’\ figflflfiflfifi%&$$$&%&$$$$%&%&%% g ILISTIPI CATI N g $§ BY A F AI TH- *;;*§A CONFuTATION;:za. 4% A Ofthat ” $1 .’§§§ ANTINOMIAN ERROR, git 3?; That: ]'u{’cification is before Faith; gig’ gg ' BEINC; '%$ %Ofa SB‘Rn10N;,Pmi:CaChCd SHISARUM5 1 By Benjamin Wfbdéridge, Minifler of Nemberry, in 2 %BAnxssTh¢««S11M ac sussm NCE§ jitflifiedby tht: F4415 of Cbrzfl. » fig H 4%; rtvozzvdong Printed by Sf-ofmF1'cld "for Edmund Paxton, and are to but: [did %a’ ‘£3"°‘r.i~‘ % iamhm up in %1’auls-Chain, aver vggainftche Cafilc--T:wern;.» came :11: Do&ors% Comrr£dns- I 65 3. ‘A 9§g$9M*%%¢%E%¥.¢ wsw%%w$9$$wW%2E§§ §$%% A ence, and tick - imcl 13'fl9_rmtch zzhovve the izru entiommdcredh/icy» of rm-% h flue) icrrcoji plainly ”deli've?rea’,atnd’of2‘e;iireciiicetedhy the . A his‘ rich mercy,gre4t love; hetrsgzeritoriow‘, The meteriehtheohediezzceof Chri/i The e 1 profeflfedlyaifbmetimec hy prefefl"ed friends, A wauldhhewcceflrated the gredtipleadersfor Free‘ Grace. A %&%&%%%%%%§ Chrifliian Reader, r J x H e Dofirine, of the Gofpelcencernihg—the ‘if ' caiif c it exceedingly iflujlrate: the glare‘.- “J om riches of ‘God: free Grace, ezidmegm --* zeijiet hi} V _ fieppart of cemflirt ‘to 4 weemdeii cetefii ~ es amt] fromimtrz the cmcfe‘ of heeflinge, hel G hofi in Scripture, in thzit we learn all the ccmfes of Iufgificatien. T he eflicient, G0d,Theih_n54r‘dly mtruing:,. ft" CIWIE/I"; A W M A W errmzl; the impiitaticm refflighteozifnefy Wifbblif. =T/Var/et5T he infirec -« Mental; h which it is received; h.Feith“;r The final, the gleryhof t egrace of God, amtthz: Sehwttioriof the he- A lierving Sinner. V w . 4 A H A ~ This Dagtriree hath in 4ll%z¢ge.r her» eppofed, ‘ohfcitred, fametimee by ricamfeft enemiec, and that ;u,.w'j:' xezpaehir‘ A and rfuchmr Wh;twErrgr: Pepi/is, Secireiawc, Armihiwe, errei in this‘ weight Docfirirte _ eel dtflohr e which thauitrt prefented with, deal: not with thefe, hutwithAntinomi4» Error. A 4 A hilt 134% true ohferqwitiorr ofgedly Shcpheatd,Mark A thofc men that deny the ufe 0f the Law to lead. unto‘ hchrifi, if {hey do not fall in time to oppofc fornc main xcftificatien of 4 bheliciringflirerter (he-- 1 fifrtjfice, hecimfe it it the oneiy A ROM» K _\.x.'f"” I relate mtg, Thiejhort and le4rrr- he Sound rbclicm. ’ Wit. Pu 965 point of the Gofpcl: For it is a righteous thing, but a heavy W T0 t31»e&f{e[ad‘crI 4 hpavfiplagm {for the LordAAto%fuf3"¢w:1' f‘ucAh% me.-In to ob- {Cure thc9GC’>i’?pel‘,L that”ix’17 their jud‘gemc_nts zcalaufly \ A A diflAiIée;t%h»e~ufc of jthc Law #1?/1*u?‘«trtIziz¢rgV tfiefe men lm-:v.:A % ;dmeV,4ffer-ting’ Imtall the .el‘e5vH7?e:fvre1lJeir Canwrfiox V :v;;;g;zf{,.;;j';«z*it;€a,V’fl»mdn£fW11y~%ez:omil3d:wfiad, gm! ed beférglyim: flmzzge Af]'ert4z'an.(Vm re»-c::eren::fll;Dr. fjlovenam of % Gram?’ 2'9 2" T/vs if It/as ofimian Lin tbzk Treatzfl cm2f¢2 ted,‘ :zi¢3z"}3%r‘"-9 - vuAedcon»iradifr':o¢ry% to ASc2¢ipwr.e, fimnely Ta ;fewy;¥- ‘ law: wafer tbeelbowwf jmoplmiec mm .~ 2. fITo%,Awd2‘- .4;/ararv fizeconafort of Beliwer:., defirayingttbe grpuw, j~m¢¥"tfli*»6, »fem'Vwd%of ‘ Flrcfizt. mg. L Curcellaeus‘.j4udgk3‘vtvI2«aAdgfarenve: " Dowham rigbtly%%té:rm:‘:;iét) “I70 6e:uttVer¢a’-éy a _ amgng/;cm/wan, . "P"fi’“P‘3%'A % ”iz2~t/7135 Paintzf ynfiifimtion, vffvfrflw wmoflemmvwtgw , ‘%th4t,tIaey.~aug Vt not‘ita‘:‘5feV£d 4 contrbvcrfie .- ButRe;4dmr, V :Whmgl.a «Pf iwwl mnfart of My ml vim at V fifidkg (min t» efematmxa «Ma 22¢tt*/mt cit/Mr rim mm’wang?teLaléawt 4*7‘GWf: moi, twbatvat/M=wm¢r»¢dw/2 not cvmern time. V rbw; artwboldiflg t.oAtbc~i‘le4rn&dwJatharfifm wing af tlnér Trafi :, ~:b?6ff’07T17"8A;Af44blfl]3igjg?:qf:'afif;,:~£t9’W%... Z a*tl2tr,1rint0fl?»5V0fi‘A!§J?¢t?5JF3?w%~‘€4?13¥? 2' '1 594$ M0”»W4Wfl%N+41” A jmndrmvigiz £:wmgVt} 4 vwviwicegé AA 'Pm}erofv% ‘ - A V’ ‘ H “ "V " "" N "W ', ,, '_ ~ V K ” -~ ~ Q" .,~; .“_ . ‘ ‘ ., « . , W. -4 3 ‘ -e ‘rm ‘ ;' ' .. 4 _ >‘V. '3' | “ I I V. ’ ‘ %uV- A mfi A cation : ' V M ' ‘ I i V‘ H, 4. " ,4. , ‘ . ‘ W‘ « E» .3‘ .3 r r x ' . ;_ , 4 l lumficamm by Fellth; ll v it, AA ' ‘ A I’; miflz, Iberefemlym tile Copy zlf five « la, Sermm wfiic/5 I Pmmc5ed‘«lazt'ely at c>.‘.' AM ,{!i;yl[;ié'?z‘} K ,T , L L‘ ‘3 _’r‘”“ § < ‘Q ”§‘ 3} 43:: (3 & we-x. ‘E: V9 Z & § § _5'§ ‘Re 1 § § *5 *l:% § {$1 zcmm mfarelmrzz/9 .- Ifikzmve made . ‘ C9-""3 -... I ‘. '\ \"”\V‘r.}§V;-“‘*_ 4 " Ccardimg tayatzi/Eleflre 9&9 my own pm» -9 Salisbury 3 azgmzfi the opinim fa f "few and Ad:/Maia: tofewral: Argmm‘ mmtsa“;2}}}ll;zis;wxed4l large Ayirzaer to the two gllrgzai mam": w/aic/5L7!/£rl.Eyfe.mzzale it élaf ttgdifl/lime’ after tbelSlermlomam.zM‘lefided. Tim I;zz‘r"a:!m'i‘z}m to the Textm’ ,tz‘}¢d1‘l9a‘!"}+lpp[i€dt*0?:y pmrt of Me S erman, I flux]! mt tram.» A ble you with hat melywim that xv/aid: :25 Doéfiriml mm? Colztrorzxerjizl l.l H .u._. l Avingthenl4rfca.dlT tl10fC,,lWQ1‘ds in Rlawzmx 5.31. The V "Pldinlt ObfCrV€d‘VlV.as »tl1iSl,. That we are jufiifiea! éy Edit/9. l “ , A A \ A A A Towme down‘ all the places that givc: evidence to this Tru1:h,1 lwcrc to t1*ar1*fcril)«.=: almoflt the whole New Tefla111ent,llG41.l 2. 16. We [owe believadliiz 3?-‘cfm Chi/3; tlmf avemay 63 jzlflifiéd Ey the %F42.‘tb af, C/arzfl‘, whcfeljufhfication is exprefly made 3, confequcnrof Faith: And as Glory follows Jufcificaticm, lb doth luf’cifiCation follow Vogation unto Faitl1,llRa.m.l8. 39.‘ B _ land (A 2.)» an&Rigbteoufz¢efl{(faith theApoftIe) fl: /luéeitgzlswted A A amt: z/xx zfwebe~lie«ve,Rom. 4. 24.fo A62‘: IO. 43. and I 3. 39. and 26. 18. with tnult-itudesof other places. The onely Anfwet which is given to. thefe and the like Texts , is this, That by juftification we are to ut1cIerftand,ya Jufcification in, the Court of Confci-; ence; or the Evidence “and Declaration of a]uftifi- cation already paft befotei God -.;, fo that Faith is Afaid A AA to juftifie us, not becaufe it doth juftifie us before God, i butbecaufeiitdtoth declare to outCon{'ciem:es that we tooppofe. ‘ are juftified: Againfi which Glofs Ihaveyfevetalthings . ' I " A is wefl known that the Apofile, in itb¢t'tBp;flIe ‘to thfe Ramms and to the Gdlvzytims, fets himfaficn purpofe toiaifettthe Doétrtne of Juftification byliaith, in op- phofitionto VVotks:'The quefiion betweenhim yandytthic e. A Jews was rtQt,Wheyther wekwere-Adeclated to be ju£ti- A A titéimcliyhbyylietithor Works 5 but, A hethet we were juftified byPaith or Works in the fight-hhof God, or before God 5 and he concIudes,That it is by Faith and not by Works: Rom. 3. 20, 21. T/yerefore éy the deed; of the lam;/5»ere /724/1 mafia/72 be juffifiea’ (in his fighn) But now A A the rig/ytetmfzzefrafacadmihtbawt the law 1;: mmifeffea’; «Sec. ffherighteoufnefs of God without the Law, is the” righteoufnefs of Faith; and by this we are juftified in the fight of God, and not by the deeds of the Law.‘ Again,tG’4Z.. 3. 11. But that iaayrzmn zit jtgflified éy the A Law (in the fightyof God) iii; evident; For tbejztff H flmll live by Fditb; where the Argument is clearly this, If we arejuftified by Faitf1in the fightof,God, then A h WC are not jufcified by Worksin thefight of Goa : But. i A we. we arejuflzified by Faith inthe fight of yGo"cl, For the gm/%jImlllzVve6yFait/2 : Ergo, not by yWorlcse: From which places we may fafely infer, that where el{'e< the l A Apoftle fpeaks of Juflification by Faith in oppofition to V Juflification by Works, he is to be undetflood ofjuftifiu cation before God, or in the fight of God, and not one: ly of jufltification in our own Confctences. 2. It is alfo a molt unfound affettton, that Faithcloth .. Evidence out Jullification before Faith: The word o(Evidence)maybe taken improperly, as fignifying no more then an Argument; and {'0 Faith may be {aid to \ Evidence Juftification, as an effeéicdoth argqgthe caufet As laughing and crying may be laid to evidenEe reafon A ina C.l1ti1cle~,»-enOt”tl1£it' it is neceiiaty they fhould evidence it to the childeitfelf, or many! bodyelfe-5 But ibecaufe they areyArgumentsafFeéted to prove, That Reafon mulfibeywhete they are: If Mr. Eyre will faythat in Faith doth evidence Jufiification after this maner -5 then I. “ Juftificationl by Faith is not neceflinily [0 much as a Juftification in Confcience; for as -a childe may laugh‘ and cry (actions that will argue reafon in the fubjeélzi where they ate) and yet nothave the evidence or clear: knowledgethat himfelf hath reafon; remay it” be fnp- poled, thata Chriflian may have Faith (which will at—-- H ygue Juflification) and yet not have the evidence thayti himfelf is juftified : We know by dailyyyxperience, that -,' ‘ A it many Chtiflians have that in them, hir:h life it ti:/e’re tightly uncletftood, would prove that they are jtntified; whiles yet theyiwant the evidence of this Julhfication « within thernfelves, their confctences fotflong timeto-él geitheraccttfing and condemning them, whiles there is ground and teafon that they fhonld excufe and abfolve ~ A B 2 them. my » A ehema, ezh. If Faith evidence JuPcifieationas4hhaneffeficof A h it, Athenehxnayweas truly be {aid gobe faitAhede by our~]1,1«VA+e fiififiatioflaastobeiuffifiedby Om‘ Faith, and wcmufi Einvertthe 0rderofitheAGofphe%1gemdinfiehad of faying, 4 A Be1ieveandethouMfh%aI“t be jufiifiedh 5 A We mm‘: fay AA hence-e ffo[rw§ar‘d, Thou art jufiified, therefore believe. It will unavoidably A fohllovfiv that we are jufiifiedby Wfirks as well as e bAyAA,AFaith ; fomfmuch A;as Aeour, ‘AAdV.e_rfaries :hemfel]_Ve$1,_ ehinwléi WEHVA not deny,‘ that hVVorh$)a_r%e4E%am; effeét of their fuppofed f]ui’cifica,'cion ashwell as I3a._iAtI1*;. I amfure CW2:/»‘ redeemedw, that we flmzalci ée {salami be ' A A A A - A. = ‘ETBe4y%ee§:Un~feequencehhuh”; ~~rAm,pJ\r..4 \ , AM V A rfirflfl hxdence Qr the fec0nd,,1sA notatallxmtermlgn ems care; hecaufe the Apofllemhen he Henies IiiPcAifi»cgtiQnhy A works, he exchades Warks aitogetheir, mz.3 1 g8.&“a,,.5i. ; But I fuPp0f¢hh this is note M12 E9W’S Ilmnina a the ‘word .(Eviderzce) the1*ef1*e may be ta1;cenn1QreeAphppeee« gr gage; Wm, '11:. 2. 14. And Wh€thC1‘,thC‘fC Works Eygflid {o Faith méihyhbe {aid to evidence 0uAr.eIuf?cifica--A zion ,' either Immediatlyh and Axiomatieally, or Be,» moteiy and Syllagifiicaily. Faith doth evidenceAXi-7 oma«tically,A%ash 11: is anaffent to the trmqh of abivine Te»- . flimony, concemirig fueh A302: fuch‘ a thing :. Thus the 1 Apofilefaifhg than-.Faifh doth evidence to L153, ;Thaz: the meld the ward of God, Heb.V_11A. 1,.3,% _m» A A ‘wit, as it~%isA afirnuaffeht “to the DivineTei%i1nAo‘n'y of Scnptmfe, ‘Tia 06177¢g3@{€#h3"){?6':_Wfjgfliffiflfdfgd we Emmi? 6. And thus Faith mufl he}AAfai.d to evidence Alufiificahtion A eflxihnaaticallye, ‘ashh‘itfA ire’ zm,afTentAt<3 this 1f?rQpofiAti0hn,A Iizmjwfizfiea’ ButehhthusF21ithe.Ca1mh0tAe eAvf£den§:e Ahzfiifie catioaae Porfirfh, TAher3e§e.no7fLichj:11ingwritten, Ergo, Efitfififmbf fiviéénhhced by: Pétith A%H?¥i1€diae€€13’, Wm A whee €53" doth the Scripture fay, Thou Paw.l,i A01“ith0u Pew; “ iii? A thou T bofiw art iuftificd 2.’ And Where there is‘n0A Di»- ; vineiiT¢{timony, _the1+c can be neit;h;et' Objeét not Evie» A A A dance of Divine F3.§.i.'ha‘ It 13 the carnal, pteiiuinptuotttg damning Faith of thewoitid, to btlifeve that they am A jQuf’cifiedbyiat1. Axi0Vmati<:a1afl'cnt, though they do not togmetvithin the cdmpafs of any «g<::i1eta1Ttuth or Pm- imife; from which thty may infer fucha ipatticulatc0ti-- A i Cmfidli. V. 2.*Th‘e Faith by wiiich we arejufiified, is the A Faith which the Apofilcs and Minii’cets of the Gofpcl are to Pteat:hA"tthetwho1c world, and to ptéfsii upon tiieir”‘C0nfcientes,i ;4cSi“’.t 2.0.. 21. and. 13. 38, 39., But: We cannot ptefis it upon mrcty flAh;:E.i1ii’1 the w65Ai‘Iii§i;hto biz?--" V gjeve tl1%at_h§m,LSijiiflE1fiCd, ‘and t;hatii:. he doth not belicvc this‘ t: ¢’“”"t*t11ia11bc damned;— utilefswc fliotiid prt§fé1ncn;_tci ibciicvttahilie V: of allmén Eyre cannot do it, Ltnlcfé he tttgouldpeirfwade men A to btiitve iiimfelf to iiave PArea£:ihAedA"fa1fl1oods in afltht: Sermons which hehach fo1'metly1nadc agaitift the 1-lvouchcts of Univttfal RE- V damp-tion; Ergo, Faithtiotii notitvicimcc Iuflrification. A AXiOlT1éiifiCé:iny. A I Notyct can it €V1Ci€nC€_(IH.1f Iuftificatimi SVyiiogifii~ “ cai1y:iS4uci1a SyA1logi.Ptica1 Evidence is the Evidciicc of.’ at flp:-;tr;ticiti12u: Conclufion, itimwn out (if fame g€l'M.*3l‘v:;1i. P1‘Op0fit1Ui1i:)yti‘1C dxfcotitfc of QOnfCi9I'iC£?5 in ivhicii A way it BC1i§ZV€21"d0ti1 evidence his llttftificattioii, by the ciifcourfcitif iii1isiCt)rift::ittic.t aftetithis 01' the like tnztmtzrizi A He that éeliwerb 23'” jiaflifitd. Btitt Cfititit the Cm'ii}:i-i tmcc) I lwlie-vs : Th<2ifcf@1‘c (faith titciiimttr Conftiiencc) Iiam jig/ftified. A Tiic two firft Pircipofititms ofiwhicii-t 3y_I10f;f,}fiA1‘lM(‘VVii1iCi.1tiltiy czii1the_ 77M]0:r"£ii'1£.‘i mimr) mu(1;i iiitii be cvtititncttti, bcfot"t:P.titit __§C&iYli;T3*i"i2”iz,¢g,‘ ititiic 2.'n11in:. AA EI‘w7i%.;iCi‘i€:ii3.. it ts) “Evidence Vwhichlays in the conclufion: Ivaffirm then, i _ Trhatitisimpofiible for aiman by Faith, to evidence ‘ l y Syllogiftically that he is jultified before Faith, beeaufe there cannot befound out a Medium before Faith it felf, that will agree with both parts of thcQueftion, and fo _ there will be always wanting a major or WW7‘: and the t concluLfion#(in which lies the firength of the Evidence) acannaotfollow: For all particular Conclnfions ofeper- fonazlvjuflzification, muff be drawn out of fome general Promife or Propofition which Faith doth fitft alfcnt to and evidence,‘ before it can bring in theConclufion; which univetilalliafiaonhofirion t.n.1.ufl=-a~alrc,9ntain that fortisr ik;a~tt»rtiperronst, Juaifi’ca*£lt+;t=t*l?rrmayvtebe Juftification Syllogiftically; let the Argument be this, If we are {aid to be juiiified by Faith, becaufe, Iiaithv dothevidence Jufiification Syllogifiicaily, then we mvayt be faidto be jiuftified by fenfe and reaf,on,y as Well as by’ n r ti} ~35 ii i “is this : . » ‘N ‘L i V v < ..~»«, 9 \I’ Ir zwjv M Y ’ which isiahfuedi:~The_ire3f0neVis, heeafife fenfe A *1 ‘believe, i Therefore I amijuflifieci : Tihie?’M:1jor onelyis e§l*s%'ieaf0ncQncur with Eait11«in _a.iSy11.i:gi{%ieai evidence; : iclearing ofwhich, letus "again fey: heibre us the V /e*ifoV%;ymer Syllogi-fm,‘1-"lee2/Mtiiveilzeruem u:i:t‘i]z¢[f2?fien’; Buz;I ‘ the aflenftor atfi: of Faith: The Affigiimpiiion, an aéit of fenfe or fpiritual Experience: TheiCnn;einiiion,2ii1:a»6;i: -of Reafon,That he that be1ievesii:isijufh.hed-.54 thisFaith —dQz;hefividence : Thee I believe, is evidenceeito ‘me mine own Spiritual_ Experience: That ti1€i'@i:0‘i‘€I am jufiified, is the evidence of Realn;i"fii;i};f;eering‘th.e Con--A iclufion out ofrhe peemifes -.;, Wi1€1f§§fOE§fE§iltii;mL1{i befaid V T0;iji9.£§ifi¢iii'iflA“ i“ e i he “ ,_ :5‘ QWW H -i ‘ 4. ~ i e—deiiieeIit1i’cificiaiion, i oreifeirve cazininofitifieifaid m beijuni. fiedby Faith at aéii. M in _ ~ At_h1rdArgumenet to prove that the lufiifieation by A Faith isfnot meieny ea Illfilficatwll in mire Cnnfeiexieesl, That Interpretation of the Phrafe Whichmahes hiiuis, atleafi c:)ncurre_nt caufes W1th¢God‘, in theformal aét 0f hour own Iufiification, is not «ti1*ue4;:ii The reefoniis, be--" A cziufe our Iuitification by Faith,’ ini¢if§}€ga1'd0f theiformal aéiof pronouncing usjufhpis in Si.‘I1‘ip7£Ui‘€ .‘.%ttL‘i*i:M.1t6(i wholly L1t'ltO‘G0$d : in It :3 _G"0oi t/Batj AI/_f1‘z'fz"ei1f.h, Rom. 58;. 3 3 .i that fimfmtet/9 Rig/xeozzfizefsa R0m“4f!>"65 8.;_We.d'Ean0 more jufiifie our {elves then we glorifie i7ot1rw~{’e1ves 5%: is God alone dOthV7b()tif1, and :wc:ia?re pa:fl"ii”rejin# hm-he Raw; 8 . 30 . “ Biuttoiainterpret our juflzifieation by Faith, rn‘ee1ily For A a Iiiffificaeion in our own Confciences, is to inaiee us (at A ieafi) ccmeurrent caufeswith ‘Godg in theformalafltof our own Iufiificationg, This is {Q clearithat: ieneeclsi no A proof: <9} A proof‘: For us to be~ju{’rified in our own Conrfciencég’ 4‘ i what is it but for our open Conferences to pronounce usjufi :' and what 15 this but for ourfelves to juflfifici A our felvest’. And fo our IL1.{.iiHC2M1tlOnr by Faith is not Gods act onely, butour own alfo inpart: It is true that the Spirit of God doth Julhfie us in our own Con--~ fciences, but not without the concurrent tefiimony and l juftification ofonr Confci-ences: The Spirit (a;-u,,¢,,.,m.,,§..g.,~), l eareth witnel"s(not to our 2*? pirits,but)with our Spirits; verily if our hearts condemn us, we can have no evig u dence nor aflixrance before God, I 350/are ix. :9, 20, 2 tot..." 2 You ltnow what was here excepted, vz/z'@” That if we were altogether paflive in being jufilrlied, then we are: Iuflified before we believe: An exception {'0 childilh, That if all Error were not a piece of witchery,;pI fhould wondertt fllould procetedout of that month. Tobe--‘ lieve, is indcediaformalvlttal arfi: of the foul, in genera A Pb_y_/£"0.3£)ul.-‘the Life of it in luliifi cation, is to qualific us paflively, that we may be morally and orderly capable. of being jultified by another, even by God, the great Judge of life and death : Will any fober man impure: to us, that bccaufe we maintain Jullification by Faith in this fenfe, therefore we fetuprour {elves as Iudges together withGod of our own fouls r‘ or that wcihave therefore a joym: concurrence with him, in making that gracious Law, by and according to which we arejufiified, or in pronouncing a fentence of .Abf0fi lution upon our {elves 1’ He would, be thought more worthy tO-bC derided then difputcd with, that fhould infer, Becaufe fome Offendersiagainlt our Laws are not capable of Pardon, unlefs they can read A thefioolc-5 therefore he that reads, r~1r2u.’?:..necds be one Ce tof (ins) .% gfythc Sté*t"$e#iti if1aki»ng'tharLaw, om Iudgewitfi his Iudge inabfolving himfclf according to that; Law, :71? :1 IVIagifl:1‘a:tc grant a pardcsm to an Ofihnder upon con«-. 1 dition thathc accept in his ;1cc¢:*pi:an4c4Aa;2%is “indeed his own 3&5 yet in a Masai e:o\nfidcrati0n, ."2:is onely a_ A pafl"1Ve%condition making him capabA1e0f'V’heing pardoné cd“%ac%cording to the 4%M.agiflrams will (though a man .§1avcVin h-imfeif more ability 1:0 ‘read and”, acc"cptfof&a 1;°:ardon;,AA:.11cn 2. firmer‘ hath to bslicve) am“? no man (I tmwjwill fay that by his acc¢2pAtancc he is a concu"r\1;en‘t . caufiz in the formal afit of his own Abfolution: Imike maficr we faymrc are mt facial gcaufcrs with G0d,,en:‘hcr 4 in ma-;1afii‘v*c conditiazaaby which we %’are made capable of bk- ing juficified, actording to the order and confcitutionof ~ fled : It is God thatglorifies us,and not wcmxr fclves, 1 V ”0“i””";~i:w~prauncingjcur V yet fizrciy God doth not Vglorific us before xvc “be-« have. ; A V -‘ » I flusifl ac1d4;: but one thing more, whichl wifla may bc fcriouflywconfidcre”d: Iflufiification byPaith rrmfi baunderfiood of”ju{’cification in our Confciences,%th_en &1s=.no::tI1e% word Iufiiftzcation taken p1'oper1yfoVr a ju-4 «~fk?i%fication bcf()mGedw,% in a1I4thcAScriptures,, from the V Abfigmnmg 1'0 thff End -2. A ifcauscl of no fiufkificmion int, ; :%ScA1~iptuxfe,b;,ut by Faithmr~’Works%;WE1c:nA‘AtEm 3% criptuzcs {pcakof% jl1P€ifiC&‘Ei.Dn..by;.'KVOfkS, Mr. Eyni {says it In uft M ‘”~bc“underflO0dof a ju{’ciWficati_‘ af'Rz’gbzeaM[}¢efl*, Rom; 9. 3 1. in reference to lwhich it xs than the Lord fsfys, «IIe?thzt«éelieruas: 13724 [.4 fedfzfomldeazb to lzflg john; 5.44. {O that as every man 15 then condemned when the Law condemns him léwhatfoevelr the purpofesof God may be, 11nlaiar¢nttb¢verywordsof jefnsagh" 2:: e -fI 515912» 3.20. If one /merit: condemn 225, God :3 A greater than oer hearts and/mowetb all things, and by ~ V confequencedoth tnhcih more conciemn us; _1ff;tl‘fe, .lthen(fecing all the unbelieving world is under the lame lcondlctnnatin) the conlcicnce of an unbelievet when it condemns him for drunkennelgacllultcry,fwenat.ing,&vc. is erroneous ,-,and the way to comfort them, is topicr-5 A fwaclethemfo, and thereby to rblinde their eyes, and A 4:, harden iteiheir hearts, and {eat up their confcienccs, that they may never fee 1101‘ be affeéted with fin,till theyfall : irrecovetahly into evetlafling flames. The condem- nation with whichthe nnbelieverlis condemned, is ex- p1'efled oerfe 36.. by the abidingof the wrath of God upon him; 4.. It isalfo oppofedunto falvation, .rz:erfe 1 7.Godfent not /7129 Son to condemn the worldnbnt taflwe it 5 and furely the condemnation which is oppofed to Salvation, is more then the condemnation ofn .tnnns A own confciencegielfot that may very well confift with A Salvation; yea they_ that are faved, are for the rnolt M Apart l«more_ft1bje<5‘tA to it in this life , thenthey that it perilh. A A A 3 .. A third xhrgument is dr3V‘lJl1¢cll1‘OAl'i’1l¢tl“1C levtentl com-~ pztrifons by which }n£’tificationA by ;.FAa.lt.h is illnfttated A Q A A Some-~ ‘) ( 16) ~‘So1"netimes’tis corrihpared to the Iftaehftes Ioo1:?ng.up im the Bmzwen Serpent For healing, $05. 3.14. 8; Nzmz. "2 I . 8,9. ?As thenthey were not fitfl: healedz, " and then ‘h‘lo‘ok”ed up to fee what healed them 5? but they di~d»fi1'flZ C look’ upon the erpent,and; then they we 15¢ healed :Evet1 .' {Q is itthe will of God , That wbefoerz/her eat]: and he[ztff«- vv”-etb I/ye Sana flm/J he }'z./zffifiedj John 6. 4:3. He is not “fiffl juf{ifie‘d andfithen feeth the Son; {ometimes Faith ‘is c:o_mpa-ted to eating, and I uftificatiots to the mouriflia ‘mentwhwiclt we receive by“ out meat, $0522» I», 52, V 53,54. We are not firfl: noutilhed“ andthen eattthe meat that nourifheth use 5 hbutwe eat our meat that we *ejufl§ified5Va‘n‘dthen behave ot1‘Chti{t that hhttthhj-u{ti— t ed us 5* but we believe in Chrifl that we may be jufii- "T ed. W ' A A ‘ Afou1‘thArgumeniisdrawnftom the perpetual A4 ~ h'::)jppo'fition bhetween Faitli and Woettksgfrom whence the * Argutnent is thxs, What place and order Works had to A jultih cat1onT1n -the Covenant of Works, thefametplace h and ~ordetWFaith hath to our Iuftification in the COtV€r V V hnant of Grace : But Works were to go before our Ion» A flzifitation in thc.Covenant of Wo1'ks, Ergo, Fairlfis _ ‘A g.oe~egot~te~tbhtefottepuroluftificaetion. in the Covenant of h'Grac?e To thhe.mz'm»r Ifity nothing, bCC3UfE”’tthC1‘CVhiS‘ not amanin the world that doth denyit a'st:It1efore,r hut buried under the dirt and rtrbbiflt of vile fins, till by Faith they came to feeythar they Awere r~fain- érifi«acAd A r “F tion before believing, which will not hold as firongly A for Sanéficification be fore believing; nor any reafon why t'~Sant?cificati0n fhoiuldknot be lund~erfi:qod for a Sanérificar A rich tdeclared,lrea§fwvell asljuficiaficarron for a Jufiifirrza.-A A * rion declared. .The J"UfiifiCat‘i0flA_WhlCh they now 4 ‘Ju£tifica-~ had, was,;that which gave them right and title to the Kingdoin‘ of God, which right and title tiheyAhead not before, nomore then “others that did yet contin?ue’irrA V Idolatry, Fornicatiorz, Llneleannefsrv, and the other ‘fins. fpecified It is &"C~1éflOWl»€dg€diOfe all lhahds, that ]u:fii- A filcatet~0Arr rmeludee :aineAA;adjl‘udgir.rg of rrs,Aratm1:0 lrifer:, 1011 3.: ‘ }giving7i1s a right E0 the Heavenly Ki-ngdomi-5,,i‘fAArtrlhe;n-l A tllCf.¢'C0-fiIith—i3J’lAS. hadrhis 1*ighrAhiefor'e rrheyr l‘believejdA_., it then did their FaitAhr giveiitsmm 1rdrmhr'eAfec;«u~rrity of Sale» Vation.in point of_righr then they had before; orfirhellni might be aflirmed hf them who did yeteabideinrheAir fins»,- andtbyeonfequaenece, Aifaehey lrhadAliv;edrAiaexd dyed itrth.eir‘finS,rtheymightlhave ~giA0nicl mi liearven 3'}“O‘:HVlYh“A" flflfldlflg; thoaughforrvanrr e’fi+‘aJirh,,l to fee this tl1Ae1r* A a V ' A "A righta (A19) e righgthey could not have departed with {'0 much com» A AA ifortof Spir1t:o Forif Faith do onely declare thag.-we. A havea Titleto the Heavenly Kingdom, then itmakAes no Arelauvechange in our condition, from a. {late or death into :1 {fate of life «,-,e and [0 whether we believeof A no,a1l is one as to thecertainty of our falvation, though we want the evidente and perfwafion: of it. If icbe here faid, That all xvhonn Godgin hiskfecretjufiification A hathadjudged unto life, flaallhavc the evidence therew- of by Faith : I Anfwer, A This evidence is of ‘ fuch nee» A ceflity, as thatif. they have it not, they fl13ii1i0f¢'th3-E life ‘to which they aw adjiudged, or no; If not; them whether they believe or do not believe, they {hail be A faved -: If it be, then is there no abfo1uteJu{iifica,tion before Faith,and Juftification muff becondi:ional,and the immediateand ebfolute right to life mull beiac- lmpwledgedto be a confequent of Faich,which will an oncciooverthrow Mr. Eyre: Opinion, and confirm this Argument without: any more ado. ‘ i A A VVha.t remains robe done is roremove thofe Ob-? jesftions which feem of wcigixt to Mr. 3'” for confir-*3 mationof his0pinio1j1.i A i A A The firfl is drawnfromthofc Scriptixircswhichiiificm to hold forth and immediate aétual reconciliation of finners to God upon the death of Chrifi» Without the A A intervention of Faith: Aslutattlai. 3.17.Tba'mmyée« laoedsamin wboml 4fi¢vW€ll,17l6’flf6él; mibxvith fined A ne-rs,andRom. 5. 10. We were recemiledmmta give’ 63 the dmt/2 af.hi&So22. A i V A 4 ulnfw. ToAthe former of thefciiplaces I anfwer: That the Well-iplcafcdnefs of God need not be ex? A WFQ. tended:beyoggi;i_1c_per[gn oflglhrifl, who gavehimfelf ~ A . ( zo ) unto the death, an ox‘-Feringand a facrifice zmtaoéd of efweetfméllingfizeor,Eph. V5.2. 2«~~‘If'.WC fl1ou1dex- tend it ajlfo unto‘ men (which is neither nlecefl’a‘ry— not l probable) yet Will the wordsprove no more, then that it is through Chrifi that God 15 well pleafed with men; A whenfoevereit be that he }.is Well epleafedzta Verbs [I and‘ Participlesol’ the ipryefent Tenfe (thought. the Verbvin this placebe nottheprefent Tenfe, but the firft_lAm‘]Z)l have fometimes the figniljfication of the future 'I"enfe,-,as‘ he fie/w4.25. The ¢,M%efiii/2 cemetb, that is, will {hortly A come; ands‘/2410, 5 ., 25 . 22"/ye hear is cemz’ngf,ar2dz¢o.w 13:, ‘ that is, willfhortly be; andt14,3tt. IE1 ego, Iiieomemtil A 34.“ I6. W15e'I¢l‘z't (namelylIfirdel)l flmllmrze tithe Leerefi the «W21/zmzz he zaklen away .- The Verbs in the Greek are both of the prefem: Tenfe, hundreds of the like in» A ft"anejes;3.r'elobvious glfometimes they atc»Notes o£ all A firmationwithout reference to any determinate time, ' A as Raw. 8, 24. By ./aope we are jawed ;, not ptefently, for it follmvs immediately: hope timtizk few 23 not/hope, fmew/5m M¢i«2z7zfeet}5,L“2t°/ay ode:/2 be yet _u/Jepel; or .3 e.Ergfa,” To be A {awed by hope, nnports that aj” man is'lino‘it[.yetl Paved «._-, but the ’meaning is;,That it is in the way, of hope ande‘lpatie4nt‘expeftation that men are fatzed,,whenl'oevet A it be’tha’t they arefalved: So xiCar;.T15l. 57; Th,«z¢z}e;1.£«el. f zmto[Go‘d tlbateghvet/9 ax):tbe3z1io‘i‘ory",~to-;wit, the v:i&o1‘yi over death anclintheiflefuitte(fi:ion;,andthe«m eani"hgI A V is, That” itis through God lttheatwe t.h?ave the Vl&01'y,ib(:: it when it will be thgmwe have it 4,», forte if the \>yo.vrdsde2mu£l: needs. be 'tmderftoocllas‘,if:.we2ha cl,.t'heeVi8co.iy»prefently, then Paul, and it the Chriftianis loft .histtiag;ee;ee weree raifed before5theyl.Were;dead tl17eeC*htifii'ans of follow: A it me (21) A-i ‘ling ages iieiibrcihéy iirerc born :2 ,5 "V HM. 16. 3 5. lYour -' coizfidffifl.’ bazbfz great recomp,em'e.af reward,’ that jig-_., fl1a1lhavc,f73472§. I. 17; __.;Eruejry_.gpodli cometlaldamw from nlyaéve, Anotl as if it mufi nccdsi be coming down A“ '* iwhcn the Apiofllei fpalmitihiofcwords gbut that whenfo- -vl cveraniy réceivcs a good gift, iris from God‘: But why» db we fight againii God: is it not the teftimonyof the holy Ghofi as expréfs asw1ordsijcanMd’el~ivcr itntlmt nzitb» . ~ amrpm/‘wzzl impmiéleilza jaleizfe Gadget to be pleafing unto God, asfinaghwas by Faith, Hell). 11. 5, 6:; It wasa popij-a'nfwer"thiat Mr‘. Eyre gave to"Mi:. lGood,% véhelnihciaskcdihim, Whether Godliwcrc well pleafed A < with unrcgencfratc %men,to fay,Hc was well pleafccl with? lunregeneratc mien; but nmotwithwtheir unregencracy 5» lasiif God were wcli pleafed with un_1*egcneira‘tc«men~i whilcs unieigehéijélt¢;%;;l;Vbutafterwards were we1liipic:zi'ecI‘ with their"iJ1‘1rcgenerz1cyalfo. i l « ~ = i A ~"'Thclikelanfvvc?r‘I lgivéto Rom.ii5. 10.; vv¢We1'ei iiré-I co7m‘led;mm God by t/‘ye z:{e4_tlr cf" /mi: Swag to wit, That" Chrifis’ deathwas the price of our Rcconciliarion,~andi 170 it is through the cjhtathof Qhxift that lwic are it»- conclilcscll be it whcn it willgbe that we: are reconciled: Here «then we mulidifiinguifh, as in were of three Peri- ods of thé will of God; 1. As it“ may be conceived, V immedinrly after firi committed, bcforctlleiconfidefira- 7 1‘ tffionof ”th‘e}dcarl1 ofCh.rifi : Andnow is the Lordm: enmity with ithcifin1*i'er,thoi1ighl not avcrfe from all*vimysll A andmcans”, by which he may return to.Fricndfl17ip with A him again. 2;. ‘As it may be conlccivedlalftcrlthc c:ohfi-i- i deration of t‘h1!;Ci€;§.tli1d»fiC?§i1ji‘i»i’c:; ‘anldinoWislthclL'ord% ‘n‘oto'n¢lyhappeal’abllc, 1;>utdothlalfd ~~lpromife that jhle‘ will hi: reconciled with finners, upon fuch? ccrms as ‘A him.-~ ~ (22) ‘himfe1ffl1aAl1prop0fe« As the fame will of God may be cqnfiaetedaftcrianinitcrceffion on1AC‘hriflspatt.A andAI.ja§thilAO£JiAthiC“fiflflfifs part, and now is God aétually ~recI?0nciletl and, inlaPriendfl1ip-with the finner-.-, when then the Apoflle faiys,We are reconciled through the dealt/9 of C/m_‘ff, hedmzhnot mean, That immediatly upontheil deathaof Cl11‘ll3:W€_ are aélually reconciled hntn God ~ (for in the very“ next veirfe he faith, That through CIhti»fi:2w, btwg :aaw(ancl not before)lrem”vedtbe atom’-»A A mem~,i cit reconciliation which in lainet termais this A A ' 2 P .- a That now, that is, fince we are Believets,we are aétual-« A iy ‘reconciled unto God .) “But his; meaning is, That ithrOugll1djWfid¢A3CI”Iia£“Afl“Q*‘1“’l*1‘i'W”il3Ai5.g;7Tli3a:EiL¥h¢vP1Z0mif¢QE reconcilxanonxs made, by andaecordtng to Which we i are aétuallyreconciled unto God after we believe, fuit:- able to thatiof theLord Jefus, ‘W213 23 the New Tefia-A i mentinmy Hana’ (obtained and l'eal¢C;l A by my A lblood) A nzbicbwxazs jhed far the Remzjfinrz at théifin: af many, Match. '2 6 . 2 8 .- The g1*ountlt)f:a4ill~thisis, becaAufe'thc death of Chtifi was notfolmia ejiifdfim, but tantidem, A not the payrnent of that which wanscin the obligation, butioif the equivalent, being not the payment ofthci debtor, but of thefutety gancl therefore it cloth not de-- livcra iflfifafiog but according to the compact and» agr:¢aemA¢ntbctw¢en the FA3ther»& himalWhcnh¢under«"A ‘ too-l{;'t¢"K:b,fi,o'3urlfuryfiwty If a dehtQti;Ahringme what he A *3:W¢$.lm5a‘ it difchargcth hitimip»refentIy; but the pay-~ a meat of la futety, isa payment refufable of it felflandl I l therefore acfleéts" not the difcharge of the principaal» A d¢btA®r,AA blltat ithé time, and according to the Cifmcllgtl-* OHS agmcd “P0'l1b¢UY€€fl lithe Surety andtrthc Creditor.., If then out Advetfatxesicould prove, either that it % 4 Athewill of satin giving (233 _ up eChrii{t_ to the death, lope the will of Chriffin giving himfelfto the death,1:l;a: xgehlis deathlofAe‘fh0_*ul§l be available :20 A the ;:imeined;iaete V and eéhzal e.ReAe0mcfi1l1aAtl10maend JAufll1=fica.l:1oeno;f xhe efin‘- « mar, wlithoue any lcndmon Aperformecl em eetlac llisnnems part, it were %lA‘emeAtAhin:g to the purpofe :¢BeutatAill this be e dlonAe (whllch ;mdeedAcan never _be done) they were as A good fay nAethmg= AWhenChr1fi gwes us an Aaceeunlt I bAt»l*At4A*t.ined etzcrml A Redemption for A 2%,, AA 12, Vvhiche Redemption is the RcmiQf filéées, ply. 3u!'ThCTCiSIlcl1f0.fl IuP:ifi~cateion‘exlem.- V pl:?;—:¥?'rIAed Airi the refurreétion of Chriflg, vvl1ci- himfelfxvas V jAullil1ed in his own refu1*re&iom, 6: thereby became the A of which themfelves llhall alfo be juflified inlfuch exemplary eaufe elf Iuftification no ebelAicvers,byevertue tixnfim ( 24 ) time, "anel uiponlfuch terms as {hall be iaigreecl ljp-fin“-‘be.’-L. he tweenthelFa;therandChriii !(I ufethe term of max. emplairy caufe, rarherlthen of acommbn perfonl, be- caufe aellcommon iperfon maybe «the effzfl: of thofe whom he re.prefem:s(as the Parliamenti of the Com... i1.'I10l1W€aith)fI butChrifl is fuch a ‘common per-(on) lag that he is the ciiiufeiiofe rhofe whom hlerireprefents in cve_.e ry thing inveflwhieh he reprefents them) ‘fo théitwihenlwe he Tfay, We are jufliri ed in Ch1*if’c5i:he meaning is dq morg but l:hiS5ThatCi1rifl: is made the “eaufe ainde,_patcr4n,gc. A cording to which Jullification {hall certainly follow on tilCII1iEi13.i£_b€1i€Vli‘ : Butwhatis4twhis”t0'“0urdeliveranceA rfromeondémnaerenlew by it before we believe «I Should a man argue thus in’-any other benefits we receive by Chriff and from Chrift as the exemplary.ecaaufe, he would rriake himfelf deiielreae ‘iivedlyridiculeousg For example, Wei are {aid to beelrri. lfenwith Chrill, Chr.-if’: himfelf being rifen from;-hei , deed; and become the fmit: ofeVe;/mgr;/‘,4; 1 Cor. I 5. ac). So that C hriit in his re('urre&iol"n, is the exemplary caufe of our rCflir1;Ci5i:iOrl,‘lfl whichweearc etherefoirefaid to éemftbe imzzge of the /yem;azyAda,1; ru £rfe49X’V0ulldanyrfober Amara infer 5 Therefore on; .mieneeperfonalV.1*efm:re-, fonalyuniontwhich would denommate us as truly to be the Spirit of God, as the like union in the man Chrifl: _ A Jefusdid denorninate him to be the Sonof :God;‘ , The Spirit therefore muft be {aid to be given to us, inireigardoffortféffétrtrziiiartiopetatiohswhich he Work» eth in us, which are incornrnrmicablep to rhofewhieli " have not the Spirit: fo that commonrconviétions, il“lu- Ininations,humi1iations,{'ome joys of heart, 82 the like; whichareatranfient;Wotks of the , Spirit, common tor hit them thactptaire faved and to them that pcrifh, H ab. 6 . 4. M4tth.1..3;2o.iand allpother works whichvmay eithcrgo before or-“be without Faith; thefe are none ofthemrifuch’ ]tinde.o€»?wori’f.i,iFaich, is ameeir"nor;-feqizimrg, ,jahdii§,contrar,y‘tb; the ‘ii‘ireecived‘ i” 29) ‘received maximfie, Pofim rduj}ziniac'fzI, ponimr efifims which rule Mr. Eyre hath often abufed, to pmv¢aju, Pcification imrnecliatly upon the death or refurreélionl of Chrifl, ‘“and::_ H ab. 3 .. 3. build, and organize, andiprepate, 4 (aswe render the Greek word,[Luke1. 17.) the foul to " e ’ bea houfe untohlimifelf, and then by;theiiefamewfijirit dwells in it irnmediatly;And this is that which I would have fpolcen ipubliquely in anfwer to this Argurnent, if Mr. Eyre had not been beyond meafute 0l1)ft1‘cp-’:"'1_‘0uS. Yet here it may be detnanded,W/actlzer Faith itfelfbe mptlgie/an tom 61+-uertue aft/2:: CawmntAm4de..wit/2 M. V Anfw. Faith is notgiven to usby vertue ofithe Co»- venant made with L135,‘ lbfut byvercue of the ’Covenant ‘ maticwith Chrifl: 5 thatis, God hath ptomifed andt:o~ ‘ i vaxanted with Chriil, that if he will layldown hislife V A forthe redemption of finners, thofeifinners (hall be drawn to believe in Chrifi, and thereby to pa~rtalt bcfoirie, niotwithfianding the fame Covenant pri0mi1'eFaith.[ 2. Butupcinia mofl: ;ferious iperufal of this Text,’ finde‘ lb ;;0n’tradi€toryVit;C5‘ £9’???-S pmpbfe, that I- cawnncatbixt wonder what he means I10 lhelter his Opini— 4 ma under the protefiiolxulofitl: If we read the words;~~in. lHeb. 8, 10. or 35:7‘. 3 I . 3~.and compare them_With0ther' iplaces iofl. Scripture, we fhallfinde three things of di- flinéi confideration_.,the ccinfufion of which is the onlj} fuppqrt of this feeble Argument-,; 1. There is the mat- ter and bleflings ofmthe Covenaneon Gods pm, I mill ; 66 their lG0d,(§" .f’3l€yf/11¢/[:53 pcaplefln which words, as many blefiingstcmpolral and eternalare promifed -.;, iifoilpeculiarly pardon of'fin,mentioned in the words next‘ % following (for which theCovenant on Mount S2_Emii,tol ‘ which this oppofed, made no provifion) andthert-fore. when the Apofile mentijcmeth this. Coverianta i ain, he leaves out thofewords, I mix balzzmr God, A c; and takeisiilnoiticelof the great bleffing contl5ained‘ in them,“ V -nlame1y;Pardemi of fin, Heé. xo. 17. 2. There is ex:- prefled the bond and condition of it on our part, and~ thateis, Faith; which is confelledlyfignified in Vthofei iwofdis, 4 of puttting Gad: Laws in our mimde:,4M.mria- letirzg tlmmiinlaur [warts .:-A In thefe two t’liings~- isthe re» A V norand formality of theWNew Covenant: They that believe, the Lord will lbpetheirilG0d,;A andthey {hall be A hisizllpeoplegand this is theC0venantfo long before pro- mifed,ibutmoPc exprefly Eneéicdiiliin the daysofNthc i A A l cw‘ l A (323 New Teflament. But thirdly, There is alfo aProtnife‘AA l and Declaration that God will work this conclition,byh A which, ntenmall hAaveraninterc{l¥inthis Covenangand 1 a tight andtitle to the bleflilngs thereof it I will A pat my a lamb‘ into their minder, that is, I will give them Faith ; A which Faith is not‘protnil'ed as an effeét of the Cove- nant alteadye‘m_ade’, but as the means by tvhichweare l A broughtiinto Covenant, and thereby invefled in a right to all the blellings of it: so that the » words are in this fenfe, Thisis the Covenant iwhich I will make with the A houfe of ffreel, whenl {hall wtitemyp Laws in their G A heatts,Ipwill be their ‘Godr,é'c. I do not herein give the GrammaticalTtanflationriitheflswotdtgthoughiF"a ilmanlhould read the words thus, This is the Covenant which I will make, faith the Lordtthatgiveth his Laws , into their mindes, ‘2nd."Wl‘itCth them in their heart, chm‘. t ‘WlIh"tl1Cll‘Wll'0l€ heart,andthe caufe of this return, :1 i he would befofat i‘fro;EnofFcring violence, either to the Greel<'1"ran'llation of the *LXX,which the Apoltle fol- lows,or to the Hebrhew Text in the Prophet, asthat he mightjultifie it bytnany examples. But the rnatltet is of noconfequence at all to eeAither’ title: You fee the ferife which‘I'give of the words. A A At 6 f A Andthat ‘thisis thettue fenfe of the place, is molt evi- (dent, if ‘we cotnpateitwith other Scriptures where this ‘ Covenantis mentioned : For example, §l3er.. 24. 7. I willgit2e"tbem4n heart to know me that I amt/2: Lard; } ” andrihey /lm/I be mypcaple, and! will [at tberir Gad : for i "Al (or when) they {hall return unto me with etlzcirlrrlmlet pp iimzrgwhere we have the very fame Arguments as here, i _?£Ji»'{_.lThe _blefl'ingsptomifed,l I mi[l6et’/aeirG_od .- The a condition onthe peoples part, whiclh is their returning will gave them an 5e.m.- the Apofile is yet more tdiaina, Heh.1o.’14,1 5,16, 17.“ He proves that Chriflhath forever A perfeifed them that are i/mflificd tvhereof? (faith he) the A holy Ghofl 13‘ ?11i‘7'il1¢'€i:?i.‘.IOii'i.iSr.5 for after that he haidifiaid he- f0re,Thi.ti: the Cowhmt that I will make with them)! will put my law: into their he:z_rt~--Amltheir gmalethelr im'- qaitiies I will rememher mmore .- Before whichlaflz words mufi be repeated thefe(The24,hefl¢ith) ,0‘: (T hen it follow- eth)‘ and fo the whole fentence runneth thus. For after he had {aid bei'0re,I nzillpht my lam imta the2rA,ihe:zrt5;~,then he i faithflheirfim éz-‘their ihiquitie: I mil irememher no more; which ciauie (as is already obfetved) is one cf the fpecial . and noble bleflings Contained in thatgeneral, promife, I will he their God, amlth ey flmll he my people; from which V diitribution of the words of the Covenangwe rnay(as be- fore) iobferve, I . ‘Where begins the grand promife ofthe Covenant, to war, in thofe words, I will he their Goa’, Mad they [ball he my people. 2.The Qgalification of the petfons to whom this promife is made, They are fuch in whofe hearts Gods Laws are written, that is, fuch as believe. 3. Theiefficient caufe of this their Faith, and that is,God himfelf,Im’llwritcmy lambs‘ in t,heirheazrts.~ The fame Cog’ venant is delivered in other terms in SC1‘iptlJ1‘C,in all which the giving of thefirlt Grace is promifed, not as a part of the Covenant, but as the means and qualification on mans part for his entrance into Covenant, as E:(_ek. 11.; I9, 20. I wilput :1 new firitwithin them__,th4t they may walk in my fifiamres and dot em; and they flmll he my people, and I will he their God, which is the fum of the tCovenant on Gods part; {O in E{_ek.36.a5,26,27,28. Again, the Lord pro» mifeth, That he will cleanfe and purifie them; and fothey {hall be his ~pcopIe,and he will be their God, E{_elt. 37.2 3 . which is the grand prornife of the New Teftarnent, as the icon» A "(:4 ‘2 A G:Q11t¢Xt makes it met1ifefl:Ar1d A3fter%he had prorhifed that tiheylhoultltwalkinlhisijudgcmentsa and obferve hislla-J ;:;ures;ir"fo11ows,Moreover,;zmzzmake 4 Carzzcmrztafpeace them : itjhall 131: Am; A evérlaflzzag Coveeem‘, which in A Afumislthis, naaz*rz1‘AmIae2rc;w/,r ktrzdtlzeyfiaalléwerzay people, verfer24,26?'"z7. ‘~ A _ A 'IA‘heprem1fAesberngconfidered, rt 15311 335% lnatter to take the elevation of all the-Ltrengtlr which our opponents can gethertout of this Text Ifrheyjwill argue 1“ightly,they muft cal’: their Argument into fome ifuch form aswthis, They chncerning whom God hath promifecl that he will give them Faith=Athcyar¢inC<>V¢nr-nrlbtfore rhc>'b¢1iev<== t A lBu‘t‘c0nCelrningthe eleleft, God hath gromifed thathe will give them Faith. Ergo, Hetethe mm] or is utterly untrue E Iv for the promife of Faith (which in reference to us is rather aDeclararion, defmmro, of what God will do, then a pro» , mire) is the protmfe of the condrtron by which we are brought into Covenant; and therefore, though Goal harhr4 A declared that he will give Falthglt will by no means follow A that we are in Covenant before Farith: But let them frame their Argument how they pleafe, 1t concerns not {pt to be foliciroua about that.I lhztl advance oneArgument agaixtfl them fromthis their place ofrefuge, and pafs on : If God A be t‘1otAthe.C5.odof any, Vn0,1‘"tl1€yl1rl3 people before} they» believe, them none are in Covenant with God be-forethley A believe ”: But Godis mt the God of ‘any beforertheyhe-Q lieve». V A ll Ergo, For the ptr0pQ§fiElQl1ra‘l‘lt‘3:'lSJ’Cl€fiiltl;1t¢ of cm-g; mflhfenfe that {hallo deny it: The beingof t~heCro_verzan:r A A corrfifls in that propriety which God hathin remand we in ' him. 'I:he Affumption iS;..pl7.QV€d thus, If tlligodg };>1:oe1r1.il'e give Fa1th.,!tha%tW€ may be htspeople, &: he our GoAd:;t~hetll A tell that F'a1th.be grtten,AA heislnot our God, not we rhtlsrpeo~ glee; for it lsintvain for God tor give faith for arnlendg which A A V A may they be wailcAnQ11gh7attained§witMhot1t»Eaith:B.ut God prov» mifcth .t<>.eive Eaiith, that he Wye b¢ Qur God and We his v=0p1¢~;$r-'r»i3e[I -3? 3‘~He5~3>I9-EM-II4I9:20 ‘Ur and 36- 25, 26327»28e-8637-zéaizea26sz7zb¢fid¢s~mv1tirudcs Offithtr Scvriphtures. havetomtiy onepbfervation-to addc, which zhemon leatnedamohgftthejetviflm and Chriflian Wri- ters do often take notice of, and that is this : That iGo.d is, never{21i:i to beot1tGod in reference to his giving of the firfl: grac}e,f' but oneIy‘inf’1‘eferenc.e_ itothe hlefiings twhichh he promifethto them that have Faith _., %Hee'2. ,1 IL. 16. He is not our God that he may give us” Faithibutis everyVwhe§;e V {aid to give us Faith, that he may be our God : mtimee edffrve Wee“ eevele» Were ewe W ewele of GM». And now I might {pare the piainsi offutther proofof the po{ition.1a{tdefe11decI; Ce) yetto the Scriptures a1teady§1“;§fi;{; it advanced,Ietme add :3 a few more,Iflxi.5 3. 3. Come zmto me art: not in _(th:1tis, Beheive in me, 930/m 6. 35.) and I will melee an em C0V'<'m“‘ t h . . .~ i h - h before vverlaflzzeg Covenant week yew. 2;. 'I“he4v01cetofthe Gofpel 1:m;,_e (which is the Covenant of Grace) is_ every where, Beliervet in the Lord ffefmjafld time [belt be /Zzrueel ‘:, in oppofitionto the Covenant of Works,i which fiaith, Do this and live, Ale-?0hm.i ttioii; 5' ~. 6i,9;This iisthe icovenatnt whereof Chrift is Me»- d1iator,_He6.9. 1 5 . That they eke: are mlledgunto Faith)jhell receive the premzfeoftbe eternal £72/aerizvmee. A 3. The C02 4 i A venantof Grace is fireachcd to every rntn, and every man A called upon to fulfi 3 the co-nditions of it, hithaithhe may rer ‘ it ceivethiei hlieiflings iofitgvhichi condition‘ is Faithfleéj. 4,. in. 2510.15 there an ahfolute prornife made to every ~man,,that A Godwill oivehim grace 2’ or is it fenfe re exhort mento ~ take /aeglelev Gods Ce*ve:ee;et'(as the phrafe is,Ifzt.56*.4,6.)ot _7t0 entetinto Covenant with God, if the Covenant be iAone1y an ahfointe prohiifee oneefiods parts’ or to exhort men V I0’ (6) me; i'ietIf'a£t‘~in the-Cofvenaentt as (me, to hold are me o‘ frzhit/J, Mz4ltbeirco;¢Ji5'de}¢cez:n hblrrifl ?as‘thie Scfipifuresiarci wontto do, Heme-I 2»I3« iriasandlr 9-i23~ i0r roaccttfciand 51?1i1’I1¢;i iandidam 9 fi1€i¥!‘*f07fUnb¢1ii€fs ea‘fiid"'r¢i¢fliIIg of that Gofpei ‘VVRS4IiZ‘jéVCf\1{flOW’fl‘fh3I men hfliouid heconnted A worthy of deathgetfor’ notbeing the ebjaas of an abfoiute promife 6* 4.: If the Covenant ofgrace be anabfolute pro- mii'e,then no men in the world but wicked 85 ungodiymeni are in covenant with God : Whena covenant is tiuifiilediit ceafeth to be any more a-covenant. In this life we are pros» petlyifaid to be in covenant with God; when we {hail be perfected in glory in the heavenly kingdom,we hcanot_pto~ perlybe {aid to be in covenant: Now abfolute iprornifes of grace are madeonely to wicked men 5 when grace is given them, then is the covenant fo fat forth fulfilled, and fo far i » A forth they ceafe to be in covenantgand {'0 none but wicked‘ i men {hall be petfeftly in covenantwith Gods“ But it is be» ‘ A hide my putpofe 8: work to follow this tputfiiitany further. Thus then you have with adtantage, the Copyoii the Sermon you have often defined 5 to which, though it is likely fomthing is or wili be {aid (whichat this diiihance I am never like to hear of)yet {tire I am,that nothing can be anfweiredtconfiifiaent with tiheitmth of SCI‘l.p¥.'u1‘CS~.«I am {my for the breaches that are amongft yougfor the grief of the godly, and the hatdning of multitudes to their ownde-A fitufiion. The Godand ‘Father of theLotdJefus refloiee tyouito peace, and quiet that fpitit of Divifion that isgonc abroad amongii yo‘n:to his Grace 1 commend you,& ran, 1mj)i*imatur,i (Jaiamy. h _ Tazm in tberzeerefi liazzdraii Msayh 2.6. 1652.. A i ' h h V h V