ONE SHILUND. ^' 11 Ik® jf^ til© KXALDLCOTr's picture: 300KS ^^, 'CEIORCE R0UTL£PCE s!'A^;^^,;;pif-^ The Fox jumps over the Parsons gate, And the Hounds all after him q-q, And the Hounds all after him go, And the Hounds all after him go. pi--, n^>«if^^gr" >>i>^^ x:i But all my fancy dwells on Nancy, So I'll cry, Tally-ho ! So I'll cry. Tally-ho! .<^i^ Now the Parson had a pair to wed As the Hounds came full in view; He tossed his surplice over his head, And bid them all adieu! But all my fancy dwelt on Nancy, So he cried, Tally-ho! So he cried, Tally-ho! II 12 Oh! never despise the soldier-lad Though his station be but low, Though his station be but low, Thousfh his station be but low. But all my fancy dwells on Nancy, So I'll cry, Tally-ho ! 14 * ll -T-p-r '//// -A- i6 ^^^j^f^h^j'.f..^ 17 ^^l\^ J Then pass around the can, my boys ; For we must homewards go, For we must homewards eo. For we must homewards so. And if you ask me of this song The reason for to shew, I don't exactly know — ow ow, I don't exactly know. 20 ,--c£;jfnvx^i,;j^/"- „-'-' 21 But all my fancy dwells on Nancy, So I'll sing, Tally-ho ! So I'll sing, Tally-ho ! But all my fancy dwells on Nancy, So I'll sina, TALLY-HO! 22 Y- Webeter Famity Ubraiy of Vetennaty Medicine CummJngs School of Vetefinary Me^ne a* Tufls UnJveraty 200 Westboro Road R. Caldecott's Picture Books. The House that Jack Built. John Gilpin. The Mad Dog The Bahes in the Wood. The Milkmaid. ONE SHILLING EACH. Sing a Song for Sixpence. The Queen of Hearts. The Farmer's Boy. Hey Diddle Diddle and Baby Bunting. The Three Jovial Huntsmen. A Prcg he Would a-wooing Go. The Fox jumps over the Parson's Gate. R. CALDECOTT'S PICTURE BOOKS. FIVE SHILLINGS EACH. Volume I. fhe House that Jack Built John Gilpin. !Kie Mad Dog. The Babes in the Wood. Volume II. The Three Jovial Huntsmen. Sing a Song for Sixpence. The Queen of Hearts. The Farmer's Boy. HEY DIDDLE DIDDLE PICTURE BOOK. The Milkmaid. Hey Diddle Diddle and Baby Bunting. A Frog he Would a-wooing Go. The Fox jumps over the Parson's Gate. R. CALDECOTT'S Collection of Pictures and Songs. TEN The House that Jack Built. John Gilpin. The Mad Dog. SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE. The Babes in the Wood. The Three Jovial Huntsmen. Sing a Song for Sixpence. The Queen of Hearts. The Farmer's Boy. 1BDUT7NB BVANS, BNOBA.TBB AMD PBIHTBB, BACQtTBT COVBX, "WlXKt BTBBST^ ]^,0,