m ‘ ‘w,.«wuu:~m A“ ‘ % .:'qg...;,,,,.,.;g-A\, M...“ M % * % % J‘ 3 ‘.4 .. A’ ‘ _ 3.,‘ W: 73% N9 ‘73§’E?6 .7‘s.0L?\E’i?‘»’i'J£TDC4' 1g 3! J}¢;(,,{Myé7wga;a,‘ 0.XFO’I{J’)? Printed by H E. N R71’ H A L. L *Pr1A11tcrta Q KYWUAMI V 5 R s «x r I my 164.96. A A ~ ‘,9 /,--"2.-.1‘..:.'1 A .72?‘ ’ “W m j M . T%”mJh% ww vs u: s ' ‘ ‘ ‘ V‘ 4" :‘ \‘ . /‘’I- '1; A ‘ % U . iv, JV-.4 A V J > e: ‘ y\6fieug,:,f'3 . t —~«r/441.»./1«:£eIz:."—’-" .. ¢;,"y‘ ‘**?"“5‘*r't“t.. sstwtv‘ /' ~; as fimflwé y 1;.‘ .94 ‘:5’ ‘ 1 .9"?/4' t’/,,§v., I: ” é- .4‘ “OFIDOLATRY. {waded me: to thinkt: it tpcttincnt and fmfonablc to addethis one: unto fours former difquifiticms , with which it holds fame analogy and cognation , So « and diteétcd me to take rif¢("as tthofc A At A former have: done) from the cxaminati- on of the word , and that by obferving the origiasation firft ,. and than Critical! peculiar importance of it among amcimt -n writers,thofcefptcia1ly of the Scripture. To that cad the word "E:J}:a;\oz/5 Idol, of which it is com» pounded, muft firfibe viewed. And of that there is no qucflzi-o on, but that in the literal! notation of ityit {ignifitaan Imago hr rcpraflanzwian of any kind, andaccordingly in the Old Tc... flame»: is {fit to cxprcflé both E22352 an image; or fimilimdc, any kind of figurcin gm;-rail; and D9 a curved orgrawn £“\ wage infpecic, afcatuc ofwood, or ftonc, any kinda: of Sculu pmra; Thvugh tha truthis, e~}’J§u;xosr is not themntcli ordinary rcndring of cithctof thttic, but¢}'mvA image tof thc fortner, and t é’Jmo:r but twicc,‘md 3/man’: fculpzile of the latter. and «§'Jw.o~.v Three Words there: are to Which It is molt ord‘inar1ly_app1iu — . t t 4 AT 1 ‘ t ‘ M nmaf ;$:;fi%n’/'. S tbcjudgemcwts of o.tAl:rcr met: have pct-_* the natutcof the enquiry hath prompted ‘$5: <33; % 2 Car. 8.4.. A C3. 1. "“2'I‘71'14 amthing that Bath mt: being. (to whicfisaint A A A ‘Tmlrcfcrrrs when he faith an A a no God.A .NA 3 Car.1o.19. A God. % A . A A A % A M ‘Sac ondly, ::3.*r1‘:»:~z- Gadx, the many fazlfs gadxof the bean ‘V 55 % %fiAltI2ineflE:, (3) AIdo1IEmvrbing)%or ifyou pleafk: N that hath no“ Dizrinstfino power to help: the @licnt or 2. they have prtwokgjd m:A"".?N theme, by the Grcckc-2 ieventimcs rcndred «s"’z.»J‘:.me.AAAA Idaix, any. 16% perhapsit may be conjefiured, that may nrshicfx (0 rm» dre:dAitin-thofe places, mifiookc, or mi-{read £?.’”;;}’i'7."“§::4Z* God} A (Which in ptl)er,%places they conflantl y render 310?. at leaf} 206: A timr::§) For $"?””.‘3A‘N natl7ing:,vanxt1£s,wh1ch 15 very nearer In writing and {grand unto i.t,& {uch mifiakes are no great ncwes in tfigiiwfe tranflatotfs. A lihjrdly, ‘“‘”'?T“?J'_A‘PoZ1z¢r£bn,AF£!rk by which anyAAm2m is com- tam1“n a%ted;¢ This is rcndred am butvmorc fi‘equem:l.y s":Jmor (Idol) than anything elfe, which cerzainely m:fcrres~not 0:11;: to the pa/t'm‘.iw¢ ofithe Soula: ’ by thscommiflion of tlaatfihnc (for by every other fin fame .{i1eh poUutVion*i~s contraaflredj mar only to-that other notian af’ fpirimallfornication, but principally to the abominable {ins of amc1mnne[[:f %,A and filt/.ysef]”e-,AAwhic%%h thofe Jdbl -nvorf£”ip.r~ were o%rd%i=n'iaAriAA!y guilty of, and from thence. received a great aggravation and heightning of £heir guiIt,_ andpunifhmcnn. ' Word ?F"£’.‘faéamznastz'om, arfl rendered €‘a1*éAu;‘y;.coa. and’ And to the 1"am~'cA purpofe? the (and fo mofi: commoniy ,a,,‘aaa~;..:a) is ibzmtfmes £’.a-.Ihmo:: fa’aZ'aIfo;. Other Wordstfxere are, that fometinms [but more raraelgj are thus rendrcd aljfo, as 1 i”'1Z3fij§fro-m whmcae we (Breaks A ,tl}§inclly the -Author oflthat bookel 1 Mac? 12' 50;; ‘A but by;Saint“Paml hixnfelfe t C'm»:8. 1. i'peal_g.wI¢,af'se he? :74 7iv'i‘-: o%'5uz-;- >\eg¢;vcsUo:n,oroi'éuazv 3¢~-r23'goa':'av'7‘65 a3';«&ao‘i‘c owl‘; £«!w;,§:s,praying to inanimate things islike talking to houfes; And yet this madoeile the conflzant diieafe of thofe deityhut that of the only true God (not onely more, as we render it, but) lvefidex or except the Cre- atartr; There being: no {tay For thofe (that became thus vame to warfléip any thing but God} no {tops in their mmé1.ing(aS . ' Matimonz phrafesit) to that deepe gulf: of impiety, the worn {hip "of the mammatemeane creatures in the world. \ The truth is‘,i<..WtaximmlT}rim gives ammore favourable in-i lgcnious account of this matter, J)d.2\: A9. That as letters were t inventedforf/9:-rxpreflfng ofwordw, ( that [0 5]. the laelpe of wrli- A A I ting, the weakgne 1]" c of mm: memories might be repaired-)t [9 the i image: of the Gods: were provided to help: the infirmitia: qf mm, £n'wl5icb t/aqlma]. lnfuptt/we names of theirs Gods", ag mic cpmaig _w.3~z~£.3vmndl the-fqmom thing: that are worth rrmemériizg of them, I and in htetle to/2:112: .;l_te_m to celcbtate theit Gogls ought, lik; or equal! to asthey A t _ (9) ’ t 7ough't'; as fo many émxupleu @ gcslggiyuyfm» elteeiwnépcvtlwv, heifer and manndflfiiantfior r:r'mm£m«mc:t,l and av'pcBa—m. 75?; orb}: 9'Et3'y —m;u}'5’g,fig-re: and :a'l{gr4:loftla.air banaurincg t/mm, Trap/daatxm; it were of their N051: aft‘: to ptrpctmetallltbe memfary oft/mu. 8;}; that although. as he aclmowledges, God 6: imvifiéle to get, A A e yet in refptfl afaur infirmity, and again: aftbe mtmre of Lower: ta law to ée/wold their piftures whom the] low, it will mt éa amifl} to aft am} t/sing 1/mt me} than ériug lm in miztcfe qf Gadg, and all this Withacaution, that xotbing be ttrmilmtmf in “:12: piftmfa, 5;»: the lam’, Md rememlirmwt, and every t/aistg 6a.. flowed upon God only. This is a peice of Heathen divinity very hanfomely managed, being indeed no pretence of plea fotthe war/wiping oflrmzgear, but onlythc ufing them as helps to perform: our duty to God ; But ‘tie no newest to ice the acftions of themany, and the writings of the few very unlike tonethe other. (it being very eafic to write vertuoully and hard to liwlo.) And cettainelytthe Heathen pmfiice was quite A another thing then this 7’/dtonick fin.-culatiam and fo much of A the firfl‘ and /boom’ noticmof an Ida . 4 A A A Now for the other notion of an Idol, as itfignifies fi/day 5 18, V or aéomimzble, it will be worth obferving, what the Amino!‘ ‘oft/2: book; afWz§fa’.- faith of it in univcr/um. Wifd: 14.. where after an enumeration oi many other wickednefles it! their e 9'eAe7at2 c§vpcugn’g:oa,l '0. 13. in their in/mmane facrificct Andmjn § 19} . I flerie: , he concludes With g,u'ooc7oc’@‘ , ptvéncat e’vooMn&)zrl, Jému *0":-c‘¢?7= CW/I a€7ot_§'lcc,_tta:;@x'a }§3cta.'0'.‘é.’7\;3,€—ie2; pollution, irmcrfian ofrmmre, dz‘/brdcr I”fl~M""‘-4P”[- of marriage, adult;-i}, and’/Zmmelcjfa unclmnauefla} -v:**z6. and Cl'”"‘4['”‘3m* t Afbenagorm. l atlength colnclllldcfs that the wot-fgjp 0f the imwcltfllr Idalx, or T,m'F_MAmz, t/aafe not to émuzmed,lz2¢ the % éaginniug and camfl: mad :m1laf'e'a£f1;T,.;,4,,,,,. all the villanies in the World the dcfigne and lpeeiall parts z~tm1;6e,mm'u7_ bf thofe worfhips. Efifi-'_‘-Prap=FaE To that purpofe that I may not lead my readcrinto thclHca~elCJ";'- I4/vxvwg then lt,ories,ot the relations made by the Fathers in thofe traflsgifigj :j’:*l. which they wrote againll the Gentiles, ( that excellent * {ct ofM,',,.._,,; ;f,,,,_ tbookes, which may {ewe any lluclent for the _‘ffilmue.~,or (.ee3'6'~ Amaéim... §m',0!‘~pvz_flatgc" betweene the Pcudy of Imam and divine lcatn- L“‘7“*”W- ing) Ifhall onclyl point to fame palfageslirzllthe {acted writ $2-‘;"“"’, ‘7"”?’§ A that looke this way. 1 King: 14,. 24. after the mention ffF;rmltrI1J'. ' A , B 2 t e _ goo; 2&- V of thispcicc of Heatocnifma; A ;= oncd together, and‘:.K'£zag_:z3.1;j; the £1914,/&x~af:/.¢: Sodmim-. t:l‘1e~ 10151: find A gibm-J followcs that t/are waif: Soafamitaxilu 1./9:’ Land, doing according to 1/9: abomination ‘oft/ac Hm:/mm‘, wbicb the Lord badcafi out éu-flare t/ac 6'61‘/a'ren%af Jfi-4:2’; .lw%lciiich gives you moreover a veiw of the particularity of the {ions of the Amaritcyl and other 1\7a_m‘om, which provoked God to that fatal~l_,'2ermg/Jter, and tradicaztian of them, which is more fully {ct down: Lw:x8. 24, 35,27, 28. andan cxpreffc threat added from Heaven 12: 29. that wkc_>/:3:2I¢r /am amu- mo d1'1].l7](tb!_/3’ séaminlrltianrfivnll ée pulteffram among tbcir‘ ea In l l l l l find perhaps it will not be unworthy a aligrqflbn here to marke, that atthc rooting our ofthlofc Nations, and the plan?-‘-e irzg in ofthejewexin their {}€6d,b3f Way of C70?/cmmt, [thfi can- ditflian of that C amnanfi being thlarthcy fl'10ulClf'wzr: the Lara’; % A and not walks in the woajexlaftbafl.’ Nktiom) theflgne or fmio ofthat Cowmmz was deligncd to be finch as had a particular l rcferencg to thcfc linncsllol the H5111, and denoted the .»;m;s;mm- aim of. the rzv%!oo‘ez'aa :{g»;u'a;~fflptrflIlit_y~ af na'xg]ats'w_fi’a2, whiclfs had beene praflifcd among tholc Cjc'n‘tz'1'e.r, and which would infafliblbring as certain: dxcifian upon them,(‘1'l" they reform- God to every mm’: 1fmél:'w," A cciilcznlotr) aowasthreatncd by % mhatl lh'ould- cominuc umircumcifl.-.d.; To the fame purpofc were allthofzz lawn and rim concerning legal! pallmimx, to bring them. to the greatctl alienation-lofr minds; and dereflatian Yea and oncmaim: part of the gramifg of Goa’ upon their obedience, view. the mxlrip;/ying of their feed, (which was fo remark:-able in that Nation, that filofi-pbw mentions venyaoroxnnm as the cr.afl;., as it were, and , fpcciall pccuhar mcellenc} of that people) was a naoltlnama-X rlallopropcllr CffC&..0lf the tzévjh-im'r:g fiomfrhlofc fiamcx, and {tin aaclearc that in our Clari/Ham .S‘.m~amp-rs: of Imitiim'o22,l the” az’m':3=sa'ic Mara mpadé, ‘ the wn/Mug away 15? fbra'e.r~ of ‘ 2/12 fie:/%, had a propriety alfo to that, { which is accordingly mam-jon%... cd in the vow of baptifmc, thereof.) but this by the way. A V , Se againe c: I 5-.13» the Idol: andrhc S0a'¢?mite:.ar¢~men1-E). H 42“! the for/agfling olltbe firarfu./llnfltl * 3‘, (1 1) mpufi claw.“-g where there is alfo mention of-the mag} for thefe dark; purpofes, by which under that name ofl“tl1'“'ltw£/'23 Aflnrr: feemts tobe deligned. So when thefiaiylaniam mad: Sutcotb Ema:/:v,Wha2: is meantthereby but the 7‘:-nu afVmm, in which all the"Virgim- were folemncly. prcillitutedtorthe honour of that f::l/2- deft} 71-um ulnderlthtrc title of Mylittaf A and lo thclproflitmian of their daughtarmfor the honour of their G'aa’:, rwhich is mentioned not only by Herod. A 1, and ;S‘:m. 50 1.164. burtin the Epillle of ilercmy tr. 4.3. W here the card: i A menri-onccl are‘und0u'btedly the lights of their raowe: (and ob... ligation from thence) to pay that facrifice belorerheytwent. So I/47.5. Inflaming. or you that inflame .}~atij¢r' felrlexltrgiz/1 Ida Z: Imdcrtwrj green: tr.t'e:] noting that prblltiturtion ofmerz i and women in the Groves about their Idol-temples, in honor of their falfe Goth. Andto inflancein no more, it feemes not improbable upon theft: grounds that the frequent exprellions 0f the Iclolattous prafliles of the fewer by fomimtion, 237/ao- ring, andrhe like, mayzbefomewhar more then a trap: or E-it *gureofR‘éwtoricke5 havingllthus muchvof Reality in itialfo: It being cleare that their Falling off-to thellflmtlnmldqlx brought them oft to thefe iHmtlaer:fi:'n:m alfo ;. as in _ the matter of Em!-lPelarr ’tislmol’c evident. V St) Ram: V I. 26. ‘tis afv firmetl of the Gentiles that asa punifhment of thole 1dol~/am... than-t-woo-flv‘ip: Gadgam t/arm zap c~1=°r;~vrai3n aimclng, to diflianaura» 61¢ infamous afieflianx, and a particular account of them is fer downe. m 36. women changing. the nammll fife‘ lcfiw: and likewife mc71‘llfU3oaiI‘%rgL0l0r;Ptlv‘tl tct:e'}a52y:té'£v'xzfi;ool ‘U: 175- and wore’)? ;c