.! ....... A .09’ Hvg0 IN AN on gROTIU& Scbifmmoncerning his charge of Cnrmeptiom in thev Primitive Church, and (ems: A W other particulars. % % %By Hflammbnd D. D. .10‘ Lowpom Printed by¥.. Ghfor Richard Rayjla in I«z:y‘-Lane, M, D6.’.LVII_. -.w—‘-,..— ‘ 1 nu.-my r n, atthc Angel . .. wuvVV?nvn' ._...._ K‘ N s W E R A . % 1:0 % ~ %Tl1e‘]Qrvie'1a2 of his Amwomrxoms. ; Whéreto is fubjoyncd a%R EPLY,-to forms 1 ~ paH'agcs' of the R a v1 awn it in his late Book of eeezeeaeeeeeee To the S1'AT1oNz;t. M A A M!‘ Royfloty r IH¢z=ve éeen flrtyten cal/ed on for M3. Repba to 2/31: Reariew of Grotius' s flnno; nations, that I am at length inclined to change my former pmipo/e, and permit % rt/Bofe few /fleets‘ C prepared errfloon ere I/re Review cmrze to my /randy, em then lair! eyide, on 4 perfwafion t/Mt they might ée /fared) to follow t/re former on that A 4 J/uejefl, mt/oer t/sen deny to any fir ea/ie 4 ”?’“fl*: 1”?” " F Your Friend, A sepcemb. 4.. gm, A 2 fir. \ . ,_ K‘ ‘ ' ‘ I _ .‘ V‘ '/// “Kitty-\ 5‘///A 01/ ‘¢;‘:u:,*“,“"§§."'fin'L‘:'a"\'."€~.;~'~- J . A ‘ , I /~ ' V 1 I “ \\\¥3.‘HI I? V 2% ’J’’’/1I}‘5' W"? #3 - ‘ “ ’ ‘V ‘ / , . _ A if V CON T INI VA T 10 N % % op THE‘ 1 A E 1: E N c E OE 4 V R0171” ‘U S,. In .AwNsvv n R to the R EV IE W OE Ins Annotations- A ; — Fheth-at hath read 'the.'Re«z/iezaa oft/a“é exfnuatml , A tion.rofHa oGrotim, which is offered asa Re» A ply to the ]g2wndDa{fenc: of that: lmmed man,» ~ {earn from thence to have any new fcruplcs» vs, ‘ infufed into his mind, it AwiHt_1otcofl:hina-many V A minuces to depojiw them, b‘y obfervingV with-% _ mfé this mu/and. ~ A A A A V V A 2: I I-nu-¢.... lflfl.‘ .2. ..-v gm. by aézgsina%(2r.3s.13¢4firJi~t1sa4sh!!! 9f~§!1cfarz%fat?ie «Q t , La c'or:ti3:::t4tio:: of 3715‘ Dgfincc 3-3; of czmg) not onely what fair and large clmrqtieri bf his‘ hthéughts liie legible to all men in M5 Bcap/e ‘De_/4dtz2rfaE?.£aze,,,,,wirit: tcln'i‘ll0.ni1mryo[e againfiSociz!m on this rUbj,£&5 jcblutlalfoilhowi theft lhavc been fitite" bacltfd with induditaéle evidences of at later and frefitcr aim, taken from his own exprefs iwotds in his imifisufia (the lfifl thing he iwrote) and in a letter under his mu hand (dated afte1'wtbetimejofhiscfmmwwlcimugfliwritaf t€:10‘n spurpofe to forefiallthi5i[z1rm:y'e,l an;d;toadf1‘ur.~2 usiiofhis canfianlt adhering to that fenfel which he had delivered in his 7 Back T1t{faatz}sf,aé1‘ione»., A Which two as tI1ey"are;_m0f’c irrefragaéle groofs ofthe matter in hand, being tcfiirnwicx of him that cer- tainly hefl knew his own thoughts, whether he were clmsged or ‘ ."‘m‘9, lb to neither of theft: is the" lcafi-ward Offiepbf here oifered ~ by the Rwiewer,‘ and lo fiandin fullfsrce againfl all that is here i fitggtffed. t _d A I t . _' i t in Sec Anj'.. 3. secondly, by retnembrtng thatdfrotn the 4 beginning of this ‘Wt-'~"""’”4d* dslzttte, the pafikumam Amzatatiom on the Epfiles were exprclll ‘Wf‘P“3" . ly rmaunced and Smieéied by me, as departing manifeftly from ‘ 4 ~ithleTjuildigtment of that -dimmed man, fort-nelrly exptcifcd in thofe ' -writings whichhe had cmpleml and pnhlifhcd ifl.hi5- life time, and confcquently as unfutficitsnt argammtx, or tefiimonics of his change, when produced againfi his own repmd and cxprefir declarations tothc camrmgy; find yet from thcfc are the proofs rnow principally broughtin this Review, and by the contrariety betwixt thefe and his 300/{CD8 fatzisfaflz his chfarrge concluded, with what appearance of rcafon the Reader will foondifcern, whtndheh hathconfidcretl the fiemiflex, and whatrfixall now 0=c_-3 «cafionally be added thercto. A A A A u 1.4., For this manner ofdeallingmwa things (melyd are pleaded in the Rwitw, which here mull be regarded, ‘before I proceed : at That itheszdccufer /lmvivig l':owd‘a1al,;witIJ‘lthat do0”l(of)1bmot4t‘ion: that goes under?“/oi: mime, J Nat} nrtmtdnciiof AME, it “:3 Tn&i:h.gr¢g the we/nd14ddr~0t}aEr, of mix caiflccmminlttt hima-4] A ‘ A‘ , , -5. 1TothisIirc-ply, firfl, thiatitigcvimthciliietiirlweriamanifefitddfl werr aa_n.,h aictmrfe which is {are A th;grcndéx'i;t‘all. ~dcd4t»t:t’iiizfi¢5zit¢z;t I n my‘ anfwér 1:9 hisi_Prefm:c of Jdmiwzmdwxrfians tin ;Igmtim?s .l7:"p£j#l::,&»c. Iinfcttcd, hex aaéundanti, one, ahdifbmlyrdzie V grefiat», "&73cftmg pf '"§£’€¥t?:d_§.?';1d.&:tf«'! grtfim: fire’ t- "fl; ‘ . g Vwaycg. %ofH’ug“o Groifiia; A . .wg§eg the whole fl’ream of t hE%C’0mrafuerfie is zlimrteai inm t‘bm:_ fine gggrérow emu, removed from the A qwfiimz of Epi,/éopacy, to thVeTi‘nqniry%4into §,3r otim’s his opinions; and rhatisome c~om;-»- prtentdiverfion.» Arm this, when bath m that my ;Z3.{grefl?es».~s,, andalfoin -my fecond Defence, I b_ad ccmfinefd a“f:}~p2ea to (Em gm ,§,.g;.,,fg,§f,AVag:;d rhofis: wrixingspubhfhed by him an his ./ife rims, and %knowt1mbe 2wi£ttie,;a, and perfeéhd by him, exprefly r:.=je-. fiifig this bookqf poflbwmam Amswtar.1'on»1 on the Epifiles, thfl % xamewms now pleafed prim}mzY7Atoznfifi,an%d fm1n~cH1ischarge* _ a-gainftg’rotim, on4cho:!ehis pcfl/ammm A»am>mzz'om; which is A a perfe&” diwrfian again, infiead ofa reply, and to theww£:ag% evidently, becaufc cimxgirzg of the whale qt::¢’flI'm.« 1 T6. Secondly, as uneeffunl. as this p!mis,Viti5yec£11u%ch mom" , zznreafinalzlc, if circ"t4mj2mca.r be confidered, being evidently‘ prwenten’, Wandf:a}mrfedrd by that which hath pa in this dméam. ‘ For if there wcrc any truth in rhofe words of his Ep£_/fl; to the Oxfém’ Hmdx, Defenfatim M ta my dm/izzg Wit/1 Gfotir‘ om’; A2i32otatitm.r%Az2r f aim! to what Atlsw Dofiar plmd: in /M24 lu.'ka[f_]5§ than certai%nIy% he mufi be t:am:ern’d in this, which yet: he re‘%f0lves%V~ to be none of hiseancernmentxg Eor it is {me that my plea was f”r%amed in %D‘efencéofGrm'w /Jfimfefll (not of tbofe incomplete if not falfeiiriflgcx of him, thofc parts of the Arznatarims, whithu I'pt0f€fl«.€d{ "to reje;&', -8I1éd'fl.0CCO plma’ for.) Accordingly my $101.-ds infihe firft profpofal of this myatter to dcbate, w~ere1:hefc,; [T1912 iuerjjpiom, learned, amijardiciam man bath of 1.m%ammg% many fa/[ms wider .4 may mwéazpp} Fate, hing ma/I zmjufilj cm»- % lflmniated /Zzmetimex M" a Socinian, fimetime: ms‘ 4 Papifl And than how can this D.efmfim'm~ be, according to his pro-- mife, conformed or [mud to my plan, if it refer not to the farm fr¢5je31‘g,_w'z=. to grotim, or thofe ;{15’aak.r of his, which are ac--_ I:‘n‘o'wledgcd”4‘tMo be his campletad, genuine writing: PM fuch alonc~ being ‘competent tefiificatiom of his fcnfe, and {omeafures row A ifldge of his perfwafianr, wh¢ch¢r he were a Socinian or no. V7.4 1}/i°6ongl pt-1rt_of his _plea isby Arefltfiing: again on thatevi-1' ' deuce, which, faith he, he had formerly offered fromthe Prim‘- .%%13?'5 P7:£fd6'£‘.'t0‘t:K1£%‘U91fl17l9;Qf.£I1}m0Mtiam'% on the Epifllemfij BIit: 1 here, In the very wmmce, IS a‘uafis‘?4ke,% wh1ch,,fortbecf1mr-V , i»g%%9fmY falf. 9r;12§s+% 5959 99 arzat§@£v.f4qee9f any advantage the» ” % %V.4T£L9.t'é¢re€2*:~ . j . w ‘ fa“; c cmzmzan ofth Def&m*é y'{¢‘iyin:&327 can g.éi“z1Vbyit, clmufl firfi take noticecovf’. The c :3 Epiluo dam-fie was by him 6 ==ciced‘ frbm fomewords ofthe Prefmta flog‘.- t.bc“'Oxfor‘d ,[,;fiv}mrtcoft'be Aziflprarions, beginning thus, farm ‘wrofc‘iwdum_ *"‘H€3d’- ,»fi..-—-% To thofc words there found , I A gave anfwer in my? A Jim-Md Defence, p. 7. and he no‘wc.els me that ajlzglar in-Jjfietliosa cw.-31.? A jgryg :0 vmgnilfrfl haw ill at, 1%. e. ~‘my arzfwr or theflenfi I gave of thewords producedi) Ag:-gas myth the intenfian and word: oft/as Prefzwer, W190, faith he, tell: 43:, that Gztouus lead laimfflf ~p#51if5£d /uh Afimomtimx" on the gas?-91% fim year: lzefm-e,_ am’ (0 6 proceedx, reciting the wordsof the Prsfacer for. eight:‘l1ne'5m- A gather ;. and concluding, that if thecvflpologtfl mad this Preface; . "lye ougla; to have defiflrd from t/2'): plm in/?fr’ed on ; If he didmh. be etlaouglat*£:fl}¢red{y 1ae~lmd-much rm/an to desfiaifc them with whom“ he lmszdta a'a.] % % ' ’ % cc % ,% Whowould not whink there were fomewhcat herein’ really mi_[z‘.:z/{en by me, which called for this foflaltjmn rténke P But the Reader is intreatcd to commit the place, or if icbe n9tV?-wortlgchics; paim-, rhemsy bdiwe me, who-made thi§‘¢'r1fi2erf?iofz rI1’ore thcnf . flig/9:1}, and «can aflhre him, ctlfra: thetecxs ng partbofwhache thus now recices,to heme: -with i’t1~that cPrefm:e,whencce he hath . “ formerly dfawn his t4t‘imon}.I fay fun thatfrefdce $0555’ 141/? part ~afxlaeA'maomtian: under grqrim’s name, from whence ’icwas5 that the Ward: [fam mm}/ciendum-w] were (truly) cited, an& to Which Wo%rd.r it wasc_vifib1e, tbatl gave l:hat?anVfzfvgr, vjhfc’n ha A new pretends no ciirefutec from the: intrmioncand 'W07fJ{‘0f: z£gc%‘1fy’;;5 9. Iii¢c{h;o‘rtis»,‘ There bcingvwo wolmme: of "Annotation: ‘re:co'uu I-incl: cGratim’s death 3 the c former on the uffis,‘ and fo on" through the Epzfflc; of Saint Pamfand Saint fawn, :he%Alpzt;zrI on thec0therfixfi‘.»2t/ralick Epi/ilisénd the Rm/gtiaaa, and be; * fore the fay’-mgr‘ of thefatbe Printen. Ep'z]}lec,¥infcribed, Tjqga-_%_ gmplatfl Lefiorg before the ’»latm- Pmmanitid ad Lefiorém :1‘ From the l:~zmr*of»thefe iris thcatrmhe W0rd‘sfarm£'r{y by him pro- V ducecbfdm mm?» fcimdum--—« 3;§fldT.O which (confequently) I gave a_nfwer,c,werecccit:d;c And I that ozéedieritb and dilzgenzly, % read over. chat sq wrhichl was cdir:£Zn:l,’~? anducchefcfinding chef’ _ wordsvwhich were cited, gave “my axfvi>ég4n1?coVcthAec;n, {u”ch_asfI, ~~ ~:hough‘;ctthec worcdscacpable of, am now hnexpeflcdlyreéw/{ad if Hugacmnasr at for not Féliding ligand. more then It: for cleififing tlbo/E witbiwhoné i I had ‘to -do,’ when‘ indeedf what is now in the .R£pb'..Cl.CC.d“'ff0lD it, ‘is not itoibeliféund there, but in the Printer: Epifi‘/e to nnatlrrer 4 mzme. By what means he fell into this mi/ialge, and was by that led into this ctmfcle/if:--verity, I leave him upon recoflefiian "to conflder.~ i A 10. *-Ineed add no motefotthe vindioating my {elf in this %matter, ‘yet. if'I {hall now (having till now no ocmjian) attend to thistle» their tq{fimonJ,now newly alledged by him out of that other Pre- face, itwill ifoon appear that it neither (as is pretended) dtfl ’ ‘pro’:/t'.rl1il'E anfwtnwhith I gave to the words fimmrly cited from the premonition,” not reffitex what I had firfl‘ {aid concerning the Pajilmmam Annotation: , and then futely I {hall not be much “t+m~ern’d‘in it}: Notthe firfl; for my Anfmer beingno more A "bn:Tthis,‘ ithntlapm Integmmflgrzifitd not that ~vo’¢.eme completed, ' andfi; made integrum innit: 6} Grotius’: own hand, hit the whole it A “volume or -volume: which contained all In}: oiuéwam Adverfaria on , A “:17: 2\{g=wTeflammt.] This is no Way refuted, but rather com-i ‘firmed by theft other words of th€Tjpogmpbm'Le'&ori,f0r there A hallo opm imegmm fignifies the whale -valame or -valume.r,l as man is oppofed to the Mngna pa}: gzolnmiwis in the line before, ”without..lany tefpeéf to its being complmdtot mad: intirtl; Which alone having been denied by me, my flflrweffifi {till fecug ted fromany force ofthis Teflimon]. ‘ e I l to 11. Not the flecann’ ; For if I {hall now grant the Printer to have i in that Preface‘ delivered the whole and naked truth, (which! i i had no obligation to be confident of) and confequentlythat ”G'rotittJ,5'tmmitttd‘t0 a Friend thofeflnmtationt, in order to Printing, yetthis no way proves that they were compilmdand t it perfizflad by him‘; There is a middle, truly fuppofable, betwixt thefeitwo, viz»; that they Wcteby occcafion of the Am.‘/can un- expcéted diwrfianx, delivered to him impetfeét. This Rmmindtr ofAmsamtim: ‘now by the Reader expeéied to follow thofeon A t the Gotféelx, and on the Old It/?nment,and the learned C."m1piltr‘ being now at fame leifute- to let about it, was fuddenly called back froth’ “Earth to Sweden, A alonglvoyage, not certain who- that ever he Ihould return again (as indeed bedid not) or V .Wh€_fb¢r God «would fpare him life and vacantfyto perfefi that “ ii in i ‘ l B A V ‘ wotlt: W comm uuti9-?39f—tlie_D;j‘&rzEE- %»w’ark“;1.HavIngttherfiogzje cammzm£c;ttm’.;th»i§ >m"°‘t'fis1‘.-V-:6» a.1e,atned::i ' A mantt‘tt(<\me byqthtcttattway, math mt0ret&ddi&¢dttOt%h€§é{5§?r"W 05 cglezin ther1t)S‘atcium}gQingtn0W th¢m:e,he left thcmAti;n big hand-,.t «and comtmitited the puélaflaing of them to his care. taking out- ly Wbithhim thofe fieetf-t whigh were t1oft*[eg,i£rle4, wbich=h,e~ hafliiy t,mn_fcri5ed.~ in his Journey, and? as the Primer-wt.fiUg mt. Attretutrned them from Ifi’aV‘m5#7gnt andth,e{e, zis1byhits wordstéaggggf ,. peargvbelonging tothe 1.4]? ‘vzmolzwm lha-t‘_otn the 1iet2;rl.m‘zm,t A M which tbertf;otte..had truly rim: muck GE his lmnd,_ asthist /M.-~ 7ft‘; tranfizérilwing comes to ; t {o /Mfijflzhat whojwas prepared- to write them again for the prefla, did almofl;-defpair Ofdtflf?-~ A A p:lae2>£xzg them. The rafi; tthofe on the Ep2'ji‘«leshremai:1edit1°the _/2‘ rr£z’edr.4.'4gbt, and are not pretended tQt,ha,meAtbteen ([0 much% ashajmy) tr«xfi:r1'é:d.=byhi~mt,’ and fotnever to;b'§ained“t“I)atper-~ feffergrowtb, that fulmfx ofliméx and /ineamantgr, whichl did V and do fuppofet his J‘ev'.*r£&xz' c,a@yv'~riJ‘e9, and g%rea%ter91e§[u$re would 4 have afforded ~them..t, Which therefore cannot withany *_7';:jiV‘ica? A be lmlamtediagainfltfthe c.a2atr4&r_y,cvidanc—,es and plaintwbrds eim therw of his ‘ifltifmflia L (tbett 1 Mi Cfbjiflfgg. as I _faid".,_,t txtt-Aittentt4%:b¢ft:ttet t his» death) tons oftttbisttt later, dated aftckrhis "reading_<;:f%V(j"23ezYx'm’s .and the afacinianx interpr.ém;ti0n: (to which his fuppofed. change sis imputed) andtavowingthis continued adherence to his fbrmtrw tdofirine, mucthalefsé of the fiwml tptaflhges ptoducibleé out off his undouéml twritings», mmmalyt C0m'pQf€dt.,. and p:4£11£fJattby«t him, fwhicht pvt/ittitxezja, and tpiofejfadgytt: fettsgdottwn hsist ftnfet, ‘$‘x1‘d"'1 canflatttbet prujadiéed filth 14nctrmint,fceblefirggejfi9mastttthkfe, % drawn :from:thistfi1pp0{ed mifun.déir/Zmdingtof tome few pagr; in , the Epifllestt And lctt.tbis.ferv£ for a {icctondfl.agt.* in my;-ttpropofetd;s ‘met-had. ‘/‘ t t Vt 1.2.. t Tbirdly, ‘That adhteringttoimyt flarm:remeth‘0d;, aypdflu-pan; the grounds tPH’fiMftd‘,‘ .ta.bfira~6?ing;ttfrotm Qrjfettipg ~4jiA’¢ (aJsj"ci;~a~ ‘ vifible I have dtme fro m the fitfi,ry?a:.of#this,fid:éw;te) gtxtrfgt . mam v[3')2naMti.a:2:‘,+ A upon asccountof fotng laetcradgg¢,m;‘x};4r¢; in, A them dit{cernib1'e,tt-fprcially in Arm; matter of raw, jufiificatim, V and the fat:2rfa§3ian..of C"iarifl, tatzddtfomc oth:etj_tpgrtti}cutIaMr$,‘ alfzaé _‘.ml2ere noted, and cpnfifling our divfeetuxfg (more t‘reta.for;ably);t.~ 4 tit) tho/Iet.Annpttar£m:; Whitheperf£5if'd¢8!1d.tptlfiljflmfiitjwthis,l%'~ t1me,i+ttr5tttt9 E1.!9.f§19¥3 s¥3£§.effivI4.e9d 9a 551: azmfiauitnt. “ . V A In ing‘ Wflfiéfihéréfifi ’ aalfoull his hathez; hzgriringg .wha%c1_‘ocve3r*5 Therh*ca4g1§jbE hmny gr0:1md,’e0f ffifih-W93 ¢9‘3¢¢r¥““E '3‘? "”“”.§”s A h‘?°"f Want. 0'5 fivigflanggy 1h(which'{th«e Ylcwiawcr }1ow_r€q0W.5)h'§0‘d11’proye his h,Um«~,W,fi,; Ngg4§t£w,g,_ .a;1dhz:o invalidate the vim-zrge h’rohugh't:h hagaiufih:ath&£ ledrned man, Ofhis W79,/533% W ‘”0*%f7 fi‘»Wfl?€’Wf}' h ;g_gt\.ofScript[1li'¢, AW/aerein tefl£ma:¢}z3~ given V to that A figured mm,h ~ ar»h:h1e»:j3caucea1izzg a»da5flé'w?'i#g ¥fied€5W*ofrbem»3 % 1 3 I.§j;}fhg._l‘l;\ chepaforch, being new ad momfhed af¢,‘3Z3$n:£/§.h-my rule; of 3:4: mggabdum and defemiandflm. do my duty in obferving itfi % A V andhhhformaflyhhdmy Ahishhpofitiou, of meijr text; %&c. and for ‘csontrhary hiflflmzcex , begin with .3/Iaftfi:.. 20. 118. where the [M c,f',,M,; ggfggidta giwve 11:3; lffiaxurg v, or rmzfamr for mm; Hg;-eh, faith :G2?o;im,, Pitta resfiici zxarfcixfium, E13. 53. I0. #55 hdicitar, fi /aflfxtx *vitam% [mm dedifler KIBWN, qyoi bi: raffés A A_"?s.;U".'i"@ff_1:'h'{'I«'.£'5"7fitfl?"’ fare, at A1/fiixcogfzitimfi maize: jufiificarer, (3% pg; 4 fim, ipfi: pacoatamu/tarfim tulit. Here firfl. the pgmllelis fer: f bygratim bccwhit the Ii":/gzngeli/3 ar.1dth€.Prop}2at 1'fn*iA}:,and tothazz 5; of :hacPropkah¢y isbrought thtg fenfc, of Claryh givihug In} lffeamhnflzme far man}, :7. a. of htsfmkfmfiian, and ye: farther cxplahmd A by that A other phrafe 9f the Pmplm there Med, his éaariggtlae‘/in; of mum}, and the hke, 9. 28. ,his» V £r:£ngojfer’d4%foh5rarhtlaafim of many. 4 ¢.’.1<’,‘-~ .SecovmV}§ The .-«army Orrzwfme here is ifltfffimed bY%’%fI"1§%h h ‘Hebrew EDWR Or facfifidg for [311 I55”. A 335 3f?“ m01f€ @137, by flzcrificiam piacxxlm-, az'eezoc;A;g9cT&'a6€,‘t?\a!.s'f1a¢;31(,% an gsxpigttaflie, prapitiatorie fizcrifice forfin, vvifz‘m:.«¢ luflmlm--—~_aud the géwiazg -% {axis lifehzamkfimahe, the ofléring it u p {uch afizvrificé %for”22é¢m},hand A Nthis asthe ground or condition of his jnflifivihg max} éytbe-% kxavhfédge of him, which what is ii: thhe fgfundmg ofmilr jnfii-V fimtfiobs it: tiheh prapitiatary fgcrificch Claréfl xdmpb, ige. in :I;I€Ah fm'afa£Z£anh%wr~oughc hyithfor us?‘ I’ A» 15”. M So Matéhzfi. 234 Where C/9?‘§/3-$5?/.¢“d0ftbeNmhfrfidmemt W zérfitia’ to és /bedforman} farm: rcm£fl?¢.g¢ affim. Here, faith he; .P¥3t9“Z)£§’?9i€l£:3‘ amcwlgm rsfjfici, irz,h gm: dc ./k’rfl?a% difhtm efl',"-V £",','1"!‘?, B172 ''193_];'.‘): ;J1.)Ux?£zgAC¢5o‘6-IJ‘1c&9r;}Lt}V '7r6A7~_at§,‘ cumhgprdgf‘ h€?fl3_‘fi‘thhi ” "1EJ“~) u 44' expiahééda p:»cmm. fldd: qfl4ch;?Rom.h5‘:#, ‘ :5”. (ith{hou1dhheVhVh1o.) fi:”@&%£:4 Bargmlw gzm dici:mj.;E}>j:]lsla, ~2_t};n5‘:Jrz':3:<: zivzfig 7ié?’y 1;‘g4e7€gmVa;[hae.g?I:&"JV ;;M5hA5¢&f§g%e:$§—,7fV%JM£1.@f Mammy 24 cmenealeee oftle Defence fl'flF@€§HV Bruolow. Adding, ‘SiAm}1l.7§cré'£:c" the Y1?/cola? jmgpxer éetangcyta ¢, my the Mgccabeex, _w&c;,. "but ‘ackno”wledgeAse E01‘_C()4n§flm;3WD, A and that htet.mm_»eh fimplg and *mo rejclear1f'y tt'hemattetsofeC’lmg/1‘. x A A :22; The words are in the pmeme tot]/.z.A4oL cummemhomia Des‘ Ivtmficia xtmhéram in fa cantinumtearum gm C267;/?m,pr_wejii— ~1t£t,tum pneciptaé ifla amnizz qme deincept ablflzizz prscnuntiabmztur, «werbxk; fepiffimcri Dto /iv dir3e~%t?.“I,utfwp1icin: litmpidia/Q, in re: A i, gum in ‘iilzutqueu pflm3tffignr’fiaare t£T(:ti‘mt‘te~zrtolI4it,h“ canme A£»nre¢zr»Aa t~PV/:mrAma 4fleeGad.u~£rZrfl3ng: lma in Atlaem ha /bedm ofthafé A tttkingx which /arifl performeéaf, 2199:: is £.{fi(C£dfi;1' applicableta ad Atba/a thing: which in: the enfixiwg clzuspmuf ( this of chap. 5 3, mufi needs be com ptehtnded in that fiylfi). arefaretaldlrjeh1faiah~, the word: mg/I often ilaaing /ta d£;r~act2d»lv}g.tGod,htluat they agree more jim- A p y mi aim-rlj to the m:m:hnfi,t utlwmta ttettbqfc: etewbitc/Ia Ifaias A A”-Wohu1dfi’%flfignifietb} ‘them. . A A ' M ‘ .2?-3. Heteie thegt'011nAd‘0f§Wh&tIfaid of the “firfifenfe of thefe ptra;)l.wec£e:,‘“'*vi=o. that "Which tlfaimt meant to figniifie by theme fuppofihg Ii1¢3CA‘rCh'€f£eW3S {omewhat élfe, belonging to ""C‘}:rz]},h;w‘hich_Ain afimrwd fettfeor =lat'-er completionhe fignified A !a1f9,; and the words fa dir:c’tAéd iégfkgad. the awifla hhdifpoftxt, A,th&t my fimp-gr and e.¢le4?r1},‘ ‘i. fr. fwithotutsfigtm: (ewhiedh j’81'fl_‘ A tufiaal int‘hpraphacie:)e bsetlhngedt to mm.‘ Thishbeing by him feid ‘~on~ce form}; or all thote Atpraplm-in that Afoflow, ; by perfefi >h9egui~t)}tlence, (afiétaectiivehtfiairgg )2”: ;fr¢IJ ami tfimtiau: mmdiflrilmw % ” Wzie) cohtlude”~iof A every pattitulAea*t;, and;eAohfequtntiy%éOfthis ;fifly.e‘tt=hirz3 befare use j(Aof- which he tagAaLi?n ‘gives: the fame tl”C\ct0«km§ 5!"? =85 hath bttefma P3*f¥i?l!1A%“Y.Y!1*!€% hr: it) W e L:bf5fHu§&:eG1tOlifis$ A éiéiizfiiérfé iAn;k34r?.tI,1‘a¥ti,.ér:;m% clearéa 1i‘rW@:‘%1«24;eJi*¢ Wrifi. ¢ J though in Wremk rm xfi.rP1?0!¢!1 41! 1W‘%; “’*°1*1aqr ? i*»2t.a=mvrvt4*iw~A;~A<=: And Io t:his,: I Anpw Lh‘0‘W:e3‘»‘ Writ mi ,d¢€t,!1,£_:d Wfatxsfaflaflry ;.3J”“a,s:;"‘t€}’_ 4 me Lga;m5al,i tqimityd,ica$&te his va,a.*p.ofi»tian oftbe whole a/mprer; aindv t~h‘c% having:rnention’d;it: may be 1'31 fomae degree necefTm:y¢%fio qtfiaa grefgrrving oE;;h,emV%AVf;Qm% wijjmg/iaxzx who read-no £ zhofe asizzm: intirVeAIy.~~that=h@y%mavc4o%mpr€hmd the fms1"= 9? th¢[:VWe WV rbeciw. 6%%wbi"chAis~v chiear promffi ale ofmem). ha.1t,1C3&.f theiwL eyesupon: fume” p2*m‘au%1Hr jrmt-Hi F9 fa£%i55¢"tl1>e%i'r ‘p%rcVfem aswmta OI-'%¢‘uri9fitie.r.. V’ , “ fl 3; ‘ ‘ A ;§.4},., dfiurthen fccondfly, for=y;he% partimiar vgrfe M. I }mfwer,4 ithazintha A2mom_t£a»=0n VIM 99:.-t.:..2.. 2:4. I cannot be can»-« ccurd, hayiz-wgo4f: ;:Ve;1jolved t+ha.t,%* as the ref: on» the %Epz§flZa:,’% tor: bf§v1f4fl.[1fl‘fi[,é'£€’?t\:tQ:,giVfifu5 f;:nfe.._ As%fotf that «0nT1jfaiaz‘/9, ifinf weteVcrI;e,%?‘tM=J1qVhad :h=er%§%§rpreted ~.'E1t.’J Mfcret; x. tlzis coum Wnptuhgmz been juflly charged upon him,as*a Jbcirzimz inzm, prretation, T¢.értaflimz lxavinggiven himAa:Al1I:h9rity fax: it, as him cites it, 0:127/1’;¢:.I8,Ax7. and mdeed “that Emmgeli/Moobavingjsz , there agp1ied»%%%;hat pyrapb;w_;:V%?t0 v{5~a‘=uo; ,3ocs'a5€é-iv, the bezaxingtlaeira‘ £zaa'£{y d§fEa_f9?J, ',§fl,Wh[iCh§‘,"i‘Q~F¢ w@1s%fo to M‘ %underPreod,,a._s ~{hould*,{§ d~mpte.% h:iA'§_ %c:m'z¢g,_ ( i va.w.%.%his auferptg mlzirag them away) and»; not his éaarirzg; th:§n}inv «txeir fiend, taking upon him all :h¢: dxf-,,'A % mfeswhiéch hc%cured%imgny. Bq;_the4n$$ 2.. ‘his clear, thaglm V dpth not fo interpret it: [aufma tb~-take %am}] A asw axaludav. but exprefly co%inc1;2-de.:h(a,ferre,%or éearfing alfo ; 7% .4ufem, faith 3 ht-‘,;8 s apVpléie;d t0?érem_y,i.hy‘%a metanjmie, bu;t%that;found4ed%in % the other of émring, amhe 1im.4l,v ,;qm'a.qfli fiarda: mufa-wast, fin-y ’W 'M>Ai€011afi¥2pofiwA FMWN :, A f0 dtAhat;heA1imal of lfiearivg. 01¢? €4??Ji1¢.g °"r"W1I4irieI.isV (by theformer 'obfervacion) left H b.§,V;g'amp1m’+d_in% C/azjifl,» Whu did%b01:h 5147 and, tV4k£%A,am4}$gAbefi§bmV*: fierldg and n9rhir1gabyGrori~sV4is hcre4afi3érmed, or PF¢£cd‘m.£h%t:fcontra? of that. J~Amd~f9%%1m;xch»~¢for AthéfVoz11érpn,rn €f¥b50a£’j8Ct£.§n,-*:-an :.{o for éhwgtbird partsofmy marked. A A A A 2.$r.§OQr§hly,_ when It had plrogofed to. cqmfidamtion$-~twotl.rimg: A % RI‘9Y;§%§1.§l§1g all j€'I{[0#fi#5Q£_3‘QY afreryclmnge in Gmtitm and» "9? .’3‘?”“W‘* ““%d;F3k€nA n0§i{¢¢%%A09V04n:%‘ AAef4iAA;thmu 1ufl@:@rA“%1:h‘¢fiyM!¢V,L* \ °:§,’?1V5’V% fif/5 ».&éI’91!???'4tA1'°7l,4 ‘find Ofimd fomA£1@m4Vb3afl¢fi% ‘amfmew se;4xt».%,%«m:.A6:V»k9.§9£s 29 '§9!29¢§ 5!}? few’. !;1.€wv2vvrs" :5 lg,-'=j ts? M Contlin~»htio§~vo/We Defamre 'faié~b;“E«;ttfuppofe;ihztxlée léilrmdmlzfolwed; l fdrthtr i procedure-y-:5] byscihalrmeansfreeizzg huinfelf" {mm giivingill any heed E70‘ that azrgurniant“whiéfi I hadwl-laidi gfe£:tefi’w¢ight ongas that which of all othersl wasll-’l"lmofi‘ can/ideméle inltbis blufinefs, viz}; ‘Gratim"s own words (whoicertainlylknew his own heart, better than any accnfir, or diviner can be fuppofed to do, and laugh‘: to be believed, irathler than any conMtrar_7 furmmifesvcon-4 nclerning him) exprefly te‘f‘:ifying1- his céznjilimy-din adhering flill {now after th: timelof his fnppofedlcbangéej to what he had A delivcred in his Bank Deflfmkfafiioue. Herein l {hall 1«eave the ; Reader to lpafs the judgment, A sizhence‘thacalvfolat£an was deri- Wd (0 the Reviewer, by which he amid not but fuppofa himflelf frhgdfram dry -neccflity oft-onfldering tlagzla evidence, when yet be was at leifurel (‘by way ofwmmntatian)- to heapup contrary A nappemmci-.r from the wmralijia on the_ Epiflllex. which I profefl not to allow tobe :ihis,il£lt1dl'itherefore could not bc7* concerrfd in the producingiofthem. 26,» Ailljlewonelylhad exprefi my apinion that tbelN'at:& on the pocalypfe, jlbflldl (as“I= ifiilll ¢E‘lII‘lfl*l‘{l I il~lha‘vcn libcfen infonned; 7and i 'ha»vleWallrealidy’premifed&fome‘pi'oof ‘ollf ill) xeceivéd fromllbtk own pimcil the ?i:}£tA£r-7 ¢ A prezted 6} G2-aArz'm‘rort1m:matAtgr¢%oftb:flleityg isAV%fo0nA'£at?i‘sfied; by rememfaring (what w?as‘vifible’enongh be*fo‘rme)A& thatvtAhevC7ml-; ; den Paraphrafi in. 'tsh.oAfe and ‘many? other piaces re‘ndAriAng the Word ;{:Gi2c1_] by»-[::G'adand%14%Ward]V'A;§§Afi:V]yAbrougbAnA*b\yaGrat£m,¢, ‘a, wikfiriefi, A Athab: ;Awvrz'a£ mm :cre*A2u‘ed «by A i/as Woréf'1AafAAAGbd;«as A that i5;G9;d.% and_dArIMmt%%tha%t %is:»theAf&e¢nf£’e of; thofc: p1IAa£es§5.' V-Which if it be,-A-A:Ah%en, amerthofe text: o£%Sm‘ptareA we b.y“.(frériru, Arm f(5"-‘fiififl NA this : trmtb of the ADM)“ ofgthe" Word‘ 0 “god-, if. e.”1 of A N=0AwVfortbnQ;§§»im¢ip4lT“Vj§}acethat offobn I. 1:»; the'Rwiewm bAAja!:l1A;%eXLpr¢pfi,;h‘is difl£ke:¢ alfovto that, a1nd»“tne7‘z1t*i7Oi;1’d ram gro:uAn.dsm ~thermf»;,* 1.5? mlhét A‘G’rm'm ‘:2 vvw'_yAa»zr:fz:l of afcwibing ma» ~»Wz,A»».;.,a%z; 1z,J2.%6-W] But if by this phrafc he woul_%dfign§fie mm “ A unwi12ing.i%to*AAAafl:r£br;A~ an: hjpajlafémt to the A 'mrfd,~ this is mxfreprc-A fm£€.dA‘%%Aby him; sforrftis ev¥idenc=,lgrAatiu;r cxpreffrs*n»p’AdUZiketdAA th;at%:fiy:Ie,% all th§c§"he*?faith "that way, is, warm: %0?1Aw5;Prim:»l£ C'1:m'fl';imw§rA% tafrtrjmtam, ciiam contra; May ‘f13?21”u's‘auo*l1W dix.I:rit$1A¢z9’tlmmj£mA,Sjmdi Nimna, g$’«4rdic“enfi.Ar, A 6?’ Ramanm O 2 alzguat, that %tl1aitAV%w£»rd5.; arm!/Ema other: way; not by the ¢4 Cbri/}iAm,%A%Mat%4‘%VA-thmaafius, and the Nicema , Snrdimfneg firm: 4*R4oim;%m«AA @émm1:~ afiirmrd athatw tlocmj ngmA Adm bjfivafigflrgu ' A«MAAA~?a4l£ ;.;h:£a;&*A I:ho'p¢e,% are Afo cbficrary ‘rm rriaw; ~=ma: if Gfatim fhould abufh “x:oAfpeak~with;$tbAemé; :Ti1e:cbuM*‘Awith no~ ju-‘=~ 1 Me be:AAa£;eu{ediofA.that.lomfit, M at/2'uriwég:A;4tlj‘e fIDr*n'ty of£i‘larif£;'%A" « 2 .- Ami yxzt ix:isf'drtI1«er-Acleamhat from ozcigenfi other: after mm,‘ A A A h¢+A%;;citr$z tlmwwfliufiime of »bypoy%afr:, ‘~andA mm 4fcou4d<:hé~% have dmeVmm%e «AmoAalmin:At%hve Remram fawnur; theia Accmce it from» “Wm; .§1'1IIA;d(u£.~. V§nd.nnOuA *'pxe"tend? it; from =th=, A‘~A't”hmz A :i4j?:d%i:.: A \ .43}:I!1§§*4 heiVnAg,t:hus briefly ama'iTed~ together, iftha ‘V 1171?’ .23 . ti lpiph. A 1.z.H2er. 4,9- A V A _ ?«1Cantim:4tionty':ha Dqflm %ThatiAh¢‘hatE. £fipgfwAg¢zUCd mmaj Platanick AA—inté~*fiA§tLi ttogg} “ bf’ 5A{2.6y@4A isfialfo Ah: tthflihificonfd place fuggefied, and at ante, h"-that bef h4tb.dazrIgenAedA;he wIaoAl_¢ cwmfel~of God in rlsat~p1;zce§A]~ "311: I hope‘-rtherehVAisA1‘x€‘gA7’laerefi: Aim letting the Rmd:hrhkno"W, A how much ‘Platamfl: {and Jae:/aenh -PA/filafap/at '% , W groping difcoverd of divvinatrutbx, and to ¢meA1tis‘nQth1maginabIe, that when the (‘luff/i‘iaznhAz1aEA}riueisAAonce declarehdtg {fuch addition: as thhevfufhonld «by being {uhjoynedexaéundanti, ob/cure what was 0nce~madc«bl;e4r, and fo darken the who-/3 cmfiz afAGad. A A A #4. A'i'hird1y,A It ma_yA>mt Aée amz'fl"e,t faith he, to olafiarmg that mt A anal} th: Arian:AA, but Plaatinm {laim/'e1f afknawlcdgrd that the’ world w»z:Atm4deqr;.5 .3g§5y,:.5W] And tothts I amfmr, A that what is wide of thewmrk, to whic%hAit,i«s direfied, no way {ufficient to A A infiprttthe defited cwcluflan; is (in thehmanaging of a cantroverfie) amifl to 5: ab/Erwd;And‘fi-Ich will this ohfervatioh appear to be; h “ For the matter of the qmflion being a charge aAgainAfiAG~’5-atim, “of t Sociniun do&rine,' what.“ can he concluded (to that) from the barf: mentio“u Aofthe.Arim,AtahdP/aoriimhiAsacImb:y1:d‘gmen::, 2 A AI1nl.¢tfsAfirfihAit AAhc :prAoAved,A that Afiratiurg was ,;an Mm», *AAor‘Pboki-VA aims, and {écandlj Vthatlll Aria»: and Pbats'm'4m"1 are Sociizians .? Eithcr of which, as they Ahave:notAthet leafi appearance of truth‘ in them, fo are they not (0 much as attempted here to he prawd by the umlnar of this oA6fer'v¢gt£onqA On the contrary, there are A l:h€{EfiV¢t.fh1‘jeWdAAf;xt’jfldi6‘t'zt-flgainfi ,ir.A r.“That what the A-5' ziam: fay in this , matter; AA;.I’hotAir'zmA datthi not fay; a':nd7, fo they wereho}: fit to be ptntttogetlaer. That what the ArimJ*fay,a gratin: doth not fay. 3., ATAhat What the Phm'niamAfAay,A ncithen V the Arianxt, not Gratin: -do fay. 4: That them.-£m'm do in this differ much b0:EhfromA-Aria»: and ,Phatir:£4n1; and%y‘ctA A 5. fithIhAat% GrAotiu:hdi£fers thasmuch =(or mote) Afr0mAtbeSoci:gi¢g:f~ hcteih, AfF35jbe:fdt9th from rycitht-tii#;o«€ the Aothcr two.a A t + 45. 1?All‘this Awill appejtu: by ’yiewing‘t ftvctally the‘21r34;th:,%#hanc§ Plaatiniayu; and Sacinian: Adofirine in this poinghand the diw flanca Aof Groti¥l,t*shtA;‘interprctation: Afroflm cachgof theft; "Fort the 'AfiArfi.A AArir3’:.t;;A7did ;93ind§IA=e.-d ackn'oWl€dgeIin hiAstA;€pij2I:, t—ba‘t‘God didftby £212 Voneb A30»: mtntlzeh »rt;a?.zaf’yca *AAu*Mraa‘,t the AworlzI:?AAa‘mix 1j_.lge;_Arefi,W tan_d,in the wordspf thteAsettMx;t,fAAAh Aim ie.~ra£y»r4eAAJ‘i Aai-;.‘m"ArQ‘f§,€g;AaAAy2;A «rm #1!’ tlvivg: were made 1'} (vim. éré }.?i€!?9.t££ bin W wk?» A A A A Amt: e ct ofHug‘oGroti'us.? fig ‘maple that M‘ mggde: But. finfe this A was no paizftj of -hiscbtrcfle; A “(if-7'i{:_'\;tr¢3r_e, t-he scgipmgg; as weliaps Grznizag tmuffbet zm.g1v:d it, ’qvhocaffirmed".eit éqmzfijy) ~ tbugtttthat he firfiaffirfmed Clvrjfito. A bebimfelfta cram», 2c'IZcgcm% »Sw.=.,’§ 7§.Ae10P.,, faith he, /sci] whom. ~Cz'c:l crmcccl t/acwcrld mu cl pcrf: £7 creature ojc3“a2,i;,t I/cough arm-.-. t.ed 7z'-gt; }{_g<;'vcav*\;Ztwyfwv,M lzefimfc dig age; ; and again faith Epip/yd» m'cc.:t,,2:.’,;:.:) ,1{.7£§f{,a:«g. niavfiy AéQxo:ec,,,fA65toAo;f}‘q'IzrAcivrrazt x5cca*%gt;'éAat trot: % %:£7ia;z.caa-race aEu~z5é, tboug/a rbcjcgtfle1a£m%u.Acrc4;Hzfe,c._);etc I/.wg,ttonfcf.t Alaiirtaéctrc cu?’ hilt-tcrcnrflrexu 50 again Vfpezfking oflhe Hal)? G'}:)cfi.; they will have him to be 2t75cy.at n.7ic;.m-IQ‘, the crmmrc of; cm:-a e care, ‘where fiill that is Aria: his herejie, in this matter, that he made Cbrifc acres-'mre,f and to that applied the sepcmxgincxt. rendring o,ftb“eVp1tc‘c Prov. 3.. 0f.353 s.A’é';c_7:a'e pa, got created mg eand%confequently would not allotvtw. him to bte‘5y.o£’a-z@-,c of 1/};- [km {:_¢.é_/Emscc, or equal. with the Father. And when gmim A faith any thing in favour of“ this doélrim, or QC’/9r{(?.’s being a A crezzcmcg or denies his aquatic} with the Facbcrgthen be muff pafs for an Arimas, ( Of which he hath not yet had‘ the Iuckto beaccufed, thatl kndwof-,) B4ut.’tis~certain he hath not d*on”e V {o, ._my' orythe, other fide, ‘ti; competently evident, if but by the .n0IiQn . whiclyhe applies to ’e'j:.'rIce. is) his Annotation: on Brc*uX8. (to tefcue that rendring from an Fm‘!/enfc‘). that he gitterly rejefls _that’m:ia n wherein the%Ariam took « it, txiz... for crmcing,atnd fothat ‘is hereiti-ptofefily free from that kcrefikg 46.. A.s for Plaotimu win’ the {mud place, ’iis cettainthis /Jércfitf, like that of Tani»: Samcflztcxm, coinfifiedt in denying that Cilnri/1‘ bad a being, or fiaéfifiencc from the 5: inning, or before y A L ,!f1sHol)l"“_ 9'ho§"{ f';ming_ uyori , - aith ,1: fpiplcanitfc, ‘B HM‘; at rlmcwm 33 a'£-r@- am atg;¢?5463* pgm-By (tn emu, $10‘ '53 Mame; Jtnig aw- ' t,:z'3u7 Jmigxav ,V5=f.5’;'o%'?e. gave‘? 9; 3{arrtb";ma7.yxov i~2r'r7A6cu-?-- NGW thgougtg this thereticlv ‘wtas%con‘tent to acknowledge thatthe 1% % (her made‘:/at-cwarld am: 47% ’:$v7@' by ’otuz:é:' M’; Q, 5} the A53/@‘ which , ‘kg; in him, yettttbat it; was not Clm'[}_ which he underflood by e hat fiyle, is moikclear, both by his d£’fl]ii1g,_C;i7'1:[f,. to have back tthtntttatny fuéfificnce, and 2. by the jimilimdc, by which he? e cx~prAefi$ bimfclf , ‘gcvacif aWa;HA53«¥ R7‘ &:r9g¢mr@‘. .r7rgj7‘7e*-1 8 EH % V Ae7‘d1, - :'s’rra:5tJ4‘ia3:'.:'§ 3-J‘x'a A5343, 3 crat7figA%MJ‘:a‘i fit. ‘$97195 c":o ”a:u-:55 7u'vyui §m§uaj§ (79%. wjaimc, a._r_.g gggzz b].A5'}{@‘. dpt/2. wlqnit be will ( by Aifgfé‘ V . _ t W ,.. ‘ it ..,.t.-_,.. Egggpin, AV ~41 Soc'i7é.i2z >4 coiz:izaa:aiio2i?bfr?E¢& Vnejme ’&ié‘a’nin;c;V*V1:%kAindofzdm in asheagems mind, by, ar.4Za&EorVdi:§*g.%ca A ‘With hf «firth 811%sVfh:i"EM)‘fi 93"???‘ ¢A“;0W ><67@*. of b2*thV¢?~53«@- iafiiaibloik in ”t;’feve'?als into; on: period, ‘~ I; * Th 1: be faiginet ~Gmms*; gguy 4 ya-i;j;4,,_%%% A 2.. %'i"hat% £22 1923 Afinomiaux an tb’a"fix“'ver{éx in*~tbe;Pwverbs, A two A A in Ifai;ah%%,M Aan: in Saint Peter, we in Saint Paul; Added :0 many in‘ {kg %bgg§gm'i.ng%:%of%Saint% IQbfl~,Gr0tius :$M“/(into! anefhmrdtn? the ¢, ; A Iha=%t:h$e; doth Snot Aifiterpret G/art:/t"j.r_ fitlrjfikllfléfifldntl» m':.rhAAGad,4:: astoa.pe¢fiM1fnéfifirA~cé*s% 1 A M * ‘ * “ " 50.; th;cft~V%threeA4AwI~ briefl«y%rmfwer.% A To thefirfi, TAEAiattIV're40AneAJ‘ ly thing that in my Digrcflhn (or /frond ‘D'a_fem"e of Grtatiw). Aluandertookin behalf of that lenrmdman, being the miufiice of; ‘thcwcbuge, of his beirig /Emetime: asocimkzn, /‘osveti2Am.r5 aVI?a—~% fimmim;a:% both; This is the Reviewer in‘ hisVEpi]il:At0l. mIa1a;%~~qQ;:c,‘ardL»Heaz1: undertaken 4 £054 be»‘fre7A€;i;zsaal,At 4.wMeh 'c;;a’n %%n;;m. ‘ $1‘d'0l!C,:A.|3l'll€f$”h€%b0Ih fay and“ provb), thaAt~G%9tim was; Sam. “ A ainian. To the fwaxd; That, as‘ hath now“ axp;p~e;Aan:d, 2 vnmim, % wz£ai%Ctl,are pnhdifl‘b¢d“%undtr hié ; to carn»y;b1s%~fmfi%yW %W;rh t W In-.»«~_ third as bcform rum hacitgsiouit of @Arig:Aw,'.» »ax1~d‘2;;%£I3Awf;:%er:.A .l§fe;of thqword; lypoflafit, and the A A A Qnfiaky he faithdA»the%word« mm ufcd " ‘A then A % % Ihfl: in/, HngbpGrntim;‘ AAnt11eDei§? isfcihflfl ilsrrflrficg, and Amaiiiiapzea 6} Alan ZWFI3 'M‘.ed.man‘,LA': not yet larkxi’ Grotmsl‘-: e/!m40t4tinmAn«onl why]: I‘ l;'At;e.1?;£.I'., wnhichn Iramemlw at all "time: to be plendednta tlhzxtipurpugfl-.~ l A. To Arhis I anfwer, r.Thaa I; neverundertook the windicaton of all h (jrarirgfm rdsmzmziom, nor ever ‘faid any thing, which {hould ingage Ame in fuch along task as this; 2. The difcmragementl, r '‘ whiehl mentioned _to-have already received from making inqui- — I zryinro this Rwimer: former‘Trem'f:, were ‘taken fromwhac - had appeared fromllgratim on7aIan"I: compared A‘A~wi;h, and A ‘found evidently to filfltrfcde this Authors fnggefiions of fém one, pifom place, in all the Biéle, left la} Grotius clearly t:flg‘j5«- ingtbzk rem] For when, befide that: l of fab» I. I found there ‘[7 lfomany more, pm: together, particularly Prov. 8. averl.‘e_n23.-+-- A largelyfet down, ,andlinlAAthe Annatatdunr 0-nrthe Pra'Ucrlu‘5f0l1nd A the fame fenfc adhered to, and arrfermce back again to iolm Ara.‘ A where he had fpoken fo largely on this matter, whanlneed l was rhcre of farther iuqkir] for pchar, A which had thusreadily hf? . l 51:‘ Now to myAtmfi¢ppImrj confideratlnns, V helhath his replies alfo ; r To thAeAfirI’c, by cosfi-fling, whatl def_iAre,that one Alex-preflr text -of Scripture, A22 faflicirnt for the confirmatim of ,4! divine truth] burl: «then, dmyingltlm film-n place: loam km: by me prodrd-he and am qf the Q.-JfljfH0fflfi9fl3 he ofGr~otius for tlaelconfirmuriw ofzbe «truth pleaded 45.0I£t.e] l ' " A A l 53‘: To thisl 4ufWer,~ I.“ tbatfi if any one he nfuflicientlb cbawfirmf A this divine truth, then grotim hachbeensdemonfiraced [ufiicig l earl;-to have confirmed ire, who chath evidently brjoughr7abAn 1.; l .Whi:Ch is mrfnch raw; .Seco*Andnly, thiat th at m:t,l AaAnd;AProv. 8." : A23----VA he aptbn Acelmianly um: depraved l,.A Amr kept: ‘baekefrlom*:d"!te~. flafyiug to .lch.i:s lAlrrlnAhhAArA;i nSo’A likewhfe Gal. r.l*xl.; ifweAAmayriuge. by l1%ls"ri‘wn;Anwdrds, on ?nzlmi and nbzlbyrthc fmfflaitmam .dnnnatnn£hAuh},:< :wh;ich nm: Acompmnzt mafum to §2uad,ge' him by, and fo there are fmr of the five. AAThtird,ly,l Ashe A v 1‘ h‘aAf»hAa:Ahere lAalfo.applied‘wit the places ],'of I /am, i~r1l”thde:AA=(l:Lo[d:e he re:gdmgl,Mnd: thefev fnlperad.ded~wnAAhhAe :,»fnrme‘r,n are everwllumcié pp Mm tohhwfime €‘fi‘l‘,r'%alv‘il”£L rmb, u&n?iAlA:th;a:tllllis whl‘l1Al7asidlliln§»%AKMs Mensa ~AlBnt”luLh*mA:1‘?olurhhnly,as the wnci_fi:'mf}».flfmA%hi§A r§Ia:i:‘2 where‘ n his Anhnotdt-ion.t.011T[h‘E'{€V%tf8..lttzlfrfttglflitkfl no:;p4rticula?u3 bention 7 19$ him... And: fo, when he gives &+’fE‘t1f€50f,Ifal‘. 9.. 6..wh»icAh:'imh-h t tenedfately heionged(in*his opini"o’n)« to Hezekiah, ’ and accord. ing” tothatginterprets hcvety part:/of that verfe; he yettthus preface!/9 it__, fit: tzamenfuttmulté éxcéllentim latch‘ 4edhhMefliem’pter+ rinere nan A-Cimfiim tm¢tam~»agnofl'ant; fedf é’ filanldcexax loo: loco] thus giving tnonel y a‘ lower notion‘ of theword s to Hez,ski2%h,* and .refgrving~tthet fublimer and-more ‘excefient to Gkrifl. Sto*agai*n chap; IL I. Redit ad.Hez.ccbi¢t laudtt, fuhquihux fenfu? [H5113- mien larentylmtdex Mafia ;' and many paflhges ether: arefto the fame purpofe : As others tslfo of referring to~the‘Annai£u:*ion: ;,on the ga1(fieI.r, whereinhie hath fpokaetnefci Iargelry dfn‘tth’f§%h?*?ettwél5~.:: mar/complefim of ‘ob: Tropbcciex, thathhetwohldtnott teféV’ette*thtin in the p1aceshofthehPropelm:, to which they belotngedg A A ~ 54. In, the next place he comes to the cmparifon betwixt (-min’: andtGratim‘s‘t~tdealing in this matter, and makes many offers of he mnfwer, to which lam c0‘ncern’d to makeyrtitular .te“p1itest,< t A <- A 55 . ‘heldeniés Mrtcnltiiaieeqgzflj lk‘I9d’7.‘_“g'¢:‘tVI’“vtL'; he inn) .;g.§%"t,_af tgntpartiattu ~*Grat‘ii44.e; hTo.tnw;hiih I imjwcr,~“‘t.that whee. t:thett~hebe,%*hoi: been-not trulychargeable,‘ in~m?}d€grec, lam not jv;conccI:n'd to examine, having met awn/i.nt€.hitflZ,t~but om.-1y made the parallel A‘ betwixt thatilearmhvd. man, and grotid$;i:n~inf«th‘i9;t that lath‘ ofnthcm; have by {ome sheen‘ dreamed "t=lvi"'fl‘i"d5lt.;t "’* The ‘£DUHp4Ffi'.[Oti'W»bMiCh Iinade,*,th"t Wasnotsofn ;"Ch.¢ tqiiaifatjgt be inndcedfof. lhqgizigrcatafptapnrtianwbutiexprefiIhac IA%amnoK« fma»k&~mv% awn flcnfc. hum an-E19 Mia- fie womV7rha: :.%MrVw6alviw;“'@pVd1Afime *6fiwbe % -_.‘fi1!fl;4.Rc faérmra y,h1I't!£..4. ,;‘0i71§{7 fiwmlyfiujqqufad % reviled cm 112:3 =a;¢:cq;m_.. I {hall:;vA now .rz.%.(in!lead %o‘f.;g., many) rcferzhc Ram,- ,d%I-'?‘ Ht0&g_ScblnflEtbmrgiu# ~;wLutbm¢n;A fupaxi1Aten;J¢int»,'j in "his Scpagzd A%%3?f01* :D%eV::C8A1Yinif’¢~ 1fh¢0;108,~5 find fiitlfis Qr tda_F@"~ :F1'uarA- —«4mtim¢« dJ+Dv6Z«rof Park: . ".h«i»5; Cvmmw§V'ov; Saint Paul A t0VLvPbilei7gou,;*or in his Exurpm amof tb5atI.:t»thernn;.'V 7(ot.:~”i)z % Jz4vn.:mr:%»-Frflgma s9A8;=¢s499s:~‘InAmslam 9[t'~whef¢ -h=uwig~ 8”; To th1s~I%;a.%1%n‘/‘ave;-,L%w%l. Tl;an—trheVVla}ter4par%tof this '(his%nota'a-~3 njing ),isA in.effc<.& “the c0nfifing,:all.gthat I had faidofiw £5 — gLzzrb’e'mni45 pené «gm- me: An» rmifmi mm 4am- f :z7zt.Gror.' Appendi. dc Ancich M P. 85'. MRe*'W % wof :he*fe,~~(a«§ trwuly in “many thaw have A A examin,%%%w,Icanwz1ot: but think him ="gui%1%c1cfs) %Vthermorie~evidAcn:%Ais% ”th;e par4liel betwixt Grofitls d2idt%b"m in tfizkwuttcr. A % {A 59. 'Tlaz‘rdIy,, he avfliz-mes tbarwhmz‘ the APa%p£[}.r raved againfi 4 VA xta/.79 I I A Ca»7i{inuu3?vriL%afc*lré JDd'ez:c’£ find‘; V 3 f . on ‘I 3:! H ;.,,,~59“intempretedifif the hq‘/¥iI£ty of “.2!/!m% mid‘%Serp’ent;V4;"that the :p'rapbe::'e: aftbefleptcrx not departing framjudah tifl Shiloh corner, Gen; 49:. expounded of Cbrsfi, A give: the few: ocmjiw tafaafi‘; *thVm:-the “word: of ‘Baiiaatm Nam; 24; A flar/12411 riife am afja. ciob, wufivaot %preperIyA‘beqxpumz£e4%ef ho"! tbaiuaf 315; A ~L_a%rdA~‘;b}‘Mofts,AA* anaume 18*. ?Im'fl razifrtlacm rap 4%Prop}.m4A, zgzélsich }et“%Sa it1‘t¢P€tcr V15}: 3. Wza,"and%Sa‘¢iu: mpbm A6}: 7.37;: j L aflirmed t%o%bc1ong4to Clm:/E; tbacV%Mich. 5'. 2. 01¢: aftlm B:t_h- A .1eem flmHIa:¥qamc fartia to me that is to 6: as mléAm'h Ifrdewlj _%mu& not 5: expqtmded precifelj and prapmb of tkedipinitj affhriff, *;That ~Zdch.7*9.* ‘9. Behold tbj VKir:g? canmh lawly-4-— :3 5] im,-.. prmr: ¥tr{fli2zgl_y and ‘in? “alfalfa manner ‘ expbtjmlad af%l:z§¢ mram A .am femfalcm, which *1et?S;aint Matthew" and Sainu?%JohnIm~m ‘appliedtoit. Theft-are afcw eifaycs whereby‘ to judge of mm- Vnyjothers. , And the le‘fsuMf1: CaIm_EnAand% Kcfirmgfl ate ‘gflilfi “ *@‘I%h7%AA*¢onii**ciafVi»¢t;Ld7é* ffi ‘Mr C’a%lm‘n, mu chiefly form krxprafions inwtlaeA.In]IiIi4t£an;r Aafioufi %Tri~nit}*,% A +11: *1? acquitted -5_1~3ib€V5nDfl Vlmrnrd of A A V the A ‘ A ” f@>flT~i3§i‘4fof £411” *1thoTE 9 ‘ ‘as § ~tImfe1'o manyA~piare:&f*.S’zf%i1>4mrt. _And z.‘f’ti»%“g“ ‘§ mah? hath . V 2 ,,\..;EL. ‘ ‘ v. nu. C4*°10£“*9‘*Wen*YP*“?fl9€””§.3‘*= w"*%th6fev%«E&:.awn ~cfp=°sai15? f:hVe&‘:9:rpm?4nd H9: fled of rbewraman; =Ge?wg *2; fi,,,,,;_r," v “M%'r“o7m‘fh*e1Mexpe2jition:6‘uV1¢rin &c. on ‘ w*a»w‘#=ddu we 15p¢'fl“£&.raré. gmam*»s;% Aapd? if he flbjlmrned 7 am» arguixrcd *%i0mthe ~ mung fort of ‘fuggcltixmm, ‘the-Rewicmai l,h7Cfi0f€fl; 2; to be A£vr9ief,A ‘:‘at1d**W~l:mh wwefl ;~prVcp*amPd%for it; by ~%ex-ptefing a’i,t,Zfika4 !*zesfasi.99 §9anv;€§£§%%&eé5:§sZ*mrk n.1s;fute”«iucumétn_ton him, i‘f,« as he*faid,‘t his defcnfatfiwe be [uiiedto wlaatelupludgd in hhtlréebalfi. For‘tis certain, that inhthe Bigraflun, Ihad To propoftd the deégzre, and undertaken to 'aipdicatthi~m from this /uggefiian, 7252.. that he wM4Pap:fl. »64_ teT-bleach: clofiad with tlahRm;zhnhn inger:j};_heV is An0nr~twi:hingtoh ;mf¢,—,t fromnhis ob/Errvatiau on _Rm. 1 2. 5. To that thereforel have turned, and there findino nntherttpremiflcx toward this can- ola/ian thanonely thefe, I. that Differ]! tx fudmlv, iafimmmm» Ecble/:74; Cdtholicm, ymdro: dc popnlo Romano Cbrifia gmure, that Prbafdfbathtwere diaffcrfldfram }'jnz:J.¢:a?¢--- iggattq Cbpfiman} of tk: people ofRame,and th at‘: thefe are there caliedrpamr: infert- ~'l"nu[}tbe;1mm.~cbilde'tnor ‘mafliulime birth, in refpede of the great 4 my/hmcj which afapcarcd in the:'CI:mrcla ofxom of tlvogfattituug, then 2; that the‘-Chunk of Rdme.lm’zla t/9:3 above atlmr Claflzcfin. that no ifClaurc3h fuéjcfledn more hapeopl: to the mm’ aftg‘ad, fa M24: lmfht «genome :53 that weapuo:fe,.wnfQ«hr1fl.pvere nutiivferior tn the .,*Marg T aid! tithe: afoid .1 tzthwwhe xegtfiitntnvf otbrr Chuivclm ‘ after the gzipoff-In death balongéofl in that. ;Novi“v; this being clearly appli¢_d'by him to the “infancy of fir]? Age: of” thehClmr1b, that which it firfl tfaid of the conflancyjis indeed much fog: the honour of the Primitive Romcmclmrch,-_ hutano way for the interqfi of l:;_I’1£€’,prefe12t,t~ which h;ahs?ingsmgchr.,»-depatttcd {tome the Primitive, cannot in any reflgfqn .ga¢rtp)tet;?61E;*e;h:o£m(qgic:.;;which hctthetenh tbcfi‘owt:onIt* tLthtate;in‘iafcnia;Iim“ rlzirtlar, at“ thcfioy} a:ppearing of it in W the world. . *So"tlikehwinIe~1; of the-ancient Roman Claxmla] iris, that he faith, it can-ziertedfqimany to the f¢u't‘r'a,h which is antmhtlp known, find aecknowledged in Hxylargg but tis:n0:tn«atn this dayetaifue fnmedt(witnefi)Tto liexhe foundation which their‘ Swapnmzzéy ~12 huilt. 3’ that h£t¢tr'thcnt;Apo]ll:a ;§“dz.¢¢lai Rome 1: being a abfief Matrapaizk, and (as the Imperial Se‘e)e [the moffcmimntty of~4£’1o"t«/au::, had the domtininzg aliammt of other (nitntis not 03mm"-t am, of a0)['Iaurclm,' is. not denied by any,tnreithc_r;t ancient, on modem, that I know 3.05. A Allwthe fubur£»£a§;a;;rx:1.¢{:gnttth1te‘gion,A fandn thIL*CI:urc/wit -in~that,nete‘were u~ndep :he,t1’r;£m4zcn‘wf Ream,» anndtbnatt {T Prihuteu nits with in; a1twhilettn;:loaittht;t? on,,, as nthet»Xflatri4rc*b A of the; W41‘: 394 ihsafiisfilfattierehg. téeé gtsbs !!9£.d.§ 959.-”9‘5W am: en E’! "n.9r;” hi my &lAe%pI,4¢¢. Army WE Th? 4% 3:41:55‘ '. atlfiswc §‘éz~r¢be«. fimg its mfqn ”intcrprctab%!c W fIrth¢r.¢t13m thQfe.,9Fhi¢b Rm: had arm- -warned!-'0 I13¢f4jtIa,.‘ not n<%¢¢ff8ti!yA road them. but to the W544 Mime 0:44 Prvviwfié. thc: W?’ C''"‘'-' M Prwivm. un:o%whi¢h. (as he in.!¢rPr¢<$) F11: WW2! is fais! We (and “ %fodchri{iimitJ 5?. Prfirfigérafl) When +?itW] <-%ag:uV‘AAb¥%tb¢ favour of Ezmrw 34 ~onpof¢d and much orp.z=1flr4ita= .Ramp md“;“1””t11¢f=. £~zer»l‘Arbarifwr. gnnd qw=ls*%:c.:ncm» ‘ % bring him, Vtbgt thE‘jhfi’i'{]fifl!fli0n' was,‘ whether _in_a partb'tula”t- ’ difcourfe concernixfgflugo Gra;igt:, after wthwe mention “of “his lfqrlfipll rfldm flnd‘iT"di/tlfligrtitzg fill ?d¢—f1g;n0f hgctting%%in at/var: A ,vi!’JANr»il[¢:rmirag:afii, or ofj8fl1iagbiw%%himfc%lf. 1-‘ it were Ian- %4f9n.ab|y ‘dfdgda % Vthatrbe Wwvf-War In hiaAoWr« wk/fer.A ?Aw§h¢nfm7i»g %%i%t1%itheAifiY‘=°fthaV¢ScrirMre (vifibw Lrefcrrad I0) fignifiesfalw -Ii»g ~»de'r con¢Jtv»»zevrio». and 2. whsmer ¢bc;appIyins:hisgr~ gqgrzal MApbar‘i]fm¢to this%~’m au;er, %,we.€”re$Vno%%t aipttojéegctmothers ,th ofe nu‘! fixzjmi/E:,%1Which%:lje%{w“as jyillipg to dijalgim : AMIF-in ¥3§¢-$4!vJP[ovr4im. 194‘ér1‘%efV»g°9§i‘,?‘w. rerfs:w*or:a»d r.t- junittag V%"4“’§;:‘¢- Lliead Clarifl *4%?¢f"’VL’5}L m f“??¢ffii*it IIW #3 fat‘/iirna ’ - Athefe babe nb: concérnéd, neither ém I, V arb1d;A11e“rcfor_eIfhall not furtherimportunea him inchagtt mfiatta-. A A ‘ ‘ , . W . as - To thy:friz%»}c21t3 0f% Arotimff pifzflex rcfliw, had fdr-% .«Vm=r1v4fP0!§€n. VshOu8h«#§hcVy We not 4(t9o£fibly) Vforrmrb Fri?’ 1 E as é A ‘M Cofitifiuatianrftba D%efiz2u W-*‘ %Bur&i‘bavidg%rio% Win’ '4¢k~A°W1¢3£M»:- fomewhar of *r’if*vi!itj >tofa,¢Vv£*bil “adizerftzrj; ‘¢?‘oVmmendnflm% pfla *‘¥f0me%%things rruh cu*mm§ix¢l£iM%& Yfixch fare is tbt’€a¢re%of”%g°55d¢7#"e) A admowledgment of a:¥=v¢z:¢ta‘ge~receive(13 by hiswriting: , readi-— nef: Aofperformizug any afiice &ofk£2m'n.~*f: to him; and finally pray» 4 v%'~%i“ng.VforAhim ; AH :hefe%are certai;1lyVnO more%Vtbcn#%j~dVge; ‘fishy ‘?rrrcm* to * flow {wibm be p Ad-"xffei:*ed% in“%opiaz*ibié; ' ‘af:**;l may Ofl¢1y‘«~%%fcr7_V‘f, tr‘) direffus to%t’l1e%~C'/érsflian Ir_xar%1 ’f1¢'43r of Hailing Wich74dvérf.ifiék,:i7tIihc“bf neé-~. vefr>1abouring{the*ir%min: or /ag4rtin*any*k1nd, “but doing them.. an pafiéh.-gm!. 4 And if in chismattcrthe "j1.€e;»rw!:rMwilI be moved W»ic!;)i%praé;z6le argumments I c ii norweill %tqjbew;:x“gnAagin¢d; jnjcaflfe fébiitzg «had? at*this time‘ bftéenf ::AEijzg:ge d ‘Afr‘o£I1‘th:e‘*optniqt14 Whichhe A of; ht :he—Am1:mg*‘ ‘ombe B0053 spa‘ garage}: jffhat hzdvir;g ma whaft thefefmgméntr fignific mgr. "to A have%7faid‘, A be wguia have cmcaaled‘ that, or thanbaxuy fuch pAaffagg1,WMhad,iJg$be”en in. the letter, would have been 1:.-fc_,fou_t:v;of3t;he~fra‘g?>gé)zi>r; bi1*bJ:ingn% in§*rh~we%fmgmat:, ? Wouwhave‘ been £ghvie'ij7¢r; L M A 57,:: f£por:ldA:abat ban-ferred 6_y~ ’ ; ~ifi'-fi‘bw~%¢trfan~% ‘iv %l’*kgAcfiappu§ itwhe‘ agt} aAAfm’* tlaMMpbflle.r and Meir bcgarerhwtrt - Mud, «:*'m‘2h* maAs.t3cotA79tia;i~5agai$’ifl¥%iw$cingV$fi: in Weir days: 5 wlnm-a ‘ A ndéngq thiw tkflimwj “muff! rrufllitcfd, ,“rbr« Gmfikkwaine %fe®er;~7waje kmwprevaulent 1baniuA“thaAr'tiwa%~ which» diam iiwgiz Aéjméd fmrwmeéwfl»Ia¢r:~*~*fi5a»€renmf 9 Nor can I z-»d«+#;»2»4ae»on~«w AT1fifimm4ArWfi=~fiW°f'b' 5’-""%":*’" 1”°”zlflv4= ‘.- g/IPofl»_.fi'rz'pt. -% M T % ..g.¢ )"';g[1'n;;‘I"€»3{ to "lie tlsewdeflouring ».wa%I violating of it: cbafiity; :vIaz‘ch4z2: commvrzlr sagmt a=urifvi==%g of it =13 *1“! 3?-‘=a%1mdd”gfw o9"t£ve§;za]?£c1q._r ; %ft:cIam‘ flaam-‘a’,tbs pure andincara ygptgd ~z¢:£rg‘init_;r% ofrka Clamécla.‘-, which itotigipxg cfammein'unto, that A %:3%farreigh: mzto it, and that wiziclv @g2vz1ek :r0Mrigi:mfl Vm:to&% Eeditionfiin . tiuéVC/mrclva 1:.sm%Aof¢1ae mind,» Md 1»%a'orzcei*a:é:%w;v4a §Enfeb ius [%t}:at%rtcited tljofe #:word,:,;t/93?: AA the Lgaod mm:iinténded‘t‘orrI1ptiem' flag cflgyn-lg, no\t~antofit, not oppcfltionx to fit. I % V % avg.‘ hatiufi cwfidemce A any man can havevaf his own afiilitiex ta % malgefinj thing p;»2_fl7:s£vle that be /5122 venture to utter] unlcfs it be found in a due care never to adventure: to xmer any thing, which «hath not perfcfi truth in it,‘%“I«4 acknowledge my {elf unable to apprehend. A But haw unfufily I am ‘here chargcdTof any kindyof V cancfdepce Ofmy am: ajivilizficxg, and h0W1unfi1fl'iciently awfmr in . efénce of the éncimt flkémrcb. writarx is here invalidated, Will, Ihope, {con appear, by a {horn vxew, I. of-my anfwer. z.bf the %waMrsd: of itffiimflahflv in % felfiofl‘ Whichfli 5? [ % J taha:%%wfiich7is% hgre¢éoéjg&Z~§'fdAVa%gaiassflthel fitncfs‘ ‘of my'4nfwr.* my to % '4." 1‘or.thé fir.§Vi‘,§I: mufi be remembred (sas1:h—earig’£nwl or :11’; % ' “ -9 debate) what from this teflimany ef HegpfippmVhe had (av) sfor-3 ’.his',Book A > _merly Vconciudcd, -my-:..e~A the corruption of the C'l::n-ab auto do-« ' .?1’erf¢ve’r. pzi. i:A'nI'w. to Animadv. ‘I Q. 13 . firifie: iwwtdiatdj‘ I/98. .11'vP€/$16?-“fW 4/lcvp. ~ whereof.» faith I h¢.%>*t49éfi=:wr ‘wi3{imfi4r%ri~W fxrarcbfiiutoAtlmwriring:%tIw oftbofi ’ day: do remain, zwiflwperlmpr" find more canfi to cmgpldis, than 13 aor1?wo#‘!r%im4gi#64’+ 4' 5. A Inch my apfzgwr was, »(_6)* than a1Y‘fl1dt-Hegefippus tbwé V f41i§l:,% ¢ :2 wvmly £49125, that {lea pqyfqn of the heretical or Apqfldtiaul, A % orL,d:£2eW£fli:a1§xéfliaIQg iaiaxprcfx mrdx, 11:2 «~LavJ‘a5 tv;.z@- W5’. M 36%;,‘ :13: aflt/oe~~wGna__[r’ick:fa{/Z] fi mflad, dud &'9.e.5Q* -2rAe€r’n, W xflbeiffical fedgvcem, % did openly f.{_t "up again]? the ma}; af»Cbrifl, 4 aufoan as 4é§r2er the cxfpcfllgx were ‘ dead, ~whic19*:ée£ng~l:} Heg¢fi:p- .« V V pus fermiaami .fi:5% the flzmfwaz Vdejjfifcmi and,perfi'cutbr.t~oftIae ~tme €’W¢b« L4n4%0rthodvx »:r-f¢1I'vr-r.“4tl:¢ gm-new mzm: that war- rizéd V the and ca2:_/famlj An-fifl£dV ;md%”Acomé4tad %%‘2vitJi,,J‘ f?€45l9‘, Végfiifififl M4 ‘ writtn: d ‘gainfi‘,».£:} tb:Fat§bera‘ audxdm'irn: arifvr-r$4 4*WT: z1€:vvr—»o5firz'v€éi -('1 4.M!zI’£?1' Eébm gdiwd Wm. A I A 1 V L or K unkind -pa./fer; A the iagolmraffia, _ A _ r_ ‘ A 6. «Tin tlzis. anfwer,itis‘rig$A‘t "poff§.15Ie‘ I flaould The Vf:ibje&%to»*"aT‘ny ' mzaaxe, if thisone rriatter of Afmfl be true“, thacrhe§Gniy?£ckcA ~ and»/Itbe£/rim! /:a'fl c‘er.r were the wry perfongrofwhorn aldnc” Hegefippm fpake, (‘for that thof: fwcrcwthe waiver, and that the rrrflsurcézu-m-ircrr ltgavc c‘dn{rant1ry%jArt-fttredmdrdé'tefl%d_"th%erjn;Aand x ‘no: fuck: any; rofgtbeir‘ A‘poyfdndu"ér "dofirines from ‘“th*em;«%i§ To Afavirdént, that this dntfrorr hathj nacither formerly um: nbw‘ fr‘xgg«efi- edrithe ’cmsztm:-1.‘) mxdrfor this in the n‘ex‘cAp*1acc, Izrp;i::‘a1‘ro A the exprefs words of Hag;/ippmr, therc at large fer ‘down in» (mg, but here onelyfi referred to, andmore 1m’:-fig touch: on-. A ‘bf infgfédwnf 1%/mt I¢m_/iflegree of t/3&1‘)-A pbjflm into tlwmgar tliefr wri? firing: rim are come“ to an 5Tz2; df4d’C0fld3t3’flfi, t"/Mt I/9kju]{f11nd , J ‘majtg,/I’, the fotfle mclam and 05.r£iada‘x p'rafe[farJ féau/d'f¢[Z%um¥ér r/me fame nzwy, that tire .//_3i'eplJem’rrrz5/5""c/2” aft laid down f/:::irY!£*zIz.r far tlJ‘eirf/mp, //Jaulu’ be drfdmed", “again mmyrd éj t /a‘**ir A —:}, undér rprmmje I/mht tb;_y aver; co‘ivj}*2Ir;1;jimf::5 by this rmtAI2ar-. ; 4 A 1'hc~Word»s’, as far"‘as this;mattér is c‘cmcern’d in them, I ffmll AA-re£:~ite~; ‘They are thefe, Enflzb. Eccl. Hiff; L1 I r. Kezp. 748552;.-; 5--E25}; ’Avr&~:—.*¢$A‘Arav xc'r§1@' J‘1aiq;royv“’éI?<.H~t." L A tEél%wi:"aléfi¢$mE-Quit affiivikgdqfirlilna, xkalkéd in darkmfx :vn%a’£,’-2 6'ePlm¢5leé,%, bltitfslvaffcrlwardj ( ihfi fkafim betterfaggreedwith nheir dafign) they did it Q,u;.cv;T’ne¢aA.§', zajith bead; lface, uttin Ioffdi r wife or care ofiftcre pr; With thxs mdced 1: would 9 2.. l s ., A . L not calmly be rccomcueable to fay, that the gm,/flak: were nwer marelénfie mr.prw.azen:l, than inltlae /i!pofl'1r.rtime.r5l And this he 1 l is plgafed to fer downllasl My fotying ; butlhath norlintimlmed the place, ~ where I~faidl.ir (as eazfily he mightl’hav£ d,zom. and I fup-s pofe would not ha>v"enéglc&é‘d to do, if he had; klnaown where. ) * For my part I rémcmévcr notjneithcr ‘éeliwa any; fucehl words eve-no have pafi frlommle-, Ifhe ”-lhallprociluce any that have the leafi found that way, I {hall not doubt togivejlhim an 4:--‘ awmtlofthem, fuel‘: asll'hall%fu£ficitntly fupm-fcde—tl1e mzclufian, jib eteferrc muff meaanl themg if l he lwm land canfid;¢mdVwhath¢: A W: A ‘£11€55%i’9'§@<;::llmAé;.lx;W~ltb3E:-z4tl1£'ifiic,4.lfl>'d#L7ianl mj firdm-mil, A and the U*t:"sféco=1;, lithe rrlioiom canviantionlnt aonfcldermrian ofthefig, mull needs figmific fame k11oWn.f1°Ef .l0Flb£retickxfin that age of the Church , be they Cerintlsimu , €’é£om'te,.¢, Niaolaitrduw, afirfamvndrianm, T:‘Blafi~lia’ia.»:‘, Jamrnilianx, 0rfi'af;frl.lth£m%l Va? ‘ lanliiwigm, Mm~.e£m1¢e:f, Jar llwflml: rlevczr l~e*lf¢‘“cambel fuppafed ,- Arld men. 9a»s;iéll«l fl x:lv":~ifl'g A man all; o:‘r*::mofi of male, 3 met and: agree in this:.~:mm~mon?nom:om‘?aflzhewfiuofliovb-5 fofmm tlnepoya A {Em anvfl mint olfallland each foftlzem, ltis llill. equally Aclmr, that ;tl1eCi.¢m~cJnl«o:“f~God,\land the lkamwn Gummaurx» and flazpberdx ' _*trhere~@l’, by Glad: grace l~and:£tl¢fin‘g4preferv£dlthmniellvgs, an} txprefi thclirl m;anf£mtl«lllappofirian and d£tl.°,fl'aIm'I2n, M tlwm , ; ‘a ngll: mmwht olmoll he “alzzoided off :21! wit fa ‘ be lmagiwed me have been laarrapmd bmrhgm tl(lhm.lo1mbc con-~ gram llwlhofcxemm was dlifclemeid to be In cwrn:pt:d;l,llwas mfi‘ out of rtlrre ~ll~C¥:7mwlall j and mlwir ,ca;m»uag doaélrlnmlillufirioufljr ~ wwnown ‘in flneirl .wr£«t4'ng: ~lagaixfa6, as when Mark is {aid by Enfi£w?m,to h»ave;con/limmi Char» Egypt, thefewirc (c) himall contained underthe Jgifarafe 1? 3:4(%’%A}7;e.‘,?¢ya9ge5gL :Tw¢g¢1xfu,L as by M4rk%comm¢it%ted% to wuimz.-3 and to th"e,CImr”cbd:‘ chm; belong to thwlainf r.V3’Ivtrop0'/AT: pf Girctag C]ar,t_yu:¢, artfiby %®:‘on]fim Bi/Zvap of aim in theplriral at Idlgxgmiria, the cbiaffldatrapalia of‘%”-’ (c)”Ecci.V ‘ hi/?.l.11.&4.. ~Ke@.uJ—‘g; .. ¢"C'ariI¢tb, called” émanaim mcgymz'?.-cm v-yogwtfzldv, “t/at 6/amrcb V ddjavcent .to~i.~c. the Pra'w'»m,0f Gartymn, Iffpeech be of an Vurdin4r},cit_1,‘ then the m-ritaay of that, and-Io the.- 9racg,otxiar.AIs that which wenow call It D5069/E {though J‘: oi-z % mu laztcidgntlj gnifigd atbérwifie) Territorium- eff unimr-§ fi}m.ag_rqrnmA.‘£g:;rg figzis mjufque; 1; civuitatia, %{aith(-1) A,.Pmpai-' mm ¢ (4.) 11%;: 39% (e) Paa- fa:-2: Tam- ;*.c£[£.' C8. (f)P.w- fan: na- ,.w'9. .p.' to 194 (g) M- la [.1 1.0. , _ (II) Pam-3 Jam: mo‘-1 .,efv9:p.%44% T08...’ ‘ J’-6 43° , H w~-hi¢Li;T7a nii is f~endre d; by;;Tbeo‘,0£ziliIJ Tevgg¥17wac§fz;A% .§;;,fy7;._;;gg ‘L ‘ I ‘ v ,. H ‘V ‘\ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' f‘- n‘ - ‘ ~':h5‘ni?7"i'.UB:f‘71'0w’~lV n?'ye9”I.»L T4/1 ‘Vt’-’€% regrrm which 14 under“ 1 , M A 4 aim And -fofat:her«downwaq:dVto warn‘: and viflagex am), as they are called 'z'O!.€_9l3{.fcbt“, parwcm, p4ri_/55:, the rxkarjjoréordering Vmaig/aéoiarkaad %isC%0mpreheBded under it. Anfi$d;“'f0}in,$.fumm£,§V % E?a71i{fl@;‘ »mherwif e %gappeaAri¢ng to be thé ~~ W fll£«trapgla*5at.rO£ a%llu4c§/miaw fias #2219154 was .bi1“e of the (e)’ five V4 ;yu‘}’@aL:* of %P:lopama:fiI: %*anVd” Vithis both *3-n7 1%:hé V C'ié:n'l ma Ecclefiaflicul Notiz:iz¢%4;% in “the Civil, as is eviden*t by the Praconfrds gkgeping;hismefidcéme there, A&sE~148=. I1. I 5.. ‘(Ca2'r£xtla being b=e%foft¥c‘ t,hi=s_ time\{f)VAdAe&roy¢d~ by/I‘4;;_m Aim, reedi.fledVby?u1im Cwfétr,» Asndwow V»$;1;;‘? (g) V gzmmiurz G’olor2jr§ % ' called A and bavitjg. 1a In A '.Pr»az=in%ce% ‘}beI%<:m.g1nVg mo Tit!“ :i:Kaezv9ié’s x-aigjgi the CAorTi%ntbi4}x% fi_g£o¢z)”»4and1'VinV the €co1efi£- »fiiva%l-, as"appéared% both by the gmerfal a'r5jncezo'ti;:l)r;C0r1 ‘- firmit} between the_ city and theA*C?Iat:rc:Al:‘,”noA%t onelyiti gaf- m- ages,» ”but,from the firfl, ~:ci;ted fmfma moflméci:mejear- n:ed_ «C/Mrcb«1?¢rit:¥r,;,% Acdmnt ~ 3. 9* ‘add m“or%*c “ A particzidmriy ca 5: “t«bj~ arihtld”, fixpwfs ggivrords of 5 ‘( 2') Saint clsryfaflame: *ith1s‘,% I -i‘a“€y,%%‘*A<:z:h“e42iu6*i%felargclyfup-» flaring,’ and: not deduccd «fi‘0m tb;¢ %54re?;/?}la[vracggIx'a}'o'aa »Ka%gzv6.5;»]% this Clcmrcla thus fiyled by%Clm2':m%, 4andcom-- pared wichlfimlx. firfiEpz_'/1%, w%m¢h4expr¢fly cbmpfehends mhg .9.ei:kt:¢fuJl.AcEaia,aanI1;yet (asis-%gramVj‘d ‘#69 an fides) A ~mag“reater» Elnzaxteut, -than Awxmc cwaiMV~w£ot‘¢% tbgA,$?4 by -:1: 9.: 2*.‘ * Th at Ait~-is! ‘ imufi unrgafowgufilé mo‘ ‘ia;m4z-911:) ifhag‘ efifh eh % my %pret_enfions mufi »hAave~§bla“c%é%, ”th%it%%t»h6fe '.Ef}7Wé.r %1;me;;A;4r»agmlds-WA‘ affirmed to bit that Pro«u;m-yer fe-y‘m”~fl_ Glo;¢r—cJ.w:,(fm' which ’:wasfnot yet: chit E¢raag;(-iéc*grew tdbe be Ecclafiazfiieal word) and not pm fingle C’/mrrb of ('03 ‘riritigbuu 31:! under that A A \tw2pbJ:33;<"; ‘*1? :2._ca%r~. :92 Q. or any where clfe. ‘ aV'nd ~CarintHr"é 1 a1}:onVe, for that is all one as to fay ‘Ewart and Pm&,aA w%%dr m*?¢»tim, and 2. vit]‘it1“*t‘baft ngim; ;%;ar¢»~ 4d%n:%.% %%%""5!"is""trut: the;('xéurcl:g to which the E«piflle ._r~ Awrinren, A wcomprefie A the S Wcrs w/:0/B tfer-% A T;4»»po/t;fmip:;‘ V were written :t_oaJl; thfly '67fix¢gséqbaf ‘of%;;..~AclaAz'4V ; A u3niced”%* in ?CqWrin1lp,~% %.iM£trgpalé;%i :n0;£* 3tb3t+T{@1§‘6'b4id;‘j% which had mm %ciI;ies.%A%;ir1 it was M;.oneVwith4 tiwrixat/a,mhaA;eAA4but am~,rhough-~ Metrap0/it£qa/‘¢;p$ ,. M E , L ’ % , ’ VA M fl . % Z0. 3 .7 Thaizgfof ;§ C,/atdrcloe: of flvkazia, befide »G’on'm'/9, tha; may/arAa4%?i%gA t.x;1refl7. named, and tlzemgh noo:hen% chances to btpj ¥1)1Js.Am*p1m‘tc1}.~% =mJ’em:ioned, sin: &*r%ipt‘2x;re, wbicAh=%;,wa s~ um: obliAg¢cd :0nv:I%,rixe%*:t1a”e fa?-;1»lA }Carogmpl;y:%;of ihe flpfiflm» P14Wfntim, } yet " ‘this %x’:ga;£e)e.?‘argrIm:':a# givei , A as ‘no reafon to doubt,“ but there were more agar.» inAclaaim. th en cbefctwo V(allQ‘wgrnp~1u-r: afiiuens of vmanyjand. theft in rem: praport1'an«~ converted to thefaivb, and form :4 imo[‘hu2€cbe.r,A in Saint jgaulx timgandfiefore C’1emmu M wriflzsg 1:0 the-m., However that one of V6’ana!a25M-Aconc%1udes«A m_mu£h, .35 I want; Cenclamz being 4nathrrcit_y»C‘lmrch; gjififgrcut from Cmnrh, and Vm;me*mA mig£&auring%to%ic; pm Qfits. tvarn7my,LAand under irlasa dmgle5wrAund4wer aAMee~-~ zrapalzls.‘ ‘\ , _ A 4| A'zz;,% A 4.~Thfi£%%C7k*Jfaflam¢, thawt%fp%eaks of comm as a jm-traé: « A pqlnigiml C1guri§b~;~"‘Afmaks% of it? not (as this Author pratmds.) goncljjx’ tlee po“l;'t;iVml,,hutEcalcfiafliaal nation, and not anely» min 19:34;-;w;»:,h