 2 30, 2.30, 2.3U. BABY l;OY 2.30. White gelding, 15 hands high, foaled in 1865; bied by Emmons Williams, Readfield, Me., got by Winthrop Mor- rill, dam a gray mare of Messenger descent. J. D. Pack- ard, of Winthrop, bought him and sold him to Richard- son & Warner, and they sold him to Charles Gassett, of Boston. Sept. 3d, 1873, at the New England Fair at Mys- tic Park, Boston, he won the 2.40 race, winning the last three out of six heats in 2.36, 2.39, 2.30. BARNEY KELLEY 2.25. Brown bay gelding with black points, 15^ hands high, MAINE 2.30 LIST. 275 foaled ill 1865; bred by Samuel Plummer, Sweden, Me., got by Holland's Ethan Allen, dam a mare brought from Vermont and supposed to be a Morgan. When two years old Plummer sold him to Bradley Damon, who removed to No. Buckfield, taking the colt with him. Damon sold him to the Heald Bros., and they to Samuel Records, of Buckfield, who sold him to Geo. C. Gould, of Hunting- ton, L. I., in 1870. In 1873 Gould sold him to William Lovell. Aug. 5th, 1873, he made a record of 2.26^ at Buffalo, N. Y. His fastest record was made at Provi- dence, R. I., Nov. 2nd, 1877 where he won the third and fourth heats in the 2.26 race in 2.26, 2.25. BAY2.27i. Blood bay gelding, 16 hands high, foaled in 1868; bred by Chas. B. Gilman, Waterville, Me., got by Gideon, dam by Gen. Knox. Bay was a horse of fine size and elegant appearance and in every particular a perfect gentleman's horse. Sept. 21st, 1876, at Elmira, N. Y. Bay won the 2.30 race in straight heats in 2.29^, 2.30i, 2.30. He made his fastest record at Springfield, Mass., Sept. 6th, 1876. BAY WHALEBONE 2.26i. Bay gelding with black points, 15^ hands high, foaled in 1862; bred by John McCollister, Norway, Me., got by Whirlwind, a bay horse that both paced and trotted, brought from Canada in 1852 by G. A. Hastings, of Bethel, dam a small black mare supposed to be of Morgan descent. McCollister sold him when four months old to Simon P, Everett, of Norway, and he finally passed into the hands of Levi Turner, of Buckfield. Turner sold him to David Records, of Buckfield, and he when six years old to Charles Records, then of So. Weymouth, Mass. Afterwards owned by D. H. Blanchard, Boston. June 22d, 1871, at Beacon Park he won the 2.30 race in straight heats in 2.28^, 2. 28 J, 2.30. June 28th following he won the second heat in a race at Boston in 2.26^. 276 NOTED MAINE HORSES. BELLE OF PORTLAND, 2.26. Sometimes called Lady Walker and Modesty. Dark bay mare with black points, 14^ hands high, foaled in 1850, bred by Josiah Hinckley of Mercer, Me. ; got by Wither- ell, dam's pedigree untraced. Hinckley sold her to Dr. Boland of New Sharon, Me., and he to Hannibal Belcher Esq. of Farmington, in Aug. 1854. In 1855 Mr. Belcher sold her to Oliver Walton of Boston, and he took her to Winthrop and sold her to William Beals. Mr. Beals sold her to James Jack of Portland, and he to James Irving of New York. At New City course, N. Y., Oct. 10th, 1861, she won a race against George Cooley and Pill Doc- tor, in 2.291, 2.26, 2.27, 2.28, losing the third heat. She was afterwards sold to J. J. Burgess of Bellville, N. J., and died Feb. 1st, 1867. The Spirit of the Times in an- nouncing hei- death said, "she was in her day, one of the best and ganiest trotters on the turf, and gave promise during last fall of coming back to her old condition and of being able to repeat, in the coming spring, some of her previous exploits. It was the intention of her owner to have trotted her for one season moi-e, and then to have retired her finally for breeding purposes." BELLE STRICKLAND, 2.26. Sorrel mare with white stripe in face and one white ankle behind, 16 hands high, foaled June 4th, 1860, bred by a Mr. Dodson, Harmony, Me.; got by the Merrow Horse, son of Witherell, dam by Witherell . Sold when two years old to Mr. Berais ot Wellington, and by him iu January, 1864, to Wm. H. Strickland of Langor. Mr. Strickland sold her to Mr. Manson of Framingham, Mass. August 21st, 1868, at Boston, she beat Madawaska Maid, Emperor, Belle Morrill and Lady Rogers, in straight heats, distancing the last two in the first heat. Time 2.28, 2.3:?, 2.31. Oct. 4th, 1870, at Boston, she won a race in straight heats in 2.26, 2.26. 2.27. She was afterwards sold to a MAINE 2.30 LIST. 277 Mr. Bates of New York for $13,000 and driven on the road until sold to H. N. Smith, Fashion Stud Farm, Tren- ton, N. J., where she is still kept for breeding purposes. BELLE SMITH 2.29. Sorrel mare about 15^ hands high, foaled in 1869; bred by Thelismer Bearce, then of Hebron, Me., got by the Bearce Horse by the Horner Horse by Cobb's Brandy- wine, dam said to be of Morgan descent. Owned by Isaiah Pompilly, Auburn, Me., who sold her to W. W. Smith, of Dixfleld, who drove her to her record. At Dover, N. H., Sept. 29th, 1876, she won two heats in a race in 2.29i, 2.30 and was second in the race. At Boston, Nov. 4th, 1876, she won a race in straight heats. Time 2.33i, 2.29, 2.32. Mr. Smith sold her soon after and she was taken West and trotted under the name of Ida. BEN McCLELLAN, 2.30. Chestnut gelding which made a record of 2.30 at Troy, N. Y., July 24th, 1867, and said to be by the Drew Horse. We have been unable thus far to identify him. BEN MORRILL 2.27. Brown horse foaled in 1868; bred by Harrison Ames, Winthrop, Me., got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Old Columbus; 2d dam by imp Trustee. Ames sold him to W. B. Bonney, and he, when two years old, to J. F. Jackson, also of Winthrop. Jackson sold him to J. G. Rounds, of Lynn, and T. B. Williams, of Boston, and he was afterwards sold to parties in Canada. As a four- year-old he won a race at Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 21st, 1872, in 2.34i, 2.32|, 2.36, after losing the first heat to Rowe's Tommy in 2.48^. Oct. 14th, 1874, at Boston, he won the 2.30 race in straight heats in 2.31i, 2.30i, 2.30. Oct. 29th following, he won a heat in 2.28 at Projpect Park. Oct. 6th. 1879, he won a race at Montreal, P. Q., winning the second heat in 2.28^, the third in 2.27, and the fifth and race m 2.29. 278 NOTED MAINE HORSES. BENNY (pacer), 2.18i. Gray geldiag foaled in 1872. bred by F. O. J. Bodge, Deering", Me. ; got by Fearnaught Jr., dam Martha, by Gilbreth Knox, 2d dam a pacing mare by Defiance, 3d dam a white mare by Homans Messenger. Mr. Bodge sold him when four months old to E. L. Norcross of Man- chester, Me., and in 1876 at Mr. Norcross' sale he was catalogued under the name of ^' Bodge" and sold to B. S. Wright who took him West. He paced through the Mich- igan Circuit in the spring of 1884, and made a record of 2.24. June 8th, 1886, at Terre Haute, Ind., Benny won the race for the 2.24 class in straight heats in 2.23, 2.24i, 2.25. July 6th, 1886, at Pittsburg, Pa., Benny won sec- ond money in the 2.20 pace, winning the second heat in 2.18i and the third in 2.20i. July 1st, at Kalamazoo, Mich., he had won the 2.24 pace in straight heats in 2.201, 2.211, 2.22i. BLACKSTONE BELLE, 2.28i. Black mare under 15 hands high, foaled in 1858, bred by Washington Treat, Canton, Me.; got by Whalebone, son of Sherman Morgan. Dam's pedigree unknown. Treat sold her when two years old to E. Godiug of Jay Bridge, and he to a Mr. Richardson of Jay, and she was afterwards owned by Joseph Rowe, Albert Hines, Ezra Barden, and finally sold to Geo. Burnham of Portland. From Portland she was sold to Thomas Trant of Boston, who owned her until she died about one year ago. At Boston, Mass., July 2d, 1866, in a race against Fanny Al- len, for a purse of $5000, she won in straight heats. Time 2.28^, 2.30i, 2.31. BOSTON GIRL, 2.25i. Bay mare foaled Aug. 28th, 1877, bred by J. B. P. Wheelden, Bangor, Me.; got by Gideon, or Von Moltke, dam by Gen. Sherman, son of Gen. Knox. We give the sire of Boston Girl as above, for the reason the matter is MAINE 2.30 LIST. 279 in dispute. Wheelden sold her to W. C. France, and in the hands of Frank Van Ness she started in the 3.00 race at the Gentlemen's Driving Park, Philadelphia, Pa., May 5th, 1885, winning the third heat in 2.34^. May 19th, at Belmont Park, Boston Girl won the two first heats in the 3.00 class in 2.27^, 2.25;^, her fastest record. May 26th, following, at Point Breeze Park, she won the 3.00 race in straight heats in 2.28:i, 2.28^, 2.291 . She was afterwards sold to Thos. Hinds of Jersey City, N. J., and died there May 31st, 1886, of pneumonia, after eleven days illness. BULLY BROOKS 2.28. At one time called Bangor. Bay gelding, 15 hands high, with star and stripe on nose, and off hind heel white, foaled in 1861; bred by Isaiah Gould of Brooks, Me., got by Dirigo, dam a roan mare said to be of Messenger descent. Owned by Timothy Sullivan, of Bangor. Aug. 14th, 1875, at Bangor, Me., he won a free-for-all race in straight heats in 2.30i, 2.30, 2.31i. His record of 2.28 was made in a race at Boston, Mass., July 20th, 1876. CAMORS 2.191. Black gelding with no white marks, 15i hands high, foaled in 1864; bred by Levi Atwood, Portland, Me., got by Gen. Knox, dam bred by Gen. Peleg Wadsworth, of Hiram, Me., pedigree of sire unknown. Sold when two years old to R. O. Conant, Portland, and afterwards to Lon Morris, of Boston. Aug 15th, 1872, at Utica, N. Y., he won the 2.50 race in straight heats in 2.30, 2.29, 2.31^. Sept. 10th, at Boston, he won again in straight heats in 2.27, 2.25i, 2.26i. Sept. 19th at Prospect Park he won again in 2.23, 2.211, 2. 23|, losing the thirdheat. Aug. 16, 1873, he won two heats at Buffalo in 2.20^ and 2.21| and was second in the race. At Prospect Park, Sept 27th, 1873, he won a race for the 2.20 class winning the last three out of five heats in 2.23^, 2.22i, 2.24|. Aug. 7th, 28o NOTED MAINE HORSES. 1874, at Bufialo in a race witli Red Cloud, Gloster, St. James, Nettie and Sensation he won the first heat in 2.20^ and the second in 2.191 and was second in the race. He was afterwards sold and taken to California and died there. CAMORS, 2.25i. Bay gelding 15^ hands high, foaled in 1871, bred by Wm. Page, Corinna Me. ; ^ot by Dirigo, dam by French Tiger. Sold to I. H. Crowell, Corinna, and afterwards to Stephen Gowen, Biddeford, Me. Record 2.25^, at Bos- ton, Mass., July 25th, 1882. CAPITOLA, 2.22^. Black mare with star and one white hind foot, foaled June 15th, 1872, bred by S. R. Bridgham, Hebron, Me.: got by Gilbreth Knox, dam by a Morgan horse called Young Bundy. Bridgham sold the mare to J. H. With- erell then of Norway, Me., who afterwards removed to Massachusetts, taking the mare with him. Sept. 7th, 1881, at Mystic Park, Boston, Capitola won a heat in a race in 2.25^, and at Hartford, Conn., Oct. 12th, 1881, she won the third heat in a race in 2.251, and the fourth heat in 2.22^, her fastest record. CARRIE T., 2.29i. Brown mare foaled in 1879, bred by Sewell (Jampbell, Mechanics Fall, Me.; got b} Dom Pedro, son of Tom Patchen, dam a roan mare, pedigree untraced. Sold to T. A. Waterman, Mechanics Falls, and by him to parties in Otisfield, who sold her to Fred Boucher. Portland, Me. Carrie T. made a record of 2.34| in 1885, and June 29th, 1886, at Saugus, Mass., she won the first heat in the 2.30 class in 2.34 and the second heat in 2.29^. CHARLES R., 2.27. Brown gelding with black points, 15^ hands high, foaled in 1868, bred by the late J. H. Gilbreth, Fairfield, Me. ; got MAINE 2.30 LIST. 281 by Gilbreth Knox, dam by Witherell. Sold to J. H. Blodgett, Boston, Mass. June 8th, 1876, at Beacon Park, Boston, Charles R. won the 2.32 race in which it took eight heats to decide it, winning the fourth heat in 2.27, the seventh in 2.32 and the eighth and race in 2.29^. CARELESS BOY, 2.28. Ba\ gelding with black points, 15^ hands high, foaled in 1866, bred by Frank Buck, Buckfield, Me.; got by Young Brandywiue, dam a fast mare, pedigree not traced. Owned by Robinson Dean, Buckfield. At Bath, Me., Aug. 22d, 1878, he won a free-for-all race in straight heats. Time, 2.32, 2.30, 2.32^. June 10th, 1879, at Dover, N. H., Careless Boy won the 2.30 race in straight heats, lowering his record to 2.28 in the first heat. He was afterwards sold to a Mr. Dyer of Worcester, Mass., and driven on the road. CENTURION 2.27i. Black gelding foaled in 1876; bred by F. G. Richards, Gardiner, Me., got by Black Pilot, dam a mare bought of Mark Emery, of No. Anson, Me., pedigree untraced, but said to have been brought from Canada and to be partly thoroughbred. Record 2.27^, at Boston, Mass., July 19th, 1883. CHUB 2.27, Roan gelding with black points, foaled in 1879 ; bred by Frank Holland, Auburn, Me., got by Knox Boy, dam by Lewiston Boy. Sold to Pompilly & Ryerson, Auburn, Me. Record 2.29^ a! Maine State Fair, Lewiston, Me., Sept, 14th, 1886, where he won the 2.37 race. At Mystic Park, Medford, Oct. 13th, 1886, he won a heat in the 2.29 class in 2.27, after which h^! was sold. (Corrected from page 72.) CORA F., 2.28. Gray mare 15^ hands high, foaled in 1869, bred by Reu- 282 NOTED MAINE HORSES. ben Page of Parkman, Me. ; got by Brown Harry, dam by French Tiger. Sold to J. J. Gilbert, Portland. After- wards owned by S. J. Thompson of Boston. July 4th, 1878, at Dover, N. H., she won the first heat in the 2.30 race in 2.30, the second in 2.28, made a dead heat in the third in 2.31 and was beaten in the race by Bill Ed. Dam of Pearl. 2.23^, by Eegulus. CUNARD, 2.30. Bay gelding 15| hands high, foaled in 1873, bred by a Mr. Kincaid of Cornville, Me. ; got by Von Moltke, dam by Gen. Knox. Sold to H. H. Tufts, Skowhegan, Me., who kept him several years as a stallion, by him to Joel Richardson same town, who added the horse to the list of geldings. Record 2.30 at Watertown, Ne.v York, June 28th, 1883. DIRIGO, 2.29. (115). Formerly called Geo. B. McClellan. Brown horse with black points, 15i hands high, foaled in 1853, bred by the late Horace McKenney, Monroe, Me. ; got by the Drew Horse, dam^s pedigree unknown. Sold to Capt. Sanford of Bangor. Owned by David Quimby, Corinna, Judson Higgins, Palmyra, who sold him to parties in Dexter, Me. Becoming impotent and worthless from age he was de- stroyed Aug. 14th, 1884. Record 2.29 at Belfast, Me., Sept. 21st, 1864. Sire of Bully Brooks, 2.28, Camors, 2.25 i, John Virgin, 2.29 and Little Fred 2.26|. DISPATCH 2.24i. Alias Windsor Roan gelding, 15 hands high, foaled in 1872; bred by Joseph Littlelield, Auburn, Me., got by Lewiston Boy, dam a mare brought from the Provinces. Sold to H. D. Donovan, Auburn, Me. July 2d, 1879; he started in the 3,00 race at Providence, R. I., winning the fourth heat iu 2.29. Two days after at the same place he MAINE 2.30 LIST. 283 won the 2.45 race with a record of 2.28. October 3d he won a race at St. Louis, Mo., in straight heats under the name of Windsor. Time 2.24:h, 2.25, 2.27^, for which he was expelled. Afterwards sold to W. W. Phillips, Swampscot, Mass., and driven on the road. EDGETCHELL, 2.27. Dark brown gelding, 15^ hands high, foaled in 1869 ; bred by A. J. Crowell, Winthrop, Me., got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by the Downing Horse. Crowell sold him when two years old to Mr. Grossman and he to Geo. Everett, of Boston. Sept. 13th, 1877, he started in the 2.60 race at Mystic Park, Boston, and won the third heat in 2.27. EMMAB., 2.22. Gray marc 14| hands high, foaled in 1872, bred by P. M. Jefferds, Foxcrof t, Me. ; got by Bayard, son of Pilot Jr., dam by Brown Harry. Sold to parties in Massachu- setts and after w^ard to Richard K. Fox, her present own- er, and name changed to Police (xazette. At Hartford, Conn., June 25th, 1879, she started in the 2.38 race, which she won in straight heats, the last of which was won in 2.25. July 25th, at Providence, she won a free-for-all race in five heats, winning the last three in 2.23. 2.24^, 2.26i. At Buffalo, Aug. 6th, Emma B. won the 2.23 race defeating a field of seven horses, the drivers of which were combined to secure her defeat. Time, 2.23^, 2.22J, 2.261. Oct. 2d, at Point Breeze, Philadelphia, she won a race in straight heats, time 2.22, 2.23, 2.25. EMPEROR, 2.30. Bay gelding with black points, 14 hands and weighed about 725 pounds in trotting condition, foaled in 1860; bred by Levi Gardner, Plantation No. 4, Franklin Co., Me., got by the Rollins Horse by Rising Sun, dam a small mare, '^got by a Messenger horse owned in Somerset Co." Albert Foster, of Canton Point, got him when five years 284 NOTED MAINE HORSES, old, aud he was at that time a pacer. Foster let Granville Childs, also of Canton Point, have him and the following winter he commenced to trot, and when six he was sold to Chas. Records and Isaiah Pompilly. Oct. 14th, 1868, at Narragansett Park, Providence, R. I., he started in a race winning the second heat in 2.30, and the third in 2.32. and was distanced in the fourth. EMPEROR, 2.29^. (852) Black horse with star, 15^ hands high, foaled in 1865; got by the Newman Horse by the Rollins Horse, dam by Lewiston Boy. Bred and owned by O. C. Houghton, Bryants Pond, Me., and S. D. Houghton, Worcester, Mass. At Beacon Park, Boston, May 16th, 1877, he captured the 2.31 race in straight heats in 2.29^, 2.31^, 2.3U. EMPEROR WILLIAM, 2.27i. (1746). Bay horse with black points, 16 hands high, foaled in 1867, bredby C. H. & J. M. Skinner, St. Albans, Me.; got by Gen. Knox, dam Lady Hollis, a fast pacing mare brought from Massachusetts, pedigree unknown. At the Maine State Fair of 1879, he won the 2.32 race with a rec- ord of 2.31^. In October following, at Monroe, Me., he trotted a race against Anodyne and Ned B., winning the first heat in 2.27^. Afterwards sold to Messrs. Odell, New York City. Sire of Frank F., 2.26^. EZRA L., 2.2U. Roan gelding with black points and little white on off hind coronet, 15| hands high, foaled in 1874; bred by Benjamin Simpson, Bangor, Me., got by Gideon, dam by Tom Benton, sou of the Drew Horse ; 2d dam the bay trotting mare Lady Franklin. Sold to Ezra L. Stearns, Bangor, Me. At Springfield, Mass., Sept 2d, 1882, he MAINE 2.30 LIST. 285 won a race in straight heats in 2.25|, 2.27^, 2.25^. Sept. 13th, at Mystic Park he won again in 2.27^, 2.26|, 2.27. In 1883, May 31st, at the same place he won again in 2.24fj, 2.251, 2. 28i. At Providence, June 8th, he won again in 2.25^, 2.27, 2.26. At Hartford, Conn., June 15th, he won again in 2.2U, 2.22i, 2.23, after losing the first heat in 2.21 to Nickel. June22d, at Beacon Park, he won again in 2.23, 2.22, 2.22f|. FALMOUTH IJOY, 2.29i. Bay gelding with black points, foaled May 23d, 1865, bred by Josiah Hight, Athens, Me. ; got by the Potter Horse (Young) page 206, dam by Witherell. Sold to par- ties in Massachusetts. At Providence, R. I., Sept. 17th, 1874, he won a race with a record of 2.31. Record 2.29d at Graveseud, N. Y., Sept. 25th, 1874. FANNY M., 2.291. Black mare foaled in 1875, bred by Benj. Mains, Wind- ham, Me.; got by Phil Sheridan, sou of Gen. Knox, dam a small black mare breeding untraced. Sold to the late V. C. Hall, AVindham, Me., and afterwards to parties in Massachusetts. At Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 8th, 1884, Fanny M. won the third heat in the 2.35 race in 2.29| and the fourth heat in 2.30^, and was second in the race. F, D., 2.241. Bay gelding foaled in 1878, bred by F. D. Wilson then of Biddeford, Me. ; got by Emery Fearnaught, dam said to be a Morgan mare. Mr. Wilson removed to Lynn, Mass., and took the horse with him. At Lowell, Mass., Aug. 14th, 1884, F. D. won the 2.37 race in 2.37i, 2.35, 2.38. At Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 19th, F. D. won the third heat in the 2.30 race in 2.24J his fastest record and was afterwards sold to W. C. France. FLEETWOOD, 2.29. Sorrel gelding, 15^ hands high, foaled in 1863; bred by 286 NOTED MAINE HORSES. Sheldon Reed, Madison, Me., got by Winthiop Morrill, dam by Witherell. He was afterwards owned by Ash Savage, of Waterville, who took him to New York, and he subsequently passed into the hands of Budd Doble. May 24th, 1871, at the Point Breeze Park, Philadelphia, Pa., a purse of $1000 was offered for horses that had never started for purse, plate or stake. The race was won by Fleetwood, in straight heats, in 2.37^, 2.351, 2.35^. June 6th, 1871, at Prospect Park Fair Grounds, he won the three minute race in straight heats in 2.31i, 2.3U, 2.32. Sept. 7th, at Troy, N. Y., he won a race in straight heats, beating Medoc, Lady Ross, Charlie Green, Ben, Starr, Lady Sheridan, Dreadnaught, Gray Jack and Shepard Knapp, Jr. Time 2.31, 2.29, 2.30| FLORA, 2.2dh. Sorrel mare with star and white hind ankle, foaled in 1876 the property of the late Dr. S. H. Tewksbury, Port- land, Me.; got by Von Moltke, dam a bay trotting mare brought from New York and said to have a fast record under the name of Frances. After Dr. Tewksbury's death Flora was sold to J. J. Gilbert, and by him to A. T.Cobb, all of Portland, and by him to Geo. A. Swett of Boston. Record 2.25i at Mystic Park, Boston, June 24th, 1885. FRANK F., 2.26i. Bay gelding, foaled in 1872 ; bred by N. B. Turner, St. Albans, Me., got by Emperor William son of Gen. Knox, dam by John Bright ; 2d dam by the Batchelder Horse. John S. Heald bought him when six years old for G. F. Loveritt, of Portland, who afterwards sold him to B. F. Hamilton, Biddeford, Me. At Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 7th, 1881 ; Frank F. won the 2.50 race in which seven heats were trotted. Frank F. won the second in 2.301, the fifth in 2.29, the sixth was declared no heat and Frank F. won the seventh in 2.26^, the race having MAINE 2.30 LIST. 287 been postponed. Sept. 9th at the same place he won the 2.38 race in straight heats in 2.29, 2.29^, 2.271. FRANK HULL, 2.28^. Formerly Dandy J. Brown gelding over 16 hands high, foaled in 1874, bred by James Josslyn, Newport, Me. ; got by Touchstone, a son of imp. Lapidist, dam's pedigree un- known to us. Sold to B. H. Josslyn, Auburn, Me. He made a record of 2.31 at Lewiston, Me., at the Maine State Fair of 1881, was afterwards sold to parties in St. Mary's, Pennsylvania, and his name changed to Frank Hull. At Williamsport, Pa., June 9th, 1885, Frank Hull won the 2.29 class in straight heats in 2.30, 2.28^, 2.29|. GEN. McCLELLAN, 2.26. (143) Bay horse with black points, 151 hands high, foaled May 16th, 1854; bred by N. B. Pease, then of Exeter, Me., got by Old Drew, dam by Shark, said to be a son of imported Shark. He was first called the '^Pease colt,'' under which name he won a race at Bangor, Oct. 3d, 1861, in straight heats, beating Penobscot Boy, time 2.40, 2.38, 2.35. Pease sold him to ( George M. Robinson, of Augusta, in 1861, and he was called Gen. McClellan. Sept. 24th, 18 64, while owned by Mr. Robinson, he won a race at Belfast, beating Geo. B. McClellan (now called Dirigo) winning the second heat in 2.31, the third in 2.28, and the fourth and race in 2.26. Robinson sold him soon after to Shaw & Stoddard, of Bangor. Sept. 21st, 1865, at the Riverside Park, Boston, he won a race in straight heats, beating Leviathan and Ticonic, time 2.33i, 2.32i, 2.341 . Two days after at the same place he won a race against Fearnaught, to wagon, in straight heats, the fast- est being 2.37. Oct. 17th, 1866, at Boston, in a double- team race with Dashaway against Ethan Allen and Hon- est Allen, mile and repeat. Gen. McClellan and mate won in two heats in 2.39:^, 2. 39i. June 10th, 1867, he won a 288 NOTED MAINE HORSES. race of four heats, to wagons, against Commodore Van- derbilt, at the Fashion Course, L. I., for a purse of $2000. Mac won two heats in 2.301 each, and one in 2.31^. He was subsequently purchased and taken to California by M. J. Lewis, Esq., where he died. GEORGE JONES (pacer) 2.261 . Bay gelding- foaled in 1878, bred by S. W. Turner, Mos- cow, Me.; got by Quicksilver, he by Young Hiram Drew, dam by Morrill Champion. Repassed through the hands of S. G. Wethern, No. New Portland, Me., into those of Dr. Sheahan of Quincy, Mass. Oct. 1st, 1884, at Brock- ton, Mass., George Jones won the first heat in the 3.00 race trotting in 2.36i. In 1886 he was put to pacing, and at Mystic Park, Boston, Aug. 3d, he won the 2.28 pace in 2.301, 2.261, 2.32. GEORGE O., 2.24i. Bay gelding with very slim tail, 15 hands high, foaled in 1876, bred by Otis & Parker, Belfast, Me. ; got by Ham- bletonian Chief, dam by Gen. Knox. Hambletonion Chief by Middletown. George O. was sold when four years old to George O. Bailey of Belfast. Not long afterwards he ran away, no one being in the wagon and collided with a fence in such a way as to receive a deep puncture and cut in the breast, from which he nearly bled to death. For two years he was used but little. In 1883 he came out as a green horse and trotted nine races, winning eight, with a record of 2.31^. In 1884 he was very successful, his crowning triumph being at Mystic Park, Boston, where he won a six heat race on Oct. 16th and 17th, winning the first heat in 2.30|, the third in 2.265, when the race was postponed. .On the 17th he won the deciding heat in 2.24^ his fastest record. He met with an accident which caused his death before the season of 1885 opened, an account of which we copy from the Belfast Journal: ''At 6.30 Thursday morning, the 12th of March, Mr. MAINE 2.30 LIST. 289 Bailey took Mr. Johnson into his sleigh with the intention of giving him a spin down Northport avenue. When on Church street the horse shied a little and the sleigh run- ning upon the high bank beside the street, both men were thrown out. The horse attempted to turn up Grove street, but broke through the iron fence at the residence of Capt. Joseph S. Thombs. The animal, now thoroughly fright- ened, went out over the fence again and down Northport avenue where he was stopped and brought home. The horse seemed to be uninjured save a small cut upon the in- side ot the right hind leg. Seven days after the accident Mr. Bailey telegraphed to George H. Bailey, veterinary surgeon at Portland, who came to Belfast, and on examin- ing the wound discovered a piece of the iron fence firmly embedded in the bone, about five inches below the stifle joint. Dr. Bailey was unable to remove the iron and sent for Dr. Wood of Lowell, Mass., and on Monday evening last both surgeons arrived with instruments and worked unsuccessfully until midnight. Tuesday forenoon the horse was etherized and cast, and with the assistance of Drs. Johnson and Lombard and Chas. Baker, the iron was re- moved. The piece was the point of an iron picket two and a quarter inches long, about half an inch thick at the base, and was imbedded two inches in the bone. Dr. Johnson cut away a portion of the bone before the iron could be removed. GIL BRET H KNOX, 2.26|. (146) Black horse 15| hands high, foaled in 1862, bred by Samuel Guild of Augusta; got by Gen. Knox, dam the Cahill mare so called, brought from the West, and pedi- gree unknown. Guild said him when about a year old to J. H. Gilbreth, of Kendall's Mills, Me. After Mr. Gil- breth's death he was sold to Mr. A. Wentworth of Bos- ton, for $17,000. At Narragansett Park, Oct. 7th. 1869, 290 NOTED MAINE HORSES. in a race for horses that never beat 2.31, there were ten entries. Twang won the first heat in 2.28^ and Gilbreth Knox the second in 2.261, and the third in 2.29i. As they were coming down for the word in the third heat, (gilbreth Knox's driver drove too near the pole and was thrown out of his sulky. He hung to the reins after he was over- board, but Knox was a little frightened and was finally let go, trotting half way around the course alone, when he held up and was captured. Another vehicle was fur- nished and they got the word. The fourth heat was won by Twang, the fifth by Topsey, and the sixth lay between Twang, Topsey and Knox, all the rest who had not won a heat being out. Gilbreth Knox was thought by many to be the fastest of the three, but he was distanced, and the heat and race won by Twang. Died in 1874. Sire of Capitola, 2.22^, Charles R., 2.27, Gilbreth Maid, 2.25^, Hambletonian Knox, 2.28, and Lothaii-, 2.29i. GILBRETH MAID, 2.25i. Black mare with some white in face and white ankles, foaled in 1871, bred by Wairen Clark, Fairfield, Me.; got by Gilbreth Knox, dam by a horse brought from Boston by Ira Dolittle then of Waterville. Said horse was called Ivanhoe and was said to be a Morgan. 2d dam of Gilbreth Maid by Witherell. Owned by Jas. Keegan, Augusta, Me., and sold to H. A. Brick, Lewiston Exchange Hotel, Lewiston, Me. At Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 13th, 1886, she started in the 2.29 class, winning the fourth heat in 2.27i when the race was postponed on account of dark_ ness. The next day she won the fifth and sixth heats and raceiu 2.25^,2.28^. GLENARM, 2.23|. (5728). Bay horse with white on each hind pastern, foaled June 3d, 1878, bred by Gen. W. S. Tilton, Togus, Me.; got by Constellation son of Almont, dam Skip (dam of Indepen- dence, 2.21i), by Gideon, 2d dam by Young Indian Chief. Sold when two years old to C. P. Drake, Lewiston, Me. CiLENAUM. 5728. (IJeconl •2.'2:J5.) ">..:] MAINE 2.30 LIST. 291 Record 2.39^ at Presumpscot Park, Portland, as a four year old. After doing- duty four years in the stud he started in the 2.37 class at Fairfield, Me., Aug. 20th, 1886, which race he won. At New England Fair, Bangor, Sept. 3d, following, he won the 2.30 race in straight heats. At Lewiston he was beaten by Star Gazer, but won at G. / with a reco»d of 2.26^, and at (Jumberland in slower time. At Canton, Me., Oct. 7th, he beat Star Gazer and Maggie Miller, in straight heats in 2.30i, 2.281, 2.26^, the fastest heat ever trotted in the State in a race. At Mystic Park, Boston, the following week, he won the 2.27 race in straight heats in 2.25i, 2.24i, 2.231, trotting the last half- mile of the third heat in 1.11, beating White Socks, News Boy and Chub. On his return home he was started to beat the best time ever made in Maine to wagon, which he accomplished, winning the second heat and money in 2.28^. GLENGARRY, 2.27. Formerly called "Uncle Abe." Brown gelding, 15i hands high, foaled in May, 1865, bred by Isaac Downing, East Monmouth, Me., got by Winthrop Morrill, dam a black mare, pedigree unknown. Downing sold him, when one year old, to George Titus, of Monmouth, he, when three, to John Packard, of Winthrop. Packard sold him to John H. May, of Augusta, for $1000. He was after- wards taken to Massachusetts. August 10, 1871, at BuflTa- lo, N. Y., as Uncle Abe, he won the 2.50 purse in straight heats, beating nine horses, time, 2.27, 2.30i, 2.27|. GOV. PLAISTED, 2.29i. Bay gelding foaled in 1876, bred by R. P. Leonard? Monroe, Me.; got by Gray Dan son of Gideon. Dam a Drew mare. Sold to F. S. Stevens, Swansea, Mass. Record 2.29| at Boston. Mass., Oct. 26, 1882. GRATEFUL, 2.28^. Sorrel gelding 16 hands high, foaled in 1867, bred by Andrew Fish, of Starks, Me ; got by the Brown Horse, son of the "Sandy River Trotter," dam by the Crawford 292 NOTED MAINE HORSES. Horse. Fish sold him in 1874 to Geo. Everett of Boston. June 15th, 1876, at Mystic Park, Boston, (Irateful wod the 2.45 race in straight heats in 2.30, 2.28^, 2.31. GRAY BILL, 2.30. Gray gelding 15| hands high, foaled in 1869, bred by John S. Lunt, Dixfield, Me. ; got by Young Brandy wine, dam by State of Maine. Gray Bill is a medium gray, has a long light tail, bold action, and is high gaited. Lunt sold him when four to Ad Roberts, of Hebron, Me., and he to parties in Providence, R. L June 16, 1876, he trot- ted and won a race at Mystic Park, Boston, in 2.32, 2.32|, 2.34. Sept. 6, 1876, at Sringfield, Mass., he won the first heat in the 2.29 class in 2.30, and ,vas second in the race. HAMBLETONIAN KNOX, 2.28. Bay horse foaled in 1873, bred by E. H. Greeley, Bar Harbor, Me. ; got by Gilbreth Knox, dam by Gideon, 2d dam Giflbrd Mare, by Old Drew. Record 2.28 at the Maine State Fair of 1885, at Lewiston, Me. Afterwards sold out of the State. HARRY SPANKER, 2 30. Bay gelding 15 hands high, foaled in May, 1865, bred by Edward Clements, Portland, Me.; got by Geu. Knox,dam Lady Gay Spanker. Clements sold him to Geo. H. Bailey of Woodford's Corner, and he claimed for him the name of Chas. M. Thompson. When three years old he was sold to James Hanley of Providence, R. I. Oct. 20th, 1874, at Providence, R. I., Harry Spanker won the 2.34 race in straight heats and a record of 2.SSi. June 21st, 1876, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., he won the first heat in the 2.31 class in 2.30. and was third in the race. HELEN WILKES, 2.25^. Seal brown mare, foaled in 1877, bred by Chas. Pitts, Waterboro, Me.; got by the *'Carleton Colt" son of Don Fulano, by Gen. Knox. Dam by HolIanc"'s Ethan Allen. MAINE 2.30 LIST. 293 Pitts sold the mare to Will Hill, he to Dr. Hill, and he to S. P. Goweii, all of Saco, and Gowen to Towle Bros., of Boston. Owned by Marcellus "W. Carter, Commonwealth Hotel, Boston, Mass. At Boston, Mystic Park, July 20, 1886, Helen Wilkes won the 2.30 class in straights heats in 2.25^, 2.25i, 2.27. Two days afterward she won the 2.32 race in straights heats in 2.27|, 2.26^, 2.29. HONEST HARRY, 2.22^. Roan gelding about 15 hands hign, foaled in 1869, the property of a Mr. Wood of Winthrop, Me., who bred him. got by Winthrop Morrill, and his dam was a small gray mare said to be a Messenger. This reminds us of a story which we have heard concerning the mare the time she was taken up to be served by Winthrop Morrill, for the truth of which, however, we cannot vouch. The mare had been at work all the afternoon raking hay, after which she had, while wet with perspiration been turned into the pasture to get her supper. Here she rolled in the dirt until the appearance she presented can be better im- agined than described. In this plight she was taken up to the horse. Several Boston horsemen were present, who joined in making derisive remarks at the expense of the mare, but which were silenced by Mr. Chas. Jackson, the owner of Winthrop Morrill, who was then living, who re- marked in his characteristic way, ''Gentlemen, if this mare produces a colt, don't you forget that it will be a good one." Honest Harry was the result of this union. In April, 1875, he was purchased by Mr. T. B. Williams of Boston, and J. G. Rounds of Lynn, Mass. At Mystic Boston, Honest Harry won the 2.25 race, fastest heat 2.28. At the Fall Meeting of the Charter Oak Park, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 28th, 1877, Honest Harry won a second heat in 2.224 and the third in 2.25. He has to his credit 50 heats in 2.30 and better. HOPEFUL, 2.141. Foremost among the noted animals who first saw the 294 NOTED MAINE HORSES. light withiu the limits of the Pine Tree State appears the name of Hopeful. He is a gray gelding 15 hands high, foaled in 1866, on the farm of Eli Whitcomb, No. Dix- mont, Me., the property of B. D. Whitcomb of Boston; got by Godfrey's Patchen, dam a gray mare bred by Gid- eon Fletcher of Buckfield, Me., got by the Bridgham Horse, 2d dam by Whalebone, son of Sherman, 3d dam by Winthrop Messenger. Aug. 25th, 1873, he made his first appearance in public, in a race for horses which had never started for money, winning the first and second heats in 2.49^ and 2. 45f|, after which he was drawn. He ended the season, however, with a record of 2.25. Hopeful was afterwards sold to Dunn Walton of New York, and Aug. 5th, 1875, at Poughkeepsie, he won in 2.221, 2.28, 2.28. Aug. 31st, at Charter Oak Park, Hartford, he won again in 2.18i, 2.22^, 2.19, 2 20i, 2.23i, losing the second and third heats. The week following, Sept. 3d, at the same place. Hopeful beat American Girl in straight lieats in 2.171, 2.18^, 2.18i. In 1878 Hopeful was very successful. After trotting with inditferent success through the early X)art of the season, he entered the Grand Circuit at Cleve- land, in the free-for-all. The following account of the race at Cleveland, we take from the Turf, Field &FaTm\ ''The open-to all race was one of the most remarkable contests ever seen in the world. Hopeful did not have many friends for the reason that he had performed badly at Toledo, and then it was known that he is an uncertain horse. Mr. Richmond had insisted that Dan Mace should drive him, and the knowledge of this fact induced a few to back him at the rate of ten dollars against one hundred. The starters were Hopeful, Proteine, Cozette and Nettie. Proteine was all the rage. On coming to the wire for the third time the word was given. Hopeful got away level, and he led Great Eastern around the turn by a length. Proteine was fourth at the quarter, Cozette last and in the air. Along the backstretch, the daughter of Blackwood MAINE 2.30 LIST. 295 trotted ver\' fast, and at the third quarter she was on even terms with Great Eastern. She said good-bye to the son Walkill Chief down the home-stretch, and was beaten un- der the wire by Hopeful by a neck in 2.17^. The wonder- ful speed shown by Proteine made her the favorite at odds against the field. Even Mace was not confident at this time that he could win with the gray. There were twelve scores for the second heat, Hopeful principally being the cause of them. When the word was given Nettie was be- hind. Proteine and Great Eastern left their feet in going around the first turn, but both quickly caught. Hopeful was on his good behavior, and the speed of the whirlwind was in his limbs. He went to the half in 1.061, Proteine second. Great Eastern third. Along the back-stretch Pro- teine trotted a quarter in 31| seconds, as timed by Mr. Baker, and she lapped Hopeful at the three-quarter pole. Both she and Great Eastern left their feet down the home- stretch. Dan Mace, like the master that he is, kept Hope- ful at work, and he went under the wire half a length a- head of Proteine in the wonderful time of 2.15|. The cheering was tremendous, and the faces of Messrs. Rich- mond and Gillender were wreathed in smiles. Hopeful was now a great favorite. He got away well in the third heat, and was never headed, going to the half in 1.07, to the three-quarter pole in 1.41, and coming home in 2.15i. Proteine finished three lengths behind him, Nettie third. Hopeful could have trotted the heat in 2.15, or possibly 2.141 . Although Proteine sufiered defeat, it was her priv- ilege to show her heels to what was thought to be the most dangerous horse of the race — Great Eastern. She did not disappoint her friends. Hopeful simply proved to be a better hoi-se than the majority of people had given him credit for." At Buffalo he beat Great Eastern, Net- tie and Cozette in three heats. Time 2.18^, 2.18, 2.18. At Rochester he^treated his opponents the same way, win- ning in 2.24, 2.20^, 2.20. At Utica he again defeated 296 NOTED MAINE HORSES. Proteine and Great Eastern in 2.161, 2.161, 2.17^. At Hartford he was again victorious over Great Eastern in 2.22i, 2.181, 2.20i. At the close of the Grand Circuit the Spirit of the Times BY)oke of Hopeful in the following words, '"Hopeful enjoys the distinction of being the only horse that has ever won every free-for-all race in one sea- son during the Grand Circuit. He is a trotter this year every inch of him." After the close of the Grand Circuit he was taken West and entered in the Great Western Cir- cuit. At Minneapolis he trotted against time, and won in the second trial, 2.171, 2.141, which is his fastest record. At St. Louis he trotted against liarus' time, and won, the time being 2.15|, 2.15, 2.15i. At Chicago he defeated Rarus to wagon, Great Eastern to saddle, in 2.17^, 2.17, 2.16. Two days after he beat the best recorded time to wagon, three seconds, trotting it in 2.16?^, 2.17, 2.17. Hopeful closed the season of 1878 with the third best rec- ord to harness, 2.141, and the best record to wagon, 2.16^. HUDSON, 2.29. Bay gelding, foaled in 1873, bred by Elijah Brimmer, Clinton,Me.; got by Gen. Lee, (see page 118) son of Black Sultan. Dam, pedigree untraced. Sold to A. W. Brack- ett, Pittsfield, Me., and by him to parties in Massachusetts. Record 2.29 at Providence, R. I , June 2, 1882. After- wards called Pomp, and Ed. Bonness. INDEPENDENCE, 2.28. Chestnut gelding, loi hand high, foaled about 1832, bred by Captain Joshua Wing,of Winthrop ; got by Conqueror, a horse brought from Massachusetts, pedigree unknown, dam by Old Winthrop Messenger. Wing sold him, when six years old, to Oliver Walton, of Uoston. In 1839,Nov. 15, he trotted a race, mile heats three in five, against Lady Suffolk, beating her in 2.45i, 2.45, 2.47. He trotted the same race, the next day, against Lady Sufiblk, heating her again. Mr. Woodrufi" says, '^Independence was a good MAINE 2.30 LIST. 297 horse. He had not great speed then, but he afterwards got to be very fast." In 1843, on the 4th of July, he trot- ted a race, mile heats, under saddle, against Lady Suffolk and Beppo, on the old Beacon Course. Lady Suffolk won the first heat in 2.28i, the second was a dead heat between her and Beppo, in 2.28, the third heat Independence won in 2.28. INDEPENDENCE, 2.2U. (2019) Gray horse, foaled July 4, 1871, bred by Frank Taylor, So. Vassalboro, Me. ; got by Gen. Knox, dam Skip, (dam of Glenarm 2.231) by Gideon. 2d dam by Young Indian Chief. Taylor sold him to W. E. Potter of Augusta, when four months old. In the spring of 1879 Potter sold him to A. S. & E. Odell, for $7,500, and they sold him the same season to Mr. Eockafeller, of the Standard Oil Company. The career of Independence has been very limited on the turf. At Bath, Me., Aug. 21, 1878, he won a race in straight heats in 2.38^, 2.38i, 2.36, the next day at the same place he won again in 2.35, 2.361, 2.39^. Sept. 23, 1881, at Morrisania, N. Y., he won a race in straight heats in 2.23^, 2.24^, 2.26^. Oct. 6, at same place he won again in 2.2U, 2.27, 2.25^. He has trotted a public trial to har- ness in 2.18, and double with Cleora in 2.16. lOLANTHE, 2.30. Bay mare. For full description see page 136. Record 2.30 at Brookside Park, Albion, Me., Oct. 2d, 1886, in the third heat of the free-for-all race. IRON AGE, 2.191. Roan gelding 16 hands high, foaled in 1871, bred by John M. Littlefield, then of Abbott, Me. ; got by Jules Jurgensen, son of Gen. Knox, dam a pacing mare said to be by a son of the Drew Horse. Sold when three years old to J. M. Curtis, Foxcroft, and by him to Cuneo & 2QS noted MAINE HORSES. Derby, Boston, Mass. At Plainville, Conii., Aug. 28th, 1878, Iron Age won the 2.31 race after a severe contest of seven heats, winning the second heat in 2.30, the third in 2.32, and the seventh and race in 2.29. Sept. 3d, follow- ing, he won the first heat in the 2.27 class in 2.26, the sec- ond in 2.261, and made a dead heat with Hambrino in the third in 2.26, and was second in the race. It was the opinion of many that this heat should have been given to Iron Age, and the race ended then and there. At Mystic Park, Boston, June 15th and 16th, 1880, he won a race of nine heats in 2.251, 2.251,2.27^, 2.26^, 2.26, 2.28, 2.23^, 2. 28i, 2.28, reducing his record to 2. 23i. At Providence, R. I., Sept. 10th, 1884, Iron Age won the first heat in the 2.23 class in 2.195 and was second in the race. JACK SPR ATT, 2.261 . Brown gelding with two white ankles behind, foaled in June, 1875, bred by Gilbert Fowler, then of Portland, Me.; got by Tom Patchen, dam a small mare supposed to be a Morgan. Sold to W. H. Snell, Portland, Me. Jack Spratt was very successful in Maine during the season of 1883 and 1884, dropping into the 2.30 list at the Oxford County Fair, by winning the free-for-all in 2.35i, 2.34|, 2.29i. July 23d, 1885, at Lowell, Mass., he won in straight heats, time 2.28^, 2.28^, 2.30. At Manchester, N. H., Lewiston. Me., and Rochester, he won without reducing his record. At Brockton, Mass., Oct. 9th, hn won again in straight heats in 2.28, 2.261, 2.27|. JENNY W., 2.30. Brown mare foaled in 1871, bred by Ireson Briggs of Parkman, Me.; got by Brown Harry, dam said to be a Black Hawk. Sold to C. O. Palmer, Dover, Me., and by him to C. S. C'lark, Salem, Mass. Record 2.30 at Boston, Oct. 14th, 1880. J. G. BLAINE, 2.281. Black gelding without white, foaled in 1866, bred by MAINE 2.30 LIST. 299 James Blanchard, Pittston, Me.; got by Messenger Hunt- er, dam the Major Lally mare, by the Dr. Call horse, he by imported Cannon Ball, 2d dam by Sherman Morgan. Sold when four years old to a Mr. Mckerson of Pittston, and by him when five to Hiram Reed, Augusta, Me. Reed sold him to Wright and Norcross, and they to David Nevins, Jr., of Framingham, Mass. At Prospect Park, June 3d, 1875, he woi; the 2.40 race in seven heats, win- ning the first in 2.281, the third in 2.291 and the seventh in 2.301. At Mystic Park, Boston, May 23d, during the finish of the second heat of the 2.27 class, he fell and ruptured a blood vessel causing almost instant death. J. G. MORRILL, 2.29. Chestnut gelding 15^ hands high, both near ankles white, a white stocking on the ofi'hind leg extending up to the hock, and a narrow white stripe in the face, foaled in 1872, bred by John F. Young, Winthrop, Me.; got by AVinthrop Morrill, dam by Old Eaton. He gained consid- erable notoriety in 1875 by winning the three-year-old race at the State Fair at Portland, which he won in two heats in 2.50, 2.58. In 1877 he was added to the list of geldings and sold toT. B. Williams of Boston. In 1878 he trotted several races, gradually lowering his record, until Aug. 28th, at Plainville, Conn , he won the 2.35 race in four heats, winning the last three in 2.30, 2.30, 2.31. Oct. 4th, at Point Breeze Park, Philadelphia, he won the fourth heat in the 2.30 race in 2.29, and was second in the race. He was afterwerds purchased by Col. A. L. Snow- den, of Philadelphia, and driven on the road. JOE S. (PACER), 2.20i. Black gelding 15d hands high, foaled June 26th, 1876, bred by the Smith Bros., St. Albans, Me.; got by Nimble Dan, by Skinner's Knox, dam said to be of Black Hawk and Messenger descent. The Smith Bros, moved to Low- 300 NOTED MAINE HORSES. ell, Mass., taking the colt along with them, and here he became the property of Mr. Frank J. Sherwood. Joe S. was trained lightly in 1884, and July 11th, at Mystic Park he won the third and fourth heats in the 2.28 pacing race in 2.26^, 2.27^. In 1885, June 11th, at Charter Oak Park, Hartford, he won in 2.23^, 2.251, 2.27^. At Providence, June 30th, he won the last three out of five heats, in 2.221, 2.25, 2.31. He made his fastest record 2.20^, June 18th, 1885. JOHN S. HEALD, 2.27^. Brown gelding with star and one white hind foot, foaled in 1868, bred by John Libby, Gardiner, Me. ;got by Whale- bone Knox, dam Cooney, (dam of Tinnie B., 2.27^), by the Stewart Horse. Sold when three years old to Lon Morris of Boston. At Sufiblk Park, Philadelphia, June 30th, 1876, John S. Heald won a race in 2.28i, 2.30, 2.30, 2.32^, losing the third heat to Banquo. His fastest record 2.27^, vvas made at Philadelphia, June 15th, 1876. JOHN VIRGIN, 2.29. Chestnut gelding got by Dirigo. His breeder and pedi- gree of dam are unknown to us, although he was bred in this State. June 24th, 1875, at Boston, Mass., he won the 2.40 race in three straight heats, in 2.29, 2.301, 2.34. JUDGMENT, 2.29. Black gelding foaled about 1870, bred by Mrs. Mary Stuart, East Hiram, Me. ; got by Black Milo, son of Cor- nish Morrill, sometimes called Johnny Morrill, dam a small chestnut mare said to be by a horse called Morgan Rattler. Judgment went into the hands of Mr. Goldsmith of New York. In 1879 he achieved a record of 2.30, and in 1880, June 16th, at Boston, in a race for the 2.30 class he won the second heat in 2.29, which is his fastest record up to date. MAINE 2.30 LIST. 301 KING WILLIAM, 2.35 (to wagon). (1575). About a dozen years ago there was a horse well known in Maine as King William. He was owned by J. W. Mc- Duffee of Lewiston. Me., and was perhaps the best adver- tised and the worst managed horse the State ever pro- duced. He was by Hampton, 201, and his dam was said to be by Witherell. A j)ainstaking friend, however, has traced his pedigree carefully and for the truth of history we publish the result of his researches here King Wil- liam was foaled in 1866, and bred by Col. Golder of Phips- burg. Me. He was a handsome horse 15| hands high, of commanding appearance, a nice bay in color, and with proper management ought to have had a record low down in the twenties, whereas he made himself and his sire stan- dard by a single heat in 2.35 to wagon, in a race over the Lewiston, Me., half-mile track. The first dam of King William was known as the Stinson mare, and was got by the Bliun horse of Dresden, Me., which horse was said to be a son of Sir Charles, by Sherman Morgan, 2d dam the Hinton mare by a horse called Harmony, breeding un- traced ; 3d dam the Webb mare owned by Samuel Reed 2d, of Woolwich, Me. ; 4th dam Cotter mare owned by Gould Hathorn of Woolwich; 5th dam a pacer known as the Lightning mare owned by Nathan Webb also of Wool- wich, who bred her. She was foaled about 1810. King AVilliam became notorious if not famous, through his many contests with the black stallion Phil Sheridan, by Gen. Knox, in which he was generally vanquished in slow time, although he proved the victor in at least one race which we well remember, over the old track at Mechanic Falls. He was at Boston one season, and obtained a record of 2.3I5 at Mystic Park, in June 1884. We started,however, to tell about his famous tour as a ringer through the West- ern and Middle State, to which we are impelled by the fact that Mr. Wallace in his Trotting Register, and Ches- 302 NOTED MAINE HORSES. ter, in his Complete Pacing and Trotting Record; make his performances as those of two distinct and seperate horses. In the spring of 1875 King William disappeared from Lewiston, Me., and Ma}- 5th, at Washington, D. C, the bay horse Anglo Saxon, entered by J. L. Mead, won a purse of $500 for horses that had never beaten 3.00, in straight heats, fastest 2. 41^. May 7th he won a purse of $500 for horses that had never beaten 2.40, at the same place, fastest heat 2.38, and May 11th he won another 2.40 race for a purse of $500 at the same place after losing the first and second heats. Best record 2.37. A relative of the editor of this work, who had seen the horse in his box stall at Lewiston for a few moments, witnessed some of these races, and while he recognized the horse as one he had seen before, he failed to place him. June 18th at Par- kersburg. West Virginia, J. L. Mead's Anglo Saxon, won the 2.33 race for a purse of $350, fastest heat 2.391 . June 23d, at Parker City, Pa., J. L. Mead's Anglo Saxon won the 2.35 race for a puj se of $800, fastest heat 2.36^. July 1st, at Sharon, Pa., Anglo Saxon won a six heat race for a purse of $600, his fastest heat being 2.36. July 2d, at same place, he was second in the 2.35 race for a purse of $400. July 5th, at Greenville, Pa., he won the 2.34 i-ace for a purse of $400. July 14th, at Toledo, Ohio, Anglo Saxon won second money in the 2.35 race, winning the second heat in 2.385. July 21st, at Chicago, Ills., J. L. Mead's bay horse Anglo Saxon, won second money in the 2.34 class, purse $1,500, winning the second heat in 2.31|. At Cleveland, Ohio, July 29th, Anglo Saxon started in the 2.31 class, purse $2,500, and was ruled out for not win- ning a heat in five. The race was won by Lewinski, fast- est time 2.26^. Early in August King William reappeared on his old stamping ground in Maine, and trotted several races during the fall under his proper name. In the Fall of 1876, King William was taken down into the Provinces and died Sept,, 1883, at Bathurst, Gloucester Co., N. B. MAINE 2.30 LIST. 303 KITTY MORRIS, 2.30. Bay mare with black points and no white, 15 hands high, foaled in June, 1872, bred by a Mr. Douglass, E. Hiram, Me. ; got by Lon Morris son of Gen. Knox. Dam a mare brought from Boston, pedigree unknown. Sold to W. B. Nutter, Cape Elizabeth Depot, Me. Sept. 12, 1879, at Mystic Park, Boston, she won two heats in a race in 2.30i, 2.30. Shortly after she was sold to G. W. Rogers, Salem, Mass. KNOX BOY, 2.23d. (840). Brown horse 15^ hands high, foaled in 1868, bred by Isaac Carr, Farmingdale, Me. ; got by Gen. Knox, dam has been said to be by Lewiston Boy, but after a careful investigation of the matter we feel satisfied that this is not true, and that her pedigree is unknown. As a four year old Knox Boy won a race at Bangor, Me., and a record of 2.45. Oct. 25th, 1877, at Topsham, Me., he won a stallion race in three heats in 2.32^, 2.32, 2.30. July 26th, 1879, at Keene, N. H., he won the 2.26 race after losing the first heat in 2.30^. Time 2.27, 2.32^, 2.31. June 9th, 1880, at Beacon Park, Boston, he won in straight heats in 2.26^, 2.26^, 2.29^. June 17th, at Mystic, he won again in 2.25, 2.28, 2.30^ His fastest i-ecord 2.23^, was made at Boston, June 16th, 1880. He was afterwards sold toH. F.Hawkes, Swampscot, Mass., gelded and driven on the road. LADY MAUD, 2.18|. Dark brown mare, 15h hands high.foaled June 15, 1867, bred by Col. Thos. S. Lang, Yassalboro, Me.; got by Gen. Knox, dam Mocking Bird, a fast trotting mare brought from New York by Abner Barrows, by Sabek, son of Lo- gan, by Henry Clay. Lady Maud was sold during Col. Langs absence in Europe, and Aug. 8, 1872, at Bufialo, N. Y., she won a five-year-old race in 2.29^, 2.291, 2.27^. 304 NOTED MAINE HORSES. Oct. 10th following at Prospect Park,N. Y.,she won again in 2.30d, 2.221, 2.22J, losing the second heat. This was the fastest time ever made for that age, up to that time. In 1873 and 74 she was not in training, but in 1875 she again appeared, and July 5th she trotted a race against American Cxirl and Judge Fullerton at Detroit, Mich, win- ning the first heat in 2.20. Aug. 11, at Rochester, N. Y., she defeated Judge Fullerton and Nettie in straight heats in 2.181, 2.19i, 2.181. LICENSE, 2.26i. Chestnut gelding with star in forehead, 15i hands high, foaled in 1859. He was taken to Massachusetts from Maine with some army horses, by a Mr. Savage, and nothing is known of his pedigree. He was placed in the Massachu- setts stable, but was rejected as unfit for the army, on ac- count of his age, as he was found to be but four years old He afterwards got into horsemens hands, and was first brought out by E. L. Norcross, from whom we obtained the above information. Oct. 18th, 1867, he beat Col.May- nard and ShepardKnapp Jr., in 2.28, 2.28i, 2.31. Nov. 12th, he beat Shepard Knapp Jr., again in straight heats, time 2.331, 2.30;|, 2.3I5. Ail the above races took place at Boston. Sept. 22d, 1870, at Fleetwood Park, New York, he beat Chas. E. Leow, J. J. Bradley and Confidence, Li- cense winning the first heat in 2.26i, the fifth in 2.28 and the sixth in 2.29. LITTLE FRED, 2.26|. Bay gelding with black points, 15 hands high, foaled in 1860, in Swanville, Me. ; got by Dirigo, dam an English mare brought from Prince Edward's Island. He was formerly owned by Chas. Webb, of Thorndike, who sold him when five years old to Hugh Ross for $300 and he shortly after to Josiah Hight of Athens. Hight sold him to Fred Dore of Skowhegan, who the next spring sold half of him to John Judkins of Waterville, for $600, and after- MAINE 2.30 LIST. 305 wards the other half for $1,200. "While owned in this State he trotted several races. In July, 1867, at Lewiston, Me., he won a race in three straight heats beating Gladia- tor, time 2.33, 2.31i, 2.30. His last and fastest perform- ance was at the Prospect Park Fair Grounds, Brooklyn, May 29th, 1869, where he won a race in straight heats beating Needle Gun, Jessie Wales, Belle of Brooklyn, Old Put, and Lady Whitman. Time, 2.29, 2.28^, 2.261. While trotting this race he struck or ruptured a tendon, and while under treatment a seton was applied that resulted in lockjaw, of which he died. LOOKOUT, 2.28i. Bay gelding with star and near hind foot white, foaled May 26th, 1873, bred by H. A. Archer then of Fairfield Centre, Me., now of Skowhegan; got by Gen. Lightfoot, son of Gen. Knox, dam Shoo Fly, by Rising Sun. He was kept a stallion for several years and as such received first premium as a three-year-old colt at the Maine State Fair of 1876, at Portland. Afterwards taken to Massa- chusetts and owned for a time by Col. H. S. Russell of Milton. Was gelded and driven on the road for several years. At Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 12th, 1886, he won the 2.50 race in straight heats, time 2.3U, 2.30^, 2.33. Oct. 15th following he won the 2.35 class in straight heats, in a field of ten starters, time 2.28^, 2.32^, 2.32^. LOTHAIR, 2.29^. (579). Black horse 15| hands high, foaled in 1867, bred by the late J. H. Gilbreth, Fairfield, Me. ; got by Gilbreth Knox, dam the Bunker mare by Old Eaton. Gilbreth called him Knox-them-all, and as a three-year-old he gained consid- erable notority for his race at Prospect Park, L. L, against Startle. Afterwards sold to Wiight & Norcross, Fear- naught Farm. At Beacon Park, June 23d, 1875, he won the 2.31 race of seven heats in 2.2H, 2.35, 2.35^. July 1st 3o6 NOTED MAINE HORSES. following, he was entered in a race at Mystic Park, pi-e- vious to which he was dosed in a cowardly and rascally manner, which almost resulted in his death. His throat and mouth became greatly inflamed and he was unable for a time to swallow. It was thought Croton Oil did the work. Afterwards taken to Michigan where he died the property of W. R. Nims of Lexington. LEW PETTEE, 2.29. Dark bay gelding nearly 16 hands high, with great length, great bone and immense muscular development. He had a steep rump, like Mr. Bonner's Auburn horse, and resembled that horse in other particulars, foaled in 1860, bred by Wentworth Thurston, Madison, Me.; got by the Benson horse, he by Crawford, dam of Messenger de- scent. John Swan of Anson, took him to New York, in 1866, and sold him to Mr. William Turnbull. Oct. 31st, 1866, at the Union Course, L. I., in a race for a purse of $2,000, two miles and repeat, he distanced Bull Run in the first heat in 5.08^. June* 29th, 1868, at the Fashion, he beat Dixie, winning the third, fourth and fifth heats and race in 2.29, 2.32, 2.34. July 10th, at the same place he beat Tackey, in 2.30|, 2.33i, 2.30i July 16th, he beat Old Put and Cora, at Narragansett, fastest heat 2.31. Purchased in 1872 by F. D. Norris, Brooklyn, N. Y. MAC, 2.27. In the good old times when the sport of trotting was in its infancy, Maine contributed her share to the trotting stock of the country. Fanny Pullen, Daniel D. Tompkins, Tom Benton, Zac Taylor, Mac, Lafayette and Pelham, were names as familiar to the sport loving people of those days, as is that of Maud S. and Jay-eye-see, to those of the present. One of the most famous of the old time trot- ters, was the subject of this sketch. Mac was a brown gelding standing 15^ hands high, foaled in 18-13, the prop- erty of Thomas Record, Canton, Me., who sold him when a weanling to Mr. Thomas Harlow, of the same town. MAINE 2.30 LIST. . 307 Mr. Harlow kept him a stallion until the fall after he was three years old, during which time he sired about fifteen colts. Mr Harlow then had him gelded and in December, 1846, sold him to Ambrose Merrill of Hallowell, for $95. Mr. Merrill sold him to Benjamin Hodges of the same place for $300, and Hodges to Oliver Walton of Boston, who sold him to Harry Jones of New York, and he to John McArdle of Albany, who named him and owned him all through his trotting career. His contests with sach horses as Flora Temple, Lady Sufiblk, Lady Moscow, Tacony, Jack Rossiter and others, made him one of the most celebrated horses of his day. It is not so very long ago that he flourished, his races having been trotted be- tween the years 1848 and 1854, but so great has been the progress of the trotting turf since then, that Mac fairly ranks among the old-time trotters. His sire was a horse called Morgan Caesar, but better known in Maine under the name of Morgan Post Boy, whose sire was Woodbury Morgan, and whose dam was by Quicksilver, while his grandam was by Traveller. The dam of Mac was by Bush Messenger. The first race in which Mac became promi- nent, was trotted Nov. 1st, 1848, at Albany, against Jenny Lind, the mare winning the first and third heats, and Mac taking the second and fourth in 2.38, 2.42, and after the latter Jenny Lind was drawn. A record of 2.38 was fast in those days, and it was not long before Mac was pitted against the speediest horses of the country. On the 16th of May, 1849, we find him in a race against those old fly- ers. Lady Moscow and Jack Rossiter, tw^o-mile heats un- der saddle, which he won taking the second and fourth heats, the fastest in 5.10, a rate of 2.35. On the 5th, 6th, and 7th of June, 1848, we find him engagedin three races, at Providence with the most noted flyer of her day, Lady Sufiblk. In the first of these he was victorious, taking three heats in 2.29^, 2.32, 2.31 ; but the old gray mare de- feated him in both the other races, leaving him behind the 3o8 NOTED MAINE HORSES. flag each time, though the time was slower than he had marked to. his own credit. He subsequently met Lady Suffolk on four different occasions, and beat her every time, besides defeating, in her company, Gray Eagle, Trouble, Jack Rossiter and boston Girl. In a race with Lady Suffolk at Boston, June 14th, 1849, he trotted a heat in 2.27, which he was afterwards able to equal, but never to surpass. In this race Lady Suffolk trotted a heat in 2.26, the fastest time made at that date. MADAWASKA MAID, 2.29i. Sorrel mare 14| hands high, weighs about 850 pounds, with, I think, a small star in forehead, and some white on one hind foot, foaled in 1862, bred by Vetal Aban, Grant Isle, Madawaska, Me. ; got by an English horse, said to be thoroughbred, and noted for his speed at running, dam a mare brought from Montreal, pedigree unknown. G. W. Collins of Presque Isle, bought her of the man who raised her, and finally sold her and she was taken to Massachu- setts. Oct. 6th, 1868, at Boston, in a race with Warwick, Emperor and White Stockings, she won the second heat and a record of 2.29^. She was afterwards taken to New York, and in 1872 was owned and driven on the road by Dr. Corey in double team with Commodore Nutt. MAGGIE MILLER, 2.26^. Nov. 2d, 1886, at Mystic Park, Boston, Maggie Miller won the first heat in the 2.32 class in 2.26^, and was sec- ond in the race. For full pedigree see page 187. MATTIE B., 2.271. Black mare foaled in 1878, bred by A. P. Jackson, Nor- way, Me.; got by Phil Sheridan Jr., by Phil Sheridan, by Gen. Knox, dam the Flint mare by the Mclntyre Horse. Sold to Chas. Crosby, Nor*vay, by him to E. F. Knight, Nashua, N. II. and by him to Mr. Wiggiu, Boston, Mass. At Mystic Park, Boston, in 1885. she beat Theresa in straighc heats the fastest being 2.271 . MAINE 2.30 LIST. 309 MAUD MULLER, 2.29|. Gray mare foaled in 1878, bred by John H. Foss, E. Parsoiifield, Me. ; got by Coupon, son of Gen. Knox, dam the Chesley mare, by the Robinson Horse, by Ethan Al- len. Sold to R. M. Perley, Newburyport, Mass. Oct. 2d, 1885, at Rochester, N. H., Maud Muller won a race with a record of 2.291 . MESSENGER KNOX, 2.30. (1999). Gray horse 16| hands high, foaled June 12th, 1866, bred by G. «fc L. P. Warren, VVestbrook, Me.; got by Gen. Knox, dam by Jas. Jack's Prince, by the Lowell horse, by Quimby Messenger, 2d dam by a horse said to be a grand- son of American Eclipse. Fjora 1873 to 1875 Messenger Knox was quite prominent on Maine tracks, winning many races At Portland, Me., July 14th, 1877, he beat Millinocket. winning the third heat in 2.30. NABOCKLISH, 2.29i. Afterwards called John McKinney. Dark brown geld- ing with narrow white stripe in the face and white stock- ings behind, 15| hands high, foaled in 1852, bred by Os- born Baker, Carthage. Me.; got by Rising Sun, dam a black mare with white stripe in face, pedigree unknown. Baker sold him when one year old to Hiram Coburn of (Jarthage. Coburn sold him, and after passing through several hands he became the property of Isaiah Pompilly of Auburn. He sold him to Samuel Perley of Brettuu's Mills, Livermore, when five years old, and Perley took him to Illinois in 1858 or 1859. He became very famous and made his mark on all the Western and Southern trot- ting tracks, from Cincinnati to New Orleans. Among his performances were the following: In 1864 at Cincinnati, Aug. 16th, he won a race and a record of 2.29^, beating Harry Clay and Brown Dick. At the Illinois State Fair in 1865, Sept. 9th, in a race with Cooley, Lady Walker and Quaker Boy, Nabocklish won the second heat in 2.29|. 3IO NOTED MAINE HORSES. All who have read "Horse Portraiture," by Joseph Cairn Simpson have no doubt been much interested in the his- tory and performances of the horse '^Never Mind." This horse and Nabocklish are believed to be one and the same. NED FORREST, 2.28?^. Black gelding, foaled in 1864, bred by Horatio Staples, Topsham, Me.; got by the Wm. Keen horse of Mechanic Falls, he by Cobb's Brandywine. Dam's pedigree un- known. Ned Forrest changed hands several times, until 1875, when he started May 11th at Mystic Park, Boston, under the ownership of the well known firm of Wright & Norcross, in the 2.33 race, which he won in straight heats. Time, 2.37, 2.35^, 2.35^. May 29th, at Point Breeze Park, Philadelphia, Pa., Ned Forrest won the tirst heat in the 2.34 race in 2.30, and the second in 2. 28^, which is his fast" est record. NELLIE M., 2.281. Bay mare with white in face and white legs, foaled in 1877, bred by Foster Brown then of Waterville, Me.; got by Daniel Boone, dam a bay mare brought from New York by Asher M. Savage, and said to be by Volnnteer. Owned by the Murchie Bros., Calais, Me. At the Maine State Fair of 1885, Nellie M., won the 2.30 race in straight heats, 2.34i, 2.35i, 2Mh. At Brockton, Mass., Sept. 8th, she won the 2.30 race winning the first heat in 2.3I5, the second in 2.33i and the fifth and race in 2.36. At Mystic Park, Boston, Nellie M., won a first heat in 2.3U, the fifth in 2.28i, and was second in the race. NELLY WALTON, 2.26^. Recorded in Vol. I, as Nellie Briggs. Bay mare with star and two white ankles behind, foaled in June 1867, bred by J. M. Littlefield, then of Abbott, Me. ; got by Jules Jer- genson son of Gen. Knox, dam of Defiance stock. Sold when four month old to Ireson Briggs, of Park man, and MAINE 2.30 LIST. 311 by him in 1872 to Duuu Walton of New York City. At Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1875, Nelly Walton won a race in straight heats in 2.28^, 2. 28?^, 2. 28. At Point Breeze Park, Philadelphia, Oct. 13th and 14th, 1875, she won a race of six heats winning the last three in 2.30^, 2.29^, 2.29^. Fastest record 2.26^, made at Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1875. NELSON, 2.261. (4209). Bay horse 15| hands high, foaled June 12th, 1882, bred by C. H. Nelson, Sunnyside Farm, Waterville, Me ; got by Young Rolfe, 2.21^, dam Gretchen (dam of Susie Owen, 2.26), by Gideon. At the Maine State Fair of 1885 Nelson won both the cups, for "stallions of all ages" and for three year olds, in 2.261, the fastest mile ever made by a three-yeai--old on a half-mile track, and the fastest at that time for the age outside of California and Kentucky. NINA (pacer), 2.22^. Brown mare foaled in June, 1878, bred by the late F.H. Hutchins, Hanover, Me.; got by Eclair, sonof Gen.Knox, dam by a black horse whose pedigree we have been unable to trace, although he was owned at Lockes Mills and Han- over, in Oxfoid County. Nina was owned by Enos Heald of No. Buckfield, who sold her in the Spring of 1886 to Boston parties. At Mystic Park, Boston, June 10th, 1886, Nina won the 2.30 pacing race in straight heats. Time 2.22:1, 2.24d, 2.25. PALMA, 2.22i. Chestnut gelding 15 hands 2i inches high, foaled in 1869, bred by a Mr. Cheney, Wilton, Me. ; got by Matchless, by Prince Albert, by Green Mountain 2d; dam by the Beals Horse, son of Old Eaton. Sold to Benj. Dudley of Wil- ton, and by him to G. & E. Childs of Canton Point, Me. Horatio Wood of Livermore Falls, bought out G. Childs' 312 NOTED MAINE HORSES. interest shortly after, and Childs & Wood sold him to Al- bert Hunton of Detroit, Mich. He came out in 1879 and won several races with a record of 2.31. July 9th, 1880, at Cincinnati, Ohio, he won a race of four heats, losing the third to France's Alexander, in 2.25^. 2.26^, 2.26^,2.30. Record 2.22^ atE. Saginaw, Mich., June 18th, 1880. PATCH, 2.29i. Bay gelding with black points and no white marks, lo| hands high, foaled in 1873, bred by Isaac Heath, Sumner, Me.; got by Detective Patchen, dam by Draco Prince. Sold when four years old to Dr. D. B. Strout, Lewiston, Me., and in 1879 to C. C. Foster, Boston, Mass. June 28, 1881, at Charter Oak Park, Hartford, he started in the 3.00 race winning the first and fastest heat in 2.29^, and was second in the race. PEACEFUL, 2.26. Black mare said to be by Gen. Knox. Owned by par- ties in Attleboro, Mass. May 28th, 1878, at Providence, R. I., Peaceful won the 2.50 race with a record of 2.31. June 21st, at Beacon Park, Boston, she won the second and third heats in a race in 2.28, 2.26, her fastest record. June 28th at Mystic Park, she won a race in 2.28, 2.28, 2.27i, after losing the first heat. We have tried thus far, in vain, to learn the breeding of this mare, and have of- fered a copy of this volume to the first one who will give the particulars of her breeding, age and name of breeder. PELHAM, 2.28. Bay gelding, under 15 hands high, foaled about 1837, formerly owned by Mr. B. Esmond, of Gardiner Me., who purchased him of Arnold Wentworth, who then lived on Sabattus Mountain. Pelham was then about seven years old, and a fast pacer. Nothing is known of his pedigree or early history. Esmond sold him to Oliver Walton, of Boston. Walton sold him to Dennis McReadv, of New MAINE 2.30 LIST. 313 York, Id 1846. He was sold to Jacob Sommerin- dyke, and called Charlie Abel. He was square gaited as a trotter,after he changed his way of going,and very fast, and he was the first horse to trot in 2.28, in harness,which feat he performed at the Centreville Course, July 2, 1849, in a race against Lady Suffolk and Jack Rossiter, Pelham winning the third and fastest heat in 2.28, and the fourth in 2.29^, whereby he ''rose into high notice." PEMBERTON, 2.29i. Brown gelding 15;^ hands high, with star and spot on nose and one white hind foot, foaled in 1873, bred by E. L. Norcross, Fearnaught Farm, Manchester, Me. ; got by Fearnaught Jr., dam by Dirigo, 2d dam by a Messen- ger horse owned in China, Me. Pemberton was a horse of elegant appearance and the editor of this work was one of the Judges on horses at the Maine State Fair of 1876, when he was awarded the blue ribbon as a gentleman's driving horse. Sold at four years old to David Nevins Jr., Framingham, Mass., and after to H. C. Nevins, of Me- thuen, Mass., and was finally killed by an accident. June 25th, 1879, at Hartford, Conn., he started in the 3.00 class winning the second heat in 2.29^. PILOT KNOX, 2.191. (2649). Brown horse foaled June 13th, 1875, bred by Orville H. Clarke, West Bristol, Me.; got by Black Pilot, by Roscoe, dam Nancy Knox, by Col. Ellsworth, sou of Gen. Knox. Sold to John H. May, Augusta, Me., who took him to Boston. Pilot Knox won seven races in 1883, ending the season with a record of 2.24^. Oct. 1st, 1884, atNarragan- sett Park, Providence, he won a race in 2.22^, 2.23, 2.21^, after losing the first heat. Oct. 17th, at Mystic Park, Bos- ton, he won in 2.22, 2.2U, 2.21, losing the third heat in 2.21i. In 1885, Sept. 30th, he won the ^'Spirit of the Times" stallion cup valued at $1000, and $7125 in added 314 NOTED MAINE HORSES, Stakes, at Mystic Park, Boston, in straight heats in 2.191, 2.20^, 2.20, beating King Wilkes, Montgomery, King Al- mont and Westmont. ST. ELMO, 2.29^. Gray gelding 15| hands high, foaled in 1865, bred by S. R. Jackson, of Foxcroft. Me.; got by Brown Harry, dam by French Tiger. He was afterwards owned by S. G. Rowe of Dexter, and finally by Rockwell & Bacon, New London, Conn. June 21st, 1872, at Mystic Park, Boston, he won the first heat in a race, and a record of 2 29i, but was second in the race. SAM CURTIS, 2.28. Bay gelding with black points, 15| hands high, foaled in July, 1866, bred by Newton Packard, Winthrop, Me.; got by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Old Eaton. Packard sold him to I. Bonney of Winthrop, when two years old and Bonney sold him when four to Chas. Gassett of Bos- ton. July 19th, 1877, at Beacon Park, Boston, Sam Cur- tis won the 2.29 race in seven heats, winning the third heat in 2.30, the sixth in 2.32 and the sev«inth and race in 2.28. SHADOW, 2.28. Formerly Ayer. Dark bay gelding with black points, 15 hands high, foaled in 1868, bred by John Ayer, Paler- mo, Me. ; got by Gen. Lightfoot, son of (xen. Knox, dam's pedigree not traced. Ayer was well known in Maine, where he trotted many races and obtained a record of 2.31. He was sold in 1877 and appeared in 1878 as Shadow, un- der the joint ownership of H. Brock, a well known horse- man, and M. F. Page, a Boston gentleman who bought him for a roadster. At Charter Oak Park, Hartford, Conn., he star:ed in the 2.31 class, winning the first heat in 2.301, and the second heat in 2.28. In the third heat he was second in 2.30^. He acted strangely in scoring for MAINE 2.30 LIST. 315 the fourth heat, and broke badly on the back-stretch, and a hundred yards beyond the half-mile pole he pitched for- ward on his head and died instantly. The sulky was smashed but the driver was uninjured The cause of the horse's death was supposed to be heart disease, as he showed no distress in the race previous to his fall in the fourth heat. SHEPARD KNAPP JR., 2.27|. Bay gelding with narrow white stripe in face, spot on under lip, two vvhite stockings forward and one behind, with white hairs mixed in all over his body, about 154 hands high ; got by Shepard F. Knapp, dam by Royal Oak son of Quimby Messenger. He was foaled in 1861, bred by J. E. Bonney, E. Hebron, Me. Boimey sold him when a sucker to Russell Bros, of Buckfield. He was originally a pacer. He was afterwards owned by Dr. Page of Bos- ton. In 1868, June 7th, he won a race to wagon against the black stallion Darkness in straight heats. Time 2.33, 2.30^, 2.29^1. Record 2.271 at Boston, June 17th, 1880. SIR WILLIAM WALLACE, 2.27^. Dark bay horse 15^ hands high, with white stripe in face and one white stocking behind, foaled in 1864, bred by Augustus D. Triggs, Hermon, Me.; got by the Robinson horse of Hampden, dam unknown. He was afterwards taken to Massachusetts and sold to Mr. A. Thompson of Boston. Nov. 3d, 1876, at Fleetwood Park, N. Y. Sir William Wallace beat Barney Kelley. in three straight heats in 2.29, 2.28^, 2.31. Nov. 15th at Philadelphia, he won the second heat in the 2.29 race in 2.27^, which is his fastest record to date. SLIPPERY DICK , 2.30. Bay gelding foaled in 1871, bred by Robert Spear, Bow- doinham. Me. ; got by Mazeppa, son of Winthrop Mor- rill, dam (the dam of John Gilpin, 2.35), pedigree un- 3i6 NOTED MAINE HORSES. traced, Sold to E. W. Carr, and in 1883 to H. H. Wood- bury, Portland, Me. Record 2.30 at Lawrence, Mass., July 16th, 1885. STAR GAZER, 2.28^. Bay gelding with diamond on nose and a little white on every foot, 15| hands high, foaled in 1878, bred by An- drew Newcomb, Harrison, Me. : got by Farns worth Patch- en (recorded in Vol. I as Tom F. Patchen), son of Tom Patchen, dam said to be a Drew mare. Sold to Fred Pierce, Mechanics Falls, Me., and by him to A. E. Russell, Buck- field. At the Maiue State Fair of 1886, at Lewiston, Star Gazer won the 2.28 race in straight heats in 2.291, 2.32, 2.30. Record 2.28i at Gray, Me., Sept. 24th, 1886. STARTLE, 2.26^. Black horse foaled in 1870, bred by A. C. Marston then of Waterville, Me. ; got by the Andrews Horse, son of the Crawford horse, dam said to be a Witherell mare. At the Maine State Fair of 1874, at Lewiston, Comet (as he was then called), won the four-year-old race and a record of 2.45. Mr. Marston afterwards removed to California and took Comet with him. He was called Startle in Califor- nia, and Oct. 3d, 1877, at the fair of the Santa Clara Agri- cultural Society, Santa Clara, Cal., Startle won the 2.30 race and a record of 2.28^. In the 2.30 class at the Cali- fornia State Fair of 1878, Startle won the first heat in 2.26^ and was second in the race. Afterwards taken to Australia. STELLA, 2.33 (to wagon). Black mare with no white marks, 15 hands high, foaled in 1847, bred by Mr. Pease of Stetson, Me. ; got by the Old Drew Horse. Sold to Joshua Seward of Boston, and by him to Geo. B. Alley of New York. She was the mate of Alice Gray in the double team race against Lantern and Whalebone^ on the Union Course, L. I., June 5th, 1855. MAINE 2.30 LIST. 317 She injured herself in the above race, and was sold t© Robert E. Morris, New Rochelle, N. Y. Record 2.33 to wagon. STELLA BLAKE, 2.25i. Brown mare 15^ hands high, foaled May 30th, 1871,bred by Geo. S. Blake, Brownfield, Me. ; got by Pequawket, by Gideon, dam a small bay mare by a horse called Mor- gan Trotter, that stood for service twenty-five years ago in York Co., Me. Sold when three years old to J. W. Prescott, Union Village, N. H., and by him to Stephen Durgau of Wolfboro, N. H. At Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 14th, 1881, Stella Blake started in the 2.32 race, win- ning the first heat in 2.26 and the second in 2.25^, and was second in the race. STRANGER, 2.30. Gray gelding 15| hands high, foaled about 1850, bred by Monroe Woodman of Wilton, Me.; got by Old Eaton, dam of Messenger descent. Chas. Milliken of Augusta, bought him in Farmington and took him to Augusta. He was subsequently owned by Geo. M. Robinson, who sold him in 1861 to Andrew Banner of Philadelphia, Pa. July 4th, 1855, he trotted in a race at Bangor against Lady Litchfield and Bay Morgan (afterwards Hiram Drew), and although beaten in the race. Stranger won the third heat in 2.30 and the fourth in 2.33. SURPRISE, 2.28^. Gray mare foaled in October, 1876, bred by Piper Leav- itt, Newburg, Me. ; got by Gray Dan, dam by Black Sul- tan, 2d dam a Drew mare. Leavitt sold her to E. H. Neally, Monroe, Me., and he when five years old to W. G. Morrill, her present owner. At Fairfield, Me., Aug. 21st, 1886, Surprise won the third heat in the free-for-all, in 2.28i and the fourth in 2.291 . The race was postponed on account of darkness and never finished. First and second money being divided between Surprise and Gilbreth Maid. 3i8 NOTED MAINE HORSES. SUSIE OWEN, 2.26. Brown mare ISi hands high, foaled in 1877, bred by C. H. Nelson, Waterville, Me., then of China, xMe. ; got by Daniel Boone, dam Gretchen (the dam of Nelson, 2.261) by Gideon. Sold to G. H. Hicks of Boston, and June 24th, 1885 she started at Boston, tv inning a second heat in 2.265, and was second in the race. July 1st, following, she reduced her record to 2.26, by winning a heat in a race at the same place. TAMMANY, 2.27. Light gray gelding, 15| hands high, foaled in 1864, owned by Daniel M. Atherton,Hou[ton, Aroostook coun- ty. Me.; ''got by a bay stallion with black points, with deep shoulders, high withers and large stifles, showing good breeding in every point;" was said to be by Rising Sun, and was afterwards on a stage team in Piscataquis county. The dam of Tammany was a gray, inbred. Mes- senger mare, got by Warrior, he by Young Winthrop Mes- senger. Tammany resembled his dam in color, and hissiie in form and general characteristics. He was afterwards owned by C. F. Jordan,of 01dtown,and when seven years old he got a record of 2.27 in a race at Bangor. THORNBURG, 2.2U. Bay gelding without white, foaled in 1877, bred by P. M. Butters, then of Exeter, Me. ; got by Judge Advo- cate, dam Lady Reno, by Gen. Grant (see page 165). Mr. Butters moved to Denver, Col. and took some stock with him, in the lot Thornburg, for which he had previously claimed the name of Col. Thornburg in the Horse Breed- ers^ Monthly. June 26th, 1884, at Stillwater, Minn., Thornburg won the 2.38 race in straight heats, time 2.26i, 2.27, 2.311. He won other races during the season with- out lowering the above record, and Aug. 9th, at Buffalo, he started in the 2.27 class, the winner of fastest heat to MAINE 2.30 LIST. 319 receive first money. Thornburg won the second heat in 2.21i, which was the fastest. TINNIE B., 2.27i. Brown mare with white ankles behind, foaled in 1875, bred by John Libby, Gardiner, Me.; got by Black Pilot, dam Cooney (dam of John S. Heald, 2.27^), by the Stew- art Horse. Sold to M. P. Longley, Lynn, Mass. At Bea- con Park, Boston, Oct. 8th and 9th, 1884, Tinnie B. won won the 2.35 race in six heats, the last two of which weie trotted on the 9th, winning the tirst two in 2.27^, 2.27^, and the sixth and race in 2.28. T. L. D. (pacer), 2.28i. Chestnut gelding 16 hands high, with three white ankles and stripe on nose, foaled in 1876, bred by Daniel Beal, Ellsworth, Me. ; got by Golddust 2d, a horse bought from L. L. Dorsey of Kentucky, by Paymaster Joseph A. Smith, U. S. N. Golddust 2d was got by Dorsey's Old Golddust, and was sold to E. H. Greeley of Ellsworth, but has been dead several years. The dam of T. L. D. was brought to Ellsworth by a peddler and traded to Mr. Beal. She was a long, low, pacing chestnut mare, breed- ing unknown, but could pace in 2.50. At Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 15th, 1886, T. L. D. won the 2.20 pacing race in 2.23^, 2.30, 2.24^, after losing the first two heats to Littleton, in 2.28, 2.22^. TOM B. PATCHEN, 2.27. Bay horse with stripe in face and two white stockings behind, foaled in 1871, bred by Jabez C. Benson, Gray, Me. ; got by Tom Patchen or the Churchill Horse, dam by Telegraph Morgan, by the Mclntyre Horse. He won a great many races in Maine, and was taken to Michigan where he made a record of 2.30 at Adrian, July 3d, 1879. Afterward brought back to Maine and became blind. At Taunton, Mass., Sept. 29th, 1881, he won a race in straight heats in 2.27^, 2.27i, 2.27^. 320 NOTED MAINE HORSES. TOM ROLFE, 2.22^. Bay gelding foaled Apr. 28th, 1877, bred by Wright & ISTorcross, Fearnaught Farm, Mauchester, Me.; got by Tom Rolfe, dam Carlotta, by Fearnaught Jr. Sold young to parties in Woodstock, Ontario. July 11, 1884, at Chi- cago, 111., Tom Rolfe won the first and second heats in the 2.35 class in 2.25, 2.22^, which is his fastest record. VICTOR, 2.23. (1963). Dark bay horse with white stripe on nose and near hind ankle white, 16 hands 1^ inches high, foaled Apr. 24th, 1871, bred by Dr. F. A. Roberts, then of Vassalboro,Me. ; got by Gen. Knox, dam Kate, a mare brought from New York, pedigree untraced. At Mystic Park, Boston, June 15th, 1881, Victor won the 2.34 lace, making no fight for the race until the fourth heat which he won in 2.26^, and the fifth and sixth in 2.28, 2.28i. June 29th, at Charter Oak Park, Hartford, Conn., he won the 2.34 race, win- ning the first heat in 2.24|, the third in 2.24^, and the fourth in 2.23. Taken back to Maine and died at Vassal- boro the same season. WALLACE, 2.29^. Bay gelding without white, 15| hands high, foaled in 1873, bred by Wm. Merry, Industry, Me. ; got by Larkins Knox by Gen. Knox. Dam said to be by Witherell. Mer- ry sold him to Thos. Springer, Skowhegan, Me., and he to A. D. W^allace, of Lynn, Mass., and he to O. S. Roberts, same City. Record 2.29i at Beacon Park, Boston, in 1883. W.H. TAYLOR, 2.29i. Formerly called Romeo and Winter Hill. Sorrel geld- ing with stripe in face and four white stockings, 15| hands high, foaled in 1857 in Madison, Me. ; got by the Crawford Horse, dam by Witherell. Asher Savage bought him when four years old and sold him to C. C. Emery, Skow- MAINE 2.30 LIST. 321 began, and he afterwards went to New York. Oct. 1st, 1868, at Troy, N. Y., he won a race in straight heats in 2.30, 2.80i, 2.32^. Oct. 14th, at Providence, R. I., he won the last three heats in a six heat race in 2.33, 2.294, 2.33. WINTHROP MORRILL JR., 2.27. (946). Black horse with no white, 15^ hands high, foaled in 1864, bred by Nathaniel Gould, Camden, Me.; got by Met- acomet, by the Old Morrill Horse of Vermont, dam by Calvin, by Bush Messenger. Sold to John Morgan, Pem- broke, Me., and by him to G. H. Cotton, Somerville,Mass. Sept. 25th, 1873, at Prospect Park, New York, he won a race in straight heats in 2.30, 2.32, 2.281 . July 17th, 1877, at Beacon Park, Boston, he won two heats in the 2.27 race in 2.281, 2.27, and was second in the race. Sire of Gip- i-ey, 2.24i, YOUNG BUCHANAN, 2.29i. Bay horse about 16 hands high, foaled in 1868, bred by Rufus Littlelield, Prospect, Me.; got by Buchanan 2d, af- terwards gelded and called Victor; he by Old Buchanan, which horse was said to have descended from a horse which swam ashore from the burning steamer Royal Tar, burned in Penobscot Bay in 1836. Dam of Young Bu- chanan by Hiram Drew. Sold to Mathews &Flynn, Sears- port, Me. He made a record of 2. 31^ in Maine and was then sold to E. C. Walker & Co., and taken to Coldwater, Mich. At Macomb, 111., Aug. 26th, 1880, he won a heat and a record of 2.29^. ZAC TAYLOR, 2.32i (to wagon).. Sonietimes called Gen. Taylor. Sorrel gelding 15| hands high, foaled in 1841, bred by Dr. Safford, West Gardiner, Me. ; got by Quimby Messenger, dam a mare used on the stage from Augusta to Bangor, aud said to be well bred. Benj. Hodges of Hallowell, bought him in the winter of 322 NOTED MAINE HORSES. 1846, and sold a one-half interest to Capt. Sag^er, who then kept the Hallowell House, and ihey sold him to Olivei* AValton of Boston. Afterwards sold to C. P. Relf, Phila- delphia, Pa. Mr. Woodruff says "he was a very famous trotter and sticker." He trotted successfully against Lady Suffolk and Tacony. Oct. 18th, 1852, he beat Murdock at Philadelphia, in straight heats to saddle in 2.31, 2.29, 2.29. Record 2.32^ to wagon. ALPHA, 2.29i. Bay gelding 16 hands high, about eight or nine years old; got by Whalebone Knox. Record at Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 12th, 1886. Mike Galise of Albany, bought him in New York City, and he is said to be positively by Whale- bone Knox. We have, however, no knowledge of his breeder as yet. BILLY I., 2.291. Black gelding foaled in 1876; got by Harry Knox (page 125), dam by the Beals Horse, son of Old Eaton. Owned by Moses Powers, Wilton, Me., sold by him to E. K. Woodman Farmington, and by him to Geo. W. Ives, New Haven, Ct., and he was taken to Michigan. Aua:. 19th, 1886, Billy I. won the 2.30 race at Jackson, Mich., in straight heats, lime 2.311, 2.31, 2.32i. Aug. 26th, at Marshall, Mich., he won the third and fourth heats in the 2.30 race in 2.291 and 2.31, and was third in the race. APPENDIX. 323 APPENDIX. ALBRINO, 3052. Chestnut horse, foaled in 1881, got by Almont, dam Maggie Bryan by Cassius M. Clay Jr. ■2d dam Belle Bryan by Mambrino Patchen. 3d dam Bryan's Old Denmark mare, by Denmark, son of imp. Hedge- ford. Bred by Gen. W. T. Withers, Lexington, Ky. Owned by G. J. Sliaw, Hartland, Me., and D. M. Foster, Canton Point, Me. Stands for service at Canton Point, Me. AL DUDLEY, 968. Brown horse toaled in 1880; got by Mambrino Dudley, dam Lady Almont by Almont ; 2d dam by Brown Chief. Bred by J. R. Graham, Quincy, Mas>. Made the season of 1886 at C. C. Trafton's stable, St. Albans, Me. ALLECTUS, 3794 Bay horse, foaled in 1884 ; got by Alcantara, dam lola by Adminis- trator. 2d dam by Mambrino Chief. 3d dam by Sidi Hamet. Bred atHighlawn Farm, Lee,Mass. Owned by S. W. Parlin,Boston.Mass., and kept at his farm in Phillips, Me, BAYARD WILKES, 4636. Bay horse, foaled in 1885; got by Alcantara. Dam Barcena by Bay- ard. 2d dam Blandina by Mambrino Chief. 3d dam by Brown Pi- lot. Bred at Highlawn FaiTu, Lee, Mass. Owned by C P. Drake, Lewiston, Me. BLACK PILOT, 1797. (Record 2.30). Black horse, foaled in 1868, bred at Woodbm-n Farm, Ky. ;got by Roscoe sonof Pilot Jr. Dam Eugenie by Swigerts Lexington. 2d dam by Brawners Eclipse. 3d dam by Medoc. .th dam Mary Hunter by Paragon, &c. owned by Gen. J. T. Richards, Gardiner, Me. Sire of Pilot Knox 2.193, Centurion 2.27^, and Tinnie B., 2.27^ 324 NOTED MAINE HORSES. COL. WEST, 4208- Black horse, foaled in 1881 ; got by Egbert. Dam by Mainbrino Patchen. 2d dam by Delmonlco. 3d dam by Austerlitz. Bred by Col. R. West, Lexington, Ky. Owned by C.H.Nelson, Waterville, Me. CONSTELLATION, 5727. (Record 240). Bay horse, foaled in 1874 ; got by Almont. dam Ladj' Hunt by Starlight, son of Blood's Black Hawk. 2d dam by Mambrino Chief: 3d dam by Gano by American Eclipse; 4th dam by Potomac by imp Diomed; 5th dam by son of imp Baronet; 6th dam by imp Buzzard. Bred by W. T. Withers, Lexington, Ky. Owned by Gen. W. S. Til- ton, Boston, Mass. Sire of Glenarm 2.23|. CORNELL 3049. Black horse foaled in 1883; got by Gen. Washington son of Gen. Knox, dam Scandal by Tattler g d, said to be by Mercer. Bred by Henry N. Smith, Fashion stud farm, Trenton, N. J. Owned Dv J. T. Fogg, Garland, Me. DANIEL BOONE 1756. (Record 2.315,) Brown horse foaled in 1862; got by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, dam, the dam of Bruno, Breeze, Young Bruno &c., by Bellair. Bred by Joseph Harker, New York. Owned by H. A. Archer, Skowhegan, Me. Sire of Susie Owen, 2.26, and Nellie M. 2.28^. DORCHESTER 1671. Bay horse foaled in 1879; got by Dictator, dam Bettie (dam of D. Monroe 2.285) by Duvall's Mambrino; 2d dam by a son of ^Yhip. Bred by S. S. Offut, Georgetown, Ky. Owned by John J. Conley and kept at F. D. Harmon's, Gardiner, Me. DICTATOR CHIEF. Bay horse foaled in May, 1882; got by Dictator, dam Judy by Plato. Bred at Westland, Lexington, Ky. Owned by C. H. Nelson, Waterville, Me. Record 2.34^ in 1886 as a four year old. ELBERT 4586. Bay horse foaled in 1880; got bv Gambetta by Volunteer, dam Everlena by Ashland; 2d dam Lady Patriot, dam of Volunteer. Bred by S. D. Kittridge, Peekskill., N. Y. Owned by H. A. Reed, Lewiston, Me. FEARNAUGHT JR. 133. (Record 2.26) Bay horse foaled in 1865 ; got by Fearnaught, dam said to be by APPENDIX. 325 Abdullah. Bred bj' B. S. Wright, Boston, Mass. Owned by E. L. Xorcross, Fearnaught P'arni, Manchester, Me. Sire of Benny (pacer) 2.18^, Pemberton, 2.1'Jh, and the dam of Tom Roife, 2.22|. GEN. WITHERS 1157. Chestnut horse, foaled in 1875; got by Almont, dam Bloom by Ashland; 2d dam Lady Brant by Toronto Chief; 3d dam by Old Kentucky, said to be thoroughbred ; 4th dam by imp Meux. Bred by Col. West, Georgetown, Ky., passed through the hands of Gen. W. T. Withers to G. J. Shaw, Hartland, Me. GroEOX 145. White horse foaled in 1860; got by Rysdyk's Hambletoniau, dam Dandy by Young Engineer son of Engineer 2d; 2d dam by Com- mander son of Commander bj' Imp Messenger; 3d dam the William Hunter mare by imp Messenger. Bred by Thomas Lewis, Turner's Station, Orange Co.. N. Y. Brought to Maine by Col. T. S. Lang. Owned by F S. Palmer, Bangor, Parker & Otis, Belfast, G. J. Shaw, Hartland, and sold in 1886 to C. H. Wood, Benton, Me. Sire of Ezra L., 2.21^, Bay 2.27, and said to be the sire of Boston Girl, 2.25^. Also sire of the dams of Independence 2.21^, Glenarm 2.234, Susie Owen 2.26, Nelson 2.262 {incl Hamblctonian Knox 2.2S. HAMBLETONIAN CHIEF. Bay horse foaled in 186—; got by Middletown by Rysdyk's Ham- bletoniau, dam Mary Hulse by Seely's Araerican Star, Owned by L. Hayford. Belfast, Me. Sire of George O. 2.24^. HARBINGER 1899. (Record 2.40.) Chestnut horse foaled in 1879 ; got by Almont, dam Omega by Rysdyk's Hambletonian; 2d dam Dairy Maid by American Star; 3d dam by Hector son of Bellfounder. Bred by Gen. W. T. Withers, Lexington, Ky. Owned by A. W. Brackett, Pittsfield, Me. Sire of Harebell (2yrs.) 2.45^. JUDGE ADVOCATE 1263. Bay horse foaled in 1873; got by Messenger Duroc, dam Lady Pierson by Neave's Cassius M. Clay Jr. 2d dam by Diamond son of American Eclipse. Bred by Chas. Backman, Orange Co., N. Y. Owned by John M. Littletieid, Foxcroft, Me. Sire of Thornburg 2.21^. MAINE DUROC 1347. Bay horse foaled in 1873 ; got by Messenger Duroc, dam Patchen Maid by Geo. M. Patchen : 2d dam by Old Abdallah, Bred by Chas. Backman, Orange Co., N. Y. Owned by Major Edgecomb, Brown- field, 3Ie. 326 NOTED MAINE HORSES. MAMBRINO JET 3992. Black horse foaled in 1876; got by Mambrino Lance, dam by Young Morrill ; 2d dam by Old Drew, bred by M. T. Quimby, West Fairlee, Vt. Owned by J. T. Fogg, Garland, Me. MAMBRINO KIRKMAN 2126. Bay borse foaled in 1877; got by Woodford Mambrino, dam Jessie by Edwin Forrest; 2d dam Kitty Kirkman by Canada Chief. Bred by Dr. F. M. Wetherbee, Langdon, N. H. Owned by John R. Gra- ham, Boston, Mass. Made several seasons at Farmington, Me. MAMBRINO LANCE 3086. Black horse foaled in 1869; got by Mambrino Patchen, dam Lucy Garnet by Endorser. 2d dam Lucy Fowler by imp Albion &c. Bred by Dr. L. Herr, Lexington, Ky. Owned by C. R. Brown, Springfield, Me. Sire of Lady Alert 2.24i. MESSENGER DIOMED 1370, Bay horse foaled in 1875: got by Jack Shepperd by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, dam Ida Webster by Rysdyk by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian; 2d dam Sharpless Abdallah by Abdallah. Bred by Chas. M. Pond, Hartford Conn. Owned by G. S. Worcester, Mt. Vernon, Me. MESSENGER WILIvES 3743. Bay horse foaled in 1883; got by Red Wilkes son of Geo. Wilkes, dam Rena C. by Messenger Chief. Bred by Wm. Singerly, Philadel- phia, Pa., and foaled in Kentucky, where he was purchased and brought to Maine by B. F. & F. H. Briggs, Auburn, Me. OLYMPUS. Chestnut horse, foaled in 1877 ; got by Almont, dam Patty Price by Geo. D. Prentice son of Mambrino Chief; 2d dam by Woodpecker thoroughbred son of Bertrand. Bred by Gen. W. T. Withers, Lex- ington, Ky. Owned by M. N. McKusick, Calais.Me. PATCHUNTEER 3263. Bay horse foaled in 1874; got by Volunteer Boy, dam Diamond by Godfrey's Patchen; 2d dam Hagar by New Hampshire Trustee. Bred by W. H. Moody, Boston, Mass. Owned by S. W. Parlin, Bos- ton, Mass., and kept at his farm In Phillips, Me. PRESCOTT, 1452. Bay horse foaled in 1878; got by Harold, dam Primrose (dam of Princeps), by Alexander's Abdallah, 2d dam Black Rose, by Tom Teemer. Bred at Woodburn Farm, Ky. Sold to James Edgecomb, Cornish, Me., and by him to Dr. W. B. Swasey, same town. APPENDIX. 327 REDWOOD 1485. Bay horse foaled in 1878; got by Belmont dam Blaiidiiia by Mam- biino Chief; 2d dam the Burch mare by Brown Pilot. Bred at Woodburn Farm, Ky. ^ Sold to James Edgecomb, Cornish, Me., where he stood for several years for sei'vice, when he was sold to Geo. A. Ayer, of Boston, Mass. STRAW BOY. Gray horse foaled in 1879; got by Almont, dam Jennie (record 2.30) by Blue Bull. Bred by Gen. Wm. T. Withers. Lexington, Ky., and owned by Albert Alden, Middleboro. Mass. Made the season of 1886 at Jay Bridge, Me., in the care of S. B. Farnum. TRUSTY BOY 2108. Brown horse foaled in 1879; got by Mambrino Patchen, dam Silver Lake by Lakeland Abdallah; 2d dam Alice, thoroughbred by Knight of St. George &c. Bred by Dr. L. Herr, and C. S. Dole, Lex- ington, Ky. Owned by G. L. Harmon, Machias, Me. VOLUTE 1595. Bay horse foaled in 1874; got by Volunteer, dam Camilla by Ash- Ifind; 2d dam. Em^ellne Fowler by son of Bay Messenger; Sd dam Lady Fowler by Moore's Mambrino; 4th dam by Blind Janus. Bred by F. D. Norris, Brooklyn, X. Y. Sold to C K. Drew, Great Falls, N. H., by him to C. R. Milliken, Portland, and at present standing at Canton, Me., in the care of Gideon Ellis. YOUXG ROLFE 3517. (Record 2.21^.) Bay horse foaled in 1876 ; got by Tom Rolfe, dam Judith by Draco ; 2d dam Lady Balch by Rising Sun ; 3d dam a Canadian mare. Bred by W. P. Balch, Boston, Mass. Sold to C. H. Nelson, now of Water- ville. Me., and by him to John Sheppard. Boston, Mass. Died in 1884, but left considerable stock in Maine. Sire of Nelson 2.26|. 328 NOTED MAINE HORSES, NOTED MAINE HORSES. ALBERTO. Bay colt foaled in 1885; got by Albrino, dam by Daniel Boone, 2d dam by Young Tobin, 3d dam by Hunton Horse. Bred by D. M. Foster, Canton Point, Me. Owned by R. G. Dunn, Canton, Me. ARCHER BOONE. Brown colt with white stripe in face and four white feet, foaled Aug. 14th, 1884; got by Daniel Boone, dam Roxy, by Young Flying Eaton. Bred and owned by W. W. Rose, Canton, Me. BERO. Chestnut colt, white hind foot and star, foaled Jnly 28th, 1885; got by Albrino, dam Roxy, by Young Flying Eaton. Bred and owned by W. W. Rose, Canton, Me. BLANCHE DOUGLASS. Bay uiare foaled in 1876, bred by Geo. Bowker, Lewis- ton, Me. ; got by Detective Patchen, dam by the Rollins Horspi. Record 2. o7i. ELVA R. Chestnut mare foaled July 5th, 1882, white in face and one white hind foot; got by Judge W., by Whalebone Knox, dam Roxy, by Young Flying Eaton. Bred and owned by W. W. Ro!?e, Canton, Me. ^ NOTED MAINE HORSES. 329 LADY MONMOUTH. Brown mare 15^ hands high, foaled in 1874, bred by E. S. Resse, Monmouth, Me.; got by Young Winthrop Morrill (J. O. Wing Horse), dam a gray mare pedigree not fully established, but said to be by Quimby Messen- ger. Owned by Dr. J. W. Day, Waterloo, N. Y. Dam of Sunrise Patchen, three-year-old record 2.255, the fast- est for the age outside of Callfoi'nia and Kentucky. MAINE PRINCE, 2994. Bay colt foaled in 1884; got by Prescott, dam Queen, by Gen. Withers, 2d dam Dottie Dimple, by Gideon, 3d dam by Gen. Knox. Bred and owned by T. D.Emery, Harri- son, Me. MATTIE BOONE. Brown filly with white stripe in face and two white hind feet, foaled July 7th, 1886; got by Daniel Boone, dam Roxy. Bred and owned by W. W. Rose, Canton, Me. MORRILL WITHERS, 3251. (Jhestnut colt foaled in 1884; got by Gen. Withers, dam Nell Morrill, by Winthrop Moirill, 2d dam by Somerset Knox, 3d dam by Joe Hookei". L?red and owned by N.W. (Goodrich, Hart and. Me. PRESTO. Bay horse foaled in 1882, bred and owned by B. F & F. H. Briggs, Auburn, Me.; got b\ Prescott, dam Hannah Thurston. ROXY. Brown mare foaled in 1875, bred h\ Stillman Read, Roxbury, Me.; got by Young Flying Eaton, dam by the Bradeen Ilui'se, 2d dam by the Rollins Horse. Owned by W. W. H..se. Canton, Me. 230 NOTED MAINE HORSES. INDEX. Abbotonian 41 A.B.G 247 Achillt s 42 Aclisa 44 Achsa M 44 AdaC 39 AddieB 40 Adelai( le 40 Adelaide 248 Agnes M 43 Albert B 39 Albertc'. 328 Albion 248 Alboy . 38 Alboni 249 Albrinc) 323 Al Dudley 323 Alcazai 40 Aldine 44 Alert 247 Alice 249 AliceB 39 Alice Boone 44 AliceM 39 Alice M iller 40 Alice Oates 249 Allecto 248 Allectu s 323 Alii Karli 40 Alinargo 43 Almont Belle 39 Almont Boone 38 Almont Black Hawk 248 Almont Hambletonian 43 Almont Lambert 38 Almont Ledo 42 Almont Withers 40 Alpha 322 Alwood 41 Ambler 42 Andy 38 Anna F 41 Anna Maud 44 Annie 43 Annie Bailey 42 Annie Boone 248 Annie E 38 Annie Louise 249 Annie M 41 Annie P 39 Annie Parks 41 Anodyne 273 Anson Boone 247 Antioch 43 Aral 249 Archer 41 Archer Boone , 328 Archo 247 Argil 42 Arlie Raymond 248 Arthur 273 Artbur T 274 INDEX. 231 Aroostook Almont — 39 Aroostook Boy '. 41 Arrow 44 Asa L 249 Aubine 43 Auctioneer 44 Azro 248 Baby Boy 51 Baby Boy 60 Baby Boy 274 Baby Dean 250 Baby Girl 57 Baby Woodlawn 50 Baldric 49 Baldwin 46 Banquo 2"2 Barbara 47 Barber Boy 55 Barney Kendall 250 Barney Kelley 274 Barrett 5«) Bassett 50 Battalia 47 BaunegBegBoy 53 Bauneg Beg Chief 247 Bay 275 Bay Bill 52 Bay Billy. . v 55 Bay Chief 50 Baymont Chief 51 Bayard Knox 59 Bay Pilot 53 Bay Rolfe 46 Bay Whalebone 275 Bayard Wilkes 323 Beecher 56 Belbrino 49 Belladonna 52 Belle 48 Belle Boyd 50 Belle Bonner 51 Belle of Bangor 45 Belle Franklin 48 Belle Jay 57 Belle Jones 55 Belle Knox 61 Belle Lindsey 53 Belle of Portland 276 Belle of Wildwood , 59 Belle S 54 Belle Smith 277 Belle Sti-ickland 276 Belle Swift 49 Belle Wilkes 49 Bellona 250 Belsora 56 Ben Adhem 56 Ben Bolt 252 Ben Butler 47 Ben Butler 58 Benedict 47 Benny 278 Ben F 45 Ben McClellan 277 Ben Morrill 277 Ben Woodman 48 Beppo 58 Bernard 251 Bero 328 Bert 54 Bei'tha 46 Bess 50 Bessie 58 Bessie 56 Bessie 53 Bessie B 47 Bessie Knox 51 Bessie Morrill 251 Bessie Redwood 45 Bessie Temple 52 Betty 45 Betty Hooker 58 Betty Withers 58 Beulah 48 Biedmont Morgan 53 Bij ou 247 Billy 1 322 Billy S 45 Biraelech 52 Bit>mont 49 Bismarck 45 Blackbird 52 Blackfoot 59 332 NOTED MAINE HORSES. Black Amble 54 Black \rthur 54 Black Bess 54 Black ;5ess 49 Blackstone Belle 278 Black Harry 55 Black :iawk Chief 251 Black JIawk Maid 59 Black yjawk Kate 58 Black Joe 56 Black Snob 60 Black Pilot 323 Black Prince 57 Black lialph 55 Black ]ianger ^"O Black llolfe 51 Black llock 48 Black Hose 57 Black '>am 54 Black ^usan 50 Black Stranger 59 Blanche 252 Blanche Boone 51 Blanche Douglass 328 Blanche J 48 Blanche Jay 250 Blanche Robinson 57 Blitzen 46 Blizzai d 46 Blizzard 47 Blonde 47 Blonde :te 53 Bloodn ont 46 BlueblC'Od 250 Bine J('hn 50 Booner 250 Boonel^a 52 Boonet "a 52 Boomei-ang 48 Bonton 49 Bonney 's Eaton 251 r.onnie Franklin 56 Boston Girl 278 B. R 55 Brandy wine 9 Brandy wine (Murray's) 251 Brenda 51 Bridgham Horse 60 Brilliant. 250 Brown's Pilot 53 Bub Morrill 57 Bully Brooks 279 Buraia 56 Busybody 45 Buttercup 46 Byron P 55 Caddie B 65 Cadmus D 76 Cadmus Jr 73 Cad Miller 253 Calais Girl 73 Camilla 65 CampmeetingMaid 76 Camors 279 Camors 280 Canaan 252 Canariss 72 Canton Boy 66 Capella 74 Capitola 280 Capt. Wedgewood 254 Careless Boy 281 Carlmont 75 Carlotta 252 Carlotta 254 Carleton Colt 252 Carmen 71 Caroline Patchen 69 Carrabassett 253 Carrie F 66 Carrie T 280 Cashier 64 Cassie 65 Cassie Bonner 66 Cassie Clay 68 Cassie M 71 Castle Dare 75 Catalpa 254 Catell 68 Cedric 74 Celeste 74 Centurion 281 Champion 71 INDEX. 333 Champion Drew 70 Chancellor "0 Chaplain Wiji;ht 66 Charger 6o Charm 69 Charley 69 Charlie B 75 Charlie C 72 Charlie F 67 Chai'les Gilman 66 Charles J 69 Charlie L 63 (niarles M 254 Charlie Monill 73 Ch arles O 73 Charles R 280 Charlie Ross 76 Charles S 75 Charles S. L 70 Charles H. Wilkes 68 Chestmont 69 Chestnut Joe 63 Chester Morrill 63 Chieftain 66 Chilion 67 Chiquita 71 Chloe 6.5 Chloe 72 Chloe J 63 Christine 75 Chub 281 Churchill 71 Clara B &3 Clara M 64 Clara Von 72 C 1 ar a W 74 Claremont 64 Clement 71 Cleo 71 Cleveland 67 Cleveland Girl 2.53 Cly tie 68 Cobhossee 63 Cobden Boy 76 Cocheco 71 Cocheco Chief. 70 Col. Dyer 253 Col. Ellsworth 2.53 Col. West 324 Col. Woodman 75 Comet 64 Comet 68 Comet 70 Commonwealth 68 Commercial Gii'l 68 Conductor 67 Conny Boy 69 Constellation 324 Conundrum 76 Cooney 67 Countess 66 Country Girl 64 Coupon 73 Cora F 281 Cornell 324 Cornelia 73 Crawford Horse 11 Cream Brook 74 Cream Brook Gii-l. 74 C. S. P 72 Cumberland Girl 75 Cunard 282 Cunard Jr 64 Curiosity 64 Cushnoc 76 Custer Jr 63 Cutter Girl 72 Cyclone 65 Cyclone 69 Cynosure 70 Cyril 65 Dahlia 86 Daisy 86 Daisymont 87 Daisy Advocate 79 Daisy Boone 87 Daisy D 78 Daisy Douglass ". 87 Daisy Franklin 79 Daisy H 91 Daisy Baiox 255 334 NOTED MAINE HORSES. Daisy L 255 Daisy Horrill SO Daisy ]i 02 Daisy ]lolfe 89 Dai««y S 87 Daisy riiorne 81 Daisy Vilkes 90 Daisy " Vithers 80 Damasv 86 Damon d 84 Dame Trot 89 Dan 81 Dandy Dinmont 77 Dandy Withers 89 Danfor A\ 85 Danite 88 Daniel B 84 Daniel Boone 324 Dante 86 Danvas 88 Dare 80 Darkej 80 Darling ton 88 Dart 256 Dartm( uth 81 Dawn 85 Daylight 84 Day Dawn 91 Dazzle 85 Deaim< int 86 Deceitf il 77 Decora ion 87 Decora ion 90 Defianc e 85 Delia 84 Delia 90 Delle Bonner 78 Delmoi t 81 Delmoi ico 88 Delta 85 Denma k 78 Dewdrc p 81 Dexter. 84 Dexter Fearnanght 77 Diana 78 Diamoi d 257 Diamord Prince 01 Dickwick 255 Dick Deadeye 255 Dick Deadeye 2.54 Dick Lightheart 92 Dick Withers 2 6 DiekS 79 Dido 78 Dido 87 Diosma 90 Dirigo 282 Dirigo Franklin 88 Dirigo Maid 87 Dispatch 282 Dixie Bond 89 Dixie Lambert 85 Doctor 90 Doctor Knox 92 Dodger 88 Dolly Douhtfiil 77 Dolly M 79 Dolphin 255 Dominion Girl 86 Dom Pedro 89 Donald 86 Donald D 81 Don Fnlano 254 Dora 90 Dora M 80 Dorchester 324 Dor e's Dnroc 80 Dorothy May 2.55 Dove 88 Downing Horse 77 Doxologj^ 89 Dreweie 79 Drew Horse 13 Driblet 79 Dnimmer Girl 82 Dr. Crooker 91 Dr. Damrosch 8» Dr. Franklin 78 Dr. Martin 91 Dr. Maxwell 91 Dr. Smith 85 Duchess 84 Dnchess Feamaiight 77 Dudley Withers 90 INDEX. 335 Duplicate 79 Earl 257 Early Dawn 96 Eastmont 96 Eaton Horse 17 Ebll 100 Echo 102 Echo 256 Echo 258 Eclair 100 Edgewood 99 Edgar D 102 Ed. Getchell 2S3 Edmand's Knox 99 Edna 98 Ed. Stetson 257 Edward 94 Edwin F 97 Egmont 102 Ehrlacher 257 K. J 99 Elcho 96 Elector 103 Electrifyer 95 Electric Girl 99 Electric Light 96 Ella A 94 Ella A 96 Ella D 101 Ellen B 101 Ellen F 95 Ellsworth Maid 257 Elmer W 95 Elmo 256 Elmwood 100 Elmwood 104 Elodie 100 E. L. 99 Elsie 98 Elsie B 94 Elsie E 98 Elsie G 94 Elsie T 97 ElvaR : 328 Elvira 94 Embassador 101 Emery 97 Emery Fearn aught 103 Emily 102 Emily S 96 Emma A 101 Emma D 95 Emma D 100 EmmaF 101 Emma Jane 99 Empress 94 Empress M 257 Empress K 102 Emperor 97 Emperor 97 Emperor 284 Emperor 283 Emperor Knox 95 Emperor William 284 Enigma 94 Eno 98 Enough 97 Erica 103 Ernest L 95 Ernest Wilkes 98 Ervin M 256 Escape 98 Escort 257 Essex 100 Estarte 101 Esther 103 EthelC 99 Ethel H 95 Etta Prescott 101 Ettrick 256 Euclid 103 Eureka Maine 100 Euthalia 102 EvaH 98 Evalyne 94 Evalocky 102 Everlet 103 Evening Star 102 Eyemont 97 EzraL 284 Fairy 107 Fairy 108 336 NOTED MAINE HORSES. Faiiiawn 107 Fairmount 109 Fail-long Giil 105 Falalicleen 105 Falmouth 107 Falmouth Boy 285 Famous i07 Fanehett 258 Fanchon 109 Fanny Ill Fanny 112 Fanny Anfield 108 Fanny D 106 Fanny Eaton 112 Fannie Eclgecomb 113 Fanny Fern 105 Fanny Hersey 109 Fanny Knox 110 Fanny Knox 107 Fanny M 285 Fanny Patchen 258 Fanny Rampart 106 Fanny Ridley 104 Fanny W Ill Fanny.Withers 108 Favorite 107 F. D.. 285 Fearnanght Jr 324 Fearless Knox 107 Felton 106 Fergus 107 Ferd and Belle 108 F.H 105 Financier 112 Flanker 107 Flash 109 Fleetwing 110 Fleetwood 285 Fl ight 109 Flirt Ill Flirt 112 Flora 110 Flora 286 Hota B 105 Flora E 104 Flora T 108 Florence 106 Florence m Florence Redwood 104 Flying Yankee 110 Follie 112 Forest King 106 Foster 272 Fowler's Bi-andy 11 Foxie 105 Frances 105 Frank A Ill Frank B 108 Frank D 104 Frank F 286 Frank F 272 Frank Hull 287 Frank M 104 Frank 110 Frank Wilkes 110 Fred 112 Fred B 112 Fred Boone 108 Fred C Ill Fred Lothair 106 Fred Lothair Jr 103 Fred Robie 106 Frederick Robie 110 Fremont Rolfe Ill Friday 104 Frontina 109 Gallant 115 Galaxy 125 Gamarra 121 Garabaldi 115 Gai afllia 124 Garda 114 Garrickson 116 Gazelle 120 Gem 125 Geneva 125 Geneva 260 Genevra 125 Gentle Annie 114 Genet Girl 119 GenevaQueen 124 Gen. Boone 116 Gen. Custer 113 INDEX. 337 Gen. Chester A. Arthur 120 Gen. Garfield 259 Gen. Gordon 122 Gen. Hancock 120 Gen. Hooker 113 Gen. Knox 20 Gen. Knox Jr. (Larkins') 125 Gen. Lee 118 Gen. Llghtfoot 118 Gen. Logan 119 Gen. Logan 122 Gen. McClellan 287 Gen. Shields 117 Gen. Tilton 121 Gen. Weaver 259 Gen. Withers 325 Gen. Withers Jr 117 Georgia 124 Georgie B lU Geo. Bancroft 114 George Brooks 114 George C 117 Georgie C 259 Geo. F 115 George H 116 George Jones 288 Geoi-ge L 120 George Logan 117 George 288 George R IIG George R 119 George Washington 117 Gerald 121 Geraldine 260 Germania 121 Gertrude 123 Gertie Bonner 116 Gertie J 122 Gideon 325 Gideon Chief 119 Gideon McClellan 121 Gid Withers 113 Gilbert 118 Gilroy 122 Gil Bias 122 Gilspie B 115 Gilman Cooper 119 Gilbert Iviiox 118 Gilbreth Knox 289 Gilbreth Maid 290 Gipsey 123 Gipsey 124 Gipsey Clay 260 Gipsey Girl 114 Gipsej^ Girl 123 Gipsey H 113 Gipsey M 120 Gitana 121 Gladiator 124 Gladstone 120 Gleam 121 Gleam 125 Glenair 117 Glenarm 290 Glendale 121 Glengai'ry 291 Glen wood 117 GlDiT 115 Gloster 258 Goddess 118 Godfrey 123 Godfrey Withers 124 Goldie B '. 116 Golden Bell 123 Golden Rod 2.58 Governor 124 Gov. Boone 119 Gov. Coburn 116 Gov. Cony 119 Gov. 3Iorrill 113 Gov. Plaisted 291 Grace 124 Grace A 260 Grateful 291 Gray Bill 292 Gray Dan 115 Grand I>uke 115 Gray Jacket 259 Gray Nell 122 Gretchen 120 Gretchen 121 Gretchen 2.59 Grover 123 Grover's Messenger 259 338 NOTED MAINE HORSES. Guess 123 Guy Withers 259 Gwendolen 258 Hacker 127 Hago 126 Hamlet 261 Hampden 127 Hambletonian Knox 260 Hambletonlan Knox 292 Handful 132 Hannali Thurston 131 Haralmont 127 Harbinger 325 Harbinger Gift 135 Harcourt 129 Harebell 133 Harlow 128 Harmless 133 Harmont 131 Harmony 133 Haroldson 260 Harrj- 130 Harry 135 Harry Boone 131 Harry H 128 Hany Hazel 129 Harry Knox 125 Harry Knox Jr 129 Harris Knox 261 Hany Morrill 129 Harry Oak 126 Hany Spanker 292 Hartland 130 Harvest 260 Harv^ester 133 Harvester 135 Harvey D. Parker 134 Harvon 135 Hasty 132 Hattie M 126 Hattie M 134 Hattie T 133 Hawkeye 132 Hawthorne 131 Hazard 135 Hazzard 128 Hector 126 Hector 260 H ector 134 Hector H 127 Helena 132 Helen Wilkes 292 Hemlock 130 Henrica 129 Henrietta 132 Heniy B 131 Henry F 130 Henry M. Teller 130 Herbert E 127 Hercules 127 Hernani 135 Hero 133 Hesperia 12^ Hestia 127 Highflyer 132 Highland Maid 135 Hillmont 132 Hiram Ablifl". 129 Hiram Knox 131 Hiram P 128 Hiram W 129 Hoiden 134 Homespun 132 Honest Farmer 134 Honest Fred 128 Honest Harry 293 Honest Xed 129 Honest Tom 128 Hopeful 293 Horace 130 Horace 135 Hortense 127 Hou ri 133 Howard 126 Hoxie 126 Hudson 296 Hugo 134 Hussar 134 Ida 140 Idaho 138 Idamont 136 Ida W 2(;i INDEX. 339 Idler 139 Ilderlm 137 Idyl 141 I. H. C 136 Ike 136 Ike 141 Ilia 141 Illusion 139 nsie 138 Imogen 138 Imperial 139 Ina 137 Inca 139 Indelible 141 Index 138 Independence 140 Independence 141 Independence 296 Independence '297 Independent Rolfe 137 Indian Chief 12 Indicator 139 Indubious 140 Indus 142 Inez 138 Inez E 261 Ingle 142 Ingoniar 136 Ingot 136 Ingot 138 Ino 141 Ino 261 Inkerman 140 Ink's Rolfe 137 Interest 138 Intreped 142 Intrinsic 141 lolantlie 141 lolanthe 297 lone 137 Ipswich 140 IraC 136 Iron Age 297 Irving S 137 Isaac A 261 Isabella 138 Isabella 140 Isis 139 Islander 140 Italy 139 Ivan 262 Ivana 139 Ivy 138 Jack Frost 145 Jack Harkaway 146 Jack Spratt 298 Jacob H 147 Jacket Rolfe 146 Jalma 151 James G. Blaine 144 James G. Blaine 145 Janette 144 Jasmine 149 Jasper 149 Jaymont 152 Jay Girl 14') Jay-Eye-Allen 263 Jay Jay See 145 Jef 144 Jefferson Belle 143 Jefferson G 262 Jehu 150 Jennette 146 Jennie 145 Jennie 146 Jennie 152 Jennie A 146 Jennie Golddust 151 Jennie Morrill 147 Jenny Lind 262 Jennie Proctor 145 Jennie Rolfe 146 Jenny W 298 Jersey Maid 145 Jessie 151 Jessie B 151 Jessica 149 Jester 148 Jewell 144 J.G 147 J. G. Blaine 298 J. G. Morrill 299 Jiffj' 148 340 NOTED MAINE HORSES. Jilt 150 Jim 147 Jiui Blaine 263 Jim Fiske.i 14^3 J. M. P 142 Jocko 150 Joe Hooker 143 Joe Irving 142 Joe Morgan 144 Joe S 299 John Duroc 151 John Franklin 151 John Mills 144 John Gilpin 263 JohnO 148 John S 142 John S. Heald 300 John L. Sullivan 146 John Virgin 300 Josephine 149 Josie 262 Josie B 263 Josie and Jessie 148 Josie L 263 Josie West 262 Joribert 148 Joy 148 Jubal 150 Judge 147 Judgment 300 Judge Advocate 325 Judge Kelley 143 Judge Kelley Jr 146 Judge Waugh 143 Judith 149 Julia 142 Julia 149 Juliet 148 Juliet 150 Julius 149 Jules Jurgensen 262 Jumbo 148 Jumbo 148 Juiuj 143 June 147 June Bii'd 147 Junietta 149 Junior 149 Junius 144 Juno 150 Juno 152 Jupiter 150 Jura 150 Justice 152 Justa 152 Kaiser 156 Kalmia 156 Kantaka 152 Katahdin 156 Kate 159 Kate 264 Katie B 264 Kate Boone 155 Kate Bishop 155 Kate E 153 Kate French 264 Kate Gilman 157 Kate Patchen 154 Kate S 153 Kate Withers 155 Keating 153 Keenes' Brandy wine J J Kenelm 159 Kennebec 158 Kennebec Boy 158 Kentucky Wonder 154 Keoka 155 Kineo 157 Kingston 157 Kinsman 156 King Arthur 156 King George 153 King Patchen 154 'King's Patchen 154 King Redwood 152 King William 301 Kitt 264 Kitty 158 Kittie B 159 Kitty Franklin 157 Kittie M 157 Kittie Miller 157 Kitty Morgan 2(Xi INDEX. 341 Kitty Morris 803 Kitty P 263 Kitty Perkins 157 Kit S 153 Kitty S 153 Kitty Wink 158 Kitty Withers 159 Kneeiand 156 Knight Templer 155 Knox Boy 303 Knox Chief 154 Knox Chief Jr 155 Knox Girl 158 Knox Medium 264 Knox Morrill 154 Krooboy 153 Kylemar 158 Kyrat 159 Ladylove 167 Lady Audley 171 Lady B 160 Lady Bach 162 Lady Bassett 161 Lady Beaiisire 170 Lady Blaine 165 Lady Boone 162 Lady Boone 173 Lady Cyclone 170 Lady Dare 160 Lady Dore 165 Lady Dot 266 Lady Douglass 162 Lady Duroc 164 LadyF 161 Lady Fashion 173 Lady Forrest 172 Lady Fronklin 169 Lady Franklin 265 Lady Gilbreth 266 Lady Gilman 167 Lady Gay Spanker 173 Lady Hersey 161 Lady Hippona 167 Lady Houri 173 Lady Humphrey 163 Lady Independence 264 Lady Ino 266 Lady Irving 173 Lady Isabel 172 Lady Knoxford 167 Lady L 168 Lady Lawrence 265 Lady Mae 168 Lady Maud 303 Lady Monmouth 329 Lady Morrill 164 Lady Morrill 266 Lady Macbeth 164 Lady Oak 172 Lady Pilot 171 Lady Prescott 265 Lady Reno 165 Lady Shaw 169 Lady Strange 171 Lady Straw 167 Lady Tilton 160 Lady V. Mott 173 Lady West 173 Lady Withers 162 Lady Withers 172 Lamont 168 Launcelot 161 Laura 169 Lawrence 265 Leba Fellows 160 Ledo 166 Leicester 165 Leila 169 Lena 169 Lena Boone 161 Lenn 161 Lenore 264 Leo 170 Leozie Boone 171 Letty 164 Lettie B 161 Lewis 164 Lewiston Boy 174 Lewie J 163 Lew Pettee .%6 License 304 Lightfoot 166 Lightfoot 266 242 NOTED MAINE HORSES. Lillian Patchen 167 Lillymont 2W; Little Billy 171 Little Daisy 169 Little Fred 163 Little Fred 166 Lit tie Fred 304 Little Jlin 264 Little Nell ; 160 Little Xell 168 Little Pete 162 Little Pete 170 Little Saucy 166 Little Sweetheart 172 Lizzette 166 Lizzie O. C 266 Lockwood 166 Locomotive 171 Lofty 164 Lollard 170 Loii Morris 166 Lon Morris 172 Lone Star 163 Lookout 305 Lookup 165 Lotlia 167 Lothair 305 Lothair Jr 165 Lotta 160 Lottie 167 Lotta Boone 168 Lottie Lance 265 Louise 159 Louviska 159 I^ou Mc 163 Louis Liglitfoot 170 Lucius A 168 Lucia B 169 Lucile Mont 172 Ludlow 164 Lula 161 Lydia M 162 Lynn 160 Mabel B 17s Mabel Bryan 192 Mabel Gray 182 Mabel L » 179 Mabel W. and Maud P 18R Mac 306 Macbeth 191 Macbeth ; 196 Madge 186 Madison Belle 186 Madawaska Maid 308 Maggie 268 Maggie Franklin 190 Maggie Gray 191 Maggie M 188 Maggie M 191 Maggie Miller 308 Maggie 31itchell 183 Maggie Mitchell 267 Magnum Knox 192 Mailliw 269 Maine Almont 177 Maine Almont 182 Maine Duroc 325 Maine Farmer 189 Maine Hambletonian 190 Maine Jefferson 175 Maine Pilot 269 Maine Prince 329 Maine Slasher 174 Maine Sweetheart 183 Maine Wilkes 175 Major 177 M ajor Boone 188 Malcolm ]81 Malta Maid 187 Ma-Mie 189 Mambrino Boone 177 Mambrino Challenge 184 Mambrino Jet 326 Mambrino Kirkman 326 Mambrino Lance 326 Mambrino Lance Jr 181 Mambrino Touchstone 184 Manchester 192 Marchon 181 Marie 176 Mary B 182 Mary C 191 Martin MeClellan 177 INDEX. 343 Miiscotte I ss Mattie B 308 Mattie Boone 3-29 Mattie C 1 80 Mattie L 180 Mattie Mace 182 Maud 18o Maud 189 Maud 174 Maud 180 Maud 268 Maud B 180 Maud B 174 Maud B 182 Maud B 183 Maud Dunning 178 iMaud F 170 Maud H 208 Maud Irish 191 Maud L 2G7 Maud L 189 Maud M 188 Maud jNIorris 175 Maud Muller 309 Maud P 190 Maud K 188 MaudR 189 Maud K 268 Maximilian ; — 187 Mayflower 185 May Almont 178 May Bird 180 May Burrill 268 May-Eye 269 May Eye See 184 May Mont 185 May Morning 185 May Morse 181 May Queen 189 May Queen 191 Mazeppa 268 Mazie 190 Mclntyre Horse 179 Mclntyre Horse 180 McKenney Knox 175 McMont 1 90 Meddler 269 M edora 1 76 .Medora R 187 Melbrino 186 Melissa 176 Mercury Boone 188 Messenger Knox 309 ^Messenger Lambert 177 Messenger Wilkes 326 Metalluk 268 Midget 176 Midget 186 Midniglit 181 Middy Morgan 182 Midnight Queen 185 Mikado 178 Mikado 184 Mikado 267 Mildew 182 Millinokett 174 Millie E 186 Minnie 179 Minnie Boone 184 Mischievous Boy 182 Mischievous Jack 187 Miss Morrill 179 Miss Morrill 187 Miss Ward 187 Miss Wilkes 186 Mitchie 183 M odoc Chief 181 Molly Advocate 179 Mollie B 188 Mollie Bawn 178 Mollie Boone 183 Mollie Boone 184 Mollie Garfield 179 Mollie M 183 Mollie Mitchell 267 Montello 189 Montrose 178 Moonlight 177 Moosehorn Maid 175 More Hopes 269 3Iorgan Knox 1 75 Morrill Withers 329 Moselle 183 Mother Hubbard 178 344 NOTED MAINE HORSES. Mountaineer 191 Mountain Maid 181 Mountain Maid 185 Mountain Maid 267 Munjoy Belle 174 Musa ISO Myra 190 Myia M 184 Myra Shaw 269 Mystery 181 Nabocklish 309 Nancy B 196 Nancy Knox 194 Nathalia 270 NedB 194 Ned C 195 Ned Forrest 310 Ned T 195 Nell 194 Nell 270 Nellmont 193 Nellie B 192 Nellie B 192 Nellie Boone 196 Nellie C 195 Nellie Condit 194 Nellie D 196 Nellie F 196 Nellie F 196 Nellie M 310 Nellie Morrill 193 Nellie P 195 Nellie Q 194 Nellie R 197 Nelly Rolfe 193 Nellie Sherman 194 Nellie T 195 Nelly Walton 810 Nellie Wiidwood 195 Nelson 311 Nettie 196 Nettie Morrill 193 ]!|ever Mind 196 ^finable Dan 270 Nina 195 Nina 311 Nina Franklin 193 Niria P 193 Nixie B 193 Norway Knox 194 Northern Spy 197 Oakland Boy 197 Oakland Girl 199 Oakland Girl 270 Oeala 198 Offa 199 O.K 197 Old Maid 199 Olindo 198 Olivette 200 Olive M 197 Olympus 326 Onward 199 Orator Henley 197 Oren H 199 Orl an do 198 Orphan Boj' 197 Orphan Boy 198 Orphan Girl 198 Orphan Girl... 199 Osceola 199 Ossipee 200 Otar 198 Oxford 200 Oxford Lilly 198 Palma 311 Palmer Knox 200 Pansyniont 209 PaiTOt 203 Parson Murray 210 Patch 312 Patchunteer 3-i6 Patchen Wilkes 201 Patti K 207 Patty W 207 Paystreak 206 Peaceful 201 Peaceful 312 Pearl 201 Pearl . . . : 209 Peggy 204 INDEX. 345 Pelham 312 Peniberton 313 Pequawket 203 Percy Clifton 202 Perfection 201 Perfection Knox 205 Persis 208 Pert 202 Pert 205 Perversity 209 PetB 204 Pet's Chief. 210 Pet Knox 209 PeterL 204 Pet Morrill 202 Pet Rolfe 205 Pliil Sheridan 200 Phil Sheridan Jr 200 Phyllis 208 Pickpocket 210 Pilot 208 Piloteer 204 Pilotone 208 Pilotta 271 Pilot Franklin 205 Pilot Knox 313 Pilot Maid 205 Piper 209 Pitti.Sing 208 Piiite 205 Planet 209 Plumed Knight 202 Plymouth Rock 203 Polly Pilot 208 Pomp 203 Pompey 201 Portland Pilot 207 Potter Horse 206 Potter Horse (Young) 206 Prescott 326 Prescott Belle 201 Present 207 Presto 329 Previous 270 Priceless 203 Prince ; 207 Princess 207 Princess 210 Prince Albert 204 Prince Arthur 270 Prince Bismarck 206 Prince Edward 204 Prince Mugwamp 208 Prince Napraxene 209 Prince Onawa 210 Prince Withers 203 Priscilla 207 Prize 210 Prodigy 201 Pruie E 206 Psyche 202 Psyche 202 Punch 204 Puritan 202 Purity 205 Pythias 270 Queen 21i Queen 211 Queen of the Forest 211 Queen Lambert 211 Queen Vie 211 Quicksilver 271 Rachel Patchen 214 Racquet 219 Rapid Boone 219 Recluse 220 Redmont 215 Redemption 213 Redowa 217 Redwing 216 Redwood 327 Redwood Jr 212 Redwood Boone 218 Red Jacket 214 Red Joe 213 Red Rose 218 Red Squirrel 218 Rena Boone 219 Resolute 212 Resolute 216 Reta M 213 Reuel R 219 346 NOTED MAINE HORSES. Revelli 215 Reveillee 212 Rex Magnus 214 Rhoda 213 Rictiinond 216 Rice Boy 220 Ripple 216 Ripley P 220 Rising Sun 30 Roan Dick 213 Robin Adair 212 Robert Burns 217 Robert D. 212 Robert D 213 Robert Lee 216 Robert M 217 Roconieco 219 Rocomeco Girl 215 Rodomont 212 Roger D 219 Roger Wayne 271 Rolfe 218 Rolfe 214 Rolfe Knox 212 Romeo 215 Romeo 215 Romeo 215 Romeo 219 Rosalind 216 Rosa B 218 Rosa Bonlieur 218 Rosa Bonner 217 Rose Bud 218 Rosa Morrill 220 Rossie M 213 Rosa Redwood 217 Rowena 214 Rowdy Boy 215 Roxy 329 Royalmont 271 Royal Gift 214 Royal Knox 211 Royal Oak 216 Ruby M 217 Ruby Rogers 217 Sadie 228 Sadie L 221 Samoset 221 Sam Curtis 314 Sand Hill 225 Sarab E 229 Sarah J 223 Satan 222 School Marm 226 ScottD 226 Scott L 225 Scythia 228 Seaform 224 Sebasticook 230 Selmor Almont 227 Sembuch 222 Seth T 222 Shadow 314 Shark 227 Sherbro 228 Sherwood 223 Shepard Knapp Jr 315 Signal 227 Silvertail 223 Silver Bell 221 Silver King 220 Silver Leaf 221 Silver Locks 222 Silver Tail 224 Sir Rupert. 229 Sir William Wallace 315 Sister 226 Skip 224 Slippery Dick 315 Slippery Kit 229 Slocum 226 Smiley 229 Smuggler Gift Jr 228 Smut 225 Snelling 223 Somerset Knox 224 Sorrel Maid 225 Sourcrout 224 Spangle 220 Speedaway 226 Spirit of '76 222 Sportsman 229 Spot 222 INDEX. 347 Spriiigsteel 221 Starlight 230 Stamiont 228 Startle 230 Startle 316 Star Diamond 225 Star Gazer 316 Stella 227 Stella 316 Stella Blake 31 7 Stella M 271 Stella Prescott 221 Stoneham Wilkes 223 Stranger 317 Straw Boy 327 St. Elmo 314 St. Lawrence 226 St. Valentine 222 Sultan 227 Sulymah 228 Sumner L 223 Sunbeam 226 Superb 224 Surprise 228 Surprise 317 Susan 227 Susie F 226 Susie May 225 Susie Owen 318 Susie P 224 Susie Prescott 219 Susie's Rolfe 229 Susie 227 Swallow. 229 Sweetheart 221 Tacoma Chief. 233 Tainter 230 Tammany 318 Tanneiy Boy 232 Tanner's Star 232 Teakwood 230 Telepnone Knox 234 Texas Jack 233 Thackambau 234 Theta 234 Thomas A. Patchen 233 Thomas Carlyle 232 Thornburg 318 Thornleaf 232 Ticonic 235 Tina 235 Tinnie B 319 T.L.D 319 Tolu 231 Tomah 231 Tom F 234 Tom F. Patchen 233 Tom B. Patchen 319 Tom Rolfe 320 Tontine Belle 235 Tony Bonner 230 Toodles 230 Topsey 234 Topsey Rolfe 231 Transcendent 271 Treasure 235 Tricksey 231 Trinket 233 Trinket 233 Trinket B 271 Trout Brook 232 Trusty 233 Ti-usty Boy 327 Trymeon 231 Twilight 231 Twilight 232 Twilight 234 Twinkle 234 Uncle Ben 235 Vanderbilt 236 Vassalboro Boy 236 Venture Boone 237 Vei-e 239 Vexin 236 Victor 320 Victoria 237 Victress 237 Victor Maurel 237 Victor Patchen 239 Vida 237 Vida Boone 239 348 NOTED MAINE HORSES. Village Girl 238 Village Maid 238 Vina Venture 237 Viola 236 Vivian 238 Vix 237 Vixen 236 Volka 236 Volundale 238 Volunteer Knox 238 Volute 327 Von 235 Von Moltke 238 Von Moltlae Jr 239 Voucher 238 Waldo Chief. 243 Wallace 320 Walter K 241 Walker Morrill 242 Warwick 240 Watchmaker 240 Watchmaker Jr 240 Watchman 243 Welch Mare 243 Wellington 239 Westland 242 Western Boy 242 Wesley P 243 Whalebone Knox 243 Whirlwind /12 Whiz .243 W. H. Taylor 320 Wilmont 242 Willis G 240 Wild Irishman 240 William J 241 AVinmont 241 Winner F..... 241 Winthrop 240 Winthrop 243 Winthrop Morrill 34 Winthrop Morrill Jr 321 Winthrop Wilkes 241 Withers' Star 241 Withers Wilkes 244 Woodbrook 242 AVoodford Knox 242 Wrecker's Daughter 239 Wyona H 241 Xulla 244 Yankee Boy 244 Yellow Dog 244 Young Arthur 244 Young Brandy wine 10 Young Buchanan 321 Young Fearnaught 245 Young General 245 Young Gideon 245 Young Hero 245 Young Knox 244 Young Redwood 245 Young Rolfe 327 Young Rolfe Jr 244 Yum Yum 245 Zac Taylor 327 Z ara 246 Zazelle 246 Zephyr 247 Zilah 246 Zill ah 246 Zoroc 246 Zulah 246 Zulu 246 "/ /.Sr