_ A 3 ” . TO 1V1r R IE CHARD‘ BAXTER Occafi'oned‘ by {overalr injurious Rcflog xions- of His upon at Treacifc cntituled. Jufiificatio- Paulina. For (he better Information of his wake: or Credlklom« Reade rs.. By TH'O MFAS TULLI D. D; Prov; 13‘- 17'. Hé Mat-1'4 firfl infiia om: Gem/é [(072816 591.3 :- éut 61>: neighbour! cometb. and: SE ARCHIE TH. Him. OXFORD. Brinted Iby Hen. Hall .° for 701m Wilma-5:. Ann. .D. 1675,. M“ B AXTE R , have latelie from three feveral publicke trust‘- I fengers of yours (thelater treading fiill up- On the heels of the former) received your expected Salutations: all of them much refem: bling Ahimavaz, both for the fwiftnefs of their pace, and that they "‘had’norhin’g to fay when they came. The two firfi indeed approached me as if they had a mind to lye Incognito's, for they took up their lodgings where none would enquire fOr them ; the one in alittle corner of a Preface to MIr Danvers , the other. in the wide open field of your Catholicke Theologie, where yet he fiood plac’d {‘o cunningly, that a man might traverfe about three parts of that large Cbampian, before he'could gaine the Sati-sfaélion ....l G'\ 2. Sam. 18.19; to fee him; Your 3“. is of a freergConverfation , Preface to two and though He brought the face of warr with Differ. about him, and feem’d to threaten much , YCI I found Hg. him civil and good natur’d , and he went ofi" fairely without doing any hat-me; In your Pre- face to Mr. Danvers, I am beholding '0 you for the trouble you have fav’d me of tranfcr-ibin-g that very little I haveofyour new Original Sinatra; ' A Z’num SM. C 2 ) 27mm: vero preterezmdum non cenfeo 8m. p, 2..only I‘ beg your leave to Englifh it for me fake of your un-l'atine Readers 3. and thus it founds. Oh: tbifig I judge alegét not to ée- are-add . 10612-5 is enovelty- a- mongfl t1): nerve}? C témgb it may frame: little more remote firm-£52 Argument éefire Us) Mat t6! Pre— facer( I know not 5} wéat flirtzmate Mercury) [ms fimnd 7/5 anotber Original Sin of 4 mm later Dan tbm t/a‘at #5165 claims from Adam. 0 Mind Dizzines' wba ever went before .’ This is my charge , and the whole of it to a word , which I intreat the Reader (for his better fatisfiaim ) to-keep care£ulLy in» his mind; ' Now, 51‘ r that I doe not prazvaricate-‘or mill report you in a fyllable , your Selfel doubt not will be my Compurgater in your P R E F‘A C E to. a Treatife of another mans concerning the nature ,e Ends, and DWI/pence of the bra Covenants. Your words are thefe, 0255' writers, if not mofl Cbrifiiems," doe greatly darhm tbefacr ed Dofirim 5} overclocking; Me Interefi ofcbildren in t6: Affiam‘ of Meir xterm Parents, and tbihke tbey participate of’na Guilt, and fiefler for N0 0 R16 IrNAL SIN‘lvm ADAMS. ONL T. Any that is not blind (and-underftands the language). may fee I {alien upon the Iafl claufe alone , the new. Original S IN ', I meddle with no, other IN T E R E S T S of Children; this is the A All of my charge , A new or (as you pleal‘antly call it) a S E C 0 ND A R Y Original Sin , that is , a ficondarjfirfi of All. Now let us compare your Anl'wer, which in! ~ the C 3) the fame Preface “is Clearly to this effefl ,- that I- charge. you only for holding firm guilt ofcbildrm in their mwerfmvnflm. For although in the clofe Of that period you {huff-1e inyour fieondur} Original Sin, that comes in but by the By, not as any words of mine but as an Ex afiwzdantz‘ , a private whifpcr of your own, where it would not by All be fo eafily minded as any Part , much lefs as the whole of my Charge. ' 'I .appenienow to your fel‘fe , whether this was done as. a faire ingenuous Antagonifi, or to ufe Delia chw your own words , as an Impartial Frimdof/‘acred thal’rrf-tf Trutb mbo it about the Dominion offlarnal Intertfi , anng; faflion, andfilfiprejudiu; «new: car’d «flit malady efprcfidmce, .648} judging (9-5; Will any ‘unby- afs’d Reader think you have done me right here , and not rather be tempted to beleiVe you fought aQttarrel? you thank! have prov’d that Tome be- ‘ fore your felfc had own ’d mother Original Sin , and that under the very terms C for I doe not de- firc you fhould give your {elf the trouble to make any Con/quaint: for my ufe) infiead of which you prefent me With [3m Interefl of chiiu dren in their Parents Sins , which neitherI nor any Body Elfe I know off denies as to the thing , though as to the Extent and other circumftances all are net agreed, and you may in that enjoy your Opinion for me. Sr, Aufiin has a flurp re- buke for him , yui mr‘a fuppw'mit yuwfiioaist,» End biddt 415 have an eye to him, but I for- ' care. A 2 You '(4) You goe onthere to tell your Reader ( {would Jnope not to exfiofe mngnmtance ) 1&an voyeur new Original Sin Mas. Aflfiimbjuugmfiitnwmd mm orfier antient animodegn writer‘s :‘-_=mreinyoq haw done me bur right , for‘indeed‘lzflid nor? know it, and defpaire I ever fhalh; butvnmreofwthat anono 1 '. ~1' r 2.1 .. .I‘tgw :I arm n" . “"W "‘"H .4,» , . You mightjha‘EC-IRCrIdtyidu-r (igniting the: - to. n} againfi me with i'ts flouriflt, thardwfiikfltfifzd 15er you , whichis,anothervpeoee-of - newes to inc. I admire the myftery-fo-nmch the more fonthe no» table proofiyotrhavgeannexedao, p‘erfiwademe and atheism beleiyc- “natal betvufekympfxz} More“); 1}, Remain mt . Md wofiem. dam Saudis: what would you have . me to"‘fnbfume «2--‘..1.;¢mfind norhing bur this bardfchaptct‘ ;-.thatI'.am.not.fo harm! wearaflz lems‘bfim Riemann-more for the-Lit‘anyrthen I._. ,Wbe‘ewill bozablftmfifihd beforeyoqdfiypqfigbt with fildlwms as there? I have heard of {Jame Me mmngaimmon:,..wbofe fancies or, ferments, havefound in this pafl‘age- of the ‘Litanny a way to‘Purgatory, but never any till upwitbat difcoryerd bx-ghc; the Nowxfitlmhofanew Original Sin. Why W351 nor, aswell attaqu’d with the fecond Commandment-3 what needof 'gorhg any farther ? . , . . : .1, Mm“. Inthe clofe of the fame " Preface you pronufe w:- us fuller fatisficaionto bath thefe points, ffifllficm tian by works, and the Secondary'Original Sin. Iruly, Sr, I_craveyour,pardo.n , .if.-L thinke your fulleft Satisfaétion would be a full entire Ramad- tian: ‘ C55")... fibfl of both; of the latter, a‘sy'ou, g'raveit the new .fiamp offanothcr Original tSin :; farther I am no: , en‘g‘ag3df- at prefab igainfl'z,aifif . ’Tis. ‘a. pity: bill: LthEi‘gpo'd’zwalw ‘Ofi~.yd!ifsofl1buldasbe. wm‘7d-1imo "Re'al 2461202734 viVfi’Gre:yon-J'pmfefs.Appealtotbe our readinefs .to 511} tbe frat-b {at a. «JeanefiRate‘L'be-P- 4- tlim tfie Reca'ntation ofyaur Error. flyfm more Au’fiifl‘si ,"i mbi‘é -.E3r’en1fi]afis' i. 0f 14th:} tfl; Adhiil‘able’ mo'defiy , {Which ”énamdlly’diali:‘ihé-sGolpfifin hfS‘x ether: ekbellcnltt Writings."r md’rd‘ Hfflt’h‘afii git-34' nerous Love to famed Irutb r Which. fhohldmxakc us lay‘allour poor :concems; and. repuratiOns at it?s .feEt'ig.‘. gandmiazhre one: nyge-xaofl; az; goad‘ Godfrienr'e ’ above =::-au:;the: flléu ts s and :A, :1ch mail-1 tion‘é of: a "Trium'phs'?Entt.‘-'a'las'st'5r,' how? rfiaimLy: fu’ch heraicke felfe-abaf‘eménts are robe expc-i fled your . fe-lfe have taught 'us in remarkca-- abLCWOTdSL": ('3) \11 3;, F '- “ ‘ ' ‘ '.; f 2-.- xI'Il'rkze» them :90 find!) ulnar-I :h‘opc. ,the (Reader; will not think.:thcnr1:‘ImWorthy': :my ,rranfcm'bing.u If (fa-y YQU )- yo?!" M910 friend tlmftu err: ,' wa/E'Dfiput. g. of recovery you deflrer, be fire you write not 0160::- Right to (30.3; futation;.qf=* 61's .Elr-rafl‘m‘, fir. ordinar-iU L643): tbemcms. [2.4813 way to fiflm .thm-fin Mm , Wand to-maée.;b,fm431‘ fiver/é. Same. ‘ivillitbink‘r-téia n a, bard Cen/ilre 19-. Pa]? upon learned. Godly/Hen. ”But Mere-7s no rea. flmz‘ng againfi Common unymflionaéle Experimm' Ofsalz ,tbe .Cartloads- of Controver/ial writings Mat» [Warm in» tbe. wbrld boy flan} can 5}sz {name Mat. can- who’d t6: Antdgorzifi ,-' and; traugbtr-lflm, to a Re- cantdtion?’ Andanun 5. Aflomm youfl/‘wé to mm in A A 3 ' m. C '5 ) the bearing of tube World , tbey yre/im’ly trifle/mud. their Reputation 10 5e fa engaged, Mat t6!) are ex- cited to defend it shit“ all their migb We! inflendnfm, impartidi Confiderutizm of your Arguments,and e”: Ire-dc“ ‘ dy Entertainment nftbe Trad/1,260 had téeir PVit: to fludy bow tomb good moat once thy deliver’d,TI-IAT T H E W01 LD MAY NOT THIN K E ‘EITHE'M SO WEAKE‘AS TO HAVE MISTAKEN. Nay , they at!» doe PRO F ESS T0 , LQV E TH E T RUTH “Tram, yet the SELFE ie' [6 near their and [6 7031333115 them (9c. Words full of truth with the fad experience of all Ages tn confirm theme and you that have given usthe Adq vifo have {particular obligation to obferve them punaually for your felfe upon all occafions. But , Sr, to deal plainly and Chrifiianly with you . ’Tis not only my own fear. hat of divers-knowing peg-9' fons , who pretend C at leafi ) to be your very: .Fr'imds, and to have a fair Refpe’ét for your Parts and fincerity , that you fail too near the reach 05 the defcription , you here give of others. lb"; a particular reafon to fear it. A great Outcry you have made of Me , as chargeing you. With things, you have retrafled ; which . if true, I hope is nu inexcufable crime on my part, for I’m fure itwill amount to no more than a fault of unwillfull Igno- rance. I knew net it was my duty to read all the books your fruitfull pen has brought into . the world, much 1er to look for Retraflatioas , Where. I had no Encouragement to Expeéi , nor any In- kription of your numerous Treatifes hinted that leafl: .- a -‘ (7) limit promife of f0 noble a felfodcnial. ; and let me afl'u re yowl have no: been negligent in my Enqui- ries of thofe that might know better than my (elf, what you have retrafied : All I have met with pro- fefs. to be as ignorant as my felfof this. Your ve- ry late Preface to the Difcourfe of the two Cove- nants fliews us little of Retractatiou. And to come clofer to you , if I have wrong’d you in this matter C as you allwzles charge me ) what’s the reafon you have met hitherto direfied us to the particulars of your Recantation- , rebut . when , wbere .9 but throw a general roving Accura- tion againfl me without offer of proof. You din reét me indeed toa f‘mall Book above twenty years 380(35 you fay) retrafled, Preface to the two dif- put. of Orig. Sin, p. 44. I fuppofe you. mean your Aphorif ms (the mofl fcholar-like and elabo- rate C though erroneous ). Book in Controverfy you ever compos’d, excepting it’s numerous Ora» cular Diélates) and thence Appeal efpeeially to your Dlfiutation: afloat Jufltfiutian, and form 0- the-rs. But truly, Sr, 1 cannor trudge up and down to every place you wou'ldfend“ me, my legs at pre—- {cat are too weak. Had you a mind to fatisf-y your Reader , what would it have coll you to fave _ him a labour with one point of your finger to the particular places .7 All I can pick up of any feem- ing Retraflatirm C wherel have happen’d to be) is that You fome where fay C after your w-a ry delibe- rate manner) that worksare necelTary AT LEAST to Me Continuation of 01m jz/flifimtion. But, Sr, A T LEAST C53 3 LE A S T founds no alterationdfju'dge‘fnent Butane Hwfitation , or, fufimfionzar mammal? have you me for ‘youriAntagonift in What: ( [mafia/u») in the-known? Reformed notion; ' Our: Quefi‘iérii Sr, : with your good leave (difguife and darken it as *9. \1 Cir. in Can't. you pleafe ) is not what is necelTary to thejuflifi- ed Perflm, or to the continuance of his Jufiifiéation, butwhat to the primary‘ juflificatio'n it’S‘ felf," in which if you di‘fclaim your Works , the’Controverai fy will fhrink into a narrow point , and then you may in time be oblig’d to unravell all your en: tangled Threds of Jultifi‘cation again , ‘8: €me to-rhe Penance of fpeaking as your Neighbours doe. . ‘ ' Only you cannot blame me if I will) you would goe about your farther explanations to fame bet- ter purpofe than hitherto you have done, that you would net raife clamou rs of being grofl} mifrepor— ted by me , for I doubt all the‘gro'flMlflep'erts will come to fome Other door at Iaft, 'thatyou'would make good your {mouth fuggefiion , that fuch Tea- cbers as oppofe you think that Agreeing Men (in there points) are not agreed : In fhorl' marina few plain undzfguis’d words , You would let us know where We are agreed , and where not, and deli- ver your Reader from the Jealoufy you have rais’d that there is no fuch Agreement. So that if the fear bejufi and ,true He may not be furpriz’d; if - falfe he may give it over. Siverzes, Ne opp"; mar , flu fal/m at tandem aliyuando timere defi- 7mm. I C 9) I have done with your firftAtta‘cque, and pro- ceed to, the next inayour, CAT HO-L I'QUE 'TH E Q L O G‘Y;-,» fol. {255. There it fe‘ems you are pleas’d againgn'ot only to arraign rand‘l‘con‘fl- demn me for my Doéirine , but to put me all‘o in the Cubb with divers mean and contemptible Ma- lefizfiours, fuel) as wild Saltmar/Ii, P. Hoéflm, and the Marrow —of medem Divinity , whOl‘e ‘Author C cm of great kindne/B no doubt to fomebody?) you indufirioufly tell us in the margin , :1: refor- ted to baa: tam an bone/I Baréer; a note which many think you might have fpar’d. as well as any that ever traded fobufily in Controverfies of Religion; Thus you think fit- to mark our my poor name to Pofierity. , But , good Sr , one word with you before we goe off from this fuggefiion fo full of Trutb and Civility, Had you no other names in your memory, had ”you not many. {cores of. ‘greatefl Eminence and repute in the Chriitian World of the fame Judgementwith me, that you could find'no better Fellowes for methen fuch as thefe? Know you noLI‘fpeak the fame thing with all the Reformed Churches (where they have creation) and generally with all the Old Reformed Wri- ters? This fure would be too grofs an lmputa‘- tion of Ignorance to a Perfon of your Parts. Fame , Judi/fir} and Reading. Do you know it? Then you have made me Reparatiou enough by J'Oiningime in that very foundalws Reflexion With fuch numerous Wortbies as thofe. For fliatlne ‘ B et C 10)- kt it be no longer Dr. Tully , Saltmarffi, 8pc, But t6! Cburcb of England‘iwith all the refi of the Refinmd, and their five-pelt old renown’d .Writers ; thefe be your befinryyeur Saltmar/Iies‘,‘ and your Barierficriélers. ' I‘ am heartily" ferry ybu have forc’d me to be {‘0 plair‘r with yen ;. had not finch names. aadifb many of them been «cmbarqu’d with‘mine 'in that'odious Infinuation‘ -I.».j'could- have turn’d‘it i'nta‘mecr Diverti/émm 6 for orherwife it could deferve no farther no- tice) But as it is you may well allow me to quefiion by what Spirit you th-rufi that Para; graph into your Bookgnd to. believe nu prmefiau fionCanU-afaflum. ' ‘ I mufit nOt wave theCharaCter‘ you there give your Readers of me and the flexed Ember 8w. ' viz. "where you adnmifla «hcm'rha't fuel) Wren, .am'in.¢£oir barmdhehwmé 'Tsreatz'fcvs (beiq xvi/E ’or Ortbodax calamari ,—chtd»glad' and mfiaIthd 5y incongrum- notion: of? man'sufizmiav‘me-b titer to. untangle mdwqflund &c. What lewd Net-work Treatifes fame of thofe names were ever gull-.4 ty off. or what {AWL they caught by their Net- :nzoné, but Widgeonsaec. [I know. not; ‘ But. {at any man ferioufl'y: pertfl‘e your own cannfiofver- fial writings in. thefe points, and ‘tis not impro- bable bat (' as in Anfelm's dream.) he Will find" all overfpmad with ‘ New, fov-Smany'Wifidfilgs in» and’ozlt- 9 0f and on ., this may: and 1163!de ', firtb cloud: of Nov?! Difiinfliom , Premélef, Lfin‘ftg. rim, dye. fucb wbeelings and lines of Circum- vallatiom "3's ‘ \ (if Ii.)f vallat'ion at a modefl difiance about the (amm- on , and faint . uncertain Approaches to. it, that to my knowledge divers who will] you Wellhavo fadly complain-’d‘ of it, and proféfi iydurfu’ll’er Ex- plan‘ations (‘ as you call them) have' but bewil. dred them more, and fent them away with lefs fad tisfafiion than they came unto them. You will nor, I hope , account" me yourEnemy. for telling you the truth, and yet, fo {may do you good, pafs what judgement of me you pleafe, it matters little. ' And now , Sir, to your large P RE F A CE before your Dzfimt.‘ of Original Sin , all whieh you: have frank-1y beflow’d on me; ‘but withfuch an unfortunate mifl‘ake ,' wc-areneitherofrtw the better for it, I have no profit, and you no credit by it.For though you charitably intend-fornethiug for my fatisfaflion,’tis all lofl in your fpeaking vowing to tbe Qgeflim. You maytemember, Sr,-¢f‘?"hat fiands vifible to every‘eye.) that-:Iwhm‘g’i 5’03““ ly with your new Original Sin, wldrriv'dfrom Adam, unknown,anhard off before in the Chrifiian World, and which therefore Ithought well deferv’d‘ tho - Exclamation, .whictho paras you", awe: and 716(- alogos doc; «To this your Preface has not one word to'thc 1311113th nothing in all your quotations, that I laid to your charge, of which more a4- non. . . m But becaufe you give us Prtfiaenponi-Brlfacev, atnedley of thing: that have no great coherence Wm‘ Yw‘nu’n defigu- (. to (boom, 1 l’upp'ofe, - . B 2 your t? 33 C 1:21): your way to fonie of your m0re~Innocent‘,'b‘ut credulous Readers ) l. mul’e attend your » Moc . And firft of all I cannot butIa-‘ppmve your-Nate: concerning Good Intentions, that 769} will not 7113i; )3! our Errours , "and tlmt 6} our bold bail} fudgeingsi qftbo/E tbings PVe never well digefled ,. or underlined; in do nut bring Our film: into a fuflu’cion .', Our Yin-b derfiandingrare none of tbé large}? flat, or. plainly to,-that afi'eél. -,Only your Remarque in my judge- ment had been more compleat with the Addition of that rational fenttnce in the Law , Magma Ne. glig'entia rfiJathulpng; Due-hafiwhen .Wilifallimd Excgfivémmyjufily bri ng Ou r Morn]: into quzfiioq too. .2Fo'r willfu ll ignorance'has ever been account! ed fomewhatmore than a fault of the‘ mind and Underfianding; ' '_ : ’ ~ 12 .. 2 ,I-j-Now, Bryan; you endure a little pl’aiirdeal- ing‘from a friendly -Antagonift? Do you think your. good'Admonitio'n has no Al‘pefi-‘upnn your safe; ,7: would God it look’d not fo full upon you: ”Laps p63! to your own Confcience C aswell: as the Rea- ders judgement)whe;therofals,twovbe deeper ,in‘tbc Guilt. of bold and bag} S‘udgringz; you that -in,,yaut fingle leekie'Brigandinc. darerfethrth-Lwithifohigh :- fail againft- wind» and tide to. brave :all’gtbfi Rea. formed; Churches 8m. 01' I who content my felfito cafi my Anchor by theirs upon the Faith and Do. {trine which m am: idelimr’dio t6: Saints; uiém- .bling at a thoughu ofpexalt-ing. my; fell? above {0; man my Worthies at Whole, feet it would more-become you C13) you andme to {it with Reverenee , than to be thus Pelting at their Heads , and dragging them by the hoary hairs , as a flzefia'cle and a Byword to all. You know,- 51, C at leafl give others leave to think they doe) What Armies, of what Strengtb and Qua- lity appear in thefe Battails againfi you, and that through fuch poor Names as mine , you defy and mot/ml them , you may hear more anon. I felt therefore no came as yet to repent me. of calling C as you fay ) to tbeAcademicall Tom!» C to 'All indeed) that, as they love the knowledge of the Trail) , they take You not for an Oracle in your hid dividing fagularitie: Iblefs GodI can with a clear Confaence call upon them again andaigain mode {0. ,‘S 'i; I" .r“\ 'J \ 02‘." 1S. -"'.SS*'( 0' .t; Next you fall upon that obvious popular Topick of each Parties bidding their Fellows beware of the ‘ Other-5 Papifis, Proteflmzts , Lutberansg Calvinifls F 54. 6‘ 8m. Of which the natttral Inference mufi be this, Ergo my Admonition Cor 'a'ngnotihcxémtani s ofifltze like nature ) concerning Your felf is not to be heeded. Might not the falfe Teachers in the munch’ s Lnfanc'y have us ’d the fanzePlea for them- {elves to the many Caveats put in againfi them by the Apofiles. ’ 0r Were thofc Caveats to be blafied gafbantafms er. Mime/police Can your own Cour- P St; teous Phrafc) .Or were the faithfull Admonitors to Withdraw their. good C011nfels upon Fearthatfuch Waving'fopick fliould- besbrought againfi Them ? any. dotaany man praéiicewh-aryouxhere condemn more th‘art‘YO’urfelfms 19313151112111wa havezlately B 3 treated ( 14‘) ‘treated me in your foremention’d Catbaliyue Tlmb‘. g} , where you exprefly difliiade yourReaders'to be inflwfied by Me, or Salmqrfl) are. .left they be led into Errour. Truly , Sr; Iwonder what opinion you have of the Age you live in ' ( for Vetea ra preteria'mzt) to thinkfuch little wiggles-and Eva/ions will pafsfor rational Difoourfe, nay that even your frequent Selfioppq/itims’, though inthe open view and light of the Sun -,' 'fiiali‘fli‘nkiav'ray unobferv’d ‘ ' ~ “ . : You fay well 7. s. that it is not tbepart of a good man to fit 6611:6623 togctlm' by Me Ears, «the! a make People trial/ewe} difer when :6!) do not. If this be defignfd (as no doubt it is ) for the-Tm- chers of fuflification by F aitb witbout works, Ipray what Churches are by this Doctrine fit by t!» Ears ugetfier ? not the Reformed fut-e , for, as l have fliow’d you elfewhermhey are of one lip and doubta lefs of one Heart too in the Poinr,with both againft yOUr own make-bate Novelties. What Other soci. etiés of men you can take in , except Papifis, Soot; aims , or of late the QmégrsJ underfiand not. And would you have us yield up the great Truth; of the Gofpei for fear of offending finch-CW flipp: as thefe ? In. women time, Sr", Yon‘my do Well to Confide: Who began the Fray ,. and how much eafier ’tis to begin one , than to endin- Next you proceed to fome grave Advice com. mended toour Acceptation-from the To“ of mm,- and fl mob Equine: of your W , and that in effect is not to conclude difirau in Doflrinc fi-onl dzfl'ermt C I S ) difermt Terms , 'Orders or Metbod: of Expreflionr, digcfliug qf Conceptions Sec. and withall give us timely n0tice you are refilved‘ to we aim?! qf your skill and opportunity to undeca’ve thin that ' think a dlfirmt name or metbod’ie asdiflrermt Dav grim. And ’tis a very Charitable undertakeing where ever fuch fad creatures can be found , who know net the Same Tb’ing may be exp ref s’d in Dif- fierent Names or Languages. . But I pray , Sr,‘ let’s fall a little clefer toour. Bufimfs’. {peak in good fadnefs: would you act have your friends with the Glib [wallow conclude upon this Admonitionr, that all the Difference hivixt’ynumd'me ( or others oi the £511): judge-~ men! )" in the point of 3Wcatz'am is utterly Vai— lml, nOthing but a firife abettt Word: and Forms:- of Expreflion, and that in the Maine we are a» greed? ’Tis clear enough, I think, you would. But not {cu fafi ,' Sr, my weak legs'eannOt hear you; company at this rate. Whats! Pcrfid} contendiflv'm no more than a Difiercnce in wordsl iFaitb along... and Mt Fat/1110;», Fit ith with; and. without works, one and the flame. thing? Excuf e mtr dulnefs hem. I' fee-it is not for nmhing. that to-an.'0bje£lion a..- gainfi your Dofirine as'Popi/b», you return this Heroique Anfwcr , FR 1 GH TEN N 0 T . M E. WITH THE NAME OF PA PIST, wk»: {fleck t-ISe Irate. It feems YOU wouldbetaken for .a float Prue/idler, and fo you are; ~'.All no doubt in the Point befOre Us is ca sneer Logo-v mach], With which no Man. of Matt/e. ought now‘ [0* :Pfo. Po ‘2'. C I6) to be frighted, though Our Wbite-limr’d Progeni- tor: in. the Reformed Churches durf’t noritzkc the‘nOte fo high. A ' . ’ ‘ , Sr, you have taught me to guefs‘What Anfwer you would return to This: which very likely would be to this effefl. What? wouldyou have ‘ mefrigbted from owning: Truth becaufear Pad pifi owns it too ? Then IHmuft not believe (her-d is a God or a fefm (Ste. (‘ and ['0 on for two or three pages together) * I: tbia Dollrine fit fir an Academical Dollar , and a Mailer of a literate foA ciet} {And having; run om-arwhilc-fo pertinently and-.wit'hallfo modem} then rm to fame. Sn molt if not all the DiEetences betwixt Us and. the Romy]; Church were ever held (‘with ybur good leave.) by as wife and learned Proreftants as ever-yon -=or1-are:.filce to be for more than Tryingsof words, and above all in the Article. of yumficamn , which you feem to place amongfl: your Lagamacbies, or'Logicall notions; Let any difcerning Reader compare the 43. Sea. of this Preface with the words in p. 5. of your Appeal teat/.92- Light. and ’tis likely he will concurr with me (let him be never fo Aiery) in that Melané ch!) Pbantafm or Fear. For 'tis worth the'noting how in that dark Appeal, where you difiinguiflz of Popiflr points; i. e. fome where the Difference is irreconcilcalk-g Others in elfeét but in words; We have no direélion upon which Rank we mufi be“- {tow fem/{cation , norhing of it at all from you , Name or Thing. But nob} , new to the alll‘eeing .God , you flzould know bell your felf. Sr, C I"7 ) ' “Sr, pile one Diflinflion or Eva/ion upon anew ther as long as you pleafe , as many feverall Faith. and works a and fufilfcatiom as you can name , all this will never make the tum Poles meet, your Doflrine I mean of Jufiification with that of the Reformed Cburcbes. But feeing you are [’0 bufie in turning ‘Our greatefi Controverfies with the Papills 8cc. into a obi/(I171) Contefi of words; to undeceive fame of your Readers,who dream of no harm from fuch a Name as yours (but in the fimflicit} of their hearts go along wherever you lead them ) we mufl: give it a lit- tle farther Examination. And a little will ferve the turn. ' Words, Sr, as they a-re'enfranchis’d into Lan- guage, are but the Agents and Fafiors' of T Hugs, for which they continually negatiate with our minds , conveighing errands upon all occafions from one foul to another. Whence it follows that their Ufe and {ignification is Malta-die, but by the Ramp of the like PiluicéW/i'g' and ImPQ' fition from whence a't firft they receiv’d their be- ing, and therefore ( if I-may here accommodate the holy. phrafe.) of no private Interpretation. What all others call a free you muft not calla Stone , and pretend the difference is but in a name or Words. For although the fame thing may be fufliciently reprefented by different wordsfti‘s and lywhen they are fynonymw and agreeing in fenfe .; Incannot be otherwife , no more than a Stan: can be .reprefented to theeye by the Image Of a 7".“ C .I. 'W (‘1 3 ) Now as keeping clof‘e to this common Ufagc of Words is necefi‘ary in all affairs of humane life, ’tis fo efpecially in the concerns of Faitb and Religion. 'Tis not fure for nothing that. a; my. 1.13. Paul advis’d Timothy to hold faf’t the FORME meat. in of found Words, non [612m guaad fidfiantiam , fed yuoad iffam oration}: figuram faith Calvin. For {lutl‘flP-Tom- (as the wife and learned Melanchton has minded us Well.) Ami/7e? mréorum proprietate, gate rerun none fimt, alias confingi re: necefl} eff. That is,- when once we lay afide the fropriety of words, which are the notes or Symbols of tbing: , We pafs undoubtedly. tothe minting of new 761‘:ng themfelves. The old Primitive Dofiors and Churches were fufiiciently aware of this, and therefore would not difpenfe withthe Intrufion of one 33m (much. It“ atonement word) in any Article or head of Faith , where Cuffome and {be U/bge of 16: Claureb had authmiz'd anather. And this they did upOn the great-and togent rea- fon Melancbmt gave us but now -, 2% becaufe they were not to learn that fnch as tiaflgbt with the Church a would be content to [peak as {he did , and that the Contrary Praéfice never boded good to the Unity , Peace, and Dual-inches"; fled to her care: Of which I think weof this Age have had Inftances enough amen-alt our felves to our cofl : R! that r to return your kindnefs.) It i! not 16: part of a 6004 man to fit Chum l} the Ear: togrtber, and to make Our fill} Crcdulm Admirers believe that the V48 3"“ C I9 3 gulpb which was ever fix’d between Us and the I‘everall branded Corrupters of the Truth is now fo neer‘upon the clofe that if a man do butgoe me a little to take his feeze, he may eafily jump over it. Nor is it the partgof a mfe Tearber to think himfelf, that Men are agreed, where every eye may fee them dealing Moms and Deaths about. As for the Difi‘erence'of Met/30d , Ordering, Digefliug and expreflingaour Conceptions ("of which you feem to make little account in Compari- fon'.) I know not yet how far you may firetch yOUr Order and Metbod of conceptions; whether you fpeak of that order which is no more than a éeauty , or Circumflamee; or would draw it out to All indefinitely , and fo leave nothing butde- formity and Confufion. A child may be born with all the parts and limbs of a perfec‘l man , yet if not plac’d in their rank and Order may be a prodigious Monger: and a Book may want ne'r a letter of the Alphabet (‘andall repeated many thoufaud times over.) yet nOt contain a word either of fenfe or Language for want of Order. ‘ Thus Papifis and Pratefiants are agreed about the neceflty of good works, yet the difirem .is much wider than you 'feem to make it, be, Ciufe both do not rankthat neceflity alike; the one firetching it to the firfl Jufiificationw the Other not , but confining it to it’s proper Ran/z 311d Province of Inberent holiuefs, where it C 2 ‘ ought Gap. n. C 20 3 ought to keep. 80 that upon {'0 crude and ge. nerall an Admonition about different Names ,. Words, Orders, and wayes of Expreflon , your weaker Readers. had need beware that infi'ead of inftrufiiug you do not entangle and'confound’ them. ' . . . Next , Sr, you are pleas-'dato turn fomething ant of your way to a pleafant Difcourfe about Melancboly and it's ill- effefts, perhaps to drive the pernicious humour front-all your Readers by your odd introduétion of it there (with it's handfome Attendants.) as Heraclitus was cur’d of 'his , pro tempore,. by a. not extreamely differing R-encontre. j lhavenow done with that part of your Preface, which you have wafted upon yourSecondary Orig.Sin'. . But you have one word with me more ,. and I’m glad it is- but one ,. for fuch fad work as this might afflict a more Athletiquc confiiwtion then mine ;‘and in earneIi'I fomewhat wonder how you held om with it your fel-fe-, it gnufi:.n¢eds make any man flak at the-heart. And now the heavensare on a fudden all co- ver’d with black; 3 Item: is coming, to Which the former was bur a brisk-mufical'gale. Lets looke to our tackling. . . . - In my 71:11:]: Paulina-, I had made two civil requefis to you, the one I’ll-05¢l tevexcutiaa. that you.would we]! examine and fift your felfe be- fore God and your own confcienCC,- Whom you efpeciauy. defign by that ONE Perfon, who .4- lane..- C 21 )‘ lone (upon fuppoi‘al' of difference ) is who followed before all DilTenters in the matter of Jufiification , according toyour 42; Direét. for the Cure of Cb’urcb Bibi/[amt My other fitit is in thefe words , Diligemit}: arm! fe perpenderet 8(C.- That you would diligently'confider the great Affinity your fufiifiwtion has contracted with the Pepi/7); Now let the Reader well: obferve how you manage this...pétrr Of the Battail ;. and thence take his meafur-e‘s of your'skt’ll and dexterity in Controverfal Engagements. Let him take natice fitfi where and how you begin , with a meer catcb‘ at the word [Diligence] to let us' know «what [a bardSt’udmt you have beenin your time”. P- 4,4," Tour Call for Diligence ( fay you ) telLs- me you know me not, W60. have little fliar’d‘ far labour tfiefe 37. year-s , and I am my: unfit fbr increa/EH --diligmces and' this is‘all we have to that Cons cern. . .-. ,, 2 - . e,; r, . . I pray, Sr‘,.did I" ever tax you‘C (firefly/or indireflly) with {loath in your Studies .9 and yet do nor you fuggefi unto your Reader I do& And fltall we call this Sincerit}? my dcfire was you would take your Ballam'e} and weigh incredi- ligently , that fo you might fee the very fmall' odds betwixt/ your Jufiification and'the Comm! . of Treats; for to me neither of‘ them turns the fcale upon the Other: I' fpake of no’ pains or 1050!” , but only a more diligent Confldfration- For give me leave, Sr.,.by, the by. tomind ‘ C 34. you ,. _ (a 22 ) you , that much. reading and tumbling of Books contains nor all the necefi'ary- ingredients of an ufefull Schollar. no- more than the thrufling down of meat in abundance to the Stomach makes a firong or. healthfull._B,ody.-, If We. will have good’ Headland .rz'utrimwt ,- gfirong ‘Nerve; and bones for aéliou..- after the bell cboyce of our meat, we mufi allow natureher due peri- ods of Concofliom otherwife all will be but _un- perfcét or hur’tfull chyle. ’Tis'Meditatioanrs, which is the Stomach of'jthe. mind yweigbingr, fifling , and reflec‘ling; upon what we» reade : in which if there happen to be an errour, either in point of diligence, or judgement ( as too of;- ten there does) no after-concoflion. will make amends; Allwill-be Craditie andCantagz‘on‘fiill. ‘ But .now. ( if you pleafe) to. our bufinefs of ffufiificatim C for you know well enough my wordsrefer. only. to -that.)pyou fay )0” will not filmmon me before God , or Confiimce, but film: will the world think: of my dealing-s to bait, and that by gm]? MISREPORTS , afmall Boob. dove twentyyears R E T R A C T E D. Sr , I gave you -no Summons, but a Friendly Admnition (as all the world may fee) and I here do it again. I have MISREPORTED you in nathing, much lel's GROSSLY (let your friends themfelves be Judges.) 1 know of 'no RETRACTATION'you have made to.“ this day, notwithfianding all my diligent en- quiries, of Perfons that are well acquainted With you: (23) a you: no one Back: under that title (which‘yet would have been no difgrace to {‘o gooda worke ) no talkeof RETRACTATIONS till I had printed my 'Booke ,' and that only from your Selfe , no direé‘tion from You” either what you have retraft'ed, or where we may find it fince; which is yet the more amazing, becaufe in yOur firf’t complaint of this matter, it. 4. you tell us of about SIXTY Books’of Retra’flations (in part at leafl 3- you‘have Writ, and blame me for; pafling them All by without obfcrvation : I en- vy not the readinefs and fecundity of your Pen; but you feem a Pretender to Cryptography in Writing what few Eyesrif anyJwbefi’des your; own can-readea Welhwhe‘n NYC fee ; there: fa’m’d Re... traflationswve {hall take our me’afu res accordingly. But , Sr, for your Own, your Readers , and the Truths fake , I befeech ”you take care we have no Retraflation of jthofe zyct‘ ifwifille- Ram- flatiom. , and that you no where :mmw‘ifl your“ felft- ' ' ' 'Sr , the world witty expe‘fi fome clearer and more iguana. ‘fatisfaétion from «you, (‘ at this time of- the day.) then. -to be wheadl.'d with bare Talia , and complaints - of 'grof‘s MISRE. PORTS , where none at all appears. And- ‘ truly, Sr, I give you this Admonition as a friend, for mherwifelwneedednot; , . Next you furprifeme with apretty ngfiion a W05) Jam: 4 Lagi'calrafl-of Defining into a TM- ologica! dc Re,- and We heare of this new quirkefp.‘ 4;. o (24) s of Defining from you more then once, and. "ti; All your own fruitfull Invention , 7115111}: Cbrifii Imputata is one thingrfay you.) amitbe Defini-- tion of fuflice or ,z'mputataion. 23.: a‘notétr. 0f 3‘11; [lice , or Imputatz’on '.’ I take [OR] Sir , t9. ' be a Disjum‘live, not a Copulative ,‘and lo ’tis a. plain Fallacy of Dial/ion, which any young Lag' gick-Smatterer would tell you. Who knowes not' that the mall is :one thing, and the véitmefi. of- it anather , and fo mufirhave their Definitions,a-‘ part; but, good Sr, is the Definition of awbite wall anathcr thing-from-a white wall? tbcnrit isno ood Definition, and our Plea now is not. about fa! e De. finitiom, but what are fuppos’d‘rat lcafi.) to be‘ True; aboutDefinitions indefinitely, for therclies- your Nam]! Infirufiion. .' .. ' - inflict, Sr, is one thing, andthe'lmpatation of it anather. but Imputed inflict cannot differ from it’s true Definition, unlefsyou will have it to differ really from it's felfe. Here then we have a tram} {parent Fallacy. ~ You goon, and ask me 171'» good camefl I am de- firm to knowzvbom you mean: , and there you ftop.’ MS- Your quefiion isimperfeét and fpeakcs out no fcnfe; Mine is plainly this , whom you meane by {ha-t ONE Rare Per/5r: , filo/(jingle judgement}? CUP- 0“ D’fiflm‘f J to h prefer’d, in tbe Point of jg. filfcation , and to Julian); qum fail“ in Dogrin 3mificationiv antrpomzt- You-nead-DOI doubt bug that I am in (email here, for I am ambitious (,f his Acquaintance. Now let’s attend your Anfimcr (and Cst' .( and I earnefily defire the Reader to obferve it throughout.) ' ' Why , firft Pagnine , Buxtqrf 8:0. are very good ' Hebraicians y Dr. Pocock is good for the Arabique (He is {a to a great Eminence in that,and many Lan- guages (with flare of other good learning) befides, to fay nothing of his rare Chrifiian vertues , the Crown of all.) Dr. Wallis for a Geometrician, (and {0 he is in many {ingular endowments and abilities , ‘befidesJ :Dn- Willia in Pbyficle, and to on. There, and fuch like Exallmt men , are to 5: prefer’d in " tbeir may , éefiire fuel: at never fiudyed tbo/é fciences (‘ a flender commendation for [‘0 eminent and worthy Perfons! J A whole Page and a halfe confum’d in this ramble. But now at left you will fall- to the point, and‘tell: me their names, wba are Mm Defi- ner: of faflification , F flit/J, and Imput‘ation, and 6am delimr’d mfizr more judicious, and digefled tbougbts of ‘P. 47; , tbefi: wings tbm my felf. Indeed ! your fervant , was that ever any (blefiion of mine 3. And is this all you have to fay in'th'e matter. and in the audié ence of the world too?not one fill/awe more. To l‘ a ve you farther labour , Iyield to all the worthy per- {ons you have nam'd (excepting onlyyour own Difciples.) I am not worthy to be compar’d with, ‘ them. I defire no man (“young or old.) to preferr me before my Betters , Ieafi of all when I am fin- - .gular , and walke alone. But, Sr, with your favour, this will not do your work ; we muff have fome Other account of. yam): 9‘1““ , then what you have given us yet. . I {hall D take C 26 ) take leave to prefent Our indifferent Readers with a more ingenuous, and truer fate of the Qnefiion’, farr more fuitable both td my plain meaning, and the clear purport of your own direfiion. Letthe cafe be this. There is O N E, who of late has ra’il‘d' much dufi amongfi us about the grand article of ju/i‘ifis‘ation , Whether it be 5} Faitb with”: works; or 5} Faitb and WORKS too. All ouroldire-‘ nowned Divines on this fide, and beyond the fears; are unanimoufly agreed that Jufiification is by» F aitb alone , i. e. without Works. ' This 0 N E, Perfon has often publiflied his Judgement, to the contrary. The matter is of very great concern by the confeflion of bath. So that‘a poor Acadia mica! Doc‘lor may very rationally enquire of you, who‘in this cafe is to be preferr’d ; That ON E, or thofe Many; If that. 0 NE , then lam ailmofl brought to the Perfon I fought for;and why would he be (‘0 bafltful to be willingly emerald? nay, why fo injurious to the Publique? ’Tis true .it would be fome fmall reflexion upon thof e innumerable worthies who have gone'before him ,r fuch as our Steve], Rainolds, Afibot, Wbite, Field, ‘Wbitdéfl" Perkin: , Andrews, Davemmt , are. But T rat}: is Troth {till , and men mufi not be over model} in it’s caufe " and why may not QN E, .5“ MB“; Lynceus , that can fee through a fione wall. dtfcoa- cm Dina. ver more then a thoufand that cannot 2 Bur no 4" ifI am nm to goe along with him . then I am lea kill to herd it with the illiterate Rulersand Majoe rity: and if this be my duty . why fliould notthaé ON ‘ (27) ONE encourage me by hi'slfxamplehay f uppol‘ e he is upon all occafions (as openly as he yet thinks fit) perfwading me, that they are more worthy to be dircéied by him then he by them. To form: fuch' cafe as this, Sr’, I expefied your Anfwer , and not- a needlefs infignificant fcorn of my poor indean vours in the caufe of to great a Truth. There remaines yet one fmall fill-yuefiion , and then lam quit at prefent from the tedioufifi 'tafke I ever yet undertooke. ‘You defire me to tell you , wbetber I dzfler from you, in tbe rule of calm/cl, Wbicb you were gave your ignorant people or no. Sr, our young men in the Univerfity call this a Fallacy offer/era! yaefiions in one. Your direftion is built‘of various materialls and feveral apparti~ ments , fome of which I like well enough , Others not. I am only concern’d ( as the blind may fee) about your matters of big/2 and dificultfiewlation in the clofe of your direfiion , wherein you would have‘that ON E man to be prefer’d before all the rel}. Amongft there in the Application of your ' ruleyou place the Definition a jufizfication ( i. e. andmyailyflor all your mincingjthe Thug it felfe). Now , Sr, without any rovings, whaling: , or am: tom I give you this plain Categorical anfwer , _ that 1 exceedingly differ from you , and that upon thefe two Accounts: _ i 1. Becaufe I neither hold the Doéirine ofJufli- “cation to be properly of fiewlatiz/e concern a but wholly praflicat : nOr 2. Fol think it to-be {0 full of dlfiwm a. ,as your very difcoumgiflg f ”8361130" to your ignorant People imparts. D 2 No (2'8 D No matter of Speculation: For though in 311130513 ml knowledge there be fome antecedent contempla- _ tion of the nature and properties of the find; or Objefi, yet ’tis the Endand {cope alone,which gives- the diftinét and proper denomination. In Etbicés our fchollars are taught the natures of moral ails , vertues, and felicity it’s felfe; yet weinf‘truét them alf‘o that moral Pbi-lofop/J} is a prafiical, not a [pc- culativefcimce, and that all they know of there matters is to be refer’d and applyed unto the great fireflical End, how they may be morally bay?) 1 as the Philofopher tells us , Eratocéyyam, “4"“?45’9’s and if he diant , all, that have but the ordinary are of reafon,cannot chufe but know. Henceii’t fol- low'es, that fufizfication being at lea-ft the firfifiep » in order to Eternal Happinefs‘ , the knowledge of this is no- more of [peculéztivt-eoneet‘it, f'then far! a man to know his way balm, efpecially when there is bUt One way , and if that be miftaken he is in ex- treamcfi danger offeri/fiing in tbe way wherein he goes. Indeed to know the certain number ofshe flaps or paces between is a fpeculati-ve niece}, but to know his way thither , I am of opinion that e- very man who has a 60m beleives it to be anather thing ; aske who comes next. We never enter into the way of life till we are 7ufiified', nor can we be Juflified but in the may and method'bf Gods. own appointment. All Other waye‘s do bUt lead us from ant 50712:. , - ‘ ' Nor 2. Is the Doélfine of inflificatim {'0 53gb addtficult, but that the meme}? Chrifiian may» un- derflfld ( 29) demand it fufliciently to Salvation, {‘0 far as words can make it intelligible. And you have done lit- tle fervice to your weaker chrifiian (‘ as well as to the great rblefl‘ed cbarter of Salvation) to perf wade " them otherwife,_ and to lead them out ofthe plain road into woods andmazes, to that O N E Man . of Extraordinary judgement and clearne/S’; no body muff know what’s his name,or where he dwells; and fo’ to whirle them'about , till you have made them ~ fo giddy , they know not whither to goe. St, I underfiand fomthing at thefe years (.‘With- out your Tntorage) of the duty both of Pnfiors and People. But Iknow not whatyoum‘eane to make the may to neat/en (‘ reveal’dfllficiently to all ,. and .wherein-allarefo much concern’d.) to be a matter of Mg}; abflrufi? fpeculation,‘ as if none but great fchollars, and men of extraordinary judgement could by the right ufe oftheScrzftnree, and other ordinary common means, be able to find it out, till they have. met with that Elias who is .to folve all doubtsy though here (blefl'cd be God} ghgr‘ejstno: doubt, area-11', whatever. you have intruggefied to the contrary. The earth may fend up clouds ‘enOUgh to darkeh the noon-day [11721 but this; does net hinder that glorious Creatureto- be fiill both the Fountain. of Light. and the mag. wfiélt‘fiof bodies. The Fancies‘, xi“; ,__ Paflions, and Interefls of fin-ful men may ” putfirange colours Upon the face of the 61M- refi and moft important truth , but when the faint‘is broughtto'the firgfs it meltsofi" in a . D 3 m0!» (so) moment, to the juft reproach of fuch as dawb’d it on. . . . Bur, - Sr, (to dealt: a little more freely with you) I cannot well fwallow down in the lump what you would have me and Others to do , when you direéi: us to prefet’r that O N E man before tbe Rulers and Majority of Votes , till you acquaint us whq that Gentleman is , and what fort of Rulers and Majoa ritie: you meane. ‘ ~ - , And firfi for the fingle Perfon ( that Menard» in Divinity) to whomwe are upondzfermqes to make our Appeals , Ibel‘eech you, Sr, how {hall your Ig- norant onuakgr- 'Chtifiian be able to Judge of fib- are/3? If you thinke he may. I know no reafon he flzould be difgrac’d for an Ignorant. He had need to have a very competent meafure of abilities him. felfe, who is to give his verdict of mothers , even {0 fart-as to make him hisfupd-Defior of‘theChait‘e. Or mul’t he take all upon trufl from that One mans Fancy ofbim/élfi , or'fro’m others that by many (e. ‘cret invifible Arts may be eafily indue’d to cry him up? But this is to make him ameer Tool . and to turn his difeerning firmly into a mechanifme of Mind Obedience. Perhaps he may be'no fuch Wm 43 with; perfon,in the judgement of the mod knowing and foéer men, of no more then ordmaty parts; learning , or vertues , in allmuch (:2dede ’0- thers , fave in the din of his name. He then can- n0t be your man , for that Items to be againft your own bypatfiffis- , . . . Neat it oughtJ thinkeuo be wellconlider’d-in '8 cafe (’3! )- eafe of {9 high importance , 91m“): .g‘uiéw ,. to what Rulers and Majoritie: this, 0 NB ' muff be prefer'd‘ (and bOth plainly were my guefl‘ion) A learned 'in-’ telligent Cbrifiian (nay one of moderate abilities) in acafe of Cbrifliani-gt before Heatbens, no. doubt: and little lefs for a judiciaws and'pious Prateflant’ before a pacEdSymd, or Majority, who hang their eyes upon the lipps of a Pope. But what fli'all your- Ignorant Protefiant do 3 {ball one fingle Protefiants judgement in jfuch a cafe as fafizflcatim mm the fcale upon the-known declar’d judgment of his Own Cburcb in eonjunflion with all t6: refl of the Refor- med ? I will! that be no part ofyour meaning; and if it be . I like not your Ballance; your direélion' ( at beft ) is a mad: and dangerous Dirfi‘ate -, aaDiuia' ding ,1 and nOt-agaring rule.’ . S'oyou have my Ans. fwer to your quefiion. » ' But, Sr, will you, pleafeto gratify me with you-1" pofitive anfwer to one Of mi’nejor-I defp’aix ‘of fol-s ving it my felfo zfyobtflefitelqoio alkyd“; 1"“ “43‘" a vbetber in we“ 1%" 36' WW ””1” d1.” “55"” 5 or rule of coma/e110“ .tbrft'giv‘e. we {gnarm't people : and Without expefiing my. fin‘fwer one minure, ‘014 hearing mefpeake one fyl-lable for my felfe, I find prefently your dreadfull (emetic: m’fi'dggainfi%e in~this killing tone, are .101 flit-berein‘a mmfiirgué' lar event!) admiration -.’ are not all Protes‘iant‘s , Pad pm: ,' cbrifliazzs, learned beatbtm agreed in we Rule Igwe9what may be the meaning of this outcry from a perfon oflyour veracity, mejtémfi’, cbarity Ste; which has allmofi driven me out from the focietyf o P. 49. (32:)? of men to eatgtanfswithfther wild. afisi of: meifiefd _, Why , I milfif holdgl'wfietklgr.1.:‘ml-por..~fio,that a herd of serram'lgnorqmm‘rigrtobe ‘Préfer’dbc: fore one [earned Judicious mami and that too in his" own profeffion, as thofe that never read Logick; be-' fore Ariflotle Bet. now. let‘ my #ahfwe'rprbve what it will ,' I am condemn'd before hand , vft‘ngalar" ('6 2m: to admiration. Then I am Tet aétellingfil‘know not What, tell your flbollars, and tie world , .p._ 48;- fell your fébellars, you are éut one and tbe} are many (which no doubt would be 'a great-piece of newes! to them) 'ibid. Then again, tell tfie world&e.p49."= Doubtlefs there is fomething in that, UnfOrtu‘-‘ nate (though civil ) reyuefi of mine , which gall: you more then ordinary. [For thefe do not found like wordsrof mule , bit 053W, and1 Parofofl.‘ But , Sr, will you pleafocoilhzruswvameom'ai little into th‘c'emlerair? (‘for’ihere'is no brea- thing in this Stove.J..Wh>at is—‘irtyou would have" mqtefl alljthefe people)? wfhy'yjflo this-efieav: (735* ibeforo) «has lachfldfimhisfim-‘iowb is” to be pres-i fer’d in his .judgemene'ofiatifigGrnét, Hebrew 8m." before the ablcfi which: of the World‘in thofe L’an- guages. '.. '- .‘ ;'1 . i W _'..-"., . : -.:Bnt«pray.,’ Sr, maynu'é Ia'be excus’d'? whatever I-‘hibk, it‘gocs againfi more tell‘fuchufiufi‘ to me warld, as my own mind and judgement. tI'Vmu'ld flat trumpet. my own {liable ,rr'ivbower dotbeirs) withoUI agreater caulk. -Iidxinke my time may be better employed by minding you that preflés are akind of fact-ed things, and ought not to be-pno'é fan’d (“3-3 ) . fan’d by the 'paflions, interefis , weaknefl‘: , or ex- tranaganc-es ofmen. In private and familiar difcou r- fes fome greater liberty may be allowed; but he that f peaks to the-whole world, ' owes reverence and caution to it, without which every book we pub- .lifh is little better. then a libel againfi our Reader ;' and even when we court him , we do but en- title him to all the impertinencies and follies of our ens. . . P But above all, this can never be minded enough. that if of ever} idle word , much more flanderoza and 'reviling ones account flrall fie given in tbe day of judgement». Had you minded this ( as you. ought ) you could not have vented thoi‘ e very'va'in words (,I will fay‘nowmfe.) you have done againfi me nap and down this preface; as alfo in the reft of your books where you mention my name. You have yet a piece of another yuefiionand then it will be high time for us to make an end, and to think: our readers may bavel’ome bufinefs befides. ’Tis this , wlmt mean you to bring in tbe intimation, Pref. p. to? Mat tbw tbe great Traits of God will depend on Im- mune fafli-ages; even wbetlzer God [ball fie God. Sr , if you have not difus’d your Acquaintance with the latin Tongue , and fo mifiaken , ' you might have englifll’d the words I game: out of Tertullian in the like cafe , with more fincerz‘ty. For any one may quickly fee, I‘make not the Divine Exiflence (as you would have me.) an inflame of tbegreat Trutbs 0/504 (though Ihopc no harme if I did F0.) but as a confiyuemial dependent,- whether it {hall be fo , E or C 34 ) at no, upon the fubjefiion of the wondofGod‘to thg will of man , efpecially of. ONE man , in oppofi. tion to all Others. Then you would have me to confider whether I do well to wander Ar tificial; Logical Definitions, con-- troverted 5) tbs greatefi Divmm, with lb: great Trutb: of-Gadt . . To which I anfwer. I. ThatI am afliam’d you fhould thus over and over expo/r your {elfewith your moft illogical evafion of logical and artificial ’ definitions , as if (fuppofing them true) they were hat the fame Re with the definitum, as I have told you already. Good Sr 1. taike what you pleafé in private-tozfuch as underfiand nor what you fay, and let. them- give you:a Grand: 2015? for your pains: but you. may do well to ufe more civility to the reafon of a fcbollar, though he hath not yet worn out his freflnmms gown. - ~ 2-. Iabfolutely deny what you rd raflily ava,. that the definition ofjuflification i: contravened by zbegreatzfi Divims. This is one of yourliberal Dic‘iates. The- Refbrm’ d. Divines are all I minke-,6?- for: your- [rife agreed about themture of fuflzficn- tian , its caufes- 8m. and confequently cannOt difl fer about the Definition. Prove the contrary when you can, and let thefe poore F-igelmve: alone 1 at leaft befiow them fomwhere elfe. The Clare Ofyour Preface 1511 cover fit for fuch a pm), You Jumble not in. the audience of God and man to fuggefl again that hard-fronted ca. lawn}, (how can any man call it lefs ?) 142:1}131 I-. . prefer: (=35) ~prefer a majority qf’egnqmnt: beforega learned man in’his-own profeflion; and thereupon found your trumpet to this 'tuner‘ t/Jiefit Dofirinefor a Dofior, anda. Mafia" of a Literate flm‘et} .9 you know nor what theevent ofallthis may be 3. for fuppofe now being - dragg’d in {my fi'arlet (“a habit more fuitable fOF.him«that,tl7illmP/JSJ at the wheel ofyou r chariot .in the view-of all men, I {hould happen to be degra- ded, and tumdout 'of my literate fociety,‘ would .it not troubleyou ? no doubt .5 butthen-it might happen to be too late. '_ In the meane time, Sr, (without any difparage- intent to your own degree) the name and quality of a D O C T0 R and Mafier of a Literate fiwiety might have been treated more civilly by you. And ,fo let that goe along with it’s fellowes. For the pleafant fpeech to my bearers andfcbollars, you put .into my mouth at parting, Ileave it .as divertife- ment to any that has a mind to be merry .upon f0 .fad an occafion : yet one Afleifmein it mufl not be omitted, which fronts it thus; Hearer: andfcbollars, :55: and Mat :35 tbe true definition of F aitb and fufiifi- cation , even aftbe variomforts cf F aitb and fufizfi- cation &c. g V _ But . Sr , Ifcar yourhafi has betrayed yourme- mory, and .made you forget that I commend your om definition of faith (lagical .orzartifz‘cial) with fome needful explanations;andtherefore‘yoqmight ‘ 3‘ leaft for my farther encouragement hay: {par'd ' me there. As for the bringing alt/am aflfaith .into me definition , I confers mydifability to dait, but E 2 . .fliall P. so. (‘36 ) (hall leave it to fuch as are skill’d in makéifig Deg finitiom and their drfinimms- two feve'raili things”, with whom it will be an- e'af‘y workev So for your various definitioM’Of »-_3‘uflz:ficat‘ia» Cab/iiltttive, f0“ temial, executive, in Fora Deiv, in Faro con/Eimtih 8tc. one would expefi fo‘me more then ordinary finfe a comnting by the train and rumble of words which attend it ; when indeed all looké lflte a nicer artifice, to fet people a gazing upon fame-Other matters while you :are t'onveighing your felfe with the guefiion out of the way. - lfit be nor fo,what need of this heap of difliinéiions here, when you know thequefiion betwixt Us is of no other fit/fit‘ficafion; but the conflita'tive inForo Def, that which makes us righteous in the court of heaven. 1 have nething to do withyou'yet in any tll‘e , as your an eanfiie'hce' wthell you when you pleal‘e. If you have net more jvflic'e and Civility for "your intelligent Readers , I willi- you'wwould flow more compaflion to your ignorant homage-rs , and- not thus abnfe them with yom- palpable wafions. " t And now, Sr , ifyour pen can fpare you a few “minutes ,~ I thinke you may dowel!- to nae-o a little upon what you have done allreadyXo't‘t have 'here and in Other places indeavour’d what you, could to 'expol'e a perfon who ‘had never bem'lmci-‘l vi! to you . but rather had a fair :11ch For ybnf; and indeed once tooke you foraqaite-other man, mm I have found you now. You have per-(mud the plain fence of qu‘el’tions between us, hid your: felfe from the ignorant in mills and clouds , afid . importinencies of words. And C37) _ 'Andare fueh W0 R K S as thel'e the rounds of 3m}: laddera’are .thefo your Reps and fiages to heat- wen; efpetcially when upon all occafions . and e.- mi, in this er'eface you tell us. you~are going-tome .great and dreadful triéuml? will you {306 out Of the world thus? I heartilypray you may nor, and .hope you will not. . . . . \ I cannot end without begging the Readers parl- don for this trouble I have given him though in my jufi-and acre/far} defame. ,1 know it mm needs be tedious to him , which has been fo in fuch a ‘meafure to my felfe. - . ‘ . . .g _ Que, wordmoreto you,.Sr. and I have-done. Firfl , if any words have ekap’dme, of greater plainmfland liéerty then I would Otherwil‘e have us'd, I defire you would lay your hand upon your breafi , and confider what ( indeed unfufl'e- table) provocatiéfis you have given mc,by your odi- ous reprefentatious of me to the world in all the material part of your Preface (fuch as if they were {me I were fingnough to be begg'd for a fool _) Your vain [triumph and infultings. over nae, "fromhqthine butidie few?“ of your. own... Let the equal reader judge between us. Next -, that being now fo well acquainted with you, I intend no farther reply to any thing you {hail thinke fit to publifli alga-int} me hereafter, got indeed to any “hr upon there controvedics ; contextiing my felfe to have deliver’d my Judge- ment thus far ; Whercin if you, or any man re- main unfatisfied , you may, for we, enjoy your E 3. opinions C 3'3 ) opinionsin peace; refolving to contend wi thtro man ‘for the fmall vulgar triumph of the lafl 6;- loudefi word: yet nor defoairing, tut God in his time will infule. courage into mm of far more :4- tilitie: tbm my felfe to defend his cauf'e. So wifhin-g you all the happinefs (Temporal, and Eternal) I do to my felfc, I'bid you .1: ARE- WELL. from my‘Country-‘Habitation, Jun. 1‘3- Prov. 9. 3. 9. Retake a wife man, and be vii! Jove tbee: Give inflrufiien to .a wife man, .4» .6e will le )(t 1717“. A I! FINDS. Errata. P13. ’12: Kn. 'ro. ma efi'efi. u. Iin. 6. read flri kl; . fig. lin. 17. read Ehoilau. pg. 3.513;. 01:. ’readimports,“ N i. RARE ET 763 0T83 WK mot-lu- ELLBSPCRGSET RARE1 1001313