’.‘- 'r’ib (I) . fWorfbiPPing the Hot Y 'GH 0 s '11 “Pm/[Jr as a Perfon equal ‘to, and difliné? from 1/93 _ 'FATHER. Ince the Dofirine of the Trinity, or of three equal Perfons in one God, is nor C as all confefs ) a Diéiate of Nature or Reafon, but‘is lmowable or» credible by means of Revelation only: and fince all " authentick Revelations ac-’ knowledged by Protefiants are contained in Holy Scripture; and fince the Proofs from Scripture of the Godhead of the Holy Ghofl, are not direé’c and exprcfs, but con- fequential, itfollows, that even upon fup- ‘ pofition that he is in fome fenfe God, yet‘ he is a not to be worlhipped any orherwife, than in the one Perfon of God,,or the Fa- ther, becaufe there is neither Precept nor Example of any Other Worlhip of him in Holy Scripture; But the whole Current of ‘ Scripture is for the Worfhip of God under that one Perfon of the Father, or God of Ijl rael. Concerning the Worfhip of our Lord Chrift I {hall {peak-afterward; : Forvif the Holy Scripture does not teach ‘ us, bOth under what Names and Norions, Appellations and Attributes, to worlhip God,then it is nor a fufficient and clear Rule of Faith and Worfhip in all things necefl'ary, as thofe Names, NOtions, Appellations and Attributes are) as all Prorefiants hold it is: And if there be neither Precept nor Exam- ple of worlhipping God under the exprefs Name, Norion or Appellation of Holy . Ghofl or Spirit, as a Perfon .difiiné’t from God the Father; but all Infiances run .in a contrary Stream, then fuch Worlhip is a humane Invention, introduced into the Worl'hip of God, derogatory to his Honour, (whofe Prerogative it is to appoint his own Worlhip) and to the sufficiency and Clean» nels of Scripture. ‘ For fince the Holy Scripture is (asIhave faid) the only Revelation we have, that "there is aHoly' Ghofl, and what he is, it’s altogether necefl‘ary that we afcribe n0thing to him, but' what is afcribed to him in that Revelation. But here perhaps it will be alien-ted, con- trary to whatI deny, That though there is no Precept for worlhipp‘ing God, under“ the Name and Norion of Holy Ghofl, as diflina“ from the Father, yet there are fome Texrs of Scripture whence an Example of fuch Worfhip or Invocation may be drawn. For this they alledg, Math. 28. I 9. and 2 Cor. 13,14, In the firfi of thefe Texrs, the A- poflles are {cut forth to baptize in [or into] the Name of theHoly Ghofl, as well as of the Father and the .Son. Anfw. I can fee no fhew of Adoration in that Scripture: forafmuch as to be baptized in, or into the Name of any One, and to be baptized into One, is the fame thing,as the Learned agree; and is manifefi by compa- ring Rom.6. ;. (where we read, Baptized in- to [or unto] 7(2qu Cln‘ifi) with A6}: 2. 38. Be Baptizedwery one of you intbe Name of 76f!“ Clorifl‘. See the like ufe of thefe Phrafes, Gal. 3. 27. with A625 8. 16. But the Ifrae-s lites ( as the Apofile Paul fays, t C or.Io.2.) wereall Baptized into [or unto] Mofes, in the Clam, “lid. in the Sea. By which is not to be A “adfiff . I _ {mgr Whhtfo‘ever "thé' Father ' hath; tom - mended by the" Son, whom he anointed unde.rf’tbod,j thatth‘ey worflxipped MOfi’S with Divine W'orfllip, but they were'oblyig’d . to give heeiw 37.3339113 taught;a9d_cqm:.-..... ‘fiifihHeH't-hem in the Name of God the’Lord. So to be Baptized into‘the Nameyof the Fa- vvvwv ‘7 -' w .7 .q -3..- «want—- ~«M.., --_.r~‘. ,, ,N .7._,.... —.~~Nm-_ -—, ., not here confitieredasfibd, for he is ex- ptefly, difiinguiflx’dfcomhim‘. 3. Dr. Ham- word in 1 Car. to. :6. The Commmimtion of ti??- -31"”d 70f Chi/f: that Is, the 3109.1 of “7655? an? mfihe 3983 find—0M“: H31); 5.19093 t'. O. : waimunieatedt; m3 'tfo’the Commu— isyzzsqee egcpr 'n’d’nfl‘ne'he‘xt Mas, to he“ ' attentor‘twittalytgitfitts, thé‘PIolytShi- taught, and, obtigedffolem'tr‘ly‘ato 'obferye all with the Holy Ghofl and Power, \or by thofe on whom the Son poured out the Ho- ly Spirit, the Comforter or Advocate, and Meeteswlxingef fidfimdfmfig'lflvmfim ; Be fiesfifis m mmfual m Seriptuflemdoih “be: Beefeaéy .wihhfied; as Home Ohm 10$ ‘ the Aftion that refpeé’ts Whig-When yet ,Wiééfignai'fifpfifisfiqfij hadnevfinflfl as ' W’emyrflndrthoEMher 5Pctrfom miancrtheiz manner :1; iasSubdrdingfe.; : TWtbe Kim? [Befghfiievedémefiuords atflMsSemithq E6,{M1egfieba}ntbe Bards, anci’fingl'fidfes 13235 Savant], Exod. 14.34:. The Paojihbwté ixfétm’ngtlmd;abidsS‘ammls,‘ 1 33mm ma 8. gffiwrrérds tame fiwdy {m swag: 03:13: 9“? $331315 0f mnfidgx ’77.: '20:: from fitggmpmeflm tthc=TN6m¢§ade1€EFMhGF§ 95W 369;: am}. of \daeflolygemfi, fibemmfi ~ re-{gekaadh'of-themecwewfmdzinxthbfdtfie 335133191;me !it?s manitefi, tfllfimame Banged,» 13m; rtlfiy “fight rfiéeific Vthc Gift: of; em: ley 613633;: Foe W5 ifi3113'3- ' '-: ‘3 usmtmofihor Thatqui‘vrt 1g? 5&9. ‘75 ': ‘ I733 firmwfiamfi we: flfib, Gb'fl'fiy the"£o'tJe»d V Gad, and the Coi’lzmzzimzqoftgbg fivbygbmfly Withfiflfl-nfl; AIM”; " t > .. .‘ Towhtchilenffier’; I. That thts-rFaffmge has theForm-oif ?a "With, and nottdfga Pray- - ,. are; ”it’s tomobfemelyyfformfl no” hearse-7m Wight :Gfrfifl’ Itifiancebf .-.prayi-ng to the'Ho; 1y ""Ghofiuigthht Baflage in flew I.‘ 4'. .fis-rfa'r dearer fefixpmyingf to the. firtfen 'Spirits_,tha~t~ aref‘hemreehe Throne,- which yet 'Protefiafnts deny :tO beam firmsigromd for our {0 doing; Astor the AM here :re‘atd, tG'rotim rfays, 'IC is not inthvrroldfidflufiript whiehfhermakes much 13f?“ sfzmd'nhat ixtniva’ssafddefl by’the Chureh-of (gammy A ‘72} ”fife Holy. Ghofl 15' 4 ftit ehmmurgicated be; . oxfabide withyOu all. zyi know 110; howit‘coytffiflsfi'with Rev‘erenee to the one God or his Wont], $0,. gfog'nd the Worfhip of another Pévtféh as 1:116de High ’ God, befides and dif‘t'mét from him that un- doubtedly is fo, upon {‘0 obfizute an Expref. 'fionyaéitifii” is 4i; Cb'nfiderihg' m that ifF’TiBs beeh‘ in all {Ages iif: Chriflianity ”the y Cufléfi 40f thefChutch to'rprayto the'y"‘.xFathe-rE for the ‘ _ Cdnmnmicatitm bf 'thC‘HOIySfil‘itn 1 :ijhCWfiSljaiflOéhC-‘l‘ Mt alteflgflbyfome, as anfloflsififewf prayhzgiw: the: leGW vial-363mm: 175'. m lak‘dlt‘Mfib Wifldym (me-.1 tbbu“::$‘bufi1,?3 “film an my Graiflm,fly&i§. whidhfis' fo'ifrivtototts," that :13 fhttbl not think i»: worthy bfmny- MW. .; 2136M ulfo (that t-kteilsmb‘dfnlm ‘wmpamiwlth Mama‘s. is-wgbd tbuhdrm.)pmpofezé£ Whtme they qdllefi,mfigmmrflhflm®mbmwhwfphke 9011wa mm, WWW quianfl ’13.”: dw-Inqdvfiilqflm fame is! thhe A p e Purdiffiiaqaheithemyflhufle emrmxie 1011mm, Itmtrhflfamemty Gtwflrk‘cdafimi ted ‘Ibyeh'e facing-rims, thvying, Fla/y, ,mzy; Aromas}; Bathtuanfmrnisewry, m>~mfiz hiring Wall. ypqge. 2 it» my: aha]?! it? magma Propbrt to our FWflpptomieg 3m: heflhi @51er him imqbeamg W‘Wflhmgdhae Viflon y wthedleoptezj “whereasfiddip‘ahe to 317413413 in thewifim : may f9‘!¥br,d'ffiereht Mobs the (hue Mtdmrt- attributed. bOth to Goa andiwmetfiesly Ghofig «'5 : v.~ ~ - 1 ;:. 1. v‘Eut mow! )itmiH-ilbe ’véhmnhy tsurgki as gainfitm‘ej Tlmtthemmyficripture beveatifig. the H’diy ifihdflfifwbe 6508,233de thathe is Ghe- o’ftho‘fe-j th‘rteWrtbés; Whom: each of‘ithetn" d‘émaétlyGod,’r’and‘ull'of’them one God, ‘it’s nece'h'aryfihfieafohgand éby *‘n‘atu‘ral Confe- qumoathdtfheoaght to be wo‘rfhipped .un- @fifihfivm me, Nation and ‘Difiinétiop._ '3 I anfwmiaandrdeny that G‘onfequcnce', for ’ theft: mezzdflould.$234.33.;Commicatim as thcfamc , mm ‘L‘. 4/ '7": I , 1’ W starry a pure Revelation ‘b ‘f‘o'ur‘ and: Comeflis, was uy lamentabl‘é'Esfiverienceis' ' too too manifefl; by the. COWOVCrfiCS among ‘ is God, by the Nan—1e and Notioan' Holy" " xvrwn ' itcfeif. in a thoufandiplaees; Chriflians, efpecial'ly with Papifi's“; But to go notfuuther. than the-Cafe in hand: If all the _Wosrlhip due to GoalL upon‘any Account, and which we" give to the Father" bé'c'aufei‘ihei its); by, the Name 'oflthe Father; its-Eats; due to the Holy Gholi? éxPrefly; manta-1k; Ghofi, as well as the Father, ’Becaofe, as the tbanafimz Creed fays, We mfl'g‘z've them egg/ll Glory; we-fhail. be obliged to: tranfprofe, add togas‘d alter Striovureyatidimalieit contradifl‘ eyery time we ufe‘tl’re‘lsoid’s Pr‘a rer,‘ and in all Braye—rsa; Waifes and Adoratious we make after that Pattern, infl’ead' of O‘ZJR Father; which» art- in Heaven, we mufi fay; Our Father, Son, andHoly .Ghofl, which are in Heaven; and iuftead of Haflowe-d be TH)” Name, Haigf lowed be- YOLl'R Name ’5» THF Kingdom cm‘e‘, we mufl fay, inscoufeque‘uce‘of our "search; ing, YOUR Kingdom come; and/{ohm THY Will, but YOUR Will- be done; not THINE is the Kingdom, but'YCiURS is the Kingdom, am. So when we worl-h’ip, as the Apofilel’aul, Ephef. 1.3. wemuf’t so: fa Bleflédrbetbt Gadazzd‘Father ofsozir Lord 9/355 3, Cbrifl,,tbut, Bit/fatibaGod, the Far-her, Saki-and Holydiiofi‘, the God and'Fathen of our Lord 39"; j?“ Chnfl. ‘ Ant} {0 every where we'mufi turn the Names of Father, God,‘ Lord, (fit. into Father, Son, and Holy Gh‘ ii; That and Thee into! 2‘s and: Tou,i.Tbirze int may, gee: -.Th’us making Holy Scripture a m’oli uuihtelligible~ and abfurd. Book, 01' at Ieafiffiieh as the Pa- pifi‘s would have it, and IuOthiug'leiis‘ than what Pretefiants hold it," the clear arid eer- tain Revelation of the Mind-of God; and the New Covenant, wherein it. promifede-all’ [hall {22073: m; from the ltd/i to the grea'z’efi, infis 9 . f“ w. yr] {J3 g; 1i} a s. “ thgfi: Realms. ji :rlr Beéait’éiw’eoiagh’e asses . {safoningss (whichate' very'failaeious ‘ Beyond the Ex-K. tent of that Revelation; and we ought to meafure the EXtetit of it hythe Rereiatiou itfelf, for otherwife’ we would readin tun; into-many 1" and- gr’eat-‘s Errors, (ShMfifitiQflSi it'1‘titulal'rly;~ . _,,_ 'f ’1 9‘ J. I -' ,oitflx,morediflicuitthantheolci.s , ‘ .. ‘ My,” {Ecouti Reafoz‘a why, I deny that the Holy Ghoff, fu y’pofiughimtto'be God, isto be Wormitpsi,’ exarsflyrss the. Escher, bf vi‘r‘ti‘ctsf.~duriissfasiissspsa this Suapofiisi- 0's;"is'dsis'inéfmmsiisfisflsfiisn dwsbscsii upon‘alllflalv {Wotfiiggsrgsqwe mid of in the igih'leg Fo'tyifohe [Holonhoi‘the-a Pet-s ‘16an tlieinof’t Hi 13 God,_E-hewas foftom Eternity, and had; tom the—beginning 05th:: Creation an equal right of beng .FVQiiiii'Piied ihfls‘éxpreis a manager as the, Kathe“; [or jello- oak 3' some find: to Footfieps oigany his}? Wotflfigfivhereih the 'HQIE thfl was ~tii~ {iifiiii'yf iiiéitflfimisda be? flame is Kiwis ' worilii‘pgfl - underfafuch Names,Deferi9tions-, Appal'lattons {mo} Pronouns; as import ex» ptefly one, ‘fingular'_Peufoq or Perfonal God. , Afud b _ him theyPatriatehsgflPro hers axial: Five; ici ufiditflibti scissors: t is Cssassr or.ttcavés;,1a¢natssts; assaiigthe coast ‘ Aim/dam} djfyma and; limit? 3."; ' andC'l‘trifiiaus uti'defrfldo‘ thf'e iFashe‘r ,of i'oiith-sord Iefus Clitimaod; nor the Per'fon of the Biol )5 Ghoi‘t, any otherwijfe than as implied; Yea and our Lord} Jiefus ,himfelf,‘ wlieueVerzhe graft} .. or W'erhi’pp‘fl‘ .God', did' it under. the Names, Notiofis and‘Dei'créi tious Whiei g'fggpifiy‘the. Father, and M] £5? angular Numiaer, Gouge; ' ?uen“tly allg‘tlie‘Patriarch)...Prophets and em until- Chtifl, and all the Believers in Chriftyaud Chtifl" himfelf too, (which. is Blafph‘emy to {u . ofe) erred in theirwors lh‘ippihg God", ‘mgti’tihg hotexprefsimentiom of the .HolyGhom if‘itlietia? good CQIIfEf ,e‘ncje’ from, the Holy Gliofi' his ‘ bei'ngjreueag led to’. be a Pet'fdn of'GOdI, that we ought to Worl’hip him difiiné‘t‘ly under that Name, Or fome Other peculiar to him.a For it in-_ fers,‘ noc only that we may, but that we muff {o worlhip him; {Or he ,that is equal- 1y God‘ as the Father, has, accordingstoour . Reafoning, as muCh right as iii. to baWor-z {hipp’d and invocated exprefly; and. cannot be denied it by us‘ without Tranfgreflion. But the Holy Ghofi himfelf, the Infpires: of Holy Scripture, ,doth never dif’cate any fuch expreIs-Worlhip of himfelf 5 and therefore A '2 the as H ll .m- :r.‘ -_ - . -A A A u_:_- A we»; . _. ”3...”; an. _ ,; u (4). the Argument in the Objefiion reflee’ts highs \ly upon him, as negligent of the Glory of God, even his own Self, and. the greatefl, nor only Defeftivenefs, but Impioufnels- {pardon the word) upon the Holy Wri- tings, which never. teach the due and whole Worfhip of God, but onlya part of it. It is therefore to be held, that fuppofing the Holy Ghofi to bea Perfon of God, he was always worlhipp’d and invocated under the Name of 7ebovah, the Lord, the Lord God of Hoffa, and the like : And in the Times of the New Covenant, under the Name of the Father, IbeGod and Fotberof our Lord fefm Cbrifl, fleFatberof'Meroies, 8m. but never, either under the Old or New-Covenant- Times, by the Name of the Holy Gbofl, or God the Holy Gbofl, or bleflid Spirit of God, or any fuch Name as diflinguifhes him exprefly ' fromGod the Father: Therefore fuch wor- lhipping of him now is utterly unlawful, as reflecting Imperfeé’cion and Obfcurity upon Holy Scripture, Error or Negligence upon all the Holy Men,Patriarchs,Prophets 8: Apoflles we read of inScripturesyeaCWhich isnOt to be thought or laid, did nor the detection. of a great Error enforce it) upon our Lord 132qu the Pattern of Perfefiion, and upon the Holy Gholl himfelflby whofe Infpiration theScrrp- tures were written, and holy Men moved. 3. The Worfliip of the .Holy Choli, in fuch an exprefs manner as diflinguil'h’d from the Father, does naturally beget in us the NOtion or Idea of two Perfons with two Ef- fences, as fully as Peter and" Paul are two Ellences: neither do I think it pollible to avoid it, for I cannot make either the Fat-#- ther, or the Holy Ghofl, an Objeé‘t' of Wor- fhip as the moi't High God, but I mull no. tion each of them difiinéily as a Perfbn and Ellence compleat, and then of neceflity I form in my Mind two Ellences as well as two. Perfons, or elfel worlhip the Elie—nee twice under two different Perfons: But whether the one or the other, I do exprelly wor- fhip two mofl High Gods equal one to ‘the Other, whilft I have two fuch Objects under two different Names and Appellationsmhich fignify its-differently as Father and nor Fa. ther, but one equal to him. And now that I have firew’d, there is no Example, as well as no Precept, ,of wor~ flripping or praying to the Holy Ghofi by that Name, or any Other Name or Appella- tion, fignifying him as a Perfon difiiné’r from the Father; and that fuch Worlhip is nor to be juflified by any Confequence drawn by our Reafoning from the Revelation of his beingaPerfon of God; Yea, that it is un- lawful fo todo, Ifirfl turn my felf to the ‘ Dili'enters,eand charge them with great In- confifiency to themfelves and their own Principles; for whilfl: they refufe to join in the Liturgy and Ceremonies of the Church of England, becaufe (fay they) there is neither Precept nor Example in Scripture for their a Liturgy or Ceremonies, and re. jeét all the Reafons the Church-men draw from Order and Decency, the Command of Superiours in Matters of Ind'illereney, 89%“. they themfelves do daily worfhip, and that exprefly by Names and Appellations, which infer different Idea’s and Notions, a Perfon diflint‘t from the Father, the only true God, without any Warrant of Scripture, either by Precept, or f0 much as one Example; nay, againfi the full Current of Scripture- worlhip, with heinous reflefiion upon all holy Worlhippers, yea, upon our Lord Chril’t'and the Holy thofl: himfelf, and the unavoidable danger (in all the common People at leafl )~ of worfhipping two Gods. Thus you can no longer plead the Proce- flant Principle, that the Scriptures are a per; feat, clear, and our only Rule of Faith and Worlhip; and that nothing is lawful in the Worlhip of God, but what he hath either commanded or exemplified. You mull not call the Liturgy and Ceremonies, (9‘6. Will- worlhip, whilll your {elves are Will-wor- lhippers in the very Ellence, Object and- Form of Worlhip. Infiead of one Perfon which God commands you to worlhip, fay- ing, Thole [bolt have no other Gods before ME, you have in daily practice chang’d ME into [(5, one into two Perfons exPrefly. Yo; mu ('5?) mull not henceforth drawa Parallel between» jerohoam’s worlhipping the God of mm by Calves, and the Church of England worlhip— » pingGod in confeerated Churches, Chap- pels, Cathedrals, Prief‘ts. Garments,..by Al- tars, Liturgies, finging Service, Litanies, Bowings, Croflings, Holidays, Falls, Feafls, (no. becaufe all thefe, and a great deal more, may be juflified better than you can jullify worl-hipping God by thofe exprefs Names and Defcriptions that make him plu- ral, and not the God and Father of our Lord Jefus Chril‘t only; and that without any Authority, but merely of your own Heads. And this unfcriptural Worlhip is fo frequent with you, that you feldom make two Pray- ers, but one or borh of them is concluded with the Worlhip of the Holy Ghol‘t ex- prefly, together with the Father and the Son. Nay, you. are foiaddifted to this Wet-~- fliip of your own Invention, or rather Cu-. fiom, that though there are many Forms of Worlhip and Doxology in Scripture, efpecially in the New Teflament, forNew- Covenant Worlhippers, yet you feldom , make ufe of any. of them, but negleét them.» , all, preferring your Popilh Invention. before them. . _ Particularly youBaptifls, or Anabaptifis,.- do worthily labour in the vmdicaring—of Baptifm to .thofe that are capable of it, from. thofe that are .uncapable of it, whilfl. in the mean time you follow the mofi cor- rupt Tradition, of giving the Glory due to the one Perfon of God only, to anorher Per. fonas-his Equal... 0n the other hand, I crave leave to ad- drefsmy {elf to the Church-men, tho are f0 frequently braggingof the purity of their Faith and. Worlhip) and put them. alfo in mind of their dilhonouring,God 1n... thisPoint, whilft every Morning they read their Liturgy, they repeat Pope Damafm’s ' Doxology, at leafi feven, for the mofi part eight or nine times, (emetimes fourteen or fifteen times. see.- Glen. he to the. teller. one \ touthe Son, and a the-Holy Ghoft .- Arit m. on the Beginning, 8:43. For the Learned in" Antiquities tell us, that this Doxology was firl‘t devis’d to be the Cognizance of a Fa'étion, and. did. produce tragical Riors . and 'Tumults; then in the Year 376, it was ~ taken into the Church-Service by Bilhop Damafur, who was-brought into that Oflice ° at Rome, by Tumult and Slaughter of above one hundred Roman Citizens. Now is not: this a high Pedigree of a Form of Wore fliip, that muftthrul‘tout, and be preferr’d. before all thofe. excellent Doxologies and. Thankfgivings in Holy Scripture, infpir’d by the Holy Ghofl. Such are thefe 5 To the King Eternal, Immortal, Inoijihle, ther- only wifeGoa’, he Honour and Glory firr ever. and .. ever. Amen. 1 Tim. I. 17. There is alike Defcription of God, I Tim. .. 6. 15, 16.-—-—-the hle/]ell and only Potentate,.,. the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords; Who . only hath Immortality, dwelling in the Light which no Man can approach unto, whom no Man , hath feen, nor can fee; to whom heflonour and _ Power everlafiing. Amen. . AnOther in fade, ver. 25.. To the only wifi _. God our. Saviour, heGlory and Majefiy, Domi- nion and Power, hot‘hlnow and for ever. A». men. . .So ..Rom.-I6. 2.7. To Goal only. Wifi, he Glow. ry, through 7efu/r Chrifi jhr ever. See Gal. I. 5,. To whom [God and our Fa- ther] he Glory for ever and ever. Amen. And Ephef. 3.20, 21. New to himthat is able to do. exceeding abundantly above all that we ~. ash or think, according to the Power that .. worketh in our, unto him he Glory in the Church 'hy Chrijl fifths, throughout all Ages, World with-« out end. Amen. Phil. 4. 20. New untoGoel anal fourFather; he Glory flrr ever and ever. Amen. 1 Pet. 5. 10, 1 I. Ton-the Goal of all‘Grace, who hath called us to his eternal Glory by Chrift fie/tor to him he Glory and Dominion for ever. -- and ever. Amen. 2 Pet. 3. 18. To our Lord- and Saviour fefila ChrifizheGle‘l heel? organelle em Amen- . ('63), ' ' I * more at their met-rants, -‘ Ceremonies and ’ “Rev; 4311. ~ 17903!" ‘--‘éfit*3w"ofl¥9}i’,f ‘0 Lord," in reteive'Glory, and Honour, and P0127275; for than bafi‘ created at! things, and for thy Pleafitre they are andwm' created. i . ‘ --Rev-'.5. 12. 'Wortby-is» £1923 Lamb‘iliat wit»: (14%;:50 receive Power,and Richter; and Wifdom; 1' and Snengtb, and Miami," anti Glory, and Blef- ‘ . pig. “Net. 1 gd-Bl‘eflirzg; and" Miami", and'Gl‘o-i' ry‘, afiwaer; be to him that fittet‘b upon the ' 779mm, and to the Lamb flit ever an—diewr. See alfb 2% 'Cbr.‘ I .33 Mattias,‘ and tba‘Go 0f aliComfiatt. . j ‘- "- .8041 Fer. I. g. Bltfid be theme-and Father" of our Lord 72/5559 Clariflg So alfo 312%]. ‘1’. 3,: Thankfgivings are commonly rendted to God ‘ through Jefus Chrifi. Now, Reverend Sits, is it not unaccoun- table; that aPerfon equalto this God and Father, and Whmha's an equal. Right to" all; Glory and Honour, fhould z'never be men): tioned? And, is it notati-unaccountablegj that a Church profeffing at mof’c ‘exafi. Re-' formation from Popifh Traditions, in Faith and Worlhi , by the only Rule of Holy- ~ Scriptures; ould‘ thus' paflpably 'derogate frmnScriuture, to "the high dilhonour-of all fa’cred Perfonsand Things; and give your Adverfaries the Romanifls an Argument and ' Advantage, whereby they are able to de- fend the very worli’ of their Superf‘titions and lciola’tries, and fu‘bvert your only Rule of Faith? If thefe Doxologies had not been found in Scripture, but devifed by fomc ”eminent Bifhop or Patriarch, you would certainly have warned it a great ' difrefpeft to that Bifliop to paifs them by, an‘cltakeone devifed by an ordinary weak Man of no Reputation, (fuppofing the Mat- ter of it to have “been lawful); But what is Pope Damafwx in compare with the Holy Ghofi, or even with the Apoflles and Holy 'Penmen? You mui’i no'longer rejeéi the I’iibpifh Won/hip of Saints and Angels, the Im- gg's of'Cbri/f and his Marian; and other Saints-5 tbs Bread in fi‘dtfitbflarztiation, Sec. becaufe not found in Scripture, our Only Rule of Faith and Worfhip; neither a .thoufand Mflezi beGoai’, evver'i the . Fmbemfonr- me échBri/i, Hie Fatbeaof; wages, whilfi you: confliantly every dayg.‘ and often in every/day repeat the Wet-{hip . of another- Perfon exprefly, halides} and: in difiinfiiomfrom him that in the harem. God; and together WM? >-liitm,.~wheteby you cafi‘gteat Contemptuifiéofi may Setiptute,~ asan imperfeéi andvdel‘i‘éfiive-A‘Ru’le of Faith ' and Worfhip1 evenin‘the mofi Fundamen-~ tal‘ Point,~ the highefi (Meet of Worfhip. The Papifl‘s are not wantingvof R‘eafonings; Arguments,'-Con{'equenees, for what they, behevé; and ’prafilii'e in Religionizt‘hut yeti reiefi‘theni betaufe notfound‘in‘ animate“! see what ydut ma learned Defendetifaysgi in his' Difcoui'fi "of the 'Idolia‘tty-‘of the‘ Church of Rom,~~ pag. 175;. 9. I6.” “ And “' fo ( fiditb‘ be) for all particular Doéirints ‘ rejeéied" by us gag—«W6 therefote .rcfu'l'e. “the“ belief of them, beeanfe not ceiig‘ ‘- tained INQEEKONLY RutEfoF FAITH-:4 ‘9 on this" ‘ae‘éount‘ vac-reject. the Pope’s-r Sui” ‘ premacy, Traifiiabflantiation, -"Infallibili‘-' ,. ‘ ty of t e prefen't Church in deli'vlering,‘ ‘ Points of Faith, Purgatory, and other “- Foppeties, -~impdsTJ_-upon the Belief‘of' “*Chrifiiam.‘ Thus far he; , " 1 But in contradifiion to this Principleg-you?‘ believe it acceptable to God the Father, to wOrfliip exprefly another equal to him : you can profefs to believe that unfcriptur'al, un- intelligible and‘ damfiing- Greeti- of your Saint Athamfim, whereby you telamn all that do not give-equal'GYOry to'the Holy GM?! as to the Father; anti "confequently ymrfe‘liaa; for ye Often-pray to, anti worfhip the Father exprefly-without mention of the Holy Ghoii, ‘ nay, ye pray to the Father that he wouid give-you the PM}? Ghofl. , Thus far] I have (fifcourfed mofily upon that Prozcfiant Prineipie. named above; but now I will fhew your, that that your Faith and W'or‘iliipr is diree‘t'ly contrary to the Precept: of Wotfhip in holy Seripture, and that net one only, but allof them. - For‘all the l’recepts as well as Examples concern- ing the Werfhip of Goal", refpeéi him as one nngulat Pei-fen, boch. in Elie-nee and ‘ Pctfon 5» "an 6 En“ Perfon; “for share an be. no al’eri'on with- ‘ou’tamEfl‘tnce, and oneA-lmightyvand m’ofi wife Perfon is one m‘ol‘i High zGhe'l: All Pre- ceptsof worlhipping that 'God {peak in the fingular _-nu"mber 'of'one fue‘h Potion, and exclude every other eron Whatfoeve‘r; endgtheréefore eVen the Perish oi the Holy 'Ghofimonfidered as .a difii'mét 'Perfo'n from the Father, and, {o 'expreft; for being ex- ;prelt 'w‘ith‘the Father, they make two Gods, and then our Blefietl Saviour eon-Id net with Congruity to Truth and "Grammar, -have ,expoundcd aha: Preceptof God by .Mefts [leflitflmltfi’mhl‘he Lord thy God, and Jere/e him] these; It iewritten, Ihon [halt wor- fhip the Lord thy Gaol, dfld HIM only [halt ‘thonflr-ve, Mat. 4. 10.) for he that worlhips the Father alone ex'preflyi, ‘worlhips the Lord-his God; and he that worlhipsex- “pron anotheraPe‘rftln hefides him twithequal gWor ’ip, 'worlh'ipsr no longer lti‘lE‘lOl‘d-“ifis God, andqferve‘s hint'only,u in: he worlhips the Lord his God and anotherytmd '~~ferv"es TH E M «together 5 To our .‘Lor‘dh Precept rand-Form of fPtayt-rm direas TtO'Ufle fingular Eeyore-45:1hereifliewe‘dsabotve, e. 43.1 And aheing asked, which -‘ ie ' the fifif flattenindment .ofeellg? filtrate/meted hint, \The'ifir/i'of all the Commandments is, Hear O’HWCI, the Lord our God it one Lord, [I or the Lord our-iGod the Lord is one.] And thou-{halt loot Tthe‘Lo‘rd thy God with all «thy Heart, antl’tw‘ith all thy 25M, . and. with. all thy 'Mintl,~.antl withmll thy astregth; :Where he. makes the ‘Onenefs of the yetfon «of .God the veryfground of tall :thatyl‘idvcs Wot-{hip andzfiervice which we are able to perform, and which we camper- ibrm to one Perfon only; Mar; 12. 29,30. ‘ with Dent. 6. 4, 5. I think I'need net in- fiante in any more. Butyou elude all ""Divihe Precepts of ‘Wor-lhip, and make' them of. none effeét by your Tradition; . for, you have received a Litany from Pope Gregory I. which teaches‘ you to pray, 0 holy, and ‘hlefled, and gloriotes Trinity, three Perfltns and one God, have Mercy uponm. 0 . God the Father of Heaven, O'Gool the Son, 0 God the Holy Ghofi proceeding from the Father i ("71>- nnel‘the Son, have Mme-ton is. So you“ ohange the‘Lord our ‘God! his great Com: mandment, repeated by the Mouth of our Saviour, into the quite contrary, ”him only ‘«ii?E0 them, land thede that is one you‘make three, and Terv’e- them, with equal’W‘orlhip. And. infleasi of that Doxology which our Lord taught usro" form our Doxologies hy, you have introduced this or the like “Con— clu’fion of Gregory and Other Popes in above twenty Colle'fis and "Prayers, ‘hamelyi-“ff shiln [ Jefiis Chrifi] who. liveth and reigneth' ” with thee find the Holy 'Ghofi now and ever; firfi *Co’lleét in Advent, and. in the third ‘Colleé‘t thnsé-u- 0 Lord fefite Chrifi --——- who liveji and reignefl with the, Father and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, World without end. Amen. _ ,- Butefter all, it will‘he ~*urg’gd ,againfime, that‘jout 1‘on jéfus reform thofilhip‘pfd ex: 'pr‘elly togetheriviththe Father; and'if he; [Why not alfo the Holy ‘Ghofl‘? To which" I an’fwer: I. That "there isa “far different Confideration ngChrifl and, of the Holy 'Ghttfl; for the Holy-Ghofi has no other “Contemporaries nae Worfliipydone to him, but “thati’oY‘Gotl,=-‘3br a Peri/on that is God; 3 hutVJ'efus 'Ghrifl lhas fheTCOnfideration of “the well-belorleel/Son of God, When; he has 4p- pointed Heir - hftill‘ things, by; whoht eel/i9 he made ' the-Worldsgwhom he“ 'flznhiifi‘etl and [int into the World; when, "hetenfe he humbled hiotfelf, and he- omne obedient noto Death, "even “the ‘Death of the 00qu hath highly exalted, and‘giotn ’hien wNmnenhoveeoery Nomathnt ht Eorin] the ”Name, of felon every 101!!thth how, and that . every Tongue fhonltl tonflfs that feftto' Chri/i is Lord, to the Glory of God the Father; but no fuch thing Can“ be {aid or thought ' of the Holy Ghdfl', who whatfoevet Worlhip is paid to-him, it redounds ultimately to his own Glory in Difliné’tion from God the. , Father,and in Equality with him. All the exprels Worlhip to be exhibited to Chril’t, . has this Ground and Foundation, namely, . that the Father, even God, has given him; that Power, Authority and 'DominiOn which . makes him a fit 'Objeé‘c of that .‘Worlhip, ' . and i and the Glorythereof is not terminated in him as in its utmofifcop‘e, but palies by A and through him to the Father. Beth thefe . Confiderations are clear and apparent in that . Pallage to the Philippians, which I have men- tioned, and (o in the Difcourfe of our- Lord .himfelf, john 5. .for when the ‘Jews‘who fonght to kill him, v. 18. did malicioufly. 1n- terpret hisfaying, that God was his Father, to be a making himfelf equal with God, he denies with a folemn Alfeveration, fay- ing, Verily, verily, the Son can do nothing of himfl’lf, hat what he fieth the Father do; for what things firever he doth, thefe alfi) doth the Son likewifi’. And how comes that to pafs? .For the Father loveth the Son, and fheweth him '«all things that him/elf doth, (ver. 20.) and he will [here him greater Works than thefia, that ye may marvel. It was fuch a lhewing which proceeded from the Love of the Father; and it was partly prefent, and partly future. Form: the Father raijith the Dead, and quick- neth them, even fit the Son qnichneth whom he will, ver. 21. This is one of thofe Works which the Father fhews him. For the Fa— ther jna’geth no Man, hat hath committed ad ‘j‘ndgment to the Son, that all Men fhoald ho- nonr the Son even no they honour the Father: To wit, as they honour the Father upon the account of his judging; but dOth this Ho- nour terminate in the Son? No, he that ho- ' nonreth not the Son, hononreth not the Father that flat him. That Honour which is given to the Son, al'cends by him as lent to the Father that fent him, ver.26. For an the Fa- ther hath Li]? in himfelf, fl) hath he given to the Son to have Life in himfelf 5 and hath given him Anthority to execute fledgment alfi), hecaafi he is the Son of Man, that is, he that was pro- phefied of in the Vifions of Daniel, where we read, that one like the Son of Man came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought him near before him, and there were given him Dominion,_and Glory, and 4 Kingdom, that all People, Nation: and. Iangnages fhonld ferve him, See. Dan. 7. 9, 1o, 13, 14. or beca‘ufe he is fuch a Son of Man as humbles himfelf 90 the meanel‘t and hardefl Condition of the ("8. r mol‘t ordinary Man: See phi-1.2.7, 8. Again, in ver. go.pof this of fob. 5. I can of my [Elf do nothing; as I hear, I jndg, and my fledg- ment is jofl. Why, becaufe he is the molt High God? No, but hecanfie I feeh not mine own Will, hat the Will of the Father which hath fiat me. to a Man exalted by God, but by no means to him that is himfelf God already. Can he that is God the molt high he made Higher than he is ? God may and ought to be celebra~ ted and praifed for thofe Excellencies that are in him; but he can have no Addition .to his natural and inherent Power, Autho- rity and Glory. But the Apoi‘tle Peter alfo tells the People in that famous Sermon, Afis 2. 36. -————Let all the Hoafe of Ifrael know aflieredly, that God hath made that flame 7th»: whom ye have crucified hoth Lord and Chri/i. And the Apolile Panl tells us, Rom. 1'4. 9. For to this end Chri/i both died, and rofe, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living. Hence it is that in the Vifions of the Revelation:, chap. 5. where the twenty four Elders fall down before the Lamb, and finga new Song, they exhibit that Worfhip to him, they do it net upon the account of his being the mall High = God, but upon account of his Worthinefs as a Man, laying, Then art worthyhhecanfé than may? flain, and hafi redeemed its to God by thy Blood eat of every 1' rihe, and Tongne, and Fee- ple, and Nation, and ha]? made to: to oar God ' Kings and Prie/ie, ver. 9, 10. So by the Angels, Animals, Elders , even thou« lands of thoufands, Chril’t is celebrated upon the fame account of his being the Lamb that was flain, faying, Worthy is the Lamb that was (lain, to receive Power, and Riches, and Wifdom, and Strength, and Hononr, and Glory, and Blefling, ver. 12, 13. i This Obfervation of mine, touching the .tliEerent Ground of the Worlhip of Chrifl from that of the Worlhip of the Father, or of the Holy Ghofl (who are alway wor- {hipp’d as Perfons of the molt High God) is {0 firm, that] am perfwaded there is no place of Scripture can be alledged of any ' Divine Thefe Reafons 'of Worlhip agree. “#4:. 44’1")“; Lam ' .n: Mm‘m A“ “Wm-“Ma 2M i t ' A mammncmamwm: Divine Excellency attributed to Chrif‘t, but it will plainly appear to have been given him bythe Father, out of his free Love, or as a Reward of his Obedience. Thus in Col. I. 46. where all things in Heaven and in Earth [not Heaven and Earth] are (aid to be created by Chrifl; he is {aid there to be, The Image of the Iaviflble God, the F irfi-borrt of every Creature, verf. 15. He forgave Sins, but asthe Son of Man empowred by God ['0 to do, Mat. 9. 6, 7. And the Apoflles tell " the High Priefi and Council, laying, 7hr God of our Father: has raified up fifar, whom ye flew and hanged on a Tree .- Him hath God exalted with his right Hand, to be a Prince and a Sa- viour, to give Repentance to Ifrael, and for- gi'veaefi of Sins, Afts 5. go, 3 I. Chrifi is to be believed on, but {0, as that he who believeth on him, believeth not on him, but on another 5 to wit, on him that feat him, John 12. 44. And fo, that by and throagh him we believe in God, who raifid him from the Dead, and gave him Glory, 1 Pet.- 1. 2!. He hath the Name of Emmanuel (God with us) given to him; yet he is ('0 a God, that when he is {0 called, he alfo is {aid to have a God who anointed him, Heb. 1. 8, 9. He is faid to be the Fir/t and the Lafi, Rev. 1. 17. but {0 as he that liveth and was dead, ver. 18. He hath the Name of The Lord our Righteotjizefi, Jet. 2 3. 5, 6. (if at leafl that Appellation dOth not agree to 1/?an mentioned before) but how- ever it is common to him ’with Ifrael, Jer. 33. 16. God only fearcheth the Heart pri- marily, and of himfelt; but he can give to Others an Ability to fearch the Heart, as to Elifha, 2Kings 8. 12. So Chrifl faith, I am he which flareheth the Reins and Heart .- But he fpeaketh there of a Revelation which God gave unto him, and of himfelf as executing Judgment upon Adulterers, and giving to every one a Reward according to his Works. But it is certain that Chrifl as a Man is Judg,‘ as Iobferv’d before from fohn 5. 27. And the Apofile Patel faith, That God [hall judg the World in Righteovfitefi, by that MAN when he bate emailed, Afis 17. 3 I. ' (.9) My Conclufion from all is, That all the Worlhip that is or ought to be exhibited to Chrifi, according to Holy Scripture, is con- ferr’d upon him as a Man, Mediator between God and Men 5 and that neither to 'Him nor to the Holy Ghoi‘t, there ever was any Worlhip given under any exprefs Names, Appellations or Defcriptions, as Perfonso‘f God diliinét from God the Father. But, fuppofing them to have been from Eternity fuchPerfons, they were always worlhipp’d as implied in God the Father; and confe- quently the Argument in the ObjeEtion, for the Worlhip of the Holy Spirit exprefly, becaufe Chrift is worlhipp’d exprefly, is of no force. My fecond Anfwer to the fame Objet’tion is this: I obferved above, that Other Per- fons are fometimes joined with God the Father, as Objeé‘ts of fome great Work a- {cribed, or fome Honour given by Men, when yet that Work or Honour refpefis Al- mighty God in one manner, and thofe Other Perfons in another manner; as in the Ifrae- lites believing in the Lord and in Mojis; the People fearing the Lord and Samuel 5 Gi-. dean’s Army, crying, The Sword of the Lord, and of Gideon. I now add I Car. 29. 2o.- where it is faid, All the Congregation blefléd the Lord God of their Fathers, and bowed down their Heads, and worfhipped the Lord and the >King. So it is when Chrifl is worlhipped with the Father, as Rev. 5. 13. he is diffe- renced (as Ilhewed) from him that fitteth upon the Throne, by the Appellation of the Lamb that was flain, and had redeemed etc to God by his Blood. But as for the Holy Ghofl, as he is not confidered in the Adora- tion given to him under any orher Norion than of God, or a Perfon of God, (0, your Liturgy refpefis him in the fame manner, and in coequality with God the Father; nor as Chrifl, who received from the Bounty of his Father, that Power for which he is to be honoured and obeyed. Thus the eleven Dif- tipler, after his .Refurreaion, and at his de- parture from them, worfhipped him. Matth. , 28. I7. Arid feftes tame, and fpahe ante them, i B flaring, (IO) jhylreg, All Power 'z'e giver: lento me in Heaven and let Earth: Go ye THEREFORE and teach'all Nations, hoptizlog them in the Name of the Father, and of the Sort, and of the Holy Ghafl. This Scripture is chiefly urged as a Proof of _ three equal Almighty and Ado~ . table Perfons in God :- But theinequality of the Son to the Father is mofi evident, in that the Son faithimmediately before, That! all Power was given to him; and lays the Authority of this great and extenfive Com- miflion of fo making Difciples, baptizing them, upon that Donation: which is the more obfervable, becaufe it is the cuflo‘m of all Princes, built upon moii weighty Reafon, that when they fend out extraordinary Em- bailadors, they enforce their Authority with the bell: and h-ighefi of their Titles and. Powers : confequently this, of having all Power given to him, was our ‘ Lord Jefus’s ‘ highel’t Title. And then it’s prepoiierous to imagine, that the Holy Gh'ofl who is men- tion’d after him, fhould have a higher Ti- tie, to wit, of a perfonal God: Butif he have not that, you will acknowledg that no Adoration is due to him. ' And now I know how {irong a Prejudice bath the Church-men and Dilienters in gene. ra-l have againfi this Difcourfe : Soil‘rong, that it may be doubted, whether many of them will give it the reading; and of thofe that will, very few will take any confidetae tio-n of the Reafons I have alledg‘dagairlfl , this inveterate pra<.°t.i-ce of worlhipping ex- prefly "the Holy Ghofi :, And of t‘hofe few, it will be as hard to find One that will give my Arguments their due weight, as it is to find a'Papifi that will be convmeed of the Abfurditie‘s of Traufubflantiation, Or the Diflion‘our done to God in worlltipoing the Virgin Mary, and other Saints, and their dead images. 80 lorhis every Ghetto judg himfelf to have been in an Error, efpeciali‘y in fo grofs an one as is the religious Wor- lhip-of a falfe Objeéta and more yet, when we have the concurrence ofthe Multitude of Learned and Unleamed on our i-fide.. But thofe that will. be {metre ,m the iiudy of Religion, (as all muff that {hall enter in- to Life) ought to confider that many Cora ruptions crept into the Chrii‘tian Church very early, as every one that is but a little acquainted with Antiquity, knows. And the fourth Council of Carthagemhich‘ was cele- brated about the end of the fourth Centu- ry, feems'to‘ have judg’d this worl'hipping of the Holy Ghofi an Innovation,"when it‘ decreed thus; Cam ael altare aflfilter, &c. Which may, be Englilhed', In the Church let Prayer he mole to Gaol by only the Name of the Father. And there are not wanting Learned AuthOrs who tell us, It was feveral hundreds of Years before the Publick Prayers had in, them any Prayer to the Holy Ghoii: Of which thing the Commentators on the Of- fices and Rituals of the Church, give this remarkable Reafon, Role 5'. Spirltroe, Betah'fe: the Holy Splrito’s the Gift, not the Giver. And Ereforros and Others ob‘ferve, that St. Hilary, who wr-ore twelve Books of the Trinity, never call’d the Holy Ghofl Goof, never faid that he was to be worlhip‘ped, but only to beobtain‘d. And Dr. Sparks on the Litur- gy acknowledges, that the Dostology fo of- ten reiterated in the Common Prayer, did formerly run thus, Glory he to the Father, through the-Sort, and by the Holy Gho/t. We worfhlp C fays ‘Ori‘gen, contra 'Celfum) the one only God, and his one only Sort, and Word and Simile'teede, with merotrrrofl Sepplt'mtloresaod Ho- . more, hre'regiog oar ”Prayers to the God of all things, through he}: only begotten Son. Here’s no mention of the Holy ‘Ghoii. . If Nodal) and Ahl‘hte were devoured by Fire from the Lord, for offering flrange Fire, be- fore ‘him which he commanded them not 5. who {hall 'noc dread to worfhip even anorher Almighty P‘erfon equal to him, which he has fo firift’ly forbidden ? The ‘Times of igno- rance God winks at; but when his Mind is clearly made known, then he commands-all Men every where to repent. I're'memberi'that a moii‘t eminentand pi- ous Confirm/i Preacher of Londorzfiwhofe Fu; nerals were ‘worth‘ily folemniz’d with Tears and Elegies) about thirty Years ago,did,up';m‘ . tie —‘ Wam— the account of the Refieé‘tion upon the Holy Scriptures, and the Scandal given to‘ fome of " his Heaters, by that Dorrologyl ha’ve‘been {peaking of, did, I fay, forbear to ugfe it as long as he lived. A rare Example! .‘Buthow contrary is the Spirit that now reigns among our Clergy, who make ufe of this'D‘OXOlog'y‘ as the very Mark of Orthodoxy; and will at no time forbear it, efpecially if they find any Perfon in the Congregation that is of‘. fended with it. ‘ . .. You ought to remember, the Popilh Er-' rors had prevail’d long, when the Refor- mers'began; yea, fome of them longer than your Adoration of the Holy Ghoflz‘ And itwas efieem’d as horrid an Herefy‘to deny the Adoration of the Boll, as of the Holy Ghofi; and thofe that reform’d in that Point, were as few in Number as we that reform in this. Why fhould you think you have reform’d all the Errors of {o ' t .1. > ' corrupt a Church, or that herAmiChriflia'v nifm confil’ts only in thofe things that you, have reforde? Remember, that the melt ' High God proclaims himfelf jealous in no Commandment but that of his VVOl‘lhlP; and try-again whether [yougive him no cattle to be {0: See if you can ‘fatisfyyonr (Zeno, fciences in, thefe Adoration“ he {0 kind" and Chrifiiah, ,as to inform us how we may fatisfy ours. If you cannot fatisfy .us who , are ready to receive Satisfafiion, then you ought to afillow our Dillent and Separation. from your Worlhip. In the mean time it will be our Duty to. profefs " our Thankfulnelé to God through Chrifl, who has bellowed fo great -a Benefit upon us, as .to deliver us from to great an Error, whereby we were confounded in the Worlhip of God, and in reading and underflanding of the Holy Scrip- tunes. .. 2.1‘0'thou God and Father, firengthen,. us to walk worthy of [0 great a Bleflingl POSTS Avi’ng fpoken of the Llulawfulnefs, and confequently the Danger of worlhipping the Holy Ghofi ex- prefly, it may not be unfeafonable to repeat that importantQiery, we. ' l/Vhothtr thelFaith and War/hip of . Three Almighty and only Wife Perfohs, or of one only, to wit, The God and Father of our Lord jefm Chrz'jl, he mofi dangerous to the Soul: of 114m .9 The Trinitarians and Unitarians agree, that there is but one God mofl High :.. they both agree that the God and Father. of our Lord jefus Chrifi, is that molt High God. They differ in this, that Jefus before he was a Man, and from Eternity, and alfo the Holy Ghofi, as difiinfi Perfons from God the Father, were and are each of them as 'A CRIPT. as perfeé’tly God mof’t High, as the Father; fo that each of them is Almighty, Eternal, All-knowing, only Wife, only Good, Infiw , nite, the. equal to the Father. The Trini‘ . tarians allert thefe things, the. Unitarians deny them. The @efiion hereupon is, Which of thefe Parties are in the mofi dangerous Er».- ror, fup’pofing them to be in Error, now the one, now the Other? If the Trinitarians err, they worlhip two Perfons in God equal to one. who is undoubu edly God; that is, they worlhip three Al- mighty and only Wife Perfons, which are noe- difiinguifhahle (efpecially in Worlhip)from three molt High Gods. ~ If the Unitarians. err, they. avoid that Error ofworlhipping three Perfons, which they cannot. diflinguifh from three Gods; but their Error lies in holding fo {iriélly to the Onenefs of God, as well in Perfon as EflEnce, that they do not acknowledg be- = fides (”123) fides thatOne,two more Perfons to be equally . God, as Well as that One, whom both Par- tiesagree tobe (‘0: that is, they err‘in noc _worfhipping two unnecellary Perfons in God, but holding that the God and Father of Chrifi is God alone, only Necefl'ary and~ All4fufl‘icient. , 11f the Trinitarians err, they err againfi the common Reafon of Mankind, and molt plain and exprefs Scriptures, which allert that God is One, or that there is but one mofl High God, or God of Gods, and throughout fpeak of him as of one only‘ Perfon. If the Unitarians err, they err, l againfl the doubtful Senfe of fome obfeurei Texcs, whichvare either varioufly read in the Hebrew and Greek, or not rightly tran- flated, or which fairly'admit of another In-; terpretjation confifient with the Unity of the] Perfon of God; , ‘ - l In Than, the Queflion is, Whether the Term God includes only one Perfon, or three 7 Perfons? One Almighty Perfon, or three difiinec Almighty Perfonsi And whether the former or the latter is the more'dange-_ a rons Error, which {cover 1s found an EPA tor? Mat. 2;. 24. Te blind Guides, which firain at 4 GM, and fwallowa Camel. John :9. 4o, AME/21‘. of fig: Pharifm .., [aid unto him, Are we wind alfq 3 ' “TH-E- E N D. ET 115 . 033 1690 ELL SPC RRE RARE1 BT1 15.0 01 0-005830924