DON'T MISS the first day, it ■will be one of the best, begin- ning at 1 1 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 20th, with the sale of Sol B. 2 :10%, followed byXRay,2:ll& Balmy L., 2:12, C. C. Jerome, D. J. Cameron, Highland Stock Farm and other great consign- ments. Mable Onward. 2:11 %, and Phoebe Onward, 2:12^. Nos. 55 and 56, will be sold about 3 :30 p.m. the first day. Succe e di n g days sales begin promptly at 10 o'clock a.m. Catalogue of the First Combi nation Sale of Fine Horses : at the Union Stock Yards Amphi theatre : Chicago : Illinois November 20-21-22-23 : 1900 under the management of the Chicago Horse Sale Company ( Incorporated ) JOHN DREW See page 74 City Office: 79 Clark Street Opposite Court House Telephone: Central 2757 Palmer L. Clark, President Judson G. Sherman, Treasurer W. W. Van Sant, Secretary GENUINE BARGAINS in Trotters and Pacers -with and without records, fit to campaign, for matinee, road, park, show ring, family, business, carriage and sad- dle use, for breeding and all other purposes. Good horses attract good buyers Auctioneers : L. H. Bean J. L. McCarthy YOUR PARTICULAR ATTENTION is called to Nos. 221, 222, 223, in this catalogue. Note their condition and the manner in which they will show in the ring when offered for sale. If you contemplate consigning stock to future sales I have good box stalls in comfortable stables at Wheaton, Illinois, near Chicago, easy for buyers to get to, and with the good roads and my ex- perience, am in a position to take stock on liberal terms, fit them for the next sale and show them in the ring. For terms, particulars, etc., see or address OSCAR AMES WHEATON, ILLINOIS I will be in constant attendance at the sale and refer to any member of the firm Chicago Horse Sale Co. (INCORPORATED) Palmer L. Clark, Pres, Judson G. Sherman, Treas. W. W. Van Sant, Sec'y. SALE OF Track, Road and Superior HORSES November 20, 21, 22, 23, 1900, Commencing first day at 11 o'clock A. M. and promptly at 10 o'clock A. M. on following days. NEW DEXTER PARK AMPHITHEATRE, Corner Forty-second and Halsted Streets, UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO, ILL. Drovers Journal Print, Chicago. CONDITI OINS O F SALE. This sale is for cash, 25 per cent to be paid immediately after the animal is sold, or the sale may be declared void at the option of the seller. The balance of the purchase money must be paid or secured the same day, or the 25 per cent will be forfeited as an agreed pay- ment of damages. Pay the cashier in all cases. In no case must any part of the pur- chase money be paid direct to the consignor by the purchaser, as such payments will not be valid or entitle the buyer to obtain stock. After payment of the 25 per cent, the purchaser should at once ex- amine the animal, and if any warranty or representation is challenged, the matter must be reported to the managers, who shall have the sole right of appointing the person who is to make examination in order to determine whether the animal fulfills the conditions of the represen- tations or warranty, and the decision of the person so appointed, and no other, shall be binding upon both the consignor and the purchaser, and it is agreed that no legal liability shall be involved by us from either party in consequence of such decision. All warranties must be tested and decided before delivery of the animals to the purchaser. After full payment and delivery of the animal is made, the buyer assumes full ownership, together with all risks, and no statement or warranty of seller can then be challenged. On final payment for an animal the cashier will issue an order which must be presented by the buyer to the stable manager for, delivery of the horse. Buyers are cautioned not to lose these orders. Pur- chasers assume all expense on animals incurred after the day they purchase. Age, height, marks, speed and other matters of that character are approximated by the consignor and are not guaranteed unless ex- pressly so announced. We endeavor to verify records and have them authentically stated, but bidders should examine for themselves, as the catalogue state- ments may be in error. Where animals are stated as standard it does not imply that they are registered, but only that they are qualified for registration. The consignor is the responsible party for all representation, which we in no way guarantee but will endeavor to have correct. In case of typographical or other errors, if discovered, the auctioneer will announce them and a memorandum of such corrections shall take precedence from the printed matter in the catalogue; buyers are ther efore cautioned to pay attention to the auctioneer's announcement. We act as agents only and shall endeavor to protect the interests of both seller and buyer. The highest bidder will be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the animal in dis- pute shall be immediately put up again for advance bids; if there be no advance, then the animal shall go to the person from whom the auctioneer recognized the last bid. CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO. RECORD HORSES Consigned Up to Time of Going to Press, October 25, Moronial, p 4 2:10 Franklin . 2:10i SolB.,p 2:10£ Cephas 2:lli XRay, p 2:11* Mabel Onward 2:111 Greenlander 2:12 Balmy L., p 2:12 Aggie Medium 2:12i Phoebe Onward 2:12i May Alcott . 2:12£ Rotha J., p 2:12* George T., p . . 2:13* Edith Wilkes, p 2:13* Abbott Hill, p 2 :14± Tom Martin, p 2:14i Olesa, p 2:15 Major Ewing 2:15£ Normeda 2:15£ Joymaker , 2:153- Spice 2:16i Ed Cloud, p 2:16i Bedford Girl.... 2:16i Grace Greenlander 2:18i Judge Flask, p 2:19± Straight Ticket 2:21i Louise Patchen 2:21i Miss Huckins .- . 2:22 Frank Hayes, p 2:22i Nina V 2:22i Virginia 2:23i Fitzgerald, p 2:23i Alpha 2:23* Tom Curtis, p 2:23f BenH. G., p 2:24i Airy 2:24i Jolly Go, p. 2:25 Lord Linton 2:25i Jurash 2:26i Happy Dan 2:26i Ritta 2:26£ Honduras 2:28i Halsted. 2:29i Rebecca H 2:29i Dorris 2:291 Witch Hazel 2:30 TO OUR PATRONS. Contrary to the usual custom, we will commence the sale promptly at 11 a. m. Tuesday, Nov. 20, with the great pacer Sol B., 2:101; a horse that looks up as well in the year books as any pacer ever cam- paigned. He is absolutely sound and looks like the best horse in the country in his class. Look him up in the year book, come to the sale, buy him and you will own a money winner. The next horse sold will be X Ray, pacer, 2:1 H; and we will sell many a good one on the first day, including Mabel Onward, 2:llf, the fastest trotter alive in her class; Phoebe Onward, 2:12i; Aggie Medium, 2:12£; Spice, 2:16i; George T., pacer, 2:13i; Balmy L., pacer, 2:12, etc. It is the intention of the management to make the first day a big day and equal to any in the sale. We are fortunate in having many good ones for each day's program.and horses so good that the buyers will not become weary in waiting for an occasional choice one. Sale will commence Wednesday, Nov. 21, and followings days promptly at 10 a. m. Under no circumstances will we sell horses out of their regular turn in the catalogue. Every horse will be sold according to num- ber. In this way we are certain to please both buyers and sellers more than if we should shift things about to please some select few. CHICAGO HORSE SALE COMPANY. CONSIGNED BY H. Walker^ Freeport, 111. No. i. SOL B. Eecord (p), 2:10£. Chestnut stallion; foaled 1892. Bred by G. W. Dement, Dixon, 111.; owned by H. Walker, Freeport, 111. By BESSEMER 0194. Record (p), 2:13i. Sire of Be Sure (p), 2:06f; Sol B (p), 2:10£; Ted (p), 2:22£; Minnie Bessemer (p), 2:28i, and grandsire of five, including The Admiral (p), 2:07£; Insure ( p), 2:18i; Kid McCoy (p), 2:221. Son of Voltaire, 2:20i (sire of Bessemer (p), 2:13i, etc.); dam by Concord, son of Lexington (sire of dam of Ansel, 2:20, etc.), and second dam of Sunol, 2:08i; Jay Eye See, 2:10, etc.); second dam Kate, by Joe Hooker 185 (sire of Maud Macey, 2:271, etc. ) 1st dam Nelly, by Autocrat, Jr. 24674. dam of Sol B. (p.), 2:10tf. Sire of dam of Sol B. (p.), 2:10V 2 ; The Merchant (2), 2:20; Image (3), 2:19, etc. DAVENPORT, IA., Aug. 15, 1899. Purse. $500—2:12 class, pacing. Sol B., ch. h., by Bessemer 112 1 Lord Roseberry, b. h., by Roseberry 8 7 1 2 Young Joe, br.g., by Joe Young 4 2 3 6 Charley Fewell, b. h., by El Mahdi. . fc 3 4 5 4 Jonas, b. g., by Junius 2 5 7 7 Lord Simrall, ch. g., by Don Pizarro 7 3 4 3 Byzantine, b. m., by Onward 5 6 6 5. A. R., ch. h., by Game Onward 6 dist. Time— 2:10y 2 , 2:10*4, 2:10*|, 2:10&. This is only one of many great races. Look him up in the year books. Owner's Statement— Sol B. is a perfect horse. In disposition ne has no equal. The gamest race horse that ever lived; sound as a hound's tooth. A lady can drive him. As a race horse he can win money. He has started in twenty-two races and won money twenty- two times, and his mark of 2:10£ is several seconds slower than what he can do. Sol B. was never trained by a professional — always owned by men of wealth who drive for pleasure, and in the hands of gentle- men Sol B. has got his mark of 2:10£. Give this horse a chance and he will pace miles as fast as any horse that lives. If you want a race horse, buy Sol B. If you want a matinee horse, buy Sol B. If you want a road horse, buy Sol B., and remember this, horsemen, $15,000 will not buy a horse that can beat him down the road when in con- dition. He wears only his harness and five-ounce shoes all around. I bought Sol B. and this season he has served forty- two fine bred 6 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE mares and worked all the season in the exhibition business. I started him in the free-for-all race at the Freeport fair in September which he won, pacing three heats in 2:14, or 14 and fraction, driven by a man weighing- 225 pounds over a track 3 to 5 seconds slow. To show you how good he was, he beat Hartford, Jr. Has gone several miles this season better than 2:08. The man that buys Sol B. gets a perfect horse — in my opinion one of a million. Sol B. is all and more than I claim for him. A stallion, standard and registered, and will drive with a mare as quietly as a gelding. No. 2. X RAY. Record (p), 2:lli. Roan gelding; foaled 1893. Bred by Ed Pope, Jersey ville, 111.; owned by H. Walker, Freeport, 111. By FRANCIS WILKES. Son of Dumas 2669 (sire of Wiggaletta (p), 2:10£; White Dumas (p), 2:14£; Alexander Dumas (p), 2:15i; Fanny Dumas (p), 2:15|, etc.), by Onward 1411 (sire of Beuzetta, 2:061; Pearl Onward (p), 2:06£; Gazette (p), 2:07£; Colbert (p), 2:07£; Colonel Thornton (p), 2:09i, etc.) 1st dam Nelly Rar, by Untraced. Dam of X. Ray (p), 2:liy 2 . j Owner's Statement— In offering X Ray for sale I feel that I am ■elling the fastest pacing horse that ever looked through a bridle, and I am confident that X Ray in the hands of a clever trainer will pace a mile close to the 2:00 mark. I saw X Ray get his mark of 2:11£ and beat Riley B. and do it so easy that the impression of all horsemen present was that he could have stepped the mile in 2:05 or better, had he been driven out. The last two seasons X Ray has been working guideless and has stepped some very fast miles, and he is the only horse I ever heard of that can step quarters in :28. He does not wear hopples in racing. The marks on him have come from wearing hopples when working guideless. Two workouts will put this horse in raoing condition, and remember this, horsemen, X Ray is the best racing proposition in America to-day in the 2:12 class. I have driven X Ray single and double on the road, hitched with Sol B. Few men would care to ride as fast as these two horses can go. I sincerely trust some good man will get this horse and try for the world's record with him. My only reason for selling is that I am go- ing out of the show business and will sell all my stallions and geld- ings. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. CONSIGNED BY F. M. Walker^ Aredale, Iowa. No, 3 . major McGregor. Bay gelding; 15.3 hands; foaled 1894; Bred and owned by P. M. Walker, Aredale, Iowa. By EARL McGREGOR 9257. Record 2:2U. Sire of Yellow Jacket, 2:14^; Molly McGregor, 2:291; Earl McGregor, Jr., 2:30. Son of Robert McGregor, 2:17i (sire of Cres- ceus, 2:04, etc.).; dam Leona, by Bay Billy, by Ira Allen 180 (sire of Ripon Boy, 2:25) ; second dam Star, by Cassius, 398. 1st dam Snip, Black Hawk Morgan and Copperbot- tom stock. Owner's Statement— Major McGregor is a typical McGregor in conformation and finish, and has as much speed as any horse with equal chances. Give him your attention in the sale ring and he will show you just what he is. He looks like a great prospect, and I will let him show for himself at time of sale. No. 4 - COLONEL HENDERSON. Brown gelding; 15:3 hands; foaled 1896. Bred and owned by F. M. Walker, Aredale, Iowa. By CHIEF JUSTICE. Record (p), 2:31. Son of Tom Hal Jr. 16934 (sire of Hal Pointer (p), 2:04£, andgrandsire of Star Pointer (p),l:59i, etc.); dam Lady Su- perior, by General Hardee 16187 (sire of dams of Marion G. (p), 2:10; Bessie Hal (p), 2:191; Elk Tom (p), 2:17; Roy H. (p), 2:18i, etc.) 1st dam Gyp, by Rinaldo 14588, Sire of Dude, 2:20M, and 3 other stand- ard performers. Son of Mambrino Pilot 29 (sire of Hannis, 2:17%, etc.); dam Lottie Lee, a great brood-mare, by Herman D. Patchen, by Ned Patchen, etc. 2d dam Snip, Black Hawk Morgan and Copperbot- tom stock. Owner's Statement— Colonel Henderson is just nicely broken to drive, single and double, and I think he is as good an indi- vidual as will be in the sale. He is good gaited, promises speed, and will show for himself. CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 5. CORPUS CHRISTIE. Black gelding-; 15.3 hands; foaled 1895. Bred and owned by F. M. Walker, Aredale, Iowa. By BUTLER BOY. Son of Mambrino Boy 844 (sire of Rockley Boy, 2:13i; Jack, 2:18i; Rhoderick Dhu, 2:20, ten others, and dams of Allerton, 2:09i; Ax- tell (3 yrs), 2:12; New York Central, 2:13£; St. Vincent, 2:13i; Silena F., 2:14£, and thirty other standard performers). 1st dam Flora Merrill, by Merrill, (Thoroughbred. ) Owner's Statement— Corpus Christie is a horse of grand con- formation, superb finish, and is nicely gaited. Is a great road horse and would also make a superior saddle horse. Like the rest of my consignment, he will show for himself in the sale ring. No. 6. BUD CROOK. Bay gelding; 15.3 hands; foaled 1896. Bred and owned by F. M. Walker, Aredale, Iowa. By CHIEF JUSTICE. Becord (p), 2:31. Son of Tom Hal, Jr. 16934 (sire of Hal Pointer, 2:04i, etc., and grandsire of Star Pointer (p), l:59i, etc.); dam Lady Superior, by General Hardee 16187 (sire of dams of Marion G. (p), 2:10; Bessie Hal (p), 2:191; Elk Tom (p), 2:17; Roy H. (p), 2:18i, etc.) 1st dam Snip, Black Hawk Morgan and Copperbot- tom stock. Owner's Statement— Bud Crook is double-gaited, but think he will make a fast trotter. He is just nicely broken, has natural speed, and I think you will like him when you see him in the sale ring. . No. 7. BIRDY MAGOOGAN. Bay mare; 15.1 hands; foaled 1893. Bred and owned by F. M. Walker, Aredale, Iowa. By JOE WALKER. Grandson of Milwaukee 603 (sire of Adelaide, 2:18, etc.) 1st dam Flora Merrill, by Merrill, Son of Waller's old Merrill (thor- oughbred). Owner's Statement— Birdy Magoogan is a handsome mare and a good one. Has a perfect disposition; is safe for family use, and I think, safely in foal to The Prelate 4035 (sire of dams of Bob Fitzsimmons (p), 2:074; Alpha W. (p), 2:08, etc.) OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. CONSIGNED BY E. A. KNOWLES, Palatine, 111. No. 8. AMBLE W. Dark bay mare; 15. 2i hands; foaled 1894. Bred by E. E. Wood, Plainfield, 111.; owned by E. A. Knowles, Palatine, 111. By ALTA BOY 7073. Record 2:26i. Son of Billy Wilkes 2938 (sire of May Marshall (p), 2:08J; Mary Marshall, 2:12-£, etc.); T damPlocee, by Louis Napoleon 207 (sire of Grace Napoleon, 2:14£; Jerome Eddy, 2:16£; Charles Hilton, 2:17£, etc.); second dam Mambrino Babe, by Mambrino Gift, 2:20 (sire of seven and dams of Sphinxetta (p), 2:08i, and fifteen other standard performers). 1st dam Nora Clifton, Record 2 :34^. by Elector '10830. Record 2:21M- Sire of Edwin C. (p), 2:15; Molly McCauley (p), 2:16%. Son of Electioneer 125 (sire of Arion, 2:07%; Sunol, 2:08^; Palo Alto, 2:08%, etc.); dam Lady Babcock, a great brood-mare, by Hambletonian 725 (sire of Graves, 2:19, etc.) 2d dam Jenny Clifton, by Whipple 8957. Sire of Glaucus, 2:27*4; Retta, 2:28%, and dams of Chesterfield (p), 2:1134; George W. McKinney, 2:14*4; El Molino, 2:20, and 5 other standard performers. Son of Hambletonian 725 (sire of Graves, 2:19, etc.); dam Maria Mink. Owner's Statement — This is a very choice, perfect mannered, handsome and fast young pacing mare that will show for herself in . the sale ring. She will demonstrate that she has great speed, and she is perfectly safe for any one to drive. Her buyer will own a race mare if he handles her for speed, and if he uses her on the road he will drive one of the most perfect mares ever foaled. 10 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE CONSIGNED BY Thomas Mitchell, 4:451 Halsted St., Chicago, 111. No. 9. BERELITE. Standard and Registered, Vol. 15. . Bay mare, 15.2 hands; foaled 1897. Bred and owned by Thomas Mitchell, Chicago, 111. By BERNAL 13468. Record 2:24, rejected record 2:17, and sire of Aria (3), 2:16f, and two other standard performers. Son of Electioneer 125 (sire of Arion, 2:07f; Sunol, 2:08£; Palo Alto, 2:08|, etc.); dam Rebecca, a great brood-mare, by General Benton 1755 (sire of dams of Sunol, 2:08i; SurpDl, 2:10, etc.); second dam Clarabel, a great brood-mare, by Ab- dallah Star; third dam Fairy, by Hambletonian 10 ( sire of Dexter, 2:17i, etc.); fourth dam Emma Mills, by American Star 14 (sire of dams of Guy, 2:101, etc.) 1st dam Baroniletta, 2d dam Actress, Sister to Triumph (3), 2:29%. by Baronial 9009, Record 2:2o l / z . Sire of Moronial (p), 2:10; Fielder, 2:23%, and 5 other standard performers. Son of Baron Wilkes, 2:18 (sire of Bumps (p), 2:03%; Oakland Baron, 2:09%; Baron Rogers, 2:09%, etc ); dam Sunset, by Strathmore 408 (sire of Strathmeath (p), 2:10%; Minuet, 2:13, etc). by RiCHWOOD 5323, Record 2:36^. Sire of Jenny, 2:18H, and 9 other standard performers. Son of Hambletonian 10 (sire of Dex- ter, 2:17%, etc.); dam Hoe Mare (dam of Ridgewood 10358), by "Wilson's Sir Henry; 2d dam by Crocker's Eclipse. by Cassius M. Clay, Jr. 22. Record 2:35%. Sire of Durango, 2:23%; Henry Clay, 2:23%; 2 others, and dams of Chehalis (p), 2:04%; Del Norte (p), 2:08; Folly, 2:15, and over 50 other standard performers. Son of C. M. Clay 18; dam by Abdallah 1; 2d dam by Lawrence's Eclipse (thor- oughbred). 4th dam Puss, by Mohawk. Owner's Statement— Berelite is a very handsome young mare and as good gaited as any trotter. She has had but very little hand- ling, but has great natural speed and will show that she is the mak- ing of a race mare on the day of sale. Her dam is a very fast mare. 3d dam Belle Clay, Dam of Claytonia, 2:24»4; Bertha, 2:274, and Triumph (3), 2:29%. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 11 Her sire is also a fast horse and has demonstrated his ability to trans- mit great speed. If this filly is fortunate enough to get into good hands she is certain to develop wonderful speed, for she is very resolute, likes to trot and will show as much natural speed as any one ever saw in a sale ring. CONSIGNED BY George Theyson, La Crosse, Wis. No. 10. GEORGE T. Record (p), 2:13£. Brown gelding, 16 hands, foaled 1892. Bred by C. L. Hood, La Crosse, Wis; owned by George Theyson, La Crosse, Wis. By DECORAH 5577. Record, 2:26f. Sire of George T. (p), 2:13i; Cora B, 2:18i; Don- castro, 2:24i; Ben D, 2:24i; Decorah, Jr., 2:24i. Son of Mambrino Patchen 58 (sire of London, 2:20£; 24 others and grandsire of Lord Derby, 2:07; Nightingale, 2:08f; Walter E., 2:10, etc.) Dam Hattie Allen, by George Wilkes 519 (sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13£, etc.); second dam Danish Girl, a great brood mare, by Honest Allen 169. 1st Dam Augusta, Dam of George T. (p), 2:13M- 2d dam Gusta, by Hamdallah 2917, Sire of Lebbeas I. (p), 2:13^; Fan- chon, 2:19i4; 26 others, and dams of Minnie Birchwood, 2:11; Vyzeoff, 2:15; Birchtwig (p), 2:08^, and 6 other standard performers. Son of Hamlet 160; dam Trotting Sister (dam of Nephew 1220), by Abdallah 15 (sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2:14). by Alcantara 729, Record 2:23. Sire of Moth Miller (p), 2:07; Lightning, 2:11; Oscar L. (p), 2:08^; Sir Alcantara (p), 2:09M; Alar, 2:11; Rensselaer Wilkes, 2: 11%; Arena, 2:11%; 125 others; dams of Heir-at-Law (p), 2:05%; Early Reap- er, 2:09&; Charlie Hayt (p), 2:07%; Prince Regent, 2:1654; ^Egon (3), 2:18J4, and 40 other standard per- formers. Owner's Statement — George T. is a good looking horse who shows his breeding at sight, and he is also a grand road horse, as he is thoroughly city broken, absolutely fearless and has a great burst of speed. He is one of the kind that will show for himself in the sale ring, and should attract the attention of parties who are looking for choice material. 12 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. ii. JUDGE FLASK Record (p), 2:19i. Black gelding; 15 hands; foaled 1894. Bred by Wm. Fitzgerald, Cresco, Iowa; owned by George Theyson, La Crosse, Wis. By FLASK 10520. Record (p), 2:13! . Sire of Judge Flask (p), 2:19£; Fitzgerald, 2:23£. Son of Rumor, 2:20 (sire of Edgardo, 2:13f, etc.); dam Flageolet, a great brood-mare, by General Knox 140 (sire of Lady Maud, 2:18i, etc.); second dam Zither, by Jay Gould 197 (sire of Pixley, 2:08£, etc.) 1st dam Shamrock, Dam of Judge Flask (p), 2:19M- 2d dam Black Bess, by Western Lad 1632, Son of Ruchie L. 649, by Swigert 650; dam Rosaline, by Swigert 650 (sire of Brilliant, 2:17%; Moody, 2:18%; dams of Vic H., 2:12M; Aunty Shucks (p), 2:08M. etc.) by Sawdust 499, Son of American Clay 34 (sire of Gran- ville, 2:26; 2 others, and dams of David B., 2:09M; Ella Belmont, 2:12i4; Corticelli, 2:15%; Nutmeg, 2:16; Clara Wilkes, 2:17; St. Valen- tine, 2:162£; Garnet, 2:19, and 37 other standard performers). Owner's Statement— Judge Flask is a handsome horse, pure- gaited as they make them, and one that makes no mistakes and has stepped an eighth in :14, half in 1:04 and full mile in 2:15; so his record is no measure of his speed. He is fearless of all objects, kind in and out of harness and a great prospect for a race horse. CONSIGNED BY Peter Truax, Eau Claire, Wis. No. i2. BLACK RING 30969. Bred and owned by Peter Truax, Eau Claire, Wis. By SEE WARD 19484. Son of Ringster 13910 (sire of Ringing (p), 2:19i); dam Fantasy (dam of La Tosca, 2:15f, etc.), by Onward 1411 (sire of Beuzetta, 2:06f; Pilatus, 2:09£, etc.); second dam Pattie Williams, a great brood-mare, by Haywood, by Blackwood 74 (sire of Proteine, 2:18, etc.); third dam Virginia (dam of Woodford Chief, 2:281, etc.) OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 13 1st dam Lady Princeton, Record (p), 2:15H, and sister to Guy Princeton, 2:28M, (p) 2:19^. 2d dam Wait-a-Bit, Record 2:31, and dam of Lady Prince- ton (p), 2:15^; Harkaway, 2:28^; Guy Princeton, 2:28^, (p) 2:19M- Harkaway and Guy Princeton are both sires of standard performers. 3d dam Katie, Dam of Wait-a-Bit, 2:31 (dam of Lady Princeton (p), 2:15*4; Harkaway, 2:28M; Guy Princeton, 2:28^, (p) 2:19^). 4th dam 5th dam 6 th dam (See stud book). by Princeton 2513, Record 2:19%. Sire of Henry F (p), 2:09%; Timorah, 2:12M; Lady Prince- ton (p), 2:15%; Prince Edsall, 2:16%; Autrain, 2:16%; 15 others, and dams of Ringing (p), 2:1934, and 2 other standard performers. Son of Prin- ceps 536 (sire of Trinket, 2:14, etc.); dam Reina Victoria, a great brood- mare, by Hambletonian 10. by Basil Duke, Sire of Wait-a-Bit 2:31, and dams of Lady Princeton (p), 2:15%; Harka- way, 2:28^; Guy Princeton, 2:28J4,(P) 2:19J4. Harkawayand Guy Princeton are both sires of standard per- formers. by imp. Glencoe, Sire of 2d dam of Palo Alto, 2:08%; Lake wood Prince, 2:13% : J. B. Rich- ardson. 2:16%; Aria, 2:16%, and 3d dam of Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, (o) 2:06M;. Prince Wilkes, 2:14%, etc. by Medoc. by Kosciusko. by Blackburn's Whip. Owner's Statement— Black Ring is a very fast horse, with- out a mark, but has paced the Chippewa Falls half-mile track, halves in 1:06; quarters in :31 to :32£, timed by Ed. Fitzsimmons, of Chip- pewa Falls, and Andrew Jackson, James Salsbery, and the two Kliner brothers, of Eau Claire, Wis., and he did this without scarcely any training, as the only person who ever speeded him was- Andrew Dumphin, of Chippewa Falls, about two months, and he is not a' race horse trainer and driver. Here is a sure-enough money winner. No. 13. INBRED WARD. Standard and Registered. Vol. XV. Bay mare; 15.2 hands; foaled 1897. Bred and owned by Peter Truax, Eau Claire, Wis. By SEE WARD 19484. Son of Ringster 18910 (sire of Ringing (p), 2:19i); dam Fantasy (dam of La Tosca, 2:15f, etc.), by Onward 1411 (sire of Beuzetta, 2:06f;. Pilatus, 2:09i, etc.); second dam Pattie Williams, a great brood-mare, by Haywood, by Blackwood 74 (sire of Proteine, 2:18, etc. ); third dam. Virginia (dam oi Woodford Chief, 2:23 J, etc.) 14 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 1st dam Daffodil, 2d dam Judic, Second dam of Phrase, 2:12y 2 . 3d dam Belle, Dam of Challenger 1064 (sire of Chal- lenger Chief, 2:15, etc.) Belle is also the 2d dam of Superior, 2:17M (sire of Success, 2:10%, etc.) 4th dam Vic, Dam of Mattie Graham, 2:21%; Dainty, 2:26M; Tattler Chief (sire of 1), and second dam of 6, including Dawn R., 2:20; Ponemah Queen, 2:20. by Onward 1411, Record 2:25}£. Sire of Beuzetta,2:06%; Pilatus, 2:09Ji; Pearl Onward (p), 2:06%; Gazette (p), 2:07M; Colbert (p), 2:07%; 147 others; dams of 60, and grandsire of Dick Hubbard, 2:09%, and over 300 other standard performers. Son of George Wilkes 519; dam Dolly (dam of Director, 2:17, etc.) by Lagow 7912, Son of Belmont 64 (sire of Ella Bel- mont, 2:12%; Clara D., 2:14%; Nut- wood, 2: 18%, etc.); dam by Ashland 47 (sire of 3 standard performers, and dam of Edwin Thorne, 2:16&, etc.); 2d dam by Stockbridge Chief, by Black Hawk 5. by Norman 25, Sire of Lula, 2:15; May Queen, 2:20, and dams of Norval, 2:14%; Bright Rattler, 2:19%; Norman Medium, 2:20; May King, 2:20 (sire of Bingen, 2:06^, etc.); 18 other standard per- formers, and 2d dams of Advertiser, 2:15^; Rebel Medium, 2:15%; Re- ward J. (p), 2:10^; Linkwood Chief, 2:18%; El Rami, 2:14; Superior, 2:17^, and 20 other standard per- formers. by Mambrino Chief 11, Sire of Lady Thorn, 2:18%; 5 others, and dams of Director, 2:17; Pied- mont, 2:17%; Iona, 2:17%, and 23 other standard performers. Also sire of dams of 66 speed-producing stallions, including Almont, Bel- mont, Onward, Director, Hambrino, etc. 5th dam Fly, by Columbus, Jr. (Barclay's), Owner's Statement— Inbred Ward is an intensely inbred On- ward. Her sire, See Ward, is out of a producing daughter of On- ward (Fantasy, dam of Latoska, 2:15£, by Onward) and sired by Ringster, a son of Onward, and out of another daughter of Onward Daffodil. Here is a fall filly, never been trained, but well broken and clever enough for a lady to drive, and she will bring her speed with her to show for herself. No. 14. EXCITER. Standard. Bred and owned by Peter Truax, Bay mare; 15 hands; foaled 1894. Eau Claire, Wis. By ELECTROMETER 13069. Son of Electrotype 9006 (sire of Election Time (p), 2:15£; Pauline, 2:23i, etc. ); dam Ember, by Princeps 536 (sire of Greenlander, 2:12; Trinket, 2:14, etc,); second dam Tidy, by Messenger Durocl06 (sire of OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 15 Elaine, 2:20; Prospero, 2;20, etc.); third darn May Grafton, by Hamble- tonian 10 (sire of Dexter, 2:17i); fourth dam Lady Brown, great brood- mare, by American Star 14 (sire of dam of Dexter, 2:17i, etc.); fifth dam by Nigger Lance, by Lance. 1st dam Tradition 2d dam Godiva by Onward 1411, Record 2:2534- Sire of Beuzetta,2;06%; Pilatus, 2:09*4; Pearl Onward (p), 2:0634; Gazette (p), 2:07^; Colbert (p), 2:0734; 147 others; dams of 60, and grandslre of Dick Hubbard, 2:09%, and over 300 other standard performers. Son of George Wilkes 519: dam Dolly (dam of Director, 2:17, etc.), by Mambrino Chief 11. by Egmont 1828, Sire of Lobasco, 2; 10%; Foxmont, 2:15M; Combination, 2:1834; Nat Bruen, 2:16J4; Northwest (p), 2:15; Billy Simple (p), 2: 14M, and 33 others, and the dams of Javelin (p), 2:0834; Harry C (p), 2:13; Alzeymont (p), 2:1434; J.S., 2:1634; Tom Miller,2:18%, and 25 other standard performers. by Abdallah 15, Record 2:42. Sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2:14; 5 others; dam of Favonia, 2:15; Jerome Eddy, 2: 1634; Matterhorn(p), 2;16M; Proctor (p), 2:1634; 39 others, and 2d dams of Edenia, 2:1334; Al- cryon, 2:15, etc. Son of Hamble- tonian 10; dam Katy Darling. 4th dam Mary, s. t. b. by Monmouth Eclipse, Dam of Dick Moore, 2:2234, and 2d dam Sire of dam of Dick Moore, 2:2234, etc. of Parapet, 2:21; Manchester, 2:29; Puella, 2:29. 5th dam by Bertrand, Sire of 4th dam of Nancy Hanks, 2:04, etc. Owner's Statement— Exciter is a sister of Snipface in blood, and she is a rare specimen individually. Her speed lines are excel- lent. She has raised one very promising colt; and she will show her style and speed at the sale. Exciter and Snipface in this consignment would make an ideal matched team to pole. Exciter was broken as a 2-year-old, and showed great speed, but never trained, but turned out to grass and has not been harnessed since. 3d dam Taglioni, Dam of Teller (sire of Tommy Root, 2:2534); 2d dam of Acolyte, 2:2734 ; Tom Exum (p), 2:18, etc. 16 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 15. SNIPFACE Standard. Bay mare, 15.2 hands; foaled 1895. Truax, Eau Claire, Wis. Bred and owned by Peter By ELECTROMETER 13069. Son of Electrotype 9006 (sire of Election Time (p), 2:15£; Pauline, 2:23£, etc.); dam Ember, by Princeps 536 (sire of Greenlander, 2:12; Trinket, 2:14, etc.); second dam Tidy, by Messenger Duroc 106 (sire of Elaine, 2:20; Prospero, 2:20, etc.); third dam May Grafton, byHamble- tonian 10 (sire of Dexter, 2:17i); fourth dam Lady Brown, great brood- mare, by American Star 14 (sire of dam of Dexter, 2:17i, etc.); fifth dam by Nigger Lance, by Lance. 1st dam Fantasy, Dam of La Tosca, 2:15%. 2d dam Pattie Williams, Dam of Holland, 2:2434, and 2d dam of La Tosca, 2:15%. 3d dam Virginia, Dam of Woodford Chief, 2:2234- and Confederate Chief 423 (sire of Big Ben, 2:1734; William Arthur,2:1934), and 2d dam of Holland, 2:2434- by Onward 1411, Record 2 : 2534 • Sire of Beuzetta, 2 . 06% ; Pilatus, 2:09i4; Pearl Onward (p), 2:06%; Gazette (p>, 2:0734; Colbert (p), 2:07%; 147 others; dams of 60, and grandsire of Dick Hubbard, 2:09%, and over 300 other standard performers. Son of George Wilkes,. 519; dam Dolly (dam of Director, 2:17, etc.), by Mambrino Chief 11. by Haywood, Son of Blackwood 74 (record 2:31. Sire of Proteine; 2:18; 8 others; dams of Egwood, 2:14%; Mayhill, 2:17i4; Kingwood, 2:17i4; Woodline, 2:19; and 42 other standard perform- ers). Blackwood 74 is a son of Nor- man 25 (sire of Lulu, 2:15, etc.); dam by Mambrino Chief 11 (sire of Lady Thorn, 2:1834, etc -) s. t. b. by Billy Townes, Sire of dam of Woodford Chief, 2:2234, etc. Owner's Statement — Snipface is a granddaughter of the great Electioneer and has three producing dams and her dam a great produc- ing daughter of the great Onward. How can this filly help but trot f ast ... She has never had a harness on her since she was a yearling, and she has raised two very fine colts, but she will be in harness at the sale. If you do not wish to be happy hereafter then do not buy this filly. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 17 No. 16. MOLLY. Standard. Bay mare, 15.2 hands, foaled 1897. Bred and owned by Peter Truax, Eau Claire, Wis. By ELECTROMETER 13069. Son of Electrotype 9006 (sire of Election Time (p), 2:15i; Pauline, 2:23i, etc.); dam Ember, by Princeps 536 (sire of Greenlacder, 2:12; Trinket, 2:14; etc.); second dam Tidy, by Messenger Duroc 106 (sire of Elaine, 2:20; Prospero, 2:20, etc.); third dam May Grafton, by Hamble- tonian 10 (sire of Dexter, 2:17i); fourth dam Lady Brown, great brood- mare by American Star 14 (sire of dam of Dexter, 2:17i, etc.); fifth dam by Nigger Lance, by Lance. 1st dam Molly Perkins 2d dam Edna B., Sister to Swigert K., 2:22%; Winnie Wick, 2:24%; Racine, 2:30, and Belle Swigert (dam of Alden G. (p.) 2:19%). 3d dam Lady Belle, Dam of Winnie Wick, 2; 24%; Racine, 2:30; Swigert K., 2:22%. and 2d dam of Alden G. (p), 2: 19%; sister to Amy Jones (dam of Jim Swigert, sire of 6). by Ringster 13910, Sire of Ringing (p) , 2 : 19% . Son of On- ward 1411 (sire of Beuzetta, 2:06%, etc.); dam Long Lane, a great brood mare, by Long Island Patcben, by George M. Patcben 30 (sire of Lucy, 2:18%, etc.); 2d dam by Wilson's Snowstorm. by Swigert 650. Sire of Brilliant, 2:17*4; Moody, 2:18%; 44 otbers, and dams of 40, including Vic H., 2:12%; Dick Vail (p), 2:14%. Son of- Norman 25; dam Blandina (dam of King Rene, Abdallab Pilot, etc.), by Mambrino Cbief 11; 2d dam Burcbmare (dam of Rosalind, 2:21%; Donald, 2:27, etc.), by Brown Pilot. by Bellfounder 63. Sire of Western Girl, 2:27, and dams of Florida Monarcb, 2:17%; Colvina Sprague, 2:19%, and 16 otber stand- ard performers, and 2d dams of Col. Kuser, 2:11%; Cebello, 2:14%; Pa- tola, 2:19%; Blanalco, 2:19%, etc. 4th dam Doll, by Blucher (Hungerford's). 2d dam of Jim Swigert (sire of 6). Grandsire of Western Girl, 2:27. etc. Owner's Statement — Here is a cross of the Electioneer and Wilkes blood. Molly is a fall foal, and was harnessed and driven a few times as a yearling, and she showed considerable speed, and will bring her looks to the sale. She has not been harnessed since a 2- year-old, and is now running out to grass. 18 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 17. MOLLY PERKINS. Standard and Registered, Vol. 1 2. Bay mare; 16 hands; foaled 1893. Bred by E. C. Clark, Eau Claire, Wis. ; owned by Peter Truax, Eau Claire, Wis. By RINGSTER I39IO. Sire of Ringing (p), 2:19i; son of Onward 1411 (sire of Beuzetta, 2:061; Pilatus, 2:09i; Pearl Onward (p), 2:06i; Gazette (p), 2:07|-, etc.); dam Long Lane, a great brood-mare, by Long Island Patchen, by George M. Patchen 30 (sire of Lucy, 2:18£, etc.); second dam by Wil- son's Snowstorm. 1st dam Edna B., by Swigert 650, Sister to Swigert K., 2:22%; Winnie Sire of Brilliant, 2: 1754; Moody, 2: 18y 2 ; Wick, 2:24j|; Racine, 2:30, and Belle 44 others, and dams of 40, including Swigert (dam of Alden G. (p),2:19H). Vic H., 2:12^; Dick Vail (p), 2:14^. Son of Norman 25; dam Blandina (dam of King Rene, Abdallah Pilot, etc.), by Mambrino Chief 11; 2d dam Burch Mare (dam of Rosalind, 2 : 21 % ; Donald, 2:27, etc.). by Brown Pilot. 2d dam Lady Belle, by Bellfounder 63, Dam of Swigert K., 2:22%; Winnie Sire of Western Girl, 2:27, and dams Wick, 2:24Ji; Racine, 2:30,and 2d dam of Florida Monarch, 2: 17J4; Colvina of Alden G. (p), 2:19^. Sister to Sprague, 2:19%. and 16 other stand- Amy Jones (dam of Jim Swigert, sire ard performers, and 2d dams of Col. of 6.) Kuser, 2:11%; Cebello. 2:14^; Pa- tola, 2:19M; Blanalco, 2:1934, etc. 3d dam Doll, by Blucher (Hungerford's), 2d dam of Jim Swigert (sire of 6). Grandsire of Western Girl, 2:27. Owner's Statement— Molly Perkins is a solid bay with black points. She is large and very strongly made at all points. She has not been driven but very little, as she raised two very fine colts, one of which is Molly in this sale. Molly Perkins and Major Lind make a very fine matched pair of drivers and will be sold together as a team, and they will show their quality at the sale. No. 18. MAJOR LIND. Bay gelding; 15. 2i hands; foaled 1895. Bred and owned by Peter Truax, Eau Claire, Wis. By RINGSTER I39IO. Sire of Ringing (p), 2:19i; son of Onward 1411 (sire of Beuzetta, 2:061; Pilatus, 2:09i; Pearl Onward (p), 2:061; Gazette (p), 2:07i, etc.); dam Long Lane, a great brood-mare, by Long Island Patchen, by George M. Patchen 30 (sire of Lucy, 2:18i, etc. ); second dam by Wil- son's Snowstorm. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 19 1st dam Jenny Lind, 2d dam Jenny P. 3d dam Fisher, Dam of Clara Wilkes, 2:17. 4th dam 5th dam by Nutwood Mambrino 3659, Sire of Ferol, 2:30, and dam of Birch- leaf, 2:293i. Son of Nutwood, 2: 18&; (sire of Manager (p), 2:06%, etc.); dam Zither (dam of Look 2355, etc.), by Woodford Mambrino, 2:21%; (sire of Abbottsford, 2:19i4, etc.); 2d dam Tulip, a great brood-mare, by Abdal- lah 15 (sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2:14), etc. by Lancewood 446, Sire of Lancewocd, 2:29M, and dams of Carl Brown (p), 2:13*4; Beelette (p), 2:16%; Avalanche, 2:17^; Rob Roy, 2:17^;, and 5 other standard performers. Ron of Hambletonian 10; dam Lady Rockefellow, by Amer- ican Star 14. by American Clay 34, Sire of Granville, 2:26; 2 others; dams of David B, 8:09^; Ella, 2:12^; Corticelli, 2:15%; Nutmeg, 2:16; St. Valentine, 2:16%; Clara Wilkes, 2:17; Sir Walter, Jr., 2:18J4; Garnet, 2:19, and 35 other standard performers. by Wilson's Snowstorm, Sire of 2d dams of Clara Wilkes, 2; 17; Lena Miller, 2: 26^; Elkhorn, 2:30, and son of Steele's Snowstorm. by Paddy Burns, Sire of 3d dam of Delmarch, 2:11%. Owner's Statement— Major Lind is a solid bay gelding-, black points. He is a very large, stout-made horse, heavy boned, best of feet and legs. He is a grand road horse, and would make a fast race horse if trained. He and Molly Perkins (in this sale) make a fine pair of drivers to pole, and will be sold as a match pair, together. No. 19. ROWENA. Standard and Registered, Vol. VII. Chestnut mare; 15. 3£ hands. Bred by T. B. Merritt, Rosemont, Minn.; owned by Peter Truax, Eau Claire, Wis. By REVENUE 1976. Record 2:22i. Sire of Rena Rolfe, 2:19f; Zenith O., 2:24i; Felix S. (p), 2:24i; Reve So, 2:28i, and dam of Nelly Arthur (p), 2:191. Son of Smuggler, 2:15i (sire of Ouida (p), 2:17i; Nomad, 2:19; Mount Morris, 2:19^, etc.); dam May Morning, 2:30, by Daniel Lambert 102 (sire of COmee, 2:19i, etc.); second dam May Queen, by Ethan Allen 43 (sire of Billy Barr, 2:231, etc.) 20 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 1st dam Countess, 2d dam Cascade, 3d dam by Hamlet 160, Sire of Loretta F., 2:18M; A. V. Pant- lind, 2:20; 4 others, and dams of Cicerone, 2:12%; Aileen, 2:15*4; Thornless, 2:15%, and 30 other stand- ard performers. Son of Volunteer 55 (sire of St. Julien, 2:11M, etc.); dam Dr. Ostrum Mare, by Hickory by Duke op Orange, Son of Hambletonian 157; brother to Volunteer 55; Sentinel 280, etc., and sire of dams of Chiquerita, 2:16%; Arleen, 2:18%. and 7 other standard performers. Son of Hambletonian 10 (sire of Dexter, 2:1734; Nettie, 2:18; Orange Girl, 2:20, etc.); dam the great brood-mare Lady Patriot, by Young Patriot. by Abdallah Chief. Owner's Statement — Rowena is a grand brood-mare. Her colts are all large and handsome, and she is a large, powerfully-made mare; stinted to See Ward 19484, an inbred grandson of Onward 1411 and believed to be safely in foal. Rowena is the dam of Major in this sale. No. 20. FANTASY. Dam of LaTosca, 2:1 5M. Bay mare; 15i hands; foaled 1883. Bred by Col. R. P. Pepper & Son, Frankfort, Ky.; owned by Peter Truax, Eau Claire, Wis. By ONWARD 1411. Record 2:25£. Sire of Beuzetta, 2:061; Pilatus, 2:09i; Pearl Onward (p), 2:06i; Gazette (p), 2:07i; Colbert (p), 2:07i; Col.Thornton (p),2:09i; 145 others; dams of Choral (p), 2:08i; Clorine, 2:13i; Pelerine, 2:14f; Castleton(p),2:10i; sixty others, and grandsire of Dick Hubbard, 2:09£; Frank Agan (p), 2:03f; Online (p), 2:04, and over 300 other standard performers. Son of George Wilkes 519; dam the great Dolly (dam of Director, 2:17, etc.); by Mambrino Chief 11 (sire of Lady Thorn, 2:18*. etc.) 1st dam Pattie Williams, Dam of Holland, 2:2434, and 2d dam of La Tosca, 2:15%. 2d dam Virginia, Dam of Woodford Chief, 2:22*4, and Confederate Chief 423 (sire of Big Ben, 2:17*4; William Arthur, 2:19*4, etc.), and 2d dam of Holland, 2:24*4. by Haywood, Son of Blackwood 74 (record 2:31. Sire of Proteine, 2; 18; 8 others;, dams of Egwood, 2:14*4; Mayhill, 2:17*4; King wood, 2:17*4; Woodbine, 2:19, and 42 other standard perform- ers). Blackwood 74 is a son of Nor- man 25 (sire of Lula, 2:15, etc.); dam by Mambrino Chief 11 (sire of Lady Thorn, 2:18*4, etc.) by Billy Townes, Sire of dam of Woodford Chief, 2:22*4_ OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 21 Owner's Statement — Fantasy is a great brood-mare. She is the dam of La Toska, 2:15i, her first foal. She is also dam of See Ward 19484, sire of Bird Ward and of Inbred Ward ( in this sale), and dam of Snipface (in this sale) and dam of Fanghetty, trial 2:32. I consider her one of Onward 's best daughters. I paid Col. Pepper $1,200 for Fantasy when she was 5 years old, and I think that was about 7 years ago; making her now about 12 years old. Stinted to Dalghetty and believed to be in foal. CONSIGNED BY Joseph D. Thomas. No. 2i. EMBER T. Dark bay gelding; 16 hands; foaled 1895. Bred by Peter Truax, Eau Claire, Wis.; owned by Joseph D. Thomas, Eau Claire, Wis. By RINGSTER 13910. Sire of Ringing (p), 2:19i; son of Onward 1411 (sire of Beuzetta, 2:06f; Pilatus, 2:09i; Pearl Onward (p), 2,06i; Gazette (p), 2:07i, etc.); dam Long Lane, a great brood mare, by Long Island Patchen, by George M. Patchen 30 (sire of Lucy, 2:18i, etc.); second dam by Wil- son's Snowstorm. 1st dam Ember, by Princeps 536, Sire of Greenlander, 2:12; Trinket, 2:14; 50 others; dams of Prince Her- schel, 2:13; Falkland, 2; 13%; Lati- tude, 2:15; 50 other standard per- formers, and 2d dam of Countess Eve, 2:09M; Rilma, 2:09%, etc. Son of Woodford Mambrino, 2:21%; dam the great Primrose, by Abdallah 15. 2d dam Tidy, by Messenger Duroo 106, Sire of Elaine, 2:20; Prospero, 2:20; 21 others; dams of Bravado, 2:10%; Iran Alto, 2:12^; Cheyenne, 2:14J4; Guelph, 2:16^; Problem, 2:18; Pala- tine, 2:18; Bella Wilkes, 2:18%, and 65 other standard performers. Son of Hambletonian 10; dam Satinet, by Roe's Abdallah Chief, by Abdallah 1. 3d dam Mary Grafton, by Hambletonian 10, Sister to Walkill Prince 2797 (sire of Sire of Dexter, 2:17^; Nettie, 2:18; Letta C, 2:16^; Eura, 2:18M, etc). Orange Girl, 2:20; 37 others; dams of Stamboul, 2:07%; Ballona, 2:11&; Greenlander, 2:12; over 100 others, and grandsire of Nancy Hanks, 2:04; Kentucky Union, 2:07J4; Arion, 2:07%; Pixley, 2:08M; Maud S., . 2:08%, and over 1,600 other standard performers. 22 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 4th dam Lady Brown, by American Star 14, Dam of Pickwick, 2:29*4; 2 speed pro- Sire of Widow Machree, 2:29; 3 others, ducing sons, and 2d dam of Lutra,- and dams of Guy, 2:10%; Dexter, 2:24. 2:17^; Robert McGregor, 2:17^; Nettie, 2:18; Joe Bunker, 2:19*4; Driver, 2:19*4, and 39 other standard performers. 5th dam by Nigger Lance. Owner's Statement — I offer for sale the horse Ember T. for this reason, that I have not been able to drive this horse for a year and a half and don't expect to ever be able to drive again. If it was not for ill health, money couldn't buy him. He never was worked for speed, never in a bike in his life, but can pace a :20 clip. Perfectly safe for lady to drive. Weight 1200 lbs. CONSIGNED BY N. B. Wheeler, Cresco, Iowa. No. 22. FITZGERALD. Record (p), 2:23£, half-mile track. Brown gelding; 16 hands; foaled 1894. Bred and owned by N. B. Wheeler, Cresco, Iowa. By FLASK 10520. Record (p), 8:131. Sire of Judge Flask (p ),;2:19i; Fitzgerald (p, ) 2:23*. Son of Rumor, 2:20 (sire of Edgardo, 2:131, etc.,) dam Flageolet, a great brood-mare, by General Knox 140 (sire of Lady Maud, 2:18£, etc.; second dam Zither, by Jay Gould 197, (sire of Pixley, 2:08J, etc.) 1st dam Belle Ainsworth, by Anthony Wayne 2033, Dam of Fitzgerald (p), 2: 2dy 2 . Record 2:31M- Sire of Brown Dick, 2:293^, and dams of Aggie Medium, 2: 12J4 : Red Bell (p) , 2: 11*4, and 3 other standard performers. Son of Andy Johnson 39; dam Old Jane, pedigree not traced. 2d dam Nigger, by Hambrino Star 2334, Sire of Lorna Doone,2:24%, and dams of Strathboy,2:22; Esther (p), 2:16*4; Charmion (p), 2:18*4, etc. Son of Masterlode 595 (sire of Belle F. r 2:15M, etc.); dam Kitty Allen, by Mambrino Chief, Jr. 214 (sire of dam of Phoebe Wilkes, 2:08*4, etc.) Owner's Statement — Fitzgerald has been campaigned over the half-mile tracks in Iowa, has started in a good many races and never finished back of the money but once. He has been a close OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 23 second in 2:20 and paced a trial in 2:16 this season. I think he will learn to pace better than 2:10 if handled by a good trainer sixty days. He is game, reliable, a grand road horse, and his manners are so perfect a lady can drive him with safety. He is one of the kind that will show for himself on day of sale. CONSIGNED BY John W. Mariner, Milwaukee, Wis. No. 23. LOST CAUSE. Brown gelding, 15 hands, foaled 1893. Bred by General R. E Boy- ant, Madison, Wis. ; owned by John W. Mariner, Milwaukee, Wis. By YOUNG CLAY PILOT. 1st dam by Clay Pilot. Owner's Statement— Lost Cause is a handsome seal brown gelding, a prompt driver, has considerable action, wears no boots and can trot a 2:30 gait and step to an ordinary road wagon better than a 2:40 gait. He is one of the kind that will show for himself at time of sale. CONSIGNED BY R. J. Banshke, Benton Harbor, Mich. No. 24. MAGGIE M. Bay mare; 15.1 hands; foaled 1894. Bred by E. W. Cribbs, Bain- bridge, Mich. ; owned by R. J. Banshke, Benton Harbor, Mich. By ERNEST WILKMONT 20909. Record 2:29*. Son of Bob Link 8689 (sire of Willard Wilkmont, 2;23i; Lincoln B , 2:24f ; Alexander C, 2:2»i; Ernest Wilkmont, 2:29±; Charity, 2:29i); dam Fanny H. (dam of Jimmy King, 2:17£, etc.), by Ira Wilkes 5916 (sire of Berkshire Courier (p), 2:10, etc.); second dam Kittie H., by Abdallah Chief. Bob Link 8689 is by Belmont 64 (sire of Ella Belmont, 2:12£, etc. ); dam Bettie Kinkead, by Contractor 1084; second dam by Jim Monroe 835. 24 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 1st dam Lady, by Bob Link 8689, Sire of Willard Wilkmont, 2:23&; Lincoln B. (p), 2:24%; Alexander C, • 2:28^; Ernest Wilkmont, 2:29J4; Charity, 2:293^. Son of Belmont 64 (sire of Ella Belmont, 2:12%, etc.) ; dam Bettie Kinkead, bv Contractor 1084 (sire of Dr. West (p), 2:17%, etc.) ; 2d dam by Jim Monroe 835. 2d dam Lady Soules, by Ethan. 3d dam Eoxey, by Blue Bull 75, Sire of Zoe B., 2:17j^, etc. Owner's Statement— Maggie M. is kind and gentle, both in and out of harness, perfectly level headed, not afraid of steam or electric cars, and there is no end to her gameness and staying qualities. She was not broken until she was 4 years old and was worked 30 days last year and 40 days this year, and trotted a mile in 2:18 over a half-mile track. She could have taken a very low record had I desired to give her one, and I confidently believe she will trot three heats better than 2:12 next year with proper training. CONSIGNED BY E. E. Cribbs, Wateryliet, Mich. No. 25. BOB WILKES. Gray stallion; 16.2 hands; foaled 1889. Bred by Chas. Duncombe, Keeler, Mich.; owned by E. E. Cribbs, Watervliet, Mich. By BOB LINK 8689. Sire of Willard Wilkmont, 2:23i; Lincoln B., (p), 2:24f ; Alexander C, 2:28i; Ernest Wilkmont, 2:29£; Charity, 2:29i; Son of Belmont 64 (sire of Earlmont (p), 2:09f; Ella Belmont, 2:12£; Clara D., 2:14f; Nut- wood, 2:181; Wedgewood, 2:19, etc.) dam Bettie Kinkead by Con- tractor 1084 (sire of Dr. West (p), 2:lH, etc.); second dam by Jim Monroe (sire of Monroe Chief, 2:18i; Kitty Bates, 2:19, etc.) 1st dam Lida D., by Young Wilkes 951. Record 2:28^. Sire of Nettie Wilkes, 2:17*4; Big Tom, 2:18; William H., 2:18!^; Wilkes Maid, 2:19Vi; 27 others, and dams of Ashbrook, 2:13Vi; Cheerful Alcy (p), 2:13y 2 , and 7 other standard performers. Son of George Wilkes 519 (sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13%, etc.); dam Jane Brown, by Prince of Wales, by Royal George 9. 2d dam Bessie, by Kentucky Rocket. Son of Sentinel 280, a brother of Vol- unteer 55, by Hambletonian 10. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 25 8d dam 4th dam by Faro. by Kendrick's Glencoe. Owner's Statement— Bob Wilkes is a typical bred coach horse, possessing plenty of style, action and speed, which qualities he trans- mits to his get with wonderful uniformity. Although he is a horse of great quality and a great sire of the kind that are now in demand, I am not a breeder and bought him on speculation at an administra- tor's sale. His disposition is perfect; any one can handle him, and 90 per -cent of his get are bay or brown. He is a sure foal-getter, and will be a money-maker in any breeding country. Look him over at the sale and you will like him. CONSIGNED BY D. J. Cameron, La Crosse, Wis. No. 26. JOHN L. Record 2:35. Bay gelding, 16 hands, foaled 1894. Cameron, La Crosse, Wis. Bred and owned by D. J. By OH SO 16738. Record 2:25*. Sire of Spice, 2:16i; Dunton Oh So (p), 2:08; Dr. Archibald (p, 3), 2:12i; etc. Son of Nutwood, 2:181 (sire of Lock- heart, 2:08i; Manager (p), 2:06f, etc.); dam So So, 2:17i, a great brood- mare, by George Wilkes 519 (sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13£; Brignoli Wilkes, 2:14i; Guy Wilkes 2:15i, etc.) second dam Little Ida, by Edwin Forrest 49 (sire of dam of Geneva, 2:lli, and second dam of Nancy Hanks, 2:04, etc.) 1st dam Maud D. N., Record 2:25 and sister to Harriet (p), 2:20, and Dan Neville, 2:28. N, 2d dam Esther, Dam of Free Silver, 2:21}£; Harriet N. (p), 2:20, and 2d dam of General Put- nam (p), 2:19^; Dan Neville, 2:28, and Maud D. N., 2:25. 3d dam Little Nelly. by Hamdallah 2917, Sire of Lebbeas I. (p), 2:13}£; Fan- chon, 2:19J4; 26 others, and dams of Minnie Birchwood, 2:13M; Vyzeoff, 2:15; Birchtwig (p), 2:08^; and 6 other standard performers. Son of Hamlet 160; dam Trotting Sister (dam of Nephew 1220), by Abdallah 15 (sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2:14). by Silas Wright 2610, Record 2:2334. Sire of Badge (p), 2:06M; Maud Wright, 2:18^, and 3 other standard performers, and dams of General Putnam (p), 2:19^, and 6 other standard performers. Son of Alexander 491; dam Divorce, a great brood-mare, by Eureka. 26 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE Owner's Statement — John L. is a first class individual and a great stake prospect. He was started in a race at the County Fair two years ago and obtained a record of 2:35, which was before he had any speed development. He was trained some last year and again this year, and started at Dubuque, la., Rochester, Minn., and Hamline, Minn. At the former place he was second to Joymaker, over a heavy track, in 2:15i. At Rochester he was second to Lita W., 2:15£; and at Hamline was second to Mabel Onward, 2:16i, over a heavy track. He has proven his ability to race well, has also proven that he is game, and looks as much like a coming 2:10 trotter as any that turned around in 1900. No. 27. LA CRESCENT. Trial (p), 2:1H. Brother to Dr. Archibald (p, 3), 2:12i, and Spice, 2:16i. Bay gelding; 16.1 hands; foaled 1894. Bred and owned by D. J. Cameron, La Crosse, Wis. By OH SO 16738. Record 2:25*. Sire of Spice, 2:16£; Dunton Oh So (p), 2:08; Dr. Archibald (p, 3), 2:12i, etc. Son of Nutwood, 2:18| (sire of Lock- heart, 2:08i; Manager (p), 2:06f, etc.); dam So So, 2:17i, a great brood mare, by George Wilkes 519 (sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13£; Brig- noli Wilkes, 2:14i; Guy Wilkes, 2:15i, etc.); second dam Little Ida, by Edwin Forrest 49 (sire of dam of Geneva, 2:lli, and second dam of Nancy Hanks, 2:04, etc.) 1st dam Maud Archibald, by Glen wood 2496. Record 2:27^, and dam of Dr. Archi- Record 2:27%. Sire of Maud Archi- bald (p, 3), 2:12^, and Spice, 2:16&. bald, 2:27*4, and dam of Dr. Archi- bald (p, 3), 2:12M; Spice, 2:16^. Son of Wapsie 688 (sire of Gen. Grant, 2:21; Wonder, 2:2134, etc.); dam Bradshaw Mare, great brood-mare, by Mambrino Patchen 58 (sire of London, 2:20H, etc.) Owner's Statement— La Crescent is a horse that has only had a limited amount of training, but has paced several miles from 2:15 to 2: Hi, and is therefore an unusual prospect for the slow class next season. He is good gaited, a good actor and should learn to step several seconds faster than his trial of 2:11£. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 27 No. 28. LADY OH SO Sister to Archie Oh So, 2:27i. Bay mare; 15. li hands; foaled 1895. Bred and owned by D. J. Cam- eron, La Crosse, Wis. By OH SO 16738. Record 2:25i; sire of Spice, 2:16i; Dunton Oh So (p), 2:08; Dr. Archi- bald, (p, 3), 2:12i, etc. Son of Nutwood, 2:18f (sire of Lockheart, 2:08|; Manager (p), 2:061, etc.); dam So So, 2.17i, a great brood-mare, by George Wilkes 519 (sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13i; Brignoli Wilkes, 2:14£; Guy Wilkes, 2:15£, etc.); second dam Little Ida, by Edwin For- rest 49 (sire of dam of Geneva, 2: Hi, and second dam of Nancy Hanks, 2:04, etc.) 1st dam Ella Russell, Dam of Archie Oh So, 2:27M- 2d dam Ella Lewis, 2d dam of Archie Oh So, 2:27M; Per- simmons, 2:292£- by Bourbon Russell 9610, Record 2:30. Sire of Mary Russell (p), 2:09%, and dam of Russell Patchen (p), 2:18J4; Archie Oh So, 2:27M- Son of Mambrino Russell 2008 (sire of Great Heart (p) , 2: 12^, etc.) ; dam Steinette, a great brood-mare, by Steinway 1808 (sire of Klatawah (p), 2:05%, etc.) by Ericsson 130, Record 2:30%. Sire of Rarely, 2:24%; 5 others; dams of Moquette, 2:10; Godelia, 2:16M; Bellman, 2:17%; J. R. Shedd, 2:19&, and 12 other standard performers. Also sire of the 2d dam of Phallas, 2:13%, etc. Son of Mambrino Chief 11. 3d dam Ella Montague, by Yates' Copperbottom. Owner's Statement — Lady Oh So is a very gentle young mare; has a good way of going and should learn to trot fast if given an oppor- tunity. She has had no training; is broken to harness; kind and gentle, and will show for herself on the day of sale. No. 29. LOCHIEL C. 29537. Trial 2:25. Bay stallion; 16 hands; foaled 1894. Bred and owned by D. J. Cameron, La Crosse, Wis. By OH SO 16738. Record 2:25*. Sire of Spice, 2:16i; Dunton Oh So (p), 2:08; Dr. Archibald (p, 3), 2:12£, etc.; son of Nutwood, 2:18f (sire of Lockheart, 2:08i; Manager (p), 2:06f, etc.); dam So So, 2:17i, a great brood-mare, by George Wilkes 519 (sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13i; Brignoli Wilkes,. 28 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 2:14£; Guy Wilkes, 2:15i, etc. ); second dam Little Ida, by Edwin For- rest 49 (sire of dam of Geneva, 2:1U, and second dam of Nancy Hanks, 2:04, etc.) 1st dam Dictatrix, Dam of Princess Eulalia (p), 2: 2d dam Mona Wilkes, Dam of George Willis, 2:29^ (sire of 3); June Wilk, 2:29Ji; Lucky Cross (sire of 1), Mont Russell (sire of 1), and 2d dam of Princess Eulalia (p), 2:09M- 3d dam Hamlettie, Dam of Startler, 2:25, and 2d dam of George Willis, 2:29}£; June Wilk, 2:29M- 4th dam Minna, Dam of Kentucky Wilkes, 2:21M (sire of Bravado, 2:10%; Crafty (p), 2:09%, etc.); Madison Wilkes, 2:24% (sire of Madison Chief, 2:17&, etc.) Minna is also the 2d dam of Retina (p), 2:08%, and 6 other standard per- formers. by Dictator 113, Brother to Dexter, 2:1754, and sire of Jay-Eve-See, 2:10, (p) 2:06M; Im- petuous (3), 2:13; Phallas, 2:13%; 57 others; dams of Nancy Hanks, 2:04; Lockheart, 2:08%; Egozen (p),2:06%; Gazette (p), 2:07^; 75 others, and grandsire of Directum, 2:05*4; Direct (p), 2:05%, and 250 other standard performers. by George Wilkes 519, Record 2:22. Sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13*4: Brignoli Wilkes, 2:14%; Guy Wilkes, 2: 15M; 80 others, and dams of 140, including Dick Hubbard, 2:09%; Manager (p), 2:06%; also grandsire of Joe Patchen (p), 2: 01*4; Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; Beuzetta, 2:06%; Hulda, 2:08%, and over 2,000 other standard performers. by Hamlet 160, Sire of Loretta F., 2:18%; A. V. Pant- lind, 2:20; 4 others, and dams of Cicerone, 2:12%; Aileen, 2:15^5 Thornless, 2:15%, and 30 other stand- ard performers. Son of Volunteer 55 (sire of St. Julian, 2:11^, etc.); dam Dr. Ostrom Mare, by Hickory. by Red Jacket, Sire of 2d dam of Red Wilkes 1749 (sire of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; dam of Kingmond, 2:09, and grandsire of John R. Gentry (p), 2:00%, etc.) 5th dam Undine, by Grey Eagle, Sire of 2d dams of Io, 2;13%; Pied- mont, 2: 17^; Catchfiy, 2:18^, etc. Owner's Statement— Lochiel C. was handled five weeks, and my trainer started in a race and trotted a mile in 2:25. He is a large horse, goes right and will, I believe, learn to trot very fast. He is good headed, has no bad habits, is a sure foal getter, and will show for himself at the time of sale. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 29> No. 30. WELLINGTON. Brother to Spice, 2:16i, and Dr. Archibald (p, 3), 2:122. Bay gelding, 15.2 hands; foaled 1896. Bred and owned by D. J. Cameron, LaCrosse, Wis. By OH SO 16738. Record, 2:25£. Sire of Spice, 2:16i; Dunton Oh So (p), 2:08; Dr. Archibald (p, 3), 2:12i, etc. Son of Nutwood, 2:18f (sire of Lockheart, 2:08i; Manager (p), 2:06f); dam So So, 2:17i; a great brood-mare, by George Wilkes 519 (sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:131; Brignoli Wilkes, 2:14+; Guy Wilkes, 2:15i, etc.)? second dam Little Ida, by Edwin For- rest 49 (sire of dam of Geneva, 2:1 li, and second dam of Nancy Hanks, 2:04, etc. 1st dam Maud Archibald, * by Glen wood 2497, Record 2: 27}^, and dam of Dr. Archi- Record 2:27%. Sire of Maud Archi- bald (p, 3), 2:1234, and Spice, bald, 2:2734, and dam of Dr. Archi- 2:16k- bald (p, 3), 2:12M; Spice, 2:16}*.. Son of Wapsie 688 (sire of Gen. Grant, 2:21; Wonder, 2:2134, etc.); dam Bradshaw Mare, great brood- mare, by Mambrino Patcben 58 (sire- of London, 2:20%, etc.) Owner's Statement— Wellington is a pacer and an own brother to Dr. Archibald (p, 3), 2:12i; Spice 2:16i, and La Crescent,, trial, 2:lli. He is nicely broken, but has had no speed development- No. 31. SPICE. Record, 2:16i, and sister to Dr. Archibald (p, 3), 2:12i. Black mare, 15 hands; foaled 1895. Bred and owned by D. J. Cam- eron, LaCrosse, Wis. By OH SO 16738. Record, 2:25*. Sire of Spice, 2:16i; Dunton Oh So (p), 2:08; Dr. Archibald (p, 3), 2:12i, etc. Son of Nutwood, 2:18f (sire of Lockheart, 2:081; Manager (p), 2:061, etc.); dam So So, 2:17i, a great brood-mare, by George Wilkes 519 (sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13*; Brignoli Wilkes, 2:14|; Guy Wilkes, 2:15i, etc.); second dam, Little Ida, by Edwin For- rest 49 (sire of dam of Geneva, 2:lli, and second dam of Nancy Hanks, 2:04, etc.) 1st dam Maud Archibald, by Glen wood 2496, Record 2:2734, and dam of Spice, 2: 16}4, Record 2:27%. Sire of Maud Archi- and Dr. Archibald (p, 3), 2:1234- bald, 2:27}4, and dam of Dr. Archi- bald (p, 3), 2:1234; Spice, 2:1634- Son of Wapsie (sire of Gen. Grant, 2:21; Wonder, 2:2134, etc.); dam Bradshaw- Mare, great brood-mare, by Mam- brino Patchen 58 (sire of London,. 2:20%, etc.) 30 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE Owner's Statement — Spice is a race mare who I believe has a great future upon the turf. She raced through the great western cir- cuit this year and demonstrated her ability to trot well inside of 2:15, being timed separately one heat in 2:121, the last half of the mile in 1:03£. I know that she will beat 2:10 next year. She has proven that she is game, keeps training on faster, and will eventually be a great mare. She is a good individual; perfectly gaited, and will show for herself at the time of sale. No. 32. MAMIE BYRD. Standard. Bay mare; foaled 1892. Bred by*i3. W. Ford, Lexington, Ky.; owned by D. J. Cameron, La Crosse, Wis. By JAY BIRD 5060. Sire of Allerton, 2:09i; Early Bird, 2:10; Rose Croix, 2:lli; Ed Win- ter, 2:121; Larabie, 2:12f; Birdie Clay, 2:14f ; Jay Hawker, 2:14f; Misa Jay, 2:15; seventy-three other standard performers, aod dams of Queen Alfred, 2:12i; Altoka, 2:10£; Courier, 2:15, etc. Son of George Wilkes 519, dam Lady Frank (dam of Early Dawn, 2:21£), by Mambrino Star 585; grandam Lady Franklin, 2:29f (dam of Cottage Girl, 2:291, etc.) 1st dam Rama, 2d dam Datura, Sister to Mambrino Dudley, 2:19% (sire of 7 standard performers, and dams of Penryn, 2:18%: Ronald, 2:1934; Al Sultan (p), 2:19%, and 5 other standard performers ) 3d dam Sue Dudley, Dam of Mambrino Dudley, 2:19%; Grosjean,2:24%, and 4 sons that have sired standard performers. by Harold 413, Sire of Maud S., 2:08%; 43 others; dams of Beuzetta, 2:06%; Early Bird, 2:10; Extasy, 2:11%; 68 others, and grandsire of Robert J. (p),2:0l%; Kremlin, 2:07%; Thomas Edson (p), 2:08%; Seal (p), 2:08%, and over 200 other standard performers. by Woodford Mambrino 345, Record 2:21%. Sire of Abbottsford, 2:19%; Mambrino Dudley, 2:19%; 11 others; dams of Kremlin, 2:07%; Bonnatella, 2:10; Lakewood Prince, 2:13%; Monette, 2:14%, and 36 other standard performers. Son of Mam- brino Chief 11; dam Woodbine (dam of Wedgewood, 2:19, etc.) by Edwin Forrest 49, Sire of Billy Hoskins, 2:2634; Cham- pagne, 2:30; dams of Geneva, 2:11%; So So, 2:17%; Mambrino Dudley 2:19%; 12 others, and 2d dams of Nancy Hanks. 2:04; Charleston, 2:12%; Angelina, 2:12, etc. Edwin Forrest also sired the dam of Mam- brino King 1279 (sire of Nightingale, 2:08; Dare Devil, 2:09%, etc.) OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 31 4th dam Madam Dudley, Dam of Dudley (4), 2:32^4 in 1863; 2d dam of Mambrino Dudley, 2:19%; Dodd Peet (p), 2:18, and 16 other standard performers. Also 3d dam of So Long, 2:13M; Highwood, 2:2iy 2 (sire of Caid, 2:07}i; Early Reaper, 2:09%, etc.) Owner's Statement — Mamie Byrd is a good brood-mare, safely in foal to Oh So. She is another one that will show what she is at time of sale. No. 33. IDEAL MAID. Standard. Chestnut mare, 14.3 hands; foaled 1896. Bred and owned by D. J. Cameron, La Crosse, Wis. By BEAU IDEAL 98IO. Son of Aberdeen 27 (sire of Kentucky Union, 2:07i; Dentine, 2:13£, etc.); dam Annabel, great brood-mare, by George Wilkes 519 (sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13i, etc.); second dam Jessie Pepper, a great brood- mare, by Mambrino Chief 11 (sire of Lady Thorne, 2:18 J, etc.); third dam by Sidi Hamet. 1st dam Lady Frances Cleveland by Doctor Archibald 2915, Record (p, 3), 2:12J4. Brother to Spice, 2:16^, and son of Oh 80,2:25^ (sire of Dr. Archibald (p. 3), 2:1234; Dun- ton Oh So (p), 2:08, etc.) 2d dam Maud Archibald, by Glenwood 2496, Record2:27M,anddamof Spice, 2-.16J4, Record 2:27%. Sire of Maud Archi- and Dr. Archibald (p, 3), 2:12^- bald, 2:27M. and dam of Dr. Archi- bald (p, 3), 2:12^: Spice, 2:16^. Son of Wapsie 688 (sire of Gen. Grant, 2:21; Wonder, 2:21M, etc.): dam Bradshaw Mare, great brood-mare, by Mambrino Patchen 58 (sire of London, 2:20 l A, etc.) Owner's Statement— Ideal Maid will make a gentle, toppy driver and should learn to step well. She is small, but all quality. 32 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 34. MADELINE OH SO. Standard. Black mare; 16 hands; foaled 1896. Bred and owned by D. J- Cameron, La Crosse, Wis. By OH SO 16738. Record 2:25£. Sire of Spice, 2:16i; Dunton Oh So (p),2:08; Dr. Archi- bald (p, 3), 2:12i, etc. Son of Nutwood, 2:18f (sire of Lockheart, 2:08i; Manager (p), 2:06f, etc.); dam So So, 2:17£, a great brood-male, by- George Wilkes 519 (sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13£; Brignoli Wilkes^ 2:141; Guy Wilkes, 2:15i; etc.); second dam Little Ida,by Edwin Forrest 49 (sire of dam of Geneva, 2:lli; and second dam of Nancy Hanks, 2:04, etc. ) 1st dam Madeline Florence, by Dr. Archibald 2915, Record (p, 3),2:12M- Brother to Spice,. 2-A6U, and son of Oh So, 2:25*4 (sire of Dr. Archibald (p, 3), 2:12^; Dun- ton Oh So (p), 2:08, etc.) 2d dam Maud Archibald, by Glenwood 2496, Record 2:27%, and dam of Spice, 2; 163^, Record 2:27%. Sire of Maud Archi- and Dr. Archibald (p, 3), 2:12}£. bald, 2:27M, and dam of Dr. Archi- bald (p, 3), 2:12M; Spice, 2:1654. Son of Wapsie 688 (sire of Gen. Grant, 2:21; Wonder, 2:21M, etc.); dam Bradshaw Mare, great brood- mare, by Mambrino Patchen 58 (sire of London, 2:20%, etc.) Owner's Statement— Madeline Oh So is broken to drive, good gaited and should learn to step fast if given an opportunity. In addition she is one that I believe will make a good road mare. OF TRACK AXD ROAD HORSES. 33 CONSIGNED BY C. C. Jerome, Chicago., 111. No. 35. BALMY L. Record (p), 2:12. Brown mare: 16 hands: foaled 1S92. Bred by C. E. Lewis, Lebanon, Ohio; owned by C. C. Jerome, Chicago, 111. By BAMBOO 6320. Record 2:20i. Sire of Balmy L. (p), 2:12: Arbor Day(p ; , 2:22i. Son of Lumps 3922. 2:21 sire of Annie Dickerson [p), 2:15?: Elko, 2:17: La Grippe (p). 2:17f : Mary Mac. 2:lSr: Classmate, 2:19f; nine- teen others, and dams of Ina King (p), 2:12i; Lumpwood, 2:11?; Bus- ter (p), 2:15; Olgetta (p), 2:16t: and twelve other standard perform- ers); dam Oria Wood, by Wildwood 914; record 2:30 (son of Black- wood 71); second dam Lady Utterback, by Railey's Mambrino Patchen, Jr., son of Mambrino Patchen 58 (sire of London. 2:20i. etc. i 1st dam Certainty, Dam of Balmy L. (pi. 2:12. by Hambletoxiax 16693, Record 2:28^j. Sire of dam of Balmy L. (p) . 2: 12. Son of Squire Talmage 668 (sire of StraderH.. 2:09}£; Billy D.. 2:1714: Arctic B.,2:173£; Col. Bullett. - 183*: Wood Talmage •: : 18 ; _ ■ IS others, and dama of Cutting. 2:0934, and 23 other standard performers). Owner's Statement — Balmy L. is one of the soundest mares that has ever been campaigned. Her legs are as good as the day she was first put in training, and she has proven that her record is not anything like the measure of her speed, for she was a close sec- ond at Lexington during the last meeting in 2:08f. 2:03?. 2:08^. just barely being beaten a head the last two heats. In her next race (during the last week of the Lexington meeting) she defeated a num- ber of horses — some with records considerably better than 2:10 in the mud, winning the third, fourth and fifth heats, the slowest of which was 2:14t. Remember, she is a race mare. Her speed is not fully developed, and I confidently believe she will be able to beat the good ones next year. In addition to her racing qualities she is a good road mare, a grand looker, a superb individual and a desirable mare to own. 34 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 36. SALLY HILL Yearling record 2:39. Bay mare; 15.2 hands; foaled 1895. Bred by Hill Stock Farm, Dallas, Texas; owned by C. C. Jerome, Chicago, 111. By WILLIAM M. HILL 13268. Record 2:20. Sire of The Private (p), 2:07£; Judge Hurt (p), 2:09i; Lena Hill (p), 2:12f; Dr. Flower's Hill (p), 2:12i; Abbott Hill (p), 2:14i, and 6 other standard performers. Son of Sir Walter 2001 (sire of Sir Walter, Jr., 2:18}, the sire of Alcidalia, 2:10i, etc.), dam Bonnie Kate, by Wagram; second dam Queen of Trumps, by Black Jack, etc. 1st dam Sally Bullard, Dam of Sally Hill (1), 2:39. by Sirocco 4643, Sire of Lulu Armstrong (p), 2:24*4, etc. Son of Jerome Eddy. 2: 16% (sire of Fanny Wilcox, 2:10M. etc.), dam Fanny Harris, a great brood-mare, by Masterlode 595; 2d dam Nelly, dam of George V., 2:20, etc., by Magna Charta 105 (sire of dam of Jack, 2:12, etc.) 2d dam LlL, by unknown. Dam Of C. E. A., 2:25. Owner's Statement — Sallte Hill is handsome enough for the show ring, and I look upon her as being one of the very best trotters to stake in America. She has 2:10 speed, and I have kept her for that purpose, but owing to ill health, find it necessary to sell my en- tire racing stable, a? I am unable to even leave the house, let alone giv- ing it my attention. I do not think a better-gaited trotter ever lived; neither do I think any one ever saw one that is eligible to the slow classes step through the sale ring like she will. She has as clean and cordy a set of legs, without a sign of a wind puff, as any horse ever stood upon, and I doubt if her equal will be sold in the auction ring this year. Look her over; see her step, and I think you will agree with me on every statement. She obtained a yearling record of 2:39, and I have allowed her to develop without racing, thinking she would make one of the greatest mares in America, and I believe my opinion will be correct. No. 37. ABBOTT HILL, Record (p), 2:141 and brother to Judge Hurt (p), 2:09i; Dr. Flower's Hill (p), 2:12£; Lena Hill (p), 2:12f, and George Campbell (p), 2:17. Chestnut gelding; 16 hands; foaled 1895. Bred by Hill Stock Farm, Dallas, Texas; owned by C. C. Jerome, Chicago, 111. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 35 By WM. M. HILL 13268. Record 2:20. Sire of The Private (p), 2:07^; Judge Hurt (p), 2:09. ; Lena Hill (p), 2:12!; Dr. Flower's Hill (p), 2:12^; Abbott Hill (p), 2:141, and 6 other standard performers. Son of Sir Walter 2001 (sire of Sir Walter, Jr., 2:18£, the sire of Alcidalia. 2:10i, etc.). dam Bonnie Kate, by Wagram; second dam Queen of Trumps, by Black Jack, etc. 1st dam Possum Pie, Dam of Judge Hurt (p), 2:09^; Dr. Flower's Hill (p), 2:12^; Lena Hill (p), 2:12%; Abbott Hill (p), 2:14%, and George Campbell (p), 2:17. by Octoroon, Sire of dams of Judge Hurt (p), 2:09)4; Mattie H., 2:11M; Dr. Flow, er's Hill (p), 2:12%: Lena Hill (p), 2:12%; Abbott Hill (p), 2:14%; Suzerain, 2:16%; Geo. Campbell (p), 2:17; Geneva S., 2:19^, and 3 other standard performers Owner's Statement — Abbott Hill obtained his record at Joliet last August. He has been timed separately in his races better than 2:10. Is a good member of a great pacing family and should be good in his class through any circuit. If you want a 2:15 pacer to race, give him your attention at the sale, and he will show you that he can step. Like all the balance of my horses; his legs are good and clean, and he is as sound as any living horse in the 2:15 list. No. 38. BEN H.G. Record (p), 2:24£. Trial 2:11£. Bay gelding, 16 hands; foaled 1894. Owned by C. C. Jerome, Chicago, 111. By ELECTION TIME 21863. Record (p), 2:15i Son of Electrotype 9006 (sire of Election Time (p), 2:15£, etc.), by Electioneer 125 (sire of Arion, 2:07f; Sunol, 2:08i; Palo Alto, 2:081, etc.); dam Jenny, by King Rene 1278 (sire of Keeler, 2:13i, etc.); second dam Lothia, by Woodford Abdallah 1654 (sire of Kenil worth, 2:18i, etc.) 1st dam Dam of Ben H. G. (p), 2:24^. 2d dam Annie, Dam of Ayres P., 2:21%, with running mate, 2:03%, which is the world's record. by Prosper Merimee 1457, Record 2:24M- Sire of Ayres P., 2:21%; Prosperetta (p), 2:16^, and dam of Ben H. G. (p), 2:24^. Son of Fritz 1 156 (sire o f Prosper Merimee, 2 : 24J^ ; dam Anticipation, by Clay Pilot 93; 2d dam Lady Forrest, by Edwin Forrest 49. by Rustic, Sire of dam of Ayres P., 2:21%, with running mate, 2:03%, and 2d dam of Ben. H. G. (p), 2:21M- Owner's Statement — Ben H. G. obtained his record this year on a half-mile track; has been a trial in 2:1L§; is a good individual, and will show for himself at the time of sale. I think he will beat 2:!0 next year. 36 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 39. AGGIE MEDIUM. Record, 2:12*. Bay mare, foaled 1893. Bred by John Brenock, Chicago, 111. ; owned by C. C. Jerome, Chicago, 111. By PILOT MEDIUM 1597. Sire of Peter The Great, 2:07*; Pilot Boy, 2:09*; B. B. P., 2:091; Piletta, 2:11*; Jack, 2:12.; Joe Mooney (p), 2:12*; Pilot, 2:12£; 104 others, and dams of Gunsaulus,2:14£; Baker, 2:14f; Ralph K (p), 2:17*, and 21 other standard performers. Son of Happy Medium 400 (sire of Nancy Hanks, 2:04, etc.), dam Tackey, 2:26 (great brood-mare), by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Jay-Eye-See, 2:10 (p), 2:06i; Maud S., 2:081, etc.) 1st dam Agnes Medium, Dam of Aggie Medium, 2:12^. by Anthony Wayne 2033, Record 2:31%. Sire of Brown Dick f 2:29^; dams of Red Bell (p), 2:11&; Aggie Medium, 2:12*4; Lollie H. (p), 2:18%; Fitzgerald (p), 2:23^; Ger- man Girl, 2:27%, and grandsire of 3, including Badger, 2:25. Son of An- drew Jackson 39. Owner's Statement — Aggie Medium is a perfect mannered mare, a good looker, and every one who has seen her race will agree that she has about as much speed as any living trotter. She would make as great a pole mare as there is in the country; would be valu- able as a matinee mare; and is still good in her class. She has trotted miles in her races better than 2:10 — in fact she was second in two different races in 2:08£. She is in good condition: should take a" record better than 2:10. She can step a quarter in 30 seconds as easily as any trotter ever did; and a half in 1:02. I think she will make one of the greatest pole mares that ever turned around. If you are inter- ested in one that is fast, and always ready to give you her best efforts, give her your attention at the sale. 1 think she is a mare that will please any gentleman on earth. No. 40. EXPRESO 29199. Standard and Registered, Vol. 1 4. Brown stallion with left hind pastern white; 16 hands; foaled 1895. Bred by Palo Alto Farm, Menlo Park, Cal.; owned by Highland Stock; Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By ADVERTISER 17542. Record 2:15*. Sire of Nordica, 2:19*; Dolador, 2:20; Mithra (p), 2:14*; Adbell (1 year), 2:23; Ardetta, 2:25, and Everard (p), 2:19f. Son of Electioneer 125 (sire of Arion, 2:07f ; Sunol, 2:08*; Palo Alto, 2:081, etc.); dam Lula Wilkes, a great brood mare, by George Wilkes OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 37 519 (sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13i, etc.); second dam Lula, 2:15, by Nor- man 25 (sire of Lula, 2:15.; May Queen, 2:20, etc.); third dam Kate Crocket, by imp. Hooton (thoroughbred). 1st dam Esther, by Express, (Thoroughbred.) Dam of Expressive (Thoroughbred.) Sire of dam of Ex- (3), 2:1254; Express, 2:21; Kelly, pressive (3), 2:12% (the greatest 3- 2:27. and 2d dam of Esparto Rex, year-old campaigner the world ever 2:15Jf, and Endrino, 2:25%. saw); Express, 2:21; Kelly, 2:27, and 2d dam of Esparto Rex, 2:15%, and Endrino, 2:25%. 2d dam Colisseum, by Colossus, (Thoroughbred.) Son of Imp. Sovereign (sire of the 2d dam of Eager. 2:14M, and 3d dam of Impetuous (3), 2:13; Extasy (3), 2:11%, (p, 2), 2:10M, etc.) 3d dam Capitola, by Vandal, Son of Imp, Glencoe (sire of the 2d dams of Palo Alto, 2: 08%; Lakewood Prince, 2:13%; Favonia, 2:15; J. B. Richardson, 2:16%, etc.) 4th dam by imp. Margrave, Sire of 2d dam of Hambrino, 2:21% (sire of Delmarch, 2:11%, the sire of Ace (p), 2:0534, etc.) 5th dam by Cherokee. 6th dam by Tiger. Owner's Statement — As an individual Expreso cannot be beaten, neither can he be beaten as a sire of individual quality, for lie is very handsome, has a faultless conformation, superior style, per- fect disposition and as good a set of legs and feet as were ever put under a horse; and he transmits these good qualities to his get with a wonderful degree of uniformity. He is 16 hands high, weighs 1200 pounds, and is as perfectly turned as any living horse. His first crop of colts are two years of age and they are the best lot we have ever seen by any stallion. He has never been worked a day for speed but we believe he will prove fast, for he is pure gaited and acts as though he will make a very fast trotter if given an opportunity to develop speed. His sire was one of the best bred and best gaited trotters that «ver lived and his dam produced the greatest campaigner the world ever saw in a 3-year-old filly. We know of no horse that pos- sesses as much all-around quality; and as the greatest results of Electioneer family have been produced by crossing onto thorough- bred blood we think Expreso has a good chance of becoming as great as any member of the Electioneer family. 38 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 41. MISS EXORA. Bay mare, with small snip and hind pasterns white; foaled 1898. Bred and owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By EXPRESO 29199. Son of Advertiser, 2:15i (sire of Abdell (1), 2:23; Nordica, 2:194; Dolador, 2:20; Mithra (p), 2:14i, etc.); dam Esther (dam of Expressive (3), 2:12|, etc.), by Express; second dam Colisseum by Colossus; third dam Capitola by Vandal; fourth dam by Imported Margrave. 1st dam Amora, Dam of Elfinwood, 2:15M; Hazelwood, 2:26y 2 , and Silkwood, 2:27*$. 2d dam True Grit, 3d dam Tip, 4th dam by Attorney 1005, Sire of Thomas Edison (p), 2:08%; Attora (p), 2:09%; Attorney, Jr.(p), 2:12; 16 others; dams of Alix, 2:03%; Redinda (p), 2:07^; Dandy Boy, 2:UU\ Elfinwood, 2:15^; Hallie Harris, 2:17%; 14 other standard performers. Son of Harold 413 (sire of Maud S., 2.08%, etc.); dam Maud, a great brood-mare, by Abdallah 15. by Tramp 308, Sire of Tramp S.,2:21^; Trampoline, 2:23; 13 others; dams of Pactolus, 2:12%; Rhinestone (p), 2; 15V£; Capt. Woods (p), 2:16 i / 2 ; 16 others, and grandsire of Senator A., 2:10, etc.; also sire of 2d dam of Redinda (p) r 2:07M- by Bashaw 50, Record 2:35. Sire of Josephus, 2:19%; 16 others; dams of Strong Boy (p), 2:11^; Hastings Boy (p), 2:13, and 40 other standard performers. Son of Vernol's Black Hawk, dam Belle, by Webber's Tom Thumb; 2d dam Charles Kent Mare (dam of Hamble- tonian 10) , by imp. Bellf ounder. by Kincaid, Son of Green Mountain Morgan. Owner's Statement— This filly is just merely broken, but she is a very large 2-year-old and is sure to make a trotter, as her dam never produced anything but what has speed. Her pedigree is worthy of special attention, and she is as good an individual as her breeding would indicate. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 39 No. 42, EXWOOD. Black gelding 1 , foaled 1898. Bred and owned by Highland Stock Farm Co. , Dubuque, Iowa. By EXPRESO 29199. Son of Advertiser, 2:15i (sire of Abdell (1), 2:23; Nordica, 2:19|; Dolador, 2:20; Mithra(p), 2:14i, etc.), dam Esther (dam of Expressive, (3), 2:12i, etc.), by Express; second dam Colisseum by Colossus; third dam Capitola, by Vandal; fourth dam by Imported Margrave. 1st dam Mollie, 2d dam Nellie Davis, 3d dam by Nutwood 600, Record 2:18%. Sire of Manager (p), 2:06%; Lockheart, 2:0834; 160 others: dams of Arion, 2:07%; Fred Kohl, 2:07%; Ethel Downs, 2:10; Nemoline, 2:1134; Timorah, 2:1234; Neernut, 2:12%; Eyelet (p), 2:0634; 150 others, and grandsire of Caid, 2:0734; Ar- getta (p), 2:08^, and 600 other stand- ard performers. by Harry Pulling 2581, Record 2:2934- Sire of Gen. Buford, 2:24; Fay Pulling, 2:26; Andv Pogue, 2:2934, Don Pulling, 2:30, and dam of Menelaus226 (sire of Cleora, 2:18%, etc.), by Hambletonian 10; dam Bird, by Smith's Ethan Allen, by Black Hawk 5; 2d dam by St. Lawrence. s. t. b. by Magna Charta 105, Record 2:33%. Sire of Hannah D., 2:2234; 4 others, and dams of Jack, 2:12; Belle F., 2:1534; Anti, 2:1634; Captain Tom, 2:1934; Emma E., 2:1934; Dean, 2:20, and 46 other standard performers. Son of Mor- gan Eagle, dam an Indiana mare of unknown breeding. Owner's Statemeet — This fellow we look upon as one of the best of Expreso's get. He could scarcely be improved upon as an individ- ual. Is inclined to be double gaited, but thus far, since being broken late in the summer, has been on a trot, and has been quarters better than :40. He is a colt that will stand a lot of work and they are the only kind that will make race horses nowadays. 40 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 43. EXPRESS BOY. Bred Chestnut stallion, with left hind ankle white; foaled 1898. and owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By EXPRESO 29199. Son of Advertiser, 2:l5i (sire of Adbell (1), 2:23; Nordica, 2:19£; Dolador, 2:20; Mithra (p), 2:14i, etc.); dam Esther (dam of Express- ive (3), 2:12i, etc.), by Express; second dam Colisseum, by Colossus; third dam Capitola, by Vandal; fourth dam by imp. Margrave. 1st dam Miss Mora, Sister to Elfinwood, 2:15M; Hazel- wood, 2:26^, and Silkwood, 2:2734- 2d dam Amora, Dam to Elfinwood, 2:1534; Hazel- wood, 2:2634, and Silkwood, 2:2734- 3d dam True Grit, 4th dam Tip, 5th dam by Nutwood 600, Record 2:18%. Sire of Manager (p), 2:06%; Lockheart, 2:0834; 160others; dams of Arion, 2:0?%; Fred Kohl, 2:07%: Ethel Downs, 2:10; Nemoline, 2:11*4; Timorah, 2:1234; Neernut, 2:12; Eyelet (p). 2:0634; 150 others, and grandsire of Caid, 2 : 0734 ; Argetta (p), 2:08)4, and 600 other standard performers. by Attorney 1005, Sire of Thomas Edison (p), 2:08%; At- tora (p), 2:0934; Attorney J. (p), 2:12; 16 others; dams of Alix, 2:03%; Re- dinda (p), 2:0734; Dandy Boy, 2:1434; Elfinwood, 2:1534; Hallie Harris, 2: 1734 ; 14 others.and grandsire of Rex Alto (p), 2:07%; Quick Turn (p), 2:1334, etc. by Tramp 308, Sire of Tramp S., 2:2134; Trampoline, 2:23; 13 others; dams of Pactolus, 2:12%; Rhinestone (p), 2:1534; Capt. Woods (p), 2: 16Vi; 16 others, and grandsire of Senator A., 2:10, etc.; also sire of 2d dam of Redinda (p), 2:0734- by Bashaw 50, Record 2:35. Sire of Josephus, 2:19%; 16 others; dams of Strong Boy (p), 2:11M; Hastings Boy (p), 2:13, and 40 other standard performers. Son of Vernol Black Hawk; dam Belle, by Webber's Tom Thumb; 2d dam Charles Kent Mare (dam of Hamble- tonian 10), by imp. Bellfounder. by Kincaid, Son of Green Mountain Morgan. Owner's Statement — Here is one that when led into the ring- will certainly draw your attention. He is a good-sized 2-year-old, toppy gaited, very showy, and possesses style and beauty. If you are looking for a young stallion do not overlook this one. Note that he is out of a sister to Elfinwood, 2:15i; Hazelwood, 2:26i, and Silkwood, 2:27i. His disposition is first class. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 41 No. 44 . MISS BETHEL. Bay mare, with a few hairs in forehead, right hind ankle and inside of left hind coronet white; foaled 1898. Bred and owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By EXPRESO 29199. Son of Advertiser, 2:15i (sire of Abdell (1), 2:23; Nordica, 2:194; Dolador, 2:20; Mithra (p), 2:14£, etc.); dam Esther (dam of Expressive (3), 2:121, etc.), by Express; second dam Colisseum, by Colossus; third dam Capitola, by Vandal; fourth dam by imp. Margrave. 1st dam Beth a L., by Mambrino Patchen 58, Brother to Lady Thorn, 2:18$£ and sire of London, 2:20%; 24 others; dams of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; Jupe. 2:07%; Bouncer, 2:09; Rubber, 2:10; 126 others, and grandsire of Lord Derby, 2:07; Nightirjgale, 2:08; Dare Devil, 2:09%; Walter E., 2:10; Lady of the Manor (p), 2:04^, and 164 other standard performers. 2d dam Cropear, by Pilot Duroc 905, Dam of Julietta, 2:2134, and Pheon, Sire of Keller Thomas, 2:12%; 3 oth- 2:24. ers, and dams of Rose (p), 2:19%, and 10 other standard performers. Son of Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Maud S., 2:08fc; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, etc.); dam Nellie, a great brood-mare, by Young Turk. 3d dam by Nigger Dick. Owner's Statement — Miss Bethel is a good individual, as are all of Expreso's get, and here is one that should learn to go very fast, as her dam, Betha L., although having nothing in the list — her produce having been sold for road purposes — has produced several with speed; one of her colts having about as much speed as any liv- ing trotter, and stepped a very easy mile in 2:14 over our track last season. No. 45. ALPHA. Record, 2:23£, and dam of Aeolian, 2:20; Algy, 2:19|, and Aegon (3), 2:18i (sire of Aegon Star, 2:111, etc.) Black mare, with left hind pastern white; 15.3 hands; foaled 1880. Bred by A. S. Talbert, Lex- ington, Ky. Owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By ALCANTARA 729. Record, 2:23. Sire of Moth Miller (p), 2:07; Oscar L. (p), 2:08i; Sir Alcantara (p), 2:09i; Lightning, 2:11; Raven (p), 2:10; Alar, 2:11; Rensselaer Wilkes, 2:lli; Arena, 2:111; Alhambra, 2:14f; 132 others; dams of Early Reaper, 2:09f ; Heir-at-Law (p), 2:051 ; Diablo (p), 2:09i; 42 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE Boreal, 2:15f ; Prince Regent, 2:16*; Charlie Hayt (p), 2:07f, and 35 other standard performers. Son of George Wilkes 519; dam the fa- mous Alma Mater, by Mambrino Patchen 58; second dam Estelle, by- imp. Australian. 1st dam Jessie Pepper, Dam of Iona, 2:17%; Alpha, 2:23%; also 2d dam of Jessie Dim, 2: 17*4; Aegon (3), 2:1834; Algy, 2:19%; Aeolian, 2:20; and 3d dam of Baron Rogers, 2:09%; Early Reaper, 2:09%; Heir-at- Law, 2:12, (p) 2:05%; Prince Regent, 2:16%; Princess Royal (2), 2:20; Wi- lask, 2:1134, etc. 2d dam 3d dam, by Mambrino Chief 11, Sire of Lary Thorn, 2:1834; 5 others, and dams of Director, 2:17; Iona, 2:17 1 / 2 ; Piedmont, 2:1734; and 21 other standard performers; also sire of dams of 66 speed-producing stallions , including Red Wilkes, Belmont, Al- mont, Director, Administrator, Hambrino, etc. by SlDI HAMET. Thoroughbred son of Virginian. by Barnaby's Diomed. Owner's Statement — Alpha was herself a very fast and most reliable mare. As a producer she has demonstrated her right to be in the front rank. All of her produce are first class. Stinted to Ex- preso in the spring, but we think failed to get with foal, as she was very thin and in poor condition at the time. However she is now in fairly good condition, much stronger, and should produce as well as ever. No. 46. HIGHLAND. Black stallion, with a few hairs in forehead and left hind ankle white; foaled 1899. Bred and owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By EXPRESO 29199. Son of Advertiser, 2:15i (sire of Abdell (1), 2:23; Nordica, 2:19i; Dolador, 2:20; Mithra (p), 2:14£, etc.); dam Esther (dam of Expressive (3), 2:12£, etc.); by Express; second dam Colisseum by Colossus; third dam Capitola, by Vandal; fourth dam by imp. Margrave. 1st dam Alpha, Record 2:23%, and dam of Aeolian, 2:20; Algy, 2:19%, and Aegon (3), 2: 1834 (sire of Aegon Star, 2:11%, etc.) 2d dam Jessie Pepper, Dam of Iona, 2: 1714; Alpha, 2:23%; also 2d dam of Jessie Dhu, 2:17%; Aegon (3), 2:1834; Algy, 2: 19%; Aeolian, 2:20, and 3d dam of Baron Rogers, 2:09%; Early Reaper, 2:09%; Heir-at-Law, 2:12 (p). 2:05%; Prince Regent. 2: 1634; Princess Royal (2), 2:20; Wilask, 2:1134, etc. by Alcantara 729, Record 2:23. Sire of Moth Miller (p), 2:07; Lightning, 2:11; Oscar L. (p), 2:08^; Alcantara (p), 2:0934; Alar, 2:11; Rensselaer Wilkes, 2:11%; Arena, 2; 11%; Alhambra. 2:14%; 133 others; dams of Early Reaper, 2:09%; Charlie Hayt (p), 2:07%; Heir-at-law (p),2:05%; Diablo (p), 2:08%; Bereal, 2:15%; Prince Regent, 2:16%; Aegon (3), 2:1834, and 35 other standard per- formers. by Mambrino Chief 11, Sire of Lady Thorn, 2:1834; 5 others, and dams of Director, 2:17; Iona, 2:17%; Piedmont, 2:1734, and 21 other standard performers; also sire of dams of 66 speed-produci?ig stallions, including Red Wilkes. Belmont, Al- mont, Director, Administrator, Mam- brino, etc. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 43 3d dam 4th dam by Sidi Hamet, Thoroughbred son of Virginian. by Barnaby's Diomed. Owner's Statement— This colt, though scarcely bridle-wise at present, is bred to be and certainly will be a trotter. He resem- bles very closely, in every respect, his dam, who, in addition to being a trotter herself, and a most reliable one, is also- the dam of three, including Aegon (3), 2:18; sire of Aegon Star, 2:11£. Note also the produce of second dam of this colt. He certainly should be in de- mand. No. 47. OLESA. Record (p), 2:15; trial, 2:09i. Chestnut mare; 15. li hands; foaled 1891. Bred by J. G. Caldwell, Louisville, Ky. ; owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By ALCANTARA 729. Record 2:23. Sire of Moth Miller (p), 2:07; Oscar L. (p), 2:08i; Sir Alcantara (p), 2:09i; Lightning, 2:11; Raven (p), 2:10; Alar, 2:11; Rensselaer Wilkes, 2:lli; Arena, 2:111; Alhambra, 2:141; 132 others; dams of Early Reaper, 2:09f; Heir-at-Law (p), 2:05f; Diablo (p), 2:09i; Boreal, 2:151; Prince Regent, 2:16i; Charlie Hayt (p), 2:071, and thirty-six other standard performers. Son of George Wilkes 519; dam the famous Alma Mater, by Mambrino Patchen 58; second dam Estelle, by imp. Australian. 1st dam Lottie, Dam of Olesa (p), 2:15. 2d dam Lady Burns, by Addison Lambert 748, Record 2:27. Sire of Susie, 2:26; Shadow, 2:28; Addie Shawmut (p), 2:16%; dam of Olesa (p), 2:15, and 3 other standard performers. Son of Daniel Lambert 102 (sire of Comee, 2: 19^; 36 others, and dams of Dandy Jim, 2:09%: Pamlico, 2:10; Alcidalia, 2:10^; Baronet, 2:11%; May Bloom, 2:12^, and 75 other standard per- formers.) by Abraham 353, Sire of Frank, 2:19%; 6 others, and dams of Monopole (p), 2:08%; Ketch, 2:18%, and 4 other standard per- formers. Son of Daniel Lambert 102 (sire of Comee, 2:19%, etc.); dam Polly Cook, by Black Hawk 5; 2d dam by Young Sir Charles. Owner's Statement — Olesa is a mare that possesses a great deal of individual quality and has wonderful speed, which her record does not in any way measure. She has paced half miles in 1:00, and will be able to show a world of speed at the time of sale. 44 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No 48. MISS NIRA. Bay mare, with small star in forehead and hind pasterns white; 15.3 hands; foaled 1895. Bred and owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By BLOOMFIELD 3119. Record 2:17*. Sire of Joe Fifer, 2:18; Dolly Bloom, 2:21i; Jeanne Lawson,. 2:291, and dam of Nina V., 2:22£. Son of Billy Wilkes 2938 (sire of Mary Marshall, 2:12f; May Marshall (p), 2:08i, etc.); dam Rysdyk Maid, a great brood-mare, by Hambletonian 10 (sire of Dexter, 2:17i, etc.); second dam Lady Van Buren, by Bulrush. 1st dam Montine, by Forrest Mambrino 9865. Record 2:32. Sire of Forrest Boy, 2:16^; Alecia C, 2:18^, and 5 other standard performers. Son of Mam- brino Patchen 58 (brother of Lady Thorn. 2:1834)- Sire of London, 2:20V 2 ; 24 others; dams of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; Jupe, 2:07 V 2 \ Boun- cer, 2:09; Rubber, 2:10; 137 others, and grandsire of Lord Derby, 2:07; Nightingale, 2:08; Dare Devil, 2:09%; Walter E., 2:10, and 142 other stand- ard performers. 26. dam by Major Grant 705. Sire of Granite, 2:24%; Nelly Grant, 2:2834, and dam of Natalie (p), 2: 20}*. Son of Delmonico 110 (sire of Darby, 2:16*4, etc.); dam Dandy, a great brood-mare, by Young Engineer (thoroughbred). 3d dam by Mercer's Diomed. 4th dam by Green Mountain Morgan. Owner's Statement — Miss Nira trotted our track in 2:17i as a 5-year-old, and looked like one of the most promising young mares in the country, but she had a bad case of catarrhal fever, which left her wind in bad shape, and she was bred last spring to Expreso, and is believed to be in foal. No. 49 FLORENCE H. Chestnut mare, with star in forehead and a few hairs on his hind eoronets white; 15.3 hands; foaled 1895. Bred and owned by High- land Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By NUTWOOD 6OO. Record,- 2:18f. Sire of Manager (p), 2:061; Lockheart, 2:08*; 160 others; dams of Arion, 2:071; Fred Kohl, 2:071; Ethel Downs, 2:10; Nemoline, 2:lli; Timorah, 2:12i; Neernut, 1:12*; Eyelet (p), 2:06*; 150 •others, and grandsire of Caid, 2:07*; Argetta (p), 2:081, and 600 other OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 45» standard performers. Son of Belmont 64 (sire of Ella Belmont, 2:12£ r etc.); dam the famous Miss Russell (dam of Maud S., 2:081, etc. ); by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dam of Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, (p) 2:06 J, etc.) 1st dam Blanche L., Dam of Way burn, 2:18%, and Blanche N. (3), 2:25%. 2d dam Blanche Patchen, Second dam of Wayburn, 2:18%; and Blanche N. (3), 2:25%. by William L 4244, Brother to Guy Wilkes, 2:15%, and sire of Axtell (3), 2:12; Margaret C. r 2:18; 8 others; dams of Queerest, 2:12%; Improvidence, 2:13%: 13 others, and grandsire of Elloree, 2:08%; Praytell, 2:09%, and 90 other standard performers. by Mambrino Patchen 58, Brother to Lady Thorn, 2:18%. Sire of London, 2:20%; 24 others; dams of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; Jupe. 2:07%; Bouncer, 2:09; Rubber, 2:10; 136 others, and grandsire of Lord Derby , 2:07: Nightingale, 2:08; Dare Devil, 2:09%; Walter E., 2:10, and 165 other standard performers. by Privateer 258, Sire of Moscow, 2:26%; dam of Al- cryon. 2:15; George Hoff (p), 2:21%,. and grandsire of Gordon Sim, 2:20 l / 2 v Son of Grey Messenger 155 (sire of Honest Dutchman, 2:26%, etc.; ; dam Lady Moscow, 2:30; pedigree un- known. by Abdallah 15, Record 2:42. Sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2:14; 5 others; dams of 43, including Favonia, 2:15; Jerome Eddy, 2:16%;; and 2d dams of 50 in 2:30, including Alcryon, 2:15; Altar, 2:16%; Maud Messenger, 2:l6y 2 , etc. Son of Ham- bletonian 10 (sire of Dexter, 2:17%, v etc.) Owner's Statement— Florence H. is a sister to Wayburn, 2:18i, and Blanche N. , 2:25f ; She is double gaited and inclined to pace more than to trot, but has never beenhadled for speed and will undoubtedly learn to go fast at one or the other if given an opportunity. 3d dam Lady Blanche, Dam of Alcyron,2:15; George Hooff (p), 2:21%, and 2 sons that have sired standard performers. 4th dam Jenny Lind, No. 50. JUNIATA. Dam of Cherrycroft, 2;22i, and second dam of Bordeaux, 2:15f . Chestnut mare, with narrow strip in face, right hind ankle and inside of left hind coronet white; 15.2 hands; foaled 1879. Bred and owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By CUYLER IOO. Sire of Elvira, 2:18£; fifteen others; dams of The Bishop (p), 2:09£; Cuylercoast, 2:11; Baron Crisp, 2:12£; Ponce de Leon, 2:13; Patron, 2:14i, and fifty-one other standard performers. Son of Hambletonian 10; dam Gray Rose (dam of Stillson 670), by Hambletonian 2. 46 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 1st dam Hyacinth, Dam of Mecca (p), 2:19^ sire, and 21 dam of Muscovite, 2:18; Prince- ton, 2:19%; Cherrycroft, 2:22M; Ivoca, 2:23%; Euclid, 2:28%, and Russia, 2:29M- 2d dam Clara, Dam of Dexter, 2:1714; Dictator 113 (sire of Jay-Eye-See, 2:10; dam of Nancy Hanks, 2:04, and grandsire of Directum, 2: 05^; Direct (p), 2:05%, etc.), etc. 3d dam McKinstry Mare, Dam of Shark, 2:27%, to saddle. by Volunteer 55, Record to wagon, 2:37. Sire of St. Julien,2:llM; St. Patriek (p), 2:14%; Gloster, 2:17; Bodine, 2:1934; Alley, 2:19; Driver, 2:19%; 28 others, and dams of Homestake, 2:1434; Brava, 2:14%, and 69 otter standard per- formers. by American Star 14, Sire of Widow Machree, 2:29; 3 oth- ers, and dams of Guy, 2:10%; Dex- ter, 2:17J4; Robert McGregor, 2:17%; Nettie, 2:18; Joe Bunker, 2:1934; Driver, 2:19%, and 37 other standard performers. Owner's Statement— Juniata is one of the best bred daughters of the great brood-mare sire, Cuyler. Although she has gotten along pretty well in years, she will very likely raise three of four good foals. Stinted to Expreso and believed to be with foal. No. 51. ALLIE M. Chestnut mare, with narrow strip in face; 15.2 hands; foaled 1893. Bred and owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By NUTWOOD 600. Record, 2:181. Sire to Manager (p), 2.061; Lockheart, 2:08i; 160 others, dams of Arion, 2:07f; Fred Kohl, 2:07f; Ethel Downs, 2:10; Nemoline, 2:lli; Timorah, 2:12i; Neernut, 2:12i; Eyelet (p), 2:06£; 150 others, and grandsire of Caid, 2:07i; Argetta (p), 2:08£, and 600 other standard performers. 1st dam Almira Phallamont, Sister to Ogden Phallamont, 2:26%, by Phallamont 3175, and Phallamont Sprague, 2:2734. 2d dam Carrie Dexter, Dam of Ogden Phallamont, 2:26%; Phallamont Sprague, 2:2734. 3d dam Edmonia, Dam of Vida, 2:16; Zouave, 2:30, and 2d dam of King Nasir, 2:2134, and 4 other standard performers. Sire of Kate Phallamont, 2:12J4; Phallamont Boy, 2:1834; Eva S., 2:18i4; Virginius, 2:19J4, and 18 other standard performers. Son of Phal- las, 2:13%; dam Maud Butler, by Al- mont 33, 2d dam Miss Butler, by Duval's Mambrino, etc. by Billy Sprague 5749, Record 2:28. Sire of Swift Bird (p), 2:13i4; Arrigle, 2:24%, and 3 other standard performers. Son of Gov. Sprague 444; dam Lady Breeze (dam of Aunty Shucks (p), 2:0834), by Swigert 650; 2d dam by Bellfounder 63. by Dictator 113, Brother to Dexter, 2:1734, and sire of Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, (p) 2:0634; Impetu- ous (3), 2:13; 54 others; dams of Nancy Hanks, 2:04; Lockheart, 2:08%; Egozen (p), 2:06%; Gazette (p), 2:0754; 77 others, and grandsire of Directum, 2:05?4; Direct (p), 2:05%, and 250 other standard per- formers. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 47 4th dam Leah, Sister to Malaga (dam of Woodbine, 2:25; sire of Vega, 2:10*4, etc.), and 2d dam of Item. 2:1734. 5th dam Maud, Dam of King Jim (p). 2:20%; Attorney 1005 (sire Thomas Edison (p), 2:08%; 17 others, and dam of Alix, 2:03%, etc.) by Woodford Mambrino 345, Record 2:21%. Sire of Abbottsford, 2:19%; Mambrino Dudley, 2:19%; 11 others; dams of Kremlin, 2:07%; Bonnatella, 2:10; Lakewood Prince, 2:13%; Monette, 2:t4^, and 36 other standard performers. by Abdallah 15, Sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2: 14; 4 others, and dams of Favonia, 2:15; Jerome Eddy, 2:16%, and 41 other standard performers. Son of Hambletonian 10; dam Katy Darling. Owner's Statement — Allie M. is one of the best Nutwood mares we know of and is one of his stoutest bred daughters. She was never handled for speed, as we thought she would make a great brood- mare; bred and believed to be in foal to Express. No. 52. LITTLE ELLEN. Brown mare, with a small star in forehead; 15 hands; foaled 1893. Owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By CONNOISSEUR 9283. . Brother to Utility, 2:13. Son of Electioneer 125 (sire of Arion, 2:07f; Sunol, 2:08i; Palo Alto, 2:081, etc.); dam Consolation (dam of Utility, 2:13), by Dictator 113 (sire of Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, etc.); second dam Belle, by Norman 25 (sire of Lula, 2:15, etc.); third dam the great brood-mare, Vic, by Mambrino Chief 11 (sire of Lady Thorn, 2:18i, etc.) 1st dam Agatha, 2d dam Ada S., Sister to Kate F. (dam of Silena F., 2:14%: Birchwood (p). 2:15. Sire of Birchtwig (p), 2:08^; Minnie Birch- wood, 2:13M), and Mary F. (dam of Anita, 2:29%). 3d dam Adieu, by Nutwood 600, Record 2:18%- Sire of Manager (p), 2:06%; Lockheart, 2:08%; 160 others; dams of Arion, 2:07%; Fred Kohl, 2:0r%; Ethel Downs, 2:10; Nemoline, 2:11^; Timorah, 2:12^; Neernut. 2:124; Eyelet (p), 2:06M; 160 others, and grandsire of Caid, 2:07^; Argetta (p) ; 2; 08^, and 600 other standard performers. by Mambrino Boy 844, Record 2:26%. Sire of Rockley Boy, 2:13^; Jack, 2:19^; Rhoderick Dhu, 2:20; 10 others; dams of Allerton, 2:09^; Axtell, 2:12; s-t. Vincent, 2:13%; New York Central, 2:13%; Silena F.. 2:14^, and 27 other stand- ard performers. by Administrator 357, Record 2:29%. Sire of Catchny,2:18&; 15 others, and dams of 61, including Derby Princess, 2:08%; Miss Mc- Gregor, 2:13; Gesner (p),2:13%; Ash- land Wilkes, 2:17M (sire of John R. Gentry (p), 2:00%, etc.) Son of Ham- bletonian 10; dam Dolly Halstead. by Mambrino Chief 11. 48 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 4th dam Katie B., by Kentucky Clay 194, Sire of dams of Angelina, 2:12; Auto- graph, 2:16^; Etiquette, 2:1834, and 15 other standard performers. Son of C. M. Clay, Jr. 22: dam Rodes Mare (dam of Lady Thorn, 2:18%; Mambrino Patchen 58, etc.) , by Gano, by American Eclipse. 5th dam by Mambrino Chief 11, Sire of Lady Thorn, 2:18%, etc. Owner's Statement — Little Ellen is bred to perfection, is a trim, nice looker, highly finished and has great individual quality. We thought she would make a grand brood-mare and bred her to Expreso. No. 53. MISS SOLEE. Bay mare, with hind pasterns white; foaled 1896. Bred and owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By ROBERT LEE 14302. Record 2;18i. Son of Alcantara 729 (sire of Moth Miller (p), 2:07; Raven (p), 2:10; Alar, 2:11; Lightning, 2:11; Rensselaer Wilkes, 2:111;. Arena, 2:114, etc.); dam Meg Merrilles, by Electioneer 125 (sire of Arion, 2:071; Sunol, 2:08i; Palo Alto, 2:08f, etc.); second dam Young Gypsy, a great brood-mare, by Mambrino Pilot 29 (sire of Hannis,. 2:171, etc.) 1st dam So So, by George Wilkes 519, Record 2:17%, and dam of All So, Record 2:22. Sire of Harry Wilkes.. 2:20%; Miss So So, 2:24%; Oh So, 2:13^1 Brignoli Wilkes, 2:14%; 81 2:25%; Reve So, 2:28%; Syria (p), others; dams of Manager (p), 2:06%; 2:12%. All So and Oh So are both Dick Hubbard, 2:09%; 146 others, sires of standard performers. and grandsire of Joe Patchen (p), 2:01%; Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; Beu- zetta, 2:06%, and 2183 other standard performers. 2d dam Little Ida, by Edwin Forrest 49, Dam of So So, 2:17%, and 2d dam of Sire of Billy Hoskins, 2:26%; Cham- Syra (p), 2:12%, and 6 other stand- pagne, 2:30; dams of Geneva, 2:ll l / 2 ; ard performers. So So, 2:17%; Mambrino Dudley^ 2:19%; 12 other standard perform- ers, and 2d dams of Nancy Hanks, 2:04; Charleston, 2:12%; Abbie V., 2:16%; Angelina, 2:12, etc. 3d dam Ida May, by Red Jacket, Sire of dam of Kentucky Wilkes, 2:21% (sire of Bravado, 2:10V 2 , etc.), and the 2d dam of Red Wilkes 1749- (sire of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%, etc.) 4th dam Anna, by Kinkead's St. Lawrence, Sire of 2d dams of Viking, 2:19%; Waterloo, 2:19%; Mambrino Gilt, 2:20, etc. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 49 Owner's Statement — Miss Solee is a well-bred one and, think- ing" she ought to make a great brood-mare, we bred her to Expreso and believe her to be in foal. Her sire is one of the fastest sons of the great Alcantara and her dam is the fastest daughter of George Wilkes. She is, therefore, an inbred Wilkes and should have extra value for that reason. No. 54. AUNT ALICE. Bay mare; 15.2 hands; foaled 1893. Bred by H. S. Henry, Morris- ville, Pa.; owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., agent, Dubuque, Iowa. By ANTEEO 7868. Record 2:16£. Sire of Angelina, 2:llf ; Parris, 2:12£; Myrtle, 2:13i; Eoline, 2:141; forty others, and dams of Directum Kelly, 2:08£; W. Wood (p), 2:07, and four other standard performers; also grandsire of Charlie Herr, 2:07; Annie Lee(p),2:07i, etc. Son of Electioneer 125 (sire of Arion, 2:07|; Sunol, 2:08i; Palo Alto, 2:08|, etc.); dam the great Columbine, by A. W. Richmond 1687; second dam by imp. Bon- nie Scotland. 1st dam Miss Alice, by Baron Wilkes 4758, Record 2:18. Sire of Oakland Baron, 2:09^; Baron Rogers, 2:09%; Bumps (p), 2:03^; Rubinstein (p), 2:05; 70 others; dams of Baron Bel (p), 2:1114; China Silk (2), 2:16M; Acker- land, 2:13%; Feliciana, 2:15; 12 others and grandsire of Henry Bar- rett, 2:1054; etc. 2d dam Steinette, by Steinway 1806, Dam of Wert, 2:15%, and Bourbon Record (3), 2:25%. Sire of Our Jack, Russell, 2:30. 2:13%; Klatawah (p, 3), 2:05%; W. Wood (p), 2:07; Agitato (p), 2:09; Cricket (p), 2:10; 27 others; dams of 12, and grandsire of Derby Princess, 2:08%; Diablo (p), 2:09^, etc. Son of Strathmore 408, dam Abbess, a great brood-mare, by Albion. 3d dam Ned, Dam of Clemmie G., 2: 15% ; Post Boy. 2:23; Forrest Wilkes, 2:24M; Alice Stoner, 2:24%; Mystery, 2:25^; 2 speed-producing sons, and 2d dam of Wert, 2:15%; Kelvyn (p), 2:11%, and 4 other standard performers. Owner's Statement — Aunt Alice is a good looking mare; a nice individval, and is one of the best bred ones alive. Study her blood and speed lines and you will make up your mind she is good enough to join any band of brood-mares. In addition to her prospects in this direction, she should make an ideal road mare, and the chances are she will make a trotter if handled for speed. Bred and believed to be in foal to Expreso. 50 CHICA.GO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE CONSIGNED BY I. E. Doty, Dayid City, Neb. No. 55. MABEL ONWARD. Record, 2:111. Sister to Phoebe Onward, 2:12i and the fastest trotter alive eligible to the 2:10 class. Bay mare, 15. H hands; foaled 1895. Bred and owned by I. E. Doty, David City, Neb. By SHADELAND ONWARD 6OIO. Record 2:18*. Sire of Mabel Onward, 2:1 If ; Phoebe Onward, 2:12i; Online (p), 2:04; Ontonian (p), 2:07i; Fred K. (p), 2:09f; Shade On (p), 2:10; North Star, 2:18i, and eighteen other standard performers. Son- of Onward 1411 (sire of Beuzetta, 2:06f; Pilatus, 2:09J, etc.); dam Nettie Time (dam of Temple Bar, 2:17f; Egbertime, 2: 18 J; Shadeland Onward, 2:18*, etc.), by Mambrino Time 1686. by Mambrino Patchen 58. 1st dam Sentinel Belle, Dam of Mabel Onward, Phoebe Onward, 2:1234- 2:11%, and 2d dam Ollie Scott, Dam of Nina Woodbine, 2:25: E. W. M 19582 (sire of Tony Wilkes, 2:25*4.) and 2d dam of Mabel Onward, 2:11%, and Phoebe Onward, 2:1234. 3d dam Laura Logan, Dam of St. Valentine, 2:16%; Judge Hawes, 2:24; 2 speed-producing sons, and 2d dam of Nina Woodline, 2:25; Maggie Sultan, 2:30 (dam of Nico, 2:0834). 4th dam 5th dam by Grand Sentinel 865, Record 2:2734 Sire of Tosca, 2:18*4; La Sella, 2:20; 20 others, and dams of Peter the Great, 2:07*4; Mabel Onward, 2:11%; Phoebe Onward, 2:12*4; Jay Hawker, 2:14%, and 16 other standard performers. Son of Sentinel 280; dam Maid of Lexing- ton, by Mambrino Pilot 29; 2d dam by imp. Leviathan. by Strathmore 408, Sire of Strathmeath (p), 2:10*4; Ter- rill S. (p), 2:1034; Eleanor (p), 2:11; Miauet, 2:13%; 84 others, and dams of Bumps (p), 2:0334; Dan Cupid, 2:0934; Alves, 2:09*4; Simmocolon, 2:13%; Baronmore, 2:1434, and over 100 other standard performers. by American Clay 34, Sire of Granville, 2:26; 2 others; dams of David B., 2:0934; Ella Belmont, 2:12%: Corticelli, 2:15*4: Nutmeg, 2:16; St. Valentine, 2:16%; Clara Wilkes, 2:17; Sir Walter. Jr., 2:18*4; Garnet, 2:19, and 35 other standard performers. by Crusader. by Tom Hal. Owner's Statement—Mabel Onward started out a green mare this season and won first or second money in every start through the Great Western Circuit. Every horseman who saw her must admit that she is one of the fastest trotters ever foaled. She raised a colt OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 51 last year, has had only a limited amount of training, can trot quar- ters in :30, and has as good a chance of lowering the world's record, with continued training, as any living trotter. She forced the great trotter, Contralto, out to her record of 2:10 — a fourth heat — in August, and has improved considerably in speed since that time. She is one of the soundest mares alive, a good looker, gaited to trot as fast as any trotter, and has a wonderful future if fortunate enough to get into the hands of a competent trainer. She and her sister both ob- tained their records this year, and they will both have records well inside of 2:10 next season if no serious accident befalls them, as they are the greatest pair ever produced by one mare. Remember, this mare has all 2:12 trotters at her mercy next year, down the Grand Circuit or any other place, if any good man gets her. The Abbott, Alix, Nancy Hanks, Cresceus, Directum or no other champion had as much speed with the same amount of work, and Mabel never had the advantage of company, and never turned around to speed with another horse until she started at Des Moines. Neither has she ever had the advantage of an experienced trainer. HER FIRST RACE, DES MOINES, IOWA. (Clipping from The Horse Review.) The winner turned up in a nice-looking, good-going, maiden trotter by the name of Mabel Onward. Mabel is a daughter of Shadeland Onward, just from the country, and brought her country manners with her. She had never seen a race meeting before in her life and she shied at the people, and shied at the parasols, and the judges' stand, and everything else that she saw, but it did not take her many minutes to get accustomed to them all, and the way she could trot through that mud was something frightful. Oscar Ames, who had the mount behind The Admiral, the big Mascot trotter, accidentally landed the first heat, because Mabel, who had come to the front at the finish on the outside, stopped to shy at a green parasol over the fence, and Mayor Swift, who was ahead on the inside got his feet tangled. After that Mabel came with a rush at the finish of every heat and outstepped Prince of Darkness and Mayor Swift and all the other good ones. In the third heat they made her go in 2: 15 J, over a track at least two seconds slow, a most remarkable performance for a trotter that had never turned around in a race before. Mabel is a sister to Phoebe Onward, 2:12i, and both were developed and are now driven by Mr. Smith, of David City, Neb. 2:40 class, trotting; purse $600. Mabel Onward, b. m., by Shadeland Onward— dam by Grand Sentinel Smith 3 111 The Admiral, b. g., by Mascot— Dolly Wimple, by New York.. « Ames 16 6 8 Mayor Swift, b. g., by Count Lewis Sweeney 2 2 5 4 Prince of Darkness, blk.g., by Gamwood Jones 5 8 2 2 Joy Maker, 8-4-9-3; Breezeland, 7-5-4-5; Red Caffrey, 4-7-10 6; Ed Bryan, 6-9 7-9; Ideania, 9-10-8-7; Johnny Moloch, 10-3-3-dr.; Frugality, 11-11-dr.; Eva, 12-dr. Time— 2:17^, 2:16}*, 2:15^, 2:18M- 52 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE Independence, Iowa. 2:45 class, trotting; purse $500. . _ Mabel Onward, b. m., by Shadeland Onward— Sentinel Belle, by Grand Sentinel «•■■«;.„ VV 8 ? 11111 o o o Gamin, b. g., by Prodigal— Guelda, by Guy Wilkes McAvoy 22 2 Earl McGregor, Jr., ch. g., by Earl McGregor dis Time— 2:17, 2:12*-, 2:13. Hamline, Minn. 2:35 class, trotting; purse $1,000. _ ^ Mabel Onward, b. m., bv Shadeland Onward— Sentinel Belle, by Grand Sentinel ....". » Smith 111 JohnL., b. g.,byOhSo : S?^ s, 2:22J^; 4 others, and dams of Jack, 2:12; Belle F., 2:15^; Anti, 2:16^; Captain Tom, 2:1934; Emma E., 2:19^; Dean, 2:20, and 50 other stand- ard performers. Son of Morgan Eagle; dam an Indiana mare of un- known breeding. Owner's Statement — This filly is a large, strong, resolute-go- ing and clear- gaited trotter, possessing great style and action, with comparatively no preparation; can show a 2:40 gait, and should make a race mare; should also be a very desirable one for the road. No. 103. SIMCETTA. Bay filly, foaled 1897. Bred by Simmocolon Stock Farm, Ypsilanti, Mich.; owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By SIMMOCOLON 13846. Record 2:131. Sire of Dan Q. (p), 2:07i; Meridian (p), 2:12i, and six other standard performers. Son of Simmons 2744 (sire of Green- leaf, 2:10i, etc. ) ; dam Colon, a great brood-mare, by Strathmore 408"; second dam Coral (dam of Coralloid, 2:141, etc.), by Clark Chief 89 (sire of dam of Martha Wilkes, 2:08, etc.) 1st dam Licetta, by Brown 4011, Record 2:18%. Sire of Miss Brown, 2:18^; Charley Tuttle, 2:19^; Judge Case (p),2:17M; Amanda S., 2:27^; Victress, 2:28J|; Judge Brown, 2:29^. Son of Combat 1038; dam Gauntlette, a great brood-mare, by Pilot Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Maudi S., 2:08%; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, etc.) 82 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 2d dam Annie Red, by Red Wilkes 1749, Record 2:40. Sire of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; Ithuriel (p), 2:09^; Blanche Louise (p), 2:10; Dallie Wilkes, 2:41%; 141 others; dams of King- mond, 2:09; Sally Toler (p), 2:06%; Bert Oliver (p),2:08%; Town Lady, 2:11%: Evangeline, 2: 11%; 80 others, and grandsire of John R. Gentry (p), 2:00%; Ellard, 2:09%, and over 300 other standard performers. 3d dam Allie Crittenden, 4th dam Lady Almont, by Crittenden 433, Sire of Jean Val Jean, 2:14; Courier, 2:15: Chatterton, 2:18: 11 others, and dams of Bessie Bonehill (p), 2;05%; - Will Leyburn (p), 2: 07^; Cut Glass, 2 : 10!4 ; Belle Colley (p) , 2:09^ ; Killona, 2:14, and 14 other standard performers. Son of Cassius M. Clay, Jr. 22; dam Flora, by Pilot, Jr. 12, etc. by Almont 33, Record 2:39%. Sire of Fanny Wither- spoon, 2:16^; Piedmont, 2:17^; 35 others, anddamsof Winslow Wilkes (p), 2:09%: Token, 2:12; Tuna, 2:12^; Nyanza, 2:12%; Caprice, 2:12%, and over 100 other standard per- formers. Son of Abdallah 15; dam Sally Anderson, by Mambrino Chief 11; 2d dam Kate, by Pilot, Jr. 12. 5th dam CORINNE, by Mambrino Chief 11, Sire of Lady Thorn, 2:18^, etc. 6th dam by Edwin Forrest 49, Sire of dam of Geneva, 2:11%, etc, Owner's Statement — Simcetta possesses both style and finish. Has never been handled for speed except the little brush work pre- paratory to the sale, in which she has shown quarters in :37. She is rapid gaited, good headed and should learn to go fast. No. io 4 . SIM LINO. Chestnut filly; foaled 1897. Bred by Simmocolon Stock Farm, Ypsilanti, Mich.; owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By SIMMOCOLON 13846. Record 2:131. Sire of Dan Q. (p), 2:07£; Meridian (p), 2:12i, and 6 other standard performers. Son of Simmons 2744 (sire of Greenleaf, 2:101, etc.); dam Colon, a great brood-mare, byStrathmore 408, second dam Coral (dam of Coralloid, 2:14|, etc.); by Clark Chief 89 (sire of dam of Martha Wilkes, 2:08, etc.) 1st dam Pauline, by Sphinx 5343, Record 2:20%. Sire of Sphinxetta (p), 2:08%; Sphinx S. (p), 2:09%; Hazel Ridge, 2:11M; Gunsaulus, 2:14%; Baker, 2:14%, and 70 other standard performers. Son of Electioneer 125; dam Sprite, a great brood-mare, by Belmont 64 (sire of Ella Belmont, 2:12%, etc.); 2d dam the famous Water-witch, by Pilot, Jr. 12. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES, 83 2d dam Flora, by Magna Charta 105, Record 2:33%. Sire of Hannah D., 2:2234; 4 others, and dams of Jack, 2:12; Belle F.. 2:1534; Anti, 2:16^; Emma E., 2:1934; Dean, 2:20; Cap- tain Tom, 2:19%, and 50 other stand- ard performers. Son of Morgan Eagle; dam an Indiana mare of un- known breeding. Owner's Statement— This filly is merely broken, having- had nothing farther done with her. However, she possesses good looks, good manners and good action; and should be as good as her breeding would indicate. No. 105. SIMLING. Black filly; foaled 1897. Bred by Simmocolon Stock Farm, Ypsi- lanti, Mich.; owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By SIMMICOLON 13846. Record 2:13f. Sire of Dan Q.(p), 2:07i; Meridian (p), 2:12i, and 6 other standard performers. Son of Simmons 2744 (sire of Greenleaf, 2:10i, etc.); dam Colon, a great brood-mare, by Strathmore 408; second dam Coral (dam of Corralloid, 2:14f, etc.), by Clark Chief 89 (sire of dam of Martha Wilkes, 2:08, etc.) 1st dam Pauling, Sister to Bona (dam of Bonita, 2:2334.) 2d dam Bright Eyes, Dam of Bright Regent (p), 2:0634, and second dam of Bonita, 2:2334. 3d dam Orphan Girl, by Mambrino King 1279, Sire of Dord Derby, 2:07; Nightin- gale, 2:08; Dare Devil, 2:0: Heir-at- Law, 2:12, (p) 2:05%; Lady of the Manor (p), 2:0434; 50 others, and dams of The Abbott, 2:0334; The Monk, 2:0834, etc. Son of Mambrino Patchen 58 ; dam by Edwin Forrest 49. by Blackwood Chief 7670, Sire of W. H. Nichols, 2:2334; Little Dan, 2:2534; Toy, 2:27%, and dams of Bright Regent (p), 2:0634; Merry Chimes (p), 2:08%, and 2 other stand- ard performers. Son of Blackwood 74 ; dam Dictator Maid, by Dictator 113, etc. by C J. Wells 2244, Record 2:38. Sire of Filbert, 2:28, and dams of George Sherman (p), 2:1834, and 4 other standard performers. Owner's Statement — Fillies out of Mambrino King- mares are good property, especially when they are by such sires as Simmocolon. SiMLiNG comes from performing 1 and producing blood on both sides and clear through her pedigree. She needs no apology, either for her breeding or her quality. She has had nothing done with her in the way of training, but is a good gaited one, and will show for her- self. 84 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 1 06. LONSTAR Chestnut gelding; foaled 1897. Bred by Simmocolon Stock Farm, Ypsilanti, Mich.; owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By SIMMOCOLON 13846. Record 2:131. Sire of Dan Q. (p), 2:07£; Meridian (p), 2:12i; Fern- dale (p), 2:16; Simeta (p), 2:17i, and Upland, 2:29i. Son of Simmona 2744 (sire Of Greenleaf, 2:l0i, etc ); dam Colon, a great brood-mare,, by Strathmore 408; second dam Coral (dam of Corralloid, 2:14f, etc.), by Clark Chief 89 (sire of dam of Martha Wilkes, 2:08, etc. 1st dam Star, by George M. Patchen, Jr. 31, Record 2:27. Sire of Wells Fargo, 2:18% ; 9 others, and dams of "William Tell, 2:14^; John Bury, 2:15%; Chancellor, 2:16, and 19 other stand- ard performers. Son of Geo. M. Patchen 30 (sire of Lucy, 2:18^, etc.) ; dam Belle, hy Top Bellfounder. 2d dam Lady Primus, 3rd dam Birdy, by Primus 255, Record 2:39%. Sire of Ewing, 2:21^; Magdallah, 2:23^; -Tump Winston, 2:24*4, and dam of 2 standard per- formers. Son of Marshall Chief 452; dam by Young Messenger, Jr., hy Young Messenger, hy Bush Mes- senger. by George M. Patchen 30, Record 2:23%. Sire of Lucy, 2:18^; 3 others; dams of Nettie Burlew, 2:24; Barbara Patchen, 2:24%; George M. Rysdyk, 2:25, and 3 other standard performers. Also sire of the 2d dam of Stamboul, 2:07%, etc. by Henry Clay 8, Sire of Black Douglas, 2:30; Jericho, 2:30, and founder of the great Clay family. Owner's Statement— There is a lot of old-fashioned blood in this colt, but it is the blood that has performed and produced, and ought to keep on performing and producing. Lonstar is a splendid individual. Is inclined to be double gaited and should learn to go very fast at either gait. 4th dam No. 107. CONCEIT. Chestnut mare, with a few hairs in forehead, left coronet and hind ankles white; foaled 1898. Bred by E. J. Cornish, Omaha, Neb.; owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By THE CONQUEROR 22402. Record 2:12i. Sire of Contralto, 2:10; The Merchant (2), 2:20, yearling record, 2:29£; Confidence (2), 2:24i; The Medium (2), 2:29i; OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 85 The Bishop, 2:29J; Keystone, 2:30. Son of Egotist 5018 (sire of Egozen (p), 2:06i; The Conqueror, 2:12i, etc.); dam Arlotta, by Harold 413 (sire of Maud S., 2:03i, etc.); second dam Noonday, a great brood-mare, by St. Elmo 275; third dam Midnight (dam of Jay- Eye-See, 2:10, (p) 2:06£, etc.), by Pilot, Jr. 12. 1st dam Cora Ha, by Brentwood 796, Sire of Newsboy (p), 2:12%; Kitewood, 2:23. Son of Blue Grass 382 (sire of Grey Cloud, 2:23%; dam Crop, a great brood-mare, by Pilot, Jr. 12 (Sireof dams of Maud S., 2:08%; Jay- Eye-See, 2:10, (p) 2:06^, etc.) 2d dam Bessie Bruce, by Bashaw 50, Record 2:35. Sire of Josephus, 2:19%; 16 others; dams of Strong Boy (p), 2:11M; Hastings Boy (p), 2:13, and 40 other standard performers. Son of Vernol's Black Hawk, dam Belie, by Webber's Tom Thumb; 2d dam Charles Kent Mare (dam of Hamble- tonian 10), by imp. Bellfounder. Owner's Statement — Although nicely broken and good gaited, this filly has never been handled for speed; not even brushed; as until this fall her condition, caused by sickness, has not been such as to warrant the same. However, we are confident she will show for herself in the sale ring. No. 108. JULIEN DUBUQUE. Bay stallion, with small star in forehead; foaled 1897. Bred and owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By ROBERT LEE 14302. Record, 2:I8i. Son of Alcantara 729 (sire of Moth Miller (p), 2:07£; Alar, 2:11; Lightning, 2:11; Rensselaer Wi]kes, 2:lli; Arena, 2:111, etc.); dam Meg Merrilles, by Electioneer 125 (sire of Arion, 2:07f; Sunol, 2:08^; Palo Alto, 2:08f, etc.); second dam Young Gypsy, a great brood-mare, by Mambrino Pilot 29 (sire of Hannis, 2:17i, etc.) 1st dam AllieM. 2d dam Almira Phallamont, Sister to Ogden Phallamont, 2:26%, and Phallamont Sprague, 2:27j^. by Nutwood 600, Record 2:18%. Sire of Manager (p), 2:06%; Lockheart, 2:08%; 160 others; dams of Arion, 2:07%; Fred Kohl, 2:07%; Ethel Downs, 2:10; Nemoline, 2:11M; Timorah, 2:12^; Neernut, 2:12%; Eyelet (p), 2:06M; 150 others, and grandsire of Caid, 2:0734; Ar- getta (p), 2:08M, and 600 other stand- ard performers . by Phallamont 3175, Sire of Kate Phallamont, 2:12*4; Phal- lamont Boy, 2:18M; Eva S., 2:18%; Virginius, 2:19^, and 18 other stand- ard performers. Son of Phallas, 2:13%; dam Maud Butler, by Almont 33 (sire of Fanny Witherspoon, 2:16>i, etc ; 2d dam Miss Butler, by Duvall's Mambrino; 3d dam, by Downing's Bay Messenger. CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 3d dam Carrie Dexter, Dam of Ogden Phallamont, 2:26%; and Phallamont Sprague, 2:2734. 4th dam Edmonia, Dam of Vida, 2:16; Zouave, 2:30, and 2d dam of King Nasir, 2:21*4, and 4 other standard performers. by Billy Sprague 5749, Record 2:28. Sire of Swift Bird (p), 2:1334; Arrigle, 2:24%, and 3 other standard performers. Son of Gov. Sprague 444; dam Lady Breeze (dam of Aunty Shucks (p), 2:08^), by Swigert 650; 2d dam oy Bellfounder 63. by Dictator 113, Brother to Dexter, 2:1734, and sire of Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, (p) 2:0634; Im- petuous (3), 2:13; Phallas, 2:13%; 54 others, dams of Nancy Hanks, 2:04; Lockheart, 2:08%; Egozen (p),2:06%; Gazette (p), 2:0734; 77 others, and grandsire of Directum, 2:05%; Direct (p), 2:05%, and 250 other standard performers. 5th dam Leah, by Woodford Mambrino 345, Sister to Malaga (dam of Woodbrino, Sire of dams of Kremlin, 2:07%; Bon- 2:25%, the sire of Vega, 2:10%, etc.) natella, 2:10, etc. 6th dam Maud, by Abdallah 15, Dam of King Jim (p), 2:20%, etc. Sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2:14, etc. Owner's Statement— Julien Dubuque is scarcely broken, but is a good looker, well bred, can show close to a :40 gait, and will learn to go fast. No. 109. MISS EGLANTINE. Chestnut mare, with a small star in forehead and left hind ancle white; foaled 1897. Bred and owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By ROBERT LEE 14302. Record, 2:18i. Sire of Alcantara 799 (sire of Moth Miller (p), 2:07;. Alar, 2:11; Lightning, 2:11; Rensselaer Wilkes, 2:12^; Arena, 2:llf, etc.); dam Meg Merrilles, by Electioneer 125 (sire of Arion, 2:07f ; Sunol, 2:08i; Palo Alto, 2:08f, etc.), 2d dam Young Gypsy, a great brood-mare, by Mambrino Pilot 29 (sire of Hannis, 2:171, etc.) 1st dam Eglantine, by Nutwood 600, Record 2:18%. Sire of Manager (p) 2:06%; Lockheart, 2:08^; 160 others dams of Arion, 2:07%; Ethel Downs 2:10, and 150 other standard perform ers. Also grandsire of Caid, 2:0754: and 600 other standard performers Son of Belmont 64; dam Miss Rus sell (dam of Maud S., 2:08%, etc.) by Mambrino Boy 844, Record 2: 26^- Sire of Rockley Boy, 2:13H; Rhoderick Dhu, 2:20; 10 others; Jack, 2:1834; dams of Aller- ton, 2:09^; Axtell, 2:12; St. Vincent, 2:1354; New York Central, 2:13%; Silena F., 2:1434, and 27 other stan- dard performers. 2d dam Emma, Dam of Bamboo (2), 2: OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 87 3d dam Flora, by Mambrino Royal, Sire of the dams of Garrett L., 2:19%; 2 others, and 2d dam of Axtell (3), 2:12, etc. Son of Mambrino Pilot 29 (sire of Hannis, 2:17%, etc.), dam Barilla (thoroughbred), by Lieut. Bassinger. Owner's Statement— Miss Eglantine has never been sampled for speed, but is good gaited and good headed, and will show speed enough to warrant training. Possesses size, style and finish, and barring the possibility of her developing a great deal of speed, she certainly is a desirable one for the road. One of the best mannered things ever foaled. No. no. EDGAR W. Bay stallion; foaled 1899. Bred and owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By EDGAR WILKES 8426. Record 2:22. Sire of Edgar H. (p), 2:101; Joe Porter (p), 2:111; Dennie B. (p), 2:12i; Poor Jonathan (p), 2:15, and seven other standard performers, and dam of Vensedor (p), 2:13i. Son of Ethan Wilkes 6417 (sire of Will Kerr (p), 2:07i, etc.); dam Carrie T., by Kentucky Prince 2470 (sire of Guy, 2:101, etc. ); second dam by Black Prince, etc. 1st dam Montine, by Forrest Mambrino 9865, Record 2:32. Sire of Forrest Boy, 2:16M; Alecia C, 2:18M, atid 5 other standard performers. Son of Mam- brino Patchen 58 (brother of Lady Thorn, 2:18^). Sire of London, 2:20Y Z ; 24 others; dams of Ralph Wilkes, 2 ;06%; Jupe,2:07^; Bouncer, 2:09; Rubber, 2:10; 137 others, and grandsire of Lord Derby, 2:07; Night- ingale, 2:08; Dare Devil, 2:09%; Wal- ter E , 2:10, and 142 other standard performers. 2d dam by Major Grant 705, Sire of Granite, 2:24%; Nelly Grant, 2:283^, and dam of Natalie (p), 2:20^- Son of Delmonico 110 (sire of Derby, 2:1QY 2 , etc.); dam Dandy, a great brood-mare, by Young Engineer (thoroughbred) . 3d dam by Mercer's Diomed. 4th dam by Green Mountain Morgan. Owner's Statement — Edgar W. is without doubt one of the best prospects of his age that will be offered at the sale. Has had in all scarcely 30 days handling; has paced an eighth in :21; and a quarter in :45. Individually he is one of the best, and his way of going will convince any competent judge that he is the making of a very fast horse. CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE CONSIGNED BY W. N. Barr, Waterloo, Iowa. No. in. MAY ALCOTT. Record 2:12i. Fifth heat in winning- race. Bay mare; 15.3 hands; foaled 1892. Bred by C. W. McMillan, Gar- rison, Iowa; owned "by W. N. Barr, Waterloo, Iowa. By ALBION I2II7. Record 2:25£. Sire of May Alcott, 2:12£. Son of Wilkes Boy 3803 (sire of York Boy, 2:09i; Grattan, 2:13; Oratorio, 2:13; Thorn, 2:lli; Courier Journal (p), 2:06; Judge Swing- (p), 2:08i, etc ); dam Admira- tion, a great brood-mare, by Administrator 357 (sire of sixteen and dams of Derby Princess, 2:08£; Ashland Wilkes, 2:17i, etc.); second dam Kitty Patchen, a great brood-mare, by Mambrino Patchen 58 (sire of dam of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06f, etc.); third dam the great Betty Brown, by Mambrino Patchen 58; fourth dam Pickles, by Mambrino Chief 11 (sire of Lady Thorn, 2:18i, etc.) 1st dam Grace, Dam of May Alcott, 2:12^. by Totaway 2168, Sire of Queen Anne, 2:25; Johnny Smoker (p), 2:16^, and dams of May Alcott, 2:1234, etc. Son of Aberdeen 27 (sire of Kentucky Union, 2:0734; Dentine, 2:1334; Alabaster, 2:15; Hattie Woodward, 2:1514; Lycurgus, 2:1534; Godelia, 2:1634; Lewellyn, 2:16M, etc.); dam, the great brood- mare Maud. 2d dam Maud, by Vox Populi, Son of Administrator 357. Record 2:29}£. Sire of Dot, 2:18; Catchfly, 2:1834; 15 others, and dams of Derby Princess, 2:08*4; Solarian (p), 2:1234; Miss McGregor, 2:13; Gesner (p), 2:1334; Tom Exum (p), 2:1414, and 60 other standard performers. Owner's Statement— May Alcott is one of the handsomest living trotters, having the finish of a thoroughbred, ideal conforma- tion, and as clean a set of legs as were ever seen under a horse; not even a pimple or wind-puff to show that she has been trained. The year book shows that she started in seven races last year, winning six ^firsts and one second, all over half-mile tracks in Iowa She started her campaign this year on the Iowa half-mile tracks again and won at Waverly, Cedar Rapids, La Porte, and Marshalltown. Then she started in the Great Western Circuit at Davenport, and won first money; second money at Des Moines; first money at Hedrick, where she obtained her record — the fifth heat of a winning race, de- OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 89 feating the great trotter, Early Reaper, 2:09f, and other good ones. She won second money at Rochester in a race won by Early Reaper, and second money in a $5,000 stake at Hamline in a race won by Con- tralto, 2:10. She also won third money in the $5,000 stake at Terre Haute. She has been timed separately in two races better than 2:10; has proven herself a game and level-headed mare, and I do', not be- lieve any one can name one eligible to the 2:13 class that can beat her. Her manners are perfect- She was hitched to a wagon at Lex- ington andtrotted to it in 2:11. No one ever saw a better road mare, and she is also a perfect pole mare, and can, I think, beat 2:10 to wagon, either single or double. She was bred at 4 years of age, and her 3-year-old filly trotted a half-mile track in 2:22 this season, which is proof that she will make a great brood-mare when her racing days are over. Her fastest work is at the end of a mile. She can trot a fifth or sixth heat as fast as any, and she would make a great mare for long-distance races across the water. No. 112. TOM CURTIS. Record (p), 2:23f. Trial, 2:13*; last half in 1:05. Bay gelding; 16 hands; foaled 1895. Bred by T. P. Curtis, Inde- pendence, Iowa; owned by W. N. Barr, Waterloo, Iowa. By MANAGER 20400. Record (p, 2), 2:16* ; (3), 2:IH; (4), 2:091; (5), 2:06i. Brother to Wood- boy, 2:19i, and sire of Pinta (p), 2:13i, a close second in a race in 2:07f;Pridewood, 2:20i; Mango (p), 2:17*; Tom Curtis (p), 2:23*; Man- drake^), 2:24i; Accumulation, 2:28*. Son of Nutwood 600 (sire of Lock- heart, 2:08^, etc.); dam Carrie, a great brood-mare, by George Wilkes 519; second dam Bashaw Belle, a great brood-mare, by Bashaw 50; third dam Grey Mary, by St. Louis (thoroughbred). 1st dam Abe, Dam of Tom Curtis (p), 2:23^. by Abe Downing 709, Record 2:20%. Sire of Pat Dowling, 2:13; Hastings Boy (p), 2:13; Pen- nani, 2:15; Chronometer (p), 2:15%, and dams of May Virden, 2:26M; Wilkes Maid, 2:27tf. 2d dam Fanny Lawton, by Vermont Hero. Record 2:31. 3d dam by Thoroughbred. Owner's Statement — This is an ideal road horse. He has size, style and pleasing conformation, so that he pleases the eye. Add to these qualities speed, endurance and a gentle disposition and you have the perfect road horse. His trial mile in 2:13i indicates that he has speed enough to justify his development for track contests. 90 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 113. SPENCER G. Black gelding, 15.1 hands; foaled 1892. Bred by A. Gooder, Osage, Iowa; owned by W. N. Barr, Waterloo, Iowa. By FRANK SPRAGUE 2900. Record, 2:29. Son of Gov. Sprague 444 (sire of Charles P. (p), 2:1 H; Sprague Golddust, 2:15£; Linda Sprague, 2:17£; Kate Sprague, 2:18, etc.), dam Minnie Crawford, a great brood mare, by Abdallah 164 (sire of 5 and dams of Stella Belmont, 2:19, and 13 other standard per- formers), second dam by Bellfounder 63 (sire of Western Girl, 2:27, and dams of Florida Monarch, 2:l7i, and 17 other standard performers.) 1st dam by Woodburn 1470, Sire of Joe Mor eland, 2:22. Son of Autocrat 1093 (sire of Rare Ripe, 2:19&, etc); dam Lady Wood, by Victor 937 (sire of Bay Jack. 2:30, etc.); 2d dam by Cook's Patriot. 2d dam by Rinaldo 14588, Sire of Dude, 2:20J4, and 3 other stand- ard performers. Son of Mambrino Pilot 29 (Sire of Hannis, 2: 17U, etc. ) ; dam Lottie Lee, a great brood-mare. by dam Herman D. Patchen, by Ned Patchen, etc. Owner's Statement — Spencer is a road horse which should make his owner proud. He is a good looker, perfect disposition, afraid of nothing, and therefore safe for a lady to drive. While not a large horse he can beat most large horses at pulling weight at speed, which makes him more than a match for many horses with fast records. He can show a 2:30 gait, and with work will go faster. CONSIGNED BY Sheler Bros., Madison, Wis. No. 114. RITTA. Record, half-mile track, 2:26*. Black mare; 15.2 hands; foaled 1893. Bred by Ed Ryan, Dubuque, Iowa; owned by Sheler Bros., Madison, Wis. By RINALDO 3765. Record 2:27. Sire of Ritta, 2:26*. Son of Reveille 1472 (sire of Fred B., 2:10£; Mamie R., 2:l4i; C. W. Williams, 2:14*, etc.); dam Lady Tennis, a great brood-mare, by Mambrino Patchen 58 (sire of dams of Ralph Wilkes, 2:061; Jupe, 2:07£; Bouncer, 2:09; Rubber, 2:10, etc.); second dam Lady Blackford, by Bell Morgan 61, etc. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 91 1st dam Nelly R., by Mambrino Bashaw 4628. Dam of Ritta, 2:26%. Sire Jolly, 2:30, and dam of Ritta, 2:26%. Son of Vosburg 4028 tsire Ike Shulz, 2:30, etc.); dam Lady Bashaw, by Bashaw 50 (sire of Jo- sephus, 2:19%, etc.) ; 2d dam Match, by Montgomerie's Wild Bill. Owner's Statement — Ritta is more than ten seconds faster than her record, a good individual, and a pure-gaited high actor. Don't overlook her. She will show for herself; has superior qualitie?, and can brush as fast as almost anybody's trotter. CONSIGNED BY Oakwood Stock Farm Co., Prairie Tiew, 111. No. n 5 . CABALIST 24303. Brother to Early Reaper, 2:09f. Brown Stallion, 15.3 hands, foaled 1893. Bred by Caton Stock Farm, Joliet, 111.; owned by Oakwood Stock Farm Co., Prairie View, 111. By HIGHWOOD 8067. Foaled 1887. Record 2:21£. Sire of Caid, 2:07£; Early Reaper, 2:09f; Curta, 2:13i; Flash Lightning, 2:13£; Cantabile, 2:15£; Dora High wood (p), 2:13i; Fay High wood (p), 2:14£; and 8 other standard performers. Son of Nutwood, 2:181 (sire of Lockheart, 2:08£; Man- ager (p), 2:061, etc.); dam Dalphine (dam of So Long, 2:13i, etc.), by Harold 413 (sire of Maud S., 2:08f, etc.); second dam Dahlia, by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Maud S., 2:081; Jay-Eye See, 2:10, etc.); third dam the famous Madam Dudley. 1st dam Atalanta, by Alcantara 729, Dam of Early Reaper, 2:09%, and Pa- Record 2*23. Sire of Moth Miller (p), latka, (sire of Delta (p), 2:12*4), and a 2:07; Oscar L. (p), 2:08M; Sir Al- sister in blood to Estabella (dam of cantara (p), 2:09M; Lightning, Heir-at-Law, 2:12, (p) 2:05%; Prince 2:11; Raven (p), 2:10; Alar, 2:11; Regent, 2:16%; Princess Chimes (2), Rensselaer Wilkes, 2:11%; Arena, 2:20, etc.), as both are by Alcantara 2:11%; Alhambra, 2:14%; 132 others; and out of sisters by George Wilkes. dams of Heir-at-Law (p), 2:05%; Early Reaper, 2:09%; Charlie Hayt (p), 2:07%; Diablo (p), 2:09%; Boreal, 2:15%; Prince Regent, 2:16%; Aegon (3), 2:1834, and 40 other standard per- formers. Son of George Wilkes 519: dam the famous Alma Mater, by Mambrino Patchen 58; 2d dam Es- telle, by imp. Australian. 32 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 2d dam Starling, by George Wilkes 519, Sister to Annabel (dam of Dolly Record 2:22. Sire of Harry Wilkes, Withers, 2:29%, and 2d dam of Eirly 2:13^; Brignoli Wilkes, 2: 11%; 81 Reaper, 2:09%; Heir-at-Law, 2:12, others; dams of Manager (p), 2:06%; (p) 2:05%; Prince Regent, 2:16%; Dick Huboard, 2:09%; about 150 Princess Royal (2), 2:20, etc.) others, and grand-ire of Joe Patchen (p), 2:0134; Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; Beuzetta, 2:06%, and over 2,000 other standard performers. 3d dam Jessie Pepper, by Mambrino Chief 11, Dam of Iona, 2:17%; Alpha, 2: 23^; also Sire of Lary Thorn, 2:1834; 5 others, 2d dam of Jessie Dhu, 2:17%; Aegon and dams of Director, 2:17; Iona, (3), 2:1834; Algy, 2:19%; Aeolian, 2:17%; Piedmont, 2:1734; and 21 other 2:20; and 3d dam of Baron Rogers, standard performers; also sire of 2:09%; Early Reaper, 2:09%; Heir-at- dams of 66 speed-producing stallions, Law, 2:12, (p) 2:05%; Prince Regent, including Red Wilkes, Belmont, Al- 2:16%; Princess Royal (2;, 2:20; Wi- mont. Director, Administrator, lask, 2:1134, etc. Hambrino, etc. 4th dam by Sidi Hamet, (Thoroughbred ) 5th dam by imp. Diomed, (Thoroughbred.) Owner's Statement — Every horseman who saw Early Reaper this year will admit that he is one of the greatest trotters that ever turned around in a race. He obtained his record, a fifth heat, in the hardest fought race of the season; and had he not met with a serious accident, it is the opinion of those who saw him that he had a great •chance of obtaining the world's record lor trotting stallions. Here is an own brother which we think is as fast as Early Reaper if given a chance to demonstrate his ability on the turf. He is one of the best bred stallions alive, and is just the kind of a horse to put at the head of a stock farm. He will demonstrate that he is a trotter in the sale ring; and as he possesses good individual qualities, he should attract the attention of those who are willing to pay tribute to ex- cellence. His sire, Highwood, is proving himself one of the great- est producers of speed that ever lived, and his dam is a mare whose breeding could not be improved upon, and she has demonstrated her ability to produce not only extreme speed but gameness such as one seldom sees in a race horse. Besides these good qualities, Cabalist is a sure foal getter; has a faultless disposition and is sure to prove both •a race horse and a great sire if given an opportunity. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 93 TO THE PUBLIC. In former sales we sold Early Reaper, 2:091; Bonnatella, 2:10; Chain Shot, 2:1H; Cantabile, 2:15i; Dora Highwood (p), 2:13£; Fay High- wood (p), 2:14£, and a great many other very fast trotters and pacers that will be heard from in the near future. When we sold them they were all young and undeveloped, and we believe that we are seliing- as much good material in this sale as was ever offered to the public by any breeding establishment. We feel that there is no farm in America that produces speed and race-horse qualities with more uni- formity than we do. We have only twenty-two brood mares and can- not therefore raise over seventeen or eighteen colts a year at the best, and from this limited number each year the success of the horses from the Caton Stock Farm will compare favorably with the produce of any other farm in America. Caid, 2:07i; and Bonnatella, 2:10; were the greatest winners across the water this season, and Early Reaper, 2:094 ; Chain Shot, 2:1H; Flash Lightning, 2:131; Fay Highwood (p), 2:14£, and a number of others raced well in this country. We are positive that our consignment this year is equal, if not superior, to any lot we ever sold. We make it a rule to sell all of our stock that is in condition to sell as yearlings, and every horse we have • ever offered has been sold without a by-bid of any description. We furnish the horses in the best possible market condition, and the> public sets the prices. Caton Stock Farm, Joliet, 111. 94 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE : m ^^^i^' iuP^ K\ fe>. RED HEART 14113-Record 2:19. _»j| OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 95 CONSIGNED BY Caton Stock Farm, Agent, Joliet, 111. No. 116. GARNISH Standard and Registered, Vol. XIV. Chestnut mare; 15.2 bands; foaled 1897. Bred and owned by Caton Stock Farm, Joliet, III. By HIGHWOOD 8067. Foaled 1887. Record 2:21i Sire of Caid, 2:07i; Early Reaper, 2:091; Curta, 2:13i; Flash Lightning, 2:13i; Cantabile, 2:15i; Dora Highwood (p), 2:13i; Fay Highwood, (p), 2:14i, and 8 other standard performeis. Son of Nutwood, 2:181 (sire of Lockheart, 2:08i; Man- ager (p), 2:06f, etc.); dam Dalphine (dam of So Long, 2:13i, etc.), by Harold 413 (sire of Maud S. , 2:08f, etc.); second dam Dahlia, by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Maud S., 2:08f ; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, etc.); third dam the famous Madam Dudley. 1st dam Angerona, 2d dam Rose Cossack, Sister to Sally Cossack, 2:22y 2 ; Laura Cossack (dam of Curta, 2:1334; Flash Lightning, 2: 1334, etc.) ; Rostock Cos- sack, 2:30% (sire of Bonnatella, 2:10, etc.) 3rd dam Almonia, Dam of Dora Highwood (p), 2:1334; Aplomh (p), 2:1834; Sally Cossack, 2:22%; Rostock Cossack, 2:30% (sire of Bonnatella, 2:10); Laura Cpssack (dam of Curta, 2:1334; Flash Light- ning, 1 2: 1334, etc.); Castillian (sire of Josephine, 2:16). 4th dam Rosina, Dam of Mambrino Abdallah 1369 (sire of Elastic, 2:2134, etc.) Rosina is also the 2d dam of Sappho, 2:15%, etc. by Red Heart 14113, Record (3), 2:19 Sire of Chain Shot, 2:1134; Red Seal (p), 2: 10, and 8 other standard performers. Son of Red Wilkes 1749 (sire of Ralph Wilkes. 2:06%. etc.); dam Sweetheart, 2:22%, by Sultan 1513 (sire of Stamboul, 2:07%, etc.); 2d dam the famous Minnehaha (dam of 8 standard per- formers). by Don Cossack 980, Record 2:28. Sire of Mary Cossack, 2:1634; lima Cossack, 2:29; Hazel Cossack (p), 2:1634; 8 others; dams of Caid, 2: 07J4; Curta, 2:1334; Flash Lightning,* 2:13%; Miss Sidney, 2:141^; Dr, Caton, 2:1634; Dora Reed (p), 2:15, and 12 other standard per- formers Also grandsire of Bonna- tella, , 2:10, etc ) by Almont 33, Record 2:39%. Sire of Fanny Wither- spoon, 2:1634; Piedmont, 2:1734; 35 others, and dams of Winslow Wilkes (p),2:09%; Token, 2:1^; Tuna, 2:12M; Nyanza, 2:12%; Caprice, 2:12%, and over 100 other standard performers. Son of Abdallah 15; dam Sally An- derson, by Mambrino Chief 11, etc. by Abdallah 15, Record 2:42. Sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2:14; 5 others; dams of 45, including Favonia, 2:15; Jerome Eddy, 2:1634, and 2d dams of 50 in 2:30. including Alcryon, 2:15: Altar, 2:16M; Maud Messenger, 2 16%, etc. Son of Ham- bletonian 10 (sire of Dexter, 2:1734, etc.) 96 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE HIGH WOOD 8QS7— 2:21tf. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 97 5th dam Jane Taylor, by Smith's Sir William. Owner's Statement— Garnish is a bright chestnut, a good looker, has perfect manners, can trot a mile in 2:20, and has a good chance of becoming a very fast mare. She would also make a great road mare for someone who appreciates superior qualities and speed. Her breeding is choice and we know she will please her new owner. No. 117. HALGERDA. Standard and Registered, Vol. XV. Bay filly, foaled June 11 , 1898. Bred and owned by Caton Stock Farm, Joliet, 111. By HIGHWOOD 8067. Foaled 1887. Record 2:2U. Sire of Caid, 2:07i; Early Reaper, 2:091; Curta, 2:13i; Flash Lightning, 2:13£; Cantabile, 2:15i; Dora Highwood (p), 2:13£; Fay Highwood (p), 2:14i, and 8 other standard performers. Son of Nutwood, 2:181 (sire of LockheaVt, 2:081; Man- ager (p), 2:06i, etc.); dam Dalphine^ (dam of So Long, 2:13i, etc.), by Harold 413 (sire of Maud S., 2:081, etc.); second dam Dahlia, by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Maud S., 2:08f; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, etc); third dam the famous Madam Dudley. 1st dam Electa, by Electioneer 125, Dam of Celia R., 2:24^, and Elect Cos- Sire of Arion, 2:07%; Sunol, 2:08^: sack (3), 2:29M- Palo Alto, 2:08%; 157 others; dams of Klatawa (p, 3), 2:05%; Laurel, 2:13%, and 82 other standard performers. Also grandsire of Azote, 2:04%; Fan- tasy, 2:06; Bingen, 2:06}^, and 900 other standard performers. 2d dam Lady Nodine, by Hambletonian 10, 2d dam of Stephanie, 2:22M; Golden Sire of Dexter, 2:17Ji; Nettie, 2:18; Gem, 2:24, and 4 other standard per- Orange Girl, 2:20; 37 others; dams of formers; dam of Ruby Duroc (dam Stamboul, 2:07%; Ballona, 2:ll}4; of Stephanie, 2:22%; Golden Gem, Greenlander, 2:12; over 100 others. 2:24, and 2d dam of 5.) and grandsire of Nancy Hanks, 2:04; Kentucky Union, 2:07^; Arion, 2:07%; Pixley, 2:08M; Maud S., 2:08%, and over 1600 other standard performers. 3d dam Montgomery Maid, by American Star 14, Dam of Ada Duroc, trial for Robert Sire of Widow Machree, 2:29; 3 others: Bonner, 2:23 and dams of Guy, 2:10%; Dexter. 2:17^; Robert McGregor, 2:17%: Nettie, 2:18; Joe Bunker, 2:19m; Driver, 2:19%, and 39 other standard performers.- Owner's Statement— Halgerda is already a show mare, can trot a 2:30 gait and has had but very little training. She is one that is sure to please on account of her many desirable qualities, and she will make a race horse, if given an opportunity. Give her your atten- tion at the sale and she will show you that she is the real thiDg. 98 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. Il8. IZO. Standard and Registered, Vol. XV. Bay filly: foaled April 7, 1899. Bred and owned by Caton Stock Farm, Joliet, 111. By H1GHWOOD 8067. Foaled 1887. Record 2:2U. Sire of Caid, 2:07i; Early Reaper, 2:091; Curta, 2:13i; Flash Lightning, 2:13*; Cantabile, 2:15£; Dora Highwood (p), 2:13i; Fay Highwood (p), 2:14i, and 8 other standard performers. Son of Nutwood, 2:181 (sire of Lockheart, 2:08£; Man- ager (p), 2:061, etc.); dam Dalphine (dam of So Long, 2:13i, etc.), by Harold 413 (sire of Maud S., 2:08|, etc.); second dam Dahlia, by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Maud S., 2:08f ; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, etc.); third dam the famous Madam Dudley. 1st dam Baza, 2d dam Luella, Dam of Diplomacy, 2:27, and Atsego (3), 2:26K2. 3d dam Bonnie Bird, Second dam of Diplomacy. 2:27, and Atsego (3), 2:26%. 4th dam Minna, Dam of Kentucky Wilkes, 2:21^ 4 (sire of Bravado, 2:10%; Crafty (p), 2:09%, etc.); Madison Wilkes, 2:24% (sire of Madison Chief, 2:173^, etc.) Minna is also the second dam of Reflna (p), 2:08%, and 6 other standard per- formers. 5th dam Un'DINE, by Red Heart 14113, Record (3), 2:19. Sire of Chain Shot, 2:11%; Red Seal (p), 2:10, and 8 other standard performers. Son of Red Wilkes 1749 (sire of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%, etc.); dam Sweetheart, 2:22%, by Sultan 1513 (sire of Stamboul, 2:07%, etc.); 2d dam the famous Minnehaha (dam of 8 standard per- formers). by Hero of Thorndale 549, Sire of Boh Johnson, 2:28^; 4 others; dams of Bishop Hero, 2:21; 18others, and grandsire of Soudan, 2:16%; Kenwood, 2:17; Brown, 2:18%, and 25 other standard performers. Son of Thorndale, 2:22^; dam Heroine, by Hambletonian 10: 2d dam Lady Patriot (dam of Volunteer 55, etc) by imp. Bonnie Scotland, Sire of Scotland, 2:22%; dam of Bon- nie Wilmore, 2:14%; and 2d dam of Anteeo, 2:16%: J. C. Simpson, 2:18^; Antevolo, 2:19%, etc. by Red Jacket, Sire of 2d dam of Red Wilkes 1749 (sire of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%: dam of Kingmond, 2:09, and grandsire of John R. Gentry (p), 2:00%, etc.) by Grey Eagle, Sire of 2d dam of lo, 2:13%; Piedmont, 2:17^; Catchny, 2:18^, etc. Owner's Statement— Izo looks and acts like a sure trotter. She is just nicely broken to harness; has had very little education, and can trot a 2:40 gait, which means great natural speed. She is one OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 99 that will improve rapidly, for she likes the game, and is already a determined going trotter. She is a good looker; has individual quality, and will show for herself. Her breeding is the very stoutest, and she should make a race mare of the first quality. No. 1 19. HALGRETA. Standard and Registered, Vol XV. Sister to Chain Shot, 2:lli; Brash, 2:21i, and Deputize, 2:24£. Bay filly; foaled March 24, 1899. Bred and owned by Caton Stock Farm, Joliet, 111. By RED HEART I4II3. Foaled 1889. Record (3), 2:19. Sire of Chain Shot, 2:1H; Red Seal , 2:0634; 141 others, and grandsire of Caid, 2:0734; Ar- getta (p), 2:0834, and over 550 other standard performers. by Hero of Thorndale 549, Sire of Bob Johnson, 2:2834; 4 others; dams of Bishop Hero, 2:21; 18 others, and grandsire of Soudan, 2:16%. Kenwood, 2:17; Brown, 2:18%, and 25. other standard performers. Son of Thorndale, 2:2234; dam Heroine, by Hambletonian 10; 2d dam Lady Patriot (dam of Volunteer 55, etc.) by imp. Bonnie Scotland, Sire of Scotland, 2:22%, and dam of Bonnie Wilmore, 2:14%, and 2d dam of Anteeo, 2:16%; J. C. Simpson. 2:1834; Antevolo, 2:19%, etc. by Red Jacket, Sire of the 2d dam of Red Wilkes 1749 (sire of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; dam of Kingmond. 2:09; grandsire of John R. Gentry (t>), 2:0034, etc. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 101 5th dam Undine, by Grey Eagle, Sire of 2d dams of Io, 2:13%; Pied- mont, 2:1734; Catchfly. 2:18M, etc. Owner's Statement — Hoselle is substantially built, with good looks, gait and manners. She is one that will show for herself at the time of sale. Her breeding is choice and stout. She is just nicely broken and ready to train. No. 121. ISELLA. Standard and Registered, Vol. XV. Bay filly; foaled June 2, 1899. Bred and owned by Caton Stock Farm, Joliet, 111. By HIGHWOOD 8067. Foaled 1887. Record 2:21£. Sire of Caid, 2:07£; Early Reaper, 2:09|; Curta, 2:13i; Flash Lightning, 2:13£; Cantabile, 2:15£; Dora Highwood (p), 2:13i; Fay Highwood (p), 2:14i, and 8 other standard performers. Son of Nutwood, 2:181 (sire of Lockheart, 2:08£; Man- ager (p). 2:061, etc); dam Dalphine (dam of So Long, 2:131, etc.), by Harold 413 (Sire of Maud S., 2:08f, etc.); second dam Dahlia, by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Maud S., 2:081; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, etc.); third dam the famous Madam Dudley. 1st dam Belphcebe, :2d dam Verona Cossack, Dam of Ariel Highwood, 2:22%. by Red Heart 14113, Record (3), 2:19. Sire of Chain Shot, 2:11%; Red Seal (p), 2:10, and 8 other standard performers Son of Red Wilkes 1749 (sire of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%, etc,); dam Sweetheart, 2:22%, by Sultan 1513 (sire of Stam- boul, 2:07%, etc.) ; 2d dam the famous Minnehaha (dam of 8 standard per- formers.) by Don Cossack 980, Record 2:28. Sire of Mary Cossack, 2:16M; Hma Cossack, 2:20; Hazel Cossack (p), 2:16*4; 8 others; dams of Oald, 2:07M; Curta, 2:13^; Flash Lightning, 2:13%; Miss Sidney, 2:14M; Dr. Caton, 2:16^: Dora Reed (p), 2:15, and 12 other standard per- formers. Also grandsire of Bonna- tella, 2:10, etc. -3d dam Smutty, by Morgan. Dam of Ottawa Chief, 2:25 (sire of Harrison, 2:1834, and 5 other stand- ard performers) . 4th dam Fleet, by Schamyl. Owner's Statement— Isella is a large, handsome and stylish ^tilly, and like the rest of the youngsters has natural speed and is per- fectly gaited. Just nicely broken to harness and ready to train. She is choicely bred and will show for herself at time of sale. 102 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 122. IVEEN. Standard and Registered, Vol. XV. Bay mare; foaled Feb. 18, 1899. Bred and owned by Caton Stock Farm, Joliet, 111. By HIGHWOOD 8067. Foaled 1887. Record 2:21£. Sire of Caid, 2:07i; Early Reaper, 2:09£; Curta, 2:13i; Flash Lightning, 2:13i; Cantabile, 2:15£; Dora Highwood (p), 2:13i;' Fay Highwood (p), 2:14^, and eight other stand- ard performers. Son of Nutwood, 2:181 (sire of Lockheart, 2:08i; Manager (p), 2:061, etc.); dam Dalphine (dam of So Long, 2:13i, etc.), by Harold 413 (sire of Maud S.. 2:081, etc.); second dam Dahlia, by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Maud S., 2:08f ; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, etc.); third dam the famous Madam Dudley. 1st dam Axinite, 2d dam Pique, Dam of Chain Shot, 2:11%; Brash, 2:2434, and Deputize, 2:24% ; all made their records this season in races. 3d dam Vexation, 4th dam Verona, 5th dam by Axtell 5183, Record (3), 2:12. Sire of Elloree, 2:08%; Praytell, 2:09%; Marguerite A., 2:12%; Tessie S., 2:12: Axmere, 2:13%, and 50 other standard per- formers. Son of William L. 4244; dam Lou, by Mambrino Boy 844; 2d dam Bird Mitchell, by Mambrino Royal, by Mambrino Pilot 29. by Kentucky Wilkes 1854, Record 2:2i^. Sire of Bravado, 2:10%; Temple Wilkes, 2:10%; Caprice, 2:12%; Virginia Evans, 2:1534; Crafty (p), 2:09%, and 15 other standard performers. Son of George Wilkes, 2:22; dam Minna, a great brood-mare, by Red Jacket; 2d dam Unique, by Grey Eagle (thor- oughbred). by Mambrino Dudley 967, Record 2:19%. Sire of Gretna, 2:2234; Crescendo, 2:24; Rintoul, 2:2434; 4 others, and dams of 6 standard per- formers. Son of Woodford Mam- brino 345; dam Sue Dudley, a great brood-mare, by Edwin Forrest 49; 2d dam the great Madam Dudley. by Volunteer 55, Record to wagon 2:37. Sire of St- Julien, 2:1134; St. Patrick (p),2:14%; Gloster, 2:17; Bodine, 2:1934; Alley, 2:19; Driver, 2:19 l / 2 ; 28 others, and dams of Homestake, 2:1434; Brava, 2:14%; Strongwood (p), 2;12%, and 68 other standard performers. by Hambletoniam 10, Sire of Dexter, 2:1734; Nettie, 2:18; Orange Girl, 2:20; 37 others, and dams of Stamboul, 2:07%; Ballona,. 2:1134; Greenlander, 2:12, and over 100 standard performers. Sons have sired Nancy Hanks, 2:04; Kentucky Union, 2:0734; Arion, 2:07%; Pixley, 2:0834; Maud S ,2:08%, and over 1,600- standard performers. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 103 Owner's Statememt — Iveen is one whose breeding- cannot be beaten, and as an individual she is as choice as the best. She can step well and acts like the making of a great trotter. Look her over and. she will please you. Just nicely broken to harness and ready to commence training in the spring. No. 123. IZADA. Standard and Registered, Vol. XV. Sister to Cantabile, 2:15*. Bay filly; foaled April 20, 1899. Bred and owned by Caton Stock Farm, Joliet, 111. by HIGHWOOD 8067. Foaled 1887. Record, 2:21*. Sire of Caid, 2:07i; Early Keaper, 2:09f; Curta, 2:13i; Flash Lightning, 2:13*; Cantabile, 2:15*; Dora Highwood (p), 2:13*; Fay Highwood (p), 2:14*, and 8 other standard performers. Son of Nutwood, 2:18f (sire of Lockheart, 2:08*; Man- ager (p), 2:061, etc.); dam Dalphine (dam of So Long, 2:13*, etc.), by Harold 413 ( sire of Maud S., 2:081, etc.); second dam Dahlia, by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Maud S., 2:081; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, etc.); third dam the famous Madam Dudley. 1st dam Jeannette, by Don Cossack 980, Record 2:26%, and dam of Cantabile, Record 2:28. Sire of Mary Cossack, 2:15%. 2:16%; lima Cossack, 2:20; Hazel Cossack (p), 2:16%; 8 others; dams of Caid, 2:07%; Curta, 2:13%; Flash Lightning, 2: 13*4 ; Miss Sidney, 2 : 14% ; Dr. Caton, 2:18%; Dora Reed (p), 2:15, and 12 other standard perform- ers. Also grandsire of Bonnatella, 2:10, etc. 2d dam Lotta, by Bashaw Drury 4775, Dam of Jeannette, 2:26%, and 2d dam Record 2:36%. Sire of Widow Bedott, of Cantabile, 2:15%. 2:29%; dams of Grace Wilkes, 2:17%; Louetta, 2:24%; Jeannette, 2:26%; Star Basbaw, 2:24%; Rena, 2:25; Thomas H., 2:30, and son of Bashaw 50 (sire of Josephus, 2:19%; 16 others, and dams of Strong Boy (p), 2:12; Joe Young, 2:18%, and 40 other standard performers) . 2d dam by Star Gazer. Owner's Statement — Izade is one of the best yearlings we ever raised, will stand the closest inspection, is a sure trotter, an own sister to a good race horse and will make a race horse herself. She has size and quality. Just nicely broken to harness. 104 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 124. IVOLO. Standard and Registered, Vol. XV. Chestnut filly; foaled March 29th, 1899. Bred and owned by Caton Stock Farm, Joliet, 111. By HIGHWOOD 8067. Foaled 1887. Record 2:21£. Sire of Caid, 2:07i; Early Reaper, 2:091; Curta, 2:13i; Flash Lightning, 2:13i; Cantabile, 2:15*; Dora Highwood (p), 2:13i; Fay Highwood (p), 2:14£, and 8 other standard performers. Son of Nutwood, 2:18f (sire of Lockheart, 2:08i; Man- ager (p), 2:06f, etc.); dam Dalphine (dam of So Long, 2:13i, etc.), by Harold 413 (sire of Maud S., 2:081, etc.); second dam Dahlia, by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Maud S., 2:08f; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, etc.); third dam the famous Madam Dudley. 1st dam Bombyx, 2d dam Golden Rod, 3rd dam Parisina, 4th dam Matron, 5th dam by Red Heart 141 13, Record (3), 2:19. Sire of Chain Shot, 2:lli4; Red Seal (p), 2:10, and 8 other standard performers. Son of Red Wilkes 1749 (sire of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%, etc,;; dam Sweetheart, 2:22%, by Sultan 1513 (sire of Stamboul, 2:07%, etc.); 2d dam the famous Minnehaha (dam of 8 standard per- formers). by Onward 1411, Record 2:2534- Sire of Beuzetta, 2:06%; Pilatus, 2:09^; Pearl Onward (p), 2:06%; Gazette (p), 2:0734; 150 others; dams of 60, and grandsire of Dick Hubbard, 2:09%, and over 300 other standard performers. Son of George Wilkes 519: dam Dolly (dam of Di- rector, 2:17, etc.) by Egmont 1828, Sire of Lobasco, 2; 10%; Foxmont, 2:15M; Combination, 2:18%; North- west (p), 2:15; Billy Sample (p), 2:14M; 33 others, and dams of Javelin (p), 2:08M; Harry C (p), 2:11%; Alzeymont (p), 2:1434; J.S., 2:16%; Tom Miller, 2:18%, and 25 other standard performers. by Cassius M. Clay, Jr. 22, Record 2:3534- Sire of Durango, 2:23%; Henry Clay, 2:23%; 2 others, and dams of Chehalis (p), 2:0434; Del Norte (p), 2:08; Folly, 2:15, and over 50 other standard performers. Son of C M. Clay 18; dam by Abdallah 1; 2d dam by Lawrence's Eclipse (thor- oughbred). by Mambrino Chief 11, Sire of Lady Thorn, 2:18M: 5 others, and dams of Director, 2:17; Pied- mont, 2:1734; Iona, 2:17%, and 23 other standard performers. Also sire of dams of 66 speed-producing stallions, including Almont, Bel- mont, Onward, Director, etc. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. L05 Owner's Statement — Tvolo is all quality, not as large as some of the others, but large enough to trot as fast as the fastest. Just nicely broken to harness, good gaited and one that will show for her- self in the sale ring. We believe her buyer will own one of the best ever bred at the Caton Stock Farm. No. 125. HILVERA. Standard and Registered, Vol. XV. Bay filly; foaled April 23, 1899. Bred and owned by Caton Stock Farm, Joliet, 111. By RED HEART 14113. Foaled 1889. Record (3), 2.19. Sire of Chain Shot, 2:1U; Red Seal (p), 2:10, and eight other standard performers. Son of Red Wilkes 1749 (sire of Ralph Wilkes, 2:064, etc.); dam Sweetheart, 2:22i. the first trotter to beat 2:30 at two years of age, by Sultan 1513 (sire of Stamboul, 2:07i; Mosul, 2:09£; Saladin (p), 2:054; dam of Nico, 2:08i, etc.); second dam the famous brood-mare, Minnehaha (dam of eight standard performers, including the great Beautiful Bells), by Stevens' Bald Chief, etc. 1st dam Amelia Highwood, 2d dam Katinka Cossack, 3d dam Bourbon Lass, Dam of Bay Wilkes, 2:33 (sire of Gin- ger Wilkes, 2:23, and George H. Wilkes, 2:24J4). 4th dam Bourbon 3elle, Thoroughbred, and dam of the great race horse, Hanover. 5th dam Ella D., Thoroughbred to 14th dam. by Highwood, 8067. Record 2.21%. Sire of Caid, 2:07^: Early Reaper, 2:09%; Curta, 2:13^; Flash Lightning, 2:13%; Cantabile, 2:15%; Dora Highwood (p), 2:13}£; Fay Highwood (p), 2:1454, and 8 other standard performers. by Don Cossack 980, Record 2:28. Sire of Mary Cossack, 2:16M; Uma Cossack, 2:20; Hazel Cossack (p), 2:16%; 8 others; dams of Caid, 2:07}^; Curta, 2:13^; Flash Lightning,2: 13% ; Miss Sidney,2: 14^4 : Dr. Caton, 2:16^; Dora Reed (pj, 2; 15, and 12 other standard perform- ers. Also grandsire of Bonnatella, 2:10, etc. by Mambrino Patchen 58, Brother to Lady Thorn, 2:18^; sire of London, 2:20&; 24 others; dams of Ralph Wilkes, 2:C6%; Jupe, 2:07%; Bouncer, 2:09; Rubber, 2:10; 140 others, and grandsire of Lord Derby, 2:07; Nightingale, 2:08; Dare Devil, 2:09%; Walter E , 2:10; Lady of the Manor rood mare, by Belmont 64; second dam the famous Waterwitch (dam of Viking, 2:19i; Waterloo, 2:19i; Mambrino Gift, 2:20, etc.), by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Maud S., 2:08|; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, etc. ) 1st dam, Bonnie Doon, by Aberdeen 27, Dam of Nutbreaker, 2:2iy 2 ; Bonnie Record 2:46. Sire of Kentucky Union, Phallas, 2:29, and 2 speed-producing 2:0734; Bessie Owens, 2:13%; Den- .sons. tine, 2:13^; Alabaster, 2:15, and 47 other standard performers. Son of Hambletonion 10, dam Widow Ma- chree, 2:29, by American Star 14. 2d dam Ariel, by Ethan Allen 43, Record 2:25^4; with running mate, 2:15. Sire of Billy Bar, 2:23%; Hotspur, 2:24; 4 others, and dams of B. B. Cus- ter, 2:22%; Opal, 2:23; 19 others, and grandsire of Tuna, 2:12M, and nearly 100 other standard performers. Son of Black Hawk 5; dam not traced. Owner's Statement — Bonita, as will be seen, is by Egotist, sire of The Conqueror, one of the sensational sires of the year, and as will be seen, is as well-bred a brood-mare as was ever offered for sale. She is of good size, fine legs and blocky built, and is a first- class producer, as one of her fillies in this sale, Miss Newman, will show you a 2:00 gait; while another son, a 2-year-old, in this same sale, not yet being bridle wise, can show a :30 gait. This mare is fit to go into any stud, and will prove herself to be a great producer, and if she was trained would make a fast pacer. Breeders cannot make any mistake in buying this kind of breeding and producing qualities. One such mare is worth a dozen of the or- dinary kind. 134 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 164. AMY GREENLANDER. Sister to Otalgie, 2:24£, and sister in blood to Earalma (dam of Boralma, 2:08). Black mare; 15.3 hands; foaled 1893. Bred by Augustus Sharpe; owned by G. W. Sharpe, Jamestown, N. Y. By GREENLANDER 2481. Record 2:12; two-mile record 4.32. Sire of Dufour, 2:13f; Green- lander Girl, 2:141; Louisville, 2:15£; Orangelander, 2:16i; Ida Green- lander, 2:171; Grace Greenlander, 2:181; Eskimo, 2:181, and twenty other standard performers. Son of Princeps 536 (sire of Greenlander, 2:12; Trinket, 2:14, etc.); dam Juno, a great brood-mare, by Ham- bletonian 10 (sire of Dexter, 2:171; Nettie, 2:18; Orange Girl, 2:20, etc.) 1st dam Amal, by Clay 4779, Dam of Otalgie, 2:2434, and 2d dam of Record 2:25. Sire of Exploit (p), Boralma, 2:08. 2:0834; Clayone, 2:12%; Spinaway, 2:1434; Philip E., 2:15; Sunland Clay, 2:15M; Russie Clay (p), 2:1234, and 17 other standard performers. Son of Electioneer 125 (sire of Arion, 2:07%; Sunol, 2:08M; Palo Alto, 2:08%, etc.); dam Maid of Clay, a great brood-mare, by HenryClay 8. 2d dam Alameda Maid, by Hambletonian 539, Record 2:27%. Sire of Hambletonian Mambrino, 2:21J4; 3 others, and dams of Dove Wing, 2:17%; Bell Ure, 2:19!/,, and 5 other standard performers. Son of Hambletonian 10; dam the great brood-mare Dolly Martin (dam of Volney, 2:23, etc.), by Defiance. 3d dam Mary Taylor, by Biggart's Battler. Owner's Statement — As will be seen, this mare is nearly a full sister to the dam of the greatest 3 and 4-year-old colt that has ever appeared upon the trotting turf, Boralma. The only difference, this filly being by Greenlander, 2:12, full brother to Earl, 2:23. This mare has had but two colts, one at her foot and one a yearling. They both show a remarkable inheritance for speed, and in point of speed lines I should as should as soon take this mare as a great producer as her sister. She cannot fail to be good, and any breeder who owns her can point with pride to her as being a sure producer of fast speed. She, herself, as a yearling and 2-year-old, showed remarkable speed. Boralma sold as a 2-year-old for $16,000, while a yearling this spring sold for $4,000. Buy this mare— she is pure gold— especially if you want another Boralma. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 135 CONSIGNED BY W. S. Sharpe, Red Oak, Iowa. No. 165. GRACE GREENLANDER. Record (3), 2:18i. Bay mare; 16 hands; foaled 1896. Bred by A. Sharpe; owned by W. S. Sharpe, Red Oak, Iowa. By GREENLANDER 2481. Record 2:12; 2-mile record 4:32. Sire of Dufour, 2:131; Green- lander Girl, 2:14i; Louisville, 2:15i; Orangelander, 2:16£; Ida Green- lander, 2:171; Grace Greenlander, 2:18i; Eskimo, 2:18f, twenty-four other standard performers. Son of Princeps 536 (sire of Greenlander, 2:12; Trinket, 2:14, etc.); dam Juno, a great brood-mare, by Hamble- tonian 10 (sire of Dexter, 2:17i; Nettie, 2:18; Orange Girl, 2:20, etc.) let dam Biddy Mc, by Robert McGregor 647, Record 2:18*£, and dam of Grace Green- Record 2:17%. Sire of Cresceus, 2:04; lander (3), 2:18M Lurline McGregor, 2:11%; Roxane, 2:12%; Nyanza, 2:12%; Miss Mc- Gregor, 2:13; Toothers, and dams of Grattan Boy, 2:08; Elloree, 2:08%; York Boy, 2:09%; Blizzard (p), 2:09*6, and 45 other standard performers. 2d dam Lucille T., by Strathmore 408, Dam of Biddy Mc, 2: 18&, and 2d dam of Sire of Strathmeath (p), 2:10^; Ter- Grace Greenlander (3), 2: 18j£. rill S. (p), 2:10^; Eleanor (p), 2:11; Minuet, 2:13%; 84 others, and dams of Bumps (p), 2:03^; Dan Cupid, 2:09!^; Alves, 2:09%; Simmocolon, 2:13%; Baronmore, 2:14*£, and over 100 other standard performers. 3d dam by Oakwood, Son of Blackwood 74. Record 2:31. Sire of Proteine, 2:18; 8 others; dams of Egwood, 2:14*$; Mayhill, 2:17*i; KiDgwood, 2:17^; Woodline, 2:19, and 42 other standard performers. Son of Norman 25 (sire of Lulu," 2:15, etc ) ; dam bv Mambrino Chief 11 (sire of Lady Thorn, 2:18M, etc.) Owner's Statement— Grace Greenlander is not only, her- self, a great trotter, but she is perhaps the best bred long distance trotter that lives to-day. Her sire, Greenlander, holding the world's record for two miles, while her dam holds the third 2-mile record of 4:36i over the Hamburg, la., track, made in 1898. Grace would have taken a record certainly better than 2.10 this year had she not taken pink eye early in June and was for two months in Dr. Moore's hospital at Kansas City, and for a month of that time had to be helped up and down. I feel certain that next year, with her gameness, she could beat any horse in the world for two or three miles. 136 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE CONSIGNED BY Mel. Crews, Maple Grove Stock Farm, Areola, 111. No. 166. MAY WOOD. Bay mare; 15.3 hands; foaled 1893. Owned by Mel. Crews, Areola, 111. By ASTORWOOD 10274. Sire of Jim Blaine, 2:21i; Coahn's Boquet (p), 2:16i. Son of Black- wood, Jr. 380 (sire of Rolfewood (p), 2:19i; All So, 2:20i, etc.); dam Astoria, 2:29|; by Hambletonian 10 (sire of Dexter, 2:17i; Nettie, 2:18, etc.); second dam Clara (dam of Dexter, 2:17i, etc.), by American Star 14 (sire of dams of Guy, 2:101; Robert McGregor, 2:17£, etc.) 1st dam by Doctor Herr 450, Record 2:31 Sire of Forest Herr (p), 2:10; Tillie Herr (p), 2:13%; Clay Herr, 2:16%; Joe Davis, 2:17%; 9 others, and dams of Argoreat (p), 2:09%; Spinaway, 2:14^; Prenzie L., 2:14%, and 20 other standard per- formers. Son of Mambrino Patchen 58; dam Forest Telltale, by Edwin Forrest 49, etc. Owner's Statement— May Wood can trot a mile in 2:25 and is one of the highest-going and best road mares I ever owned. She is a show mare, and any one wanting a good green trotter will do well if he buys her. There will not be many in the sale that are her equals. No. 167. JOHN D. Dark bay stallion; 16 hands; foaled 1896. Owned by Mel. Crews, Areola, 111. By LARATEES, ■ Son of Jay Gould 197 (sire of Pixley, 2:08i; 28 others and dams of Robert J. (p), 2:0H; Poem, 2:lli; Colonel Kuser, 2:11±; Boodle, 2:12i; Edgardo, 2:13f, and 70 other standard performers). 1st dam by Poem 4159. Record 2:\iy 2 . Sire of Poem. Jr., 2:19^; Tinker (p\ 2:18^; Lexington (p), 2:1814, and 6 other standard performers. Son of General Wash- ington 1161 (sire of Poem, 2:11*4; Nosegay, 2:13, etc.); dam Sonnet, a great brood-mare, by Jay G-ould 197 (sire of Pixley, 2:08Ji, etc.) OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 137 Owner's Statement — John D. is a great young- stallion; was never trained a day in his life, but can show a 2:40 gait trotting and a 2:20 gait pacing. He is a good individual; the best headed green prospect in the country; a sure foal getter, and will show for himself on the day of sale. No. 168. AIRY. Record (p), 2:24i. Chestnut gelding; 16 hands; foaled 1895. Owned by Mel. Crews, Areola, 111. By BRIGHTMARCK 17693. Record 2:23i. Sire of Captain Bright, 2:25i, and five other stand- ard performers. Son of Victor Bismarck 326 (sire of Edgemark, 2:16; E. T. H., 2;16i; Marquette, 2:17i; "Banner Mark, 2:17f, etc.); dam Lula Bright, a great brood-mare, by John Bright 566 (sire of Bright Rattler, 2:191, etc.); second dam Mattie Stockbridge, a great brood- mare, by Talbott's Stockbridge, Jr. 1st dam by Tempest, Jr., Sister to Monkey Rolla (p), 2:15%. Sire of Grey Harry (p), 2:15^; Mon- key Rolla (p), 2:15%; Silvertail (p), 2:16^; Black York (p), 2:18^, and 3 other standard performers. Owner's Statement — Here is one with a perfect head, thor- oughly broken, safe for a lady to drive, is much faster than his record, a good race horse in his class, a great road horse and a royal matinee horse. A good one, and will please his new owner. No. 169. SAGWA, Trial (p), 2:19. Gelding; 16 hands; foaled 1895. Owned by Mel. Crews, Areola, 111. Owner's Statement — Here is a pacer that has great speed for the little work he has had. He has paced a mile better than 2:20; can step faster, and looks like one that you could get ready to go after the money when the bell taps next season. He is also a great road- ster and matinee horse. Breeding will be given on day of sale. No. 170. BLUE LINE. Black roan; 15 hands; foaled 1895. Owned by Mel. Crews, Areola, 111. By HUMBOLT TOM. Son of Argot Wilkes (p), 2:14i (sire of Argoreat (p), 2:09f ; The Bishop (p), 2:09f; A. J. Glick (p), 2:10i; Myrtle Wilkes (p), 2:13±; Gus Waibel (p), 2:13i, and four other standard performers. 138 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 1st dam by Doctor Herr 450, Record 2:36. Sire of Forest Herr (p) r 2:10; Tillie Herr (p), 2:13%; Clay Herr, 2:16%; Joe Davis, 2:17%; 9 others, and dams of Argoreat (p), 2:09%; Spinaway, 2:14^; Frenzie L., 2:14%, and 20 other standard per- formers. Son of Mambrino Patchen. 58; dam Forest Telltale, by Edwin Forrest 49, etc. Owner's Statement— A high actor at the trot and very speedy at the pace; a pleasant roadster of great stamina. No. 171. GLOW. Bay mare; 15.3 hands; foaled 1893. Owned by Mel. Crews, Areola, 111. ' Owner's Statement — Breeding- will be furnished on day of sale. This is an extra handsome mare and a great one. She can trot a 2:15 gait and will make a race mare if campaigned, and is an ideal road- ster, such as any gentleman would be pleased with; perfect manners and safe for a lady to drive. No. 172. PARADE. Brown gelding; 16 hands; foaled 1894. Owned by Mel. Crews, Areola, 111. Owner's Statement— Thisr fellow is a high roller with all-'round action, city broken and an excellent parade and road horse. CONSIGNED BY Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. No. 173. KENTUCKY SIMMONS. Bay horse; foaled 1895. Bred by J. H. Fitzgerald, Maysville, Ky.; owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By SIMMONS 2744. Record 2:28. Brother to Rosa Wilkes, 2:18i, and sire of Greenleaf, 2: 10i; Hesperus, 2:lli; Oscar William, 2:12^; Edna Simmons, 2:12i San Mateo, 2:13i; New York Central, 2:13£; Sally Simmons, 2:13£ Simmocolon, 2:13f; eighty-eight others; dams of Tom Boy, 2:1(H Owyhee, 2:11; Much Ado, 2:13i, and grandsire of Dan Q. (p), 2:07£ Gazelle, 2:lli; Nancy Time, 2:13£; Vipsania (3), 2:14, etc. Son of George Wilkes 519; dam Black Jane, a great brood-mare, by Mam- brino Patchen 58, etc. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 13& 1st dam Pearl Medium, Record 2:24. 2:29%. Dam of Pearl Wilton, 2d dam Pearl, Record 2:30. Dam of Pearl Medium, 2:24, and 2d dam of Pearl Wilton, 2:29%. by Happy Medium 400, Record 2:32%. Sire of Nancy Hanks, 2:04; Maxie Cobb, 2:13^; Faulkland, 2:13%; 91 others; dams of Stam B., 2:11M; Lurline McGregor, 2:11%; Mediumwood, 2:1334; 77 others, and grandsire of Peter the Great, 2:07J4; Pilot Boy, 2:09M; B. B. P., 2:09%; Que Allen, 2:09%, and over 300 other standard performers. by Gentle Breeze 3456, Sire of Pearl, 2:30, and dams of Maud Messenger, 2:16%, etc. Son of Whirlwind 2359; dam Ole Bull, by Old Pacing Pilot (sire Pilot, Jr. 12; the sire of dams of Maud S., 2:08%; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, (p) 2:06%, etc.) Owner's Statement — First and second dams standard perform- ers and producers. Here is one that will attract attention anywhere on earth; if at speed, by his faultless, superb way of going-; if at a standstill, by his individuality. He has never had a great deal of training, but with what he has had this fall has demonstrated him- self a trotter by stepping a mile in 2:18, the last quarter in :33. With favorable weather in the meantime, we expect to be able to state at time of sale that he has been a mile in 2:15. We consider him one of the best green prospects in the market, as there is no rea- son why, if given an Opportunity, he should not sire speed. Is very reliable and his disposition is of the best. No. 174. MACIAS. Bay gelding, with hind ankles white; 16.2 hands; foaled 1895. Bred by Woodburn Farm, Spring Station, Ky. ; owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By VELOCIDAD 14901. Sire of Ladykin, 2:30. Son of Electioneer 125 (sire of Arion, 2:071; Sunol, 2:081; Palo Alto, 2:081, etc.); dam Nutula, a great brood-mare, and sister to Nutwood, 2:181, etc., by Belmont 64 (sire of Ella Bel- mont, 2:12£, etc.); second dam the great Miss Kussell (dam of Maud S., 2:08f; Sclavonic (p), 2:091; Nutwood, 2:18f, etc.), by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Maud S., 2:08f; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10 (p), 2:06i, etc.) 1st dam Lady Bismarck, by Victor Bismarck 326, Sire of Edgemark, 2:16; E. T. H, 2:16M; Bannermark, 2:17%; 28 others, and dams of Dorfmark, 2:19M; Prin- cess Maid, 2:19%; Allen G. (p.), 2:10;. and 16 other standard performers. Son of Hambletonian 10; dam Hattie Woods (dam of Gazelle, 2:21; Idol 44; Louis Napoleon 207, etc.), by Harry Clay 45. 140 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 2d dam Lady Miller, 3d dam 4th dam 5th dam by Joe Downing 710, Sire of Abe Downing, 2:20%; Dick Jamison, 2:26, and dams of Lorene (p), 2:15M; Halo (p), 2:15fc; Halo 2d, 2:14%; Sharper, 2:19%, and 14 other standard performers. Son of Edwin Forrest 49; dam Lizzie Peebles (dam of Jim Monroe_853, etc.), s. t. b. by Wagner. by Evan's Highlander, Son of Veech's Highlander. by Morgan Rattler, by Canada Chief. Owner's Statement— Macias has been driven double with Lee- wald. They are very much alike and will make some one who is looking for a large team a wonderfully nice pair. Will be shown double, but sold separately. No. 175. LEEWALD. Bay gelding, with right hind ankle white; 16:2 hands; foaled 1894. Bred by Morris J. Jones, Red Oak, Iowa; owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By REDWALD 617S. Record 2:23£. Sire of Redinda (p), 2:07i; Red June, 2:14i; Tip- wald, 2:21i. Son of Lord Russell 4677 (sire of Kremlin, 2:071, etc); dam the great brood-mare Primrose, by Abdallah 15 (sire of Gold- smith Maid, 2:14, etc.); second dam the famous Black Rose, by Tom Teemer. 1st dam Clarice, 2d dam Frisette, 3d dam Flirt, Sister to Envoy, and dam of Notary (sire), Alix, 2:03% 2;28; Fleta, 2:28, Patroness, 2:26; and 2d dam of by Patronage 4143, Sire of Alix, 2: 03%; Pactolus, 2:12%, and 3 other standard performers. Brother to Patron 2:14^ (sire of Car- acalla,2: 10; Ananias (p),2:05,etc.),and Prodigal, 2:16 (sire of John Nolan, 2:08, etc.), son of Pancoast. 2:21%, dam the great Beatrice, by Cuyler, 100; 2d dam Mary Mambrino (dam of Elvira, 2:18%, etc.), by Mambrino Patchen 58, etc. by Transcript 3845, Son of Transport 3808; dam Birthday, by Robert McGregor 647, record 2:17% (sire of Cresceus, 2:04; Lur- line McGregor, 2:11%; Roxane, 2: 12%; Nyanza, 2:12%;Miss McGregor, 2:13; dams of Grattan Boy, 2:08; Elloree, 2:08%, etc.) by General Hatch 139, Record, 2:47. Sire of Soupy, 2:23^; Envoy, 2:28; Fleta, 2:28; dams of Lobasco, 2:10%; 3 others, and 2d dam of Alix, 2:03%, etc. Son of Cassius M. Clay, Jr: 22 (sire of dams of Che- halis (p), 2:04M, etc.); dam a thor- oughbred mare, by imp. Envoy. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 1411 4th dam Dolly, Dam of Envoy, 2:28; Fleta; 2:28; Attorney, Jr. (p), 2:12; Col. Hare (sire); 2d dam of Patroness, 2:26, and 3d dam of Alix, 2:03%. by Iowa, (Thoroughbred.) Son of imp. Glen- coe (sire of the 2d dams of Palo Alto, 2 : 08% ; Lakewood Prince, 2:13%; Favonia, 2:15, etc.) Owner's Statement — Leewald is a nice large gelding- with speed, and has size enough to handle a two-seated vehicle with ease. Is one of the most desirable big horses we have ever seen. Will- be shown double, but sold separately. No. 176. FRANK COATES. Bay stallion, with small star in forehead; foaled 1899. owned by Highland Stock Farm Co. , Dubuque, Iowa. Bred and By RHODERICK DHU I4I37. Record, 2:20. Sire of Jessie Dhu, 2:171; Little Queen, 2:29£. Son of Mambrino Boy 844 (sire of Rockley Boy, 2:13i; dams of Allerton, 2:09i; Axtell (3), 2:12, etc.); dam Cricket, 2:33i, a great brood-mare, by Cuyler 100 (sire of dams of Ponce de Leon, 2:13; Patron, 2:14i; Cuylercoast, 2:11, etc.); second dam Evelina by American Clay 34 (sire of Dam of David B., 2:09£, etc.) 1st dam Allie M. by Nutwood 600, Record 2:18%. Sire of Manager (p), 2:06%; Lockheart, 2:08%; 160 others; dams of Arion, 2:07% ; Ethel Downs, 2:10, and 150 other standard per- formers. Also grandsire of Caid, . 2:07*4, and 600 other standard per- formers. Son of Belmont 64; dam Miss Russell (dam of Maud S.,. 2:08%, etc.) 2d dam Almira Phallamont, by Phallamont 3175, Sister to Ogden Phallamont, 2:26%, and Phallamont Sprague, 2:2754. 3d dam Carrie Dexter, Dam of Ogden Phallamont, 2:26%, and Phallamont Sprague, 2:27?4- 4th dam Edmonia, DamofVida, 2:16: Zouave, 2:30, and 2d dam of King Nasir, 2:21M, and 4 other standard performers. Sire of Kate Phallamont, 2:1234; Phal- lamont Boy, 2:1834; Eva S., 2:183/2; Virginius, 2:19^, and 18 other stand- ard performers. Son of Phallas, 2:13%; dam Maud Butler, by Almont 33; 2d Jam Miss Butler, by Duval's Mambrino, etc. by Billy Sprague 5749, Record 2:28. Sire of Swift Bird (p), 2:1334; Arrigle, 2:24%, and 3 other standard performers. Son of Gov. Sprague 444; dam Lady Breeze (dam of Aunty Shucks (p), 2:0834, by Swi- gert 650; 2d dam by Bellfounder 63. by Dictator 113, Brother to Dexter, 2:1734, and sire of Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, (p) 2:0634; Im- petuous (3), 2:13: 54 others; dams of Nancy Hanks, 2:04; Lockheart,2:08^;. Egozen (p), 2:06%; Gazette (p), 2:0734; 77 others, and; grandsire of Directum, 2: 05M; Direct (p), 2:05%,. and 250 other standard performers. 142 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO 'S SALE 5th dam Leah, by Woodford Mambrino 345, Sister to Malaga (dam of Woodbrino, Sire of dams of Kremlin, 2: 07%; Bon- 2: 25%; sire of Vega, 2:10%, etc.) natella, 2:10, etc. 6th dam Maud, by Abdallah 15, Dam of King Jim (p), 2:20J4, etc. Sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2: 14, etc. Owner's Statement — Here is a breeding- that should command attention. Just broken; goes on a pace without any surplus action, and will learn to step fast. No. 177. MONROE. Chestnut gelding; 15.2 hands; foaled 1894. Owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By MONROE CHIEF. ,Dam by East Light. Owner's Statement — Monroe is very suitable for a single driver, having been used a great deal for that purpose. Carries a good head and tail, and grand and stylish looker; shows his breeding at a glance. Easily controlled and not afraid of a thing on earth. Is also a fair saddler. No. 178. GEORGE LEE. Brown gelding, with hind ankles white; foaled 1897. Bred and owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By ROBERT LEE 14302. Record 2:18i. Son of Alcantara 729 (sire of Moth Miller (p), 2:07; Oscar L. (p), 2:08i; Sir Alcantara (p), 2:09i; Raven (p), 2:10; Alar, 2:11; Lightning, 2:11; Rensselaer Wilkes, 2:1H; Arena, 2:llf, etc.); dam Meg Merrilles, by Electioneer 125 (sire of Arion, 2:07f; Sunol, 2:08J; Palo Alto, 2:081, etc.), second dam Young Gypsy, a great brood- mare, by Mambrino Pilot 29 (sire of Hannis, 2:17f, etc.) 1st dam Georgiana, by George Wilkes 519, Record 2:26*4 (dam of George Wood, Record 2:22. Sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:28), and sister to Patchen Wilkes, 2:13%; Brignoli Wilkes, 2:14%; Guy 2:29V£ ^sire of Joe Patchen (p), 2:01M, Wilkes, 2:15M; 80 others, and dams etc.) of 148, including Dick Hubbard, 2:09%; Manager (p), 2:06%; also grandsire of Joe Patchen (p), 2:01 }£; Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; Beuzetta, 2:06%; Hulda, 2:08%, and over 2,000 other standard performers. 2d dam Kitty Patchen, by Mambrino Patchen, 53, Dam of Georgiana. 2:26J4; Patchen Brother to Lady Thorn, 2:18M, and Wilkes, 2: 29^ (sire of Joe Patchen sire of London, 2:20^; 24 others; (p), 2:0134, etc.), and 2d dam of dams of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; Jupe, Anglina, 2:11%, and 2 other stand- 2:07%; Bouncer, 2:09; Rubber, 2:10; ard performers. 136 others, and grandsire of Lord Derby, 2:07; Nightingale, 2:08; Dare. Devil, 2:09%; Walter E., 2:10, and 165 other standard performers. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 143 3d dam Betty Brown, Dam of Anglin, 2:27H; Parnell, 2:29; Wilkes Boy, 2:24% (sire of 56 stand- ard performers), and 2d dam of 8 standard performers, including St. Vincent, 2:13% (sire of Lord Vincent, 2:08%, etc.) 4th dam Pickles, by Mambrino Patchen 58, Brother to Lady Thorn, 2:18}£, and sire of London, 2:20%; 24 others; dams of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; Jupe, 2:07%; Bouncer, 2:09; Rubber, 2:10; 136 others, and grandsire of Lord Derby, 2:07; Nightingale, 2:08; Dare Devil, 2:09%; Walter E., 2:10; Lady of the Manor (p), 2:04^, and 164 other standard performers^ by Mambrino Chief 11, Sire of Lady Thorn, 2:18^; 5 others, and dams of Director, 2:17; Pied- mont, 2:17M; Iona, 2:17J4, and 23 other standard performers. Also sire of dams of 66 speed-producing stallions, including Almont, Bel- mont, Onward, Director, etc. Owner's Statement— George Lee is bred in the height of fash- ion, is nicely broken, and a good traveler; should make a good race horse. He and Tom Loftus make a great team. They will be shown double, but sold separately. No. 179. TOM LOFTUS. Black gelding, with small star in forehead, right front foot, left hind ankle and right hind heel white; foaled 1896. Bred and owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By ROBERT LEE 14302. Record 2:18i. Son of Alcantara 729 (sire of Moth Miller (p), 2:07; Oscar L. (p), 2:08i; Sir Alcantara (p), 2:09i; Raven, (p), 2:10; Alar, 2:11; Lightning, 2:11; Rensselaer Wilkes, 2:11£; Arena, 2:llf, etc.); dam Meg Merrilles, by Electioneer 125 (sire of Arion, 2:07f ; Sunol, 2:08i* Palo Alto, 2:08|, etc.); 2d dam Young Gypsy, a great brood- mare, by Mambrino Pilot 29 (sire of Hannis, 2:17f, etc.) 1st dam Susie Wilkes, Dam of Daisy N., 2:25%. 2d dam Dowager, 3d dam . by George Wilkes 519, Record 2:22. Sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13%; Brignoli Wilkes, 2:14%; 81 others; dams of Manager (p), 2:05%; Dick Hubbard, 2:09%; 146 others, and grandsire of Joe Patchen (p), 2-.01W, Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; Beu- zetta, 2:06%, and 2183 other standard performers. by Superb 295, Record 2:45%. Sire of Harry Conk- ling, 2:26; Great Western, 2:29; dams of El Capitan, 2:24, and 6 other standard performers. Son of Ethan Allen 43; dam by Hambletonian 2; 2d dam by Tippoo Saib by Duroc. by American Star 14, Sire of Widow Machree, 2:29; 3 others, and dams of Guy, 2:10%; Dexter 2:17^; Robert McGregor, 2:17%; Nettie, 2:18; Joe Bunker, 2:19tf; Driver, 2:1914, and 37 other standard performers. 144 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE Owner's Statement — Tom Lofttjs is well broken and will show for himself. He and George Lee, previous number, make a great team. Will be shown together, but sold separately. No. 1 80. NUTISCA. Bay colt; foaled 1897. Bred by Simmocolon Stock Farm, Ypsilanti^ Mich.; owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By NUTBREAKER 2952. Record 2:24i. Sire of Bon Ami, 2:14£; May Breaker, 2:171; Nut- breaker (p), 2:141; Nut Prince, 2:18t; Moses, 2:19i, and fifteen other standard performers. Son of Nutwood 600 (sire of Manager (p), 2:06! ; Lockheart, 2:08i, etc.); dam Bonnie Doon (dam of Bonnie Phallas^ 2:29), by Aberdeen 27 (sire of Kentucky Union, 2:07i, etc.) 1st dam Cynisca, Sister to Wilstar, 2:2314 2d dam Wilka Monroe, Dam of Wilstar, 2: 23%. by Robert McGregor 647, Record 2:17f4. Sire of Cresceus, 2:04; Lurline McGregor, 2:11%; Roxane,. 2:12%; Nyanza, 2:12%; Miss Mc- Gregor, 2:13; 75 others, and dams of Grattan Boy, 2:08; Elloree, 2:0854;. York Boy, 2:09%; Blizzard (p), 2:09y 2 , and 45 other standard per- formers. by Bourbon Wilkes 2345, Sire of Coastman (p), 2:08%; Sunland' Belle (p), 2:08%; Bourbon Patchen (p), 2:09; Bourbon Wilkes, Jr., 2:12%; Charleston, 2:12%; Dorris- Wilkes, 2:14i4; 70 others; Aams of Cocoon, 2:15, and 16 other standard performers. Son of George Wilkes 519; dam Favorite (dam of Favorite Wilkes, etc.), by Abdallah 15. by Jim Monroe 835, Sire of Monroe Chief, 2:18%; Kitty- Bates, 2:19; 7 others, and dams of Greenleaf, 2:10%, and 19 other stand- ard performers. Son of Abdallah 15 (sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2:14, etc.); dam Lizzie Peebles (dam of Joe Downing 710, etc.) Owner's Statement — Nutbreaker sired some of the gamest horses that ever saw a race track. Robert McGregor mares are pro- ducing grand circuit winners every year. The combination should be a successful one, and Nutisca already shows well enough to justify- any one taking a chance on him. 3d dam Nina Monroe, Dam of Egroe (p), 2:17%, and 2d dam of Wilstar, 2:23%. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 145 No. 181. MISS FIFFIN. Black mare, with a few hairs in forehead and hind coronets white; foaled 1896. Bred and owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Du- buque, Iowa. By ROBERT LEE 14302. Record 2:181. Son of Alcantara 729 (sire of Moth Miller (p), 2:07; Oscar L. (p), 2:08i; Sir Alcantara (p), 2:09i; Raven (p), 2:10; Alar, 2:11; Lightning, 2:11; Rensselaer Wilkes, 2:lli; Arena, 2:llf, etc.); dam Meg Merrilles, by Electioneer 125 (sire of Arion, 2:07f; Sunol, 2:08i; Palo Alto, 2:08f, etc.); second dam Young Gypsy, a great brood- mare, by Mambrino Pilot 29 (sire of Hannis, 2:17i, etc.) 1st dam Fiffin, 2d dam Anteeo Viva, Dam of Anteeo Wilkes, 2:30. 3d dam Lady Viva, 4th dam Lady Amanda, Dam of Advance (3), 2:22%. 5th dam Lady Lancaster, by Sable Wilkes 8100, Record (3), 2:18. Sire of Oro Wilkes, 2:11, and 36 other standard perform- ers. Son of Guy Wilkes, 2:15^ (sire of Fred Kohl, 2:07%; Hulda, 2:08Y 2 ; Lesa Wilkes, 2:09, etc.) ; dam Sable, a great brood-mare, by The Moor 870; 2d dam Gretchen (dam of Ro- mero, 2:19%, etc.), by Mambrino Pilot 29. by Anteeo 7868, Record 2:16%. Sire of Angelina, 2:11%; Farris, 2:12^; Myrtle, 2:13%; Eoline, 2il42£; 37 others, and dams of Di- rectum Kelly, 2:08^; W. Wood (p), 2:07, and 4 other standard perform- ers. Son of Electioneer 125; dam the great Columbine, by A. W. Rich- mond 1687; 2d dam by imp. Bonnie Scotland. by Three Cheers, (Thoroughbred.) by imp. Hurrah, (Thoroughbred. ) by imp. MONARCH, (Thoroughbred.) Owner's Statement — Miss Fiffin is just broken to harness but is good gaited and very promising. Her pedigree is extremely choice and she should make a great mare. No. 182. MANTELL. Black gelding; foaled 1897. Bred and owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By MANAGER 20400. Record (p, 2), 2:16£; (3), 2:11£; (4), 2:09f; (5),2:06f. Brother to Wood- boy, 2:19i, and sire of Pinta (p), 2:13i, a close second in a race in 2:07f ; Pridewood, 2:201; Mango (p), 2:21; Mandrake (p), 2:24£; Accumulation, 146 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 2:28i. Son of Nutwood 600 (sire of Lockheart, 2:08£, etc. ) ; dam Carrie, a great brood-mare, by George Wilkes 519; second dam Bashaw Belle, a great brood-mare, by Bashaw 50; third dam Grey Mary, by St Louis (thoroughbred). 1st dam Fiffin, 2d dam Anteeo Viva, Dam of Anteeo Wilkes, 2:30. 3d dam Lady Viva, 4th dam Lady Amanda, Dam of Advance (3), 2:22%. 5th dam Lady Lancaster, 6th dam Lady Canton, by Sable Wilkes 8100, Record (3), 2:18. Sire of Oro Wilkes, 2: 11, and 36 other standard perform- ers. Son of Guy Wilkes, 2:15M (sire of Fred Kohl, 2:07%; Hulda, 2:08%; Lesa Wilkes, 2:09, etc.) ; dam Sable, a great brood-mare, by The Moor 870; 2d dam Gretchen (dam of Romero, 2:19%, etc.), by Mambrino Pilot 29. by Anteeo 7868, Record 2:16H- Sireof Angelina, 2:11%; Farris, 2:12^; Myrtle, 2:13%; Eoline, 2:14%; 37 others, and dams of Direc- tum Kelly, 2:08M; W. Wood (p), 2:07, and 4 other standard performers. Son of Electioneer 125; damthegreat Columbine, by A. W. Richmond 1687; 2d dam by imp. Bonnie Scotland. by Three Cheers, (Thoroughbred). by imp. Hurrah, (Thoroughbred) . by imp. Monarch, (Thoroughbred) . by imp. Tranby, (Thoroughbred) . Owner's Statement— Mantell is just broken; a trifle double- gaited; large and strong, although for some time he had been in poor condition, caused by sickness. No. 183. MISS DHU. Bay mare, with left hind pastern white; foaled 1898. Bred and owned by Highland Stock Farm Co., Dubuque, Iowa. By RHODERICK DHU 14137. Kecord 2:20. Sire of Jessie Dhu, 2:17i; Little Queen, 2:29£. Son of Mambrino Boy 844 (sire of Rockley Boy, 2:13i; dams of Allerton, 2:09J; Axtell (3), 2:12, etc.); dam Cricket, 2:33 J, a great brood-mare, by Cuyler 100 (sire of dams of Ponce de Leon, 2:13; Patron, 2:14i; Cuylercoast, 2:11, etc. ); second dam Evelina, by American Clay 34 (sire of dam of David B., 2:09i, etc.) 1st dam Bessie S. by Mambrino Patchen 58, Brother to Lady Thorn, 2:18U- Sire of London, 2:20%; 24 others; dams of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; Jupe, 2:07%; Bouncer, 2:09; Rubber, 2:10; 136 others, and grandsire of Lord Derby, 2:07; Nightingale, 2:08; Dare Devil, 2:092£; Walter E., 2:10, and 165 other standard performers. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 147 2d dam Balsorine, 3d dam Forrest Maid, by Balsora 1024, Sire of Rosita, 2:26M; Kentuckian, 2:27J^, and dams of Kentucky Union, 2:07^; Walbeck, 2:17^; Balsora Wilkes (p),2:17Ji: Bonaventure (p), 2: 18, and 6 other standard performers. Son of Abdallah 15 (sire of Gold- smith Maid, 2:14, etc.); dam Neva, by Vincent Nolte; 2d dam Mavis, by Wagner. by Christian's Edwin Forrest, Sire of dam of Glendale, 2:20%, and son of Edwin Forrest 49 (sire of Billy Hoskins, 2:26*4; Champagne, 2:30. dams of Geneva, 2:11%; So So, 2:17^; Mambrino Dudley, 2:19%; 12 other standard performers, and 2d dams of Nancy Hanks, 2:04; Charles- ton, 2:12%; Angelina, 2:12, etc.) by Darnaby's Messenger. 4th dam Lady Darnaby, (Thoroughbred. ) 5th, 6th and 7th dams, (Thoroughbred. ) Owner's Statement— Miss Dhu is a young mare of superior quality, very handsome and one of the best we have ever bred. No. 184. C. Y. H. Bay colt, with hind pasterns white; foaled 1897. by Highland Stock Farm Co. , Dubuque, Iowa. By MANAGER 20400. Bred and owned Record (p, 2), 2:161; (3), 2:111; (4), 2:09f ; (5), 2:06|. Brother to Woodboy, 2:19i, and sire of Pinta (p), 2:13£, a close second in a race in 2:071; Pridewood, 2:201; Mango (p), 2:21; Mandrake (p), 2:241; Accu- mulation, 2:281. Son of Nutwood 600 (sire of Lockheart, 2:081, etc.); dam Carrie, a great brood-mare, by George Wilkes 519, second dam Bashaw Belle, a great brood-mare, by Bashaw 50; third dam Grey Mary, by St. Louis (thoroughbred). 1st dam Patti Sing, Dam of Eskimo, 2:18%, and sister to Suisun, 2:18%, etc. 2d dam Susie, Record 2:26%, and dam of Suisun, 2:18%; Susette, 2:23%; Surprise, (p), 2:16%, and 2d dam of Eskimo, 2:18%; Athway, 2:2hM, and Lord Stanley, 2:28%. by Electioneer 125, Sire of Arion, 2:07%; Sunol, 2:08^; Palo Alto. 2:08%: 156 others; dams of Klatawa (p, 3), 2:05%; Laurel, 2:13%, and 82 other standard performers. Alsograndsire of The Abbott, 2:03^; Azote, 2:04%; Fantasy, 2:06; Bingen, 2:06*4, and 745 other standard per- formers. by George M. Patchen, Jr. 31, Record 2:27. Sire of Wells Fargo. 2:18%; 9 others, and dams of William Tell, 2:14%; John Bury, 2:15%; Chan- cellor, 2:16, and 16 other standard performers. Son of George M. Patchen 30 (sireof Lucy, 2:1834, etc.); dam Belle, by Top Bellfounder. ■148 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 3d dam Santa Clara, by Owen Dale, Dam of Susie, 2:26*4, and 2d dam of Thoroughbred; sire of dams of Susie, Suisun, 2:18%, and 2 other standard 2:26%; 4 others, and 2d dams of Sui- performers. sun, 2:18%, and 8 other standard performers. Son of "Williamson's Belmont; dam Maria Downey, by American Eclipse. 4th dam by Red Buck. 5th dam by Red Bill. Owner's Statement— C. Y. H. is bred right and gaited right; just broken. No. 185. Reserved for F. C. Kenyon, Chicago, 111. No. 186. Reserved for F. C. Kenyon, Chicago, 111. No. 187. Reserved for F. C. Kenyon, Chicago, 111. CONSIGNED BY C. Williams^ 179 Blue Island Avenue, Chicago^ 111. No. 188. MAJOR EWING 21253. Record, half-mile track, 2:15i. Bay stallion; 15.2 hands; foaled 1889. Bred by Rockhill Bros. & Fleming, Fort Wayne, Ind. ; owned by C. Williams, Chicago, 111. By STRATHMORE 408. Sire of Strathmeath (p), 2:10£; Terrill S. (p), 2:10i; Eleanor (p), 2:11; Minuet, 2:13f; eighty-four others, and dams of Bumps (p), 2:03i; Dan Cupid, 2:09i; Alves, 2:09£; Simmocolon, 2:13f; Baronmore, 2:14i, and over 100 standard performers. Son of Hambletonian 10 (sire of Dexter, 2:17£, etc.); dam Lady Waltermine, by North American. 1st dam Miss Kirksey, by Mambrino Legrand, Dam of Major Ewing, 2:15^; Miss Sire of the dam of Major Ewing, Strathmore, 2:29%, and 2d dam of 2: 15*^, and the 2d dam of 5, including Anderson Wilkes, 2:22J^; Magnetta, Anderson Wilkes, 2:22*4 (sire of 2:21%; Frank Stout, 2:24; Sister Effle Powers (p), 2:09^; Sophia (p), Mary, 2:25, and Will Wayne, 2:25. 2:09%; Flossie Delania (p), 2:11^; Robert B. (p),2:12; Jack Sheppard, 2:14%, etc. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 149 2d dam Nelly, by White Morgan. Owner's Statement— Major Ewing has been campaigned so much through the western country that almost every owner and driver is acquainted with him. He is a good individual — a stout bred stallion, and has been one of the greatest campaigners ever seen upon the American tracks. No matter what company or how fast the time, he has always been right up in the race. His record of 2:15i was obtained over a half-mile track, and he has trotted right close to 2:10 in some of his races. He possesses qualities that are necessary to make a race horse and should transmit these qualities to his get. I think he will make some one a valuable stock horse, and he still has a chance to beat his record. His Strathmore blood is as good as any- thing in the registers, and Major Ewing is certainly as good as any- thing Strathmore ever sired. No. 189. VIRGINIA. Record, half-mile track, 2:23i. Black mare; 16 hands; foaled 1893. Bred by Glenview Stock Farm, Louisville, Ky.; owned by C. Williams, Chicago, 111. By EGOTIST 5018. Record 2:22i. Brother to Sphinx, 2:20£, and sire of Egozen (p), 2:06i; The Conqueror, 2:12i; Trappist, 2:18t; Miss Anne, 2:191, and thirty other standard performers. Son of Electioneer 125 (sire of Arion, 2:071 ; Sunol, 2:08i; Palo Alto, 2:081, etc.); dam Sprite, a great brood-mare, by Belmont 64; second dam the great Waterwitch (dam of Viking, 2:19i; Waterloo, 2:19i; Mambrino Gift, 2:20, etc.), by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Maud S., 2:08|; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, etc.) 1st dam Dixie Phallas, by Phallas 1446, Dam of Miss Ann, 2:19%, and Vir- Record 2:13%- Sire of Jenny K., 2: 15%; ginia, 2:23M- Trotwood, 2:15%; Mystery, 2:17^; Phantom Phallas, 2:19}£; 20 others, and grandsire of Kate Phallamont, 2:12 1 4. and 40 other standard per- formers. Son of Dictator 113; dam Betsy Trotwood, by Clark Chief 89. 2d dam Dixie Sprague, by Governor Sprague 444, Record 2:25^- Dam of Stonewall, Record 2:20^. Sire of Charlie P. (p) , 2:27^; pacing, 2:19M, and 2d damof 2:11^; Sprague Golddust, 2:15Ji; Miss Ann, 2:19%, and Virginia, King Sprague, 2:16%; LindaSprague, 2:23M- 2:1"!%; Maywood, 2:20; 36others, and dams of McKinney, 2:11^; Smith, 2:13, and 35 other standard perform- ers. 3d dam Dixie, by Pilot, Jr. 12, Record 2:30. Dam of Dixie Sprague, Sire of John Morgan, 2:24; ?Tackey s 2:25^,and2ddamof Graydon,2:17^; 2:26; Tattler, 2:26; 5 others, and Why Not, 2:20%, and 5 other stand- dams of Maud S., 2:08%; Jay-Eye- ard performers. Dixey is a sister to See, 2:10, (p) 2:06H; Eager, 2:14^; Tackey, 2:26 (dam of Pilot Boy, Electricity, 2:17%; Nutwood, 2:18%; 2:20, etc., and Pilot Medium (sire of Viking, 2:19&; Waterloo, 2:19^, and Peter the Great, 2:07J^, etc.) 37 other standard performers. 150 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 4th dam Jenny Lind, by Bellfounder, Dam of Tackey, 2:26; Dixie, 2:30, and Sire of 2d dam of Pilot Medium (sire 2d dam of Pilot Boy, 2:20; Naiad of Peter the Great, 2:0734; Pilot Boy, Queen, 2:2034; Classleader, 2:2234; 2:0934; B. B. P., 2:09%, etc.) Dixie Sprague, 2:25%, etc. Owner's Statement — Virginia is a good looking, pure-gaited and perfect mannered trotting mare. She obtained her record of 2:23i over a half-mile track; has trotted miles in 2:17 on a half-mile track, and, I believe, can trot a good mile track with proper prepara- tion at leapt 10 seconds better than her record, She has proven herself a good race horse and would make one of the nicest road mares imagin- able; as she is naturally fearless, easily controlled and has plenty of common sense. No. 190. TOM MARTIN. Record (p), 2:14i, and brother to Kanawha Star (p), 2:14i. Bay gelding; 16 hands; foaled 1893. Bred by W. S. McChesney, Lexington, Ky.; owned by C. Williams, Chicago, 111. By EARL MEDIUM 9915. Sire of May Bird(p), 2.13i; Kanawha Star (p), 2:14i; Tom Martin (p), 2:14i; Lucy Stokes (p), 2:18i; Goneril, 2:24i. Son of Happy Medium 400 (sire of Nancy Hanks, 2:04, etc .); dam of Francisca, a great brood- mare, by Almont 33 (sire of Fanny Witherspoon, 2:16i, etc.); second dam Frances Breckenridge (dam of Maximus 5175), by Sentinel 280, a brother to Volunteer 55 (sire of St. Julien, 2:1 H, etc.) 1st dam Molly D., by Wilkes Boy 3803, Dam of Kanawha Star (p), 2:1434, and Record2:2434- Sire of York Boy,2:09%; Tom Martin (p), 2: 143^. Courier journal (p), 2:06; Judge Swing (p), 2:0834; Thorn, 2:1234; An- gelina, 2:12; Constantine, 2:1234; Oratorio, 2:13; Grattan, 2:13; Nelly A., 2:13; St. Vincent, 2:13%; Ernsie, 2:1434; PatchenBoy (p), 2:10%, and 48 other standard performers. 2d dam Gabriella, by Egbert 1136, Sire of Egthorne, 2:1234; Egwood, 2:1434; Expert Prince (p), 2:1334; 83 others, and dams of Phenol (p), 2:0734; Pilatus, 2:0934; Janie Shel- ton 2:1334, and 30 other standard performers. Also grandslre of Parker S. (p), 2:0634, and over 100 others. 3d dam Patsy, by Brignoli 77, Dam of Brignoli Wilkes, 2:1434 (sire Record 2:29%. Sire of dams of Brig- of Neva Wilkes, 2:1434; Porter, noli Wilkes, 2:1434; Pure Wilkes, 2:1734, etc.) 2:1734; 10 other standard performers, and 2d dams of Kentucky Union, 2:0734; Caracalla, 2:10, etc. Son of Mambrino Chief 11, dam Sally Woodford, hy Woodford (thorough- bred). OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 151 Owner's Statement— Tom Martin is a highly finished, good- going- pacer, with a great brush of speed; is good either on track or road, and should beat 2:10 in good hands. Is one that will show just what he is at the time of sale. No. 191. AMABEL. Chestnut mare; 16 hands; foaled 1896. Owned by C. Williams, Chi- cago, 111. By KEELER 6435. Record, 2:13i. Sire of Onoqua, 2:08; Tonita F. (p), 2:1H; two other standard performers, and dams of Miss Halsey, 2:24f, etc. Son of King Rene 1278 (sire of Keeler, 2:13i, etc.); dam Ada Wilkes, by George Wilkes 519 (sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13-$; Brignoli Wilkes, 2:141; Guy Wilkes, 2:15±; etc.) 1st dam Maud A., by Sanford Sprague, Record 2:28^, under name of Maud, Son of George Sprague 5606 (sire of which is an error in year book. Edith Sprague, 2:15%; Molly Sprague, 2:16^4; Golden Sprague, 2:18%, etc.); dam Anna Belle by Administrator 357 (sire of Catchfly, 2:18^ ; dam of Derby Princess, 2:08y s , etc.) 2d dam by Chismore 13167, Sire of Lady Mack, 2:25*4; Beauty, 2:29%, and dam of Maurine (p), 2:13%. Son of Administrator 357 (sire of Catchfly, 2:18^, etc.); dam Morning Dawn, a great brood-mare, by Marengo, by imp. Soveriegn. 3d dam by Black Billy, Son of Hill's Black Hawk. Owner's Statement — Amabel is one of the nicest road mares any one ever saw. She has size; absolutely perfect manners; more good sense than I have ever known one horse to possess; is absolutely fearless, easily controlled, fast, and a good looker. No. 192. CARL W. Brother to Bellemetal, 2:16i. Bay stallion; 15.3 hands; foaled 1897. Bred by George Mosher, Galesburg, 111.; owned by C. Williams, Chicago, 111. By GEORGE BELMONT 9297. Sire of Bellemetal, 2:16*. Son of Belmont 61 (sire of Ella Bel- mont, 2:12i; Clara D., 2:14i; Nutwood, 2:181, etc.); dam Chinchilla, by Harold 413 (sire of Maud S., 2:081, etc.); second dam, by Norman 25 (sire of Lula, 2:15, etc.); third dam, by Grey Eagle; fourth dam, by Blackburn's Whip. 152 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 1st dam Adelina, Dam of Bellemetal, 2:16M- 2d dam Adele, 3d dam Lady Franklin, by Kentucky Prince 2470, Sire of Guy, 2:10%; Eloise, 2:15; Mir- abile, 2:16M; Problem, 2:18; Annie Stevens, 2:1834; Spofford, 2:18%; Stevie, 2:19; Company, 2:19%; 32 others, and dams of Emily, 2:11; Marguerite A., 2:12^4; Fitz Royal, 2:13M; Miss Delia Pox, 2:1434; King Darlington, 2:15, and 55 other stand- ard performers. by Hambletonion 10, Sire of Dexter, 2:17M; Nettie, 2:18 Orange Girl, 2:20; 37 others; dams of Stamboul, 2:0734; Ballona, 2:11M Greenlander, 2:12; over 100 others and grandsire of Nancy Hanks, 2:04 Kentucky Union, 2: 0734: Arion 2:07%; Pixley, 2:08fc; Maud S. 2:08%, and over 1,600 other standard performers. by Clark Chief 89, Sire of Croxie, 2:1934; 5 others; dams of Martha Wilkes, 2:08; W. H. G. (p), 2:0934; Excel, 2:10%; Phallas, 2:13%; Majolica 2:15, and 32 other standard performers. Son of Mam- brino Chief 11; dam Little Norah, by Downing's Bay Messenger. Owner's Statement— Carl W. is an own brother of Bellemetal, 2:16£, and if there was ever a natural trotter he is one. He has never been driven to harness enough to call him broken, but I think he will show as much natural speed as anything 1 ever led into a sale ring. He is a good individual, and I will let him show for himself. CONSIGNED BY Lincoln Stock Farm,, Palatine, 111. No. 193. ROTHA J. Record (p), 2:12£. Bay mare; 15.2£ hands; foaled 1893. Bred by R. Milo Jackes, Rochester, Minn.; owned by Lincoln Stock Farm, Palatine, 111. By COLBERT 9958. Record (p), 2:07i. Sire of Rotha J. (p), 2:12£; Comet (p), 2:17i; Donna C. (p), 2:19i; Kalmar (p), 2:19£, and six other standard perform- ers. Son of Onward 1411 (sire of Beuzetta, 2:061; Pilatus, 2:09£; Pearl Onward (p), 2:06£; Gazette (p), 2:07i; Colbert (p), 2:07i; Col. Thornton (p), 2:09£, etc.); dam Queen B. (dam of Colbert (p), 2:07i; Robert Rys- dyk, 2:13£, and two others), by Kearsage (thoroughbred). OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 153 1st dam Jeva, by Hamdallah 2917, Dam of Rotha J. (p) , 2:12Y 2 . Sire of Lebbea£ I. (p), 2:13^; Fan- chon, 2: 19*4 ; 26 others, and dams of Minnie Birchwood, 2:132£; Vyzeoff, 2:15; Birchtwig (p), 2:08^, and 16 other standard performers. Son of Hamlet 160; dam Trotting Sister (dam of Nephew 1220), by Abdallah 15 (sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2:14). 2d dam Dolly, the Second, by Jim Sherwood, Son of Lexington (sire of the dam of Ansel, 2:20, and the 2d dam of Sunol, 2:08M; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, (p) 2:06^, etc.); dam Alice Carneal, by imp. Glencoe (sire of the 2d dams of Palo Alto, 2:08^; Lakewood Prince, 2:13^; Favonia, 2:15, etc.) Owner's Statement— Rotha J. is one of the best individuals, best mannered and best gaited pacers in the country. She can step faster than her record, has paced a mile in a race in 2:10£, is good in her class and is an ideal road mare as she does not require boots or any extra rigging; always has her speed, is easily controlled, has not made a break this year and can pace a quarter better than :30; and, sized up in all particulars, her equal would be hard to find. She is sure to please her new owner, for she possesses only the best traits and qualities. No. 194. COLBERT, JR. Chestnut gelding; 15. 334 hands. Bred by Dan Neville, North wood, Iowa; owned by Lincoln Stock Farm, Palatine, 111. By COLBERT 9958. Record (p), 2:07i. Sire of Rotha J. (p), 2:121; Comet (p), 2:17i; Donna C. (p), 2:19i; Kalmar (p), 2:19i, and six other standard per- formers. Son of Onward 1411 (sire of Beuzetta, 2:061; Pilatus, 2:09i; Pearl Onward (p), 2:06i; Gazette (p), 2:07i; Colbert (p), 2:07i; Col. Thornton (p), 2:09i, etc.); dam Queen B. (dam of Colbert (p), 2:07i; Robert Rysdyk, 2:13^, and two others), by Kearsage (thoroughbred). 1st dam Esther, Dam of Free Silver, 2:21M; Harriet N. (p), 2:20, and 2d dam of General Put- nam (p), 2:19J4; Dan Neville, 2:28, and Maud D. N., 2:25. by Silas Wright 2610. Record 2:23}^. Sire of Badge (p), 2 : 06^ ; Maud Wright, 2 : 13 H ; 3 other standard performers, and dams of General Putnam (p), 2:19M, and 6 other standard performers. Son of Alexander 491; dam Divorce, a great brood-mare, by Eureka. Owner's Statement — We think that Colbert, Jr., is the fastest green pacer on earth. He has paced a quarter in :28i, and will show more speed in the sale ring than any other horse at the sale. He is a good looker, an ideal road horse that nobody can beat on the side- drive and should have a wonderful future upon the turf if the right man gets him and gives him an opportunity. If you want the best one in the country to take chances on, buy him. 154 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. i95- NUTWOOD BELLE. Bay mare; 15.2 hands; foaled 1890. Bred by T. J. Barnes, Lyons, Iowa; owned by Lincoln Stock Farm, Palatine, 111. By NUTWOOD 600. Record 2:18f. Sire of Manager (p), 2:06f; Lockheart, 2:0S£; 160 others; dam of Arion, 2:071; Fred Kohl, 2:07f ; Ethel Downs, 2:10; Nemoline, 2:lli; Timorah, 2:12i; Neernut, 2:12£; Eyelet (p), 2:06i; 150 others, and grandsire of Caid, 2:07i; Argetta (p), 2:08|, and over 500 other standard performers. Son of Belmont 64 (sire of Ella Belmont, 2:12i, etc.); dam Miss Russell (dam of Maud S., 2:08£, etc.), by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dam of Jay-Eye-See, 2:10 (p), 2:06i, etc.) 1st dam Orphia, Record, 2:27%. 2d dam Orphan Lady, Dam of Orphia, 2:27%, and Oriole (sire of Tulu, 2:23^). 3d dam Cripple, 4th dam 5th dam by Almont Rattler 500, Sir"e of Parone, 2:23*4; Satilla, 2:24; 3 others, and dams of Clara Wilkes (p), 2:14%; Tristan, 2:20, and 13 other standard performers. Son of Almont 33: Dam Helen McGregor, by Rattler 501 ; 2d dam by Brignoli 77. by Mambrino Boy 844, Record 2:26*4. Sire of Rockley Boy, 2:13%; 12 others; dams of Allerton, 2:09*4; Axtell, 2:12; St. Vincent, 2:13*6; New York Central, 2:13%; Silena P., 2:14M, and 28 other stand- ard performers. Son of Mambrino Patchen 58 (sire of dams of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%, etc.); dam Roving Nelly, by C. M. Clay, Jr. 22. by Mambrino Patchen 58, Brother of Lady Thorn, 2:18*4, and • sire of London, 2:20%; 24 others; dams of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; Jupe, 2:07%; Bouncer, 2:09; Rubber, 2:10; over 100 others, and grandsire of Lord Derby, 2:07; Nightingale, 2:08; Dare Devil, 2:09%; Walter E., 2:10, and over 200 other standard per- formers. by Kentucky Clay 194, Sire of dams of Angelina, 2:12; Auto- graph, 2:16*4; Etiquette, 2:1834, and 15 other standard performers. Son of C. M. Clay, Jr. 22; dam Rodes Mare (dam of Lady Thorn, 2:18*4; Mambrino Patchen 58, etc.) , by Gano, by American Eclipse. by Edwin Forrest 49, Sire of Billy Hoskins. 2:26*4; Cham- pagne, 2:30; dams of Geneva, 2:11%; So So, 2:17*4; Mambrino Dudley, 2:19%; 12 other standard performers, and 2d dams of Nancy Hanks, 2:04; Charleston, 2:12*4; Angelina, 2:12; etc. Edwin Forrest also sired the dam of Mambrino King 1279 (sire of Lord Derby, 2:07; Nightingale, 2:08; Dare Devil, 2:09%, etc.) OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 155 Owner's Statement— Here is one of the very stoutest bred daugters of Nutwood, the greatest of all brood-mare sires. She has natural speed, which she will show on the day of sale. Has had very little education, and has trotted miles better than 2:30 and quarters better than a :20 gait. She will make a race mare, and should have great value in the harem. No. 196. BILL JONES. Brown gelding; 14.3 hands; foaled 1896. coin Stock Farm, Palatine, 111. Bred and owned by Lin- By PRINCE GUY 24031. Son of Guy Wilkes, 2:15i (sire of Fred Kohl, 2:071; Hulda, 2:081, etc.), dam Eva S. (sister to Sweetness, the dam of the famous Sidney), by Volunteer 55 (sire of St. Julien, 2: Hi, etc.); second dam Lady Merritt, a great brood-mare, by Edward Everett 81 (sire of Judge Fullerton, 2:18, etc.); third dam by Harry Clay 45 (sire of dam of Harrietta, 2:091, etc) 1st dam Nutwood Belle, 2d dam Orphia, Record 2 :27*4. 3d dam Orphan Lady, dam of Orphia, 2:27*4, and Oriole (sire of Tulu, 2:2334). 4th dam Cripple, 5th dam by Nutwood 600, Record 2:18%. Sire of Manager (p), 2:06%; Lockheart, 2:08*4; 160 others, dams of Arion, 2:07%; Ethel Downs, 2:10, and 150 other standard perform- ers. Also grandsire of Caid, 2:0734, and 600 other standard performers. Son of Belmont 64; dam Miss Rus- sell (dam of Maud S., 2:08%, etc.) by Almont Rattler 501, Sire of Parone, 2:2334; Satilla, 2:24; 3 others, and dams of Clara Wilkes (p), 2:1434; Tristan, 2:20, and 13 other standard performers. Son of Al- mont 33; dam Helen McGregor, by Rattler 501 ; 2d dam by Brignoli 77. by Mambrino Boy 844, Record 2:26*4- Sire of Rockley Boy, 2:131,4; Jack, 2:18*4; Rhoderick Dhu, 2:20; 10 others; dams of Allerton, 2:0934; Axteil, 2:12; St. Vincent, 2:13*4; New York Central, 2:13*4; Silena F., 2:1434, and 27 other stand- ard performers. by Mambrino Patchen 58, Brother to Lady Thorn, 2:1834- Sire of London, 2:2034; 24 others; dams of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; Jupe, 2:07*4; Bouncer, 2:09; Rubber, 2:10; 136 oth- ers, and grandsire of Lord Derby, 2:07; Nightingale, 2:08; Dare Devil, 2:09%; Walter E., 2:10, and over 200 other standard performers. by Kentucky Clay 194, Sire of dam of Angelina, 2:12, etc. 156 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 6th dam by Edwin Forrest 49, Sire of dam of Geneva, 2:1134, etc. Owner's Statement — Bill Jones is a particularly handsome young gelding, with great style, perfectly city broken, safe for a lady to drive and can trot a 2:40 gait. I think he is the best thing of his size that will step through the sale ring, where he will show for himself. No. i97- PAULINE PERRIWINKLE. Black mare; 15.2 hands; foaled 1897. Bred by Hill Stock Farm, Dallas, Texas; owned by Lincoln Stock Farm, Palatine, 111. By WILLIAM IVL HILL 13268. Record 2:20. Sire of The Private (p), 2:07i; Judge Hurt (p), 2:09±; Lena Hill (p), 2:12i; Dr. Flower's Hill (p), 2:12£; Abbott Hill (p), 2:14f, and six other standard performers. Son of Sir Walter 2001 (sire of Sir Walter, Jr., 2:18i, the sire of Alcidalia, 2:10i, etc.), dam Bonnie Kate, by Wagram; second dam Queen of Trumps, by Black Jack, etc. 1st dam Letitia, 2d dam Hilda, 3d dam Mary D., 4th dam 5th dam by Arthurton 365. Sire of Arab, 2:15; Pantomine, 2:17%; 4 others; dams of Lesa Wilkes, 2:09; Hazel Wilkes, 2:11^; Stamboulet, 2:12}4; Lyric, 2:14M; Una Wilkes, 2:15; 30 other standard performers, and grandsire of Lady Nottingham (p), 2:06%, etc. Son of Hambletonian 10, dam Tmogene (dam of Leland 1300), by American Star 14. by George Wilkes 519, Record 2:22. Sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13%; Brignoli Wilkes, 2:14%; 81 others; dams of Manager (p), 2:06%; Dick Hubbard, 2:09%; 146 others, and grandsire of Joe Patchen (p), 2:01}<: Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; Beuzetta, 2:06%, and 2183 other standard per- formers. by Sentinel 280, Record 2:29%. Sire of Van Arnim, 2:19%; 7 others, and dams of Cypress, 2:1834; Lulia C, 2:18%: Frantic, 2:17%, and 17 other standard per- formers. Sentinel 280 is a brother to Volunteer 55 (sire of St Julien, 2:11^; Gloster, 2:17, etc.) by DONERAIL, Son of Lexington (sire of dam of An- sel, 2:20, and 2d dams of Sunol, 2:08^; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, etc.) by imp. Glencoe, Sire of 2d dams of Palo Alto, 2:08%; Lakewood Prince, 2:13%; Favonia, 2:15; J. B. Richardson, 2:16%, etc. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 157 Owner's Statement— Here is one that has been used in the show and has never failed to cop the blue ribbon. I call her as handsome as any living mare. She is a great actor, can trot a 2:40 gait, and has had but very little handling. She is one of the choice ones, and will show for herself. No. 198. BELL RINGER. Brown gelding; 14.2 hands; foaled 1897. Bred and owned by Lin- coln Stock Farm, Palatine, 111. By RINGING BELLS 20888. Record (p), 2:13£. Son of Bow Bells, 2:19i, (sire of Bellewood A. (p), 2:07£; Belle Esprit, 2:12£; Janie T. (2), 2:14, etc.); dam Franlet, by Epaulet 219 (sire of Georgena, 2:07i, etc.); second dam Frances Medium, a great brood-mare, by Happy Medium 400 (sire of Nancy Hanks, 2:04, etc.); third dam Annabel, a great brood-mare, by George Wilkes 519 (sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13|, etc.); fourth dam, the famous Jessie Pepper, by Mambrino Chief 11. 1st dam Nell, by Brougham 800, Sire of Amanda T., 2:23J^; Clarence Girl, 2:24; George H. (p), 2:18)*; 5 others, and dams of Anne Allerton, 2:15)*; Lord Caffrey, 2:1734, and 8 other standard performers. Son of Hambletonian 10; dam Miss Cooley, Dy Telegraph 301 ; 2d dam, the dam of George Cooley, 2:27, by Friday, by imp. Bellfounder. Owner's Statement— Bell Ringer is a choice individual and will learn to step fast with training. Is just nicely broken and has not been driven enough to establish a gait, but most mixed-gaited ones prove good when they straighten out, and we think this fellow is no exception and believe his new owner will buy one that will de- velop great speed. CONSIGNED BY John F. Reynolds, Genoa Junction, Wis. No. 199- NINA V. Record (half-mile track) 2:22i. Chestnut mare; 15.3 hands; foaled 1895. Bred and owned by John F. Reynolds, Genoa Junction, Wis. By GEORGE O. 9701. Record 2:2] h Sire of Ben H., 2:121; Nina V., 2:22i; Edward E., 158 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 2:23*; Smithsonian, 2:28*; Algonquin, 2:29*; Mary Lee, 2:29*; Prince T., 2:29i; Ethel B. (p), 2:18; Henry O. (p), 2:20*. Son of Lakeland Abdallah 351 (brother to Harold 413, sire of Maud S., 2:08£, etc.); dam Fanny B., by Autocrat 21933 (sire of Little Frank, 2:26*, etc.) 1st dam Daisy R., by Bloomfield 4515, Record 2:34; B. B. P., 2:09%; 107 other standard performers. Son of Happy Medium 400 (sire of Nancy Hanks, 2:04, etc.); dam the famous Tackey, 2:26, by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Maud S., 2:08%; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, etc.) * by Bay Diamond 1819, Son of Mambrino Patchen 58 (sire of 25, and dams of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; June, 2:07%; Bouncer; 2:09; Rubber, 2:10, etc.); dam Lady Ayres, a great broodmare, by Redmon's Abdallah, by Abdallah 15 (sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2:14, etc.) by Mambrino Boy 844, Record 2:26^. Sire of Rockley Boy, 2:13i4; Jack, 2: 19J4: Rhoderick Dhu, 2:20: 10 others; dams of Allerton, 2:09}4 ; Axtell, 2:12; St. Vincent, 2:13y 2 ; New York Central, 2:13%; Silena F., 2:14^, and 27 other stand- ard performers. by Joe Downing 710. Sire of Abe Downing, 2:20%; Dick Jamison, 2:26, and dams of Lorene (p),2:15M; Halo, (p), 2:15*4; Sharper, 2:19%, and 17 other standard per- formers. Son of Edwin Forrest 49; dam Lizzie Peebles (dam of Jim Monroe, etc.), s. t. b. by Wagner. Owner's Statement— This mare was bought for me when a 2. year-old by Mr. J. B. Chandler of A. A. Kitzmiller. It was our in- tention to train this filly, but later engagements by Mr. Chandler 3d dam Lady Herr, 4th dam OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 173: made it impossible, he having- arranged to train for the Riverside Stock Farm. Here is a mare that is all right in every way. After bringing her to St. Joseph I broke her and she is to-day an ideal road mare. She can show a :20 clip to buggy and has never been trained a day, and you will agree with me that she is one of the best gaited you ever saw. She is kind and has not a known fault. I will show her in any manner requested during the sale. If she is not just as represented I will give her to you. Look, at her breeding. Further comment unnecessary. She is sold because I am not able to keep a horse, and not from any fault. Ask Mr. Chandler to show her to you. CONSIGNED BY Dan Compton, Wheaton, 111. No. 214. CHARLEY STILES. Record (half-mile track) 2:23i. Bay gelding; 16 hands; foaled 1894. Bred by Charles Stiles,. Wheaton, 111.; owned by Dan Compton, Wheaton, 111. By ELECTWOOD 17004. Record 2:29£. Sire of Wheaton Boy, 2:19i; Electwave (p), 2:19i; Electropoise, 2:19f; Electware (p), 2:21f; Phallaneer, 2:21i; Charley Stiles, 2:23i. Son of Electioneer 125 (sire of Arion, 2:071; Sunol, 2:08i; Palo Alto, 2:081, etc. ); dam Amrah, by Nutwood 600 (sire of Manager (p), 2:06f; Lockheart, 2:08£, etc.) 1st dam Gracie C, Dam of Charley Stiles, 2:23M- by Jim Fisk 1726, Sire of Emma E., 2:19M; Ruth S., 2: 1%'yi, and dam of Charley Stiles, 2:23J4: Rocker Prince (p), 2:25. Son of Hambletonian 1727 (sire of Joseph A., 2:24) ; dam by Harry Clay 45 (sire of Clayton, 2:19, etc.) 2d dam Bartholomew Mare, by Oakland Black Hawk, Sire of 2d dam of Charley Stiles, 2:23M- Owner's Statement— Charley Stiles is much faster than his record, which was obtained on a half-mile track, and will demon- strate in the sale ring that he has speed enough to race in the best of company. He is a superior road horse; has trotted quarters in :32,. always has his speed, and can step in front on the side drives. Is one of the easiest horses on earth to control and will suit his new owner 174 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE CONSIGNED BY Dr. F. S. Schadel, Red Oak, Iowa No. 215. REBECCA H. Record 2:29i and sister to Lentolus, 2:15; matinee wagon record, 2:11*. Brown mare; 15.3 hands; foaled 1895. Bred by Morris J. Jones, Red Oak, Iowa; owned by F. S. Schadel, Red Oak, Iowa. By PACTOLUS 9102. Record 2:12f. Sire of Lentolus, 2:15; Belle Wells, 2:17; Packet, 2:19i; Bertolus, 2:19£; Tonso, 2:19J, and seven other standard perform- ers. Son of Patronage 4143 (sire of Alix, 2:03f, etc.); dam Buda, by Tramp 308 (sire of Tramp S., 2:21i; fourteen others, and grandsire of Senator A., 2:10, etc.) 1st dam Suspense, Dam of Lentolus, 2:15, and Rebecca H., 2:29M- by ROMANTIKER 13898, Sire of dam of Lentolus, 2:15, and Re- becca H, 2:29^. Son of Lord Rus- sell 4677 (brother to Maud S., 2:08%, and sire of Kremlin, 2:07%, etc., and dam of Countess Eve, 2:09%); dam Novel, by Princeps 536 (sire of Greenlander, 2:12; Trinket, 2:14, etc) by Tramp 308, Sire of Tramp S., 2:21^; Trampoline, 2:23; 13 others; dams of Pactolus, 2:12%; Rhinestone (p), 2: 15%; Capt. Woods (p), 2:16%; 16 others, and grandsire of Senator A., 2:10, etc.; also sire of 2d dam of Redinda (p), 2:07^. by Bashaw 50, Record 2:35. Sire of Josephus, 2:19%; 16 others; dams of Strong Boy (p), 2: UK; Hastings Boy (p), 2:13, and 42 other standard performers. Son of Vernol's Black Hawk, dam Belle, by Webber's Tom Thumb; 2d dam Charles Kent Mare (dam of Hamble- tonian 10), by imp. Bellfounder. Owner's Statement— Rebecca H., is a rich brown in color with a nice mane and tail, small star in forehead and hind ankles white. She is a grand individual, has never taken a sore or lame step from any cause, never sick a day in her life, and is one of the kind that is always ready for any use to which she is adapted. Her record is no indication of her speed, for she can trot a 2:15 gait handily, and has never had as much as a full season's training. I used her entirely on the road and as a family horse; as a 3 and 4-year-old my wife drove 2d dam DOLLY BRIGHTON, Dam of Pontoon, 2:30, and 2d dam of Lentolus, 2:15, etc. 3d dam Lady Brighton, OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 175 her everywhere and she never made a crooked move. Her disposi- tion and manners are perfect, she does not pull or lug, her style and action is something exceptional, her gait is perfectly pure and she does not require a boot or weight. There may be a few trotting bred high going horses in this country that go as high as she does, but certainly none act higher, and what she does in this line is perfectly natural, as she wears ordinary shoes and has never been trained a day in her life for high action. If she has a vice of any kind I don't know it; and she should make a fast campaigner. As a road mare she can't be beaten and she is safe for a lady to drive. TO THE PUBLIC The following consignment is the property of the estate of M. C. Keith, of North Platte, Neb. Mr. Keith was one of the oldest breeders of trotting bred horses in the west. He owned a large ranch, and at his death, about one year ago, owned over 400 head of trotting bred horses, nearly all of which have been sold. This consignment con- sists of a few of the best. They were shipped from the ranch to Red Oak, Iowa, last April, and have been broken and developed by J. W. Tilden during the past summer. Each animal will show for itself and will bear close inspection. All must be sold without reserve; the purchaser can name the price and the estate will throw in the halter. Morris J. Jones, Agent, Red Oak, Iowa. 176 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE CONSIGNED BY Estate of M. C. Keith, North Platte, Neb. No. 216. ED HOOKER. Trial 2:15; an easy mile; last quarter :S1, with only moderate train- ing. Bay gelding; 15.3 hands; foaled 1895. Bred by M. C. Keith, North Platte, Neb.; owned by estate of M. C. Keith, North Platte, Neb. By HARRY HOLLEY. Son of Vatican 11308 (sire of Belle Vara, 2:081; Vassar (p), 2:07, etc.); dam out of Molly Walker (dam of Harry Wilkes, 2:13$, etc.) 'Vatican 11308 is by Belmont 64 (sire of Ella Belmont, 2:12i, etc.); dam Vara (second dam of Kremlin, 2:071), by Hambletonian 10 (sire of Dexter, 2:17i, etc.); second dam Venus, by American Star 14 (sire of dam of Guy, 2:10i, etc.) 1st dam by Darknight 2858, Sire of Searchlight (p), 2:0334; Valpa^ 2:09!^, Brightlight (p), 2:0834, and 15. other standard performers. Son of Alcyone 732 (sire of Martha Wilkes^ 2:03, etc.); dam Noonday, by St. Elmo 275; 2d dam Midnight (dam of Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, etc.), by Pilot Jr. 12. 2d dam Herfano, 3d dam 4th dam Sister to Pocahontas, 2:26%, and May Queen, dam of May Morning, 2:30. 5th dam Pocahontas, Pacing record 2:17%, to wagon, in 1855. Dam of Pocahontas, 2:26%; Stride- away, 2:31 (sire of 1); Tom Rolfe, 2:33% (sire of 7), and 2d dam of Nancy, 2:23%; May Morning, 2:30. by Maine's Hambletonian, Son of Gideon 145 (sire of Laundry- man (p), 2:19%; Ezra L., 2:2134; 3 others, and dams of Nelson, 2:09; St. Croix, 2:14J4, and 15 other standard performers). Gideon 145 is by Ham- bletonian 10 (sire of Dexter, 2:1734. etc.); dam Dandy, a great brood- mare, by Young Engineer). by Daniel Lambert 102, Record 2:42. Sire of Comee, 2: 1934 r 36 others, and dams of Dandy Jim, 2:09%; Pamlico, 2:10; Alcidalia,2:1034 ; Baronette, 2:11%; May Bloom, 2:1234,, and 75 other standard performers. by Ethan Allen 43, Record 2:25%; with running mate 2:15- Sire of Billy Bar, 2:23%; Hotspur, 2:24; 4 others, and dams of B. B. Cus- ter, 2:22%; Opal, 2:23; 19 others, and grandsireof Tuna, 2:1234, and nearly 100 other standard performers. Son of Black Hawk 5; dam not traced. by Iron's Cadmus, Sire of Pocahontas (p), 2:17% to wagon, in 1855. Son of American Eclipse, thoroughbred. Iron's Cadmus is also the grandsire of Smuggler, 2:1534, the ex- champion trotting: stallion. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 177 Owner's Statement— Ed Hooker was not broken to harness until last year, and very little was done with him until this season. Mr. Tilden commenced training him regularly the first of June and he trotted a mile in 2:15 — last half in l:04i;.last quarter in :31 — in August. He has the manners of a genuine race horse, and would be a great one to stake next season, for he is certain to trot well inside of 2:10 in good hands. There are but few green ones that are any- thing like his equal. He is also a good individual, and should please and make money for his new owner. Buy him and you will own a race horse good enough for any company in any circuit. No. 217. EDITH WILKES. Eecord (p), 2:13*. Bay mare; 15.1 hands; foaled 1893. Bred by M. C. Keith, North Platte, Neb.; owned by estate of M. C. Keith, North Platte, Neb. By WILKES M. Sire of Edith Wilkes (p), 2:13^; Bessie Wilkes (p), 2:23i. Son of Sherman Wilkes 16942 (sire of Dean Wilkes, 2:25£, etc.). Sherman Wilkes 16942, is a son of George Wilkes 519 (sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13£; Brignoli Wilkes, 2:14i; Guy Wilkes, 2:15±, etc.); dam Kitty Walker, by Ericsson 130 (sire of dam of Moquette, 2:10, etc.); second dam Lady Walker by Captain Walker (sire of dams of Harry Wilkes, 2:13i; Charlie Friel (p), 2:15i, etc.) 1st dam Lulu C, by Post Boy 1450, Dam of Edith Wilkes (p), 2: 13&; Bes- Sire of Clemmie G. II, 2:18%; Luby, sie Wilkes (p), 2;23M; Keith's Dark- 2:20; Puella, 2:29, and dams of Ku- night, 2:26%. pee (p), 2:11; Iora, 2:11%; Seva, 2:13%; Amelia (p), 2:16%; Dudley Olcott, 2:18M; Brice McNeill, 2:19J^; Sadie Moore, 2:29%; Swift Bird, 2:29%. Son of Magic 1451 (sire of Clemmie G, 2:15%); dam Ned, a great brood-mare. 2d dam Sally, Dam of Stranger, 2:29, and 2d dam of Edith Wilkes (p), 2:13&, etc. Owner's Statement— Edith Wilkes is faster than her record, her manners are the very best, and she is one of the most desirable pacers for either road or track in the country. She is strikingly handsome, pure gaited, easily controlled and wears nothing- but the harness. Give her your attention at the sale and you will like her. 178 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 218. NEBRASKA QUEEN. Bay mare; 15.2 hands; foaled 1893. Bred by M. C. Keith, North Platte, Neb.; owned by estate of M. C. Keith, North Platte, Neb. Owner's Statement — Nothing- definite is known about the breed- ing of this mare, but she is one of the good bred ones that no one but Mr. Keith knew about, and his sudden death left her with many other well bred ones to join the unknown list. However, she is a great mare, a sure trotter and a grand individual. She has always been used as a brood-mare, but her colt died this spring and she was broken to harness and acted so much like a trotter that Mr. Tilden trained her some and she trotted miles in 2:25 with very little work. She will show for herself in the sale ring, and will make a fast race mare if handled for speed. Her disposition is good and she will also fill the bill for a first-class roadster. A yearling filly out of this mare is now being broken, and the twelfth time in harness trotted an eighth, to cart, in 20 seconds. No. 219. JUNEROSE. Chestnut mare; 15.3 hands; foaled 1894. Bred by W. B. Millard, Omaha, Neb.; owned by estate of M. C. Keith, North Platte, Neb. By JUNEMONT 9562. Record 2:14. Sire of Edward O. (p), 2:14i; June Bird, 2:29±; June Wilk, 2:29|. Son of Tremont 1565 (sire of Junemont, 2:14, etc.); dam Fanny Carr, by Jack Rosey, son of Holcomb North Hawk; second dam Paulina, by Don Juan, son of North of England. 1st dam sister to Sweetness, 2:21i, by Volunteer 55, Dam of Sidney (p), 2: 19% (sire of 90, Record to wagon 2:37. Sire of St. including Lena N. (p), 2:0dW, Jay Julien, 2:11^; St. Patrick (p), 2:14%; Wilk (sire of 1); Lavalard (sire of 1); Gloster, 2:17; Bodine, 2:19^; Alley, Saccharine (sire of 1). 2:19; Driver, 2:19^; 28 others, and dams of Homestake, 2:14M; Brava, 2:liy 2 , and 75 other standard per- formers. 2d dam Lady Merritt, by Edward Everett 81, Dam of Sweetness, 2:21Ji (dam of Sid- Sire of Judge Fullerton, 2:18; Elec- ney (p), 2:19%, etc.); St. Leon (sire trie, 2:20; Sheridan, 2:20\£; Young of Tamoka, 2:28M)- Fullerton, 2:20%; Mountain Boy, 2:20%; 8 others, and dams of Capt. Lyons, 2:17^; Bovor, 2:20; Howard, 2:20, and 15 other standard perform- ers. Son of Hambletonian 10 (sire of Dexter, 2:17^, etc.); dam Fanny, by imp. Margrave. 3d dam, by Harry Clay 45, Record 2:29. Sire of Clayton, 2:19; 4 others, and dams of Harrietta, 2:09%; St. Julien, 2:11^; Bellini, 2:13M; Forrest Prince, 2:15%; Scranton, Belle, 2:15%, and 40 other standard performers. Son of Cassius M. Clay, Jr. 20; dam Fan, by imp. Bellfounder. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 179 Owner's Statement— A very handsome mare. Strong enough to pull a surrey. A clever road mare. City broken, and can pull a buggy better than a 2:20 gait. She was raised on Mr. Keith's ranch and her opportunity to develop speed was limited. She has been worked by Mr. Tilden at Red Oak, Iowa, since May 1, and will show better than a 2:15 gait on day of sale. CONSIGNED BY J. W. Cozad, Red Oak 5 Iowa. No. 2 20. RENO M. Record (p), 2:19i. Black gelding; 16 hands; foaled 1891. Bred by A. A. Post, Fort Worth, Texas; owned by J. W. Cozad, Red Oak, Iowa. By RENO'S BABY 11836. Record 2:25£ (p), 2:14. Sire of Miss Maymo (p), 2:091; Lige E. (p), 2:12i, and two other standard performers. Son of Reno Defiance 1460 (sire of Peleg (p), 2:lli; Lois White (p), 2:12i; Prospect, 2:181, etc.); dam Lucy Q. (dam of Peleg (p), 2:11£; Syzygy (p), 2:15; Reno's Baby (p), 2:14; Nanie (p), 2:17i;' Claud Cour (p), 2:191, etc.), by McKinney horse. 1st dam Em Clinker, Dam of Reno M. (p), 2:19^. by Clinker 10379, Sire of Sally Clinker (p), 2:13; Lyn- wood, 2:2014; Minnie A. (p), 2:19Ji; Susie B. (p), 2:20%; Jim Clinker (p), 2:21%; Clinker, Jr., 2:24, and dams of Tonette (p), 2:19^, and 2 other standard performers. Owner's Statement— Reno M., 2: 19£, 3-year-old, six heat win- ning race, trialed last year in 2:08i. Where can a better one be found to race in the twenty classes? Has been used exclusively on road for past three or four years, and during all that time has never turned with trotter, pacer or runner that could beat him through the stretch or down the road; can turn on a 10-cent piece and step down to the half close to a minute to road wagon; goes clear, without boot or hobbles; a big sixteen-hand fellow, black as midnight; a prize winner in show ring, always on dress parade. Yet don't pull a pound and safe for a lady to drive through the city; in fact, an educated ideal road horse. 180 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE CONSIGNED BY H. M. Plummer, Wheaton, 111. No. 221. NORMEDA. Record 2:15i. Bay mare; 15.2 hands; foaled J 893. Bred by G. H. Gale, Filley, Neb.; owned by H. M. Plummer, Wheaton, 111. By NORVAL CHIEF I8I56. Record 2:19£. Sire of Normeda, 2:15i. Son of Norval 5335 (sire of Countess Eve, 2:09i, etc.); dam Blanche Amory, 2:26, a great brood mare, by Clark Chief 89 (sire of dams of Martha Wilkes, 2:08; Excell* 2:10f; Phallas, 2:13|; Coralloid, 2:14i; Majolica, 2:15; W. H. G. (p), 2:09i, etc.); second dam the great brood-mare Crop, by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Maud S., 2:08f; Jay Eye See, 2:10, etc. ) 1st dam Mandolin, Dam of Normeda, 2:15%. 2d dam Mary Mason, Dam of Omar, 2:25Y 2 , and 2d dam of Normeda, 2:15%; Corisco, 2:21, and Melton, 2:30. 3d dam CROP, Dam of Counsellor, 2:21%; a Code, 2; 22%; Blanche Amory, 2:26; three sons that have sired standard per- formers, and 2d dam of Boaz, 2:17%; Brown, 2; 18%; Norva) Chief, 2:19%, and six other standard performers. by Capoul 1037, Record 2;28, Sire of Margaret, 2:18; Ovid, 2:18%; Elena, 2:20%; Sunny Cape (p), 2:20V 2 ; 7 others; dams of Ace (p), 2:05%; Miss Williams (p), 2:09%; Soudan, 2:16%; Normeda, 2:15%; Ella March (p), 2:18%, and 7 other standard performers. Son of Sentinel 280; dam Rosa Clay, by American Clay 34. by Ericsson 130, Record 2:30^. Sire of Rarely, 2:24&; 5 others; dams of Moquette, 2:10; Godelia, 2:16%; Bellman, 2:17%; J. R. Shedd, 2:19%, and 12 other standard performers. Also sire of the 2d dam of Phallas, 2:13%, etc. Son of Mambrino Chief 11. by Pilot, Jr. 12, Sire of John Morgan, 2:24; Tackey, 2:26, Tattler, 2:26; 5 others, and dams of Maud S., 2:08%: Jay-Eye- See, 2:10, (p) 2:06%; Eager, 2:14%; Electricity,2;17%; Nutwood, 2:18%; Viking, 2:19%; Waterloo, 2:19%, and 37 other standard performers. Owner's Statement — Normeda is a substantially built, good looking, and good going trotter, who obtained her record in a win- ning race in Milwaukee last September. Mr. Ames drove her a work- out on the Wheaton track in 2:13 and repeated in 2:12|, and she cer- tainly looks like one that would trot in 2:10 another year. Her legs and feet are extra good — particularly clean, and she appears like a mare that would race for years. There is no doubt but that she is one of the best in the sale, with good prospects on the turf. She is also one of the stoutest bred mares in the country; her manners are good and she will make a good road mare as well. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 181 No. 222. JIM POARCH. Trial 2:20. Gray gelding; 16 hands; foaled 1896. Bred by Col. J. G. Taylor, CJhebanse, 111.; owned by H M. Plummer, Wheaton, 111. By WISEBURN. Record (3), 2:23i. Son of Guy Wilkes, 2:15£ (sire of Fred Kohl, 2:07i; Hulda,2:08£, etc.); dam Semi Tropic, 2:24, by Sultan 1513 (sire of Stamboul, 2:07£; Mosul, 2:09i; Saladin (p), 2:05!, etc.); second dam Lady Mackey (dam of Oakland Baron, 2:09i, etc.), by Silverthreads 18653; third dam Fleetwing (dam of Stamboul, 2:07i,etc), byHamble- tonian 10 (sire of Dexter, 2:17i, etc.) 1st dam Grace Young, by Joe Young 2530, Record 2:18. Sire of Young Joe (p), 2:11; Joe-You-See, 2:23; Bessie Young (p),2:24; 3 others; dams of Joe Patchen (p), 2:01M; Young Ash- land (p). 2:14%; Gen. Wiles, 2:15; Domera T., 2:18}4, and 7 other stand- ard performers. Son of Star of the West 666; dam by Bashaw 50. 2d dam Wild Rose, by Almont Ford 21891, Sire of Acme Girl, 2:23^; Hideaway, 2:23%, andgrandsire of Billy C. (p), 2:08&. Son of Almont, Jr. 1829 (sire of Belle Hamlin, 2:12%; Wardwell, 2:14J£; Globe, 2:14%, etc.); dam by Daniel Boone, son of Sam Broaddus. by Seafoam, Son of American Clay 34 (sire of Granville, 2:26; 2 others; dams of David B., 2: 09%; Ella Belmont, 2: 12i/ 2 ; Corticelli, 2:15%; Nutmeg, 2:16; St. Valentine, 2:16%; Clara Wilkes, 2:17; Sir Walter, Jr., 2:18%; Garnet, 2:19, and 35 other standard performers). by Mambrino Pilot 29, Record 2;34%; to saddle 2:27%. Sire of Hannis, 2:17%; 8 others, and dams of Skylight Pilot, 2:19; Romero, 2:19%, and 23 other standard per- foi'mers. Son of Mambrino Chief 11, dam Juliet, by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Maud S., 2:08%; Jay-Eye- See, 2:10; pacing 2:06^t, etc.) Owner's Statement— Jim Poarch is a gray gelding, with ideal conformation, superior style, and is an extra good looker. He has trotted the Wheaton track in 2:20, and was started in six races over the half-mile tracks through northern Illinois this year and won money in five of them. He certainly should train on into a faster horse; he will make one of the showiest and best road horses in the country, as he has good action, is very cheerful, a free roader, has a great brush of speed, and is at all times controllable. 3d dam 4th dam Lady Aubrey, 182 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 223. QUEEN WILKES. Trial (p), 2:21. Gray mare; 15.2 hands; foaled 1894. Owned by H. M. Plummer, Wheaton, 111. By SCOTT WILKES. Son of General Wilkes 8493. Eecord 2:21f . (Sire of Pansy Blos- som (p), 2:12; Pussy Cat (p), 2:12i; Dispute (p), 2:15i, etc.); dam by Mambrino Time 1686 (sire of Four Corners, 2:20£, etc.); second dam by Lexington (sire of dam of Ansel, 2:20, and second dam of Sunol, 2:08i; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, (p) 2:06i, etc.) 1st dam by Sultin, Son of Vosburg, by Mambrino Pilot 29 (sire of Hannis, 2:17%; 8 others, and dams of Skylight Pilot, 2:19; Romero, 2: 19%, and 23 other standard performers. Son of Mambrino Chief 11; dam Juliet, by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Maud S., 2:08%; Jay-Eye- See, 2:10, (p) 2:06^, etc.) Owner's Statement— Queen Wilkes is an extra well made, bright gray mare; a good looker, with exceptional manners; has a nice mouth, wears only the harness. Has paced a mile in 2:21, a half in 1:07, and is a nice mare any way you have a mind to size her up. She is one of the kind that will show well and act well any place you put her. She is very pure gaited, and is the kind that will please any one who likes a nice horse. CONSIGNED BY Sam Halls, 1639 West Adams Street, Chicago, 111. No. 224. LOUISE PATCHEN. Record 2:21^; fourth heat; winning race;?>half-mile track. Bay mare; 16 hands; foaled 1894. Bred by Col. Jno. G. Taylor, Chebanse, 111.; owned by Sam Halls, Chicago, 111. By JOE PATCHEN 30239. Record (p), 2:01±. Sire of Dan Patch (p), 2:16; Frank Patchen (p), 2:16* ; Joan (p), 2:17*; Louise Patchen, 2:21i; Clara Patchen, 2:30. Son of Patchen Wilkes, 2:291 (sire of Joe Patchen (p), 2:01i; Favora, 2:12*; Roetta Soap, 2:14£; Robert Patchen, 2:14£; Henrico, 2:15, etc.); dam Josephine Young, by Joe Young, 2:18. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 183 1st darn Belle Edgewood, by Marmaduke 9082, Dam of Louise Patch en, 2:21*4, and Joe Sire of Bessie, 2:26^, and dams of Patchen, Jr. (p), 2:28*4. Louise Patchen, 2:21%; Brewster F., 2:22%; Governor Page, 2:24*4; Virgil K. (p), 2:25. Son of Marion, by Mambrino Chief 11 (sire of Lady- Thorn, 2:18M, etc.); dam by Bob Didlake 794; 2d dam by Young Lord. 2d dam Pattie Buford, by Red Eagle, Dam of Emma Nutwood, 2:24, and 2d Sire of dam of Bertie R., 2:12*£, etc. dam of Louise Patchen, 2:21%; Fash- Son of Red Eye, by Boston (sire of ion Maid, 2:24*4, and Joe Patchen, 2d dam of Maud S., 2:08%; Scla- Jr. (p), 2:28M- vonic (p), 2:09%; Nutwood, 2:18%. etc.) 3d dam Dixie, by Little Arthur, Son of imp. Glencoe (sire of the 2d dams of Palo Alto. 2:08%; Lakewood Prince, 2:13%; Favonia, 2:15; J. B. Richardson, 2:16%, etc.) Owners Statement— Louise Patchen has been as popular in her matinee races in Chicago as Joe Patchen has been at the great race meetings of the country during- the past few seasons. She is his greatest daughter; her manners are perfect, and she is one of the handsomest and purest gaited trotters alive. A perfect going trotter that does not even require a boot, and her speed was developed and she won many a matinee before she ever wore one. However, at the advice of my friends, I put shin boots on her for protection when I raced her this season, but she never touched them. She obtained her record, a fourth heat of a winning race, on a half-mile track, and at Galesburg last August won fourth money in a race trotted in 2:12i. She was timed separately in this race in 2:15i, and it was the first time she ever saw a mile track. I broke her; have never touched her with a whip, and developed her speed on the road and in matinee races. - I am positive that any good trainer can handle her sixty days and beat 2:10 with her in any kind of company, She is as level- headed and as easily controlled as any living trotter. As a road mare she has but few equals; a lady can drive her with safety, as she does not pull, and nothing on earth can scare her. She will stand under all circumstances if asked to do so; will jog at any rate of speed, and has but few, if any, equals as a road mare. She and Witch Hazel mate nicely; are about equal in speed and manners, and there are few better looking teams, and none any better on the road. Neither requires boots nor artificial rigging. 184 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 225. WITCH HAZEL. Record 2:30 and sister to Hazel C, 2:27i. Bay mare; 15.3 hands; foaled 1892. Owned by Sam HaUs, Chicago, 111. By COUNT FOLSIO 7744. Record 2:29i. Sire of Modesty, 2:21i; Hazel C„ 2:27^; Witch Hazel, 2:30. Son of Onward 1411 (sire of Beuzetta, 2:061; Pilatus, 2:09£, etc.); dam Viola, by King Rene 1278 (sire of Keeler,2:13£; Sarcenette, 2:16i; King Rene,Jr. 2:17, etc.); second dam Sally B. (dam of Lycurgus 2:25; Toinette, 2:30, and second dam of Beuzetta, 2:061; Early Bird, 2:10, etc. ), by Lever, by Lexington (sire of second dam of Sunol, 2:08i; Jay- Eye-See, 2:10, etc.) 1st dam Unknown, Dam of Hazel C, 2:27^, and Witch Hazel, 2:30. Owner's Statement — Witch Hazel obtained her record over a slow half-mile track, and has trotted miles over the half-mile track on the West Side in 2:25. However, she is a great mare on the road, both single and double — has more speed to the pole than single. Is a good looker, has a perfect disposition, is absolutely fearless, city broken, and a safe driver under all circumstances. She has had very limited opportunities in the way of speed development and should learn to step much faster than she has ever shown. She has had most of her work to the pole with Louise Patchen, and they make a most desirable team, as they combine looks, soundness, safety, per- fect manners, and require no boots. No. 226. BOB MACEO 29778. Brother to Palmyra Boy (p), 2:07i. Black colt; foaled 1897. Bred by Robert L. Bowles, Palmyra, Mo.; owned by Sam Halls, Chicago, 111. By GRATTAN 15460. Record 2:13. Sire of Grattan Boy, 2:08, Palmyra Boy (p), 2:07i; Solon Grattan, 2:11J, and two other standard performers. Son of Wilkes Boy 3803 (sire of York Boy, 2:091; Thorn, 2:12i; Angelina, 2:12; Constantine, 2:12$; Courier Journal (p), 2:06; Judge Swing (p), 2:08i, etc.); dam Annie Almont, by Almont, Jr. 1764 (sire of Laura F., 2:19i; Annie W., 2:20, and dams of Ananias (p), 2:05; Wistful, 2:lli; Walter S., 2:12i; Grattan, 2:13; Alabama, 2:15, etc.) OP TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 185 1st dam Mollie B., by Willie Schepper 17359, Record2:29^. Dam of Palmyra Boy Sire of Mollie B., 2:29y 2 ; dam of Pal- (p), 2:07^- myra Boy (p), 2:07^. Son of Ham- bletonian 10 (sire of Dexter, 2: 17j£; Nettie, 2:18; Orange Girl, 2:20, etc.); dam Nellie, by a son of Black Hawk 5 2d dam Black Suse, by Lovelace's Black Hawk, Dam of Molly B., 2:29^, and 2d dam of Palmyra Boy (p), 2:07j^. Owner's Statement — This is a very handsome colt, an own brother to the great race horse, Palmyra Boy, 2:07i, and one that will bear the most critical inspection. His sire has proven his ability to produce genuine racehorses that can go out and get the money. This fellow, in addition to developing into a race horse, should make a great stock horse and a sire of extreme speed. He comes under the head of a choice article, and should not be overlooked by par- ties wanting an extra good young horse. He will show for himself on the day of sale, and I doubt if you ever saw one of his handling that will show better from every standpoint. He is a sure trotter and will make a race horse. Buy him and you will own one of the best in the country. The Grattans are all genuine race horses, and I doubt if he ever sired a better one than this fellow will make. No. 227. BESSIE H. Standard. Bay mare; foaled 1898. Bred by E. S. Veech, St. Mathews, Ky.; owned by Sam Halls, Chicago, 111. By ROBIN I773I. Record (2), 2:28. Son of Axtell (3), 2:12 (sire of Elloree, 2:08£; Pray- tell, 2:091, etc.); dam Ozone (dam of Geneva, 2:17£, etc.), by Hamble- tonian 10 (sire of Dexter, 2: 17i, etc.); second dam Lady Vixen, by Magnolia 68, the best son of American Star 14 (sire of dams of Guy, 2:101; Dexter, 2:17±; Robert McGregor, 2:17£; Dictator, Jay Gould, Aberdeen, etc.) 1st dam Overt, by Princeps 536, Sire of Greenlander, 2:12; Trinket, 2:14, and 50 others; dams of Prince Herschel, 2:13; Falkland, 2:13^; Latitude, 2:15, and 50 other standard performers, and 2d dams of Countess Eve, 2:0934; Rilma, 2:09Ms, etc. Son of Woodford Mambrino, 2:2iy s ; dam the great Primrose, by Abdallah 15. 2d dam Pantress, by Hamlet 160, Sire of LorettaF., 2:18%: AY. Pant- lind. 2:20; 4 others, and dams of Cicerone, 2:12^; Aileen, 2:15 1 4 : Thornless, 2:15?4, and 30 other stand- ard performers. Son of Volunteer 55 (sire of St. Julien, 2:11J4, etc.); dam Dr. Ostrum Mare, by Hickory. 186 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 3d dam Favorita, by Abdallah 15, Record 2:42. Sire of Goldsmith Maid 2:14; 4 others; dams of Favonia, 2:15; Jerome Eddy, 2:16%, and 43 other standard performers. Also sire of Almont 33, Belmont 64, etc. Son of Hambleton 10; dam Katy Darling. 4th dam by Mambrino Chief 11, Sire of Lady Thorn, 2:18M; 5 others, and dams of Director. 2:17; Ionia, 2:17%; Piedmont, 2:17^, and 23 other standard performers. Also sire of dams of 66 speed producing stallions, including Almont, Bel- mont, Onward, Director, etc. Owner's Statement — I purchased this mare last May, unbroken, and broke her here in the city. Her disposition is perfect and she has a wonderful turn of natural speed, and is so level headed that she never makes a break. She is the making of a great race mare, if fortunate enough to get into hands that will give her favorable op- portunities. In addition to her other good qualities she is very hand- some and will show for herself in the sale ring. No. 228-229. TOM and SAM. Dark bay geldings, 15.2 hands, foaled 1892 and 1893. Bred by E. V. Hayden, Waterloo, Iowa; owned by Sam Halls, Chicago, 111. By ENDION. Son of Endymion 4591 (sire of Edenia, 2:13i, etc.), by Dictator 113 (sire of Jay-Eye-See, 2:10; Phallas, 2:13f; Impetuous (3), 2:13, etc.), by Hambletonian 10 (sire of Dexter, 2:17^; Nettie, 2:18i; Orange Girl, 2:20, etc.) 1st dam by Adrian Wilkes 6560, Sire of Aragon K., 2:13%; Bonnie Wilkes, 2:14M; Roy Wilkes (p). 2:06!^; 45 others; dams of Jennie Wilkes, 2:12^4; L. L. D. , 2:20, year- ling record. 2:29i; Confidence (2), 2:24i; The Medium (2), 2:29i; The Bishop, 2:29i; Keystone, 2:30. Son of Egotist 5018 (sire of Egozen (p), 2:06f; The Conqueror, 2:12£, etc.); dam Arlotta, by Harold 413 (sire of Maud S., 2:081, etc.); second dam Noonday, a great brood-mare, by St. Elmo 275; third dam Midnight (dam of Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, (p), 2:06±, etc.), by Pilot, Jr. 12. 1st dam Miss McGregor, 2d dam Lizzie W., by Robert McGregor 647, Record 2:17*4. Sire of Cresceus, 2:04; Lurline McGregor, 2:11%; Raxane, 2:12%; Nyanza, 2:12%; Miss Mc- Gregor, 2:13; 85 others, and dams of Grattan Boy, 2:08; Elloree, 2:08*4; York Boy, 2:09%; Blizzard (p), 2:09%, and 45 other standard per- formers. by Abdallah Mambrino 3715, Sire of Mattie H., 2:1134; May Day, 2:1834; Geneva S., 2:19M; Bettie Jones, 2:19i4; 9 others, and dams of Charleston, 2:12^; Edenia, 2: 13*4; Telephone, 2: 15*4; Reward J. (p) v 2:10 1 4, and 25 other standard per- formers. Son of Almont 33: dam Lyd, a great brood-mare, by Brown Chief 4445. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 215 3d dam Fanny Miller, by Joe Downing 710, Sire of Abe Downing, 2:20%: Dick, Jamison, 2:26, and dams of Lorene (P), 2:15^; Halo (p),2:15«; Sharper, 2:19%, and IT other standard per- formers. Son of Edwin Forrest 49; dam Lizzie Peebles (dam of Jim Monroe, etc.), s. t. b. by Wagner. Owner's Statement— Here is a youngster that is bred and gaited to trot as fast as the fastest. He is a good one and will show for him- self. You can't make a mistake in buying this kind. Remember there are but few like him and be sure and look him over at the sale. CONSIGNED BY George A. Fuller, Springfield, 111. No. 266. BLAIR. Bay gelding; 15.3 hands; foaled 1897. Bred by O. P. Alford, Lex- ington, Ky. ; owned by George A. Fuller, Springfield, 111. By DON PIZARRO 7803. Record (p), 2:14f. Brother to Lottie Loraine (p), 2:05f, and sire of Lord Simrall (p), 2:10±; Marietta Wilkes (p), 2:14£; Pizarro(p), 2:15i; Donne (p), 2:16£, and eleven other standard performers. Son of Gam- betta Wilkes, 2:19i (sire of Guinette (p), 2:05; Lottie Loraine (p), 2:05f ; Emma Offut, 2:lli; George Lee, 2:12!; Edmonia, 2:14i, etc.); dam Lady Yeiser (dam of Lottie Loraine (p), 2:05f, etc.), by Garrard Chief 2253; second dam Jewell, by Vermont 104. 1st dam Hapless, Dam of Happiness (p), 2:17M- by Barney Wilkes 7433, Sire of Barney (p), 2:08; Dan Cupid, 2:09^; E. H. G. (p), 2:15^; Henry Grady, 2:19%; Barney Anderson (p), 2:20; 8 others, and dams of Nora L. (p),2:10K; Rosalita (p), 2:10*4; Pal- metto Prince (p), 2:11, and 6 other standard performers. Son of George Wilkes 519 (sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13*4); dam Rosa, by Roscoe 703. 2d dam Miss Tarkington, by Mambrino' Hippy, Son of Garrard Chief 2253. Sire of Basil Duke, 2:28*4, and dams of Lot- tie Lorraine (p), 2:05 3 .£: Don Pizarro (p), 2:143.4: Don Lorenzo (p), 2:173£; Gambonito, 2:19*4; Pemick, 2:19^, and 7 other standard performers. 216 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 3d dam by Vidette, Great grandsire of W. H. Bailey, 2:20Ji. Son of Vindex, by Blood's Black Hawk (sire of dams of Von Arnim, 2:19*4; Blackwood, Jr., 2:22%, etc.) 4th dam byYeiser's Norman, Son of Norman 25. (Sire of Lula, 2:15; May Queen, 2:20, and dams of Nor- val, 2:14%; Bright Rattler, 2:19%; Norman Medium, 2:20; May King, 2:21M (sire of Bingen, 2:06M, etc.); 18 other standard performers.) 5th dam by Hunt's Abdallah. Owner' Statement— This colt was taken up out of pasture un- broken in September, 1900. I commenced working him for speed on October 15. On November 1st he paced a quarter in :36l, and an eighth in :17£. He promises to make a very fast pacer. He is improving fast and should pace considerably faster by day of sale. Note — We overlooked this gelding in his regular place, and he will be sold with Mr. Fuller's other horses on the second day of the sale. Chicago Horse Sale Co. CONSIGNED BY Tance Nuckols, Agent, Glenville, Ohio. No. 267. IRISH MAID. Matinee record 2:19i, half-mile track. By UNKNOWN. Owner's Statement — Was matineed over Toledo half-mile track the past summer and has been miles to wagon around 2:15 and has stepped quarters in :31i; no training — taken out of livery barn to track. It is said she has a record of 2:lli, but was on a ringing tour season of 1899. Was purchased over in Ohio by a Toledo gentleman for matinee purposes and used the past season for the same. There is no doubt but what she has a fast record, as she can go as fast to a road wagon with two in it as most any horse, and always has her speed. When the Toledo gentleman purchased her it was claimed she had been miles better than 2:10; city broken, kind and clever. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 217 CONSIGNED BY Theodore Dahlniann, Millburg, Mich. No. 268. ROBIN WILKES. Chestnut stallion; 16 hands; foaled 1895. Bred by Wm. Bolzinger, Bainbridge, Mich.; owned by Theodore Dahlmann, Millburg, Mich. By TOMMY WILKES 20551. Record 2:22. Son of Young Wilkes 951 (sire of Nettie Wilkes, 2:171; Big Tom, 2:18; William H., 2:18*; Wilkes Maid, 2:19*, etc.), by George Wilkes 519 (sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13i; Brignoli Wilkes, 2:14i; Guy Wilkes, 2:15i, etc.) 1st dam Flora, by Hambletonian Frank, Son of Iron Duke 181 (sire of Duke, 2:24M; 6 others, and dams of Wilkes, 2:18^; Patience, 2: 18%, and 6 other standard performers. Iron Duke 181 is by Hambletonian 10 (sire of Dex- ter, 2:17^, etc.); dam by Miller's Sir Henry. Owner's Statement— Here is a good looking and good gaited young pacer that has natural speed, and should learn to pace in 2:10 with proper handling. His disposition is perfect and he will show just what he is in the sale ring. CONSIGNED BY D. J. Cameron, La Crosse, Wis. No. 269. VIRGINIA. Standard and Registered. Bay mare; 16.2 hands; foaled 1888. Bred by T. C. Anglin, Lexing- ton, Ky.; owned by D. J. Cameron, La Crosse, Wis. By WILKES BOY 3803. Record 2:24i. Sire of York Boy, 2:091; Thorn, 2:12}; Courier Jour- nal (p), 2:06, and fifty-seven other standard performers. Son of George Wilkes 519 (sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13£; Brignoli Wilkes, 2:141; Guy Wilkes, 2:1 5i, etc.); dam Betty Brown, a great brood- mare, byMambrino Patchen 58 (sire of dams of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06!; Jupe, 2:07i; Bouncer, 2:09; Rubber, 2:10, etc.); second dam Pickles, by Mambrino Chief 11 (sire of Lady Thorn, 2:1 8i, etc.) 2L8 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 2d dam Molly, Dam of Angelina, 2:12: Gladiator, Jr., 2:27%; Prophet Wilkes (p), 2:21M, etc. 3d dam Flaxy, 1st dam Princess, by Trojan, Jr., Sod of Trojan 312 (sire of Ella Wright, 2:24%; Hattie, 2:30; dam of Daisy V. (p), 2:23%, and grandsire of Ben Lomond (p), 2:27, the sire of W. W. P. (p), 2:05^: Edith W. (p), 2:06}£: Bonnie Ben, 2:17%, etc.) by Kentucky Clay 194, Sire of dams of Angelina, 2:12; Auto- graph, 2:16^4; Etiquette, 2:1834, and 15 other standard performers. Son of C. M. Clay, Jr. 22; dam Rodes Mare (dam of Lady Thorn, 2:18^; Mambrino Patchen 58, etc.), by Gano, by American Eclipse. by Edwin Forrest 49, Sire of Billy Hoskins, 2:26}^; Cham- pagne, 2:30; dams of Geneva, 2:11%; So So, 2:17M; Mambrino Dudley, 2:19%; 12 other standard performers, and 2d dams of Nancy Hanks, 2:04; Charleston, 2:12^; Abbie V., 2:16%; Angelina, 2:12, etc. Owner's Statement— The blood of Wilkes Boy is becoming- greater each year, and it is a question of but a short time until his daughters will be in the very greatest demand in the harem of the leading breeding establishments, as they possess every desirable quality and must produce extreme speed. Here is one of his very best daughters, and she is safely in foal to Oh So, who has also demonstrated his ability to produce extreme speed. She will be a bargain for some one. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 219 TO THE PUBLIC In closing out our breeding establishment we feel that we are offer- ing the public some of the best brood-mares that ever existed, and also some of the best young stock on earth. The young stock is mostly by Sidney, who is, opportunity considered, as great as any sire that ever lived. His get have extreme speed, and those from well- bred mares have proven themselves as game upon the turf as the get of any stallion that ever existed. Every animal in our consignment will be sold for the highest dol- lar, as we have pledged ourselves not to make a by-bid of any descrip- tion. We believe this will be as great an opportunity to buy either a good brood-mare or promising youngster as any one will have for many a day. West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich.. CONSIGNED BY West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich. No. 270. SIDLONA. Chestnut filly; foaled 1898. Bred and owned by West Wind Stock: Farm, Pontiac, Mich. By SIDNEY 4770. Record (p), 2:19f. Sire of Lena N. (p), 2:05i; Monterey, 2:09i; Dr. Leek, 2:091; Faustino, 2:12i; Miss Sidney, 2:14: Lillian S., 2:14£; Odd- ity (p), 2:10i; Sidmont(p), 2:10i; Goldleaf (p) ; 2:lli; Adonis (p), 2:1U, and eighty-one other standard performers, and dams of ten, includ- ing Dan M. (p), 2:09£. Son of Santa Claus, 2:17i (sire of William Penn, 2:07i, etc.); dam Sweetness, 2:21i, a great brood-mare, by Volunteer 55 (sire of St. Julien, 2:lli, etc.); second dam Lady Everett, by Ed- ward Everett 81 (sire of Judge Fullerton, 2:18). 1st dam Collona, by Simmocolon 13846, Record 2:13%. Sire of Dan Q. (p), 2:07 1 £: Meridian (p), 2:12Ji, and 6 other standard performers. Son of Simmons 2744 (sire of Greenleaf, 2:10H. etc.); dam Colon, a great brood-mare, by Strathmore 408; 2d dam Coral (dam of Coralloid. C:14 3 4 , etc), bv Clark Chief 89 (sire of dam of Martha Wilkes, 2:08, etc.) -220 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE 2d dam Bessie Howard, 3d dam by Hambletonian 725, Sire of Graves, 2:19; Peacock (p), 2:23j^; Olivette, 2:24; Empress, 2:24; Longfellow, 2:24*4, 9 others and dam of Azote, 2:04%; Georgena, 2:07%; Steve Whipple, 2:12, and 25 other standard performers. by General Taylor, Sire of dams of Wells Fargo, 2:18%; Lee 2:20; Nerea, 2:23%; Bickford, 2:2634, and 3 other standard perform- ers. Son of Morse Horse 6(sire of Grey Eddy, 2:30); dam Flora, a trotting mare. Owner's Statement— Sidlona is a double-gaited filly and is just broken to harness, never having been trained for speed. However, she looks and acts like one that will learn to step very fast. No. 271. SIDGOR. Chestnut stallion; foaled 1898. Bred and owned by West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich. By SIDNEY 4770. Record (p), 2:19|. Sire of Lena N. (p), 2:05i; Monterey, 2:09£; Dr. Leek, 2:091; Faustino, 2:12i; Miss Sidney, 2:14; Lillian S., 2:14£; Odd- ity (p), 2:10£; Sidmont (p), 2:1(H; Goldleaf (p), 2:1U; Adonis (p), 2:1H, and eighty-one other standard performers, and dams of ten, includ- ing Dan M. (p), 2:09£. Son of Santa Claus, 2:17£ (sire of William Penn, 2:07i, etc.); dam Sweetness, 2:21i, a great brood-mare, by Vol- unteer 55 (sire of St. Julien, 2:lli, etc.); second dam Lady Everett, by Edward Everett 81 (sire of Judge Fullerton, 2:18). 1st dam Clara McGregor, 2d dam Clara Morris, 3d dam by Robert McGregor 647, Record 2:17%. Sire of Cresceus, 2:04; Lurline McGregor, 2:11%; Roxane, 2:12%; Nyanza, 2:12%; Miss Mc- Gregor, 2:13; 84 others, and dams of Grattan Boy, 2; 08; Elloree. 2:08%; York Boy, 2:09%: Blizzard (p), 2:09%, and 48 other standard performers. by Mambrino Patchen 58, Brother to Lady Thorn, 2:1834; sire of London, 2:20%; 24 others; dams of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06%; Jupe, 2:07%; Bouncer, 2:09; Rubber, 2:10; 140 others, and grandsire of Lord Derby, 2:07; Nightingale. 2:08; Dare Devil, 2:09%; Walter E., 2:10; Lady of the Manor (p), 2:04M. and over 200 other standard performers. by Tom Crowder, Sire of Judge Pollard, 2:29%, and dams of Ethel, 2:23; Gen. Ross, 2:19^. Son of Old Tom Crowder. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 221 4th dam by Grey Eagle 897, Record 2:42. Sire of St. Charles, 2:26; Carrie K., 2:30, and dams of Prince S., 2:26%; Black Hawk McGregor. 2:28; Monte Christo, 2:29. Owner's Statement — Robert McGregor mares are breeding- great speed, and the dam of this filly is out of a mare by Mambrino Patchen. Just think of this combination — Sidney, Robert Mc- Gregor and Mambrino Patchen. Where could you get better blood for a race horse? This filly has already stepped quarters in :37, and is certain to make a fast pacer. She will show in the ring that she- is fully as good as her breeding would indicate. No. 272. EDWARD MC. Black gelding; foaled 1898. Bred and owned by West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich. By SIDNEY 4770. Record (p), 2:191. Sire of Lena N. (p), 2:051; Monterey, 2:091; Dr. Leek, 2:09f; Faustino, 2:121; Miss Sidney, 2:14; Lillian S., 2:14*; Odd- ity (p), 2:101; Sidmont (p), 2:1 and dams of Paddy D., 2:11M; Don Sphinx (o), 2:14%; Nelly K. (p). 2:15^; Harry J., 2:17^, and 3 other standard performers. 2d dam, (Thoroughbred. ) Owner's Statement — Northrup is a natural pacer. Has speed* is substantial in conformation and is a good one to buy. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 225 No. 277. DR. BRODY. Brown gelding; foaled 1897. Bred and owned by West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich. By SIDNEY 4770. Record (p), 2:!9f. Sire of Lena N. (p), 2:05£; Monterey, 2:09i; Dr. Leek, 2:09f; Faustino, 2:12i; Miss Sidney, 2:14; Lillian S., 2:14i; Oddity (p), 2:10£; Sidmont (p), 2:10i; Gold leaf (p), 2:lli; Adonis (p), 2:1H, and eighty-one other standard performers, and dams of ten, in- cluding Dan M. (p), 2:09£. Son of Santa Claus, 2.17£(sire of William Penn, 2:07J, etc.); dam Sweetness, 2:21£, a great brood-mare, by Vol- unteer 55 (sire of St. Julien, 2:lli, etc.); second dam Lady Everett, by Edward Everett 81 (sire of Judge Fullerton, 2:18). 1st dam Pontiac Girl, by Monarch, Jr. 9782, Record 2:24^. Sire of Howard L., 2-.20H; Toledo Girl (p), 2:15; 5 others, and dams of Paddy D., 2:11^; Don Sphinx (p), 2:14¥; Nelly K. (p), 2:15^; Harry J., 2:17^, and 3 other standard performers. 2d dam, (Thoroughbred.) Owner's Statement — Dr. Brody is a pacer and will show for himself. No. 278. STELLA SIDNEY. Chestnut filly; foaled 1899. Bred and owned by West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich. By SIDNEY 4770. Record (p), 2:191. Sire of Lena N., 2:05£; Monterey, 2:09i; Dr. Leek, 2:09i; Faustino, 2:12i; Miss Sidney, 2:14; Lillian S., 2:14i; Oddity (p), 2:10£; Sidmont (p), 2:10i; Goldleaf (p), 2:lli; Adonis (p), 2:lli, and eighty-one other standard performers, and dams of ten, including Dan M. (p), 2:09£. Son of Santa Claus, 2.17* (sire of William Penc, 2:07±, etc.); dam Sweetness, 2:21i, a great brood-mare, by Volunteer 55 (sire of St. Julien, 2:lli, etc.); second dam Lady Everett by Edward Everett 81 (sire of Judge Fullerton, 2:18). 1st dam by Avalanche, Record 2:242£. Sire of Baby Day (p), 2:21H and dam of Katydid (p), 2:24. Son of Durango 1115 (sire of Profes- sor Wells, 2: 17^ ; Durado, 2:18; Rego, 2:18M; Durango Belle. 2: 18M: Jalisco, 2: 19J4 ; 12 others, and dam of Maidino, 2:13%, and 22 other standard per- formers. 226 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE Owner's Statement— Stella Sidney is a natural pacer; fast; will show for herself on the day of sale, and will develop into a race mare. No. 279. Bay gelding, foaled 1898. Farm, Pontiac, Mich. SIDRONE. Bred and owned by West Wind Stock By SIDNEY 4770. Record (p), 2:19|. Sire of Lena N. (p), 2:05J; Monterey, 2:09i; Dr. Leek, 2:09f ; Paustino, 2:121; Miss Sidney, 2:14; Lillian S., 2:14£; Odd- ity (p), 2:10i; Sidmont(p), 2:10£; Goldleaf (p), 2:lli; Adonis (p), 2:11*, and eighty-one other standard performers, and dams of ten, including Dan M. (p), 2:09*. Son of Santa Claus, 2.17£ (sire of William Penn, 2:07*, etc.); dam Sweetness, 2:21i, a great brood-mare, by Volunteer 55 (sire of St. Julien, 2:11*, etc.); second dam Lady Everett, by Edward Everett 81 (sire of Judge Fullerton, 2:18). 1st dam Belle Jerome, 2d dam Flora Diamond, 3d dam Kitty Murray, Dam of Golden Prince (p), 2; 18%, and 2d dam of Faultless, 2: 19^, and Je- rome Taylor (p), 2:21^. by St. Jerome 6430, Sire of Wilkes, 2:17^; Dick Jerome (p), 2:17^; Jerome Taylor (p), 2:2iy 2 . Son of Hambletonian Wilkes 1679 (sire of Phoebe Wilkes, 2:08^4, etc.); dam Myrtle, by Masterlode 595; 2d dam by Belmont 4468. by Bay Diamond 1819, Son of Mambrino Patchen 58 (sire of 25, and dams of Ralph Wilkes. 2:06%; Jupe, 2:07 1 / 4; Bouncer, 2:09; Rubber, 2:10, etc.) ; dam Lady Ayres, a great brood-mare, by Redmon's Abdallah, by Abdallah 15; 2d dam Lady Abdal- lah, a great brood-mare, by Abdallah 15 (sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2:14, etc.) by Erie Abdallah 129, Record 2:43. Sire of Rienzi, 2: 25 %\ dams of Golden Prince (p), 2:18%, and 4 other standard performers. Son of Rowe's Abdallah Chief, by Abdallah 1; dam Bess, by Canadian Hickory. Owner's Statement— Sidrone is a double gaited gelding, but has never been driven enough to get square away; but as many of that kind make our fastest horses, we always look upon it as a good sign in any youngster. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 227 No. 280. SIMANNIE. Chestnut mare; foaled 1894. Bred by Simmocolon Stock Farm, Ypsilanti, Mich.; owned by West Wind Stock Farm, Ypsilanti, Mich. By SIMMOCOLON 13846. Record 2:131. Sire of Dan Q. (p), 2:07£; Meridian (p), 2:12i, and six other standard performers. Son of Simmons, 2744 (sire of Greenleaf, 2:10£, etc.); dam Colon, a great brood-mare, byStrathmore 408; second dam Coral (dam of Coralloid, 2:l4f, etc.), by Clark Chief 89 (sire of dam of Martha Wilkes, 2:08, etc.) 1st dam Annie Red, 2d dam Allie Crittenden, , 3d dam Lady Almont, Dam of Hinder Wilkes, 2:20^, etc. 4th dam Corinne, Dam of Mark Field 10177 (sire of Ver- itas, 2:18^, etc.) 5th dam by Red Wilkes 1749, Record 2:40. Sire of Ralph Wilkes 2:06%; 146 others; dams of King- mond, 2:09; Sally Toler (p), 2:06^; Bert Oliver (p), 2:08%; Town Lady, 2:11%; Evangeline, 2:11%; Aunt Delilah, 2:12*4: Roxane, 2:12%; Allen Dare, 2:13M, and about 100 other standard performers. by Crittenden 433, Sire of Jean Val Jean, 2:14; Courier, 2:15; Chatterton, 2:18; 10 others, and dams of Bessie Bonehill (p), 2:05%; Cut Glass, 2:10^; Will Leyburn (p), 2:07Ji; Killona, 2:14, and 14 other standard performers. Son of Cas- sius M. Clay, Jr. 22; dam Flora, by Pilot, Jr. 12, etc. by Almont 33, Record 2:39%. Sire of Fanny Wither- spoon, 2:16^; Piedmont, 2:17^: 35 others, and dams of Winslow Wilkes fp), 2:09%; Token, 2:12; Tuna, 2:12^; Caprice, 2:12%; Ny- anza, 2:12%, and over 100 other stand- ard performers. Son of Abdallah 15; dam Sally Anderson, by Mambrino Chief 11, etc. by McDonald's Mambrino Chief Sire of dams of Alice West, 2:26; Stranger, •>: 28; Kentucky Boy, 2:28; and 2d dams of Ollie Wilkes, 2: 16J4; Good Bye. 2:19M. etc. McDonald's Mambrino Chief is a brother in blood to Clark Chief 89 (sire of Croxie, 2:19}i; dams of Martha Wilkes, 2:08; Phallas, 2:13%, etc.) by Edwin Forrest 49, Sire of Billy Hoskins, 2:26^; Cham- pagne, 2:30; dams of Geneva, 2:11V6; So So. 2:1734; Mambrino Dudley, 2:19%; 14 other standard performers, and 2d dams of Nancy Hanks. 2:04; Charleston. 2:12^; Abbie V., 2:16%; Angeline, 2:12, etc. 228 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE Owner's Statement — Simannie is a good individual and a nat- ural trotter, which fact she has proven, although she has no record. She was in a 2-year-old race with Directum Kelly and forced him to trot a mile in 2:21i; and early in the season, as a 3-year-old, she stepped a mile in 2:171; and looked like a wonderful prospect when she unfortunately met with an accident which retired her from the turf. We think she will make one of the best brood-mares that ever lived. Bred and believed to be safely in foal to Sidney. No. 281. COLLONA. Chestnut mare; 15.2 hands; foaled 1890. Bred by W. E. Green r Oakland, Cal.; owned by West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich. By SIMMOCOLON 13846. Record 2:131. Sire of Dan Q. (p), 2:07£; Meridian (p), 2:12J, and six other standard performers. Son of Simmons 2744 (sire of Greenleaf, 2:10i, etc.); dam Colon, a great brood-mare, by Strathmore 408; second dam Coral (dam of Coralloid, 2:14f, etc.), by Clark Chief 89 (sire of dam of Martha Wilkes, 2:08, etc.) 1st dam Bessie Howard, 2d dam Lady Fly, by Hambletonian 725, Record 2:39^. Sire of Graves, 2:19; 13 others, and dams of Azote, 2:04££; Georgena, 2:07%; Steve Whipple^ 2:12, and 28 other standard perform- ers. Son of Guy Miller, by Hamble- tonian 10; dam Martha Washington, by Washington 332. by General Taylor, Sire of dam of Wells Fargo, 2:18%, etc. Owner's Statement— Collona is a handsome individual, and one of the best brood-mares we ever owned. Bred and believed to be in foal to Sidney. No. 282. STELLA S. Bay mare; foaled 1 894. Bred by Simmocolon Stock Farm, Ypsi- lanti, Mich. ; owned by West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich. By SIMMOCOLON 13846. Record 2:13f. Sire of Dan Q. (p), 2:07£; Meridian (p), 2:12£, and six other standard performers. Son of Simmons 2744 (sire of Green- leaf, 2:101, etc.); dam Colon, a great brood-mare, by Strathmore 408; second dam Coral (dam of Coralloid, 2:144, etc.), by Clark Chief 89* (sire of dam of Martha Wilkes, 2:08, etc.) OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 229 1st dam Stella, 2d dam Miss Collins, 3d dam 4th dam by Volunteer 55, Record to wagon 2:37. Sire of St. Julien, 2:1134; St. Patrick (p), 2:1454; Gloster, 2:17; Bodine, 2:1934; Alley, 2:19; Driver, 2:19%; 28 others, and dams of Homestake, 2:1434; Brava, 2:14%, and 75 other standard per-, formers. by American Star 14, Sire of Widow Machree, 2:29; 3 others, and dams of Guy, 2:10%; Dexter, 2:1734; Robert McGregor, 2:17%; Nettie, 2:18; Joe Bunker, 2:19J4; Driver, 2:19^, and 39 other standard performers. by Terror, Sire of 2d dam of Gazelle, 2:1634, etc. by Tremper's Bellfounder. Owner's Statement — Stella S. is particularly stout in breed- ing-; a good individual; and will show for herself. No. 283. KITTIE COLON. Chestnut filly; foaled 1898. Bred by Simmocolon Stock Farm, Ypsilanti, Mich.; owned by West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich. By SIMMOCOLON 13846. Record 2:131. Sire of Dan Q. (p), 2:07£; Meridian (p), 2:12i; Fern- dale (p), 2:16; Simeta (p), 2:17i, and Upland, 2:29i. Son of Simmons 2744 (sire of Greenleaf, 2:10i, etc.); dam Colon, a great brood-mare, by Strathmore 408; second dam Coral (dam of Coralloid, 2:14f, etc.), by Clark Chief 89 (sire of dam of Martha Wilkes, 2:08, etc.) 1st dam Lucinda Wilkes, Dam of Kittie R., 2:27^. by Hambletonian Wilkes 1679, Sire of Phoebe Wilkes, 2:08%; Rocker (p), 2:11; Tommy Mac (p), 2:1134; Arlene Wilkes (p), 2:1134; 18others, and dams of Stella (p), 2:09J4; Wil- low, 2:163^, and 12 other standard performers. Son of • George Wilkes (sire of Harry Wilkes, 2:13%, etc.) by Magna Charta 105, Record 2:33%. Sire of Hannah D., 2:2234; 4 others, and dams of Jack, 2:12; Belle P., 2:1534; Anti, 2:16J4; Captain Tom, 2:1934; Emma E., 2:1934; Dean, 2:20, and 50 other stand- ard performers. Son of Morgan Eagle; dam an Indiana mare of un- known breeding. Owner's Statement — Kittie Colon has had a little work and has paced quarters in :37. Judging from the way she does it she should and will probably make a race mare. 2d dam Belva Ann, Dam of Magna Sphinx, 2:29. 230 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 284. SIMMOBEL. Black filly; foaled 1898. BredbySimmocolon Stock Farm, Ypsilanti r Mich.; owned by West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich. By SIMMOCOLON 13846. Record 2:13|. Sire of Dan Q. (p), 2:07£; Meridian (p), 2:12*, and six other standard performers. Son of Simmons 2744 (sire of Greenleaf, 2:10£, etc.); dam Colon, a great brood-mare, by Strathmore 408; second dam Coral (dam of Coralloid, 2:141, etc.), by Clark Chief 89 (sire of dam of Martha Wilkes, 2:08, etc.) 1st dam Sister to Encounter (p), 2:20. 2d dam Bonnibel, Dam of Encounter (p), 2:20. by Onward 1411, Record 2 :25M- Sire of Beuzetta, 2:06% ; Pilatus, 2:09^; Pearl Onward (p), 2:06fc; Gazette (p),2:07M: 147 others; dams of 60, and grandsire of Dick Hubbard, 2:09%, and over 300 other standard performers. Son of George Wilkes 519; dam of Dolly (dam of Director, 2:17, etc.) by Pretender 1453, Sire of Combat (p), 2:16M; Salem (p), 2:17%: Hermitage (p), 2:19; Be- noni, 2:22J^; 20 others, and dams of Dorris Wilkes, 2:14%, and 3 other standard performers. Son of Dicta- tor 113 (sire of Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, etc.); dam Winona, by Almont 33; 2d dam the great brood-mare Dolly, by Mambrino Chief 11. by Mambrino Time 1686, Sire of Four Corners, 2:20J^; 3 others, and dams of Clayone, 2:12%; CO, 2: 16% ; Claymore, 2: 17% ; Temple Bar, 2:17%; Egbertime, 2:18%; Shadeland Onward, 2:18*4; Silverone, 2:19%, and 32 other standard performers. Son of Mambrino Patchen 58; dam Puss Prall (dam of Lady Stout, 2:29, etc.), by Mark Time. Owner's Statement — Simmobel was broken this spring, given a little work and trotted a quarter in :38. She looks like the making of one that will go very fast. 3d dam Kate Time, No. 285. YPSILANTI. Chestnut stallion; foaled 1898. Bred by Simmocolon Stock Farm, Ypsilanti, Mich.; owned by West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich. By SIMMOCOLON 13846. Eecord 2:131. Sire of Dan Q. (p), 2 : 0*7 £; Meridian (p), 2:12i; Jim Kilbourn (p), 2:18i, and five other standard performers. Son of Sim- mons 2744 (sire of Greenleaf, 2:10i, etc.); dam Colon, a great brood- mare, by Strathmore 408; second dam Coral (dam of Coralloid, 2:14f r etc.), by Clark Chief 89 (sire of dam of Martha Wilkes, 2:08, etc.) OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 231 1st dam Lucy Walker, 2d dam Lucy West, 3d dam Mollie Walker, Dam of Harry Wilkes," 2:13%; General Garfield, 2:21; The Item, 2:25%. 4th dam by Vatican 11308, Record 2:29}£. Sire of Belle Vara, 2:08%; Vassar (p), 2:07, and 16 other standard performers. Son of Bel- mont 64 (sire of Ella Belmont, 2:12%, etc.) ; dam Vara, a great brood-mare, by Hambletonian 10; 2d dam Venus, by American Star 14. by West Waxy, Son of Old Waxy, by Bertbune (sire of 2d dam of Mambrino Boy, 2:26%, (sire of dams of Allerton, 2:09%; Axtell, 2:12; St. Vincent, 2:13%; New York Central, 2:13%, etc.) by Captain Walker, Sire of dams of Harry "Wilkes, 2:13%; Charlie Friel (p), 2:15%; 5 other standard performers, and 2d dams of Majolica, 2:15; Houri, 2; 17, etc. Son of Tecumseh; dam by Friendship. by Darnaby's Copperbottom. Owner's Statement— Ypsilanti is nicely broken to harness, but has had very little handling-; can step a 2:30 gate, which fact he will demonstrate on the day of sale. No. 286. SIDASSIE. Black filly; foaled 1898. Bred and owned by West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich. By SIMMOCOLON 13846. Record 2:13f. Sire of Dan Q. (p), 2:07£; Meridian (p), 2:12£, and six other standard performers. Son of Simmons 2744 ( sire of Greenleaf , 2:10i, etc.); dam Colon, a great brood-mare, by Strathmore 408; sec- ond dam Coral (dam of Coralloid, 2:14f, etc. ), by Clark Chief 89 (sire of dam of Martha Wilkes, 2:08, etc.) 1st dam Lassie, Sister to Highland Sidney, 2:29^. 2d dam Highland Lass, Record 2:27%. ney, 2:29^. Dam of Highland Sid- by Sidney 4770, Record (p). 2:19%. Sire of Lena N. (p), 2:05^; Monterey, 2:09Ji; Dr. Leek, 2:09%; Faustino, 2:12Ji; Miss Sidney, 2:14; Lillian S., 2:14^; Odd- ity (p), 2:10M; Sidmont (p), 2:10%; Goldleaf (p), 2:11&; Adonis (p), 2:11%, and 81 other standard per- formers. by Buccaneer 2656, Sire of Shamrock (2), 2:25; Bulwer, 2:26%; Flight, 2; 29, and dams of Doctor Leek, 2:09%; Fleet, 2:18%; Creole (p), 2:15; Frou Frou (year- ling), 2:25M; Sid Fleet (2), 2:26%, and 20 other standard performers. Son of Iowa Cbief 528: dam Tinsley Maid, by Flaxtail 5132; 2d dam Fanny Fern, by Irwin's Tuckahoe. 232 CHICAGO HOBSESALE CO.'S SALE 3d dam Young Highland Mary, by Arthurton 365, Dam of Sidney Smith, 2:21%; High- land Lass, 2 '2734, and 21 dim of Highland Sidney, 2:29%, and Up- land, 2:29%. 4th dam Highland Mary, Record 2:36. Sire of Arab, 2:15; Pautomine, 2:17%; 4 others; dams of Lesa Wildes, 2:09; Hazel Wilkes, 2:1134; Stamboulet, 2:1134; Lyric, 2:1434; Una Wilkes, 2:15; 30 other standard performers, and grandsire of Lady Nottingham (p), 2:06%, etc. Son of Hambletonian 10, dam Imogene (dam of Leland 1300), by American Star 14. by Dave Hill. Owner's Statement— Sidassie is a fast one, having already paced quarters in :35. She has good size, goes like a race horse, and will make one. No. 287. ETHEL K. Bay filly; foaled 1899. Bred and owned by West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich. By SIMMOCOLON 13846. Record 2:13|. Sire of Dan Q. (p), 2:07i; Meridian (p), 2:12i, and six other standard performers. Son of Simmons 2744 (sire of Greenleaf , 2:10-i, etc.); dam Colon, a great brood-mare, by Strathmore 408; second dam Coral (dam of Coralloid, 2:14f, etc.), by Clark Chief 89 (sire of dam of Martha Wilkes, 2:08, etc.) 1st dam Lassie, Sister to Highland Sidney, 2:2954. 2d dam Highland Lass, Record 2:27%. Dam of Highland Sid- ney, 2: 29K 2 . by Sidney 4770, Record (p), 2:19%. Sire of Lena N. (p), 2:0534; Monterey, 2:0934; Dr. Leek, 2:093^; Faustino, 2:1234; Miss Sidney, 2:14; Lillian S., 2:14%; Odd- ity (p), 2:1034; Sidmont (p), 2:10%; Goldleaf (p), 2:11M; Adonis (p), 2:11%, and 81 other standard per- formers. by Buccaneer 2656, Sire of Shamrock (2), 2:25; Bulwer, 2:27%; Flight, 2:29, and dams of Doctor Leek, 2:09 l / 2 ; Fleet, 2:18%; Creole (p), 2:15; Frou Frou (year- ling), 2:2534; Sid Fleet (2), 2:26%, and 20 other standard performers. Son of Iowa Chief 528; dam Tinsley Maid, by Flaxtail 5132; 2d dam Fanny Fern, by Irwin's Tuckahoe. 3d dam Young Highland Mare, by Arthurton 365, Dam of Sidney Smith, 2:21%; High- land Lass, 2:2734, and 2d dam of Highland Sidney, 2:29%, and Up- land, 2:29%. Sire of Arab, 2: 15; Pantomine, 2:17%; 4 others; dams of Lesa Wilkes, 2:09; Hazel Wilkes. 2:1134; Stamboulet, 2:11J4; Lyric, 2:1434; Una Wilkes, 2:15; 30 other standard performers, and grandsire of Lady Nottingham (p), 2:06%, etc. Son of Hambletonian 10, dam Imogene (dam of Leland 1300) , by American Star 14. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 233 4th dam Highland Mary, Record 2:36. by Dave Hill, Owner's Statement— Ethel K. is a trotter, just nicely broken, and will show for herself. No. 2 88. MISS SPHINX. Kecord 2:27i. Bay mare; foaled 1891. Bred by John Newman, Elgin, 111.; owned by West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich. By SPHINX 5343. Record 2:20£. Sire of Sphinxetta (p), 2:08i; Sphinx S. (p), 2:Q9£; Hazel Ridge, 2:1 li; Gunsaulus, 2:14i; Baker, 2:14f, and seventy other standard performers. Son of Electioneer 125; dam Sprite, a great brood-mare, by Belmont 64 (sire of Ella Belmont, 2:12£, etc.); second dam the famous Waterwitch, by Pilot, Jr. 12 (sire of dams of Maud S., 2:081; Jay-Eye-See, 2:10, etc.) 1st dam Justice, Dam of Miss Sphinx, 2:27J£. by Princeps 536, 2d dam Lady Legate, Sire of Greenlander, 2:12; Trinket, 2:14; 50 others; dams of Prince Her- schel, 2:13; Falkland, 2:13%; Lati- tude, 2:15; 50 other standard per- formers, and 2d dams of Countess Eve, 2:09Ji; Rilma, 2:09%, etc. Son of Woodford Mambrino, 2:21%; dam the great Primrose, bv Abdallah 15. by Mambrino Star 585, Record 2:28%. Sire of Cottage Girl, 2:29%; Iris, 2:29J4, and dams of Brunehide, 2:20H; Early Dawn, 2:21%, and 8 other standard per- formers. Son of Mambrino Chief 11 (sire of Lady Thorn, 2:18J4; 5 others, and dams of Director, 2:17; Pied- mont, 2:17^, etc.) by Hambletonian 10, Sire of Dexter, 2:17}^; Nettie, 2:18; Orange Girl, 2:20; 37 others; dams of Stamboul. 2:07*4; Ballona, 2: 11*4; Greenlander, 2:12; over 100 others, and grandsire of Nancy Hanks, 2:04; Kentucky Union, 2:07^; Arion, 2:07%; Pixley, 2:08J4; Maud S., 2:08%, and over 1,600 other standard performers. - Owner's Statement — Miss Sphinx is one of the best bred daughters of the grand Sphinx. Her record proves her to be a fast mare, and she is safely in foal to Sidney, who takes rank among the greatest sires of extreme speed. We believe her to be one of the best brood-mares that a man could own.- 3d dam Ledger Girl, Dam of Bonner, 2:24%. 234 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 289. ANNIE RED. Dam of Simannie, trial (3), 2:l7i, and Harry M., trial (3), 2:20i. Chestnut mare; 15 hands; foaled 1886. Bred by A. H. Blackford, Keene, Ky.; owned by West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich. By RED WILKES 1749. Record 2:40. Sire of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06f; Ithuriel (p), 2:09i; Blanche Louise (p), 2:10; Dallie Wilkes, 2:lli; Red Nutling, 2:13; Island Wilkes, 2:13£; Red Cherry, 2:14£; Prince Wilkes, 2:141; 140 others; dams of Kingmond, 2:09; Sally Toler (p), 2:06i; Bert Oliver (p), 2:08f; Town Lady, 2:lli; Evangeline, 2:11|; Aunt Delilah, 2:12i; Roxane, 2:12f; Allen Dare, 2:13i; eighty others, and grandsire of John R. Gentry (p), 2:00£; Ellard, 2:09f; Jupe, 2:07i, and over 35(X other standard performers. 1st dam Allie Crittenden, 2d dam Lady Almont, 3d dam Corinne, 4th dam by Crittenden 433, Sire of Jean Val Jean, 2:14; Courier, 2:15; Chatterton, 2:18; 11 others, and dams of Bessie Bonehill (p), 2:05%; Will Leyburn (p), 2:0734; Cut Glass, 2:10*4; Belle Colley, 2:09m; Killona, 2:14, and 14 other standard perform- ers. Son of Cassius M. Clay, Jr. 22; dam Flora, by Pilot, Jr. 12, etc. by Almont 33, Record 2:39%. Sire of Fanny Wither- ei spoon, 2:16^; Piedmont, 2:1734; 35 others, and dams of Winslow Wilkes (p),2:09%; Token, 2:12; Tuna,2:12J4; Nyanza, 2:12%; Caprice, 2:12%, and over 100 other standard performers. Son of Abdallah 15; dam Sally An- derson, by Mambrino Chief 11; 2d dam Kate, by Pilot, Jr. 12. by McDonald's Mambrino Chief. Sire of dams of Alice West, 2:26; Stra-ger, 2:28; Kentucky Boy. 2:28, and 2d dams of Ollie Wilkes, 2:1634; Good Bye, 2:1934, etc. McDonald's Mambrino Chief is a brother in blood to Clark Chief 89 (Sire of Croxie, 2:1934; dams of Martha Wilkes, 2:08; Phallas, 2:13%, etc.) by Edwin Forrest 49, Sire of Billy Hoskins, 2:2634; Cham- pagne, 2:30; dams of Geneva, 2:1134; So So, 2:1734; Mambrino Dudley, 2 : 19% ; 12 other standard performers, and 2d dams of Nancy Hanks, 2:04; Charleston, 2:1234; Angelina, 2:12; etc. Edwin Forrest also sired the dam of Mambrino King 1279 (sire of Lord Derby, 2:07; Nightingale, 2:08; Dare Devil, 2:09%, etc.) OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 235 Owner's Statement— Annie Eed is another stout bred daughter of Red Wilkes. She is one of the best individuals he ever sired ; is one of his best bred daughters, and is bred and believed to be safely in foal to Sidney. No. 290. LOUISE CAREY. Bay mare; 15.3 hands; foaled 1890. Bred by John Carey, Jackson, Mich.; owned by West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich. By RED WILKES 1749, Record 2:40. Sire of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06£; Ithuriel (p), 2:09i; Blanche Louise (p), 2:10; Dallie Wilkes, 2:11£; Red Nutling, 2:13; Island Wilkes, 2:13i; Red Cherry, 2:14i; Prince Wilkes, 2:14£; 140 others; dams of Kingmond, 2:09; Sally Toler (p), 2:06£; Bert Oliver (p), 2:08; Town Lady, 2:11£; Evangeline, 2:llf; Aunt Delilah, 2:12i: Roxane, 2:12f; Allen Dare, 2:13i; eighty others, and grandsire of John R. Gentry (p), 2:00i; Ellard, 2:09f; Jupe, 2:07£, and over 350 other standard per- formers. 1st dam Maymont, Sister to Junemont, 2:14. 2d dam Fanny Carey, Dam of Junemont, 2:14. 3d dam Paulina, 4th dam Kit Carey, by Tremont 1565, Record 2 : 28% • Sire of Junemon t , 2 : 14 ; Loumont, 2:18%; 9 others, and dams of Carney, 2:13M; Nelly Bly, 2:19%. and 12 other standard performers. Son of Belmont 64 (sire of Ella Bel- mont, 2:12%, etc.); dam Virginia, by Abdallah 15 (sire of Goldsmith Maid, 2:14, etc.); 2d dam Grey Goose, a great brood-mare, by Norman 1777. by Jack Rosey, Son of Holcomb Vermont North Hawk. by Don Juan. by Billy Merriman. Owner's Statement — Louise Carey is one of the stoutest bred- daughters of the great Red Wilkes, her dam being an own sister to that game race horse Junemont, with a record of 2:14. She is her- self a grand mare and is bred and believed to be in foal to the great Sidney. 236 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 291. PAULINE Sister to Bona (dam of Bonita, 2:23i). Color, age and size not given, will be furnished at sale. Bred by Village Farm, East Aurora, N. Y.; owned by West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich. By MAMBRINO KING 1279. Sire of Lord Derby, 2:07; Nightingale, 2:08; Dare Devil, 2:19; Heir- at-Law, 2:12, (p) 2:051; Lady of the Manor (p), 2:04i; 50 others, and dams of The Abbott, 2:03i; The Monk, 2:08i, etc. Son 'of Mambrino Pachten 58 (sire of dams of Ralph Wilkes, 2:06f; Jupe, 2:07|; Boun- cer, 2:09, Rubber, 2:10, etc.); dam by Edwin Forrest 49 (sire of dam of Geneva, 2:lli, and second dam of Nancy Hanks, 2:04, etc.) 1st dam Bright Eyes, Dam of Bright Regent (p), 2:06?4, and 2d dam of Bonita. 2: 23%. 2d dam Orphan Girl, by Blackwood Chief 7670, Sire of W. H. Nichols, 2:23M; Little Dan, 2:2534; Toy, 2:27%, and dams of Bright Regent (p), 2:06%; Merry Chimes (p), 2:08%, and 2 other stand- ard performers. Son of Blackwood 74; dam Dictator Maid, by Dictator 113, etc. by C. J. Wells 2244, Record 2:38. Sire of Filbert, 2:28, and dams of George Sherman (p), 2:18%, and 4 other standard performers. Owner's Statement — Pauline is by the noted sire of race horses, Mambrino King. She is a sister to a producer, and has for a dam a mare that has produced one with a record of 2:06£. She is therefore a valuable mare for the harem, as she will undoubtedly produce both speed and stamina. Bred and believed to be in foal to Sidney. No. 292. DELTA. Bay mare; 16 hands; foaled 1889. Bred by Highland Stock Farm, Lee, Mass. ; owned by West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich. By ALCANTARA 729. Record 2:23. Sire of Moth Miller (p), 2:07; Oscar L. (p), 2:08i; Sir Alcantara (p), 2:09i; Lightning, 2:11; Raven (p), 2:10; Alar, 2:11; Rensselaer Wilkes, 2:lli; Arena, 2:111; Alhambra, 2:14f ; 182 others; dams of Early Reaper, 2:091; Heir-at-Law (p), 2:05f ; Diablo (p), 2:09i; Boreal, 2:151; Prince Regent, 2:16£; Charlie Hayt (p), 2:074, and thirty-six other standard performers. Son of George Wilkes 519; dam the famous Alma Mater, by Mambrino Patchen 58; second dam Estelle, by imp. Australian. OF TRACK AND ROAD HORSES. 237 1st dam Alice Stoner, by Strathmore 408, Sire of Strathmeath (p), 2:10^; Ter- rill S. (p),2:lOM; Eleanor (p), 2:11; Minuet, 2:13%; 84 others, and dams of Bumps (p), 2:03^; Dan Cupid, 2:09^; Alves, 2:09H; Simmocolon, 2:13%; Baronmore, 2:14Ji, and over 100 other standard performers. 2d dam Ned, Dam of Clemmie G., 2:15Y 2 ; Post Boy, 2:23; Forrest Wilkes, 2:24*4; Alice Stoner, 2:24*4; Mystery, 2:25M; 2 speed-producing sons, and 2d dam of Wert, 2:15*4; Kelvyn (p), 2:11*4, and 4 other standard performers. Owner's Statement— Delta will prove a prize for someone. Alcantara mares are producing some of the best trotters and pacers upon the American turf, and here is a mare out of Alice Stone, by Strathmore, whose blood is as good as anything in the registers, and her second dam is the famous brood mare Ned. Breeding of this kind should produce great results, and we believe this to be as good a mare as Alcantara ever sired. Bred and believed to be safely in foal to Sidney. No. 293. DONNA. Dam of Don 0'Loid,2:14f and Charley Bennett (p, 2), 2:25. Black mare, 15.2 hands, foaled 1885. Bred by Dr. McLahlin, Norris- ville, Mich.; owned by West Wind Stock Farm, Pontiac, Mich. By WAVER LY. Son of Hambletonian 10, (sire of Dexter, 2:17i; Nettie, 2:18; Orange Girl, 2:20; 37 others, and dams of Stamboul, 2:071; Ballona, 2:lli; Greenlander, 2:12, and over 100 standard performers. Sons have sired Nancy Hanks, 2:01; Kentucky Union, 2:07£; Arion, 2:071; Pixley> 2:08i; Maud S., 2:081, and over 1,600 standard performers.) Owner's Statement— Donna B. is in the great brood-mare list, having produced Don O'Loid, 2:14f; and Charley Bennett, with a 2-year-old record of 2:25. She is comparatively young and is a mare that should have great value in the harem. Bred and believed to be safely in foal to Sidney. 238 CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO.'S SALE No. 294. Reserved for F. C. Kenyon, Chicago, 111. No. 295. Reserved for F. C. Kenyon, Chicago, III. No. 296. Reserved for F. C. Kenyon, Chicago, 111. No. 297. Reserved for F. C. Kenyon, Chicago, 111. No. 298. Reserved for F. C. Kenyon, Chicago, 111. No. 299. Reserved for P. C. Kenyon, Chicago, 111. No. 300. Reserved for F. C. Kenyon, Chicago, 111. Who wants to be Bald? Who wants Dandruff on their Collar? Is the first indication of approaching baldness Ounces of prevention are worth pounds of cure Remove the cause and stop the effect by using Kennedy's Persian Dandruff Cure It stops the hair from falling out, leaves the scalp clean and the hair soft and glossy Who wants to be bald? Who wants dandruff in their hair? Who wants dandruff on their clothes? 1 W1 QP } Stop it by using Kennedy': VVIOC. p ers i an Dandruff Cure. Ask your druggist or your barber. The fred P. Kennedy Mli (o. 5860 State Street Telephone. Wentworth 504. CHICAGO. WHEN THE LEADING ATHLETIC COACHES, PRIZE FIGHTERS, and HORSEMEN USE AND RECOMMEND Greene's Liniment As superior to anything on the market for man or horse it is Worth a trial And that is all the manufacturers ask to ensure your using it on all occasions Family use, 25 and 50 cent size Veterinary use, $ 1 .00 size J. W. Greene & Co, 330 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ills*, U. S. A. Telephone Harrison 1191 Ordered direct or through the trade Any Amount of testimonials on application, but one trial will give you better satisfaction. M O N O N Msans "Fast Running." The MONON ROUTE Is the direct line between CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS, LA FAYETTE, LOUISVILLE, And the Blue Grass Region of the South. Through Sleepers Every Night to WEST BADEN and FRENCH LICK SPRINGS, "The Carlsbad of America." City Ticket Office, - 232 CLARK STREET, CHAS. H. BOCEWELL, Traffic Manager. F. J. REED, Gen'l Pass. Agt CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. INDEX TO CONSIGNORS. Page. Anthony, Hitchcock & Reed. 118 Anthony, C. H 119 Banshke, R.J 23 Burke, E. W . .. 61 Belleau, J. N 73 Barr, W. N 88 Baum & Carpenter 168 Brown, J. H., Agent 190 Cribbs, E. E 24 Cameron, D. J 25-217 Cushman, Dr. M. E 62 Caton Stock Farm 95 Crews, Mel 136 Carnes, Bros 171 Cowles, Warren 172 Compton, Dan 173 Cozard, J. W 179 Doty, I.E. 50 DeKalb Stock Farm 63 Dryden, Charles P 200 Dahlman, Theodore 217 Fuller, George A 67-215 Highland Stock Farm Co.... 36-78-138 Hyelmeland, H. J 72 Halls, Sam 182 Halls, Sam, Agent 188 Jerome, J. J. 33 Knowles, E. A 9 Kalamazoo Farm 115 Keith, M. C, estate of 176 Lord, E. A 66 Lyon, F. A 70 Lincoln Stock Farm 152 Leininger, B. F 188 Page. Mitchell, Thomas 10 Mariner, John W 23 McDonald, R. L., Walnut Park Farm 158 Minor Bros 196 Minor, Boyce 198 Murchison Bros 199 Nuckols, Vance 53-216 Ottman, D. M 62 Oakwood Stock Farm Co. . .91-191 Plummer, H. M 180 Parker, Lewis W 201 Reynolds, John F 157 Reynolds, Lee D. B 170 Sheler Bros 90 Streeter, D. D 117 Sharpe, G. W 122-202 Sharpe, W. S 135 Schadel, Dr. F. S 174 Theyson, George 11 Truax, Peter 12 Thomas, Joseph D 21 Tapp, Charles 169 Tipton, C. R 196 Upland Stock Farm 74 Walker, H 5 Walker, F. M 7 Wheeler, N. B 22 Ware, A. K 55 Wolff, Frank 60 Woodward, R. G 120 Williams, C 148 West Wind Stock Farm 219 Youngblood, P. H 59 INDEX— Named Horses. No. Amble W... 8 Abbott Hill 37 Aggie Medium 39 Alpha 45 AllieM 51 Aunt Alice 54 Ampest 136 Amy Greenlander 164 Airy 168 Amabel 191 Allie Nightingale 237 Admiral Schley 32138 241 Annie Red 289 Berelite 9 Bud Crook 6 Birdy Magoogan 7 Black Ring 30969 12 Bob Wilkes 25 Balmy L 35 Ben H. G 38 Ben Connolly 61 Barolon. 62 Bedford Girl 86 Bud Woodward 141 Baroness Greenlander 156 Bonita. 163 Blue Line , 170 BillJones 196 Bell Ringer 198 Bob Maceo 29778 226 Bessie H 227 Billy Moffitt 235 Black Filly 247 Banjo 252 Billy Long 254 Biddie Milroi 255 Basilica 258 Blair........ v 266 Colonel Henderson 4 Corpus Christi ..... 5 No. Cephas 57 Courtland 101 Commis 102 Conceit 107 Cabalist 24303 . 115 Caidella 127 C. Y. H.. 184 CarlW... , 192 Colbert, Jr 194 Charley Stiles 214 Colonna 281 Dr. Reynolds 78 Doc 80 Dorris 88 David Stewart McFarland ... 98 Drapery 181 Dan... 139 Dr. McKellar 242 Daisy Greenlander 263 Duchess 274 Dr. Brody I 277 Delta 292 Donna 293 Exciter 14 Ember T 21 Expreso 29199 .... 40 Exwood 42 Express Boy 43 EdgarW 110 Elfie 161 EdithT 213 Ed Hooker 216 Edith Wilkes 217 Ed and Edward 231, 232 Ed; Cloud.... 233 Edleman 27325 236 Edward Mc ...... 272 Ethel K 287 Fantasy 20 Fitzgerald 22 INDEX— NAMED HORSES— Continued. No. Florence H 49 Frank Hayes 59 Folline 133 Franklin 138 Frank Coates 176 Fashion Maid 245 Frank Heath 273 George T 10 Gulnare 91 Garnish 116 Glider 134 Guy Wilkes, Jr 151 Grace Greenlander 165 Glow 171 George Lee 178 George Carnes 212 Gamaleon Boy 240 Highland , 46 Hettie 83 Hattie Roy 90 Happy Dan 26339. 94 Halgerda 117 Halgreta 119 Hoselle 120 Hilvera.. 125 Halmeka 126 Halstead 203 Honduras 31714. 209 Henry B 239 Inbred Ward 13 Ideal Maid 33 Izo 118 Isella 121 Iveen 122 Izada 123 Ivolo 124 Infield 32526........ 129 Inowell 32530 130 Irinday 29496 205 Isalena 211 Irish Maid 267 Judge Flask 11 John L 26 No. Juniata 50 Junie Wilkes 63 John K 89 John Drew 32250 95 Julian Dubuque 108 Joymaker 30594 200 Jurash 30625 201 Jolly Go 202 Javardo 206 Junerose 219 Jim Poarch 222 Jay 230 John D 167 Kentucky Boy 92 Kentucky Lady 137 King Greenlander 153 Kentucky Simmons 173 Kibbie 207 Kitty Earl 256 Keith 265 Kittie Colon 283 La Crescent 27 Lady Oh So 28 Lost Cause 23 LochielC 29537 29 Little Ellen 52 Lady Wonder 77 Lord Linton 30355 85 LadyK 93 Lonstar 106 Luly. 132 Lady Light 135 Lena S 159 Leewald 175 Logan Lee 33472 208 Louise Patchen 224 Leon Will 29895 246 Louisa Wilkes 264 Louise Carey 290 Major McGregor 3 Molly 16 Molly Perkins 17 Major Lind 18 INDEX— NAMED HORSES— CONTINUED. No. Maggie M 24 Mamie Byrd 32 Madeline Oh So 34 Miss Exora 41 Miss Bethel 44 Miss Nira 48 Miss Solee 53 Mabel Onward 55 Minnesota Belle 64 MathewEiley 75 Moronial 84 Monell 97 Miss Nutonia 99 Miss Lee wood 100 Miss Eglantine ... 109 May Alcott Ill Miss Newman 155 Millie Clay 162 May Wood 166 Macias 174 Monroe ; . . . 177 Miss Tiffin .... 181 Mantell 182 Miss Dhu 183 Major E wing 21253 188 Margie Phillips 238 Miss Baldwin 248 Mary Allen 251 Mary Greenlander 253 Martha Wilkes' Sister 257 May Greenlander 259 Miss Huckins 262 Miss Sphinx .1288 Northrup 276 Northfield 60 Nubs 81 Nettie 82 Nathalie 158 Nickel Plate 160 Nutisca 180 Nutwood Belle 195 Nina V 199 Nelly W 210 Nebraska Queen 218 No. Normeda. 221 Nig 250 Olesa 47 Otoe Greenlander 157 Phoebe Onward 56 Prince Caid 32528 128 Parade.... 1 172 Pauline Perri winkle 197 Patent Applied For 234 Pauline 291 Queen Wilkes 223 Rowena 19 Ritta 114 Royal Wilton 152 Red Greenlander 154 Rotha J 193 Rebecca H 215 Reno M 220 Royal King 243 Royal V 249 Robin Wilkes 268 Sol B 1 Snipface 15 Spice 31 Sally Hill 36 Straight Ticket..., 58 Senna 79 Sontania 87 Smith Selby 96 Simcetta 103 SimLiDO 104 Simling 105 Spencer G i 113 Sunbeam 140 Sagwa 169 Show Me 33471 204 Sphinxlander 260 Sadie Wilkes 261 Sidlona.. 370 Sidgor 271 Sidrose 275 INDEX— NAMED HORSES— Continued. No. Stella Sidney 278 Sidrone 279 Simannie , 280 StellaS 282 Simmobel 284 Sidassie 286 Tom Curtis 112 Tom Loftus 179 Tom Martin 190 Tom and Sam 228, 229 No. Thurman Boy 244 Virginia 269 Virginia 189 Wellington 30 Walkillson 24006 76 Witch Hazel 225 X Ray 2 Ypsilanti 285 TRANSIT HOUSE union stock yards, Chicago. FORTY-SECOND AND HALSTED STS. THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IN THIS SECTION OF THE CITY. AMERICAN PLAN-RATES, - $2.00 Per Day EUROPEAN PLAN-RATES, - 50c, 75c and $1.00 Per Day Take either Wallace St. and Center Av., or Halsted and 69th St. car on Clark St., direct to the house. SULKIES in all sizes and weights To fit the Horse and Driver Toomey Ball Bearings are absolutely Dust and Water-proof The Toomey Pneumatic, Cushion Tire and High Wheeled Jog Carts Pneumatic and High Wheeled Road Wagons Are the best that money can buy Comfortable Richer S. TOOMEY & CO. CANAL DOVER, OHIO, U. S. A. toto-ji & a & ,0 © d ® a . ,3' §« _ u h bed s o'S -o >> * « B fe © »3 fc £ 0,3 2 fl >> ©•d ^ d a £ o &»™ -a ,2 d"2 ® d S ca &d 3 © 3 ^jh t»o^ 5§sS g°. a a . to m o ■^ © o -rt 2 1 " 43 d ri^d © sisi &p » fit! s og -a a, .d fl -5 BJ o3 «3 o3 Jh O " '3 , ' © o " 0-p o o-d_ bO *"d 03 to rt ® .rH .3 -rt CD w o o j> fe o>- 5 .-as , DQ O 'sjipt; m o-S S o3, " © © ,-> .rH A