:LL horse nails ff BITHER and PALMER Training Stables Readville, Mass, Sept. 25, 1905. The Capewell Horse Nail Co., Hartford, Conn., Gentlemen : — Audubon Boy, 1:59 1/4, was shod in our blacksmith shop on the morning of September 22d, 1905 (When he broke his record and equaled the world's record for mile pacing without wind shield) by our blacksmith and he used your nails, which always give us perfect satisfaction on trotters, pacers, light driving horses, — and on our few draught horses they give the same results. Yours truly, BITHER. & PALMER. MADE BY =The= Capewell Morse Nail Company Factory: HARTFORD, Come. THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF HORSE SHOE NAILS IN THE WORLD BRANCHES: New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Detroit, Buffalo, Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans, Den- ver, San Francisco, Portland, Mexico City, Toronto, Canada. YAV///.J CORRUGATED PATTERN. JOHNA.SEAVERNS Tuttl hxir TRADE The Greatest Liniment used for a lotion after racing in the world. One bottle makes one gallon of lotion. Prevents soreness of the muscles and tendons, colds, etc. We refer to any of the best horsemen on the tracks or speedway. Our ''Veterinary Experience" free. Tattle's Elixir Co.mti.panj . 28 leferlf Street Boston, la§§„ m m 7 S £&$$& •5? : i! Che Dorchester ; Gentlemen $ Driving Club I YEAR BOOK 1905 Edited and Compiled BY= ERNEST H. MORGAN if :i :> dy^^H^^^^ ^ i^ ^n , Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/yearbook1905dorc THE CHARTER Commonwealth of Massachusetts Be it knoivn, that whereas, Chas. L. Young, John M. E. Morrill, S. Walter Wales, Chas. H. Belledeu, Fredk. J. Brand, Geo. H. Greenwood, Timothy A. Bresnahan, Hollis P. Gallup, Robt. S. Fitch, Jacob Mosser. have associated themselves with the intention of forming a corporation under the name of the Dorchester Gentlemen's Driving Club for the purpose of uniting the lovers of the noble horse more closely, of promoting an interest in matinee and speedway racing; of securing a speed- way in Dorchester, and of establishing a headquarters where the members may meet to discuss their favorities and enjoy a social hour together; and have complied with the provisions of the statutes of this Commonwealth in such case made and provided, as appears from the certificate of the President, Treasurer and Directors of said corporation, duly approved by the Com- missioner of Corporations, and recorded in this office: Now, therefore, I, William M. OLIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, do hereby certify that said CHAS. L. YOUNG, John M. E. Morrill, S. Walter Wales, Chas. H. Belledeu, Fredk. J. Brand, Geo. H. Greenwood, Timothy A. Bresnahan, Hollis P. Gallup, Robt. S. Fitch and Jacob MOSSER, their associates and successors, are legally organized and established as, and are hereby made, an existing corporation under the name of the Dorchester Gentlemen's Driving Club with the powers, rights and privileges and subject to the limitations, duties and restrictions which by law appertains thereto. Witness my official signature hereunto subscribed, and the seal of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts hereunto affixed this twenty-third day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand and nine hundred. WM. M. OLIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. SEAL.] DEDICATION «s « Co m man who Coves a Rorse « « Hs n e loves Ir^is friend, "Witl\ loyal confidence; as Y\e loves t\is i^ife, "Witt] ardent adrr\iratiori; as t\e loves l)is aqild, i^itti indulgent tender- ness — far nobler ti\ar\ all but tl\e noblest of rc\en, and less beautiful only M[clt\ tt\e ir\ost beautiful of isomer). What is the Dorchester Gentlemen's Driving club, its source., its strength, its accomplished work and its aims? Of whom is its list of members composed, and what notable horses do they, or have they owned? All these things it is the province of this offering to tell. Besidents of Dorchester, Milton, Hyde Park and other localities to the south of Dorchester will recall that fifteen years ago the only snow speedway in the vicin- ity was on Eiver Street from Mattapan to the Lower Mills, and that there was no place on the south side of Boston for brushes to wheels. Electric car tracks made Eiver Street impossible, and a short snow speedway was established on Talbot Avenue, Dorchester, from Codman to Peabody Squares. When Blue Hill Ave- nue was widened the scene of activities was changed to that thoroughfare, that part from Harvard Street to Morton Street or thereabout being used. The permit had been obtained through the efforts of John M. E. Morrill, now of the Morrill Construction Co. ; Charles H. Belledeu, the contractor and interior fitter, and present owner of Kentucky Star, the fastest horse ever owned in the club; and Hollis P. Gallup of Ashmont, at whose well-appointed stables so many of the club horses live or have lived. These three gentlemen met by accident one day in the blacksmith shop on Barnes Street of E. P. Denn and discussed the probability of being allowed to speed on Blue Hill Avenue, and it was at this time and place that the Dorchester Gentle- men's Driving club was conceived. Like many another youngster destined to wax big and powerful even if its parents could not foresee what the periods of gestation, birth and development would bring forth. The permits obtained, Messrs. Belle- deu, Morrill and Gallup at once formed themselves into a committee to keep the track in good condition. Mr. Belledeu was secretary, Mr. Morrill treasurer, and Mr. Gallup road inspector, and several hundred dollars were secured each winter. Later they started a peti- tion for a permanent speedway on Blue Hill Avenue, which was signed by many prominent road drivers and business men of Boston, Dorchester and the neighbor- ing suburbs. The superintendent of streets, however, refused to grant the petition, as objections had been made by the property owners adjoining the street. He suggested that the committee apply for a speedway on the marshes of the Charles river near Brighton, and some of the Boston signers to the petition acted on the suggestion and secured the mile speedway which was opened to the public in September, 1899. Being so far away from Dorchester and sections lying beyond, it proved of no use to local drivers and the road com- mittee decided to take more active steps. Accordingly, Messrs. Morrill, Belledeu and Gallup invited other horsemen to meet with them on April 26, 1899, and as a result the Dorchester Gentlemen's Driving club was formed, with a charter list of one hundred members. The offi- cers elected were : C. L. Young, presi- dent; S. Walter Wales, first vice-presi- dent; Louis Pfingst, second vice-presi- dent; C. H. Belledeu, secretary, and J. M. E. Morrill, treasurer. Edgar 0. Had- dock was appointed clerk and the first regular records of the club are dated May 10, 1899. Mr. Haddock was suc- ceeded on October 30 of the same year by Frederick J. Brand, later president of the club. At the annual meeting in 1900 all of the original officers were reelected. The full board of officers and the com- mittees were as follows : President, Charles L. Young. First Vice-President, S. Walter Wales. Second Vice-President, Louis Pfingst. Secretary, C. H. Belledeu. Treasurer, John M. E. Morrill. Clerk, Frederick J. Brand. Directors, Charles L. Young, Louis Pfingst, E. S. Fitch, C. H. Belledeu, John M. E. Morrill, T. A. Bresnahan, lie interest been manifested. The prizes for the winners were blue ribbons and the contests were as fierce as for thousand dollar purses. No record was kept of the races for the year 1899, but for the year 1900 the full record follows : BLUE RIBBON RACES FOR 1900. Aggie H (R. W. Hickey) won from Ash- mont, Nov. 29. Lost to Ashmont, Nov. 8. Alice B (Walter E. Newbert) won from Little Fred, Nov. 3 and 24; Lady Madison, Nov. 10; Ramus, Dec. 20 and 27. Lost to Little Fred, Oct. 18; Lady Madison, Oct. 25, Nov. 17 and 29 and Dec. 13; Ramus, Dec. 8. Archford (A. M. Tyner) lost to Azote Nov. 29. Ashmont (H. P. Gallup) won from Aggie H, Nov. 8. Lost to Aggie H, Nov. 29. Azote (E. O. Haddock) won from Arch- YE FIRST COAT OF ARMS. C. C. Blaney, F. J. Brand, Geo. H. Greenwood, C. L. Bartlett. Pacing and Speedway Committee, E. S. Fitch, Chairman; C. H. Belledeu, A. S. Gushee, F. J. Brand, S. H. Mildram, L. E. H. Jones, Geo. B. Fowler, H. P. Gallup, F. S. Eldredge, F. L. Codman, Alpheus Sanford. Membership Committee, Geo. E. Griffin, W. E. Newbert, C. L. Hinds. The club was incorporated on June 23, 1900, as the charter fronting this volume shows. Eacing by this time was constant on the Blue Hill Avenue speedway, and every Thursday and Saturday afternoon saw spirited matches and great crowds to wit- ness them. At no time has greater pub- ford, Nov. 29. Lost to Ladv Madison, Dec. 27. Baby Logan (W. P. Boutelle) won from Nellie Bly, June 7; Hazelwood, Oct. 27; Sanford L, Nov. 22. Lost to Hazelwood, Dec. 16. Beauty (W. C. Littlefield) won from Rose- wood (W. L. Morrison), Nov. 11 and Dec. 27. Bob Fitz (H. P. Gallup) won from Rose- wood, Nov. 17. Lost to Rubsley G, Nov. 24 and Dec. 15; Dr. G, Nov. 29. Bonnets o' Blue (G. W. D'Arcy) won from Prince Wilkes, Nov. 29; Hazelwood, Dec. 2. Bonnie (A. D. Gould) lost to Little Fred, Nov. 25. Brick Flash (A. D. McLean) lost to Lewis- ton Belle, Oct. 18. Brick Wilkes, Jr. (C. C. Blaney) won from Sunrise, Nov. 29. Dr. G (F. J. Brand) won from Vondell, April 19; Bob Fitz, Nov. 29. Lost to Rubs- ley G, May 7; Landlord, May 24 and June 7; Prince Wilkes, Nov. 1; Gladys M, Nov. 8 and 15. GEORGE W. D'ARCY, 1st Vice-President. JACOB MOSSER, 2nd Vice-President. ALMOND S. GUSHEE, President. GEORGE H. GREENWOOD, Secretary. ROBERT S. FITCH, Treasurer. George G (W. J. Fitzgerald) lost to Land- lord, Nov. 1. Gladys M (R. K. Clarke) won from Dr. G, Nov. 8 and 15; Prince Wilkes, Nov. 22. Lost to Rubsley G, Dec. 20. Goodboy (J. N. Berry) won from Lady Wentworth, Nov. 3. Harry L (C. H. Dow), lost to Rubsley G, Dec. 13. Hazelwood (R. S. Fitch) won from Baby Logan, Dec. 6; Nellie W, Dec. 15. Lost to Baby Logan, Oct. 27; Bonnets o' Blue, Dec. 20. Lady Madison (P. J. Fitzgerald) won from Alice B, Oct. 25, Nov. 17 and 29; Little Fred, Nov. 8 and 15; Azote, Dec. 27. Lost to Lit- tle Fred, Nov. 1; Alice B, Nov. 10. Lady Wentworth (E. P. Denn) lost to Goodboy, Nov. 3. Landlord (C. L. Young) won from Dr. G, May 24 and June 7; Randolph K, Oct. 18; Rubsley G, Oct. 25; George G, Nov. 1; Ned Winslow, Nov. 22; Rubsley G, Dec. 27. Lewiston Belle (R. S. Fitch), won from Brick Flash, Oct. 18. Little Fred (C. C. Blaney), won from Alice B, Oct. 18; Bonnie (E. T. Gould), Oct. 25; Lady Madison, Nov. 1. Lost to Alice B, Nov. 3 and Dec. 24; Lady Madison, Nov. 8 and 15. Ned Winslow (C. H. Belledeu) lost to Landlord, Dec. 22. Nelly Bly (Jacob Mosser) lost to Baby Logan, June 7. Nellie W (W. L. Morrison) lost to Hazel- wood, Dec. 25. Prince Wilkes (C. H. Belledeu) won from Rosewood, Oct. 27; Dr. G, Nov. 1. Lost to Gladys M, Nov. 22; Bonnets o' Blue, Nov. 29; Sunrise, Dec. 27. Ramus (Carey Keith), won from Alice B, Dec. 28. Lost to Alice B, Dec. 20 and 27. Randolph K (C. C. Blaney) won from Cap- tain Hall, May 17. Lost to Landlord, Oct. 18. Rosewood (W. L. Morrison) lost to Prince Wilkes, Oct. 27; Bob Fitz, Nov. 17; Beauty, Nov. 29 and Dec. 27. Rubsley G (Jesse Moulton) won from Dr. G, May 5; Bob Fitz, Nov. 24 and Dec. 15; Harry L, Dec. 13; Gladys M, Dec. 20. Lost to Landlord, Oct. 25 and Dec. 27. Sanford L (T. A. Bresnahan) lost to Baby Logan, Nov. 22. Sunrise (E. S. Harris) won from Prince Wilkes, Dec. 27. Lost to Brick Wilkes, Jr., Nov. 29. Vondell (J. M. E. Morrill) lost to Dr. G, April 19. EACES AT EEADA T ILLE JUNE 18 AND SEPT. 3, 1900. The first race of the club held at Eead- ville of which a complete record has been kept was held on June 18, 1900, and was very successful. Another equally success- ful race was held on the same track on the Tabor Day following. A recapitula- tion of the results of these matinees will call up many pleasant memories of men, horses and contests. June 18, 1900. 2.25 Class, Trot and Pace, Purse $100. Prince Wilkes, br g, by Maxie Wilkes (C. H. Belledeu) Ill Gazeaway, ch g (E. O. Fitch) 2 2 4 Bob Fitz, ro g (H. P. Gallup) 3 7 2 Glendale, b g (J. A. Hart) 4 3 3 Walter H br g (Frank Henderson) ..556 Alice B, ch m (W. E. Newbert) 6 6 5 Nellie Bly, ch m (Jacob Mosser) .... 7 4 dr Time— 2.22 3-4, 2.26, 2.25. 2.45 Class, Trot and Pace, to Wagon. Purse, $100. Ashmont, br g, by Hebron (H. P. Gallup) 1 1 1 Aggie H, ch m (R. W. Hickey 2 2 2 Nana, ch m (E. O. Haddock) 3 3 3 Petrovi ch g (H. T. Bower) 5 4 4 Senator A, ch g (A. M. Tyner) 4 5 6 George T, ch g (J. T. Hourihan) 6 5 5 Time— 2. 37 1-2, 2.39 1-4, 2.. 41 1-2. Free for All Pace; Purse, $100. Kentucky Star, b g, by Robert Mc- Gregor (C. H. Belledeu) Ill Landlord, br g, by Albrino (C. L. Young) 3 2 2 Whirley, blk g (T. R. Galvin) 2 3 3 Roscoe, b g (L. S. Timberlake) 4 4 4 Time— 2.30 3-4, 2.17 1-2, 2.18. Double Team Race; Purse, $100. Randolph K, b g, arid Embrino, b g (J. M. E. Morrill) 1 1 Nellie F, b m, and Joel, b g (J. H. Nay) 3 2 Little Fred, blk g, and Alice B, b m (R. S. Fitch and W. E. Newbert) .... 2 3 Time— 2.51, 2.28 1-2. Pony Race, Quarter-mile Heats. Bright Eyes, b g (Jacob Mosser) 1 1 Trilby, b m (Cole) 2 2 Time — .32 3-4, .31. September 3, 1900. Class, 3.00 Trot; Best Two in Three; Mile Heats; Purse, $100. Azote, b g, by Constantine (E. O. Had- dock) 1 1 Lewiston Belle, ch m (R. S. Fitch) 2 2 Sunrise, b g, by Abbott Wilkes, dam Kitty (E. S. Harris) 3 3 Charlie B, b g (H. T. Barnes) 4 4 Brick Wilkes, Jr., blk s, by Brick Wilkes, dam Kitty M (C. C. Blaney) . . 5 dr Time— 2.34 1-2, 2.35 1-2. Class, Free-for-all Trot; Best two in Three; Mile Heats; Purse, $100. Camden Girl, ch m, by Veni Vici, by Robert Wilkes, by George Wilkes; first dam by Harbinger, second dam J. ROLLIN STUART, JR. Director. RANDOLPH K. CLARKE, First Vice-president in 1903-1904. ALPHONSE E. KEXXEY. ADNA T. WHEELOCK. by Rob Roy (John Hood) 1 1 Little Fred, blk g (C. C. Blaney) 2 3 Alice B, ch m, by Edgardo (W. E. New- bert) 4 2 Ramus, b g, by Red Wilkes, dam May (Carey Keith) 3 4 Time— 2.23, 2.22 1-2. Invitation Race; Best Three in Five; Mile Heats; Purse, $100. Gladys M, br m, by Irvin M, dam by Monte Cristo (R. K. Clarke) 3 2 11 Billy Crocker, br g (Charles Abrams) 4 1 2 2 Dr. G, b g (F. J. Brand) 1 5 5 3 Rosewood, b g (W. L. Morrison) .2 3 4 dr Roscoe, b g (L. S. Timberlake) . . 5 4 3 dr Ella H, br m (Jacob Mosser) 6 dr Time— 2.25, 2.24 3-4, 2.25 1-4, 2.25 3-4. Class, 2.35 to Wagon; Best Two in Three; Mile Heats; Purse, $100. Lightfoot, blk g (T. R. Galvin) 1 1 Walter H, b g (Frank Henderson) .... 2 3 Ashmont, b g (H. P. Gallup) 7 2 Baby Logan, ch m (W. P. Boutelle) ... 3 6 Randolph K, b g (C. C. Blaney) 4 4 Archford, blk g (A. M. Tyner) 6 5 Capt Hall, blk g, by Silvertail (Jesse Moulton) 8 7 Nelson P, b g (Nelson Pierce) 5 dr Time— 2.30, 2.25. Class, Free-for-all Pacing; Best Two in Three; Mile Heats Purse, $100. Landlord, b g, by Albrino (C. L. Young) 1 2 1 S R, ch s (C. C. Blaney) 2 1 3 Embrino, b m (W. Emery) 3 3 2 Time— 2.17 1-2, 2.17, 2.20. Running Race, Three-Fourths Mile Heats; Best Two in Three; Purse, $75. Paddy, b g (Haley) 2 1 1 Millie L, b m (Houghton) 1 2 2 Miss O B, b m (Keany) 3 3 dr Time— 1.25 1-4, 1.20 1-4, 1.20. Pony Race, 1-4 Mile Heats; Best Two in Three, for a Blue Ribbon. Billy (McMorrow) 1 2 1 Baby (J. B. Lynch) 2 1 2 Time— .28, .28, .28 3-4. Harry Thomas attempted to pull a road cart a mile in ten minutes. He did it in 8m., 2s., the band playing "A Little Bit Off the Top" as he came up the stretch. A ten mile tandem-paced bicycle race between C. P. Paul and W. Prouty was won by Paul in 26m., 32s. Trinket, 2.14 (A. S. Gushee), 25 years old, started to beat the world's record, 2.20 1-2, for aged horses, and lost; time, 2.20 3-4. unanimously chosen president. The full hoard of officers and committees for the year were : President, S. Walter Wales. First vice-president, Louis Pfingst. Second vice-president, Eobert S. Fitch. Secretary, Charles H. Belledeu. Treasurer, John M. E. Morrill. Clerk, Frederick J. Brand. Press representative, Edward G. Bich- ardson. Directors, Messrs. Wales, Pfingst, Fitch, Belledeu, Morrill, Brand, T. A. Bresnahan, George H. Greenwood and Charles L. Young. Pacing and speedway committee, C. C. Blaney, chairman; George W. D'Arcy, J. B. Stuart, Jr., L. S. Timberlake, Louis Tewhart, Frederick S. Gore, Hollis P. Gallup, George B. Fowler, Bandolph K. Clarke, C. L. Young, Almond S. Gushee, W. C. Littlefield, Jesse Moulton and William C. Fitzgerald. Finance committee, E. S. Fitch, chair- man; Charles L. Young and George H. Greenwood. Membership committee, Walter E. JSTewbert, chairman; Charles L. Hinds and George E. Griffin. House committee, William P. Boutelle, chairman; D. W. Sullivan and J. N. Berry. Of these gentlemen Lewis S. Timber- lake of the Eacing and Speedway com- mittee died very suddenly, and greatly lamented, on Dec. 8, 1902, the club tak- ing appropriate action on his death. The first change in the board of di- rectors came in "l901 when S. Walter Wales, proprietor of the Boulevard stables at Grove Hall, and one of the most popular members of the club, was Interest in racing was unabated, as the following list will show. BLUE RIBBON WINNERS FOR 1901. Alice B (W. E. Newbert) won from Little Fred, Jan. 16. Lost to Bessie Rampart, April 25; Ramus, June 16; Lady B, Oct. 24; Roy K, Nov. 7 and 21. Azote (E. O. Haddock) won from Ramus, April 25. Baby Logan (W. P. Boutelle) won from Gem, June 17; Ella H, Oct. .10; Conundrum, Oct. 24; Randolph K, Nov. 17. Lost to Rubsley G, Nov. 21. Beauty (W. C. Littlefield) won from Rose- wood, April 25; John F, June 17. Ben Noel (Jesse Moulton) won from Lady Wentworth, Oct. 31. Bessie Rampart (R. S. Fitch) won from Alice B, April 25. 10 Char Ex= Presidents CHARLES L. YOUNG, President 1899-1900. S. WALTER WALES, President 1901-1902. FREDERICK J. BRAND, President 1903-1904. 11 Billy (W. W. Grant) lost to Nellie W, Oct. 31. Bob Fitz (H. P. Gallup) won from Lady B, Nov. 21. Lost to Lady B, Nov. 7. Bonnets o' Blue won from Ned Winslow (by forfeit), Feb. 14. Lost to Landlord, March 28 and May 16. Brightness (A. M. Newbert) won from Brick Wilkes, Jr., Jan. 16. Lost to Goodboy, March 28 and April 25;. Lady B, Oct. 10. Budweiser won from Mutineer, Oct. 31; El- lie, Nov. 31. Conundrum (M. F. Sullivan) lost to Baby Logan, Oct. 24. Dempsey (J. R. Stuart, Jr.) lost to Land- lord, June 13. Dr. G (F. J. Brand) lost to Rubsley G, March 28. Ella H (Jacob Mosser), lost to Baby Lo- gan, Oct. 17. Ellie (J. H. Hall) lost to Budweiser, Nov. 31. Gem (Charles Abrams) lost to Baby Lo- gan, June 17. Goodboy (J. N. Berry) won from Bright- ness, March 28 and April 25. John F (W. I. Estabrook) lost to Beauty. June 17. Kentucky Star (C. H. Belledeu) won from Landlord, Oct. 3 and 31. Lady B (L. E. Billings) won from Bright- ness, Oct. 10; Alice B, Oct. 24; Bob Fitz, Nov. 7. Lost to Bob Fitz, Nov. 21. Lady Banker (J. W. Linnehan) lost to Lady Madison, July 18 and Oct. 10. Lady Madison (P. J. Fitzgerald) won from Ramus, June 17; Roy K, July 11; Lady Banker, July 18 and Oct. 10. Lady Wentworth (E. P. Denn) lost to Ben Noel, Oct. 31. Landlord (C. L. Young) won from Rubs- ley G, Jan. 15 and June 17; Bonnets o' Blue, March 28 and April 16; Dempsey, June 13. Lost to Kentucky Star, Oct. 3 and 31. Little Fred (C. C. Blaney) lost to Alice B, Jan. 16. Mabel Scott (C. L. Young) lost to Molar, Feb. 14. Molar (H. A. Haven) won from Mabel Scott, Feb. 14. Mutineer (J. H. Semple) won from Fellows' Rex, Oct. 24. Lost to Budweiser, Oct. 31. Ned Winslow (C. H. Belledeu) lost to Bonnets o' Blue (by forfeit), Feb. 14. Nellie W (W. L. Morrison) won from Billy, Oct. 31. Ramus (Carey Keith) won from Alice B, June 13. Lost to Azote, April 25; Lady Madison, June 17. Randolph K (C. C. Blaney) lost to Baby Logan, Nov. 17. Rex (Albert Fellows) lost to Mutineer, Oct. 24. Rosewood (W. L. Morrison) lost to Beau- ty, April 25. Roy K (C. L. Young) won from Alice B, Nov. 7 and 21. Lost to Lady Madison, July 11. Rubsley G (Jesse Moulton) won from Dr. G, March 2S; Baby Logan, Nov. 21. Lost to Landlord, Jan. 15 and June 17. RACE AT READVILLE SEPTEMBER 21, 1901. No big race was held at the Readville track on June 17, 1901, hut Labor Day- saw the men, horses and spectators out in full force. This is what the latter saw : September 2, 1901. Mile Heats, Free-for-all Pace; Best Two in Three; Purses, $100 Each. Kentucky Star, b g, by Robert Mc- Gregor ( C. H. Belledeu) 1 1 Wilton Boy, b g, by Wilton, dam Happy Medium (E. O. Haddock) 3 2 Rubsley G, br g, by Star Wilkes, dam Kencione (Jesse Moulton) 2 5 Landlord, b g, by Albrino (C. L. Young) 4 3 Bonnets o' Blue, ro m, by Raven, dam Bluebells (G. W. D'Arcy) 5 4 Time— 2.19, 2.19 3-4. Class, 2.20 Trot. Lady Madison, b m, by Tommy Britton, dam Lady Alice (P. J. Fitzgerald) 1 1 2 1 Alice B, ch m, by Edgardo (W. E. Newbert) 6 5 1 3 Azote, b g, by Constantine, dam Hilda (E. O. Haddock) 2 2 4 4 Ramus, b g, by Red Wilkes, dam May (Cary Keith) 4 3 3 2 Gilt Edge, b s, bv Edgemark (J. H. Nay) 3 4 5 5 Emma Westland, br m, by West- land (H. P. Gallup) 5 6 dr Time— 2.25 1-4, 2.23 1-2, 2.22 1-2, 2.24 1-2. Class, 2.22 Pace. Gladys M, br m, by Irvin M, dam by Monte Cristo (R. K. Clarke) 1 1 Silkey, ch m, by Nelson (F. S. Eldredge) .2 2 Prince Wilkes, br g, bv Macie Wilkes (C. H. Belledeu) 3 4 Rosewood, b g, by Wedgewood (W. L. Morrison) 5 3 Dr. G, b g, by Charles Caffrey, dam Laura (F. J. Brand) 4 6 Lackawanna, b g, by Battle Axe, dam Veike (J. D. O'Connor) 6 5 Time— 2.22 3-4, 2.22 1-2. Class, 2.35, Trot or Pace. Aggie H, ch m, by Parker Gunn, dam Agnes (R. W. Hickey) 1 1 Beauty, ch m, by Electus (W. C. Lit- tlefield) 2 3 Nellie W, ch m, by Nelson (W. L. Mor- rison) 3 2 Capt. Hall, blk g, by Silvertail (Jesse Moulton) 5 4 Newsboy, gr g, by Smut (R. S. Fitch) . 4 6 Lady Banker, b m, by Dan Lambert (J. W. Linnehan) , 6 5 Time— 2.27 1-2, 2.18 1-2. Special Slow Class, Trot or Pace. Brightness, blk m, by Tarratine, dam Nancy Pilot (A. M. Newbert) 1 1 12 BONNETS O'BLUE (2.18 3-4), roan pacing mare. By Raven, dam Bluebells. Owned by George W. D'Arey. GLADYS M. (2.21 3-4) brown pacing mare. By Irvin M, dam by Monte Cristo. Owned by Randolph K. Clarke. Ralph Sherman, ch g, by General Sher- man, Jr., dam Rampart (E. S. Dear- mond) 2 3 Elvino, br g, by Alcentara (H. S. Clark) 3 2 Rex, b g, by Electricity, dam Lady In- dex (Albert Fellows) 4 4 Nagaina, br m, by Arion, dam Edgeline (H. P. Gallup) 5 5 Lady Wentworth, blk m, by Wentworth (E. P. Denn) 6 7 Nancy, b m, by Prince Wilkes, dam Nancy S (A. M. Tyner) 7 6 Time— 2.43 1-4, 2.44 1-4. President Wales was reelected in 1902 without a dissenting voice, but there were several important changes else- where. Secretary Charles H. Belledeu, who had filled the office from the incep- tion of the club, could no longer give it the time it required, and resigned both as secretary and director. His place as secretary was filled by the choice of George H. Greenwood, who still holds the office, and on the board of directors Mr. Belledeu was succeeded by Almond S. Gushee, one of the most active mem- bers of the club. Treasurer John M. E. Morrill resigned and was succeeded by the present treasurer, Robert S. Fitch, who was at the time second vice-presi- dent, Mr. Morrill accepting an election to the latter office. Mr. Morrill and Mr. Fitch simply swapped places. The full board of officers for the year was : President, S. Walter Wales, proprietor of the Boulevard stables at Grove Hall. First vice-president, Louis Pfingst, street railway supplies. Second vice-president, John M. E. Morrill, builder. Secretary, George H. Greenwood, cigar dealer. Treasurer, Eobert S. Fitch, real estate. Clerk, George W. D'Arcy, men's fur- nishing goods and president of the Brat- tleboro Overall Co. The directors were Messrs. Wales, Pfingst, Morrill, Greenwood and Fitch, and T. A. Bresnahan, Jesse Moulton, Frederick J. Brand, Charles L. Young and Almond S. Gushee. The committees were : Pacing and speedway committee, Al- mond S. Gushee. chairman; S. Walter Wales, Fred S. Eldred^e, Jesse Moulton, Hollis P. Gallup, George W. D'Arcy, W. W. Grant, Louis Pfingst, R. S. Fitch, William P. Boutelle, Randolph K. Clarke, D. W. Sullivan, Walter E. New- bert, Fred S. Gore, L. S. Timberlake, Charles L. Young, William M. Brum- mett, Edgar 0. Haddock, J. W. Linne- han and William J. Fitzgerald. Finance committee, T. A. Bresnahan, F. J. Brand and Jesse Moulton. Membership committee, George E. Grif- fin, Charles L. Hinds, Dr. R. W. Balkam and E. S. Harris. House committee, Wm. P. Boutelle, H. R. Barry, D. W. Sullivan, J. K Berry, W. E. Newbert and Charles L. Youn£. The year 1902 was one of the greatest activity for the club. Many new mem- bers were added, the cash balance was largely increased, races were many and well attended, and entire harmony pre- vailed. As the year approached its end there was much speculation as to who would succeed President Wales. There was talk of a third term but though the president did not have an enemy in the club there were many members who did not like to see a third-term precedent es- tablished. First vice-president Louis Pfingst having entered the political arena thought it best to resign from the directorate of the club and from the list of eligibles to the presidency, Second Vice-president John M. E. Morrill was buried in business and the choice fell on Frederick J. Brand. The full board for the year comprised: President, Frederick J. Brand. First vice-president. Randolph K. Clarke. Second vice-president, J. M. E. Mor- rill. Secretary, George H. Greenwood. Treasurer, Robert S. Fitch. The above-named and Messrs. S. Wal- ter Wales, T. A. Bresnahan, Charles L. Young, Almond S. Gushee and Hollis P. Gallup composed the board of directors. The committees and other officers chosen by the directors were : Racing and speedway committee, Al- mond S. Gushee, chairman; S. Walter Wales, George H. Greenwood. Hollis P. Gallup, Hiram A. Haven, George W. D'Arcv. W. W. Grant, Louis Pfingst, Jacob Mosser, R. S. Fitch, William" P. 14 A Quartette of Old Timers CHARLES H. BELLEDEU, The first secretary. JOHN M. E. MORRILL, The first treasurer. CYRIL C. BLANEY. The first mao to put up his check. PETER J. FITZGERALD, Director. 15 Boutelle, Eandolph K. Clarke, D. W. Sullivan, Walter E. Newbert, Fred S. Gore, Wilbur S. Littlefield, Fred S. Eldredge, Charles L. Young, William M. Brmnmett, Edgar 0. Haddock, J. W. Linnehan, William J. Fitzgerald and Charles L. Hinds. House committee, William P. Boutelle, chairman; H. E. Barry, D. W. Sullivan, W. E. Newbert, Charles L. Young and J. N. Berry. Finance committee, T. A. Bresnahan, S. Walter Wales, Albert Fellows, Almond S. Gushee. Membership committee, George E. Griffin, chairman; Dr. R. W. Balkam, E. S. Harris, Nelson Pierce and C. M. Mandell. Clerk, George W. D'Arcy. Press representative, Edward G. Rich- ardson. The election was held on Jan. 5. After the announcement of the balloting had been made known, Director T. A. Bresnahan said that President Wales had been present at every meeting of the club since he had been its president, fre- quently at much inconvenience to him- self and his family, and the speaker thought that the retiring officer had es- tablished a precedent which would be hard for any other president to live up to. For the president's faithfulness, Mr. Bres- nahan moved that the club give him a rising vote of thanks. The members then gave President Wales a rising vote of their appreciation and wound up with three cheers and a tiger. D. W. Sullivan said that words of praise should not alone testify to the re- spect in which Mr. Wales was held by the members. He held up a silver horse shoe, the exact counterpart of those worn by Rondo, the fast gelding owned by the president and said that it had been made by E. P. Denn, one of the club members, but that both Mr. Denn and the speaker were too modest to make the presenta- tion. A 7 ice-president Morrill was then called upon to make the presentation speech, which he did. Picking up the handsome gift, he read the inscription which was : "S. Walter Wales, President, Rondo 2.14 3-4 D. G. D. Club, 1901- 1902." On the reverse side was the name of the donor, "E. P. Denn." There was still another nresentation during the evening, when the first presi- dent, Charles L. Young, was given a loving cup in commemoration of the record made by Landlord, the pacing champion of the Blue Hill avenue speed- way. Director Almond S. Gushee made the speech of presentation. Mr. Young, in accepting the gift, thanked the mem- bers for the trophy and said that he had probably had as much fun in defending the title of King of the Speedway as the members had in seeing him do it. The cup is a costly one of solid silver with a gold lining. On one side is in- scribed : Landlord 2.16 3-4. Champion Dorchester Speedway Nov. 21, 1900 to Oct. 2, 1901. On the reverse side is this inscription : D. G. D. C. to C. L. Young. The list of blue-ribbon winners shows how keen was the interest in racing. BLUE RIBBON WINNERS FOR 1902. Alice B (W. E. Newbert) won from Mattie Miller, March 27; Ramus, April 12. Lost to Princess Ebilo, April 3; Ninety-One, April 19; Ramus, May 3. Alizarine Black (J. W. Linnehan) won from Nagaina, May 22. Andrew May (J. H. McManus) lost to Landlord, May 8; Gladys M, May 15. Azote (E. O. Haddock) won from Ninety- One, April 17. Lost to India Panis, April 19 and May 15; Princess Ebilo, May 10. Baby Logan (W. P. Boutelle) won from Dr. G, March 27; Budweiser (by forfeit) April 24. Lost to Ida J, May 15. Beauty (C. C. Blaney) lost to Budweiser, Nov. 29. Belle Lome (D. W. Sullivan) lost to Lady Madison, Oct. 30. Belmont (A. M. Johnson) won from George Robson, Oct. 16. Lost to Billy Bar- low, Nov. 16. Billy Barlow (T. A. Bresnahan) won from Belmont, Nov. 16. Budweiser (J. W. Linnehan) won from Captain Hall, April 12; Goldie, April 17; W. W. Saylor, Oct. 16 and Nov. 20. Lost to Silkey, March 27; Baby Logan (by for- feit) April 24; Ida J. May, 8: Beauty, Nov. 29. 16 LADY MADISON (2.20 1-4), bay trotting mare. By Tommy Britton, dam Lady Alice. Owned by Peter J. Fitzgerald. SUSIE F (2.20 1-2), bay trotting mare. By Emperor Wilkes. Speedway trotting champion and speedway trotting cup win- ner for 1904. Owned by J. Rollin Stuart, Jr. 17 Captain Hall (A. S. Gushee) won from Dr. G, April 3. Lost to Budweiser, April 12. Chico (C. H. Morse) won from McNary's Hal (by forfeit) April 19. Lost to W. W. Saylor, May 22 and 24. C L H (C. L. Hinds) won from Goodboy, May 10. Dollie S, runner (S. Walter Wales, Jr) won from Landlord, May 15. Dr. G (F. J. Brand) lost to Baby Logan, March 27; Captain Hall, April 3. Ella H (Jacob Mosser) won from Silkey, April 3. Evolutio (H. A. Haven) lost to Gladys M, May 30. George Robson (P. W. Hennessey) lost to Belmont, Oct. 16. Gladys M (R. K. Clarke) won from An- drew May, May 15; Evolutio, May 30. Goldie (A. M. Newbert) lost to Bud- weiser, April 17. Goodboy (J. N. Berry) won from Sunrise, April 24 and May 1. Lost to Sunrise, April 17; C L H, May 10. Ida J (C. W. Arnold) won from Bud- weiser, May 8; Baby Logan, May 15. India Panis (G. A. French) won from Azote, April 19 and May 15. Lost to Prin- cess Ebilo, April 24 and May 8. Lady Madison (P. J. Fitzgerald) won from Belle Lome, Oct. 30. Lost to Princess Ebilo, May 15 and 30. Landlord (C. L. Young) won from An- drew May, May 8. Lost to Dollie S, runner, May 15. Mattie Miller (J. W. Linnehan) won from Nagaina, Oct. 16. Lost to Alice B, March 27. McNary's Hal (R. Y. Woodbury) lost to Chico (by forfeit) April 19; W. W. Saylor, April 24. Nagaina (H. P. Gallup) won from Un- known, May 8. Lost to Prince Henry, May 10; Alazarine Black, May 22; Mattie Miller, Oct. 16; Prince Zada, Oct. 30. Newsboy (F. S. Eldredge) won from Ra- mus, May 1. Ninety-One (R. C. Richardson) won from Alice B, April 19. Lost to Azote, April 17. Prince Henry (J. A. Hart) won from Nagaina, May 10. Prince Zada (F. J. Brand) won from Nagaina, Oct. 30 Princess Ebilo (F. J. Brand) won from Alice B, April 3; Ramus, April 17; India Panis, April 24 and May 8; Azote, May 10; Lady Madison, May 15 and 30. Ralph Sherman (E. S. Dearmond) won from Sunrise, April 19. Ramus (Carey Keith) won from Alice B, May 3. Lost to Alice B, April 12; Princess Ebilo, April 17; Newsboy, May 1. Silkey (F. S. Eldredge) won from Bud- weiser, Feb. 27. Lost to Ella H., April 19; Sunrise (E. S. Harris) won from Goodboy, April 17. Lost to Ralph Sherman, April 19; Goodboy, April 24 and May 1. Unknown (Mr. Brown) won from Na- gaina, May 8. EACES AT EEADVILLE JUXE 17 AND SEPTEMBEE 1, 1902. Two big races were held at Eeadville during the year 1902, one on June 17 and the other on Labor Day, which fell on September 1. The results follow : June 17, 1902. Class 2.20 Trot; Best Three in Five; Mile Heats; Purses $100 Each. Princess Ebilo, ch m, by Don Carlos, dam Lucy (F. J. Brand) 1 1 1 Gypsy Felix, b m, by Don Felix (H. G. Turner) 2 2 2 India Panis, b g, by Panis, dam Mat- tie Graham (George A. French)... 4 3 3 Captain Haff, br g, by Arion, dam by Sultan (J. G. Cleary) 3 9 8 Ramus, b g, by Red Wilkes, dam May (Cary Keith) 5 4 5 Alice B, ch m, by Edgardo, dam un- known (W. E. Newbert) 7 5 4 Lady Madison, b m, by Madison Smith, dam Lady Alice (P. J. Fitzgerald) 6 6 7 Ninety-One, ch m, by Republican, dam Betsy Trotwood (R. C. Rich- ardson) 9 8 6 Newsboy, g g, by Smut (J. E. Wil- ber) 8 7 9 Time— 2.23 1-4, 2.20 1-4, 2.21. Class, Free-for-all; Best Two in Three. George G, g g, by Roscoe (W. J. Fitz- gerald) 1 1 Landlord, b g, by Albrino (Charles L. Young) >. 2 2 W W Saylor, b g, by Young Ranger, dam Edna H (H. R. Barry) 3 3 Bonnets o' Blue, ro m, by Raven, dam Bluebells (Geo. W. D'Arcy) 4 4 J B S, untraced (R. H. Jenness) 5 5 Time— 2.18, 2.18 3-4. Class 2.22 Pace; Best Two in Three. Gladys M, br m, by Irvin M, dam by Monte Cristo (R. K. Clarke) 1 1 Captain Hall, blk g, by Silvertail (A. S. Gushee) 3 2 Ida J, b m, by Dictator Chief (C. W. Arnold) 2 4 Budweiser, b g, by Bud Crooke, dam Bessie Hal (J. W. Linnehan) 4 3 Lackawanna, b g, by Battle Axe, dam Veike (J. D. O'Connor) 5 6 Billie Barlow, b g, untraced (T. A. Bresnahan) 6 6 Time— 2.21 3-4, 2.22 1-2. Class, Special, Slow; Best Two in Three. Cartuna, br m, by Larrabee the Great (Frank Hender- son) 3 10 1 *1 Dexter, b g, by Glide (W. I. Estabrook) 1 2 4 2 C E H, ch g, untraced (C. L. Hinds) 2 1 3 3 dr 18 DIRECTOR WALTER E. NEWBERT, Chairman Racing and Sneedway Committee, 1904. HENRY R. BARRY, Chairman Racing and Speedway Committee, 1905. EDGAR O. HADDOCK, The First Clerk. 19 FRED S. ELDREDGE, Director. Mutineer, bl g, by Lord Duf- ferin, dam Alcantara (J. H. Semple) 10 9 2 Belmont, b g, untraced (A. M. Johnson) 4 3 5 Prince G, b g, untraced (Geo. H. Greenwood) 8 4 7 Rex, b g, by Electricity, dam Lady Index (Alb. Fellows).. 6 5 6 Good Boy, b g, untraced (J. N. Berry) 5 S 11 Nagaina, b m, by Arion, dam Bdgeline (H. P. Gallup) .... 9 6 10 Prince Henry, ch g, untraced J. A. Hart) 7 7 8 Sunrise, b g, by Abbott Wilkes, dam Kitty (E. S. Harris) 11 11 9 Time— 2.32 1-2, 2.35, 2.32 1-2, 2.32, 2.34. *Dead heat. September 1, 1902. Class, 2.30 Pace or Trot; Best Three in Five; Mile Heats; Purses $100 Each. Yellow Boy, ch g, by Bay Cloud, dam Gold Shower (L. E. Billings) 6 2 4 111 Lackawanna, b g, by Battle Axe, dam Veike (J. D. O'Connor) 2 1 1 2 2 3 Cartuna, br m, by Larrabee the Great (Frank Hen- derson) 1 7 5 3 3 2 Blue Hill Boy, b g, by Elec- tricity (P. O'Hearn) 3 5 2 4 4 ro Belmont, b g, untraced (A. M. Johnson) 7 3 3 5 5 ro C L H, ch g, untraced (C. L. Hinds) 5 6 6 dr Oxide, blk s, by Runner dam Ode (J. W. Linne- han) 4 4 dr Dexter, b g, by Glide (P. J. Fitzgerald) 8 8 dr Time— 2.24 1-2, 2.30, 2.25 1-4, 2.29 1-2, 2.30 3-4, 2.30 1-2. Class, 2.20 Trot. India Panis, b g, by Panis, by Pancoast, dam Mattie Graham (G. A. French) 3 111 Lady Madison, b m, by Madison Smith, dam Lady Alice (P. J. Fitzgerald) 1 3 4 4 Alice B, ch m, by Edgardo (W. E. Newbert) 2 2 2 2 'Ramus, b g, by Red Wilkes, dam May (Cary Keith) 5 4 3 3 Ninety-One, ch m, by Republi- can, dam Betsy Trotwood (R. C. Richardson) 4 5 5 dr Time— 2.22 1-2, 2.24 1-4, 2.24 3-4, 2.23 1-2. Class, 2.15 Trot or Pace. Rondo, b g, bv Alcanwood. (S W. Wales) 1 1 Gladys M, br m, by Irvin M, dam by Monte Cristo (R. K. Clarke) 2 2 Landlord, b g, by Albrino (C. L. Young) 3 3 Rubsley G, br g, by Star Wilkes (H. C. Briggs) 5 4 Aggie H, ch m, by Parker Gunn, dam Agnes (R. W. Hickey) 4 7 W. W. Saylor, b g, by Young Ranger, dam Edna (H. R. Barry) 7 5- Bonnets o' Blue, ro m, by Raven, dam Bluebells (Geo. W. D'Arcy) 6 6 Time— 2.16 1-2, 2.16. Class, 2.23 Pace. Budweiser, b g, by Bud Crook, dam Bessie Hal (A. M. Newbert) 2 1 2*2 1 1 Grover C, b g, by Young Jim, dam by Daniel Boone (E. O. Haddock) .323123- McNary's Hal, ro g, by Forest Hal, dam Katie W. (R. Y. Woodbury).. 13 4 3 3 2 Captain Hall, blk g, by Sil- vertail (A. S. Gushee) . . 5 4 14 4 4 Nellie Bly, ch m, by Gray Harry (Jacob Mosser) . . 4 dr Time— 2.23 3-4, 2.26 3-4, 2.26 1-4, 2.27, 2.26 1-2, 2.271-2. *Last three heats decided at Readville on Tuesday, Sept. 2. Class, Special, Slow. Polyphema, br m, by Senator Blackburn, dam Creusa OR. W. Balkam) 3 3 *1 1 1 Bonnie Patchen, blk g, by Bonnie Boy, dam Ethelina (T. R. Galvin) 113 2 5 Sunrise, b g, by Abbott W, dam Kitty (E. S. Harris) ..44462 Emma R, b m, untraced (C. L. Hinds) 5 6 2 4 6 Nagaina, b m, by Arion, dam Edgeline (H. P. Gallup).. 6 5 3 3 3 Elvino, br g, untraced (H. S. Clark) 7 7 6 5 4 Rex, b g, by Electricity, dam Lady Index (Albert Fellows) 2 2 7 7 dr Time— 2.32 1-2, 2.39, 2.41 1-4, 2.41 1-2, 2.42 1-2. *Last three heats were decided on Sept. 2, at Readville. The principal changes at the election in 1904 were the choice of Almond S. Gushee as second vice-president in place- of John M. E. Morrill, who declined active office, although retaining his in- terest in the club and later accepting the- chairmanship of the membership com- mittee ; and of Ernest H. Morgan, who, since the resignation of Mr. Eichardson,. had been press representative, as clerk in place of George W. D'Arcy who de- clined longer to serve, although he ac- cepted a place on the board of directors. The new names added to the board were- those of Mr. D'Arcy, Jacob Mosser, P, J.. 20 RENO K. (2.15 1-4), bay pacing gelding. By Kremlin (2.07 1-4), dam by Bay State. Owned by J. W. Linneban. REX (2.13 1-4). bay pacing gelding. By Ongate, dam by Dark Knigbt, sire by Searcbligbt (2.03 1-4). Owned by J. W. Linneban. 21 Fitzgerald and J. W. Linnehan. The full board of officers with the committees were as follows : President, Frederick J. Brand. First vice-president, Bandolph K. Clarke. Second vice-president, Almond S. Gushee. Secretary, George H. Greenwood. Treasurer, Bobert S. Fitch. Directors, H. P. Gallup, G. W. D'Arcy, J. W. Linnehan, P. J. Fitzgerald, Jacob Mosser. Finance committee, Albert Fellows, chairman; Diedrich Eilers, J. A. Smith. Pacing and speedway committee, W. E. Newbert, chairman; E. 0. Haddock, H. E. Barry, Wm. Brummett, F. S. Eldredge, F. H. Eobinson, D. M. Biggs, E. S. Harris, J. E. Stuart, Jr., E. W. Berrigan, D. W. Sullivan. Membership committee, Nelson Pierce, chairman; E. C. Eichardson, G. E. Griffin. House committee, W. P. Boutelle, chairman; H. E. Barry, J. N. Berry, C. L. Young, E. W. Green, E. W. Hickey. Entertainment committee, J. M. E. Morrill, chairman; W. L. Terhune, Dr. A. T. Davison, J. E, Stuart, Jr., C. L. Hinds. Clerk, Ernest H. Morgan. Said the report of this meeting: The result was a credit to all concerned and a tribute to hard working officers. Under President Brand's leadership the club stands much higher in point of mem- bership than a year ago and the cash balance has increased by about 30 per cent. Good racing was enjoyed during the year, an added incentive being the vote of the club, of March 23, 1903, on motion of Walter E. Newbert, that a silver cup to the value of $25 be given each to the trotter and the pacer winning the most blue ribbons during the season. During the season of 1903 eighteen races were held on the Mattapan speed- way, exclusive of one match made but which did not come off, one of the horses failing to appear, the ribbon going to the other by forfeit. This was the India Panis-Susie F race for Oct. 29 for the trotting championship of the speedway. By a mistake India Panis failed to ap- pear and the ribbon was given to Susie F. That horse has since demonstrated her superior speed, however, and as the records show, has held the ribbon against all comers, has beaten fast pacers and ended the season of 1904 without a de- feat. Twenty-five different horses start- ed in 1903 and the aggregate number starting was 41. The racers and results were : RIBBON AND CUP WINNERS FOR 1903. Bath Belle, br m, trotter (F. J. Brand), lost to India Panis, March 26. Beauty, ch m, pacer (C. C. Blaney), lost to Mazie Sidney for the pacing championship, April 2. Captain Hall, blk g, pacer (A. S. Gushee), lost to Fred H, May 28, and to W. W. Say- lor, July 2, and Aug. 13. Charlena, b m, pacer (C. C. Blaney) won from W. W. Saylor, Oct. 29. Don Wilkes, gr g, pacer (F. H. Robinson) lost to W. W. Saylor, Nov. 12. Early Bird, Jr., pacer (A. E. Kenney) lost to Mazie Sidney for the pacing champion- ship, Oct. 22. Fred H, b g, pacer (A. J. Furbush), won. from Captain Hall, May 28. George K, gr g, pacer (Jacob Mosser), won from Little Prudie, July 2. Goodboy, b g, pacer (J. N. Berry), lost to Mr. Fellows' Rex, Aug. 13. Grover C, b g, pacer (P. J. Fitzgerald), won from Lackawanna, April 23. Guitara, b g, trotter (C. C. Blaney) lost to Mr. Fellows' Rex, Oct. 29 and Nov. 12. India Panis, b g, trotter (G. A. French), won from Bath Belle, March 26, and the trotting championship from Lady Madison, August 13. Lost the trotting championship to Susie F, on Oct. 29, by forfeit through non-appearance. Lackawanna, b g, pacer (J. D. O'Connor), lost to Grover C, April 23. Lady Madison, b m, trotter (P. J. Fitzger- ald), lost the championship to India Panis, August 13. Little Prudie, b m, pacer (E. M. Green), lost to George K, July 2. Mattie Miller, b m, trotter (J. W. Linne- nan), won from Sunny Jim, Nov. 12. Mazie Sidney, b m, pacer (W. J. Furbush), won from Beauty, April 2; Linnehan's Rex, May 14; Early Bird, Jr., Oct. 22, all for the pacing championship. Miss Eckles, br m, pacer (F. H. Robin- son), lost to Sunny Jim, Oct. 29. Ned Wilkes, ch g, pacer (Louis Pfingst), won from San Telmo, Nov. 12. Rex, b g, trotter (Albert Fellows), won from Sunrise, July 2; Goodboy, Aug. 13; Sunny Jim and Sunrise, Oct. 8; Guitara and Sunrise, Oct. 29, and Guitara, Nov. 12, thus going through the season without a defeat. Rex, b g, pacer (J. W. Linnehan), lost to Mazie Sidney for the pacing championship, May 14. 22 DIRECTOR HOLLIS P. GALLUP. Who has never missed a meeting. EDWARD P. DENN, in whose shop the club was born. D. W. SULLIVAN. JOHN W. LINNEHAN. 23 Sanford L, ch g, pacer (T. A. Bresnahan), lost to W. W. Saylor, May 7 and 14. San Telmo, br g, pacer (Louis Tewhart), lost to Ned Wilkes, Nov. 12. Sunny Jim, b g, trotter (W. M. Brummett), won from Miss Eckles, Oct. 29. Lost to Mr. Fellows' Rex, Oct. 8, and to Mattie Miller, Nov. 12. Sunrise, b g, pacer (E. S. Harris), lost to Mr. Fellows' Rex, July 2, Rex and Sunny Jim, Oct. 8, and Rex. and Guitara, Oct. 29. Susie F, b m, trotter (J. R. Stuart, Jr.), won the trotting championship ribbon by forfeit from India Panis, Oct. 29. W. W. Saylor, pacer (H. R. Barry), won from Sanford L, May 7 and 14; Captain Hall, July 2 and Aug. 13, and Don Wilkes, Nov. 12. Lost to Charlena, Oct. 29. The silver cups were won by Albert Fel- lows' Rex for the trotters and Henry R. Barry's W. W. Saylor for the pacers. EACES AT EEADVILLE JUNE 17 AND SEPTEMBEE 7, 1903. The usual matinees were held at Eead- ville on June 17 and on Labor Day, which fell on September 7. The results were : June 17, 1903. Mile Heats; Purses, $100 Each. Class, 2.34; Trot or Pace; Best Two in Three. Nellie W, ch m, by Nelson (W. L. Morrison) 2 1 1 Brightness, blk m, by Tarratine, dam Nancy Pilot (E. O. Haddock) 14 5 Bertha B, br m, by St. Croix (A. J. Morris) 4 2 3 Billy Barlow, b g, untraced (W. P. Boutelle) 7 7 2 George K, gr g, untraced (Jacob Mosser) 5 3 4 Belle Lome, b m, untraced (E. W. Berrigan) 3 5 6 Don Wilkes, gr g. by Johnny Wilkes (F. H. Robinson) 6 6 7 Time— 2.27 1-4, 2.24 1-2, 2.24 1-4. Class, 2.19 Trot; Best Three in Five. Authentic, blk g, by Autograph (D. M. Biggs) .1 1 1 Susie F, b m, by Emperor Wilkes (J. R. Stuart, Jr.) 5 2 2 India Panis, b g, by Panis, by Pan- coast, dam Mattie Graham (G. A. French) 2 3 3 Camden Boy, g g, by Cornish Boy (W. J. Furbush) 3 5 5 Alice B, ch m, by Edgardo (W. E. Newbert) 4 4 4 Quarter Note, ch g, by Quartermas- ter (R. Y. Woodbury) 6 6 6 Time— 2.22 1-2, 2.23 1-4; 2.22 1-4. Class 2.23 Pace; Best Two in Three. Budweiser, b g, by Bud Crooke, dam Bessie Hal (J. W. Linne- han) 4 1 1 1 McNary's Hal, ro g, by Forest Hal, dam Katie W (R. Y. Woodbury) 1 2 2 '2 Grover C, ch g, by Young Jim, dam by Daniel Boone (P. J. Fitzgerald) 2 6 6 3 Goldie, blk m, by Airbon (A. M. Newbert) 3 3 4 6 Hector H, ch g, by Hector Wilkes, dam Mink (F. W. Hamlin) 5 4 3 4 Cartuna, br m, by Larrabee the Great (Frank Henderson) .... 6 5 5 7 Captain Hall, blk g, by Silvertail (A. S. Gushee) 7 7 7 5 Lackawanna, b g, by Battle Axe (J. D. O'Connor) 8 8 8 dr Time— 2.24, 2.21 1-4, 2.26 1-4, 2.23 1-4. Class, Free-for-all; Best Two in Three. Parker S, g g, untraced (W. J. Fur- bush) 1 1 Rex, b g, by Ongate (J. W. Linnehan) . 2 2 Landlord, b g, by Albrino (C. L. Young) 3 3 Time— 2.17 1-4, 2.19. Class, 2.19 Pace or 2.15 Trot; Best Two in Three. Lady St. Croix, ch m, by St. Croix (A. J. Furbush) 2 2 1 1 Ornament, b g, by Red Bell (C. H. Morse) 3 1 2 2 Gladys M, br m, by Irvin M, dam by Monte Cristo (R. K. Clarke) 4 3 3 dr King Princeps, b g, by Count Princeps, dam Lady Almont (E. P. Denn) 5 4 4 dr W. W. Saylor, b g, by Young Ranger, dam Edna H (H. R. Barry) 1 ds Time— 2.21 1-2, 2.19 1-4, 2.22 1-2, 2.24. September 7, 1903. Mile Heats; Purses, $100 Each. Class, Special Slow; Best Two in Three. Lucinda, blk m, untraced (A. D. Gould) 5 1 1 Sunny Jim, b g, untraced (W. M. Brummett) 1 2 4 Sunrise, b g, by Abbott Wilkes, dam Kitty (E. S. Harris) 2 3 3 Rex, b g, by Electricity, dam Lady Index (Albert Fellows) 4 4 2 Bonnie Patchen, blk g, by Bonnie Boy (T. R. Galvin) 3 7 6 Bunny, wh g, untraced (Havelock Keith) 7 5 6 Reliance, b g, by Armough (R. S. Fitch) 8 6 7 Guitara, b g, by Ora Wilkes (C. C. Blaney) 6 8 S Time— 2.32 1-4, 2.33 1-4, 2.30 1-2. Class, 2.34 Pace, or 2.29 Trot; Best Two in Three. Don Wilkes, g g, by Johnnie Wilkes (F. H. Robinson) 1 1 Charlie H, blk g, by General Withers (Lothrop Hedge) 2 2 Billy Barlow, b g, untraced (W. P. Boutelle) 3 3 24 JEWKTT (2.14), black pacing gelding. The old "leader of the snow brigade." By Allie West. Owned by John M. E. Morrill. BABY LOGAN, chestnut pacing mare. Owned by W. P. Boutelle,; Mattie Miller, b m, untraced (J. W. Linnehan) 6 4 Newsboy, g g, by Smut (F. S. Eldredge) 4 6 Brick Wilkes, Jr,, by Brick Wilkes, dam Kitty M (C. C. Blaney) 5 5 Time— 2.24 1-4, 2.24 1-4. Class, 2.26 Pace, or 2.22 Trot; Best Three in Five. Captain Hall, blk g, by Silver- tail (A. S. Gushee) 3 13 11 India Panis, b g, by Panis, by Pancoast, dam Mattie Graham (G. A. French) 2 4 1 3 4 Brightness, blk m, by Tarra- tine, dam Nancy Pilot (E. O. Haddock) 1 2 4 4 3 Douglas, b g, by Constantine, dam Susie (R. S. Fitch) 5 3 2 2 2 Goldie, blk m, by Airbon. (A. M. Newbert) 4 5 7 5 dr Ramus, b g, by Red Wilkes, dam May (Cary Keith) 6 7 5 6 5 Nellie Bly, ch m, untraced (Ja- cob Mosser) 7 6 6 dr Lackawanna, b g, by Battle Axe, dam Vieke (J. D. O'Connor) 8 9 8 7 dr Emmaree, blk m, untraced (H. A. Haven) 9 8 9 8 dr Time— 2.24 1-4, 2.20 1-4, 2.21 1-4, 2.20 1-4, 2.21 1-4. Class, 2.19 Pace, or 2.15 Trot; Best Three in Five. W. W. Saylor, b g, by Young Ranger, dam Edna H (H. R. Barry) 1 1 1 Budweiser, b g, by Bud Crooke, dam Bessie Hal (J. W. Linnehan) 2 3 2 Doctor Shorb, blk g, by McKinney, dam Nannie Clay (A. M. Newbert) 3 2 5 Gladys M, br m, by Irvin M, dam by Monte Cristo (R. K. Clarke) 4 4 3 Belle Curry, ch m, by Simmons (P. O r Hearn) 5 5 4 Nellie W, ch m, by Nelson (W. J. Morrison) 6 6 6 Charlena, br m, by Arrowwood, dam Pocas Baby (C. C. Blaney) 7 7 8 Aggie H, ch m, by Parker J, dam Agnes (W. E. Newbert) 8 8 7 Time— 2.18 1-4, 2.18 1-4, 2.19 3-4. The important changes at the begin- ning of the 3^ear 1905 were the election of Almond S. Gushee second vice-presi- dent, to the presidency; of George W. D'Arcy to the office of first vice-president, and of Jacob Mosser to that of second vice-president. At the same time Fred S. Eldredge, one of the most popular members of the club and who has trained and driven many of her horses to victory ; J. B. Stuart, Jr., owner of the champion trotter of the club, Susie F; and Walter E. Newbert, who had been the chairman of the racing and speedway committee, were added to the board of directors. The contest at the election was a strenu- ous one but after the smoke of battle had cleared away the decision was accepted with the utmost good humor by every one. After President Gushee had made his appointments the board of officers stood thus : President, Almond S. Gushee. First vice-president, George W. D'Arcy. Second vice-president, Jacob Mosser. Secretary, George H. Greenwood. Treasurer, Bobert S. Fitch. Directors, the above and Peter J. Fitz- gerald, Fred S. Eldredge, Hollis P. Gal- lup, J. Bollin Stuart, Jr., and Walter E. Newbert. Clerk, Ernest H. Morgan. Pacing and speedway committee, H. E. Barry, chairman; D. E. Page, F. H. Eobinson, J. F. Carey, W. A. Marsh, E. 0. Haddock, J. N. Terry, E.. C. Bichard- son, E. S. Harris, Patrick Sullivan, C. A. Blaney. Membership committee, Nelson Pierce, chairman; E. P. Denn, M. E. Harring- ton. Finance committee, Albert Fellows, chairman ; J. A. Smith, Deidrich Eilers, C. M. Mandell, C. H. Morse. House committee, W. P. Boutelle, chairman; Cecil Scudder, Havelock Keith, F. H. Bellows, Dr. E. K. Balkam. Entertainment committee, J. W. Linne- han, chairman; J. M. E. Morrill, G. E. Griffin, F. J. Brand, Deidrich Eilers, J. N. Terry, Albert Fellows. A part of the clerk's report for 1904 was as follows : The club has held 48 regular meetings this year. An aggregate attendance of 1944 members or an average of 40 1-2 for each night. An election of officers was held on January 4, but owing to a ques- tion of its legality a second election was held on January 18, the list chosen at the second election being that which has served the club the past year. Several stag parties, whist parties, and socials have been held and the annual ladies' night and concert were not omit- ted. The annual ladies' night was held in the Woman's club house on Centre street on the evening of April 17. The appointments, entertainment, music and attendance were of the highest class. 26 HON. FREDERICK S, GORE. LOUIS PFINGST, First Vice President 1901-1902. EDWARD G. RICHARDSON, Press Representative ERNEST H. MORGAN, Clerk. 27 Following the custom inaugurated last year, a second annual banquet was held in the Woman's club house on the evening of October 27. The affair was very suc- cessful, and the club cheerfully made up the deficit in the receipts.- Many of the city officials and members of other clubs were present. The long fight for the Franklin Field speedway culminated on Thanksgiving day when the speedway was formally dedicated. The day was inclement, and it was impossible to hold races, but a goodly number took part in the prelimi- nary parade, and many others gathered along the line of the new speedway and stood in the drizzling rain in the hopes that the racing would take place. Ground was broken on August 1, and on November 21 the club was notified that a quarter-mile track was completed. The by-laws have been materially altered in some instances, the most sig- nificant instance being in the form of voting for membership, the ball ballots now being used, five adverse votes or black-balls to reject. This was incorpo- rated in the by-laws at the meeting of December 12, and used for the first time at the meeting of December 19. An- other important change was in regard to the right to challenge for the cham- pionship ribbons. Fifty-seven new members have been voted into the club during the year. Eacing, which languished during the first half of the year, began with its old-time interest after the appointment on October 3 of a matching committee to make the matches among such horses as their owners announced would race. Since then there has been no dearth of races. The club has held two public races at Eeadville, one on June 17 and one on Labor Day. The balance from the two races was on the right side of the ledger, notwithstanding the fact that the club paid $250 for the track, instead of $100, the sum which it had previously paid. Five hundred dollars were paid in purses for the June 17 race and $400 for the Labor Day race. The club did not take part in the open air meeting of the New England Horse Breeders' association in the fall, but did take part in the horse show at Mechanics hall in the spring and carried off the second prize. President Brand with Minetta, led the Dorchester contingent of the parade, followed by Mr. Stuart with the speedway champion trotter, Susie F, Mr. Biggs with Authentic, Mr. Nevens with Eichmond, and Mr. Haven with Baroness. The cash prize of $50 was turned into the club's coffers. The record of the races Avhich took place on the speedway during the year 1901 is as follows : Forty-five different horses have started, the aggregate num- ber started is 176, and 82 races have taken place. J. E. Stuart, Jr.'s, Susie F held the trotting championship ribbon at the beginning of the season and it has never been wrested from her. Mr. Hood's Camden Girl, Mr. French's India Panis and Dr. Turner's Max G have been the horses trying for the trophy. In ad- dition, Susie F has gone up against two of the fastest pacers in the club and has never been beaten. The pacing championship ribbon at the beginning of the season was in the hands of W. F. Furbush who had won it with Mazie Sidney. On his selling the horse the ribbon reverted to the club. Mr. Linnehan with Eex and Mr. Clarke with Gladys M contested for it on October 13, Eex winning. Mr. Blaney with Charlena tried twice for it unsuccessfully, and Mr. Terry tried for it with Checkers also twice, successfully on November 3, but losing it on November 10, the trophy ended the season in the possession of Mr. Linnehan. The cup winners are Susie F (Mr. Stuart), for the trotters, with six ribbons, and Mutineer (Mr. Blaney), for the pacers, with seven ribbons. BLUE RIBBON AND CUP WINNERS. 1904. Ashmont, b g, trotter (H. P. Gallup), lost to Dolly R, June 23. B 4 U, ch g, trotter (H. P. Gallup), won from Mr. Fellow's Rex, and Dolly R, Dec. 22. Budweiser, b g, pacer (J. W. Linnehan), won from Charlena, Oct. 13; lost to Check- ers, Oct. 20, and to Charlena, Nov. 10. Bertha B, b m, trotter (A. J. Morris), lost to Gussuro, Nov. 26. Bismarck, ch g, pacer (M. A. Nevens), lost to Mutineer, Nov. 17. Brightness, blk m, trotter (A. C. Haley), lost to Little Bud, Oct. 20. 28 DOX WILKES, grey pacing gelding. By Johnnie Wilkes, by Wilkes 8571. First dam Stark Lady by Grey Don, bv Gideon, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian; second dam by General Knox. Owned by Frank H. Robinson. W. W. SAYYOR (2.18 1-2), bay pacing gelding. By Young Ranger, by Ranger, by Castor, by Hambletonian 10. Dam, Edna, by Adrian Wilkes. Pacing Speedway cup-winner for 1903. Owned by Henry R. Barry. 29 Camden Girl, ch m, trotter (John Hood), lost to Susie F, April 19 and May 28, and won from Gussuro, Dec. 22. Captain Hall, blk g, pacer (A. S. Gushee), won from Little Bud, Nov. 3; Joe King, Nov. 17 and 26, and from Gladys M, Dec. 15. Lost to Douglas, April 19; Mutineer, Nov. 10 and Dec. 1, and to Reno K, Dec. 22. Won red ribbon in race with Mutineer and Hel- gamite, Nov. 10. Charlena, b m, pacer, won from Budwei- ser, Nov. 10. Lost to Budweiser, Oct. 13; to Mr. Linnehan's Rex for the championship, October 20 and 27; to Reno K, Nov. 3; to Susie F, Nov. 17, and to Etta Powers, Dec. 1. Checkers, b g, pacer (J. N. Terry), won from Silver Electrite, Oct. 13; Budweiser and Gladys M, Oct. 20; Silver Electrite, Oct. 27; Mr. Linnehan's Rex, for the champion- ship, Nov. 3; Mutineer and Silver Electrite, Nov. 26. Lost to Mr. Linnehan's Rex, for the championship, Nov. 10, and to Reno K, Nov. 17. Dan S, b g, pacer (A. A. Stewart), won from Sunrise, Nov. 26. Lost to Lightfoot, April 19, and to George K and Brightness, Nov. 17. Dewey, blk g, pacer (H. P. Gallup), won from Joe King, Oct. 27 and Nov. 3, and from Little Bud, Nov. 10. Lost to Silver Electrite, Sept. 29; Lampton, Oct. 13; Muti- neer, Oct. 20; Gladys M, Nov. 17, and Goldie, Nov. 26. Won red ribbon in three-cornered race with Mutineer and Nyphen, Oct. 20, and with Goldie and Helgamite, Nov. 26. Dolly R, b m, trotter (F. H. Robinson), won from Ashmont, June 23; Hector H, Aug. 11; Fanny Van, Oct. 27; Brightness (by forfeit), Nov. 3. Lost to India Panis, Aug. 18; Lampton, Oct. 20; Lady Madison, Nov. 17, B 4 U and Mr. Fellows' Rex, Dec. 22. Douglas, b g, pacer (R. S. Fitch), won from Captain Hall, April 19. Etta Powers, b m, pacer (T. R. Galvin), won from Uncle Dick, Nov. 26, and Little Bud, Dec. 1. Lost to Gladys M, Nov. 3. Fanny Van, gr m, trotter (M. E. Fleming), lost to Dolly R, Oct. 27, and to Mr. Fellows' Rex and Polyphema, Nov. 10. George K, gr g, pacer (Jacob Mosser), won from Mayor Johnson, Sept. 29; Mutineer, Oct. 13; Polyphema and Dan S, Nov. 17. Lost to Helgamite, Oct. 20; Nyphen, Oct. 27; Mutineer and Helgamite, Nov. 3; Joe King, Nov. 10; Little Bud, Nov. 26. Gladys M, br m, pacer (R. K. Clarke), won from Etta Powers, Nov. 3; Dewey, Nov. 17. Lost to Mr. Linnehan's Rex, for the championship, Oct. 13; Checkers and Bud- weiser, Oct. 20; Susie F, Nov. 10, and Cap- tain Hall, Dec. 15. Goldie, blk m, pacer (A. M. Newbert), won from Helgamite and Dewey, Nov. 26. Gussuro, b m, trotter (P. J. Fitzgerald), won from Lampton, Nov. 3; Bertha B, Nov. 26; Minturn, Dec. 1. Lost to India Panis, Oct. 27, Nov. 10 and Nov. 17, and to Camden Girl, Dec. 22. Hector H, ch g, pacer (Havelock Keith), lost to Dolly R, Aug. 11, and to Helgamite and George K, Oct. 20. Helgamite, b m, pacer (F. H. Bellows), won from George K and Hector H, Oct. 20; Little Bud, Oct. 27, Dec. 15 and 22; Mutineer and George K, Nov. 3; Uncle Dick, Dec. 15. Lost to Mutineer and Captain Hall, Nov. 10; Goldie, Nov. 26, and Little Bud, Dec. 1. India Panis, b g, trotter (G. A. French), won from Dolly R, Aug. 18, and Gussuro, Oct. 27, Nov. 10 and 17. Lost to Susie F, for the championship, Nov. 3. Joe King, blk g, pacer (F. J. Brand), won from George K, Nov. 10. Lost to Dewey, Oct. 27 and Nov. 3, and to Captain Hall, Nov. 17 and 26. Little Bud, b g, pacer (W. E. Newbert), won from May Wynne, May 28; Brightness, Oct. 20; Ramus, Nov. 17; George K, Nov. 26, and Helgamite, Dec. 1. Lost to Mr. Fellows' Rex, May 5; Helgamite, Oct. 27, Dec. 15 and 22, and to Dewey, Nov. 10. Lampton, b g, trotter (Henry Wood), won from Mr. Fellows' Rex, Aug. 11; Dewey, Oct. 13; Dolly R, Oct. 20. Lost to Mutineer, Oct. 27; Gussuro, Nov. 3; Tabor, Nov. 17. Lady Madison, b m, trotter (P. J. Fitz- gerald), won from Dolly R, Nov. 17. Lightfoot, b m, trotter (F. H. Robinson), won from Dan S, April 19. Magic, blk g, trotter (Henry Wood), lost to Mr. Fellows' Rex, Dec. 1, and to Ramus, Dec. 22. Mayor Johnson, b g, pacer (M. A. Nevens), won from George K, Sept. 29. Lost to Reno K and Charlena, Nov. 3. Max G, blk g, trotter (A. W. Turner), lost to Susie F, for the championship, Dec. 1. May Wynne, b m, trotter (H. R. Barry), lost to Little Bud, May 28. Minturn, b g, trotter (M. A. Nevens), lost to Gussuro, Dec. 1. Mutineer, blk g, pacer (C. C. Blaney), won from Mr. Fellows' Rex, Aug. 18; Dewey, Oct. 20; Lampton, Oct. 27; Captain Hall and Helgamite, Nov. 10; Bismarck, Nov. 17; Captain Hall, Dec. 1, and Etta Powers, by forfeit, Dec. 22. Lost to George K, Oct. 13; Helgamite, Nov. 3, and Checkers, Nov. 26. Nyphen, blk g, pacer (Henry Wood), won from George K, Oct. 27. Polyphema, br m, trotter (R. W. Balkam), won from Fanny Van, Nov. 10, and Ramus, Nov. 26. Lost to Mr. Fellows' Rex, Nov. 3, and George K, Nov. 17. Ramus, b g, trotter (Carey Keith), won from Magic, Dec. 22. Lost to Little Bud, Nov. 17, and to Polyphema, Nov. 26. Reno K, b g, pacer (J. W. Linnehan), won from Charlena and Mayor Johnson, Nov. 3, Checkers, Nov. 17; Captain Hall. Dec. 22. Rex. b g, pacer (J. W. Linnehan), won four races, each for the championship, as follows: Gladys M, Oct. 13; Charlena, Oct. 20 and 27; Checkers, Nov. 10. Lost to Checkers in championship race, Nov. 3. Rex, b g, trotter (Albert Fellows), won from Little Bud, May 5; Polyphema, Nov. 3; Fanny Van, Nov. 10; Magic, Dec. 1. Lost to Lampton, Aug. 11; Mutineer, Aug. 18; B 4 U, Dec. 22. Sunrise, b g, pacer (E. S. Harris), lost to Dan S, Nov. 26. 30 FRED H. BELLOWS. JOSEPH N. TERRY. T. R. GALVIN. EDWARD B. SWETT. 31 Susie F, b m, trotter (J. R. Stuart, Jr.), has an unbroken list of victories, as follows: Camden Girl, April 19 and May 28; India Panis, Nov. 3 (the last two for the cham- pionship); Gladys M, Nov. 10; Charlena, Nov. 17; Max G, Dec. 1 (for the champion- ship). Silver Electrite, ch g, pacer (M. A. Nev- ens), won from Dewey, Sept, 29. Lost to Checkers, Oct. 13 and 27, and to Checkers and Mutineer, Nov. 26. Tabor, b g, trotter (M. A. Nevens), won from Lampton, Nov. 17. Uncle Dick, b g, pacer (R. C. Richardson), lost to Helgamite, Nov. 17; Etta Powers, Nov. 26. Three-cornered races were inaugurated the past fall, and red ribbons were given to the horses coming in second, two red rib- bons to count as one blue ribbon on the cup. Red ribbons were won by Budweiser racing with Checkers and Gladys M, on Oct. 20; George K, racing with Helgamite and Hec- tor H. on Oct. 20; Brightness racing with Little Bud and Mr. Fellows' Rex, on Oct. 20; Mutineer (2) racing with Helgamite and George K, on Nov. 3, and Checkers and Sil- ver Electrite, Nov. 26; Charlena racing with Reno K and Mayor Johnson, Nov. 3; Poly- phena (2) racing with Rex and Fanny Van, Nov. 10, and with George K, and Dan S, Nov. 17; Captain Hall racing with Mutineer and Helgamite, Nov. 10; Helgamite racing with Goldie and Dewey, Nov. 26; Mr. Fellows' Rex, one in July, racing with B 4 U, and Dolly R, Dec. 22. EACES AT READVILLE JUNE 17 AND SEPTEMBER 5, 1904. Two of the best races ever given by the club were held at Eeadville during the year 1904, the first on June 17 and the other on Labor Day, which fell on Sep- tember 5. The results were : June 17, 1904. Mile Heats; Purses $100 Each. Class, 2.13 Trot; Best Two in Thres. Authentic, blk g, by Autograph (D. M. Biggs) 1 2 1 Dr. Shorb, blk g, by McKinney, dam Nannie Clay (J. W. Linnehan) .... 3 1 3 Susie F, b m, by Emperor Wilkes (J. R. Stuart, Jr.) 4 3 2 Miss Pratt, blk m, by Heir-at-Law (H. L. Haven) 2 5 4 Time— 2.18 1-2, 2.18 1-4, 2.16 1-4. Class, 2.18 Pace; Best Two in Three. Ornament, ch g, by Red Bell (C. H. Morse) 2 1 1 Bob Fitz, ro g, by Allspur (A. E. Kenney) 1 2 3 Budweiser, b g, by Bud Crooke, dam Bessie Hal (J. W. Linnehan) .... 3 3 2 Capt. Hall, blk g, by Silvertail (A. S. Gushee) 4 4 4 Time— 2.20 3-4, 2.19, 2.20 1-4. Class, 2.25 Trot or Pace; Best Two in Three. Douglas, b g, Constantine (R. S. Fitch) . 1 1 Goldie, blk m, by Airbon (A. M. New- bert) 2 3- Uncle Dick, b g, by J. R. Shedd (R. C. Richardson) 3 2 Bertha B, b m, by St. Croix (A. J. Mor- ris) 5 4 Time— 2.22 1-4, 2.22 1-4. Class, Free-for-all; Best Two in Three. Ned Wilkes, ch g, by Wilkes (Louis Pf ingst) 2 1 1 The Private, b g, by William M. Hill CM. A. Nevens) 1 2 5 Rex, b g, by Ongate (John Neal) 4 4 2 Early Bird, Jr., br g, by Early Bird CA. E. Kenney) 3 3 3 Time— 2.13 1-4, 2.13, 2.17 1-2. Class, Special Slow Trot or Pace; Best Two in Three. Checkers, b g, by Red Sam (J. N. Terry) 1 1 Little Bud, b g, untraced (A. M. New- bert) 3 2 Mayor Johnson, ch g, untraced (M. A. Nevens) 2 3 Linus, b g, by Messenger Wilkes (D. M. Biggs) 4 4 Time— 2.26 1-4, 2.28 1-2. Sept. 5, 1904. Class, 2.35 Trot or Pace; Best Three in Five; Mile Heats. Charlena, b m, by Arrowwood dam Pocas Baby (C. C. Blaney) 17 11 Bismarck, b g, by Evolutio (M. A. Nevens) 2 1 2 3 Prior, ch g, untraced (B. C. Wilder) 3 2 6 6 George K, g g, by Document (Jacob Mosser) 5 5 4 2 Lampton, b g, by Cyclone (H. R. Barry) 6 3 3 4 Helgamite, b m, by Mount Arion (Fred H. Bellows) 4 4 5 5 Dolly R, br m, untraced (F. H. Robinson) 7 6 7 dr Time— 2.22 1-4, 2.25 1-4, 2.23, 2.24. Class 2.25 Trot or Pace; Best Three in Five. Billy Barlow, b g, untraced (W. P. Boutelle) 1 1 1 Bertha B, b m, by St. Croix (A. J. Morris) 2 2 4 Etta Powers, b m, by Evolutio (T. R. Galvin) 3 3 2 Hector H, ch g, untraced (Havelock Keith) 4 4 3 Don Wilkes, g g, by Johnny Wilkes (F. H. Robinson) 5 5 5 Time— 2.26 1-4, 2.26 3-4, 2.27 1-4. Class, 2.18 Trot or Pace; Best Three in Five. Budweiser, b g, by Bud Crooke, dam Bessie Hal (J. W. Linne- han) 2 1 1 1 Miss Pratt, blk m, by Heir-at- Law (H. A. Haven) 1 3 2 3 32 BRICK WILKES, JR., (2.22 1-4) brown pacing gelding. By Brick Wilkes (2.18), dam Kitty M (2.27 1-2). Owned by Edward B. Swett. „ D , „ , , „ BUD WEISER (2.18 1-i), bay pacing gelding. By Bud Crooke, by George Wilkes. Dam Be-sie Hal by Gibson's Old Tom Hal. sire of Browm Hal. Owned by J. W, Linneban. Susie F, b m, by Emperor Wilkes (J. R. Stuart, Jr.) 3 2 3 2 India Panis, b g, by Panis, by Pancoast, dam Mattie Graham (G. A. French) 5 4 4 4 Gladys M, br m, by Irvin M, dam by Monte Cristo (R. H. Clarke) 6 5 5 5 Capt. Hall, blk g, by Silvertail (A. S. Gushee) 4 6 6 dr Time— 2.17 3-4, 2.18 1-4, 2.18 1-4, 2.19. Class, Special Slow Trot or Pace. Mutineer, blk g, by Lord Dufferin (C. C. Blaney) 1 1 1 Fanny Van, g m, by Mambrino Star (M. E. Fleming) 2 2 2 Magic, blk g, by Elder Boone (Henry Wood) 3 3 4 Nagiana, b m, by Arion, dam Edge- line (H. P. Gallup) 3 7 5 Sunrise, b g, by Abbott Wilkes (E. S. Harris) 6 4 4 Alvino, br g, untraced (H. S. Clark) 5 5 6 Rex, b g, by Electricity, dam Lady Index (Albert Fellows) 7 6 dr Time— 2.29 1-4, 2.30, 2.32 1-4. The last race held on the Keaclville track was on June 17, 1905, four classes being run off. The first three were for $100 purses and the free-for-all was for a $200 purse. The summaries follow : 2.18 class, trot or pace; best 3 in 5. Ornament, ch g, by Red Bell (C. H. Morse) 1 1 1 Budweiser, b g, by Bud Crock , dam Bessie Hal (J. W. Linnehan) 2 2 2 Captain Hall, blk g, by Silvertail (A. S. Gushee) 3 3 3 Baby, ch m, untraced (H. P. Gallup) 4 4 4 Time— 2.20 1-2, 2.20, 2.18 1-2. 2.24 class, trot or pace; best 2 in 3. Goldie, blk m, by Airborn (A. M. New- bert) 1 1 Mutineer, blk g, by Lorn Dufferin (C. C. Blaney) 2 2 Daisy G, b m, by Jay Gould, Jr. (M. A. Nevens) 4 3 Cartuna, b m, by Larrabee ths Great (Frank Henderson) 3 4 Time— 2.20 1-2, 2.19 1-2, 2.18 1-4. 2.35 class, trot or pace; best 3 in 5. Roy Wilkes, b g, by Jersey Wilkes, dam Lady Patchen (Solly Wolfson) 12 1 Ethel Wagner, b m, by Gambrel Frank Chamberlain) 7 1 2 Charley King, blk g, by May King (A. T. Wheelock) 2 5 5 May Barnes, b m, by Red Heart (E. F. Collins) 3 3 6 Tribune, b g, by Edgemark (M. A. Nevens) 6 4 3 Rex, b g, by Electricity, dam Lady Index (Albert Fellows) 4 7 4 Toto E, br m, by Black Patchen (J. N. Terry) 5 6 dr Time— 2.28, 2.21 3-4, 2.24. Free-for-all; best 3 in 5. General Fiske, b g, by Lavaland (W. J. Furbush) 3 111 Early Bird, Jr., blk g, by Early Bird (A. E. Kenney) 1 3 2 2 Clinton B., b g, untraced (M. A. Nevens) ..2 2 4 4 Rex, b g, by Ongate (W. E. Nsw- bert) .' 4 4 3 3 Time— 2.20 3-4, 2.14 1-2, 2.19 1-2, 2.17 3-4. 34 J , ^ , A ^ Spy M^ ,«^^B FRANK W. HAMLIN- THOMAS J KENNEY. SAMUEL MARZYNSKI. S. WALTER WALES, JR. 35 OTHER NOTABLE EVENTS Dorchester Gentlemen's Driving Club horses played a very important part in the races which took place at Combina- tion Park, Medford, at the Elks' Carni- val July 30 and August 4, 1900, the entries including many of the crack horses of the club. As a result, Mr. Belledeu's pacer, Kentucky Star, took first money and lowered the half mile record of the track, the Star's old antago- nist, Landlord, beating him out for the first heat, and taking second money by closely following him for the next two. Two days later Walter Farmer's mare, Russell Maid, won an easy victory in the invitation match, Mr. Fitch and Little Fred taking second money, with J. A. Hart's Glendale, driven by Mr. Gallup, Mr. Boutelle's Baby Logan driven by Mr. Morrill, Captain Hall and his then owner Mr. May, Walter Newbert and his game little mare, Alice B, and Mr. Abrams and Billy Crocker following. Two days later the crowd saw Mr. Clarke and Gladys M come under the wire first, with Dr. G (Brand), Bob Fitz (Gallup), Lida A. (Hart), and Mr. Blaney's Randolph K, driven by Mr. Morrill, in the above order. Following scriptural injunction, the last was first on the Saturday night closing the carnival, and Mr. Morrill drove Mr. Blaney's Little Fred (second money taker a few days before as the property of Mr. Fitch) to victory, Glendale again driven by Mr. Gallup, Ramus (Carey Keith), Ashmont (DeVee), and Light- foot (Galvin), coming in the order in which their names appear, at this carni- val. Mr. Wales' gelding, Rondo, then a new purchase, took second money in the race for the $100 purse, being driven by Mr. Gillies. At the Brockton fair Mr. Blaney took a part of the purse in the $600 event for double teams, with S. R. and Randolph K. Mention is made elsewhere of the cap- ture of the first money in the free for all at Readville on May 30, 1901. At this, Carey Keith took first money in the special trot, winning in straight heats and defeating such horses as Camden Girl, Alice B, and the old champion, Lady Madison, in the above order. An event worthy of much more than passing notice was the wonderful showing of Fred S. Eldredge's little mare, Silkey, at Cam- bination Park on the evening of June 27, 1901. Mr. Tewhart had owned the mare as a trotter and had sold her to Mr. Eldredge. She was fairly good but Mr. Eldredge did not like her gait and at the cost of a good deal of skill, patience, hard work and time had taught her to pace. He had not intended entering her in the races but to accommodate club members who wanted to fill a special class made for the club's benefit, Mr. Eldredge consented to do , so. Baby Logan, with the veteran reinsman Ed. Gillies driving, was looked upon as an easy winner. Alice B, Mr. Morrison's Nellie W, and Mr. Abrams' Gem being the other contest- ants. Silkey simply "smothered 'em." At the start she kept with the bunch and then, apparently aware that she couldn't be fooling away her time, pulled ahead with the greatest ease and came easily down the stretch with a wide margin of daylight between her and her nearest competitor. It was a great day for the graceful little animal and for her owner and driver, one of the best liked men in the club. A great crowd of Dorchester- ites, headed by the then president, S. Walter Wales, saw the race. Two handicap races, one for a two- minute harness, given by W. W. Grant, and one for a whip, given by John Forgie, were held on September 5, 1901. For the • first, Elvino, the brown gelding, driven by Mr. Clarke, started at scratch, Bright- ness, the black mare, driven by Walter Newbert, having a handicap of 39 feet 36 CAMDEN GIRL (2.21 1-4 in a race and 2.15 at private trial), chestnut trotting mare. By Veni Vici, by Robert Wilkes, by George Wilkes. Camden Girl's first dam, by Harbinger, second dam by Rob Roy. Owned by John Hood. HOWITZER brown trotting stallion. By Bingen (2.06 1-4). dam Camden Girl by Veni Vici, by Robert Wilkes, by George Wilkes. Owned by John Hood. 37 and taking the race. Mr. Eldredge's Silkey, with a handicap of 810 1-4 feet took second money; Mr. Lally's Wilton Boy, 'with 924 feet to overcome, third money; Mr. Clarke's Gladys M with 814 3-4 feet handicap, fourth money, the scratch horse being last, and Ken- tucky Star, with the heaviest handicap of all, 971 feet, being drawn. Mr. Fellows' Bex was the scratch horse in the race for the whip and took second money. First money was taken by Azote, owned and driven by Mr. Had- dock, with a handicap of 678 feet; Mr. Gallup drove Captain Hall, which took third money with a handicap of 725 1-4 feet; the old King of the Speedway, Landlord, handicapped 910 feet, coming in fourth; and Bubsley G, owned and driven by Mr. Moulton, coming in fifth with the heaviest handicap of all, 992 feet. A whip offered by J. W. Linnehan for the horse making the most winnings on the speedway for the first half of 1902 was won by Mr. Brand and Princess Ebilo with seven races and no defeats. At the annual field day at Combination Park, July 26, 1902, in aid of the Work- ing Boy's Home, Mr. Clarke with Gladys M took first prize, a pneumatic-tired, one-man road wagon in the style contest. Mr. Linnehan and Budweiser took the fourth prize, a cooling blanket and pair of horse boots. In the special class, open only to members of the Dorchester Gentlemen's Driving club, Mr. D'Arcy and Bonnets o' Blue took the first prize, a $75 harness; Mr. Brand and Princess Ebilo second, a pair of reins; Mr. Linne- han and Budweiser third, a whip; and Mr. Barry and W. W. Saylor fourth, a collar and pair of horse boots. On the evening of Memorial Day, 1902, a special event was arranged at Combi- nation Park for Dorchester Gentlemen's Driving club horses alone. A big Dor- chester contingent was present and six horses participated. There were three half-mile heats, each heat counting for a race. India Panis (G. A. French) came- under the wire first in each heat in 1161-2, 113 1-2, 114 3-4. The other horses in their order were Ramus (Carey Keith), Alice B (W. E. New- beit), Ninety-One (R. C. Richardson),. Azote (E. O. Haddock), and Mattie Mil- ler (J. W. Linnehan). A special class was also made up at Combination Park on the Fourth of July following. Walter E. Newbert's chestnut mare, Alice B, was the winner after one of the most exciting races ever held under the club's auspices. Seven heats were necessary to decide the event. They were mile heats, the best time being in 2 27 3-4, but it was fight from start to- finish. Newsboy (F. S. Eldredge), Ra- mus (Carey Keith), India Panis (G. A. French), Mattie Miller (J. W. Linne- han), and Ninety-One (R. C. Richard- son), came in in the order in which they are named. On July 19 following, a special class- was made up at South Weymouth, India Panis winning in straight heats in the 2 23 trot, Alice B, Ramus and Mattie Mil- ler trailing. In the 2 23 trot or pace r open to all, Captain Hall (A. S. Gushee) and McNary's Hah owned by R. Y. Wood- bury, and driven by Walter Newbert took second and third money respectively. 38 GEORGE A. FRENCH. WILLIAM M. BRUMMETT. SOLLY WOLFSON. CHARLES M. MANDELL. 39 BONS, PRIZE CHAHPIONSHI AND From almost the first the club gave ribbons to the winners of races and among the most prized — the most prized — have always been the championship ribbons, of which there are two : one for trotters and one for pacers. The history of how these ribbons have shifted ownerships is of interest. THE TROTTING CHAMPIONSHIP. The game little mare, Alice B., owned and driven by Walter E. Newbert, was the first holder of the trotting champion- ship ribbon. A word should be said of mare and driver. Both were always ready to race anything at anytime. A "cinch" was not necessary. If they were beaten they were just as ready to race the next time. Both went in to win, and the pair have furnished as much genuine sport for spectators as any man and horse in the club. It was a distinct loss to the club when the little mare was sold out of it. Alice B. first won the ribbon on the Blue Hill Avenue speedway on November 24, 1900, in a race with Little Fred, owned by C. C. Blaney and driven by J. M. E. Morrill. On December 8 of the same year Carey Keith and his gelding Ramus, contested the championship, and were victorious, but Alice B. was again the winner in straight heats on Christmas morning, 1900. On Patriots' Day, 1901, E. S. Fitch, then vice-president, came on the scene with his new purchase, Bessie Rampart, and Alice B. went down to defeat in straight heats. A great crowd saw these two last races. A race was arranged immediately between Bessie Rampart and P. J. Fitzgerald's bay mare Lady Madi- son but bad weather intervened and the issue was not decided. After a few weeks Mr. Fitch announced that his mare was not in condition, that he did not think it right to withhold the trophy under the circumstances and it went to Lady Mad- ison by forfeit, Mr. Fitch reserving the right to again challenge if his mare came around all right. The first to take up the gage was Mr. Newbert who tried with Alice B. to regain the honors he had lost. The attempt was futile, however. The race took place on June 6, Lady Madison winning easily in straight heats. Carey Keith with his bay gelding Ramus was the next to try his fortunes. This race took place on June 17 and more than 3000 people witnessed it notwithstanding the many counter attractions. Lady Madison was forced to step a little faster than before but she had the goods and although breaking and losing the first heat, took the three fol- lowing, the race and the ribbon. The next fight was a trifle easier. Charles L. Young,' then president, owner of Landlord and possessor of the pacing championship ribbon so many had tried in vain to wrest from him, had bought a bay gelding trotter, Roy K by name. A match was made for Lady Madison and the former record was repeated : Lady Madison went to a break in the first heat and took the next three. The race took place on July 11. If the Lady had earned a rest she was not allowed to take it and a week later was compelled to knock another two seconds from her best time. At this time John W. Linnehan, one of the gamest members of the horse- loving and horse-driving community became a member of the club and in behalf of his mare Lady Banker, which just then was enjoying the distinction of a hard race at South Weymouth without breaking in one of the heats, challenged Mr. Fitzgerald and the other Lady. The two came together on July 18. Walter Newbert drove Mr. Linnehan's mare which took the first heat, Lady Madison 40 TENNIE WARREN, bav trotting mare. By Wilton (2.19 1-4), darn Tennie G, by Robert McGregor (2.17 1-2), sire of Creseeus. ELSIE MAY, bay trotting mare. By Kennard (2.24 1-4), dam a Kentucky thoroughbred. Owned by D. W. Chamberlain. PARSON T AND DEACON B. A pair of family roadsters for which Deacon F. J. Brand has made several offers. Owned by Parson W. L. Terhune. 41 as usual on the first heat going to a break. The next heat was a fight to the finish and was only won, as it was reported, by "Lady Madison sticking out her tongue." Again did Lady Madison break and the other Lady easily won. The next two heats were won by Lady Madison, every inch, however, being fought. And again did she go home with the coveted ribbon. At a return match given October 10, 1901, the result was practically the same. Mr. Belledeu challenged in behalf of Ben H. late in the year but bad weather intervened and the race did not take place and Lady Madison was left in un- disturbed possession of the ribbon until April 10, 1902, when Mr. Haddock and Azote tried to win it but could not, Lady Madison being pushed no harder than 36 1-1. On May 15 of the same year she clipped four seconds off that gait but Mr. Brand and Princess Ebilo were there with something a little faster and the ribbon left the speedway tied on the tet- ter's bridle. The mare wore it home again on June 5 when a return match was made. The Princess was then sold out of the club the ribbon returning by the rules to the club. On October 23, Lady Madison the long time champion, and D. W. Sullivan's Belle Lome raced for the ribbon, the Lady having an easy win in 32 seconds. Later Mr. Fitzgerald drove her over the track just for fun in 30 seconds. For a time trotting for the champion- ship languished; then George A. French of Braintree, owner of India Panis, win- ner of many races, took up the gage, and on August 13, 1903, Lady Madison went down to defeat. On October 29 of the same year India Panis lost by forfeit through non-appearance to Susie F, the present champion. Mr. Stuart, owner of the mare, did not want the ribbon in that wa3 r but was forced to accept it under the rules. The ribbon was, however, found to be well bestowed as from that- time on, the gallant mare from Elm Hill has met all comers and has never suffered defeat. She met ' Mr. Hood's Camden Girl on April 19 and May 28, 1901, win- ning in straight heats each time ; defeated her old rival India Panis in straight heats on Nov. 3. and in what was one of the hardest fought and prettiest races ever seen on the speedway, defeated Dr. Tur- ner's Max G on Dec. 1, 1904. It took five heats to decide the event. Susie F took the first and the two last heats, and closed the year as the champion trotter of the speedway, the cup winner for the trotter winning the most blue ribbons, and with the record of a season's races without a defeat. THE PACING CHAMPIONSHIP. As one never thinks of the prize ring without thinking of "John L." or of base-ball without the peerless "Mike" Kelley, so veteran members of the Dor- chester Gentemen's Driving club think always of Landlord when speaking of the pacing championship. Landlord went down in honorable defeat first on a mile track and then on the speedway, but it took one of the best horses in the country to beat him, and for five years the grand old pacer was the king. The first race recorded for the pacing championship, although there was then no championship ribbon, was between Landlord and Dr. Gr on June 7, 1900, the latter being owned by Mr. Brand, later President Brand, and driven by Mr. Gallup. Landlord was an easy winner. On July 17 of the same year, Mr. Blaney, • with Randolph K,. tried conclusions with Mr. Young and Landlord, the latter winning in straight heats. The dose was repeated on October 18 of the same year with all the actors in their original roles. A week later Jesse Moulton and Rubsley G were after the president and his gelding. Result : three straight for Landlord. Another week and it was another "G," this time George G, owned by W. J. Fitzgerald and driven by "Ed." Gillies. George G went the way of the others. This was on Nov. 1, 1900. On Nov. 12 the club voted to give a pacing cham- pionship ribbon as well as one for trotters,, and the first race for the trophy took place on Nov. 22 between Landlord and Ned Winslow, the latter driven by his owner, Charles H. Belledeu. The race was one of the Closest ever seen on the speedway and thousands came to see it. Landlord won in" three straight, but was- forced to cut his record down to 31 1-1 seconds. Mr. Moulton had not got enough,. 42 ALBERT FELLOWS. HENRY M. SANDERS. DR. A. T. DAVISON. WILLIAM L. TERHUNE. 43 and on Christmas Day, 1900, again tried with Rubsley G- to carry off the ribbon. This was a hard fought race, each horse alternating with a heat, Landlord taking the odd and winning out. It was not until March 28, 1901, that Landlord was again called upon to defend his laurels, when G. W. D'Arcy, now first vice-president, with his pretty mare, Bon- nets o' Blue, essayed the feat. Bonnets o' Blue, took the first heat, Landlord going' to a break, but he was there with the goods for the next three heats. And yet again on June 20, 1901, Mr. Moulton put up Eubsley G to win the ribbon, but put John M. E. Morrill up behind the gelding to lift him to victory. Stanley Nichols tells of the "Rube" who tried to drink all the rum there was in Boston. He didn't succeed, but he "made 'em put the price up." Mr. Morrill did not win, but he "made 'em cut the time down." Landlord, however, won in three straight. Bonnets o' Blue tried it again on May 16 and again won one heat, but Landlord was again victorious. Just at this time, to show that he was no quarter-mile horse, Landlord won in straight heats in the free-for-all, mile heats, at Eeadville, in a race held under the auspices of the Jamaica Plain Driving club. Mr. Stuart, owner of Susie F, the champion trotter, was with his gelding, Dempsey, among those pitted against Mr. Young. No race ever created greater ex- citement on the track or was witnessed by more people. But Landlord's star was about to set. On August 28, 1901, at Eeadville, Mr. Belledeu with his pacer, Kentucky Star, with a record of 2.08 1-2 to sulkey and 2.09 1-4 to wagon, and which has since done the full mile at Eeadville in 2.03 1-2, raced Mr. Young and Landlord mile heats y and the latter was defeated in two straight, the Star's time time being 2.16 1-4 in each heat. On Labor Day following, at Eeadville, Landlord was badly beaten in the free-for-all. On October 2 the Land- lord-Kentucky Star race for the cham- pionship took place on the speedway, and although Landlord lowered his record two seconds on the quarter mile, there was the Star a little ahead all the time, and the pacing championship ribbon, so long and ably defended, passed into new hands. The time at this race was 29 and 29 1-4 for the quarter. The history of the ribbon since then is more varied and perhaps a little less spec- tacular. Mr. Belledeu forfeited to Mr. Bla- ney, who at first refused to take it in that way, but who under the rules of the club was compelled to accept it. He had challenged for Charlena. Mr. Blaney for- feited to Mr. Brand, who had challenged for Dr. G. The first struggle for the ribbon thereafter was on March 27, 1802, when Mr. Boutelle drove his mare, Baby Logan, to win against Dr. G (Mr. Brand driving) , five heats being necessary to de- cide. Mr. Linnehan's Budweiser, was the next horse to win the ribbon, the race tak- ing place April 24. Baby Logan was in bad condition and her owner drew her after the first heat. Budweiser's time as a champion was brief, as on May 8 Charles W. Arnold of Haverhill came over with his mare, Ida J, and won in straight heats. Baby Logan being by this time again in condition, Mr. Boutelle again challenged for the ribbon and was de- feated by the Haverhill contingent in 1, 2, 1, 1. Mr. Arnold later surrendered the ribbon to the club, and on Oct. 16 Bud- weiser and Mr. Barry's cup winner of the next year, W. W. Savior, contested for it, the judges deciding in favor of Budweiser, with some of the spectators a little skep- tical, so close was the match. At a re- turn match en Nov. 22 it was Budwieser 1, 1, 1. A year before, when Landlord won the ribbon and "Wilbur C. Littlefield owned the mare Beauty, a challenge for the ribbon was issued in behalf of the mare. The race did not come off, but C. C. Blaney, who had bought the mare, re- newed the challenge, and Budweiser again went clown in defeat, to slow music, how- ever, the fastest heat being in 33 and the slowest in 36 seconds. Little more was done in championship pacing in 1903. Beauty lost to W. J. Furbush's Mazie Sidney on April 2, and Mr. Linnehan at once challenged in be- half of his pacer, Eex. The race, half- mile heats, took place on May 14, and al- though Eex was defeated, lie made the Newton mare go in 1.05 to do it, Mazie Sidney again successfully defended the trophy on Oct. 22 against A. E. Kenney's Early Bird Jr., and was then sold out of 44 RICHARD AND GILLIS, Prize winners in Memorial Day parade, 1900. Owned by Dr. A. T. Davison. DOLLAR AND BILL, Prize winners in Memorial Day parade, 1900. Owned by Hon. Franklin L. Codman. 45 the club, the ribbon reverting to the club, same horses contested again, Eex losing The ribbon then lay, metaphorically, on the first and taking the next three heats, the table until Oct. 13, 1904, when Mr. A week later, or on Nov. 3, J. N. Terry Linnehan's Eex and Mr. Clarke's Gladys came on the scene with Checkers and won M raced for it on the Mattapan speedway, against Rex in straight heats, but lost the former winning in straight heats. A again on Nov. 10, Rex losing, as usual, week later Rex and Mr. Blaney's Charlena the first two, but taking the next three fought it out, five heats being necessary heats. The season of 1904 closed with the to decide. Rex lost the first two and won trophy in the permanent possession of Mr. the last three heats. A week later the Linnehan as owner of Rex. 4U A QUARTETTE OF HONORARY MEMBERS. CAPT. CHARLES W. HUNT, Station 11, Dorchester. HOX. ALPHEUS SANFORD. *-, ' EX- ALDERMAN JOSEPH I. STEWART. EX- COUNCILMAN GEORGE 0. WOOD. 47 THE FRANKLIN FIELD SPEEDWAY, The active fight for a permanent speed- way for Dorchester and vicinity began on May 14, 1900, when a hearing was given representatives of the Dorchester Gen- tlemen's Driving club by the Boston board of park commissioners, relative to a track on the Talbot Avenue side of Franklin Field. The petition, signed by 2000 men, including such well-known horsemen as John Shepard and the late John M. Forbes, was presented by S. Howard Mil- dram, then councilman for Ward 24, and an active member of the club. The fight ended on Thanksgiving day, 1904, when with a drizzling rain overhead and several inches of mud underfoot, a long proces- sion of prominent men and women in natty rigs, led by a tally-ho and brass band, started from Codman square, and, reaching the new speedway via Washing- ton street, Columbia road, Blue Hill and Talbot avenues, formally dedicated the speedway to the public use. An interest- ing program of races had been prepared by Walter E. Newbert, chairman of the racing and speedway committee, but neither the weather or the track would permit of their being pulled off. But the indefatigable "Little Japs" of the Dor- chester Gentlemen's Driving club had won their five years' campaign and entered the hard-won mud as their proto- types a few months later entered the hard-won Mudken, with flying colors. Two or three days after the first hear- ing in 1900 the board of park commis- sioners unanimously passed an order set- ting off a strip of land for speedway pur- poses, providing the city council would vote an appropriation of $25,000 for con- struction purposes. Opposition began at once, some of the daily newspapers treat- ing the matter lightly, and at least two of them coming out in strong editorial op- position. The Boston Herald for Jan. 17 editorially estimated the first cost of the speedway at $210,000, with no pro- vision for annual maintenance, and the necessary land at nearly one-quarter of the playground. These attacks were kept up and citizens and even high school boys were asked to protest in written com- munications, which were published. Hearings were held before the finance committees of the board of aldermen and common council, but an item of $25,000 for construction was included in the loan bill, was signed by Mayor Hart late in 1900 — and then the board of park commis- sioners promptly rescinded its vote and asked that the money be devoted to other uses. The story of the fight need not, and in fact hardly can be, told in detail. It en- tailed hopes and discouragements, prom- ises kept and promises broken, an appro- priation made and unspent, but looked at with hungry eyes for a score of pur- poses; attempts to divert it to other uses, and "backing" and "filling" for five years. The contention was that the city's' money should not be spent to make a race track for a few, and that if racing were permit- ted, spectators would be bowled over by the flying horsesTike nine-pins. The ad- vocates, the horsemen and others, replied that so far as danger was concerned there- was none; that every kind of sport was provided for at the expense of the tax- payers, largely at the expense of horse owners, as a man who can afford to own one or more fast horses for pleasure driv- ing is necessarily a man of substance; that no place was provided for the horse owners' amusement; and that, with all the miles of bicycle tracks and automobile roads, and riding horse tracks, and all the acres of tennis courts and football grounds, and baseball grounds, and golf links, all the baths and gymnasiums, everything that pertains to outdoor or indoor athletics, a quarter or three- 48 BEN G (with his mascot). ch< By Ben Franklin, clam by Justin MorgE v Curler Clay. Dam Grev Kit bv sou of Lewiston Boy. Owned by Hollis P. Gallup. 99 AKTICLE VII. Section 1. Any member who shall allow his clues to remain unpaid until said dues shall amount to $10, shall be notified by the secretar} r , and if not paid within fifteen days from the date of said notice, his name, together with the amount due the club, shall be posted in the club room, and remain posted until paid. Provided, however, that any mem- ber who does not pay said dues in thirty days after being posted shall be suspended from membership. Sect. 2. A member suspended for non- payment of dues or assessments from this Club cannot again become a member until all arrearages are paid, and not then un- less the Club agrees thereto, as laid down in Article III., Section 3. AETICLE VIII. A quorum shall consist of eleven (11) members. AETICLE IX. Duties of Officers. Section 1. The President shall pre- side at all meetings of the Club; decide all questions of order subject to an appeal to the Club ; shall call a special meeting up- on the written request of seven (7) mem- bers, or when he may deem it advisable; shall appoint an Auditing Committee of three (3) members in good standing, who shall audit the books of the Club and re- port the findings of the same to the Club at the first regular meeting in January. Sect. 2. The first Vice-President in the absence of the President shall preside and shall perform all duties as the laws and rules enjoin. Sect. 3. The second Vice-President in the absence of the President and the first Vice-President shall preside and perform all duties that the laws and rules enjoin. Sect. 4. The Secretary shall keep a correct account of all receipts of the Club ; collect initiation fees, dues and assess- ments, and shall pay all money received by him over to the Treasurer, taking his receipt therefor; notify the members of their arrears, and issue all necessary no- tices. Sect. 5. The Treasurer shall receive all money of the Club, giving a receipt therefor; pay all bills of the Club ap- proved by the Finance Committee; shall keep a correct account of all money re- ceived and paid, and shall make a report of the same when requested by the Club. Sect. 6. The Directors shall have the general superintendence of the convertible property of the Club. They shall invest in such securities as the Club may direct and such sums as the Club orders to be drawn from the Treasury for that purpose. They shall have the custody of all securities of the Club for money loaned or invested. They shall collect or realize all such sums where so directed by the Club. They shall collect all interest and rents or other money arising from such investments be- longing to the Club and pay the same to the Secretary and shall have the general control of the Club. - Sect. 7. The Clerk shall keep a record of all meetings; read the records of the previous meeting;, read all communica- tions and bills, and all applications for membership. Sect. 8. The Pacing or Speedway Committee shall have charge of the rac- ing; look after the track; see that proper judges are appointed for race days. They shall make up the classes and purses, and. submit the same to the Club for approval at least two (2) weeks before the meeting is to be held. Sect. 9. The ' Membership Committee shall examine the standing of all parties proposed for membership and report to the Club or Directors. The acts of all Committees shall be subject to the ap- proval of the Board of Directors. AETICLE X. Section 1. These by-laws after adop- tion can be amended only by a two-thirds (2-3) vote at a meeting, notice of which shall be sent to each member of the Club thirty (30) days previous to said meeting, stating the article or .articles to be amended. Sect. 2. When not conflicting with these by-laws, this Club will be governed by Cushing's Manual. AETICLE XL Section 1. Any member directly or in- directly connected with entering a horse out of his class, upon conviction thereof shall be expelled from the Club and shall lose all monev and interest he has in the 100 WARD A. MARSH. FREDERICK L. WALKER HON. EDWARD B. CALLEXDER Honorary Member. ALBERT C. HALEY. 101 Club; and further, all horses entered in Club races shall be owned by and in pos- session of members entering the same. Sect. 2. Members must drive their own horses in all Club races when it is possible to do so, or they must get some other member of this Club who is not a jDrofessional to drive for them. Sect. 3. Members must be in good standing at the time of entering their horses in Club races. ARTICLE XII. All races given by the Club shall he gov- erned by the rules of the National Asso- ciation, except otherwise advertised. ARTICLES GOVERNING CONTEST FOR CHAMPIONSHIP RIBBONS ARTICLE I. The ribhons shall be known as the "Perpetual Championship Ribbons." ARTICLE II. All challenges for the same to be made through the chair, at the regular weekly meetings of the club. ARTICLE III. It shall be optional with the holder of the ribbons, when challenged, whether they shall race the first or second Thurs- day following said challenge. ARTICLE IY. A man losing a Championship Race shall have the first privilege of challeng- ing the winner at the first regular meet- ing thereafter, and in case no such chal- lenge is issued a third party may chal- lenge, but no two horses shall race more than twice for the Championship until a third horse shall have raced for the Ribbon. ARTICLE X. An owner losing two out of three races shall not again be permitted to challenge with the same horse, until the expiration of three months from date from his last race with the holder of ribbon, unless by consent of the Racing Committee. ARTICLE XL Should the holder of ribbon, through unavoidable cause, be unable to race on the day specified, he shall notify the starter by twelve o'clock on the day pro- ceeding, the cause thereof; and, if in two weeks from the challenge he be still unable to race, he shall forfeit the ribbon to the challenger and abide by Article IV. ARTICLE AIL Should the challenger be unable to race in the day specified, he shall he governed by Article VI. ARTICLE VIII. The holder of a Championship Ribbon must deposit the same with the starter upon the day of a race. ARTICLE IX. In order to obtain a Championship Ribbon a match must he made and a Race take place when said Ribbon is in the possession of the Club. ARTICLE N. Any matters for discussion arising not specified in the preceding Articles shall he referred to the Racing and Speedway Committee. 102 SUNNY .TIM 02.92 1-4). Iwv pacing geldinj Owned by A. T. Wheelock. SUNRISE, bay pacing gelding. By Abbott Wilkes, dam Kitty" by Ben Morril Owned by E. S. Harris. 10£ ROSTER. Ames, Fred, 41 Pembroke Street. Babcock, H. C, Norwood. Balkam, Dr. R. W., 113 Central Avenue, Hyde Park. Baker, Edward, 634 Exchange Building, Boston. Barry, E. W., 294 Eighth Street, South Boston. Barry, H. R., 131 Kingston Street, Boston. Bates, W. J., Scituate. Belledeu, C. H., Roslin Street, Dorchester. Bellows, F. H., 1293 Massachusetts Ave- nue, Boston. Berrigan, E. W., 192 Neponset Avenue, Dorchester. Berry, J. N., 367 Neponset Avenue, Dor- chester. Bickford, H. S., 632 West Park Street, Dorchester. Biggs, D. M., 115 Marsh Street, Dorches- ter. Blaney, C. A., 981 Morton Street, Dorches- ter. Blaney, C. C, 981 Morton Street, Dorches- ter. Blaney, Percy C, 981 Morton Street, Dcr- chester. Boutelle, W. P., Chester, Vt. Bradley, D. J., 46 Oak Avenue, Dorchester Brand, F. J., 4 Melville Avenue, Dorches ter. Bresnahan, T. A., 176 Humboldt Avenue Roxbury. Briggs, H. C, 112 East Elm Avenue, Wol laston. Brine, R. S., 43 India Street, Boston. Brown, A. M., 2004 Dorchester Avenue Dorchester. Brown, H. T., Jr., 80 Washington Street Boston. Brummett, Wm. M., 49 Holborn Street Roxbury. Burnes, John J., 26 Willis Street, Dorches ter. Cahill, Morris J., P. O. Box 201, Hingham Carey, James F., 260 Freeport Street, Dor Chester. Casey, J. M., 166 Ashmont Street, Dor- chester. Cavanaugh, Charles, Braintree. Chamberlain, D. W., 826 Shawmut Avenue, Boston. Chamberlain, Frank, 131 Federal Street, Clark, Henry S., 6 Montague Street, Dor- chester. Clarke, Randolph K., 72 Lincoln Street, Cleary, John G., 1536 Tremont Street, Roxbury. Colburn, Sidney, 90 Federal Street, Bos- ton. Collins, E. F., 31 Way Street, Boston. Conlon, Thomas J., 26 West Concord Street, Boston. Cook, H. B., 1175 Harrison Avenue, Rox- bury. Costello, J. A., 516 Talbot Avenue, Dor- chester. Cushman, L. N., 291 Congress Street, Bos- ton. Dannahay, J. W., 23 Exchange Street, Dor- chester. DArcy, George W., 49 Dix Street, Dor- chester. Darling, J. H., Natick. Davison, Dr. A. T., 394 Washington Street, Dorchester. Delano, E. H., 34 Chauncey Street, Boston. Denn, E. P., 14 Edwin Street, Dorchester. Desmond, D., 12 Quincy Avenue, Quincy. Donnally, J. J., 16 Churchill Place, Dor- chester. Doyle, D. F., 263 Freeport Street, Dor- chester. Dugan, John, 124 Emerson Street, South Boston. Edwards, Justin, 283 Franklin Street, Bos ton. Eilers, Diedrich, 17 Montague Street, Dor Chester. Eldredge, F. S., 3 Angell Street, Dorches ter. Estabrook, W. J., 717 Dudley Street, Dor Chester. Fellows, Albert, 1870 Dorchester Avenue Dorchester. Fennell, John, Virginia Street, Dorchester Fitch, R. S., 79 Milk Street, Boston. Fitzgerald, Hon. John F., 15 School Street Boston. Fitzgerald, Peter J., 281 East River Street Hyde Park. Fitzgerald, Wm. J., 58 Norton Street, Dor Chester. Fleming, M. E., 769 Tremont Street, Bos ton. Forgie, John R., 10 Merchants Row, Bos ton. Foster, Capt. Ira C, Washington street and Burt Avenue, Dorchester. French, Geo. A., So. Braintree. .Furbush, A. J., 200 Washington Street, Brighton. Furbush, Fred C, Newton. Furbush, W. J., 64 Chestnut Street, West Newton. 104 ALBEKT A. STEWART. OIEDRICI-I KILERS. GEORGE E. IIILDRETH. CARLETON H. MORSE. 105 Gallup, H. P., 148 Welles Avenue, Dorches- ter. Galvin, T. R., Braintree. Gillies, E. M., 413 Highland Avenue, Som- erville. Gleason, W. L., 22 Federal Street, Boston. Goodnow, E. L., 100 Boylston Street, Bos- ton. Gore, Fred S., 1016 Adams Street, Dor- chester. Gore, Oscar J., 135 East Cottage Street, Dorchester. Grant, W. W., 31 Otis Street, Boston. Graves, George A., 35 Hawkins Street, Boston. Greenwood, G. H., 56 Melville Avenue, Dorchester Griffin. George E., 175 Ashmont street, Dorchester. Guild, Frank O., 705 Boylston Street, Boston. Gushee, A. S., 92 Fuller Street, Dorches- ter. Haddock, E. O., 1 Cheney Street, Rox- bury. Haley, A. C, 23 Broadway, South Boston. Haley, Joseph A., East Braintree. Hamlin, F. W., 24 West Street, Boston. Hanley, E. A., 78 North Street, Boston. Harrington, M. E., 8 India Square, Boston. Harris, B. A., 181 Portland Street, Boston. Harris, E. S., 203 South Street, Boston. Harris, S. C, 217 Friend Street, Boston. Harrison, M. C, 922 Tremont Building, Boston. Haven, H. A., 784 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston. Henderson, Frank, 46 Cottage Street, Hyde Park. Hennessey, P. W., Wilber Street, Dor- chester. Heustis, F. A., Angell Street, Dorchester. Hildreth, George E., 19 Richmond Street, Boston. Hinds, C. L., 17 Brent Street, Dorchester. Hirtle, S. L., Wollaston. Holmes, A. D., 12 Maple Street, Hyde Park. Hood, John, 178 Tremont Street, Boston. Hopkins, Edward L., 362 Broadway, South Boston. Hugo, George B., 147 Shawmut Avenue, Boston. Hunt, W. D., 30 Warren Street, Brook- line. Hudson, J. W., 14 Nott Street, Hyde Park. Irving, Robert H., 34 Ridge Road, Hyde Park. Jenness, Richard, 26 Mather Street, Dor- chester. Jewett, C. M., Readville. Johnson, George, 41 Pembroke Street, Boston. Keeler, A. H., 29 Ruhland Square, Boston. Keith, Cary, Wollaston. Keith, Havelock, Wollaston. Kellar, George K., 1323 Washington Street, Boston. Kenney, A. E., 95 Beverly Street, Boston. Kenney, Thomas J., 877 Washington Street, Boston. Kerr, Neil T., 87 Stoughton Street, Dor- chester. Linnehan, J. W., 185 Fort Hill Square, Boston. Loughlin, Joseph, Station 11, Dorchester. Mahar, E. T., South Braintree. MacBride, George W., 11 Tonawanda Street, Dorchester. Mahon, A. C. 778 Dudley Street, Dorches- ter. Mandell, C. M., 10 High Street, Boston. Marsh, Ward A., 26 Welles Avenue, Dor- chester. Marzynski, Samuel, 55 Esmond Street, Dorchester. May, J. Walter, P. O. Box, 2466, Boston. Meehan, Thomas F., 845 Tremont Building, Boston. Merritt, Arthur, 32 Custom House Street, Boston. Morgan, Ernest H., 43 Robinson Street, Dorchester. Morrill, J. M. E., 24 Alpha Road, Dor- chester. Morris, A. L., 109 Green Street, Jamaica Plain. Morrison, W. L., 169 Glenway Street, Dorchester. Morse, C. H., Hillside Terrace, Dorchester. Morton, A., 13 Avon Street, South Boston. Mosser, Jacob, 89 Elm Hill Avenue, Rox- bury. Moulton, W. J., 47 L Adams Street, Dorches- ter. Mt^>^(^r§?^($y , ^f$y^^?^?^^ "The Best Gase in T M HUGO'S BOTTLING VIENNA BEER PAVONIA o1b rfa R STERLING ALE Tel. Tre. 313 GEO. B. HUGO & CO. 143-151 SHAWMUT AVE. 4 t^wH^»t^w^» w£w w£w i/^Hjp v$. <^y t^. t^v ^w^w w^w ^jy t£w <^i> tjy w^> t^w^w w|. ^w<£wi£w(£w(£u^uw<^wj(£w 133 DO YOU WANT A PIANO? We have nearly all the Highest Grade riakes to select from. Terms made to suit purchaser. WOOD PIANO CO., 180 Tremont Street. .::■ ":ii '::■:?: J?:' 5: i;:S~" HELGAMITE, bay pacing mare. (Former pacing champion of the speedway). By Mount Arion. Owned by Fred H. Bellows. 134 SfceQuincy EUROPEAN PL JIN. 500 ROOMS. F. L. ROBBINS Brattle Street, Boston, Mass. Telephone Connection. JAMES FOEGIE'S SONS, 19-20 South Market St., Boston. Horsemen should see our special Harness. Price $37.50. !3o HARDING Uniform and Regalia Co. 211 Tremont Street BOSTON, MASS. Connected by Telephone RHODES BROS. CO. Importers and Receivers on Commission U D WHOLESALE and RETAIL 438 to444 Tremont St., 170 to IY4 MassoGtiusetrs 256 to 260 warren St. (Rox. Dist.) BOSTON J. J. SCARRY MEN'S OUTFLTTER FIELD'S CORNER AGENT FOR Lamson & Hubbard Hats Nesmith Shoes Lamson $ Hubbard HATTERS and FURRIERS FOR MEN and WOMEN 90 to 94 BEDFORD STREET (cor. Kingston) 229 WASHINGTON STREET BOSTON, MASS. H. P. GALLUP oardin@[& Sale Stable HORSE CLIPPING BY POWER COAL AND WOOD 141, 143 Wells Avenue, 17, 19 and 21 Barnes St. ASHflONT, DORCHESTER Telephone Connection. REFERENCES NOTARY PUBLIC Judg- Joseph R. Churchill Charles R. Batt, Cashier Nat'l Security Bank LONG DIST. Tt-LE. A. M. JOHNSON Real Estate, Mortgages and. Insurance 1453 DORCHESTER >V\"E. 9 Years' Experience in Real Estate 16 Years' Experience as a Builder BOSTON 136 C. H. Batchelder & Co. MANIM'Al'Tl'KKIJS III' Flags, Tents, Awnings And All Kinds of Canvas Goods COTTON DUOK From 1 to 12 Feel Wide 234, 236, 238, 240 STATE STREET, BOSTON Tel. Rich'd 1575 Canopies To Let for Weddings, Receptions, Etc J. A. Dill Telephone No. 7-3 JESSE A. DILL & CO. Caterers ano Confectioners Weddings, Lunches and Private Parties a Specialty Member Boston Chamber of Commerce Member National Hay Association 494 Main Street Melrose, Mass. Telephone Con. W. H. Crowell & Co. QR0QER5 1463 DORCHESTER AVE Cor. Charles Street ESTABLISHED 1891 UPHAIW'S CORNER 5TABLE CO. W. D. VERGER, Manager Hack, Boarding and Livery Stable 767 DUDLEY ST., DORCHESTER Day and night Tel. 34S-2 Dorchester FORD B. STROUGH Commission Merchant and Wholesale Dealer in Hay and Straw Orders taken for delivery at all points through New England. A good assortment on all markets in Bos- ton. Fancy hay for race track use a specialty. 31 McLellan St. cor. Blue Hill Aye. BOSTON, MASS. Connected byTelephoiie J. B. L. BARTLETT Auctioneer. Real Estate and Insurance room 530 old south bldg. BOSTON Telephone: 636 Main 188-2 Milton ESTABLISHED 1862 R. & E. F. GLEASON Undertakers # Embalmers OFFICE AND WAREEOOMS 335 Washington St., Near Harvard Dorchester District BOSTON TELEPHONE 790 DORCHESTER 137 JOHN F, bay pacing gelding Owned by W. I. Estabrook. IF CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS, ...THEN HAVE THE... Dirt, Buffalo Bugs, Etc., Taken out of your Carpets, Rugs, Etc . WE take them up, clean them, lay them and return them on order. We do the cleaning in a superior manner, at a low price, too. Superior facilties for storage without charge to old customers. Established 1865. By our process we thoroughly remove all dust, dirt, moths and other impurities from carpets, leaving them bright and clean. Dorchester Carpet Cleaning* Works, ARTISTIC AND THOROUGH UPHOLSTERY OF EVERY KIND. W. A. HUEBENER, 159 GRANITE AVENUE, TELEPHONE CONNECTION 138 DORCHESTER. DORCHESTER AWNING CO. MANUFACTURERS l H AWNINGS I DORCHESTER AWNING Co. j Water I'roof Horse and Wagon Covers, Tents, Flags, Piazza Curtains, etc. Wedding Canopies To Let. Awnings Taken Down and Stored 309 Hancock St., cor. Dorchester Ave. (Glover's Corner) Telephone 32 Dorchester Dorchester, Mass. Dorchester Stable Co. K. E. TERRY, Prop. HACK, BOARDING and LIVERY STABLE Horses Bought, Sold and Exchanged Special Attention Paid to Shoeing Telephone, 351-3 Dorchester 631 WASHINGTON ST., DORCHESTER S. A. CLEAVES Plumbing and= = Heating.. General Jobbing of all kinds 631 Washington Street DORCHESTER Telephone 272-3 Dor. Buy Your Hardware of a Member a^grfoft St. £<"^fe? ^3 \SSata! Bosrort \gBjl J. D. PACKARD & SONS DEALERS IN First Quality Carriage Horses Exclusively High-Class Saddle and Harness Horses, care- fully selected, thoroughly acclimated, perfectly mannered and ready for immediate city use. 7 1-2 CHARDON STREET, . . BOSTON, MASS. and Brighton Avenue, Allston Telephone, 226 Haymarket 139 R. J. WILLIS PIANOS Polished, Tuned and Repaired ANTIQUE FURNITURE Restored to its Original Appearance FLOORS Repolished at Short Notice DINING TABLES Polished Not to Mark Entire time devoted to this kind of work. 366 Washington St , Dorchester Telephone connection. A. T. WHEELOCK TEAMSTER and FORWARDER STAND, CITY SCALES SOUTH MARKET ST. Telephone, 178 1-2 Richmond F. S. ELDREDGE Choice Family Groceries Best Flour and Fancy Butter a Specialty 191 HAMPDEN STREET Dorchester trade especially solicited and personal attention given to the same. Goods delivered daily. Strictly fresh eggs received daily from hennery. SEND ME a postal if you have any furniture you wish uphol- stered, carpets cleaned or mattresses made over. Steam Carpet Cleaning GEORGE S. DUTHIE UPHOLSTERER 866 Washington Street, Dorchester Joseph I. Stewart Real estate DEVELOPMENT OF INVESTMENT AND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY A SPECIALTY CONCERT, DANCING and LODGE ROOMS TO LET, WITH ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES Stewart Building, Geneva Avenue DORCHESTER, MASS. Thone 1 102-5 J. E ROBINSON 1432 Dorchester Avenue DORCHESTER Hay and Grain Wholesale and Retail KILN DRIED Kindling Wood Kiln Dried Hard Wood, sawed and split 12 inches Ions'. Sawed Slabs. Sawed Edg- ings. Oak. Maple and Hickory for fire- places. 20 bushels kiln dried kindling wood, 2 to 6 in. long, for $2.00. All goods at lowest ruling prices. FARWELL BROTHERS 303 Dorchester Street, South Boston Telephone 126 So. Boston «S=-Orders by mail promptly attended to. 140 j^»^^tV ^ ^W ^^ ^% ^^H^| ^ ^ "%< N^ yin \ T. W. LANE AHESBURY, HASS. ESTABLISHED IN 1874 NO. 1 2 1 ROOSEVELT STANHOPE ONE OF FORTY UP-TO-DATE STYLES OF Fine Light Carriages Solid Cushion and Pneumatic Tirts used A large Stock on hand. Ordered Work a Specialty ftiaHj^^frhfr*^^^* I l*v'Wi*> ^^»rf ^ fc<* M> i^*^» MW yi 141 This is a straight steer CLEAR LAKE JUTE II. The Grand Champion Steer of 1904 International Live Stock Exposition. Weight, 1,870 lbs. Price, $36 per Cwt. Value, $673.20. This is the class and breeding of die cattle which we cut. These cattle when dressed produce style, shape, quality and color. GARLAND & SON DEALERS IN Provisions, Groceries, Fish and Vegetables 663=665 Washington Street DORCHESTER This is another straight steer llflllll « ImH ~~~- ■ - ;: '-■;'.s|j; INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION BULLOCK CHALLENGER. Sold for $26 per Cwt. Exhibited by the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. White's Food FOR LIVE STOCK PRICES 25-50-100-200 lb. PacKages 6c. per lb. THIS IS WHAT IT DOES It cures the Heaves It prevents Colic It invigorates the Nerves It clears the system of Worms without physicing It prevents legs from stocking It regula+es brain force, which ; s manifested by driving It adds lustre to the coat and eye It gives the horse command of his natural func- tions We Say 't is not an unnatural stimulant, which you must continue to use or your animal fails We Claim It restores Natures grand equilibrium, and the horse is restored to his natural vigor and usefulness Don't Tlirtl the Horse Out But use White's Food and you will have your old driver back on his native heath White's Food prevents fermentation and aids digestion and saves your horse We know White's Food prevents Colic of which we have undeniable proof. If you don't believe it try it. No Horse has BlacKwater that Eats 'White's Food We assert that this Food Has and will Cure the Heaves in Horses All Germ Diseases are the Enemy for our Steel OAKLAND FARM. South Portsmouth, Rhode Island. White Food Co., Taunton, Mass. Gentlemen : — Please send me 100 lbs of your Whites Food, I can't get hold of anything better. Yours trulv, CHAS. H. WILSON, Mgr. The following are a few who use and endorse " White's Food " A. G. Vanderbilt, Oakland Farm, C H. Wilson, Mgr., Newport, R. I. F. J. Brand, President Dorchester Driving Club. R. S. Fitch, Treas. " J. W. Linnehan, " R. K. Clark, E. O. Fitch, J. Frank Howland " Geo. G. Hall, Adams House, Boston, Mass. Wm Byers, Newton Col. Isaac L. Goff, Providence, R. I. J. Howard Ford, Stony Ford, N. Y. W. R.Janvier, N. Y. John S. Larhey, Cambridge City Ind. Hon. J. M. Johnson, Calais Stock Farm, Breeder of Sadie Mac Chas. Whittemore, Lookout Stock Farm, Home of May King W. N. Burgess, E. Lynne Stock Farm, Home of Lynne Bel B. H. Whitely, White River Stock Farm, Home of Advertiser W. J. White, Two Minute Stock Farm, Home of Star Pointer James Hanley, Providence, R. I., Home of Prince Alert WHITE FOOD CO. 223 Cohannet Street, Taunton, Mass. 144 NORRIS BROS. DEALERS IN Choice Groceries and Provisions, Butter, Cheese and Eggs. FANCY TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY. 587 to 593 Washington St., - DORCHESTER. ^^3,];^^ INCORPORATE* 1 900 THE FENSMERE COMPANY, L. E. BEDELL, Manager, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WIHES JLKTD LIQUORS. STERLING ALE, VIENNA and PAVONIA BEER. FINE FAMILY TRADE A SPECIALTY. BOSTON, MASS. Ladies Entrance, 5 and 7 Dundee St 202-204 Massachusetts Ave., and 1-3-5 and 7 Dundee St. Albert Fellows GROCER and Tea Dealer 1872 Dorchester Ave., Ashmont DORCHESTER, MASS. Tel. Dorchester 54-2 A. S. CUSHEE DEALER IN Pure, Fresh Milk&Cream From His Own Herd of Inspected Cows No. 92 Fuller St. NEW DORCHESTER W. M. ROBINSON Hay, Grain and Poultry Food Adams and Park Streets DORCHESTER J. C. TALBOT Staple and Fancyi Groceries 1157 Washington Street DORCHESTER Branch Store: ASSOCIATES' BUILDING, MILTON. Established 1815. 145 It is worth something to you to know where you can get your prescriptions filled by careful, reliable men — men who realize the responsibility of their position and employ registered pharmacists as their assistants. We make cost a secondary consideration when preparing for the sick. 3 STORES CONNOLLY & DAVIS D R U G G IS TS DOR C H E S T E R 3 STORES RYAIV BROS. GROCERS and IMPORTERS Tel. 691 Dorchester 1096-1098 DORCHESTER AVENUE, NEAR SAVIN HILL DORCHESTER, MASS. D. J. Cutter & Company TELEPHONE CONNECTION GOAL AND WOOD WHARF: COMMERCIAL POINT 420 FREEPORT STREET DORCHESTER D. DOHERTY, DEALER IN COAL and WOOD 2 64 Freeport St., Near Harrison Sq. DORCHESTER DISTRICT. Orders by Telephone, Dorchester 13 l t or by mail, will receive prompt attention. KING'S STABLE M. A. NEVENS CO., Proprietors Boarding, Livery -AND - Sale Stable First Class Teams to Let by the Day or Week BEST OF FEED AND CARE FOR BOARDING HORSES 138 WORCESTER STREET Formerly at 72 Northampton Street BOSTON, MASS. Telephone Connection 146 ESTABLISHED 1870 W. P. WHITTEMORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN HAY anJ2 GRAIN 1232 Dorchester Avenue, (Glover's Corner,) Dorchester TEL. 88-4 DOR. Mills, Elevator and May Sheds at Mt. Hope Station, Roslindale P. O., Mass. TEL. 422-3 J. P. 3371 Washington St., Jamaica Plain. Tel. 422-2 J. P. Storage Capacity— 100,000 bushels of Grain, IOOO tons Hay, Notary Public Justice of the Peace Geo. O. Wood REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGES, INSURANCE 31 MILK STREET, BOSTON 207 Adams St., Fields Corner, Dorchester TELEPHONE CONNECTION references: Hon. William Claflin, Ex-Gov., and Vice-Pres. International Trust Co. Edward D. Bliss, Brighton Savings Bank. E. M. K1GGINS CODMAN SQ. PHARMACY. Washington St., cor. Talbot Ave. DORCHESTER, MASS. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. GRANITE STATE MARKET GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Cor, PARKMAN ST. and DORCHESTER AVE. W. E. WATTS C. H. STEELE LET US DRESS YQTJ Fred H. Bellows Gentlemen's Tailor TWO STORES 181 Tremont Street, Boston 125 Circuit Avenue, Cottage City Rain Coats Sporting Goods PRIVATE DINING ROOMS TELEPHONE 21310 ROXBURY Undent Zavcxn POTTER'S HOTEL GEORGE M, POTTER, PROP., 2143 AND 2145 WASHINGTON ST, BOSTON EDW. J. McCORMICK REAL ESTATE, AUCTIONEER and INSURANCE 1447 Dorchester Ave-, Field's Corner, DORCHESTER, MASS. Telephone Connection. 147 home: of HELGAMITE (F. H. Bellows) ADA WILKES (J. F. Currier) GENEVIEVE (J. E. Swendeman) CHESTNUT (Geo. L. Johnson) BECKY THISBE (J. E. Swendeman) CHIME BELLS (Geo. P. Leonard) QUEENIE (Fred Ames) BABY J. (George D. Jewett) GOLDIE (A. M. Newbert) ANABEL W. (H. C. Jackson) PERCY B. (F. L. Robbins) ARMELLA (H. C. Jackson) LA GAZELLE (F. O. Guild) PANDORA (H. C. Jackson) CARRIE V. (F. L. Robbins) SADIE WILSON (W. B. Hawkins) CUTICLINE (F. E. Kimball) CARRIAGES FURNISHED FOR ALL OCCASIONS Stable Open Day and Night 35-45 PEMBROKE STREET BOSTON Branch Offices and HUNTINGTON AVENUE s WEST NEWTON ST. Carriage Stands at | and TRINITY COURT TELEPHONES: 1151, 1152, Tremont HAVE YOU USED THEfl? WHAT? Pike's Solus Veterinary Remedies Blister Liniment White Mountain Salve Health Powders Fever Cure Thrush Cure Colic Compound Wart Destroyer Hoof Oil ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THEM OR WRITE TO THE flANUFACTURER HENRY L. PIKE, Lexington, hass. Send for sample order. y^P Satisfaction guaranteed. 148 Folg'er (& Drummond High Grade Carriages AMESBURY, MASS. No. 265 BEVERLY. No. 250 CUTUNDER RUNABOUT. *"^s-& M^ TOri HIS BIRTHPLACE CrLDELLCbCU Contracting Builder and Interior Finisher OFFICE AND STORE FITTINGS, COUNTERS, DESKS, CASES SHELVING, ETC., A SPECIALTY 5 Province Court, BOSTON TELEPHONE, BOSTON, 14-26 II 817-823 824-830 THE Telephone 375-2 Roxbury A nil Telephone 375-2 Roxbury ¥ Dorcbeeter Savinge Bank 5ft« COLUMBIA ROAD (Columbia Sq. Building) BANK HOURS: 2 to 7 P. M. Saturdays 2 to 9 P. M. President, FREDERICK L. WALKER Vice-Presidents, I W. W. WHITMARSH 1 BENJ. B. WHITTEMORE Treasurer, GEO. W. BRADFORD Clerk, FRANK M. WHITMAN ===== BOARD Of TRUSTEES ===== = HENRY G. ALLBRIGHT, L - AUSTIN BASSETT, GEORGE E. FROST, J. B. L. BARTLETT, GE0 - w - BRADFORD, GEORGE A. HIBBARD, LAWRENCE J. LOGAN, H - w - BURKE, MENRY S. MacPHERSON, GEORGE B. PHIPPEN, BENJ. B. WHITTEMORE, ALBERT A. STEARNS FREDERICK L. WALKER, EDWIN S. WOODBURY, WM . W- WHITMARSH. GEORGE A. HIBBARD, Treasurer FRANK T. MASON, President HERBERT W. BURR, Secreiary Hibbard & Mason Incorporated ♦ . . Gailore . . . 414 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, MASS. A Few Doors North of Summer Street Telephone, Oxford ^-jq 151 THE BOULEVARD STABLE 460 BLUE HILL AVENUE, (GROVE HALL,) — ROXBURY.— S. WALTER WALES, PROPRIETOR. HACK AND BOARDING STABLE. Telephone Connection. RALPH W. BALKAN!, M.D.Y. VETERINARIAN 46 Warren Avenue phone HYDE PARK, MASS. HYDE PARK 138-3 Telephone 146-3 Dorchester Established 1802. J. H. UPHAM & CO, (E. P. UPHAM.) GROCERS UPHAM'S CORNER, DORCHESTER, MASS. Six Days in Every Week we give demonstrations of the advantages of paying cash for provisions at the CORNER GASH MARKET 1442 DORCHESTER AVENUE E. BANKS &. CO. H. R. CRANE & CO. Funeral Directors, Undertakers and Embalmers WAREROOHS: 1857 Dorchester Avenue, Ashmont. Cor. Talbot Ave. and Norfolk St., Dorchester. Telephone — Dorchester, 666-4 Milton (night) 68-4 Residence — 51 Van Winkle St., Dorchester. 152 DORCHESTER 1 . Mutual Fire Insurance Co., | INCORPORATED 1855. BOS1X)IV, JS? J& MASS. THE HOME OFFICE. FIFTIETH ANNUAL STATEMENT. JANUARY 1, 1905. Amount at Risk, $37,809,990.00 Cash Assets, 507,409.07 Deposit Notes, 627,581.17 Available Assets, 1,134,990.24 Total Liabilities, 338,543.29 Cash Surplus, 168,865.78 Gain in Surplus in 1904, 7,458.47 Gain in Assets in 1904, 35,012.93 Losses paid in 1904, 103,055.43 Dividends paid in 1904, 68,294.25 Receipts in 1904, 244,429.85 Disbursements in 1904, 228.975.58 DIRECTORS. THOMAS F. TEMPLE, President and Treasurer. W. D. C. CURTIS, Secretary. W. D. C. Curtis. Thos. F. Temple. J. B. L. Bartlett. Laban Pratt. Clarence Burgin. Chas. T. Gallagher. Sarell J. Willis. ♦ ± ♦ i ♦ ♦ © 4 e ♦ e e ■4- © © ♦ 9 ♦ ? t '»+©+©+»+#+©+#+#+#+©+»+©4 ©♦©+©+©+♦♦•♦©♦♦♦•♦©♦©♦♦♦© »©+♦♦•♦©♦ •♦# 153 *t#p. I i DobcHACT^ TELEPHONE 607 B^jB: NOTARY PUBLIC MAIN 4-4-9-5 DORCHESTER HORSE Locate his lameness with Dr. Roberts' Chameleon Oil Cure him with CHAMELEON OIL OFFICE 37 DOVER ST, And at all Dealers H. B. COOK Hack, Boarding and Livery Stable <& * 46 Warren St., and U 75 to 1179 Harrison Ave. The best of care and personal attention paid to Boarders and all orders connected with the business. Telephone 959-1 Roxbury GEO, W. MacBRIDE Hotel ; Restaurant and Steamship Supplies Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Beef, Lamb, Poultry and Game 15-16 DOCK SQUARE. BOSTON, MASS. Telephone Connection THE BOSTON REGALIA CO. Horse Show Prize Ribbons (Prize Badges for this Club furnished by us) Flags, Banners and Prize Ribbons for Coaching Parades, etc. THE BOSTON REOALIA CO. 38T WASHINGTON STREET BOSTON, MASS. 154 These Carts Are Ideals For Training And Matinee Cart No. 7. Price $66. This is the latest production of the cart maker's skill. Very Simple. Very Strong. Nearly as fast as a sulky. Has comfortable leather seat. Cart No. 3. Stock Color, Carm Fitted with high back cus Mud Boot and a Foot Rac pet, which is removed in for Speeding. Easy Riding, Beautiful Finish. WE FURNISH CARTS MILLER CART CO. GOSHEN, N. Y. Family Wine {Store CONDUCTED ON THE Bass' Ale and Guinness' Porter In Quarts and Pints. King's Bohemian Food Beer and Van Nostrand's P. B. ALE and PORTER, In Halves, Quarters and Cases. Highland Spring Sterling and XXX Ales And McCormick's India Pale Ale In Halves and Bottles. California Wines of all Kinds from $1 to $2 a gallon. JOHN J. HAGERTY £> CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers 1404 Dorchester Ayenue, Field's Corner Dorchester. Telephone 233-2 Dorchester Van NostrancTs P. B. Ale On Draught. 155 BEST OF PRINCIPLES. KENTUCKY PRIVATE STOCK PURE ROURBON AND RYE WHISKIES Matured in the wood and of the highest type of excellence. ALL GOODS DELIVERED EREE I Henry 5. Harris & Son \ 9 Importers and Wholesale Dealers in 1 Harness, Horse Clothing, \ Saddles, Stable Tools, Etc. I 134-148 Portland and 83 nerrimacSts. S a J Benj. A. Harris BOSTON, MASS. 6 Near North Union Station (J .-4 EDWIN 3. DAVIS DEALER IN Hay, Grain, Coal and Wood 467 BLUE HILL AVENUE GROVE HALL ROXBURY, MASS. Sales Agent for the Union Coal Company, . . Boston Orders from Quarter ton upwards delivered Direct from Wharf. Personal attention given to orders for Winter Supplies. TELEPHONE 972-3 ROXBURY N. T. KERR DEALER IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS 8T Stoughton St. Telephone, 156-4- Dorchester James Lyons Ales, Wines Liquors f^f Cigars Glover's Corner, Dorchester 156 Hotel Belleclaire Broadway and 77th St., New York gjggp*' Seventh Avenue, Amsterdam Avenue, and West 130th Street Cars pass the door. gjcgp"' Subway Express Trains two minutes walk from the Hotel. g@^° Ten minutes from City Hall. §£j§P* Luxurious Rooms for permanent or transient guests. Restaurant a Feature Exquisite Palm Room Art Nouveau Cafe Royal Hungarian Orchestra "Most Artistically Beautiful Hotel in the World." Can offer a few single rooms, with hath, beautifully furnished, suitable for two people. $60.00 per month. TRANSIENT RATES One Room, with bath $2.50 per day. Parlor, bedroom, with bath $3-00 and $5.00 " " Parlor, two bedrooms, with bath $5.00 and $7.00 (( 6( Every improvement known to modern ingenuity. Write for our magazine, "The Hotel Belleclaire World." Sent free. Affability and courtesy guaranteed from every employee. MILTON ROBLEE, Proprietor, 157 Telephones * Z Dorchester 1167-3 ANY TIME ANY WHERE The H. fl. White Funeral Establishment 728 Dudley Street, Upham's Corner, DORCHESTER, HASS. MRS. WHITE— Lady Assistant and Embalmer R. H. BILLINGS Apothecary FIELD'S CORNER, BOSTON, MASS. FRED H. BELLOWS. Fred H. Bellows, one of the gamest and sportiest members of the Dorchester Gentle- men's Driving Club, and who has "hung up" a $50 suit of clothes to be given to the member winning the most points in races for the season of 1905, is the well-known gentlemen's tailor at 182 Tremont street, Boston. Mr. Bellows came to Boston un- known about 13 years ago and without influence other than energy and merit has succeeded in building up one of the most lucrative businesses in his line. He has a very large theatrical and professional trade and is always in the forefront as regards fashions. He has monthly importations of both goods and fashion-plates from the principal European centres, and patrons always know that they can be accommo- dated with the most extreme styles if it is their desire. The manufacturing is done on the premises under the personal supervision of Mr. Bellows and his able assistants. This fall the entire third floor at 182 Tremont street has been leased by Mr. Bellows who is thus better equipped for trade than ever. Rain coats and sporting garments are among his specialties. Mr. Bellows is the owner of Helgamite, the beautiful little pacer, one- time champion of the Dorchester speedway and many times a blue ribbon winner, whose picture appears elsewhere in these columns. THE 21 West St., Boston LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER Headquarters for high grade photographs of all kinds, also lUater Colors, Sepias, Ivory miniatures and Porcelains Out door views of every description The photographs for the Member's portraits in this book were taken by Elmer Checkering. 158 INDEX MISCELLANEOUS. Page Charter 3 Dedication 4 Blue Ribbon Races— 190(1. 6; L901, 10; 1902, 16; 1903, 22; 1904, 28 Readville Races — June 18 and Septem- ber 3, 1900, 8; September 21, 1901, 12; June 17 and September 1, 1902, IS; June 17 and September 7, 1903, 24; June 17 and September 5, 1904, 32; June 17, 1905, 34 Presentations — Cup for C. L. Young and Landlord, 16; Watch for S. Walter Wales, 60; Chair for A. S. Gushee, 62 Notable Events — Elks' Carnival at Combination Park, July 30 and August 4, 1900; Free-for-All at Readville, May 30, 1901; Remarkable Perform- ance of Silkey (Eldredge) at Com- bination Park, June 27, 1901; Handi- cap and other races at Combination Park and South Weymouth, 36 The Trotting Championship 40 The Pacing Championship 42 History of Franklin Field Speedway.. 48 Ladies' Nights, Banquets, etc 54 Club Poems— "Horse Talk at the Club, 54; "Horses on the Boulevard," 56; "A Winter's Morning," 58 Public Parades 64 "Evolution of the Racer" (Young's Story) 70 Trinket 74 Kentucky Star 76 Race between Kentucky Star and Land- lord 78 Race between Dr. G. and Vondell 82 Jewett 82 Biographies 84 Constitution and Rules 98 Roster 104 The Easy Club 110 PORTRAITS. Ames, Edgar J 127 Balkam, Ralph W 97 Barry, Henry R 19 Bedell, L. Edward 118 Bellows, Fred H 31 Berrigan, Edward W 97 Blaney, Cyril C 15 Brand, Frederick J 11 Brummett, William M 39 Burr, Herbert W 125 Callender, Hon. Edward B 101 Chamberlain, Frank 127 Clark, Henry S 125 Clarke, Randolph K 9 Codman, Hon. Franklin L 125 D'Arcy, George W 7 Davison, Archibald T 43 Denn, Edward P 23 Eilers, Deidrich 105 159 Page Eldredge, Fred S 19 Kales, fienrgo A Farwell, Frederick W 124 Fellows, Albert 43 Fitch, Robert S 7 Fitzgerald, John F 83 Fitzgerald, Peter J 15 French, George A :;!i Gallup, Hollis 23 Galvin, T. R 31 Gore, Fred S 27 Greenwood, George H 7 Gushee, Almond S 7 Haddock, Edgar 19 Haley, Albert C 101 Hamlin, Frank W 35 Harrington, Martin E 117 Harris, Ezra S 121 Haven, Hiram 121 Hawkins, William B 115 Hildreth, George E 105 Hugo, George B 83 Hunt, Charles W 47 Jenness, Richard H 121 Johnson, George L 127 Keith, Carey 97 Kenney, Alphonsus E 9 Kenney, Thomas J 35 Linnehan, John W 23 Mahon, Allan C 83 Mandell, Charles M 39 Marsh, Ward A 101 Marzynski, Samuel 35 Morgan, Ernest H 27 Morrill, John M. E 15 Morse, Carlton H 105 Mosser, Jacob 7 Nevens. Mellen A 121 Newbert, Alonzo M 117 Newbert, Walter E 19 O'Leary, Frazier L 97 Pfingst, Louis 27 Potter, George M 118 Richardson, Edward G 27 Robbins, Frank L 127 Robinson, Frank H 117 Rowan, John F , 118 Sanders, Henry M 43 Sanford, Alpheus 47 Shepard, John Stewart, Albert A 105 Stewart, Joseph 1 47 Strough, Ford B 117 Stuart, J. Rollin Jr 9 Sullivan, Denis W 23 Swendeman, Joseph E 83 Swett, Edward B 31 Terhune, William L 43 Terry, Joseph N 31 Wales, S. Walter n Wales, S. Walter Jr 35 Walker, Frederick L 101 Wheelock, Adna T 9 White, William H 118 Page Wolfson, Solly 39 "Wood, George 47 Young, Charles L 11 OUR HORSES. Ada Wilkes, J. F. Currier 126 Alice B, W. B. Newbert 79 Alice R, A. C. Mahon 81 Allan Belle, R. D. Van Namen 109 Ashmont, H. P. Gallup 71, 116 Azote, E. O. Haddock 79 Baby Logan, W. P. Boutelle 25 Becky Thisbe, J. E. Swendeman 51 Belle Lome, E. W. Berrigan 59 Ben G, H. P. Gallup 49 Betsey, J. W. Dannahy 59 Bob Fitz, H. P. Gallup 99 Bonnets O'Blue, G. W. DArcy 13 Boralma and Senator L, John Shepard 73 Billy, H. M. Sanders 69 Brick Wilkes Jr., E. B. Swett 33 Budweiser, J. W. Linnehan 33, 73 Camden Girl, John Hood 37 Captain Hall, A. S. Gushee 61 Charlena, C. C. Blaney 93 Charlie King, A. T. Wheelock 109 Checkers, J. N. Terry 57 Chestnut, G. L. Johnson 126 Dimple, J. W. McEnany 119 Dollar and Bill, F. L. Codman 45 Don Wilkes, F. H. Robinson 29 Dr. G, F. J. Brand 85 Early Bird Jr., A. E. Kenney 89 Easy Club, The Ill Elsie May, D. W. Chamberlain 41 Ethel's Pride, John Shepard 114 Etta Powers, T. R. Galvin 91 Forgie, James' Sons 135 Frank H, F. W. Hamlin 122 Fred, Samuel Marzynski 93 Genevieve, J. E. Swendeman .85, 132 George K, Jacob Mosser 55 George Robson, P. W. Hennessey 87 Gladys M, R. K. Clarke 13 Goldie, A. M. Newbert 132 Governor Bodwell, D. W. Sullivan. .113, 124 H. P. G., Ashmont, Nagaina 116 India Panis, G. A. French 51 Jewett, J. M. E. Morrill 25 Helgamite, F. H. Bellows 75, 134 Joe King, F. J. Brand 53, 63 John F, W. I. Estabrook 138 Kentucky Star, C. H. Belledeu 95 King Princeps, E. P. Denn 49 Kitty R, Patrick O'Hearn 129 Lady Madison, P. J. Fitzgerald 17 Lady Wentworth, E. P. Denn 77 Page Lampton, Henry Wood ". 91 Landlord, C. L. Young 95, 99 Lorette Cook and Elyol Worth, Ford B. Strough 120 Maggie Hal, G. M. Potter 113 Maggie Hal and Major, G. M. Potter.. 120 Max G, M. A. Nevens 128 Minute Man, The, Benjamin Pope 130 Mowitzer, John Hood 37 Mrs. Jack, A. C. Haley 119 Mutineer, C. C. Blaney 55 Ornament, C. H. Morse 57 Pander, J. W. Linnehan 122 Parson T and Deacon B, W. L. Terhune 41 Percy R, F. L. Robbins 87 Phil and Johnnie, W. B. Hasty 116 Polka Dot, Benjamin Pope.. 130 Polyphema, R. W. Balkam 65 Prince G, G. H. Greenwood 89 Prince Wilkes, C. H. Belledeu 65 "Rastus," R. K. Clarke 107 Reno K, J. W. Linnehan 21 Rex, Albert Fellows 61 Rex, J. W. Linnehan 21 Richard and Gillis, A. T. Davison 45 Rondo, S. Walter Wales 67 Rob B, M. A. Nevens 128 Roy Wilkes, Solly Wolfson 75, 124 Rubsley G, H. P. Gallup 71 Sadie Wilson, W. B. Hawkins 115 Sanford L, T. A. Bresnahan 69 Senator L, John Shepard 53, 73 Sir Rocket, F. W. Hamlin 122 Stanley Guy, F. S. Eldredge 107 Stonymeade 130 Sunny Jim, A. T. Wheelock 103 Sunrise, E. S. Harris 103 Susie F, J. R. Stuart Jr 17 Tennie Warren, D. W. Chamberlain .... 41 Tom Reed, F. J. Brand 81 Tomah H, F. W. Hamlin 122 Trinket, A. S. Gushee 77 Wilkesbrino, G. A. Fales 129 W. W. Saylor, H. R. Barry '. 29 ADDITIONS TO ROSTER. Alden, George A., Quincy House, Boston. Bedell, L. Edward, 202 Massachusetts Ave- nue, Boston. Brown, Charles R., 136 Rossiter Street, Dor- chester. Currier, John F., 19 Seaverns Avenue, Jamai- ca Plain. Hawkins, William B., 440 Washington Street, Boston. Sandberg, A. G., 36 Faulkner Street, Dor- chester. 160