A WIOYFVLL * TRACTATE%% OF VV The mofl bleffsd B A P» T I s M E that cucr was folcmnizcd: _|‘ A. ,. VIZ. , g.».t Of the flaptzfme of our Lam’ " Ilasvsby IOHN Ainlonbau. 7% —j—: 1oxm3.s. \ -I |\ '. Except a man be born: of water and of the Spirit, he 5 5-‘ mama: amrima the Igingdome of God. ‘iv we A r - A % « _ K 4.. ,. _» ‘ I “ 2 V . R .-,_ g _ “E K i K , .. 9 E v . ) ‘ 5 I ‘L 3,: ‘H 1 . ‘*7?’ J ; 37’ \7 zips’) 5*‘ i ‘ V V 2 ‘ I ‘ x Worflwipfi1IlM¥’. R 0 “ '1" om: A v N1‘ Maflingha~m V Hall, in :5: C§g{atAg}- afLNe;‘2:- ‘ " ‘ L w hne ra y % 42 i b Aflirbwdcé ,_ 1;/“V —-_ ” * Home or %n‘eu‘cr% Full) ’ doc wec>{ & x } Humane, or 5% V their p2.rr=imzI%Aa.r De&icaziéns, that bcitzg ‘ i cxprcfl3bI¢,mighr hereby be: r mmadc & %Tbe' E};z]fie and right godly difpofitions, thew %'mighc_ Athc better bcc prc é[rucdr~fr‘om the patching élctraétions of malignant C J-‘ V nz1:kJ'.'ImakcboId thcrcforc ( difcarding all {clfc-humour and irregular fingularity ) to ~ V commend this poor: Q’rcfént, rwflrum adpmracinium, to the rvvorrhy patronage of your well affcficd Worfibipsrtwo cfpcmavll rcafons mouingmc rrhcrc-unto. nFirfl:,4 that mine _ vnfaincd gratitude, cnrircafl Fcélion, rand moflhumblc * 7 duty for all your fauours inw- lllrowdcdvndcrthawafrtw-w.Vg,a1:. ding goiurds of honourafilc ” r I‘): W ajme. ,- 4! for }‘!'.'< i“ flew ‘V’ ‘T ‘ “ ..¢:V \. \ ' ' TOIIICVCHLISTI AN Reader. ‘ ; ’ V 1‘ \ H} _.~¢ : ' ‘ V_ J . ‘. ‘. x .-> ~«;\ « W. K ' ?§¢'lig£ow arid rzfgbt vvcrtxmm I, Gentlewomamcourtcous and Chriflian Reader, much im- 41... Bbq. - partnuirzg me far 4 wrif!czm£gv t/1£¢'ext.¢rat work: (wpangaad canfi % ratiem )yra:4e.r the only accafizm o/tin’; primed Traéhtr : fir thing: writ- ten, 44 tlaey are more tediam, [a are ~ they lefléprajfitaélc; £2: printed Trac- tatc: lcfle tedious and moreprofitaélc: I am not éame alone to my /cl/c, my ~ partieular friend: I love to f:m':fie,. ém the general! good [$411 $4: ea And I. M. Declzcatozy. made apparattt : Secondly, it hciug cleliucrcd atthat 10+ Icmztc baptilmctof C/mrles heirs, none I know more ‘wot thy ofthis Dicatian, than your _ vvortI1y and%rightChri~ than pcrlons. h A ' you to poffdffc the kingdomcr . A’ I prclcntit to yourtcligiotts confidcrations, as a louing and fric11d1yNew-yecrexgifi : for it aimcs at that blcflttd 4 not p0(h"bh*.: for either of"! 0? God. i_ Actsgpt therefore -I hum- A Bhbzu, fl _ hlyt n An... w _youi'f_irPt both: and hopcfMu1l‘V New hlairr/J,and happy New . \ l{f§,1iL1Cly in t haprifthc rcpt:-. . l't:m¢:d, without which it is A H ffllbc _lE“pIflle blyl bclccoll you” '*)~éal1cl tal;c_, in good worth this lhort f’ T1'C8.[l{C; {horn both in line I and learning :* rcfptéi not ( as is chatPrauerl2el) thcmca-J A lurcofthc gift, but the minds of the giucr : what is wana ting in the one ( Idarc boldly A ‘promifc.) is made vp in’ the other. At your ball lcifurcs vouch- fafc, I pray, now and than to pcrulc it, and I trulfl: that your Clnrillian paiucs horn» A in {hall be well rcgucrcloncd - with hcaucnly plcafurcs here- from; A The Lord God make l this « ( with all other like Cl~1ri«-M A..A..n‘.¢_ V’ ' . ,1 {ham M. k‘ lfijfil. ll ' V p " " V‘ u v w» wfings, your Wotihips {hall 4.... gotttward honors and dig. uout prayers, continued to the Lord 5 to whofc fwcettfl IQ‘ ~Dedicafory. Ptian helps) much profitabh: A to your iouIes,and as he hath Qbuiidatutly bléfled yoil with” nitits extctrnail, he would alio euen fill your hearts and fpirits with the iineftimablc riches of his all-fuflicicnt grace : that hauing granted this two-fold blcfliug to you if": this iifigyou may hauc the more afiitred hope of a third .. in the life to come, which is his bieffinv [of glory : for all which forcnamed blefi-~ hauc my belt and moi’: dc-t =v—~v 3 Ero- A..._mrIi-L % , V wile E P1222; og;zz;aro¢:y. _._._..a.;.. .‘ “‘'*-I--~u—----....q~ V %protcflioI1,Ibcrakcycvuboth; %V fwich Uyout hppcfull (onus, thié prcfcnc day and cucr-*7 more: A?’ }7ro_x7_1_H;mp1h;din Ei'fE:4;§; . % Ianua1'y to. x 3. Your Wmflipx mar rm»/} ready to 45: £'o«mm;-¢'na’¢r.fl in tbé I L Q1212, HENRY GKEENVVOOD, TothéRcédé.r. T 9% fit Q éemisfe ’ ipértbyju }3 TM A a.fi[ W tlmz beas:.¢d)r% ‘ (gag? caxsgnagug them/clues aavitlatlae éarifigme,-wryfewacqaaiming them- %;mcw to [IE6 mdzg : M ’ dz'e%ta% I/mt; tztlzerwifr ée~ x1:vid3%vt£2a;% my pgmg t‘/am %bap{9jg} I me:2tfelé1é§m“maa5e rgbt safe tbe felue; W21? :14: éigfléé’ 'paw¢f 5] the ‘ A t_baAt_L éztfldd 1%/9”] To the Rééder. deg:/9 : ta Zia: that 3‘/arg“/2i A r:a'§§\ ¥ wberewitbwba m acsguaiatcafi, merlaJ’fz'»gly vs at av/ac Len! Gaflflam my weric I heartily dcflre) évlcjflé tbcfé my were > N‘ ‘mm xwmwmm“ W \vNV»~ gm» >ri§hfcou{1i‘etIe: % : ‘A V S ” ~ * -; """ V - . ‘ _ . » -. " d “" - . . ‘ ~ - <5 (- “ ‘ 33% %;aIz3L' jtraigbt ‘Q!!! nftbé ;wgat_gr %: ‘.+1,:¢d% %1ae , the Im- Azzeru wmapen mm bi§99;,g7zd$Ioéi‘n A m a/jam-.rc1;A kdzzzg like 4 313.oz¢e quad ligbmag 9P*WVbl}?7o ‘ ‘L L ' “ L ‘L L ,4 Verfe 17. Am‘ l,;cg,_az mice my belaazc.s1Sa2zaeei7z whom I am ;veUpjc4- 1‘bt?-Us L Led. “ 1” ‘ \ _ -s * ‘ ‘ and ‘by lm11c1%dcarl1, *emrcd intothe world,’ V %hpt1;e ni“faheai:encé Vintathe World, .% Rm.5,1g_ Q5 W ;g§9J_¥v e-beuieucc wane man‘ .'... , i . ’ *} %%an%d,%@ L? "'1: Malibu-am.g.,.,'.”‘1‘ I ‘ ‘ “A; < ‘ A 4, *4 C/zri/ls \Baptr7mc.,;, fCnr. 1.30 3 and by righccoufncs life, Raw. 5. 18;. fez as Adams fimw "bath haunt! 135 all ta a tumble mtrnrp, guilt am) punims meat: mu Earns sfilyziif (bciugnuws of @431: to 83, Wi{dom¢, Rigbtcouf- ncirc, Sanfiification and Redemption, ' 1 Car. I . go.) batty mztitzcreuhs bat!) ‘ mum guilt am: puuiihmwt of an out “ t’rVanfgr§tIinn5.A .4} Elm truth sf inhicb tbzite blcficb t'epo;t,i£mot au_uai;31m-ntic A imbe flfinfpeil of (H399, mm tberefnzc calla!) r‘2zfcvy;»»éA:or», Isutcwfirmcn alro by fa-= cranmmtatl figncs am: fealefi tmtlae ’ fiI:I'f Hart ZL’vzB;”anm1t: 314:! the tint, as gainft Iiuncsa guilt,by cirCumCiG0n,i_!= , gainfit finnm punifbmtnt, by occa(i- A4 cm, the one a Qacramant cutting, the “* other a Qacranmnt 1:sIitz1_c_; {an the . !a{t,a;,xa%in£t finms ggmlt, thc Sacra-’ :m:m: of Bapcimw, agarimt mines pn- nimnumt, the Saczramcznt of his Sup... V per. _ . ‘N I , .. man as; Adam finnch m me! name patron 2 { tramctmies am: fuhflanmnf ti)»: fa Sm the fncmw Adam fa; ma 1 ms.;us:r12 bath perfmmm imtb the fiat '4 an r _ V I rm‘ *2: A 011 after baptifmz : H at flrctight came M C’V/mfl: Baptgfmu, ' V A in ms mac patron : fnz use mag cifi. cumcifcd , [make 2.‘ fIe[7.;7.27.% V % = % Baptizcd in the tomb; of my mart 2 And when Tcfu s was baptized, 8m i‘ an which in one to: metboac ram, 3 ‘note in gene rail tlmle :' A %21Firu,4 palagifls fiiaptitms when I c”fu‘§ was lwapcizcd. 1 I-9 Sacrificcd, 2 And cumcifcd, facrificcd, b3pt1.ZC'dA,,t3,tHri{9 ' A away the (tunes of tbzmazln : Cir- mconblg, Mazitts immnhiate actié our oft-hc.watcr. wloufi appzubation : Eemflcb 1131:“ miflnn, by tins: 31153 moire. vcrtion :An.d ‘loc, me 152 mm“ gvmohim. two magma: 1 2_ my the A gnaw W A A rccnfi’nu: AndA‘1*An%lan“faw I A‘ that: Spirit of(I}0 D dc- A % L{¢c:nding,&c. 1 fibirnlg, (Mons, of¢b2ifi‘aA_miraA« A x. “ilfig tbs ‘bWuc*t1£Aa-Q Hcaucns were opened‘ 1%.- A Luke 2.1:. 4.~..........._.J 1._r F E. Q humble cit? mmftunm »: Cbrifl: Bapit/mp. W % V 1» 315p bwflgtét Be.-hold a Voygc c%an»i.c. {r'o:’IM1%hcauenfaying, ficc. 3Inmt;icbn9icc3n1ntea1ra' “ « A we , La mmhie timimfiancg, 1 2. 9. lingular rumame. A I —— we the warrant hold avoacc. V ffomé H eaucn. . ~ % -Thisis mybcloucdfioin A g fingmflrgnn whom lam wcllpka: ,. r i Iub.a;'3n.f3§ ‘cc! I am " fghn impti{e* (mt §a\uiou rf fig 15 V 5 T;_”" ‘ ‘ *W’%fi’ W %~ tum mm fignifietba9a"i1i‘nut. pcnplc fre‘m%%th¢ir (3 :%1ncé‘,'&?VIAxtt/2 r g 2 I §l;_i§;_r;i‘c*at mtguérmm rawg iugéfpdfifiig “‘¢I5a¥nut‘I;r: jfafljbrann W11,‘ e‘2”hy rmam lfofluoztl) fnzfimztb, mm M Y 3 _..._.......u........ v<;,%tobut ‘ J“ W ..4.. ‘ ‘ ] CbfiflWr£i/W- ’ mane ca:tete”%2"$:>;t:;iebtucrxa1zeu7z3”.§;:~; f WaflIcd.md"¢IéénF¢dfrofi dfii%sVLéPré?% A @1922 K‘?f“g’¥‘§:'I4-4» i111);i€lW1it19f 5535 é .I~:=in«aai:rid~=d King; “ 2 I 3‘. :”5nj tffifi "Iz5fdan" "big _%ecanbli3,g‘ rm 3V2*%’;%:a“;¢aaéa‘, xerusg. A find whcrxlcfus was bapr*?ft%d : Icfus: :, , AV 9! natma 'iga.oztbilgV giifcn l;in1‘ft‘on3 Eb? amw, bttatxfe %be¢tan3e~tar%chi£ ; from tire" guilt of fimm bffibis iuiputau V flue‘ rf‘g!1Vt‘éia‘afl1e£fe; frdh1%tbe pI§nt!i4‘Ii3 meat of fin bybis i‘mfiu1tatiucAn2atI) ; mm paiiinns : the aumpzaptgrly refmnc ; Men in Eziptifms, we mm." in big lafl.‘ A Vgigxpper. AA _ V+.***“%5srt 1U¥J¢fl7'31?’ tam arbztifpuxcbafs vz*»*»:m%«‘~>%%?z»*se »a W: mwataztw mt» uinitp : bgf'“a ‘¢naenaht‘m;anc;t$33i).;t l I y_-=—=—:—w A mutt: um: amm. A _ 54,” A am Bib eaualig¢%VA.Atbz:A falunt£n;x~ offa[manp®aintsz~i M A Anr.,m;~fatéffia tbis~que+fiinn.;giue? ;_nc inane ta: bra e‘%I'“*f&1flilifll’ cmmi; 9baawod’e 3~ammn: ms2AmAa?1Bnatuf’ 4 W l'am¢ffl£Ah%fell;oWra3€tbmti1!1&iltfbAzmtAV %Ame1a 3 human nft,%.au hwmh might *5 ‘:1 mile. m1,fli1Q,!_E3:‘EA”;b,fl%jC1l€;’¢ §1\millgi;_t¢1i:*. 1 %1bée»a; tbLawtIannAnamwfa2thv.ya$11gs zf tmmtaraavtlyttwlamambwpnrcuam} vtbiss ft!m”Wi”i”7‘1~Pfi5¥5»'m regam:nf.‘~m=‘ I «cou2na~nt,«Abut not rzgmiuffitfa :. bi.=s7%; L pafitum «mere mat anmmabln to-Atbe‘ T gift, fem} mum bum bah it‘nan»c~fu3 ua cttntame but fummfc at month make ii Vm;a1nmuma great man :51‘ mow; imuc i like ;Acafvz;r -Aim batty ncfeme-:14 thine» % {Dart}, £9“ I‘MWpa~Eh €35" a*i£ar4%i.n{}it7M LED . the nignitp .nf Mzi1Ea patron ntahvs bis:meArit%%wp2ctiounA : amattgus bevtauw H ails? A V 0b£Lc&.~ Wat it may be bemaxw AA mm; C H R I s ru;nu1h {me by Is;alm:4~b.z‘ uapxgzgwn; ,tb?at 11193 ~fim.e£Ie%, baptifme fl+4rmmznp await oziainall .< ~ ‘Va; ;fl:x.7:g7:a;u¢¢ of, 9u7Iv’m% (fgnifigtfi Q-"« a nun. V ant werpell, in the bebalfe of man an _ 4 betoln Iohn: Thus it bccommcch vs to A4 to brcake the-Law, but to fulfill. V the mate: to his mg1Iica.llenb(vize ae) C/m]i'.: Bxeptifme. L .- Anfl 31 tstruefibziff inuregarb of lgimrelfe bat: no «mo of: Iifiaptifme, berefnze Iolm fazbane bim raping; 31 afae uéeueto be baptigeo at’ tbé, ant: eommeifvtbnu to um a pet natmttbs tfanbiug; Mufti bnncbtafen ‘to be bays. rtisfen fez eetrgbt efpeciall caufee . ~”? A4 firlr, betaufe be mas beam: to fat: fill the rigbteoufnelte but!) of 3Latn fulfill all righteoufncflc, Mat. 3 .ZIEl)e mm t'ninp“aehAefrcumcifinu,V there faee \ abzifi mutt be ctrcumciree ztbe (B30!-= pel iuiotnen baptirmefiyereroze «mime muff be baptigen zfog. dtbzilftamc not fieconbly, that he might wufirme A we bgaptinne of Iolm, to be botbres uerenu auie pzofitable, let? any month zinbirnlg, that I)? might fauetifie aaaming awggxefembling Fl).-;ma= wing away sf fiinueee e ‘bola fifiaptifme a mine as frivolous totbemamiugatuag efliunezl-Icfych: L V’ ‘*1 _.eCbri1?.'£e, Z ' lmdavn maled:&'ian:m(a3 Iaifl) Farms) nan wplaarmacuqn amt opm axpigztarium: A ' fled vtfacrdrmntmzs fcderix abflgmataris V .o 2.6. yet be makco bimtelteotno tapas A Btftifme-'. A (797?/514! dd /hcrandax nqumt Afiapttfwétixw 9! [ardmu éaptizzatux elf: that i5,ClariAfl2A., A was baptized in Iordan," roofanflififlc tho water ofbaptifmc, to the mgfficall A teaming amp ntttnnc; jfourtblp, that he might hereby * them bin moubcrfull tjumilitie : for thcmgh he were cquall with God,I’lail. tatiou, but comgs wen among ttnnerso to baptitme, Amigo. notwitbfianoing kmzto no time. A < t jfiftlpa to teach ha, that as be mas bapttseo being the bean , to month has his members : to them that filfiaptitme is not lightly to be retpcttemnoz of as mg to be ncglecten :tI3oreto2o they that hung not their tbilozen to aifiaptirme, A (as mutt; as 11325 in them ) aauttbom o out of the lzingnomc of btaucn. ( gm bopttfme is nccetrarg ad rat... mn .- um neacflituta medg , fled pundati: not «as though outmumlfioptifmo eta tbor amply (gush has, 02 hottbnnttt no cs E ...._._....__ ‘U!-In--I-v1Ir """"' tama- ~A. -1‘. II[ AA ink: :2. . _ rhm the ’rw’s!fi»‘ma‘y a.r:fwct% in cunrie vcipefl rhetypv%andfigIII:e%:%4fn3 M flyel ii;_°,:ngi:x wgmu; when he’ was im3ngu”i'a:». A his mb_olebanpc- ; A W wit!) wa*rW.:;«%;,wwermawrmywing pm A mg; ¢o’1‘371manneUm_3V§ 44 A 4 "Qt in tbwefaz¢*n¢ceflVary‘x3'w prof» % fotig mama of C}od:'hufiMtpm¢i[r;fim2;‘_ ,, plic£t;e*r,$(§' alg,£alm‘:4. fU&t%t5,fl1dI£;tb85t ' m%am1't% ug%auw':be.mum0m+%£az imam 2 the filfltklmg®#lpifl£§*bfln2'~*DcuIfeD a ~ Em’ . :a hunt‘; sl1’é~:*:fl:mig Lmim iwfliummlh % .11nf13ee:kmhr2i!nivfatattuu..» 1 « J VFl‘,a1iratiaon.t:f[1vi2k?¢:.w in the {ca : 1 far. 1¢.2. Elyut magma % type at llfiaptifm zfnz as waptirmc ta tns is apatiage by heat!) to life, to ‘ was that palrage Atbznugb the tea to; V I gricupdfltillit be'i:'ndcd% !Vtalluh!mp- tima Afar 3 ij: A bapt'1{mc%ofMarty1_'- % ' Q 5Fifflp,- l7¢1pf1:[ur_4 nqmé callcb imp. ; ti/'ma_flr4mtm}.t : p,::ifme“(;)_§ water .:- the 611022, a pafliage tbzougb math to life.. -1 - “ ‘ L 9$BCnl1DlQ, Bap1£[m4_Iud4ié’um: Icwiflrflaptifmc ambtremitb Iudith is faydro hiauc baptizcd her fclfc-bcforc 12:71. dc’ gain, ‘H617. 9.10. licuw, C5‘ wcemum : A baptfiffmc Of’ <::Vn1;_;_;~%3 and QLJIS; a'nd?han sflbtfora thcy arc‘: /Mar/qr’. A % A ' V % jhurtblp, BWF:3”4f;Ifigfl£1i£2fJA bllpv baptifcti with a. Ba tifmc, *:.u‘:d% howam omc. Sabbcrcmittg Iohn"hapti§eto. “ cifmc of the: Spirit: malleh Br¢pN'fl‘r»'oI. Eijitfliy, ?apazf2z«xa‘%I9/Jnrtfnrrtvi :% AA V P}'1arifaié:all Baptifhic :‘Bapt{'[vz:_ra can A tifmc ofbloud .- Luke I z.5q.I mull be g . %{17tIp, Enpttfiam Spzritw {A Bap~ % V .7. ...‘ flawinix, I ; . prgzcr in a fountairzcTofwatcr% :Im':tb.} V - fi”Z£m;..-, ghc baptifmé of firc,t'11[3e;-fie. 5W2‘/JXI‘/'13 Baptgfme. _ V min; the flpuliles mere baptmo: Aét. 4W~=é~ mnberemitly dibzilt baptigetlyzhc man baptize with the i”piriAt and fire ;M4t.g . Mam, A my 5‘.-rrpirit is computer: to are in a% triple rcfpcct : fa: as fire hath V A I//mniinare, cnlightcn; ' % §C42l.efIc:rt, make warmci ; A fmlmrcre, bumcvp : $90 the holy (lfiboft but!) enlighten the hntmrfianbing, make warm: with gealetbe affection, ann burn: up the Marie nun tnzrruptiun that is intbe‘ 315nt Iohn baptism) mm; mater. V 9! fit clement fa; tbisfiaacramcnt : jFl‘.|2 (' flfi Al-Jgufliinc faith )5: S acmmm—- M‘/Fmilimdincm qmzndam earm» rcwrtgn ‘ gm.-zmrmfnxnt Sacramifra nqrzI:a6arant,-r}-A Iiqflcflhalz affcntl Sxmrdmextai : IFSacra- mcnts hadnot a liucly replrcfitntation ofthofc things whereof they are Sa- Ac:-amcnts, they flzould he no Sacra- menus. gfznm mater am!) notably rcfemblc «mum fipirtt am bluub, man that in many rcfpectu. ‘ % M % W A it“: }i W ‘.3- ‘M M M; . A c’mflrBW»é-»~ ‘A rmtern:,mc¢1,Atu1urtmmre zmmax ‘ *}fZr»E1,;r«.3:ar., ~ . ,fimmft4mhtb¢fM1l¢~’ ,—= M A fiirmwa 9 the mmt*4;mna%metbamm§§7 f V V ' filth froM=tW‘~houp z?»fn#hhtbtl)efpivw A y V % becnnhlg,’ as mmm«,gm€ratiaw._i‘s‘ I at‘ humid» on gzquqfa Away? 1‘-Ia, cifa : wépry mattcr:( mbereuxbm W“)! 151)“ ‘ * sgeneramvrrw the miritofvgmw is grefemblma «acre in the Tacrameut Xbp; mater. % A m;imlg,as mam maketb the cam; §pirittl1at moucd vpon rhe%w;a$ucm“,g* . V iGm,m.2;mahm hfifruiflttlliwaufigunn * 4 §nuceljlpr;aI‘bnmructb%erg much refreflzy a man in his wmttrcmitie of ’ beat: %t3 the rpiritufgramrefmflwtb I % was in the fiemtt fire am)» gazeatcft heat E A pfmbutatirnnm. V 3; »%:gFAifitlp,~ as water zsutimuemb the Spirit Bf grace qllcmsh our clmirfla-§7ccr» yzampcmll t'£Nwgs,. [W9’f.T‘f;£ ‘g y.._Hc that is ¢ ‘A t mhirti, 163:. A T%mmaWm mm.‘:a‘IM% « he‘ tfflaall ncucrthirfi mom. A W -:4 “““"-'°~v-oo-u-‘J»¢.,«um-~-o~w- 1.... ‘r""" w«\v-mm an an!" AV A 4% A % !afnp!)Bl‘9,fa3Thnlcs{hsiéigrharwatcr was ~ A .* A the hcginfling ofla1l*rM‘»ii¢isg9%%: )%0 wt A ;t¥yirtt'ia6maafn2 the anom- tirig efhzett Mb fozehean, to tiguifie ' the anniuttugnf the‘ fiptrtt : not but: ntnglighte, to tigntfie their neliuerie from barkuetfe to light. a couple at notable heretthee, See ‘ hlcucus nub Hetmias, bflptifzb their e ~ tchtlnzen czjé -«gm é“ igne, in ‘water and eMufi~:utusfaith, that it is repozten, that tettnine flhzifttaus of anpia baps tige their thilbzeu 6- aquacegrree in A water and fire alfo, xgmmla tract‘: par igni mmfi-rmumfranti imprafilv: branding them ontheforchcad wichthc figncof rhccroflnc wixh a hot ‘burning iron :hut ~ ' ' thteis hogtible aha ham. A X 4 Horrible : hetaure cutfedtis hcthat eddcrh or diminiflucth from the word oftlzc Lord‘:.1lh-mermamia 1 1.3 2. 5 l)02tih*le"e thing ethatt; we ‘-1.. -——-—-—--vv \ T, T.‘ uW--~7:~: " ''''r‘'' 1 fllntiiuht "335 k A “' _C/Jr§jl: Bfptifam. “ n;Ia;ke our (elués mifeftbcn cflibzifg}. mbat dtbzifirbatl) mmmanhen to bee ._ mm: in tbinfiaaxcrament, that in the " ' fcare oE®onlcttmnn:atming nothing _ to the fame, fa: that isabuminatiom an barn thing to be Vbutnen iutbe A bacrameut : tberefaza Inc are mncbé ' hnaubtofibzitffaztborehacrameuts ‘ me bane, fnztbag are berg came: the am more bamana blmmg zin mrcum: % eifion blnuh MI, in ~tbeag)aiIoner lire 'M'w,,_,~_.£ " Qtlyewtnraments nftbe jack: Es: ‘ A filament are fwrtma matiora, 'L'til'it;lta" mcliara, afiufaciliara, mnmera pnnciam ; A V 4 id efl, for vcrcuc grcatcr, forprofit bct- % ten-,for aft caficr, for numbq: fcwcr. am: as tbiis iifiaptitt bare haptim with water, tnAme mutt hnotntbutit ~ , patfch his power to baptise tuft!) the A mairitann fire. V % i ‘ - “ ‘V Cyprian giuctb to Iolm nnelg outs math bnptifme. ’ A Longobard faith, that Iabmrmkape... ‘ratio mi/Iiilslr tnnmm exteflm L auym"m'; % imifléilix gratin Des’ interim: aperantit .- Ioxms baiattftizc mam Xottbnutmuit t w vwnqvy r "V ‘V’ ‘W vr"',vIwV'.‘ — x A ‘ beauefl, fa: be taittyyhc fl1a1lAg0r=A‘ W ‘E wit. A A N 5? V A - M % ‘ V43... .. Q33‘ u ‘ - ‘ . ‘. , \ __ ‘ --... .-.4» uwaamnnuuv-vvouauw.-.-s«.‘.o-o A A Bdpxéfimmfia. A it 16 fleas gr’a1:e?tlyatAmaw8.tbmifl)im IahniahaWfm"9ma£f“*rfi1*tallcbI113 \ baptifimefl m‘qnwtanmg;1aa:t1;om_:,n nu \ matmereammtgm nmwmtgemtam; im:auVtmitAma5A Ah; aguemm when Ifirtpentrmré. A =Auguainmz'mmAmw: atmvmw Jzagan‘ ‘*2 A-A ftxfzmtfiwfrnm baptifm; ummzr namfiwfimpiggint A t¢Atmtfi‘i'm1'nffiméen*ta»twflamsu : ma ~ A an [iI”%O1i1’£ b2!m:utzM it 13 wt in fan mini 1'5 puma: tn regenetatemmi % tt)eti%4Bt!)Ael*Iz’f!1rl)af tammwtatwnia * A. V A mm mm tt)t“A£i%;gnz:aflu4tl)cA‘m¢ia.cua;w ’ A l1eVtl3a‘ttakwtt;etm2;.‘mufihfmcc.8i£g ';,. mac twmynzz mgnAs_Aim¢n Maw; Ihotalfl‘t1%tt1eQantbiwb4nig:¢wbr:£t, mm I ‘ M5 . ,3 1‘ was fiaptiigaw « « .— ‘ V 5}1e§ttr;evVx1'tc ttmv tam amaytlm nan»; ; A nntcamie‘ in he baptiawmitb water: ~’ 4 A 6 % “!{}s‘:!-l1IJVnifi}Eri11cntti+}R ?flJ)emtlmt.hwv; “ V4 . ‘women ¢~“tmf: magma ni1ap_ti§en, Aggctinf A igaarauire, {A A , A 7 ~ V ~ 9tnm1vhii!3eArVinentt(1a chub: arm. Quid? a&tma9mtVttrcumt$”en : rarely a ”".”'"""' W Iwrvwyrw V Cbriji‘: Baptifmp. Wbérmamz uyatngéé ct-flan -.7 ‘ tbnugb they bah nottbe figum . get mm they bear: in tI)em3Aurx:b, mm-A were mitl)( n7 the» ramparts «nfwat gas‘ i1e’ralltauetmnt;,,%I will bcthy V gwmair hm tnmznm. .=rbapAtifme m“mit is au.ntber,~matm: A M be that; V frfimthcpaaplm. I;w&l1ia inAfpn-. km :faAdg1Vciwat cmtemueb zircumfi fifinn. ‘ % V ‘falas,tbilbg,e tghfi (ball fl0t~:‘,b?,flV8tGVth:i“.f&f ; chcrs (ilnnc :4.E:-2%?/(5181. ‘ 9 * “ A’ mt mo3i:e7wg¢nt,raflan.i AV 2 71 %£)nu,c_cMtm rain: Except a man, ' ht:%bmI1‘c%@f‘wn%N:£anVd%‘oFt%HaSpAiriu:Iab.g [.7 M» itismwirfl timfwtbmenw ; wt!» ¢m*t tbelnmr m5n2ttmumeVa= * iefozc tbceiglyt bamtbmmxgut citmsw 1 % Gad ans” .1 ’ s’; M was not ei::unwifgn,t1muln.,bcicur ¢ 4 u,if%AtbepAbanatAh;ougbt { ‘ to=baptifme,fm\hnie imbapti§en,tt«i£v f In’: their mutt ma1l*tl)eygbe uanmeu fa; their fawers offence: wan rush-int. ‘ : “agaiuc, matcrfm but a‘ igm £112} ilttnarh wmim, imam it Knife hath ‘ fi‘ '¢ . w~.~—..y [man nmgvim tdgenetmmftbout a:ufl‘*L ~§WUi H ' mam T .—.... .,,:,._._., xhap I « §._C'Imfls Baptffm. ‘math bitptitum ‘A re!’ : Baptifmc faucth ‘vs; :not”*’tha: bap-«; con{ci*cncc « makcch requcihzoa God ; 1’ that the %pitit‘fintb; ’ * jaw in tljc .m’»z.ttua!l mm Vcuznplcté j mu‘ gin: butnutmacn baptifme, it is “cmyztft ‘31efu's that baptitctb ..luiAt!1xfira:4 " VQD let fiaarmta be «v'.nffam mifbv the zitmgcta in pzapmr; that as the A wlntficr C . at is we rpm or?¢t1j}:%%%"apua1eAP¢« A :t:ifmcthatp1fitet‘h away t:’fh“cufikhA 0fthC_r _ fléfll, v_iz.; ’)'Warcr" ';hu“t: in that a’ good % ‘.1 Pet. 3,21. aubénn mater ifiwfaiitfl‘ 7 M €cmwAnm.~ ‘(mum ‘fm”:raAmeus C tang, ‘bl!f?I%1DT WEN]? nu;:€ab&an_tI%a,l ;/ . » fr A ti{1nc,ta£'mir]acc0a!i5 . mm qmdn-are ‘ VV/ihqzaadnon 05/'§ta,mn quad ad afium %_ A_/‘M raarn:Laau:%sfl;a?t"i“g‘, fiAnAA%i;s,,wikAAc%n away, %tiU;‘that’finx:m!is%notig b%uJ:~’”‘tbat%flnis rim: 7 V ; tM:on¢x'n!‘1 aim: “nut in’marn' of ' % a.a:4.. hutin imam nftbzgguilt. I i A Qccing then” that John‘ conlmWt_ A 'bapti5c tnitbmntcr, sum was winMcAt’.t I pnin2ct!§~.m1 water, in the lgizb ’5\%cl‘..u#: A ' A ’ ml! .. .....-a-»m¢n-~u.....au-.........»...An..........._.m. .. :z;i£s;i¢;i§t:uE¢; iaztfipmap mtuitEii~A ~ 'mgu.ts_ aftbeir recon!) birth, mi.tJbAnu,t~» % mbtcbnzitgpnr they em: their cbiltmn Aayamucr fabtbe raiuation ml’ 65%.", A A nmaur 31.021‘: am: muio4ur1;Es;v 9 :m;ci.¢ua1g, ¢t;;.iirs»~im"mebiafe .act£= 1' om; gf':h{¢ Awjatcr. «W ; a”-in this!» amvfliergi is fihferixzéb tié ;; flzem that ail that an; rffzttu-allép bapa : t:t,,5en,%%:noc p2cfeu1t'!g»mn1ennt oftlyrir , V '.'- IL;o:x:1@ imt)oi%ix1t the . A: “ E}fi!'B=—lJ3p£i§BD+ - _A V M 6 u , V M % _ 1 tb%en:«£W.1t Qfinh rcqttfixzfb at our 1):! nos, that minzn we are little A ohms; men in swrtufalitp ( fa: than : ®'Q33% t Am”; the Man _lc¢ke_tb ft-‘W tbc Alpha pf am: um, Mswcll :19. thin A mcgaafnz 'p2a.ire em out or film %«:x1nuw? %,,;._=;_;‘z‘»::.*" " .m%“,_ _____ 9.. ,, ----rvv v _ up-um , ,,. '!"mS",,;‘!”,‘,r.,r-.— w m.“'r‘u«'VV4"T' «- C/9::1%'fl‘A:r~Ba1z9ti[zrsie, A : flan‘, than much fo; the maptifme V on after Jafiaptifma 2 He ‘flraight cam: \ £mu;e§,; azznaking 1.1 u mlav to fetus: we V W ;4 $@;;tbsx,t1t9i-a mare bmfieb of#aM!)3nt 111x42»z1reJVbapt%i§;nu) me ragtime nut" ’ ‘ In ultra arm hmxiyza; to the 1’ ctu»x::_zwnf~ our The fez» %,,« cond tcxta» u I A iutflfy r £'1J2el]"9nbED."li ma bib tnfltfcrfijnlflfi?{€30/5eW4£¢W ig- mi,/'v3'c°:[J&l13E!lI‘li1EIZ( £iI)~3Ln2U')*pdtnou: 4 ti£1m*fl§;myVpnut9§V?#nn pavfimin A mm age; ‘ tmublenanger. 1 ®uwame~'.m%%I;w A * j 5: &9aenm11‘mmtt;a % xv miifiifis m:cmuméa»ma mmm A mirging bah %altnaiz§'%9*tur‘¢ttlI1§Wgt*t6 tbdciimle fir ;1Ia:ttbmu we omwmne 4 in the lampva of nut fnL(xlé”s,,"wti§’At*?*fi} ; ii»3%’b%¢*fl0At 9‘A;:cl%ufit*B%e‘br2ina'9€lmii%cr wegtoagx A ‘ VV mah:e,wc~awmmerpsmcmm ‘MM ewmm-‘t M;d:fiufl‘m-’$’Q1§ira»?w99 :m(iJd£m'¥*d}fiwW»}a : Ht umii ~ hbtflfl Mr fmpém 4o£‘7‘B5&b¢s;and fuciclings; Aw A % m!tb;er2fo*34eIebait are bHpfia%bfi~,%mU= 4 - A wamieferra Attycirfewntautz, tjeue*a_ni‘a5 A¢AA§~tiIi1"a5%aiub%¢Auguflinosfafiltifics A At nalimada : btlfflot lmfil 3 let Mk T 1&5-at let fut!) perfnus bcmarc~nflu* mt2*m.at:us:tbmw;e~mttlytt1a#wir$ mmembwy mat iwfiwabm A away '&wy;Mi1lrM % {mm a1b’B:dwa£_r A alwawmi ‘.‘..;.»-I-n-anm.‘ " ‘ :.4g,mn . 5hfi,"‘refa1deperfzw A fan e;:c;l)a reform '. A "393. —£a¢e; ma, an we % ft?" wat.heaLoz°m8 1?. V mgbgetteurauaur; bnrugiatmxmut AFuz‘;mr.% 2 \> . was much fun: «him mamwme C“39"ir’:‘j'i‘.4*V3Bz?:ji}7‘ri)"r;':2'. ' » lacuna, flmloh ci;‘5iH%’i¢tffi; _V W? mn3eir1'nillaf%etarcp%aire"t* ' 2 am uailgthe mfingeé blames &_m;[l1. tum it,tbclyatnm: mm‘ft¢bm ptitrniifi V iwtbs therefugc. W V itcitis fqih ti: {Ban 2 mbiletlyc 31.0333 fpeéiftwé fi,’t§i“a‘A3 him [penny 8flf1wiI1£l‘ 3;3L9ttl]£l;§ bée pgatt§,a,s _us‘*i1Hye ‘A hcdt‘t*a€Da+ rd‘ 2*’/”a”2'.&7.“8: ficdw A cfgfif.‘ 7” rows» t.be‘1tAn2v% anwfis M . . mam ’lm*hnr~w W‘-VI'|E!11&l't_¢r)1L5a;gtifxns3.. V élCbirbly,~'A€Hf§n§§;‘”$?~’¢'9§iI¥§Im‘iItac.u9 ‘M1t' “N-om:” WI‘ t!)i:',tb(B£{éb of # Imus i1pp2obati0IiI.f 4 _ % A A 4 bymtffan; tmifieb by W099?“ 0'-fit‘ Pfn.2A?«8¢f: ‘ M A 1 -A . 4" i ? : Tcxt, E£hy;y¢ V 6% 1 pa--input-inulq A‘ fbygftbc fiépirftb bcfccnfion. %ncdJ1tohim- » »i éhoid: Eon’: 10¢.” satbismnzn is mu tuw mbtrzapon Bernard cals it scram.» flelirferam : %a flarry notc,pointil1gDut Aexttraozninargg ma”‘ttm reuzalen, as mmapn awn am: the bout: uvbcrobe Verpznzliiblc x-nercicn : an, E/a;_ 7. 14. Cbrifh yiiaptifmc. §b+g§tbz {mucus afiewEiiau.“ .. .,.,..... fifirfbhy the baaucuaapertimt. J béhoid, Vathchcau cm: were eps- as J A V my may 90 times 5 a man tuvr platen bgfozs matters at’ great weight am: moment: the frat pointer: nut dibzitt tn the wire» 1837- j bomctimea platen berm (Bobs ins Behold, a Virgin {hall gsonccxuc and bcafiq aScmnc% and his name {hall bcc callctd I M M AN 1; A %ometimc§<{b2fo2é will bring a famim vpun you, not afa-» 4 4 “A bias inmttefablei .- éubgemtnfsg its /1mo.r.3.. Bcholdxl ’ Iizinc of bfci'aH“or“ bf winc4h3bitb of K 4 _ eyes» 1 vv— TC/my}: Bkptifrrtiu rmtmarb Heaths, 3 imam nnnéfmnzfc . than (taming to math )but afaminc of A hearing the W 0rd of the Lord :and3~yc zitlmevpofitiou of this tnozn, you may finuc by comparing Matth; the 6. with Lukc I2. fa; 9. Matthew (peaks ?ing A of E E E Q pzauineme Afoz fly: mint Luke {peaking of the felfe fame [ubiett bratty the Innznconfidcr, Cm: fidcr the Raucns, &c. %n that Behold is swmucb an Confidcr, oz fetiauflp annitazies niligentlp to menu to tag, am: we cuerlauting own: mules. A The hcaucns wcre opcncd to him’, . anms gnu may wane in tags map- tuccs of @7013; ; '~ % “ U3 [hall go: Ema fcato fca, and chaff to A coafl(aB littleacumnt at gun make of A . bermcms min ) and fi1a11nor'findc;-R. finmlefi nfytl3e*nire, bfetb the man Behold: bchold the: Fowlos ofrhcdirc. : perpenn must it is that that be fpokcng A’ was are of this menu is to mm twp A tbnfc things that Jmakc fa: «Eons gloa. pm: oftbtir VV V mac" bcauenn bane Imus sperm: tn I,..Eq A‘ A fMar. 6. j . If“ 72? _-'17.",---«mu, -5.,“ W ¢ib«g{%&~~B»fiv/?ai»%1M‘%% I39“: . H . .» ‘3;«%,.m:%¢:;;1aV trautfiguretv, Mach. ...__'4¢-' r _ ‘ ,,_, $ ;%¢.r%n:mwmamr;mn,aa$¢.56+ fi£t4—I2c;w.4¢r'iI1:9WN~WWW3 A193 4; étbzitf afcaum%aA§’fS 1-gr ~s-,¢m¢azifi b@ra~bmiw5~~ % ~A:-M. rwhm »M4fi. %;w#s”¢~bwt=zcVd, V ‘.“’§7¢ 0R cm7d{~W j ‘gamma ~ macaw npzmmw mwljwi cam is unuexitanntbc nwuifefiafiun: ; _§llr*:W$» $193!? at web zy but WW it mam . ' A '¢*’WW ‘wréé iA‘‘‘'F‘‘’’‘’'’’’aA ‘*4 AT“ V. ”lair-xr;zw‘s~rrW0’9«cer¢’P?’**’5*a 4”'fW’:?.14’?¢*~% :37; Megs ..gflriw:[g¢parf,:t4g~~~: c iuilimn ?c- i he; j Aymbmhflmgg, w%l!1;g¢rbyg Iubnfaw ‘l'c>m c'*-, 3 % (V1-wing hgighet‘t}|!§1“!;"lrQBl§9gfl¢¥SW1!§1A«5.£2arS:_ A an wmjgfngg-*Maa7ke f%fll'tl), that the Z A hcaummgiwxrc c10*gW:1l 511” cwainc, Zflélr/ta A w;1:t‘;9bp;1£)i$_11;W9lE.T$ifI\!r9 ant: cleft oftbe mama is fignifieb : ,1 ' I-~ »12%E33‘°“¢3°V“?°“»~ V I A % ajdtbgilf bimrelmame from 1 gtbrnqaswp mmn_m.m% mm we Vfem:t% m;1inmvm‘beVnm1Mfltbv¥-7 A A‘, Ann‘ R‘ I a: g. mat bcittnastlmt amm.m;: ¢ ¢¢I3ei!¢' 1 "W" . 1ubicb..AdamVh_v;,1immbab tIniAt.%4 2» vmdbaaum arm e"fartl1 were mafia % «nmnr~:aLn;n, mm the like name: in , baptitmetbis Wvanperatbe kimnomc A I ;,at' Aiaeauett to ma amfant that wall be haptisetzi, am, vaccine it fa: thy , % «nj ~-v\‘“‘ «V I‘ A . «.~;4-..: mm ‘fiibaift 31e.tusope:ig,§;tbe‘Vf vilmgnnme nfzbcauemo allbe}¢zum~a,§ 5%‘?-5¥33‘w%¥1*§#&fifi¢~efieW8419 we-: man, have beanen npnneb; bnm mm, % aim tbciwn W0; realm to fifflbtfltfi; %V.1bem~tu glam. < Mzxrwmyv0merm1§:4fozwofbaptifmfi ! »ifionmw_mt mm M1 the ttwatea; ;¢b;£fmta1ac intotlgine euerlafiiug fag %uom:.anb:(aluatim1. 4 % % mans much gozmfirflhifimq» Th“ $P1rit§.sW¢cnfi°fl~ . ;_ A , Ami Iohwfaw the: Spirit OFG 0 D,. dehcnding like-A a Done, and lighting‘ Yponhim. A %. ‘V the me warm: tb-efic mma»%%«f»uw ¢ yg ovtnmuffi vznguuumn. w #¢bré@«Ba1wfw¢-W tbiw «bonh'in , Earth toGod, Co afl'.1.zo. .~.. » 74 M A f Lb” lwhn is falfi. $9 * fl ” W ~ M JW3;¢ -nu mu‘ 1 Far 1 _n n c'hrrfls%‘B4ptz7.weL éI3‘gairi4tA‘ar (1501:, tiygrpirgtorcgfiign bgiiifi fiuuifiblee Khf. f5,Mimprap‘r74»lavarz'o,» aflfitnu % fizuper 4%1'pdzcb, "fog Icahn} toum ri:«itb e’r {fie _{S'p:iwr1"tz¢4 effrntzamnog virtutewmg ntiar % ~#¢§c;':m eflence t1o2wsttt)e‘po113e.r of A @t-be fiépitit of (IBM! : ‘but here tl;_c‘j‘mai vs % V at o-ram is raw tube tame, Jqmlz iman ; {awry}/H23 [rgnum demon/Emrurfi qfi Mr beraiafe the ffgmc of hiss pzefséhge +(An‘am9lpt!)c mums ) maafzirnz V Iohn : it fig lvcurim r)¢c;'tai4am7mi€d,a. méranéxjixiai-call (peach; t1v£1erélJ11?t'!)“2 némienf tbé fignifielx {:3 g'iu.1c%n ‘tn the figagé ‘as the‘ h34ea'b‘(s tallétfily-gin; b%:iup,ann )lBap_til'mc r£t;m'1er;:tttm. VA §5>ecm1bly, ‘l)om'i~,6 tla.-3 Qpirit of . clfinbfai-3 to nefrmn upon ¢bjiIt,\nh2n # he ttéais in dthzifi bcfogc,mm :::;( (wing mfinitcj euefifv where e ‘ % A A Am". S133biys"a!fh‘i5 an fnmzqpgr “ A [pitch zbuthszraufe dtbzifts autlyozis tg ~m-iglyt be» iacrlaren amtmg mm, anmtnm atbztu bm£ng'tu ptrfozmsftlyiz . ' nffim qf §a£iei3€1tmer,migbt bait Anna»; $ tmtrably fpmimt initbtbc pbtxiervnf ‘"“'-Wlwmn .. , WV -r"*"'--I"¢—>~uI¢a;..,.w clfizayclz, tbetefmgp tljc «bpittt gmnn V-v 1 7 cbrifl: Bapzifmez . is tainittbifible figtwrtfl ncfcem) mum‘ ' ‘ {hall he not qucncflm. ' 5; mm; ajjwcfirflm, an apmmion: (mu J " no .. ‘\O'*1-unuv‘-4-9-up Iv vmvfu. l Efaycs .» znpbafic islymfefulfilleb : §~'lI"-he Sllpiritllofrhc Lard is xiponmcc, g thcrcforc l1ntl'1‘tl1ELOI'cl anoinrcd mccl to pmaczh good things; tortlnc poorc, l&c.2§ray; 461.2, » A l ‘ -1; ll sstmzg, mm; mm mum clfibotf l Uefcenbiag tb~eFu2n1-emf all Eiaalmmatber .l than in fiery fnzme, an» tsmetimc ‘bee lain Upon this rm flpnttlesl. ' 4 i AM. lE:blB was Bone ( M ifis ton- iecturein ) notlonelg to bemonifratetbe Ewan:-like qualities: af the blpirit of (mu sum of clilbziff, : but 21' peciallp to (hem, qwim Hand} camiter Chrtflm , iwcaratll inflwmfa/um pccmtar.e.r.- how 3 kindly, lovingly, andgcmly luvs, 5 C M It 1 ST {l1o31l,dcalll3flI!¢f$F0l .1‘¢P¢I1~ l tgncc ancllaluation. A l . mmltrutb inherent maintaiueq is by fl)le{l320pl)etEfay : A bruillcd mad hclhallnloc brcakc, and {making flax 5Fnurtlalg, tnbct!2.rarinasltl2i~s;aM=- tnrall fifiom fmlm the mgmlfiwfllflbfsg ‘*-‘*4-wuuu -—-~ . l 3.32 Lukc.3.:z.A ; um: um:% oz a baby tnbflmtiall mttuf V the elements fazmen by web, of all ”7b=irM mm mmnuM~*%F4::Ar%‘: ‘ll » A «Amt <;ILukcéfaitb ithims Ii "' “ vfljerefnza not a natnrallbbuc » : :Luke X._3y. 2.1.. flmuiurplyg it mmjotmappas twrv,*mmI)iItke a manic, .wl«ax.A~iIai!a, ‘ ‘tar, tlgv mature ofwnnperfowah by to. " ‘R ‘ A: " ';..‘"*'z ' VA *3“ ' - Vmpdwewmw 0 man ’ VW“’r''‘v'“V*‘w'‘’’‘'4I‘lf''‘”'‘4ussfimfig'gw!Wm” ‘ ¢%mW Bqowi/meg. . ,5 ,~ ‘" ‘N a Dom, riticm initbnut tubIfauoc,imtm€tbnut 4 an. mmbt it may 3 fubflanttall Acreau txdlemakiixfarmard, fm'mcd;:cithur of nothing, or out ofchc A clcmcncs, as was tbawbtarre that ~l¢Mo «Matti, arm ralialuen agairm into his firm mats ' ' ‘mg M v" _ tbetctaw tbatis eEeanallg‘~'bav{ti§eb;» cm ' ®une-like fipirit nefcenhetb, making bs‘otiLgs~ n%ns,aLamb¢a; at tI11ulturw,muuea~;nf fynukelg ant; peruerfe, barnmzfrm new ;. TB; ktnmbzingfiagwa;-.lihe1mife ' ‘ ' “¢"fl3€’9jmiu3 I 3 %%n‘zt;%d'Iet: % ‘mint imsimnit ytb{£ ,' we flnuflmmnz is buW.5’-aim w £9 well ttuipt Wan am’ W5: I‘ "* ’ adyswnimnmmup tI;a.zmim1carc or 2 ‘ -' "‘~4%IrIll-M~vm-|0IiuII'-«our W“ M ‘ “M ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 '*PM‘-~~—au-..... """l"“ I» m'pnmb(n*tMnaOJ«iu# wag; if v 6 5;, ‘ % I ‘:3 " ' 7m?£a;Iugtion,, » «cm at “ at mMMnakvbini~' ‘an . V. % iii bcirq Aapparmt mmaxmmm J J vl’ ‘ mus.musb7 fa; fbsfamnmm. ; V ms» faz;bbeAha§tmBafn hm heath» ‘ tram jtpeamn ,: find lcm.[a.wom Ammni mm was «af \ hen from bcaumz; §nb£a’A.WjrancL \flr_4_m rad:m}2tivm'm: FOIQOIIII A ¢|,11R?:_ jtgon, % in ljifi rrarfmfig ‘I’~ro;_)x'cr gl ; ‘ %.1;int1z§;_7”v;“3¢k-A5 471 15"?‘ “$t:ficmiar:cm:iEor 01313‘ .g1m‘1fiqatim3..% M % } A 9* “A M A‘ flmm 4d¢pt5a3goay : for pm; ;adfmp_qgzm; :5 « A . % And %loc,Ja;y:oicc camci f=iying.,&c«A ; «4P¢r‘itwr~ W. ~r:v7flc'riW': 77""*=’“':“'» “. vni.ry_ of Pqrfons with Ciézd» 5 1y» cxpxctfld;:«1;]¥.a2.I’atr¢w. WM. Wdttim Aim. minim mm£M*mmWV ?3ffi0n}= 1%? i2«—27~.« ==~3wWE?4 M” ' Etna (me « iu.;baptifinc~## Rfmfmmn fgéqmgicaucn, A V Wait!) am. Mxx.r1wia Sc1‘iPrum1w{Tris« A wagIznmnim~mJW¢Mr»4&ASHiriWfW A 17.5’. «gnu _......w,T -u-gum. (gmmfiéflfikyrwhfifiagmvét ¥i7.F#fi;145* 1 ~ A ‘ :4 e ~— arr-9-»A~ i gt 0. I 6,’. u: M. ; '4 ‘ 1 Fl ‘ ‘Hi 1” Hm fh ‘ I g ‘( ‘ ‘ x A’ ‘f H ' I? Q W1 D.m-4-.. : t:Fr}1Tt_:ei?$anx1\ct1A’ccnc, arid‘ Holy G!-wfl it intrifiblcfigne pcrceiucd. % V V A flfiyetogltlb ihapitte tag, that there‘ the btrtptum. game the literal! ‘ tuatt;Morc.s mention the name at me "the mag! ohm, that ifi, oncly but .._. T W is do Watt) tfiénttnn nttbe ‘mttnitg in mm tstihttttutmts it1'tb’ebcripture5, huttiftbepiueuln putmjx their fpettan glee gnu make, they tbeqlp‘ tame tines the tufififihtetthf the fame gnamely, the iflttitgefetfence, an! wttnitg at? pare tone, that intuit!) web. ’ Elfin Dcuréroriomic : Audi Ifrael, Em; Dem nofler Dem Qnwtefl : God our God isGod oncly : .‘Dmt.6. Mill)? tbztce, tant to new the nttftmttun of the perfume Maine :3 tube not!) be pent to am the tmttp of tbetrmltentecembyg is (rmflar,tt3at is, our )tputtn (H5011 tn the menu place, net in the firtt oz ,latt,bnt to them that tljefeeenn pertqn ttmuwlettt take our nature upon him: figuit1¢'il1~"Efay:: Sanélux; /Antiux, ' /mffm Dem trx:rcinvum,.t plan eflomnzlr ta.-rra ffzriat aim 3 Holy,holy,Ho1y,Ld1‘d God3f H0119 ~— zt here is the mttnttp ‘sat’ ' it e ....._..Lhur-'V“” ‘ ‘ A £92 {bcrfhns : tHc.carth is%{u1l%ofth*)y' gory: thy; bet: is tyzuuitg» :~nf=tbm ,~: 4: in rcgardofhigpcrfons. .% A A Asia: you lmenf. . ®DD,C'7‘¢'4W't.‘ Elohim :76?/um é‘ terrant, (30 D created “the hcaucn and the , ’carch :G:m. 1.1. the maths angular A ( VCrcam'r )uptetl) out the one am: mutt ‘V CI1rijz' sB:v4pti/me. trance. A A . V A 302 fliflflfib ‘I503-be fiflifliccfiimux, mofi fimplc, in retpcw of I; I cflence, get is be %trimv:ration:p%fl‘fi’W‘#M.thrcc ma: erampltoz thmimmlet me the mam or an the am watts of fimple mfence at 45934 : we fnbltam tine plural! ( Elohim, .1190 E1 anguw tons. again in tbc Came Mfln(:zc, ewfiacia-V mm bamimm! ad imagirzrm noflram Let V: make man afccr ou,1;'ownc%%Imagcs«: gm“. 1.. 26.f<*¢£mm, Ihcmtb tbeplmv A A % ratify afperform, anbmflrnmthfl hat» “ tynf¢fl3Eem:.~ & 1- ’ - - = lat ) points out the 2Ei:it1itp0.f pets. Gcn.I.I. Gcrhx. ad. : _ figatnmtntbc @flf[Jzll~»of;Matchcw:f Baptimatc nx £»'xmineP4t»ri:,, F179, $7,} '5 ;Spirim.rf fknfli : Baptizc them in thc A V . namc? _ t-~=~ . * — - A‘W_V__W_______ V P -_€, HM-‘ ' I ..4..,,..' -a-1., _ ,.-,1-.4-. ‘ “ Ir.‘ ' *r 4-~n-»M','"'\;« 3 Ii:-‘II-‘~J“"v"~ < r.»-»... U ~* ‘r . I my um wmm fl«ir¢~* ;~u."' » w,‘ i I Milli. ~ muwiwifi’-I A ~mmn¢tMumw ,‘.v ‘. V . “ “.4 ‘ u 1 .- 04 -_mv .r.4wn,..«.«'~« ‘PI " “ ' V >‘ .. ,. .. ‘. ..‘ ‘..~-o. wwwuvl """*‘"" " * "' ‘“" ‘ "" ’ 4v , 9‘ ‘ ‘ 4. K ‘ *1 ‘ , V , :1’ 1 3 Q,” I A J. u . . . zaauétfialygtfiflbttfii 8é—iF.°“9-**”‘”””?: ufiinc ‘itwafimaidaflk -wW<¢r5r; V“ we re‘: the tunnoimibfl DRWNCVNQ1 *mun.tiia1fg; : “ ‘mutnu twat» afifirt m§mivi:m:::iIi*£zV.% Wflii Mk mm 3 ”"’*‘.‘4‘ tpflck ; wfltitxlx M "~g{f1DWfl1Ufl5Atmian“5wfibfwxanfi at; he tlaveewm mm Afircg mmw«tbo9 $.15? fa Q39” mflfltlm wttiltguamn M2 «N9 . ‘, mm bum «mutt ';EM,‘clmu7 .fi MM WWW £5‘ dultgn 'w;mm« .1nm-3., rm reef cflc. ;‘ V‘ 0 gfisfithcl’ {CHE W, afldtflf Nht:.2..8.19'9. _ % ’ mgr, not mmim [m5 : in tl'1c_11am“t‘9 ’MC ~nani%w=%'é.bé*9‘61!WfiW’“5””!?”‘“1 mumsraiskdgr aw‘; 2IrId«.i-vo,,1*7Af'Mbfc:s. A ~ _Mt=.afcI !cgdi‘nga.athcm;%thcy pilI¢d, g€u2}hi!l}£;1$ e®dmw;~!yis;yaflpa%u»i!xuh§. 4 ° brim u2cut%g~%:lm1nucu«ie;whe,1tna£ wlwofpssi 1* ; eucr bclccucth in him I}1ouPduioc..Apa".; 4 101» 3-164 r’ifla;;fim:.lwzc»bfé mnilgifingglubsfilé. II V V . _k__ .,m..,., W"‘7"‘R—'I7V ,, :m, 0* I . . ( — ‘vww .v-wq-.~p!‘-I...-v.-~..,,. —...,-.;‘—v»—-— uuwf-nmw-.-...,.7w-v‘...w,..,,,.,,.,,.....w.,‘,,‘w,‘,N. ., ‘. . .—....m..m‘_.m.,.~~.. .. H--rm‘ w mu-» mm -» ~ V"-‘V-v-H .-ryw .‘ I 1 Wk rt;am”: ob1e§2":}r.;?“In.:iu§zham‘i11%uIT.'ém _ ’V"1iglVm:d , .35. (am; % :%é*tbat tI1e»riz1§f:a:n;u?s““15o»tc11'[fi¢~.t:I)at%i . ,a..«y< 1 >4 3 facisficd, in whomrvl-%‘% 'a4mvwe1l£omuén7iE4% CI./3I71':fl:.J‘» Bdptil J; V 1 f 1 '. I ‘ “ 1 ‘ V k , x‘ M, » . -....a.’,V;: - % % .% _ ., ,2 ;f."f; t_.',.«;i (amp/acto In-minim-ifi in tecfi-' pi? ~W.*.‘£..~‘_% at‘Ifnm%~pIc1f¢d:4wi€h¢riéxifi bi?m$m§jtflc, j Tandfor chm. V“?"T.'-"?.'.:’++r‘}£.:‘§ Wm :f.3'.;UiQij,§§;?5‘~7§ ? wondcr£_'q_lly* A t:hym“ius.;.x. mr»,.xi;T .;3‘.:‘;A“m;f 5. In qua reqwivfiw; iidéqfld éplacbrm f’&i5f;D% ? ;Theop}1yla&,df.::Iih whofiéliflfqifinly ; wed‘; 4 .% %4 915 tbatbcrtimoctbz ' N ‘Zqhv l¢ct:tiu‘- tfl‘5‘?i£u‘«qwto wily’ ]f’47”at}M:. " *6 % fiitnwhom/I¢mu~ch rcloycc; 1..." ixift’ 1; w M 0'- \ Efléffis .azmi1t4 i'5 ‘:tf3at%‘iwn25tt}p.% mama?! 1 tag, in mun-mtbcmiuzlu is Arncnnmlcn Iowan. V awn; not tt;mfio;eAA{gncAAtaWV Ram: * rm-aipartmn, nn~>*~m Mahonict fox. '6. ma fitiumnnz to tbazqaagitiau £03; Vcnums MvI,;\1nz to the bnzcmr rnz mmbut V} 1 l“:wsA%flochc mmetas gut iexcttamer, in man! .m1pm% will fifiM.i;® HEIW ‘ M 1 an... ‘_uu¢...um -...._._ J ... “ I 5:~rI .“*‘;%fl"T1- ' ~ +’- .3: '£;:;:;=~ "1 Text, 2‘..~M»« d'~ ..I rt ‘V - M ' 1 on \‘ ‘ ' A A .. -—-r‘:-_ -— -— ..—-uswv. Tr-f ‘W ;4=" puma.‘ cinch-1' % Afiainw.I~ willfailt you.A ~ _ , A, ,« ¢bzifi only faith ; Come vuto mCy , 69' ago nrflcimw, I wi}lvrcfrc«flt} «M; A§‘A”A;fA “Chri/ls Ba:rmffme. V‘ L 1321; pxeam mm; vs, taping }Bi?bA A. A Pc:er:.AQ»jai!zt'mxa: ?W.VVhithcr~.lha1lwc goc, For that} hafi chcwordsaof cccr- nalblxfc-. A‘ ‘- ‘ ' V V ”‘ mac innzlb l'aitt_;,"y" 5Follam4;me,~,. deviP}«zmAI%wvwwilldccélueyou. A * : ;m;e flea: faith, Shallow mc,.f;da{é} V *®'fiai{E num hnnnkgtla at the Dauzpea A of your hearts, am: mouth giablp come in a£1dAdimc> a§nd;~1.7u*ip% with yqu .- bm: 56 y M": opcnyéc: wet laflitIgWdg:>p;cs, bm:tn&‘t'u Atbiw lAiKe.*bw mapVAuam;m ~V£afe1A;,tn»1mt yntmllA.i11 pntttmpn: M’! ’ jt)iy.sA ‘ .A-A»'E!)£rz:i5A: in ti}: fiznozln a ~fam'.efnla ' but 0H3 falafifgfflllfifb ' . “mi se «Ambam-.zhi.ll raitbmzamz unto me, _faJ*Hefl%#/;m,~I nillvdcfiroy you; A &chac’th.r: King of glpry may Aco1.=nflc»~,iq~“z . Ibntbatging minpn me M20 C,1‘*I.K;A[1 ax .¢n1m:tammcntmtaAt«b’¢bears;-mf.1,wI;I: A HY! __“ FA J Iiem-1..AA;:V*‘z.~o. Dmw¢bi1nAAnut outgni pfnur « tmfntrcp, . 85 bI'IJ Arbc ¢c,%l a%y»i%?:¢a‘ded;G'a» V ; ’da*rc:us~.A:A~~&;.ut him» mat nut of pow heur- IB5, 835 Oil) tbcrufflxng Bcchlccmircs 5 ——— % <*:mdLy;., M1 riglm %@IMifi£m: Pjga-yén;{4mada% for z‘¢:zJ‘»'1~r’zz£2¥. OI1..f,i1fld1d€)l5a'1f(%).1‘I'£.§-Qthfé”-Wfl$kéfi%%’P§' tum, §%?.it1i%V!1?°~fl¥iA,W‘(li? A ¢maun;¢.r KaliPnmn.béfm8~fl3?11W§9{Hll1 ; omm§5;fiqmmi’t§¥M§ 1 1 u ._\ _, __M__ $ 4 ,4,‘w‘ ‘:n‘J:~ h“ ‘W *1‘ _,~ ap'g‘.‘,l ‘ \,'l“ W ‘ ' ..L‘nu- drfiififlvfl A ‘ » \. .46 u ‘ .41 if . Z4 "»*7:=fafN S: A:~z:- ., ». 3"!/4 ‘ M“. " ég‘-'.,“»,-*4 ’ frf W. 72} t . K v ‘ ~ ‘A ~ 4... ,§ . ‘ ‘ . ‘ . ‘ I '8 r_ ‘ _‘\ a:,,'"V“'* » _ ,, . I a _ . ‘J 35*. fink, ~_ % , » 7 W ' ' ».fl,‘., . J’ ‘ M ‘I; 3" ‘ ,.» , <4 _, ‘ , g. . 3 « .. hm. ,. , \_ . . " u . z ,1 av 5; ' W: \ a "' 9%‘ re‘ 1 ' ‘,,_’.‘ -J 1.“. u 27 « ‘ .1!“ ri/5:23:11 mf d;.x&v4g1~_n£—; Iy to be vfcd éucry EuAmi*ng gn-than fivmrg Il;F4%mi(i§{n A; nifmfg ”W°fi;‘BV35{%fi§5'1‘¢%§a A an¢%intb¢2 WW9299 M v 310f!13fi,.%V I , fflili b¢fll,!$fl‘E%x57fl1!9%€v W5; W2?‘ 919.3,“: . C’ max W ;:.‘PM,t5,gv*V‘m pemumn m:ta"*°¢ciwmmt «bmhle amiefi&e;ub»s,3naii~iuz.; rm .m.. I r *9 meal __._4 H ‘ ;..M.‘ “,..m u,...,y.u.m.w‘ . . .,;....“..¢.«»u - w ‘ -vmww mumw quahim:m9§xcm31hfi%£&&'¥fi§¥¢:ig§: . -as % WA 'fBn*ulnefi in tbyfinfiicc bttyzrlg suit: bk btimcsmitb flwunu bzimlhme. % panama, bglifennr manifoltrtranfs A grefliou, am: tbcrgfnze athamen mac : j ~V-hao;Ec,mAo&ldtbJ(n:“1Ie axmahnxgainable A timww Jtnrmizhefn2%ett1ee,.@¢9<:»etom* A . mwce the lean fats bntn t%l1m,%4tl)at [ in&*qnit32.Av ~ ~ ; tgmit bumb1pbefépcb% ¢tl1ézm|1_§_”t §_q,_nealeV 4 ha, acténzfliug to t!1p,xg;mx;piannV 4 fifttrlp tdfiB¢%flhB“b;bu%t ( cumming imr 4 é W1 Zfiflflraiycr. fmhi tljm, intnthat Inofulfli aim that 1“ we znnfflfc by birth our fouls are ( tbatarc bntw butt ant: afhgs, pea “art” a qaaiemgj incl! pure; wbojring fibvzrefojc ( Q!) ibogb our (fish )*rm2 A we aims? mnritné; raz~tI;mfl:att we be term as actjflneflttgatrcanemgtalaeb» ; ‘h?eat;)fe3 my waging raBc,l!J’ ibb4‘tl)Vc sic, 3 A WI A‘im7 Vanbfatbcrlg compaflinn, lmkc ‘] 2 iv ‘igjj g::gacmw;m»'m by :Aize¥)n1nt_m in f him,‘ {is Hm aufiica milwmue I *tt1Arm;—~i?at% ftlfe intmtmertg, tb§[fr”awne , Viiifb faaobr; Wifie *inntgfitaAtWi = tufn ae*:e¢uquin§fg*=A;%ra1&aiiun¢ ‘ awzomy ‘thy j1';§¢t'::ntY.x::mw~aIwbu¢r1nctmm*;man:% arm rztmtelgp '*puI_%1imingallittjfitxnngkta I AA “ ? “leis; W. 3@—<_A *f*0r“€f!"_."‘;.' f:f?T?? - 4: “AV”; y 7 farms : grant ( gracious «s-»»«-a-..~x_/,._.,._.¢—4 -- ] * mt int’ ,tbp: cfintpzll : Vagrant» swat ttyg ; brhnnz 31am may be ‘Minn fag all; mat his rtgbtemtfueflc n1a:g~c%a.unpAnnr . bmtgbtcoumz4flz,(a amt Mo '7 W; % V frag‘ “*1 I ;_.;— as.‘ ,4 it A _.....—\.. ..4..;—,m_,-_\=*- >F- ~ ‘ - ‘--I ,A,eray¢r, % «rag sbnintiick{Batu-taag;"tbatitjmwbt , gmn our * meat, «mu Vn2éq1i&¢A to ~vm.gum ; :w~ttn2_ <11?arnnmnnmentsginntaming; kulewams awin a11.Apmeammm a; :»c1@m. tnnmimce, both tawnrbafiv» 5 V‘aenbmau.. l A — % bpon tbéa a1nnac:|mfia%tmta:f£an%aaIaua.? v fl flU "“$f~n1\;’ A taken-t{);u'zé" in ‘hit :‘ 359/W3 l?!!~netini:~:=:, :12HEi|1I2",Zf%I’ll='l : 7 ‘ tnozflxip 1?fr91*fl‘?‘tb!¢ia that tvMnclp%pzns ; 4V%-pm: to was %n.eue%rwtl~p its atbinkz anu Im:.a‘Re;uf tm? muff glozimrs. name? ant: «1!J;ta2:n;:‘4:££1refnll;;3_to ranrtifir: tlnzaabp V4 J t%)9Af¢ru,icg~;AV%®tn2Am;mcmentfnGtbn%u that art the fimbnnrann giuerwntiall :wuu4m%~mt " %%A;*‘ougaieIm%a abpatmiéé A .bsina the »%bm mnfigc tiautmtimreq quirefl : almramt fl1nt~.all9uMmliBbf ‘ ;%%4:fia.3mb ~bn+(»b % ana.JFmbcr‘4)a(I§V {cue maths, émn «mhnup fet;tbzm—%mmrt ta; vnctam; 9 to mat,rmI%nnrA £2lne5:_mmttifuiLp tq * anal!=::ft%o:.11u&1*vgm?.}1nnnemrentlg. rezfpmtg A ; a:Ll:mur;:(um'maxmybutb inmtnraa‘ ant V A wfific:::::1:u;p.mmwannmaintaitimbg V ? vgmwnanmfiwfibavanu Mfiivn nmmr A wttmenfinz-ttattglt mmm mt‘ fine,“ 7 1 nnt%4tmmma’11hu;m3t1@lt:tuwv.mat.+ ~ % . fart?’ ; wvuvovl--v'0Ihn-an-av-4. APFraycr. -ram the ram 2 w: flejgm nut rams cbafie nub tmrpattw rmm%:au flaring lufimanb warp %act,.ofbrit*laanenm:in« tnriaufiw to take away no mans right ozmnw to fpcahe tbauatl), arm not tcL%bcarc tam: mitnc (Ia againif our bzm %tlmn*: ;tasbz cantet17tf1nitl)”' ant amate- A Ita‘tcs>; ‘mm as latte, “atmuat to raping at, ca; cauct that which is others m grantiéftbat our line» may bee bnre-1330* uabfz befaze thee emu mm. J W war becau(c( ® iLozb)of our felum mc'arzAablc‘”to beam gum tbing,but it is ttmutbat xnozlseft the min man the “been 5 a1.n;n tlmrefoze ‘flanb mm by us may £012 i!2eucnting;armIing,ann com A fequcnt grace, 1nt;e“rebAp we may be as his in fume meafure to no thy will on cartlmmtbp angels one it perfectly in heaven. A ( fullgimlfcuing our (clues to be true gfiiealt, whereof oarhtweh Qantom: in tin: iacau) nae eartteltlpnefirc at tbr A Fmbolz bung n f dtbzifls matey, as mam»-x-. c-~.....,__, wa;enuet(bcaucn!gg1?atber )4 In » am: tiuclag» .Vmern!mm or that how my: A gratiuus hams the liaamcrcgfoz the V we bag } fin-pa-v--vv 1% . A Prayer. 1, ," rm '7 moaning to their fmierau 1 I"J§:E|fiiMfi0no‘3.’ ; anunacn. % " A ”1i5lefieti)nfe that areAn.&rc*t‘,*at1:\% 1 bémzr tmtq !aa;%t;1tl3et1cu;%,a%:;%éiré our ‘.: A parents anuhiumcn, mbéfber father 7 ' oz mothcr, lmtbanu oz mite, bzntber -V ._f("7' v-vv-r axfimzr, oz:l)ilnc,1ui.tb am: atbzifiiau _ A V __ attgflaimi; 52% moat nmnefnulcs = ihazb blelfe I an! %%ncfem»%tlm; <$burcbjun_n;t1;nrfcnM it1_ % iall ktngn1mma&qt::tbe 4Barfl}< ¥Dl;8tLn,rn'a-A A 1 Two: inlfargszxetbe bounns‘.nf%t§1v;5%15nf:" Vpeldmtrzm%t1;e¢«number arm tgflints, ant: natty annc;.bntn& tbp fibiqté futb 9 ‘an fi)all—.jag;4E:ln,,£h.A ;§’lBlefi'c.tt;e Inga { %mnE% emllmtwaizfiv ‘fiitbdflfviti’ ” wall bleflings,AinAA¢b2i1f%A’§¢£%$%WE” ‘ ff” ‘[9 SW“ 399 W;°3tbB»¥P9¥‘Wr3%° F; Win: big» W<:nvknc.%w mm 1%2ia.¢:,% [arm % their’ 4 mm iltufi ii‘ tb‘ifi~H334’ifiE§°m¢ ‘ anb;bepomJ ut;la_¢V§xeasA : dI32_atj!;:tl)'at"'l;t%1‘ 1'? ; may newer want one sat. at %f1i3W3lvt1c I i ~ loimza tnfiffiwt upon 4 A bias ttazamz fa: the I maintcnamg-of tbg ®afpell; till tbs} g cumming at myzifi in the clnuusfl. ‘ } _ ilfilsma all a{flixtenmembgrszg,%%1n!;1;¢V4 ; V then: grieuebgin cionfciencg; “£t‘uu..Nt:b“ A in bnng,owerfcnutzb to; thy c1z5orpe1t,\ — v—« s... .44 —.——-um ‘ % »o,ufé%rEd ,% wér~4 ‘. Kc £t£ngV;i(g6§n'§fin$zn3%bi‘§ulmjtilé A 1an1;g3t:&"ti%§g;¢bpeu~tam26:m=mha arm: : fir£afi~AV4Aohm¢rii%’b'v3!rv at %A¢tvotw« , V ;V‘_iao;k%wbf'tb2iraparticu-t; A larbntagtigps I&e&fo2ei*tb“a;g‘_A mun ( audit: V19,» );1;pégt‘ct;*:utri11n7{:“ hm!» om: poaab?‘ ‘ ma mmmnmnAeum; tfbat ftp»; mi §‘?1"héafl?;i1iRf!" f9a1%”1iawU§’,% uffzer ta'1nbr3m1nithfbée’ai1fi my man“ The J A P1*‘aycr. §§§§§a§§§. A. He grace of our Lord and Sa- — uiour Icfus Chrifi, and thc louc of God our hcaucnlfy Father, _and the mall blvc1TcclIprc{i:zifcc of God the holy Gholl,‘ be withvs all, and Within vs all, both in Soulc, in fpirit, land in body, and with all things that rcmaiuc or bclongvnto vs, either " ‘ . within do'orts,orwithouc,this night and cucrl ailing. A M n N. * PI NI 5, §§§§§§§a§