A. Ao’r01 ’Aitto*A mrnrxmx. A A V ii F 0 at R E ' APOLQGICALL TRACTS "EXHIBITED ii T6 theSupre111e,Se1f——~madeAuthtityg V now ereéted in,under the Commons njameof E LA? A W/iereifl :36 fmorzzed, That tlieir uttparallefd .A”5i:S,I'I‘] behead.-A A ing the molt Chrifiian King, mulling the Regal’! Office , difclaiming the knowne I-Icire , V C‘ ‘HA R 13 E S the II. and declaring 4 ' it Tffiazfifl to refell their Ertouts, A A Arc diamctricxdly oppofitc tothc Scripturc.s,the grcatcft Opprobrie to Chtifiianityi that ever was in the world;, and, without true Rcpcntanccgwill cithert make .E2agl:z;¢c{ not .Chtiflian, or A A " no“Engl1ThNation.‘ i 3.‘ I 6.. ‘(Quint ’s.=Ts.~: ga6!..7@* iyriévdrrt rfiif’ c3rp«3'oc2t_,tz3flJ° aiu~7°~fif'. lltilimr VP9*o..vms0,_.,g1ori4 Deb. E ....u............_ A By T. By. :51 Ccnfcicntiotts zimidOrthod:ox Divine. A P1“ii1tcd in the Yeare, I6 4.9.t A Memowtuoosttttattamrttatrtttttt~etetmatatattetsatat ?§?s%?5§'?§.’§3%5i7r“‘i?$"§‘?@$f‘§§?‘5I§S§s%%%i? ¢higo11*ét1dr&1hiig11tyCombrinatio-n at VVEs'rM1Ns'rER;.w110ni’cilre them» 4 M - V fc1v'éstrt'hc' rsupréame Authority of this ' «A TI on N. ‘ ‘ “ ‘A ‘T21: neit/aerprefltm1_2tion~,. nor dt. '.~/134ir€tn’0fW?‘/’?’W/7- 7300”? .\.;.“"‘i‘¢,. cenl may team,‘ or the tot/yer. ereinyonr 1152‘: contrnry t/ae Sorijztnrex, j’ /90 ejtnaill be no tron‘ on to tellyon, t/mt; ‘I/:59 e ‘Trnfls nre 4 orderb %comvetfntion5 magninji‘ deviation A princzple: of oelief wit/9 Herefles no» on every turn. W M r A The flpo/L‘/e.r rnet/nod z§:foZlowea',_nnt{ t/ye jtewelspnt zntoyonr enresgnre orient. 3\@r 235 t/Jet/Intborfo Aplnnc/red, lent, zfyozt plea/e to nccept,/ae ctznpromzfe better. :Yet not zoprove, neyonr/fthodo, ztnpnrnl/ell"d. ce 5 not! preflenting e/12. For remdm’your%% Sagremacy M ‘on t/9em,tbzzt M/zznzo z.»be7»:p»:»o:ee:mz~a:a:a2«a:mt»»z«4a»taeta»t«»:«»t»»:»¢«»ta»:»g:e«»1mr»&mt»»tear«~:o»:~»ro:e:~:o»:pe:» A x A ‘ po 2ooooooo@o@ooo@oooo@o °IaeI«*»Iw“;*aéTo~»Iv~Xm:aio¢:£«°z°«zi:’e¥vIoeI°«atr-at-éI°=¥= V‘ _ V14 1\0";/at aL7rv>xo7m7m_3z.. pong APOLOGICAL TR ACT oEXH%IB1@To.Eo 4 '_T0 the Supreme , Selflmade Autho?-“:7 A my, now erecfted in, under the Commons 5 ‘ 'x.%;:‘a7a£f3/fine Du?) vrsa'crg1a€’u9gam*iVpqc7ia'e:, c!1zEc&‘~ udgzoy; osnbmitoo ye therefore to ever} /mvmavze ordinance of 721412 for . [-4 Any‘ ‘ A v« Ix» ~ ‘is Me Lordxfa/ga. A x. ..__.._+ ______ __ vu---— a "' ‘ 5-up-an ....m-awn-vuuww-quot my mum Wfifilifir "L"\|w!- H .u...¢.- - .4 .1 «macaw! * _, .‘ A ’TRAoC T; I, W A7‘ from. thegeneralloto the fpeciall: Having %£E:t:A ‘ ' ~ 2' 1i1AetHod?oVf’o;IA:hoHpofileois, ia‘ fbAefi ad%~bypatbefl7z,‘ A I ‘ A forth a Chrifcizm life in profeffion, and man-~A» A ncra 5‘ hooebxhorts unto a proficilmcy therein. ‘ in_g‘oodn::='flEI:o.falvationlA u . I 'r /, ’ 0-7;, 7. cm 1 I \ W, Asifevill were not laidafide unleffc We grow 15 ”'r,eq\‘JiAfi.'te-‘. a1E'?oo?AtHAat:o:. eoofhfength A proceed fro n1 A otomilkfi of Ache.4_Word,:Ihou1d appmr unto'oe7v'i-1AdeAAtérs.~A A ‘A A “ .»N**LI11to'¥“ AA[1:sifi<_:: GAodtit1= the day ofvAifitatifont. A 3 A U555 tfiem 5A t_H‘al:<- they, by our works conviffcd, may gig... T‘hat’§ the Vfutnmc ofiwhafs cbfifbreé A i Nowhhe id*¢f'cex1dAsAun to particulars 2 wAheré’ofoh edientC¢;t0 5UP€’1‘i0AAl1A;P5‘i3 theificrfl-A Mid‘ fitmb ABfiCaAL§tfiAfifAfi to God, ‘11~gAthofi*r{i Table,» and,in twhefecond, *tAoAthe KingAfirfc.; % A At At * - ‘ AV The propofition is, that ye bC:*:_fi.1b]€a3' to every order ofMa--M giiiratesflvhether prece1Alent~,«oAr mifli+v‘e;i‘ A c j ¢Your fslves are the fi1bje&_.,M ye: filbmiffion is the predicate, _ fubmit: all power the Qhieétg unto every humane ordinance. This is all, and to thisA%a*ll arcperfwadedimwitla an illativc-_.,h therefore 5% For. thci“ALord’isfake, qtherfifofefilbmitii 376110" every ‘humane ordinance. “OW i A A A A The iilative, 0u»'i'AAfbeA1~efore, from the Former verfe goeth unto 61:4? x_ufezar; in th'is,:,.ahdA15i*oc1aimcsh thetttL.o1*idschm1ouAr in he unitcd in,,ancdAjforAtheL0rd. A A A As ifwe could not:he*true?LChriflians,;and not obechent 3 nor to uly obeAd%ient,m_,hand ‘,nOt'* mzta emery humane Aordi22421CeAA5.tnior all every part otfthA~eTexAt. A The? fuhjeét, p rediAcate,A ohj’c’&,, aVlI"'11az1Affc~c this; zihd‘ not, em «‘2‘* A>w'wv :» for, theLord:,.faI{e-’c‘c*c‘i * it A The Lords caufe thehiih: h-and tel”“s tf§ Why St Paul Rom. I 3 .1; cfliit. 3. 1%. andASt:Peter here a1fc*f0A‘vehiemtent in thecommem A qnj~:ofthc'Evangclicall Law Theyifuppofcd.:,that,jg A Galilaem was‘ head: mad‘ *3 '55 Ae£.infaIy~‘0Af- thavtuflmitry c... _, ._. HE A da1;ionAAof thishduty, ~ ’ For the Lords fake it is, A hAisidignityA; but not Adctra‘6i;ecAi.A \ At flake it was, and mifprifionxgrcat as éverA*AA5 might Well: brih gI‘f’b1*th‘i iea1‘to‘uf:ies‘,‘ AiAAfeEAtA*é9: “Ef'pc"cia1'i1y,‘ithei énAAémiieAs at‘ the Gofpel being confcious that Rcligionis a furpafling pre-~ tence in Rebelliom A” ’ A A A n this principle the j’em,and Gemiley, had a finifler opi$- rule of God a;ndhNatuxA?e, it gave liberty of non ~fubjé&ibiri1fi to Princes. c ~ it ‘ V? T “ ‘ ’ t Vt; Of this Chrifl Wastemptcdfby the Herodz}m:,o M at; The Apofiles ‘ aftccr,fandh many of theihDif‘cEip1es bein; ):‘,\Wi'A«I£.A*fAA'AJA am were filflleficd much bytlteiliamanx. A 1'? t N ‘:5 “L Hy“! z '- ,A For iu_theA dayes of the tribute t»he+vA feHi~titousA.WHmW'eof§‘uJ:w A srz!.r2€I.!:#I§:a.1!S913.f1f~I31is- A67: 5- “cw yy ,f.}j[ci*'iyheld obedience flavery, and therefore the few: me 0-? there: branded the Galilean: with ciifloyai "e. t ’ t r i Yea, the Primitive Chrifiians were, as they aecounted Erm- perours, as EmperAours,y,the enemies of Chriit, by raging ii tyrants curioufly tormented, and perfiacuted violently. 4 i The very ground of thofe bloody times westhe iealoufiei of an l.X'1COI1'iifiZ€flC€ between obedience, and Chrifiianity. _ ‘ i ’Tis the report of fufiin Martyr, Clemerzr,/Alex47zdrz'7zzz5,S. Au-9 yufly APO; 2; gufline, and the Fathers gerieraily ever the truth. A clam. firo-m.4. A S. C/)1‘) foffome, anirnadverting this, termed their doétrine re- A?lg- in Pfal. prehenfible, thatunder pretext of Religion drew inferiours, “8' 5”‘ 3“ contrary to the obedienciall Law, from iixperiours. ' His reef‘ on is to the purpofe: For thereby occafion is given‘ r unto tlnifidels, edzxerfum no: aperire om, lzrzgfldfqg ralaxare, to open 9,. 9, 55,, 4, . temporall Kings .3 theirAnio‘uths, and Ioofe their tongues againfc us.‘ yy Chriifiythverefore, and his Apoiileslaboured to difpofies the A few: and Gentile: of this humour. ‘ A A V . t V t-He would have Tribute paid to whom its due, Mat. 22. 2 1. _ and they prayers made for Kings_.,and all that be in authority, Cigyf‘ m I~Tim_ 2, 11 2%. Neg; mm Rage: Damn ralelmrzt, nor did tI1ro{‘e:‘5.m._"‘§.'9'I‘ Kings then worfhip God. A W W 4 T i j t A r The Chriflrians after never minced this. Whofe zeaie was fervent, they continued confcantthteretoi. I A A t 7 , iffertulliarz unto Scapula; the Prefident of Africa, writes thus :?‘1‘ermI.ed Celimm Imreratarem fie, rquameda er‘ nabzlr licet, 69" ijifi expedit, at be-i~ t 5541* €’-’4P~2- mizzemi 4 Dee ffecmzdmn, ere. We worfhip the Eznperour (0, as is both Iawfull for us, andexpedient for him, as many the fecond’ from,_end Ieffe then God only. AA * ; ~ : 4 i r_ r A e And S. Augefline asketh, in qua rCbrz‘j1z'a22z‘ nan rm terrefii: Re-v gibm objecuti-.9 iwherein ~C‘hriPnAiAans are not obfequiousunto They yeildeel the honour oflreverence to their “performer, ~ 0F obedience to their Laws, of patience to their puniihnientsg f of maintenance to their‘efh1tes,e and of fidelity to »their Crowns. Qtpd debitum mm reddflhruzzt? W'i1attWa.S due, that they reentheidy Never was the doéirine of the peoples arming againfi theiri A APri.nee Ae;:yee%ep till late Aby._)Zeft1;itree;,AitP£n«eba»ptiiEs,siren ri - W A V B 2 i tans, emf- in Tit. Allg- in Prair I18. Ser-A 3!-A (4) taxis, Libercinegt NAovi1ifis;t I know not whatto call theft], Devoute Athiefis. A A “ j ~ A A A A Andnever till within this hedfe year, and no where, fave in England, vc{asArxticihri€§:ie:1ifngce§t %1_chl;eiglf%, as tfi makg 3%--’ icemurtter me tingiezla -C e Ingy o eenu , an t ed upholders !:her€0fTra5;t:0rS. . V « ‘A I A “ A A ’Tis high tirne then to flir with tongue, pen, Ste, even for . you alfo rye learned, and holy Aflemhly of Divinest high time. Who value Ptelgion, and have any courage for the truth fear A not to die the (word with your blood, and turne the edge thereof with your bones- r M Cahfe there is, and who obfisrve that, Ag_:u"3',A therefofc1oo~ keth backward, and forward, may find it iufl enough. A F ifflg in the former verfe: The Gentile: are conviflsed by‘ A our goodworks: this Work therefore, as firfl in the Law,” ihould be well done, that they may glorifie God in the day of A viifitatiota. Secondly, in this verfe :‘ The Lord is the Author offuchd Rom, 13.1. ordinance, and not the people. Obedience therefore ought tolbe pay’d for the Lords fake-:,acco1‘din g to his Will, nottheirh Thirdliyg in the next verfe 5 MagiPrmtesA are ordained for the punifhment ofthe bad,but to reward the ‘good. For thept1— nifhment thereforeof evil doers, and the praife of them that dowell, let the higherpowers be handled revercntly. to his profeflioxig, andtAA;a?n ofl?encAe*to thevery Etbnicl§:5A that pro-~ fefling theGofpe1 byhis Works diflblvcs the Law,which Chrifi? came to fulfil. A A A r Nan ex verbzir dogmata, verum ex ipfi: rebm @“ vim Gentile: judi- [An Tit, 2, 9, A care confueoerunt. For it was not the Gentiles cufiome to judge Serm. 4. ourtenets by words, in deeds, and life it was, {'0 Saint Chri- I And A do not the }’ewAe:,tTur1§5,AHeatbem, and all ‘forts of Chrifcians , that are not, in order Withfithe prime abctters of Antichrifiian Democratic 9- Aobjea: our grofle breach of na- ture. ‘ . A A A A A A A r 4 And W°11?mY :{For: it Chtifi Lo.t§!9fL9£d9a_and King V Bri11gt‘th¢f§,mgctherrr :r_He ista dAihhAo.nour to God, at feandall Cs 3 'o"fKingé, eIf‘.'l' *6. they that in the heme of thepeoplefii depofed, beheaded their moii Cheifiian King, that aflhme the Supreme Authority as the peoples Reprefentatives, phI:oc1ai1ne‘i t the right. Heirs: to the Kingdome, C HA R L E S tbe Secand, and all thavadheiret to Him Traytours, do fo much as in them Iieth to :overthrow thedominion '0fJ¢fi1S. A A “ V tWifdome faith , by me King: reigns. Prov. 8-d V I5» ]€fi1- ‘ eitedkAneabaptifis, Franchified coniifioriants , andiscotizedi zelots will have the people confiitute their King, Lucifer‘ would be exalted above‘ God, and tthefeeije high to dethtone V Take heed : Chrifiis afione, and rock of offence. Who fallfoule on him, orithem fallinghe grindes to powder. ‘ iff Oljeéied tbe King we a Tyrant, e9"c. . Tyrant, and his m’ercies‘over all ‘His works? N072 bene com: verzimzt. A Yet grant that King Cheri: the Firff ‘ofblefied memory had been a Tyrant, an Infidell" too, were not we by theilaw A of God, ofNature, and Nation: bound itoacknowledg Him, A as ;Kinig, Gods Vi“cegerent,‘aI1‘d our dread Sioveirdadig11e ? A “But He next‘under’Ch’riPc wasthe greateii defenderi in the“ world of the‘ true Catholike faith, His converfation every way anfwerableetto His profeflion, and His Wifdotne fuf‘fic:ient- to be in all caufes, Ecclefieafiicall, and Civil, Supreme Mode-V ratour. i “ i A ‘ A In both fortunes the fame fiill. In His life, andideathl-Iefof well trod the flaps OfOI.1I'_]efLlS Mafier, that His parallel, fince Chrifl, will not be found in the Chronicles ofthe Kings. V A Who then fell from Him "either in refpeéitd His p,erf'on, or in obedience to His iufi Con%m1an‘ds_.,i jcryed upa Malignant 5 party to the taking away‘ of Hislife, andufli1l‘purfi.1eitheir ' bloudy defivgn-eagainfc Hi§i‘fu‘ccefl‘our_.i,” and a1lfaithfi1l1Sub- je&s,have denied the Lordfhip of out Savi0ur,and Without re-so p-entance provoked «Gods wrath to the mine of their owne A Can ye temember the Oa}:h,~t0f' Allegietncc, of Supre-~ M “ macy, the Protefiation, your tCOYt¢nantiat1fo to miin;te%§1cii 0:’). 59011- ‘Where ms (*6) Mzfmfiios ‘i”x.0y‘éIItl Perfotaaatad Digpity 5? tAndtmaAyyEthi1ik o =itfi:ar1%ds; with Pro teétaxtts to turn Pri1c11l1anifis,or be forfvvorn under a colour offleligion? . A t A V Can ye make Info of the Kit1gs%CoinetWith»a quietConf'ci- — ence, and not learn: of our Saviour, by theimage there, to: V givc C aejar his right? Candy: read Catroztm Dex’ gratin, Charla by thegracedf God King, 58cc. and ytc thrufi God from the throneg, and'fet up 3 fupremacy, Gratiatfopuli, By the grace of the People ‘? V 4 Who 11 ath bewitched AA5Arou thAAaitAhaviAng eyes ye foe not, nor «heated with your” earAs_.,o~ nor poerceive with your unde.rfiand- tin ,? t h ‘ h to AA ‘ A A (‘The enli‘g_{_§’A2tAe7z_yoAurmiA72d:, and Adiréé?_}*oittrjud,t{emént:, conform your W511, and molfifie your heart: tbat ye fall not ima areprabate fenjé. » Bound ther'efore to obey God rather then man, I dare not .afi'em:. to them thatoraiféd, andhmaincaincrd forces, whichwac Edge-bill, 7Bta22dford,o Glaucefler, Newbur} fhfififfl BA4?2£’H1_')jo_-o," L2"-do Maiefiie wasfliligyel, ANBw5fl7:ytI1€Af€COIid, and ‘Nazeby Fight, for the Lords in Perfon. ‘Cant. 2. I 5. A cetbtmrfed; A G¢n?“;j49*;t fake endeavoured to deflroy theAnno;intcd of theiLord:which,t when afterwards His Majefiie went from W0.'.4r:farti tugoto them, kept Him ualmofc‘ three yea1*sPriFomhehr”5 tried, cond¢mn‘cd,t andon [the thirtieth of A 3'flamt4U.1648. o“beh~c:ad-‘” dd Him 3 which havcqnow madctant Aétto deprive the late Kingfs Hcires of thc"Crow11c, Voted Regality ufeleflé, ere&~ edaAAF:ec-fiate, fiiled the Commons the fixpreme AUthOI'ity5~«'.. of this,Na.;ion ;,,v dcolapcd ‘tn 7F1‘€§»f9~I1.t0;1:hWartthCir”pr0- cite-dit”*1g:?‘SA¢é1try§fiA2vay. A o d V . A A % M g t A A “Stand amaz’dy'etHeavcnst.! and tremble 0 Earth! I am a Chrifliana andOrthodox, fio blind Zoclot, nor Apoflate. In arcmzum eormn ne irzgreditor azzima memln to th sir fecrct let not my foulcomeg m;y‘\gIoryMbc not hthtoutvi yncdwith thciraffinablyz For rvbzfetzzzzger ma: zgebemezgt and h furnzzr ttcrmatll, Abraghamt mam. A Yetl according to my voWfl1aIItAAevorAhé_reédy in their atlfxftancc, who having Authority cxpeét iableffing ofC-‘rod, and would not be upbraided Wjgla the ttnfaithfulncffe of the M%a‘11it1ieeé‘, to liuflt ..oth,;A”Qf?:” Flor: ts thatw jargtctading to ptqrt,tu:,1demi1ne the chtu~ch.{t" filpa-..’ % The (’7h>tt A” moft zealoustof them are Adamites, Catharifls, Do»- A ,hn;3;iftsh., Libertines‘,Anahbahptifrs , Antixiomians, Brownifls, to whom Supremacy is P’ope:ty,“ §ndhM‘agifltacy, under God. *~a’n7dh the King;Tyrannie. ” A Had they not arzotli me tmigere on the lip, theihrthdifcovery. _ would be difficult. For as 8- Bernard faithg bani videri. mm ejfe 5 mall’ 72072 videri, fizd eff? uolmzthst theywillftcme and not be good; . 7 '4 t d " f * d°be‘e.vt'tlt Ova: I: bitu afiu wzl ‘ 52 1 Em‘ “”‘””‘ fl1’ehep“i‘5n hta3bi*t57”iiit»tiJvi‘I*.in etffifotxes, "Wolves i If cbuél 1557. A 80 cmtll and prevalent, that if God prevent t1;w1_c>;,¢ 1:hey"Ie “ti’c'1:H"huph61d the power théyhhave purchafcd to équzlll the Y ‘Crowne and..the~Cot1I‘ter: That they will, or n1akeVEnglazzd as _wafiq as then Palatinrzte in fermany. W * «gm nv - “M Ii?My}?heiifiéiV*blc¢*c§s%hnt9 tni;ndttAt‘wh[»eteto _ thqhfc men ténd 5. W and: ‘wh¢¢re*i71‘1‘f0tI?thPtcIigiQtn‘~tfufFers byt‘t‘h¢na.Lt 1" V "V A A” ‘A4 \ r g‘ r '1 22,) ?”ObEdi£3 nbe hunt’0*tSuhpE1’10n.rs‘"Whasj won: ‘t to Apologize Abéfgrfg I V Tyrantsfor Chrihfliatrityté: tB'm: obfcinacymnow in Rebellion, St :prqp4araci0t11 in“it~0lIe:ati4ng-all mauneryof imtpitttiwto fuffaine titan;~iflfli£”“’"??~i”fidW“t €t?‘?”"',"?~*m{?J? j¢4"f4mthR.*0:5ethshunwgortihily cbryfiam ~%rgitv:’&stherfwfie1é¥Ik téfifé ?tj0"€w1L1r1?1‘niatie' Chriflianb; atud déthpice M t A ~ "Whe1*tatvtt~he wdr1d’mi1f’t'beIee\7ethe prdféffiidhjufiitiaries aime,‘ ”I” am fare and the event dfhewcs, that the refiftingof A Rtegaall oW~er,=i;s notthetway to convert,ox;}rcforine. , M ; % M .t Nouch Way ”‘1"n+Vthtet "of the; Kiiigdoniegand in‘“1;hc GoTpc1" no fuchii. Whatfs edified "in Monarchy iS¥:d¢rI1o1ifhed* by Anar<=hY- x:m2- t » For"tis well krgown that peatcct fubfiffs i1jot7 withhoi1thAu-a- ~ thority, nor can the cffence of 21 Kingddme well bchwitlxoutr ' Nay; ’R‘eIig?ion—. taemestoag "*§vI;‘crftFi”E!; an 1o‘or¢.-.» ;.~‘1mw f}:iaMl*l‘W_a Paganhhdectncf aar‘*proFeflioh‘ i~ight,"], tv§ihat1Iintt;a,: A confufionaof '¢pinions ‘too manyi contradtiét the pfihciplts Of‘ Chr~'1fiianity.t A ‘ *1 A J A A Sohe th«atttwduId;be 3.1”‘ good‘ Chrif’ciajn, “doubtst what Chriétttt 'fliaf1tt.“0:tb8«-t A 9 A A M M M A t ‘A For this caufe, ‘even that tPteIi“gibnttm§.ytfh‘flOu,f?i’ "iii fie’achc} L by the ditinc affifianc¢. 1113.11 .n§t€£ f9rst?c}fGad ogr ;S’avz'our.~ 1~Ti§n. 2. 1, 2, 3,’ A _ V‘ " ‘B£efléd‘ALord,4 yy£“*flWe.#-tfjg ~»rz'_gbt %He‘z‘re% of tbu Cmw2eAta Ha King- dg;-m£‘_.,. and proper fiD,_ig72z'~>tzA'c*.r. ,%f2"urm:§ the "heart: tbofe wbic/J. are a- gain/I, V unto mm, A and rem-ne Him in f4f£‘t_)’.3 and peace unto Be fa prapitibmj, =.rbatAzmder Him wermay lifve aq;tiet_., a72dAGod{yVlife to I13} gl.aT_)’",‘ and our; comfort. ;.Irzkt/J} mercy *laoi%l§”upo72 mAA: b1at#a’/aurfizzne: AA outofAtbyireme77ibfanct%,. Lakzzifibm tbyibegrézfziied AA£00dvL0Fd~4:€* liverm. » 1beeechyouanimiadverawhat rummgmy1‘aaa11reprc;znt “Will to“%enjOVy’”thé“truth;A M True Chrifiians, Aifthxfoughigno ‘in t1his‘C%hara€’cér;‘%4 AndGod_grant, tha.t__ feei;.ng«ye mayhavc aAa%1i£:e, V ‘or;ii1"firfi1i’Vtic:s théy ~ch““am:e‘to'giv‘e at fcsmdall at ‘home, A {oAr»abi‘A0a.d_., 3 qfpurp\ofe,wj11 A "tdclear thennfizlfvés before th am*a:m unwerrA neven. Becaufe th¢rcb}* ‘t"hé“y_Amay, V to §!1r9A?diAA[;h0110A11i‘« £1f;AA4the Lord; AbbLth%Athri1{iToi1ie%£ron3, *th:1t.gar‘*c in, andkeep Aothéifs off, that wdL11d4com»’c:’ to.Ath,e truth, A Whereof at the firfl planting théy‘_were,‘ and Hill ar¢fi“1fpg-E’ced,% they be pefolyegl A A %¢ V*7“----- - ....... . ,...... _ Yea e N the firfitverfe of the Former Chepter, this Epiflle is A direéted to the E1e&,t.that dwell here, and there, as. flxfangers. - %_ M Underfland thereby. the Churcl-1-militant; For mcpsca3-£- Man; are thofe, that be in atftrange foile. And fuch we account the Saints on Earth. They have no continuu- ing Citie here, but fecke one to come. Heb. I3. 14. tWhofc converfations are in heaven be pilgrims in this world. So fczcpla fiiled hin1fe1f;3gGen.47.e 9. and fo did _ 1 Dazzid. Pf-al. I I 9. I 9. A \ A AI0W>‘°€9‘ difperfion alfo fuitat well with] the Church, wthéu: is not tconfined to anycertaine place, but fcattered t over the face of the earth. A A Whom Cherifi congregateth, filch arcthe formes of A God. fabiz 11. 52. Ab Orieme ad Occideiztem, bz'r2ce‘M‘7zd%: colligendi, from the Eat’: unto the Weft, hence, and thence gathered. The Adif'perfed of Ijrael, Pfal. 147. 2. and M Ifa.’56. 8; are, fccundum /fziritum, the -houfholdh of the “Lord. he c A They therefore that refitaine, ya, to the fewex cnely, in my opinion, miftakegthe Text. c _ A Fortthough St- Peter were the Apt:-Pele of the }‘ewe:, and t did for thegmofl; part teach in judea, yet it cannot be g.?1infay"d, that he invepenning hadregard of the whole ‘ ” [Andif we obferve the tcngt. vcrfc cf thisChaptcr, or e the V c. 15. v ‘Cbryf. in Rom. I 3.. . Ser. 23. lthelthlrd of the fourth it‘A’s A Pagans. Mat. 22. e.1.;.y;Lz4lge 20 2'5; Io) _ apparent that he includeth the converts of the Gerztilex, ““ l Iblame not rthier piety who here point out the fewer , But doe yAe,vVhat*ye can‘; all your iophillrie {hall ; never carry you off hence without Rebellion. The yfenfe being thus generall ’tis evzdent, ‘ice, A rreacheth To farre as, 75% '~lt/X7‘? _-, every foule Ram. 1351- 1" . ‘ — Every one exempteth none. ffew , tandGe72tz'le5 Ec- clefiafrike, and Laike; Whofoever yeeareg or Wl1atfo- ever ye would be,ye mull be fubjcft everyone. ’Tis certaine our Saviour, when he faid’*givee to Cefar the things that are Cree/hrs, fpake ‘as Well 05 the high Priefl-s, Scribes, Pharifes , Patriarch Peters, and A the Selfe-made Reprefeyzmltizxes , as of the people, Jews, and Wee, foreourparts, lldeldiclated.byBaptil'mc, taught in the word, and fed at the Enchyarilt , have offered our ‘felves living facrifices: to the Lords. Whole Gyovsnanted We are, his ohfervants we ought to be. ' r ’ A ]2'7'2ul_de ;d0;_. Satzirpre fcriptum laabemm, faith Tertizllien,””“we“Chrifiian/s ‘have it ‘fufficiently prefcribedyin =o1mm? nor obfequio ejfa opartere fubditox, that We in all obfequie omughty to be fubjeét unto Magifirates, both Princes, and Powers. S Siva Apoflolm, five Ewzrzgelzfla, five Propbeta, five qufgui: vtzmdem fuerir, : Whoforeverl thou “art, A rfhethere Apoltlre, A Aug. in pm. or Evangelifl, or Prophet thoulowefl this fnbie&ion,"fo 118. .5151’-3 x. Saint: Cbrifoflame. Saint Augufiine, Sainrt Bernard, &*.c; tconiu Bem In FP- cur in this. A A 420 Whpfever thou art implies Chrifiian ..ever.e If the A Apoflles, Evangc1ifls,,'Prophets 5 or any elf}: were snot: freed from fubjefiion, on how dare ye, who calfyour felves the Commons of England, render lyour {elves the Supreme I Allthority. Dothambition, alndmovetoufncllermakeyou A prefume? or are ye'Apoflates, or Athcilfs ye ? 4 _ 5UI‘V¢y flnti uity, and ‘ your Independency: will no r Where he foun 3 not your Dycmocraticalyl e Presbyterie. S V S e S 7 ' S’ S.Pau_! I w d(1I) 8. Paul appealed unto Cefar, Acts 2;. I I. The Martyrs ; Confefiours, and devout Bifhops never pleaded immunity from fuperiours afgainfl their perfecutou rs. ’ . Nor can the: Bi stop of Rome in his ufurpation, nor ye, . and your Seéizaries inhyours, quit your {elves ofAnri-A cchrifiianiime. - _ N or are ‘ye, whatfoever is pretended, fo far ,as ye make the fimpletpeopole beleeve, from -Popery herein. t What Beflarmizze urgeth fornhis Holinefle of Rome, yerBeIIar._de p_ argue for your felves. Ifdireéfly ye may not_.,ye will indi- 1’°”*if- ROW reétly be Supreme. ~ ~ . g ‘ r r 1' 5'°' 1‘ Your Preachers too afpire unto that height all. _‘Tem- poralir poteflm Spirimali pmerifb fzrbjicitur , ’tis very meet _.,, fay they,the Temporal! power fchouldftoop unto the Spirhzuall. ; Every onérrthéfore contends to be {'0 abfolute Within hiscircuite, as the mafier in his family. 1 A Good God ; What a world of Supremacy [hall we a have? Knoxe: pupils governs: the people, teach them to regulate the Nobles , and both make the King non thing. r Such doftrine as moft adverfe to the Scripturesg, and Lawes of the Kingdome, whofoever vented ,., be- them. forethcfe times, were found worthy to be rewarded at 5[&burne;y to » pp” p r o t r e _ Yee,~ thenyexcludesnotnc. #rNOtjyrthe,Qt1_¢encr 5 She hath no finch priviledge,, no, not any, fave the King; of the Royall Progeny, nor the Nobles, nor Favourites, norrDe1agates, much lefl'e thofe up that are inooffice by 4 Who A come , not within the verge of .RegaIicy are Jesiférminatcd Ache Iifis of Ch;rifl1ianity. eChril7thihath no Kin dome hifhe be not King: nor are ye his, and not uni .der%is'po1ity., I5 e or o i ” No found Chriflians,‘ then”thatcounten’anced the peo-~ ’ pie, and therncaneft of the people C00, with foule htands $9 touch the Lexzds. Annointed. t ;.But with chofi-. hands, C2 rflwhop I 1,iSam. 8. 7. (I2)“i who béhieaded ‘Him,fand’« bytheir force diif-ihh Brit His, are’ i the high darfpifcérsof Cihrifi. the Lord. A A A AA A Forino man contemnes, pioteffaténz bmmmum, thcrpoweri. 05,1331}, gzjfi quip1’.iiz.:divi72a7i1 comiempfit, whQl1atI1not fil'flf“"'i c0;11teminedhthe pOW¢hr 0FG0d- Becaufe the iearc 05 Cody and honour of the King, flgffg 17, are 113 united , as not to be fcpawated, and both I prime in the ‘two’ Tables of the Dccalogue. Difobedié-iii ‘ence_to Veitherimakes al.l,tha.tfo11m5.rhs aNftcr.,~nothing.§ A A ~‘ Thatfthc Lord is difhonoured when theK1ng is re»? ¢§e&ed is plaine. For the confpiratotzrs '”Vit.hClJ;m‘a/J were in confpiracy againfc Jehovah. Z\Ium:ber:‘i27.i 3. And: the I fraielite: , that withfiood Samugl, withfiood the Lord; Norhgthati With0Ut~i1 dire judgeincnt. A In the» f0II:b1W{- ingverfies theyhare flavcs _., and plhndirheditoiitheipiurpofh‘. we r fe 1% I 57”‘: 2,. 1 3. 0 : Wrfefifi V Aiuthtmity iacquire to mam» fclves damnation, Rqm. 13‘. 2» Either temporall here, on , et:ierna1Iihr2r«:;aif7it:er.:z2.4, » i A ,1“ ii ~_ \V Indeed ’tis ufuall, and not unholfome for thew hands‘ fomictimds (#10,, Itubijhh the! »head*: ym" fi'fQ1“iitheii5' femteiwco fguine L as it, is;_1;0 tahnO'W'h"t|he’7VVh0_1’Cir,b;0dy‘\d0‘Wnm@h Thaw«~woc £0)‘- much In aturallg as this much agaihhnfl Nature. ~ Were there a parity betwixt every Member in the body of man, what decency, or {fate would there be That epicoi;neh% of beauty xnow gpipmbc no qthcrfavie amlviufimp *(oFi Canweipoflibly fuppofe no £ueri0urs_.,; inoi;inferiot1rs5~ and not imagine every one in his humour, and that the VA humour of hcvery one would bring all ‘into conflfiifion? Gfld is f:heiG§od of order, iandwhewilliihzéiwcus~ordér1y;5’&f and pull them down atipleafure; A Brwniflis‘ tfiat.}1iiief‘ngi _Theyiare V§_Iit.hin"the dégipaflg of Mgqicheifniei that ac!“-W mm 110 Maglfiratcs; imanaifls*i they ?, wharf: fin , A... filboxdxmuonia fave ham fcmalé - paptwegi “ W2 : Aéxiang i A 4 C33)” Aerians that will not fubmit unto Bifhops. Pa. 1 pifis that fubjeét Kirmgs to the Epifcopall See or: V I am afion1Ihed,«‘an‘d feerlot howe to decipher "(3‘0m'1n0ns and‘Supr:eme. To unite _them would reconcxle cont1'ad1€’cor1es. Humorifts they, that Ibvin fuperiorityttake it not of God , hnor_byhu- mane “Ordin 2m’ce.t In an it'ma?;te e pride , expe&ingr.e' the d'ependencyth.teoft othersft,‘ wfllerhbe without deg-_ petudency themfelves. as Strange Monfiers th‘efe._., and the peace of our“ Church finds,andfee1s~fiore of e them. Corntuma-u beiobrehyt;.l»tT.rFDiréye will 7., ~becaufe ye wtllrrcontronhtter andryotrr prowvtfiontrrt fhews yer A rather not be, or be .noj;Chr17ft1ans5 then be deem.» ed; ‘TT,:i‘ ‘\ ‘ ,.Witnefl‘e h your tinpara11e1’d Aft of Régiciae.~ your other of difclaimingljlis rpoft Sacred Majm L fiZi\e'.f‘.thC7 King} he "'y01:l~f—3ot’her making it eT1fea[fon w ta reprove your errou"rs.;’e ~» What ye h xve done ymuit be buried infilhence, A A or the Speakerrr grave. ‘ It God faith, my aloud,‘ jjyzrg norm? liftuptljyt -zuzjce filefrcficlhh i?t1tor*his*r like 9: ‘1‘rImpeth,h agzdfliew peafipiq their ‘tr_m_/”grqfl'2an, 4 ' I/he 58.vr.r Ye fay, if thou fpe;tk,,or Pc‘11*,a"Tra1tor 1 thou,ancMha1t die the*dte”m.h»3r A G _ A W d0vf¢u1st‘b.bdY? potent}? rrRoya1i&s::terrfereggjazeepregng to our saviours coutnfel, V fearing "v"vni1’1flneverie “be afraid " of tyomt kg A Whtu: I353 Ep. 64. lv1'4J fl What «Antiquity, a*ndA Authqrifyyé 5% énd you)? Teachers have; foryour undoi11gr~d0_111gS,I £66 110$!» A Unleffe yeWi;i1 mifconflrue St Gregorier fayin of Juaurzitiih‘ the Emperour in an‘=EpiI‘r1e to '1' ea... dorefi De:/4‘ ei dominari, ‘wzonfolaém };zz‘lz'=t:i*bz/<5‘ , kd etil-‘* afirzflzcerdotibwa qoncaj/?t.A Which , without pointing , % and not regarding thefawthers pfénfea may for you be read thus. . the Empeyour dominion, fiacy%ftdm%thefame.~V V A A 4 A It cannot Pcandwith the honour ;of‘the'Lordwt 0 A 4app1a1;d the nullifying of; his Ordinance for _thc;. ’ # depo,fi£1g,. Aand ~ Eneheagkipg of Godhath not only made the Souldiers , but the Priefis alfo to rule overhhim. V This is asgood for yotmsany ti1ingI can allow: V and if V this be heetléd, 1 ’tiS A bad enough. A For the truth is, 3‘? “Gregory there ‘telsp that God hath given dierés but the If better lofie. T rm,»rhge+1am;by:hegrace cfooaga I:“fiovi2ing Chrifhafxg, aiid therfore mot’: firiéily tied to the ?‘ order of A ChriPcsKin“gdom. For me to hand the rnent,-12272: Ies'.fake.=* Your M «, ‘ . ‘ A W { no authoraty fo1f~me to fu 'fcr;beyeur Aé’c§. A . % Lord! WM 5406 bz'tf5erto_.,far tl;/fizl<§,f laeezz e~om'f;zhnt% II10.t%Xont1y o*vVer» the S0111- proof be Liroducéd on yduigfide Aye ihallgain the viétorie ,” i‘andj:vx.reh ” fufigixi thc bringing’ in a contrawdifciflléf 111cm her of ;%Govern-- > Democracy to h1s Church , »weAre Apo-EW; M i C15) ibtbjl expreflé covmzmzd; enable I/4‘ ether 3 I bzmbly be... M A fleecb tbee, to be zezzloz/.4‘ fora zmdfimz to my trzztb. Let not 471)’ lflfjre, either of goods, lzbertie, or life, fiigbtw from that obedience , wbereinwe are plmed by 15/9}, 1% Word. VT/ay Were! «may we be lengtbeneob , norfigrtflgd may t/3} Word be. W bereta we are tied , bbldw I fimg tg it. From tbe of takingfiom, at czdding tong wG'oad Lord olelzzzer 1/4"; b 4 A * A y A by A . True Chrifiians do not lengthen, not dare they fhorten the Layv. The fifth Precept binds every one of Whatkmd foever, Jew, o1iGenti1e, unto obedience to Super'iouts. They know , that who r treanfgrefle here 3 never go home with theirfub. miffion. If others promife galn by {haking offthig oke, they anfwer, the principall will be loft. For :15 he love not God»: that hates his neighboulyhow A b can he obey God _.,th.at difobeyes his Ruler?‘ On this round what e’re they be; Princes: Lords , ore Comrnonysg, Judges, or mferrour Oflicerg: y Arch... V bBiflaops,Bifl1eps;PriePcs, or Deacons: each one of every degree meet in one centre of Loyaltie A unto Cwzr. Nor ‘will any of them go abefinifter way to e get imrnunrty : not think themfelves in bondage, A becaufe they are in obedience. Nay to be alwaieso in obedience, that they may never be in bondage, is their wifdo1n. The Word istrue,and they have A falth" thereln : W/on reflfl, receive damnation. Yet not fo much the fear” of judgement, as the ha- “ tred of difloyaltie ties them. Before truth theyfec ’ A 4 carried A (-15) A ~carried*t”he perfeéfion of virtuc. Who fail in A that look not after‘this; S/sewyefberforé, c%zml”e-'Uery‘o1¢e(, wkereta ye tend. VI Mzmtp peace, Iaefztre to keep the tearzm pf lpeace. Let not ambition reign , -«nor COU€t0”fflaefl any langer,M %.Wbo.év your begdjor C/art:/Ez'.ez2ziti4e:fa,5Le, comply with ,J M190- ‘ noumxntobzm. 1!»:/zmmzreveot, bate mt, envy not. F631’? 1‘/oe Lordrfaégefubmitye. ,,— -my--, . . ..-n-—.uu-mu-a-n-sun-up oo ;¢r13 Mofiaodynragoo Saémit. ~ , ‘fl-{em ‘is, "1110? «odificroncco imheootranflatioon *of this wm The ; ;: L »'thc?2Syriaé,y,oo ogzzafmws az»%1‘:@*c?. mntfc-:r‘~Afm.&likm:3og{.o.p. 2,): : gm, W o A A M A ‘A oltifi?t'Lg9thtiT¥‘in\aéi*rd mama I o»fcoIoudp¢xt¢rnaIol aflszz t:ea'"ch; I.o.d.;o§,th»g~t :w§%ithoi1t ."th§“i§1C€‘r'11£l1l5ChC‘f‘QU§W@Kd paymants are not perfeflt. «They proceed either frorri the fear of putfl-11« m':ént,om:-fnorm hypocrifiqfiéi. notfifom otfio¢:.:f0?V;€ @f;ilW.fii§§»f‘”‘ ~o . How “wort :;am"'iycottio“¢ Grandqemf this: ,,tifII;c} took @%ich“ss;fi'.wfiIwd;cs£‘%JiNcsi'§enb¢;o€l oimmc@mrco.am£s;* m:o£erxz¢:ch¢ Honour of our late Kings Majcfly ;,g&¢qogaining~,.¢i;11Wg;mm W-o¢., 'uen??‘&lcgorzmu::w;nipnntiImit3r>vEpfl Hlfl§faA$E*§\Q}H?‘3lf6IV,¢9,, ,1*hfigha“.? mighty, A moftidtmmaiiciy‘?yo~!bu;hhcore£1}‘Iziim:,;mtany Glmyziv l?~Ix)nha\é;¢‘;yc yaélélyéd igintki torm ants,» Sad «‘v'§éI2鑧A pb?it12.j:§fiifipIi0W¢‘:c£:]f5rfib¢5‘2 mum; o;1:mj¢m;g Arather,yec4l:d'eydluntaiiiauzr.;; " A gtrgulidc San: ; A A “And St. A*g/J!ng_a;:fiine;_y c<:;’un'l?aAllAA‘iAsfyth_a'tllA W.C2.‘€L{.p€€l£illlylla”‘fl’lQ5li!1d *7“ 47f xxnnamtcl God, and» the la3llelfl'ed~*iMartyrs%AAA m humghty, u andA;yAl*bmems» ~w:£rdl’Ao'u‘A”r 7En"eAm‘i.€7si;AA _ “ ‘A l " Ah. Th; rcafon 9f this St. Qkryfifloygwlrcndélgslltbub; «chrmn Rom A fiziiml a£»fa%noiI§2A%r2»,/1‘ ‘Ai:?‘3>zmAl?L6‘hxi/1.o=.»£nm212m:;A.;nowAAAA~.ouiiA"ffllifc 13.561‘. :3. is lhl-dA* With Chriflin f:*C)um*~Al.A;AAHon0u1‘:fis not now. A A A AA “’ A ‘ Or, if you will, becaufe G()d%l doth" accepnofchis as thabelli. -Théébell for us, and for hfm:thc&bePc.l For in Obcdicnclegwas bur galvatién perfe&edl~IA;“‘AAAMamidwfixtough::iimhisA glory ‘lfayppchrcdA pinl gthc u11.AA \ What *ChriPc ha*ch'ldo1ne“fot‘bur fak“c',x viral may? nut” deny for‘ his; Uhgé full glory thelngyourl fulimiflion A_fhAouldA be fulg.Fl1ll in ‘all tl1e’ifa»cm1lticsoif1thcl‘yfou3lé*ax1d~body»Ifhcwlmllc pcrfopyyA;e~xl)’oty'l:& A «And {<5 £amugl;:¢A this Afi1B3'e&ioh.*lm gc:>c,A:x1sAthcx:e§jiA§«.cozrnrxriIi‘1voxa to cornmanm Not to CM A l:CaAu{'es runelylihll clvéy Scecmfi Table, but tb Religion alfo Ainthcy F‘ir&.» * ToAAAbothA, than we hiive‘ af :qdict ~‘€qmnion%,-mewlc;y and a céiiform able Chullrch. Foil th¥3cllA(Eht1ra:h:2is<,§;£h*Repm&liafi;lh1,Awi¢hih the Common-wcalc. If there be pcrfidioufncllif;in:I'.éithér,w.[th¢ H ‘hazard is common. Nor < :99 A Nofrin all eanfesi’abfoiute1yi: iliixaii <~t:h':}1t‘atc”«in analdgieiofithe truth is our fubmifiion commandedt «When this rule‘»isibrol,ten by anyOver-power,irweihaver no authority to obey. ii A V‘ ;»iHicfl¢nét.AAcqntemm'potéfiaemitimerzz{o‘«parg{ii rem: Int thiscafe Auguft. dc. by fearing the power of God, fear: not the power of Man, .r faith V€rb- DOM 111 Saint ylrtgwflim A i 3 A ‘i it i = * 3 ’ AA in Q i i Mi" 5°“ 5- We fee Degrees in Humane affaires. Th€»Cm'ntor commands, =a:ndA'tis done; yet the Praconfxd hath ‘commanded theicontra-_j ry. The power here is not aviled ,: a greatcris obfetved. No: iought the inferioiltrtd be ofFended, becaufe’ the fuperiour is pre-- ferred. * Aw it i r r . M in r 80 if God prefctibe onething; and the Emperour another, what think ye P is not theTribute paid whilit we are obfequious unto God A , M Humane Ordinances hieve*p0wer1in- that onrr part, which eper...__p mines to this life: Of ourofaithunto lifeieternaliino‘ power. Duliam , Tribute, Reverence , Love , &c. ‘we give ; = Latri» Auguii. in am,’ orflfeligious Worihip : wee d:oenot , wee may not unto Rom-prop-7». ;rB_e they,1}’agat1s,t iAHereticksi,A arc. andwe by -naturaill, or volun-- ‘ tary oblpiga~tion,or;iothervmiife,under them,this civili obedience is their due. To whom Chrifitigave the example , in that we will follow him. . A . A True, in Temporal! marten; éuit in Ecclefiujfica/1, what am We 3 Oéjefl. 7% -W130‘ know V }’1?JatA¢/ae‘Trt4t/95 if/ml! our Oéedimcap wcommrmi their p.Er~ 7-gyr; W V-_ ‘ _ ‘ “ ‘ ‘(V ,. No , I fay not for. Wherein their precepts may not be follow Salim ed, our obeidiencemufi be paflive. Ar A A V Daniel will gocinto the Lions Den," andithe three Children 4-endure iithefiery Fornace. Not that they wanted power to refiit ; for they ,were very high iniplace, andhad great commands. Dam. 2A. '48, 49. 8: 6. 2. Their confcience of “obedience unto the King humbled“them toifuch durance. F ;; A r " I r A In what Records (I pray) findaye it-he Primitive Chrifiians either brandifhing the Sword, or venting Obloquie,againPt Su- perioursP Your praéticeiin thefe times ‘i cahnot be: derived i D Z V i fnflin Czehre Iufl. Mar. fafleml-Judnatyrwin*wfl":A1m1agi¢ farsthetfilieifiianij bzmefily %e-3 V .: Apol. 2.. f - feechéthi jthe, Em;pet0ur,Mutom'nx;a Lwci”i!Je’Cmef1;g and [fig Senate of Ramtpfitot under£ak¢;.th:eir.: Caufe, tquaad ;mm,;. mm; quaad Dbcm¢gazm,«. ~~t;ws*- well.f0%r; Deanne,‘ sash fbrhtttt ‘Mann .1“ PC APO!’ Pm f .&/iftlaemzcgoragx in his Legation Petitions the iiJte"‘ V Chm}. gémrtlim Antaninm, and Lwdwthflaneliwommadmsetet he « - “ Tam in APOL, ‘- ‘,T€#:tfi/lidihhfild it 5121. ‘V that.the (I‘)£'i.'Eh¢ ;Rpm;anc Efipire ado.Gent. c. x. ;£h;o}u1ed.p\mbIm’klyt hexatmmke, 2j¢£dfi¢:;ligmd~a m mzzfizt ['l§i'z_'}?iz¢§40m7#,- ~What;Wra.s theviden~t,te sand ri2ight"hftanditiwith ‘L Gomfciimce in .@he‘!=€3h~rtia fiiah Caufe. Or elfe, that the Truth fhould be Rermic;e4d,Mg¢g.gz;3g wiamdwmrczth hhperrve:¢irz,t tmfcotnej untm :thei~r" héafies the garivate wa3’ tithe ,Em:perour;ageinMwmofmmmi:the I-:I’esneiSi¢ék.\arh4“o :vvWii4d~t'i‘éocete A 5?; M * ‘A ' V .;f’;1‘was mth_er:hwife rwithsus Qur%;K-ingtt’ S‘ the A Firfi, of ever bleffed Memory, was the mofl: zealous Defehtdohr ~offt=hc true; Chrifiiam F'ait1i:hh.h:, :Quv“}1°etitions.t :fre;e‘paefl’a7h'e tintoe ;.:i i:;a;;njda His IGmmts s’“wzcre*1?1rgc:p§ tihent Yfie2at‘firPc7* ?%eo.g!3dtt ‘fiefivé. % he tntemxtcm pohalq J?'a.‘?:1f%:(51*s£fihtihi?li 1*i%'ni'aE”ceIe%a£i‘7icé¥l am, » A % V I ‘L ‘Twas; Othcrwife wi"t:h‘1Js‘, tthenthftis .n.ow~; haxaktcfit might’ be .;.,nQ4W~&a$;fi£ wta,s,if»tye WOJ£fl“d‘,t§i11.a;tfc:n'fe0f ,t~his.difl’1?a€£cd Km “ dome call home, and fubmit to Him, who every ay is His Fathefiswa , I know not" wherein we mayL:cq;mpI:vims”ett71atnIe[{Fe ~t&la~ei;ri;;fihcem TRf.‘Jigi'Ol'15; tender :»Cm1fcie:nee, met Far-»‘ the “G10.- 1 , 173’ *0f;G1J€«'~,. tPhGaC:7t3;;@hf the Omiml Lawes uovfithye Eand, tfliglittst’ Pefltrliaynfliiehty"and.I3ibent}gof,aha ibgwgpiwggs e;um;_ tome ””t A _ ‘ We ‘ Wgé % ‘ ' ‘ If any ofthefe excellencxes fl1e,f’;a:imhe‘.\imetumhe t»difo‘5be3diie1t5ee chafeththemewaystt he A aéjefi. fiswfiépjwfé #’f:Z‘y;z;vzzz, ; ma Solar. There 1.5. remedy very much, and good.“ Perfwnding, Je»r.>M;ta»§. %1%¢ ttp¢m,m~: m¢¢emrm,;e ware» w£i&i}ag,'a?:§ Sam Repr;e1aev¢‘21i»2g;h~ I“ ’King;8. hI‘*8.h.’ A _ h,N{ot thhus~mucAh for everyhhone; for the Fathcrsof the «Churéhh; ~ ‘ and Noblqs oFthe?K'1ngdo=me thcrehis, 18am. 24. 9. A“ A For £veryt=.or»1“c hzciinough m;eane;* or mighuyhmay Jflie :3. VI 97. L170. 133:: this, and chcother threem;ayhmih{1‘cithchaimhe." For neither did Zudckia/J regard” «fercr#riial9,h%z~C'7sran.V36f Ii}. h “Nor D;m‘d,h 79:25, 2! .S‘»zm;£:z4_.‘4. Nm: feroéwtm thejProph¢t,‘ 1 ‘ICiMg~‘hIh3 33. Nor could Urfin/9 efcapcd A fehoiakim V3‘ }’erem.» 26. 2 . A A A A ~ 1 A ~ ‘N¢_§er~f_ailing helps there be, and nong debasrxzed ghhehm, Prece: « lW::;yh" mg Prayershand» Repanfahce h~are»~th’e*weapons7of the h h_ A Ihe Old Mvaelitex knew no othher,Exad.3.7,;8,9h. norother the Pr%ohahnssawh4s«1s«7.7m9.h ;. h h V grfi‘ , 'fll1C$,~__ sgndé. M hiflrt-yrs ufé5I*thdf¢,. :15, ~«t‘I\;ch§hh~xc>;iehIyihpfir:e}Lr21~ Iuit MM; h1°’e?zih"n:: rirniuive ‘F1athcrhS‘hc3¢yed them hup» h and: nu Ormodax A1301. 2.. ‘Chfifiiansh c’vcZf held the Sword lawfulhly hdfawne againfi th'C’ifr;l"c1*:.ApoI.;7, 'hPfince9;~ M‘ h ~- _ _ ‘ _ " h ‘ " h “ ~ “ * -A ‘ Aug. P[:1I.124.-. fiWi~I;h;Pra.‘ye-rs and Tears we muff, ;4lirerm pleéeo,«necpéa]]"zzm Cy?‘ ad 133"" wfl#m,1‘n1;;ayhn otherway mfifr, fah&d‘St.“*Améi:ofiv.hh A = A ~ Amen? ”I'is finne in, caufet:hh;m:t:vi11 raigtm‘cm»harhus.‘ Exphurhge we that Greg, ‘NM, by hcorm-ition,4and, vvhcjn our petitions are prefenfd, God will Orar.in Iul. ~hheichhcr‘~tur.'h=e:fuch a Kin§§sh"heax~t, or take us from him; or him from B‘“'“'EPi“‘-3 1» us, omimhdmus fM5hpaximg:e,;mh~a7tfor~*his Glory, ourwSufi’é~ ~H‘ b‘@W+as;hm n as. . ~ vb. 1 V ‘eh 1 due ntzwt huttehrlymwihth itihc Cfl{dfciMit:,Tcrtullianifl5; and OM A hflménptgfixh h~cond€?Inn:e. aslhil War, or -lufa of the Sword. h'1’heu{:: “th=e;r:wf,inh:the? hansdfisj thcNew An‘a&.zprzfl:,hand other Sefieiries, ,againR“ourIawfu—l1Kinrg Ldne. h I A = h A ‘ ho denhyedhh the Authority of "Magiflrates ~in~ matters of A Religimn !.\7£€.1‘€h“?:’.~0‘72.ozté/2! md»tho‘i?é,ahac hwiiI*l"h~av£7th'e §[)@8crint>, hafndh Aifc;i::p1i1ne.0~fj'th,eéchflél-rcéh «dem‘hrrnin’cd by at *3Laike pa-rty, are V ~h,~Brawnfi?.r.:; h h ’ h ‘ ~ - Who canhh»»mhhkch:hhand hhlearvc, or rs¢:!,ard:fi1péri()rity”nQhhlonger infericmrsh»f2:omet‘h@hm,I reckon fam0*ngthehHelceflzim.. ' ‘ i f 1 - A‘ who M.;11?Ey;:ggé1~®«am€ for the Name of God are Eafiém-Sam, xflflaflickes ; and who commend M-artyrdome, bud: will hotly.» dcrgoe it,ar<: Hemcleonits, or cold Proteflmm h ' VVhG~ V] Ambrof. c_ont.. . _( 242:) Whofieottibined ;A~t.o maintainethcm etgztinft flout: latevmofit ogre ciousiesoveraigntg and petfiftflill againfl, his lawfull,Snccefl'oLir,i v are with the evil] one in allociation againll God.: i A l Norlhall I ceafe to be fo minded toward fuch men eh it be ’ma,nif'e£t "that God did ever ptofper Rebellioni , or in the end not A nototioufly punifh Rebels.» v Whetcin I have. becnieebrouhght in that found dofirine of _ ‘iObedienee, J, beythe helpe ofAGpd, am, for the Lords fake. rc- lolvedlto die. A e A V‘ A f szwdsaozm-41% I mzferffé mtmyjtnnes in mg in. undatimz of t_r4nf‘?g'ref{io;2:_el1m/e fnwellcd big/1. Tet Ilmanv i that «one «drop of #5} Hotel is fuflltimt to‘ purgcfi “many world: cffirmers, 4; there bcfinncr: in the world. i Natale- flutiringi tlaercfarc _0f t/9] mervie, Ipray , t/mt wbczjcflzzxc Adot/1fimbvzmtd,_ thy grace ma} fapembomdtoi glory. V “Humlzle me mm andmore, arzdiall thy people 5): t‘mcnr¢.f-- pentamc. Remit all tbatzlr pafl, and give ya afl1_{f4ncc:..2 A g in fie wmtiawfar t/.refamre.' From twill, and fnmt :’rner~ V l.¢ingd4mm¢tianA, goodLord delirverw. t A- AA A A i A True Chtimans to the powers ordainediof acknow- V ledge obedience due. «Their firfifi Service payd unto him they faile not in performance of the next. _Outwatdly,. inwardly, theirwhole mnanllisn at‘-tive’innni fincctcmlegiance unto the King. If «his Suptefmacy, or any felt txpiliby him p,tefl'e commands‘ contrary tofthe divine precepts, obferving thefe they’! patientlyendute the wrath of the other. Reviling, Im prifonment, lolle of Goods, goflifetoo, whatever happen, whole rnindesi are humble, their efhouldets wiilllddbcate the burden. And floutlye without weatinefl'e, without mufmuring. They can kilfe the rod, becaufeitn is Gods, ' to their amendment, or for the tryall oftheir faith E, But date not entertaine an evill thought, much lelfe cxtAendTthe»ir hands againlt the Lords Anointed. Be he cruell as Herod, or an Apo.- A ltatelike ;'lulim«,ithey difeiplined in the Kingdom: of Chrilt, will ‘ \nevet (23) i i neverefinke under his Croffe. Snbmiffive they, and faitbfullfiill :.+ ' , Yet who are in fictefi place, Fathers ofche Church, and Peeres of i V the Kingdome, will cxhorgdehorr. rebuke, reverently , judici.L_ oufly, C}OfCIy; If neither doe prevaile, they , and who cannot be. to bold, may efcape by flying. Thefe ufed produce no: alwayesr their defired event : Other Armes+ there are, Prayers and Teares, A with them they conquer ever; Such be their oppofirions, and oncly fueh ; becaufe cheiawfullonely, Who ha_ve gone beyond thefe, are in Scripture made examples of ire. M Comma’ t/am dgdififl the will the rig/It may with God! i éleeffing .- riot with violent /mndrforfedr of condemnation; W/no fir/l rebelled, /J12 reward ma bell. Hell]: would not and mill any ofyou reévell}? W/we dare: not come 'nec;-re we Dewilliin the am, abhor: to be like him in tbe at/yer’. If" téereforeyc have any regard of yaurfrmler, for t/he Lora’: fakefirlrmtye to every lmmam ardinanou. _ TRA c'r:.h each one holds would be fccne. T R A I A I‘I'a‘ia?a;— A a§li%~$*§A:.:rrri;/::lll «xfliaei. “Tod e*cIerj£z¢mzézneo‘rd£nzinca; THG Vulgar r¢ads. Omfii. an‘dEmfmm, Chi?/£4’ }J#mflfi¢"CrfA- mm,toAevcry humane crcatureaa » ‘On this Tratrflation 7Bez.2z hath fet prwj/?¢.r alvfiardé, as if they lladldolne‘ iltlvery dabfurdly. ()b-- A fcrvc; that note for the prcfent, that,Alwhé£1“ym1ltncetlwithllit next, you;maylknow~ic the better. A 4 M l AA r l A A A % The Syriack, Omniém lg Whercby is intimated afwee: carriagefilril love and humilitydto» ward every one.fi1pcriour.cqlt1all. 1fldMlifi5€1‘i0UF.dl V V A ~ A 4 Ram and others, (#5014: Iaurniarm ard£mtianill,Allwhi¢hl ‘we? c'ran.: flare, To lwzmjy bmmme ordinance. The words are lfuldl; arid What " Iclim ufually lfignifics la: creature-,.M»zn.I 3 .1 9. Sometimcs mg; I titm, Mur.1o.6; SoAmctimcs an order of men, or a Nation, Mar. zt6.~ I 5. 3 Here thin »CiVi A A i ”* f Nor doth England £ta;n'd:Acharged with that alonezbut vtithlthg trangreflions of Dangazfizm, 0/{m.~Im.. 3. of Aemb, “var; of Tyrmy, iwr. 9.~0F?Edo?m, war; II. A"Of§’ud4£r,”c/:ap.2..h4'.é,i1d’0f[firael alfo tier. 6- ii A_ 4 - l V; 7 3 ' “j i gwould the lordbe av‘engedAi‘konA them, andflrallj he not ‘onifuch this V ii . a AAA i it . A Fire, Sword, Pefl;ilence,I-‘amine will devour, and the veryiearth l l l E2 fwallowl not turne to it. ;Becaul'e it burnt the bones of the King of Edam: ~ Oéjafif. Skim. A 3?‘: have ckaflw .- yet the cleflzion of the people is no oxzher Ath cmh h ~ fimaliowmfup; rather thcnGods, Ordinance t1aaIlbc_ev4§1A:tr:zAn1§§ A Aplcd under foot.‘ 2sQ4mé.1i6.3~IA.35;. f¢r:m.27.I3, h h A 4% h ; h"h15’wJe féakch band: hwit/9 the B.-h5m1fl'-5-V Hmmwe cmmre, A fly. jazz, for that mmflzztian je like 65]}, is the temporal] Mzggfiraza“ A eleE3‘edéy., and my)! éc rejefiezl oftlae ?£apla§:}‘; Audjflfltfiejqur a_fl2A~;~.... rim with B¢l1armhin‘efrom D.€ut- I 7-14,1 5- wberme peopjl: am-fn'd tafet the K izgg my them. A h h A A AA . 2 ~1f0d€€dh»thC;W0.1’:d5 are, A07¢flimwfi¢per M than that: fix; me: ~ hthhfic =;- biif Iwderiiood hé5AJ?4€¢¢]9§'h15’i“’/{}A.’- m, whomh Gad hath defigned,4and9onfiitute~dKing,fl1aiI;tt:houVo.bey; V o". \ ._. VF',&‘ . Andhhthough it be faith I Sm. x 2. Am; .h6’¢ea1dt/as King. A the-irh obcdAientiall accepting of the King, Por4thc—nc;§n: c[a,u{¢ afcrihing the hconfiitution A wixzhan ”EC£'£ltQ In/aowab; and the 17. of the 9. in the firfi ofafmzuel,‘ and the: are of thc xo;. athcrjbmingh A the ap, h.ozm;mcnt,h and anointing un;ohhim,hfla¢wh'thJ¢ who1a.wom h as am Lords.‘ “ V God Y€€1d511A0hh~m0r¢ t htAh<-:'Apeo§le,A. fave their ‘apprdving him in 111 Tubj€&i0n- Norris their approbation 11'Cq£1?ifilZC,. ad uectefitm » :m,h as fimplyfieccifary 5 It may,» apdpdmpnm , adds famething. £0 th¢*T01cmnit¥.h to the cffcntialléonfiisutiom fl0lAIhi!3g§.f M A a , A Thcprovidinga‘ Kingiisgfmm above, I S4m.16. I; Soishthsev making a King, I King. 3.7. and the King is called Gad: I€'£ng, P1521-«I 8-5 ,9» Yea, Kings aw;Godx, all of thmrhthc Cbi1zlr:»“qfxka my?H1?g%»»Pflz1.82-6- » ~ h ~ Uh . 1-AxA1ayAAAatApleafuAz'c Adepoié them. ‘Who fcts up, ;h¢hfam¢,hand§’!f.«:$, ma: crohwnevfi of G°dAA°“51Y~ hAhN@¥h%V¢hEh§~I$ifl,g§'30f—5flg?rsnd,inh*»hth@irhhhcuhri ~%£h& V Eviliby the finch; bmp withw, at ViF1;b1€,4¢mQnfinatiox:%7.~fhdr divine Confiiizution. “ nefe a V A :I_aeA A.I('£A)a A~Rm;gne, .Pra72.A8. I 5. Chxifl by their 5;;%A£hE3§»“bjt§ A M9 pow¢,r+~~ r A h . And” I29} 4 lAndSalainon had‘grcat iircafon to fayifo. For if the peopgé ; éouldimake a King, it hadAno: been King .$'oZomAon, but: Aylanijaz/1 "flmqld rAai,gn,fl I AK£ng.2. 1 5 A AA the King. Bccaufa the fgccsi ofalllfi-ac! were on him, that he A_ Swlmo ii tiller: excl des all: P6 pAe,A AAPfcébgftoryifl$fiatcs,,Peoplc, IVA V,‘ ‘ A, » Commons: None (hat: with Wifdomc in the Crmion of Kings, who {harcd not With the Word in the Creaqion of things. ~ M ” Irwgaem faith, jufnmzféuzirurbam£}m,lmjm ju[]'z¢ cfi" Rage: Iienae: adv‘ 3 A aanflitguntwr, whoAc1:c25ted Men. conlh'tutcdKings. A AA Haercf.l.f.c.z”o. 3 :»A 5 Tzrtfi/{Moo *a~fl51‘.m¢;si the l1ko,.A1md&AAApatg%m, rmde‘: Spiritm, -1- A. . . % . A .. . _ V A ~ ext. 111 Apol. whence the Soul 15, Soveraxgmy 1$Mt;hcr1cc., l A _ A A A cm,,,_Gmt_c_3@ SAc..At/amvzfim holds us mit; Chrilt, receiving the throne of Athah. Scrt. dc Dewial, '-Irmflxtilét, c¢*iAa’e4'i§_[A}wrz;: Gkrifliamamm Regiém, transfer» l-‘W4 Vi1‘g~ , red, and gave it tolthe: facrcfii Kings ofchc Ghr»ifli_anf;.. _ A A A.S0Ad9th_ :$;.:r1agt.afiim;., aflgtiafblw warm {De-m, ipfi: dm.=g»4A Wrem @0225: 69'” Amnlis, bccaufc God isthc only -Atruic God, he " gives earthly Kingdomcsl to good, and. bad. Asif we might fo well deny him to bc the onlyl cruo God, as rob him ofthis prerogative. go A , 4 A A A H ’1?was ufml“lAAAf*or holyflilhops, writingunto AEmp::AArours, on 1,1(ings,A'ito»wil11« Athem grace, health, happi;ncfl'c,i In to, par qincm--A rage: zdegnamr, infhim, Aby whom KingsARaign. A _ _ ii . A Awormll the: Fathers in the feverall Couufclo adduced, no he. licvingl Qhriflian would over bring humane Aft; ’ or humane‘ Vote, A or humane Power to futile chc fcm5‘AoA’:r,and {ole difpofing of God £hcAfupromacyA.ofalKin,g. A A ‘ A ~ V All‘ Athis lwhi*‘le.ithel AT¢1gt is loot; xvmPcedA: no:fingulzrl*fcn{ciintro» duAccd.AA: The Obj€&'f£I’i1.ain€5 fiill humanAe,Aa~sAAcxccu;:d by ans- V hAumaAnc ‘ir1firulm~cnAt,‘. mdl upon an O*bjA.c& humane. l'l=»::.-xi hover juflifie mo. Lgmntz the peoplcino Amore:;henAaNc_apag- A GAoAdA.hath his duc,C’x:f:r=Aliis.i Theoliing is acknowledgcd, and ofrom. God the . Humane : l?-IisAAper{on.; power Divlineg. :VViiOfBA,A‘l:iii1®.i.EE.Cd l—1eisA,A1’leAhold Him l'a.c.red, ashio if this be Treall‘on, I £ha*l:l live and die a Traitomr 5 and fowill um‘. Chri- l?t»iat1sAal* . A l A A A 4 A ‘ \ Norfamll alCourt-mralite hereio.l,hTheA pcoAuaeAgXay:aiXo1, Popifh. . Ind¢oe%mdczatslA ’%1 Presyoerian , 7ancl’? Parochianw Sovcraignes {hall E 3 city, up, but may create no power aétivel-y. ..- . (go) i y _ Wcitie; and delitc to Governed. Paflivel y in fubmiflion they fee The Opinion of the /Manic/am, totally Fubverting thc‘humane y . Ordinance of God, Iliuttcrly renounoegas diametrically oppoiitc to the truth.Notl any State can everbewel conditioned for pcacc and afety, where is no Union withy an aétuall Government, by and in one Supreme. I ” “ So doc I the Romamiflr, Pmiztnnr, Bflaananzflr, Brownfflx, that interpofe the people betwixtGod and the King. Asif they wen: i the Kings Origen,' and Hislpowcr laiied but adflacimm, whilll t he pleafcth them, or they aflfefl him. to y in i As I keep“ no correfpondence -with thofe, I abhor Niclulaimn community, and /Innéapt.if£icalI parity. Both dcflruétive to the Order of the Church, and State both. And though thefe Humours fwell high in this Kingdome3 ya; ‘ I am confident that who invefléd‘ the King,will not fuffet his . po... ' they make, andmlthcir Head with, and by them. . wet to be alwayes em; in vaine. Not thriving unto the Exit pro. fperity, it may at lafi appeare to the comfort of the Loyal]; and tcrrour of the Rebels. i “ 1 A « Ifxnd no groundfordefpaire. The $pirit of God‘ tells, ‘that; accoxdling to thclturfe of fatlyhm, after ‘three years were “expired, 1 fire from/Iéimelec/9 devourc.dSiabm,and a fire from Sicbem dc. ‘voured Abimc-lack. Iu.;!g.9. So let them,.who ever make he-adi,and i will ptriili againfl my Lord the King, foonc perifla by thel-lead ‘ : Bltff d Saviour, ind»: me, and em-ay am, under tlazir pwflmtia», wit/:‘f3:fi'icicn: grace to fio_[]i.=j]'e.aur/Emler in patience. N or Iewingour work: to éc-dcme,let in [mere t/2} mark; meta t/._vyfl:lfi:. In the me‘: their. lug/Ifit éefire 145., uphold.’ 14.: rrmning, Act»: 13: iprq/criécd,nnd We have that _ for ex.m1ple."~ W/oer/sew we relive "or not, .17) fee 4 pracméle K ingdamc o hare, enable m to /(yep ark} peace initiated; in m. nDac tla A mi‘! an aw, Whatever it be; and, tllaanzve ma) enjsfy eternallpmcc in :13 K533. "Jame afglaaj, weiu-fcecb t/ate to bear: in good Lord. A i . True Chnriliiansgin obfcure and equivocall phrafemobferving the general truth, permit not their Expofitions to ‘fwervc from the V analogy thereof. Knowing, obedience moralil,a’nd..Princcs, Gordan; . deri'gativcs,datc not ihtaine at ‘Tt';‘Xt:;' to maintain: no a l falling than ce. it on y A IFS. Pater call S.y‘Pmlryhi:igher power ordained of God an humane yardinme, they {earth for a reafon oflthevariatiilon. Who are not of ability to teach that, will yet grant no cbnttadiflion 5 beca“’ul'e, F one is the Spirit, that infpired both. More apeirting eyes, looking A far, and neendetermme It Dmnely given,and humanely received. Apprehending God the Donor they conclude the Ordinance his-. Yet what he Io befiowes, as collated on man_fo‘r the Govetn— men: of men. makes hisu0rdinance humane. ii The cumulative, ortommnnicative power ofthc peopleis nfutpation: fo is the reduélzxve, and coercive. Thatneither of them may be inferred hence is their tlaefir. Nor doe they fay that foveraignty isiby ex- traordinary revelation, no humane a& intervening, immediately from God. The defignation of an individuall petfon‘ by lawfull . way manifeliedéclefiion, fucceflion, conquefl, 85:.‘ is notdenyctl men. The con A jeét they hold primarily from God. He‘ the conilitnent, and no other. Not this in one, and not another ; in all, and every one.» What 8. Pan], and 8. Peter fpeak univerfally, they fear not to at-‘firmc of good and bad. Whence it is that neitherthe infidelity, erring and joyning of power on, and to, the fub--- “‘ nor the tyranny of a King can force them from their allegeanee. _ Wherein the Heathen. as ~«.Darim, Cjrw, e/Irtnxerxer, command agreeable to the Law of God, they fhallbe, {'0 well as (onflan- tinm, Valemininnm, Thea;[o_/im, by them obeyed. They (land to a. this, and doubt not. For who will ovetthtowit mull produce a. new Bible. Petfilling therein they arebold, and zealous for the blefling. Becaufe the Apolile accurfeth him, who preacheth the contrary Dofirine. . A A Heed this ezmy one : who haw yaffmded, ahrtimer amendyour fault. Though mngmmca come} with leadlm fiat, jet not without‘ r eirm hamdr. {The Lord will tear, and tear the dzfhhediaht in pieces‘. For the Angelrflafi brepengthtzt they may rejo_yc'e;. For the Saintrfahe l repent, that their hlamimay not my; For your Sattlexfizke repent, that they may not live in eternal! death ; For the Gofjzelrféke repent, . that it majmat helamgar £715/[five/{en 3!: he of Chrfflr K aingdame, T . appear 46 to Snhjefir. .Suhw£t_yc to ever] hunimrc Ordimzncefar the Larch’ fit/gr. . I have difcharged my Confcience for the Lords fake 5 if It A T T perifh, I perilh for the Lords fake. ” . A T A654’. @593". V