llrnziwvfi. elm)“ Hone/2,rP14;n,*73awn.rzgl:»De4:zng WITH T HE ' ‘W ‘ .\ 1‘ Epgfi:¢9pal»Me7?, &c7’re:éw:erm;2:. ymhis Seafonable A DVJ C givexm,n'totl1em¥ and dfirTEACHER& A 0U." both préiend in Woydsmgo be Fxriendsl to the I l K1 NlG,- noly let your a€’uon_s {haw forlthl the lame‘ V s 4 A I lefty: (‘in plus Caufc concermng the I§z”ng) be found , _ _ ‘ .l %- T’. :15, l~*l1l~l:=’ej1uinCO thofe whom Words, pr;of¢lTcd to know or .m A ll;ovelanothctKi;¢g,‘ but in Works clcnyed him: There-4 fore, llsalbonr not to p‘e-rl:wl3..dE3 thfii King to fat upcirher of‘ your poms of Wm-(hrp m thxs_manner, (mark) as to compel by outward Fora; all othcrs to conform thereunto, or elfe lmlperfccute them; for if you do Ithus, anclif thc Kz'n-3 fhould hcarken unto either of you , land‘ fulfill "either of your wills in this ‘particular, ( mark) you to whom he [0 confcnts unto, would {horcly be mad: manifcll to be the greatcll: Emu 7% mic: to tbeI€z'flg in the Nations: And riot onely thé King: E»- mmies, buc%lEmmz'u~co your {elves alfo ._, even to the enldan--h gating of ;he defcruéhzion both of the Kzbvg andfmr film-:5 for; if the Kwg {hall fen up either ofyonr Forms, and compel all 0thcrs»£l1creL1nt0,0r clfe ‘pcrfemtc them -5 ( mark )y¢,u fcwoare lb inveterate one againfl another ,, and have a&edalrea'dy fo cruelly one agaxnllllanothcr, cha: thus ltlwill be w;chyou;l(mark) ypul am: an: Iiizg fo remap, will »lfeekllwltollavcn‘ge your ffilves land to lLoTrd it over the other,“ A llaencll Wm-iltbér ‘of youlare able to fuffcr in patience, "(and to for-A» -3914“ 4;. g l give your Enemies) as the Mirllficrs olfChI.‘ifl were mdo, that ‘W "‘""‘ _% ~ A A V » A {'0 WhichfocvcrA~ofyou wcr_c put: u11d§1f_tI1cQtI1é‘i“;y<311 wil be wa_tchingA ?co‘plo»t boltlh agamft the angjgfic them %tha:t:A arc fee Aovcr y"du58c%ify;oti that arg put under,Acan but gct~an% adva11- A tag: againfl.‘ thg etlzer, Whlqh fogvgsg qf you it be, ( mark) ea- Avm claemercicsofyoli Wqtild 1:»: cruAc1ty;fAow%a1"d$ tl1ofe%;t%%h‘at 1 kept you und%er;“Ax1d é‘1%ther“of %ydt1ir%F%oz*ms Thcmld be fit iup»,as before-mentioned; you who be {cc up in that n1Aann%cr% A ml‘! be in g _c1t~da11ger of being dcfhoyed ,. and that Vfor A thefc rcafons.» V M , A A A « V A A V A A % Firfl, Bacaufc xtgs uobownedyby €11: Lo1*d,th:§u:;xny ihoiuld A Afctkup a Wor!}xip,Aand ccampciAoA1:hc‘rs tditby ciu1_’wardA form A or perfecuuon; and thxs 15 the way 111 winch either of you would p1*occ'ed,':if ycéhad power 5“ mid thereby you would %~'«tngagc$chc Lord againjfi you and your woyfluipgfor ché wor- V Jal:.4- "3 1 {Hip w hich he oWns,is inflchc Spirit ahdin theTruth,a11d11o~ ” thing but the power of his Spirit can comp.eAItheremmvoganar A ‘A tbéy that rebel AAa_Aga1%11fi%tI11s4Pow emnnmrtetr ofWorihip,arc. Poi‘ it to be p*unifl1.€d IIhCl‘CAb)Z'- VA S§:ccfmd}j7,% Becalifc thc?AL0AxjdI1iath Adccziced to A1A7¢An1ove*op... A 1>r¢fi30.i1 3114P“A1‘f¢¢“‘1iA9”»AW}d‘$9; M3e*ar1db12:Aii: rlzatfpiw A Aw‘hic%hhatl1“est‘er¢ifec§ crucltw;r%agai:1fi;$ t11e$;iAAY;1E,S,:Tm1-dtto {ex « fl 1113RigvhAtéot1fi1¢fs,'dAfidto gi'Vc4.hiSvPC0,p}c %the;ir juf’t?Li4be1'ty % Aim wo‘f£hip% himAa%(;ACor‘ding to thcf I¢.adi;1js#,gsa11drc:quiriI1gs%of ; A A1113 ’E_tEr1’1'alSpi1*ifiAi%nAth€2Am5 mark)iat;dMiAf eitwher of ynur FdI~n1s{honlC1befet txpfis Abé.fO,fCn1€I1EiQ;1€_d )itwou1d_fi1*or1.g~ iy‘Acppo{?'; t1”1i'3D¢LrccAp1A GAodAA wAbAiAci1ca11nAg'g$t;i be b1*Aokr;n,,a1;d Ath‘ercAFt) 1'E%it% w’oL1ifd$ €AAAI1A§a[ge the L01‘d”I:pdeAfl1‘oy you. % ‘Ix ATl1iri‘1ly, If ,bI1e¢of y'tmAAA%bAc fer: a11dyAcbcimpOW¢1”’d lxyth Ac K§:«¢gt‘o Comp .6} by'¢‘o4%ucwAa1:*d FcA:»1A~ceV xii-,lAor.13crsA ::oyotAur Wo1*fl1ip,%01~%cH‘c to perfecL1tACAthA¢m3(mé;n1Q1;i1i$wvVi1l3ex%a{ V;-: A “rate the‘-ffpirits of hxbft of this AotIiérASeEz‘; AAa.g5A:.~:ix:fi At’?!ag'A&‘.‘LI{I¥flgm A AaAnsdjmthaAtiha1lA%b%¢Afo f‘Ct_.uP ; Aaf1HitAAW§11Ae1.1gagc a}lA&Athcn%1 “ of AtheSa£%:tI1.aIt art in the figAAhf3ng11at11mA,8i caxfmufci acamf-g AA fxal AWE-apcm for t:h“eir owi1‘defc:1cc, tow j0y‘;rxAcogctI1cr as: (me n1a1mVg*aix1fi the z'ng5 and’eitI1A€*r?0f y0%u'thatMhc1 fhquld fa » ~ fat up. Therefore if yo?! Wo1Az1fi[4hc true fri"¢?1dS A9?thVerAto A the Kmg, Aorymf fezm; axxdhfymvr Aflifktzam, lAa”':AA;Acm"1- _1m::j;Awi_c11 the j A Kbg-q toCFrAabiiU1 %cicjhe€r bf%%Ayo:x1‘*Ffl9ArnA1sAAAA( or 2’{~11yAAA0iiI1~eAArAA bcAfm~c—meu%ri%on%¢d5but if yeW-c§wn CHARLES4'S'TZ[%AR~AT EOA .beKing, be 4 "¢onc‘cnt4 th’atHa4;%n1ayA mu: "bvcr all as 3 Aas“l“onc , kAccp’i~nAg the outward Pcace among~yo11.all.,=l;;y“ V conrAe1A1tthm:‘othmfs may lame ass n1*Au{z~l1AA libe1'tyAco Worflaip A providing A jufi *Lawcs AA to »punifl1 any tl1aAtwoa.;Ald-Ahu;~tAAanyAA mans Perfon or Ef’tat:¢A upon any u1111;gfl~*ac('0‘11! 1’c‘ wlmrfoe«- wig-, Aor any that {hall ruxlmto 0p“Ac411 pArofzmc*11*¢Il"c, alldbfi mt«7.,V 9 0 W ‘ tlxeir God in thatlwayAAAtl1cyAMai'le perfwéided to bi: rig”ht,ais"ye? deiimto havcfm that» ycAt:hii1k isArigl1At 5A a11dA_la%y*by all rliefel Cgryzzil Wmpam 5 213“ ;Pr1']}mJ, F$M.;5 AG&§!Zaw.i‘ , ;«S'wz:1(§", Wloipu‘, e:m_c:lA all outward *w'o[mcc§ A aélx1ell11fel11£.s" :3; rice defiw of me who am A fufiEcrci}'forV Rightcaujfngfffglugvfi Aeamrmj? Ara away Law af Ga;!,arA@samnL/tw afthe Narzon, e ‘ G60 ‘FOX rlfié yomzgzzt: Z5'romAm_yCb§z7¢¢.éer (the plaice afm] confinement )z'z¢AL;1n1beCh.%.. e% % VI-Imflr, vt/3e‘I%«4.tI3. of_thaA A41/9. .z’l{o;2z‘}J*,A A1660.‘ ‘ew}Jc’re“1“*/M22: e fperfsfl pmcc 1-2222*}: Goalrlarmgla fef A 52¢: né/acazml/:mw: A rrzge L zIé.s~rzf)r as art b:'0n,aecprd;mgra I/ate :5zppAoz22r72¢c?2'rWaf reI9 r:‘AF;zt}a:r, : I cxzmot flatter my, 5%; Am [jamk flu xwrkezl t2”wtAA/awzta all; and .w fi9gk_‘ thejmzce hf Ndfzoivg flizsl z‘/Jegoaal of pzilwzerz 3 Mai I wzmzar fig/Jr wit]: my Crmmr: ,, [wt 1 cmzfig/Br W1}/Jet/9: s'}5i;¥:'m- e A aelAwx'ckcdnefi5,rMkAgz¢‘g/a515$’: frzr/0:‘jIJig/JeePZrzée.r.e A : .;_. PHI?-1t:Led% 7 for Ra&é}t'PV§/fig,‘ an d are "to be f 01 C1 e .a : gA his Shop at the: B/ac/{*.q57”Aeazal~Egzg[e and I/I/{seal-A¢’£;¢.:’z7!£Aeiez1 % % MerfV%;’m: L’ Gfrizzésl, 16A 6 0. e AGE. A