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' , I K i ~ ‘Vv .5,‘ fr . ‘s. u . -, {V ~~ ; «; , ‘: v‘-‘\ . . x 4 ‘ ‘ “' ‘ . ‘ ~.=».'. ‘' ~ I ‘ .3->.§~_§v.».,.' _ . . ,. , . .~,~ ‘- -. .. _a,'§:;:~.;.'s ~_ \\1 pga ‘I aw-xxé Xv _» * ‘. : >“7’ .V...T % L s.. —«V T<.L-. : «.“ TL V.'“‘»**‘~ CI1.,-f‘I‘.- -..~.-..-.».- ~..- v_'.'_‘. .._-_.‘.,.,---A‘-... .... .,-....~_..-k,. .4 JOURNALISM LIBRARY I... R» U 0 SM Se II. M“ F” 0. Y T I S R E V. I. N U. --marten-xi‘ It you already have one or of our Specimen Books. with covers cormsponding to that ‘on this book, kitldfiy return by Aexpress at our ex- pense. Barnhart Bros. 6: Spindher. SUPERIOR COPPBR»1VIIXED TYPE xxxxx Bamharts Big Blue Book CONTAINING SPECIMENS TYPE BORDERS. ORNAMBNTS. RULE. ETC. Bamhart Brothers 8 Spindle: 183 to 187 Monroe Street. CHICAGO. ILL. ‘P r M; /> at 750 :4 774/Lars) C ST LOUIS ' cm :1- . H». .. \. \m\\\\§\< +>*<+ {EV +31” $*‘>4‘+~‘*+> “ qua 3 \ r r: \ % . + '3 1 '2 V 1 ;\ E >w >4‘ 94“t9.245 OF INTEREST TO THE CRAFT. PRICES OF TYPE. ‘$5 3 § «‘:“.<“§.§ Etufiga E“‘.3 §.,<§_ tagtgg t.-3: sag -an SIZE O1’-‘TYPE. :.._5;-..;gu 00-3. ‘,5 :34» 3-3°§'*no' H123 06“: O3“ O2“ es: 3*-4‘ F“ O2 3 °' 26 = 0 It ‘ V.) 5 Point, Pearl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$. ....$1 20 .... .. .31 3032 so 5 1-2 Point, Agate ...... .. O 71 O 72 O '74 - . . - - - - - . - -- 1 44 2 40 6 Point, Nonpareil ...... .. O 61 0 62 O 64 .... .. 1 16 2 O0 '7 Point, Minion .......... .. 0 53 O 54 O 56 .... .. 1 oo 1 so 8 Point, Brevier ......... .. O 49 O 50 O 52 .... .. o 90 1 60 9 Point, Bourgeois ...... .. 0 45 O 46 O 48 . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 so 1 44 10 Point, Long Primer.... O 48 O 44 0 46 . . . 0 74 1 30 11 Point, Small Pica ..... .. O41 O42 O44 .... .. 070 1 22 12 Point, Pica ............. .. O 40 O 40 O 42 .... .. O 66 1 16 14 Point, English ......................... .. O 40 . . . . . . . . . . .. o 32 1 12 16 Point, 2 line Brevier ................. .. ~ 0 40 . . . . .. O 60 1 O6 18 Point, 3 line Nonpareil .............. .. Q 40 . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 so 1 oo 20 Point, 2 line Long Primer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. o 60 0 94 24 Point, 4 line Nonpareil ...................... .. o 56 0 9p 30 Point, 5 line Nonpareil.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . ., o 56 0 84 36 Point. 6 line Nonpareil ...................... .. O 56 O 82 42 Point. 7 line Nonpareil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 54 0 725 48 Point, 8 line Nonpareil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. O 54 O 72 60 Point, 10 line Nonpareil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. O 52 O 64 72 Point, 12 line Nonpareil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. O 52 O 64 96 Point, 16 line Nonpareil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. O 52 O 64 Italic and Accents. Ordered with Regular Fonts, Furnished at Font Rates. GERMAN BODY LETTER and MAILING TYPE same prices as Roman. Roman Body is only put up in fonts of 25. 50 and 100 lbs. , or some multi-- ple thereof. Body Italic in fonts of 5 and 10 lbs. or some multiple thereof. SPACES AND QIJADS. JOB FONTS. 5 Point (Pearl) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1 40 16 Point (2 line Brevier) ..... ..$0 55 5% “ (Agate) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 00 18 “ _(Great Primer) . . . . . .l 0 55 6 “' (Nonpareil) . . . . . . . . . .. 0 65 20 “ (2 line Long Primer). 0 60 7 “ (Minion) ....... .. 0 65 24 “ (4 line Nonparei1).... 0 60 8 “ (Brevier) ....... 0 65 30 9‘ (5 mm Nonparemm, 0 50 9 (Bourgeois) ......... .. o so 36 “ (6 line NOnpareil).... 0 so 10 “ (Long Primer) ...... .. 0 55 42 “ (7 line Nonpare11).... 0 60 1'1 “ (Small Pica) ........ .. 0 60 48 “ (8 line Nonpareil). . .. 0 80 12 “ (2 line Nonpare11).... 0 so 60 ~‘ (10 line Nonpareil)... 1 15 14 (2 line Minion) ...... .. 0 so 72 “ (12 line Nonpareil)... 1 25 OLD METAL. Old Time should be securely boxed and plainly directed to the foun- der. and Shippers name placed on lower left hand corner of box. The shipper should promptly notify the founder of shipment, and furnish net Weight of same. Old type, electrotypes and stereotypes should never be mixed together, as a separate value attaches to each. Always ship as “old metal,” and thus save expensive freight charges. Current prices allowed for old type. electrotypes, stereotypes and old brass, delivered at our foundrypayable in new type at net prices. TAKE NOTICE-—-Zinc Etching plates, or metal containing Zinc, will not be received at any price. ‘ PIECE ACCENTS. 3 Point Piece Accents, price per font, $0 25. l23456789lOl1l2 \ I \ y o 0 O on u av V A 4 Point Piece Accents, price per font, $0 25. 1 2 3 4 5 6, 7 8 9 I \ . O on I: ~ A I \ 6 Point Piece Accents, price per font, $0 50. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 »\ I 1 \ O O 00 00 CC II II ~ 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 rsu A A I.’ V ‘ \ . I /\ /\ IQ’ FINE DOT LEADERS. Putup in five pound fonts. Made to line with our Legal and Law Italic and Body Faces, according to order. 6 Point, or Nonpareil, per pound .................................................. __$0 64 7 Point. or Minion ......................................................................... .. 0 56 8 Point, or Brevier ........................................................................ .. 0 52 9 Point, or Bourgeois .................... ........................................... .. 0 48 10 Point, or Long Primer ............................................................... .. 0 46 11 Point, or Small Pica ................................................................... .. 0 44 12 Point, or 2 line Nonpareil ................................................... .. 0 42 CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MlXED TYPE. PIECE FRACTIONS. 6 POINT (Nonpareil) Price per font, $3" 75 1234567890 H93 I‘233'V5'B"lB§5 8 POINT (Brevier) Price per font, $3 60 1 2 “ “v -- - 34567890 .‘1!.%iH.g.§;% 1234567596 10 POINT (Long Primer) 1 2 3 4 5 6 '1 8 9 0 286 3'1 Price per font, $4 70 T 2' 3' I '5' if T ‘S if 0 11 POINT (Small Pica) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Price per font, $4 80 123456 T'2'3'I'5“6"‘Ti?'9"0 "'IFil'3'2U EXPLANATION OF‘ POINT SYSTEM. 1 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12 ‘to Pica '2 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..6to Pica 3 “ 4toPica 3% “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brilliant 4 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..3 to Pica 4% “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Diamond 5 “ 5% “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................... ..Agate 6 “ .........Nonpareil 7 “ .................Minion 8 ‘ ................Brevier 9 “ ................Bourgeois 10 “ ....-.......Long- Primer 11 “ ..........smal1Pica 12 “ ...........;.21ine Nonpareil, or Pica 14 *~ line Minion.orEnglish 16 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2 line Brevier, or Columbian 18 “ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..3 line Nonpareil, or Great Primer 20 “ .........................................2lineLongPrlmer,orParagon :34 “ line Nonpareil, orDouble Pica 30 “ ............................51ineNonpareil 36 “ .......................... ..6 line Nonpareil, or Double Great Primer 42 “ 48 *~ ..........................................8lineNonpareil.or4linePica 60 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 line Nonpareil, or 5 line Pica 72 I‘ lineNonpareil,or6linePioa It win he noticed that we have done away with all the old batard sizes above Double Pica, and that each size above that graduates by Non- pareils, the face being cast upon the smallest body practicable coming nearest the old standard. Each one of these larger bodies is some multi- ple of Nonpareil. SUPERIOR AND CANCELLED FIGURES. 7 POINT (Minion) 10 POINT (Lg. Primer) 1234537390 1234567890 10 POINT (Lg. Primer) 12345¢7l$9¢ HOW TO ORDER ‘GOODS. CUSTOMERS will, by observing the following rules when making up orders for material, save themselves and us annoyance and delay, CREDI'.l‘.--—If you have had no previous dealings with us, supply us with available references, and then allow us suflicient time to obtain from them information as to your financial standing. It, being unknown to us, you desire immediate shipment of goods, accompany your order with a remittance covering same, or enough money to cover express charges both ways, when we will send 0. 0. D. I 'l‘nnMs——Instead of asking our best terms on time, if you will indi- cate amount of cash you can pay down and the shortest time you can pay balance, our business and yours will be facilitated, and a con- clusion arrived at in much less time than if you write to learn the best we cando. We are not supposed to know your circumstances or your resources. I 5 BE EXPLICIT—In ordering goods explicitness is an essential. ‘Order every article by its name or number as given in the specimen book, and we will have no difficulty in understanding just what you want “Send me one font 8 Point Gothic Cond. No. 5,” is better than saying “Send me a font of 8 Point Gothic shown on page 141 of your Specimen Book.” In the first instance we know at a glance just what you want; in the last we must refer to the catalogue before booking order. Above all things, never mutimte a specimen book, as it necessitates look- ing up and locating every item. Refer to some previous invoice and obtain your “cue” from it. A specimen book is expensive but amuti- lated one is practically worthless. TAKE one line of your paper for each item ordered. SOR'1‘S.—In ordering sorts at/ways enclose a metal cap H and a lower case in of the type you wish to match, and plainly state the amount of each character wanted. Be sure and enclose sample before sealing envelope containing order. Better put sample in small envelope to in- sure safe transmission BODY TYPE is furnished only in fonts of 25 pounds or some multiple thereof, and is never put up regularly in any other way; consequently it will be useless to order a regular font weighing less than 25 pounds. Sorts, will, of course, be furnished in any quantity desired, at regular font prices. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. ITAL1C.—Whe‘n ordering body type for newspaper or book work be particular and state ‘ whether "or not Italic is wanted. Italic can be furnished for all body faces in fonts of 5 or 10 pounds or some multiple thereof, but is never sent unless specially ordered. SPACES AND. Qtums.--J ob Fonts, with the exception of poster faces and certain scripts, are put up without quads and spaces, and if you want them it will be necessary to so state in ordering. ‘ OPENING INvoICEs——Don’t allow your purchases to lie around the oflice a week or ten days before checking up your bill, and then claim short- age. In justice to the founder, goods should be checked when opened. and if any omissions occur, prompt notice given. PROOFS or JOB FoNTs—Always take a proof of each job font before laying, to satisfy yourself if any sort is missing, and also hold the proper person responsible if letters are mixed in laying—-a thing often done, for which the innocent type founder is unjustly berated. In making claims for shortage in such cases be sure to accompany your letter with the proofs before mentioned. Body type being sold by weight in all cases. it is not necessary to observe this precaution. as additional sorts will be Supplied at same rates asxoriginal font. SHIPMENTS-——Where shipping instructions are omitted, we reserve the right to exercise our own best judgement. Customers occasionally erder small articles. such as a single font sent by freight; such ship- ments are likely to be lost in transit, and entail extraordinary expenses for drayage charges, etc. When a shipment weighs less than 20 pounds we advise express shipment. After goods have been properly dis- Datched, whether by mail, express or freight, the law holds that they ‘ are at the purchaser's risk. We cannot hold ourselves responsible for any delay or miscarriage, unless the fault is ours, but we will always aid the customer to recover. “- SMALL PACKAGES BY EXPRESS—The express companies allow on small prepaid packages a special rate. If the package Weighs 15 ounces or 1393 it may be sent for 15 cents: West of the Rocky Mountains the minimum charge is 25 cents, if more than 15 ounces add one cent per ounce. If glen Wdlgh Your package sent by express prepaid, remit the charges with 07‘ ‘I’. mgrfiolgssngi L1IAIL-—-If money is remitted for any article to be sent by articie t 11 c ent sum should be enclosed. in addition to the cost of _ 0 pay postage. Purchasers should remember that the post-office authorities give no receipt for merchandise, consequently all shipments sent in this way are at purchaser's risk. . WHY SHIPMENTS ARE DELAYED-—EVery order received by us is filled without unnecessary delay, but when a delay occurs there is a valid reason. Many times the demand for type of certain styles is so large that we are unable to keep it in stock. Sometimes orders call for goods of outside manufacture, which we must order. When an order calls for Wood Type, a delay of six to ten days in its filling is unavoidable. since these goods are seldom carried in stock even by the manufacturers. Sorts, in many cases are cast to order, and sometimes, though rarely with us, are sufficient cause for delay in a shipment. Unless wereceive instructions to the contrary, we usually‘ hold an order until we can fill it complete. All shipments are made just as promptly as possible, and no order is delayed without a reason. MACHINE REPAIRS are not ordinarily carried in stock, but for standard machinery we can usually procure them without much delay. If you want repairs -for a machine of old pattern. or one not in general use, it is always best to send us the broken part with the order. In all cases give the size, number and name of maker of press. How To ESTIMATE WEIGHT or MATTER—T0 ascertain the quantity of plain type required for a newspaper or magazine or any other work, find the number of square inches and divide the same by four; the quo- tient will be the approximate weight of matter, but as it is impossible to set the cases entirely clear, it is necessary to add 25 per cent to large fonts and 33 per cent to small fonts, to allow for dead letter. The aver- age weight of 12 inches solid matter set in 13 ems pica measure is 6% pounds; if leaded it will weigh about 5% pounds. A single column of six column folio. solid, will weigh 10% pounds, requiring about 13 pounds of type, while the same length column leaded with six to pica leads will contain but 7% pounds solid matter, requiring about 10 pounds to set the same. The twelve square boxes directly in front of the compositor, containing the letters a, c, d, i, m, etc., will hold about 2 pounds each. The boxes half the size of the “a" will hold 15 ounces each, containing letters b, I. 8'. 1, p, etc. The small square boxes con- taining the letters k, i, q, etc., will hold 6 ounces each; the e box will hold 3 pounds, and the cap case 5 ounces to each box. PRESENT TYPE S'I‘ANDARD,—-By the present standard of the Interna- tional‘ Typographical Union, the basis of measurement is the lower case alphabet from a to z inclusive, and the ems used are the same body as the type measured: 4% point. 18 ems to the alphabet: 5 point, 17; 5% point, 16; 6 point, 15; 7 point, 14; 8 point. 14; 9 point, 13;‘ 10 point, 13; 11 point, 13; 12 point, 13. The thirteen letters -used most frequently, viz: a,, e, 1, o, u, r, s, t. c, d, h‘, In, n, are in all cases to fill one-half the space occupied by the entire twenty six letters. A VALUABLE TABLE. The following table, invaluable for reference, shows the number of leads to the pound in the several lengths and thickness pica given. NUMBER ‘OF EMS CONTAINED IN A POUND OF TYPE. One pound of ' 5 point contains ...... . . . ...... ... ................. . .782 ems ‘ “ “ 5% “ “ ................................... ..660 " “ “ 6 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..528 “ “ “ 7 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..400 “ “ “ 3 H " .................................. ..312 “ “ “ 9 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "244 “ “ “ “ I I O U O I I I D I 0 0 D a I 0 I I I I I I I C I Q I I COO Q I O C 0 00204 “ “ “ 11 “ “ ................................... ..172 “ “ “ 12 “ “ ................................. ..140 “ WEIGHT OF LEADS REQUIRED FOR ANY WORK. These calculations apply to any measure, and are based on the use of six to pica (2 point‘, leads, solid matter—— 1,000 ems 5 point contains ................................ .. 7% ozs leads 1,000 “ 5% “ . “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8% “ “ 1,000 “ '6 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9% “ “ 1,000 “ 7 _ “ “ ................................ ..11}.;g “ “ 1,000 “ 8 “ " ................................ ..13 “ “ 1,000 “ 9 “ “ ................................ ..13;§ “ “ 1,000 “ 10 “ “ ................................ "1514 “ “ 1,000 “ 1'1 “ “ ................................ ..l6}§ “ “ 1,000 “ 12 “ “ ............................... .._19 “ “ Six to pica leads contained in 1,000 ems of leaded matter—— 1,000 ems 5 point require ..... .......................... .. 5% ozs leads 1,000 “ 55.5 “ “ ................................. .. 6 “ “ 1,000 “ 6 " “ ................................. .. 7% “ “ 1,000 “ 7 H “ “ ............................. .. 9 ‘° “ 1,000 “ 8 “. “ ............................. ..10}§ “ “ 1,000 “ 9 “ “ ................................. ..11 “ ‘ 1,000 “ 10 “ “ ................................. ..12}§ “ “ 1,000 “ 11 “ “ ...... ........................ ..14 “ “ 1,000 12 “ “ ......................... ..... ..l6}§ “ “ One pound of leads or slugs covers four square inches. Hence when the space tobe filled by leads and slugs is known it is only necessary to divide the number of square inches by four, and the result will give the required weight in pounds. STANDARD SIZES OF NEWSPAPERS. The following are the regular sizes of newspapers, adopted by the auxiliary printers. We would advise parties planning new newspapers to adopt one of these sizes. The width of the colum is 13 ems pica. SIZE or PAPER. SIZE or FORM. HEAD RULE. COL. RULE. Five Column Folio . . . . . . . . .20x26 ...... .. 18 x23% ...... . . 11% ...... . .18 Six . “ “ ........ ..22x31 ...... . .19§(x28}4 . . . . . . ..13% ...... ..19% Seven “ “ ........ ..24x35 . . . . . . . .21%x33 ...... . .15§4 ...... . .21§{ Eight “ “ . . . . . . . . . .26X40. . . . . . . .23%X37}é . . . . . . . . 18 . . . . . . . .23% Nine “ “ ........ . . 28x44 . . . . . . . .259¢x42 . . . . . . .. 20% . . . . . . . . 25% Four “ Quarto ........ . .22x31 ...... . . 18§4x29 ...... . . 8% ...... .. 1394 Five “ “ ...... .....26x40 . . . . . ..23y(x37 ...... ..11}«§........18 SIX “ “ .....,....30x44........27%x41 . . . . . . ..l3% . . . . . . ..l9% Seven “ “ .... ......35x48........32)§x45 ...... ..15§4........219( NEWSPAPER ‘MEASUREMENTS. Table showing the number of ems of the different sizes of Newspaper Type in a line, the number of lines necessary to make 1,000 ems, and the length in inches. Also the number of ems in the regular lengths of column. . . E‘ 5-: ea 94 £4 E 13 EMS PICA. 5 g E 5 5 c Q, G O WIDTH or STANDARD COLUMN. :3 9-4 94 94 94 °'‘ n w I~ co ca 3 Number ems in ‘line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28% 26 22% 19% 17% 15% Number lines in 1,000 ems. . . . . . . . . . 3534 38% 45 5154 5 64% Number inches in 1,000 ems... . . . . . * 3}; 4 5% 7 9 4 col folio or quarto, No. ems in col 5040 4325 3175 12465 1950 1610 5 col folio or quarto, No. ems in col 6505 5615 4115 3200 2525 2085 6 col folio or quarto, No. ems in col 7180 6160 4515 3510 2770 2290 7 col folio or quarto N 0. ems in C01 7900 6785 4970 3865 3050 2520 8 col folio, N0. ems n col. . . . . . . . . . . 8680 7410 5440 4220 3380 2755 9 col folio, No. ems in col. . . . . . . . .. . 9310 8030 5885 4575 3615 2970 LEADS 1=*o1'-2 NEWSPAPERS. Table showing the number of leads, 13 ems. long, contained in one pound and the number required to lead 1,000 ems of matter. Also the number of leads in a single column of E (3 E; E E 5 E N § E E‘); matter, regular newspaper sizes. LENGTHS. 3 n. E p. g 1:. LENG'1‘HS- 0 A. 5 A 53 n. . H H :2. o 3‘ 2°. 3 “‘ 3 [-1 3 " 8 sIzEs or BODY TYPE. 5 ‘Q g ‘Q g; 5 -—~--‘ """' v-4 #1 H I-1 4 ems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 114 216 288 16 ems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36 54 72 LEADS U331) ARE 3;}; To p1cA_ 8 8 E 8 8 8 5 ems .............. .. 112 168 224 17 ems .............. .. 34 51 68 X I_ 00 O: O 6 ems .............. .. 96 144 192 18 ems .............. .. 32 48 64 .4, *9 .- 7 ems .............. .. 82 123 164 19 ems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 45 60 --~ 8 ems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 108 144 20 ems .............. .. 28 42 56 Number of leads to the pound ....... . . . ....... .. 60 60 60 60 60 60 9 ems .............. .. 64 96 128 21 ems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 40 54 Number of leads to 1,000 ems. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 52 10 ems .............. . . 56 84 112 22 ems .............. .. 26 39 52 4 col folio or quarto, No. leads in 84 11 ems .............. .. 52 78 104 23 ems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.) 37 50 5 col folio or quarto, No. leads in_ 108 12 ems .............. .. 48 72 96 24 ems .............. .. 24 36 48 6 col folio or quarto. No. leads in 119 13 ems. . .. .......... .. 44 66 88 25 ems .............. .. 34 46 7 col folio or quarto, No. leads in ‘ ' ‘ 131 14 ems .............. .. 41 61 82 26 ems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 22 33 44 8col folio, No. leads in column .... ...... 224 215 185 169 150 148 15 ems .............. .. 38 57 76 27 ems .............. .. 21 31 42 9301 folio, No. leads in column.. ....... 241 233-201 188 163 154 CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEGUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. HALF SHEET OF COMMON OCTAVO. Fj‘ 1""? F?‘ "T I I I I I I I I I I I I _ v 9 t 1 a *"* r~*-I I”"— "—“ 7-‘ I'——‘I I I I . I I _.I I.._,-I I I 9 l I 9 I “ I ’ I I I 1 I I I ‘A _,I K .. .| .__. 9 6 0| 5 1 12 11 2 _ .._— I.“ I I I I I I _J _J 4 #1 r—“ I*** r—“I I'— I I I I ._ ‘ I L . 9 use us 6 1: 20 21 12 I I I I I I I I I I I _ _ _.J .___4 . {J l____J *— r-fl r*“I I I I I ‘I I I I I I I 9| lil# oz’ no 1 1 .12 25 a [T1 F“? ‘ I V“ I I I I I . I I I I I . _ I _, ._ .4 I |,.—_.__.- 1 ,2 J L__.I.._.J 3 ll OZ 9 1 24 21 4 r“* ' "'1 r—" I I ' I I I I I - ' ; II __ 4 . J I 'L_.__ HALF SHEET OF OCTAVO IOAPOOED FRO‘! CENTER. IMPOSITION OF FORMS. 5 a 7 a I*““ :"“ ~*“ I I I I I| ‘ I I I I I I .I"'“ F“ '*‘ I I I I I I I I ‘ L vg I o I I 01‘ 2 I 12 H 2 I’? I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I _- 9 (3 OS‘ I’ H 72 I0 14 I"* f" "’“ r'”‘ I I I I I I I ‘ I I I I I . .. ..__. L _.J __4 I I -‘I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I‘ I I I I Ol CG CI 91 7 20 31 2 I"? "—“ "E F" I I I I , I I I I I I I ._ _ _.' ._, - J I I |r I I I I I I I LI 7 , I 4 0% Cl 9| H I I I L___;' .4 V... 9 6| 9| L 3 22 23 2 A ..__ I..._ ,.~4 I I I I ' E ' I ' I I ' I \.._J 2 I J ._,J l._.. ,.__. ,._fi ,__. __. ,__. |..._, -._. I ' I I I I I I M It or at 0: at as It 23 20 27 2? 21 28 25 24 ._ . r..I . I-_. ,- ., ._. ,_._ r- . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r--*. r-~ I—'fi r—" --"fl lr‘—‘I I*'-‘* r* I I _ I I I I I I _ I I I I I I I ‘ I 84. 6 it 9 0 II 01 1 V I 10 11 4 1 H H 2 I—- r ~ I -- H r-— —-~- ."' —“ CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. OUTER FORM OF IHEE7 OF COIION OCTAVO. r-—*“ r—- I I I I I :7 c 1; o ,._, , I I I I I L _._.I INNER FORM OF SHEET OF COUIION OCYAVO. I ll? on L 14 I5 2 I.-. - _ _ ,_ INNER FORM OF SHEET OF YWELVES. -I I"”_ 7*" r“ "F P"*‘ Pjv ?— —— - I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' . - __ _ J . . . at St N 0 is H II F._. I__.I -_- ___- .._... ._ L... I I I I I I . I __ .. J 8 u 0: 9 oz In 4 I 24 2v 4 :2 22 2 ,_. ,.._. _. - 3 _ , - ,_ _ I I ‘ : . _-__ -4 _ J _ _ _ _ HALF SHEET OF SIXTEENS. HALF SHEEY OF YWENTV-FOUR5. 1’H[ SIXYIEN WAV I..—I .._._ r._ I-“ --_ . ,__- _- - -__. ,._. I I I I 2 ‘SI H E :3 it as 1 91 o 7 10 H o r H! 10 a 11 I2 ._ .- . _- , _- . - . .1 , = I i i i I I I I I I I __ ‘_.J _.J _ - _ _a &_.—._J .. _.J ._ .4 _ . ,_.. I I...‘ l._~ _,__. ,_. I__. ,._.. r_. ,_.__ ' I I I I . . I I I I I s o u 9 n [71, oz 9 u H I 1 16 1] I I 24 21 I 15 10 __. - - __ . r. .. ,__ __ ,_I.. ..I ,_- ,_ V . I I I I ._ « fl —— 7 _ -4 __ .4 L: ..—4 _ .r HALF SHEET OF LONG BIXTEENB. ,__- r_, _-fi .—. .—- _._—. ..__~ ,1. I I I I I I I I ' I I I I 0 o as 9 9 II o: 2 I to H 4 1 14 I5 2 I“ ‘-—“ r "*1 ""—* r—: -—-——. —— --~—~ I ‘ I 06 ICE 93 ll Ht If I’ Gt 5 36 1} 3 ‘ 16 1‘ C I ' I _ 4 _ J ,_J _ . __4 J ':"‘ r'—% v-—- r*" F 1% p-—-:a 9| QC [if [I Cl st 95 CA 0 1.’ 7. 1? I‘ II) 1' 10 ‘ CO I’ 4 1 $3 ‘9 J OUJLITY UNEOUALCO, FINISH UNSUQPASSCO. TIME TABLE FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER‘MIXED TYPE. 5% POINT ROMAN .NO. 10 AND GOTHIC FIGURES. 5% POINT ROMAN No. 10 AND CLARENDON FIGURES. Figures east on en set. Figures cast on en set. 106 63 101 113 104 87 106 63 101 ’ 113 104 S7 DAILY s1'A1'|oNs. DAILY DAILY STATIONS. DAILY EX. sun DAILY DAILY , DAILY EX. sun DAILY EX. sun DAILY DAILY DAILY ex. sun DAILY ' RM PM All Central Time. RN AM PM PM PM AM Central Time. 1211 AM PM 3 30 10 10 8 45 Lv ........ ..C11-IICAGO ........ ..Ar 1 55 650 7 50 8 80 10 10 845 LV -------- --CHICAGO -------- --AI‘ 1 56 650 7 no 3 37 10 18 8 52 ........... ..-2201 Street ........... .. 1 43 6 42 ‘I 43 8 87 10 18 8 52 ----------- - .22d Street ----------- - - 1 68 6 42 7 43 .... .. 1029 903 .............51stStreet............. 136 731 1020 903 ............51stStreet............ 183 781 3 53 10 34 9 08 .......... . .Eng1eWoOd .......... . . 1‘ 31 6 26 1 20 8 58 10 84 9 08 ...... . .Eng16W0°d ------- - - - 1 81 -6 26 7 m . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 911 Ormal Par 723 11 ...........Normal 723 ..... .. 1041 916 ...........Auburn Park........... 124 718 1041 916 ...........Auburn Park........... 124 713 ..... .. 10 51 925 . Washington Heights 1 14 6 13 7 08 10 51 925 Washington Heights 1 14 613 7 08 ..... .. 1100 935 1ueIs1and............ 105 605 700 1100 935 lueIsl8.nd.........-.. 105 605 ‘IN . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 937 .....Grand Trunk Junction..... 937 .....Grand Trunk Junct1on..... ..... .. 1117 950............'1‘1n1ey Par 1250 550 145 1117 950 ...........'1‘1n1eyPark........... 1250 550 345 ..... .. 1120 1003 ..............Mokena.............. 1238 538 33 1129 1003 .............Mokena 1239 538 383 ..... .. 1138 1010 ............NewLenox............ 1229 528 I 24 uss 1010 ............New Lenox............ 1229 528 524 4 53 ............ . m(1)1oka. ........... .. 1% 4 58 1% fig ............ . .L.{.I1 6 POINT No. 12. (Nonpareil) Printing was inrodnced into Scotland about thirty years after (‘axt on had brought it to England :' in 1551 it reached Dublin. and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. \Vhilc coming into notice. its p rogress had been interrupted by the broils consequent on the Reform Lower case alphabet. a to 1. 161,5 emu. Printing was introrlmwl into Scotland about thirty yetirx (l_fle'I‘ ("a.rton h ad brouqh it to England,‘ in 1.5.51 it reached Dublin. and to other qmuwrn it found itx way rery slowly. While coming into notice. itx program; had b ‘ 12.945 .1 llC1)E167;[IL/KL.ll.\‘I)PQRS ’1’I..’i'ii’.lL' YZ (m-90 i:23i567890 AB(‘DEl"GIllJKL.\iNOPQRS1‘l'\'WxYZ 1.23-i5i‘.7H90 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTITWXYZ l ' " ‘“ 62> 6 l"oi.\"r No. 14 (Z\'onpareil) Printing: was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after (?u\'ton had brought it to Englzmd: in 1.3.31 it reached Dublin. and t o otherquarters It. found its way very slowly. \\’hilc coming into notice, its progress had been int:-rruptcd by the. in-oils cxmscquent Lower case alphabet. a to z, 17}; .-ms. Printing um: lnlrmlucctl into .\'('otluml about lliirly yctlrs Ii_t't4‘I' (‘a.rton had brought. it to England: in 1.3.31 it rcachul Dublin. and to other quart «rs it found its way very Nllr!l,'ll]. ll'hilr coming into notice, its proyrcm 12345 ABCIJI-.‘ Ft.‘ H IJ K l..\I.\'UI’(.)It.\‘ Tl,'i'li'X YZ o'7H.'iu l2.'H.-3678*.I('i AB(‘-DE!-‘tiHIJKl..\l .\'(wQa.s'rrvwxY'/. 1-.’:H.'.o7s90 A l'l("DF.l~‘G l I l.l K lilil Nt ) l‘QRS’[‘l_' VWX Y7. l '_‘ ' 63> (Agate) Printing was Introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had b rought it to I-Jnglandz In 1551 it reached Dublin. and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. While coming into notice. has progrel-.IH had been intcrrup ted by the broth; consequent. on the ll:-formation: and soon afterwards, it was Lower case alphabet, a to z, 1.553’ em.-l. Printing mus introduced into Scotland about thirty years after ( iurton had b rough! it to l'.'n{1l4md,' in I.-3.31 it reached Dublin. and to other quarters it found its ll‘lI_t/ rery xloorly. White coming into notice. Nu p7‘u{[I'e'.nr8 had been interrupt 5% Poucr No. 3 1'.':x45 -i11(‘DI-,'l-‘I;I1lJlx'l..i!.\'oI’QIl'STl ’i'W.\'}'Z otsoo l‘B—i.'>67R9l) Ali¢"DI-2F'(ilIl.lKl..\l rm:-qa.-1'r \'w x rz I '.::H.'.o7s9o Ali(.'I)l-Ii-‘(iiilJKL!ilN()i’QitS'I‘l'\'WXYZ l ‘L “ -.,‘--> 554; PoL\"r No. In (Agate) Printing was introduced into Hcotlaml about thirty years after (‘axton had brought it to lCm.rlnn(i: in 1.55] it reached Dublin. and to other quarte rs it found its way very slowly. While coming into notice. its progress had been interrupted by the broils consequent on the itetormalion: and Lower case alphabet. a to 1. lo-\ enn-. Printing was introduced into .\'cotlan:i about thirty years after ('a.rton had brought it to I'.'nylan.d: in 1.1.3] it rrachnl Dublin. and to other qiuirlrru itfoun d it« -way wry slowly. ll'hile coming into llull(‘l'. its progress had been interr 1'33-L3 ARt‘DB!-‘GI{IJKI..\!NUI’QltS'I‘l’i'IVXYZ Giuiau - ‘ 1234.-Some!) A ncmzro n 1.1 K l..\l sovousr c v wx rz I23-i.'u;7NiI(_i A B(‘l)lCl*‘G U lJ KLM N()PQltS'I‘l.' \' WK Y7. I I 1’ " Q3} 6 I’oI:~t'r .\'o. 7 (.\'onparell) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxto n had brought it to England: in I551 it reached Dublin. and to other qu arters it found its way very slowly While coming into notice. Its pro gress had been interrupted by the broils consequent on the Reformatlo Lower cane alphabet. is to 1, I6 emu. Printing was introduced into Scotl(mIl about thirty years after (‘a.rton h ad brought it to I'.'nglaml.' in 1.6.5! it reached Dublin, and to other quarter: it found its way rery slowly. ii’/tile coming into notice. its progress had b 1234.5 .4 B ('1) E‘F(r' 11].] K1. J1.-\'()I’QR.s‘ TU i’ WA’ l'Z 67890 l:Z&i567i~I90 AB(‘Dl.'!‘(ill1JKL)lNOPQRHT['\'WXYZ 1‘.234:'>li7890 .'\ll(,‘l)l-2i~‘Gll IJKL.\l.\'0i’QRS'l‘l'\'\\'XYZ l “ “ " ©> 6 Pour? No. 10 (Nonpareil) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Cax ton had brought it to England; in 155! it reached Dublin. and to other quarters it found its way vcr * slowly. While coming int.o notice. its progress had been interrupte by the broils consequent on the Reform Lowercase alphabet. a to 2, l6 ems. Printing wan introduced into Scotland about thirty years after ("a.rton h ad brom ht it to Is'ngland.' in 1551 it reached Dublin. and to other quarter: it foum its way rery slowly. While coming into notice. its program: had b 12345 A B (.‘l)E1v"(r'llIJli'1..il.\'0PQ1t’S T I ' i’ ii '.i' YZ h‘7H.90 12.‘H467890 AB(“Dli‘.lI-‘GHIJKLMN()PQltSTU\'WXYZ V 3::-1567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ i V V ea} 6 l’()IN'l‘ .\’o. 13. (.\'onpareil) Printing was introduced into .\'c,otland about thirty years after (Iaxton had brought it to I-lmzland: in l:'>:')l it reached Dublin. and to other quart ers it found its way very slowly. While coming into notice. its progress had been interrupted by the broils consequent on the Reformation; and Lower case alphabet. a to z. 151., cms. I‘rintin_q um: introducevl into Scotland about thirty years rtfte-r Ca.rton h ad brouqht it to I'.'nqlaml,° in 1551 it re-aclmt Dublin. and to other quarters it found its 1171!] rery ulozrl y. While coming into notice‘. itx progretm had b 1234.’. .-i In '1) E[v‘(.'I{1./KL.iI.\'oPQltS Tl’ I’ ii'_t' YZ ¢;7~9o 1‘33i5ti7i-ii!) lutctn-zrunI.JKt.MNor>QusTtrvwxYz 1‘23-i.")i'»7l'i9(i A iii ‘ I) E l~‘(.' H I.i K L M .\'()l’(.[ RSTI’ V W X Y7. .;.. 6 POINT No. 16 (Nonpareil) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England: in 1551 it reached Dublin. and t o other quarters it found its way very slowly. ‘y-Vhile coming into notice, its pt‘ngTt".\'.\ had been interrupted by the broils consequen Lower case alphabet. a to 7.. l7'-_. ems. Printing uvlx intrmluuvl into Scotland about thirty years (If/WI‘ ("a.rton /1. ad brow/ht it to 1'.'n_qlu/Ml.‘ in 1.351 it t'r‘¢u'Iu-"rt Ilubliu. and to 0//or/' qmlrte-rs itfouml it: any re ry xlmrly. li'hilr-‘ ('l_IIIllII_(] into notice itx prog/'ex.~' had I) l'.'.'I45 .-i [it ‘I)1:'Ft/III./KL.i[.\'t)1’QIz'.\' Tl ' l'li'.\' YZ 07.-cm l'.’.3«l:'>6T89() Am‘tn-1|-‘(;Hl.1Kl.MNoPQns'1‘I'vwxvz lf.’:H.367H90 A BC DE FL} HIJ K L-M N01-’Q.l{S'1‘ 1.’ V VVX YZ SYNOPSIS OF ROMAN FACES. L“/‘/""“"‘_"@>‘ 6 POINT No. 30 (Nonpareil) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Ca xton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to othe r quarters it found its way very slowly. While coming into notice, i ts progress had been interrupted by the broils consequent on the Re formation; and soon afterwards, it was retarded by the civil war in Lower case alphabet, a to z, 16% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton h- ad bro ht it to England,’ in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to other quarters ‘ it foun its way very slowly. While coming into notice, its progress had b ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXIYZ 67890. 1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEEGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU V WXYZ 12345 1234567890 3: 7 Pomr No. 7 (Minion) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirt years er Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reac ed Dublin, and to otherquarters it found its way yery slowly. While com ing into notice, its progress had been interrupted by the broils Lower case alphabet, a to z, 15% ems. Printing was introduced into’ Scotland about thirty years a fter Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dubli n, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. While ABCDEFGHIJKLMNCPQRS TU V WX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ e 7 POINT No. 12 (Minion) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years af ter Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dubl in, and to other quarters it found its ay very slowly. While coming into notice,‘ its progress had Lower case alphabet, a to z, 15% ems. . ' Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years ‘after Ca zvton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to at her quarters it found its way very slowly. While coming into notice Anon}: FGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ 123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGI-IIJKLMNCPQRSTUVWXYZ f"""""' '@}> 7 POINT No 15 Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty ears after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached ublin, an d to other quarters it found its way very slowly. While coming into notice, its progress had been interrupted by the broils conse Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. Printing was introduced’ into Scotla/nd about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to other quart ers it found its way very slowly. While coming into notice, its progress ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJ KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ i 7 POINT No. 23 (Minion) Printing was- introduced into Scotland about thirty years af ter Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dubl in, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. While coming into notice, its progress had been interrupted by the Lower case alphabet, a to z, 15% ems. Printing was-introduced into Scotland about thirty years a_ fter Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dubli n, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. While AB,CDEF’GHIJKL1l[NOPQItSTUVWX YZ 123467890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ en interrupted by the b . (Minion), :4: 7 POINT No. 3 (Minion) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Ca xton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to o ther quarters it found its way very slowly. While coming into noti ce, its progress had been interrupted by the broils consequent on th Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years. after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to other quar ters it found its way very slowly. While coming into notice, its progress ABCDEFGHIJKLM N OPQRS T UVWX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ e PoIN'r"'No. 10 Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years aft er Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way Very slowly. While com ing into notice, its progress had been interrupted by the broils Lower case alphabet, a to z, 15 ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Ca ccton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to at her quarters it found its way very slowly. While coming into notice ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 7 POINT No. 14 (Minion) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years af ter Caxton had broughtit to England; in 1551 it reached Dubl in, and to other quarters it foun its way very slowl . While coming into notice, its progress had been interrupted by the b Lower case alphabet, a to z, 15% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years af ter Cacvton had brought it to E land; in 1551 it reached Dubli n, and to other quarters it fo its way very slowly. While c ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 7 Pom No. 16 (Minion) ’ Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty ears 3. fter Caxton had brought it to England, in 1551 it reac ed Du blin, and to. other quarters it found its way very slowly. Wh ile coming into notice, its progress had been interrupted by Lower case alphabet, a to z. 15% ‘ems. ’ Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Ca aston had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to at ‘ her quarters it. found its way very slowly. While coming into notice ‘P ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ 1231567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ '7; POINT No. 24 (Minion) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirtyggears aft er Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reach Dublin ,, and to other quarters it found its way very slowggnb While co ming into notice, its progress had been interrupt Lower case alphabet, a to z, 15% ems. , ' Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years af ter Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dubl in, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. While . ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ . 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ y the broi (Minion) ‘ SYNOPSIS OF ROMAN FACES. 7 POINT No. 30 (Minion) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years a fter Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dub lin, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. Whil Lower case alphabet, a to z, 15 27 ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Ca xton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to ot her quarters it found its way very slowly. While coming into notice ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ l “ “ “ ea} 8 POINT NO. 10. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty yea rs after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reac hed Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way very s Lower case alphabet, a to z, 1436 ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years a ft er Caxton had brought it to". England; in 1551 it reached Dubli n, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. While c ABODEFGHIJKLM N OPQRS T UVWX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABC DEFGHIJ KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 5 " “V co} 8 POINT No. 12 Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty year s after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 It reach ed Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way .very slo Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years a fter Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Du blin, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. Wh ABODEFGHIJ KLM N OPQRSTUVWX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQBSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJ KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Brevier) l “ “ “ ea} 8 POINT No. 14 Printin was introduced into Scotland about thirty ye ars after axton had brought it to England; in_1551 it r eached Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way v ‘ Lower case alphabet, a to z, 15 ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years aft er Caxton had brought it to E land; in 1551 it reached Dubli n, and to other quarters it f its way very slowly. While c ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1284567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Brevier) 5”“ " ©.‘> 8 POINT NO. 16 Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty y ears after Caxton brought it to England; in 1551 it rea ched Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way ver Lower case alphabet, a to z, 15% ems. ’ Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years aft er Carton had brought it to En land; in 1551 it reached Dubli n, and_to other quarters it foun its way very slowly. While c ABODEFGHIJKLM N OPQRS 1 'UVWX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Brevier) (Brevier) ’ ©} 5‘ ” ' ea} 8 POINT NO. 7_ Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty year s after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reache d Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way very slow Lower case alphabet. a to z, 14% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. AB CDEF GHIJKLMN OPQR S TU VWX Y Z 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Brevier) I {9} Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty year s after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reache (1 Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way very slowl Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years a fter Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Du blin, and to other quarters it found its wa/y very slowly. Wh . ABCDEFGIJ KLM N OPQRSTUVWX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 8 POINT No. 11 (Brevier) 8 POINT No. 13 Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years a fter Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Du blin, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. W Lower case alphabet. a to z, 14 ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years aft er Oarvton had brought it to England, in 1551 it reached Dublin , and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. While com AB ODEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Brevier) 5 V “V '''‘‘‘''}>@ (Brevier) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14 ems. A Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years a fter Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Du blin, and to other qua/rters it found its way very slowly. Wh 4 ABODEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 8 POINT No. 15 I " ‘“ "e}> 8 POINT No. 24 Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. Printingvwas introduced into Scotland about thirty years aft er Carton had brought it to E land; in .1551 it reached Dubli n, and to other quarters it fo its way very slowly. While c ABODEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 188./+5 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Brevier) SYNOPSIS OF ROMAN FACES. j “" " ea} 8 POINT NO. 30 (Brevier) Printing Was introduced into Scotland about thirty ye ars after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it re ached Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way Ver y slowly. While coming into notice, its progress had b Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years aft er Caacton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dubli n, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. While c ABODEFGHIJKLM N OPQRS TUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 12345 1”’ V V @}> 9POINT No. 7 Printing was introdued into Scotland about thirty yea rs after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it re ached Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way ve Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13 ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 itreached Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. AB ODEF GHIJKLMN OPQRS TU VWX Y Z‘ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Bourgeois) 12345 1 2345 9 POINT No. 14 Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to other quarters it found its w Lower case alphabet, a to z, 1835 ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached D ublin, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. W ABODEFGHIJKLM N OPQRS TU VWX YZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Bourgeois) 12345 12345 E f ' ‘ ea} 9 POINT VNO. 30 Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirt y years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1 551 it reached Dublin, and to other quarters It found Lower case alphabet. a to z, 14 1-9 ems. (Bourgeois) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caacton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reache AB CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABC DEFGHI JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ l: ©} P 10 POINT NO. 4 (Lg. Primer) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thir ty years after Caxton had brought it to England; i Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thir ty years after Oaccton had brought it to England; i AB ODEFGHIJKLMN OPQBS T U VWX Y Z 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 -12345 12345 S S“ ‘ ‘ ©} 9PoINTNo.6 Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty year s after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reach ed Dublin, and to other quarters it found its Way very slo Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty yea rs after Uaatton had brought it to England; in 1551 it re ached Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way very AB CDEFGHIJKLMN OPQR S T U VWX Y Z 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZX 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Bourgeois) 9 POINT No. 10 Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 (Bourgeois) it reached Dublin, and to other quarters it found its W" . Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Canton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reache d Dublin, and toother quarters it found its way very slowl AB CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 4 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 9 POINT No. 16 (Bourgeois) Printing Was.introg1uced into Scotland about thirt y years after Caxtorfliad brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to other quarters it foun Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14 ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty year s after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reache d Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way very slowl AB CDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRS TU VWX Y Z 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 10 POINT No. 3 @} (Lg. Primer) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 155 Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12% ems. ..Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 155 AB ODEF GHIJKLMN OPQRS TU VWX Y Z 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ g" V” @}> 10PoINTNo.6 Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty ye ars after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it Lower case alphabet, a to z, 11% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty ye ars after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it r AB UDEF GHIJKLMN OPQR S T U VWX Y Z 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Lg. Primer) . SYNOPSIS OF ROMAN FAOES, 5 V V " @} 10 POINT "No- 7 (Lg. Primer) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 155 Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 15 AB (/‘DEF GHIJKLMN OP QR S TU V TVX YZ Z2345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12445 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST UVWXYZ f*’'*'——}@ 10 Pom No. 11 (Lg. Primer) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirt y years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1 Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12% ems. V Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Uaaeton had brought it to England; in 15 AB UDEFGIIIJK LMN OPQRS TU V WX YZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ V 5“ “ @}> 10 POINT N0. 30 Primer) Printing was introduced into Scotland about t hirty years after Caxton had brought it to Engl Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14 ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirt y years after Caxton had brought it to England; in ABODEFGHIJKLMN OPQRST U VWX YZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 5 ea} 11 POINT No. 4: (Sm. Pica) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thi J rty years after Caxton had brought it to England; Lowercase alphabet, a to z, 12 ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about th irty years after Oatcton had brought it to England AB ODEFGIIIJIKLJIIZV OPQR S T U VWCY Y Z 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ r“"“""“}e 11 Pom: NO. 10 (Sm. Pica) Printing was introduced into Scotland ab out thirty years after Caxton had brought i Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland abou t thirty years after Oazcton had brought it to E AB 0DEFGIIIJK1;MNO]’QRS TU VWXYZ 1234 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234 ABODEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 5“ ” @',> 10 POINT NO. 10 Printing was introduced into Scotland about t hirty years after Caxton had brought it to Engl Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirt y years after Oamton had brought it to England; in 1 ABODEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 123./,5 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Lg. Primer) P E ©} 10 POINT NO. 16 (Lg. Primer) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to En Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirt y years after .(}aa'ton had brought it to England; in I ABODEFGHIJKLMN OPQRST UVWX Y Z 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 P ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ )—“ ’ ‘ @:> 11 POINT No. 3 (Sin. Pica) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thir ty years after Caxton had brought it to England; i Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12 ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about 25/2. irty years after Oaocton had brought it to England AB ODEF GIIIJK LMN OPQRST U VWX Y Z 4 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1 2 345 ABCDEFGHIJ KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 5“ 63} 11 POINT No. 6 (Sm. Pica) Printing was introduced into Scotland ab out thirty years after Caxton had broughti . Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14 ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland abo ut thirty years after Oaaton had brought it to AB ODEFGHIJKLMN OPQRS T U VW 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 5 @,‘> 11 POINT No. 16 (Sm. Pica) Printing was introduced into Scotland ab out thirty years after Caxton had brought i Lowercase alphabet, a to z, 14 ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland abou t thirty years after Ocwcton had brought it to E AB 0DEFG’II[JI1’L]l[N0PQ11?STUVWXYZ 1284 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ' found its way very slowly. SYNOPSIS OF ROMAN FACES. l ‘ @} 11 POINT No. 30 (Sm. Pica) Printing was introduced into Scotland ab out thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, an _. Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13 10-11 ems. I Printing was inwoduced into Scotland abo ut thirty years after Canton had brought it to AB ODEFGEIJKLJIIN OPQRS T U VWX YZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ S " ‘ C ®}> 12 POINT No. 4 (Pica) Printing was introduced into Scotland a S bout thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, a ‘ Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13 ems. - Printing was introduced into Scotland ab t thirty years after Canton had brought it to E AB ODEFGHIJKLMN OPQRST U VWX t 12345 IABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 3 “ ' ®} 12 POINT No. 3 (Pica) . Printing was introduced into Scotland abou t thirty years after Caxton had brought it to ~ England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to 0 Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland abou t thirty years after Canton had brought it to E’ AB ODEFGHIJKLMNOPQR STU VW 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 5 “ ' ®}>12 POINT No. 15 (Pica) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brou ght 1t to England; 111 1551 it reached Du Lowea case alphabet, a to z, 133! ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland a bout thirty years after Caxton had brough ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTU V 12345 itABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW SYNOPSIS OF OLD STYLE FACES. I ‘ 1“ 9 § }' 6 Po1N'r OLD STVLE (Nonpareil) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had b {ought it to England; in" 1 5: it reached Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. Whil ' , Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14 ems. ‘S Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton h ad brought it to England ; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. While coming into notice, its progress had bee ABCDEFGHI JKLIIIN OPQRS TU V WX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS'1‘UVWXYZ S V V L @:> 6 POINT OLD STYLE No. 20 (Nonpareil) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Cax ton had brou ht it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to othe r quarters it ound its way very slowly. While coming into notice, it Lower case alphabet, a to z, 16% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton ha d brought it to England ,' in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to other quarters it While coming into notice, its progress had been AB CDEFG1{lj7I(L1l{NOP_@Ii?S’l‘UVWX2"Z 1234507890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 6 Penn‘ OLD STYLE No. 9 e coming into notice, its progress had been interrup _ (N onpareil) Printing was introduced_into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton h ad broug_ht it to England; in 155: it reached Dublin, and to other quarters It found its way very slowly. While coming into notice, its progress had Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. Printing_ was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton ha d brought zt to England .' in 15 I it reached Dublin, and to other quarters i t found z'ts way very slowly. hile coming into notice, its frogress had been ABCDEFGHI ]K LMN OPQRS TU V IVXVZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGRUKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 E 6 POINT OLD STYLE No. 40 Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to other quart ers it found its way very slowly. While coming‘ into notice, its progress h Lower case alphabet, a to 2, 15% ems. . Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton ha ' d brought it to England; :3: 1551 it reached .Dublm,. and to other quarters It found its way very slowly. While coming into notrce, its progress had been AB CDEFGHISFKLMNOP .QRSTUVWX2”Z _ 1234507890 ABCDEFGI-KJKLMNOPQRSTUVVVXYZ ‘ 1 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXXCZ (Nonpareil) SYNOPSIS OF OLD STYLE FACES. 7 POINT OLD STYLE NO. 9 ' (Minion) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin. an d to other quarters it found its way very slowly. While coming into notice, its progress had been interrupted by the broils cons’ Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Cax ton had brought it to Enland; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to other r quaters it found its way very slowly. While coming into notice its ABC‘DEFGHl,/l(L1llN0PQRS T U V WX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHI]KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHI]KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 j j “ “ @} 8 POINT OLD STYLE NO. 9 Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years aft er Caxton had brought it to England; in I 5 51 it reached Dubli n, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. While Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHI]KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Brevier) j “ “ c<>.‘> 8 POINT OLD STYLE NO. 40 (Brevier) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty ye ars after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it re ached Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way ver y slowly. While coming into notice, its progress had be Lower rise alphabet, a to z. 14% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty yea rs after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it rea ched Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way very .ABCDEFGHljl(LMNOPQl€STUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ S ' “ ‘ ©} 9 POINT O. S. No. 20 (Bourgeois) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirt y years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to other quarters it foun Lower case alphabet. a to z, 14% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty year s after Caxton had brought it to England; in I 5 51 it reach ' ed Dublin, and to other guarters it found its way very slo AB CDEF GHUKLMN OPQRS T U V WX I/Z 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ‘ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ V § “ ‘ “ co} IO POINT OLD‘ STYLE (Lg. Primer) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 15 5 I it reached Dublin, and to other quarters it found it Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 ABCDEFGIJI./KLIIIZVOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ I 2 34 5 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST UVWXYZ I “V “ ea} 8 POINT OLD STYLE NO. 20 8 POINT OLD STYLE 5 ©.L- Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in I 5 51 it reached Dublin, an d to other quarters it found its way very slowly. While comingi Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, an d to other quarters it found its way very slowly. While coming i ABCDEFGHIjKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Brevier) (Brevier) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty ye ars after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it re ached Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way ver , Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty yea rs after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it rea ched Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way very ABCDEFGH1 JKLMNN OPQRS TU V WX Y Z 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 9 POINT O. S. NO. 9 Printing was introduced into” Scotland about thirty yea rs after Caxton had brought it to England; in I 551 it rea ched Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way very Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12% %ms. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brought z't to England; in 1551 it reached Dublin, and to other quarters it found its way very slowly. AB CDEF GHI/KLMN OPQRS T U V WX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHI]KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Bourgeois) 9 POINTO. S. NO. 40 (Bourgeois) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thir ty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 it ‘reached Dublin, and to other quarters it fou Lower case alphabet. a to z, 14 2-9 ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty year s after Caxton had brought it to England; in I 551 it reach ed Dublin, and to other quarters it found z'ts way very slo A B CDEF GH1/KLMNOPQRS T U V WX I/Z 12 34 5 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCD EFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ §“’—-"v’——'©:,'> I0 POINT O. S. NO. 9 (Lg. Pr.) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thi rty years after Caxton had brought it to England; in I 5 51 it reached Dublin, and to other quarters it Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13 ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty y ears after Caxton had brought it to England; in 1551 ABCDEFGfII/KZLZIIJVOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. 12345 ABCDEFGHI]KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ SYNOPSIS or OLD STYLE FACES. 5 ’ ' ' ©}> 10 POINT O. S. No. 20 (Lg. Pr.) Printing was introduced into Scotland about t hirty years afterCaxton hadbrought it to Engla Lower case alphabet, a. to z, 13% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thi rty years after Caxton had brought it to England; AB CDEF CHI flf LMN OPQRS TU VWX 2’ Z 12 34 5 ABCDEFGI-II]KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 3 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 5 “ “ “ @}~ 11 POINT OLD STYLE(Sm. Pica, Printing was introduced into Scotland about t hirty years after Caxton had brought it to Engl Lower case alphabet. a to z. 12% ems. - Printing was introduced into Scotland about th irty years after Caxton had brought it to Englan ABCDEFGHI]KLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ 12 345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 5 @}>11 POINT O. S. No. 20 (Sm. Pica) Printing was introduced into Scotland abo ut thirty years after Caxton had brought it t Lower case alphabet. $1.120 z, 1835 ems. 3 Printing‘ was introduced into Scotland abou t thirty years after Caxton had brought it to E A B CDEFGH1]KLMNOP..QRS TU VWX 1234 5 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 12345 ABCDEFGHIIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ l ®}> I2 PoIN'r Old STYLE (Pica) Printing was introduced into Scotland abo ut thirty years after Caxton had brought it t Lower case alphabet, a to z. 12% ems. - Printing was introduced into Scotland abo ut thirty years after ‘Caxton had brought it t AB CDEFGH1/KLMNOPQRS TUVW . 12 345 ABCDEFGHI]KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX E ®‘,> 12 POINT O. S. No. 20 (Pica) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had broug Lower case alphabet. a. to z. 13% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had bro ABCDEFGf[l]K'L./WNOPQRSTUVW 12 34 5 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW 15 5 ©} 10 POINT O. S. No. 40 (Lg. Pr.) Printing was introduced into Scotland about t ‘hirty years after Caxton had brought it to Engl Lower case alphabet, a. to z, 11 ems. . Printing was introduced into Scotland about thi rty years after Caxton had brought it to England; AB CDEF CHI [K LMN OPQRS TU VWX 2’ Z 12345 ABCDEFGI-II]KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ‘l ‘“ ' S @‘,> 11 Po1N~*r O. S. No. 9 (Sm. Pica) Printing was introduced into Scotland about t hirty years after Caxton had brought it to Engla Lower case alphabet, 9. to 2, 12% ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about th irty years after Caxton had brought it to Englan ABCDEFGHf]KLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ 12 345 ABCDEFGHI]KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12 345 ABCDEFGHI]KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ l “ ‘ ' @l>11PoINTO. S. No. 40(Sm.Pica) Printing was introduced into Scotland ab out thirty years after Caxton had brought i Lower case alphabet, a. to z, 14 1-11 ems. . Printing was introduced into Scotland abou t thirty years after Caxton had brought it to E A B CDEFGHUKLMNOPQR TU VWX 1234 5 ABCDEFGHUKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 5 @} I2 POINT O. S. No. 9 (Pica) Printing was introduced into Scotland abo ut thirty‘ years after Caxton had brought it t Lower case alphabet, a to 2, 12K ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland abo ut thirty years after Caxton had brought it t ABCDEFGHUKLMNOPQRSTUVW 12 345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 123451 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 5 (:3 } 12 POINT O. S. No. 40 (Pica) Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had brou Lower case alphabet, a. to z, 18 ems. Printing was introduced into Scotland about thirty years after Caxton had bro A BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TU V W 12 34 5 ABCDEFGHI.TKLMNOPQRSTUV 12345 . 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Uonnnomnane one mnn»aon mnne wUooane mn mnnneon nont» no menag omone na nn Uoot» one n..a._.»a meno .enonnnnemnn nogong net» .none no»an.wno one Una .Uoo>» Unan no eonnae nnne a neg: .mUna..» -nt»oU ooan one net» ”Uonn.a mn meoonm omone no noao mnogag enonagmnane nnne no meoonm nogn noe -en.t» finnnonao nooang emnnn one nn nmn Uoennng o»an oe Unoenn none nonnt» nnot» one .Uoot» no mnoonn net» nogag mnngnnaem .3 mnnennng no oUonn oUnn mnne onmnng nnnem ont» ongoog mnnemnno fine one ona omonnno one .mmonmnonUoe Una mmono»nmnog -N® men no neon ennoooa no onneanoen no noneama -gong one non mmonomn finaeoe mat» uwnnennng no Unun a nmnone .mnne eoonnnm eonnemnU\ one non fine Uoeongano on onononone Unnoo Una .ooong no noonn one nn mat» monnmn one Uognnaem nonnt» eoonno one wmennonena no onnon nannnnnm nnna nn ma .no»o..»on .mnne nu mnoeoanano onngfiwononn Una monnwn ononnnmm mnonna» net» Uognnaem Unnon noon o».on nonmnamn no not»oe Una fine Uonnan one no mnonnn UoeaooUnn Una onnenmn mnonean nannmmmn enonona one mnonna Uoemnxo Uogono»oU fioeannnenn mat» en nonnt» nogn mongnonnng one eane mnoong o»an ot» eon wmmong one nnonn Uonmmn man» noon emnnn one oonnm Uomgano wnn»an mnaonm UonUnnn nnon fine nnanno nnoUonn fiofieanagnnoo no me wnnennng no enao one .m.noneno»nn nannnn na no emoeaonm one Uonnooemo on fiUoennoUnn mane nott» Una mannennng mmong noeeon Uonao finanonow .mogme onna»onn net» meoonm no mnoon no mnnennng one» onnnomoU oe Ben o»an o 3 annnganmonen Uonao .onoem nnonn mnonm mongnnn no mnnnae one Una .moeang nooem Una noggoo Uo»anmno no mnnennng one .mogfi onna»onn net» mnoon no mnnennng one malena enaenonnnn mnne no mononann eonnemnU nano»om ona onone oonaemnnm . noneo mna no nogag no monnmn no mnoeoanano nnonn .mnonmmongnnn .annonUong no ena one mn oznaznnm on .oZ aznog a Q26. WQQVQZQKW 60332 QOK mnono»nann eon ongnnnm mnne no wnnno»oomnU one no enUono one owag mno.»o non mogme no mnoonn t»on mnneeno no nonan onnannnnnoenn one .wnnUno»a mnonone annot» a no mowag one nonmmooonm nn wnn -nnnon Una .enonno.wnannaon no onnagao on oe ma om .fioeanagom eonangna one no noeoanano no noee.on t..no»o wnnnnnon no eane mat» mno»oomnU eaonm one ennonn oneen mat» onone mnne na nn enmn cmnnenoo nenooennon one no Uno one mUnat»oe ogonnnm nn omn nn mat» .meoonnnm nannegnnom no monneong oUnn Una mUnao wnnmang no noneonUong one non .mnoonn en mnnennng no Unnn nannnnnm 4 onnmmong no oonm -oU nogong one net» no»o Uommag mn nmnnn a hen o»ona Uooang finnnonao nogag one Una .no Unan mn nnn one nont» enn wUomn mn mmong oz mowag noeent» ona onone ma nmnammooon ona meonnae mnann ma Sat» mnne nn .wnnennng non nnUaon Una no: .on nn mnoeoanano Uonnnomnane one .wnn»aon mnne wUooane mn mnnneon nonnt» no menan omone nna nn Uoot» one fit»a meno .menonnnnemnn nogong net» .none no»an.wno one Una .Uoot» Unan no eonnae nnne a non: .mUnat»nt»oU oean one net» .Uonnw mn .meoonm omone no noao mnogag enonagmnane nnne no meoonm nogn noeent» finnnonao .ooang emnn one nn .mn Uoennng o»an oe Unoenn none nonnt» nnot» one .Uoot» no mnoonn net» nogag wnnganaem an wnn ennng no oUonn oUnn mnne onmnng nnem ont» ongoog wnnemnono fine one ona omonnno one mmonmno -nUoe Una mmono»nm.nogono men no neon ennoooa no onneanoenn no noneawagong one non mmonomn finaeoe mat» awnnennng no nnnn a nmnone .mnne .eoonnnm eonnemnU one . non fine Uonnongnno on onononone Unnoo Una .ooong no noonn one nn mat» monnrwn one Uognnaem nonnt» eoonno one cnennonena no onnon nan -nnnm fina nn ma .no»o>»on .mnne nn mnoeoanano on annfiwononn Una monnmnn onnonnnmm mnonna» net» Uognnaem Unnon noon o»an nonnnamn no not»oe Una keno Uonnan one no mnonnn UomaooUnn Una onnenmn .mnonean d§EWm< enonona one wnonna Uoemnno Uogono»oU fioeannnenn mat» en nonnt» nogn mongno -nnng one eane mnoong o»an Ob? eon» wmmong one nnonn Uonmmn mat» noon emnn one oonnm Uomgano .wnn»an mnaonn UonUnnn nnon fine .nn.wnno nnoUonn fio»neanagnnoo no mn wnnennng no ena one .mnone -no»nn nannnn na no emoeaonw one Uonnooemo on fiUoennoUnn mann nonnt» Una mwnnennng mmonnnoe eon Uonao finanonow .mogme onna»onn net» meoonm no mnoon no wnnennng one onnnomoU oe t»on o»an o 3 .wnnngan.wenenn Uonnao .onoem nnenn mnenmmong Ann no wnnnae one Una .moeang nooem Una nongoo Uo»an.wno no wnnennng one .mog%e onna»onn net» mnoon no wnnennng one malena enaenognnn mnne no mononann eonnemnU nano»om ona onone oonaemnnm noneo ena no nogag no ,monn.w.n no mnoeoanano nnonn .mnonmmongnnn wnnonnoong no ena one mn oznnnnnnnn .m .O.Z HZHOW c nnanon. no nnanoe no moaanoo one on Una .noemeO oononoan no no.5 on ooean one no ooemoenoo on no mnonoenann eon». onnnnnm mnne no mnnno.»oomnU one no enUono one oman .mno.»o non mogfi no mnoonn Bo: mango no noon onoaonanoenn one mnnUno»a neonofi Jnnon» a no mowag one nonmmooonm nn wnnnnnon Una enonnoanannaon no onnagao on oe ma om cfioeanagom eoeannna one no noeoanano no noeeon .nno.»o wnnnnnon no eane mat» ._mno»oomnU eaonw one ennonn oneenn man» onone mnne nna nn enm nmnnenoo nenooennon one no Uno one mUna.$oe ononnnn nn omn nn ma>» .meoon -nnm nannegnnom no monneong oUnn Una mUnao wntuang no noneonUonn one non nmonoonn .3 wnnennnn no Unnn nannnnnm 4 onommonn no oonwoU nogonn one net» no>o Uommag mn nmnnn a .en o»ona Uooann finnnonao nogan one Una .no Unan mn nnn one nont» enn wUom: mn mmong own .mo.wag noeent» ona onone ma mnammooon ona meonnae mnann ma uma...» mnne nn aonennnn non t..Uaon Una .nonon nn mnoeoanano Uonnnomnane one mntaon mnne wUooane mn wnnneon nonnn» no menan omone na nn Uoon» one .ma.$a meno aenonnnnemnn nogonn net» none no.»anano one Una .Uoon» Unan no eon -nae nnne a nogn .mUna.$n..»oU ooan one net» .Uonna mn meoonm omone no noao wnogag enonagmnane nnne no meoonm neg: noeenn...» finnnonao ooann emnnn one nn nmn Uoennng o.»an oe Unoenn .»aone nonn...» one...» one .Ueo.$ no mnoonn net» nogag wnngnnaem ._».n wnnennng no oUonn oUon mnne onmnng nnem one» ongoog wnnemn -Mo fine one ona omonnno one .mmonmnonUoe Una mmonofimnogxo men no neon ennoooa no .onneanoen no noneawagong one non mmonomn finaeoe man» mwnnennng no Unnn a nwnone .mnne .eoo.nnnm eonnemnno one non fine Uomongano on onononone Unnoo Una .ooonn no noonn one nn man» monnmnn one Uognnoem nonnt» econ. -no one m».ennonen.a no onon nannnnnm mna nn ma .no»m.o -t»on .mnne nn mnoeoanano onngfiwononn Una monnmnn ononnnnm moonna.» net» Uognnaem Unnon noon o.»an non».nam no no.$oe Una fine Uonnan one no mononnn Uo.maooUnn Una onnenmn mnonean nannmmmn enono new one wnonna Uoemnono Uogono.»oU fioeannnenn man» en nonn...» nogn mongnonnng one eane mnoong o.»an on, eon wmmong one nnonn Uonmmn man» noon emnn one oonnm Uomgano .wnn»an mnaom UonUnnn neon fine nnwnno nnoUonn fio»neanagnnoo no mn wnnennng no ena one .mnoneno»nn nannnn =a no emoeaonm one Uonnooe -mo on fiUoennoUnn mann nonn...» Una mannennng mmongnoeeon Uonnao finanonow .mog.».e onna.»e_n net» meoonm no mnoon no wnnennng one onnnomoU oe ton o.»an oer annnnganmonenn Uonnao .onoem nnonn mnonm -mongnnn no mntnae one Una .moeang nooem Una noggoo Uoeanwno no wnnennng one .mog.».e onna.»onn net» mnoon no wnnennng one malena enaenonnnn mnne no mononann eonnemnU nano»om ona onone oonaemnnm noneo fina no nogag no .monn.wnn no mnoeoanano nnonn .mnonmmongnn.n wnnonUong no ena one mn oznnnnnng on .02 nznon o .e.w.ao_.,nO wnonennnnmw one .mo.nmm enannnnnomn kn naeoen UoNnenu.nommoO nonnoamnw annenn emanv .mznn,nonnm none WQGQ nnnnnmtnz mnnoo ofinonn no noeeonnoonn one non nmnoonn kn mnnennnnno nnnn nonnnm aw onnwwonn no oonwono nononn one net» no»o eoommon on nmnnn 6 .en o»on.o nooonn hnnnonoo nonon one and do 23 on use one .88.» ese 6%. we mmonn oz .mo.won noeennt» ono onone mo Mnommooon ono meonnoe enonn mo 59.» mnne nn .wnnennnon non hndon nno .nonon nn mnoeoonono nonnnomnone one wnn».oon mnne mnoooone we mnnneon nonnn» no wenon ooone no nn toot» one %.ot»o weno aenonnnnemnn nononn net» onone no»on.wno one nno :89.» nnon no eonnoe nnne o nonn anonot» -nt»on ooon one net» nnonnw we meoonm omone no nooo "nonon enononmnone nnne no meoonw non: noeennt» emnnnonoo eooonn emnn one on in noennnn o»on oe nonoenn hone nonnt» nnot» one nooot» no mnoonn net» nonom mnnnnnoem Mn wneennnn no onone ononn mnne onwnnn nnem ont» onnoom wnnewtno hnno one ono omonnnO one omonwnonooe nno mmonofimnonmo men no neon ennoooo no nonneonoen no noneowononn one non mmonomn enoeoe mot» mwnnennnn no nnnn o nwnone .wnne eoonnnm eonnemnn _ono non emnno noemonn -nno on onononone nnnoo mono .ooon.n no noonn ono nn mo? monnwnn one nonnnoem nonn»» eoonno one cmennvneno no onon nonnnnm nmno nn mo .no»o -t»on smnne nn onoeoonono onnnhnwononn mono oonnmn ononnnemm mnonno» net» nonnnnoem nonnon noon o»on nonmnom no not»oe mono keno nonnon one no mnonnn noomooonnn no onnenmn ononeon nonnmmmnw enonono one nonno noemnno nono -no»on boeoannenn wot» en nonnt» non: monnno -55 one eone onoonn o»,on on» eon» wwmonn one nnonn eoonwmn mot» noon emnn one oonnm noomneno mnnkon mnooh nonnnnn nnon hnno .nn.wnno nno none hnofieononnnoo no on wnnennnn no eno one .mnoeeno»nn nofinn no no emoeoonm one nonnooe ..mo on Mnnoennonnn hone nonnt» mono onneannn moonnnoeeon nonoo hnononom aonhe onno»onn net» meoonm no mnoon no wnnenenn one onnnom on oe t»on o»on o new .wnennon.wonen nonoo .onoem nnonn mnonwmonnnnn no wnnnoe one nno aoeonn nooew mono nonnoo no»on.wno no wnnenenn one aonne onn.o»onn net» mnoon no wnnennnn one woleno enoenonan wnne no mononone eonne [men nono»om ono onone oonoemnnm noneo end no nonon no nmonnwen no wnoeoonono enonn anonm oonnnnn wnnonnonn no end one on oznaznnm S .0.../H aznom N. .m Q21 o .+ mmovi mmm .mmo>m& Qzv. momwnzcfiw .mo3<.: mom one ennoan oneen mot» onone wnne no ne enm pmnnenoo nenooennon one no mono one mnnokoe ononnnn nn own on wet» aeoonnnm nonnennnoo no monn eonn ocnn ono mnnoo wanna no noneonconn one non dnoonn en wnnennnn no cnnn nonnnw 4 .onnm -monn no oonmoc nononn one net» no»o oommon on nmnnn o .ee o»ono cooonn bnnnonoo nonon one cno .no Eon on non one non.» enn gown we mwonn oz .mo.won noeeenn» ono onone mo mnommooon ono meon -noe ».nonn mo $3..» mnne nn swnnennnn non emvoon none anoeoonono uonnnomnone one nonon ..n..nn»oon nn 2:: moooane we oozes. none» no mean emcee no nn coon» one moko neno aenonnnnemnn nononn net» nnone no»on.mno one one Hoot» cnon no eonnoe nnne a non: .wcno..»n..»ono ooon one net» donnw we meoonm owone no nooo wnonon enononmnone nnne no meoonm non: noeennt» mnnnonoo eooonn emnn one nn an uoenenn o»on oe onoenn none nonnt» nnot» one ..©OO._.» no wnoonn net» nonon mnnnnnoem en wnn ennnn no onone ownn onne onmnnn nnem ont» onnoon wneemnno bno one one omoneno one omonmnonooe none wwonofimnonmo men no neon ennoooo no nonne uonoen no noneowononn one non mmonomn mnoeoe mot» mwnnenenn no nnen o nwnone .onne .eoo_..nnm eonnewen ono non Eno nomonnnno on onononone Enoo none .oooE no noonn ono nn mot» monnmn one noonnnoew nonnt» eoo_..no one nnennoeeno no onon nonnnnm mno nn mo .no»o..»on swene nn onoeoonono onnnbmononn mono monnwn ononnnmm mnonno» net» nonnnoem eonnon noon o»on normnom no no..»oe none keno nonnon one no mnonnn comooocnn mono onnenmn ononeon noenmmmn enonono one wnonno noemnxo nonono»oc mnoeonnenn mot» en nonn»» nonn monnnonnnn one eone mnoonn o»on ot» eon wmmonn one nnonn nonomn mot» noon eonn one oonno nomnono .wnn»on mnoom connnnn nnon bno .ne.wnno nnononn bofieononnnoo no on wnnentn no eno one onone -no»nn nonnnn no no emoeoonw one connooemo on mnooennocnn moan nonnt» none ..wnnennnn mmonnnoe eon noonoo mnononow aonne onno»onn net» meoono no mnoon no wnnennnn one onnnomon oe n»on o»on o 3 ..wnnnnonwonen nonoo .onoem nnonn mnonmmonn Ann no wnnnoe one mono doennn nooem none nonnoo wo».on.wno no mnnennnn one .onn.._ onno»onn net» mnoon no wnnennnn one woleno enoenonnn wene no monononn eonnemno nono»om ono onone .oonoewnnm noneo mno no nonon no .monn.wnn no onoeoonono nnonn finonmmonnnnn mnnonconn no eno one on oznaznnm .m .O.z sznom N. {on oe Bon o».on o. no enoono one .om.on hno.»o non monhe no mneoonn t»on wneeeno no nonon onnonnnnnoenn one wne ..Eo»o hnonone .nno>» o no woman one noemmooonw nn mnennnon ono .enonn.o.wnonn.oon no onnonoo on oe mo om mmnoeononom eononnno one no noeoonono . no noeeoe hno»o wnennnon no eone mot» mno»oo -wn. eoonm one ennoa oneen mot» onone mnne no nn enm cmnnenoo nenooennon one no omono one mnnokoe ononnfl ne own nn mot» .meooe.nnm nonne nnnnom no monneonn onnn nno mnnoo wntmonn no noeeonnonn onenon énoonn an wneenenn no cnnn nontnnm an onnwwonn no oonwon nononn one net» no»o nommon on nmnnn an .en o»on.o nooonn ennn uonoo nonon one cno :5 Hon on nnn one nont» enn “noon on mmonn oz uwnnennnn non mnoon cno wnoeoonono connnomnone one nonon nn .wnn»oon mnne nnooone on wnnneon nonnt» no menon omone no nn U003 one hdkd meno fienonnnnemne nononn net» none no»onmno one nono nnoot» cnon no eonnoe nnne o nonn .m©n.ot»n..»o© ooon one net» noonnw on meoonm omone no nooo mnonon enonon umnone nnne no meoonm nonn noeennt» mnnnonoo nooonn emnn one nn non noennnn o»on oe cnoenn none none» nnot» one 68» no mnoonn net» nonon wnnnnnoem en mnnenenn no ononn onnn mnne onwnnn nnem ont» onnoon wnnemtno emnno one ono omoneno one omonmnoenoe nno mwonofimnonxo wee no neon ennoooo no onneonoenw no noeeom uononn one non mmonomn emnoeoe mo? . nnenenn no cnnn o nwnone .wnne .eoo.—.nnm eonnemno ono none mnno noomonnnno on onononone nnnoo cno .ooon no oonn ono ne mot» monnwn one connnoew nont» eoo.no one mmeenoneno no onon nonnnnm keno nn mo .no»ot»on .mnne nn .mnoeo.on.ono onnmmnwononn cno monnwn ononnnmm mnoeno» net» eoonnnoem nnnon noon o».on nonmnom no non»oe mono keno noanon one no mnonnn nomooonnn Una onnennm .mnone.on nonnmmmd enoeono one wnonno noemnxo conono»on mnoeonnnene mot» en nonnt» nonn monnno unnnn one eone mnoonn o»on on» eon nmwonn one Eonn conwmn mot» noon emnn owne oonnm nomnono wnn»owe mnoom noneonnn nnon nno nnmeno nno nnonn nofieononenoo no on wneennnn no eno one .mnoneno»nn neeennn n o no emoeoonm one nonnooe umo on mnnoennonnn onn noent» nno .mnnenenn mmonnunoeeon conoo hnononow fionme onno»onn net» meoonm no mnoon no wnnennnn one onnnom .mnnnn.onwonen oonoo .onoem nnonn mnonmmon an no wnnnoe one nno fioeonn ooem ono nonnoo no»onwno no wnnennnn one do he onn.o»oE net» mnoon no mneenenn one moleno enoenonnne mnne no monononn eonee amen n.ono»om ono onone oonoemnnm noneo hno no nonon no .monnm no mnoeoonono Bonn .mnonm omonnane wnnonnoon no eno one on oznaznnm .3 .OZ aznon o .nonn no nn gmnnnon wnonnoenw one no nomnoeemnow nnonon no nnonon no mneznnome one an nno .noe -moO oononnon no no>.on nn noenfi one an nooemoenoo on eno mnono»n.onn eom onnnnnw mnne no mnnn.o»oowev one no enoono one omen mno»o non monnme no mnoonn Bon mnneeno no nonon onnonnnnnoenn one wneEo».o mnonone Jnnot» o no woman one nonmmooonm nn mnennnon mono .enonnown.onnoon no onnonoo on oe mo ow wnoeon -33 eononnno one no noeoonono no noeeon .».no»o wnn -nnnon no eone mot» mno»oomnv eoonw one ennonn one en mot» onone mene no nn esm Snnenoo nenooennon one no nono one wcnon»oe omonnnm nn own nn mo...» feoon nnw nonnennnow no wonneonn oven mono wnonoo wnemonn no noneonwonn one non nwnoonn An wnnennnn no ante nonnnnm 4 .on=mmonn no oonwon. nononn one net» no»o common on nmsnn o .en o»on.o cooonn mnnnonoo nonon one mono .no Eon on nnn one non? enn Home on mmonn oz eomon noeenn»» ono onone mo mnommooon ono meonnoe .».noE mo $3» wene nn gwneennnn non mooon ono .nonon nn mnoeoonono eoonnnomnone one wnn»oon mane noooone on wnnneon nonnt» nomenon owone no ne coon» one >.o»»o weno nmenonnnnemnn nononn net» .none no»onmno one none mcoot» vnon no eonnoe nnne o non: .mn.n§»n..»ov ooon one net» fionnw on meoonm owone no nooo uonon enononmnone nnne no meoonw non: noeennne ».nn.enonoo .ooenn emnn one ne son coennnn o»on oe cnoenn »o.we nonn.»» nnon» one nooon» no mnoonn net» nonon nennnoew ».n mnnennnn no onone ononn mnne onmnnn nnem onn» onnoon unnemnxo mnno one one ooonnno one dmonmnonooe ono mwonofiwnonmo men no neon ennoooo no onneonoen no noneouononn one non mmonows mnoeoe mot» innennnn no cnnn o nunone anne .eoo.nnnm eonnemnv ono non nA—HHO vomonnnno on onononone Enoo one .oooen no noonn ono nn won» monnmn one vonnnoem nonnn» eoonno one cmennneno no onon nonnnm mno nn mo .no»o..»on anne nn .mnoe -oonono onnnbwononn eons monnwu ononnnmm wnoeno» nets noonnnoem nonnon noon o»on nowmnom no no...»oe ono meeo vonnon one no wnonnn eoomoooeonn none one nwm ononeon nonnmwmd enonono one mnonno oemnno no ono»oee boeonnnenn mo? en nonnt» nonn won nonnnn one eone mnoonn o»on on» eoe nmmonn one nnonn vonwwe won» noon emnn one oonnm womnono wnn».on mnoom cone. -n=n noon bno nnwnno nnouonn bo»neononnnoo no we wnnennnn no eno one .ononeno»ne nonnnn no no emo -e..oon.m o e connooewo on mnooennovnn onone non 3 none nuneenen mmonnnoeeon nonoo mnononow .wom. e onno .»on. net» weoonm no mnoon o mneennnn one onenomov oe Bon o»on o 3 wnnnno onen conoo .onoeo nnonn mnonomonnnnn no wnnnoe one nmno aoeo n nooem mono nonmoo vokonmno no wneennn one 6 he onno»onn net» mnoon no wnnennnn one wouaeno enoenonfie one no monononn eonnemno _ono»om ono onone .oon.oem.n=m noneo .».n.o no nomon no aonnmn no mnoeoonono nnonn dnonmmonnnn mnnonnoonn no ens one we oznaznnm .3 .O.Z HZHOM o .owdoe,nD mnonmznenum Q .mo.nmm ennnnnnsmm hfl useoun 6oNnanu.noAmmOO ncnnomflm QHGHH emnnv mznnnonnm none WQOQ nnnnnmfinz 18 umenom no monneonm ocnn eons monso s£.§n no noeeonoonm one non .wnoonn an wnnenenm no onen nsnnnnnw 4 .onnwwonm no oonwoo nomonm one net» no»o oommsm me nmnnn s .ee o>ons ooosnm nmnneonso nomsm .one eons .no oesn me one one nont» enn “com: me wmonn o Z oomsm noeeen»» ons onone ms mnsmmmooon ons meonnse kmnsnn ms not mnne nH ..o5e£._n now meson eons no: on ne mnoeosnsno oonenomnsne one wnweson mnne uvoosne on wneneon nonnt» no mensn omone :s E coon» one %s..»s meno fienonnnnemne nomonm net» .none no>sn.wno one ons Scoot» onsn no eonnse nnne s nomn .monst»nn»oc oose one net» donnw on meoonm omone no noso mnomsm enonsnmnsne nene no meoonm nonen noeennt» mnneonso .oosnm emnn one nn an ooennnm o»sn oe cnoene hone nonnt» nnot» onm... ooot» no mnoonn net» .893 wnnmnnsew no wnnenenm no oconn oonn mene onwnnm neem ont» oemoom mneemnxo Eno one ons omoneno ona dmonwnoeooe ons mmonofimnomno men no neon .ennooos no .onnesnoen no noneswsnonn one noe mmonomn bnseoe wst» .wnnenenm no Nnnn s nwnone smnna eoonnnm eoneemeo ono non »nno oohonmnno on onoeonone onnoo ons .ooonm no noonn ono ne wst» wonnmn one comnnsem non?» eoonno one éennvnens no onon nsnnnm nmns ne ms .no»o..»on .mnne nm onoeosnsno oennbnwonoen eons monnwn ononnnnmm wnonns» net» oomnnsem onnoe noon o»sn normnsm no nokoe ons keno oonnse one no mnonnn oo»sooonn ons onnenfi .mnonesn nsnnnmww< enonons one wnonns ooemnno oomononeoo boesnnenn mst» en nonnt» non: monmno nnnm one esne meoonm o»sn o»»,eo.m "mmonm one nnone oonmme mst» noon emnn o e oonew oowmsno .mne»sn 250% ooncnnn nnoe nno .nn.wnno nno éonn §o»eesnsmnnoo no on wneennnm no ens one .mnoeeno»nn nsnnnn ns no emoesonw one oonnooe smo on nmnooennoonn nos nonnn» ons snnennnn mmonmnoeeon oonso .m=snono.w ionnme oens»onn net» weoonm no wnoon no wneenenm one onnnom on oe >»on o»sn o B gwnenmsnwonen oonso .onoem onone mnoewmonmnne no wnense one ons doesnm nooew eons nommoo uo»snwno no wneennnm. one .mo9me onns>onn net» mnoon no wnnenenm one males easenonan wnn no monoasne ease umec nsno»om ons onona oonsemnnm noneo owns no nonsm no .monn.mn no mnoeosnsno nnone .mnoem umonnnn wnnonoonm no ens one we oznaznnm .2 dz nznon. N. .m QZ< V MMGSI WNW .wU0\Qn« Q21 mo.m».ons onone ms nnsmmooon ons meonnse nnsnn ms 5:» wene nu .mn_en_nn non noson ons uonon nn noeosnsno oonenom -wnsne one mn_»so_ mnne "ooosne we mneneon noent» no mensn omone :s nn ooot» one nsks meno .menonnnnemn_ nononn net» none no»snwno one ons wooot» nnsn eo eonnse nnne s nonn .mons»»n..»oo oose one net» noonnw we meoonm omone no noso Song enonsnmnsne nene no weoonm nonn noeeenn» Enneonso .oos_n emnw one n_ in ooenenn o»sn oe onoe -n_ none noent» nnot» onm. nooot» no mnooen net» nonsn wnennnsem .3 mneentn eo ooonn oonn mene onmnnn Eem ono» o_noon mneemnno Eno one ons omoneno one. swonmnonooe ons mmonofimnonno men eo neon ennooos no .onne -snoen no noeesmsnonn one noe mmonomn bnse .oe mst» .wn_en_nn no onen s nwnone .m_n.H eoonnnm eonnemno ono noe Eno oononnnno on onoeonone Enoo ons .oooE no noonn ono ne ms? monnwn one oonnnsem noent» eoonno one Qeenoeens no onon nsznnm ens E ms .no»o anon .m_ne nn zmnoeosnsno oennnwonoen ons monnmn ononnrmm wnoens» net» oonnnsem onnoe noon o>sn norensm no noneoe ons neeo oonnse one no mnonnn oonsooonn ons one nun .mno_esn nsennmmn enoeons one wnonns ooemeno oono_o»oo Eoesnnenn mst» en noent» nonn monnnonnnn one esne meoonn o.»sn on» eon ummonn one nnon oonmme mst» noon ewnn one oonem oomnsno n_»sn mnson oononnn nnoe Eno Anwnno nnooonn Eofiesnsnnnoo no we mnnennnn no ens onm. .wno_eno»n_ nsnnnn :s eo emoesonw one oonnooewo on Eooennoo -nn nsnn noent» ons ..wn_en_nn mmonnnoe eon oozso nzsnonow sonne onns»onn net» meoonm no mnoon o wneennnn one onnnomoo oe neon o»sn o 3 . nennsnwonen oozso .onoem nnone mnoemmonnnn no wnnnse one ons xmoesl _ooem eons nonnoo ooesnmno eo wneennnn one aonne o_ns»onn net» mnoon no wneennnn one mslens ensenonnn mnne no mononsnn eoneemno _sno»om ons ononm. oonsemnnm noneo ens no nonsn no aonnmn no mnoeosnsno nnone .mnoem oonnnn wnnonoonn no ens one we oznaznnm .vH .O.z HZHOAH b nsnennm 4 onnmmonm no oonwoeo nomonm one net» no»o wommsm on nmnnn s .ee o>ons woosnm hnnneonso nonsm one mons nno ensn me one one none» enn Joomn we mmonm o Z oomsm noeeent» ons onone ms hnsmmooon ons meonnse mnsnn ms nook mene ne umneennnm non boson fins neonon ne mnoeosnsno eoonenownsne one .wnn>son mnne meooosne we mneneon noenn» no mensm omone :s ne coon» one msnss meno ._menonn nnemne nomonm net» .none no>sn.wno one wens Tooot» wnsn no eonnse nene s nomn nmnnst» -n..»o.o oose one net» roonnm on meoonm owone no noso mnomsm enonsmmnsne nene no meoonm nomn noeeent» kmnnneonso .oosn.m emnn one ne in Uoenenm o»sn oe nnoene hone noent» nnon» onn. zooot» no mnoonn net» nomsm mnemnnsem knn mneennnm no owonn ovnn mene onmnnm Snem ont» onmoon wneemewo hnno one ons omonenO on.H owonmnoevoe eons mmononenmnomno men no neon ennooos no nonnesnoeee no .nnees.wsmonn one non mmonomn nmnnseoe mst» wwneenenm no cnen s nwnone .men.H eoonnnm eonnemneo ono non nnnno nohonmnno on onoeonone mnnoo fins noooem no noonn ono ne msn» monnmme one nomnnsem nonnt» eoonno one cnennwnens no oenon nsnennw hns ne ms .no»o..»on .mene nu dnoeosnsno oenmhnw .onoen eons wonnmn oenonnrmm mnoens» neta vomfisem vnnoe noon o>sn nonhnsmn no no>»oe eons keno donnse one no w%onnn wohsooeonn emns oneennm onoeesn nsnn mod enoeons one nonns woemnwo .©omono»o.© mnoesnneenn ms? en noenn» nomn monmeonenm one esne weoonn o»sn ot» eoh mmmonm one anone nonmwe mst» noon emnn one oonem eoownsno .wne>sn mnsoh none. -nnn nnoe nnnno .nn.wnno nnoeoonn hnofiesnsm LDHOO no we mneenenm no ens onm. .mnoeeno»ne nsnnnn is no emoesonw one nonnooemo on kmnoo ennocnn msnn nonnt» eons mwnnenenm mmonnnoe eon eoonnso mnnsnonom aonne onnsnwonn net» meoonm no mnoon no wneennnm one onenomoo oe ..»on o>sn o kw ..mnennsn.woneS eoozso nonoew nnone mnonmmonmnne no wnense one eons .moesnm nooem eons nommoo .©o>sn.mno no mneenenm one .899 onns>onn net» mnoon no mneenennm one msluens ensenomnn one no mononsnn eonnemeo esno»om ons onon.H oonsemnnm noneo ans no nomsm no nmonnwme no wnoeosnsno nnonn nwnonw oonmnn wnnonvonm no ens one we ozneznnm .3 .O.Z HZHOM b -ennn no onen nsnnnm 4 .onommonn no oonw on nononn one net» no.»o nommsn me nmnnn s. .ee o»ons coosnn nmnneonso nonsn one eons no Esn on nnn one nont» enn woomn me mmonn oz oowsn noeeent» ons onone ms ».nsmmo8n ons meonnse mnsnn ms :33 one nH ..oa._e_nnn non moson ons uonon ne mnoeosnsno oonenomnsne one wnneson mnne wooosne me mneneon noent» no mensn omone ns nn ooot» one ms..»s meno ienonnnnemne nononn net» . none noesnwno one ons .6095 onsn no eonnse nene s non: fieonsn» -n>»ou oose one net» fionnw me meoonm omone no noso mnonsn enonsnmnsne nene no meoonm non: noeeet» Hnneonso noosnn emnn one nn .3 ooeann 9:3 8 naoen none £33 #83 onm. doot» no mnoonn net» nonsn wnennnsem kn wneenenn no ovonn oonn mene onmnnn Hem ont» onnoon wnnemeno mnno one ons omonenv onru omonmnoeooe ons mmononnmnonwo men no neon ennooos no .onnesnoen no noeeswsnonn one now mmonomn ».:seoe mst» mwneenenn no vnen s nwnone .mnn.H eoonnnm eoneemeo ono non keno oohonnnno on onoeonone Enoo eons .oooen no noonn ono ne wst» monnmn one uonnnsem noent» eooeno one Seenoeens no onon nsnnnm hns nn ms .no»ot»on nmene nH .mnoeosnsno oennmnmonoen ons monnmn ononnnmm mnoens» net» oonnnsem onnoe noon o»sn normnsm no not»oe ons meeo oonnse one no mnoenn cohsooo -nn ons onnenfl .mnoeesn ns_n.mmm< enoeons one wnonns coemeno oononobov Eoesnnenn mst» en noent» nonn monnnonnnn one esne meoonn o»sn ot» eon $8.3 one Bone oonmmn mst» noon emnn one oonem oomnsno mnn»sn mnsom oononnn nnoe nmnno .ne.weno nnooonn mnobee snsnnnoo no we wnnenenn no ens onH. .mnoeeno> -nn nsnnnn ns no emoesonm one oonnooemo on nmnooennoonn hsnn noent». ons nwneenenn mmonn -noeeon vonso mnsnonow .mon.me onns»onn net» meoonm no mnoon no wneenenn one onnnomoo oe t»on o»sn o new .mnennsn.wonen oonsoonoem nnone mnoemmonnnne no wnense one eons doesnn nooem ens nonnoo oo»sn.wno no wneennnn one .mon».e onns>onn net» mnoon .eo wneenenn one mslens ensenonnn one no mononsnn eoneemeo nsnoeom ons ononm. oonsewnnm noneo mns no nonsn no .monn.wn no mnoeosnsno nnon.n nmnoem oonnnn mneonoonn no ens one we oznnznnm .3 .OZ HZHOAH n .owsoenO fnoevnnenmm »% .oo.nmm ensnflnsmn kn eseoun 6oNeanu.no.mmoO noenomflw anonm eosO. mznnfionnm SO47“ enon nnnnnmeenz 19 _meno aenonnnnemnn nononn net» done no»onmno one nono nnooot» nonon no eonnoe nnne o nonn :anonot»nt»ono ooon one net» noonnw on meoonm omone no nooo 3&3 enononmnone nnne no meoonm nonn noeent» nnnnonoo .ooonn emnn one. nn in nooennnn o»o.n oe nonoenn none none» nnot» onrd nooot» no mnoonn net» nonon wnnnnnoem an wnnennnn no onoonn ononn mnne onmnnn nnem ont» onnoon wnnemnono nnno one ono omonnnno onm. omonmnonooe mono mmonofim -nonNo men no neon ennoooo no nonneonoen no noneowononn one non mmonomn nnoeoe mot» mwnnennnn no nonnn o nmnone rmnnfi .eoo_..nnm eonnemnno ono non omnno moomonnnno on onononone nnnoo nono nooonn no noonn ono nn mot» monnmn one noonnnoem nonnt» eoomno one smennnoneno no onon nonnnnm mno nn mo .no»o>»on nmnne nn onoeoonono on -nn».nwononn nono monnwn ononnnnm mnonno» net» noonnnoem nonnon noon o»on nonnnomn no not»oe nono neno noonnon. one no mnonnn noonooononn nono onnenmm .mnoneon nonn Ammmaa enonono one mnonno nooemnomo noonono» ono nnoeoanns mos en non? Eon: manna ..nnnn one eone mnoonn o»on ot» eon $33 one nnonn noonmmn mot» noon emnn one oonnm noomnono .wnn»on mnoon noonnonnn nnon nnno .nn.wnno nnonoonn nnofieonononoo no on wnn ennnn no eno onB .mnoneno»nn nonnnn no no emoeoonw one noonnooemo on mnooennononn nonn nonnt» nono swnnennnn moonnnoeeon noonoo nnononom donne onno»onn net» meoonm no mnoon no mnnennnn one onnnom ono oe t»on o.»on o B awnnnnonmonen noonoo nonoem nnonn ononmmonnnnn no wnnnoe one nono .moeonn nooem nono nonnoo noo»on.w .no no wnnennnn one aonne onno»oon net» mnoon no mnnennnn one molueno enoenon Lnn one no monononn eonnemnno nono»om ono ononfi oonoemnnm noneo mno no nonon no nmonnwn no mnoeoonono ononn nmnonmmonn Ann mnnonnoonn no eno one on ozneznnn .oH .O.Z BZHON w .3 QZQ m .V WUGVQ MUM dmoomm QZ< mom» swnnennnn no nonnn o nwnone .mnnB .eoo.3nm eonnewno ono non nnno noononnnno on onononone nonnoo mono .ooonn no noonn ono nn mot» monnmn one noonnnoem nonnt» eoonno one cmennmoneno no onon nonnnm nno nn mo .no»ot»on .mnne nH onoeoonono onnnnnw ononn nono monnwn ononnrmm mnonno» net» noonnnoew nonnon noon o»on nonmnomm no not»oe mono keno noonnon one no m onnn noomooononn wno onnenmn .mnoneon not own. enonono one nonno nooemnono noonono»ono nnoeonnenn mot» en nonnt» nonn monnnonnnn one eone mnoonn o»on ot» eon wwmonn one nnonn nonmmn mot» noon ewnn one oonnm noomnono mnn»on wnoon noonno -nnn nnon Eno nnmnno nnonoonn nnofieonon Anoo no on wnnennnn no eno onno .mnoneno»nn nonnnn no no emoeoonm one noonnooemo on nnoo ennononn nonn nonnt» mono .wnnennnn woonn -noeeon noonoo mnononow .monme onno»onn net» meoonm no mnooo. no wnnennnn one onnnomono oe t»on o»on o no? ownnnnonwonen noonoo .onoem nnonn mnonmmonnnn no wnnnoe one mono .moeonn nooew nono nonnoo noo»onmno no wnnennnn one .monme onno»oS net» mnoon no mnnennnn one m.o.leno enoenonnnn mnne no monononn eonnemno nono»om ono ononm. oonoemnnm noneo nno no nonon no aonnwn no wnoeoonono nnonn .mnonm oonnnnn mnnonnoonn no eno one on oznaznnmn .w.N .O.z BZHOAH b _-ono nononn one net» no»o common on nmnnn o .en o»ono noooonn mnnnonoo nonon one ono no Eon on nnn one nont» enn mnoomn on moonn o Z .momon noeennt» ono onone mo mnommooon ono meonnoe hnonn mo .no..» mnne nu .wnnennnn non mnooon ono .nonon nn mnoeoonono noonnnom none one .mnn»oon mnne mnoooone on wnnneon nonnn» no menon omone no nn nooot» one hoko meno fienonnnnemnn nononn. net» “none no»onwno one mono .6095 nonon no eonnoe nnne o nonn .mnonot»nt»ono ooon one net» noonnw on weoonm omone no nooo mnonon enononmnone nnne no meoonm nonn noeennt» nnononoo .ooonn ewnn one nn .mn nooennnn o»on oe nonoe Ln ».one nonnt» nnot» onB nooot» no mnoonn net» nonon wnnnonoem no. wnnennnn no omoonn ononn mnne onmnnn nnem ont» onnoon wnnemnono ».nno one ono omonnno one. omonmnonooe nono mwonofimnonmo men no neon ennoooo no .onneonoen no noneowononn one non mmonomn mnoeoe mot» .wnnenn.nn no nonnn o nwnone .mnnB .eoo3nm eonnemno ono non mnno noononnnno on onononone nnnoo nono .ooonn no noonn ono nn mot» monnwn one noonnnoem nott» eoonno one nennnoneno no onon nonnnm nno nn mo .no»o mot»..m..oa.amo.mnwne nnon omoeoonono onnnfiomnoonononn n no n on E m mnonno» net» no Soem onnon noon o»on nonmnom no no..»oe nono keno noonnon one no mnonnn noonooononn nono onne ..nnm .mnoneon nonnonmmeu enonono one wnonno nooemnmo. noonono»ono nnoeounen. mot» en nonnt» nonn monnnonnnn one eone mnoonn o»on ot» eon mmwonn one Bonn noonwmn mot» noon emnn one oonno noomnono .wnn»on mnoon noonnonnn noon nnno wnnwnno nnonoonn hofieononfioo no on wnnennn no eno onm. .mnoneno»nn nonnnn no nonemoeoonw one nooummoemo own ..mmnnmomooe%n.mw -nn onn nont» mono nnennn . n -n eon noonoo nnononow .monne onno»onn net» meoonm no mnooo. mm. wnnennnn one onnnomono oe Bon o»on o >9 . nnnonmonen nonoo .onoem Bonn ononmmonnnn no wnnnoe one mono .moeonn nooem ono nonnoo noo»on.wno no wnnennnn one .monme oSo.»on. net» mnooo. no wnnennnn one moleno enoenonnn mnne no monononn eonnemno nono»ow ono ononn. .oonoemo.nm noneo mno no nonon no fionnwn no mnoeoonono Bonn .wnonm -monnnn wnnonnonn no eno one on ozneznmm .MN .O.7H HZHOM N. .O.woonnO nnonmofitmw an oonmn enoamflnomn kn udeoun UoHnuA...nom.HoO‘.~On.uom5m nuonn emonv mznnnonnm noon nnon nnnnnmt»nz .wwewwe wewewwwwe ewwe ewwew meeeww ewe: we eeweee wwwwwe e wweeww .mewew:wBee eeew ewwe wwewww .eeE.w mw eeeewwm emewwe we wweee "wewwee ewwewewwmwwewe wwwwwe we meeewwm we we wweeewwww bwewewee .eeew.w emwww ewwe www .3 eeewwwwww ewewwee ewweewww wewwe wwewwts wwweww ewwE .eee.$ we wxeewn new? 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There are several distinct branches of this im- portant art—as the printing of books with movable types, the printing of engraved copper and steel plates, and the taking of impressions from stone, cal ed lithographing. We have now to describe the printing of books or sheets with movable types, generally called letter-press printing‘. and which may undoubtedly be esteemed the greatest of all human inventions. The art of printing is of comparatively modern origin only four hundred years having elapsed since the first book was issued rom the press; yet we have proofs that the principles upon which it was ultimately developed existed amon the ancient Assyrian nations. Entire and undecayed bricks of the fame city and tower of Babylon have been found stamped with various symbolic figures and hiero lyphic characters. In this, however, as in any snnilar relic of antiquit , t e object which stamped the figures was in one block or piece, and coui therefore be employed only for one distinct subject. This, though a kind of printing, was totally useless for the propagation of literature, on account both of its expensiveness and tediousncss. he Chinese are the only existinfipeople who still pursue this rude mode of printing by stamping paper wit blocks of wood. The work which they intend to have printed is, in the first place, careful] written upon sheets of thin transparent paper; each of these sheets is glue , with the face downwards, upon a thin tablet of hard wood; and the engraver then, with proper instruments, cuts away the wood in all those parts on which nothing is traced; thus leaving in relief the transcribed characters, and ready for printing. In this way, as many tablets are necessary as there are written pages. No press is used; but when the ink is laid on and the pa er carefully placed above it, a brush is passed over with the proper de ree 0 pressure. A similar kind of printing by blocks. for the production of p aying cards and rude pictures of scriptural subjects, was in use in Europe towards the end of the fourteenth century. But in all this there was little merit. The great discovery was that of forming every letter or character of the alphabet separately, so as to be capable of rearrangement. and forming in succession the pages of’ a work. thereby avoiding the interminable labor of cutting new blocks of types for every page. The credit of the discovering of this simple yet marvelous art is contested by the Dutch in favor of.’ Laurence Coster and by the Germans on behalf of Johann Gansiieish, of the Gutenberg family. In all probability, the discovery was made almost sin1ultaneously—-such a theory being consistent with the general social progress at the period, and the secrecy which both inventors at first maintained respecting their art. The types first employed were of wood, but soon the practice of casting them in metal was introduced. The earliest of these metal types resembled the black letter in use by tran- scribers, and one great aim of the first printers was to produce works which should closely resemble the works in manuscript hitherto in use. Between 1450 and 1455 Gutenberg succeeded in printing a Bible, copies of‘ which are exceedingly rare and valuable. It is a quarto size, double columns, the initial letters of the chapters being executed with the pen, in colors. Besides this Bible, some other specimens of the work of Gutenberg, the produce of‘ his press at Mayence, have been discovered. The Dutch at Haarlem preserve and show with reverential care similar specimens of early printing by Cost-er. Mayence, Strasburg and Haarlem are indisputably the places where printing 5% POINT No. 3. PRINTING is the art of producing impressions, from characters or figures, on paper or any other substance. There are several distinct branches of this important art—as the printing of books with movable types, the printing of engraved copper and steel plates, and the taking of impressions from stone, called lithographing. We have now to describe the printing of books or sheets with movable types. generally called letter- press printing, and which may undoubtedly be esteemed the greatest of all human‘ inventions. The art of printing is of comparatively modern origin, only four hundred years having elapsed since the first book was issued from the press; yet we have proofs that the principles upon which it was ultimately developed existed among the ancient Assyrian nations. Entire and undecayed bricks of the famed city and tower of Babylon have been found stamped with various symbolic figures and hieroglyphic characters. In this, however, as in any similar relic of antiquity, the object which stamped the figures was in one block or piece, and could therefore be em- ployed only for one distinct subject. This, though a kind of printing, was totally useless for the propagation of literature, on account both of its ex- pensiveness and tediousncss. The Chinese are the only existing people who still pursue this rude mode of printing by stamping paper with blocks of wood. The work which they intend to have printed is, in the first place, carefully written upon sheets of thin transparent paper; each of these sheets is glued, with the face downwards, upon a thin tablet of hard wood; and the engraver then, with proper instruments,.cuts away the wood in all those parts on which nothing is traced; thus leaving in relief the transcribed characters, and ready for printing. No press is used; but when the ink is laid on, and the paper carefully placed above it, a brush is passed over with the proper degree of pressure. A similar kind of print- ing by blocks, for the production of playing cards and rude pictures of scriptural subjects, was in use in Europe towards the end of the four- teenth century. But in all this there was little merit. The great discov- ery was that of forming every letter or character of the alphabet separately so as to be capable of rearrangement, and forming in succession the pages of a work, thereby avoiding the interminable labor of cutting new blocks of types for every page. The credit of the discovering of this simple yet marvelous art is contested by the Dutch in favor of Laurence Coster, and by the Germans on behalf of Johann Gansfieisch, of the Gutenberg family. In all probability, the discovery was made almost simultaneously—snch a theory being consistent with the general social progress at the period, and the secrecy which both inventors at first maintained respecting their art. ’l‘hc types first employed were of wood, but soon the practice of casting them in metal was introduced. The earliest of these metal types resem- bled the black letter in use by transcribers, and one great aim of the first printers was to‘ produce works which should closely resemble the works in manuscript hitherto in use. Between 1450 and 1455 Gutenhurg succeed- ed in printing a Bible, copies of which are exceedingly rare and valuable. it is a quarto size, double columns. the initial letters of the chapters being 5% Po1NT No. 4. PRINTING is the art of producing impressions, from characters or figures, on paper or any other substance. There are several distinct branches of this important art-—as the printing of books with movable types, the printing of engraved copper and steel plates, and the taking of impressions from stone, called lithographing. We have now to de- scribe the printing of books or sheets with movable types, generally called letter-press printing, and which may undoubtedly be esteemed the greatest of all human inventions. The art of printing is of compar- atively modern origin, only four hundred years having elapsed since the first book was issued from the press, yet we have proofs that the princi- ples upon which it was ultimately developed existed among the ancient Assyrian nations. Entire and undecayed bricks of the famed city and tower of Babylon have been found stamped with various symbolic figures and hieroglyphic characters. In this, however, as in any similar relic of antiquity, the object which stamped the figures was in one block or piece, and could therefore be used only for one distinct subject. This, though a kind of printing, was totally useless for the propagation of literature, on account both of its expensiveness and tediousncss. The Chinese are the only existing people who still pursue this rude mode of printing by stamping paper with blocks of wood. The work which they intend to have printed is, in the first place, carefully written upon sheets of thin transparent paper; each of these sheets is glued, with the face downwards, upon a thin tablet of hard wood; and the en- graver then, with proper instruments, cuts away the Wood in all those parts on which nothing is traced; thus leaving in relief the transcribed characters, and ready for printing. No press is used; but when the ink is laid on, and the paper carefully placed above it, a brush is passed over with the proper degree of pressure. A similar kind of printing by blocks, for the production of playing cards and rude pictures of scrip- tural subjects, was in use in Europe towards the end of the fourteenth century. But in all this there was little merit. The great discovery was that of forming every letter or character of the alphabet separately, so as to be capable of rearrangement, and forming in succession the pages of a work, thereby avoiding the interminable labor of cutting new blocks of types for every page. The credit of the discovering of this simple yet marvelous art is contested by the Dutch in favor of Laurence Coster, and by the Germans on behalf of Johann Gansfieisch, of the Gutenberg family. In all probability, the discovery was made almost simultaneously——such a theory being consistent with the general social progress at the period, and the secrecy which both inventors at first maintained respecting their art. The types first employed were of wood, but soon the practice of casting them in metal was introduced. The earliest of these metal types resembled. the black letter in use by tran- scribers, and one great aim of the first printers was to produce works which should closely resemble the works in manuscript hitherto in use. 5% POINT No. 10. PRINTING is the art of producing impressions, from characters or figures, on paper or any other substance. There are several distinct branches of this important art—as the printing of books with mova- ble types, the printing of engraved copper and steel plates, and the taking of impressions from stone, called lithographlng. We have now to describe the printing of books or sheets with movable types, generally called letter-press printing, and which may undoubtedly be esteemed the greatest of all human inventions. The art of print- ing is of comparatively modern origin, only four hundred years hav- ing elapsed since the first book was issued from the press; yet we have proofs that the principles upon which it was ultimately devel- oped existed among the ancient Assyrian nations. Entire and un- decayed bricks of the famed city and tower of Babylon have been found stamped with various symbolic figures and hieroglyphic characters. in this, however, as in any similar relic of antiquity. the object which stamped the figures was in one block or piece, and could therefore be employed only for one distinct subject. This, though a kind of printing, was totally useless for the propagation of literature, on account both of Its expensiveness. and tediousncss. The Chinese are the only existing people who still pursue this rude mode of printing by stamping paper with blocks of wood. The work which they intend to have printed is, in the first place, carefully written upon sheets of thin transparent paper; each of these sheets is glued, with the face downwards, upon a thin tablet of hard wood; and the engraver then, with proper instruments, cuts away the wood in all those parts on which nothing is traced; thus leaving in relief the transcribed characters, and ready for printing. No press is used; but when the ink is laid on. and the paper carefully placed above it, a brush is passed over with the proper degree of pressure. A similar kind of printing by blocks, for the production of playing cards and rude pictures of scriptural subjects, was in use in Europe towards the end of the fourteenth century. But in all this ti ere was little merit. The great discovery was that of forming ex cry letter or character of the alphabet separately, so as to be capable of rearrangement. and forming in succession the pages of a work, thereby avoiding the interminable labor of cutting new blocks of types for every page. The credit of the discovering of this simple yet marvelous art is contested by the Dutch in favor of Laurence Coster, and by the Germans on behalf of Johann Gansfleisch, of the Gutenberg family. In all probability, the discovery was made al- most simultaneously—such a theory being consistent with the gen- eral social progress at the period, and the secrecy which both in- ventors maintained respecting their art. The types first employed were of wood, but soon the practice of casting them in metal was introduced. The earliest of these metal types resembled the black .o QZQ V mmo aoacam ca acoacaoawo mm? aam oma oacaom aaoaaooxo mm? waa aaaaam oaomk mocmam oma mammaammacaa oam aoaammaa mam waammmaam .ooao -mm2 .aoamcO mm waaaaaam maamo ac maoaaoomm amaaaam oamo amaaaoao>oa maaB Bcmm cam o>aomoam aoaammma am moaana omm. .a.oao>comaa. aoom o>mm ooaommam am mmoam mam ac ooaccam oma .m.§:§=.o ac mac? oma ac maoa aaoomm aomac oacm oamama mama momamoma macaco aa .aom oma mat» acoaacoao waaom maoammmo oma ac maoaaoa amaaaaa oma maaaaco oamacc .omam caamaac m ma am .oammaam> cam oama mawaaacoooxo oam moamma ac moamco aoamam m waaaaaam aa acocoooosm waomaoaama mama cam oma; aooapaoma oma aa caaomaam amaaomaama aa mmacma oma oamaomoa maomcao amacmm moamk mmacaa ooac ucam ca mm? maoaaaam amaaa oma ac aam amoaw oac mam maomaaomamaa mm oma aa maoaaoa momam oma acoamaomoa momma amaoa omoma ac amoaaamo omm. acocaaacaaaa mm? amaoa aa aoma. waaammo ac ocaaomam oma accm am .6003 ac oaoB comcamao amaaa momma omm. .aam aaoma waaaoommoa acoaamaaama macaao.» -aa macm moamap mooacom oma cam .ccaaom oma am mmoamcam amaocm amaoaow oma maama aaoamamaco waaoc. macoma m mcamlmamacoamaaaaam amcaam ocma mm? mao>comaa. oma maaaammmcam mm a .maaama maoaamaso oma ac .momaoaa umamma aammca. ac aammom ac mamaaow oma mm mam .aoamcO ocaoaamq ac ac>ma aa moaana oma mm acoamoaacc ma aam macaoaama aom oamaam mama ac waa -ao>ccmam oma ac aaacoao omm. ommm maobo aca momma ac maaccam Boa maaaaao ac acmma oammaaaaoaaa oma waaacac>m mmoaoma mac? m ac mowmm oma acammoc noam aa waaaaca mam aaoaowamaamoa ac oammmmo oc. ca mm cm maoamammom aommmmam oma ac aoaomammo ac aoaaoa mao>o maaaaca ac amma mmB mao>comaa. amoaw oma .aaaoa oaaaaa mm? oaoma mama aam aa aam maaaaoo maaooaaaca oma ac mao oma macamaaca omcaa aa oma aa mmB .maoo_..mam amaaamaaom ac moaa -aoam ocaa mam maaamc waamma ac acaacaaccam oma aca amaaocac. mm waaaaaam ac mam amaaaam aw oaammoam ac ooamoa. aomcam oma maaar ao>c aaommmm ma mmaam m a o>cmm acoomam maaaaoamc aommm oma mam ac mama ma aaaa oma aom.$ aam "coma ma mmoam c Z .waaaaaam aca mmmoa mam .aoaaoa aa maoaomammo oomaacmamaa oma .waa>moa mama .coomaa ma ma maca moamap ac maamm omcma mm a mock oma mmawm maao maaoaaaamaa a cam mat» .aoma ao>mawao oma mam .aacc? acamm ac aoammaoaa a m acma .macamBaBcu ooma oma maaB éoaaw ma maoomm omoma ac momo aa mm aaoammmamaa aama ac maoomm acma aoaaaak maaaaoamc .oomam amaaa oma a .ma coaaaam o>mm ca oaoaaa moma moan? mac? omm. .accc..> ac mmocam macs aommm waamamam mm waaaaaam ac occa omaa mama oamam aaaam cm.$ oamcom waaamamo maac oma oam omoaamo omm. mmoamacaacoa acam mmoao>amaomNo maa ac macm aaacoom ac .o.aaamaoaaa ac acaamwmmcam oma aca mmoaoma maamaca mmB .waaaaaam ac acaam m mwacma mamm. .aco_..mam aoaaamaac oac aca maac comcamao om oacaoaoma amacc mam .oooam ac mocam oac aa mmk moaawm oma. acomamam €33 aomamo oma maasmaaam ao oaaoa amaaaam mam aa mm .ao>oBcm mama am maoaomammo cammmawcaoam cam moawaa oaacm -amm maacaam> maama acomamam acamca aoom o>mm acammmma ac aomvca cam maao acoama oma ac mmoaac. acommoocaa cam oaaaaam macaama amaammmm. aaoaoam oma wacam acoamaao aaomcao>o.c maoamaaaaa mm? aa moammw acma moamaoaaam oma amma maccam o>mm om» aom ammoam oma acaa coamma mm? mccm amaaa oma ooaam aommm o waakmm mamom aaoaacaam aaca maac aawaac aaoacca mao>aamamm uaco ac ma waaaaaam ac aam omm. .macaaao>aa amaam aam ac amoamoaw oma acoaooamo om macoamacacaa mma mcamma mam awaaaaaam mmoamuaoaaoa aaoaamo maamaoaow momma oamm>ca H35? maoomm ac mmccc. ac waaaaaam oma omaaom soc ca Boa o>mm o arr maammmawomaa acoaamo aoacam acaa macammoamaa ac waaaama oma mam moamam aooam acam aom co acoawmawao ac waaaaaam oma .momma oac.m>ca maaww mmccc. ac waaaaaam oma mmlaam aamaacmaa mama ac momoamam aoaaamac amao>om oam oaomm. .ooamamc.am aomac mam ac aommm ac moaawaa ac maoaomammc acaa macammoamaa waaoaaacam ac aam oma ma ozaazaam .m .02“ BZHOAH w aoamaaaamomw aa mmoam m m: maaaaom mm aaaamawana caaa aam oma aaoosaacaaaa acaxmo amom oamm oma amcmm aaam wmoqmam aomac macaama mam omoma momomoa aomm aa Eva ca m=ca>oam moaaao amaaoaaaaco aomac mam maccm. maamm amaaam ooaoacam .ooaao> .oacm ca acoacaoamo mm? aam oma oacaoc. aaoaaooxo mm? maaaaaam oaomi moomam oma mammammmaacaa oam aoaammaa mam masmmmaam .ooao ummam aoamco mm maaaaaam maamo ac maoaaaoomm amaaaaam oamc amaaaoaoaoa maak Bcmm cam o>aomoam Soaammam am moasm omm. .acoao>comaaa aoom o>mm ooaommam am mmoam mam ac ocaaacam oma amaomaoaaw ac mac? oma ac maoaaoomm aomac oaacm .oamam mama moaaamom macaco aa .aom oma mars acoasooxo maaoc. maoammmo oma ac maoaaoa amaaaaa oma nmaaamaco oammca. .omam caammac m ma am .oamm=am> mam oama mamaaaaoooxo oam moamk ac moamco oamam m maaaaaam aa moaaoooomm maomaoamw mmva mam oma; aookaom om: aa caaomaam amaaomaamaa aa mmack oma oamaaomoa maomcao amacmm moamk maaack oomaccam ca mm? maoaaaam amaaa oma ac aam amoaw oac mam maomaaomamaa mm om: aa aoaaoa momam oma acoamaomoa momma amaoa omoma ac amoaaamo omm. aaoosaacaaaa mm? amaoaa aa aaoma waaammo ac ooaaomam oma accm aam .aac9$ ac oaok aaomcamaao amaaa momma oma. .aam aaoma waa ..aoommoa acoaamaaamaa amaaa am macaao>aa macm mcamk mooaoom oma mam .a.caaom oma am mmoamcam amaocm amaoaow oma maa.$ aaoamamaco waaom macoma m moamlmammc uoamaaaaam amcamm oaamaa mars mao>comaa. oma maaaammmcam aam aa maaama maoc. uaoasw oma ac momaoaamamma aammca. ac aammom ac mamaaaow oma mm mam aoamcv ocaoammaa ac ac>ma aa moamm oma mm aaoamoaaco ma aam m:cao>amaa aom oamaaam mama ac waaaoacomaaa oma ac aaaaoao omm. owmm mao>o aca momma ac mmocam Boa maaaamo ac acmma oammaaaaaoaaa oma maaa.ac>m mmoaoma Jaamok m ac mommm oma acammooomm aa maaaaaca mam Jaoaaomamaamoa ac oammmmo om ca mm cm maoamammom aommmmam oma ac aoaomammo ac aoaaoa mao>o Maaaaaca ac amma mm? mao>comaa. amoaw omm. aaaoaa oaaaaa mm.$ oaoma mama aam aaamm maaaaoo maaooaaac oma ac acao oma maaamkca omcaanm aa oma aa mmk. .maoo.nm=m amaaamaaom ac moaaaoa oaoma mam mcamc maammam ac acaao%%cam oma aca mmocam mm maaaaaam ac aaaam amaaaam 4 .oa=m -moam ac ooawom a cam oma maaB ao>c aoommmm ma mmaam m .aa o>cmm aaoomam maama noamo aommm oma mam ac mama ma maa oma aom.$ aam acoma ma mmoam oz mommm aoaaa.aB oam oaoma mm mammmoooa oam maoamma mama mm mm? mama am .waaaaaam aca >aamoa mam .aoaaoa aa. maoaomammo aaomaaomamaa oma waaamoa mama .a.oomaa ma maamaca 235.5 ac maamm omcma mm aa 683 oma mm3m ma mo maaoaamaamaa aomcam maa.$ .aoma ao>mamao oma mam .a.cc.$ mamm ac aoamma aama m acm: amaaamkaaacao ooma oma maa.$ éomam ma maoomm omoma ac momo "aommm aaoammmamaa aama ac maoomm acm: aoaaaak maamaoamo oomam amaaa oma aa .ma aaoaaaam o>mm ca caoaaa moma moamaa mack» omm. 6995 ac mmocac. mars aommm waamaamam mm maaaaaam ac oacca oacaa mama oamamm aaaam cmB oamcom waaamaxo maac oma oam omoaamo omm. mmoammcacoa mam mmoaofimaomxo ma ac macm aaacoom ac oaaamaoaaa ac acaamwm nmcam oma aca mmoaoma maamaca mm? . aaaaaam ac aaaam m mmmcma mama. .aoo3mm aoaaamaao oac aca maac momcamaao om oacaoaoma maacc mam .oooam ac mocam oac aa mm? moaawm oma acomamam moamma aoommc oma mmaamvaaam ac oaaoa amaaaam mam aa mm .ao>o.$cm mama ma maoaomammo oammmamcaoam mam moaswm oaacmaamm m=caam> mats acomamam acamca aoom o>mm.acammmm ac aokca acam maao acoaama oma ac mmcaam acommcoaaam mam oaaaama macaama amaammma aaoaoam oma wacaam aaoama Lao a.omcao>oaa maoamaaaaam mm3 aa moamB acmm moamaoaaam oma amma maccam o>m o.$ aom ammoam oma aacaa aaosmma mmk mccm amaaa oma ooaam aaommmao wmaamm mamo. moacaam amca maac aawaac aaoaccaa maofiamammacc ac ma maaaaaam ac aam oma. macaaaoaaa amaam aam ac amoamoam oma acoaaooamo om mamoammccam mmaa moamk mam nwaaaaaam mmoamaoaaoa momma maamaoaom «momma oamm>caa maaaa maoomm ac mmccm ac maaaaaam oma omaaomoaa ca Sca o>mm P5 waammmamcmaaa aaoaamo aoacam aacaa macammoamaaa ac waamma oma mam moamam aooam cam aommco mo>mawao ac mma uaaaam oma momma oammacaa ma?» mmccm ac maaaaaam oma mmlaam aamaacmaaa mama ac momoamam aoaaamaaa amao>om oam oaomm. ooamammmm aomac mam ac aommm ac .mo.aama.a ac maoaomammo aacaa macammoamaaa maacmaccam ac aam oma ma ozaazamm .5 .OZ_ BZHON 0 maoam maca. Q»/H4 oaccm .o Q21 V mmo<& WNW dmonmm QZQ mom ono omone nonooon con en 5.3 oe mnonbonm ooneno noenonnenoo noneo nono .oneeo.H .mn.n.on.m Jeanna .oononon.n .oonno> .onnoM oe ooonoexo wot» eno one ononon ooenooxo mot» wnnennnn onont» mooonn one mnnoennwnonn ono unonnozonn ono wwnnnmonew oononmonn .noemoO kn wnnennnn hnnoo no wnonnnoonm nonnnnm onoo nonenono.»on net» >»o.nm ono o»nomonn xnonnoonn eo noennn onn. oonoboomno noon o.».on .oonon..onn eo mmonn on no oonoonn one cwnnnnoenw no nnot» one no mnonn noonm noneo oonom .onnn.m mnne moonmom .mnonoo nn non one net» ooenooxo unnon mnoenono one no mnoeeon nonennn one .mnn::oo onnnono .onnm oenono on on en .onnonn.o» ono onon mnunnooooxo ono nonnt» no monnoo .onnnmn o wnnennnn nn ooooooonm mnnnnoenme mmwn ono omen noo..»eomn own nn oenonenn ennnomn none nn mnnot» one onnnnomon Eomono nnnonm nonnt» mnoon oonoonn oe mot» whvaflnnnm emhfi 039 HO nnno wfivhw 0.90 ono .mnoo.nnomn_one an own fin noeeon noonn one neonnunooon monme noeoan ooone no ewonnoo onn. ooonnoonenn mot» noeonn nn nnone mnnemoo no ooneoonn one nooo enn .nooo.$ no onot» oomonnnno eonn oonme onn. .eno nnone mnneoonmon noonnoennonn mnoenobnn neon nonnt» moonoom one ono Jeonnon one eo mmonwonn nonoom nononom one net» enoemnmnoo mnnon mnoone o nonmllnnmnoonoennnnno ewoonno onoonn mo...» mno.»oomnno one ..».ennno -nonn no nn .>.nnn.on .wn§n.noe.D.O one no .nomnonnono.O nnonon. no nnonon no wnonnnomu one ono .noeooO oononnown no no.».on nn noennm one nan ooemoeno.o me eno mnonobnonn eokm onnnenm one no mnnno.»oomn© one no enneono onn. .o.mon %no.»o non monme no mnoonn ..»on wnneeno no nonon onnonnnnnoenn one mn.nono.»o mnonone Qnnot» o. no wowon one nonomooonw nn mnnnnnon ono enonnounonno -on no onnonoo on oe mo om mmnoeononom eononnno one no noeoonono no noeeon nm.H®>® wnnnnnon no eone mo...» mnonoomno eoonm onB ennonn oneen wot» onone one no nn enmn gmnnenoo nenooennon one no ono one mono..»oe.ononnmn nn own nn mot» fieoonnnw nonnennnoo no wonneonn oonn ono monoo wnfionn no noneono -onn one non finoonn an mnnennnn no onnn nonnnnm 4 onnmmonn no oonmoo nononn one net» no>o common on nmnnn o .en ®b.OD.5 oooonn mnnnonoo nonon one ono .no onon on nnn one nont» enn moomn on mmonn o Z uwnnennnn non mnooon nono .nonon nn mnoeoonono nonnnomnone one..mnn.».oon mnne oooone on mnnneon nonntp no menon omone no nn nooot» one h.o>»o meno fienonnnnemnn Mnononn net» .none nobonmno one nno noon» onon no eonnoe none .o nonn mcnoa -n..»oo ooon one net» oonnm on meoonm omone no nooo ..$n.on enononmnone nnne no meoonm nonn noeennt» mnnnonoo .ooonn emnnnone nn on ooennnn o.».on oe nonoenn hone nonnt» NAG»? onB ooot» no mnoonn net» nonon wnnnnnoem an onnennnn no onoonn oonn mnne onmnnn nnem ont» onnoon mnnemnxo mnno vane Onew Omvnnnnb 0&9 ooonmnonnooe dflfi mmonobnmnmonxo men H0 5502. ennoooo no onneonoen no noneomononn one non ooonoon »noeoe mot» wwnnennnn no Unnn o nmnone .mnnE .eoo.nnnm eonnemno ono non nnnno noomonnnno on onononone nnnoo nono .ooonn no noonn ono nn mot» monnmn one neonnnoem nonnt» eoo_...no one cmennoneno no onon nonnnno and nn mo .no.»o>»on .mnne nn .mnoeo.onono onnnhnwononn neno monnwn ononnnmm mnonno.» net» noonnmoeo onnon noon o.».on nownnomn no no.$oe ono keno noonnon one no mnonnn oonoooonn ono onnenmn ononeon n,onn>.mm< enonono one mnonno. voemnno neononowono hnoeonnnene mo? en nonnt» nonn monnnonnnn one eone mnoonn obon ot» 30% wmmonn one nnonn nownmmn mot» noon emnn one oonnm neomnonw wnnbon mnoom noonnennn nnon mnno nnmn -no nnonoonn nmnobneononnnoo no on unnennnn no end onn. ononenobnn nonnnn no no ewoeoonm one ooenooemo oon Eooennoonn moon nonnt» ono swnnennnn mwonn -noeeon neonoo mnononom .mon»e onno>onn net» meoonm not mnoon no mnnennnn one onnnooon. oe ..»on o»on ono. ..mnnnnon.wonen oonoo onoew nnonn mnonm -m®nQan no mnnnoe one nono doeonn nooem ono nonnoo oo>on.wno no mnnennnn one .mon%e onnobonn net» mnoon no wnnennnn one moleno enoenonnnn mnne no monononn eonneonn. nonobom ono ononn. oonoemnnm noneo and no nonon no .oonn.wnn no mnoeoonono enonn xmnonmoonnnnn wneonoonn no eno one on oznsznnm .NH .O.Z_ BZHOAH w oenn eno one ooonoonenn noexoo noon onnom one enono ono mmooonn noneo ono nno.» ono omone oonooon noon en Ewe oe mnoneonnn ooneno noenonnenoo noneo ono ,mn=oE nmnnom .nonn.>n ooonononn .oonno> oonnom oe ooonoexo mot» eno one ononon ooenoono mot» mnnennnn onont» mooonn one mnnoennmnonn ono nnonnoomn ono ..wn:nwonem ooonomonn .noemoO hn mnnennnn mnnoo no mnonnnoonm nonannm onoo nonenono»on net» ..»onm ono o>nomonn nnnonnoonn eo noenmn one .oono>oo one noon o»on .oonohon>n eo mmonn on no oonoonn one nwnonnoenw no nnot» one no mnonnnoono noneo onnom onnnmn mnne moonmomn ononoo nn non one net» ooenoono wnnon mnoenono one no mnoeeon nonennn one onnnnoo onnnoo hounm nn oenono o on en .onnonno» ono onon Emnnooooxo ono nonnt» no monnoo nonnnmn o wnnennnn nn ooooooonm wnonnoenmn mmwn ono omen noot»eomn om: nn oenonenn ennnomnnonn nn mnnot» one onnnnomon Eomono oneonm nonnt» mnoon oonoonn oe wot» onoennnn emnnn one no mnnno eoonm one no ono ono finonnnownone ».n own nn mnoeeon noonn one oonnnnomon monme noeonn owone no eoonnoo onn. ooonnoonenn mot» noeonn nn nnone wnnewoo no ooneoonn one noow enn $0003 no ono...» ooemonn -nno emnn monme onn. .eno nnone wnneoonmon oonnoennonn emnn eo mnoeno»nn neon nonnt» moonoom one ono noonnon one eo mmonmonn nonoom nononoo one net» enoewnmnoo wnnon mnoone o nonwlamnmnoonoennnnnm emonno ooonn mot» ».no>oo ono one smennnononn no nn emnnnon wnonnoenmn one no nownonnwnow nnonon. no nnonon no mnonnnow one ono .noemoO oononnoun no no>on nn noennn one kn ooemoenoo on eno mnono»nonn eon onnnnnw one no mnnno»oomno one no enoono onn. .owon mno>o non monnme no mnoonn Bon mnneeno no nonon onnonnnnoenn one .wnnono»o nmnonone pnnot» o no womon one nonwmooono nn mnnnnnon ono ,enonn -omnonnoon no onnonoo on oe mo ow cfioeononom eononnno one no noeoonono no noeeon hno»o mnnnnnon no eone mot» mno»oowno eoonw onn. ennonn oneen mot» onone one no nn enmn gmnnenoo nenooennon one no ono one wonokoe ononnmn nn own nn mot» .meoo.nnnm nonoennnom no wonneonn oonn ono wonoo mnnmonn no none oooonn one non dnoonn net» wnnennnn no onnn nonnnnm 4 onnmmonn no oonw -oo nononn one net» no»o oommon on nmnnn o .en o>ono oooonn hnnnonoo nonon one ono .no onon on nnn one nont» eon “com: on mmonn o Z .mo.o.on noeent» ono onone mo znomwooon ono meonnoe nmnonn mo snot» onne nn .o£e9.En non zooon ono nonon nn wnoeoonono oonnnomnone one wnteoon onne “oooone on wnnneon nonnt» nonn wenon omone no nn ooot» one mot»o meno .meno_n:nemnn nononn net» none no»onwno one ono nooot» onon no eonnoe nnne o non: .mnono>»n..»oo ooon one net» oonnw on meoonm omone no nooo wnonon enonononone nnne no meoonm nonn noeennt» mnnnonoo ooonn emnn one nn in neoennnn o>on oe nenoenn hone nonnt» nnot» onn. ooot» no mnoonn net» nonon mnnnnnoem an wnnennnn no ooonn oonn mnne onmnnn nnem ont» onnoon mnnemnwo Eno one ono ooonnno onn. .mmon -m=onooe ono mmonofiwnonwo men no neon ennoooo no 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one .mon.».e onno»oon net» mnoon no wnnennnn one moleno enoenonnen mnne no wonononn eonnemno nono>om ono ononn. oonoemnnm noneo mno no nonon no .monn.w_n no on oeoonono nnonn ononmwonnoen wnnonoonn no eno one on ozneznmm dn .O.7H HZHOW w onnoeqn non. 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nmeoonnnm nonnennnom no wonoeonn ounn mono mnonoo manna no noneonnoonn one non nmnoonn an mnn ennnn no nonen Hmnnnm 4 onnmmonn no oonwono nononn one net» no>o wommon on nmnnn o “en obono noooonn bnnnonoo nonon one nono no Eon mn nnn one non? enn wnoomn on mmonn o Z .mo.won noeenntp ono onone m.o emnommooon ono meonnoe hnonn mo mos» mnne nn swnnennnn non mcoon nono .nonon nn mnoeoonono noonnnomnone one mnnboon mnne fiooone mn wnnneon nonnnr no menon omone no nn cook one monwo meno nmenonnnnemnn . nononn net» .none nobonwno onennono fiootn nonon no eonnoe nnne o non: .mn.noBnBono ooon one net> ionnw we meoonm omone no nooo mnonon enononmnone nnne no meoonm non: noeenntw bnnnonoo nooonn emnn one n in nooennnn o>on oe nonoenn hone nonntw nnotp on.H .n.ooB no mnoonn net.» nonon wnnnnnoem an mnnennnn no onoonn ononn mnne onmnnn new on? onnoon mnnemnno boo one ono omonnnO on_n.. omonmnonvoe ono mmononnmnonno men no neon ennoooo no .onneonoen no noneowononn one non mmonomn mnoeoe woke mwnnenenn no cnnn o nwnone emnnrd .eoo.nnnm eonnemec ono non Eno noomonnnno on onononone nnnoo mono ooonn no noonn ono nn won» monnwn one noonnnoem nonntn eoonno one unenndneno no onon nonnnnm mno nn mo n.H@>0bPOn nmnne nn onoeoonono onnnmnwononn cno monnmn ononnnmm mnonnob net» noonnnoem nonnon noon o>on nonmnom no not>oe mono keno noonnon one no mnonnn uomooownn nono onnenmn .mnone -on non.nmmm< enonono one wnonno coemnno cononoboc mnoeonnenn wok. en nonnnw nonn monnnonnnn one eone mnoonn o>on on» eon $8.3 one nnonn conmmn mo? noon emnn one oonnm noomnono wnnwon mnoom noonnonnn nnon Eno .nn.wnno nnonoonn bofieononnnoo no on wnnennnn no eno onm. .mnoneno>nn nofinn no no emoeoonw one nooonooemo on bwoennoonn monn nonntp mono mwnnennnn mmonnnoeeon uonoo mnononom .893 onno>onn net.» meoonm no mnoon no mnnennnn one onenomon. oe Eon o>on o>P ..wnnnnon.wonen conoo .onoem Sonn mnonmwonnnn no wnnnoe one nono aoeonn nooem Uno nonnoo noobonwno no wnnennnn one aonne onno>onn net> mnoon no wnnennnn one moleno enoenonnn mnne no monononn eonne one nono>om ono ononm. oonoemnnm noneo keno no nonon no .monn.wn no mnoeoonono nnonn ononmmonnnn wnnonvonn no eno one mn ozneznnnn .OH .02 aznonn b mnonn non. nan MHOOM .m 026. V mmononn eo.». onnnnnm mnne no wnnno>oomno one no ennono on.n.. omon hno>o non mo.n.».e no mnoonn n»on wnneeno no nonon onnonnnnoenn one wnnnno>o no ..onone .nnot» o no mowon one nonmmooonm nn wnnnnnon nno .enonnownonno -on no onnonoo on oe mo om ..n.3o.Sn$ eononmno one no noeoonono no noe -eon .\».no>o mnnonnon no eone mot»..mno>oomno eoonw onm. .ennonn oneenn mot» onone mnne no nn enm .n.:5:8 nenooennon one no nno one mnno>»oe omonnmn nn omn nn mot» .meoonnnm nonnemnnom no monneonm onnn nno mcnoo ofinonn no noneonnonm one non .mnoonn kn wnnennnm no cnnn nonnnnnm 4. onnmmonn no oonwon nonnonm one net» no>o nommon mn nmnnn o nen obono cooonm Mnnnonoo nomon one nno no Eon mn nnn one nonn» enn moomn mn mmonm o Z mowom noeennt» ono onone mo nanommooon ono meonnoe hnonn mo wmot» mnne nn .mnnennnnn non mnoon ono .nonon nn mnoeoonono oonnnom unone one wnrwoon mnne noooone mn wnnneon nonnt» no menom wmone So nn noot» one .mot»o mend .menonnnnemnn nomonm net» .none nobonbno one Uno nooon» nonon no eonnoe nnne o nomn .mnnot»n»Ron ooon one net» .83» mn meoonm omone no nooo mnomon enononmnone nnne no meoonm nomn noeennt» nnnnonoo ooonn nmnn one on on oofinnn gone 8 oooean none non? nnot» onm. noot» no mnoonn net» nomonn wnnmnnoem an wnnennnn no onoon onnn mnne onmnnm nnnem ont» onnoonn wnnemnxo mnno one ono omonnnc onn. omonmnonnoe ono mmonofimnomxo men no neon ennoooo no onneonoenn no noneomomonm one nonmmonomn .333 mot» .on_.o:nn no Unnn o nmnone ..mnnB .eooE:m eonnemnno ono non mnno nonmonnnno on onononone nnnoo ono ooonm no noonn ono nn mow» monnwn one nomnnoem nonnt» eoo._.n.o one ,n..:=n.noo no onnon nonnnnnm .»no nn mo .no»on»on .mnne nn .mnoeoo unono onnnnnmnwononn nno monnwnn ononnnmm mnonnon» net» Uonnnoem nnnon noon o»on nonnmnom no no..»oe coo neno ooaon one no mnonnn oonoooo unn nno onnenm mnoneon nonnnmmmn enonono one wnonno noemnxo nomo unoboc nmnoeoonnenn mot» en nonnt» nonn monnnonnnn one eone mnoonm o»on ot» eon». Mmmonm one nnonn oonmmn mon» noon emnn one oonnm nommono .wnn>on mnoonm noncnnn nnon bno .nn.wnno nnononn mnofieonomnnoo no mn wnn uennnm no eno onnu .mnoneno>nn.nonnnn no no emoeoonw one noonnooemo on .».ncoenno.©nn nnonn nonn...» nno .o£_Enn mmonnunoeeon oonoo nmnononow .mo9me onno»onn et» meoonm no mnoon no mnnennnnn one onnnomon oe >»on . .o>on o 3 umnnn onwonenn nonnoo .onoem nnonn mnonmmonmnnn no mnnnoe one nno .moeonm nooem nno nommoo nobonwno no wnnennnm one .mom.me onno :58 net» mnoon no mnnennnm one molueno enoennomnnn mnne no moononomn eonnemnn nononwom ono ononm. oonoemnnm noneo .»no no nonon no .monn.o_n no mnoeoonono Bonn .mnonmmonmnnn wnnonnonnn no eno one mn oznaznnm .mn Oz nnnnom b one noonnnnomon monne noeonn omone no emonnoo onfi nooonnonenn mot» noeonn nn nnone mnnemoo no ooneoonn one noom eon nooot» no onon» oononnono emnn monne on»... .eno nnone wnneoonmon oonnoennonn emnn eo mnoeno»nn neon nonnt» noonoom one ono oonnon one eo mmonwonn nonoom nononow one net» enoemnmnoo mnnon nnoone o nonmlbmnoonoe nnnnm emoono ooonn mot». nno»oomn. one cmennnononn no nn cnnnon wnnnnoenw one no nomnonnmnow nnonon. no nnonon no mnonnnomn one ono .noemoO oononnon no no»on nn noenmn one nn ooemoenoo mn eno mno_o»nonn eon onnnnnm mnne no wnnno»oomno one no ennoono on,H omon nno»o non monne no mnoonn t»on mnneeno no nonon onnonnnnnoenn one wnnno»o nnonone inon» o no momon one nonmmooonm nn mnnnnnon nono Jnonnownonnoon no onnonoo on oe mo om snoeononom eononnno one no noeoonono no noeeon nno»o mnnnnnon no eone mo...» nno»oomno eoonw on.H .ennonn oneen mot» onone mnne no on enm nnnnenoo nenooennon one no ono one mononsoe ononnmn nn om: nn mot» ,meoo.mnnm nonnennnom no monneonn oonn ono monoo wnnnonn no noneonoonn one non nmnoonn .3 wnnennnn no onnn nonnnnm < onommonn no oonmoo nononn one net» no»o oommon mn nmnnn o .en o>ono oooonn Ennnonoo nonon one nono no Eon mn nnn one nont» enn moomn mn mmonn o Z .mo.won noeennn» ono onone mo nnommooon ono meonnoe nnonn mo dot» mnne nn .wnn ennnn non nnooon ono nnonon nn mnoeoonono noonnnomnone one mntoon mnne noooone mn wnnneon nonnn» nomenon omone =o nn n.oo»» one mono meno smenoonnnemnn nononn nenne .none no»onwno one Mono .39.» onon no eonnoe nnne o non: .monot»n>»on ooonone net» noon o mn meoonm omone no ooo mnonon enononmnone nnne no meoonm no o noeennt» nnononoo ooonn emnn one nn .mn nooennnn o»on oe onoenn none nonnn» nnot» onm. nooot» no mnoonn net».nonon wnnnnnoem nn wnnennnm no ooonn oonn mnne onmnnn nnem ont» onnoon mnnemnno nnno one ono omon .no one. omonmnonnoe ono mmonofimnonno men no neon ennoooo no nonneonoen no noneowooonn one non mmonomn bnoeoe mot» .mnnennnn no onnn o nwnone .mnn,H eoonnnm eonnemno ono non nnno nononnnno on onononone nnnoo ono .ooonn no noonn ono nn mot» monnwn one oonnnoem nonnt» eoonno one cnennoneno no onon nonnnnm nno nn mo .no>ot»on .mnne nn .mnoeoonono onnnnnwononnnmn nno monnmn ononnrnm mnonno» net» oonnnoem onnon noon o»on non nomn no no.t»oe nno neno oonnon one no mnonnn noonoooonn ono onnenmn .mnoneon nonnnmmn enonono one wnonno ooemnxo%onono>on Eoeonneno mot» en nonnn» non: monnnonnnn one eone mnoon o>on on» eon mmmonn one nnonn oonmmn mot» noon emnn one oonnm oomnono wnn»on mnoom oonnonnn noon bno xnwnno nno -oonn nnofieononnnoo no mn mnnennnn no eno onm. .mno_eno»nn nonnnn no no emoeoonm one noonnooemo on nwooe nononn nonn nonnn» ono uonnennnn mmonnnoeeo noozoo nnonono .m ne onno>onn net» meoonm no mnoon no wnnennn one onnnomoo oe Bbfi o»on one.» onnnnonw one: oonoo .onoem nnonn mnonmmonnnnn no wnnnoe one ono .moeonn nooem ono nonnoo no»onwno no wnnennnn one .monne onno»onn net» mnoon no wnnennno one moleno enoenoonnn mnne no monononn eonnemno _ono»om ono ononfl oonoemnom noneo nno no nonon no .monnmn no mnoeoonono nnonn ononmmonnnn mnnoooonn no eno one mn oznaznnm in .02 HZHOAH h .mnonn MOM. nzn MOON .0 QZ< V mmoci NMW dmermm Q21 mQm> we onot» eomeneeno ewnn 39$ onm. .ene nnone. wnn eeoamon weonneennenn emnnw ee mneeno»nn neon nennt» meoneom one none dennom one ee mmonmenm neneem nenonow one net» enoemnwnee wnnon. mneone e nenmlmnmneoneennnnnw emennne oeenn met» mnoneeemne one Sen nnnenenn ne nw pmnnnnew wnonnoenw one we nemnonwmneme nnenew. we wnenon no mnennnow one ene .noemeO oenonneww we ne»ew nn neennw one kn eoemoenee on ene mneno»nenn eon onnnnnm mnne we mnnno»eewne one we eneone onfi omen mno»o new wonme we wneenn t»on wnneene we nenen onnennnnnoenn one mnnEe»e mnonone .nnet» e we women one newmmoe -35 nn mnnnnnew ene enonnomnenneon we onnenee on ee me em 5 oeenenow eonenmne one we noeeenene no noeeon mno.»o mnnnnnew we eene met» mno»eemne eeonw onm. ennonn onee: met» onone mnne :e nn enmm pmnnenoe nenooennew one we eno one menekee omennmw nn own nn met» .meeo.mnnm nennennnem we monneonn oenn ene menee mnnmenn we neneene -enn one new .wneenn Mn wnnennnn we cnnn nennnnnm 4 onnmmonn we oonwoe nomene one net» no»e eommen mn nmnnn e .en o>ene eoeenn mnnnw -onee nomem one none no enen mn nnn one nont» enn meow: mn mmone eZ women noeennt» one onone we mnemmoeon one weonnee mnenn me Set» mnne nw uwnnennnn new neeon none .wonon nn mnoeeenene eonnnemnene one mnrweon wnne neoeene mn wnnneen nennt» no menem omene :e nn eeet» one %e>»e mene xmenonnnnemnw nonenn net» .none no»enwno one ene eeet» enen we eonnee nnne e nenn nmenet»nt»e.© ooew one net» eonnw on meoonm omone we neeo nonee enonemmnene nnne we meoonm nenn noeennt» Ewnwonee .oeeE emnn one. nn an eoennnn o»en ee enoenn none nent» nnet» onfi deet» we w eenn net» nonen mnnnnneem kn mnnennnm we oeenn oenn mnne onmnn nnem ent» onneon mnnemnxo fine one one omonnno onm. emonmneneoe ene mmonofimnonxo men we neon enneeee no onneenoen we neneewenenn one new mmonomn Eneeee met» .wnnennnm we ennn e nwnene .mnn.H .eeo_..nnm eennemne one new Ene eomennnno on onewonone nnnee ene .oeone no neenn one nn met» monnwn one neoanneem nennt» eeomne one cmennenene we enon nennnnnm mne nn we .no»o>»en .mnne nw onoeeenene ennmmnwenonn fine monnwnw enen -8? mnenne» net» eonnneem ennew noon o»en nenmnemw we not»ee none keno eonnew one we wnennn eomeeoenn one onnenmw .mneneen nenn%mm< enonene one mnenne eoemneno eoneno»oe mnoeeonnenn met» en nennt» neen wonanennnm one eene wweenn o»en 0»? eom $8.5 one nnenw eonmmn met» neon ewnn one oennm eomneno wnn»en mneoh eonennn nnew bne .nnwnne nnoeenn Eofieenemnneo we on wnnennnm we ene onfi .mneneno»nn nennnn Se we ewoeeonw one eonnooemo on Eeoenneenn menn nennt» none .wnnennnm mmonnnoeeon wonee Enenonow .mo9me onne»enn net» weoonw no mneen we wnnennnn one onnnemoe ee t»en o»en o 5? wnnnmenw one: eonnee .oneem nnenw mnenmmonnnnn we wnnnee one ene fioeenn nooem ene nomneo .©o»enwno we mnnennnm one .893 onne»enn net» mneen we wnnennnn one melene eneenemnn mnne we monenenn eennemne neno»om one ononm. oeneemnnm nonee mne no nonen no fionnmn no mnoeeenene nnenw dnenmmonmnnn mnnenvenn we ene one on ezneznmm an own aznem ... omone we emonneo onm. eoeneenenn met» neeonn nn nnone mnnemeo we oeneeenn one neew enn .6003. we onot» eomennnno emnn monme onm. .ene nnone wnneeonmon eonneennenn emnn ee mneeno»nn neon nennt» meoneom one ene neennon one ee mmonwenn nenoem nenonow one net» enoemnmnee wnnon mneone e nenmlbmneoneennnnm emenne oeenn met» %no»eomne one cmennnenonn =e nw unnnnew wnnnnoenw one we nemnon Lmneme nnenew. we wnenon .ne mnennnomv one ene .noemeO oenonned we ne»ew nn noenfi one .3 eoemoenee mn ene mneno»nenn eon one ..nnm. mnne we wnnno»eemne one we eneone onm. omen mno»o new monme we mneenn t»on wnneene we nenen onnennnnnoenn one wnne_e»e mnonone .nnet» e we women one nenmmoeonm nn wnnnnnew one swnonnownenneon we onneneo on ee we on smnoeenenom eonennne one we noeeeneno no noeeon .mno»o wnnnnnew we eene met» mno»eemne eeonw onm. .ennonn oneen met» onone mnne :e nn enm gnnnenoe nenooennew one we eno one menekee onennnn nn own nn we? .meoo.nnnw nennennnem we monneonn oenn one meneo mania we neneeneenn one new .mneenn mn wnnennnn we ennn nennnnw 4 monnwmonn we oonwoe nononm one net» no»e eommen on nmnnn e .en o»ene eoeenn mnnwonee nonen one ene ne Ben mn nnn one nont» enn meow: on mmonn eZ .mowen.noeennt» one onone me mnemmoeon one meonnee ».nenn me SE» mnne nw uwnnennnn new meeon one .wonon nn mnoeoenene eonnnemnene one wnn»eon wene reooene mn wnnneen nennt» no menen omene ne nn eeet» one me..»e mene .menonn nnemnn nomenn net» .none no»enwno one ene ..©OO>P enen we eonnee nnne e none .menet»n..»ee oeew one net» Jeonnw mn meoonm omone we neeo mnonem enonenmnene nnne we meoonm non: noeennt» mnnwoneo .oeenn emnnw one nn .wn eoennnn o»en oe enoenn hone nennt» nnet» onm. .©OO.$ we mnoenn net» nomen wnnonnneem 3 wnnennnn we oeenn oenn mnne onmnnn nnew ent» onneon wnnemneno fine one one omonnno onm. omonmneneoe ene mmonofimnonxo men we neon enneoee no .onneenoen we neneewemenn one new mmonomn mneeee met» .w£..E_nn we ennn e nwnene .mnnB .eeo.nnnm eennewne one new fine eomennnno on onewonone eneeo ene .oeonn no neenn one nn met» monnwnw one eonnneem nennt» eoonne one snennenene we enon nennnnm hne nn we .no»ot»en .mnne nw .mnoeeenene ennnhnwenonn ene monnwww enennnmm mnenne» net» eonnneem ennew noon o»en nenmnem we not»ee one mene eonnew one we mnennn eomeeoenn ene onnenmw .mneneen nennmmmea enonene one wnenne eoewnwo .©oneno»oe ».noeennenn met» en nonnt» nenn monnnonnnn one eene wweenn o»en ot» eon mmmonn one nnenw eonmmn met» neon ewnn one oonnm eomneno .wnn»en uneom eonennn nnew fine .nnwnne nno ueenn Dotneenemfiee we mn wnnennnn we ene onm. .mneneno»nn nennnn :e we emoeeonw one eonnooemo on Eeoenneenn menn nennt» one .wnn ennnn mmonnnoeeon nonee mnenonow .mo9me onne»enn net» meoonm no mneen we wnnennnn one onnnemoe ee >»en o»en o 3 swnnnnenw ..onen nonee .oneem nnenwmnenmmonannn we wnnnee one ene .moeenn nooem ene nonnee eo»enwno we wnnennnm one .moo.§e onne»enn net» mneen we wnnennnn one melene eneenennn one we monenenn eennemne neno»om one ononm. oeneemnnm nonee mne no nonee no smonnmnw no mnoeeeneno Eenw nmnenmmonmnnn wnneneenn we ene one on eznnznnm em .eZ eznem no onenn men. and Moon 31 .2 02.‘ .. wmocfl mmm .wmoEm Qzv. mom.eoE eom on9Em Ene we wE.eo>eoE© one we efleoee onh. owom m.eo>o new 899. we muneenn Bo: mEee:o we eenon onnoEE.eoeE one wEEe>o mnoeone «Meek a we woman one newmmooosm E .wEE.eew Es» eenofioweoneooe we onnomoo on ee mo em smnoeoeomom eononmno one we eoeooeono .ee eoeeon m.eo>o .wEE.eew we eone mo? e.$>o%:. eooem onm. .ew.HoE oneewn mo? onone Ene :o E esmw qweeeeoo nenooeesew one we duo one mwzoeeee omensmw E oms E woe» .meoo__n:m noesemflem we moeseofiw oven was mceoo wfiema we aemeoeeeem one new emnoenn an .mEeE.em we EEE .eonEEm 4 .o.e:mmo.em we ooemod .833 one news .eo>e common E nmsen o new o>eno cooonm mnnswoeoo nomom one and :8 E3 E nE one son? eon w com: E mmoem e Z .$o& soeeweee oeo oeone mo mnommooon oeo meonnoe MEWS mo :33 Ene aw .oEefi..a new meooe coo .wownon E meoeoooono eonflownoee one .wE>.mon mane “woeoee E .wEEee: nEnB no meeom omene So E week one >..oBo mese .me:oEe.eemE .8%.a new,» .:one en®>ew.u.wfl® 039 dead “U003 Ufimfl we eonnoe o GOQ5 .m©.eo>>qBe© ooow one net» Jeoznw E meoonm omone we nooo rang enoeom ozone Ene we meooewm men: moemwbs mnnswoeoo .ooon.w emeww one E E e.8£.a o>on ee ©:oeE eone nEnB uneeee on.H .eeeB we mnoenn net.» eomom .wEmEoem an mEeE.em we ocean ooze Ene 25:3 nnwem en? onmeom .wEeENo Eco one oeo omoEnO.on.H dmoemsesuoe E5 mmonofimnomxo mew we neen eEeeo.eo :e o.Ee -o.eoewn we aeweomomeem one new mmonom: mnnoeee mo? mEeE.E we ©EM o nmsene Enfi .eoo.3:m eoEeE© one new Ede comenmfio on oeewoeone Eseo end .823 no noenn one E mo? mo.E.wew one eomfioem newnee eoonne one snewswweno we Enoe eomfiwm ado E mo ..eo>oBen Ene aw .m.eoeoo.eono ownmmnwenown was moeswnw Enen -8? m=E.eo> news weomueoem Eeee noon o>on nenmnom we eokee mend memo @®dH..ww 0&9 we munefln do _mO®.©fi.D .©fi...v. o.Eenm.n .m:Eeo: :E.rmmm< enoweao one .w_eeEo coemflmo uomeno>oc mnoeofiwens mo? E nEnB neg: monEoE.em one eone mweenm okon o3 eom $35 one Eeew ©o:mE Q95 uneen e.aEw one ooEm eommono mE>on meoom weoecnsn Eeew fine .£m..ao a.eo.©eE mnofieoeomaeo we E m&..§.a we ego onm. .mnEe:o>E doeesn no we emoeooem one woneooemo on Eeoensewens >.oE nEnB duo .wEeE.em mmo.5-.eoeeon wonnoo Enoeonom emomme onno>eE new? meoonm .ee mneen we mEeE.e.w one onweomoe ee Be: o>on o B .m:E.e§oo£: 82.8 soaoem Eenw m:ewmmo.a:E we wEunoe one end moeonm nooem ES $.58 eo>o.e.w:o we ofiefia one .893 onno>eE news mxeen we we: -eE.:w one moleeo enoeeemfiw Ene we monononn ewEem:e no.eo>om oeo o.eonE .oo:oemn:m eonee has .ee eomonn no moeswn .ee meoe oonono Eenw finewmmonmfiw o£26o.a we ego one E ozeazemm .OH .Oz BZHOAH m we .ee.§w E noesnw one mn neoemoeaeo E ens msenoeeoa eom oEeEm mwne we wE.eo>eomw.© one we eweoeo onm. $3 ~m.H®»?® new 889 we mneenn 30¢ wEee=o we eenon onnoEE.eoeE one wEEe.E kmnoeone Joe? a we mowom one newmmooosm E wEE.eew can oeeoeeoweoeeooe we onnomoo on ee mo em cmnoeoeomom eononmno one we noeeoeono ee eoeeon mnoeo wEE.Hew we eone woos kneoeeomww eooew onH .eEoE. oneen mo? oeone Ene :o E esm .>..Se:oo neeooeesew one we Eeo one mneeofiee omeesmw E om: E mo? “meoonneem n.«.EeE.eom we moeseonn oven was mneeoo wsaaa we deneosweenm one new “mnoenn K3 .wEeE.:n we eEn .eonEEm 4 .o.e=m.mo.:n we ooewow. .533 one new? no.5 weommom E nmeen o E opens weooonm mnnswonoo .523 one need do Eon E nE one son? eon meow: E mmoem e Z .8m& eoeewrs oeo oeone mo meommooo: oeo meonnoe mesa mo fix? mwne on $35.5 new meson woo .wono.e E m.eo_eoEono woonweomeoee one o5.:§ mene neoooee E wEnee: nownee me $23 omene :o E wee? one moko meso .me:oE:.eemE .§eo.a new? done .$.§w§ one was deep» Eon we eonnoe o Ea: flmeeaksekewe ooow one new? neosnw E meoonw omone we nooo 5&3 enonommqoee Ene we weoonm :2? eoeewbs mnnswoeoo “ooonm emenw one E E w.oeE.:w ovon ee wEoeE >.one own...» neeee on,H .600»? we mnoenn news .$%o wEmEoew mn EeE.:w we ocean ooze mene 25:5 nmem en...» onmeoe. wEemwMo Ede one oeo omoEnO onm. omoamsegoe coo mmodotmnomxo mew we neon eeseooo me flonseoeoen we §_.§w&o.a one new mmonom: mnnoeee mo? oae£.a we w.En o nwsene .En,H .eoo_.n=m eoEem€ one new fine 38 an -Eo on oeewoeone Eseo was ooonw .ee noenn one E mo? won: me one neomanoem noun? eoo_..ne one .>..eEEe:o we onoe eomawm was E mo ..eo>o?en Ene an .m.eoeoo.§no ownmmnwepomn ES moesmmw ewnenebmm mseweoe news neoanaoem Eeeew aoon o>on newmnomw we eoeeee wees mewo w.oEow one . e mnowen weomooowees was oEeemw oeeweoa eE.:mmm< eaowoeo one eemeo neoemwxo eomenoeoe mnoeone gen: mo? ew nownew dean: monEoEEw one eone mweeem obon o? eom $8.5 one Eeew weosmmw mo? neon emhw one ooEm weommono. mE.En meson woeeeen Eew fine .EwEe deoweefi Eoheoeomfieo we E waofia we end onm. .m:Ee:o.eE eoasn no we emoeooew one neodeooemo on mneoenseenee >..oE nownee was . EeE.a mmoem seoeeon weonnoo mnnoeonow .393 onnoeene nets, weoonm .ee mneen we m.E£.a one onweomoe ee Be: oeon o be .wEnmo.ewene: neonnoo ooneem Eeew m:Ewmo.:wEw we $63 one woo woeonm nooem was eommeo %eo.§.e.w=o we maofia one .mom>.e onnoeeee nets mneen we wEeE.e one moleeo eeoeeemfiw mwne we mononoen eoEemme noeoeom oeo o.eon.H .oo=oemn_em eonee moo .8 eomom no .mo.Ew_w ee meoe ooeono Eeew .mn2m$.a§ wEoE.e.:n we eeo one mm ozeezemm no .O.7H HZHOAH w .mme<,e mew QZAN MHOOM .8 QZ< v mmoo now momkme mo mnoonn neon wneeeno mo nonoe oenon ennnoene one .wneeoeo>o mnonone .nno3 o no mowone one noemmoo -onm ne mnennnoe eono eenonnownonnoon no oenoaeoo on oe mo om smnoeononeom eononmeo one no noeoonono no noeeoe n85 mnennnon mo eone mo? mnoboomeeo eoonw onuu .eenoS.. oeeeee mo? onone mene no ne enm qmnnenoo nenooennoe one no ono one mnononpoe omoanmm ne omn ne mo? .meoo.nnnm eonnemenom no monneoem oeonn ono monoo mnenmnn no noeeonmoonm one now wneenenm no onen noeennem 4 onnmmonm no oonmoe. nomonoe one nee?» no>o noommon me nmnnn o nee ®>OQd woooem meenmonoo nomom one end .no neon me nne one non? enn meoomn me mmonae o Z .mo.wom noeeenzw ono onone mo nmnommooon ono meoenoe emnonn mo So? mene nn ...wn.eenenm noe emeooon mono neoenon ne mnoeoonono conenomnone one mneboon mnne fiooone me mneneon noennw no menom omone no ne woo? one emozwo meno .menonnnnemne noneonm nee? .none no>on.wno one mono €095 onon no eoenoe nene o nomn .m~ono.$nBoe. ooom one nee? .eoone.w me meoonm omone mo nooo xenon enonommnone nene mo meoonm nomn noeeennw hneneonoo 633 emnn one ne “me eooenenn o>on oe eonoe -ne hone noenkw MTHOEV onfi .uoo3 no mnoonn nee? nomom wne Aennoem emn wneenenne no owonn ounn mene onmnnm eeeem on? onmoom wneemeno ennno one ono omoneno on,H mmonmnoeeooe ono mmon -o>emnoneNo mee no neon ennoooo no onneonoeen mo noeeowomeonm one now mmoeomn nnaeoe mo? ..mEenenn no wnen o nmsofi mean. .eoo_Hnnm eoneemeeo ono now emeno coenoemnno on onoeonone ennoo ono .oooe.e no noonn ono ne mo? monnrwee one eoomnnoem noennw eoo.nno one sneeneoeeno no oeeon noeennem mno ne mo eno>o>>on .mene nH mnoeoonono oennfimewonoen ono monswn oeeonnbmm mnoeno> nee? eoomnnoem onnom noon obon nonmnom mo no>>oe ono emeeo connom one eo mnoenn eoomooownn ono oneenmn mnoeeon noenmmmn enoeono one wnonno ooemeno coneoeoboeo emnoeonneeen mo? ee noenzw non: moemeonenn one eone meoonm obon one eom mmmonm one nnonm noonmme mo? noon emnnce one oonem noomneoeo wnebon mnoom eooneo -nnn nnoe nno enemeno nnouonn mnobeeonomnnoo no me wneenenm mo eno onm. .mnoeeno>ne nonnnn no no emoeoonm one eoonnooemo on nmnnooennovnn nmonn noen>> mono nwneenenne mmonmnoeeon eooeeoo heeononow .mo9me oenobonn nee>> meoonm no mnoon no ..wneenen.m one oneonmoo oe neon obon o 3 ..wnen.eon.woneen Uoneoo .onoem nnonm mnoemmonmnne no wnenoe one eono .moeoen eooem eono nommoo eoo>on.wno no mneenenn one .899. onno>onn nee?» mnoon mo .wne enenn one mouieno enoenonnne mene no monononn eoneemeeo eonobom ono ononm. oonoemnnm noneo and no noneom no .mon5.wn no mnoe oonono nnone mnoemmonmane wneoneoonm no end one me ozneznnm fin .O.Z HZHOW w oononnmn no noeme ne noenfi one .3 eooemoenoo me eno mnono>nmnn eon oennnem mene no mnenonoomev one no eeeoono onm. .o.wmn n.$$ noe monme no mnoonn Ron mneeeno no nonme onnmnennnoene one .wnee.eo>m mnonone .nnoB o no momon one noemmooonm ne wnennnon ono .enonnomn_m.enmon no onnonemo on oe mm om cmeoemnonom eononneo one no noeomnmno no noeeoe n.§5 mnennnoe no eone mo? emno>oomee. eaonm onm. .eenonn oneeen mo? onone mene no ne enm cmnnenoo nenooennoe one no ono one me.n.S$oe ononnm ne om: ne mm? .meoo.m -nnm eonnenenom eo monneoen oeonn eons meonmo wnemmen no noeeonc .93 one noe .mnoonn an wneenenn eo unen noeennem em onnmmonn no oonmono nononn one neek no>o common me nmnnn m .ee o>onm ooooen meeneonmo nonmn one eons .no wean me nne one nonk enn meoomn me mmonn o Z .$m& noeeenk ono onone mm mnommooon ono meoenoe mnonn mo .n§ mene nn .m§E.:n non n32 ono eeoeeon ne mnoeomnmno oonenomnmne one wneeooe mnne nooomne me wneneon noenk no menmn omone eem ne woo? one moses menu menonnnnemne nononn nee? nwne no>on.m.no one eons. .eoooB vnon no eoenme nene o nonn .meono3nBoeo oome one nee? noonnw me meoonm omone no nooo rang enononmnmne nene eo meoonm non: noeeenk meeneonmo noooen emnn one ne .me doenenm o>on oe nonoene hone noenk nnok onfi noook no mnoonn.neeB nonon wnennnmem an mneenenn eo ovonn ocnn mene onmnnn eeeem on? oenoon wneemeno meno one on» omoneno oneh mmonmnoedoe ono mmono>emno.aNo mee no neon ennooom no .onne onoeee no noeeomononn one noe mmoeomn mnoeoe mo? mwneenenn no cnen a nwnone .men,H , .eoo_..nnm eoneemed ono noe keno domoennno on onoeonone ennoo eon.» .oooen no noonn ono ne make monerwn one connnoem noenk eooeno one cmeenweeno eo oeeon nmeennem emno ne mo .no>o.$on .mene na mnoeoonmno oennmewonoen eons monnwn oeeon nnmm mnoeno> nee? eoonnnoem eonnoe noon o>on noemnom no nokoe ono meeo eoonnoe one eo mnoenn eoommooenn eons oneenmn mnoeemn noenemmmew enoeono one wnonnm doemexo e.onoeo>oe. meoeonneeen mo? ee noenB non: moeneonenn one emne meoonn o>.mn one eom mmmonm one nnone eoonmme mm? noon emnee one oonem eoomnmeo .mne>on mnmom eeoncnnn nnoe meno enemeno nnoeoonn meo>ee.mn.mnnnoo eo me wneenenn no end onm. .mnoeeno>ne nmnnnn no no emoeoonm one oonnooemo on mncoennodnn mane noenk ono .m.fiE.a mmonnnoeeoe voeeoo meeononom .393 onnm>onn nee? meoonm no mnoon. no wneenenn one onenomoc oe Bon o>.mn o 3 ..wnennmn.woneee voeeoo .onoem nnone mnoemmonnnne eo wnenae one eons “moemen eooem eonm nonnoo eoo>on.wno eo mneenenn one .893 onn.m>onn neek mnoon no wne -enenn one mm|enm enaenomnne mene no mononmnn eoneemeeo emno>om ono ononH. oonmemnnm noneo ans no nonone no emonnwn no mnoe oonmno nnone anoemmonnnne mneoneoonn eo ens one me oznnnnnnm .2 .02 nznon m .mnonn mom QZ4q+ Moon 33 .9 02¢. .. mmwei mum .mmoEn. QZ< wQm® wew moewe we mnoewn Bee meeeeee we wenee oenee eewwoeew one meewweeee mnowone enwewe e we women one eewmmee -eem ew weeewwew wee eeeoewomeewweow we owneeee on ee we em cnoeeweeom eonenewe one we woeeeweno we woeeon mwo>o weeewwew we eene mew» mwoweemew eeoww onm. ewwoew oeeen we? owone owne ne ee eem pwweeeoe neeooeweew one we wee one mwweweee oeewemm ee owe ee me? .meoo.3em neweeeewem we moweeewe owew wee mwwee wewwewe we eeeeeewewe one wew emneewn an meweeewe we ween weneenm 4 owemoowe we oowmow woeewe one news wowe wommee we nmewn e .ee owene wooewe wnewewee wonee one wee ee ween me new one eonB een wwooe we moowe e Z eowee eoeeewze owe owone me wweomoeoe owe meownee weeew we Sew» owne ea .weweeewe wew wweow wee .wonow ew mwoeeewene woneweeeewe one weweeow mene eweeewe we wewneee newnk ee mewee ooene ne ee wee? one mewee weee eeeoewewemew woeewe news .eene wowewweo one wee .weew> wwen we eonnee eene e eeee .mwweB -eBe.w oeew one news ewoeww we meoonm omone we neeo eoeee eeoweemeewe ewne we meeonm eeee eoeeewwe bwewowee eoeeee emwww one ee new woeeewn o>en ee weoeee none neenee nwewp onB .wee>e we mnoewn news wonee weeeweeem. en weweeewe we oweew owew mene oemwee nwem enee oweeoe mewemeno nee one owe omoeeno onfi emoeoeewwoe wee mmoeofimeoexo mew we neen eeeeeee ee .oweeewoen we eeeeeweeewe one wew mmonome nneeee mew» ..weweeewe we ween e nmeene eeee. .eeo.3eo eeeeemww oee wew bee weweneewo onewewowone wneee wee .oeoee we neenn oee ee me? mowemw one woeeweem neenwe eeowne one weeeeee -ee we enow weweeem wee ew we .wo>oBen mene ew ewoeeewene ewnefiwewoen wee mowemw enenewwm meewwe> new.» woeeweem weeew eoon o>en eewwnem we wokee wee wweee woewew one we mnewwn woweoowee wee oweeenm eeeeeee eewwwmwew eeoeeee one weeewe woemeno woeeno>ow boeeweeewe me? ee nownk eeee mowe . eeewwe one eene mweewe o>en o3 eow wmmoweone eweww woeomw mew.» neen emwww one oeewo womeeno .wee>en mweow wewween weew Eee .ew.mewe ewoweew wnoeeweeweeeweo we we meweewwe we ewe on.w.. .meeeeeo>ee eeewen ne we emoeeoww one woewooemo on bwoeneew -ee weew newnee wee ..wee.eeewe moowewoeeee wonee weeweeoe “wonee oene>eee news oeoenm we oneen we weeeeewe one onewemow 8 E5 o>en oee eefieeweoeee eoeeo eeoem ape Seem ooweewe we meenee one wee nmoeene eooem wee woeeee weeeewm -eo we meweewwe one aeewe owne>eew news oneen we weeeewwe one melewe eeeeweeen mene we meneeewn eeeweoew eewowom owe owonfi eeeeeonem wonee wee we woeee ee eoweww we mwoeee -weno Seww eeeemmoweewe weeeewewe we ewe one we ezwazwem .3 .OZ ezeem e Aeem emeene oweew me? ..mwo>eem._w one ..e.enenenewe ne ew umnweew wwoneoeew one we .nemwowwmee.® eeenew. we wnenon ee meeewwomw one mn wee .woeoeO ooeoweeww we we>ew ew neeemw one an woemoeeee we ewe meeno>weew eo>. oneenw one we .weewo>eomww one we ewwowo onm. omen mwo>o wew moeme we mneewn wpoe weweeee we wenen onneewewwoeew one wewwwe>e emnowone .nweB e we women one eewmmoeeem ew weeewwew wee eeoewoweewweow we onneeee on ee we em mmwoeeweeow eonenene one we woeoewene we woeeow .mwo>o meeewwew we eene me? mwokeeemww eeowm onfi ewwoew oneen me? ewone mwne. ne ew eem nmweeeoe neeooeweew one we wee one mwwewvee oeewemw ew oee ee me? .meee.—.nem. neweewwwwem we moweeewww owew wee mwwee e£.§e we eeweeewewww one wew “mneenn .3 meweewwww we ween wewewwm < ewemmowe we oowwow wonewn one new? wo>e wommem we nmewn e eew o>ene woeewe mnewowee women one wee ee ween me new one eon? een mwome we mwowe e Z eowem eoeewwwp owe owone we mwemmoooe owe meonnee Lmeewe we ..meB mwne ew .weeeewwm wew mweow wee ewonow ew mwoeeewene wonwwemeewe one e£.§e mene .wooewe we wewneee nownk eewwe mewee omene :e ee wee»? one mewpe meeo eeeoewewemee womewe new? .eone wo>ewweo one wee wee? wwen we eon nee eene e eeee ewwewpeeeew oeew one new? woeww we meoonm omone we neeo mwomee eeoweeweewe ewne we meoenm eemwe eoeewwww bnewewee hoeene emww one ee aw woeewwnn o>en Qe weoeew hone neenwp nwe? ones wee? we mneewn new? women meweeweem .3 meweewwn we oweew. owew mwne oemwem nwem en? oewweoe meeemwxo bee one owe omoewno onm. emoemeeewoe wee mmoeofimeoexo we we neen eeeeeee ee .oweeewo en we eeweeweeewm one wew mmowome zneeee me? cweweewwm we ween e nweene .menB .eeo enem eeewewww oee wew knee womewefio on owewowone wneee wee .oeowww we neewn oee ew me? mowemww one womeweem newnwp eeonne one mmeweeeeee we enow wewenm nee ee we .wo>oBen ewne ew ewoeeeweno ewnmemwmewown wee mowemn enenewmm meewwe> new? woeeweem weeew eoon o>en eewmnemw we wo.$ee wee mewe woewew one we mnoewn womeeowee wee owweemw eeeeeee eeewmmmww eeeweee one meeewe woemwno woeeeo>ow Eoeeenene me? ee newnwp eeme monmweewwww one eene mweewe o>en o3 eom mmmowe one eweww woemmw me? neen emww one oeeem wommewo meween mweom wowween weew bee eewmwwe ewoweew booeweewewwweeo we we weeeewwn we ewe onB .meeweeo>ew eeewen :e we emoeeowm one woewooemo on bwoeneewee .w.eew newnww wee uweweewwe moowwwwoeeon wonee mnewoeow eoewe oene>eew new»? meoonm we mneen we weweeewm one onwwemow ee Bee .o>en oer» uwewneeww -enen wonee .oeeem eweww meewmmoween we wewnee. one wee eoeeww noeem wee wowwmee wo>ew.weo we weweewwe one dowwwe owne>eew new? mneen we meweewwe one melewe eeeeweewen mwne we moneeewn eeewemww wewo>om owe owonfi oeeeemnem wonee nee we women ee .mowe.ww we mwoeeewene eweww eeeemmowwweew wewoewewe we ewe one we ezwezwem .m~ .O.z BZHOAH w eeeee MHOHV eze MHOOM .9 QZ< V WNGSK WNW nwmonmm Q21 womwozcfim .mo3<.: QOK nnonon no mnonnnomn one nono .noemoO oononnon no nobon nn noennn one 3 nooemoenoo on eno mnono>nonn eon onnnnnnm mnne no .wnnno>oomnne one no enneono onm. owonn mnobo non 893 no mnoonn Bon mnneeno no nonon onnonnnnnoenn one mnH6no>o mnonone .nnoB o no momon one nonmmooonm nn wnnnnnon nono nnonnownonnoon no onnomoo on oe mo om .n§fi3$ eononnno one no noeoonono no noeeon mno>o mnn -nnno.n no eone mo? .mno>oomnn. eoonw onfi ennonn oneen mo? onone mnne no nn enmn pmnnenoo nenooennon one no nono one mnononpoe ononnmn nn own nn mo? .m.eoonnnm nonnennnom no monneonm ononn nono mnonoo wanna no noneonnoonnn one non anoonn mn wnnennnnn no nonnn nonnnnm 4 onnmmonn no oonwon. ..no.non.n one new.» no>o noommonn on nmnnn o .en o>ono neooonn mnnnnonoo nonnon one ono no nonon on nnn one non? enn “com: on $25 o 2 .8o.& noeennnp ono onone mo mnommooon ono meonnoe mnonn mo So? mnne nn .wn,nennn.n non nnooon nono nonon nn mnoeoonono noonnnomnone one wnnboon mnne noooone. on wnnneon nonnk no menon omone no nn woo? one monpo meno oenonnnnemnn nononn net» .none nobonwno one nono mnooonw nonon no eonnoe nnne o noun .mnonoBnBo.© ooon one new.» neonnw on meoonm omone no nooo mnonnonn enononnmnone nnne no meoonm nonn noeennww mnnnnonoo .ooonn emnn one nn on nooennnnn o>on oe nonoenn hone nonnn.» nnonn onm. noon» no mnoonn news nononn wnnnnnoem .3 wnnennnnn no onoonn onenn mnne onmnnm nnnem on? onmoonn mnnemnwo bno one ono omonnnnn one omonmnonnooe nono wmonobnmnomwo men no neon ennoooo no onneonoenn no noneowononn one non mmonomn mnoeoe mo»? gmnnennnnn no nonnn o nwnone dnnm. eoonnnm eonnemnno ono non mnno noomonnnnno on onononone nnnoo nono ooonn no noonn ono nn mo? monnwnn one connnoem nonnB eoonno one mmenndneno no onon nonnnnnm mno nn mo .no>oBon dnne nn onoeoonono onnnmnmononn neno monnwn onnonnbmm mnonno> net» noonnnnoem nonnon noon o>on nonmnomn no nokoe nono keno noonnon one no mnonnn noomooononn ono onnenmn ononeon nonnmmmaa enonono one wnonno nooemnwo noo.nono>ono mnoeonnnenn mo? en nonnnp nonn monnnonnnnn one eone mnoonn o>on on» eon among one nnonn noonmmn mo? noon eman one oonnm noomnono wnnbon mnoom noonnonnn nnon mnno .nn.wnno nnonoonn mnobneononnnnoo no on wnnennnn no eno onm. .mnoneno>nn nonnnn no no emoeoonw one noonnooemo on mnnooennononn monn nonnnp nono nwnnennnnn mwonn noeeon noonoo mnononom .89: onno>onn nenbw meoonm no mnoon no wnnennnn.‘ one onnnomono oe Bon o>on o new .mnnnmon.wonen noonoo .onoem nnonn mnonmmonnnnn no wfinnoe one nono .moeon.n nooem nono nonnoo noo>on.wno no wnnennnn one .893 onno>onn nen? mnoon no wnnennnn one mouleno enoenonnnn mnne no monononn eonnewnn. nonobom ono ononm. oonoemnnm noneo mno no nonnonn no “wonnwn no mnoe oonono nnonn .wnonmmon.nnnn wnnonnoonn no eno one on ozneznnm no oz anon o nnonon no mnonnnow one ono nnoemoo oononnown no no>on nn noenmn one an neoemoenoomn eno mno_o>nonn eon. onnnnnm mnne no wnnno>oomnno one no ennono on.H ooa mnono non 3.5 no mnoonn Bon wnneeno no nonon onnonnnnnoenn one wnnEo>o 332: nnnok o no mowonn one nonmmooonm nn wnnnnon ono .eno.no.wnonnoon no onnomoo on oe mo om cnoeononom eononnnno one no noeoonono no noeeon »no>o wnn -nnnon no eone mo? »no>oomnne eoonw onfi ennonn oneen mo? onone mnne :o nn enmn umnnenoo nenooennon one no ono one mnonokoe onnonnmn nn own nn mo...» .me.oo.nnnm _§=_a_.§ no $.:.§n ononn ono monoo .353 no noneonnoonnn one non nmnoonn an w:___E.a no onnn nonnnnnm 4 onnmmonnn no oonwono nomonnn one new.» no>o nommom mn nmnnn o .en o>ono noooonnn bnnnonoo nonnonn one ono no So. on nnn one non? enn noomn mn mmonm o Z .wo.wo.n noeennk ono onone mo mnommooon ono meonnoe mnonn mo nip mnne nn nwnnennnnn non mooon ono .nonon_nn mnoeoonono noonnnomnone one wnrnoon mnne noooone mn wnnnewn nonnk no menon omone :o nn coo? one moko . meno aenonnnnemnn .§no.a net» «none no>on.wno one ono .nooo>» onon no eonnoe nnne o nomn nmnonoknkono ooon one net» noonnw mn meoonm omone no nooo 33% enononmnone nnne no meoonm nomn noeennn bnnnonoo nooonm emnn one nn an nooennnm o>on oe onoenn none nonnk nnok onus nooonn no mnoonn news nomonn wnnnnnnoew an wnnennnnn no ooonn ononn mnnfonwnnnn nnem on? onnoonn wnnemnno bno one ono omonnno onm. omonmnonooe ono mmonofimnonnno men no neon ennoooo no .onneonoen no noneowomonnn one non mmonomn nnoeoe £3 .w.n..E_.a no Ennn o ewsofi .m_.n_n. .e8.3=m eosemno ono non bno noomonnono on onononone Enoo ono .ooon.n no noonn ono nn mo? monnwn one noonnnnoew nonnk eoonno one .n..E&n§ no onon nonnnnnm mno nn mo ..no>oBon smnne nn onoeoonono onnmbw -ononn nono monnwnn ononnnmm mnonno> nets oonnnnoem nennon noon o>on nonmnom no nokoe ono menu noonnon one no mnonnn oomoooonn ono onnenmn ononeon nonn.nmm< enonono one wnonno nooemnno noomo -_o>oo boeonnnenn mo? en nonnne 5% .§&2__.a one eone mnoonm o>on one eon. mmmonn one nnonn noonwmn mo? noon emnnn one oonnm _.$%:. wnrwon mnoom noonnonnn nnon bno Jnwnno nnonoonn %—®>5 -ono.nnnoo no on wn.:__.a no eno on,.n.. .mnoneno>nn nonnnn :o no emoeoonw one oonnooemo on bnooennoonn nmonn nonnk ono mwnnennnnn mmo.nn-noeeo_ nonoo bnononow $5 onno>onn net» meoonm no mnoon no wnnennnnn one onnnomono oe Bo: o>on o 3 uwnnnnnonwonen oozoo .onoem nnonn mnonmwonnnnn no wnnnoe one ono aoeonn nooem ono $.58. oo>on.wno no wnnennnm one .399 onno>onn news mnoon no wnnennnm one moleno enoenonnnn mnne no monononn eonnemno _ono>om ono ononfi oonoemnnm noneo nno no nonnonn no ,$.:.we no mnoe oonono nnonn anonmmonnnnn wnnonnoonm no eno one mn oznaznnm on .02 BZHOAH w mnonn non. QZ4 MOON .2 oz< w wmovi mum .mmoEm oz< momtaznfim .mo3<.:_ mo... ms? onone mnne :s an eam nmnaeaoo neaooenaon one no wao one mwnsnnoe omonafl an oma an ms? aeoonnam nsnaemnnom no oona ueona owan was mwnso mawmsnm no aoneoawonm one now anoonn .3 waeeannm no wann nsnnannm < onammona no oonmow nomonm one news. no>o wommsa on nmann s .en onons woosna mzanonso noasa one was ao wnsn on nan one aonnp ean mwooa on omona o Z sowsm aoeeenns ons onone ms mnsomoooa ons. meonnse masan ms cask one am .o:n...£.a non >.wson.was nonon an mnoeosnsno wonnnomasne one maebson mane .woosne on waeneoa nonnnp ao mensm omone Es an woo? one asks meao smeaoananeman nomonm news .aone no>snwao one was .wooB wnsn no eonnse anne s aoma smwnskansow oosn one new? woaww on meoonm omone no noso uonsn eaonsamasne anne no meoonm aoaa aoeennnp bnaeonso .oosE eonn one an an woeanna o>sn oe waoean hone nonnnn nno? on.H woo? no mnoonn news noasa wanaansem .3 maneanna no owoan owan mnne oamnam nnnem on? onmoom manemnxo nmnao one ons oooannO on,H omoamaonwoe was mmoaobemaomxo men no neon eaaooos ao .onaesnoenn no aoeeswsmonm one non mmonoma nnnnseoe ms? swaneanna no wann s nmaone dnnm. eoonnao eoanemnw oao non nmnao wonmonmano on onoeonone wnaoo was .ooonm no noonn oao an ms? monawn one woanasem nonnnn eoonno one émeeage ..as no onon nsmannm has an ms .no>_oBon .mnne aH snoeosnsno onnmmnwononn was oonawn ononanmm waonnsnw news woanasem . waaoe aoon obsn aowmnsm no nonnoe, was memo woansn one no ononnn wonmsoowaa was onneafi daonesa asnnmmmfi eaonoas one waoans woeonxo womononow boesaneena ms? en nonnnp aoaa wonm Aoannm one esne meoonm obsn ok 90% mmmonm one anone woammn ms? noon emnn one ooanm wommsno wawwsn mnsom wonaaan nnon mnao .anwnno anowoan mnobnesnsaanoo no on waeeanna no ens on.H saoneaoban asanan :s no eooesonw one woanooemo on bwoenaow -aa msan none» was nwaeeaenm mmonaunoeeon wozso nas.§so sonne onns>oE news meoono no mnoon no waneanna one onnnooow oe Boa obsn o B Eaenmsnwonen wonnso .oaoeo anone maono oonaann no wannse one was aoesna nooem. was noaaoo wobsnw -ao no waneaenm one aonne onnsboan news onoon no maneannm one mslens easenoaann onne no oonoasnn eoaneoew nsnobom ons ononm... ooasemnam noneo has no nomsm ao .$.:_s_n no mnoeos unsno anone aaonmmonmane wanoawona no ens one we wznaznmm nu .Oz BZHON Q one :s an eam pmnaeaoo neaooenaom. one no wao one mwnskoe oaonamm an ooa an ms? nmeoonnam nsnaeannom. mo monaeona owan was ownso wawmsna mo aoneoawona one now nmnoonn an waneanna mo wann nsmanno 4 onammona mo oonmow noaona one news no>o wommsa on noann s sen o>ons woosna mzamonso noasa one was ao wnsn on nan one aonnn ean mwoma on mmona o Z sowsa aoeennk ons onone ms mnswmoooa ons meonnse masna ms was? one am qwaneanna now nmwson was nmonon an mnoeosnsno wonnnomasne one wan>son mane nwoosne on wanneoa nonnnn aoomensa omone =s an woo? one asks meao nmeaonaaneman noaona news .aone nonsnwao one was “woo? wnsn mo eonnse anne s aoaa “owns? -a.$ow oosm one news .woanm on meoonm omone mo noso aoasa eaonsamasne anne mo weoonm aoaa aoeennk Enamonso noosna emnn one an an woeanna o>sn oe waoean none none» nnoB_ onfi .wooB mo mnoonn news noasa wanaanseo an waneanna mo owoan owan mnne oamnaa znem on? onaooa wanemnwo Eao one ons owoanno ona. smoawaonwoe was mmoaofimaoawo men mo neon eaaooos ao nonaesnoen mo aoneswsaona one now mmonosa mzseoe ms...» nwaneanna no wann s nwaone xanne .eoo_.nao eoanemnw. oao now bao womonaano on onomonone wnaoo was .ooona no noonn oao an ms? oonawn one woanasem nonnk eoo_..no one cmenanneas mo onon nsmannw mas. an ms nno>oBon nsnne an snoeosnsno onnamnmononn was monamn ononanmm maonnsn» news woaanseo waaomo aoon o>sn aowmnsmm mo noBoe was memo woansm one no mnonnn womsoowaa was onneafi oaonesa asmnmomd eaonoas one waoans woemnao woaono>ow boesanena. osnn en nonnnn aoaa mona noanna one esne mmoona o>sn one eon $3.5 one anonm woason ms? noon eonn one ooanm womasno wawnsn mnsoh wonwaan naom mnao nanwnno anowofi Eofiesnsaanoo no on waneanna mo ens onm. .maoneao>an asanan =s ..eo.emoesonw one woanooemo on bwoenaow -aa nsan none» was nwaneanna mmonanoeeon wo=so bnsnoaow aoane onnsnnoan net» meoonm no onoon mo waneanna one onnnomow oe Boa o>sn o new oannasnwonen wonso noaoem naonm oaonm oonaann mo wannse one was aoesna nooem was noaaoo wo>snw -ao no maneanna one aonne o3s>ona news mnoon mo waneanna one osllens easenoaann one no monoasnn eoameonw _sno>oo ons ononfi ooasemnam noneo has no noasa ao smonaww no onoeos -nsno anonm nmaonmoonanan wanoawona no ens one on oznaznam 6 .02 BZHON @ maoan. mon. @734 MOON 36 .: Q21 V mmeci WNW .mmoEm QZQ mQm ewe:3 2:3 :w :w 3:m .ww:3:ee :3:ee3 .w:ew e:3 we Ewe e:3 2.we.$e3 e:ew:fl :w em: 5 2:» £3ee_::m w.aw:3:wwem we mew:3ew.w ewesw e:.m 2.28 w:w§:: we :ew32:eew: e:3 wew .m:ee:: w%Q. m.:w3:ww: we 2:: w.:w:wwm 4 .ew:wmew:. we eewwee wewwewm e:3 :3?» we>e comma: 2 :25: e 23w 25:: E22: mzswewee $9.: e:3 6:: :e E2 2 :2 e:3 :e:.$ 3:: :52. 2 mmew: e Z .w:w3:ww: wew wweeew was .w2wew :w mwe3eeww:e w.e:wwew:aw3 e:3 w:_>e2 253 .weeeaw3 2 w:w:3e: :ew:B :e 3.2 eme:3 :2: 2 week .e:3 make m3:e 53:2: .:.32: 5%.: :3?» .:e:3 we>awm:e .e:3 was doe? ewe: we 32:2 :w:3 3 :e:: 2.w§>:Bew. eeew e:3 :3?» .w.2:w 2 m3ee:m eme:3 we :23 Sega: 3:ew§wm:ew3 2:3 we m3ee:m :e:.: :e33wwB bwswewee .ee._:: 32: e3 :w 2 ee3:ww: ewe: e3 . we:e3:w 5:3 :2:B .:weB e:E .©eeB we m:ee:: :3?» wens: w:w:w:e3m Kn: m:3:ww: we 2.2: 223.: 2:3 23mw:: =3m e:B 2&2 ..w:w32Me §:e e:3 ewe eme:w:O e:E .mme:m:e:.e3 was mwe:e>wm:2w.Me m3w we :3e: 3::eee.m :e “ew:3wwe3: we .522 Awew: e:3 wew mmewem: bw.m3e3 ms? .w:3:ww: we 2:: .m :w:e:3 2:8. .3e2::m 32:32:. 28 wew mw:e eemeuwae e: ewewewe:3 Esee 6:: ,ee2: we wweew: 28 :w 2:» mewsww e:3 w.e::we3m :2:B 3ee_..:e e:3 .m3w:_23:s we 2:2 .::w::m Ewe :w. we .we>e .32: 2:3 :H .mwe3emww:e 2::bwew2: 6:.» 3:2: 23: -2? 25:2 :32» ee::E3w c::ew :ee: ®>.m£ :eww:wm we we3e3 25 33 we2:ww e:3 we mxeww: e2€eee:: was e.:3:mw .2we3,m: :2ww..mm< 3:223». e:3 w:e:we wee32Ne weemewgewe §e3w:w3w: 22> 3w :2:B :e:: m2:we:ww: e:3 3m:3 mweew: 9%: P5 32: 52: e3 QHOHH @252 295 :ee: 32: e3 ee:wm eemmewe w:w>.m: 2&2 w.e.:e::: w:ew §:e :25 :we -62: E.e>w3aww::wee we 2 255.: we 3w: 2:8 .m:e3:e>:w :2::: :5 we 3me3aew.w e:3 we2:ee3me e: Eee3::ewe:: ENS :2:B e:.m 2.53: mmew:-we332 eezwe §:wwe:ew £25 2:e>e_: :33» m3ee:m we mmee: we 2.55.: e:3 efiwemee e3 Be: 9%: 85 .m:w::wwwe:3: weezwe .e:e3m :weww mwwewm -mew::ww we w:w:w3 e:3 6:3 .332: wee3m 25 wemmee w.e>.mw.w -:e we w:3:ww.w 23 5:... 2:w>e:w :3?» mxee: we m:3:ww: e:3 mw:I3we 3:.m3we::: 2:3 we me:e:ww: 32:32: w..wwe>em ewe ewe:H_ .ee:.m3m::m we:3e mm: we wens: :e .mew:www we mwe32~ -ww:e :weww .m:ewm.wew:w:w w:w2:eew: we 3w: e:3 2 ezwazwmm .3 .OZ wzwem m we m.ew:3ew: eewww we:e mewee w:w%._:.w we :ew3e:weew.w e:3 wew 22:02: s%Q. .w:w3:ww.w we 2:: w2w::m 4 ewsmmewww we eewmewe wemewww e:3 :3?» we>e weemmeww 2 :m:w: e 23w 25:: weeewnw bwswewee .592 23 6:: :e E2 2 ::w e:3 :e:B 3:: mweem: 2 22: e Z .82: :e33wwB ewe ewe:3 we mwemmeee: ewe m32:.m3 m:e:w we 89; 2:3 :H ..w:w3:ww.w wew mweew 6:: wwemew :w mwe3eewe:e wee:wwom:.ew3.e:3 .w:w>e2 23:3 .w6e.mw3 2 m:w:3e: :2:B :e m3ww: $23 :5 :w week e:3 make m3:e .m3:e:w:w32: wemewm :3?» .:e:,3 we>.ewm:e 23 6:: doe? ewe: we 32:53 ::3 3 :eww: .2.w.mB:Be© eeew 23 :23 .wee:_.w 2 m3ee:m eme:3 we :28 wawaw 3:ewe: -m:.mw3 :w:3 we m3ee:m :3: :e33ww& wmzawewae 50:: 3mwww 2: a 2 wéfiww Ea: ow wawwnw we: 633 29: 2:. doe? we m:e..e_:: :3wB wens: .w:w.w:w.m3m A: ..n..:w3:wwnw we ewee:w ewesw. 2:3 e__:ww:: .=3m e:B 2:8: .w:32Me b:e 23 ewe eme:_.:O e:e 3 .mme:2we:ee3 we:e mme:e£m:e:Ne m3: we :32: 3::eee_m :e “ew:3ewe3: we :ew3em.m.wew: e:3 wew mm2em: E33 .3 me? 2:3,: we 6:3. 3 :w:e:3 2:8 .3e2::m 3e:3 -26 e:e wew m::e we2me:ww£,.e e: ewewewe:3 Szee 6:: 602: we :ee:: e:e :w ma? mewswww 23 ©e:w:.m3m :ew:B 3e2:e e:3 §w=33§ we e:ew wm:w::.m 2:: :w we .we>2.>e: 2:3 :w .mwe3e_mw.m:e 2:9n:mew2: 6:: 3.3.3 e:e::bmm m:ewwe> $23 we2w:w.m3m c::ew :8: 25: :23»: we w2.>e3 6:: 3we we2:ew e:3 we mmeww: w.em_e2:e:: we:_m eww3:n.w .m:e3_e: :2wmmm< 3:2e:.m e:3 w:e:we w.e32Me w.e:ewe>ec Ee3.m:w3:: me? 3: :ew:B :e.w: m2Ee:ww: e:3 35:3 mweew: eke: 2,» 32m mmmewm e:3 :weww @252 me? :8: 3m.:w e:3w ee:wm weemnwfle w:w>.m: mweem weewwe::: w:ew ,m::e 52.8 :wewee:w §e>3 -.mw§w:wee we 2 m:3:ww: we 3w_m e:B .m:e3:e>:w :e:w:: :5 we 3me3eewm e:3.we2:ee3me e: bwee3::ewe:: mew: :ew:B . 6:: nw:3:ww..w mme.:w-we332 weesae %:.mwe:em “meme? 2:: ->e:w :3?» m3ee:m we m:ee:. we m:3:ww: e:3 eflwemec e3 Be: eke: e3 .m:w::.mw.we:3: weezee we:e3m :weww m:ewmmew9:w we 2:3 e:3 6:: wme3_.:: :ee3m 6:: wemmee wee>.mw.w:e we .w:w -35.: e:3 32:3 2:.m>e:w :3?» mmee: we .w:3:wwm e:3 we] 3w: 3:e3we::: 2:3 we me:e:.mw: 3e:32m. :.mwe>em ewe ewe:H_ .ee:e3m::m we:3e m:_w we 2.»: :e nmew:m.ww we mwe3e.mwe:e :weww wm:ewmmew.w:: .w:we:w.e.:w we 3w.m e:3 2 ezwezwmm .3 .02 HZHOM a a .m:eS.w mew. :2: MOON .: Q26. V mmwon ee neeoenn zone nennne nnene onH_ neeen» we mnoenn news nomom menonnnoem Mn mnnennnnw we oeenn oneen mwne oewnenn nnem en? onmeom wnnemnxow bee one one omonnnU onH omonmeenweoe none mmoeonnmnom ..N® men we neon eneeooo no nonseonoen we neneowomenm one new mmonom: nmzoeee won» mnnnennnnm we nennn o nweene nmnnrnu eooflnsw eonnnemne one new nmnnne Enonnao on onewonone nnseo neno .ooonm no noenn one an we? moneww one weomenoem nonnn» eoonne one ,ne_=3e§ we onon nomnnm Mae 5 mo «.H®>®n$O .mnne new onoeoonono onnmnmnwenonn one mo.nem_.w onenen m oeenno> new? eeomqnoem weneew noon o>on nnennmnomw we nonnee none nmeno neonnnow one we mnonnn onmooowenns one onnennfl éneneon nonnemmmnw enonono one nnenno eoemnxo eomeno>oe nmnoeonnnens won» en nennne mom: monmnonnwnm one eone mweenm .o>on one eonm mmmonm one nnnenw neosmmn mo? neon emnwe one oonnnm weommono wnnnon mnoonm weonnenns nsow nmnnne nnwwnne nnoneennn emnonneonomnnnee we we mnnennn we eno onH. onenenonnn nonnsn no we emoeoonm one eeoenooemo on nmzeoeneewees moan none» none mwenennnnm mmonmnoeeon weonoo emnononnom amen... onno>ennn net» meoonm no mneen we wenennnm one onnnomowe ee Benn o>o o new ..wnnnnnonwonenn neonnoe noneem enenw wnnenmmonmnnnn we. nnnoe one none hmoefln nooem none nommeo neo>onm:o we wnnennnm one eonne onnoneen nee? mnoon we wnnennnm one moieno enoenemfin one we monononn eofiemnwe nononom ono ononfi oonoemnem nonee nmno no nomom no nmonewnw no mnoeoonone enenw nmnnenmmonmnnn wnnonneenm we eno one we oznaznmm .w .02 BZHOAH OH nomom one new no 33 on nan one non? eon meow: on wmonm oz .momo.w noeennnn one onone mo emnommooonn one weonnoe bnoen mo moon» mnne new .w:nennnnm new mweoon new nwonnon an mnoeoonono weonnnoweone one wenhmon mane «weoeone on mnnneen nonnnp no menom omenenno an week one woke meeo .353 Annemnnn nomenan nee? mnone nofiwnwnno one was “wee? wenon we eonnoe fine no mean .mwenon:nBewe ooow one net» Jeonnw on weoonm omone we nooo noose :s.§§.§ nnne we meoonm some noeennnw mneewonoe .ooonAw ewnw one an an eoennnm o>on ee weeoennn nmo.ne nennnn nnenn onrw doe? we mnoenn never .593 wnnanqnoem .3 wenennnm we oweennn oven mnne oemnsan Snem en? onmeoon wnnnemnxo bee one one omoennmw on.H omonmeenweoe wens mmonofiwnonwxo wen we neon enseeoo no .oneeonoenn we nneneowonwennw one new mwonowe mzoeee mo? .m:n .:._.:n we wennn o nwsene .mnnB .eoo_”n=m eonnnemwwe one new fine weomenmeno on onewonone nnseo wens nooonm no noenn one an we? monemw one weomnenoem nonnnn eoonne one .ne.:n.e§ we onnon nonndnnw was 5 mo nno>ok,en .wnne aw onoeoonono onnnwbwenonn was moneww onnenenmm w=enno> nets. weomenoem weneew noon o>on nnennmnomw we nonwee new memo . weonnnow one we mnonnn weomooowene new onnenmw .m:ene§n .§nn$< enonono one mnneeno neoemnxo w.o.weno>owe nmnoeonnnene wok en . none» none wonnwnonnnnm one eone mweenm o>on one eom mmmonm one Eenw weoewmn mo? neon emnw one oonnm nommono warren mnoom eeonwenen neew knee Ewwnne nnnoeeen mnofieonomnneo we mn mnnennnnw we eno onH. .w:,eneno>:w noensn So we emo eoonw one weoenooemo on beoeneeeqe moon nonnn» wens swan -een.S._ mmonmnoeeon weonnoo bnononow £25 onno>e:n nee? meoonm no mneen we mnnennnm one onnnemowe ee Bee o>on o new wennnwonwenenn weonnoe eoneem Eenw mqenmmonmenn we wnnnoe one new .§2n nooem was $58 weononwno we wnnennnnw one .899 onnozwoen news mneen we wfieennm one“. molueno ennoenemqnn mnne we moneaonn eonnemnwe nononom one ononm. .oo:oemnom nonee was no nomonw no fionemw no mnoeeonono Senw anenmmonnwenn wnneeeenm we eno one on oznaznmnm .m .O.7H BZHOAH cm omedn mono QZAN MOON .3 02¢. : .+ mmmam mmm dmormm QZ< momtozcfiw .mo3<.: mom amcaaa mzaamaac amaaa m:p was ac Ea: wa :E m:.a am:B pa: Twmwa wa wwmaa c 7: wmmaa amfizak mam mam:u wa maawwmcma mas wuflnae mafia wa Sat wa:: aa .wna=aa aca macama was namsma E wam.ac.wa.w:c amnaacwaaac m:a w=E§ wa:u amcaaa a wE:pca :ca:B ac 3:3 mwc:.a :a E @093 m:u maka wpao ww.._amEa.5wE .a%.a :£B aamaa ambaamam m:: was “woo? was: ac .am3.3 E:e as acaa .wac.awBaBcac mcaa m:,.. :33 aacmaaw wa w...mm:w mwm:p ac :o.wm wsaaa aamaaawaaau E:.a ac w:mm:w acaa amfiaak baaamaac .mca:a pwa: m:: E .wa amuaaaa mac: 3 .©am...E mm:_a :c_:B :33 m:a._ .accB ac w:cc:: :fiB amaaa wEaa:3w km: w_a.E.a ac macaa maaa wa:u mawaaa anew c:B maacma wE.awaMm Dac m:u mam mwmE:O m:a.. .wwmawacaam.a was wwmamfiwamaxmawfi ac :.ac: uaacccm ac .m.aau.mam:: ac acapawaacaa m:.a aca wwmamwa M238 wak fiwE:Eaa ac 6E: a :wac:: .w::H acmanaw ucafiwaac mac aca bac ammcaaaam ma. macamamaa Eacc was amcmaa .8 :cc:: mac E wak wmaama m:u ammaaafiw :ca:B pcmfic m:: .b_._=ua§ ac cnma .aEaEw was E wa .am>mBc: wwa:a am .wam.ac.w.§:c cflabwcama: was wmaawa c:c:a..rmw wacaawb :EB amaaapw aaaca amm: mafia: acwmnam ac .833 was baa cmaswa m:__ ac w:E.E ammacmacaa was maauafl . .wacE_wa aawamwwa. uamacaa m:.a macaw acmuwamm amac:m>mc m:3§E..:a wak E :E:.B acaa §a§__..a .m:: m:.a ..E:u waccaa m>a: m? cm» mwwmaa .m:u aacaa amawwa wak :cc: uwaa m:u mcEw amwaflm warps: wammm amaacaa: aaca Eac .Ewaac aamacna %—®>5 -.m.SaEcc ac wa wEaE.aa ac Paw m:B .waEuam>E aaaaa: :5 ac .._$._$..w m:u cmaammawm m: bampnacaaa mfia :c::B was .waaa.a wwmaaamfim: acmaawc mzaamamw £25 m::a>ca_ :33 w.amm:w ac w:cc: ac wafiaa m:p mcaacwmac ca Bca m>.m: m an E .waa:a.wamc:,.E amawc “macaw aacaa wacawwmaaaaa ac mafia... m:.a was ..wm..E:a ammuw was amaacc 3§..w§ ac we .-a._._.a m:a amen. m3_a>cE :fiB wmaccc, ac waBEaa m:__ wal. was :a.Saca.E wa:u ac wm.:caw.5 ucaauwaa :,wam>mw max mam:a.. .mcaa.aw:aw am::c was ac amaaa ac “wmaawa ac wamaca.§:c Ecaa nwacawwmaaaaa maacawcaa ac Paw m:a wa czaezaam S .02 BZHOAH 2 ac «cam: .§:aEw 4 .m.Ewwmaa ac mmawmm. amacaa 2:: :33 am.>c.. acmwwwa wa :waa: m E m_>c:a wmcmaa a=£,..§ .s%a m:... was. ac Ea: wa :E m:p am:B ea: :52. wa wwmaa oz wmwaa am... Ea? mas m.am:: we maawwmmma mas w.am::3 mafia wa “ma? 3:» aa .w§£.a aca bcama wax wamaama E w.~meca.§:m acmfiamwawfl m:.a wE>am_ wa:.a aacmcmau wa wE:.aca :E:B ac wfiaa mwc:,._ :w E acct m:: E: waam .w:amEa.5wE amacaa :EB .am:a amfiwaw -am m:a was .6003 aid: ac .am_:S E:u w acaa .wa..§&aBca. mmaa m:u :EB Jcmaaw wa w.amm:w mwm:u ac :cam :33 ..:§_& wast E:a ac w.;.mm:w acaa amfiabs baaamawc .853 .._w.:a m:.a E .wa a.m.aEaa m2»: 3 a.am.aE a2: :E:B :33 m:,._.. .6695 ac w:cc3 :EB amaaa wEaaa3w M: cmaauaaaa ac maccaa macaa wa:u 2.2.3 anew c:B maacma waauwaam Dac m:u mam mwmE:D _®£mE awmamacaacmu was wwmamfiwamaam we: .«O A303 uaaccca ac .m.EaaamEa ac acauawaacaa m:,a aca wwcmamwa mzaucu wak .wE €_._.& ac acaa: w :mac:a wwa:.H acmfiaa ccaauwaac mac aca bac vmmcaaaam m: m._camam:.a Eacc was nmcmaa .8 :cc_: mac E wak wmaawa m:u acmafiaaw :ca:B ammaac m:u 5:55: ac mama S: -_.Ew has E ww .am>mkc: .wa:a aH ..wamacw.:w:m 93.5355 was wmaawa Eac:aamw waE.am> :9?» acmaaaaaw waaca amm: m>a: acrmgam. ac .5309 was as vmaawa m:u ac w:E.5 €a..§_:_= was maauafi ..wacE.wa aaabmwwfi uamacaw m:.a wacaam acmawaam acmacampmw bm..§aE.:a wasp E :E:B acaa wmaaacaaaa m:.: €23 waccaa m>a: m3 emm $3.3 m:,a aacaa acmawwa wwk mcc: uwaa m:.a mcEw acmwaaam warps: waamm wmawaa: Eca bac §w_.ao aamwcaa bm>Sw.§a.aco ac wa wE:Eaa ac is m:H .wacE -am>E awfia: :w ac ..$.§..wc m:u wmaammuwm m: Ewmunacv -aa baa :E:B was wwaauaaaa §.a-.a:£ ammzac baaamamw. .35 ma:a>c._a :35 wem.m:w ac w:cc: ac wqaaa m:u mcaamwmac cu Bca m>w: m >9 .w=_.2_.%..wo§_ acmzac “macaw Ecaa wacaw -wm.aaaE ac wE:§ m:a was .wm.aw:a ammuw was amaacc acmtflw -am ac waaaa m:.a £25 m_:a>caa :EB w:cc: ac waaaa m:u walfia 2.§&a_._ wa:.... ac wm:maa.E ucaauwaa. am.am>mw man m.am:H. .mca3w:aw ._m::c was ac amawa ac «wm.E.w_a ac wampcw ..aw:m aacaa wwacawwmawaa maacawcaa ac paw m:u wa czaszaam .0 .O.Z H.zHO.H 2 .wacmm Q21 wQMo 95% E n.EEn o new o>.ono oooonm bnseoaao .893 one ono Eo Eon E ME one Eonk esn mwom: E mmogm oZ .m=_§.& poe mooon was heozoa E Eoeoomono oonfiomnoue one wE>oE Epne fiooone E wEneoE nEnB no meeom omone no E .©OO>P one %..w>P.m memo £eEoEs.eem -E .$oo.& net» “none .n@>_w.Hwd® one on.» “woo? Eon eo eonnoe Ene o mom: hm©.H.m.bPfl>PO© oooe one net» 6oEw E meoonm omone eo nooo 53% enoaommnoae Ene eo meoonm 8% Eoeeefis Enseoaoo £2; em.E one E E 8.33 9:3 8 E83 .3: €33 E95 23. .325 oo flees net» .ao.E wEmEoem an masfia eo oooE oEE Ene osm Ea Hem onB onmoom wEeEMo undo one oao omoEnO onm. .mmmoEm:E©oe E3 mmonofimqommo mew eo neon ensoooo no uoaoeoaoen eo Eoweowomoum one noe mmonom: mzoeoe mo? “ma -e£,a eo EEE o nwsone “Eng. .eoo.3:m eoEeE© ono no.e mnno oomonmEo on opoeonone Esoo ES Aooofl no Moonn ono E wok 8.5% one oomEoew nEnB eooflno one ¢§=E..:a eo onon Hmfififim mno E mo £o>oBon “Ene EH .m.noeo.o.:wno ownmbwouown Eeo moadwu ononEmm EeoE.o> news ©omEoem onsoe noon o>on Eonmnom eo .HoBoe was meflo ooEE one eo EEE c9o8%§ ES oEeEm .mEEe.E §.:$m< eEEoEo one wEoEo ooeENo oomono>oo %noeoEEeE mo? E nEnB :2? $a_oa._.& one eone 2595 o>on o3 eom $83 one Eone ©o=mE wok Moon? em.E one ooEm €3.53 wEvon 3.3 .©®.Hm:H5d— Eoe Eco hEm€o Eo©oE Eo>ee_EomEoo eo E wEeE.em eo ego one .E..EeEo>E E.oE:n :o eo emo eoomw one ooEooemo on bwoenzoons KQE nEnB ego $3 -eE.& mmomméoeeon oonoo bnoponow £25 onno>oE net» meoonm no mxoon eo wasfia one onfiomoo oe Bo: okon o B .mEnm_E.wone: condo noqoem Eoue m:ommmoEmE eo wEnoe one was .$.Ea nooem was .$&8 wokonwno eo wEeEEm one £9: onno>oE nee? Eoon eo maeaa one molneno eEoe.eomEE Ene eo monomoan eoEeEw noaoewom oao opone .oon_oemn5m Eoneo and no .a&& no nmoaswm no maoeoopono Eoae nEEmmo.EmE_ wEoEoo.8._ eo ego one E ozE.zEm .2 .02 azaom 2 -E_Ee one .wE>.oon mane “oooone E .wEneoE nEnB no meson omone no E woo? one %.fi.B._N memo .me:oEEem -E .$oo.a nee? done .Ho>o.Hwno one mono nooobp dawn mo eonnoe Ene 5 Eons “Eo.§BEBoo oooe one news .ooEw E weoonm omone mo nooo £33 eaouommnone Ene eo meoonm Eons n.oeeEB mnnseomoo .oo_Em emnme one E E nooeEEm o>_an oe _EoeE hone nEnB Mao? onm. ..©ooB mo mxoonn new.» woman .wEmE_mem an .wE -eEo eo oooE oEE Ene osmmsm Hem on? onmoom ma -eENo Ego one omo omoEnO onm. omonmuomooe ES mmonofimqomxo mew mo neon emsoooo no “o.Ee.Eoe: mo Eoeeomomonm one now mmonom: mnnoeoe mo? .wE£.a eo .©EE o nmaone .EnE .eooflnsm eoEeEo ono mom keno oomonmEo on onoeomone Esoo was .oooE no Eoonn ono E mo? mo.E.w_.e one oomEoem nEnB eoonno one co...=Ee§ mo Enoa .H.E_E..w mno E mo £o>oB.on «Ene EH .m.~oeQEono omnmmnwoaown can mo.E.w_.e EnonEmm m=o..Eo> net» oomE.oem ESE noon o>.on Eonmnom eo EoBoe E5 meeo ©oEE one eo mxoemn ookooooonfi ES oEeErn .EEe.E n_E.fimmm< enoeono one .wEoEo ooeE -No .©omono>oo Eoe.oEeeE mo? ee nEnB Eon: monmmo -E.3 one eone mmooam o>_on oB eom $33 one Eome oo=mE mo? Moon em.E one ooEm vommono .wE>on maoom ..©®.H.©fl.=£ Eoe Ego .:_m_.uo Eo©oE mnoEeo.uo@Eoo eo E .wEeE.E eo ego onm. .mnEeEo>E EoE:n :5 eo emoeooum one ooEooemo on mmooensodns m.mE nEnB on.» ..wEeEEm mmomméoeeon noonnoo Enonomom .mo9ne onn.o>oE.neeB meoonm no munoon mo maefia one onfiom on. oe Bon o>on o 3 ..wEnm.Ewoneen oonnoo aoqoem Eoae mEoEmmommE mo wEE_oe one ES .moe_Em nooem E5 .838 ookfimno mo wEeE.Hm one aoorme onn.m>oE EB 338. no EEEE one malfia e§e.8oE was mo monomonn eoEeEo n_Eo>om omo oaona. oonoemnam moneo has no .893 no .mo.Emm no mnoeoonono GHOHH .mnoEmmonmE wEod.©oEm eo ego one E Uzaazamm .3 .02 ESE 3 .mmo<,m MOM QZAN MOON .N~ QZ< V mM@a: ea €33 w..m:: €33 vie? m:,H aooa we m:me:: :35 ammam maawaaaam %: mawuawaw we mweeaa mwaa m::: mamaam Ema e:B mwmemm mawwmwxm Eae m:: maa mmma_:O m:H. ammamaewwemu weaa mmmamfimammxm me: we :.we: maaeema ae .m.:5a.ama.: we aeflamameam m:p new mmmwmma mzaeea ma? asga mo 33 a aasofi £39 .§.3a panama 25 aew bae wemhefiwaam m: m.aewmam:: Eaem weaa «momma ae :me_: mae a: ma? mmaamw m:: wemmaaapm :m::B :em.w:e m:__ cmzawfiaa we m:m.H.aa:a:m maa a: ma ..$>9E3 £5: aw .m.Hm._ma.aa:m m::9m:me.am_: weaa mmaamww e:e:aamm mae: -.aa> :9?» emmaaaum weaaew amm: m>a: aeTm:am we .838 weaa bzm wemaaaw m:: we m:mE: wemmammweaa weaa maflamw .maeBaa aawammmaq mamwmaa m:a maeaaa wemumwmm wemme:m> -mwe bmmafifiwa maB aw :m::B Ea: mmdwwmawam m:.g. :a:a mweeam m>a: m3 «mm ummmam m:: aaeaw wemamm: mam» Mee: emu: m:: mmawm wemmmawm ma:>a: maamm wemaweaa: aaew Eae .a:mEe aamweeaa bmfiuaaamaem we mm mawuawaw we aha m:,H .maeEam>a: aafia: :a we pmmpamam m:m wemaammumm m: kmmemnfiaeweaa maaa :m::B weaa a.Ee._.& §..a-.§§ wemzam mzaamamm £25 m::a>eaa :35 m:mm:m ae mxee: we mafiawaw m:: m:Emmmw. ea. kea m>a: m :5 .ma::ma.am -e:_E wemzae nmaemm aaeaw maewmmmawa: we mafia: m:: weaa amaawm :mmum eaa $.58 wem>a.amam we maflawaw m:: .mm9G m::a>eaa :93» See: we mafiafln: m:,._ malfia uaamaema: mw:: we mm:maa.a: pmafimwwe :a.am>mm maa m.am:H .mmaapm:am .am::e maa me .592: am .$.:.ma ae mama.ma.aa:e aaeaw nmaemmmmanwmam mammaweeaw we uaa m:: w: mzaezaam ..v .O.7H BZHOAH Hm .wemma.s mm ma:::ea :m::B ae mfiam mme:p =a am @003 m:: 52% maam .m:amaa..sma: .a%.a 5:3 .am:.w .am>a.amam m:.. weaa .weeeB Ea: we :m::a: a::: a aema awzakakewe mmaw m:__ :93? fimawm mm $mm:m mmm:m we :mam fimmaa uamaam -maa.s a::u we m:mm:m :2? amfiwsp mzawmaam nmmaaw amp: m:: aw am: 39.3 m>a: ea weamuaw mm:: :m::B. :33 m:.H flee? we m:ee:: :fiB ammam mammaaaum km: maflawaw we mweeaa mweaa mw:u mamaam =5 e:B 2%»: maflmwxm bae m:: maa mmma::O m:H. ammamaewwemu waa mmmamfimammwm 8: we :3: eaaemma ae .m.:s.a.am:: we aeflamameaw m:: pew mmm:mma :30”. ma? aa._§.a we mam: a :m=e:u .m::B .:emw:am mmaummwe mae aew Eae 3338» m: m.aewm.am:m Eaem weaa 53% :e :me:: mae aw ma? mmaamww m:u wemmaaamm :m::B 6930 m:.._ smegma we m:m.a .aa:a:m %aa a: ma ..am>mBe: £3: aw .m.am:ma.aa:m mw:mm:me.amw: weaa mmaamww m:e:abmm 2%? :fiB._emmaaa:m weaaew amm: m>a: aewfiwamw we .~®30..— weaa mae wemaaaw m:: we mxmfl: wemmammweaa eaa m.:.;.am.w aaesaa aawrmmmfi uammmaa m:: maeaaa wemmmanm wem.we:m>mwe bmuaaamfia ma? _: :m::B aema mmwmweawam m:: :a:: mweeaw m>a: mB um» mmmmaw m:: aaeaw wemamm: ma? :ee: umaw m:: mmamm w.mmma:m mafia: maamm wemawaa: aaew mwae ,a:mEe aamweeaa bmfiuaaamfiem we mm mauawaw we aha m:H .mae:am>a: aaaa: :a we ummuamam m:: wemaammumm m: mmemfiaewaa maaa :m::B waa .maEa:.aw mmmhfiamfimw wemzam mzaamamm £25 m::a>ea: :..:B m...mm:m me mmwee: we maflawaw m:: m:Emmmwe ea. Bea m>a: m B .,maw:ma.ame:__: vmzam .mae:m aaeaw maewmmmawa: we mafia: m:: weaa amuawaw wmmum weaa 5&8 wem>a.amam we mafia m:m £25 m::a>eaa :35 m:ee: we mawmamaw m:: maulfia uaafiema: 3:: we mm:maa.a: __ma:m:we :a.am>mw maa m.am:E .mmaa...m:am .am::e maa .8 .§§ ae .mm.aam.w me m.am:ma.aa:m aaeaw nmaewmmmawa: mammaeeaw . we Ea m:: m: mzaazaaaw .m .O.7H BZHOAH mm .mae..§ MOw.. 97:4 MHOOMH .N~ QZQ V WNGQQ WNW .WUO~Ql Q26. wQQv.QZ<.hW .w08.:\.: QOK okmn 0e 68oe8n hone nonnk. M803 onnu .6003 80 mnoonn net? .8o8o8 .w8n88.m.em an .w8e8n.88 80 o608 o68.8 mnne o8m.888 Zeem 0nB on80o8 ma -em8o E80 one ono omo8nO onm. .mmo8m8086oe 688$ mmo8o>8m8o8No men 80 neon e880oo_w 80 .o.8e -a.8oen 80 80neo.w.m8088 one .808 mmonoms mnnoeoe mob» .m8ee8E8 80 68888 5 n.w80ne nmnnrd .eoo.nn8m eo8eemn6 o80 .808 8880 6o.m0n88o on o.808o.8one 68800 685 .oooe8 .80 noonn o80 88 wok monsmn one 6o88.m.em nonnk eoo .30 one mme_8_8e8.w 80 ono.8 .83 .886 885 88 mo ..8o>oB0n .m8ne 8H .w.8oeo.m.8mno o8n8%n.w0.8onn 68o mofirwn on0n8.mm m80e.8w> nee? 6.o88.mem 68808 , 8oon oémn 80n>..n.mm 80 .8oB0e 68$ keno 6o8.m8 one 80 mnonnn ©®%.mO®.m:HS 68o o.ne8m8 .m80neo8 8.8.§..mm< e8ono8.m one m808o 6oemeNo 6o80no>o6 §oe_m88en8 mo? ee noenk 8088 mon88o8e.88 one ewne $00.88 o>.wn o3 eom mmmo88 one 80.88 6o8mm8 w§> n00n emnn one oo8m 6om8.mno .w88>.mn goo» 6o.8688n .8808 E80 .:8..8o 8.8o608 %no>8e.m.§880o 80 we .w8ne88.88 80 eam onfi .m808e8o>8n 8.m88n no 80 emoeoofiw one 6o8ooe -mo on %n©®u£.DO.©fl.D M88 nonnbp 68o ..w8ee8e..88 mmo.88-.8oeeon 6o:oo %:o.8o8o.w .mo8.me onno>08 net» meoonm .80 m..n00n 80 .w8ee8E8 one onflom -o6 0e B08 okmn . o 3 .mn:a§.wo8.E 6o:.mo .o80em 80.88 m80ewmo.8888 80 .w88n.me one 68$ .moe88 nooem 688». .8o880o 6o>_w.8.w8o 80 w8ne88.88 one .mo8>..e o8n.m>08 net» mnoon 80 mania one molleno e8oe8088n mnne 80 mono8o.8n eo8e -86 8.m.8o>om oaw ®.8®fir.b .oo8.wemn8m .8one0 88¢ .80 .8o8.m8 80 .mo.88mm .80 mnoeoonono 80.88 .w80_m -mo.8888 .w88o860.88 80 end one mn UZ8.HZ8m8aH .3 .078 BZHOM 2 o>sn 0e 68oe8_.. zone nonnk M803 onfi .6003 80 38003 net» .8o8o8 .m8n88oem. .3 .m8ee88.88 80 o608 o68.8 mene o8m.88 nnem 0nB on80o8 .w88em68o 380 one oam omo8EO on,H .mmo8m80 -86oe 68o mmo8o>nm8o8Mo men 80 neon e8800oa 80 .o.8e8oen 80 808eo.wo8088 one .808 mm.onom8 Endeoe mo? ..w8e8.88 .80 6888 o n.w8_0ne .m8nE . .eoo 38m e088em.a6 o80 .808 .280 6o..m0n88o on o.808o.8one 6800 M0886 .ooo88 .80 M003 o80 88 mo? mo.88.wn one 6o88.mem nonnk eoonno one .8e883e8.m 80 ono.8 8.mn8nm 88» 88 mo 8o>oB0n smnne 88 .m.8oeoo Lone o8n8.£.w0.8oen 68o mo.88.w6. on0n88m 80 .883 news 6o88.mem 6880.8 8oon o>on 806nn.mm 80 .8oB0e 685 .380 6o8.m...e one 80 mnofln 6o.§0.o6 .88 @888 o.ne8m.8 .m80ne,m8 8§.Emm< e8oe08a one .w808o 6oemeMo 6o80no>o6 8noe.m8nen8 mo? en nonnB 8088 mon8e08n.88 one eone $00.88 o>an o3 eom wmmo.88 one 80.88 6o8mm8 mo? noon emnn. one o088m 6om8ono .w86§n m.8wo.m 6o.8688n .808 E80 .8nmn80 8.8o608 .£o>8e8o880o 80 we mfi . -e88.88 .e0 e8 onm. .m808e8o>8n 8.m88n no 80 emo -e.mo.8m one 6o8ooemo on .£6oen80688 .38 nonnk 68¢ .m8ee8n.88 m.mo.88..8oeeon 6o:o0 %S.m.8®d®.w .mo8me onn.m>08 net? meooflm .80 mnoon 80 m8 -e88.88 one on8.8omo6 0e 308 San o 8» ..w8n88.w -0nen 6on8 ..o80em 80.88 m808mmo.888e 80 .m8n.me one 68¢ .moeon8 nooem Ufid .8o8800 6o>8.w8o 80 m88e8e.88 one .mo88e onn.w>08 net». mnoon 80 .m88e88.88 one mouleam e8oe.80888 mnne 80 mon088n e08nem86 n8o>om o.8~ o.8on.H .oo8.memn8m .8one0 886 HO .8o8.m8 80 .mo.8.wn .80 wmoeoonono 80.88 .w808mmo.888e .w880860.88 80 end one we ozfifimm .6 .92 $808 88 @8088 M06 Q4 8008 .2 QZ< V WMOQQ WNW _mmoEu. Q21 WQQ®>>O£ .m::: 5 .m.He:ee.He:e e_:m§me.He:: eme memsmm e:e::rmm mseEe> :fiB eemfieem ensew nee: e>e: :eTm:em we H0309 cue Ewe eefiew e:.w we m:eE: eemeeeess ene e.:::mw .m:eBe: deflmmmaw p:e:e:e e:.w mqefie eeemune ©eme:e>ee Eeeefiwfis me? mm :e::B sems mefifie -:Em e:e :e:: mweemm e>e: e3 eem mmmepm e:.w Seew eesmmw me? :ee: :m.:w e:.w eefim eemmfle .wE>e: w.H,N@>.. eeheefi: Hsew Ede .538 fie -69: Eefieenemfiee we 3 wqflsflm we fie e:.H .m:eE:e>E deans: :e we pmepeebw e:.w eefieep -me e: %:eep::e©:s k%dE :ew:B .©:e .e:e&.a mmeegmefie: eezee mzeneaew .me99 e::e>eE :93? meee:m .8 mmee: we mefifimm e:.w e:Eem ee ea Be: e>e: e >9 ..e:Ee§eofi: eezee .e:e:m Senw m:e_mme.:w:: we m:w:e: e:: wee $3: :ee:m ede .538 ee>e.Hm:e we msfinflm e:: .55 e::e>eS :_:B m:ee: we msfififiw e:p meslfie emefieme: 2:: we me:e:e.5 eon: eze :e.He>em eye e.He:E .ee:eem:sm .He::e mae me .592: :e .me.§m: .8 m.He:ee.He:e Eeaw .m:e:w .me.HmE: mfieeeeen: we . fie e:e mw ezfifimm .v .O.7H BZHOAH NH ::E» .53: mdfiwaepm .3 meweewhw we even: ewe: E5 25:: wmem e:B @302: wewpwmxe fine e:u eye eme:w:O e: E emeemeewweee wee wmeeefimnem -N® me: we fie: eeseeee ee fiemeeeeefi: we eefieme -%.a e:.w new mwe:eme Eweeee me? emewenwemw we 3:: e :w:e:e;mw:H_ .:ee3.:e eedwemwwe eee new fine wewedwae e: e.Hewe.He:: Eeee wee .82.: me :ee:: e:e E mes» memsmww e:p wemfieem :ew:B eeefe e:: mowwswewpde we emea eemawm bee E we £e>eBe: £5: 5 .m.He:ee.He:e 03.5353 wee meeeww e:e:S%m m=efle> :fiB wemfieem «anew nee: e>e: eewmewem we eekee wee bze weefiew e:e we m:e:.3 wemee ewe: wee e.:..Emm .m:eEe: eewbmmmaa eeeweee e:e meefie weemmxe _eeo:e:e>e.w .:$§£= web» an :ew:B Ea: medwweewzw e:: :e:.w mweefiw e>e: WB. pew mmwefiw e:..w Seew weemmw me? Mee: emhw e:e eeewm wemawfie mere: whee» weaves: .:_ew Ede .335 Eewem: %:e>.5e.HemEee we ww msfiewzw we fie e: B eeefiaei: aeae: :e we emeeeeew e:.w wefieewme e: %:ee..5:e©:e keg: :ew:B meme .m:e£.& m$a-.§ awe: wesee mzeeeeem .$eb e::e>e8 :£B ewee:m HO m:ee: we maesee e:e eemeemew ea Be: e>e4 e B .w:w:me.:we:e: weeflee neeeem Seew mqewmmeemw -8: we m:w:ee e:e wee meeedw weewm wee eemmee weeweemde we meweewhw e:e £99. e::e>eS :fiB m:ee: we mefiefla: e:.w melnfie eeefiemam m::e we me:e:e.5 pefiemme :e.He»em eye ®.H®£rE .ee:eem::m .He:ee Knee He .53: :e meeemw HO m.Heeee.He:e Semw .m:ewmme.R:e..: meweewehw we fie e:.w mm ezfizfim .m.. .02 HZHOAH mm .m.:e<.m mew. QZ41 Meem .3 02¢. V wM@sBoE Efi aw Efiosasao oEa3.wo.8E was msaawm ozonaamm maEa -s> EEK. wsaaasum waaom assn gs: aowfismm me .833 was 38 wsaasw oi mo mmowfi wsmso -swaa was safiafl saofisa asflmmmam 888 .as saw. maoaas wsemdns wsaEs>sw Eflsaamfia ms? E 833 aoaa $158.5 saw. «saw. m,8o.aa gs: 95 8% 53.3 saw. a8.£ wsammm ms? Moon sham saw. soEm wsmasfls mE>sE mas?» wsaw -EE aaom fiao .Eww8 a.8woaa Esfiusasa -a8o mo 3 maflawaa M8 was 2:. .maoEas> -E asaaaa :s ,8 pmsessaw saw. wsaasflms on Ewssbaowaa msaa 83% was s:::_._.a mmsaa -.8tE wszso Kmzsasasm £893 sEs8aa firs seesaw 8 3882 we .waEE.aa was sE.8mow E Boa gs: $5 ..saEas._so£: wozso dafim aaoaw maEmms.aaaE mo mafisa 85 was ,m8s~a 88% was asaaoo wgsawas .8 .waEE.aa was £893 oEs>oaa AER 38.5 .8 waflafla saw. mslufis s.asu.8aaE saw. we msaoasan uoafimmw ws.8>sm was s.a::_ doasumnam 8:8 was 8 .8asa ao isaamw 8 m.88sas.8 a8.am .maEm -ms.aaaE wawoawoaa we is 2% E wzaezaam .3 .OZ azaom 3 8, mE__Eaa ,8 swoaa swaa mat. 25:5 zflm 8:3 Eaosa maflmfims E8 23 was smsEEO EH. .mmsamaEw3 was mmsasfimasaxs mt mo Eon uaaooos ao .s.:5sa$: we aofiswsaoaa saw. .8,a. mmflsma >233 ms? swaflawaa M8 wEM s awwaofi £58 .8s.3am 8E.;.Ew mac 8% E8 w9mEaa8 an oaomsasfi w18o was .383 8 883 sac E ms? msaamw saw. wsaaasew 833 8838 one cbzauflas we ozoa .asmaEm was E ms .8838: £38 aw .m.88sasno 2.3.5332 was msaamm omoowamm maEa -s> firs wsaaaspm waaow ass: gs: aowfismm mo .833 was 38 wsaasm 23 mo mxowan womso -swaa was saflam saoflsa asE.Emm< E88 .as 85 maoaas wspmfims wsaEm>sw Eowsaawza ms? E 833 aoaa m3EoE.aa 85 psi mwooaa gs: 95 8% mmmsaa one a8.£ wsammm ms? 83 «mam sap ooEm wsmasfis wE>s: mas?» wsaw -aa: aaom Eao .Emw8 a.8wEa Esfiusasa L88 mo E .waEEaa mo was EH. .maoEas> ..E asaaa: :s .8 smsussaw saw. wsaassems an Ewssbaowaa msaa 85% was ..saEEa mmmaa -8fiE wszso »:s.§$.s £893 s3s8aa firs masons 8 mason mo .waEE.aa 23 sE8msw 3 EVO_H.®>m®H+ 3,? ..waEas.awo.fi: wszso. Jaosb a8.a.a. maEmmsaaaE ,8 wafisu. one was .m3s3 83s was asaaoo wgsawas mo maflawaa one £893 s3s>oaa AER 38.5 mo wafiavaa use msalfis uasfioaaaw EA» mo msaoasan uoaflmmw Hs.8>sm was 8.8.5. soassmnam 8:8 was 8 Sasa ao asaaww 8 m88sasEo a8.m.. .maEw 8.3:: .wEoawo.aa we was as» E wzaevaam .3 dz az8.m sa maoaa mos QZAN MHOOMH 44 as weaaam e:: we emewa: weamaeewaa waa easamm aaesaa aa_.amem< aaeme -aa e:: waeaaa wemaame weae:e>ec E ..e:aa:..:a map» as :eEB aema mefimeafim e:... :a:: mmeoaa e>a: e3 aem memeaa e:... aae: weammm ma? :3: aha: e:: eea_m :eemaa:e mafia: maaem weawaa: .58 hae aawwfie aaeweaa be>:a.aao._aaee no em .ae.§.a we fia e:m_ .mae:ae> ..a_ aaaaa: =a we :me._ae.am e:: weaaee: ..ee e: b_ee::ae:eaa aa :05? waa aafia mme.&-.aefie: wezae maaaeaem $5 e_:a>eaa :£B m:ee:m .8 m:ee: we masafia e:... aefiaemew B Rea e>a: e >9 ..wE:aa.ame:.._: wenae aeaeem SP: maeameia: we mafia: e:: waa aeepafl :ee:m waa §a8 we>a.a.wae we wa: ..§,a e:: £23 e::a>eaa :3» flee: we masawa: e:: malfia uaaaaema: 3:: we me:eaaa: eeasem. _a.ae>ee eaa e.ae:e .eeaa:e:ae .ae::e aa .5 aemam ae ameaam: .8 .m.ae:eaaa:e aae: amaewmeeaa -a: maweawoaa me fia e:: m: ezaezaam a .O.Z szaom 3 J‘ NGQQ WNW .WMO~Ql «(Oh . $§e ®e\§&§e e: esegxeaefi 338 was .§.& .8 £03: eae aw macs ee.§®\ 3% 33% :e.§S Be -:e e:: cmmawsaa we emea aamaame maa a: ma ..ae>e%.e: .m::: aw. .mae:eaaa:e efimbmoaem: waa eeaawm emofiamm eae:.aa> :35 vemaaaue waaem aee: e>a: aewfam me .833 :aa mfie weaaam e:: we mmefl: vemaeewaa waa ea: am aaoflaa .§.%m< uaemeaa e:: waoaaa weuefime. ©emo:e>e: beuaaamfia ea? 3 JBHTS aoma eedwmeafim e:: :a:: emeoam e>a: ea. aem meeeam, e:: Seam weaem: ma? :8: «ma: e:: eeame weemfle mafia: eaaem weawaa: aaem Eao .a:.w:.S aaecoaa Eefieaaamaaee we mm wafiaflm we fia e:B .maoEae>a: aafia: =a we ueeaaeam e:: w aaeeame e: .m:ee::ao: ..aa amaaa :e.a:B vaa aasaaa .mmeam..ae: mee: wezae mzaaeaew .me9$ e::a>eaa :flB m:ee:m ac e:ee: we maflaflm e:: eflaemew 8 Bea e>a: e >P ..wa::ma.ame:_E wezae .eae:e Seam maowmeamfim we 3&5 e:: waa .ee:a:m :ee:e vaa aemmee weawaamae we waflawam e:: .ee9$ e::a>oaa :35 wmeo: we waflavam e:: .eaI...:aa :aa:.ae%a: emf we ee:eaa.a: ueaflefie :a.ae>em eaa e.ae:H. .eeaa:e:am .ae::e maa .8 aemam ae aeaamm .8 m.ae:ea.aa:e Seam .eao:m -me.&a: wameaweam we fia e:: e: ezaazaam a 62 HZHOAH 3 .eao<,a moa QZAN MHOOM we ueumeu sumu e seuus nWt%wL$:»$©t eeew emu muua. weesuwoe mu mueemm ememu we meee mwewuemu useweuumsewu sumu we mueemm seuus seuuuwwu muuswewee neeeuwu umwuw emu su “mu ueeusuwuu ewem eu ueseusu umemu meumwu euwewu emw. .ueee3 we mmeeum muuwu weuueau msuwusweum .3 msuusuwnu we ewuesw euesw mumu esmwsuu uuuum em._$ eunueewu msuumuxe >.use emu ewe emesumO emruu .m,nesmseueeu uese mmese>u,ns._ewuxe muu we muem usseeee se .ewsueweuuu we seuuewoeeuuewwu emu wew mmeuems snuueueu mews curwsuusuwwu we uusum e mwsemu nnumw. .uee.umsm uesuumue ese wew >.use ueemeuuuswe em ewewewemu ueusee uese neeeuwu we meeum ese su mew» mewsmwu emu ueeuueeum weuuua ueeuuo emu suuusueuu -se we euuew weuuswum >,se su we hwewewuem wnumu sw eweueeweme eumwumumeweum uese mewsum euuemsbmm mseuwew. muu.$ uueuusweum uussew seem ewem seummem we weuseu uuse >.uue ueeswew emu we mwueuwm uue>eeees: ese ewuusmu eseuues seuw.mm,n< useue -ee emu u/useswe uueumuxe eeuueueweuu >u eueswuuus mew» uu meumus, secus meumuuesuwuu emu uemu mweewwu e>em e..$ ue> Hmmewwu emu suewwueesmwu mew» meem umwwu emu eesum ueemwueue msuwem mweeem wewuessm wsew muse _.sumuwe sweuuesw wuewuuewewuaoe we mu msuusuwuu we uwe emrw .mseuuse> -su sesusm uue we umeueewm emu uuesweeu -me em umuuueumseuess wee mezumwu uusm Kw/wsuusuwou mmewuuweuueu ueeuuee >uuewesem .mewu>.u eume>esw muu.$ mueemm we meueem we msuusuwuu emu emuwemeuu eu Bes ewem e>> .msumwuewmemuuu eeuuee eseum sweww mseummewmuswu we Msuvueu emu Juuse xneuumunu ueeum uese ewemumuee uueuuewwse we usu -usuwuu emu .meuu>u eume>eus muu.$ mmeem we msuusuwwu emu meiuwe useuweuuswu mumu we memesewm uesuumuuu uewewem ewe ewemrw eeseummsm wemue umse we wewuewu se “mewsmw we mweueeweme sweww xeseummewuu -swu msuesuuews we uwe emu mu .eZu.,u.Zuuumu M: .02 HZHOAH w .9 QZu\ m .e in mmeuxnu WWW dmoumm QZ< momuaozqwm .me3eme wueeeuuu umuuswewee weuuewu emu ese se ueueu mu wusu emu sem>u usm ueems mu mmewwu ew/u .$eS seuuuw.$ ewe ewemu we umwemmeees ewe mueumeu >.sesu we umeuuu mumu sw .mswusuw.u wew umueeew ese .weuuew su mweueeweme ueemuwemsewu emu msu>eeu msmu ueeeewu mu wsumues meumk. se muwewu ememu uue su wee? emu .me..$e muse duseswswumsu weuuewwu muu.$ .semu wepeww -se emu ese deep» wewem we ueumeu sumu e seuus .mwuwe>us.$euu eeew emu muuwu eesuw mu mueemm ememu we meee nweuueuu useweuuwsewu sumu we mueemm seuus seuuuwwu kuuswewee eeeuuu umwuw emu su .mu eeusuwnu ewwem eu wuseu -su umemu meumwu. mweufi em,H .eee.$ we mmeeum muuufi wewueou wsuuusweum .3 wsuusuwuu we eeesw eesw mumu esmwswu uuuum em»). euwueenu msuumu ..N® muse emu ewe emesumv emw. emesmseuue -eu ese mmesewuumseuuxe muu we muem usseeee se ewsueweuuu we seuueweuuewuu emu wew mmeu ems umuueueu me? xmsuusuws we esum e mwsemu .mumru.. .uee_umsm uesuumuwu ese wew .muse eeumeuouswe em ewewewemu eusee ese .eeewwu we meeum ese su mew» mewsmww emu eessweum meumk. ueemme emu gmuusuuuuse we euuew weuuswum wse su me .we>e>>em .mumu sw eweueeweme eumsmumeweum uese mewswuw euuemswumm mseuwe.» muu>> weewusweum wussew seem OPNQ seuwmmemu we weuseu ese umuue ueeswew emu we mwuwuwm uuemeeeess ese ewuusmu .mseuues seuwuummaa useuese emu wseswe eeumuxe eeseuewwew. mu -eueswuuus me? uu meumus sess meuwuuesuwuu emu uemu mweews e>em e3 ueum ummewnu emu sweww weesmwu me? meem umwm emu eesum wuemuueue wsuuuem mweewm wuewessm wsew muse suwuwe swewuesw umueuuuuewenuswee we mu wsuusuwuu we uwe emru.. .wseuuse>su seswsm uue we umeueeww emu ueesweeume em umuuueumseuuss umesw meumuuu ese ..wsuusuwnu mmewuuweuueu weeuuee umuuewe sew eeuuumu eume>esw muuufi mueemm we mmeem we msuusuwuu emu emuwemeuu eu Bes e>em e B wwsumuuewmemuuu wueuuee .eseum sweww wseum éewwuusu we wsuwueu emu ese .meueuwu ueeum uese wenuwuee weekuewwse we wsuusuwm emu .899 eume>esw muuus wmeem we wsuusuwuu emu mel. uwe useuwesswu mumu we memesewm uesuunmuuu ue -we>em ewe ewemruu eeseummsm wemue use we wenueuu se eewswww we mweueeweme sweww mseum -mewnuswu wsuesueews we uwe emu mu ezuwzwuwnw .®~ .02 HZHOAH h uueuewe wnmewemu uuwek e we memes emu seuvfeeesw su msuwswew ese usewsewsewweew we eumesee em eu me em umueuewesew uememwuue emu we weueeweme we weuueu >.we.»e wsuswwew we uemu mews. .mwe>ee Jxuuu ueeww emB uuweus euuuuu mew» ewemu mumu uue su usmu umwsusee museeuwsew emu we use emu mewewueu euuewsnu su ems su v.e.$ .xuee.mmsx uewsueuuwey. we mewsueuuu euusw ese mewee efiweus we seuueseewnu emu wew ieueeum hm wsuusuwwu we uesuuu weuuswum. uw ewswmewuu we eewwee wewuewnu emu muuwu wewe uuexmewu mu meswm e .uu eweme eeeeuwu huuswewee wewuenu emu ese .se eueu mu vusu emu semwu usm ueexs mu xwewnuez iewewu seuuuww» ewe ewemu we mwexmeees ewe mueumeu >,sesw me ..me.,> mumu su wsuusuws wew meeew ese weuuew su mweu ueeweme eemuwemsewu emu msupeeu xsmu uuueeewu mu msumues meumwe se muwewu ezemu uue su ueeek. emu .me-$e muse Jusewsswuwsu wenuewwu muuwu .semu wewewwse emu ese .ueee.$ ewem we ueumeu sumu e seuus.y,.ewe-$s.$ee eeew emu muuwheesuw mu wueemw ememu we meee wweeuewu usewesmsewu sumu we mueemy. senus seuuuw.$ umuuswewee eeeunu uzwuw emu su .mu ueeusuws e>em eu eseusu uemu meumwu wuwek. emw. .ueee.,> we mwueeum muuw» wewuewu msuwusweum hm wsuusuwwu we eeeus, eesw mumu esmwswu uuuux. em.,> eunueeuu wsuuzuxe >use emu ewe ewesumo emru. emeszseueeu ese v,.mese>.u,x_sewuMe muu e muem usseeee se ewsueweuuu we seuuewewuew emu wew mzeuems huueueu me? uwsuusuwnu we uesuwu e mus.emu iumw. .uee.umsm uesuueue ese wew wuse ee>eunu uswe em ewewewemu eusee ese eeeuwu we meeum ese su mew» mewswuw emu ueewuuseum meum.$ ueewme emu wmuuseuuse we euuew weuuswum >se su we .we>e Jsem Jumu sw eweueeweme eumwuhuweweum ese mewswuw euuemswmm mseuwee» muuwu ueeuuwseum uussew seem ewem seuwmuwmu we we.$eu ese emuue ueeasew emu we mmeuwm uuewueeeess ese ewuusmu .mseuu ues seuw.»mm< useuese emu wseuse eeumuuwe eese uuewee mueueusuuus me-..» uu meum.$-sewus meuuuue usuwwu emu uemu wweewwu ewem e3 ue> umzewnu emu useww eesmmu .me..> meem uwwuw emu eesum uuemnueue wsuwem mwee.» ueewessm wsew >use suwuwe swe uueesw muevuuewenuuwuee we mu wsuusuwwu we uwe emuw. .v.seuusw>su seswsm uwe we umeueeww emu eeuseeu ume em bueeumseess wmesw meumzu ese uwsuusuwwu mxewwuweuueu ueeuuee .uuuewe..sew .y,enu>u eumekweus muuww wueemm we muueem we msuusuwuu emu emuwem -eue eu Bes e._uem e>> gwsumuuewwemuuu eeuuee eseum sweww mseummewnuswu we wsumeu emu ese .m_eueuuu ueeum ese wewuwuee ee>ewmse we wsuusuwwu emu .meeu.mu eumewuesw muu.,> mmeem we wsuusuwwu emu meluwe useuwewuwsu mumu we wemesewm ue.suu iuuu uewewuem ewe ewemuu. .eeseuy.msw wemue >se we wewuem se .,/lewswuw we mweueeweme sweww eseum umewwuswu msueseewwu we uwe emu mu ezwazwmnu eu .O7u HZHOAH e ueewumew uuesueusuesw uwwuw ue mweuse>su muem meum.5 wmeeweem emu ese ueeuwes emu ue mmewwewwu ueueem uewesew emu muu.$ useuwumsee usuem >.weemu e mesw lumumseeseuusswuw umewsue euuefi me...» wweweewuuu emu umuuuumemewou uue su umuuswew mwemseusc emu we pmewue uumseme ssemeu. we wuemem se mseswwemu emu ese weumeo eesewsem we wepew su meusau emu .3 uueumeu -see mu uwe mseuepwesw ue.m eusswum wumu we usuwepee -m.ue emu we uuueewe eme ewes ..mwe>e wew mewumu we mmeeum .$es wsuuuse we wemeu eumesuswweusu emu wsu -eue>e mmewemu .mwe.$ e we memes emu seuwmeeesmsu wsuswwew ese eseswewsewweew we eumesee em eu we em. umueuewenuew uememeue emu we weueeweme we weuueu .mwe>e ususwwew we uemu weep .mwe>eemue ueewm emm. uuwesw euuuuu mek. ewemu wumu uue su usmu umwsusee museeuwsew emu we ese emu muewewueu esewsmu su ems su mek. .muee.umsm uewsusuwem we mewsueus euusw ese mewee wsumeunu we seuuesueewe emu wew emueeum .3 msuusuws we esum weuuswuw <4 ewsmmewwu we eewuee wesews emu muuk. wewe uuemmee mu mmswm e .uu eweme ueeeeuwu >.uuswewee wewues emu use so uuueu mu msu emu sem.$ usm ueews mu mmews e»/u eemewu seuuuwk. ewe ewemu we wwemmeees ewe mueumeu umsesw we umek. wumu su gwsuusuws wew wueeew ese weuuew su mweueeweme ueemuwemsewu emu wsuweeu wsmu uueeewu mu wsumues meum.$ se muwes ewemu uue su ueee..$ emu .me3e muse fiuseswswuwsu wesews muu.5 .semu wevewmse emu ese .uuee._$ uewem we ueumeu sumu e seas .mewe3 -sk.euu eeew emu muuk. eesum mu mueemw ememu we meee wwewuewu usewesmsewu sumu we mueemm sees seu -uuw.$ .»uusw.ewee eeeuwu umwuw emu su .mu eeusuws e>em eu eseusu pemu meumk. wu.we.$ emw. .eee.$ we mmeeum muusp wewuewu msuwuuseuw Pm msuusuwnu we eueesw euesw mumu esmwss uuuum em...» eusees msuumuxe muse emu ewe emesumo emw. emeswseuueeu ese mwesewumsesxe wuu we muem usseeee se ewsueweuuu we seuuewesewnu emu wew mmeuews wuueueu me? ausuusuws we uesum e mwsemu wmumw. .uee.umsm uesuumue ese wew muse eeumeuuuswe em ewewewemu eusee ese eeeus we uueeum ese su me? mewswuw emu eessweum meumk. ueewme emu nmuusuuuu use we euuew weuusuuw use su we .we>e,5em ass su .mweueeweme eumsumuweweum ese mewswuw euuemswmm wseuwe> mu?» ueesuseuw essew seem e>em seuunmem we we..>eu uese .muue uuewsew emu w.e wmeuwm ueemeeeue -ss uese ewuusuw .mseuues seuw>mm< useuese emu wseswe eeumuxe ueewueue>ee wueueswuuus me? uu mews? sees meusuesuws emu uemu mweews e>em e.$ uem ummewe emu sweww eesmmu we? wueem uwwuw emu eesue ueemseue wsu>em wweem eewessm wsew muse suwuwe sweueesu muefiuewesswee we mu wsuusuws we uwe emw. .mseuuse>su seswsm uue we umeueewm emu eesweeu ume em umueeumseueswu wmesw meum.$ ese qwsuusuws mmewmweuueu uueuuee Zuewesem .mes.mu eume>esw mu?» wueemm we mwueem we wsuusuws emu emuwemeuu eu Bes e>em e>> esumsewmemuuu eeuuee .eseum useww mseuw -mewsswu we msuwueu emu ese zmeueuwu ueeuw uese wesnuee ee>ewmse we msuusuwwu emu .mes.mu eumewwesw muusv mmeem we msuusuwm emu weluwe useuwesswu mumu we memesewm uesuuwuuu uewebem ewe ewemw. eeseummsw wemue use we weses se eewsmm we mweueeweme sueww eseummewssuu msuesueews we uwe emu mu e./.u.u.z:unu uuu .e7u wt/uwenu. ea .ow..e.ewuuU nweuuuwwwuurl. nae .mowm~ uwemuwwemu he, mu/usuuueswm sees wees sswewmwusz ueueum weeunwwmuweaunuouv wowweaudw uwwoww umeuv 46 .m 02¢. o J‘ mmoqi mmm .wN0\Ql Q21 WQQQQZVFM .mo3<.: QOK mo emonaoo one dooaooaeae mo? noeoua an eaone waeemoo eo ooee -oo.em one .aoom eon nooob» eo oaob» oomonmeao eman mom».e one .eeo eeone waeeoommoe woaeoeaeona emen eo m.eoeao»ae neon noene» emooaoom one oao ooeaom one eo mmoawoam noeoom noeoaow one new.» eaoemem -aoo maeon meoone o noamlmnmaooaoenafiem emoano oooaa mob» emeo -»oomec one mmenenonoem no am gmneaeoe meonaoeaw one mo enomeon -mao.® aaonom. eo enonon ao maoaeaow one oao ..eoemoO ooaoaaowm mo .eo»oe an noeafl one en woemoeaoo me eao maono».eoaa eom onmanm mene mo wae.eo»oomeo one no eeooao one owom m.eo»o eoemomme .eo mnoonn Boa waeeeao mo eonon onnoaeaeaoeae one .waeEo»o mnoaone «nook.» o no mowom one aoemmoooam ae waeaeeoe oao .eaoneomao.e.eo -o.e mo onnomoo on oe mo om cmnoeoaomom eononmno one mo aoeooeono no eoeeon >..eo»o waaaeom mo eone mo>» %.eo»oome© eooew one eeaoae one en mo>» oaone mene no ae eam gmaaeaoo neaooeeaoe one eo oao one mn..eo..»oe omoaonm ae oma ae mob» .meoo wnam noeaemeeom mo moeaeoem oneae . oao moaoo mawmonm mo aoeeoauoem one now .mnoonn an waeeaeam mo neaen aoneaeem <4 oaammoam eo ooewow aomoam one new.» .eo»o neommom me nmaen o .ee o»ono oooonm Enaeoeoo eomom one oao ao Eon me nae one aone» eon mooma me mmoam o Z mowom aoeeeas» oao oaone mo meommoooa oao meonnoe eaoea mo 5:» mene am xmaeeaeam aoe 358 oao eonoe an meoeooaono coneaomaoae one wae»oon mane neoooee me maeneoa noene» ao meaom omone no an woos» one 52% meao nmeaoea Aeeemae eomoam net,» .aone .eo»o.emao one oao «cook.» oeon mo eon -noe aene o aoma .mc.eo>»a>»ou oooe one new.» 62:» me meoonm omone mo nooo meomom eaoaommaoae aene eo meoonm aom: aoeeeeu» Dnaeoeoo .ooonm eman one an ,me coeaeam o»on oe oaoeae hone noene» naoe» one ooob» mo mnoonn net» eomom waemaeoem en waeeaeam mo oooae ooaa mene oameam neem one» onmoom waeemexo Eao one oao omoaenO one mmoamaoewoe oao mmoao»emaomNo men eo neon eaaoooo ao .oaaeo.eo en eo aoeeowomoem .one now. mmonoma enoeoe mob» mwaeeaeem eo oaen o nwaone emene eoonnam eoaeemew oao eoe bao oomonmaeo on oeoe -o.eone Eaoo oao .oooem no noonn oao ae mo>» moeamn one womaeoem noens» eoonno one cmeeaveeao eo onoe eoneaeem >.ao ae mo ..eo»o>»on .mene am maoeooaono oenmmnwoeoen oao moeawn ononarmm maoeeo» net,» oomaeoem caaoe aoon o»on aonmnom mo .eo>»oe oao memo ooaaoe one no mnoeen ooemooooaa oao oeeeafl maoeeoa aoeemmmew eaoeoao one maoaeo ooemexo oomono»oo boeoaeeena moo» ee noenb» aoma monmeo -ae.em one eone meoonm o»on 0.3 eoe mmmoem one aaoee ooamme mos» noon emen one ooaem oommono mae»on meooe ooauaan aaoe hnao eaemeeo aao éoea e£o»eeo.eomaeoo no me waeeaeam mo eao one .maoeeao»ae aoaean no mo emoeooew one ooeaooemo on E oenaooaa emoaa noene,» oao swan -eae.em mmoamueoeeon oonoo hnoaoao emomeme onno»oae net.» meoonm no mnoon mo waeeaeem one oneaomou oe Boa o»on o 3 gwaenmoaw -onen noonoo .oaoem aeoae maoemmoemoee mo maenoe one oao emoeonm eooem oao eommoo ©o»oe.wao eo waeeaeem one emomkme onno»oae net» mnoon eo maeeaeam one moleao eaoeaomaee mene eo monoaoen eoaeemeo noeo»om oao oaone ooaoemnam eoneo mao no aomom ao emoeawn ao meoeooaono aeoae maoemmoaman waeoawoem eo eeo one me ozeezeam .®m .Oz BZHOAH N. oao aeoeeoomm oao ewaanmoaew “ooaomoan ..eoemoO en waeeaeam beoo eo maoaeeoomm eonaeem oeoo noeeao.eo»o.e net» Bonm oao o»..eomo.em Jaoeaoom eo noeom one .oo.eo»oomeo aoon o»on 3:932 eo mmoam men mo ooao uoem one uweonaoeaé no naoe» one no maonaeoomm eoneo oaeom dnnem mene mooemom meonoo ae aom one new.» ooeaoowo waeon maoemono one mo meoeeon noeeeae one mmaeaaeoo oenaoo .ooem ae oeeoao o me em oenoaeo» oao oeoa bwaeooooxo oeo noene» mo moemoo onnem o maeeaeam an oooooooam weon uaoeamo mmve oao omen aookeom om: ae oeaoneen emeeomaaoea ae mnaoe» one onnaeomoa bomono Eaonm noene» mneoe» ooaooem oe mos» maoeaeem emen one no mnaeo eooew one no oao oao hmeoneeomaoee .3 oma ae meoeeon Moonn one oonneaomoe momme noeoea omone mo emonaoo one dooaooeeae mob» noeoae ae aeone waeemoo mo ooeeooam one aoom ean 609.» no oao? oomonmaeo emen momme one .e.eo eeone waeeoommoa ooaeoeaeoea emen eo m.eoeao»ae neon noen.» mooaoom one oao doeaom one eo mmobwoem eoeoom noaoaow one new.» eaoememaoo waeon »..eoone o noamlmnmaooaoeeaaeem emoaano ooofi mob» %ao»oomeo one cmenenonoem no am pmeenaoe waonaoeame one mo nomeou nmaome aaonon mo eeonon ao maonaaomu one oao neoemoo ooaoaaoam mo ao»oe ae noeam one an ooemoeaoo me eao maoeo».eoae eom onmaeem mene mo waeao -»oomeo one no eeooeo one .omom h.eo»o now 893 mo mnoonn Boa waeeeao mo eonoe onnoaeaeeveae one waeoeo»o mnoaone ,n.eo>» o mo mowom one aoem umoooam ae waeeaeom oao .eaoaeowao.e.eooe mo onnomoo on oe mo om smnoeoa uomom eononmeo one eo aoeooao no no aoeeon m.eo»o .waeaeaoe eo eone moe» m.eo»oomeo eooaw one eeaoea oneen mo.» omone mene no ae eam cmeaeaoo neaooeeaoe one .eo oao one mo.eo>»oe omoaamn an oma ae mob» .meoo..mnam noaa uemeeom mo moaaeoem ooaa oao moeoo waemonm o aoeeoaooem one now .mnooen en waeeaeam mo eeaen eoneaeem 4 oeammoe o ooewoo aomoem one new,» eo»o oommom me nmaan o .ee o»ono oooonm nawoaoo aomom one oao ao Eon me Mae one aone» ea wooma me mmoem o Z .mo om aoeeeee» oao oeone mo meommoooa oao meonnoe ao_a mo snob» mene an .waeeae.em. eoe moooe oao eonoe ae meoeooaono ooneeomaoae one mae»ooe mane doooee me mafieoa noene» ao meeom omone no an woos» one 52% meao .meaonaa.eemae ..eo oem new.» .aone .eo»o.ewao one oao oooe» oeon mo eonnoe aene o aoma moeoe» ua>»oo oooe one new,» .32» me meoonm omone .eo ooo reomom eaoeommaoae aene mo meoonm aoma aoeeeeu» Eeaeoaoo ,ooon emen one ae .me ooeaeam o»on oe oaoeae mo e noene» Mao.» one oooe» o mnoonn new.» aomom m5 umuaoem en waeeaea eo oooae ooae mene oamaa neem one» onmoom waeemexo Eao one oao omoaeno one mmoamaoeooe oao mmoao»emaomMo mee eo neon eaaoooo ao .o.eaeo.eoen no aoeeowomoam one eon mmonoma bnoeoe mos» swae ueaeam mo oaen o nwaone .mene eoonnam eoaeemeo oao now Eao oomonmaeo on oeoeoeone onaoo oao .oooem ao Mooen oao ae moB.mo.eawn one oomaeoem noene» eoonno one cmeeaveeao mo onoe eoneaaem mao an mo ..eo»o>»on men... an meoeooeono oenmbwoeoen oao moeawn ononaamm maoeao» net» oomeaoem oaaom aoon o»on aoamnom mo .eo.,»oe oao meeo oofioe one mo mnoeen oomoooeoaa ao oeeeanm maoeeoa aoebmmmd eaoeoao one waoaeo ooemeao oomoeo»oo eoeoeaeena moe» ee noen.$ aoma monmeoaeem one eone meoonm o>on oe» eom wmmoem one eaoee ooamme mob» noon eman one ooaem oommono wagon maoom ooeoaan eaoe mnao aemeeo aaoooaa mnofieoeomeaoo no me waeeaeam .eo eao one .maoeeao»ae aonaan no mo emoeooaw one oofiooe nmo on meooenaooaa mona noen>» oao cmaeeaeem mmoamuaoeeoe oonoo Dnoeo uaow womb o_no»ona net» meoonm no mnoon mo waeeaeam one oneaomoo oe >»oa o»on o .3 cwaenmoawonen oonoo .oaoem naoae maoemmoemaee mo waenoe one oao .moeoem nooem oao eommoo oo»o.emao mo waeeaeem one .393 oen -o»o.a net» mnoon mo waeeaeam one moleao eaoeeomnae mene o monoaoen eoaeemeo noeo»om oao oeone ooaoemnam eoneo bao no aomo ao .853 no meoeooeono naoae .maoemmo.emaee waeoaooam .eo eeo one me ozaezeam 6H .02 H.ZHOn.H 0 .maoo common mn nmnnn o “en o>ono oooonn mnneonoo nonmn one ono. .no Eon mn nnn one nonB enn mcomn mn mmonn o Z momma noeennB ono onone mo mnommooon ono meonnoe mnmHn mo 5....» mnne nH uwnnennnm noe mwmon ono neonon nn mnoe oonono oonnnomnone one wntwoon mnne doomne mn wnnneon nonnB no menon omone no nn ©ooB one 5:5 meno nmenonn -nnemnn nomonn nenB “none no>on.wno one ono €ooB onon no eonnoe nnne .m nonn .m©noBnBoo oooe one nenB eoonm mn meoonm omone no nooo roman enonmnmnmne nnne eo meoonm non: noeennB mnneonoo “ooonn emnn one nn nmn coennnn o>on oe cnoenn hone nonnB nnoB one .@ooB .no mnoonn nenB nonwn mnEHnoem mn wnnennnn no ooonn oonn mnne onmnnn Hem onB onnoon wnnemnno bno one ono omonnnv one mmonmnonooe ono mmonofimnonno men no neon ennoooo no “onneonoen no noneowononn one now mmonomn mnweoe m.oB ma ennnm no onnn 6 nmnone nmnnm. .eoo.nnnm eonnemmc ono non bno oomonnHno on onoeonone Snoo ono .ooonn no noonn ono nn m.mB monnwn one oonnnmem nonnB eoo_...no one cmennvneno no onon nonHnnm mno nn mo nno>oBon nmnne nH mnoeoonono onnnbwononn ono monnwn ononHnmm mnonnonw nenB oonnnoem onnoe noon o>on nonmnom no noBoe ono menu ooHnme one .no mnonnn oomoooonn ono onnenfi mnoneon nwnnmmmaq enonono one .wnoHnm. ooemnno oonono>o© boe.mHnnenn moB en no_nB nonn monnnonnnm one eone meoonm o>on oB eom mmmonn one nnone conmmn m.oB noon emnn one oonnm comnflo wntnon mnmom concnnn nno.n bno nnnwnno nnoooHn bofiewnonnnoo .no mn wnnennnn no enw one .mnoneno>Hn nonnnn no, no emo eoonm one ©oHnooemo on booennownn monn nonnB ono on ennnn mmonnnoeeon oonmo mnononow moon onno>onn n£B meoonm no mnoon no wnnennnn one onnnomoo oe Bon o>on o 3 uwnnnnwnwonen wonmo .onoem nnone mnonmmonnHnn eo mnnnoe one ono nmoeonm nooem ono nonnoo cofionwno no wnnennnn one monne onn.m>oHn nenB mnoon no wnnennnn one mwlueno enoenonnnn mnne no monononn eonnemno nono>om ono onone oonmemnnm noneo mnm no nommm no nmonnrwn no mnoeownono Hnone mnonmmonmnn wnnonoonn eo end one mn oznaznnm .©H .02 H.ZHOnH G . momme no mnoonn Bon mnneeno no nonmn onnmnnfinoenn one wnn -EoB.o mnonone .nnoB .o no mowon one nonmmooonm nn wnnnnnoe ono .enonnown.mnn.mon .eo onnnnoo on oe mm om cmnoeononom eon ..mnH:.m one no noeownmno no noeeon mno>o wnnnnnoe no eone moB mnonwoomno eoonm onB .ennoHn oneen moB onone mnne Sm nn enm gmnnenoo nenooennoe one no ono one mon.mBoe ononnfl nn omn nn moB .meoo.nnnm nonnennnom no monneonn oonn ono monmo wnnmwnn no noneonconn one now nmnoonn E wnnennnn no unnn nonfinnm < onnmmonn no oonwoc nononn one nenB no>o common mn nmnnn .o .en o>ono oooonn mzneonoo nonwn one ono no Eon mn nnn one nonB enn moomn mn mmonn o Z mowon noeennB ono onone mo mnommooon ono meonnoe mnonn mo ¢mnB mnne nn awnnennnm non Bdoon ono nonon nn mnoeoonmno connnomnwne one wnnfiwon mnne noooone mn wnnneon nonnB no menon omone Sm nn uooB one %.mBo menu .menoHnnnemnn nononn nenB .none nofiwnwno one ono roman enononmnone no eoonm nnne o non: .m©n.mBnBoc oooe one nenB .ooHnw mn meoonm omone no nomo roman enonmnmnwne nnne no meoonm non: noeennB mzneonoo .oo.mnn emnn one nn .mn ooennnn o>on oe onoenn hone nonnB nnoB onB .wooB no mnoonn nenB nomom wnnmnnoem mn wnnennnn no oconn ovnn mnne onmnnn Snem onB onnoon wnnemnno Bnno one ono omonnnU onB .mmonmno Acoe ono mmonofimnonno men no neon ennoooo no .onne.mnoenn no noneowmnonn. one now mmonomn B.=weoe moB cwnnennnn no onnn .m nwnone smnnfi .eoo.nnnm eonnemnu ono non Dno womonnnno on onoeonone Enoo ono mooonn no noonn ono nn moB monnwn one oonnnoem nonnB eoo_..no one cmennnneno no onon nonnHnnm mno nn mo .noBoBon .mnne nH .mnoeodn.ono onnmbwononn ono monnwn ononHnB.m mnonn.m> nenB vonfimem onnow noon o>on normndm .no noBoe cno keno _coHnme one no mnonnn cobwooc n: and onnennm mnonedn nonn>..mm< enononw one wnonnw coemn -Mo oomononwoc mnoenfinenn m.mB en nonnB non: monnnonnnn one eone meoonm o>on oB eoh mmmonn one EOHH wonmmn m.mB noon emnn one oonnm oomnono wnnfiwn mnwom ooncnnn nnon mnno .nn.wn .no nno©oHn mnoBne.mn.mnHnoo no mn wnnennnn no end onB mnone -no>nn nonnnn :o .no emoeoonw one oonnooemo on mnvoennoo -nn h.nHn nonnB ono finnennnn mmonnnoeeon uozoo hnwnonow .mo9me onno>onn nenB meoonm no mnoon no wnnennnn one onnnomow oe Bon o>.on o B .wnnnnon.wonen wozoo .onoem Hnonm mnonm monnnnn no wnnnme one ono .moe.mnn nooem ono nonnoo oofiwnw .no no wnnennnm one .mon%e onn.m>oHn nenB mnoon no wnnennnn one mmleno en.menonHnn mnne no monononn eonnemwc nmnonwom ono ononm. oonoemnnm noneo hno no nonon no .monnwn no mnoeon nono Hnon.n mnonmmonnnnn wnnonvonn no end one mn oznaznnm .3 62 eznon m mnonn MOH. 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Eeoeee oneen ma? oeone mene :a E eeemw cmeseeeoo neeeooeeeeew one we weeeo one mweea?0e omeeeemw E om: E ma? .weoo.wn:m waeseawweom we moeeeeoenw oweeee weeea wweeao mcrmawnw we eeeeeoeneeenw one eew .mn00wn mn wqeecea we weEn ea:eEm < oeeemmoenw we ooemowe eonweem one new? eo>0 weommanw mw nmeeen a E o>0na weooawaw emzeewoeao eonwam one weeea :0 Eaw we nE one son? eeen meow: mw wwoenw eZ woman eeoeewe? oea oeone ma emeamwoooee oea meownae emnaeee ma sma? mwne eew .wEeEenw eew emweaoe weeea .wonoe E meoeeaeane weonweomeeaee one wE>aow msne .weo0aee we wEne0: nown? :0 meeanw omene :a E 000? one %a?a meeeo .me:oeeeeeeemE eoaweenw new? .:one eo>aeweeo one weeea 600? weean we eownae Ene a eeenwee wneea? -:?ewe ooaw one new? neoenw we meoonm owone we noao uaea eeeoeanwmeeaee Ene we meoonm :29 eeoeewe? Eneewoeao .o0annw emen one E E weoeE.eaw o>an ee weeeoeen emone newn? nee? on.w. .000? we mnoewn new? eomanw ME Aweeeaem emn wEeEenw we oweeeee oweeee mwne 25% :_em en? ownweom wenemexo 3:0 one oea omoEnU on H amoeemeeewweoe weeea mmoeeofimeeoawxo wen we neon eceeeooa :0 .oeeeeae.oen we eeeweawanweenw one eew mmowomee bwaeee ma? .wE -eEenw we weEn a nwsene .mwnrw\ .e0o.wn:m eoEemwwe oeee eew emweee weoemewnweeeo on oeewoeone E500 weeea eooowm ee neenn one E ma? moeeewew one weonweeeaem nown? e0o.wne one nwewsweweea we onoe ea:eEm emna E ma .eo>o?0n .mwne cw .m.eoeoaeano ownnwemnweeown weeea moeeewww oneneeeemm mee0wea> new? weomweeeaem weeeeeew noon o>an newmnamw we eo?0e weeea emewo weoeeeaw one we mnowen weoemaeoweeeee weeea oeweeemw oeeeeaee :awe.mmm< eeeoeoeea one mneeeea weoemwxo weonwenoewowe emwoeaeEewee ma? en nown? eeeawee wownwwocwemw one eane mweeenw o>an o? eoew mmmoem one Eeew weoeemmw ma? neon ewen one ooEm weomnwawo wE>an meaoem weoeweeesn .e=0w bee ,Ew_ee neoweeeee emwofieaeam -E0o we mw wEeEenw we eea onw. .mee0weeeo>E eeaeeesn :a we emoeaoew one weoeeeooemo on emwwoeneeeweeeee emaeee nenn? weeea .mEEEe wmoenweoeeow weonwao Ewaeoeeow fixer owna>eE new? meoonm ee mneen we wEeEenw one onweomowe ee ?0: o>an o >> .wEnnwaew0nen weo:a0 .o:0em Eeew meeewmmoenweeew we wEnae one weeea swoeawnw nooem weeea eonwmeo weo>aemeeo we mEeEenw one fixer onna>0eee new? mneen we wEeEenw one mauleea eeeaeeenweeee wwne we monoeeaen e0Eemne naeo>om oea oeonw. ooeeaemneem eonee emeea ee §.§e eee fioeswn e0 meoeoaeano Eeew .meee_mmoenweE wE0en00emw we eea one mw ezeezemnw .e.E.we.m QQO BZHOAH w -ae0emo.~w one :o>mw .Eae_emw eaoemw E ea? :30 one .3 wooweeaeoe ma? ew .mwe.ea?eoewa eeeem woeea Meeeweaeeeeewoww one :0 eeeoeeeoomeeeo mwween one .3 weoea=eeoeE coon wean wmoew -0.:w mew .o0we0: 0eE wE:ee0 o:n>? ..m_?07 emeo.» ha? mew weeesew en meoeeasd eonee ee tea .Ewn=Q weonoaoe ew emme E eweeeawweemw ee ew enweeeen wean :eex.mU eoewa meaom emeewne eeeena weeeaneeom 0eE weo0eewe0.eeE ma? mEeEenw ..monn< .eoemEEemo.>> E mmoem a as mEeeom kn weeeawweemw 0eE eea one w0oo:we0eeE eeeexaww eaow oeeeam one eeeena woeea umooanm eonee wseeea.» weeea omone weoneaoe wean em K3 ee u.=e.e>oenw .wo_ewo _aeeeoEe ueeee eonee weeea .m.:ee.w. Eeaaw .eea:w>w .o0eeoeew.w .o0_eeo> .oEev.w ee weoweeeoexo ma? eea one oeewon weoeeeooxo ma? wEeEenw oeon? moeawm one emwnaeeemmnoeew oea Eoweaaww weeea wesnmaeem .oo:o%aw2w ..evev.oU 3 mEE_.:e 3:3 we m:oeE0oam eazeenm oeae waweeeoeo ->oe new? ?enm weeea o.>Lomo.ea Jeeoweaaww ea noeeemw onrw. .weoeo>00mwv coon o>an ooeeo dmawn ea mmoenw mwn we oeenueem one .w.eoneeoeeeD we nee? one we m.eeoeE0oQ.:. eonee oeeeem dwnwmw mwne mowewmomw .m.e0_e0 E some one new? weoeseoxo mEon meoeewane one we meoeeon wawe_E one .mcEEe0 onnsewe .oEm E eeease a we ew .o_naena> weeea oeae .m_mEwooo0xo oea nown? we mowmee .o_nwmw a wEeEeQ E weoweooooeem meon:oe=O mm: weeea om: eeoo?e om om: E eeeonewn emweomscafi E mnee? one ownfieomoe Eomewe wneeenv. nown? mxee? oosweeenw ee ma? meoeE.:w emeww one we .neEa eaoem one we oeee weeea .u.eon_eov.eea.ee .3 om: E meoeeow noawn one weowneeeomoe $90 waeoeee omone we emoneao on,w. nooo:we0eeE ma? waeoeee E Eone weewemao we ooweeaem one eeeem eeen .000? we oeo? weohewewfio ememe 890 on,w. .eea Eone wEe0.o.wmoe weoEaeEaE emeww ea v.eee:o>E neon nonn? meoeoom one weeea neeweoew one ea mmoeweem waweem waeoeeow one new? eeeoemwmeeeo mEon Lmeeone a nommtnwwmse -oeeae_=eEw eweeena oweae: ma? eCo>0em_we one mmenwnaneenw ca eew ...m:Eaw ueoneeoeeeww one we .n0u.eowwm:a$ Eeanew. we wnanon :0 meeaeeeeomw one weca ..eoem0U ooeeoeeeaww we ee>aw E neeeenw one 3 wuoemoeeeee E eea m=ewo>.eaE eoem oweweenm vnne we wEeo>00,r.:o one we ewweoeo onw. omam emeo>o eew 8,9: we mnoewn ?o: wEee=0 we eenaw o_naEE._oeE one wEEe>a Mnoeone Jee? a we woman one eeewmmoooeem E mEEeew weeea .eeeoEom:ae .53.. we ownamae on ee ma em smwoeaeamom eonanmna one we eoeoaeano ee eoeeow eCo>o wEEeew we eane ma? eCo>e0m:o eaoem onw. Eeoeee oween ma? oeone mwne :a E eeemw cmeseeeoo neeeooeesew one we wzeo one wweea?0e omeeeemw E om: E ma? .me0o.wn=m nae: -eEe0m we moeeeeownw owese weeea mwoeae weermawa we eeeweeeeweeem one eew anoewn we w.EeE.:w we weEn ea:eEm < .oe=m.no.eQ we ooewowe eoeeem one new? eobe weomwanw E nwsen a .ew o>ena weooawa 3328 eomam one U56. :0 woman an v_E one :on? esn “vow: we mmoem eZ .mowanw eeoeewe? oea oeone ma emeammoeoee oea meownae emeeaeee ma nma? mwne cw .mE:E.e eew emwuaoe weeea .wonoe E meoeoaeane weonweevdaee one mE>aow meene nooeaee we wEne0: nown? eee meeam omene :a E .000? one .ma?a meeeo ..ne:oE=eev.E seoa new? .:one eo>aew:o one weeea .000? wean we eownae Ene a :23 .mweea?:?0w0 oeaw one new? neoenm E meoonm omone we neao eeomamw eeeoeammeeaee Ene we meoonu. some eeoeei? em::w -oea0 .o0aE ememw one E in w0oeE.:w o>an ee w:eoeE hone nown? nee? on,H .000? we mnoenn new? woman wE9eeaew. kn wieia we oweeeee oweeee mwne oeemeeea :.eem en? oweeom wEe....wxo 3:0 one oea omoEnU onw. amocmzeeweoe weeea mmoeeoimconwxo mew we neen eeeeeeoea :0 oeeeeaeoe: we eeeweawameem one eew mmowoms mnaeee ma? .mE:E.e we weEn a nmeeene mnwnw. .e0o.wn:.... eoEem:0 oeee eew 3:0 weowewaeeeo on oeewoeone 3:00 weeea .o0onw ee neewn oeee E ma? moeeemww one weoaeeeaem nown? eoowne one nmewseeeca we onoe eazcewm 58 E ma .eo>o?0n nnwne eew deoeeaeane ewnnwmwueeown weeea moesmmw oneneermm m=0wea> new? weoeeeeaem weE.e0w eeoon o>an eeermnam we .eo?ee Eea .96 weoeeeaw one we mxowen weoemaooweaee weeea oewecmw weeeeeaee ca_.:mmm< eeeoweeea one weeeeea weoemwxo weoae ..wo>owe .mwoeaeEe_: ma? ew nown? eeemee mo_E0E.:w one eane mweeem o>an o? eo.m ummoem one Eeew weosmmw ma? neon ememw one o0Em weommawo mE>an memo.» weoeweeeeen .:e0w 3:0 .Ewwe0 eeeoweeeee emnobweaeanweeeeo we mm mEeE.em we eea on.w. .v.:0weeeo>E eeaeneen :a we emoeaoem one weoeeeooemo on emwweoeneeeweees wmaeee newn? weeea .aEeE:e v.u.oeQ-eoeeo_ weonae wmzaeoeeom. .390 owna>eE new? meoonm e0 mneen we wEeEea one onweomowe ee ?e: o>an o>> .m..Ennwaemene: weo:a0 .o:0em Eeew meeewmmoemfiw we wEv_ae one weeea fioeana nooem eea eomaee o>a.ew:o 0 weeeeeeea o e Jomke o a>eE ee? m 00 0 wE::a o e maul we we w . . n 5 n . n nw . . n eea eeeae.e0meE mwne we monueeaen e0Eemwwe _aeo>om oea o.eon.w. oeeeaemneem eonee .m:a ee eomaa eee doeeewmw e0 meoeoaeano Eeew .u.:0wmmo.RweE mEoen00ea we eea one mw ezehzemaw .me.rwm e.eO hzeeaw o mmeeem MOH. 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Jeone eo>m.e.mno one onm .eooo.$ oemn mo eonnme nene m nom: .wo.em>>n>>oo oome one news oonnw we weoonw omone mo nomo comma enoemmmnmee nene eo weoonw com: noeee.§> mnndmoemo .oomnm eweme one 5 .we Uoeneem o>mn oe onoene hone noen? neo? on,H nooozw eo wnoonn nee? eommm Mae mnemew .mn wnmeneem .eo oooan oone wene odwenm Seem on? onmoom wneemmmo Eco one oem owonennu onm. dwonwnomooe onm moon -o>ewnomNo wee eo neon ennooom no .o.e:em.eoen eo noeemmmmoem one now wwonown mnmeoe mm? .mEe£& mo onen m nwsone .men,H .eoo.nn:w eoneewno ono Hoe mnno oomonmneo on oeoeoeone ensoo onm .oooem eo noonn ono an mm? moeumm one oomnemew noenk eoo.n -no one cmeenweenm eo onoe emmnnw .93 5 mm ..eo>o>>on .mmne nm .w.eoeom.emno oenmhnwoeomn Unm woeswme ononnehm w=oe.em> nee? oomnemew oneeoe noon o>mn notmnmm mo eokoe onm memo ooneme one eo wnoeen oommooons onm onenmm dnoeemn dmeemwwna enoeonm one wnonem ooemewo oomonoewoeo mnoemneeend wmke ee SOME»? nomn wonmeoneem one emne meooem o>mn o? eom mwwoem one neoee yoonwwe mm? noon eweme one oonmm oommmno .wne>mn wumoh ooeo nun enoe mnno .en.wm.eo neooone bofiememmneoo mo we wneeneem .eo eem onfi .mnoeeno>ne nmnesn :m..eo ewoemoew one ooenooewo on Mnooensoonee mmne noenop Unm .w::E.& mwoemueoeeon eoonmo hnmeonow .399 onnm>one nee? weoonm no wnoon mo wneeneem one oneeowoo oe Bod o>mn o B ..wennmm.e.monen oonmo .onoew neouw wnoewwoumeen mo wnenme one onm .moemnm nooew Unm eommoo oo>m.rw no mo wneeneem one .mom.me onnm>one new? wnoon mo wneenwem one wmaleem enmeeomnn wene mo mononmen eoneeweo nm.eo>om oem oeonfi oonmewnsw eoneo mam no eommm no .moe:.wm eo meoeom Jemno neoee finoewwoemnn wenosooem eo eem one we ozeazemm om .oZ mqwam oao azeom w oe muowwoenm .woeemo nmeuoneenoo eoneo tam .m.:eo.H .wCm.m .=meS>H Jonoeofm .oo~:o> .oEo~m oe eooeonoexo mm? eem one oeoeon eooeuooxo wm.$ weneenem oeon>w moomnm one henmeumweeone oem Eonemmm onm mwesnmmeem .oo=o.mm2 doewoo ....n mneeneem hnemo eo wnoeceoomw emznnw oemo nmeeooeoboe nee? Bonm eonm oveowoem Jnonemmm em noeufl onrfi doeovooweo noon o>mn .oo:o.mm2 em mmoem wen eo oouooem one mweunnoesw eo neo.$ one eo wnoneeoomm eoneo oneom Jnnemm mene woenwomm .weonoo en nom one nee? eooeuooxo mneon meoemmno one eo meoeeoe emeeene one .wnEenoo onnuoo .ou_m oeemud m we em .o_nm=em.w cam oeme hvwneeooooxo oem noen.5 eo woemoo .onn_m m w:_een.em en oooooooaw weonnoeuw mmvn cum omvn uoopweom own 5 oeeonemn emmeomunman E wneoee one onnneowoe heowono ensonw noenzw mneok oodooem oe mm? meoentm ewen. one eo mnnm emoew one eo ono onm fieoneeomnmee .mn own 5 weoeeon nomnn one oonnneomoe womhe omone eo emonemo onuu fioosuoeene mm.$ nmeoe: en Eone menemmo eo oo_eom.em one noow eun .e.ooB eo oeo.$ oomonmneo ememe $90 on.H .e.em hone wnmeoomwoe ooenmenemne ememe em meoenopne neon noenew hooeoom one cam ooeeom one em wmoewoem nmeoow nmeonon... one nee...» enoemmwnoo mneon heoone m nouwnlmemnoonmenafiew ewoecnm ocmne mm? >..eo.woomeo one hem -:nmno.em Sm um ..».:Eme meonuoenw one eo .noweomem=mO nnmnom. eo enmnon no mnmneeome one cum meoewoo oonoeumwm eo eobme E noe=Q one Mn uoemoenoo we eem msonovemne eoh oemfinw wene eo wneeovoowno one «o eeooeo onuu .o.wmm .»..eo.wo eoe womme eo wnooen Bo: mneeeso eo eonmn onnmnefieoeen one .wn_Eo.wm hnoeone Jeeok m eo mowmm one noewmooouw E .wn_Eeoe cum .e=oEo.w:meem -o.e eo oenmmmo on oe mm ow fimnoememmow eonmnmem one eo eoeomemno eo eoeeoe meovo mneneeoe eo emne mm»? Meopooweo emoew onfi .eCoE oneen mm...» oeone mene nm E esm cmeuenoo nenooeeuoe one eo ono one woemfioe omoeumm E own 5 wm.$ .meoo.nn=w nmeuemeeow eo woeseoem ooze ocm moemo m:_.e.£m eo someone. .o.em one eoe Jnooen kn wnmenmem eo onen emflnnm 4 .o.e=wmoem eo ooeuoo eomoem one nee? eovo oowwmm we nwuen m .e_ ovonm ooomnm ..m::eoemo eommm one cum :5 Emn we nae one non? eun “com: me wwoem oz .mo.umm :oee_e.$ oem oeone mm hemmmooon oem weonnme ..m:mE mm ..».m.$ one am ..w5en_em eoe homoe deem fionoe en meoeomemno ooneeomumee one unevmon mane Jooomee we uenneo: noenke no weemm owone 2m 5 woos» one .mm.Bm meso .we=oE=.eemne eomoem new.» .:one eobmemno one cam .oooB uemn eo eonnme ezne m =om= .wU.em>w:.$oo oome one net.» 62:» we meoonm owome eo nomo m.eom.mm eeeoemmwnmee nene eo meoonm nomu noeeeesp hnseoemo noomn eweme one an .we ooenim ovmn oe eouoeez hone noen...» neo.$ onfi .ooo.$ eo wnoonn nee? eommm menmfimew an unmeueem eo ooone ooze mene oeeweum Seem on.$ onmoom menewmxo .m_=o one oem owoneno onfi .wwo=w=o:ooe dam mwonofimnomuo wee eo neon ennooom no .o..:em.eoen eo =o_§m9eo.& one woe mmonows bemeoe mm...» ..weneen.em eo women m nwaone den eoomnnm eoneemeo ono eoe bno Uoho mneo on oeoeoeone ensoo eonm .oooe eo noonn ono 5 mm? woeerww one no Emew noenk eoo.—.no one rmeenvmenm eo onoe emfineew hum ne mm ..eo>o.$o .wene um .meoeom.emno o_nm.mn.wo.eo_n cum woeuwme ononnehm maowemv net» U Emem vnuoe noon opmn novmnmmm eo .eo.$oe onm .me_o ooneme one eo wnoeen oommooons Unm oeeenmm .m:oeem: :m_.e.mwm< enoeonm one wnonem eooememo eoomono>ov heoemneeenu mm...» em noen.$ noma woemeoneem one emne weooem o>mn o3 eo.m mwmoem one Eoee oonwme mm? noon emec one ooenw uommmno wenbmn wemoh ooevusn euoe hnno .:e.me.eo neouone bofiememmfioo eo we wneeenem eo eem onfi .mno_e:o.w=_ nmE:n Sm eo emo -emo.e.w one ooneooemo on mzooenuoonu hmne noen.$ cum mwneeenem mwoemneoeeoe oonemo .m:m.eo=o.w .m&.$ oenmpofi nee? weoonw eo mnoon eo wneeneem one onmeowoeo oe Bo: ovmn o cuuenmmewonen Uozmo .o:oew Eoee wnommwoemnn eo mnenme one cum .woeme eooew ezem eommoo oovmewuo eo wnmeneem one .wom.me onnm.woE nee...» wnoon eo weneneem one wmleem enmeeomnn mene eo wononmen eo:_em_o nmeovow oem oeonm. oonmemnnw eoneo ham eo .eom.mm no .wo.e=.wm eo meoeomemno Eoee .m:o_mmo.emE_ wneouooem eo eem one we ozeazemm Om .0»/H WQWHW Q40 BZHOAH w omoanm mom. me/in MHOOMH 78 .3 02¢. 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QZ4 Meem 79 .9 G21 V mmwqi WNW .mmoEQ 02¢‘ 0QQe>>e: .ww:w aw .m.$wew.§:e ew:m.Dme.$w: wean wewswww e:e::rmw m=ew.:w> :ww>> eemfiwww wensew nee: Paw: me: Lfiwwmw we .$.Sew wenw kmwwe eefimw e:w we wvweww: weekmweeens wean ewwwnmw .w:eww.m: uww.rmww< wueweuw e:w wuefiw weewwwxe weeawewekaewe bewmfi -33 mm? ww :ew:.5 sen: wewmwweuwwmw e:w ww:w wweefiw 95: PS wen uwwewmw e:w Eeww eeswww mm? :ee: wwwmw e:w eeuww weewmwwe wuwiw: wwwekm weeweus: .§ew fine .:w.wCe nwewefi befiw -w.H§wEee we mw wuwwuwfiw we wan e:,H .w:eww -:e>§ 832:: :w we wwewwepw e:w weefieewwe e: mwweewmwseweus #93: :ew:.$ emu .m§£.& wweumw Lewwew eewwme kmzwueuew £9: e::w>e§ :ww.5 wwee:m me See: we wuwwuwwm e:w e:w.8wewe ew gen 95: mg ..w:w:m.m.Hwe:www eezwe dueww Eeww msewwmeumwfiw we .w:w:ww e:w wean £32: Eeww wean 8&8 Ugmbwne we wnwwuwhw e:w .55 23258 £5, 838 we wanna: 2: wmiwww wuwwaemfiw ww:w we we:e:w:: weawwmwe ww.$>ew ewe e.$:«H .ee:www::m .$:we mum we 8%: me .me.§w: .8 w.5wew.:m:e Seww .w:eww -me.:w§w wawesweeum we wwm e:w ww ezwezwmm ON .0»/H WJVFW. 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mwnnennnnn no Unnun m nwaone .mnn,H .eoomn=w eonnnemnn onno non nmnno noohonnnnno on onononone nonooo nxnm .ooonnn no nnoonn onno an own» monnrwmn one noomnnoew nonnt» eoo.n no one cmennnonennm no onnon nonnnnnnm ham an mm .no»ot»on .wnne nu dnoeomnmno onnmmnwononn nonm wonuwnn onnonnbmm msonnm» net» . noonnnnmew nonson noon o»mn nnonnnnmm no not»oe nnm keno noonnmn one no mnonnn noommoonons nonm onnennnm onnonemn nnmnnhmonw enonono one wnonnm noemnwo noomono»ono hnoemnnnnennn wm»» en nonnt» non: monnnonnnn one emne wnoonn o»on on» eom nwwonan one nnonn nooumwn mm...» unoon ewnmn one oonnm noommmno .wnn»mn wnmom noonunnnn noon mnno nnnwnno nnononn hno»ne.mnmnnEoo no on wnnennnnn no enm on.H .mnnonenno»nn nnmnnnnn nnm no ewoemonw one noonnnooewo on mnnooensono Ans hmun nonnt» nnm nwnnennnnn wmonnnnoeeon noonnmo hnnmnonow donnhe onnm»o.nn net.» meoonw no wunoon no wnnennnm one onnnow on oe >»on o»mn o >9 ..wnnnnnn.mn.wonenn noonnwo .onoew nnonn mnnonw .monmnnn no wnnunme one nonm .moemn.n nooem nonm nomnoo noo»mn.m. no no wnnennnnn one .wo9me onnm»onnn net.» wnoon no wnnennnm one mmlueno ennmenonnnnn mnne no mononnmnn eonnemnno nono»om onm ononrfi oonnmewnnem noneo hum no nommnn no .won=.wnn no wnoeom unmno nnonn finonwwonnnnnn wnnosnonm no enm one wn oznaznmm Om. .OZ HAFWBW GAO HZHOAH w 3 was anoao uoaoaa on $3 an nuasmum 8. an Hones EB usxuo noon mnmoh mennne eaonm Unnmneoow oeun voosoonenn mmt» munednnm .n2E< noemunnn emok. on mwonnn d as wnneeom kn .n:nmn.w:mn Qenn enm one vooonoonenn nnoexoo noon ofism one esonm nodm nwoomnnn noneo muonnm.» noum omone noonomon nomn en nnvn oe m:on»onm .woneno nmenonnenoo noneo nznm .wn=orn.. dnnanm imnnnn .oouonon,m .oondo> .o:no~n oe noonznoeuo mmt» end one ononoo. nnouaoowo mmt» waneennnn ononn» woomnn one one hnnoesnnmnnnnn onw Eonnmmmn noun wnonmmnew .oonohmn..n .noemoO an wnnennnn hnnmo no wnonnoonnm nmnnnnm onoo nmnenono>on net» Bonm nznm o>nomo.:n Eonnoomm em nueann onnb nnonoboownno noon o».on .oono.nm§n em mmonn on no oosnnonnn one mmnonnoesmn no unnot» one no mnofinoomm noneo onnom .onnnmn mnne. oovnwom .mnon8 an .:&2: fink n.3=8n_o mama E893.» 2: no E33 E25 2: .m§§n8 «Ewen. .oanm oenmsno m on en .onnm=nm» nunnm onon hnwnnvooouo onn nonnn» no monnnoo nonnnm d mnnennnnn an noonooooouw wnonnoeuw mmvn nim omvn uookeom on: an Qenonenn ennnnowanmnn an mnnnok one onnnnnomon hnooono nonsonw nonnt» mnnnot» oosvonn 3 mm? mnoennnnnn emnnn one no Eno emonw ono nznm finonnnooumne an ow: an noeeon unomnn one noonnnnooon wonnhe nmeon: owone no emonnnmo onnh noooannoneon mmt» EOE an Bone Mnnemmd no ooneomnnn one doom esn .n.oo..» no onok noomonnfio ewnn wonnhe onfi .end nnone mnnneoonwon noonndeunmnn emnmn ed .mnoeno»nn neon nonnt» muonoom one nznm noonnonn one em wwonwonn nonoom nmnonom one nenk enoemnmuoo wnnnon hnoone o noneo lmnmsoodmensfinw emonnm onomnnn mm...» >.no»oownn. one mmennnnmnonnn no on cnnnonmn .wnonnnoe=.O one no nomnonmnmmn nnnmnoh no nnmnoo. no wnnmnnnomn one nonm .noemoU QOHOHSNNH no no»mn an noesnn one «an nooeuQe:oo on end w=ono»nmE eoh onnnnnnw one no mnnnoboownnn one no ennoono on,H .992. hno»o non oonhe no wnoonn Bonn wnneeno no nonmn onnmnnnnnoennn one .wnnnnono»m hnonone .unno»» m no momma one nonwmoooum an mnnfinon noun Jnnonnomnnmnnmon no onnwnmo on oe mm om smnononoanom eonmnnnm one no noeomnmno no noeeon hno»o wnnfinon no emne amt» ».no>8wnno edonw on.H .ennoE oneenn mm? onone wnne nm an enema vmnuedoo nennooennnon one no Unno one wnnnmkoe onnonsmn an own an wmt» fieoomnum nonuennnnom no wonueunn ovsn nznm wnonoownnhmnnnno noneo: n one non .munoono. an wnnennnn. no nznun nmnnnnnw 4 onnmwonnn no oonwono nomon one net» no»o noommmnn on nmsnn m .en o»oo.m voomnn hnnanonmo nomonn one nxem JHO nonmn mn unnn one down? eun nnnomu on mmonnn o .wo.wmnn noeennn» onm onone mm hnmmwooo: onm meonnde amen mm 52» one an . nennnnn non hnomon nnnm .nonnon an wnoeomnmno nnonnnomnnmne one .wnnn»mon wane .n.oo.one wn wnnneon nunnt» no oenmnn ooone nnm nnn nooot» one hmkm menu nmenonnnsnemnn nonnonnn net» Jnone no».on.wno one nunm Jooot» nnmn no eonnme nnne N non: .wn.nmt»nn..»on. oomn one net» .nno5n.w on weoonw owone no nodo nnonnmnn enonmnmnnmne nnne no meoonw non: noeennn» nnnsnonoo .oo.nnnn emnn one 5 an ooennnn 9:2 8 385 nofi gonna fies EB 683 no 9.85 net» nonndnn wnnnnnnmem kn wnnennnn no onnonn onosn wnne onmnnzn nnnem ont» onnnoonn wnnewnuo undo one ono ooonnno on dwonwsonnnoe oom mwonofimnomwo wen no neon ennsooom no .on=emnoenn no nonemwm onn one non mwonoms hnnoeoe wot» .w£e:n.& no canon m nmzone .mnnH. .eoomo.=m eonnemnn. one non undo noohonanfioononononone nonuoo . nonm Joonan no unoonn ono nnn mm? monnrwn one nnonnnnmem nonnt» eoomno one cmensnone Anm no onnon nmnnnnnw ham an mm .no>o..»on .mnne an dnoeomnono onnnnnnnwononn nznm monnmn ononnnrmw msonno» net» nnonnnnmem Unnaon noon o»mn nnonhnmm no no»»oe nznm keno noonnmn one no mnnonn nnohmoonnnnu Ufid onnedmn odonemn nmnnhwwd enonono one wnonnm nnoemnuo noonnnnono»ono. mnoemnnnens wmt.» en nonnt» don: wonnnnonnnnn one emne mnoonn obmn on» eoh nwmonm one Sonn noosmmn mmt» «noon emnnone oonnw nnownmno mnnbmn wnmoh nonnznsn nuon undo .nn.wnno nnonoonn %no»nemnmnnEoo no on mdnennnnn no enm onuu .m.uonenno»nn nndnnun no no ewoemonm one nnofiooewo on hnnoonnuonfis mmnn nonnt» nznm nmnnennnnn mmonnnnoeeon nnonnmo hnnmnonnom ..mo.n.ne onnmbonn net». weoonm no wunoon no .Mnnennnn.n one onnnomono 3 Bon o»mn o kw ..w:nn.nmn.monenn noonnmo .onoew nnnonn mnnonwmonnnnnn nownnnnme one nzno fioemnnn nooew nonm nonnnnoo nno»on.m no no mnnnennnnn one .wo9me onnm»oE net» munoon no Mnnnennnnnn one mm.Ienm edmenoan Ann mnne no wononnmnn eonnemnn. n.nno»ow onm ononnb oonoemnum noneo hnnm nononnmm .no.mon:.wn no mnoeomnmno Bonn dnonmwonnnfin wnnosnoonnn no enm one on oznaznmm 3 .OZ_ HQVHW Q40 BZHOAH w .mnowon wsnw mwoooonw ww wnnnwenn nown? no mwnom owenw no an wee? onw %o?.m mwso finnonnn usnwwnn nomenm nun? Jnonw no>.mn.wnno onw can .woee? wonon we $33 any a new: .wwonm?n?ee ooow onn nww? eonnw mw mwoonw omonw we nooo mnonwwmw wnnonwm umnonw annw we mwoonw den: nnowwwn? mnswonmo .oo£m wmnww onw E smw woownnnm o>wn ew wznofinw kmonw nonn? nne? onrfi .woee? we wnoenn now? .:a& wnnwfiwwm bn mnwwnwnnw we owoenn owosn mwnw osmnsm nnww en? onmeom wanwwwxo mine onw onw owounnv onnb .wwonnw=e Avon wznm wmonozwnnomxo mww we nwen wnseoow no .on=wo o..nown we nnewwo.wo.we.:w_ onw new mwonom: nmnmwew mm? mwnw uwnnnnw we wonnn o nwsenw .w_n.H .woo.wn=w wonnwwwwo one new Ede wookmenmuno on onewononw wnseo can .ooon.w ne noenn one an mo? wondwwwoonw woonwnnnowm nown? woomne onw .n..:=E...§ we onon nonnnnww 5:. E mo .no>o?en .wwnw aw dnowomnono ownawmnwenown can monswww onen Lnrmm wuewb? nww? woomnnowm wonnsew noon o>wn nnermnom we no?ew wonno Kmwwo woonnnow onw we wnownn woomooowzns non.» onwfinmw .wneww.mn nnawnkmmmfi wnowonno onw wnnefiw woowwnwo woomeno?owo kmnowonnwns mo? ww nown? new: $3 nouwnnw onw wwnw mweenm o>wn o? «On» mmmonm onw nnnenw woosmww mo? neon wmnww onw oonnw woowmowo .wnn>on wnmom woonwonsn ndew fine .nn.wwne nnnowoenn mwofiwdnwmfieo we wn wnwwdwnm we wno onrfi .w:ewwno>nn nnonnsn no we wmowwonw onw woonnoowwo on mnwoownuewzns moan nonn? wzno ..wnnwnnn.w wwonmunowwon noonwo bnononow .wo9$ onno>e:n nww? mwoonw ne mneen we mnwwnnnm onn onnnom ..owo ew ?enn o>.mn o 3 ..w:wnnw.mn.menwn woonwo .onnewm nnenw wnnenmwonmnnn we wnnnow onw wzno dowwwm nooww was $.58 woo>on.wdo we wnnnnnnm onw .wonw>.w onn.m>ennn nww? mneen we mnwnnwnm onw moulwno nnnfinemnn wwnw we mononnwnn wonnwmno nono>ow ono ononrfi .oonB.wn=w nonwe mum ne nommm no .mon=.www ne wnowoonmno Eenw finnewmwonmfin wnwoseenm we «no onw mm oznaznmm 3 .O.7H HQVHW GAO HZHOAH Ow we newwoswoenm one. new dnoewe. kn wnfinwnm we wonnn nonwnnnw 4 ondmwonm we oonwowo nomenm onw nww? no>e woomwwm mw nmsnn .m an o>en.m wooownnw mnswonwo nomwm onw end .:e Eon ww nan onw non? nun "vow: ww wmonm eZ .$w& now fin? onw ononw mo mnomwooon onw mwonnon ESE mo So? mnnw aw .w.££.a new mwowon end .wonon E wnonownwno noonwnomnwnw onw wqvwoon msnw uwoooonw on wnnnwenn nown? no wwnwnw owenw no nnwoee? onw $5 wwso dwnonnnsnww Ln nomenm nwn? Anonn .§::w5 onw Ufid flee? wonmn we wonnmn nnwnw a den: .wwon.m?.n?ew. ooww onw nww? .woo.nw_ mw mwoonw omonw we nowo unomom waonwmwnnwnw nnnw we wwoonm new: nowwwn? mnswonoo 32¢ wwnmw onw E in 35$ o>on B EBE has .333 nne? one noee? we £83 nww? nomwm wnnmfioww me. w.fi&.a we owoennn owosn mwnn osw Ea nnwm en? onmeom .w.nnwwNo Due onn onw owonnno on,H dmonmsenoow wznm wwonnofiwnonwxo wt we nwee. wnseooo no .on:wmnown we newwwwmmennw onw new wmonow: mnmwew ma? ea mnnnnm we wznwn .m nwsenn .wwnH noownsm wonnwwwwwo one new fine Uomenmnnno on onewononw wnseo was .ooow.w ne xoenn one 5 mo? wonnrwmw onw woomnnwnw nonn? woomne onw cfiwuwonwno we onon nwnnnnm has an mo .no>o?en .w_nw aw .wno.woonwno onnmmnwenonn end monuwnw onennbmm w:e_no> nww? woonwnnnwnm woasew noon o>wn aewmnomw we no?ew mono mwwo eoanow onw we wnonnn woofiwoowonns wzno onflnnnm .wnenw.mn :.~:n%< finowonm on» wnnefiw woonwwmo woomen_o>o.© mnowofinwnu mo? ww nown? mom: wonnwwonnnm onw wwnn wweenm ofiwn o? no» mmwonnw onw Eenw woosmww mo? neon wmnnw onw oonwm woommono wnwfiwn mnwom woonwonsn nsew Due Anwwne nnnovenn bofiwonflwnneo we mm wnwwnnnm we wno onrfi .mnneww:o>nn nonnsn. no we «mo mwwonw onw woonnoowwo on mnwoownaewons moan nonn? wonnw .w& -32.. mwonm-nownon woonmo Enononow .893 onnm>e:n nww? mwoonw ne mneen we wnwwnwnm onw onnnowowo en ?en o>an o 3 .w.nwn.won.wennn woonwo .o:ewm Eenw maewwwonmfin we wnnnnww onw wad dowonm noowm won.» nommeo woo>an.w:o we wnnwannm onw .893 onn.m>e:n nww? mneen we wnwwnnnm onw wwlnwno wnonnemnn wnnn we mononwnn wonwwwwwo nono>ow onw onon,H .oon.mwwn:w nonwe was no nomom me .mon=.w..w ne mnowoonwno Eenw finewwmonmnnn wnnoswoennw we «no one ww ozneznmnw Ow .02 HQVHW QQO HZHOAH a mmedn men. Q73 MHOOM 82 .9 ozv. + mmu <1 mum dmoin. 02¢. mQmoBoc .wEu cH .mc8.ow.:wco 03.59.53 ocm moccwm omoncrmw wcowcw» fix? oomccfim occow coon 95: cowmnwm mo .533 ocm 3%. ooccfl may wo mxomco. oommooocc ocw ocflcmm wcoflmc cmwwmwwxw ucowocm 23 wcoccm oopwmxo oomomwwoo bofimccfic mg» n: cow?» com: wowcocmcm 23 «SHE wwoocm ohm: 95 am». $83 23 ccocm ovcwmm 29$ Moon «mum of oocmw 83% .wcm>mc wcwom wocvcca ccom Eco cwwio ccooocc fio>3wc.mmccoo mo mm wcflcmcm mo «cm 275 .wcoflco>cm ocmcccfi =w mo «wvumocw one oofioou .8 on boouncoocc bmcc coma? ocm .wc3c_.& wwo.&-.$fi£ oosmo mzwcocow .wo9$ oEw>oE 5%,» wuoocw co mxooor mo wcflcmcm 23 ooacow ow ow Boc P3: 85 .mqE%..&o§_ oonmo dcoum Eocm. wcommmocmcc mo wcmxmu may ocm ..m3£m Emcm ocm 5&8 Ugmcwco moo wa_§.& one .mo90. o3w>o.c fir,» mxoon mo mcmucwcm 2.3 wmulwcm. ucmucomcc wcfi mo woaocwcn uocfl -w:o Eco>ow ocm ococfib oocwuwacw cacao mcm co .53; co .mo.ccwm .8 wcowowcwco ccocw swcomw ..wo.&cc wcmocoocm wo «cw one mm ozcezccm Ow .O.7H HAHWHW GAO HZHON 3 PE: ow wcoucm most‘ #033. duo? 2.5. .woo>.» mo mmoofir cum? cmmwm mcmmfiwuw ma mcficmcm mo owocc owcc mfifi ocmccm How on? odwoom mcm uummmo Eco one ocm owocEO mcrfi .wwocwcomw3 wcw mmocofiwcomwm mi mo Auoa «ccooow co 6.25 kmcoum wo cofimwwmocm may com wmofiomc %=.m#Ou mm? .mnsE& mo wcmm w cmcona £59 doogcw aocfimmw oco com Eco 38380 on ocowocofi . Ecoo wcw rooomm co M83 oco cm mm? moccmw of womccwuw coma? poo.P_o one cmficwficw mo ofloc HE uflcmm hcm cm mm ..$>o>»o: .wE« cH .m.co_—om.:fio omnmbmocomc wcw moccwm ofloncrmw wcoT:w> 5;? womccwam occow coon 95: cormonmm wo cofioa vcw K33 woccww one mo wmomcor wokmoowcc wcw ocficmm .mco$mc cmwbmmmaw ucomocm one mcoccw woummmo ©o.moHo>o© Emfiwccfic Q95 _: coma? com: 83 umocmcm 93 «.23 wmcoom ohm: 95 «mm 33$ 23 ccocm wocmmm wok Mooa «mum may oocmm 8&2» wcwwmc wcmom wocvccc ccom kfico .cTwEo cco uwocc %Ho>$w.:wmccoo mo mm mfiécm mo and on? .wco$co>cm cwcccc zw mo umouwocw 93 voccoo» nwo M5 bwoaacowcc mwcc £033 wcw .mfiE_.a mmocmucmfiofi ©o=mo mzwcocom £093 m5w>occ 8:3 waoocmfco wxooor mo mcficmcm of mflcom now op Boc 9:3 35 .m:Eo8mofi= wo=wo dcoem ccocm mcommwocmccm mo wcfima one wcw. .w3£m Hooum wcw $.58 wm>wc.wco mo wcficmcm one £093 oE.m>occ nun? wxoofi mo mcficim one wmulucm ecaucomcc wcfi mo moaocmcfi wocfi uwmo ~w.$>ow ocw ococrfi docfimccw cofio mcw co comwm co .wo.ccwm co.mco«om.:w:o ccocw .mcoww umocmcc wcmocwocm mo «cm on» mm ozcevcmm 3 .O.7H HGWHW GAO HZHON an mcocm M05. 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FRENCH CRA YON ARTIST Beazmful Sjfiecimms of European Pczzmfea/5 6A 12a 31) l’mx'r 01.1) S'1‘\"1.E I'I‘AI.I(‘ (5 line Nonp.) I ANCIENT /1/[4/05/v C07/67727//‘4e%z‘5 Ce%em/ /4pf7/of;/z'czz‘z°0% $7 00 5A8: 48 l’m.\"1‘ 01.1) S'1‘\'l.E I'1‘AL!(‘. (8 line Noun.) ER O UGHTONS E07/ezign Eamém/5 Refim/z‘.s‘ COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. 4A1Hl CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COl5PER'MlXED TYPE. 87 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. OLD STYLE NO. 4. $2 10 BMALKED BEANS FRAME HOUSE BOSTON OR LONDON THE LARGE BARN 12345678 12345678 10A 24 I—’()1N'1‘ 01.1) S'1‘\'1.1«.‘ No. 4 (4 line Nonp.) $3 25 12A :21) l’UIN'l‘ 01.1) S'l‘YLE N0. 4 (2 line Lg. Primer) $3 ()0 RENDERED NUMBER 5A 31; I’0lN'.l‘ 01.1) STYLE No. 4 ((i1ineN0111).) $3 50 OLD STYLE. ('3 11 N 3%’ 20 15A 30 :1 10A 18 POINT 01.1) STYLE . 116 0111).) .. 12A 253 8A 20 P()1.\1'1‘ ()1.1) S'1‘v1.1«: (2 line Lg. Primer) $5 ()0 UNITED STATES SQUARE PIANOS FRENCH Governnqent Troops GF3I1d€St HQTITIOITIC TONES 1234567890 1234567890 F ELINES THE National Boat OUT HOIIIC CAT RHIN E STONES Diamond PINS Retailed EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE S. C E L E 8 R A T E D S U P E R I O R C O P P E R - M I X E D T Y P E . 8 8 Q U A L I T Y U N E Q U A L E D , F I N I S H U N S U R P A S S E D. FRENCH OLD STYLE. 50A 6 POINT FRENCH OLD STYLE (Nonpareil) $1 75 MOZARTS BEAUTIFUL SYMPHONIC PICTURES VIOLIN CONCERTOS PIANO DUETTS AND VARIOUS OTHER CLASSICS 1234567890 32A 10 POINT FRENCH OLD STYLE (Long Primer) $1 75 HISTORY OF MODERN MUSIC GREAT ITALIAN AND FRENCH COMPOSER 20A 14 POINT FRENCH OLI) STYLE (English) $2 00 LOVERS PARADISE BEAUTIFUL BRIDAL PRESENTS 12 A 20 POINT FRENCH OLD STYLE (2 line Lg.'Pr.) $2 35 BEETHOVEN BERLIOZ CONCERT 40A 8 POINT FRENCH OLD STYLE (Brevier) $1 75 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPES GREAT WESTERN TYPE FOUNDRY CHICAGO 1 2 3 456 7 8 9 0 24A 12 POINT FRENCH OLD STYLE (2 line Nonp.) $1 75 ARTISTIC PAINTERS DISH—WASHER AND CHAMBERMAID 18 A 16 POINT FRENCH OLD STYLE (2 line Brevier) $2 20 MUSICAL HISTORY BRIGHT SUMMER NIGHTS 10A 24 POINT FRENCH OLD STYLE (4 line Nonp.) $2 65 SPECIMEN CONSTRUCTED 8A 30 POINT FRENCH OLD STYLE (5 line Nonp.) $3 00 FOREIGN EXCHANGE PRODUCE TRADE REPORTS 6A 36 POINT FRENCH OLD STYLE (6 line Nonp.) 8:3 45 SUGAR STOCK NORTH GALENA DEPOT 48 POINT FRENCH OLI) STYLE (811118 Nonp.) $4 85 GRAND OPEN NG COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR C‘OPPER-MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED CONDENSED OLD STYLE. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT UR 25A 40a 12 POINT Conn. OLD STYLE (2 line Nonp.) $2 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE DELIGHTS Enriehes and Educates Printers of this vast Country 12 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 0 lin English Grandehildrens Dispute noun our Grand Northern School EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE E. ””‘Eir‘cl{é‘6T s°E‘iriirii Elliii’irrs”° Large Meeting of Ministers in Columbus 12 3 4 S 0 7 8 9 0 10A 15a 30 POINT Com). OLD STYLE (5 line Nonp.) $3 80 Scripts are Very Durable STY Eastern and Central ornnii it Excellent Granite Houses Deserted (((( ginal) 72 POINT CONDENS EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE p) ll0llNll\lG DISPATCH COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. THIS SERIES EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ER'M/XED TYPE W BOTTOM WITH THE USE OF LEADS. QUALITY UNEQUALED, NSURPASSED INE AT THE FINISH U Old Style COnd. NO. 2. 20A 403 10 Pomm OLD STYLE com). No.2 (Lg. Fr.) 81 so 20A 40». 12 Penn om) s-run Com). No.2 (2 l1neNonp.) $2 55 GREAT WESTERN TYPE FOUNDRY CHICAGO Manufacturers of Celebrated Superior Copper-Mixed Types Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys 1234567890 . 8A 15a 24 POINT OLD STYLE Com). No. 2 (4 line Nonp.) $3 30 12 A 251:. 18 POINT OLD STYLE Com). No. 2 (3 line Nonp.) 83 15 AROUND THE ROCKIES POLITICIANS Journey through Chinese Empire Generously Entertaingd 5 5A 10a 30 POINT OLD STYLE Com). N0. 2, (5 line Nonp.) $3 35 ‘A 6“ 36 P01“ 0”’ STYLE CONE‘ N0‘ 2 (“me N°”p') 3350 SUNLIGHT MARKETS Stars OI the Night Musical Sounds (Original) 48 POINT OLD STYLE Com). No. 2 (8l1ne Nonp.) $5 30 GERMAN sOLO1ER Famous Markets OI England (Original) 60 POINT OLD STYLE Com). No. 2 (10 line Nonp.) $6 60 IIUSIC and the DRAMA (Original) 72 POINT OLD STYLE Com). No. 2 (12 line Nonp.) I/IOdeI BRICK House CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE 91 . QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED OLD STYLE EXPANDED. 18A 361:. 6 POINT OLD STYLE EXP;A‘NDED (xonpareil) 82 90 15A 25:; 8 POINT OLD STYLE EXPANDED (Brevier) $3 05 BEST TYPE MADE 1\/[[1 RDERERS Celebrated Copper-hiixed Type Convicted and I-Ianged Ca‘-reat Vveetern Lead Trust 1234567890 12345678 8A 129. 18 POINT OLD STYLE EXPANDED (3 line Nonp.) 84 05 12A 20a 12 POINT OLD STYLE EXPANDED (2 line Nonp.) $3 10 PRINTERS ZEHESIGTINT Engraver l\/Iachine N€3VV' Eféi 6A 109. 24 POINT OLD STYLE EXPANDED (4 line Nonp.) P 35 25 Fl]?-IINI-E STONE) Eastern School Board 5A 8a 30 POINT OLD STYLE EXPANDED (5 line Nonp.) so 25 EBIJCI/{Il\TGI—IéXl\/I Grand Flock I-Iotel HUNDRED Frarne HOIJSQS 4A 5a 48 POINT OLD STYLE EXPANDED (8 line Nonp.) no 59 EASTER Ba_1:1L< Clerk OOMPLETE wum FIGURES. OELEBRATED SUPERIOR OOPPER'MIXED TYPE. 92 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. OLD STYLE ANTIQUE. 24A 50a 6 POINT OLD STYLE ANTIQUE (Nonpareil) $1 90 PERSEVERANCE AND ENERGY COMBINED Form the Greatest Road to Success People who are Born Tired seldom Die Wealthy and Leave but Few 1234567890 15A 303. 10 POINT OLD STYLE ANTIQUE (Lg. Primer) $1 95 COMMISSION MERCHANTS Conventions of Traders and Manufacturers New London Chicago and Kansas City BA 15a. 20 POINT OLD STYLE ANTIQUE (2 line Lg. Pr.) $3 60 PRODUCTION Potatoes and Onions 20A 403. 8 POINT OLD STYLE ANTIQUE (Brevier) $2 00 SOUTHERN ADMIRATION SOCIETIES. Everybody is Invited to Attend Meet Tuesdays at the New Westminster Chapel Building 1234567890 12A 25a. 12 POINT OLD STYLE ANTIQUE (2 line Nonp.) $2 15 ROUND TRIP TICKET Cheap Excursions to Summer.Resorts School Picnics and Lawn Parties 9A 18a. 18 POINT OLD STYLE ANTIQUE (3' line Nonp.) _ $2 95 FANCY BORDER Flourishes or Ornaments 6A 12a - 24 POINT OLD STYLE ANTIQUE (4 line Nonp.) $3 95 ROSDALE COLLEGE Commercial Business Educations 5A 108: 30 POINT OLD STYLE ANTIQUE (5 line Nonp.) $5 00 TICKET AGENTS Louisiana Central Railroad 4A 8a. 36 POINT OLD STYLE ANTIQUE (6 line Nonp.) $5 75 OPERA HOUSE Garfield Park Concert COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. is IONIC SERIES. 24A 50a. 5% POINT IONIO (Agate) $2 45 24A 50a $2 55 6 POINT IONIC (Nonpareil) 15A $0 80 VENTILATES OVERCROWDED DWELLINGS ‘ MODERN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS Great Improvements in Ventilation THOUSAND DIFFERENT DESIGNS FOR Diagrams giving Examples in Different classes of Habitations Suburban Residences and Large Tenement Houses 1234567890 1234567890 20A 40a $2 55 8 POINT IONIC (Brevler) 15A 80 80 15A 30a $2 55 10 POINT IoNIc (Lg- PM 12A $0 70 AMERICAN CARPENTER UNDER THE TREES Elevations and Plans for Cottages and Villas Birds Sing Sweetly in the Spring PUBLIC AND PRIVATE BUILDINGS PRETTY BLQQMING LILACS 12A 25a $2 60 12 POINT IONIC (2 line Nonp.) TESTIMONIALS OF GOOD CHARACTERS Always on Hand and Furnished to Order the Most Conscientious MOST PERFECTLY SATISFIED 10». $0 80 10A 20a 16 POINT IONIC (2 line Brev.) $3 00 HONORABLE JACK BLOWHARD Constitution Expounder and Congressional Manipulator Magnificent Headquarters for Monopolists 3 A 153, 20 POINT IONIC (2 line Lg. Pr.) ALDERMANIC CANDIDATES Independents Republicans and Prohibitionists Democratic Primaries 3 A 12;; 24 POINT IONIC (4 line Nonp.) $3 75 FINEST COLD SN APS Furnished by the Clerk of the Weather Without any Regard to Season COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPE.'R'MIXED TYPE. 94 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. CLARENDON. 24A 50a 5 POINT CLARENDON (Pearl) 82 25 THOSE WHO LISTEN TO STORIES TOLD WHEN Hearts are Warn: and Nights are Cold Shall Unearthly Phantoms Behold 1884567890 24 A 503 7 POINT CLARENDON (Minion) 82 O0 BEAUTIFUL MODERN ORNAMENTS ' Artistic Printers Joyously Welcome Good Durable Novelties 24A 509. 9 POINT CLARENDON (Bourgeois) $2 40 TERRIBLE AFRICAN TORNADOS Hundreds of Innocent and Promising Lads Perished 15 A 30a 11 POINT CLARENDON (Small Pica) 82 15 FORSAKEN CHILDREN Old Maids Homes Beside the Flour Mill 24A 50a 6 POINT CLARENDON (Nonpareil) 82 O5 JOURNEY IN THE ‘ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND Country Round About Looking for Metals With Poor Success 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 O 24 A 50a 8 POINT CLARENDON (Brevier) $2 65 BRADWELL STREET THEATER Grand Soul Inspiring Dramas of Hinky Dink Aurora 18A 36a 10 POINT CLARENDON (Long Primer) $2 60 REPORT OF THE BOARDS Public School Fads Create Some Trouble 12A 253. 12 POINT CLARENDON (2 line Nonp.) $2 50 RICH MEN RESIST Only Kind Hearts Have Mercy 12A 25 a 14 POINT CLARENDON (English) ' $2 60 AMERICAN TRUST AND FUND COMPANIES Bridgeport Connecticut National Institutions Financial Statements 9 A 13 3, 18 POINT CLARENDON 3 line Nonp.) 32 95 HONORABLE MANIPULATOR BLOWHARD Constitutional Expounders and Congressional Adventurers 8 A 15 8 20 POINT CLARENDON (2 line Primer) $2 80 SOUTH CHICAGO DAILY LEADER Southern Newspaper Advertising Agencies Combined 8A 15 a 24 POINT CLARENDON (4 line Nonp.) 84 00 UNITED STATES CRUISER Northern Division of Evanston Suburban COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. GELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MlXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. oLARENnoN CONDENSED. 24A 503 6 POINT CLARENDON COND. (Nonpareil) $1 75 24A 508. 8 POINT CLARENDON COND. (Brevier) 82 25 JOURNEY IN Turnout! xotmTAINs AND THE MILIIIIARY gmgmrgs pugs Am) pEAr1Ima}Rs Oouutry Round About Looking for the Pnoious Hotels with only Iudiforeut Fancy Business Executed with Dispetoh if it Takes all Summer 1””°"”° 1234567890 20A 40a 10 POINT CLARENDON COND. (Long Primer) $2 15 2 15 A 30 a 12 POINT CLARENDON COND. (2 11116 N0nD-) $2 30 SEE THE GONQUERED HERO COMES OUR MOST POPULAR POETS Performing on Two Banjos with Both His Thumbs Treatise on the Right Study of Harmony 12 A 2 COND. (3 line Nonp.) $3 25 5” EoREs'rs ANCIENT PICTURES Exploring Subterranean Islands Greatest European Masters Nsm) (4 line Nonp.) $3 60 SUPERI0§oIlqi’CEi)01;I(}T)iNG MATERIAL Metropolitan Drummers Protective Associations NSED (5 line Nonp.) $5 60 EREN6fimX§B GERMAN Condemned Transportation Steamboat 5 A 10a. 42 POINT CLARENDON CONDENsED '(7 line Nonp.) ' $6 30 Assistant Postmaster Generals ” " BRITTPSECONBSKNKER EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 8. Domestic Trade Journalist 96 GU CLARENDON EXTRA GONDENSED. 24A 50a. 6 POINT CLAR. EXTRA COND. (Nonpareil) 81 50 THAT DAY I OPT REMEMBER WHEN FROM SLEEP I FIRST AWAKED AND Found Myself lloposed under a Shade of Flowers Much Wondering Where and What I was 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 20A 403 12 POINT CLAR. EXTRA COND. (2 line Nonp.) 82 I5 TALENT IS SURROUNDED WITH Great Many Dangers and Beauty with Many ,Temptations 12A 253 18 POINT CLAR. EXTRA COND. (3 line Nonp.) $2 65 . VIRTUE WITHOUT INDUSTRY Idleness Without Vice are Impossibilities 5A 83. 48 POINT CLAR. EXTRA COND. (8 line Nonp.) $5 30 FURNITURE Smn Armchairs 24A 50a. 8 POINT CLAR. EXTRA COND. (Brevier) $1 75 THE BLITHE BIRDS OF THE SUMMER-TIDE ARE FLOWN Gold Motionless and Mute Stands the Woods as the Restless Wind in Mournful 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 20A 40a 10 POINT CLAR. EXTRA COND. (Long Primer) $1 85 WITHOUT BOOKS J USTIOE IS DORMANT Literature is Dumb and all Things are Involved in Darkness 8A 15a 24 POINT CLAR. EXTRA COND. (4 line Nonp.) $2 70 SWEET AND SOLEMN Listen to the Evening Chimes 6A 123. 36 POINT CLAR. EXTRA COND. (6 line Nonp.) $4 05 METAL TYPES Superior Copper-Mixed 4A 6a 60 POINT CLARENDON EXTRA CONDENSED (10 line Nonp.) ONAL Te enrnnh n STE Ci 4 A 59. (Original) 72 POINT CLARENDON EXTRA CONDENSED (12 line Nonp.) Horse AND 0ATTLERnnoi1 (Original) 72 POINT CLARENDON EXTRA CONDENSED NO. 2 (1211ne Nonp.) BROWN STONE FRONT COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. CALEDONIAN. 24A 50a 5 POINT CALEDONIAN (Pearl) $2 60 WHEN GENTLE WOMAN MEETS GRIM GRIEF And for her Woes sees no Relief Nor Aught her Aching Heart to Cheer She drowns her Sorrow in a Tea 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O 24A50a $2 70 8 POINT CALEDONIAN (Brev.) 15A $0 65 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPES Manufactured by the Great Western Type Foundry MONROE STREET CHICAGO 12A 25a 82 50 12 POINT CALEDONIAN (2 line Nonp.) 10A $0 75 FORGED BANK CHECKS Embezzlers and Sneak Thieves FOURTEEN BOODLERS 8A 15a 20 POINT CALEDONIAN (2 line Lg. Pr.) $3 90 % SPEOIMENS Greatest Designer 24A50a $2 40 6 POINT CALEDONIAN (Nonp.) 15A $0 70 AFTER ELEVEN HOURS OF HARD LABOR PLOWMEN LEAVE THEIR WORK And Plod Homeward to Get Their Much Needed Rest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 15A 309. $2 20 10 POINT CALEDONIAN (Lg. Pr.) 12A so 65 CUNARD OCEAN STEAMER Destroyed Large and Valuable Oargoes MIDOCEAN DISASTERS 9A 18a 18 POINT CALEDONIAN (3 line Nonp.) $3 30 CELEBRATED Superior Copper-Mixed 6A 12a 24 POINT CALEDONIAN (4 line Nonp.) 84' 40 CORNERS Display Letters 5A 10a 30 POINT CALEDONIAN (5 line Nonp.) $5 20 COMMISSIONER Supplied Domestic Markets 5A 8a 36 POINT CALEDONIAN (6 line Nonp.) $7 55 SI-IORTCAKE Berries and Cream 4,1 3 a 48 POINT CALEDONIAN (811116 Nonp.) $9 30 NORTH Dakota COMPLETE wmai neum-:3. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. DORIC SERIES. 24A 50a 6 POINT I)o1u(‘ (Nonpareil) $12 (35 v 20A 40a 8 POINT I)o1u(‘. (Brevier) $3 10 GREAT WESTERN TYPE FOUNDRY POLITICAL GATHERING Celebrated Superior Copper-Mixed Type Metal i Regular Annual Meetings to Divide 1 2 3 4 5 6 "7 8 9 0 I i 1234567890 I % ! 12A .,— Q 12 I.mNT DONG (2 line N0np_) $3 (,0 8A 15 18 POINT I)0R1(‘ (3 line Nonp.) $3 30 SPRING MONTHS i SUNBI-JAMS Pinks and Tiny Red Roses i Brightest Mornings ($ A 12 a 24 POINT I)01u(‘ (4 line Nonp.) $1 MINERAL PRODUCTION it Increasing Demand for Exportations SA ma 30 POINT D01{1(‘ (5 line Nonp.) $5 on CORNER STONES Bought Sold and Consumed 5 A :4: 36 POINT ])o1uc (6 line Nonp.) $1; 1 HUDSON STREET Smooth Road of Asphalt 4A (in 48 POINT I)()RI(‘— (81in‘e Nonp.) $8 on PROTECTION United States Courts CELEBRA TED SUPER/OR COPPER-M/XED TYPE 99 QUALITY UNEQUA LED, F/N/SH UNSURPASSED. LIGHTFACE mm ANTIQUE. 25A 40a 8 POINT LIGHTFACE ANTIQUE (Brevier) $2 55 20A 30a 10 POINT LIGHTFACE ANTIQUE (Lg. Primer) $2 35 « ENGRAVING ON WOOD OR BLOCKS BEAUTIFUL PINK FLOWERS Supposed to have been introduced by Marco Polo Bright, Qr Qlgudy and stormy Weather 1284567890 1 1234567890 15A 25;; 12 POINT LIGIITFACE ANTIQUE (2 line Nonp.) $2 85 LOVELY MAIDEN SMILES AND TEARS LIKE AN APRIL 87 Day Especially Sweet upon Papa when 65 12A 18a 18 POINT LIGIITFACE ANTIQUE (3 line Nonp.) $3 95 THE DESERTED HOUSES AT GCLDSMIT 85 Chicago Lumber Company 64 8A 1211 24 POINT LIGHTFACE ANTIQUE (4 line NODD.) $4 95 GLOWING FIELDS BEYCN 3'7 Brighter Days 54 6A 10a 36 POINT LIGHTFACE ANTIQUE (6 line Nonp.) $3 20 WHEN BIRDS TI-IEIR 4 Mates do Call 3 4A 33 42 POINT LIGHTFACE ANTIQUE (7 line Nonp.) $8 35 INDIAN OCEAN 3 The F1OI‘iSt 5 COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MlXED TYPE. 100 QUALITY UNEQUALED, F/N/SH UNSURPASSED ANTIQUE No. 3. 24A 50a 5% POINT ANTIQUE N0. 3 (Agate) $2 25 24A 50 a 6 POINT ANTIQUE N0. 3 (Nonpareil) $2 25 THE PLUMED CRESTS or CHIEFTAINS BRAVE PROFESSORS AND EASTERN DIRECTORS Nine Ships that sailed for Sunny Isles but Never Came to Shore Seminary for Handsome Fascinating Romantic Young Ladies 1234567890 1234567890 20A 403, 8 POINT ANTIQUE N0. 3 (Brevier) $2 40 15A 30a 10 POINT ANTIQUE NO. 3 (Lg. Pr.) $2 05 CHOICEST SPRING SELECTION BUILDERS COMPANION Spring Overcoats and Gents Furnishing Goods For Building Surveying and Architecture HA 2 1 ) POINT ANTIQUE N0 3 (_ line Nonp) $2 60 9A 18a 18 POINT ANTIQUE NO. 3 (3 line Nonp.) $3 25 - - 5a 2. . .2 . ° Firm Market for Patent Flour Sunday School Classes 6A 12a 24 POINT ANTIQUE NO. 3 (4 line Nonp.) $3 70 SIGNAL WHISTLES HEARD Strangest Forms of Matters Unknown 5A 10a 30 POINT ANTIQUE NO. 3 (5 line Nonp.) $5 00 GRAND OLD TUNES Chicago Auditorium Theater 5A 10a 36 POINT ANTIQUE N0. 3 (6 line Nonp.) $7 75 UN EXOELLED Famous Copper Mixed 4A 8a 48 POINT ANTIQUE NO. 3 (8 line Nonp.) $9 75 FOUNDLING Search for Friends COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPER/OR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 101 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. ANTIQUE No. 6. 24 A. {ma 6 POINT ANTIQUE No. 6 (Nonpareil) $2 30 METROPOLITAN RUBBER ESTABLISHMENT Wholesale Dealers and Importers Clothing Dry Goods Boots Shoes and Gents Furnishings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 224A 50a. 5) POINT AN'.l‘1Ql‘E N0. (5 (Bourgeois) $2 55 MAPLEWOOD DUDES REJOICING Summer is coming and College Days will soon be Over Seeking Pleasures at the Summer Resorts ISA 30a 12 POINT ANTIQUE N0. 6 (2 line Nonp.) $2 80 INTERNATIONAL Tournament of Telegraphers November and December 8A 15a 20 POINT AN’l‘IQI,'E No. 6 24A 503. R POINT ANTIQUE No. (S (Brevier) $2 65 EASTERN SAFE AND LOCK COMPANY Manufacturing Corporations Washington California Nevada Kansas Massachuetts 1 2 3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 0 20A 40a 10 POINT ANTIQUE N0. 6 (L0I‘lI.' I’1‘inIer) $3 0.3 ARTISTIC PRINTERS Printing and Lithographing Company Cards Printed while you ‘Wait IOA 203 18 POINT ANTIQUE N(). (i (3 line Nonp.) $3 65 RIEISPECTING Iclleness is Hard Labor For Honest People (2 line Long l’1'imeI') $4 15 PRETTIEST IIELIOTROPE Flowers that will Bloom in the Spring 5A ]()a 24 POINT ANTIQUE NO. 6 (4 line Nonp.) $4 20 CHEERPULNESS Consolation and Happiness 5A 1021 30 POINT ANTIQIYE N0. 6 (5 line Nonp.) $6 10 UNITED STATES Ministers to Australia COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER‘-M/XED TYPE QUALITY UNEQUALED, F/N/SH UNSURPASSED ANTIQUE POINTED. 10A 209, 12 POINT ANTIQUE POINTEI) (2 line Nonp.) $2 60 8A 15a 18 POINT ANTIQUE POINTED '3 line Nonp.) $3 55 zenxen-r nnrmm MUSIC ANS Romance of lVIaidenhood modern Estimate 1234567890 12345678 6A 123, 20 POINT ANTIQUE POINTED 2 116 g. PI‘. EASTERS GREETING Washington Boulevard Procession 5A 1 POINT ANTIQUE POINTED (4 me ; onp. Hnnnons surnnnn Alhambra Theater Remodeled $400 $6 40 Emrfliifiii Foiifiivons Atmospheric Pressures 42 POINT ANTIQUE POINTED (7 line Nonp.) Mountain Episodes EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 8. PPER-M/XED TYPE 103 QUAL UNEQUALED FINISH UNSURPASSED LATIN ANTIQUE. LIGHTFACE 24A 50:: 6 POINT LIGNTTAON LATIN (Nonpbm-efl) A 82 24A 509. 8 POINT LIGHTFACE LATIN ANT. (nrevier) O3 20 RUTLAND HERALD WAS PRINTED ON PAPER DAILY NEWSPAPERS ARE pmNTED ON 345 Made Entirely of Sawdust 678 E34 The Cunard Steamsmps 56 18 A 36a 10 POINT LIGETFACE LATIN ANT. (Lg. ‘2 75 15A 300 12 POINT LIGHTFACE LATIN ANT. (2 11119 NOIID.) $3 00 ’ FIFTEEN YEARS AGO OUR STEEL THE STEEL PEN INDUSTRY 67 Pens were an imported 45 3 Grown Wonderfully.,4 9A 181:. 18 PQINT LIGETI-Acn LATIN ANTIQUE (811119 Nonp.) as 55 I CUNARD STEAMERS ARE SUPPLIED WITH Complete Printing Office Outfits 8A 121:. 24 PQINT LIGIITNAON LATIN ANTIQUE (4 line Nonp.) 34 an ARCHITECT AND 1\/IACHINIST Elegant Flower Baskets 6A 109. 86 PQINT LIGETFAOIII LATIN ANTIQUE (811118 Nonp.) 37 10' FREIVI T RAILROAD Excursion Parties 1 4A 5a. 48 POINT IJGIITFAOE LATIN ANTIQUE (8 line Nonp.) v STATE) I-IOU as Fresh Fruits OOMPLETE WITH FIGURES. GELEBRA rec SUPERIOR COPPER-=MIX£.'D TYPE. 104 ‘ QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPA sun. LATIN ANTIQUE. 24A 50a 6 POINT LATIN ANTIQUE (Nonpareil) $2 70 THE BEST MADE DID YOU ASK 1 Superior Copper—Mlxed Type is the Best Made 1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 0 18A 36a 10 POINT LATIN ANTIQUE (Lg. PI-imer) $3 05 ROAMING ROBBERS Acknowledged Their Countrymen 9A 18:» 18 POINT LATIN ANTIQUE (3 line Nonp.) $3 50 GREAT RIVER Retail Clothing House 24A 50a 8 POINT LATIN ANTIQUE (Brevier) $3 15 CHICAGO BLENDING BEAUTIES Michigan Avenue and Ashland Boulevard 12 34 5 6 7 8 90 15A 30a 12 POINT LATIN ANTIQUE (2 line Nonp.) $2 95 PHONOGRAPHS inventors of Talking Machines 6A 129. 24 POINT LATIN ANTIQUE (4 line Nonp.) $3 80 GRANGERS Eastern Seaside 5A 83. ’ 30 POINT LATIN ANTIQUE (5 line Nonp.) 84 10 GOLDEN MAGNET Famous American Authors 4A (in 36 POINT LATIN ANTIQUE (6 line NOnp.) 85 05 GOVERNMENTS Pension Union Soldiers 4A 5a 48 POINT LATIN ANTIQUE (8 line Nonp.) 87 75 DEFENCES Franklin Eastman OOMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR, COPPER'MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED ANTIQUE CONDENSED. 24A 50a 6 POINT ANTIQUE COND. (Nonpareil) $1 90 CAMP MEETINGS IN THE CELESTIAL EMPIRE Important Telegraph Communications to the Weekly Evening Traveller 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 24A 50a 9 POINT ANTIQUE COND. (Bourgeois) $2 25 MUSICAL CONSERVATORY REOPENED Beautiful Collection of the Leading European Classic Operas 15A 3021 12 POINT ANTIQUE COND. (2 line Nonp.) $2 40 CHEAP FOREIGN CIGARS Smokers Material of Every Description 9A 18a 20 POINT ANTIQUE COND. (2 line Lg. Primer) $2 85 FOUR WHITE MICE Leaves of the African Forests 24A 50a 8 POINT ANTIQUE COND. (Brevier) $2 35 ENGLISH STUDENTS BLOODY QUARREL Gendarmes Quickly called to the Scene of the Disturbance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 18A 36a 10 POINT ANTIQUE COND. (Long Primer) $2 20 CHICAGO MILITARY SOCIETY German American Lightning Express Companies 12A 25a 16 POINT ANTIQUE COND. (2 line Brevier) $2 75 NEAT TELEGRAPH BOYS Grand Electric Fountain Erected 8A 15a 24 POINT ANTIQUE Com). (4 line Nonp.) $3 70 METROFOLIS Chicago and Alviston 6A 12a 36 POINT ANTIQUE COM), (6 line Nonp.) A $5 75 GENERAL DELIVERY United States Female Postal Clerks 4A 8a 48 POINT ANTIQUE COND. (8 line Nonp.) $6 20 DIRECTOR GENERAL National and State Election 4A ea 60 POINT ANTIQUE COND. (10 "line Nonp.) $3 00 COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 106 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED etteeeooo mlooe No. 5. 0a. 8 011*. KEL. ANT. . rev er 20A-403; 10 POINT SKEL. ANT. . 5 (Lg. Pr.) 2 90 LIKE WINTERS DARK CLOUDS ROLLING DOWN TWO BCHOING OLD MAN FUR WHOM DI(}(}’ST THUU THIS GRAVE ' Ill t11e.Heart of VL0ll(l0l1 Town And the Dean As two Dark streams from High Rocks [eat one Roar on the Plain Rough and Toned Voice of the Digger Reolieo Were Laying o Gas-otoe DOWII 1234567890 1234567890 18A 363 12 POINT SKEL. f\N'r. No. 5 (2 line Nonp.) $3 35 . 12A 253 18 POINT SKEL. ANT. No. 5 (3 line Nonp.) $3 80 13311011 1'0 111111 THE 111111111311 PRETTY SUMMER RESORTS B1111 9'1"‘ 11111111“ P 1”“ 1111111111“ 11111111111111 Overlooking the Beautiful little River and Grounds Mm W Pmnmg “'1 W and War SW" Sorohoery and Plants of Every Deeoriotioo Home .1EET11o 11011111111 111111111112 11SS_1111111111111 Manners ooo Bottoms of Foreign Notions Imoottoot Leno Deolstoos German French one Italloo Market ooetooooiofiiifiefioooootes lllstrlhoteo Embellished eotoloooe tet11e'I'I1oosootl eooHesT‘ee“ 1“§1eH”ooI111Le1o1Lo1oes Sooooeolo on East Pmeoto Female Seminoles QUA £o;F ANTIQUE CONDENSED N0. 5. sncnern nnn nne eeevennnn ne ennennn PENITENTS VELVET CIISHIONS Engineered by Twenty Antinnated Maidens on luisaneetnwn Hardwood Planks tor the Other creatures neeneeneen 1234567890 .3nene“en;ee“ i;Eiiii”§”e 35 enenn snnnn_ Latest Styles from Paris France ‘ Beantntul Snow carnlval nesnnnnfifnfifinefifinfiegmennennnes F3SCill3tiI1Q MVBIIIIITBSS Financially EIl1b&I'3SSBll / !\ _ . » en ~ ' JUN ” w" "' "Wen; W388 I lln\'\ 4 \ it 4» tin1en|2n7iTWn3iZ1n1e'i7e 13 R ENWIEW “ii” fins 1% § V 5A 42 POINT YALE (71lne Nonp.) $2 95 6A 4 36 POINT YALE (6 line Nonp.) $2 65 5A V 48 POINT YALE (81lne Nonp.) $4 00 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee s. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 108 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. ANTIQUE CONDENSED H0. 2. 40A 10 POINT ANTIQUE COND. NO. 2 (Lg. Pr.) 81 so PRINTERS In summon comm-mxnn mus 1234567890 18 POINT ANTIQUE COND. NO. 2 (31ine Nonp.) $2 10 \37iasTnnNnA1LnoAn 1-‘ovum 24 POINT ANTIQUE COND. No. 2 (4 line Nonp.) $2 05' éiimmssxom Mnacnms 38 POINT ANTIQUE COND. No.2 (6 line Nonp.) . $3 25 I8-‘IN!-I com sm 25A 14 POINT ANTIQUE COND. N0. 2 (English) $1 70 nwnnors mi. [N moznn snownns 1234567890 20 POINT ANTIQUE COND. NO. 2 (2 line Lg. Pr.) $2 10 66MMEnc1AL PRINTERS 10A 30 POINT ANTIQUE COND. No. 2 (5 line Nomi.) $2 90 42 P0lfi'I‘ ANTIQUE COND. N0. 2 (7 line Nonp.) $3 10 cumin MIXER 6A 48 POINT ANTIQUE COND. NO} 2 (8 line Nonp.) $4 10 6A 60 POINT ANTIQUE COND. No.2 (lO‘1inéNonp.) $5 50 OOMPLETE WWH FIGURES CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR: COPPER°MIXED TYPE QUALITY UNEQUALED. FINISH UNSURPASSED ANTIQUE Eix-::"I:> Nos. 8 AND :3. 8 A 15 u 12 POINT ANTIQUE Ex“) N0 3 (2 line Noun) $2 60 6A 123. 18 PoINT ANTIQUE EX'l"D N0. 3 (31meNonp.) 83 70 SUPEJRIQR M EIJE3I-IIEIES Printers Cabinets Green Leaves 5A 103 24 POINT ANTIQUE EXT’D No. 3 (411ne Nonp.) . 3425 Use for Starting the Fire 15A 303. 6 POINT ANTIQUE EX'J."D No. 2 (Noupureil) $2 40 12A 253 8 POINT ANTIQUE ExT’D No. 2 (Brevler) $2 70 CHAMBER. or oomumncm _ CENTRAL EXPRESS 'VV'hea.t Active For March Delivery Delivered their Furchages 9 A Isa 10 POINT ANTIQUE Ella,” N0. 2 (LE PM -32 50 8A 153 12 PUINT ANTIQUE EX'l"D No. 2 (2l1ne Nonp.) 82 80 OELEERATED APLEASURE Copper-Mixed Types Largest Steamer 3A 12a 18 POINT ANTIQUE ExT'n No. 2 (3 line Nonp.) 8390 5A 8“ 20 POINT ANTIQUE EXT,” N0’ 2 (2 "“° L3‘ Pr’) ‘3 9° GROUND CIE-IE.A.P Frame House Fine Garter 4A 69. 30 POINT ANTIQUE ExT'D No. 2 (511113 Nonp.) $6 00 UNTERS portin Gazettes 4A 53 t 38 POINT ANTIQUE Ex'1"D N0. 2 (611119 Nonp.) $8 45 NDS CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER°MIXED TYPE. 110 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURAASSED. OOMPLETE WITH FIGURES. d. Stret ANTIQUE _EX'.I."I) Nos. 5 and 6. 13A 363 5 POINT ANTIQUE EX'1"D No. 5 (Pearl) 83 25 EELEEZY VVINIDS INVITE!) Frorn Every Ilnoxnrn Section and Cliinate 1284567890 12A 259. 8 POINT ANTIQUE ExT’D NO. 5 (Brevler) $3 25 ZN.l:C'l'.J'2N":l:'A.:I'.'N'1=_‘.'2E3I1 United Cotton Irnports 6A 12a 12 POINT ANTIQUE ExT’D NO. 5 (2 line Nonp.) $2 85 I ENGINES Parlor Coach 15A 30a 6 POINT ANTIQUE EX'1"D N0. 5 (Nonpareil) $2 85 oA.:I.=>'I:-.A.IN' as-1.1313151 Co:n.na.a.nd1n§ the Co1n.pan1es 1 2 3 4. 5 6 '7 3 9 o 9A 18a 10 POINT ANTIQUE ExT’D No. 5 (Lg. Primer) $3 10 CA.-I-_A.I_.I1\TJ:: Midnight C3'()II.O61"t 5A 10a 18 POINT ANTIQUE ExT’D NO. 5’ (3 line Nonp.) $4 15 SPORT Boat Clubs 4A 83 24 POINT ANTIQUE EXTENDED NO. 5 (4 line Nonp.) $5 40 BLOCKING Court and Fstreet 9A 18a 10 POINT ANTIQUE Ex.'I“D N0. 6 (Lg. Primer) $3 05 DIRECTORS Cricket Grounds 1 2 3 5 6 '7 8 8A 15a 12 POINT ANTIQUE ExT’D N0. 6 (211119 Nonp.) $3 60 CIIICAG-C Retail Dealer 1 2 3 4 5 6 5A 8a 20 POINT ANTIQUE EXTENDED NO. 6 (211116 Long Primer) $4 45 THE SOAP MEN lvlinnesota 1VIerchants 4A 39, 24 POINT ANTIQUE EXTENDED NO. 6 (4 line Nonp.) $5 10 LETTUGE Turnips Carrots COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEGUALED. FINISH UNSURPASSED ANTIQUE NO. 8. 24A 50a. 5% POINT ANTIQUE NO. 8 (Agate) $2 15 24A 503. 6 POINT ANTIQUE NO. 8 (Nonparell) $2 25 WORLD'S OOLUMBIANEXPOBITION HOTELS . CLEVELAND INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTIONS Chicago Milwaukee North Division Suburban Railroad Company Nineteenth Annual Convention of the plumbers Union 1234567890 1234567890 24 A 503 8 POINT ANTIQUE NO. 8 (Brewer) $2 60 20A 409, 10 POINT ANTIQUE No. 8 (Long Primer) $2 80 COUNTY CLERKS NEW OFFICE CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS Reception and Ball Given by Prominent Lawyers C0I1SeI‘Vat0I‘Y Of D1‘3In3tiC I-Ilstl”-'\1Cti0I1 15 A 309. 12 POINT ANTIQUE NO. 8 (2 line Nonp.) $3 00 GENERAL QUARTERS FOR IMPORTED I-‘IGAROS Australian Inventors Protective and Loan Associations Incorporated MODERN. 10A 15a 24 POINT LIGHT MODERN (4 line Nonp.) $5 00 8A 12a. 30 POINT LIGHT MODERN (5 line Nonp.) $5 80 CHEMICALS COUNTRY Mines and Farms Sound Student 6A 10a 36 POINT LIGHT MODERN (6 line Nonp.) $6 90' UNITED STATES General Delivery Station 5 A 8a. 48 POINT LIGHT MODERN (8 line Nonp.) 88 65 ORNAMENTAL Mahogany Furniture COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. GELEBRATED SUPERIOR OOPPER*MIXED TYPE. 112 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. MODERN ANTIQUE. 20A 40a 10 PoINT MODERN ANTIQUE (Lg. Primer) $2 50 SEVERAL INTERESTING PROBLEMS Here Presented for Occasional Economists 74 Consideration and Adoption 25 12A 259. 18 PoINT MODERN ANTIQUE (3 line Nonp.) $3 65 MODERN EXPLOSION European Arsenal Destroyed Elegant Designs 8A 15a 24 PoINT MODERN ANTIQUE (4 line Nonp.) $4 45 MACHINERY Growing Forests 15A 30a 12 Po1NT MODERN ANTIQUE (2 line Nonp.) $2 40 BENNINGTON BELLOWINGS Forever Rolling Backward Raising 35 Thunder and Lightning 42 10A 2021. A20 Po1NT MODERN ANTIQUE (2 line Lg. Pr.) $4 20 HEADQUARTERS English Prison Burned Busted Boiler 6A 12a 30 POINT MODERN ANTIQUE (511119 Nonp.) $5 45 PRINTING Hudson Rivers 5A 108. 36 POINT MODERN ANTIQUE (6 line NOD13.) $6 60 GRANDILOQUENT Oratorioal Eifusions Aloft 5A 8a 48 Pom-r Mommy ANTIQUE (8 line Nonp.) 83 so V MONUMEN TS Permanermiwtgs Niagara CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. LATIN CONDENSED SERIES. 24A 501:. 10 POINT LATIN Com). (Long Primer) GREAT WESTERN TYPE FOUNDRY CHICAGO Superior Copper-Mixed Type is the Best without an Exception 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 rorumn aucnnrr sarrnnns Commission Merchants Building Association omm mun ” lroiioa1i°“fio}fias”4 25 Superior Boiler Works 24A 50a. 12 POINT LATIN COND. (21lne Nonp.) $2 50 ROBUST CAPTAIRS OF THE FIRE BRIGADE Rehahle llllment for the Growth and Perfection of Infants 1234567890 n i“asii‘ffiliif‘‘‘if6lsas‘i 80 Beautiful Useful and Substantial 5A éfimififiafis 85 Common Material uar1oi”iiIi”i“”i‘iiicr1ous Senatorial Campaign Committee i‘iiealuni“iioiiill HOUSES coMPLE’1'E wrfo-r FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 114 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. LATIN N0. 2. 20A . 12 POINT Imam No. 2 (2 line N COMMISSIONER ASSOCIATIONS INSURANCE AGEN BREMEN SOCIETY 1234567890 1234567890 12 . 20 POINT LATIN o 2 (2 line Long Primer) $3 25 PICTURE A BUILDING HANDSOME BRICK FRONT “A C 0 I AL GERMAN PRINTER MDEC5§KTORM BRIGHT GREEN 4A 48 POINT LATIN No. 2 (811116 Nonp.) 84 95 ‘runs esmss um-:s AT THE aorrom wm-I -n-as use or LEADS. com=u=.'re wmo muses. ’ CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 115 ‘GUALWTY uNEauALEo,‘FiNIsH UNsuR'hA*:$§€D. LIGHT FACE RUNIC. 20A 4011. 10 PoINT LTGHTFACE RUNIG (Lg. Primer) $2 15 EIGHTEEN ENGLISH DISTRICT MEETINGS Convened in London to-day by the Federation of Labor Union to Consider the Question I 1234567890 1211 25a. 14 PoINT LIGIITFACE RUNIO (English) 82 50 SOUTHERN NEBRASKA Reports Received from all Sections Farmers Finished Seeding 8A 15a 24 POINT LIGHT!‘ UNIC (4 line Nonp.) $3 35 CHEERFIJLNESS Peaceful and Pleasant Home Sweet Home POINT LIGHTFAOE RUNIC PROGRESSIONIST . COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. EBRATED 8UPERIORiCOPPER- ED TYPE. LITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. GEL MIX PENSMIVERZ Greenback Political Convention 15A 30 12 PoINT LIGIITFACE RUNIC (2 line Nonp.) 82 00 GREAT WESTERN TYPE FOUNDRY Letter Founders Chicago Celebrated Superior Copper-Mixed Types 1234567890 10A 20 T IGHTFACE RUNIC (3 line Nonp.) $3 15 aF8A0ST MAIL TRAI Chicago and Grand Pacific Forty Miles in an Hour p 5A 108 30 POINT LIGHTFACE RUNIC (511118 NOIID.) $3 40 EEFSTEAK Good Griddle Cake Mashed Potato UNIC (6 line Nonp.) $4 65 EPHYRS (8 line Nonp.) ' QUA CONCAVE SERIES. 30A 6 POINT CONCAVE (Nonpareil) $1 35 25A 10 POINT CONCAVE (Long Primer) $1 65 CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY VACATIONS DRAMATISTS BOOK IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PEOPLE SEEKING ENJOYMENT SELECTED READINGS mom SHAKESPEARE REMXNISCENCES OF BEACONSFXELD 1234567890 1234567890 18A 12 POINT CONCAVE (2 line Nonp.) $1 70 15A T CONCAVE (3 line Non!“ $2 55 DELEGATIONS CHARTERS UNITED STATES SENATE GEORGE BUNTERS THE WORLDS FAIR BLUSTEROUS AVE (4 line Nonp.) $3 :35 REPRPOEWSENTING PRESIDENT OF‘ RAILROADS HORSES AND CABLES AVE (6 line Nonp.) $4 15 PEREBRMXNG MORNINGS EXERCISE AVE (71h:e Nonp.) $4 80 DISEBNEST COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE I17 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU D. FRENCH ANTIQUE EXTENDED. 20A 40a 6 POINT FR. ANTIQUE ExT’D (Nonpareil) $2 35 15A 30a 8 POINT FR. ANTIQUE EXT’D (Brevier) $2 45 HAPPY FISHING E.A.E.'I'Y :5-E~,E'3_\'rc;E—a; 3:13-T173333 Strolling Tfnccnceraaed o'er the Green Fields Eea,-u_1;j_fu_]_ Eackgtgund gf xfiguntains Chicken Seekers Shecting Expedition $];;_a,1-3;:;_i_n_g- Ehctggraphic gcenery . 1284567890 12343557593 12A 25a 10 POINT FE. ANTIQUE EXT’D (Lg. Primer) $2 75 10A 20a 12 POINT FR. ANTIQUE EXT’D (2 line Nonp.) $3 25 FINEST CIGARS E".£L..'EBL\£ER Havana Factories Combine Success in E‘aI:rr.:.iI:.g* Auditorium CigaretteS Ezar-<7-est I'iIr:.eS 6A 12a 16 POINT FRENCH ANTIQUE EXTENDED (2 line Brevier) $3 10 CHEMICAL S'l- U EENTS .A.g~Ieea'Icle “.E...":::::peIiIE.eI:.tS PeIfcI::r:.ecl Ycung E-'-"IcfeSScIS Examined 5A 103. 20 POINT FRENCH ANTIQUE EXTENDED (211ne Lg. Pr.) $4 10 TEIE EEIE E":'C3'3.\'l' .A.r.n.e::5.ca:::. PISSS .éEs.SScciatic:::. Newepaper C'cII:.paI:.ieS 5A 8a. 24 POINT FRENCH ANTIQUE EXTENDED (4 line Nonp.) $4 70 E"CJ'RI..IN"C-Z‘rTOK]' General Relief Station Electrical Batteriee COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEIBRATEDISUPERIOR COPPER°MIXED TYPE. 118 QUALITY UNECUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. FRENCH CLARENDON. 24A 50a (-5 POINT FRENCH CLARE1\'l)()N (Nonpa-1'ei1) $1 45 SOME MEN ARE BORN GREAT OTHERS HAVE GREATNESS Thrust upon Them a silver Spoon in the Mouths of Some in Others only one of Wood Cannot such Things Excite our Wonder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 18 A 363 10 POINT 1<‘1usNCH CLAR.END().\' (Lg. Pr.) $2 10 TABLES ABUNDANTLY SUPPLIED With ancient Bivalves fresh from Maryland Shore Champagne Hot in the Iron Teapot 12 A 25:» 18 l’()lN’l‘ l<‘1.u«;N(‘11 Cl.AltENl)0N (31inu Nonp.) $3 15 STRANGE COUNTRY Little Children lost in the Forests Anxious Father and Mother 24 A 50a 8 POINT FRE1\'(?H CLA RENDON (B1‘OVi(?l‘) $2 14') IMPECUNIOUS CORRESPONDENTS CAPTURED Intelligence in an Unlawful Manner They Steal a Ride on Street Railroads and Escape in the Dark 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 15A 30a 1:: POINT Fl{EN(‘H CLA1{.ENl)()N (2 line Nonp.) $2 30 RAILROADS IN AUSTRALIA European Millionaires were Investing Their Money in Stocks 8 A 15 a :24 Po1N'1‘ FRENCII (‘1.AmcN1mN (411110 Nonp.) $3 2.3 CONSTITUTION Econornizing Government Soldiers and Sailors GA 12a 30 POINT FREl\'Cll ()1.A1u<:.\‘1m.\' (5 line Nonp.) $3 85 SUBSTANTIAL COMFORTERS Kind Mothers Gentle Wives Loving Children GA ma 36 P01:\".1‘ 1.<‘1u;1\'C11 C1.A1usN1)oN (6 line Noup.) $6 80 TENDERHEARTED Gentleness Difildenoe Tenderness SA um 48 l’UIN'I‘ 14‘1uI:.\'(;K CI.A1u«;NI)oN (8 line Nonp.) $8 In UPRIGHT CHECKER National Bankers Guarded COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED EGYPTIAN ENGRR DDNDENDED. DENEATN TRIS GRDNND LIES RILEY GRGEPET EGYPTIAN ENAIIE EIIAIIM MEDICINE W110 “W894 W11 3“ 501114 ii°i N0? ii is? i3°Wnii\° Field H9 Guaranteed Gurc icr Elccd Poison and Gther Eruptions 1234557990 1234567890 EX UNI). iii}iiiiiiiiiriiiciiii‘iiiii I cried recrcrc inn Gender Evening Beiis Nara Lang iinee Nienrcd TIA Mggggnggrg and Pagggnggrg car 6A 128 36 cddiiddi idieddiid it idiiiidiii Deceased Scientific Librarian Hundred Brits Garnbric ” Beeurrfiiiiiiiiiiiidiiiiliiddnrnlns Pleasant Refreshing Streams in Florida 4 A 6 a 72 POINT EGYPTIAN EXTRA CONDENSED (12 line Nonp.) I $3 70 rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr s. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ER-M/XED TYPE. 120 QUALITY UNEQUA LED, FINISH UNSURPASSED EGYPTIAN‘ EXTENDED. 15A 30a 8 POINT EGYPTIAN EXTENDED (Brevler) $2 10 15A 30a 10 POINT EGYPTIAN EXTENDED (Lg. Primer) $2 35 THE GREATEST MEN’ UNITED STATES Medern Science oi Parrba.-bio Wonders Russian Ggverngnenf I-IQ-uggdg Travelers Necessary Directions Australian Sta-big-tigians 1234557890 12345578 . 10A 20a 18 POINT EGYPTIAN EXTENDED (3 line Nonp.) $3 90 15 A 30a 12 POINT EGYPTIAN EXTENDED (2 line Nonp.) $3 15 FINEST BOILER TROMBONES Schooners from Milwaukee Columbus Minstrels Nerwegian Comedians Frank and Rage: 6A 12a. 24 POINT EGYPTIAN EXTENDED (4 line Nonp.) $3 35 STRANGE REVERIE Hungarians Famous Rhapsedies German Ceunterpoint Teacher 30 POINT EGYPTIAN EXTENDED (5 line Nonp.) $4 30 GRAND ORGAN Beautiful Italian Fantasie Concert Piane Experts 4A 6&1 GYPTIAN EXTENDED (8 line Nonp.) $8 25 RICHARD The Fargners Son CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 121 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. 9/‘?ecuparata For the Summer N/ghta Coast F/irtat/ans DBL/(QUE 1); ea 7"/—//0, 24A 50a. 6 POINT OBLIQUE GOTHIC (Nonpareil) $2 35 18A 363. 8 POINT OBLIQUE GOTHIC (Brevier) 82 35A WHEN THE W/NSOME /_A'ee/E5; I LA/,4 TE]? /WELQN PATQH Boys C’/use/g Purusued by Savage Hounds 7 2 3 4 5 5' 7 B .9 0 7234557890 15A 2511 10 POINT OBLIQUE Go-mm (Long Primer) $2 30 12A 20”‘ 12 POINT OBLIQUE G9THI° (2 “"9 N09‘) 1 32 ‘*0 Mus/CA1. CONCERT BF?/EH T FUSES Eu/L‘ar*s Banjos 1//0///75 and Cornets Fragrant 5'08/7Z‘80' /C:/0 L/1/BPS 8A 12 a 18 POINT OBLIQUE GOTHIC (3 line Nonp.) $3 15 BF?/Z3/-/'7‘ FED FUSES L/1//'2‘/7z:JL/2.‘ Heme Sefz‘ I-/ea/"z‘e wou/d E3’/'7ee/< GA 103 24 POINT OBLIQUE GOTHIC (411118 NOIID.) L‘/THUG/‘?#//SHE/Ex’ 777e Eflg//S/7 and F/we/70/7 Beef 84 05 CHARTER 10A 15'a 12‘POINT CHARTER (2 line Nonp.) $3 05 8A 129. 18 Ponwr CHARTER (3l1ne Nonp.) 84 so L/-‘\LJBH|NG l\/IAIDENB ’ I. Eighteen Hundred Thdueend Cool SUrTU—flBp Night 1234557890 12845678 A I 6A 10 a 24 POINT CHARTER (4 line Nonp.) 35 40 eAeI—__-—_e /—\N3 Nueeee Chewmimg and Qefined Elegeflee COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. OELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 122 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. LIGHTFACE 0 GOTHIC. 30A 6 POINT L. WHTFACE GOTHIC (Nonpareil) $1 75 25A 25A 8 POINT LIGHTFACE GOTHIC (Brevier) $2 90 TWENTY HUN» RED THOUSAND STRONG SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE METAL .IVIORNING GLOWS ON THE IVIC INTAIN AND DOWN IN THE VALLEY GREAT WESTERN TYPE FOUNDRY FIFTH AVENUE CI-||C,/.\GQ 234 SABBATH DAY BY THE 9 ‘ET PEACEFUL RIVER 567 34 OFFICE OF BARNHART BROTH-ERS & SPINDLER 68 20A 20,; 10 POINT LIGHTFACE GOTHIC ‘Lg. Pr.) $2 65 15A 15A 12 POINT LIGHTFACE GOTHIC (2 line Nonp.) $2 80 COLORADO MINERAL SPRINGS MODEL COUNTRY HOMES DIRECT LINES TO ALL POINTS IN "I HE SOUTH PLEASANT SUMMER NIGHT CONCERT ALLEGHENY AND SIERRA NEVADA MOUNTAINS BEAUTIFUL ELECTRICAL FOUNTAINS 15A 15A 14 POINT LIGHTFACE GOTHIC (English) $3 90 BEAUTIFUL ENCHANTING OHAUTAUGUA LOVELY PLACID QUEEN OF WATERS TOUOHED BY GENTLE ZEPHYRS SEVERAL VIOLENT HURRICANES SWEPT OVER THE LANDS 12A 12A 18 POINT LIGHTFACE GOTHIC 8 line Nonp.) $4 15 TWENTY HUNDRED THOUSAND STRONG MARCHING ALONG TOWARDS THE GLORIOUS JERUSALEM THE EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND NINETY SEVENTH YEAR 10A 10A 20 POINT LIGHTFACE GOTHIC (2 line Long Primer) $4 40 RECEIVED THURSDAY MORNING FINEST UNIFORM FOR MILITARY AND NAVAL OFFICERS 8A 8A 24 POINT LIGHTFACE GOTHIC (4 line Nonp.) $5 00 MONARCH RULES SUPREME AMERICAN AND SEVEN FOREION COUNTRIES COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COF’PER'MIXED TYPE. 123 QUALITY UNEQUALED. FINISH UNSURPASSED GROTESQUE GOTHIC. 30A 6 POINT GROTESQUE GOTHIC (Nonpareil) $1 75 25A 25A 8 POINT GROTESQUE GOTHIC (Brevier) ‘ $2 90 GOLDEN EAGLES SLEIGHING PARTIES MOUNTAIN OITY EXPRESS COMPANIES BIASHFUL MAIDENS BY THE BIABB‘-‘N3 BROOKLETS DREAMING U]\|ITE.D STf\TES MAIL ROUTES BY LAND AND WATER’ 234 SEENERY IN THE NORTH WESTERN ‘5T2‘\TE5 567 23 SEVEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THOUSAND 34 20A 20A 10 POINT GROTESQUE GOTHIC (Lg. Pr.) $2 65 ' 15A 15A 12 POINT GROTESQUE GOTHIC (21lne NOnp.), $2 80 BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER OEDARS OF THE FOREST FAMOUS SUPERIOR @OPPER—M|XED TYPES DONOTHING f\ND C3OEf\SY @Oj\/|Pf\NY GREAT WESTERN TYPE FOUNDRY OHICAOO DEALERS Ij\J FRESH MUSH CAKES 15A 15A 14 POINT GIIOTIISQIIE GOTHIC (English) $3 90 AMENDMENTS TO THE OONSTITUTION WERE ADOPTED ABOLISHINS SLAVERY WITHIN THE OONEINES OF THIS GLORIOUS GOUNTRY THE UNITED STATES OF AMEIROA 12A 12A 18 POINT GMTESQIIE GOTHIC (3 line Nonp.) $4 15 PEREUMERY AND EANOY ARTIOLES DEALERS IN Ej\I@I_|SH FF{EN@H AND ®ERl\/IAj\I j\/|ED|@|j\IES IMPORTANT OOMMUNIOATION I-‘ROM QHINESE EMPIRE 10A 10A 20 POINT GROTESQUE GOTHIC (2 line Long Primer) $4 40 MOUNTAIN OTY FREAOHERS I DANSEROUS EXPERIMENTS WITH E|@HTEEj\I TORPEDOES 8A 8A 24 POINT GROTESQUE GOTHIC (4 line Nonp.) 35 00 SEASIDE SUMMER RESORT J\/IIOHISAN AVENUE AND OHIOADO BOULEVARD COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 124 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED; I I’ ‘LA’ :3: W’ V CI ROU LAR __ GOTHIC. E ‘ . ~v.~-I ~ , E .6 Point CIRCDLAB GOTHIC (Nonpareil) E V . 8 POINT CI1wULAiIc GOTHIC (Brovier) C 30A 31 75 A 758. 82 25 Caps 25A 81 60 Lease 759. $3 00 Sm. GRIDS 25; $1 30 DEAI_ERs IN ALL KINDS OF FANCY GOODS ‘ . BARN HART BROTHERS & SPINDLER American Missionary Associations to Benefit the. Uneduoated Heathens Manufacturers of Celebrated Superior Copper‘-Mixed Tupes Three-sevenths of the’ContributiorIs to go to the Savages GREAT WEsTERN TYRE FOUNDRY CHICAGO lLLlNOlS MIQ3‘-45672390 I2345l23456i789OIs7s9o ‘I .10 AR GOTHIC (Lg_ I ' POINT CIRCULAR GOTHIC line NODDQITQH) Caps20A 81 50 L.oo,se50a. 31 90 ' . gm caps 20.‘; “.15 Caps 15A 81 60 L.ousp40a. 8205 Sm. Cups 15A 81 20 ACADEMY QUARTET SONGSTER GARDEN . CITY EXPRESS 1 Charming Sopraqo Contralto Bass and Teqor Soloists Geqeral Printers and Book Biqders Machinery PIANO ACCOMPANISTS BEN EFlT CONCERTS SEVENTY _ HUNDRED THOUSAND 2345l2345678906789 _' ’ 2345 234567896789 12A 209, 84 18 POINT CIRCULAR GOTHIC (3 line Nonb.) ' ‘ Sm. Cups 12 A $1 80 35 Caps only. 12.6. $2 .35 Lower case only, 20a 82 00 PERFUMERY AND OTHER ARTIOI_Es Wholesale Dealers in English Frerioh ar1drGerrrIan Medicines NORTH EvANsTOI\I STEAM AND HAND LAUNDRY WORI THIS SERIES LINES AT THE BOTTOM. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 24 POINT WIDE LINING GOTHIC (4 line Nonp.) $3 45 ELJC-3 FIXED COMPLETE WITH FIGU RES. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. WEST LINING GOTHIC SERIES. 40A 6 POINT LINING GOTHIC NO. 3B (Nonpareil) $1 10 40A 6 POINT LINING GOTHIC NO. 33 (Nonpareil) $1 30 IMPERIINABLE GOTNICS AND PRACTICAL ECONOMY I GREATEST AMERICAN POLITICAL PROBLEM SOUND TO FILL A LONG FELT WANT IT same A CLEANLY cur AND MOST DURABLE GOTHIC SUGGESTIONS FOR THE EDUCATIONAL AND RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS I NECESSARY ADJUNCTI BUT NOT EYILS TO EVERY PRINTING OFFICE MORE AGENCIES FOR STUDY SHOULD BE SET IN MOTION Izsusovaoo I23456789O 40A 6 POINT LINING GOTHIC NO. 34 (Nonpareil) $1 60 40A 6 POINT LINING GOTHIC NO. 35 (Nonpareil) $1 90 MERCHANTS FIRST NATIONAL BANK ELEVATED ELECTRIC CARETTES PENNSYLVANIA ROYAL TRUST AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS MILWAUKEE AVENUE RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY PHOENIX NATIONAL BUILDING SOCIETIES OVERHEAD TROLLEY SYSTEM INTRODUCED 30A . _ 12 POINT LINING GOTHIC NO. 36 (2 line Nonp.) $2 00 HANDSOME AND POPULAR TYPE ISPECIMENS SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE THE MOST DURABLE MAKE IN THE MARKET USED ON CHICAGO’S LEADING PAPERS AND LARGE MAGAZINES 24A 12 POINT LINING GOTHIC NO. 37 (2 line Nonp.) $2 00 ELEGANT SAMPLES OF BUSINESS CARDS AMERICAN EXCHANGE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BRADFORD BOARD OF TRADE CLERKS ANNUAL SURPRISE PARTY 20A 12 POINT LINING GOTHIC NO. 38 (2 line Nonp.) $2 10 HARTFORDFIRE ARMS COMPANY CONNECTICUT PATENT STEEL BARREL MANUFACTURERS WINCHESTER RIFLES AND OTHER SUPPLIES 12A 18 POINT LINING GOTHIC NO. 39 (3 line Nonp.) $2 25 GRAND CENTRAL DEPOT EVANSTON MUSICAL COLLEGE STUDENTS AUDITORIUM THEATER ORCHESTRA M MMMM MMMM _ M THIS SERIES II can on THE POINT SYSTEM IOTI-I wmrn AND LINES ACCURATILY AT THE aorrou. COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. M M CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 127 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED GOTHIC. 40A 6 POINT SLOPE GOTHIC NO. 24 (Nonparell) $1 40 BEAUTIFUL LETTER FOR NEAT PRINTERS NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS PRINTERS LITHOGRAPHERS AND "PHOTOGRAPHERS NEBRASKA AND PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURING COMPANIES 1234567890 40A 6 POINT SLOPE GOTHIC NO. 26 (Nonpareil) $1 40 FIRST TWILIGHT PLEASURE CLUB EXCELLENT LETTER FOR EXPENSIVE DANCE PROGRAMME PRINTERS APPRECIATE THIS HANDSOME SERIES 40A 6 POINT SLOPE GOTHIC NO. 28 (Nonpareil) $1 80 BEAUTIFUL SUMMER MORNING GRAND BANQUET HALL SECOND REGIMENT SILENCE SHALL NOT REIGN SUPREME‘ 20A 12 POINT SLOPE GOTHIC NO. 30 (2 line Nonp.) $2 20 SIXTEEN HUNDRED MODERN CONDENSED SERIES QUEEREST CUSTOMERS 40A 6 POINT SLOPE GOTHIC NO. 25 (Nonpareil) 81 40 TERRE HAUTE AND GRAND RAPIDS RETAIL DEALER IN ENGLISH FRENCH AND GERMAN CROCKERY METROPOLITAN WHOLESALE HARDWARE AssocIATIoN 1234567890 40A 6 POINT SLOPE GOTHIC NO. 27 (Nonpareil) , 81 60 NORTHERN COMMERCE BUILDING AMERICAN PUBLISHERS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION PRINTERS FINE COLORED INKS REQUIRED 24A 12 POINT SLOPE GOTHIC NO. 29 (211ne Nonp.) $2 00 USEFUL SLOPING GOTHIC SERIES MODERN LINING DESIGNS PRINTERS LATEST SPECIMEN 20A 12 POINT SLOPE GOTHIC N0. 31 (2 line Nonp.) 82 40 FRESH GOODS CHINESE DRUG HOUSES MEDICINE CONCERN D 12A 18 POINT SLOPE GOTHIC (3 line Nonp.) 82 75 MEMBER OF CONGRESS HEREERT BUSH//\/SHAM SEN/ORS SIXTEEN HORSES EL/R/\/ED 8 A ‘ 24 POINT SLOPE GOTHIC (4 line Nonp.) :3 no HURON SERIES FRENCH SONS BOUGHT MMMMMMMMMM CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. THIS SERIES LINES AT THE BOTTOM. COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. MMMMMMMMMM QUALITYUNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPA SSED. INCLINED 40A 6 POINT INCLINED LINING GOTHIC NO. 4 (Nonp.) $1 30 In A SHADY LITTLE NOOK av THE BABELING BROOK THERE srrs MY LOVE so RAIR'IiTI:"”"riER LAP A BOOK AND IN HER EYES A LOOK OF KISS ME IF vou DARE ’1234ae7a9o 40A 6 POINT INCLINED LINING GOTHIC No.6 (Nonp.) $1 75 THIS HANDSOME SERIES LIKE ALL OTHER ‘TYPE MADE BY US IS CAST FROM OUR SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE METAL 30A 8 POINT INCLIINIED Lmma GOTHIC (Brevier) $1 85 STEEL RAILROAD TRACKS I NORTH WESTERN STEEL COMPANY EVANSTON AND SPRINGFIELD 15A 16 POINT INCLINED LINING GOTHIC (2 line Brev.) . $2 50 F OU RTE E N ROOMS TO RENT TENTH « STORY GOTHIC. 40A 6 POINT INCLINED LINING GOTHIC No.5 (Nonp.) $1 55 OH PRINTER MAN WHEN YOU BEGAN ,TO SEE THAT YOU WERE FIXED WAS WHEN YOU SENT OR TO US WENT FOR SUPERIOR COPPER-MIX ED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 40A OIPOINT INCLINED LINING GOTHIC NO. 7 (Nonp.) $1 85 IN THE WELL TRAINED HEART NEITHER GREEN JEALOUSY HATRED NOR REVENGE FINDS A RESTING PLACE‘ 20A 10 POINT INCLINED LINING GOTHIC (Long Primer) $1 65 SURE TO WEAR WELL INCLINED LINING GOTHICS I USEFUL GOTHIC SERIES 20A 12 POINT INCLINED LINING GOTHIC (2 line Nonp.) $2 10 STRAW BOARD FANCY PAPER STOCK IFINE CUT OARDs 12A ' 18 POINT INCLINED LINING GOTHIC_ (3 line Nonp.) $2 75 D/REOTOR GENERAL SPECIAL COMMITTEE ROOMS SA 24 POINT INCLINED LINING GOTHIC (4 line Nonp.) 83 30 ASSOCIATIONS MARRIAGE BROKERS H HHHHW. " WHHHHH CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. ELINING 40A 6 POINT LININC GOTHIC NO. 19 (Nonpareil) $1 05 IUROULARI WHO OPIRATID A1’ THI POITOFFIOIO AND STATIONS OF Tl-II MONTIOILLO I JIRVID AND NIW YORK RAILROAD I 2 8 4 I 2}‘. 40A 6 POINT LINING . -10 NO. 17 (Nonpareil) $1 55 AMERICAN PISSIONARY ASSOCIATION BENEFIT FOR TI-IEWJINIDUCATED I-IEATHENS IN AFRICA 40A 6 POINT LININC GOTHIC NO. 15 (Nonpareil) $1 85 STANDARD OPTIMUS OR COUNTRY BABOOOK AIR-SPRING CYLINDER PRESSES 20A 10 POINT LINING GOTHIC (Long Primer) $1 65 GENERAL DEALERS WESTERN SPRING COMPANY 18 POINT LINING GOTHIC (3 line Nonp.) $2 70 If-IOTEL ‘ OFFICE GOTHIC. 40A 6 POINT LINING GOTHIC NO. 18 (Nonpareil) $1 30 GREAT WESTERN TYPE FOUNDRY CHICAGO ' GENERAL HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS PRINTERS MATERIAL 1234567890 I 40A 6 POINT LINING GOTHIC NO. 16 (Nonpareil) $1 75 THE LEADING NEWSPAPERS USE CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPES 30A 8 POINT LININC GOTHIC (Brevier) $1 80 DAILY FAST MAIL TRAIN INDIANA COAL AND COKE COMPANY 20A 12 POINT LINING GOTHIC (2 line Nonp.) $2 10 CELEBRATED COPPER MIXED TYPES 24 POINT LINING GOTHIC (4 line Nonp.) $3.10 IEOUNDRIES 6A 30 POINT LINING GOTHIC (5 line Nonp.) $3 50 CHAINED PRISONER 4 A C 36 POINT LINING GOTHIC (6line Nonp.) $3 35 4 A 48 POINT LINING GOTHIC (8 line Nonp.) $5 40 FIRED MINES THI8 SERIES LINES AT THE BOTTOM. COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. H H I"IHHHm......... ..........m-IHH H H CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED eormc Ir/me /vo. 2. 30A 603. PEARL (ON 6 POINT) GOTHIC ITALIC NO. 2 $1 75 30A 60a. 6 POINT GOTHIC ITALIC NO. 2 (Nonpareil) $2 10 cmurs I8 yo‘. cowvmv mm rt.-'uP£nAu£Nr I8 re A min‘ i ms mmsnss nun/roman was oveewnsumvmr P The Figure is not so Fanaiod as It 3...... for Temperament Broadly Defined May be said i Crowded with the Most Conspicuous Arlstocracy from the Multitudlnous to be That Which Determines the Point of View ofa Man's Mental and His Labyrinths of the Prosperous Town of Close Fistsd Millionaires 1234567890 ‘ 1234667890 Taom 24A 50a 3 POINT Go-mm Immc No. 2 (Brevier) $2 15 2"‘ ‘°‘’’ 1° P°m‘ awe 3 §§"T‘““° N°' 2 ‘I“' Pr‘) $2 3° enenr MANY or nus FINANCIAL msnsrsns ~ WERE 5”9I‘W* W "'5 ANWENT Of the World Grow out of Speculation and -the Effects of the And Honorable 0O0upd7‘i{§E5‘0f Holding Down Empty Practice are Quite as Recognizable in Good as in Bad Dry Goods Bo xos Largo‘ stores 18A 369. E i 12 POINT GOTHIC ITALIC NO. 2 (2 line Nonp.) ‘ $2 65 M/IUD! MULLER ON .4 8UMMER’8 DAY MOUNTED HER WHEEL And Rode Away But When She Looked to the Farofi Town Her Hopes Went up and Her Feet Went Down And Her 8peed Increased till the Dustflrose and Filled Her fhroat ea rn/ct /hm/c lvo. 1. 24A 503 8 POINT GOTHIC I'1‘ALI¢ N0. 1 (Brevler) $2 10 20A 408 I 10 POINT GOTHIC ITALIC N0. 1 (Lg. Pr.) $2 15 AS THE RIVER VMIISHES FROM SIGHT YOUR.‘ . ‘ " gflffijclfi gr][[_E1']c 13300“ 110]] Train Slows Within those Vllast and Mysterious Iron» Structures 3,-and Sgaffisf, ,4;/,/gig naefings at chjcago [//,'m,,'s F/08/"'09 lie“ and Strange COIWSIVI9 lV0I'89 P"°d"¢°¢’ Twentieth Monthly Donvention of Politicians 1234567890 1234567890 15A 30w 12 POINT GOTHIC ITALIC NO. 1 (2 line Nonp.) $1 90 THE an/our us!/A/.I.r cm: I SHE 8” Dow” By ”ER« Her Courage Gazing into her Glass She Beholds 3” 4” Began to comb Her V Hair That Pretty Homely Face of Hers and Sighs Bealltlflll A050?” B/900,160’ l.00h’8 10A 203 ' b 20 POINT GOTHIC IT;LIc' NO. 1 (211ne Lg.Pr1mer) $3 15 es/vsn/u. was rsnu PASSENGER AGENTS fihicago Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railroads Assistant Engineer - 8A 15a. . ' 24 POINT GOTIIIO ITALIO NO. 1 (4 line Nonp.) » 8850 I» ran r nsnneomv HA r/arm exmr P Mortgages Bonds ana’ other Valuable Decumen ts OOMPLETEWITH nausea. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR OOPPER‘MIXED TYPE. 131 L QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UN-SURF-A3350. 12A 25a. 16 POINT GOTHIC ITALIC NO. 1 (2 line Brevler) $2 45 . Gothic No. 6. 24A 5021 6 POINT GOTHIC N0. 6 (Nonpareil) $1 60 24A 5011. $2 00 8 POINT GOTHIC NO. 6 (Brevier) _ 15A $0 50 PLEASANT JOURNEY THROUGH THE CHINESE EMPIRE PHILADELPHIA CITY CHARITY ASSOCIATIONS Glimpses of Scandinavia and Northern Russia CHlCAGO CHILDRENS FRESH AIR FUND Travels on Horseback in the Interior including the Visits to the Aborigines of Yezo Seventh Annual Entertainment given for the Benefit of the Poor 1234557390 1234567890 20A 40a $1 90 10 POINT GOTHIC No. 6 (Lg.iPr.) 12A $0 45 15A 303* $2 00 12 POINT GOTHIC N0‘ 6 (21- N0"?-) 10A $0 60 COMPLETE LITTLE HAN oeooxs EASTERN CORN PALAC ES Published Monthly for the Amateur Taxidermist Collector Wholesale and Retail Commission Merchants TRAMPING SPORTSMAN AND MANY OTHERS OYSTERS FISH AND CANNED LOBSTER 10A 20a 18 POINT GOTHIC No.6 (3 line Nonp.) $2 55 COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION COMPANIES Elaborate Specimens of Ornamental Engraving Furnished Directors Director General and the National Board of Construction 8A 15a 24 POINT GOTHIC No. 6 (4 line Nonp.) $3 70 PLUSH COVERED CHAIRS Rockers Exhibited in the Exposition Building Mahogany Black Walnut Furniture GA 10a (Original) 30. POINT GOTHIC N0. 6 (5 line Nonp. IVIAR oN COUNTY Rarest Collection of Historical Literature Discovered EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE S. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 132 OUAI-ITYUNEGLUALED. FINISH UNSURPASSED. a (Original) 36 Pomfr GOTHIC No. 6 (611116 Nonp.) $5 75 Dunstons Noble Brigande 4 A‘ 6 3, (Original) 48 POINT GOTHIC No. 6 (8 line Nonp.) $7 65 North Western Flats SUPERIORS Printer and Binder 4A 5 a . (Original) 72 POINT Gbrntg No. 6 (12 line Nonp.) 811 75 ‘ ‘ cccccccc wi nnnnnnnn s. - V CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 133 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. GOTHIC NO. 9. 24A 50a 6 POINT G()THIC NO. 9 (Nonpareil) $2 05 ENGAGED IN THE ANCIENT AND HONORABLE Occupation of Holding Down Large Dry Goods Boxes in Front of Brooklyn Wholesale Establishments l234567890 15A 30a 10 POINT GOTHIC NO. 9 (Long Primer) 82 O5 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Financial Condition of National Government Statement of Receipts and Expenses 8A 15a I 20 POINT GOTHIC No. 9 (2 line Lg. Primer) $3 60 PRESIDENTIAL Elections in America 3 A 12 a 24 POINT GOTHIC NO. 9 (4 line Nonp.) 24A 503. 8 POINT GOTHIC N0. 9 (Brevler) $2 60 NATIONAL UPRIGHT PIANO COMPANY Violins Harps Pianos and Organs Largest American Importers of Musical Instruments » l234567890 12A 25a 12 POINT GOTHIC NO. 9 (2 line Nonp.) $2 30 GENUINE DIAMOND French German and Italian Clocks Solid Gold and Silver Rings 10A 20a 18 POINT GOTHIC NO. 9 (3 line Nonp.) $3 35. BROWN BREAD Boston Pork and Beans GRAND SOCIETY EVENT Bachelor Goldingtons Reception 5A10a 36 POINT GOTHIC NO. 9 (6 line Nonp.I $6 60 BLUE AND PINK Magnificent Illumination 5A8a 48 POINT GOTHIC N0. 9 (8 line Nonp.) $9 25 PROSPEROUS Increased Dividends COM PLETE WITH FIGU RES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. Ancien GOTHIC NO. 4. 24A 503. 5 POINT GOTHIC NO. 4 (Pearl) 82 50 REVIEWING THE LABOR PARADE IN CHICAGO . Lincoln Monument the Reviewing Stand Occupied by Judges City and County Officials Aldermen and Others 1234567890 ' 20A 40a 8 POINT GOTHIC N0. 4 (Brevier) $2 35 INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY Professor LongfeIIow’s fine Poetical Writings Recollections of by-gone Happiness 12A 25a 12 POINT GOTHIC NO. 4 (2 line Nonp.) $2 20 BEDFORD COLLEGE Manchester Theological Seminary Cambridge and Lexington 6A 123 24 POINT GOTHIC NO. 4 (4 line Nonp.) 2-IA 50a 6 POINT GOTHIC NO. 4 (Nonparetl) $2 10 DAMAGED COTTON FOR SALE AT AUCTION Regular Trade Discount for Cash Twenty-seven Thousand Cases Damaged by Fire and Water I234-567890 15A 30a 10 POINT GOTHIC N0. 4 (Long Primer) $2 10 TELECRAPH COMPANY- Philadelphia Ecclesiastical Convention Harvard Professors and Students 10A 20a 18 POINT GOTHIC NO. 4 (3 line Nonp.) $3 90 ILLUSTRATED‘ Boston Weekly Journal FARMERS BUILDING Chicago National Banking Institute 5A 83 36 POINT GOTHIC NO. 4 (61lne Nonp.) INDEPENENT History Of North America 4A6a. 48 POINT GOTHIC No. 4 (3 line Nonp.) 810 O0 MUSICIANS CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. I Masters COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. QUALITY UNEOUALED, FINISH LINSURPASSED. GoTI-IIc No. 5. 24A 508. 5 POINT GOTHIC N0. 5 (Pearl) $2 95 REMEDY FOR THE STARVING MILLIONS Insurance Companies of Vermont Georgia and Louisiana l2345 Destroyed 67890 , Quail on Toast nice Broiled Chicken and Mutton 20A 40a $2 60 8 POINT GOTHIC NO. 5 (Brevler) 15A $0 80 CLEAR FRENCH PLATE.CLASS Silver Voiced Benevolence in Sorrowful CHARITY SUFFERETH Lone 12A 259. $2 80 12 POINT GOTHIC NO. 5 (21. Nonp.) 10A $0 35 HONEST PEOPLE Producers and Consumers WORKINGMEN 611123 $2 80 24A 50a 82 65 6 POINT GOTHIC NO. 5 (NOnp.) 15A $0 70 MYSTERIOUS THE UNINITIATED Business Mens Arra.n8.ements_ Carefully Made l2345 CONSTRUCTION 67890 Roughs Working Patriotloally for Money 15A 30a $2 50 10 POINT GOTHIC NO. 5 (Lg. Pr.) 12A 80 75 HISTORIC LANDMARKS Monkey Sat on the Picket Fence D EATING PEANUTS 9a 1811. $3 10 18 POINT GOTHIC No. 5 (31. Nonp.) 8A $1 10 GRAIN BASKET Barley Corn and Wheat MONUMENT 20 POINT GOTHIC NO. 5 (2 line Lg. Primer) 8A $1 25 ENCOURAGING ENTERPRISES Demonstrated by the Greatest Expositions EIVIPHATIC PRoTEsTs 6A 12a $4 05 24 POINT GOTHIC NO. 5 (4 line Nonp.) BA $1 40 ANDERSON BUILDING Bright Thoughts of Former Days BIRTHDAY PRESENTS COMPLETE WITH FIGU RES.’ CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. 5A 10,, — 30 POINT GOTHIC N0. 5 (5 line Nonp.) $5 35 OIVIIVIISSIONS Painters and Decorators 3A 53- 72 Ponwr Gormc N0. 5 (12 line Nonp.) EXICAN Brave Soldier $13 50 ndard Oratoriesfl 4A 6a 48 Pouvr GOTHIC No. 5 (8 line Nonp.) $9 50 HAMPION German Bankers COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CE“:-BRA TED 3UpER/OR COPPER-M/XED ryps 137 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED BTTTHIE EXTRA CTTNIJTNSETT. 20 A 403 12 POINT GOTHIC EXTRA COND. (2 line NOD13.) $2 60 15A 308. I8 POINT GOTHIC EXTRA COND. (311118 NOIID.) $3 70 sererrr rrrrrrrrner rrrn rrrrrrr errrrrerr‘ rxrrress PHETIITTUS Tl] THE HEARTS UT PHINTTHS Chicago Milwaukee Pittsburgh St. Paul and Minnesota Immigrant Errrrrpany Toughest Cheapest and Prettiest Type in the Market reerrrrrrr 133455799“ 6A 12a 30 POINT GOTHIC EXTRA COND. (5 line Nonp.) $3 65 10A 20a 24 POINT GOTHIC EXTRA COND. (4 line Nonp.) $3 30 N S Personal Historical and Biographical Sketches Superior Cflppflt-MTXBTT Types T”trTEtTiEiTi:TrTlr[T§TiSW MTNTNT STHTMT Tleelnrs Tliseevered Prrisen Erandest Metal Turnrlure sueeertttttfittritttteerrrs Handsome American llelehrated Machinist 4A ea, 72 POINT GOTHIC EXTRA CONI). (12l1ne NOnp.) $7 65 COMPLETE wmr FIGURES. RA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 138 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU D. CELEB GOTHIC COND. N0. 1. 24A .503. 6 POINT GOTHIC Com). No. 1 (Nonpareil) $1 75 24A 5021 8 POINT GOTHIC Com) No. 1 (Brevler) RAYS or NIGHT wens FALLING FAST wueu Tunoueu THE BROWNIES RAMBLED AROUND ONE NIGHT Their Eyes Were Fixed with Wonder and Surprise on Two Home-Made A_pp|e Pies They Paused awhile to Speak of the Coming Christmas Holiday 1234567890 .' _ 1234567890 15A 30 H Com). N0. 1 (2 line Nonp.) $2 30 20A 40 0 P IN G Com) No 1 (Lg. Primer) $2 25 i.Ii3Hi ;..°;;‘;.. “Pi65i5°€ ‘tent moms Beautiful European Swimming School Reopened Michigan Printing Machinery Company ‘“*BEii1‘¥iEt3ii””§(iA‘§;ii°.i;: REGIMENT TAILORS Little Kittens Playful at all Hours First Regiment Band Suits $350 AMERICAN 30i°fi§Tiiiiliiiii31EN°npC0MPANIES Vermont Underwriters Associations Combined FLORIDA iE3iE”iI‘iIi§i6”Ii”””’sTEAMER $490 Beautiful Scenery of Southern California NORTH”Bii”ii§itiiii”ii°cADET Evanstons Third Grade Academies 5A 8a 48 POINT GOTHIC COND. No. 1 (8 line Nonp.) $6 20 COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED‘ SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 139 QUALITY UNEQUALHED. FINISH unsunpassso. GOTHIC CONDENSED NO. 4. 24A .5011 6 POINT GOTHIC COND. NO. 4 (Nonpareil) $1 75 24A 5021 8 POINT GOTHIC COND. NO. 4 (Brevier) $2 10 GO TO THE AUNT THOU SLUGGARD AND CONSIDER Movmc. BY HELD AND F|_0o|) 1'A|)Po|_E Her ways and Means That Thou Mayest Replenish Thy Purse From Her Hoard and Thus he Enabled to Discharge thy Many Billiard Bills Began His Life Pollywog and Ended Bullfrog Narrative Without a Narrative the Longer it Becomes the Shorter it Grows 1234567890 1234567890 20A 403. 10 POINT GOTHIC COND. NO. 4 (Long Prtmer) $2 00 15 A 308. 12 POINT GOTHIC COND. NO. 4 (211118 Nonp.) $1 95 SPANKING MACHINES REPAIRED MISTER CHARLES BUNION Number Eleven Boot Toe Power Employed Exclusively Bears the Most Striking Resemblanceto His Conspicuous Errand Boys Promptly Supplied Curious Little Hairy Gordon Setters ' 12 A 2’ a 18 POINT GOTHIC CONI). NO. 4 (3 line Nonp.) $2 95 12A 25 a 14 POINT GOTHIC COND. No. 4 (English) $2 05 KNOCKED INTO A COOKED PRETTY ems BASKWG Hat the Twisted Head Gear of the Female The Sunshine Oi D°m°Sii° Gr0W'S Surf Beauties of the Present Days CU|‘i0llS Little Easter Bonnets 9A 183, 20 POINT GOTHIC CONDENSED NO. 4 (2 line Long Primer) 82 75 WHY IS ONE OF THE POEMS OF WHITTIER NOT Like a School Marm Because While One is Tent Upon The Beach The Other is Bent on the Teach and Other Tedious Practice 8A 153 24 POINT GOTHIC CONDENSED NO. 4 («nine NOIID.) $3 25 HOW DOES A BABY DIFFER FROM The Sea Gull One Flits Along the Shore the Other Sits Upon the Floor and Howls for Mere Delight 6A 123, 36 POINT GOTHIC CONDENSED NO. 4 (6 line Nonp.) $5 25 SPECIAL AND REGULAR Elegant Wheels for Sale by Bike Dealers Northern Electric Supply Concerns EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE S. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 140 U ITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED GOTHIC CONDENSED N0. 5. 24A 50a 6 POINT GOTHIC COND. NO. 5 (Nonparetl) $1 75 24A 50a. 8 POINT GOTHIC COND. NO. 5 (Brevier) $2 10 MAUD MULLER ONE SUMMER DAY RAKED THE MEADOW sm; WROTE A LETTER wn'H HER Eygs wE|_|_ Sweet with Hay She saw the Judge as he Rode by with words of Bliss The“ a Raise his Hand to Attract her eye She paid no Attention for she was awfully Shy Prudent OM fashioned Maid and wise She sealed it with a Kiss Modest 1234567890 Maiden 1234567890 20 A 40 3 10 POINT GOTHIC COND. N0_ 5 (LB._ Primer) $2 25 15A 30a 12 POINT GOTHIC COND. NO. 5 (21tne Nonp.) $2 30 NORTH CASINO SKATING RINK UNITED STATES MARSHAL Open Thursday Evening and Saturday Morning Desperate Character Eluding Detectives Special Attention Given Young Children Embezzelers Avoiding Punishment 12A 25 a 18 POINT GOTHIC COND. NO. 5 (3 line Nonp.) $2 75 CHICAGD PEORIA AND QUINCY RAILWAY COMPANY General Ticket and Passenger Agents Offices are Near Grand Rapids Engineers Switchmen Brakemen Teamsters and Car Drivers 9A 18a. 20 POINT GOTHIC COND. NO. 5 (21tne Lg. Primer) $2 60 A NORTH CHICAGOSTREET RAILROAD COMPANY Numerous Proposed Street Car Companies Demanding Franchises Conductors and Engineers Eastern Protective Association 8A 153. OINT GOTHIC COND. NO. 5 (4 line Nonp.) $3 10 NATIONACPBANK NOTE COMPANY Seven Hundred Thousand Specimen Sheets Printed Lashers Revised United States Postal Guide 6A 30 POINT GOTHIC COND. NO. 5 (5 line Nonp.) MODERN MECHANICS DESIGN Worlds Colombian Exposition Buildings CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 141 ‘ QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPA sseo. GDTHIB GDNDENSED N0. 8. 20A 403, 10 POINT GOTHIC Com). No. 6 (Lg. Primer) $1 70 12 POINT GOTHIC COND N0- 3 (211113 NOHDJ cclnerausnrrou no consrnennrrnrr M 36E)($;'EN3|vE Bugmfiss |(m]w|_Enl(;E mo Fondness for Labor and a Great Desire for General Usefulness Business supervised by Expert (:esh-3eek Keepers Ambitious Young Man Proffers his Valuable Services An Aegguplrsflgn Young |_AmE3’ QHAPEMN W34567890 12345 l23456789u men (3 line Nonp.) 8 A $0 60 MONSTER RAILROAD Alili Liiluuliuuuluu ccnecnnrruus union Northern Southern and central Pacific Iiaiirnaus Fin Specimens of Superior work Ycunc Seeuurnnrrr AN Exeeer ill linrsruc Srocrt llenrrrrcnrcs AND BANK unecrts 12A 253 $2 25 9A 183 3‘ 8A $070 ABUNIJANT s.iiillEi¥“EX¥n”§1§lii.§"?a EVERYBODY Water iieceivctl Freely from the clouds Exnressly for thePresent uccasicn Ween lrcnrnrnc Alli] Tuunnee Snuuus ALARM Fecu rue Heavens 18a. $3 30 Hrsrcnrcn‘[0‘NcGfi§i§E§§liniiilficcrcnres uuaclrenliusir Agricultural and Horticultural Associations. Tue lurrnunrrcnnl MINERALOGIGAL Scrcurrrrc clue $1 15 6A 1211 $4 an 36 POINT GOTHIC Com). N0. 6 (6 line Nonp.) 5 A eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee s. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 142 UUUUUUUUUUUUUU ED, ssssssssssssssss D. 5A ma $4 50 42 POINT GU'[‘HI(‘ Com). No. es (7 line Nonp.) SA $1 ‘In ANCIENT PRINTERS METHODS Latest Printing MATERIAL Superior Uualit 5 A mu $15 no 48 }’u1x'1‘ G()'l‘Hl(‘ (‘,0\'1). No. 6 (81ineN0n1).) :3 A $2 my _ __ 4uunIlll\l''I'\ nnl I1 NLANI |V|A|1I|N|'. UAUL I a Southern Pacific Cruisers 4 A 5 a 7:2 I’Ul\"l‘ (-}()'l‘lIl(‘ Cuxn. No. 0 (12 line Nonp.) $5) an GARDEN PLANTS Beautiful Ned Flowers compuzrs wnm FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPER/OR COPPER-M/XED TYPE H3 QUAL/T Y UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSL/RPASSED H15 P0]N'1~ V -. , ‘ V (xO1HI( (.u1\D1«;.\'.s1«:n No. A; mum wan GGTHIG GGNDENSED N0. 6. wimm.) Se, 7” 18 1° I’mN"r‘ Gu'r‘1r1<‘ (‘oxn No. 6 (21i1tuN0np.) ll:L ill 1’()lN'l‘ G()'l‘1Il(‘ CUNI). N0. 6 (143.1 / A mu‘ $2‘: 15 ‘ ’ MN‘ 3“) 50 GGMPENSATIGN N0 GGNSIDEBATIGN Fondness for Labor and a Great Desire for General Usefulness Business Supervised Expeft cash-Beek Keepers Ambitious Young Man Prolfers his Valuable services An AeeeMp|_|3HEe Yeuue |_Ae|E3’ cHApEeeN “““ ""’°°“ l2345 l234567890 men s can $2 ABUNDANT SHOWER BATHS GilAlls ru l:Vl:nruuu. Water Received Freely from the clouds Exuressly for the Present Occasion Wnrn Llcnrnlnc AND Tnunuen Sounns ALARM Fnon rue HEAVEN8 nlsronlcnfefiuiciiiiéciciiiioiinircronlrs lluackennush Agricultural and Horticultural Associations THE INTERNATIONAL MINEBALUGIGAL scnannnc Blue A cnnnurnrnrns couvlannons Daily contribution Fnon PATRIARCHAL Memories CELEBRA TED SUPER/OR COPPER-M/XED TYPE. H32 QUALITY UNEQUALE ssssssssssssssssss o. 3 WAN0|ENT4Zi;fimEfi§@np)METH0DS “ Latest Printing MATERIAL Suuerinr Uuality ILAM c_nu1 NEW Euauuns Fresh Allflflfll PIBS MARWE “is 87 Southern Pacific CTUISBIS 4 A 5a 72 POINT GOTHIC Com). N0. 6 (12 line Nonp.) ‘ $9 60 com>u.e1'e wmc naunss. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 143 QUA. LLLLLLLLLLL ED, sssssssssssssss ED GOTIIIG GOIIIIEIISEIJ H0. 1. 10 POINT GOTHIC COND. NO. 7 (Long Primer) 12 POINT GOTHIC COND. NO. 7 (2 line Nonp.) 5 12 ° ' 10 20A 40a. $21 A $045 15A 303 $2 25 A $065 % D THE Livizs or oiiiaiii‘ MEN iii.i. MIDHTIER Tttltt $T|tEttliTt| Remind Us We can Make our Lives Sublime And Dt Nerve or Sinevv or the Sway of tlagio DEPARTIND LEAVE BEHIND OUR FDDTPRINTS ' PDTEIIT EAIITII Slut ttooii IND Suns I23456189D l23456'l89D 12A 2521 $3 2O 18 POINT GOTHIC CONDENSED NO. 7 (3 line Nonp.) 8A $0 80 TIIEREIS A TIDE IN THE AFFAIRS OF MEN Which Taken at the Birth Dtten Leads Direct to Prosperity Omitted Tn: Loiio VOYAGE or LIFE is Diaiiéiiiuv Boiiiio in Missiiiiss 9A 18a 83 55 24 POINT GOTHIC CONDENSED NO. 7 (4 line Nonp.) 6A $0 an UNIDN STDDK YARDS EMPLDY Washington War Department United States Government Giaiiiiiiii Pi.i:AsuiiE Duiiis SEDDND Aiiiiiini. Pionio NDENSEI) NO. 7 (5 line Nonp.) 5.4 $1 15 - W nonzsfyolmones MASTER 8A 153» Southern Lehigh Valley Express Company PDRTLAND Division Giinnii Tiiunii LINE 6 A 12a V 36 POINT GOTHIC CONDENSED NO. 7 (6 line NOD10-) 5 A $1 95 ciiiuiiiiiiis smuiiiiv Souvenirs of Worlds FAIR EXHIBITION CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 144 UUUUUUUUUUUUUU ED, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS D. 5 A 10a 86 35 42 POINT GOTHIC CONDENSED NO. 7 (7 line Nonp.) 5A $2 10 INTERNAL REVENUES Roast Beef and PLUM PUDDING 5A 10a 88 40 48 POINT GOTHIC CONDENSED NO. 7 (8 line Nonp.) ~ 5A $3 10 ANCIENT PAINTING Gallani BALLRDDM Heroes 4A 6a 60 POINT GOTHIC CONDENSED NO. 7 (10 line Nonp.) $9 55 DEPARTURE Excursion Steamers 4 A 5a _ 72 POINT GOTHIC CONDENSED NO. 7 (12 line Nonp.) $11 70 REFINENIENT Behaved Children COMPLETE WITH FIGURES CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 145 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSVED GOTHIG GONDENSED N0. 3. 50A 6 POINT GOTHIC COND. NO. 3 (Nonpareil) $1 75 40A 8 POINT GOTHIC CONI). NO. 3 (Brevier) $1 75 waecxma TRAINS on THE wssmm ANO ATLANTIO muumn BLOOKAOES OF SNOW AND ANY OTHER ORAWBAOKS 1234567890 1234567890 20A 10 POINT GOTHIC CONI). NO. NO. 3 (Lg. Primer) $1 05 15A 12 POINT GOTHIC C0ND- N0- 3 (211118 N0nD-) 51 10 uemnnons comm PROTEOTION ASSOOIATION OONFORT MAKERS ANO OOOO OITIZENS 12A 18 POINT Comm Com). N0. 3 (3 nne Nonp.) $1 55 24 POINT GOTHIC CW1" N“ 3 (4 We NOW" $‘ 8" nnoxsns mamas: BUREAU RAPID TRANSIT SOUTH 6 A 36 POINT GOTHIC CONT). NO. 3 (6 line Nonp.) $2 80 8A 30 POINT GOTHIC CONI). NO. 3 (5 line Nonp.) $2 30 I ! I i I 5A 42 I’()IN’I‘ GOTIIIC CONDENSEI) NO. 3 (7 line Nonp.) $3 20 5A 48 POINT GOTHIC C()N])ENSEl) NO. 3 (8 line Nonp.) $4 ()5 4 A 60 P(.)IN'I‘ G()’I‘H[C CONDENSED NO. 3 (IO line Nonp.) $5 20 4 A 72 POINT GOTHIC C()Nl)ENSEl) NO. 3 (I2 line Nonp ) $6 85 CUSTOM HOUSE COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COF’PER'MIXED TYPE. I-16 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED STURDY SERIES. PRINTING PRESSES ' ADVERTISEMENT Cases and Stands Trade Jouil-nall Famous Copper-l\/Iixed Type Dafly and y\[eek|y Press 1234567890 ! 1234567890 GA man 18 P S'I‘[TR])Y (3 line Nonp.) $2 an DEFEATED POLITICIANS Seeking Easy Government Positions 5 A Y um’ (41ine Nonp.) $3 20 TARELé§é. RZXTEMEN Dangerous Railroad Crossing 4 uw (6 line Nonp.) $5 45 RETAlllll:W HOUSES Annual Cash Balance 4 A 5 48 POINT STURDY (8 line Nonp.) $7 90 (I. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE S. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE E. 147 QUALITY UNEQUALED, F/N/SH UNSURPASSED. CANTON 24A 50a 6 POINT CANTON (Nonpareil) $2 30 IMPROVED PRINTERS MACHINERY Special Bargain Sale of Fine Porcelain and China Crockery The Finest Imported Dinner Sets Below Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 18 A 36 a 10 POINT CANTON (Long Primer) $2 75 GRAND MACHINE DISPLAY Nebraska Daily and Weekly Newspapers Chicago Evening Sporting Gazette 9 A Isa 18 POINT CANTON (3 line Nonp.) $3 20 MAGNIFICENT Florida Orange Groves American Resident SERIES. 20A 4021 8 POINT CANTON (B1-evier) $2 40 \ NEWSPAPER DEPARTMENT New Public Library and Reading Rooms of Chicago Patent Inside System Finally Adopted l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 15A 303. 12 POINT CANTON (2 line Nonp.) $2 95 WESTERN SPRINGS Erection of the Boynton Building Northern Atlantic Railroad 8A 12a 24 POINT CANTON (4 line Nonp.) $4 on REPORTER The Morning Sun Flower Garden 6 A um :30 POINT CANTON (5 line Nonp.) $5 oo FINE COLOR INKS Milwaukee Printers Directory Superior Folding Machine 5 A 8a 36 POINT CANTON (6 line Nonp.) $5 70 CHURCH ORGANS Home Missionary Society African School Teacher COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER*MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, F/N/SH UNSURPASSED 4A 5 a 48 POINT CANTON (8 line Nonp.) $7 50 INSTRUCTOR Business Meetings 4 A 5 a 60 POINT CANTON (10 line Nonp.) $11 75 STOCKTON Beldon Herald 3A 5a 72 POINT CANTON (12 line Nonp.) $12 50 GENUINE Rhine Stone 3 A 96 POINT CANTON (16 line Nonp.) $12 50 MINERS COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPER/OR COPPER"M/XED TYPE I49 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED @AN"fl“®N [P>IENo 15A 303 12 POINT CANTON OPEN (2 line Nonp.) $2 95 18a 18 POINT CANTON OPEN (3 line Nonp. V $3 20 WESTERN SIPIRHNCEES M IE‘,n°@©itfico>m1 cmfi itimcea IB3ym1itm1 IBBu.nfifl©1fin—ng O N®n°itI}n@n°1m A1tfla1m1itfi© IRa1fiI1n°a1 DAHLY SUN W@st@r:m N@WS D@@fl@irs Firsfi EX©TL’LLIf’Si®fli1 E8fl.STf@if’fliL R@p1r@§@m11taLTtiv@S Amrflvfimg FHNE HNKS JM&flflw@1Lnfl<:@© Primit@1r§ ]D>flr@©t@ry Smp@:rfi@1r F@H@‘lf1:mg M@©Ib1fum@ @HULQKéféi@i%”6Eé@ANs H©>IUfit@ MiS§i©m@ry S©>©i@ty Afiri©@1m S@Ih1@©>fl T@@1.©h@If’ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE S. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ED 5 3, 48 POINT CANTON OPEN (8 line Nonp.) $7 50 b3TLILSiIil@SS M@@itfnmgS Staff: N@W R©@@1s 4 A 5 a . 60 POINT CANTON OPEN (10 line Nonp.) $11 75 flcdmm H@1f’@1@1 3A 53 72 POINT CANTON OPEN (12 line Nonp.) $12 50 CO EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 8. CELEBRA TED R-MIXED TYPE. 151 uuuuuuuuuuuuuu ED, ssssssssssssssss o. I SUPERIOR COPPE 25A 40a 6 POINT AVON (Nonpareil) $2 20 20A 30a. 8 POINT AVON (Brevler) I 82 25 CHOICE FLOWERS or CENTRAL AMERICA FOREIGN STEAMBOAT COMPANIES Traveling Amongst the Beautiful Mountains Oi‘ Switzerland cable C‘_"“m""'C3"0" Between America am’ E'"'°Pe Summer Resorts oi‘ New Jersey on the Atlantic L3.V"_'E "'9 A"a""C 0993" T9193’ ‘P,’ came 1234567390 1234567890 20A 30a 10 POINT AVON (Long Primer) $2 45 15A 25a 12 POINT AVON (2 line Nonp.) 82 75 FOREIGN BOAT DETAINED Long 3 RA NC]-1 st/RF Classical Readings and Original Tableaux Sp[end[d Ens tern Sum m er Resg rt Gentleness Honesty Purity Fidelity Neat Graceful Feminine Robe 10A 15a 18 POINT AVON (3 line Nonp.) $3 30 STANDARD EUROPEAN DICTIONARY Complimenting the Enterprising Daily Newspaper 8A 12 3. 24 POINT AVON (411ne Nonp.) $4 40 EASTERN SHOE DEALERS German English and French Pain tings 5 A 8 {L 36 POINT AVON (611116 Nonp.) 85 80 FOREIGN TRADER Elegant Paintings Burned 4A 6 a 48 POINT AVON (8 line Nonp.) $7 95 TREASURER First National Bank COMPLETE WITH FIGU RES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. I52 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED 2OA 30a 6 POINT BROAD (Nonpareil) $2 10 15A 25;» 8 POINT BROAD (BI-evier) $2 10 BEAUTIFUL STEAMERS GRAND TRUNK DEPOT Northern Pacific Elevated Stean1 Railway Chief Traveling Passenger Agents Worlds Famous Pullman Sleepers Minnesota Trust Association I23456789O 1234567890 12A 20a l() POINT BROAD (Long Primer) $2 25 IOA 15:1 12 POINT BROAD (2 line Nonp.) $2 50 FOREST HERALD COUNSELOR Morgans Household Journal Assistant Bank Cashier Chicago Sports Gazette F P611011 Law Student RA 12a 18 POINT BROAD (31iue. Nonp.) $3 00 EXCELLENT REPORTERS Northwestern Associated Universities 6A 10a 24 POINT BROAD >(41ine Nonp.) $4 15 PUREST METALS Nebraska Silverine Refiners 5 A 33 36 POINT BROAD (611118 Nonp.) $6 4O GREAT ROCKS Strange Light Signals 4 A 5 a 48 POINT BROAD (8 line Nonp.) $8 i')U ENGINEER Regular License COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 153 QUALITY UNEOUALED, FIN/SH UNSURPASSED ELZEVIR A :f 24A 50a. 6 POINT ELZEVIR TITLE (Nonpareil) V $2 25 24 A 50a 8 POINT ELZEVIR TITLE (Brevier) A $2 50 MILWAUKEE MANUFACTURING COMPANY GREAT UNION ROUTE MAIL TRAIN Elegant Englewood Residences Owned by Prominent Capitalists mterested Citizens Attending the County Primaries Evanston Real Estate Dealers Begin Booming Business United States Bridge Construction Company ‘“45“39° 1-234567390 20A 403 10 POINT ELZEVIR TITLE (Long Primer) $2 50 20A 40a 12 Ponwr ELZEVIR TITLE (2 line Nonp.) $2 80 CHICAGO AUDITORIUM HOTEL BURLINGTON FOUNDRIES Beautiful Front Parlor Overlooking the Lake EXTBIISWB ll1dllStl’i6S Of N€Wf0llfld13lld Lincoln Garfield and Humboldt Parks Monster Lumber Sawing Machines 12A 25' ‘ '1‘1'r1,1<3 (3 line Nonp.) $3 25 ELEGANT specimens or PATENTED SERIES Durable Condensed Letter of Modern Design Recently Purchased 9A 18:» (411 N $3 40 oelorrrui”B1iZ};§BniifoRnlmem Handsome Engraved Gold and Silver Plated Souvenir TLE (6 line Nonp.) $5 30 CURIOUS Wiéfienn HUNTERS Thousands Journey Over the Mountains 5 A 1( TLE (8 line Nonp.) $5 95 NORTHERN FISHERMEN Salmon Fisher ooriwtlrwe Charles Docks menretnbittttfisfnnenr Pasteur Government Chemist National Steam Printers 3A 4a 96 POINT ELZEVIR '1‘1'r1.1c (16 line Nopp.) $11 75 THIS SERIES LINES AT THE BOTTOM WITH THE USE OF LEADS. COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ER-MIXED TYPE 155 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED LIGHTFACE kl 24A 503. 6 POINT LIGHTFACE CANTON (Nonpar-ell). $2 30 20A 40a 8 POINT LIGHTFACE CANTON (Brevier)T $2 40 REMARKABLE FURNITURE BARGAINS INDIANA PRINTING COMPANY Foreign Wholesale Dealers in Rosewood and Cedar Braces Handsome Specimens of Unique Book Binding American and European Vaudeville Companies Bicycles Tandems and Racing Machines 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ‘ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90 15A 30a 12 POINT LIGHTFACE CANTON (2 line Nonp.) $2 95 18A 36a 10 POINT LIGHTFACE CANTON (Long Primer) $2 75 EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS GRAMMAR TEACHER Lumber Dealers Building Plank Sidewalks Raclne B‘0a1'd Of Marlne S01d1e1'5 Durable Gravel and Sand Paving Evening Business Colleges 9A 18a 18 POINT LIGHTFACE CANTON (3 line Nonp.) $3 20 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE General Superintendent the Treasury Department Office United States Life-Saving Service SA 123 24 POINT LIGIITFACE CANTON (4 line NOIID.) $4 00 EXPENSIVE BUILDING Handsornely Floral Decked Apartments Modern Furnished Hotel Parlors 6A 10a 30 POINT LIG-HTFACE CANTON (5 line Nonp.) $5 00 HARLEM TRACKS Evanston Driving Parks Opened Fine Trotters and Pacers CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPF’ER'MIXED TYPE. 156 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED Q T HE INDIANS CRY Government Reservations SHEET MUSIC Grand Opera House SWST§KfiGEII Hunter Scared 3A 5a 72 POINT LIGHTFACE CANTON (12 line Nonp.) $12 50 compare wrru ncunes. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ER-MIXED TYPE. 157 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. MONARCH SERIES. 24A 5011 6 POINT MONARCH (Nonpareil) $2 30 MAGNIFICENT PARLOR FURNITURE Black Walnut and Rosewood Drawing Room Furniture Beautiful Cushioned Chairs of Every Description 1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 0 20A 40a 9 POINT MONARCH (Bourgeois) ‘ $2 55 NORTH DIVISION ROADS Central Division Rapid Transit Company Overhead Electric Trolley System 18A 36a 11 Pomr MONARCH (Sma.11Pica) $3 00 GRAND CENTRAL STATION Loafer Detective Promptly Suspended Suspicious Characters Detained 9A 183. 18 POINT MONARCH 20A 40a. 8 Pomr MONARCH (Brevier) $2 30 DURABLE PRINTING MATERIAL Used by Chicago’s Leading Publishing Houses Famous Superior Copper-Mixed Metal 1 2 3 11- 5 6 7 8 9 0 18 A 36.3. 10 POINT MONARCH (Long Primer) $2 70 NORTHERN COMPANIES Chicago Milwaukee and New London American Telegraph Messenger 18A 36 a 12 POINT MONARCH (2 line Nonp.) $3 20 DIAMOND PALACES Elegantly Furnished Front Suite Beautiful Jewels Redeemed (3 line Nonp.) $3 25 NATIONAL BANK BUILDING United States Appellate Court’s Recent Decision Patent Attorneys and Expert Accountants GA 12a 24 POINT MONARCI-I (4 line Nonp.) $3 50 SOUTHERN PLANTERS Manufacturers Advertising Establishment North Pacific Car Wheel Factory 5 A 10a 30 POINT MONARCH (5 line Nonp.) $4 05 THE MORNING SUN Dederick Center Evening Beacon National Printing Company COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPF-’ER'MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED a GRAl§lM]§ 3i3ERA English Minstrel Troupe Hungarian Composer NoRT”ii3i3RNE Fresh Country News BRI%éllW;l‘ON The Golden Rule 3 A 5 a 72 POINT MONARCH (12 line Nonp.) $10 65 A eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee s. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 159 UUUUUUUUUUUUUU ED. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ED Primer) EASTERN CELEBRATED MUSEUM Lillian Clau Comedu Troupe Bahu Elephants and Barnums Midget Twins 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O FLORIDA ORANCE Peaches Apricots and Lemons Selling Large Orchards 10A15a P0 (2 li N TOUGHEST IN THE MARKET Neatest and Cheanest Famous Superior Conner-Mixed Tunes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 SOUTH PARKS Eastern Reform League Fine Base Ball Nine ) DYNAMITE EXPLOSIONS Beautiful Mansion Flundered and Demolished Wonderful Stories told Do the Fireside SUPERIOR MACHINE Cashiers and the trusted Emnlouee T rarelino through Montreal oooRG“inXn@oA*EAooNs i\/iusiool Methodists Comforts ooosfifiooso Counirn Cousin Frankie Siolon Rinos Found 4A 53 72 POINT BISQU ‘ No. 2 (12 line Nonp.) $10 so EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE S. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE PE. 161 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. ELZEVIR SERIES. 25A 1303 20A 6 PoINT Enzmvm (Nonpareil) $4 80 30A 1003 20A 8 POINT ELZEVIR (Brevler) $4 05 BEAUTIFUL ITALIAN VIOLINS AND PIANOFORTES Cfi]CAGQ BOARD OF TRADE CLERKS PICNIC New Classical Pastoral Symphony Arrainged for Violincello and Harp wonderful Scenery Along the Banks of the Mississippi River w“°“5"”3 5"” R”“" D“”"‘5 POLICE OFFICERS PRESERVE PEACE 12334567890 1234567890 25 A 75 a 20A 10 POINT ELZEVIR. (Long Primer) 4 $4 05 UNITED STATES TREASURY OFFICE British Government Secret Service Ofiicer Puzzled 25A 65a 20A 12 PoINT ELZEVIR (2 line Nonp.) $4 80 ARISTOCRATIC FOREIGNERS Peculiar Habits and Customs of America SoME WOMEN SMOKE MYSTERIOUS DISCOVERIES 20A 50a 10A 14 Po1NT Enznvm (English) $4 90 12A 20a 20 PoINT ELZEVIR (2 line Lg. Primer) $415 The Modern Sculptors Golden Prize OMAHA COMICAL PARISIAN E3.St€l’ll Bfll'1l(€l’S R€tl’€3.t 10A 15a 24 PoINT ELZEVIR (4l1ne Nonp.) $4 50 GREAT WESTERN FOUNDRY Celebrated Superior Copper-Mixed Metal 6A 10a ' 36 POINT ELZEVIR (6 line Nonp.) $6 25 FREIGHT ENGINES Numerous Railroad Branches 5 A 5 a 48 POINT ELZEVIR (8 line Honp.) NESTBRAND Stationer and Publisher LOWER CASE OF FIVE LARGER 8lZE8 MATCH OUR FRENCH OLD STYLE THE CAPS OF WHICH ARE THE SAME. COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE 162 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. CONDENSED $9 ’ ELZEVIR. 24A 50a 10 POINT COND. ELZEVIR (Long Primer) $2 00 STRANGE STARTLING AND SURPRISING Scenes on the Stages of the United States Grand Opera Houses 1 2 3 4 S o 7 8 9 0 OINT COND. ELZEVIR (3 line Nonp.) $2 70 15 MGRASS ALONG THE SHORE Made Fresh and Green from April Showers EVIR (51ine Nonp.) $3 80 l”Ai3ofisC9N2rlyn BANKS Around the Early Settlements 24A 503 12 POINT COND. ELZEVIR (211118 NOD13.) $2 60 GRAND ARMY AND SONS OF VETERANS Unveiling Statue of General Grant at Lincoln Park 12345 0 7 8 9 0 . EVIR (4 line Nonp.) $3 50 M2&aPll4lll)JIfll(E)llSLzMATERlAL Chicago and Milwaukee Newspapers EVIR (6 line Nonp.) $4 75 iiliioiilliiiiirnues Early Morning Hours VIR (8 line Nonp.) $5 00 5 A 8a 48 POINT CONDENSED ELZ TA WORLD Tuesday and Friday Evening Editions EVIR (10 line Nonp.) $6 05 Dlocton C0lllllmmlllwEMRClAL Agencie POINT C0 EVIR (12 line Nonp.) $6 75 BWREAD and Clara BAKER EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE S. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU D. PHGHDE GONDENSED SERIES. cH«é3eP6)15inCr«33i3?C€6’r§MEWi5i)~e m§ffin£ri?§°Ef EH:férmtfilfiitmfiéittsism (mmflmmfl MUIW NGUHV Fulrlgiglzegfiflglgcgz W WUHGS We WBCWS 15A 253 24 P ne 1).) $4 60 12A Ga. 30 INTCO. 2 nmfi Gmcuuu unun Um; W3 wum? iiihfiiEii}(IE[sNI}3[NIs HOUSEHOLD rm Ris mi“3fii§|WHNEf9 Kinuwonls HHGPIBHSUHIMHHHBIS Bl|Ul1|M00fl|lflll| EXGIIISIUIIS 8 A 12 a ADE (81 Nonp UUSE om Rus1le{s%Nfiie“%1ne%Buzzmu Museums :2 on 36 . OINT Com). FACADE (611118 N01 $ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE S. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER"MIXED TYPE. 164 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU D. NORMAN OONDENSED. 30 A 8 NNNNNNNNNNNNNN 1). ( BBBBB er) $1 45 20A 20.4 10 POINT NORMAN COND. (Long Primer) $2 00 MADE FOR LARGE AND SMALL JOBBERS OVERHEAD STEAM FIXTURES PREVENT SLURRING AND PRESERVES MATERIAL PATENT DROP HANGERS FOR LIGHT SHAFTING 1234567890 1234567890 15A 15A 12 POINT NORMAN COND (2 line NorIp.) $2 15 MAUD MULLER ONE SUMMER DAY MOUNTED HER BIKE AND RODE AWAY BUT WHEN SHE LOOKED TO THAT FAR-OPE TOWN HER BICYCLE (311 N ) $2 45 SUPERIOR QUALITY PRINTING MATERIAL LATEST SPECIMEN SHEETS OP ORIGINAL AND PATENTED CHARACTERS $3 10 IIII M NORTHERNZO RAILROAD IDASSENGERS‘ CUSTOMARY HOME COI/IPORTS FURNISHED 8A8A $3 30 AMERICAETNXWHEANADIAN EXCURSION TRAIN FROI/I SUNNY WISCONSIN THE PAEOERNEDEIIEKI CLUE ' V COMPLETE wnm FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPE-‘R-MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. 165 LIGHTFACE CELTIC. 24 A 50a 6 POINT LIGIITFACE CELTIC (Nonpareil) $2 55 BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN SCENERY Sixteen Ancient Paintings from European Museums Finest Collection of Oil Paintings at Auction 1284567890 15A 303 10 POINT LIGHTFACE CELTIC (Long Primer) NATIONAL. EXPRESS American Transportation Company Nebraska Railroad Coaches $2 45 8A 15 a 18 POINT LIGIITFACE CELTIC (3 line Nonp.) FRESH ROSES Bouquet Sweet Pease $3 20 5A 10a. 30 POINT LIGIITFACE CELTIC (5 line Nonp.) 20A 403. 8 POINT LIGHTFACE CELTIC (Brevier) GRAND CARRIAGE WORKS Elegant Phaetons at Greatly“ Reduced Prices Carriages and other Light Vehicles ‘ 1284567890 82 60 15A 30a 12 POINT LIGHTFACE CELTIC (2 line Nonp.) COURIER HERALD Enterprising Daily Newspaper Latest American History $3 05 6A 12a 24 POINT LIGHTFACE CELTIC (4 line Nonp.) DECORATE Patriotic Citizen $415 EASTERN CONCERN National Banking Exchange 5A8a 36 POINT LIGHTFACE CELTIC (6 line Nonp.) $695 MEMBERSHIP Mutual Relief Society 4A 6a 48 POINT LIGHTFACE CELTIC (8l1ne Nonp.) 89 50 NORTHERN amous So dier COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER’MIXED TYPE 166 QUALITY UNEQUALED FINISH UNSURPASSED CELTIC NO. 1. 30A 6 POINT CELTIC No. 1 (Nonpareil) $1 25 AMERICAN MISSIONARY SOCIETIES BENEFITS EDUCATED PEOPLE OF ALL THE CITIES 1234567890 LT NO 1 (Bourgeois) $2 15 l 8 A l 8A 9POIN'l‘CE IC . BOOK OF VISTAS IN SPAIN GLOOMY BLUFFS TWENTY FEET HIGH CELTIC N0. 1 (21ine Nonp.) $2 45 DESIGN LATEST SPECIMEN SHEET 20A 20A 8 POINT CELTIC NO. 1 (Brevier) $2 00 TREASURE SEEKER OF GERMANY BOARD BY THE DAY OR MONTH FURNISHED Low 15 A T CELTIC NO. 1 (Long Primer) $2 05 IJNITED STATES ARMY ENGLAND CHINA JAPAN AND RUSSIA 8 A T CELTIC N0. 1 (3 line Nonp.) $3 00 M REST EASY GREAT STEEL BOATS ERENCH RETREAT GREAT HOTEL MONASTIG CONDENSED. THIEVES AMONGTHE ARISTOCRATS Rich and Costly Gems She Were at Many Parties 1234567890 “ EDD NW ‘fiEE°DpND” Massachusetts LAND Associations MEEJINBP§?NiFfi6NC?”c6N"EEEis‘S” Squa11ingBaek FENCE Midnight Singer NT OND. 5 1 ne Nonp.) $6 00 “”“DiDi‘NiNET‘iiDL‘DNND Twenty SDDDND Eruption 5A 103. 5A 42 OOOOOOOOOOO [C CONI). (7 11‘ nnnnn p.) 88 35 5 A 8 a 4 A 48 POINT MONASTIC COND. (8 line Nonp.) $10 60 com rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr s. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED rvpa 167 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED §%$$E$E&fi$ an m mfi §m°§w¢. 6A 1421 18 POINT STEELPLATE TEXT (3 line Nonp.) $3 35 5 A 10a 24 POINT STEELPLATE TEXT (4 line Nonp.) $3 85 \.% fiéggmafié gwgaafiéss $§§ ééamsaw fimfimfi §&§E§°m§ Eégfig % 3% Efifi E 4A 8a 30 POINT STEELPLATE TEXT (Slime Nonp.) $4 45 wé fll/Ilfifllfl 10 18 POINT STEELPLATE (3 line Nonp.) $4 00 E i SA 24 POINT S'1‘EELI’LA'l‘E (4 line Nonp.) $4 80 COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER"MIXED TYPE 168 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. Statiumzrx in Text String. 16A 50a 8 POINT STATIONERS TEXT (Brevier) $2 75 IOA 40a 10 POINT STATIONERS TEXT (Long Primer) $3 00 Giraud Gpming with gmtm; gignt Etsptag ‘ltlelnrlznns ®m2ra ‘lllusb: Furnizhed "-magnificent Spirals; and (tilnhxx cfinrgznuxtp -muminatzxi The Fired; 7R.2_gimmt ®r1:h2stra and 731IgTB ?Bm_>s 1234557390 < 1234557890 10A 30a 12 POINT STATIONERS TEXT (2 line Nonp.) $3 -25 {GA 18a . 16 POINTSTATIONER-S TEXT (2 line Brev.) $3 50 Graduating lgxertizzz Eflehtarsexi fixnzpxg Qllexka J-Iufidag Snuth gcmtrbzatt guzadtmitz nf Snitmze Fixgt gmmmI '5R,2:2ptinrt and $3111 X 5A 15a 20 POINT STATIONERS TEXT (2 line Long Primer) T $3 75 glxzmyzirg “filanufarturing and “Repairing Qfiarmzrl (Oak Qlazxzfi fur Fimzzdz Ginirl and $iIa.m: ’“3I.ITatn:l125 5 A 103 ’ 24 POINT STATIONERS TEXT (411118 NOIID.) $4 25 $n1xtl12m Giamsizmt fllzfxzmzling the 7PIatttatitm “law ‘@e:r/t 5e*wLeo. 12A 50a 8 PO1NT PEN TEXT (B1-evier) $3 25 8A 8A 30a 10 POINT PEN TEXT (Long Primer) 83 20 éactemive Elaaoztmcmt of gfamcq 305 Eqpe ' Cgzeat 6)/Ve.stez,1»t 3Ta,%.['rzvoa)b Qo144vpcnv11,J @atiMat¢o fa T~'ci14tiMgE effam Cjfabh, 37u'LMiAo4’wb on app€a.cat'm4 9;1{Wc»eot §om-wvuamcaltiow with ct“ mar §ouEH’w'm §mzo 1234567890‘ E 1334557890 , 4A 4A 25a 18 POINT PEN '1‘EXT (31ine Nonp.) ’ $4 95 6A 6A 25a 12 POINT PEN TEXT (2 line Nonp.) $3 55 . * 911a/144/14/tot?» 33iocu/i/t 35cvf1,ez/Leo. CE/be/CLO1/L611 Elgoilgomotfbo §:Jz4eo?1,- 01444‘) @006 §z-i/bbfe §a/Rea Q44/L01-1«CCl»4/t fifccm/1/ofe/c 3 A 3 A 203» 20 POINT PEN TEXT (2 line Lqng Primer) $5 20 37M/Lca/4/Lci/cviz cm/Lb eomwtezciafi 9T(ct/4/1/agezo g’!/VI/I/l/VOIIB fiepozt fzom thee got/iboa/Lt g4/L®1»VCCl/V1/C0 gowvpom/143 3 3A Pl-53L 24 POINT PEN TEXT (4 line Nonp.) azcia€ LQCCLOQ/14/1/Le/9 of $014} §1/1/gfl3cL;:52> COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. A 169 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. Sylvan Cext. 20A 60a 6 POINT SYLVAN TEXT (Nonpareil) $1 90 9- american missionary associations to Benefit-6 _ ‘ the - poor -.~_ anb + llnebucateb =3 Lieatbens -:- all + Qiontributions -:- Receiveb , 12311-567890 10A 40a 10 POINT SYLVAN TEXT (Long Primer) $1 95 The Kbebive at Zfiabison Square She .:- Dreamt »:- She -:- was -:- (Imong .:- the .:- angels T 8A 25a 18 POINT SYLVAN TEXT (3 line Nonp.) $2 85 ~}~ beabquarters <~ IDealtl2iest~~:«Ragpickers 5A 1021 30 POINT SYLVAN TEXT (511n_e Nonp.) $3 85 Ziewspaper fyeaoings Democratic {Drolyilvition Republican Zlleclyanics (Issociation Zlational +Zlewspaper + Recoroer 3A. 8a. 48 POINT SYL_VAN TEXT (8 line Nonp.) $3 95 Rocliforb manager y mount Dakota Register COMPLETE WITH FIGURES CELEBRA TED SUPER/OR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. Eubot Eeriee. 15 A .303 6 POINT TUDOR (Nonpareil) $2 25 meeting of ‘national commission anb local Eirectorg uniteb mates presibent nttenbing the ®pening of the 'l1!Ilorlb’s fair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O IOA 40a 10 POINT TUDOR (Long Primer) $2 75 Ibloiigbiné Sowing planting A Subbue Gultivate anb Enrich the Earth 8A 2 I 18 POINT TUDOR (3 line Nonp.) $3 40 mfiweet 3LittIeiLiIace jfreeb 1Roeee from mewark 15 A 50a. 8 POINT TUDOR (Brevier) $2 75 Gbicago Jsurlington anb llsimteapolis cfiarfielo anb ‘imlasbington Dark Racing Elesociation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 9 A 30 a 12 POINT TUDOR (2 line Nonp.) $2 75 Granb tbievo ctaririage "works mew lpbaeton sale at Rebuceb llbrice 5 A 5 a 20 POINT TUDOR A (2 line Lg. Primer) $3 50 lfieneral 1bancoch Gabete at "(Kfleet [point 5 A 15 a 24 POINT TUDOR (4 line Nonp.) . $4 75 lincoln Glountg jfloriste Eastern School Eirectore Glonvention 4A 10a 36 POINT TUDOR (611118 Nonp,) $5 30 Entertaining Eaintineee flbackinaw (tailors Emporium 4A 10 3 .2 POINT TUDOR (7 line Nonp. 1Iaationa11Reforme $600 Electric light Goncerne 48 POINT TUDOR (811118 Nonp.) $8 10 CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. Blmericaii Eecoration QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. Qlfiihe filack. 10A 30a 8 POINT WIDE BLACK (Brevier) $2 70 -8A 25a 10 POINT WIDE BLACK (Long Primer) $2 75 finttnic gains aub Qaaamiea giant -Ilramatic Qbvganigatign llriranh gucomy athletic meeting mus in fgtuaastiu CD112 fiafibful waiben gtitting by a illonh Mattel? fitatms gettenolntt aux fincietieaas flmaitittg for £121: $101112 fivntljer 1284567890 1234567890 6A 183 12 POINT WIDE BLACK (2 line Nonp.) gmreaast Qbollectimt of git-storfcal giteratmte gliaasconmseh Qfixtemaiine wurlzialj magnum of gtatural gjiatory Qfitttivcelg ileaaitrnyeb gtecent gthhitiomav of fieautiful glapatteae glaaema ayartly giuttteb GA 163, 14 PCIXT WIDE BLACK (English) (Elaborate §1J.B£itItBIt£i of Ewtiaastic Qfittgranittg gateaat aflrinteh gtjeetss of Qbwmamsmtas am) gathers gurniabeh glllnttherful iliaaplag of ayatenteh cmh Qbrigimtl Elwigws $3 30 5A 15 a 16 1’oI.\"I‘ WIDE BLACK (2 line Brevier) Qglritttera utth fiittheraa zllurahle gfltacljitterg Qbglitther iglreaamw aljcqaer Qlutteraa gulheraza atth fititcljera moat 232;:/«irahle g';li2qa1ag of Qahm:-gtanittg fltaulaa SA 12a 18 POINT WIDE BLACK (311119 Noup.) gimt gtatinttal flank geaeittgtott Eglttiteh zlfitatesze QBU11B1:IIIttJ2Itt Qfiolh fiotthsa Gfiattceleh Qburrettcy gtoatteh on glllarehoueee Qieceiptaa 4A 103 20 POINT WIDE BLACK (2 line Long PI'imeI') gtuperinr glllsatittg Qhualitiw gjarhwt cmh gfifilnfit gieliahle flflype Gfraetcmt iljfilmat gjamnuaa Gfiupperfljlflliaeeh metal COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. $3 65 CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 172 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. MENU fl SERIES. 40A . . 6 POINT MENU N0. 1 (Nonpareil) . $1 40 1 40A 6 POINT MENU NO. 2 (Nonpareil) $1 60 GOLD AND ALUMINUM OPERA GLASS HOLDERS _ I PATRIOTIC ORDER SONS OF AMERICA STERLING SILVER ENGRAVED PEARL HANDLE OARVING KNIVES 3 THE COUNCIL RECORDS PRODUCED FOR‘ INSPECTION 1234567890 * I 1284567890 40A _ 6 POINT MENU NO. 3 (Nonpareil) $1 75 30A 3 POINT MENU N°- 4 (Brewer) 31 75 POWERFUL ENGLISH MAGNETS I GOVERNMENT BOND SYNDICATE EXPENSIVE IMPORTED IMITATION ONYX CLOCK IMPQR-1-ANT DQCUMEN-rs ARE EXAMINED 24A 10 POINT MENU NO. 5 (Long Primer) $1 75 20A 12 POINT MENU NO. 6 (2 line Nonp.) $2 00 MERCURY GLASS BLOWER CENTRAL DIVISION FAHRENHEITS THERMOMETER RAILROAD’ TICKET OFFICE 20A 12 POINT MENU No. 7 (2 line Nonp.) . $2 25 MONTANA HORTIOULTURAL EXPOSITION LARGE PLANTS AND TREES OF SOUTH AFRICA TASSO SERIES. 40A 6 POINT TASSO (Nonpaneil) $1 75 POTATO MASHERS AND FLAT IRONS AMERICAN REFORMERS SEUENTEEN MONTHS AFTER THE HONEYMOON MORE BLESSED To GIVE THAN TAKE 1234567890 I 1234567890 32A 8 POINT TAS80 (Brevler) $1 90 25A 10 POINT TASSO (Long Primer) $2 00 \ 20A I ’ 12 POINT TASS0 (211110 NODDJ . $2 00 PLEASANT LECTURES BREAD AND BEANS BEAUTIFUL GARDEN PLANTS I FINE TURKEY AND GOOSE 15A 18 POINT TASSO (3 line Nonp.) $2 85 ROASTED PRAIRIE CHICKEN OYSTERS ANDSWEET FOTATOE SERVED WA 24 POINT TASSO (4 line Nonp.) 32 35 F\BF§’PIl‘IF\/V\ LINCOLN I:/“I/V\OUS PI/V\EF?|OF’Il\I HUTHORS BOTH SERIES LINE AT THE BOTTOM. COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 173 QUALITY UNEGUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. CLIFTOD 25A 403, 6 POINT CLIFTON (Nonpareil) $2 30 ORNHMENTHL SIGD REPHIRERS Charles Herbert Thompson and Company Limited 1 23 4 5 6 "I 8 9 0 20A 30a 10 POINT CLIFTON (Long Primer) $2 75 EUROPEHN IDEPFIRTNIENT Governments Financial Conditions 10A 15a 18 POINT CLIFTON (3 line Nonp.) $43 40 YOLU1\ITEE1‘{ Retreat of the British 5A 82!; 36 POINT CLIFTON 20A 30a 8 POINT CLIFTON (Brevier) $2 25 HMERICHN REGIMEDTS Cornpelted them to Surrender at Midnight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 15A 253 12 I’01N'I‘ CLIFTON (2 line Nonp.) $3 00 IBRFIZILIHI7 IDIHMONID Hmerican Ornament Company 8A 12a 24 POINT CLIFTON (41iné Nonp.) $4 45 CHFIMPIOD Base Ball Teams (6 line Nonp.) $6 20 NORTH CHICHGO Central Real Estate Board 4 A Ga 48 POINT CLIFTON (8 line Nonp.) $7 30 FRESH ROSES Union Park Florist 4A 5;; 60 POINT CLIFTON (10 line Nonp.) $9 90 ESORTS Central Groves COMPLETE WITH FIGURES . CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE QUALITY UNEQUALED, FIN/SH UNSURPASSED. O/QGINN - Vincent 5“ Series. fin I?! D HIP}; ‘tr Lliub gfr. in: '«~ 1"’ S’ %”V7‘mu='° S? MECHHNICHL ENGINEERS THE MORNING SUN History or the Western Mountain Country Great Northern Railroad Lines 1234567890 1234567890 WHOLESHLE c25i§ii§iTs§iN5pn MERCHHNTS General Grain and Provision Merchants of Indiana COLHMBIEfiMENT§§¥0SIT10N Hssociated New Castle Silk Exhibitors TIMES Veteran Electrotypers Reunion 4A 6a » i 60 POINT VINCENT (10 line Nonp.) $6 90 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee s. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 175 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. TRENTON "W ‘H . '1 . ' ‘ I’ SERIES. 0’ C) 9% 24A 503. 6 POINT TRENTON (Nonpareil) $2 05 20A 40a 8 POINT TRENTON (Brevier) $2 15 BEAUTIFUL LETTER FOR NEAT JOB PRINTERS LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS EXPERIENCE Great Western Type Foundry Brakemen and Conductors ‘ Made From Our Celebrated Superior Copper-Mixed Metal Terrible Collision Passenger and Freight Trains l234567’890 l2345G789O l8A‘36a 10 POINT 'l‘l{EN'I.‘ON (Long Primer) $2 30 INDEPENDENT AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL FOR SOUTHERN FARMERS Louisville Printing and Publishing Company Incorporated Under Laws of Kentucky Valuable Information and Good Advice for Those Interested in Agriculture 15A 30a. 12 POINT TRENTON (2 line Nonpi) $2 so STRONG EVIDENCE BROUGHT FROM BLACK HAWK Prisoner Robbed Colorado Gold Mine Saturday Evening August Fourth Detective Brown Awarded Lead Medal for Making Capture 10A 203. 18 POINT TRENTON (3 line Nonp.) $3 25 KENTUCKY GROCERS BANOUETS Massachusetts Southern TelegraphCorporations % Louisiana Manufacturers Encouraged 8A 122» ' 24 POINT TR-ENTON (4 line Nonp.) « ’ $3 so FRENCH MUSICIANS WANTED Musical Conservatory Luxemberg France Violins GuitarsiPianos and Organs COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 176 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. ” EDUCAT3EBmT0Nlwimi;iCHlNlST Entertaining Juvenile Publications 5A 8a . 48 POINT TRENTON (8 line Nonp.) $5 9.5 Election Returns Received 9A ea V 60 POINT TRENTON (10 line Nonp.) . $7 60 Convention in Lancaster 4A 5a . 72 POINT TRENTON (12 line Nonp.) . $8 80 . uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu s. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 177 QUALIT? UNEQUALED. FINISH UNSURPASSED. ASTORIA mm SERIES. 15A 30a 6 POINT ASTORIA (Nonpareil) $2 20 12A 25:: 8 I’0II\"1‘ As'.1‘01uA (Brevier) $2 20 NEvuEsT SPECIMEN SHEETS AMERICAN MACHINIST Cheap Newspaper Press Brand Nevil Shaft Printers Standard Nonpareil Ernerald Repairs Given Extra Attention 1234557890 1234567890 12A 20a 10 POINT ASTORIA (L0ng‘ Primer) $2 30 MORMON TOURISTS EXPLORING AFRICA Multitude of Ten Thousand Six Hundred and Four Strong Natives Ul.lelcon1e the Ulleary Tourists Safe Arrival 10A 20a. 12 I’01x'1‘ ASTORIA (2 line Nonp.) $2 50 PRINTERS ASTORIA SPECIMENS 1 Useful Durable and Good Extended Job Letter Daily Nevvspaper Advertising Con1panies «A 12a 18 Po1x'r ASTORIA (3 line Nonp.) $3 25 UNITED STATES CADET Torpedo Boats Quickly Repaired 1V\errin1ac and the Constitution (s A 1021 24 POINT AS'I‘0RlA (41i11e Nonp.) $4 60 EASTON REX./IEUU Manager Desires Agents Evening Sun Reporter COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 178 QUALITY UNEQUALED, F/N/SH UNSURPASSED. Street 1V\ill< Depot 4A 5a 48 Ponwr Asronm (8 line Nonp.) $9 80 I-IOUNDS Grand Scene 4A 5a 60 POINT Asronm up line Nonp.) $11 95 SIN ERS Music Boxes 3A 4a ' 72 POINT ASTORIA (12 line Nonp.) $13 40 BINDERS Glue Cans COMPLETE WITH FIGU RES . CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 179 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPA sse.-:0. 40A 6 POINT RACINE N0. 1 (Nonpareil) $1 75‘ 32A ' 6 POINT PAOINE (1\Ionpa1-ei1) ' A $1 75 FIRST GRAND OVERLAND FIREFLY DISPLAY A GREAT WESTERN TYPE FOUNDRY _ EIGHTY MILES AN HOUR ‘ MONROE STREET CHICAGO TRAIN RUNNING THROUGH MANY zIGzAG ROCKY CANONS CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPES 1234567890 1234567890 30 A 8 POINT RACINE (Brevmr) $2 00 25 A 10 POINT RACINE (Long Primer) ‘ $2 25 CRIMINAL EXECUTION I CONTRACTORS . ’ INC2NSISTENT TESTIMONY INTRQDUCED SCULPTOR POET AND PAINTER COUNTY cJUDGES EINAL DECISION GRAND SMOOTH ROADS 2-1 A 12 POINT RACINE (2 line Nonp.) ' $2 50‘ CRIMINAL C2URT BUILDING GRAND JURY CHAMBER EIGHT INDICTMENTS EOUND UNITED STATES CUSTOM HOUSE OEEICER 15 A v 18 POINT RACINE (3 line Nonp.) $3 00 DANGEROUS CROSSINGS RASSENGERS ESCARED DESTRUCTION HANDSO2}:7ITEM§f:UDENTS W CHARACTER EOR IIISTORIANS 25 8 A 30 POINT BACINE (5 line NOnp._) GOVERNMENTS RURCHASEDWEXRERIENCE CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. ’ 180 . _ $3 75 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. LIGHTFACE ERA SERIES. 25A~40a 6 Pouwr LlGHTl<‘A(‘E ERA (Nonpareili $2 00 NORTH CHICAGO CABLE TRAINS CROWDED Conductors and Drivers Home Trust Benevolent Elssociatior) 1254567890 82 15 20A 30a 10 Po1x'1‘ LIGHTFACE ERA (Long Primer) UNITED STATES MARINE BAND Grand Orchestra Music Furnished Cheap 10A 15a. 18 POINT LIGHTFACE ERA (3 line Nonp.) $3 10 BRIGHT LIGHTS General Electric Supply 5A 83 36 POINT LIG}ITl4‘A(‘E ERA (611118 NOIID.) 20A 3021. 8 Po1x'r LIGHTFACE ERA (Brevier) $2 15 AMERICAN THEATRICAL COMPANY Chicago and Pittsburg Museums and Theaters l23456789O 12 P0u\"1‘ LIGHTFACE 14111.4 (2 line Nonp.) $2 35 EXHAUST HEATERS Great Power and Heat Combined 15 A 25a 8A 12a 24 POINT LIGH'l‘FA(‘E ERA (4 line Nonp.) $3 90 MAGAZINE Fashion Journals $5 :20 BOARD OF TRADE State Government Bonds 48 POINT LIGHTFACE ERA (8 line Nonp.) $7 5:, 4AV6a HOUSEKEEPE Exce ent Furniture 4A 5a 60 P01:\"r LIGH'l‘1~‘A(‘-E ERA (10 line Nonp.) $9 ‘.30 BRANCHE Natural Stream COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. 9 fl\e I-IANDSOME ERA SERIES. I am.- 25A 40a 6 P0.1.\"r ERA (Nonpareil) $2 00 « 20A 30a ‘.8 POINT ERA (Brevier) $2 15 UNITED sons OF THE GRAND HRMY BHRNHART BROS. as SPINDLER Unveiling the Monument of General Grant at Lincoln Park Manufacturers of Superior Copper-Mixed Type Annual Social Gathering of the Sons and Daughters Most Durable Printing Type on the Market I2.'5456789O K234567890 20A 30 a. 10 POINT ERA (Long Primer) $2 15 UNITED STATES MINISTER TO FRANCE RECENTLY APPOINTED Petitions Circulated to Have the Doshisha University Placed under Government Control Japanese People Resent Foreign Interference and Assume Grave Responsibilities , 15A 25a 12 POINT ERA (2 line Nonp.) $2 35 ARCHITECT SCULPTOR FIND FRESCO PAINTER Beautiful Interior Decorations Entirely Ruined by English Relic Hunters Elaborate Preparations Made for Immediate Reconstruction 10A 15 a 18 POINT ERA (3 line Nonp.) $3 10 HARTFORD LOAN EISSOCIATION Northwestern Protective Insurance Underwriters Accident Policies Issued Upon Elpplication 8A 12a 24 POINT ERA (4 line Nonp.) $3 90 SUPREME COURT DECIDES Decision Surprises Defenses Elttorney Reporters Unmercifully Chastised COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 1873 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. DUNC.l53:Ml§fRA(6n&MXENTER Beldons Insurance agency sENX:FbRs Elmericar) Congress North and South 3 A 4 8 72 POINT ERA (12 line Nonp.) $11 75 i coupurrs wm-1 neunas. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 183 QUALITY UNEQUA LED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. 15A 25a 12 POINT ERA OPEN (2 line Nonp.) $2 35 PEN (3 line Nonp.) $3 10 RESPECTHNG SUIFDERHORS SECCDND EDHTH©N Assfistaxnt @©M@mm@1mtc: IInsp@c:t©Ir [flight C©)U1nt]F‘y P©1p@[r‘S n2345<5=c79@ fl2Z>éZ.'%567 ' 01N'r ERA OPEN (4 line Nonp.) @L11F©finA MERCHANTS W©:1$hfimgt©n ©md Au1strr<<:1flfi@1 St@@1m$hfi[;>>s $3 90 5A 8a 36 POINT ERA OPEN (6 line Nonp.) $5 20 UNCZAN @iENTElF\{ @fld©ns Hmsurr@m@@ Ag@m@y 4A Ga 48 OINT ERA OPEN (8 line Non . $7 55 SENATORS Am@rfl1<:©m ©©mgr@ss (50 POINT ERA OPEN (10 line Nonp.) FROEHGNER CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYP . UUUUUUUUUUUUUU ED, IIIIIIIIIIIII SSED. UJSSEQ %%%%%%%% %L@<<:1d@rr" DE VINNE SERIES. 24A sea’ 6 Ponrr Dm VINNI: (Nonpareil) $2 25 MAGNIFICENT WHITE STONE STRUCTURE Architecture oi Passenger Station Unsurpassed in Excellence I Expensivelflarble and Granite Columns Completed I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90 20A 26a. NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN Commercial Business Educational Colleges Metropolitan insurance Association 18 Form an vnmn "<3 une Nonp.) ‘ $3 25 ARRANGEMENT Ornamental Decorations 10A 163 ‘6A9a L 5A8a l0 Pourr DII: vmnn (Long Primer) $2 75 GRAND Coliseum Near Evanstone ST ON HOUSE Union Street Hotel .. ,_..........,. ._..........._...._._...... 8 Pom! Dm VINNIII (Brevier) 82 50 « BEAUTIFUL COLOR SPECIHENS The Progressive and Ambitious American Printers Executing Artistic Brass Rule Composition . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 22A 308 16A 209, 12 POINT DE VINNII: (2 line Nonp.) A $8 00 FORESTRY BUILDING Tennessee Centennial Exhibitions Government Art institution SA 108. 24 POINT DE VINNE (411118 NOIID.) $4 00 MANSIONS Burnside Resident EXCELLEw11mo\1\e\m\'<\ 9\\8.'('(\\8.'(\$ A 9A 30a. 12 POINT PISA (2 line Nonp.) $2 75 1 8A 25a 18 POINT PISA (3 line Nonp.) $3 25 ¥\’t\\'a.c.’€\\)<>. ‘Dame Yvogvammes i Brand Sntefiainmenks £01‘ Sc.\\oo\ C\\'\\<\1'e1\ '°\\% 3\“\b“\a'“c% 2 C\\1"\s’tmas and mm Dear Soc.°\a\1\es Sa’€\s’§ac\ov'\\\; T)e’m'\\\'\1\ed ‘.3 5 A 15 ii. 24 POINT PISA (-1 line Noun.) $3 em Y(Va.\\‘I\a’s\a\\ ‘B each Exam‘ s'\o\\ B qafts 6 'Y\e asaxxk Summer Em m\'mg 'Yfioo\\\'\g\\k 'P»am\1\es 4A 10a 36 POINT PISA (611119 Nonp.) $5 25 S91‘ 2 at Eur I\'\*mx c S a\e 2. '5'w 3’: "3\m\'\\3 ex‘ 3 avg Ce\e.b\' 3.’: e 6. ‘Z 3 A Ba V 48 POINT PISA (1-%1111eN0np.) $6 25 '3'\1\a\\c'\a\ Que sfion 8 Novth Smer son Tbankev 3A 5 H 60 POINT PISA (10 line Nonp.) $8 25 'fi1\\\\1a\‘Ro adfiace 9 CELEBRA TED SUPER/OR COPPER-M/XED TYPE. 184111 QUALITY UNECIUALED, F/N/SH UNSURPASSED. 25A 40am 6 Po‘1N'1‘ HUGO (Nonpareil) $2 50 20A 30 :1. 8 POINT HUGO (B1-evier) $2 50 CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS CENTRAL BICYCLE RIDING SCHOOL Foster Diplomas Awarded to a Great Many lndustrious Boys and Girls Fine Enamded Roadsters and Truck Wheels on Exhibition Arithmetic Grammar and Sharthand L ssss ns 874 Colorado Association Tandem Races 96.3 238 National Educational Association Meeting at Buffalo 456 230A 30a 10 P()IN’l‘ Ht'Go (Long l.’1‘i1ner) $2 75 15A 25“ 12 POINT HUGO (2 line Noun.) $2 75 BRIGHT MEDICAL STUDENT FRENCH CHORAL UN'°"‘ Undertakers and Hearse Makers Convention Weslem Military B0"d5 and O|'Ch95l"05 98‘? Beautiful Green Cemeteries 654 354 Great Carnival Week 209 10A 15:.» 18 1’o1x'1‘ Ilvao (31i11e Nonp.) $3 50 MISSOURI SUPREME COURT BUILDING Authorized Eminent Lawyers and Attorneys of Minnesota 6'38 Committee‘_‘App9.intments Investigated 923 HA um :24 Po1.\"r HUGO (4 line Nonp.) $4 00 ANNUAL HUNTING EXPEDITION Stories of Adventures from Popular Authors 456 Comical Recitation Selections 2'89 «A 10:1 30 l’0lZ\"I‘ Hvuo (51inuNoup.) $4 7:. HANDSOME SOUVENIRS Southern Dramatic Stock Companies 23 American Stage Managers 45 CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MlXED TYPE. 18411 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. EXPENSIVEEEOEUENITUDE 6 Montana Wholesale Houses 7 MERCHXNDISE .3 Elegant Church Organs E 4A 5a 60 POINT HUGO (10 line Nonp-, $8 25 United States Coins 5 EXERCISES ‘ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ER‘ M / X E D T Y P E. 1840 QUALITY UNEGUALED, F/N/SH UNSURPASSED. FIFTEENTH ’ CENTURY 24A 50a 8 POINT XV CENTURY (Brevier) $2 80 i 20A 40a 10 POINT XV CENTURY (Lg. Primer) $3 00 REMARKABLE FURNITURE BARGAXNS BOSTON Arnugnc M151;-nNc5 New Public Library and Reading Rooms of Baltimore Maryland Important Telegraph Communication to the Baltimore“ Milwaukee and Philadelphia Manufacturing Companies Bold Robbers C1 osely Pursucd by Savage Hounds r23456789o i 1234567890 12 A 25a 18 POINT XV CENTURY (3 line Nonp.) $4 30 18 A 36a 12 POINT XV CENTURY (2 line Nonp.) $3 25 TOPEKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS _ CYCLING CLUBS Michigan Avenue and Washington Boulevard Hotels Music Oklahoma Orchestra Are Always Crowded in Summer Months FY33 {OT Mcmbcfs 9A 18a :24 1’o1N'r XV CENTURY (4 line Nonp.) $4 75 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED METAL Ten Thousand Persons Lost by Earthquakes in Germany Cincinnati Elevated Railroad Company Employes 6A 10a 36 Po1NT XV CENTURY (811118 Nonp.) $6 30 THE EVEN IN C HERALD Evanston Grand Driving Parks Opened Lake Michigan Steamboat Excursion 5 A 8 a 48 POINT XV CENTURY (8 line Nonp.) $8 90 COMIC OPERA Grand Rapids Loan Company COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. OELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'M/XED TYPE. 184p QUALITY UNEGUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. MARSHALL ITALIC SERIES. 25A 150a 6 POINT MARSHALL ITALIC (Nonpareil) $4 90 20A 125a 8 POINT MARSHALL ITALIO (Brevier) $5 00 WILLIAM PENN. JOHN DR YDEN. William Penn, the only son ofAdmiral lfenn, was born in Lon- John D den’ the Celebrated English poet, was born Z?§?;a%3’”§;’ 1.3}iii"$2;a’5‘§.§“JI5¥e§?&"3§!?.§i&""z%‘§$2i’s3?§?f‘}5?§ in Aldwigile, in Northamntonshire. 1631. Ht Wtts first bias towards the doctrines of the Society of Friends was educated in West minst er School, and Trinity C01- ’.’.f;’§’”fzf;’t‘i322Z"a%3*§2Zf?%r°z§;!¥§$’§$ t.i:;..::i; :.:‘§ii.2:;t..“;'::;i:; tee, ttmtt.ttttt- tttt ttttt vtttt tttstt tttttttttt attendance on the public worship of the established church, and “Ce W‘:1S ms Séanzes on Cram u/61.1 S (,1€:‘7th' but so held private prayer meetings. They were fined by the college, ; 9XC€€d1Hg1Y P1131919 W33 119» that. 111 1000, 116’ WT 0173 but this did not deter them. The principles which he adopted , a congratulatory address to Charles I I., on his res- ‘,i’;ff,’,f"‘}’,§§",,’;;'§;E‘.”§’,§,",‘;5;;,;’§‘;;"» et1},:"’[%‘gYSg:?S’Sé;fg1 t toration to the throne of his ancestors. But this were unalterable, a reconciliatigg took place between them. In 1, did “Or “Put 1110119 Y in 1115 purse» ” and he W33 S0011 1668, he began to preach, and also published his first work, } obliged to bctake himself to what was then a more I s “ Truth Exalted. ” Like manyothers of the early _Friends, Penn profitable department of poetry, and Write for the was repeatedly thrown into prison; and dur1'ng his confinement » 1234567890 % 1J3—£507890 20 A 100 a 10 POINT MARSHALL ITALIC (Long Primer) $5 25 JAMES THOMSON. James Thomson, the author of “The Seasons, ” was the son of a Scotch clergyman, and was born in the year 1700. After completing his academic education at the University of Edin- burgh, he entered upon the study of divinity; but a paraphrase of one of the Psalms having been given, by the professor of divinity, to the class, Thomson ’s exercise was in so poetical and figurative a style as to astonish all who heard it. This incident made him resolve to quit divinity for poetry, and, after some time, he Went to London, poor and friendless, to try his f0Ftl1I1€, with the manuscript of “ Winter” in his pocket. It was with difficulty he found a pur- chaser for it, and the price given was trifling. t It was published in 1726, and after a period of neglect, was admired and applauded, and a number of editions speedily followed. His “Sum- 24A we as POINT FAUST '.l‘EX'l‘ (B1‘eVie1') $2 50 Under lihe Spreading Chestnut Grees S 20A 40 a 10 POINT FAUST TEXT (Long Primer) $3 00 I E 324 Villlage Blaahsmitb is Industriously hammering 657 I 1 International (Iommitteemen 8? Annual and Enthusiastic Conventions 96 IOA 203 18 POIl\"1‘ FAUST TEXT (3 line Nonp.) $3 75 I i 18A 36a 12 POINT FAUST TEXT (2 line Nonp.) 83 50 Grand masquerade (larnival 76 B(I1'liDQtOD R(Iil1'O(Id 42 Friday Evening December Second 53 8 A 12 a. 24 P()I1\"1‘ FAUST '1‘Ex'I.‘ (411116 Nonp.) $4 ()0 2 Soathzaest flssoeiation Gxaarsion Steamers 5A 8a 36 POINT FAUST TEXT (6 line Nonp.) (Dilmaakee noise exhibition?» CELEBRA,-ED suPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 181q QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. SOUTHEY SERIES. 25A 40 a, 8 POINT SOUTHEY (Brevler) S2 50 BEAUTIFUL EUROPEAN PAINTINGS EXHIBITED 25A 402» 6 POINT SOUTHEY (Nonpareil) $2 25 PHILADELPHIA CHARITY ASSOCIATIONS Important Telegraph Communications to the Southwest Weekly Journal 425 Great Routes of the Northern Canada Steamboats 567 89 Nineteenth Annual Convention of the Plumbers Union 25 20A 30 a 12 POINT SOUTHEY (2 line Nonp.) $2 80 20 A 30 3, 10 POINT SOUTHEY (Long Primer) $2 50 I I COUNTY CLERKS NEW OFFICE 25 Dramatic Instruction Establishment 257 45 Reception Given by Prominent Americans 67 10A 15 a 24 POINT SOUTHEY (4 line Nonp.) $4 80 OQPOBTRAIEYIQIIESNBDSE NORTH HOTEL 25 German Music Academy 9 9 Summer Resorts 4 6A 8a 36 POINT SOUTHEY (611118 Nonp.) -$6 10 ” ‘”ciii”<3”iiKiBs BOATS 5 Surprise Parties . Ohio Canal 5 A 621 48 POINT SOUTHEY (811118 Nonp.) $7 25 KANSAS BANKERS Six Mi ion Business Men 9 4A 5a 60 POINT SOUTHEY (10 line Noun.) ~ 33 75 BRANCH OFF CE orthwestern House5 GELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER‘MIXED TYPE. 1841‘ A QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. i Silver Pin Novelties in Miniature Musical Instruments _ IREASURY D[_PAR_IM[m__ 33333333 90 National Governments fnnanualtonmtlon 46 M3011) 7\}ii§SP§iiVEi”{wizInasM25 PRMHW EDUC/\T|0N& % 23 German and french Watches Grand Ineatre Orchestra 34 8A 12a 4 $6 25 ”ErntE)i[‘15E%iiVtnv . zumteu States Post (mice Great Musk Ieamerfi no POINT SP1 B[AUIlflJl AWMOUNIAINS 8 fine [X(lIlSi0ll Steamboat Condemned SPIR $8 Q“ %A9%“Rocnts1m"%S u 18 1’o1x'1‘ I)l{E\\' (3 line Noup.) $4 00 COURT HOUSE AUCTIGNS 2 Robbers Convicted TWO Great Men 2 5 A 8 a. 3h‘ Po1.\"r l)1u«;w (611116 Nonp.) $6 50 SUMMER HOUSES Grand Concert Room 4 4A ea. 48 POINT DREW (811113 Nonp.) $8 50 ARMY MULE 5 Bold Commander 4A 5a » 60 POINT DREW no line Nonp.) $11 50 PRINTER Fine Red Inks 6 CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 1841} QUALITY UNEOUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. ENG RAVEHS ROMAN ORIGINAL ERIE SOCIAL CLUB CHICAGO THE RECEPTION COMMITTEE TAKES PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THAT ANV ENTERTAINMENT WILL BE GIVEN AT THE CLUB HOUSE, THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH NINTH, AT EIGHT O’CLOCK, BY THE ROMEO TRIO F. M. LIVINGSTON OF AVON DALE . I SECRETARY D. FRANCIS POPULA WIL PAN'Y, MRS, ISAB - FRANK R. HAMILTON. MANDO JA LAWRENCE BLOCK COLUMBUS; IND. 1Nn1ANA AGENT, WESTERN LIEEINSURANCE CO., 524 G“5N” AVENUE! LEAVENWORTR, RAN. ~ INDIANAPOLIS. COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM OVERTURE““FEST," - ' - ' ' - ' ' ' ' LEUTNER MARCH—“C. M. T. S.” ' ' ' ' ‘ " " ‘ ' ' BELLE ENTRANCE OF CLASS PRAYER — - - - — - - - REV. 1). L. GLASS,I).D. CORNET SOL0—"‘EVENING," - - - - - - - - KIMBALL SA-LUTATORY—-“MARIE ANT10NETTE," - - EDWIN CRAMER ENGRAVERS ROMAN _L ARCH “PRINCE AVAN1AS,’ HERBERT ORATION—“RELAT1oN BETWEEN GENIUS AND INSANITY,” - H. ORTON 25 A, 6 Point NO. I ' $1 00 SELECTION”“‘1\IADEL1NE," - - - - - - - ' EDWARDS BEAU-my-UL SPECHEENS ON EXHIBITION ORATION*“NAPoLEON9s ITALIAN CAMPAIGN,” - THOMAS PIERCE _ ' COUNTRY DANCE—“WoonLA“'N.’9 .» - - - - ' - WATSON 2° A 6 Poim N0- 2 $1 00 ORATION*“T1IE STUDY OF’ SOCIOLOGY," * - - EDVVIN ELLIOT MAGNIFICENT PRODUCTIONS vvALTz——“Axu-Iscrss LIFE,” - - - - - - - - - mnmozc . REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT 18 A 6 Pomt No. 3 $1 15 - A ND TYPE THAT IS DURABLE AWARDING 013‘ DIPLOMAS 18 A 8 Point $1 55 I\IARCI{“i‘VALED1OTORY MARCII,=- -I V - - - - R..u. PENDELTON T TIC VALEDICTORY - - — - - ROBERT A. WORHMAN R 4 . A I 1\IARCI-I--“THE BELmELn,vs - ' ' ' ' “ ' * ' REALE OTHER SIZES IN PREPARATION. 4, " ...r';4,,,,..;';g.\,,~t.‘.;2«¢v3"!v..,~:':2«¢-\'Jzu .'~'2v¢v§7.4<-, ’\9as‘v‘J0M paA!aa9& N» :: I‘ '5‘ 8A 12 a 30 Point De Vinne Extra Compressed ' $4 40 LEADERS IN TYPE DESIGNS Everything Used by Printers 6A 10 a 36 Point De Vinne Extra Compressed $5 30 USEFUL BRASS CIRCLE Ornamental Decorations e V I ’ Kur«gEu;KI';i;I nlukulikur R K fig Ki In 1 3 u '51 3' - inn: 2:‘. I ~-'- r = 353’ -x «:3 Hi" . nu-Julvlu In it =:{‘: R: ~- £29 at .¥ ,. r" g‘. ‘ 10 Point De Vinne Extra Comp. : "it Q I " “ $9 I L. : 6A 10a 48 Point De Vinne Extra Compressed $8 oo ‘EL u‘: 1 I 55., , 3: ' “" El l;~V C110!‘ Toughne ‘v‘AIE€£{§ _._. _. : Fri! 5 IT A: R R ' " " ’ . .. .; Mr K 1% llfilz '\lnu:Fl\ulyI\u:! _., , at =- £...:E~ :5 E: ' = - 1%, ‘ §r*§::::€:: :: 2-5.. = .' -* 3: o F In Ii It i . . 33 35"“ :'§$:' :-’I':~:::*.".?:“" ' ‘ = I .«.. 5 ~ 3 r " . ' _- ' ylylirllg mu ‘; "'}'n‘ I lull?! : ‘ ' : ti; 0 : De Vrnne Extra Compressed 7 ‘A ’ .8: ‘.3: at?» «'55: vii» .2.» ;.x:%?,s-;".a.%z;%sr.’;4a- : ‘ BALTIMORE ENTERPRISE Hanover and York Streets .. ' 18 Point De Vinne Extra Comp. 15A 25a, $3 40 PRINTING PRESSES Mrnrofioosr C :?2« Elegant Rooms -c 2:} .. 00 25A 4021, $52 50 METROPOLITAN RAILROADS Rapid Transportation Lines 12 Point De Vinne Extra Comp. 25A 4021, $3 00 o. A n:~I~ New Paper Cutters P 4A 5 a 72 Point De Vinne Extra Compressed $12 20 FURNITURE /o. 24 Point De Vinne Extra Comp. :2 ,. ,,[,_.I: 0 e -'2§‘§“e§§= 6 I ‘.1 "' <' '3:~ : :§g :52? . - ““ jlj hlulilulul» /. -kg‘ 4 " ._x 1- g_-gr-L %,Q ‘I «I9 Iéi I‘% ole @‘ 60 Point De Vinne Compressed NIODE RN DESIGN 959 25 10A I Unique '%3E§%§3%%%§a§3%i%3%%3E“i%3%%3%%3il 8 DE VINNE COMPRESSED. 24 A 50a 6 Point De Vinne Comp. PHILADELPHIA ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION Certificates can be had by Applying at the Harvard Office I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 $2 00 25 A 4021 8 Point DeVinne Comp. SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Is the most Durable Type Made in the world $2 25 25A 40a 10 Point De Vinne Comp. $2 50 AMERICAN SOLDIERS HOSPITAL Hundreds-Nurses and Physicians Employed 15A 25 a 12 Point De Vinne Comp. -$2 75 5 ORIGINAL TYPE DESIGNS ._ . Ornaments and Artistic Borders 14 Point De Vinne Comp. 12 msaummen RESORTS Elegant Music and Dancing $300 N“ N R D R R R I “ Q Q-\_’ P Fine 4A 5a 72 Point De Vinne Compressed $512 35 TP Ea IIIUNIC Hundreds Enthusiastic Citizens Present WIIANDS Expensively Decorated Mansion ORE Pride of American Navy I KE Insurance Solicitors 18 Point De Vinne Compressed IPAL CONVENTIONS 25 24 Point De Vinne Compressed OME RESIDENCE $3 50 Com resse GONVESSEL 1” 30 Point De Vinne 25 36 Point De Vinne Compressed NSINGTON 48 Point De Vinne Compres Resses R Brass Rule Printers Pride (iO0D18I:hit:;1i;l(1FACE Clean Extended Letter $4 50 MY§¥EKliOUS Robbers Captured IO DURABLE FancyB0rders 5 ... DJ? huié nu . m». g m. 0 D0 . W0 mnfluanism S D D D yisms R M ._ m msww MWQMW “W 0 m m L . ®%_®%@% 3 W N V I V C wwfimms W N m W W M :0. Fm. »&a.Wfi D D 2 mg mmw mmmw mg ®qw M M m 1mW®m5@W Dflco Wag mnwcao mwao nnwao map wswwgusmsw ®%@sW®sW 60 Point De Vinnc Bold $514 50 1;, 4A 5 :1 Bold Series $8 40 PRINTER Fine Red Ink 20 is0RT Cabinets $2 50 no Point I)c Vinnc Bold RESTAURANTS Fresh Business Lunches $2 80 18:1 12 Point Dc Vinnc Bold RENIODELED Laconing Building immww mam mmw. Wm, mmwm\W%£. New N kw mswmséwwww «Ema, umgmmjéwo W m %®% N ewe gm gegege 25A 40 a 6 POINT Lvxou $2 50 2uA 30:1 8 I’()IN'.1‘ Lvxou $2 an THIS USEFUL HEAVY FACE LIKE ALL OTHERS ; PRHVTERS W[LL f']ND 1'H[S Nfflr LETTER 2345 We Manufacture is cast from Copper-Mixed Metal 1, used to be one of the Best Faces Ever Made 678 20A 30:17 10 P()1N’I‘ LUx0n $3 00 15 A 252! 12 1’()1N'I‘ LFXOH $3 ‘>5 LOOKS WELL AT ALL TIMES FINE SERIES IN HIS OFFICE 209 Every Printer Ought to Have This In Order to do Artistic Printing 43 10A 1521 18 POINT LUXOR $4 on’ 12A 1821 14 POINT Lrxou $3 50 my 11' YOU WILL NOT LUXOR SERIES 657 Regret the Purchase of Very Hard to Beat 98‘ 8-A 12211 24 POINT LFXOR $5 no THIS GIVES YOU AN IDEA Beautiful Heavy Face Jab Letter 63 36 POINT Luxou 3‘; 4;, CAST FROM OUR 9 Copper-Mixed Metal 45 63» 48 POINT LIYXOR $9 20 SUPERIOR Second to None 13 4*‘ 5“ G0 l5’()lN'l‘ Lvxou. $11 on CELEBRATED SUPER/OR‘ COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 1843' QUALITY UNEQUALED, F/N/SH UNSURPASSED. 24A 50a 6 POINT DEWEY $3 on THE GREA T DRIGINA TDRS 0F NEW SENSA TIONS 789 Most Daring Talented and Intrepid Exponents of Incredible Feats 18A 363. 10 POINT DEWEY $3 25 UNITED STATES GUNBOA TS 342 Warships Maintain an Effeetual Blockade 10A 203 18 POINT DEWEY $3 75 I EASTERN JOURNALS 89 Dalton City Daily Times 5A8:t SERIES. 20A 403 8 POINT DEWEY $3 00 WEALTH Y RESIDENTS 0F RUBEVILLE CITY Making Preparations for Expedition to the North Pole 465 151*: 30 a 12 POINT DEWEY $3 50 GREAT CLEARANCE SALE Prices Reduced on Silks and Satins 657 8A 12a 24 POINT DEWEY $4 30 I/0L UN TE ERS Marching South 312 36 POINT DEVVEY am No SUMMER HOUSE Situated Near Desplaines City 5 SA 48 POINT DEWEY FINE s/14 DE TREE 7 C ottaye Grove A venue 4A Ga 60 POINT DEWEY ' $10 30 Boston Ice House 9 4A 58, 72 POINT DE\VEY $12 50 6L‘r/'e Canal Boat CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, F/N/SH UNSURPASSED. ..r.a MONITOR SERIES. 30A 503 6 POINT MONITOR $2 00 24A 40:1, 8 POINT MONITOR $2 25 TYPE-FOUNDERS AND ELECTROTYPERS CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE F““ Li“ °f P"i“t°’s Material 3”“ M”'°hi“°”’ is Always Kept in St°°k Manufactured by Barnhart Brothers 8: Spindler, Chicago, Illinois 1234567890 1234567890 WA amt 10 POINT M OOOO OR $2 50 15A 25:; 12 POINT MONITOR $2 an GOLDEN EAGLE SLEIGHING PARTIES RAMB1-E PLEASURE SOCIETY 23 Million Eight Hundred Stars were Brightly Shining Second Entertainment will be Held December 17 24 POINT O [TOR lCASTLP3l8XINliL:0mli1lP LINE SF-ASIDE RESORT 91 Daily Trips to Other Planets Season Opens March 30 8A 122$ $5 75 POLITICAL MEETINGS 6 Candidates for County Commissioners 36 POINT MONITOI MSUBMARINE DISCOVERIES Central Wrecking Boat Number 7 THE HU§IEiiNG BEE 8 Handsome City Maidens CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-M/XED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. THE FIF TEEN TH CEN '1' UR Y Italic Series is now ready as promised 36 Point Fifteenth Century Italic 5 A 8 a $5 80 PRINTERS WHO HAVE ALREADY PURCHASED THE Fifteenth Century, will find by using this Italic Series in connec- tion with the Fifteenth Century, they will have two of the most useful series that can be produced for an up-to-date class of work 8 Point Fifteenth Century Italic 24 A 50 a $2 95 COPPER THIN SPACES ARE BECOMING more popular with printers every day, and those who have ufed them say they are the biggest little thing ever manufactured for the printer. They are accu- rately cut by machinery and never break or wear out 1o-Point Fifteenth Century Italic 20A 40:1 $2 80 CHINESE METHOD OF PRINTING Many eminent authors are of the opinion that we are indebted to China not only for playing cards, but for the means of making them. They tell us that playing cards could not have 12 Point Fifteenth Century Italic 18A 36:1 $23 10 THE GHOST CAPTAIN BRAND: OR, a true ACCOUNT OF THE Mofl remarkable Appearance of that renouned Freebooter of the Harbor of NE W YORK and the lair Time he was ever beheld by the Eyes of a Living Man. Being a Narrative of certain Extraordinary Adventures that befell Barnaby True, Esq., of the Town of New York in the year 1750, or thereabouts. STUDENTS ENRO UTE for their homes to enjoy their holiday vacation with parents, relatives and acquaintances 18 Point Fifteenth Century Italic 10A 20 :1 $3 75 Written originally by Howard Pyle for Harper's Weekly Christ- mas Number. Now fir/t imprinted in this form for the pleafure of thofe friends of the Author, whofe names ap- pear below. WILMINGTON: Printed for Annie Poole Pyle, Henry A. duPont, I. Henry Harper and Theodore Roofevelt, by ]ohn M. 6Rogers, on Orange Street, oppofite the Old Malt Houfe. 189 . FIRST NEW YEAR Ball at U tica Hall, will be held Ianuary the twelfth 24 Point Fifteenth Century Italic 6A 12 a $54 oo F ac-Simile of the type used in THE XVth CENTUR Y 48 Point Fifteenth Century Italic 4 A 6 a $7 60 CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-M/XED TYPE 184bb QUALITY UNEQUALED, F/N/SH UNSURPASSED. .mmm:o_u_ 1...; m._.m.E:oo e%_om mu 3.» ow dz onmaow G./SZHA azuom up an 41. _ _>_ E m u T - , . . no On» om .O7H oumaow wzuza &ZuOnH cm ..m® 43 mm .5 . ow dz o_m._.o.© wzmznq azuom ww am 4* m ._. L 0 m m n_ nu 3 cm moz Bmaow @525 azuom, am am 43 Wmiow n_m_:._ Ow .O7H OMNBOU GZHZHH HZHOAH Om 6 3 AN ¢ .m_n_>L. Dm_X:>Tmmn_n_OO mO_Emn:.._m .__m;O Um._m>o0 ;m:_n_ . wZO_._._mOn_Xm_ Oh om .Oz DHNHOW wztfiq HZHOAH “VN 53 4% vm;m_E::._ m:_>m._m:m _mEmEmEO .__ d®:_.. CO_ww_EEO© vcm m_mmo_o;>> zos_._o 8 ma ow dz Smaow wzb/ad azaom 3 «on < E mw:_U__:m-E:mw:2 was m..m_wo_o$mO $m_E.o.u_xm._. Sw..mE< mo“. zo_z:Soao.oU _ocm w:_E._mu_ omwtoo E mc::mE_..maxm mz_.mm_s_ zO_._.<_oOmm< u__2ozoH._ z we mwc_m_._on< m5 3 $_m_> _So>wm Mc_u:_oc_ 3:32. 9: E xoanmm_oI.co m_m>Q._. mmasm mmmz:._o m_._._. zwzomxp >mzm:o.. .rz._. Qm_X:>_..Emn_&OO mormmmam 1 8400 .mmm:o_.._ IE3 m..~.u.E2.oo $8__:m _ Q :moe Qm_X:Z:.mm.n_.&OO EOTEMQDW ._m£Em>oz E co_..om_m ._<_.Em_o_wm_mn_ C3 om .Oz odmacw @525 HZMOW, ON 5 ma d‘O~ 33500 230 :mE._m.0 os_ ...._>_.wzmn_xm cm Nw om .O.7H oumaow GZHZHAH HZHOW 3 «mm 49 u.C®C._CLO>OmV _m:o_...mZ ®...:...—O CO_H_.=Ur_OO _m_uc.m:_..._ ..rzm_z._.mm5w m..:oE:.,5m:_ _«u_m:S. oc_..._ mo m..3..onE_ :mo_._mE< ewgm... >z> ._.mn.n.OmO >._.:m mm... ozaomo w:.:. z_ ammo mm mm om .O.Z odmaow wzaza azzom w «on < on .8 .OZ O_I._.O0 _0Z_Z_:_ .mE>e omx:>_..mmnEOo EOMEMQDW l84dd ' :._o_._ mmmgm m_>_:mo uvn .O.z oumaow GZHZHH aznom Nnv aw 4m om $ 0>_..n awdum oz.m< _u_m=._wmv . mozuemum "3 dz ormaom. 3225 azaom on so“ 45 nhmnwnmkmz w:__.:o_>_ Z>>O._._._._.=>_m 3 dz Bmaow wzazfi azuom «N «S 4w on Q .a.mE>._. omX__>TmmnEoo moEmn5m m boos... 22 A .¢o..m=._ u 825.... o<._w mm .Oz ofiwaow UZHZHAH BZHOL. w. a2 40“ 2 mm m ..:0_.:m..G ._ou_ w:.__:o._m¢w V mumom<._ ._.muzc_.. fin .OZ_ OHNHOW wzuzmq BZHOAH .3 won AVNH :1 N» m «fun. 3 .m_0o:oO ccmfi w:_._m_>_ V wu=EoE ___>> :o_§__Eoz o mmmz._.mm._.._ n:z< m._.mu>>m . wm .O.7H OHNH.Om.v .®ZHZ~wH HZHOAH Om 30¢ > mcwaom mm wnoium m._.o.zmm k0 mdmwom vm .Oz OHNHOW $525 HZHOAH w Non dacm «mew LOQGJ Una >O_QF.N 9:5 :m we aouasgxcam uoogoucm oz... mzo_._._:z oz_>¢<._.w N1... mo... >nmEw¢ mom 4% mm NW .3 .Oz OHNHOU .6»/4HZH1H HZHON ® in .02 0=._.FOG 32.2.4 .mn_>.r Dm_X:Z...mm&&OO EO_Em_n_Dm 184ee m n_z__>_ N .Oz OHN.HO.U H:/JOAN ww <«. mn_%_~_.<._. mym mm J $2.. N z_ Z. zo_+zm>z_ ._.m oz< moz_.._... ..u_< mo... 52.... < mm 2 S N dz Bmaow azuom m 43” . no omzommn. mmm_..._. mum... mmu.Emo o> m._.m.E:oo 3 .Oz OHHHHOU @7425 Ht./JOAH Nb owgmo _._o_m fin .02 oumaow wzuzua HZMOW Ow mum... m:_ umo._.m mm mm fin .O7H OMNBOU GZMZHQ HZHOAH wv acct: am..r Dm_X:Z...mmn_&OO EO_.mm_n_3W .mE>.r Dm_X:Z:m_m_n_&OO mofimaaw 1841f W mac n .02 DHN.HO.mv BZHOAH Nb 43 mm mm M .O.Z oaadw HZQOAH w« 44‘. 3 «ya m. .Oz OEHEOU HZHOAH 3 4% _v_mo_.b Qmx_ _>Tm_m_n_n_OO mo_mmn5m uozuemmm uz_n_ m §mm:o_._ uzo._.m M .02 0590.6 azuom ON 4w .._<_¢._. .._Du_Z__._ >Z._._.a._<—._O mmmz._.mm...._ D=Z< ._.um>>m an 5 m dz UHNHOE azuom w <3 uni: um< m.rzmEmozmzoE MO". uz_:mo>> m....0:O~.__ mm a m dz oumaow afiom o «zvm em mzo.._._:z uz.>¢<._.m M1... «on >om_zm¢ mmnzmh ._.H DmX:Z:mmn_&OO mofimaam E; __E @ >>2_E_>_ :§_o._o_>_ 35 Eva; om. mm -~ .0»/H oumaow .U.Z~Z~aH HKHOAH me. aw 43 .52 23.5 .5 $>:¢ EEE 2%. ( H: dz onruow w.6z5 azpom mm 33 4c. mmo_._o>8mE =8_._oE< zo_Es:x_._ S. .0»/H oamaow G./AHZMH HZHGAH Om. wma 4w .mn:C. Qmx_2-mmnEOo,mOEmn5m ..§$._5 Em m._m__oo Exam N m .H._z_:o> 2: m_mm=n_ o_:_._ mzm_Ev_ .=:><.E cm mm 2. .OZ Bmaow G./SZHwH H./Jam ma xmm <3 2% ___ £5 2: _$__8 __fo__:, is 2. 3 52:. m_= 23: 5;. m__,_o% 3N ma :~ .02 Onmw.HO.© czréq HZHOM V. wow <3 2 E27... 3 .2; 2252 2 s_,_ E %;_< E5 mE§><: 5:; 1:2 >:zH.a :3 aw _: .OZ Emaom. wfizfi a./gem 3 won <3 2:: mes : $__m_>» :55 8. 25... 3%: m mmfim cm: Boo Em _.E_2.._ wzcw m: 25 m___%2u »__§_om._w bases um__Eu 2.... m... ez_Em .._o m:a=oE ze_<5_sz= mm 3 :~ .OZ Smaow ¢.zEZuwH azaom 2 won 4% .5 .oz 258 oz_z_._ :.m&>.H Dm_X:Z..mm&&O0 EO:u_m_&Dm .zo_._.__.=o._ 2_2=_mo :_2__,_<_,_s_8 on 2 3 .dz Bmaow wzbfia azzom «N am; dw :_2=2an_ 2: .5 235cc“. m o>_._._< 3 2:25 2: 2: 9.535 flzmses m_s_xz< 3 mm .5» .Oz OHNEOW GZHZHQ HZHOAH ON fiwn Mum m 32.2.: 2: ._9::__._. 9__ow m_:=:.._w m._=2$_n_ 2____2_8=_ 23.5 5.52.“. t_2:z2_ do mm .3» .OZ ofiaod mvzmzufl efiom M: mam < 3 .mm>._; DmX:Z...mm&n_OO moimmam =2. =a=a_2.mm< :a._§~._ _....:=oo em m2__._ =._2mmm_ 2: B .m2:5m Eom am2_as_ 22:28 8:2: m_:=:m=s mm mm .3 .oz.o_m....d¢ dzfifiq Busch 3 «mm <3 mm .o...m_.=::. .3 _.o._o>8mE m2__£ E5 mecca =o=a~_=%._o 3:259... _a_s=2_._2.=_ m_ozEmz=2_a E225... r.=:._£ Eon msflm _.o:.__._ 2: S =_2._mo.:_ .m._E 2==s<._mE u=._. uz_mm2_o zoEz=_mss on Q 3 dz odmaow $2225 953 w won 4% ao_..oE<._a.z:wo S m_._:s 2: E mmoco_._oaxm m:_:uxu was 3:25 EN «.5502 Esd5_== m.8_Bo._o_._ E3 mo_==oE_n «no.5 £3 vo:_nEc 0.53 ._o_.:s mm:Sm uz.><._._ma m....m¢o._._xm dd 3 . 5 dz 0590.0 czuzuq Hzzdm c won <3 .2. .oz u=:2. 2,__z_._ .ma>.r Qmx:>TmmnEoo moEmn5m z 3.3: Em. §__.___ $252; =23 hm .O_7H DumH.HO.U .G.7HHZuwH H.../HHOM mm 5 Na 4w a_s_._ _.w______< 2;. __§ 2.5 =_ 35: E5 _E2_3 e g £2. az_s._E 8 pm .dz ormaow wzfifiq ezudm on am; 43 2__e._=_= .___m 5 2.3.5 as 3 2...: ___§ 2_____._m a_=__=: __2_; §___._=_e z§_=_ mm mm 5 .OZ Snead ¢..,:.,:q Edam «am am; 4:5 _.§___2_ 52. £32.. a_._s__§ E392 .__§= §___.____m_ _§=§= mm §_:____.__§ 25:25 mm. Nw hm» .0»/H OHNHOU GZHZHJH HZAOAH 3 M an <3 .mn_>.r Dm_X:>T.Em_n_n_OO mOEmn5m §___2s $22.5. as 223 _§_ 3.» 5.2....” =§_._; _.2_§ 5...: 2 2....” w___§.__3 3.2.2.? :2: £5.22 on Nw no .Oz oumadwu 9/323 BZHOE “Va don JVON 9: =22. .5 =_22___= _=23:_E= :2. 2.. m____.___a _.2__~_.__n._ :2 §_s_% .233 2: s 2____E.._.E __=._=.= :=:m=_ ._.:__:=. 3 2.25 22...» ov a 5 dz oumaow wzzzuam azzdm mm mow <3 23 _§%_2_8 _~_._%= s £_.=5 .e2_z$_m 8 c_._a__3§_ Ea ._§E§ .»=_.=_e._ 3.: 2. ___z E: E: §.__:25 ___x 2. Es _aEw= 2==.=_._ .= ._.=_==== :9. «E23 5:: 3 :5.” cm ma 5 dz Emadw ¢z_z5 azuom 3 now «An ..m3__a .§Em 2:5: 3. 2 ma. .22s.:_§ Ea 22=__=..H_.2:._ »_____2_._ 2: .===__% d 22.25 t2__:£ .3 2...... 2: 2.2.5 2.2.. 22. __u___: .25: Sx_:-.m:._8 3.5....» 23:: E: :2: 53.». : S N» E dz oamaow wzuzuq azuom m sea .r DmX:ZuEm&n_OO mOEmn5m 0 5\ , r ’'3©‘Z7€9‘)<© 1l233%P5@7 $2 50 ARHZNA AEEPWPMEHIET MHNEE-éé MERN ESHGNS ‘ EN]! ,« '5\ [1 ‘W ‘ \\ ‘ V’ MQQRISH ”‘*‘ SERIES M A K \ 9,. <~ C ‘& " .553 r'o*“° 15 A '1‘ MOORISH mars BY THE ‘SEA (2 line Nonp ) $1 70 10A , $2 30 18 POINT MOORISII (311ne Nonp.) s68TI~lINfI;I6AllBSI!TrEl:h?BlANs MNEY enm“-R 1234-567890 1234-5678 SA 24 POINT Moomsn (4 line Nonp.) $3 10 5A V 36 Pomr Moomsn (6 line Nonp.) A 83 85 OOMPLETE WITH FIGURES. LINES AT THE BOTTOM WITH THE USE OF LEADS. EEEEE RATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 189 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED HOME TITLE. 24A 50a 6 POINT ACME TITLE (Nonpareil) $2 50 18A 363. 8 POINT ACME TITLE (Brevier) $2 50 THE REPUBLICAN DEMOCRATIC AND LUMBER _DISTRICT BURNED Prohibition State Conventions Insurance Cofnpanies Hundreds i of 1 People 1 Racing 1 for ! Political 1 Honors Manchester i Edinburg & and & Nottingham ‘2~‘”*5°""-‘9° 1234567390 15 A 303 10 POWT ACME TITLE (Long Primer) $2 50 12A 25a 12 POINT ACME TITLE (2 line Nonp.) $2 75 ORIENTAL CUSTOMS ' ENTERTAINING Adventures i in {Equatorial § Regions Chicago f Traveling i Society Decorate the Buildings Industrious and Temperate 8A 1221 20 POINT ACME TITLE (2 line Lg. Pr.) $3 80 10A 15a 16 POINT ACME TITLE (2 line Brevier) $3 10 LECTURES ORNAMENTAL Weekly 4} Service Gold&and§Si1ver§Pins 3A 103, 24 POINT ACME TITLE (4 line Nonp.) $4 35 PRETTY SCENES Eastern i Theoretical i Company 5 A sa ‘ 36 POINT ACME TITLE (6 line Nonp.) $6 45 ANNIVERSARY Columbian Exposition 4 A 5 3 48 POINT ACME TITLE (81ine Nonp.) HANDSOME Artistic Designs COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. $805 CELEBRATED SUPERIORVCOPPER-MIXED TYPE. 190 QUALITY UNEQUAI-ED. FINISH UNSURPASSED. SA IP3i1;R?mf&TIE1R (2 line Nonp.) $2 00 ENGLHSH S©IB1©©]L§ I 18A 12 POINT ACME OPEN ©IEIH©’EXGCC) EYEFET BUHLJDHNG fl2@&5©7@©® PEN (4 line Nonp.) $3 00 NIEZET CAR line Brevier) RUJRERL SCENES TJBIJE FZERMER @335? n2@45©7@@© 6 A 36 POINT ACME OPEN (6 line Nonp.) . $4 00 . FAT 1@@@ ©RAN8W@mPL€lE<%.A OPEN (2 line Nonp.) $2 50 %1?>©n<iimm [Em1»3m
@Ea{t Ag@un@fi@s [l233P4l5®78@® $4 05 [Rfiw@ws@uns [E@sit®nn f.C1®unm1f:,y lR@a1H lfisaitam @fiH°@[C{JL.,®H‘3_V/' 6 A 103 36 POINT FAIR OPEN (6 line Nonp.) $5 40 uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu s. CELEBRA-TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 191 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. FAIR ‘” ”" TYPE 25 A 40a 8 POINT FAIR (Brevier) $2 50 25A 403. 10 POINT FAIR (Long Primer) $2 60 MONARCII sure pcrosnony AMERICAN BRASS FOUNDRY Milwaukee St. Paul and Rock Island Suburban Roads Canadian Sign Makers Benevolent Association Berkshire Real Estate and Renting Agency United Merchants Insurance Company 1234567890 1234567890 AIR (2 line Nonp.) $2 50 DRYQUICII PRINTING INII COMPANY EVANSTON Beautiful White and Colored Ruled Writing Tablets and Other Necessary 0Ifice Utensils Retailed Telephone Number Eighty Five Thousand Pour Hundred and Sixty-Eight North 20A 30a LINEN PAPEI1l?:lFAND11nI;0l:RER srocns Government Institutions West Point Commercial Academies American District Telegraph Messenger Discharged 10 A 15 $4 05 3 srecmensflP0i3§R6Fi0"ppesIcNens Paintings Exhibited at the Columbian Exposition Reform and Educational Female Seminary REINDEER HUNTSMEN Pleasantest Recreation Established P ER-MIXED PE 192 , g\ \ /4 ~ ‘ K‘ SERIES ,\ :3 ‘ ' \ ‘ 71’ lb DIN EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE r) EXCELLENT AMERICAN BUTTERINE The Greatest Markets For Catlins Celebrated Tea 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 REVISED DINNER SPREAD Genuine Beef and Lamb Extracts 10 POINT HEYER ( PRIMITIVE CAVE BUILDERS Hercules and Vulcan Testers of Strength I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 TRILBY FREAKS Dance Maidens Fancies ANCIENT éii§‘i6ii“’m:suen Rambles in the Canadian Treasury Vaults GERMAN fiiU“§I‘cXL EXHIBIT Nutritious Foods From Expositions FARMERWER Ehoucn $485 PFOVISIOIIS FY0111 REICBDIITII 4A 63 48 POINT HEYER (8 line Nonp.) $6 30 COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 193 uuuuuuuuuuuuuu ED‘; sssssssssssssss ED V /- !\ _ SPEGIMIEN l 0% \ '’ d>2~%V FI“Y**‘d§ UNITED STHTES MHRINB HOSPITHL Collisions of Passenger and Freight Trains at Cincinnati I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 b I 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 O . m 10 POINT GRANT N0_ 2 (Long Primer) $225 15A 25a 12 POINT GRANT No. 2 (2 line Nonp.) FRENGH REAL ESTATE. BROKER BRIGHT WINTER NIGHTS Shakerville Locomotive Manufacturing Gomnanies ' swam, |=|ow3rg covering mg [mgr Banks UNITED srnnis18i3°E¥%E1o:Jfif\;i§:eN§Ii)ni:nu SGHNDHL Sfimilflflfl SW36 fliiili0i’iii68 G0n8iil6i’aDlu SUFDHSBG OVBI’ R6Vi3lim0H3 Evnnsron E.i6iiiiiii%ii”Eiir enounos Briuamer General oorruniion Honorabiu Disenarneii BEHUTIfU3i:@lNi3iFi§i5i:N0iiiORNlN(3§ Monlsnlu Railroad and steamboat Exeursions Dnsnine“Piioiiiiifiiinniorns Ginflerella andnennieeiasssiinner 6HI6fiW6Gi%“@B%%RmvbKER3 GOFFUDL GUSBOIII HOUS6 0iii6ifl|§ LINo0uMi6%NuMENI D600l°flI»i0I1 DEIUS 66|6Dl°flI»6(] N0l’Ul6l"H Gfllfillfl Rfllll” 0810 4A 53 72 POINT GRANT N0. 2 (12 line Nonp.) $8 70 ’ COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPER/OR COPPER-M/XED TYPE. 195‘ uuuuuuuuuuuuuu ED, sssssssssssssss ED. STERLING 30A 6 POINT STERLING (Nonpareil) $2 00 TRIPS FROM MOOSEHEFID LHKE NEW BRUNSWICK IN BIIROHBHRK OHNOES l23456’789O 20A 10 POINT STERLING (Long Primer) $2 00 PROUD FIND NOBbEo HEROES TREFISURE HOUSB 10A 18 POINT STERLING (3 line Nonp.) $2 75 SUPERIOR OOPPER-MIXED SBRIBS. 25A 8 POINT STERLING (Brevier) $2 00 TOBHOOO BOX FFIOTORY MILLIONS OF BRHNDS OF OIGFIRS l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 15A 12 POINT STERLING (2 line Nonp.) $2 20 LUMBER REGION SMOKB FINE: OIGHRS 8A 24 POINT STERLING (4 line Nonp.) I $3 25 GRBHT EXRFINSION 8A 30 POINT STERLING (5 line Nonp.) $4 20 OONIIO ORERFI NORTH END HOUSE 36 POINT STERLING (6 line Nonp.) A BRIGHT SCENES 42 POINT STERLING (7 line Nonp.) THIS SERIES LINES AT THE BOTTOM. COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. $5 40 BIRDS NESTS :5. V E’ '/ = M: RECORD Aw ‘.\ > \ . V 25A 40a. 6 POINT RECORD (Nonpareil) $2 25 MUNICIPAL AND LAW REFORMERS Fine Millinery Display at the Congress held in the Art Palace 1234567890 20A 30a 10 POINT RECORD (Long Primer) $2 60 DEFEATED CANDIDATE Treasurer City Auditor and Collectors 10A 15 a 18 POINT RECORD (3 line Nonp.) $3 00 THE BEST MEN Milwaukee Machinists SERIES. 20A 303. 8 POINT RECORD (Brevier) $2 25 CHICAGO STREET RAILROAD Daily Departure from The Rochester Depot 1234557890 15A 253. 12 POINT RECORD (2 line Noun.) $2 75 PULLMAN SLEEPER The Latest American Street Car 8A 12a 24 POINT RECORD (4 line Nonp.) $4 00 SPECIMENS French Or Danish 5 A 8 a 36 POINT RECORD (6 line Nonp.) $5 15 EASTERN SENATOR American Stamping Machines ' ‘4A'6 a. 48 POINT RECORD (8 line NODD.) $6, 90 GERMAN EMPIRE Hanover News Stands 4 A 5 3 A 60 POINT RECORD (10 line Nonp.) $8 35 BURNISHED Chicago Architect COMPLETE WITH FIGU RES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. 24A 503. 6 POINT LASALLE (Nonpareil) 82 25 is A 40a IMPORTRNT Iuzuonous CONFERENCE, fintertalnment Given by the Students ofiillclglgan University 8 POINT LASALLE (Brevler) $2 50 cmznvt NA-TIONA-L GR-MES Members of the Rmateur Rthlefle Pleasure Societies Merchants and Machanics S3mi‘w66kIY JOUl'l1a| I234567890 I234567890 15 A 25a 12 POINT LASALLE (2 ‘me Nonp.) $2 70 IOA 15a 18 POINT LASALLE (3 line Nonp.) $2 70 Dfl'I(OTF|' FRRMER8 n GERTIFICRTE3 Excellent Reading In National History FWST National Bank Of ONO 8A 12 a 4 POINT LASALLE (4 line Nonp.) $3 50 UNITED A-MERIGA-N Looces A-rchitects Sculptors 4%’ Garpenter Gontractors 30 POINT LASALLE (5 line Nonp.) $4 85 WMoNr:v MAKES FRIENDS Quaint and Fincient Eastern Gostumes 5 A 811 36 Ponrr LASALLE (6 line Nonp.) « $5 25 HOUSE PFHNTER Decorating the Tacoma Building 4 A 3 a. ' 48 POINT LASALLE (811ne Nonp.) (SO/V\/V\E_RG|/‘\*L $700 1 . uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu s. CELEBRA ‘reo SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 198 UUUUUUUUUUUUUU ED, sssssssssssssss ED. 24A 50a 6 POINT ORBIT (Nonpareil) $2 60 MOZART SYMPHONY CONCERT Travelers Protective Association of British India I234-567890 15 A 30a 10 POINT ORBIT (Long Primer) $2 65' AMERICAN REVOLUTION Gorgeous and Elaborate Fireworks 9A 18 a I 18 POINT ORBIT (3 line Nonp.) $3 70 FURNISHER Easy Rocking Chair SERIES. 18A 36a 8 POINT ORBIT (Brevier) $2 60 AMERICAN WAR MUSEUMS Annual Entertainment at the Auditorium" 1234567890 12 A 25 a 12 POINT ORBIT (2 line Norm.) $2 75 ARTISTIC PRINTER Superior Copper Mixed Type 8A 12 a 24 POINT ORBIT (4 line Nonp.) $3 90 HAMBURG German Soldiers 6A 103. 30 POINT ORBIT (5 line Nonp.) $5 45 FRENCH HOUNDS Eight Hours» and Hard Labor 5 A 8 a 36 POINT ORBIT (6 line Nonp.) $5 7r 0 REASONABLE Submarine Discoveries 4 A 6 3 48 POINT ORBIT (811118 Nonp.) $825 CONDEMNED Siock Of Hai Racks THIS SERIES LINES AT THE BOTTOM WITH THE USE OF LEADS. COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEOUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED 18 A 36a 8 POINT CONGO (Brevler) $2 25 15 A 30a 10 POINT CONGO (Long Primer) 82 50 RHPIDS FURNITURE TORI Hgnpsgmg s¢uvgN|g antique and Useful Geode cenoeantiy lxnibited suga‘-.]¢r. ¢¢ppér_M{xad Ifyge Meta‘ Beautiful Dian-lend Ornaments Received preserve spaciman sheets '=°“°"°°° 1zs4se7aso 12”‘ 25 3‘ '2 Pm" CONGO (2 “"9 N°“p') A $3 00 8A 129. 13 POINT comm (3 line Nonp.) $3 25 DANIEH €AS"l‘LE areal: Telephone cable _ France and sngiand D‘-“able Matefla‘ 6 A 10a 24 POINT CONGO (4 line Nonp.) 84 15 GHINBSE THEATER Whclesale ¢hina Merchants 5 A 8a 30 POINT CONGO (5 line Nonp.) $5 80 SPB¢TA¢L=S Finest Arabian Hcrses 4 A 6 a 36 POINT CONGO (6 line Nonp.) 33 oo PARIS wmss COMPLETE WITH FIGU RES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 200 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. Grand Music Hsuse 40A 6 POINT MAYO NO. 2 (Nonpareil) $1 85 BEAUTIFUL SWITZERLAND MOUNTAINS TRAVELED THROUGH GERMANY ANCIENT PAINTING FROM EASTERN MUSEUMS 1234567890 30A 8 POINT MAYO (Brevier) 82 25 AGENTS OFFICES EASTERN PRINTING COMPANY ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE 20A 12 POINT MAYO (2 line Nonp.) $2 50 IMPORTER FINE KERSEY vEsT RETAIL STORES 40 A 6 POINT MAYO (Nonpareil) $2 10 REGULAR EXCURSION TICKE TS SUMMER AND WINTER BEASTLY CLIMATE SUNSHINE UNKNOWN 1234567890 25A 10 POINT MAYO (Long Primer) 82 35 LIEUTENANTS DOCTORS AND LAWYERS MILITARY HOSPITAL 15A 16 POINT MAYO (2l1ne Brevier) $2 75 PA TENT SIMPLE ENGINE EXFOSITION 12A 18 POINT MAYO (311né Nonp.) 33 10 EN TER TA INMEN T CHICAGO MUSICAL SOCIETY THE WILMINGTON CLUB 8 A 24 POINT MAYO (411ne Nonp.) $3 50 STONE HOUSE FIRST CHICAGO BANK EXPERT CASHIER EEEEEEEEE IT CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. H F I G U R E S. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. 30A 6 POINT JUMBO (Nonpareil) $1 60 25A 9 POINT JUMBO (Bourgeois) $1 80 ANGUNG F0“ G"°°E°N'=‘~ CHRISTIAN SOIENTIST ‘Kl PRIVATE or SENIOR do MEDICAL -P COLLEGE I» ' RRRRRROR RRRRRRRR RMLRORR «I BASKING I» LITTLE I INDIANS I» 12-‘54537890 1234-567890 20A 12 POINT JUMBO (2 line Nonp.) $2 15 12A 18 POINT JUMBO (3 line Nonp.) $3 00 i RETAIL STORES 44 EASTERN «I» TRAINER 1%- NORTH AND SOUTH GRAND 4* SIGNS 8A 24 Pomw JUMBO (4 line Nonp.) ' $3 00 SPOILED FIGURES PRINTERS I AND I BINDERS 30 POINT JUMBO (5 line Nonp.) $4 30 THE ACORN HAT FOREIGN BROKERS I ARCIZIIIMZIEECTS FRENCH PRISON THIS SERIES LINES AT THE BOTTOM. COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE 202 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED ozarmce A ” P 5‘ srecmex. 204 10 PoINT CAPRICE (Long Primer) $1 60 15A 12 POINT CAPRICE (2 line Nonp.) $1 65 NATIONAL SONG-STSR sweet Mzupens I.rrTI.e »: am 4- sreeexs 4» PLUCK Tue cuesTm_JT BSLLS 43 *% BASINS s=— 56 1., Rooms I;-:— 5 ’ 24 Pomm cnmcn (411119 Nonp.) $3 30 10A 18 POINT CAPRICE (3 line Nonp.) 82 40 —-=:1=oRe1eN;a-.— -=-=-I'SAND-."=-'-=- Qu1eT é ocezm FINE HAIR 6A ‘ 30 PoINT Cnvxucn: (5 line Nonp.) 84 I0 HARD-as COAL -:.-:: BANDS ROCKS?‘-=-~ % BASTSRN HORSS:-=== czmrs 48 POINT CAPRICE '(8 line Nonp.) _ ‘ P $7 30 FINE =-;- COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA rso SUPERIOR COPPER’-MIXED rype. 203 QUALITY UNEGUALED, FINISH uusunpassso /&\ El\:m ‘HF 1=E:R1.-.1'-_'ss spec-znvuzn. 4 a‘4§ BRIDGEPGR-'|’ E-Xposuni-: Handsome New Designs in Pork Packing 39 Berkshire Hogs 52 THE MERCHANT HAS Created the Greatest Excitement 32 Snow Banks 97 EGAN Ninety Thousand Dollars I . g . .1 m e CO EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE S. BRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 204 uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu D. PEER!-..ESS & /' D I — In E’ 1"“ I » :4, “ g‘ I‘ 6 ' 5’ 5‘ 18A 36a 8 POINT WIDE PEERLESS (Brevier) $2 70 12A 259. 10 POINT WIDE PEERLESS (Lg. Pr.) $2 35 Whey Are Furnished with King Bees I cabsourity Hate end Affection Trip the Light Fantastic Toe 1234567890 53 Fine Gait 46 10A 20a 12 POINT WIDE PEERLESS (2 line Nonp.) $2 50 HIGH FE°Fl=-E ARE NGT N-°--WAYS -WISE Stand not Upon the Grder of Your Going But go at Gnce 28 Galifornia State Exposition 49 6A 10a 18 POINT WIDE PEERLESS (3 line Nonp.) $2 85 EXFENSFVE 3]-l'|='-If‘-RI]-KGES With a C-Zrash Fell the Severed Gate 56 Fisher Maidens 37 5A 8a 24 POINT WIDE PEERLESS (4 line Nonp.) $3 .70 THEIF5 I5 THE EETTEF 2 English Gourse 1|. SOUDAN 13EsER- - 5 Cavaliers 8 COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 205 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED §5\. VIJLCAN SERIES. °a \ a -I Long Primer) RAILROAD FRANCHISE UNITED STATES ARTISTIC JOB PRINTERS SENATORS N ORTH SIDE ELECTRIC CARS WITH FANCY TYPE 1234567390 23456739 THE HOUSE DISCUSSED THE I3ILL LOAN (3 line Nonp.) ANTI-TRU ST WAREHOUSE SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE METAL PAPER CUTTERS AND PRESSES PRINTERS MATERIAL SEEKING FLOWERS PLEASANT HOME OCCUPATION LITTLE FISHER MAIDEN CABLE TRACK CHICAGO LIFT BRIDGE MORNING TRAINS EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 8. 206 =III"¢I)\‘\I!£= CHAMPION \'\\ 'm: ‘V C) SPECIMEN. DURABLE LETTER Superior Copper Mixext Metals Neatest Specimen Sheets 1234567390 GRAND HOTEL Parade at Rock Springs Marching to Georgia 12345678 EXCELLENT PROGRAMME Consisting of Excellent Vocal Composition Famous Trombone Soloist Assisting sANp BANK LAKE Bright Thoughts of Former Dags Memorials From Gettysburg 4A 6a 48 POINT CHAMPION (8 line Nonp.) $6 25 A . M I I . COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ER-MIXED TYPE 207 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED SENTRY . Q‘ ,4 5 “ an nan yr, .ER-N[1XED TYPE‘ 123455739" 1234537390 20 A 12 POINT DANTE (2 line Nonp.) $2 00 10A 18 POINT DANTE (3 line Nonp.) $2 50 -an ILITI-IDGRAPHBRS xe "fl NATIONAL K‘ COUNTRY =1: AND =1: REGULAR BRIGHT * GUARDS 8A 24 POINT DANTE (41ine Nonp.) $3 00 ED REIGN >I< RESORTS -9} GENERAL K- -->} INTRUDER K- G 6A 30 POINT DANTE (5 line Noup.) $3 50 RDUGH*HDUSE t3AR1:1E1\n<- ~>:5HA1:JES -$:I=11\1E5T>:< POINTS‘;- 48 POINT DANTE (811118 Nonp.) ' $5 40 GREEN 1\/IDUND THIS SERIES LINES AT THE BOTTOM. WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 216 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. P E T X ‘ CASTLE SERIES. -.3. :2’ 15¢? s'rLm (Brewer) $1 80 30A 10 POINT CASTLE (Long Primer) $1 90 LIOHTEST AND TOUOHEST T DESIRABLE SPBCIMENS SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ENRICHES GREATEST EXPECTATION R]:-;AL1 ZED DELIOHTS AND SATISEIES PRINTERS coMBUsTIBLE CONUNDRUms ‘ 1234567890 T 1234567890 5A 12 POINT CASTLE (211110 Now.) ‘:2 00 15 A 18 POINT CASTLE (3 line Nonp.) 82 25 BANKER AND EROMER UNITED 5TAT55 CHICAGO BNGRAVING MACHINE DETROIT AND CHICAGO PATENT EASTERN STOCKS FINE COPPER MINE WESTER1§m¥%:Eonp%OUNDRY SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE METAL FRESIDETIMCFE HAERICAN MERCHANTS LUMBER COMPANY 5360 86 POINT CASTLE (6 line Nonp. oo EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE a. ' ’ CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPE/R-MIXED TYPE. ‘ 217 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPA sseo. ' A. _ I H‘ A \ A SPENSER WMWM ., \ V - é’ -I5‘ 40A 6 POINT SPENSER ‘(N0nparell) $1 50 25A 8 POINT SPENS ER (Brevier) $1 40 -MANUAL OI= ANCIENT SCULPTURE PORTRAITS .-.-Q1:.-.- FRIENDS A 4 SELECTED PAINTINGS FROM THE PARIS EXHIBITION LECTURES ON T1113 SCIENCE 01: LANGUAGE THREE ENGLISH WATER COLOR PAINTERS EAST AFRIC A AND ITS BIG GAME 1254567890 1254567590 20 A 12 POINT SPENSER (2 mm Nonp.) $1 40 15A 18 POINT SPENSER (31lne Nonp.) $2 25 -<1 BOYS AND GIRLS D- A A -<1 BEAUTIES D- GEORGE AND THE FISHER LASSIES FOREST STREET GUIDES CHOICE-%SACRED':~SOLOSA UNITED °I- STATES -aANCIEP§TNSETT1lXRINER D- wARwIcI<’S -=~ -=~ SPARE ~=- MOMENTS ORIGINAL GHOST STORIES .aARTISTmISEW?AILORu. AMERICAN HOME MAGAZINE 6A 8400 -3) Q £P°“*‘Q . 2 3 ° . 8A 15a 12 POINT ECLIPSE SHADED No. 2 (2 line Nonp.) $4 65 0 ( ‘me Non” ) $5 00 Eudies in Eranee FRESH 1234562 123456 Shutldexv Eumehes Begging Gmfiesfi EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE S. ("3TI§2€3I’3E1T‘ 20A 6 POINT CIRCLET N0. 2 (Nonpareil) $1 95 15A 15A 8 POINT CIRCLET NO. 2 (Brevier) $3 50 RAI13R®AIE) PRGPERRTY FRETGPIT TTGKISTS PI1S.T®RY CDF GREAT BAND STARKiGPIT M(9WNTAT:N EX®UP{SiQ)IqS 128‘4B(S‘Y89® 123°456789® 12A 12A 10 POINT CIRCLET NO. 2 (Long Primer) $3 30 10A 10A 12 POINT CIRCLET NO. 2 (2 line Nonp.) $4 25 @‘\ 0 €@3"I“(‘°)1W]E§ I"‘I§’1(‘_°)l§VI" 4 5 ( 3 I8mxUNFU1<: ART Gzzxlmlanv (“)®F>P>L\R-1\?ITXIsf) ’ [""§"E’F’E\$ SA SA 18 POINT CIRCLET NO. 2 (3 line Nonp.) $5 50 F®R'F®NE HUNTER ENGBTSH FRENSPI AND BOHEMTAN 6A 6A 24 POINT CIRCLET NO. 2 (4 line Nonp.) $6 25 PFJBBTNCE STRTNG CBPIARITITNL} AND REFTNED 10A 20a 12 POINT CABLE (2 line Nonp.) $2 50 BA 15a. 18 POINT CABLE (31ine Nonp.) $3 00 Toucan 'rvI~3B rs>.@HN@I—1 Printers 'X1SIooe1 Material Tolgacco Factories 12845878 1234587 5A 103 24 POINT CABLE (4 line Nonp.) $3 50 @.E.I@LE Cgrestt 'SISIes1:e:r-17 Type Fohqelry COMPLETE WITH FIGU RES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 221 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPA SSED. UNIVERSAL SPECIMEN. 25 A war 12 POINT UNIVERSAL (2 line Nonp.) $2 75 15A 25a 18 POINT UNIVERSAL (3 line Nonp.) $3 00 ' IEoIIonIIs BEAUTIFUI; PRESENTS ANCIENT BRQNZE WEAPQNS Peace Proclamation by the President of the United States Handsome Jewelry and Sparkling Diamond 1234567890 NIVERSAL (4 line Nonp.) $3 25 GARFIELD msidiiitur EUsIuEss DIRECTORY Agricultural and Horticultural E Equitable Insurance Association SAL (6 line N onp.) SFGCIAL House tt”EE}litIons of Novel DESlGl\t0S RNTLER K V "3 GERIEX; 12A 18a. 12 POINT ANTLER (2 line Nonp.) $2 15 10A 15a 18 POINT ANTLER (3 line Nonp.) $2 40 NOVEMBER THE PIONEER IJF lllIlHTER THE BUY ZTDIJD IJN DEGK His Gharp Frnzts Cut Down Every Blade and Leaf‘ H18 KllEI[JSElCk CTIGCKBG Elli‘ Hung Kong Ieauaoreeo 1234557890 6A 103. LEE (4 line Nonp.) $3 10 PHPER /lt\1lDE241l::I1Iltl£’Ll‘TlRELY[]F ETIIIIIII Has Greater Strength than Uther Papers and Gusts /llluoh Leas MORNING Glories Peep While the Ghihlren XLEEP 222 ‘ , ISH UNSURP SERIES. 0 !\ ll EMPIRE , ’ > . ul 4 ‘ / 4‘ ' Q? *5‘ 7'0‘ 15A 25 a. 12 POINT EMEIRE (2 line Nonp.) $2 75 PIKE (3 line Nonp.) $3 60 EDITWNS I’Ul3l-ISHED HWRLY Mll.ll.lENNlAl.l CAL flelsor) the mace yesed Tourist deipg Minnesota View T615617 by New fatent Kedalg 1234567890 ' 1234567890 $4 40 Pdlncaieuiiiinfi wrvedo Rising (3e17eratie17 ef Yezmg Americans Learn eaiclglq PIRE (6 line Nonp.) $ [§e8aet17eve17s Vleuy Cancertgs I Q‘ Aammin ~- $l’EElMEN- m Q‘ \ 7; aka 15A 253. 12 POINT ASTEROID (2 line Nonp.) $2 75 RAll:RflAll lN§URANlZE dummuias MODERN PRINTINI5 PREME5 Thousands of useless Policies Written Rapidly liy Electricity Pl’l.lltBl‘S anil Bllldfirs [l'll]ll’UVBd Material 1234557390 1234587890 R011) (5 line Nonp.) $4 15 ddiEiFEiE”&Xi=?Eid Wiiiiliiifin diam Eight flunilreil Thousand Acres Handsome. Type fipecimen 5A 33 36 POINT ASTEROID (6 line Nonp.) 84 80 COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED rvps. 223 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. T T A _ FNWH selw 4‘ ' \x\ ro““° ON (2 line Nonp.) $2 70 Tue UIZIVGRSAIJ MHISTRQIIS “[3 WOKIIDS PAIR OF ~s}\roum1a:=the as worm in as Sixty as Dcnjs rs» ~§ Gié1IiQQII 913 T[111I>z+ ' 9. U1! WDR ‘“"‘ SQREQS 4 @ , , . . Q, ‘ 7 *°®o 10A 20a 12 Pomr vxcron (2 line Nonp.) $3 70 6A 12». 18 Power vwron (3 line Nonp.) $4 65 asmp wmm MHSWDIL? Hnaiant Paintings Displayed Hang}; BQQIK Makgr Patant Pulling Maalmina flmiqug Dasign 1I2345B‘Z89 E23456 5A 8a POINT VICTOR (4 line Nonp.) $5 40 RHIQWAY SWHWIDS Qglumba @I[@1.I@fi@é1[ Raitllrafis +:«<1'F2@1?th % S©E.1th_>)>z+ CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 2% QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. 20A 30a 8 POINT WEDGE GOTHIC (BI'eV1eI‘) $2 00 20A 303 10 POINT WEDGE GOTHIC (Long Primer) $2 25 cmcmso srormns GAZETTE THE -AMERVCAN FARMERS BOY Munchon and New England Wholesale Tea Company‘ Wonderful Deeds of American Drummer Bogs 1234561890 123456189 0 20 A 30a 12 POINT WEDGE GOTHIC (211118 Norm.) $2 75 ISA 20a. 18 POINT WEDGE GOTHIC (3 line Nonp.) $3 25 WONDERFUL EXHIBITION FRENCH SOLDIER Denmark Norway and Sweden Panorama German and French Gunners 10A 153. THIC (4 line Nonp.) $3 75 CQNVEVAKEEEDEGBR PASSENGERS Chicago Deiegaies Reiurning from Hie Conveniion 6A 10a. 30 POINT WEDGE GOTHIC (5 line Nonp.) $4 30 FVNANCVAL SCHEMES Academies of Sciences for Engineers 5A 8 3. OINT WEDGE GOTHIC (6 line NOIID.) $4 45 FAST 6MNvBusuNEs American Transcceanic Companies WEDGE Gormc (8 line Nonp.) ' $5 90 AMERVEAN cmzrsn German insurance Mone PPER'MIXED TYPE. 2739 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED , "\ u ,4 {I ‘ ‘- ‘ 1 av‘ . I 8|ZR«~ o4 M~A|?N8@h4 ?Y|71lZ~Fi?I’RlZ Ix» Popular‘ Po|'ol:}ebo| ggskerps 0|} the Unflzed 8»|:o.|:%es% BBOUHEUI Qbristmos ‘FH:f‘(]GHOnS 1254567X9®- 1254567390 6A 14a 1 24 POINT ELITE (411ne Nonp.) 8405 J4 @1;EAM|21AI89G@)@|?)l:W<= Moneg 8pen|: quite Ereelg P - Peaches Opel Fine Qpeam Regal: Qbisken and -Yurkeg Ofimmm P axzzmmm. 10A 25 a 12 POINT CLEMATIB (2 line Nonp.) V 82 75 8A iaoa 18 POINT CLEMATIS (3 line Nonp.) $3 35 wrrmmmm & Ommgm f I @EI@7H@ IEBIKM Qbilflren of fvfu-dag firsat min of fin Euture Qmat W%Sf@1TD ifgpcr; PEDZIDCIIQ IBMMZBW I X2M@M8@ IIIJKEZJEQEEWEWEEKR mgmcgb Lggive ]B@aC[tfEaI$1:a1?s( fibinz flag Brigbtlgpa, I Yfravglsrs from Kantaskg I A O0 OELEBRA TED SUPERIOR OIOPPER-MIXED TYPE. 230 QUALITY u)§rsauAL£o.;FINIsH’ UN8l.}RPA8S‘ED~. 8A 15a 12 POINT PANSY (2 line Nonp.) $2 15 6A 1 POINT PANSY (3 line Nonp.) $2 65 s [ cake/vr vurvruous MAN M 8K;\T|NG RINK8 wlverz He tzo':RaIe our Lsatrzcl Began? Great exeawsion Steamer 1254567890 12345678 Pomm PANSY (4 line Nonp.) $3 75 eaem‘ E0618 we R7\R€ Deggereel Writers Czearplzecl lug Trzeasetrpcls 36 POINT PANSY (6l1ne Nonp.) FHNE (Zelereecl [>i|Z|‘)®g|‘?C5ll?l‘) INle{§> 8A 15a 12 POINT OLIVE (2 line Nonp.) $2 25 1.8 ‘POINT OLIVE (3 line Nonp.) $3 00 mums BORRDJNG swoon W;>;qPER CUTTERS Instructions in Music and Grammar cylinders and gab P1-ggggs 1234567890 PR]VRT§01Ni0i§f§:m’UTlONS Poverty sand Distress % Desolation and Ruin IVE (6 line Nonp.) $5 00 4A ea ; 36 POINT OL COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 231 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU , F sssssssssssssss o. 0;aeee=n1,<:n;;NTye0(:;:frrvenjesslgetfitron 8ei€N€RjtL S('H€MlN.G n:<\§:e1MBLY Expensive Buildings Constantly erected in Water village Four Hundred Thousand Greenbaekers Came Home 72 Magnificent Screaming 84 56 fimahut V°"a“5“t 37 BELGIUM mm HOLLMD We HUNDRED N”-53 German Flemish and Dutetz Schools Om M35195 and their Vmum Handbook of Painting Beautiful mseoer DESIGNERS Famous Painters Sculptors Engravers and their Works New Beeinners and Students DUNSMORE BRICKBUILDINGS fidventurers Momineand Evenine Explorations C omstoett Express Companies 232 \ SERIES. 15A 30a. 8 POINT HURON (Brevier) $2 00 12A 25a 10 POINT HURON (Lg. Primer) $2 00 SPEGIAL BARGAIN GOUNTER exel-1 ANQQ BUILDING; Latest Autumn Novelties of Faaltless Footwear Soafl-, evansfon 891-mo] Board Qffieers 1254567890 1254-567890 8A 15a 18 POINT HURON (3 line Nonp.) $2 95 10A 20a 12 POINT HURON (2 line Nonp.) $2 00 PATRIOTIC? AMERIGA PH 1 LOSOIDHY Flag over Pablie Sebool Buildings Stones of Early Bmtair) Sixteen Qriminals Jolie-:1 Penitentiary 15A 30a. 10 POINT ETHIO (Long Primer) $3 00 15A 253 12 POINT ETHIC (2 line Nonp.) $3 50 PRETTY ETHIG SERIES INGONYENIENGES From Great Western Type Foundry Eight Hundred Sioux Indians 1234567890 ' 1234567890 . 10A 15a 18 POINT ETHIO (31ine Nonp.) $4 50 QAMBRIDGE MOUNTAINS Harvard University Gombined Kingdom 6A 103 24 POINT ETHIC (41ine Nonp.) $5 25 GORGEOUS DIA1\&ONDS Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 233 QUALITY UNEQUA LED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. 15A 20a 6 POINT ACME (Nonpareil) $2 40 12A 18a 8 POINT ACME (Brevier) $2 70 GREAT‘ WE;'$T'ERN EQUNDRY EVERYO DAY E..‘nth°e Printing Qnttflts Psmxnptrly fiupplfled {2 Enets i and § thus; § B!*ing'Q» 5 ‘F1129;-‘y The 1 cexebnatea z Supefler c @qppee-Mtxeq :, Type Nearer and Nearer tn _Eer1£2©t1O,n magszuagzgan m2alg5@’.I*&©© 10A 15 a 10 POINT ACME (Long Primer) $2 60 BA 12 3 12 PMNT ACME (21me Non“) $2 90 GROVES) OE QREGQN Eirsat Exenrsinn tn Long Brnnen Gzninngn L/nkgz Ernnt Egg?/lénsns Ifljgrtnns Insurance Connpnny I'1©1c°tlf’id_' Rnilmnnd OA um 13 POINT ACME (3 line Nonp-) $3 90 NA_‘T‘Ij©NZ5®L/ BANK Uniwd States Revenue ©--fii:(2@r Disnnaurged Qninngn Mfllwanknn E>ll@v/atnd Rniflrnnd. SOn.fl_a1@rn§ T‘1a@Or@ti1@nll. § ©O»mpnni1@s Eivnnntnn Banking Cnnenrns 4 A 6 a 30 POINT ACME (5 line Nonp.) $5 E“:*@@mn_n§> Patantnd Rnenrdnr Wisennsin and Minnnssnta THIS SERIES LINES AT THE BOTTOM. COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 23! QUALITY UNEOUALED. FINISH UNSURPASSED A (3 line Nonp ) $2 1§a@:§§I;1:‘*g@:s lM.£A:.T*§:§:EA£& @&:§$.fi WiE§T‘EEiE§ TYIEE l.‘#'©1JN1E)BiY( mgxnmg mm m.m©Y( mfifignxs ua@@@@2@@@ 1.%iLa.*:@gw1\é:EiaMBBA;s?::§§*1:‘*1:s’~rrs aaaflznmggmxggza ©P§:E&A: G;‘»@M.lPA:IfllY( Q11 mrasgaxmx 1a1©*r*§& I.3§i@§:.@ ‘/51 ‘W F AF " FREAK A semes. . V 9* 12A’ 25 a 10 POINT FREAK (Long Primer) 82 75 9A 181: 12 POINT FREAK (21ine Nonp.) 82 85 fimerican Passenger Sf<~:am€rS A Prefiy Li‘H‘¥e Fisher‘ maifien The -1- Onifed -1- Sfaxfes -1- minisfer -1- To -1- England SUBS 3+ "’V H“? "' C0‘U“\bi51 * (r‘\3&+3V 6A 123‘ 18 POINT FREAK (3 mm Noam $3 35 V 5A was 24 FOINT FREAK (4 line Nonp.) $3 95 cxzcqgo W1 crmwwv Dew 5e>mes Type Da\Y‘Iona\1 Bqse Ban Leqgue fiH‘ra\c;*ioh of CKrIs17‘ma\s 4A 811 30 POINT FREAK (5 line Nonp.) 84 50 % Ohifc-3:1 Sfafes Gun Eoaxfs flfla\hfic:~ a\n§:}Pa\cifIc: Steamship Pc'.\‘£\C€-IS /— 9- . uy my “ * \\ >> ‘ml ' e leg. “ ‘A ’/ ~ 177" ‘ ' 5- FW GA 128. 18 POINT DORMER (3 line NODD.) $2 50 Cons‘-eggmer‘ c1r]J S|'c1|'e Refregenrariveg ' "U1-tired Stores Mifinigrerg |'o qermany aqci ol'|'1er Foreign Conn“-ieg Srare Sena|'or5 12.3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O Haciigon House 4A 83 30 POINT DORMER (5 line Nonp.) unifea S"c1|'eS Suisreme CouI"' Jgspee A\me"1cc§w..0ceqn S"ec1m'eI' Eougj ‘F01’ EUl’OI:>eC1n Countries COMPLETE WITH Fl CELEBRATED SUPERIOR OOPPER'MIXED TYPE. 236 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. @f\BlN)’:‘.'I‘ éfifilficfia. 10A 20a. 12 POINT CABINET (2 line Nonp.) $3 20 6A 14 a 18 POINT CABINET (3 line Nonp.) $3 75 f\1?'PI&'I‘I@ ]©F€INTF-.31? - Will Appreciate this Handsome ‘§erie5 . éuperior @oPPer_Mixea Metal Eleotmc and @O191e Qoaels 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 % Insurance @Om}2>I~E’3GF\f<3fc.) GF Tfi/“‘\@E ~I<‘—~ F\mer°ic% Ege9©s$Xtn@m . Q Q 9 Bmwk WWW Lmm Amsm Pmwmg ©@m;pa:I\:y Ia34Ismasw Qmeraxli SUJPEW l’1@‘lIJ§©$ 5A 108- 24 POINT CROWN (4 line Nonp.) $4.25 fiimE»Ri1@fiiNi ART @fiiLLEsR%Y‘ ’IJ'raxS>!\@,l@/flsfi Gamijdlgsé TVEu5‘©1lI1gh§ SOIAINEI: fiimrw/Ififlga ©@mI1m:lb)i1a:I\x 1fra>If&§1@@m:&i@IrI ©@mpmy CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 237 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSEQ. BREVECL 8- avg; ZERIEB. 10A 203. 12 POINT BREVET (2 line Nonp.) $2 60 SELLER nee cameo amaze we aeeimirze see History and Eldventures of a Perzsive (Zookroaeh who Flever told his Burrows Borne Encounters with Funny Pugilists 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 8A 15a 18 POINT BREVET (3 line Nonp.) $3 50 BQRR PRQEE EQBLE HEB REEF; Bond and Rote Bealers Elmeriean Cflrust (Zompang German Zinging Zoeieties o‘fC€17ieago are very Good 5A 10a 24 POINT BREVET (4 line Nonp.) $3 85 PRQEIZIPRL QRBIEHEZE Fallen Bnow Flakes Ruins of H%odern Rome Granting Freedom Peaee and rWealth 2 4A 611 EERIQZET IQQZIIBER Elqiversal hithographing Zornpaniez flmerieaqi Freight Zteamers CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR.COPPER'MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. fififiws GA 12 a 18 POINT MALTESE OPEN (3 line Nonp.) $3 75 5A 10 a fifiwfimm fiimfifi Maw @Emr“‘e@%a <@1E@£ Wfiwm fi%?@%@@? 4A 8a 30 POINT MALTESE OPEN (5 line Nonp.) $4 75 6A 123. 18 POINT MALTESE (3 line Nonp.) $3 75 5A 10a 20 POINT MALTESE (2 line Lg. Pr.) $4 wwmwmrxmm <@.3t@«@m@m@$ Wmmhlww mm <@rww*1m% 1fi%3Img<é1@2a§1141 mwww WWW? 25 4A 8a 30 POINT MALTESE (5 line Nonp.) $4 75 Eéamm) mm f@3 , V ' X I ' I;__@,',_ A I, l ‘El mum - '/ 1;: ¢:: - .'1I/1u»,~~ ‘V ‘ ~ W - —-~ 4 , 1 ,, . g ’ A { V " / ‘'2; I “,:”"-('1 j§'“:- ; g’ *~"~-v 1:--"'7; ' . A .. .5... Jnwrn-E ,4 F2 :1 -" I 3? ,: J ’ *5- ,. " "‘ "——'"' <1 ‘n '4 - " ' , ‘ .‘ I E. . vrnnvrr -. , .7; 11 F 5 1 F. / F‘ F 1/ ‘‘/'''‘-' '37 ‘-5 it ‘ / _ ‘ ' 1‘ . x 1 V V/, I n \ .. , -‘ __v I 4 .;.\ em; ,. $3 20 V’ , gllllfllllm A F SERIES. 12A 12 POINT COREAN (2 line Nonp.) $2 05 8A 18 POINT COREAN (3 line Nonp.) $2 65 EMEEWREWYPES Eflflflflfigflfl EEIINIWERS mm EEMMEES - 1 gmsgs mum swung Eflflflfl EARDEM 12Maww 1233455? ~ 6A 24 POINT COREAN (4 line Nonp.) $3 30 EASIM THEATRE SEER THE wfiflflflflfl 1112112 Sflflfllfl MATERIAL COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 242 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. (¢3|£.|§|7IaI.=».|c<:-Isl 1915/mums; IE) I§(¢: (3 IR/A’€1'?'I(§)I§l$3 é’Jl1\|s'!l1\|§I|§$3|§ '{‘El§I£\ |931||'£|?\(<3|§|IA|§|'aTe' $3 I? l&|§|§l I»3I I»? RIM I§I @'| ISI ca:-$3 Imllmlcmlsl Ilmllacslmalrms '15 Ifil Fa la RC2) W7 ISI :51 (*1 (<23- Izaaaésewtas-aca I2€3él%5$?i££3$($ 8A 18 POINT CLEFT GOTHIC (3 line Nonp.) $2 00 $3|§?(§3|?\%'E||§l(@- e%J(?>t%Jl?\I§I/;\I& |§‘I|E%J|?\|§C?)(<%|?\ (<53-%|§?I||§I/;\$3|l?J|§I| (<93-I?\(5E%J|§I|x3$3 I§|/e\|?\@|z(§23|?\|>3 /s\|§l|>3 IBI?\(%)(%3W\||§|(@-$3 10A 12 POINT FLORIST (2 line Nonp.) $1 50 8A 18 POINT FLORIST (3 line Nonp.) $1 75 wmmm W@m@$ I D BR1§T$@1§T I azmmwwa 6A ’ 24 POINT FLORIST (4 line Nonp.) $2 25 >" K @ I35 61°” ’ " C - Y "I':_ (31 /u 0 I [(1 Q I / 9 5 CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-M/XED TYPE 243 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED 15A 253, 10 POINT LI'GH'1‘FACE LYRIC (Long Primer) $3 00 12A 20a. 12 POINT LIGHTFACE Luna (2 line Nonp.) $3 25 % H1\I[I‘I’HEiR% SIZE %FI1\IISHEU 4%» Q 4% HEUUE % HIGH % HUHSES ti?’ Fingsi Hf Einuds fur HIE Summgr Tradg Urnamenial U1"EIU&IiI‘IgS Bumpleiad 12345373511 1234EiE‘7EE{[I 8A .153. 18 POINT LIGHTFACE LYRIC (3 line Nonp.) $4 25 «:>-I~U1\III11_LIEi % ENE % HRNHSHME % HESIENS 4% Eilahurata Spanimans 3 IL 5 E1 Bngrauings Furnishad 5A 103, . 24 Pomw Lmrrrmcm Luna (4 line Nonp.) . $4 50 <><>fl THRUUEH § HEY § EUREHES 8% Brand Eixrzursiuns Uesfihulgfl Trains LYRIE SERIES. 15A 25a 10 POINT LYRIC (Long Primer) $3 00 12A 208. 12 POINT LYBIC (2 line Nonp.) $3 25 a flNl1‘1'HElHSIZEiFINISHEII +4 an AHIIIIE 1-‘HIEH 'I- HIIIISE n<+ Finnsi nf Ennfls fur flu: Snmmnr ‘l'r%afl1=.r llrnamnnial Ilrawings Enmplniafl 123453711511 ‘ I234'.iE7BHII 8A 153. 18 POINT LYRIC (3 line Nonp.) $4 25 %>III\II]1IIE ¥ HNII *HHlVII[S]1lVIE ¥ IIESIENS 41$ Elahnratlz Spgnimnns 2 3 4 5 E . Engraving: Fnrnishlzfl 5A 103 24 POINT Lyme (4 line Non . %a=aTHRlI[IIEH a mm a i:1:m1:H_F;s we? Brand Ex1:iII*si111Is Hesiihnlefl Trains COMPLETE WITH 34:50 CEVLEBVRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-NIIXED TYPE. 244 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH uNsDkPA sseo. L|i_?ii/i‘i’PABB I ,‘ ‘ .. hr . M We A N B U LA R D)‘ . ab ' in A \ ~ .3 -IS‘ 15A 25a 12 POINT LIGIIT ANGULAR (2 line Nonp.) 8200 9A Isa 18 POINT LIGHT ANGULAR. (3llne Nonp.) $2 95 NOMINATINIB ooiiveiirioms LEADS AND BLUDB Delegates From (Ereeghurg and Baltimore PPiDiZEP5 DUDE-‘_iDiE PUPFINYLJPE 1234537330 12345837890 8A 153 24 POINT LIGHT ANGULAR (4 line Nonp.) $3 50 [1/SRANDEZUR AND SPLEZNDDR Beveotg Regiments Marehiog through [Eeorgia 6A 10a 36 POINT LIGHT ANGULAR (6 line Nonp.) $5 00 THRDUDH Passenger DDADHD5 ANGULAR _ semes. 15A 25a 12 POINT ANGULAR (2 line Nonp.) $2 00 9A 18 a 18 POINT ANGULAR (311113 Nonp.) $2 95 NOMINATING CONVENTIONS LEADS AND BLUES Delegates from Greenhurg and Baltimore PPifi|'.’Ef’S DU|’E\l]|E PUPHNIUPE 1234537330 1234587890 8A 15a 24 POINT A GULAR (4 line Nonp. IBRANDBUR Mo srteriooe Twelve Regiments Marehing through [Georgia $350 THROUGH Passenger IZABHB CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED rvps. 245 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. ARMENIAN ?” SPECIMEN. 15A 12 POINT ARMENIAN (2 line Nonp.) $1 25 15A 15A 14 POINT ARMENIAN (English) 82 50 I ARABLANIPROVERB ' OEUEL OLD MATEON MARGUERITE AND HER HELIOTROPEB. BEAUTIFUL LEONA BEEEEINGS 47 MODEST FAIR WIDOW 32 24 SURERIUR KNOWLEDGE 35 1 12A 12A 18 POINT ARMENIAN (3 line Nonp.) $3 00 PEOULIAE CUSTOMS DOTH MAKE DOTAEDS OE OETN AMEN UEIIEE STATES SECRET SERVICE DEIEUIIIIE BUREAU 10A 10A 20 POINT ARMENIAN (2 line Long Primer) $3 80 E ESE SW ‘ ‘JIEE S TOIL HOWEV MUSIOAL ‘I .SOUEO SPRING SUMMER AND UINIER MONTHS A :1-':3.1\/1"1=n\'rT AN‘ . -7. ‘EXTENDED- 25A 6 POINT ARMENIAN EXT’D (Nonpareil) $1 30 20A 20A 8 POINT ARMENIAN EX'l"D (Brevier) $2 65 TERRIELE DISASTER ~ { . 357» .-A-G03-\T EEWINS AMERICAN SUPPLY PARTY S..l;-’...:iJix..IE3.l-_Ll:<«G- AND COMPANY 324 LEATHER FINDING-S 575 '75 I33-AVI-INS TRAVELS 821 , . 15A 15A 10 POINT ARMENIAN EX'.l"D (110118 Primer) $2 70 12A 12A 12 POINT AR-DIENIAN EXT’D (2 line Nonp.) $3 15 NEAT CARD CHIO_A.GO SAMPLES OP RUEEER E:L_I:.J_L\I _I::3‘SZ' E U BEN EINE IMPQRTED GUM THE NQELE BOY 10A 10A 16 POINT ARMENIAN EXTENDEI) (2 line Brevier) $4 00 CEIAIR _A.NID ROCKER GIRONBE AND IIIS MONKEY A 1\/.EECEI.£lI.L\'l'IC3‘..Z§:.I!.'_; JEECOEJDERS COMPLETE WITH FIGU RES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 246 , QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH~ UNSURPASSED ANCHOR y»»» 24A 50a. 6 POINT ANCHOR (Nonpareil) $2 00 BOOKS ARE BOTH OUR LUXURIES AND OUR DAILY Bread They Have Become to our Lives and Happiness Prime Necessities and They are also our«Trusted Favorites l234567S9O 20A 403. 10 POINT ANCHOR (Long Primer) $2 05 MILWAUKEE GRAIN ELEVATORS Are Not as Large as Chicago's Since The Great Fire Board of Trade Speculations 12A 253. 18 POINT ANCHOR (3 line Nonp.) $3 10 NORTHERN RAILROAD Terminus at City of Wiseo11si11 A SERIES. 24A 503. 8 POINT ANCHOR (Brevier) $2 05 ADVENTURES OF GREAT AMERICAN EXFLORERS General Supply Stations Among the Mountains of East Africa Pleasant Voyage downthe River Nile 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 0 20A 403. 12 POINT ANCHOR (2 line Nonp.) $2 75 CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKETS Expensive Imports from South America England France Germany 8A 153 24 POINT ANCHOR (4 line Nonp.) $3 30 TEXAS PONIES Caught by Brave Texans 6 A 10 a 3() POINT ANCHOR (5l1ne Nonp.) $3 70 ENGLISH SAILORS DROWNED While Attempting to Land at Portsmouth 5A 8a 36 POINT ANCHOR (6 line Nonp.) $4 05 UTAH COTTON CROPS Exported to the Russian Frontier 4 A Ga 48 POINT ANCHOR (8 line Nonp.) $6 15 ORANGE Florida Excursion rains COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. Q-.\ \ DAI§®"'l‘A j I SERIES. V ti V 5» N 12 POINT DAKOTA (2l1ne Nonp.) $2 50 15a , BA 10a. 18 POINT DAKOTA (3 line Nonp.) E;I=,I:::@AN6r GARDEN I9®RD BRIQS Beautiful‘ Russian l:31®\7v@1's ]3@é11.;1tif1§,L1 6F131©cI§1t1‘@S $300 1:=23zI=5@78©© ‘T1s1@ @r@at Exits $3 75 SPR11:%mC;KOT§EZAS®N Deslieatg Réasea Bush ifl B1@ss®fl6I , I/4' " ‘ ‘N1: .5 . I SPECIMEN I. ‘W _.x‘ "I-5 | .% S. . 12 A supmuon (2 line Nonp.) $1 75 Nm‘”;JI§“;INN TYPE FOUNDRY NNNIENS NMRINL FAMOUS SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPES IMPROVED CYLINDER PRESS 1234567890 1?84587890 24 up.) TRADERSFINESIEBINIHIONAL BANK AMERICAN TRUST AND DEPOSIT COMPANIES ” UNITEDSTATEr§PERlE§§1@f5flNESSOFFICE 83 05 W ¢£LeaRAr ' . . ‘7‘?.'. cpunnerei wgfn FIGURES. _ - _ ' ED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEGUALED, FINISH uNsuRPAsst-:0 NORMANESQUE ... SPECIMEN. 20A 0 P '1‘ N MANESQUE (Long Primer) $1 35 15A 15A 12 POINT NORMANESQ (2 line Nonp) $2 25 —-%.*GOLD IGE 3% AND 3% SNOWsK€~— _,>T@OMBINED HOIZESTYTH, SUSPENSION OF GREENLANDS GOMMERGE THH HOHTH HTT HHHTH TTHHS SOBRIETY WITH INDUSTRY WILL 1234567890 84 *>fMOYE¥THE*COWBOYS3><+ 72 12A12 A 1 8 P o 1 N T N o R M A N E s Q U E 3 l 1 n e N o n p.) $2 60 %{ MOVABLE E BLOGK «I PRINTHZG }% PATEIZT FLOUR MADE FROM FINE WINTER VVHEATES- MHZIZESOTA WISOOESII2 AI2D SOUTHERI2 CALIFORIZIA —>>IMON./SIRGHS II OE 3% WHAT E»: THEY ~:I+ SURVEYS» HERE SLEEP THE BRAVE SOLDIERS SQUE (4 line N onp.) —:>:SONGS +1‘? OE EESNE ADD Is EEAISE}; PATEIOTIO ADD POLITIOAL MAGEIFIGENT I STRUGTURES TIIE GOIVIEINIITION LOOK 249 $UPERIOR GOPPER MIXED TYPE (Wise of ' read: ° esi.’c—i1~T2 6,[X;9e; J§unE11«g .8ic~>a\gc~) 183 % 187 .M®121~®e:‘ Strgzef ' N .‘ c-:B1*€>iEa $\-Jpc-:1~iG).I*. G(Di;9;De:1~«-.MiX‘e'a' TL/Ive: ; 31312313, X6-Flax xx/‘ifi3o\~/ii ex33\~/c~>‘®e:ss:f\-/F 1~i\/m_O_ in n2z>_.1~10{<-:’C. BX \/i1~1‘_’\~/6;, of E\ sZ${’6iri2% ®]° ®€L1*6::f\i°/P eX;.oe:1*ii22eufs \~/I/Q‘(;ic—:1~ V ge:\/e:1~c—:sii {Esta We: Have _S€Cv>\°/F6/:‘('1 a ®®‘r22f5iT2a.ifi0T2 (bf ‘l’2’26Z.fi1.OS‘ VI/Bic->8 we are gafisfieza give: fgez Best reswffg exiftairzafiloe in j ‘E86: .J;>1~cf)_\Gi\-/Giiicanii (Bf n2©\/afifez 33I~iT2’_Ei1g fzpes. P1~iI2{E1~s gfiowfa €001? wezffi to c;[\~/afiif, as gcaea ifxpez Ganifiezi 86.51 at neamfz as few 3‘-31~ic~>e:g as 330013,‘ QIQAG1 gooa Easiness jaagmenf 580a? 31 @2121 ffiem ‘C0 pa1~c~>Baxsc—: {Be Best. Wfien 6. man px-J1~®‘rO2exse:,s Qfoffiiiig B6-Z afwaxs 'iV(~)G)T2$/1.i;H€,i1"S_f(3[\f/€);.€1.i/.2‘; fag]? \x/BX net in ’]'°_)\‘J'.I“Q‘/b;_]’;O\.,SC—1S -(bf ii_;X;i3€—:? TIQ2e:1~c«:iisieis ‘rnx-16:8 aifie1~en®c§ in one cease gmemt 8B;oina€e1~, as in .o;iZP2_e:I6. 4. I 12 POINT ANGLO (2 line Nonp.) 18 POINT INITIALS (3 line Nonp.) 10A 2021 with 4A Initials, $4 70 10A 20a without Initials, 3 2o 2oa lower case only. . . I 75 4A Initials, . . . . . I 50 "'"’lA-:71 ‘vi 511% ‘$7 CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 250 QUALITY UNEQUALED, F/N/SH UNSURPASSED. EERIES. I . 8A 15a. with 3A Initials, $6 00 18 POINT ANGLO (31ine Nonp.) I 8A 1511 without Initials, $4 00 15A lower case only, . . 2 25 WITH 24 POINT INITIALS (4 line Nonp.) 3A Initials, . . . . . 2 00 BflRNHflRT BROS. 8) SPINDLER (;]X¥:3\~Jfe\c«>’(\Jrc—:rg caf Xfsycafxdf NS/effles fanflgrlnfinrg C)€€€%l"8\l:€a Superior Gepper Mlxea Tzpe In {Be arf 0f 17rir21fit2g, {Be gm-:a\JL€—£s’[ aiscaaverz wag fBa\’( caj: farnalrzcfi ex/erz .‘f>e:lflf<-_=.r 01* c~;E:xra\c»:‘l’e'r- Qf ‘E36: ,0 'c,\fp%2,\€)e1: gc-:.}3)2,vr*2;\1fe-zfz, $0 as 16 1:O9c—: caaxpafife; 0f re- arrargenaenf, farming in SU(°)(°)€—ZSSl®‘r2:’EB€-1 pages of ex werfi, fficzregx availing 7:86: ezalffirgjéi of Bfecafis 5A 1011 with 3A Initials, $6 80 24 POINT ANGLO (4 line Nunp.) 5A 10:; without Initials, $4 30 10a lower case only, . . 2.30 WITH 36 POINT INITIALS (6 line Nonp.) 3A Initials, . . . . . 2 50 REVENUE DEPflRTMENT flgarlcan ‘ aflauafifiuppfx ®L”I2p8\T2X FlD&DGl&€ G®T2QlQQlH:€€ A SW01? far ‘CB6: Greaf Fair of c-:igB:[’c-ic-H2 J:/\r2EI1*c-:3 mg r21°nc—:{fV-’[w® xx/if? 56: CDT) gafe: elf lTP.><—: raems (of IEEG: Swigscripfien Gemmiffeag far W26: Dc-—:x’[ sc—:\/c-:r2 Bwnglreza gags, af forli E{0f€eu*5 ex sBew<—:. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE S. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 251 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. NITIRLS. _ 24 POINT DEARBORN INITIALS line NOIID.) .J It. L, N‘ W” Q‘, R. .3 .1. [F V‘, \( yHoLesnLe @Lv;1ss1oN 15 A 12 POINT DEARBORN (2 line Nonp.) $2 10 FOREIGN HOUSES GRENDGUR fiND SFLENDOR BGRUTIFUL ENTRRNQG 1234567890 GRQHTENTS ” 1=rf3‘K1D3mé‘1%§¥F’ns” 6” SUMMGR MHNSION 1234567890 H ERBERT URNITURE OMFHNY 36 POINT DEARBORN INITIALS (611118 NOD11.) eg HN IM I<~ L T “(V QUALI v3 E TY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. ...¢ .- «.4...» ‘ ..-.ov- . ..,. ..... , .. ...,~_/.~ . CALIGRAPHiNO.2. ;2nA1m- - ~ ‘ _ t . V . . - . rt 1.: l’()1.\1 (‘A1.1(.nAv11 ‘Au. 2. (.2 line hump.) $7 an Hartford, Conn., December 15, 1890 Barnhart Bros. & Spindler. Gentlemen -—We have before us a circular letter set up and -vx-vi-iv‘-LA;-J 1.. ___.__- n I A Pittsfield, Mass. Gentlemen: We have had in successful operation for the past two years in our office, one of your matchless No. 7 Double Feed “Dispatch” presses. To say that we are pleased with the machine would be to mildly express our appreciation of this simple and effective printing machine. We often speed the press with inserting folder attached to over 5000 impressions per hour and it runs as smoothly as a sewing machine. We have the reputation of producing the nicest paper typographically in this section, and the “Dispatch” is responsible for it. In our long experience in the publishing business, we have never found a machine for rapid and first- class newspaper work that suited us as well as the “Dis— patch.” We think it is the best press on the market. Sunday Morning Call, 1'.’ l’()l.\"l‘ l{l___ 8 POINT LIGHTFACE ERA 20A 30a $2 15 Sill? men who gloried in bloodshed and carnage, should we not rather cherish the memory of those who silently, and without ostentatation, have been a blessing to mankind and an bonor to their country. Such is tbe bistory of many of the early Type Founders who worked for tbe best interests of their fellow-man and whose very devotion to principles inculcated by tbeir fatbers precipitated the ruin tbat engulfed tbeir lives. Doubtless considerable secrecy accompanied all tbe opera- tions of tbe first printers, and was maintained down to a late period. Whetber Caxton was acquainted with the manufacture as well as the use of Type there is , no evidence to decide. THE TROY DAILY TIMES OFFICE. You ask us our opinion of Barnhart Bros. 8s Spindler’s Superior, Copper-Mixed Type. Our response is that tbe dress purcbased by us in April 1888 bas more tban fulfilled the representations made by your Mr. French. We are now running on the 5th year and altbough the type has been subjected to severe treatment, being used on a type web press five days in the week and also stereotyped from two days, it is still in good condition and by adding sorts could be made to run an- __éll§__ 10 POINT LIGHTFACE ERA 20A 30a $2.15 SITE other year or longer and give good satisfaction. Respectfully, J. M. FRANCIS 85 SON. ___él.I.I>__ 12 Pouwr Lxaummcm ERA 15A 25a $2 35 THE DECALOGUE WAS ON STONE. Perhaps the most ancient substance employed on which to record the thoughts of man was stone. Tbe Decalogue was on stone, and so were tbe early records of the Greeks, Romans and most nations in tbe East. The Sygeian marble in the British Museum is inscribed. “‘-»_.__ 6 POINT CIRCULAR GOTHIC (Nonp.) 30A . . . . $1 75 75a. . . . . 2 25 SW OUR CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ' Stands to-day without a successful rival in market. By virtue of a system 10 POINT CIRCULAR GOTHIC (Lg. Pr.) of careful experiments under the severest tests, we have secured a com- bination of metals which we are satisfied give the best results attainable in 50‘-WUA - - Wfgg the production of movable printing types. Printers should look well to sea: 3 I I I : 11:0 quality, as good type can be had at as low prices as poor, and good 2% ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 5 business judgementshould lead them to purchase the best. When a man purchases clothing he always considers quality; then why not in his pur- chases of type? There is as much difference in the one case as the other. EXTRACT FROM “THE CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE." The extraordinary growth of this house was noticed in our review of I880. The Tribune then stated that it had been established eleven years, and had developed from a very small beginning into one of importance, occupying a double building five stories high, and giving employment to a large force of skilled workmen. As a matter of fact, the Tribune now notes with pleasure that, under the able management of BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER, the Great Western has taken rank with the most extensive type-foundries in Arnerica. This satisfactory showing is attributable largely to the very superior quality of COPPER-MIXED TYPE, manufactured only by this house of which, by the way, the Tribune is one of its many liberal consumers.‘ BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER. __éIlI>____ 8 POINT CIRCULAR GOTHIC (Brevier) 25A 75u25.A . . $590 25A: I o o 0 I 758 . . . . . . 300 25A. . . . . . 130 i'_‘fiTl7““ ___4lllk___ 12 POINT CIRCULAR GOTHIC (2-1. Nonp.) 12:40.. 15A. . 3:33 to several sizes, as shown by these specimens. Printers having ‘:31; 3 3 3 3 ; $33 the Caps and Small Caps, by procuring the Lower Case, will have 9 excellent and useful faces for getting up neat and attractive SHE . Circulars, Programmes, Etc. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 259 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. THE CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE. PRINTERS AN D PU BLISH ERS. The extensive sale of our much approved Series of Lightface Gothic has been the inducement for the addition of Lower Case C7\D€llC€ svecw-:n~ 10A 25a 12 POINT C‘-ADENCE (2 line Nonp.) $2 80 8A 20a. 18 POINT CADENCE (3 line Nonp.) $3 80 Tll€ NATIONAL convewilon new (Awe ROAD of ihe Employing Priniers was held ai Chicago line Was SUPPOSGCJ +0 be Finished “eye i893 Eighieenih Day of Ociober’ i895 Fiysiy Pay} 0*: Qjune Prinierg and i7LJi)iiSi’1el‘Si in any Perl of lbe couniry; by sending us lbeir orders, will receive lbe same prices and prompl eiienlaen as if lbey vi/ere ieeeiea in Chicago. We do nol dlsoriminale againsl anyone. All orders re- eeavea by us are filled wheel delay. There :3 no aaeeeeeieimenl as lo sbipmenl if We have promised prinllng malerial on a oerlaln day. you will nol be annoyed by "holding press” if we are given any reasonable lame lo gm ihe oroier. All our iype as eeei frorr] our V Celebraled geeerser ce,e,eer-Ar\axea Type meial, and requires bul lillle, if any, Hmaifie-ready." We are noi connecieoi v»/iih any irusi or combine. . . . . Barnbarl ieree. {<3 Spinciier, _ 6A 14a ' 24 POINT CADENCE (4 line Nonp.) $4 95 l"RST CH'C*\fiO ll/\Tl©lW« Mir Crown Poini /i(\eroinani3 Buiiding Loan anoi Saving Sooieiies German Pubiisiiers Proieciive Assooiaiiory Dissoived COMPLETE WITH FIGUREB. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 260 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. 12A 80a. $9 00 13 pom Mmmc scum (3 line Nonp.) cm «ma. $5 on %%4;a_a7a 2e/Zefaxe/L flfimd D7104/11/t}ro;, Jam QA1/CZ X; 4: 7mm Jmzwwzamwz ’6%/LIA/ééa/ro <$*;uzWm fimmmtgm Mg M, 5/26 zfzwze 6/ )7zc;m,c,%,wwm Zga/Lye, ma /éw/éw;a,mo éaxzée/m% dééenag Me, 9¢rw/L4/ca/Z Media? ax Bailmc /234567570 10A Boa $11 25 24 POINT MYRTLE SCRIPT (4 line Nonp.) 5A 3011 $6 on -6mm émw ~60/mme/L Jwzmzu/ma mm Mia @7094/écanc zfza/zw cwccz 16A 803. $8 60 12 Pomr HAZLETT (2 line Nonp-) 8A 403. $4 40 Tn“ (gd eowfiaé /a3oon.°_s1:o1~o, Clf>'m_£ 26, 1889. 0 0 ) _ 7711:; .,(9aa/1 51'./1:--0} Aamcl you f’1£/u-‘_/u/i_7£f’z ux/u'ij_rn9s cw /ZECZ/‘LL£a6f£Ci ijn you/1. fiattajz of beta iqifi 1./nsJ£an17£.% QY do nofi 7%/now flow of aeq/u.£Jzecl mm; stryia of u//u'_1‘_— vixng [Quiz )5/teswma Jtfiai Lt Ls a 30/02 of a eom,&iJnoi.Lo71i* of u//u°iLJn9s' tfiai 09 f’zo.n/.2 a6££fT?. o./ncl it T2’?.O.fl./ nofi eord:o_1_/n e/_7zo'u9f’c 150 (;°rw61U_—- fa; Ltd eonn/ejusion Lxnto 5, arncl Lt may 1’x£‘x$.L/7n.¢'_£a/1 to 3607718 ,6cUzi_/733136 afineadnf Lrnuxse. of/tag./Leah tfiat of 0./Tn. com/73> allacl 390/z warnzt of fume £0 f)/ta/;f’3aJ1_a1‘_f’za eo}?>J.£x$ firujunéacllni; iflary O./‘(.8 not cud Amooifi ax: of wibfx they we/ta [xvi uu°_.U fa/to!/0.!/by o./nxsu/a/1 1/oujz ]f’9u/ufooxs e. A 7/U1/V tjuulnf you/us % Gfiaxs. «S. ?€>az£££J’:. s 12A 80a $10 85 18 POINT HAZLETT (3 line Nonp.) 6A 409. $5 50 Jcnow 0./1 man 197 beaese /J5/zesenaés: Jfzai Me Qonnwaewe age Ojnzsu/zo.rn@.& C'3oTru]$an/'21, of 77_&n,U ?éarz/Un, @omn., for a/ncl C-zon- sicle/zoiion of 7’Z1..rna 2‘6urncUz&c1. .L9o[ZaJu$, £0 L25 Lm. iezamol faaid, go/z o£f’ze/z good cuncl ua,/Qua!/la Qonsxlcle/zayflons, £5: /zec-;aL]$£ wlgza/zaozg? is 79::/zalzzf eonzfassecl, doas ieza/1:1/If 9/za_m.£, /233a/zgaim, GQanrz.Lse, C'3on- COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MlXED' TYPE. 261 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. 7A 20a 24 POINT GRACE SCRIPT (4 line Nonp.) $6 10 QQZ¢M;WwmV%@¢¢Q¢Mwakgawfigmwfiic%mMJ§ZiM4Q$¢{%%% M445 9?» 47 7/ %WA {W/kg/7W%m_.% /2&¢5é7m7a . awg xgace 4/.¢'7VL19.4»Z;/catot/bf/I/:0A%’1»o1'>2c«/5/aZwZ§»'a7a c%@V¢z¢/z/M¢zé¢zcz2 54/ C03/r%¢z//adygzcwztka 4234567890 %¢§4/dziv/% @/cw//Mm M Qam/4 i 6% ZQJ/ma C6¢%/ aw//@z%/%2¢z @Vw/5 M’ @0627/25 @//7 (365454 7A 203 24 POINT STANDARD Scrum‘ (4 line Nonp.) $8 00 gm £4 @¢¢fW/ @¢%4 Z22 % gza//zW@w7m flaw/¢é¢ wag/L @/M2/76% M @%Q 7/ §%¢.e 5A 15a 36 POINT STANDARI) SCRIPT (6 line Nonp.) $10 00 ~@flw %flfl§&% @@¢/mm @2w%'¢¢/ <<§%m' /Wfifl @%77m 4A 10a 48 Poxxwr STANDARI) Scmm‘ (8 line Nonp.) $12 00 @V 6% %%zw/fly m¢ COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. O CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 265 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED 12A 60a. 12 POINT PANTAGRAPH (211ne Nonp.) $4 75 9A 253. 18 POINT PANTAGRAPH (3 line Nonp.) $5 25 QM/teal’ fitateaf Qfliuwmml a/mfl Qaflfe/uieol gua’La,4VteeoU}m0/»11e/ /Y0 j®eo3aIca/Lion‘ <47 <§n<1e1»exn<1mj»cJ W Qua/t’ Qlmwvfwanwj Qflmifd 91/rnoiimfl BE/‘Le! @’l14§/ll/l(l/YLO6, Qmnfxu/:1/xi! Wfivwwtg’ jgvw/W {Jami} of’ “W1 @’|7l/l’Yl{’/I1/.3»?/I /@a5t}°“s;:‘ 5’*°"‘eSm Eatest Qrtistzc Fame»: cw J russ es arpet or arawooé oor ' 9?) t’ 95 «El 97 ' Duragte 3apa:\e3 §Kouse9\oY3 Ware ecu lg“? 0 V Vpe §pcc"“e“ 1 2 3 4 5 (I; 7 8 9 O géoraers cma glue. 930% gaces 3A 15a 24 POINT OLIPHANT (4 line Nonp.) $4 00 Kanasome @o£ore3 ggusiness (C3013 Qrinters gnicfiigom gnontfifg mewspaper Qugfications gflésumea 5A 103. 36 POINT OLIPHANT (6 line Nonp.) $5 50 ewfiofesafe §?\oe Department Retaifer of Qfiifcarens écfioof @fot?\ing OINT LIPHANT (81ineN p) D (31008 fiecoras 60 Pomm OLIPHANT (10 line Nonp.) $9 25 gjfeasant gage (Resort 72 POINT OLIPIIANT (12 line Nonp.) €9aster1\ ‘@rt §c-Roof CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 267 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. 13A 803: $10 00 12 POINT LAKESIDE SCRIPT (211116 NOHD.) 8A 403: $5 25 smmmwwmmgmmw q>wwmxwgM»&swwmm©.o5wm §w‘W\A~o«’\'/Lmwcflb ‘Egon \:’'r (3 line Nonp.) 6A‘ 30a $5 50 mm wgm ox www %w.ogm w.& we/WW swm K>Lo§M~\.o& ’ '- %wvw§<\.mwX' - ' 33»./>>Ww¢)'\'/pvxw 0./\M§.« %NJ<§§L©/>34\% Qoxmvhavox/y ww ®\X3 3 A 203 $11 50 36 POINT LAKESIDE SCRIPT (6l1ne Nonp.) 3 A 103, 33 00 COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. . GELEBRATED SUPERIOR OOPPER'MIXED TYPE 238 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSLJRPASSED. 9. Z7/em», flfi 6,)/,/Q29 .%a/44 cf 10 /0 .///5. 3.5 fldflflfl .%em¢e /lofyfifl (for. 3%./9/z'ne%f 7 /0 J’ e‘.tce/bi‘ ‘ %/zziuyo, V .99/e/2/one 75.9. .%w¢<72%a¢9 gaunt’ 8xr\.iIv.it(e(,[l E f . . . .- _ . _ L It/I1tt(t1,lILec’ g;l1){0£t7t’lJI (7I)A.Mwa%c0/ @0an1mmI,c;&’ @(mI)\1(n1(tM/ {W <“Ij‘OII?lIIbll/I)(I/ ggd (gab iw O)/|%ItiCvn/010‘ $8 00 36 l’()lN'1‘ N ES'l‘()R S(3l{lI"l‘ $9 ,r QIWILOIMAM «Md Cgr/vi/la/U g342,mvU»£MII Cgflwoi/mmv of/vflbftid @iMlmIa/weal’ 2A EWII4»/wt! £0/vi @ Id 1;? 4A um 48 POINT NESTOIC Sc1u1.»'1‘ $11 (,0 gvmt’ QMMWW ®wIk/ @mww «mob @i/aw 93w»/WI Qmz/[why (o5@%ovvga'unz»Lw£acow(‘3wvJLwi/IVIS7 CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. W... ‘. K “x — — O J v ? \ J” H], ‘ J b 5 ‘ul \\ V ‘ N’ ‘ ‘ . ’ <3 v~*‘°% 16A 80a. $9 75 I ‘ 12 POINT LAKESIDE No. 2 (2 line Nonp.) 8A 40a. 85 00 \ M5\M%©%- ‘ §o’vw,QMA>6«)§/QA/>L\79r\Ax/>‘{92/vwVXw<&/V2/oAT~o5L(‘s95bo \‘?5oTuAmv0qwQzU/\)6 Uogmmd/\)3mX2b%n*9,wLVXvQk%VXw%mAdmmbwm%\M&X»w%\7 bu/vv *vwM/wéi/- ("‘XS‘3>@(§3?/§§(2‘3KaS%»3§/E/3N\lLQ@‘°L§’v§>$\\/V‘f\)33§/\35”§u 24 POINT ARTISTIC SCRIPT (4 line Nonp.) 7 A 20a $7 00 I /WW7 93, /(5% c\9Ziz¢7-4/,;¢ 6/a7/J I/zm J4/Zfi W at 6% M /WW :0 /may fa %6 Wm Sigma//Zéé 80 C6074/o/Lam/y, @7'7/6' c>,/<’4m/W W1 ’0}ZWh/ oflmmz 87/4: wmwg W1 <9?W;7 W;/CW; %?/L W WW/. ,3‘/70,&z;7.00 &mw/7 80 ‘W/émgymé. % \ § \ '\/‘E3%€>_ Tmmwmmwwmwwmmgwammw W mw%%mwAw- \WvmwKmm X9/xx % Um» Q/‘D smxmammammmwmw Ww§>%mw§Kammb,mx&MmpwbVfim%6mw @§mmwmW— WWW wwwmw WWW‘ _ ~ " ’ $’\/omeww 5 §>\Mv\/WV- CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 269 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED SQ .......9....S....B 3@ ..3 3 .3. mam .93....» .3...» .6... .8... 3.83 293939. :.......r9........m 3... 9........... 93 .338 .8...» ..8 9.... .93 6.8 3.... e.......... 3.5 ................8.... 9.§u5..9..a .93 .93 .8 9.... 9.8. mzam .............=...... ..._8mm 6.... mam 8. .988. .39.. ......m........ ... 93.8. 8.. umcm .83.... ..8 :9. .._...........a 8.. S .........e.... .8. .383 3...... ....a...@ 9.... .3... 9... .8. ....§.............. 8...... .3 .3. am... ...............9 am .....§......... ......§.. ........§. e..._.§ “B88 3.. 39. .93.. ....._9....9..&. .39.: .33 M8 ....3.E.... .............§................ 5. .8... .8... E ......9.....§....§...§ ......5 ..8_.,....@ 5... 899w ..3.....o.... “.69.. t....S..B 9....» .82 ...S&.... 3.... mam 82. 8.. 9...... .3........ 93.8.... :3... =3... ......£9..z9..« .93.... 3.... 3...... 6. .....B9.3 .......m,. ........&E 9...... .3...» 3 9.. ......._....8mm .3: ..3..t3 3.5 .5» .9... ..3.....@ 9.... E .5 9.@ .....e..9. n3 ....3..... 88 3... 3.... as t.....:..._...@ .8. .92.. 38...... M. .83. ..§..... 9.5 ...§. e.........§ m........9n..._ m3 ....9_...m 8...... 3.99.... 6.8 .8... 39.... .53» ..3 .5 8... ..%......E 9..&8.® .9... :8 ...® 5. .8. E .§.....39 93 .2 ......® 98... .88 8.3.. ....:...........a .39 9..8.a 3..._.8..9£ 8... .35.. mm. 83.98% 93 3.8.. &@ 3.. .8 .9......9. 3.... Eu .8 m...............@ 82.. «SH 93 E 8.. ....%a 89.5 5998.. ms... ..8.................. 3.. ....£ 3.3.8 ...:..w 93 ...t.@ .3 .8 82. 93.... n..38...6@ .5. 9.8.8. ...9.5......9. 5.... 38.. :3H 8... 3...... .......3.....@ 3.... 3.:..m..9@ ..........H .:......93 ..3.3 .....£ Sm...» .93 9.39933 em 23.... .33. ..:...._.8 .89 63.. .§£9.:..mm 862.839 .9......93 ._....m ..3 3.8% m....£._ m3 «9.§9.« 5. 3... 3.3.9.» tau 93 n.......9.fimw ..3 69.8 .6... ......& 9. 9........... 938 .893 88.. mam 83 93... ..&9..:..mm 3. $9.... ..3..r.3 83... 39%, ....99...t.8..B :5 3.. E mam... 881... .89 3.3.. ..3........§€9..n 9...... 8 m.893 8w ...3 E8 5.... 3:3. .......9...m ...._m..9..........E9... ..3 .8: ...:..m 9...t....u9.» 3.... 9.9....» 3...... .....389..9.......... 93... 98 3.9.3 mm. .93 9.5. 3.... m3 .3 ....§.m §..........~m .9£E......... Smu ..3 mac ..._..mm 939 Eet.......@ m3 93.3. .. ...§..............._ 3.... 93.8. 93...... ..393. ...m...5.m...: ....@ ........§93... m...@ m3 ....._.....8............ £3. .3 3.5 .8 ...m..9.3 mam 88 3.. 9 3. 9.9.: 8.... ..3:.@ 3.......... ...m...... a........_..... :3. 3.8.. .3593» .8 3 .5 3m .3 E ..9..%......9.. 3.... ..._....@ 9... .£......... .... ...........m......a 2.. .............. 388 N... 9 2.. .2. ....§§........ 58. 8.... ..........§.m 8.88.. .3. ..§........ ..._.......§ 5. .3... ........e.. 3.5 9.9393 93 8.... B98. 22.9933 .62. .8 88. §...9£® ......mom93... ..93.r...@ . 3.... ....8@ 3... .......:...£ ...3 .89 83...... 3...... 88% 9...9B@ 8.. .5 .8... S... ....m 939325 .2. 63. .8 ..39.8.. .......8 ......m.. 8 3.. :3. .8... 9... .9... am... 8. ....%.3. :8 .m..§ 93 m3 ...9...3.& 8.3 .399. .8 umca 3.... _ ........m u.... 8... 8 .....3a ..........§... 8........wa :39 R38 8.. .8 3.... m3 .m..93® 8.... .99.. 3... ......9a 8.8.9 83 .3... .3. ... 8.3 83 8 E3. ..._8mw 3%. ....w...m 3:5 ....9 . . .8 E 9...... 3... ..9.3@.. 38.. .8 88 93 E ......E.. 5.. .93.... .5. . .8 .mm9®. .3.............. ... ...§9m9.m. ......9. .3 em ..3..@ .853 5:3. .3 ......H 8... 33.9..» _c.....£...w ..8.. 8.3.9: 9.. 99.3 .9 E ..B.9....e@ .82 Qua sa .........8 8.8.8889 .2. 2.. .....s% we. .........mu .3 .5. E 2.8.2....” B... 3... .8... 8.... W56 9.3 .89 3.... .8 .. 9.5 9.€.9...m. m3 3.98 ..8 ...£.9....€@ .2... E...?......@ .3. .8. .8... .3... ..§......§... .3 ...........8...... ...m::... “.393 .3...» 5... E 3...... 3.... ...9.£..... ..............€.,.... 3.:....... 8... .92.. .........B “am ..:....Q .8: 9.... .8. 9. 836.... ..............m 23 5:3 5 ....§.......... 9.... t.€.c........Q 83 3... 9»... Ema .8 m..93® 8.... 3.... 8 ....8ma....3 8.... 33M 3... 933 9.... 539 ....§ .8... .....u 9... 3.... m....»@ :8: ........3w .3 93... ...........m.... 5.... 6.9.5 .3 .,§........ 93 .88. .9£.B.m .8393»: .......E .883 «$9.. ........3@ .5 a.......... 3.... 9. m3 3.. .299». .3 9.....§..m ...3 ...t~w......@ ........w. x... .9: . .393... m.8 :8. .89 .8... m3 .....898... mg 93.. 5....» 3.5. 3...... SE... 9%.»... .3 9...... ....8 ....8. .393. .6899. . am 8.5. ... 8.8 B.9...m .28 92.3.8 ... .8 9.. ..:.£ .89 E Em...» 92. 9......m .. 59.3.89. 93 ...m...... «.8... .................e 3 8.. .2. ..§....,.... ... 9.3.... .3... 8.. 3 9.... .2. .58.... .3 ...w......... as... 8. 8 8.8.. ......S...... .2... .2 3.. . 838888.885 .9...@\ N .02 z<:mm.® HZHOM. w .u. M0 (1 MUM mmoim NOE “....:.m ..3...m...8.3..m 93... .8... 2.. :3 9. .3.p.....a£ m93..£.Q 4.39.9. 53$.» “.5 ....3..N 8.... tan 5... uomfim ..3..3..&...._ .3 8.33.9 3.53 ....8....._.@. .89 . ...%..:..B....... 3@ =3 .5 .3. mam. .93....o..®... .8... ~38... ...93.£9u $8.....r9..£..a 3... 9........... .3 ....§ 8.5. t... 9.... .93 8.... 3.... £33.... ....@ ......_.8........ 9£:“..........m E3 .93 .8 9.... 9.8. .39 ........8.......... ..&..mm 8.... mam am ...££ .39.. ...=:....a.a .3 ..3..... Ga .m..n... .839... :8 wt. 58.3889 man .3 ....c£§3 3.... 2.93:. 9.3.9. m.....m..c@ 8.... 98.». .3 3... ..8.:.._..._.... ....e.. .3 9.9. 5...: .n.£..§...mm am. .§._9.x.S=@. £393. .........3 ®:....€_..a..9. E 3... .938 .......9..$9.&. ..3...u .33 3.. .........&=. ...........9... ........m...... E. .8... .6... 9... £3 9£.....m._...Ep....m ......§ .:.n.._:.n.@. 3.... ....8m ..3.$..o......3.9c :..o..o..B ~33» .89 .....:.m 3.8 mam 82. 3.. 99.... .358... 93.8.... .8939 :3... .........9.......&. 238:. .3: 23.... .3 “$839.3 8u.....w ...........®.. 9...... 5.... .. 2.. .Bu......a..m.m .9: ....:.c3 3.5 85 .m...: :3 u.....@ .39 ..z 8@ ..Q ..........9.3 ..m 3...... S8... 9.... 3.3 m3. 5828889 .98.. 3...... .E...,..... m. 23.... ...9......9. Paw ..£... ®:9......€._ .......39...... m3 3.8% 8...... .3 883 8.... ..8... £8. .338 :3 5m 9...: ..%....m.. 9......mn.. 3.: 3... ...® 5» .8. 8: 3.3.. “.39 93 man ..mm.@ 9....» 8.. G88. ....:.t.3..am E... ......~B 3...t.B...£ .5. 835 mm. .3....o... 93 p.....m.® .3 .8 .9......9. 3.... 9.. .8 m3.:9.....®m,. mun... 88H 93 5 .3 3..:..Q, 8...... ......9..... 8.... ...m......E..3..:m .3 32¢ 3.2% ....:.m .3 ......@ .3 .8 8.5 9.._......ScB®@ 39. Scmzm, ..8.5=..39. .39.... 38.. 23M .3.» 3:3. .:....:8 u=~8@ 8... .§.nm...9© .......8w. ...:.......9... 23.3 5.8. uumza .93 3.98.... am 23....» .33. ....?...m .89 9...... ...5...t..=..mm .®:..€.~.. .9.......93 ...:..w ..3 ......Q m...3 . “E m....s_..t.m .3. 39. ....x..... .3... 93 p....._9.£mm =3 8.3 .8: .533 9. 3.8.39 .38 A893 6.8 mam 83 .3... zutwzumm .3. $2.... ....:.._93 8.5. ram. ......93t..... “:3 tam .3 5 mam ooo....l¢ .89 3mn.. ...8:.....§®....p 93... ..m 8.893 .22». E3 8.... 2... :33. .........o.m ....§..........£.... =3 .89 9...:.m ...£........ 3.... 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E 5.... uxw ......9. .3 .3. ......@ ...£3 2.5.3 .8 ...8n.. m......:.£€...p .3....3...§ =8: 8...... .3. 9... ...8..m ..£.9....®@ 98.. 9.9 9.9 ....._..§ uuwsuuumm .3 2.. ....w3mm 8.... ..3.....@ 5 .5. 5 ......a.§.. 83 S... .8... .m.:.... was 9.3 .89 £3. .98 :um m...@ ..§..mm. m3 3....@ :8 ...£.........@ 68. 5838889 53 3... .8... .98.... .E...u...... “.8... 8% .......§....._.... .........a....... 5.... 85 .3 8...... 3.... 5.9.3....“ ......8.. “....=,.... .e......... 8... .8... .:.........m ........9Q .8... 9.... 3... 9. 8363. .............m 3.2m 5:3 .3 .......m.2...c.m ES. .:®t.......Q 83 3... 9...; 8% .8 m.....:@ 8.... 3.... .._.......mm 53 6.... 9.8». .5. .33 9.... €39 ..8a 4....» ....m 9... 3.. m.......@ :89 ...£.....§ .3 .3.:. 3 993.: §...§m._.. .35. §......m. 8.. 933.»: 93 .8 _ .9388 m......3.: .......E 5 93.8.... ..§....:.@ 8. ...m....9 8:... 3 man 3.. 6...... .. 93..3._..m. 83 ......£.m...@ 8...... ..... .3: ..e:.......=. 28 8.: .89 .8... man .3....8.....w man .38 8...... .....n.®.3m .9. 5a. .833 9.. 9.8.» .393 .....B 2393. .8899. um Sufi. 9.. mac ..._.9._.§.........._..._.8......._...335 .2... 2.5. u . . . .. . .. . . 8... E 9.... .3 .5 .3. “.3 ..m .........=.. 8.5. 1 Q. mfifitn ...m.......:.... 933... 8. .3 J.mu.mm...:oa9.w .m.....@ z<2ma.® HZHOAH c .mmocbtt>a{f>c2n 56 COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 280 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. glflihe Qfiermattia. 12A 403. 8 POINT WIDE GERMANIA (Brevier) $2 40 12A 40a 10 POINT WIDE GERMANIA (Long Primer) $2 95 -31111121121: Qanhelaas-Bettuttg flmeiliet‘ ‘!51.‘tt1itt§ fiau grass genchum her Iaeugtan mm angumtugte her ilie Qfiefdyidyte hm: heutfdyengiteratuv mit 12345 Qfirtecben mm 113mm: 67890 284 amasgewiiblten gtiicken 567 9 A 30 3, 12 POINT WIDE GERMANIA (2 line Nonp.) $3 05 yilehaille her Qfirufien éiltthultrte-gtualtellung yew §m:l1 hm: glatmt tiegt refit glaljrtaufenhen not hear gtitettfcljett filitke flvugenh gveilyeit mth ltttahljiittgighsit aflennaylnaniena motto 7 A 20-a. ' I4 POINT WIDE GERMANIA (English) $2 55 Ekmerilaattifrlje Egtatinnal-giteratua: glad} her tjinterett fieite rtelyt man in how Qfilarner fltlyal lyineitt gum gluttkeltyeit gum gtnnnenlidyte ohm: gfltmtgettriitlje 7 A 20a 16 POINT WIDE GERMANIA (2 line Brevier) $3 15 gllleefett but cine mtgemeitt rcljfitte gage flan gtapperaswyl fiibrt mutt mit hem gteuen zllampfrdjifi 7A 20a. 18 POINT WIDE GERMANIA (3 line Nonp.) $4 on gftiehridy hm: gtnthhcutt mtljliift im giifihfiufer ilergllleg non zjfrcljttterilmn fiibvt h111:1‘lJ§iu1:I];IB1:£ittI;]l 5 A 15 a. 20 POINT WIDE GERMANIA (2 line Lg. Primer) $3 80 you gllutthirdjen hie? Had] Qglenul gteuefteaa gelpthudj her agllaltifdjett gmutnmie COMPLETE WITH FIGURES. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 231 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. Black alone. 110. 5. 12A 30a 12 POINT BLACK Com). No. 5 (:2 line Nonp.) $4 05 10A 25a 18 POINT BLACK Com). No. 5 (3 line Nonp.) $5 50 iflronfss of the inreeeme of metals in afllanets Erumpern Of “)8 0910 Ebfifltifitfi 243 geeuunerrut mamneriw am: 213 fittange fiomante iifiii A P BLACK Com). No. 5 (2 line Lg. Primer) $6 00 lleneaekn flakota anti Zflirlyigan Eire Enentance Mnhermritere 456 Ekmetiean Ernest unit Eunh (flomnann 397 fieutuuie unit fifieutuu filaclz. 15A 40a 9 POINT TEUTONIC (Bourgeois) $4 30 12A 308. 12 POINT TEUTON BLACK (2 line Nonp.) $3 00 gaitmaunee gmbian gniroren fllniteh fitatea (lliwieer gtnboufifebfn we ‘we Bfieauinn of we ‘gfiorb éliicano llleammt Wipe mm: gauh unit water 234 éiiicanou or émrfic éreeli iiiiii 785 123 gfielh unit gfurezrt iiiiii 456 Iinlnnosile Eonnensen. 15A 40a 12 POINT COMPOSITE Com). (2 line Noup.) $4 ()0 10A 25a 18 POINT CUMI’0Sl'I‘E Com). (3 line Nonp.) $4 50 Jiigfi to a grave (lint mus Jtemli) Jllnhe Bennett n Segton DU) 1 Snlistmlnln {If sgfifllflfifl Sllll I . - - . I32 Jnnsifn ]Ifning {jis gremsnme Ernhe 456 i vmlunlne 3“W“§l|I"[l] Sclieming finfitieinns Stunning ancient (Enrnpenn Iibifusnpnn 2311 (Egnefling iflifletence n[ flnininn iiiiii ‘oNn. (6 line Nonp.) flilnenlnrnns Jnpnnege EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE S. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ED 4,, ':_=-;-’/ , Price per font, $3.50 ._._—__——————————<-£-~ 31 \c Number of characters contained in font: No. 1, 4; 2, 6; 3, 4; % 4,8;5,2;6,2;7,8;8,2;9.2;Io,4;11,2;12,2. ' ~ \‘\z / Price )cr font, ‘ .00 3 Number of characters contained in font: N0. 1, 8; 2, 4; 3, 4; 4, 4; 5, 2; 6, 2; 7, 4; 8, 4; 9, 2; 10, 2; 11, 2; 12, 2. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'M/XED TYPE 3383 QUALITY UNEQUALED FINISH UNSURPASSED. ®rnaments. Series ‘I10. 2. « £@@§ 2 iy®%%%%9$ ‘ %H%%%%®* CHARACTERS. ‘ I 2 3 4 5 6 7 i 8 9 10 II 12 13 ' H >/Ié ->)'I(=’.- <8*~;..'—‘;*< .e.__/_:'i©.,3 fig». I4 I 5 16 I7 18 19 2o 21 22 Q 9% %%% W ® $ 23 24 25 26 27 % 28 29 30 31 32 33 7 I >Y<+\?r.~v\7A!Ar/\:/Q2./“:53 $ $%’<¢/./ $?»9A<",.s{"..«§"..mQ4\,4\. A, .o\,4\ V _ /31,/31 9 E©:@ VAY 4 9,4 ~ _ » \, ‘Av«\°/AvAv . Small font, $3.00 Laige font, $5.00 ta‘ o) - z;9§v'vvvvvvv {OK , I . .,9p.4»\.rs.4>.@.@.<»\./¢?svo.« %%%W%%¢%$%fi$%%“$%®» % 9?/\Y:’ §?’<§?%s.4»\v3Y/«>vz»\v&vsY' /A1», ’4\ /At»/A\/A\/A\ /4*. / \ / A\/A\ Number of characters contained in font: No. 1, 24; 2, 24; 3, 24; 4, 24; 5, 24; 6, 24; 7, 24; 8, 24; 9, xoo: IO, 24; 11, 16; 12, 24; 13, 24; 14, 32; 15, 8; 16, 16; 17, 16; 18, 16; 19, 24; 2o, 12; 21, 12; 22, 12; 23, 24; 24, 8; 25, 8; 26, 8; 27, 8; 28, 8; 29, 4; 3o, 4; 31, 8; 32, 8; 33, 8. Small font contains half this number. ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®@®%®®®®®®®®® ®rnaments. 5€tlC$ “O. 3. CHARACTERS. s .. 2‘ .. d\ .. ,. umgo ll ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ - ' _ \ -4l-l§ ,-.*!9,_. .3: .,_-:’ 1,2 f_ 09/’ ‘o//|\'o 0; ‘I '0 I . . \_ .1:-4--"'t«r-V V»-“'§ = %' —o.—-:——————.. __.————u——— _‘ ‘s _a"‘ '¢"u~ ‘a"~ '4", ,". ,"_ ,v ‘J <4 =9.’-'l.v =:-J a-.-J <2-A <19’!-~*. _._L'._, ' _r 4 3 s 2. V 3’ "13 .2_»_~2«_:...——7v’ —~;—@-- »,._..__«__u; ‘A v».: 2 -*l-- 91/: .7135- 0 —~§%+%i- < I 1 I unfl- 1 /./I 4 ll ‘ 3' l " ‘ ' . . V“ ;“'€’" -43* \ + .I :: + Price, $4.00 per font, including Spaces and Quads. - \ . ‘. A “V é@ L2 Y-""9 . .2- 6____; ' QW7 ' z__T @=r~ Number of characters contained in font: No. 1, 32; 2, 32; 3, 16; 4, 8; 5, 8:6, 16; 7, 16; 8, 6; 9, 8; I0. 3:11. 8:12. 8:13, 8; :4, 8; 15, 2; 16, 2; 17, 3;13_ 2; ,~9_ 4; 2°, 2. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 284 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED ART ORNAMENTS. ; Kg S.‘ - E (“‘"‘u 3“ 4;fi,44_ CHARACTERS. ' 6 7 8 2 2‘/2 3 4 s .LC¢>\__/c°)_‘Z2_F?3‘<:‘\§'<;$?"\s'.2»;—\.$’.?zE"‘: *3 E I "*= ‘'1' :'’’A ‘ ¢§:;,__ gghg % > 19 18 ) { \3l4/ 4 _ , 70:5; ‘ Prue per font, $3.50 ‘ r / ‘ Io, 8; II. 4, 12, 8; 13.4, 14,2; 15.4: I6. 4. 17.1; 18. 2. I9. 4- Number of chzlrzxétcrs contained in font: No. I, 8: 2, 4; 21/2, 4; 3, 12; 4, 8; 5, go;;;6, 2; 7, 2; 8, 4; 9, 4; g1 S // I ‘ " " ”' §\1// \\l//\\\lL/\\\l// fllfiflfi <‘>\—‘»7 37 ‘<7 $1-/® 7/?\‘\<7/‘:'\§777\‘\?7v?<\\=*‘/v‘:'€\*7/':’\'< fi/§‘ &J%{ is W‘ yfiw B 97 I wlf‘ Price per font, $4.00 \ , ’/Adv/,,\ , Number of characters contained in font: No. I, I6; 2, 8; 3, 8; 4, 20; 5, 8; 6; 8; 7, 2; 8, 36; 9, 8; 10, 4; CELEBRATED SUPER/OR COPPER'M/XED TYPE. 3385 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. . \ I 2 o I 3 4 5 6 ‘ \ f¥' —--f<-— x: --’\f*-,_ ::"’|'I"""'O-""'_"""‘ I 8 9 IO 7 17 I8 ”“~—~"—’- -——---"""""" -.—~9 ca L“ $_A,. '=':—:-.,—".:% '~‘~=-/a"“' 13 14 12 . 15 16 <‘ ' / .,\_/\’\~__ . , /A fix ~\ 19 . 191/, . I *» . II - 201/2 20 ‘O ___________.._——-—— §....;‘_';2'_: __ V _"-——"""'5'—‘ ______,.——-—"""""" --0--'°’--o---o-ow"--' - K Price per font, $3.75 \ Number of characters contained in font: No. 0, 26; 1, 3o; 2, 8; 3, 16; 4, 50; 5, 32; 6, 8; 7, 8; 8, 18; 9, 18; 1o. 4; n. 4; 12. 4; I3. 4; I4. 4; I5. 4; I6. 4; I7. 2; I8» 2; I9. 2; I9‘/2. 2; 20. 2; 20‘/2. 2. SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE CHARACTERS. I 2 3 4 5 16 ~\w/ __._. ._ A-H-’,-V ¥ /«M - rrf \‘-'\ 5 7 11 12 f_______ ____E___ g-\\_ r10 ‘'5, »—o-c» Fm 6% ‘’/‘’>> @: *3: . ‘ I7“, . I9 15 20 23 22 24 ~\ 21 @ J “- T 3' S @\ ‘ 7 ‘ Price per font, $3.75 \ , Number of characters contained in font: No. 1, 16; 2, 2o; 3, 18; 4, 18; “J 5, 13; 5, 12; 7, 7; 8, 7; 9, 6; Io. 8:11. 54: 12. 4: 13.6: 14. 6:15. 18:16.4; ,7, 4;18, 4:19, 4; 2o, 4; 21. I2:_, 22. 4; 23- 43 24- 4- ‘ 5” \ \ ./ ,,/~/'*—:/ ——-———-"“"““""‘\-\ “‘\ \'V\ CELEBRATED SUPE-R,oR coppgp-M]xED rypg. 286 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. COMBINATION ggfi E CHARACTERS, Cast on 6 and 12 point bodies. 2 5 I 4 3 Aw. I 2 3 4 5 6 3y’ _ Vi‘. 4 4 .fl T [SW3 ”""%|Hm "KW ' »~¢ “3 _ Number of characters contained in 4 frl ‘ " r - N d h‘ - ‘- F“ Number of characters contained in V om‘ 05' I an 2’ I44 eac ' 3’ 288’ 4 NR3‘ . font: Nos. 1, 24; 2, 54; 3, 18; 4, 14; K and 5’ 72 each; 6' 144' ‘J 5, 16. Price per font, $2.00. @= ' Price per font, $3.00. W. 4“ 1 F. 4 R’ A I ‘A u‘ ‘a L" ‘M u‘ ‘a u‘ :v r. 4: W. ,w r, .3 W, A552 ORN A M ENTS . SERIES NO. 1. $1.00. _ SERIES NO. 8. $1.00. 13 POINT 36 POINT 24 POINT P ' 24 POINT 12 APOIN1‘ 12 POINT 24 Palm- . _ 4 ‘ Y ‘MW ,4, +44%» s>a§t>=es*’*‘*‘*‘*T* <>a§e<»é~ I2 POINT ’ % _ %‘9‘ ~10 POINT 18 P()lN'l‘ 18 POINT P V I0 POINT ‘ 1 V K V‘ < J 10 01Y\»-[x *3 * '* *” — ..,a v -13- iv +>-» % «:4 r’’* "x* W1 "T «“:>«» i‘ «so SERIES No. 2. $1.00. ) SERIES NO. 4. $1.00. 35 p(,,NT I3 POINT 48 POWT 48 IOINT 30 lamm‘ 36 POIN1. 0% ¢¢<> ‘ ‘ 5 4 4 v ‘ 43 } ‘ * . 4 24 POINT { ‘ 09°’ ' ' V ‘ ' ' 4 ' 2o POINT 18 POINT 12 POIN1‘ ‘ .$ %' 8 POINT Io POINT + .9. + ‘} .:. .§ *}‘ '3' '{' ‘}‘ ':' °{' + o:. .{v . SERIES NO. 5. $1.25. 36 POINT — . 18 POINT 12 POINT 6 PO!NT 9 POINT 24 POINT 30 POWT 4' > - -=3 +1» ~W' -%l+l>=-N °131‘ 33‘ L *3‘ $9 33‘ 31‘ *3? ’5 4 V 9K» ' J5; ¥» :2 Point Leaflet Border No. 3 45% Price pet} font, 31.23. 6 feet L. s. Rule to match, $1.00 9 IO u 12 $L 4: 2:. 42: «)1; var 3?"'a:‘é is is CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 290 $2 $131)‘ 4 4 12 Point Leaflet Border No. 2 a Price Pei‘ f°ms 351-25 6 feet L. S. Rule to match, $1.00 5 . 6 7 8 525-4 Fffmifi ,l_§[;:=;%':9lv 46¢ 59)! “W ‘°‘o~ «('6' ‘ax ._,. -aw»? * 18 Point Leaflet Border No. 4 Price per font, $2.00; 6 feet L. S. Rule to match, $1.00 13 « 14 15 I6 -53 6- .‘ O: ‘R V I .. :1’ 3%» ‘I A rfiifi QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. ‘L1 «#5:» UNIQUE BORDERS. Fonts of Ten Feet each, 3 POINT Bounmcs 3" "5 " N0. 115. ‘ ¢n—-©——-@—-<9—@——-—o—@———@——@——@ ———«g.-——-ca A " No. 117. . " AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-A; vvvvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 2 9 »--a n-I 9"‘ <1 lxnxll l\l\l\ =:L §_ 4gg—¢gg—4—g—-4-;-4;;4g;—-4‘¢-.4 ‘ é_@vv-twb-ntwéunbvw—@w@%v7—@wé—@ JAJ-AL J» No. 118. N0, 119_ No. 1%. wnommun iuuouomuu 1 N0. 121. N0. 12". N0. 123. 4..-..- TTTTT 4-;-.4 www-v J-13-L ;—-4g;—4g;—4gg—4gg ¢AL—4gg-nggg-4 T?_-_ “W p-T? uufivé —-Tc? %vé u-tvé FTTT nut J__.l__l.__l_ 9&£&&I! 3777?‘ V'¥"‘F'¥'i‘V““i"I"i'\"i'\"i'i"i'?i'T"§"’§“‘F¥$ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx &J~_&&F N0. 124. § No. 1"". EYYTTYVVTTTYYYYT TVYVVYYYI N0. 126. A I ‘cc-cuccoul maanaoa‘ _--..---.._--..-.._--._-.._-.._-.._--..-_._- _ - 'rw~—v—v--—r_~w-wr_-w—~—y—~.vvwr--w—wr- _- V V . V V . V V V V V V V . V ~ - V - T .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII U I) I u I I . it it - - - - N0. 127. N0. L38 - N0. 129. . II 0 I I L ‘L I I -A---------~-4-A----A---A-A--4-—-A-—- ' A * ‘ * A A - - A A - - A - -IllllllliIlllllllllllllllllljlllllIIIIIIIIIIIJI --~.y-..,-...-..,-..y-..y-‘.,-v-~w-..,--.r- - - - T - _ ..-----._---AA--..-------; AAA .-- .... --. - . -... .,.. .-- -,.. . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 0.-. ." .v. ..,- vvv 1-vv Y . vvv 1-vv Vvv vv1rvvv> . . . . . . . . . . . m . _ _ . . . . . . .. .. ‘’ 0 iv " Ii 0 ‘* *> u a l I r F 4} 4* " NO. IQO " , IQO. H 0 0 " ii I! H ggggggggggggggggggggggg AA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA A A AAA A A A A AAAAAAA _ u m n w u u. — u xx nu \u u w \- an an no.1: .u,.ns Mr M: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv V\' . V . . . V . V Y V . V V vvvvv vvv YVV‘ vv.v..,- vvvvvvv . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ . . . . .. .. , .-..--- -. .-- --_+--.--.--...--... .--- __________ _______________ ..V I....,.,.,.,.,.,.....,.,....,....,.,. ..,--' I’ ‘i -.'.' ' - 5 N00 1131;: N0: 1&4: NO. 135. ‘ U " , ,_ __ I i _ ,, ........Vfi.~wV...~..~‘. n-----V.-“~~. wfiww q'lxR(Kxl(Rrlrl{liFiFiFiF(KKR(Ktl(qgl(|{l(qgqyqguk ’§°-»-‘if 33! Fonts of Five Feet each, $1 40 6 POINT BORDERS . “ A 1' 1 A. . .. V--vu V- -—\/cu .. vvv vwvsay val V6‘ /.\‘-WC 4,1 \ ‘u ac (5:12 6)‘?! L23 [1 L-J F1‘(::)P3C'JD‘(-TIP 6;) :1 (an (~,‘s\;:_(~;: gxg: p :31’: (5) pg; pg: p G, i~ Q14: ;._,.p,.;«} 11 ;-§‘n :1 "-3 ‘H *3? #35 93% \ N0. 58. x ‘I95 No. 59. tzmmmmzmmmmmmmwammmg No. 60. EEEZBBE %’ E [3 I2 E EWEIEZIWEEEEJEEEEZIEEEIEEEQE '?§‘<’?’?~f?% Q N0. 80. X34$$4 v4 CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 291 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. Fonts of Five Feet each, $1 40 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% g No. 81. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A :2: __ _ _..v.._.o..__.,_.t.._.o._.¢.._.o._ :2: 0 N 0. 84. 1:} ‘ .§‘.',’£...\_‘3’£..S.\'.’4.\.‘.'/.4_\‘S” \"” \‘3’4..\‘¢'.’..’—_.‘\'.’.4._“3’.’__.‘.',’4 I /14\\ /15\\ /u\\ /n\\ /n\\ //7\\ 7A\\ 47I\\ /A\\ //I\\ /n\\ % § fl M 7 V 7 § >\°é NO. 87. 75% I ‘ 4 \ 3;» \\;5_/__~_\_\g/2 \\y/ mgr» \\§// \\gr/ \\gI/ «gr; \\y4 \\V/ //a\\ /u\\ //a\\ /n\\ //o\\ /I \\ /n\\ //a\\ //A\\ /n\\ 47$- ¥ 1T1XTTT11Yl111l11fl11l N 0. 100. TTTT [111 Y1YYYY.YYJYYYYYYY1_LYY-J1 E N 0. 106. ‘ ' ¢ %% 777777777777777777777 No. 110. ‘ 777 [II KIIKKKKKIKKIKKKKKKKKK ogooduaooaoodooaoodoodoodooaoodoodoa g No. 113. i »§-»>o»->o«->o«>o«><>«>o«>-o«>o«>o«>o-->o»~§~ -.,..§$‘-.-;,,.~\\\-.;,l.\‘\, Q .- I, ’ 4- \.'Il‘.‘§\r/ll11‘*‘.-Illa ‘fiiéfi. 5' * 9 .‘$%%%%%$fi$E%$$%@3 No. 140. 0 « # as A A -$fifi%fi@%fi%fi$fifi%fi&Mfififi% ,.4*’»:o.....,... .‘ I ./1 No. 149. CELEBRATEDI SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 292 6 POINT BORDERS $%%%%%%%mmm%%%%%%%%%%% 2&5 3915 Q5 N0 85 365 >-< - - >-< 5?} $3 <¢>\V/\V/\V/\v/\'/\V/\V/\V/\V \V/\"/\V/\‘/\7/\‘5 '\V/\V/ \'V/\V.’\V/\V/\‘V \ .\ )*\0/is/A9/&$’A\9/.0-9/no-0.©a6.o.6.e«0.().0.0.e.< A\/A\/A\/A\/A\/A\/A\/A\/A\/A\/A\/A\/A\/A\/A\/A\/A %/\fiRfiR%%fiRfiRfi%fiRfiR%%fi%% ) No. 94. ( \ %%%%5¥%%5¥%%%¥§¥%%%%5%5% TTTTTTTTYTTTTYTTTYTTTT N0.101. 11111111111 11111111111 TYTT 1111 ++¥+’r%+++¥%+~lHH’r‘H~}HH+%++}-H%-H'!L%-1+ No. 104. .1-+L-H-H:l' .1-H-+H{-;i' *}++HI-H-1+’rHf’rP*}f+Hf%~}+’rHl--}L'}f?Hffl-%F+ C°§°§°§°C°§°} C°§°}°§°C’§' No. 107. 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Fonts of Five Feet each, $1 40 Fonts of Five Feet each, $1 75 6 POINT BORDERS A No. 313. VVVVVV ‘V oy‘”‘//a)\\>“‘*o 10 POINT BORDER -:“:‘:: 1‘ ‘ M‘ "‘“<:‘:; . ‘ :55/;»‘»z.>»,,»z 9 K6 . R? a: is "?{?‘£“"‘~.’; sec» 4 ‘ xv’ _ i?‘-f‘»{%g«_T§'\,.=g ‘_ ‘ s gaze» CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-M/XED TYPE. 293 <:}—§-><%).'>C-<- "~~‘~"’——£> 12 POINT BORDERS 6&9 tge 9 @e (9% @o \:6,'@\\_(‘§'@ gav -\<<3‘© ' -2 1'; >‘~$>® No. 66. 59 \¢ . >.*‘:: T : \ ' ~- 1 ' "“ ¥;g, < L ‘> w« 1» ..v.'—:‘. E.-.v.:.-».;v.:. No. 184. ’ I.‘ Q ' l-‘ \ u '4: ‘Q I Ax. /.I\\\ %§\\ /.§\\ %. \ /Z\\\ %\\\ /.;\‘\, . \ No. 187. //r // \\\ \»:.Y: at ..Ya«;!: 3, %Y No. 96. V ........... .‘ ’/;,‘*.-:33‘ \" V \\‘. \‘\‘\ ' -' . . V '4'-1-'.-1»:-:v'\.' + A \I '«-—:.:~~‘ \ ‘\ \‘§-o/4*’o-x\‘~\\ \\ ‘xv ./ o‘ \‘ ~_.r /.7 o‘ Qk / 49 " \‘.\ .a N0. 170. _:; \.' V '/‘.-_'.;:-::: 'x.' V '.‘»:-;_:-;;: ‘s.’ V V l‘\\_-\~“--:;:1>;.”r,_”IA\\,.\ 1 ....\\ . /'-:v\‘ ’/a\\‘\‘ ,2; ....... >- v 0 O . 1‘ . 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CUPIDS. 8 Price per font, containing one character of each, $1.75. Price per font, containing one character of each $2 00 Single characters, 25 cents each. sing1e Ch,u.aCte,.S. 25 Cents each V n CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPF’ER'M/XED TYPE. 298 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED BROWNIES. JIM CROWS. MIDWAY MIDGETS. BROWNIES. JIM CROWS. Price per font, containing one character of each, $2.00. Price per font, containing one character of each, $1.00. Single characters, Nos. 1 to 9, 15 cents each; 10 to 19, 25 cents each. Single characters, 25 cents each. MIDWAY MIDGETS NO. 1. MIDWAY MIDGETS NO. 2. COPYRIGHTED 1893 BY BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER. COPYRIGHTED 1893 BY BARNHART BROS. 6:. SPINDLER. 34 SMALL FONT No. 1, containing one charachter each of Nos. 1 to 17, $:‘>3-00- Complete Font. Containing one character each of Nos. 1 to 35, $5.00. Single characters, 25 cents each. SMALL l<‘oN'r No. 2, containing one character each of Nos. 18 to 35, $52.50. Complete Font containing one character each of Nos. 1 to 35, $5.00. Single characters, 25 cents each. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 299 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. MISCELLANEOUS. FIVE POINTED OUTLINE STARS. $222 242 »::5<::« 2.7.1:. 22% *9? 212524 3:82 ¥3?:k I 3 ~* ~* 4; 1. 14 12 11 9 10 i I Fonts containing four of each size, $31.00. Fonts containing four of each size, $1.00. FIVE POINTED STARS. 5* *7* *3. *3: *3 5* * * * * it WEATHER SIGNALS. .._.__.LL_._.._..____.._. 48 POINT WEATHER SIGNAL FLAGS. Price per font, $1.00. 2 <30‘ I 4 0 >3 24 POINT WEATHER SIGNAL FLAGS. Price per font. $0.75. I?‘ E‘ I? K :9 If desired to have flag No. 1 represented in its proper color (blue) No. 3 may be used in its place. MOONIES. Price per font, containing one character of each, $1.00. Single characters, 25 cents each. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. I W @)@€i0 H I2 I0 B45 6c B46 6c 4382 6c 96 EE* EB QT 5:51?-— plfl PIN, SCREW AND NAIL HEADS. L'.| 2ii@9@ @@@@c E 0 Price, 75 cents per font. ALMANAC SIGNS. 10 POINT (Long Primer) No. 1‘ Price per font, $3.50. 4 °._'5 5 6 7 8 9 I011 121314 151617 aw2mIwmx®§?®a 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 )=P3)®CO'<56’AD*$3239 10 POINT (Long Primer) No. 2 Price -per font, $2.75. 2 W Series No. 1 NI®@ C IO uu §£ 93 IOC 3 M‘ II I2 $2 2%‘; 16 POINT ALMANAC SIGNS m‘T%em3e§v.i.w§r ®@®<(‘{ (2 line Brevier) Price, 6 cents each. Series No. 2 I 2 3 4 © 3 @ Q MA LTESE CROSSES. .3100 >X<>I< 4 IOC 1 IOC 2 IOC ’ *I‘*I‘$E<>I<>I< RECIPE MARKS. 4383 10c 4379 1°C wgflmggfl 0 CHECKERS. Price per font, complete with rule, $3.00. 20202020 020 2 2 2 2 2/2/2%2% 0202é202 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. C46 60 B45 6c _¢'§ '9.‘ 5 o - ' .s§g:- gfi M?-§‘:§::>::>::>::>:§:€>:§e<>:e- =®- A . ... ... . . §§§§§é§§§§§§§§§§§§é§§§§§§§§§§é駧? 3 .-%““"¥e %‘;+--we if _ 4:? e:‘*‘§£:' "M :2‘ W ' '3" 3%: 1«:>*:“~':—.. _.—&“<:; __ ‘reed’ CELEBRATED SUPER/OR OOPPER'MlXED TYPE. ~12: ‘st sii'a"w“§h "WWW ' _w§§§§§§@§§§§§§é§§§§§§é§ , w w w W . H H . M M M M M M M M M M_§M . 4% -§1§§§§§§é§§§é§§§éé%§é.- _5@ - WW WWWWWW -set .a-_ 13’ fix.» %%%%%%%%%%%%%% ‘*1 *‘§3a§§é? »‘.?"§§‘§-Te‘: 8 § 912 W-é§W? 14¢ §1_5 5 .02?’ ' ' 8:3. W MORTISED W ffi %fl 19,114 évgfi :9!’ I1 151% 8; 15,8; 16,4; 17,4‘. Outline Garland No. 4. I2 «'90» 53» élgiét $é-:§»: 135' '§%'o 16 of W MORTISED Price per font, $2 50. Number of characters contained in font: 16; 4, 8; 5, 8; 6, 16; 7, 72; 8, 8: 9,8; 10,8; 11,8; 12, 8; 13, 8; 14, No. 1,16; ®. 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No. '13 fiv- .? 5933355’ 3 “aft 5865; 93353 ——:%---«~46 ->331 55555 3.5 I9 _ . . z 7',‘ ‘see. 3 . aaaze-«ma, 4": 1: Eiééése éééiee rs :55 ’ 5. ' C7 ?A jfiéfi E?-%§=cc-éfi éééée - . '~99:~):<)ea:<):«):a gt‘- iaaaaaaeaaa “‘ gt . .49 .. ._ 1}. ‘—’.a;¢.«= _E .’‘'s assesses?“ N‘ M N «, E \ ah? 3. # 1 €?E‘£?EI€ 1 - - u 1? ‘s: eeeeeeeee¢¢' 300a QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. § %. <2?’ 2 .02, . . gg a:«>:;:<2:<;:§:§:§::2:§:<2%§j§§::>::>:§>:§v::>::>:§:aee ®. ' ' . -3 §§é§@§§§§§§§é駧§é§§é§§§§§§§§é§§§- .g;§§§, begfi "§.'§-5% @§§§$ @?°°%% A '@%§” .. ,. 96.9 W __ ,, _0q7 _. g 5:<5s5:~5%%§§:§<>:<-& “égflg. ‘E fig 55s5:~5%%I§§§é: }% 4% -5%? zgé-é 5%. -‘.30 «ml, 1 av» §i=§-:3? 5 =aa‘%§5 gfi om 5 Garland Ornaments No. 5. ‘ ' 5% um i ééé: V 12 13 8 If (£52. .5%D 14¢ 15 16 17 -@-g -$. » W .6‘ 3‘-5%. .@ MoRT‘IsEo ®. . 5 MORTISED ®. My W) W W Price per font, $3.00 ber of characters contained in font: No. 1, 8; 2, 71; 3, 8; 4, 4; 5, 4; , , 6, ; , 36; 8,4; 9, 4: 10,4; II, 4; 12.4; 13,4; 14,4; 15,4; 16,2; 17,2; 18,4. % ' U ° uioio 0 0:9 019:0 stoic hots o 0: <0 ' §%%§§%§@%§%@§%%§§@@§% ‘.5, 555$, _ Q W :§:‘5=§°&:»3¢7-W-gag; an”-V‘? @9- . 39% 3. .p.p€-S .a- V90.“ RM _. vw 595% 5555:5555555:5% 5-5&4?‘ 550 $.05?-§.§;, '@§§§@@§§§@é@ .5 .2; 555555555553 gm Q. -=4 a n (5% w 6@§@§@@§@§§§§§ $ 55555555555 .~¢'§5<§§§§§§§§' gfl 3% .® .. §§§§@§@§§@§ 5 . -éggg WV ‘ 5-‘oz .¢(,- , _ xxx _ . W Y .1‘! Ii," . . \'\s '_$\\ 6) \'6)\°6)\'6)\' )\'O)\’6)\'0)\'6)\'6)\'O)\'6) ii) \'0)\'6)%\'0)\'b)\'0)\'6)\°6i Garland Ornaments No. 2. \ \ lb it) I 544 4”?» ééé \ go‘, 3, \6; W IO‘ 10 .1 8 9 12 18 I \ W. "5; W. I \ I \ .\01_ . ‘\. .o°‘ "'35- 61 \ll ‘ I 14 5 15 1e 17 ° \ [ U '0‘ _,,}= 5;“, '9‘ 5,’-‘ ’ MORTISED MORTISED ’ W 5 W W '\|! Price per font, $3.00 9 O D Q I p y 3 5 2 5 3 in 51 hi 5 ° 5 5 5 5 5 5 go; at‘ gr‘ '\_\v.‘ ,.»;» .~.; . 4. 142 .»..,.:.~.;-..-.:..;;. r.~\. 5554 w -\\\_\\ '/'/-/~ -A-~27‘-Q’-\-x-¢ " ~-555% 555555555555:3555555’! 55555?’ CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE’. 300b QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. ' ®WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW@ 3% @ Eg Garland Ornaments No. 6. % «'47 ,., no 3% @% non fi «s%&%~ ééé <‘:><:é- § 9 w m v? § 2;; 05 as gyg .age: 23. § cuss My xbfl Q63 °\bD éég» . . ° . . ' °.,:::° %,,° °.. ° . . Q0.“ é .,0gi;€ RRRR ED flgijg MMMMMM ED gkax, Wflxgy § mm 40.“ 2 W W O0 ‘mbfl W E? €O§\ @X1 $9 ug?Tffiff$f£§fiffi$fE:“:”*””*”””“””“&““” $3 ‘K@ m § § @ flu § @ @@m@@@@@@m@@@W@@@@@. @ Q0.“ J . Q. 0 mo €€ 5 you .5 °‘\. ‘Q .9 -‘x. 9 ” ¢~~g. «y »; , ¢~~¢. ” %'8'% "-0: CCURA 7:§" ? "-0’sUPER1o12\ my . AND CopperMIxed my zzz ‘~“gs”"W.;"~' “o“& F 94’ ‘~"~ ~"~' ‘z: . . . . . . \ W ‘°z‘.;g.*«°’ x°‘.§®,@«§.@’J ‘°\‘.s-.¢..?~" iv. W @m4kw@ % ‘ W W w go; % W W &WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWU W .\ . . ° j .1 . 2 . 3 4 5 e 7 3 0 Garland Or11amen"ts'No. 3. \:( 2; a\ w I «M N» _i-;: go; \ I 1f/- -\',‘ 4 ~91 '2 - . A K’: “I '\_\'l.‘ 3 .I_/,-5 '34}. .I_zj~f- -355). 1.’; ’_\';j “A "‘ 1. 15 “' ,7 " 5'3 -Q. -/ ’ ' \- .'\. "" ' :5 ¢ .@‘ ’®. ‘m. S? . j I6 MMMMMM so MMMMMM an ‘ " MMMMMM ED :: :3 ' ° o o ° 0 . ’ 0 -av “I “I _ ' \" 37 ° 1 Pm: p font, $3 oo. ~ 0 :2 9’ 2 ;NIl«'»%u~u~m~m~\o$§«' ‘ No. 521. No. 522 ‘% 4" F9 2% ~;§a§s§§§a e%§§§§§§§%0 §WWWWWW@ @TfleJ@@T gtmxmfiufi 9 No. 524. .~. - R v . ‘ @mm@mmm® @@@e@@‘” §wW@ywW@ gwwey @®@®®@@ fimmmmmmfi ‘ 'fi@Q> efiflfifififiififi No. 530. N03 5325 Q $%%%%%%% No. 533. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR coppsp-M/xzo -rypg, 300g QUALITY UNEQUALED FINISH UNSURPASSED. Fonts of Five Feet each, $2 00 18 POXNT BORDER Fonts of Five Feet each. $2 on 5x;%.x9.i2>'.,§s‘::9.i*22z '*,::9.@s,§s*.sa.@s§s*..s9.teams».«es§»*.::9.i@s§»*.::a.i@s,§s*::9.i@z§s*.>:9.@sfis*.s9.@s2:s*::9.@zas*.:: £2»; '0': ‘If N0 ":36 ‘«‘.)‘:‘g’ the 9555 huh‘.-.v‘ r'1‘l-'~‘€o‘§"‘*4"~‘ "§"‘*(='~*§o"§"1‘l1‘§o'§"1‘(~3‘§o‘§"‘1‘(fi ‘ (*'~‘@;‘r""*("~‘§‘,»’$"$("~‘Eo‘§" (*'~‘€o"§'*'1<(-'~*€o";"1<(='~‘ ‘V5’ - ms‘ ‘i’-5\'/"I ..-I ".‘-'3\'/"I ‘£'s=\'/"I -I "'.‘-'=\"‘| .-I ‘2s'=\'/"I ..-I '2-=\'/1 I saw: I ‘tax’/"1 ..-I ‘{'a3\'/"I ..-I ".:=\' "I ..-I ‘ass’ "I J ‘£==\'/"I J ‘ fi};r""'i-*‘*.'z*zs~.‘.~1:S".i‘2I>*.'z‘.»~.‘.4:§'.">‘r’ zis~.14:9’:i‘2}’.:3s~:4:5‘.i*2}*.'2;s*‘4-‘fi‘2}’.',a7»~,:9." "'-“":a»~.‘$:§".i~2}i'z°»~._a.‘4~"i§2;=z»*:éS".i§2,as~.$E5‘.i§2as~%"'i§2.as~:%:§*.i§% Fonts of Three Feet each, $1 65 24 POINT BORDERS Fonts or Three Feet each, $1 65 ‘ a No. 235. % 311a; 1) § E13 ‘gig § 33: 8% 3° :°° 2 Q t No. 236. ’ Sun No. 2.53 e W 3 awhehg ‘ ra).:t@.\V *®m\V «\Va¢’@ . IQ |:O 239| l0 ' Na 243 ??oé’%WWWm%< c?ac$:ci3>6£:<§bi<‘7s’*’?“s"~‘7\"“'?s"“?‘x<‘ 4--Y--Y--Y-4--$ QQQQEQQQ %§%w@§@§z§%é No. 251. N0. E3)‘ N 0. 253. ( 4 5 § § % @%MMWOM§ flm//(IV/(|\\//l|\\\§ miszexessexe Q;@@@@ X 2 at .4%@®@®@®@§\\@g\\@ ’.V&%\.“°°’€¢%R."~*”.P&%\.“"'*’.P&%\.“‘»~"?&%\.“'»°’€&%\.“=* @A&2@E :«/@3 \ . . /‘V No. \ 610 608 r¥$T°"«vK7‘ £5 x*($?3$S‘~"5 at xg\;;‘c,o{,;'};< s{g$:.<§<°a:-2% 3? m3;:;q‘y,,c;2 ‘ 3!‘ _... 35:4‘-fm $ Number of characters contained in font: No. 1. 36; 2, 54 5 8 "1 Q“ ’t\ k». ‘K 3“3€?W§ 3“i€?"1‘i€?'“‘i€ %§? ' '6 ‘f W§3“i€ W? ‘€ N W W V z:'~..£<>.@.;.. ’*.'::.L':“ .. ?*°aZ*=°aZ:-J .. ,2; O CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 3001' QUALITY UNEQUA ED. INISH N R ASS WEB OFINAMENTS. ”<'6"i9 6 15 16 \’ ® Price per font. containing one character of each, $2 00 COMBINATION ORNAMENTS NO. 12. V DELSARTES. ‘y, ill, 0 f‘ .‘ . 1 V 2 4 5 n-fix. \\“ I ‘ * 9. 4 \\ Price per font, containing two characters of each, $1 00 IJESTEFIS. Price per font, containing one character of each. $1 00. Price Del‘ font. containing 0116 Character 01' each, $1 75. Single characters, 25 cents each. Single chal‘a0tel‘S. 25 cents each- COMBINATION OFINAMENTS No. 10. I $3 I $3 Price per font, containing two characters of each, $1 25 Single characters. 20 cents each. COMBINATION ORNAMENTS NO. 11. K I I Price per font. containing one character of each, $1 25. Single characters. 25 cents each. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR CORPER_M,XED _TyPE_ 3003 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. AFRICANI, MEPHISTOS, GLIDERS, KICKERS. AFRICANI. 9 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 II 12 Per font, containing two characters of each, $2.00. Sin zle characters, 25 cents each. MEPHISTOS. I 2 3 4 5 Per font, containing two characters of each, $1.00. Single characters, 25 cents each. GLIDERS. Per font, containing one character of each. $1.50. . Single characters, 25 cents each. KICKERS. Per font, containing one character of each, $2.00. Single characters, 25 cents each. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. ’ 300k QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH u~sURPAs‘s‘Eo'. CONVINCERS. Olympics. Per font, containing one character of each, $1 50. Single characters, 25 cents each. Con vincers. 7 2 9 10 Per font, containing one character of each, $2 00 Single characters, 25 cents each. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 7 4 4'" “NR . .. : \\ 3. ‘a-."§° '1". "'- .~’ ' I '3 3' r 'l:...,..I;* .;I..,.,..|" 7 Per font, containing one character of each, 151 so Single characters, 25 cents each. Kits. 2 3 4 Per font, containing one character of each, $2.00 Single characters, 25 cents each. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. W 4 ~ - ; _. § - I 'L I 9' 0'3 7:‘ $3)!!!- 1;‘ » '«?~i(‘3«"vo9"«£9 “$32.-€*4 $5 C If MAZARIN ORNAMEN TS Patent Pending. 6 CHARACTERS. D 7 8 am 11 '4 /|\ 4;! 93%? ?*E””W9o 60 POINT MAZARIN INITIALS. '3: 0 ' 5 v.‘ 0‘ . . 0 .5 36 POINT MAZARIN INITIALS 36 POINT MAZARIN INITIALS '0 . . ‘H 3 I '. 15$ Price. 60 cents each. CELEBRA TED SUPER/OR COPPER-M/XED TYPE. 30011 QUALITY UNEQUALED, F/NISH UNSURPASSED UNIVERSAL INITIALS WITH LINE ORNAMENTS. Single Letters, one color, $0.50; two colors, $1.00. HQ‘; _. .b _ \_.. I 5‘)! \ '6‘ I’, c‘ <2‘ rs: H3 O'_ (_n_ ' ~ 4) £6 _~(.s) s,v\u3,\...gs) one 6}'\c)p.‘;;(: g)‘ u / H.‘ ocucsococ ' {ix 6:3) 9* ex »'.~ g'3t;:f‘V“fi‘_, 2 H) \t “\'.‘.I.._'_." “I-.“ F,‘ .. >‘~@@7""“mo 4? $3 1 pro ga>.£@x_»g ‘IA : ‘ Von.- 35 <9»;-,L3L.:.Ca‘IL’v)‘9;;-,(-J13 _.~~.~Ffi- K0 0 0 ”<<»>“"@°.v’,°‘$ I CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 3000 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. 3 mm .w:::; .5; 2.5.. 1_:_::; Ex? :,:.::V. .:_:.W 7u:mE.,/, om mm .238 L03 out; .5222; ‘.347, ::i: J23 73:::./. (LL CLJ ..5o van was 33 mvu . _o> .50 .wEE.u .9: - :.>w of mzou mm 3.35 L _ L L _ L L L L L 3 a t- .50 can 2:: moon mvo - Lo> .50 .uEEu we - :.>u 2: ..//:3 ma bécfim ‘*‘m____"”q> ‘W5 3.. T1 ..."..”§b U ” 71> am. 713 L I a CD —fl—< — '2 ‘"0 Q____”KI‘§L_7 LlLL_1 .1. MW - ... T_4_.4.¢LC_Q .30 saw ocsu 33 mvu - 5.» L50 JEEQ m:_ - :.>o 2: £75 ../.6 >._L:_a.m _ MXHL § 1L__ _.._ c><§; r- .15. ‘H F __ 11% , — T — , , ' . 4: <4 _ _ L _ _ _ % : ,n_ H _ p — L. _Inl we W1“ 0.0", l_unm__Q“M_ :“ :*.vu...w ‘ . H 1 »\r 59 :1). G 3. L. : \U _ W L1 \L r\\__ \L \.r0v : L _ W. _ W L I _ _ 7 T w\ T _ _ _r\ _Q W W ¢ .71‘ Hluutll \. L .._ . \_ L L Q E . _a/ want»: PE - .83 E - - two. _0 . \.II 2 \u _ L 4 : H = _ _ _ 1 . _ : I 1 r 1 L : K. . A L .0 1‘- - -‘ A .L _ _ _ _ 5 [ C EC. 38% mfiwfisn 05 atom wcfimm .mw - mmmo - ) ] 1 L xl) I \_ D 2 . 3 __ _ >9 1 _ _ “I _HH I I1 . _ /. N u 3 [L /_ L (\ C 3. W M ,_ L32 ll ‘IQ — 0/“. IN: Ill ‘ um: I E < .0 J - KC/h . _ \ 3 L. W L r ‘curl W M H J 5 _l I . . _ .D{\ D V’ (\ C a o . waa - ho wax was?» .50 .3: - aim P8 mvE>> m - 813 my L . - T. u — L I L \ \__ \_ _ s \_ t|N\ \u.r$ dwu\ %/ ( _ r c 2, _ F J 1 u. a I. . m H OHWDE m::<-'—=/°"'Tb%9@£¢%%*440=u 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 33 34 << . C.“ ,7 \ 0 + A E Logotypes. 35 36 37 38 39 40 ~ NW sw NE SE AR ._,, Leaders, one dot to an em. Leaders three dots to an em. . - u . - o o s ~ u o on 7POINT. 7 Point Roman No. 10. 1234567891o1112131415161718 +><-:—='"°rb'49@£““ "———// Leaders, one dot to an em. Leaders three dots to an em. 8POINT. 34567891o11121314 Is -=-=/'"°It»r@.£%%% 16 3 19 20 21 22 23 '24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Bh.<.A*Eu7ooOAzk.v’K 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46847 --4O——%%£7AJ_O+9D«“” Parallel Dashes. Wax» I + 17 3 32 U) Doric Fractions. % 1/1 3/1 % % 96 % Logotypes. Ques-Ans-§E§§*E’§E§°§‘§.§§£§ Leaders, one dot to an em. .--—_. Leaders, three dots to an em. QPOINT. 1 2 34567 39Io1112131415161718192o21 +><+='"°1b1#@£%%3g:»)1;_//¢ IOPOINT. 1 2 3 4 6 7 3 9 1o 11 12 13 14 15 16 +><+=\'"O“3%9@£%55C9 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3o 31 32 (‘(13 137 «B-22!-I-I-++j;A<[] 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Roman Logotypes. d>o.D"“""=l=l D.u> flfipm :;:;e‘:s'5«‘i“§é:?‘.3:”a38~2§&u‘aa€E§R°vM1s° CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 10 POINT--CONTINUED. Ionic Logotypes. Gothic Logotypes. g 3 g; 3 in ms m m m JIIIE wu Aua saw our uov use Doric Fractions. %%.%%%%% Leaders, one dot to an em. 11 POINT. 7 1o 11 12 123456 89 fb‘W@£55VB‘((¢¢¢1a C9 12 POINT. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 “ " ) / % % C03 # << Tariff Figures. Latin Antique Fractions. 1234567890 gg-34253-gg 16 POINT. Latin Antique Fractions. —i-Séfbéa 333433323’ 18 POINT. 1 2 3. 4 5 Leaders, one dot to an en. ‘ B ) ] O 0 0 0 0 0 0 Latin Antique Fractions. ‘ z3s:3.=%:.‘%§-33% 20 POINT. 1 2 8 Latin Antique Fractions. ([ %%%:i'":i’;%§%§ 24 POINT. %{ E 5 5 80 POINT. Latin Antique Fractions. [( -é--5-:‘3.-2:.‘--5’.-3% -§ 36 POINT. :5:-5%-I--3-5-§’?%% 48 POINT. 0 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. ELECTION FOR THE STATES OF ILLINOIS IOWA AND KANSAS. No. 3, 15c No. I, 6c V No. 4, 15c No. 2, 6c Cast on 18, 20 and 42 point bodies. FOR THE STATE OF INDIANA. RE P. Cast on 30 Point bodies. Price, 6c. each. FOR THE STATE OF MICHIGAN. No. 5 No. 6 D E] "Cast on 8, IO, 12 and 18 Point bodies. No. 7 No. 2 Price, 6c. cach. E The above signs, (circles excepted) if ordered in lots of 50 or more, 4 cents each; I00 or more, 3 cents. SIGNS. 10 lb. font 12 Point No. 15 (2 line Nonp.) for candidates names, $5.00 THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE These fonts contain Caps and Points only. 8 A 24 Point Extra Cond. No. 7 (4 line Nonp.) for party headings, $1.00 UNITED STATES PRESS REPORT FOR THE STATE OF OHIO. guneu, '9‘ 7,0 ‘is -\ MAILING TYPE. 10 POINT NO. 3 MAILING TYPE. Charles Henrotin 22§g Cute Polly Henoch 28§°° Sweet Molly Bawn 17§ Katherine Eccentric 18§ Maurice F Brady 2 Gertie L Schwartz 1 Nellie McCarthy § Hattie Anderson 133‘ Sep Feb Nov 03 95 95 93 94 94 9 12 95 Oscar W Seiler l2,‘_E;99 Jane Kemp ].7§96§ Mr Robert Dean 22§’96 Blanche Party 4§98 LOUISVILLE KY ,§ P O’Connor 28,§92 Mr Harry Seiler 24§97 Polly Haubold iiggg Mamie Sweeney 3_§99 g Q Roy Turner 6§'98,§ Kate O’Malley 18§95 Rev Father Dunn 27§96 eegggga H31 '16 Beatrice Bracley 4m95 The New Boy 22m97 Della Battle 2 1.IuLv95 Drivers Club 25m 96 Fred W Crooks 31 mac 98 Hazel Williams 1 4 SEP 9 2 Ellen H Hartly 16uov95 Henry Weissallus 6ocr95 § Pauline Haubold 2mg Frank Walker Frances Wynant 16mg 2uAng Mr Claude Agnew 18mg 3 Arthur Read 14mg Charles Roberts 6.Iuu£gg Willie Weary - l8wLvg Edwin Neverwork zocigg CHICAGO ILL ‘Bertha Robbins §WmRJoneston George Kingsbury 3mg 18mg 19mg §°§§§2§§§§ 4“ 10 POINT UNIFORM MAILING TYPE. CAST on UNIFORM “EN” BODY. Terrible Swede 19§‘94 James Woodbury Zsauuzg Pompadour Klinke 3§95 Frank ‘H Paulus 17auug Pete Finnigin 2:395 Sarah Bernhardt lung George F Misch 24§97 Frankie Norcott 23mg Mable R Peter 253394 Willie llulverson Zlauug Deleware Club 22§96 Henrietta Smith 27:93 llarriet B Stuwe 283392 5 John Donnelly 23mg Willie Nickerson 26§’93 Bertha llibbard 270mg ATLANTA GA Agnes.Donnell 31mg A W Rlchards 13.Iuug H°ra°° Brand 12%” Gale Richards 5mg ‘T Farmer Lee 25%“ James O’Ilearn luovg Harri“ 9°” 13395 Alice Mitchell 6.llJllE‘g Bert’ crane 273395 Jenny Petersen 314mg 5 James west’ 1:392 Kate Nash 15mg Queenie Aaron 2597 S Jack Frost 27593 MEMPHIS TENN Fred Granger 14594 Mamie Leavitt Zunnggg §Richard Ilearn 17§99 Lizzie Coyne 25mg Peter Welter 22395 Mia Kate Field 3mg FEB MAR API MAY JUNE JULT AUG SEP OCT NOV M0 M13 Rev This type is cast in fonts adapted to mailing purposes only. Roman abbreviations are made on en body, and Gothic abbreviations on em body. We make both Aldine and Clarendon for P. 0. type. wanted for P. 0. type. Parties ordering will please state whether en or em abbreviations are desired; also whether Aldine or Clarendon is About 100 pounds of mailing type is required to set rooo names. FOR PRICES SEE PAGE 4. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 302 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. ma %% B305 1*‘ I4‘ B302 %?‘5§ 46 Ifl VII Ilia 4 > !“‘-a..- nil": 63 fififi B304 A I: All; ‘F":‘iT’ +”°%+~ $5? 25% MODERN CORNERS. 24 POINT CORNERS, 25 CENTS PER SET OF FOUR. %%=%% 66 %<’79 .,4 280 24 281 24 282 24 283 24 284 24 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 28454 28 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. AGATE—-CONTINUED. N0. CTS.PER FT. 284% 28 284% 8 28 "" ‘—————§————_— 285 24 V 285% 28 lllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllIIllIllIllIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllll 285% 2 28 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 285% 28 n 286 24 286% 28 286% 28 287 28 287% 28 IlllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllIll 287% 28 k\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\U 287% %g?:4:=:=:===:::2========I=:s22:2=?=====s2;;z¢:=======22:=====:==:=:===========:==:=:r:==-it=I=::===:=:::========:::======:=:=:==:=:==r:=r===:§:% NONPAREIL. 291 28 292 28 293 28 294 28 295 28 296 28 297 28 CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPP§R'MIXED TYPE. 306 NONPAREIL--CONTINUED. NO. . CTS. PER FT. 298 28 299 28 300 28 30344 38 303% 38 : ~.-_’_.__i‘7~"~“-*:':’:_~ W E:.__- A — - ~ 304% .38 304% 34 304% I 34 305 34 305% \ 34 30534 34 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 305% 34 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 306 v A 34 306% - 34 k“\\V&“ \\\“ ‘ x \* .i‘:xi. : " 5 <~ 2 ‘0 ~ \\\\\‘ 306% 34 s\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 306% 34 YllllllllllllllllffifllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 307 34 307% 34 307% .34 307% 34 //I///////////////////I/////I///I//////////////////////// QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UN8URPASSED. EIXIONPAREIL--CoN'r1NU1-:D. NO. CTS. PER FT. 308 34 308% 34 309 34 30954 V V V V V ' V v V V ‘V3.4 310 34 31 1 34 'T 312 34 313 34 MINION. 314 32 315 32 316 , 32 317 32 318 32 319 32 BREVIEZR--CoN'r11x1u1-:13. No. crs. pen FT. 331 34 332 34 333 42 333% 42 334 42 335 42 336 42 "V""V""""""""""""""' 336% 42 336% 42 336% 42 337 42 . 337% 42 .338 42 BREVIER. 325 34 326 . 34 327 34 328 34 329 34 330 34 CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 307 LONG PRIMER. 344 40 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED LONG PRIMER--CONTINUED. NO. CTS. PER FT. 346 40 347 40 348 40 349 40 350 4 O 351 4 O 3591/4 55 359% 55 2 LINE NONPAREIL. 360 50 361 50 362 50 363 mg_ ‘WM; 364 50 CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 308 2 LINE NONPAREIL-~CoN'r1Nu1-:13. NO. crs. PER FT. 366 50 367 50 8 LINE NONPAREIL. 371 (;( a i 03 72 6 O 3 374 80 73 3 O _LL___ __ ‘ QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. LABOR-SAVI1\IG BRASS RULE. No. 215. No. 219. i No. 221. N0~ 241- No. 254. No. 256. No. 259. No. 281. |LJ| No. 282. No. 292. 2 No. 293. No. 295, ILJI C N°- 297- No. 318. No. 320. No. 330- C Labor Saving Brass Rule Nos. 215, 219 and 221 put up in 2 It Fonts @ $3 50, 4 lb Fonts @ $6 60 and 6 lb Fonts @ $9 90. “ “ “ H H “ 2 Th “ 4 1b “ $6 00 arid 6 lb “ O0. “ “ H M as to 330 “ 3 1b “ $4 50, 5 TI) “ 00 and 8 H) "‘ 20. Labor Saving Fonts cut to order from any selection of Rule shown in this Book. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 309 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. L 4 ? v— ‘:33: 2 106 __¥ #_ _ £7 _ __ Nos. 50 to 100. inclusive, 10 cents each, 101 to 109, inclusive, 15 cents each. _ CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 310 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. BRASS HEAD, COLUMN AND CROSS RULES. I HEAD RULES. No. 254, Three to Pica Body. N o. 256. Three to Pica Body- No. 259, Three to Pica Body. T , 12 inches or less, each ................................ ..$0 20 16 “‘ “ » “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 25 18 “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 30 20 “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....O35 22 “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 40 No. 280, Agate Body. No. 281, Agate Body. No. 282, Agate Body. 12 inches or less, each ................................ ..$0 25 16 “ “ “ u o - c o o c o o - u n - a - o ¢ c c o c o o O o c aooononn 18 “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......035 20 “ “ “ 000001 c o u o - n . u o v a n - o ¢ u c a u o o a - cognac 22 “ “ “ ............................ 0 45 No. 292, Nonpareil Body. No. 295, Nonpareil Body. No. 296, Nonpareil Body. 12 inches or less, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ..8O 30 16 “ “ I O I I OIIICICI I I I 0 I I I I O I I I I I I O I IIIII 18 v‘ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O I O ~ I I O I I I II I I I I O 20 “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 50 22 “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 60 1 No. 315, Minion Body. No. 318, Minion Body. No. 320, Minion Body. 12 inches or less, each ................... .. ...... 32 16 “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......040 18 ’ I C I I I I I I O I O I I I I I I I I I I I O I I I I I III II 0 48 20 “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 56 22 “ “ “ ................................ .. 0 64 No. 326, Brevier Body. No. 328. Brevier Body. 5 column folio .................. ................... .......l1!v§ inches 6 “ “ .................... .................... ..13% 7 “ “ .................................... ..15§¢ 8 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..18 9 » “ “ ............................................ “.2034 4column quarto .... ....... ...................... 8% inches 5 “ “ ...... .................................. ..1.1;§ 6 “ “ ...... .................................... ..13% 7 “ “ ..... ................................... ..15§{ 8 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...l8 No. 330, Brevier Body. 12inches or less, each...... ................. ...... ..$0 35 16 “ “ “ .......... ........... 045 18 “ “ “ .......... .................. 050 20 “ “ “ ................................ .. O60 22 “ “ “ ......... ................... 0 70 Other sizes made to order. The lengths of Regular Head Rules are as follows: CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. COLUMN RULES. IVIONPAREIL. 12 inches or less .................................................... . .80 25 13 -‘ “ .................................................... .. o 35 18 “ “ .................................................... .. 0 40 20 “ “ .................................................... .. 0 47 24 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. O 50 Each additional inch, 2 cents. MINION. 12 inches or less .................................................... “$0 32 16 “ “ u o o n o o n Q o o u n n c o u o I n o c u c o n o o s o o o c c n no u u o I u u o c o c u o c a o on. O 18 “ “ ............................. ................... 0 55 20 “ “ .................................................... .. o 60 24 “ “ ..................... .... ..................... ..o65 Each additional inch, 3 cents. BREVIER. 12inches or less...... ........ ................................... ..$0 35 16 “ “ ............................ ..................... .. 0 50 18 “ “ ........................... ......... .......... ..06() 20 “ “ . .............. ................... ............ .. 065 2% I I O O I I O IIIII I I I I I I I I O I I I O I O O I I Q I I OII I D C O I I I I O I O I I O I I II 0 Each additional inch, 4 cents. LONG PRIMER. 12inches or less ............... ......... ................. ..$0 40 16 “ IIIIIIIU I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O I I I D I I I I I O I I I I O I 4 O I I I I C I I O I II 0 18 “ I C I I I I I I O I I I I D I I I III I I I I I I I I I C Q I I I I I I I C I I I I I I I I C I I 0 I II I I I I I I I I I I I I C I I I I I IIOIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I II‘ I I I I I I I I I I I I u I II 24 “ “ ........................................... ...... .. 0 85 Each additional inch. 5 cents. Column Rules Notched for Brass Reglets, 10.cents extra. FACE MEASURE. The face measure lengths of Regular Column Rules are as follows: 5 column folio ............ ................... ........ . ..l8 inches 6 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 7 u «« ..... .... .................. u 8 “ “ ..... ..... ........... ......... "2394 “ 9 “ “ .................... ...... ............. ..25§4 “ 4 “ quarto.... ...................................... .....133»§ “ 5 “ “ ......... ................................ ...1s ~* 6 “ “ ..' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 7 “ “ ................... .................. .......21§( “ 8 “, “ ......................... ............... ..23§( ‘- BRASS CROS‘S RULES. Cut to Measure of Column. No. 215, 4 cents. No. 216, 4 cents. No. 217, 4 cents. No. 228%, 5 cents. No. 229%, 5 cents. No. 230%, 5 cents. No. 233, 5 cents. No. 241, 6 cents. No. 244, 6 cents. No. 254, 6 cents. No. 256, 6 cents. No. 257, 6 cents. For each additional column length, add 50 per cent. to above prices. When ordering Cross Rules give the number of Rule and Width of Column. QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. BRASS CIRCLES. Brass Circles Nos. 1 to 6 and 248 to 255, 60 cents each; Nos. 7 to 12 and 256 to 264, 85 cents each; Nos. 13 to 15, $1 25 each. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 312 QUALITY UNEOUAI-ED. FINISH UNSURPASSED. BRASS CIRCLES AND OVALS. BMSS 0V31S N0S- 0 t0 4. 90 cents each; Nos. 5 to 9, $1.25 each; Nos. 10 to 12, $1.50 each. Brass Circles Nos. 199 to 208, 60 cents each; Nos. 209 ' to 217, 85 cents each. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 313 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. SERIES NO. 2. $fi’95~°§3/1505:: §§;>0&§§@7§£9§@> In fonts of 34 pieces, $1.25. SERIES NO. 1. In fonts of 22 pieces, 75 cents. LOGOTYPES. 5040 150 5042 15c 5063 20c 5051 250 5064 400 5041 15c @% @% Q52//QM @?c2¢7%/c/ /a Z/Q M/% 6% 6 5060 15c 5054 20c 5066 400 5056 20c 5053 15 5058 15c C@//. 6% £22 flfl/V é /oz ¢wz:2M¢/ @/ M /émw/J §c: 5065 I50 5057 250 5062 25c 5059 350 5052 150 ya. &flfléZ'Z*é/ /92 ztaéa 7m»m/ 24/ /6/%%¢>/2&7; /59 5055 250 5048 15c 5046 20c 5047 150 5050 20c 504:5 150 5061 35c 6% Q7. @/fag /59 C67. %2%,% 5071 I50 5067 350 5069 I50 5072 150 5068 350 5070 I50 Q7. g % /89 W62. @3%z¢//%?’a% (6%. 13132 300 T3133 300 H3146 35¢ B140 350 5 W139 356 18145 350 46 B142 35c A TBI34 30c T3133 30C ~<«yz/~ r»—n_.u /7»-1/0- ((5. 5,6 2772 Logotypes marked with a T are Copyrighted by Barnhart Bros. & Spindler_ CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 314 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. ELECTROTYPED DATE LINES. Style A——5o cts. S (2% )7Zaém¢, Jam, ....................................... --/57 L Style B——6o cts. /34/om/4/cm, 5%., %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ‘jg? Style C—5o cts. ____ __»/6/7 Style D—5o cts. Sy:/4/ca/La/La, ___________________________________ "/57 Style E——6o cts. #046 ---------------------------------- -/57 Style F-75 cts. ................ _- ............. “/37” Style G——5o cts. éwm %¢% ..................... ........ “/89 Style H—6o cts. @¢&Wfi% .................................. _./89 ‘ Style I——75 cts. %mMé, ttttttttttttttttttttttttt tttttt /009 a¢}zMa% eye/,4”/1, _____________________________ J -) Style L——6o cts. jam, eflm/, .................................. --/my Style M——-50 cts. %”%%”9; 1924,. ............................... -./89 CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 315 Style N-60 cts. Cg”/2», £4, /89 Style 0-7 5 cts. @ Style T-—5o‘cts. /009 /dvfllflglél/l1l«ll£0,fl{fl’|l\/ll!/l0l<%, ...................................... __ A 8 9 Style U—6o cts. QM/Olga, éflll, ...................................... -_ .... -./189 Style V--75 cts. Wml Style Y—5o cts. Karrisgurg, g)a., ............................... -_l Style X——6o cts. fliversiae, .................................... $01/n O/F/mmlbm, zw%%aMf ‘ Style R——$1.oo. flwéz/24 /59 /69 /009 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. 489 CHECK BLANKS. B160 350 B16] 350 B171 2250 B170 250 Imlgnnmammmmlmuqmumummunmumu I . - ._-E7 \ __,_________’_______ 3. $ \\~;——-~—-———-—-——————:————-—-:——.—.._i. \_ \\ : ¥-—-———1\\\\i‘‘‘\g‘‘\\\ : “'1'-— - ' "' \ \ \ ||mI'IvII|mImImI ; \\\x<\\\“||' I!|1|l\I|||||lt|l \ ‘* \.\ \§§§.,,_ 1‘ " K "‘ «\\‘\, , _., __ N |hllIIlIIlIv|||||||:|;||lV '\“"‘” ""' « |;|1|mI||n|:II|| .\ ‘ |1|.|;|l|luuIu..|l"' lllault { «Kim \\ \\ \\\\ k I. n, B178 350 4002 41 )0 o"'c > 0... _.. 030 _ 5‘.-_-_. / )\ ! -,_—(_,»_ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJOOO 000O0g_0OO0OO0OO “--————?—————- 0 000 I 000 0000000 MW \\ ...\\ W ‘ =. ooooo - o o \v~~~--\\\»\\‘‘ \\ ‘\ d 4003 400 ... <2;/,\\g9 f . on °°°°°°°°0°. ___ \ S 0'0“ -00 ooooxcxgxu-o \\ \\,\“ \\\\\\‘\ *""\ .. ‘W’ C O I \\\-‘ \\‘\\»\\‘~ \y_ 4003 30c 4010 300 4009 30¢ 40] 1 300 4000 750 B168 750 §/:29/..»_4@ <_. J .g , ._ = __;_ ~ In ‘K’. . b ' 3208 250 a _ . \ B109 750 B175 40c 4001 750 H 1, 2 Q ‘ 1" C9‘? :o:“"_=7 ‘;-_.=-'--- V 6 <,§? 3' ' ‘ ‘W CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 316 QUALITY UNEQUALED. FINISH UNSURPASSED. A553 00 A55] 60 A549 (50 A547 60 A548 (30 A550 (SC A552 (ic A554 (50 M M-Mmwmm A558 (50 5()03 250 4908 250 A556 100 3346 30c 3842 250 3843 250 3847 300 A214 100 A57 100 5075 100 5076 100 A58 100 A215 100 A219 150 3869 500 3870 500 3882 250 3883 250 4'/// A 1//'1’/’ re A ‘ \ \,-('5' , \ ' J ‘ /Z///////4///7 3854 508 5001 300 3880 750 3881 75c, n .,‘ ‘\ .3\\\ 3880 300 CELEBRA TED SUPER/OR COPPER-M/XED TYPE. 317 QUALITY UNEQUALED, F/N/SH UNSURPA SSED ADVERTISING CUTS. A1 (Sc A2 60 B1 130 B2 (50 B3 (so B4 no A33 (Sc A3 (Bic A4 (Sc A5 60 A1; no A7 (30 B5 (Bic B6 tic lonh B12 100 B9 (;c B14 uc B15 tic B16 (Sc B17 13c B7 60 B8 uc B111 no B11 mo 1 7,/-\ V f\ A8 60 B18 150 B151 (ic B20 (Sc B21 100 B222 me B23 1110 B13 15c. B24 10c A25 60 B25 10c Li. . A19 100 A38 60 '@’@ A103 tic A166 mc A188 zznc Ann «sc A173 we A109 100 A1114 (10 A108 «ac A101 mo A119 150 A121 me A518 (ic B28 me A211 Inc fx SEAL C880 mo A187 20¢. A10 100 A200 15¢ A199 150 A327 100 A342 100 A537 100 5015) 250 A253 150. A236 150 A"97 150 ‘ kmw’ ‘fi*?t«»~~B “".";.11 = —==1":!*=== ::1;‘1I:1llI‘&fl1 .—;».’,».,'.—"" ,,, A330 151: 4739 15c, 4741 15c A477 15¢ A473 150 B3] ]()c 1330 100. A470 150 A447 250 4 \.§ }L:‘_§§ A114 300 B7] 250 CELEBRATED SUPER/OR COPPER"MlXED TYPE 318 QUALITY UNEQUALED, F/N/SH UNSURPASSED. ELECTROTYPED IMPRINTS. No. 50, 1300 No. 58, 300 M. A. PORTER, STEAM PRINTER, WARSAW, mo. M. B. KENNY. PRINTER, 200 SOUTH CLARK ST. NO. 51, 300 N0. 59, 30c HAMMOND &. HARRIMAN, ATTLEBOR0, MASS. A. F. Judd. Printer & Binder, Rockford, 111. No. 60. 30c No. 61. 30c DUNN & CO., PRINTERS, 202 SOUTH CLARK ST. sA|v|un|. Kinny, JOB prnnrnn, Mounu, u_|_. No. 62, 30c No. 63. 30c FRANZ GINDELE PRINT. 146 MONROE s'r. GAY 5., Bum-‘cows, me. nmams, M|C|-|, N0. 64, 30c No. 65, 30c GEORGE 3- STEVENS: H°L°EN- M°- a. H. DOUGLASS. WOLFSVILLE, MD. N°- 66» 300 No. 67, 50c JAMESON & MORSE, PRINTERS, 162-164 CLARK 8T., CHICAGO. H. C. TIFFANY & CO” PRWTERS’ 182 MONROE ST ' CWCAGO. NO. 68, 500 MOORE d LANGEN, PRINTERS, TERRE HAUTE, IND. No. 52, 50c SEEMAN & PETERS, PRINTERS, E. SAGINAW, MICH. No. 53, 50c ‘ NO. 69, 500 GEORGE R. STEVENS, PRINTER, HOLDEN, MO. B_ LOWENBACH & SON. NHLWAUKEE, w.s_ No. 71, 500 E No. 7:2, 500 Lee Linn, Printer & Publisher, Goshen, Ind. R. E_ DAWDSON’ PR,N.,.ER' CLAREMONT’ N_ H_ E No. 73, 50c N0. 74’ we WELLS & BRO-. WRAPPING PAPER, JOLIET- WESTERN UNION PRINT SHOP, PHILADELPHIA ELECTROTYPED SUB-HEADS. _ SURPRISESHERALD. PUBLI(N3WLIGHT. ygvengngmfigmocrat, Elna Eulttjir Eiournal. IOWA 0D1B4FELL0W- flhonbgijgzflimee. finuib 21‘ai1y+SPORTI§(:) NEWS. Kansas City Dalqiiygilotel Reporter. E9211 gllltt. The Pots. WESTERN P0EOfiRY JOURNAL. Always order by number. and do not forget to give measure of column. Price 50 cents each. ELECTROTYPED NEWSPAPER HEADINGS. one W°"ds $1-003 ‘W0 W01‘dSa 31-50 48 POINT M()NAR(‘I{ Each additional word, 40 cents. LADIES JO RNAL. 0”’ Word‘ “'00? ‘W0 Words» 551-50 48 POINT CANTON Each additional word, 40 cents. SUNDAY R CORD. CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 319 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. ELECTROTYPED NEWSPAPER HEADINGS. One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 48 AND 60 PoINT MONARCH Each additional word, 40 cents. FREEPORT STAR. One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 POINT MONARCH Each additional word, 40 cents. ERIE RUSTLER One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 AND 72 PoINT MONARCH Each additional word, 40 cents. DAILY S ORT. One word, $1.00; two words. $1.50 72 Po1NT MONARCH Each additional word. 40 cents. FRE ESS One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 - 60 POINT WEST OLD STYLE Each additional word, 40 cents. THEPUBLKE One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 72 Po1NT WEST OLD STYLE Each additional word. 40 cents REPORTER One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 72 POINT WEST OLD STYLE No. 2 Each additional word, 40 cents. TH ,. CELEBRATED SUPERIOR COPPER'MIXED TYPE. 320 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. ELECTROTYPED NEWSPAPER HEADINGS. one word. 1.00; two words, $1.50 . I 48 AND 60 POINT CANTON Each additional word, 40 cents. One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 POINT CANTON Each additional word, 40 cents.’ One Word, $1-00; tW0 Words. $1.50 60 AND 72 POINT CANTON Each additional word, 40 cents. One word. $1.00; two words. $1.50 ‘ 72 POINT LIGHTFACE CANTON V 4 Each additional word. 40 cents.‘ one word‘ 3100, two Words, 3150 H 72 PO1NT CANTON Eacli additional word, 40 cents.’ 4 One word. $1.25; two words, $2.00 96 Po1NT CANTON ' Each additional word, 65 cents PRISON CELEBRATED SUPER/OR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. 321 QUALITY UNEQUALED, FIN/SH UNSURPASSED 322 PRICE LIST. PRICE LIST. WE QUOTE MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. ACCENTS. Specimen sheet of Accents, which are cast to order only, to match our own faces, furnished on application. ADVERTISING RULES. see Pages 310 and 311. BELTING--LEATHER. WIDTH INCHES. PER FOOT. i WIDTH INCHES. PER FOOT. WIDTH INCHES. PER FOOT- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 , o 40‘ <. o 92 1% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..o16?3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OIO44‘ 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1os 1% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..o2o:3;§ ............... M052] 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..124 1% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..o24;4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "060! 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.40 :2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(l28§4% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..()h‘8 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..156 ' ~ , 2% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 0 3'-3 I 5 - - - - - - - - - - ° - - - - -- 9 76 - 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 73 Folding Steel Bodkin and Tweezers, extra fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1 00 2% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. o 36 3 5% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 84 I BODY TYPE. For prices see page 4. BOOKS FOR PRINTERS. Specimens of .lob Work, by H. G. Bishop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .842 00 Wilson’s Punctuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 50 BRACKETS. BENZINE CANS. R()I.Ll‘}lt B RA CK ETS. N0 Drinting office should be without a Patent Benzine can, affording absolute protection from fire, always liable to occur when using benzine about an oifice. G ALLEY BRACKET. PIIRLIOO SAFI BENZINE CAN. In whatever position the can may be placed whether upright, or on its side, , . Galley Brackets 8% inches long, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0 40 the Stopper 13 Semclosedv Selmockedv Case “ ’ for two cases, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 the contents securely held, and an “ “ with galley rest, as on the Boston Cabinets, per pair, 2 O0 danger avoided Roller “ for holding 6 rollers, 2 inches or less in diam., “ 0 50 ' ' ~ Screws included at above prices. Quart size only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0 75 All Brass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 00 TWXIL "MINI °AN- ' BRASS CURVES AND CLAMPS. Quart size, net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1 00 Per set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6 00 BRASS DASHES. See Specimen Pages of Brass Rule. BLANKETS. . . FE-LT_ FOR CYLINDER P“ESSES- Iuynnmu. BRASS CIRCLES, CCTAGCNS. ETC. 5'15 850- 8'15 8LANKET- TH'N- T“'°'<~ 3'15 '?"-°- 5'15 "L“““‘-T- "56- T“'°K"ES3~ Any size made to order from any face or number of Brass Rule shown in 17x21 19x20 each, $1 75 $2 75 17x21 19x20 . . . . . . . .. each, $3 00 our Specimen Book 20x25 23x24 “ 2 O0 3 25 20x25 23x24 . . . . . . . .. “ 4 25 21x27 25x25 “ L 25 3 50 21x27 25x25 . . . . . . . .. “ 4 75 24x30 28x28 “ 2 75 4 00 24x30 28x28 ....... .. “ 5 75 BRASS SPACES- 25x35 29x3{_3 “ 3 75 5 50 25x35 29x33 . . . . . . . .. “ Ii 50 ' 29x42 34x40 “ 5 oo 6 25 29x42 34x40 . . . . . . . .. “ 8 75 32x46 38x44 “ 6 50 8 75 32x46 38x44 . . . . . . . .. “ 10 so 33x50 38x47 " 7 50 9 75 33x50 38x47 . . . . . . . .. “ 11 75 36x52 42x49 ‘* 9 25 11 25 36x52 42x49 . . . . . . . .. “ 13 on 40x54 46x53 .“ 10 oo 12 25 40x54 46x53 . . . . . . . .. “ 15 00 FELT—-FOR HANI) PRESSES. For 6 column Newspaper . . . . .$3 00 For 8 column Newspaper . . . . .$5 00 “ 7 “ “ .....3 75 “ 9 “ “ .....650 BODKINS. Ten kinds of spaces. One point and one-half point. 12, 18, 24. 36 and 48 point bodies; all on the point system. 1. W000 Handle, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0 10 Price per box. net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1 ()0 BRASS LABEL HOLDER. 18 Point Clifton. B. B. & S. Coppexwlylixeel. These holders improve the appearance of the Office; Obvitttfl M1 liability of the labels dropping ofi; facilitate in the selection of lines; save time, labor and patience in both composition and distribution. _ . r Price, per hundred, 1X01/2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$.2 7.; 6 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..per 1b., $1 no 111 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..per lb., $1 50 3 H “ 1 so 12 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 1 40 Brass leaders can be made to line with any desired face of type. Send a lower case “ n1 " for sample. . . . - . - . . . . . . - . n . u BRASS LEADS AND SLUGS. C T CUT COLUMN ‘JEASURE. LABOR-SAVIN 0 12 to pica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..perlb., $1 on . . . . . . . . . . ..per 1b., $1 50 10 to pica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ H on . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 1 50 8 to pica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ (1 H11 . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 1 2:’) (1 to pica 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 11 75 . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 1 25 Nonpareil and thicker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 0 75 . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 1 00 BRASS OVALS. OUTSIDE MEASURE. No.1.-—-11/4 x '7/1 . . . . . . . . . . ..$o 911 No. 7.—:: 11-16x1% . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1 25 “ :2.—-159’ Xl l-l(i . . . . . . . .. (l 911 “ S.-3 X21-lti . . . . . . . . .. 1 25 “ 3.1--~1 11-11; x11/g . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 an “ 9.~31/4 xzyg . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 25 “ 4.---1:2 xwg . . . . . . . . . . .. o no " 111.»-11% :2 7-16 . . . . . . . . .. 1 so “ 5.—2;«g x1 7-11; . . . . . . . .. 25 “ 11.----3 1.3-1(ix2% . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 so “ 1;.--«21,§ x] 11-16 . . . . . . .. 1 25 “ 1;2.—-4 5-16 X215-16 . . . . . . . .. 1 so Larger sizes made to order from au_v face or number of Brass Rule in our Specimen Book. BRASS RULE. See Specimen Pages of Brass Rule. BRONZES. Rich Gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..per oz.. $1) 20 to $0 50 Pale Gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 0 20 t-O 0 50 Silver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 0 25 t0 0 50 Pound Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 25 to 6 00 All shades furnished to order. B1<:.\'z11\'n BRUSH. Benzine Brush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...$o 40 1“, |.'1i ‘ I1‘c’;'1'l11-11’~.1’ .1 1 . LYE BRUSH. Small, ’l‘a1npico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0 40 Large, Tampico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 50 Small, all Bristle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 50 Large, " “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 75 BRONZING BAD. This new invention puts all others in the shade. It receives the bronze in the top and de- livers it through valves in the center of the fur at bottom, passing through a sieve before reach- ing the paper. The quantity of bronze used can be regulated by the thutnb-screw at the. end of the pad. After filling, the pad is closed, so that no bronze escapes except tlirough the bottom. It is of convenient size and very light. By its use a large per cent. of the bronze genera.ll_v wasted is saved, as the Elm (.‘i,t»y feeds only as fast as wanted, an(l just where _von want it on the work, and not allover the table. You can keep a record of the number of pounds put in for certain work, thus knowing what each job costs for bronze. Price for large size, 21/zgxt; inches . . . . . . . . . . .$2 50 Round Bronzer, for light work . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 50 BODY TYPE. For prices of Body Type, see page 4 CABINETS. DOUBLE POLIIEM US CABINET-—-l«‘1tox'r VIEW. Showing Sort Drawers, Galley 'l‘op and Job Cases. We also furnish these Cabinets with Galley Cabinet instead of Sort Drawers, if preferred, at the same price. .,,.,.‘.- , ‘ _ _ _‘V_ _w‘ W’ X‘ "ill! ‘ W‘ -' _ 1! x‘ 1 " 1’ 11311.1 . 2 1 ‘ 1 fr . Vv." ‘I . 131.11 1‘ '1 <1 1* | i it 1 1].‘ :J"311I1' 9 % '15 1: Ig|!|l;M! M 1' .11 1 1'1 l)o1f111.1«; l’o1.11r;.\11.'s (,7ABl.\‘l<2'.l‘—~~~BA(‘K Vucw. Showing arrangenieiit of News (‘ases o11 our l’a.te.nt 'l‘iltintr B1'a1ckBtS» allowing compositor to work without interruption. 111111 to enlpty his stick without leaviilg his case. Single l’olhen1us Cabinet. with is full size .lob Cases. 1 pair News Cases. Galle_v Top and Hamilton's l’atent 'l‘ilt.ing Brackets . . . . . “$35 00 Double l’olhenn1s (‘.abinet.. with 18 full size 11.1111 211 Job (‘asetsu ‘-3 pairs News Cases, (lallev Top. Galley (labinet or Sort Drawers and l—lan1ilton’s Patent Tilting Brackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 75 ()0 Boxing, Single (3a.bi11et.s, $1 so; Double Cabinets, $2.’ so. These (‘abi11et.s are built in the best manner. and nit-el_v finished. The prices quoted above. are for ash (antique oak finish) or hardwood (cl.er1_v finish) both being beautiful and durable. If desired we make tliein Ito , ,. . 1 a V ,1 v u .1 : _ order in walnut or cherry, at 15 per cent. .1dV.1me on abox L piiu s. ( 1 )1 nets are made. flush with the floor to 1-l1‘0Vt‘1lt~ “1Ji" t-"HUN-' 1l1“““"““‘”‘- 324 PRICE LIST. CABINETS. CABINETS. ~%.—_.~—-——_.» mu:a:uu1u1t 4, :—..._§_‘ R‘ ‘*——§__.__&_ - .. ‘ iii Bl{A(‘|\' 1-:1‘ CABIN-l<)'l‘. "I ,,LV«’/I/in A ‘ HARDWOOD. CHERRY oR WALNUT.. .Eli%!i\|!i!‘\i§\\ |ii* i _ R 1:Z“‘iT“’"“‘??“"‘::::;.:;::::::;:::..;:::i::;::::*iii§1:1::':::::::::::::$i§Ziiii ”' 18 full “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31; on . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 oo 1 u v i ' Y ‘ ' ‘ ‘ vvlsumslx VVIMKN 'AB“\h1' Boxing $1 50. Brackets, if sold separzlte, $2 on per pair. Spocizt11_vdesig:ned for plztcing in front of zt window. as 1t does‘not obstruct the light. of which the cases on top get the full l)e11(»t1t. '1 wo men may work undisturbed at the sides. while the Job cases in front :_1re convenient for other men. The top is fiat. and is useiul for holding: tied up type. ‘ Cabinet with 18 full sized cases, 2 pairs news cases on top . . . . . . . . ..$:m no D’,E?“’1‘he prices given include the Brackets, but not the cases on top. \ " Em INK AN!) ROLLER CABINET. ' , , «-9, No. 1. with shelves for ink, bruyer and slab. racks for 12 rollers. . . .83 H at: so -) tn nu my in in in ii uu . I '-i 3, ~- " " " " " “ 36 " .. . 13 ()0 ---s Wool) TY P142 CAn1.\'J«:'r wrru (}Al.l.E.Y 'l‘o1’. Made in two sizes. Very subst.:1ntiu.11,v constructed of hardwood zmtiqm-i finish. The cases are slotted o11 the sides, andhztveinovnble strips which m:1_v be zidjustod to pious. 1:2 (.‘:1scs, 2:;x:£'.2 inchcs....l<‘1:1ttop$2o on (.;.;11]e_V 101) 3:33 (M Boxing $1 (:0 ](i “ ;2:sx:i2 “ “ :25 no *- 23 on “ 1 25 2o H '.1Zix2£:.’ “ “ rm no “ 33 on “ I so (‘,Asi«: mm B1.\'m+:us’ (YA1;1:\'I~:'1‘. 1:: “ :_’Iix-H “ “ 25 on “ 2:4 no “ 1 so , _ H; “ 233x44 " “ 3:: on ‘* 31; on “ 1 7:, cs (‘.us<.-s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-$ 2-. H0 2“ .. fix“ .. .. 4” H“ .. 45 00 .. J 00 1o “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1:2 on _V__»_“_ 15 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14; so VVUOJ) '1‘\'r1«; CASE No. 3. ()L]](~,1‘Si?.(‘B to order. Boxing $0 75 All our VVo()(l 'l‘ype (‘uses have slotted sides, which can be adjusted '.i‘11ese(‘:1i)i11et.s are niztda of the best from one pic“ mm,m.dS_ sezisoned ciim-1-y. highly polished. and the ('.:lH(‘.‘3 are o1'n:1n1ente<'i with bronze BooK1s1Nn.mts CABl1\'E'I‘. wmdlug rm“, (.a.._w% “H. mqm. in ex, 2. 2:—€x:i2,‘/3,’ “ can be put in any regular stand. and ::ives 2:24 1 4.. . , L 4 ,1 (V » . . .lCt1V the gunle gltvlp “S I)1uint‘\1-S9 U-lqvg Vlqlese (ya/‘billets 0ccu1)‘v (1 81,110“ S(l1H1]‘(“v 1li(:}l(’S .“.l(.‘i'(‘ Sl):l(7(5 thilll NO. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ( ' .1 |— '.' ‘ .' s ( L A . , n . . A. I I of -.zox2o iiiciws, um] nmy be put on or under :1. bench. “ :4. :z‘:x 14 inches, :.’,‘1VUS ‘.276s(11’1:n'e11')(éi1(%Sn1()I‘eSp:l(9e than No. 2.. l 1.0 No. 1. l(ix1"»‘.‘:}/:{ill(‘i1('S,SiZ(' of re,-;ru1urc:lse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1 ()0 ts’ 00 Printing Press Manufg. new .......¢.;§; Co... (I. A. C0l.|.0|!l). Manager New York Office, 9-I0 Tribune Building. - \ F THE nlsmrcn. Double and Single Feed. The best Flat Bed Newspaper Press made. 2500 to 3300 per hour. i. Nashville. Tenn. BARNHART BROS. 8 SPINDLER. Gentlemen:~We are glad to respond to your 2 I request for our opinion of the Optimus press i; which we bought of you February. '95. We ‘ have so far found that it is all you claimed for it. It has been in constant use since we put it in. on fine book and cut work. The past three months it has been running from ten to fifteen _ " ‘ hours per day on a fine hardware catalogue. " ' containing three or more cuts on each page. and it has done the work in a highly satisfacr We have no trouble whatever in ____,....—-» tory manner. operating and have spent nothing for repairs. This gives the press a pretty good record. Yours very truly. MARSHALL E. BRUCE CO. points. ‘‘‘j/ ,, OPTIMUS. Fast as the fastest, more rigid, more good Best delivery ever made. THE Register. *v/e?.o‘»1 +4‘ * Catalogue sent on application. .——.— "“"' """"“""‘-\- ,, _ ..... rm: ..mui..i.i; A splendid Table Distribution Drum Cyl- inder Press. In every way equal to the best. Findlay. Ohio. BARNI-{ART BROS. 8 SPINDLER. Gentlemenr---We have your letter of the 12th inst.. and very cheerfully testify to the good qualities of the Babcock Dispatch Press. It has given us the most perfect satisfaction and has qualities that are not found in any other flat bed press. We have never had a moment's trouble with it from the time it was set up in our office. and it does its work well on all occasions. There is no press that I can think of that so well answers the purpose of a daily newspaper in a city of 20.000 people. I make this statement freely and cheerfully. Yours respectfully. H. P. CROUSE. The Findlay Republican. Perfect A desirable all round -Rack and Screw Press. equal in distribution to most three roller machines. BRANCHES: Minnesota Type Foundry Co., St. Paul, Minn. tireat Western Type Foundry, Ilansas City.’ Mo. St. Louis Prhrters Supply ()o., W St. Louis, Mo. Great Western Type Foundry, Omaha, Neb. + fiatalogue sent on application. Tl=lE couNrnv. A beautiful Press adapted to large or small country offices. Size, Six Column Quarto Speed. I500 per hour. Barnhart Bros. 8 Spindler (ieneral Western Agents I83 to I87 Monroe Street. CHIGAGO TELEGRAPH CODE. The Telegraph Code herewith given will be found Very convenient and economical to our customers who have occasion to wire for type. For example: a patron desiring us to ship 1 font of lzpoint Poster Ionic. 3 fonts 9 point Condensed No. 1 and :2 fonts 18 point Lightface No. .3. would wire It should be understood that as follows: this code applys only to type shown in this Specimen Book. WEIGHTS. l BODY TYPE. Deck . 25 pounds Desk.. ..1:')0 ])Ol1ll(l.\‘ Dray.. . .27.’) pounds ggke ...:);’oi11t. No. : .. 3l’oint .\'o. ]B3o§om 99Poi‘nt O‘.vS. e 50 "' Deter....175 " Dress ...300 " ITS -- 0 2 " " " “ I 0 any. A ‘ ‘ gegtfr . 75 ~ Ditch....200 Drip.. ...40o 83? 5‘/2 ". 1‘? -9 “ ' 39 Bout . .10 Point Old Style ‘ 1 Basin 1% *' lb ..10 -' ' 3 Brag...10 -- O. S. Iwo. 9,” Delta .100 ; Doll .....225 1 Duchy. .500 ‘ Bask 6 .. 10 __10 . 4 Bravam H __ “ 20- Dent 125 l Dove.. ..250 ! Duly ....1000 ‘ Baste _6 u - 12 ___]() - 10 Brakejo .¢ .. H 40 ‘ lgath ~ . ~ lircagdufi ~ 9 a on . - . - r1 e.. FONTS. Battle .6 ° 16 ..11 3 llr1g...11 20 J3awb1e.6 -- 30 ..11 4 . ghtll ~ ~ 40 Bridle..1 Font ‘ Brute..s’) Fonts . Build.. 9 Fonts waggvdln 1:3 llrlsk 9 Brim .. .2 --' » Bucks..6 ~~ . Crush..10 “ 1 "'. , , " _' . ’ "‘"‘ _ __ _ __ . Broom--3 I Busw~7 Cuba -~11 32§%§‘:.'.'% . if .13. . “fl Jififiioielé -. .. £8 BTOW---4 " I B11319--8 ~ Cured--12 .Beard...7 - 16 .12 ' 4 i!unt.. 6 -- txerman Bears . . .7 -‘ 24 ..12 - 1.3 I Burden 6 - No. Jleauty .7 “ ~- 30 ..14 - 2 Ilurial. 7 - POINTS " " :2 ?i“m€“3 . a.... --* ...) ~ (a._\'(‘ .urs.. Arson. I’oint:- , Avoid..11 Point . Awhile.30 Point :;eg‘_et "- L ,_ .1 us 0 lsushn 9 No, 2 A81“ —~ jfi . AV°".V--12 " ; Awnmgr “ i:§§t“:::.. .. ~. 1;. ~ . -. 3:: iéfiiiii-T13 .\'o 2 Atlas-~ " l AWa'1td']1(4 ‘ fix%°‘1n":§ Before. 8 ‘~ * 24 .. 7 - 0 Butt...11 Atom”, 7 '~' ; Awar .5 1 x e . Behold .8 *- - 30 .. 8 Button12 Atop... 8 ‘~ 1 AWay..18 " % Axle....60 iawble.6 '- ' 30 .. 8 9 Buzz ..14 Audit. 9 E Awfu1..20 -- I Azure. . .72 _;en1(iiI.1. . .3 .: : 9 _ *2: . -ii; Bylawix Avert..10 ‘ 1 Awake 24 -- - Axis ...96 -~ jgerthn-_--9 _‘ __ 16 ‘-9 9. J OB T Y P E . Aback..Ac1ne Cider -.(‘1&t1€l1dUll Extra Cond. Gable ..Ge1-man Title I Made ...\lailing Type Scrap ..Slope Gothic No. 30 Aiding.Acme Open Clad. ..C1aI‘- 1‘3>«'U’8~ (‘OWL N0- 2 I Gain.. . .(ie1-1l11a11NTitfie (‘UIHL l 1\1&ag‘ic..Mailing Type No. 3 Seam ..Slope Gothic No. 31 Abaft.. .Ac1ne Title Cleave.Cleft. Gothic f Gala... .Got lit‘. o. g aize. .Maltese Se f... ..Solar Abate..Aldine Client. .Clen1at;is Gang. . .Gothic No. : Manna.Maltese Open Settle . .Spenesr Abbey,, Anchor Cling ..Clifton Garb ..Gothic No. 6 ' Mantle Mayo Send ..Standard Scri pt _Abbot..Ang'l() Clime ..Climax Gape ..(—}otl1ic No. 0 9 Marginlllenu Senate.Statione1-s Text Abet....Anglo Initial Cloud ..Colg‘ate ,‘ Garter..Gothic (‘0nden.\ctl No. I Marine Menu No. 1 Sense ..Steel Plate Abhor..Angular Coax ..(,‘oncave , Gave ..Got«hic Condensed N0. 3 Martin.Menu No. 2 Serge ..Steel Plate Text. Abide..Antique No. 3 Cof‘fee..Capital Ornanients ; Gift... ..Gothic Condensetf~'No. 4 Marvel Menu No. 3 Shad . .Ste1-ling- Abed...Antique No. 6 C0lder..Comb. Ornaments No. 7 l Gild. ..Gothic Condensed No. 5 MarandMidway Midgets No. 1 Shape..Sturdy Alert. ..Antique No. 8 Comn1it(‘o1nb. Ornaments No. 8 Glad.. . .Gothic Condensed No. 6 Marble Midway Midgets No. 2 Shine ..Superio1- Ab°ut_.Antique (}(,m19,,,-94 confer_.(‘.mnb. Series No. 2 5 Glass...Gothic Condensed No. 7 Mare. ..Modern Antique Sl0pe...Sylvan '1‘ext Above..Antique Cond. No. 2 Corset..(‘o1nb. Series No. 3 Glen.. ..Gothic Extra Cond. Mark. ..Modern l<‘raktur Tabby .'l‘asso Abuse..Antique (fond. No. :3 . Concur.Co1nposite Cond. J Glove ..Got.hic Italic No. 1 Mash ..M.onarch Table ..Tasso No. 2 Abuts. .A11ti(111e Ext‘d. No. 2 Crab... .(‘ondensed No. 1 Goad. . . Gothic Italic No. 2 Match .Monastic Condens ed Talk. ..Teuton Black AbyB3__Amjque 1.;xt*d, _\‘u_ 3 Crash ..(‘ondensed No. 3 ‘ Gone. . .Grace Script MatronMoonies ‘ Tally.. .Teuton Extended Ache . . . Antique Ext’d. No. I» ; Crony. .Condensed No. 4 Gong. ..Grant No. 2 Maul. ..Moo1-ish =; Tansy..Teutonic Acorn. .Antique l£xt’d. No. 6 ; Cubic ..Condensed Aldine Grotto..Grotesque Gothic Mead ..)/loorish Open : Taps....'l‘itle No. 2 Act-,ed..Antique Pointed ‘ Cuff .. ..Condensed Elzevir ‘ I-Iail.. ..}landy Border , Molar. .Myrtle Script { Tardy..Title No. 3 Actor ..Ant.ler f Curb . . .Condensed Facade ' Harp.. .Hazel Script f Nabob .Nor-man Condern ed » Tart. ..Title Expanded Acute . . Arcade ' Curl.. ..Condensed Old st_v.e K Heap. . . Hazlett Script Q Nabs. . .Normanesque ’ Task. . .Title Italic Adam..Arcade No. 1 Curling.(‘ongo E I-Ieartulleyer I Neck. . . Number 8 r Tear.. . .Trento11 Add1e,_A1-cher Curve. .t‘orean ? Holly ..liuron Oared. .()blique Gothic Tenet . .'l'roy Adieu ..A1-gus CuppedCrown ; Ibex.. . .lnclined Lining tlotllic Oath . ..Occiuent No. 2 Toast . .Tudor Admit . Armenian » Custom .Cupids f Idle .. ..ln. Lin. Gothic No. 4 Obey. . .Occident Sha-.ie.l ? &‘oilet..Two Line No. 5 Adorn .Arn1enian Ext‘d. ' Dally . .Dakota ' Inlet... .ln. Lin. Gothic No. .3 . Occur . .Old Style Trench.Two Line No. 6 Afar,_ . .A1-t Ornaments » Dame ..Dante Insect..ln. Lin. Gothic No. 0 1 Ocean. .Old Style No. 3 Ugly. . . Umbra Ag~ed...Artistic Script. 1 Dandy.l)arkt-own Nine ; Inch.. ..ln. Lin. Gothic No. 7 1 Odd .. ..()ld Style No. 4 Ultra .. Universal Ague. . .Art Strokes No. l = Daring'.Dearborn 1 Itch . . . .1onic 5 Odor . ..Old Style Antique - Uncle ..Universal Initial Angry .Art Strokes No. 2 . Darn. . .Dearborn Initial T Jerk. ..Jewel Script 1 Ogle. . ..()ld Style Cond. No. L‘ Undo...Utility Gothic Alias. . .A.ste1'0i(l Data....Dotted Jewel. .Ji1n Crows Often...()ld Style Expmided Unbolt.Uti1ity Gothic No. 1 Alone. . Astoria ; Daze... .I)oric J'0int.. .Jun1bo j gmit . “(aid Sty]: Italic A gnbornUtilit-y Gothic No. 2 Astray.Avo11 ; Delve. .Dormer 3 Label ..Lakeside Script ; nset --t in mm . ncorkUtility Gothic No. 3 Badge..Bikes I Each. . .Eclipse ~ Lace ..Lakeside No. 2 Once . ..Olive ; Uncurl.Utility Gothic No. 11 Baby ..Bisque No. 2 3 Eager. .Eclipse Shaded Lady ..Landseer 0I11Y-- - -grbit E Under. .Utility Gothic No. 12 Bald. ..Black Condensed .\'o. .‘ . Early ..Eg‘yptian Extended Lags....LaSalle . Pace . . . all-‘$3’ , Undid. . Utility Gothic No. 13 Ballot. .Boldfac8 ; Earn. ..Egyptian Extra Cond. Land. . . Latin No. 2 Paddle-P&I1t8bg'I'&lJl1 ‘Unfit. ..Utility Gothic No. 14 Bands..Boldface Italic i Earth. .Elit.e Lasso. . Latin Antique Pads . . .l’eerless ; Valia. . . Van Dyke Bank. . .Border, 3 point Eat... ..Elite Orn. Series 4 Lake ..Latin Condensed Paid.. . .Pen Text j V_31ve,,Veneti;m Book . . .Border, 6 point i Ebbs . . . Elite Orn. Series Lark ..Latin Poster Pale.. ..Poz-ster Black . Vapor. , Victor Borax..Border, 12 point E Ebon...Elzevir Last ..Lattice Panel ..1’0ster Ionic f Vary. ..Vincent Brads. .Border, 18 point : Echo ..E1zevir Italic Later ..Laurel Pang's..l’oster Old St)’ 18 ‘ Vulg'ar.Vulcan Brick . . Border, 24 point a Edible .Elziver Title Lawn. .Law Italic Panic . .1"0-Ste!‘ ROIIIBJI 1 Wafer..Wave Ornaments Brine ..Border, 36 point ‘ Eden. ..E1nerald No. 3 Lazy . . . Legal Italic Pants . .I~’remier Script '1 ‘Wan. . .W. Lin. Gothic No. 23 Broth. .Brevet 1 Edge. . . Empire Leaps..Light Angular Paper. .1’l'f31l1iel' N0-_2 Wafle. .West Lining Gothic Bubby ..Brgad 1l;'::dict...El‘a 0 fieftd . .Eig‘ll1‘fi'ace 11:11 o. : £ieI(1)a.1I11- l'}110:;‘S SW11)‘ ‘V7VVag‘er.Vv$est Style V 6 Cabin ..Ca met 1 _ .. ‘ra pen en .. ig ‘ace 0. c .. 1-inc on 1 a on es .‘ty e . o. 2 Cage . . .Cable Edit. ..Exl39~“ded N°- 3 Leper..Lighti'ace Antique Prate. ..1’rotean 0I'1l8«Ille1lt»' Walgk ..Wedge Gothic Ca1ico..Cadence , Enact. .Ethlc Leased Lightface Canton Raft. ..Racine ' Wallet. Whipple Call. .. ..Caledonia_n , Evade..Extra Condensed No. 6 Less.. ..Lightl'ace Celtic Rags. . .R.acine Circular ’ Walnutwide Black Caller. .Calig'rapli No. 2 False. .Fair Levy. ..Lig'htface Challenge Raid... .Radial Italic Warn . .Wide Germania candy ,ca,1umet 1 Falter. .Fair Open Ledge..Lightface Era Rant . . .Record Wax-ty.Wide Lining Gothic Cannot..Canton Fancy..Fanchon Lilac. . .Lightface Gothic Rate.. ..l{emington Watch.W. Lin. Gothic No. 20 Claret..Canton Open Farce ..Florette Border Lily ....Lightface Lat. Antique Ratio. . .ltococo Border ; Wavy..W. Lin. Gothic N o. 21 canal ._(}ap;-ice 1 Fatal.. .Florist l Link . ..Lightface Lyric Sable. - -Schwllb-‘whet’ _l 'W'aist..W. Lin. Gothic No. 22 Carrot..Castle { Fear....Freak E Lion. . . .Lig‘ht.t‘ace Runic Safe . ..Sentry 1 Waive.Wiue Spencer Carts. . .Celtic No. 1 Feast ..French Antique Ext’d. Lisp.. ..Light Modern Sand . . .Skeleton Ant. No. 5 ‘ Wakenwiue leerless Catnip..Challenge I Fever..l<‘rench Clarendon Liver ..Lining Gothic Satan ..Sl0pe G0thi0 E Weary.Wurd Ornaments No. 1 Cease ..Champi0n % F1at.. . .French Old Style Load. ..Lining’ Gothic No. 19 Satyr ..Sl0pe Gothic N0. 24 - Weave.Word Ornaments No. 2 Center..Charter i Frost. . . Fullface Local. . .Lining Gothic No. 18 Savor . .Slope Gothic No. 25 Weedy Word Ornaments No. 3 Cliff .. . .Chleklets Galley. Gem Ornaments No. 1 Logic ..Lining' Gothic No. 17 Scan.. . .Slope Gothic No. 26 Wench Word Ornaments No. 4 Chant. .Circlet 3 Gallop.Gem Ornaments No. 2 Lone. . .Lining Gothic No. 16 Scoop ..Slope Gothic No. 27 . Whale.Wo1'd ()rna1nents No. 5 Chary..Circular Gothic ; GambleG-em Ornaments No. 3 Long. . .Lining Gothic No. 15 Scope . .Sl0pe Gothic N0. 28 ‘ Whist .Worth Cheer . .Clarendon 1 GanderG-em Ornaments No. 4 Lord'.. . .Lyric Scour ..Slope Gothic No. 29 Yawl . .Yale Chinks.Clarendon Cond. ‘ - } l i CELEBRA TED SUPER/OR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. l 3212 "Express (or freight. as the case may be) Bridle. Avow. Panel: Broom. Audit. Crab: Brim. A way. Lend." QUALITY UNEQUALED, FINISH UNSURPASSED. . PAGE Accents. Piece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 Acme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .234 Acme Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..191 Acme Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..,190 Advertising Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..318 Aldine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 62 Aldine, Condensed . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 63 Almanac Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300 Anchor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..247 Anglo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250, 251 Anglo Initials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250, 251 Angular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 Angular. Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..245 Antique Condensed . . . . . . . . . . . . .106 Antique Condensed No. 2 . . . . . . .109 Antique Condensed No. 5 . . . . . ..108 Antique Extended No. 2 . . . . . . . .1 10 Antique Extended No. 3 . . . . . . . .1 10 Antique Extended No. 5 . . . . . . . . 111 Antique Extended No. 6 . . . . . . ..111 Antique, Latin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105 Antique, Lightface . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 Antique, Modern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 13 Antique No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 101 Antique No. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 Antique No. 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..112 Antique. Old Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 93 Antique Pointed . . . . . . .._ . . . . . . . ..10.3 Antique. Skeleton No. 5 . . . . . . ..107 Antler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222 Arcade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..213 Archer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..214 Argus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..224 Armenian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .246 Armenian Extended . . . . . . . . . . ..246 Artistic Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .269 Art Ornaments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .285 Art Strokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289 Asteroid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223 Astoria . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....178. 179 Avon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..152 Bikes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..298 Bisque No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160. 161 Black Condensed No. 5 . . . . . . . . .282 Body Type. 5 point . . . . . . . . . ..16. 24 Body Type. 5% point . . . . ..16. 24. 46 Body Type. 6 point. . . .17, 18. 25. 26 27. 46. 47. 50, 51. 69, 72. 76. 78 81 Body Type. point. . . . 18, 19. 20. 28 29. 30. 31. 46, 47, 50. 51. 72 Body Type. 8 point... .20, 21, 22. 32 33. 34, 35, 46. 48. 50 52. 69, 73, 76, 78. 81 9 point. . . .22, 23. 36. 37 ' . 82 . . . 40 49. 53, 70, 74, 77, 79. 82 11 point. ..41, 42, 49. 53 Body Type. Body Type. Body Type. 70, 74, 80. 83 Body Type. 12 point. ..43, 44. 71, 75 77, 80 . 83 Body Type, 14 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Body Type, 16 point . . . . . . . . 64 Body Type. 18 point . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 68 Body Type. 20 point . . . . . ..64. 68 Body Type. 24 point . . . . . . . . ..64. 68 Body Type. 30 point . . . . . . . . ..64, 68 Body Type. 48 point . . . . . . . . ..64. 68 Body Type, German . . . . . ..270—-275 Body Type Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 ‘Boldface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54 Boldface Italic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54 Borders. 3 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..291 Borders. 6 point.. . . .291—293. 300b Borders. 10 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..293 Borders. 12 point . . . .293——295, 3001) Borders. 18 point. . . .296, 300b, 3000 Borders. 24 point. . . . .296. 297. 3000 Borders 36 point . . . . . . . . ..297, 300d Borders, 48 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300d Border. Florette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..290 Border. Handy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..290 Borders. Leaflet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..290 Border. Rococo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289 Brass Circles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312, 313 Brass Dashes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .310 Brass Ovals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..313 Brass Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..304-308 Brevet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .238 Broad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..153 Brownies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..299 Cabinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 came. . .,,.»,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221 Cadence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..260 Caledonian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 98 Caligraph No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..253 Calumet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..242 Canton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148, 149 Canton, Lightface . . . . . . . . ..156. 157 Canton Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..150, 151 Caprice . . . . . . . . . . . ts. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..203 Capital Ornaments . . . . . . . . . . . . ..286 Castle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..217 Catch Words. Modern . . . . . . . . . ..314 Celtic No 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Celtic. Lightface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..166 Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1 Challenge, Lightface . . . . . . . . . . ..210 C ..1ampion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207 Charter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 (‘liieckers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 Check Blanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .316 Chickiets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..298 Circular Gothic . . . . . . . . . . . ..125, 259 Circlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..221 Clarendon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 95 CELEBRA TED SUPERIOR COPPER°MIXED TYPE. 1 INDEX. PAGE Clarendon Condensed . . . . . . . . . .. 96 Clarendon Extra Condensed. . .. 97 Clarendon, French-. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 119 Cleft Gothic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .243 Clematis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Clifton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 74 Climax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Colgate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 Column Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 Composite Condensed . . . . . . . . . . .282 Combination Ornaments No. 2.284 Combination Ornaments No. 3.284 Combination Ornaments No. 7.287 Combination Ornaments No. 8.287 Combination No. 9 . . . . . . . . . . . .300d Concave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 17 Condensed Aldine . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 63 Condensed, Antique . . . . . . . . . . . ..106 Condensed, Clarendon . . . . . . . .. 96 Condensed Elzevir . . . . . . . . . . . . ..163 Condensed, Facade . . . . . . . . . . . ..164 Condensed, Latin . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 114 Condensed. Monastic . . . . . . . . . ..167 Condensed Norman . . . . . . . . . . ..165 Condensed No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 58 Condensed No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 58 Condensed No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 59 Condensed Old Style . . . . . . . . . . .. 90 Congo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..200 Convincers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..30()e Corean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 Corners, Modern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .303 Cross Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..311 Crown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..237 Cupids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .298 Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248 Dante . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..216 Darktown Nine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..298 Date Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .315 Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252 I)earborn Initials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 oric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 99 Dormer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..236 Dotted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..226 Eclipse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..220 ' Eclipse Shaded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220 Egyptian Extended . . . . . . . . . . . ..121 Egyptian Extra Condensed . . . .. 120 Election Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..302 Elite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..230 Elite Ornaments N o. 4 . . . . . . . . . .283 Elite Ornaments No. 5 . . . . . . . . . .283 Elzevir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76, 77, 162 Elzevir, Condensed . . . . . . . . . . . . .163 Elzevir Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 154, 155 Embellishers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289 Emerald No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212 Empire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223 Era ........................ ..182, 183 Era. Lightface . . . . . . . . . . . . ..181. 258 Era Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 184 Ethic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Expanded No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 56 Expanded. Old Style . . . . . . . . . . .. 92 Expanded. Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Explanation Point System . . . .. 4 Extra Condensed No. 6 . . . . . . . .. 60 Extra Condensed. Clarendon. .. 97 Extra Condensed, Gothic . . . . . . .138 Facade Condensed . . . . . . . . . . . . ..164 Fair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..192 Fair Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Fanchon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224 Fifteenth Centux-y.. . .. .. . . . 188d Fine Dot Leaders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 Fists ............ . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .317 Five Pointed Stars . . . . . . . . . . . . ..300 Florist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .243 Florette Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..290 Fractions, Piece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 Freak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236 French Antique Extended . . . . ..118 French Clarendon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 9 French Old Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 89 Fullface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55 Gem Ornaments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..288 German Body Tyye . . . . . . ..270——275 German Title . . . . . . . . . . . .9 . . . . . . ..277 German Title Condensed . . . . . . .276 Gothic, Circular . . . . . . . . . . . . 125, 259 Gothic, Cleft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2 ' Gothic No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Gothic No 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..136, 137 Gothic No. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132, 133 Gothic No. 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134 Gothic Condensed No. 1 . . . . . 139 Gothic Condensed N 0. 3 ...... . .146 Gothic Condensed No. 4 . . . . . . ..140 Gothic Condensed N o. 5 . . . . . . . . 141 Gothic Condensed No. 6 ...142. 143 Gothic Condensed No. 7 . . . 144, 145 38 Gothic Extra Condensed . . . . . .. 1 Gothic. Grotesque . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 124 "Gothic, Inclined Lining . . . . . . . . . 12 Gothic Italic No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..131 Gothic Italic N o. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..131 Gothic, Lightface . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...123 Gothic, Lining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..130 Gothic, Oblique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Gothic, Slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Gothic, Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..126 Gothic, Wedge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...229 Gothic. West Lining . . . . . . . . . . ...1::7 Gothic. Wide Lining . . . . . . . . . . . .. 126 Grace Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..262 Grant No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..194, 195 323 PAGE Gritfins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300e Grotesque Gothic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 124 Handy Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..290 Hazel Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .263 Hazlett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .261 Head Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..311 Hearst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188b Heyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Huron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .233 Imposition of Forms . . . . . . . . . .. 7 Imprints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .319 Inclined Lining Gothic . . . . . . . . . . 129 Initials. Anglo . . . . . . . . . . . . ..250, 251 Initials, Dearborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252 Ionic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 94 Ionic, Poster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 66 Jewel Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..268a Jim Crows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..299 Jumbo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..202 Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3008 Labor Saving Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . .309 Lakeside No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .269 Lakeside Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..268 Landseer. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..228 LaSa‘lle . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..198 Latin Antique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..105 Latin Antique. Lightface . . . . . ..104 Latin Condensed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Latin No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Latin Poster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65 Lattice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 Laurei.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..241 Law Italic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..254 Leaders. Fine Dot . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 Leaflet Borders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..290 Legal Italic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..254 Light Angular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .245 Light Modern . . . . . . . . . . . ..~ . . . . . . . 112 Lightface Antique . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 100 Lightface Canton . . . . . . . . . ..156. 157 Lightface Celtic.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166 Lightface Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . ..210 Lightface Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 181. 258 Lightface Gothic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 123 Lightface Latin Antique . . . . . . .104 Lightface Lyric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244 Lightface Runic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 1h‘ Lightface No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Lightface No 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 61 Lining Gothic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 130 Lining Gothic, Inclined. . . . . . ...129 Lining Gothic, Slope . . . . . . . . . . ..128 Lining Gothic, West . . . . . . . . .. . ..127 Lining Gothic, Wide . . . . . . . . . . ..126 Logotypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .314 Lyric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..244 Lyric, Lightface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244 Mailing Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..302 Maltese Crosses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..300 Maltese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239 Maltese Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..239 Mayo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..201 Mazarin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 188. 188:: Mazarin Initiuis .... .. ....300g Mazarin Onnaments . . . . . . . . . . .3001‘ Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..173 Midway Mid-gets . . . . . . . . . .v . . . . . ..299 Miscellaneous Signs. . .. . . .300. 301 Modern Antique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 13 Modern Catchwords . . . . . . . . . . . .314 Modern Corners .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 13 Modern Fraktur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..278 Monarch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...':»8. 159 Monastic Condensed . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Moonies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300 Moorish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .189 Moorish Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..189 Music . . . . . . . . ..- . . . . . . . . . . . . ..300h Myrtle Scrip: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .261 Nudal1...... .. ..l8.'» Newspaper Headings . . . . . .3.9—321 Norman Condensed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 N ormanesque . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Obli ue Gothic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..122 Occi ent No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .240 ()ccident Shaded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 240 Old Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...-16. 88 Old Style Antique . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 93 Old Style Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..69~83 Old Style Condensed . . . . . . . . . . .. 90 Old Style Condensed No. 2 . . . . . . 91 Old Style Expanded. . . . .‘ . . . . . . .. 92‘ Old Style. French. . . .‘ . . . . . . . . .. 89 Old Style Italic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 87 Old Style No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 86 Old Style No. 4, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 88 Old Style. Poster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 68 Old Style, West. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..84. 85 Oliphant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .267 Olive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231 Olympics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300e Opaque. . . . . . . .. ....188c Open, Acme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191 Open, Canton . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 150 151 Open, Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 Open. Fair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .191 Open, Moorish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .189 Orbit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Ornaments. Art. ..‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..285 Ornaments, Capital . . . . . . . . . . . ..286 Ornaments, Combinat..on No. 2.284 Ornaments, Combinat..on No. 3.284 Ornaments. Combination No. 7.287 Ornanients. Combinat..on No. 8.287 Ornaments. Elite No. 4. . . . . . . . ..2:-13 Ornaments. Elite No. 5 . . . . . . . . .283 PAGE Ornaments. Gem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .288 Ornaments, Phantom . . . . . . . . . . .288 Ornaments. Protean . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 Ornaments, Wave . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..286 Ornaments, Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .287 Outline Stars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300 Pansy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..231 Pantagraph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .266 Peerless . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..204 Peerless, Wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205 Pen Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 169 Phantom Ornaments . . . . . . . . . . ..288 Piece Fractions ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 Pin. Screw and Nail Heads... ..300 Plate Script . ................. . .2683 Poster Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 67 Poster Ionic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 66 Poster, Latin....- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Poster Old Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 68 Poster Roman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 64 Premier Script . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .264 Princess Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..268b Princeton .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .209 P_’ro‘tean Ornaments . . . . . . . . . . . .. 285 Quads and Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 Racine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 180 Racine Circular . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ..256 Radial Italic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Recherche Border . . . . . . . . . . . . ..300a Recipe Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..300 Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 197 Remington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .253 Remington No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .253 Rococo Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289 Runic. Lightface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 16 Schwabacher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .279 Script. Artistic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..269 Script, Grace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .262 Script, Hazel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..263 Script, Hazlett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..261 Script, Jewel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..268a Script, Lakeside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..268 Script, Lakeside No. 2 .. . . . .269 Script. Myrtle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..261 Script, Pantagraph . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..266 Script, Oliphant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .267 Script, Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..268a Script, Premier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..264 Script, Princess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268b Script, Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..265 Sentry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 208 Skeleton Antique No. . . . . . . . . .107 Slope Gothic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..128 Solar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227 Spaces and Quads. . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 Spenser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .218 Spenser, Wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..219 Stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..300 Standard Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..265 Stationers Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....169 Steel Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..168 Steel Plate Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..168 Sterling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Sturdy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..147 Sub-Heads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Superior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' 48 Superior and Cancelled Figures 4 Sylvan Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...17() Synopsis of Faces . . . . . . . . . . . ..8-15 Tasso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 173 Tasso No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .257 Tell Text I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Teuton Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..282 Teuton Extendet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..280 Teutonic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .282 Text. Pen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169 Text. Stationers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..169 Text, Steelplate . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ..168 Text, Sylvan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 170 Text. Tudor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..171 Text, Wide Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...172 Time Table Figures . . . . . . . . . 6 Title No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Title No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..54. 55 Title. Acme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .190 Title Expanded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 56 Title Italic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Trenton.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l76,177 Troy..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..226 Tudor...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..171 Tudor Text . . . . . . . . . . .. . 187 Two Line;No. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 57 Two‘Line’No.' 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Two Line No. 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Umbra...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....235 Universal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 Utility Gothic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...126 Vandyke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..225 Venetian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 Victor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228 Vincent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 Vulcan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .206 Wave Ornaments . . . . . . . . . . .. ...286 Weather Signals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..300 Wedge Gothic . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .229 West Lining Gothic . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 West Old Style . . . . . . . . . . . . ...84, 85 W15); H..... . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . "225 Widie Black.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....172 W idie Germania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .281 W id e Lining Gothic . . . . . . . . . . ... 126 WidePeerless.......... . . . . . WideSpenser..... . . . . . ..........219 Worth.......... . . . . . . . . ..........215 Word Ornaments . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 287 Yale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ...108 I QUALITY UNEQUALED. FINISH UNSURPASSED. 9-R18 §pecime.1\ géooyq 4&3 printea Wit“ 9§ae1\eoY(e«=qMfmat\ Qompangs Qcfefwratcci ack C’91\f< PRICE LIST. 335 I CABINETS--HARDWOOD STAINED. ‘i CABINETS--GALLEY. l 'l‘his (‘ubinet is one of the most salable in '|M‘~\ ‘ j the inzirketz is stained. ;l"";l has pzmeled ends and is l _i H _ nieely finished: 2111 gul- mmmfimmmmmmxt le_\' ton (‘ubinets have I l “nmmm“,m,mn,5..__ eo1)_\' drawer. are tho1'- Q 3 lll""H' on;:‘h1,\' oiled. and will -l V """m““" st:1ndd:tn11)ness. l k \ \_ l \ \ (<\<\\\ v\“\ ..n\ n!\\ .<<\\ .«1\\ .«\'n\ ¢(\\\ .-.(\\ m\\ .‘.\\ a\\\ «Y\\ ¢\(\\ m\ ¢<\~\ tfi\\ «\\\'.m\ .m\ a.\\\('\ F“ s- - l. . Ml ) ) ) ) ) . m\ .m\.m‘\ «r\\ A’-\.o ‘ l ) \ l \ -«\\m\-«\\«n\«m .m\¢m\n[ FLAT TOP. ll 1 ll I2 ‘~’/_.’, lt:)lie(‘:1ses $15 ()0 I(%‘~’/.~;__‘fl__" .. tsoo ‘.30 ‘3/;'; “ “ .. ‘.21 ()0 I234 “ “ ..1.s‘()() l()-kt’ “ " .. 22 oo 20% “ “ .. 22o ()o 1'.’ t'ull “ " .. :12 no I6 “ “ “ .. 2o oo 20 “ “ .. rm ()0 \ \ l\“\“tt\j\“t\“\lll(l”\”“l\‘\‘t‘\“\)" lilllll t W 3 ,_/‘ 5 Q 4. 2 \ \ \ \ i i X \ ‘i \ \ \ \ \ \ l l \ l .\'\\)m\.( \\ «(\\.«\\\ a \ l K \\\ V «_3\::\\ .u\\ <\\\ «(\\ m m .¢(\\ \ GALLEY TOP. \ __x \ -‘\«\ «'.\\.u.\\.(\\\ ...“\ 4 . \ I2 ltulie (‘uses $18 oo r W3/3 “ “ .. 2| ()0 '30"/3 “ " .. 24 oo I‘-’ 3/4 ‘ " 21 oo Hi 3/4 " :5 oo 1 "l “ " 2:) oo ‘ I.2t'n1l ‘ *‘ * ’ . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ ‘_ ‘ “ 3" 00 ; _ 'l‘h1s1s:1 veigy nsetnl meee ot tn1'n)tn)'e tor e\'er_\' 1)i'1ntin;r otiiee. us it, W 13$) ()0 I is :1) ‘\'e1',\' convenient 1'eee])t;1ele tor .L‘:lllQ\'.\‘ llll(‘(l with matter. ()i'en11)t_v, as 2o H ~~ ~- 33 (M , the ease ni:1_\' be. S|)e(°i:ll ezlhinets with hlnnk eases made to m-um-_ , I) tier, to hold zio simrle or donhle ,‘.’”:l|l(‘_\'S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$l4 ()() ‘— ‘ “ H “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘.25 (N) , It “ no “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. rm ()() . L:ll';_"('l' sizes made to order. Boxing‘ extm. 'l‘uI«: (‘lll(‘.A\(:() MA11. l.1s'r (‘.»\m.\'|«:'r. This (,‘.u.binet. will (hold an entire Mail List outfit. The first. space is :)ennl)ou1-(l to hold the nmillm: machine. roller. etc. ‘The middle space will hold 3o gnlleys either Mustznnr or ;Vl<:l<‘ut- rich pztttern, or 1.3 -1'egnl:n' wide muilinfl .::ille,vs. The third space eontztins 7 sort -d1'z1we1's. If more l Hl..\.\'l\' (‘.-\sI-‘.. §—,’fl1l('%.\' room is need- Bl;n1k(‘:1se. t'nll size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$() (:3 ed shelves ezln l)e ' u -- ~,n_ gin, ' ' _ t-(),l_ J ' 4 . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-) oral] the sort (h-uw- »e1's. The top has n gzilleyi-est: it cun:1|s() _ , . be used as :1 ntztilim,-‘ "f"*- work t-able. Iron - _ §%%%fifl{~¥MM Price . . . . . . . . . ..$‘..’7 00 Iron Brnpkets, per pair . . . . .. l :25 Boxhlgv 5' 35 SI).-\(‘I«: .-\.\'n Ql'.~\J) (‘..\_q..;_ S1):tco:n1(l (‘mud (‘use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 on 3’/_-‘g l.\lI’ll()\'l<)l) Jon (‘.»\.\‘l'2. 3’/_-; l'r.n,1(‘ (‘A SE. ' V‘ ‘ 1 ' o ‘o u ‘ o u I u v . . \ ‘ , . . R1,”: (‘A._E. /.3 J01)! .ts(. l()l (ups, hnmll (‘ups and l.o\\ei (Hist . e.)( h . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..:l() no ‘s’/f; lt21lie(‘:)se . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Rule (use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. () no (‘H|eA(:() B()Rl)l~1l{ ANJ) Ul{.\‘.~\ MENT (‘As|~). 'l‘his is one of the most eonvenient eases in use, and its eeonon1_\' is 1N‘.\‘()nd question. It is so designed that it will hold six entire fonts of eon1l)in:1,t(ion border with snnees and quads. and oeenpies onl\' the place (‘.»\sr:s I’.-nus. 9/3 size (n1)1)e1':md lower) net‘ ]):lll' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..“.~'l -to .ot' sin :i)\'ei':);Iee:1se. 2. l ""‘).‘ " . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - - /-3 1V3“ “’( ““(’5* “(Mn ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ - ' - ‘ - - - - - ~ - ‘ - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - » - - -V ‘l M) (‘lne:l.‘—"0 Border and ()rn:nnent (‘use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 in Iv f'\ 6 PRICE LIST. CASES. 2 :=' :7 E _ //:::/ LAIi()l{-SA \'1.\‘u l{(‘J.1~: (‘ASH E l.:\lm1'-.\‘:1\'in:I l{u1<‘(7:1so . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$l 1;’. ‘ §_E E‘ ~:,___ __ __ __ E%.g:,a%?,; ~ , ,:.—.._j-___.—._z:L. V‘ ...._~i_ 7 1 E .\'l«;\\'.s' ()A.s‘1«:.s' ~l’Am.~'. I . lfmwr and lmwx-r(n(,:\vs)])<-1-1)z1i1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3‘! no J~-_..: = " —._._—.—_;—.j_—-_— .\1l‘I'l‘Al. I‘ l'R.\'l'l‘l‘l{lC (".~\h‘lC. (I E|{.\| A N L()\\'l‘}lt CASE. 'l‘hi.‘-s v:1.=;¢- isd\\‘<*r(L‘uH<'. Ah‘ W“ “W m=l1\'vd Jul) (‘HHP - . . . . . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , _ _ , _ , , , , _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ “$1 , 20 CASES. HARRIS 1u:1.1«:eAs1«:s. No. 1.$1 25. No. 2. $1 on. No. 3. $1 oo. No.4. $o 75. No. 1 holds two complete small fonts of Labor Saving Rule. weighing H pounds eaeh._ No. :2 holds one coniplete tout of to pounds or less. Nos. 3 and 4 are designed to be used together to hold a font of rule weighing 3:: pounds or less. suitable for large office. PRICE LIST. 3 ..-.:....:;... ’|k |1|2 314 5 6 7 8 *|+ 1 §lIl ‘ll|a..t[_ . ..2...1bW'|@ jb C d eli S ? 1i0 &.+;(1~::e<1e£$-———2m3m_./_I;]fiT]E I mABCDEFGABCDEFG 7.1”‘ '1 h|°YlPW~IXY7JUnl’rF 'l‘he above system of laying cases is the one generally used in this country. and is 1)rol)abl.v as convenient. or more so than any other. CASE STANDS. ll‘ Jon STANI). .loh Stand, for 8 full and 8 % Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....‘l~‘4 :25 " " “ HI “ “ 103/; " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 H0 “ " " 12 *' “ 123, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .3 so nouhle Stand, for :24 full (:ases...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1; oo “ “ “ :24 " “ with closed ends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. s oo - .\'I«:ws STANI). Single Stand. without racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘:2 75 News “ " “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. : 25 Single " for 1:: full eases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (10 News “ “ >4 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 75 l I l s l \ l l l NEW Yoim (‘H7.—\l)llU|‘l.|'2 S’l‘.~\.\'l). 'l‘he lower ease projeets into the alley several inches. atlording tne eoinpositor anmle leg room, and allowing him to get eloser to the t\'])e_ 'l‘he angle of the lower ease is just right forrapid setting. ’l‘he eases are held on strong‘ iron brackets. seeurel_\' serewed to a hardwood top which is ])erfeetl_\' smooth‘ and very useful for storing tied~u]) matter, and other purposes. A double stand holds rm (cases and 1.’ pairs of news eases on top. A quadruple stand holds no (';[H(i:~,‘ and 4 pairs news eases on top. Single Stand. with racks for 1.’: eases and I pair on top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1: 5o Double Stand. with racks for 3o eases and :2 pairs on top . . . . . . . . . . .. l‘._’ on (Quadrtmle Stand. with racks for «so (oust-s and 4 pairs on top . . . . . . . ._ ;_>o on Window Stand. with raeks for so eases and 2 pairs on top . . . . . . . . . .. l‘_’ no unntuumintutfiummmm’ ~ . l’oI.In~:.\It's (‘..\sIv: .\"r..\.\'u No. :5. These are in every respect the most sensihle. eouveuieut and time- saving stands for joh otliees now otfered toprinters. 'l‘heconmositor stands hehind the job eases. where he works without interruption from H1080 W110 ‘HIV!’ 10 “H0 UH‘ J01) eases. and he can (‘lll])l_\' his stieks without leaving the stand. on a §£‘2ll|t‘)'1{(*1)l under the lower ease. as the top eases are held on patent tilting brackets. ’l‘he top of the stand is a flat hard- wood board. on whieh tied up matter may he stored eon\'enieutl,\'. tiver the job eases there is a hardwood bank or galley top. for keeping live and dead matter. Between the ease raeks on the No. fl stand there is a :."alle,\' eahinet (cost $5‘ UH). ’l‘he douhle stand holds 2-! eases and 2 pairs on top. No. 1. single. with racks for 1'.’ full size eases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 so No. :2. double. with raeks for ‘.24 full size eases. no galley eahiuet . . .. lit oo No. 3. double. with racks for I1.’ full size and I'.’ ‘:55’; eases. with (:al— le_\' (‘ahinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '..’o oo DJ l~J % PRICE LIST. CARD CUTTERS. " iI!IiIiiIii.i’IH7’ H I.\I1*ItovI«:n ELM CITY CA In) CUTTER. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$I:2 00 PEERLESS CARD CUTTER. This (‘utter is similar to the Elm City. 122 inch.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$l2 ()0 I :24 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..’_*II on CHASES. \_ J HALF CHASES FOR NEWSPAPER——WROUGHT Il.{().\'. No. I~—5 column, ‘ I4 x211/4 inches outside, per pair . . . . . . . . . . SI 50. “ 2~—6 “ 16 X24 “ “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . .. I() (I0 “ 3-7 “ 19 x2594 " “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . .. I] no 5-«~14 21 x28 " “ " . . . . . . . . . . .. I: on 7-—I» " 23}§x30l~é ~- '- ‘- . . . . . . . . .. IS on Other sizes made to order. In ordering chases give exact dimensions of bed of press on which they are to be used. I “W HA]';l‘ CHASES VVITH BARS. No. I~—4 column quarto is x24}§ inches outside, per pair... . . . . . . . ..$14. an -- _~—-5 -- -- 211/§x28l,é ~ -- ~~ -- .......... .. IS an " 3-Ii " “ :.’.3%x32}é " " " “ . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 (N) -* 4-7 " " ;z5}§x37% " “ " " _ . . . . . . . . . .. 17 so Other sizes made to order. In ordering chases give exact dimensions of bed of press on which he,v_are to be used. CAST IRON CHASES--FINISHED INSIDE. -I x Is inches inside........$o 85 i 1(,I}§x271/Q inches inside . . . . . . ..$2 so 5 X16 “ " 160 I 12 X15 U H _ _ . _ _ . H -_3“_—) “ “ . - - o o c ll 2 66 It . ' . . I ' " s X231/Q " “ . . . . . . .. :2 35 I 9 X12 .. .. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 60 i 14 x17 “ “ . . . . . . .. 2 an sI%xm% “ “ 1 95 I 15 X19 “ “ - - - - - - - - ~’ 5" 10 x14 " “ . . . . . . .. 180 I 18 x24 “ “ . . . . . . .. :5 III Other sizes made to order. CHASES. V1 L . \V|l()l7(:‘ul{'l.‘1l{().\' CHASES \Vl'l‘H Sill l“'l‘l.\'G BA RS. I7x'.2I inches outside, each. . . .$7 In 25x40 inches outside, each. . 9 75 '.2(Ix:25 “ “ s 25 29x42 " “ III 00 20x36 “ “ “ 9 00 32x46 “ “ “ II (M 24x30 *~ “ “ . 9 no 3-£x5() “ “ “ 1:.’ on 25x35 “ ‘* “ .. In .30 36x52 “ “ " Its no l7x:2I inches outside, each...$ 4 50 other sizes made to order. I’()S'1‘ER CHA SES-—\Vl{0 UGHT [R()N. 32x44; inches outside, each” .$ 8 no 2(Ix:25 ' " . . . 5 50 34x50 ~- -- “ 9 (K) 24x:m -- " " . . . (S ()0 36x52 " " " . 10 (in 25x3.'I " " " 6 50 40x54 " “ . 11 (I0 29x-12 " “ “ 7 25 42x60 " ~ " 1:.’ (DU other sizes made to order. _ CAST IRON CHASES--FINISHED INSIDE. For (.‘ordon, Peerless, Star, Universal and Liberty Dresses. 7 x11 inches inside . . . . . . . . ..$I (III 11 x17 inches inside . . . . .. ...$l 7.3 8 xii.’ " “ . . . . . . . . ..I25 13 XII) “ “ _,,,,_,,_,;gm) 9 xl3 “ “ . . . . . . . . . .,1 25 14 x20 -* “ _ _ , _ , _ _ _ _, 2 ,—,(_. in X15 “ “ . . . . . I an I41/gxzzzz “ ~~ _ , , _ , , , , ,, 3 no In ordering send design of chase wanted. ‘.1 HEADING CHASES WITH Csossrmns. 6x17 inches inside, flat ca-p. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..8‘5 so 8X21 “ “ “ deiny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 U0 sxzzs “ “ -‘ double cap.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 no These chases are also made with short crossbars, upon Per font of 8 sets. . . special order. CIRCULAR QUADS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5“ COPY HOLDERS. Golding, plain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$(I 7.’ _ -‘ nickel plated - . - - . . - - - . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 Young's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 ()0 CORNER QUADS. (‘.o1‘11e1' Quads are cast (111 .\‘o111:1:11'ei1_ 111111 1’i(-:1 bodies. :111di11s111'e:1 1)e1'tect1111’1cti011 of n1it1*e(1 e01-11ers. by 1‘11‘e\'e111i11;r them f1'o111 51111111111: past each other. P1-iee. 1'1e1- set of four . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$11 1.3 B1-ass. 1'(1111'1111'1ie:1.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 ‘.211 COUNTING MACHINES. » c)’.w.Ni.nu NT ¥_..._M1LwAuK_1:E.w1s. DURA .\"l"S (‘()l1'N'l‘El€. A11-eH11eei:1]l_\' 2111111111111 for use 011 111'i111i111:'111‘esses. , _ _ '1‘11e.y :11'e 111:1<1e e11t11-ely 01 111111. steel 111111 brtlss. _ '1‘11e 1111111?‘ have 1:11'1re black ti1,r111-es 111111 are easy to read :11 :1 d1st2111ee. 'l‘he_\' (11111 111st1111t1_\' be 1-e-set to 11, :1:1 :111_\' 1111111be1- 1'e(111i1'e(i._ A b1':1('ket is f111'11is11ed with each 111:1e11i11e f01'(-(111\'e11i— em-e 111 se(:.111‘111g 11. to the feed 110211-11 of :1 1’11'ess. 'l‘l1e_\' :11-e, 1111-e1_\' fi11ishe(1. 1|1ee(1ve1'. lever. dials. S])1‘11]1‘IH. etc. 11111111: nickel 111:1te(l. 1'1'r<'uI11r. .\'0. 1. (2o1111ts 10.111111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81111 N11. :2. e111111ts 11111.111111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1111111 .\'(1. 31. N11. (:(11'111t..~1 1.111111.111111 1-_1 1111 . . . . . . . . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . - . - . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . 11 saves ':1111:111.‘1e111111-111111 111111111‘. (‘(111111s111 11111.111111;11111 1~1.1>,1,1111—.1111110_ 111:1tie:111_\'. ls 1101.-111':11e 211111 d111':1111e. It is 111111111 111 :1 th(11'o111rh 111:1-1111e1':11111 is g11:11'1111t—ee1l 111 every way 1-e1i:11_11e. H211-1 171111111111‘. 1111111113 11111.111111, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$111 1111 COMPOSING RULES. 121155111-11-<1sizes.i111e:1t111e1'(.-use(see (1111).. . . . .. . . . . . . . ....$1 511 Steel.13e111s:111111111de1'.e11.c11.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Steel 111:1ke-1111. 1561118 :111d1111de1' each . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 :1 1.1 1.3 to :.’11e111S. .'1('(‘1ltS exl1‘:1: 211111 12.301115. 1111-e11t.s ex11':1. 1111.11 (‘1'1'\' .\‘1.\'1:1.1: .\l1«:.-\s1'111~: .\'1:\\‘.~' .\"1‘1(‘1\'. 1’1'i('e. 11e:1t1_\' .I:1]1111111e1i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 1111 Price. .\'1(~ke]e11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.3 .\'(1. 2. ste.e11'ive1ed. 13 or 131/; e111s1,1ic:1... .. 111111-11stee1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :4 '° " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1: " 2% i11ehesde.e11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 -- -~ 21" '- °' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1% " (ie1'1n:111 Silver. 22% i11(-hes deep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1; °- -- " 211/<3 " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 " " " L’ '' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 11 -1 1\'i(-kel 1’1:1t.e(1. 2 ‘ " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H " " ‘.2 " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 111"‘ 1, . 1 ,11i1,,111111111"% 11111 1 1 11111111 l’El{.I1‘l-}C'l‘ Nl'I\\'S S'l‘l(‘K N0. 2. o . u A1.11111x (111 11}.\'1:1.1s11 1’A'1"1‘1«:11..\'. /1" 111 .\'(‘l{}‘I\\'. PRICES FOR THE YANKEE AND SCREW STICKS. _— .. can--0 . - . . . - .. . . . - . . . . 9 . . . . . - u o Q) 111111-11. :3 i11el1es(1ee1;1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$11 1.1 Nickel 1111111-11 $1 1; " 21.1’ " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 7.3 " " 1 1; ~ 2|/.‘_. 1' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117.3 " 1 s " :2 " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 N11 " 1 111 " L’ '‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11111 ' " I 12 ‘ 1.’ " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I 171 ‘ “ 1 1-1 ‘.3 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 2111 ' " I 115 ‘ 2.’ ‘ " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 ~15 ' " 2.’ 18 " ‘.2 " ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1111 ‘ ‘.3 211 '* 2 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 ' 2.’ 1:1u1v1:11. PRICES or BUCKEYE AND cnovsn STICKS. 111111-11.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$111111 1>(1 *' .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...‘.2 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... o I 1‘) 1- 2|/1:in.(h1(1l) ‘ ' ' ‘ . _ _ ' . _ . __ I 1'.’ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 -111 H .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 1111 }x1.1-:1K11ee.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 11: -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 ~11 " (‘lush . . - - . . - . . - - - - - - - - - -- " M A11(11:.-\I\'\' .1111; .~"1‘1e1{. 131111.11 _ , , , . , _ _ , , , _ _ , _ , , , , _ . . , . ..$11s111 2-11111-11.... . . . . . . . 1.1 -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ . , _ _ . ..11s1.3 :21; “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 11; ~- _ _ , _ , _ , , , _ _ _ , , , , . _ , _ , , _ ,,11111 :11) " . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 1:4 '1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111.3 :12 " . . . . . . . . .. .. .. I 211 ~- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1111 :11: " -- I 2;: -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l1.'1 411 " . . . . . . . . - - I )1) .\‘1 1 H11 211 1111 -I11 111 ‘.211 411 5111 E§3() PRICE LIST. DRYING RACKS. M()\'A.Bl.l‘] UR Yl.\'(i RACK. No. I. 2o dryers 24x:m . . . . . . ..$H on 3. 2o 2z~'x4:z . . . . . . ..$2o oo 2. an 24x31; . . . . . .. 21) no 4. so 28x42 . . . . . . .. 22-: no *.’4x:$<; dryers. per do’/. . . . . . . .. 4 so :2sx~l2 dryers. per do’/. . . . . . . . .. ti on ELECTROTYPING. All orders for t.-lecti'oty1)i11;: filled at current rates, and the work Well and promptly done. We cannot. however. undertake to have composition done. Ready set forms must be furnished us for this work. ENGRAVING. We llilVPu:ll‘l‘{lll§5(’lll(’l1l.S whereby we are enabled to furnish tirst-class e1);1‘l':l\'i11;I at fair prices. ENGINES. (las and Steam ltlngiizes. V\’rite for Catalogue. ENG-RAVERS’ TOOLS. Six tools. sharpened for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so FIGURED OR LETTERED SLUGS. .. 1“ '7}? w \\\\\ iili Electrotyped and cut to measure of column. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$() 1.3 FOLDING MACHINES--NEWSPAPER. Sm,\'1~:i' l«‘o|.m«:a. ltlqual in work and speed to any hi;:h—priced folder. \\'ill fold any size paper up to Iit$X4H. Perfect pasting‘ attachment. ()e<_-upies less space than any other folder. Can be changred from three to four folds. and from one size paper to another. in one minute. The only low—pri(-e hi,-:h-class folder made. (‘in-.uIur. l<‘o1der. complete. with 'l‘rimmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$l 7.3.Ho Paster. extra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.3.00 1,4 in, C-- ‘ {- E _v_\w V l)1«:x'1‘1«:It l.\"r|«:u.M|cmA'1‘I<: F()l.])El{. l<‘olds. pastes and trims eight. page papers. with attachment to paste on a two or four page cover or insert. 'l‘his machine. we oifer to you as a thorougrhly good folder at moderate cost. It is made with a strong iron frame. The rollers are made of 3-inch steel tubes ac,c1u'ately turned. All of the wearing: parts are strong: and durable. most of them being: made from the same patterns that we use for our Regular Machines. None but the best materials are used and it is constructed on the latest improved principle. There is not the sligzhtest 0bJec,tion that can be raised agrainst this machine.»—~-—(?ir('uIm'. Made in one size only: it folds as large as :i<;x~ts) or small as 224x33. Hand Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$3oH on Attached to Press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.3 on l’astint£ and Yl‘1'imn1in;: Attachment. extra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.3 on Supplement lnsettingr Attacluneiit. extra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. no on DEXTER REGULAR AND BOOK FOLDERS. Information and prices furnished on application. FEED FOLDERS--BONE. Bone l<‘eed l«‘olders . . . . . . . . . . ..each. $0 2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..perdo'/.eu. $2 no FOOT SLUGS. Brass. pica. _cut to newspaper measure. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..84H 1?» Brass. I><1>01nt " " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. o 20 Metal _ " _ " " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. no.1 '° 1.’-llll(’])l(':l " " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 on (fast lrou. for moving: heavy forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$:c on FURNITURE AND REGLET. (‘Hl«;lm\'. Pearl to Pica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..per yard. $1» oz: ls l’()i1'it to 2—line Pica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. '- u ox 3—line Pica to .')~line Pica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. " o (H (5-line Pica to 9-line Pica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. " o no lo-line Pica to 12-line Pica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. " 4: us Ir}-line Plea to In-line Pica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. " o lo Side Sticks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. " u on GALLEYS--BRASS. W. H in‘. “E ' W “.‘lll‘!|E':.“IHI.“,lin liillllliiliilllMilli!it!lilliilliitlllillllli iiWIiililllilllillliFtwlll‘ 1Yihllilli!ii!lilliTl§?1|?ll§ili[5iIll{?!éWTlijl!Hiw ‘.ll‘i§‘.‘~ti’»ii9iiE DEA m.\'(:‘s A Li.-Bn.Ass (EA I.L1<:\'s. .\‘o Wood. No Screws. No Rivets. No Plating. N0llllll_‘." but .llard Rolled. Solid Brass. making: the Stiiffest (ialley Ever Made. The bottom is made of extra hard rolled brass. ofthe tiuest quality. of three to pica or 4-point thickness. 'l‘he side aud end braces are formed from the same piece as the _~ bottom. . ’l‘he sides or upright facing strips are formed of uoupareil rule brass. held rigidly in its place by the brace SECHONAL VIEW‘ t'oru1ed from the bottom. Sinirle (‘olumu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no Double (‘olumn . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$2 7'» LIST. 1» be I-4 GALLEYS. NE\VS GALLEY. Single column. brass bottom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8‘! Double column. brass bottom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :2 Single column. brass screw lined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I Double column. brass screw lined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :2 Single column. brass patent lined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Double column. brass patent lined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :2 BRASS LINED JOB GALLEYS. 6 x10 inside. brass lined....$2 00 14x20 inside. brass lined... .$4 " " H . . .. 2 t 6'. -. II ‘ . . . . I 10 xn; -- 3 “ r 12 xix __ _; I . .. J PA’I‘EZ\"I‘ ALL BRASS SU(‘(‘ESS GALLE Y. Jon (:A1.I.E\'s. .\'l<2\\'Sl’AI’ER GA i.1.1«:\'S. (lxlo ir;side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$l so f Single, 3-}q'x:23% inside . . . . . . . ..$:2 8%xl3 inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :2 on I Single.3-fix! 1% inside . . . . . . I 10x16 inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 oo 1 Double, (:1/1x;z3=}4 inside....... :2 12x18 inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 75 Mailingtlalley,(i%x23&§ inside 3 14x21 inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 so 15x22 inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 oo 18x25 inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ti no Other sizes made to order. LINCOLN ALL BRASS GALLEYS. 24 inch News (-lalley. all brass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$3 In ordering state width of column. St‘ I ()0 75 25 (_I( l 50 (III on 51» so :25 (III MAILING GALLEYS. Brass lined with closed ends. o%x221/4 inches inside . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .$3 (It) " " " " " 10 x22% " . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 Zinc bottom " " “ (51/4x:2;zl,4 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 50 Brass Reglet for same. nonpareil thickness. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (I 3 Metal °- -- -- -- " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (I 15 }~‘orMcl~‘atrich. I0 ems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 on -- " I4 ems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I :25 - Mustang Wood. per hundred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. H 30 \V()()])E1\' (;‘rALl.EYS—CHEl{R\'. 4 x (‘i inches inside . . . . . . . . . ..$U 20 ' 6x20 inches inside . . . . . . .......$U 5 5 X“ “ - - » - ~ - - - - --"15-'>~«' 7x22 -- . . . . . . . . . . . ..o-.35 5 x15 ‘ *' . . . . . . . . . .. U 30 , . . Hxlo -' - . . . . . . . . . . 0 40 5}-éxls " . . . . . . . . . .. o 4o fix“ _‘ __ H m 6 xlo ‘ oao “ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ CHlCAG() G ALLEY RACK. the cheapest substantial Galley Rack now ' I the market. ’ piece of ftu-niture in a well regulated office. reach of every printer. curely screwed to the Rack. \ \ A . 57‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘M4’ "e._\. -, ‘-4 h'- '2 ‘F; t L: 5 - ‘-C1 '3 ‘\ \ \ ».:\ The engraving at the left of page represents in A Galley Rack is an essential It saves type and time. and it is reconnnended whether the oifice be well regulated or not. 'I‘he cheapness of the Rack brings it within the 'l‘he uprights and cross ' stays are made of hardwood. well mortised to~ A setlier, the rests are of maleable iron and se- sufi‘lciently far apart to admit of emptying stick with ease. . ’I‘he Rack being but ten inches wide can be at- ?‘ Q’ ._€.Il tached to the end of a news stand. or the wall. ‘E W (let a Galley Rack. and thus keep your cases I. /2» 1/ ;? ‘I! accessible and free from dirt and water. ~~(‘ir- ‘ '° cilia)‘. “ , A. H II liack for (3 (:a.lle,\'s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 no , ;, ‘ " “ s “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 no N " “ Ill ~ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 on ‘ ‘ 1:3 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (I (III ‘ ‘ 1.3 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 so “ “ 2o ~- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. moo Rests. Der pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. o IMPOSING STONES AND FRAMES. | 4 0 4 « -:—.:E‘~?-g , . 5 ‘,‘ 5. I I 'I|I'|!IIIIIIIIlIl!!!!IlII"'HIll"I ‘”"W'”IIIIIIII\'"I‘."t'IIIIIII.'.'.i‘.IImunmun up 3“ II! 1! I" I"" .I“ei‘i‘il‘,l'II!I§II‘i§l|’ I I “““I!IIII.'.'.I.II.I:3I!.iIz:!.....l.I.a. . my Ht.“ . \ I 17*‘uuIumuuuuuutumuununnumumuu I" I I”Immn1u\1t\Ill\\\ m ‘I’ . I %_ H ’_”i__. ‘,1 I“l.II}‘1A{,:‘I‘§fi;‘ I I Wm um I lMros1.\'(: s'ro.\'1~;s wrrn s‘ot'A|uc l.1~:uur:1) FRAMES. PLAIN WITH WITH IMPOSING ROUND LEG SQUARE LEG STONES TABLE TABLE For (5 column paper. :2 pages. :24x:m........m (5 on $18 7.» $13 2:» " 7 “ " :2 " 26x44 . . . . . . .. 801) 2:2 00 Hi 0“ " 8 " :2 " :3:-%x.’»H . . . . . . .. to no ‘.26 so is no " H " " 2 “ 3Ux«sH . . . . . . .. 1’ SH 30 no 2:: 50 “ 7 ' 4 26x76 . . . . . . .. I3 7.’) 3'.’ 2.3 :24 no " 8 " " 4 28x80 . . . . . 1.’) fm 371m 2:-: no " so " " 4 " 30x90 . . . . . . .. is 7'» 43 so 33 0.’. 6001. quart " 4 " stixtso . . . . . . .. is no 37 NH 27 H0 7 -‘ '- 4 " 48x61» . . . . . . .. :20 on 4.3 .'m 3500 GAUGE PINS. ORIGINAL STEEL GAUGE PINS. ble Gauge Pins are made in t'our sizes: No. I. picahigh. No. 2 English high, No. 3 great primer high, No. 4 pi- ca high with shortlip. Price per dozen. assorted if required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$o so EXTENSION FEED GUIDES. I» .- .~ - « r . » -- I '- ~| ~1«r ‘lug -md to1w‘nes........ $100 nee per pair. lll('I1l(lill‘. ( Ext! .1 pan s 10! ,.tm t. . . ADJUSTABLE SPRING TONGUE GAUGE PIN. Price per do’/.. consisting of 1:: pins and 1;: long‘ tongues extra . . . . . . ..$l :20 Per set. of 3. with 3 long tongues extra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. U 40 . . . . - . . . . . 1 PERFECT REGISTER GAUGE. 332 PRICE LIST. GAUGE pm wrn-1 scnaw ADJUSTMENT. INK FOUNTAINS. FLEXIBLE GAUGE PIN. Price per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0 oo 'l‘hree sizes— Nos. 1, 3 and 4. GOLDEN STEEL GAUGE PINS. Price per (ioz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$o 4o HOOK GAUGE PINS. ‘ Per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 SINGLE AND DOUBLE PRONG WIRE GAUGE PINS. ax‘ L ~—,_~ (‘.HA.\‘l')]'.ER & l’1tl(‘E Lo.\'(; F()Ul\"l‘AlN. Per dozen . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .530 25 To those whose special work requires greater capacity than can be E obtained with the Buckeye, we oifer the Chandler & Price Long Fountain, |N Ks_ which is so made as to permit contact with the rollers the whole length. BLACK IN KS_ :t11,11dgvil.l{tl111s furnish a greater supply of ink than the Buckeye. This and 0 J I 3': v: c _ ‘ 7 ‘ ,""/ '_ Black . . . . . . . . . . ..per lb $0 50, I oo, 1 50, 2 0m 3 W 1e uc eye are espe.c1all_\ adapted t.o the Old fityle Gordon. ( mulm Blue Black, deep. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1 5o, :2 so Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$2() 00- .~ ‘ . - - - . - . . . . . . . . - - o - o - . . . u . . 1 2 B ‘k ‘ V A. I 'II() ‘V B1_OnZeB1u~eB1ack” - . ‘ . . I . . . . . . . . ' . . . . I . . . ' ' . 2 “H no eye l1-fectly sm1111tl1. finish1*11 in oil. 111111 11111111‘ 2. 3. 4. 5. 1;. 8111111 111 1im1s 131021 wide. 111111 11(.'(3111'i11(’1_\' 11111 111 111. 171. 211, 271. 311. 411. 511 111111 1111 11n1s 10111:. with the size .5-11211111111111 011 the mid of 1-:11-h piece. H1111‘(7:1s111-1111t:1i11s 2811 11i11c1*s. with 1)211'11111111s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 11 1111 " " " ‘.21-111 " without " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 71 1111 S1111,-1111 51311 " with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1111111 " " 51111 " wi1l111111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. s 1111 ])1111bl1- " 11211 °‘ with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. is 1111 " " " 111211 " wi1I111111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 151111 M:1n1n1111l1 (‘:1s1: 15311 ‘ 1~x11':1l1-11;:1l1s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4111111 LABOR-SAVING LEAD AND SLUG RACK. DI‘) \'()I<}'S 1’A’I‘ICI\"1‘ “I’E1{I1‘I4}("1.‘1()N". 'l‘his 1-:11-k 111-1111s 1111 1i14s1-1'i111»i1111. us 11111111-i1111*1'1-1111 1-1~:111il_\’s1*1* its :1(1v:111- 11:11."1~s. I1 is 1111111211111 l1:11n1i_V. 11.1111 hoids 1s11111111n11s 111‘l1~:111s:11111s111;Is 19111 f1'11111 4 111 2s 11-111s 1111-11. (11111 side is i111e11111*11 1'111-4 111-11111 1111-:1 l1>:111s :11111 the 0111111- 1'111- 11111111211-1111 111- 1111111. slugs. 1’1'i1'1- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1111 ()1h1-1- sizes 111 11111191‘. I mm unnuuunm -1 E E is 1111111111 mmmmnmmn . 11111111111 11nm11m11uI11111~1111m1111. 1111111111 REGLE'I_‘ CASE N11. 3. It is an 11ndisp11te11 fact that, the use of L:1b111'-Sz1\'i11;: il{eg1et1 1'1.~s11l1s 111 :1 .‘r1'1s-:11 111'0n(11ny of time 1111111 1n;11,e1'i:11. A c:1l1~ul:11i11n 1):lSt’(1 011 1.111) 011st 111' 1‘£‘£‘!10t in .V&lI'd 1011:3118 will 111>111o11st1':1t.e that. 0111- 1~111r11»t 1-uses 15110111-e 111199111 sa1v1111r-S 10 1>1‘il1t<’«1‘S 111» 110 :1—11v:1.111~1—> i11 p1'i121e for 1191:1111. 111111 most 11111111111111- cliztrgres for the CHSOS. '1‘h1*. bust 111111 most :11~1c111'z11t1-, 1111 s11:1k1*1i 1'eg11*1 is 1‘1se11. 111111 11:11:11 (ease coiitziins 111111111 1111111111-ti1111s 1'11‘ 111111p:111'11i] and pica. N0- 41 2.1011 11111003. 275 yz11‘11s. 11111151 eins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1111 N0. 3. 4.21111 " 5511 " 111111 51 ems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 1111 No.11.3.1.-'111 " 7511 " 1111.0 151111111s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2111111 N11. ;”1.11.31111 " 1.51111 ~- 111 to 15111=.111s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38 1111 No. 1. 1.81111 " 31111 1111011111-111s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. s 1111 N0~'-’.‘-1-41*” “ 111111 " 111to11:21111n1s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 141111 LAMP HOLDERS. Price 11:11-I1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..$11 75 .\1:111e\vit11 1111111111 s1~1-1-w 11.1 1':1s11-11 111.(.':'1s1*. PRICE LIST. 333 LABOR-SAVING METAL FURNITURE. W\\Wk““\“\\ 1111111111‘ \ \\\\ If 1 11111111 11 \\\ \ \\ \\\\\\\‘‘‘ 1 ~11 \\\\W\\\ I J \\\ \\\. 131 1’1{()\'l“.1) 1\1]1I'1‘A 1. 1111' RN 1'1‘ 1' 11 Ii. 12111. 111111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “$3 1111 511 lb. f1111t.....1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1'1'.* 511 2'1 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11:25 11111 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.31111 Q1'()'I‘A'I‘1()_\' 1*‘l'11.\‘ 1'I‘l' 11112. 1 l’1'i1-1-s 1111- 1{:1il1'11:111z11111(Q11111:11i1111 1«‘111'nit111'1' s:11111‘ 11s 1111' 1111* l111‘111~11\'1-11. I LEADS AND SLUGS--FULL LENGTH. l.:1l)111'-.\‘:1vi111r l.1>:111s :11111 Sl11:.rs :11-1~1-111 1'1'11111 4 111 2111-111.-1111112. 1 ‘ 1; 111 1111-11 111-11111-km-. 111-1-]11_._.‘1:11 111 I\'11n11:11'1-il >‘l11g‘s 111~1-11.1 . . . . . . ...‘f‘11 111 1 1 N " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 :11.’ P102! " " . . . . . . .. 1' N? ’ 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..11.'111 (11. l’1-in1111- " " . . . . . . .. 11 113 1 1 12 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11711 11111. P11-:1 -* -- . . . . . . .. 11 111 J 1s11111i1-:1111‘1I1i1-k1-1'.1'111 111 1-1111111111 1111~:1s111'1'.111-1'll_1 . . . . ..$11 is '1 LABOR-SAVING--SUPERIOR SHAVED. 1 1 4 AND 6 TO PICA LEADS. NONPAREIL AND PICA SLUGS. 1 111ll1. 1'11111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7111 111111. 1'11111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L’ 7111 1 25 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1; 2.: 2:1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 2.3 i .311 ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.1511 .311 -~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 .311 1 11111 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.31111 11111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘.15 1111 1 1 LEAD CUTTERS. .\‘l'(‘1‘1«2.\‘.~‘ 1.12.411 AN!) l{1'1,11:(‘111'1"1‘1:11 'l‘l1is 1-11111-r will 1-111 111111111111-il 111-ass1'11l1~1*z1sily. 111111 1111' 11111- 11111: l11:111s i1 I111:-111111-11111111‘i111'. It has :1 1111111. 1511111311 1111- 01111111; 11:11-1'11w strips 111- s11:11-1.-s, 111111 1111* 11:11-11 111111311 is 1'11v111‘si1‘111*. so 1h:11. :1l1l11111-,rh it 111'1'111’1i1*s :1 s1.1111°11 111' 1111111 in1~h11s 111113’, 11 will 0111 111 1.z‘:111;r1~1w1\lv1* i111~h1-s 11mg, 11 11;1.q;1 1111111111-1-11 11:111- 11l1*. 1:111:11 111-:11'111;:‘s, 111111 is 111-111 :11 1111* 11111111 wl11*11 1-1111.i111:, 1-111 111111 11 is i1111111ssil1l11 1111' 1111' 1'11111*1'111s111~i11;:1'1‘111111l11-w111'k. .‘11. 1. 1::1111."11.-1 1:.’ 11111111-s...+ 81111 :3 “ 1;! " .. ::1":11111:111~11111 1111-us... H 1|“ N11. :1, g:111g11s is 11112111-5.. 1:1-:1111111111111111 |111':1s... 1'.’ 1111 1‘. & .\l. I11-2.1111 1‘1"1"1‘1-:11. Si11:rl11(:;111;r1*(‘11111*1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0” I 1 1 1 I 5 1 .1 1 1 MAILING MACHINES. ‘\\>“\ .\ \ . , 1 mmmnillltlltlllltlll 'l‘H r: MUs'rA.\'(; MAILER. ’l‘he Mustang Mailer occupies space 37 inches in lei1.*.=”t|1 and 4‘/3 11101105 in width, is made wholly of iron. without springs or complications of any kind to get out of order. ’l‘hey are capable of printingaddresses at the rate of l.5oo to :2..‘.oo an hour, according to the expertness of the operator. 'l‘he mail list is imposed (made up) on galleys I2/3 inches (l""/'“”l)ic:1)il1 width on the inside. Each galle_v will conta.in 73 1() soaddresses. is easily accessible for making corrections and convenient 1'or handling.- — (‘irrulu r. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...$ltH1t1 Ualleys. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. H 5'» 'l‘] I I‘) ACM It‘. M A] Lltllt. in offering this mailer to the trade we do so with the consciousness of sel- ling an article in every wa_v superior to the older makes. it has been sim- plified, strengthened and improved without materi- a.lly altering the shape of the mailer. Anyone who has used the others. will at once be able to handle this with increased facili- ty, because it is much lighter and more conven- ient. 'l‘hat the machine is a favorite wherever used, is attested by numerous testimonials t‘rom those who use it daily. The machine was de- signed b_v a practical mail- er, for years employed by one of Chicago's largest dailies, and he has pro- duced something that will do the greatest amount of work in the smallest space of time and with the least. labor to the ()D(‘.l‘2IIOI‘.~-—-("I12 Price. net . .. . .. . . . . .. $1.’».oo No royalty is charged for its use. MALLETS. iron Bound.................. no llickory, small . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$o :25 .\1ediun1 . . . . . . . . . . . in so " Large . . . . . . . . . .. , o 4o '_., <._,. -4 II, , Lignum Vitze, medium . . . . . . . .. o no ' large . . . . . . . . . . .. o 75 Raw Hide Mallet. small . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$o on “ " medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. H 7.3 " large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 oo Black Walnut or (‘herry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$o -to Saw for same . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I so PRICE LIST. \ 1 i I I St'(‘(‘1~:ss Ml’l‘REl.\'(i N1A(l}—Ill\'E. l)I‘I(.(| con. etc-looIuoooooooooo-oooouoo -coco-coo-. .g-uuoouc.u4Ul4$]4(I() uoooooouoa ()nA.\'nI.1<:n & inner: M1'ru.1~:l.\'(: MA(‘HI.\'|«:. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................$l3(1tl NEWSPAPER FILES. .II.~\ .\l I I.'l‘()N‘S NI'}\\'SI’A I’l ,1 (‘()ttmi.1>m‘l>zIll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..3~‘II 1.‘. i I PAPER CUTTERS. ‘ l GEM PAPER CUTTER, WITH FINGER GAUGE. I i{(lill('|l.\\'(¥lgllll,2()tIl1)S.... . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ............;~:417.’» nu , 3'.’ " " 1..'m<>lhs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘Jun no 1 Almve prices intelude (~r:1tin;_r. ; L VICTOR PAPER CUTTER. WITH FINGER GAUGE. ‘ :m lll(‘h. Weight 1.600 llis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..:$IiHH nu E 2%‘. “ " 1.8.34! lbs... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.31) (m ,' Almvc prices include vrzitiiig. , l DIAMOND SELF-CLAMP PAPER CUTTER_. WITH FINGER GAUGE. i - .. - , , . _ __ _ _ I ’.l‘iw :l('('()ll]1):l1L\'lll"(‘Ill lil1ltsll':ll("S1ii(‘ Hi-lll('ll (‘,li:111(~1iu«~ l’:u>m' (tutu-r. “if h ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' ’ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' : 44, ''‘f.'‘‘ ‘’‘‘_I_'‘‘ ""f‘_‘-‘ - - ‘ ' ' ~-5‘ 5"“ “O | \\'l1i(,‘]l is simple in hl'()l‘lll, 1)o\\'m-t‘ul. rzuiid and l‘(‘1l2ll)1(‘. .\‘t0vk m:1_\' lit‘ 1;‘. .. ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ’ ’ " .3-” H“ .. .. .. "f)"“' W’ 3 ;:'1iz1::v(lt0\\'itlii11li:i1t'iii(-Iioftlw knife. It is li::ht zmd (‘:lHll_\’ lll€ll12l;l”(‘(l. 'H .. ' ' ‘ ' ' ’ ’ " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ " :4” H“ .. .. ' ' ‘ ' ' '- '--‘“’ "“ ; :m(lm:1\' l)t‘S('l'(‘\\'(‘(l1021I{lh1(‘()l‘Sl2lll(l,0(‘(‘ll])}’lll}Ii)lll littlv mmn. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t . L. " _ ‘ _ _ _._ -' ' _ ' I M” W l 11; inch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$.'»()11u~li . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$«:.'» nu » APAAPERA uoeersn. /M_AAi' J ’ # . Ma.nufact2H"‘£ ly ; A /7 »*/ 4. HART& C / 1‘ K ‘- Battle Cree ' ,/ Mich. A " l ’ J L‘ Ww@& I . - . .1 "1/3! 3 4. E 7, B‘ 1; —E ‘T. I ,‘ I ‘ 11",,‘ ’. <1 ‘\ .1 ""."|"".. ‘ ll 7*“ v i ,5 ;v' I 3 .\&T 'l‘ut: (‘mi HlI\‘.-\'l‘l(L\' l’Al’El( .lm.‘.(:I«:s. 1 - 24x:m, or lvss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$I.3 cm s zmx-is. and u\'v1':_’4x:m . . . . . . . . .$Is no I l.;ii';:v1-sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21» nu ,, I \Vlwn sv\'m':1l are wmitvtl. write f(.)l'S1)(‘('.l2ll (llH('()lllll. - I 5 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..HH%; PERFORATORS tm “ . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ms nu 4 ' r . i h _ 3 The awouiii].i21m'1ii;:out , Q .?'R‘Q BAG/T is an illustrutimi of tin- 4 t l 4 CH ' cA°°~ .. l{0sh:I('k Foot l’<-i't‘m':i— aft:-.i:‘ El’ ::‘::—‘+:: :4 ‘z: ‘:‘:—4‘:‘:‘ ‘ " ’“ tor. _ l<‘m'str01i;:tli, (lm— I ll —=—~=-'— \ :ll)i1ll_\'. s1mpli(.~it_\' . - ('Ul’lSIl‘ll('ll()ll and ml- 1__‘ __ J justnivnt. uml uvm-r:il ~ V :ul:u.>tz1hilit,vtntlw pur- ! EV poses t'm-whit-li it is in- « g l(‘ll(i(‘(l it H1ll'(‘1_\' has no a ,_=: equal. The t'1':nm- is =.—=_- H(‘('lll‘t‘l_\' l)l‘:l('(‘tl znul . 5 hUll(‘(l so as to 1n‘v\'<-nt * I’; it lwi1i;:‘1':i(-lwtl m-twist- :3. ml out of sluuw by '§ ti':mspm't:1ti(m or nth- « E m'\\'isv. (‘:lllSill;1‘llll(lll(‘ * E wvzn‘ ()1) H10 ll(‘(‘(lit‘H m- l E div. A \'vi§\' t'.\'('l‘Ht‘lll ' K?-.1 t'm1t1m» of this niut-liinv 3:: and (nu-tlmt will lw zip- \,'-‘; ])l'('(‘l2ll('tl h_\' tlw up:-1'.'r ‘F: tor is th(- sli(lin;rslnt~— II/\ .;Z;‘ l(‘(l plutvs on ft-mil of It“! m-mllv lmr tsvv (‘UH K ;' \\'|ll('|l vn:|hl(-s him tn ;;|;:]fi:|l, El‘-3 <-:usil_\‘ zuul quit-kl,\' pm-_ gs-—~ I \'l(l<‘ for tlw stuhs at El (-lwuks. (‘l(‘., l‘(‘ll(lt'l‘lll‘._" .' ' :1imrtiunnt‘tln\m\vtll«-s lllU|H‘l':lll\’t‘. 'I‘utlntl\is l{(i.\‘li.»\(‘l\' l“U()'I‘ |'I<:IH“nH.\'|‘uH. W, huh. hm m 1m,“-H thv tlmmh sci-t-ws mi tlw sliding: plutvs. lll()\'(‘ tlw |)]:l1('-‘-3103' ll0H1“”l' ()\'t‘l'1ll:lI l)()l‘ll()ll uftlw p:uw1- lw wislws to pm-t'm-:itt~. tigrlitvn tln- tlitiiiili sci-t-ws. and thv 1wi't'm':Itm* is l‘(‘Jlll_\' fur \\‘()l'k. '|‘ln:it DUl‘Ilt)ll ()\'t‘l‘ wlm.-h the s1):u~t- or s]):l('<‘s l)(‘l\\'(‘t‘ll tlw ])l:u~vs U(‘('lll' will rmnzlin tiiipt-i~t'm':itt-tl_. 'I‘I1v11m-tllv hm‘ lllllll(‘(ll£lIt‘1_\' (liH)\'(‘lllt‘])1£ll(‘H is :."l‘:l(lll:llt‘(ll()l1l(‘ht‘H:lll(l ~ t'1':u-timisut':i1i lli(‘ll.l[\' \\'lll('il tlwplzilvs m:1_\" lw :ul_i_ustv(l. 'l‘ln- Hllllt‘ is m.;H_\ '\V(‘|A: in mm (~l~,»-H,;“_ :tls0:_"1':1(l1i:1te-(1.tlml huslmtli si lll('ll l‘m't'm':ltm' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 (W 2:; llI(‘ll.('ll1S2lll(lS(]llZll't‘S 13:4 llI(‘l| (:I('l1I;ll si'/.<~. 2:m lll('ill . . . . . sin UL ‘, 24 -* " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Him «in - ~. .. ' IL?» lltl 2.’)‘,:';lll('|i. ‘ L’-3‘; ' 2.3!, ~- IIUUU j gs ~- ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. PERFORATORS. llllllilzllllilima. IIA NI) PERFORA TOR. Perforates to inches, and is provided with gauges on both sides, so that the sheets may be turned and fed in again, making a continuous per- forated line 24! inches long. Needles make round holes, like the perfora- t.ion on a sheet of postage stamps. in-inch hand perforator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ......$2-'» 00 -.ouuo-o.oooo--oo.o.- PERFORATING RULE. Brass. perfoot......... . . . . . .$o2.'» Slt‘(:‘1 “ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “U75 Extra char::e. if cut to ems. PASTERS. Price, including‘ two wheels and four .L‘ates. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$:i So PLANERS. Small . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....$o -3 Large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o 35 Lartre. with leather top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 4o Proof l’]aner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 5H :\'.i~:\\' l.\lPl{()\'}-3]) WAsn1.\'u'ro.\' HAND Pimss. Printers who have been accustomed to using the Washingrton lland Press will appreciate the radical improvements made in the. press which we offer to the trade. It is made from new patterns, and all parts are in- terchangeable. The platen is strengthened by transverse ribs, and the bed is made. heavier, to resist the force of the impression and make it uniform at all points. ’l‘he lever support is strengrthened by a brace ex- tending upward against. the frame. ’_I‘he bed trucks are stronger, and the studs, steps and points are all of steel, hardened.-.-(,‘ir<'u.Iur. ti column, platen 21 x34), bed :25 x34, weight 1,675 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,$;2oo on 7 “ “ :2: x35, “ ‘.27 x39, " l,s.3(i lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2:25 on >~‘ “ “ 25 x3><. “ 2:» x42, " 2,2 -3 lbs . . . . . . . 25o no 9 “ “ 28‘/QXJ3. “ til’/gx-I7, “ :2,85I)lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27.3 on t; col. quarto " 2:» x43, " 321/gxis, *‘ 2,951) lbs . , _ _ , _ _ , _ _ , _ _, mm on Price, includes one. screw wrench, and ink slice: also boxing and cartagre. Extra friskets, $3 so to $1; on. one. ink brayer, one pair bearers Extra bearers. per pair, 5') cents. PRICE LIST. 1 l PRESSES--HAND. Pn.o'r l’m‘:ss. "These presses rank as the best of this class in the market and have nev- er _vet failed to ;:iVeen— tire satisfaction. 'l‘he_v are a time saver. as many jobs of card or other work can be put on this press and completed in less time than would be con- sumed in making: ready on ordinary job presses. The size, «:1/gxlo inches inside chase, embraces all ordinary conmiercial work. Each press is fur- nished with one set roll- ers, wrench and chase. mU,u“u[DUli '/ ,'I A Price, boxed and shipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..$::3 on PRESSES--JOB. (‘nANm.i:u & l’1u('l«: ._ 01.1) S'I‘\'I.H (.:o1u)o.\'. Equal in workman- ship and finish to any Old Style (.‘o1-don in the market. Has depress- } ible grrippers and other ‘ fine improvements: the most practical and pos- itive throw—ot’f yet in- troduced: steel shafts and side arms. forgetl t'rom solid bar without seam or weld: best ma- terial used, most care- fully finished. It is the most durable hence the most economical ma- chine for the printer. (fut shows press with steam and the Buckeye fountain. (‘in-aim". \\_"f-is. r W‘. \\f"m\r‘mW\“‘v .. t““‘ " ';e§‘“ ..:;v7 W?—--__ /14 a'~"‘:'Jv Y“‘\--*7’ _./v -.1 - - . ' '4" we cui\\w\\=.s9-\’-.B.\....§\\ '\ u c\.E.V u. AND ;m:\\ Flizrhth Medium, sxlzz, throw—off and depressible in-ippers. . . . . . . . .$l4¢xL’2'*4 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. N5 oo 8 °‘ “ Ill‘/4’X'-35,‘/2 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12o oo 2.’ pp .3 col “ 1:1!/gxzts “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 125 oo ltlach press is t'urnished with :2 chases. o patent _ quoins. roller frame, and cast roller. o1le1-and wrench. *0 E2 (3 gm 1: m -‘ ll '_'_5..;':~ —‘—~ IDEAL HAND CY 1.1.\'n1~;1c l.’1t,1:ss. 'I‘he l(leal is an entirely new departure from old methods ot' printii ;:. a11d must be seen to be fully appreciated. it has been i11 use for more than two years in the crude form as tirst made by the inventor, and has t'ully demonstrated its superiority over all other hand cylinder a11d hand presses. It will produce 3t to to 41 Ni impressions an hour: it makes a clean, sharp impression, and will print anything from a newspaper the t'ull size of the bed to a poster or dodger. 'l‘l1e impression is made by at solid steel cylinder, which is held tirnily in place by double truck wheels running in a square groove o11 the under si(ie of the bearers or tracks. 'l‘l1e impression is regulated by t‘ourin1- pression screws that raise and lower the bearers on which the cylinder runs. 'l‘l1e cylinder is actuated by link belts r111n1i11,-I over sprocket wheels at each end of the press. 8 column folio, .3 column quarto, bed 28'/~;x4:& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$'_’oo oo o " “ ti " “ “ 3:l%gx4t~‘1/4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘M’ oo .._n) Frisket for No. 1. extra. $1: oo: No. 2. tie .'.o. .; _ -" 1 ,-,v~.~. "‘* '~‘1I . ti...,...l _11"':,,yn__ .,E_n,___'v?_w’( . _ _ V . ,__.: Nl'l\\' l.\ll’|{()\'El) (.‘«Ul.'.‘\"l‘l(,Y ]’1{()U'l‘\'. 'l‘his machine is well built, has no tapes, pulleys or fiyers, has good register a11d distribution. It feeds like a11 ordinary power cylinder press. is a self inker and delivers its ow11 slieetzs: one man feeds and one turns: can be run by steznn or hand, and from soo to 1,ooo papers printed per hour. No type ;:1-inding: only one motion on type: simple and economical. 'l‘hey are in use in every state in the Union. ~('1'rcuIm'. No.1,7col1nnnt'olio,27 X37 . . . . . . . . . . ...........$titNl(N| No.24-z " " 271/§_x43}g_... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................7oooo .\'o.3,:i “ “ .'{2‘,QX~lti}<_::.... . . . . . . . . soooo 'l‘he above prices include. well fountain, rubber blanket, set of cast rollers, set of extra cores, and patent throw-off and impression lock. All boxed and on board cars. Steam fixtures. $1.3 extra. If a fly is desired for any reason, it ca11 be added to this press at a cost of $25 oo extra. PREPARED CEMENT. 'l‘his cement is nmch superior to elite. Being a liquid it is always ready. and can be applied cold as easily as paste. Blocks of tablets made with this cement should be cut apart. as soon as removed from the press. Red or blue. half pint.. .$o so pint, $0 so quart, $11 no ;.:‘:lll()11.$5l oo (‘olorless " “ u so " o 4.3 " o so “ -,2 so PROOF PRESSES. .\'o\‘1«:1.'1‘\' l’lt()Ul" l’1u«1ss. 'l‘he accoiiipaiiyimr cut represents the la- test production for taking: proof of mat- ter. ‘ink the form with a proof roller. dampen the paper. and lay on thetype, place the proof press astride the matter. and ii‘ on a §1‘:lll(‘_\‘ roll i'ron1 bottom to top. It is equally applica- ble to a Job locked up in a chase. o11 :1 :.'‘al- ley or tied up with a strinpr. A rubber cyl- inder grives the im- f pression. llistance between wheels. nine inches. ~(‘ircuIur. Price . . . . . . . . . . ..&44 So 338 PRICE LIST. I '. PROOF PRESSES. , ROLLERS--FELT CLOTH DISTRIBUTING. I I 2.. , SIZE BED IF srocx IS INCLUDING ' ’/-I F or PRESS. FURNISHED. STOCK. i I7x2I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$l IIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I; so 1 2IIx2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 IIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 2.’. "I 21x27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 5:. 24x3II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 so . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. s on 2.3x:I.I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. soo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. R 7.3 i >sIx42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .3 so . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II so i i:_’x-Hi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 oo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. III 2.3 3 I4x.3II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 2:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. III 7.‘. : IIIXFIJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -1 .'III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II 2.3 E 4IIx.34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 73 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II 7.3 ‘ ~IIIxIsII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 IIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I2 .3II E ‘. § . I J; ROLLER COMPOSITION. E liegular, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..:i~o 3.3 [ l<}ver1a.sting, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II .3o I "Rough and Ready“ (Van Bibber‘s) per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II 3.3 PRICES FOR CASTING ROLLERS. SIZE PRESS. REGULAR COMPOSITION. EXTRA COMPOSITION. /, / Eightln Medium 2-: x12 $o 40 each $o so each ' ‘ “ II x13 II 4.3 " II .35 H No. II. with Iron Stand 9x27 inches br'I.,ver and blanket . . . . ,. . . . _ . . . .$2s IIII Q1111r1‘t0 “ III x1.3 II so I‘ I ()0 ‘I No. II, without " ( ‘I ’ sIx27 “ ’ in.c(luding blanket . . . . .. 22 IIII H 1‘; II xlo II 8.3 “ I III " a " 1:; xio I IIII “ I 5o 1* I=oR DOUBLE AND JOB GALLEYS. “ 3 14 X20 I III “ I IIII “ _ u 3 )1 1 b (ma bl wk“ $‘_ “0 Half Super Royal H1/2x22 I 2.3 “ I 7.3 “ :0‘ .1,’ “ifh 11.9" m‘u.].d‘ 1 /‘§.%_.) “C368 131.5 U ‘.. __ ' . 4,: (M Hand l’ress Rollers cast at III cents per Inch. (._\'11nder Press Rollers §’ .. .. .. 2” X3“ .. .. .. 55 0” cast at 3.3 and :30 cents per pound. _ fig ' '4‘ .. .. .. .,4 X42 .. .. .. _ . H H _ _. (.5 (M All rollers are subgect to climatic changes, especially new rollers. ln 3’ .« «. «I 37 x54 u I. «. ' .3 0” 11Qh(la1.1np V\’e?%t}l91‘,Vl\N}]{l6ll‘ inklwiill not adhere to rollers, spongethem ‘ "I . R “ '.. .. . . . . W1, I a mu wa er. A a ct Ie so ut on stroi ax d ut ve ' ' littl e . .\'o. I without. Iron stand. IIII}/}x.;2 including b1.1nket....... . 225 '3» ‘ D ‘-‘ ‘ 0“ xo, 2 I‘ ‘~ '~ 16 2x: 5 I‘ “ ‘ .. . . . . . .. . ') No. ‘i ‘I H -1 2II xas “ I‘ “ ........ .. 45 IIo Boxing-—~-No. II $1 oo, Nos. I and 2. $1 .30, Nos. 3 and 4 $2 III), No. 5812 511. THE “III,I“ l{El.lAl\'(‘E PROOF Pimss. An inexpensive and, at the same time, reliable proof press has long been in de- mand in both small and mecliuin-sized newspaper and job offices. and the "oo" Ite- hance is just such a press. It has a.n iron bed—full length. 34 inches. printing sur- face, 2.3 inches, and admits easily of a double ,9:a1ley. No.I,perdozenpairs................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.30 No.2, “ *~ I‘ . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IoII Keys, plain, for either size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II .30 “ plated, “ “ "‘ . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 75 WOOD QUOFNS. llickory, per IIIII . . . . . 40 ! BOXWOOG. 110-I‘ 1”“ - - - - - - - - - » - - -- " ‘W ROLLERS--PRooI= AND HAND PRESS. R.()].l.ElCS \\'l'I‘H ONE HAI\'l)].E. Is inch roller complete and cast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$I 8.3 ,4 ~~ ~~ H ‘I -~ .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 so H, -~ ~« H -~ I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 7:. 1-2 H ~~ " 1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :4 2II Icents an inch less. If IIot cast. IuII.I.I:R.s Wl'l‘lI Two 11A.\'III.1«:s. I4 inclI roller complete and cast . . . . ..$3 H; " “ “ “ “ . . . . .. 4 1:4 1‘ “ “ “ “ . . . . .. 4 34. -~ H I‘ " “ . . . . .. .3 If not cast. III cents an inch less. ROLLER CLOTH--FELT I‘-"oR DISTRIBUTORS. In rolls of 2% inches wide and 12 yards long. per roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$.3 IIII The same. per yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II .3II ROLLER CORES. lI‘()R JOB |’RESSES. Smaller than EiglIth . . . . . . . . . . .-‘F11 l<‘()l{ CYl.lNl)EI{ I’l{ESSES. .30 ' SIZE BED. IRON PIPE. wooo. lcighth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II 7:3 18x22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘.3 3o $4 IIII .lI}ig}ItlI, large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II so 2IIx2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .3 IIII 4 2.3 Qnarto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II 8.’) 24x3II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :3 no 4 .3II Quarto.lar::e..... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II :III 3,-,x3;, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . _ _ __ .; 3“ 4 7;, llalfMediun1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l IIII 29x42 _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ __ 5 5” _—, 00 you ]1Ax]) 1{.()1,1,I«;ns, 32x-16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ii 80 .3 2.3 Is and 8 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$II -III 34X-3” - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - 7 1“ 5 50 III and I2 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II on 35X-313 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 7 4“ 5 75 I4 and 16 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II 7o 4“X->4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 7 7“ Ii 1111 lg and 2“ i*“(/ah _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ ' . ‘ . _ _ _ . _ Q. 8” '*()X(;() . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . o . . 8 U” H 20 ROLLER MOULDS. BRASS .\IoL'LIIs. LENGTH. DIAMETER. PRICE. DIAMETER. PRICE. DIAMETER. PRICE. 24 inches, 2 inches, Ii? .3 so 3 inches, 81 7 2II 3% inches, II II (so so *~ -,3 *1 I; IIII 3 “ S) IIII :;1,§ *1 12 on so “ 2 “ 7 2II I " III so 3%; “ I4 40 «III “ 2 “ s IIII 3 I‘ 12 oo 3% “ Hi oo 44 “ 2 " s so 3 “ I3 20 3% “ I7 IIII -£8 “ :2 “ SI (III 3 “ I4 -{(1 3% “ I9 20 52 I‘ 2 “ Io 4o 3 " 1:. so 3% “ 2o so For lI}ighth Medium Press, brass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$3 IIo “ ‘° “ “ lar;:e “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 .3II “ Qua)-to “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 (III “ I‘ " “ large “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 .3II “ Half “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 (III " ‘* " “ large “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .3 so 'I‘lIeso prices include base and star. ROLLER SUPPORTERS. For II chase, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$II 3.3 “ xll " “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1) -H1 “ 8x12 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (I ‘I “ IUXIS “ " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. U 50 “ llXl7 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (1 I311 “ liixlil “ ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..117.'I RULING MACHINES. Cataloirues and prices furnished on appl1catioII. SAWS. I2 iIIclI blade, for wood, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. so 8 “ “ “ brass rule and type metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 oo. SCREW WRENCHES. 8' 111(?11.<‘=1('11 ~ - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - . . . . ..$0 75 I 10 inch, e.ach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIII PRICE LIST. 330 SCREW DRIVERS. HEAVY OVERHEAD FIXTURES. Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$II 75 Consists of counter shaft, two self {l(U1lStll){:’.'ll2lll§£€l‘S with oil (I-up, two ______,___W___7 V _, I-one pulleys illldd1‘iVi11§-"l3\111t‘N- For lcigrhtli Medium, 3 speed cone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$‘._’II IIII SECTIONAL BL0<>Ks- .. ~~ » 4 ~ I. ..................................... . 2. “ Quarter “ 3 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :22 .'III “ “ “ 4 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.3 IIII Half _ H 3 H “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 so " “ “ ~-I “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :III IIII ln ordering state diameter and speed of main shaft. IMPROVED UNIVERSAL HANGERS. DIAM. BOX. DROP. PRICE. I 1 7-III 1:2 inch $5 (III I 11-III 1:2 “ .3 rm 1 7-16 1-} “ .3 an 1 11-16 14 “ II III» I ll-III 17 " I; 3:, I 15-16 17 " 7 7.’. 2 3-16 17 “ «I (III I 11-16 HI -~ 7 (III I 1.-‘I-III HI “ I4 3:, 2 :I-II; HI -I H 7:. A . RIGID DROP HANGERS FOR Consist of metal sections made up from pieces :2x4, :2x8, 4x4, 4x8 and "'°""T s”‘FT'"G' 8x8 ems pica. Hooks are inserted in the largest sections, which may be I __l V l_, inch W m a.rrang‘ed on any part of the block, and can be adapted for bed and platen, ‘ ’ ~ ' " or cylinder Dress work. With an assortment of the sections or furniture I 1 1-16 1:! “ 4 IIII the printer may, by a. proper combination, prepare a set of blocks to take I 15-16 12 “ 4 .')H on a. page of any size. _ _ Hooks, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$I III ‘"011 0“ “W 101' ‘'i*-'“‘ ‘““’1’ ‘”"‘«‘-*" Catches, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II 15 ers, .3IIcents extra. Sections of lI‘urniture. per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II :25 STEAM FIXTURES. CC " SHEARS BWDERS - PRICE LIST OF SHAFTING. ‘; : 21 ' ‘ '2 : 1l'tlt-10 . , , ( It now“ md mi“ 8 0“ mp C n ( old Rolled and Turned. Strmghted and Polished. ‘ ‘”“““‘”' "” Dianieter. 1 inch.... ...l’I'ice per ft. $0 70........Weight per ft, g_I;s “ 1 :— " . . . . . . .. *- II 7;’ . . . . . . .. " 3, SHOOTING STICKS. 1 1- 4 ...... .. 0 7.3. ..... .. 4,7? I 7-III ' . . . . . . .. II 80 . . . . . .. 5...’): E 1 1-12 - . . . . . . .. ~ II so . . . . . . .. ti.tIl I 11-16 . . . . . . .. II s7 . . . . . . .. 7_I;I Maleable Iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$II 30 I Steel, extra large, bright . . . . ..$II 75 _1 ['I*“5 - - - » - - -- I 053 . . . . . . .. “ III.II:I Steel, small bright . . . . . . . . . . . .. II (III I Hickory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II II5 .2 3-16 . - . . - . .. I .2.» . . . . . . .. 12,30 2 "MI; . . . . . . .. ~ I an , , , , . _ _, ,,—,_g,, — ~ ~ 2211-III " . . . . . . .. ‘ I so . . . . . . .. 19,31 21I)‘](; . . . . - . .. . 2 l\) . . . . . . .- . ' .\‘uIIject. to changes of the market, without further notice. WI ought Iron, straight, accurately finished, per inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$II II4 ‘- “ beveled, “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II II?» A ‘_ H PRICE LIST OF PULLEYS. With Set Screws. SPACES AND QUADS. l)ianIeter 6m 711) Sin tIin 1tIin 1:2in 14in 16in It-Kin :2IIiII :24iu J0“ FOVTQ 3 in. lace $1 9.”) $2 III $22 :25 $2 40 $22 55 '2 245 $3 :25 $3 tit) $4 on $4 1 $5 -«III » A 4 " :2 III :2 :25 :2 45 2 IIII 2 7.3 3 I5 3 55 3 95 4 45 4 II5 II III 5 l‘oint(1’earlI . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1 40 I Hi l’oint( :2 line Brevier.... .$() 55 " "I 1”.’ 59 :‘;(.’ 1:’ ‘E’, ‘:3 iim.’ i 4” 4 "5 5 3 “ 8",’ ‘V _. I _ t _ ' . . . . . ' ‘ . . H I “U 18 I. ( gline Bourgeois) H (, _-)5 I N .. no I.. ') ... :4) z Z I . II 3;) _ HI) .I S)” 6 120 7 ISFI (5;/2 cs . I . . . . . H H “5 1 2” ‘I ( 2 line Ilong 1)]-inler) () 6” 7 E.) 8” .2” 6‘ 7” 4 2” 4 7” I) ' H U5 (I 3:) 3 4.’) 7 (Minion) . . . . . . . . . . .. II II5 ' 24 “ I 41ineNonpareI1)... II IIII 8 T‘ 3:31» i: L} I I i (I5 4 55 5 20 5 s5 II IIII 7 so II an e, " IB evier . . . . . . . . . .. II I‘-' 30 “ I F line Nonp‘I.reil)... II 00 9 t ‘ If ; '4’ ' Q 49 9-'_I -‘I 6” ti 3“ 7 I5 8 15 III ‘.20 {I *‘ tB{)1l1‘£€(:iS) . . . . . . .. II 36 " I I)ili11eNOnD:1l‘eld)... II IIII III ‘ .1 (I0 .3 85 4 15 4 4.» 4 7.» .I 3.» II III II 80 7 75 8 st» ll III 1" “ (140113 P"1me1')«- - - -- “ 55 433 ‘E ( 7 11116 N011P*“‘¢ )' " ” 6” l"Irt:ies ordering pulleys will please st-Ite for what size shaft till '11 11 1e‘ H H (slliml ‘EI,icai)m'i'l. H H 6” 48 “ :1: line " ‘I’ $9 umv be bored to tit saxne. ( ‘ ’ I‘ V U \ 1:2 “ (:2 1101 onpare I.. II IIII . IIII “ ne n 2-‘ .-I ‘Q ~ , i . . ~ , . , . . - .1 . . 14 H (2 line Mim(<)m_ H W a 72 __ (1; line N0npm_em _ 1 25 I llbJeCt to changes of the maiket vsithout tuItheI notite. STEAM FIXTURES. TAPE FASTENER. l’I-ice, with 1 box eyelets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$I '25 “ “ " “ if sent by mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I 4II O TAPES--CYLINDER Pness. i}giIIclI wide, large roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$II 3 1,45 “ “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II 75 " *~ *- “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 2.3 1 “ " “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 SH 1%; “ “ " “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I IIII 3 \ TYMPAN PRESS-BOARDS. :Ix3II inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$II .’III I :-31x46 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$t IIII . ~>IIx:I.-3 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II 75 'Ix.'I:2 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I 2.3 TYPE MEASURES. I Made of maple, in two sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$II '25 V - Made of tough check card board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II 2.3 LI(:II'r ()VEl{]{1<)A]) I«‘Ix'1~I'Iu«;s, -I -- (?onsist.s of counter shaft, two adjustable hangers with oil cups, two TYPE WASH AND LYE. cone pulleys and (11'iVi11;I pulley. FUR EIIIHTII .\ll<.‘l)llT.\l A.\‘]) .\‘.\lAl.l.l~<% 4 4 2II I3‘ 2.3 14 IIII _V1e(Iium_ III/,xI:-U/.3 II XIX}/3 III‘/4xI71/4 4 3 IIII 4 so 13 IIII I)em_v. ll x|Is lII‘A§Xl(i II-"I/4x14-I/4 4 3 7.3 4 .3II I2 IIII (\)nm'to: b ln11:Ie1-i:Il. II xIII Hiygxlfi S)-%X14"’/I 4 3 7.) 4 .»II I2 IIII H111’). l{o_\'IIl. III}/.gxI:I1.g III xl31.g II1/4x121/I 3 3 III 3 7.3 III :30 Rovul II%xI-2|/.3 II x121/3 st/,xI 11/4 3 2 III3 3 .3II III IIII Medinnx. II xl I!/I .~l l{o_v:II, l'_"/~:’XIII‘/Q’ I2 xIII ll%Xl8% 7 I; 4II Z 4.» 1.: 2.3 ;V1edi1nn. Ill/3x1:-I1/.3 II x1>< III:/4Xl7_/4 I II III I IIII II 2.» I)e1n_v. II xm III!/,,xII; II-%Xl4% I; .) 3II I; III I.) on Qn2I1'to: 1mpI-I-i:Il. II xIII III‘/QXIH II-34x14-‘)4 I. .3 :III I. III I3 IIII >'1l1').l{()_\'2l]. III,1A_$Xl3,'/._§ III X13 II%xI21/4’ .3 4 .3II 3 2.3 I I .3II I{o.v:I.l. III/_;xI2'.g II x12 H%xI 1% .3 4 2:3 4 IIII I2 7.3 .\le-dinm. II xI I14 sl/~,VxII 7%Xl(I% .3 4 IIII I (SH I2 2.3 I)em,\'. 73/jxll 7‘/IXIIH/.'_} Ii%X 9% 4 3 :III {so III 3 ()etI1vo: , _ Im1‘)e1'izIl. 7-‘}I’xII 7%XHI% H%X II-)4 4 I 3II I so III 7.3 Su1).l.{o_v:Il. Ii‘/._gXl(I‘/:3 I. x II1.g .3%x III/4 4 I 1.3 IIIII III IIII Royal, I; x II1/_,_ .31/gx II 4-Mx 3% 4 I IIII I 4II II .3II Mgdmm, 3,1/2x II 3 x 8% 4%x 7% 4 2 -3 3 2.3 II IIII |)(;n).\'_ ,')%X 734 I) X 4 X 151/2 4 .1 7” I “I N .31) The dimensions in all the sizes of "l:n'gI-st 1Il:ItI- taken on‘ rI.II-koned o1Ie—sixt.eI-nt.I1 inch sn1:I.l1e1' than Iriven ztbove. ln sendinI: orders give size of each block outside. and also size of lm-Irest. and snmllest plate to be worked. l]l(§2lS1Il‘ill,'.:‘ hack of ].)]3lI(‘. All ‘ should III- blocks 2ll‘(’, lII2I(1(* tlnree-I11I:II'te1-s of an inch thick. unless othe1-wisI- m'(ie1'eti. STEREOTYPE OUTFITS--SURGUY. I-K%X|4 IIx2I 14x24 (‘:IstinI.-' Box, with e"ItIIe1-Irus or Irztsoliiw. heat- ing :Itt:II-hment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..$2I,I IIII $3II IIII we no Iron Burs, SIIIII-iIII:s. (701-es,ete., for t.\'1)<.‘.-IliIFIh I-Iists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. III IIII I3 IIII I3 on Iron .\‘lnIt.el)II:I1-Ii and I’]:nIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. III IIII III IIII I2 on Iron .VlitI-e Box and Saw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. II IIII II IIII I2 IIII II‘uI-IIIII-I-, Melting‘ Pot and l.IId1e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. s IIII III IIII III IIII BI~2Iti11I:B1'nsh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 (III 3 IIII 3 IIII Slllilll 'l‘ools. Brushes, Blankets, l’I-e1‘)II1-eti Mut- rices, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I3 (III .3 IIII 5 IIII '.I‘ot:Ils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$Ii.3 IIII I}IsII IIII $9.3 IIII Any part will he sold sII1Im':tte1.\'. WIRE STITCHING MACHINES. .\loI'rison and other .\'t.it(tI1iIIg Mat-liinies. Write us for lowest III-ices. STAPLING MACHINES. Llh‘ ll'l‘.\'l..\'(} .\"l‘.-\ l’|.II3 BINDIIIR. PI-it-I~ with foot ]I()\\'(‘l‘ ;It.t.zIcInnent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 IIII ’l‘hI-, staples are str1nI;: on wooden rods, and are thus I-:Isil_\' inserted. The In:I(.-hine lIolds LZIIII :11 2| H1111‘- No. 7. 3-II: Inch, for 2 to III sheets, .3,IIIIII in box, per hox . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$I 23 No. NI I-4 “ “ II; to 32 “ " " . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I 2.3 NIL II, 5-“; °‘ “ 32 to .3II -- I‘ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I .2’: PRICE LIST. STAPLING MACHINES. '_”_,__. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . III I. BIIIIIJIICII I.oAIII«:n Bl.\'l)II}l{. .-'\(I:l])i(‘(I to hindim: sIn:Ill ]IInmI‘IIlI*ts ot':In,\'tIIiI-knI~ssIIndIII'lIIII1):II.res. l’1-Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$3 IIII St2l])i(‘S s(‘. 3-H: long: I). I-4: II}, .3—II; |)(‘I‘ I,IIIIII._, II .3II . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . I - “SAl)])Ll‘} 13A(‘I<“ BINJIIIIR. No. 8, without flat tzihle, including: foot power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$30 (II) No. II, including flat table and “ " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36 ()0 II‘lIIt tztble for No. :4 “S:Iddle Buck" .Bi1I(ie1', $1 .3II udditionzil. . St.a1Iles, SIIUII In hox. $132.3. TABLET BOXES. (‘II'1"I"s 'l.‘ABl.E’l‘ ll()lI])I_-31!. AND OLA Ml’. For st1‘2Ligl1tenin,r: up and holding sheets ofpz11)e1' while being glued for tablets. Will hold 3,IIIIII sheets: is sinI1)lI-, convenient and dn1':I.ble: one of the best and hznidiest urti- eles yet devisI—,-.d for the ]')III'- pose. Any 11nInbe1- of sheets (:InI be hznidled, wlIethI~r IIIII 01‘ 3M)“. with equztl ease: :I]- lows Izluing on two sides: it is made S]()])ill§.',' so the1I:uII~I- will stand Iilone while being.»- adjusted. ’J‘he elznnn is sep- arate from the box. is quick- ly and easily zidjnsted to the v:n'ious Ull(fkI1(‘HS(‘,.‘%. and any de_si1'ed1)I*essn1‘e (9211! be oh- tznned. The ]):u)er is set :II::I.inst the notched board, with the IImIe1' ed;_"e down, Imd the board neI11'est. their size is placed Iigziiiist it. When even the (.-l:nn1) is 1)l:Ieed over them and tightened with :1. fair presslire, after- wIn'd it is lifted out and turned over so that the edges to be glued are 1l1.)])(‘l‘lll()St.~~~U'I‘I‘CIl.I(l‘)'. 1’1‘i(‘<.‘C0I1l1)10t0. illcllldillg four beveled mess boards for blocking. . . .$3 25 IC.\'t.I'{lC11IIlI])S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 35 ., - . , . ~,_-,,--—»» u 949245 J JOUR lflll H1! |5IW|l7|l|l1||i||9li|7l|l!llll||| 0051 1 1498 010. ll! flllll 2250 JOUR 250 .327 1897 91&92’+5 5.,¢«—»..... . __-_ ...,... ,,___a..... _._.......zs_ n.Laf&-.-.)|.'._..).4,....¢_R‘a4,.-..ag_‘.‘.»._ .‘ ..,., ‘.\‘-_.r »--...a. .5. «u_a.~«vv ¥ .3 K K. . . ..\ no . ..‘ x . »\ ... \ .\ vs. .. 5.-(~.‘».;\ V 99;‘ ‘ \ \ \ .\ — . \~. ...‘I'§h¢.‘ . x x . \ w I.&. . ..,....w\.\,.. 3 .9}._' VJ‘; .‘.*.:-&‘:u\_, .3 . E... W". ,: .V...'.-‘...~. \ x