i fewer number. table Learning, and particularly, ,SC.1§ufll'lI, Pbilo 72:.» . dcem, Pracopuix, Cajatai-2,. and many of the’Rahbins,‘ <1 Two Remeatltableo ‘ii an Enfiant, and not in fix days, II, That the World at the lalfl day ' a {hall not entirely be cotzfumid byFlR E.‘ A I’ i’ cle of Faith. I confefs the molt common,and1nofi fol- lowed Opinion is,That .Wl21iCl1i‘iS:‘b_€lCiV,d to be mofi ' conformable to the Litteralsence of theB.Oo’l< of Gene?- ”. And I do grant wit.hal,that thofe Authors who wilt not admit of the Litteral Sence ‘of the Words, are the However they were men of Admi«- who belt undetlioocl, and :allegotiz’d the Bible by means of their Miftetious Kabbalzz, and the Traditions oftheit Anceliors. i 4 n \NtithSubmiHion therefore I {hall hear fef down the following Ptealons, which feem. to make it out 5 That the Creation of the World was done in an in-.»‘ Rant. - Firfi, It is an abfurdicy to fay, That God created; h the World with difiinflion of time, for two Reafons : For then the A&-itfelf could not be properly (aid, Create, to Create, but Face,-re, to,Make. In regard V ~ A i t that 33 1.13;». . _ ‘ . . ' . 5 in Q- ;);'- \,~ . - . _ ' ‘ _ ‘ V i / "..~}'~f. I ";a . . L._.. 2. D‘ “ ""' .. I.) That the World was C‘te'ated.in H E fitfi of thefe two has been aQueliion muchdilputed among Theblogifis, and ye: . _itcmainsttundeterm1n’d gfor It IS n’ot.:anyAtti+ (i). that Creaaizmn is not only to raiie a tlr-ing out of no-» thing, hut to m:alt_e‘ir alfoiwithout Time. Wlticlt i$l/ ‘an infinite lOmninotency only to be attributed t0 God, who aéterh all things in an inllrant,and cannot bi‘ hounded hy Time. S . S i 2 S - Secondly, It’ would be an ahfittdity to aflerr that Time {hould be before Time it For Tiirre which is the meafure only oiMotion,heg2;an but with thel\/Io- tion ofthe Celeltial Bodies, the Sun, Moon, and Stars, Novvaccorcling to the.Littetal Sence in Ge:2e- V /Er, the Firmazrzent which God called Heat/en, was Created the fecond day, but the Sun and Stars were not Created till the fourth day. How then could there be Days and Nights, whicharre nothing but Tithe, before Time it felf? ‘ ‘ " S * , S 4 To this purpolelet us hear Pbilo :7udcc'm'.upon this Point. Firfi, faith -‘he, ‘tie; a Simplicity toogrofs and xufiick to believe the World was Created in fix Days or in "certain Time; becaufe that Time is no other‘ then a Viflitude and Continuation of Days and Nights, canted by the Motion of the Sun keeping his annual Courfe abo'ut‘the Earth. Secondly, Ohlerve the very Text it (elf, which tells us.firft,' in the Begin. izzg, Bercflait/J, God Created the Heaven and the Earth ; and yet after that it fays again,That\ the Heavens were not ’Created till the fecond Da_y,nor the Earth till the third. In the fame Text it is wrirten,i that the Light Was Created the firfi day, but that the Sun, the Moon, and the Starts were not Created till the fourth day. And yet it isnot rational to believe,that either the Day-orthe Light could be Without the Sun ._ and the Stats.‘ For that Day is no other then the Prefenceiofthe Sun. » V S I t‘ I t l To which Ilhall add thus much more, that there feetns to be a {irange incoherence inthe two SVC-flies concerning ,theCteation ofLight 5 in the Creating of Which, ‘ not begin hisV\/oraktwithout aLight_; t_S;o.;t/hen , . A V 3% ).+ which‘ there feems ‘ to ‘L h aiti.e'j'bin ‘W0 ‘days: Whicht is an indt€.C0mm. to {H118 £in¢.; i'1?*%é3<8f§eri Qmw§t~ potency. it (elf) had? C0fl1fI13¥lC3;€ds. ..L¢t.JI??’?.v5£_ L1'g~.]?f,,,-, A thatthatCommand;l1ad net, b¢§¥1»fi:f53°3§fl§i {PP th¢.Q:¥‘%%r.:‘ tionof: whatever-epertainediigtp Light,; ’ a infinuate a kind%$ofAgez1,i§Emfire;tQ t}§4§»afa.u;€ ' _Biut'?:tQ» this, irherc aretfqme W'hr9rD1?9€§}f,:T.«bat Eight Created thteifirfi d aygfi 'vy_1as*:g >cI,eaij. and bright “lining Cloud‘. Wick ‘Var: d3fTiPat€di;Whé.n.i th,¢i5*'{1!?;a was Created.Nt')thih:g moreiera tibnal~tid,b~e1{eiye; if Omnipotency had bin in that‘; ‘ ,b.éfi&qi . . _,- 1. at that theScriptt;re makes no work without teritgs , {#5395 "WC-:t“3.T¢. v‘b0U§id..»_; tobelizeve, forwhaf; flmuid this Cloud;b§egg§t§itidf?§3 9 for the Creator nloft atffuredlay 5 not 7 ful to‘. the Ctea turesx whoiwege; I:;’.C.;3'EC(;3’;é‘$\, ter d=eClates, t.iI_:I; after: the‘S_ut1,.‘.: SQ~,t;h;%at.th){si, / a very ufielefs C!oud;, whi,ch.wo;u_Id nothe either to- the Architeét oar; tor the V}[%.o1*I{h1;ain-fifty; Moreover, fince Godfaw thag_rhe ‘goodd iris it is Written, whc'r:€fore dti‘da:he.di1fli.f3a:teitaftegithte Sun was Created‘ ? V F qr wemtn it not aitrbw 9i,1ij'x{;:;s to imagine any Afiion of the Crea,t‘9r.i.-ifoig as to call that good whi_jt:h;he of its being. ‘.5 r ; i_ - ', ,._.: V So thatwhere Faith detest not u;sjt9hrbeiei}ge Otherwifea ’tis the moflerasiepfl CPni'€é7t1f¢iith?%trii?y the firfi Light was meat); th_egSrm it {el,f,¢togethe_r the Moon and" 5Ea,rs,which l were allincluded in the Cgm.rngn.d. , _ . .' In the ‘next place fl1ould.—v_sa.e a1l9wi.a.fgparation and dzaanaron of Time 3C¢9T;d.ipg to the‘ cqmmoin gingi- tation of Days, it would foilpw that th}e’eW,(_)I1§ <>,f.t,[.1tf-‘ Creation was Cafier upon Come dayé, then ixpori Other", and i I ‘ I , I ' . ' n r("4) and men might thenceconclude, that tome Com- mands o,fGodisOm'ip’otency are moreditfictllt to heac-ta - ~- complillled by him.ylelfthen,0thers.Forvve may rationale V lyconyeétuteythat it? Could not take uplo much time to \ command Light, and to diftinguilh it from Darknels, as‘t'o,expand ’ the two Firm-amentsi of A Watetsiand conlolidate them in their proper" Firmaments. 'Nei-e thergcan itbe ‘(thought Folidifiicult a Task to create the by Earth, as¥t<_$;e»em‘héllei{l1"the Heavens with lo many fSphears;yande‘l’o 'many'Orbs’-oflndividual Stars. And byiilniaking Omnipotency fubjeét to {itch Acci; drein,ts as thelie,i we givelan inlet to thole conlequences which a-relenioti to be t.h’oug'ht of in -‘Theologi . r A fift Realon may be taken from the Text it (elf, which pufitively lays, That in the Beginning, that is 1 “at ‘the ,.b.eginni\ng of the Work, God Created the He4- t wear and the Eczrtbgthat is to l'ay,bey giving form to the Rude Mats, and creating the Light 5 and yet in the third Verfe it tells us of the Creation of the Light be- fore either. Whence it follows that he beflowed two fdays, e or at leali: the part of tWo'D/ays in Creating the Earth, as well as the Light. ' e i The {ixt Argument is deduced from the Contrarie- ty of the Litteral Delisription, which allows no lelis then four Days for the Creation of the Light,the[-1ea- vens, the Earth, and the Celefiial Luminaries, and yet in the next Chapter we find thefe Words. Tbefe are the Generation: of the Heaven, and the ‘Eartb,wben they were created, Bijom, in the Day that the Lord God made‘ the Earth and the Heavens, M So that what was before difiinguilhed intothe \/Vork of four days, is here laid to be done in due and the fame day. s Another Argument may be gathered from hence, That in regard‘ the World {hall have an End in a Mo-. mm, and in the Twinkling of mi yliye, fofudden (hall a i e be out Change from the Sleep of Death to Immorta~ . lity, there is the fame likelyhood and the fame pro- bability that it was created in a Moment. ‘Sinceit’s Creation, and its End depend both upon-the fame- Caule, which is who llill aéls without Circum- fiance ofdiftinfiion of Time. ~ g I ‘ Again we may ’ rationally conclude, that the Al- V mighty, intending no lefs in the Creation, then to‘ give us an undeniable Evidence of his moli incompre- he-nfihle Omnipoteney, itis not likelythat he would delay to make that in fix days, which he could do in an Inliant. ~ The Efl?'e€’ts of the Divinity being to [Is more Miraculous and Glorious in one Degreethen in, l 1 another. Neither isthis ()pinl\0fl1 altogether i“m’aginalry,,,a but e in fome meafure grounded upon powerful Scripture, i even upon the Words of God Himfelf, difputing out of the Whirle-Wind with 705 in the 38 Chapter of that Book, ver{e'4. Where wart thou, faith he, when I laid the Fouudationr of the Earth .9 Verllel e W hen they ' Star: ofthe Morning fang together, and the Son: of God [haunted forjoyl .9, For what may we hence conjeélure, but the Angels, Cache BoQ*r,.Stars of the-Morning,a,nd Bette Elohim, the Sons of God, beholding twofuch ' miraculous Piles, together with their own as wonder- ful forms commanded at fuch an Infiant into a glori- ous being, gave Shouts of Prailleeand Acclamations of joy, in admiration of the Great Creators Om nipoten. Cy. And indeed we there findthe Voice of God de- l ‘littering the Story of his Incomprehenfiblel Wonders with fuch a lofty Brevity,that we may well believe he performed thofeWonders with the fameswiftnels that , , he (pike them. ‘ 9 NOW that Man was Created at the fame inllant with l the relli, feems toibe hinted by the Prophet iE‘Zo,ech«,_z'el, lpe ak- (‘ti’) ' ,i - i 6 ’ _‘ i’ , _ , , i - . - .fpeak§ntgr to the a{{ifig -' Loft Tym 5‘-‘.9 -t ‘-'I%i0n=,JaH?! been m E- den, faith he‘, dizzy the Giaradetz o;‘f'Gocl": and rprellently af- ter. ‘T/.i'e Worknzgzn/hip ’(:ft“by¢-‘D*ru’m1w andiilay F[“t¢~" i may prepareditn‘z-béegzzztlae Day t-‘bat thoulwaflméreated. V Wheoee we m»a.y—inFer.r, I éthat Man, ‘and the Creatures which were made for his Saltej were all—ereated*in~the fame Day, If thenin thefame Day, much*mp01TCifl ct§tnpl,.jzancei with o:t1t~Conje<9turfe; then ‘With the Lit- ter‘?a’li_,d“efi;r%iption'ol the‘fiirli Ctlaapterbffiene /2-r.,i - But how then*eotnes§«it -to pals, that the‘ firPt»Cha.p - ‘ ter-of Genefinis‘ lb eX'p’refs_a:nd’i'fotcareFLil7iln fet.t:ing . ,l doW»n£the:dif9ti1.1€.tiont of Days? ' V > : The R-.ea‘l'on_‘isthis,~ Faitht I?"nocopintr.,~ that the Author ‘ might accommodate ‘hitm{"el2£e‘i‘to+theetfieeilvleneefs «andt rudenefs of Humane Underfianding, which is fo inca- t pable of the Myflery of the Creation, being lo high and diPri=cu.lt, thatethfi Hebtewstantiently W€ould'noc1 pennittit to‘ be lreadbut 5y‘Aged“ pet:l’o~ns,orfu:ch as were % ofa very ripe underl’cand'in‘g. And‘fthiis- fame tpreme-r ditated compliance of the W riter; with thatrneans of’ HumanCiapa_city,ié- evidient by theO'rder he kept,in the d—efeript'i.on~o-f the Cteationiof ‘theWorl~dL', which is» na- turally apprehended in the Generation of things: going Gradatim, and beginningefiitfiwitht a del'-"crip~ti- on of the matter, .‘'out of which all things were made, which he callsfobn vziabobu, l Ab} zfiv rem Tz'mzmem.~ After thatihe bringsthis rude Male into form,Createsl the Light, fixesthe Firmamentsg lhapes and adorns the Earth with Plants and Fruits, «Creates the Sun, Moon and Stars” replenilhes the Sea, fils‘ the Earth with 311 forts of living Creatures, and then with a more deli- berate conlultation Creates Man in his own Image. And thus hemealures the work of the great Creator by the Rule of human Apprehenfion. Suicha Pfggféfll {ion Ofworking falling‘moPt eafily into the (;ot;je&urC of Fancy. I After Alter atll:this._i, ihete ist.n.;t:thing. motel dllemonfh-ates Tllfi 1‘ruth=<:ol‘w;hat inafs ’ilbech"i"a%ijd,~ but tltatwhicfh ether; Text tells us‘, thataft—e;ifi the COflCl!UfiOfl_; Q£‘fb_§s work-, Gaza’ refled tlaefeezremia Zia}. For;ftotibeI;iev§e Kej“£§{3d? oral-lad need;.Of»:K€{§, .iS_ I0 efl1al£Te;.hi1flg;fubje&\§’ to the EenCo.ntf‘en—ienci€:s of La:btQhtIj%r,e»and; the_;£ldV3-ntaagt A ges of Re'crt.c'ation3 ’i§wQlten;? mgré:t§'B?¢rgg4p2;;, and a.?44'1l€g0?’i€4!Z_75 iiTl‘.isC:9fld eifentidne Io’ ,hhinan a-..u’flfi€1:;£é {landing whiich alfo <..t..<§ bs‘::§u,n detfiaoid the fame: mannertoflesll J beforfe; from whence we(m_aj_§f fairly _conctlati<;le,ta.* thatarthre ‘whale ;wa*sa;n[o: mojge-e::th_m, jg; conjefiural Moral co5mfp,.-il’d- ;;-the ‘_La‘§1vg§}yg5r’, fihg; more deeply to fix inthe mindsgpf h-lSflPClO,P:l.:*C118j," ‘Vig,-nee; ration of , his intended i.S4.baaz}2,,«; lo D‘i.vm¢1.yt~ln¢z;e{ram for a fepa rate day €offily ‘vvonfltip; a»nd‘iI*’(1;pglitiq;;lLy, necefl'ary- for thereparation Off human3N;Z4tl1*re5‘ {pend with continual toyland etlabojur. Thereis anothen thing which mainly.-Rumbles «me; 3‘I‘ld.i—thfl'C'.'.1-i8,“'t-11953! ‘ long that dark ‘andiformlelarmattet h1¢d,lbeen_.befo;g,~ * the Creator fepatatéd it into i.for”fn‘,?a=‘Fto'rif: it _we't:c§ Pmexi/ienit,it might be . Erase):-iPtcht~ ab eterng, for tany thing that is made outto theiconttaiy. ‘T0’ fay it was I’rcee‘xzflem,rbut not ~Pr2exifi[€n*t ab.eterna,- fQfi that Get!» madeit but a little before hemade the .World,i’s onllyi to lay that theCreator went to K¥Io’r;l£:f1l0Ii€Il.l_k¢ nail.-At! chitefi» then a Deity, land chathefcould not:Cnr.eatcth<:i Univerle with all its fB€auty~, out of ;'?10ib1'"g,, also well as the Chaos‘ 5 and that he wantedta Primam Matefiam before hecould lhape his ,D<‘;:fign. From whe_m;¢wg muft conclude that,.the ,A.t,,l,th‘9r of G4enefi.u5Irq"te thié Chapter, rather in condefcemidonw to meag1an;drordinae ry Capacities ,' who are m0¥.§éappf€h¢flfiY§%tof:a l..Ci"_ furely Gradation ‘in .fthc_.C"'€.at’iQn? 95 the: 0il‘l’£l,r athifll” of an infiant and ”mi'taculouts.-A&,. ; 1 i -'1 u e .3‘-,~ ik ‘ . ‘ (Z . ~~ I ' ' ¢.,.. ' R i ‘ C 8 ) . a Ifay the Author of Geuefir , becaule it is a thing flifily controverted whether Muferwere the Author or no, and that among Divines andother Learned Men-‘ofg§rea’t‘ value. -by fomeof whom‘ he is abfolute- _ Clen-iediitobe thetfole Author of thofe fine Books 3 a=mon=githe¢-refil, by ,St."‘°]'erome and Mafia: , one of the .lrn=~o“f’t” t-*le’ar‘ned: Interpreters of the Bible of thefe ]atter*Agfes.‘ 5 Nor is. it.fa;i-do in any part of the Perztatezrcb of the ‘Blbele; that God did ever die} ate to Mofer the Greationofathe,World,» as he did the ten Command- rnentsgorthat he ever wrote by theSpirit of Prophefie. Again, it can never be thought that the Rory of the Creation of Man, could be written otherwife then as has been laid, whenhweconfider theflelation To of- ten difcornipol'ed,- and find the fa‘m‘e=t.h-ingsi repeated te- " veral times, which causid St. 7erame to lay, that fome of the latter Verfese were only Recapitulations or Re. hearfals of tbeiformer. -For in the If}. Chap. V. it is laid, So God Created »Man« in biroaam Image, ‘Male and Female Created be them 5 at what time Ewe was not yet made. For wedo not hear of her being taken out i of rAd4m’s‘lR'i.bJtill the latter end of the next Chapter, ,whic'htwasiafter Adam was put» into the Gardenof Edcn.Nay the Command againfi eating the forbidden Fruit mufi be either given to Em , before {he had a being or not at all; there being. no fuch Command given to her in particularthat we find, which feeming incougruities the mofilearned Rabbins have falved by means of a certain Figure in the Greek call’d Hyfleron, Prateron, and by them Mokgdam meubar, [no way re. pugnant to, Reafon or Sence. so that this being no Article of our -‘Faith ,4 rather then to run our {elves into Abfurdities and inconveniencies , we had better embracea more probable Opinion, efpecially being To much more for the honour of Gods Omnipotency, and the Glory of the whole Creati-» t on. The zxaerodoeto we-«tout» oh e&o,oI5hho9oq~h¢ioc&veVoot9o .. ’. _ ;ze;nsa_e;§;?;%aLeaaeaasa7fs;zs£:$%;2ea5 as 925* e§li6§!€§fiED°:3€e°’7é§fi"$§Et°€?Z’5’e§§'€5§9€' 3 ‘-aria?” -m67aa~a.v"- 2-" =~ : ;~—e -» 9%‘? ~.§%%i*?9.§.%;.<%?2§?9§e4:>%*.>4‘;.€?%%§?9£¢ Iii. S¥??'??:39.§?9fl¢ HE} 3E C O N D am: me am at we [lg/2%%d4y name; A be totdl{y co;zfzzm7d with Fire, % ‘sliveral of the Ancient Philaflpberr, more efpes hciaIIy~the Pythagorean! and Peripatgtzklq af- firmed that the V./orid was incorruptible .- and that % ‘it fee‘m’d to them”, That it was neither ‘jilfi not -reafonable,‘ that fuchj’ a M.iracu%lous and Glorious ‘Szruélurc [hould be put out of Frame and 'ruin%’d.A :eonfum'd with F ire, Since them,‘ fome"of the Holy Fathers andmorc ‘ modern Philpfophers have been divided into two contrary Opmionsh. Sonic of them aflerting» that in time the World {hall be totally ruinh’d, bur1}’d and ‘ 5 "Others. That the VVo.rldWas Created in an In» fiant, and not in fix days. ‘II. That the V/Vorld atjthhe lafl day (hall nbt intirely be confumed by Fire. j L 0 ax; @ 0WJ\[; Printed for Rickard flald)2>i;z5 in fall- ’ ‘ I Court in the Old-Baily. 16 8 ._. a and reridred more peefefi. ' " — lino“) V Others aiiedginythatit [hall be only f5'Urg’dWith Fire, and by that fierce Refining‘ {hall be renewed §. . V Both rtht€_Qnei‘ and e;h‘c.ici;r:bet‘ [of there Opinions {mm to hie t‘2r{d¢d txpoti the‘Hb.iyi'SC‘riptur€.' ' The fir Pt derives its iAn-thority from theie follow- ing Texts; ‘ M W A _ . Pfal. 102. 23, 26; T he Hmem are the wbrlgof thy l747Ia'J‘,"the_y [hall perifl}, httt than {halt ‘endztre. Job 14.. I 2. So mar: lie: down and rzfeth not till the Heegveizsflmzz he tip mere. Math; 2L.’3;a_p3§. 1'-ggeeez/622. and Etzrtltrflatzll petfi ettvay; hut F‘ ’ wzirdtflmll mt‘ etfs awry. 2P.et. 3. IO; Bftt the day of the Lo7‘d“'flmll "77 r P, _ . ., come as ztThtefz'72"the*Nz'(ght, Zfi‘ the ‘which the Heewem fhezllpozfs away with 4 great noife, amp! the Elements {hall melt with fervent Heat‘, The Earth tzljb, i ‘ A arm’ the tvorlgr thJ.4zt'_fl7'té'. ‘therein flgezll be burnt up. A To .:tiisp"hrpo§!%e aiioihffineee _iaith;" That neither the arth riot flea VE3I')_.Sg,'i:'I:'_'§Ol‘;r.IhQ:’Ffg;m‘§p 3‘nd{»Cqnne5t_ig_n of things (thoughfuppottediand upheld by the Divi. nityp) fliaii ailways keep this Order, but that onedayp theyflwalidiiéontinuetheir Couyfe. p - p , _ And ptothe f;§mevipu,_r‘p,o:{ei'is_;htat of0e,!id, ---**"" ”‘ n ti .Befidéf5)'-Dobmei ‘ Ofcertain Fare, he knew ,/Je Time fhould came, ~ When I324’:/’tz, Se¢t,Eart/9, and all the curiau: Frame, Ofthi: world: Mafr fhould /brink in purging Flame, Norare thefe Authoritiesaforementioned without S Tome Re-afons,for at Ieafi. (ome appearances of Rcafon to maintain and fecondith-em; pi Firfi, That the Heavens and theEIements were Created to be aflifiing to the.Generation and Corrup- tion ofmix'd Bodies, which are in the World for the fervice of mankind: butthat after the day of Judgment, there {hall be neither Generation nor corruption: nei- ther fhali there be any more mix: Bodier,excep;.human Bodies, to be glorified or condemtfd to‘Eternity. The fecond Rea {on is this, that if the World lhoulid ‘remain after the great Judg-ment,there would be~Time, and Time depends upon the Courfe and Motion of thfi ‘W orid... But Time /hall be no mere,Rev. ro.6.T~hcrefore thcWorld {hall continue no longer then Time doth. i ' The The ;la*Pt Pxeafont is takeniefraom if he had faid, Rathet the Hawany and the Em/9 .;ihallpzgfJfcizmjIthan words. a * ‘ . i at ‘am or God, To défcfend from hence ;[5a f‘tiCt1lat§,: and a ‘give an Anfwer to the ab0V€—reéitedArgt1fiients. As to tlic-5% firfi, I ray, that the ‘ééafiné if the Gefie-L ‘ration of mix"a.' Bodz"‘e.r is no‘reaf0nt..wh:y the Worlda mould be ‘1*1Pr05fab‘1§ 356%?‘ *1?¢aaDaYa JL1dg*f meat, in ‘regard that tht: New V/Vaorld is”r1é>t: made for Generdtioiz a but for ‘Récepzio;z:>:ttt Fat .it its the Con"; mption of mix’d‘a Bddies that teIfidet's%t it mate a _un-?} equally ~uft:ful7: ythan the Generatiarfiof B;,z1;.g-3~ g A For’0’ur own knowledge ‘fhews us; that w‘ere men now Immortaa1,"3 therciaa Wou1da3.:-Be :11 11‘ticf:dt Gérzérzzé - tion 5 fince We find byEa’7>tHat~ai£Fiére {till are enow alive at A one time; and; t.Gferi‘érati» “on fufficeast to‘ ‘People théi ifome-3 times than the Norther}: ?aParfts % the? \/KZé');a.rl(;1“'<:atT1; I bear. And for choré ianurfietibié fiu‘1f1bef§ it;£%aSait1t§ % already departed, » ?«ryé.t‘: to apafivtafieir t1é:1ga,aage; in this World, who: ttaaws whit‘iR‘é¢epéaci&§ amay be requifite,”ia1§;dhdW»ifai’gt‘I1is ’* ufe-1 ful when refin’d:f a % :;i us, that the nezv’f7’erifizléfi2*~TI”E-all a;€1<3rrfd?;i7_it,lh> $15}: rifi’d-aMa_terialsaa of this very ragc1)':,7Emr4ldi,' and t the *"1ike;: 3_b€idg. «parfsi fithis‘ A % :1 onely; not deflrojrd. r ‘Wofld‘, rdemofifirate, that V the VVo’r1d’ is-to hepari- As to the fecond Arghurnihent, That Tz'me{ would ‘continue, {hould the Worldi remain‘, that Supgofie tion does not r"o‘llow5 for Z1-,’z.'me is nothcausfd by the ' Being of the %VVorlcl,hbut by the M0zio_a of the Sun, and the other Celeftial Bo_di__es :30 thatg if it be proV’d that the Celeflial Bodies flaallvthen Pfallci Hill and be fiX”d=,’ as beingsthen orda;ien’d for no o~ thereflfe, but to be the Receptacles to receive the all-enlightning Glory that is hereafter to illuminate the neweréfinedr-r%Stru€’tures of Heaven and Earth, -Timen1u{t of necelfity ceafe, becaufl:~:~ the Motion which it; meafurest-.Ceafes.:; =AndetthiS:{€ems to be in- ktimatcd by {the :Proph€trr1fiiIzl/9, e who r does" not utter- .1'yrdefiroy either? »Smzr or Moon, but fayes, they {hall neither rifle nor flat; becallfif the Lord ~/ball be I/96: ever- 1aflingLzg/mrrof his newérefined‘ worildsar N ay, for far fhailgthe Sun and Mtmrteebé from being deffrogfd, ?as;the: fame Prophet fayesgiitthat then t1be"]‘400”j j79rz//t be wdrtrt/961, Light. of ‘t‘13,/5%. tlniift/98 ‘Light Of 158 SW F’/Ill be fez/en,-fi;la', If2tia;h.;g;o.f’.‘2 Bytwhich ntmflber of Swen-fo t we‘. are to. ‘underfiand thé: mofi perfeét ) . tBtightn£{§.:[ QiaH~bee.£0m?€y’d~ ‘through thofe Or» ;gans,;;tQ;§thee but ~ I§Ihabita11ts‘~ of the ‘Q/61.e:butt;QlQrzfi’(1;§H€fl‘1»€€7Zr’&‘fi€1i§E4?‘I/94 t f r t ~ EQ,;}the€ thirfd -Argument, twat becaufe the muff,;thereforreht.,have any ttEnd?,§ it‘ i$";a:BZ£ryt iil.t-{%3€:>nC1ufiOfl 5 For both the .Aizgel£a'iidr .iJu1‘t nary, theyyery Hfiifi-qniy of Chriflf jhallcver have an End. ~ M In .; IE 5: In the«IaPt;pIa'Ce,e hthefte Zis efoiliething « .:0f.R.ea:{?)‘n fbe giyen , ivh y neithere mg £1ewezzye;,e‘»ne5;~rae not _‘the Moon fhould Pzfi 422(1)’, <:)ther‘_W1,fe ;tha:1by fufferlng 3 Chlaflngez Fo.r,I if itbe’ [nah 3etlQveIy,Pr01peét,tzlnti to inciting to the Praifes of God, to behold thofe great AV/Vonderfls [of the Creator. ate ::;1L:1el1 :21 di- fiancee and with an4_i1nperf€§& Eye 5 VVha“te willetgéfit ~_—~th0fE_=; eurénewed €;r;eatutfeS_%;%.‘ When ‘ they fhéfl ‘behold thofe. afiénifhinge Miracleste \.of‘ their God and i‘Redeetner “With fuch>a~fL}Ht, fo 11_eé’.ir,.and fi1c'h a. perfeét View? V T To go 51 little fartheg land thve a flittilei deeper into this Métfiét} If VVOr1id :W€r£t-t0= be entirely defir¢y’d§ ,; étnd*3.,e0n{un1’dt g eeFire5~ the Botiies bf men he at thgt \(u,er\y.rn(it£‘I1ent;t.whie.h"ate thefi to ra_'13’Ld~_ thoE:nun1be‘r§e‘*bF ‘CorpQ1je31:1[Saitltsy th2it-.f}1:3;H‘Tbe. mg n at‘ fhathew time; ,"a'I1‘d._ ;fl!3;:11siifl§iH.?;P1f9b3‘5ifitY>‘ vet tafte of Death —.>§‘ FQr‘~§er*taiIfly theyfittmeuft »be in efome Certain pIace,_e;Plzzce%: being? 1;1(j-Qffie‘1."I‘thQ.;H the intenriont Snrfaceiof a thatch ieontains artd tenvirdns anott-1eei._ * A Ah ‘ And ‘ heigétinb, % Where ebe,__ that;;;R‘efidenceI *ir1Vthe.t Heavens, that » h ftj)ee0i%§3I1f13l”OII1iS5’d :6 the Saintégtif thereifhould behd, mdT€..H545U9”’ 3 ¥I11*VVh3t part ofthe VV;orld hfl1all Hell be-ep1a’C’d,‘tWith;WhiCh= the Reprobate are {O 0ftejn—e;—ther€&tn;€_d,t ifthere ‘Were td I be fldmbre WorId. tFbt{:,it C& I]flQf__.bCeiII13.giI1,d~‘bUt {hit Hell hiisj Jtheguniverfe ;,,S.0me 39 fahfhdipfiflt ff0I1i ;C_oInf0rt‘ of the Sun}, ais..hthe \ 5iiI1 Jbelow the incomprehenfibleee Extent of_DiVlne n E e " G104 \ Glory 2‘ and yet Within the Verge and ’C1rcumfCri>1:,; eon of the created Mafia. the Fallfof the Angel‘s could not but be forelleeri, To the Plaicre lthéir deftruétion could not be unprepafd; A, e L - So then, upon the Whole, Ilay, that there is Authority to he gathered out of the Holy Sérips tilie, that the Subflance and Being; of the final! perifb, but that onely - the Fi_and Aecidents thereof lhall be cbanga’. For lywhichg St. -70/m, in his Revelation, Writing upon this particular,Subjeé‘t, gives . us a molfapparent l’EVidence ’ the one and" twentieth piam, not to annihilate,. andeireatee again. Chapter, Where he (ayes, % I head a‘ item Heaven, fizyiag, tithe; Tabemaclea G54 wit/9. mi and be will dwelf r*.witb them; plainly ‘denotes; that Men fhall not change their iHahitation,l but that Chrill: Will rather conclefcenel5 ‘toe refide‘ and dwell with them. Onely, faid he that fate uponir the Throne, Be-*4 hold, I: imakz all thing} new, that is, by Renovation, not by Creation,‘ for that the Original inipllies; iyococtivlori: ms. I make, not I create, all things ‘new. Arid ; the Word k’ocLvo7rollévy/fignlfiés imzavare aliquicl ylzzotmm zalrga qua; I . ‘ St. jérom alfoi interprets other Words’ hoof the Pjalaiiflty l the fame fenfe, Pfalm 102. eafie, lfaithy iytojudgeé 2%;/oat tbtfi word: do declare aflilfbre-tellitavt ‘an,entire;Ri1+-; 3116, but nab at better change. St. is alto ‘of \ /Opinion, that the lalt Fire {hall 'onl5y‘burn ,anycijEon-LL . fume mix’d Bodies. ("thole 5 ef” excepted; are deliirfd to Immortality; fbi‘ '~fl’1al."", as Eleét of God, the Fire lha-ll have he more power tothurt a a e them '‘.(I“i\7fi . them, théh it had to in jui-e the ithiiee Chiiarenin the ‘fiery Furnace 5: Neither {hall it corifuiiie the Bddies of the damneci, ho: itheiiirw Soiuis, lefs more folid Subihmce of the Earth. And thefeare the Rea? fans and Authorities which ineline the to believe that the World {hall not be totally ednfurried, (finely purify’d by Fire; arid WhiCh‘:I.d0i riot find to be C6114 ftrary to i any Article of our Creed; , F I N I $1‘ 1‘-O;_.q‘ i: RARE BT 695 . T86 1681 mum on} unm- ELL SPC RRE RARE BT695 I85 53 \mm\\\\\\\ §j§\\\\\\\ own-A 1 01 0—005837