S-B-HARTM A^J •iSEO 6v SPFCI/L P£RMSS5iO\ OF ^HARTMAN STOCK «^.^R^t DR. LESURE'S WARRANTED Veterinary Remedies TRADE MARK -^r '^ The Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Diseases for which They are Recommended. THESE REMEDIES ARE ALL WARRANTED TO GIVE PERFECT SATISFACTION, OR MONEY REFUNDED AS CHEERFULLY AS TAKEN. DR. J. G. LESURE, 160 Sylvan Terrace, Harrisburg, Pa. Keene, N. //., U. 5. A. COPYRIGHT, 190S, BY DR. J. G. I- E S U R E . FOR PRIVATE TREATMENT OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS. INTRODUCTORY* In this book I shall endeavor to guard the unsuspecting against the arts of the vender who is trying to get something for nothing; also, to show that with the use of the instructions contained in this book, any man with ordinary intelligence can treat his horses and cattle privately at home with Dr. Lesure's remedies and recipes attached in the following pages with small cost and entire success. It is my object to be useful rather than to offend or to appear learned. I shall avoid all hard names, technical terms, etc., and will offer to the public the information I possess with candor and simplicity. In a treatise of this nature the foolish claim to entire originality must be abandoned. I hope this acknowledgement will be received in place of marks of quotation. When the reader reflects that a large volume has been written on the horse's foot alone, he will excuse me for not going into detail for gratuitious distribution on so many subjects, which I shall explain as briefly as possible under the headlines of the different preparations I prescribe for the private treatment of domestic animals. Many of them will also be found of great value as family medicines, in proportionate doses, either for external or internal use. The reader will find, upon looking up the reports of the Bureau of Chemistry of the United States, at Washington, D. C, that the proprietary veterinary medicines, as a whole, put up for sale in the United States are much purer and of a higher standard than thousands of similar remedies put up and largely advertised as strictly for family use. Remember medicines, whether for man or the lower animal creation, all come from the same source, the only difference being the size of dose, the average dose for the horse being ten times greater than that for man. DR. LESURE'S WARRANTED REMEDIES. 4 DR. J. G. LESURE'S VETERINARY REMEDIES I do want to impress upon every one using my medicines, that to get the very best results from them the plain directions on each and every bottle or package should be followed as closely as pos- sible. By doing this, together with good nursing, any ordinary horseman can treat his stock just as successfully as though I were at his side to direct him personally. These medicines I have used for many years in a large and successful practice. I have also been a large horse owner and have done my experimenting on my own stock, and am giving the public the benefit. My Liquid Medicines are compounded in my laboratory at Keene, N. H., under my personal supervision by a registered chemist of many years' experience, therefore we know they are of perfect strength and purity. My Powders are composed of roots and barks, imported direct from foreign countries, of the highest grade that money will pur- chase, and I will state to those who have never used my medicines that they are no experiment, but have been used successfully for years in most of the larger stables in this and foreign countries. Furthermore, I take all chances by refunding the money at once to any dissatisfied customers. This guarantee means a square deal to all customers, as either Dun's orBradstreet's commercial guide will advise that my per- sonal standing is such that I could not afford to promise more than I intend to fulfill. In conclusion,! will say that all my medicines are as pure and clean as any druggist carries on his shelves or your physician carries in his case, and are honestly recommended for successful private treatment for both veterinary and family use. Respectfully, Dr. J. G. Lesure. PROVE THEIR WORTH BY THE RESULTS THEY ACCOMPLISH. FOR PRIVATE TREATMENT OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 5 LIST OF DR. J. G. LESURE'S WARRANTED VETERINARY REMEDIES- Their Uses and Prices* COLIC CURE — The sovereign remedy for Colic, Cramps, Spasmodic or Flatulent — Is perfectly reliable, is the handiest to give, the cheapest, and leaves the horse ready to go to work. See page 30. Price, $1.00; contains fifty doses. FEVER DROPS — Remedy for Lung Fever, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Inflamma- tion of Bowels, Tonsilitis, and all diseases of an inflammatory nature. See page 35. Price, 50 <5ts. 50 doses; 150 doses, $1.00. COUGH AND TONIC DROPS— Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Distempers, and all troubles afiecting the throat and lungs; also is a fine tonic and water regulator. See page 45. Price, 50 6ls. 50 doses; 150 doses, $1.00. RENOVATOR POWDER — A true tonic and pure conditioner; cleanses and strengthens the whole system in either horses, cattle, sheep, or hogs. See page 46. Price, 50 (fts. 12 doses; 30 doses, $1.00. WORM ANNIHILATOR— For the annihilation of all kinds of worms that infest the horse. Is perfectly safe to give at all times. It is also a very fine tonic. See page 68. Price, 50 6ts. ELECTRIC HOOF OINTMENT is especially used to grow and soften the horse's feet, and cure Contraction, Quarter Cracks, Brittleness, Tenderness, and all ailments of the feet; it is very healing, and is fine for scratches or sores of any kind. See page 56. Price, 50 ^ Ki K ^ S Q 4-" C^ o "a c 'a Z It* H -Jj 4J W rf ;3 H? c« Vh < +J m . W _4J ^ Qj ■— ' -t-» OS ^ :? 2 ^ o 'o 4j P^ ■+J »} Vh 3 o > < 'O H rf ffi "> W as c.— Roll soft paper up like a lamplighter and wet the tip to remove it, or use a medicine dropper to draw it out. Rub the other eye. Fire in One's Clothing. — Don't run, especially not down stairs or out-of- doors. Roll on carpet or wrap in woolen rug or blanket. Keep the head down, so as not to inhale flame. Fire from Kerosene.— Don't use water; it will spread the flames. Dirt, sand, or flour is the best extinguisher; or smother with woolen rug, table- cloth or carpet. Suffocation from Inhaling Illuminating Gas. — Get into the fresh air as soon as possible and lie down. Keep warm. Take ammonia, twenty drops to a tumbler of water, at frequent intervals; also two to four drops of tincture of nux vomica every hour or two for five or six hours. Doses of Different Kinds of Drugs for Horses and Cattle* For a colt 1 month old, give 1/24 of the full dose; 3 months old, 1/12; 6 months old, Vo', one year old, Vs] two years old, V2; three years old, %. Fluids for cattle, give the same as for horse. Solids for cattle, give IV2 times the dose for the horse. Drugs. Horses. Cattle. Aloes 1 to 8 dr. V2 to 2 oz. Alum 1 to 3 dr. 1 to 3 dr. Aq. Ammonia 3 to 5 dr. 3 to 5 dr. Ammonia Carbonate 1 to 3 dr. 2 to 5 dr. Antimony Black 15 to 50 gr. Areca Nut. 3 to 5 dr. Arsenic 5 to 12 gr. 5 to 12 gr. Asafetida 1 to 4 dr. V2 to 2 oz. Camphor V2 to 2 dr. 2 to 3 dr. Cantharides 5 to 25 gr. 12 to 30 gr. Capsicum 1 to 3 dr. 1 to 3 dr. Catechu 1 to 2 dr. 2 to 4 dr. Chloral Hydrate V2 to IV2 oz. V2 to IV2 oz. Chloroform V2 to 1 dr. V2 to 2 dr. Copper Sulphate V2 to 2 dr. V2 to 3 dr. Dover's Powder V2 to 2 dr. V2 to 2 dr. ALWAYS FOLLOW DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY. FOR PRIVATE TREATMENT OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 121 Doses of Different Kinds of Drugs for Horses and Cattle. — Continued. Drugs. Horses. Cattle. Ergot Vi to 1 oz. 1/4 to 1 oz. Ether 1 to 2V2 oz. 1 to 3 oz. Epsom Salts 2 to 8 oz. 2 to 8 oz. Fowler's Solution 1 to 4 dr. 1 to 4 dr. Foenugreek 1/2 to 3 oz. 1 to 3 oz. Gallnut 2 to 4 dr. 1/2 to 1 oz. Gentian 2 to 6 dr. 1/2 to 1 oz. Ginger 3 to 5 dr. 1/2 to 2 oz, Glauber's Salts 1/2 to 2 lb. 1 to 2 lb. Ipecac y2 to 2 dr. 1/2 to 3 dr. Iron Carbonate V2 to 2 dr. Iron Sulphate : 1,2 to 2 dr. 1 to 3 dr. Lime Water 3 to 6 oz. 3 to 6 oz. Mustard 2 to 4 dr. 2 to 6 dr. Nux Vomica 1,2 to 1 dr. 2 to 3 dr. Oil Castor lo to 1 pt. V2 to 1 pt. Oil Linseed 1/2 to 1 pt. 1/2 to 2 pt. Oil Olive 1/2 to 2 pt. V2 to 2 pt. Oil Turpentine Vs to 2 oz. 1/2 to 2 oz. Opium 1/2 to 2 dr. Vb to 2 dr. Potassium Iodide 2 to 4 dr. 2 to 6 dr. Potassium Nitrate 1 to 2 oz. 1 to 2 oz. Quinine 10 to 30 gr. 20 to 40 gr. Rhubarb 1/2 to 1 oz. 1 to 2 oz. Santonine 15 to 40 gr. 1/2 to 1 dr. Sodii Hyposulphite V2 to 1 oz. 1 to 3 oz. Sodii Sulphite 1/2 to 1 oz. 1 to 3 oz. Sodii Bicarbonate 3 to 8 dr. 3 to 8 dr. Sp. Ammon. Aromatica 1/2 to 2 oz. 1 to 3 oz. Sp. Chloroform 1/2 to 1 oz. 1 to 2 oz. Sp. Nit. Ether 1 to 3 oz. 1 to 3 oz. Sp. Peppermint 1 to 2 oz. 1 to 2 oz. Strychnine Sulphate V2 to 1 gr. 1 to 3 gr. Sulphur 2 to 4 oz. 2 to 4 oz. Tinct. Aconite 5 to 30 min. 5 to 20 min. Tinct. Asafetida 1 to 4 dr. Tinct. Belladonna 1 to 3 dr. 2 to 4 dr. Tinct. Catharides 1 to 2 oz. 1/2 to 1 oz. Tinct. Columbo I2 to 2 oz. 1 " to 2 oz. Tinct. Digitalis 1 to 3 dr. 2 to 4 dr. Tinct. Iron 1 to 2 oz. 1 to 2 oz. Tinct. Ginger 1/2 to 2 oz. 1 to 2 oz. Tinct. Nux Vomica 2 to 4 dr. V2 to 1 oz. Tinct. Opium V2 to 3 oz. 1 to 3 oz. Tobacco 1/2 to 1 dr. V2 to 1 dr. Vinegar 1 to 3 oz. 2 to 6 oz. Whiskey 2 to 10 oz. White Vitriol 5 to 15 gr. 5 to 15 gr. KEEP YOUR ANIMALS IN GOOD CONDITION. 122 DR. J. G. LESURE'S VETERINARY REMEDIES Domestic Weights and Measures* Apothecaries ' Weights. — 20 grains =: 1 scruple ; 3 scruples = 1 dram ; 8 drams =:1 ounce; 12 ounces i=l pound. Avoirdupois Weight (Short Ton).— 27 11/32 grains = l dram; 16 drams = 1 ounce; 16 ounces = 1 pound; 25 pounds = 1 quarter; 4 quarters =:1 hundredweight; 20 hundredweight = 1 ton. Avoirdupois Weight (Long Ton).— 27 11/32 grains = 1 dram; 16 drams :=1 ounce; 16 ounces =:1 pound; 112 pounds = 1 hundredweight; 20 hun- dred weight = 1 ton. Troy Weight. — 24 grains ::=! pennyweight; 20 pennyweights = 1 ounce; 12 ounces r=l pound. Circular Measure. — 60 seconds = 1 minute; 60 minutes = 1 degree; 30 degrees = 1 sign; 12 signs = 1 circle, or circumference. Cubic Measure. — 1,728 cubic inches = l cubic foot; 27 cubic feet:=l cubic yard. Dry Measure. — 2 pints = 1 quart; 8 quarts = 1 peck; 4pecks=:l bushel. Liquid Measure. — 4 gills = l pint; 2 pints = l quart; 4 quarts=:l gallon; 3iy2 gallons = 1 barrel; 2 barrels =::1 hogshead. Long Measure. — 12 inches = 1 foot; 3 feet = l yard; SVa yards = 1 rod or pole; 40 rods = l furlong; 8 furlongs ^1 statute mile (1760 yards, or 5280 feet); 3 miles = 1 league. Mariner's Measure. — 6 feet = l fathom; 120 fathoms=:l cable length; 71/2 cable lengths = l mile; 5280 feet=l statute mile; 6085 feet = l nautical mile. Paper Measure.— 24- sheets = 1 quire; 20 quires = 1 ream (480 sheets); 2 reams =1 bundle; 5 bundles ^1 bale. Square Measure. — 14:4^ square inches = l square foot; 9 square feet=rl square yard; 30^4 square yards = l square rod or perch; 40 square rods = 1 rood; 4 roods = 1 acre; 640 acres =:1 square mile; 36 square miles (6 miles square) =1 township. Time Measure.— 60 seconds = 1 minute; 60 minutes = 1 hour; 24 hours = 1 day; 7 days=i:l week; 365 days = l year; 366 days = l leap year. How to Measure Liquids* For convenience in the absence of proper instruments you can make use of means of measurement which, although not exactly uniform, will give results accurate enough for all ordinary purposes. There are certain im- plements used in the household of a capacity corresponding to a certain extent with the regular Standard Measures. These implements have a fixed value, with which the practitioner should be familiar. However, their capacity, with the exception of the wineglass, almost always exceeds the quantity which they are estimated to hold. A teaspoon contains Vs oz., or 1 fluid drachm. A dessertspoon contains V4, oz., or 2 drachms. A tablespoon contains V2 oz,, or 4 drachms. A wineglass contains 2 fluid ounces. A teacup contains about 4 ounces, or 1 gill. EVERYBODY ADMIRES A GOOD HORSE. WHOLESALE AGENTS The following are some of the principal Wholesale Agencies that handle DR* J* G. LESURE'S WARRANTED VETERINARY REMEDIES. AiKot,^ M Y ... Walker & Gibson Drug Co. ^ K ^' M V . . D. H. Fonda Drug Co. Albany, N . Y ^^ Tallman. No. 23 Dill St. R^Wmore Md ' ' ■.■.■•' P-Fred'k Obrecht, 1123 Light St. Ba timore, Md. . . • • Griffith & Turner Co. ^^^V""" S^.^Z Eastern Drug Co. Boston, Mass Gilman Bros. Boston, Mass Carter, Carter & Meigs Boston Mass Bur ington Drug Co. Burlington Vt. The Peck & Line! Co. Bridgeport, Conn J. M. Brand & Son nnTN^H • . C. E. Brewster & Co. ^Z h^' ^ .'.■.. . . . . M. E. Mayo TT '- u ii ' ' ' T N Weber, Gen. Agt. for Pa. Harnsburg,Pa. . ... ■ ^ yJ-^-i,,. ^f Columbia and Ohio v..„. N H • • The Bullard & Shedd Co. ^ll^n. N V . . . H. D. Thompson & Co. M T'H'.JVnnn • • Nichols & Harris New London, Conn. ^ ^ Leete New ntven Conn • ' • ' Butkr Drug & Chemical Co. S::aA:Tj'^''°". •.-.■. . Xhe Peters Harness and Saddleryj:o. PhUadek.hia'''pI' ' ' ■.•.•.'.■ Samh/ Kline &' French Co' Rattstare N Y ' ' . . . ■ ■ Marshall, Wood & Riley Co. P ttsbure Pa W. J. Gilmore Drug Co. PnrtS'Me ••' Cook; Everett '&'Pennell ?^rt »nH' Me ■ • John W. Perkins & Co. Port and, Me . J. E. Gould & Co. P°''tWM^ ■ . H.H.Hay&Son Portland Me > ^ ^^ l"^^ZJc}ni ... Blinding & Blanding ?::id:nc:;R.Y-. :.•.■.-.. . . Congd-Wpenter Providence, R. I ■ .^^g^, °f i^rug Co. Rome N 'y ' ' '..'... A. O. Broughton & Bro. ?vr^cuse N Y ' Chas. Hubbard, Son & Co. =r^: ■•■ ■ . ■ o^'^'.^rlr:. IS^rville, Mont. ■ .-.■.•. L- J- Campbell, Gen. Agt.^fo^M<>n^na Xrnv NY .... Polk & Calder Drug Co. Trr^V N v' ' ' ' . . John L. Thompson Sons & Co. ^'aThinyn. D. C.- . ■ . ■ . . . .. ■ ' C- M. Wo^fe & Co^ Williamsport, Pa Henry Veil Wheeling^Y.'Va i.±?A Co' Worcester, Mass Brewer & Co. 124 DR. J. G. LESURE'S VETERINARY REMEDIES HOW TO SECURE DR. LESURE'S MEDICINES. If there is no agent in your town for my Remedies, or if he does not carry the full line, I will send you upon receipt of price : One package Colic Cure $1.00 One bottle Spavin Cure 50c. and 1.00 One bottle All-Healing Balm (Liniment) 50 One bottle Lesure's Liniment (Turf Wash) 50 One bottle Lesure's Special Liniment 25c. and .50 One box Hoof Ointment 50 One package Worm Annihilator (12 doses) 50 One package Renovator Powders (15 days' treatment) .50 One package Renovator Powders (40 days' treatment) 1.00 One bottle Fever Drops 50c. and 1.00 One bottle Cough and Tonic Drops 50c. and 1.00 One box Veterinary Blister 50 One can Antiseptic Healing Powder 50 One box Gall Cure 25c. and .50 One bottle Karbo Cream (Disinfectant, Antiseptic and Germ Killer) 50 One gallon Karbo Cream (Disinfectant, Antiseptic and Germ Killer) 2.00 DR. J. G. LESURE, 144 Winchester St., Keene, N. H. and 160 Sylvan Terrace, Harrisburg, Pa. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Dr* Lesure's Show or Display Case 27 in. high, 19 in. wide, 6V2 in. deep. FINISHED IN THE NATURAL WOOD AND POLISHED. Given free with an assorted order consisting of a quantity of each of the different Remedies. 126 DR. J. G. LESURE'S VETERINARY REMEDIES INDEX. PAGE Abrasion 88 Abscess 109 Accidents, First Help 119-120 Administering Medicine 15 Advertising Teams, Lesure's, 55, 67 Advice to Teamsters 26 Age of Horse, how to tell 18 Age of Sheep, how to tell 113 Agents Wanted 6 All-Healing Balm, Dr.Lesure's, 79-81 Antiseptic Healing Powder 29 Antidotes for Poisons 119 Apoplexy 108 Azoturia 36 Bandaging 44 Barbed Wire Cuts 79 Beware of Imitators 6 Big Tendons 71 Bishoped Teeth 25 Bloody Urine 45 Bones of Horse 9 Bitting Colts 93 Blaze or Star 117 Blister, Dr. Lesure's 82-85 Blood Spavin 85 Bog Spavin 85 Bone Spavin 76, 84 Bran Mash 13 Broken Knee 77 Bronchitis 100, 110 Bruised Ankles 80 Bruised Knees 80 Buffalo Bugs 96 Burns 81 Calked Hoof 80 Calluses 71 PAGE Capped Hock 76 Care of Ewes Ill Castrating Lambs 113 Chafes 88 Chafing 79, 81 Chills 40-41, 99 Chronic Indigestion 53 Colic 99, 103, 116 Colic Cure, Dr. Lesure's 30-33 Colic, Flatulent 33 Colic, Spasmodic 32 Collar Boils 88 Congested Lungs 71 Constipation 105, 108, 112 Contagious Diseases 96, 97, 102 Contracted Feet 58, 85 Cordial Drench 11 Corns 61-62, 81, 101 Cough and Tonic Drops 45 Coughs 45, 100, 111 Cows and Cattle 103-105 Cramps 99 Crib Biting 53 Curb 83 Dandruff. 97, 101 Dental Star 22-23 Diabetes ! 52 Diarrhoea in Lambs 113 Domestic Weights and Meas- ures 122 Doses for Horses and Cattle 120-121 Driving 94 Dry, Shelly and Brittle Hoof... 58 Eclipse Spavin Cure 75-78 Electric Hoof Ointment 56-62 KEEP A GOOD SUPPLY OF REMEDIES ON HAND. FOR PRIVATE TREATMENT OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 127 PAGE Evolution of Two-Minute Horse 118 Ewes, Care of. Ill Examining Mouth 26 External Regions of Horse 7 Eye Wash 11 Family Liniment 71 Family Remedies, Dr.Lesure's,99-102 Feeding 13, 108 Fetid Feet 97, 101 Fever Drops, Dr. Lesure's 35-43 Fevers 35-43, 99 Fitting Shoes 92 Flatulent Colic 33 Flesh Wounds 79 Foot of Horse 27, 56 Foot Rot 112 Founder 60 Gadfly 112 Gall Cure, Dr. Lesure's 88 Garget in Cows 105 Gestation Period of Domestic Animals 114 Greased Heel 79 Hard Frog 58 Harness Galls 79, 88 Harnessing Colts 93 Heaves 45 Help in Case of Accidents..ll9-120 Hen Lice 98 Hog Cholera 98 Hogs 106-109 Hoof Ointment, Dr. Lesure's... 56-62 Horse Ailments 72-73 How to secure Dr. Lesure's Medicines 124 Indigestion 53 Inflamed Liver Yellows 112 PAGE Inflammation of Bowels. .33, 38, 99 Inflammation of Stomach. ..99, 111 Inflammation of Womb 103 Influenza 43 Ingrowing Nails 81 Interfering 63-64 Introductory 3-4 Karbo Cream 96-98 Lice 98, 104, 108 Liniment, Dr. Lesure's 74 List of Remedies 5 Lung Fever 41 Mange 73, 80, 98 Measuring Liquids 122 Milk Cows 54 Milk Fever 103 Milk-sick Lambs 113 Minimum Weight of Produce... 118 Mosquito Bites 101 Moths 96 Mouth of Horse 17 Muscles of Horse 8 Nail in Foot 80 Nail Wounds 86-87 Never Told a Lie 67 Nursing 10 Old Sores, Ulcers, etc 29 Occult Spavins 76 Ordering Goods 6 Overreaching 65-66 Paralysis 36 Parrot Mouth 21 Perspiring Feet 97, 101 Physicking 11 Piles 81,109 Pink Eye 43 Pleurisy 41 Pneumonia 41, 110 ALWAYS FOLLOW DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY. 128 DR. J. G. LESURE'S VETERINARY REMEDIES PAGE Poisons and Antidotes 119 Practical Hints 115-117 Preparing Foot for Shoe 91 Preparing Horses for Market... 53 Process of Calving 104 Pulling on Halter 89 Pulse of Horse 16 Quarter Cracks 59 Renovator Powders 46-54 Representatives 2 Respiration 16 Respiratory Organs, Diseases of 40-43 Rheumatism 101, 109 Rope Burns 88 Saddle Galls 79 Scalds 81 Scratches 58, 79, 88 Sheep 110-114 Sheep Ticks 113 Shipping Fever 36 Shoeing Colts 90 Sitfasts 117 Skeleton of Horse 9 Slobbering 53 Soft Bunches 78 Sore Feet 101 Sore Gums 100 Sore Nipples 103, 114 Sore Shoulders 79 Sore Teats 103, 114 Sore Throat 71 Sores 88, 98 Sour Stomach 53 Spasmodic Colic 32 Spasmodic Thumps 34 Spavin Cure 75-78 Spavins 76, 84, 85 Special Liniment, Dr. Lesure's 12, 70, 105 PAGE Special Notice 95 Spinal Meningitis 39 Splint 85 Sprained Ankles 80 Sprains 71 Surfeit Scarlatina 34 Swellings 76 Taylor, H. H 67 Teeth of Horse 19,115 Temperature 16 Thermometer 15 Thickenings. 71 Things Worth Remembering... 102 Thoroughpin 85 Thrush 58, 80 Thumps, Spasmodic 34 To Stop Bleeding 78 Toe Cracks 59 Tonics 78 Tonsilitis 42 Toothache 81, 101 Total Eclipj^e Spavin Cure... 75-78 Turf Wash 74 Ulcerated Gums 81 Ulcers 29-98 Veterinary Blister, Dr. Le- sure's 82-85 Veterinary Thermometer 15 Warts 97, 101 Watering 14 Weak Joints 71 Weights and Measures 122 Weights of Produce 118 Whitewash 97 Wholesale Agents 123 Wind Galls 77 Wind Puffs 71 Wind Sucking 53 Worm Annihilator 68-69 Worms 69, 108 MY REMEDIES ARE ALL PUT UP IN HANDY FORM. iMMMil mmmmmmmmmm