ESTABLISHED INCORPORATED 1856. TTJI? 1392 ' CARRIAGE CHWUHCES, # SLEICHS , # HHRHESS, 30 • Waldo St., - 32 WORCESTER, SUSS. OUR NEW NOBBY TRAP. The perfection of style, easy draft, and comfort. Rear seat is reversible or can be removed. THE FAMOUS ESSEX TRAP. The lightest running, most complete trap in the world. Easy to change from a two to a four passenger carriage. Easy riding. BRADLEY SURREY. A nice family wagon, two or four pas- senger, as desired. Short turn, side springs, leather lined. BEVERLY WAGON. The best all-round two seated wagon made. Canopy top or open. Side springs, leather lined, serviceable and cheap. DEPOT WAGON. For shore or mountain, will carry six people and trunk. Light running and handy. LIGHT TOP EXPRESS. Made in two weights and sizes. Neat, well made, low in price. Suitable for any light business. PIANO BOX BUGGY. For gentleman's road use. Low, light, and trappy, always in good form and right for any horse. ENGLISH SURREY. The latest. A buggy of distinct merit and convenience; easy of access, easy rid- ing, easy running; very stylish. MORRILL WAGON. A nice combination wagon suitable for business or pleasure. Hangs very low and rides easy. A general favorite. CONCORD BUGGY. A representative business wagon for all time. Convenient, cheap and good. All weights and grades. Specials to order. OLD COMFORT. Top or open. Very low and roomy, spring backs, shifting linings if desired. BAILEY SLEIGH. A standard sleigh of unquestionable lerit, strong, light and durable. -H H CUT* UNDER SURREY, H H- CANOPY QUEEN SA XON. K S An ideal family carriage ; ample seat room ; high backs ; comfortable and easy riding. Extension or Canopy top. REGULAR SURREY. Light, very roomy, elegant in design, makeup and finish. A model carriage for general use. One or two horses. Graceful in outline, easy of access. Ex- tra high backs and comfortable seats. The handsomest pleasure carriage in use. OPEN SURREY. Very light and stylish. The popular New England carriage. Suitable for small horse. Extension or Canopy top. -H H- Similar to regular Surrey. In favor where a top is not desired. Suitable for one or two horses. SPIDER PHAETON. X A gentleman's rig. Extremely stylish and nobby. Several patterns to order. Right for a large horse. PHYSICIAN'S PHAETON. m *- -m » Practical, comfortable, serviceable. A splendid Doctor's Carriage. Easy to get in and out ot and very roomy. Good box room. QUEEN PHAETON. H H- STANHOPE BUGGY. H H Suitable for ladies' use. New, stylish and pretty; high backs, low seats ; hangs low ; runs easy. S TA NDA HI) PHA E TON. Neat in design, always in good form. Thoroughly made ; satisfaction guaranteed. All sizes and weights. STANHOPE CORNING. 1S93 Prize production. Very stylish, light and roomy. Splendid box room. Easy of access. Three or five bow tops as desired. GODUARD BUGGY. Has same general character as Close Top Standhope, but lighter and more of a summer carriage. Several new designs this season. REGULAR CORNING. Staple and reliable ; always in fashion ; the most comfortable buggy made. All sizes and grades in stock. ■H H- Extra light draft. Abundance of box room. Hangs low, and a general favorite. All sizes and grades. A splendid summer carriage; artistic, light and very comfortable; easy draft; can be used with one or two horses. 18 H- -H H m ■ — H Th re E. A. RICHMOND CARRIAGE CO. A jpS^jftf! j^ ^ % % s a. *V _• I Hi- Hi 1 r *>nflPn^iifi ££F b Si ~ ft 11 *■ 6$ ^®^i IF0#A^ 7i ir*^^s^^ lif 1™ ^^^^ Ifflr Hi ^ © gBxHJj'Sy^.^M ILVL r d '^reawWu c6 JT^^^tf^l ii W Mulr © «_& V v u *$E/JI SO - WALDO STREET, = S2 m — WORCESTER, MASS.