/ :Cr II I i^ / (f i3 P a C •s a f^ o •i-t o o o Pi a bD o « I — I o Ph 1^ 03 Oaklawn Stud OF French Coach Horses IMPORTED AND BRED BY /A. W. DHNriAM Wayne, Du Page County, III. THIRTY=FIVE MILES WEST OF CHICAGO, ON THE GALENA DIVISION OF THE CHICAGO & NORTH=WESTERN RAILWAY, Cafalogiie of French Coach Horses for 1893. CATALOGUE OF PERCHERONS FOR 1893 UNDER SEPARATE COVER. CHICAGO: Wm. Johnston Printing Company, 184-186 Monroe Street. 1893. Index. STALLIONS. u a Name. 1^' 1 Name. 1^ i Ph Name. 1 65 Senegue. 24 22 Barodet. 01 41 Ivan. 2 43 Kaolin. 29 53 Merlerault. 02 42 Ivanhoe. 4 29 Dumerest. 31 34 Gaston, 04 49 Lancier. 5 35 Germain. 32 33 Forcinal. 05 47 La Fontaine. 6 32 Fitz Graft. 35 68 Trafalgar. 06 55 Mousquetaire. V 26 Cagny. 51 36 Inkermann. 07 24 Beaufort. s 28 Develle. 52 60 Patricien. 08 31 Eclipse. 9 21 Agnadel. 57 63 Prince Colibri. 09 51 Marengo. 10 64 Reynolds. 61 58 Parisian. 010 66 The Moor. 11 45 Kervela. 63 59 Parthian. Oil 30 Eclair. 11 70 Eperlan. 66 62 Premier. 012 54 Monaco. 15 50 Maraudeur. 69 39 Ionian. 013 52 Mazarin. 16 48 Laigle. 71 61 Peruvian. 014 27 Cascadeur. 17 40 Itallen. 72 57 Paladin. 015 46 La Fayette. '20 23 Beauge. 73 67 The Troubadour. 017 25 Beaumont. '22 69 Alta. 232 38 Intrepid. 018 56 Nenuphar. '22 44 Karmignac. 234 37 Inn. MARES. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2009 witii funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries .http://www.arcliive.org/details/oaklawnstudoffreOOdunli The largest Importing and Breeding Establishment mthe world^ Oaklawn Farm. 1866. 1893. For more than twenty years Oaklawn has been recognized as one of the potent factors in American horse-breeding. The magnitude of its importations, the extent of its breeding operations, the individual excellence that it has sustained, the fight it has made for high standard and well established blood lines, and finally, the surpassing quality of its home-bred product, has miade for Oaklawn the reputation it enjoys wherever high class carriage or draft horses are being produced. Its record is without a parallel. Nearly five thou- sand stallions and mares, both imported and home-bred have found a home in its stables. About one hundred of these have been prize-winners at one or the other of the last five Universal Expositions of the world. From the last at Paris in 1889, fourteen gold medals fell to Oaklawn, nine of these fourteen gold medals were awarded to coach stallions and mares of different ages, as a recognition of the highest distinction, being placed first of all their kind, and first over all car- riage breeds of the world. England, Scotland, Eussia, German Empire, Spain, Algiers, India and France, aU being represented. In the breeds of carriage horses, there has never before been such strong competition. Ninety-six (96) were entered in the two-year-old stallion class, one hundred and ninety (190) in the three-year-old stallion class, sixty-four (6i) in the four-year- old stallion class, and one hundred and forty-five (115) mares were shown. Noth- ing will convey more forcibly than the above, the fact that Oaklawn possesses the finest specimens of carriage horses that are or can be produced in any country or of any breed. The question of our ability to produce upon our own soil the equal of the best horses bred abroad, will be thoroughly demonstrated at the Columbian Exposition, where Oaklawn will be represented by not less than fifty specimens of French Coach Horses. The interest that has developed in this breed, the continual inquiry for information regarding them and the growing demand for the produce of the mares now in breeding, has necessitated the issu- ance of a separate Catalogue for French Coach Horses exclusively. This edition contains the pedigrees of fifty-five mares and fifty-one stallions, with definite information as to colors and breeding, for two hundred years or more, with tabulations, individual history and speed records of the first thirty progenitors. This catalogue also contains much valuable information regarding the forma- tion and development of the breed, the causes for its superiority over all other races of horses, in all the qualities indispensable to the best carriage and park horses, size, style, symmetry, action, endurance and speed. The possession of these combined qualities, in a degree never before ap- proached by any other race of horses, is proven by the most convincing evidence: by records of actual performances of feats of endurance; by tests of speed at long distances, generation after generation; showing not only a possession of M. W. DUNHAM S CATALOGUE these qualities, but a power to transmit them with a remarkable degree of certainty. In dealing with speed records, I have confined myself strictly to the Ameri- can practice of recognizing and quoting only *records at regular authorized meet- ings, which in France are under government or society supervision, where a full report of performances are published officially. The tabulation shows at a glance the relationship of individuals and the per- formances of each from which to determine the real capabilities of each animal and the source of concentration of hereditary and transmissible powers. I ask no consideration of claims for speed or breeding where the title to same is not perfectly connected with the individual. I do not expect our people to consider reports of speed from abroad that they would not accept if made at home under the same conditions. A careful examination will show breeding that, for size, speed and transmissible qualities, will attract the attention of any unprejudiced horse-breeder. M. W. DUNHAM. Oaklawn Faem. *NoTE. — All records reported in this Catalogue are race records. against time are not considered. Kecords made trotting Ml bo The French Coach Horse (Demi=sang Carrosier Trotteurs). The development of this great race of horses ranks among the grandest achievements of the breeding science of all periods. We cannot but view with profound admiration the far-sighted and far-reaching policy of the French gov- ernment put in practice for the progressive development of their favorite race. Nor do we wonder at the magnificent results accomplished, the rare combination of size, symmetry, high round action, great speed at the trot, for long distances, and perfect soundness, when we become familiar with the system of selection, rejection, feeding, breeding, and training, that has been in force, for so long a time, also the superiority, for ages, of the original breed. No breed of horses ever received more careful attention from a government or from a people than has been bestowed upon the development and improve- menc of the French coach breed. For more than two hundred years the French government has been the moving power of progress in horse breeding. In possession of a famous race of saddle horses, whose superior qualities had been intimately associated for centuries with the military glory of France; with a soil and climate that yield to no others in their adaptability to equine devel- opment, it was no visionary thought that inspired the great Colbert with a desire to put in force a system that would assure to France a race of horses in every way suited to the exacting demands of a progressive civilization. The reign of Louis XIV, the naost magnificent in the annals of France, was a period of extravagant embellishment and gorgeous display. Artistic development in everything was stimulated to the utmost. In harmony with the grandeur of the court surroundings, horses of the greatest elegance were demanded. The diffi- culties encountered in securing them was the primary cause of the establishment of the national Haras and the importation, by order of the king, of Arab, Barb and other foreign bred stallions for breeding purposes. These stallions were selected for their rare beauty and high qualities, and were bred to the finest mares of the old saddle breeds of Merlerault and the ancient breed of Cotentin, three hundred of which were concentrated at the Royal Haras of Pin. The produce of this cross were called demi-sang (half blood), a name that is to this day used in a general way to designate the French coach horse breed (both carr osiers and trotters), to distinguish them from other races of France. This name translated literally has given rise to a belief among some not acquainted with the facts that a French coach horse is actually a half-blood horse, having a Percheron mare for a dam. Nothing can be farther from the truth. The French have always violently opposed using thoroughbreds upon draft mares, and under no circumstances would they buy a coach stallion pos- sessing any draft blood. On the other hand, the continued and judicious use of the Arab and his derivative, the thoroughbred, now so strongly impregnates the 6 M. w. Dunham's catalogue French coach horse breed, that in the pedigrees of many of the finest, the different original Arab sires appear hundreds of times, making them, as far as blood can do, pure Arabs engrafted on the old Cotentin or Merlerault stock of Normandy. In 1690 the royal stallions, and those approved by royal decree as competent to elevate the standard of beauty and the usefulness of the breed, numbered 1,600. A hundred years later, 1789, the number had increased to 3,200. The Revolution in that year temporarily disturbed the operations of the Haras. Not only were they to be resumed in all their activity, after the accession of Napoleon, but a new direction and a new impulse was to be given to fine horse breeding in France. The great system by which every part of France was given those magnificent roads that have been the envy of every country, opened a new era for French h'orse breeders. Travel by coach and carriage was increased to a marvelous degree. A demand sprung up, as if by magic, for stout, stylish trot- ting horses that were possessed of sufficient endurance to make the long drives at rapid speed. The trot became fashionable. Great rivalry was developed among rich people in both city and country to possess the finest and the fastest carriage horses. This new demand was most difficult to supply as it required a combination of size, endurance, speed, and as much style and elegance of form and action as possible. All eyes were turned toward Merlerault, Calvados and Manche, the homes of the ancient famous saddle breed, the regions where the innovations of Louis XIV and his successors had taken deepest root and borne the best fruit. The govern- ment became more ardent in its efforts to supply stallions qualified to get horses of the kind required by the new demand. Between 1815 and 1833 the govern- ment bought 1,902 stallions, 223 of which were imported, most of them from Arabia. The French stud book was established in 1833. The organization of the trotting courses had been accomplished two years previous. Laws were enacted by courageous and far-sighted officials that were destined to produce great results. In France, as in all countries, the fastest trotting horses were small. The exaggerated tendency of the times to produce great speed would, therefore, if left unrestrained, have resulted in perpetuating a race valuable for their speed alone. In order to remove the temptation to sacrifice size to speed, a turf law was enacted excluding all horses from public races that were below one meter, fifty-four centimeters (about 1534 hands high). This act met with violent opposition from many but its wisdom was quickly demonstrated. The breeders immediately began to breed their small fast mares to the best large fast stallions procurable, while the fastest small stallions were bred to many of the largest fast mares, thus securing equality and uniformity as well as size. The government kept clearly in mind the fact that the real value of every horse must ultimately be measured very largely by his endurance. Long distance races were, there- fore, established, very few are trotted by trained colts or horses under two miles, and always upon a sod track. (The French trotting derby for three- year-olds, entries being made the year of the birth of the contestant, held about the first of June each year) requires all animals to be trotted under the saddle on a sod track, carrying not less than 120 pounds, the distance being two miles and a half, until 1882, when it was reduced to two miles. The St. Leger, for three-year-olds, is still trotted a distance of two miles and a half. This race occurs in September, and it was found that, with the summer's training, the colts are better prepared to trot the two miles and a half without injury than they are to trot the two miles of the derby so early in the season. The French recognize the elements of greatness in a good sized, well formed colt that can stay in the French Derby or the St. Leger at the rate of ■f I f ~10»- •W X -; V " ^^-^j^SftSE? FKENCH COACH HORSES. 2:40 or 2:45 per mile, or, when four years old, can trot two and a half and three miles at the same rate with a handicap weight of 140 to 170 pounds. At five years old. three to four miles is asked for as a definite demonstration of great capabilities.) Another idea suggested itself to the officials who saw that the out- come of the system inaugurated in 1831 would be the development of a great breed of coach horses, if the plan could be carried forward intelligently. Many ask. why do the French trot, their horses on the sod? They say, because it necessitates a high, round, knee action, the only truly beautiful movement for a carriage horse. Also that high step shortens the stride. Speed must, therefore, be obtained by a quicker movement. A perfect adjustment of stride with rapidity of step gives the greatest amount of speed with the least expense of power. Such a combination is the acme of perfection in a carriage horse. By the use of stallions for breeding that have proven their abilities under these severe tests, beautifying and improving the outline by the selection of those most per- fect in form, avoiding the error of undersize, at the same time rejecting abso- lutely coarseness of conformation, uniting dignity of carriage, graceful and elegant form with superlative powers of usefulness, the nearest approach to perfection will be attained. From the time of the inauguration of the trotting races, there has been a constant improvement, although the political changes have, no doubt, materially interfered with the rapidity of their progress. Yet we may well be surprised at the continuity of purpose that has been exhibited. Since instituting the races, seventeen years of monarchy, four years of the presidency, eighteen years of empire, twenty-two years of republic have passed, through all of which the spirit of progress has maintained itself, securing year by year more strength, until now it presents phenomenal increase. Between 1836 and 1842, the official records give the time of one hundred and forty-four horses that were contestants in races. The fastest time made for 2}/^ miles was 7 minutes, 42 2-5 seconds. In 1842, twenty-six horses are officially reported; 1852, one hundred and five, fastest time being 2^^ miles in 7 minutes and 40 seconds; 1862, eighty-seven, time, 23^ miles, 6 minutes, 41 seconds; 1872, two hundred and sixty-four; 1882, seven hundred and eighty-eight; 1891, thirteen hundred and ninety-nine, three hundred and twelve of which trotted races from two to three and three quarters miles in distance at a speed rate of under three minutes per mile, one hundred and thirty-seven under 2:50, one hundred and twelve under 2:45, and sixty-two under 2:40. One hundred and one of the three hundred and twelve were three years old. Average distance, 2 1-16 miles; average time per mile, 2:50. Slowest time of the one hundred and one, distance, 2)^ miles, 3 minutes per mile. Fastest time for three-year-olds, distance, 23^ miles,' 6 minutes, 33 seconds — 2:37 1-5 per mile. Best time, five-year-olds, distance, Z}/^ miles, 8 minutes. Best time, five-year olds, distance, 3-^ miles, time, 9 minutes, 44 seconds. In 1887 the government owned 2,460 stallions, 1,728 coach bred fdemi-sangj . The appropriations for the races of all kinds in France in 1887 according to government statistics are as follows: Government appropriations. - - _ _ 582,500 francs. Department " _ _ . _ . 188,875 Cities, " - - - - . 432,225 Railroads, etc., donations, _ _ . . . 250,060 Society and gate receipts, used for purses, - - 5,895,650 Total, - - ■ - - - 6.949,310 8 M. w. Dunham's catalogue GOYEKNMENT REGIONAL EXHIBITIONS. Money given for prizes in 1887: Government appropriations, . . . _ 726,350 francs. Department " . . . - . 453,6il Total, - - - - 1,179,991 '• The exportation of 3i,518 horses from France, during the year 1887, as shown by statistics, demonstrates the appreciation foreigners have for French horses. By a decree of December 9, 1860, a subsidy or prize of from 100 to 600 francs each (according to breeding and quality) was authorized to be given to approved inares with colts by government stallions. Besides this, large sums are given in prizes at the annual regional exhibitions and races held under the auspices of the government. May 5, 1870, the management of the government Haras or studs was vested in the Department of Agriculture and Commerce, under the immediate super- vision of a director-general, eight inspectors, twenty-six sub-directors, ten super- intendents and twenty-six veterinaries. In order to be eligible to an appointment to one of the above offices, the candidate must be a graduate of the "Ecole de Haras ,du Pin," a school located at the Haras of Pin for the education of men to whom shall be confided the future management of this department of the government. In 1874 the number of stallions owned by the government throughout France was ordered increased 200 per year until they should number 2,500, and the appropriation necessary for j^rizes awarded to breeding animals should reach 1,500,000 francs per annum. A special sum of 50,000 francs per year was voted to make experiments with Arab and Anglo-Arab, and for this purpose sixty finely bred mares were placed at the Haras of Pompadour. In the organization by the government of the administration of the Haras, there has been one central object constantly kept in view, that is the encourage- ment of the people by every means possible, to adopt a higher standard of breeding. In order that this purpose might be accomplished, the choicest stal- lions of the different breeds and types were introduced into each locality, and ofiEered for use to the mare owners at a nominal fee of service. They consist, first, of stallions owned by the government; second, stallions belonging to private individuals inspected and approved by the government, such approved stallions receiving from the government as long as they are so kept in service from 300 to 3,000 francs per annum, according to their breeding and superior excellence; third, authorized stallions, animals that by government inspection, are pronounced of good quality and worthy of public patronage. To farther prevent the use of inferior individuals a decree was issued in 1885 excluding from public service all stallions not authorized by the government. We thus see the French Government a most liberal patron of the breeder and the stallioner, but farther than this, it becomes an important factor in sustaining the prices of the finest types of all breeds, as the hundreds of stallions of the very highest order of merit that they are obliged to buy annually to supply the Haras, creates a constant demand for the best types at very high prices. The valuable qualities claimed for the French coach horses over those of other coach breeds are based upon a system of breeding not possessed by any other race. The breeding of all classes of domestic animals in every other country is FRENCH COACH HOESES. 9 conducted by individual enterprise and the outgrowth of individual ideas. Therefore the fixity of type is greatly affected, or destroyed altogether, by the variety of opinions entertained by the large number of people of different tastes engaged in breeding; hence so general a lack of that uniformity of character so highly esteemed and so necessary in every successful breeding animal. The French coach breed, instead of being the product of a multiplicity of ideas, has been developed under the exclusive guidance of the Director General of the National Studs of France; and as these of&cials are educated in the same school from generation to generation, are taught to value the same form, seek for the same qualities and pursue the same system, we can understand how it has been possible for them to attain such high perfection and great uniformity in the horses of that country. The power exercised by the Inspector General is extra- ordinary, controlling, as he does, the selection of the 2,500 stallions owned exclu- sively by the government, and the thousands of others annually inspected, which must obtain his approval before receiving their permits and subsidy; and fur- ther, all breeders are confined exclusively to the use of animals inspected and licensed by this department. This places horse-breeding entirely under govern- ment control, as far as the stallions, which so greatly control results, are concerned The uniting of all the valuable qualities of the Arab thoroughbreds and concentrating them through several generations under the direction of a single mind has developed a race of such size and perfect symmetry, and wonderful endurance that makes it possible for them to trot, at three and four-year olds, the two to four-mile races common to that country at a speed wonderfully fast con- sidering the turf track and weight carried. Although they do not attain the high rate of speed of the American trotter when we consider the size of the animals (many of them attaining a weight of 1,300 to 1,400 pounds, in trotting condition, or the heavy weight carried, and inferior turf tracks), we cannot but recognize that they possess qualities unequaled by any other breed. The national studs are supplied with these stallions from parts of France where the breed has attained its highest perfection. The coach stallions and mares, as will be seen by the pedigrees given in the following pages (which are transcripts from the government record, the original certificate of birth accompanying each individual), are the descendants and possess a combination of the Arab, the famous breed of the Merlerault, and the thoroughbred. The French Coach Horse Breeders. Resolutions Establishing a Model Type of Coach Horse, with Description of Typical Stallion. "Realizing that the highest degree of success in all things is only accom- plished through the united and persistent efforts of enthusiastic and intelligent workers, and being inspired by ambitious desires to achieve greater perfection, more uniform production, higher physical qualities, greater endurance, more speed and more action in the breed of carriage horses of our country, we join in the establishment of a model, which shall be outlined as a standard to which all breeders may look, as typifying in form and qualities our ideal breed of car- riage horses." "A standard that by its perfection will inspire us with higher ambition to place the name of the Carrosier of France first among the carriage breeds of the world in time to come as her war horses, her diligence and her draft horses have been in all past ages. We pledge ourselves to use every means to secure by our own efforts, by our own influence with the government the patriotic object of our aim, to the end that our success may redound to the glory of France and the welfare of her people. As breeders we have an equine heritage, descended from that his- toric race of war horses that under the influence of the renowned Charlemagne and all the great feudal lords of France was developed to meet the peculiar re- quirements of that warlike period; a race whose strength, courage and endur- ance carried the armored chivalry of France to victory on the battlefield of Tours and hurled back that vast army of infidel Saracens, saving Christian Europe from possible Mohammedan domination; a race whose energy and stoutness gave "William of Normandy the battle of Hastings and his name of the Con- queror; to France the domination of England and to the world a new language and a new civilization; a race that bore the four great French leaders of the crusades and an hundred thousand of her noblest knights and gentlemen to the gates of Jerusalem, there to do successful battle for the holy sepulcher for its redenaption to the Christian world; a race modified to meet the changing re- quirements of war and peace — one that has carried the conquering legions of France to every capital in Europe. In the past the equine glory of France shines by the reflected light of the tempered shield, the sharp battle ax, gleaming armor, the glistening helmets, the rattling sword, the gaudy uniform and aU the blazing panoply of war. All the resources of a great nation have been energized to mould one of the noblest species of the animal kingdom into a powerful agent of war. "We, the breeders of France, to-day have a different mission. The demands of peaceful pursuits, the requirements of a luxurious age, the trend of fashionable instinct must guide our course. Elegant, active, enduring, cour- ageous and swift must be the horses of the future." 10 ACACIA. Bred by M. du Noyer of Merlerault. A high type of the Meiierault breed at the beginning of the nineteenth century. The race from which nearly every horse in this catalogue is descended from, and traceable directly, to by authentic pedigree records. Acacia was a favorite charger of Napolean I., and was ridden by him upon almost every battlefield, remaining unhurt to the end, although the great emperor had 19 horses shot under him. This horse was immortalized by the brush of the renowned historical painter, "Daiitd." The above engraving is copied from a wood-cut after the original painting. -r i. '. ^ '7i r ^ • o ,is! M o o H N o PI t> pq a ^ o o n o ■§ a o 03 s" © a a o ■a 2i ■I 00 =3 o tPhaeton Chestnut. Kec. 24 m. in 7:4-5. Sire of Ellora, 4-3T. Bee. 21/im. in 6:16. Harley, 3 and 4-yr. Kec. 2y2m. in 6:23 3-5 2 13-16 m. in 7:23. Ecoliere, 4-yT. Kec. 213-16m. in7:12 3U m. in 10:22. Escapade III, 3-yT. Kec. 2 m. in 5:10. THooteuse, 3 & 4-yT. Kec. 3% m. in 10:01. 2 15-16 m. in 7:35. Neva, 4-yr. Kec. 24 m. in 6:36. Finlande, 3-yr. Kec. 2 ni. in 5:12. Bazole, 5-yr. Kec. ZVs m. in 8:26. Mandragore, 5-yT. Kec. 2% m. in 6:31. Montjoie, 5-yr. Rec. 24 m. in 6:34. Bonne Mere, 5-yr. Kec. 24 m. in 6:34. Flore, 4-yr. Rec. 24 m. in 6:34. Etincelle, 5-yT. Kec. 3?£m., 10:28 2-5 And 115 others, win- ners of races; also the sire of the dams of 46 win- ners of races. Bettina Chestnut; 15M hands. Dam of Indre. Winner First Prizes Universal Exposi- tion, Paris, 1889. Sister to *Impetieuse, 4-yr. Kec. 3 m. in 7:42. Winner of 28 races. Heliotrope, 3-yr. Kec. 2 m. in 5:38. La Hardiere, 3-yT. Rec. 1% m. in 5:02. f tThe Heir of liinne Pactole, 4-yr. Bee. 24 m. in 6:08. Modestie, 5-yr. Kec. 24 m. in 6:33. 4 m. in 11:06. y'j/ Songerai, 4-yr. Rec. 3M m. in 10:45. Jean Bart, 5-yr. Rec. 4 m. in 12:23. 1% m. in 5:03. Orphee, 3-yr. Kec. 24 m. in 6:58. And 26 other win- ners of races; also the sire of the dams of 62 win- ners of races. L Ambition Dam of Phceton. Rec. 24 m. in 7:4-5. Grand dam of Indicateur, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:19. Depoque, 4-yT. Rec. 24 m. in 6:40. Fauvette II, 4-yr. Rec. 24 m. in 6:44. Java, 4-yT. Rec. 24m.in 6:52 3-5. James Watt, 3-yr. Rec. 24 m. in 6:43. jRigollot Chestnut. Kec. 3% m., 4-yr. in 10:36. Winner of the trot^ ting derby at Pont 1' Eveque, in 1876. Sire of Olga, 5-yr. Rec. 2M m. in 7:34. Bigoleuse, 4-yr. Rec. 24 m. in 7:01. Fulrrd Coton, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 6:00. Bitter, 4-yr. • Rec. 24 m. in 7:44. And ten other win- ners of races. tGralaor Bay. Winner of the Man- chester Trade Cup. tMrs. Walker... Celebrated brood mare of beautiful conformation, trans- mitting to her pro- geny her valuable qualities. r tCrocus Sire of Favorite. Rec. 24 m. in 7:14. Picotin. Rec. 2 m. in 6:11. Oalathee. Rec. 24 m. in 13:00. Elisa Rec. 24 m. in 8:35. Dam of Conquerant, 3-yr. Rec. 24 m. in 7:55. Lycopode. Rec. 35£ m. in 11:05. , Jeanne d' Arc. Chestnut; 16^4 hands Rec. H^i m. in 4:26. Dam of Heliotrope, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:38. Impetieuse, 4-yr. Bee. 3 m. in 7:42. La Hardiere, 3-yr. Rec. 1% m. in 5:02. 24 m. in 6:48 3-5. tPretty Boy Sire of Rigollot, 4-yr. Rec. 3?i£ m. in 10:36. Rebus, 4-yr. Rec.24m.in7:27 3-5. Dam of L TJlyssee II XJlyssee II. Winner of the Grand Prix de Pont-1'Ev- eque, 1879. Rec. 24 m. in 7:24. Dam of Rigollot. Rec. 39i m. in 10:36. Winner of the Derby at Pont-l'Eveque, 1876. ' tConquerant Bay. Kec. (3-yr.), 24 m. in 7:55. Sire of Capueine, 4-yT. Rec. 3% m. in 9:47. And 110 others, win- ners of races. Sire of the dams of 97 winners of races. 1^ Jeanne la Folie Half sister to Modestie. Rec. 4 m. in 11:06. Phceton. Rec. 24 m. in 7:4-5. Pactole. Rec. 24 m. in 6:08. ' Muley Moloch. Winner of the St. Leger, Don caster and Champagne. Dairoletta ^ by Amadis. Jereed. Winner of the Doncaster and Champagne. Priam Mare by Priam. Winner of Good- wood Stakes. Angrlais. Trotting family. Dau. of r tCorsair. I Sire of Mirene, Kec. 24 m. in 8:04. Elise L by Marcellus . Dam of Elisa. Re- cord 2'ii m. in 8:35. Idle Boy. Winner of 25 great races. Lena L by Glaucus. Winner of the Goodwood Stakes and the Oaks. Noville. Record 24 m. in 7:34. Sire 70 win- ners of races. L Irlandaise. Grand dam of two government s t a 1 - Uons. fKapirat. Sire of Lycopode, Rec.3Ji m. in 11:05. Elisa. Record 2% ni. in 8:35. Dam of Lyco- pode. Rec. 3% m. in 10:05. tThe Heir of Linne. Sire of Pactole. Record 24 ni. in 6:08. Jeanne L by Conquerant. Rec. (3-yr.), 2^4 m. in 7:55. *Impetieuse holds world's trotting record, four-year-old mare, for 3 miles in race, 7:42, Rouen, 1890, under saddle. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiereelin, Secretary, 12 Rue L' Arcade, Paris. tStallions owned by the French Government. 17 STALLIONS IN SERVICE AT OAKLAWN. PEEPECTION 993. Winner of first prize at American Horse Show, Chicago, 1891. Bay; 16)^ hands; foaled April 2i, 1887; bred by M. Auvray, of La Manche; got by the government stallion Banyuls; Dam Chablotte by Page, he by Idomenee out of a daughter of The Heie of LiNNE. 2d dam Saba by Ray Geass, he by Abbantes out of a daughter of Seductetjb. 3d dam Chablotte by Jaenac, he by Kapibat out of a daughter of Uesin. 4th dam La Quid Jueis by Quid Jueis, he by Le Babon out of Quiz by Hebcule. 5th dam La Natigateub by Navigateuk, he by Hebsohell out of a daughter of OiiivEB Cbomwell. 6th dam La Kaebout by Kaebout, he by Sylvio out of a daughter of Lucholl. 7th dam La Gabeelunzie by Gabeelunzie. 8th dam Le Pbovost Mabe. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet, out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLEX, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Tbouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sie Petee, brown, foaled 178i, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highplybe, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetneb, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Page, chestnut, foaled 1871, by Idomenee out of a daughter of The Heir of Linne. Idomenee, chestnut, foaled 1864, by Serenader out of Buci by Eylau. Seeenadee, chestnut, foaled 1851, by The Troubadour. Ray Gbass, bay, foaled 1873, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Seducteur. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. Gohanna, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meecuby, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Jabnac, bay, foaled 1865, by Kapirat out of a daughter of Ursin. Kapibat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. Etc. 18 » « o , O o ^ C m m^ to O °^ C3 C H g S aj « rt "> a^ ft US'- '§^ '^ ^ o i^° S ^ "3 ho r-t -fcJ DD ^^ CO ^ -d •3 o tBanyuls Foaled 1879; bay; 16 hands. Sire of Mercedes. Winner of First Prize, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Awarded Medal of Honor by the Min- ister of Agricul- ture. Gavotte. Winner of First Prize, American Horse Show, Chi- cago, 1891. Four fillies selected by the French Government, and presented to the Khedive of Egypt. tduiclet Foaled 1872. 16 hands. Sire of Irma. Rec. 2% m. in 7:09. Mile, de Lourelles. Eec. 2i4 m. in7:02!4. And the dams of Koecy. Eec. 2?^3 m. in6:56V^. Gazelle. Eec. 2 m. in 5:23. Fan Fan. Eec. 2Y2. m. in 6:58. Fontenay II. Eec. 2J4 m. in 6:19. Diana Dam of the Govern- ment stallions Fabius and Granger. tliumineux Foaled 1867; chest- nut; 16 hands. Grand sire of Rosamond and Faufreluche. ' tPage Has fovu: half broth- ers in the Nation- al Haras. - Charlotte Foaled 1882; bay; VoM hands. Winner Brood Mare Prize, St. Lo, 1886, with Paguerette by side. Winner Brood Mare Prize, St. Lo, 1887, with Perfection by side. Purchas- ed by the Emperor of Brazil, 1887. Won Honor Prize and Queen's Cup at the Brazilian Exposition. Sara Foaled 1878; bay; 16M hands. Winner of First Prize at Meautis. Winner of Brood Mare Prize, Con- cours of St. Lo, 1882, with Charlotte at side. Sultane Sister to Tentative. Eec. 21/2 m. in 7:07. fSolide Sire of ■\Buci, Diana y Fsperence, And the beautiful mare of Count de Montigny. L Vendetta - Bay. Dam of i Utrecht, of j'Tancrede and Diana tldominee Sire of "^Nagel and i'Sapeiir belonging to the French govern- ment. Karaide Half sister to Modestie. Eec. 4 m. in 11:06. dam of Hermine. Eec. 3% m. in 9:44. tRay Grass Combining the he- reditary qualities of both his famous sire and grand sire, though lack- ing the finish of either, he pro- duced the ele- gance of both. Charlotte - Foaled 1873;- bay; 16% hands. Dam of Sara and Pidette. Dams of Gazelle and Esperence. Winner ' of First Prize at St. Lo, 1888-89-90. tTrouville. Sire of the dam of fCourtisan. Eec. 2V2m. in 7:18. tDau.of G-alion. Half brother of iKapirat, L''Ai(ile and -^Montaigne. tSultan. Sire of Tentative. Rec. 21/i m. in 7:07. Dau. of tMontaigrne. By J Voltaire, sire of jLagopede. tNestor. tDau. of Jag'g-ard. tEylau. Winner of Grand Prix Eoyal, Paris. tDau. of Mahomet. Half brother to jDorus and f Xerxes. tSerenader. Sire of Etudiant. Eec. 314 m. in 10:32. tPeg-riotte. Dam 01 jBuci, fJactator and \Idom- inee. tThe Heir of liinne. Sire of f^Pactole, 4-yr. Rec. 2^2 m. in 6:08. tDau. of Paternal. Half brother to jJunior and fLully. tAbrantes. Sire of the dam of Email. Eec. SVa m. in 8:08 3-5. tDau. of Seducteur. Sire of La Grisiere and t-Hwssein. tJarnac. Sire of ■\Tarrare, and '\Denian. La Q,uid Juris. Foaled 1868; bay; 16 hands. Dam of three government stallions and the famous Orphee, dam of Marguerite; first prize winner Con- cours Eegional 1890. *Pactole holds world's trotting record for 2V4 miles; time, 6:08 in a race, Caen, 1875, under saddle. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Ofacial Trotting Eecords of France, pubUshed annuaUy by M. Tiercelin, Secretary, 12 Rue L'Arcade, Paris. tStaUions owned by the French Government. 19 stallions in Service at Oaklawn. To those who have been familiar with the breeding operations of Oaklawn the headline above will convey a more satisfactory idea of the usefulness and qualities of the two stallions, Indke and PEErEOTiON, than anything I can write or any detailed description I can give. With all the information at my command, with some years of valuable experi- ence, with the most favorable opportunities for selection from year to year among the finest productions of France, with a larger number of high class French coach mares to breed every year than can be found in any other single establishment upon either continent, and with a reputation at stake which must stand or fall by the merit or demerit of our product; no one would expect to see mediocre stallions in stud service. PERFECTION. Bay; foaled 1888; I6I4. hands high; the beau-ideal of the carriage type; ex- quisitely beautiful in every outline with great length of neck, perfect top line, high carriage, graceful movement and easy pose. In fact in all physical detail he is an artistic study. What is yet more important, his prepotency is as strong as his form is perfect. His get are molded in his image and in the tenseness of their nervous organization, in the refinement of their physical natures they have fully responded to the hereditary forces of ten generations of ancestors who are without, a flaw in pedigree or variation in color in the material line. The distinction of Pebfection's family has led to its dispersal. His dam was purchased by the Emperor of Brazil and won the Queen's cup as most per- fect animal of her kind at the Brazilian Exposition. Four of his sisters are in the breeding haras of the Khedive of Egypt; another was winner of first prize at the Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889, and is now among the brood mares at Oaklawn. INDRE. Chestnut; foaled 1886; 16 hands; was placed first at the Universal Exposi- tion, Paris, 1889, in a class of 68. English, Spanish, Russian and other con- tinental countries being represented. He is a horse of high finish and great muscular power, with a most wonderful combination of resolution, action and speed. Got by one of the most noted trotting sires and inbred five times to the founders of two of the greatest trotting families. He represents the best blood of France. Indre's sire trotted at three years old 2)4, rniles in 7:00 4-5 and has produced one hundred and fifty-five winners of races. His half brother " Pac- tole" holds the 2)^ miles race record of the world, and " Modestie," his half sister, holds the world's race record for four miles. The sister to Indre's dam holds the i-year-old three mile race record. For the last eight years, with two exceptions, the French trotting Derby has been won by either half brother or . sister of " Indre" or the produce of a sister. With such breeding in speed lines, with individual excellence that won him first place at Paris, we are prepared to see his colts possess the high quality and speed that make them so eagerly sought after by our breeders. 20 JsHOfl CATAliOGOE FOl^ 1893, OF Imported and Pure-Bred French Coach Horses TK-r OKKLHinZN. STALLIONS. (Hoof No. 9.)' AGNADEL 869. Brown; foaled May 28, 1887; imported 1890; bred by M. Ledert, Manche; got by the government stallion Agnadel. Dam CoMETE by Tempete ont of a daughter of Vandeemulin. Agnadel, brown, foaled 1878, by Lavater out of a daughter of The Heir of Linne. Lavatee, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by Invincible. NoEEOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Tempete, bay, foaled 1875, by Conquerant out of Olga by Abrantes. CoNQTjEEANT, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapieat, bay, foaled 18M, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. VoLTAiEE, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, ty Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem. bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Vandeemulin, brown, foaled 1853, by Van Tromp out of Miss Julia Bennett by Muley Moloch. Van Teomp, by Lanercost out of BarbeUe by Sandbeck. Laneecost, by Liverpool out of Otis by Bustard. Liveepool, by Tramp out of Whisker Mare by "Whisker. Teamp, by Dick Andrews out of a daughter of Gohanna. Dick Andeewb, by Joe Andrews out of a daughter of Highflyer. Joe Andeews, by Eclipse out of Amaranda by Omnium, by Snap. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Button's Bay Barb. Etc. ^ 21 22 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 24.) BABODET 962. Bay; foaled June 12, 1888; imported 1891; bred by M. Cadel, of Manche; got by the government stallion Betting. Dam Maegot by Negbo, he by Vioomte out of a daughter of Cobmoean. 2d dam by Volant, he by Noteub out of a daughter of Tipple Cideb. Betting, bay, foaled 1879, by Ignore out of a daughter of Hussein. Ignoee, brown bay, foaled 186J:, by Uzel out of a daughter of Ugolin. UzEL, bay, foaled 1854, by Myrthe out of a daughter of Ramsay. Myethe, brown bay, foaled 1846, by Homere out of a daughter of Voltaire. HoMEEE, brown bay, foaled 18il, by Imperieux out of a daughter of D. I. O. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattleb, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Negeo, black, foaled 1868, by Vicomte. Vioomte, bay, foaled 1855, by Prince Colibri out of a daughter of Ideal. Pbince Colibei, bay, foaled 1850, by Sylvio out of Fraga by Harlequin. Syltio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724), Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtab, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Volant, bay, foaled 1855, by Noteur out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. NoTEUE, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. Chanticleee, bay, foaled 1787, by Woodpecker out of a daughter of Eclipse by Marske, etc. WooDPECKEE, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Herod out of Miss Ramsden by Cade, by Godolphin Arabian. Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of a sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. FRENCH COACH HOESES. 23 (Hoof No. 20.) BEAUGE 963. Chestnut; foaled May 17, 1888; imported 1891; bred by M. Guitton, of Sar- the; got by the goYernment stallion Beauge. Dam Helene by Eltj, he by Idalis out of Toison d'Ob. 2d dam by Sylvio, he by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Beauge, chestnut, foaled 1879, by Conquerant out of Miss Ambition. CoNQUEBANT, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair. Kapirat, bay, foaled 1814, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. VoLTAiEE, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattleb, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattler, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian, , . Matohem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. EiiU, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. iDAiiis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quiohotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Tbanoe, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Peteb, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of PapUlon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetneb, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of a sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Tbanoe, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy, by Pot-8'os. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, -by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Peteb, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. 24 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 07.) BEAUFORT 1016. Chestnut; foaled March 9, 1891; bred at "Oaklawn;" got by Indbe. Dam Athalante by Racoleue, he by Abeantes out of daughter of Eltj. 2d dam Athalante by Montmoeenoy, he by Conquebant out of a daughter of Bavent. 3d dam by Fbancais, he by Abbantes out of a daughter of Tipple Cidee. Indbe, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by RigoUot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heie of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker. Galaob, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Darioletta by Amadis. Muley Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. MuLEY, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Oeville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbeotjgh, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Febgxts, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childebs by Darley Arabian. Raooleub, bay, foaled 1873, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Elu. Abbantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPtrs, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Mebouey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar, etc. MoNTMOEENGY, chestnut, foaled 1868, by Conquerant out of a daughter of Bavent. CoNQTTEEANT, bay, foalcd 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair. Kapieat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. YoLTAiEE, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Impeeietjx, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattles, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724). Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. FEENCH COACH HOKSES. 25 (Hoof No. 017.) BEAUMONT 994. Bay; foaled June 23, 1891; bred at "Oaklawn;" got by Geandee. Dam Gazelle by Oeiental, he by Jaotatoe out of a daughter of Emie. 2d dam Fil-en-Quatee by Umbee, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Po^/Eoat. 3d dam Fayoueite by Coleeaine, he by Coleeaine out of Jtjment du Yoekshiee. Ith dam Pees-de-Tekee by Teoaen, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The Juggles. 5th dam by Exteeme, he by Emule out of a daughter of Eastham. Geandee, bay, foaled 1884, by Tudieu out of Lisa by Beaumanoir. TuDiEtr, bay, foaled 1875, by Estafettc out of a daughter of Jactator. EsTAFETTE, bay, foaled 1860, by Ottoman out of a daughter of Telegraph. Ottoman, bay, foaled 1848, by Faliero out of a daughter of Basly. Falieeo, bay, foaled 1839, by Sylvio out of a daughter of Dart. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom, out of Pope Joan by Waxy, by Pot-8'os. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1781, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHELYEB, bay, foaled 1774:, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Oeiental, chestnut, foaled 1870, by Jactator out of a daughter of Emir. Jaotatoe, chestnut, foaled 1865, by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of ChajDman. Don Quiohotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Teoaen, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of The Juggler. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer by Highflyer. Young Rattleb, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Etc. 26 M. w. ddnham' M. W. DDNHAM S CATALOGUE (Hoof No. 7.) CAGNY 1337. Bay; foaled June 1, 1889; imported 1892; bred by M. Lebaudy, Calvados; got by the government staUion Don Quichotte. Dam Miss Annette by Noteub, he by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. 2d dam Viotoeieuse by Umbeb, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Polecat. 3d dam by Abeantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteue. 4:th dam Josephine by Tipple Cidee, he by Defence out of Deposit. 5th dam La Duplex by Duplex, he by Pickpocket out of Mabquise. 6th dam Pickpocket Maee by Pickpocket, he by St. Pateiok out of Hedley Mabe. 7th dam La Pilotte by Pilot, he by Ootavius out of a daughter of of Ambeosid. 8th La Bachant by Bacha [Arab]. 9th dam daughter of Dagout [Turk]. 10th dam daughter of Gloeieux. 11th dam daughter of King Pepin. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1881, by Tigris out of Etincelle by Matchless. TiGEis, brown, foaled 1875, by Lavater out of Modestie by The Heir of Linne. Lavatee, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by Invincible. NoBFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. NoTEUB, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 182i, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. BoBY Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. Chantioleeb, bay, foaled 1787, by Woodpecker out of a daughter of Eclipse. WooDPECKEE, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Herod out of Miss Ramsden by Cade, by Godolphin Arabian. Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of a sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Umbee, bay, foaled 1854, by Pledge out of a daughter of Polecat. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUs, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meecuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1761, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squikt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 27 (Hoof No. 014.) CASCADEUR 995. Bay; foaled July 3, 1891; bred at "Oaklawn;" got by Indee. Dam Geemaine by Nigeb, he by Noefolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. 2d dam Olga by Abeantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteue. 3d dam Junon by Ecuyeb, he by Uesin out of a daughter of Lagopede. 4th dam Camelia by Teoaen, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The JUGGLEE. 5th dani daughter of Young Supeeioe. Indee, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by RigoUot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heie of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaoe, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Darioletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Oeville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbeough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Feegus. chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-aU Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Gpdol- phin Arabian (1724). Mabske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. NiGEE, black, foaled 1869, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of a daughter of Centaure. NoEEOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. Gohanna, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meecuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Uesin, bay, foaled 1854, by Ramsay out of a daughter of Ganymede. Ramsay, bay, foaled 1845, by Sylvio out of Emilina by Emilius. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Etc. 28 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 8.) DEVELLE 1367. Brown bay; foaled March 25, 1883; imported 1886; bred by M. Michel, Calvados; got by the government stallion Obphelin. Dam Ragot by Balthazae out of a daughter of Sib Robeet. Obphelin, bay, foaled 1872, by Jovial out of a daughter of Trouville. Jovial, bay, foaled 1865, by Pledge out of Certitude by Myrthe. ' Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meecuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Button's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Balthazae, by Balthazar, he by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Napoleon. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. Golumpus, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker, by Herod, etc. Gohanna, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meecuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. SiE RoBEET, bay, foaled 1844, by Eastham out of a daughter of Turn. Eastham, bay, foaled 1840, by Eastham out of Jument de Demi-Sang. Eastham, brown bay, foaled 1818, by Sir Oliver out of Cowslip by Alexander. Sib Olivbb, bay, foaled 1800, by Sir Peter out of Fanny by Diomed. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHELYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetneb, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of a sister to Mixbury by Cnrwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. FKENCH COACH HORSES. 29 (Hoof No. 4.) DUMAEEST 1341. Brown; foaled March 30, 1889; imported 1892; bred by M. Herqnin, of Man- che; got by the government stallion Utbecht. Dam Bijou by Menelas, he by Denmaek out of a daughter of Sultan. 2d dam by Lansboen, he by Kapieat out of a daughter of Lionoeau. Uteecht, brown bay, foaled 1876, by Palm out of a daughter of Pretender. Palm, brown bay, foaled 1871, by Centaure out of a daughter of Torigny. Centauee, bay, foaled 1858, by Seducteur out of a daughter of Merlerault. Seducteue, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. NoTEUE, bay, foaled 1817, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. Chantioleee, bay, foaled 1787, by Woodpecker out of a daughter of Eclipse. WooDPECKBE, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Herod out of Miss Ramsden by Cade, by Godolphin Arabian. Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Menelas, chestnut, foaled 1868, by Denmark out of a daughter of Sultan. Denmaek, chestnut, foaled 1862, by Sir Charles [English thoroughbred]. Lansboen, bay, foaled 1867, by Kapirat out of a daughter of Lionceau. Kapieat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. Voltaibe, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Impeeibux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brojvn, 1724) out of Roxana. 30 M. w. Dunham's catalogue :(HoofNo. on.) ECLAIR 996. Bay; foaled August 18, 1891; bred at "Oaklawn;" got by Ismael. Dam Sans Veegogne by Reynolds, he by Conqueeant out of Miss Pieboe by Success. 2d dam Minuit by Latatee, he by Y out of Candelaeia. 3d dam coach mare purchased by M. Pierre from the stables of Napoleon III. Ismael, bay, foaled 1886, by Lavater out of Charmante by The Heir of Linne. Latatee, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by Invincible. NoKEOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1815, by Old Phenomenon. Reynolds, chestnut, foaled 1873, by Gonquerant out of Miss Pierce by Success. Conqueeant, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapieat, bay, foaled ISli, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler, VoLTAiEE, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of the dam of Raphael by Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724:). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. FKENCH COACH HORSES. 31 (Hoof No. 08. J ECLIPSE 997. Bay; foaled July 5, 1891; bred at "Oaklawn;" got by Indee. Dam Vesta by Tamab, he by Jaotatob out of a daughter of Feancais. 2d dam by Pimpant, he by Vice-Roi out of a daughter of Navigateue. 3d dam by Inteepeete, he by Centauee out of a daughter of Tanceede. Inbee, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heie of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaoe, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch- out of Darioletta by Amadis. MuLEY MoiiOCH, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Oryille out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Oeville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbeough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Feegus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Eegulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1721). ' Maeskb, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childeks by Darley Arabian. Tamab, chestnut, foaled 1875, by Jactator out of a daughter of Francais. Jaotatob, chestnut, foaled 1865, by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens, by Buzzard, etc. Tbance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEB, bay. foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Pabtneb, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. . 32 M, w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 6.) FITZ GRAFT 1338. Black; foaled March 25, 1889; imported 1892; bred by M. Ballehache, of Calvados ; got by the government stallion Gbaft. Dam RouiiOT by Dimanohe, he by Uzel out of a daughter of Y. Gabeblunzie. 2d dam by Maeoo-Spada, he by Adolphus out of a daughter of Lagopede. 3d dam by Globieux, he by Solidb out of a daughter of Tipple Cidee. Graft, bay, foaled 1884, by Alsacien out of a daughter of Shamyl. AiiSACiEN, chestnut, foaled 1878, by Ignore out of a daughter of Pater. Ignokb, brown bay, foaled 1864, by Uzel out of a daughter of Ugolin. Uzel, bay, foaled 1854, by Myrthe out of a daughter of Ramsay. Myethe, brown bay, foaled 1846, by Homere out of a daughter of Voltaire. HoMEEE, brown bay, foaled 1841, by Imperieux out of a daughter of D. I. O. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer, Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattleb, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godoi- phin Arabian (1724). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Matohem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. DiMANCHE, bay, foaled 1850, by Uzel out of a daughter of of Y. Gaberlunzie. Maboo-Spada, bay, foaled 1855, by Adolphus out of a daughter of Lagopede. Adolphus, bay, foaled 1839, by Royal Oak out of Anna by Godolphin Arabian. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GOLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meecuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Globieux, chestnut, foaled 1862, by Solide out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. SoLiDE, bay, foaled, 1852, by Nestor out of a daughter of Jaggar. Nestoe, bay, foaled 1847, by Hospodar out of a daughter of Captain Candid. Hospodae, chestnut, foaled 1841, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Young Rattler, etc. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 38 (Hoof No. 32.) FORCINAL 971. Black; foaled May 12, 1889; imported 1891; ored by M. Eugene Hubert, of Sarthe; got by the government stallion Edimboubg. Dam CoBiSANDEE by Elu, he by Idalis out of Toison d'Oe. 2d dam by Seductetje, he by Notetje out of daughter of Fatibello. Edimboueg, brown bay, foaled 1882, by Serpolet-Bai out of a daughter of Abrantes. Seepolet-Bai, brown bay, foaled 1874, by Normand out of a daughter of Dorus. NoEMAND, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat by Voltaire, etc. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire by Impe- rieux, etc. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled ISSi, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer by Highflyer. Young Rattles, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Go dolphin Arabian. Matohem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Tkance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxey. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Peteb, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHELYEB, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachel by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetab, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Pabtnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of a sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byeiiy Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Seducteue, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. NoTEUB, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. 'Bob Booty, bay, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. Chantioleeb, bay, foaled 1787, by Woodpecker out of a daughter of Eclipse by Marske, etc. Woodpeokee, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Herod out of Miss Ramsden by Lord Lonsdale's Bay Arabian. HeboDj bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Etc. 34 M. w. Dunham's catalogite (Hoof No. 31.) GASTON 973. Bay; foaled April 19, 1889; imported 1891; bred by M.Henri Cagnard, of Orne; got by the government staUion Gastadouk. Dam Fleue-de-Neige by Quiolet, he by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. 2d dam by Palanquin, he by Inkeemann out of a daughter of Fitz-Pantaloon. 3d dam by Keameb, he by Heecule out of Cybilb by Chasseue. Gastadouk, bay, foaled 1884, by Phaeton out of a daughter of Quiclet. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heie oe Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaoe, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY MoLOOH, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by OrviUe out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Obville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbeough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Feegus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Chilbees by Darley Arabian. Quiolet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. Lumineux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Tbouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Sarah by Eeveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtab, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Pabtnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Palanquin, bay, foaled 1871, by Inkermann out of a daughter of Fitz-Pantaloon. Inkeemann, bay, foaled 1864, by Utrecht out of a daughter of Koenigsberg. Uteeght, bay, foaled 1854, by Prince out of a daughter of Eylau. Pbince, bay, foaled 1849, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Marengo. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Etc. TKENCH COACH HOESES. 35 (Hoofisro.6,) GERMAIN 1340. Brown J foaled May 25, 1889; imported 1892; bred by M. Germairi, of Manche; got by the government stallion Fulminant. Dam CoooTTE by CAuxn:, he by Hick out of a daughter of Eltj. 2d dam by Stekn, he by Mazeppa out of a daughter of Seductetje. 3d dam by Fontenoy, he by Kivoli out of a daughter of Adolphus. Fulminant, bay, foaled 1883, by Quality out of a daughter of Nicanor. Quality, bay, foaled 1872, by Centaure out of a daughter of Wanderer, Centauee, bay, foaled 1858, by Seducteur out of a daughter of Merlerault. Seducteub, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. Noteue, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. Chanticleee, bay, foaled 1787, by Woodpecker out of a daughter of Eclipse. WooDPECKEE, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Herod out of Miss Ramsden by Cade, by Godolphin Arabian. Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Canut, brown foaled 1880, by Hick out of a daughter of Elu. Hick, chestnut, foaled 1863, by Merlerault out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Meeleeault, bay foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Sylvio. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meecuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Steen, chestnut, foaled 1874, by Mazeppa out of a daughter of Seducteur. Mazeppa, chestnut, foaled 1868, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Ugolin. The Heie of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker. Galaoe, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Oeville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbeough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Feegus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. EcLitSE, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). 36 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 51.) INKERMANN 1344. Chestnut; foaled April 5, 1892- bred at Oaklawn; got by Indre. Dam JuEANDB by Reynolds, he by Conqtjebant out of Miss Piebce, 2d dam Minuit by Lavateb, he by Y out of Candelabia. 3d dam Coach Mabe, purchased by M. Piebbb, from stables of Napoleon III. Indbe, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by RigoUot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Liune out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heib of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaoe, bay, foaled 183^, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY MoLOOH, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Obvillb, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. BENiNGBEOtJGH, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Feegus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (172i). Mabske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squibt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childebs by Darley Arabian. Reynolds, chestnut, foaled 1873, by Conquerante out of Miss Pierce by Success. CoNQUEBANTE, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair. Kapibat, bay, foaled 18ii, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler". VoLTAiBE, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of the dam of Raphael by Pilot. Impebieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattleb, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattleb, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Lavateb, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by Invincible. NoEFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 37 (Hoof No. 234.) INN 404. "Winner of first prize at Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. A-warded g'old medal by the Minister of Agriculture. Brown bay ; foaled May 1, 1886; imported 1889 ; bred by M. Gosselin, of La Manche ; got by the government stallion Sieoc. Dam Chaelotte by Ray-Geass out of a daughter of Ugolin. SiEOO, bay, foaled 1874, by Gall out of a daughter of Solide. Gall, bay, foaled 1862, by Kapirat out of a daughter of Sir Henry Dimsdale. Kapibax, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. VoLTAiKE, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. iMPEBiEtrx, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. YoTJNG Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattleb, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonumi out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matohem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1784, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Ray-Gbass, bay, foaled 1873, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Seducteur. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Cation, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUs, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meecuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Sqtjibt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Babtlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Ugolin, bay, foaled 1854, by Parisien. Paeisien, bay, foaled 1849, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Biron. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattleb, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Etc. 38 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 232.) INTREPID 397. Bay; foaled April 24, 1886; imported 1889; bred by M. Pierre Henry, of Nacqueville, department of La Manche; got by the government stallion Alsacien; dam Lapin by Hakmonieux out of a daughter of Sedttisant. Alsaoien, chestnut, foaled 1878, by Ignore out of a daughter of Pater. Ignoee, brown bay, foaled 1864, by Uzel out of a daughter of Ugolin. XJzEL, bay, foaled 1854, by Myrthe out of a daughter of Ramsay. Myethe, brown bay, foaled 1846, by Homere out of a daughter of Voltaire. HoMEBE, brown bay, foaled 1841, by Imperieux out of a daughter of D. I. 0. by Whitworth. Impebieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Eattler out of a daughter of Volunteer by Eclipse, etc. Young Ratxlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matohem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Haemonieux, bay, foaled 1863, by Seducteur out of a daughter of The Nemrod. Sbducteue, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. NoTEUE, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, chestnut, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Bob Booty, bay, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. Chanticleee, bay, foaled 1787, by Woodpecker out of a daughter of Eclipse. WooDPEGKEE, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Herod out of Miss Ramsden by Cade, by Godolphin Arabian. Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of a sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Seduisant, bay, foaled 1852, by Ramsay out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ramsay, bay, foaled 1845, by Sylvio out of Emelina by Emilius. Sylyio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teanoe, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton "Dut of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by St. Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Raohael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar ont of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. FKENCH COACH HORSES. . 39 (Hoof No. 69.) IONIAN 1350. Bay; foaled j^iignst i, 1892; bred at "Oaklawn;" got by Indee. Dam Ketty by Phaeton, he by The Heib of Linne out of a daiighter of Cbocus. 2d dam Fanfeeluche by Quiglet, he by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. 3d dam Melle. de Nettville by Elu, he by Idalis out of Toison d'Ob. 4th dam Impatience by Gaulois, he by Fitz Pantaloon out of a daughter of Montaigne. 5th dam Peeoeiuse by Noteite, he by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. 6th dam Omphale by Heecule, he by Rainbow out of Aimable. 7th dam La Ragonne by Railletje, he by Young Rattlee out of a daughter of Highflyee. 8th dam Ouetoka by Eastham, he by Sie Olivee out of Cowslip. 9th dam Soubeette by Bacha [Arab]. 10th dam L'Aigle. Indee, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heie of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaoe, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. MuLEY MoLOOH, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. MuLEY, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Oevillb, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbbough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Feegus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childebs by Darley Arabian. Quiolet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. Lumineux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Tbouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sie Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyee, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Patstnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. 40 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 17.) ITALIEN 884. Bay; foaled April 8, 1887; bred by M. L. LegaUois, of Treviers; got by the government stallion Phaee. Dam MiGNOUNE by Vingt-Maes, he by Faugh-a-Ballagh out of Lady Ceompton by ScHEiK. 2d dam by Muphti, he by Teouville out of a daughter of Homeee by Impeeieux. Phase, black, foaled 1871, by Pater out of a daughter of Isolier by Nunnykirk. Patee, bay, foaled 1860, by Victorieux out of a daughter of Assault. ViOTOEiETJx, bay, foaled 1855, by Pledge out of a daughter of Incomparable. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUs, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meecuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Vingt-Maes, bay, foaled 1858, by Faugh-a-BaUagh out of Lady Crompton by Scheik. Faugh-a-Ballagh, brown bay, foaled 1841, by Sir Hercules out of Guiccioli by Bob Booty. SiE Heecules, black, foaled 1826, by Whalebone out of Peri by Wanderer. Whalebone, brown, foaled 1807, by Waxy out of Penelope by Trumpator. Waxy, bay, foaled 1790, by Pot-8'os out of Maria by Herod. PoT-8'os, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Eclipse out of Sportsmistress by Sportsman. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. MuPHTi, bay, foaled 1868, by Trouville out of a daughter of Homere. Teouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEB, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). ' Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Etc. FEENCH COACH HORSES. 41 (Hoof No. 01.) IVAN 1015. Black; foaled May 22, 1890; imported in dam; got by the government stallion Pontenay. * Dam Kay Geass by Ray Gbass, he by Abbantes out of a daughter of Seducteub. 2d dam Rosette by Va-de-Bon-Coeue, he by Peinoe Colibei out of a daughter of Geaditus. 3d dam Lady Kent by Kent, he by Cunningham out of a daughter of Solide. 4th dara Etoile Filante by Ugolin, he by Paeisien. 5th dam daughter of Kapieat, he by Voltaiee out of a daughter of The JiTGGLEE. 6th dam daughter of Eylau, he by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud. Fontenay, bay, foaled 1883, by Tigris out of a daughter of a Renemesnil. TiGBis, brown bay, foaled 1875, by Lavater out of Modestie by The Heir of Linne. Lavatee, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of a daughter of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by Invincible. NoBFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Ray Geass, bay, foaled 1873, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Seducteur. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur, Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker, by Herod, etc. GoHANKA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod, by Tartar, etc. Meecuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar, by Partner, etc. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Mabske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Babtlet's Childebs by Darley Arabian. Va-de-Bon-Coeue, bay, foaled 1856, by Prince Colibri out of a daughter of Gradivus. Peince Colibei, bay, foaled 1850, by Sylvio out of Fraga by Harlequin. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Peteb, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyee, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachaei by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). 42 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 02.) IVANHOE 1012. Winner First Prize, Chicago Horse Show, 1891. Bay; foaled June 6, 1890; bred at "Oaklawn;" got by Geoffboy. ft Dam Pbbvenohe by Conqueeant, he by Kapieat out of Elisa by Cobsaie. 2d dam Modestib by The Heie of Linne, he by Galaoe out of Mes. Walkeb by Jeeeed. 3d dam Negeesse by Ugolin, he by Paeisien. Ith dam Nigea by Lahoee, he by Ledstone out of daughter of Buzzard. 6th dam Milady by Eastham, he by Sib Olitee out of Cowslip by Alexandee. 6th dam Maetine by Ranconneite, he by Young Topped. 7th dam daughter of CosBEAtr. Geoffeoy, bay, foaled 1885, by Racoleur out of Athalante by Montmorency. Racoleue, bay, foaled 1875, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Elu. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLiTMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker, by Herod, etc. Gohanna, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meeouby, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Sqtjiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Conqueeant, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapieat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. Voltaiee, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot, Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattles, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1778, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. The Heie of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaoe, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY Molooh, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Oetille, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod. Etc. FKENCH COACH HOKSES. -43 (Hoof No. 2.) KAOLIN 974, Pirst prize Azaerican. Horse Show^, Chicag'o, 1891. Bay; foaled June 17,1888; imported 1891; bred by M. Lallouet, of Orne; got by Elan. Dam Independante by Teouville, he by Fitz-Gladiatoe out of Clementine by GOVEBNOE. 2d dam Alpheei by Fitz-Pantaloon, he by Pantaloon out of Rebuff by Camel. 3d dam Ida by William, he by Taeeaee out of a daughter of Whalebone. dth dam Ida by Basly, he by Eastham out of a daughter of Valient. 5th dam L'Impeeieuse by Impeeieux, he by Young Rattlee out of a daughter of Volontaiee. 6th dam daughter of Adeossan. 7th dam daughter of Snail, he by Stamfoed out of a daughter of Eclipse. 8th dam daughter of Seduisant, he by Ramsay out of a daughter of Voltaiee. 9th dam daughter of L'Aleyeon. 10th dam daughter of La Paefait. Elan, bay, foaled 1882, by Serpolet-Bai out of a daughter of Conde. Sebpolet-Bai, brown bay, foaled 1874, by Normand out of a daughter of Dorus. NoEMAND, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire by Im- perieux, etc. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer by Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Teouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatob, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatob, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Pabtisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEB, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Pabtneb, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Fitz-Pantaloon, bay, foaled 1847, by Pantaloon out of Rebuff by Camel. Pantaloon by Castrel out of Idalia by Peruvian. Etc. 44 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 23.) KARMIGNAC 975. Brown bay; foaled 1888; imported 1891; bred by M. Lepailleur, of Calvados; got by the government stallion Estephe. Dam Eglantine by TouBViLiiE, he by Ignobe out of a daughter of Gouvebneue. 2d dam by Phabaon, he by Inkeemann out of a daughter of Noteue. 3d dam by Esoulape, he by Utbeoht out of a daughter of Koenigsbeeg. ith dam by Taoonnet, he by Idalis out of a daughter of Faust I. 5th dam. daughter of Glooestee. Estephe, blacky foaled 1882, by Noville out of a daughter of Conquerant. NoviLLE, black, foaled 1869, by Ipsilanty out of Therence by Turk. Ipsilanty, black, foaled 1864, by the Norfolk Phenomenon out of a daughter of Sylvio. The Noefolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. TouBviLLE, black, foaled 1875, by Ignore out of a daughter of Gouverneur. Ignobe, brown bay, foaled 1864, by Uzel out of a daughter of Ugolin. UzEL, bay, foaled 1854, by Myrthe out of a daughter of Ramsay. Mybthb, brown bay, foaled 1846, by Homere out of a daughter of Voltaire. HoMEBE, brown bay, foaled 1841, by Imperieux out of a daughter of D. I. 0. by Whitworth. Impeeieitx, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer by Eclipse, etc. YoTTNG Rattleb, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnttm Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matohem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Rosana. Phabaon, bay, foaled 1871, by Inkermann out of a daughter of Noteur. Inkeemann, bay, foaled 1864, by Utrecht out of a daughter of Koenigsberg. Utbeoht, brown bay, foaled 1876, by Palm out of a daughter of Pretender. Palm, brown bay, foaled 1871, by Centaure out of a daughter of Torigny. Centauee, bay, foaled 1858, by Seducteur, out of a daughter of Merlerault. Seducteub, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. Noteub, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Dionaede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. Chanticleee, bay, foaled 1787, by Woodpecker out of a daughter of Eclipse. WooDPEOKEE, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Herod out of Miss Ramsden by Cade, by Godolphin Arabian. Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Pabtnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury, by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg, by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. FRENCH COA.CH HORSES. 45 (Hoof No. 11.^ KERVELA 1342. Bay; foaled April 15, 1888; imported 1892; bred by M. Lecaudy, Manche; got by the governraent stallion Follet. Dam Pabfait by Divus, he by Quebec out of a daughter of Eleoteique. 2d dam Baelletto by Juniob, he by Tipple Cidee. 3d dam Buou by Ballinkeele, he by Ieish Biedcatcheb out of Peedita. Ith dam by Eoyal-Qttand-Meme, he by Giges out of Eusebia. 5th dam by Adolphus, he by Royal Oak out of Anna. 6th dam by Feiedland, he by Napoleon out of Cloton. Follet, bay, foaled 1883, by Camembert out of a daughter of Valdemar. Camembeet, bay, foaled 1873, by Parmesan out of Contempt by King Tom. Paemesan, brown, foaled 1857, by Sweetmeat out of Gruyere by Verulam. Sweetmeat, brown, foaled 1842, by Gladiator out of LoUypop by Starch. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Pabtisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os (1773). Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEB, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. DiTus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xebxes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattier out of a daughter of Young Highflyer by Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. JuNiOB, bay, foaled 1848, by Tipple Cider out of Jument de Demi-Sang. Tipple Cidee, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Defence out of Deposit by Blacklock. Defence, bay, foaled 1824, by Whalebone out of Defiance by Rubens. Whalebone, brown, foaled 1807, by Waxy out of Penelope by Trumpator. Waxy, bay, foaled 1790, by Pot-8'os out of Maria by Herod. Pot-8'os, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Eclipse out of Sportsmistress by Sportsman. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. 46 M. w. Dunham's catalogue {Hoof No. 015.) LAFAYETTE 998. Mahogany bay ; foaled March 13, 1891 ; bred at " Oaklawn ; " got by Indee. Dam BABBiiiiiONE by Teeme, he by Ignoee out of a daughter of Egesippe. 2d dam Ninette by Heney IV., he by Monaeque, out of La Touegues. 3d dam by Neckee, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of Young Rattles. Indee, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heie of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaoe, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Darioletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by OrviUe out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Oeville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbeough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Feegus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Babtlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Teeme, chestnut, foaled 1875, by Ignore out of a daughter of Egesippe. Ignoee, brown bay, foaled 1861, by Uzel out of a daughter of Ugolin. UzEL, bay, foaled 1854, by Myrthe out of a daughter of Ramsay. Myethe, brown bay, foaled 1846, by Homere out of a daughter of Voltaire by Imperieux, etc. Homeee, brown bay, foaled 1841, by Imperieux out of a daughter of D. I. O. by Whitworth. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer by Eclipse, etc. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. FRENCH COACH HOKSES. 47 {Hoof No. 05.) LA FONTAINE 1017. Winner first prize at State Pair, Des Moines, lovra, 1892. Bay ; foaled July 21, 1890 ; bred at "Oaklawn ;" got by Geoffkoy. Dam Mabgot by Akistoobate, he by Quiolet out of a daughter of Extase. 2d dam La Vallee by Sidi (pure Arab), he by Sheeif out of Kalifa by Koneil- Hamdani [Arab]. 3d dam Rose Pompon by Ignoee, he by Uzel out of a daughter of Ugolin. 4th dam Rosette by Coesaib, he by J. C. Knox's Cobsaib. 5th dam La Lagopede by Lagopede, he by Voltaibe out of a daughter of The JUGGLEE. • Geoffeoy, bay, foaled 1885, by Racoleur out of Athalante by Montmorency. Raooleue, bay, foaled 1873, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Elu. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUs, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker, by Herod, etc. Gohanna, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meectjey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squibt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childebs by Darley Arabian. Aeistoceate, bay, foaled 1878, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Extase. Quiolet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. Ltjmineux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by TrouviLle out of a daughter of Galion. Teouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatob, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatob, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Pabtisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEB, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of a sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Ignoee, brown bay, foaled 1864, by Uzel out of a daughter of Ugolin. Uzel, bay, foaled 1854, by Myrthe out of a daughter of Ramsay. Myethe, brown bay, foaled 1846, by Homere out of a daughter of Voltaire by Imperieux. Homebe, brown bay, foaled 1841, by Imperieux out of a daughter of D. I. 0. Etc. 48 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof Ko. 16.) LAIGLE 978. Bay; foaled April 15, 18b8; imported 1891; bred by M. Jules Le Seigle, of La Manche ; got by the government stallion Vanikobo. Dam Chaemante by Bandit out of a daughter of Pateb. Vanikobo, bay, foaled 1877, by Quality out of a daughter of Kapirat. Quality, bay, foaled 1872, by Centaure out of a daughter of Wanderer. Centauee, bay, foaled 1858, by Seducteur out of a daughter of Merlerault. Seducteub, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. NoTEUE, bay, foaled 18i7, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. Chantioleee, bay, foaled 1787, by Woodpecker out of a daughter of Eclipse by Marske, etc. WooDPECKEE, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Herod out of Miss Ramsden by Cade, by Godolphin Arabian. Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetneb, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Bandit, chestnut, foaled 1857, by Lully out of a daughter of Incomparable. LuLLY, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Tipple Cider out of Pecora by Sylvio. Tipple Cideb, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Defence out of Deposit by Blacklock. Defence, bay, foaled 1824, by Whalebone out of Defiance by Rubens. Whalebone, brown, foaled 1807, by Waxy out of Penelope by Trumpator, by Conductor, etc. Waxy, bay, foaled 1790, by Pot-8'os out of Maria by Herod. PoT-8'os, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Eclipse out of Sportsmistress by Sportsman. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Sqtjiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Pateb, bay foaled 1860, by Victorieux out of a daughter of Assault. VicTOBiEux, bay, foaled 1855, by Pledge out of a daughter of Incomparable. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler by Rattler, etc. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPus, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay. foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod, by Tartar, etc. Meeouey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar, by Partner. Etc. FRENCH COACH HOESES. 49 (Hoof No. 04.) LANCIEB 1014. Chestnut; foaled April 18, 1890; bred at "Oaklawn;" got by Geoffeoy. Dam Vesta by Tamab, he by Jaotatob out of a daughter of Feancaie. 2d dam by Pimpant, he by Vice-eoi out of a daughter of Navigateue. 3d dam by Inteepeete, he by Centauee out of a daughter of Tanceede. Geoffeoy, bay, foaled 1885, by Racoleur out of Athalanta by Montmorency. Racoleue, bay, foaled 1873, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Elu. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GOLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meecuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus by Godol- phin Arabain (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk, Babtlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Tamab, chestnut, foaled 1875, by Jactator out of a daughter of Francais. Jaotatob, chestnut, foaled 1865, by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Silvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens, by Buzzard. Trance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by W'hiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEB, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtab, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Pabtneb, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Pimpant, bay, foaled 1871, by Vice-Roi out of a daughter of Navigateur. Vice-Roi, bay, foaled 1855, by Gainsborough out of a daughter of Merlerault. Gainsboeough, bay, foaled 1845, by Gainful. Inteepeete, bay, foaled 1864, by Centaure out of a daughter of Tancrede. Centauee, bay, foaled 1858, by Seducteur out of a daughter of Merlerault. SEDUCTruE, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. NoTEUE, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. NapolTeon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of Irene by Bagot. Etc. 50 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 15.) MARAUDEUR 1343. Bay; foaled June 14, 1890; imported 1892; bred by M. Maillard, Manche; got by the goyernmeiit stallion Feed Abchee. Dam DuLCiNEE by Agnadel, he by Layatee out of a daughter of The Heie of LiNNE. 2d dam Claievoyante by J'y Songebai, he by The Heie of Linne out of a daughter of Favoei. 3d dam Adelb by Kapieat, he by Voltaiee out of a daughter of The Juggles. 4th dam Elisb by Success, he by Telegeaph out of a daughter of The Juggles. 5th dam Eliza by Coesaie, he by J. C. Knox's Coesaie out of a daughter of Cleveland. 6th dam Elise by Maecellus, he by Selim out of a daughter of Beningbeough. 7th dana La Panachee by D. I. O., he by Whitewoeth out of Hambletonian Maee by Hambletonian. 8th dam La Belle Matadoee by Matadoe, he by l'Aleysion out of a daughter of Paefait. 9th dam daughter of Sommeeset. Feed Aeohee, bay, foaled 1883, by Normand out of Verveine by Noville. NoEMAND, brown bay, foaled 1817, by Introuvable out of a daughter of Emule. Inteouvable, brown bay, foaled 1812, by Diomede out of a daughter of Jaggard. DiOMEDE, bay, foaled 1837, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Topper. Young Rattlbb, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolf)hin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. J'y-Songeeai, bay, foaled 1865, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Favori. The Heie of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker. Galaob, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by OrviUe out of Eleanor by Whiskey. OsviLLE, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbeough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Feegus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 51 (Hoof No. 09.) MARENGO 1000. Brown; foaled August 28, 1891; bred at "Oaklawn;" got by Indbe. Dam Inada by Cabnaval, he by Conqueeant out of a daughter of Bassompieebe. 2d dam Juliana by Elu, he by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cidee. 3d dam. Voyageuse by Gaulois, he by Fitz-Pantaloon out of a daughter of Montaigne. Ith dam Beillante by Jeeicho, he by Bieon out of a daughter of L'Aigle. 5th dam Ida by Basly, he by Eastham out of a daughter of Valient. 6th dam LTmpeeieuse by Impeeieux, he by Young Rattlee out of a daughter of Volontaiee. 7th dam daughter of Adeossan. 8th dami by Snail, he by Stamfoed out of a daughter of Eclipse. 9th dam daughter of Seduisant. 10th dam daughter of L'Aleyeon. 11th dam daughter of La Paefait. Indbe, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by KigoUot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heie of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaoe, bay foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. MuLEY MoLOOH, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Obtille, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Emelina by Highflyer. Beningbeough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Feegus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724), Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Cabnaval, brown bay, foaled 1880, by Conquerant out of a daughter of Bassompierre. Conqueeant, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapieat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. VoLTAiBE, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matghem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. 52 M. yf. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 013.) MAZARIN 1001. Bay; foaled April 9, 1891; bred at "Oaklawn;" got by Indbe. Dam HiEONDELLE by Nigeb, he by The Nobfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. 2d dam La Kaolin by Kaolin, he by Zouave out of Dainty by Ionian. 3d dam Jatjnby by Noemand, he by Divus out of a daughter of Kapieat. 4th dam Rosette by Ignaoe, he by Centauee out of a daughter of Lanercost. 5th dam Lizette by Ottoman, he by Falieeo out of a daughter of Basly. Indee, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by RigoUot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Ciocus. The Heie of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jeieed. Galaoe, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY MoLOOH brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. MuLEY bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Oeville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. BENiNGBEOtTGH. bay, foalcd 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Feegus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black- and-all- Black. Eclipse chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter, of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. NiGEE, black, foaled 1869, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. NoEFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Kaolin, bay, foaled 1868, by Zouave out of Dainty by Ionian, Zouave, chestnut, foaled 1855, by The Baron out of Dacia by Gladiator. The Baeon, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Irish Birdcatcher out of Echidna by Economist. Ieish Biedoatchee, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Sir Hercules out of Guiccioli by Bob Booty. Sie Hekcules, black, foaled 1826, by Whalebone out of Peri by Wanderer. Whalebone, brown, foaled 1807, by Waxy out of Penelope by Trumpator. Waxy, bay, foaled 1790, by Pot-8'os out of Maria by Heron. PoT-8'os, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Eclipse out of Sportsmistress by Sportsman. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 53 (Hoof No. 29.) MERLERAULT 982. Chestnut; foaled March 20, 1890; imported 1891; bred by M. Philibert For- cinal, of Orne; got by the government stallion Fuschia. Dam Venitienne by Nigeb, he by Nobfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. 2d dam Camelia by Elu, he by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cidek. 3d dam by Hannon, he by Nokfolk Phenomenon out of a daughter of Keameb. 4:th dam Obpheline by Fitz-Gladiatob, he by Gladiatoe out of Sabah by Revellee. 5th dam Nabcissa by Ion, he by Cain out of a daughter of Edmund. 6th dam Dame Blanche by Haelequin, he by Ceetantes out of Floea by Camillus. 7th dam Miss Ann by Figaeo, he by Haphazaed out of Selim Maee. 8th dam Teamp Maee by Teamp, he by Dick Andeews. 9th dam Habpham Lass by Camillus. 10th dam Statiea by Beningbeough, he by King Fergus out of a daughter of Heeod. 11th dam Stella by Phenomenon. 12th dam Sky Peepee by Highflyee, he by Heeod out of Rachael by Blank. 13th dam Miss West by Matchem, he by Cade out of a daughter of Paetneb. 11th dam daughter of Regulus. loth dam daughter of Cbab. 16th dam daughter of Childees. 17th dam daughter of Basto. Fuschia, bay, foaled 1883, by Reynolds out of a daughter of Lavater, he by Y. Reynolds, chestnut, foaled 1873, by Conquerant out of Miss Pierce by Success. Conqueeant, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapieat, bay, foaled 1811, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. Voltaire, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of the dam of Raphael by Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Niger, black, foaled 1869, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. NoBFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chajiman. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Silvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. AValTon, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Peteb, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Etc. 54 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 012.) MONACO 1002. Bay; foaled June 30, 1891; bred at "Oaklawn;" got by Indee. Dam Sans Taohe by Ugolin, he by Pabisien. 2d dam Jeanne D'Aeo by Pledge, he by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Yoxinq Rattlee. 3d dam by Homeee, he by Impeeieux out of a daughter of D. I. O. 4th dam Fleub de Maede by Keamee, he by Heeotjle out of Cybele by Chasseub. 5th dam La Pilott by Pilot, he by Octatius out of a daughter of Ambbosid. 6th dam La Bachate by Baoha [Arab]. 7th dam daughter of Dagout [Turk]. 8th dam daughter of Globieux. 9th dam daughter of King Pepin. Indee, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by RigoUot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heie oe Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaob, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. MtTLEY, bay, foaled 1810, by OrviHe out of Elanor by "Whiskey. Obville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbeough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Fbbgus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Ugolin, bay, foaled 1854, by Parisien. Pabisien, bay, foaled 1849, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Biron. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matohem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. FKENCH COACH HORSES. 55 (Hoof No. 06.) MOUSQUETAIRE 1013. Dark bay; foaled Feb. 2i, 1890; bred at "Oaklawn;" got by Geoffboy. Dam GoELETTE by Rivoli, he by Conquebant out of a daughter of Colebaine. 2d dam Naaide by Tigeis, he by Lavatee out of Modestie. 3d dam by Esculape, he by Uteecht out of a daughter of Kcenigsbeeg. Ith dam Alexina by Tboabn, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The JUGGLEB. 5th dam. Josephine by Tipple Cidee, he by Defence out of Deposit. 6th dam La Duplex by Duplex, he by Pickpocket out of a daughter of Young Rattles. 7th dam Pickpocket Mabe by Pickpocket, he by St. Pateiok out of Hedley Maee. 8th dam La Pilott by Pilot, he by Octavius out of a daughter of Ambeosid. 9th dam La Baohant by Baoha [Arab]. 10th dam daughter of Dagout [Turk]. 11th dam daughter of Gloeieux. 12th dam daughter of King Pepin. Geoffboy, bay, foaled 1885, by Racoleur out of Athalante by Moutmorency. Racoleub, bay, foaled 1873, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Elu. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meecuby, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1761, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1782, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Babtlet's Childees by Daiiey Arabian. RivOLi, bay, foaled 1873, by Conquerant out of a daughter of Coleraine. Conquebant, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapieat, bay, foaled ISM, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. VoLTAiBE, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlbe, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattleb, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godolphin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown 1724) out of Roxana. 56 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 018.) NENUPHAR 1336. Bay; foaled February 26, 1891; imported 1892; bred by M. Castillon, Cal- vados; got by the government stallion Tigeis. Dam IsAUBE by Valpakaiso, he by Noville out of a daughter of Affidavit. 2d dam by Esoulape, he by Utkeoht out of a daughter of Koenigsbeeg. 3d dam by Abeantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteue. 4th dam by Babyton, he by Ottoman out of a daughter of Voltaiee. Tigeis, brown bay, foaled 1875, by Lavater out of Modestie. Lavatee, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette. NoEFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 18i5, by Old Phenomenon. Valpaeaiso, chestnut, foaled 1877, by Noville out of a daughter of Affidavit. Noville, black, foaled 1869, by Ipsilanty out of Therence by Turk. Ipsilanty, black, foaled 1864, by the Norfolk Phenomenon out of a daughter of Sylvio. The Noefolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Esoulape, bay, foaled 1860, by Utrecht out of a daughter of Koenigsberg. Uteeoht, brown bay, foaled 1876, by Palm out of a daughter of Pretender. Palm, brown bay, foaled 1871, by Centaure out of a daughter of Torigny. Centaitee, bay, foaled 1858, by Seducteur, out of a daughter of Merlerauit. Seducteue, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. Noteue, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. Chantioleeb, bay, foaled 1787, by Woodpecker out of a daughter of Eclipse. WooDPECKEE, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Herod out of Miss Ramsden by Cade, by Godolphin Arabian. Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Pabtnee, foaled 171S, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod, etc. Meecuby, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar, etc. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Mabske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. H Cd s v; g >Ti <1 V 3 o U? r+ '■^ V '< t-t m w ty ;:» o <^ M > 03 CO > FEENCH COACH HORSES. 57 (Hoof No. 72.) PALADIN 1334. Brown; foaled June 2, 1892; bred at Oaklawn; got by Pebfection. Dam Geneviete II, by Stade, he by Jaotatob out of a daughter of Pledge. 2d dam Genevieye by Acquila, he by Nigee out of a daughter of Centause. 3d dam Seduisante by Esculape, he by Uteeoht out of a daughter of KOENIGSBEEG. 4th dam by Abeantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteue. 5th dam by Baeyton, he by Ottoman out of a daughter of Voltaiee. Peefection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiclet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEtrx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by TrouviUe out of a daughter of Gallon. Tboxtville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chesnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatob, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannou. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Eachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Stade, bay, foaled 1874, by Jactator out of a daughter of Pledge. Jaotatoe, chestnut, foaled 1865, by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Eltt, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Syltio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy, by Pot-8'os. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian. Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze, Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Aoquila, black, foaled 1878, by Niger out of a daughter of Centaure. Nigee, black, foaled 1869, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. NoEFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Esculape, bay, foaled 1860, by Utrecht out of a daughter of Koenigsberg. Uteeoht, bay, foaled 1854, by Prince out of a daughter of Eylau. Pbinoe, bay, foaled 1849, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Marengo. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Etc. 58 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 61.) PARISIAN 1349. Bay ; foaled March 23, 1892; bred at Oaklawn; got by Peefeotion. Dam Teanquille by Aeistooeate, he by Quiolet out of a daughter of Extase. 2d dam Coquette by Qui- Vive, he by Affidavit out of a daughter of Esoulape. 3d dam TJesine by Agenda, he by Lucain out of a daughter of Impeeial. ith dam La Uesin by Uesin, he by Ramsay out of a daughter of Ganymede. 5ch dam Diva by Divus, he by Quebec out of a daughter of Eleoteique. 6th dam by Alma, he by Maeengo out of a daughter of Young Cydmus. 7th dam by Debaedeue, he by Young Emilius out of Dona-Pilae. Pbbfeotion, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiolet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lum.ineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Teouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller Gladiatob, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiK Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 177i, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Qui-ViVE, bay, foaled 1872, by Affidavit out of a daughter of Esculape. Afftdavit, chestnut, foaled 1861, by Javelot out of Dahlia by Caravan. Javelot, brown bay, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Rhinoplastic by Royal Oak. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Agenda, bay, foaled 1856, by Lucain out of a daughter of Imperial. Lucain, bay, foaled 1845, by Eylau out of Desiree by Talma. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian, Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. Chanticleee, bay, foaled 1787, by Woodpecker out of a daughter of Eclipse. WooDPECKEB, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Herod out of Miss Ramsden by Cade, by Godophin Arabian. Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Etc. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 59 (Hoof No. 63.J PABTHIAN 1345. Bay; foaled July 18, 1892; bred at Oaklawn; got by Peefection. Dam Geemain by Nigeb, he by Noefolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. 2d dam Olga by Abbantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteue. 3d dam Junon by Eouyee, he by Uesin out of a daughter of Lagopede. 4th dam Camelia by Teoaen, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The JUGGLEE. 5th dam by Young Supeeioe, he by Supeeiob. Pebfeotion, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Teoutille, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of PapiUon by Snap. HiGHFLYEB, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtab, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. NiGEE, black, foaled 1869, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. Noefolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Abbantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. Gohanna, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meeouby, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Mabske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Sqttiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. EouYEB, bay, foaled 1859, by Ursin out of a daughter of Lagopede. Uesin, bay, foaled 1854, by Ramsay out of a daughter of Ganymede. Ramsay, bay, foaled 1845, by Sylvio out of Emilina by Emilius. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teanoe, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of PapiUon by Snap. Highi'lyee, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod oui; of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Etc, 60 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 52.) PATRICIEN 1346. Chestnut; foaled April 7, 1892; bred at Oaklawn; got by Pebfeotion. Dam Taohb Sans Taohe by Sieoo, he by Gall, out of a daughter of Solide, 2d dam Sans Taohe by Ugolin, he by Paeisien. 3d dam Jeanue d'Ako by Pledge, he by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Youno Rattlee. 4th dam by Homeee, he by Impeeieux out of a daughter of D. I. 0. 5th dam Fleub de Maede by Keamee, he by Hbeculb out of a daughter of Chasseue. 6th dam La Pilott by Pilot, he by Octavitts out of a daughter of Ambeosid. 7th dam La Baohant by Bacha [Arab]. 8th dam daughter of Dagout [Turk]. 9th dam daughter of Gloeieux. 10th dam daughter of King Pepin. Pebfeotion, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. Ltjmineux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Galion. Teouvillb, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyee, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. SiEOc, bay, foaled 1874, by Gall out of a daughter of Solide. Gall, bay, foaled 1862, by Kapirat out of a daughter of Sir Henry Dimsdale Eapieat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. YoLTAiBB, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Ugolin, bay, foaled 1854, by Parisien. Paeisien, bay, foaled 1849, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Biron, Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Etc. y V I yAU^^ 1806. Mx)st perfect type of the improved saddle or carriage breed of France under the first empire. Officer of the Fifth Houssards, the aristocratic cavalry regiment of France. FEENCH COACH HORSES. 61 (Hoof No. 71.) PERUVIAN 1347. Bay; foaled June 30, 1892; bred at Oaklawn; got by Pebfection. Dam Mabgot by Aeistockate, he by Qtjiclet out of a daughter of E-xtase. 2d dam La Vallee by Sidi (pure Arab), he by Sheeie out of Kaliea by Koneil-Hamdani. 3d dam Rose Pompon by Ignoee, he by Uzel out of a daughter of Ugolin. 4th dam Rosette by Coesaie, he by J. C. Knox's Coesaib. 5th dam la Lagopede by Lagopede, he by Voltaiee out of a daughter of The Jugglee. Pebfeotion, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiolet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Tbouyille, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatob, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller GiiADiATOB, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1781, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1771, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1721). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetab, foaled 1713, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Abistogbate, bay, foaled 1878, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Extase Quiclet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. Lumineux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Galion. Tbouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatob, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Pabtisan, bay, foaled 1811, by AValton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1781, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1771, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Pabtneb, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. SiDi, chestnut, foaled 1862, by Sheriff (Arabian) out of Kalifa by Koheil- Hamdani-Arbi. Ignobe, brown bay, foaled 1864, by Uzel out of a daughter of Ugolin. UzEL, bay, foaled 1854, by Myrthe out of a daughter of Ramsay. Myethe, brown bay, foaled 1846, by Homere out of a daughter of Voltaire. HoMEEE, brown bay, foaled 1841 bv Imperieux out of a daughter of D. I. 0. Etc. 62 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 66.) PREMIER 1351. Bay; foaled March 20, 1892; bred at Oaklawn; got by Pebfeotion. Dam Vesta by Tamae, he by Jaotatoe out of a daughter of Feanoais. 2d dam by Timpani, he by Vioe-Koi out of a daughter of Navigateue. 3d dam Intebpeete, he by Centauke out of a daughter of Tanceede. Peefeotion, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiolet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by TrouviUe out of a daughter of Gallon. Tbouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Pitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. FiTZ-GiiADiATOB, chestuut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zaraby Reveller, Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Pabtisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1781, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1771, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin , Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cyi^ron by Blaze. Taetab, foaled 174:3, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Tamae, chestnut, foaled 1875, by Jactator out of a daughter of Francais. Jaotatoe, chestnut, foaled 1865, by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quiohotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens, by Buzzard. Teance, bay, foaled 1817. by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of PapiUon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin . Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetab, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Pimpant, bay, foaled 1871, by Vice-Roi out of a daughter of Navigateur. Vice-Roi, bay, foaled 1855, by Gainsborough out of a daughter of Merlerault. Gainsboeough, bay, foaled 1845, by Gainful. Inteepeete, bay, foaled 1864, by Centaure out of a daughter of Tancrede. Centaube, bay, foaled 1858, by Seducteur out of a daughter of Merlerault. Seduoteub, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. NoTEUE, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylatt, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay. foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Popt Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. Etc. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 63 (Hoof No. 57.) PRINCE COLIBRI 1348. Bay; foaled March 25, 1892; bred at Oaklawn; got by Peefection. Dam LiBEETE by Domino Noie, he by Latatee out of La Pastoubelle. 2d dam Negeo by Nobfolk Heeo. 3d dam. Queen by Eclipse, he by Peefoemee out of Leda. 4:th dam Miss Bell. (Dam of the famous stallion Nxgee.) Pebfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Teotjville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Govei-nor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Pabtisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petes, brown, foaled 1781, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachel by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byeiiy Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Domino Noie, black, foaled 1881, by Lavater out of La Pastourelle by Pace. Latatee, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by Invincible. NoEFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Eclipse, bay, foaled 1846, by Performer out of Leda by Tigris. 64 M. w, Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 10.) REYNOLDS 988. Bay; foaled March 20, 1889; imported 1891; bred by M. Buhot, of La Manche; got by the government stallion Keynolds. Dam Pompon by Utile-a-Tout, he by Layatee out of a daughter of Pateenal. 2d dam by Platon, he by Feanoais out of a daughter of Abbantes. 3d dam daughter of Bouoaniee, he by Chasseue. 4th dam by Maeengo, he by Centatjee out of a daughter of Valdemab. Reynolds, chestnut, foaled 1873, by Conquerant out of Miss Pierce by Success. Conquebant, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapibat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. VoLTAiBE, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of the dam of Raphael by Pilot. Impebieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattleb, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matohem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Utile-a-Tout, brown bay, foaled 1876, by Lavater out of a daughter of Paternal. Lavatee, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by Invincible. NoEFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Platon, black, foaled 1871, by Francais out of a daughter of Abrantes. Feanoais, chestnut, foaled 1861, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Abbantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay. foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. . Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPus, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod, etc. Meeouey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar, etc. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Mabske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squibt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childebs by Darley Arabian. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 65 (Hoof No. 1.) SENEGUE 1339. Bay; foaled May 9, 1889; imported 1892; bred by M. Leterrier, of Manche; by the government stallion Senechal. Dam Lapin by Mibliton, he by Matinal ont of Chique-Avoine. 2d dam by Seduisant, he by Lagopbde out of a daughter of Kotjlikan. Senechal, bay, foaled 1874, by Jactator out of a daughter of Liberator. Jactatoe, chestnut, foaled 1865, by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Eltj, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Kubens. TsANCE, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of a sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. SEDTJISA.NT, bay, foaled 1861, by Lagopede out of a daughter of Koulikan. Lagopede, brown, foaled 1845, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. VoLTAiEE, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of the dam of Raphael by Pilot. Impeeiettx, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matohem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown 1724) out of Roxana. Mieliton, bay, foaled 1868, by Matinal out of Chique-Avoine. 66 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 010.) THE MOOR 1003. Dark bay ; foaled April 30, 1891 ; bred at "Oaklawn ;" got by Indee, Dam Paquebette by Omega, he by Esotjlape out of a daughter of Ottoman. 2d dam Atalante by Hussein, he by SEDtrcTBUB out of a daughter of Mastbillo. 3d dam La Pateee by Pateb, he by Viotoeietjx out a daughter of Assault. 4th dam by Vandeemulin, he by Van-Tbomp out of Muley-Molooh-Maee. 5th dam by Hautain, he by Xeexes out of a daughter of Jaggaed. 6th dam by Lahobe, he by Ledstone out of a daughter of Buzzabd. Indbe, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heie oe Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaoe, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Darioletta by Amadis. MuLEY MoLOOH, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by OrviUe out of Elanor by Whiskey. Oeville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbeough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Feegus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-aU- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squibt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlett's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Babtlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Omega, bay, foaled 1870, by Esculape out of a daughter of Ottoman. Esculape, bay, foaled 1860, by Utrecht out of a daughter of Koenigsberg. Utbeoht, bay, foaled 1854, by Prince out of a daughter of Eylau. Pbince, bay, foaled 1849, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Marengo. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Syltio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Tbanoe, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of PapiUon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetab, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Hussein, brown bay, foaled 1863, by Seducteur out of a daughter of Mastrillo. Seducteue, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. NoTEUB, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Etc. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 67 (Hoof No. 73.) THE TROUBADOUR 1335, Bay; foaled May 3, 1891; bred at Oaklawn; got by Indbe. Dam Genevieve II by Stade, he by Jaotatob out of a daughter of Pledge. 2d dam Genevieve by Aoquila, he by Nigeb out of a daughter of Centaube. 3d dam Seduisante by Esgtjlape, he by Utbecht out of a daughter of Koenigs- BEBG. 4th dam by Abeantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteue. 5th dam by Baeyton, he by Ottoman out of a daughter of Voltaiee. Indee, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heie of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaoe, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews MuLEY, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Oeville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbeough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Feegus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Mabske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Babtlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Stade, bay, foaled 1874, by Jactator out of a daughter of Pledge. Jactatob, chestnut, foaled 1865, by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestuat, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quiohotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Tbancb, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy, by Pot-8'os. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of PapiUon by Snap. HiGHFLYEB, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian. Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetab, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Acquila, black, foaled 1878, by Niger out of a daughter of Centaure. NiGEE, black, foaled 1869, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. NoBFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. EsouLAPE, bay, foaled 1860, by Utrecht out of a daughter of Koenigsberg. TJteecht, bay, foaled 1854, by Prince out of a daughter of Eylau. Etc. 68 M. w Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 35.) TRAFALGAR 991. Brown bay; foaled April 5, 1887; imported 1890; bred by M. Mange, of La Manche; got by the government stallion Idomenee. Dam ViBGiiiE by Vibgile, he by Quiolet out of Exposante. 2d dam by Qtjatee-Cents, he by Gloeieux out of daughter of Navigateub. Idomenee, chestnut, foaled 1861, by Serenader out of a daughter of Eylau. Seeenadee, chestnut, foaled 1851, by The Troubadour. Vibgile, black, foaled 1877, by Quiclet out of Exposante. ■ Quiolet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEXJx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Teouvillb, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by GoTernor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Pabtisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799,. by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEB, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Quatee-Cents, chestnut, foaled 1872, by Glorieux out of a daughter of Navigateur. Gloeieux, chestnut, foaled 1862, by Solide out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. SoLiDE, bay, foaled i852, by Nestor out of a daughter of Jaggard. Nestob, bay, foaled 1847, by Hospodar out of a daughter of Captain Candid. HospoDAE, chestnut, foaled 1841, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana by The Bald Galloway. FRENCH COACH HOUSES. 69 {Hoof No. 22.) ALTA 961. Brown bay; foaled June 8, 1888; imported 1891; bred by M. Francois, of La Manche; sired by the government stallion Alsacien. Dam FiNETTE by Beavo out of a daughter of Camisaed. Alsaoien, chestnut, foaled 1878, by Ignore out of a daughter of Pater. Ignoee, brown bay. foaled 1861, by Uzel out of a daughter of Ugolin. TIzEL, bay, foaled 1854, by Myrthe out of a daughter of Ramsay. Mybthe, brown bay, foaled 1846, by Homere out of a daughter of Voltaire. HoMEEE, brown bay, foaled 1841, by Imperieux out of a daughter of D. I. O. by Whitworth. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. YoxTNG Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bontjm, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matohem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana by The Bald Galloway. Beavo, bay, foaled 1854, by Sylvio out of Belle-de-Nuit by Young Emilius. Sylyio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teanoe, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEB, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeob, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Camisaed, bay, foaled 1836, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Topper. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana by The Bald Galloway. 70 M, w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 11.) EPERLAN 968. Bay; foaled April 27, 1888; imported 1891; bred by M. Louis HaDey, of Cal- vados; sired by the government stallion Epeelan. Dam Fanohette by Phabe out of a daughter of Dbagon. Epeblan, chestnut, foaled 1882, by Idomenee out of a daughter of Divus. Idomenee, chestnut, foaled 1864, by Serenader out of a daughter of Eylau, Seeenadee, chestnut, foaled 1851, by The Troubadour. Phabe, black, foaled 1871, by Pater out of a daughter of Isolier, he by Nunny- kirk. Patee, bay, foaled 1860, by Victorieux out of a daughter of Assault. VioTOEiEux, bay, foaled 1855, by Pledge out of a daughter of Incomparable. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1733, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GOLTJMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Mebcuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Button's Bay Barb. Dbagon, bay, foaled 1864, by Ventre-St-Gris out of Voyageuse by Ratan. Ventbe-St-Gbis, bay, foaled 1855, by Gladiator out of Belle-De-Nuit by Emilius, Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highelyee, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of a sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGQ by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. w IZ! dj o CiJ P3 H > CQ S <1 CO M W P H O P^ «•: H -^ as ^ s w ^ -^ s ^^ 03 M ." rH ^ ^ ^ 02 ? r^ H H ci Q 1 o =^. CO T— ( ^■^ '£ « cS ^ P^ r 'I. w :. /-■ M * ^ M '^ X Hi S •^ . &: ^ M * r^ a^ rf. •^ U 15 ^1 -<." ■^ .. 0) ■-^ < s bi) p § '••4-H P3 1^ P4 FRENeri OeAeri Mares. (Hoof No. 63.) ADA 1355. Browu; foaled May 13, 18V)2; bred at Oaklawn; got by Pekfection. Dam Adalie by Gedeon, he by Hieami (Arab) out of Stockwell Mare. 2d dam Ada. Peefection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiclet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultau, LuMiNEUx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Teouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833. by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paettsan, bay, foaled 1811. by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiK Peteb, brown, foaled 1781, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyee, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758. by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1713, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb, JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Gedeon, chestnut, foaled 1879, by Hirami Arabian out of Stockwell Mare by Stockwell. Stockwell by The Baron out of Pocahontas by Glencoe. The Baeon, chestnut, foaied 1812. l)y Irish Birdcatcher out of Echidna l)y Economist. Ibish Biedoatchee, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Sir Hercules out of Guiccioli ]jy Bob Booty. SiE Heecules, black, foaled 1826, by Whalebone out of Peri by Wanderer. WThalebone. brown, foaled 1807, by Waxy out of Penelope by Trumpator. Waxy, bay, foaled 1790. by Pot-8'os out of Maria by Herod. PoT-8'os, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Eclipse out of Sportsmistress by Sportsman. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin-rArabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732. by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. 71 72 M. w. Dunham's cATAtOGirE (Hoof No. 50.) ADALIE 162. Bay; 159^ hands; foaled April 28, 1885; bred by M. Charles Du Hays, of St. Germain-de-Clairfeuille, department of Orne; got by the government stallioi^k Gedeon. Dam Ada (bay). Gedeon, chestnut, foaled 1879, by Hirami (imported Arab of the Abayon-Cherak- Abou-Gereyss breed) out of Stockwell Mare by Stockwell. Stockwell by The Baron out of Pocahontas by Glencoe. The Baeon, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Irish Birdcatcher out oi Echidna l)y Economist. Ieish Biedoatohee, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Sir Hercules out of Guiccioli by Bob Booty. SiE Heecules, black, foaled 1826, by Whalebone out of Peri by Wanderer. Whalebone, brown, foaled 1807, by Waxy out of Penelope by Trumpator. Waxy, bay, foaled 1790, by Pot-8'os out of Maria by Herod. POT-8'os, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Eclipse out of Sportsmistress by Sportsman. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus. by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet. chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Liister Turk. Baktlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Bred to Perfection 993 FRENCH COACH HOESES. 73 (Hoof No. 58.) ATALANTA 1357. Bay; foaled March 16, 1892; bred at OakLawn; got by Pekfection. Dam Athlante by Racoleub, by Abeantes out of a daughter of Elu. 2d dam Athlante by Montmobency, he by Conquekant out of a daughter of Bavent. 3d dam by Fbancais, he by Abeantes out of a daughter of Tipple Cidee. Peefection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuioLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a (daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Teouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Pexeb, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 177i, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank by Godolphin Arabian (172i). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1713, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Racoleub, bay, foaled 1873, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Elu. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUs, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meecuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baktlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Montmobency, chestnut, foaled 1868, by Conquerant out of a daughter of Bavent. CoNQUEBANT, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair. Kapieat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. VoLTAiEE. brown bay. foaled 1833. by Imperieux out of the dam of Raphael by Pilot. Impeeieux. bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. 74 M. w. ddnham's catalogue (Hoof No. 207.) ALLIXIA 452. Brown bay; 16 hands; foaled May 10, 1889; imijorted 1889; bred by M. Allix Courboy, of La Manche; got by the government stallion Domino Noie. Dam Paquebette by Conquekant, he by Kapieat out of Elisa by Coesaie. 2d dam Modestie by The Heie of Linne, he by Galaoe out of Mks. Walkek by Jeeeed. 3d dam Negkesse by Ugohn, he by Paeisien. ith dam Nigka by Lahoee, he by Ledstone out of daughter of Buzzabd. 5th dam Milaby by Eastham, he by Sib Olivee out of Cowslip by Alexandee. Kth dam Maetine by Ranconneue, he by Young Toppee. 7th dam daughter of Coebeau. Domino Noie, black, foaled 1881, by Lavater out of LaPastourelle by Pace. Lavatee, brown bay, foaled 18G7, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by Invincible. NoEFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. CoNQUEBANT, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapieat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. VoLTAiEE, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Impebieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (V)rown, 1724) put of Roxana. Ugolin, bay, foaled 1854, by Parisien. Paeisien, bay, foaled 1849, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Biron. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay. foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer, etc. Lahobe, bay, foaled 1840, by Ledstone. Ledstone, chestnut, foaled 1818, by Cardinal York out of Tooee by Buzzard. Caedinal Yoek, brown, foaled ■ 1804, by Sir Peter out of Charmer by Phenomenon. Sib Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyee, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtae, foaled 1743. by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byeiiy Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Bred to Indee 385. N N Domino Noir. .. Rec. 214 m. in 6:57. Sire of Benommee, 3-yr. Eec. 2 m. in 5:41. Rosierc, 3-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 7:35. Rec. 17^ m. in 6:42. Isaure. Eec. 114 m. in 3:48. Sire of the dam of Jjunon, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m, in 5:27. Uavater Sure of Duigene. Rec. 2V2 m. in 6:25. Gazelle. Rec. 214 m. in 6:28. Jaguar III. Rec. 21/^ m. in 6:35. Jouvence. Eec. 2% m. in 6:56. And the dams of Fusehia, 4-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:08. Judee. Rec. 21/2^. in 6:31 2-5 La Pastourelle. Dam of Domino Noir. Eec. 214 m. in 6:57. Lycurgue, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:31. Y Eec. 2V4 m. in 8:32. Sire of nersilie. Rec. 4^i m. in 11:05. Lavater. Sire of 155 winners of races. I Candelaria Dam of Organique. Rec. 214 m. in 8:45. Lavater. Sire of 155 that have been winners in races. Pace Descended from the great Eclipse in direct line through two winners of the St. Leger and five winners of the Derby. ^ Alice . Thoroughbred mare of rare beauty be- longing to Baron Eothschild, and used by him as a park saddler. r The Norfolk Phenomenon. Sire of Severine. Eec. 214 m. in 6:50. ^ Henrietta. Sister to Esmeral- da, dam of Hersilie. Eec. Us m. In 11:05. Angrlais. Trotting family. Founder of a Great Family of Trotters- Paquerette Eec. 2% m. in 7:52. Winner first prize trotting class Uni- versal Exposition, Paris, 1878. Shown 11 times; winning 11 first prizes; never beaten. Dam of Isis, 3-yr. Eec. I's m. in 5:42. Campana. Owned hy the French Govern- ment. ' ConcLuerant — Eec. 2Y2 m. in 7:55. Sire of Capucine. Eec.2i4m. in 6:21 3-5 Eec. 3M m. in 9:47. Dictateur. Rec. 3M m. in 10:14. La Maine. Eec. 2 m. in 5:10. Rivoli. Eec. 21/2 m. in 6:30. And 106 others, win- ners of races; also sire of the dams of 97 winners of races. V Modestie Eec. 214 m. in 6:33. Eec. 4 m. in 11:06. Dam of Hem-ine. Eec. 21/i m. in 6:16. Eec. SU m- in 9:44. ■Winner of 45 races. Jachere. Eec, 214 m. in 6:33. Eec. 3% m. in 8:20. Paquerette. Eec. 2% m. in 7:52. Kapirat Sire of Lyoopode. Eec. 214 m. in 7:00. Conguerant. Eec. 214 m. in 7:55. Balcon and Elise. Elisa - — Eec. 214 m. in 8:35. Dam of Conquerant. Eec. 2^4 m. In 7:55. Lyco]]ode. Eec. 2V4 m. in 7:00. Polypody, Elise and Surprise. The Heir of liinne Sire of J. Y. Songerai. Eec. 3M m. in 10:45. Jean Bart. Eec. 4 m. in 12:23. And 29 others, win- ners of races. I Negresse Dam of Modestie. Eec. 2Vi m. in 6:33. Eec. 4 m. in 11:06. Second dam of Tigris. Eec. 2^4 m. in 7:33. Sire of Iris. Eec. 2 5-16 m. In 5:47 And 123 other win- ners of races. Caterer. Son of Stoekwelly winner of the St. Leger. ^ Iiady Trespass. Muley Moloch. Winner of St. Le- ger. i^ Days of Yore. Dam of Mrs. Can- dour. Voltaire. Sire of Kapiraty L''Aigle, Montaigne, etc. Dau. of The Juggler. Sire of Oalba, Gal- lien and Interpide. Corsair. Sire of Mirene. Eec. iM m. in 8:04. i, Elise. Dam of Elisa. Eec. 2V2 m. in 8:35. G-alaor. Winner of the Manchester Trade Cup. Mrs. Walker. Dam of The Heir of Linne. XTgolin. Sire of Peppino. Rec. SVk m. in 8:54. Nigra, Second Questor. m. in 8:35. dam of Eec. 21/2 All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, pubUshed annually by M. TierceUn, Secretary, 12 Eue L' Arcade, Paris. tStaUions owned by the French Government. 75 76 M. w. Dunham's catalogue {Hoof No. 243.) ATHALANTE 453. Full sister to Geoffrey 177, winner of first prize for stallion and three of his get at American Horse Show, Chicago, 1889. Bay; 16}4 hands; foaled April 15, 1884; imported 1889; bred by Madame Vve. Fournet, of Calvados; got by the govenment stallion Racoleue. Dam Athalante by Montmoeenoy out of a daughter of Feancais. Raooleue, bay, foaled 1873, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Elu. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLTJMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker, by Herod, etc. Gohanna, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod, etc. Meecuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar, etc. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlex's Childees by Darley Arabian. Montmoeenoy, chestnut, foaled 1868, by Conquerant out of a daughter of Bavent. Conqtjeeant, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapieat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. Voltaiee, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of the dam of Raphael by Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattles, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1778, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Feancais, bay, foaled 1861, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Bred to Perfection 993. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 77 (Hoof Ko. 59.) BABBARINA 1362. Bay; foaled May 21, 1892; bred at Oaklawn; got by Pebfeotion. Dam Babbilonne by Tebme, he by Ignoee out of a daughter of Egesippe. 2d dam Ninette by Henbi IV, he by Monaeque out of La Touegues. 3d dam by Neokee, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of Young Rattleb. Pebfeotion, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuicLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineus out of a daughter of Sultan. Lttminetjx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Tboutille, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatob, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatob, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Pabtisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1781, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEB, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtae, foaled 1713, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Pabtnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb, JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Teeme, chestnut, foaled 1875, by Ignore out of a daughter of Egesippe. Ignobe, brown bay, foaled 1861, by Uzel out of a daughter of Ugolin. UzEL, bay, foaled 1854, by Myrthe out of a daughter of Ramsay. Mybthe, brown bay, foaled 1846, by Homere out of a daughter of Voltaire. Homebe, brown bay, foaled 1841, by Imperieux out of a daughter of D. I. 0. Impebieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattleb, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattleb, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matohem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. » Neckee, chestnut, foaled 1847, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer. Young Rattleb, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap, Rattleb, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godblphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. 78 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 52.) BABBILLONNE 163. Bay; IGJ^ hands; foaled May 2, 1884; bred by M. Crochet, of Vendue; got by the government stallion Teeme. Dam Ninette (chestnut) by Henei IV. out of a daughter of Nbokeb. Teeme, chestnut, foaled 1875, by Ignore out of a daughter of Egesippe. Ignoee, brown bay, foaled 1864, by Uzel out of a daughter of Ugolin. UzEL, bay, foaled 1854, by Myrthe out of a daughter of Ramsay. Myethe, brown bay, foaled 1846, by Homere out of a daughter of Voltaire. HoMEEE, brown bay, foaled 1841, by Imperieux out of a daughter of D. I. O. by Whitworth. Impbeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Neokee, chestnut, foaled 1847, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana Bred to Pekfection 993. FKENCH COACH HOKSES. 79 (Hoof No. 26.) BELLE 949. Brown bay; foaled February 28, 1890; bred by M. Castillon, of Calvados; got by the government staUion Etendabd. Dam IsAUEE by Valpabaiso, he by Noville out of a daughter of Affidavit. 2d dam by Esculape, he by Uteecht out of a daughter of Koenigsbeeg. 8d dam by Abeantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteue. 4th dam by Baeyton, he by Ottoman out of a daughter of Voltaiee. Etendaed, bay, foaled 1882, by Lavater out of a daughter of The Heir of Linne. Lavatee, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by Invincible. NoBFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845*, by Old Phenomenon. Valpabaiso, chestnut, foaled 1877, by Noville out of a daughter of Affidavit. Noville, black, foaled 1869, by Ipsilanty out of Therence by Turk. Ipsilanty, black, foaled 1864, by the Norfolk Phenomenon out of a daughter of Sylvio. The Noefolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Esculape, bay, foaled 1860, by Utrecht out of a daughter of Koenigsberg. Uteecht, bay, foaled 1854, by Prince out of a daughter of Eylau. Peince, bay, foaled 1849, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Marengo. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy, Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetneb, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod, etc. Meecuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar, etc. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Button's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. 80 M. w. Dunham's catai.ogue CHoof No. 310.) BETTINA 1008. Chestnut; 153^ hands; foaled April 19, 1881; imported 1890; bred by M. Brion, of Calvados; got by Rigollot. Dam Jeanne d'Aeo by Conquebant, he by Kapikat out of Elisa by Coesaib. 2d dam Jeanne La Folle by The Heie of Linne, he by Galaoe out of Mes. Walkeb by Jeeeed. 3d dam Jeanne by Conquebant, he by Kapieat out of Elisa by Cobsaie. 4:th dam imported (Arab origin). Rigollot, chestnut, foaled 1873, by Pretty Boy out of the dam of Ulysse II. Peetty Boy, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Idle Boy out of Lena by Glaucus. Idle Boy, chestnut, foaled 18i6, by St. Martin out of Peggy Sands by Velocipede. St. Maetin, bro-wn, foaled 1835, by Actaeon out of Galena by Walton. Actaeon, chestnut, foaled 1822, by Scud out of Diana by Stamford. SouD, bay, foaled 1804, by Beningbrough out of Elisa by Highflyer. Beningbeough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Feegus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-aU- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Mabske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1782, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childebs by Darley Arabian. Conquebant, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapieat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. VoLTAiBB, brown bay, foaled 1838, by Imperieux out of the dam of Raphael by Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattleb, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattles, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matohem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. The Heie of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaoe, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. Muley Molooh, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Oeville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Emelina by Highflyer. Bred to Kaolin 974 «.«!,'» _f,i vii •5,^,W-W ». o ^^ r nmmta ■kbiAi o o ® tie eg pi PL, t3 ItMlJAi. '^■^^Ta\, ' Idle Boy. o ft 2' tRigoUot Rec. 3% m. (4-yr.) in 10:36. Winner of the Trot- ting Derby at Pont I'Eveque in 1876. Sire of Olga, 5-yr. Eec. 2M m. in 7:34. Rigoleuse. Kec. 21/2 m. in 7:01. Europeen. Kec. 214 m. in 7:55. Fulmi Coton. Kec. 2 m. in 6:00. And 11 other win- ners of races. ' tPretty Boy Sire of -Rebus. Kec. 214m. in 7:27 8-5 Raohael. Kec. 2H m. in 8:00. Sire of the dams of Diva, Kec. 3I3 m. in 8:22. Junon II. Rec. 178 m. in 5:10. Descartes. Rec. 214 m. in 7:04. L Lena. Dam of Ulyssee II Rec. 214 m. in 7:55. Winner of Grand Prix de Pont I'Eve- que, 1879. Dam of Kigollot. Kec. 3y m. in 10:36. Winner of the Derby at Pont 1' Eveque, 1876. Noville Rec. 214 m. In 7:01. Sire of Begonia. Rec. 254 m. in 6:33. Destinee. Rec. 39i m. in 10:12. ^ Irlaudais.. Jeanne d' Arc . . Dam of * Impetieuse. Rec. 3 m. in 7:42. Helitrope. Kec. 2 m. in 5:38. La Hardiere. Eec. 17^ m. in 5:02. tConquerant Kec. 2V2 m. (3-yr.) In 7:35. Sire of Capucine. Rec. 21/4 m. in 6:21 3-5 32im. in9:47. Dictateur. Kec. 3% m. in 10:14. La 3Iaine. Rec. 2 m. in 5:10. Rivoli. Rec. 214 m. in 6:30. And 106 others, win- ners of races; also sire of the dams of 97 winners of races. Jeanne la Folle. Half sister to 3Ioclestie. Kec. 4 m. in 11:06. Dam of Hemine. Rec. 3% m. in 9:44. tKapirat Sire of Lycopode. Kec. 214 m. in 7:00. Conqtierant. Kec. 2V2 m. in 7:55. Balcon and Elise. lEllsa Rec. 214 m. in 8:35. Dam of Conquerant. Rec. 2V2 m. In 7:55. Lycopode. Rec. 2V3 m. in 7:00. Polypody, Elise and Surprise. fThe Heir of Liinne Sire of Pa/itole. Rec. 214 m. in 6:08. J. Y. Songerai. Kec. 3U m. in 10:45. Jean Bart. Kec. 4 m. in 12:23. And 29 others, win- ners of races. Jeanne '. .. Half sister to Capucine. Rec. 3?i m. in 9:47. tLiverpool. Sire of Lanercost. Winner of Oaks, St. Leger and G o o d- wood Cup. >- Ina. By Smolensko. Winner of St. Leger and Oaks. ' Grlaucus. Winner of the Oaks. Zillah ^ by Reveller. Ipsilanty. Sire of jNeuberg and Notre Dame. [_ Therence. Record 2i/4 m. in 7:33. Dam of Her- silie. Record 41^8 m. in 11:05. Urbanite. Record 214 m. In 7:05. Vesta. Record 8% m. in 25:55. Zizi. Record 2Y2 m. in 8:41. tVoltaire. Sire of Kapirat. L'Aigle and Mon- taigne. Dau. of tThe Jug-g-ler. Sire of Galba, Gal- ion and Interperte. ' tCorsair. Sire of Mirene, Record 214 m. in 8:04. t Elise. By Marcellus. Winner of Ascot Cup. tGalaor. Winner of Man- chester Trade Cup. L Mrs. Walker. Grand Dam of Al- lumette. Record 2^ m. in 7:04. tConquerant. Record 214 m. in 7:55. Sire of Capu- cine. Record 3%, m. in 9:47. Imported Mare Arab Origin. *Im,petieuse holds the world's record in a race for 4 year old mare 3 miles under saddle, time 7:42. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiercelin, Secretary, 12 Rue L' Arcade, Paris. tStallions owned by the i'rench Government. 81 82 M. W, DUNHAM'S CATALOGUE (Hoof No. 311.) ECLATANTE 1006. Bay; 15^ hands ; foaled April 15, 1885; bred by M. Brion, of Calvados: got by the government stallion Coubtisan. Dam SuLTANE by Raoolbue, he by Abbantes out of a daughter of Noteue. 2d dam SouBBETa?E by Le Mobe, he by Estaeette out of a daughter of Coleeaine. 3d dam daughter of Maeignan, he by The Noeeolk Phenomenon. CouETiSAN, light bay, foaled 1880, be by Serpolet Bai out of a daughter of Trouville. Seepolet Bai, brown bay, foaled 1874, he by Normand out of a daughter of Dorus. NoEMAND, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire by Imperieux, etc. , Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xbbxes, bay, foaled 183i, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer by Highflyer. Young Rattleb, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784:, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Raooleue, bay, foaled 1873, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Eylau. Abbantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur, etc. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. Golumpus, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meeouey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Le Mobe, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Estafette out of a daughter of Coleraine. Estaeette, bay, foaled 1860, by Ottoman out of a daughter of Telegraph. ■Ottoman, bay, foaled 1848, by Feliero out of a daughter of Basly. Bred to Perfection 993. t Courtisan Rec. (3yr.) 2!>4 m. m 7:18. Half brother to Edimbourg, 3-yr. Rec. 2i/2m. in 6:51. Sire of Laborieux, 3-yr. Kec. 21/^m. in 6:25. Jouvenoe II. Kec. 2i/4m. in 6:27. Jacinthe, 4-yT. Rec. 3!^8m. in 8:07 Kiffis. Rec. 178 m. in 5:01. Jitomer. Rec. 2 m. in 5:23. Jonas II. Rec. 2%™. in 7:04. Gisele, 3-jt. Rec. 214m. in 7:00. Lais. Rec. 2 11-16 m. in 7:12. Lebertine, 3-yr. Rec. 2V4m. in 7:05. fSerpolet-Bai .. Rec. 2V2m. in 7:11. Sire of Fild Acier. Rec. 3j8m. in 8:43. Rec. IJsni. in 5:01. CascacZe. Rec. 214m. in 6:43. Elan, 3-yr. Rec. 21/im. in 6:48. Dancortrf. Rec. IJIm. in 5:06. Rec. I'^m. in 5:07. And 49 others, win- ners of races. ^ Independante . . Dam of Courtisan, 3-jt. Rec. 2V2m. in 7:18. La Fontaine, 3-yr. Rec. 21/im. in 7:29. tNormand Rec. 2Um. in 7:03 4-5 Sire of Cherbourg, 4-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:40. Virago. Rec. 3?4m. in 9:56. And 78 others, win- ners of races. t Marffot Dam of Serpolet-Bai. Rec. 214 m. In 7:11. Third dam of Cherbourg. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:40. ' t Trouville Sire of Lumineux And the 2d dam of Ciceron II. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:59 2-5 Sultane. tRacoleur Half brother to fKaribon. jNoclor. {Necy. fRay Grass, iRegnard. ^Simeon. fVendome. jStenalisis. jOctavo. ySateur and 'fSalin. Soubrette.c (^ Alpheri Dam of Valencourt. Rec. 2'4m. in 7:04. Pala7iqitin. Beaujeau and Imperieuse. fAbrantes Sire of the dam of Email. Rec. Sis m. in 8:08 3-5 Bonne 3Iiere. Rec. 2^i m. in 6:31. And 21 other win- ners of races. Mysotis Dam of Jactator II, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m.in 5:24, and Bacoleur. ' t IJe More Sire of t Usinus. j Raming, Half brother to 'XRemus. tDivus. Sire of Normand. Rec. 2Vim. in 7:03 4-5 ^ Christiane. Dam of Bataclan IV. Rec. 2>.3 m. in 6:54. ' t Dorus. Half brother to Diomede and Rail- leur. Dau. of t Introuvable. Half brother to jintaot and jJero- boam. tntz G-ladiator Winner of the Spe- cial Prize, Paris and the Continental Derby. I Clementine. Dam of Arlette and Egmont. f t Fitz Pantaloon. Sire of the dam of Kiss, 3-yr. Rec. 2^ m. in 7:30. Ida by L t William. Winner First Prize at the Conconrs reg- inal, Caen 1875. t Pledge. Sire of Irma. Rec. 3U m. in 11:09. , Dau. of. Dau. of ^ t Noteur. Sire oijSedueteur, \Caoutohone and ^Regnier. tElu. Sire of the dam of Escapade III. Rec. 2 m. in 5:10. Fretillon by tSolide. Brother to ^Jacta- tor. ^ t Estafette. Half brother to '\Argos and ■\Elvin. Dau. of ^ t Coleraine. f tMarig-nan. Half brother to Severine. Rec. 2^4 m. in 6:50. L All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of Stance, published annually by M. TierceUn, Secretary, 12 Rue L' Arcade, Paris. •fStallions owned by the French Government. 83 84 M. w, Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 53.) ELEGANCE 1364. Bay; foaled April 19, 1892; bred at Oaklawn; got by Peefection. Dam EoLATANTE by Cotjetisan, he by Seepolet-Bai out of Independante. 2d dam Sultane by Raooletje, he by Abeantes out of a daughter of Elu. 3d dam Soubeette by Le Moee, he by Estaeette out of a daughter of COIiEEAINE. Ith dara by Maeignan, he by Nobfolk Phenomenon out of a daughter of Pledge. Peefection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. Luminexjx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Teouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Petee, brown, foaled 1781, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1721). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1713, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetuee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Couetisan, bay, foaled 1880, by Serpolet-Bai out of Independante by Trouville. Serpolet-Bai, brown, foaled 1874, by Normand out of Margot by Dorus. NoEMAND, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1889, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- tiyer by Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godolphin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Racoleub, bay, foaled 1873, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Elu. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meeouey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Etc. Perfection winner of First Prize, American Horse Show, Chi- cago, 1891. 3^ Eclatante. tBanyuls Sire of Mercedes. Winner of First Prize, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Awarded Medal of Honor by the Minister of Agri- culture. Gavotte. Winner of First Prize, American Horse Show, Chi- cago, 1891. f tQ.uiclet Dam of Mile, des Tourelles. Rec. 214 m. in 7:02. Sire of the dam of Koecy. Kec. 2% m. in 6:56. '- Diana Dam of the Govern- ment stallions Fabius and Oranger. tPagre Sire of four govern- ment stallions. I Charlotte. Winner Brood Mare Prize, St. L o, 1886, with Paquer- ette lay side. Winner Brood Mare t Prize, St. Lo, 1887, with Perfec- tion by side; pur- chased by the Em- peror of Brazil, 1887. Won Honor Prize and Queen's Cup at the Brazilian Exposition. tLnmineux. Grand sire of Rosamond and Fan- freluche. ^ Sultane. By Sultan. Sire of the dam of Tenta- tive and Quiclet. tSolide. sire of Bud, Es- perence, and the dams of Fabius and Siroc. ^ Vendetta. Dam of f Utrecht and jTancrede. " tldominee. sire of Nagel and Sapeur, belonging to the French Govern- ment. >- Karaide. Half sister to Modestie. E e c o r d 4 m. in 11:06. ' tEay Grass. sire of jRay Grass le jeune. Sara - Winner of First Prize at Meautls. I Charlotte WinnerofBrood Mare Prize, Con- cours of St. Lo, 1882, with Char- lotte at side. Winner of First Prize at St. Lo, 1888-89-90. ' tCourtisan Kec. (3-yr.) 21/2 m. In 7:18. Half brother to Edimbourg, 3-yr. Rec. 2'/2 m. In 6:51. Sire of Laborieux, 3-yr. Bee. 21/2 m. In 6:25. Jouvence II. 1 Rec. 214 m. In 6:27. Jacinthe, i-yr. Rec. 314 m. In 8:07. Kiffls. Rec. I'^a m. In 5:01. Jitomer. Eec. 2 m. in 5:23.' . Sultane. tSerpolet-Bai... Rec. 214 m. In 7:11. Sire of Fil d''Acier. Rec. 3^8 m. in 8:43. Java. Rec. 173 m. In 5:01. And 53 other win- ners. *- Independante.. Dam of Courtisan, 3-yr. Rec. 21>4 m. In 7:18. La Fontaine, 3-yr. Rec. 214 m. In 7:29. tHacoleur , . Half brother to '\Karibon. 'fNador. ^Necy. '\Ray Grass and \Begnard, Soubrette. tNormand Record ('3-yr.)2V4 m. In 7:03 4-5. ^ Margot. Dam of Serpolet- Bai. Record 2>4 m. In 7:11. tTrouville. Sire of '\Lumineux. ^ Alpheri. Dam. of Valen- court. Record 2% m. in 7:04. tAbrantes. Sire of the dam of Email. Record 3^ m. in 8:08 3-5. t Mysotis. Dam of Jacfator II, 3-yr. Record 2 m. in 5:24. " fLe More. Sire of f Usinus and ^Ranting. Dau. of _ tMarignan. Half brother to Severine. Record 214 m. in 6:50. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Of&cial Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tlercelin, Secretary, 12 Rue L' Arcade, Paris. tStallions owned by the French Government. 85 86 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 255.) ELISABETH 442. Brown; 16l^ hands; foaled May 26, 1882; imported 1889; bred by M. Castil- lon, of Calvados; got by the government stallion Noemand. Dam OiiGA by Abbantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteub. 2d dam Junon by Eouyeb, he by Uesin out of a daughter of Lagopede. 3d dam Camelia by Teoabn, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The Jugglee. 4:th dam daughter of Young Sttpebioe. 5th dam Meeleeault Maee. Noemand, brown bay, foaled 1^69, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xebxes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer by Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784. by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matohem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Abbantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Mebouey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eolipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Mahske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Ecuyee, bay, foaled 1859, by Ursin out of a daughter of Lagopede. Uesin, bay, foaled 1854, by Ramsay out of a daughter of Ganymede. Ramsay, bay, foaled 1845, by Sylvio out of Emilina by Emilus. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy, by Pot-8'os. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Etc. Bred to Indee 385. H .3 W to W CO a u Kg I; o i' t Normand Rec. I3yr.) 2^4 m. in 7:03 4-5. Sire of Cherbourg, 4-yT. Eec. 2^2 m. in 6:40. Rec. 3%i m. in 9:56. Hardy, 4-jt. Rec. 3 m. iu 7:55i4. Farceur. 5-yr. Rec. 2V4m. in 6:39 4-5 And 76 others, win- ners of races; also sire of the dam of Ismerie. Rec. 2?^ m. in 6:38. S^i m. in 8:00. Harley. Rec. 21/im.iu 6:23 3-5 Fier-a-Bras, 4-yr. Rec. 3% m. in 10:22. Mile. St. Pair, 4-yr. Rec. 2°3 m. in 6:53. Serpolette, 5-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:3514. Loriot, 3-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:35 1-5 Leda, 3-yr. Rec. 2^m. in 6:34 4-5 And 52 others, win- ners of races. fDivus Sire of Normand, 3-yr. Eec. 212 m. in 7:034-5 Miss Trophon, 3-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 7:49. .Sire of the dam of Qiiich. Rec. 81/^ m. in 25:55. tftuebec - Stre of Dominant and Apis government stal- lions. I- Dau. of Half sister to '^Confidence. ^Eminence. jHabile. \nonorable and \Hynicathe ' t G-anymede. Sire of jParisien, yTroarn and \Necker. Dau. of *- tVoltaire. tElectrioLue Winner of Grand Prix de Versailles. Dau. of t Voltaire Sire of ^Gradivus and ■\Hilaire. ^ Olg-a. \Yinner First Prize Universal Exposi- tion, Pans, 1878. Dam of Da Capo. Rec. 214 m. in 7:25. Tempete and Aldee owned by the French govern- ment. Christiane Dam of Bataclan IV. Rec. 2!4 m. in 6:54. ifUssy. Normand, Rec. 214 m. in 7:084-5 Sire of Dur a' Cuire. Rec. 2 m. in 5:25. Fred Archer. Rec. 214 m. in 6:47 3-5 Destrier, 4-yr. Rec. 3 m. in 8:07 1-5. Utile, 5-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:33. fAbrantes Sire of the dam of Email. Eec. 3iim. in 8:08 3-5 Bonne Miere. Rec. 214 m. in 6:31. Gravier, 4-yr. Eec. 2 m. in 5:21. Edimbourg, 3-yr. Eec. 214 m. in 6:51. Lincotte. Rec. 214 m. in 6:53. And 16 others, win- ners of races. Junon Winner of First Prize at Argences with colt, 1875. ' tKapirat Sire of Lycopody. Rec. 254 m. in 7:00. Conquerant. Rec. 214 m. in 7:55. Balco n, Lisette, Elise, Pan tin, Christine, etc. L Dau. of 2d dam of Bataclan IV. Eec. 214 m. in 6:54. Norm,and. Eec.2i/im. in7:03 4-5 tPledge Sire of Irma. Rec. 3% m. in 11:09. Ida. Eec. 2yz m. in 7:54. *- Dau. of Grand dam of ifKaribon. ■fRay Grass. fRegnard. ^Vendome and ^Octavo. <" fEcuyer. Sire of tVoltaire. Sire of ^Kapirat, L''Aigle,'f Montaigne, etc. i Dau. of L tThe Jugg-ler. tDebardeur. Winner of the Derby, 1851. Melerault Mare f tRoyal Oak. Sire of Poetess. Dam of three derby winners. Dau. of L tYoung- Rattler Sire of jDiomede. f Xerxes and iDorus. tNoteur. Sire of dam of Dejalma. Rec. 2^4 m. in 7:54. (^ Jt. d'Attelag-e. tUrsin. Sire of seven stal- lions owned by the French government. Dau. of 'rtamoir"^""'"* LtLa^opede. Sire of TArno. - Camelia Half sister to 12 gov- ernment stallions. ' fTroarn. Sire of 13 govern- ment stallions. Dau. of tYoung Superior. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Of&cial Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiercelin, Secretary, 12 Rue L' Arcade, Paris, ^tStailions owned by the French Government. 87 88 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 56.) EITEIDE 1068. Bay; foaled May 30, 1891; bred at "Oaklawn ;" got by Indke. Dam Elisabeth by Noemand, he by Divus out of a daughter of Kapibat. 2d dam Olga by Abkantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteue. 3d dam Junon by Eotjyeb, he by Ubsin out of a daughter of Lagopede. 4th dam Camelia by Teoaen, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The JUGGLEE. 6th dam daughter of Young Supebioe. 6th dam. Meblebatjlt Maee. Indee, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heie oe Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaob, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. Mtjlby Molooh, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Oeville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbeough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Feegus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childebs by Darley Arabian. Noemand, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer by Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matohem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Abbantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUs, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker, by Herod. Etc. Indre winner First Prize at Universal Expo- sition, Paris, 1889. Awarded Gold Medal by Minister of Agr 1 c u 1 1 u r e. Sixty stallions ■were shown in this class, competition being open to the world and the va- rious breeds of coach horses were there represented. I Elisabeth . Dam of *Isniei'ie. Kee. 3^8 m. in 8:00. 2% m. in 6:38. Winner of 37 races. Phaeton Eec. 2^-2 m. in 7 4-5. Sire of Ellora. Eec. 2i4 m. in 6:16. Harley, 3 and 4-yr. Kec. 214m. in 6:23 3-5 2 13-16 m. in 7:23. Ecoliere, 4-yr. Rec. 2 13-16 m. in 7:12. 3?£ m. in 10:22. Escapade III, 3-yr. Eec. 2 m. in 5:10. And 125 others, win- ners of races; also sire of the dams of 46 win- ners of races. I. Bettina Dam of Indre. Winner First Prize Universal Exposi- tion, Paris, 1889. Sister to Impetieuse, 4-yr. Eec. 3 m. in 7:42. Winner of 28 races. Helitropie. Eec. 2 m. in 5:38. La Hardiere. Eec. 1% m. in 5:02. The Heir of Liinne Sire of Pactole, 4-yr. Eec. 214 m. in 6:08. Modestie, 5-yr. Eec. 21/2 m. in 6:33. 4 m. Ln 11:06. ^ Ambition. Dam of Phaeton. Eec. 2V3 m. in 7 4-5. Grand dam of Indicateur, 3-yr. Eec. 2 m. in 5:19. Galaor. Winner of the Manchester Trade Cup. i, Mrs. Walker. Grand dam of Al- lumette. Eecord 214 m. in 7:04 Crocus. Sire of Favorite. Eecord 2'/^ m. in 7:14 ^ Elisa. Record 8:35. Normand - Eec. (3-yr.) 2V2 m. in 7:03 4-5. Sire of Cherbourg, 4-yr. Eec. 214 m. in 6:40. Virago. Eec. 3?i m. in 9:56. Hardy, 4-yr. Eec. 3 m. in 7:55 1-2. Farceur, 5-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:39 4-5 And 76 others, win- ners of races; also sire of the dam of *Ismerie. Eec. SVs m. in 8:00. And 52 other win- ners. - Olgra Winner First Prize Universal Exposi- tion. Paris, 1878. Dam of Da Capo. Eec. 214 m. in 7:25. Tempete and Aldee owned by the French Govern- ment. Rigollot Rec. (4-yr.) 3J£ m. in 10:36. Winner of the Trot- ting Derby at Pont I'Eveque in 1876. Sire of Olga, 5-yr. Rec. 2y m. in 7:34. And 13 others, win- ners of races. I Jeanne d' Arc. Dam of Impetieuse. Eec. 214 m. in 6:44. Helitrope. Rec. 2 m. in 5:38. La Hardiere. Rec. Us m. in 5:02. Divus Sire of Normand, Rec. (3-yr.) 214m. in 7:034-5. 3Iiss Trophon, 3-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 7:49. Sire of dam of Quick. Eec. 8^8 m. in 25:55. Pretty Boy. Sire of Rebus. Eecord 2^4 m. in 7:24 Dau. of Ulyssee II. Eecord 2^^ m. in 7:24. Conquerant. Eecord 2% m. ■ 7:55. Jeanne la Folle. By the Heir of Linne. Sire of 31 winners of races. f Q,uebec. 1 Sire of Dominant -j and Apis. i Dan. of (_ Electriq.ue. Winner of the Grand Prix de Ver- sailles. f Kapirat. I Sire of Lycopode. ^ Christiane -{ Eecord 214 m. in 7:00 Dam of Bataclan IV. Eec. 2^4 m. in 6:54. Normand. Eec. 214 m.in 7:034^5 Abrantes Sire of the dam of Email. Eec. 31,8m. in 8:08 3-5 Sonne Miere. Eec. 2^-2 m. in 6:31. And 21 other win- ners of races. 1^ Junon Winner of First Prize at Argences with colt, 1875. Dau. of Debardeur. Brother of Ban- conneur, and dam of Diomede. { Pledge. I Sire of Irnia. Eec- ord 3M m. in 11:09. Dau. of l^ Noteur. Sire ot.Seducteur, Caoutchone and Reg7iier. ' Ecuyer. By Ursin. Sire of 7 government staUions. Camelia. By Troarn. Sire of the tin. dam of Des- *Ismerie holds world's record for SVs miles in race under saddle; time, 8 minutes; Paris, 1891. Ismerie^s dam owned at Oaklawn. . , r„ ^. t, ^ 1 AU of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Offlcial Trottmg Eecords 01 France, piiblished annually by M. Tiercelin, Secretary, 12 Rue L'Arcade, Paris. fStallions owned by the French Government. 89 90 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 69.) ESMERALDA 1360. Bay; foaled May 25, 1892; bred at Oaklawn; got by Pbefeotion. Dam Elisabeth by Noemand, he by Divus out of a daughter of Kapieat. 2d dam Olga by Abeantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteue. 3d dam. Junon by Eouyee, he by Uesin out of a daughter of Lagopede. 4th dam Camelia by Teoaen, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The JUGGLEE. 5th dam by Young Supeeioe, he by Supeeioe. Peefection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiclet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Teouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Peteb, brown, foaled 1781, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1771, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtae, foaled 1713, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Noemand, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes. bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer by Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1833 by Catton out of Smolensko Mare. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timiothy. GoLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meeouey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Etc. ' Perfection Winner of First Prize, American Horse Sliow, Chi- cago, 1891. tBanyuls Sire of 3Iercecles. Winner of First Prize, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Awarded Medal of Honor by the Minister of Agri- culture. Gavotte. Winner of First Prize, American Horse Show, Chi- cago, 1891. Elisabeth Dam of Ifmerie, Eec. 3^8 m. in 8:00. 2% m. in 6:38. Winner of 37 races. ^ Charlotte Winner Brood Mare Prize, St. Lo, 1886, with Paquer- ette by side. Winner Brood Mare Prize, St. liO, 188 7, with Perfection by side, purchased by the Emperor of Bra- zil, 1887. Won Honor Prize and Queen's Cup at the Brazilian Exposi- tion. ' tNormand Rec. (3-yr.) -lYz m. in 7:03 4-5 Sire of Cherbourg , 4-yT. Rec. 214 m. in 6:40. Vi7-ago. Rec. 3?i m. in 9:56. Hardy, 4-yr. Rec. 3 ni. in 7:55^2. Farceur, 5-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:39 4-5 And 76 others, win- ners of races, also sire of the dams of 52 other winners. Ol&a Winner of First Prize, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1878. Dam of Da Capo. Rec. 2V3 m. in 7:25. Tempete and Aldee owned by the French Govern- ment. t Cluiclet Sire of 3Ille. des Tourelles. Rec. 214 m. in 7:02. Sire of the dam of Koecy. Rec. 25/3 m. in 6:56. '^ Diana Dam of the govern- ment stallions Fabius and Granger. tPag-e Has four half broth- ers in the National Haras. Sara Winner of First Prize at Meautis. Winner of Brood Mare Prize, Con- cours of St. Lo, 1882, with Char- lotte at side. tDivus Sire of Norviand, 3-yr. Rec. 2Vom. in 7:03 4-5 Miss Trophon, 3-yr. Rec. 2' 2 m. in 7:49. Sire of the dam of Quick. Rec. 8}a m. in 25:55. Christiane Dam of Bataolan IV. Rec. 214 m. in 6:54. Normand. Eec. 2' 2 m. in 7:034-5 ^XJssy. fAbrantes Sire of the dam of Email. Rec. 3iim. in 8:08 3-5 Bonne Mere. Eec. 214 m. in 6:31. And 19 others, win- ners of races. Junon Winner of First Prize at Argences, 1874. Winner of First Prize at Ar- gences, with colt, 1875. tliUmineux. Grand sire of Rosamond and Fan- freluche. ^ Sultane. By -f Sultan. Sire of Tentative. Rec. 21^ m. in 7:07. fSolide. Sire of fJSuci, fEs- pierence and the dams of ^Fabius and Siroc. ^ tVendetta. Dam of ^Utrecht and ■\Tanorede. ' tldomenee. Sire of Nagel and Sapeur, belonging to the French Gov- ernment. Karaide. Half sister to Modestie. Rec. 4 m. in 11:06. tEay Grass. Sire of ■\Ray Grass le jeune. I Charlotte. Winner of First Prize at St. Lo, 1888-89-90. tOruebec. Sire of jDominant and jApis, govern- I ment stallions. Dau. of ^- tElectrique. Winner of Grand Prix de Versailles. f IKapirat. Sire of Lycopody. Rec. 214 m. in 7:00. Dau. of tDebardeur. Brother of fiJan- con7ieur. tPledge. Sire of Jrma. Rec. 3U m. in 11:09. Dau. of tNoteur. Sire of dam of De- jalma. Eec. 2^2 ni. In 7:54. Ecuyer. By -fVrsin. Sire of 7 government stallions. L Camelia. By Troam. Sire of the dam of t-Des- tin. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiercelin, Secretary, 12 Rue L' Arcade, Paris. fStallions owned by the French Government. 91 92 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 27.) TLEUR DE LIS 951. Brown bay; 15^ hands; foaled May 28, 1890; bred by M. Gregoire, of Orne; got by the government stallion Glaneue. Dam Fanchette by Galea, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Sylvio. 2d dam Eltibe by EsotrLAPE, he by Uteeoht out of a daughter of Koenigsbeeg. 3d dam by Tipple Cidee, he by Defence out of Deposit by Blacklock. 4:th dam by Napoleon, he by Bob Booty out of the Pope Maee. 5th dam by Massoud Aeabian. Glaneue, black, foaled 1884, by Valdempierre out of Fille-de-Coeur by The Nor- folk Phenomenon. Valdempieeee, brown bay, foaled 1877, by Normand out of a daughter of Conquerant. NoBMAND, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. DiTus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattleb, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Matohem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Galea, bay, foaled 1862, by Pledge out of a daughter of Sylvio. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler by Rattler, etc. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUs, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod, by Tartar, etc. Meecuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar, by Partner, etc. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. EscuLAPE, bay, foaled 1860, by Utrecht out of a daughter of Koenigsberg. Uteeoht, bay, foaled 1854, by Prince out of a daughter of Eylau. Peinoe, chestnut, foaled 1849, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Marengo. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Etc. t Divus. Sire of Normand, tNormand -j Kec.2i4m. in7:03 4-5. Rec. 2V2m. in7:03 4-5 i_ Christiane. Dam of Bataclan ' t Glaneur Bee. (3-yr.) 2^m. in 6:56. r t Valdempierre \ Kec. (4-yr.) IVi m. in 7:10. Sire of ♦ Jonguille. Rec. 214m. in 6:03. Joyeuse III. Rec. 214m. in 6:42 4-5 Dona Sol. Rec. 2}4m. in 6:07. Hecla. Rec. V-Am. in 6:48 4-5 Isabelle, 3-yr. Rec. 21401. in 7:02. Joconde, 3-yr. Rec. IJim. in 3:34. H Q Fille de Couer.. Dam of Herminie. Rec. I'sin. in 5:25. Glaneur. Rec. 2^2m. in 6:56. and Nankin and Rachel. Sire of Cherbourg, 4-yT. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:40. Virago. Rec. 33im. in 9:56. And 78 other win- ners of races. Rosine Second dam of Fier A. Bras, 4-yr. Rec. 2Y2TC1. in 6:47. t Norfolk Phenomenon. . . . Sire of Severine. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:50. Bayadere. Rec. 3Mni. in 10:42. And 49 otlier win- ners of races. L Dame de Coeur. Bee. 214m. in 7:04. Dam of Bon Couer. Bee. 3 m. in 11:03. Joli Couer. Rec. 214m. in 7:44. f Galba Half brottier of jAbrantes. ■\Bamboula. jOriental and ■{ Umber. Fanchette Winner of First Prize at ttie Con- cours at lie Pin. Dam of Athos. Rec. 2i4m. in 7:18. Forget-Me Not, Winner of FirstPrize at the Concoiirs at Le Pin. Winner of First Prize at the Concours Reginal at Alen- con, 1888. Elvire Winner of First Prize at Le Pin, 1885. t Pledge Sire of Irma. Rec. 3Mm. in 11:09. Ida. Rec. 214m. in 7:54. ^ Dau. of Half sister to Lionceau. Prince Colibri. Fatibello. ■Ramsay and ■■Vlachmir. tEsculape Sire of Quinet. Bee. 2y2m. in 7:50. And eight stallions owned by the French govern- ment. Dau. of. IV. Record 2V2 m- in 6:54. tConoLTierant. Record 2^4 ni. in 7:.55. Fille de t Perruquier. By Success. Rec- ord IJiva. in 5:56. Old Phenomenon. Grand Sire of f Noir nion t and ■\Phosphare. Anglais. t "Wild Fire. Sire of Herminie. Rec. 214m. in 7:16. Dau. of Friedland, Winner of Eissai, Paris, 1838. t Royal Oak. Sire of Poetess, Dam of three Derby winners. Dau. of fYoung Rattler Sire of jDiomede, ■\Xerxes and '\Dorus. Sylvio. Winner of Grand Prix Royal Paris, 1831. Dau. of. ' t Utrecht. Sire of Eleven Government Stall- i ions. Dau. of fKoenigsberg. Dam of two fam- ous Government Stallions. tTipple Cider. Winner of the July Stakes at New Market. Dau of ^ t Napoleon. AU of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of Prance, published annually by M. Tiercelin, Secretary, 12 Rue L' Arcade, Paris. tStallions owned by the French Government. 93 94 M. Av. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 8.) GAVOTTE 952. Bay; 16 14^ hands; foaled April 4, 1887; bred by M. Louis Sauvage, of La Manche; got by the government stallion Banyuls. Dam Rapide by Telemaqtje, he by Noville out of a daughter of Affidavit. 2d dam Cocote by Josaphat, he by Ugolin, he by Pabisien. 3d dam by William, he by Taeeaeb out of Ida by Whalebone. 4:th dam by Railleue, he by Young Rattleb out of a daughter of Highflyee. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1879, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Teguville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor, Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Sarah by Reveller. Gladiatob, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'ps. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyee, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of a sister to Mixbury by Curwen BaJ^ Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Telemaque, chestnut, foaled 1875, by Noville out of a daughter of AflBdavit. Noville, black, foaled 1869, by Ipsilanty out of Therence by Turk. Ipsilanty, black, foaled 1864, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of a daughter of Sylvio. Noefolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Josaphat, brown bay, foaled 1865, by Ugolin. Ugolin, bay, foaled 1854, by Parisien. Pabisien, bay, foaled 1849, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Biron. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer. , Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattleb, bay; foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by-Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana by The Bald Galloway. William, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Tarrare out of Ida by Whalebone. Taeeabe, bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Henriette by Sir Solomon. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUs, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. OoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Etc. Bred to Perfection 993. FKENCH COACH HOESES. 95 (Hoof No. 244.) GAZELLE 409. Bay; 161.^ hands; foaled April 4, 1884; imported 1889; bred by M. Castillon, of Calvados; got by the government stallion Obiental. Dam FiL-EN-QuATBE by Umbeb, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Polecat. 2d dam Favobite by Colebaine, he by Colebaine out of Jument du Yoekshibe. 3d dam Pbes-de-Teebe by Tegaen, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The JUGGLEE. 4th dam daughter of Exteeme, he by Emule out of a daughter of Eastham. Obiental, chestnut, foaled 1870, by Jactator out of a daughter of Emir. Jactatoe, chestnut, foaled 1865, by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled .1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Tbance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEB, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetab, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of a sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Umbeb, bay, foaled 1854, by Pledge out of a daughter of Polecat. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GOLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod, etc. Meecuby, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar, etc. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeskb, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childebs by Darley Arabian. Tboaen, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of daughter of The Juggler. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer. Young Rattles, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Etc. Bred to Perfection 993. 96 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 256.) GERMAINE 443. Brown; 16 hands; foaled February 29, 1884; imported 1889; bred by M. Castillon, of Calvados; got by the government stallion Nigee. Dam Olga by Abbantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteuk. 2d dam Junon by Eouyee, he by Ubsin out of a daughter of Lagopede. 3d dam Camelia by Teoaen, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The Jdgglee. 4th dam daughter of Young Supeeiob. 5th Mebleeault Maee. Nigee, black, foaled 1869, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. NoEFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1815, by Old Phenomenon. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1816, by Eoyal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. Gohanna, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meeouby, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1761, by Marska out of Spiletta by Regulus by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Sqtjiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1883, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLiTMPTJS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. Gohanna, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meeouby, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Mabske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squibt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snaka by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Eouyee, bay, foaled 1859, by Ursin out of a daughter of Lagopede. Desin, bay, foaled 1854, by Ramsay out of a daughter of Ganymede. Ramsay, bay, foaled 1845, by Sylvio out of Emilina by Emilius. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Etc. Bred to Perfection 993. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 97 (Hoof No. 54.) GOEIiETTE 165. Brown bay; 16 hands; foaled April 15, 1884; bred by M. A. Lebaudy, of Cal- vados; got by the government approved stallion Rivoli. Dam Naiade by Tigeis, he by Lavatek out of Modestie by The Heie of Linne. 2d dam by Esotjlape, he by Uteecht out of a daughter of Koenigsbebg. 3d dam Alexena by Teoaen, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The Juggles. ith dam Josephine by Tipple Cidee, he by Defence out of Deposit by Blacklock;. 5th dam La Duplex by Duplex, he by Pickpocket out of a daughter of Young Rattlee. 6th dam Pickpocket Maee by Pickpocket, he by St. Pateick out of Hedley- Maee. 7th dam La Pilott by Pilot, he by Octavius out of a daughter of Ambeosid. 8th dam La Bachant by Bacha [Arab]. 9th dam daughter of Dagout [Turk]. 10th dam daughter of Gloeieux. 11th dam daughter of King Pepin. RivoLi, bay, foaled 1873, by Conquerant out of a daughter of Coleraine. CoNQUEEANT, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapieat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. VoLTAiEE, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Impebieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Tigeis, brown bay, foaled 1875, by Lavater out of Modestie by The Heir of Linne. Lavatee, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Heiu'iette by Invincible. NoEFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Uteecht, brown bay, foaled 1876, by Palm out of a daughter of Pretender. Palm, brown bay, foaled 1871, by Centaure out of a daughter of Torigny. Centauee, bay, foaled 1858, by Seducteur out of a daughter of Merlerault. Seducteue, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. Noteue, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. ChanticleeEj bay, foaled 1787, by Woodpecker out of a daughter of Eclipse. WooDPEOKEE, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Herod out of Miss Ramsden by Cade, by Godolphin Arabian. Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Etc. Bred to Perfection 993. 98 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 65.1 GULNARE 1352. Bay; foaled June 5, 1892; bred at Oaklawn; got by Peefeotion. Dam Gazelle by Oeiental, he by Jactatoe out of a daughter of Emik. 2d dam Fil-en-quatee by Umbee, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Polecat. 3d dam Favobite by Coleeaine, he by Coleeaine out of Yoekshiee Maee. ith dam Pees de Teeee by Teoaen, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The JUGGLEE. 5th dam by Exteeme by Emule out of a daughter of Talma. Pekfeotion, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Teouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatob, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon, Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHELYEE, bay, foaled 177i, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtae, foaled 17i3, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb, JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Oeiental, chestnut, foaled 1870, by Jactator out of a daughter of Emir. Jactatoe, chestnut, foaled 1865, by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teanoe, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon, etc. Umbee, bay, foaled 1854, by Pledge out of a daughter of Polecat. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUs, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Mebcuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Mabske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. FKENCH COiCH HORSES. 99 (Hoof No. 62.) HEBOINE 1361. Bay; foaled March 20, 1892; bred at Oaklawn; got by Peefection. Dam HiBONDELLE by Niger, he by Noefolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. 2d dam by Kaolin, he by Zouave out of Dainty. 3d dam. Jtjana by Noemand, he by Divus out of a daughter of Kapieat. 4th dam Rosette by Ignace, he by Centaub out of a daughter of Lanebcost. 5th dam Lisette by Ottoman, he by Faliebo out of a daughter of Basly. Peefeotion, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiclet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. Luminettx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Teoitville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor, Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEB, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtab, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. NiGEE, black, foaled 1869, by the Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. NoEFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Kaolin, bay, foaled 1868, by Zouave out of Dainty by Ionian. ZoTJAVE, chestnut, foaled 1855, by The Baron out of Dacia by Gladiator. The Baeon, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Irish Birdcatcher out of Echidna. Ibish Biedcatchee, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Sir Hercules out of Guiccioli. Sib Heecules, black, foaled 1826, by Whalebone out of Peri by Wanderer. Whalebone, brown, foaled 1807, by Waxy out of Penelope by Trumpator. Waxy, bay, foaled 1790, by Pot-8'os out of Maria by Herod. PoT-8'os, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Eclipse out of Sportsmistress by Sportsman. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Mabske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlefs Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Noemand, brown bay, foaled 1847, by Introuvable out of a daughter of Emule. Inteouvable, brown bay, foaled 1842, by Diomede out of a daughter of Jaggard. DiOMEDE, bay, foaled 1837, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Topper. Young -Rattles, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattles, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. 100 M. w Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 253.) HERVINE 444. Brown bay; 16^ hands; foaled April 15, 1885; imported 1889; bred by M. Malenfant, of La Manche; got by the government stallion Speotee. Dam Pyeame by Ignoee, he by Uzel out of a daughter of Ugolin. 2d dam Buou by Lagopede, he by Voltaiee out of a daughter of The Juggles. 3d dam Rosette by Lionceau, he by Sylvio out of a daughter of Xeexes. Ith dam Mazetta by Goelitz, he by Oscab out of a daughter of Mahomet. Speotee, bay, foaled 1871, by Gall out of a daughter of Abrantes. Gall, bay, foaled 1862, by Kapirat out of a daughter of Sir Henry Dimsdale. Kapieat, bay, foaled 1811, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. Voltaiee, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattler, bay, foaled 1781, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matohem, bay, foaled 1718, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1731, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1721) out of Roxana. Ignoke, brown bay, foaled 1861, by Uzel out of a daughter of Ugolin. Uzel, bay, foaled 1851, by Myrthe out of a daughter of Ramsay. Myethe, brown bay, foaled 1816, by Homere out of a daughter of Voltaire by Imperieux, etc. Homeee, brown bay, foaled 1811, by Imperieux out of a daughter of D. I. O. by Whitworth. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer by Eclipse, etc. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1781, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1718, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1731, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1721) out of Roxana. Lagopede, bay, foaled 1845, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. Voltaiee, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of the dam of Raphael by Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724). Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner. Etc. Bred to Peefection 993. FKENCH COACH HOESES. 101 (Hoof No. 51.) HIRONDELLE 166. Brown bay; 16 hands; foaled April 27, 1885; bred by M. Lechaudelier, of Calvados; got by the government stallion Nigee. Dam La Kaolin by Kaolin, he by Zouave out of Dainty by Ionian. 2d dam Juanaby by Noemand, he by Divus out of a daughter of Kapieat. 3d dam Rosette by Ignace, he by Centaxjee out of a daughter of Laneecost. 4th dam Lisette by Ottoman, he by Fallieo out of a daughter of Basly. Nigee, black, foaled 1869, by the Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. NoEFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1815, by Old Phenomenon. Kaolin, bay, foaled 1868, by Zouave out of Dainty by Ionian. Zouave, chestnut, foaled 1855, by The Baron out of Dacia by Gladiator. The Baeon, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Irish Birdcatcher out of Echidna by Economist. Ibish Biedcatohee, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Sir Hercules out of Guiccioli by Bob Booty. SiE Heeoules, black, foaled 1826, by Whalebone out of Peri by Wanderer. Whalebone, brown, foaled 1807, by Waxy out of Penelope by Trumpator. Waxy, bay, foaled 1790, by Pot-8'os out of Maria by Herod. PoT-8'os, chesthut, foaled 1773, by Eclipse out of Sportsmistress by Sportsman. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske. brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squibt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Noemand, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapii*it. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer by Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Centauee, bay, foaled 1858, by Seducteur out of a daughter of Merlerault. Seducteue, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. Noteue, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Etc. Bred to Perfection 993. 102 M. W. DUNHAM' M. W. DUNHAM'S CATALOGUE (Hoof No. 68.3 IDEAL 1356. Bay; foaled July 5, 1892; bred at Oaklawn; got by PEErECTiON. Dam Iphegene by Aoquila, he by Nigeb out of Luceeoe. 2d dam Olga by Abbantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteub. 3d dam. Junon by Eouyee, he by Uesin out of a daughter of Lagopede. 4th dam Camelia by Teoaen, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The JUGGLEE. 5th dam by Young Supeeioe, he by Supeeioe. Peefection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiOLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Teouyille, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clenaentine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyee, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) oub of a daughter of Spanker. Aoquila, black, foaled 1878, by Niger out of a daughter of Centaure. NiGEE, black, foaled 1869, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. NoEFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Abbantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meeguey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squibt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Babtlet's Childebs by Darley Arabian. EcuYEB, bay, foaled 1859, by Ursin out of a daughter of Lagopede. Ubsin, bay, foaled 1854, by Ramsay out of a daughter of Ganymede. Ramsay, bay, foaled 1845, by Sylvio out of Emilina by Emilius. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Etc. ' Perfection Winner of First Prize, American Horse Show, Chi- cago, 1891. ■ tBanyuls Sire of Mercedes. "Winner of First Prize, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Awarded Medal of Honor by the Min- ister of Agricul- ture. Gavotte. Winner of First Prize, American Horse Show, Chi- cago, 1891. Sire of four fillies selected by the French Govern- ment, and pre- sented to the Khe- dive of Egypt. Charlotte Winner Brood Mare Prize, St. L o, 1886, with Paguer- ette by side. Winner Brood Mare Prize, St. Lo, 1887, with Perfec- tion by side; pur- chased by the Em- peror of Brazil, 1887. Won Honor Prize and Queen's Cup at the Brazilian Exposition. Iphig'ene ... Dam of Indienne. Ideal. tAcq.uila Eec. 3-yT. 2^ m. in 7:29. Sire of Ismerie. Rec. 3Va m. in 8:00. 25-3 m. in 6:38. Cyclamen, 4-yr. Bee. iVz m. in 6:43. Forgeron II. Kec. IM m. in 4:52. Sire of the dam of L^Estafette. Bee. Vi m. in 5:01. r tQuiclet Sire of 3Ille. des Tourelles. Rec. 2V2 m. in 7:02. Sire of the dam of Koecy. Rec. 2% m. in 6:56. ^ Diana Dam of the Govern- ment stallions t-FafciMS and -\[Oranger. tPagre Has four half brothers in the National Haras. Sara Winner of First Prize at Meautis. W 1 n n e r o f B r o o d Mare Prize, Con- cours o f S t. L o, 1882, with Char- lotte at side. ' tNiffer Rec. 3-yr. 2^2 m. in 7:05. Sire of Serpolette. Bee. -IV^m. in 6:35 1-5 And 94 others, win- ners of races. L Olga Winner First Prize, Universal Exposi- tion, Paris, 1878. Dam of Da Capo. Rec. 2!4 m. in 7:25. Tempete and Aldee. Owned by the French Government. EHzebeth. Dam of Ismarie. Rec. 3V3 m. in 8:00. *- Liucrece Dam of Acquila, 3-yr. Bee. 214 m. In 7:29. Jaloux. Owned by the French Government. tAbr antes Sire of the dam of Email. Rec. 3% m. in 8:08 3-5 Bonne Mere. Bee. 2V2 m. in 6:31. And 19 others, win- ners of races. t Junon Winner of First Prize at Argences, with colt, 1875. ' tLumineux. Grand sire of Rosamond and Fan- frehiehe. L Sultane. By Sultan. Sire of Tentative. Bee. 2^4 m. in 7.07. fSolide. Sire of ■fBuoi, fEs- perence, and the dams of -fFabius and I 'ffiiToc. ^ Vendetta. Dam of Utrecht and Tancrede. tldominee. Sire of Nagel and Sapeur, belonging to the French Govern- ment. Karaide. Half sister to Modestie. Rec. 4 m. in 11:06. fRay Grass. Sire of fiJay Gross lejeune. i. Charlotte. Winner of First Prize at St. Lo, 1888-89-90. tThe Norfolk Phenomenon. Sire of fifty-two winners of races. Miss Bell. Dam of Travail- leuse. Rec. II4 m. in 4:07. tCentaure. Sire of the dam of Becassine. Rec. 3J£ m. in 10:15. I Dau. of tLully. By Lully. Sire of jBandit. f fPledge. Sire of Jrjna. Rec. J 3U m. in 11:09. Dan. of '- jNoteur. Sire of the dam of Dejalma. Rec. 2V2 m. in 7:54. <' tEcuyer. By XJrsin. Sire of 7 Government stal- lions. Camelia. 'Bj\Troarn. Sire of the dam of fDesfin, All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiercelin, Secretary, 12 Rue L'Arcade, Paris. tStallions owned by the French Government. 103 104 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 245.) INADA 407. Winner of first prize at TJniversal Exposition, Paris, 1889. A-warded g-old medal of honor by the Minister of Agriculture. Competition open to all breeds of Coach mares. The dam of this mare was awarded diploma of honor and subsidized by the French g'overnment. Bay; 161^ hands; foaled April 20, 1886; imported 1889; bred by M.Lallouet. of Orne; got by the government stallion Caenayal. Dam Juliana by Eltt, he by Adalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cidee. 2d dam Voyageuse by Gaulois, he by Fitz-Pantaloon out of a daughter of Montaigne. 3d dam Beillante by Jebicho, he by Bibon out of a daughter of L'Aigle. 4:th dam Ida by Basly, he by Eastham out of a daughter of Valient. 5th dam L'Impebieuse by Impbeieux, he by Young Rattles out of a daughter of VOLONTAIBE. 6th dam daughter of Adeossan. 7th dam daughter of Snail, he by Stamfoed out of a daughter of Eclipse. 8th dam daughter of Seduisant, he by Ramsay out of a daughter of Voltaiee. 9th dam daughter of L'Aleyeon. 10th dam daughter of La Paefait. Cabnaval, brown bay, foaled 1880, by Conquerant out of a daughter of Bassom- pierre. CONQUEEANT, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapieat, bay, foaled 184i, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. Voltaiee, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Impebieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer, Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattleb, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEK, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of a sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Gaulois, bay, foaled 1862, by Fitz-Pantaloon out of a daughter of Montaigne. [Etc. Bred to Peefection 993. a tCarnaval Purchased by the French Govern- ment, and Is now kept at the Nat- ional Haras of La Pin. r tConquerant — Kec. 214 na. (3-yr.) in 7:35. Sire of Capucine. Kec. 2i/4m. in 6:21 3-5 8?£ m. in 9:47. Dictateiir. Eec. 3M ni. In 10:14. La Maine. Kec. 2 m. In 5:10. Rivoli. Kec. 2Y2 m. in 6:30. And 106 others, win- ners of races; also sire of the dams of 97 winners of races. L Fanfare. tKapirat Sire of Lycopode. Kec. IVi m. in 7:00. Conquerant. 1 Kec. 2V2 m. in 7:55. Balcon and Elise. Elisa Kec. 21/4 m. in 8:35. Dam of Conquerant. Kec. 254 m. in 7:55. Lycopode. Kec. 2y2 m. in 7:00. Polypode, Elisa and Surprise. f tSassompierre. Sire of Fridolin. Kec. 2M, ni. in 6:11. Ecorce. Kec. 214 m. In 7:19. Bubis. Kec. 2 11-16 m. in 8:29. L Dau. of. Juliana , Dam of * Ellora. Kec. 2^/4 m. in 6:16. Fauvette III. Kec. 21/4 m. in 6:44. Gitana. Kec. 214 m. in 6:05. tElu Sire of the dam of Jaotator II. Kec. 2 m. In 5:24 2-5. Francis III. Kec. 21/4 m. in 6:53. Napier. Kec. 1% m. in 5:11. Fregate. Kec. 214m. in 6:57 1-5 Heliodore. Kec. 21/2 m. in 6:59; and 19 other win- ners of races. Voyag-euse Sister to Theresa. Second dam of Bora and Glorieux. fldalis Sire of ^Taconnet jCarrigan. fPilot. iDiogene. ^Trocerdo. - Toison d'Or Dam of Sire of ^Jactator. fSorcier. ■fTancrede. And 13 other Gov- ernment stallions. tG-aulois Sire of the dam of Jaseuse. Eec. 21/2 m. in 6:39. LaVoice, 3-yr. - Eec. 214 m. in 6:45. Lubin, 3-yr. Eec. 214 m. in 7:19. L Brillante Sister to Ida la Jeune. Second dam of Vallencourt. Eec. 214 m. 7.02 4-5. tVoltaire. Sire of Kapirat., L''Aigle and Mon- taigne. Dau. of tThe Juggler. Sire of Galba, Galion and Inter - perte. tCorsair. Sire of Mirene. Eec. 21/4 m. in 8:04. L Elise. By Marcellus. Winner of Ascot Gup. tPerformer. By Performer out of a Dau. of Old President. Etoile du Soir. By Sylvio, sire of 26 Government stal- lions. tPrince Colibri. By Sylvio, sire of Fatibello and Lion- ceau. Dau. of tWild Fire. Sire of Herminie, Eec. 214 m. in 7:16. fDon Uuichotte Sire of -^-Prince fLe- onidas^and jSancho. Dau. of L tChapman. tTipple Cider. Winner of the July s takes at New Market. Dau. of Eylau. Winner of the Grand Prix Koyal, Paris. fFitz Pantaloon. Sire of Valen- j court. Kec. 214 m. in 7:02. Dau. of , tMontaigrne. Half brother of 'XKapirat and ■\Lago- pede. t Jericho. Sire of Third dam of Qui Vive. Kec. 1% m. in 4:52 3-5. Ida. Winner First Prize at Concours Keglnal Caen, 1875. * Ellora, fastest time for 2i/4 miles ever made by a 4 year old mare in a race, time 6:16. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Ofacial Trotting Eecords of France, published annually by M. Tiercelin, Secretary, 12 Eue L' Arcade, Paris. fStaUions owned by the French Government. 105 106 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 67.) INEZ 1358. Chestnut; foaled May 31, 1892, at Oaklawn; bred by M. Constant Forcinal, Orne; imported in dam; got by the government stallion Phaeton. Dam Isauee-Clemence by Chekboueg, he by Noemand out of Pesohieea. 2d dam Amaeanthe by Nigee, he by Noefolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. 3d dam Fleueette by Seeenadee, he by The Teoubadoue. Ith dam Toison d'Oe by Tipple Cidee, he by Defence out of Deposit. 5th dam by Eylau, he by Napoleon out of Delphine [Arab]. 6th dam La Louve by Chasseue, he by Eastham out of Marquise. 7th dam by Valient, he by Equatoe. 8th dam by Eglatant, he by Bacha out of a daughter of Highflyeb. 9th dam La Vidvid by Vidvid, he by Vagabond. 10th dam La Petite Matadoe by Matadoe. 11th dam Maee of Medaty, owned by M. Neveu. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heie of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaoe, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. Muley Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Oevillb, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbeough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Feegus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-aU Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Cheeboueg, bay, foaled 1880, by Normand out of Peschiera by Extase. NoEMAND, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer by Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godolphin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Nigee, black, foaled 1869, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. Noefolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Tipple Cidee, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Defence out of Deposit by Blacklock. Defence, bay, foaled 1824, by Whalebone out of Defiance by Rubens. Whalebone, brown, foaled 1807, by Waxy out of Penelope by Trumpator. r tG-alaor . -{ Muley Moloch. Winner of St. Le- ger. fPhaeton Rec. 2V2 m. in 7 4-5. Sire of Ellora, i-yr. Bee. IVi m. in 6:16. Harley, 3 and 4-yr. Kec. 214111. in 6:23 3-5 2 13-16 m. in 7:23. Ecoliere, 4-yr. Eec. 2 13-16 m. in 7:12. 3% m. in 10:22. Escapcule III, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:10. Tricoteuse,3 and 4-yr Eec. 3^ m. in 10:01. 2 15-16 m. in 7:35. Neva, 4-yr. Rec. 2V2 m. in 6:36. Finlande, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:12. Bazole, 5-jt. Rec. 314 m. in 8:26. Mandragore, 5-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:31. Montjoie, 5-yr. Rec. 21^ m. in 6:34. Bonne Mere, 5-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:34. And 118 others, -win- ners of races; also the sire of the dams of 46 win- ners of races. Isaure Cle m- ence, 4-yr Rec. 214 m. in 6:49. Winner of First Prize at Le Pin, 1889. Winner of First Prize at Le Pin, 1890. Winner of First Prize at the Con- conrs of Alencon, 1891. and at the Concours Hip- pique, Paris, 1891. r tThe Heir of Liinne -i Sire of Phaeton. Rec. 2i4 m. in 7 4-5 PacTole. Rec. 2^4 m. in 6:08. Modestie, 5-yr. Rec. 2Vz m. in 6:33. Rec. 4 m. in 11:06. J. Y. Songerai, 4-yr. Rec. 3M m. in 10:45. Jean Hart, 5-yr. Rec. 4 m. in 12:23. And 27 others, win- ners of races; also the sire of the dams of 62 win- ners of races. Ambition _i Dam of Phaeton. Eec. 2^2 m. in 7 4-5 Grand dam of Indicateur, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:19. Depoque, 4-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:40. Fauvette II, 4-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:44. Java, 4-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:52 3-5. James Watt, 3-yr. r Rec. 2!4 m. in 6:43. Winner of the Man- chester Trade dip Mrs. Walker.. .. One of the most cel- ebrated brood mares of her peri- od, of beautiful conformation, transmittingtoher progeny the valu- able qualities of her noted ancestry tCrocus Sire of Favorite. Rec. 2'4 m. in 7:14. Picotin. Rec. 2 m. in 6:11. Mile, de Serquiimy. Rec. 214 m. in 7:22. Elisa Rec. 2^2 m. in 8:35. Dam of Conquerant. Rec. 214 m. in 7:55. Lyoopode. Eec. 214 m. in 7:00. tCherbourgr _j Rec. 214 m. in 6:40 Winner of the Derby at Rouen, 1883, and 11 other races. Sire of (^ Kaboul, 4-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:06 2-3. Fine Champagne, 4-yr. Eec. 1% m. in 6:51. La Force, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m in 5:14. Quarantaine, 3-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:37. And 52 others, win- ners of races. Amaranthe Rec. 3-yr. 2V2 m. in 7:39. Dam of Isaure Clemence. Rec. 214 m. in 6:49. Kyrielle. Eec. 2i4 m. in 6:51. Grrisette. Jenny L^ouviere. 1^ Dairoletta. By Amadis. f Jereed. Winner of Don- caster Cup. l^ Priam Mare. By Priam. Win- ner of Goodwood Stakes. * Ang-lais. Dan. of ^ Inconnue. tNormand Eec. (3-yr.) 2i4m. in 7:03 4-5. Sire of Cherbourg, 4-yr. Eec. 214 m. in 6:40. Virago. Eec. 3M m. in 9:56. And 78 other win- ners of races. Peschiera Dam of Cherbourg, 4-yr. Eec. 214 m. in 6:40. Farceur. Eec. 214 m. in 6:39 4-5. Destrier, 4-yr. Eec. 3U m. in 10:18. tNigrer Rec. (3-yr.) 214 m. in 7:05. Sire of Serpolette. Rec. 254 m. in 6:35 1-5. And 94 others, win- ners of races. Fleurette Winner of First Prize at Mesle sur Sarthe. Dam of Havane. Eec. 2 m. in 6:08. Am,aranthe. Rec. 214 m. in 7:39. Bohemienee. Rec. 1^4 m. in 4:52 tCorsair. Sire of 3Iirene. Rec. 2^4 m. in 8:04. Slise by i^ tMarcellus. Second dam of Polypody. ' fDivus. Sire of Normand. ^ Eec. (3-yr. ) 214 m. in 7:03 4-5. t^ Cliristiane. Dam of Bataolan. IV. Rec. 214 m. in 6:54. ' tExtase. Sire of Ecoliere and Peschiera. '[_ Anita. Sister to Serpolet- Bai. Eec. 214 m. in 7:11 2-5. f tThe Norfolk Phenomenon. Sire of 52 winners of races. Miss Bell. Dam of Travail- leuse. Eec. ll'i m. in 4:07. tSerenader. Sire of Etudiant. Eec. 314 m. in 10:32. Toison d'Or. Dam of ■\Elu, sire of the dam of Ellora, 4-yr. Eec. 2^4 m. in 6:16. AU of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiercelin, Secretary, 12 Rue L'Arcade, Paris. tStaUions owned by the French Government. 107 108 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 254.) IPHIGENE 412. Dapple brown; 1634^ hands; foaled March 19, 1886; imported 1889; bred by M. Castillon, of Calvados; got by the government staUion Aoquila. Dam Olga by Abeantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteub. 2d dam Junon by Ecuyeb, he by Uesin out of a daughter of Lagopede. 3d dam Camelia by Teoaen, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The JUGGLEE. 4th dam daughter of Young Supeeioe. Aoquila, black, foaled 1878, by Niger out of a daughter of Centaure. NiGEE, black, foaled 1869, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. NoEFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 184:5, by Old Phenomenon. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler by Rattler, etc. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Tiraothy. GOLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod, by Tartar, etc. Meecuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar, by Partner, etc. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. EcuYEE, bay, foaled 1859, by Ursin out of a daughter of Lagopede. Uesin, bay, foaled 1854, by Ramsay out of a daughter of Ganymede. Ramsay, bay, foaled 1845, by Sylvio out of Emilina by Emilius. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teange, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godolphin Arabian. Etc. Bred to Indee 385. ' tAcquila Rec. (3-yr.) 2^ m. in 7:29. Sire of Isnierie. Eec. 3Vs m. in 8:00. 25's m. in 6:38. Cyclamen, 4-yr. Rec. Vim. in 6:43. Forgeron II. Rec. l^i m. in 4:52. Sire of the dam of L^Estafette.. Eec. ITs na. in 5:01. N tNiger Rec. (3-yr.) 2V2 m. in 7:05. Sire of Serpolette. Rec. 2' 2 m. in 6:35. Beatri.v. Rec. 3 m. in 8:35. Sire of the dam of Neva, 3-jT. Rec. 1% m. in 4:51. Joli Bois, 3.vr. Rec.2i/im. in6:392-5 And 93 other win- ners of races. Liucrece Dam of Acquila, 3-yr. Rec. 2V2 m. in 7:29. Jaloux owned b y the French Gov- ernment. tThe Norfolk Phenomenon . .. Sire of Sever ine. Rec. 2'o m. in 6:50. -< Bayadere. Rec. 3% m. in 10:42. And 49 others, win- ners of races. L Miss Bell Dam of Travailleuse. Rec. 114 m. in 4:07. Dam of International, Rec. 21 2 m. in 6:59. Defenseur. Rec. 2 m. in 5:23. tCentaure Sire of Interprete. Mile, cle Breville. Dam. of Ciceron II. Rec. 214m. in 6:59 2-5 fold I Phenomenon ■\ Grand sire o f fNoirmont.ilpsilan- ty and Phosphore. *- Ang-lais. Coach mare pur- chased by M. Forci- -\ nal from stables of Napoleon III, after Sedan. L Olg-a Winner of First Prize, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1878. Dam of Da Capo. Rec. 2Y2 m. in 7:25. Tempete and Aldee owned by the French Govern- ment. Elisabeth, Dam of Ismerie. Rec. 3V3 m. in 8:00. r tAbrantes Sire of the dam of I Email. Rec. 358 m. in 8:083-5 Bonne Mere. Rec. 2'4 m. in 6:31. Gravier, 4-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:21. Edimbourg, 3-jT. Rec. 2H m. in 6:51. Lincotte. Rec. 2'4 m. in 6:53. And 16 others, win- ners of races. Dau. of Half sister to fDu- quescliri, and '\El- vin. fPledg-e , Sire of Irma. Rec. IVi m. in 7:29. 3% m. in 11:09. Ida. Rec. V/z m. in 7:54. L Junon Winner of First Prize at Argences with colt, 1875. Dau. of Grand dam of ^Karibon. ■\Ray Grass. fRegnard. fVendome and fOctavo. r tEcuyer Half brother to seven government stal- lions. Camelia Half sister to 12 gov- ernment stallions. L f tSeducteur. Sire of La Grisiere J and jHussein, I Dau. of L tMerlerault. Sire of Thorigny and the dam of Conde. tLiully. Sire of ■\Bandit. Dau. of ^ tChesterfield Jr Sire of the dam of Faublas and Giboyer tRoyal Oak. Sire of Poetess. Dam of 3 derby win- ners. Dau. of I tYoung Rattler Sire of fDiomede, ^Xerxes, fDorus. tNoteur. Sire of the dam of Dejalma. Rec. 2J4 m. in 7:54. Jt. d'Attelag-e. ' fTJ^rsin. Sire of 7 stallions owned by the French Government. Dau. of I fLag-opede. Sire of fAmo. fTroarn. Sire of 13 govern- ment stallions. Dau. of tYoung I Superior. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiercelin, Secretary, 12 Rue L'Arcade, Paris. fStallions owned by the French Government. 109 110 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 2.) IRIS 1022. Dark bay; foaled April 1, 1890; imported to Oaklawn in dam; got by the government stallion Don Quiohottb, he by Tigeis out of a daughter of Match- less II. Dam Iphigene by Aoquila, he by Nigee out of a daughter of Centaueb. 2d dam Olga by Abbantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Notetjb. 3d dam Junon by Eouyek, he by Uesin out of a daughter of Lagopede. ith dam C Amelia by Teoaen, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The JUGGLEE. Sth dam daughter of Young Supebioe. Don Quichotte, brown, foaled 1881, by Tigris out of a daughter of Matchless II. Tigeis, brown bay, foaled 1875, by Lavater out of Modestie by The Heir of Linne. Lavatee, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by Invincible. NoBFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. AoQUiLA, black, foaled 1878, by Niger out of a daughter of Centaure. NiGBE, black, foaled 1869, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. NoEPOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1816, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUs, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. Gohanna, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meecuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Sqtjiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlbt's Childees by Darley Arabian. EouYEB, bay, foaled 1859, by Ursin out of a daughter of Lagopede. Uesin, bay, foaled 1854, by Ramsay out of a daughter of Ganymede. Ramsay, bay, foaled 1845, by Sylvio out of Emilina by Emilius. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Pbtee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYBE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). FRENCH COACH HOKSES. Ill (Hoof No. 3.) IRMA. Brown; foaled June 28, 1891; bred at Oaklawn; got by Indbe. Dam Gazelle II by Aoquila, he by Nigee out of a daughter of Centattbe. 2d dam Gazelle by Oeiental, he by Jactatob out of a daughter of Emie. 3d dam Fil-en-Quatee by Umbee, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Polecat. 4:th dam Fatoeite by Coleeaine, he by Coleeaine out of Jument du Yoekshiee. 5th dam Pees db Teeee by Teoaen, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The JUGGLEB. 6th dam by Exteeme, he by Emule out of a daughter of Eastham. Indee, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heie of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaoe, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. Muley Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Oeville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbeottgh, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Feegus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Sqtjiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Babtlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Aoquila, black, foaled 1878, by Niger out of a daughter of Centaure. Nigee, black, foaled 1869. by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. NoEEOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Oeiental, chestnut, foaled 1870, by Jactator out of a daughter of Emir. Jactatoe, chestnut, foaled 1865, by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Syltio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetneb, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Umbee, bay, foaled 1854, by Pledge out of a daughter of Polecat. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Etc. 112 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 36.) ISAURE CLEMENCE 954. ■Winner of first prize at Concours of Alencon, 1891. "Winner of first prize at Concours of Le Pin, 1889 and 1890. Black; 163^^ hands; foaled April 1, 1886; bred by M. Constant Forcinal, of Orne; got by the government stallion Cheeboubg. Dam Amakanthe by Nigeb, he by The Noefolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. 2d dam Fleueette by Seeenadee, he by The Teoubadoue. 3d dam Toison d' Ob (dam of Elu) by Tipple Cidee, he by Defence out of Deposit by Blacklock. 4th dam by Eylau, he by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Aeabian. 5th dam La Louve by Chasseub, he by Eastham out of a daughter of YouNO Rattlee. 6th dam daughter of Valient, he by Equatoe. 7th dam by D. I. 0., he by Whitwoeth out of Hambletonian Maee. 8th dam daughter of Vidvid, he by Vagabond. 9th dam M. Neteu Maee. Cheeboueg, bay, foaled 1880, by Normand out of a daughter of Extase. NoEMAND,' brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat by Voltaire, etc. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire by Imperieux, etc. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer by Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Nigee, black, foaled 1869, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. Noefolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1854, by Old Phenomenon. Seeenadee, chestnut, foaled 1851, by The Troubadour. Tipple Cidee, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Defence out of Deposit by Blacklock. Defence, bay, foaled 1824, by Whalebone out of Defiance by Rubens. Whalebone, brown, foaled 1807, by Waxy out of Penelope by Trumpator, by Conductor, etc. Waxy, bay, foaled 1790, by Pot-8'os out of Maria by Herod. PoT-8'os, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Eclipse out of Sportsmistress by Sportsman. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Etc. Bred to Indee 385. H 3 g H §1 . -H Or-I tH flOS ft ©2 *.§ft o 3-w S e 35 3 o S. 'Oft a. » ' 3 _, ' O "'ha "S-e o d o ffl c S "ft S tCherbourg- Bee. 2V2 m. in 6:40. Winner of the Der- by at Kouen, 1883, and H other races. Sire of Kaboul. Rec. 2 m. in 5:06 2-3. Fine Champagne, 4:-yr. Kec. 2% m. in 6:51. La Force 3-yr. Bee. 2 m. in 5:14. Quarantaine, 3-yr. Bee. 2V2 m. in 6:37. The Rose, 3-yr. Bee. 214 m. in 6:40. Jbii Bois, 3-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:39 2-5 Juvigny, 3-yr. Bee. 2Hm. in 6:40 2-5 Nabucho, 4-yr. Bee. 2^/8 m. in 5:42. Irma, 4-yr. Rec. I'a m. in 5:03, Kabyle, 3-jt. Bee. 2 m. in 5:27. Isaure Clemence. Bee. 214 m. in 6:49. And 45 others, win- ners of races. [_ Araaranthe Rec. (3-yr.) 2^4 m. in 7:39. Dam of Isaure Clemence. Rec. 2^4 m. in 6:49. Kyrielle. Bee. 24 m. in 6:51. Grisette and Jenny VOviere, fNormand Bee. (3-yr.) iVi m. In 7:03 4^. Sire of Cherbourg, 4-yr. Bee. 2V2 m. in 6:40. Virago. Rec. 3M m. in 9:56. Hardy, 4-yr. Bee. 3 m. in 7:55 1-2. Farceur, 5-yr. Bee. 214 m. in 6:39 4-5 And 76 others, win- ners of races; also sire of the dam of Ismerie. Bee. 2f-s m. in 6:88. And 52 other win- Peschiera ... — Dam of Cherbourg, 4-yr. Bee. 21/2 m. in 6:40. Farceur, 5-yr. Bee. 2!4m. in 6:39 4-5 Destrier, 4-yr. Kee. 3% m. in 10:18. Voltigeur, 3-yr. Rec. 2'4 m. in 7:10. Divette, 3-yr. Rec. 21/2 m. in 8:20. Hecla, 4-yr. Kec. 214 m. in 6:48 4-5 tNiger Rec. (S-yr.) 2I/2 m. in 7:05. Sire of Serpolette. Rec. 214 m. in 6:35. Beatrix. Rec. 3 m. in 8:35. Sire of the dam of Neva, 3-yr. Bee. 1% m. in 4:51. Joli Bois, 3-yr. Bee. 2 !4m. in 6:39 2-5 And 93 other win- ners of races. tDivus Sire of Normand, 3-yr. Bee. 214 m. In 7:03 4-5 Miss Trophon, 3-jt. Bee. 2i4 m. in 7:49. Sire of the dam of Quick. Bee. Ws m. in 25:55. I Christiane Dam of Bataclan IV. Bee. 2^4 m. in 6:54. Norniand, Bee. 21/2 m. in 7:03 4-5 ■\Ussy. tExtase Sire of Ecoliere. Peschiera. Sire of the dam of Farceur, 5-yr. Bee. 214 m. in 6:39 4-5. tOiuebec. Sire of ^Dominant and ^Apis. Dau. of (_ tElectrique. Winner of the Grand Prix de Ver- sailles. tKapirat. Sire of Lycopode. Rec. 254 m. in 7:00. Dau. of tDebardeur. Brother of \Itan- conneur,- and dam of jDiomede. tThesee. Sire of Glorieux, brother of Tamerlan t Atalante. Sister to i Voltaire and '^Raphael. tConq.u.erant. Ree. 2*2 m. in 7:55. Sire of 110 winners. I Anita Sister to Serpolet-Bai. 1 Margot. Bee. 214 m. in 7:11 2-5 ^ Grand dana of Cherbourg. Bee. 214 m. In 6:40. Sire of 56 winners of races. f tThe Norfolk Phenomenon . .. Sire of Severine. Rec. 214 m. in 6:50. Bayadere. Bee. 3% m. in 10:42. And 49 others, win- of races. Dam of Serpolet- Bai. Rec. 2V2 ni. in 7:11 2-5. Old Phenomenon. Grand sire of '\Noirmont and \phosphare. L Anglaise. Miss Bell Dam of Travailleuse. Ree. 114 m. in 4:07. Dam of International. Rec. 214 m. in 6:59. And Defenseur. Ree. 2 m. iii 5:23. f tSerenader Fleurette Wi nnerof First Prize at Mesle sur Sarthe Dam of Amaranthe. Bee. 2i4 m. in 7:39. And Bohemiene. Bee. 114 m. In 4:52. Havane. Rec. 2 m, in 6:03. Sire of Etudiant. Bee. 314 m. in 10:32. Fleurette. Winner of First Prize at Mesle sur Sarthe. L Toison d'Or.... Dam of Elu. Sire of the dams of Ellora, 4-yT. Bee. 21/2 m. in 6:16. Escapade III, 3-yr, Bee. 2 m. in 5:10. Finlande, 3-yr. Bee. 2 m. in 5:12. Coach mare pur- chased by M. Forei- _ nal from stables of Napoleon III, after Sedan. The Troubadour. Sire of Guribal- dian. Bee. 2]'% m. in 7:40. L Angrlaise. tTipple Cider. Winner of the July Stakes at New Market. Dau. of tEylau. Winner of the Grand Prix Boyal, Paris. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Becords of France, published annually by M. Tiereelin, Secretary, 12 Bue L'Arcade, Paris. tStaUions owned by the French Government. 113 114 M, w. Dunham's CATALOGtrE (Hoof No. 57.) ITALIE 1067. Chestnut; foaled March 17, 1891; bred at " Oaklawn;" got by Indbe, Dam JuEANDE by Reynolds, he by Conqubeant out of Miss Pieboe by Success. 2d dam Minuit by Lavateb, he by Y out of Candelaeia. 3d dam Coach Maee purchased by M. Pierre from the stables of Napoleon III. Indbe, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by RigoUot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heib of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaoe, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Obville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbeough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Feegus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Reynolds, chestnut, foaled 1873, by Conquerant out of Miss Pierce by Success. CoNQUEEANT, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapieat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. VoLTAiEE, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of the dam of Raphael by Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Ratxlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Latatee, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by Invincible. NoEFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. 1^ N Indre Winner First Prize at Universal Expo- sition, Paris, 1889. Awarded Gold Medal by Minister of Agr i c u 1 1 u r e. Sixty stallions were shown in this class, competition being open to the world and the va- rious breeds were there represented. t Phaeton Eec. 214m. in 7 4-5. Sire of Ellora. Kec. 21/4 m. in 6:16. Harley, 4-yr. Rec. 2 13-16 m. in 7:23 Eooliere, 4r-jT. Eec. 2 13-16 m. In 7:12. Escapade III, 3-yr. Kec. 2 m. in 5:10. And 125 others, win- ners of races, also sire of the dams of 46 winners of races. ^ Bettina tThe Heir of Liinne -{ Sire of Pactole, 4-yr. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6:08. Modestie, 5-yr. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6:33. 4 m. in 11:06. ^ ^ Jurande Dam of Italie 1067 and Inkermann 1344. Dam of Indre. Winner First Prize Universal Exposi- tion, Paris, 1889. Sister to Impetieuse, 4-yT. Rec. 3 m. in 7:42. Winner of 28 races. Heliotrope. Rec. 2 m. in 5:38. La Hardiere. Rec. 17a m. in 5:02. f fReynolds. Rec. (3-yr.) 254 m. in 7:40. Sire of Hemine. Rec. 3% m. in 9:44. Fuschia, 4-yr. Rec. 2 m. In 5:08 4-5. Jachere. Rec. 2V2 m. in 6:33. Sans Vergogne, 4-yr. Rec. 21-4 m. in 6:37. Isere, 3-yr. Kec. 21/2 m. in 6:50. Fleur de Mai. Rec. 21/4 m. in 7:03. ^ Ambition — Dam of Phaeton. [ Rec. 21/4 m. in 7 4-5. Grand dam of Indicateur, S-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:19. t Rigollot Rec. (4-yr.) 33£ m. in 10:36. Winner of the Trot- ting Derby at Pont I'Eveque in 1876. Sire of Olga, 5-yr. Kec. 2%£ m. in 7:34. And 13 other win- . ners of races. L Jeanne d' Arc. Dam of Impetieuse. Rec. 3 m. in 7:42. Heliotrope. Rec. 2 m. in 5:38. La Hardiere. Rec. 1% m. in 5:02. t Conqnerant . . . Rec. 214 m. in 7:55. Sire of Capucine. Rec. 3I/8 m. in 8:04. Dictator. Eec. 3?£ m. in 10:14. And sire of 108 other winners. Miss Pierce tGalaor. Winner of the Manchester Trade Cup. Mrs. Walker. Grand dam of Allumette. Rec. 254 m. in 7:04. tCrocus. Sire of Favorite. Rec. 2% m. in 7:14. Elisa. Rec. '2Y2 m. in 8:85. tPretty Boy. Sire of Bebus. Rec. 214 m. in 7:24. Dam of tlTlyssee II. Kec. 21/4 m. in 7:24. Minuit Winner of First Prize at Concours, St. Lo. and 10 other first prizes, never beaten. Dam of Sans Vergogne. Winner of the St. Leger, 1884. Rec. 2i/4m. in 6:371-5 Jouvencelle. Rec. 1^4 m. in 4:00. Ooupillieres. Owned by the French Govern- ment. Rec. 214 m. in 6:41. Dam of Sylvia. Rec. 214 m. in 7:03. Taillebourg . Rec.2i/4m. in7:07 2-5 Reynolds, 3-yr. Rec. 21/4 m. in 7:40. ^XJriel. tLavater Sire of Duigene. Rec. 214 m. in 6:25. Gazelle. "! Rec. 214 m. in 6:28. ' And 153 others, win- ners of races. tConquerant. Rec. 214 m. in 7:55. Sire of 110 winners. Jeanne la FoUe. By The Heir of Limie. Sire of 31 winners of races. tKapirat. Sire of Lycopede. Rec. 2V2 m. in 7:00. 3M m. in 11:05. Elisa. Rec. 2!4m. in8:35. tSuccess. Rec. 214 m. in 8:00. Sire of Bachelier. Rec. 21/4 m. in 8:44. Lady Pierce. Dam of Piereeson. Rec. 21/4 m. in 8:40. tY. Rec. 21/4 m. in 8:32. Sire of Hersilie. Rec. 4% m. in 11:05. Candelaria. Dam of Organigue Rec. 214 m. in 8:45. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiercelin, Secretary, 12 Rue L' Arcade, Paris. tStaUions owned by the French Government. 115 116 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 250.) JUBANDE 413. Bay; 15% hands; foaled March 25, 1887; imported 1889; bred by M. Allix Courboy, of La Manche; got by the government stallion Reynolds. Dam MiNTJiT by Lavateb. 2d dam coach mare purchased by M. Pierre from the stables of Napoleon III. Reynolds, chestnut, foaled 1873, by Conquerant out of Miss Pierce by Success. CoNQUEEANT, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapikat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. VoLTAiBE, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of the dam of Raphael by Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattles, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Lavateb, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by Invincible. NoBFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Bred to Indre 385. bo O F* s 3 o CD -. C a o tf^ C pa FKENCH COACH HORSES. 117 (Hoof No. 246.) LIBERTE 365. Winner of first prize at Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Awarded gold medal of honor by the Minister of Agriculture. Competition open to all breeds of Coach mares. Winner of first prize at Montebourg-, 1886. Winner of first prize at Valogne, 1888. Winner of first prize at Valogne, 1889. Brown bay ; foaled April 30, 1886 ; imported 1889 ; bred by M. Noel, of La Manche; sired by the government stallion Domino Noie. Dam Negbo by Noefolk Heeo. 2d dam Queen by Eclipse, he by Peefoemee out of Leda by Tigeis. 3d dam Miss Bell [Mother of Niger]. Domino Noie, black, foaled 1881, by Lavater out of La Pastourelle by Pace. Lavatee, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henrietta by Invincible. Noefolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Eclipse, bay, foaled 1846, by Performer out of Leda by Tigris. Bred to Indee 385. 118 (Hoof No. 35.) KETTV 955, Bay; foaled April 4, 1888; bred by M. Constant Forcinal, of Orne; got by the government stallion Phaexon. Dam Fanfkeluche by Quiolet, he by Lxjmineux out of a daughter of Sultan. 2d dam Mlle. de Netjtille by Elu, he by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple CiDEE. 3d dam Impatience by Gaulois, he by Fitz-Pantaloon out of a daughter of Montaigne. ith dam Peecieuse by Noteue, he by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. 5th dam Omphale by Heecule, he by Rainbow out of a daughter of Election. 6th dam La Eagonne by Railleue, he by Young Rattlee out of a daughter of HlGHFLYEE. 7th dam Oueieka by Eastham, he by Sie Ohvee out of Cowslip. 8th dam Soubeette by Bacha [Arab]. 9th dam L'Aigle. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heib of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaoe, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. Muley Molooh, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Oeville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. * Beningbeough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Feegus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of PoUy by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Mutton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Quiolet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Teouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatob, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. GtADXATOB, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Pabtisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HlGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774,. by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtab, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Pabtneb, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Etc. a o a o w 2) tPhaeton Bee. 21/2 m. In 7 4-5. Sire of Ellora, 4-yr. Kec. 214 m. in 6:16. Harley, 3 and 4-yr. Rec. 2'A m. in 6:23 3-5. 2 13-16 m. in 7:23. Ecoliere, 4-yr. Rec. 2 13-16 m. in 7:12. 3M m. in 10:22. Escapade III, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:10. rrico?euse,3and4-yT Rec. 3?£ m. in 10:01. 2 15-16 m. in 7:35. Neva, 4-yr. Rec. 2V4 m. in 6:36. Finlande, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:12. Bazole, 5-yr. Rec. 31/i m. in 8:26. Mandragore, 5-yr. Rec. 2^4 m. in 6:31. Montjoie, 5-yr. Bee. 2Vi m. in 6:34. Bonne Mere, 5-yr. Rec. 2 '4 m. in 6:34. And 118 others, win- ners of races; also the sire of the dams of 46 win- ners of races. w Fanfreluche .... Winner of Prize of Honor, Le Pin, 1886. Brood Mare Prize, Le Pin, 1887. Prize, best mare and colt, Le Pin, 1888. f tGralaor Winner of the Man- chester Trade Cup. tThe Heir of Linne Sire of Phaeton. Rec. 254 m. in 7 4-5. Pactole. Rec. 2V4 m. in 6:08. Modestie, 5-yT. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6-33. 4 m. in 11:06. /. Y. Songerai, 4-yr. Rec. 3% m. in 10:45. Jean Bart, 5-yr. Bee. 4 m. in 12:23. And 27 others, win- ners of races; also the sire of the dams of 62 win- ners of races. ^- Ambition Dam of Phaeton. Rec. 214 m. in 7 4-5. Grand dam of Indicateur, 3-yT. Rec. 2 m. in 5:19. Depoque, 4-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:40. Fauvette II, 4-yr. Bee. 214 m. in 6:44. Java, 4-yT. Rec. 214 m. in 6:52 3-5. James Watt, 3-yr. Rec. lYi m. in 6:43. Muley Moloch. Winner of the St. Leger. 1^ Dairoletta By Amadis. Jereed. Winner of the Doncaster Gup. I Mrs. Walker.... One of the most cel- ebra ted brood mares of her peri- od; of beautiful conformation, transmitting to her progeny the valuable qualities r Anp-lni.5 of her noted an- ' -"-ll&iais cestry. ' tCrocus Sire of Favorite. Rec. 214 m. in 7:14. Picotin. Rec. 2 m. in 6:11. Mile, de Serquigny. Rec. 214 m. in 7:22. Priam Mare. By Priam, winner of the Goodwood Stakes. Dau. of Inconnue. lElisa Rec. 2V^ m. in 8:35. Dam of Conquerant. Bee. 21/2 m. in 7:55. Lyco2]ode. Bee. 2y2 m. in 7:00. 3% m. in. 11:05. Elise and Sur2irise. fliumineux.. .. Sire of iQuiclet and 'f Sultan. tSuiclet Sire oi' Mile, de Tourelles. Bee. 21/4 m. in 7:02/2- And the dams of Koecy. Bee. 2% m. in 6:56i/i. Gazelle. Bee. 2 m. in 5:23. Fan Fan. Bee. 214 m. in 6:58. Fontenay II. Bee. 214, m. in 6:19. Mile, de Neu- ville Dam of Dame d''IIonneur. Winner of the Prize of Honor offered by the Govern- ment at Le Pin, 1879-1880, and 9 First Prizes. Second dam of James Watt, 3-yr. Rec. 2V2 m. in 6:43. L Sultane Sister to Tentative. Bee. 214 m. in 7:07. tElu Sire of the dams of Ellora, 4-yr. Bee. 214 m. in 6:16. Fauvette II. Bee. 214 m. in 6:44. And 22 others, win- ners of races. L Impatience Winner of the First Prize at Beginal Concours at Alen- con, 1857. tCorsair. Sire of Mirene. Bee. 2V4 m. in 8:04. Elise. BjiiMai-eellus, sec- ond dam of Polypody tTrouville. Sire of the dam of fCourtisan. Rec. 2^4 m. in 7:18. Dau. of , tGralion. Half brother of t Kapirat, L'^Aigle and \Montaigne. tSultan. Sire of Tentative. Rec. 214 m. in 7:07. Dan. of tMontaigne. By ■\ Voltaire, sire of ■\Lagopede. tidalis. Sire of 7 Govern- ment stallions. Toison d'Or. Dam of Fleurette. tG-aulois. Sire of the dam of Jaseuse. Rec. 2V2 m. in 6:39. Precieuse. Dam of the famous Omphale, she out of La Ragonne See Du Hays. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiercelin, Secretary, 12 Rue L' Arcade, Paris. fStaUions owned by the French Government. 119 120 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 320.) LOISEIiLE 1020. Bay; 16 hands; foaled March 22, 1890; imported 1890; bred by M. AUix Courboy, of La Manche; got by the government stallion Fontenay. Dam LoiSE by Qui-Vive, he by Aefidavit out of a daughter of Esotjlape. 2d dam Peevenohe by Conqueeant, he by Kapieat out of Elisa by Coesaik. 3d dam Modestie by The Heie of Linne, he by Galaoe out of Mes. Walkee by Jeeeed. ith dam Negeesse by "Ugolin, he by Paeisien. 5th dam Nigea by Lahoee, he by Ledstgne out of Anglaisb Maee. 6th dam Milady by Eastham, he by Sie Olivee out of Cowslip by Alexandeb. 7th dam Maetine by Ranconneue, he by Young Toppeb. 8th dam daughter of Coebeau. Fontenay, bay, foaled 1883, by Tigris out of a daughter of Renemesnil. TiGEis, brown bay, foaled 1875, by Lavater out of Modestie by The Heir of Linne. Latatee, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by ■ Inyincible. NoEFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Qui- Vive, bay, foaled 1872, by Affidavit out of a daughter of Esculape. Affidavit, chestnut, foaled 1861, by Javelot out of Dahlia by Caravan. Javelot, brown bay, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Rhinoplastie by Royal Oak. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. . Paetisan, bay, foaled 1827, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sie Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hbeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Conqueeant, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapieat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. VoLTAiEE, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattles, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. The Heie of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Etc. Bred to Inure 385. N e fFontenay Rec. (4-yr.) 2!4 m. in 6:38. Winner of 15 races. Sire of Loupgaron, 3-yr. Kec. V^ m.inSaiYz Lycurgue, S-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:31. Live, 3-yT. Rec. 2 1-16 m. in 6:17 Folie, 3-yr. Rec. 2i4m. in 6:32 3-5 tTig-ris Rec. 21/i m. in 7:33. Sire of Iris Rec. 2 5-16 m. in 5:47 Grande Dame. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6:20. Kan, 4-yr. Rec. 2 5-16 m. in 5:51 Email. Rec. 39^ m. in 10:01. Lecla, S-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:08. And 118 other win- ners of races; also the sire of the dams of 9 winners of races. ^ Coquette Dam of Fontenay, 4-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:38. Lansquenet, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:24. Iioise Rec. 2 14 m. in 7:06. tUui Vive Rec. 2V2 m. in 7:06. Sire of Harmonie. Rec. 2f-B m. in 7:08. Loise, 4-yr. Rec. 21/2 m. in 7:06. Doyen, 3-yr. Rec. 214 m. In 7:07. Bernique, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:45. Feuille d''Rose, 3-yr. Rec. 2'4 m. in 7:12. Fileuse. Rec. 2 m. in 5:54. ^ Pervenche Rec. 21A m. in 7:16. Dam of Loise, 3-yr. Rec. 2V2 m. in 7:06. Ivanhoe 1012. Wi nner of First Prize American Horse Show, 1891. Peerless Heron and fBacc/Mts.both belonging to the Government. tLavater Sire of Duigene. Rec. 2'4 m. in 6:25. Gazelle. "> Rec. 214 m. in 6:28. And 153 other win- ners of races. L Modestie Rec. 214 m. in 6:33. 4 m. in 11:06. Dam of Hemine. Rec. 2^2 m. in 6:16. 3M m. in 9:44. ' tRenemesnil. . . . Sire of the dam of Fontenay, 4-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:38. Lansquenet, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:24. Dau. of Half sister to Franklin. Rec. 134 m. In 4:25. fAffidavit Winner of Grand Prize at Brest. Sire of Qui Vive. Rec. 2V2 m. in 7:06. Sire of the dam of Harxiagon. Rec. 2^4 m. in 7:23. And Gessler. L Dau. of Half sister to jOmega, jRubens, fNey and j^Quinet. Rec. 2^4 m. in 8:32. Sire of Hersilie. Rec. iVs m. in 11:05. Candelaria. Dam of jOrgan- iqiie. Rec. 2'^ m. in 8:45. tHeir of Linne , Sire of 31 winners of races. ^ Negresse. Dam of ■jQuestor. Rec. 2'4 m. in 8:35. fFleuron. By -fVirgile, L La Liully. By jLully. Sire of j^Bandit. tliiberator. Sire of f Taker and 'fQuestionner. ^ PureArab Mare Owned by Napo- leon III. A present from Count de Les- seps. '' fJavelot. Winner of Prize of the Emperor, Paris. L Dahlia. By Caravan. fConquerant . Rec. (3-yr.) 2^4 m. in 7:55. Sire of Capucine. Rec. 3V^ m. in 8:04. Dictator. Rec. 3H m. in 10:14. I And sire of 108 other I winners. L Modestie Rec. 2!4 m. in 6:33. 4 m. in 11:06. Dam of Hemine. Rec. 21/2 ni. in 6:16. 3M m. in 9:44. Jachere. Rec. 2;4 m. in 6:33. Is 67* 6 Kec. SYs m. in 8:20. tEsculape. Sire of Quinet. Rec. 21/^ m. in 7:50. Dau. of L tBaryton. Brother of fEsta- fette. tKapirat. Sire of Lycopode. . Rec. 214 m. in 7:00. L Elisa. Rec. 2Vim. in 8:35. jHeir of Linne. Sire of 31 winners of races. Negresse. Dam of Modestie. Rec. 214 m. in 6:33. 4 m. in 11:06. Second dam of Tigris. Rec. VAm. in 7:33. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the OflBcial Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiercelln, Secretary, 12 Rue L' Arcade, Paris. fStalllons owned by the French Government. 121 122 M. w, Dunham's catalogue CHoof No. 71.) LOIS 1366. Chestnut; foaled April 5, 1892; bred by Lyman Lockwood, Auburn, Ind.; got by Quality. Dam JosEPHENE by Banyuls out of Beebis by Josaphat. Quality, chestnut, foaled 1884, by Quality out of CastiUe by Egesippe. Quality, bay, foaled 1872, by Centaure out of a daughter of Wanderer. Centaube, bay, foaled 1858, by Seducteur out of a daughter of Merlerault. Seduoteue, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. NoTEUB, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. Chanticleeb, bay, foaled 1787, by Woodpecker out of a daughter of Eclipse by Marske, etc. WooDPECKEE, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Herod out of Miss Ramsden by Cade, by Godolphin Arabian. Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuicLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by TrouviUe out of a daughter of Galion. Teouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEB, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. JosAPHAT, bay, foaled 1865, by Ugolin out of Gracieuse by Horafcius. Ugolin, bay, foaled 1854, by Parisien. Paeisien, bay, foaled 1849, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Biron. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xebxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexbs, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer. Young Rattleb, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattleb, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnuin Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 123 (Hoof No. 247) MARGOT 408. Bay; I6I4; hands; foaled March 19, 1881; imported 1889; bred by M. Osmont, of La Manche; got by the government stallion Abistocbate. Dam La Vallee by Sidi [pure Arab], he by Shekif out of Kalifa by Koneil- Hamdani [Arab]. 2d dam Eose Pompon by Ignoeb, he by Uzel out of a daughter of Ugolin. 3d dam Kosette by Cobsaie, he by J. C. Knox's Coesaie. 4th dam La Lagopede by Lagopede, he by Voltaiee out of a daughter of The JUGGLEE. Aeistooeate, bay, foaled 1878, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Extase. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Teoutille, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. GiiADiATOE, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetneb, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Sidi (pure Arab), chestnut, foaled 1862, by Sheriff (Arabian) out of Kalifa by Koneil-Hamdani-Arbi. Ignobe, brown bay, foaled 1864, by Uzel out of a daughter of Ugolin. UzEii, bay, foaled 1854, by Myrthe out of a daughter of Ramsay. Myethe, brown bay, foaled 1846, by Homere out of a daughter of Voltaire by Imperieux, etc. Homeee, brown bay, foaled 1841, by Imperieux out of a daughter of D.' I. O. by Whitworth. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattles, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana by The Bald Galloway. VoLTAiBE, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Etc. Bred to Perfection 993. 124 M. \v. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 312.) MERCEDES 1004. Winner of first prize at Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Awarded grold medal by the Minister of Agriculture. Bay; WJ4 hands; foaled March 18, 1887; bred by M. Gillan, of La Manche; got by the government stallion Banytjls. Dam B,APiDE by Ugolin out of a daughter of Pbetendek. Banyuls, brown, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiciiET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Teouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatob, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by fleveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1781, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHELYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (172i). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of a sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Ugolin, bay, foaled 1854, by Parisien. Paeisien, bay, foaled 1849, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Biron. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1889, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1884, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer. YoxTNG Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1778, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Bred to Peefection 993. OS « S « B »-! 01 t-ft O ^ S: tfc CD n O r^ - O i-i 5" I"- i-i CD CO 1-1 OO CC ~q 00 - Oi ffl i-S CO o I— ■ FRENCH COACH HORSES. 125 (Hoof No. 70.) MIGNONNE 1365. Chestmit; foaled April 29, 1891; bred by Lyman Lockwood, Auburn, Indiana; got by Quality. Dam JosEPHENE by Banyuls out of Beebis by Josaphat. Quality, chestnut, foaled 1884, by Quality out of Castille by Egesippe. Quality, bay, foaled 1872, by Centaure out of a daughter of Wanderer. Centaube, bay, foaled 1858, by Seducteur out of a daughter of Merlerault. Seducteue, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. Noteue, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. Chantioleee, bay, foaled 1787, by Woodpecker out of a daughter of Eclipse by Marske, etc. WooDPECKEE, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Herod out of Miss Ramsden by Cade, by Godolphin Arabian. Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Pabtneb, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUx, chestnut; foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Teoutille, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Josaphat, bay, foaled 1865, by Ugolin out of Gracieuse by Horatius. TJgolin, bay, foaled 1854, by Parisien. Paeisien, bay, foaled 1849, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Biron. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xebxes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godolphin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matohem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. 126 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 1.) MIMOSA 958. Winner of first prize at side of dam at the Annual Government Show, held at Le Pin in 1890. Bay; 15^ hands; foaled May 11, 1890; bred by M. Lallouet, of Orne; got by the government stallion Chekbotibg. Dam Gebance by Phaeton, he by The Heie of Linne out of a daughter of Ceoous. 2d dam Glokieuse by Seducteub, he by Noteub out of a daughter of Fatibello. 3d dam Eooliebe by Extase, he by Thesee out of a daughter of Keamek. ith dam Theeese by Destin, he by Usite out of a daughter of Teoabn. 5th dam Beillante by Jebicho, he by Bibon out of L'Aigle by Voltaiee. 6th dam Ida by Basly, he by Eastham out of a daughter of Valient. 7th dam L'Impeeieuse by Impeeieux, he by Young Rattleb out of a daughter of Volontaibe. 8th dam daughter of Aedeossan. 9th dam by Snail, he by Stamfoed out of a daughter of Eclipse. 10th dam by Seduisant, he by Ramsay out of a daughter of Voltaibe. 11th dam daughter of L'Aleyeon. 12th dam daughter of La Pabfait. Cheeboueg, bay, foaled 1880, by Normand out of Peschiera. NoBMAND, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xebxbs, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer by Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattleb, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1778, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heie of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaob, laay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. MuLEY, bay, foaled 1810, by OrviUe out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Obville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbbough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Febgus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of PoUy by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Etc. 9 n ' tCherbourg- Rec. 1Vi m. in 6:40. Winner of the Derby at Rouen, 1883,and 11 other races. Sire of Kaboul, 4-yT. Rec. 2 m. in 5:06?a. Fine Cfuimpagne, 4-yr. Eec. 2% m. in 6:51. La Force, S-yr. Eec. 2 m. in 5:14. Quarantaine, 3-yr. Eec. 2!4 m. in 6:37. The Rose, 3-yr. Eec. 2H m. in 6:40. Jolt Bois, 3-yT. Eec. 21,401. in 6:39 2-5 Juvigny, 3-yT. Eec. 2 Vjm. in 6:40 2-5 Nabuoho, 4-yr. Rec. 21/4 m. in 5:42. Irma, 4-yr. Rec. 1^^ m. in 5:03. Kabyle, S-yr. Eec. 2 m. in 5:27. Isaure Cleinence, 3-yr. Rec. 214m. in 7:094-5 And 45 others, win- ners of races. Gerance Rec. 2 m. in 5:25 2-5. Winner of the Derby 01 Trotters at Rouen, 1887, and the Grand Prize of the government at Flers, 1887. Dam of La France, S-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 7:20. FuU sister to Escapade III, 3-yr. Eec. 2 m. in 5:10. Finlande, 3-yr. Eec. 2 m. in 5:12. ' tNormand Eec. 3-yr. 2V^ m. in 7:03 4-5 Sire of Cherbourg, 4-yT. Eec. 2\i m. in 6:40. Virago. Eec. 3% m. in 9:56. Hardy, 4-yr. Rec. 3 m. in 7:55 14 . Farceur, 5-yr. Eec. 2V4m. in 6:39 4-5 And 76 other win- ners of races; also sire of the dam of Ismerie. Eec. 2?'3 m. in 6:38. And 52 other win- ners. Peschiera Dam of Cherbourg, 4-yr. Eec. 214 m. in 6:40. Farceur, 5-yr. Eec. 214m. in 6:39 4-5 Destrier, 4-yT. Eec. 3% m. in 10:18. Voltigeur, S-yr. Eec. 24 m. in 7:10. Divette, 3-yr. Eec. 21/2 m. in 8:20. Hecla, 4-yr. Rec. 2i/2m. in 6:484-5 f tPhseton Rec. 2^4 m. in 7 4-5. Sire of Ellora, 4-yr. Eec. iVz m. in 6:16. Harley, 3 and 4-yT. Rec. 214111. in 6:23 3-5 Eec. 2 13-16m. in 7:23 Ecoliere, 4-yr. Rec. 3^1 m. in 10:22. And 126 others, win- ners of races; also the sire of the dams of 46 winners of races. I Glorieuse Dam of Gerance, S-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:25 2-5. Diogene, S-yr. Eec. 2 m. in 5:34 Escapade III, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:10. Finlande. S-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:12. fDivus Sire of Normand. Rec. 3-yr. 2V2 m- in 7:03 4-5. Miss Throphon, 3-yT. Eec. 214 m. in 7:49. Sire of dam of Quick. Eec. SVa m. in 25:55. *■ Christiane Dam of Bataclan IV. Eec. 214 m. in 6:54. Nonnand. Eec. 2y2m. in 7:03 4-5 tExtase Sire of Ecoliere. Pescheria. Sire of the dam of Farceur, 5-yr. Eec. 214m. in 6:39 4-5 •- Anita Sister to Serpolet-Bai. Eec. 2y2m. in 7:11 2-5 Grand dam of Cherbourg. Eec. 214 m. in 6:40. Sire of 56 winners of races. tThe Heir of Linne .. Sire of Pactole, 4-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:08. Modestie, 5-jt. " Rec. iVs m. in 12:09. And 29 other win- ners. Ambition Dam of Phceton. Eec. 21/2 m. in 7 4-5. Grand dam of Indicateur, 3-yr. Eec. 2 m. in 5:19. tSeducteur Sire of La Grisiere. Centaur. Glorieuse. And 14 stallions owned by the French Govern- ment. - Ecoliere Dam of Aristocrate. Sabord. Uvernet. 2d dam of Jolibois, 3-yT. Eec. 21/2111. in6:39 2-5 tQiuebec. Sire of Dominant and Apis. Dau. of ^ Electrique. Winner of Grand Prix de Versailles. tKapirat. Sire of Lycopede. Record 2V2 m.in 7:00. Dau. of tDebardeur. Brother of Ean- conneur and dam of Diomede. tThesee. Sire of Glorieux, brother of Tamer- Ian. Atalante. Sister to Voltaire and Raphael. tConquerant. Record 214 ni- in 7:55. Sire of 110 winners. Margot. Dam of Serpolet- Bai. , Record 2V^ m. in 7:11 2-5. Galaor. Winner of Man- chester Trade Cup. ^ Mrs. Walker. By Jereed. Win- ner ofDoncaster Cup. f tCroens. Sire of Favorite. \ Eecord214m.in7:14. Elisa. Record 2Y2 m. In 8:35. Dam of Con- querant. - tNoteur. Sire of Caoutchone and Regnier. La Fatibello. The most magnif- icent mare of her time. tExtase. Sire of the dam of Aristroorate. Theresa. Dam of Edith and Ecoliere. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the OfBicial Trotting Records of France, published annually. M. Tiercelin, Secretary, 12 Rue de L' Arcade, Paris. tStallions owned by the French Government. 127 128 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 208.) MODESTINE 451, Bay; foaled March 3, 1889; imported 1889; bred by M. Allix Courboy, of La Manche; got by the government stallion Colpobteue. Dam MoDESTiE by The Heie oe Linne, he by Galaoe out of Mes. Walkeb by Jeeeed. 2d dam Negeesse by Ugolin, he by Paeisien. 3d dam Nigea by Lahobe, he by Ledstone out of a daughter of Buzzaed. 4:th dam Milady by Eastham, he by Sie Olivee out of Cowslip by Alexandeb. 5th dam Maetine by Ranconnexje, he by Young Toppee. 6th dam daughter of Coebeau. Colpobteue, brown bay, foaled 1880, by Normand out of a daughter of Conquerant. NoBMAND, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat by Voltaire, etc. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire by Imperieux, etc. GANTMEDte, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer by Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattleb, bay, foaled 1781, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. The Heie oe Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaoe, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. Muley Molooh, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Oeville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Emelina by Highflyer. Beningbbough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Febgus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-aU Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squibt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Ugolin, bay, foaled 1854, by Parisien. Paeisien, bay, foaled 1849, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Biron. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Etc. ' Bred to Indre 385. M m A e tColporteur Rec. (3-yr.)2!/2m. in 6:56. Sire of Immortel, 4-yr. Rec. 214m. in 6:41 2-5 Jarniooton, 4-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:32 2-5. Keepsake, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:38 3-5. Lais. Rec. l?g m. in 5:19. Jarnao. Rec. 2 m. in 5:55. Leader. Rec. I's m. in 5:37. Lurette. Rec. 2 m. in 6:06. r tNormand Rec. (3-yr.) 21/2 m. in 7:03 4-5. Sire of Cherbourg, 4-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:40. Virago. Rec. 3M m. In 9:56. Hardy, 4-yT. Rec. 3 m. in 7:55 1-2. Farceur, 5-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:39 4-5. And 76 others, win- ners of races; also sire of the dam of Ismerie. Rec. 31^ m. in 8:00. And 52 other win- ners. Zaine Dam of Baptiste Le More. Rec. (3-yr.) 2 13-16 m. in 8:50. Colporteur. Rec. 214 m. in 6:56. Hidalgo. Rec. Vi m. in 5:09. t Modestie Rec. 214 m. in 6:33. 4 m. in 11:06. Dam of Heminc. Rec. 2V2 m. in 6:16. 3% m. in 9:44. Winner of 45 races. Jachere. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6:33. Isere. Bee. SYs m. in 8:20. Paquerette. Rec. 2% m. in 7:52. Feuille de Lierie. Rec. 2 m. in 5:50. Cantorbery. Rec. 2Y2 m. in 8:13. Pervenche. Rec. 2V2 m. in 7:46. Tigris. Rec. 21/2 m. in 7:33. Sire of 124 winners. ' tDivus Sire Of Normand. Rec. (3-yr.) 2V2 m. in 7:03 4-5. Miss Trouphon, 3-yr. Rec. 2 14 m. in 7:49. Sire of dam of Quick. Rec. 8^8 m. in 25:55 . "- Chrisciane Dam of Bataclan IV. Rec. 214 m. in 6:54. Normand. Rec. 214 m. in 7:03 4-5. tConquerant Rec. (3-yr.) 214 m. in 7:55. Sire of Capucine. Rec. 3% m. in 8:04. Dictator. Rec. 3M m. in 10:14. And sire of 108 other winners. ^ Atlanta Second dam of Colporteur. Rec. Wi m. in 6:56. Hidalgo. Rec. \% m. in 5:09. tGralaor Winner of the Man- chester Trade Cuj). tHeir of Liinne . Sire of Phaeton. Rec. 2^2 m. in 7 4-5. Paotole. Rec. 2V2 m. in 6:08. Modestie, 5-yr. Rec. 2V2 m. in 6:33. 4 va. in 11:06. J. Y. Sougerai, 4-yr. ■ Rec. 3% m. in 10:45. Jean Bart, 5-yr. Rec. 4 m. in 12:23. And 27 others, win- ners of races; also the sire of the dams of 62 win- ners of races. L Negresse Dam of Modestie. Rec. 2V4 m. In 6:33. 4 m. in 11:06. Second dam of Tigris. Rec. iVz m. in 7:33. Sire of Iris. Rec. 2 5-16 m. in 5:47. And 123 other win- ners of races. I Mrs, Walker... Dam of The Heir of Linne. And grand dam of Allumette. Rec. 21/2 m. in 7:04. Poisson d''Avril. Rec. 214 m. in 7:05. tXTgolin Sire of Peppino. Rec. 3]i m. In 8:54. Troubadour. Rec. 2V2 m. in 7:29. Sire of the dam of Orphee. Rec.,35£m. in 10:17. t Nigra Second dam of Qiiestor. Rec. 21/4 m. in 8:35. tQ.Tiebec. Sire of i^Dominant and 1-Apis. Dau. of t tElectrique. Winner of Grand Prix de Versailles. ' tKapirat. Sire of Lycopode. Rec. 2V2 m. in 7:00. Dau. of i^ tDebardeur. Brother of ■\Ran- conneur and dam of '\Dio'mede. tKapirat. Sire of Lycopode. Rec. 214 m. in 7:00. i Elisa. Rec. 214 m. in 8:35. tCarigan. Half brother to '\Taconnet, f Pilot and ■fDiogene. Dau. of tGranymede. Sire of jQuebec and fParisien. Muley Moloch. Winner of St. Le- Dairoletta. By Amadis. Jereed. Winner of Don- caster Cup. Priam Mare. By Priam, winner of Goodwood Stakes. tParisien. B y "^Ganymede. Sire of fDivus and j ^Quebec. I Jt. d'Attelagre. fLahore. Sire of Mile, de Blay. Rec. 2!4 m. in 8:25. Milady. By jEastham. Sire of ^Basly, fPegase and Ourika. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiercelin, Secretary, 12 Rue L'Arcade, Paris. tStallions owned by the French Government. 129 130 M, w. ddnham's catalogue (Hoof No. 64.) PALESTINE 1354. Bay; foaled May 22, 1892; bred at Oaklawn; got by Pekfection. Dam Paqueeette by Omega, he by Esculape out of a daughter of Ottoman. 2d dam Atlante by Hussien, he by Seducteue out of a daughter of Masteillo. 3d dam Patebe by Patee, he by Victobieux out of a daughter of Assault. ■ith dam by Vandeemulen, he by Van Teomp out of Miss Julia Bennett. 5th dam by Hautin, he by Xeexes out of a daughter of Jaggaed. 6th dam by Lahoee, he by Ledstone out of a daughter of Buzzaed. Peefection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Luniineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Teoutille, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEB, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtab, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Omega, bay, foaled 1870, by Esculape out of a daughter of Ottoman. Esculape, bay, foaled 1860, by Utrecht out of a daughter of Koenigsberg. Uteeoht, bay, foaled 1854, by Prince out of a daughter of Eylau. Pbince, bay, foaled 1849, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Marengo. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Hussein, brown bay, foaled 1863, by Seducteur out of a daughter of Mastrillo. Seducteue, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. Noteue, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. Chanticleee, bay, foaled 1787, by Woodpecker out of a daughter of Eclipse. WooDPECKEE, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Herod out of Miss Ramsden by Cade, by Godolphin Arabian. o Indre. Winner First Prize at Universal Expo- sition, Paris, 1889. Awarded Gold Med- al by Minister of Agriculture. Sixty stallions were shown in this class, competition being open to the world, and the various breeds of coach horses were there represented. tPhaeton Rec. 214 m. in 7 4-5. Sire of Ellora. Rec. 2Y2 m. in 6:16. Harley, 3 and 4-vr. Rec. 2i/2in.in6:23 3-5 2 13-16 m. in 7:23. Eooliere, 4-yr. Rec. 2 13-16 m. in 7:12. Rec. 391 m. in 10:22. Escapade III, 3-jt. Rec. 2 m. in 5:10. And 125 others, win- ners of races; also sire of the dams of 46 winners of races. I ^ Pervenche Rec. 214 m. in 7:46. Dam of Loise, 3-yr. Sec. 2 m. in 5:40. Ivanhoe 1012. Wi nner of First Prize, American Horse Show, Chi- cago, 1891. f Heron and f Bacchus. tThe Heir of Liinne Sire of Pactole, 4-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:08. Moclestie, 5-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:33. 4 m. in 11:06. Bettina Dam of Indre. Winner First Prizes Universal Exposi- tion, Paris, 1889. Sister to Impetieuse, 4-yT. Rec. 3 m. in 7:42. Winner of 28 races. Helitrope, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:38. La Hardiere, 3-yT. Rec. I's m. in 5:02 tConquerant Rec. 214 m. (3-yr.) in 7:55. Sire of Capucine. Rec. 3M m. in 9:47. SYs m. in 8:04. Dictateur. Rec. 3% m. in 10:14. La Maine. Rec. 2 m. in 5:10. Rivoli. Rec. 214 m. in 6:30. And 106 others, win- ners of races; also sire of the dams of 97 winners of races. Modestie Rec. 214 m. in 6:33. 4 m. in 11:06. Dam of Hemine. Eeci 214 m. in 6:16. 3U m. in 9:44. Jachere. Eec. 214 m. In 6:33. Isere. Kec. aVs m. in 8:20. Paquerette. Eec. 2% m. in 7:53. Feuille de Lierre. Eec. 2 m. in 5:50. Ambition Dam of Phaetoii. Rec. 2V^ m. in 7 4-5. Grand dam of Indicateur, 3-yr. Eec. 2 m. in 5:19. tEig-ollot . Rec. 3?i m. (4-yr.) in 10:36. Winner of the trot- . ting derby at Pont I'Eveque in 1876. Sire of Olga, 5-yr. Eec. 294; m. in 7:34. And 13 other win- ners of races. Jeanne d'Arc... Dam of Impetieuse, 4-yr. Rec. 3 m. in 7:42. Heliotrope, 3-yr. Eec. 2 m. in 5:38. La Hardiere, 3-vr. Eec. 1% m. in 5:02. fKapirat Sire of Lycopode. Eec. IV2 m. in 7:00. 3M m. in 11:05. Conquerant. Eec. 214 m. in 7:55. Baloon and Elise. Elisa Eec. 214 m. in 8:35. Dam of Conquerant. Eec. 2y2 m. in 7:55. Lycopode. Eec. 35i m. in 11:05. And Polypode. tThe Heir of Linne Sire of J. Y. Songerai. Eec. 3M m. in 10:45. Jean Bart. Eec. 4 m. in 12:23. And 29 others, win- ners of races. Neg-resse Dam of 3Iodestie. Eec. 4 m. in 11:06. Second (" ;m of T'iovis Eec. 2V4 m. in 7:33. Sire of Iris. Eec. 2 5-16 m. in 5:47. And 123 other win- ners of races. tG-alaor. Winner of the Manchester Trade Cup. ^ Mrs. Walker. Grand dam of Al- lumette. Eec. 2^4 ni. in 7:04. tCrocus. Sire of Favorite. Eec. 2]/^ m. in 7:14. ^ Elisa. Eec. 2 14 m. in 8:35. Dam of Con- querant. tPretty Boy. Sire of Rebus. Eec. 2Y m. in 7:27 3-5. . Dam of *- ttriyssee II. Eec. 2 '4 m. in 7:24. tConquerant. E e c. 2V2 m. i n 7:.55. Sire of 110 winners. t^ Jeanne la Folle. By The Heir of Linne. Sire of 31 winners of races. tVoltaire. Sire of Kapirat, L''Aigle and Mon- taigne. Dau. of tThe Jug-gler. Sire of jGaAba, fGalion and Inter- prite. ' tCorsair Sire of Mirene. Eec. 214 m*. in 8:04. L Elise. By Mar eel I us. Winner of Ascot Cup. tG-alaor. Winner of Man- chester Trade Cup. t Mrs. Walker. Grand dam of Al- lumette. Eec. 2% m. in 7:04. tTJg-olin. Sire of Peppino. Rec. SYs m. in 8:54. ^ Nigra. Second dam of Que St or. Rec. 2Y2 m. in 8:35. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiercelin, Secretary, 12 Rue L' Arcade, Paris. fStallions owned by the French Government. 133 134 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 75.) PERVENCHE 170. Winner of first prize at Concours of St. Lo, 1876. Brown; 16% hands; foaled May 23, 1874; bred by M. Allix Courboy, of La Manche; got by the government stallion Conqueeant. Dam MoDESTiE by The Heie of Linne, he by Galaoe out of Mbs. Walkeb by Jeeeed. 2d dam Negeesse by Ugolin, he by Pabisien. 3d dam Nigea by Lahoee, he by Ledstone out of a daughter of Buzzaed. 4th dam Milady by Eastham, he by Sib Oliveb out of Cowslip by Alexandee, 5th dam Mabtine by Ranoonneub, he by Young Toppeb. 6th dam daughter of Cobbeau. Conqueeant, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapibat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. Voltaiee, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattleb, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godolphin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. The Heib of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaob, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Oeville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbeough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Feegus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Ugolin, bay, foaled 1854, by Parisien. Pabisien, bay, foaled 1849, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Biron. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xebxes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer, etc. Lahoee, bay, foaled 1840, by Ledstone. Ledstone, chestnut, foaled 1818, by Cardinal York out of Tooee by Buzzard. Cabdinal Yobk, brown, foaled 1804, by Sir Peter out of Charmer by Phenomenon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Etc. Bred to Perfection 993. oQ a> "n ^1 O u O 01 . m o ^.S;§ "S"^ H •21^^ 8 Dam of Lo mer of Fii ess, Ilcron W * H > BS •^ T^ « b ,^ o cS l§l <^> 8 6C '£ cs T3M g f^ 2 O -Q «2^' c^ r tConquerant — Kec. (3-yr.j 2' 2 m- in 7:55. Sire of Capucinc. Kec. 35ii m. in 9:47. S^s m. in 8:04. Dictateur. Eec. 3?i m. in 10:14. La Maine. Rec. 2 m. In 5:10. Rivoli. Rec. 2'4 m. in 6:30. Sire of the dams of Iris. Rec. 2 5-16 m. in 5:47. Rec. 3 m. in 7:42. Gitana. Eec. 2 5-16 m. in 5:53. Virago. Eec. 3^4 m. in 9:56. Jeannette III. Rec. 29-16 m. in 6:48. Franc. Rec. 2 m. in 5:09. And sire of 106 oth- er winners of races; also sire of the dams of 91 ■winners of races. r tKapirat Sire of Lycopody. Rec. 214 m. in 7:00. 3U m. in 11:05. Conquerant. Rec. 214 m. in 7:55. Balcon. I Lisette. I Elise. J Pantin. Christine. Humilete. La Jnliere. f t"Voltaire — Sire of '\Kapirat. L''Aigle. Montaigne. jLagopede. And the dam of ■\Myrthe. Modestie Eec. 2^4 m. in 6:33. 4 m. in 11:06. Dam of Hemine. Eec. 214 m. in 6:16. 3h m. in 9:44. Winner of 45 races. Jaohere. Eec. 2Y2 m. in 6:33. Isere. Rec. 3}8 m. in 8:20. Paquerette. Eec. 2M m. in 7:52. Feuille de Lierie. Eec. 2 m. in 5:50. Caraforfee)')/. Eec. 214 m. in 8:18. Pervenche. Eec. 214 m. in 7:46. Tigris. Rec. 2'/2m. in 7:33. Sire of 124 -winners. [^ Elisa Eec. 24 m. in 8:35. Dam of Conquerant. Eec. 2'2 ni. in 7:55. Lyoo2}ode. Eec. 21 '2 m. in 7:00. Ambition. Dam of Phaeton. Rec. 2' im. in 7 4-5. Sire of 128 winners of races. Polypody. Elise and Surprise, r jThe Heir of I Liinne Sire of Phaeton. Eec. 214 m. in 7 4-5. Pactolc. Eec. 214 m. in 6:08. Modestie, 5-yr. Eec. 2»4 m. in 6:33. 4 m. in 11:06. J. Y. Sougerai, 4-yr. Eec. 3M m. in 10:45. Jean Bart, 5-yr. Eec. 4 m. in 12:23. And 27 others, win- ners of races; also the sire of the dams of 62 win- ners of races. I Negresse Dam of Modestie. Eec. 24 m. in 6:33. 4 m. in 11:06. 2d dam of Tigris. Eec. 2Vi m. in 7:33. Sire of Iris. Eec. 2 5-16 m. in 5:47. And 123 other win- ners of races. I Dau. of...- Half sister to ■\Geheral. jHoratius. \ Lemnor. fGi'aeieu.v and ■fMaxime. r tCorsair Sire of Mirene. Eec. 214 m. in 8:04. Surprise and Diane. Elise Dam of Elisa. Eec. 2i'i m. in 8:35. 2d dam of 6 famous performers. f tG-alaor Winner of the Man- chester Trade Cup. -{ I Mrs. Walker.... Dam of The Heir of Linne. And grand dam of Allumette. Eec. 21 2 m. in 7:04. Poisson d''Avril. Eec. 2 '4 m. in 7:05. tUg-olin Sire of Peppino. Eec. 3}8 m. in 8:54. Troubadour. Eec. 21/2 m. in 7:29. j Sire of the dam of I Orphee. Eec. 3% m. in 10:17. 1^ Nigra 2d dam of QuestoT. Eec. 2i4 m. in 8:35. tlmperie-ux. Sire of jHospodar, ■\Uomere and ^Par- venu. La Pilott. Dam of Raphael of La Dupleix. r tThe Jug-g-ler. I S i r e o f '\Galba, ■\Gallien, -\Interpide. Da-u. of i^ Young- Topper. Sire of fRancon- neurandfDcbardeur f J. C. Knox's Corsair. I Grand sire of La Corsaire, dam of Cendrillon. Dau. of >- tCleveland. f Marcellus. I Winner of the As- j cot Cup. l_ La Panachee. Dam of Lisette, grand dam of yXest- or. Muley Moloch. Winner of St. Le- ger. Dairoletta. By Amadis. f Jereed. I Winner of Don- J caster Cup. I l^ Priam Mare. By Priam, winner of Goodwood Stakes. tParisien. By fGanymede, sire of iDivus and iQuc- bec. Jt. d'Attelag-e. f fLahore. Sire of Mile, de Blay. Rec. 2'/4 m. in 8:25. ^ Milady. By fEastham. Sire of ■fBasly, ■fPegase and Ourika. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiercelin, Secretary, 12 Eue L'Arcade, Paris, tstajlions owned by the French Government. 135 136 M. w. donham's catalogue (Hoof No. 248.) RAY GBASS 406. Bay; 16 1^ hands; foaled April 2, 1880; imported 1889; bred by M. Leon Truffee, of La Manche; got by the government stallion Ray Geass. Dam Rosette by Va-de-Bon-Ccextb, he by Pbince Colibbi out of a daughter of Geadivus. 2d dam Lady Kent by Kent, he by Cunningham out of a daughter of Solidb. 3d dam Etoile Filante by Ugolin, he by Paeisien. 4th dam daughter of Kapieat, he by Voltaiee out of a daughter of The JUGGLEE. 5th dam^ daughter of Eylau, he by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud. Ray Geass, bay, foaled 1873, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Seducteur. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GOLTJMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker, by Herod, etc. Gohanna, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod, by Tartar, etc. Mekcuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar, by Partner, etc. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1761, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- pin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Va-de-Bon-Cceue, bay, foaled 1856, by Prince Colibri out of a daughter of Gradivus. Peinoe Colibbi, bay, foaled 1850, by Sylvio out of Fraga by Harlequin. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Tbance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Peteb, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHPLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byeiiy Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Kent, bay, foaled 1866, by Cunningham out of a daughter of Solide. Ugolin, bay, foaled 1854, by Parisien. Paeisien, bay, foaled 1849, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Biron. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Etc. Bred to Perfection 993. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 137 (Hoof No. 61.) ROSABELLE 1353. Bay; foaled May i, 1892; bred at Oaklawn; got by Peepeotion. Dam Ray Grass by Ray Geass, he by Abeantes out of a daughter of Seducteue. 2d dam Rosette by Va-de-Bon-Coeue, he by Pkinoe Colibei out of a daughter of Gbadivus. 3d dam Lady Kent by Kent, he by Cunningham out of a daughter of Solide. 4th dam Etoile Filante by Ugolin, he by Pabisien. 5th dam by Kapieat, he by Voltaiee out of a daughter of The Juggles. 6th dam by E^lau, he by Napoleon out of Delphine. Peefection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. Lumineux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by TrouviUe out of a daughter of Gallon. Teoutillb, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor, Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of. Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Ray Geass, bay, foaled 1873, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Seducteur. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golunipus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPus, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. Gohanna, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meeouey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Va-de-Bon-Coeue, bay, foaled 1856,. by Prince Colibri out of a daughter of Gradivus. Pbince Colibei, bay, foaled 1850, by Sylvio out of Fraga by Harlequin. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Etc. 138 M. W. DUNHAM'S CATALOGUE (Hoof No. 249.) SANS TACHE 405. This mare has been sho'wrii every year since she -was a t'wro-year-old at the Grovernment Show^s of France, and has been aw^arded thirteen prizes, eleven of -which were first. For nine consecutive years she has -won the prize -when sho-wn -with her suckling colt, the French Government have four of her sons standing in the National Haras. Chestnut;. 16 hands; foaled April 20, 1876: imported 1889; bred by M. Victor Gillan, of La Manche; got by the government stallion Ugolin. Dam Jeanne d'Abo by Pledge, he by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattleb. 2d dam by Homebe, he by Impebieux out of a daughter of D. I. 0. 3d dam Fleue de Maede by Kbameb, he by Hebctjlb out of Cybele by Chasseue. ith dam La Pilott by Pilot, he by Octavius out of a daughter of Ambeosid. .5th dam La Baohate by Bacha [Arab]. 6th dam daughter of Dagout [Turk]. 7th dam daughter of Gloeieux. 8th dam daughter of King Pepin. Ugolin, bay, foaled 1851, by Pabisien. Paeisien, bay, foaled 1819, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Biron. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xebxes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattleb, bay, foaled 1781, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1718, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1721) out of Roxana. Pledge, bay, foaled 1816, by Royal Oak out 'of a daughter of Young Rattler by Rattler, etc. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod, by Tartar, etc. Mebcuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar, by Partner, etc. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian. Mabske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Etc. Bred to Perfection 993. B 313 i,i 1 « &. o "S (?^ «4-l o » -4-S C6 r4 a> ^ -ta -t.^ ce tc e r-H • rH a ^ <4-< ^ i-H 1 — t ce iH n3 bo 6 in a d ^->. '* o r' H Zi &J3 m" -t^ cS o o5 Cl3 ^t: r 13 ® CS >. *'g 02 H^ ? S -M o < '^^ CQ 5p;§ " ce OJ to •-4H n3 2 fl •^ 13 ® rH r^ • nH i ^ l-H ^ ce .— I ri4 cS O -(-3 ce '^ Oi F— ( "j ^ "p o 5 ^ c o FRENCH COACH HORSES. 139 (Hoof.No. 251.) SANS VERGOGNE 450. Won grand prize of the grovernment and t-wrelve other prizes -when three and four years old. Bay; foaled May 22, 1881; imported 1889; bred by M. Allix Courboy, of La Manche: got by the government stallion Reynolds. Dam MiNUiT by Latatee. 2d dam Coach Make purchased by M. Pierre from the stables of Napoleon III. Reynolds, chestnut, foaled 1873, by Conquerant out of Miss Pierce by Success. Conquekant, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapieat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. VoLTAiKE, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of the dam of Raphael by Pilot. Impebieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlek, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattles, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Magntjm Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Lavateb, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by * Invincible. NoBFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. 140 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 60.) SAPPHO 1363. Bay; foaled March 20, 1892; bred at Oaklawn; got by Peefeotion. Dam Sekieuse by Saint Rigomeb, he by Gall out of Colombine. 2d dam Hibondelle by Tamae, he by Jactatoe out of a daughter of Feancais. 3d dam by Buci, he by Solide out of Pegeiotte. Peefeotion, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Teouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1781, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. , Saint-Rigomee, bay, foaled 1874, by Gall out of Fatiney by Tipple Cider. Gall, bay, foaled 1862, by Kapirat out of a daughter of Sir Henri. Kapieat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. Voltaiee, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Tamae, chestnut, foaled 1875, by Jactator out of a daughter of Francais. Jactatoe, chestnut, foaled 1865, by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1885, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens, by Buzzard. Tbance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Etc. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 141 (Hoof No. 308.) SERIEUSE 1023. Bay; 16 J^ hands; foaled May 20, 1886; imported 1890; bred by M. Tirard, of Calvados; got by the government stallion St. Rigomer. Dam HiEONDELLE by Tamae out of a daughter of Buci. Saint Rigomee, bay, foaled 1871, by Gall out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Gall, bay, foaled 1862, by Kapirat out of a daughter of Sir Henry Dimsdale by Old President. Kapieat, bay, foaled 1841, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. VoLTAiEE, brown bay, foaled 1838, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer by Eclipse, etc. Young Rattlee, bay foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1781, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian (1721). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Tamae, chestnut, foaled 187.5, by Jactator out of a daughter of Francais. Jaotatoe, chestnut, foaled 1865, by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyee, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758,by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of a sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Buoi, chestnut, foaled 1857, by Solide out of a daughter of Eylau. SoLiDE, brown, foaled 1852, by Nestor out of a daughter of Jaggard. Nestoe, bay, foaled 1847, by Hospodar out of a daughter of Captain Candid. HospoDAE, chestnut, foaled 1841, by Imperieux, etc., out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Etc. Bred to Perfection 993. 142 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 209.) TACHE SANS TACHE 445. The dam of this filly has been shovrn at the G-overnment shows of France from the time she -wras a two-year-old, w^inning- thirteen prizes, eleven of w^hich were first. Chestmit; 16}4 hands; foaled April 15, 1889; bred by M. Victor Gillan, of La Manche; got by the government stallion Sieoc. Dam Sans Tache by Ugolin, he by Pakisien. 2d dam Jeanne d'Akc by Pledge, he by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattleb. 3d dam by Homeke, he by Impeeieux out of a daughter of D. I. O. 4th dam Fleuk de Maede by Keamee, he by Heecule out of Cybele by Chasseue. 5th dam La Pilot by Pilot, he by Octavius out of a daughter of Ambeosid. 6th dam La Bachate by Bacha [Arab]. 7th dam daughter of Dagout [Turk]. 8th dam daughter of Glokieux. 9th dam daughter of King Pepin. SiEOc, bay, foaled 1874, by Gall out of a daughter of Solide. Gall, bay, foaled 1862, by Kapirat out of a daughter of Sir Henry Dimsdale. Kapieat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. VoLTAiEE, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Impeeieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Ugolin, bay, foaled 1854, by Parisien. Pakisien, bay, foaled 1849, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Biron. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattlee, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. Etc. Bred to Perfection 993. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 143 (Hoof No. 202.) TEMPEST 485. Dark bay; foaled August 4, 1889; bred at Oaklawn; got by Geoffboy 177. Dam TiGEESSE by Tigbis, he by Lavatee out of Modestie. 2d dam Fleue D'Ete by Eneage, he by Uteecht out of a daughter of The Repealee. Geoffboy, bay, foaled 1885, by Racoleur out of Athalante by Montmorency. Racoleue, bay, foaled 1873, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Elu. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko, Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker, by Herod, etc. Gohanna, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Mbecttey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Tigbis, brown bay, foaled 1875, by Lavater out of Modestie by The Heir of Linne. Lavatee, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by Invincible. NoEFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Eneage, bay, foaled 1860, by Utrecht out of a daughter of The Repealer. Uteecht, bay, foaled 1854, by Prince out of a daughter of Eylau. Peince, bay, foaled 1849, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Marengo. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Teance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Cnrwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Bred to Kaolin 974. 144 M. \v. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 309.) THERESA 1005. Dark bay; 16 hands; foaled June 16, 1884; imported 1890; bred by M. Cou- reul, of Calvados; got by the government stallion Noville. Dam Taeentella by Tay Mouth, he by Beeadalbane out of Canabetta by LOEDS-OF-THE-ISLES. 2d dam by Fbancais, he by Abbantes out of a daughter of Tipple Cideb. 3d dam by Jactatoe, he by Elu out of Pegeiotte by Eylau. ith dam by The Nimeod, he by Foavleb out of Anglais Maee. Noville, black, foaled 1869, by Ipsilanty out of Therence by Turk. Ipsilanty, black, foaled 1864, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of a daughter of Sylvio. NoEFOLK Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Tay Mouth, bay, foaled 1869, by Bredalbane out of Canaretta by Lord-of-the- Isles. Beeadalbane, foaled 1862, by Stockwell out of Blink Bonny by Melbourne. Stockwell, by The Baron out of Pocahontas by Glencoe. The Baeon, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Irish Birdcatcher out of Echidna by Economist. Ieish Biedcatchee, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Sir Hercules out of Guiccioli by Bob Booty. SiE Heecules, black, foaled 1826, by Whalebone out of Peri by Wanderer. Whalebone, brown, foaled 1807, by Waxy out of Penelope by Trumpator. Waxy, bay, foaled 1790, by Pot-8'os out of Maria by Herod. PoT-8"os, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Eclipse out of Sportsmistress by Sportsman. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squibt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlee's Childees by Darley Arabian. Fbancais, bay, foaled 1861, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Abbantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUs, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Mebcuby, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse, etc., out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Jactatoe, chestnut, foaled 1865, by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens, by Buzzard, etc. Teanoe, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Etc. Bred to Perfection 9.93. FRENCH COA.CH HOESES. 145 (Hoof No. 252.) TRANQXJILLE 447. Dark brown; 16 hands; foaled May 20, 1885; imported 1889; bred by M. Poisson, of La Manche; got by the government stallion Aeistockate. Dam Coquette by Qui- Vive, he by Affidavit out of a daughter of Esoulap.e. 2d dam Ubsine by Agenda, he by Luoain out of a daughter of Imperial. 3d dam La Uesin by Ubsin, he by Ramsay out of a daughter of Ganymede. 4th dam. Diva by Divus, he by Quebec out of a daughter of Electeique. 5th dam daughter of Kapieat, he by Voltaiee. 6th dam daughter of Debaedeue. Aeistoceate, bay, foaled 1878, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Extase. QuioiiET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUx, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. TEOUviiiiiE, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 178-t, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEB, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod. out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Qui-ViVE, bay, foaled 1872, by Affidavit out of a daughter of Esculape. Affidavit, chestnut, foaled 1861, by Javelot out of Dahlia by Caravan. Javelot, brown bay, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Rhinoplastic by Royal Oak. Gladiatoe, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paetisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiE Petee, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyee, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetnee, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Agenda, bay, foaled 1856, by Lucain out of a daughter of Imperial. Luoain, bay, foaled 1845, by Eylau out of Desiree by Thalma. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. Chantioleee, bay, foaled 1787, by Woodpecker out of a daughter of Eclipse. Etc. Bred to Perfection 993. 146 M. w. Dunham's catalogue (Hoof No. 39.) VERVEINE 960. Brown bay; foaled May 15, 1890; bred by M. Jean Leon, of La Manche; got by the government stallion Colpobteue. Dam Manche by Regnaed, he by Abeantes out of a daughter of Elu. 2d dam Mine d'Oe by The Heie oe Linne, he by Galaoe out of Mes. Walkee by Jeeebd. 3d dam Pees-de-Teeee by Etendaed, he by Valdemae out of a daughter of Keamee. 4th dam La Peesidbnte by Diomede. he by Young Rattlee out of a daughter of Young Toppee. 5th dami by Maetagon, he by Young Toppee out of a daughter of King. CoLPOETEUE, brown bay, foaled 1880, by Normand out of a daughter of Conquerant, Noemand, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer. Young Rattlee, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattles, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godol- phin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Regnaed, chestnut, foaled 1873, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Elu. Abeantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUs, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Meecuey, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Maeskb, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squiet, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Baetlet's Childees by Darley Arabian. Heie oe Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaoe, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY MoLOOH, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. MuLEY, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Oetille, bay, foaled 1799. by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod. Beningbeough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar. Etc. H tColporteur .... Kec. (3-yr.)2'/^m.in 6:56. Sire of Immortal, 4-yr. Rec. 214m. in 6:41 2-5 Jarnicoton, 4-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5:32 2-5 Keepsake, 3-yr. Eec. 2 m. in 5:38 3-5. Lais. Kec. 17^ m. in 5:19. Jar>iac. Rec. 2 m. in 5:55. Kec. 2 m. in 6:06. ' tNormand Kec. (3-yr.) 2Y2 m. in 7:03 4-5. Sire of Cherbourg, 4-yr. Rec. 21/^ m. in 6:40. Virago. Rec. 3U m. in 9:56. Hardy, 4 yr. Rec. 3 m. in l-.bbVz. Farceur, 5-yr. Rec. 214m. in 6:39 4-5 And 76 others, win- ners of races; also sire of the dam of *Ismerie. Rec. 3^8 m. in 8:00. And 52 other -win- ners. I Zaine Dam of Baptiste LeMore. Rec. 2 13-16 m. in 8:59. Colpo7-teur. Rec. 2V2 m. in 6:56. Hidalgo. Eec. 1% m. in 5:09. i[Drolede Corps. tDivus Sire of Normand. Rec. 214m. in 7:03 4-5 Miss Trophon, 3-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 7:49. Sire of dam of Quick. Rec. 8^8 m. in 25:55. I Christiane f tHegnard Half brother to fOctavo. iRacoleur. "[Ray Ch-ass. ^Vendome. ^Simeon. ^Stanislas and ■\Ojgicier. *- Manche Dam of the Govern- ment Stallion Gitano. ' fAbrantes Sire of the dam of Email. Rec. 3I/8 m. in 8:08 3-5 'Bonne Miere. Rec. IV2 m. in 6:31. And 19 others, win- ners of races. I Dau. of Half Sister to '\Jactator. '\Sorcier. fTanorede and f Richard. Dam of Bataclan IV. Rec. 214 m. In 6:54. Normand. Rec. 214 m. in 7:03 4-5 tConauerant. Rec. (3-yr.) 2!4 m. in 7:55. Sire of Capuoine. Rec. 3M m. in 9:47. Dictator. Rec. 3% m. in 10:14. And sire of 108 other winners. Atlante tOruebec. Sire of Dominant and Apis. Dau. of t Electrique. Winner of Grand Prix de Versailles. jKapirat. Sire of Lycopode. Record 2V2m. in 7:00. I Dau. of (^ tDebardeur. Brother of Ran- conneur and dam of Diom,ede. f fKapirat. I Sire of Lycopode. J Record2i^m.in7:00. I !Elisa. Record 254 ni. in 8:35. -{ Second Dam of Colporteur. Rec. 2V4 m. in 6:56. Baptiste Le More. Kec. 2 13-16 m. in 8:59. tCarigran. Half brother t o fTaconnet, fPilot and jDiogene. Dau of L tGranymede. Sire of f Quebec and fParesian. tPledge. Sire of Jrjwa. Kec. . 3M m. in 11:09. I Dau. of (^ tNoteur. Sire of Seducteur, jCatouchone and \Regnier. f tElu. Sire of the dam of Ellora,i-jT. Record 214 m. in 6:16. I Merlerault *- Mare. tThe Heir of liinne tG-alaor.^ Winner of Man- chester Trade Cup. _^ Mrs. Walker. l^ Mine d'Or ^ Modestie, 5-jt. By Jereed, winner ~ of Doncaster Cup. f tEtendard. Sire of Paetole, 4-yr. Rec. 214 m. in 6:08. Modestie, 5-yr. Rec. 4 m. in 11:06. And 29 other win- ners. I Pres de Terre . . (^ La Presidente. Winner of Honor Prize given by Na- poleon in 1849 to the best mare of the breed. *Ismerie holds the world's record for 3^8 miles in a race; time, 8 minutes; her dam, Elisabeth, is owned at Oaklawn. All of the above trotting performances are i-ace records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiercelin, Secretary, 12 Rue L' Arcade, Paris. fStallions owned by the French Government. 147 148 M. W. DDNHAM S CATALOGUE (Hoof No. 55.) VESTA 19. First prize -winner at Bog-ul, 1883. First prize winner at G-overnment Sho-wr, at Caen, 1883. First prize -winner at Vernon, 1884. First prize -winner at Rouen, 1885. First prize -winner at Argance, 1885. First prize -winner at Government Show, at Evereux, 1886, First prize -winner at Arg-ance, 1886. First prize -winner at Government Show, at Eennes, 1887. First prize -winner at Illinois State Fair, 1887. Bay; 1.5^ hands; foaled April 10, 1880; bred by M. A. Fontaine, Calvados; got by the government stallion Tamak. Dam by Pimpant out of a daughter of Intebpkete. Tamab, chestnut, foaled 1875, by Jactator out of a daughter of Francais. Jactatoe, chestnut, foaled 1865, by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens, by Buzzard. Tkance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. SiK Petee, bro-wn, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHELYEE, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by GodoliDhin Arabian (1724). Hekod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetneb, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Pimpant, bay, foaled 1871, by Vice-Roi out of a daughter of Navigateur. ViOE-Roi, bay, foaled 1855, by Gainsborough out of a daughter of Merlerault. Gainsboeough, bay, foaled 1845, by Gainful. Inteep^ete, bay, foaled 1864, by Centaure out of a daughter of Tancrede. Centauee, bay, foaled 1858, by Seducteur out of a daughter of Merlerault. Seducteub, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. NoTEtTE, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. Chanticleee, bay, foaled 1787, by Woodpecker out of a daughter of Eclipse. WooDPECKEE, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Herod out of Miss Ramsden by Cade, by Godolphin Arabian. Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Taetae, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Paetneb, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Cur-wen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Bred to Peefection 993. SA-JklPLK DPA-GS^ES ON THE INSIDK. THE PRACTICAL k^' HANDY SEJf^vicE flccoONT Book, Indispensable to livery Stallion Owner. TWO HUNDRED PAGES SECURELY BOUND IN CLOTH, INDEXED AND PAGED. PRIOR Sl.OO. (Special Frice in Quantities,) THERE is scarcely a stallion owner in the country who does not lose the price of from one too ten colts each year on account of imperfectly kept records of Stallion Service, incomplete description of Mares, making substitution easy, which could be obviated by the establishment of some systematic method of correctly keeping rec- ords of service and close description of all mares served, ^as provided for in our book. In addition to the Account Book proper it contains several pages of information of inestimable value to all breeders and stallioners, embodying the ideas and experiences of Mr. M. W. Dunham, an acknowledged authority, under the following heads : The Care of Stallions. The Use of Stallions in the Stud. The Serving of Mares, When Mares Should Be Bred. The Keeping of Mares for Breeding purposes. The Care of Colts. It also contains a few simple remedies for the treatment of the ailments common to the equine race. This matter itself is worth many times the cost of the book. Our STALLION SERVICE NOTE is taken from the form most commonly used. Seventy-five Notes, bound, convenient to carry in the pocket. Price 60 cents. Sent postpaid on receipt of price. : For our responsibility, we refer you to M. W. Dunham, Wayne, Illinois. Address all orders, p. a. GLOS, Successor to GLiOS & WOODS, (COPYRIGHTED.) "toZaune. DuFage Co,, :^lls \ \ ■ I ■ h Draw upon above outline such distinguishing, white or peculiar markings as will assist in identifying the mare bred. Remarks .-. Owner of Mare,. Postoffice, County, ._ State, Name of Mare,. Color, . Age,. Bred to ... Is Ma7'e Suckling Colt?. DATE OF BREEDING. March April. May.. June.. Service Fee — Leap,. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Seaso7i, . Insure, HORSE-BREEDING AND THE njaiiagenieiit of Stallioiis, Brood IQares aiid Boals, Bu J. H. SANDERS. The Cbapootop and Seope of this CUofk may be gathered from the follotains TflBliE OF CONTEflTS: CHAPTER I. General Principles of Breeding.— General I/aws of Heredity — Causes of Va- riat?on from the Original Types — Modifications from Changed Conditions of Life — Accidental Variations or Sports — Extent of Heredity Influence — The Formation of Breeds— -^Inbreeding and Crossing — Value of Pedigree — Relative Size of Sire and Dam — Influence of First Impregnation — Effect of Imagination on Color of Progeny — Effect of Change of Climate on the Generative Organs — Controlling the Sex. CHAPTER II. Breeds of Horses. — Thoroughbreds^Trotters and Roadsters — Orloffs or Russian Trotters — Cleveland Bay — Shire or Cart Horses — Clydesdales — Perche- rons — Other Breeds. CHAPTER III. Stallions, Brood Mares and Foals.— Selection of Breeding Stock. The Stallion.— General Management of the Stallion— Controlling the Stallion When in Use — When Mares Should be Tried — The Number of Mares to be Served — Effect of Age on the Fertility of the Stallion — Effect of Age on the Quality of the Get — Percentage of Foals to Mares Served — Management of the Stallion After the Season Closes — Effects of Castration on Stallions — Fighting Between Stallions. The Brood Mare. — Causes of Barrenness in Brood Mares — The Productive Period in Brood Mares — Time of Foaling and Period of Gestation — General Sug- gestions as to Food and Nursing. The Foal. — Feeding the Young Foal — Weaning the Foal — Effect of Exercise on Development — Breaking the Foal — Views of Dr. Reynolds of Liverpool on Horse- Breeding. CHAPTER IV. Diseases Peculiar to Breeding Stock. — Hygiene of the Eye — The Eyes as Affected by ihe Teeth — Umbilical Hernia in Young Foals — "Scours" or Diarrhoea in Colts — Strangles or Distemper. The Stallion. — External Injuries — Inflammation of the Penis — Inflammation ot the Testicles — Cancer of the Penis and Sheath — Prolapse or Paralysis ot the Penis — Scrotal Hernia — Waterbag, so-called — Excessive Veiiery — Non-Emission of Semen ("Proudness," so called) — Sexual Sluggishness — Spermatorrhoea — Vesicular Erup- tions on the Penis — Foul Sheath — Masturbation — Cryptorchids (Ridglings, so-called.) The Brood Mare. — Barrenness — Nymphomania — Tumors within the Vagina and Uterus — Leucorrhoea, or so-called Whites — Colt Founder, so-called — CEdema during Pregnancj' — Superimpregnalion — Heat during Pregnancy — Laceration of the Rectum — Abortion — DiiBcult Parturition — Laceration of the Perinseum. (Nearly- all of this chapter was written especially for this work by Dr. N. PI. Paaren, M. D., late State Veterinarian of Illinois.) APENDIX. French Coach Horses. — Dentition of Horses (Profusely illustrated.) Stallion Bridle (illustrated.) In speaking of this work H. D. McKinney ("Marabrino"), of Janesville, Wis., says: "I consider it almost invaluable, and could I not procure another copy would not take twenty times the price of it." The Hon. John Landrigan, Ex-President Illinois State Board of Agriculture, says: " I have no hesitancy in saying that it is the very best book on the subject I have ever read." C. A. DeGraf, of Minnesota, says: " It is bv long odds the most thoroughly practical book upon the breeding and management of horses ever written. The chapters devoted to the management of stallions, brood marcs and youns^^foals are especiallv valuable." Inclose $2.00 for a copy of the book. Address, F. A. GLOS, SuCCeSSOr tO GLaOS ^ WOODS. Wayne, DuPage County, 111.