;.;{..: ..,>.>,• ■ \l -^ir JOHNA.SEAVERNS VJ^b?^or .:at life? i it f POLO BY /. MORAY BROWN. ILLUSTRATED BY CUTHBERT BRADLEY. UonDon : VINTON & Co., Limited, NEW BRIDGE STREET, E.C, 1895- C^^y^Cf)^ \ PREFACE. In response to a suggestion made to him by many polo players, the late Mr. J. Moray Brown undertook the preparation of this book, and had completed the work a short time prior to his lamented death on December 3, 1894. As will be seen, he did not attempt to give a history of polo, as he had already dealt fully with that topic elsewhere. His aim was to prove the popularity of the game, to show how widely it was played, to furnish hints and instructions to beginners, to trace the formation and progress of many of the principal Polo Clubs, and to gather together in a handy form the rules and other current information in reference to the game. Before the matter had been put in type the author died, and the proofs have been revised by Mrs. Moray Brown, his widow, to whom the thanks of the publishers are due. In a brief in- troductory note which he had written, Mr. Moray IV. PREFACE. Brown expressed the hope that " a perusal of these pages may prove of use to young players, and that by reminding veterans of incidents similar to those in which they themselves have taken part, they may not be without interest." It may be said further that the book will also help to keep green the memory of one who did much to develop the game, on which he was an able and fascinating writer, as well as a skilful player. CONTENTS. Chapter I.— The Popularity of Polo ... ... ... i Chapter II. — Strategy, Tactics and Danger in Polo ... 15 Chapter III. — Letters to Young Polo Players ... ... 37 Chapter IV. — About some Provincial Polo Clubs ... 94 Chapter V. — Polo Clubs in the World , . ... ... 142 Chapter VI.— The Hurlingham Club ... ... ... 152 Chapter VII. — Rules of the Indian Polo Association ... 161 Chapter VIII. — Principal Tournaments and Winners ... 175 Appendix ... ... ... ... ... ... 180 ILLUSTRATIONS. Back Hander, "Turn your Ponies" ... To face title Plan of Polo Ground .. . ... ... ... To face i Galloping in Locked Pairs ... ... ... ... 19 Danger of Blinkers and Bad Bitting ... ... ... 29 " Hit the Ball when it is in a line with Pony's Forelegs "... 50 Hitting on the Near Side ... ... .. ... 53 Education in Bending — Outside ... ... ... 63 Education in Bending — Inside ... ... ... ... 64 "Ride Him!" ... ... ... ... ... 81 " Ride Hard, Hit Hard, Don't lose your Temper, and Never Cross!" ... ... ... ... ... 92 en Goal S yards wide. 200yard's 5 ^ '5,QdV/CoOT and you will feel inclined to obey the man- date delivered, perhaps, in an imperious tone. You will get flurried, and your adversary having succeeded in putting you off — the very thing he is trying to do — will calmly take the ball from under your nose, and draw upon you the ridicule of foes and the anger of your own side. Be certain that you are right and then stick to it. Do not give way, for your adversary, when he sees that his little plan has failed, will be too wise to risk a collision, and you will probably have the satisfaction of having placed him in the predicament wherein he would fain have lodged you, and turned the tables on him. Study well the rules and definitions about ''crossing" and "off-side." There may at times be excuses for transgressing the law of the latter, but for the former none. So, my dear A., resolve, whatever other faults or failings of which you as a polo player may be guilty, not to let the sin of "cross- ing " — which, remernber, is foid play, pro- ductive of danger to yourself and your opponent, and for which a penalty is exacted — be laid to your charge. Polo is a scientific 74 Polo. game nowadays, and rough and unmannerly play spoils it. It is quite possible to play with vigour, and to hustle without degene- rating into "rough-and-tumble," and to pre- serve the instincts and courtesies of a man gently bred. No one yet was ever a worse soldier or a worse sportsman for being for- bearing, and master of himself and his lan- guage under provocation ; and if, my young friend, you will carry out these principles, you will rise in your own estimation as well as in that of others. Let me now have a talk with you as to what w^ill be your duties as No. i, No." 2, No. 3, and " back " respectively. Do not, I beg of you, make up your mind that you are more suited for one position than another. You ought, if you are to make a name for yourself, be able to play in any place. Granted, that after a while your particular capabilities may be more suited for one place than for another, still begin by learning to play in all. You constantly hear men saying, "Oh, I cannot play 'back,'" or " I never play No. i or No. 2," &c. Do not follow their example ; take cheerfully any Letters to Young Polo Players. 75 place that may be allotted to you, and do your best in it ; for if you can acquit yourself equally well in any position you will be a useful, even if you are not a brilliant player, and your services will be appreciated. You will do well to begin by playing No. 1, and when so doing you must make up your mind that hitting the ball is to be some- what of a secondary consideration, and that the main part of your duty is to harass your opposing " back " by every legitimate means ; to thwart him and keep him off the ball on every possible occasion ; and be a regular thorn in his side. Stick to him like a leech, and never leave him except on certain occasions when you have a clear field, and you see a good chance of hitting a goal. An uncontrollable desire to hit the ball is the great temptation every young player has to contend against, for we are all keen to have a smack at it, and earn distinction as oroal- hitters. Some men cannot be made to understand and appreciate the harm they do to their side by not grasping the fact that, by keeping the field clear for their No. 2, they often are really doing more service to 76 Polo. their side than by striking the ball. I saw an instance once in a match wherein I was asked to coach some beginners. They all vowed they would do what they were told ; but once the game began, entreaty and objurgation alike failed on my part to get a certain " No. i " to stick to his "back." He was a good horseman, well mounted, and could hit the ball fairly w^ell, but was so keen on doing the latter that he neglected his "back" entirely, and was always hanging back and looking out for the chance of a smack at the ball. I ventured to prophesy that, unless he adopted different tactics, he would never make a polo player, and the only cure for him was to play for a w^hile without a stick. I fancy he did this, for when I saw him play a year or two after he had greatly improved. Now, though your first and paramount duty will be to keep your opposing "back" off the ball, and to hustle him on every possible occasion, you must not think that you have nothing else to do ; but hustle at the right moment only, and do not expend your energies and those of your pony use- Lettei^s to Yotuig Polo Players. yy lessly. Hit the ball occasionally you must, but you must watch your opportunity, and then quickly make the most of it, remember- ing that doing this must be made subordinate to taking care of your opposing "back," and keeping the field clear for your " No. 2." You must combine the two without carrying either to excess ; for the man who never hits the ball, and contents himself by " shadow- ing " his "back," is as useless in a team as one who neglects his " back," and thinks only of hitting the ball. You will constandy have to use your judgment, your observa- tion, and your skill, altering your pace, judging your side of attack and defence, clearing the front for your "No. 2 " when your team is attacking, and, when defending, prevent your hostile "back " from coming up into the game. Circumstances alter cases ; and, what may be a mistake under certain conditions, will be right under others. For these no mere theory can be advanced, and you will have to form your own judgment how to act. There is one thing you must guard against — viz., being put off-side by a " back," and to avoid this be careful not to 7^ Polo. get in front of him. A knowing " back " will frequently try to put you off-side by taking a pull at his pony, and letting you shoot past him, and so vou must be careful to regulate your pace by his. I feel that I cannot do better than quote part of a letter written to me by Mr. John Watson, who is the finest all-round player the world has ever seen. He thus defines the duties of a " No. i." after insisting that the latter, like every other member of the team, should be a good striker, and master of the ball : — " The two ' forwards,' No. i and No. 2, should work together, and, if possible, be exactly the same class of player ; but the least certain striker I should place as No. i. His duty is to always keep one eye on the ball and the other on his opposing ' back, ' always bearing in mind that it is his duty to prevent the latter getting the hdiW jttst as much when the game is going against his {No. \s) side as when it is attacking. It is ridiculous to say that No. I should not strike the ball. He should invariably do so when he has an opportunity, unless he is shouted to by one of his side to ' leave it,' in which case he should Letters to Vo?mg Polo Players. 79 pop the eye he has on the ball on to the goal, and keeping his other eye still on the ' back,' devote all his energy to get alongside his enemy, and clear tJie road. Should he manage to get up alongside, he should be careful not to let the ' back ' drop away suddenly, and so put him off-side, but should hug him and hold him, as it were, with his knee. If the ball then comes in front of him, he cannot well tell what is going on behind. No. 3 of the other side should be up against his (No. I's) 'second forward,' and unless shouted to 'leave it,' No. i should get the goal if he sees his chance. In fact, unless told by one of his own side to leave the ball, he should always strike. A team is weak if its No. i cannot strike ; but at the same time, a good rider, well mounted, may do grand service to his side by riding out the 'back,' and not striking often, yet not half so much as if he be a good striker as well. No. i should be very careful to know exactly when he is off- side, and, if even at all doubtful, he should not give the opposite side a chance of claiming a foul." There you have the whole matter in a 8o Polo. nutshell, and only experience can teach you the right thing to do at the right moment, when to take the ball on and when to leave it ; but you must practise self-denial, and one of the first lessons you must learn and lay to heart is to be unselfish, to play for your side, and not for your individual gratification. Master the art of sticking to your ''back" first, however, and when you have thoroughly learnt this, it will be time for you to practise when to hit and when to leave the ball. I am talking to you as a beginner, remember, and therefore would impress on you the former necessary point. You will have at times to be prepared to change places with your "No. 2 " ; and you must be quick to see when occasion requires you to do this, but do not do so unless imperatively called on, for it is a difiicult matter, and one for which, if you attempt it unasked, you will probably not be thanked. As ''No 2 " you will have an easy place, and one that should suit a man who, like yourself, glories in the elixir of pace. As " No. 2 " you will have to mainly lead the attack, for you will be essentially the fighting Letters to Voinig Polo Players. 8i man of your force, constantly engaged in attack. Unless you are a good striker, how- ever, you will be little good as " No. 2," for ^IOe: Him \ next to the " back," more will depend on the accuracy of your eye and the strength of your arm than any other member of your 6 82 Polo, team. You will have to be sharp as a needle, ever ready to swoop down on the ball and be off with it ; you must, too, keep your wits about you every bit as much as *' No. I," whose place you must be ready to take the moment you see he is in possession of the ball. Do not call to him to leave it unless you feel confident about yourself, or unless you see that the interests of your side recommend such a course ; be ever ready to play into your ''No. I's" hands, and, when hitting the hall, note on which side of his opposing "back" he is. I would lay stress on this latter point, for it is one which is very much neglected, and one in which the value of accurate hitting is proved. Now, we will suppose that you are embarked in all the thrilling delights of a run ; that your pony is going a good pace, and that your ''No. I " is doing his duty to perfection ; is riding off the opposing "back"; and is on the right side of the latter. In such a case you should — supposing always that you are going in a direct line for goal — hit the ball to the right of your "No. i." His task of keeping the "back" off will then be greatly Letters to Yo7tng Polo Players. ^'^^ facilitated, whilst if he gets a chance at goal himself the odds in favour of his success will be increased by his having the ball on his right side. If, however, your '' No. i is on the left of the ''back," hit to the left — in fact, hit the ball to that side which will best enable your "first forward" to keep the road clear for you. You should play to the player on your side, and this applies equally well when you are "passing" the ball, and do not hit it anywhere, and then expect your *' No. I " to ride off his adversary. If you make a point of doing this always whenever practicable, you will considerably lighten the duties of your " No. i," for he will know on which side of him the ball is going to be hit without looking back, and so will manoeuvre the "back" out of the way. Many men consider that as long as they hit the ball to the front, somew^here in the direction of their adversary's goal, they have done sufficient ; but this, you will see, is not nearly so advan- tageous as hitting in one particular direction, and with a particular strength. Endeavour, therefore, to hit the ball to a place from which your forward player can keep his 84 Polo. adversary and so give you a clearer field. This naturally reads very much more easy of accomplishment on paper than it is in reality ; and you will doubtless experience much difficulty in perfecting yourself. To achieve a system you must persevere with it and practise. Nor need you be discour- aged if success does not crown your efforts at once ; but. believe me, when you have attained proficiency in the particular point to which I refer, you will find it pay. As a " No. 2 "' you should of course hit straight up and down the ground as a rule ; but cases will arise when, as in the ofreat o-ame of war, vou will find that turning the enemv's flank, and taking the ball round, will be distinctly to vour advantaore. This vou will be able to do very frequently if the ground be a boarded one and you are mounted on a fast pony — I need not tell you that a " No. 2 " should not be on a slow one — when the efficacy of such strategy will be very apparent to you. Of course you must ride hard and hit hard ; and I think I may sum up the rest of your duties by telling you that your enemy's " No. 3 " is your special opponent, and that you should Letters to Young Polo Players. 85 always be ready to take on the ball whenever it has been hit out from behind your own back line. As " No. 3," or " half-back," much will depend on you, but the position, though onerous, is yet a very pleasant one. Your chief duty will be to keep a sharp look-out on your opposing " No. 2,'' and ride him off the ball on every possible occasion. Besides this, you must be ever ready to protect your " back," and assist him to keep the ball away from dangerous proximity to his goal. You should also be ready at the slightest hint to drop back and take his place whenever he goes up into the game ; and when not wanted for this purpose go to the assistance of your *' forwards." In a sharp attack you may often afford material aid by doing this, and help to overpower opposition. You must be good at '* back-handers," quick to note every turn and phase of the game, and be prepared to play the "general utility man " ; ready to hustle, make a run, hit up to your "forwards," act as ''back," and occupy in turn almost every position in which you can render assistance to your side. 86 Polo. \Mien you can do all these you will be one of the most useful members of a team, and earn unbounded gratitude from your comrades. " What can I do as ' back ' ? " Ah 1 my young friend, that opens up a very wide question. What you should do on every occasion it would be as impossible for me, or anybody else, to strictly define, as it would be to lay down any law by which a general should conduct a campaign. Certain axioms and principles you will have, like him, to be guided by, but on occasions you will have to set these at defiance, and judge whether some bold coup de main, even thoucrh attended with risk, will not, in the end, prove the most advantageous strategy. As "back" you will occupy the most re- sponsible position in the game, for not only will the burden of defending your goal rest immediately on your shoulders, but you will have to exercise the qualities of a com- mander, and direct, more or less, the move- ment of your forces. You will have to encourage and censure ; inspire your com- rades with confidence, and uro-e them to the Letters to Yo7tno- Polo Players. 87 fight. To you they will look for incitement to further efforts when the sfame is aorainst them ; on you they will depend for that cheery word of praise which, when bestowed by a leader, always stimulates. Be lavish of such praise if you like ; but when you have to censure, let it, I pray, be bestowed in the language of a gentleman, and let not hot words or foul language escape your lips. Fault can be found, and reproof administered — ay, with stinging effect — if such be your object, without putting yourself on a par with the hoi polloi of Billingsgate, or forgetting that you are a gentleman ; and, if you care little what you say before men, bear in mind that ladies are frequently present on polo grounds, and let not foul language pollute their ears. Forgive me, my dear A., for reading you this lecture. I do not pretend to be better than my neighbours, and fear that I have often sinned in the matter against which I preach ; but complaints have, of late years, been frequently made about the unusually strong language used on polo grounds, and that the o^ame encouraofes the use of such 88 Polo. language is one of the charges laid against polo by its detractors. As far, therefore, as lies in your power, prove that the accusation is groundless. As a "back" you will have, so to speak, to be the "intelligence department" of your team, besides being its leader, its reserve, and directly responsible for the defence of your goal. Xow, many men think that as long as they stick near their goal they are carrying out the duties of a " back." This is a fatal error ; for, if you are not near your fio-htlno- line, vou cannot control it, nor afford aid at critical moments. There will be times when defence can be suddenly, and with telling effect, turned into attack. This will most frequently devolve on you, and you must therefore keep as near to the game as you can conveniently trust your pony ; while if you have a sharp and fast pony you can go nearer to the game than if you only have a slow one. Let your defensive strokes be mainly given in the shape of back-handers. When galloping back to defend your goal you must hit thus if you want to save time, and If the ball be In front of vour o-oal hit it Letters to Young Polo Players. 89 to one side, and take it out of dangerous ground. You frequently see an inexperi- enced "back" hit a backhander straight into the face of the attacking force, and it is needless for me to point out to you the folly of such a proceeding, You will be called on to "hit out" when the ball is behind your back line — at least, this is the general rule — though personally I have always held the opinion that " No. 3 " is the man to do this. However, let that pass. On such occasions be careful not to hit the ball in front of your own goal, but to one side ; you may at times find it advantageous to follow up your hit out, and take the ball on ; but, if you do, shout to your " No. 3 " to drop back and take your place, which you should resume yourself as soon as convenient. Do not attempt to meet a ball when defending your goal, except as a desperate resource, for if you miss it you leave the road clear for the attacking force ; it will be far better for you to turn your pony and wait for the chance of a back-hander. You must be prepared at times to come up into the game and lead the attack ; but, before doing so, be certain that 90 Polo. your " No. 3 " is to be depended on — that he grasps the situation and takes your place. You will, of course, be considerably bothered by your opposing " No. i," but you can also bother him to no slight extent by always trying to put him off-side, w^hich can be done by letting him get between you and your goal. Watch Mr. John \\^atson, ViX. Arthur Peat, or Capt. MacLaren, and you will see how this can be effected. Let your guiding principle be the steady defence of your goal, and sacrifice every other desire for great deeds to that object. Much will depend on how you comport yourself at critical moments, and on your quickness and decision. You must temper boldness with caution, be Argus- eyed, and frequently practise self-denial ; you will then possess the qualities of a leader, and Inspire your team with confidence. Such are the main points that you must be guided by in your play in different posi- tions. That you will prove yourself such an Admirable Crichton as to strictly observe them all, I doubt ; you will constantly fail, and commit many mistakes ; but you can at least try. Be not discouraged if you fail ; Letters to Young Polo Players. 91 time and practice work wonders, and if you persevere and carry out the spirit of the suggestions I have laid down for your guid- ance you will succeed. Let me advise you, once you have mastered the intricacies of the game, have a handy pony, and can hit the ball well, to play as much as possible in good company. Nothing will stimulate you more, nothing will afford you more practical experience, or demonstrate to you your weak points, than playing with men who under- stand their business. You will never dis- cover your faults if you are content to play always with men of your own calibre, or possibly inferior to it. Then, when you have made a name for yourself, remember you too were once a duffer, so be lenient to the shortcomings of others, and when asked to play with inferior players, do not look glum and object. Be guided by what Lind- say Gordon says : — As far as you can, to every man Let your aid be freely given. You will be respected for so doing, and do much towards advancing the interests of the glorious game. 92 Polo. I have now given you all the advice I am capable of imparting ; and as you possess youth, courage, and a liking for the game. ^^^Aoi^r \\SZ HARD, KIT HAFD DO/i'T LOSE rOUR TEMPER, AND iNEIVEF^ "CRC3S" I hope you may profit by what I have told you. Apply precept to practice, and where precept fails, let common sense and observa- tion serve you. I have nothing more to add, Letters to Yoimg Polo Players. 93 except this : Ride hard, hit hard, keep your eyes open and your mouth shut ; stick to a good pony when you have got one, and be temperate in Hving ; do not lose your tem- per, and never "cross." Then shall men speak well of you, and in time you will occupy a niche in the temple of polo fame. So good luck to you. Believe me, my dear A , Yours faithfully, J. Moray Brown. 94 CHAPTER IV. About some Provincial Polo Clubs. I. T is an acknowledged fact that the popularity of polo is yearly in- creasing, in spite of the sneers indulged in against it by some who should show a more generous and sympathetic spirit where horseflesh and a manly pastime are concerned ; and, as I do not wish to make an assertion that cannot be substantiated by facts, I take up my pen to ofive a brief account of some of the best known provincial Clubs. With a few of these I am naturally fairly well acquainted, but not being endowed with the faculty of being everywhere, I have been obliged to depend on the kind courtesy of others with Abottt some Provincial Polo Chtbs. 95 regard to the history of certain Clubs ; and so, without further preamble, and with grate- ful acknowledgment to those who have supplied me with information, let me come to the point, premising that I follow no table of precedence in seniority or in any other matter, but jot down my notes as the various Clubs recall themselves to my mind. The Liverpool Club. — It was in the autumn of 1872, when polo was in its in- fancy, that the late Mr. Hugh Gladstone started the Royal game at Liverpool, and in those early days its devotees used to play on their hunters with long sticks. This was naturally found unadvisable, though judging from the increased height of ponies during the last few years, and the indecision of the Hurlingham Polo Committee about fixing polo pony height, we may before long find men reverting to the ancient practice ! But this by the way. At any rate, twenty-two years ago the then most prominent members of the Club found it did not pay to play on horses, and bought ponies. At that time none were keener than the Messrs. Hey wood Jones, of Larkhill, including the popular 96 Polo. Captain " Wengey " and his brothers, ''The Boss," Oliver, and " Bengey," better known, perhaps, by their sobriquets than by their surnames. Other supporters of the Club were Mr. Henry Stock, the Messrs. Glad- stone (of Courthey), Mr. R. E. Graves, Mr. George Warren (better known as "Cock Warren"), and Mr. R. Haig, whilst the officers quartered at Liverpool also took no little interest in the game, and played at Childwall, where the Club still have their o^round, some of them beine included in a team that Liverpool sent to play at Lillie Bridge, w^hen that place was looked on as the head-quarters of polo. After an existence of a few years, how- ever, the polo spirit waned ; the Club became moribund, and, though the Messrs. Hey wood Jones and a few others kept the game alive at Larkhill, the Liverpool Polo Club became, for all practical purposes, extinct. In 1885, however, it rose, Phcenix-like, from its ashes, and to Mr. William Lee Pilkino-ton, its present hon. secretary, it owes its renais- sance, for it was his energy and sporting spirit that warmed up into a blaze the dying About some Provincial Polo Clubs. 97 embers of the sport, conjured back the spirit of polo, and put the Club again on its legs. How this was done it may not be out of place to mention. The idea originated at a dinner given by Mr. George Lockett at the Liverpool Racquet Club, when the terms of a match between two ponies were being made and discussed. Mr. Lee Pilkington, seeing his opportunity, suggested that the Polo Club should be re-formed. Several of those present agreed to the proposal ; so, going on the principle of striking while the iron is hot, Mr. W. L. Gladstone produced pencil and paper, took down the names of those who aquiesced, and the existence of the Liverpool Club, which has ever since gone on and prospered exceedingly, was un fait accompli. The Club at present consists of the fifty playing members, to which number the Club is limited, besides over 200 honorary mem- bers at a yearly subscription of one guinea each. The grround situate at Childwall is fairly level, but apt to get bumpy. It is boarded, and, like the Wirral ground, is formed in a way that might with advantage 7 98 Polo. be imitated by other clubs, for inside the boards the turf is raised slightly, so as to slope upwards towards them ; so that the ball seldom if ever hangs, but rolls back, thus orivinof a man who is comino^ fast at it a good clear shot. The length of the ground is 255 yards, by 127 yards wide — rather narrow, perhaps, yet not to be grumbled at. There is a charming ladies' pavilion, now considerably enlarged, with tea-room, boudoir furnished with great taste, and balcony ; and also one for members, with dressing-rooms and refreshment bars. This pavilion since my last visit, has, I hear, been considerably enlarged and raised, and possesses now the advantage of having seats on the roof, from which a capital view of games can be ob- tained. Attached to these buildings, and in prolongation of their line, there is an ex- cellent rano^e of stablinof while few, if anv, provincial Clubs can boast such attention to the comforts of members and their friends as the Liverpool Club. Certainly none can have a more untirinor courteous, and ener- getic hon. sec. than Mr. Lee Pilkington, who, being a keen poloist himself, has worked Aboitt some Provmcial Polo Clitbs. 99 hard to rear an offspring that does him infinite credit. Keen to foster polo spirit, the Liverpool Club not only annually send a team to com- pete for the County Cup at Hurlingham, which they won in 1891, but go so far afield as to do battle with the Edinburgh Club, which latter occasion is generally a very pleasant and festive one, the rivalry of the polo field being tempered with that camar- aderie and good-fellowship which should always exist when the mimic strife is o'er. Gathered haphazard, I may mention the following as some of the most prominent members of a Club which often turns out nearly forty members of an afternoon, all keen to have a smack at the ball : — Mr. W. H. Walker, Messrs. W. Lee and G. H. Pilkington, Mr. A. Tyrer, Mr. C. E. Mason, Mr. " Tannar " Graves, Messrs. J. and D. Irvine, Messrs. A. T. and H. C. Neilson, Mr. Munro Walker, Mr. George Warren, Mr. S. M. Dennis, Mr. H. Miller, Mr. F. Tinsley, Messrs. W. W. and H. Kellock, Mr. George Lockett, Mr. T. H. Stock, Sir Peter Walker, Mr. C. Nicholson, Mr. loo Polo. Stollerfoht, Mr. Hodge, Mr. J. Bateson, Mr. Edmonson, and Mr. Burgham. The Club colours are chocolate and pink. The West Essex Polo Club was started in 1878 at Epping by Messrs. A. Waters, G. H. Dawson, H. B. Yerburgh, and B. Dickinson, of whom the first three still remain members of the Club. Polo was then only in the stage of ''short frocks" in England, and the Club, which played upon "The Plain," a common lying between the town of Epping and the Lower Forest, was carried on in a rough-and-ready fashion for a couple of years, the matches being con- fined to one or two against the Bishop Stort- ford and Cambridge University Clubs. In 1880 Major Tait became the hon. secretary of the Club, a post which he still holds ; and, thanks to his energy, the Club was regularly organised, with a list of nine- teen members, of whom nine still belong to it. In 1882 Mr. Chisenhale Marsh, of Gaynes Park, near Epping, came to live at home, and at great expense enlarged his cricket ground in the park into the present polo ground, which he has ever since gener- About some Provincial Polo Chibs. loi ously placed at the disposal of the Club. This ground is now one of the best in Eng- land, being 300 yards long by 200 wide, and consists of sound old turf, surrounded by trees, and with a beautiful view across Gaynes Park and the valley beneath, to- wards the high ground of Epping Forest. It is not boarded, and is given over for the use of the Club by Mr. Marsh rent free, the only expense the Club has to bear being the keeping it in order and the necessary atten- dance. This enables the Club to do with a very moderate subscription. On obtaining the use of so good a ground, the members increased to about thirty, all living within a radius of about eight miles from Epping, of whom about half are now playing members. Among the most prominent of these have been Mr. Waters, a very hard hitter, who is Captain of the Club ; Mr. Dawson, who unfortunately has for some years been unable to ride owing to an injury to his hip, received in a polo match at Bishop Stortford ; Mr. Chisenhale Marsh (a most energetic No. i), Mr. Alfred Suart, Mr. Alfred Kemp, Mr. Sydney Kemp, Mr. I02 Polo. Sheffield Neave, Mr. Walter Buckmaster, and Mr. Robert Ball. The last was, per- ha[)s, the best player the Club has produced, and his death in 1890 has been a loss which it has never recovered. During its existence the Club has played matches with varied success against Cam- bridge University, the 13th Hussars, the 1 2th Lancers, and other regiments quartered at Colchester; the Royal Artillery, Hertford- shire, Kent. Ashstead, the Dagenham Priory, Stansted, and other clubs, and has several times competed in the County Cup Tourna- ment at Hurlingham. There, however, it has met with but little success, owing to its members being outclassed in ponies by its rivals, although it has at different times won matches against every one of the Clubs above mentioned. One of the most interesting contests in which the Club has taken part was an annual tournament instituted by Colonel Studdy, R.H.A., between the R.A. Club, Woolwich, the Hertfordshire Club, and the West Essex. This continued for several years, and the cup was held by each of the three Clubs in About sovie Provincial Polo Clubs. 103 succession ; but, on the breaking up of the Hertfordshire Club, in a final contest for the cup between the R. A. and the West Essex, it was won by the former, who now retain it. As the Gaynes Park ground is within a mile and a-half of Epping, where good stabling can be had, and to which there is a good train service, it might be well worth the while of players from London, who find Hurlingham and Ranelagh too crowded to get as much play as they wish, to join the West Essex Club. Men go as far to play golf; why not do so for polo ? The hon. sec, Major Talt, Epping, will give any Informa- tion wished on this subject, and those who want a good gallop over sound turf, good polo, and a hearty welcome might go further and fare worse. The Wirral Club was inaugurated by Mr. G. K. Catto, hon. sec, and Mr. F. W. Blain, the hon. treasurer, in 1885, at the same time that the Liverpool Club was re- started, as before mentioned. For the last eight years, however, Mr. F. W. Blain has ably filled both posts. When the Club was first founded, the principal players were I04 Polo. Messrs. C. M. Nicholson, H. Nicholson, R. Haig, A. Hassell, G. Ravenscroft, G. K. Catto, and F. \V. Blain. More recently- other well-known names have been added to the roll, such as Messrs. Ravenscroft, A. H. Wrigley, A. D. Chambers, F. C. Dale, F. Wignall, \V. A. Ball, and F. Tinsley. The ground is situated four miles from Birkenhead, and one mile from Spital Station. Its area is about seventeen acres, the actual playing-ground being 250 yards long and 180 yards wide ; it is boarded. It might, indeed, be more level in some places, but the ground is sound old turf, with thick herbage, and though, from being on the clay, it is apt to crack in very dry weather, yet under ordinary circumstances it plays well. Like the Liverpool ground, it is made to slope slightly up to the boards. There is a commodious pavilion and shelter stalls for about twenty ponies. The playing days are Wednesdays and Saturdays, but the ground is open every day for practice. There are a good number of members, but those who may really be called playing members do not, as a rule, exceed about a dozen. With About some Provincial Polo Chtbs. 105 the exception of the Liverpool Club, there are but few in the neighbourhood, but matches are played with the various regi- ments stationed within reach, and the Liver- pool and Manchester Clubs, and with Edinburgh, whilst the newly-formed Ches- ter Club, started by Mr. A. Tyrer, will add to the number. The Wirral men, however, are imbued with one very necessary element to success ; they are all keen, and love the game, and though circumstances do not permit of their mounting themselves as well as they might wish, they have all studied the game, play good sound polo, and gallop. We shall, I trust, hear more of them in the future, and one day see them win the Blue Riband of county polo. They should cer- tainly have a try for it, judging from what I have seen of their play ; and, should they win, their success will, I can assure them, be warmly applauded as that of true sportsmen. Their colours are yellow and black. The Edinburgh Club. — Twenty years ago, when the 7th Hussars, in which H.R. H. the Duke of Connaught was serving as a Major, and my own regiment, the 79th io6 Polo. Highlanders, constituted the garrison at Edinburgh, polo was in existence in the North, and once or twice a \veek play used to take place in a field near Duddingstone. Those were the old days of small ponies, the dribbling game, and charging for the ball ; and I remember with a shudder even now a collision which took place between His Royal Highness and myself; how in the charore we met — I will freelv acknowledo^e that the fault was mine — how we both went heels over head, and how I thanked God that my Sovereign's son experienced no ill effects from my aw-kwardness. I can picture the whole scene — my Royal opponent's strug- gling white pony and my own wTetched " tat " mixed up on the ground, and the generous and kindly words of reassurance as we rose and I faltered out a breathless apology. But how changed is the story now, for the Edinburgh Club at present ranks high amongst provincial Clubs, and last year won that coveted trophy, the County Cup at Hurlingham. In a desultory way the game was kept going till 1888, when Mr. T. B. Drybrough About some Provincial Polo Chtbs. 107 took the matter vigorously in hand, and then the Edinburgh Club began to be heard of. About seventeen acres of land at Murray- field, situate only a mile and a-half from Princes Street, was rented, and a ground laid out which has the advantage of scenic surroundings, it being backed by the Murray- field Woods, from which several snug and picturesque villas peep out. The soil below the surface is gravel and sand ; this causes it to dry rapidly after rain, of which they have more than their fair share in the North, and so it always rides light. The length of the ground is 300 yards, and from goal-posts to goal-posts 260 yards, whilst the width is 175 yards. The ground is a boarded one, and there are besides an ample lawn and pavilion, surrounded by a broad verandah ; a orood hall, dressinor-rooms, kitchen, &c. There are stalls for thirty-two ponies, a band stand, a large wooden shed for tea and refreshments, two lawn tennis courts, public and members' lawns, an archery ground, and an open military menege 120 yards long by 20 yards wide, which is a most useful adjunct for schooling ponies in. io8 Polo, The Club is in a most flourishing con- dition, and at present, I beHeve, numbers nearly 500 members, of which some five- and-twenty play with fair regularity, whilst that most sporting and polo-loving corps, the 1 2th Lancers, now quartered at Edinburgh, supports the Club as loyally as did their predecessors, the 4th and 13th Hussars, to whose initiative, coupled with Mr. T. D. Drybrough's (the hon. secretary) energy and keenness, Northern polo owes much. The matches at Edinburgh are mainly confined to games with civilian members and the military ; but once every year Liverpool and Wirral send teams to the North, whilst Edin- burgh also goes South to meet them. For the last two seasons Edinburgh has sent a team to compete for the County Cup at Hurlingham, and won it on both occasions. The most prominent civilian members of the Club are Messrs. T. B. and W. J. Dry- brough, Messrs. W. and G. Younger, Messrs. James, John, and Charles Craig, Mr. H. B. Towse, Mr. T. W. Tod, Mr. W. D. Gibb, Mr. R. Usher, and Mr. Connal. The Club colours are black and white. About some Provincial Polo Clubs. 109 The Ludlow Club. — Started in 1892, this Club owes its origin to the initiative of Mr. W. Howard and Mr. T. McMicking, has as its President Lord Windsor, and numbers about thirty-five members. The ground, which is a small one, and not boarded, is most picturesquely situate at Bromfield, inside the Ludlow Racecourse. Play takes place twice a week from May till August, when a Gymkhana meeting winds up the season. The most prominent players are Messrs. Boyd, H. Cunninghame, A. E. Gerard, F. R. Hill (hon. sec. and treasurer), Hugo H. Martin, T. McMicking, J. H. James - Moore, and E. Tredennick, and, though the Club is too young to venture far afield in search of glory, there is a grow- ing keenness amongst its members which augurs well for its future success. The Club colours are light blue, black and yellow. The Manchester Club can trace its origin as far back as most other Clubs, for it was founded in 1872 by Messrs. Colin Ross, Ashton Radcliffe, Bailey Worthington, and others. For five years it flourished fairly well, and then died. In 1881, however, the 1 1 o Polo. cavalry regiment then quartered at Man- chester — to which regiment the honour be- longs I have failed to ascertain — began to play, and their example was continued by the Queen's Bays, who have of late years so distinguished themselves on Indian polo fields, till 1884, when they left. Their example bore good fruit ; the civilian ele- ment recoo-nised the advantages of the orame, and Messrs. James E. Piatt, Walter Roberts, and Septimus Lambert founded the present Club, w^hich, however, suffers much from want of local players, and is mainly depen- dent on the cavalry regiment quartered at Manchester. The trround, which is full-sized and boarded, is, on the whole, fairly level and well turfed. It is situated at Old Traf- ford, about three miles from the centre of ^Manchester. A pavilion and shed are at- tached, and play generally takes place three or four days a week. Sir Humphrey de Trafford is President of the Club, Mr. Fritz Reiss, Vice-President, and the committee consists of Messrs. C. S. Lyon, L. Carlisle, F. Tinsley, R. L. Cranshaw, and \\\ J. H. Jones, with Mr. Percy Hargreaves as hon. AhoiLt some Provincial Polo Clubs, iii treasurer, and Mr. Douglas Phillips hon. sec. The Club colours are chocolate and yellow. The Bowden Club. — This modest and comparatively little - known Cheshire club may jusdy boast of an earlier origin than any, for it was originated in the early *' sixties" by Messrs. Gaddum and Symons, who had come home from India bitten with the charms of the game. They w^ent at it with a will ; sent to Exmoor for a consign- ment of ponies, and got a ground at Cheadle, a suburb of Manchester. Their well-meant efforts, however, bore but little fruit ; most of the ponies died ; and, as far as I can gather, only one game was played. Mr. Gaddum's health soon after broke down ; the Club died out and was not revived till 1 89 1, and I think I am right in stating that It owes its present existence to its hon. sec, Mr. Harry E. Gaddum, a nephew of the original founder. The Club at present con- tains about thirteen playing members, mostly business men at Manchester, but these can generally be relied on to play regularly dur- ing the season. On Mondays and Thursdays members are able to get a gallop at 6 p.m. ; 112 Polo. on Saturdays the ground is open at 3 p.m., and it is very rarely that owing to weather or want of players a game is not played. The ground is a poor one, not very level, and only 220 yards long; there is a shed for ponies, whilst a tent is pitched for tea and refreshments. Most of the players can boast of one pony apiece only ; but, by avoiding matches and letting every member feel confident of getting a game whenever he turns up, they manage to get a great deal of enjoyment, and put in sixty days' polo, more or less, from April to August. I think the example of the Bowden Club, unpretentious as it is, is worthy of imitation. All men cannot afford to keep several ponies or to play high-class of polo, but most men can afford to keep one mount, learn to hit the ball, and acquire the rudiments of one of the most entrancing of games. By keep- ing down expenses within reasonable limits there are few counties or large towns where a Club could not be formed on similar lines, and such a scheme, if formulated widely, would not only do much to increase the popularity of polo, and do away with the Abo2tt some Provincial Polo Clubs. 113 idea that it is de facto an expensive game, but would also encourage pony-breeding, and give many people that essential object for healthy exercise during the summer which is so necessary for hard-worked business men. It is to be hoped that in many districts the good example set so unostentatiously by the Bowden Club will be followed, for it is as possible to enjoy polo without any very ruinous expense as to enjoy hunting, shoot- ing, or fishing in moderation. The Wellington Club is the latest recruit to the ranks of polo Clubs, and was started in 1894 t>y Mr. A. C. C. Kenyon-Fuller, in conquence of the Staff College Club being given up, and the military authorities very foolishly prohibiting polo at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. At present there are only about twelve playing members, most of whom live in the neighbourhood ; but soldiers at Aldershot help the young Club, and Read- ing should also be able to furnish a contingent to keep the game alive. The ground, which I hear is a very fair one, is situate close to Wellington College Station, on the S.E.R. ; capital stabling can be obtained at the Wei- 114 Polo, lington College Hotel ; whilst the subscription (^i) is so small that it should attract many beginners who are keen to learn the rudiments of the game in the seclusion of the country. As an old Wellingtonian myself, I must con- fess to feeling much interest in this Club, and trust that being able to run down and watch polo may have a beneficial effect on the rising generations of schoolboys at the school which bears such an honoured name, imbue them with its charms, and so result in the old school turning out many a poloist as brilliant as Capt. Malcolm Little, of the 9th Lancers. The Committee of the Wellington Club con- sists of the Hon. R. W. Ward, the Hons. O. and R. Molyneux, Capt. J eaves, and Mr. A. C. C. Kenyon-Fuller ( of Finchampstead, Wokingham, Berks, who acts as hon. sec), and the ground is open for play on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during the season. The Staxsted Club is an instance of how keenness for the game, though confined within a limited area, can be developed, for this Club was only really started very late in the autumn of 1892. There was hardly time then to do more than lay its foundation, lease About so7ne Provincial Polo Chtbs. 1 1 5 a field, and get a few players together, but Mr. Tresham Gilbey inspired others with a fondness for polo, and the outcome was the present Club. At the time mentioned I was paid the compliment of being asked to come and see them start. Few of the members knew much about the game. The ground was rough, full of rabbit holes, and on a slope, whilst ponies were none of the best. But the raw material was there, men anxious to learn, and not above doing so ; moreover, they galloped and rode hard, and if they did not always hit the ball, they did their best to keep their places. In 1893 ^^ey started with renewed energy, played against Cambridge and Rugby, and derived con- siderable benefit from the experiment, and last season, with true sporting spirit, entered for the County Cup at Hurlingham, and the strong Rugby team had all their work cut out to defeat them in the first ties. Their example is to be most warmly commended, for they exhibit that true esprit de polo which in the end is bound to succeed. Since then a new and much improved ground has been made at Bishop Stortford. 1 1 6 Polo. It is 290 yards long by 130 yards wide, and, being well turfed, rides sound. It is boarded. There are eighteen playing members, of whom fifteen are nearly related to each other by the bonds of brotherhood or cousinship, and the Committee consists of Messrs. Her- bert Blyth, Philip Gold, and Tresham Gilbey, the last named acting as hon. secretary. Mr. Walter Buckmaster, who has played with such eclat for Cambridge University for the last few seasons, is one of the Stansted Club's most prominent members, as is Capt. Breeks, R.A. ; whilst two other members distin- guished themselves in the rowing world> viz., Mr. Harcourt Gold, who was stroke for the Eton boat which won the Ladies' Plate at Henley last year, and Mr. W. F. C. Holland, who was President of the Oxford University Rowing Club, and rowed in the 'Varsity boat for two or three seasons. The Club meets for practice on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Their colours are light blue and gold, and if they go on as they have begun they should have a bright future before them. The Fetcham Park Club. — In 1887 Mr. About some Provincial Polo Chibs. 117 Walter Peake originated the Ashtead Polo Club, and, his father kindly giving the use of a field, play began in that year. For five years the Club prospered, and in 1890 played in the final tie for the County Cup at Hur- lingham, on which occasion they were beaten by the Berkshire County Club, after a very tight game, by 2 goals to i. In 1892, how- ever, Mr. Peake left Ashstead, and the ground, always a small one, being no longer available, the Club migrated to Fetcham, where Mr. J. Barnard Hankey placed a ground in his park at their disposal. They then assumed the title of the Fetcham Park Polo Club, the constitution of the Club re- maining unaltered. Three hundred yards long, 180 yards wide, not boarded, and very level, the polo field is most picturesquely situated on rising ground, whence a lovely view is obtained, whilst it is backed by the magnificent timber of Fetcham Park. The turf is good, and, being full-sized, the ground affords ample scope for galloping, a privilege of which the playing members take full advantage. It is most conveniently situated, being only three- ii8 Polo. quarters of a mile from Leatherhead. There is stabling for thirty ponies, dressing rooms, and tea pavilion, and two stands for specta- tors, so that it may boast of being as com- plete as any provincial ground, and more so than most. The Club consists of about 120 members, and though on first going to Fetcham Park they were rather short of players, they now muster about twenty who play regularly, the most prominent at present being Messrs. L. Paine, L. Cobham, T. Brandt, E. Courage, and J. Budd. The playing days are Mon- day, Wednesday, and Saturday, and the Club colours are red and grey (stripes). Several matches are played during the season, and in 1894 a very successful handi- cap tournament was held, in which four teams competed. The Club has for the past few seasons sent a team to take part in the Abergavenny Tournament, and won the cup there in 1892. Mr. J. Barnard Hankey is President of the Club, with Messrs. A. G. Moon, W. Fraser-Tytler, Ronald Peake, J. E. Budd, and T. E. Brandt as a committee, whilst About some Provincial Polo Chtbs. 119 INIr. Ronald Peake acts as hon. treasurer, and Mr. Arthur G. Moon, Fetcham Rectory, Leatherhead, fulfils ably the position of hon. secretary, The Rugby Club.— Within rifle-shot of the famous Hilmorton Gorse, and on ground famous in the annals of hunting, where the Pytchley, Atherstone, and North Warwick- shire all converge to a central point, there sprang into existence some three years ago a Club which bids fair to become the best in the provinces. Until the year 1891 Rugby had never been stirred by the polo spirit. Hounds and horses were its main attrac- tions, and during the summer months its residents led a sleepy sort of existence till the advent of another hunting season roused them into activity, But all that is now changed, for Rugby now is as lively in the summer as it is in the winter, and this has been owing to the magician's wand waved by the Messrs. Miller, of Spring Hill, the founders of the Rugby Club. It may not be here out of place to trace how in a short time great results have been attained from small beginnings, and to show how the Club sprang into existence. I20 Polo. In 1 89 1 Mr. George A. INIIller and his brother, Mr. E. D. Miller (who when serving in the 17th Lancers played for his regiment in several inter-regimental tournaments, both in India and at home), bethought them of combining business with pleasure, by train- ing ponies and dealing in them. With this object in view they cast about for some suit- able spot, and found it in Spring Hill, the farm of the late Mr. John Darby, the well- known Rugby dealer, whose name must be familiar to every hunting and horsey man. The surroundings of Spring Hill — 130 acres of good grass land, with boxes and stalls capable of accommodating fifty-seven horses — were eminently suitable for the enterprise the Messrs. Miller proposed embarking in ; and, once settled there, they set about making a polo and practice ground, and then starting a Club. There were naturally difficulties at first. Some residents looked askance at the new scheme, and there was a dearth of players in the immediate neighbourhood. Energy and tact, however, soon overcame all opposition ; the advantages of such a Club became recognised ; men came to see, try, About some Provincial Polo Clubs. 121 and buy ponies, and found the ground so good, and the class of polo played so high, that they joined in numbers, and I think I may venture to assert without fear of contra- diction that none who have ever bought a pony at Spring Hill, or played on its ground, have regretted doing either the one or the other. This by the way, however, for I would not pose as a puffer of ponies ; and, besides, Messrs. Miller's reputation stands too high to need such adventitious aid as any words from me could afford them. And so the Club, once having taken root, grew and flourished, a good number of playing mem- bers joined it, whilst it was not long before the neighbourhood testified their approval by subscribing liberally, till now there are over eighty members, of which thirty-six may be reckoned on to play with fair regularity. The ground is 285 yards long by 175 yards wide, and formed out of a field of sound old ridge and furrow, now levelled as flat as a billiard table. It is boarded, and like the Liverpool and Wirral Clubs, the turf slopes upwards to the boards. There is a com- 122 Polo. modious and covered stand, besides a tea and refreshment pavilion, and any amount of stabling in the farm buildings adjoining the ground, where ponies can be sheltered in wet weather, whilst numerous benches afford the good folk of Rugby resting places from which they may watch the game and become imbued with its charms. The President of the Club is the Earl of Denbigh, and the Vice - President Mr. A. James. Lieut. - General Tower, Messrs. E. Chaplin, A. Brocas Clay, R. Beech, N. Rhodes, G. A. Miller, and Captain Beatty form the Com- mittee, and the duties of hon. treasurer and hon. secretary are ably filled by Messrs. A. Brocas Clay and E. D. Miller respectively. The Club colours are dark blue shirt and light blue cap. The playing days are gener- ally Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, and the Rugby Tournament, which was so successfully inaugurated in 1893, is now recognised as one of the events of the polo season. The Rugby Club, both in 1893 and 1894, sent a team to compete in the County Cup Tournament at Hurlingham, and also to the Paris Tournament, as well About so7ne Provincial Polo Chtbs. 123 as to Abergavenny, and, though successful in none of those contests, gave a very good account of themselves, considering that they are such a young Club. Growing in favour and support day by day, they have a brilliant future before them ; and, being composed almost entirely of men who go well to hounds, they should earn the highest distinction, whilst the day is perhaps not far distant when we may hail the Rugby men, mounted on Spring Hill ponies, winners of the blue riband of polo, the Champion Cup at Hur- lingham. A word in conclusion, and this at the expense of appearing to vaunt other men's wares. The Messrs. Miller have now built a large riding school at Spring Hill, 90 ft. by 30 ft., and here their raw material, In the shape of ponies, is subjected to that careful and systematic training which few ponies get before they are allowed to see a stick or a ball. The advantages of such, and the being able to continue education regardless of weather, are obvious ; and to this thorough training the Messrs. Miller's ponies owe their well-deserved high character. But, whether 1 24 Polo. he goes to buy ponies or to play polo, at any rate from the Rugby Club the stranger will meet with nothing but the most cordial welcome, play on one of the best of grounds, and meet some of the best of sportsmen. I ought perhaps to mention that the most prominent playing members of the Club are the Messrs. E. D. and G. A. Miller, Mr. C. Beatty (so well-known as a gallant man to hounds and a steeplechase rider), Mr. R. Beech, Messrs. A. and J. Belleville, Mr. Howard Cartland, Mr. W. F. Inge (Master of the Atherstone), Mr. T. Jameson, Mr. A. Jones, Mr. P. A. Leaf, Mr. H. J. Selwyn, the Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot, Mr. W. A. Tilney (17th Lancers), Mr. A. Tree, Mr. John R. Walker, Captain D. Daly, Mr. A. Burnaby, Mr. A. Batchelor, and the Earl of Craven, whilst frequent attendants are such well-known poloists as the Earl of Har- rington, Mr. Gerald Hardy, and Mr. E. B. Sheppard. The Warwickshire Club. — Much senior to the Rugby Club, but its near and very good neighbour, is the Warwickshire Club, which has its head-quarters at Leamington, About some P7^ovincial Polo Clubs, 125 and was founded about 1884 by Messrs. F. Shaw, Albert Jones, and the late Major Green, to the initiation of which latter, I believe, the Club really owes its oriorin. Be that as it may, .records show that on March 26, 1884, it was recognised that such a prominent place as Leamington should have a polo club ; so a meeting was held at the Tennis Court Club, and this was attended by Major Green, Captain Prior, Messrs. W. M. Low, Bond-Cabbell, Kingsley, E. Trep- plin, Charrington, J. F. Shaw, the Hons. D. and S. Leigh, and C. W. Bell. There the subject of establishing a polo club was discussed, its establishment decided on, and games were played in Warwick Park and on the Racecourse. After the first flush of excitement, however, the game languished, and though the Club was never broken up, it did not meet with any very hearty support till 1887, when it took a new lease of life, and in the following year the present ground, on the Sydenham Farm, Radford Road, Leaminofton, was taken on lease and made. This is now all that can be desired, being perfectly level, capable of being watered. 126 Polo. and measuring 268 yards long by 152 yards wide ; it is boarded, and like the Liverpool, Wirral, and Rugby Clubs, has the turf slightly raised inside the boards, and sloping to them. Watering a polo ground is always a matter of difficulty and expense, but the keenness and liberality of the members of the Warwickshire Club have overcome this obstacle, and arrancjements have now^ been made for the ground being watered, so that it can be played on in even the driest weather. This is undoubtedly a great ad- vantage, and one of which the Club may be justly proud. The ground is within easy reach — one mile, I believe, the correct dis- tance— of the L. and N.W.R. and G.W.R. stations at Leamino^ton, and stablino^ can be had in the immediate vicinity. The Club numbers amongst its members eighteen who are non-players and twenty-one who play with fair regularity. Amongst the latter the most prominent are Messrs. A. Batchelor, C. Beatty, R. G. Beech, Howard Cartland, the Earl of Craven, A. C. Jones, P. A. Leaf, M. J. Selwyn, the Messrs. Miller (from Spring Hill), F. Shaw, Mr. A. AboiU some Provincial Polo Clubs. 127 M. Tree, and Mr. H. Powell (Warwickshire Regiment). The hon. secretary is Mr. P. A. Leaf, and, the Warwickshire Club may now be looked upon as being in a most flourishing condition, and as one of the rising county clubs. Their colours are dark blue and French grey. The Staffordshire Club. — Amongst county polo clubs of recent origin, perhaps the Staffordshire Club shares with the Wel- lington the position of being the youngest, and it may aptly be termed the offspring of the Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot's sport- ing and enterprising spirit ; for, though in the early days of polo a Club existed which played at Lichfield and Stafford alternately, it never had a serious existence, and soon died out. It is only within the last two seasons that his lordship has regularly taken to polo, but, once he became bitten with its charms, he took to it con ajiiore, purchased the best ponies that money could buy, and became a red-hot enthusiast. That he has attained no mean proficiency those who witnessed his play in the Paris and Rugby Tournaments as well as at Hurlingham in 128 Polo, 1894 will readily admit, and now he has earned further polo laurels by establishing a Club and making a ground at his residence, Ingestre Hall. This was laid down two years ago, and, having been carefully tended ever since, will soon be in splendid condition. Distant four miles from Stafford and one mile from Hinxon Station, it is full-sized, well turfed, and very level. It is near the River Trent, from which Lord Shrewsbury has laid iron pipes all round the ground ; these are connected with hydrants ; with these and the aid of his private steam fire- engine, the ground can be thoroughly well watered. There is plenty of stabling at the Home Farm, within 200 yards of the ground, and the train service is excellent. The Club consists of twenty-five members, amongst whom may be mentioned such well-known names as the Earl of Harrington, Captains the Hon. R. Greville, Daly Fergusson, " Wengey " Jones, and Renton, Messrs. John Reid Walker, E. D. and G. A. Miller, N. T. Nickalls, Portal, Gerald Hardy, E. Selwyn, A. Burnaby, and A. Jones. Mr. J. K. Bisgood is the honorary secre- About some Provincial Polo Clubs. 129 tary, and the Club colours (which can be obtained from Messrs. Beale and Inman, New Bond Street) are : — First team, red and yellow ; second team, pale yellow and white. The Cambridge University Club. — Founded in 1873 by the Hon. John Fitz- william, this Club may be said to have attained its majority and turned out some of the most brilliant players of the day. Its records, too, have been kept with fair regu- larity for some ten years, judging from a book kindly placed at my disposal by Mr. F. B. Mildmay, M.P. From this it appears that, though they used to play all the year round, it was not till 1878 that the game was seriously taken in hand, rules framed, and an inter-University match against Oxford de- cided upon. The colours of the Club were maroon and yellow, and, after some discus- sion, and with the sanction of the Cambridge University Boat Club, the following rule was passed : — " That the Polo Five (i.e., the five who ever have or shall play against Oxford) be allowed to wear a light blue polo shirt, white forage cap, and belt." To this there 9 1 30 Polo. is the following addendu77i : — '' N.B. — Any- one playing for the team may wear the blue shirt for that game, but -that game 07tly, since he imcst play against Oxford to be entitled to his blue." In 1878 the game was further encouraged by the Captain, Mr. W. E. C. Ellis, present- ing a medal die to the Club, to print silver medals for the trial fives, together with five silver medals for that year. The first inter - University match was played on the Bullingdon Cricket Ground at Cow'ley (Oxford) on November 27, 1878, in pouring wet weather ; and as many of those who took part in it have since made names for themselves, it may not be unin- terestmg if I copy from the book before me : — Oxford. Cambridge. Miles (Capt.). | W. E. C. Ellis (Capt.). Stock. ; R. A. Bayley. Green-Price. I H. C. Bentley. Kavanagh. I S. C. Mitchell. Leigh. H. R. Jameson. Colours : , Colours : Dark Blue. | Maroon and Yellow. Umpires : Story. C. A. Wood. About some Provincial Polo Clubs. 131 The game seems to have been protracted, and to have lasted an hour and a-half, at the end of which Oxford won by 5 goals to love. The following year we find Cambridge competing for the Champion Open Cup at Hurlingham, but they were defeated by the Wanderers in the first ties by 3 goals to love. The same year they turned the tables against Oxford, when they played at Hurlingham, and defeated them by 2 goals to i. In the meantime the game increased in popularity, and many members joined the Club, but in 1880 Oxford were victorious, and won by 4 goals to i, though in 1882 Cambridge won by 3 goals to love. In 1883 the match seems to have been a hard-fought one, ending in a draw with the score i goal all. Four days after a return match was played to decide who should be the winners, and on this occasion Cambridge won by 3 goals to 2. The era of playing four men a side instead of five then dawned, and the next time Cam- bridge met Oxford the former do not seem to have distinguished themselves, from the following comment accompanying a descrip- tion of the match : — 132 Polo. "In this match, as in all previous Univer- sity matches, the Cambridge men were all abroad during the first part, and seemed to quite lose their heads. During the second half, however, they had considerably the best of it ; but luck was against them, and they were unable to score." The final result was that Oxford won by four goals to love. Here my information comes to an end. Between this match and 1889 (when I first saw the inter-'Varsity match) no one seems able to tell me how often either University won. In 1889 Cambridge won by 7 goals to love. In 1890, after a hard fought game, each side being 4 goals all at the end of tim.e, Oxford eventually hit the goal that gave them the victory by 5 goals to 4 ; and in. 1 89 1 Oxford were again victorious by 4 goals to I. In 1892 Cambridge put such a strong team together — the best ever sent by them to Hurlingham — and consisting of Messrs. G. Heseltine, W. C. Harrild, W. S. Buckmaster. and L. MacCreery, that Oxford had no chance, and were defeated by 12 goals to I ; whilst in 1893 they were again victorious by 6 goals to i, and besides, made About some Provincial Polo Clubs. 133 a very good fight for the County Cup, being only beaten in the semi-final tie by Edin- burgh, who eventually won the cup by r goal. So much for past history ; but, from all I hear, they have no youngsters coming on, and the game at Cambridge seems to have passed its zenith. The ground at Cambridge is a good one, and full-sized, but boarded down one side only. It is situated one and a-half miles from the town, and play takes place on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays during the Summer Term. Mr. W. S. Buckmaster is the hon. secretary. The Oxford University Club. — It is with regret that I can give but scant informa- tion about this club, which, I believe, was started in 1874 by Mr. Walter Long, who has since distinguished himself so much in the political world, and who brought some friends up from Wiltshire, and commenced operations in a cut hay-field. The Club records seem not to have been regularly kept, though this may to a great extent be owing to the Club completely changing 1 34 Polo. every two or three years, and this enhances the difficulty of obtaining information regard- ing its early history. Still, that the game has been kept alive at Alma Mater is evi- denced by the information I have given in the accounts of the inter-University matches, when Oxford seems to have had its fair share of successes. The Oxford ground, which is 280 yards long by 170 yards wide, and not boarded, is in Port Meadow ; but as this is near the river, and subject to being flooded, play takes place during the winter on the Bullingdon Club ground. The number of playing mem- bers seems to average about a dozen, and the playing days are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Since 1889 the following have been captains and hon. sees., the duties being combined : — 1889, Mr. N. C. Cockburn ; 1890 and 1891, Mr. K. Pulteney ; 1892, Mr. A. Dugdale; 1893, Mr. G. N. E. Baring; whilst the position was in 1894 filled by Viscount Villiers, New College, Oxford. The Swindon Club. — Though conducted on modest principles, and never going far afield in search of glory, this Club is another About some Provincial Polo Clubs. 135 instance of how men anxious to have healthy- exercise during the summer can do so by- playing polo. Who its originator was seems shrouded in mystery, and, though it was started some fifteen years ago, it had for the first years of its existence rather a chequered career, being— owing to members leaving the neighbourhood — constantly broken up and then re-formed. The present Club was started four years ago, mainly, I believe, owing to the encouragement given it by Major T. C. P. Galley, ist Life Guards, who lent them a ground at Burderop Park ; and, by taking part in games himself, and bringing a regimental team down to play, gave an impetus to the game. The present ground is the Wiltshire Gounty Ground. It is very small, and far too narrow, being only 220 yards long by 80 yards. Yet within this limited area its members get plenty of fun and generally disport themselves on Tues- days and Fridays. The surface is old turf, taken up in 1893 ^^^ relaid in 1894 after being levelled, so that the ball travels very true. The Glub consists of fifteen members, of which some ten, including Dr. McLean, I ^6 Polo. the Messrs. Deacon, Mr. Lawrence, and Dr. Toomer, of Fair View, Swindon, who is the hon. sec, are the most regular players. The Chester County Club is the revival of one which was started in 1881 by Lord Arthur Grosvenor, Mr. J. Henry Stock, M.P., Messrs. Ashton, C. Shaw, A. D. Chambers, A. Hassall, J. Knowles, C. Lane, and W. H. Walker, and owes its resuscita- tion mainly to the efforts of Mr. A. Tyrer, a well-known member of the Liverpool Club, and a most enthusiastic poloist. In former days the Club used to play with fair regu- larity, though it was not till Lord Harring- ton, who was out with his Yeomanry, posed as their Mentor, that they learnt much about it. His lordship telegraphed to Elvaston for his ponies, mounted several would-be players, and taught them the elements of polo. The first match they played was against a team brought by Mr. Sydney Piatt from Llanfairfechan, and commenced rather disastrously. Those were the days when charging for the ball was in vogue, and, on play commencing, Mr. Lane, who headed the charge for Chester, collided with Mr. About some Provincial Polo Clubs. 137 Piatt, with the result that the latter and his pony were knocked over, the rider being rendered unconscious for a short period. They also played against the Manchester Club ; and one of their matches at Vale Royal, the seat of Lord Delamere, on the occasion of a great fete, is talked of to this day by the country folk as a great event. The Roodee at Chester, that public resort which, besides being the Yeomanry training ground, racecourse, football, cricket, and hockey field, was then, as it is now, the arena on which poloists disported themselves, and it was no unusual sight then to see an un- trained pony, after a charge, '' take charge " of its rider and carry him round the race- course before being induced to come into the game again. For some years the Club led a parlous existence, and polo died out at Chester, except during the Yeomanry week, when Lord Harrington kept things going. Matters are now, however, on a better foot- ing, as last year Mr. Tyrer revived the Club, and began by applying to the Chester Town Council for permission to level the ground. This was readily granted, and at a com- 138 Polo. paratively small cost he succeeded in mak- ing it a first-rate ground. Composed of sound old turf, it is 320 yards long and 160 yards wide — a great galloping ground, but of necessity not boarded. Mr. Tyrer's efforts to re-form the Club met with signal suc- cess, for it now^ numbers about twenty- eight playing members, whilst the Committee consists of Mr. A. D. Chambers, Mr. W. K. Court, Capt. W. Higson (late 4th Hussars), and Mr. J. H. Stock, M.P. ; whilst Mr. Eric Piatt acts as hon. treasurer, and Mr. A. Tyrer, Plas Newton, Chester, is hon. secre- tary. Amongst the list of members will be found such well-known names as Mr. Blain, Mr. S. M. Dennis, Capt. T. M. Gordon ( 1 2th" Lancers), Captain Higson, Mr. G. H. Pilkington, Sir Humphrey de Trafford, Mr. E. Tinsley, Mr. J. H. Stock, M.P., &c. ; whilst amongst promising men coming on may be mentioned Mr. George Wyndham, M.P., and Mr. Moseley Leigh. Much, however, as the Club owes its new lease of life to Mr. Tyrer, it owes more to the generous way in which they have been met by the Town Council of Chester, and About some Provincial Polo Chtbs. 139 especially to the courtesy of Mr. Enfield Taylor, the engineer to the Racecourse Company, for he has thrown himself heart and soul into the task of assisting them, and has afforded great facilities by lending the Club rollers and other machinery, and by giving them a place to keep their mow- ing machines, &c., besides the loan of dressing-rooms in the Grand Stand. In such happy circumstances, and with a keen polo spirit springing up in the county, it is not too much to hope that the Chester Club may some day take back to the old city the Hurlingham County Cup, for which they made such a good fight in 1894. But they were, perhaps, consoled for their defeat by winning the Rugby Tournament after one of the best weeks of polo ever seen. They have the raw material ; they are animated by keenness ; and only want organisation and practising together as a team to make them a powerful combination. The Woldingham Club. — This, like many another Club, originated spontaneously in 1 89 1. In that year Messrs. R. de Cler- mont, C. Taylor, F. S. Bristowe, F. A. 1 40 Polo. Edwards, H. Wilton, and one or two other business men, were discussing the game whilst travelling by train, and the outcome of their conversation was that they deter- mined to start the Club. Without a ground and without ponies the matter was one of no little difficulty, but they meant to succeed and did so. A rough meadow was obtained at Godstone, and the difficulty about ponies was overcome by arrangements being made with Mr. E. Woodland to have the Club, or rather to find ponies on the hire system, and a beginning was made. The next year the ground was moved to Coulsdon, and this was such an improvement that the members of the Club got more and more bitten with the game and determined to do even better, and so towards the end of the year a suitable ground was rented at Wold- ingham. The Club now became fairly established ; men bought ponies, a pavilion was built and stabling erected for sixteen ponies, whilst this was supplemented by Mr. Walpole Greenwell kindly affording aid in the matter of stabling at Marden Park. The ground is a very fair one, 250 yards Abo2it some Provincial Polo Clubs. 141 long and 180 wide, and there is an excel- lent train service from town to Oxted, Redhill or Caterham, all of which are within easy reach of the ground. The Club numbers some forty-five players, a good many of whom put in an appearance on playing^ days, which are generally Wednesdays and Saturdays. Though the Woldingham Club have not gone far afield to earn laurels, they have yet for such a young Club shown promising form, and have played Stansted, Woolwich Garrison, and a few other Clubs with satis- factory results. They mea7i to perfect them- selves, and with this point in their favour will, no doubt, in time win their way to the front rank. 142 CHAPTER V. Polo Clubs in the World. ^/ N the September number (1894) of i^ m^W ^^^^ amusing quarterly sporting ^'^?^ magazine, Fo7'es Sporting Notes and Sketches, I came across an article by *' Triviator" on "The Production of Polo Ponies," in which the writer seemed to me to have a slap at the game. He did indeed begin with the alliter- ative description of a "princely pastime," and brought to bear on his subject his whole artillery of classical quotations, and the result was a very readable article ; but when he thus delivered himself I must confess that my hackles rose, and I growled as viciously as ever did an ill-tempered hound. Listen to him, polo players, and you who are inter- Polo Chtbs in the Wo7dd. 143 ested in the breeding of the animal on which you are dependent for your fun, and say, had I not good reason, for thus our friend **Trivy " writes (see pp. 219-20) : — " If polo was certain. . . . animal than Fritz." " Already there are signs of some waning in the interest taken in polo " ! Are there 1 Let the answer be the following list — -by no means complete, I fear — of the various Polo Clubs in the world. And when it is taken into consideration that a decade ago not a quarter of these existed, I think our "Trivy" is answered. And remember, please, that these do not include Regimental Clubs, that most cavalry regiments, both British and Indian, possess one, and that I have in a previous chapter enumerated the infantry regiments that play polo. Let me, therefore, submit the following list for your considera- tion, premising it by saying that I give it in alphabetical order and not with any idea of seniority or priority. 144 Polo. EUROPE. England. Aldershot, Divisional. Barton, J. R. Walker, Esq., The KnoH, Barton-under- Needwood. Berkshire. Bowden, Harry E. Gaddum, Esq., Bowden, Cheshire. Cambridge University, W. S. Buckmaster, Esq. Chester, A. Tyrer, Esq., Plas Newton, Chester. Cirencester. Derbyshire, Earl of Harrington, Elvaston Castle, Derby. Fetcham Park, A. Moon, Esq., Fetcham Rectory, Leatherhead. Grantham, Blundell Williams, Esq., Stamford. Hurlingham, Captain Walter Smythe, Polo Manager, Hurlingham Club, Fulham, S.W. Liverpool, W. Lee Pilkington, Esq., Huyton Grange, near Liverpool. Ludlow, T. AIcMicking, Esq., Burway, Ludlow, Salop. Manchester, Douglas Phillips, Esq., The Cottage, Chelford. Monmouthshire, R. W. Kennard, Esq., Llwyn Du, Abergavenny. Oxford University, Viscount Villiers, New College, Oxford. Ranelagh, Rev. F. Dale, Polo Manager, Ranelagh Club, Barn Elms, S.W. Rugby, E. D. Aliller, Esq., Spring Hill, Rugby. Staffordshire, Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot, Ingestre Hall, Stafford. Stansted, Tresham Gilbey, Esq., The Grange, Bishop Stortford. Polo Clubs in the World. 145 Sussex, A. Peat, Esq., South Hayes, Wimbledon. Swindon, Dr. Toomer, Fair View, Swindon. Tiverton, J. de las Casas, Esq., Collipriest, Tiverton. Warwickshire, P. A. Leaf, Esq., The Brewery, Leamington. Wellington, A. C. C. Kenyon Fuller, Esq., Finchamp- stead, Berks. West Essex, Major Tait, Epping. Wirral, F. W. Blain, Esq., Ashfield, Bromborough, Birkenhead. Woldingham, P. M. Cleremont, Esq., Godstone, Kent. Worcestershire. Scotland. Edinburgh, T. B. Dryborough, Esq., 23, Grosvenor Street, Edinburgh. Ireland. All Ireland, Captain Wood,Dishelstown,Castleknock, CO. Dublin. Antrim, Captain Ivan Richardson, Glenburn, Dun- murry, co. Antrim. Carlow, Stewart Duckett, Esq., Russellstown Park, Carlow. Fermanagh, T. E. T. Packenham, Esq., Enniskillen. Freebooters, John Watson, Esq., Bective House, Navan, co. Meath. Kildare, Colonel de Robeck, Gavan Grange, Naas, CO. Kildare. Londonderry, Andrew Watt, Esq., Londonderry. Meath, Dr. Sullivan, Meath. Sligo, R. St. G. Robinson, Esq., Sligo. Tredeagh (Drogheda). 10 1 46 Polo. Westmeath, Captain E. Dease, Earlstown, Goole, Westmeath. France. Deauville. Paris, M. Kellaire, Pelouse de Bagatelle, Paris. Hon. sec, M. R. Raoul-Duval, Marolles, par Genille, Indre-et-Loire. « Gibraltar. Gibraltar, O. W. Thynne, Esq., King's Royal Rifles, Gibraltar. IMalta. Malta. ASIA. India. Polo Association of India, hon. sec, ]\Iajor Sherston, Rifle Brigade. Allahabad, x\hmedabad. Bangalore, Bannu, Barrack- pur, Bombay Gymkhana, Calcutta, Fort Sande- man, Hyderabad (Deccan), Jhansi. Jhodpore, Major Beatson, Jhodpore. Jubbulpore, Kirkee, Kirkee Gymkhana, Karachi, Lucknow, Madras Government House, Madras Gymkhana, ^leerut, ]Mhow, Mian Mir, Ootaca- mund, Naini Tai, Nusseerabad, Peshawar, Poona Gymkhana, Quetta, Ranikhet, Roorkee, Saugor, Sealkote, Secunderabad, Umballa, Viceroy's Staff". Assam. Dibrugarh, A. ^I. Harry, Esq., Dibrugarh. Jhanzie, F. Perman, Esq., Jhanzie Tea Estate, via Jorehat. Jorehat, C. ]\Iiller, Esq., Cinneenara, Jorehat. Polo Clubs in the World. 147 Lahwal, F. W. Collins, Esq., Bokal, Dibrugarh. Moran, Secretary, Moran Tea Estate, Sibsagor. Nazira, J. Hulbert, Esq., Nazira, P.O. Sibsagor. North Lakhimpur, Secretary, Joyhing. Nowgong, Secretary, Nowgong. Nudwa Road, G. W. Sutton, Esq., Dikom, Dibrugarh. Panitola, A. W. Madden, Esq., Panitola, Dibrugarh. Rishnauth, Secretary, Rishnauth Estate, Teypur. Singlo, Secretary, Singlo Tea Estate, Sibsagor. Teypur, Secretary, Teypur. Upper Sudiya, F. E. Winsland, Esq., Tippuk, Di- brugarh. BURMAH. Bhamo, Kindat, Mandalay, iMauImain, Meiktila, Moniya, Mugwe, Rangoon, Myingyan, Pokoko, Shewbo, Thayetmo, Toungoo, Yamethin. AFRICA. Cairo, Dargle, Estcourt, Greytown, Government House, Mooi River, Rand (Transvaal). Wanderers (Transvaal), Joseph Paterson, Esq., P.O. Box 647, Johannesburg, Transvaal. AMERICA. Canada and British Columbia. Beaver Creek, M. J. Holland, Esq., Beaver Creek Ranche, Alberta, N.W.T. Calgary, Cannington. Fort Macleod, E. A. Browning, Esq., Alberta, N.W.T., Canada. High River, Orlando (Florida). Pincher Creek, E. M. Wilmot, Esq., Pincher Creek, Macleod, Canada. Qu'Appelle River, Regina, Victoria (B.C.). 148 Polo. United States. U.S. Polo Association, E. C. Potter, Esq., 36, Wall Street, New York. Country Club of Brookline, F. Blackwood Fay, Esq., Brookline, Mass. Country Club of St. Louis, John F. Shepley, Esq., St. Louis, Mass. Country Club of Westchester, E. C. Potter, Esq., Westchester, New York. Dedham, Samuel D. Warren, Esq., Dedham, Mass. Devon (Philadelphia). Essex County, T. H. P. Farr, Esq., Orange, New Jersey. Harvard, C. C. Baldwin, Esq., Cambridge, Mass. Hingham, G. D. Braman, Esq., Hingham, Mass. Meadow Brook, Oliver W. Bird, Esq., Westbury Long Island, N.Y. Morris County, Benjamin Nicoll, Esq., ]\Iorristown, New Jersey. Monmouth County, P. F. Collier, Esq., Hollywood, N.J. Myopia, R. L. Agassiz, Esq., Hamilton, ?^Iass. Oyster Bay, F. T. Underbill, Esq., Oyster Bay, Long Island, N.Y. Philadelphia, Charles E. ]\Iather, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa. Rockaway, John E. Cowdin, Esq., Cedarhurst, Long Island, N.Y. Tuxedo, Richard ^Mortimer, Esq., Tuxedo Park, N.Y. Westchester, Thomas Hitchcock, Esq., Newport, Rhode Island. South America (Argentina). Association of the River Plate, F. J. Balfour, 559, Piedad. Polo Chibs in the World. 149 Belgrano, J. K. Cassels, Lavalle 108, Belgrano. Bellaco, M. M. C. Henderson, Paysandu. Camp of Uruguay, L. Edwards, Barrancas Coloradas, Colonia. Canada de Gomez, J. S. Robinson, C. de Gomez, F.C.C.A. Casuals, R. AIcC. Smyth, Venado Tuerto. Gualeguay, H. J. Perrett, Gualeguay, Entre Rios. Hurlingham, F. J. Balfour, 559, Piedad, Buenos Aires. Jujuy, H. Wright Poore, care of Leach Hnos. y Ca., Salta, Argentina. La Colina, O. G. Hoare, Santa Rosa, La Colina. La Merced, P. H. Cawardine, La Merced, Chas- comus. La Victoria, Magnus Fea, Estacion, El Trebol, F.C. Central Argentino. Las Petacas, Frank E. Kinchant, Las Petacas, San Jorge, F.C.C.A. Lezama, E. J. Craig, Estancia Las Barrancas, Lezama. Medie Luna, Scott MoncriefF, Soler, F. C. Pacihco. Montevideo, P'red. A. Christie, Club Ingles, Monte- video. North Santa Fe, H. J. J. Bury, Las Limpias, Estacion Carlos Pellegrini, F.C.C.A. Roldan, W. Ellery, Roldan, F.C.C.A. Rosario, W. F. Christie, F.C.C.A., Rosario. San Jorge, C. H. Hall, San Jorge, Estacion Molles, F.C.C. del Uruguay, Montevideo. Santa Fe, Kemball Cook, Las Tres Lagunas, Las Rosas, F.C.C.A. Santiago del Estero, Dr. Newman Smith, La Banda, Santiago del Estero. Tuyu, H. Gibson, Los Ingleses, Ajo, F.C.S. 1 50 Polo. Venado Tuerto, H. Miles, Venado Tuerto, F.C.S. Santa Fe y Cordoba. AUSTRALIA. Adelaide, E. Laughton, Esq., jun. Argyle, Ballarat, Brisbane, Broken Hill, Burra- Caramut, Camperdown, Coolak, Cooma, Dubbo, Goulbourn, Hamilton, Ipswich, Melbourne, Mus- wellbrook, Mount Crawford, Oaklands, Quean- beyan, Quirindi, Scone. Sydney, Capt. A. J. Dodds, Australian Club, Sydne}-, N. S. Wales. Wagga-Wagga, Werribee. SAMOA. Apia, T. B. Cusack-Smith, Esq., British Consulate, Apia. NEW ZEALAND. Auckland, Christchurch, Canterbury. Elmwood, R. Heaton Rhodes, Esq., Christchurch. Hobart Town, Kihi-Kihi, North Canterbury, Poverty Bay, Rangiora, Rangitiki, Wanganui, Weikiri. In Jamaica I believe they play, and that there are one if not more Clubs in existence, bat many letters having failed to elicit any reply from that land of sugar and "sangaree," I can give no details. Now let us tot up the list, and we may, I think, add to it H.M.S. " Curacoa," for the sporting officers of that ship have earned a name for themselves as polo players, and take their ponies about with them on board, Polo Chtbs in the World. 1 5 1 landing where they can on southern shores, and holding their own with any team that they have a chance of meeting. Sailors were ever sportsmen, but the names of these should be " clogged up in great gowd letters"! But to our addition sum. Giving Jamaica the credit of one club, and including H.M.S. "Curacoa," I make the number of Polo Clubs, not including Regimental Clubs, at over 200! This does not look as if there were signs of waning in the interest taken in polo ! One word in conclusion, addressed to polo players all over the world, where I hope this little book of mine will penetrate. I ask you to tell me of your Clubs, to give me particulars of them, their members and their ponies, their play and all matters connected with them, in order that, to the best of my ability, I may forge another link in the chain of polo history. The game is going ahead, no matter what its detractors may say. Let you and I assist each other mutually to hand down to posterity those who have helped on the grandest ^(^7;/^ there is, the one that must appeal most to the riding Briton — POLO. Long may it flourish ! 152 CHAPTER VI. The Hurlingham Club, laws and bye-la\ys of polo, 1894. Rules and Regulations. (i) Height. — The height of the ponies must not exceed 14 hands, and no ponies showing vice are to be allowed in the game. (2) Ground. — The goals to be not less than 250 yards apart, and each goal to be 8 yards wide. A full-sized ground should be 300 yards long, by 200 yards wide. (3) Size of halls. — The size of the balls to be 3 inches in diameter. (4) Umpire. — Each side shall nominate an Umpire, unless it be mutually agreed to play with one instead of two ; and his or their decisions shall be final. Referee. — In important matches, in addition to the Umpires a Referee may be appointed, whose decision shall be final. (5) Number of players. — In all matches for cups or prizes the number of players contending to be limited to four a side. (6) How game commences. — The game commences by both sides taking up their position in the middle of The Hzi^dingham Club. 153 the ground, and the Alanager throwing the ball in the centre of the ground. (7) Dnvation of play. — The duration of play in a match shall be one hour, divided into three periods of twenty minutes, with an interval of five minutes between each period of play. The two first periods of play shall terminate as soon as the ball goes out of play after the expiration of the prescribed time ; any excess of time in either of the first two periods, due to the ball remaining in play, being deducted from the succeeding periods. The last period of play shall terminate immediately on the expiration of the hour's play, although the ball is still in play. Exception. — In case of a tie, the last period shall be prolonged till the ball goes out of play. (8) Changing ponies. — As soon as the ball goes out of play, after the expiration of the first ten minutes of each period of play, the game shall be suspended for sufficient time, not exceeding two minutes, to enable players to change ponies. With the above exception, play shall be continuous, and it shall be the duty of the Umpire to throw in the ball punc- tually, and in the event of unnecessary delay in hitting out the ball, to call upon the offending side to proceed at once. Any change of ponies, except according to the above provision, shall be at the risk of the player. (9) Bell. — A bell shall be rung to signify the time for changing ponies, and at the termination of each period of play. (10) — An official Time-keeper shall be employed in all important matches. (11) Tie. — In all tournaments, the game, in case of a tie, after an interval of five minutes, must be played on till one side obtains a goal. 154 Polo. (12) Goals. — A goal is gained when a ball is driven between the goal posts, and clear of the goal line, by any of the players or their ponies. (13) Overtop of goal posts. — If a ball is hit above the top of the goal posts, but in the opinion of the Umpire, through, it shall be deemed a goal. (14) To win game. — The side that makes most goals wins the game. (15) Where ball to hit from posit ion of players. — If the ball be hit behind the back line by one of the opposite side, it shall be hit off by one of the side whose line it is, from a spot as near as possible to where it crossed the line. None of the attacking side shall be within 30 yards of the back line until the ball is hit off. If^ however, the ball be hit behind the back line by one of the players whose line it is, they shall hit it off as near as possible to where it crossed the line, and all the defending side shall remain behind the line until the ball is hit off, the attacking side being free to place themselves as they choose. (16) Ball thrown in by Umpire. — When the ball is hit out of bounds, it must be thrown into the ground by the Umpire from the exact spot where it w^ent out of play, in a direction parallel to the two goal lines, and between the opposing ranks of players. No delay allou'ed. — There must be no delay whatso- ever, or any consideration for absent players. (17) Riding out an antagonist. — A player ma}' ride out an antagonist, or interpose his pony before his antagonist, so as to prevent the latter reaching the ball, but he may not cross another player in possession of the ball, except at such a distance that the said player shall not be compelled to check his pony to avoid a collision. Definition of crossing.— It two players are riding from The Hitrlingham Club. 155 different directions to hit the ball, an4 a collision appears probable, then the player in possession of the ball (that is, who last hit the ball, or if neither have hit the ball, the player who is coming from the direc- tion from which the ball was last hit) must be given way to. (18) Crooking stick. — No player shall crook his adversary's stick, unless he is on the same side of the adversary's pony as the ball, or in a direct line behind. (19) Off side. — No player who is off side shall hit the ball, or shall in any way prevent the opposite side from reaching or hitting the ball. Definition of off side. — A player is off side when at the time of the ball being hit he has no one of the opposite side between him and the adversaries' goal line, or behind an imaginary line drawn parallel to the goal line, and he is neither in possession of the ball nor behind one of his own side who is in possession of the ball. The goal line means the eight yard line between the goal posts or that line produced. The position of the players is to be considered at the time the ball was last hit, i.e., a player if on side when the ball was last hit, remains on side until it is hit again. (20) Rough play. — No player shall seize with the hand, strike, or push with the head, hand, or arm below the elbow. (21) Carrying hall. — A player may not carry the ball. In the event of the ball lodging upon or against a player or pony, it must be immediately dropped on the ground by the player or the rider of the pony. (22) Penalty for foul. — Any infringement of the rules constitutes a foul. In case of an infringement of Rules 17, 18, 20, and- 21, the Umpire shall stop the game ; and in case of an infringement of Rule 19, the Umpire T56 Polo. shall stop the game on an appeal by any one of the side which has been fouled. On the game being stopped as above, the side which has been fouled may claim either of the following penalties. {a) A free hit from where the ball was when the foul took place, none of the opposing side to be within lo yards of the ball. {})) That the side which caused the foul, take the ball back and hit it off from behind their own goal line. (23) Penalty for disabling a playev. — In the case of a player being disabled by a foul, the side who has been fouled shall have a right to designate any one of the players on the opposite side who shall retire from the game. The game shall be continued with three players aside, and if the side that causes the foul refuse to continue the game, it shall thereby lose the match. This penalty shall be in addition to that provided by Rule 15. (24) Changing ends. — Ends shall be changed after every goal, or if no goal have been obtained, after half-time. (25) Ball out. — The ball must go over and clear of the line to be out. (26) Throwing in ball. — If the ball be damaged, the Umpire must at once stop the game, and throw in a new ball at the place where it was broken, and at right angles to the length of the ground, and between the opposing ranks of players. (27) Broken sticks. — Should a player's stick be broken, he must ride to the place where sticks are kept and take one. On no account is a stick to be brought to him. (28) Dropped stick. — In the event of a stick being dropped, the player must pick it up himself. No dis- mounted player is allowed to hit the ball. The Hiti'linghani Chtb. 157 (29) Ground kept clear. — No person allowed within the arena — players, umpires, and Manager excepted. (30) Accidents. — That in the event of any player having a fall, or if, in the opinion of the Umpire, any player shall be hurt in any way to prevent his playing, the Umpire shall in that case stop the game and allow time for the dismounted man to mount, or the injured man to be replaced. (31) Where hall thrown in. — On play being recom- menced, the ball shall be thrown in, where it was, when the accident occurred. (32) Disregarding Umpire's decision. — Any deliberate disregard of the injunctions of the Umpire shall involve the disqualification of the team so offending. (33) Umpire s power to decide all disputes. — Should any incident or question arise that is not provided for in these Rules, such incident or question to be decided by the Umpire. BYE-LAWS. (i) Officers selected to serve on Polo Committee. — Every Regiment having amongst its officers four Members of the Hurlingham Club, starting a team in the Inter- Regimental Polo Tournament, and which is not already represented, shall have a right to elect one Officer (being a Polo player and a Member of Hur- lingham) as a Member of the Hurlingham Polo Com- mittee ; and this Officer shall be a Member of the Committee for one year from the time he is elected. (2) Time shortened. — In order that all members may play during the afternoon, the Manager shall have power to shorten the time, and stop the Match or game at the appointed hour. If a Match is timed to commence at 4, 5.20 shall be the time at which it may be stopped. 158 Polo. (3) Time. — On ordinary days, in cases of a match taking place before the members' game, such match must finish at 5, unless by special leave from the Committee. This does not apply to the tie games in Cup Competitions. (4) Registration. — All Polo Clubs must be registered with the Manager on May 15th in each year. A Book of Rules and Members of such Club to be forwarded at time of registration. (5) Ponies pvoperty of Clnh, S'C. — In matches for cups or prizes the ponies must be bond fide the property of the Club or Regiment contending. (6) Spurs and blinkers. — No blinkers, or spurs with rowels allowed, except on special occasions when sanctioned by the Committee. (7) Measurement. — Each pony to be passed under the 14 hand standard by the Manager and two of the Polo Committee. A book to be kept by the Manager, in which the height of all ponies belonging to mem- bers is to be entered. A pony five years old or aged, after having been passed, is not required to go under the standard again. (8) Four players. — Not more than four players on each side are allowed to pla}'. Precedence. — The members arriving first at the Pavilion to be allowed precedence. (9) Whistle. — The Umpire shall be required to carry a whistle, which he shall use as required. (10) Time of ground being opened and shut. — If, in the opinion of the Manager, the ground is in a fit state for play, it shall be opened for not less than six players, at 3 o'clock each day, Fridays excepted, when the ground is closed. Each set of players shall be allowed the use of the ground for 20 minutes. All play shall cease and the ground shall be cleared by 7.15 p.m. The Hit7'li7igJia7H Club. 159 (11) Colours. — The colours of the Hurhngham Club shall be light blue shirts. The second colours white and red sash. In members' matches every player shall wear a white shirt or jersey, the sides being distinguished by red and blue sashes, supplied by the Manager. CONDITIONS FOR THE COUNTY CLUB CUP. Open to all Registered Clubs. (i) Conditions. — Any IMember playing for his Club must be a resident in the County where such Club has its ground, or reside within 50 miles of the Club Ground. (2) Three years. — No member of a Team who has played for the Open Cup and won the same during the last three years is eligible to contend. (3) University. — Oxford and Cambridge University Clubs can play. (4) Residence. — A residence within the metropolitan area of London cannot act as a qualification for a Aliddlesex or Surrey Club. (5) Entries. — Entries to be made in writing to the Manager at least ten days previous to the date fixed for the first game, giving the names and addresses of each player. (6) Five pounds lodged. — The Captain of each Team on entering to deposit Five Pounds with the Manager, which shall be returned on the Tournament con- cluding. Should the Team be scratched the Five Pounds shall be forfeited and go to the Team which is second. (7). — The number of players on each side is limited to four. 1 60 Polo. (8) Substitution of play ey in case of accident. — In the event of one of the players being prevented from playing from some hond fide good reason, the Polo Committee may, if they think fit, allow another man, properly qualified, to be nominated in his place ; such substitute must not, however, be taken from among the players selected in any other Team. CONDITIONS FOR CUP TOURNAMENTS. Champion Cup Conditions. (i) Open. — Open to all registered Polo Clubs and Regiments. (2). — The number of players on each side is limited to four. (3) Entry form. — The entries, naming colours, to be made on or before 5 p.m., on the Saturday prior to the week of competition. (4) Draw. — The respective Teams to be drawn, and the said draw to take place on Saturday, at 5 p.m., prior to the week of competition. Name players. — The Captain of each Team to name his four players at time of entry. (5) Substitutes. — In the event of one of the players being prevented from playing from some bojid fide good reason, the Polo Committee may, if they think fit, allow another man to be nominated in his place ; such substitute must not, however, be taken from among the players selected in any other Team. (6) Three teams. — Unless three Teams contend the Cup will not be given. (y) Jig^ — In case of a Tie between two Teams, it must be played off the same day till one Team obtain a Goal, always excepting both Teams elect to post- pone. i6i CHAPTER VII. Rules of the Indian Polo Association. RULES FOR THE REGULATION OF TOURNAMENTS, &c. (i) Maximum height of ponies. — The new rules for the measurement of ponies shall have effect from April I, 1893. The maximum height of polo ponies shall be thirteen hands and three inches. (2) Stewards. — All tournaments played under the rules of the Indian Polo Association shall be under the management of three stewards, who shall be elected locally. (3) Rig^ii of appeal to stewards. — There shall be a right of appeal to the stewards upon all questions which are not by these rules declared to be subject to the final decision of some other authority, such as umpires, &c., and the decision of the stewards in all such appeals shall be final. (4) Questions to he referred to stewards. — Any question which may arise in the course of a tournament and which is not provided for by these rules, shall be referred for decision to the stewards, who may, if they think fit, refer the matter to a committee of five members of the Indian Polo Association, whose decision shall be final. II 1 62 Polo. (5) Limit of time and number of ponies. — The duration of play, and the number of ponies allowed to be played by teams in a tournament, shall be decided by the local stewards of each tournament : provided that the maximum duration of play in any match does not exceed forty minutes, exclusive of stoppages. (6) Annual meeting. — There shall be an annual meeting of Members of the Indian Polo Association during the Inter-Regimental Tournament. No altera- tion in the rules, or constitution of the Indian Polo Association, to be made except at this meeting ; due notice having been given to all members by the honorary secretary. (7) Existing tournament polo ponies. — All ponies registered by the Indian Polo ^Association on or previous to April i, 1893, i^ accordance with the rules in force prior to that date, as having played in a recognised tournament previous to March 31, 1892, shall be entitled to life certificates. (8) Aged ponies. — Ponies over six 3^ears old, when once measured by the independent authority to be appointed, and in accordance with the rules to be laid down by the Indian Polo Association, may be given life certificates by the Association. Racing certificates will not be accepted. (9) Rules for measurement. — The stewards of every tournament shall nominate a committee, consisting of three members, to measure all ponies not holding life ertificates which are intended to be played in a tournament. No pony shall play in a tournament unless — (a) It has got a life certificate. [b) It has been measured and passed by the committee. Such committee to assemble at tlie station where the tournament is held, within Rules of the Indian Polo Association. 163 one week of such tournament. The honorary secretaries of tournaments will advertise in a daily newspaper published in the province in which the place is situated, the date of assembly of such committee. Not less than seven days' notice shall be given. (10) The inspection of ponies shall take place during the week previous to the commencement of the tournament. (11) Ponies may be aged or measured by the stewards of the Indian Polo Association, and by the persons duly authorized for that purpose by such stewards. Ponies shall be aged and measured at such times and places only as the stewards of the Indian Polo Association shall determine. (12) Any two of the persons, empowered under Rule II, shall form a quorum for the purpose stated ; and if more than two act the decision shall be that of the majority. (13) Rules fov meastirement. — If, after the publication of the notice referred to in Rule g, the necessary quorum cannot be obtained owing to the inability of any person to attend or act, the stewards of the Indian Polo Association may appoint a substitute for such person. (14) No person shall take any part in ageing or measuring his own pony or a pony in which he has an interest. (15) The person presenting a pony to be aged or measured shall fill up and sign a form containing such particulars as the stewards of the Indian Polo Association shall from time to time direct. The following shall be the form : — 164 Polo. Owner. Colour. Class. Sex. Name. Remarks. I Sigjiature Date Place (16) When the age or height of a pony is deter- mined, the name, colour, and distinguishing marks of such pony, as well as his age and height, shall be entered in a register kept for the purpose ; and the entry as regards such pony shall be signed by all the persons who have taken part in the determination. If the entry is made in a register which is not kept by the Secretary of the Indian Polo Association, the sheet containing it shall be forwarded to the said Secretary without delay, and shall be filed in the office of the Indian Polo Association. Rides of the Indian Polo Association. 165 (17) Any person who is dissatisfied with the deter- mination arrived at may, by written appHcation presented within three days, apply for another deter- mination. A note of the appHcation shall be made in the register referred to in Rule 16 ; and if the pony is presented at a time and place of which due notice shall be given, he shall be again aged or measured, as the case may be. The particulars of the second determination shall be entered in the register above- mentioned, and the determination shall be final. If the pony is not presented at the time and place fixed, the original determination shall hold good, unless the stewards of the Indian Polo Association direct other- wise. (18) A pony shall not be measured if he appears to have been subject to any improper treatment with a view to reduce his height, or if he is in an unfit state to be measured, and he shall not be aged or measured if he is unnamed, or if all the particulars required under Rule 16 are not furnished. If a pony is rejected on the ground that he has been subjected to improper treatment, the persons before whom he is brought may order that he shall not be again pre- sented within a period of six months. (19) For every pony presented to be aged or measured, there shall be paid in advance a fee of Rs. 2. Such fee shall be credited to the Indian Polo Association. (20) Any person may, on payment of a fee of R. i, obtain from the secretary of the Indian Polo Associa- tion a certified extract of an entry in the register referred to in Rule 16. (21) The following rules shall be observed in mea- suring ponies : — (i.) The pony shall stand stripped on a perfectly 1 66 Polo. level platform, and the measurement shall be made at the highest point of the withers with a measuring rod of a pattern approved by the stewards of the Indian Polo Association. (ii.) He shall be held by a person deputed by the persons conducting the measurement, and he shall not be touched by any one else with- out their permission. (iii.) The head shall be so held that a line from the poll to the wither would be parallel to the platform. (iv.) The forelegs from the point of the shoulder, and the hind legs from the back downwards, shall be as perpendicular to the platform and and as parallel to each other as the conforma- tion of the horse allows. (v.) The wither may be shaved, but the mane must not be pulled down, or the skin of the neck or wither in any way interfered with. (vi.) No allowance shall be made for shoes. (vii.) Not more than five minutes shall be allowed for the measurement. (22) In ageing ponies a veterinary surgeon shall, if possible, be consulted. (23) In case of the number of entries for any tournament not being a power of 2, as 4, 8, 16, &c., all byes shall be in the first round. For instance, 13 teams enter, 3 draw byes, the remainder play off, leaving 8 to play in the second round. (24) Each team to consist of not more than four players. (25) Native teams may be admitted as honorary members of the Indian Polo Association without voting powers. (26) All Station, Regimental, and Battery Polo Rules of the Indian Polo Association. 167 Clubs can become members of the Indian Polo Asso- ciation on payment of a donation of Rs. 5. Rules of the Game. (i) Diivation of each match. — Each match shall last for not more than forty minutes exclusive of stoppages and intervals. Time shall not be called while the ball is in play, unless the game shall have lasted forty minutes, when time shall be called, irrespective of the ball being in play. (2) Time. — Time may be called whenever the ball is out of play, and the game shall be stopped for two minutes, at the expiration of which the umpires must call play. (3) Ties. — In the event of a tie the goal flags shall be placed forty-four feet apart, and the game shall be immediately started as directed in Rule 18. Play to continue for eight minutes, when time shall be called, unless the game is still a tie, in which case play shall be continued until one side gets a goal. (4) No team shall be compelled to play on two consecutive days, except in the case of a tie. (5) Interval. — Three minutes' interval shall be allowed after every period, it being optional, if both sides agree, to have no interval ; but three minutes must not be exceeded. (6) Umpires. — The stewards shall nominate two umpires and four goal referees for each match. Those selected as umpires must be regular Polo players, and must possess a thorough knowledge of the game. (7) Powers of umpires to order players off the ground. — The umpires shall have the power of ordering off the ground any player who, after having been warned, t68 Polo. plays unfairly or rides dangerously, and it shall be his duty to do so. Such player shall not be replaced. (8) Each umpire shall be provided with a whistle, the blowing of which by either umpire is a sign that the game is to stop till the decision is given. (g) Poivev of tuupives to order dangerous ponies off the ground. — The umpires shall order off the ground any pony w^hich they may consider dangerous or im- properly bitted, or which the rider has not under thorough control. {ga) In order to be able to discharge their duties properly, umpires must be mounted on well-trained and fast ponies, so as to be able to ride near enough to the ball to give a decision at any moment, and yet not to interfere with the pla^^ers. (lo) Power of umpires to order play to begin. — The umpires shall have the power of ordering play to begin after the time fixed, notwithstanding the absence of any player. (loa) In the event of an accident, the umpires are empowered to stop the game. (ii) Decision of umpires final. — The decision of the umpires shall be final on all questions declared by these rules to be subject to their final decision, and shall also be final on all questions arising out of the actual play of the game, except on questions arising out of Rules 36 and 37, on which questions the umpires shall have no voice. (12) Decision of '^ goal referee'' final. — The decision of the " goal referee " standing at the goal in question, shall be final as to whether the ball has passed between the goal flags or subsidiary goal marks. (13) Size of ground. — The size of the ground shall be as nearly as possible 300 yards long and 200 broad, and shall be marked off by flags. Rides of the Indian Polo Association. 169 (14) Gort/s.— At each end of the ground, in the centre of the back hne, there shall be a goal marked by flags which shall be 22 feet apart. The line between the goal posts shall be called the goal line. (15) Sides to toss fov choice of goals. —Sides shall toss for choice of goals. (16) Change of goals.— Go3.\?, shdXX be changed after every goal obtained. Should the game continue for two periods without a goal being obtained, goals shall be changed ; but should any goal afterwards be obtained, goals shall be changed after that goal, and after any subsequent goal, without reference to time. (17) Size and- lijeight of halls. — The ball shall be of bamboo root, about ten and a half inches in circum- ference, and four ounces in weight. (18) The starting of the game.— To start the game and after each goal, the ball shall be thrown into the centre of the ground by one of the umpires dis- mounted, the two sides ranging themselves opposite each other, the ball always to be thrown in from the same side of the ground. (19) When hall hecomes dead, and course to he then followed. — The ball on being hit out at the side line, shall be thrown in under hand, as soon as possible, by one of the umpires, or by any one deputed by him to do so, in a straight line at right angles to the line and as hard as possible — the ball to touch the ground before passing the side line. The ball shall be considered to be in play as soon as it crosses the side line, unless the umpire should immediately call it back. The umpire shall be the sole judge as to whether the ball is properly thrown in or not. The thrower is to be on foot. (20) Course to he followed when hall hit hehind hack line (i) hy one of opposite side. — If the ball is hit behind the 170 Polo. adversary's back line by one of the opposite side, it shall be hit off, by one of the side whose line it is, from a spot as near as possible to that at which it crossed the line. None of the opposite side shall stand within thirty yards of the line until the ball is hit off. (21) (2) By one of side wJiose line it is. — If the ball is hit behind the back line by one of the side whose line it is, it shall be hit off from the nearest corner by one of the opposite side ; no other player of that side shall stand within thirty yards of the back line until the ball is hit off; and all the players of the side behind whose back line the ball is being hit, shall stand behind their own back line. The above rule shall be enforced at the option of the side who have the right to hit off from the nearest corner. If they decline to enforce this rule, the ball shall be hit off according to Rule 20, excepting that the side from whose back line the ball is being hit off shall stand behind their ow^n back line. (22) Hit off. — The ball shall be considered to have been hit off when it has been hit across the back line with the intention of hitting off. (23) Small flags to he placed. — Small flags shall be placed on the side lines to mark fifty yards and thirty yards from the back line, and a section of a circle shall be marked off at each corner of the ground with the corner for the centre and a radius of five yards. (24) No imnecessavy delay to take place in reviving the hall. — No unnecessary delay shall take place in reviv- ing the ball under Rules ig, 20 and 21. Any neces- sary delay shall not count as actual play. (25) No player to cross or ride dangerously. — No player shall cross or ride dangerously. (26) Course to he followed when two players are in danger Rules of the Indian Polo Association. 171 of collision, ivhen coming front opposite directions. — If two players are riding to hit the ball from different direc- tions, and a collision appears probable, the player not in possession of the ball must give way to the player in possession of the ball. The player who hit the ball last, or who has come in the same direction as the ball did when last hit, is in possession of the ball. (27) No person other than umpires and players to come on ground. — No person other than the umpires and players shall come on the ground while the ball is in play. (28) In ^^ riding off '' or ^^ hustling'' no player to make use of his arm below elbow. — " Riding off" is permitted. " Hustling " is not. The penalty for hustling shall be the same as that for dangerous riding. The following is a general definition of "riding off" : (28a) Definition of ^^ riding off.'' — {a) A player shall be considered to "ride off" fairly, when having placed himself abreast of an adversary (after follow- ing a line of direction as nearly as possible parallel to that in which his adversary is moving) he gradually forces him from, or prevents his continuing in, the direction in which he is riding. This definition to be considered together with Rule 25 " on crossing." {b) In so " riding off" a player shall be permitted to use his arm between the shoulder and the elbow, provided the elbow be kept close to the side. {c) Any other attempt to ride off shall be hustling. [d) Players must not play left-handed, (29) Course to be followed when a player catches the ball. — If any player catch the ball in any way during the game, it must be dropped on the ground at once. (30) When a player may crook an adversary's stick. — lyi Polo. Subject to the next rule, a player may crook, or stop an adversary's stick, when the adversary is about to strike the ball. (31) Players not to place stick over, across or under adversary's pony. — No player shall at any time place his own stick over, across or under the body of an adversary's pony. No player shall crook his adver- sary's stick unless he is on the same side of the adversary's pony as the ball, or immediately behind. (32) No player to interfere ivhen " off-side.'' —No player, when "off-side," shall be ahowed to hit the ball, or in any way interfere in the game, intention- ally or otherwise ; should he do so the penalty of foul can be claimed. (33) Definition of " off-side.'' — A player is " off-side " when, at the time of the ball being hit, he has no one of the opposite side between him and the adversary's goal, and he is neither in possession of the ball nor backing up one of his owm side. He shall be deemed to remain "off-side" until he shall have passed by one of his own side who is " on-side," or until the ball shall have been struck or struck at by an adversary, provided that such adversary shall be between him and the adversary's goal. (34) Player not to take part in game while dismounted. — No dismounted player shall be allowed in any way to take part in the game while dismounted. (35) " Broken hall." — If in the opinion of the umpire the ball is sufficiently damaged to interfere with the game, he shall stop the game, and a new ball shall be thrown in from the side nearest to where the ball was broken and at right angles to it, the players ranging themselves in the same wa}^ as when the ball is out of bounds. (36) How a goal may he ohtained. — A goal is obtained Rules of the Indian Polo Association. 173 if the ball be hit between the flag-posts of the goal ; or if it be kicked by a pony between the flag-posts of the goal ; or if being hit higher than the top of the posts it would, in the opinion of the goal referee, have gone between the posts produced ; or if it be hit over the goal line between the two points where the goal posts should stand, when either or both the goal posts shall have been displaced. The ball must go over and clear of the line to count as a goal. (37) A subsidiary goal is obtained in the same way as a true goal, except that to score a subsidiary goal, the ball must pass between the subsidiary goal mark and the goal post which is nearest to it. Siihsidiavy goal. — The subsidiary goal marks must be shown on the ground by a white line, and not by flags. Subsidiary goals are to be measured eleven feet from each goal post on the outside — the sum of the subsidiary goal thus equals the true goal. No number of subsidiary goals will ever equal a true goal. In the event of a tie in the actual number of goals, the side scoring the greater number of subsidiary goals will be considered the winner. (38) Goals not to count when obtained by unfair play. — No goals or subsidiary goals shall be counted which have been obtained by unfair play. (39) W//za^ is ''unfair play" or "a fold." — Any infringement of the rules constitutes " unfair play " or " a foul." (40) Penalty in case of ''foul " being declared. — In case of " a foul," other than crossing or dangerous riding, being declared, the umpire shall stop the game, and either of the two following penalties may be claimed by the side which has been declared to have been fouled : — 174 Polo. (a) A free hit from where the ball was, when the "foul" occurred, and none of the opposite side to be within ten yards of the ball. But if the " foul " occurs near the goal of the side which causes the " foul," a free hit shall be given from a spot not within thirteen yards of the goal, but as near as possible to where the " foul " occurred. (b) That the side which caused the "foul" take the ball back and hit it off from behind their own back line, and they shall stand behind their back line until the ball is hit off. (41) Penalty for crossing or dangerous riding. — The following shall be the penalty for crossing or danger- ous riding: — In the event of a "foul" being given for crossing or dangerous riding, the following shall be the penalty : A free hit from a spot fifty yards from the back line of the side causing the "foul " and as nearly as possible opposite the spot where the "foul" took place, unless the "foul" takes place less than fifty yards from the back line, in which case the free hit shall be given from the spot where the " foul " occurred ; all the side causing the " foul " to be behind the back line until the ball is hit off, but not between the goal posts. "*" 175 CHAPTER VIII. Tournaments and Winners. The following Is a list of some of the prin- cipal Tournaments and the winners since the date of their inauguration. HURLINGHAM OpEN ChAMPION CuP. Date. Winners. 1877. Monmouthshire Club. 1878. Monmouthshire Club. 1879. Hurlingham Club. 1880. Sussex County Club. 1881. Sussex County Club. 1882. Sussex County Club. 1883. Sussex County Club (walked over). 1884. Freebooters. 1885. Sussex County Club. 1886. Freebooters. 1887. Freebooters. 1888. Sussex County Club. 1889. Sussex County Club (walked over). 1890. Sussex County Club. 1891. Sussex County Club. 1892. Sussex County Club. 1893. Sussex County Club (walked over, but did not take the Cup). 1894. Freebooters. I "j^ Polo. HURLINGHAM InTER-ReGIMENTAL ToURNAMENT Date. Winners. 1878. 5th Lancers. 1879. 5th Lancers. 1880. i6th Lancers. 1881. 1 6th Lancers. 1882. 5th Lancers. 1883. 7th Hussars. 1884. 7th Hussars. 1885. 7th Hussars. 1886. 7th Hussars. 1887. 5th Lancers. 1888. loth Hussars. 1889. 9th Lancers. 1890. 9th Lancers. 189I. 9th Lancers. 1892. 13th Hussars. 1893. loth Hussars. 1894. 13th Hussars. HURLINGHAM InFANTRY ToURNAMENT.^ 1890. 5th Northumberland Fusihers. 189I. 5th Northumberland Fusiliers. HURLINGHAM CoUNTY CuP. 1885. Gloucestershire Club. 1886. Gloucestershire Club. 1887. Derbyshire County Club (walked over). 1888. Kent County Club. 1889. Barton-under-Needwood Club. 1890. Berkshire County Club. 189I. Liverpool Club. 1892. County Meath Club. 1893. Edinburgh Club. 1894. Edinburgh Club. This tournament has since been discontinued. Toitrnanients and Winner's. i ^^ All Ireland Open Cup. Date. Winners. 1878. 7th Royal Fusiliers. 1879. 7th Hussars. 1880. Scots Greys. 1881. 5th Lancers. 1882. All Ireland Polo Club. 1883. County Carlow Club. 1884. 5th Lancers. 1885. Freebooters. 1886. Freebooters. 1887. All Ireland Polo Club. 1888. All Ireland Polo Club. 1889. Freebooters. 1890. All Ireland Polo Club. 1891. 13th Hussars. 1892. 9th Lancers. 1893. 13th Hussars. 1894. 15th Hussars. The All Ireland Regimental Challenge Cup. 1886. loth Hussars. i6th Lancers. 3rd Hussars. 4th Hussars. 4th Hussars. 15th Hussars. 13th Hussars. 9th Lancers. loth Hussars. 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 Paris International Tournament. 1893. 17th Lancers. 1894. Hurlingham Club. 12 i?^ Polo. IxDiAX Ixter-Regimental Tournament. Date. Winners. 1877. 9th Lancers. 1878. gth Lancers. 1879. ] No tournament in these years owing to the 1880. / Afghan war. 1881. loth Hussars. 1882. loth Hussars. 1883. gth Lancers. 1884. 9th Lancers. 1885. 9th Lancers. 1886. 8th Hussars. 1887. 8th Hussars. 1888. 17th Lancers. 1889. 17th Lancers. 1890. 5th Lancers. 1891. 7th Hussars. 1892. Queen's Bays. ^^93- Queen's Bays. 1894. Queen's Bays. 1889 1890 1891 1892 1S93 1894 The Malta Tournament. 49th (Berkshire) Rgt. 49th ("Berkshire) Rgt. 41st (Welsh) Rgt. 49th (Berkshire) Rgt. 41st (Welsh) Rgt. 2nd (Queen's) Rgt. Indian Native Cavalry Cup. 1890. gth Bengal Lancers. 1 891. gth Bengal Lancers. 1892. 14th Bengal Lancers. 1893. 9th Bengal Lancers. 1894. 14th Bengal Lancers. Tournaments and Winners. 1 79 IxDiAX Infantry Tournament. Dale. Winners. 1890. i8th (Royal Irish) Rgt. 1 89 1. 14th (West Yorkshire) Rgt. 1892. 6ist (Gloucester) Rgt. 1893. 6ist (Gloucester) Rgt. 1894. 2nd Batt. Durham Lt. Infantry. PuNjAUB Tournament. 1886. 1 2th Bengal Cavalry. 1887. i2th Bengal Cavalry. 1888. 1 2th Bengal Cavalry. 1889. i2th Bengal Cavalry, 1890. 1 2th Bengal Cavalry. 1891. Patiola. 1892. Patiola. 1893. Patiola. 8o APPENDIX. The Polo Pony Stud Book Society. It may be interesting, in connection with this handbook on Polo, to give a short account of the Polo Pony Stud Book Society, in \vhich the late Mr. Moray Brown took such a deep interest. The Society is the outcome of many meetings and much corres- pondence in the Field, Live Stock JournaL Land and Water, and other papers on the subject of pony breeding. A great want was felt of such a Society and of a stud book, but opinions were so Yaried and inten'ests so con- flicting, that the whole scheme was nearly being entirely lost. However, eventually, upon a meeting being called by Mr. John Hill, of F^elhampton Court, to be held during the show of the Royal Agricultural Society at Chester, on June 20th, 1893. ^1^ former Appendix. i B i disagreements were loyally forgotten ; Mr. Moray Brown brought all his great personal influence and knowledge of the subject to bear, and the present Society was on that day formed on such a sound basis that in less than two years its success and popularity are established. As the preface to the first volume of the Stud Book states — "The Society was formed for the registration of all ponies suitable for riding purposes, and for the production of such ; the ' weight- carrying ' blood polo pony being the type which the Society considers the one to be aimed at. At present there is no distinct breed of ' riding ' ponies, and there is no animal scarcer or worth more money as a pony than one which will carry a heavy man safely and easily as a hack — a pony standing from 14 to 14.2 hands, with bloodlike head, intelligent eye, well set on neck, shoulders strong, but sloping well into the back, good deep barrel, well coupled loins, tail well carried, long quarters, clean cut hocks, and hard wear and tear forelegs. Made some- thing on such lines as these, he must be a safe and fast walker, putting his feet down 1 82 Polo, without catching- his toes, and stepping well out from the shoulder. Such a mover almost invariably can trot, canter, and gallop as a matter of course. High trotting action is not required, in fact, is an objection in most cases when breeding ' riding ' ponies, in distinction to those of the harness type." The above quotation will show the objects of the Society, which accepts ponies of all heights not exceeding 14 hands 2 in., but none are admitted without being inspected by one of the judges appointed by the Coun- cil. By this inspection rule it is hoped to lay the foundation of the future breed of riding and polo ponies on as hrm ground as possible. The first Council consisted of twenty-four members, with the Earl of Harrington as its President. This number has now been increased to thirty, the Presi- dent for 1895 being Sir Humphrey de Trafford, and Mr. Fredk. Wrench, of the Irish Land Commission, has again been elected as Vice-President. The influential support, both from polo players and pony breeders, is most encouraging; but the irre- parable loss the Society has sustained by the Appendix. 183 • the death of its warmest patron, iMr. Moray Brown, is indeed a heavy one. It is hoped, however, that his many friends will rally round the cause he had so sincerely at heart, and use every effort to make it the success which he was working so hard to secure. One of his latest actions in connection with it was, on behalf of the Ranelagh Club, to invite the Society to hold its first show of ponies on its ground, and he was instru- mental in fixing the very best day in the year for the date, viz.. the Wednesday following the Derby, June 5. By holding an annual show, and by sup- plementing the prizes given by other Societies, or by awarding medals on the same principle as that whfch has been adopted by the Hunter Improvement Society, the breeding of high- class riding and polo ponies may be greatly encouraged. The impetus already given to the business has been considerable, many studs having been formed, while the owners of old established strains recognise an in- creasing value to their property from the fact of their being able to record the pedigrees in the Stud Book. It is, perhaps, worth while 1 84 Polo, to mention that the United States Govern- ment has already acknowledged the Society, and will permit the importation of any animals for breeding purposes free of duty, if they are accompanied with certificates issued by the Society for the purpose. Several animals have been exported under these favourable conditions. The name and address of the Secretary of the Society are Mr. Fredk. R. Hill, Felhampton Court. Church Stretton. INDEX. Africa, Polo Clubs in, 147. All Ireland Polo Tournament, 3. America, Polo Clubs in, 147. „ Polo in, 8. Asia, Polo Clubs in, 146. Assam, Polo Clubs in, 146. Australia, Polo Clubs in, 150. Badly Bitted Ponies, 26. Badminton Library, volume on " Riding," 2, 63. Bending, 63 Bitting of Ponies, 30. Blinkers, 29. Bowden Club, no. Burmah, Polo Clubs in, 147. Byelaws of Polo, 157. Cambridge University Club, Canada and British Columbia, Polo Clubs in, 147. Cavalry Regiments and Polo, 7. Chester County Club, 136. Clubs, Polo, of the World, 143. ,, Some Provincial, 94. Conditions for County Club Cup, 159. Conditions for Cup Tourna- ments, 160. Crossing and Off-Side, 73. Dangers of Polo, 25. Duties as No. i, No. 2, No. 3, and " back," 74. 13 Edinburgh Club, 105 Education of Ponies, 27, 58. England, Polo Clubs in, 144. Europe, Polo Clubs in, 144. Fetcham Park Club, 116. France, Polo Clubs in, 146. Fritz, Mr. John Watson's, 5, 30. Gibraltar Polo Club, 146, Ground, 152. Hard Ground, Danger of, 26. Hats, 58. Hayes', Capt., Description of Polo Pony, 43. Head-dress, 57. Height of Polo Ponies, 31, 42, 152. Hints on Playing, 71. Hitting the Ball, 47. Holding the Stick, 48. Hurlingham Club, 152, Improperly Trained and Badly Bitted Ponies, 26. India, Polo Clubs in, 146. ,, Polo in, 6, Indian Polo Associates, Rules of, 161. Ireland, Polo Clubs in, 145. Laws and Byelaws of Polo, 152. 1 86 Index. Letters to Young Polo Players, 37- Liverpool Club, 95. Ludlow Club, 109. Malta Polo Club, 146. Manchester Club, 109. New Zealand, Polo Clubs in, 150. Origin of Polo, i. Oxford University Club, 133. Playing No. i. No. 2, No. 3, and "back," 74. Polo, Cavalr}- Regiments and, 7. ,, Clubs of the World, 43. ,, Clubs, Provincial, 94. ,, In America, 8. ,, In India, 6. ,, Laws and Byelaws of, 182. ,, Letters to Young Players of, 37- ,, Origin of, I. ,, Ponies, Description of, 41. ,, Pony Stud Book Society, 180. ,, Popularity of, I. ,, Strategy, Tactics and Dan- ger in, 15. ,, Tournaments, 175. Ponies, Description of, 4 ,, Education of, 27. ,, Height of, 31, 152. ,, Training, 58. Poona Resolutions, 34. Provincial Polo Clubs, 94. Public Ignorance of Polo, 15. Qualifications of Good Polo Pony, 43. Reasons for Popularity of Polo, Roberts, Sir Frederick, Order on Polo, 13. Rugby Club, 119. Rules of Indian Polo Associa- tion, 161. Rules of Polo, 152. Saddle, The, 56. Samoa, Polo Club in, 150. Scientific Aspect of the Game, 12. Scotland, Polo Club in, 145. Sitting the Pony, 45. Size of Ponies, 31. Soldiers' Polo, 12. South America. Polo Club in, 148. South America, Polo in, 8. Staffordshire Club, 127. Stansted Club, 114. Strategy. Tactics and Danger of Polo, 15. Spurs, 56. Sticks, 67. Striking the Ball, 22. Stud Book Society, 180. Tournaments and Winners, 175- Training Ponies, 58. United States. Polo Club in, 148. Value of Polo for Soldiers, 12. Warwickshire Club, 124. Watson, Mr. John, 4. Wellington Club, 113. West Essex Club, ico. Winners of Tournaments, 175. Wirral Club, 103. Woldingham Club, 139. A dvertisemetits. I>0 1L.O. J. SALTEE, POLO, RACKET, AND LAWN TENNIS /in>anut"acturei% 23, HIGH STREET, ALDERSHOT. Patronized by the Hurlingham Club, and allthepi-incipal Clidn and Players. J. SALTER supplied the winners of the Inter-Regimental Tournaments for eight years in succession. Largest Stock of Canes, Heads, and Balls in the World. l^ecommenlifti fag tljc late iJ. iBovay Broton, (Ssq. TESTIMONIALS. June 2xst, 1894. To Mr. J. Salter. I am very pleased with the Sticks ; they are as good as I could wish to play with. Your Rubber Grips make the most comfortable handle I can imagine. Make me another dozen sticks, same sort. J. E. PEAT. Ballydarton, Bagn'alstown. To Mr. J. Salter, Racquet Court, Colchester. Having used your Polo Balls and Canes for several years, I can with pleasure testify to their excellence, and recommend my friends who do not patronise you to do so, if they have any difficulty in getting what they want. Yours truly, JOHN WATSON, Aprit 21st, 1888. Hon. Sec. Freebooter Polo Cltih. Springhill, Rugby. Sept. \ith, 1893. Mr. J. Salter, Aldershot. I consider your Sticks the best I have ever used, and your Balls too. Yours faithfully, E. D. MILLER, Hon. Sec. Rugby Polo Club. Advei-iiseinents. WALTER BARNARD, 1l3at anb Cap nbanufacturer, 97, JERMYN STREET, ST. JAMES'S, iLiONooN^, s.ior. SOLE MAKER OF THE G. H. REGISTERED POLO CAP," No. 193,630. The only Cap affording complete protection to the head, and retaining an elegant appearance. BAILY'S MAGAZINE OF SPORTS AND PASTIMES. RACING, HUNTING, POLO, SHOOTING, YACHTING, ROWING, FISHING, CRICKET, FOOTBALL, ATHLETICS, &c. THIS well-known monthly contains articles written by the best authorities on every phase of British Sport ; and in addition to the usual Frontispiece— a Steel Plate Portrait of an eminent sportsman— other Illustrations of well chosen subjects and of the highest artistic merit are given. Of all Booksellers a?id at all Books falls, 0?ie Shilling. Or by post direct fro7n the Office, \^s. per year. India Proofs of any of the 400 Portraits which have appeared, suitable for framing, 2s. 6d. each. 9, NEW BRIDGE STREET, LONDON, E.G. A dvertisemenis. F. V- NICHOLLS & CO., 1, JERMYN STREET, HAYMARKET, LONDON, S.W. NARROW GRIP POLO SADDLES, of which an eminent horseman wrote from India : " There is no doubt these Saddles are the best in Europe." Price, with fittings complete, LADIES' LEVEL SEAT SAFETY SIDE SADDLES, as re- commended in " Ladies on Horseback," '• Riding for Ladies," &c. OFFICER'S IMPROVED NARROW GRIP SERVICE SADDLES, wnth patent fans and burrs. BRONCHO BUSTER TACKLE, to prevent and cure Bucking, Kicking, and Rearing, &c. ; valuable for troublesome horses. BRIDLES FOR PULLERS. FINE HARNESS, HORSE CLOTHING, and all necessaries. A dvertisenients. THE "DRUID" SPORTIM LIBRARY. Messrs. \'INT0N & CO., Limited, beg to announce the publication of a new edition of the "DRUID" SPORTING LIBRARY, consisting of "THE POST AND THE PADDOCK," "SILK AND SCARLET," "SCOTT AND SEBRIGHT," AND "SADDLE AND SIRLOIN." The copyright of these volumes was purchased by them some time ago, and, after careful consideration, it was decided that the revi- sion should be confined to the correction of any little inaccuracies that had escaped the notice of the author, it being deemed inadvis- able to seriously alter the text. But it was arranged to add a new volume to the series in the shape of a memoir of the late Mr. H. H. Dixon ("The Druid"). This has been written by the 'Honourable Francis Lawley, under the title "LIFE AND TIMES OF THE 'DRUID.'" The five volumes will be uniform in size, half bound, with gilt tops, and the whole will be embellished with engravings in steel and other illustrations. They will form a valuable addition to the library of the sportsman, countr}' gentleman, and breeder of live stock. In connection with "The Druid's"' writings the Right Honourable Earl of Rosebery, K.G., to whom the life is, by permission, dedicated, has lately described himself as " One who finds constant refreshment from reading a few pages of this healthy and vivid author, half sportsman and half poet, who has produced a number of volumes, which in their way are masterpieces, and will never be surpassed." Price 5s. per volume; or the "Library" of five volumes complete, if ordered direct from the office, carriage free, for 25s.; single volumes, 5s. 6d., post free. ^^n'^^oi^ & Co., r^td. 9, NEW BRIDGE STREET, LUDGATE CIRCUS, E.G. A dvertisements. HOLBROW & CO., 40, DUKE STREET, ST. JAMES'S, MANUFACTURERS OF I>Oi:,0 C1L.XJBS & BAi:.IL,S, TO ALL THE PRINCIPAL CLUBS AND REGIMENTS. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE TRADE. GOAL POSTS AND FLAGS. ALL REQUISITES FOR GOLF AND TENT PEGGING. /IDanut'acturcrs ot jfirst^Claes jfisbina ITacI^le. PRICE LIST GRATIS. Messrs. Holbrow k Co. made the FIRST POLO CLUB that was used in England. LIVE STOCK JOURNAL. FRIDAY. {Illustrated.) FOURPENCE. ESTABLISHED 1874. The only Paper in the British Island.s that is wholly devoted to the Interests of Breeders and Owners of all varieties of Live Stock. Contains contributions from the highest authorities on all matters relating to the Breeding, Feeding, and Veterinary Treatment of domesticated Animals, and Illustrations of the more celebrated specimens. The "LIVE STOCK JOURNAL" gives the fullest and earliest reports of Agricultural Shows, Stock Sales, Sheep Sales and Lettings, whilst its Herd and Flock Notes and Notes from the Stables contain much valuable and interesting information. Prominence is given in the columns of the J0URN.A.L to correspondence on all questions of interest to Country Gentle- men, Breeders and Exhibitors. Subscription— 3 Months, post free, 5s.; 12 Months, 19s. 6d. ; Foreign Subscription, £1 2s. per year. VINTON & Co, Ltd.. 9, NEW BRIDGE STREET, LONDON, E.C. A dvertiseme7its. LIVE STOCK HANDBOOKS. Edited by JAMES SINCLAIR, Editor of the ''Live Stock Journal:' ^^Agricultural Gazette^'' ^c. No." 1. SHEEP. Breeds and Management. ind Edition. Bv JOHN WRIGHTSON, M.R.A.C, F.C.S., President of the College of Agriculture, Downton • Professor of Agriculture in the Royal College, London, &c. 236 pages, demy 8vo, cloth, gilt lettered, with 24 full-page Illustrations of the various Breeds. 3s. 6d. ; post free, 3s. lod. SOME PRESS OPINIONS. "Professor Wrightson has done his work exceedingly w&W"— Field. " The several breeds are well described and iWn^tral&d."— Standard. " Deserves to be widely Tez.d."—I\Iorning: Post. " The book is one of the best of its kind."— A'orM British Agriculturist. " Will take a place altogether its own. We heartily commend li." —Scottish Farmer. No. 2. LIGHT HORSES. Breeds and Management. {2nd Edition. By W C a blew, M.A. ; WILLIAM SCARTH DIXON; Dr. GEORGE FLEMING, C.B., F.R.C.V.S. ; VERO SHAW, B.A., &c. 226 pages, demy 8vo, cloth, gilt lettered. Illustrated with two Steel Engravings (St. Simon and Real Yorkshire), and 28 full-page Wood Engravings of the various Breeds. 3s. 6d. ; post free, 3s. lod. sqME PRESS OPINIONS. " The trustworthy character of the work is guaranteed by the well-known names of the writers." — Tiines. "A history and description of the different kinds of light horses, together with succinct directions for their management."— /^zV/<^. " Most useful addition to the Horse Breeder's Library."— Z^««^ awrf Water. " The work of men who thoroughly understand the subjects upon which they write, and should be of general service."— Fiir/i'^A/rf? /'(75-i'.^ " Full of instruction. A most useful volume." — Sporting Life. " A valuable addition to any sportsman's X\\iX2.ry.:'— Sportsman. " Nothing more interesting, complete, and concise has ever appeared." V'ete}-ina7-y Journal. No. 3. HEAVY HORSES. Breeds and Management. Bv HERMAN BIDDELL; C. I. DOUGLAS; THOMAS DYKES; Dr. GEORGE FLEMING, C.B., F.R.C.V.S.; ARCHIBALD MACNEILAGE; GILBERT MURRAY ; and W. R. TROTTER. 224 pages, demy 8vo, cloth, gilt lettered, with 29 full-page Illustrations. SOME PRESS OPINIONS. "This admirable work, exhaustive and ably written, will certainly command the interest of all who are interested in the breeding of draught horses. '—A't'ri'/z British Agriculturist.^ " Cheap, readable and instructive, and we heartily commend it to lovers of the horse." The Scottish Farmer. " Quite equal in treatment to either of its predecessors, and will supply a long-felt want among the breeders of heavy horses."— F,f7r,^^/zzV^ Post. 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