EVILI SH CONS .Aj A4 A w_1*HEA J!’ H E L L 1 s H TR B As HEA.THE.NIS»H' CONDEMNATION, % AND DAMNABLE MURDER, Committed, and executed by the I E W E s , againfi the Anointed of the L 0 R D , C HR 131‘ their KING. ‘ gm? we ghadgmezet of God flzrverely exéwted uffififi t/70f'e..2 Tnaywons 3fldMuRDERER3. As it was delivered in a SE RM 0 v g the Qgtinquagejf Sday, em fofeibmc part afthe Gofpcl appointed by the e A A Church of England to be read on that Day. F...” gm M. L we2;3;Mf$éwé‘£9«net/a§';ég*ietajew~w!l9'M}'a}zt;1;mj]b“é_7 16¢/bnldamd_fw,z:'ft/here 5: VA on the '" mfjfirxuw like were my farmw which 2).: alone z¢;2ta?me,w1acrewizjb the Law! ham A azfifified me 5;; the daz} of 19:2: fiercwmger. '4! V V “ ’mAM.Sum6m The Crfiwm .i5fizl1mfram%om* lama’, woe zmtom time we Imve finned. LAM.3.64. Render zmto them «:3 recbmpence 30 Lord, according to the Warke of 3/beér /mndx. A A A A _'Verf.-6 5 . eG.-irzze fibemfiarraw qf'!mzrt, tlgy wwfls hmta xbama Honam wirtzztcm aiublamm oculis gumrimm izzvidi. mu-u--—-—~—v Landau, Printce inthe Yea.r,.M,DC;XL. VIII. A y ' Lump Ip‘8«;;N?”.'.»*3T’r',«p 7:: The San ofmzn, -v. 3 2. jbézll 53 deliwiredptmpta tbe”C;’“mtz;le.s', mzdflmlljbe w¢vcked,d;zdf}vjjtcy’ul¢’y e;atre{ztéd,;,ézmz’ita7zp .: 33‘. zlnditbeyjlm/zlpzztléimtodmt/a. A A imlfilwrddcd OutofotlwrGofP¢1swm A A p Pirft; apprefiden1:App:=;aé’t, expreffing the; doublcp caufeyof this ,4 ‘ H H p H: Words contam a‘Prophet1call H1Pcory of that ‘ /T “N: ‘ ~ x Z A 'lawl_;:fl§:,§cruel, an;d§hc1liA{Ah murder of Gods ‘ A pAA.x,1ointjé:c5n»;,C3hx;;Af’t theAKing offuhe ]e:wAes _,;and are 5’ a;s.Prophetijcally appointed by our Churchto be A A read on the ‘Q§giMqtmge_{z‘mvz Sunday , which in A A A :9uAAtAAp%to* .b.\€fl1C 41 of Feérflarj. pp pp New alclxoqghpin thcfg woprds, thcraarre bgt: grragicalpl ms :* ‘ r2*;a.»z:lm'a; thpVe*pTr§afu:n»or c‘om‘pir*acyf : p ~ 4 2. AI//u/io,thA¢Amocpkmg,p mi fpitefull ufing ,-, p A A pp A V p A 3.‘ omyio, thecxcgutxon or murder of their King: A A “ Yet (no make it £1 compxea: Tragedy) “two oJtherpA&s may pbpr: {H ‘execrable fafl, whicphp~was~partly pretended, partly Areal}. :A;.And t:hepp,Iafl: fnbfequcnt p.A‘c’:1', as zthezfruitp apnd-.efl’e£tofapIluthe £ptegQingA treafon,~confpi.rac3r; triali,;pcond:-:mn.aption;, and xjnm:dc”%fr. p ‘J?’/ae%i;S‘oimé " * M W pp A V To execute I70 m“uc1‘1‘vil”any ztndAoutt*age?,aAs»ptI1is anpd;othc:fp*TéxtsAA A fppcake of’, had“i:: ‘hem onely“*againf~% the A bare Sonné ofvmm, ‘age: A 2. A A b>.’:(:°1}. % V‘ M ' ,‘ N‘ 4-" Am M‘ R 4‘...,;)A“ V,‘ ‘.‘ ‘. Y‘‘V‘‘ ‘ : :. 4* V‘ V» at I‘ 9 v __ 4, M “ , “ V‘ ‘W 4.. ‘ ‘ ' v“ ' hm“ ..‘ V,’ M, W,- -Jaewes. (1) been ark afl: to be deteflecl and abominated by all the Sonnes. of" A l A Men, even}-Ieathlensgl to- whom he was betrayedt; bVutvthislSonr1e , ‘V of man is more to thef: Jewes then the barre, Sonne of Mm Hg: for he was theitlKing,tnotl onelyt ptophelied fo to he,‘ 1’f4.g5g.l1;,. 8:: 2.2:/:.e9.9#. btuttthelewifemen (fllaztt/9.3,") Mcomminglto worlhip him, they enquite after by this 'I:itle, lW/acre 22; be that £;fiKi72g oft/96’ fame: S yea, and he 18 1'0 proclatmed , Lukr19.38. Elejfed 5: the lI(ing that cfommetld : and Pilate not olnelyl lmew andhconfcfi him T0 robe (by his Clufifiiom J"0’1?2"I9~ AI 5.. SIM]! .l1l6rwj€eyom Kiflg'l?)'e-l5I‘lCf0Ilfil'II1Gd‘l-fifllldHVW-rOE€'lC (tlobe conih1cndedltolall.le pofierity) “by that fupetfcription on the Crofle, in three Langua- ges, J13 sus 01: NA 2111113 TH. KI MG 05 THE Jswn st, ad- ding, W/oat I have wrineng, I lafwe mrirtezzl ; and therefore not to be repealed :. Yea ,& hearetruth 1t felfefpealke, though toefhim_felfe,,l folaza H1 8. 37. When T5015, asked him, rt zi/gm a§‘lICz'n’g ‘.3 heaglatinly and affitmatively anrwers,lTol;1;eeg4wg;;;‘5¢Ww4fi; g;,,;,"¢g,;;,,j7,,. Mme I into t/aid world; to be a King :‘ and though 'lnot'cl1c''l:£‘;”'2c',}",nl0t % ‘ from hence, (as Saxnt e/fztguflg on the words)&WW¢: m‘glttlbAcW§%¢on.e Abdel:thi$tt him yet becaufezn S‘cr1‘ptu~z:e fennfegnnotsonely 2?/a?g’inn"ah1i‘»c‘: Wewuntendh i2‘m_ytom~.r,. nwhnharnenneprimatily immediatéi Aétors in the condem-. n%Aation*orn~the execution, hffuchuas wcfie this eye: to ‘jhbrgihdedhhh fmiu) norAAz/aqxwhnn Sohlchfer-like yW,erm‘eoutwith eswnrdsnto wteakenh A hold. ofand 1ay:h1m: fafi; no r" hr/ma: 0iM3d’12"’dfif_flfli6‘£‘AA ‘(or Aetwizarefig We in is called) A~bm:who ever joynedshin the? finrfl,*fecond,A.or A"aAny“otherj con!” piracy, iplomzing, counfelnling, aflifling, confenting againff this King, were nnfietfe then‘ fl” m_nyrozzr:,h(for,fo.U12[z;zr1@ 1“3.AI;27ae A Elders,“ Prie/ix, Scriéek,..nmi the whale Cannes/!Aa;.ei,1~V,gnlv¥ehand» namedm. have[nndclizzmdnIaim Mp)" thherefpne I fldaflll t:£tl‘¢eh*%t7heeenle;1ve e and l»ib‘ertyA Anto difcqvernfomennfn thefe awn,» zffraytonrsg; who haw ‘Ming wnf/Bedtlaeir laczmlr (as they think) fromethe lafc exect1thion,ef : A A A A. 3,, ‘ e would: (4) -owonld therefore perfwadt: the world that'they~ are innocent and fro: from this ‘loud-crying Trcafon. A o no A M And of thciE‘,we {h 11 find in ntheGofp$els fpccified and namocd, %§S’v‘?*iéve:,,,oP /azzréfi’ .fi5.#W:v'EldErI,\‘ Raisin: ofthe People, .S‘ozda’m:'.9:o,” %Laz2aa}cr.r, V we 7?eaplo,, }.zml.“2:/ae, Awbqlencemnfé/lo: Lord 3 what a bach of Trcaofon "is this 9 and wasthcre ever the Hke Conf piracy oFa1H'orts, fears; and places profcfling one Religion and Anllegiancc,.yet to workc the murder of then: King 5'. . A T 4 V A ‘- % But (that: h he worlndnomay know,-an"id.r hate tzhemvin th€ir.VviCkedf‘ neflé, and may Iearnefcoobcxvétmsoffucb, and‘fhe'lik;c) know that tho Pharifees arnongo tho cw-csn ‘ were‘ :.a:;fe&,; not%a.n AOffice,=*aAnd mofl dangerous infefiious and'infe&ious to the people, nbecaufc. they were bccnomemoflzn numerous andflpowérfnll : and tfiat you mayohknow th¢mnn,th"e¢ bctztcr whom yonnornoet‘ nwinchochem, ‘ 1 , Confidcr them A in‘.thei§:Qrigination- 2... Their Devotion‘. ‘ V 3. Their Toners. V V ‘And their Pranflifes. 4 .n W _ A o 4 1 A And. fo';r¢;1:hAcfirft; you Ilnoll ;‘nnvomr;nVTfin=4w 1”%fi9!%FiE’3 in ;1!l%;t;h<:lO1d ;?I':ef’camezIau»,5:~lac b"cing’z¢.:v¢orfiand Ctzlé2i:¢;i¢bhther11-A- A ingthefe Scribes anAdAAnlabaptifl:s,f be Apleafed tc>_~~talthe4. zs. expounds ancleapplies to the {editions plot of the Jewes, of which it is f-aid, the so» 0fmflfl._/6%/I he hetmjed, as it followes. ‘ i To the Gentiles, now, as m(g9!!:'i‘iJ‘w[At in the (,3reelt,'1ndtm:ioiny the Latine, fignifie both to delimrup, and to harm} ; foChri£l: the King in the Gofpelsis faid, in refpec5’c of the» pierfons to whom,,» to he twice h:tmjeaI,ama' delivered Mp. Saint Marke hath them both A inthe 3;.ver-fie of the 12. chapt. where it is faid, the San‘afmkznv /M15: delivered to the Prz‘efr’:, and Scrihex,(theiir Great ;Councel) 4 who flmllicomiemng him ; and than to the G.'entil::,.lthe Smldierxrzmi; l (anquerowr: who i_/halltmoebzhd /{ill him. " y f V y * And when Chrifl: and the Evangelilis call thiefetCon:';uerors,} l gentile: or Hm:/mt, they TpCak.in the Jewes Dialeét, who as the Greeks- (14) .l W » Gl‘€‘€l{§ called alhbut thfifxlfelves, ._Z;?;:tt~_/-§.:ar.z'm24' ; lb l;l,°3ef:: flyled an, thofe that Awe_teAliens or Stte11get*s ftevm the ,C§eV;t:t1ant;, Hm. 2‘/yen, or Getatiles. And futthenall {uch Alien Heathen were in their accounnandh the language of the Gofpeil, .S'i;;»:»"a'e7*.r:eel’0ee,/4711522‘. I 8, .1:7.;and more; neetly, and hyapplicetion, 1q*ft«'27:l{€ ml; 4.1. the St9?¢ ofmmm _/7;z_zz[t’= he delivered hip to Siemerx‘: andlo Met. :;6.4.§'_.«if1 bothuwhichlplacegl ate ulnderltood lrbefe Roman Heat»/qerz, 1Nc$w if thofe Romans were lb called H5iJ'merx,.“1t1'd.lftleaztkgzyg 53,, ‘V eatzl e Sttjatgcgers totheVCoveinant : why may notlCovenatnt;:takeris and ,ei_Covepant¢bte“akets he 3; much {more 4 held as llHeatl1tlen;st"s;nd,; Sinners? fogtltat if alnetive Jew and Subjetft had p1‘OECl’ECd,‘ vowel. fW7.0¥fl¢ and iC0V€n=11'1t€d., I0 .lp1‘0lte€t and defend the ho-at l nbmiand ~P€I‘f0f1 OEC/1-hhis Kil1g,pI conceive for ifailert and-A ~ breach liereofihe might as well if not more truly bellcalled and fee theeldfan I~ieath;eit3,_antlvectfSinne1*r, an Infidel, an Atheilt';li‘then the Roman whio4neverw%iet1tred;fi1th at Proteliation Sc Covenant. Lite-,1 rally thenjl tohfelie by g-‘smile: are here in this place meantthe A Remamxttsfiflaflgtts ‘CO 3116. King “gt but liallegoricallyf ilndltronl })MQlQglCi1l\lyjEl’3~E ]5ewt‘.'é_‘x ltlflléxliiifelives (being geilry I of more than the Rem <_1in5;;W§:if,§);llll13Y livery well be held 35.” Gentiles, it and therefore I will hereafter‘ faywithout more «diilierencing them, llaewes do-4». zrzg}led,,Tmoclegu1,eea'lQ§l!edéy He»ztke:e:~?e2a7mf " And yet,Jbef'oreI pafle upon. the confounding theitTitles,. who wveliflg {,0 A clofely [1 joyt;‘ed it}; the: Tteafon ; I eannot “but in Ollc thing ptefetreltheiejullzice and he ingenuity of thefe V traytetous, A ]F%ews, before the irnpudence and injullice of fomeother Tray» tours ; who flick not to deft all the parts of Treafola and cruelty themfelves, grid in their owpe petfons 5 _:1s=t0.be3 Confptxratours; Qcunlellours, Acctmfers, and after all toaappointlithemfelvee to be thejudges,and Executionets, qf him whbm they have betrayed :.l whereas the-fe J ewes, though theydurlt at‘! the former palrts,ye:; . they had {'0 muchiwittot grace,as to decline the latter; and there» foretwhen they had betrayed and made him their King; fafi;th€y'?. delliveteidthim, zzo-. 't”9.fiA'e‘z‘:”2 1.. I I .i to the Gentiles, the R0’-f-ll‘ mans ; and that is to qjfiléitx the Roman G0vetn0ur,that henvightf; a@t“that;7ela.wlefl”elpaz t; which; themifelvet: G011f€"fi3 it new not lawfali fine tkeml toe does l g t I . l ‘ 3 3 I * i F fllldw i (rs) A"nd"here‘now enters the fecondi aéhof this direful lfacl Tragegl dyi, wherein Chrill: the King is mocked ; andvthht by ithe”ir]ewilh- Heathen, and the Heathemjewes by feverall wayes ; the ]t:*Wifi1- Heathen they put a Crowne ofThornespupon his Head, and 3 Reed in his Band for a Scepterl; they take off his owne, and clothe hirnin Players robes, andrlethus they imotktldl Ch: their King: but theil-leathen-Jewes more fcutriloufly OH-E;Wi’l'lijCf;“i’0i£E and d.eclare him to be their I{iwg, fake 6a 1 3'. and foot: after vote and declare, izaolmrfiz/tar kmac regmzre, Luke I 9» 14» We Win ital/E 110 more Aclclrelles to Him ; and yet not long after this, they cry, Hofizmm, élcjfed )9: the Ifing, Ln:/Q9 I 9. 38. they declare to make I-lirn aglo7*iamKing— .- and-yeteiwithin Few dayes after it,they vote and declare Hz’: dmtb; for, fo they fiercely cryed oug Crzmfie, cmczfie Him ! Lntlza 253. 21. i l ' ‘. I might adde a precedent, fubtile, malicious piece of mockery invented and pra&ifed upon Cb: their King 5 for, they made him believe, Ln:/{_e I 3.3 I . Herod nw pwrpqfirly fer to @311 him, and there- fore they in a feemingllove and tender to hislhfety, ‘peerfwade him {ecretly to elcape this danger by a clofe conveying himfelfe to form retired place; when all this while, thefe trully Cotmfel-A p lours are thofe I-lerodians who hunted him into their net,therebyi to take away his life: the former were fcu-rrilous and malitiousg, bat thislafi a treacherous bloudy mock. . be p - We read, iMat.~27. :7.‘ i that ii ltoadit of a Royal traine and Guard fitting fuch a King,“ the Common S0idi€t’S,~thE rudelt and the molt barbarous of the People,and of them a whole Bandi,they* mull feizeupon and take hirn"; and to lead him, whither? not to his Camber of prefence“, * but to the common Hall there to be tryed for his life. l l l i And inllcad of a Scepter of Gold, the ‘Engine. of Power and H H A Rule 3 he {hall havel forced upon him a Scepter of at Reed,to be l 50W€CL and bent by theirwinde,aI1d to be broken in piecesgg”henrtti»««'l“J N they will. W A A V t. i V Infiead of a Crown fet with Jewi-:lsi,p jewels iéof prerogative befeerning fuch a King, they wilplat it Crowne ol’Thornes, ma- l1cc;;.d1fgrace,o.nd robbing him of allwhith olferightlbelonged um... :0. 1m. \ I‘ l t t i r i .‘ l 5 - But he -was not onely motkedi, bntioe itfollovres he iv.4ada@£~ra-47 it t l c, i i « l no .( 16' )~ ff?/-’Mfii.5j MW and Wa6%U0t% this: a Fpightful ufagfitu f€:f1d‘0ut =:zrn‘I¢AdA to Kingby force ?Tt:h\-“en King faith it is an ‘ e A iéflb. ,26.3A5,.A Te A.co;m%e¢ OAAMA44 agaififl 4 T/aiefa mix’/¢A xfifwardm, ; Iflfétké’ me. A A ‘ A A 2.AA Was not thié a fpightful ufage of a King when they b;g:aien1% asKingA~D.¢rz/ialc0mpl£g.1ned,_ likg :z«‘.Z’artriJga, and flew him A frqm% d;aA_le»A coAmouflF%3ifl!3aA3:Afld fI‘0mAA m%ou ewes; My h%<:a»rt btlA€!:e,d€ ¢;a&z'mal~;, Aer; but they an h.iArn.as AmxA6A;A6;xAA. A A A A ;AAA1Ac»nomfpighcfulu-{ageAoFaKiAng,notmA:fF.‘ A AA. A ford hiAcn A2An¢:ASgpul;§;eAr%AA_Qr:’[0A13:§fi05 AI$uxria.ll~,A but he: mm behalk i :7 3% thaws how, when he lfaitth, P_/2zl.§$.t.L he P_/ht. 59.7.; elm‘? rang-Aw’ nrefwardx: 3:’: Pfhvl. 1140.. 3.ithe} were pg}/Eu: aftSc’t'}2MtJ,_Ki1l€rs all. thief: : {'0 that calumny 53: lfhxndet, if it be not the Ed’: degree,-it is a ftep I am fare to ltilln King : and here withthefe weapons they hrfl fet uptoncia: the King, calling him Samaritan, flake 44. l‘l2’e:»l-f meter ofzfae Lawex, ‘Deceiver, hie. L W ~ t Andjfiiz on. A m an may be {aid figuratively to the {pit-oln,1lwhen by Declarations, Remo.nftranees, Pamphlets, loirifcur-rillous terms he is repmachfnlly and uncivilly en-tertained : 3: lb Ch: the King was lfhamefnlly 8: itmolt unjufily fpitlupon when they lptoclnimed him 4: Deceiver (ofla trull) Wm 19.. 29. a Trnytour by permirtiezg ‘ the Peaple and drawing them Eta; Qdefirnfhian .— and. in this fcnfe they mi ht truly be faid to {pit upon (719: the King. t 7:, not onely thi-sthcy did, which was tootnueht; and more dangerous then what 'wnse.after done hyithe ‘Soldiers, whofiditd vomit out their excrellmen:,tious.froth upon him :-4;oF whom‘! may repeat ahpaflionate lexpolliulenion «ore hol 517 indignation Renee nfedll‘by*a Preacher on this ot:ca«fibn, W‘ha*t‘ theumatick Raskalh (faid he) were thefc Soldiers? fox.,h.ad they,o.r could theyif-ind nn place to difgorge the fcumn1elof=thei~r ulcerolusllnngsg hut onjthe Anointed of the Lord? All .that ‘I emzfay foe thelfefisi, .we’re not onely Soldiers, but barbarous Heathens thntwdid this : and yet if report bi: true, there hath not wgmted even among fuch as profefle themfelves Chriflimzs, ltfuCh‘h-Shldi=er who hatht do-neithe like to his King ; and if any . fuch were, let him repent in tithe; lelt God in ljnltice {pew him ou"t‘llllo~f hismouth, »l«a9it‘~is faid ‘Ayah; 3.16. or that he fpitnot 8: poure out (tn the c:l1*e’gs) the full vialé of his wrath and indignation upon him, and all fuch as have mocked, fpightfully entreaticd, and {pitch Cb: the King, i In the 20 of S. fob», 12.5. we read that when Pl£ln;,‘l:x‘lSteranger§ an Heathen, and an ldolmer, had feenhntl prefe~nted*the King thus fpightfully entreated,he faid,lto‘theblond;-thirPty;mifcreantl Jetives, Belaald the Man : as iflhe had (aid, “See how’ difgeacefnlly» andwickeclly you haveufed him l~alre*a¢ly and +t;her‘eforei~iF yon have laniyl fparke hf manhood left in lyouytfor lhu‘it‘hiilnit»y‘feke: pitch- geedino fizttlher, butwheholldt him as anllnbj‘e&p£al1,‘pity,A a clt*f'el*-J ted, afllifted, fcorned, fpitefully;-ufed main bntthe fight of thlisl l ‘manvwhich ‘would have melted the teyesl ofla {wage Tiger ifito C 2 ¢ W Water c 18 J A "w'atiEr’. hard‘ens_tjhert3 ‘aso"rocks,:and prompts them on to the increaofe of his mi*ifery,44andt their owner vilany _; for facing him even then,.andtfo mxqferable, ‘then they fay, as Mat. 21. Come lettust woithgout;tjdc1ay (not. granting time, or reprieavc) let :9: zé/11/ggmx; for foetit followes m th€;fi01‘y in the Text, #16} [ball ki/1 But befotcwe enter upon this bloudyafir, it will be proper and pertinent tofithc whole, to fat downettthe feverall grounds t - and caufes, movtngtthefe Traytours thereuntos which we fhal-1 5:16-€ltr1}’ £01163 and fixpteffe as Wt; find themfioricd t’%in:thct Go-% "P And thcfe were elithert pretended, fuch as themfclves fained, and held forth a‘5F311;1‘“es : or fuch as were réallytand truly the motives and V tcaufts 05 this their killingfCb:' the King. Now the catjxfefi Pretendoe“d~tWC find tobc: : Firlhthat which isgenerall:y tlfifd in rai_fmg the People into a RcbelIi'or:_.,thc Innovsuion,Alteration, =0: Defiruélion of Religiont: amd with this; the Iewcs clofely charged h-im,Mwt.$. 17. where Chrifi himfcli-'-.bry way: of Anfyver, fati_-tth,~T/yin/< (oft Ana;,.tt/affiftwm C?;ome7"tao a'£fl7*q)' tk: L::m7; Taft/ae x;lfj';aP}J~€t;,.§ ;t; o 4317?: 7W *‘-vomugg "rap: 15211:“ z: t and in V that (;;’m~,a=.tt£1¢t 'i;fn&71nc[€;L;h altid »PY;0 ve,5,:%Ehat:thcy by A EI'1Chir' ownc E~xpofiti- tonsaoéi Traditions, wcre theInn'0:va’torszaand himfrlf the keeper of the Law of My/E: and of the Prophets. A A And gafter this,»Axvhfnth@y.tttht0.tught, him%too.tPc‘ri}E’ctinthepoim: T05*¥c1ItI§efi1£6t~ iI1~:;th£: ‘;7tE¥P%lCa?t=:;iF3r fih;9.Ci:; 11:6 tdrto\é:et:;ouat’rhé:t1Pro:pha nets ghggqgfi 1_ as (whith they condeivfid _WaslaWft11 for1the3m ;E0r; 4d0€‘)t No;;faith be, for G0d"_himfC1f*fai.Ch of thiS7mIaE€1“i11‘1 at VCht}n'Ch, » bwfi flu:/I é6’xC'¢Z/Iedflifi kozzfie af’pmyef,éut [You] ;oz&;‘i/.1az/€ti'I?é?€1¢i’o K‘: W1 0fT/qieéveg; or €L:fi13.bI£;/ mid. place tthfic?amiPtzoophantatim» ta‘ T A ‘ ~ A «.4 1 ,IhV¢y:ttéhgrg,ato;him.:0ftex:I. and with ltouid o,ut-scryesfliat in the o rha.-tt4€__rt of«,SabI1ati1gkc¢pxng,the use too“ loof:-, and a Prophaner :hc;;:ofo-“co hp oAnfwcr$,~’th;at: themfzlvcs are (in this) iICWit.Q3s1Y fUR¢¥'QC1F;19fi19; ilfldonottghetotthc Prophaner V; for, “faithfhrj, Mérg M%2.,;27;,/aq;S?a&é;ztl2;¢;.madcj%r mmé;:tha't i%S5~f0r‘£h‘(§'pTCf‘€’1I-i- “iLfl¥'i‘A3?11t9f.,7.can be z,1o;==frliend~; [2.u'$ “‘ £701‘ tE1ti*.s%% ’fiéHic Eiktst bt§nv,¢§;g_Q“ig1E1 A +¥c1?fd~1as the‘CfaftarchefiiiititfingFztthér, Patron‘ P xzc:-teE‘fi5r. , a 1 ‘But thtffet tfwtsfand:_CQnqucjr<5urst bf3£Wi~3<'.M:hfi*m (':::yc_n whiletthcy tfpmk ‘fins, 51:: m R212’: /m!ttjgzw:t“tgwaytb;mv¢:t);thawtl3att»i't~1h¢‘ri"*t21hcce§n~tth§*iS,i}1QWf?Ax"and tpeffgfliqn :j1b1T€ad;7W; xvhgt ngcd they then 15111 the lixng that thC}< %§1nayt;$m(c, What they; W! ~ ti BUB “{l Wing tmfaentqtmcs (as here ‘ncswfi tbcgtts mate then :1 b:1tehajnng%;V _andt_her%efote the Qretkttword Ai:1t.S.ta?Ha,r.ut.2 t.1ia_s ‘Em, :m.m'.. ;Cm9z,o,,.twh1ch as , (bar arrives};/:a{:{ft., as. wt.-':_;hav<:» gatftttbyfiarcfls the ,U«Rl‘1gltJ1];JO§;.,fit)17 (it; and .ttn”1st “(Ext cfpecrally of; forcible f;n;[ranc¢3 V “ 1. ‘"4’ "£7 “my ;’ amt”0tc”“[?‘*ff0mt_/wc(?tmg fit???’ flit’ I ”‘”Fff?”§" I 4* V.v04.»ttar:gLthat,tb1omd not of thctcourfcfl: or si grttsftttcomntwr} A: ;but the-pw1.1I£€2fl.?.‘tI}e lxnlttit,’ the blood of thet*Saints in thfi.‘ ' ?V(;“hVt1rc¥mAt; unt}uA{¥:,Putgha;ftrs ( .;w¢if”.:1taof2 zfiislgrgfis irj?he-ri«tancet ) Anew:-r thinks 1;‘ :(?.{“‘t‘t‘t.‘§tit*l.‘l,tA1._tZ1Af?fI_‘,il?1‘!1't ‘rctétttxon :t~;f:3 .hmW.‘Ifl" hcild ’1:§:z1;,svt1iCyttgotttit;, b y the Iwoxjti , %£A3la:tth:eK1~ng. * ~ A ~ ;@fy1‘ll1§:tI‘?V‘§{QI7(;;1n=ChC.Q1"!,gs£!IlaH381.71“C?3.fily‘b€at‘c3EwV1€h0u:muchforgea and «_!(I»conce1vc): {omewhat»tmc:re««t;. tttha.txm;_1tt 1t1l1tlum«t,,tha: we may A A D ham ' r *4. \~ Chmmtié zt‘z’ty"1‘X in %_w**% ”° €24) 4 h.aveAana ?Vh:.fi7:i ‘mare t1ie%n#'what we-yer haVCg'O1' more then ever he had .3 13¢ as never leave ki11ing.'ci11 we have all ; as much :15 four eyes can fee, or M hearts; defire ; fbr, ambitionMandwufnrpation arie Violfitit andvgreedy. which like zheDau.vghz:ers;of the Honfe-leech w are fii11;gaping¢anAdcrying , grim, give, anti mare, marcgyea (:25 6lnm.1,and~wnev€rA thinkcflchemfelvcs full tilrthey hreake Wixhr fulneffa or blood. _ % A % A ” Iflaallcnd this point with%this~one obfervatxkm, C71: the King ( Ii-kg: 3 Monarch) wlmfe VinPcit~ution wasfi'omHcave»n,.heaven}y , held his inhkfrim 22~mce,%*Church and all. in one fingle Perfon fig‘ but thtfe Husbandmen ( the jewes) liked not this , though thrry1:hrived%*be~fi:AL1nderic; but they will *%have! it among thunfrc1Ves‘:% who more Mxmarchy ‘ictsy a K%in'gg,. and Princcs 05 the Pmpk-A ; but &-1 pure Dem<>cr:mie, rh4nug7§V'» rm-P%th& worflt and the bafcft of§a1lGovm:nmv:'ntsA ; is: like‘ tin? A’6‘€pr‘~’-M1 . %‘w*!aich'%»b;ave faces of men in. theif bref’cs,Vbur:witho11rAan head "; finczh a Tdcnnfier it is, :in5dV yet this Afm; 3-he prefczatc p1e:gfc.th us «inc! therefore wmvill ki11%him._:h-3 <;>.;11y,:rue Heire-and 7% tigmzfuil King, :s»haVt’wef("nhe pz=c>p1c)~may;haV¢ the Wh€Af1ta:nce 1.‘,-' hugl mm and cannot but t€HI1Itffi';' men, .thr:at; :2» Wag” mAwmo:.g¢v£%n, is mew:-eantimn theVnMthe1"e }e«sxx:=es-gxj end theflcepter in theha17d“of onei3%A1nore{i:eady angr upright, pl» :1 im:hef handsof many; and aswe fi11d4C 0136 Ionic: ro%gove;-rnc,~., and :si‘ndw;bcef1 vir;»1ewV?es W-‘be x3nVcv5,:%*%1:11c bmdy is diffoliwd 93 “‘ .R5we4 may rib {Er ve‘ t%l_1’:‘=;%t; gfinemtefi Jthwt wermgagcw gx¢;m1: by; %'f Qp\a¢;f£;I:1y5 A "““i1e‘ mway when fixated‘ among the zmny 5-,1 Godg ‘”‘%"ii;'gWé1:3; all thatloue peaccamdunity, ctyc, ;f:‘1,-A %13'ctv)‘A§u‘;;§[$73774-9,945‘?/lO?1;*£'A°’> a=1l1i:{« z‘w’vayV xx/it:hL ribaimnnhugf) am tht: many will have the ixaheritance and govm“n6i% fair; ikiflim‘g;:ga<: youz:h‘is,A_fm6zr ktapiugzofi it muft ctexncirzuse _ ”;A,.m‘& t‘his!is _thb i£afi5b1md§mfi"?TBf¢nm&'bygchc Ickzwtgs‘ in «this Tragadyp that .;:;heyV kill biw“-g~ %xhcJ{riEng%w 2‘: -mm 3‘ but :1 Ward and a blow 3*“ ~ Lni§a“v’ft$;9o;I&a4aaii'uith, Jbtfuré rheyynclid this» JieM7*3Ca~¥vn, thcty tooke ’ai;tim:5ca’IferAi’4ou9 e=mit:iic3vc1%<:{t1L*£'x%&afatmedvamdf argued the cam. and%%upojn Vfhéiev fiebwlzé 1Z1"7:’l;.4‘iul".7fiI&mTE"i’¢WV€:.i3, as; Zulm?1;}4,: Nnlu l!Vunc»%r¢;gMre,, we r %tmv«en“d nddwa.firs‘;Iu4B3m:&-m~m%1§.imgg m‘ we will ” hawm more Tiiizzg.‘ s Mid. 1:his~aL£e¢“ar3n1:;rbfaiws:e féllowes , V.a4i.5:rs~cxprL~fI€d',. fvlm I ;. ruyeti: t‘hxswi;f11?::%:mm~t;I—;:v;é:fir!?¢i* *“"s:e‘>. i's{"ir;i<%>»s-;,,A Vwhcreia is fjzid, Czar»:/e ;¢~?;Mew*m.fi mrfe ye éimrly the’immrbztflxtx.¢[g,,,«“:f5 AA bzsxw c the ‘mm: not to N5: ha! :7 o 119:1’ Lard»: mw the am £1-:1 . * _ K A J I’ 3 A7 A It.ha.::l1 bt3m% a 1o11gaaad :2 great difputte .% xvhcrthczr A‘zm'chrifi: be come P % and Vk’h_() 11' is? and if I bcénot much 1-xfnfiakcn .. thxsand fm11e0nim‘.;‘rTu£tS A m gzhc Gcnfpzz-1 \~‘Vi§1ci‘3my,f1§“ldp3‘;{iI‘}§f?1y’T‘f‘:rc‘fi’1l€‘3't§'ilSql1\;flZ§O!'l ; for where: it is (aid. thL’""}7,AWp:.)flj‘s1rc:S_j311aVTi{*€‘r?S,S‘ld<‘YuCcS, &‘e“: they the man of {En , the NatA§@21QfV.%%th& ]<:w=s;f«.tsA ., they oppofxs themfcives agamfi: Chr'1Pc, they fit in “”7nT{é’Te§mp1e¢.‘a;:d jféfr rh;?t:_:1%fc;4va-5 gzbcgye a1l%,;daL«Vpc»fi11gand murdering Kings, * are not thefs: the firfl grearAa1:ichrifi, who makc: thCm{C‘1V"c"‘3, what flhrifl‘ alum is, Kirgg af .Ki.v-.7g,:, Largl of'Lam?x P” e/fpoc.I’9% 16. $3 briffi /may amci ..1:~c~rm:t gxrnrm, the '1”yrantfli:{h, Gal.w.;._2,.a, ~qm5¢./fntic-/arifla Rrgwmg the Anoinrecl of the Lord : 12) that by chi*s%%Tc:x.t yfuq have em: flmp to the difcmjmy of ‘A ntichri{’;. P)vL1C enough (if t11c~£:*,:md Arm I1?-»L1C§’1, L1n1¢*{1“cmthey ‘ were ‘miter, and yet from fuclm wicked pm-ferns. A€’cz::rs*:V 1 mufi‘mm'(ac«~ (:ouji1‘1g to rim mu) A lead you5on ta t}Eiat1nof’c“damnab1é aft ofi"*’tl"s©irs':‘/9: % W5éfi£V'd£'7‘§51'g of‘:/swig? King, But in after 1cirnestb.e %D'c:vi11 (grcwnc wifrr) hath Furnifiied hi3 Scho‘1-- Ears Regicides, with A'rgL1tr!aE‘1‘1t3 !»o‘pmve WI’ liilfifig If ivgr. whichnei--A 7 timer the }e*x:.'es,Mn<;>1f aVnyiRe1igion_A.,evEr Fauna out, faveoxzely cormp-% W ,,3:f3d CI‘11'i{V%iflI'1S: ; % % % _ , _ A V 1.. And the ground of-‘ the1i*fir& Argument xsAtzr=k‘en from *1 Firm,-:%3.~ “(’. fiat ::héD2:v«i1,1 is as gmd\a‘Scripturi%f{a.<.« ‘Arhnfe Saintsugz and as gwd an In-3 38», I‘ §CI“g1”Ct{;'r; and" b9.:h131_i1c:t taken in their mvm; fenfe, the1noPttl1atca§nb::iz1~e forced were. that they might inifome cities dcthronc Whom they had exalt Md ; but kill him , the prrrfon, the nun they canhnot, they may not ,~, for this God I1’1£1Ci£’if5.ii!f1CiiiI'10tti1'fL‘y.i A _ A 05-jeél‘; But nature and r¢:afon‘teach us to defend our halves, and to itiii ‘what would dtftmy us. rather than to be killed. A “ I 2 Car. 20. ‘T12: mi/dame mid rm/hm afAwarM’yi Mien lkfbafiz/£rMrfl?witb yvid : ‘mm’ I/ae‘nmiwrid:’1’ mm rccirimct/9 not flirt thing: of that ,3;5iri:AAof GadA"f,;Aar V 3‘/acjtiavzétc fablflaucflc unto‘/aim, for 3.14. A Seccmtily, although naturc and reafon, in the generally difhttcs ioitmitiuzihh ‘tantra us, yet nature and reafon have laid fame rcflraxnts upon this Maxitne, W rtfizrfl cf Par/am ; for , fuppofethe head of a man intfixicatcii c>r‘d'i-..A fttzfied, ihtnuicl Endeavour the hsmgintgot drowning the body ; tfiighiit the A body (to prcfcrvc it felha)» dcftroy this head? and the King, in refpieéhhf A this fubfcfls, hath the like rrslatiotw, and therfifore is {O called bothin Gods and our Law:-3, the Head aftbe Qawpla. ‘A A A ' V A Thirdly gt but can there be a better Expoundcrof‘ the Lav.*.mFA fiatflff or teafon then Godithimfelfe in this cafe ?} hwhigh ifyAot1gAran.t5 than ( I pray ) “gdtlitough the Whole Boolce of God and tell me; ‘if Godhath not every where injoyned fubjcélionj and forbmgc evelnercfiflczmae againfl the war]? King 3' A A A~ b)oth in the Old aod New ’I‘efl:amera‘t,l l e 1. b ‘ ‘WI1echeeithtougl1out the Bible thofe that were led by Gods spirit ‘did not follow this rule f’tric"tly,as David to .‘S’4rts’,¢.’§'!7. ' N l A 3. Tell me whether you find the leafl print ofany precept or coun fell ~ given to any Su.bj'eél: to puttheir King to death ? l A AA ~ * A A ~ A 4. Whether ever any fubjeets mentioned in all Gods Booke, ever plea.» M ‘ded any Text or good example in warrant or cxcule of fuch an a&? 5. Whether (for the me part) all Oi-Fendere m this kinde have not, A l e throughout Gods Booke and Law , received condigne punifhment from .tt.I-leaven , or Earth . or both? and ifall this holds true and good . I cannot but wonder , that men that pretend to the knowledge and beliefs of the fpirit of God in the Scripturesfinottld forfake Scriptures,a"nd betake them- {elves to reafon. and nature ; when as fiillit cannot be clenyed that the Scripture of God is the befi Expolltoe ofnarnre and teafon. Ofijt-6?. Bur: wax papuli, 'zIax3'Dct , what; all the people fay, maybe in. terpreted to be as the voice of God. ‘ 2- Here Fife? as well asdivers Texts in the Gdfpels, :6} Nation, fob» 1 8% 35 which may be expounded the profit of the fnvcxin ge-herall, 26¢] bevedclvcrwmbe: umamrv l do =_ 4 ' V ~ t ~ t o: % V , Ref}. Had this been really and abfolmtely true, that all the Iewes had delivered Chrill: to death , yet it could not have ftflified the suit any more A then the number of finnerscan make a {in juft and lawfoll. :2. Though in this cafe of Ch: it be faid, the Pump/cw I\Qt:i’m ; yetno A more could rightly and hrifily be thereby underllood ythcn that thofe who were thenprefeot, or who conefpircd and delivered himto be flaine; and this wasnot gill the people of the Jewes ; it 18 therefore tooAun1uf’cly and too figuratively charged upon all, when it is done but by afew of A 061:6}. But .you”llfay, itwes done by the Councell, the Reprefentative WV Ralf. This Couhcellby money, eortutitiozyand ufurpation had a great deale'inlltarged their power. A ~ .3 ling hm. V A . Bm’.l1ald"Eh€lr power or priviledge beenc greater ,“l it eohld neither make g00d,eVill ; not evxll, good. A A A 3,. but to the point ,t if. you eonfider wl1atlC£v:~th¢Kilnghad done for A ‘(Mi people, and how the people loved him you will eafily colledt {mm Fe»- everall paffages in the Gofpels, thetthe voice ofthc pco pie was not for kil- W And it, and thatis as the voiCeAofGod. . A _ AA A A I mufi anfwer, that if all be fuch as ¢a11‘th€mfe1vesAfogtlien the Confpi-:.,% raters, .l'AVaIm5_x (,6. and than thcfe Jewvsrrwtlaat aflred aAg~a1'nfithAeI.<$rd§ A- nqoynml ,% were the péojple of God : A for chefs Io fiiIcd%themfr:A%vesAtlo: Iqa- 53:; yea 7‘(_$mgb.E[6.3. tAheAworAcl [Holy] maybc rendrcd [».9.4intJ.:]— A%A1‘zdA zzhefe are they whiz fiaail pm: him to“dea;Ah. A A A , A A A 41 1; = . The} jba.-Y pm: him are dmzla : which Tmnflat-iAon ( by the leave 9? the Acarned and judicious) I would gladly change , and for this Clive} flmlljl Wouldrcade [they WW] infircad of [put to an-at/A9] I we-nld render it , may mix? ks‘! mad murder bim : for although, Far t*heAmofE part, future tenfcsare rcndrcd indiffirrently by‘. flmll or wifl 5 yet hereto take away all fhadow or A 2r9"*~W A .A ,1 And if"you will yet: preffc, that the voicie of the Faapfeofi GM was for plea from the malice ofthc aft , by iazyi-ng it Am the dmrmimzr e camsfill of % kifl,fld}A, A015 murder“ In/an Baptifia Qflvdnif/JA/vimgj 3% lion flab!) that Apflrmfi? V T ‘ : god, as .d£}.r’4.2 8- I would read not {they fbafljbut [the] ma] 4 A 1- Not [part to dmtiajbut ln why not impriflvn orfimré /=13 ‘Par/an, as Are} A A I muPcAAAan;fWmr , I» thatVgeneLm11ywhenVT571‘&FJlsA.a;nd Ufiirpiefs of rfiffi A begin, Achseyfcaascc ever et71dsbut::-. (where) Ain¢I tr.uA1y.Tpdken mf .Azh&isV{en1*t;cnce .A£aic1Ac,AAforehc:: had, as we ,~[a“y; aAAfaircIr§a¥11.A4 A A ? A 1.; A I-Ii_s Cfmrge. P1 93;: Vv71tn€fl33§ A, Andi 4 <‘%:{eI1311a:ti()m-offbrtheir I(i%r1"g.*hi;: ‘W V . “Fl 3“ aIa3,vEn1l}u.i»ge.hh A A V! TO mfwd; anwhich, ppray confider chgh;h(h{,{;ha7tevérthejhprehefidemi3 truiy ‘axidreally his Charge and Accxifation Was, ‘chm: hee was King qf '-£51: ?#w:>'5~$;h and ft) in ishexpreflbd, cMa::b.26. 60_ and UM¢?‘- I4-3% "And Whc;*_1‘~1 ” t~.:«ehj7e;1vg;53s~dc*{h1.*d ‘Pita: tohalfzcr thtj Infcrihptwn, and to afide not thzttba nah bu: 5;: W6: King afzbe fewtl ; hNo,f fayth ‘Print, Width IV Imwgh Writtfn, Hmm m-fmn : and that is m:1e,:1n"d fo hhisaccufation Was,wh“v’,ch {‘jfi1¢§_'e‘..}.C.'g.['h1 be may fufficiem ahmgrz: to lejii him for being their King. Then far the Wimeggrx ,h“ it is record ed _. Mark: z4..1_¢5. that {nah as ghey x:.zit:rc dd am‘ agree 5 but itishmore probziblcthar theyhdid not nceei, o‘r“chd no;hmakeAn:uch rife of Witmflcx; for whchnhhe was"fir{}: conMdc1nned'hhh by ‘the]cwifl1Councc11, the“ Iudge and Commiflionersbeing rcfolved to V ” ggondgfmne him uiithgur Witmeflél, among thC‘{I1fli’1.V€S , L51/lat.39 .6 5". What and have we af Witncfe: ? and they never askc, what faiph our Law in this cafe:-Ph but 'v:r.66. WlMt:h:‘:ékg 7:: 9‘ and thenhprefenthly‘, without zncbrehaddé in irhc fame war. and as Lfllrlnrkv 14:64-A they ad‘. of them, h>::m1'..~i we ramjr‘aa’ihh6ew!e, did as they hhhad fmrnh the firftconfpired ;" theyall dig‘! vote; himguilty of death, And in (me Word to prove th"ehi1le_galiry‘of that? Jewes prohcecadings in all , twofivangelifis , LAMA: 25.4. Uvfxrlw 34,. 1;. fa itihhfully ‘fécoz d .A that 5} /n;t&lr«ihltvy., (0 3 «this Mfit*#ft‘hh; A ‘ F0 8,” flf1kk,Vht5sj A faivkgévt :h»w éim ; find ‘it~o<~»uh;lh nmberrorhérwihfc donchby ‘hthéfm :Q 1 fEnt”f,3al-is vghough tovdm&=ievc~~«i:hehwor\d h ,h lihey? ‘gave it out A.. that’ my load It. Law By couldh thc§,f3cihte— orhpmduce any fuch Law 7; btir contraril y to the wihtnefi-; which herqjght be tripd, ye; put 2:: death job» x 9 7. yet never did ch<:~y,h on fing 3. Emowne truth , andw twhcir ownc greater comfemn2tion,h thtiy them; I ‘~f€e‘;v6hshcbhfe'§Ted,’ ivIm=&:;1hh8*.‘%3;«j; - 323:. fé Em-2‘,j ft W9! {hwfflgi mgr we” have no_ La ‘\Vg; ;Qy;,1g‘wf‘uH“‘a11Ih0f,lty9 tap»: may ,:az2:ea:b. .6 ukmzhmmyhthey had 1tf‘.tlJr1~tO xhctm in {mm cafes according to M4f¢:"his Law to put A {oznhehh =Malc;Fac‘%o1's zm e:hsath,hL1ti11_rhis cafe they coxufeigc thgey hzgd npnc; ind yepthey will by ."h.aS‘Vrf;f¢fW1' mdr fubnlkyhhcondcmhc and hall bmars; Li and‘th1shwas;:§11~ihc trial! filmt h~+z.‘hc’ I't:v.res.hdhi,dh’,‘ho%r ccbuld prere;agi.>L1;t3hhto.§orhdgdfiufe cm h_t»he;r%hh:p;arm iIn]_;he'1‘ ;;m;~;.;. «1 The“ jewes‘ them{e1vesA:rhm hhzmngih nmtherh Laxv’, nor: ‘lawful! Authcmty, for th¢ii?h—conde:nn'ing dhdfliflihgfbihvtheir Kizagig’ “thhere rchiminbsh ohelyiiw .1xami:V;e.:rm;«"mvfizuyhimms;'doxaehb3z%72i1.w.{ hwjnt*t% : for théi‘ A Tupi: loved him , and Luke 2, 2 9,. 21%; feared we ‘People :.'A l::.ut1m@te efpt:- cially you mull tonlidtt, that it ct:ultl%t1c2At be {ofafiily and lctmningly (lone, t llflrill upon fuch;9cc_z.tF.pi1 a“'s“thm cf thtrm were drawn uplww ifcfrafrziriéttlléllgtwéllllftllmmtyl Laf-Hy , till theh tltere we re fame Fat‘lioz.2s :tr1'x:llAt.t1p5puted’tqbrit1g~itto paffc. A A ~ C ' A; t l A V "f1.1'iL‘l*‘£l3’l&'§~g£‘:I"1t3l’§1lltilmltl‘ belinglllcome '5 A it alfo {earned good to the Holy «_Gl3l0& ttr fptxciifiéitllxlc mate efpeciall 1'nt,w hen this execution Was,n arm-rlyl, t an #9:? Eve tvzxke F¢.nfi,(or Holy~da’y)lan¢l'l on” that day lot two rcafons:Tht:A lo1t;:;ex'pte(l, fmbuat 8:. 28- 11% I/a“éj'f%k’1ddefi/;a’gAtA0thtllifl1 Saints if A fcrate not thkclbt-ddlhgt irmocencllblood ,‘ atilcl‘ that all ltltetlLordslAnoit1lt€&l ; " A but theyfeart totd1o.ei5ttpt3 Athlcztir Holywdaly :4‘ 2, 17l(yI0!UiMA Fmfl, fiat Ellis lacing a cléytput apart for an holly Atmecting, and alljat‘libctty toga alJ*roalLl,,A A " ttttdet colieutz (at ltiafl) ol°gt>i‘ng;j;tt: the Temple 5% t hem irllglitféll ‘tj21atAtAhati?¢ A haetlpentcl‘*fo”tnt i:e£*if?lla;t2c&:;‘;l ialnclfi fé Séitit ltJlldttb?W;‘hatlfi*35tpttfi lif,+’W¥'¢:“¢"‘-2J6 Np-;.»i xix F:i'ifi' w;;,:l Zafiib:re~£&.i¢Mprl&4r¢ mangzta Trap}: H ,4 Allwhomf AA §ll1?:y?l.l"CZtl‘E'CZl33;l3d that bfcta‘tttfé*they't1gw lofted ltllife Ifing. A “ W A 6A AA , (333 ‘- A WA Q A 7 And theA1Evan%gcliflslh2ve flofcflllttfxftwffcortl to ‘hchlfrltyhhe thtzlh” fpleciallll timié cf A the day, as wclll as 65* thé: day if {C156 ;_ 43 1'3, AAt*ha! $15!? fifaith one-' , Jlvfarke tr 5.:§. was tlaezlaird lsctzm ; Wll1ChSaiDtL_-fllllflgllflancl Sam: fab» fay,was about tbcfixt hamfe; and yet Saint fldmlm 5.3 4 {aith,tllat am the nimla hour: he gum up tie: Gfaofi: which fame thus rectsnctle, .tllhat the A tiine appt5im;ecl,‘l or the time when they began teiprtpare for the‘txettzt1ottA was“ the third lhoute ( at our ninth in the nzhtmng ) hutthfifxfiwtlomt A felfe began ahcut the lixt ( which isahcuti the time ofctzr high 3003-6) and that all was fitalflaed, and that Cl» cxpircd about th€Animhll4cw:~Afi 5 that is ourthreein the Ell’-C€Tl‘lOC*JUdlE‘o) l l A ‘l ; A . A A A I had almaliz forgot to tell ycu att tfptciall pitceof t:lbfE'rvaticm.vs*h1ch to the H0lylC§hOfllffl1fi€Cl good to he rt-cotdtd, that Cb: lhéing bl-a'fé:l5§;i‘élfr:~ ly, and illegally iaccufed, and chargccl ;T yet the msfwcrm am :6 zémth cknrga; for {To uzmke 1 4 59.5: . And if I be askcd the treaion why 1&6 Mfmred not‘, it llflidinghimftipcn A in deF:*nceAAQfllhis innocently, and life? 1. ll txull conlcflt I cantata: arliwlrr where “the? lS_ciri“ptL1r€ is filcm and anfvms not. A 2. ffhtre xfvafi 10 AA‘h1$%l1’13€ fiscrét will, ccttnfell,Aandiprovicltnccf of God, ‘wh1ch(bt:mg notlrcvcalccl to Inc) I may not with I'€V€‘I't”I‘lC€-'01‘ rnodcfly prie into. 3. His attfwcring‘ _ might hzilve adminillred occalion to their further lying, andluhordiniation Aiof falfe Witneflts. 4%. Thottgh true it weretlalat at thattitnethelword had got: Azt power , yet that he held not that power fuflicxmtly in his cafe and pcrfon to €’ZKI{II)1Ilf:', try, :z1*.AdVccn}clttr:nt:~ him,a1tdthtrclore£c amjwmd not . t l But being Saint }lJ.»tttb.% 16. 6;. faith, he [sold 1:13 pace‘ ; and Saint Inlm from the Prophet, Ifaiab 53. and A5}: 8. 3 A2. lfay,that at «A-Lamlrei A£wforAe rim fimrer Aa’;m5s&:,A /o apmm In not 12:2: mm:/9 5 may we thence CC;1'1ClUClf.° that ‘hi? {aid nothing at all? i" A AA . ' A l I R 81,? i No ,Aior 1. {peaks he: did and arzfwer , the Gofpcls are exprtll in the affitmative : but, 2 in that he was laid {(3196/4 Iazlipcmrr and robe filmt» it was in relation to the lallc charge and ill: gall 2-zuthclrity , and to thtle; has taprmd mt 1:222: mqutb I waslfilcnt :; 3. A He {palm fiotltirg1'ri Saint bie- Arws: t:Xp0fir:ionA. that is nihil durum, ~m"A!:il «Ifict-km ,l ttothing which lmigha Ajufily prm/olte the jcwtis, or c.:f‘fcr:dh the l~Alehrers 5 lb he lpakt nothing» V 4. Airtthat they would not hleare him What he 'W(ll.ll‘d halve {aid for hgiflifélhfg it may be laid. and not itr.pzfoperly, that he did not; Aor,w<;~7uld not anffwer. A And that i tl-lclryr A would not heatt;‘lhim was huit.tA6fly Ccnttaxy mall Lawts bf Heaven :'ll'1Cl~E£{t'Cl1, %CH:V hirrzhf¢lfe,a£ thélafigtnerttl‘tjt:lcfgtz*11::ti*%t,l'*t=*.7il'l aclmtt it to lmownc, it otoricus lclfe-lclohdcmnitwg (itmets ; and an icng the A ’ E :2. ‘ A i Jewesg . 4 ‘ 34) s ' A . ‘ gjewgsi Sztlgaaarrrrrw, ?a;£m 7,3 t. true} for the ROm€iI“.S':«f‘ Fcflmr, ..dAE?.: 25.: 5., g 4:» proitift, that nirrthtr Ptop1e,nor»Law Wiwtirmmed my ésfm tfihéy/n_§fi’ie7d mrd A Aafacqrd him ta .t¢raigAir jar fiimfi*.{fcA ; A Aye: inch as this ," was the jufl: ct {brewed here tQ‘E'k‘”.‘n\‘~"Eh_€, Kings “ A ‘Y 4 , ; , t “M \‘ A A Arid, what then ? died he 218.116 was at that Bar, fi1ent,Ax1ot fptaking For ;hir13f:1{e,or ;othr2r=$_A_;_? ~»quite:contra1'y ;and therefore: mow , I bcfeeclr you, A lifttupyomjhtar-ts §'“‘"ahd openyout cares , and ‘heart 0 Earth what thefig. ' rzoynttdoof the LordifaithAthei°ore his departure from tho earth , and his at‘- A ter1trAtoAAHea*rrA11A ; anda. little iD£":f01‘f;‘”hiS death and departure , he fp:,tkeAto -at God his Father for himfelfe , as Lake 2 3 - 46. .1‘ mbcr into tin} bamml cm» i A mrnd my fiirit ;; and yet a1itt1¢.br:forerhat,h¢ pardoned and prayed for A . his Er1emiAesAand MurdeAr,trs,when ht-(aid, Luke 23 « 24-A Fntharfargim them for t1a::A}km,=w not what rise; dot :foz1'~:tei.'cW not What they dot°,bt°ing fimw-M ply ignorant, and {reduced , others are wiilfu!1yAAAAb1im=Ie : 10 that the? one A ~ i<1'10'W€Sn0t what he doth for the: prefeot he is ignorant of theAw£ckoi-- zacflcof the Agft, the other knows not what he doth for the corrfiiquerat, ho k;;3o;\Vfi:s not What will be the pL1(1ifh'1'I'$En?: of the fat} yer Fm/m~ {aim ; ‘this Ihamb ,; even while they arcabotrt toflat1_ghttrhim,A1“ml.v¢r , f0r‘g{2ifz%&’ zbcmgand twthatcver he fpake after this was no wortfe man what Saint Ia/an I hath recordrrd, }’a/an no. 19.21» Peace 6:: wvtajotr .- A and would any but A A vilis take this iC£v;r this Ki11g,?Athusdyi.nfg;, to been Vvoife 9 or will notany Aruprighr Chriflmn fiw, he was; Lambr,andi dtjftrved,ro 1iAV€.'=£{$ a 3i1t2ph€;ard iarzd a ofltihé . ,1“ . \VV\[ A -may ~»‘«« ‘. ,.. W‘ After the prayer and bltfiingiiof C5: the King, there is little more to be noted from the Gofpcls, then what the Attencizmts were at his death, and whatthis buriali was :: And to tr e firft, know, that fomrgwere prrfcznt who betrgyedhim ; ftlchheafrtso, ofi;1AcAh foreheads rhtfcr Momicrrs of mmhad. 2. A Guard of soulditrs , and this butntctiiary to keeps (ab: Eht:‘AKAing from referrer. and the Traytour fromthe rage of the People; V3; :Ti‘H£?1‘6» A ware Wm:w,_ and chefs; as by ‘Sex (and as Mothers of Children) the mail tendon: hearted : {o of theft ( zmongthe Wei-withers ) were the hmofh 4, Of an his Apoiiles and Difciplesl find:-2 but one who ?o.‘rn x 9.A25..was the Tifiiplr tar»/955m lac lcmrd. 5., Thismofi glorious King had no Funeral} Serrh-on at-his burfail 5, thatwould not be permittfid by his malirious Per» A {centers 5% who'he1d‘:1ny Etiiogy of him, an0b1iqu~ie to them;-_ and et one of his Apofiles . A8: 4. preached one to rhejrawtsh , which was a ter ..rn1;rrgtd by tht?Evaog7e1iPcs;A and finctcommcndedrot,a11Ae;tsr, asane- A A ~re_r1':i{ii¢ngiiiaine to their bloody murder; Aahd anrvtrliafiirrg Iihplaec to his ‘K‘l€‘¥IC!'~CiAy1ng name.‘ 6. Itanrrotomit .' whattii 1nay;ufiiyconctiveism«~ Efffd ed V ' H ‘ I‘ n V ‘ 3 J - r‘ ‘ ‘ L Aw ' *~~mr&ed as an extraordinary mercy of tGotf:« ,; that A ztmtmg ah. the Souldiere L wlhointthe Iafi aét ofthe .condemmtie2n ’and (X: t:1h1thion*‘to‘f_t('l;': were zh%¢__ chiefe Rulers and Commanders , yet one even amothgthtnz was C12: his “ Convert ; fonone was re inlightned by the true Spirit of God, that Matte ‘‘ t :';7. 34-‘. he, withhothers, faidth mu/y t/923,: Wm the Sa“k=‘nehhttofhgod.=1 7 ~ Which ceitazh1‘y4twas-fentbyt“nfpitaetion5 ttaendtétrevealed from heaven, to he be ingravenfas ah ever1aflinghtEpitt1ph, wlmich God didfooner; Sin his provit. j_ dence, furnifhhim with then with-’.1Tombe; which novv. when all thingsfl elfe were finifhed, was tmely Wanting ; and fo Qcill might have been , for thefe wretched, covetous; accurfed Jewes , had he not beene beholden to? an‘ honourable Counfelleur, cfl’lat'.t 27. 37. who found himouttoneht; of which sepulchre,‘ though 8. cfitqtt ch. 27. 60.. names the owner , yet 3;, (Mark: i;’5..~.»;6 and S.‘.‘ Lake 23.5-3. fay, be rams lmidin a Srpulabre, with... 4 out naming who!” e it was. me thinks chef e Iewes, when pretended fo much to Scripture and thetmfelves v[O,.bE*fi;1Ch_ holyhr Saints , n]OL11d'(iI'1” {ueh-a cafe) %httz”ve feet ‘before ttheimeyes the demeanour of that S.-mat indeed, "‘Dwmd and hxsdemetmout ‘ tbwatrds Mal the:gKing ;t which King, though he&yveretreie‘€te*d by Gad ,. ttandthat ‘David by tGodstappoirstment was Anomted Kingin his Read; yet when Sam’ was put into;.‘Daroid.t hands, and that ‘David: Set» vants» petfwztded h1m to"-do juficice upon him , ere Sam. 24. f".D4fl"£Iid"flayfi’d.” his Servants, and would not fie: them%Ariie«againfl?t*8mar1.t »?tN7a7y,,tfmfthe%rt,te A ‘TH0l'§E;*h Sm! did tdtziylyt pttrfiie ‘.73 mm ta takeaway histlifc, I Sam. 25. and (.45-i"fI;ai told 7)4:'m'd,t that hGed5lmdtdelitwre4 [SAuL]bz$x‘ Exam} aim /955' he handy, and therefhre defined ttthat he xnight [win him»: No, faith ‘llawid, for, who cam flrfltlbhélt-ffi‘r_t;b Km £24gtf_dvugaimj?Vth:eLahrd: cl/“{nairst»¢'d,i aid 5: guilfs vlesflér 1’ mr/:71 on «Nay tDwvi%igot3.futther, verfa~:Ih1.tttheflaedfétzfl/finite A/ai;¢L: ; but,-. Gédjaréid, «that:“°I f/sauldflretrbfarllaemy /:j;¢nda‘gAivflit_73: Lor.-.-it eA'uaim‘.ed. he ; ; e t he . A t At But may we not wonder that thefe ]e$.ves given much to read the~Scrip- mres wtouidtaevetvchnfider '{}V:fhat~h£)1yttfa£r had tfaid;{%ihc/0. 34.38;. 1: it fit A A in /4} to; 4 King, Z‘b,£?FI“#:r't wicked :3 he or that Pie]. *3 as ; t Touch not »mim-A ¢,.—!.. r1e£;2t,od5 or that E«acl:f.. 8. 4. Wine may/ay unto the King, wish‘: dacft‘ than .9 or that they fhouklnott Aconfider what feverethiudgements God flaewed u-V pen thofewho mfe up againefitcfiie/it thetr Ru‘. er '2\@m&.h J 6. or agaiflfit rfaim (inhi‘s Pfipcfirity) ‘He/.: 1 . 41 feritdefiroying King e/siflgzaé and his Famin- e y ; angei “againf’c»the men; 2 King: 21:th*»Whoflhe\V c/{man their King MI fay. A it may he wontlred that they had not remembtedor cal’: their eyes: at fame time orot-her, upenthefcpr fhelikt Scriptures. A A A A h ' E 3} he A 4 N03 A NOs‘G'od hath fohhhmdcrhd than that" they either CCL1H”ITOt.. or Womo not yfe'oany0ld light ,2 but n inficad of allfizch ,uth’c‘y are now a1t€%gEth~l.‘:l“f0!f New tight: and therefore welfare that, which never failed fuch jawes. Rem/align fotfcoxh, and this («hall do tho fem ; for, (‘aiaplsass their chiehc ' 7 1{u1er,bythcS;phiric in an habominable meafurc poured out upon him, fess: _ sift: could difcérne wig. felon 18 *x4.yEx;:m’it , i.t12s¢'xpea‘imt (faithhe) that that ‘With 2: pairs of S,pe&ac}€s fer :yuponh his yfiry- {hioing Nohfa . that none" am ("and therefore this one (:6: the King mufi be he who,’ yymfiflhodfl J’??? W‘ A ‘Peapte ‘: andhthis Exp:-div»: thus delivered to the Guild, orhaternicy of Spiritfid Men, makes Ehfm as czmzrically mad, cry sums it were with one voim;-, ,Crmr:'_yfi:, kill, and murder /:x'm.». V And yfit ah‘.e,r this eh.-mcdiamt thus declared ,. I wouldthey had lyoifiriodyhto * Tildft, who though a Heathfin, and a cormpt Judge ; yet: hearing mm {o fiercely crying out ta cmcifia their King, afiomfiugd (as it yvcre) at fuch in ‘unheardwofcscccrablevoice,asks, -z‘vI:mt.?y is it pcmble thatyou would I. fhouldyy crmrrfitjcflr Kiflg 5’ as ifhe had {aid ,~ Oye Jewes 1» doychelieve oryackynow1c‘dge :1 God? or name? or reafon Po L orfihzzve you anyvslavri? yorRehgion ? and W111 ye contrary to all theft: furhymr Kimgta drm/nth’ ywhy your God , your Religion, your Law, your owns reafon ; o yea, zhmdh all people be they never {o~yHeathenifl1.yWi11 condemns youjforrhisy, gbm; V in difpi‘g:;ht*,ya€y in were. ofall rcafon,hI_aw,yzRé:ligion , naturc, or God him- mre, they 4 A Amfiy*‘ethTF/fiféflyhmhgtleave them foo; therefore ; as hoping to brihg them to heave fome rcafom and to be moved to fame compaflion, he brings “ yc’/2%: Forth unto thjfcm,.and befpeahsthem thus , ffcceloama, 7al:m19- 5- be» ;,l1o1d,l1ois a mandeffitutoahyofhoipe, fliagzeftxlhlyy, and» Iinjuftlyutfod a ‘mm s..hath bowels; 0 yesjewco .; ,!:h.térc3{:o1?oyy‘ Fm rhumanixy fake 5, Jay him as at hman‘ : Againe, when he ashes, ;.fl7£5‘”'.I httxnfk-?ifi~* .yMM.Kryfig‘? }’a£m“t9. 1:. he frets him new bcforerhcm as a King,2nd from hence fecmes to reafony thus, You holdfinyyour ;Religiony,hrI1an yourhGod ordainesrK*ingsh; for Gods fakc_ «thfiwtjtfftvffl ,bch=o;1d and pyiytty hTimfasya Iiing. hN'ay, yfltifmflhff, he ytiflr King: h A yours Cfi=V§?T;3‘=V§}3ifi'5f ; b.y¢dcFcent of £heh1irh1eioFKih A David ; 3*ours for your “and Will‘ §?;du“I’ed upon the words of Saint Prm-,* wihm C/yr: would mnjb lm fem; the Apofiie in an awful! reverence bl‘E:1i§§§~Ou:K , O M’:iPcz.'r3 Tu mibi pidu -’ that: to wax?» my [grin I on which thc: Father dtfcants thus, eff Mil? qa=rid‘éfi‘*’imi6£? quideff pgdax 3’ ahci Can’c1usi€S,cagitmnd4 /mar; mm dicemfa .~ givcmc: leave: iriinaitaticzui to asks, §_ziIt7i‘6l.‘#fl’ iii? qmj’d.afl ace-1.; v dint‘? quid eff ilfuimt’ ?t£myiti16'wi0tifi,iito kiflilaim the btffefiinfxfn ; they the f€f3i€5‘tt.0 murder him the band 5 they the {CUl'flm@,Df thi€PC;‘*Gp1Cgi.to {laughter him the Anointed of the Lord ti; _t1aey ttheilowcii of fubjcéis, ta biutcllflt hi1?:rixthtit'KEit1g..: i.0i‘iuf¢§¢dum/calm”1ico‘g;itunda, nan dirtndu , we caetI1:ncit; txpteflii theitlieinmouifm: of the fai&~,. H but ithéy ha_1r’e{tQ' beiaid up int A the claifcts bf out brefiis; and wit: are ta remember, ind‘ iniafttr better t-imesi to thinkc on all izhat i'71ath'b.ftf(?'i3 done inotderi to this killing /vim»!/at King. Ani;»Eiégii{l1 Chronoiogtrr Eflpeeaij A in the lifeof Hem; the 3, ,2 faith,” They !:hcu:_l<;i‘1I:a:Chrii{’tiar1tKiiI1gi?iicotmmit a Foure-?‘1izoidi‘nit1gdi2t ~xi.‘£—i9mi~i “c_"iCi”¢;.*ki.1'.firL‘$7 a imam my Patricide killing thtsiri publiqur civii1Father;i" - i3.Chr1fiicidc,i«:iiLingthtflnointed of :hciL0rc3. Chat 4.. Dgicidcj, killing 33 muchas; iitithem is God hitivfeite . i audio? King5,“God himfeife faith, yaw an-aged: : may paflfdm qzgit/citfi » i 213} . . . being the King 13 Gods Vtcegerent; was tmtientityi trttet.,tthat men it: tiead men reftin peace ;butoDive1s,Beafl:3, A ztnd {itch Jewes as E1i€f€‘dA€g¢3f2‘31‘3;t€'i.D this from a11emankinde;,itrandt there» A fore atetnot alone content to muréet Cb: their King, but that they Willi crueitiehim ageine when he iedeaét ; and not onely in his Difciples and fetvants , hu.ttt1o,hits never dying name , which fxlxke F1165) they endeavouti to corrupt, anti ',t0:b1‘afi’ fuppiteiie and defitoy all.theheave;n1yh*uits of hit d.ivinC“1f0u1e‘t5‘ t-vit‘t1;e1Te;Saimt wLjwke throughout the ed £2‘: ef the Apt/7/es» where wefinde that th-efe mifcteant: }ewes forbac} all to preach or fpeahe, and ptllliflltd all who durft be he juftly holy as to publifhany thing which might tetiotmd to his glory, or the good Vofany who loved or adhetedtunto him ;».yea, ifflicaah-mu; date but f1y,:as he CiiCi',]0£?. 8. I 5 - that éy their Lew t3'107¥¢‘fZ’01i‘[d£'¢'j91t¢?i,;{_{9diéfiftffc be 6: £amM';i\vhich was Cb: the Kingsevery t;:tfe; it even forthis,17\Qmdm:mis checked asa Malignant, and neer to be mzide a Delinquent ; for av 52. curfily the jewesrepiy unto N itadvmm-i,art mm of Calilc? Art thou one of “the pack P ;if we finde it {olooke to your felhe , iixxrgall «tthe t adhere to him , [the iK1'11;r] or to the Gofpelt of peace , firft or ie.fhflm11t‘fufFer.for, or with him. 3 Oh more then devxlifh Jewes 1 Ye fee, anti ohferve the wonderfull wifliome and juflzice of God, who in this , as 1 4’ in other wicked piots, turnes the point upon the fhtners, and wounds them With%theit for, nothiingiiidid oricoifldiiiadvantage the pro- pagattioitiafid growth of [ h: the Kings moi} glorious namexmore then their forcible fuppreflion of ',it. S. Lott having finifhed the Gofpel or Chro- nicle of 2C‘/or the King. faith, 6. 24-46.» /0 5’ 5¢1v0'wd Cbrtfl to /afar .- and ifyouaske whyfo? 1. becaufe it was farmld, 13441-21» 2.. As 8, Ptml fpeaks, 1 am: 1.19. itbehoved that the herefitesi, re.bel1~ions~ , and wine kedneffes might be made manif"eft~ :3-A.e Thmztforit thiwwicked aft God may) letthe Jewes, as the Wholewotld fee, that he had jltft caufei to Git":Pc1'OY* them, as it is %thteeatned,.ti,<;7J/fat. 23.39, And that C/:/: the King may i rife againe andt reigne in evetlafiing glory withhis Father in Heaven, as it i followet in the words after myjTe:t 1:. . And nmv they have ,I1)'a__Ci€ em end ofhitm, it titwotiidtgladly end here; but_:,i not ending all in killing thifil ;» they. makemet to folktwf them 52' and * to ob-9 fetvethat in killing him they 4 intend to kill more thentiohim, and herein to imitate the {avage Tairitatt, whomrhentttteir gr6at_C£M.WL;di€S;,,, they wealth many of his deeate£tiftie1:1ds into: the gt;‘tve.aftei:_?; hif§1,.:.:*and' fo this iiiue here A @fhiS'tEIh€ 1§ing*8];b109d;;iS ,I.1D,£'h;fi5flChéa’e17nw7£h€=bi0ud" ofhim alone: flpralyii‘ ii A tememhert. = 1“? A av-en1e12;;n§e15.his word-5, d thong}; in :1 parable ,; ecfifatdz I1!’ when fxe» fpeiaip f113CW~?"E’ ‘5“”“3d“"3”d d ether. ‘mm beingbut.fi1fpee%ed bya VVencI1etQ hswe heme aeffoileower bf” [iwnay but to have been in his company,had he 1*: at denycd ir,he had przyd dearly forit, had he efcaped his life : and nonecan expefi betrerdd, new they h-wee kild cw.-ezhe King. 8. Ed}?! {aid offlerwflfid 7r_cé:9',r:v, zg vdvrégm ,_-,;;p,e,,, ,‘ Ale-Had smut mm rbgflyfié, and 5:9 drixkg mm :12: éimm qf men ; and asdit faid of the ‘iWhoree4Rv22.17A.,c5. few of (nah, they are, I . A Unfatiable, therew foredrunke. ‘A A2. {Jnmercifuflfi for, dxunik with blend. 3. Unjufl,for wigh the blond ofsaints .. men holy inlife , and Martyrs, V./Vicnefles offidiédee A truths . ' ‘ . It is recorded. A f Marked I 2 8; that rhef e Tray tors kitfad Mm azmtwfi‘ éimfs foeflé 9]‘ we V#'W¢yM?‘d';% whereas had they fitfi ejerfted and eat’: him fem:-h by their Law, :theirfinne hadbeen the lefle: but firgfizto kill laim», and thafie upon his owne ground , ( his - owrze Vineyard) and then after that rd cafi him 0&1: and declare againfi ehirngand his title for“ ever , thereby to take and hold the inheritance to thcmielvesg, is but to lay the foundation oftheir . Dahlia the blond of Gods Anointed, zheirlawfull, rightftzll King , and {o to zflsrtmgthen one fin by anaprather worfe ; ;w'hieh Gods jtflieeeexvillednoc fufi°er‘iong to profper ,*1ePc thf; wiclfA4.— em, which 1ieving.;and animated eccmide not fpeake, >yetLbeing wickedly fl%1‘e~d‘A‘%‘ recezvce a veoxcem be heard as ehxghe :25 Heaven ’ 4; then mucw more thmebleod A ef {I7-fit“ the King, the Tex5tAfpAeakes ir,U$'2'm‘.21 .41, Gedenrillvyzaf,/;e?w&&5el;vAe a’:/Era}:/a:m,,tmo1aabilNe: a“:e:-.iéz£sM'a2tyard taeot/arm.“ A V We A In thisTragedytfxeereaerifeihut ewe: Afls‘ :* *1." %AAm*;e;M?. % 2‘.1~:7g;‘J£:;&«$’§meé§m; "iThiC'f‘h is fer. dow11e,;;Mn:;Aee 1%. 440. but in theme dAefl§ru&im3 !thre:m’ied !:?&L~;" wit’! drfleroy : 1. APerfo"m1Iy, e:beme:. 2;‘ Na;tiom{11y “mire l’*£me1a?i*¥”" ¢j”.‘hurch : A fig. Both tetal§y,not;by1ettingthe Vineyard..c§re‘_l}?eQp1“eom; 3;. time , But: by a1iena§ing= or giving utterIy‘a‘Way tlyiexin, a;W1"sj%£:ieI1f5t,eee.¢g';g,;, ;;;e4t_age#r9# they, (thateifi)A1iEn3e,0reS{;angErS. * ‘ " A A A A 9 A“ “ ‘ *3 A‘ Neither was this Ieng in aéizing, fer A7;;4;a Trayeltor, fate, or {none afteretI1eedeath»0fhis MaRer,.W}1o_mhe had f!’D€‘tfé1“:}’€§(‘5’1:m'I§7n¢5T‘:37;§‘£§,.{ Eaimfxgfeees and fa payed himfelfe his ewkne wages; and that Without :31 “peyi uw A A A * AA ox t ' '‘‘'~«. t i »---»--»».....i i -...«..._U__m_ __,,,_.,.....w- MW w ‘ % % i. I vi 1 t in A» t t ’ V or regard of rhttie Iewes for wtthe.tiTe;feke he hettayedthis ;~ for;4Kthey§;A A fziid ,. twlvtt their/mite ,3“ of War: er Whttttttteeiretwe; go etsdrbe Itetttgiieeii.‘ ‘A z.f.Pfilam the judge tit); iomg; after.the:~exectttiotroh Cthtitttwtitmtt he fettttetz-«~~ A (techW33I211’;OWLi9fh3t3':R1hC¢ariWi&»5flxilfidr hi5ttC0UN-Emyiisiiifiihd hilieti thimfetfe. 3 . Kflfifxhw and fittae diitftd hhtouigh~miefeety,t ot: ivi;pienee$ 4;. Many of the jewes , who were aiive at that time of Chrifls fuffring , lived to fee the great City ?tt’itf:t1r77r!..?dt:f‘tf_O§Z.€€i; uoooco at leait, oith‘e1t-Country men fl:.ughtered,.—2rtrtel<‘zi’t”‘itIie refi of them either to be captivated by their EI‘Mf-« mies , or to be feattered over the face of the earth, and to this day to live as Vagabo13nds.0dio_tts to a1i,and pitied of none. And iafiiy, {o it came to ptffe, that as fevetail Fafhions iCOn£‘,2’iifCfL‘i together to kill ( la: the King; fo it pleafed God to blinde theft ]ee-Wes at the time of the Roman Seige, that the one pm of them were zealous for the Temple, the Church : another part who cared not much for the Church, yet were Willi tg to have at gooti peace ottreafonahle tearmes : but the third p1I‘t,WhO were all for fpoiiittgg itiilingy “and theretotetegattiihg ne”ithet”Chtttc~h her Shite. put all in fuehaeotthtfion and combuihon, that the Rotntms became C011- yqtterours more by the }ewes tiiviiions then their owne Atmes. Attdiiafiiy , wheretts theft Iewes pretended three fpeciaii eaufes why they Wouici patch: the King; to death: .1. Lei} by his Me the Rotmtie flmuid ittv-bade and chatuge their LLtwes._ 2, Left“. their Nation fhouid petiibo 30 Let‘: the people ibould believe and fCrii.t')‘cV him : All thefe pretended fe.-ates , as leading cauftts to his death , are by Gods righteous judgement, foone after, brottgtht upon them ; hot the tonquering R omens‘ did invade and change thffll‘ Leaves. 2. Did ‘dc-Ptroy City. and Countrey. 3. And the Peopie fatre and neate, both qf Iewes and Gentiies have helievedto,tt,,_,tMat1t[¢;‘ti; H.-tHOVV€d this Chtiftithe Ctueifide Kine; . ii And thus oftentimes God crofo A feth mans POi1iC}’:[L1fX1i2“z._g' the edgte afid point of his owner weaponsupott A htimfeife; we have hound it {(3 done to the Btethtenof fafeph to .f’hutr0i'9, to 2/fcbitop/3:1, to fefafirram, and thoufzttttis more: and here faith the Iew, It 1} e.:tpea!ieast that am Kimeg dye lrfl the Netiem perijlv; and Gtzrd faith, the WA cztiotsjbtfi perifi: zéecmfe ye have witkmly mut*derm’yapte King. And thus wée fee God to he an Llprigid-.t hid e in the execution of his owne e.ncientI.aw given 5, Gm. 9. H4190 /Itgfhedaet/9 mam Mood , 5}’ mm ‘ A I543 M‘ é 19”“ 5"-' //794'» z. A flrifi Defender of his inherent prerogative , it is written. vtngemtcezk mine. 32: A fi;iti.‘tfi1ii performer ofhis CO‘5/C1't:mfi- ted pmmifefi wiflrcvengc /with the Lord; Iriemxzgt we read. 135?: 5. I Ila I thatmpon the 1' udgemettt eztecured on fltmnim and S aplaimthe '1" ext fizith, A ' J F 2 A i A and ¢ ¢and;%;grru£fa#ra Mme rzpw ml? {be Glmvmb, and Wm M waxy Am Evmtrdzlbq/é V . fbipggys and I pray find the hke fcare may touch our hearts, and wmke in them? a_ timely and heartyrepentance , that in his mercy may avert all judgements which defervedly are threatnec1Ato‘falIup}on us, and this Larzd ; M A am this let us hflmblybcfeech God (0 grant: , for-the paflionfinki madiaw ticn of hisonely Smiflfi 3 A and out alone Lord and Saviour Chrifl: Iefus. %