rOSHEN GGY TOP CO OSHEN; IND. * CATALOG No. 39 JANUARY. 1915 RIAGE TRIMMINGS RIAGE HARDWARE CKSMITHS' SUPPLIES ORGANIZED 1883. INCORPORATED 1891, WEL(|OME WHITAEER, President. ORA BIGLER, Vice-President. OWEN COVER, Secretary & Treasurer. Our Factory in 1883. Catalogue and Net Price List No. 39 JANUARY 1, 1915, Onr Present Factory. TO THE TRADE. It is our purpose, in issuing this book, to provide The Trade with a Confidential NET Price List in a convenient form for daily use, containing Net Prices on all goods we handle. We deal only with people who are engaged in business. ADDRESS ALL MAIL PLAINLY GOSHEN BUGGY TOP COMPANY GOSHEN, INDIANA, U. S. A. GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND RULES AND SUGGESTIONS FOR CUSTOMERS. This page Is worth reading carefully. In nearly every case of misunderstanding, find that it would have been avoided if the customer had taken the trouble to read this page carefully. 1. — It is very important that a customer should write plainly his name and post office address. This is often omitted. In case the goods are to go to some, other town than the one which mail is addressed to, the fact should be plainly stated, together with the name of the county in which the railroad station j/s situated. 2. — If there is no agent at the station to which goods are sent and freight is to be prepaid, in consequence, this fact must be stated on every order. Don't fail in this. 3. — It will well repay all time and trouble spent, if a customer would, before or- dering, carefully look up in this catalog, the article which he is ordering. Frequently you will find that we have different sizes, lengths, shapes, weights, or other instructions, which might just as well be given when the order is placed, but which is neglected because the customer has not first turned to our description of the article in this book. In such cases, we must either de- tain the order, and write back to a customer, or else make a guess at the missing size. 4. — It is a good plan, and one which most customers are following, to put down the price after the article, just as it appears in this. book. We can then see just what a customer is expecting to pay, and if any mistake is made, we can set him right about the price, before rilling the order, thus avoiding any mis- understandings later on. 5 — Do not write for a discount sheet, or a net price list applying to this catalog. The prices which we print in this book are positively our lowest confidential prices to the trade, and it is useless to write for discounts, as we have none for anybody. 6. — Our terms are CASH on everything. It is this rule which has enabled us 10 off^r our customers the best goods for the least money. Money may be sent by draft, postoffice order, express order, or registered letter. Postage stamps accepted as cash. 7. — Don't ask us to ship goods C. G. D. This system is all right on large amounts where $15.00 or $20.00 accompanies the order as part payment, but on smaller amounts we consider it a poor way of doing business. We go to an immense amount of trouble and expense to make our selling prices so plain that any- body can make up an intelligent order, and know beforehand exactly what the bill amounts to. 8. — We receive daily inquiries from all parts of the country for freight rates. Our goods cover seven different classes of freight, each of which takes a dif- ferent rate to the same town. Freight rates depend not only on what kind of goods are ordered, but on the quantity, as railroads charge more in proportion for small shipments than for large ones; and they also depend on how the goods are packed. Goods billed as "bolts" or "wagon irons" take tbe lowes' J rate. It therefore is impossible to give our customers a really good idea ot what freights will cost to any point, unless we have an exact list of what goods will be ordered. From this we can figure the exact amount of freight to almost GOSITEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 9 Fonr-Bovr Top Without Rail. Four-Bow Top With Rail. BLACK ENAMELED DRILL TOP No. 00. In making this top, we use the best quality of black enameled drill for the roof, the quarters and the stays. The back curtain and the side curtains are made of the best colored-back enameled drill, the lining is a heavy imitation wool cloth, blue or green. We consider this is the best drill top on the market. Price includes crating the top in a first class crate for shipment. No. 00 Top, without rail $5.50 No. 00 Top, with rail 6.00 Special Tops for Auto-Baggy Seats are described on page 12. LOW-PRICED FULL RUBBER TOP No. 75. In making this top we use our Diamond grade of rubber in the roof, quarters and stays. This rubber gives good satisfaction, and we consider the No. 75 top one of the best tops ever put on the market for repair work at a low price. We use 22 oz. rubber throughout in its construction, and make the back curtain and side curtains out of heavy colored back rubber. The lining is a heavy imitation wool cloth, either blue or green, and gives perfect satisfaction. Price includes crating the top in a first class crate for shipment. No. 75 Top, without rail : .$6.00 No. 75 Top, with rail 6.50 Special Tops for Auto-Buggy Seats are described on page 12. BEST GRADE RUBBER TOP No. 1. In making this top, we use only the genuine Fairfield rubber, 22 oz. in the roof, quarters and stays. When the lining ordered is blue or green, we make the side curtains out of colored-back rubber to match. When light colored lining is ordered, we use white back rubber for side curtains. We can fully guarantee this top, which we have made for 25 years, and the reputation of the Fairfield rubber is too well known to need any comment. The back curtain, back stays, and roof of the top are all lined alike, with 6 oz. genuine all wool cloth, blue, green, or light colored. \s a good top for a moderate price, this top has no equal anywhere. Price in- cudes crating the top in a first class crate for shipment. No. 1 Top, without rail $7.00 No. 1 Top, with rail 7.50 Special Tops for Auto-Buggy Seats arc described on page 12. 10 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND Four-Bow Top "Without Rail. Four-Bow Top With Rail. 7 EXTRA FINE RUBBER TOP No. 50. We have found an enormous demand for a r ally good rubber top. A well made top 1 covered with really good, heavy rubber is about as satisfactory a top as there is on the market. This we offer in the No. 50. We use 28 oz. genuine Fair- held rubber throughout, on the roof, quarters, stays and back curtain, and the side curtains are made of heavy colored-back Fairfield rubber. With the exception of the side curtains, the entire top, including the back curtain, is lined with 8 oz. heavy all wool cloth in blue or green, or if preferred, we put in a heavy whipcord for light colored work. This top is bound off both front and back, by hand, with a special front valance. We consider this the best rubber top on the market. Price includes crating the top in a first class crate for shipment. No. 50 Top, without rail $8.75 No. 50 Top, with rail 9.25 Special Tops for Auto-Buggy Seats are described on page 12. LEATHER QUARTER TOP No. SO. We offer this top to the trade as a low priced leather quarter top, made espe- cially for repair work. We use genuine leather in the quarters and stays, and 22 oz. Diamond rubber in the roof. The back curtain and side curtains are made of heavy colored back rubber. The lining is made of heavy, imitation wool cloth, blue or green, which gives perfect satisfaction. Price includes crating the top in a first class crate for shipment. No. 80 Top, without rail $7.75 No. 80 Top, with rail 8.25 Special Tops for Auto-Buggy Scats are described on page 12. LEATHER QUARTER TOP No. 2. The most popular leather-quarter top on the market. It corresponds to our No. 1 full rubber top, having genuine Fairfield 22 oz. rubber in the roof and back curtain and genuine top leather in the quarters and stays. The side curtains are made of heavy colored back rubber when the top is ordered with blue or green lining. When ordered with light colored lining we use white back rubber in the side curtains. The back curtain, back stays and roof, all lined alike with 6 oz. gen- uine all wool cloth, blue, green or light colored. The top is made in such a way that we can fully recommend and guarantee it. Price includes crating the top in a first class crate for shipment. No. 2 Top, without rail $8.75 No. 2 Top, with rail 9.25 Special Tops for Auto-Buggy Seats are described on page 12. GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 11 Four-Bow Top Without Rail. Four-Bow Top With Rail. LEATHER QUARTER TOP Xo. 55. ^ We are here offering a leather-quarter top, which in quality corresponds to the No. 50 rubber top. Made for those who want something a little better than the best. In the quarters and stays, we use first class M. B. top leather. In the roof and back curtain, we use 28 oz. Fairfield rubber, and in the side curtains we use heavy col- ored-back Fairfield rubber. With the exception of the side curtains, the top is lined throughout with heavy 8 oz. all wool cloth, blue or green, or we will use heavy light colored whipcord if preferred. The top is bound off by hand, front and back, and we can safely say that no new buggy carries a better leather-quartered top than this. We could offer no suggestion for its improvement, unless it would be that we put on a leather back curtain instead of rubber. We frequently do this, on this particu- lar top, for which we make a net extra charge of $2.00. Price includes crating the top for shipment. No. 55 Top, without rail $10.25 No. 55 Top, with rail 10.75 Special Tops for Auto-Buggy Seats arc described on page 12. YOUNG MAN'S TOP No. 60. This top has leather-quarters and stays, heavy rubber roof and back curtain. It is lined throughout except the side curtains with all-wool green cloth; side cur- tains are made of heavy colored-back rubber. It is trimmed up as follows: The leather-quarters and stays are embossed with a fancy pattern; the back stays and side laces are trimmed up in fancy colors, and the head lining is welted in fancy col- ors. The back stays are further trimmed with mirrors and the top carries nickel nuts and fancy joints. This top is a winner with the young man who wants some- thing fancy. Price includes crating the top in a first class crate for shipment. No. 60 Top, without rail ' $9.25 No. 60 Top, with rail 9.75 Special Tops for Auto-Buggy Seats are described on page 12. FULL. LEATHER TOP No, 3. We figure that a customer who wants a full leather top wants something good. Therefore in making our No. 3 top, we use first quality M. B. leather throughout except side curtains, which are made of heavy colored back Fairfield rubber. The lining is a heavy 8 oz. genuine all wool cloth, blue or green, or we will use heavy- light colored whipcord if preferred. The top is bound off by hand both front and back, and is a strictly high grade, first class full leather top in every respect. Price includes crating the top in a first class crate for shipment. No. 3 Top, without rail $13.50 No. 3 Top, with rail • 14.00 Special Tops for Auto-Buggy Seats are described on page 12. 12 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND TOPS SUITABLE FOR AUTO-BUGGY SEATS. Similar to our Style No. 45, Described on Page 24. Many, of the modern up-to-date buggy seats are designed to imitate automobile ^eats. The shifting rail is the iron that runs along the edge of the seat, to which the top is fastened. This shifting rail follows the edge of the seat, up to, and along the top edge of the back, making a very crooked and odd shaped rail, some- thing like the cut above. If you want a top for a seat of this kind, follow care- fully the instructions and information given on this page. The framework of the ordinary buggy tops, such as are described on pages 6 to 11, will not answer the purpose for these seats. They require a special frame- work, which is much longer from front to back than a regular buggy top, and a different height and shape. The only way to get a good fitting top suitable for these odd shaped auto buggy seats, is to take off the shifting rail, and ship it to Goshen by express, charges prepaid, and let us fit the top to the rail. At the same time send us a few measurements to guide us in setting up the rail on our forms. These measurements are very important and are plainly shown on the above diagram. Take all measure- ments in straight lines, up and down, and not on an angle. Give height from the bottom of the seat to the top edge of all seat irons, as shown in the above diagram. Seat Irons are marked "C," "D," and "E." Give distance across the front of the seat from center to center of holes in the seat irons, as shown above, "C" to "C." NOTICE. These tops are only made in THREE-BOW STYLE. Therefore do not order Four-Bow, nor Handy, nor Ram's Horn styles, as we are unable to furnish them. EXTRA COST. Tops made in this special style for auto buggy seats cost us extra, and we must, in turn, charge extra for them as follows: No. 00 Tops, add extra . .$1.00 No. 80 Tops, add extra $1-50 No. 75 Tops, add extra 1.00 No. 2 Tops, add extra ' 1-50 No. 1 Tops, add extra 1.00 No. 55 Tops, add extra 1-50 No. 50 Tops, add extra 1.50 No. 60 Tops, add extra 2.00 For description of these tops, see pages 9, io and n. GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 13 PRICE LIST OF AUTOMOBILE TOPS AND REPAIRS. GENERAL. DESCRIPTION. All auto tops are furnished complete with dust hood, full set of straps, full side curtains, closing up to wind shield, and irons for attaching top to car. If the automobile is sent to Goshen and we fit up the side curtains, hood etc add $2.50. Our prices do not include a front roll-up curtain, which is not needed on a car which is equipped with a windshield. In some cases, however, a front roll-up cur- tain may be desired, and our extra charge on same is $5.00. TOURING CAR TOP. These prices are for standard size four-bow tops, for cars carrying four or five passengers. Silk finish mohair top $30.00 English Stripe mohair top 30.00 Crissy Cloth top ... 28.00 STANDARD RUNABOUT TOP. We can place the front bow at a greater angle than shown in the cut, or have it entirely concealed, if customer so desires. English Stripe mohair top $20.00 Silk Finish mohair top 20.00 Crissy Cloth top 1 7.00 (See Pages 14 and 15.) 14 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. HOW TO TAKE MEASUREMENTS FOR AUTOMOBILE TOPS. Take all measurements on straight lines, not angling lines. Be accurate. If the body is ironed with threaded barrel irons, take all vertical measurements from center of the barrel, and all others from shoulder to shoulder. In general, all measurements are taken to the center of holes in irons. Great care should be taken in locating "The Top of the Seat Board" and "The Bottom of the Body," as much depends on getting these accurately. When old tops are sent in to be re-covered, this measurement blank should be filled out just the same as though a new top were ordered. If customer will run the car to Goshen, we will take the measurements without charge. In ordering a roadster top, it is evident that some measurements must be omitted, but the same blank should be filled out as far as possible. Pour Measurements Lengthwise of the Body Are Required. '»> r -2> (*) r-n No. 1, From extreme rear of tonneau to center of rear iron No. 2, From center of rear iron to center of middle iron No. 3, From center of middle iron to center of front iron No. 4, From center of front iron to inside of dash or windshield Seven Vertical Measurements, Showing the Different Heights, Are Required. No. 5, From top of seat board, up to the bottom of back curtain No. 6, From top of seat board, up to top of rear iron No. 7, From top of seat board, up to the top of middle iron No. 8, From top of seat board, up to top of the front iron No. 11, From bottom of body to top of windshield (or dash if there is no windshield.) No. 12, From bottom of body to top of seat board No. 13, From bottom of body to top of seat board (Continued on next page.) GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 15 HOW TO TAKE MEASUREMENTS FOR AUTOMOBILE TOPS (Continued). Six Measurements Across the Body Are Required. No. 14, Around the top edge of tonneau, between the irons No. 15, Across the tonneau, center to center of rear irons No. 16, Widest part of tonneau, outside to outside of upholstering, No. 17, Across the tonneau from center to center of middle irons. No. 18, Across the front seat, center to center of front irons No. 19, Width of windshield, or dash if there is no windshield. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: Are there any doors on the front part of the body? • Name of car Model No Year Shall the trimmings be Brass, Nickel, or Japanned?. Are the holes in the body irons large or small taper? (See cuts below) If the holes in the body are square or irregu- lar and different from the diagrams, send us a sketch of them. It is always desirable to send a cut or picture of the car to which the top is to be applied, if convenient. Large Taper. Small Taper. For price list of Automobile Tops see page 13. We use japanned sockets, with adjustable front bows. Curved sockets are used wherever the shape of the car will permit. We re-cover and repair automobile tops. Write for prices. 16 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. INSTRUCTIONS FOR MEASURING EXTENSION TOPS. When Seats Are Ironed, Use This Diagram, and Order the Top, Without Rail. Give distance from A to B, and distance from C to D. Usually the same. Give distance from B to D, and distance from D to E. Measure height of irons above the base line of the body, and give us distance from B to base line, and distance from D to base line. Usually the same. Give width of the top at E, from outside of the back stays so that we will know how wide to make the top behind, from out to out. When Seats Are Not Ironed for a Top, Use the Diagram Below, and Order the Top, with Rail. 24 £5 2.Q 22 23 Measure width across the seat, at ''20" and also width at "21." Measure heighth of irons above the base line of the body, and give us the distance of "20" to base line, and distance of "21" to base line. , Also give us the following measurements, referring to numbers on the diagram: "22" to "23." 23 to 24. 24 to 25. 24 to 26. 22 to 26. SPECIAL NOTICE. Our standard pattern of extension top is so made, that the length of the front section measuring in a straight line from the front, upright bow, to the extreme front edge of the top is 24 inches. If longer tops are wanted, they must be made up to a special draft, which often includes odd and irregular lengths of bow sockets. Our extra charge on such tops is usually $2.00, but exact price quoted when specifications are sent in. The average size of the "door" of an extension top, is 24 in., or 26 in., and sometimes 28 in. or 30. in. When longer than 30 in., a blind or swing bow should be used, to support the center section. On work of this character, we prefer to quote price on application, but usual extra is $2.50 for a top of this description. GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 17 EXTENSION TOPS FOR TWO=SEATED CARRIAGES. EXTENSION TOP No. S. This is undoubtedly the most popular extension top on the market. It is a full rubber top, covered throughout • with 22 oz. genuine Fairfield rubber, which needs no recommendation from us. It is lined with 6 oz. genuine all wool cloth, either blue or green, including the back curtain. The side curtains are made of colored back rubber to match the lining. This top can be strongly recommended for repair work, as it is a first class full rubber top. Price includes crating the top in a first class crate for shipment. No. 8 Extension Top, without rail $10.50 No. 8 Extension Top, with rail ! 1 1 .00 EXTENSION TOP No. 9. This top corresponds in general style to top No. 8, except that it has genuine leather-quarters and leather back stays. The roof and back curtain are made of 22 oz. Fairfield rubber, and the top is lined throughout, except side curtains, with genuine 6 oz. all wool cloth, blue or green. This is a first class leather- quarter extension top. If desired, we can use a leather back curtain in place of the regular rubber back curtain, at an extra charge of $2.00 No. 9 Extension Top, without rail $12.50 No. 9 Extension Top. with rail 13.00 EXTENSION TOP No. 10. This top is covered throughout with first quality M. B. leather, and lined throughout except side curtains, with 8 oz. genuine all wool cloth, blue or green, or with heavy light colored whipcord if desired. The side curtains are made of extra heavy colored back rubber to match the lining of the top. The top is bound off by hand front and back, and is first class in every respect. Price in- cludes crating the top in a first class crate for shipment. No. 10 Extension Top. without rail $21.00 No. 10 Extension Top. with rail 21.50 18 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. TOPS SUITABLE FOR SPRING WAGONS. Any of our regular buggy tops may be ordered large enough for spring wagon seats. When tops are ordered with bows 45 in. wide, inside or wider, we make a net extra charge on such tops of 50^ No. 99 CANVAS TOP. This top is especially suitable for spring wagons, brewers wagons, etc., as it is made just like any regular buggy top, with the regular side curtains and back curtain, and without any lining. It is covered with the best No. 10 white sail duck throughout. We furnish a full, complete rail, with adjustable clips, making it easy to attach this top to the seat, and a good strong job. In ordering, give us the width across the seat from center to center of holes in the seat irons, so that we may know how wide a top to send. No. 99 Top, with rail, price $6.5© WAGON S L X SHADES. These tops are so well known that description is scarcely necessary. Cov- ered with blue and white striped duck. We send with them, all the irons for attaching them to the seat. By means of the patent adjustable irons which we use, it is possible to use one size of too on a number of different widths of seat. The size which we regularly carry in k is 42 in. between the bows, but will fit any -seat measuring in width from 36 in. to 46 in. No. 10-i — Wagon sunshades, with adjustable irons complete, bows measuring -42 in. inside width. Price each $3.00 WAGON UMBRELLAS. We carry in stock one style of wagon umbrella, having six heavy steel ribs and a spread of nearly six feet. We send with every umbrella a set of good strong irons for attaching the um- brella to the wagon. The following colors are carried in stock, ready for immediate shipment. Green. Blue. Brown. White. The white ones are suitable for let- tering a business advertisement. Trice each for any of these colors $1.35 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 19 No. 290 TRIMMED SEATS. Seats advertised on this page, include a common panel buggy seat, with sides 5 l / 2 inches, trimmed in your choice of materials, as shown in our de- scription, with cushion and drop lazy back, with- out springs. For springs in cushion, we make the usual extra charge of 50<\ For springs in lazy ""back, select our No. 280 or No. 250 seat shown j on another page. Any buggy top advertised in this book may be used on this seat, but for convenience in figuring the price, we have selected our popular No. 1 top, and used the price of that top as a basis for figuring. The No. 1 top separately is listed at $7.00. If a cheaper top is desired, or a more expensive top, figure less or more than the price here given you according as the top selected is worth less or more than $7.00 in our regular catalogue price list. Seats are always shipped in the white unless ordered painted at an extra charge of $1.00. 28-in. seats only, are carried in stock painted. Other sizes will be painted after order is received, which means some delay. Only one measurement is required, length on bottom outside, out to out. We carry in stock the following lengths, 24-in., 27-in., 28-in., 29-in., 30-in., 32-in., 34-in., 36-in., 38-in., 40-in. and 42-in. Standard length is 28-in. No. 290 — A Seat. Figured with No. 1 top attached. Your choice in the trim- ming of blue or green union cloth, black or dark green artificial leather. Sizes from 24-inch to 30-inch, $12.00 Sizes from 32-inch to 42-inch, $12.25 No. 290— J Seat. Without top. Your choice in the trimming of blue or green union cloth, black or dark green artificial leather. Sizes from 24-inch to 30-inch, $4.50 Sizes from 32-inch to 42-inch, $4.75 No. 290— B Seat. Figured with No. 1 top attached. Your choice in the trim- ming of blue or green all-wool cloth, or corduroy, or light colored whipcord. Sizes from 24-inch to 30-inch, $13.00 Sizes from 32-inch to 42-inch, $13.25 No. 290— K Seat. Without top. Your choice in the trimming of blue, or green all-wool cloth, or corduroy, or light colored whipcord. Sizes from 24-inch to 30-inch. $5.50 Sizes from 32-inch to 42-inch, $5.75 No. 10 PANEL SEAT. This seat is our regular panel seat for buggies and spring wagons, measuring 15 inches deep from front to back on bottom inside, an dsides are Sy 2 inches high. Following sizes carried in stock, and price in- cludes seat only, without irons, lazy back or paint. These lengths are measured on the bottom outside. 24-in., 25-in., 26-in., 27-in., 28-in., 29-in., and 30-in., each $1.25 32-in., 34-in., 36-in., 38-in., 40-in., and 42-in., each $1.40 20 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND No. 280 TRIMMED SEATS. This seat is designed to meet the requirements of those who desire a seat with a spring back, at a moderate price. The spring back is the "bellows" pattern, a somewhat cheaper con- struction than the "overstuffed" kind which we use on our No. 250 seats. The lazy back is also attached to the seat by means of irons and bolts, so that it is detachable. This means a saving to us in crating the seat for shipment. The seat itself is a regular panel buggy seat with sides 5>4-in. high. The back measures 20-in. high from the bottom of the seat. The ends of the seat are not padded, but are left untrimmed, to be painted. Our regular method of trim- ming allows for no springs in the cushions, but we can furnish a spring cushion at the regular extra charge of 50^ The lazy back has plenty of good springs. In figuring the price of this seat with a top, we base our prices on using our No. 1 top, sold separately for $7.00 . If customer prefers a higher or lower priced top, select same from price list, and add or subtract according as the price of top selected is higher or lower than $7.00 . Seats are always shipped in the white unless ordered painted, at an extra charge of $1.25, which includes (on No. 280 seats only) covering the lazy back outside, with enameled cloth instead of paint. 28-inch seats only are carried in stock painted. Other sizes will be painted after the order is received, which means some delay. ' Only one measurement is required, the length of seat on bottom outside from out to out. We carry in stock the following lengths: 24-in., 26-in., 27-in., 28-in., 29-in., 30-in., 32-in., 34-in., 36-in., 38-in., 40-in. and 42 in. Standard length is 28-in. No. 280 — A Seat. Figured with No. 1 top attached. Your choice in the trimming, of blue or green union cloth, black or dark green ar- tificial leather. Sizes from 24-in to 30-in .$1*2.50 Sizes from 32-in. to 42-in 1 2.75 No. 280 — J Seat. Without a top, for open job. Your choice in the trimming, of blue or green union cloth, black or dark green artificial leather. Sizes from 24-in to 30-in $5.00 Sizes from 32-in. to 42-in 5.125 No. 280 — B Seat. Figured with No. 1 top attached. Your choice in the trimmings, of blue or green all-wool cloth, or corduroy, or light col- ored whipcord. Sizes from 24-in. to 30-in $13.50 Sizes from 32-in. to 42-in 1:5.75 No. 280 — K Seat. Without a top, for open job. Your choice in the trim- ming, of blue, or green all-wool cloth, or corduroy, or light colored whipcord. Sizes from 24-in. to 30-in $6.00 Sizes from 32-in. to 42-in 6.25 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 21 No. 250 TRIMMED SEATS. This is our best buggy seat, with wide board back built solid on seat, 21-in. high. Sides of seat are 6^-in. high, and are padded and trimmed. Plenty of good springs in the cushion and the back, which is of the "over-stuffed" kind, such as is used in the very highest quality of buggies. We offer a wide choice of materials in which to have the trimmings done. In figuring the price of this seat, we base our prices on using our No. 1 top, sold separately for $7.00. If customer prefers a higher or lower priced top, select same from price list, and add or subtract according as V the price of top selected is higher or lower than $7.00. Seats are always shipped in the white unless ordered painted 1 at an extra charge of $1.75. 28-in seats only, are carried in stock painted. Other sizes will be painted after order is received, which means some delay. Only one measurement is required, length on bottom outside, out to out. We carry in stock the following lengths, 24-in., 26-in., 27-in., 28-in., 29-in., 30-in., 32-in., 34-in., 36-in., 38-in., 40-in., and 42-in. Standard length is 28-in. No. 250 — A Seat. Figured with No. 1 top attached. Your choice in the trimming of blue or green union cloth, black or dark green arti- ficial leather. Sizes from 24-in. to 30-in $14.00 Sizes from 32-in to 42-in • 14.25 No. 250 — J Seat. Without top, for open job. Your choice in the trim- ming of blue or green union cloth, black or dark green artificial leather. Sizes from 24-in to 30-in $6.50 Sizes from 32-in to 42-in 6.75 No. 250 — B Seat. Figured with No. 1 top attached. Your choice in the trimming, of blue or green all-wool cloth, or corduroy, or light colored whipcord. Sizes from 24-in. to 30-in $15.00 Sizes from 32-in. to 42-in 15.25 No. 250 — K Seat. Without a top, for open job. Your choice in the trim- ming, of blue or green all-wool cloth, or corduroy, or light colored whipcord. Sizes from 24-in to 30-in $7.50 Sizes from 32-in. to 42-in 7.75 No. 250 — C Seat. Figured with No. 1 top attached. Trimmed in genu- ine leather, black or very dark green, maroon or dark wine color, or tan color. Sizes from 24-in. to 30-in $18.oo Sizes from 32-in. to 42-in 18.25 No. 250 — M Seat. Without a top, for an open job. Trimmed in genu- in leather, black or very dark green, maroon or dark wine color, or tan color. Sizes from 24-in to 30-in $10.50 Sizes from 32-in. to 42-in 10.75 No. 250 — F Seat. Same as above, except that it is figured without trim- mings of any kind, ironed in the white, with solid board back attached. With cushion frame. All sizes, 24-in. to 42-in $2.85 No. 250 — X Seat. Same as above except that it is figured without trim- mings of any kind, and without irons, without paint, simply the seat, with cushion frame, with a solid board back not attached. All sizes $2.35 22 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND No. 305 PHAETON SEAT. Seats shown on this page, are built on good lines, not extreme in style, yet very comfortable and stylish. Sides are 9 l / 2 inches high, and back is 22 inches high. The ends of the seat are well padded, but not tufted, leaving plenty of room in the seat. The cushion and back are full plaited work with plenty of good springs. This seat fully meets the requirements of a customer who wants a little better seat than our No. 250 seat, yet not extreme in style. In figuring the price of this seat with a top, we base our prices on using our No. 50 top, sold separately for $8.75. If customer prefers a higher or lower priced top, select same from price list, and add or subtract according as the price of top selected is higher or lower than $8.75. Seats are always shipped in the white, unless our customer orders the seat painted, at an extra charge of $2.50. We aim to carry a few of these seats in stock, painted, all the time. The No. 305 phaeton seat is carried in stock in only one size, 29x18, on the bottom outside. This size fits practically all widths of bodies from 22 inches to 26 inches. Other sizes can be made to order, but it usually requires from three to four weeks to get odd sizes through the factory, and owing to the extra expense we must charge extra for odd sizes $1.00 No. 305 — A. This number indicates the above seat trimmed, in blue or green heavy all-wool broadcloth, or in light colored whipcord, with cushion and back, and our No. 50 top, complete $17.75 No. 305 — K. Exactly the same as No. 305 — A, except for open job " without top, and without irons for top, but with arm rails $ 8.7o No. 305 — B. This number indicates the above seat trimmed in genu- ine trimming leather, any desired color, black or dark green, ma- roon or dark wine color, or tan color, as customer may select. The price includes the seat, with cushion and back, and our No. 50 top, complete, without paint. Price $20.75 No. 305 — L. Exactly same as No. 305 — P», except for open job without a top, and without irons for top but with arm rails $12. OO No. 305 — X. This number indicates the above seat, with cushion frame, without trimming, without irons, and without paint. Price $ 3.50 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 23 STICK SEATS. No. 105 STICK SEAT. With single bend spindle*. No. 110 STICK SEAT. With double bend spindles. We carry a stock of stick seats in both single and double bend spindles all at the same price, and customers may have their choice. These seats are all well made, with good high backs, and plenty of good hard-wood spindles which are not easily broken out. In trimming them, we put in good, comfortable, well- padded backs, and the cushions are made with plenty of good springs. As a rule these seats are used only on open jobs, without tops, but we can put on any regular buggy top according to the information along this line given on page 7 of this catalog. Seats are always shipped in the white, unless ordered painted at an extra charge of $1.75. 28-in. seats only are carried in stock painted, and other sizes will be painted after the order is received, which means some delay. Only one measurement is required, the length of seat on bottom outside, from out to out. We carry the No. 105 seat in three lengths only, 28-in., 29-in.. and 30-in. We carry the No. 110 in the following lengths, 24-in., 26-in., 27-in., 28-in., 29-in., 30-in. and 32-in. Size 28-in. is standard. No. 105—A or No. HO— A Seats. Your choice in the trimming, of blue or green union cloth, or 12 oz. light colored whipcord. Price, any size.$6.50 No. 105— B or No. HO— B Seats. Your choice in the trimming, of blue or green all-wool cloth, or 14 oz. light colored whipcord. Price, any size. $7.00 No. 105— C or No. 110— C Seats. Trimmed in genuine trimming leather, your choice of colors, black or very dark green, maroon or dark wine color, or tan color. Price for any size ™ 9.50 No. 105— X or No. HO— X Seats. No trimming at all, simply the seat in the white with cushion frame. Price for any size $3.00 FENDERS FOR STICK SEATS. For attaching our regular No. 61 stick seat fenders, extra charge, $2.00 24 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. No. 45 AUTOMOBILE SEAT. UP TO DATE IN EVERY RESPECT. This seat is the latest thing in the line of auto seats used by the best buggy builders of the country. We have designed this seat to meet the needs of the small carriage builder, who wishes to compete with the big builders. We propose to trim this seat in the various materials, such as cloth and leather, and furnish it either with a top or without a top. The top which we have designed for it, is the latest thing in auto top styles, and will compare favorably with any job on the market. A complete description of the size of the seat, and prices, will be found on the opposite page. We wish to present these different pictures to show the gen- eral front view, also rear view, to show the "twin effect," and a view of the inside of the top. This cut shows the interior of the top, made with cross strap.-, and no sep- arate lining, same as an auto top. This cut shows the rear view of the No. 45 seat, showing the "twin effect," made by means of dug-out panel work. ( GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 25 No. 45 AUTOMOBILE SEAT (Continued). GENERAL, DESCRIPTION OP SEAT. The seat is upholstered in cloth or leather of first-class quality, full plaited work, springs in cushion and back. The ends of the seat are left plain, not plaited, to afford more room. The seat measures 30x18 inches on the bottom outside, and is made in this size only. The sides of the seat are 10 inches high. The back of the seat is 22 inches high. Seat is ironed with a shifting rail, fol- lowing the lines of the seat, which makes the best job where a top is wanted. GENERAL. DESCRIPTION OF TOP, The top is covered with our 32 ounce rubber duck, crissy cloth finish, which is the material commonly in use on automobile tops, and the general style of the top is that of an automobile top. The back stays are known as "leg of mut- ton" pattern. The bow sockets are curved. Joints are brass trimmed. Brass auto curtain fasteners, used throughout. In the back curtain we use a large, oval, brass trimmed curtain light. Seats are always shipped in the white, unless ordered painted, at an extra charge of $3.00. We aim to carry a few of these seats in stock painted. PRICE LUST. No. 45 — A Seat. This number indicates the above seat trimmed in blue or green heavy all-wool cloth, or in light colored whipcord. The price includes the seat, without paint, with the cushion and back, and the special top which we have described above.. ,...$23.00 No. 45 — K Seat. This number indicates a seat, same as No. 45 — A, ex- cept without the top or shifting rail $11.00 No. 45 — B Seat. This number indicates the above seat trimmed in genuine trimming leather, any desired color, black, or very dark green, maroon, or wine color, or tan color, as customer may select. The price includes seat, without paint, with the cushion and back, and the special top which we have described above $27.00 No. 45 — L Seat is exactly the same as No. 45 — B, except without the top or shifting rail $15.00 No. 45 — X Seat. This number indicates the above seat without irons, without paint, and without trimming, with only the cushion frame.... $ 6.0Q 26 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND CUSHIONS, Plain Top Style. Biscuit Style. Diamond Style. Our customers will find our cushions to be well made, well stitched, with good bottoms, and attractive in appearance. It is our rule to give all cushions the regular flare, the same as is used for any ordinary buggy seat. This is im- portant. If a cushion is ordered for a seat which has little or no flare, the fact should be stated, so that we can make the cushion accordingly. Cushions Must Be Measured on the Bottom of the Seat Inside. SPH1NG CUSHIONS. We can make any of the cushions listed on this page, with springs, at an additional charge of 50^. STOCK CUSHIONS. Cushion No. 72 carried in stock, in the following lengths, all 15-in. wide, viz.: 28-in., 30-in., 32-in., 34-in., 36-in. No. 70 — Black enameled drill cushion with fall, plain top, price each. . . .$0.80 No. 71 — Black enameled drill cushion, no fall, plain top, price each 70 No. 72 — Black rubber cushion with fall, plain top, price each 85 No. 73 — Black rubber cushion, no fall, plain top, price each 75 No. 74 — Union cloth cushion, with fall, plain top, price each 1.25 No. 75 — Union cloth cushion with fall, biscuit or diamond style, each.. 1.35 No. 74 and No. 75 cushions either blue or green. No. 76 — Artificial leather cushions with fall, plain top, price each 1.20 No. 77 — Artificial leather cushion with fall, biscuit or diamond style, each. 1.30 No. 76 and No. 77 cushions either black or dark green. No. 78 — All-wool cushion with fall, plain top, price each 1.60 No. 79 — All-wool cushion with fall, biscuit or diamond style, price each. 1.70 No. 78 and No. 79 cushions either blue or green. No. 80 — Corduroy cushion with fall, plain top, price each 1.50 No. 81 — Corduroy cushion with fall, biscuit or diamond style, price each. 1.60 No. 80 and No. 81 cushions either dark brown or tan color. No. 82 — Light colored whipcord cushion with fall, plain top, price each... 1.60 No. 83 — Light colored whipcord cushion with fall, biscuit or diamond style, price each 1.70 No. 84 — Black split leather cushion with fall, plain top only, price each.. 2.20 No. 85 — Black split leather cushion, no fall, plain top only, price each.... 1.90 No. 86 — Trimming leather cushion with fall, plain top, price each 2.50 No. 87 — Trimming leather cushjon with fall, biscuit or diamond plaited, price each with springs 3.50 No. 86 and No. 87 cushions may be made in any of the following colors: Black, dark green, maroon, or dark wine color, or tan color. GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 27 LAZY BACKS NOT ATTACHED. Diamond Style. Biscuit Style. Plain Top Style. SPRIXG LAZY BACKS NOT ATTACHED. Made So That Our Customers Can Attach Them to Old Lazy Back Board. Spring lazy backs ar e made to be attached to solid board backs, and we leave a strip of cloth around the entire back for that purpose. Paper patterns show- ing the exact size and shape of the board from top of board to bottom of seat should be sent when ordering spring lazy backs not attached. Springs are not included at these prices. We furnish back springs at 15c net per dozen, and any ordinary back requires 1 doz. springs. f * Diamond Style. Biscuit Style. Plain Top Style. DROP LAZY BACKS NOT ATTACHED. Made So That Our Customers Can Attach Them to Old Lazy Back Board. Prices are the same for either drop backs, or spring backs, but customers must be particular to state when ordering which is wanted. A drop lazy back is made to tack to a narrow lazy back board, and a strip is always left at the top edge of the back for that purpose. When ordering, give the length of the board, and height of the board from the cushion to top of board. No. 270 — Black enameled drill lazy back, not attached, plain top $0.85 No. 272 — Black rubber lazy back, not attached, plain top only 90 No. 274 — Union cloth back, not attached, plain top 1.25 No. 275 — Union cloth back, not attached, biscuit or diamond style 1.35 No. 274 and No. 275 may be either blue or green. No. 276 — Artificial leather back not attached, plain top 1.25 No. 277 — Artificial leather back not attached, biscuit or diamond 1.35 No. 276 and No. 277 may be either black or very dark green. No. 278 — All-wool cloth back, not attached, plain top 1.60 No. 279 — All-wool cloth back, not attached, biscuit or diamond 1.70 No. 278 and No. 279 may be either blue or green. No. 280 — Corduroy lazy back not attached, plain top 1.50 No. 281 — Corduroy lazy back, not attached, biscuit or diamond 1.60 No. 280 and No. 281 may be either dark brown or tan color. No. 282 — Light colored whipcord back, not attached, plain top 1.60 No. 283 — Light colored whipcord back, not attached, biscuit or diamond.. 1.70 No. 284 — Black split leather back, not attached, plain top only 2.15 No. 286 — Trimming leather back, not attached, plain top 2.65 No. 287 — Trimming leather back, not attached, biscuit or diamond 3.65 No. 286 and No. 287 backs may be had in the following colors: Black, or very dark greeii, maroon or dark wine color or tan color. 28 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND DROP LAZY BACKS ATTACHED. Plain Top Style. U^mA^' i Jit Biscuit Style. Diamond Style. HOW TO MEASURE. J I Give distance from A to B. Give distance from C to D. Attached to the Board and Irons, Ready to Set on the Seat. No. 170 — Black enameled drill drop' back attached, plain top $1.55 No. 172 — Black rubber drop attached, plain top 1.60 No. 174 — Union cloth drop back attached, plain top 1.95 No. 175 — Union cloth drop back attached, biscuit or diamond 2.05 No. 174 and No. 175 backs may be either blue or green. No. 176 — Artificial leather drop back attached, plain top 1.95 No. 177 — Artificial leather drop back attached, biscuit or diamond 2.05 No. 176 and No. 177 backs may be either black or very dark green. No. 178 — All-wool cloth drop back attached, plain top 2.30 No. 179 — All-wool cloth drop back attached, biscuit or diamond 2.40 No. 178 and No. 179 backs may be either blue or green. No. 180 — Corduroy drop back attached, plain top 2.20 No. 181 — Corduroy drop back attached, biscuit or diamond 2.30 No. 180 and No. 181 may be dark brown or tan color. No. 182 — Light colored whipcord drop back attached, plain top 2.30 No. 183 — Light colored whipcord drop back attached, biscuit or diamond... 2.40 No. 184 — Black split leather drop back attached, plain top only 2.85 No. 186 — Trimming leather drop back attached, plain top 3.35 No. 187 — Trimming leather drop back attached, biscuit or dia. plaited.... 4.35 No. 186 and No. 187 backs may be had in any of the following colors: Black or very dark green; tan color; maroon or dark wine color. GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 29 SPRING LAZY BACKS ATTACHED. Plain Top Style. Give distance from A to B. Biscuit Style. Give distance from C to D. Attached to the Lazy Back Board and the Irons, Ready to Set on the Seat. Wf*A Diamond Style. HOW TO MEASURE. No. 370 — Black enameled drill spring back attached, plain top $2.15 No. 372 — Black rubber spring back attached, plain top 2.20 No. 374 — Union cloth spring back attached, plain top 2.55 No. 375 — Union cloth spring back attached, biscuit or diamond 2.65 No. 374 and No. 375 backs may be either blue or green. No. 376 — Artificial leather spring back attached, plain top 2.55 No. 377 — Artificial leather spring back attached, biscuit or diamond 2.65 No. 376 and No. 377 backs may be either black or very dark green. No. 378 — All-wool cloth spring back attached, plain top 2.90 No. 379 — All-w6ol cloth spring back attached, biscuit or diamond 3.00 No. 378 and 379 backs may be either blue or green. No. 380 — Corduroy spring back attached, plain top 2.80 No. 381 — Corduroy spring back attached, biscuit or diamond 2.90 No. 380 and No. 381 backs may be dark brown or tan color. No. 382 — Light colored whipcord spring back attached, plain top 2.90 No. 383 — Light colored whipcord spring back attached, biscuit or dia.... 3.00 No. 384 — Black split leather spring back attached, plain top only 3.45 No. 386 — Trimming leather spring back attached, plain top 3.95 No. 387 — Trimming leather spring back attached, biscuit or dia. plaited.. 4.95 No. 386 and No. 387 backs may be had in any of the following colors: Black or very dark green; tan color; maroon or dark wine color. / 30 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND CANOPY TOPS, CURTAINS AND SUNSHADES. Our canopy tops are strong and well made, with plenty of good hardwood ribs. The prices which we here give, are the prices of the canopy top only, with- out standards, sockets or curtains. How to Measure. — Give width of seats from outside to outside on top, and length of body. In order to allow for the irons and curtains, we make our can- opy top frames three inches wider than the width of seats from out to out on top, and we make them the same length as the body, unless otherwise ordered. No. 12 CANOPY TOP. This top is covered with first class enameled drill and is lined with good imi- tation w >ol head lining. We put on a good quality of bullion fringe 5 inches deep. Lining may be either blue, green or light colored. The following prices are for the top only, no curtains, standards or sockets. For tops ordered with- out fringe, deduct 75£ net. No. 12 Canopy Top, 60 inches long and less $5.50 No. 12 Canopy Top, from 61 to 72 inches long 6.00 No. 12 Canopy Top, from 73 to 84 inches long 6.50 No. 12 Canopy Top, from 85 to 108 inches long 7.50 No. 13 CANOPY TOP. This top is covered with a heavy enameled duck, and is lined with 6 oz. genu- ine all-wool cloth. We put on a first class quality of 7-in. genappe fringe, and our customers will find this a most excellent top for first class jobs. Lining may be blue, green, or light colored. The following prices are for the top only, no cur- tains, standards or sockets. For tops ordered without fringe, deduct $1 net. No. 13 Canopy Top, 60 inches long and less $6.50 No. 13 Canopy Top, from 61 to 72 inches long 7.00 No. 13 Canopy Top, from 73 to 84 inches long 7.50 No. 13 Canopy Top, from 85 to 108 inches long 8.50 CANOPY TOP CURTAINS. All curtains are made of 50-in. colored or white back material, and where cur- tains are ordered with tops, we fit the top edge to the canopy top, and send with the curtain enough eyelets, straps, etc., to enable our customers to fit them to the job around the sides and bottom. The sides are made in one piece, and a set in- cludes two side curtains and one back curtain. No. 1 — Curtains, made of heavy enameled drill, per set $3.50 No. 2 — Curtains, made of 22 oz. Diamond rubber, per set 4.00 No. 3 — Curtains, made of 22 oz. Fairfield rubber, per set 4.50 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 31 CANOPY TOP STANDARDS, SOCKETS AND FITTINGS. $ CANOPY TOP STANDARDS. Canopy tops are used on a great vari- ety of styles of jobs, such as road wag- ons, buggies, surreys, spring wagons and the like. Sometimes the standards are fastened to the seats and sometimes to the bodies. Therefore we consider it impossible to carry canopy top stand- ards in stock ready for use. We carry them only in halves, as shown in cut, and any blacksmith can easily weld them and shape them to fit the job for which they are to be used. Our stand- ards are ^-inch iron. Price, set of four standards $1.50 Price, set of six standards $2.25 WABASH TRACE HOLDERS. A neat contrivance for holding the tugs in place on wood-end singletrees. The best device for this purpose ever produced. Price, per dozen pairs $1.10 Price, per pair .10 CANOPY TOP SOCKETS. These are simply the stubs. A black- smith must weld and fit them to the seat or body as may be required. Price, per set of four 40^ Price, per set of six 60^ CANOPY TOP FITTINGS. No. 5120. 2 l /+-'\n. long, made for % standard, to bolt to the side of the body, each... 2^ CANOPY TOP FITTINGS. No. 5130. 3-in. long, made to receive *A-in. end of standard, and bolts to bottom of body, each 2< "T" CANOPY TOP FITTINGS. No. 5150 A. 6-in.x4^2-in., made to receive ^4-in. end of standard. Made to bolt to bot- tom of body at corner 4<£ DUST HOODS. We offer the genuine Blizzard adjust- able dust hood, which fits any ordinary buggy. It is made of good 22-oz. black rubber, and is a great protection to any buggy top. Price, each $1.50 •T2 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. "GOSHEN" STORM FRONT. .,xv\V This storm front is made in a careful manner, with a view to the requirements of those who drive through cold and stormy weather. The window is very large, made from light weight stock, easily rolled up, size 12x20. Every part of it subject to wear is strongly re-inforced with leather, and the line pocket is indestructible. It is easily adjusted to fit all sizesof buggies. This storm front is quickly and easily attached without leaving the buggy, and when attached fits snugly. METHOD OF ATTACHING. It is only necessary to fasten the strap to the front prop on one side and then draw it over the bow and fasten to the front prop on the other side. Then place the lower hooks over the dash on each side, and the clamps on the bow sockets, and the job is done. It requires only a minute to do this. BUGGY SIZE. No. 110 — Made of 24 oz. leather grain rubber drill, each $1.85 No. 112 — Made of 24 oz. dull finish Melodian cloth, each 2.00 No. 113" — Made of waterproof, fleece-lined cloth, each 2.25 PHAETON SIZE. No. 114 — Made of 24 oz. leather grain rubber drill, each $2.25 No. 116 — Made of 24 oz. dull finish Melodian cloth, each 2.50 No. 117 — Made of waterproof, fleece-lined cloth, each 2.75 SPECIAL OFFER. The No. HO fronts are the standard size for all buggies, made of good rub- ber, and any dealer can sell a lot of them We will make a special price in half dozen lots, of $1.80 apiece. GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 33 DUPLEX STORM FRONT. The storm front that can be used as a storm apron. When not in use, the upper part is easily unhooked, rolled up under the apron, and held in that position by two straps placed there for that purpose, thus making a first-class storm apron. SPECIAL, OFFER. The No. 130 Duplex fronts, are the standard size for all buggies, made of good rubber, and any dealer can sell a lot of them. We will make a special price in half dozen lots, $2.00 apiece. TALKING POINTS FOR DEALERS. At the dash it is fastended by means of hooks on either side, connected by strong elastic cord, making it easily adjustable. Up in the top are placed a couple of small hooks in the bow, (permanently), and corresponding grommets in the storm front, with elastic cord between, so that the front can be instantly hooked up in the top, and adjust itself regardless of the width. At the middle dividing point there is another elastic cord with hooks to hook around the bow sockets at each side. This is the only storm front with three points of adjustment and consequent- ly the only one which absolutely fits the top. This front is quickly and easily attached from the inside of the buggy, and absolutely closes up the job tightly. This front can be used equally well for storm front and storm apron. The change can be made instantly. The window is 10x18, and is right up close to the driver's face where he can see through it without leaning forward. The fact that the upper portion is in- side the top instead of outside, absolutely prevents wind and water from getting in. The window being protected from the snow or sleet means a clear view, all the time. PHAETON SIZE. No. 134— Made of 24 oz. leather grain rubber drill, each $2.50 No. 136— Made of 24 oz. dull finish Melodian cloth, each.... $2.75 No. 137 — Made of waterproof, fleece lined cloth, each $3.00 BUGGY SIZE. No. ISO— Made of 24 oz. leather grain rubber drill, each $2.00 No. 132— Made of 24 oz. dull finish Melodian cloth, each $2.25 No. 133^— Made of waterproof, fleece lined cloth, each $2.50 34 GOSHEN BUGGY. TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. STORM APRONS. POCKET STORM APRONS These aprons are made of 22 oz. Dia- mond rubber, with a pocket which slips over the dash. This style of apron has always been very popular and we make them up in first class style, with the pocket re-inforced with leather, and with straps and rein-.hole. 1 hey are full length a yard and a half. Length Price of dash each No. 12—20 or 21-in. dash 00^ No. 13—22 or 23-in. dash 90£ No. 14—24 or 25-in. dash 90£ No. 15—26 or 27-in. dash 90<> No. 16—28 or 29-in. dash 90^ No. 17—30 or 31-in. dash 90^ No. 18—32 or 33-in. dash 90^ ADJUSTABLE STORM APRONS. Fastened securely to dash by cov- ered steel clamps. No elastic to wear out. Provided with rein-hole and straps. Measure 54 in. wide and 48 in. from dash to straps. Will fit any dash. No. 9 — Apron, made of water- proof fleece lined cloth } each.. $1.25 No. 10 — Apron, made of 22 oz. dull finish Melodian, each No. 11 — Apron, made of 22 oz. leather grain rubber, each No. 19 — Apron, made of dull enameled drill, without straps, or rein-hole, each $1.00 $ .90 $ .65 BUGGY TOP BACK CURTAINS. FOR REPAIR WORK. When ordering back curtains for repair work, be sure to give us the re- quired length and width of the curtain, also the color of lining. No. 1 — Back Curtains, made of heavy, colored back, Diamond rubber, either blue or green back, price each ._. $ .75 No. 2 — Back Curtains, made of 22 oz. Fairfield rubber, and lined with heavy imitation wool cloth, blue or green or light colored, each $1.25 BUGGY TOP BACK STAYS. FOR REPAIR WORK. We send out only our regular pattern, 6 inches wide, such as we use on all of our regular buggy tops. Order by number, giving color of lining. No. 1 — Back stays, covered with 22 o?. Diamond rubber, lined with heavy imitation wool cloth, blue or green, price per pair $ .75 No. 2 — Back Stays, covered with 22 oz. Fairfield rubber, lined with 6 oz. all-wool blue or green cloth, or light colored, per pair $1.00 No. 3 — Back Stays, covered with genuii leather, lined with 6 oz. all- wool cloth, blue or green or light colored, per pair $1.50 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 35 BUGGY BOOTS AND BOOT SPRINGS. GOSHEN BUGGY BOOTS This is our special pattern, made with a soft steel frame, which can be ad- justed to any angle which the riser may have. Five measurements are required to insure a perfect fit. A to B, width of body at rear end. C to D, width of body at base of riser. E to F, width of body at top of riser. A to C, distance from back end of body to base of riser. C to E, length of the riser. No. 15 — Boot, covered with enam- eled drill, leather grain, each.... -45^ No. 16 — Boot, covered with good rubber, leather grain .' 50^ No. 17 — Boot, covered with gen- uine enameled leather, each.. $1.00 These prices do not include springs. HOWELL BUGGY BOOTS. These are commonly known as the "Roll-Up" boot, from the fact that they are made with wood strips cross-wise of the box, so that the boot can be rolled up. In ordering use the same instructions for measuring as on the Goshen Boots. No. 4 — Howell boots, covered with heavy grain rubber, each 50^ 4BBBBK) BUGGY BOOT SPRINGS. These are the best boot springs ever offered to the trade. They are made of the best spring wire, well tempered and fully guaranteed. Length when closed, is 6 inches. Price per pair 4^ SIDE CURTAINS. We have our own patterns for side curtains which fits nearly all ordinary top buggies* and unless a sketch is sent us with the measurements properly marked, we will always send our regular pattern. When we send out a pair of side curtains we always include enough eyelets and straps to complete them, but these must be placed by our customers. This is easily done without special tools. No. 1 — Side Curtains, made of regular weight, leather grain rubber, such as we use on our No. 1 tops, blue, green or white back, per pair $1.00 No. 2 — Side Curtains, made of extra heavy, leather grain rubber, such as we use on our No. 50 tops, blue, green or whipcord back, per pair $1.25 When ordering side curtains for buggies which have auto-buggy seats, be sure to send a paper pattern, as we cannot work from a diagram on odd sized curtains. 36 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. DASHES. Every dash we sell is strictly No. 1 in quality with No. 1 dash leather, no seconds. We fully guarantee them to be the best on the market. Prices given on this page include the dash bolts, but not the iron dash feet which "must be ordered from the list given on the following page. These pages give a complete list of the sizes carried in stock, all the time. We can furnish other sizes and styles of dashes, at very low prices, shipping direct from the Ohio dash factory. We will send a complete catalogue upon request, showing all styles, and sizes of dashes and fenders, made by the largest dash factory in the world, for whom we are Sole Agents. When ordering, give width of body from out to out near the top, where the dash is attached. IM _■_ j ^ STANDARD NO. 1 DASHES. 18x11, straight, price each 19x11, straight, price each 20x11, straight, price each 21x11, straight, price each 22x11, straight, price each 23x11, straight, price each 24x11, straight, price each 25x11, straight, price each 26x11, straight, price each 27x11, straight, price each 28x11, straight, price each 29x11, straight, price each 30x11, straight, price each 31x11, straight, price each 32x11, straight, price each 33x11, straight, price each 34x11, straight, price each 35x11, straight, price each 36x11, straight, price each 38x11, straight, price each 24x13, curved, price each 25x13, curved, price each 26x13, curved, price each 27x13, curved, price each 24x15, curved, price each 25x15, curved, price each 26x15, curved, price each.;.. 27x15. curved, price each 28x15, curved, price each 29x15. curved, price each 30x15, curved, price each 31x15, curved, price each 32x15, curved, price each 33x15, curved, price each 34x15, curved, price each 35x15, curved, price each.... 36x15, curved, price eacli $1.05 1.07 1.10 1.12 1.14 1.16 1.19 1.23 1.28 1.30 1.33 1.37 1.41 1.48 1.50 1.56 1.60 1.63 1.67 1.73 1.32 1.37 1.41 1.45 1.46 1.51 1.55 1 .59 1.62 1.66 1.70 1.82 1.81) 1.97 2.02 2.06 2.11 ,o« " 1 II 1 "fl UL_ ft . ju NO. 102 STRAIGHT DASHES. With hand holes, for fancy buggies, and driving wagons. 20x13, straight, each $1.31 21x13, straight, each 1.34 22x13, straight, each 1.37 23x13, straight, each 1.40 24x13, straight, each 1.43 25x13, straight, each 1.49 26x13, straight, each 1.52 NO. 102 STRAIGHT Suitable for the PADDED DASHES. very finest work. $1.43 1.46 1.49 Above cut shows the style. 20x15, straight, each 21x15, straight, each 22x15, straight, each 23x15, straight, each. 1.52 24x15, straight, each '. 1.57 25x15, straight, each 1.62 26x15, straight, each 1.66 NO. Ill CURVED DASHES. Swell corners for surreys and phae- tons. 25x17, curved, each $1.98 26x17, curved, each 2.03 27x17, curved, each 2.08 5x17, curved, ea'ch 2.12 'xl7, curved, each 2.16 1 7, curved*, each 2.19 17, curved, each 2.47 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 37 DASHES AND FENDERS. KO. 451 STRAIGHT PADDED DASHES. With Japanned, Raised Rail. This is the very latest in dashes,- as it has a japanned raised rail, welded solid to the dash frame, so that it can never get loose. It adds to the height of the dash in appearance, and pro- tects the top edge from wearing out. 20x13, straight, price each $1.40 21x13, straight, price each 1.43 22x13, straight, price each 1.46 23x13, straight, price each 1.49 24x13, straight, price each 1.52 25x13, straight, price each 1.58 26x13, straight, price each 1«61 10 11 12 DASH FEET. No. 9 — Malleable iron, for piano bodies, 1-in. offset; has a projecting foot to receive toe rail. Price per pair.. 10^ No. 10 — Wrought iron, for piano bod- ies, 1-in. offset; per pair 10^ No. 11— Wrought iron, for bracket front road wagon or surrey bodies. Price per pair 10^ No. 12 — Wrought iron, for regular Corning bodies, per pair 10^ No. 13 — Wrought iron, for spring wag- on bodies, 1^-in. offset; pair 10^ NO. 61 STICK SEAT FENDERS. Suitable for stick seats and driving wagon seats of all kinds. We always send the irons for attaching them. They are covered with the best dash leather, with "rope twist" handles. Per pair $2.10 No. 326. PIANO BODY WING DASHES. This is the latest style dash, with wings extending 2*4 inches beyond the body on each side. It is a padded dash. Following sizes only carried in stock: 23x17, price each $3.28 24x17, price each 3.40 25x17, price each 3.52 26x17, price each 3.64 SWELL. TOP SURREY FENDERS. No. 9^ — Front, measure as follows: 23-in. long; 9-in. wide at top; 5^-in. wide at bottom; 15^4-in. from center to center of attaching bars. Price per pair $2.20 No. 9 — Rear, measure as follows: 52-in. long; 5y 2 -in. wide both at top and bot- tom; 42^4-in. from center to center of attaching bars ; per pair $2.85 No. 10}£ — Front, measure as follows: 28-in. long; 9-in. wide at top and 6-in. wide at bottom ; \9 l / 2 -'m. from center to center of attaching bars. Price per pair $2.85 No. 10 — Rear, measure as follows: 56-in. long; 6-in. wide at top and bottom; 47%-m. from center to center of attach- ing bars ; per pair $3.60 RE-COVERING OLD DASH ANN FEN- DER FRAMES. Customers desiring old frames cov- ered should write us and get our propo- sition before sending in the old irons. As a rule, it costs more to have old irons recovered, than it does to buy new dashes or fenders. 38 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND, WHIP SOCKETS, SHAFT LEATHERS, STRAPS, ETC. No. 65 No. 15 No.3No.l WHIP SOCKETS. No. 15 — Japanned, full metal barrel, per dozen 60 ^ No. 65 — Best grade, full wood barrel with bell top, and rubber inside, band goes entirely around socket. Price, per dozen 80$ No. 1 — Buffalo Metal whipsockets for leather dash, per dozen 70$ No. 3 — Buffalo Metal whipsockets for wood dash, per dozen 70$ STEEL. DRIVE ANTI-RATTLERS. The best and cheapest. Price is so low you can afford to give them away. Per dozen pairs 20$ KEYSTONE WIRE ANTI-RATTLER. Price per dozen pairs 25$ JOHNSON \\ I l-K ATTLERS. They are too well known to need de- scription, and arc beyond question the most popular anti-rattler on the market. No. 1 — Regular buggy size, per dozen pairs Spl.OO No. 2 — Surrey size, per doz. prs. 1.15 Either size less than full dozen pairs, price per pair 10$ ROLL-UP STRAPS. Made of leather, nicely stitched, per pair 5$ SHAFT LEATHERS IN SETS. Cut from good, soft dash leather. Set No. 1 — Consisting of four pieces 6 inches square, and two point leathers 24-in. long. Price, per set 35$ Set No. 2 — Consisting of four pieces 6 inches square, and two point leathers 36-in. long. Price, per set 50$ SHAFT LEATHERS SOLD IN SEPARATE PIECES. Cut from good, soft dash leather. Pieces 6-in. square, each 3$ Point leathers 24-in. long, pair 25$ Point leathers 36-in. long, pair 40$ FLAT SHAFT STRAPS IN SETS. Made of first-class harness leather, 7/& wide. Properly creased and finished. Set No. 5 — Consisting of two pieces 8-in. long; two pieces 10-in. long; and two pieces 12-in. long; six pieces to a set. Per set 10$ FLAT SHAFT STRAPS SOLD IN SEPARATE PIECES. Made of first-class harness leather. % wide x 8-in. long, per 100 $1.50 Y% wide x 10-in. long, per 100 1.75 % wide x 12-in. long, per 100 2.00 ROUND SHAFT STRAPS. Made of first-class harness leather, standard size, four pieces to a set. Price, per set 20$ 1 TUFTING TWINE. No. 12 — Ttalian Flax, in half-pound balls, per ball 15$ No. 400 — Extra quality, Mattress twine, in half-pound balls, per ball 25$ OSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 39 QUICK SHIFTERS, AXLE WASHERS AND THIRD SEATS. THE IMPROVED FERNALD QUICK-SHIFT w patented: JUNE 13, 1899; Dec. 22, 1903j Canada July 17-1899. Best and strongest quick shifting de- vice an the market. Easiest to put on. By its use, pole or shafts can be taken out or put in instantly, without the use of tools. No. 1 — Regular buggy size, per dozen pairs ' $2.00 No. 2 — For surreys or spring wagons, per dozen pairs $2.00 Either size, when ordered in less than a dozen pairs, per pair 18^ FOLDING CHAIRS. These chairs find a useful place in motor boats, carriages, automobiles, and all sorts of vehicles, and serve many pur- poses outside of vehicles, besides. They are simple, strong, and surpris- ingly comfortable. Size: Seat, 10^-in. x 11-in.; height to seat, 16-in. The frame is made of round steel, fine- ly japanned. Trimming is brown duck, with back and seat padded. Price each $1.25 COIL. AXLE WASHBBD. 100 in a box, per box 12# 1 100 in a box, per box 12^ 1 }i 100 in a box, per box 15^ 1J4 100 in a box, per box 18^ €1 SOLE LEATHER AXLE WISHERS. Five sets in a box. We do not break boxes. 74 Washers, per box 12# 1 Washers, per box 12^ 1*4 Washers, per box 15^ V/i Washers, per box 18^ No. 10 THIRD SEATS. These seats allow three people to ride comfortably on the seat of any carrage. Seat measures 9-in. x 9-in.; height is 7K-in. Covered with Brussels carpet. Price each 40 # DOUBLE CARPET THIRD SEATS. Same as our No. 10 Seats, except cov- ered with Brussels carpet both top and bottom. Price each 55£ 40 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. CARRIAGE CLOTH, CARPET, ETC. ALL-WOOL CARRIAGE CLOTH. Guaranteed Fast Color, and full 54-in. wide. Strictly all wool. For Lining Tops. Per Yd. No. 599— Blue, 6 oz $0.45 No. 599_Green, 6 oz .-45 No. 701— Blue, 8 oz .65 No. 701— Green, 8 oz .65 For Trimming Seats. No. 507— Blue, 12 oz 1.10 No. 507— Green, 12 oz 1.10 No. 509— Blue, 14 oz 1.25 No. 509— Green, 14 oz 1.25 No. 511— Blue, 16 oz 1.50 No. 511— Green, 16 oz 1.50 UNION CARRIAGE CLOTH. lias all the appearance of all-wool cloth, but is part cotton. Wears well, and is full 54-in. wide. For Lining Tops. Per Yd. No. 60— Blue, 6 oz 35^ No. 60— Green, 6 oz 35^ For Trimming Seats. No. 188— Blue, 14 oz 75£ No. 188— Green, 14 oz 75£ LIGHT COLORED WHIPCORD. Guaranteed full 54-in. wide, and suit- able for very best seat trimming. Send for samples. No. 483— Whipcord, 12 oz., yd.. $1.00 No. 663— Whipcord, 14 oz., yd.. 1.25 LIGHT COLORED TOP LINING. Suitable only for lining tops, to match whipcord trimming No. 431 — 54-in. wide, per yard.... 50^ j CARRIAGE CARPET. No. 21 — Fine quality tapestry brus- sels, 36-in. wide, plain solid color, very dark green. This color will match almost any color of trim- ming. Per yard 90^ No. 500 — Reversible loop carpet, alike on both sides. Dark green with lighter green or red stripe running through it. 27-in. wide. Per yard 40<* CARRIAGE CARPET. Cut to Size, and Bound. No. 1 — Full length carpet to fit any ordinary size piano body, using No. 21 carpet, described above. Price each $1.25 No. 2 — Full length carpet to fit any ordinary size piano body, using No. 500 carpet, described above Price each 75^ RUBBER MATTING. Carried in stock in rolls, 27-in. wide, a good corrugated pattern, suita- ble for fine carriage carpets. Can be trimmed to size with knife. Per yard 70«* PLUSH. Genuine red car plush for carriage or sleigh trimming. Best quality. No. 90— 24-in. wide, per yard. .. .$1.15 HEAVY COLORED XV ADDING. In pieces of 12 yards; thick and heavy for carriage trimming. Price, per piece 75<£ CORDUROY. First quality goods. 27-in. wide. Dark brown, per yard 50^ Light tan color, per yard 50# Small samples, envelope size, furnished upon request, providing our customer us an exact description of each sample wanted. We use these goods in our own trimming department. Therefore we always hare a fresh, elean stock of (he best quality. GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 41 RUBBER DRILL AND ENAMELED GOODS. FAIRFIELD RUBBER DRILL. The best rubber on the market; the grain imitates leather perfectly. Full weight. We recommend this brand of rubber for all kinds of work where a reliable, waterproof cloth is desired. It will not crack or peel off. Weight Width Per Yd. 20 oz., white back, 50-in 38c 22 oz, white back, 50-in 40c 26 oz, white back, 50-in 44c 28 oz, white back, 50-in 46c 32 oz, white back, 50-in 50c 22 oz, green back, 50-in 46c 22 oz, blue back, 50-in _»<;<' 28 oz, green back, 50-in 52c 28 oz, blue back, 50-in 52c FAIRFIELD MELODIW CLOTH. For aprons. Dull finish rubber. 22 oz, 50 in. wide, white back.. 45c DIAMOND RUBBER DRILL. Finely finished, imitation leather grain. A first-class quality rubber. We can recommend it for storm aprons, side cur- tains, etc. Width Per Yd. back, 50-in :$.">c back, 50-in 37c back, 50-in 4:5c back, 50-in back, 50-in 43c back, 36-in 33c back, 36-in 33c back, 36-in 37c back, 36-in 37c Weight 20 oz, white 22 oz, 28 oz, 22 oz, 22 oz, green 14 oz, blue 14 oz, 18 oz, 18 oz, 18 oz. white white blue green green blue whipcord back, 36-in 40c ENAMELED DRILL AND DUCK. This is a complete line of enameled oil cloth, leather grain, the best quality that money can buy. We recommend this line of enameled goods for covering canopy tops, or other framework. It has the exact appearance of leather. Width Kind of Goods Per Yd. 50-in, Black drill, leather grain 27^ 50-in., Gum drill, dull finish 27^ 48-in, Tan back (moleskin) 35^ 50-in, Glazed drill, smooth 27^ 45-in, Glazed muslin, smooth 20^ 45-in, Enameled muslin 20^ 50-in, Enameled duck 34^ 60-in, Enameled duck 47^ 48-in, Enameled drill, blue-back 34^ 48-in, Enameled drill, green-back.. .34^ ENAMELED DRILL IN COLORS. On the following, the face side of the goods is colored. Used for cheap cush- ion work, fancy welts, etc. Per Yd. Dark green drill, 50-in 35£ Maroon drill, 50-in 35# Tan color drill, 50-in 35^ Small samples, envelope size, furnished upon request, providing our customer gives us an exact description of each sample wanted. We use these goods in our own trimming department. Therefore we always have a fresh, elean stock of the best quality. 42 GOSHEN BUGG.Y TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND CARRIAGE LEATHER. Our prices per square foot are based on furnishing full hides, running from 50 to 55 feet. When a customer asks us to cut leather to size, giving us the length and width of a piece, we must stand the waste, and therefore make an extra charge per square foot, when leather is cut to size, of 5 ^ FANCY TRIMMING LEATHER. Experiments made from time to time with cheap grades of leather, such as split leather, D. B. leather, and all forms of "doped" leather, indicate that it is unwise to handle them. A good reliable M. B. trimming leather is always the most sat- isfactory for every purpose. No. 96, M. B.— Black trimming leather, dull finish, per sq. ft 23c No. 88, M. B. — Tan color trimming leather, dull finish, per sq. ft 23c No. 78, M. B. — Maroon or dark wine color trimming leather, dull finish, per sq. ft 23c BRIGHT ENAMELED LEATHER. For IluKsy Topn or Cushions. No. 1 — Black enameled top leather, M. B. grade, per sq. ft 25^ No. 10 — Black enameled top leath- er, split leather grade, per sq. ft. 15^ WHITE COTTON DUCK. Known to the trade as "sail duck," which is double woven, and goes by number, not by weight. For wagon covers. 36-in., No. 10 duck, per yard 30c 52-in., No. 10 duck, per yard *5c ARTIFICIAL LEATHER. These goods possess good wearing qualities, and perfectly imitate genuine leather in appearance. 3IORROCOLINE. The best substitute for leather ever invented. Full 50-in. wide. No. 876 — Morrocoline, very dark green, almost black, per yard 75c No. 803 — Morrocoline, maroon or dark wine color, per yard 75c No. 882 — Morrocoline, tan color, per yard 75c EXCELSIOR ARTIFICIAL LEATHER. No. 80O — Dull finish black, 48-in. wide, good quality, per yard 60c 1 III (Kit \>I. No. 20— Single Buckram, per yd. 100. No. 160— Double Buckram, pr yd. 20c 1 CARRIAGE TRIMMERS' BINDING. FLAT GIMP. l / 2 -in. wide. Full piece contains 25 yds. No. 1 — Made of dark green enam- eled drill, per yard 10 No. 2 — Made of maroon enameled drill, per yard 1** No. 3' — Made of tan color enameled drill, per yard 1<* No. 12 — Made of black artificial leather, per yard 2c No. 10 — Made of black, genuine leather, per yard Oe PLAIN CUSHION WELT. ^s-in. wide, With cord inside. Full pieces run about 50 yards. No. 4 — Made of bright black enam- eled drill, per yard 20 No. 6 — Made of dull black imitation leather, per yard 30 No.. 7 — Made of dark green enam- eled drill, per yard 20 No. 8 — Made of black, genuine leath- er, per yard 90 COMBINATION WELT AND GIMP. With cord inside, along one edge. No. 5 — Made of bright black rubber drill, per yard 3c No. 9 — Made of dark green enameled drill, per yard 20 No. 13 — Made of black artificial leath- er, per yard 3 curtain. . . .45<* curtain. . . . 50<* 65<> except 55X papers, doz. 5^ 8«* S-in. 7-in. CANOPY TOP FRINGE. Blue, Green or Drab. 5-in. fringe, per yard 20«* 7-in. fringe, per yard 25 ^ CANOPY TOP HOOKS. With eyelets, price each 1$ EYELETS. One Gross in a paper. No. 2 — Famous Dickerson Eyelet, guaranteed to hold the knob se- curely, per gross 27<* No. 1 — Common eyelet, with gen- uine harness leather center, gross 35<* Either of the above less than full gross, per dozen 5c£ 4 HIGGINS CURTAIN FASTENER. For the back curtain to be used in connection with No. 55X, back stay knobs, per dozen 50c* PATCHES. OVAL. PATTERN KNOB /f^T^V One gross in paper. r^»^ Without leathers. " No. 9 — Japanned, dozen 05^ No. 9— Nickeled, dozen 10 13^x5 If. Ij^x5 If. 1800 lbs, 18 - 25 No. 2 l T /8 No. 3 1*4 No. 4 m No. 42 COMBINATION END SPRING AND PLATFORM GEAR. Unless otherwise ordered, we make this gear for the body to be hung on body loops, thus dropping down behind the front spring, as is usually the case. If so ordered, we will make it ^o that the body will set on top of the front spring as is the case where there is a toe board on the body. In either case, the gear will be built so that the front wheels will strike the body in turning. There should be four inches difference between front and rear wheels to make gear hang level, and standard height is 40 and 44 inches. Made in two widths of track, 4-8 and 5 ft. When ordering state which is wanted, also give length and width of body and size of axle. Size Si/c of Front \ umber Axles Spring No. 1 1 1 ix3 If. No. 2 1 4 If. No. 3 VA 1 x5 If. No. 4 13/8 1 x5 If. Rear Springs Capacity Price In 800 lbs. $12.75 rtion 1000 lbs. 14.25 to the 1500 lbs. 16.75 city 1800 lbs. 18.50 When wheel* arc ordered ^vlth the Rear. « - He ± the four boxing off of the gear in the wheela for ~r>o nntl ship geai nnd wheels together. GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 57 No. 38 DOUBLE ELLIPTIC THREE SPRING GEAR. This gear is made for the body to set on top of the springs, and makes a first class job for any wagon carrying a toe board on the body. The body hangs low between the wheels, and the front wheels strike the body in turning. There should be four inches difference in height between the front and rear wheels, to make the gear hang level. 40 and 44 inches is the standard height. The famous double elliptic spring is used on the front end of this job, and the fifth wheel is the finest short turn fifth wheel ever invented. This is a splendid gear for all kinds of work. Made in two widths of track, 4-8 and 5 ft. When ordering state which is wanted, also give length and width of body and size of axle. Size Size of Front Rear Number Axles Spring Springs Capacity Price No. 1 1 No. 1 1^x3 If. 800 lbs. $12.75 No. 2 m No. 2 1*4x4 If. 1000 lbs. 14.25 No. 3* i% No. 3 V/ 2 x4 If. 1500 lbs. 17.00 No. 4 m No. 4 1^x5 If. 1800 lbs. 19.50 No. 41 COMBINATION DOUBLE ELLIPTIC AND PLATFORM GEAR. This gear is made for the body to set on top of the springs, and makes a first class job for any wagon carrying a toe board on the body. The body hangs low between the wheels, and the front wheels strike the body in turning. There should be four inches difference in height between the front and rear wheels, to make the gear hang level. 40 and 44 inches is the standard height. The famous double elliptic spring is used on the front end of this job, and the fifth wheel is the finest short turn fifth wheel ever invented. This is a splendid gear for all kinds of work. Made in two widths of track. 4-8 and 5 ft. When ordering state which is wanted, also give length and width of body and size of axle. Size Size of Front "Rear Number Axles Spring Springs No. 1 1 No. 1 In No. 2 V/s No. 2 proportion No. 3 M No. 3 to the No. 4 m No. 4 capacity Capacity 800 lbs. 1000 lbs. 1500 lbs. 1800 lbs. Price $14.50 16.00 18.50 22.00 When wheels are ordered with the gear, we set the four boxing off of the gear in the wheels for 25c, and ship gear and wheels together. 58 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. No. 35 CUT=UNDER THREE SPRING GEAR. By using an arched front axle, this gear is built up in such a way that the front wheels turn under the body. The body sets on top of the springs. This gear is made especially to meet the demands of city trade, as it is possible to use a very wide body, and still make a very short turn. The reach is heavily ironed, and the reach braces extra strong. The fifth wheel is a very heavy full circle wheel, with king bolt, behind the axle. To make this gear hang level the front wheels must be 34 inches high and the rear wheels 46 inches high. To change these heights would require a change in the entire manner of building the gear. Made in two widths of track, 4-8 and 5 ft. When ordering state which is wanted, also give length and width of body and size of axle. Size Size of Front Rear Number Axles Spring Springs Capacity Price No. 1 1 1*2x3 if. 1^x3 If. 800 lbs. $12.25 No. 2 IKs 1^2X4 If. 1^x4 If. 1000 lbs. 13.75 No. 8 134 1^x5 If. 1^x4 If. 1500 lbs. 17.00 No. 4 m 1^x5 If. 1^x5 If. 1800 lbs. 20.00 No. 46 CUT=UNDER HALF=PLATFORM GEAR. The general style is the same as the Cut-Under three spring, except that we use platform springs, behind. The front wheels turn under the body and we guarantee the job to be strongly ironed for heavy service. To make this year hang level the front wheels must be 34 inches high and the rear wheels 46 inches high. To change these heights- would require a change of the entire method of building this gear. Made in two widths of track. 4-8 and 5 ft. When ordering state which is wanted, also give length and width of body and size of axle. Rear Springs Tn proportion to the capacity When wheels are ordered m Itta the gear, we set the four boxing off ©f the gear in the wheels for 2.%o, and ship (,-n.r nnd wheels together. Size Size of Front Number Axles Spring No. 1 1 154x3 If No. 2 V/8 1 x4 If No. 3 iy 4 1 x5 If No. 4 m x5 If Capacity Price 800 lbs. $13.75 1000 lbs. 16.00 1500 lbs. 20.25 1800 lbs. 23.50 (*OSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 59 No. 31 HANDY WAGON GEAR. For parts and repairs for this gear, see pages where fifth wheels are listed. This makes a very light, strong gear for general purpose wagons. We use a short turn fifth wheel, and the gear is well ironed and strongly made through- out. There should be four inches difference in height between front and rear wheels to make this gear hang level. v Standard height of wheels is 40 and 44 inches. Made in two widths of track, 4-8 and 5 ft. When ordering state which is wanted, also give length and width of body and size of axle. Size Size of Front Rear Number Axles Spring Springs Capacity Price No. 1 1 l3/gx4 If. 1^x4 If. 800 lbs. $7.50 No. 2 va 1^x5 If. 1^4x6 If. 1000 lbs. 9.00 No. 3 VA I%x6 If. 1^x7 If. 1500 lbs. 11.00 No. 9 GOSHEN HIGH=ARCH GEAR. This is the most desirable pattern of high-arch gear ever put on the market. Axles are arched three inches. Gear is ironed with the Wilcox rear king bolt, full wrought Brewster fifth wheel, the best fifth wheel that money can buy. Springs are full elliptic, open head. Axles are H Collinge Collar (Long Distance) swedged. The woodwork is fitted and finished in the well known workmanlike manner that marks' all of our gears. Front spring 1*^x3 leaf. Rear spring 1, X 4 X 4 leaf. In ordering, state whether wide or narrow track. Give length and width of body. State whether wood spring bars or Bailey loops are wanted. Do not fail to order this gear by number. No. 9 — Gear, with wood spring bars $10. 50 No. 9— Gear, with Bailey loops 11.00 When -wheels are ordered with the sear, we set the four boxing off of the gear in the wheels for 25c, and ship gear and wheels together. 60 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND BUGGY GEARS. All of our buggy gears are made in two widths of track, 4-8 and 5 ft. In or- dering be sure to state which is wanted. Also be sure to give us the following information, without which order cannot be properly filled. Shall the axles be dropped or arched? Dropped sent unless otherwise or- dered. Shall the track be wide or narrow? Narrow track sent unless otherwise ordered. Give length and width of body. Shall we put on wood spring bars or Bailey loops? Wood spring bars sent unless otherwise ordered. Don't fail to order by number. No. 10 END SPRING BUGGY GEARS. These gears might well be called the standard trade gear, as we make them like those used on regular factory buggies, with the best malleable iron fifth wheel that we can buy, and Collinge collar (Long Distance) swedged axles. The springs are high grade, button head, full sweep springs. The above cut shows wood spring bars and drop axles, but we also make them with Bailey loops and arch axles, as per cut of No. 12 gear. Size Size of Front Number Axles Spring No. 10— A Vs. 1^x3 If. No. 10— B it 1^x3 If. No. 10— C 1 V/ 4 x3 If. Rear Spring 1^x4 If. 1^x4 If. 1^x4 If. Price with Wood bars $8.25 8.25 8.50 Price with Bailey loops $8.75 8.75 9.00 No. 12 END SPRING BUGGY GEARS. These gears are made for those who are willing to pay a little more to get a good article. This is the best Buggy gear that we can make. We do not think as good a gear has ever been offered to the trade. We use on them Wilcox Rear King- Bolt, full wrought iron Brewster fifth wheel, the best ever invented. We use Open Head Elliptic springs, and Collinge collar (Long Distance) swedged axles. The bed is well fitted to the axles. Entire gear is finished to perfection. The above cut shows Bailey loops and arch axles, but we also make them with wood bars and drop axles, as per cut of No. 10 gear. Size Size of Front Number Axles Spring No. 12_A K 1^x3 If. No. 12—B U 1^x3 If. No. 12— C 1 x3 If. Rear Price with Price with Spring Wood bars Bailey loops t Mx4 If. $9.50 $10.00 I] 1x4 If. 9.50 10.00 x4 If. 9.75 10.25 Do not fail to rend the above important notice before ordering. When wheels are ordered vith the gear. » se t the four boxing off of the gear in the "heels for 2.'c, and ship gear and wheels ., aether. GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND, 61 FULL PLATFORM GEARS. As we do not carry any of these in stock, we require a week or ten days to fill orders for "front platform only," shipped direct from Ohio factory. On plat- form jobs complete, which are always shipped from Goshen, we require from three to four weeks to fill an order. So far as we know, no firm in the country can beat this. This cut shows a full platform gear, ironed complete, with springs and axles; top gearing and spring bars ready to receive the body. On pages 62 and 63 will be found cuts of the platform gears only, which we term the "front platform only;" and we also have in stock a full line of axles; springs, etc., which we can furnish to those who wish to put up their own jobs complete. There are four styles of platform gears which are most commonly used. First — Those numbers from 1 to 4, represent a line of gears which are suitable for light delivery wagons; two seated spring wagons and the like; where there is 4 inches difference in height between front and rear wheels, and the front wheels will strike the body in turning. Second — Those numbers from 6-L to 7-H represent a line of gears suitable for light delivery wagons and similar jobs where the front wheels are made to turn under the body. Shafts or drop pole must be used on such gears. They are for light work. Third — Those numbers from 17-L to 18-H represent a line of gears for medium heavy work, such as light drays carrying 1500 to 3000 lbs. We usually send these with stiff pole attachments so that they may be used with shafts; stiff pole; or drop pole. Fourth — Those numbers from 32-L to 34-H represent a line of gears for regular drays, wagons or trucks, carrying heavy loads. These gears are all made for stiff pole only. We furnish any of the above styles put up complete ready for the body. The cut shows one of the third styles of gears, a No. 18. In ordering, please give width of body; width of track; height of wheels which will be used; state wheth- er body is to be hung level or sloping toward the rear; and state whether shafts, drop pole or stiff pole will be used. 62 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND PLATFORM GEARS No. 1 TO 4. These are suitable for use with high front wheels which strike the body ki turning; and where shafts or drop pole is used. Number of Gear Usual Size Axles Usual Size Springs Front Plat- form Only Complete with Axles, Springs, Top Gearing, Ready for Body. Suit- able Poles Suit- able Shafts 1— L 1 X6/2 1 x6/ 2 1^x7 1/8X7 1/4X7 1*6x7 l/x7 154x7 134x7 l/x8 1Kx4&5x38&40 I 1 4x4&5x40&42 1/x4&5x38&40 1/x4&5x40&42 I 1 4x5&6x40&42 I^x6&7x40&42 I34x4&5x38&40 I34x4&5x4f)&42 I34x5&6x40&42 I.}4x6&7x40&42 $5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.85 6.15 6.45 6.45 6.75 7.30 $22.00 23.00 24.00 24.50 26.50 31.75 28.25 28.75 31.75 36.25 $8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 S.OO $5.00 1— LX . 5.00 3— L 5.00 3— LX . 5.00 3— M 5.00 3— H 8.50) 5.00 4-L 4— LX 4— M 4— H 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 5.00 5.00 5.O0 5.00 PLATFORM GEARS No. 6 AND No. 7. These are suitable for use with low front wheels which turn under the body and where shafts or drop pole are used. Number of Gear 6_L 6— M 6—H 7— L 7— M 7— H Usual Size Axles 1/8X7 1^x7 lHx7 I I I Usual Size Springs Front Plat- form Only 1Hx4&5x38&40 1 Y 2 x 5 & 6 x 40 & 42 1 y 2 x 6 & 7 x 40 & 42 < 4 i\- 5 x 38 & 40 \V A x 5&6 •; 40 &42 1 34 x 6 & 7 x 40 & 42 $6.75 7.30 7.90 7.90 8.50 9.35 Complete with Axles, Springs, Top Gearing. Ready for Body. Suit- able Pole $25.25 27.75 33.00 28.75 33.75 40.75 $8.50 8.50 8.50 9.00 9.00 9.00 Suit- able Shafts $5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 In naming a price on tfats page on pole or shafts, we figure on furnishing same Ironed complete In >vhitc *vi«Ii singletrees, etc., ready for use. GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND, 63 PLATFORM GEARS No. 17 AND No. 18. These gears are made with stiff pole attachment, which can be left off if our customer desires to always use shafts instead of pole. They are made for use with low front wheels which turn under the body. Number of Gear 17— L 17— M 17— H 18— L 18— M 18— H Usual Size Axles 1/4x7 13^x7 l/ 2 x8 1/2x8 1^x8 1M x 9 Usual Size Spring I34x4&5x38&40 134x5 &6x40&42 I34x6&7x40&42 2 x 6 & 7 x 40 & 42 2 x7&8x40&42 2 x 8 & 9 x 40 & 42 Front Plat- form Only $13.20 13.75 14.40 14.95 15.55 16.10 Complete with Axles, Springs, Top Gearing. Ready for Body. $35.50 40.50 44.50 47.00 51.00 58.00 Stiff Pole Suit- able Size 9.50 10.00 10.25 10.25 11.00 11.50 PLATFORM GEARS No. 32, No. 33 AND No. 34. These are suitable for heavy work, with stiff pole, and are made for use with low front wheels which turn under the body. Number of Gear Usual Size Axles 32— L l/x-8 l^x 8 134 x 9 l^x 8 I34x 9 l^x 9 134 x 9 2 xlO 1 32— M 32— H 33— L 33— M 33— H 34— L 34— H Usual Size Spring 6& 7x40&42 7& 8x40&42 8& 9x40 & 42 zy 4 x 7& 8x40&42 2/x 8& 9x40&42 2/ x 9&10x40&42 2/x 8& 9x40&42 2/xlO&llx40&42 Front Platform Only Complete with Axles, Springs, Top Gearing. Ready for Body Stiff Pole Suit- able Size 2 x 2 x 2 x 2/x $19.75 20.50 21.00 22.25 23.25 24.50 25.00 28.00 $54.75 59.00 66.50 64.00 70.75 80.00 81.50 87.00 $12.00 12.00 12.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 15.00 15.00 64 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. VEHICLE BODIES. PIANO BODIES. We make a specialty of carrying at all times a large stock of piano bodies. They have the best hardwood frames, and genuine poplar panels capable of taking a high finish. We carry those sizes in stock which are listed on this page; ready for instant shipment. Measurements are always taken on the bottom outside. Our prices as given below, include the body with a common. seat; without irons and with- out paint. Deduct 90$ when bodies are ordered without seats. Sizes In Stock Price each 18x50 with seat $4.00 18 x 52 with seat 4.00 18 x 54 with seat 4.00 19 x 52 with seat 4.00 20 x 50 with seat 4.00 20x52 with seat 4.00 20 x 54 with seat 4.00 21 x 52 with seat 4.00 22 x 50 with seat 4.00 22 x 52 with seat 4.00 22 x 54 with seat 4.00 22 x 56 with seat 4.00 23 x 50 with seat 4.00 23 x 52 with seat 4.00 23 x 54 with seat 4.00 24 x 50 with seat 4.00 24 x 52 with seat 4.00 24 x 54 with seat 4.00 24 x 56 with seat 4.00 25 x 52 with seat 4.00 25 x 54 with seat 4.00 26 x 52 with seat . 4.00 26 x 54 with seat 4.00 26 x 56 with seat 4.00 IRONING BODIES. We frequently do this work for our customers in our blacksmithing depart- ment, making reasonable charges for the work as follows: For furnishing and attaching dash feet we charge 25^ For furnishing and attaching toe rail, we charge 20^ For furnishing steps (these we cannot attach), we charge 25^ For furnishing rub irons (these we can not attach), common style 10^ Good Roller Rub Irons 25^ For putting full length bottom irons on body, we charge 50^ For furnishing and attaching common body loops, we charge 60^ For furnishing and attaching Bailey body loops, we charge $1.00 Body loops cannot be attached unless we know the exact distance between the springs, and in case of common loops, we must know also the distance from hole to hole in the spring bars. PAINTING BODIES. For painting any of these bodies in a first-class manner, our charge is $3.00. We carry four sizes in stock painted, as follows: 22x54, 22x56, 24x54, 24x56. Our price of painting refers only to the body. When a trimmed seat is ordered with a body, tin- price ol painting the >< it will be found on the same page, with the trimmed seat, in this catalog. COMPLETE .JOBS. By ordering a body, without seat, and then ordering a trimmed seat from the pages of this catalogue a customer can g ; bi s job complete. In all such cases where we know that the seat and body arc ame job, we fit the seat to the body, Select the size of body wanted, and we will fit the seat to it. GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 65 VEHICLE BODIES. (Continued.) No. 17 SPRING WAGON BODY. This body is intended for regular four-passenger spring wagons, being- made with a heavy hardwood frame, and- poplar panels, 8-in. high. The bottom boards run cross-wise of the body. We also make a heavy spring wagon body for gen- eral-purpose wagons, which will be found fully described, on the next page. The prices here given include the body, with two seats, and two pairs of seat risers, without irons, and without paint. Deduct $2.50 when these bodies are ordered without seats and without seat risers. Sizes in Stock. 32-in. x6y 2 ft. 32-in. x / ft. 34-iii. x6'/ 2 ft. 34-in. x7 ft. 36-in. x6y 2 ft. 36-in. x7 ft. Drop end gate $7.00 Drop end gate 7.00 Drop end gate 7.00 Drop end gate 7.00 Drop end gate 7.00 Drop end gate 7.00 solid end gate $6.50. solid end gate 6.50, solid end gate 6.50. solid end gate 6.50. solid end gate 6.50. solid end gate 6.50, IRONING No. 17 BODIES. This work includes running a strip of band iron along the top edges, ironing the seats with seat irons, and ironing the seat risers, and attaching the seat fas- teners. Dash Feet are also attached. Rub irons and steps are not included in the price, as they cannot be attached. For ironing bodies with solid end gate, as above, our charge is $1.5© Ironing bodies with drop end gates, includes the end gate irons in addition to the above, and for that style of body our charge is 2.00 No. 85 SURREY BODY. This fine surrey body has hardwood frame, poplar panels and poplar seats. Size 26x72 on the bottom outside. The price includes the body with two seats; without irons and without paint. Price each $13.00 ODD SIZED BODIES. We have a special department of our body factory where hand made bodies are made. When we receive orders for odd size., not included in this list, we place the order in that department. Sometimes when this department is crowded with orders, there is considerable delay in filling orders for odd sizes. We make a net extra charge for odd size bodies of.. $1.50 No. 150 CORNING BODY. 24x50 on bottom, flares at end, taking «arae length gear as 54-in. piano bodies. With seat, price each $4.25 Witho-.t seat, price each 3.35 No. 5 ROAD WAGON BODY. 24x50^4 on bottom. With seat, -price each $4.00 Without seat, price each 3.10 66 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP C ., GOSHEN, IND SPRING WAGON BODIES. To supply the great demand for a spring wagon body at a reasonable price for general purposes, we offer the special line of spring wagon bodies shown on this page, which are made in our factory here in Goshen. In making these bodies, we use a flooring of hard pine, which runs lengthwise of the body and is held together by four heavy hardwood cross pieces. The sides are made of selected basswood ^-in. thick and are fastened to the bottom by good strong strap bolts. Around the top we put a finishing strip of beveled oak, giving the body the appearance of paneled work. The drop end gate is made of hard wood. The body is 8-in. deep inside. These bodies are in great demand for delivery wagons and general purposes. Some of our customers prefer to have the sides attached by bolts running down through the wood instead of the strap bolts. While this method improves the appearance of the body it weakens the sides. We are prepared to furnish this method of construction, however, at an extra cost of 75£ These bodies may be made any desired size; 34x7 ft. and 36x8 ft being the most popular. We are prepared to get out any desired size on 48 hours' notice. The prices which we give below are for bodies 8 feet long or less. For bodies 9 feet and 10 feet long we make an extra charge of $2.00 No. 20 SPRING WAGON BODY. This body, made as per the descrip- tion given above, is intended for use with a leather dash, and the seat there- fore is set on low risers. No. 20— A. Body and risers, but no no paint; price.. . . No. 20— B. Body with risers, with high; body ironed top edge; all seat feet attached; end without paint, wi irons; price includes one seat, dash, no irons and $7.00 includes one seat, leather dash 11-in. with iron along the irons attached, dash gate irons attached; thout steps or rub $11.00 No. 22 SPRING WAGON BODY. This body, built as per the above de- scription, is intended for use with a toe board, and the seat is therefore set on high risers. No. 22 — A. Body includes one seat and risers, and toe board, but no irons and no paint; price $7.50 No. 22 — B. Body includes one seat with high risers and toe board, ironed complete; body ironed along top edge; all seat irons attached; end gate irons attached; without paint; without steps or rub irons; price $10.00 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 67 STEEL TANKS. GENERAL, DESCRIPTION OF OUR STEEL. TANKS. These tanks are regularly made of No. 20 galvanized steel. We claim that they are fully equal, if not superior, to any tank on the market, regardless of price. In finishing around the top, 1-in. angle steel or" heavier is used. Where v two sheets of steel overlap, as for instance where the bottom and the sides meet, the steel is lapped between two pieces of iron lx-fV, or heavier, and carefully riveted, with strong rivets three inches apart. We believe that this makes the strongest and best tank. We guarantee them not to leak or burst by freezing. In order to prevent any possible chance for a leak, they are well soldered where the sides join. We can use No. 18 or No. 16 metal in the construction of these tanks if so desired. Price on application. We think, however, that No. 20 makes the most satisfactory weight of metal to use. ROUND STOCK WATERING AND STORAGE TANKS. Diam. Height Capacity No. Feet Feet Gallons 1 3 2 91 2 4 2 166 3 4 2H 215 4 4 3 254 5 4 4 338 6 4 5 423 7 4 6 508 8 4 8 688 9 5 2 262 10 5 2V2 342 11 5 3 411 12 5 4 548 13 5 5 675 14 5 6 810 15 5 8 1096 17 6 2 384 18 6 V6 480 19 6 3 583 20 6 4 768 21 6 5 966 $4.05 4.95 5.65 6.30 7.40 8.55 9.90 12.60 6.55 7.20 7.85 9.45 11.50 13.05 16.20 8.30 9.00 9.70 11.70 13.50 SQUARE END STOCK WATERING AND RESERVOIR TANKS. Width Height Lg'th Capac. No. Feet Feet Feet Gallons 201 2 2 4 101 $4.30 202 2 2 5 126 4.85 203 2 2 6 152 5.30 205 2 2 8 202 7.20 208 iy* 2 8 262 7.90 211 3 2 8 318 8.45 212 3 2 10 397 9.90 216 4 2 8 424 10.35 217 4 2 10 530 11.25 f // """* t J' ROUND END STOCK WATERING AND RESERVOIR TANKS. Width Height Lg'th Capac. No. Feet Feet Feet Gallons 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 L M N 108 109 111 112 116 117 118 120 127 129 130 131 2 2 4 91 $4.05 2 2 5 117 4.75 2 2 6 144 5.20 2 2 7 170 5.85 2 2 8 197 6.40 2 2 10 250 8.10 2 2/ 2 8 246 6.75 2V? 2 5 145 5.40 2V? 2 6 178 5.85 3 2 6 213 6.75 2V-> 2 8 245 7.20 2V?. 2 10 312 8.55 3 2 8 295 7.65 3 2 10 384 8.80 4 2 8 386 8.35 4 2 10 496 10.35 4 2 12 606 13.05 4 2 16 826 16.85 5 2 16 1072 18.00 6 2 8 550 12.40 6 2 10 813 13.70 6 2 16 1218 20.25 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. SARVEN PATENT WHEELS. For price list of wheels* without tire, see page 69. For price list of wheels, tired with steel tire, see page 70. For price list of rubber tire, see pases 72 to 76. We fully guarantee every wheel we sell (except XX Grade) to give perfect satisfaction. We do not mark up grades, nor do we sell any "Special" grades. Our wheels are the best that money can buy. We give on page 69, a list of those sizes, grades and heights of wheels which we carry in stock, ready for instant shipment. In some cases a customer cannot select just what he wants from this large stock, as the particular job for which the wheels are ordered may take a different length of hub, or height of wheel, etc. We make such wheels to order, and it requires about ten days to fill the order. We must make a small charge to cover the expense of getting out such orders, and therefore, on all odd orders we make an extra charge of 50^ PRIMING WHEELS. For putting on a prime coat of lead and oil, or a coat of oil only, we charge extra per set 50^ PAINTING WHEELS. To order wheels painted, delays an order about five days. We can furnish first-class work in this line, giving any desired color, and any style of striping. Set charge per set for painting and striping. $3.00 RIVETS IN RIMS. We will put rivets through the rims of wheels, on each side of every spoke at a net extra charge of 75# We do not advise the use of rivets in smaller wheels than 1% tread. SCREWS IN RIMS. Some customers insist on having screws in the rims of wheels, on each side of every spoke. This is a good thing on poor cheap wheels, but we consider it wholly unnecessary on wheels we sell. We will, however, accept orders for wheels with screws in rims, allowing about ten days extra for filling the order, and making a net extra charge of $1.00 WARNEB PATENT WHEELS. BROWN SHELL BAND WHEELS. COMPRESSED BAND WOOD-HUB WHEELS. The above named three styles of wheels are sometimes required to fill special orders. The Warner, wheels are >. S ed extensively in the eastern states. Compressed band hub wheels are a favorite with some trade on account of the spoke being "staggered." We will accept orders for any of these three styles in any size or grade, and can fill such ord i in about ten days. We make a net charge per set, over the price list of Sarven wheels of $1.50 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 69 PRICE LIST OF SARVEN PATENT WHEELS. WITHOUT TIRE AND WITHOUT PAINT. Width Size Length Rim Spoke Hub H lin. 6H ft life 6V 2 l 1/8 6V2 Us Wa 7 M 1/8 7 Be sure to give height. Common or standard height is 40 and 44 inches. Net Price Per Set of Four Wheels. SPECIAL XX GRADE. All right for repair work, and well worth the money, but not guaranteed. This is a standard "repair" grade for buggies. Width Size Length Heights Price Rim Spoke Hub Carried in Stock Per set 7/g U\ 6]/ 2 38-40-42 &44-in. $5.00 1 V/ 8 6y 2 38-40-42 & 44-in. 5.30 D GRADE. Our D wheels are made of selected sound and perfect forest hickory, and are fully equal to the C grade put up in some factories. This wheel is used exten- sively for new work as well as for repair work. Heights Price Carried in Stock Per set 36-38-40-42-44-46 & 48-in. $5.65 36-38-40-42-44-46 & 48-in. 5.75 34-36-38-40-42-44-46 & 48-in. 6.05 34-36-38-40-42-44-46 & 48-in. 7.25 34-36-38-40-42-44-46 & 48-in. 8.90 C GRADE Our C wheels are made of white hickory, selected forest grade. This grade is the one generally used by good buggy factories for their best work. C grade wheels taken from our stock will please almost any customer. Heights Price Carried in Stock Per set 36-38-40-42-44-46 & 48-in. $6.90 34.36-38-40-42-44-46 & 48-in. 7.00 34-36-38-40-42-44-46 & 48-in. 7.30 34.36-38-40-42-44-46 & 48-in. 8.70 34-36-38-40-42-44-46 & 48-in. 10.50 34.36-38-40-42-44 & 46-in. 14.95 34_36-38-40-42-44-46 & 48-in. 16.25 B GRADE. Our B grade wheels are made of second growth hickory, and we guarantee them to stand any test, alongside of any other make of wheels on the market. Heights Price Carried in Stock Per set 36-38-40-42-44-46 & 48-in. $8.1° 34-36-38-40-42-44-46 & 48-in. 8-50 34-36-38-40-42-44-46 & 48-in. 8-85 34-36-38-40-42-44-46 & 48-in. 10.40 34-36-38-40-42-44-46 & 48-in. 12.20 A GRADE. The demand for genuine A grade wheels has greatly decreased on account of the advance in price, and also because it has been proved that our B grade will give exactly as much service, as wheels made of the all white second growth stock. A few customers still insist on buying the genuine A wheels at a price of from $2.00 to $3.00 per set more than the B grade. In such cases, we quote prices on application, and accept the order subject to ten days' delay, to enable us to get the wheels from the wheel factory. Width Size Length Rim Spoke Hub H 1-in. 6y 2 H \-h ey 1 m 6*4 \yk Wa 7 ifc m 7 m 1* 7/2 w 1/2 8 Width Size Length Rim Spoke Hub Va 1-in. .ey 7 /8 t-rV ey 1 V/s ey 1% Wa 7 Wa m 7 70 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP" CO., GOSHEN, IND SARVEN WHEELS TIRED WITH STEEL TIRE. Work done by hand in our own shops by skilled workmen. Every tire heated all around in the good old way. Unless otherwise ordered, all wheels bolted between every other spoke. See note at bottom of page. These Prices Are for Sets of Four Wheels. Look at List of Heights Carried in Stock (page 69), Before Ordering Wheels. SPECIAL. XX GRADE. Width Thick- Size Length of ness of of Rim. Tire. Spoke. Hub. H ft 1ft 6/ 2 7 A A 1ft 6/ 1 ft VA 6/ l A V/s 6y 2 D GRADE. Width Thick- Size Length of ness of of Rim. Tire. Spoke. Hub. H ft lin. 6/ H A lin. 6/ % ft 1ft 6/ % A It 1 ,; 6/ % ft 1ft 6/ l ft 1/8 6/ l A 1/8 6/ l *k V/s 6/ l% A 1/ 7 V/s ft 1/ 7 ±X X 1/ 7 VA A m 7 154 ft m 7 Wa * m 7 C GRADE. Width Thick- Size Length of ness of of Rim. Tire. Spoke. Hub. Va ft lin. 6/ V4 A 1 in. 6/ % ft 1ft 6/ 2 Vs A 1 fa 6/ n ft 1 ,',. 6/ i ft 1/s 6/ i / 1/s 6/ i ft 6/ 1/8 A 1 ; » 7 \% 1 7 \% H 1 7 VA 1 7 Wa H 1 7 v/ 4 A 1 7 Ws H 1ft 7/ IV& y* 1 ,v. \y* X 1/ X 1/2 y 2 1% 8 Price per Set. $6.65 6.80 7.00 7.20 Price per Set. $ 7.25 7.40 7.40 7.60 7.80 7.75 7.95 8.20 9.30 9.50 9.80 11.20 11.50 11.80 Price per Set. $ 8.50 8.65 8.65 8.S5 9.10 9.00 9.20 9.45 10.75 10.95 1 1 .25 13.00 13.20 13.90 18.25 1S.«M> 20.00 20.70 B GRADE. Width Thick- of ness Rim. Tire. Va % % 1 1 V/s 1J4 id A ft A ft A ft ft ft Size of Spoke, lin. lin. lft liV lft 1^ lA W m m m Length of Hub. 6/ 6/ 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 7 7 7 7 7 Price per Set. $10.00 10.15 10.15 10.35 10.55 10.75 11.00 12.65 12.95 14.80 15.10 15.70 A GRADE. We can accept orders for the gen- uine A grade wheels, made of all white second growth hickory, subject to ten days' delay. This enables us to get them from the wheel factory as the demand is so limited that we do not carry them in stock. The price ranges from $2.00 to $3.00 per set more than our B grade. SETTING BOXING. If old boxing are sent to us charges prepaid, we will set them in wheels for 25 cents per set of four boxing. If new axles or gears are purchased of us we will set the boxing off of same in wheels for 25 cents per set of four in wheels 1A and smaller. For setting boxing in 1J4 and 1/ wheels our charge is 50 cents per set. BOLTING WHEELS. 34, y% and 1-in. wheels will be bolted between every spoke, IF SO ORDER- ED, extra charge per set 10# lli, \A and 1^-in. wheels will be bolted between every spoke, IF SO OR- DERED, extra charge per set 25^ GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 71 SUPPLIES FOR RUBBER TIRE SHOPS. Steel Channel Tire, page 129. Rubber Tire Applying Machine, page Tf. No. 93 TURNER DOUBLE JET BRAZING TORCH. This torch is the one adopted by nearly all rubber tire men, as being especially adapted for brazing rubber tire wire. Directions for operating, ac- company each one. Price each.. $5. 00 RUBBER TIRE WIRE. Standard grade of high carbon wire, bright finish, manufactured only for the rubber tire trade. We carry in stock only 15 foot lengths as the waste is a small item, and the convenience of hav- ing all long wire to work with is very great. In lots of over three sets, we will sell it by the pound. For less quantities, we bill it by the set, the sell- ing price being based on the same price per pound. No. 11 — Wire, suitable for stand- ard solid tire, 34, % and 1-in. Price per pound 4^ In sets of eight pieces, per set.... 25^ No. 9_Wire, suitable for \%, V/ A , 13^5 and 1^ solid tire, also for all sizes of round cushion tire, 1-in., IVs and 1%. Price per pound 4^ In sets of eight pieces, per set 40^ In sets of four pieces, per set 20^ BRAZING SLEEVES. A brass lined sleeve for joining the ends of rubber tire wire, before brazing. Per 100 pieces 80^ BRASS FILINGS, OR SPELTER. For use in brazing ends of wire, in bulk, per pound 30c BRAZING WIRE, IN COILS. Preferred by many to the brass filings, per coil of one-half lb.... 25^ CHANNEL TIRE SWAGES. No. 1— For Y A channel tire $1.80 No. 2— For 7/& channel tire $2.00 No. 3— For 1-in. channel tire $2.00 No. 4_For V/s channel tiie $2.20 No. 5 — Correct size for cushion channel tire, made for 1-in. round rubber and having % base, per pair $2.50 No. 6 — Correct size for cushion channel tire, made for 1% round rubber and having ~/ 8 base, per pair $2.50 No. 7 — Correct size for cushion channel tire, made for \% round rubber and having 7/ s base, per pair $2.50 BULLDOG JOINT CLOSERS. A flat band, with sharp teeth project- ing toward the center from each side. When placed in the channel, under the rubber tire, these teeth catch into the tire, and prevent the rubber from jump- ing apart. Price per set of four pieces 10^ RUBBER CEMENT. This is a special preparation of rub- ber in solution, to be used in closing the ends of rubber tire, wtien bringing them together. Sold only in half pint cans, each 20c SLIPPERY PASTE. Makes the tire slip around in the channel easily when drawing the ends together, and is guaranteed not to in- jure the rubber. Sold in y 2 gal. cans only, per can.. 50^ WHITE'S BRAZING COMPOUND. A white powder to use as a flux, in brazing. Price per package. .. .25^ 72 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. GOODYEAR "PILGRIM" BRAND RUBBER TIRE. MANUFACTURED FOR US BY THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO., AKRON, O. This is a safe, low-priced, popular brand of rubber tire, put up especially for country trade, and under the ordinary conditions of carriage usage, it is fully guaranteed for one year's service. Where conditions are such as to call for extraordinary tire, such as livery work, city work on brick pavements, etc., we refer customers to the Goodyear "Wing" tire advertised on another page. Solid Tire. Round Cushion Tire. 'Pilgrim" rubber tire, either solid or cushion, cut lengths, per lb 38c 'Pilgrim" rubber tire, either solid or cushion, full reels, per lb 34c Above Prices Are Net, No Discount. ESTIMATES OF PILGRIM " RUBBER TIRE ON 250-FOOT REELS. Regular Solid Tire. Size Estimated Price Estimated of weight of per net price Tire 250 feet pound 250 ft. reel Va 75 lbs 34c $25.50 H 90 lbs. . • 34c 30.60 1-in 1 10 lbs 34c 37.40 Round Cushion Rubber Tire. 1-in 127 lbs 34c ..$43.18 V/& 162 lbs 34c 55.08 "PILGRIM RUBBER TIRE, SOLD BY THE POUND, CUT TO LENGTH. On opposite page we give the estimated net cost- per set for tires cut to length, for different heights of wheels. These prices are estimated on a price per pound of 38c « PILGRIH " Rl HIIER TIRE — ESTIMATED WEIGHT OF 100 FEET OF TIRE. jtf-inch solid tire 30 lbs. I 1 -inch round cushion tire 51 lbs. %-inch solid tire 36 lbs. | U/ 1 -inch solid tire ,...44 lbs. 1^-inch round cushion tire 65 lbs. RE-IU IIIII.m\<; WHEELS WITH " PILGRIM " RUBBER TIRE. Wheels sent to us for this purpose, should have freight charges prepaid, and the bill of lading sent to us with the order. Mark name and address on wheels. 1 rices for this work are plainly given on this page. NEW CH \\\i:i, TIRE AND "PILGRIM" RUBBER TIRE APPLIED. Prices are plainly given on this wot , on opposite page. For new wheels, find the price of naked wheels, page 69, and then add for new channels and rubber tire, according to the price list. GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 73 "PILGRIM" BRAND RUBBER TIRE. TABLE OF LENGTHS. For rubber cut to length, to fit given heights of wheel, we use the following table, which we recommend to our customers as a good one to follow: Height of Wheel. Length of Tire. 32 inches 9 ft. 3 inches 34 inches 9 ft. 9 inches 36 inches 10 ft. 3 inches 38 inches 10 ft. 9 inches 40 inches 11 ft. 3 inches Height of Wheel. Length ©f Tire. 42 inches 11 tt. 9 inches 44 inches 12 ft. 3 inches 46 inches 12 ft. 9 inches 48 inches 13 ft. 3 inches Following Prices Are All for a Full Set of Four Wheels. Size of Wheels u y 4 38 and 42 y y 7/ a PRICE LIST OF " PILGRIM » SOLID TIRE. Height Rubber tire Re-rubbering of only, cut the old Wheels correct length Wheels 36 and 40 $4.90 $6.65. . . 5.15 6.90- . . 40 and 44 5.35 7.10. . . 42 and 46 5.60 7.35 . . . New channel tire and rubber applied $ 8.90 9.15 9.35 9.60 9.90 10.15 10.45 36 and 40 5.90 7.65 7/ 8 38 and 42 6.15 7.90 7/s 40and44 6.45 8.20 Vs 42 and 46 6.70 8.45 10.70 1-in 36 and 40 7.20 8.95 11.45 1-in 38 and 42 7.50 9.25 11.75 1-in 40 and 44 7.85 9.60 12.10 1-in 42 and 46 8.20 9.95 12.45 Diam. Height of of Rubber Wheels 1-in 32 and 34 1-in 34 and 36 1-in 36 and 38 1-in 36 and 40 1-in 38 and 42 1-in 40 and 44 V/i 32 and 34 1>8 34 and 36 VA 36 and 38 VA 36 and 40 VA 38 and 42 PRICE LIST OF ROUND CUSHION TIRE. Rubber tire Re-rubbering New channel only, cut the old tire and correct length Wheels rubber applied 5 7.35 $ 9.10 $11 85 7.70 9.45 12.20 8.10 9.85 12.60 8.30 10.10 12.80 8.70 10.45 13.20 9.10 10.85 13.60 9.40 11.15 14.15 9.90 11.65 14.65 10.35 12.10 15,10 10.60 12.35 15.35 11.10 12.85 15.85 VA 40and44 ll60 13 - 35 16 - 35 NOTICE. The channel tire which is made for round cushion rubber, measures ^-inch at the base. Therefore it will only fit wheels having %-inch rims. In other words, cushion tire cannot be applied to any other wheels than those on which the rims measure %-inch wide. This is a very important point, which should be observed when figuring on applying cushion tire to wheels. 74 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. GOODYEAR " WING " BRAND RUBBER TIRE. MANUFACTURED FOR US BY THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO., AKRON, O. Fully Guaranteed for One Year's Service. The Goodyear "Wing" rubber is the high- est quality of carriage rubber manufactured by this well known' company. Our customers should select this brand, where conditions call for extra good tires, such as livery trade, contractors' wagons, and city work on brick pavements. Goodyear "Wing" Tire, in cut lengths, per pound - 42c Goodyear "Wing" Tire, in full reels (250 feet), per pound 3*8c Above Are Net Prices, No Discount. It gives us pleasure to announce to our customers the addition to our line of this extra high quality tire. We will carry it in stock on reels of 250 feet, from which we will cut any desired length, or will apply it to old wheels if desired. We carry three sizes, 34-inch, %-inch, and 1-inch. We will fill orders for larger sizes up to l)4-inch, shipping from the manufacturer's stock in Chicago, at the above prices. ESTIMATES OF GOODYEAR " WING " RUBBER ON 250- FOOT REELS. Estimated Price Estimated weight of per net price 250 feet. pound. 250-ft. reel. 75 lbs 38c $28.50 90 lbs 38c 34.20 1 10 lbs 38c 41.80 \l>ove Are Net Trices, No Discount. GOODYEAR "WING" TIRE, SOLD BY THE POUND, CUT TO LENGTH. On the opposite page, we give the estimated net cost per set for tires cut to length, for different heights of wheels. These prices are estimated on a price per pound of 42c GOODYEAR "WIM." TIRE — ESTIMATED YVEIGHT OF 100 FEET OF TIRE. H inch 30 lbs. 7/ s inch 36 lbs. 1-in 44 lbs. When figuring on buying 100 feet of tire, figure a price per pound of .. . 42c RE-RUBBERING WHEELS WITH GOODYEAR " WING " TIRE. Wheels sent to u. For this purpose, should have freight charges prepaid, and the bill of lading sent to us with the order. Mark name and address on wheels. Prices for this work are plainly given on this page. new CHANNEL tiki: and goodyear «wing»' rubber tire applied. Prices are plainly given on this work on opposite page. For new wheels, find the price of naked wheels, page 69, and then add for new channels and rubber tire, according to the pric< GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 75 GOODYEAR " WING " RUBBER TIRE. TABLE OF LENGTHS. For rubber cut to length, to fit given heights of wheel, we use the following table, which we recommend to cur customers as a good one to follow: Height of Wheel. Length of Tire. 32 34 36 38 40 inches 9 ft. 3 inches inches 9 ft. 9 inches inches 10 ft. 3 inches inches 10 ft. 9 inches inches 1 1 ft. 3 inches Height of Wheel. Length of Tire. 42 inches 11 ft. 9 inches 44 inches 12 ft. 3 inches 46 inches 12 ft. 9 inches 48 inches 13 ft. 3 inches Following Prices Are All for a Full Set of Four Wheels. PRICE LIST OF REGULAR GOODYEAR « WING » TIRE. Size Height Rubber tire of of only, cut the Wheels Wheels correct length Ya 36 and 40 $5.40 U 38 and 42 5.70 Va 40 and 44 5.90 H 42 and 46. % 36 and 40. yi 38 and 42. 6.15 0.50 0.80 Re-rubbering old W r heels . . . $ 7.15 . . . . . . 7.45 . . . . . . 7.G5 . . . . . . 7.90. . . . . . 8.25 . . . New channel tire and rubber applied $ 9.40 9.70 9.90 10.15 10.50 ^8 '/ 8 40 and 44 • 7.10, 42 and 46 1-in 36 and 40.. 8.55 10.80 8.85 11.10 9.15 11.40 9.70 12.20 7.40 7.95 1-in 38 and 42 8.30 10.05 12.55 1-in 40 and 44 8.70 10.45 12.95 1-in 42 and 46, 9.05 . . . 10.80 13.30 SIDE=WIRE TIRE. For hacks, and heavy carriages, especially in city work, it is customary to put on rubber tires with wires on the outside of the tire. It requires a special side- wire machine for this work. These tires usually run in the heavy sizes only, from \H up to \y±. We do not carry them in stock, but have made arrangements to supply our customers by shipping from the manufacturer's stock in Chicago. In ordering, be sure to give us the correct size and length of tire wanted. Do not measure the rubber itself, nor the channel. The proper place to measure is to get the width of the wood rims, under the steel channel tire. If the width of the rim is iy 2 -in., for instance, then the correct size of tire to use is 1^-in. This is a very important point. All side-wire tire is made with a special, extra quality composition of rubber, and in only one grade. Per pound 40c 4 76 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND AXLE BEDS, HEAD BLOCKS, REACHES, ETC. AXLE BEDS. No order can be filled correctly unless every question is answered. 1 — What is the general style of gear for which the axle will be used? 2. — Is the axle bed ordered, for use on the front or rear axle? 3 — What is the size of axle, measuring on the square, just back of collar? 1 — Is the axle fantail (broader in the middle), or square bed? 5. — Is the axle arched, or dropped, and how much? O.— is it wide track, or narrow track? 7 — If used for front axle, what style of fifth wheel will be used, and what size? 8. — If this question cannot be answered correctly, state whether the bed is fin- ished with circle spots, or with a long flat place for the wheel to rest on, and in that case, give length and thickness of the flat place. 9. — If used for rear axle of a common elliptic gear with spring in center, give the width of steel in the spring. 10. — If used for rear axle with two springs, one at each end, give distance apart and size of springs so that we can spot it correctly for the springs. Our stock sizes include nothing but buggy axle beds, fitting ~/§, it or 1-in. fan- tail axles, made for 12-in. Rrewster circle, or No. 947-C fifth wheel, and rear beds made for 1J4 springs. Arch and drop is as follows: Front arch ^2-in. Front drop 1^2-in. Rear arch 1-in. Rear drop 1-in. For any axle bed selected from this stock we charge $ .50 Other sizes and styles will be made to order promptly. Price 1.00 HEAD BLOCKS. We carry in stock several different styles of head blocks to fit almost any kind of gear irons on the market. In ordering tell us the style of gear and kind £>i gear iron used, also the size of spring to be used. Head blocks for buggy gears, any desired style, to fit \ T /i springs, each 25^ Head blocks for spring wagon gears, to fit any desired style of gear iron, and \ l /2 springs, price each 35# SPRING BARS. We carry in stock the following lengths of spring bars, made to fit regular 1J4 springs. Measurements are taken from center to center of holes. 16-in., 18-in., 20-in., 22-in., 24-in. Trice each 25^ We carry in stock the following lengths of spring bars made to fit V/ 2 springs, heavy for spring wagon work. Measurements taken from center to center of holes, 29-in., 31-m. and 33-in. Trice each 35^ "We frequently make to order special spring bars, odd sizes not found in the above list. For all such bars we charge, each 50^ BREWSTER BENT REACHES. We carry in slock the regular buggy size only. Price each 25^ STRAIGHT REACHES. We carry in .stock the following sizes of good straight hickory reaches. No. Ill — ftx ?sx6 ft., price each 20<* No. 113 — 1 rVxlAx9 ft., price each 25^ No. 115—1 ,;.xl ftx9 ft., price each \\ . ..40^ No. 117—1 ftxl [|x9 ft., price each .' .60^* GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 77 THE GOSHEN RUBBER TIRING OUTFIT. We consider this the most satisfactory outfit on the market for all around work, as it will apply tires from 3 4 to l l / 2 , in the best manner and shortest time. It is much stronger and heavier than any other machine on the market, and occupies but little space. This machine is so arranged that either wire can be tightened independently of the other, a feature not found in most machines, and this saves time, and enables the operator to do a better job. Any one who has much rubber tire work to do, will find that it saves its cost in a very short time. We carry them in stock, ready for instant shipment. The outfit is com- plete with full instructions for setting up and operating, and also includes enough brazing compound, sleeves, asbestos, etc., to last a long time. It also includes a separate machine for bringing together the rubber, after the brazing is done, as shown in the small cut above. The price does not include a brazing torch, for the reason that many purchasers have a brazing torch. We advertise the best one ever manufactured on page 71. For steel channel tire see page 129. For swages for welding channel tire, see page 71. With this outfit, and a stock of our rubber tire, a purchaser can begin rubber tire operation at once. Outfit complete, with separate Joint Closer, without Brazing Torch $26.65 Xet cash. No discount. 78 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. SHAFTS IRONED COMPLETE. The full line of ironed shafts, which we advertise on this page, are all stand- ard goods, well made, well ironed, and carried in stock at all times ready for instant shipment. All of our regular stock shafts measure 44-in. from outside to outside of eye. We can make to order promptly other sizes and styles of shafts than these which we carry in stock, making a small extra charge to cover the additional cost of making only a few at a time, to order, and also such extras as may be ordered by our customer. EITHER HOOKS OR FLAT END SINGLETREES. No. 80— XX grade, regular shafts, ironed in the white, not trimmed, per P air $1.65 No. 84— XXX grade, special buggy shafts, with heels two inches higher than regular and a higher bend, ironed in the white, not trimmed, per pair $2.05 No. 86— XX grade, regular buggy shafts, ironed, fully trimmed and painted carmine red $2.30 No 88 XX grade, regular buggy shafts, ironed, fully trimmed and painted black, per pair $2.30 No. 90— XXX grade, medium shafts, ironed in the white, size 1^x2, for sur- reys or light spring wagons, long easy bend heel, price per pair $2.45 No. 92— XXX grade, heavy shafts, size 1^x2^, ironed in the white, with long easy bend heel. Will fit surreys and spring wagons. Price per pair $2.86 No. 94-^XXX grade, medium shafts, size 1^x2, ironed in the white, with double bend heels. For surreys and light spring wagons on which the body projects far out. Price per pair $2.95 No. 96— XXX grade, heavy shafts, size 1^x2^4, ironed in the white with double bend heels. Made for heavy spring wagons on which the body projects far out. Price per pair , $3.30 In offering our customers the above line of "Pioneer Brand" shafts we are giving them a strictly standard grade shaft as the manufacturers of these shafts are not only the largest manufacturers of this line of goods in the country -but their shafts and poles are taken as a standard for quality and in buying them our customers can be sure of getting a standard article not only in quality but in size and general make-up. GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 79 POLES IRONED COMPLETE. THE NEW TWENTIETH CENTURY SHAFTS. A remarkable improvement has been made in the construction of the Twen- tieth Century shafts over all other styles. This improvement consists of a heel brace and a corner brace, combining many new features in their construction. The corner where the cross bar and shaft join is ironed with a steel plate on top, covering up the joint, and on the under side with pressed steel plate and corner braces combined, which cannot be broken under the same conditions where malleable iron or wrought iron would break. The heel brace follows the curve of the shaft, giving a much better appear- ance than the commor heel brace, and besides it is locked into both the Tee Plate and the Shaft Eyes, making it perfectly secure even if the nuts should come off of the bolts. All of these shafts have 2 in. higher bend than a common buggy shaft. All stock shafts measure 44 in. from outside to outside of eye. PATfNT APPIJEQ fOA This cut shows the construction of all shafts listed on this page. No. 98— XXX grade, Twentieth Cen- tury Shafts, ironed in the white, not trimmed, with hooks on end of sin- gletree, with common shaft eyes, per pair $2.15 No. 100— XXX grade, Twentieth Cen- tury Shafts, ironed in the white, not trimmed, with hooks on end of sin- gletrees, with Bradley eyes, to fit No. 8 Bradley couplings, per pair $2.40 No. 102— XXX grade, Twentieth Cen- tury Shafts, painted black, trimmed with regular leathers and straps, (points 24 in. long), with hooks on ends of singletrees, regular shaft eyes, per pair $2.85 80 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND POLES IRONED COMPLETE. The full line of ironed poles which we advertise on this page are all standard goods, well made, well ironed, and carried in stock at all times ready for instant shipment. The price of every pole listed on this page includes doubletrees, singletree, doubletree straps and neck yoke. They are all double bend poles, and are standard sizes such as will fit any ordinary buggy. They measure 44 inches from outside to outisde of eye, and 9 feet from doubletree bolt to tip of pole. We can make to order promptly other sizes and styles than these, making a small extra charge to cover the additional cost of making only a few to order, and also such extras as may be ordeded by our customer. EITHER HOOKS OR FLAT END SINGLETREES. No. 12 — XX grade, regular buggy pole, size 1^x2^, ironed in the white, with doubletrees, doubletree straps, singletrees and neck yoke ....$3.20 No. 13— XX grade, surrey or spring wagon pole, size 2x2^, ironed in the white, with doubletrees, doubletree straps, singletrees and neck yoke... $3.30 No. 14 — Second growth, light buggy pole, size 1^x2^, extra good quality, ironed in the white, with doubletrees, doubletree straps, neck yoke and singletrees complete . $4.20 No. 15 — XX grade, regular buggy pole, size 1^x2^, ironed with doubletrees, doubletree straps, singletrees and neck yoke, completely trimmed and painted carmine red $3.70 No. 16 — XX grade, regular buggy pole, size 1^x2%, ironed with doubletrees, doubletree straps, singletrees and neck yoke, completely trimmed and painted black $3.70 No. 17—XX grade, surrey or spring wagon pole, size 2x2^, ironed, with doubletrees, doubletree straps, singletrees and neck yoke, completely trimmed and painted black. $3.80 BUGGY AND EXPRESS DOUBLETREES AND SINGLETREES IRONED COMPLETE. We carry in stock two sizes ironed <-"mplete, ready for use. No. 2 — Either hooks on singletrees or flat end, suitable size for ordinary buggy poles or light spring wagons, price per set $1.00 No. 6 — With hooks on singletrees, good heavy size, suitable for heavy spring wagon poles, price per set $1.25 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 81 POLES IRONED COMPLETE. Poles advertised on this page are made especially to meet the demand for a good, strong, spring wagon pole. The weakest point of the ordinary pole lies in the curved circle. To overcome this we substitute a straight cross bar, which is ironed its full length on the bottom to give it additional strength. The braces are made of steel, with an extra heavy piece at the point where the brace fastens to the cross 'bar with heavy clips. This pole is suitable for all classes of spring wagon work, such as jobs where the body extends out over the front spring. All Singletrees Are Ironed with Common Hooks. No. 18 — XXX grade, hand made special pole, with straight cross bar instead of curved circle. This pole is suitable for light or medium wagons having 1-in. or \ ! /s axles. Braces are fyi round iron. Complete in the white with doubletrees, singletrees and neck yoke. Each $4.50 19 — XXX grade, hand made special pole for heavy spring wagons, Duplex gears, and similar work. Ironed complete in the white, with extra heavy doubletrees, singletrees and neck yoke, and carries straight cross bar in- stead of curved circle. Braces ^ round iron. Each $5.50 No. ^^ No WAGON IMPLEMENT DOUBLETREES AND SINGLETREES IRONED. 1 — These sets consist of our 2x4 hickory doubletree, with plates and clev- ises, and our No. 82 singletrees, ironed with straps and hooks, regular size 2*£x36. In the white. Per set $1.50 THE SMILEY THREE HORSE STEEL EVENER. No. 2 — The evener is very strong, but light, having but two singletrees. The third horse pulls direct from the end of the short eveners, and it is so arranged that neither horse can shirk. Singletrees have safety hooks and do not drop down when going down grade The hooks are only one inch further from the hammer than a regular two-horse doubletree. The evener is easily attached to any farm wagon tongue, by hooking the draft rod around the bolt that holds the tongue and hounds together, then connecting the other end with the regular wagon hammer. No holes need be bored in tongue, and no pins to wear out or get lost. Price of eveners complete with irons for attaching to wagon tongue $3.35 If wanted only for plow work, leaving off wagon attachment 2.60 82 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. POLES AND SHAFTS NOT IRONED. SPECIAL, NOTICE OF CHANGE IN GRADE. What we have been selling under a XX brand is listed below under B Grade, containing a few defects but not many. What we have been selling under a XXX brand is now listed under XX brand, being good, clear stock, and fully up to the XXX grade which most jobbers oiler. This change of grade is very important. Customers who have heretofore bought our XX finished and half finished shafts, should remember that when they order B grade this year they will get the same goods formerly called XX. FINISHED SHAFTS. All shafts listed on this page as "Finished Shafts," are mortised, a*d include the crossbars, but not the single trees. No. 30 — B grade, finished shafts, 1^x1%, per dozen pairs $10.50 Less than full bundle (six pairs), per pair .90 No. 32 — B grade, finished shafts, 1 ^x2, per dozen pairs 12.00 Less than full bundle (six pairs), per pair 1.10 No. 34 — XX grade, finished shafts, l3/ 8 xlJ4, per dozen pairs 12.00 Less than full bundle (six pairs), per pair. 1.10 No. 35 — XX grade, finished shafts, 1 ^x2, per dozen pairs 13.00 Less than full bundle (six pairs), per pair 1.20 No. 36 — XXX grade, finished shafts, l$ixlj£, per dozen pairs 14.00 Less than full bundle (six pairs), per pair 1.30 SHAFTS THREE-QUARTERS FINISHED. These shafts are finished except that they are not mortised, and include club end crossbars, but no singletrees. This style of shaft is very popular for repair work, there being no mortise. No. 40 — B grade, three-quarter finished shafts (finished except no mortise), l$ix.lJi, per dozen pairs $10.50 Less than full bundle (six pairs), per pair .90 No. 41— XX grade, three-quarter finished, lfixl% f per dozen pairs 12. OO Less than full bundle (six pairs), per pair 1.10 HALF FINISHED SHAFTS. These prices do not include either the crossbars or the singletrees. No. 42— B grade, half finished shafts, l.}txl%, per dozen pairs $ 9.50 Less than full bundle (six pairs), per pair .85 No. 44— B grade, half finished shafts, V/ 2 x2, per dozen pairs 10.00 Less than full bundle (six pairs), per pair .95 No. 46— XX grade, half finishedshafts, 1^x1%, per dozen pairs 11.00 Less than full bundle (six pairs), per pair 1.00 No. 47— XX grade, half finished shafts, 1^x2, per dozen pairs 12.00 Less than full bundle (six pairs), per pair 1.10 No. 49— XX grade, half finished shafts, iy 2 x2%, per dozen pairs...!..'.'... 15.00 Less than full bundle (six pairs), per pair 1.40 HEAVY EXPRESS SHAFTS. No. 50—XX grade, extra heavy express shafts, \V A x2V 2 , easy bent heel, half finished, without crossbar or singletree per pair $1.75 BIKE WAGON SHAFTS. No 52— XX grade, half finished shafts, U/ 8 xl%, with very long high bend heel, without crossbar or singletree, per pair $1.30 DOUBLE BEND HEEL SHAFTS. No. 54— XX grade, half finished, double bend heel shafts, iy 2 x2%, a size suitable for surreys or spring wagons, without crossbar or singletree, P er Pair $2.00 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 83 POLES AND SHAFTS NOT IRONED. (Continued.) CART SHAFTS. No. 56 — XX grade, cart shafts, shaped like an ordinary buggy shaft, except that they are 9 feet long, and measure 1^x2^. Half finished without crossbar or singletree, per pair $2.00 STRAIGHT HEEL. SHAFTS. Suitable for platform jobs requiring shafts without any bend at the heel. Half finished, without crossbars or singletrees. No. 58— XX grade, straight heel shafts, 1^x2*4, per pair $1.25 No. 60— XX grade, straight heel shafts, 2x2^, per pair 2.00 HALP-PIXISHBD POLE CIRCLES. No. 84 — XX grade, size 1 J4xl l /± at center, price each 22£ No. 85 — XX gracfe, size 1 3 A^ 3 A at center, price each 25^ No. 86 — XX grade, size V/ 2 x\y 2 at center, price each 27^ No. 88— XX grade, size lj^xl^ at center, price each 33^ FINISHED POLES NOT IRONED. Made of the Best Forest Hickory. These poles are finished with mortice for circle, and the price includes the circle. We list the single bend and double bend at the same price. Single Bend or Double Bend. No. 62— XX grade, finished poles, 1 ^x2j4, price each $1.60 No. 64 — XX grade, finished poles, 2x2j4, price each 1.60 When ordering finished poles without circles, deduct 10 cents each net, from the above prices. HALF-FINISHED POLES. Made of the Best Forest Hickory. These poles are finished from the point back to the doubletree and from there on the wood is left square. We strongly recommend them for repair work, as they can easily be fitted to old irons. The price does not include a circle. Single Bend or Double Bend. No. 70— XX grade, half finished poles, 1^x2^, each $1.50 No. 72 — XX grade, half finished poles, 2x2j4, each 1.50 No. 74— XX grade, half-finished poles, 2^x3, each 2.25 HALF-FINISHED PLATFftRM POLES. These poles are perfectly straight without any bend at all, and are suitable for platform wagons and similar jobs. Price does not include circle, and these poles are finished from the point, back to the doubletree. The butt i s left square. No. 82— XX grade, half finished platform pole, 2x2^4, price each $1.40 84 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. WAGON WOODSTOCK. FINISHED WAGON TONGUES. We «se the best selected Indiana timber, and finish the tongues only to the butt, which is left square. As the tongues come from the mill, they are sorted into two piles, Light Sizes and Heavy Sizes. Light Sizes generally measure ZYi square at the doubletree. Heavy Sizes generally measure 3>}4 square at double- tree. We sell Oak and Ash tongues at the same price. Light Size Tongues, taken as they come from the pile, price each.. $1.25 Heavy Size Tongues, taken as they come from the pile, price each.. $1.25 Tongues ordered picked out to some exact size, extra 10c Extra Heavy Tongues, measuring full 4-in. square at doubletree, extra 10c TONGUE HOUNDS. Select Oak. Rough, price each He Finished, price each 13c BENT OAK HOUNDS. Size 2x3, price each 900 SAND BOARDS. Select Oak, finished. No. 620 — 3-in. wide x 3^2-in. deep, narrow track, each 45^ No. 621— 3-in. wide x 3^4-in. deep, wide track, each 45 ^ No. 622— 3^-in. wide x 3^4-in. deep, narrow track, each 50^ No. 623 — 3^4-in. widex3^-in. deep, wide track, each 50 ^ WAGON STAKES. Rough, regular size, each.. .. *t WAGON AXLES. Finished. Extra selected Indiana hickory. Not ready to be put into the wagon, but as near as they dare be made for repair work. They have correct pitch and gather, and but little fitting is required. Be sure to state whether wide or nar- row track is wanted. For 2^4-in. skeins, each $0.75 For 3 -in. skeins, each 90 For 3*4 _m - skeins, each 1.00 For 3^-in. skeins, each . . 1.10 For 4 -in. skeins, each 1.40 HIND HOUNDS. Seleet Oak. Rough, price each \<& Q Finished, price each t7 C SWAY BARS. Select Oak. Surfaced, price each 15c FRONT HOUNDS. Seleet Oak. ,iced, price each *3c GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 85 WAGON WOODSTOCK. (Continued.) WAGON BOLSTERS. Select Oak, finished but not mortised nor bored. No. 630 — Front Bolsters, narrow- track, 3-in. wide x 4^-in. deep.... 50c No. 631 — Front Bolsters, wide track, 3-in. wide x 4^-in. deep 55c No. 633 — Front Bolsters, narrow track, 3 T /2-in. wide x 4^-in. deep.. 55c No. 633 — Front Bolsters, wide track, 3 : /2-in. wide x 4y 2 -in. deep 60c No. 636 — Hind Bolsters, narrow track, 3-in. wide x 4-in. deep 45c No. 637— Hind Bolsters, wide track, 3-in. wide x 4-in. deep 50c No. 638 — Hind Bolsters, narrow track, 3-in. wide x 6-in. deep 60c No. 639— Hind Bolsters, wide track, 3-in. wide x 6-in. deep 65c £ WAGON REACHES. Select Oak. Surfaced on all four sides and edges jointed to insure straightness. 2 -in. x 4 -in. x 10 ft. long, each.$ -65 2 -in. x 4 -in. x 12 ft. long, each. .75 2^-in. x 43^-in. x 12 ft. long, each. 1.00 CROSS BARS FOR SHAFTS. Good Quality Hickory. Finished, ex- cept that ends are not mortised, but are left "club ends." Full length. No. 650—13^x1^, full dozen.... $1.80 Less than full dozen, each .20 No. 652— 1 y 2 x2, full dozen 1.90 Less than full dozen, each .20 No. 654— iy 2 x2y 4 , full dozen.... 2.10 Less than full dozen, each «20 No. 656— 2x2^, full dozen 2.60 Less than full dozen, each .25 WAGON HUBS. Through a connection which we have formed with a large wagon factory, we are able to carry in stock, a very fine large stock of bone-dry hubs, of the very finest quality. These hubs are strictly first class, and we can only fur- nish those sizes which are given in the list below. When spokes are ordered with hubs, we can fit the spokes to the hubs according to the sizes given in the list below. We cannot break sets of this line of best grade hubs, but we also carry a second stock, which is more or less broken up in sets and is made up of various styles and patterns. We will fill orders for less than full sets, or odd hubs from this special stock, which is carried only for the convenience of our customers who want odd hubs for re- pair work. Remember that orders for full sets will be filled from our present new stock of fine bone-dry hubs. We will not brieak sets of these regular sizes. Front hubs have 12 mortises. Hind hubs have 14 mortises. Hubs are cupped, therefore the length should be same as length of the boxing of the skeins which are to be used with the hubs. Length Dia. inside. 6-in. 7-in. Less than full sets, each 7-in. 3-in. full sets..$0.80 .35 1.00 full sets.. Less than full sets, each .40 8-in. 9-in. full sets. Less than full sets, each 8^-in. 10-in. full sets Less than full sets, each 9-in. 11-in. Less than full sets, 9y 2 -'m. 12-in. full sets. each full sets. Less than full sets, each. 1.50 .50 1.75 .60 1.75 .60 2.50 .75 86 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND DOUBLETREES, SINGLETREES AND NECK YOKES. WAGON DOUBLETREES. Extra Select Hickory, Finished. No. 50— Size 2x4x48, full doz.... $3.00 Less than full doz., each No. 52— Size 2x4 T />x4S. full doz.. Less than full doz., each No. 54— Size 2^x5x48, full doz.. Less than full doz., each PLOW DOUBLETREES. Forest Hickory. Finished, No. 56—1^x3^x42, full doz.. 30 3.40 .35 5.50 .50 .85 BUGGY AND EXPRESS DOUBLETREES. First Class Stock. Finished. No. 58—1^x2^x48, full doz.... $2.00 Less than full doz., each .20 No. 60— 1 i/;x3x48, full doz 2.40 Less than full doz., each 25 o3=C 3=CE WAGON NECK YOKE WOODS. Mixed Ash and Hickory. No . 62—2^x40, full doz $2.60 Less than full doz., each .25 No. 64—3x44. full doz 3.10 Less than full doz., each .30 Look over our proposition on Singletrees. We offer elean, strong stock, well selected, well graded, the best goods for the money in any market. SINGLETREE WOODS. Sword end. Size 1^x42. No. 14 — 1) grade, mixed forest hick- ory and second growth ash, price full doz $1.40 Less than full doz., each 14 No. 15 — A grade. All selected In- diana hickory, regular buggy size, price full doz 2.00 Less than full doz., each 18 C^ WAGON SINGLETREE WOODS. Oval. These woods are made and turned out in our own factory, out of first class In- diana hickory. The difficulty of obtain- ing the class of goods which the trade demands, made it necessary for us to place ourselves in a position to supply ourselves. Give us a trial order. B Grade. All Forest Hickory. No. 22— 2K,x36 full doz.. price. Less than full doz., each No. 24—2^x36, full doz., price. Less than full doz., each A Grade. Mixed second growth hickory. No. 26— 2V 2 x36, full doz., price.. $1.75 Less than full doz., each 16 No. 28—2)4x36, full doz., price.. 1.90 Less than full doz., each 18 PLOW SINGLETREE WOODS. Oval. Forest Hickory. 2^x32. No. 30— Full doz. Price $ - 85 Less than full doz., each * 08 1.15 .10 1.30 .13 nx ROUND END SINGLETREE WOODS. We have two grades, the B grade, made up of partly forest hickory, and partly second growth ash. The A grade contains only extra select Indiana hickory. Buggy size, l^x40-in. long. Express size, 2M?x40-in. long. No. 10 — B grade, buggy size single- trees, price full $1.10 Less than full doz., each .10 No. 11 — V> grade, express size, price per full doz 1.40 Less than full doz., each 12 No. 12 — A grade, buggy size, price per full doz 1.70 Less than full doz., each 17 No. 13 — A grade, express size, price per full doz 2.00 Less than full doz., each 18 ©OSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND SINGLETREES AND NECK YOKES, IRONED. -1 WAGON SINGLETREES. Selected Stock, Heavy Irons. No. 80 — Forest hickory, ironed with ferules and hooks, 2^x36, full doz., price $4.50 Less than full doz., each 40 WAGON SINGLETREES. Selected Stock, Heavy Irons. No. 82— Forest hickory, ironed with straps and hooks, 2^x36, full doz., price $5.00 Less than full doz., each 45 PLOW SINGLETREES. Selected Stock, Heavy Irons. No. 84 — Forest hickory, ironed with ferules and hooks, 2^x30, full doz.. price $3.30 Less than full doz., each 30 €r WAGON NECK YOKES. Selected Stock, Heavy Irons. No. 86 — Forest' hickory, well ironed with heavy irons, 2H X 40, full doz., price $5.25 Less than full doz., each 45 No. 88—234x44, full doz., price.. 7.00 Less than full doz., each 60 ^-ct- f TTTfT'Trlft 3 STANDARD NECK YOKES AND NECK YOKE CENTERS. The Standard Neck Yoke Center is made with a heavy steel band encircling the neck yoke, and fastened by means of screws. The leather center i s very heavy and strong. These neck yokes are 43 inches long and finished with acorn tips. No. 2 — Common buggy size, in the white, price per doz $3.00 Less than half a dozen, each .30 No. 6 — Heavy express size, in the white, per doz 4.00 Less than half a dozen, each 40 No. 20 — Common buggy size, painted either black or red, per doz 4.25 Less than half a dozen, each 40 Standard Neck Yoke Centers only, either buggy or express size, each 25 BUCKEYE SWIVEL ADJUSTABLE NECK YOKES AND EXTRA CENTERS. The Buckeye Center is a heavy, serviceable swivel center, guaranteed free from all noise and rattle, easily attached and very strong. No. 2 — Common buggy size, in the white, price per doz $3.75 Less than half a dozen, each 35 No. 6 — Heavy express size, in the white, price per doz 4.75 Less than half a dozen, each 45 Buckeye Neck Yoke Centers only, either buggy or express ske, each .30 88 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND BUGGY RIMS. HICKORY BUGGY RIMS. XXX Select. We handle nothing in this line but strictly XXX select stock. Though the original cost of this grade is a few cents higher on a set of rims than the cost of cheaper grades, yet this slight difference is more than made up in the time it takes to put on a set, as every workman knows. Our rims are all thoroughly seasoned and free from imperfections. They are^ left square. We do not handle any beveled rims. Our stock is all put up half a set in a bundle. A bundle contains four pieces all of one height, and we do not break bundles. We sell half sets, however, of one height without extra charge and our cus- tomers will find it is a great advantage to have rims put up in this way. We carry in stock the following heights in all of these sizes which we list below: 36-in., 38-in., 40-in., 42-in., 44-in., 46-in. and 48-in. Be sure to give height when ordering. Tread. Depth. H x V,i per set $1.3-0 1 xiyj per set 1.30 1 x 1^4 Per set 1.40 1 M x V/ 4 per set 1.40 x \y s per set 1.70 iy s x iy 2 per set 2.00 V/2 x 1^4 per set 2.50 FINISHED BUGGY RIMS. These rims are select hickory, rounded, bored and finished, ready to put on the wheels. The spoke holes in ^-inch rims are bored &. In %-inch rims and 1-inch rims, the spoke holes are bored l /2-inch. The rims are made for regular Sarven wheels having 16 spokes, and therefore cannot be used on wheels having 14 spokes. As a time-saver and money-saver for the repair shop, our finished rims have no equal, and besides, they give a better finish to a job of repair work, having the same appearance as wheels coming from a wheel factory. They are put up in bundles containing one-half set all of one height in a bun- dle, enough for two wheels. We Do Not Break Bundles. We handle these finished rims in three sizes onlv as given below, and have these three sizes in the following heighl 36-in., 38-in., 40-in., 42-in., 44-in., 46-in. and 48-in. Be sure to give height when ordering. Tread. Depth. Va x 1 yi per set $1.50 % x 1 V s per set 1.60 1 x 1 y A per set 1.80 HAY RAKE TtlMS. \%xl%, 54-in. high, per set (enough for two wheels) $1.00 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 89 WAGON RIMS. BENT OAK WAGON RIMS. XXX Select. We handle only the best Indiana timber, and our customers will rind these rims to be first class in every respect. In sawing them green, we allow enough margin in width to take care of the shrinkage in drying, making our rims good, full sizes. We put them up one piece only in a bundle, and therefore make no extra charge for breaking sets. This also enables us to furnish full sets of rims with as much difference in height between front and rear rim as may be wanted. We have the sizes listed below in the following heights: 30-in., 32-in., 34-in.. 36-in., 38-in., 40- in., 42-in., 44-in., 46-in., 48-in., 50-in., 52-in. and 54-in. Be sure to give height when ordering. Tread. Depth. m x X X X 2 2y 2 3 3 4 2 2 m 2 2 per set per set per set per set per set 3 ' 80 per set.... 5.00 $2.80 2.80 3.10 3.40 WHITE OAK SAWED PIECE FELLOES. Finished and rounded, but not bored. Put up in two bundles to the set, one bundle of front felloes, and one bundle of hind felloes. We do not break bundles, but will sell half a set, all front, or half a set all hind. Three sizes only are carried in stock. Other sizes made to order on two weeks' notice, but will not be seasoned. \y 2 tread x 2^ deep, per set $ 200 1 Yz tread x 2^ deep, per set 3 * 00 IVt tread x 2 l / A deep, per set 2 « 50 For half sets, take half the above price and add 25c. 90 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. BUGGY AND WAGON SPOKES. SARVEN PATENT SPOKES. Do not order by the set but give number of the spokes wanted. Full bundles include 100 spokes, no extra charge for breaking bundles. D Grade. Size %-in., price each 3^$ Size il-in., price each 3"J4$ Size 1 -in., price each 3*/^ Size liV-in., price each 3'i^$ Size 1^-in., price each 3^^ Size 1^-in., price each 3*/,^ Size 1^6-in., price each ^A^ C Grade. Size %-in., price each 4^^ Size il-in., price each 4^^ Size 1 -in., price each. 4^^ Size lik-in., price each 4^$ Size 1^-in., price each 4*/;$ Size lJ4 _ in., price each..... 4i/$ Size 1^-in., price each 5i/;^ Size 1^4-in., price each 7$ Size 1^-in., price each 8$ B Grade. Size il-in., price each 6$ Size 1 -in., price each 6$ Size liV-in., price each., 6$ Size 1^-in., price each 6$ SHELL BAND SPOKES. While these are made for Brown Shell Band Wheels, they may also be used for Warner Patent Wheels. C Grade. Size %-in., price each 5$ Size ii-in., price each 5$ Size 1 -in., price each 5£ Size l^s-in., price each 5$ Size 1 J^-in., price each 5$ Size lJ4 _ in., price each 5$ Size 1^-in., price each 6$ HAY RAKE SPOKES. These are made in club end, meas- uring l^$-in., price each 5$ HICKORY WOOD HUB SPOKES. For light wagon and buggy, wood hub wheels. Each set consists of one bundle of 52 spokes. Size 1 -in., Size ItV in., Size lJ-8-in., Size lJ4~in., Size 1^4-in., Size lJ/2-in., Size 1^-in., price per Size 134-in., price per Size l^j-in. price per set $2.80 price per set 2.80 price per set 2.80 price per set 2.80 price per set 2.80 price per set 3.30 set 3.30 set 3,60 price per set 3.60 For less than a full set of any of the above spokes, we charge, each 7$ OAK WAGON SPOKES. Each set consists of one bundle of front spokes and one bundle of hind spokes. When all hind spokes are ordered, add 15$ per bundle. XXX Grade. 2 -in., price per set $2.10 2 T /^-in., price per set 2.20 2^4-in., price per set 2.30 2^-in., price per set 2.45 2y 2 -'m., price per set 2.60 2?4-in., price per set 3.15 3 -in., price per set 3.80 XXXX Extra Selects. 2 -in., price per set $4.00 2 T /s-in., price per set 4.25 2^4-in., price per set 4.45 2}^-in., price per set 4.65 2j^-in., price per set 4.95 Genuine Second Growth Spokes. in., price per set $5.35 2 2 r ^-in price per T 4-in., price per set set 2 s-in. 2 '/.-in. in. 3 -in. price per set price per set 5.75 6.00 6.25 G.60 price per set 8.10 price per set 9.85 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 91 BUGGY AND EXPRESS BOWS. BUGGY BOWS. Our buggy bows are made of strictly- all white second growth ash, and are put up four sets in a bundle. When ordering be sure to give the width in- side, as this is very important. Sizes from 32 to 42 inches, in full bundles ,per set 30^ Less than full bundles, per set... 35^ Sizes from 43 to 50 inches, in full bundles, per set 5 0^ Less than full bundles, per set... 60^. LONG EXPRESS BOWS. "Flat Top" Pattern. Size tixVA. Give width of bows, inside measure, when ordering. Following widths in stock: 34-in., 36-in., 38- in., 40-in., 42-in., 44-in., 46-in., 48-in. Price per set, five bows $1.50 We do not break sets. AUTO TOP BOWS. Standard shape. Size lxl*^. width of bows, inside measure, ordering. Following widths in 48-in., 50-in., 52-in., 54-in., 56-in., 60-in., 62-in. Price per bow, each piece Give when stock: 58-in., 25# CARRIAGE WOODWORKERS' SUPPLIES. A GRADE SAND PAPER. Baeder & Adamson. Size of Sheets, 9x11. No. 00— Per quire, 24 sheets 17^ No. O— Per quire, 24 sheets 17£ No. y 2 — Per quire, 24 sheets 17^ No. . 1 — Per quire, 24 sheets 18^ No. 1^— Per quire, 24 sheets 10^ No. 2 — Per quire, 24 sheets 20^ IMPERIAL SAND PAPER. Good Quality. Sizes of Sheets, 8^x10^. No. 00— Per quire, 24 sheets 10^ No. O — Per quire, 24 sheets 10# No. J / 2 — Per quire, 24 sheets 10# No. 1 — Per quire, 24 sheets llifi No. ~Ly 2 — Per quire, 24 sheets H£ No. 2 — Per quire, 24 sheets 12^ STICK GLUE. Fine quality, in bulk, per lb 20^ SPOKE WEDGES. These are the handiest things around a shop. Put up in sacks of 1000 and we do not break packages. Size }i, price per thousand 55^ Size y>, price per thousand 55# Size f£, price per thousand 60^ Size }i, price per thousand 65^ LE PAGES LIQUID GLUE. Half pint cans, each 25^ Pint cans, each 40^ Quart cans, each 75£ 92 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP GO., GOSHEN, IND. BOB SLED AND CUTTER MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES. BOB RUNNERS. Made of first class rock elm, four pieces to a set. All are regular bend and 5 ft. 10-in. long. We carry these in stock, ready for instant shipment. 2-in. tread x 3^-in. deep, set $2.10 2-in. tread x 4 -in. deep, set 2.40 BOB SLED TIMBER. We give here a list of pieces of first class white oak which we carry in stock for use in bob sled work. These pieces are full size, and are surfaced on all four sides. Price each No. l_Size 3 x3^x4ft 25^ No. 2— Size l r / 2 x8 x5 ft 35^ No. 3— Size 3^x4/2x4 ft 40£ No. 4— Size 3^ x 5 x 4 f t 45^ No. 5— Size 2V 2 x 12 x 2 ft. 6-in 35^ No. 6— Size 2 x6 x 2 ft. 6-in. .. 20<* No. 7— Size 35^x3^x4 ft 35# CAST IRON BOB SLED KNEES. Each knee weighs about 12 pounds; 8-in. bench; 6-in. high; 6-in. on runner. Eight pieces to the set. Price per set $3.20 SLEIGH SHOE BOLTS. 3^x^, price each 2 £ 4 x«>6, price each 2£ 4^x3/^, price each 2^ 5 x^, price each 2£ 5^x-H, price each 2 £ LONG BOB SLED BOLTS. 15x$4 per bolt 6 <* 16xH, per bolt 6# ^= CAST IRON BOB SLED SHOES. Light Pattern. This is the pattern commonly used on light two-horse bob sleds. The soles measure l^-in. wide where they go on the runner, and 1^4-in. wide on the ground. Made of first class cast iron. Four pieces to a set. 1^4-in. tread x 36-in. long, set $2.70 1^4-in. tread x 38-in. long, set 2.80 1^-in. tread x40-in. long, set 2.90 134-in. tread x 42-in. long, set 3.00 Hea\-y Pattern. This is the regular heavy pattern, such as we have sold for many years, for heavy two-horse bob sled work, especially new_ work. These soles measure 2-in. wide where they go on the runner, and 1%-in. wide on the ground. Only first class iron used in these. Four pieces to a set. 2-in. tread x 36-in. long, per set... $2. 90 2-in. tread x 38-in. long, per set... 3.10 2-in. tread x 40-in. long, per set... 3.40 2-in. tread x 42-in. long, per set... 3.60 STEEL BARS FOR SLED SOLES. This is a special quality of steel, squareedge, for use as bob sled shoes. One size only, carried in stock, 2-in. wide, 5/^-in. thick, square edge. Bars 14 ft. long, price each $1.50 Bars 16 ft. long, price each 1.70 STEEL (UTTER SHOES. Bent and tapered; correct length for single cutter. 24xi 5 ff, per pair 45^ $4x^$, per pair 47^ 7/gxfe, per pair 55<* y&xM> per pair 57^ lixi'c, per pair 59^ 1 x^, per pair 63^ 1 xj\, per pair 75^ 1 xJ-4, per pair 80^ GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 93 WAGON SKEINS AND STEEL SHAFT ENDS. oczl) CAST IRON THIMBLE SKEINS. Our skeins are the regular D. V. pat- tern, and in all but a few odd sizes, we can furnish the Anderson Leader pat- tern, which is exactly the same as the D. V. pattern, with same shape and size, but the shoulder has small lugs cast on it so that a truss rod can be put on if desired. The skein may be used just as well without a truss rod, how- ever, if desired. We make no 4 extra charge for this Anderson Leader pat- tern. A set consists of four skeins, with boxing and nuts. We do not sell separate boxing or nuts. 2^x 7 2y 4 x 7V 2 2^x 7 2y 3 x 7V 2 2y 2 x 8 23/4x 8 3x9 3Mx 9 3^x10 354x11 3*4x10 3*4x11 3?4xll 3^x12 4 xl2 price per set $1.30 price per set 1.40 price per set 1.55 price per set 1.55 price per set 1.65 price per set 1.85 price per set 1 .90 price per set 2.10 price per set 2.45 price per set 2.60 price per set 2.70 price per set 2.80 price per set 2.90 price per set 3.15 price per set 3.30 price per set 3.70 0Z3raraa> SKEIN BOLTS. $4x9 price each. ¥$y& l / 2 price each. 5/£x8 price each. ?ex7^ price each. f c x7 price each. y 2 yJ price each, y>x6y 2 price each. 6* 5* 5# 4* 4* 4# 4* STANDARD OSCILLATING SLEIGH KNEES. We consider them the best oscillat- ing knees on the market. There are no raves to forge out or other black- smithing to do. They have a long bearing on the run- ner. There are very few holes to bore, and very few bolts to furnish. The runner is not weakened. There is sure oscillation and the bobs are easily taken apart, when not in use. One size only carried in stock. Other sizes can be furnished promptly, and prices made on application. Size No. 3 carried in stock, made to fit 2-inch runners. Has bearing on runner, 15 y 2 in. Height from top of runner to bot- tom of beam, 4 T / 2 in. Price per set of four knees $3.15 STEEL SOCKET SHAFT ENDS. These are made of double tube steel, fully japanned with nickel tip, and are used for repairing broken shafts and also for strengthening new work. Broken shafts can be repaired in this way in five minutes, and the shafts will be much stronger than they were in the first place. In appearance, when on the shaft, they are equal to best leather finish. They are made in two sizes. Buggy size, price each 23^ Surrey, Cart and Express size 3'3# These shaft ends are never sold by the pair, only by the piece. 94 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP GO., GOSHEN, IND WROUGHT IRONS FOR WAGON SINGLETREES. WELDED CLIPS WITH RINGS. Round part Iron in Price Clip Ring each No. 3520— B V & & 8 4 No. 3520— C 5/ 8 y 2 iy 2 $ No.3520— D ?k y 2 7 $ No. 3520— E &. A ^M STRAIGHT CENTER CLIPS. Round part /Total Price Clip Length each No. 3500— c y 8 11 *y 2 4 No.3500— D i\ 10 No. 3500— E y 2 . 9 '. . . 3y 2 $ No. 3500— F & 8 3 £ STRAIGHT END CLIPS. Round part Total Price Clip Length each No. 3505— M V & 7 2£ WELDED CENTER CLIPS. Round part Price Clip each No.3510— C y 8 ....5 * No. 3510— D A 4y 2 $ No.3510— E y 2 4 $ No. 3510— F & 3y 2 $ DIRECT PULL FERULES AND HOOKS. Ferule inside Iron in small end hook No. 3555— A No. 3555—B No. 3555— C No. 3555— D No. 3555— E v/ 4 1/2 v/ 2 Price each .6 * .7 c .8 pair... 10$ No. 2122— B. Flat part 1-in.. suit- able for three-leaf springs, pair... 10$ No. 2122— C. Flat part VA, suit- able for four-leaf springs, pair... 10$ Two pairs of clips are required to put on a full set of Bailey hangers. LAMP FINGERS For Canopy Top Standards. No. 1885— A. Length over all, 5 l A inches, price each ^ 4$ 5 "1 PROP IRONS. For the rear corners of phaetons and phaeton seats. No. 19D0 — B. For regular work. Price per pair 25$ GOOSE NECKS. For phaetons or surrey seats. No. 1906 — K. For regular work. Price per pair 25$ No. 1911 — G. For ironing front seat of a surrey for an extension top. Price per pair 25$ STAY BRACES. Lengths are always given from center to center of inside holes. No. 2000— D. & oval iron, 24-in. long, per pair 20$ No. 2000— G. & oval iron, 26-in. long per pair 20$ No. 2040 — A. y 2 round iron, 33-in. long, per pair 30$ No. 2040— B. y 2 round iron, 36-in. long, per pair 30$ No. 2040— G. i% round iron, 33-in. long, per pair 35$ No. 2040 — K. rs round iron, 36-in. long, per pair 35$ No. 2040 — H. % round iron, 33-in. long, per pair 40$ No. 2040 — L. ¥% round iron, 36-in. long, per pair 40$ 100 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. CARRIAGE AND WAGON HARDWARE. WAGON JACKS. Our No. 1 Wagon Jack is the strongest all-steel jack on the market. Price, each 75^ GOSHEN LIFTING JACKS. Will lift one ton with very little effort. The best vehicle jack on the market. Price, each $1.00 RELIABLE ALTO JACKS. Safe, strong, com- pact and durable. The lever does not interfere with springs or body. Easy of operation. Adjustment from 10y 2 inches to 18 inches. Weight, 5 lbs. Capacity, 5 tons. Price each $1.50 WROUGHT BODY CORNER IRONS. In sets, each set made up of two long and short irons. Flat top. J A and t&, per doz. sets 65^ Less than full doz., per set <><* Y% and {'g, per doz. sets 75^ Less than full doz., per set 7^ J/2-in., per doz. sets 85< Less than full doz., per set 8^ Tjj BODY COUPLINGS. For attaching the rear springs of a platform gear to the body. For lJ/^-in. springs, per pair $1.10 For lf^-in. springs, per pair 1.25 For 2 -in. springs, per pair 1.50 SHAFT IRONS. No. 2235— F. Made of beveled edge iron 1%xtb, with 1-in. shaft eyes, per pair 50# =CE 3f=* POLE BRACE BLANKS. These are sold in sets consisting of two brace ends, and two eye ends, as shown in above cuts. No. 2271— F. Size of iron in brace &, with 1-in. eye, per set... 40^ SPECIAL DASH FEET. No. 5250— A. With toe rail brack- et; projection of foot, 1-in., per pair 10^ TOE RAILS. For use with above dash feet. No. 5275— A. 20-in. long, each... 10^ No. 5275— C. 22-in. long, each... 10^ F =V ROLLED STEEL TOE RAILS. No. 1510— C. 21-in. long, each... 12^* No. 1510— E. 23-in. long, each... 12^ GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 101 COUPLINGS FOR SHAFTS AND POLES. No. O No. 1 No. 3 No. 4 FINISHED SHAFT COUPLINGS Complete with Bolts and Eyes. Eye Bolt 26-in. i% Per pair 24c 1 ^in. Y& Per pair.... 24c l^$-in. i 7 g Per pair.... 36c 1%-in. i 7 g Per pair.... 42c FINISHED POLE COUPLINGS. Complete with Bolts and Eyes. Eye Bolt No. %-in. fe Per pair.. . No. 1 1 -in. 34 Per pair.. . No. 3 1^-in. iV Per pair. . . No. 4 VA-in. ik Per pair. . . 24c 24c 36c 42c COUPLING CLIPS WITH BOLTS. Eye Bolt No. 26-in. . tk Per pair. . . . 15c No. 1 1 -in. H Per pair. . .. 15c No. 3 1^-in. i 7 6 Per pair.. .. 25c No. 4 VA-in. t 7 b- Per pair . . .. 30c No. 2145— A. No. 2145— C. No. 2145— E. No. 2145— F. SHAFT EYES. Eve Bolt hole % i% Per pair.. 9c 1 y% Per pair.. 9c l l A & Per pair. . lie VA & Per pair.. 13c No. 2148— A. No. 2148— C. No. 2148— E. No. 2148— F. POLE EYES. Eye Bolt hole 7 A & Per pair.. 1 3 A Per pair.. I A tV Per pair.. 1/4 ife Per pair. . 9c 9c lie 13c MALLEABLE SHAFT COUPLINGS Used with Common Axle Clips. No. 3910— C. Fits 1-in. axle and 1-in. shaft eye, per pair 8# No. 3910— H. Fits lyi axle and 1% shaft eye, per pair .....10$ No. 3910— M. Fits VA axle and 1A shaft eye, per pair 12^ ONEIDA BIKE COUPLINGS. May be used on any buggy, driving wagon or bike wagon. Used with com- mon .shaft shackles and bolts, it forms a perfect anti-rattler. Easiest to attach to pole or shafts. Never gets out of order. Price per pair (made for either pole or shafts, as desired) 25^ Extra pairs round rubber bushing for over the bolt, per pair 10^ BRADLEY COUPLINGS. No. 8 — For ordinary buggies. No. 9 — For surreys and heavy work. When ordering, please .state whether for poles or shafts. No. 6 No. 9 Complete couplings, per pair. 40^ 50<* Axle part only, no pole or shaft eyes, per pair 30^ 40^ Pole eyes or shaft eyes, per pair 10<* 10^ Extra molded leather pack- ings, per doz. pairs 60^? 60^ POINT CENTER AXLE CLIPS. With $£ shank, for Bradley couplings. No. 8 — Flat part 2^-in., per pair. . .10^ No. 9 — Flat part 3 -in., per pair... 10^ 102 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND WROUGHT IRON CLIPS. Order by Number. STANDARD AXLE CLIPS. ■h Shank. Flat part ?/$ wide. Length of Flat Part No. 2% 24 Per 100 $1.65 No. 23^ 2^4 Per 100 1.65 No. S% 34 Per 100 1.65 No. 334 334 Per 100 1.90 No. 414 A% Per 100 2.15 No. 434 4H Per 100 2.40 No. 514 5*4 Per 100 2.60 No. 6 6 Per 1 00 3.00 HEAVY AXLE CLIPS. 3/ s Shank. Flat part 1% wide. Length of Flat Part No. 3^4 3*4 Per 100 $2.25 No. 4 4 Per 100 2.60 No. 4i/£ AY 2 Per 100 3.00 No. 5 5 Per 100 3.30 No. 5i/4 54 Per 100 3.70 No. 6 6 Per 100 4.05 No. 6y 2 6y 2 Per 100 4.40 No. 7 7 Per 100 4.75 TIMKEN AXLE CLIPS. A Shank. Flat part ]/ 8 w ide. This style of clip has extra long shanks, both being 24 long. Length of Flat Part No. 214 24 Per 100 $2.35 No. 34 3*4 Per 109 2.85 No. 314 34 Per 100 2.95 No. 414 44 Per 100 3.35 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. SPUING BAR CLIPS Ribbed Pattern, i\ Shank. Flat part ^ wide. Length of Flat Part 4 4 Per 100 $2.45 4.34 4-; Per 100 2.80 514 5 Per 100 8.05 534 5 Per 1 00 3.35 634 sii Per 100 3.00 7 7 Per 100 3.85 734 734 Per 100 4.20 CONCORD WAGON CLIPS. Length of Flat Part No. 7 7 Per 100 $5.80 No. 8 8 Per 100 6.75 No. 9 9 Per 100 7.70 No. 10 10 Per 100 8.65 BREWSTER SIDE BAR CLIPS. t 5 s Shank. Flat part V% wide. One shank is 2-in. long, and the other shank is 1^4-in. long. Length of Flat Part No. 3 3 Per 100 $1.90 No. 334 34 Per 100 2.25 No. 414 Ay Per 100 2.50 THREE PIECE SADDLE CLIPS. & Shank. In sets, each set consisting of two clips and one plate. On every order we must know the size of .spring and length of flat part of clips. Size Length of Spring Flat Part No. 10 I14 I34 Per set 8# No. 11 \y A 2 Per set 8^ No. 12 114 2J4 Per set 84* No. 13 1J4 2y 2 Per set 8^ No. 14 114 234 Per set....: 10^ No. 15 I14 3 Per set 10^ No. 16 114 3% Per set 10^ No. 17 1J4 3y 2 Per set 10^ No. 18 1 14 334 Per set 10? No. 19 1J4 4 Per set 10^ No. 22 \y 8 2 Per set 8? No. 24 Vy 8 2y 2 Per .set 8^ No. 26 134 3 Per set 9^ No. 28 I.14 zy 2 Per set 9? No. 30 134 4 Per set 10£ No. 32 \y 2 2 Per set 10^ No. 34 \y 2 24 Per set 10^ No. 36 I14 3 Per set 10^ No. 38 I14 34 Per set 10£ No. 40 \y 2 4 Per set... 10<» No. 42 \y 2 Ay 2 Per set 10<* GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 103 AUTOMOBILE CLIPS AND CARRIAGE IRONS. AUTO SPRING CLIPS Heavy, Half Oval Pattern. iVinch Shank. Size Length of Spring Flat Part No. 60 m m No. 62 m Wa No. 64 m m No. 66 m 2/2 No. 68 2 w No. 70 2 Hi No. 72 2 2/2 £k RUB IRONS. Width Length No. 1604— B iy 4 6y 2 No. 1604— C v/ 2 7y 2 No. 1666— B No. 1666—D Price Each 12c 12c 12c 12c 12c 12c 12c Pair 10£ JOtf Pair 10^ 10^ RUB IRONS. No. 1633— B. 3-in. wide and 5y 4 long, per pair 10c No. 1200— A ROLLER RUB IRONS. Suitable for regular side bar buggy per pair 15^ No. 20 ROLLER RUB IROWS. Suitable for heavy spring wagon work, made in the style known as the "G. & T." iron, price per pair.40^ No. 1205— A ROLLER RUB IRONS. Suitable for regular piano box bug gies, per pair mc No. 1207 — A ROLLER RUE IRONS. Suitable for piano box buggies, es- pecially those carrying wide seats which require more than the ordi- nary projection of rub irons. Price per pair 17^ No. 1215— B ROLLER RUB IRONS. Made especially for surreys; price per pair 20^ 104 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND MALLEABLE IRONS FOR SINGLETREES & DOUBLETREES. O WHIFFLETREE FERRULES. Dia. Inside Net price small end per 100 y A $0.50 H - 75 l l.oo v& l.oo va i.oo VA 150 V/ 2 If above items are ordered by the pound instead of by the piece, per pound ^ No. No. No. No. 15— C 15— D 15— E 15— F No. 15— G No. 15— H No. 15— J cnmnmctz) WHIFFLETREE COCKEYES. Size of Net Price Shank per 100 No. 70— A Vs ?1.00 No. 70— B A 1.00 If above items are ordered by the pound instead of by the piece, per pound 8d iHSsmmnD WHIFFLETREE COCKEYES. No. 114— B. in. screw. Price each, net 6<* WHIFFLETREE HOOKS WITH SPRINGS. Diam. Price small end per pair No. 115— B 1% 18e No. 115— C \y % ...20c WHIFFLETREE PLATES. No. 620 — Square hole for h bolt, 3^4 long; net price per 100 50^ WHIFFLETREE PLATES. No.630— B. Round hole for Vs bolt, 4y 2 long; net price per 100 $1-25 WHIFFLETREE CLEVISES. No. 632 — C. Size of cross bar, l l A x2; whiffletree, V/ 2 \ bolt, t 5 «; net price each 5c WHIFFLETREE CLEVISES. Diam. Size Price Inside Bolt Each No. 635— C Wa -h 6c No. 635— H 2>Va V* 5c WHIFFLETREE CLEVISES. Size Size Price Crossbar Whiffletree Each No. 636— C U/sxVA, v/ 2 5c No. 636— g \y 8 x2y 4 15/8 6c No. 636— H l5/ 8 x2y 2 m 8c FERRULES AND HOOKS FOR ONE-HORSE WAGONS. No. 3556 — C. Diameter ferrule at small end, \ J A-in.; in pairs right and left, per pair 10c GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 105 MALLEABLE IRON HARDWARE. PREMIUM WHIFPLETREE HOOKS For Spring Wagon Whiffletrees. No. 3— Size V/s, per pair 25^ No. 4— Size 1%, per pair 30^ No. 5 — Size 1 3 Aj per pair 35^ No. 6— Size V/ 2 , per pair 40£ .o@o) :©@^) WHIFFLETREE COUPLINGS. For Express "Wagons. Width Lgth. Bolt Pair No. 664— A W A 4 V & 10e No. 664— B 2 4% 3/ 8 lie No. 664— C 2% 4y 2 & 12e WHIFFLETREE COUPLINGS. Width Lgth. Bolt Pair No. 696— c \y A 4y 2 y& ^ No. 696— D 2 5 tV & each 10<> No. 2405 — For plain axle, regular buggy size, \ 1 /a, each 10£ KING BOLT YOKES AND BRACES. For 12-in. Brewster circle, regular buggy size. No. 2425— For swedged axle 25^ No. 2424— For plain axle 25£ IIERBRAND GEAR IRONS. Wrought Iron. Suitable for regular one-seated double reach buggies. No. &y 2 — Price per set $1.35 BREWSTER SLOTTED FIFTH WHEEL. Wrought Iron. No. 12 — \\ Iron, 12-in. diam., each. 75^* No. iron, iron, iron, 2 DERBY FIFTH WHEELS. Wrought Iron. 12-in. diameter, each 55c 14-in. diameter, each 60c 16-in. diameter, each 90c REAR PERCH IRONS. Double Reach Jobs, Swaged Axles. For square Between Size Per top reaches holes reach pair No. 253— B \j% & 10c For oval Between Size Per top reaches holes reac.i pair No. 255— B 1 Va 10c No. 255— C 1* Va 10c No. 255— H m Va 10£ C*L " «■ -'I REAR PERCH IRONS. Double Reach Jobs, Plain Axles For square Between Size Per top reaches holes reac.i pair No. 252— A 1 >H IOC No. 252— E 13-32 Va 10c No. 252— B It 3 * Va 10c No. 252— C IVs v& IOC No. 252— G 154 n IOC For oval Between Size Per top reaches holes reac.i pair No. 254— B 1 Va IOC No. 254— C 1A Va IOC ^Ml (s^r- " - / REAR PERCH IRONS. For Coached Axles, Single Reach. Size Size Price axle reach each No. 281— A 1 1 10^ No. 281— B V/s l x /§ IOC No. 281— C VA Wa 10^ GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 107 FIFTH WHEELS. EBERHARD FIFTH WHEELS. No. 947— C, is a 10-in. fifth wheel for regular buggy work. Price each without the rear perch heels 80c No. 947— D, is a 12-in. fifth wheel for four-passenger jobs. Price without rear perch heels $1.20 INTERNATIONAL, SHORT TURN FIFTH WHEELS. No. 839— A. For light work. Length of head block, 10-in. Diameter of circle, 14-in. Price $1.25 No. 839 — D. For medium work. Length of head block, 12-in. Di- ameter of circle, 16-in. Price each 1.-40 No. 839 — G. For heavy work. Length of head block, 14-in. Di- ameter of circle, 18-in. Price.. 1.50 UTILITY FIFTH WHEELS. Made in three sizes, suitable for light, medium and heavy spring wagons. No. 890— B. 11-in. circle, for light work; price each $1.20 No. 890— H. 12-in. circle, for me- dium work; price each 1.40 No. 890 — G. 13-in. circle, for heavy work; price each 1.85 SUMMIT FIFTH WHEELS. One of the best rear king bolt fifth wheels ever invented. No. 843— B, is a 10-in. fifth wheel for regular buggy work, for swedged axles. Price without the rear perch heels 80c No. 843— F, is a 10-in. fifth wheel for regular buggy work, for plain axles. Price without the rear perch heels 80c SHORT TURN FIFTH WHEELS. No. 958 — A. Single reach. Length of head block, 13-in. Diameter of circle, 15-in. Price $1.00 No. 958— B. Double reach. Length of head block, 13-in. Diameter of circle, 15-in. Price l.OO No. 958— C. Single reach. Length of head block, 15-in. Diameter of circle, 17-in. Price 1.30 No. 958— D. Double reach. Length of head block, 15-in. Diameter of circle, 17-in. Price 1.30 MALLEABLE ROCKER PLATE. No. 737— C. 1J4 bolster, \% axle, 9 l / 2 circle; per pair 25«* 108 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND DUPLEX GEAR IRONS. DUPLEX FIFTH AVHEELS. NOTICE. The irons shown on this page, for Duplex Gears and Short Turn Duplex Gears, are the same as those used on the gears which we build. They will also interchange with the irons used on Fitch Duplex Gears. Each 90^ DUPLEX REACH COUPLINGS. Axle Spring Per set Axle Spring No. llOO— A 1 154 No. 1100— B m Wa No. 1100— c Wa w 2 No. 1100— D m w No. 1100— E w Wa No. 2100—A 1 154 No. 2100—B m V/ 4 No. 2100—C i% V4 No. 2100— D Ws W-> No. 2100— E W m 60^ 60£ 75<* 75<* 75^ SHORT TURN DUPLEX FIFTH WHEELS No. HOI— A No. 1101— B No. llOl—C No. 1101— D No. 1101— E Axle 1 V/ & 154 i/ 2 Spring Wa Wa 1/2 1/2 1*4 Each $1.80 1.80 2.10 2.10 2.10 SHORT TURN DUPLEX COUPLINGS. REACH No. No. No. No. No. 2101— A 2101—B 2101—C 2101— D 2101— E Axle 1 15* 154 IH 1/2 Spring 154 154 I/2 I/2 u/ 4 Per set $1.25 1.25 1.50 1.50 1.50 FRONT TRUNNIONS. For Duplex Gears, with Clips. Axle Spring Per pair No. 6937— A 1 Wa $0.90 No. 6937— B 15* 154 .90 No. 6937— C 154 W* 1.00 No. 6937— D m W* 1.00 No. 6937— E 1/2 >-^j*r> flu Wa 1.00 REAR TRUNNIONS. For Duplex Gears, with Clips. Axle Spring Per pair No. 6936— A 1 154 80«* No. 6936— B 15* Wa 80# No. 6936— C 154 I/2 90^ No. 6936— D m w 90^ No. 6936— E m Wa 90^ HANDY WAGON FIFTH WHEELS Used on Our Handy Wagon Gears. Axle Spring Each No. 900— A 1 U/ 8 75^ No. 900— B V/ 8 \y 2 80^ No. 900— C V/ 4 \y 2 85^ HANDY REACH COUPLINGS. Axle Spring Per set 1 U/ 8 50^ Ws W2 55^ 60<* No. 901— A No. 901— B No. 901— C HANDY SPRING COUPLINGS. Axle Spring Per pair No. 6925— A 1 13/6 50^ No. 6925— B 1% V/ 2 50^ No. 6925— C 1% \y 2 60£ GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 109 SEAT IRONS. SEAT CORNER IRONS. Has 57 degrees bevel. No. 4005 — 23/$ long, in pairs right and left, per pair .-5^ EXPRESS WAGON HANDLES. No. 4330— A. Entire length 7y 2 , price per pair 12^ SEAT CORNER IRONS. No. 4080 — A. Fits our common panel seat No. 10. Per pair 15c No. 4080— C. Fits our seat No. 250. Per pair 15c SEAT HANDLES. No. 4245 — A. Fits our common panel seat No. 10. Per pair 15# No. 4245— G. Fits our seat No. 250. Per pair 15^ FRONT SEAT IRONS. No. 4130 — A. Fits our common panel seat No. 10. Per pair 10c No : 4130 — G. Fits our seat No. 250. Per pair 15c SEAT HANDLES. No. 4235 — For 5-in. panel, pair... 10^ SEAT FASTENERS. No. 4835 — Suitable for bodies made without inside rail, eccentric pat- tern, per set 10^ P 3 SEAT FASTENERS. No. 4833 — Made for 6-in. seat ris er.s, % wide, price per pair, com plete 20^ (sT Jrv si SEAT FASTENERS. No. 1000 — Scudder seat fasteners, to be used where bodies have in- side rail, price per pair 10^ 110 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. VEHICLE STEPS. We present here a line of the best Malleable Iron Steps, in the most popular styles, shapes and sizes. STANDARD STEPS. For Buggies and Wagons. Drop Project Pair No. 1903— A 6 l / 2 6i/ A 35^ No. 1903— B 8 7]/ 2 40^ No. 1903— C 9}£ 6y 2 45£ BUGGY STEPS. Plain Square Pad. No. 1908 — A. 6-in. drop; 5-in. pro- ject; 3x3?^ pad; per pair 25^ BUGGY STEPS. A new and very neat design. No. 1914— C. 6-in. drop; 5^-in. project; 3j/i x 4 pad; per pair 25£ BUGGY STEPS. The popular Oval Pad. No. 3554— A. 5 r :»-in. drop; 5^-in. project; 3y 2 x4 l /> pad; per pair.... 30^ RUBBER PAD STEPS. The pad is square, rubber covered. No. 3101 — A. 6-in. drop; 6-in. pro- ject; pad 3^x4; per pair 70c RUBBER PAD STEPS. The pad is oval, rubber covered. No. 3100 — A. 6-in. drop; 6-in. pro- ject; oval pad; per pair 65c SURREY STEPS. A standard, adjustable step, which fits nearly all surreys. No. 1961— B. 8-in. drop; pad 6x8; projection, adjustable from \7y 2 to I9y 2 -'m.; per pair $1.15 BRANCH BUGGY STHP. No. 1930— F. Oval pad; 6^-in. drop; 6-in. projection; per pair... 30^ GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. Ill STEPS, END GATE IRONS, HINGES, ETC. BODY STEPS. No. 1833 — 434 drop, 4->4 projection 3^x4 pad; per pair 30^ BODY STEPS. No. 1753 — l / 2 -in. drop, 3^x3^ pad; price per pair 20^ MVD GATE IRONS. No. 5695 — To attach to body, per pair 3c ? 4* END GATE IRONS. No. 5587 — A. 6-in. high over all 3H foot, price per pair 13^ 2c END GATE IRONS. No. 5691— Used with 5690, pair, c=^ END GATE IRONS. No. 5690— Used ith 5691, pair. ...5^ NOTICE. For a complete set, order one pair No. 5690; one pair 5691; and one pair of either 5587 or 5695; also a pair of hinges as may be wanted. C^ END GATE HINGES. No. 5820— C. Hinges for 8-in. pan- el, price per pair 15£ S3 END GATE HINGES. No. 5810 — A. Hinges for 9-in. pan- el, price per pair 20^ No. 5810— B. Hinges for 13-in. panel, price per pair 25^ END GATE HINGES. No. 5792—D. Long part 14^; .short part 4-in.; 1*4 wide; pair.. 30c END GATE HINGE STAPLES. No. 5776— C. For ft rod, 3-in. long over all; price each 2^ END GATE FASTENERS. No. 5720 — For 1-in. thick end gate, made to fit over box strap; per pair ■>.., 10c ^^ END GATE FASTENERS. Crucible Steel Springs. No. 5697— D. For ?/$ panel, pair. . . . 25^ No. 5697— E. For 1-in. panel, pair. 27^ BOW IRONS. No. 6055— F. To fit bowe l*£x$£: price each If 112 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND MALLEABLE IRON HARDWARE. BOX ROD HANDLE NUTS. Not Threaded. No. 5910— B. For V & rod, each 3£ TRUCK STAKE IRONS. No. 5995— C. For 1^x3 stake, 2% deep; price each 15c o MALLEABLE IRON STAKE RINGS. No. 5980— E. 1-in. stake, Ui di- ameter; price each 2# No. 5980— F. 1-in. stake, 2-in. di- ameter; price each 3# FLARE BOARD IRONS. Threaded. No. 6102— B. Made for 8-in. pan- el, 4xJ/2-in. shank; make for 6-in. flare board ; price each 25c JOINTED LAZY BACK IRONS. No. 5352 — 15-in. high over all; height of knuckle, 3^-in.; price per pair 40^ EXPRESS WAGON BODY BRACES. No. 6195— A. 10^4 long, 3 J / 2 pro- jection to end of foot; each. 10«£ TOE BOARD BRACKETS. No. 6086— A. Taking 12-in. foot- board and 8K toe board; pair. . * 90c m \ BODY IRONS. No. 5191 — A. For wood dash on bracket front bodies; length of flat part, 14-in., with 6-in. foot; pair.. 25c HANGER AND TRACK SUPPORT. For Sliding Milk Wagon or Mail Wagon Doors. No. 6110— Brackets for above. Price each 3c No. 6112 — Hangers made to re- ceive V% rail. Per pair 25c GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 113 MALLEABLE IRON HARDWARE. SPRING WAGON BRAKES COMPLETE. Combination No. 80 — C, made in both wide and narrow track. In ordering be sure to .state which is wanted. This combination includes 1-in. brake roller with wood friction blocks; 28-in. hand lever; 13^-in. ratchet; i 7 « turnbuckle; brake shoe 2%-in. wide. Price complete $2.70 FOOT LEVERS. No. 6290— B. Lever \4y 2 long, ratchet l2 J / 2 long; price.. 1 45<* This foot lever may be used in place of the hand lever in Combination brake No. 80— C. With wrought stub ends, threaded; especially suitable for brakes. No. 6382— C. ^-in. rod, each.... 25^ No. 63'82—D. ^-in. rod, each.... 30^ BRAKE SHOES. No. 6366— C. 43/4 deep, 7/ 8 flange for 4-in. block; price each 14# BODY HANGERS. For three-spring gears. No. 6581— C. For 1% spring, 2- in. drop; price per pair -toe- No. 6581— J. For V/ 2 spring, 2- in. drop; price per pair 65^ BODY HANGERS. For three-spring gears. No. 6580— C. For 1% spring, 2% drop; per pair 40c No. 6580— B. For V/ 2 spring, 2}i drop; per pair 45c Q3? THUMB NUTS. No. 5490— A. Size %, per 100.. $0.50 No. 5490— B. Size &, per 100. . LOO No. 5490— C. Size M, per 100 .. 125 114 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. MALLEABLE IRON HARDWARE. RIM BANDS. These are suitable for wood hub or Shell Band wheels, but are not needed on our Sarven wheels, which already have solid extension point bands. All are 1^4 deep, and the diameter giv- en is measured inside of large end. Following sizes carried in stock: No. 7425— A. 2 -in. 2^-in. 2^-in. 2^-in. 2^-in. Any of the above sizes in plain mal- leable iron, per .set 20^ Any of the above sizes, nickel-plat- ed, per set 35£ No. 7425—B. No. 7425— C. No. 7425— D. No. 7425— E. SPRING SHACKLES. Barrel pattern. No. 6765— A. U4xl%, with V 8 holes, price each 3^ No. 6765— D. V/ 2 xV/ 2 , with 3/ 8 holes, price each 4^ SPRING SHACKLES. Links for above barrel shackels. No. 6775— B. l l 4, per pair 3c 4 No. 6775— D. V/ 2 , per pair 4£ SPRING SHACKELS. Cut shows one pair. Loose scroll pattern. No. 6780— J. V/ 2 between ears, for Y% bolt ; price per pair 7c No. 6780— F. I34 between ears. for ?/>-in. bolt; per pair lie No. 6780 — A.' 2-in. between ear-. for H-in. bolt; price per pair t h- SWIVELS. No. 7710— B. i% eye, per doz 40c No. 7710 — D. y% eye, per doz 50c CHAIN REPAIR LINKS. Strong and handy. No. 7650 — A. %, per doz 25c No. 7650— B. t%, per doz 30c No. 7650— C. 3/6, per doz 35c BODY SAFETY LOOPS. No. 6427— C. 1-in., per 100 $1.25 NECK YOKE LOOPS — DRILLED. No. 6405— A. 7/ 8 loop, per 100. $1.50 No. 6405— B. V/ 8 loop, per 100. 2.50 CHECK LOOPS. No. 6400— B. 1-in., price per 100. 50£ No. 6400— D. l]/ 4 , price per 100.. 75^ SHIFTING RAIL FERRULES. No. 5510— AA. 3/ 8 hole, per 100.. 50c SHIFTING RAIL CLIPS. No. 5515 — Regular size, eacfc. 1c GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 115 WRENCHES. MALLEABLE WRENCHES. Size Each No. 73*20— A. M-in M No. 7320— B. %-in 5£ No. 7320— C. 1 -in 5£ No. 7320— D. V/s-in 6^ No. 7320— E. l l 4-in 7<* IDEAL. WRENCHES, No. 7321— B. in., price each. . 8c No. 7321— D. 1 -in., price each.. 8c DOUBLE END RATCHET WRENCHES. Made especially for carriage work, such as taking off and putting on tire bolts. No wrench ever made has given such universal satisfaction as has this. Every shop should have several. No. 1 — 6-in. handle for & and % tire bolts; each 05^ No. 2 — 7-in. handle, for & and H carriage bolts ; each 80^ HEAVY WRENCHES. No. 7330— D. Size V/ 2 . each. No. 7330— F. Size % each. 17^ 20£ SOCKET WRENCHES. Size of bolts Each No. 7385— A. iVin 5< No. 7385— B. ?4-in 5«* No. 7385— C. i%-in 5tf No. 7385— D. $i-in 7^ FELLOE PLATES. Sizes here given refer to the width of felloe which plates will fit. No. 2165— A. Size ?4-in., lb. . ,A X M No. 2165— B. Size ^-in., lb. . ..* X M No. 2165— C. Size 1 -in., lb.... 4^ No. 2165— D. Size 1^-in., lb.... 4i^£ No. 2165—E. Size 1^-in., lb.... 4^ No. 2165— F. Size 13^-in., lb.... 4^^ No. 2165— G. Size 1^-in., lb.... 4^ No. 2165—H. Size 1^-in., lb.... 4^ GENERAL PURPOSE AVRENCH. Finished. Drop Forged Steel. Longer and thinner than the ordinary S or Angle Wrench. No shop can afford to be without them. Size Openings Extreme List Price Bolt Finished Length Each No. 3oo. & & y 4 H&y 2 6y 4 ioc No. 301 J4&& y 2 &y& 7y s isc No. 302 &&M Vs&y 4 S}i 20c No. 303 ; sy 8 . & T ^ y A & 7/ 8 9% 25c No. 304 & & y 2 7y 8 & 1-in. 10H 30c Price, per full set, one wrench of each size 80c 116 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND MALLEABLE IRON HARDWARE. SPRING CHAIRS. Size Size Spring Axle No. 6615— A M. 1 No. 6615— B V/ 4 VA No. 6615— C m VA No. 6615— E VA VA No. 6615— F m m No. 6615— J va m Price Each 8^ 10<* 15£ 14<* ^ IRON AXLE BLOCKS. To support wooden spring chairs. No. 6637— A No. 6637— B No. 6637— D No. 6637— GX No. 6637— E No. 6637— G No. 6637— R Size Spring V/ 4 VA I/2 m 1/2 m 2 Size Axle VA VA VA v/ 4 1/2 1/2 Price Each 6c 7c 7c 8c 8c 10c 12c CLIP Size Y\, Size A, Size 1, Size \y%, Size 1J4, Size \V%, Size l l A>, Size 1, Size \A, Size VA>, Size 1M> YOKES FOR PLAIN AXLES. holes, per lb •"><• holes, per lb 5c holes, per lb 5c holes, per lb 5c tk holes, per lb 5c with & holes, per lb 5c with rfe holes, per lb ^ c holes, per lb ^c holes, per lb ^ c holes, per lb •J < ' holes, per lb * >( with with with with with with with with with ft ft ft ft H H H CLIP YOKES FOR SWEDGED AXLES. Size 54-, with ft holes, per lb 6d Size 1, with ft holes, per lb <>£ Size VA, with'ft holes per lb 6<* Size 1J4, with ft holes, per lb «>£ HEAVY PATTERN CLIP YOKES. Size Price between holes Each No. 7126— A VA *$ No. 7126— C W 4 3<* No. 7126— E 2 •*<* SPRING CLIP TIES AND PLATES. Size Size Price Spring Axle Each No. 6650— A 154 1 4? No. 6650— B 154 VA 4* No. 6650— E I/2 VA 5? AXLE CLIP TIES AND PLATES. Usually used with No. 6650. Size Size Price Spring Axle Each No. 6667— A M 1 3c No. 6667— B M va 3c No. 6667— E VA VA M LJLJ CLIP TIE PLATES. For holding heavy pattern clip yokes in place. Size Size Price Spring Axle Each No. 6648— G I/2 VA 3c No. 6648— GX m VA 3^ No. 6648— H VA va 3C No. 6648— J m m 4c No. 6648— L m VA 4c No. 6648— M 2 VA 5^ BOX CLIPS. To be used with springs hung under the a«le. Size Size Price Spring Axle Each No. 6612— A VA 1 10c No. 6612— C VA VA 10c No. 6612— D VA v/ A 10c No. 6612— F m m 13c No. 6612— G 2 VA 15c GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 117 MALLEABLE IRON HARDWARE. SKEIN CLIPS. Clips made of round iron are rapidly taking the place of clips with square corners, in all kinds of gear work. Their use is made possible by the clip seats shown on this page. They have the ad- vantage over square cornered clips, of being stronger and cheaper, and any blacksmith can easily make any desired size by bending and shaping a piece of round iron which has threads and nuts on both ends. We sell for this purpose, straight pieces of round iron, with threads and nuts on both ends, in the following sizes and lengths: 3/gxlO-in., price each 3 ^ ^xl2-in., price each 3 $ ^xl4-in., price each 3^<^ i 7 sxl0-in., price each 3 J A$ i 7 6xl2-in., price each 4 ^ i%xl4-in., price each 4 ^ 3^xl4-in., price each 5 < Hxl6-in., price each 6 £ ^xl8-in., price each 6 $ §^xl6-in., price each 9 # 5^xl8-in., price each lO ^ Jx20-in., price each lO ^ SINGLE CLIP SEATS. For use with round iron clips, being placed on under the side of axle. Size of axle Per doz. No. 6595— A 1-in 10^ V/s 10<> VA 12* V/ & 15d No. 6595— B No. 6595— E No. 6595— F No. 6595— G U: .20* ami DOUBLE CLIP SEATS. For use with round iron clips. Size Size Price Doz. 15c 15c 15c 18c 21c 30c 30c Spring Axle No. 6668— A VA 1 No. 6668— B VA VA No. 6668— D V/ 2 VA No. 6668— G W VA No. 6668— J m m No. 6668— L w v/2 No. 6668— M 2 VA COMBINATION SETS OP IBONS. For attaching springs to the axles. Wired together in bunches. Complete, except the clips. This style to be used without wooden blocks. Stock Size Number Spring No. 6616— A VA No. 6616— B No. 6616— G No. 6616— H COMBINATION SETS OP IRONS. For attaching springs to the axles. Wired together in bunches. Complete, except the clips. This style used with wooden blocks. In putting up a gear, one bunch is required for every spring used. Stock Size Number Spring No. 6622— B VA No. 6622— G V/ 2 No. 6622— GX VA No. 6622— H V/ 2 No. 6622— J V/ A No. 6622— L VA No. 6622— M 2 Size Per Axle bunch VA 10^ VA 15£ v/ A 15«* VA 15^ VA 18^ V/ 2 20<* VA 25^ 118 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. a [\_ We nandle onl 7 good reliable Carriage Bolts. The threads are per- ( F- WSSJ M feet. The nuts fit well. They are good and reliable. The prices given U below are our net prices for 100 bolts, with nuts. No packages broken 1 x£ l^xtV I^xt 3 * 2 XT 3 * 2Axj% 23/ 4 Xi% 3 xil %- 1 xj4 154x54 m^A 2 xA 254x54 2AxA 2y 4 xV 4 3 xA 354xj4 3/2x54 33,4x54 4 x54 454x54 4/ 2 x54 434x54 5 x54 1 X*V iy 4 x& iy 2 xj% \y 4 x& 2 xft 254xt& 2/x T 5 g 234 XT 5 * 3 x fa 2>AxK 3y>xfv, 3 y 4 xh 4 xA 454x-& AAx-h 434xt\ 5 XT% 5/xt\ 6 x I 5 * 6Kxt\ prices HOLTS. (100 in a package.) per per per per per per per per per INCH per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per -INCH per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per 100. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 BOLTS. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ICO BOLTS. 10(1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 (100 in a package.) (50 in a package.) 24c 24c 24c 26c 26c 28c 29c 30c 34c 24c 24c 24c 26c 26c 28c 29c 30c 31c 33c 33c 35c 36c 38c 38c 40c 40c 33c 33c 33c 36c 36c 39c 39c 42c 42c 45c 45c 48c J 8c 50c 50c 53c 53c 56c 59c 62c 65c 67c 70c 73c packages broken. %-INCH BOLTS. 50 in a package. x3/£, per 100 $0.45 154x3/i per 100, l^x^, per 103. 134x3/6, per 100. 2 xy 8 , per 100. 254x^, per 100. 2V2xy 8 , per 100. 45 45 49 49 .53 53 2y 4 xy 8 , per 100 56 3 x3/g. per 100 56 354x3/6, per 100 60 35^x3/6, per 100 .60 334x3/6, per 103 64 4 xy 8 , per 100 .64 454x3/6, per 100 68 45^x34, per 100 68 4^x3/6, per 100 .72 5 xy s , per 100 .72 55^x3/6, per 100.... .76 6 x3/6, per 100 79 7 x3/6, per 100 1.09 75^x3/6, per 100 1.14 8 x3/6, per 100 1.19 8^x3^, per 100 1.24 9 xy 8 , per 100 1.29 %-INCH BOLTS. 50 in a package. 25^x5^, per 100 $0.97 3 xA, per 100 1.05 35^x^, per 100 1.14 4 x^, per 100 1.22 4AxA, per 100 1.31 5 x5^, per 100 1.39 5AxA, per 100 1.48 6 xA, per 1 00 1.56 6^x5^, per 100 4.64 7 xA, per 100 1.73 7AxA, per 100 1.81 8 xA, oer 100. 1.89 85^x54, per 100 1.97 ( > xA, per 100 2.06 r>] 4xJ4, per pound 5c ly^y,, per pound 5c 3 x%, per pound 5c 3 l /4xy, per pound 5c 3^2X^4, per pound 5c 4 x~y, per pound 5c 1 x i 3 ff , per pound 5c 1 yx-fig, per pound 5c \y>xfs, per pound 5c iyxj%, per pound 5c 2 x tk, per pound 5c 2y 2 xf y, per pound 7q fs, per pound 6$ Yz, per pound 6e <}i, per pound 6^ Y%, per pound 6£ 1, per pound *>£ HEXAGON BLANK NUTS. y, per pound 16<> tk, per pound 14& Y%, per pound 10^ i 7 e, per pound 9^ y 2 , per pound 8£ WROUGHT IRON WAGON NAILS. Made in two styles of heads, as shown in cut. Imitation screw head and steeple head. One size only, l^x?V. Per pound 10£ 122 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND SPRINGS. «*« SPRIN6 STANDARD PLATFORM SPRINGS. This style of platform spring requires four side springs and two cross springs to make a full set, with the cross .springs two inches longer, and one leaf heavier, than the side springs. When ordering always be sure to say how many side springs and how many cross springs are wanted. This is important, even when full sets or half sets are ordered. No. 15 SIDE SPRINGS, PLAIN. Bolt in these springs is 1^2-in. out center. 14 x 3 leaf x 38, price each IK x 4 leaf x 40, price eacl 1 % x 4 leaf x 38, price each IK x 4 leaf x 38, price each 1 J/2 x 4 leaf x 40, price each \ l / 2 x 5 leaf x 38, price each IK x 5 leaf x 40, price each 1 \Y\ x 5 leaf x 38, price each 1 \Ya x 5 leaf x 40, price each 1 134 x 6 leaf x 38, price each 1 1^x6 leaf x 40, price each 1 1^x7 leaf x 38, price each .1 1^x7 leaf x 40, price each 1 2 x 7 leaf x 40, price each 1 No. 15 SIDE SPRINGS, RIBBED. 13^x6 leaf x 38, price each $1.30 1^4 x 6 leaf x 40, price each 1.40 2 x 7 leaf x 40, price each 1.85 of 50 ,65 60 ,80 ,85 95 00 10 15 20 .30 ,35 .40 .75 No. 16 CROSS SPRINGS, PLAIN. Bolt in these 154x4 1/4x5 l^x 5 leaf leaf leaf IK x 5 leaf leaf leaf IK x 5 IK x6 IK x6 134 x6 134x6 134 x 7 1^x7 134 x8 134 x8 2 x8 leaf x 42, leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf 40, 42. 40, 42, 40, 42, 42, springs is in center. price each $0.80 price each 1.00 price each 95 price each 1.10 price each 1.15 price each 1.25 price each 1.30 price each 1.40 price each 1.60 price each 1.55 price each 1.75 price each 1.80 price each 1.85 price each 2.25 No. 16 CROSS SPRINGS, RIBBED. 134 x 7 leaf x 40, price each $1.70 134 x 7 leaf x 42, price each 1.85 2 x 8 leaf x 42, -^rice each 2.40 DUPLEX SPRINGS. These are the same springs as are used on the Duplex gears listed on pages 27 and 29. 1 K x 3 leaf x 42, each $0.80 1 K x 4 leaf x 42, each 90 1 K x 5 leaf -x 42, each 1.00 1 K x 4 leaf x 42, each 1.20 IK x 5 leaf x 42, each 1.30 1 K x 6 leaf x 42, each 1.40 134 x 5 leaf x 40, each 1.50 134 x 6 leaf x 40, each 1.75 DOUBLE-ELLIPTIC SPRINGS. All sizes have 5-in. opening, 36 in. long. Stock Xumber No. 275 No. 276 No. 277 Size of top half 1-^x3 If. 13/6x4 If. 1V&x5 If. Size of bottom half 1Kx4 If. IKxS if. !Kx6 If. Price each $2.00 2.40 2.60 No. 278 126x6 If. 1 Kx7 If. 3.00 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 123 SPRINGS. ELLIPTIC SPRINGS. Button head, half bright. Alf 1*4 springs have iy 2 opening, and all larger sizes 8-in. opening. 1J4x3 leaf x 34, price each $0.70 1% x 4 leaf x 34, price each 80 1 % x 3 leaf x 36, price each 80 1^x4 leaf x 36, price each 95 13/^x4 leaf x 36, price each 1.00 1^x5 leaf x 36, price each 1.25 l3/ 8 x 6 leaf x 36, price each 1.45 iy 2 x 3 leaf x 36, price each 95 1^x4 leaf x 36, price each 1.20 \ l / 2 x 5 leaf x 36, price each 1.40 l l / 2 x 6 leaf x 36, price each , 1.65 134x5 leaf x 36, price each 1.70 13^x6 leaf x 36, price each 2.05 2 x 6 leaf x 36, price each 2.25 RIBBED ELLIPTIC SPRINGS. We carry the following sizes of regular sweep elliptic springs ribbed, 8-in. open- ing. 13^x5 leaf x 36, price each $2.00 1^x6 leaf x 36, price each 2.25 2 x 6 leaf x 36, price each 2.40 Shipped only from factory. =< E fr = W. S. SHULER PATENT SPRINGS. In ordering give width of body from out to out. No. H — Springs for one man top buggy or two passenger open job, per set ..: $2.75 No. 12 — Springs for regular two-pas- senger top buggy, per set 2.75 SEAT SPRINGS. \y 2 x 2 leaf x 26, per pair 50^ l/ 2 x3 leaf x 28, per pair 80^ FRENCH HEAD PLATFORM SPRINGS. This style of spring is frequently used on rear part of low down wagons, which carry Duplex or Elliptic spring on front part. It requires two side springs and two cross springs to make a .set, for rear part of a gear. The cross springs used are the same as our regular No. 16 cross springs .shown on page 122, and may be ordered from that list. No. 24% French Head Platform Springs. 1% x 3 leaf, price each $0.75 1% x 4 leaf, price each 1.00 iy 2 x 4 leaf, price each 1.25 iy> x 5 leaf, price each 1.40 \Y\ x 5 leaf, price each 1.60 No. 5 OPEN HEAD ELLIPTIC BUGGY SPRINGS. These are full sweep, half bright, oil tempered, open head, elliptic springs, made for high grade buggy work. Made in pairs, 3-leaf for front springs and 4- leaf for rear springs; 7y 2 -in. opening. 1 %x3x36< price each $1.00 1 J4x4x36, price each 1.10 BOLSTER SPRINGS. Springs are made of the very best oil tempered steel. The only length we carry in stock is 38 inches and prices are here given based on that length. Other sizes and lengths may be made to order promptly. Prices quoted on application. Width Leaves Capacity \y 2 3 1000 lbs $3.75 \V 2 4 1500 lbs 4.00 \y A 4 2000 lbs 5.00 \y A 5 2500 lbs 5.50 2 5 3000 lbs 6.00 124 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND, AXLES. COLLINGE COLLAR AXLES. After experimenting with all forms, of Long Distance axles, we are convinced that our Collinge Collar axles are just as good in every way, as any of those high priced patent axles sold under the name of ''Long-Distance" or "Thousand-Mile" or "Patent Friction" or any other of the many fancy names given to such axles. They are made of refined steel with a bell collar at the rear end of hub, clo.sing them up and making them dust-proof. They can be used with regular Sarven wheels. We recommend them for high-grade work, both on buggies and spring wagons. We carry the Collinge Collar axles in stock in stubs or short bed axles, and also in various styles of long bed axles as shown in the. list below. Plain Fan Tail. Beds are flat on the under side. y A x6y 2 , per set $1.80 V8^6y 2> per set 1.80 Hx6 l / 2 , per set 1.80 1 x6y 2 , per set 2.00 1^x7, per set 2.50 1^x7, per set 3.50 Swedged Fan Tail. Beds are rounding on under .side. y 8 x6y 2 , per set $1.90 !H6y 2 , per set 1.90 1 x6y 2> per set 2.10 Square Bed. 1 x6y 2 , per set $2.00 1^x7, per set 2.50 I%x7, per set 3.50 Coached. 1 x6y 2 , per set $2.0<> 1^x7, per set 2.70 l%x7, per set 3.50 Stubs (Short Bed). , boxing only, per set .50 11x65/2, boxing only, per set 55 1 x6y>, boxing only, per set 55 \y%x6 l / 2 , boxing only, per set .65 1 y$x7, boxing only, per set .75 lyxSy, boxing only, per set 80 1^4x7, boxing only, per set .85 1^x7, boxing only, per .set 1.00 \y%x7y 2 , boxing only, per set 1.20 1.^x8, boxing only, per set 1.35 SEPARATE NUTS. Guaranteed to fit Liggett double collar huggy axles, but not any other make. Rights and Lefts. Nuts for y, y%, };!, 1-in., or 1^ axles, price each 5£ Nuts for V/a or \y% axles 7? GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 125 EXTRA REFINED STEEL LIGGETT AXLES. Every set of axles which we advertise includes the boxing and the nuts, and a set consists of four axles, enough for one job. No. %x6y 2 , nx6y 2 , 1 x6y 2 , l^x6y 2 , 1^x634 1^x7, 154x7, 13/6x7, 11 FAN TAIL. AXLES. per set $1.60 per set 1.60 per set. .". 1.60 per set 1.75 per set 2.00 per set 2.10 per set 2.10 per set 2.50 per set 3.50 No. 11 COACHED AXLES. ^x6^, per set $1.70 Vsx6y 2 , per set 1.70 1 x6y 2 , per set 1.85 lrsx6^, per set .' 2.20 \y%x6y 2i per set 2.30 1 *Ax7, per set 2.30 per set 2.60 per set 3.90 per set 4.80 154x7, 1^x7, l/ 2 x8, No. 11 SQUARE BED AXLES. \%x6y 2 , 1 x6^, 1^x6^, 1^x7, 154x7, 1^x7, 1^x8, per per per per per per per set $1.60 1.75 2.10 2.10 2.50 3.50 4.40 set. set, set. set, set, set-, No. 12 STUB AXLES. V4x6y 2 , per set $1.20 V&x6y 2 , per set 1.20 ¥ix6y 2 , per set 1.20 1 x6y 2 , per set 1.30 iy 8 x6y 2 , per set 1.60 15^x7, per set 1.60 154x6/, per set 1.90 set 1.90 set 2.50 set 2.50 set 3.50 154x7, per 1^x7, per l 3 /8x7/, per l/x8, per CHARGES FOR WELDING AND SETTING AXLES. If the welded axles ordered are intended to fit old wood beds, it is better to send the old woods to us rather than to give us a measurement only, such as "one inch arch" or "two inch drop," because in such cases we use our standard patterns which may not fit perfectly. Packages of old woods sent us must be plainly marked, and charges prepaid. Standard narrow track is 4 — 8. Standard wide track is 5 foot, out to out. We furnish other widths if desired, but these are standard. To get the price of a set of welded axles, select the axles listed in halves on pages 124 and 125, and add as follows for this work: For $i, %, i| and 1-in., any desired shape, per set $0.75 For 1/ and 1/, welded straight, no drop or arch, per set 1.00 For 1/ and 1%, welded any desired drop or arch, per set 1.50 For W% and 1/, welded straight, no drop or arch, per set 1.5.0 For \y% and 1/, welded any desired drop or arch, per set 2.00 DUPLEX AXLES. On our Duplex gears we use regular double collar coached axles, which are shaped at the axle factory with the peculiar shape of drop which is used on no other gear except the Duplex. (Refer to cut of Duplex gears in this catalogue.) The following prices refer to the axles complete, shaped, welded and set, ready for use. Other widths of track than regular, extra, 50 cents. 1 x6/, double collar Duplex axles, 4—8 or 5 — track, per set $2.75 l/x7, double collar Duplex axles, 4 — 8 or 5 — track, per set 3.50 154x7, double collar Duplex axles, 4—8 or 5 — track, per set 4.00 1^x7, double collar Duplex axles, 4 — 8 or 5 — track, per set 5.50 lJ/xS, double collar Duplex axles, A — 8 or 5 — track, per set 7.50 126 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND BAR IRON AND BAR STEEL. Cut to Exact Length, 12 Feet Long. Cutting all this stock to exact lengths, 12 feet, enables us to make a price by the bar, which is a great convenience to our customers. We will also, on applica- tion, quote net prices per hundred pounds to those who wish to buy that way, upon receipt of exact specifications, showing just the quantity and size required. Cus- tomers should note that we carry in stock both COMMON BAR IRON and SOFT STEEL, in all standard sizes. ROUND IRON. In 12-Foot Bars Only. •fV, per bar $0.03 J4, per bar 04 ■h, per bar 07 Vs, per bar .. .09 is, per bar 12 y 2 , per bar 14 is, per bar 19 ¥s, per bar 22 24, per bar .31 %, per bar «42 1, per bar « 5 3 V/s, per bar .67 1%, per bar »78 1^, per bar -96 V/ 2 , per bar 1-17 BAND IRON. In 12-Foot Bars Only. $ix T A> per bar 4c J4xj^, per bar 6c fysxYs, per bar 7c y A yi l A, per bar 7c y^yk, per bar 8c 1 x l A, per bar 9c ly&xVs, per bar 10c VA*y&, per bar lie ly&xYs, per bar 12c WxA, per bar 14c l24 x ^, per bar 17c 2 *y 8 , per bar 20c 2%xy s , per bar 22c 2y 2 x 1 A, per bar 25c 2^x^, per bar 28c 3 xM$, per bar 30c 4 x l A> per bar 38c HOOP STEEL,. In 12-Foot Bars Only. 24 x No. 18, per bar *?< 1 x No. 16, per bar 1<><* IK x No. 16, per bar 12^ 1 y 2 x No. 16, per bar 15£ ROUND SOFT STEEL. In 12-Foot Bars Only. J4, per bar 5c tk, per bar 7c Y&, per bar 9c t 7 6, per bar 12c y 2 , per bar 14c i 9 s, per bar 19c 5/£, per bar 22c 34, per bar 31c BAND STEEL. In 12-Foot Bars Only. y 2 x No. 12, per bar 6c y& x No. 12, per bar 7c 24 x No. 12, per bar 8c % x No. 12, per bar 8c 1 x No. 12, per bar 9c VA x No. 12, per bar 12c \y 2 x No. 12, per bar 13c 1^4 x No. 12, per bar 16c 2 x No. 12, per bar 18c iy 2 x No. 12, per bar 22c 3 x No. 12, per bar 27c 4 x No. 12, per bar 33c WAGON BOX STEEL. Beveled Edge. In 12-Foot Bars Only. 24 x No. 12, per bar y% x No. 12, per bar lOo 12^ WAGON BOX STEEL. Beveled Edge. Holes Punched and Countersunk. In 14-Foot Bars Only. Y± x No. 12, per bar 13«* x No. 12, per bar *6# GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 127 BAR IRON AND BAR STEEL. Cut to Exact Lengrth, 12 Feet Long. Cutting all this stock to exact lengths, 12 feet, enables us to make a price by the bar, which is a great convenience to our customers. Upon application accom- panied by exact specifications, we will also quote net prices per 100 lbs. SQUARE EDGE IRON. In 12-Foot Bars Only. &X&, per bar 12c %xi 3 s, per bar 14c 1 x^V, per bar 15c Ya*Ya, per bar 13c 7 Ax%, per bar 16c 1 x%, per bar 18c l/^xJ4, per bar 21c V/a^Ya, per bar 23c W^A, per bar 25c Wa^Ya, per bar 32c 2 x*4, per bar 34c 2Y*%, per bar 39c 2Y*Y, per bar 45c 1 xA, per bar 23c l%x&, per bar 31c lj^xtfc, per bor 35c 2 xiV, per bar 51c 2^xik, per bar 54c 1 xY, per bar 26c 1 Ya*Ys, per bar 32c W^M, per bar 38c 1 xY, per bar 35c lY^Y, per bar 43c lHxH, per bar 50c ROUND EDGE IRON. In 12-Foot Bars Only. This is regular iron wagon tire, which we here list in 12-foot bars for the con- venience of the trade. 1 J^xtfe, per bar 32c VAxM, per bar 36c IH X M, Per bar 38c W*Ht per bar 40c lj^x^, per bar 53c lY^Ys, Per bar 43c 134x3/2, per bar 59c 2 xY, per bar G8c BEVELED EDGE SHAFT IRON. In 12-Foot Bars Only. 1/4x34 per bar 25c l^xifc, per bar 30c SQUARE IRON. In 12-Foot Bars Only. Y, per bar 13c Y2, per bar 20c Y, per bar 32c Ya, per bar 43c Y&, per bar 60c 1, per bar 76c OVAL. IRON. In 12-Foot Bars Only. Y, per bar 5c Y2, per bar lie Y, per bar 15c Ya, per bar 22c %, per bar 25c HALF OVAL. IRON. In 12 Foot Bars Only. Y, per bar 4c Y2, per bar 6c Y, per bar 8c Y, per bar lie Y, per bar 14c HALF ROUND IRON. In 12-Foot Bars Only. H, per bar 10c Y, per bar 15c Ya, per bar 23c SPRING STEEL. IYa*Ya, per 100 pounds. . . . .- $5.00 W&xVa, per 100 pounds 5.00 IY*Y, per 100 pounds 5.00 \Ya*Ya, Per 100 pounds 5.00 2 xJ4, per 100 pounds 5.00 128 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND STEEL AND IRON TIRE. We Will Bend Any Set of Tire, Any Desired Height, for 15 Cents per Set. ROUND EDGE STEEL, TIRE. Guaranteed perfectly straight. The best tire on the market. Stock lengths are 11 feet 2 inches and 12 feet 9 inches making the front tire long enough for 42-in. wheels, and the hind tire long enough for 48-in. wheels. Note these lengths when comparing our prices with others. 34x&, price per set $0.60 24 x /4, price per set 75 ?^x-rV, price per set 65 t&x%, price per set .85 Hx-iis, price per set 1.10 1 xfs, price per set 70 1 x%, price per set 00 1 xtk, price per set 1.15 l/^xK* price per set 1.05 l^xifc, price per set 1.25 1/^x^, price per set 1.55 l/4 x /4, price per set 1.05 1 J4x&, price per set 1.35 l%x^i, price per set 1.65 l l Ax i y 2 , price per set 2.25 l}ixtfi, price per set 1.80 l^x^<, price per set 2.45 1 y 2 xH, price per set 2.00 \V2xy2, price per set THE BARBOUR METAL, TIRE. Size, Size, Improved BARBOUR STEEUTIRE PATENTEO $4 3 per set The latest thing for buggy tires. Ap- plied just like any other steel tire, and has the appearance of rubber tire. It will ride much easier and has greater wearing qualities than the standard flat steel tire. Descriptive circular mailed on application. $1.75 V&, per set 2.00 2.25 Size, 1-in., per set ROUND EDGE IRON WAGON TIRE. 11 Feet and 12 Feet Long. This length will answer for wheels 40 and 44-in. high and smaller. For longer tire, see list below. 2 xik, 11 and 12 ft, per set $1.70 2 x$i, 11 and 12 ft., per set 1.90 2 xy 2 , 11 and 12 ft, per set 2.55 2 x$i, 11 and 12 ft, per set 3.25 2y 2 xi 5 G, 11 and 12 ft., per set 2.00 2^x^, 11 and 12 ft., per set 2.40 2^x^, 11 and 12 ft, per set 3.15 2^x^, 11 and 12 ft., per set 4.10 3 x$i, 11 and 12 ft., per set 3.00 3 xy 2 , 11 and 12 ft., per set 3.8O 3 xy 8 , 11 and 12 ft, per set 5.10 3 xY A , 11 and 12 ft., per set 5.80 3y 2 x$i, 11 and 12 ft., per set 3.40 3y 2 xy 2 , 11 and 12 ft, per set 4.55 4 x$4, 11 and 12 ft., per set 4.20 4 xy 2 , 11 and 12 ft., per set 5.45 ROUND EDGE IRON WAGON TIRE. 12 Feet and 15 Feet Long. These tires are suitable for any height wheel up to 44 and 54 inches. l^x^, 12 and 15 ft, per set $1.60 1^x34 12 and 15 ft, per set 1.65 iy 2 xy 8 , 12 and 15 ft, per set 1.70 iy 2 xy 2 , 12 and 15 ft, per set 2.25 IH^Vs, 12 and 15 ft., per set 1.95 l^x/ 2) 12 and 15 ft., per set 2.65 \y 4 xy%, 12 and 15 ft., per set 3.25 2 x&, 12 and 15 ft, per set 2.00 2 xy 8 , 12 and 15 ft, per set 2.30 2 xy 2 , 12 and 15 ft., per set 3.00 2 x^, 12 and 15 ft, per set 3.75 2y 2 x-h, 12 and 15 ft, per set 2.40 2y 2 xH, 12 and 15 ft., per set 2.80 2y 2 xy 2 , 12 and 15 ft, per set 3.75 2^x^, 12 and 15 ft, per set 4.40 3 xH, 12 and 15 ft., per set 3.55 3 xy 2 , 12 and 15 ft, per set 4.40 3 x%, 12 and 15 ft., per set 5.50 3 xH, 12 and 15 ft, per set 6.75 3y 2 xy 8 , 12 and 15 ft, per set 4.00 Z x y 2 xy 2 , 12 and 15 ft, per set 5.40 4 xVg, 12 and 15 ft., per set 4.60 4 xy 2 , 12 and 15 ft., per set 6.40 We will bend your tire for 15 eta. per set GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 129 CHANNEL TIRE, TOE CALK STEEL, HORSE SHOE BAR, ETC. ^=4 STANDARD CHANNEL, TIRE. For Solid Rubber. Channel tire are measured outside on the bottom, and should be ordered the same size as the width of the rim of the wheel on which it is to be used. Stock lengths are long enough for wheels 42-in. and 48-in. high. 34 channel tire, per set $0.85 7/s channel tire, per set 1.00 1-in. channel tire, per set 1.15 We do not carry larger sizes than this in stock, but will quote prices on same for direct shipment, upon application. K=^ CUSHION CHANNEL, TIRE. For Round Cushion Rubber. All cushion channel tire measures A wide on the bottom outside, regardless of the diameter of the rubber used in them. Therefore these tire will only fit wheels having % rims. These tire must therefore be ordered according to the diameter of the rubber. Size of Rubber Per Set 1-in. cushion channels $1.25 1^8 cushion channels 1.40 1*4 cushion channels 1.50 BLACK DIAMOND TOOL STEEL. The best tool steel on the market. Following sizes carried in stock: Round: — , *A, 5 A, Va, A, 1-in. and V/ 4 . Square:— tt, 5 A, H, %, 1-in., \%, \y 2 and 2-in. Octagon : — H, 5 A, M, Vs, 1-in. and 1%. All sizes, per pound 12<> TOE CALK STEEL. 1 xK, a^a, 3 /4xtV, ^xtV, y 2 x&, 1 X3/6, A*A, y&y,, MXT 5 *, ^Xfg, ^Xfk, 3 /8X&, y&x j A, A^A, y*x i A, -h*A, ^Xt 3 *, per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound s $2.75 s 2.75 s 2.75 s 2.75 s 2.75 s 2.75 3 2.75 s 2.75 s 2.75 s 2.75 s 2.75 s 3.00 s 3.00 s 3.00 s 3.15 s 3.15 s 3.15 s 3.50 s 3.50 3 3.25 s 3.75 s 3.75 Permit us to call attention to our complete and well selected line of bar iron, steel and similar goods. We do not aim to handle every- thing, but it is our purpose to keep a nice, clean stock of all the stand- ard goods used in blacksmith shops and wagon repair shops. Our personal attention is given to all orders. GENUINE NORWAY IRON. Following sizes are always carried in stock. Other sizes shipped direct from the eastern importers. Stock sizes: Round:— %, &, 3 A, &, y 2 , y 8 and y 4 . Square:— A, a, y 2 , y% and y A . Flat: — Mxti, y^A, ix^, VA^A, iy 2 xy 2 . All sizes, per 100 pounds $4.75 130 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. HORSE SHOES. PH03NIX EXTRA LIGHT STEEL. All sizes, 2 to 6, per keg $4.00 No. 1, per keg 4.25 Fronts and hinds of a size in a keg without extra charge if so ordered. Assorted sizes in kegs, or less than full kegs, per pound 4}4<* PH(E\IX IRON SNOW. All sizes, 2 to 7, per keg $4.00 No. 1, per keg 4.25 Fronts and hinds of a size in a keg without extra charge if so ordered. Assorted sizes in kegs, or less than full kegs, per pound 4H<5 PH03NIX COUNTERSUNK STEEL. All sizes, 2 to 4, per keg $5.00 No. 1, per keg 5 - 25 Fronts and. hinds of a size in a keg without extra charge if so ordered. Assorted sizes in kegs, or less than full kegs, per pound 5*£c piio3Nix ex. f;x. light steel or FEATHERWEIGHT. All sizes, 2 to 5 per keg $-1.75 No. and No. 1, per keg 5.00 Fronts and- hinds of a size in a keg without extra charge if so ordered. Assorted sizes in kegs, or less than full kegs, per pound ':5}£c NEVER-SLIP SHOES. We carry the genuine Red-Tip shoes in two of the most popular patterns. All of our shoes are drilled ready to he tapped for screw calks. Creased steel shoes suitable for all regular work, sizes 2 to 6, per p< >und 9c Countersunk steel shoes' suitable for or light work, sold by the pair. '. to N<>. 4, per pair.' 10c No. 5, per pair 23c PHOENIX EXTRA LIGHT IRON. Ail sizes, 2 to 8, per keg $4.00 No. and No. 1, per keg 4.25 Fronts and hinds of a size in a keg without extra charge if so ordered. Assorted sizes in kegs, or less than full kegs, per pound 4 Me PHOENIX LIGHT LONG STEEL IRON. All sizes, 3 to 7, per keg $4.00 Fronts and hinds of a size in a keg without extra charge if so ordered. Assorted sizes in kegs, or less than full kegs, per pound 4J4c PH03NIX IRON MULE. All sizes, 1 to 4, per keg $4.25 Assorted sizes in kegs, or less than full kegs, per pound 4 }£ c ROSS LIGHT TOE WEIGHT. No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 carried in stock, per pound 7c ROSS LIGHT SIDE WEIGHT. No. 1 and No. 2 in stock. Not sold by the pound. Price per pair 18c SPECIAL OFFER. On orders for ten kegs of horse shoes, cash with order, deduct 10c per keg. On orders for ten boxes of toe calks. cash with order, deduct 5c per box. GENUINE RED-TIP CALKS AND TOOLS. h Drive calks, per 100 $2.20 Drive calks, per 100 2.25 h Drive calks, per 100 2.40 Drive calks, per 100 2.50 1 >rive calk extractors, each -25 1 )rive calk punches, each >^S i Stub taps, i 5 (j to ■;,•, each -JO Tapper taps, -h to ->s, each -30 Johnson wrenches, each 1.75 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 131 HORSE SHOE NAILS. NEW GOSHEN HORSE SHOE NAILS. We can recommend this nail to our customers, as we have sold it for years. It is made of first-class tough Swedish stock, is a nice driver, and holds" the shoe fully as well as many high priced nails. It is not a cut nail, but is made exactly like the other good nails. Many of the best horseshoers in the country prefer it above all others. City Heads Only. No. 5— Per box of 25 lbs $2.00 Less than full boxes, per lb... .10 No. 6— Per box of 25 lbs 2.00 Less than full boxes, per lb... .10 No. 7— Per box of 25 lbs 2.00 Less than full boxes, per lb... .10 No. 8— Per box of 25 lbs 2.00 Less than full boxes, per lb... .10 No. 9— Per box of 25 lbs 2.00 Less than full boxes, per lb... .10 "CAPEWELL" HORSE SHOE NAILS. The Capewell nail is without doubt the very best and highest priced nail on the market. In offering them to our customers at list price, we are only con- forming with the rule laid down by the manufacturers, which does not permit any one to sell them for less. In lots of 250 lbs. we make a discount of 10 per cent from these prices. Regular Heads, City Heads and Plate Heads. No. 4— Per lb 32^ No. 5— Per lb 20<* No. 6— Per lb 17^ No. 7— Per lb 16£ No. 8— Per lb 15^ No. 9— Per lb... 15^ These nails are put up in 5-lb. pack- ages, and we do not break packages. No. 4 are put' up in 1 -lb. packages. "STAR" HORSE SHOE NAILS. These nails are the genuine Star, with the little star stamped on every head. Don't let any one make you believe that they are an imitation of this famous nail. Regular and City Heads. No. 4— Per lb 30^ No. 5— Per lb 15< No. 6— Per lb 15<> No. 7— Per lb 15^ No. 8— Per lb 15«* No. 9— Per lb 15«* These nails are put up in 5-lb. pack- ages and we do not break packages. No. 4 are put up in 1-11). packages. "LUCKY" HORSE SHOE NAILS. This nail is the same that in former years we sold under the name of "Go- shen Nails." For a long time the fac- tory did not make .them, but we have them once more and many of . our old customers appreciate the fact. Put up in 5-lb. packages. We do not break packages. Regular Heads. No. 5— Per lb 12^ No. 6— Per lb 12^ No. 7— Per lb 12< No. 8— Per lb 12£ No. 9— Per lb 12^ Countersunk Heads. No. 5— Per lb 12^ No. 6— Per lb 12<* No. 7— Per lb 12£ HORSE SHOERS: Our line of horse-s hoers sup- plies is well s< elected. We have what you want We make quick shipments. We sell at low prices. Give us a trial order. 132 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. HOOF PADS. Within a few years, horse shoers everywhere have learned that the hoof pad business is one of the important parts of the trade. There is an endless variety of pads on the market and it would be useless to try carrying all of them in stock so we have selected two of the best sellers which we offer to the trade. Both of these pads are made by reliable manufacturers and are strictly first class goods. Give them a trial. SAMSON RIBBRK PADS. An extra heavy canvas-back pad. No. — Price per pair $0.65 No. 1 — Price per pair .65 No. 2— -Price per pair .65 No. 3 — Price per pair .65 No. 4 — Price per pair .70 No. 5 — Price per pair .80 No. 6 — Price per pair .95 No. 7 — Price per pair 1.10 "TARCO" BRAND NAVY OAKUM. No up-to-date shoeing shop is complete without a supply of hoof packing and we carry in stock several strictly first class articles in our Pure Pine Tar listed on page 137 and our Navy Brand Oakum listed below. Navy Brand Oakum, per pound 7}&c Navy Brand Oakum, in full bales of 50 pounds, per pound 6}&c STERLING RUBBER PADS. Red fibre back, heavy rubber heel. No. — Price per pair $0.45 No. 1 — Price per pair 45 No. 2 — Price per pair .50 No. 3 — Price per pair .55 No. 4 — Price per pair 65 No. 5 — Price per pair 75 No. 6 — Price per pair .90 No. 7 — Price per pair 1.00 This is without a doubt the most popular-priced pad on the market. It is low in price but high in quality, being made of a special fibre combination which insures the maximum of wear. Give it a trial. PLAIN LEATHER PADS . These pads have no rubber on them, but are simply pieces of heavy sole leather cut out in the correct sizes. They are done up in packages of one dozen pieces, and are sold by the dozen pieces, not in pairs. No. 1— Price per doz. pieces $0.60 No. 2 — Price per doz. pieces .70 No. 3 — Price per doz. pieces .80 No. 4 — Price per doz. pieces -90 No. 5 — Price per doz. pieces 1-00 No. 6 — Price per doz. pieces 1.10 No. 7 — Price per doz. pieces 1.20 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 133 BULL DOG TOE CALKS. ^r The demand for this style of calk is increasing so rapidly that we have found it advisable to discontinue all "other brands. The following are the stock sizes which we carry in all patterns: No. 0, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5 and No. 6. BLUNT, LONG PATTERN. This is the most popular style. Full 25-lb. boxes, per box $1.15 Less than full boxes, per lb .05 BLUNT, EXTRA LONG PATTERN. Made especially for city work. Full 25-lb. boxes, per box $1.15 Less than full boxes, per lb .05 BLUNT HEEL, OR SIDE CALKS. Same size of steel as the toe calks but made very short, for heels. Full 25-lb. boxes, per box $1.35 Less than full boxes, per lb .06 SHARP, LONG PATTERN. The most popular sharp calk made. Full 25-lb. boxes, per box $1.30 Less than full boxes, per lb «06 SHARP, EXTRA LONG PATTERN. Made especially for city work. Full 25-lb. boxes, per box $1.30 Less than full boxes, per lb «06 SHARP HEEL, OR SIDE CALKS. Same size of steel as the toe calks, but made very short, for heels. Full 25-lb. boxes, per box $ 1, 5?. Less than full boxes, per lb ,07 HORSE RASPS. It is useless to pay a fancy price for some particular brand on a horse rasp. By having the factory put our brand on the goods, instead of the regular factory brand, we are able to offer our custom- ers a rasp at a low price, exactly the same in quality as the rasps which are now being sold for twice the money un- der other names. GOSHEN HORSE RASPS. The best rasp on the market regardless of price. We have sold this rasp for twenty years without a single complaint. 16-in. plain rasp's, per doz $4.00 Less than y 2 doz., each 35 18-in. plain rasps, per doz 4.60 Less than V 2 doz., each .40 GOSHEN TANGED RASPS. 12-in. tanged rasps, per doz $2.80 Less than l / 2 doz., each 25 14-in. tanged rasps, per doz 4.00 Less than x / 2 doz., each .35 16-in. tanged rasps, per doz 5.20 Less than Y / 2 doz., each .45 NEVERSLIP TOE CALKS, TAPS AND DRILLS. We handle nothing but the genuine Neverslip goods, with the red tips. The No. 4, square base, Neverslip calk, is the only style carried in stock. It is the stand- ard style, which may be used in new or old shoes, and is put in or taken out with- out the use of any special tools. lQ^> SQUARE BASE CALKS. A, price per 100 $2.00 y % , price per 100 2.00 A, price per 100 2.20 f, price per 100 2.20 , price per 100 2.40 2.40 NEVERSLIP, y 2 INCH SHANK DRILL. }£ Drills, price each 38^ i 7 6 Drills, price each 43<* y 2 Drills, price each 46d & Drills, price each 51£ Y% Drills, price each 60^ NEVERSLIP HAND TAPS. $i Taps, price each 30<* & Taps, price each 30c y 2 Taps, price each SOtf & Taps, price each 30c 4 % Taps, price each 30< L34 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND HORSE SHOERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. Good Mechanics Require Good Tools. We Handle Heller Bros. Exclusively. TURNING SLEDGE. Without Handle. 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 lbs. Price per lb 18* ROUNDING HAMMER. Fitted with good hickory handle. ty Ay 2, 234, 2y 2 , 234 or 3 lbs. Price each $1.35 CAT-HEAD TURNING HAMMER. Fitted with good hickory handle. 2, 24, 2Y 2 , 234 or 3 lbs. Price each $1.35 PITTING HAMMER. Fitted with good hickory handle. 2, 2%, 2Y 2 , 2M or 3 lbs. Price each $1.05 HELLER PATTERN DRIVING HAMMER. Fitted with good hickory handle. 14, 15, 16, 17 or 18 oz. weights. Price each 65^ SCOTCH PATTERN DRIVING HAMMER. Fitted with good hickory handle. 14, 15, 16, 17 or 18 oz. weights. Price each 65# ELECTRIC SHARPENING HAMMER. Fitted with good hickory handle. 2, 24, 2y_ or 234 lbs. Price each $1.20 BALL-FEIN HAMMER. Fitted with good hickory handle. 2 lbs. and 24 lbs. Price each 75^ RIVETING HAMMER. HAND HAMMER. Fitted with good hickory handle. Fitted with good hickory handle. 2, 24 or 2y lbs. Two sizes, 12 oz. and 18 oz. Price each . . . 70£ | Price each 50£ GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 135 HORSE SHOERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. Every Tool We Sell is Fully Guaranteed-; Made by Reliable Manufacturers, HELLER BROS.' CUTTING NIPPERS. 10-in., per pair $0.90 12-in., per pair 1.10 14-in., per pair 1.30 HELLER BROS.' PINCERS. 12-ira., per pair $0.85 14-in., per pair 1.15 HELLER BROS.' HOOP PARERS 12-in., per pair $1.10 14-in., per pair 1.35 EASY HOOF TRIMMERS. The best hoof trimmer on the market. Light and serviceable. Price each $1.35 Extra blades for same, each 10 THE GIANT HOOF PARER. Something new; very strong. Jaws open \% in. Price per pair $1.60 HELLER BROS.' CLINCH TONGS. 14-in., price per pair $1.25 IRON HANDLE FARRIER KNIVES. Two sizes, l / 2 -\n. and ^-in. With handles, price each 250 Without handle, blade only, each... 200 CRE4SERS. Price each 280 FORE PUNCHES Price each 250 SP SOLE KNIVES. Price each 280 0=3 BUFFERS. Price each .280 FARRIERS' PRITCHELS. 12 in. long. Price each 180 136 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. We Handle Nothing but the Product of the Best Manufacturers In This Line. DOUBLE-FACE SLEDGES. Solid cast steel, polished faces; 6, 8, 10, 12 or 16 lbs. Price per lb .8^ CROSS-PEIN SLEDGES. Solid cast steel, polished faces; 6, 8, 10, 12 or 16 lbs. Price per lb 8^ JOINTED HORSE TOOTH FILES. Complete with one rasp, each. .. .$1.05 Extra rasps for same, each 18 HORSE SHOER'S TONGS. Heavy Pattern. No. 14 — 14 in. long, per pair 25c No. 16 — 16 in. long, per pair 25^ No. 17 — 17 in. long, per pair 30^ BLACKSMITHS' COMMON TONGS. Size Length Pair No. 25 % 14 in 35£ No. 27 Va 14 in 35<* No. 29 v* 16 in 40£ No. 31 y 2 20 in .45^ No. 33 H 24 in . 50<* No. 35 Va 24 in 50^ HOT CUTTING CHISELS. Size of cut, \ l / 2 , price each 40^ COLD CUTTING CHISELS -Size of cut, \y 2 , price each 50£ BLACKSMITHS' SWAGES. For Round Iron. In Pairs. Size 3/i, per pair $0.60 Size l /2, per pair 70 Size y%, per pair 80 Size Va, per pair 90 Size 1-in., per pair 1.00 BLACKSMITHS' ROUND PUNCHES. Size 34, price each 30^ Size l /2, price each 35^ Size y& f price each 40$ Size i^4, price each 45^ STRAIGHT HARDIES. ~/s square shank, price each 25^* BLACKSMITHS' FLATTERS. 2y 2 -\n. square face, price each 50^ ffi) ffi) WELDING DIES. For welding sharp toe calks. Large size welds No. 3 to No. 6. Small stfee welds No. to No. 2. Price each 65^ GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 137 BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. We Handle Nothing But Good Reliable Goods in this line. Fully Guaranteed. BLACKSMITHS' APRONS. We handle blacksmith aprons in two qualities, the soft russet split leather, and the heavy muleskin. Our split leather aprons undergo a special tanning process, which renders them soft and pliable, and they never get hard. The muleskin apron, light gray in color, and heavy weight, are too well known to need description. All of our aprons are trimmed to size, 28x38, and furnished with strings. No. 1 — Heavy weight, soft russet split-leather apron, each $1.60 No. 2 — Heavy weight, genuine soft muleskin apron, each $2.00 MOLE TIRE SHRINKERS. After long investigation, and many tests, we are able to offer our customers a Mole shrinker, which will positively do the work, without danger of breaking down at the time when most needed, as many mole shrinkers do. We carry in stock only the large heavy size No. 3, which will shrink large 4-in. tire, and will also work equally well on buggy tire. Full guaranteed. Price each $11.00 WELDING COMPOUNDS. Borax-Ette, in 5 lb. packages only per pound 10^ Climax Welding Compound, in bulk, per pound 8^ Cherry Heating Welding Compound, in bulk, per pound 12# Extra Refined Crystal Borax, in bulk, per pound 10^ E-Z Welding Compound, in 5 lb. packages only, per pound 8# PURE PINE TAR. For horse shoer's purposes. Price per gallon can $0.40 Price per five gallon can 1.75 PEAT MOSS HOOF STUFFING. A standard article for keeping the hoof of a horse in good condition. Packed in pails. Price per pail $1.00 STODDARD TIRE SHRINKERS. We carry in stock only the No. 3 spe- cial machine which has extra sets of loose jaws making it adjustable for light and heavy tire, 4-in. wide down to bug- gy tire, will also upset steel axles 1% thick. Price each $12.00 138 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. These Goods are Fully Guaranteed. None Better Made Anywhere. WROUGHT BLACKSMITH VISE. We carry four sizes of these in stock, and can ship other sizes direct from the factory. They are genuine wrought iron, and fully warranted. 60 lb., 5 -in. jaw; each $5.00 65 lb., 5 -in. jaw; each 5.50 70 lb., S^-in. jaw; 'each 6.00 75 lb., 5j4-in. jaw; each 6.50 PARALLEL MACHINIST'S VISE. The best vise ever constructed. First- class heavy material used in its construc- tion, with steel jaws, and first-class screw. No. 1 — 4-in. jaw; opening AYi in. each $5.50 No. 2 — 5-in. jaw; opening 7 in. each 6.50 GOSHEN FIRE POT. Weight about 50 lbs.; 3 in. thick; top opening, 8x8; bottom opening, 5x6. Makes the best kind of a forge for all work. Price each $1.2."> LITTLE GIANT FOOT VISE. Weight 165 lbs., including dies for the use of horse shoers in welding sharp toe calks. This is the best foot vise ever offered to the trade. We ship it only from the eastern factory direct to our customers. Price each $9.75 BELLOWS. Covered with good leather. Standard pattern. 36-in., price each $7.50 38-in., price each 8.25 40-in., price each 9.50 WARREN PATENT TITER IRON. T'rice each $1.50 PATD APRIL a THE REYNOLDS AXLE GAL'OE REYNOLDS AXLE GAUGE. No carriage shop can afford to be without this wonderful tool. It is suit- able for any width of axle, and will reg- ister instantly on a dial, the amount of set or gather of any axle. Price each $3.50 '-•, GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 130 BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. Our Line Includes Only the Product of the Most Reliable Manufacturers. TRENTON ANVILS. We carry in stock genuine Trenton anvils, which are known to be the best, Ameiycan anvil made. Guaranteed solid wrought iron body, with heavy steel face, fully guaranteed. REGULAR PATTERN. This is the standard blacksmith's pat- tern, for all regular work. Stock sizes are as follows, and other sizes and weights can be readily obtained direct from the factory. No. 1 — Trenton anvil, regular pat- tern, face 2> l / 2 -\n. wide, weight about 130 lbs. Price per pound.. H£ No. 2 — Trenton anvil, regular pat- tern, face 4-in. wide, weight about 150 lbs. Price per pound.. H£ HORSE SHOER'S PATTERN. The most famous horse shoer's anvil ever produced. Has a narrow face, with good full, deep horn, and also has the clip horn. Made with two pritchel holes. Stock sizes are as follows, and other sizes and weights can be readily obtain- ed direct from the factory. No. 3 — Trenton anvil, horse shoer's pattern, face 3^4-in. wide, weight about 120 lbs. .Price per pound.. 12<* No. 4 — Trenton anvil, horse shoer's pattern, face 3^2-in. wide, weight about 140 lbs. Price per pound.. 12^ PETER WRIGHT ANVILS. 3Iade in England. Through a favorable arrangement with a Chicago Importing house, we are able to fill orders direct from a large stock in Chicago, instead of carrying a stock of these anvils here in Goshen. We can thus furnish promptly, any desired size and weight. Regular pattern anvils, per lb 11^ Horse shoer's pattern, per lb 12^ NO. 3 TIRE BENDER. Double geared, turned rollers, Extra strong. Will bend 5-in. tire or less. Two cranks may be used when bending extra heavy tire. Price with one crank .'..$7.00 BLACKSMITH COAL. Packed in barrels containing 200 lbs. The best coal that money can buy. Price per barrel $1.00 DIXON'S GRAPHITE AXLE GREASE. This is one of those articles which needs to be tested before the purchaser can understand just how good it is. Unlike any other axle lubricant on earth, and equally good for fine carriages and heavy wagons. One pound in a box, which will go as far as three boxes of ordinary axle grease. Price per box 15^ 140 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. DRILLING MACHINE No. 1. Extension Crank. Adjustable Feed. Drills Y\-\r\. holes or less to center of 12-in. circle. Double geared, self feed. Upright col- umn and feed screw are made of steel, and drill spindle is made of tool steel, drilled to take in J^-in. shank drills. Weight, 80 pounds. Price each $5.00 DRILLING MACHINE No. 2. Extension Crank. Adjustable Feed. Drills 1-in. holes or less to center of 14-in. circle. Double geared, self feed. Upright col- umn and feed screw are made of steel, and drill spindle is made of tool steel, correct size to take in ^-in. shank drills. Weight, 100 pounds. Price each $6.00 DRILLING MACHINE No. 23. Made with Ball Bearing feed nut which saves fifty per cent, of the power. For medium and heavy work. Can be changed to fast or slow speed. Drills lj4-in. holes to the center of 18-in. circle. This is a very strong, well made ma- chine. Drill spindle is made of tool steel and is correct size to takq in J^-in. shank drills. Weight, 175 pounds. Price each $10.00 For Drill Chucks, See Page 149. GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 141 WESTERN CHIEF DRILL No. 16. LARGEST POST DRILL. MADE. A POST DRILL WITH THE FINE FEATURES OF MACHINE SHOP FLOOR DRILLS. Straight and Bevel Gears are cut. Fast and slow speed, instant change. Hand Lever Feed, also Horizontal Gear-driven Positive Self-feed, changed to fast, slow or medium speed instantly. These feeds work independently of each other and bit is lifted quickly. Raise and lower device to Table. Drills to center of 24-inch Circle. Bores to V/ 2 inches. Up and Down run of Spindle, 6^4 inches. Up and Down run of Table, 15^2 inches. Greatest distance from Table to Spindle, 18^2 inches. Size of Pulleys, 10)^x2^ inches. Should run 175 to 190 revolutions per minute. Spindle bored for l / 2 or 41/64-inch shank bits. ALWAYS STATE SIZE WHEN ORDERING. Weight, Hand Power 340 lbs. Weight, Hand and Power 360 lbs. Wheel Rims can be drilled by removing table and using the forked support as a wheel holder. When ordering hand power only, the shaft is left extended, so that Pulleys may be placed at any time. ALWAYS SHIPPED WITHOUT PULLEYS. UNLESS ORDERED. PRICE. Hand Power only $32.00 With Pulleys (as illustrated) 34.00 For Drill Chucks, See Page 149. L42 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND DRILLS, BITS AND FILES. g rr"^ ARCADE FILES. Best on Earth. Price Each half round 40c* half round 30c* half round 23c* half round 18c* mill 27c* mill 20c* mill 15c* mill 12c* mill 9c* mill 8c* round 15c* round 12c* round 10c* round 9c* flat bastard 33c* flat bastard 25c* flat bastard 20c* taper saw 8c* taper saw 7 c* taper saw 6c* taper saw 5c* slim taper saw 9c* slim taper saw .' 8c* slim taper saw 7 c* slim taper saw 6c* slim taper saw 5c* slim taper saw ; 5c* WOOD RASPS. Do not confuse wood rasps with Bas- tard Files. 12-in. flat 38<- 14-in. flat 45c* 16-in. flat 50c* 12-in. half round 39c* 14-in. half round 48c* 16-in. half round 55c* 16- in. 14- in. 12- in. 10- in. 16- in. 14- in. 12- in. 10- in. 8- in. 6- in. 12- in. 10- in. 9- in. 8- in. 16- in. 14- in. 12- in. 8- in. 7- in. 6- in. 5- in. 9- in. 8- in. 7- in. 6- in. 5- in. 4- in. •£000000= A, IMPROVED JENNING'S PATENT BRACE BITS. each 15c* each 15c* each * 15c* each 17^* each 20c* each 22c* each 24c* each 27c* each 27c* each 30c* each 30c* each 35c* each 35c* <3^S2 SYRACUSE WOOD BITS. Bores hard wood fast and easy, and is made to stand contact with metal so that it is not damaged if a nail is accident- ally encountered. &, each 6c &, each 6c %, each 6c t&, each 7c &, each 8c 3 7 2 , each 10c }i, each lie &, each 13c &, each 13c ii, each 15c }i, each 15c II, each 17c &,. each 17c II, each 19c l / 2 , each 19c H, each 21c -ft, each 21c $<£, each 23c \l, each 25c Y^, each 27c H, each 29c %, each 32c U, each 36c 1, each 40c GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 143 DRILLS AND BITS. When Ordering, Please Observe that as a Rule You want Your Drill 3 V Larger than the Size of Hole to be bored, and Always Order the Exact Size of Blrill Wanted. BIT STOCK DRILLS FOR METAL OR WOOD. ft, each fO ft, each 5 v Vs, each W &, each V? ft, each «£ A, each ®t H, each : 11^ A, each J2£ ft, each 1^ **, each W 3/8, each 1*0 H, each §10 A, each 2-J ^, each 26^ /a, each 27* ». each 29£ ft, each "|£ 5/8, each 4 ?0 H, each 48^ >K, each *2£ II, each 57£ /8, each «M «. each 52* 1 each 74 ^ STRAIGHT SHANK DRILLS FOR CHUCKS. ^, each 6 ^ A, each 80 ft, each 9 ^ 13/64, each 90 &, each 10^ y 4 , each 12^ 3 9 2 , each 14^ ft, each 160 ii, each 180 Vs, each . ...200 3 §, each 220 32 A, ft, U, Vs, ii, ft, »; / 2 , H. ft, M, Si, A, ft, A, 54, A, ft, H, 3/, H. ft, H. DRILLS WITH y 2 IN. SHANK. each • 17 ? each ,--- 18 ^ each 210 each 22^ each 240 each • 260 each.... • 270 each 280 each..... 290 each I •••• S0 * each 310 each • • • • -320 each 33 ^ each 34 ^ each ai**M each 360 each -..^0 each. ; 40 * ^s:^S ^"l ) DRILLS WITH % IN. SHANK. each 210 each 220 each 230 each : 250 each 260 each 270 each 280 each 300 each 310 each 320 each 330 each 340 each .' 350 each 360 each 370 each 380 each 390 144 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND GENERAL SHOP TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. NEW EASY BOLT CLIPPERS. Acknowledged the finest bolt clipper ever produced. This is the genuine Por- ter Patent. No. 1— Cutting 3/ 8 . or less $2.50 No. 2 — Cutting y 2 or less 3.50 EXTRA JAWS FOR NEW EASY CLIPPERS. For No. 1 clippers, per pair $1.30 For No. 2 clippers, per pair 1.70 ALLEN-RANDALL BOLT AND RIVET CLIPPER. Warranted perfect in material and workmanship, but not against cutting steel. No. 1— Cutting y 8 or less $2.25 No. 2— Cutting y 2 or less 3.25 EXTRA JAWS FOR ALLEN-RANDALL CLIPPERS. For No. 1 clippers, per pair $1.30 For No. 2 clippers, per pair 1.70 LANG'S TIRE BOLT WRENCH. For New and Old Work. Can be used on %, & and J4 nuts, -ice each, complete $1.00 Extra Wrench Heads, each .25 TIRE MEASURING WHEEL. This is a graduated wheel, finely pol- ished, with cherry handle. Two feet in circumference; guaranteed to run per- fectly true. Price each $1.40 STEARNS SPOKE POINTER NO. 1. Points anything up to IJ4- Price each 65£ BONNEY'S ADJUSTABLE HOLLOW AUGUR. Cuts any tennon from Price each to 1-in. 75< EAGLE SCREW CLAMPS. Ball and socket Swivel. 3-in. opening, price each 18^ 4-in. opening, price each 22<* 5-in. opening, price each 25^ 6-in. opening, price each 30^ GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 145 GENERAL SHOP TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. TRIMO PIPE WRENCHES. These are too well known to need de- scription. They are the best pipe wrench ever made. 6-in., price each $0.65 8-in., price each 65 10-in., price each .75 14-in., price each 1.00 18-in., price each 1.30 MONKEY WRENCHES. Genuine engineer's case hardened wrenches. THE BEST. 8-in., price each $0.40 10-in., price each 50 12-in., price each .60 15-in., price each 1.00 HEAVY PLIERS. These are made of genuine cast steel. They are the best pliers and wire cutters made. 6-in., price per pair 30<* 8-in., price per pair 40^ 10-in., price per pair 50^ 12-in., price per pair 75^ TRIMMER'S CLIPS. These wooden clips, with strong steel spring, are in daily use in every trim- ming shop. Price per dozen ,,,,,„ $1.00 too ADJUSTABLE HACK SAW FRAME. Strong and durable. No small pieces to get lost or out of order. Will take any length blade from 8 to 12-in. Without any blades, price each 75^ "VICTOR" HACK SAW BLADES. The best that money can buy. Should be stretched tight when in use. Superior to all others. 6-in. in full dozens, per dozen 45^ Less than full dozen, each 5^ 7-in. in full dozens, per dozen 50^ Less than full dozen, each 5^ 8-in. in full dozens, per dozen 55^ Less than full dozen, each 5^ 9-in. in full dozens, per dozen 60^ Less than full dozens, each 6^ 10-in., in full dozens, per dozen 70^ Less than full dozens, each 7^ 11-in. in full dozens, per dozen 75^ Less than full dozens, each 8^ 12-in. in full dozens, per dozen 80^ Less than full dozen, each 9^ SCREW DRIVERS. No. 40 Beech Handle. Capped Ferrule, Heavy Flat Blade, Polished. 3-in., price each 6^ 4-in., price each 7^ 5-in., price each 8$ 6-in., price each 9# 7-in., price each 10^ 8-in., price each 12^ 10-in., price each 16^ YANKEE SCREW DRIVERS. No. 11 Right and Left Hand, and Rigid. Fine Cherry Finish, Nickel Plated. 2-in., price each 30<* 4-in.. price each 35<* 6-in., price each 45^ 8-in., price each 50^ 10 146 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND GENERAL SHOP TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. Made S-in 9-in 10-in. 11-in 8-in 9-in 10-in 11-in DRAWING KNIVES. from Jessup's Best Cast Steel and Norway Iron. No. 1, Extra Quality. , price each 500 , price each 55<^ , price each 600 , price each 650 No. 10, Razor Blade. , price each 550 , price each 600 , price each 650 , price each 700 NO. 10 IJ CHISELS. Plain Edges, Solid Cast Steel Six- ■Inch Blade, Wood Handle as Shown in Cut. Width in inches % Va H X y* Va Each . . .250 250 250 250 270 300 Width in inches H 1 1M VA Wa 2 Each . ...320 330 360 400 420 450 NO. 21-1, CHISELS. Beveled Edges, Solid Cast Steel, Six- Blade, Leather Head. Width in inches Vz Va ¥* J A H Each ... .350 35? 350 350 370 Width in inches 7/ 8 \ V/ A \ l / 2 Wa Each ....420 450 480 500 550 Inch 400 600 CARPENTER'S LEAD PENCILS. One dozen in a package. Price, per dozen 2O0 When less than one dozen is order- ed, price each 50 4 i.ii Ml 1 II 1 Mil l|l jll 1 j S- No'sfl for-^ ' \ . ' i a - ——31 BOXWOOD RULES. One Foot, Four Fold, Narrow. No. 69 — Round joint, middle plates, 8ths and 16ths of inches, ^-in. wide. Price each 90 Two Feet, Four Fold, Narrow. No. 68 — Round joint, middle plates, 8ths and 16ths of inches, 1-in. wide. Price each 120 No. 62 — Square joint, full bound, 8ths, lOths, 12ths and- 16ths of inches, drafting scale 1-in. wide. Price each 350 BOXWOOD CALIPER RULES. No. 36 — 6 in., two fold, square joint, 8ths, lOths, 12ths and 16ths of inches, % wide. Price each 200 No. 32 — 1 foot, four fold, arch joint, edge plates, 8ths, lOths, 12ths and 16ths of inches, 1-in. wide. Price each 300 NO. 74 NAIL HAMMERS. Adze-Eye. Bell Face, solid tool steel polished. Weight one pound. Price each 450 HAMMER HANDLES. XXX Grade for Machinists' and Black- smiths' Hammers. 13-in., price each 50 14-in., price eacli 50 16-in., price each 6<* 18-in., price each 70 20-in., price each 8£ GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 147 GENERAL SHOP TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. SQUARES. Extra Fine Quality, Gun Metal Finish. No. B103— Length 2 ft, price each $1.00 2-in. wide, i\, 1/12, l A, l A board and brace measure, 16-inch tongue. No. B110— Length 1 ft., price each 70<* \y 2 -m. wide, 1/12, %, Y A , 8-inch tongue. Iron Squares. No. 21 — Length 2 feet, price each 25«> 1^2-in wide, marked in 8ths on one side, tongue 12xl-in. No. 24 — Length 2 feet, price each 35^ 2-in. wide marked inSths on both sides, tongue \2x\ J / 2 -in. I'l'I'lTi'l'I'I'I'I'I'IIT TTryrrr ROSEWOOD HANDLE TRY SQUARES. No. 1 brass face plates. Attached with screws. Steel blades. 5 l / 2 -'m., price each 2o£ 6 -in., price each *1 7^2-in., price each 28? 9 -in., price each «>2c HALL-BEARING RATCHET BRACE. Finely Polished. 8-in, each $1.40 10-in., each 1.50 12-in.. each 1.60 m HAND, PANEL, AND RIP SAWS. Spring steel, etched blade and grained applewood handle, polished edges, 5 im- proved brass screws. No. D-S Skew Back. No. D8— Disston's 18-in. Panel 9, 10, 11 and 12 points, each $1.15 No. D8— Disston's 20-in. Panel 9, 10, 11 and 12 points, each 1.25 No. D8— Disston's 22-in. Panel 9, 10, 11 and 12 points, each 1.35 No. D8— Disston's 24-in. Panel 8, 9, 11 and 12 points, each 1.40 No. D8— Disston's 26-in. Hand 8, 9, 10 and 11 points, each 1.50 No. D8— Disston's 26-in. Rip 4 r / 2 , 5, S l / 2 and 6 points, each 1.50 BACK SAWS. No. 0, Beech Handle Polished Edge. 10-in., price each $0.60 12-in., price each 65 14-in., price each 80 "BAILEY" ADJUSTABLE PLANES "With Corrugated Bottoms. No. 407— C. Smooth Plane, 7-in. long, 15^-in. cutter, each $1.25 No. 408— C. Smooth Plane, 8-in. long, 134-in. cutter, each 1.35 No. 409— C. Smooth Plane, 9-in. long, 2-in. cutter, each 1.45 No. 410— C. Smooth Plane, 10-in. long, 2^-in. cutter, each 1.65 No. 414— C. Jack Plane, 14-in. long, 2-in. cutter, each 1.65 No. 418— C. Fore Plane, 18-in. long, 2>£-in. cutter, each 2.00 No. 422— C. Jointer Plane, 22-in. Ions:, 2^-in. cutter, each 2.50 No. 424— C. Jointer Plane, 24-in. long, 2^-in. cutter, each 3.00 148 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND ROYAL WESTERN CHIEF STEEL BLOWER, SIZE H. No belts, no clutches, no ratches. The blower case oscillates on its bear- ing, permitting nose of case to point down or out or up, as may be desired, meeting any angle of blow pipe, thereby saving one elbow and 10 per cent of the blast force be- sides valuable room occupied by the blow- ers. The crank turns to right or left, as suits operator. The Gear Case is oil-tight and dust proof, permitting gears to run in a bath of oil. The blast is very powerful, and is posi- tive and steady as a power blower, and takes less labor to operate than others. The after-blast is strong and lasting. The column stand and iron base give a solid, non-trembling foundation. The room it takes is less than any other blower. Fan, 12 in. height (as illustrated), 65 pounds. We carry this blower in stock. Price (including pipe and Tuyere iron) $16.00 ROYAL FIRE POT TUYERE IRON. This tuyere iron is the one shown in the above .cut, without pipe. It is a very large heavy fire pot, weighing 50 lbs., and measuring 8x9 J/> inches inside. Needs no clay. Price each $4.00 1 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 149 SCREW PLATES, TAPS, DIES, ETC. Many firms offer cheaper Screws, but no manufacturer ever claimed to offer better outfits than the Little Giant. ISO. 5 LITTLE GIANT SCREW PLATE. With Adjustable Tap Wrench. * This is the best assortment for all- round blacksmith work. Prices on other assortments quoted on application. Cutting y 4 20; &18; ^16; &14; #12; y 8 U; y A \Q>. Length of stock, 23 in. Complete in hardwood case; car- ried in stock; price $9.90 NO. 5% LITTLE GIANT SCREW PLATE. Assortment is the same as shown above except that it includes *&. Carried in stock. Price of No. 5^4 $11.25 NO. 65 LITTLE GIANT SCREW PLATE This assortment is the same as No. 5, except that it is "full stocked," that is, it has a stock for every die. Price, shipped from eastern factory complete in hardwood case. . .$12.00 TAPER TAPS. Same as those which come with the Little Giant Screw Plates. %— 20— Price each 20^ ^_18— Price each 22^ ^—16— Price each 25<* ^_14_Price each .27^ i^— 12— Price each 30^ ^—12— Price each 33£ rv£— 1 l_Price each 35^ ^—10— Price each 40£ LITTLE GIANT DIES. These are made to fit all regular Lit- tle Giant Screw Plates. 14—20— Price each $0.80 A— 18— Price each .80 H— 16— Price each .95 & — 14 — Price each 95 'A— 12— Price each 1.15 ^—12— Price each 1.15 ■\s— 11— Price each 1.30 Va— 10— Price each 1.60 SILVER'S DRILL CHUCK. Fitted with ^-in. plain arbor, ready to use on any drill having ^-in. hole in the spindle. $£ arbor, or taper arbor can be furnished promptlv but not carried in stock. This chuck is guaranteed to hold securely. Drills J^-in. or less. Price each $4.50 GOSHEN DRILL CHUCKS. Permit the use of drills H and small- er, and is made with ^-in. shank. We can fully guarantee this chuck, regard- less of the very low p'^ice at which it is sold. Price each $2.00 150 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. CARRIAGE PAINTERS' BRUSHES. WALL PAINT BRUSHES, No. 1532-R. Best brass bound; very heavy and warranted. Selected white bristles. No. 1 — 3 -in., price each 50c 4 No. 2— 3y 2 -in., price each 60e> No. 3 — 4 -in., price each 75d FRENCH SASH BRUSHES, No. 622. All white bristles, Extra Grade. No. 2 — Price each 7<> No. 4 — Price each 9<* No. 6 — Price each 12c> No. 8 — Price each 14<* COACH PAINTERS SPOKE, No. 556. No. 1— Price each 60<> No. 2_Price each 65c* No. 3— Price each 85c 4 BRISTLE VARNISH BRUSHES. No. 640, French Bristle. Flat, chisel point. 1 -in., each 5^ \ l A-'\n., each 8<* 2 -in., each 10c> 2]/ 2 -'m., each 13c> No. 656, XX Grade Bristle. Flat, chisel point. 1 -in., each . 15c> V/ 2 -\n., each 22c> 2 -in., each 30c 2^-in., each 40c^ No. 6S4, XXXX Grade. Chinese Bristle. Chisel point. 1 -in., each 20c* lH-jn., each ' ..25c 4 2 -in., each 30c* 2j4-in., each 40c* FITCH FLOWING VARNISH, No. 754. XX Grade. Double Thick. Square or chisel point. 1 -in., each . 30c* 1 ^2-in.,- each 45c* 2 -in., each 55<* 2>£-in., each 70c£ 3 -in., each 85c* BADGER FLOWING VARNISH, No. 762. Double Thick. Chisel point. 1 -in., each $0.40 1 ^-in., each 60 2 -in., each 85 2^-in., each 1.20 CAMEL HAIR COLOR, No. 778. Double Thickness. 1 -in., each $0.35 1^-in., each 50 2 -in., each 75 2^-in., each 1.00 PAINTERS DUSTERS, No. 55S. No. 14 — Black outside, each 55c* No. 8 — All nn e white bristes, each.. 80c* CAMEL HAIR SWOBD STRIPERS, No. 796 No. 2 — About u; wide, each 10c* No. 3 — About i\x wide, each 10c* DAGGER STRIPERS, No. SOO. No 2_About */$ wide, each 12c* BROAD CAMEL HAIR PENCILS, No. 798. Extra Large in Metal Tubes. No. 1 — Hair 1-in. long, each 10c* No. 2— Hair 1^-in. long, each ±5c* No. 3 — Hair 2-in. long, each 20c* D GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 151 PAINTS AND VARNISHES. We Handle Two Standard Brands of Varnish, Both of Which Can be Absolutely Relied Upon. Give Them a Fair Trial. STANDARD VARNISH. Pint Cans Finest Durable Body Varnish for finishing best grade work $0.70 Finest Durable Gear Varnish, for finishing. fine gear work 60 Heavy Gear Varnish, for finishing running gears with one coat 45 One Coat Coach Varnish, for finishing ve- hicles with one coat 50 Rubbing Body Varnish, hardens, ready for rubbing, in four days' time 50 No. 1 Quick Rubbing Varnish, hardens ready for rubbing in two days 40 Black Rubbing Varnish, a color varnish that can be rubbed out in two days 45 Quart Cans $1.30 1.10 .80 .95 .95 .75 .85 Half-Gal. Cans $2.50 2.10 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.40 1.55 LILY VARNISH. Half-Gal. Cans No. 1 — Wearing Body Varnish, for finishing best grade work $2.10 No. 2 — Elastic Gear Varnish, for finishing fine gear work 1.60 No. 3 — Heavy Gear Varnish, for finishing running gears with one coat 1.60 No. 4 — One Coat Coach Varnish, for finishing vehicles with one coat 1.60 No. 5 — Three-Day Rubbing Varnish, hardens ready for rubbing in three days 1.60 No. 6 — Two-Day Rubbing Varnish, hardens ready for rubbing in two days 1.60 No. 7 — Black Rubbing Varnish, a color varnish that can be rubbed in two days 1.60 No. 8 — Coach Varnish, for general use on cheap work, mixing colors, etc. Gallon cans only POWDERED PUMICE STONE. Sold Only in 5-Ib. Packages. We handle the finest quality of pum- ice stone, known to the trade as F. F. F. Price per pound 5£ LUMP PUMICE STONE. A first class quality of lump pumice in bulk. Price per pound 15<^ RUBBING BRICKS. Imported goods, the best that can be obtained for carriage painters' uses. Price each 20< Gal. Cans $4.85 4.05 2.85 3.45 3.45 2.65 3.00 Gallon Cans $4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 RUBBING FELTS. No. 1 — Hard, heavy rubbing felts, size 3x4*/^-in. Price each 25^ No. 2 — Medium soft rubbing felts, size 3x4^2-in. Price each 15<^ STEEL. WOOL.. A material regularly in demand to take the place of other materials for rubbing down varnish, saving time and labor. It does not gum up or clog. Sold only in one-pound packages. No. 1 — Price per pound 40^ 152 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. CARRIAGE PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. ROUGH STUFF. Body Filler. Black Body Filler, per quart 45^ Yellow Body Filler, per quart 45<* Gear Filler. Black Gear Filler, per quart 45^ Red Gear Filler, per quart 45^ BUGGY TOP DRESSING. . This is the best dressing for buggy tops ever offered to the trade. Makes an old top look like new, and is suitable both for rubber and leather tops. Quart Cans, price each 60^ Pint Cans, price each .35^ Half-Pint Cans, price each 20<* CHAMIOS SKINS. Our chamois skins are carefully se- lected for carriage painters' uses, free from lint, and good strong wearing qualities. Size 18x24. Each 50^ SPONGES. We handle only the best Rock Island grade of sheeps' wool sponges, espe- cially suitable for carriage painters' work. They run in size about 14 to the pound. Price each 25^ PEERLESS AUTO TOP DRESSING For Mohair, Duck, Canvas, Cloth Tops. An elastic, durable renovator for mo- hair and canvas cloth tops and curtains. Makes the top absolutely waterproof, at the same time leaving it soft and pliable. Does not print through or soil the lining. Restores the top to its original color and leaves it with a soft, silky appearance. Does not collect dust. Dries over night. The Original Mohair Dressing. Quart cans only. Price each 70^ PEERLESS EXTRA FINE BLACK JAPAN Solid covering over brass, nickel or iron. No primer or undercoat required. Dries over night with a high gloss fin- ish and will not crack, chip or peel and is not affected by heat. Quart cans only; price each 60^ PAINT AND VARNISH REMOVER. Ready for the brush. Will not dis- color wood, soften glue, or interfere with subsequent coats of paint. 15 min- utes after it is applied, old paint can be removed with a common putty knife. Price per quart can 65^ r> GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND 153 ROGERS CARRIAGE PAINTS. We are pleased to state that we have changed our line of carriage paints and that we are stocking the Celebrated ROGERS line of paints which is the oldest line on the market as they were first in the field and the fact that they are now imitated by almost all other firms is ample assurance that they are making a standard article. These goods are guaranteed to be aSsolutely satisfactory and we commend them to our trade. PREPARED BUGGY PAINT. Ready for the Brush. This paint is suitable for any work calling for a color gloss coat. For car- riages, sleighs, chairs, screens, etc., it cannot be excelled. Following colors carried in stock: Quart Pint Black 45c 27c Dark Green 45c 27c Light Green 45c 27c Yellow 45c 27c Wine Color 45c 27c Blue 45c 27c Cart Red 45c 27c Vermilion 60c 35c Carmine 60c 35c WAGON AND IMPLEMENT PAINT. This paint is all prepared, ready for use. Following colors in stock: Red, green and yellow. Quart Cans, each 40c — «««n#m, if iimn Hy't •> ' QUICK DRYING COLORS. Q. D. English Coach Black, per lb... 18c X Ivory Drop Black, per lb 18c XX Ivory Drop Black, per lb 23c XXX Ivory Drop Black, per lb 28c Wine Color B., per lb 23c Wine Color D., per lb 28c Brewster Green L., per lb 28c Brewster Green D., per lb 28c Chrome Yellow M., per lb 28c X Coach Green M., per lb 23c Indian Red L., per lb 18c Indian Red D., per lb 18c Xew York Red, per lb 50c Mohawk Red L., per lb 50c Mohawk Red D., per lb. 50c Royal Red 18c STRIPING COLORS IN TUBES. Flake white, per tube 15c Imitation Gold, per tube 15c Chrome Yellow, per tube 15c No. 4504 striping red, per tube 40c 154 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. LADDERS. STEP LADDERS. We carry in stock, ready for instant shipment, two grades of step ladders, listed below. The No. 800 ladder is the one which we have sold for many years, and which gives universal satis- faction, as there is no ladder on the market which can compare with it, con- sidering the price. There is, however, a large demand for a better ladder, one with a good wide top, good strong legs, and iron rods under every step. To sup- plv this demand we offer our new No. 900 step ladder. No. 900 ladder has an extra lock be- sides the shelf lock. Both the No. 800 and the No. 900 have bucket boards and strong steel hinges, and all steel locks. PRICE LIST OF NO. SOO STEP LADDERS. 4 foot, price each 35<* 5 foot, price each 45^ 6 foot, price each 55^ 7 foot, price each 65^ 8 foot, price each 70^ PRICE LIST OF NO. 900 STEP LADDERS. 4 foot, price each $0.65 5 foot, price each 80 6 f.oot, price each 95 7 foot, price each 1.10 8 foot, price each 1.30 9 foot, price each 1.45 10 foot, price each 1.60 12 foot, price each 2.75 14 foot, price each 3.S0 STANDARD SINGLE LADDERS AND POINTED LADDERS. These ladders are all constructed of clear Norway with clear hickory rounds, and are so proportioned as to give them the greatest strength without making them too heavy. Years of experience in the ladder business has taught us just what to use in the construction of such ladders. The sizes are also proportioned to the length of ladder, and we give here the sizes of an 18 foot standard single ladder, which is an average length: Size of side pieces, 1^x2^. Size of rounds, \ l /$. Average width between sides, 17 inches. Width at base, 22. Rounds 12 inches apart. Weight per foot, \ l / 2 pounds. Pointed ladders are mostly used for picking fruit, and are the same price as Standard Single ladders. 10 foot ladder, price each $0.80 12 foot ladder, price each 1.00 14 foot ladder, price each 1.30 16 foot ladder, price each 1.45 18 foot ladder, price each 1.75 20 foot ladder, price each 3.00 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. 155 LADDERS. COMMON EXTENSION LADDERS. We use only clear Norway in the con- struction of these ladders, with clear hickory rounds. As these are made to be raised and lowered by hand, we use a malleable iron gravity drop hook and a lug, which extends into the sides of the ladder to support the weight. We use the judgment which we have gained by years of experience in the ladder busi- ness, to determine what sizes of material shall be used to combine lightness with strength. The sizes will vary according to the length. We give here the sizes of a 32 foot ladder, which is an average size. Size of side pieces, l^x2^$-in. Average width between sides, 17-in. Size of rounds, 1^-in. W r idth at the base, 26-in. Rounds 12-in. apart. Weight per foot, 2 lbs. If the parts of the ladder were laid end to end, the total length would be the "length of ladder." Therefore, you should figure about two feet off for lap. These ladders can also be made in three parts instead of two, at a net extra cost of $1.00. 20 foot, price each $2.20 22 foot, price each 2.42 24 foot, price each 2.64 26 foot, price each 2.86 28 foot, price each 3.08 30 foot, price each 3.30 32 foot, price each 3.68 34 foot, price each 3.91 36 foot, price each 4.14 38 foot, price each 4.37 40 foot, price each 4.60 WINDLASS EXTENSION LADDERS. We use only clear Norway, with clear hickory rounds, in the construction of these ladders. We use a patent auto- matic hook on these ladders which per- mits them to be raised or lowered by the use of the windlass while the ladder is in position. We use best sizes of ma- terial to combine lightness with strength. The sizes will vary in proportion to the length of ladder. We give here the sizes of a 32 foot ladder, which is an average size: Size of side pieces, l^x2^-in. Average width between sides, 17-in. Width at base, 26-in. Size of rounds, 1^-in. Rounds 12-in. apart. W r eight per foot, 2 lbs. If the parts of the ladder were laid end to end, the total length would be the "length of ladder." Therefore allow about two feet for lap. These ladders can be made in three parts instead of two, at a net extra cost of $1.50. 20 foot, price each $2.60 22 foot, price each 2.86 24 foot, price each 3.12 26 foot, price each 3.38 28 foot, price each . . . 3.64 30 foot, price each 3.90 32 foot, price each 4.32 34 foot, price each 4*59 36 foot, price each 4.86 38 foot, price each 5.13 40 foot, price each 5.40 156 GOSHEN BUGGY TOP CO., GOSHEN, IND. BUFFALO ELECTRIC BLOWER. With 110- Volt Electric Motor. This electric blower has a new type of motor, which does away with all the objectionable features of old-style motors. The case is air-tight, keeping out all dirt. The lubrication is easy and cer- tain. No complicated wiring is neces- sary, as the wires may be attached to an ordinary socket. All that is necessary after receiving this blower, is to have your local elec- trician furnish enough ordinary lamp cord to carry the electric current from the nearest circuit, to the motor, which amounts to almost nothing, if electric current is within reach. We guarantee this motor to run perfectly with any alternating or direct elec- tric current, of any frequency, from 12 to 133 cycles, providing the voltage is not less than 100 or more than 120. Your local electrician can give you this informa- tion. These figures are very wide in range, and cover almost any electric current from any source, in any part of the country. The expense of running motor is a mere trifle, not more than the cost of burn- ing a common electric light. No tuyer iron is included with this machine. It will work satisfactorily with any good tuyer iron. THE SPEED REGULATOR. We furnish with every blower a special speed regulator, which does away with the use of blast gates in the pipe. The speed is regulated by simply turning the switch to any desired notch. NET PRICES ON BUFFALO ELECTRIC BLOWERS. No. 2E is carried in stock. Other sizes shipped from Buffalo factory, direct. No.of | Fires | Height Diameter | of Outlet | R. P. M. I | Voltage Weight | Price 2-E 2-EH 3-E 1 1-2 2-3 15 in. 15 in. 15 in. 3 in. 3 in. 3 in. 2000 3400 4800 110 110 110 50 50 50 $24.00 48. OO TABLE OF CONTENTS A Anti-Rattlers 38 Anvils 130 Aprons-Blacksmith 137 Aprons-Storm 34 Auto Tops 13-15 Auto Top Trimmings 43-44 Auto Top Straps 43 Auto Sockets 44 Auto Irons 45 Auto Jacks 100 Auto Spring Clips 103 Axles-Steel 324-125 Axles-Wagon 84 Axle Beds 76 Axle Blocks 116 Axle Clips 102 Axle Grease 130 Axle Gauges 137 Axle Washers 3!> B Backs 27-2!) Back Curtains 34 Back Springs 50 Back Stays 34 Bailey Clips 99 Bailey Loops 00 Barbour Steel Tire 128 Bellows 13S Benders-Tire 130 Bike Couplings 101 Bindings ... 42 Bits 142-143 Blowers 148-156 Bob Knees 02-03 Bob Runners 02 Bob Sled Soles 02 Bob Sled Bolts 02 Bodies Corning 05 Bodies- Road Wagon 05 Bodies-Piano ^ 04 Bodies-Spring Wagon 65-66 Bodies-Surrey 05 Body Braces 112 Body Corner Irons 100 Body Couplings 100 Body Hangers 113 Body Irons 112 Body Loops 00-114 Body Steps HI Bolsters 85 Bolster Plates 98-105 Bolster Springs 123 Bolts- Bob Sled 02 Bastard Head 120 Carriage 11S-110 Elliptic Spring 120 Fancy Head 120 North Carriage HO Shaft Coupling 120 Sleigh Shoe 02 Step 120 Tee Head Shaft 120 Tire 11» Wagon Box 06 Whlffletree 120 Bolt Clippers 144 Bolt Ends 120 Bolt Heads 1JJ Boots ™ Boot Springs *» Borax 137 Bows ill Bow Covering 43 Bow Irons Ill Bow Sockets 51 Bow Clips 116 Boxing 124 Box Rods 06 Box Rod Nuts 112 Brace Irons 96 Braces- Ratchet 147 Bradley Couplings .... 101 Brakes-Spring Wagon 113 Brakes-Wagon 113 Brake Ratchets 07 Brake Shoes 113 Brazing Compound 71 Brazing Sleeves 71 Brazing Torches 71 Brazing Wire 71 Brushes 150 Buckle Loops 4S Buckle Loop Straps 48 Buckram 42 Buffers 135 Buggy Doubletrees 80-96 Buggy Tops 9-12 Buggy Tops — How to Order . . . . 4-5-0-7 Buggy Top Dressing 152 Buttons-Tufting 46 C Calks 133 Canopy Tops 30 Canopy Top Curtains 30 Canopy Top Fringe 40 Canopy Top Hooks 40 Canopy Top Irons 31 Canopy Top Sockets 31 Canopy Top Standards 31 Canvas 42 Carpenters' Pencils 146 Carpet 40 Cately Springs 4S Celluloid 47 Chains-Wagon 07 Chain-Repair Links 114 Chamois Skins 152 Channel Tire 120 Channel Tire Swages 73 Check Loops 114 Chisels-Biacksmith 136 Chisels-Woodworkers 146 Chucks 140 Circles < s 3 Circle Posts 0*< Clamps-Screw 144 Clevises 95-104 Clinch Tongs 135 Clips-Axle I 02 Clips-Bradley Coupling 101 Clips, Coach or Box HO Clips-Wrought Iron 116 Clips-Round Iron 117 Clips-Shifting Rail H4 Clips-Trimmers 145 Clip Seats I]' Clip Ties and Plates : 116 Cloth JO Coal J^. Cockeyes i'™ Combination Irons n< 157 Concealed Joints 51 Cord-Seaming 40 Corduroy 40 Corner Irons 100-109 Coupling Clips 101 Creasers 135 Crissy Cloth 43 Cross Bars 85 Curtains 35 Curtains-Canopy Top 30 Curtain Fasteners 49 Curtains Knobs 49 Curtain Lights 47 Curtain Straps 48 Cushions 26 Cushion Bands 50 Cushion Springs 50 Cutter Shoes 92 D Dashes 36-37 Dash Feet 37-100 Dash Leather 44 Dies- Blacksmith 149 Door Hangers 112 Doubletrees SO-SO Doubletree Plates 95 Draw Knives 14© Drills and Bits 142-143 Drill-Enameled 41 Drill Chucks 149 Drilling Machines 140-141 Duck-Cotton 42 Duck-Enameled 41 Duolex Gear Irons .^. ... J .. 108 Duplex Springs Wtf- 123 Dust Hoods "^m - ' 31 E Enameled Drill 41 Enameled Duck 41 End Gate Irons Ill Eveners S6 Excelsior 50 Express Bows 91 Eyelets 49 F Felloes 89 Felloe Plates 115 Felts- Rubbing 151 Fenders 37 Ferrules- Iron 104 Ferrules-Shifting Rail 114 Fifth Wheels 100-107-108 Files 142 Firepots 138 Flare Board Irons 112 Flatters 136 Flexible Glass 47 Foot Levers 113 Foot Vises 13S Fringe 49 G Gears 62-83 Cut Under Three Spring 58 Cut Under Half Platform 58 Dou-ble Elliptic Three Spring ... 57 Double Elliptic and Platform . . 57 Duplex 53 Duplex and Ellintic 54 Duplex and Platform 55 End Spring and Platform 56 End Spring Buggy 59-69 Handy Wagon 59 Platform 61-63 Standard Three Spring 56 Gear Irons 160 Gear Woods 77 Gimp ...] 42 Glass-Flexible 47 Glue 99 * Goosenecks 90 * Graphite 137 Grommets 47 H Hack .Saw Blades 145 Hack Saw Frames 145 Hair 50 Hammers-Blacksmith 134 Hammers-Driving 134 Hammers-Nail 146 Hammers-Riveting .'. 134 Hammer Straps 95 Hammer Handles '...'.. 146 Handies-Seat 109 Hardies 136 Hardware-Wagon 94-9S Hay Rake Rims SS Head Blocks 76 Hinqes-Endgate Ill Hold Back Irons 105 Hollow Augers 144 Hoods 31 Hoof Packing 137 Hoof Pads 132 Hoof Parers 135 Hoof Trimmers '. . . . 135 Hooks-Canopy Top 49 Horse Rasps 132 Horse Shoes 130 Horse Shoe Nails 131 Horse Shoe Irors 129 Horse Tooth Files 136 Hounds 84 Hubs &... S5 I Imitation Leather 42 Iron 126-129 Iron Tire 12S Jacks-Wagon 100 Johnson Anti-Rattlers 39 Joints- Buggy l op 51 Joints Concealed 51 Joint Rivets 4S Joint Closers 73 K King Bolts 9S-108 King Bolt Yokes 106 Knives 135 Knobs 49 Knob Eyelets 49 Ladders '. 154-155 Lamp Fingers Kgk .'-1 90 Lazy Backs , 27-29 Lazy Back Irons •> 51-112 Leather 42 Leather-Shaft 38 Leather Pads 133 Linen Thread 50 Lining Nails 46 Links-Chain Repair 114 M Mandrels 13S Mirror Lights 47 Monkey Wrenches 145 158