IS cov % sommon A’ No‘£NE.MIg.” Or a true‘ betweene the Bifl1opsand the Defirm of Reformation: % % V’;JHER%EINA" piainely laid open the prcfcm corrupt Jgovefmmt°.f4°Ur£hUf€§»andthe défi—- A red Fmxmc of Govermmeneyplaincly proved by zinc: wrd of W 0.1; % PROV.‘ 24.. Vcrfia4.. fme that faith rvntothfi wicked the» art rig/zzte-"*3 om, him /lmll t/9; pwjale Gméfle : %Natim}}aE d9bb*!*r‘~c hint; ._.,,_.,.,, 5,_,_,;.,,.. -.43 5-... luv-“" 1:rintcéi*%si3.s="$éx9,§%£9s zm Vman ofwgrflzip, 2. the mcnf 5”"’{'fl’z‘?’a 4154??! Martin ‘Mar-prel.ate gemtleaujpl P’"”Mt:,,%%:4 and Herrfipolztane of 411:5: Margg 133 “?:6er¢j7"“’”: 1"0#?5¢ _10hfl af 415’-#1583 Jr AI.ahzz5«,m% M 39/92 rgfl gl1%:Iterrté!:4Prz¢fl5 ‘ ,C125t»5,é4w .¢mmg V 3'AV_Mfice agmi;ae,my~M clrrgic mgflcrx. P01’ 9! % _ . % % ~ B:éthtcn,thEre is fuck a dcalwfleva grown of . A though 1 would 13; neg1igencin.fcndmg m‘yPi.-5 A. W féries unite y'<-:3“u% : 3*re_t%I fee you cznnotforget me, i thought you to bevafy K1135 Whfif-1 ,Y‘?“ (“mi YOUI? Pm‘- Vfivauncs a_b o ut che Ceuntry to fecke_tor%me.”B;utnow ~th;agc;ye1i yeurfc1ve.s Examakcntha Paine» to wr1te»thxs ig cmofwall cry; 1 Why it pa£TesL to thizika whatloving A and gtarcfull 3i'c:thr_¢-I1_I- havgwhe although I canniot bef E‘ late I gerceive, between: yéu andme, tha.tfa1- ~% ga>ttcn,tmc114 thCmVW13%€F€I3fI1:bSC3uff¢ 1 1°“ 115‘? the aim .. Qftzhc czligaksa or44Gatch:oufc inthis coélé ri.m‘eo£Winrer, A and reafon of my bufinefic‘ in I5ifl:1c..making,‘wi1%lnmc. ? wi;h_{{anéigg male; it known vnro the mm, that they have a moneths mind wwaréis %me,I10*:V truly A%br€thren,f findyou kindgwhy ye doe not know what a plcafurcyou A have Adcmemc. My‘w0rlh5PS bfmkfis W€F€fVI3kflOWI=€ F9 a1=iany,hef0m y o_u_ a11uwedT- C4329 3Ci111§§111%fl1 ’5hf¢' Pmplfi AGE Engla $1’ to % take Heed, chazrif ¢§1°EV5L.d .wY%£71f1J1’1$¢Y ;Virou1J make much af their Preiat:-hand4thAc~ciii€f60f t;h¢é:‘;1er- gin. Now xnany fecke after mybaakcs, mare: .th;:n fiver Vthfcy did.AgaiN%,fomé‘4ikI1fiW‘fl0t @3195 9*-1’7bm"-L51“ 1953 0-5 PM/hm, w:=.sfc:'t‘1‘:1c;'~ r%4Yo%utVéfcW駢2%37’aii 1: am bé+ §«v[t’i:“§ %§pe§;+<¢1ae*a*imw1Jomxixzmazezzafmnf tW§* zW%%a*%m;%dIr%’fi;:&¥e% ~“i"um M A 4r wings .3 *jf0u‘%¥0‘6fi*@r5 gai4h"f9:§+;f£a ®h?“z;t«;‘ thmcader {Iggy ~am%mmfv V ~wvord;w:g4,~i21“$i ‘=ijrfe~é:notm:9g1y:c;1§_l:1?:“rz7j§t ‘¥£:’aY1¥fit§*ti@m éfigmy ‘boglgyofu hhve*méWéé%%%¥é#6 %é’"t’rue‘tm$f? f‘-“‘*‘d“d5£°‘7 5:6‘ ~’_ ? %r,é%ch‘eir"’%h%n‘ é-murI9”x;z3:'e3 1i;1x1E.;.4.‘E';zzial;?-X as té*»Wii;¢2駣z:~.i£§«‘.:ti-tftvfi-'i‘g19t~3J~? »$h;é7+t*vhMr.:i%o£ma’¢;:a!thmughhée ‘ha:i1?%l$e?6'x3& g"réat33w’ favw ra'd* "A ’t1aw:aI5ai-d - 3: o;:§%am;;*¢i§z:.§tlinc ?J1‘t%;ai>;;é3:zs*Mt*I1‘11*i£><.=i' *‘ti;1*”c"?fté~'%i&3~&§‘5r§ A1; y‘m‘r¢§wvie:%h1ma1Aane mm 5Ii'6"tI§~i‘»i‘ig7 *V”Ii%t§)“%%LhiFr:;é“¥6r iio’e‘~«%2fifvJzring 1uis.boblgsS,yc:: VA is %«?tb*‘iw}ake' -‘:3 1%-rét4*‘comp&ni.fqn5v» ;b=etvyeene hi¥ffiIEc1mfi:$ha»2}z,k€c3.e»z:n;%wrzjgé*t3% .‘1\zsViwiy;o%+fay%,:‘laimaof f;Ea£..#;2:&%r9ifil$.~*3s;.*r:'wcfe%«as¢¥»1e€?l'flG333 '..%Tb;.émm: arnwrig/g;.7% Whit fay you 1316 ii-eitétxiea-14%»: ”az;::B€ria’,ge:r Yhkavck .:nc§1zryet§u Ihewwv your felfe :t%}1a~nkieFu-J{}”~v=n'to A Ahig M~aiefti:,»V in .o~veir¢-3 %:Erowihg.4Ah‘is 91!’ x2%pf{e¢2x1?acie:i4ri_1t11e»4 4Ls8~p:1 ¢c«oE~ybVur=.baOk, £7w.:1?12—1;a5x cm »i<3admi yéuvfkmaaat erfmt gas :g¢ar£v%an.Gr1‘T: j'l‘?7.%%A§1d‘3I*WiH ?l1avé7I~my;.pe;n3mvarchs% c3~f.a11oF.your? bffethrem ‘*§~‘i‘¥w¢A:;"(I1‘ae!i%f4*c%;d0x«Ie~With avamfomhis .maig-mg gwhjgh Nygmzf, V5”, _ ~“1]a[h'... A:tarrE&Zea*;f*~ria%fg?§. hath E?! ,:!,,E,€»-,» :d1ei,,P¢»mr»£1zz*»¢:‘%: px%a‘@a*pW ‘ring !swWi»%§£fe# e%~*r§i= vyifih ‘*0 ; C. ‘R 0‘ ffigféagfffgigkgfi flhdfid ~f :=Jm%n cgf e£f.m¢r;zt% an;::gé- ¢‘W;f‘¢@?$“’g%1§*”9f€2%f9%E33Agxéxahsfiwsmt*fhm:Fwre%'v'wW1 ‘(-j;”:.‘2:2'i}:z‘i3‘ T/fgiiizlggsfig$1231;-gB3Q1gp,QFflfzwk£fl*ét>§,0r‘3?%3im;9iv.$~ =G£§w;§‘% fife»; m.a-tn.-;a -iigofapyiaff ,:v%I§s1;2p§: , ficffe *yé‘ur‘V?‘;i§i.%&g9 bsé Wm aflmopérfiblfir zi'oefW;t; %‘1;:gremjpe9fi1j*gLf?‘§Lififi‘g‘;x‘;§%§tmg¢;i&y§q;chgmadefikz éM*“f§x.i‘&e j 5* ‘z f%'§/éia/‘,r%%$ ‘€%i€ni§fig:.g» gstmth £:'f;zv/égfiifiafwréfiig-Zara? ’hI;‘tiHEbi;;*‘£*}e5'a“‘5£s':*’ age '0 "$5? halafi. jshéfijfiz bgfiif} Q17.‘ 2 tcallmr atcbyt€=l‘~ué r11?‘ ‘ft M1’: ‘E1161 écilbfi ;;X1.7¥kf.“fl:.C +;N1a_x£9cr:¢£f Cm; %?:"'§'1‘ EiizI£b%t3d"1iéié1‘ % A$&ewnarJ.;ixrgjgtigfigzg.,g;,L;«hi; bacsfiie m 3i*c’i::. 4. V * %‘c"c?:fiz’i’é ‘*'hé‘é“" fa V , qfigt claargcd améngfi .pré’fZIlzag;pa¢%e¢,G“¢5ap.¢;rz~hr»i§:a.- >3‘~if}v1:%ip,% V 1?2*h’ei"§;?”[_y’NifPi ”fli5§f ;gsg__; e5_¢sp£1-mgia 3 mef acvtzfizfed‘ *4 bu‘: _ ‘ . 5 .- "l w ‘ :3 ‘ p‘°fi“" "'* ‘x" ‘H ‘*“‘ “ 3* ‘ _ "" ~' §‘*a-:3(é}1mt:«iiLA4-1iat‘i:‘iiV 1;; yizfff gt ya Vyg/11!; am,=M;nr0Artkc% vvélfs. *di77ihc_*'%3fiFé5f§’H'afi'3‘ ' W E? M “*1 jciccLve4NqIy;i,.£ym,u:wi1A1e€§1%t1mén'& 5'1iAaé‘¢m""g@Va':‘x’r*e%4§é'bi‘i‘ %i?alr~2ac>r4¢V.::ca;.f_q§%s.1:;§z;g,1 .fi.id1c-émd%*Vth4e ”t”é‘“%w"r’i‘t§°vfit$ ADb»g§t"§r_L_? ?49£%VyI£’§%{[:,!3~You% fee «I» csa11k‘d%o£?ic i’fi3§§d§‘:%i§;§5%5fi3= §§i1:‘5f‘3$:7°!fl;s§5.1 ,§—.9»§fQ, gr.qf11Md* 8?! W’ “11t?1€¥'» "i:g;‘!1?;¢§Y.1* ,R§anVc £4/my thatA*h“=.é=A W1‘? awe _ea’¥s§a: %mm*=2rhen vhiw '(‘9"h€i‘.¢F5Yfl}”*15335?3i‘!.w‘§‘5§?§*2;; thmmany wqnid ‘WW’ ’?g‘aii {e‘¢vA&1i’1fxj;,‘éb§r§:?5eé f§1)‘;%c;)$:f'ig lpiq;ni;xgatipn' 1C3I'I11flgaVV hiahm Tsthéfwife hVé,€réi=‘m§i£gi€%.f§>7t§I£¢ V 1.H}}1;?I3td:)that}tbi*eatn*€d ham«wi:ms1o¢w&s;“%:gn%a‘cg;%'*§§a fia$”o»rd1GW~;** Wcrcas A ihéc {fire gcoultl by .i;o*n-2”“ea:3;:;3 ‘Ab: ”g~2s3thei“éé3§’i5uc iffy qlmlyz by ;hA1m-tI;‘4=pm~ monmzed A E ;;ga§*g-Mayan‘ férTgz}2z,:nn11«c 12l341P4Vcaflauhd«’:byr Mm ‘ ;, % 7 34 1 whomt 4 gm zapzflle mzixe . Whom xlfiacifii ‘°%beIeeV6,fh3" thfis’-’€€k W‘;‘Ad% '51:?‘ no‘ grgc in his poAg:ke,c%,;, “£l1mie E0 b%:éL.-Bii-"h Q93 7 vvn%1carn2:das 15/79? 059 A {gait 30: f'ouMi‘c“ni h cake lacecl ofir broth [ag.e=iaz,th%ac is 150 give ch A A A AA A A A A A , §¢;m%n~oc but ljauglz-._,pyA by by by, Icanflot but leiugh no chm}-;e :ha%At?aL’H:»1d%£oak1n fl;udcnt,én this%1c‘3r:1¢¢:;hagcfi. not zxflxamed tab: [0 im Au» Adenatas to‘V?prcCumc cc: dcale with a%Pa;pi%t”%, w%henhehath % Burl «pxm~nife% Ayoufsir, it; is 116:! F aman could, though he were as ‘and I call you true, our ‘brother Weflcéefigr, had as jive ;‘P1,g,y twenty nobles m _a nighgac Prieaweéra Am: the _car~.*;;-*5‘, a s‘ r:mub1e%h1!‘I1feIf'c ~With Pulpit ‘laba b‘ ’ . A A A A ‘ ~ . _ ‘. . xhmks hxmfe; a to be a f A A Hfl1c1Vent%B1fl1op.Whac aVBifh£.3p firah a. czrdplawti A «Brflaop pziay 2 ankngg, fign1'Hc:h‘to=makc_“ cyoufd A in the forhcad ~’ “P¥’h"Y 13)’ E15’ laceflar, or W'1Z[.aZ¢zm gf Lz'e'c£7feld, V gr, andyct he: . % A % T 0 %1:1“c:~bAIcs in anight 1? ‘ ‘W’ hy a remand‘ thrcpenc g ts amongfi ho1;Vef‘:néigiabours, an AA A er. Wage/aeflér is; is an vnlawfzill gAa_mcAiFy0u1j\'$i}1 bclicvcnic. For % ‘car to ra7kcA a httie fimrrf Aor%a1i0Vddcfcafl; braces of twenty A nobleswlacn the weather is Foule, ‘that men car-mo; gee M abroad to bmwlcs, or to {la % A _1¢{;zr~pml.-z:te,Itwc}1 ¢ card%s;fa‘r the Ltzve % : %11otAvFc»%:l17cm y cote .2 %VV_h%at ‘ would you % fiava mentakfi 119 tccrcaition i .5 Yea butic is an old {aid flew, cr1ou ghiS 35‘ good as‘»aAFéa A V %m+,:,Ad~e a trade and an occupaticjm, _ aka mafter qjM"x«z?’ti}¢ _ _ A you trueibirothcr mim-,though jhavc as 'goad§a gift *inA A pii3:1c"1‘I-zakiza g, as y”ou'have at P‘/Az'cm:.€A¢-‘a ra,a::1d farrzz mom delight than you can have at your Ibearcto mybrcthrcn, yet} dare not v‘{‘c_:his‘ A Ay¢u%;;%1mA,gh t=14,¢'y’b¢ Mth‘; part, and Wcid tojmaintaixm A theYAbe11y, and tea c0fifutvé= what thiiikc you 2 Evemhc % flandexaus inventions o§'Vy'our‘oWn.d 'b1:ai.n es_ fat t he muff part.AsVthat it is mt%1aWiu%11fox his Maxcfiwto allot Vany % m;dsAvx=.u:Ao the maintenance of the Minifler, or the Mi- ;,aAi[t¢r,cq1ivc?x3Apor: 1‘am?s, icrthxspurpofeallmred tznto, 4 him; but is ,;€mt%A h1%mfé1feMwith a1i%m1lpcn1:on,aAnd fa fmali, A as behave nothingto lcavg §<:’r;l1iswif;anAd% A ehxldren aftcr him «(for whcng hceis hot to be carcfu13,A ; but tefircfifléan ‘Gods providence) and is mrequirc no» A moxeAbu-we and1fai«mcm«, :;h‘arin* povcny ha might* be anfwcrable Mvnto ourASa'vicuIAACh%rift*aAnd his Apcfi1cs5A AinA‘theAA7cenf'utAati0n oftheic points, :.:1'»c3th_e Scriptures V cerruptly ‘applied to prev: thAeA:‘1-mljercis bcflowed‘ abovg 1 .33 pages of this Boo»ke,.that3s, fI<3m’t‘l’"1e I4 gvntq thti . ‘ csmd. I AWAcAl1%fT. whafoevm: gluomaxflr, an} 'W-hatfocvcr A is; jn=ci*the.Ar:: ~thAc~.u,:L mar any A mm at vs'ox man Ainfimgk % Aland ‘fl1a11?gknAoW%w}1i1eA‘y@u livps fi14fp€VV57ii:WAandttcuble as ~ many asyou will , 21%“ thercferie“ fave you nanny 111 he-A kixagflfor him, fmrit may‘B¢%hc Vis%;=1carer you 1}: em; you are A gwaztaf. A But whofoa?wr%%th6u;a‘m:-J {ay,Athcaii2!‘1aevvcff thy felfc" tollbe Aam'oft.3*n*ntoriw§ ~'évickVcd‘~flandércr,AinA fzuzhcring A thefa things vpon theft When: they call .PAarim74.r,fiv§%h§ch A never any?eaic>ying’AAcomn:zQn f”m{cAAWou]d* r«fl3Art17Ae;. And A was!i’J§' €3$>:\rVE1§!°3§i.13.a!1‘~V;¢ .=';Its?.!%is irafons that ‘ % ‘ .- *s£i-ii alt”; %m-ééaazm mg: —Alfo£ ‘£1?/ae f04«me‘fl£W 9x§1§i::§%z;“t4s“ i:c35zi;‘fit‘z make, and E wail prom him: E0 be V(£_,€r_1y bcrc°:_=.ved;% czyfiimg , %<5_;x*:i:s%;a%n£1+h3is%% E3i’§!I34I?;£1£6’if‘*:_' b5?cj§ é»i—:1a%cr;{%gsrigaL= ;‘5b‘x%%aa%f€ark¢ ;a:n;::my “-1:0 sadii--L’ié?i§gi...c*-é"m__ ~§;b«?3q%§:s+‘M3;§vfiia;.¢§md¢thvaI«:fiaem§.f % %:c;Ev1$.5:3?K:iafigfigogsze‘-:=VIN Jstzaiw 2z3é¢&;‘i?£b}d.*né:mii?.fim~i} ';13@~iIfm£s3:4“i“¥.:war?--W_€i«l?E'0r“a?fi§§711.r5p"§;iib3t~h¢ai:"th’€iit1‘i adnkmrfiamfiqs i%~:7r.*x;::c:*c.;é ’=>i%EE4§§“3.1i.£ illhgg/«rmzg!it:::t}1~;mijaf%*£y: v!1m¢:sr1:£?ea;:ah5‘B@-4% A gmm‘-fhéa ma ,tAl2%aTfl%m?«e” g vth c¥mV4§~ wift~fi¢3Mvh1ie’?éf1.vh=im ” -mi:xiu:l~.*: T-i1Leif'a%i%@ bj%et"bi:&$n4g;i.n4t.h aw:bnfa'ragiw13 awheflcafgfiliwn ‘i”1.ra=:*1V3e To kjimicll stéimcgmfe-%nf0:fa rzrg;§Frg‘;m‘;héKzifi1g%§h;é i13& eI?;2zn.étz:1m .%*¢c:wb.cL%¢A§t hléirfiaztfiihmfigfia§"W37iqfGiE‘§E€r~@v2é@6%:;§1¢E'i‘£%2 bmkc, 1:; as;vbid%ckhaade¢'£snas5%Tabomdx Apgkggabkkfieh %:3::~iA&»:::sfc2lf¢} khe vn2a.yr%:%ca~{il3z~ rkn¢w=1:h Em-.nc4:'bm ahi:eéiims:.:.ds4hc1:~iuaga§ as:%yau»=VB;§&o;wa§s; 531.1.-min1&srsa.mzb:;Lar¢;:;. ~‘a;LZ£:é3.£.2r2’:;:2.» :.Anc¥uthmA'1:ifi?- .»flsIMi;¥N9uld9.:;be.agcpug;g;gd4.s;:#17afa~efc“things * A *$erri@Ze % have-cgsifungd, 4andV;;§:1c tr_oub1%géy:aur%Ta;1fe, m éxecutc me {*'ru1:cs:o? yam‘ cfxvmgz bra1ncs,a s an mcmy ca rhcflaze, “A:-%xd~i1-1~ chef: Mpalgacs, do: challmgeyou T. 0. ma yam ; 953133 ]e>~.’m, and you Join: Wbézgifr,‘ and yc5uAVDo%é’cmza 0acg,€_m, an_d1y9u“1)o*£tor #(3‘2g;pc¢zfg%( %Cop;:o4t Ithinkcyoux‘ mamé -bc)and 88 %m**‘"flY '33 Q as have car éare w‘write imfchc Ad<:f¢11c*edcfthc eiiabliflzeqi éhureh gmrernmengifyeu can; not c cmfutc my former atfcntrqps _., you dam but In vaim: zhink%Ato%Amai:1xainVyourufizlvc s by flarr"dcrs,~ ~' in fatheging j“V on4¢thcPu*ritan%sthe o§l‘prin"gs~af your awn bl%odkhc%a‘ds. and Mara yo_ur{c1veAs‘,Ivvi1l {'0 he fcee>p,ifyou eéjnot 6:7e‘=- Ecnd your {elves thefepoims, as all the world flmll cry flmamc VpOn_'yOI1,‘Y€2!1‘ think: prctte1y‘:o efcagc the pleim: ofvyourflnt-ichrifiian callings, 1‘*yA% giving out that Purim ica*ns%haidit vnlawfnll f”orAhi_s A Maiefiie to leave anygl;nds~ fer'Vthc¢vfc eH:h1e .minifi;rsV main tentmcci, V; Icamzloét but La-rmmétxd you? for! pwmife you,yoI can fhift ofian hay-‘ nous accufation vf§ry* precpily, A A AA _ %. ‘A A true man‘ bxlngeth nanfwerablc witiaAefl'csMagainfi ambb%:rAby:h¢ highway fidgand dvfireéh thcfii‘dgc,thac the law may proceed%againfi% him, Oh no my Lord faith AA the thicfc, in any cafc Mt met me be dealt With. «For thcfc mine ac<:ufes:s have glven but ,_ that you are :1 drunkard or they have mmmittcd Treafon agaimf3;‘thcPtat 6, theta»- fowl pray you bcl-cm: my flrmdcr againfl: a:h:em,rha'c they may be executed, fowhm -I cogngto my trya11,I mall be fur‘: to have no%accufers.AuVcry% ?pr'¢:tty=wAa‘y rdefcape, if A 2 man§co.u1dtc11 how to bringthc ~mam:r abaut. Now bircthren Biflw-ps, your manner of dcaling is«cvcn the very fame. The ptiritans faytmly, thaMta1l%L'or%dBi’Ihops arc ygtty Antichri{.¥;s,%and~tlmcforc:hacAtIm Mragsfirages Iqaughe to thrlaft you out ofrhg commma»wca1ch. New eaf allloves fay the Bifhops, let not our Pisces bcacalled in qucfitionfl, butrathcr mdic mgr flamdcrs agairefc the Pu» rim: 5, whereby, ifmgn would cleave vg» when we lie, 4 We Meflfiwemég A % We fiafild bcére the‘ Wcirld in hands ‘?h3“k9‘7‘3’§3111‘:,:~413€€tE;' f¢r%sf::3:¢ Ma1cc¢ntcnts% and ama: marl, holding Ema-= 4 lawf'uI1 foTrVthe Magifiratetoflaiiot any 13fldSfm‘ théMini? ‘ flats pdrtibm, and uV111a%wfui3£f"®r“t'b€ 5‘/iiflififif to proviéa" 1 forhis;fam§1y.,.M Ana‘ xtzerefeam ye:3u mmff me: ‘give care ta %_ youbtflerwifc. the acciafiizi am of aAmyM+1'uEc.11_mw’1 againft US-» Aea1df0‘Wee. ma11A be rig:-act: bc%acqAuiV:ced- Buc%brezhren doe A you tfiifiké :33 béahm :c“;cm-ed §.%W%4sy tin: ?urit31?if>A11.G1dAn.e Inch po*i1‘1tsHa%s,y(5u' lay ta their’ cjhargg. _Th0lIgh thay didgas thrriy die nozgyce that war: no fufl1c1cnc%r¢ai6%w%hy you ban ingiPg£_.tyPog_g33fhéi;1’d} ba?%1%mainxaincd inagChrifi:§a4n cm; A A .. ;m;on_~w&é1:h.; imrsfwcr the regzfbns. that brawughtagainfi Come 52$? yml Biflwps Jcavc your tlaouw fanclsg and eohtemtw youriéivcswith your hm n:::};A1*r:c1sV, faith Jaawef ‘L¢73:t'a,m so that %"you_d0c plaim;-I'y fee, that your‘ 5 Coopgr, ‘.7’. ::C.; isbm:adc:ceirfu11wwu1‘kcman, and 1'fAy"ou»- commit eHa:'w°Ping»°fiywu,r Bifl1@Pmk%V¢“t° him: they A4 %wi11V”r £5 16$ ¢%i%n%{a fhdfl: f;m¢g , 1&5 fh€Yfl.‘-1a,1~1 b6 3yblc*t0*: % : kcepn9vcraLordBi£33Op%i11t}1fidm~AIid"€hiS4l11ay% A ‘ X f¢rir¢f§»?:3t an% :mf"vvcre ‘vmo thc latter part: afyetrrboakfiaby AWa_yA6f4avIAn~ A H H xmvill» mare Vflworka ; f x %f;~ fiqoparbcef A "% pub\1iflaed.j» M % my my worlfefir “Eager; % A‘ Nd naw reve»re;nd fl 1a;m.}:V:om:§:§b»yourwEp§~flIe = ~to~;théjreadR?r', but iflrfl yélu and I'm'uF:;gec outiaa A Exam intmzhc plain: fields, and :!»1e;*e.wec»wiii try if; m,»:t,= A exrim p1aine;Sy1almgi{maqs, ‘%a;m3~V§ha:;%..I knew J'gg13o?$-% -caémxot ...abie1e=izo:h?t:araWE A % M-‘rma-crénd T.J¥C.%ta "t/oafimder. Page 31%. AA = I A ciraw great danger; &upon"‘my"fc1f’e, in dz;§7¢z3Adi1fs.g Gus: Bgglmps am! Q:herst%lime;cbief¢ ‘Bf the cljcrgic Vcaftha churdi of nglanzf. "*'11‘hei:jad*2rer(a¥i€5Aa*rc v¢fycgcr4:%:hc Saizatsf ifl “heaven havgz; felt of t}?!:?A¥fr"t'()ifI;gI.I;€Sfl't31‘ \«27"h"'eaa”xt‘h¢yi“p¢w,k¢ % of ma’,Peter;/‘b:(arj,%&e,whox1V2mhexrisimifly call f:!iI3a:‘&’S-:,‘1- gh-qrin derifioh %ca1i‘ tKwmifi‘:%v%£’éteW,%Vfix%;°?agwl,%'fir¢ Mgry; A _ Rewrand »¢ff!€'k:zrr%£:¢;. * % % % Alas goers revgrcnd 73wC’+%VBe”:1'0‘t afraid. **H4€crcA_ 13: name ?bm:j%V§A?ti:1ianéis%V xmanflf hop: that air;aWgoodA£el1aAw;am& a L‘ruc§12bie€’c,ye%a but %l%‘V%d&cf%ndtI1Aa Bifhops Ao“fche~chu,1:z’:h af Ewglahd i’ai:h«hc,‘thcn ine?accd4 “Y maIvc11*nat$»t}aot2gj1i ~ thyxrc’onfeicnccfaccufc :‘h¢:e;and than air: ~ru:e:o1ms wall» favaurcdly, { thwa*ci:a¢1~“f0r:t‘h§rgIabO,ur, as ‘Wm? wafi inIfhy,1iFe. MTFIY; corrfcicncefj Ta’y,_"’mufl: n%e£%dSIIxia 1£e%thc:¢” ’ Eeare inVdcFcnding‘t,hcm. "Forztbr.-y Lara petty ‘_I?*opes*,y: anfi petty Antiéh%r1f’csA:V as “I have‘ prcved %%_-,~ bccaufe t;11eyJ%éi:c%*% Patient of -pa {’cm's,&c.. than ‘hafi: mzat Aanfwered my r:%¢sfong,;‘% ana4%~¢hererAor¢ fwaé§1ed£h3u‘fl1iz1t’B‘aéF23: £hy_p3i}1d§,”a$1d yczii£ ehoukwncy«e¢1a»‘ 4Iwu1Arp.m£h¢e;¢ :r4~;mu «.:a%n£t4vnoc » be i;a.§good":m-d f:5ut:d[fi1bid€1E%%%%‘ax1d‘iikfetidthe%I=1iei‘:1‘éIsiy of I.2b'rd *B%i“fh Ops *tci*~beMev [1:ivvFtzj1I , as will‘ ‘fheW% %%afljofi"£. C<5x1ccrn%ing,Sir Pam1',%‘"I_4 Mwhav§?'ihir:zri%@n all in] ‘myfif ;Wi'i- L tings. ifind‘ th€i“t:fi1’{e: t'he*rfé‘ad%cr~ Pc‘kt1fiw,; £1131. 55?%1éx~‘c':% 5:; aila ntgrbmy efi?¢kb‘t32>5p“a%ch%fiA:5’%éfi”‘ ’afcfC1.if aticazi wifh A ;a:—rlyeor@*twof. 4 V % A % _ % A 3m;*Pmr was the ovcffighc %oP the Friaxtar {who .o- 3 x1=1"Aifit'e(1[.rfl1‘i3‘Margifia§i[nr:'§zgiz.; iTf7He was Iffiot gain»: }f’ar:r whicMi%2*aA‘*a1awfu41l**f1;p¢§imm::'auths’>;ity* over V'1:i- B2 warm 2 ‘Hay my ?9Wfi?¢“fi3’~ wrfall bcasig} oh.-haChi1reh.%And fhfircfere chcPricf% Wham» % 0% Dmm Ioém A fpeakmch was fir P6’?€?§~."' VAnd%gmdLrcvercnd 7”. C. pray.4.theVe ccll~f-mcf, ‘What I-zine was,,5ainc‘M4ry Osteriex, to 5M.'41’)Hthc Vlrgm. In my backs léarnixzsg‘, theozae was i'b1_ramPopifi1 Tru1l,%and,.« the other the blcflcd Virgin. Bu: W111, you have all clwfayl vvhoam A8awi%ncs%inccd,.ca.1?1cc3 V1$aint§@_Why chén why doe ycu not call faimz gfiflérai/95.7%}, faint Sara 1fa1nc Jeremie, 15 Iohn of Canrerézzry flaou1d.{narty;,%cclL,.Vme: g§Jed.T. Cw vdcgfi than .n9: thinks that wou1dmtf.,ma,k¢4.choicc ofa. A;;t1 hog: WV0u1é,$and Twflthaugh you .:ar§c‘. 1earn¢*ed ; yet 53011 gee%*‘beyoné' your Fbmbské «if yen {aid ache A ¢.$§3ntr%a:y,Abéi‘nga godly Woman!,Hth~cn:%{hcewr:x¢.a “Saint, and {Q by your 1111;; ‘%herVnam¢ bcitag. drflyoil wcmld have her;.¢:a1lc:d~ Saint. 49:] 7 Cmzcxbmg, us: I profi-, 1}difé' thee; did hgs ggaée what hc could, ,1 wou1d ‘call hgg w £5; g_,?Id§xr}« 4§3a>2te%réwr}gasL1en“g,%as he profezfgd hAi1‘{K3fe]E¢‘ go bcya Pxieftgand this I..tnighn_z1<3jé1avv_Eu1%1y.% %Fgg3gf h._¢ bg»-. igrag fir Iabn,., why flaouid not his Wife bé%‘[“i1j_4/1{azr4y,, and why nocfir Man Ozzeriw, ashwéll as fir Mary CM, §7£'?'_é#2'}“l§,__¢ I hdgg 10921 of Camterfiarylwhom I knew 3 {,,tho1;gh Iktaownvo great good in-?him ) to be as hflflcfi ~ @manA¢as% M. veriafa‘ was, whom I did not know. Neg, chris there rams Why yen 31 C~flwuIdho1d M. i¢?**"*"=5*'-*%I1€‘&1ii5M”}sb¢CauF¢%ihh¢y%ar¢AWithinthe io. 'eH‘cofW£2acbcflar,t0 Eat: “more hon;-éfi thén If/.{.1g,,m V‘ge;€éxr]a:ic3 hiswifc. Nay chercis more reafons, wk M-Gmerévrie and hiswifc &We11iflga=ALméebz:2 ilmuld 1fi#tho’ug1uth:hmac&Vcr of rhc tWO§thc&}0wflfjf£ andhis wifigbcchfifc thiy away that » bankésrfide. But gooVd4r¢m+%:;mrzmm:r %, tell me what yau.mca;nc by thc %chief¢%¢ff' I;hc"G\ler'gicin {he Church of Bwglgm’ .9 jazm either L bl%afphcmous%,m %traiteVrou4_; ,§o;;: your éwng ¢m__, iffifion an%cvid¢I;£ pt¢6fc,_._t11ac Zwémof ;; %cm.x5;m;, ; is, A A 103% V mag; w¢rAa..m»>saa;gr: ILO¥¢1:0V¢r his brethren.‘ He thief is %claiaf.¢. af;}g;m+~z¢,;gg,9A‘ 1? c£vi:.-f-9 éA9fGad,c baritagc, andwtbaté: Icfus Chr"i{°e«m::l},i5A% dndb} Até z1m&_eA%tb¢’P ape of Cintcrbury chief: ef G ad: lie. 75:43:,‘ in§Lhi3s’fenfc is b1afghe5mons,. IAFYOL1 nzcancby Aclcrgic, as D can: I aim doth pagAe4.4,g of his,bo£akc;b@th A the aoplg and~A;Mini£Ecrs dfthc; church Qfrrzglmzd , in thi-5A anfé bislxdafefiie is chicfc of théelgrgicin :thc(§hu'rch of Englamf, and foyeurfpccch is qtraicermus.‘ A Lafily, if by clcrgic you man the minificrs 95 théchurch affing... .1b3'!1_d;__II\(,)1_1,€i‘1'1 this f€nfc.CaI1..b¢.. ehicfe of;:h¢C1crgic,bu;. a pcgcy P6pe%. Fa:f;'— amz'~S4m°mr.% Cbrifl flmrfi farbiddgtb may ta ée cézigfa (ff the clergie in t/9i.x*_/Tm/2', lmke 2 z. 26.‘ A AAW’ nag}: aver clnimejqi tbix -zmta /aimfelf.AA§ fiat 51 party i ; pope. T1;1eref0rpT_. C._%,y0u% are ‘eitha by your ownfpgzcch % O 3% b1a}_'PAhem¢r or azraxtor, Q; elf: John of Cmztjs a petty Pop_c~§-Hcfcis gQOd fp00n4emcawt.Afor afl Cfwpcr-aka heed Aof writing aga_'1;n{?’c Zbfmrtimifyou1ovc_*yourf¢a-{cg A l‘ A ;Rwar&"m{ C, p,¢g‘c%%2. Epifllc. A _gu;1 {gm chcm not,Awhi1c gm abbutro Amaintxahie tlacdigriityof P1'~i.¢9cSA- . A A % A ,R:'z;er:n3{¢.)'l4’4rti;¢.¢ A A A Well Fate 3 geadhcart yet, Rand to thy Atackling, and A get the high coimmiflion to fend abroad V the Purfivants, AA andfil warrant %thc¢Athou wiltdocfflmcthing 3 Alas geod A3A7Ii€&9a ’3i1aVtVtF1“1A"!315.8l3itY4L%.i5 131% W 531:1 *0 ¥hef%gr ou11é?,si€ A A is pitty cheyfl1ou1dbej,b "ftjhey “axe f{i1c;h ;nc5ta%bl«eA AAPulpic {QUE-: fflaere if at neigbéafir Bf 0%flr%:,¢2’z¢f/o'v_:zefl ;Prz‘:[z‘,% w/an A %wmfamet%zmes”% (fimplc as kefinanv flamik). aa_}z2iqc_i2z 41’ play V farwA}z3¢«t afa~5etter,bi; Mmcf I3:-' Glibcriei af_%E_-Ifiiwflead Eflcx, bee «rag; mud: tat4bq?1?u/pit,A*" On n time I thinks A it was the; Iafl: May, A Wentfvp ‘with ‘a Full rcA felutififlfifi 4 _dec hA1s buginetfe with 4great commcwdatisnsw A«Bixt{?csche hfqtcune of is ‘.5 WA b*z,;y,1n% thgchurc-:h’, i1§aI:ix?:g tithcr.t.h& Sums: Lord with his M37: flaw. F’! R.eéiu%:flav.d wiéh 4 H4y%mf¢rVca.«:,éer;?~v boy4¢,A Gioefi G~Ji~é:¢‘y,w:hmugh wemin the pulpi”t:,~ yet had a mingcfim his atrld campagéions abmad(a Acogmpany at ; Vzr‘mrry+,grigg:ym;a muft A%rhmk&c':hen1‘ robe, mierkya..«: a vjge¢ez1’a%i%a[gc )‘ fEz:ing‘Arhe boy going out," fini*i31‘c?d%hig% his Maficze €13-utxcc-LM1goiz2)g;;:~¢by 'th€ Ghrmch, 7 01115 g6%€~c§fthéW % K matter px‘ef’e:1r1:y. wMi;fEm22oém; olf Lammmri %.?A_m%w5f ;.1y;*;§n~gyha,* A.‘ ye fair:h jjé2«ayf,=.’:e;2* cl A-:wi¢€*h the¥c;atr1c§ fa -c%arm$ M &ow&ncaI1,d”amma:'g«*a:h*cz*n£hé%»goes;VV:erc it not €hét1;Pi,£ty4, :~ that; thjszdigniizy "éfTHCl~1;a%PriEtE:~;.fl30flld wdma y.‘A;n&I:wouId M gii:nt\}4eT.'. 6:’, "':[.haE you rwfo_ul.d ‘tzaim-1:11: pamcs to ¢%writ»c*w ire.-acifs -agamPc%che‘bcsy« wxtih chc~1acd% cap; Wwhich pm: rh‘is‘» G;%ery curb? his matter A-~ait :mother:im~¢% M ~Foz'L(?lééwy being intthé pulpit; Io "Faffen 28% his eyes’ vpein 2, boy with; and gap, _cfhat:shc" wz».s:cA_1<=:am dafl1t"Qut Of‘C9?UI1fi:31E}a";‘é51‘1C¢%,‘iI1 2 fc3?rti1x,Ch.ihatV%n4o Vnorc CQI1~1a: b-f/Bare, ‘rake mm} rm’ V ‘cap t{yére;.»: it ~had:hecm: «b'q:§:te,ttE1F1r‘-»!t% ht: I7~1%v3»cL,%z:rcvecr bccne ‘ barns, ~l1e%ha%rh% tlparred fi1ch“a ¥5e1*m<.m this day, as if is“ 7 Wonderful! to i%h&ii1ké-A The "King aitvid thy cu-Vnfe_?llVmight< % ‘qve117haveI1caVf:1»iit¢for a go0d7Scrgr:m11,=anc§ Io camcflgwn. Am admonition to the pa=::oplc of .E'ng£’}2,'»%2£, *to%;.takc,heed%' of boycs with red 5cap5_,whiah n1a;ke“th-en: [er light: by the dign'icY¢eErhc¢rr 13.ri~e££s%, ~?yvmu1d7d0c A A brmhc: T. ydu k?:mwwé11,. A M 1 %, gem in this time, Tor; way here ma % .% The ‘CQIUFG Awfi 31-‘E: F6 pigwhtefl, 93 it began fa ‘WE dab ;v8r€€iW'_5“7V e:adeavourdto%m;:ainte;irt% thalawes Whifli his T\’l:a~j'é£i;i§.~': and C” ”” B’fl”P'- the whfllé ihuze cffthc Realmc havc%"a¥1Ic:wed, and::§ocz2:ot* admit an cw%p‘1a.::Eor~m¢ efigovcrnimvcnt, dtvi{c’d+JI%‘%kncwV no:;%b_y%W4l=I0m. A ‘ . % * W ¥”.Razre;?e72dJ14{az2fr£r2. % % %~ : I'ayj= ::Em?oj in for; £xl&:gge£nA%»%a?s%TimFren as you wiiis and I will :1eve\:;V_fpi“ght%‘ %"Ayou,%ar«~;ha ‘Biflmp £%m:g;~ «cychcr *fof%%thé«%mattci; *:Bt1t dg>eiyou¢ t:H.inkc% our <3h9*chT%g¢%¢%réI2*t‘w*=» aw 1#¢ga°d%a1?d‘¥éWfiW;?%bwufe*% his A — Haymy warms? far magma: V 5 §1§sMaie&ieAand the f‘Earc,whd mainta‘in%th¢ %reFmfrmd rag. gicm aflm wéph fire fame? Why t‘h¢I;0rd clieth 1-1Am: allw.’ it, tkzerfoxrait"cannetbe%1awfi..I13;.V ”A~n'k:§ic is the _&m1c of {main A Wr:tm§m.csA :m4y¢:>u«%B1i}:opsggrcgchat his‘ M‘aicéflcig andthe {me Aalla wash ;the_ fama. Foryou‘ fél-:c2u1;i~vhavc%% mhcrwife in» firufiedghamgheykzmwymz maszycivs {£3 tlmrowly as“_%{ doe; Sofithatif Ec:.~1Vz1pro*v¢, cam aihatghc L:za=dd1fixk¢:a?;§:a am GAEmr4.::h gqvcA.»:%nAr1:;eAa::‘:.:,v% yai1r‘e:::1&casioi2rs to ma§m*¢ai:A@ thug; faA;Jme, fix-::Aw thartherszby:Ayc.u%cangm; giaufeg hm‘ hm A tr:;3;?zm‘%:;;4:o QM ‘ amdhis wmd,%“ whj:zrfi::»evcr ymz are‘ m_ A M,,mc?cie%*a:v:&thc Sm-eg'Now T,C'.1ooket:o yam i'e§i*jEa;{-<7‘*n'‘ ; I wi§1Jprcfez1c1y_z_m;k: 9.11 the hoopds cfwyoizr Biflxopxicicéss %%flya£I""Lmdcr; A A ' Tfixercforc 0;zr%Clazw-c/¢;g'a'Uerrzrw2w2t3 2’: am *-gm/a'wfwIl* %«c*Im¥ck gar. % 'W€?‘m?_A€2?'l', ¢znd}swr~a!£&§vw¥"i.a¢zs/ivejig/at*"ofGvn’, % A“ . Thacflhurcld governmA::n;%is an"m1awfu§.1 Churchgog» A fl ve1'nmcnr,thc Oflices az1d%OH1ccrs%whef¢ofithe civil} mm. giffratc mayA1awfu11y abalifh out of the Church,i 11m-k+;:' ~ myAcraAf:: innafoning brotzhér T. _I “fayrchc Ofliccs‘ and ‘”OEicr:rs,+,{O;«r I grant chm the Magi*fl';rac¢V4%m”:w thrufl:%th¢— A4 Officers oF;;é.~1%awf’u?1lChurch gcvernméc ou}t“<3£7tl1}cClaz;%rc12; A A if they be .D‘iatrep£vefeJ', % Mar.e1m;:5 W_’fJz'z“g£]’I:‘:A, %Si‘mWaV.n% e.%¢'asgz:fle:,A Caape-N , APerm'.r%, Ramt’-,*i';e.v,w or avuyfuch AA likq ludafés, (though ;tAh;c mcfl uf thcfémuflzi lmpaekéng Of£iCcsA%a‘~ndaVL1Q«bUt?Afheir_Ofl3&§ésm‘uP£~~£E_ané,§yha¢t th%wc%3‘f‘éf1:xL1f{e3%* A :mayAh~3 Fuppl byIfiAém::fi:Acx x;1“1e1;i.‘. %_B'im: t1<1¢‘C3f?i&‘ésj o¥f _Arc1’1bi;!ho‘§?sVandA%ifhops,” and*’ therefore? the Ot:fi;c‘€s much.mmte,may4 be lawfully ‘abc:l‘i£hed%ou:%of t%hcJ%£IHurch by his Maieftie .w::\d% put fiace, And _gruc»1y this: ”vverfe 4 yrave Weadacr tume themAcmf lS?1‘CCyNCOkEfi('p thgfzxfi In any~1cmger.Aa‘c}"thac%wou1c}Ad<3 me good’at:chc harg,m» " he Jezken gfmamzan, ‘and the rcfl ‘pfhis ;A: brcthrenA.7fii“ tiif? chargedaf his Bufinel*1“e%;Ti was hec*xpiy ~§a£f9¢k¢A9.!!d hofe 9f¢s:E¥is.@.§w2&¢fi€gfl :4 ‘}"iEA£r"€:-c_lyNr-ufli‘ny1ai&iSu _Wqr;fl1Awzrh his twb: mafia? ,§mz1dfvvQ2jd:, " o :25 ai'wAcctt_runc1ifidd1e. IA 5 V‘ Hgydazy w9%r‘f;'e..:‘-fir Coapérx But: the: Oflicqs ofzjhichbiflzops amd’Bifl1Cr:ps,% may be A lawfully ‘aboliflicd out e-fthev Church by his Maicfiic, and thsz Rate, as Iha-pe‘onc day chey;(ha31A.AA~be; Therefam '(markeA;mwTT. C.and Gary me this cozacluficgiyw lalbn AafL;m¢éebz‘:/2 fonhis btcaVk,cfa%fi)ourChurghgevarnmen'r., “by f5.r,chb.3;A: Bi{hoAps,is anvnlawfulll-ahiirch giflwmmétt You fee brgther Cnopcr, fégxn very co m;::tc”ou%s in my%mirr1or,A for fdcfiirc thcrcixma more . to bat: ' thruihuc of theijhurch at one t1me,but Archbs. and Bi»- flwps, as for Dcmcs A Archdeacens, and7 Chancellmrs, K harp: they will be 1‘ 0 kind Av‘nt o% myrlprds grage, a.s%nes: to fl”ay,if his Wnrflaip and charm ef the nobla clcrgiclerds wgxc turned out to gAra£Te; I will prefcmiy prove both maicr and minor ofV:hisA.fy1IogAifIIic:. A and hold, my cloak: there {came bo6y,rhatIma,y gee roundly ‘€20 workc‘, for i la fo bumFegAth¢Ca¢,a§:rA3Ag jcjhad bcweAbcttgr to have Imo- pdd ha1Fc Athc tubs in AWi3¢he[?:r, thenw‘ritc»againfi_myA wAo:11aipsA,pj£}1c[:;A A A A A A V % A A AA No civill Magiftrazc may lawfully cizherxnaime or deal :fQrmc‘chr:A body of ChA.x;'fi,which «is the Chur¢:}1,bur ‘whA0-3 £g>.%cver%dqrh:g6olifl1Aan§%Alawfu1}AChurchAfl3ccr,out ofthe ' cihuichgb-vérn‘ment,hc dm;-I)’eitbcr mai;n¢Aon~Ad’gEormc:AAtha A Church Theteforafi Gino eivilIMaAgifitarc,noP’rin«ce,no_ flats}, may wftlwut finhnc abeA1i{hAaga:y‘ 1’aw£u11 Qfficcr, mu gather with his%oFficc, ouroFthc%govcf:nmem:Ao£% the A ‘,’ChlI°i'bCh;— 3Vl1d pt??? ¢s3i2j79zy#é24.r,$ the Offxccs of Archbiflaops aI,idL(51fdbi‘I}2 T0p$,}Awhich~ his T M-aiefiic ;may without sfinna Iawfully a.hc>A1Aifl1~A0ut Ofthcwc hurch,arc—7m Iaw4fu1~1€hu-rch A _‘Oflf"iecrs,_md therefore $l‘1ft_3$,tl‘1“‘O Church govcrnmcfit pm. ‘£ti(cdbyIo1mWbi¢giJ?,zabn Mm-..zW, RiclmrdA 1%. téréar'ow,% T Willixtm 0AfA?%Lin;jai:¢:,%A and of AfWrqefin?,A%‘ yea and by that oldefiealecounter rrg2zJ]'c~ pr-iefl, A Jofm of GlotéflW'AWith thefefl:e£*' his ‘brethréAn.~i—s to‘be15re12:ntly A fihrnfi A0?!‘ 531%‘ =1?cClmArshsA=2d *13“.A¥‘hi¥‘kF5 thisgcm cw AM P‘ i A A **, v A ' V gong H4y4z2y:zwr,<‘ey’ér Cmvpar. A A A «aw '%£o’r1‘:§§-indceVe1 my 1x_m1’cers. Andl % toulé yéu ;f€'.’ih"at A yoia , fhoulei be thurnpcdfar deféflafixig Biflzoys. Take luecfi of me whuc you live. The minar afmy 131% iyllogifime, that A whofoéver dgath abolifh the Qfiicc of any Iawfhlmhurch Offiéer out ofth: churchjlc eithgf maimcth at defénmeth “ €41‘-2:: .c2hurch,I can? prove Wi”rh‘a’wct' Vfinger,.E:cm¢fe ewzy Jgwfflll Ckzircio ojficer, even {3} rm;/m bfliix afice, is ' 4 meméer aftke éaaiyof C/aréft‘ "Ia/‘M 3*:-véi;-via :}’tf:/cé2¢ircé_, amflveing as mcmiw‘ aftfve éady, if the VMagifl;ratcAdC)tha dif p1acc- himby a’b‘ohfl11ng his" Office 5; A%%¥%2fad»i¢éfVeth thé ‘p1acg:.,"ilfere%;)§ voids, théii the Magiihatg ”n*zaimetH the A body‘ if has put another Oflicc vma an Officet, in flneaé thcrscf, he defomgczth the ram¢,~ Bamufe 153% 5/‘!4(::zg.€fi‘rate émhfa” rzeit/seer the .r=1{§1[ war fbe camvm¢,£fl3W,f ?9'2.¢é’fé-f.’Atl;7':f.' tmemiw; Agsfrflw 604; if cw;/£.A‘ Bacvmfe ‘/'m4‘ ¢Arw,m:“:%%A» met? ta W/24? vie, the méwééw éfkr%'vnm1i‘fi*-°P3#h¢‘V¢ d*>I1¢J%%iAn% the €hfiréhA65E”.£‘/%i??4y :4 % A uc-Ax? fi‘A_:A~1AfcAg AIa/In: ‘of Cantcdrbhry Wged hi9[A%wAre‘t%ched* {ub- 5fckip:§;e‘t1)ané‘ vxmaturzll" I q‘eat¥i11‘f‘ gcsglcd "cycs pmn theié % figady A Hazy may w0;n€eflg'r* Cmjzer. ficad : when the boggy cgmnat feeAWith 813;? fly-€§,b11$~With‘" ?hc nacurall eyes t:hcV1’c0E,”difp.’1acc% th%cmh%Mow1o‘evct yen ~ may {came to hclpe thefni1atter,by_puttixzgothers inthcip A%Vfigad,*y¢c the b¢dyL{h_va11bc ffiilblmd and maimed. Whag fay 32032‘. C, may the _MagiQtatc ‘Cut cf? the true and ma... t1zr’a1HcggeéL,an’dhandsgof the bsdyof Chfifia under $1“ pretencqco put W9k°d%d%nA%inthcir i“hi=ad;? I A 11096 you will “ nouay thafhe may. H6-vv:chcn ‘c‘%c:sm.mcthAit to paifc T. (jg; %‘tha§:.yo1ijhoId Jakn oECaI-Iterbury his 4officc, wafidfd/am %"1'M}zir»eZmc: robe true audnaturall members offhe body, that is ;ruc"Cfi_fl:1C;t1‘s cfitha; Church, %andye%c holdit }awfu11A.* £05.‘ his Mafefiy ta "ciifplace ,t1'1;:;z_:x1.{ Acm; of i;he chmch."4 %ca%nnof te1lAbrm:herHwhat yexihdlcl in this poinc,M-3 think ]'have difl:urbéd»your%fenécé-V DOG you tl=1inI<5Y 33 ¢XP51’€d7~ Bllt they %ar;:= mp: %in~j;-11'ioeufly V-kep:;ou:r( Forfl {<1 hi$«M%aicRi$e. [h%V0uld' be {aid to injurgz ch%¢Cl1»urch,vnIefl§a Else vs.*o.u1dffec Ago; f-u¢¢5.::§r|phcts‘.aI1id Evangclififs planted th€1T€im)~fleitHcr‘ Gm the. church be Md 4maimcdfqr4 Vvam::_o£, chem,“ bzcaufc t.he.: Lord b.y~acak_1ng them;ajwayghath declared‘ A ; tha>tHflOWt1'¥Jerc can bc no vfc of them in the body; there- fcre the Lolrd, aébrogareda them» T/zsrefwfe 42.!/’6*r/Ea}; Wu¢54},z‘5Mg~,d£¢dM;?fi C’?/Mart:/9% wit-bar Wflérfilfffifi gal % zwr defl.-(med: % z‘.fm'<'m§)5¥. Whercés the keeping mu: of either cf>'f't:he* far» m¢mff'£ec%s1«gf Pafior 5, ;D9fl:0i"$, e1dcxS:é1Ird?% 9 as, is“ a»« maimingof gthe Chm-ch,& chcplacing of others £52. Azhcirh flcad,a%d@fm:ming. ‘Now rc“ 7'. C.bcfc&C11Y911%r.«en»%—- Ami‘:-‘It i1%ifir;&iTc~Ca?vper,t%o%% write _to ; D e D r«z}‘,., R>m£fih12as*Q cf M4gda{im:,chac h¢“mily proéfific Cara/>Eer,%. *r«o;knnw V 40? h;iu1%thm;- f5w;a3,%t11+e+1afl:]A T/évmzm bf .Li+z¢m‘}:;2!z¢e,;.~whAeth¢%t“* ‘thfi now Be ifiinc/2cff£‘&?%V.b-&,:4 $1012.; ,pe»r{Iw_ad«cd, I:_hat Amtad amifl hath fuffmienriy ‘proved n;_ffr\oi hc vnIa-w£-*rxI1:, 50? the Magiftramm. A ta: aiiany 13 wfull chumhrs &}C&~L_ouI::-ofixhe Eecaflfi it zznlflmfwlfvr £1137}; ‘z1ai_ m%,oz.£mwQ?- a'efarm»%c I/:»'e éad)'« a;fC/91'? [Ex '4 é_;£f %:dz%olm;,g we 1m‘tJifié«4fi?J t!:c.w»i«;2fi;_. yfiw :£z‘.».m,r:/V &r~',y;Qu:g. E99932; ;=_~p d..:. 61$: % E?I“.ns)%:A4;aj‘:vcrée;.: fir z='Jw;er.? W 3 :7 &Ie,proFa_fl€;'I7.C-‘ciotlbteth, Fotf I k130AA yours be as Ega noranfitxt:hcfeipoi_f:t$,&a‘s%£é!3»r; F?’/aftgffii, or Dames ma; * rhgsir Elves.) j A j V W};1etberAd hzwfgkli Clmrcb ajfictr in 2-.¢;gairrdV af ;9zI:4“afifc':, % éV;n: memécw of ti}? éa:{j.afC’fl/7ra€j?51v!:fUb%,zk‘ Atgém clyzarbé. A A Thercfdr%c‘1%oo§f:¢ * Kw?.IV2;'U‘éV]e %.q:j;A'. 8era* bo&y~i2 whzwc nq vfe cf them; «£15; m- ‘M 549 My C#3'.wtrc/y,}prawd am.‘ %afR‘0:m.I 2, ,7“,i3;.%t CO1‘%.%- 1 -7< ¢ 3;: 3.Epmhc. I 2 . Ami /:2’: 1.7m‘/agéat «tzzégrz t15a]2';afiz”ce7j: % arzmrejy Mam bf /m-;15"mI;, 57e&'dp3fé%t!aé‘»q13;4;:;b ¢1m;*J’a qami. mm!Z%m*ed%of ibém .5 A! %;afP%4flam' tpfied %t/at ‘wizard ofW'.s'j’?m"o?7¢.e ,4 Oftéie maszam ta feed 355:5 2.9: zrmz gay" l{;«:aw!a:1ge,zznd&vt/Jta 52:25/a’ up £73? 260%}! £22 Ark: *wzit.ieV ” "¢:f'frz.i;I’a, of El¢imf;%‘,Mjta 'zav;ur Archbilhops and B'ifl1ops,Whi'chIm1diclaw-a fail for hi3MajePcic and the £’cate,At0’retainc this cficablifheci A f(_)I"‘[I§;c. of*Vgovcr4nm-cm,-% and m keejwout ’the"A ~gbvemmentA; A byr;;Pa1%01’s, Defiorisgfilders-wandDéflfinsg *%.5\?hich% .VN3.S 3Pw‘ “ ~ :1:>@ii=1tcd byflhrifhwhdm you profaneT.C;.éa1lj aimkiiow " not whom,ho1& ir‘1‘awfu141%~forVhis Mai%efiie‘i%‘Aéi1i AtI1’c“fl‘a::e A % rabid God to bacteI1+again{h‘:h”em;A secure they bid the - A ;.gg§“ Q faagteli VAagainfig_I1c1_3_ A W§ic§_::t3§ime§gdA%d¢formc%" 4 % T ““'““ “W” "“ “" A "' "“ aw 4. bu-vvv--‘kn ‘ X4“ F-My d#yA%éW'§*<—v fi*59¢'W»% A t%a¢bedy 0§Cl1xi&3@£z’?th_¢’chu.rch7 And t11¢Y4i3VVasde¢1%a« m::d,‘maime8ar3d’you 1a%x¢”w*hi4gzfr, and you z3‘1;eJr?cf{;;o£’ rh~=beaf°£1y dcf¢r;d9r$«ao,£At1memtrvyttAehiwcfi govfimmcm. are flQ£0fl§1Yfl'3.lytcr5‘t0 Gad and has Wmd, A.b1_zt enemies heir Maicfiy and this ma. you m:zyA of tbefi; Nuts A Jm Caznzarfimgygti am] x1o§ difpofcd to jefi; in this fcrioua mz:21rter.I_ amV%¢a1lad Mairtifi azr+pre%!4r»Tl1c:;c~~l:5¢€ many Atlaargrcanly %difl4iI;<: <5FAAmy%é9ing$.1,may}1avc my wants I knowifor I .2211 riLman:"i ‘Botany courfcil %kmew m be or»... A dinary and Iawfuu. I fawichgcaufe %off Crhriiks govern}. ,A new profanw 1 the word in any jcfl'.~‘Ot*h€1j migtla I; fvlied 333 aAAAcov?mm,w%h crein Iwould bring thc truth i;nft:'o.Ii‘g4hfi, jt11'eMLor<:3 bVein%g » 'AuA:har both‘ emf m»im:h and gr~aviAcy.1 s i c no r lawful! in it 1' elfe, Eopphc truth to“ vfa eithcr of thcfcwaycs, when the Acircumfianqasrdec makcitAlawful»1€ 4 A f ‘ A , = A AA Q pL§rAgao‘{'c;was‘ ca d_ocgood,,,1 kaww I “ha%_ve done no?Aharm¢,;hp.yvFacver [name may AiVudge¢MMrriw'~* to max a.11.Th~*:yL at§e.AvAV¢1‘A3f'Weak*6-%0;An asAtlmac~ ~thi:nkd-AIn<‘t hat,rwhA5eh {have writtagt km@WV%%Vm2d;bu§1yth:a*e~ I" have ,Ad‘o“mg %:hcLfordAAaVndfi:hc flare of thisK1',:zxgd0'me gArcae £i:‘rTirié¢;"Bei% :.cazz1}:} (hm; {9rVt_,difco}:errd.sth;eg§€¢atc& an gmiws‘ A them- Hay my woréefw? floaperiy A 7 3%: ghmas. Axad by to mzichthc moa pe&;A1mceeaamies,5%.. gaufe they wound Gods r¢ligion,A* and cmrrupt the mace‘ : with AAthcifmandA1Oofen€£Te,& ff) C31} FDIC odsfvengancc. xvpcm vs a1l,*cvc: n vnder rh}: cwlour €21? Religion.-1 afiizma A V them robe thegircatcftgngmics chgcnow cm: {fate ha.:h§f far if it; w%crc%nocA;f0r them, the: truth lhonld have Jmorc: frfifi P&fl"ag'eA%hércin, than now it hath. AA1lAfia‘tes thAAm;ébAy' A would be amerided, andfoV%wc%{hOn1d not be fuljjcflt vnteag % Gdds Aélifpléafuffis W #=*A=**r»’ élfwflm 0"‘/WW: F Now let mq%FdéaA1cAWich¢th%¢fei t1*AA1at[a i‘€ in AA‘ 7aAuchAority.,L I A da:AmakéAAit‘Ak‘n4awne zgaéta iv/a.Aem,AAt5at am‘ B }'3f$’:mPM$AA£tré iii: “ 'g%rmte}$c2¢eAmiaJ:av/aicfa iv: law. Af"oA1‘ rh¢yAd§)e 1'£btAom.eIyAA . gee abougbut thgy have long _f;r1%c¢, fully pcrfwagicd om: itatc, that they Amay4lawfAflu11y pr.Ad<:urcA thcI,flrd;’«':torak¢ the sword in hand againfi: theftatc : ifVcl=Ax_i;s1E)¢: :ru¢,ha_va I 1A%A%9%:Avf:_§idA&AcrAu1y, thauhéyareAthACAAgr€atq:f1iweI1e11izi¢s which €)1ti‘AAAl§fat¢ hgth; T/J: PAa¢p£Afz‘S fi2aArkg*AA ma Afwrfi a_ffc?é'2',‘fart£1:)rA fir: not truficd, The Atheifishavc na mfeéhtd» ivour. whplc fiate,thcf%c have. The attempts of our forrainefienca-; miesimyb=%P¢mici@usé” [ Bwi th¢Y%3*¢ menasweearc; “ Butthac. God,AMWh1wchwhcAn Qu!f’B1‘fhAOPAs have; Aandfdog . makw¢.0urPjr1nce,f and mu gwcrhours E0 wadge Vwarmhyhqfi is%Aable*éto fl4ndVagainfijhiV x ¢ » ‘ A “Well tqizhe point, 1=nAanyhaVAe 5);mtI1Ai$ Maieffiqq,% the P§1f1_13m6r§tA ;ndAcennra11 1.x;1%rtA1iz’1\AC1L§1A1A?31A§:Athe church ofllccrs nsawamdngVvs.=~‘f%n§rA£::ch%;4i%s£itlaéI3gi:é1:4a11°wetho§,b¢< emf: rndgfdf .his_o“wn4cvordaiming . They; have a A fl.1e:wcdA:hat this fault is tic; bcMam¢nAdeAd,or the Leriisband ' AA tobelooked for. The Bi{hopsA¢;.m%%the othcfifiC1€;11ave,%cri¢ % * ed bgt‘ jfpon them, .V%%thatvhajv_aMth§z4As ;Ad;zt1ifu1%1ym9A7vEc§ . the i1“ateiTb¢'JI7? vi-izle a”1w4’¢I9]v:gW¢IvI¥’i;t/qar zkewgzifmtiaé . mi % a'*z;:rnmw¢rA 7245/airh A4? A ;~ %~ Vt. ;. 4 3. “ ~*« écflfitteté %afir &ffl¢t;:,xpx Ztfc1;:¢g_.7rs;tI9e. um: afpeaca,W/:;5m‘ 3»; i/mélffi:%‘9érsi#;W.t/%)%tiw *5#;mgé@‘r4t¢Ai” time of pgégrkg; mime aAn'o3‘dq]‘orm;f xbaéady ::gfjC’im(% AAb;;..- V _....¢ ;:lmr:@_ A %¢n{;:¢h; TM wraw~»ne +‘6f¢;F5fl:’fi?5’?W"W€?-°>€.Pf Iéwzfa‘ ‘zrizperfeéfifi med“/eftV 1}'3_r:723’flZ??§Ma5’.‘V2‘0"f!‘$7.4? dffcifeflizié t”6‘a'% Agdg-§fifM€,.wh€,,3.‘,-;3;3fa$ é.'efafe% ‘2%;:.}_;1gw9-j" 1'32 t.5.rz3'_}5a£};t‘ % of ;,“’% V” flsée Lard C‘ 1495:/i 14%]?!/W)’ ,P?‘«*j"errm'_, Hcfi. ~ 3“;~.<5-TF1?-53€h€,§>°7'?’¢mm¢f1‘Of the Iegafl Ps>1icyAf¢? Pi¢rfc&; as%‘V‘heeA I%dc”t’nm: 43:-yy part thereoftq ::ae%¥‘+?%di{cr¢:i¢z; ”¢{ij5f';“;l1'c’-L” Mégifi='m- C~?*€*7w7”516~%v46£W901%?!» 205“ 62.-.r.rl~ affls: 4'1wr&‘l3*, wage are % raj’222fe>.=1'”£=} .%I_1’i¢‘ expreflé ta.-‘ix’-:,fl % 1"’ Cor.’ “:2. will they *2fii:me.Chrifli to haircjlef:_bchi;id, him an vniaerfefi W9 05 his Chur%¢h2wanri9g at 1~eaf¥wifc,% h«3vingfuch‘mem'b¢%sassvvcre 0n¢14Y'P’=ra.% xfié31icntaAtthe fM'ag'ifixa¢tics :,p1cafufr’c. éfi’-V. 13% ./?r'W4»*,.é¢b6rAW% Ag0A‘w«°mv4bit/9: Wf‘?dif4 /1#3;tirvz%e; 2 A #1923;/’a*zafi¢1e":é¢ commended“ H753’ p%«?ii4tf07% ¢VZ£bmj1: ,V%‘%V!”:7£~*‘*% faitbfwlmfliéécforc him? «.5; Eithgr Arhen, that" cam; m€3:1<3aéidi1QOF:H¢f@n%ns befiaré the 'fBtV3m;, is” 5 fa1.[€;jt€&;i“f mam; c%:rhe*fcnne o%rd‘ai%n§¢4%Psrmancm% g9v;=wme¢n§r: in*h_iS $3_11111’¢*i=§ W. Iffpfitmaflfiilt i105“? b§»‘h5fig°3: h3?f¢"~ shed, d'mé'£hcy.‘ hbldfft ‘inay b:”<:_har1“gcd a”tr'h€:V.‘$MagVi- firat§sV pfcafuére. Vbu:”a%dwi§f’c* ,MQgi‘T1hf_&ffi byiMhWiS4pbIi%tiV¢;V%4 mvcsgtfl Pfeclafirxc Arhariitifi W¢ii1:§E§%"if*t3iAerc4i11a1i;.E¢VA a Churchwichin his%@%e%tfii::‘i%ans‘,.% he fwili éuairzzéarid dc-5 fcfrzfic we ~r1n}ne4,%hec v§iii1T“oi-d.:ii:.ic‘th’eféi%:1V’;wfiatLmembqrs «— he xhinksrh gr:-><=><:1+4 .I%Ic,wi1l nuke It kmdWn¢xthat Chr;ifi“[ Viimffiis’gov:rnm;m,%: I=§ia11~«b¢:ria.aiié‘Imegfaicléfiill;:"Ii»:m M Wm Thafih-2;; hath1efc.éBé%.§1w5¢3;i§g‘f c—£[ Wiis body ‘vpnto tfié‘&Mégi‘Ftrér%ée% % 0?a’¢wrf%¢é! 5.5-éfléy. ;%t/2‘:?2s'»g#z'l£ Wpgn «Mr V‘'efla't: : R¢p.e2z%t_ 4223 . M f " W tiwesi 70:“ W11 #0‘ be”: it Zflfirc; W/W M A vviléfsnd l”ooke%»yW;t?ie;¢quitsr4% the c.anrroverfic,Vd bccwéenVe4cW4:;Bifl:0"p&,i$?é1?rd th"e‘fc7"w+hb -welizld Vhzivc thq V“ diifotdéfs §¢f;¢ur A Chm"ch’j L 4 m’wded'»4 Take Ixeedyfou §cf},I1af.f em-yea%away with Hm; d¢..."5:rCh1fif°c‘3 gqvemment i$ neithcr’L *Mar~prim:c,i Mar» 7“ -»-9 fi*?f*= 3\%!1%ar%é1;a.vva+ -13;: Mar'E*a£ifi¥§§§: .”I_1}.*;« M5113 “%°fi. Aw; worM2rcoa;e¢:AA A v“fl1Aefe%&Aa1iFd4iAs pleadedffor; will ber¢e1iei1ged¢;f;yt3i1,% y0u:giV€A€ar‘¢.‘*~’nt.o this flandcx, % A¢:om1';2ary to for maxxy re-A Afiimonies as 31": brought out of his word , tn prove 1:11: A édntmry. He cknounccithhgs*;ft all y cu,:hag tljzizyka ft‘13#A‘§fi_111;f0:yAdu,to maimc A%o;r_dcfqx:m his church, hej fiak¢c%ot1ncc::,7h: Ins Churach maimed, AAAwhen,d=1éfc Ofiflicm A V affrc“ thcrcinplaced, which face ha,thA not appoizatedto_hg‘c u n*:7cmbersA th€f¢0f*-‘ he alfo t_:cPciAfietAh that there be no mam-v bérs céfthis a1§§oihArm¢ncix1c,hcwA «Church, but fuch as hm. himfélffc hé.th1:!xAa:nédA in hii$ word, anachorg th3t”.hC'h&Ehf A A :namcd,AmAan muftnm: di;£p1accfi,; 3 Afpr 1-"aha fhozflfl Pmtlm body out oFfoVynAr.4A NGW %ourB,i&1ops.ho1d~ing aha com A- A t.rarY.w<1 bmiiig’ Y%°14:i!3;‘A19?-135: AAthat you masr prafiim; cfié cQn}:ra1j3!,d9¢ ‘ht? 130,: drlvctyou to Provake the Imrd? twiggraga1fifi:VY9Au1° *1dAal1ofFicers ofthcChurch,tebcmembcr§ I 3.5”A”6o I 0 AC’07". I 2980 1': 80.‘ %A 3“, AndAthcrf0r¢Vthcy hm-lé the a1tcring,orAthAeabcflifhinqg. efche officgs {0‘Af Ch11l'¢h“_. g@vernmant,; «be @116 aiming ~ A abblilhing ofsthe.mcmberswofthcAAChurch. A A $4 TheAa1~ten§‘V g..andAabolifl1ing ofvivhich memberAS,th€y A ‘ ..ho1‘d?m be vnlawfullagbecaufe iitA%muf’t‘AAneed¢s befxpa mairm "'1.|‘“-vj‘fit'Q'th|,‘e,"bo&Y.\' A A A A ‘A A A “ “ 4% j hold ‘ ‘I ‘ . .. -~ l - B 2 »-—... a. A...’ ‘ “i’3*A “ ’ “ A 31¢} gay wmgefer uacrfwr. afid a§ vfnchar;g‘ea%a1cV 3‘ Chfikchgovern-meat Mai am: ¢,9m.gfa: ¢:fidVH:éa.A 6,; %TheAfe m&Aruch1:kcAa:c%ch*c paints théy hold, 1:: ¢hcir cauf7.*:A3;2eA tt:yAfld,.:md if’they~‘»hoid my otfzer paints in e&'e&;‘ A t§1ef:i,lcc thmnbe‘7i-zangad cvcry man ot”th'c m. A A ANOW l%1dcznam:§,A whmther my that hold the contrary A ‘;?:lfi2;;.j@i-‘moEA~$ 5» 4 and main cAheV8rAatc Ara-{«p;aé1:_izc the cm. 7 A trary,Abe; mg:~.'%AAo:tzt:ragic3us wickcdmen,and dangerouse. 3-gemiezwé 0F%‘t17§€%%§£af%€, it cann ot be dctfxycd butthey arc. B-‘cw 12:11:17: the cmktrary praétizcvofi anytheformet points, is g » ._y,ray*to :,vprk%e:im:ruiz1cVoEt ht fcatc. V’ V . A2, Ncsw 0urA?‘A%Bi{h,c:;_:~s Ahold ti1c.Acoi1traryrvm1:rary, whjcnccaa _ar thzé Er.-Angch,our ciieihuéticsn isA1ikeAtoproceed° 3‘ For 2 A 1 may deny Chrifilefus ‘cohave Fat AdowneAas%exa€i:‘, A_ had as ‘six-1ci1angea'b1»:Va "f0?mne%%of‘% Church government as ;2'z4'aféfAAdid. at thcy fé;y,«t»hat the Mzgi£h:atcm*ay change theAAAAch;urch gwxvcrnmenc cfiiablifhcd byChrifi,foA amid he ‘ not d§)eAcha%t, prefcribed by V31‘ afar. “ A A IuWhaldin_g a11omcms 1.-1aeA church m be mm; sf tlmé heady, (Fm: ifthw be not mw.1‘z:aer s” ,% %w1mn:ou1a they A dam ,thc.? bcdy )Achcy hIo71d~%i:1a‘~fu11 for §Magi{~’Era.Atq“ A to atcgmp: the making %nsw:%m¢mMbex*‘s ‘for ithAa£j%A:b9dy;AAh A ; 3,, Th-e"a1r.~er;lflg or Aaboiifhiug efthefe mcmbézrs jby tI;t%ic % MagiPcmt:[es they Ahoid co‘ beA1awFui.I, AI'ndA than-foreAthjk:~ A" A Now youwxctchcs (ArchbL and Bifhops +Ivnac%mc)f A you AMam.-fhte , Mmaw, MzrA~%P4rinceA*, AMar*magiih-ace, Mar.¢°mmons,w;a1gh ' %ch‘u%rch:% zfl fifiljd jAMér;i‘€1fgiq . % ‘ ;Ar?.ey0u;AAab1‘cAfor your L%V€S_,‘ ta anfxvare A arsypért’ bf th7c“ A“‘ forzner §y1‘VIogiAfi7§i‘e,whcrebyA you an cQ?”ncgIude:d,to be the greatefi enemies !Lm‘Ato;hisAA*M%ajA,cfl;y and Afha Scare "V? A You A date mm: atte;mptAit 'IAkAuow. ; EorAAyou~: ‘cannot fieny,“ but“ my ‘T*.;"iE‘..?.f¥‘5?1:‘r'¥§.‘-I. 313% é¢fsx2=di§%§v3fH§! (r¢aA§r:fmcArhc fiagia V ywa Magi;€'a%¢¢%z‘z1§':zgifl%’¢¥t%6 fi?9d“5W.’*9‘"' fb€C3~!,1fc you %‘ lbgafg ghgmi-;1 hamd ,; 3;‘; 3 1_3W€u§.i fCh‘i1I‘"~V¢h._ %g5.Vfl,-‘.flm€nc % may confi[iQf xh1o('e%oFEces, vvinch the maglitratc may %a§”[ w-i:1h,ou:afA:he Chm-ch: Wifthbut firms, ‘and fo, ?th%m:%“ the Magifltazsemay 1awfu§Iy §ut%4_oPf the members of Chrift frmn his bo<:ly'_,kand {Q may lawfully maflacgc the body. ‘ Tm are tk_wl;:tA/11¢} Wfléjs W’9!"W*P”F%%;;“fl%"?4"*-?«"f**i%1W3¢Z/? ~7’@?* £7;/tcé,,£:° évggftévbrovawe, V %7':‘a_# em‘ tbéfzxgt/M rg _f%v411 nz;4f1v£'rfg",g ' am? é%loa$d whim?!) the Spaniard, as? My‘ 0117:? mem»z'm* ;,¢;».~.g,- % 1%; tafpill, wirbgfit the ALord$grMt WW6] -'% yaw are £553 Iygr/E5gmar.r% bfjaxuf éiéetlgrezgf, ( 0%. may éw accamzred ércrlareaa) yatmnd ;azrr.:19m1»ng%: #VI?,’W =‘¢’?“'/}' 1‘l96’?WMmt1,' am tI:e~fa¢=r} PlwggI¢-Mififli p.a!?«l«;mof:mr4A%+ Gé4mb.ddA: a m aka/E wlm nékziimg def?arw; vvxapjrrfimeagrievewol zmna rim: Clmrcéfiwhich Mkcc_tp»t;11ci"amc~:1n captivityangi ‘ _ da;kc;1cfl"e,d.€f€fld‘ bffifld1€3.d¢gl?,S%.Q£"‘['h€"§ fiander; revxlar: ; and deform: Chrifis hcly fg;0.,vAref:;n~1rr:g«cnc,,V l3h3ftf“fu¢§hj' 1.;m~_’-.1;¢;+. mid wooddcn members asA,yA<,m;are,A may bee %:,£%iII AA ; , mglgzcaimes, go have” :h¢%r*ct>%mes the .~truc azid gmumxn mérribefsidf the bddy, _T811;/ 33¢ p7'»¢?)'579?%l9¢l‘9:?7” tile l‘7‘fl:“ and mzrz¢m[Z.z:aénzlzer: ;oftF1:.' 50:2’) may 56 lamfaliy wt of i 611 we;5mg¢flAr»m1fJ0?z rwM.r«sr Wfififlfa ~1_’Wv rm ;a£«zara%;tfi¢;fie¢,e%s2Fv;{ What 2‘ May &h’cMagiA&ra%:e;L cu}: bf? {him t1‘%iiic4 é.r5d%“naturalI% mamberV$,V%% ofthc ' body of chrifi 3 (%)h%, impudfcmcymot to he tolcratccfiflm‘ war may €;fl,¢,g,A;g,” gs la,7;;*z’1517'aaz¢'_;‘Er7y anal om‘ flats, “may Zwwfmltje &y.V]m'4r Wm-* €€?5%}&”{f%:i’a4‘}’P1*?€€ %}’*’7?"‘ ¢méyour»dficaA.s%V‘aar¢f¢wg;€?¥;?’?%wP:€§1;:.éf1A¢w!ezre.% .TE<:§1iih‘d'eéd;«i£”Thal~l ap~peareg 4 thAar:Ia/Mao? Canterbury m¢a::¢chAeobe4%V~a.Pt:;se%‘i‘s::d.é.ed,a::ad t.®%ha~Vet‘he fcvtemign-V tyov"er%che civill 1s.4;4gg%ii’cx".;ace.%§ %YT&,w;Wif€;:f0# %J?»*€Wyatn*% .?§,., ;fé1IfE§iz¢¥1¢ada tr! 9? VM?”*f*“V"3':% “De = A;»~: ;g_A « H4y4:;gy‘;‘wv?ke”f’ar sC"M}9erJ A 1\»Z;.9yv tAE£e, M%ag§_ftnax:m§;ma;z asrgglmryeu as éllé may35thd£3f j e y<';2§lA;A.=§KAIaL%,‘11AAI1c.thc;£I‘%l16membcrs+;: Thi:«t1f you“ are (as indetd?‘ % ymx might’. )1-oA'“bz¢ %thru£t4 orztgixnlcfifithc Magifirate wbuld wing-:«n;1;:reA:he¢ iw rath of G0 5 £01‘ maiming and‘deformir;g A A thgbody of the Chur ch,ko”“’yjoynir1g~un~natu;all membm % M thcxquzlco. A%A.£1Afw?;mrAAbAmz;fhisreafon of 7rnihc,% I and A Mthm ha1i3g%%%*:hc;.sfc %- \ «vthszatafe¢keAgreEarma-rion,if ever againcthey fpeé1kmffAi;:, if? %%—.yqz;Ad<9_;e x1Ao*£:;l%22zi/Z(g£:rareAr_}}A~u\..A\}v1a§&:4h~é ar:§¢tI*1’e» t‘1mim§‘of**thcchurchs are 1' pekeza -‘ agai;}1A{3c,t/mrefare“-itlae},mz.m:@'4i?é¢zr>1’%;;£¢£ce rz:n’d%fl4zt%e,w/9izey’a % are _GrmA’.r WL£mtemnr:,flwz{Z égev 53*/'i/g‘_a=a fort dt2:%lt»%%wJt.é,t;%z} 5 c'7é:oh=¢lit}.;22s{i/Z 542* the Magz;[£ra¢e:%fivzne_BuFfi I kmw their % w&§t%Acdoma~%to bcfuch as» they _‘W11l~r;o:,F0m_rvha: rearon~is ‘ A thismrhicb you 1_:v’;61‘an%c T;C%;1ria%?e$ ufed-page 1 o 3; % A ThwfinFu11»thw1‘a4Wfu11:»t¥*~t=¢ bwksI?aAunnarura11,Fa1r’e .; ..a11'flb&fl:a”_1‘di‘y Chfifichgtv flit; A;'chb_ ag"a.infl.»T};tcrAeForc% she:c‘zye,n%éwaur.a141Aaxaalawfullgama jufl: .gCr=Vc.nfl0U¥S‘{0€?EhE7*G@1’Hm0i3! ~*wca1*th, ; *flaa11lA’b:¢ +1ikewa1e . ’Bi[hx')ps,which'Vabfi{c1ieiIcn7cheixA_AAfa1TcOH}-iccsg are ifpckcn ' ’ £hQr:1y:mifl:iked,:_Ah aaa‘d¢unc1u:i€u¢11% bcafls ,T that -vdarc compare your Fclvefi with @urV*ftrueM‘agifl4r;1tcsgrvhich A arh4‘thcord'inanc‘:s pfVG0dg\?V1:’t11"Y9:i{r‘ fc1vés,that%is,with A Archbijhgops ma B1H:0psJv_Iixch'-és%»% [you~Vycaurfe1vcs e“o%n.. ; fgfl?g([. :g;gzz- mid é_y’praf:)¢* ¢Tzr;f.' *t}5e V; ardfinxfz t'” aft/J: z>;m»z:.;Ai .. 2 A A A I *know I %*a£n%%%d1fl1k6d"6iPihariy "'wI 17icb' are your cue: *mie$;W1*=I3 bf'w«WW55¢Wyo%u »am.»Ia %;fsvi1‘1‘gh»*c;ex4¢: r;e“§9«2até 3 *eh«em;e '8q«t%heaxe firfl: ‘me _:;;he: 1%1d§’f§¥“'5§.-3>v‘hEfeb§4V:f*" all ¢§3ifli§§§*i ‘bé*e ‘;:a,:_;:} £’-’b,aesw{sé;fpet"t}‘ ;4;~«z:£.:Y:3a~zfi;;% I‘ :z.£Ture‘f =§§it1i1,iie Ac‘. ;zha:r théari vchig;he’fldcIyManyea:h$~ ch: “aon%c*1i1(ic:m,’“v1i":i‘s[fibiriftéhie A denied.E?cm%ha%£: mua needs~*‘bc_? t.&ui-:‘1.,iPj};h eM2Jfd~i; and in}:'¢,ifiVe iiiim 0i;i‘1itti'flg~-‘thfi Majcsr Agindi m1n;dr5bccafife*= — hr: "W255 flair able ;Vc»~% ai1£7Wgei:' the-re-by,¥grVant¢th~the c<)Tj;3g:Tii§ flax.-1 re ~’be"Vt:'1:"1am:%»vH~"i%*s-a£ijf*vsfierLVIEItifi40*4tl*ie cc5z?ii@liu[*i%ést*1*%i)§, §%?tht~n: ’* ra4117‘L:%d‘ wB.;=w&:;*as nggrpctcy iP6pes~:Bé¢ahfe pagecm-¢‘», awaiiidley.Hmmfiwerenwpartv 1°o9¢s¢ VVThe4v"wéw A \ i1‘‘fpettyP¢L #0 Lthe ifen:th..T;hé book 8: ~?1E“Pifi1c flvnigg :13; Page are both ;:i:x1 Engliflm Hem: I wiflsy tj/1: Zlélrazgiflmte to m_i£7?'1k;~" TWIMKA gazed 'mg,%m§ yaw are 462': tqwzjfoxdfér jaifir Hierdr'c£2i¢+ y A 4?f[fhird1y~,7fai:h prqfane T.L;C’,% pagt: 7 5'. _C‘1 £7%,¢9“'6~fW};!6’.£‘.» A ‘£4,'z4:%z:o:4%t/mweerfis Pdflvv:4~4A;vmd D.gaé1‘m hue , $azw;nicA andDen:na1fCk5 kw‘-‘ LrB1fl1@psa You at: a gr:-at State m;m vnfloubcedly C.?th;1t vndcrflatad the State pf other Churches {O we11;B11£% hercingthe imgrudfl-1cy% DE . “?¢xprm1§i;f9.o1eapgcamh fifgrfigiauflys %i¢As% rlmgh the re: .fi.1'V‘1‘,~F"3v.-%5’ 19$‘? $F}‘?““3¢1éi&$13ff;€F5 25¢-iflgL%3:1fD%asWfI;1ear« as a ;zfx”1az1o'f{ A tfizlu: cmgs and gprofcfli :1 can bee; % any hom:17cy,% would;'%bq%belecve%d againfl knowm cgfipcrig wag. Yaam bums Sa:;on4ie;i%ndg% Dem1;xar;:k: %i1avAc: Sziperini-_ tcI*+danAtIs-..,Whar%wth¢:1§’"agrg9;L%~M¢hb«.~and~ Biflmys. Iideny Thw,gh;atherA%chur,:h:sv%hadAL;A..Archb;mm1Eb. axis A Pf°i4‘§th4AI10§hi;$1g4e1f6y»~;.bUt §h3t~QE116§'A%VC1mrches are Imi- med amid have t,_¥t.u:irA%ix1;pc_rfc€ti01JS,,, Y'caurg1te*afonw is this, 9%" g¢ad:’?;£?¢%r¢fdw -we défw?e?2?r{-, ; Fréwkfvrc W-r mwfi 5§"’:@:“f%?m?§~:h? *dg5-WESi%:*1§!Essthcr¢F9r¢.:E1i¢ my my wmzcfar Caapeawi . A v A 2;, 3 ‘A 6}tildvren%c~»F_na fubjeéhs xnufi go: vpright¢’An&"thefi: be 233 ~ A the good realbxxswhlch yau man brxng fer the guvcmmzflfi of Archrb. an B1i11aps,aga'm£hhcgmrcmmeut of'C 1111117. Yeu%reai”on zhumcmufiz not izwadxnittcd into this King? A dome, bccaufi: than Eizrilmnahfhalljnec be able to live, In ~ Vthé: clhmatron and Wtal-th,%Whereiz1%:hcy%now do. Carngg and,/enflefle Bmflx, who are me‘ afiamed to prefirre we ar:rward’qfi‘ate afmm égfm the glory of Cbrifl; Ifimga %M “ dame.‘ Herc axgaine; let: the Mrugiftrare and other Readers W conlaider, whcichcr&itA%be not umc.-, that Afuch~brm;:i‘hV men 1 lhouldbc lacikcd unto. Which reafon thus : Thebody of %Chrifi:.Wh1chis the Church, muii ncedes bee mazmcfl and deformed m thtsijarhmomweal:h,beca.ufe otherwife: Cim‘... limu mid mvt 5: aévleta live. you enemies‘ :0 tbs “ flare, yam Txaytors to GOD ma his Word , you Mar-‘ princc, laW;M3rvmag1£’crate;MareC hurch,%_ and Mara cgmman Awcéaltih LA: ,,d0I you not know that the wand fhouldfrather go a begging,thcn_that the gkary of Gtsd by thayming hxs fqi-1urchi*bmuld has defaced? Who can abiéa this ind1gniry.’I‘Ihc.‘ Prince and flare mufi procure God can wrath againfi th c m , by cemifmiixxg thJe‘deformity% of his V V churc:h,and it may not be othc:rW1fc,becauYc the Cz'22iliam elfi: mufl: “Ball :9 dmy. Iwill tell you vvha‘cA,you% rnoxxfireus and ungodly Bilhopsfisaough I had no Eearfc;ofGod b#st”kar.: minc¢ycs,% and had no hopaof a bcttcx;liEc:, yet‘ thclovg ' that] owe asaNamra11maa unto his‘ Majefiy , Véndthe ;fl:at¢W6tI'1dinfbrca%me9tO Wfltcagainfi you : I1is?MajcPcy and this=Kin dame A whom“ the".L9rdbIdTew1:h his mighty ham ,1‘ tmfiairscdly befccch} mufi endanger them A {elves under she peril} fof @ods hcavic wrath, rather than the maimc ofoqr Churclvx gbvernmcntxfriufi be hea1cd,fox: we had%«rath:r it mould be fo,fay our Bifhops, % than wee A 'fhcm1d be thrufi; Oflfgfflfif wc (mum be thruf’: outghc flu-x dy cf the civifl,muPc needs gm ta wmckc. Wcjll, ifl hwglivgcci {oxmtimes a‘Citizcn., ‘Vi.z1§;§__1_a§‘§s»@a1and ancieng: M A A “E ” (thcaugh liflzeci,-at1dAin thclovel owe unto Gods $4 A _ H4}; my woriémzfmv cwyr. fthoilgh f:W»%re»i,«%) Rvweaaad .h*‘.‘”‘.‘3a*d Kins D0jm- % jam-_,_ ¢_(j,’.t.efm', yea C}r,f’qrz¢p«.§}' hn=n{el*§c gzvcout {hm fpaech, namtly, that she City and Empire of imam: mm zzeedcs be brough:41"ubje£t% unta fbmsdangecr, bea,=~ami'i:: oshezmrifc, ‘ L C‘t§t'fl.1i;£,L?fiZ2'v5l3fl,C€fe9£gf~£s’, ‘With ».’.‘.»i£he%'1‘ Oftf-16 Noblhry % M21343 rm: tall how to 1.1%, but; Hmft needs goes abeggtng, .2 z‘m»:¢1$1f’#re!],‘£:¢%_ t/aalazié Iiazzgiat to tbefafety 0f.»1“.’IJ;31f‘3 ’. §.f£1'e‘,«’?:’?.}552f6’ 6'4:2l'L"c’c.’L" /aim t/53:1! /fwd 7'/f.«:’dfm:E 4/Ibeec/2,53 !«M{i»- .r,‘imy;3‘"%z'.2:pz'2?i$*, iéiévaffwévsr be /mad :9.-Mzza .- A A A and I vmuld not % have &‘oubted ‘to have given him the over:h:fow.An.c} 11131: A I hating a chrii?cian E-=ng1iE'1~1Subje§$’c,abideL to hcare a ‘wig; A kcd%ctu¢%oEzzx1g98:ly Bxihepg” ,Wi£hthcirhangenes aggi pa‘mfita.r,afi'irme that our King and ourffitc muff M eds be fubjmfl: u‘ntdrimgreace££ damgcrchat may be, A +%*m‘¢z;,%$ rim wrath of GGd fo.rdszf"orming”his Cgéihxzrchg arid char ‘Goth Church mm’: nscdcs bceznaimcd and ’’deformed among us,becaufe*—o»thcrwi{”c,a {cw Ciw‘;/iam flmallnoc be a ble to IiV¢W§‘Sh‘al1 ‘I%%1ie‘a1ie and fee chef: thi~i:gs profe[1?:dA%az3d pub .% ‘ religion aha his . I!-.g1.;g;'efiy,{'ay Ilcitfliilgff canno?t, I %wi1i I'lo't, I may not hm iilentat this {peach : ficomewhzu; V3111 come of it, The W F rm afaC'!'9rz;/;‘£;z:¢ C’/mrciJ,.Pr£;¢c22 azzéd5t.«»zza,&,-all I r7*z¢.J.£E‘,, war/zgflimére in meutévévzthe law of at mt/can % mad Smt: mid (iéag, Nbw judge gs-xod E{da&g¥r; %‘who.£s‘ %%mom to1er*3b1c_in a;»Com mon-Wealth 5 M :1?f5i4 thatwozzld havsz the ememics of hi; Majefiy removed thence, or our Big ‘fixops which wmfld havehis life, and the whole AKi’n _» 6‘o:r;es profperity hazardedflrarher thsna fe‘w-cm'z;m¢.£ % fhtmld wm: m,dintcnan‘cs:; ‘}BL1t:_flIpray mac tcllziie .%C';][ why {herald the g~overzu:11e::1'foffiwhriff §‘mpaVefi(I1VCim.- %v~.?z’sz;¢:%?Bccaufe(faith hcjpage 77.the Ganon law by which they*’I£v':,muPc %b.-=:- ai*tcz'cd,1f£hat ware Madmitced; Yea; but vi/£422; Jive fiytéae CVW7-t (sf/1’mrazltyfl4;¢a."4aVzi;rw5~vomit: i ":3:-¢{[.z;v 5}: tbs’ J.7rcla;=x,m'z.. AHOA the Probmcg :3} Tcfija...‘ mfifwlificntraryVto _t1:1e Law ef God,gmdagainPc+’r4hc profit of u11e%Com6mc31i %W@=‘-1th: amdi €h?“€E0I€ there Caflibe nodzmgc-r%in aiming thcfc. or A * 4The Minifier 5 mamtemnccwby Ty t§ie,¢2a' P zgrinzaeye a’e- A ’ % igyezlo to (M fm2Z¢2wfssli.E*'Gr ZL:s’tZ?fti7¢ (gogd 1\/1%r.I’m%'f022 3-mu V % mufit undcr£kami)doth Maoc‘c> umt% n%O: r0W72i_[t‘ to be a Pm/‘if A rpzzéaanor yet :1 ftxttif-ll Cooperiff. R 5}Thc'in corivct-1.ier1::c which you flacw of {ha goVi'zer11me:~1t% % , whi_d1is,t’:iat m~e%n&wou1dV not has ruled by it,is a1’i£‘W£'rcd %% T gfagcsflnd I pray you, '3 why 91931.61 not we-yV4b4s bwgzr <3- A V I V A‘ badiémg 335:, “ , my 4,éfwarFé,zgaj%f Cam #1 % b,::é‘icnt unto Gad 5“ Law, ifchc fame alfowere e1%'abIi{hcd..= by ch: law of zhaLanr.»‘, chm to the Popes Law as-adhx“sf ¢ C }anQns.YOu thinks shat all men are like yculrfE:Ives:thac - 3 A £5 like B1i}10‘ps,fuc£a ascatmot chkaofc Bu: break thcLaw¢s and geod orders of God and his Majéihs-1. Thehwcs of Zmdhave bc§:n%e made,Vvhcn then: A L was never-a.Bifl1epin?thc Par1i2.mei1t,as{_%intlm fixfl: ycam . of Qcen Elia. And this rgafou as 211" sh_crefl,,mayfcr%vc to zmintaine Paperygas w&:1¥asthehie:rarehy oi:%"Bi1-hepsg A 8 The govcrnmcntof thx-:%Chureh @f'ChriPc,i-s no papa» lar govfiirflmcnr, bmic i$Monarchical1, in regard ofour }+1le_2.d ChriPc,Arii3E0c§&ticaI1in%the.»Eldc::fhip5 V ifiiidw Enema -« V 4,-ArifEocrati*caI1 in the: higher haul}: ef’ Vizraticaliin the p::opI.e. %Such% isthe civil! gavm5nmcnc%of' our Kiizgdame : MAo;;ar¢h1ca11 hisMaj<:f%icsper{om 1 %PVar1iamcm,' or ra - thhr at aha Counfcll Tab1c;:Democratica%1iin she body 95 theV C%ozmVn0n s~ oftghc Lowar houfq ofmrliamcnt. Th era - fore profane 7'. C'.= thi_s govcrnimcnt IEcketh'no popularity :0 brsbmughtinto the Church, 1nuchlefieintcnd‘tththe 7 Waltcratian ofrlw Civill £h.teV,,that1'sV but your flamder, 0f? which yen make an aecupacian-, A And I» vv.i‘1lfure1 yen: for it:.I‘ muik be brief: z1@w,b1_1t more warbc for Gao- yrr /6’.mll cmzmism jam~ fl’ana':r.r, They arc nothing #1176 but pmafss, {that as; by your own: Confe{fie’n_s,you arc. .% Bjiflaepsd ofthe Divell, V fo you arc: er%:emics* unto the _&ate.A er 6}*.r1:«:éfe*fl:zna’er.r, yangae mzéom to Mimi Mr SMte,_ tiswzt t/5:}! mg] sewer/E: .4 parfefisflegimenz _afz‘}Jc'f Cbzflc/a’% Y PW A £.r.~. W .;l;z}cI_.I: fay that byyour owneJConfcffiqn, youare W A Biéhops oficha DiVvc1I.%Iw%il$1 prove itrhus A:Ymz confc£Tc A” tlinryomr Legally govctnment, wcr§c not lawful}:-md ‘tole- ”rab1cin.this Commenwcalcéa, i€h1'sMafeflyand thcflate % 01: the Land did difclaimc the confeffc this,iicny*itifyeu date. For Willyoufay, that y fame. Tc1l'me,‘”doc yen nee ‘A you caught lawfully ta be herein our Common wea}th,__ fl v;v13ich¢z'hg§s;M3jf:{£y andfihe Coi1nfc117VwiH:qyrL11o.CI: this A _ ,.% & .. gha térat}.~z»z!w m:.r,§y,9.s:r~plM¢'r flzznd mt if: %% Ki:-:gdomc,a$ from 0 9., and is bcfmldingf A my my mam-..,.»fiz» %<:*wp:r; A A % A A w I ‘the thankcs that his Majcfiy {ha11have,fm.' m41e%m§ng was in hisfixng-icmc all this whiic; rim new you win [333 A I/94;‘ Kingdoma fly ;6a'.5"cemrZ'c" zv,a'9m.'tjnz¢Aka*zre M gaad rig;/1:2/ntb yam’ placer, M $7.»:-/with 7/ma /4:23‘ 1C2?:fzgdgme. Ogfices fiané mix»: by his gem! l.i..!~:mAg, and gth:-: gmd 1 ékixssg of the %&:3te,%as dot: thv-.:~j Officcs wfour L-Md .é::.»~.'gI5 Cbazngazfio:-g, A A A .g47“g‘;,’.’fi:£';qd.X But yam’ *OtHces% ought m £7£amd% and to bee in force Q iI‘v‘Iaje{%y,ti*ze Pariiamczxt, ‘ Cmlnfeil, am every man cE=fs.=:,, w unicffc they woulazi doc yea injiuryfso that I kz1oW,j, you“ ‘dare rm: deny but our C3oznmo11'wc9.1::I1,ifhis MaiejRy,t?1e Parliatncnt, and ‘ bigéy gr-Wfmm and /02.';(g'b_M.S’t£’22?t1?£l’ a_j"' in f'pight$0E 121:; that yam ifices Wm: unlawfull m the %Cc*»unAfc1l‘ would h.1Ve.t}mm aboliflxcd. IF you gram: ‘ mhis,:l1cn% you dine not held your Ofiices as from @o%d,bur :23 {mm mang His Majcflfcy has holderth i1is%Ofi‘ice,and~his W or the fame. And by éhis meamzs your umra ma Prmcc not State unficr Heaven. ' Your cafe is 0- A ‘A mh‘cr‘wjfc§ far youhold your Ofliees as from his Majcfiy, '% and not from Gbd; A For orherxvifmyou necded%n0L to law A ‘ any morcébelxrvlqiingnnto his Maj'e{’cyfa1'Athc faémfein rc- gard‘oErigh*.:, than hm is bmmd to» bee behcldiflg M320‘ whet Rates inriegard gfhig gighc ; mm‘ [a ya»: in re§a2?'¢ J ofjawr Larcllyd/'z»:p.«rriv:»*1?ity,z5re not M9385/Mp: af {'?a(=[,6z'4_t ' M Zeramfhitlé, the Bifimpr afmma. Andthis the H205? 0f'youAco;;fgfl‘e tabs true, and you fee howdangermzsitz A womd4be for yozgto afirmc the E$bntWrary,namely,thar yam wAfi¢1a y;our%(§)fEcesM%as from God. W‘c}1Sir,i{" you 1' ay that ‘ tyeu are the Bifhops ofman. Then A aikg :35 Da.". I. 4 A i% A “ thfiz A izlw Mag§?:ri=.te wiil 01' m,.We aw'e,f3y tAi*m~}z,‘£-+"or tau? fillings are not on1yir1c1ufiv':*2iy,but alio cxp:v.*v:=.1i4r:A13r in zifzfi W0fd.$S0 Mat 2?] Dewy: ‘§%‘:*ié:’[_gIc.t4»{:'.r}5 ca;«zf:j,§??w~:,¢z.mrdIhips~ any othgrwifc lawfuil than fmmhis Mafcfiyfiyea and‘D. I V Brzkrgrex about the 50 .page {‘aiclaA thafame, Em A they care 22'0tfm€7.¢z: Avantmriety ti:/.:=_y .<’9mz.e tiacir wr"iti’;rzg.r ’, % “'w/Mt Tfeofin‘ they énf9z.’d. A,‘44lo.w__g the} We Rfffwfidfd “'95”-*3 W mum /.?m./1% rafzsrdtcél ta Write nzgainfl them; %h3V6%%0flVC}3 AA alraady fhcwcd. T17€3f9n 1:0‘ be im-hisA-y Book: ofi thé D6311 «:7 of S.xrzm;,page44.8;,?{hcw thAe1im: now ta-be page 34:22.. Bccaufe Deane Briage: durf‘cAxwt;4a:1Crgc~:ii”a §Azis~t €12i1¥c¥ W.fnlqakéfézié-A:1dA§%%fis pro?.amT~C~Y°u: % 9% ;;;§g A A Iixaywy wawégfir Sawyer. u ,pc}ejre§V:c What a good.£u£#jc€i: you are; in dcFc?nd5ng“ the .% ¢§&d‘g%1%¢i14hcd government.‘ % Thus aha IhaVean£weicd‘a1V1%%%« ycnm: Bockmas m thC.matt€&‘s af:hc lawfuInefTe of the {go- V w% A ;,r¢;-mzggcxac by Paf£gars,Ds9€¥:ou_rs,Eidcm, é.zxdDqac63ns, and rfic unkiwtpzlaleic afour Eaa£?;ar£i‘ly Church g¢vcrz1rxaexit,by' Archbiihups and Bzfhops, whcm am (2:36 Reader'may fee, that if ever chcrcf was a Church rightly gmar&rned,rhac is A a Church Wlthflmf rgaimc or deformity, rim famewas go; % fvcmcd by Pai9ccur9,Do&ours,Eld:rs and Deacons. L A 7 % Wmu,whau,but where have I bevenea11‘%this Whil_ePTen ¢ :3 oziie rams mg fem-Ve% at‘ chéfc ‘Puritaz1s.*WhyMartin VEWh" ggzm-53,1 fay bait tow fozjgotteh thy {wife 3 Whereha1’c ti A ‘V hgenmwhy. mamcha bin afeeking for 2 Samons nefi, and bha vounda whale czfialeicithcr at-Ecdcfiaflicall Traitfirs, or at’ the Biflmps eftizéf Bivcll; , of5%bmkanAa1;1d maimed A 1: Mmembers.-‘cf the Church .° azzcver wink on’megoedFc11<:>.w, 1 A ‘ forlwilififpeabc cf1:trut?1=x,Iccth¢Pm~irms.rdoc"what;hcy gang 1 fay chm-1Vtha: :hcyar¢‘bmkc:nVmcmbcrs, %az=;d May aim 05 C’wz.a‘&ré.W},if‘ 11: hr: a member a? the: (J-iurch,“I fay hgis a brokexl mgmbcr‘, ‘and that Tlqammr of ”z’nc.é2;:y%r is 3 Cholcrickc mcmbcir. Vega, and cha vou11d%:lm:Aprofgne A A 216’;§Vi5«afraié~1é1’cV%his Majcfl‘y Ihould gz»ve%Biiho§s4living; gweeiuftthe Miniflclfsmoft vilélynow a d ‘ pnniflz ‘us forir‘ , was hcedid thofe: whiz}; abfufgd his pry- ' “ phers. ‘ % .% A. V ' ‘ «awayfwfill am. acndthcrcforcfl1utceth_his-beofiewjth thispofit1or1,w'.a. That it 1; no:%l~aw;fu1lto beflow filthy. ' vings [upon Lay mxzzmas are appointed flodslaw upon Miz;ifh:rs.Buc herceafmow warkc for Cooper fl;a111¢a;—m4:~ V ' 1y dafputg. A M . Reverend ‘I10. ddmamiziag page 1,2, 3 . wmGMwm % V % ; ' Revrrand Mfiftia. , ¢ 1 ‘ [mice to it ?;"..C.rItcn..Per out a? chi-He own mouth gum % ‘ 7% thou bra judged, thouun'rightcous.[crvan!:. Our Biflzops gm they wlzich ahufs phc; Mifljfififso On; Bjflwps wcrc - * T“ gmvcr cc:mpa_r¢:dH wu-b the; I3rmpbe:s;~~5 ‘A ‘ Reverend AT. flgpdge 4. : Seine men Will "fay; £h3%tAI% c§¢?€"gI‘ea‘t: in fy Ed thé = phccs and Apofi:flVcs,in%fcompafii1g our Biifhogs Animfca mam; inithis pcirilous ag A M Afiayflty §éar£éfi5r‘Q§#aTperA;A V » A j, _ mciver gcméminf-i&e'ns"as yet,a:*sjd ehyerasargc1;mr¢4Anac% cg *-lint? weum:aky% be thin”-pp;“r~“ We-may %}:;a*§*ct1¢rab1c M ‘A fleveré2m'efirIartin.‘4_w Iimpc ?1C.chzcVVchaudcEa%ft ms‘ mcapm_fcrvé‘f Ahc%*CZ%hurc% I{1 with Aiworfc rhen‘*w‘¢% haAv¢:_ v,vI;1a:vIi'é;irF6‘*wi:1i‘€£if4 1yI¢np;o&=V%caa;;4 : % arm; .u~m+/2-A *«»:Ia;n%2‘ma‘in5:ramme¢«;*afw2m5efia;Ag ~Wo1§'{é chm t11ei”£;.{»f'r: @f“Hc}1;Sir1:fi}4r}1&n&3,theVPg;fQn of fliickjaifl, @’*p.%I pray the; Arachcn; tl=r_cjr .1 wcqfhovuldq _ha”ve a; %‘ A change {mm evil! to wo‘r{¢_,1et usihavc thécvill {till ‘Butl % care x1ot¢iif I*~aA xde%th¢ven’tt;‘r_ée§vfth¢‘éhanggfi %Th”eI;:AcfoIf¢ g-ec.I1%»“?W1eh C¢i3€?$*£»f£#é Ma i1¢mé¥vcd,““&¢:‘¥” '’WHbYfi ' cnsuacknaw1ca~ge& tobaévixi, and] do:ac;:¢aubsA, A if fworfecome in their Read; butthc ivc1lw%,i11fo%onc firth them away,and [0 was {hall bcequickly rid; %bo:th r>f‘cvifi A andv<.¢Qrfc..Bt1t4gQodAT.LG'5f*is i§%po_fiib1ctabVfit;d wank “then A We hm?! do ndc %m:uv%e1Ia:hou=gh%:h:o;:jca11e1% m§éllcr_, whem-hon %dar¢fl: ébufe the Pfqphcts farm ?vvOr{e,‘“‘then ‘ilk ealling them Iibcl1%ers?:Fcir I “tell thee tfugchou couldffinofi \- have any. way foflzained thcirgood names ‘, ” éé ‘thfldu half dené‘in%;ccmpafi11g¢V_gzhem to out B ifhops."Cal1 mfe 1.i}:§gA11.V¢r as ofccn as thou% wV~i1t,ALéo_¢Mng)c"greatlyicare,Bfi“t arxd tfidu _ lovcfift mc,ncvc5r1i;kcz1 ti:i‘e~ib'%¢:£ai1t‘v4B;iflic§ps qf\1th%¢Div%el1,.For. “ ‘A Thoi1gh”cur B eéam:»1é31t4~£zb$iVd‘¢ £0 be cOfn”f_f»"ar3gdunto thofc, for ithim: owns ce:"nparifoH i11%the 9 .§age,th£y arejuflc Ba!a4m;‘u'? and dbwxmc, g AA ” ' "A ‘ ‘ » . .‘ . ‘ , )1‘, ‘ i files . ” and 3.»:mmA A befciaufe they %IFom§:t§m‘e$ 1‘ broug1a‘t4um£a' us»_®0<‘:3$mc'tTa‘§e,’ wqVs‘;n+u&,:h1;;‘ke nof cs-3 fihiztwifd m‘em;:henAe£~c;u s . wwa-A ifhj” fig V111 mm the falfe Ap$of3 ~ Meffénfge ‘am an W Wm» Jrbingx. :1 tr#fi;wWA429 ‘ aft %;£drz_7#.did.A;*;A* ~ M Q % gm flmuld baasfiikc 4 Ha? «w)»w9r§:wafbr'6aap£?3 W311-V355 fufifcr éivcfliihiané Afiriwzffififi 9.¢Ff$5§ ‘two. 5&5 ézhc c%i¢Fe fefidmrs offii; A@ofpeH.A A _ % ’ % % ‘ Reverend J’,/I.e*rri:¢,¢ }§iffl:1T..C.I .haVetrul§r gathered thine argAiamc:at,,though A fiaau navmefl. neither 1:54;; no; the falié A~p0fl‘.1€SA.AP1‘QV€it I flth£rW§f¢’F than hafi:1iQu%ArcvcrcnflAMé%?¢i%ApmvedAAthy *ih1fe’a '1y”ar.Nov# fecondlg? then‘ ffifiifigig, is f 9,1 pra§MhAe¢ good haflefl: T.€..dcfire0ur ud7a*l;TesL‘%(12vi1o was 72113;: an: mfrhc fir&T Apoftles )1 ‘ got go [all their M.afi:er fD1'.AAmm3ey, defirc our falfc A:P019t1€5:r* (W119. P§?3¢h¢‘dArmo AFa11bAdo&rinc A for At?-1;e11}ofc~;gerr)Ia£>t A120, _i1+I1§111¥I«€z*vi¢¥f;P90'r€A-A»PM4) AA=ar1dAdc. fire but gemdfifl-ajz/Mm: .5 Af1y1‘Qt j1t;o’+ fQ1lowrh:¢ wage SA; “cA>fzz:na- :i.Ag}~1:;¢c:y;:;if:1}.:V£;1'e¢ MTh¢%¢Q11E”f (:11 is geowd. For 1r»§£14:,% though . ~ oneAo”frh¢cfir£% Pu:b1i£hersA;°Aith¢4 G.°fP¢11({° werenor our Biflawps in Aw ti me }v~eAr13ter!gAhitrzfc1Fe» . The falfc “Ape-V i%1eshaaA:1a¢;rAxewa:d,1 dazzbz. :_;o.:.1Andfl4’1a.;¢m asfoqnas A % brat the Jfiwlires t00k¢.hi$3elW%3 iufl17.¢Eficu=€dAf°r his fhzifckedriefih M The forccjé bIefling.yv}acr¢withwAh;gAblggfcgT A fkhenifavedhim AA A A Ii’;-ararémd i7’,",€;’.p,ag: ;Q,.I1f, 1 2,13 4 ” M%YT»¢9%?i€5%flf%11fzmchcs flyc%~2br°ad+¢f BiFn.e§.s% ;;.izs' t1i?¥fV&‘f%h¢$r‘A%ar€A ¢°W‘-‘9“S» Avgivtf 11°11 »'="‘~:W Pfioxe, hiA‘nda- ra- ‘faxmaxion, ,_S1momaCk$, &c. 5%!’ If/.7Az:'Ac/3‘z'z:;% Gavvgmagrx ‘_V%a2;g19t%té 13131:; Imégd ’ that % 1&2)’ A6’ in qamwfigtad Ida,!£4tr],..A¢5. v-‘'' .4; A J?? ?€W‘eAAz#d zalmiag’ A; I j Y¢é,I sef¢ec1aV yau%;ha: em in ai_z~chi;m;i:y in anycalfizloé ta bfiiflew ari§?A!:riz%th4VAagainfl; Aour; 3i¢1u :p;.A ;I=7or thef: Pzmfsw A A;'ar«m;c" (aItha*u‘ghV*rhé BiIhops}gra.m: :h'emrc1m tobe_c;,Aa3Le_.; 4 V vx11asA25’eZ»z.m) could.+ncAver_ycr:gx:9xfe the gciodfizthcz-:3, M “ W. b4@’€i%€9???!325ftéd 14?WA4f.*JI Aflviztéfl ; dM';.A-%13d~aS Icing as \ ‘fithcy be he wmfffc th¢nwBA}:lna2zL§2VA§£ gthcrc is 110~r)“%ebzi"smvva'r-zyx . > 1“! s?£123f;¥da cgfino¢~ @939 §1z2r9~Vs%£1yATr!I%¢¢?ra:1ivi1ag Withwn H % . % ~. . .. . V- . give my credit :9 zazéjfacb + ; ’Y0u?%kn:’>w»;his* is atrotibIci'omcA 3'‘ meme»; WW: gr caafieri A V } j “ A ‘ ~ 3§ f?iend9éAndit %is%mAr¢afo11 why a man i;,h«_au'2&tm*a1blahi's< A friend an'dgivcAhimAno:hixégA , %% a .lgz-unksiraé paunds a.né a* A gfcldingg is yet bizcter than no:hing. _ TO bawlefl but ievm % daycsin -a week¢,isa my w1erab1s:,m:reaci0n. Ya»; 222:4? Qaow t,;/Mt: Iafm éfI.;andan,“ 1241*}: almetimw pqfeczcfaed _ t/911? Prafw:4.éA%1'" . given Oat‘ id’ '“£?&;£.‘?1":'!5";/‘R?W?*/3 c‘a:iri§=91;v'e;»;..* ag.'mt23az2:)4t/akz'j~"e:* in .2 y¥:az~r=e% at Pawlex-cravjfl; A [are 1Ta;beu;,fe' is; rcafoixvthasha fi10111d‘~ beflaw Ehé refi ‘of the years, in A maintaining his-I:1ealth by ireercapion, Aané préswiding Em-A .. hi_s.£l2.mi1__.§r& wigive»daim1»ezave““bu:Ata ktepa (int the gcjzvicm-;_ L mcnmf the;(3«h"t?l*¢}a., ggg, fweare1i%k¢e%£%vag“; ; tb pcrfccutc,“ andm: take fame {malt ten in che”1aund£éc§ ; -and; mxexy hi=4% ewill %b4¢ Ilcagth ‘everto_cmf1mit*ic3o1acry as 9 gfiiadran did; I % hope thoughdwdm“f01e1;;4;h:i«sTMa{’cc¥;yézf that i’t»:”mnna't7 keg; V wdfincs "/1Vi:5:':c:¢fii;2g,%t[a‘l¢¢t~ i-7'vié*’Vr faommit't¢%d7Ida%latrj;_~ % ~ : géwre:%dT;C£pnge *i‘6,1 7,; = “ kéni-‘Its,-yct‘ z'5‘°Qei chfidVrcn»1hou1g§ c¢yer% th¢~i:~fac1¢I€ts fa1f$;‘—% F03: izamrall :chi1dr€I_3,though theVy Cuffcr"’ in j‘uri‘es¢% Faclaficrg hafids,yfct-they ‘take¥the’it‘ gricfcs very m11d1AIjr. -» ~ ” A Reverendjldartin. A V ' %%%%;BiIhop: Weffpbaling. But: what then -’=?P Wfvfi Gmivdf; ‘A parfon-0fifirA1*obn £3’ fllclaréx in Londt) fiw 905.1‘: ofdumbfafiqizr. _ . V bmifing Mates) will dmnkc ¢ what than 2 +jgeodA w~ChiA!-d4rer; W _ A naornijng,&%1ig‘hc‘thcm Mhis %nt>i"c,;o&{ec vii? tkm fllbaneg f<;3mc% .4par;wf the fixc that hathfc.» fi°a;t3u cfi his fwec:;e face, 4 might: vbc taken Aawayf A: this wcr<:~their duty,4"aicfh%'2'7.yC,a,::d_ ' m:2: t?of§:ry%rc-fide but once 7:» weeke‘, A ABM- n€>jfr:5r~;:ddc41iAo1"c.3u: 71 =i?,[‘V‘;%what‘ifa mam fl*10‘u1d;”fi%:id him lyiztrxginthekgniil A _._. 7Whet1u4:?}: flicnlcihca take him up, ( A%a11%*toibcmircéj1ik¢ a Sw£ne)z'm taheé fight of thepceplé-,a1‘1d carry h?im%hc>m¢» on his ‘backs, - c0fVes:1;:d on%%him,and1ec him%rhm: x‘:ake11is&r%%a1{7¥%,u1j1til'I%$Ahis A Eeggwwoeld bcadvifeé bfhim F6 5342:’? .1:?i£n_;, !3w=- BM“ % A - WE A V w _._m__‘e; _. .-A flmukiw takagz »linVk¢s;~;iwI1i’ 3% C6363‘ ' or fling; a » ‘ 1’ t1?houghB1mops {herald «rim asvz~zmAd1a4in°arun;§ M ”#J.A4W%LWwv%wfif 309%: mm zhinkes fbwrhéf 7': Cwii Mafia W? W-;3Ai111°i5$%bncm1Ii~ §‘murcai~yi:1 Afhlflffflg?€fi}C1§§+Eb35‘y%)QdgQ33»35»th0731g;h@:fhi¢("6,; 4 flzanfé 13*-3* :0 a4tm“€ {mm 1 muff Afl"¢¢€‘%€shm thy E>iIrfe,; 5 ‘(X10591 mew: bkmr-c% wit_h,mec,_1t is I11,iy.I1at%tl$I‘6; ] i1’li;I;ii%i flfifidcé-I % piéy the Ihiefa, Bmfye; :hcuVd¢a%1%ef%;;;1cha«*i;ab1y wm 1i*1.e§iffithdu_AAb_lafa'=1?cicabximigi ; , %f0§Mti1ougi1,Vf 1Vflm;« aux; <;:u:Anm: makmég is" A thA£i5‘Tr3d¢.3fld}fi9td¢f'azA:diI?g ,i53fim_t9»bc.Vl:aWfi1llga;1d5 , %qur%Bi{hQps_Wh§Fl1F?fi§inu§ 34fl_d*?ttiP?£39:5fi‘i:.=:.nichallm» ¢ aria-1 occupationfind‘ dcflcnd they znay, doc fo.But:-% will they Iqava chinke‘4you,ifrheymildiyrmd g7cn4t.1y>.dr:a1.c with... Thengopd ?:?{92_w,of%€d4r;%tcr§i¢ryfr,A] ‘epr3y;th¢c%lcavacf thy pen: A 1;‘4;‘?_F1‘i‘?gwgP°d WA; 9f7Cs?nte;r5'W1*4%1¢3V¢ *hYP°Pedomé A=1 % Eathfifaf 0'.é’!.flfi‘,i',°’§ f MLA.-0fl4{‘??’s%j%%%%%,b3¢w Z115? 3.1.101‘A.¢% % )Bifl*mp%of rh Divell? L:be?n0 m$3;ca,T1‘&yA€01‘:tQ God and his; Word. +At;1dII % gum! 1‘ wee: Bo”§rcs,aI1%aFyo{u%_bccome hoimffmen .- maime 1 écdafojrme the iflhurah m=:1anger;fvv&ec£farhe:sAnow xnaitka ' 23¢: a Tfradc of pcrfgcuting; m}en:1;1e faeherskee pr the?pe@%plg;« ignagramce mloiagar J:4.g¢m1fa;chcrs f‘1m:W main'taimc{tLhe%w " 4 qiumbc Mini&k:ryL11o~lang¢r. ‘, Be the dc££rn&iouof.crhe' $hui'<;h»n«:1ouge1_f , gmad fwcctc Babcsino»vlcavc%yc)ur Nonrcfidcmcyfind your other finncs,fwcerc Pepesf1=:ow..~ A and 1:v;:&5¢t1thet:uch%ta%V%hm:;Frec.% pa€Fagse.%~A.:Lo 0;. I * A ham11111211.;-;=A‘?dga1::4w:§rh,__che gdod~Fauhéxfsg; %:I%5%.W1Ilfi4%:!10w »z?mri pzé’c«'afw12iLe , ;td..Vfiec whether :hey wjil1 %ea:n?esf,,if.*‘V not flat ciaezn; not i'ay,buc they have bin warn dd; Rd?i»¢mf2:d4T.‘§S‘.froIJ1 1:5: O; to‘ téze 30, % ‘ T; the %%Bi?}§ep$ be fa.Ic.y,yec they are fnotm Becx-.‘"’ % ‘ ,::;,¥.1a§c.»fim_;1?‘f';;u¢i:t;Vi3fitV2:1 chm: For; %fi£1ifl:cr,cr2d%ls%. And ;.jh[e“ 4? “~*m énd4Ma3ifi4é%¥csa W rakg h¢§4~£13%$bythcir (“gt- amwdfiy faire- m—..—-—{P~,"r1*V_'7v\ ge1’cions,tha':y b6 nq1:broughcjro put daswfflc L» Biflxops, ti?) .%§%ak¢: ;aw.1yWg:I7;§:iAt.AI1~sriz1g§§%aud,puajchemto their pan1¢im":.s . ’ Fvr.tWwrr%ivg aft‘/mjra, tI:wf:~perz[»e:er. wouid difcou-; ;¥ageAy'ou '- fi¢?#r¢a¢‘Mm:riw%. r A “AgAfl?l1.‘3€”¢$ fA1'0"I3%At51c%17CI1(1y: 6fDiv,ini:y.~ AA AI _wefeaftai_d no lofc yo;1r.1ivif gs,;,by Ehe; #§I0‘!;§rt1ar__;14£.z2f:i:;¢: meanes. ~%But.brAcrhr€n feareiicxynot. I tiaua any %t;u¢%M\%imj£kcr%[Vin the Land ,: ~want a._+ V ‘A-'~'1¢‘3“%‘3A$!‘AA‘7.1AV+§3 g€l>AodA1AAo£ I crvmmcnd yomi yet‘, ’ A A than .arez1oc.£o“mAmfull, but‘ youMwn11:V£h;cw.yo%ur gric1:cs.~ u-.. chAe.A:r¢jadxznAgA ua1d¢i'fob%té ofrhe Aglary 1017 God 7,‘ fhat: yj£§f;;,f¢a;c good mAenA.Na%n0 fay %t%he.y,wc Acou1dA\;abIyfi 53611 ;bcarc%cham lozfg. Burwc dye.-. if you diminifll the allows ’%fl¢-$09 Ofl;F.AKiAf€hi~fl; L?ec:u:: ;E>e%%a1IutAc«-:i:ofc:h§1:&;.«andtmxr A 19°’ <11? Vcallijragéy and we 30¢ %noi:~;grcatly '*cax;'c,;%A .Ahc?A>W *%oc:1wn %I?paCt¢f'5A%;g0£-. 1pw;i%1l.A ‘whcu more“ wbrke is pub1ifl;ed,[:, helps A .§§1o{"c gpod%youn%g‘ fiudencs unto 3 Arncancs :o1m,% thougfa A chcyfhave none of year wB;'fl1=:;»pdosx;¢s5 if thcy %bc;rul£:df, M 2 w g A A ::[::§le; %;::;:% 7? ,~R9'i’€'mnaAA’FF”g¢“5a%%?55a;:% 7 % cfcFeW weekasf 3?‘ oA1'4 paml T A * ph};css;_bubli£h‘cd irA1=APrir1t“.;sigair:fl;. BirihogA»s.1The Amhor% %, th&mA.calI%:th4him{clfé Mafi%z3’n;&c. u a A v ‘ ~ 4 ; ;AfiR;,; $4“-;zrzfi':¢., .5,‘ ‘ A Bfic%goAod »Ta_.m Tmétrimm.~:=r,;ifthAere‘ have hem 3'A‘1i31'»".A1.A: % pnbh5h¢dA,whydorhfiifhop CoageknamwcQn¢oricIy,‘w1my‘ Vdo::h;% ha mam; Acontm-eA4a1ia*wh%§dc:h~hiein.v;m: cabjcéfions his uwnc,»{k::iz:;g hehadg. be:iJkc$Vm01‘cAco,“cc3r1Futa?,01‘ 2 3‘: £¢a[];;fl'r§mn~ he hat!-1fltou:chedA,A nay,» ;IzViay%A%doth ha: confufeA same of;-hem throughly, . feei,i1g thctcin hisBiihg>deme‘ A A WM%%%reafo?z1ab1y:caparéslawved % A I? hA,aV€ %01'*¢1YAAPj1l1i1h€d" Ai A-% Rifl:AIAa;_,,*andnJa. b%Iy Pifl;lr::A ::h%c§‘r1‘.I'hcrcForc ‘KC’;AY0”AAb"gi1TWViéh%a A lyg,_%ir1%%%th1t you gay ch3VciI%Vhe;§Areipu1)1ifl1¢d4$i;%her 3’-Git’ -4- ;5g90kcs”-.11 ; IV A AA A A A M Rwercncé ” A vfipgymj wa2*/zerflrmaperi.’ V4’ N 5 " 1’ VA " ‘ Rev£r¢‘ndT.C.p;rzge'38V. ‘ A x - ‘ His gré§emaver:A felt: blow as yct,&c;Wh‘at is M yfifi ‘E693 V 1ing,w2'1c them A tcllmc cm ‘i:‘,@,, he flecpfith N15-k*‘5 in fihé cop cf charouih :1wo%u1d am he £b%we1lthWacked for aha pgpedgmg ofC4nte*7’.=.1s he hid-1A%¢hcr11c% poore mamgfic was nave: éblcm make good fyllogifmc fineczil am fi1m=E»'i8 9&1? F lbwed D. Bridge: hi: béekc‘ quark T.C.I ,prayMthe‘e ‘whack gotha by t:hat,bu=: a'1fct.?cimenyagain£E~him1‘c1£e,A that Ci-s gh?¢r"%h§;Ay;a3th alkoswcd V Treafom%,<3r‘c9n.Nfc£1"ed_ liimfclfé thé Bifhog 35 the Difveli-.% A _ n. ‘ ~.~ T.C.p:zgc g8.{He I:ha.t%r6adc5:hHisgt?é;ce‘hisan{wer,an3 M,Cmtwrig1at:‘xep1y.;f55aellj%e w.?icb zifftfize éetterlearned afrlaa tm-£50 he {hall indeed T.C.amd he were very ivimglc " which ccm1‘dA;%mc é§ii’c:ci*z=1ci that ; “A ad there is fir‘: much ‘ an-.5‘ f'n'“er~edwa1rea%dy>:asjthau;;%fai{£,:hat hi.s%%gra4cc flax-é arfrfWtr%%*x1’ca“ ¢ mort:~AfaI fh%ame.And’T.%C. you your £AeIv.¢:s% gram: T/3m:a; C¢zr:%~;m~££g.?9»t tcbee .1earncd*,V To did: mrcucr clii;.1F§?c&1abx¢v gI3Ia£tgift:i%t9~:=4be, wzm; ,;eompa1j1fan ;can>y%o3u~¢m aka‘ bcztweetic‘ % 2 “But Tévoszém @artwri__g'1at‘ lhall I fay thafithdli ‘ madefl: thisb5wig¢' againflf n“1é,bc<éa'i:f*e VT; the to it,WclI ‘ ta-its hecci.‘of§£;iF]%%find iC‘;tC§ %,bethy doing;]%;vi1l {O beféop that, gas t:h;ou"mWcr bangcdfija/m W/airgzfl bcttscf in‘ul*éy* 1.iFc;I fee hear: that they have guarrelicd with thee Water A r»mIerje;,Z%aJm. I?__Mzr.i,Z"/2a'mm ’ 1z$‘" p«,¢}?¢1@?,G' iL'¢'.r ggingtau, M4fl%:r»‘IZ}.~£7zfla2¢;5@«c;i\Iay~i1:*‘”i%s%n%b‘maéE§:r,‘ybu%fVafé maven famed, I that L will teach yea I crow cor bccomemy €3h—ap.4 AA 1fLa%m:s,‘Fo:iEyou were my Chapla.in1cson'c£:,~ [crew 10/M“ ,Wra£tg{f:,1amr%any athis, dm5f1’c»not once fay b1a,ckcto=y‘ourfA V ¢yics,% And Ihaczhhy 1car\nin%g¢ Miflaipmm @a;;«z~2;~;»z;g~}2t;, A ~ I H fgmuld ms Ice ‘:13 em all m%%fmoak.‘% Bw: "though I were asvéry“ V- « am Afléhcad as Iaé~2a C.zterc¢zp is, yet Icoulci cfiéalc ‘W cI_I‘c%4-‘ nwugh Wifhf?-I6Tgi%c men .1 yea with :81d<)‘*}‘/.Ji:¢1{;.=:¢ dc” wa{'r4’5» .w DuPrir3¢a £aimfc1E¢%%:. And 11:: bcpifcleuymz 'D.Prz'me, when I, fimmf mQVrc1§-;;fu~ré,thcmgia inciccd%té11yQu.truc, that 1&5 >’~'=rI dvfidifdwé s9;<+‘3s%1..¢ :«?zi§13 5 tsmgmprible crane 1 char 4 L Emj;:;£y5m?£a,; flwperfiwj; V ' W 3_7. finer ‘C‘i2ap1aiAne,f as you B;B£22:4é‘;rofi-zanei Chg-Plain 7 %-DA‘?/?””% 31'?!-Em £15 ;bc with yen; a1lthrceto~;bring 011: day ,, Tyoufla xlwcr {cage m*y.fingcr§s,i:E 1 rain yqnbuc Qn§3Qi1‘i§ : §h;§fld4Y0u%fc4e haw Lhavc dealt wzthbeane zmyeur en; ¢ t3:rzai;«*1men: flmll f bc avlflqg;Bu:;Y11g%a%m45%Cdrma=rZg/o§:,thou% % % WC‘.-12¢-%C*{0\Vi5.A¥7@mCa2ap:s3r%fOi3.. %% The? (fifi i‘t}3.'.i0I1» than be. fw~%c§n€%%y%pu binh, Fha11‘%be:%Athis;; he fliaE’Al$be pmfaneT % bLaCa;u(ehc callcrh Chriit£cfuLs,by% wkhem the governm«:mc»V Paf1:::r§,DQ£§:o;s,E1§3ars,and Dc:£c?::ms was cemmandE:d%%’ $05531‘-= k1§Q“Wa‘:.-s not vvI1om:% ai17d :ho’u111aw1t44bse fim=pIé% Cflljééffiiflgé Miflcréflfiéy Lézzavf an -p;:o.E1‘r1c '1', C.‘ ;isit n~of lawful} father toga: Lxzzméaftb by wa;:(;r;1::c:a' a;cgm.?:a«*—°Q££iP€@.t_A . ‘fly a P.‘°3°*¥€r5Wi5@~»§°§“3am’ as °0*11‘?‘i°§‘13'Ag9f31Y s“*73”‘§z‘zsod«vu§¢d£ce2 ?‘”“%*“*5?”€1wi=*1 W '~m:VH@ fwhl‘+¢‘é :I]<%0.;¢s¢-e Mam we . I_10%t,11kc::h;s1n women : Tufh‘7v“Ikja-115"‘\;3:Zj0m?“*'-Lflwfqg"‘;$ a:;dz'et.._,. ' n«,0.t*’T.’o5c:mm "Gbapef, héé AL hath hxia fzéch” ceiufc tow fe#IvIif*f‘¢Ff° %~ ;~E*’re>"m‘WH9m f0fiVer"Cl=ié¥.fd4c;l12& {5r5te&iéfl’,}:is%’FaEe A ,is_g1aci offit "Q far otharfisiife hé knoweth not ho»~acug¢c a “ what he aare.A%% Why ’bfechté’d, what wiIédemc%is¢sa;s in wPrinter,Fo"r.c1=1cc£%‘ta b1ifl?: eé g;;fi*‘&‘in'a1¢nt,b§caufc :zh:c»;5,l:.s 4‘ 1v?¥11%An?0=¢;f¢;1l.r%..% V1 A A A ' A % “ " A m1%%V f!2:éiL1b“e1I‘er ana«his,aee%T_5,E1ge éq;__..§% yprm“ %d31'e,%y%oi£r betmrs 9° dewe Y 0711 fl®t’kn0W than: I an A {and you my miné byha Pifiiae, and than fpiiove you robe: 9gazty.F*opa;,;};1§1»Ejncmims3c9 x;i%3§«:..%S_s2;ce4: Angihéw can ~ you m%2ud;4&y%qu;¢ %i"::1vcs.? 1. ms Ccr?ta1:=zc you far: 1:1 Aa p1{§:m_us-‘ mire ; I£'hisA"%M":je{?cy"%wi1lgive me. A%1é“avL.~.:i t_o :ha1zc .th%c ‘,a “[;:¢vii1b¢¢ bbund to bring 19 oo%op911nds_inito hiszV~%C0ff'cw% ~ 251-gmuhax 'barg§im-Atid th¢r¢f°r@:F991ifl1.mcnawe ygur ; % % % Cit; A33’ A=:mya:ay*wtmfirmaper. b’st‘ttt;§ £109 1nm'AAc.'And*hme ataythtee marks how haw‘ ttiadt tI1tB.i{}10PfiAt3’3*Pu11 in t' A85? Htfimflsa F01’ W373!’ €¢‘~3"'1I-*4“ thisplact: they h3_C¥"prin’f€d:t-he word d4ra,theyt‘,Bct{1ctzght%% themfclves,that thfiyhad ft? dc;a1cAWirh W9f‘}‘1iP:Wh1Ch dim i’av”b:iré’d atttthet Court, -tandbeing afraifl oftne, they pafied thcA‘:wo:'d cmvpon thc word daregand 1'0 ttwhcrc be-4 A forc they bad 1116 apd zi1itacAdt:g;e wht9;tAtwcLCIt1ifi as ‘new thttgf Vs doe A%wh‘att we can. hoping thcrebytw I§12;v‘étaftitt~1dt iI.1 ' a %*Ac0rnt‘:i'tA 5 ' A;:WhtJf would tzmt {after 1:-IS to ,doc%wIaat m A oizght and durft : and fo our ability mould ndt betaccaté ding unto their dtcmgtrit. Marks now thc Biihops oE’:th*5e A Dive1vl,,A which-gr yattbg x1otAAafx;aicl:t~of¢mg:c fee you j;€>11:€‘d Withtitthc premuniré oncda'y. ‘ \ 7 ‘The_1i‘k¢A£11i11A-g youefihall End ‘in the 1:3 5 tpagtafior VtI1"6l1‘;c M_ “ having {aid ,that they will not dcmytht ’difci§littc to havég * btcpe in the Aipo;&l'ts'time’ ,“ they have ndw ‘pafled them‘ Ht°ncha‘t;IAh‘at .>.r1.S‘.V‘1-T1,trQWt‘.y”“,c,t Pmved-SAG that aA1th°vg1hrhtcitA Catifcit t1;”:‘és#“ d”6 tjc11thtii3.t:hatL thwé dxfciplinc was thc1?:,yct fl1cyVvti?’Iw‘bcare thcwd rid” inhand, that a?AtAi’$% i1ot1yc‘t;pro§ A vrid, Herc “y‘c§u;fcc_ th,at if this patch T. C.I1tad_ngt_tufed may pa'tt:hesto"co‘\fet”hAits patdiery , %Athe3%AAABifh 095 would Ahavé 1 gcc0untcd%.;hi,m%tto% betas vpry a patchas Dcamnc_1o/53¢, ' VA “ %%£§;,%%}3t1ttt}i>:)%F<’:"knavé >P“zJr‘z'tam~. ma more ummstnncrly be. A fdmilis gr<%€A‘.~?;.At jAAthtct1rt{fi¢ R5¢uf3fi?st3f¢» A th€I¢f0Ar¢tAthé Rtitilfaitts h'a"vc’— EDO1*'t:“fa%\*o!11‘;I%‘cété:;¢ar Hjdm? ~t/fiémfbr wt; agtgglstfo fmfmj :20 P 0p.::.s‘..‘T £1; I’:zpz'ji‘.: like we ‘Airy’/9ie}2£_f(,*(.'; A 24!! tkgzficfqtfa ;i*e':i{';:=:r‘:22c.*:*-t’l9’$¢$_}96"7t‘t*j P apctbxfcitr,‘ At;n3;s1%“Athi)u"gI1$t!%icARecut' ant cdmc not to Please the fermongi, A yet he is attai1nF0rm6r;vcryafr‘m= uponfiiwr wens infor- mtattxom A I A A A A A A gracedenycth that ever he h5c"a%rcl"* ofamy Ft1tth iija%tQ ‘twat th at thtilét iaiit ihquld ay,h :tt‘w§o‘tiidbt(}t>me a‘bt:tv¢?5 Catttrémli, iffnptry fiiwldtcotmcagaint. Itknow 7‘.C; t‘tF1a"tj!<:”:';g tinge he Estpait fl1airm:5atn%d V-a ntatoribus Lyer,"c.. A .'§§1€§«WAi{t'A1I0W‘C§u£1§ he deny this, A twang‘ Cliff‘: mhon¢4”t' ‘A ‘Van-&‘. . . _ % ,5 : . an¢d'mgod1yC0b1er, at%gB»zr't!a:§ri;{ge,did fufizxfia“ my my war fie? férA;:';w#pem*% #9.‘ A this befiorr: 97his% grace his teeth* ,* y%ca*a;?nd w2i'1ju.fiific the page 43'. 1‘am€_%aga”i11c fif'he,bc‘ca1%1ed;SO Wili .4tk?z'nfan"too : L Send F0m:he‘1'n if hc“dar(:3_ Mmfiar: af I/as gafpe/I awg/at to éée¥P‘€§<-’ 425” Y czilled l‘%’7'z'c=ffJ,f2zit/9 ‘ivik grficeiwézatfljjam fij I351-flt%'?~.:ThEfl F“c§*"’ 4% goodfi:1gbnOC:mr. %vvhen V’Wi1t%‘tVh<é5u fay Maflat am: V g‘racc %is¢4a1fO perfwvéded,thi1t: there ought tobh“ ‘«3+’L¢r~d1y fpv;rcriorityamon‘gM:ini_£’c¢rs~ So was mm; par»; £wa-alga tefcll his Mafiér; ifyou would hfavé’ thcfe mhizzgs %% Prov ed, prO,F;m e%%fT.C.i§éFcrret’h you” tcii hi; g1'accv his *an’r»m~ ' mica fiI*11%pl¢c' %T.C.a11d%¢td' ‘D0}&0rm B riaiglw at isj,ify 01.1: fJv‘o‘e11d°l e:arnfc any hohefiy,you mufl: got: to she fiewesg on 1Fyo;u'.v'vou1dI1avea gonad favour , yen mufl ‘gee to the‘ _fiI.1cke“for it.Wfa} t/sag; «.-;;¢_,r;m¢»;¢2-;9«fi/z»,¢,7~“e, %—do_[$*zfaw tldiniqg 4 mm: Max /E-_7’?d'Wvi1o't D;Bridg&: Ami %057¢ W/7;irgij”tcYca- but .. h;s%grm%’a1ro5:m¢1ybaaevcuh», :ha.c;chr2~£t_inrouxedw A ccndcdin rd *He11;,Th‘i s” i §‘_"th€‘thi'1fd pdin:oF‘his?‘$ Cachc->hvkG% ' perfvvafionl: but te11him% from me',ch~a“c he‘fl1al1*n¢VerJbcc;w < A {Wed by this bc1ief'e,aVnd my%fingcri£1‘%Ahis$ m0uth.I.;CC him] tei1% what}Our'S%a,vi‘our Cf-1VriPcj fhauld Adiae % ~, A T %i”f*he”c ,djd‘§ not 1%;ar:ow¢[He11.wheie :ho%u>raye1$mr.:ra»;;:‘g 1aaa%one1y4r1m~ dcaling with mam; ”d‘Vl€L_'VPGpifl‘1PSi~n‘f€1" ;w»a:houc *his - graces pirivity1,t7»€zaz¢l}vefl¢;:~rl9y throng: ’: Tmng11in1f¢lfd brought: him to his grade, who ordered the mm: as it is A far downs in_ ::;yMPif%‘lc.* Butdidfnot Hay truly c>fthec,;; thattI1du‘¢éni£% c€ég%,w‘% Em: Iyc; 3373 dog4can‘r‘ro:. amnd that chbu Hafc _ 3;‘ rig%%_htf'ezi1b1?x_éc1’waAi£ifc0éte“4 Eai:fc~‘ ‘of %nc3wrMm,chAwarnt.tce, tivorchéad%za"ze%%‘hJardas~h01*n‘é.. ‘ A Co1icWcming FVa:l63egra'Ue,i‘tS no‘ matter howyou dcaké wiuhhinn,hc_cz 9. foolifh fellow; to %fu€c:“‘ ycmfto» fpoylahis j ‘prc£1?¢‘a nd Ictmrsgan 4 ‘had my” WQrfb‘$i%psA 1P1*i§f£t¢'1‘%,; ’ ‘id: 21% h kept Eton?-1 yourclouches. “And‘ "yet it ispitty" to b'Cl§FGW A che;Divjc 11‘and thefcforeytau flmlk not bclyc him Aa.r1%d4 grid % ‘ fmFrc¢:[%As for the preifc that W41dvg*dvefo%*dA.h=e did is by Q:d&1j, '?:vz‘z..% Ht: ‘féld ic¥m*%ai1' a:1}.p%vs{¢:c1‘V‘Pr4intc’r;I,C.on%‘- - V _ WG . _ ‘ %- % %4_m;%$% 4.6- A Hdiwéviwvrwfirfwiero W ' A Bis %%eyvn¢_conrpa,ny, wi‘Eh(th¢%15;:inew1¢dge ofhis’ Warflen, H .}Hmr_y Den’b:zm,&c.And callfyofu this fzwour, releafing; [ V him afrsgnlgclang imgrmfimmenrg But I will givcyou ayrc-_ fidcn”pofgrcat%% favour‘ indeed, ,%whcre._inVyoun§1ay_%$fce What,“ % anujagratefull fcV11o%wvW¢;zldégrav: i;:';ft.0%Ahis gr2?.cc% , who hath binfd gacnd u1‘1_i:q him hjé, pimeio ft{ime_.‘ ‘fhcrc beiingé A 3*?-C9fl“r°%"’""‘-‘V155 b3‘W¢¢F1¢?n9fh?1T;PrV%n%?¢”=?'*’3d ”’."‘3‘*J°°.€"“ W ( a11%m2,t;1:crs: of % Printing beingcommittedhythé Lords of Ttim Couiizflfll his grace) Waldtgrazw made ofle0fhis Company his friend(.who 501113 do much with his": gfV3,C€)_ to deal: for Vwho braigatherrxattet tqlais ~v_va_rfl7i§!,‘; bciflg at C1‘*°}’§’-'f’??éi.151-1135 C¥rcha=d fGf¢°flé as the Parw named I/V.2[d:gmzie,'he fWee§e1yanfwered":him, fayxng; if; ’ Aia hid bin any ‘ of%th=c compaqy fave himgfhe vwvQu1d_h:afef granted- the fuitc; burin no cafe :0. W’.4Z;{egr47_Jie.; %W¢1%1..‘f ‘Wa1dégra@a,o¢§)_tained Eh: K.H,Lefd Trcafurcrs Lam in M ’his behaIfc% tqhisgracé, 1 4 who when ~lacf had: 1.-“cad it, r:‘.2d,;; will anfvm: my Lord Tmfwi6r.withthat Wa1degrav%e- increased for his. favourable Letter to the Wardc_ns5 ofhis‘ Cempany, which in the and through D.Coofins hcé ob:- Vtai"z1:d(tho;zgh 1%a"tc'")ye: went home at nighg, thinking to ¢5'n§:1iVe§_.icin thd Mflrning : but bgforé he was ready, the“ Wi3Fd,m;§;W¢¥¢ vw1th%him. and4k%w arre%fied‘w him vmh =1 Purfiv 'van::u%p;m gr;a.ccs_Cc,m.:na,nc1 cincntgi ~I4Z4ldegirawe:¢1. iingjzhem thgxe wasa incur fromIii_s grace, whichhee re-7 éeiuccljlizté the 13:}: nights: crow» : véIh€M;nfwcred,th cy 3< i§1€Wi§.A_weI1 exwughbut this ishisplcfafure now, ibthey carrycd VV’3.1dE_graV€t0wp§ifbn, am} in thxs hm @racc was A 1" or-gave} L'l_.J1_1tD him,as tol=1eIp§him v§gith an hzmdre d_mark§- avg: phc 1'11 ouldérsrlf this bc ydut fa.;vour,1 G ezikecpc tfiéa fmm you,1;a..fk2'.m¢prelme. Bifllogteghafirc uwfliljrjrcceivcd % ascordifig torhciz: .d1ef“£rts ,hiavin$ found greater? (awn: ‘at; my Warfhips hand: than cveftzlucy (;Ieferved,b¢img ngtm _%%);1pus,% difobgéicntand odlcffe pcrfons, u-n:Vh;‘*ifcyTpcn’4ai . ¢:¥§»%r%é~ “‘?9E¥fE!‘,‘3$§§ 21:" s12:f5!s%sss.Ia2§ §_f1?B‘!! 9v_vn9 laborfi, ' A (5% A A %‘H45:mt«'}4war%§e fivr. C,"ba;J£r.§ A ‘Cl-m;rch,§>cr1ons Qihat have violated their faith to Godéhis . undoin‘g,fo%ré>.:2r ow‘ W1-"W':,'6‘/a_ild?‘6fl@°fe‘9*"Z{az?2‘t.r/9;£’m5'c.§£#fé' % A mm-/e all L,‘Bp;LaT.C_,}zaz¢fEe that I have 5¢gaar2[;_g;:ft 51¢ ¢ +z'mitazim,andV me rhinkcs I have brcught: jmur words mm _' - _ Qhurehjzls Majsfiy,an'fi.zhis whole Kingdome, and ms- ting1yAbf§.Ang*us a11*W1's}iont the great mmy offiod zoom.‘ a %ma:rv.e1ldus good fenfe, w71crc% "asbaefarc xn~th*é caufc of w.Waldegr've,theywereViflfavouredlyf1wr<:fl:cd:and as Paar‘ his wife and children , they 1m+e,‘no: c:aufes:oAcrJrfIc Io/via of LWm'0# aid 1_olm ofCm2_;~er&z:r}, for chair tyvraflnizing‘€v4- vet him : by imprifqning and fpoiling his goodsV,and vex. ing his poor: wife and chiidrt":n,[ with concim:a11MrifcIingA fl his hmzfe vvich th¢irP’z:r{z’*arzznt.r, wish in %£Javeméer%l4ft‘,‘, fiz/?io‘_1c:‘at.l} %r%;1f5_tgzTnta ,l9zk kmfi:,5r:ag2ng t/:2?-mtg/aLt/cg» whine LA QM}! t/darkwafdfiagfi; mz'dx‘z”g/at,taA1g£ng'aw(] {:2} gbédx , famemaft/ae%P:2r]2?5éM;¢t:_/‘bier! bi}: fiaokgx 72;: and dawn: -2“/w .fir:: t.r,ta Watcbmcm mad at/Jars. Ah }~'ou%Amic/ariflimz .P;rcla%tes, What! !Ni1l ysumékc ah and of defending your tyranny -, the blond andrapinc Bf his Méjgfiibs fab. ‘ jeflzs :9 You" have bin thc-confuinersof th«:‘fruits- off/P'¢lg% qdagrrwexlabours: for havg you ncat fem: him 1'0 efccn to pnlon , that ‘1ic- feemed you mack a common occupatxon v-chcrcof 2* Far aifoone as any bmkc isprintcd in the 'dc- ~ ‘7 £63660“? Chrifiswh_olyDifcip1ine M , or For the detcé°cing'"o‘E V Ayoxur Angichrifiiaqd¢a1fngs,buryourMrav-wing purfivarrts - _ ‘fly: city and country'to¢fdekc for W»zldagrawe,as‘th‘5ugh4 _ : he ‘W¢r£#b0;1nd% Qcacute unta y‘eu%,either to make kx~;ow:1 “ »who:fpriuced fediciausbeekes Magaixxfis myL.:Eace,or to ga¢~ to prifn‘himfeIfe,an‘d :h1;c%a:?11cd‘vsiitf1therapk¢.%;}!:ed;ar& . A jaw: not gzfé¢medffé%Lfd],‘tbat I've ezxcr*fa£bl.;¢tad /9:3‘ F45:/372 ]%¢z£k,Jw%a23z 2:g9efl3::i¢:7:zg‘b,%" tfmt4ke.z2¢ neitloefzifirc/2£r;nar L. B‘. =Theidfg4:hus‘17to¢d,*:iEtér lie h‘aa*tem'ai%n ed aA1"<5:ag :tif1‘3'e”i1.:1, Pr'if’omnf,*Tmot: that ti-me%whcn%VHdr:ww¥ his gracesfecrietafy _ W A @125 513%! l3§Sgr颢A might nevcrséé b3.t9f _b.¥e.éée9m ‘W ¢ *G2.i‘ ?=§§?_~: -......n 21. V (as yu fay grgzdegrm was )bt1t Ofthc pomzflions bf thc 4;-3», fig} my warmfircaam. V A A %” h$1ea{cd7}:irR.,Nor at that time when ygu prqfm-’1eT.C.t0I3’ him‘, chat all Puwzams had«:zay:cr0'ushearts. Nor at that %t%171n§WT.aldag4ra*veVc%o3d her gmclgz, that 1166 Was Worfc that: V Baggcrbimregird oi-"the rimc, ;N c:‘tha'ttime whcn¢h€4c;% was Rm ngely rein-afed% by one :05 rhc“Lord ‘of gogsd ,L:M4ia2z: Swmzx. Neither W3*%S‘5L at than ::im%¢.V Vhén~ his grace (hgobd ~ cor1fcion$ab1e4 No;b1c man)viblatAed% his promii'c,i%n :;ha’:[hg % t~Q1dW'm*da§u of c%h e%S:.z£“%;zer:, that: if W73 ldegriwe would comequiczly‘ :33 himmgd ccafc printing of Ccd%1:iaus bookgsfie wpuld pgrdqn what wé.%§gaft,%an%%d} chcwardcns ‘W promifcd his wifqthag ifhs: wgrc %c«'m;micccd,% they would lye at his g‘r;tccs‘g;atc ti1l he; w:rcrc1;:afcdw,?anai4Afor%a11this ‘yet has wfi committed :9 she whirclyon, whet; hclay 6 ' w:£=:k$,N%a‘;: it wa,s 1-«xo%£}ac :ha.ctimc*,Whem h‘isgraco:a1lOw#- eciwmjfiian the Pur£§V"an%:, :9 cake of Waldagmwe, 139. 4, % pencefinz carrying otflhim to the white Lyme, But it was that tizna: %wh"m his gracckcapt hifn émwcekes together in A the whitc¢Lyon,% for"pri.u;:ing theccam~p1a’finc’of thMeICot12§ A ;miV11¢a1cy,che4pija€%i{Eé: oF%.Prnl:;:cs .a learned maftis judgment 3cc.vMca.x;¢§%%b_ging ufed fcgyr his 1ib€.1'_£Y,I%1i3f1'iCl1C} wh was bound for him told‘ him his, Aliberty was* obtaincad in %mannerEo1lmving.-You muxit bc bound (aichhe, in a I no Vp:7u:ads,% to print nag mom bookcs%he‘reafc‘er % , ;~bz :c% fuch as _1l1JaAll,b=:.autho%rized‘by%h¢r AMai¢ftyAor« grace-,or“{uch as ' ‘:wcrcL beforc IawEu11y‘4auchz:;rizcd%: VVh€_1?€.li£It0 he anfwcrcd 3‘ _ chatic was me praffible for him cowconcaimchimfclfc with. Z’; itxthecompllfe oEx:I_1at: bond, '11cit:‘hcr fhould his egnfcnt ' be -j3a70re.not ' €V517"g§3:fa'_C0 th”¢f§_%m%3 :_ ‘M110. COOHIIS ,W,1tn¢§E gm friend: ’j(,§.h'a‘t -tnazde;41ly%V0oi~?c%~A; wiw firs ehecke VbyVjo11jwinhyou) AA A if$I:_ic wiI1%fp’e.;zke a tr¢uch%,_w}fiéh wordsraflgzldegrmzauttercd to him,%; go1n.g~ in the old Pa11as%at‘VWe,/fminflgg with hié, Keeper bzforehesic wasre1a:z4aFcd'yV ) yict has would gladly :&have his 1i%ber:§y;V.iF%‘1h;e migbttj I3._WfL;11Yo“"F0§"'~{a,€C~f7hfi.I * beifzg 3§%poo:*e w.arkmau,rodmy conagany 4*, 2¢arm0rrég: for cam» z§s\&p,;{é_lijZ2a¢;i.%iindAchcre , will pay thec for abufing M;«4£1cr%A Wiggiwgtwza atxai M‘- N .D.».zwfim, %whof¢ good can takcmo i’caincwfroma A Bifhops chops. If his gr_ace1fcjc£?:cd M&fi:ex%£mm%fQr pagan, gr ‘_ want oEco‘nf7mrrmity , xgvhyvis Ache @145.’-'§’”£3WP4fditgVaf;¢;q.4. " ‘gaiéafi I/9;’ VBW5 01’ 4f Wafcefler,tB»y,t%hc Iloblc Earlgof-Wmha wick: his jp1:ro%n%..]%hopc*l1c will fee both the: gum-e iwpga A slit; ”ancl' ;thc premunircitoo, broughhtupon the bones (if A A ’ ‘ father.’Edmmd off/Varccfler.Icis a caommon braggc with page 43,49; V iris grace, his parafiites,“ and with him%fe1Fe,_%t’/:ar%4/g.e{_%zi;%; firwndparfivfi ifvt» I/fit’ lxfmd. May: work: fl,1a1l‘—p'ayVh1g.g1'_ a1qe ~ A far cofnmwdtngtbeApo~crypha,.% a profane anda iymg, V2 Efim, W , fiery %inAmanyp»1ac¢:sV,:a beeIinfcparablyj0Yfl6.dVwicVh the 2.1 .3 7:€:7”&‘.3 A yh®1y%WL;:rd%oF God; W You Vgramffi), Sp m-Qgzo.haye,fe,:_h»i;g A - _% g1racc§;nd:yAour f‘c1Fe% T.C.atJ zg}?%%;2a;¢¢p%!,r“¢;V7'Fm:;the ‘feptz4,;zg:£;z; gage gm L M is contrary to the _H-ebremand th_€;‘¢gf0J:e.yQu maixgtaix-1e» contrary %A€r5Bfl;a:tiQnS%,AV%*;¢and pa q%ui1;¢Vm¢n» %lfaprox?erbqrAh. _ % fl/Icgzrtin! 171.4:/9;%zmzrr¢:¢d Rficbami patri}@‘fl4}zf@%t, for odacg-mi ~,Awi17e he%w-as Jmgeod hopcm have? a b4cAnNef3%&¢c at: s‘ g1‘ace- :: h%is A,h;u;xd,and be madqa ;M&n{’%crc11. §han'1_§¢lc1Tc%‘%%%an'd im- _‘,E“LI‘..f:.'I‘l_hC* vgéfia-ache-sgi1atV a4rc,%d¢nyA1a/an céf ' Cgmt:rz5z¢v'y~to».r : 3 " haw 44 L < t " Hay may w¢méefar’€a.é;2er¢.% ; havefiin at Aazgy time‘ 1'mder~D.Pa%m:,bu:%as% aMf'c11ew‘of the hou1c,%whferc% he was maficrmhereas allthewerid knowsrh hirn £0 have biua poor: fcholler that houvfefica andhi; Jgrvace hath efccn confeflkd , ~tb:zt' /aaekbeirsg were ;zpVoarJ¢ féiéallcr , vma fa pwrcm fate /Md zflrcitfld rmpégza %ta_ W519: #222: magw; Aézrxt jw/yer: be /and gattm %_/Ezmefat me'm:e1af04 t/9: filiawes ta6l'e,wotddg()e tn t'FJc% S’€?;ifl¢‘»'?’a4 éz22a§jZr_;'t' wipe /9221*‘ V$9.;1 t7%Z;lJ on t/ac amfide and than 0 t/2:‘ at/:2er,¢§;¢f_E be wmz... tea! a nzzpkzf:¢;ju?C3gc you whither this be nourmeancf Rate, than ro carry a cioskbag, which is not fpokcn to ugibr‘aid' any man; p~c9vercy7, ‘but to pull the pride of Ggdsencmy an afe Iowcr.A1%t_hough we‘ cannot bclccxm D.Pemc in ch: Pu1pir,yeI: in this pom: iwae will not rcfufchvis teiftiQm0x}y.4 am glad Job:mfLm2o!'m yea" will not deriy,bi1:you%h%av‘c Page .5 3’; 2_ ~ the ‘ Dyérs. cloa:h,ma@a_rf~/fittetion ‘t/am :~ “thou glad efl: At’?-is 5 3, 5 4‘ Pgarcer ofthy G1te,a Mmzfler 1o!.:;2,«and thou mzghrefi dug it léwfullyiwhy fo 1 pr%ay%%chec,why «man, ccaufe hat: was" a1me{?c‘~b1imd5%.¢%%72%d .4t££%ddingtamA&ei'ngi ahzfma/'1 people, hm, i'cou1Ad?not VftaVt\fe‘as many %1‘o%u1es,as his gnafcer dethwhich “hawth 2 great ehargefl hep: Mr. 1M¢za’o.a: W111 thinks: fccrn, 1} A g 6, A 5 5 g 61:9 asks Ialm 0fLam{cm forg1v%ci1e§l"c.Tl1'<: 1' ubfiancc ef the ’ AT;:lcis :rue,[ m1dyo.u that [had 1: at the fecemdhand. ’ Are you riot a€h‘amcd;to1d'cfny the clmés tuba cut dc Wm‘: “at *F;;;z1gam’Ae» A Whyher M-:1jc1’cies tak-er Atockc them Era in 1_%a}.:V.~4 gf ALmdo22. And gfimplc fc11owes,are%you no”t‘able% cc) .difc¢x11c betwcemz a pleafanc frump given you by a coun. %féA1Ibu11*Qa;nd% 2”‘ fpce;¢h ufcd infgood eé1rnc£3:;.A1as Vpoore mm " 0 Lm¢zZa7i,7<3"®c3;L r;}1"oii”«t%Irz#ifiI£e,7 M¢t”.*Vi%.=c~Achamberlainc fpake as hag chcughc, Thelnlt 13“m'neVr“o. begge thée fofa “ fwaggc, 4A,_’r1‘d ovjtwis if than thmkeff Wwwill belecvg the tumcoate Di. *Pa7meVfpcaking%u:1ro usinhis owns name,” {Ww2’1QHkfiV3.D:Af;§dflZ‘3t3~,‘ “hat'hVour of the pu1pi.:§to1d"fo mariy “untrut}3:S¢Anc§as iti"§%1aWag:JH to beanie, O'~th°§"~S’abbOth‘,aS gage _ 5 7,5‘ 8 'i*-.»:4-is tn c;s:,a‘s‘d‘1‘{*3:)r'3zo;z to ynake dumber Min%i~9Ecrs;as it was % % ‘ “ for H4] _ 41.a::‘y murky Ca§per.& A 5% for AVID fro care of thafhcw bread pr? I 1%%c:;,;t§rf0r the ,Z1_l.os:cz‘Sv..«zA':ee: toflgh: %of;1 the S9abboth;or hr;/74‘a.,/79: to gzfant ‘a bill of divmemenz? ] pcr‘c¢ive"tI2ef'c men will have}-he gpod ‘A Divinity, ii-"%ic4bc to; bagottenyfo-r money"; Yea and -P43‘? 63‘ our Saviour riihfwaré by his Faith vcryj oftcmflow {’o gG0d”"17aI:iz_;.I pxévcr heard thac”b¢_fo-zffi, Why aith T51? has laid A1"m;i Amen vary ofi:én,and' Amen, is%a5‘muchAas by fai:h,page* 6 zLhroArtib1z find; %b1afphc t-noxixsr B-6-if-’ts; Whidf t1;_1a‘r will your madncife gmw in 3. while‘ Q 55 youibae z-10:2. r<2IV*:r=1irmd+4M-V Men "the ?Groccr .i%5P%1d a11';1’5aAve.%: 0 pound ..-A ¢ ' fdfthga‘%uf¢”£3F%%%¢fhwat; ‘,Q Vthc _Exec;utors "11ayc‘M;;¢A O Lo2';Eia%z%:" A % b]_'fle‘£Iii1‘g‘.. A1dd*]A%t1zi1=1kn 0fL.M4'W¢ tifwi‘ &{%fi‘¢-*5!» r 5:;-mféfie:“pram/m;3fi;;;y;a;j2;ag>: r£ég»‘if?;« ajeare 4:: : Pmlx 4 -‘ Crcj]?." *Eh§n We fl1‘aA11’ nevér#maké’bu-r"m%@ncy'csfir: I féc.” But: I“ pray; :h~cc ”f,f@;Iaow4c:;nf%chou excufc: hisblafphemy p*.4g.6._.6§. 63:. '0?Big,E[é,!nnmfiz5m:£gbami’,thcreAhave been: cw_o-euc:a-- ’ gipq=s fa-fig“ amémg-P: others’ ccmxziitregin ch: world, by _ thof¢*1;ha‘s% prbfeifc true Relfigion, the d‘i=1cm;z”a%sA the :betray.§. injg of"‘o ur Sa%ViC§ulj% by 195143 an Apomgtha other was the/ h:5rrib1¢_M“mo¢king ‘ pf his agony and bi.tterapafii"o'n" , by; him Eimzr a Bifhop in: this fpccchlfhe had bin in fc>,mc:' resfio filfmed Church; 3, the Blhfplagm-ef'wou1j<;¥' Ea We h:1'rd>Ey ' 9TGi49¢dWifh%Ahis lifeumdis it rruam-e.r Bfivifidcéd "P=lVzi:t1:1«¢V Liv:'ce‘i%rfh%i1?¢:fb 4e‘mbraccd,£ff3-c"€e3_QF 9:114 ‘ Wiffi0 tiff tfibiiwil-A A ticA>13;:axT§1d%‘ that bydumbew Iehns memes ? Little dafifi *{tho:1\-J kr1gcb.:;fler,ybu com 6 6, m-of. W f'dI‘c∂%5c W: wi11mb%:1e‘¢vctVhs rc;£-’tf9r4your {aka T % A ~vi%chqus‘»vi:fi’%cfl”e. JTh:e {By ~o€pV£mé~¢f}erAnVever {aid rhatitw 7 fig: 71 . Wéfs}1I1:htr€fi€,tO hold diet the prcagghiqgafche Word wa%g :h%e%%o;1e1y%<:);«:li:=ii=.r3%( mica-1acs%_tQfELIvé;f‘ion, but inafigauclx £19; 1’ .m:r‘ifi<:1é;I };fhat' Atht‘: ¢?Ec€t%%%of f9.1V€i"ti.(9M1';1A_ céulzi %V11%c§t:%A ,1-m" vfvr4ou‘g1i1tthc; ward rcacJi,h¢v {aid that was not fart: from 7 l1%ércfi'c*:‘,Why Brother “C{%)opgr,‘ % whit: is this Velfe but o”p4m« canfeifion«IW?mrias éexacarechin hiswritings lib’1dechchc%%wvr.d.r¢a6;,w4 5:41:19 d%rdin]arymeai1és %‘dFfa’Iva+% fiéflglét 3135T4h3SA3 kfl9W"%AYtIifer4-S vi1i*'fcL[y'Q.u'r,ca%£"c*'is damiiaible; that” ca1ifcthei;‘pec5pIe4_Eo 'c'é)V;j1;.”" ' t;nt~.:h%¢%:nT¢1)VCS With f€3dimg,é11’<flho1d ‘thawfi th¢§(j1 ha%y Aor- 72, 7 5-. dlnarilvbfi Fwd.%11¢W~Y“A§9§‘7T—:f A red 3 Mao? Army," "yearcsagoc In D1v1n1ty.f-kite‘: 1%Qs'%.%az;,o1d» Liagi cmm %: %hegr.: €[h«3t4Vdifpucation wa3:*Véfy'cHoIcri;:Ely; p£r?'O¢rmed~.f%t_addhe did encc as pretty a thing as that camg, cd.Fm '<§n;:2=: pfeachizig (:::,mfe};+.h¢4 was difpcsfcd to mom ¥%H?ew¢ fim9I%¢T+%’.~?-% 53$ 9¢I‘m°fl~ his PW~«W ‘Y afisséttV§%i§forhH-c“;:zet£a grLmqt”H§dfac§‘ the M ” % “ P91} %.H4ywy war {refer .f..r:‘aop:'r.% % A H A _4*j Gofpc1_1in;his f:rmon,I%Carn-a1lSec11$r1t3r, 2. Heathen: in ifientilyityg obfisinat Papix’-try, 4. Sairh he(when‘I iomicx: in his farchcadfl find ‘T. C‘.wriztcn therein, which I caxju. not otherwife incerprct,z:hcn "t1.‘1a.{1k1€l.T6 Cgrioi-1ty,‘thani£9 lcffc for the benefits already received , and more: cuxzous than nceds,in vai ne*ax.<1d ncedlefl?-: qtzefiioris Etiuc ”%01d‘fltu- dent did not know himfclfc to be I‘. C-4 when‘i':cc thu 3. fpake; dmdté/éc« 1;: they tlazmkiefl} czzriafitfitbat /mrfa aznfiazta red Martin :ym kIé%fc,m* Zliozrtim piéfure 'a’wm972¢9, whiz Be wan; young. mzm.I ,pm:‘e£w zt/am be :em5 nat% [016/i;¢d,.z; ¢?fiJe'~aLW Péo*?‘tAar% 0P addimgtok, whoin John of Lvmioi? be-* dcaconcdvand beminifircd :. Lucian of fiP’£nc;’9q;/Ear was liimfclfc the Painter, zv/13% of C'm4z‘.theI11(5g€‘.' the oné o1'tb.%c”2 ‘Wamcn called I gnoranca was % the goodwifc of IBM/.2.r. Mczzlpaéle Warden of N cw Gollcdgc’ .- the Gthfix c‘aAl1c%djm!w:~fl:fpitian, was the Fax;Io£22z ;af;£.’xce?zer,thcn4% Cnwwi»k_4deward,% alia; Dr; P rim: %C4[x¢m:«ziaztA9r : this ‘Wink§_n 3133 his Lord of Winckaffer drew innoccncy , go" % wit, Martin Marpralgt Gent : ‘by the heir: ofthe head thcn_f9iIoMwed:D tglwmf/4zz:,£r;fz'a2£¢e, Ité 295$: : Dr.P er7¢e,D . 1- R£m Dld,;ind Dr} C‘ofi'n.r%.5%'tl'ae Trwzder tram; cbznliéfwcd Ma/Z225»? E ye: may fier;,' /2é'f4*s‘e rkz'nrz%a,wr%inkelcd;‘ pz'n".cz’ mm} with melmcbalj :"»and this was Dr‘.C§Iopcat,daen followed . dolefull Re9encanoc,tkazf z33,Dea1ae Iaim rcpcming ;1m,¢- A- ,v¢;%:éh:c had written in" the Bi(11Qps~ bcha1fe,‘ becau§e‘fhis . grate is not as gpod as his word,'.1‘_.C.c6fidcr this *pi€i:um: untill-we mcetc againn.N6w my bjufiucife calls me away; g« I am gaing mwards %Baz-xbcryefor II hearc fay, there hath bin {old ado: ;%..vfor B-ake_rs¢daught¢rs would have K-:1igh€s~: wlfirher thicv wou1dbrn¢3.IWi1llciarnethe truth thereefi, and fo Iwill‘ puff to flwhill : and vifitiiag {dine parts % of ' Str4tfor5{,Wafu7iQk,¢z3d' Nari/aaznpt.m jiyipxer; Imay welfi make a iaumey baclie againc %-to ..».varfo/amt Swfalké 2 J‘ ifavc a Regeflccr an Bury , ‘and by that timc my vifiirors 4? cat. 9;?’ .<-‘Norm!/a -‘W935 W? If-’mfWe= %-M-~r== % A . m.~w:[».; ‘s .43 “F!-»’5_7 d?3j¥§4??“y§3m%jIéV.fli99}’39‘u.. : M H -i19‘@W farcwalé g¢aodpmfa:1¢‘T .* *C.: I csmnm: A now meddle with a 1ongpcriod,%W‘"hi;:i1thou Vhaft in the 3 3,34.} thy B00ke,1£ is but 3 8 lirmsr,thou art longcrwineied then _Dean%e fab» Is I fee, though he hath longer pcriods chm tha1:I7fc%t ééwm=:.,wher%fi:as thou Wdoiét mcomplainc that the LL» vssgs 0? cur Bii"hopsarc4ib {mall thzitibmb sf their Chi}: drug at; like EC) g.rmVa”beggiz1g, there is prqfem: Remedy for that, Fm: to wage end alfe is—1akz2 of Czmr. unmarried, butt’oprovidefor the Biflmps Children , wVhoIha1l%bce5 % p(30ra:1yl<:fi:,¥ thsimgh indeed I never {aid igimy lif'c,% that % thcrcwas any gr»;-,3“: famiharity be:tweenc% ‘Mifitelfe Ta}: am! [Mn Pybitgzifi‘, and £1: bcfie cm,i1e bcfie em thatwill % . fay fo :3? ; anti whcrefore is 1i’icév,’of Peteréoragtg/9 um - m*azrryr.éad but to provide for o:herAmcns%(}hi1drcn ;O now I rc-z1ae¢:nber%%m%e;he hash alfoa charge: to pmvicie for, for cfizcs and care;-1 of $55/Engthe Peticate Whid‘-x"he be?» fEo'.v¢:d upon 1hi'.r,Within this (six: monthsfwas me: in Engimd , the ‘Token wasn;>cnnii1q«::c"fc5r her Rate; farcwal1,farewe11,{’ar'cwcl1, old Martin keeps %thjcc out of their h,a:1ds%F9r all that, for thou art a {horn fellow, thou wi%1:oueflday ovarchrow chem «imam, and than thoufwca-L; raft by :hy%F&aith,quothA$Ja}.m af%”.Lmda:¢. A‘ A M ‘ A V Mazriinthe Mmopw-1;:an:oA Jab» ‘the Amccxopelicm; fiit7hA Nema”a*a;4fidat nimiumflvfifidfio V M$i4rt3hy ties txefibled Son-n%e,~ “ faitwhivemo desfigxgfi Mcliara Lapfm. A T "A A “ A M '” xugzsa fwm'm:~j Dag,/éef-were M23. « A :FaIcs $9 3 W Ffatilfs Efcapgdg 1521: zm 1o,Ra4aI,CéapIe§ne mi; xmaeg kimf‘e{'/7: ;...z,,:.¢ Aéatt admanitim to the peaple of Englggd pa 5.5.5, \' A A -P49 3 rats! E”/¢g9§flf9rE#Ia_{g'en§, imrc with #54 7 Amfl aft!” F4141’;-'9