w , . v. . y wwtkaw 7.w,. ,. .21..) a «flwa wmhnw ._ ,. v .... _ _ .. Alwutfiiw, a...“ .. , . ., .. mfflfi . \ c. . V. g. a; Q~ .1 21”.... ST . I“, i O Q n . , s f . » 3 iafE. . wrung“... g. A J, A, .. W... . mm.” 1.“. ifffms. ma... r... . v WWW” . .6... 3.3%” w a.” m... Petrafiio a . > ,. hm. . $2...“ nfimwwfl F m ”flu. ,w. 4.3. “u .5; «firm: ., A. 6.35%, . f ”9.. .. ,~ . . _ {W . . .._ Lw§ww _ a ..v ,. . .. _, .r 1.. . .l# o 7.» “$1, . . . ave Lima?“ % . w My” ,wi.WKMw~ . .4 S.» .3 Misuwrzfi . ...A§§. My. 1,. , .. M... i. v 3.11:”. . 9.. «war, , “ ... pang». .. v :2; 2. a I. .. . % flunfi.: K was: “:93... f. 3 . 2... . my? . w... 32. T L ,. . $3.33”...{thanawf 4...”. «cafivmaduuxwm Hwy» ., #13,... mum. w ., . .. .m, @ / Quit . gaxresml. . ..»~;.w..199_~. w..~ . . . “a?“ ddtrergfimflvn rye!» fry...“ “Ghana .2va. ._ .7: #4.. a: ._. Fir. I. .. ... . . f, 3:1; .45. T + m i 3...... 3.2 m... . .. : ¢ . .To‘.1....:.mf.m. h... ,‘ngwagsz... Inefaww .. . , ..$,.,,._.Jin...m.w. . . . fl; #3.... . ...,.r._...~..,,.m., Ma. an... . .. .. .4..w.._.1.,..<. .,~../.n.3._....m.. . Jig. 3... «Effigiwm» o~x~.fi.....r. . , . .. , 9...... “:1. :3... .~__._...... . . . . x. ....m,.~.::?man.W_¢M.M.M..Mm..:€. W.¢.%m......€... . . i. .. mi {wmfifi3%.»...1...5...... 3.. .... a; x , . , . _ .7. pm '33.; .1}; r» w. . 4 «A . A :11. 2. .6 . .u 3.2. _ . g a _ . _.. .123...” .. -f .4 .1... L: a.» «1.. . a . ”A f. «whimmzn... . wan}... ..¢.¢..M._..r,. .. A thaws? i wwaerxxwmwrim Am}: . , ... 7.7”...» .1... ,,.r.».:. ...L..... . . #3...» “ . , , .r; f.“ A a .1... .. .m .. » h (in s ,1 .. ~ ». .. n . M, v; .... a A .. v, unfit r. u n.3, A». . :..,.,;.::w “tin... .3... a.........w,.....v...: ., {ugwaxmxwwfi xii. w . . . a. 9?”. n ,. n..r.._§..r€.....§ . 5.1.0 ... ... J. .3; ~ . in, , . m N. mm .. A . a... . . .. T ...; 7. r: . A. .3“... . ..._ .,..,...._s . , a». . . . . .. a.“ . .~d-.- ..,.m.....~.ar...w f. o . p»_~'.»fluaw-.~.. .. ..., ;. «y...» . ww...p....».m.,..p m , —., . . . M, 1...... . a, am)?» . . .. . Jaw“, . A . . . I. . .7. f r... _. .. . . «r... “A .. . , ”muffin...“2.91513...r. rarer. » d :5. . . . ... . . . ....\_.~..‘.rm>.... x! .., H . .1.» fa. 1.. . ..m. . .fw. . .. . w . ... ... 1 ,. 3.33.... . . ..u.....p. ....~I ... .... .. .. M .2... ._:,;.f.2._... .. .. : .... . . a . , ...f....§.,.3.....1.1.:. .. . ,.14¢'a,&..gaaf.v.b . . . ..w. w“. 9.. .... a, $1.3... oi.tlii.§;.. ._ . if... ~...n....£._wm..¢....¢..wm . ,cd..,.,m~...~... w.u...(Eur..gmn...x.;..rxfith.“445.9313..., 293.95%3...}.e : . . . _.V.,..._‘..F~.r}.v. ”Jana a...’....:..n......n.. .. .......a.;....:........ .1»... cf“... ..._v.: . .. .3”? 7 . a... yr. Z... J,.. ,.. u. v..,...__...,1.... ; 4.... a .59.. y». ~._4..n.o............«3...... ....¢...o.vA....o-.._.t’_ .. rv‘ ._ f .v .. .. $1.”. P. 1.9}... v... .. .C.. x. wt. . . g...fl_ . . ., ..- p. .w. .. V W,W“ .nnnzmc .mmeo_ .>IMDZ_m 2 5;: OP 5.38:8 820.me mmmmmma go .16 wzo £5.85: .5: 238:: ”51.; ; ,wwfé‘syo, O O O O O cone? ”3% 39%. .00 ax 3 , V 0 AA A .3 o ,354. , .. 4..9Ql.$f.w1)a MODERN. 5 Point No. 1. THE progress in the art of printing, within a somewhat recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type-foundries in the United States have been fortunate in many instances in producing elaborate, beautiful, and attractive faces, specially adapted for making striking and graceful combinations; and the artistic printers of the country, always on the alert, have been quick to seize the opportunity presented by the introduction of these ornate and valuable designs to make well-balanced, magnificent. and happy dis lays, which are pleasing to the critical professional eye. \Vhile the art ts.of the type-foundries have luckily originated these'elegant de- signs, it has been left for the proficient typographical artists to gratify 1234567 . 7 Point. THE progress in the art of printing, Within a somewhat recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type-foundries in the United States have been for- tunate in many instances in producing elaborate. beautiful, and attractive faces, specially adapted for making striking and graceful combinations; and the artistic printers of the country, always on the alert, have been quick to seize the opportunity presented by the introduction of these ornate and valuable; designs to make well-balanced, mag- nificent, and happy displays, which are pleasing 1234567890 10 Point No. 4. THE progress in the art of printing, Within a somewhat recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type-foundries in the United States have been fortunate in many instances in producing elaborate, beautiful, and attractive faces, specially adapted for making striking and graceful combinations; and the artistic printers of the country, always on the alert, have been 1234567890 12 Point No. 7. 6 Point No. 6. THE progress in the art of printing, within a some- what recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type-foundries in the United States have been fortunate in many in- stances in producing elaborate, beautiful, and attractive faces, Specially adapted for making striking and grace- ful combinations; and the artistic printers of the country, always on the alert, have been quick to seize the opportunity presented by the introduction of these ornate and valuable designs to make well-balanced, 1234567890 8 Point No. 6. THE progress in the art of printing, within a somewhat recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type-foundries in the United States have been fortunate in many instances in pro- ducing elaborate, beautiful, and attractive faces, specially adapted for making striking and graceful combinations; and the artistic printers of the country, always on the alert, have been quick to seize the opportunity pre- 1234567890 11 Point No. 7. THE progress in the art of printing, within a somewhat recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type- foundries in the United States have been fortunate in many instances in producing elaborate, beautiful, and at- tractive faces, specially adapted for making striking and graceful combi- 1234567890 TIIE progress in the art of printing, within a somewhat recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type-foundries in the United States have been fortunate in many instances in producing elabO‘ate, beautiful, and att‘active faces, specially adapted for making striking and graceful combinations; and the artistic printers of the country, always on the alert, have been quick to seize the opportunity pre- sented by the introduction of these ornate and valuable designs to make well-balanced, magnificent, and happy displays, which are pleasing to the 1234567890 5 J04’724 OLD STYLE. “ 6 Point No. 9. THE progress in the art of printing, within a somewhat recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type-foundries in the United States have been fortunate in many instances in producing elaborate, beautiful, and attractive faces, specially adapted for making striking and graceful combinations :, and the artistic printers of the country, always on the alert, have been quick to seize the op ortunity presented by the introduction of these ornate and va uable designs to make well-balanced, magnificent, and happy 1234567890 8 Point N0. 12. THE progress in the art of printing, within a some- what recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type-foundries in the United States have been fortunate in many instances in producing elaborate, beautiful, and at- tractive faces, specially adapted for making striking and graceful combinations; and the artistic printers of the country, always on the alert, have been quick 1234567890 8 Point No. 9. THE progress in the art of printing, within a somewhat recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type—foundries in the United States have been for- tunate in many instances in producing elaborate, beautiful, and attractive faces, specially adapted for making striking and graceful combinations; and the artistic printers of the country, always on the alert, have been quick to seize the opportunity presented by the introduction of these ornate and I234567890 11 Poll)! No. 9. 7 Point N0. 9. THE progress in the art of printing, within a somewhat recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type-foundries in the United States have been fortunate in many instances in producing elaborate, beautiful, and attractive faces, specially adapted for making striking and graceful com- binations; and the artistic printers of the country, always on the alert, have been quick to seize the opportunity 1234567890 8 Point No. 18. THE progress in the art of printing, within a somewhat recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type-foundries in the UnitedStates have been fortunate in many instances in producing elaborate, beautiful, and attractive faces, specially adapted for making striking and grace- ful combinations; and the artistic printers of .1234567890 10 Point No. 9. THE progress in the art of printing, within a somewhat recent period, has been mar- velous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type-foundries in the United States have been fortunate in many instances in producing elaborate, beautiful, and attractive faces, specially adapted for making striking and graceful 1234567890 Tm; progress in the art of printing, within a somewhat recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type-foundries in the United States have been fortunate in many instances in producing elaborate, beautiful, and attractive faces, specially adapted for making striking and graceful combinations ; and the artistic printers of the country, always on the alert, have been 1234567890 12 Point So. 9. Tm: progress in the art of printing, within a somewhat recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type-foundries in the United States have been fortunate inmany instances in producing elaborate, beautiful, and attractlve faces, spec1ally adapted for making striking and graceful combinations; and the artistic printers of the 1234567890 6 UNIVERSITY. 8 Point. The progress in the art of printing, within a somewhat recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type- foundries in the United States have been fortunate in many instances in producing elaborate, beautiful, and attractive faces, specially adapted for making striking and graceful combinations; and the artistic printers of the country, always on the alert, have been quick to seize the opportunity presented by the introduc- tion of these ornate and valuable designs to make well=balanced, magnificent, and happy displays, which are pleasing to the critical professional eye. While the artists of the type-foundries have luckily originated these elegant designs, it has been left for the proficient typographical artists to gratify the world, to utilize them by gratifying the laws of the beautiful with magnificent designs formed from the mute integers. The improvement in all lines of printing has extended in every direction, but the job printer especially has steadily advanced 1234567890 10 Point. The progress in the art of printing, within a somewhat recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type=foundries in the United States have been fortunate in many instances in producing elaborate, beautiful, and attractive faces, specially adapted for making striking and graceful octnbinations ; and the artistic printers of the country, always on the alert, have been quick to seize the opportunity presented by the introduction of these ornate and valu- able designs to make well=balanced, magnificent, and happy displays, which are pleasing to the critical professional eye. While the artists of the type-foundries have luckily originated these elegant designs, it has been left for the proficient typographical artists to gratify the world, to 1284567890 RONALDSON. 8 Point No. 8. The progress in the art of printing, within a somewhat recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type-foundries in the United States have been fortunate in many instances in producing elaborate, beautiful, and attractive faces, specially adapted for making striking and graceful combinations ; and the artistic printers of the country, always on the alert, have been quick to seize the opportunity presented by the introduction of these ornate and valuable designs to make well-balanced, magnificent, and happy displays, which are pleasing to the critical professional eye. While the artists of the type-foundries have luckily originated these elegant designs, it has been left for the proficient typographical artists to gratify the world, to utilize them by gratifying the laws of the beautiful with magnificent designs formed from the mute integers. The improvement in all lines of printing has extended in every direction, but the job printer especially has steadily advanced in his profession, until he now justly ranks among the most prominent and cultured of artists. The typographical publications of to-day —splendid specimens of art—are both notable and 1234567890 T he progress in the art of printing, wit/tin a somew/mt recent fierz'oa’. [ms [we/1 marvelous in fire 7 RONALDSON. 10 Point No. 8. The progress in the art of printing, within a somewhat recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type-foundries in the United States have been fortunate in many instances in producing elaborate, beautiful, and attractive faces, specially adapted for making striking and graceful combinations ; and the artistic printers of the country, always on the alert, have been quick to seize the opportunity presented by the introduction of these ornate and valuable designs to make well-balanced, magnificent, and happy displays, which are pleasing to the critical professional eye. \Vhile the artists of the type-foundries have luckily originated these elegant designs, it has been left for the proficient typo- graphical artists to gratify the world, to utilize them by gratifying the laws of the 1234567890 7 We progress in Me art of printing, wit/tin a somew/zat recent period, Izas been marvelous 12 Point N0. 8. The progress in the art of printing, within a somewhat recent period, has been marvelous in the extreme. The designers employed by the leading type-foundries in the United States have been fortunate in many instances in producing elaborate, beautiful, and attractive faces, specially adapted for making striking and graceful combinations; and the artistic printers of the country, always on the alert, have been quick to seize the opportunity presented by the introduction of these ornate and valuable designs to make well-balanced, magnificent, and happy displays, which 1234567890 7 71c progress in l/ze art of printing, wit/tin (z somew/zat recent period, [/2615 18 Point .\'u. S. PAIN IS THE PRAYER OF THE NERVES 1803 Angels and Ministers of Grace Defend Me 8 RONALDSON. FisH BALLS AND DRY THROATS Exploring 19993 Hen Houses at Night mfiiHDNESS IS A BLESSING 548 Hot Towels for a Big Head HERREN COAL FIELDS Howl Fiends of the Night 8 999D OLD TIMES Dramatic Desires 180 FRENCH ELZEVIR. 8 Point. CAPTIVATED NATIVEs EXHIBIT THEIR RELIGIOUS INCLINATIONS BY OUTRAGEOUS PHYSICAL CONTORTIONS Quaking with Dread 3957 Negro Inhabitants Transfer their Property to the Snowclad Peaks of Sierra Nevadas 10 Point. SHOALs DESIGNATED BY ITALIAN ORGAN GRINDERS AND TEN STEAM WHISTLES 57 Weather Indications of Superior Power Visible to the Sightless Multitude of World’s Fair 12 Point. WILDERNESS FILLED WITH ELEPHANTS AND ONE ROARING LION Chasing 598 from Boston to Worcester and Dreaming of Future Pleasures 14 Point. 28379 MOCKING BIRDS CAMPING AT WORLD’S FAIR 16 Point. RASHNESS THE PREDOMINATING FEATURE 93 20 Point. $74 SOMERVILLE CHICKEN RAISER DISHDNEST 598 CANDIDATES TEN 399 GREEN FROGS E9 BRIGHT YANKEE ONIONOFEI a); FACADE. STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE ARE THE ORIGINAL PRODUCTIONS OE BARTA’S TYPOS 148 FIFTY SENT SHORE DINNER 59 GUESTS SUPPLIED WITH EISH OOOOO OOOOO 111111 THE SOCIALIST MILLENNIUM FOREVER OUASHED SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 00000000 A SUDDEN AND MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE OF A BANK CASHIER SNIEPED TO CANADA BY MOONLIGHT. 4 POLICE ON TRAIL I WAITHING IN THE THROES OF AVARICE ANTICS OP 6 PET PORPOISES THE HPTEIII. DODGER AfiflflUAN. These 10 Long Hours of Toil Will Soon Wear Us Out I Over 42 Hair-breadth Escapes From Death IIIIIII Felagic Fishing to be Stopped The Science of Eating ATLANTA. THIS LETTER IS LIKE SOME M SSSSSSSSSSS —LONG DREW NNNNNNNNNNNN THE DELIGHT OF- HIS LIFE PROMED FHTHL TO HIM 41 Ifll’nint. UNTOLD DFNGERS BESET THEM lllllllllll lllllllllll 3 GOLD FRIED GROWS 1"""56 GREAT MEN LATIN ANTIQUE — Condensed. 12 Point. $37 OYSTER STEW SAILING TWENTY WEEKS OUT OF SIGHT OF LAND WITH DESPERATE BEINGS Thirty-Nine Rich Feeds for the Dainty and the Gout Thrown in Without Usual Distinction for $297 ENOJEKABOUT UNTEARABLE SUBSTANTIAL DURABLE PINCUSHIONS 793 Sedatc Gentleman Climbing 67 Bluiis of Crescent Beach to Show His Form EXELY RISERS TAKE YEAST WHEN RETIRING $3972 Threshing Machines Operated by 12345 Skilled Demons mm RELAY RACE 22 HOURS LATE 237 Musical Selections Rendered Free ACANTHA. 12 Point. Evolution; Constantly or; our Programme Moqotoryy has 170 Show $59 300.1“ 4 hoafigg Heads Laughing Immoderately fiiitiydlyess Bsgets Implicit Faith $45 8 Persistent Individuals ERRATICK OUTLINE. 6 Point. HES CQURRGE WES UNDRUNTEDV HES ZEAL UNRARALLELEDQ HES EEARHNG PRQ‘UD Having braved. the t©t7©rs ©i’ African wilds and Emma) thugs? be perished my film S©mervmc fr©mi@r $523456?59© 8 Point. 4'33 PREMARY SCH©©L CHILDREN EN RQUTE E©R CHHCAQQ A=E©©T The attraciigns cffered. at the? Wmldps Fair pmve t©© much f©r fibeir regigtanm; $5234§6789© 10 Point. 3 ERRND PRHZEE E©R THE 3 BEST ©RHGHNRL PQEME A Y©/,“/;"\’:‘ / “1‘71 \VWI" L\ 2‘ \ ‘ . 331 /- ‘ IR“ g; KEYSTONE BORDER. 59¢} Sm‘ticm H. ‘55}, 12 1mm. fflWfffffffufiMNQMkNN ~. NNNNNNNV/fffffw ,2 :4! . \\\\I \II/ -—l-1-'l--1Is 6 Point. 1 1 N0. 202. W No. 203. WWW N0. 204. W + +HM+H1 W No. 205. MOMMHWMOO: N0. 206. N0. 207. INAQNMMWA N0, 208. I §§§§88§SSSSSQZZZZZZZZZZZEQ .\'0.215. g :O:216. n g 3-,}..IH‘I’ISL’1212I2L‘ Iflgrfi-I-i- +++1M53T0I+I+I+T+IOI OI \ EEEEEIIII BARTA COM BINATION BORDER. CHARACTERS. r v v v + + t t O O ii "I ) .533. 53* v No. 218. 12 Point. ( : i) WIN N0. 220. a ,, -.’L» 85 8a v.8»? .88 0283208 .88 886 28 wamfifizoo 88: E a: 8a .388: 88 .sz 8 £8 E 35 £088 23 .3 8.8 £899 685% .8 37?: :m 83w 88th dszSaO .8 co owns 2% $535 v.8 mewpfiwam 8m mootnw oo 2 on 3 oo 3 co m . . . . . . . . 368m 28m .83 .83ch @320 cc cm oo om oo mm oo wm . 98H 8:2: mm 695398 8: 88m .mzooam 87H .8 .msom mm 5 co m on m 3. w . . . . . . . . . . wzofi 8:05 m 5895 @330 mm b co m on m 3. w . . . . . . . . . mag 885 m £83m 88.5-83 mm N. oo m cm m 3. w . . . . . . . . . . . m5: 885 m £8on wmm mm > co m on m 3. “v . . . . wzofi 885 m .2895 omwoo fiommofl .8 88.5 mm b co m on m m» w . . . . . . . . . 38m 3.3m >82 £825 6.88:2 cm. 3 on NH oo ma on S . . . . . . 398mm 823mm .8 3658 .8323 .Hofism oo ma oo 3 cm OH co m . . .. . . . . . . . 38m gnaw >82 £an 89% cm a; co NH co 3 om m .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . £88m 83on Om. NH om OH M@ m Om. w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wthOrvH uavmwva Om. and. OD NH OO HH 0% m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wCOOm—m Qfifiwrfi on ma om OH mm a On. w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .nzoomm auommofl mm 5w oo “8% om. m% E. w% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888mm 88 .886 8% .888 8m .88: 8% .886 8A . .8 a .Sw Ex .3. .88 A482 8.56 .885. . .QHd—AH 0—9:“. .Qudmm o—Qfiog .QudTH rflogoww .OHQTH 5.5K” . .HZQU MHMHAH zmmancnm H900 .85 £5 .83 28 .823 285 423 5:8” ZMMFP I ’5’ s9“ 3 HUWJ r‘ 4/ ' : . .. . - . Coarnr-J, N . ff. 0‘ V. / L_ "17:1 ‘11, ‘v'f' ‘\ rx‘.‘ " ‘\ 1’: « “10-5 N HP‘P‘j%c-‘/ , .. ' ‘ W» x \ \ Itolafigcla OIOU "oven-nut FROM “THE STORY or OUR POST OFFICE." .32 EWWWWWWWWW L ET A L L LADIES SEE mmmummwm THE ROUNDED RIB Ezg'LZ'i'Pa. WWW/M The reason why it can= not cut the stocking. All other supporters cannot help it. The most comfortable and sensible hose supporter. There are countless, and all worthless, imitations. All genuine Warrens have “War- ren” stamped on end of fast- ener. Made by George Frost 00., Boston. SOLD EVERYWHERE. .I ,.{V 9.1.4, ,, ., Maw? .. .. . ... H. T. R A E H E G A T T O C E H T FRO N: . ,iLlufgti'lvl-ICS .. _;_w r)... . 3...? ,.... I . r .4”. .. o‘ri‘l’; n K 4 , i ' 5'“; , .KJ¢§{,’.. . 4)., 1.2).... .I: . 1 o .\ I 5.1:- E , .,Q tipfiv . . , . _ , . . A ,,. c . 1 , , _ , . . 7.9 ,u... st‘A , , , . .. , . . _ , . , . o -m . .... ... . .. . , . .D .,...,,.x ., . . . _J _ 1;. 9:5,, , . . 4 ...... .. . a . “ , . ., . , . . 5.151,}! . . . l . . . _ . ,.. ‘ ‘i Til/$13 t ‘\t~.l¢ . . . . . , . . .. f , 4 ‘ zillio. 6, J n .U t..i>4 . . 3 . .. . . .. in. 9.. y , . (at, 2. Remember plYmouth Rock Prices. ' ,1. Remember Plymouth OUR GREAT $13.25 STUFF! Suit is durable i The Cloth that is and cut to order. o‘ , going into our but not so nobby in style '2‘ I - as our :' . $2 1 0° : .1 ,o THIS SPRING. SUIT. __ —- 1 Plymouth Rock Pants 00. PLYMOUTH ROCK PANTS co. .WWWWWWWWWNMMNNNMMM. gCommon Oatmeal; is overheating—The husks irritate 3the lining of the stomach, but 3 % Dr. Cullen H O Hornby’s g 3 says, "' Oatmeal 3 3 will produce no more heat than 3 3 Wheat. It is the one clean, clear; 3 oatfood. Eat H=O for Breakfast. 3 Owwwwwwwwwmmmmmmmmm' 55 .mmmw .m:00...<._.<0 :Oz_2m_mmmm00mm 20mm 3 .IL<¢OOhOxm 30cm Ow0300¢aw¢ 6 r . C .cEO 6:23.20 :mC .uum=w=< to: .oSEEmm ..> .Z coumozuom «a mouEO :ucwum .wwdz aZOEmOfl - - Emmmrfiw ”Ahmad—kw Na 62 sumac 582 .>Zm_x_0<~_m don—«23am so cos—£53 manta .=o5w..—._oQE_ .8 «moo 3 ME «6.53“ 9.3.3?» .323 «925E «$32 «a Bow mEBEosu dime—was Bush—Em. £55! £3on manna—3m. .53an 35:32 .mcom 35.52 .wmcoEFE mama—33m o .mJDOw .0 .> .1320": 4.2.3053. so... 3269:... FROM “ H. v. C. SOUVENIR.” IE'FOOUCED FROM PNOTOC.RAPH. ’1 t F F V ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘D‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘s ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘tr‘ ‘>‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘b‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘}‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ N N N N N “1“ N N1” N N N1N1N ’ p ’ ’4’1’ ’ ’ ’ ’4>4 ’ . . ' . ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ' . ' ’ ’ ' ’ . . ’ . ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ . ’ ' ’ p ’ ’ ' . ’ ’ ’ . . ’ . ’ . ’ v ’ > ’ , ' ’ ' ' . . . . . v A "n .. vr ).. VA .. s z. x V I. .0. VA VA .- N V II VA VA _ H VVA ( VA V.A R m VA I m. V. VA 0 .m VA VA I VA '. '. I " VA F V. V. M VA VA M 8 v. M“ VA V“ Av u a VA VA V . . V. a s m V.. VVA A v .I S U. m V_A VA y a '0 m V. r I V. 8. l VA 4 S e c z n A r VA I. V e 8 n: Nun V.A a a ( I z ,. S , e u e c S A 9 . V. d r. “I VA VA /. h 8 .) S.“ A I n. E m a e d w 0;. nn 1 l I. .I .mh VA VA v P R O .m p M a .W. .un. VA VA t . r O 6 I In .1 U r, e y F n 9" VA VA to .U m c t ( mm VA 9 t O '- VA L m G n d h 6 m Kw... VA VA rl. I N A n g .u .41. W1. VA I n F s n a M r N, n.0 V. VA D nw M .I S P 0 Ch V. d f H "u z u]. n w e d n. ”0 V; L .n n .u. o .n e m "A 1 VA F fl h t t C on VA R U“ a a T (I h “W. VA d .I g H .. VA V“ O .M S n U .0 0 ..II .T Sm VA .VA P a c m .0 Y .0 TN V. V S, l T 8 .W .0 O D. W m VA VA 1|. .l lb 6 0 7 . 1 0 c C C n . Nu: VA VA 0 1 A F n u d C .M Ac VA V f I. r H I l ’ VI” VA VA \ WI. F t O a .V (h VA E r I. . o e h n u ”H VA VA L w W V e .l 1 Wm. VA : w s a w m. 1 m x r. .“ VA 0 n M... W O O m VA _V.A H I 6 __l H t .I. VA VA 3 r s In VA VA r e e O 8 VA 8 V h u VA M r. VA VA l— 0 T 0 VA V.A m. VA VA .6 VA VA E m VA H w. .. VA on VA VA 0 VA VA T m VA VA :- m. VA VA ‘ S VA VA VA VA VA V A b D‘ ‘ ‘ ‘b‘h‘h‘b‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘>‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ A -”’ :.mo_u..._0 FmOm mDO “.0 >m0km m1...: 20m... 91.1.3 4 if”? la??? MW. if“? [Q . .xa<¢OO.—Oxm 10mm OwUDOO¢Lw¢ 64 V Y ‘7' ‘7— VA‘VAVAVAVAV ‘AA-AA A‘— VAVAVAVA‘VAVA’ r AAAAAAAAAAAAAA‘AA- Best for goes Home use. SO far. One bottle makes 6 gallons. I, l $3 Gout { Neural gia ‘ Rheumatism, Can be cured and stay cured by using. Old Dr. Solomon’s Indian Wine Bitters (IOU l‘ and RIII: l MA I ISM IIrII (YilllSl'Il ll) Impmv: [Hum], there being: IIIINIIIII in the blond in the first, IIriI: IIII id; in tlIII sIIIIIIIIII, IIIIItiI: III-iIl. NI: I ItAlHlA Is 'llIey’ ve been out an the ave IIIIe —one is good: (EllllHNl by general Inability and IM- fIIraIIothcrwalk,anall daI l’Ultl’l‘Y ()l-‘ 'I‘IIIc BLIIIIII. 'l‘lIII Bitters promenade —IlIL- other has CIIIIIIIIISIIII IIl' llLII'lIs, (:IIIII-I, IIIIIl Barks. “ that IirL-d feeling" —:Ind IIIIIIt. IlIIiIIg: IIII IIIiIIIIIle lmisnnw, IIII- she is tired—she doesn’t riIIlIcs IIIII lIlImIl, IlriIIIs nut llIII im- new the Equipnisc \Vnist— IIII'itiIN. and as II IIIIIiII has IIII Cllll: Il. She IIearsa curset, no nat- l‘lIII greatest lIlImIl pIIIiliIII', kiIlIIII\ and um] sh II: 1bIIIIthLIr~\ LIIIIIs li\er I! "III kIIII“ II. Iiidn (wear corsetsm—Mlde "00k Im DIM-uses sent IILII- IIII IIp- byGeorge ijsII o. ,l.osIIm. pliI- IItiIIII. l'fll‘ Filll' b) all IlIIIggists. —III)r sale by $1. 00 A BOTTLE. Prepared by The SulIIIIIIIII Drug (30., [luv-Inn. .‘lIIIIu. ’I f; WWWMWM y. S i 3 S :.~:zm>DOm 20k023m< 9:: 20mm .x.<...oo»ox. :9: 8262:... mm“, . 5&3 Vl- . MW wwwmmmm - 321511061, 5 a ' & 2 7 (0/3 I l 1 . -h + g fffffffffffff ‘Dear Soles : just to please us—take your pen—write the name of something you want or may V want in shoes—mail it to us—we will tell you how to buy it at SUB BOTTOM. ‘ _ e ;Wekeep about- & v Everything in Shoes. -+ MORSE Distributors of \' 3 e :\'. I) \ ROGERS Sellers 1n Shoe . ‘ l34=l36 Duane St, New York. MNNNNNNNMMMMMw/flwwwg $ 0 : mmmw .Fm..Im§