LIBRARY OK W. Q. SHAW 1) '^ \ TUFTS UNIVERSITY UBHAMiti) 9090 013 413 162 J Webster Famiiy Library of Veterinary Medicine Cummings School of Veterinary Mediciae at Tufts University 200 Wastboro Road Nortli Grafton. MA 01 536 sf i^f^^^n^ ROARING IN HORSES Roaring in Horses ITS PATHOLOGY AND TREATMENT. P. J. CADIOT, PROFESSOR AT THE VETERINARY SCHOOL, ALPORT. TRANSLATED FROM THE ORIGINAL BY THOMAS J. WATT DOLLAR, M.R.C.V.S.G.B., Lie. VET. MED. AND SURG. H.A.S.S. iUttstratel) bs (Etshtecn JtgttU5. NEW YORK : ^l^^^}^^] R- JENKINS. SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & CO PATERNOSTER SQUARE. 1S92. I- Printed by Hazell, Watson, & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury, PREFACE 'TPHE great Interest that was manifested by the Veterinary Profession and the public generally some two or three years ago on the announcement of a cure for roaring has induced me to translate the following pages. My acquaintance with the Author enables me to testify to the thoroughly scientific manner in which he has carried on his investigations, and to assure the profession that the present work represents the latest development in operative methods for the alleviation of roaring. PREFACE. At the same time I wish to express my thanks to Professor P. J. Cadiot, to Monsieur Trasbot, Director of the Veterinary School of Alfort, to Professor Nocard, and the other professors of that institution, as well as to many of the dleves, who have rendered me very valuable aid whilst I was among them. I also desire to thank Messrs. Asselin and Houzeau, publishers, Paris, for the assistance they have afforded me in respect of the plates, etc., for the illustration of this edition. THOS. J. WATT DOLLAR. SURGICAL TREATMENT OF CHRONIC ROARING. I. ROARING PRODUCED BY PARALYSIS OF THE LARYNX. The term ^'roaring" was given by ancient veterinary writers and practitioners to a symptomatic affection very commonly met with in the horse, and characterised by an unnatural sound— ^* rattling, snoring, or whistling "—in respiration, which noise is more noticeable or only to be distinguished ROARING IN HORSES. during inspiration. The various alterations which tend to create an obstacle to the free circulation of air in the upper (superior) respiratory passages are accompanied by roaring. This is either acute or chronic, according to whether it accompanies a recent illness, when it may be transient ; or, on the other hand, if it is the result of a previous illness or injury, it is said to be positive or chronic. Among the morbid conditions which give rise to chronic roaring, there is one — paralysis of the muscles of the larynx— the extreme frequence of which has been re- vealed during this century by anatomical and pathological research. These inquiries have established that 95 per cent, of the cases of incurable roaring were due to paralysis of the larynx. Total paralysis is ROARING IN HORSES. seldom seen ; it is nearly always unilateral, and generally affects the left side. When it follows irritation of the bronchial tubes or lungs, the laryngeal hemiplegia is the result of inflammation of the inferior laryngeal nerve of the same side or pressure on it by the hypertrophied bronchial glands ; the diversity of relations of the recurrents as they leave the pneumogastrics fully accounts for the localisation of the laryngeal altera- tions. When it appears without having been preceded by a bronchial or pulmonary affection, it is due either to hereditary cause or to an accidental injury to the recurrent or pneumogastric nerves. It is simply necessary to give a glance at the upper part of a larynx affected with hemiplegia to judge of the deformity which that organ has undergone. The orifice, 10 ROARING IN HORSES. circumscribed by the epiglottis, the aryteno- epiglottic folds, and the arytenoid cartilages, is shrunk up and rendered manifestly unsymmetrical by the abnormal position occupied by the left arytenoid being lower and nearer the middle line than its fellow. The falling of this cartilage necessarily causes a change of position of the vocal cord attached to its lower edge ; it is turned slightly backwards and inwards and therefore towards the opposite vocal cord, producing a very noticeable shortening of the lower part of the glottis (fig. i). These anatomical alterations, more or less marked according to the duration of the affection, are generally in proportion to the respiratory sound noticed during life. Immediately they exist the action of the larynx becomes very imperfect. The posterior and lateral Fig. I.— Superior orifice of the larynx and glottis of a horse affected with chronic roaring. ROARING IN HORSES. 13 crico-arytenoidean, the thyro-arytenoldean and arytenoldean muscles degenerate, and are incapable of accomplishing their physiological work. The transverse dimensions of the superior opening of the larynx are already lessened and are incapable of being extended, and the opening is more reduced during inspiration, especially when the respiratory movements are quickened. As long as the respiration is calm, the air passes the laryngeal passage in silence ; but as soon as it is quickened by exercise the left arytenoid, instead of being taken upwards and outwards by the action of the corre- sponding muscles, is displaced in an inverse direction. Pressed by the air inspired — being carried below and inwards towards the glottis and against the opposite arytenoid cartilage, taking with it the vocal cord, the 14 ROARING IN HORSES. opening of the larynx being thus very much reduced, — the respiration becomes insufficient, painful, and noisy. Such is the mechanism of the production of roaring as connected with paralysis of the larynx. The unnatural sound is pro- duced by the obstacle which opposes the accomplishment of respiration ; the arytenoid cartilage and the left vocal cord brought to the middle line become powerless. In exceptional cases of total paralysis the two arytenoids are carried together in front of the glottis during inspiration, and the vocal cords execute the same movement, thereby considerably reducing the calibre of the upper part of the larynx, and the roaring is heard at its maximum degree. ROARING IN HORSES. 15 II. TREATMENT. The knowledge of the causes of roaring accompanying pulmonary affections has given rise to a prophylactic treatment, to which several authors have drawn attention. By the administration of alteratives — notably of iodide of potassium — it has been sought to prevent the compressive and atrophying action of the hypertrophied bronchial glands on the left inferior laryngeal nerve, but the efficacy of the medicine is most uncertain. Perhaps in many cases where no action is manifested, the paralysis of the recurrent is due to the pressure exercised upon it by the inflamed lung or of the extension of the inflammatory process, which in the first i6 ROARING IN HORSES. instance was localised in the lungs and pleura, to its own substance. (Gunther, Moller, Vaerst.) As to the therapeutic means used as cures for chronic (definitive) roaring, they have seldom been successful. The preparations of arsenic, iodine and its compounds, mer- curials, strychnine, given in pills, injected intravenously or hypodermically, electricity and the actual cautery, have been tried by a great number of veterinarians, and often several of these agents have been succes- sively applied. Whatever has been done has been practically of no avail. If in some cases a transitory amelioration has been effected, and the onward march of the disease retarded, a cure has been the very rare exception, and then only in cases of very short standing. ROARING IN HORSES. 17 It had begun to be considered that chronic roaring was an incurable disease, and ought to be classed among those affections where a palliative treatment could alone be looked for ; and that the only means in these cases was to perform tracheotomy in order to be able to utilise the animals affected by it. Nevertheless, for a long time the insufficient nature of the remedies in use, as well as the serious inconveniences and the possible accidents which result from tracheotomy, gave rise to the idea of a direct surgical intervention on the deformed part of the larynx. It was sought to do away with the obstacle which prevented free respiration by lowering the arytenoid and changing the position of the vocal cord by excising those organs. It is to Gimther, Professor of the Veterinary 1 8 ROARING IN HORSES. School of Hanover, that we owe the first attempts to that end (1845). This veterin- arian, in the first place, resected both vocal cords in a certain number of roarers. No amelioration followed in any of the cases operated upon. He next successively per- formed ablation of the vocal cord on the paralysed side, partial excision of the arytenoid, total extirpation of the same car- tilage, ablation of the vocal cord and the corresponding ventricle, and then fixed the arytenoid to the thyroid. These various operations were no more successful than the hrst. Several animals - rapidly succumbed, and the others roared just as much as before the operation. These experiments were repeated at Berlin by Gerlach ; at Alfort by H. Bouley ; at Copenhagen by Stockfleth ; and at Turin by ROARING IN HORSES. 19 Bassi. Then they were abandoned. Every- where the results were unfortunate, nil, or doubtful. Of late years the surgical treat- ment of roaring was re-studied by Moller, Professor of Surgery at the Berlin Veterinary School, who also apparently had finally con- demned it ; and by Fleming, Chief Veterinary Surgeon of the English Army. These authors have made known methods that have given a certain number of successes. Moller has published his own manner of operating in a memorandum, translated by Hendrickx.* Fleming has explained his in a work where some interesting documents on laryngeal paralysis are to be found. f * Moller, Das Kehlkopfpfeifen der Pferde {He7niplegia laryngis) iind seine operative Behandlung. Stuttgart, 1888. Trad, in Annal de Med. Vet., 1888-9. t Yleniing, Roaring in Horses. London, 1889. 20 ROARING IN HORSES. After having assured himself no cure could be obtained by excision of the vocal cords, Moller, convinced that the obstacle producing roaring was situated at" the upper orifice of the larynx, made a number of experiments with the object of restraining the movements of the arytenoid by ankylosing it to the cricoid or by fixing it to the thyroid. The first proceeding was to cut through the cricoid and the first two rings of the trachea in the middle line ; then, by means of a pointed bistoury, to open the crico- arytenoid articulation by incising the capsular ligament of that joint, the patient being then left alone for some weeks. It was hoped that the arytenoid, ankylosed to the cricoid, would not again fall down from the pressure of inspired air. The greater number of the horses thus operated upon were sensibly ROARING IN HORSES. 21 better afterwards, but the roaring never completely ceased in any one case. Moller then tried another operation which allowed him to fix the arytenoid to the thyroid by means of a ligature, without first opening either the larynx or the trachea. This operation was generally followed by an increase of the roaring. He next tried section of the paralysed posterior crico- arytenoid, by opening the larynx by an incision made at the lower border of the parotid, between the jugular and the ex- ternal maxillary veins. He thought the resulting cicatrix would shorten the muscle, support and perhaps raise the arytenoid ; but the effects of the operation were most uncertain. The roaring continued in nearly every case subjected to the treatment. These different experiments being very 22 ROARING IN HORSES. unfavourable, Moller decided on completely excising the arytenoid cartilage (fig. 2), by which operation he had In 1887-8 cured Fig. 2. — Holler's operation. Vertical and antero-posterior section of the larynx. — The dotted line represents the mucous membrane covering the edges of the arytenoid cartilage. twenty-two cases out of thirty ; that Is to say, a proportion of 75 per cent, of successes. The first of Fleming's experiments dates from 1878. " The possibility of curing a ROARING IN HORSES. 23 case of roaring," says this Veterinarian, ''was suggested to me by the examination of a horse affected with fracture of the thyroid cartilage. To remedy the accident the larynx was opened up, and I was astonished at the impunity with which the Interior could be explored. The revelation which this fact afforded determined me to attempt the cure of roaring by a simple and sure operation. The physiology of the horse's larynx and the ease with which It adapts itself to surgical treatment being little known, I had, like those who preceded me In this line of research, to make a variety of experiments." Fleming successively tried excision of the left vocal cord, the upper part of the arytenoid, ablation of the cord and a very large portion of the cartilage, but with little or no success. He then removed the arytenoid entirely, and 24 ROARING IN HORSES, this was sometimes followed by a cure, whilst in other cases it simply reduced the sound. From examination of larynges of horses where ,^^^x^. Fig. 3. — Fleming's operation. Section of the larynx, — The dotted lines show the incisions of the mucous membrane in ablation of the arytenoid cartilage and the vocal cord. the operation had been useless, or only partly successful, he thought that the continued roaring was due to the vocal cord ; he had ROARING IN HORSES. 25 there a practical demonstration of the part that it took in producing the sound. Con- sequently to insure a more certain cure he found it necessary to excise the vocal cord as well as the arytenoid cartilage (fig. 3), and says this procedure gave the most satis- factory results. Therefore, whilst Moller advised excision of the paralysed cartilage only, Fleming recom- mends extirpation of the arytenoid, as well as the vocal cord. But, although I have not as yet had a long experience in these opera- tions, I have made my choice, and do not in the least hesitate to give my preference in every case to the method established by Moller ; it has the advantage of not inter- fering with the laryngeal mucous membrane, except in a very small degree, and in a regular manner. On the other hand if the 26 ROARING IN HORSES. cure Is incomplete or not successful at all, the vocal cord has nothing to do with the persistency of the roaring ; the cicatricial contraction cannot but hold it in its position or draw it slightly outwards. ROARING IN HORSES. ^1 III. ARYTENOTOMY. To excise the arytenoid cartilage with some certainty of success it is necessary to act Fig. 4.— Blunt-pointed bistoury. methodically, and be prepared with certain special instruments. I. A razor knife or narrow-bladed, probe- pointed bistoury (fig. 4). 28 ROARING IN HORSES. 2. A pair of curved scissors, the blades of which should be very nearly perpendicular with the handles (fig. 5). 3. A double branched hook, with a spring h Fig. 5. — Bent or curved scissors. to keep the wound open during the operation (fig. 6). 4. A pair of articulated artery forceps (^^. 7), or a pair of long, strong, anatomical forceps. 5. A tracheotomy tube of the form used ROARING IN HORSES. 29 by Trendelenburg for human surgery, and intended to prevent the entrance of foreign bodies into the trachea (fig. 8). It is a long tracheotomy tube, the flattened surface or Fig. 6. — Spring hooks. pavilion of which is provided with a cap to protect the outer orifice of the canula ; the tube is surrounded on its external surface with an india-rubber covering which fits very tightly except in the middle, at which point, when in position and in use, it forms a sort 30 ROARING IN HORSES. of balloon produced by inflating it, when within the trachea, with air by means of a small india-rubber tube provided with a bellows, which is connected with it by an Fig. 7. — Hooked or artery forceps. opening in the wall of the canula from the inside ; when distended the small india-rubber tube is ligatured at a point outside the canula and the india-rubber ball bellows removed (fig. 9). In place of the above an ordinary ROARING IN HORSES. 31 tracheotomy tube may be used, but the canula should be covered with aseptic gauze, fixed by means of two Hgatures. 6. A bent needle with the eye close to the point, and provided with a metal handle (fig- 15). Fig. 8.— Plug or stopper canula with ampullae or bellows attached. Beyond these it is necessary to have a pair of long, straight scissors, ordinary curved scissors, anatomical and artery forceps, sponges fixed to the teeth of bolted forceps, needles, two sizes of catgut, and silk or thread, wadding, carbolised gauze (Lister's), S2 ROARING IN HORSES. or gauze rendered aseptic with iodoform, and an antiseptic solution. The animal being anesthetised * is placed on its back and kept in that position by means of a bar held by two or four assistants. The head being well extended on the neck, the region of the throat is shaved over a surface limited in front by the hyoid, behind by the fourth ring of the trachea, laterally by the branches of the inferior maxillary and the tendon of the sterno-maxillary muscles. The shaved skin is washed with warm water * As an anesthetic agent I at first persistently Hsed chloral by intravenous injections (jugular) of one-third or one-sixth strength, but this is subject to very serious accidents. It is much better to use ether, chloral in clysters associated with hypodermic injections of hydro- chlorate of morphia, or chloroform, the recent researches of Moller and Guinard having proved that chloroform is not more dangerous to the horse than to man. ROARING IN HORSES. 33 and soap, and then with a one per thousand solution of corrosive sublimate. Method of Operating. — First Phase : Incisioit of the Skin and Muscles which cover the Larynx. — The incision of the tissues which cover the lower surface of the larynx should be made on the middle line, and extend from the body of the thyroid to the second or third ring of the trachea. These points can be easily distinguished on examining the region. That done, the skin is divided to the full extent at one cut, the edges being slightly turned back the intersection of the sterno-hyoidean and omoplat-hyoidean muscles is seen. The muscular coat can by that means be cut through exactly in the middle line. The division of the encircling laryn- geal connective tissue completes the first part of the operation. There is never much 34 ROARING IN HORSES. bleeding, and it is easily stopped by the cold douche. When small arterial branches have been cut in the muscular structure, or in the deep layer of connective tissue (rendered abnormally vascular in consequence of the prior application of blisters or the cautery), it is necessary to twist the injured vessels or to apply bull-dog artery forceps. When the bleeding has ceased the second part of the operation is commenced. Second Phase : Incision of the Larynx and the two first Rings of the Trachea ; Intro- diiction and fixing of the Camila. — This incision may be made in one stroke, from front to back, by plunging the bistoury into the crico-thyroidean ligament behind the body of the thyroid and in the middle line, divid- ing successively this ligament, the cricoid cartilage, the crico-tracheal ligament, and the ROARING IN HORSES. 35 first rings of the trachea.* But by doing so, the operator is Hable to injure one of the vocal cords, either during a movement of the patient, incompletely anesthetised, or by intro- ducing the instrument a little to one side of the middle line, and thus taking an oblique direction. To avoid this accident it is neces- sary to act in the following way. The bistoury held in a vertical position with the cutting edge behind is passed into the crico- thyroidean ligament immediately in front of the cricoid cartilage, then this cartilage, the crico-tracheal, and the two first rings of the trachea are incised, then the lips of the laryngo-tracheal incision are withdrawn from one another by tenacula, or by spring hooks, * The incision need only be extended to the first ring of the trachea, provided the canula is not employed, or only used at the moment of dressing the wound. 36 ROARING IN HORSES. the incision of the crico-thyroidean membrane is completed from behind forwards, and from within to without by holding the bistoury in the position of a bow reversed. The vocal cords are distinctly seen to turn outwards at the moment of inspiration ; and it is at this time that the opportunity should be taken to incise the crico-thyroidean membrane up to the body of the thyroid without damaging the cords. The canula is then introduced into the trachea, and immediately it is in position an assistant, with the aid of the india-rubber ball bellows, moderately distends the elastic balloon attached to the tube. The operator should determine to what extent it is to be filled by passing the index and middle fingers of the left hand into the upper part of the trachea, or by feeling the air reservoir of the bellows. When the Fjg. 9. _Ai-y tenotomy. The second phase of the operation. The crico-thyroid ligament, the cricoid cartilage, the crico-tracheal ligament, and the two first rings of the trachea are cut through. The canula and spring hooks are in position.— CC, cricoid; 1st A, first tracheal ring. ROARING IN HORSES. 39 balloon is sufficiently distended a ligature should be applied to the india-rubber tube near the cap of the pavilion of the canula, and the remainder of the small tube with the bellows removed (fig. 9). Even when the balloon is filled to the desired extent, the canula has a tendency to slip towards the larynx ; it should therefore be kept in place by a whipcord, a dossil, or a band placed under the pavilion of the tube, and the two ends carried backwards (fig. 9). Third Phase : Ablation of the Arytenoid Cartilage. — It is sufficiently easy to determine which of the arytenoids is affected with paralysis by a comparative examination of their action, as well as to be able to judge of its degree. In every operation which I have made till now, the paralysis affected the left side ; in three cases the two cartilages 40 ROARING IN HORSES. were the seat of the malady, but the left always to a greater degree than the other. Ablation of the arytenoid is divided into the following parts: — {a) Incision of the mucous membrane along the superior and posterior edges of the cartilage ; {U) section of the vocal cord, dissection of the cartilage upon its inferior and anterior borders, and its external face ; {c) section of the cartilage near its articulation with the cricoid ; (d^ dissection of the superior surface of the cartilage. (a) By means of the probe-pointed bistoury and using a slight amount of pressure, the mucous membrane bordering the superior and posterior edges of the arytenoid is incised (fig. lo). The instrument is carried to the opening of the larynx, upon the middle line, then directed from front to back as far as F,r 10 -Third Phase: (a) Incision of the mucous membrane of the ""supeno?::! postenol Lges of the arytenoid. In order to render Z demonstration more clear, the incision of the -con d part .s continued in front to the middle portion of the ep.glotfs, and backwards to the fourth tracheal ruig. ROARING IN HORSES. 43 the cricoid, then from within outwards and from below upwards to the insertion of the vocal cords. This incision can be made at some distance from the edges of the car- tilage, so as to affect the mucous membrane as little as possible, which ought to be entirely divided ; if incompletely so at the first attempt, the bistoury must be used anew. (U) With long, well-ground scissors the vocal cord is cut through at its insertion on the arytenoid (fig. ii); then with great pre- cision the cartilage is dissected, from behind forwards, dividing the mucous membrane along the lower edge and the muscular fibres (crico - ary tenoidean and thy ro - ary tenoidean), which are inserted on its external face (fig. 12); then, holding the scissors vertically, the mucous membrane which covers the 44 ROARING IN HORSES. anterior edge is detached from above to below. For the favourable execution of this third part of the operation, the cartilage should be tightly held by double tenacula or long forceps with corrugated points, the lower border and the external face is dissected on turning it towards the middle line ; it should be drawn backwards and upwards to divide the mucous membrane from its anterior edge. The only important rule is to hold the points of the scissors always in contact with the cartilage, to glide over it, to damage the mucous membrane as little as possible. The same may be said with respect to the laryngeal ventricle, and the tissues detached from the external face of the arytenoid. If this is carried out there is not the least danger in opening the ventricle. Towards Fig. II— Third Phase : {b) Section of the vocal cord. ROARING IN HORSES. 47 the finish of this stage of the third part of the operation, when the fibres of the thyro- arytenoid muscle are separated, the laryngeal branch of the thyroid artery is cut (fig. i3' A). The bleeding which results is not formidable, and may be arrested by twisting the vessel, or by applying a pair of articulated forceps to its extremity, which should be held by an assistant ; or the operation can be continued without troubling about the matter, but then the operator is constrained in his later movements. (c) The arytenoid, lifted and held up with a pair of strong forceps or by hooked forceps, is cut away from the outside inwards, near its postero-superior or articular angle, by means of the probe-pointed bistoury. This, held vertically or in a slightly oblique direction below and forwards, is applied to 48 ROARING IN HORSES. the external part of the arytenoid immediately in front of the cricoid (^