*>< JOHNA.SEAVERNS j yuyu uij 4ij 4iu v/ vw v Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 9Af1 lA/AQihnrn Snort VETERINARY PATHOLOGY: on, A TREATISE ON THE CAUSE AND PROCRESS OF THE DISEASES OF THE HORSE, Together with the most approved Methods OF PREVENTION AND CURE. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, SHORT OBSERVATIONS ON Bleeding, Firing, Roweling, Fomentations, and Poultices, AND AN APPENDIX; OR, VETERINARY DISPENSATORY: CONTAINING THE MOST APPROVED PRESCRIPTIONS FOR THE DIP FERENT DISEASES OF THE HORSE. The whole intended as a GUIDE and COMPANION to THE GENTLEMAN, VETERINARIAN, AND FARRIER.. SECOND EDITION. By WILLIAM RTDING, VETERINARY SURGEON T 6 THE 18TH LIGHT DRACOONg. Hon&on : PRINTED FOR J. MAWMAN, 22 POULTRY. 1804. By T. GiUet, Salifbury-Square. TO EDWARD COLEMAN, Esq. i'ROFESSOR OF THE VETERINARY COLLEGE, SIR, I humbly presume to place this short Treatise under your kind protection, from a confidence that you will view all its errors with the eye of a father. I am the more led to this, from the consideration, that the Veterinary Art was in its infancy, and wanted a person of abilities to display its native beauty and utility - } when, fortunately for these Isles, you was placed in a situation in which your talents became of eminent service to Mankind, in furnishing means for the preservation of so valuable an animal as the Horse. I am, Sir, Your most devoted And very humble servant, W. HIDING, PREFACE. HILST the attention of the learned has been employed in investigating the anatomy and diseases of the foot, and making improvements in shoeing, little progrefs has been made in the other parts of the Veterinary Art, although it must appear ob- vious to every reader, and to the world at large, that a description of the cause and progrefs of the diseases to which that useful and valuable ani- mal the Horse is subject ; at the same time, point- ing out such methods of practice as are sanc- tioned only by reason, arid confirmed by ex- perience, must be a very important acquisition to the public. The difficulty of composing a work of this kind, must appear to every one, when it is considered that I have only the symptoms of a dumb irrational animal to afsist me, ia distinguishing one disease A3 VI PREFACE. fiom another ; whilst the physician and surgeorf have not only the knowledge of the ancients, the- more recent improvements of the moderns, but also the information of rational beings, gifted with the advantage of speech. In looking; into mo^t of the works which have appeared on Farriery, I find that more attention has been paid to criticism and scurrility, than im-. provement : and though in different hands the subject has been drefsed in different language; yet on examining their contents, I find the authors to be merely plagiarists of each other. As the Veterinarian has only symptoms, by which he can be led to distinguish the disease, I have been very particular on that important part ; made it my principal study in a very exten- sive practice : and I Hatter myself, that the practi- tioner will, in general, tind my statements ac- curate. In this work I have been as concise and brief as pofsible, by leaving out all matter foreign to- the subject, and confining myself to the statement of ; yet at the same time omitting nothing in my power which may tend to instruct and improve ;• PREFACE. VU for which purpose, I have frequently inserted cases, where I thought they would illustrate the sub- ject. In the plan of this work, I have first endeavoured to describe the disease ; secondly, to point out its cause. I next proceed to describe the symptoms, beginning with the most simple, tracing them in their progrefs to the most inveterate stages ; and, lastly, to direct such medicines, diet, &c. as I have ever found most effectual for their re- moval. In the prescriptions, I have adopted the most efficacious medicines ; and have likewise rendered them lefs complex, without depriving them of any part which I conceive might have been added with advantage. This, to those gentlemen who choose to depend on their own practice, will be a valuable acquisition, as well as to the Veterinarian and Far- rier. For amongst such a number of recipes pre- sented to us by different authors, all warranted in- fallible antidotes, we find it extremely difficult on which to fix ; and, when the choice is made, find ourselves often disappointed, though some of them are said to have cost the publisher upwards of five hundred pounds. A4 Viii TREFRCr. In colds., diseases of the lungs, and in many other complaints, a profusion of expectorant me- dicines are generally amongst the prescriptions di- rected by most authors for their removal ; but it is a well-known truth, that the Horse is unable either to vomit or expectorate : and I can safely say, from experience, that such medicines tend more to opprefs and increase, than to remove the symptoms or disease. I likewise wish to show my marked disapproba- tion of the use of strong purgatives ; by which too frequently more injury is done to the animal in a few hours, than can be repaired in as many weeks. They certainly are very useful in some Cases, but never should be trusted in an unexperienced hand. The purges prescribed in this work, will be found to be composed principally of aloes, some- times united with calomel. Jalap, gamboge, and scammony, I have not recommended ; as their ac- tion on the Horse is not only extremely doubtful, but often injurious; and as aloes and calomel are found to answer every desirable intention. Since I wrote on the treatment of Inflammation of the Lungs, in which I advised the practitioner to use gentle purges, joined with occasional mild PREFACE. IT -diuretics, I have seen upwards of fifty cases where that kind of treatment has been adopted, and proved so succefsful, as to exceed my most, san- guine expectations ; but previous to giving the medicine, the patient should lose from three to four quarts of blood, which may be repeated occa- sionally. This method of practice cannot be too much recommended, as it is a well-known fact, that inflammation of the lungs destroys annually more young horses, than all the other diseases to which the Horse is incident. When mercurials are given, it will be necefsary to keep the Horse from being exposed to cold as much as pofsible ; as mercurial medicines, by their tendency to pafs off by the surface, make the body more irritable and susceptible of injury from sud- pen changes of temperature. In speaking of diuretics, it will be found that I have rejected the fixed alkalis, which only have a tendency to injure the stomach and intestines, and have confined myself entirely to the use of turpen- tines: On them we can always depend. The form, as it now stands, is simple, though not lefs efficacious : for by only increasing or diminishing the quantity, we can produce, to a certainty, a greater or lefser action of the kidneys. ^ PREFACE. I wish strong!}' to recommend the use of antiU mony, as an alterative in colds, long-continued discbarges of matter from the nostrils, and in all cutaneous diseases: and I am convinced, that it£~ effects are rendered more permanent, when occa- sionally joined with mild diuretics. By its ten- dency to promote the secretions, and by removing obstructions in the most minute vefsels of the body, it will be found to strengthen the appetite, im- prove condition, and preserve the horse from a number of diseases. I have purposely omitted the disease called Glanders, as I have at present little to offer on that subject ; but hope to be able to say something on that disease at a future period ; as I am collect- ing every information respecting its cause, pro- grefs, and cure-, which observation and expert ment can furnish. I have not entered into an inquiry or descrip- tion of the different sorts of food usually given to horses; as I conceive it to be a subject so univer- sally known, as not to require any information in my power to give. In this Work I have declined treating on the diseases of the Foot, and the proper method PREFACE, XI of shoeing, as those important subjects have been thought worthy the attention of the pre- sent learned and judicious Profefsor of the Ve- terinary College ; whose knowledge in those branches of the Veterinary Art has, by his late Publication, put the world in pofsefsion of every improvement of which the subject is capable. I have now gone over the outlines of this Work, and leave the candid reader to form his own opi- nion. Happy for me, if my labours may be in some degree of service to the Public, by preserving for them the life of so valuable and useful an animal as the Horse. CONTEXTS. Page Introduction . . . ♦ . f . - . IT On the actual Cautery 19 On Roweling 19 On Blistering 21 On Fomentations and Poultices 22 On the Teething of Horses 22 Of Inflammation in general 23 Treatment of Inflammation . . , . . 31 On Wounds in General. Of Incised Wounds ...,*.., 36 On the suppurative Procefs in Wounds . . 38 On Punctured Wounds 41 Wounds of the Joints 42 Contused and lacerated Wounds .... 45 On Ulcers 47 On Fistula? 49 Qf Haemorrhage, or Bleeding in general . .51 XIT CONTENTS. Page On Sprains 55 On Bone Spavin, Splints, and Curbs . . .51 Splints and Curbs 61 Recent Colds, or Catarrh 61 On Fever 65 Inflammation of the Lungs 69 Broken Wind 73 Diseases of the Liver. Jaundice . 75 Diseases of the Kidneys. Supprefsion of Urine 79 Diabetis 81 Diseases of the Bladder 82 Diseases of the Intestines. Of the Cholic or Gripes 86 Diarrhoea or Loosenefs 88 Sleepy and Mad Staggers 92 Farcy 94. Grease 99 Mange 103 Strangles 105 Hide-bound, Bots, and Worms . . . . 10S CONTENTS. XV Page Diseases of the Eyes 114 Of the Membrane Nictatans . .- . . 118 On Roaring 119 Broken Knees 119 Mallenders and Sal lenders 120 On depraved Appetite 121 The Distemper 121 APPENDIX. No. 1. Mild purging Ball 127 No. 2. Mercurial purging Ball . , . . 127 No. 3. Diuretic, or Urine Balls . , . 128 No. 4. Stomachic Balls 125 No. 5. Improved Cordial Balls . . . . 129 No. 6. Mild Camphor, or Fever Balls . . 129 No. 7. Fever Powder 130 No. 8. Mild alterative Powders for pro- moting Condition 130 No. 9, Mild Drink for Pains of the Bowels, Loosenefs, or Difficulty in Staling . 131 No. 10. Eve- Water, for Film or Specks . . 131 No. 11. Mixture for Strains, Swellings, &c. 131 No. 12. Mixture for old Sores . ... 132 No. 13. Blister Ointment 132 No. 14. Strong Blister Ointment for Bone Spavin, Splints, &c 132 XVI CONTENTS. Page No. 15. Digestive Ointment for common Sores 133 No. 16. Powder for removing Fungus, or Proud Flesh 133 No. 17. Ointment for Mange ... . 133 No. 18. Common Clyster 134 No. 19. Linseed Decoction 134 No. 20. Opodeldoc 134 No. 21. Volatile Opodeldoc 13$ VETERINARY PATHOLOGY. INTRODUCTION. 'F all the quadruped animals, the Horse seems the most beautiful, as well as most useful ; the noble largenefs of his form, the glofsy smooth nefs of his skin, the graceful ease of his motions, and the exact symmetry of his shape, have taught us to regard him as the first and the most perfect of the brute creation ; and yet, what is very extraordinary, if we examine him internally, his structure will be found more different from that of man, than any other quadruped whatsover : for as the ape ap- proaches us the nearest in internal conformation, so the horse appears to be the most remote. The horse is very much injured by blows upon the ears or stifle, and also by strong purges. His B 18 VETERINARY diseases ai'e, in general, more violent than those of man, and they terminate much sooner. He re- covers his natural strength, from a state of great debility, very rapidly. His stomach, though as- sisted by the great length of his intestines, seem only to extract a tincture from his food, and ap« pear to be incompetent to complete digestion. His constitution is naturally adapted to heat, seldom arriving at any great degree of perfection in cold climates. He is more subject to disease in England than on the Continent, or in warmer countries ; which is principally owing to his being exposed to the frequent sudden changes of tem^ perature to. which this island is exposed. After the above observations, which we think may be useful to the practitioner, we shall endea- vour to make some short remarks on the effect and usefulnefs of Firing, Roweling, Blistering, &c. and then proceed to the cause, progrefs, and treatment of the different diseases to which the Horse is liable. PATHOLOGY. 19 On the actual Cautoy. IN using the cautery, Ave have very much th& advantage over those who practise on the human subject ; for we have little to apprehend from in- flammation or fever ; as in many cases it would be impofsible to remove fhe disease without its afsistance : and however writers may attempt to censure its use, by affected feelings of humanity, we venture to afsert, that to its potent effects the most inveterate ulcers, strains, spavins, and li- gamentary lamenefs owe their cure, when every other application has been found to fail. The paiij. It causes is comparatively small, its effects imme- diate and powerful ; and we can afsure the reader, that, when prudently used, it is not attended with the least danger. Jn applying it to the legs, care should be taken not to let the iron burn too deep, so as to divide the skin, and the lines should be drawn perpendicular, about half an inch from each other. On Rowding. WHAT may be understood by roweling, is only a simple incised wound, (not penetrating the muscle) made in any depending part of the body ; which, by its lips or edges being kept open, by B2 20 VETERINARY the introduction of extraneous substance and sti- mulating medicines, (spirits of turpentine,) a con- stant supuration is promoted. This discharge is evidently from the whole system ; and if the rowels are numerous, and long continued, produce great debility. It will appear from what has been said, that roweling may be of service when matter is sus- pected to be forming in some of the important parts of life ; such as the lungs. Roweling, by lowering the system, and promoting absorption, may carry the matter into the circulation, and be thrown of! by the common emunctories, or may determine its action to a lefs important part. Roweling, by its tendency to promote absorption, will be found serviceable in swelled legs, or where a discharge has been long continued from an ul- cer; which, if suddenly stopped, may do great in- jury, without an artificial drain is procured in some other part of the body. In such cases, be- fore the rowels are removed, a course of milci alterative medicines should be adopted. We have seen modern authors advising rowels in the chest for inflammation of the feet ; but by what means rowels in the chest, or any other part of the body, can remove the diseases of the feet, wp PATHOLOGY. 21 are at a lofs to account. This, we think, is one of the many errors which crept into practice, when people were ignorant of the nature of the foot ; and has been handed from father to son, each taking it as a fact, and inserting it in his works, without giving the subject a proper degree of attention, On Blistering. BLISTERING is another powerful stimulant, and is excellent in strains, windgalls, spavins, and sometimes in inveterate grease ; it will likewise be found of great advantage applied to the throat, and under the jaw, in strangles, colds, coughs, &c. and much superior to rowels, when applied over the chest in inflammation of the lungs. The best blister is that which is composed of fresh powdered cantharides and oil, or purified hog's lard. The common proportion is, one part cantha- rides to two of oil or lard ; and it is attended with this advantage, that it never destroys the roots of the hair, which is too frequently the case with those which are composed of sublimate euphorbium and of oil of origanum, which often leave a blemish that can never be removed. By adding or diminishing the quantity of the cantharides, we can make it more or lefs powerful, if required. BS 23 TETERINARY On Fomentations and Poultices. FOMENTATIONS and POULTICES are very useful applications for removing inflammation, pro- moting suppuration, &c. The first need to be simple warm water only, as it will answer every' purpose of its application, if persisted in for a due length of time ; and where poultices are required, the common bran, boiled in water one hour, and used when sufficiently cold, or with an addition of linseed meal, will be found the best. The poultice should be changed when it is become cold,, and repeated as often as found necefsary. On the Teething of Horses. AS it is a well-known fact, that most animals are subject to violent diseases during the time of teething, so too much care cannot be taken of horses at this time : for it is observed, that until the age of live years, when the teeth become com- plete, they are subject to the most dangerous dis- eases; such as violent colds, strangles, inflamma- tion of the lungs. Young horses being naturally more irritable than old horses at this time, the ir- ritability is much increased, the circulation from exertion is much more rapid, and the glands more liable to become obstructed. To prevent PATHOLOGY. 23 these disagreeable consequences, they should fre- quently take three or four drams of aloes made into a ball, with the addition of a little ginger and soap; their diet should be rather low, avoiding giving them at all times large quantities of corn, and sudden violent exercise ; they should be kept as much as pofsible in a moderate degree of tem- perature, and never be permitted to remain any length of time in a hot stable. Of Inflammation in gkneral. BY well understanding Inflammation, we shall be led to the knowledge both of the cure and causes of many diseases. The afsemblage of Symptoms of local inflammation are ; first, an in- creased action of the heart and arteries, rednefs> (this, though it evidently takes place, is not per- ceived in the horse, owing to the thicknefs of the skin, and covering of hair,) tension, swelling, ac- companied with a painful sensation, tending to acute pain ; this depending more or lefs on the degree of sensibility and irritability of the parts. This pain is increased by stretching or prefsure ;' a distinct pulsation is also felt. These symptoms are always present in a greater or lefser degree, and are sometimes carried to so great an extent, as to impede or hinder the functions of parts. B4 24 VETERINARY When inflammation is general, together tvfdl the increased action of the heart and arteries, there is an hard, full, strong, and frequent pulse : Bleed that is drawn from a vein, remains longer fluid ; but when become firm, its surface is covered with a whitish appearance, which is commonly termed buff. The patient's tongue is dry and white ; there is also great thirsty accompanied with lofs of appetite. The causes of local inflammation are violent blows, falls, sprains, various kinds of wounds, and substances entering those wounds. It may also be derived from a general affection, as fever of the lungs ; but the most frequent cause of in- flammation in the horse, is from sadden change of temperature, or it may arise in a part without any apparent cause. In inflammation, the vefsels of the part are enlarged, and are generally increased in number: in consequence of the enlarged size of the arteries, more blood is sent to the part ; and if the part be glandular, the secretion of the gland is increased, the sensibility is increased, and parts that were before insensible are now, in this un- natural state, become irritable and painful. This action is most probably in the- small vefsels at first; but the larger ones are certainly concerned PATHOLOGY. 23 >n the action, as the inflammation increases. The pain depends much on the structure of the part ; for where it is confined by horn, as in the foot, or under fascia^ it is much more acute. The swelling is produced by something thrown out by the ex- halant arteries into the inflamed part, and which is the coagulable lymph and serum. The lymph coagulates, and the serum transudes into the sur- rounding cellular membrane, so that where the cellular membrane is loose, the swelling will be greater, as it also will in a depending part. Inflammation may terminate in resolution^ adhesion, suppuration, and gangrene ; sometimes producing a disease worse than inflammation, and at other times preventing a disease. When the increase of action, pain, swelling, and tenson gra- dually subside, without any evacuation of matter ^ this is called terminating by resolution ; but this cannot take place without the parts are entire, and the irritating cause removed. It is necefsary to tne keeping up of inflammation, that the cause should be increased, otherwise the parts, becoming ac- customed to the cause, will return to their natural functions. This fact may be very well illustrated by the friction of an horse's collar. This, before the parts are accustomed to it, will produce such irritation as, even to lay the parts raw ; but, after 26 VETERINARY a sliort time, unlefs the degree of friction be increas- ed, there will not be the least irritation produced. It may terminate by bleeding ; but this is seldom the case with the horse, except it be procured by the lancet. It may terminate by an enlarged secretion ; for instance, in inflammation of the membrane of the nose, we often find a larger secretion of mucus, and sometimes of a matter similar to pus. It may also be resolved by the smaller vefsels throwing out a large quantity of the thinner part of the blood. If this should happen in the thorax, it may produce a dropsy of the thorax ; if in the cavity of the abdomen, a dropsy of the abdomen. We should therefore always endeavour to prevent this kind of termination. Terminating by adhesion, is the union of parts, without the medium of granulations. This procefs may take place in the internal parts, from two inflamed surfaces coming into contact, or from the vefsels of one inflamed surface throwing out coagulable lymph, which becoming solid, forms a medium into which vefsels shoot ; so that the vefsels of one surface communicate with these of the other. This procefs may either constitute, pre? vent, or cure a disease. It may constitute disease, by forming an unnatural adhesion ; may prevent it, by stopping the progrefs of inflammation ; and PATHOLOGY. 27 may cure, by uniting divided parts. Inflamma- tion, when it takes place internally, and when it happens in a vital part, most commonly termi- nates by adhesion. When adhesions have taken place in any of the internal viscera, they will be in time considerably elongated, adapting themselves to the motions of the parts : For instance, we happened, in March, 1799, to be at the dog-kennel belonging to his Koyal Highnefs the Prince of Wales at Brighton, at the time a horse was killed for the hounds; when, upon the thorax being opened, we found the left lobe of the lungs adhering to the plura, covering a circle of more than three inches dia- meter. Upon inquiry, we found that the animal, when living, had shown no symptoms to indicate such an adhesion, having regularly performed his daily labour, his extreme age being the only cause ©f his destruction *. When inflammation takes place in cellular parts, the lymph is thrown out ; which coagulating im- mediately, forms a kind of boundary, by plugging * These internal adhesions seem to give little pain, and may prevent the whole cavity of the thorax or abdomen from going into suppuration, " 28 VETERINARY up the different cells. By its uniting property, it seem? to prevent the surrounding parts from- going into inflammation ; and when suppuration takes place, it prevents the matter from getting into the cellular membrane, by plugging up the mouths of the ceils, and by becoming solid. This is illus- trated b}' every large abscefs, where we can always discover a kind of boundary, formed by the lymph limiting the size of the abscefs in a certain degree.. This lymph, if the inflammation has not run very high, will soon be absorbed; but if there has been a considerable quantity thrown out, it may remain for a length of time before the tumor it forms is subsided. By increased action of inflamed parts, (exceed- ing that which produces adhesion) pus is formed. It has been said, that extravasated blood has been the cause of producing pus, or by fermentation taking place ; but the most probable way of pus being formed, seems to be the following ; viz. the vefsels of the part taking on a peculiar action at this time, in consequence of the inflammation, have a power of secreting a peculiar fluid. The Grease is an illustration of this opinion ; for we find, that if this disease has continued a length of time, and the inflammation has run very 6 PATHOLOGY, 29 high, the vefsels of the fetlock, or pastern joint, take on the action of secreting horny substance, .similar to those of the feet. It seems necefsary to the formation of pus, that the action of the vefsels be increased beyond that producing adhesion ; but still this increase of ac- tion should go no further than a certain degree : for we find, that if this action is carried to too great a degree, suppuration will not take place. It seems to be the intention of nature, in forming pus, to throw off some extraneous matter ; pulsa- tion is felt, and the pain is more violent in the part during the formation of pus. The constitutional symptoms are likewise increased, the pulse is hard and more frequent, and the fever augmented ; the cellular part into which pus is thrown being taken up by the absorbents, or being broken down by the fluid which is thrown out, becomes mixed with it. The coagulable lymph sometimes remaining for a considerable time after the matter has been evacuated, before it is absorbed, hence that indu- ration and thicknefs of parts from which pas has been evacuated. Alter pus is completely formed, the pain and swelling subside, as do also the constitutional symptoms. fKE period at which suppuration takes place 30 VETERINARY varies much, but generally, in a common abscefs, about the fourth da}\ This, however, takes place sooner in a young horse than in an old one ; it also takes place sooner in parts that are not glan- dular, and particularly in those parts that are near the source of circulation. Some parts do not ad- mit of suppuration ; for instance, a tendon : but if the inflammation runs to a great height, gangrene and mortification may ensue. It sometimes hap- pens, after pus is formed, that neither the local nor constitutional symptoms abate ; this may be owing either to the great irritability of the constitution? or to the matter being confined by bone or fascia. Pus is generally evacuated by an external outlet, or it may be taken up by the absorbents. Pus is, when examined from a healthy sore or abscefs, an unctuous, whitish, opake, equal fluid, perfectly inodorous, much resembling cream, and of a sweetish mild taste. When examined by the microscope, its colour, like that of the blood, seems to depend upon a number of small round globules, nearly resembling those observed in milk, and which appear to swim in a fluid. The thick nefs of pus seems to depend upon the number of glo- bules; greater quantities being always found in thick laudable pus. Its specific gravity is equal to about that of blood. It sinks very readily in water ^ PATHOLOGY. 31 and will not unite with it in the cold of the atmo- sphere. Heat does not coagulate it, but it evapo- rates to drynefs. The difference between pus and mucus is, that mucus is ropy, and has no globules, appearing through the microscope to be flaky ; whereas pus in its healthy state, has no appearance of being ropy. The fluid in which the globules swim, differs from serum, in having no power of coagulating by the addition of sal ammoniac ; from chyle, by its globules being larger, and not coagulating by heat; and from milk, by its not coagulating by the addition of rennet. In its healthy state, it is perfectly inactive, but is capable of alteration by disease ; so much so, that it is often is very acrimonious, and will corrode the parts with which it is in contact. Treatment of Inflammation, THE first consideration, is the cause of inflam- mation ; the second is, whether it ought to be cured ; thirdly, in what state we should attempt the cure; and, fourthly, by what means. The consideration of these circumstances is highly important ; and if we are able to discover the first, it will answer the two next. The neces- sity of attending to these circumstances, may be 32 VETERINARY seen from the effects of inflammation. In some cases it is salutary ; and should we attempt to re-r move it, we may destroy the patient. Those in- flammations which produce critical abscefs, should not be resolved. When seated in the lungs, or in the liver, after a disease, or in any other vital part, suppuration should be prevented from taking place by every pofsible means. When it arises for the, purpose of removing any extraneous body, it should be brought to sup- puration ; though, if the symptoms should run very high, they should be lefsened. It often arises from no apparent cause ; here it must be left, with regard to its treatment, to the surgeon's judgment. Where inflammation arises from external vio-* Ience, and where nature does not seem to have any particular intention in view, we should endeavour to bring it to resolution : this may be attempted during the first four or five days ; but this depends on circumstances. The first thing is the know- ledge of the irritation : for if we can remove the cause of diseased action, the parts will return to their prope# tone. If produced by prefsure or friction, the cause producing it must be re- moved. PATHOLOGY; 33 If the natural secretion of a part is become acri- monious by inflammation, so as to excoriate any part, that part must be defended by oils, muci- lages, &c. Oil of olives, almonds, spermaceti, linseed, and mucilages of gum-arabic and quinces may be applied ; the latter, if in a fresh state, is a very good application. If motion increases the inflammation, the parts should be kept at rest as much as pofsibie. If it is increased by cold, the patient should be kept in a mild temperature. If the stimulus arises from the distention of parts, a continuation of fomenta- tions, such as the constant application of w»rm. water may be beneficial. Pure exprelsed oils are also found to have relaxant effects. Pain in general is only a consequence of inflam*- mation, though sometimes it may be a means of continuing it, in proportion as the sensibility in- creases. Poultices of the simplest kind should be used, such as bran and warm water, or linseed meal ; the latter of these is preferable, from its not being so liable to become lumpy, and from not becoming sour. Opium and other applications, such as preparations of lead, are often used. When the parts are very irritable, these may allay pain. If opium is used externally, it ought to be C fe& VETERINARY administered very freely ; for if it is applied iti smail quantities, it will sometimes increase the ir- ritability. Lead not only tends to lefsen the ac- tion of the parts, but also to lefsen the powers, by producing permanent weaknefs. Cold is a great sedative, but if long continued, may produce mor- tification. Other applications, as decoctions of bryony, wormwood, acids, vinegar, the vitriolic and muriatic acid diluted, may be used with good effect. Resolution may be afsisted, by increasing the circulation in a neighbouring part, as by using ray r els, blisters, &c. When the inflammation is extensive, and has effected a vital part, and where the powers are -very great, bleeding will have very desirable ef- fects. In this ease, the blood should be evacuated as quickly as pofsible, through a large orifice ; two quarts taken away in this manner, will prove more effectual than four quarts taken gradually. Bleed- ing should not be continued from the appearance of the blood being sizy, for this appearance may take place from weaknefs. When inflammation has affected a vital part, we must be regulated in bleeding by the state of PATHOLOGY. 35 the pulse. It should be small at first in quantity ; but should the pulse rise after it, as is sometimes the case, we need not be afraid . of repeating it. Where the pulse is also hard, strong, and frequent, and the powers are great, bleeding largely must take place, and vice versa. Where the urine is in small quantities, and of an high colour, we may venture to bleed. We should attend to the patient's diet ; warm mashes of bran, sometimes mixed with a few oats, and a little sweet hay, or grafs, will be found the best food. Medicines producing nausea may be given, as tending to lefsen the living powers ; such as tartar emetic, antimonial powder, nitre, acids, warm water, &c. will diminish the irritability. Glisters and purgings are also a means of les- sening inflammation ; but, in irritable habits, these should be used with caution : of these the aloetic* and mercurials are preferable. • When the wholeof the constitution sympathizes, the same means must be pursued. When suppu- ration takes place, it may also be diminished by the same means. C2 VETERINARY On Wounds in General* Of Incised Wounds. ALL wounds may be divided into Incised, Con- tused, and Punctured ; each of these require dif- ferent modes of treatment. V/e shall first take into consideration the Incised, as being the most simple. When the wound is first made, and the cutting instrument withdrawn, a retraction of the parts, and bleeding, follow. If it is only through the skin and cellular membrane, the degree of retrac- tion will depend on the tension of the skin ; if muscular fibres are divided acrofs, the retraction will be considerably greater than if the wound was made in the course of them. The bleeding will depend on the vascularity of the part, and whether the wound is made acrofs the muscles, or in a lon- gitudinal direction, as in the first case the large, but in the latter, probably only the smaller vefsels will be cut. After the blcod has flowed some time, the bleeding by degrees ceases, partly from the con- traction, and partly from the lymph plugging up the mouths of the divided vefoels - y but m the sraaH PATHOLOGY.' S7 arteries, bleeding most probably ceases from their contractile power. The pain depends on the sensibility and tension of the skin, which, of all parts, is most sensible of pain. There is scarcely any case of fresh incised wounds, where we should not attempt union by the first intention*. Though there is often great difficulty in bringing and keeping wounds in con r ta6t, which is owing to our not being able to pre- yent the horse's motion, and principally from the panniculus carnosus muscle moving the skin. By this method, wounds which formerly were known not to be cured under five or six weeks, are now pured in as many days. We should always en- deavour to remove the coagulated blood, before we attempt bringing the parts in contact, cither by a sponge, or warm water; care being taken not to have the water too hot, lest we should bring on a return of the bleeding, Sometimes we are unable to clear the whole coa- gulated blood away; and, should we persevere too much in our attempts, may do great harm, bv in- creasing the irritation. A small quantity remain- * Union by the first intention, is only the simple opera- tion of uniting the edges of the wound either by the needle and thready by bandages, or sticking plaster. C3 38 VETERINARY in°-, should not deter us from attempting an im r mediate union. The surfaces should, if pofsible, be brought into contact be tore the oozing out of the lymph, and before a great degree of indamma~ tion has taken place, otherwise suppuration may ensue. For bringing and keeping wounds in contact, various kinds of sutures have been recommended ; but at present only two are in general use, viz. the interrupted and twisted suture. In deep ex- tensive wounds, the first of these is preferable ; but in those wounds where much motion is used, the latter is of more service. A double thread, with the crooked needle, will, in general, be all that is required. On the Suppurative Procefs in Wounds. IN some cases, instead of union taking place by the first intention, the pain and tension increasing, we must, in this case, remove the ligatures, &c* and wait the event of suppuration. Sometimes union may be impeded by extra- neous substances in the wound ; but, after their removal, it may be effected. These substances, if small, may be removed by a sponge and water \ -pathology. 3t but if they are large, we must attempt their re- moval either by the linger or instruments, and phould a great chance of union appear, the wound may even be enlarged. If the extraneous body is too large to be extracted by the wound, but at the same time can be perceived in a different part, and nearly approaching to the skin, a counter opening may be made, provided the adjacent parts are not liable to injury from the division of large blood-vefsels or nerves. If, however, there is a difficulty in extracting these extraneous bodies, attended with a chance of haemorrhage, we must give up the idea, and wait for suppuration. Dry lint, or fine tow, spread with Venice tur- pentine, are, in general, the best drefsings we can apply ; but, in some ulcers, lint may irritate the parts to a great degree, particularly where it is stuffed in ; a mode of drefsing very injurious, it being only necefsary for it to be laid lightly on the surface. But as no matter is secreted on the edges of the sore, and of course the lint may be liable to adhere to them, an emollient ointment may be spread over it. It is an erroneous idea, that prefsure in the beginning will afsist in form- ing granulations ; but, when they are formed, prefsure may then be of service. C4 40 VETERINARY Natural retraction disposes the part to" sup- puration, and healthy granulation. In large and deep wounds, and where inflam- rnation runs high, poultices will be found service*. able. One disadvantage attends the use of them, which is the difficulty of applying them in various parts of the body : where they cannot conveniently be applied, fomentations may be used ; and we should consider, on taking off the dressings, whe- ther they seem to agree with the sore, or whether it may not be proper to change them. In drefsing wounds, we should be careful not to expose their surfaces too long to the air. We should also be careful in wiping off the pus, part of which may be suffered to remain, from having no noxious quality, and from appearing to protect the parts. The general health of the hprse shou!4 also be attended to ; the bowels should be kept open ; and, if any great degree of irritability is apparent, bleeding may be used, and opium may be given. The parts should also, as much a^ pofsible, be kept at rest. PATHOLOGY. 41 On Punctured Wounds. PUNCTURED WOUNDS are much more dif- ficult of cure than incised wounds, from the many different parts liable to be wounded, as skin, cellu- lar membrane, muscles, nerves, tendon, &c. ; the external opening being small, if suppuration takes place, it is almost impofsible for the matter to be evacuated ; hence fistulous ulcers arise. If any extraneous body is lodged in the wound, and there is great difficulty in getting at it without dilating the wound, or if matter should work its "way to any of the surrounding parts, and we are not likely to do mischief, from the division of nerves, or large-blood-vefsels, we may cut down upon it, and extract it ; but if danger is to be ap- prehended from the division of either of the above, ve must wait for suppuration. If there should be matter lodged under the fascia, we should open it directly, and reduce it to a fresh incised wound. If a puncture should be superficial ; that is, if it should run under the skin and cellular membrane only, it will then be best to lay it open to its full extent. $2 VETERIKARY If it should penetrate through a muscle, it may be better to pais a seton through it, than to expose it to the air. If it becomes fistulous, it must be treated like pay other fistulous sore. Wounds of the Joints, WOUNDS, if not penetrating the cavity of the joint, should be treated like any other simple wound, keeping the inflammation as much under as pofsible. If penetrating the cavity, they cannot be better elucidated, than by describing a recent dangerous QdiQf which terminated succefsfully. CASE. < c About the latter end of May, 1799, a horse belonging to the Hampshire Fencible Light Dra- goons, Colonel Thomas Cooper Everitt commander, unfortunately got one of his fore-feet over the chain in the stall, and being of a very irritable dis- position, was very much injured, in attempting to extricate himself. Being informed that the horse was very lame, I went to see him ; and, upon exa- PATHOLOGY. 43 ruination, found his near fore-leg punctured in the knee-joint, near the flexor tendon, and at every motion of the joint, the synovial fluid pafsing through the orifice as if from a syringe. The horse was immediately properly secured, and I pafsed the probe into the joint, with an intention to examine if any extraneous substance remained in the wound, as I had reason to suspect it was caused from a splinter of wood, but could perceive nothing. " The orifice being large, I had small hopes of succefs, but resolved on trying what effect the ac- tual cautery would have, I got a piece of iron made into the form of a budding-iron, broad at the point, so as to completely cover the external open- ing, and blunt, that it might not penetrate too deep ; which, being heated to a proper degree, I applied to the wound, taking care not to injure the capsular ligament, and over it a large pledget of tow was properly secured ; two quarts of blood were taken from him, and opening medicines ad- ministered. His diet was changed to warm mashes of bran, with a few oats, and a little good hay. " I visited hi fn every day, and was grieved to find the joint become very much enlarged, and the synovia continuing to pafs through the pledget of 44- VETERINARY tow in large quantities, which I could only attrit bute to a diseased action of the glands. " On the fourth day, the horse being again pro- perly secured, I removed the drefsing, and found the orifice of the wound still open, but so small, as only to admit a probe. The motion of the joint keeping the wound open, by continually forcing the fluid through it, induced me, once more, to apply the cautery ; which being done, the part was co- vered, as before, with a large pledget of tow. But being alarmed at the increasing inflammation, and enlargement of the joint, I thought it necefsary to apply a poultice on the fore part of the knee, so as not to cover the wound, for fear the eschar should slough away to soon. A little more blood was then taken from him, and some more opening medicines given. " Finding the poultice prevented the inflamma- tion from increasing, I continued it every day, but suffered the pledget of tow to remain on the wound about ten days 3 and kept the horse as much at rest as pofsible, i( On removing the drefsing, I found the discharge completely stopped, and the wound filled up with healthy granulations. I then advised gentle ex- PATHOLOGY. 45 Grcise, and a solution of common alum in water, to Wash the wound. 2 52 VETERINARY from arteries near the heart, and which lie deep. In a vein the circulation is slower ; and as veins lie more superficially, bleeding is more easily stopped. L; ;drng may take j.iace either from a total or partial division oi the coats of an ar- tery, or from a diseased alteration of their struc- ture. Bleeding may terminate by accidental, or by artificial means ; or, if it is suffered to continue for a length of time, in death. When arteries are divided, if they are not large, bleeding soon ceases. This arises from the muscular fibres which enter their structure, contracting their dia- meters and lengths, so as to obliterate their cavi- ties ; the contractile power of them being greater than the impetus of the blood. In the division of the larger arteries, where the powers of the circulation, and the elasticity of the vefsels are greater than their powers of contrac- tion, we must not trust to it alone. It may some- times stop the bleeding for a little time, but we may expect a return of it. Blood may be stopped, from the accidental manner in which the vefsels may be divided, as by violent laceration, and other causes. PATHOLOGY. 53 It is observable, that, by instinct, all animals nibble oft* the navel-string of their young. Sow- gelders, in castrating, draw out the spermatic artery to a great length, and divide it with a blunt knife ; yet, in neither of these cases, do we see bleeding take place. When nature is insufficient to stop bleeding, Ave must have re- course to artificial means, such as styptics, liga- tures, &c. Styptics are said to act in three ways. One is by disposing the vefsels to contract ; the second, by disposing the blood to coagulate ; and the third, by coagulating the vefsels themselves. The first of this clafs is preferable, when we may depend upon its effects being permanent. Amongst these may be ranked the spirits of wine, oil of turpen- tine, the vitriolic and muriatic acids diluted, alum, balsam traumatic ; oil of turpentine is, how- ever, most preferable. Of the second clafs we may mention the mild absorbent substances; as flour, lint, bole ammoniac, sponge ; these, by absorbing the thinner parts of the blood, prove very useful. The third clafs are improperly called Styptics, as they destroy the vefsels themselves, and produce eschar. Of this clafs are all caustics, blue vitriol, boiling oil of turpentine, &c. L>3 54 VETERINARY Where there is great difficulty in getting at a vefsel, we must apply the cautery, though much inconvenience may be produced by it; the impe- tus of the circulation frequently throwing off the eschar, and fresh bleeding ensuing. In using the cautery, we should be careful not to apply the iron too hot, as the eschar would almost immediately be thrown off, and the desired effect be frustrated. The treatment of haemorrhages will depend on their causes. If styptic applications have been tried ineffectually to a large vefsel, we must use a ligature. In internal haemorrhages, the oil of tui% pentine has been found very serviceable. It may be given from one to three ounces, in a solution of gum arabic, or mixed with gruel. Opium, in this case, is seldom found useful. If the knidneys are wounded, turpentine may be given often, and in small quantities. These are the chief ways of restraining bleed- ing : but we must recollect, that where bleeding takes place from a large artery, and we can take it up with a ligature, it ought always to be pre^ ferred to styptic applications. ^PATHOLOGY. 55 On Sprains. THESE next demand our consideration, as the horse, from the great exertion he is frequently obliged to undergo, is veiy liable to receive in- jury in some of his joints. It is well known, that external force may be applied to a joint, so as greatly to strain and in- jure its ligaments, without absolute dislocation having taken place. This, in general, is attended with extravasation and swelling, the cellular membrane becoming dis- tended, from an increased secretion of synovia- especially where the capsular ligament is loose; as in the joint of the hock or pastern. This is often succeeded by inflammation, and lofs of motion of the joint ; at least there is considerable difficulty in performing it ; these parts, before nearly insen- sible, now becoming highly sensible and painful. When the sprain is recent, bandages impreg- nated with the following mixture, may eh%ct a cure : Take sugar of lead, half an ounce ; the best vinegar, one pint; rectitied spirits of wine, four ounces : mix and shake them well to- gether for use. D 4 56 VETERINARY But if, after using this mixture and bandages six or eight days, no amendment is perceived, re- course may be to had the blister-ointment, which must be rubbed well in all round the joint with the hand, and may be repeated, if necefsary, in eight or ten days; this seldom fails to effect a cure. But if blistering the part fails, as is fometimes the case in violent strains, firing, in perpendicular lines, but so as not to penetrate through the skin, is our last resource. The following blister -ointment we have ever found the best : as it is easily made, and, if pro- perly applied, has always the desired effect, and never destro}^ the roots of the hair. Take cantharides in fine powder, one ounce ; purified lard, if in summer, or the best olive oil, if in winter, four ounces: mix; them well together for use. The above ointment may be made stronger or weaker, by adding or diminishing the cantha- rides. Sprains are likewise the cause of those dis- eases of joints called Bog Spavin, Thorough- pin, and Windgalls ; which being principally PATHOLOGY. 51 enlargements of the bursae mucosae, and fre- quently communicating with the cavity of the joint, should never be laid open, although that operation is directed by almost every author who has wrote on farriery ; as by that method very great inflammation, troublesome ulcers, and often incurable lamenefs is the consequence. The same method as directed for the cure of strains, will be found the most beneficial in all these cases. On Bone Spavin, Splints, and Curbs. A Bone Spavin is a deposition of bony matter taking place on the inside of the hock-joint of all, but most frequently happening to young horses, causing lamenefs in a greater or lefser degree. The danger is in proportion to the quantity of bony substance thrown out, and to the nearnefs or distance it may be from the joint. The reason that young horses are more subject to this disease, appears to be principally owing to the bad method of shoeing made use of in most parts of England ; for the common practice is to make the outside of the shoe much thicker than the inside ; and, to complete the mis- chief, the outride heel is often turned up, which de- prives the horse of a level and easy tread, and the 5$ VETERINARY joint not having attained its proper growth ar^d firmnefs, is easily twisted or bent inward. But we find that spavin sometimes takes place on the joints of horses that have never been shod ; this is owing to the carelefsnefs of the owner, in permitting the horses to continue in the field a number of months, without paying any attention to their feet ; which frequently growing irregular ? deprives them of a level tread. The feet of young horses, when at grafs, should never remain unexamined above a month, or six weeks at most ; and at that time all irregularities of growth should be removed. By this means the natural beauty of the foot will be preserved, spavins and splints prevented, and the horse early accus- tomed to the operations of the farrier, The consequences of the above causes arc, that the head of the metatarsal or cannon bone becomes inflamed and enlarged : this proceeds from extra- vasation taking place in the interstices of the bone, as is the case in soft parts. When the inflamma- tion is suffered to go on, it generally communi- cates its disposition to the neighbouring soft parts, and by this means the periosteum, cellular mem- brane, Jigaments, and muscles, are changed into^ PATHOLOGY. S9l and increase the size of the bone. This procefs is called the adhesive Osific Inflammation. This adventitious bone is easily distinguished from the real bone by the roughnefs of its surface ; and it often becomes a cause of anchylosis, or union of the joint. Whilst forming, it gives but very little pain, and seldom materially affects the constitution. Spavin, splints, and curbs, may likewise proceed from violent blows on the part, causing inflammation. When any enlargement on the inside of the hock is perceived, it should be examined with the strictest attention ; and if bony substance is per- ceived to be forming, medicines which powerfully promote absorption should be immediately applied ; such as equal parts of cantharides and lard, with which the parts should be kept constantly moist, until the swelling is removed ; but if the disease has remained a length of time, the following will \>e found more beneficial ; Take sublimate mercury in very fine powder, two drams ; strong mercurial ointment, four ounces ; let them be mixed weii toge- ther to make an ointment. 60 VETEB.INARY One quarter of the above ointment may be rubbed well upon the part with the hand, and re- peated once a week ; and, after a proper interval, the whole may be repeated, if necefsary. The body should be kept gently open, and one of the following mild diuretic balls, given every other day, for twelve or fourteen days ; afterwards, one every six days. DIURETJC BALLS. Take yellow resin in powder, one pound and a half; common turpentine, one pound; Castile soap, twelve ounces : dilsolve the resin and turpentine over a slow fire, then add the soap, first cutting it in small pieces; and after they are sufficiently incorporated, set them aside to cool, and form into balls. The common weight of these balls should be one ounce, the small balls about six drams, and the largest about an ounce and a half. But if, after a sufficient trial, the above method should fail, firing, as recommended in the treat- ment of strains, must be advised, and the horse sent to grafs. PATHOLOGY. 6l Splints and Curls. SPLINTS are depositions of bone found on the middle of the cannon or shank bone of the fore- legs, but may likewise take place on the same part of the hind-legs. Curbs are the same depositions taking place on the back part of the hock. The causes of these are the same as of bone spavin ; and the treatment there directed, can only, in these cases, be of ser- vice ; but when splint9 become very large, and cause great lamenefs, an expert operator may cut through the integuments, and remove them with a chifsel, taking care not to injure the sus- pensor ligament, or tendon. Recent Colds, or Catarrh. THERE is not any disease to which the horse is more liable than that which comes under the above denomination. This disease is principally owing to sudden changes of temperature ; and experience shows, that a sudden change from cold to heat is more frequently the cause, than from heat to cold. IT will ever be found, that when a horse has £2 VETERINARY been exposed to a cold air ajl day, or perhaps for" weeks, and then removed to an hot stable . and fre- quently covered with warm clothing, that the cir- culation will be increased to a great degree, whereby the glands of the nostrils become in- flamed and obstructed, and only a thin humour, resembling water, is secreted, containing a quan- titv of neutral salts ; which, as the parts are left undefended, act as a continual stimulus, causing great irritation. In its incipient, or first stage, we observe that the nostrils look red and inflamed, and a thin hu- mour is discharged. This is attended by a slight cough, and some degree of fever ; the pulse is hard and frequent ; a dulnefs of the eyes, some- times with a defluxion of serum ; a sorenefs of the throat ; and food is often returned out of the mouth, owing to the irritation it causes. As the disease and inflammation increases, the horse becomes very dull, and a listlelsnefs to action takes place ; the cough becomes more frequent ; the glands under the jaw become inflamed and en- larged, and the fever increases, attended with costivenefs. If the cough is violent, and long continued, it often lays the foundation of broken wind. 6 PATHOLOGY. o J The first indication of the cure of catarrh, is to lower the circulation, by taking away two quarts of blood, and afterwards let a moderate warm mash of bran, with a few oats, be put into a nose- bag, and secured upon the horse's head, so as to let the warm steam continually pafs up his nostrils. This method of using the mash is evidently the best : for the warm steam lubricates the mucous membranes, sheaths and preserves them from the acrimony of the humours, and ultimately restores them to their proper action/ by removing their tension. The intestines should be kept open by gentle alterative medicines ; such as the following : Take Barbadoes aloes, one ounce and a half ; ginger in powder, half ah ounce ; soft soap sufficient to form the whole of a proper consistency : divide into four bails. One of the above balls may be given every morning, until gentle purging takes place, and may be repeated occasionally. If the irritation and cough continues to in- crease, after a due attention to the above direc- tions, which is not often the case, it will be neces- sary to repeat the bleeding j and if the glands 61 VETERINARY under the jaws become enlarged, the blister oint> ment may be applied, or a linseed poultice. If suppuration takes place, they may be opened with the lancet. The clothing should be moderately warm, and the patient should have frequent gentle exercise. The diet should be warm mashes of bran, with a few oats ; or warm water -gruel, and a little good hay. But we frequently find when horses have often been affected with cold, that there will continue to be a discharge from the nostrils, of a thick yellow or whitish matter, resembling pus, attended with frequent coughing, which often continues a long time ; and, if not removed, is productive of very disagreeable consequences, by causing diseases which are incurable. For the removal of this discharge and cough, a continuation of the folio win cr medicine will be found very efficacious : Take crude antimony in very fine powder, one pound ; grains of paradise, two ounces; nitre, half a pound : mix them well to- gether. PATHOLOGY. 65 The above medicine may either be made into balls, with mucilage of gum arabic, or honey ; or may be given in powder, mixed with their food. The dose is half an ounce, morning and evening. On Fever* FEVER is a general inflammation of the system, frequently terminating in suppuration, or gan- grene of some of the internal viscera, and death, Fever may proceed from various causes; such all a sudden change of temperature from heat to cold, causing spasm of the external vefsels, where- by the perspirable matter becoming obstructed, is thrown back upon the circulation. OPv it may take place from the horse having been heated b}^ violent exercise, and immediately permitted to drink a large quantity of cold water, causing general spasm. Ir may likewise take place from violent pain in any part of the body : for instance, spasm of the intestines, external or internal wounds, &c. ; but this is only symptomatic. The particular symptoms attending fever, from E 66 VETERINARY the two first causes, are a starting of the coat or hair ; an increased action of the heart and arteries ; great restlefsnefs and inquietude ; great heat and thirst, attended by sweating, which is succeeded: by universal coldnefs ; the tongue white and dry, or clammy ; lofs of appetite, &c. As the fever increases, the pulse becomes strong, full, and quick ; and sometimes intermitting, with a wildnefs of the eyes, difficulty of respiration* trembling ; and, in its last stages, a copious dis- charge of tears from the eyes ; the urine very high coloured, an exceeding quick and obstructed pulse, stupor, death. The progrefs of fever is much more quick in the horse than in the human subject, frequently destroying the patient in two or three days. When fever takes place from the above-men- tioned causes, viz. sudden change of temperature from heat to cold, or the indiscreet use of cold •water, our first care must be to lower the circula- tion, by taking from the patient two or three quarts of blood, and by administering such medi- cines as have a tendency to remove spasm, and promote perspiration, without increasing the cir- PATHOLOGY* 67 dilation. For which purpose, the following pre- scription will be found excellent : Take camphor, six drams ; nitre, and cream of tartar, of each two ounces : powder and mix them well together, and add honey sufficient to make the whole of a proper consistency, and divide into four balls. One of these balls may be given every six or eight hours ; his clothing should be warm ; and his diet warm mashes of bran ; his drink should be warm water, with a little sweet bran or oatmeal sprinkled on its surface, or warm water-gruel. His body should be kept open, by the following clyster : Take Barbadoes aloes in fine powder, half an ounce : diisolve it in two quarts of strong linseed tea. Let this clyster, a little warm, be thrown up the rectum, by a bladder and pipe, every five or six hoUfl If the irritation and fever continue to increase after the above treatment, (which is not often the case) a little more blood may be taken away, and E2 t& Veterinary the camphor ball may be repeated, with the addic- tion of ten grains of opium to each ball ; or the following may be given with advantage : Take purified opium, one dram ; antimonial powder, two drams ; nitre, and cream of tartar, of each one ounce and a half; ho- ney sufficient to form the mafs, and divide into four balls/ Qn£ of these balls may be given every six flours, and repeated, if found necefsary. If the fever is attended with costivenefs, twenty grains of calomel may be added to each ball, and the clyster continued. By these means the fever fvill be removed, and the vefsels recover their proper action. But as fever generally leaves the patient in a state of great debility, it will be necefsary, in a 1 few days after it is removed, to adopt a more strengthening diet ; such as a mixture of bran, oats, and malt, sprinkled with warm water. And one of the following aromatic stomachic balls may be given every other day, which will complete the cure, and render the horse fit for duty : Take grains of paradise, in fine powder, one ounce j ginger in powder, six drama -> li- PATHOLOGY. q-aorice, anise-seeds, caraway-seeds, in fine powder, of each two ounces ; honey suffi- cient to form the whole of a proper con- sistency, and divide into eight balls. Inflammation of the Lungs. THE lungs are subject to inflammation, which is principally caused by sudden change of tem- perature from cold to heat, increasing the circula- tion to such a degree, so as to cause obstruction in their smaller vefsels ; which, if not timely re- moved^ frequently cause, or lay the foundation of broken wind, or terminate in suppuration or gan- grene. It may likewise proceed from extraneous matter pafsing down the trachea, or windpipe, producing violent irritation. But it most frequently is caused, in young horses, by violent exercise, and high feeding. The principal symptoms arising from the above causes are, difficulty of breathing, with quick heavin^ of the belly, sometimes attended with a cough, the tongue hot and dry, the pulse full and quick, the fore-legs extended wide, the head E3 70 VETERINARY hanging down, and sometimes a discharge of matter from the nostrils, which frequently be- comes yellow, a rumbling of the bowels, with costivenefs; the extremities cold : and it is a cha- racteristic symptom of this disease, that, during its continuance, the horse seldom or never lies down. As inflammation of the lungs is quick in its pro- srefs, too much care and attention cannot be ob- served in alleviating and putting a stop to its bad If tl le action of the heart and arteries is very great, there may be danger of suppuration or gangrene. In this case, bleeding from the vein on each side of the neck, at the same time, and from large ori- fices, should immediately take place. Three or four quarts taken away in this, manner, will be found more beneficial than six or eight quarts taken only from one vein. If the pulse rise after this bleeding, which is often the case, we may venture to repeat it in sixteen or twenty hours after, or according as the symptoms may direct, and let the following medicines be given : Take antjmonial powder, one dram and a half; nitre and cream of tartar, of each onu ounce and a half; mix them well tog* and d/vide into four parts. PATHOLOGY. M One of these powders may be given in a quart of linseed decoction, and repeated every two hours. The body may be kept open with gentle stimu- lating warm clysters. The horse should be kept in a moderate degree of temperature, avoiding, as much as pofsible, his being exposed to a current of air. His clothing should be rather warm, and he would be best in a place where he could have the liberty to walk. His legs should be well rubbed half an hour, four or five times a day, with a cloth ; and his diet should be warm mashes of bran, or warm water- gruel. If by this method of treatment the symptoms do not abate in two days, it will be neceisary to take away a little more blood, and endeavour to prevent the formation of matter taking place in the lungs, by administering such medicines as powerfully determine the blood to the kidneys and intestines, and which also, by bringing on purg- ing, opens the body, and finally removes the chsease. Take calomel, one scruple; antimonial powder, half a dram ; cream of tartar and nitre, of E4 72 VETERINARY each three drams: mix them well together, and difsolve them in a quart of linseed de- coction. This mixture may be given every two hours, until purging takes place ; and its action may be promoted by the following clyster : Take linseed, three ounces, boil it in four quarts of water half an hour ; pafs the decoction through a coarse cloth, and difsolve in it half an ounce of aloes in fine powder. Let this clyster, a little warm, be thrown up the rectum two or three times a day. By this method of treatment, purging generally takes place in twenty-four hours, and the dis- agreeable symptoms gradually subside. A rowel on each side the chest, will likewise be found very useful in promoting resolution. After the action of the physic is over, and until all the symptoms, of the disease are com- pletely removed, it will be necefsary to keep the body open ; for which purpose, the above-men- tioned clyster may be used every other day, and the linseed decoction, with the nitre, cream of PATHOLOGY. 73 tartar, and a few grains of the antimomal powder^ may be continued with advantage. We are happy to say, that where the above method of practice has been adopted on the first appearance of inflammation of the lungs, it has always answered our highest expectation ; and it has often been found to remove the disease in its more advanced stages. Broken Wind. IT frequently happens, that when the acion of the blood- vefsels of the lungs have been increased to a great degree, and the inflammation produced, terminates without suppuration or gangrene, that the coagulable lymph is extravasated, or thrown into, and plugs up a part of the air-cells, which prevents them from performing their proper functions, and the animal not being able to take in, a proper quantity of air, is obliged to inspire twice in the time which before only took up one inspiration, and thus causes a double heaving of ^he flank or belly, The other' cause of broken wind is violent coughing, or violent exercise, immediately after the stomach has been distended with much food or 74 VETERINARY water. This causes great c-pprefsion of the chest, and difficulty in breathing, and a rupture of the air-cells is the consequence. Thefe ruptured air- cells form on the surface or edges of the lungs, and are never completely emptied in expiration. When this is the case, the animal not being able to expel the air at one expiration, another imme- diately takes place, and is attended with a very high rising of the flank, which suddenly falls. t This action goes on in regular succefsion. It is observable, that large quantities of wind is found in the intestines of broken winded horses, which may probably be owing to the great and long-continued action of the belly. From a consideration of the causes of broken wind, it must evidently appear, that it is an incur- able disease, and our intention must be to mitigate it as much as pofsible. This is best done, by giv- ing the animal small quantities of the most nutri- tious food and water at a time, and often, in the the day ; by these means preventing, as much as pofsible, prefsure on the chest, to which may be added occasional doses of gentle purging medicines, to keep the body open. FATHOLOCV. 75 Diseases of the Liver. Jaundice. The Jaundice, or Yellows, is a disease which seldom affects a horse ; farriers often mistake some other morbid affection of the system for this disease. In the human subject, it is principally caused by inspirated bile forming a concrete in the gall- bladder, and thereb} r obstructing the secreted bile ; but the horse, having only a small tube which con- veys the secreted bile into the intestines, is not so liable to obstruction from concretes. Though the bile is not so liable to be obsructed, yet it sometimes takes place, and is more fre- quently caused by inflammation of the liver, than concrete. When this happens, the secreted bile becomes obstructed, and is forced into the hepatic veins, or taken up by the lymphatics, and carried into the circulation. This is discovered by the eyes appearing of a dusky yellow colour ; the mouth, lips, and saliva acquire a yellowish cast; the animal is dull and sluggish, and refuseth his food ; his urine is of a dark brownish colour, and when on the ground appears red; the animal 6 *16 VETERINARY is very costive, his excrements hard, and have the appearance of a yellowish or greenish clay ; his pulse irregular with fever. The disease and fever increasing, end in delirium and death. It has been the general rule, when the patient was affected with the jaundice, to let blood ; but bleeding, by producing great debility, and pro« moting absorption, must evidently have a tendency to increase the disease. Brisk purges, joined with calomel, will be found of the greatest benefit in removing these obstruct tions of the liver. Take Barbadoes aloes in powder, five drams; calomel, one dram ; mucilage of gum-arabiCj fufficient to make the ball. Let the above be given every other day. When the horse has taken this medicine three or four times, and his eyes and excrements begin to change colour, leave off medicine, and give him nourishing food ; such as ground oats and beans, ,or a quantity of bruised malt, on which warm water has been sprinkled ; and, after a remifsion of live ,or six days, the following ball ; FATHOLOCY. T7 Take Barbadocs aloes, three drams ; calomel, half a dram ; ginger in powder, one scruple ; conserve, or honey, sufficient to make the ball. Four of these balls may be made, and one given every week, which will, in general, complete the cure. What we have advanced respecting inflam- mation of the liver, is only to be understood as a partial or chronic inflammation. When it becomes acute, we can hold out very httle prospect of re- lief; it frequently destroying the patient in fifteen or twenty hours, which does not allow of any ef- fectual operation of medicine. We will however endeavour to point out the best method of prevention : This acute inflammation of the liver arises from hot stables, and where a large quantity of moist litter is suffered to remain under the horse ; it is more frequent in barracks, where a great number of horses are together, than in the stables of gentlemen, where it very rarely happens; It will be best prevented, by removing the causes above mentioned, and frequently giving the following gentle phyfic; 78 VETERINARY Take Barbadoes aloes, one ounce and a half , ginger in powder, one ounce ; soft soap, sufficient to form the mafs: divide into six balls. One to be given every morning, until tbey gently purge. The smptoms of acute inflammation of the liver are, difficulty of breathing ; the mucus of the mouth very foetid ; swelling of the belly ; costive- nefs ; violent pain ; staggering, on being put in motion ; and fometimes palsy of the under jaw ; convulsions ; the eyes drawn into the head ; end- ing in death. Experience has shown, that, in this case, bleeding is attended with evident bad effects, and that we can only rely on small dozes of calomel, about half a dram, with the same quantity of anti- menial powder, and half an ounce of cream of tartar, frequently given, until gentle purging takes place: and we can safely pronounce the case fa- vourable, if the patient is not destroyed befoj medicines begin to operate. PATHOLOGY. Diseases of the Kidneys. Supprefsion of Urine, The diseases to which the kidneys of the horse are liable, ma}^ be divided into two ; viz. a sup- prefsion, or a too copious discharge of urine : And, first, we shall consider supprefsion of urine. The horse is very liable to have his kidneys inflamed, from the great prefsure to which his loins are exposed. Concretes of calcareous matter are more liable to generate and remain in his kid- neys and uriters, from their horizontal position : but the most frequent cause of the kidneys being- inflamed, is from the indiscreet use of strong diuretics. The general symptoms observable in inflamma- tion of the kidneys, are ; universal coldnefs ; rest- lefsnefs ; great sense of pain on prefsure being applied to his loins ; his hind-legs extended wide; frequent, but fruitlefs attempts to stale ; his urine, if any is voided, it is in small quantity, and red ; and upon examining, by introducing the hand up his rectum, his bladder will be found empty : as the disease increases, it is attended with quicknefs of SO VETERINARY respiration ; full and quick pulse ; cold sweats"; paralytic affection of the hind legs; frequently ending in death. When we find the patient attacked with this disase, our first care should be to lower the cir- culation, by taking away two or three quarts of blood, according as the inflammation is more or lefs violent ; and the following medicine may be wen to open the bowels : Take Barbadoes aloes in powder, half an ounce ; linseed meal, three drams ; ginger in powder, one scruple; conserve suffi- cient to make the ball. Large clj 7 sters of warm water should frequently be thrown up the rectum ; and his loins should be fomented with double flannels, dipped in warm water. No diuretics Or blisters should be used, as they would only tend to stimulate the kidneys,, and increase the disease. Two ounces of gum arabic powdered, and difsolved in two quarts of water, to which may be added half an ounce of tincture of cpium, may be given three or four times a day. His clothing should be warm, and his diet warm mashes of bran. When he begins to make water freely, a little nitre may be mixed with his drink, which will complete the cure. PATHOLOGY^ Si If the symptoms are not removed or abated in twenty-four hours, a little more blood may be taken away, and the above method continued. DiabeTis. WE now come to consider the causes of Diabetis, or a too copious discharge of urine : the principal causes of which are, obstructed perspiration, causing a too great determination of serum to the kidneys, or from too long a course of stimulating diuretics. These cause a relaxation and altera- tion of the tone of action in their vefsels ; it may likewise arise from violent exertion. This disease will easily be distinguished from others of the kidneys, by attention to the follow- ing symptoms : The surface of the body cold ; the coat rough ; lofs of appetite ; a constant thirst, the animal often craving for water ; a frequent and copious discharge from the bladder, which is not truly urinous, but of a pale colour, and an insipid or sweetish taste ; his pulse is weak and quick, attended with a gradual wasting of his flesh. If the disease be of long standing, it is very difficult of cure. Warm mashes and clothing will be found of great service ; to which may be joined the fol- lowing course of medicines : I 82 VETERINARY Take Peruvian bark in fine powder, twelve ounces ; grains of paradise, two ounces 9 gentian in powder, three ounces; honey sufficient to form sixteen balls. One of these balls may be given every morn- ing ; and, if required, the whole may be repeated, The horse should be gently exercised every day. Diseases of the Bladder, THE Bladder of the horfe is subject to spasm on its neck, and inflammation, producing different diseases. We shall first consider the latter. Infammation of the bladder may arise from a diseased action of the mucilaginous glands which are between its coats, so as to prevent the mucus from being secreted in sufficient quantity, to afford protection against the irritation of the secreted urine. Or it may arise from calcareous concretes pafsing from the kidneys, by the ureters, into the bladder, causing violent irritation. The symptoms of inflammation from these two causes are much the fame, viz. universal coldnefs of the extremities, frequently attended with cold sweats ; pulse quick ; his hind legs are extended PATHOLOGY. wide, with a constant attempt to stale, and the urine continually discharged, but in small quan- tities. This is owing to the kidneys continuing to secrete the urine ; and the smallest quantity, act- ing as extraneous matter, excites the bladder to contract and an endeavour to expel its Contents. When this is the case, our intention of cure must be directed to the removing of the inflammation, and giving such medicines as may bring the vefsels to their proper action. The inflammation may be removed by frequent bleeding in small quantities, according to the strength of the patient. His drink should be mu- cilaginous fluids j such as the following : Take linseed bruised, half a pound ; pour upon it two gallons of boiling water ; let it stand until nearly cold, and strain it through a coarse cloth ; then add four dunces of gum arabic in powder, difsolved in one quart of boiling water, to the above, and stir them well together for use, One quart of this mixture may be given every four hours, or may be used as his common drink. Large clysters of warm water may be thrown up his rectum with great advantage. F2 34 VETERINARY Opium has occasionally been found serviceable in this disease ; and, when deemed necefsary, may be used in the following manner : Take of the best opium in powder, one dram ; linseed in powder, half an ounce ; mucilage of gum arabie fufneient to form the ball. The above ball may be given every other day ; but if the disase proceeds from calculi, we have but small hopes of effecting a cure. We can only mitigate the symptoms, by a frequent use of the medicines before advised. After the symptoms are removed, a courfe of the balls, as recommended in page 82, may b£ given with advantage. In spasm of the neck of the bladder, the symp- toms are similar to those of inflammation of the kidneys ; supprefsion of urine being the conse- quence *; This disease is easily distinguished from those of the kidneys ; by the hand being intro- gL^ L^, ,,■■,,.-, ' m , ... ■ , , , , , " ' ■' 7' . ■ ■ * This disease most frequently proceeds from a too long retention of urine on a long journey, or too long continued exercise; the horse not being permitted to stale, his bladder becomes so much distended by the accumulating urine, as to lose its contractile powers. PATHOLOGY. 35 duced up the patient's rectum, the bladder will be found much distended, which is continually in- creasing ; and, if not speedily relieved, becomes paralytic, and is rendered incapable of its usual powers. In this disease we must abstain from the use of diuretics, and all fluids, as much as pofsible. Bleeding may be used frequently : large and often repeated clysters of warm water will be found very useful : opium, to the amount of two drams, may be given with advantage. But if the above methods fail, and the disease continues to increase, our last recourse must be to puncture the bladder, by the rectum, with a small lancet, which will give immediate relief. F$ 36 VETERINARY Diseases of the Intestines. DISEASES of the Intestines may be divided into two kinds, viz. 1st, Cholic or Gripes; 2d, Dic.i. ce'd or Loose nefs 5 and may proceec| from diiierent causes. 1st, Of the Cholic or Gripes, THE cholic, or spasm of the intestines, may arise from violent exercise, or from the horse being permitted to eat too much green herbage, or from bad hay, new oats, &a ; or it may proceed from strong purgatives administered when the boweis are over-loaded with crude vegetable food. This kind of cholic is most dangerous, as it fre- quently, by causing violent inflammation, termi- nates in gangrene ; it may likewise proceed from costivenefs. ' But from whatever cause it arises, it is attended with the following symptoms ; viz. violent pain, and creat restletsnefs ; his extremities cold ; the pulse rather quick, and respiration increased: he frequently attempts to lie down, but rises up im- mediately; his hind extremities are drawn under h\m j he frequently strikes his belly with his hind PATHOLOGY.' %* kgs, and always attempts to lie on his back and roll. If inflammation takes place, his pulse becomes more hard and frequent, attended with a clammy drynels of the mouth and tongue ; partial sweats take place ; he continues to strike his belly with his hind legs, and to lie down, but never attempts to roll. In all cases of gripes, it will be necefsary to take from the patient two or three quarts of blood im- mediately, which may be repeated, if required ; and if not attended with inflammation, the follow- ing ball may be given : Take Barbadoes aloes in powder, three drams ; Venice turpentine, two drams : mix and. form the balk The above ball may be repeated every twelve hours, if the symptoms do not subside, or until it purges ; and large clysters of linseed decoction may be thrown up the rectum with great ad- vantage. From two to four ounces of common spirits of turpentine, in two quarts of gruel, given after F4 §8 VETERINARY • previous bleeding, has frequently been attended with succefs. If the inflammation is great, so as to endanger the life of the patient, we must bleed very freely and frequently ; large clysters of linseed decoction should be often repeated, and the belly often fo- mented with flannels clipped in water, as hot as the patient can bear, without injury ; and one pint ,of cold drawn linseed oil may be given every six hours. But no purgatives, or other ^medicines that have a tendency to stimulate, or cause irri- tation, should be given, as they would only be a means of increasing the disease. His diet may be warm mashes ; his clothing should be moderately warm ; and, when unattended with inflammation, gentle exercise will be founcj very beneficial. But in inflammation of the bowels ? exercise would prove injurious. 2d, Diarrhoea or Loosenefs, IS a complaint in which the intestines are so- licited to a too frequent discharge of their con- tents. The principal causes of diarrhoea are, previous costivenefs; indigestion, which is known by bits PATHOLOGY. $9 pf hay, and slimy matter, or mucus, being mixed with the fceces ; from violent purgatives ; and from a too great secretion of bile. The symptoms are pain, flatulency, distention, and irritation of the intestines, accompanied with frequent purging ; frequent and small pulse-heat, and thirst ; sometimes cold sweats, attended with spasm of the bowels, and other parts of the body. The causes of diarrhoea being known, will point out to the practitioner the best method of cure. If it arises from previous costivenefs, it may be only an effort of nature to ease the burdened in- testines of the obstructing matter, and seldom pro- ceeds to that degree so as to become dangerous ; and the medicines in this case, (if any is required,) should be of the mucilaginous kind. Take gum arabic, four ounces ; difsolve it in four quarts of water ; to this may be added a few handfuls of oatmeal : this may be his ordinary drink. His food should ■ be equal parts of ground malt and oats, sprinkled with warm water. And the following mild purgative may he ^iven : 50 VETERINARY Barbadoes aloes, three drams ; cream -of tar* tar, three drams ; ginger, one scruple s soap sufficient to make the ball. If the disease proceed from indigestion, we must endeavour to restore the stomach to its proper tone of action ; for which purpose, let him take the following medicine : Take grains of paradise in powder, two drams ; powder of gentian and powder ©f Columba, of each three drams ; powder of ginger, one dram : honey, sufficient to form the, ball. The above ball may be given every morning and evening, for six or eight days, or longer, if required. If it proceeds from violent purgatives, we must use such medicines as have a tendency to allay pain, and are at the same time astringent and mu- cilaginous, so as to sheath the intestines from the irritating matter ; for which the following is ex- cellent : Take gum arabic in powder, one ounce, dis- solve it in two quarts of boiling water; and> when cold, add half an ounce of tincture of epium. PATHOLOGY.. 01 The mixture may be given every six or eight hours : or it may be give;; uj the form of a ball. Take gum aruoic in fine powder, six drams; pure opium, one dram ; mucilage fufficient to form the ball. One of these may be given every day, until the loofenefs is stopped. Let the patient's drink be warm gruel, which may be given immediately after the ball. But if it proceed from a too great fecretion of bile, which may be known by the bile appearing in, and tinging the excrements of a dirty brown or reddish colour, we must, in this case, endeavour to correct the liver, and at the same time to put a stop to tiie irritation ; for which the following pre- scription will be found very useful : Take calomel, the best opium, of each half a dram ; linseed meal, half an ounce ; con- serve sufficient to form the ball. One of the above balls may be given even^ morning and evening until the disease is removed. In all the above cases, gentle exercise, with -warm clothing, will be found advantageous. %% VETERINARY filecpy and Mud Staggers - ARE the same disease, only differing in degree, paused by prefsure on the brain. Pressure on the brain may happen from a too sudden change of temperature, increasing the action of the heart and arteries to a great degree, thereby the vefsels of the brain become distend- ed ; or from extravafated fluid, from a' rupture of some of its vefsels, -which may proceed from sud- den violent exercise ; or it may take place from a fracture of the skull by violent blows, &c. or from a diseased action of some of its lymphatics, causing hydrocephalus, or dropsy of the brain. Staggers is sometimes caused in a milder degree by other diseases ; such as jaundice, fever, indi- gestion, and sometimes from the stomach and in- testines being much irritated by bots, worms, &c. On the first appearance of this disease, the ani- mal becomes comatose or sleepy ; and while stand- ing, his head is continually hanging down ; great listlefsnefs to motion ; dulnefs of the eyes ; obsti- nate costivenefs ; and lofs of irritability in a very great degree. This stage is what may be termed Sleepy Staggers. PATHOLOGY, $3 But if this complaint is not soon removed , it becomes more violent, and generally terminates in what is called the Mad Staggers. This stage of the disease is attended by a wild staring of the eyes ; and when the animal at- tempts to move, he staggers, runs round, and falls down, as if drunk ; delirium then takes place, uU tended with convulsions, and sometimes locked jaw ; most frequently ending in death. Before we attempt the cure of the staggers, we must, by a strict and minute examination, en- deavour to find out the cause. For if it proceeds from an increased action of the blood-vefsels ; from change of temperature ; bleeding from a large ori- fice, or, what is better, from both veins of the neck at the same time, to the amount of four or five quarts, will be attended with the greatest ad- vantage ; and one of the following balls may be given immediately : Take Barbadoes aloes in powder, ten drams ; calomel, one dram ; ginger in powder, half a dram ; honey sufficient to make the ball. The action of the above ball will be much acce- lerated by warm clysters, composed of half an ounce of powdered aloes, to four quarts of water. 54 VETERINARY If staggers arise from extravasated fluids prefs- ing on the brain, the horse will, on attempting to turn or move his head, become delirious, stagger, turn round, and fall down. Extravasated fluids^ or lymph prefsing on the brain, is not easily dis- covered ; though, upon the above symptoms tak- ing place, we may, with reason, suspect this to have been the case. Our best methods of practice, in addition to the medicines, &c. above recom- mended, will be to cut the hair close on the top of the neck and head, and apply a strong blister, composed of equal parts of cantharides and purified hog's lard, which may be repeated. If the disease is caused by a fracture of the skull, removing the fractured part or parts with bleeding, and low diet, may effect a cure. If it arises from other diseases, sxichasjaun- dice, it is then only an effect. In these cases ? we must use such medicines as are directed for removing jaundice. Farcy IS a disease of the lympatic system, Diseases of the lympatics seem at present to be very little un- derstood, as. well as the methods of cure ; but that PATHOLOGY. 95 they are subject to the same diseases as other vefsels, viz; inflammation and suppuration, -we think is evident. In the horse, a diseased action of these vefsels constitute what is commonly called Farcy, which lias been generally understood to be a disease of the veins, produced by sizy blood ; farriers having been led into this error, by observing it to pro- ceed in the track of the external blood-vefsels, and from being unacquainted with the course of the lymphatics, which always accompany the veins. When these vefsels become diseased, they form corded tumours, which are called Buds*. These buds are principally, in the incipient stage, of the farcy, on the inside of the thigh, fore-arm, and on the neck and shoulders, beginning at the extremi- ties, and gradually proceeding nearer to the source of circulation ; their obstruction causing cedematose swelling of the legs ; and, as it increases, the whole system puts on the same appearance. These buds at first, when only in a state of in- flammation, are very painful, but nearly insensible, a-" - ...,-.., , , — . .... — -. * These buds putting on a corded appearance, is owing to the great number of valves found in these vefsels. 96 VETERINARY after suppuration has taken place ; and, on open* ing them, matter resembling pus sometimes, mixed with blood, is discharged, and the opening forms an ulcer, which is difficult to heal. When, in its later stages, the horse loses his appetite, and becomes very much debilitated, the tumours break through the skin, and discharge a foetid sanies, and the nostrils become affected, which frequently terminates in glanders and death. Before we endeavour to point out the cause of farcy, an attempt to investigate the use of the lympatics, which form a principal part of the ab- sorbent system, may tend to throw some light on the subject. For as nature has formed vefsels on the surface, and in the cavities of the animal body, for the purpose of secretion ; so it has been equally provident in furnishing a number of vefsels which perform the office of absorption, and which coun- teract any error of secretion. Thus when fluids, or any other matter which may injure the animal ceconomy, become extra- vasated, or thrown out in any of the internal ca- vities, or into the cellular membrane, it is fre- quently taken up by the lymphatics, and carried into the circulation to be thrown out by stool* urine, or perspiration. TATHOLOGY. ores or ulcers. N° 13. Blister Ointment. Take cantharides in fine powder, one ounce ; ointment of yellow resin, purified hog's lard, of each two ounces : mix them well together for use. This is an excellent blister, and never destroys the roots of the hair, and never leaves any blemish on the part to which it has been applied. N° 14. Strong Blister Ointment for Bone Spavin, Splints, Sfc. Take sublimate mercury in fine powder, two drams; purified hog's lard, three ounces; mix them well together for use. APPENDIX. i$$ N° 15. Digestive Ointment for common Sores. Take yellow resin, bees wax, Venice turpen- tine, of each half a pound ; difsolve them over a slow fire, constantly stirring them, until they are completely united : set them aside to cool. No 16. Powder for removing Fungus, or Fraud Flesh. Take blue vitriol, one ounce ; common alum, three ounces : beat them together in a mor- tar to a very fine powder, for use. N° 17. Ointment for Mange. Take purified hog's lard, one pound ; sulphur four ounces ; hellebore powder, one ounce and a half : mix them well together to form an ointment. This ointment must be well rubbed on the parts which are affected with the mange, by the hand, and seldom fails to cure the disease in two or three applications. j'34 APPENDIX* N° 18. Common Clyster. Take Barbadoes aloes in fine powder, one ounce ; difsolve it in four quarts of linseed decoction. This, slighily warm, is to be thrown up the rectum with a bladder and pipe: it in general answers any intention of stimulating clysters. N° 19. Linseed Decoction. Take linseed, half a pound ; boil it in five quarts of water, until it is reduced to four quarts : strain it through a coarse cloth for use. This decoction will be found excellent where a mild lubricating clyster is required. N° 20. Opodeldoc. Take Castile soap, three ounces ; camphor, one ounce ; spirits of rosemary, one pint : difsolve the soap in the spirits with a very gentle heat ; then add the camphor in powder, when it is completely difsolved : keep it in a bottle, close stopped, for use. APPENDIX. 135 N° 21. Volatile Opodeldoc, Take Castile soap, two ounces; compound spirits of ammonite, one pint; camphor, » one ounce; dissolve the soap and camphor in the spirits, with a gentle heat, and keep them for use in a bottle closely stopped. Both these liniments will be found excellent in recent strains, bruises, or tumours, on any part of the body. The method of application is, by rubbing a necessary quantity well on the part, with the hand, two or three times a day. THE END. T. Gillet, Printer, Salisbury-Square, Fleet-Street. Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University . -^