3L 5' . OICI ’ A A F O R % C , SINNERS REPENTING. DELIVERED I A y In 3 S 8 ‘R M 0 .7\[_ by the Right Reverend Father in Gad, B F. 1 A N D u P P A',n0W T Bifhop of Sc:/zlixéwgz. % mi o-N D o N; Printed for R I c m R0 2% str 0 N at the ;dr1gelinAI-v~y-lama; ‘ M.,.Dc. XLVIIL a A % 3L 5' . OICI ’ A A F O R % C , SINNERS REPENTING. DELIVERED I A ' In 3 S 8 ‘R M 0 .7\[_ by the Right Reverend Father in Gad, B F. 1 A N D u P P A',n0W T Bifhop of Sc:/zlixéwgz. % mi o-N D o N; Printed for R I c m R0 2% str 0 N at the ;dr1gelinAI-v~y-lama; ‘ M.,.Dc. XLVIIL a A % V **Wi1%E3‘ mmwf Wk) as‘ if "Tb ‘' %a>vp«been X%’*mZin;,ia1prne5% waS Wm “ y; . C V ‘ ‘ r , ‘V, :3 ‘. «‘ y(\ ‘‘ r I 4 r‘ ‘ \ . “ 5 ‘ ~ ..;z..A « ~ /‘ ~:g;-:«.a*s.'»:*~....;:~st-* 4 / - I4 .~. // W. «A 35 ‘ .......... N _~_ M I , \ x ‘ _ ‘ I ‘ “ .2 w - ‘. W L ,» .1 L. r. ., ‘__ V W _ . \. V “ .. I v ., ‘ J »‘ “"‘ ' “~ "" “ o’."W “' n‘ m’-‘ "“ ~ ‘- ‘ . .“H‘=““'.w . ‘ - , ! 4 v,’ V ‘ ‘ \ . ‘ ‘ ‘ r’ ' ‘ »r ‘x n v‘ ‘ v ‘ L A . . . ‘ ‘. ‘ ‘Y . u WU , m “ ‘ , . “ 1 .. M ‘ ,- ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ : x w hr’ -4 M. “ y » ‘ ‘I ‘ ‘V r . V ‘ V .‘ , ' “ -‘ ‘ .~ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ . l?iW' 6 1' fit)» untaJ*0wsTW z1'J'%05'%%W79%e V “S‘:W¢V‘/W ?’?]’9”W77~A[ ”f°L{"Ti ’ ‘ ” An never yet invchted“ more _waies~ to d4m;_z A V»hirm%:J1f:; when hath'jd’e>&1e; :oq‘A4¢;ehim‘;; V n?:>r»vwas*h¢» ?e‘v¢Wia1‘itéd Fifir”o%V%Vrn%o‘rc fluapcs df * A flmzo, than his %”saviour ‘h'ath~be'en bfmcray Fm as beforchis ‘7inc:’a»rnati’AéVfIic rgelites “A % ~ A ¢%Ahad~~a»rEV1du»d to uflier them,‘ and égod was in 5t:ih"at;.c1l:€>ud ,.;w ~i4M#“4«es’i~iiad ft flame rd him,‘ ,%an”d ‘j was fihaai? «flaw: « Etzuawadav~oic¢%ro:¢a11tc5 *Ifi’rra;,,i and%G&od%was in: :%$mar~ i?rv:3iq‘e¥;*iVif6~afrcr in:c:’scmatc,V when ht‘: ébcmrnée Qftls 3 vim ,«zzlWt»;‘l exce~p¢ed,*% wl:’z’o~l1 "f. ‘ I. 5' ;§cfu~“oLagh%4"?;.%ihé%guf22é“k§‘?%%ih€% wafiole (if is Vmmcufiesg paw a*>*11i.%*;{iaa§e»sx¢o ~g%;1~iné?S*oj% »'_.n‘ .:,.1':r‘”‘f.«.~...$ {.35 fig; V **Wi1%E3‘ mmwf Wk) as‘ if "Tb ‘' %a>vp«been X%’*mZin;,ia1prne5% waS ~ ..;z..A « ~ /‘ ~:g;-:«.a*s.'»:*~....;:~st-* 4 / - I4 .~. // W. «A 35 ‘ .......... N _~_ M I , \ x ‘ _ ‘ I ‘ “ .2 w - ‘. W L ,» .1 L. r. ., ‘__ V W _ . \. V “ .. I v ., ‘ J »‘ “"‘ ' “~ "" “ o’."W “' n‘ m’-‘ "“ ~ ‘- ‘ . .“H‘=““'.w . ‘ - , ! 4 v,’ V ‘ ‘ \ . ‘ ‘ ‘ r’ ' ‘ »r ‘x n v‘ ‘ v ‘ L A . . . ‘ ‘. ‘ ‘Y . u WU , m “ ‘ , . “ 1 .. M ‘ ,- ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ : x w hr’ -4 M. “ y » ‘ ‘I ‘ ‘V r . V ‘ V .‘ , ' “ -‘ ‘ .~ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ . l?iW' 6 1' fit)» untaJ*0wsTW z1'J'%05'%%W79%e V “S‘:W¢V‘/W ?’?]’9”W77~A[ ”f°L{"Ti ’ ‘ ” An never yet invchted“ more _waies~ to d4m;_z A V»hirm%:J1f:; when hath'jd’e>&1e; :oq‘A4¢;ehim‘;; V n?:>r»vwas*h¢» ?e‘v¢Wia1‘itéd Fifir”o%V%Vrn%o‘rc fluapcs df * A flmzo, than his %”saviour ‘h'ath~be'en bfmcray Fm as beforchis ‘7inc:’a»rnati’AéVfIic rgelites “A % ~ A ¢%Ahad~~a»rEV1du»d to uflier them,‘ and égod was in 5t:ih"at;.c1l:€>ud ,.;w ~i4M#“4«es’i~iiad ft flame rd him,‘ ,%an”d ‘j was fihaai? «flaw: « Etzuawadav~oic¢%ro:¢a11tc5 *Ifi’rra;,,i and%G&od%was in: :%$mar~ i?rv:3iq‘e¥;*iVif6~afrcr in:c:’scmatc,V when ht‘: ébcmrnée Qftls 3 vim ,«zzlWt»;‘l exce~p¢ed,*% wl:’z’o~l1 "f. ‘ I. 5' ;§cfu~“oLagh%4"?;.%ihé%guf22é“k§‘?%%ih€% wafiole (if is Vmmcufiesg paw a*>*11i.%*;{iaa§e»sx¢o ~g%;1~iné?S*oj% »'_.n‘ .:,.1':r‘”‘f.«.~...$ {.35 fig; 7*'~I'h”;1t ’itPara'h—le§_’ are p , _ wwgs Tra"vclle1*,. he cavlils, law the may 5 To the benightedh he fl‘§W5s‘’~’'»‘ ‘/75 by” 5 To 9P?°ii§ !p:k£"'l’darg£'P. Looks forhxm anwngi W s i" We Baptifittpoinrs hxm ¥°“§«7f’ or if * phors be but tveiball itransfiiguiingsitiraclt {him this pa- 3 tables, whiich, are more;ncaI1;t‘ iffyougmcet tltereiwitii e tthatt V gro‘omeit,»ifi-he 19 that Bt1degroi0nn'Le“tig~ 1f’,;}z’ot1:{'eeithie m2t}¢=itI1Bat brings back his loft {hcep in triumph, _he,isthat mm or fiifyon find aiwomian, that ca‘1ls_herntfrien‘ds to joy with her, Rej'0z'c'e,forI ljavefomd the piece which I baa’ loft‘; know that t ti}-a'tepz'et'e is thy~SouIe, ithofe efrz'emz'.veare~ the Angels, he is that ngamagg too 5*“ FQ1‘ of that Parable, this A Text is the rnorall, the meaning ofthe Parable, Likewzfi 'fiJiflet¢W;i flier? is M if’ Wpnflfeve eftt/ve Angel? of Gada?uerp22e;Szm2ex-1:/mt repgntetb. » ,. U rm n t i < 4-“v. i 1') ‘' h 5- t “ W - i§’tu1j‘es~,.i V ¢§4tbn;éi4flzz&~3~teI?Is. but withall, fuch pxftutes a§;_i3‘1aVC7iE_i1¢ifjvgflvlfiflfefifiglg. t*h"e‘i1- fl1a- dows, their curtatnes dtaphanous enough for the eye of wfaitht :9 look thvroughe t/butnot f0_Fth¢:€Y¢i.Cfl1flb€1i¢f0ft §g.f!$?!‘§1I1c'c«n ; E04-‘?ina~s Saint i‘!1ier0iW€t counfcllcd 21 Roman A :kr:ep;hctftnti.yi0;ungti;:i.Daught¢t:ifi'om lfiadingtof the CdeticlassimyWestt2a2¢;_iivt.6!1z;g¢¢»:tit-mzbzmzrem, left t~h¢;iS9uIc»thaciundcrfieod mouth‘: fpz'rz'm-4/1 fcnfc, iflwtunld IJ¢i17if11~in‘;thelitw!/5: Qrais thofc Images, which the ipiiisealit t..*n1‘{i€*?4?3“f??4-i5’3¥?e?T:;:§h¢;1:?lY":lTl¢I1S , bookai being A i,g¥3i:£‘?“,d°ifhQQ5;i;',Ri1tQ§ PI:g.Ya%:.";hhh¢h.FQQ.I.eS iI_d.<:21attry «Io thdffi 4 ’1mages,ai WCIC. , if 3) were t‘cal*l"”id. to rejoiccforboth.‘ Bin: what this was to them ,'what iharet~he_y had either this jay 01'?/mt rem. vz/erjr, they hadl I10,t“heard till he that tnaciexheir eares*ap- plied itto theirl1eatts‘Witl1ran"om; Aéfw Jury, Li,(’ewzflg' I fay zmta“you;,...I thatcame to heale that which was “woun- dcdMvQ‘itO‘ bind? up that which was broken, to fave that wliicltwasl l0flZ' ; e I, that have left the ninety nine in the Deferral, all i the Angels in heaven (for fo the Fathers in-. t terpretit) to find out one wanderer; I fizy,» zmta you, toym “Sinners , that come neer to heare me -, to you Pharifees, that murmure, becaufe thefe Sinners come {'0 neer rnee.-, to you that know not what the value of a Sule is, what mufirckis in the groans, orwhat beauty is intheteares of a fad convert, I fay toytm, there is joy in the prfince aft/we Angel: of God 0"ZJ.¢‘.’}‘ me Simmer t/mt repmtctlr. . A t i The authority of'theSpeaIe7e, l‘il‘rej0ir8 ; V or as ifthathadeheentoo little, :9 iii; emefeell be exceeding igl4d.;'lTtL1e,ibutiii~m9izas;ihithei% ?’£P1’0tl6'b_€.$' ;i 50 S21int:lPzml had; his 0], but it was ?in‘“hisl afl- flzfiiam‘ .- the Marty;rs.had theirwjoy, butitevvas inwthcit bitter fizfi'erz'ng.r.l The few notes’ they heard of joy were but-hl&e the breakings of an Eccho, a word Imj,;ttW0 ;tl1C: heard, but : not afentence 5OI',1lkC,aI.RiHgOfBfIShill'l121.hlg{ wind, they heard fomeimperfeét founds of it, but they Tcould!not heare the Leflbn. F ‘ ' 7 ~ A 7 A Yctmiflake me not, I would not have you hAalIllg.,dO.Wl1 v \ ' your headsat this, or becaufc the Earth is not: your, Hcaw vcn, therefore to make it yourI—Iell_o:l For as gold ¢hk%eep”s the nameolmgthc lcafe aswell as mthe wedge, in the come as in the bull-ion; or as he that fees a beam: or two fhine V through the crevicewofa wall, «may fay‘ he fees the Sun--; fla.ine,o.as we-11:38 he thatwalksi: abroad gt fol-neither are ,,we‘i: fo :de£htute of ha11.»comfort,.but.i we may:fay;iluthcrct1sia= A 4 ‘ lcafcf ~““'--~_..! slit) yettheyewil lie with thee lg {but the dot: iofifthy. e1ofet,.yct they will come in unto thee: For the t1:'l51t:l‘1.1S‘,fZl.i1lil1;aSLgiBW’-2 mm’, rm; eff qaem fug:£gEvery 111 imari hath his enicmyr within him, lhisfivowne he*art«.ca1ls tQihim‘:;7 as IliS,ldfd'fin}’th& vjfign 3‘-€g0T1:‘Z.bi barztféa cwfiti, A I é*m:.tl1é caufe e7e, l‘il‘rej0ir8 ; V or as ifthathadeheentoo little, :9 iii; emefeell be exceeding igl4d.;'lTtL1e,ibutiii~m9izas;ihithei% ?’£P1’0tl6'b_€.$' ;i 50 S21int:lPzml had; his 0], but it was ?in‘“hisl afl- flzfiiam‘ .- the Marty;rs.had theirwjoy, butitevvas inwthcit bitter fizfi'erz'ng.r.l The few notes’ they heard of joy were but-hl&e the breakings of an Eccho, a word Imj,;ttW0 ;tl1C: heard, but : not afentence 5OI',1lkC,aI.RiHgOfBfIShill'l121.hlg{ wind, they heard fomeimperfeét founds of it, but they Tcould!not heare the Leflbn. F ‘ ' 7 ~ A 7 A Yctmiflake me not, I would not have you hAalIllg.,dO.Wl1 v \ ' your headsat this, or becaufc the Earth is not: your, Hcaw vcn, therefore to make it yourI—Iell_o:l For as gold ¢hk%eep”s the nameolmgthc lcafe aswell as mthe wedge, in the come as in the bull-ion; or as he that fees a beam: or two fhine V through the crevicewofa wall, «may fay‘ he fees the Sun--; fla.ine,o.as we-11:38 he thatwalksi: abroad gt fol-neither are ,,we‘i: fo :de£htute of ha11.»comfort,.but.i we may:fay;iluthcrct1sia= A 4 ‘ lcafcf (7) leafe of joy, the Tinfoile of it here, theteare Tome Few glimpfes that (him: in upon us \: but for the fol, the folid, the jubilating joy, looke foriitno longetwin this ‘valley oftearcs : Thereis joy, but not here 5 true joy; but not yet: You tlmtfow in tearer, becertain your /im/1 reap in V jay But be as certain to tarry till the harveflt, you muft ftay, no remedy, n till Heaven be your dwelling, till the Angels be your Partners, incortuption your change, im- mortality your garment: for the eattlnis not the place; dull flefh is not -the fubjeétof it. Find it we (hall, yet » not in the prefence afMm, but of the Angels. Thus ha- ving fhewn you the negative, Where joy is not : My next venture (if It prove not a defperate one) {hall be to rfizgelr. u i i a . A i M 3 He that comes out ofa dark Room intiothe .S€.mfl1ll1t”.'._, a {hall be 1' urei to find ‘¢ his eyes dezeled: Wl1attltenllwillbe~ come ofus, whole eyes it Ari/fotle could fay ) wereitm2~ qmm Nmffme udfialem ?~ how ihall we look on joy of Angels 4.’ {hall we think of the piece they live in, or t.heCompan:y theyenjoy, or the Anthems which they ling,» when one Setaphin eccho’s to-another,’ or when in afull Q_I_Jll‘C they found together their everlafting Heb’:--e lujxbr ? orif we can lift up our thoughts -for Tugihli, {hall we thinle again, how they fee the divine face of God .9 {hew you where it is, em.$vr:avi W. aiyfénwv, in the prcfmte of H a how they joy in that Mirtorehow they exult in that bea- A tifieki vifion e‘ What: fulneflec.’ what ltortentsofpleafure it in fuck. a fight *3 fuch a light, faith aSaintA1z/lire, that if h;l.4u_/we .$3:ir§ the vdamned Spirits could but fee a glirnps~of"it, that ‘W L""'“' very glimpsfqr that time would infufe fuch joy into them as to take away the yfenyfe of all tyheitpaine :“ fucha fight :thatthe reflcéted rnyes 7of.it,— even in life,i gives us that na_:mz.w, that Saint _»73ab:¢ fpcaksof, *~tlmtwmte- , M ,,$,_ A w y R I . 791013 (7) leafe of joy, the Tinfoile of it here, theteare Tome Few glimpfes that (him: in upon us \: but for the fol, the folid, the jubilating joy, looke foriitno longetwin this ‘valley oftearcs : Thereis joy, but not here 5 true joy; but not yet: You tlmtfow in tearer, becertain your /im/1 reap in V jay But be as certain to tarry till the harveflt, you muft ftay, no remedy, n till Heaven be your dwelling, till the Angels be your Partners, incortuption your change, im- mortality your garment: for the eattlnis not the place; dull flefh is not -the fubjeétof it. Find it we (hall, yet » not in the prefence afMm, but of the Angels. Thus ha- ving fhewn you the negative, Where joy is not : My next venture (if It prove not a defperate one) {hall be to rfizgelr. u i i a . A i M 3 He that comes out ofa dark Room intiothe .S€.mfl1ll1t”.'._, a {hall be 1' urei to find ‘¢ his eyes dezeled: Wl1attltenllwillbe~ come ofus, whole eyes it Ari/fotle could fay ) wereitm2~ qmm Nmffme udfialem ?~ how ihall we look on joy of Angels 4.’ {hall we think of the piece they live in, or t.heCompan:y theyenjoy, or the Anthems which they ling,» when one Setaphin eccho’s to-another,’ or when in afull Q_I_Jll‘C they found together their everlafting Heb’:--e lujxbr ? orif we can lift up our thoughts -for Tugihli, {hall we thinle again, how they fee the divine face of God .9 {hew you where it is, em.$vr:avi W. aiyfénwv, in the prcfmte of H a how they joy in that Mirtorehow they exult in that bea- A tifieki vifion e‘ What: fulneflec.’ what ltortentsofpleafure it in fuck. a fight *3 fuch a light, faith aSaintA1z/lire, that if h;l.4u_/we .$3:ir§ the vdamned Spirits could but fee a glirnps~of"it, that ‘W L""'“' very glimpsfqr that time would infufe fuch joy into them as to take away the yfenyfe of all tyheitpaine :“ fucha fight :thatthe reflcéted rnyes 7of.it,— even in life,i gives us that na_:mz.w, that Saint _»73ab:¢ fpcaksof, *~tlmtwmte- , M ,,$,_ A w y R I . 791013 . (3.7 ‘:uiofl‘“wit“fi Goa.’ bimfalf: What heathen? can {Ive Coneeivveeof thofe glorious Creatures, that ‘fee not God, eitherby glz'mps,o1=byreflexion,but fiand under the direét beams, thath~aVe?afi1~lland'getcrnall fight; of him that fee him *a.»g9$.a-5-.m.oz»~ r,-rgj;~¢rg9’a-am-av; fzzae toflure, that heare him even“ A with care to mouth, that are acquainted with the very whifpers of the Trinity. But whitheram». I lcariede fooner ilfhall asparroiéiv drinlce up at the Sea,or a Moale «heave-_the whole Earth out of the Ccn‘teyr,-then the heart ofsman {well to that bignefl‘e,i as to be able to compte—- hend" his joy. _ i at V. Yet as Fathers ufc to acquaint their Heires with their A eftates, before they meane they {hall poflt"e-He them -, fo, be not angry, 6 my God, that we have looked afar off A‘ ‘ into thofc joies which with thy Angels we one day {hall intherit : For though they beof the elder Family, and we likeyongerBrothers,weare about us abocl y offleIh,f'or a note of idifference, yet thisheraldry is not to Iaft El1WEllCS:_‘, for thou halt told us, 6 my Saviour, that even that diffee rencc it {hall betook away, that we {hall be Mai)/]7a.AaI, c-— quall to the Angels, acqualitategratite, thougltnnotlzmmay re, faith Aquz'maa,l in an equality of grace, thoughnot ofnature; “ l ff VI 4% i i l t A Nor lhall we ofiiznd to inlarge this meditation further; to conceive as fome of the Fathers did, that as ‘the An- gels fell from feverall “Hierarchies, form: from being Scraphins, fome Cherubins, Tome Thronesjome out of 2 hivher Seatsafome out of lower: fo on that great Day, F W W en God {hall difiribute his glory among us, we may ~ < ~~ opineatleaft, that into tholie feverall Hierarchiesflwe {hall b'eyafI'umed*:i . for, among the reft, t origen was com» 1 fiden-tly lperfwaded, e Qmidfiyedrum :vz'rz‘zm2 age»; at ‘vim’:-‘ _, a‘et.tL1zacij‘7:rum; L1m_'fe'rz' fcgliu-main Milo; abtineaetg thatfhad l he . (3.7 ‘:uiofl‘“wit“fi Goa.’ bimfalf: What heathen? can {Ive Coneeivveeof thofe glorious Creatures, that ‘fee not God, eitherby glz'mps,o1=byreflexion,but fiand under the direét beams, thath~aVe?afi1~lland'getcrnall fight; of him that fee him *a.»g9$.a-5-.m.oz»~ r,-rgj;~¢rg9’a-am-av; fzzae toflure, that heare him even“ A with care to mouth, that are acquainted with the very whifpers of the Trinity. But whitheram». I lcariede fooner ilfhall asparroiéiv drinlce up at the Sea,or a Moale «heave-_the whole Earth out of the Ccn‘teyr,-then the heart ofsman {well to that bignefl‘e,i as to be able to compte—- hend" his joy. _ i at V. Yet as Fathers ufc to acquaint their Heires with their A eftates, before they meane they {hall poflt"e-He them -, fo, be not angry, 6 my God, that we have looked afar off A‘ ‘ into thofc joies which with thy Angels we one day {hall intherit : For though they beof the elder Family, and we likeyongerBrothers,weare about us abocl y offleIh,f'or a note of idifference, yet thisheraldry is not to Iaft El1WEllCS:_‘, for thou halt told us, 6 my Saviour, that even that diffee rencc it {hall betook away, that we {hall be Mai)/]7a.AaI, c-— quall to the Angels, acqualitategratite, thougltnnotlzmmay re, faith Aquz'maa,l in an equality of grace, thoughnot ofnature; “ l ff VI 4% i i l t A Nor lhall we ofiiznd to inlarge this meditation further; to conceive as fome of the Fathers did, that as ‘the An- gels fell from feverall “Hierarchies, form: from being Scraphins, fome Cherubins, Tome Thronesjome out of 2 hivher Seatsafome out of lower: fo on that great Day, F W W en God {hall difiribute his glory among us, we may ~ < ~~ opineatleaft, that into tholie feverall Hierarchiesflwe {hall b'eyafI'umed*:i . for, among the reft, t origen was com» 1 fiden-tly lperfwaded, e Qmidfiyedrum :vz'rz‘zm2 age»; at ‘vim’:-‘ _, a‘et.tL1zacij‘7:rum; L1m_'fe'rz' fcgliu-main Milo; abtineaetg thatfhad l he 1“; 1 i It/erthraw, there we wfihlyfeen 4 tree}: efflngelst to g I sang the eEmperoerspartg;ag4i;z/3 theme; but; what Angel 'jioy7d, thi.l'lk_yOl13Mihl3I'I*‘th3.ilZ‘it1‘lC wasitmader ‘yet on the _ot-herglfide, iw¢ai'.enotgt0‘dcnyi (9) ” he been of Pcrength enough to have overcome Leeifér » in temptation that was “once theichief ofAngels,i God A iwoulci have given him Luezferi feat in Heaven : therefore calls Repen- tance, LabariofamB4ptr'/'mwm, :aflabo.rious, a painfulli Baptifme, at Baptifme in tfitamiz, inthe waterstof Bit- tetnel§:Fot we muf’t as Wel Flare cor,e¢mzfl?z,as Flemlzuma twmmitterefasttvell deplore the ill we have done, as not “doe againe the ill we have deplored. It 15 true indeed, l what Saint Bernard a faith, nan tea exmrie: pm: frtcere ,v lholuldtwe wenpgour {elves blind, lcneele out {elves cripples, {hould we flea the skinnc. from this i W1‘Cl.‘ChCCl body of ours, all could not fatisfie for finne: But our ‘joy " isr, thatChrifihath already ~doneit¢; .thi;s blond hath fully fattisfied : for the whole world :4 yet withall, there lies a Condition on every ‘Sinner, we! hit: flare, ml infutaro, la lC0inClltiOI1" that cannot be avoidlcd; either to mtmrneherete, lot in the ewortld to come ;,~ either to indnre nowlat forroiw: that ihall have BM, 0r«to=:ten~ it dnrel then a forrow that {hall have none. «t,Bnt rntftalce menot, doe not counfell youtoa fullen, continued, uninterw net that tepenteth on nnintet*tnit~tee§ tneianeh.oEy: hnt yet patflon nae if E WQMM have you thtonghiy feniihie ot yont hnnes when yon have thnie tilfimg tot wtthont tottow on theeatthw h ant eonfident there ts no toy tn Heaven: Thete is no 813% 1 But Saint Anfliete tnahes the Qnethont "Which wete more hound to Godw he that thonhd he ptetfetved evet innoeenty ot he that wete eonttetteti to he tttny peni-~ tent 2:” and he tefohtea it thus? fntzeeent majem, ybwflifietfifi mtzgzt nhhet, extentitreiy the innoeent owes tnotefl in- tentiveiy the Penitent: htnotence a Jen/eiioh highet twice in the t”"nht7tance$ hut Repentance of gteatet ttahte in the wothmanihio; to much 0fgt‘€ate1‘Vaitm’y that in the 7 werfc’ of this Chzzytery it is ptoelaimen, that there titntare joy far We repentam‘ Sinner, than for ninety nine that needed no repentenee : hut Saint Paul giycsa teaton for‘ it, when he. faith, that where fimte fidtb,d%@i$.fiJ€J9 theta gtaee hath much mete ehannded. So that h ehate ifnam, that God looks neither on the heaven of heattenst not . on the porch Seraphin, with inch content? theh ioyy as ona heart weliwtoughtfl a heatteithet eatnedh ot Chhty or inlaid with fotrows, where grief hath heen as witty in punifhing, as pleafnte was hetote in hnning 5 a heatt flihi under the Ham met, and htohen into a thoufand pieces 2 0 how huiie is thy Saviour at {itch a fighty watching thy fighs, and numbting thy teates, gathering up the tieveraii pieces of thy broken heart; as if they wete fo many fcatteted Diamoncisi. how gently he handles them, how curioufly he reunites them, iike a tith watch tooke afitndet robe made the cleanet, and fettogethet’ againe. But doth any doubt, when his heart is thus htohent whether thn. care will be taken for fit” or no .2’ is he fioath ‘A to {I6} ‘. 7t0le‘ventulre on {'0 bitter a Receipt without his Phyfitians oath 2.’ why,»God will fweare rather then the Soule" flmll waver : for; look in : the 3 3 _t of E{e/#61, t 1e I I «verfle, Vievamzqeit Daminm :;.*,.1I: ‘I 1mJe(faitb ht/ye Lara’)I take M delight in the death fifzl Sinner .- Tzmzel ye, mmeye from your will miss : for wbym/1 ye die, ye beefs qflfiuzel 5’ Could any thing be fpoken more paflionately 2’ He pm... tells, heexhorts, he expoflulates; why then doe we cloute willhe not fave us when we repent ,, that hath 4 lgyprimz. Sm dc threatned not to fave us, unlelle we repent -:' New jmtitur ‘v flew. g Pfalg 5.1. aomriti cardzés Holomu_/hm: repulfzmz, Saint Cyprian hacl tlearncd for much 05 holy Datum’, A llvraken heart, 0 Gad, thou" Aw-21;: wt (or as-fofme Tran.flatiot1s‘render it, tboujlmlt mat) dz/pi]? .- no, we have him fztfe in his own ferrets, en- tangled to us in his ownepromifes, if we repent, he mid’, he muff forgive us, for he neither will, not can ' deceive usi Let every one of us thtere‘fo1'e malcel that confeflion as._Aum'ne did, olbomme mm fem digntw omlzu ammlo 4d‘£wlemlle*wzre;l atfztm digmw omle’: ploianafg me»- mrel-,; though I am not worthy O God to lift up my eyes in praying, yet I am lure, I am worthy re weare out teeytttleycsh in‘ weeping‘: Though lfean pleadltino :im1ocen¢‘e, y“z?Vet1‘I would fair; plead ercpemzanscet 5% thelttilae; myefihxs have eaufcdt the {arrows oflthyt Senna, fo my forrows might: cfiufe therejoicing: of thy Angels. 6 I wuldgg on, but me thinks I heare fame troubled Scale thusmtcalll 120 me, Youtltell me heavenly things“ of A ‘?re?éen:tance,l what power a religious‘ ferrow h”ath, A that tth‘eVLizardl doth notXga.ze more earnefily on him that flecps, nor the Dolphin‘. one the Marines, then the A I] An els doe on a Weepino Sinner 5 nay, that God himfelf is p le8;fl::d$Wllt'l1 fuchltalfig A tgthat llitfllets alllhis aenger leellbe Walhed at~wa.y.t "1111; filcha fl1oWeew:.*2Creda[lDami;2e,lI t l l believe betlieve this 0 my G0, but watch (MS I am,iI mutant A fQrr0W= H¢ tthttt fl10u1_d tell me, that alltthe joits '01’-‘ A .I1eave11 were £91226 ought for 0116: fingle tearc, how A ‘could he camfort me, that cmuldtnot {had that teams.’ when my team: are dried mp, like the pmm myth in SW. Lmr, my wry heart mm’d Mttrérle, ttlm Mofe: /M11 64/1' I0 ttojfrt/66 £513-V rec/afar mater ? But flay, b.;c: not ditl coturagcd Who cwr thou art : the Mother ofPem° Lam- éwm12i;tf¢¢m§, was in as great a {trait as this, when ha»- ving tranfgreffed her wax czmtizmzcy , {he told her C€311tf.t.€:I:TQ1‘ plainly; I/Mt It?/26fI.zfdw W54! 4'3 Saztmjbe bad lmmghttfort/2, flu: maid wt repent, 1‘./'4: /be fimml in having‘ him .3 A tharszl tstotntclition 3 but her Confeffor fadly t3,J;1f§zVt¢.;1"d 1.1<‘::1f,» Dalefiltem qmm’ A zlalm mm poflzisi, be my at lcatt thml am not tgrrt ~.- and.th,c*t1ikc 1n11~ft&.I[faytt0 thtc O ttmubltad 7S;inl?l.C1’ ; i thou find’£t but ’ {O Llch iAmp1‘¢£fion mztdt as to grieve ratify, that thou canfi Iwtgritevve, ‘kttw_that thou art already come to a dfigrcg pftthat which thou grievcfi thou art not mama to s lgnttw againt ‘that if tthtbcginning of tat thaw, which at ‘la{’c will tliflblve thy very heart totwatcr. Si}? times Elia: his Servant .1ook’d towards the Sea, before he cqulti fee any thing; the fcvcnth time he {aw but a Cleudt no .biggct' tltcnfhiis hand, yet that Clotucl - Witilifl fgw .h0W1'cS hovered the »He;.a)vcia with datfgncffce, gndthc Earth with mine ,: jufl: {'0 may be thy cafe, when thou tart praying tr thy God as tcaltalxs Datttghtet did utt- to hcr Rather, Dedgfii tmilzzi ttarram aridm, dd tttitm irris» gwm, thml hafl; hitherto made‘ me thwwttcit of a dtxc, a barren hearta ;but give Inc nowfomt: fprtngs of titzttttty; A fQmcf€Qltingt.a,t lcaftfomc forrqw fortmy .fins, tllfltlgh at figctimes bencglingtof thy knees, God dmh mt grant it thflllgh at .the ftvcnth tthete apptcare but .cmt ficttafl ‘ C 2 drag‘ betlieve this 0 my G0, but watch (MS I am,iI mutant A fQrr0W= H¢ tthttt fl10u1_d tell me, that alltthe joits '01’-‘ A .I1eave11 were £91226 ought for 0116: fingle tearc, how A ‘could he camfort me, that cmuldtnot {had that teams.’ when my team: are dried mp, like the pmm myth in SW. Lmr, my wry heart mm’d Mttrérle, ttlm Mofe: /M11 64/1' I0 ttojfrt/66 £513-V rec/afar mater ? But flay, b.;c: not ditl coturagcd Who cwr thou art : the Mother ofPem° Lam- éwm12i;tf¢¢m§, was in as great a {trait as this, when ha»- ving tranfgreffed her wax czmtizmzcy , {he told her C€311tf.t.€:I:TQ1‘ plainly; I/Mt It?/26fI.zfdw W54! 4'3 Saztmjbe bad lmmghttfort/2, flu: maid wt repent, 1‘./'4: /be fimml in having‘ him .3 A tharszl tstotntclition 3 but her Confeffor fadly t3,J;1f§zVt¢.;1"d 1.1<‘::1f,» Dalefiltem qmm’ A zlalm mm poflzisi, be my at lcatt thml am not tgrrt ~.- and.th,c*t1ikc 1n11~ft&.I[faytt0 thtc O ttmubltad 7S;inl?l.C1’ ; i thou find’£t but ’ {O Llch iAmp1‘¢£fion mztdt as to grieve ratify, that thou canfi Iwtgritevve, ‘kttw_that thou art already come to a dfigrcg pftthat which thou grievcfi thou art not mama to s lgnttw againt ‘that if tthtbcginning of tat thaw, which at ‘la{’c will tliflblve thy very heart totwatcr. Si}? times Elia: his Servant .1ook’d towards the Sea, before he cqulti fee any thing; the fcvcnth time he {aw but a Cleudt no .biggct' tltcnfhiis hand, yet that Clotucl - Witilifl fgw .h0W1'cS hovered the »He;.a)vcia with datfgncffce, gndthc Earth with mine ,: jufl: {'0 may be thy cafe, when thou tart praying tr thy God as tcaltalxs Datttghtet did utt- to hcr Rather, Dedgfii tmilzzi ttarram aridm, dd tttitm irris» gwm, thml hafl; hitherto made‘ me thwwttcit of a dtxc, a barren hearta ;but give Inc nowfomt: fprtngs of titzttttty; A fQmcf€Qltingt.a,t lcaftfomc forrqw fortmy .fins, tllfltlgh at figctimes bencglingtof thy knees, God dmh mt grant it thflllgh at .the ftvcnth tthete apptcare but .cmt ficttafl ‘ C 2 drag‘ drop fwimming in thy eyes 5 yet be not c:lifcom~f’ortecl‘, that drop mayprove aihowres or if not fuddenly, yet in. the meane time the Angels begin their joy in that; foot, as the leaf’: piece ofa broken glafle may fervfe to re» ifleét the face that is before it 5 {'0 from that {mall drop, that fpot offorrogw, there isa reflexion made of thy re- pentance ; and as there is a full joy for the totall,the full converfion ofa Sinner; {'0 there is a proportion, a mea- fure of a joy for one teare, nay for one clefire-ofa teare of any we Sizmeritimtrrepenter/9} i A ‘But Pray, youamuft remember I told you repentance had two faces, not onely a fad onethat look’d back, but a cheerfull, that looks forward on new refolutions : fol; as in ~difeafes,. it is not enoughto purge, to-fweat, to bleed,unlelTe we keepia firiciter diet after it :fo~neither are tears, nor fights, nor a broken heart fufli ciengunleffe we forbearto commit againthe finweforrowecl for: for, however Bellzzrmirae be -pleafed to cenfure>Lat/oer for o»: vermagnifying that faying, Pamitentia aptimaanaezzz rvitcg the heft: repentanceisia new life ; yet in the praétife of it we fl1allall.find_., thatthough contrition may begin our peace with God, iyeta new life muff crowne lt;Il1OUgl1» teares may {often the-wax for pardon, yet.ta‘refolL1tea- mendment muff fet to thle feale; you therefore that have recovered out of the contagion of any particular boa» forne finn-e, let me befeech youz, as ever youwould‘ have the Angels joy for you, not toleane, orlifien.-, or incline againe to the opportunities, the occafionsthat have be» ‘ trayed your to caft ofl7all§inducements to lime, to hate eventhe garment that is {potted by «the flc{h,~. for who; having fca idthe plague, would not bnrne the clothes I hexwore w fen heilwlas infeéied 2’ Be notlike .tthol7e plane-«'3 tarp, unfieady Pen1tents,twho l having; “ difcharged their * finne; drop fwimming in thy eyes 5 yet be not c:lifcom~f’ortecl‘, that drop mayprove aihowres or if not fuddenly, yet in. the meane time the Angels begin their joy in that; foot, as the leaf’: piece ofa broken glafle may fervfe to re» ifleét the face that is before it 5 {'0 from that {mall drop, that fpot offorrogw, there isa reflexion made of thy re- pentance ; and as there is a full joy for the totall,the full converfion ofa Sinner; {'0 there is a proportion, a mea- fure of a joy for one teare, nay for one clefire-ofa teare of any we Sizmeritimtrrepenter/9} i A ‘But Pray, youamuft remember I told you repentance had two faces, not onely a fad onethat look’d back, but a cheerfull, that looks forward on new refolutions : fol; as in ~difeafes,. it is not enoughto purge, to-fweat, to bleed,unlelTe we keepia firiciter diet after it :fo~neither are tears, nor fights, nor a broken heart fufli ciengunleffe we forbearto commit againthe finweforrowecl for: for, however Bellzzrmirae be -pleafed to cenfure>Lat/oer for o»: vermagnifying that faying, Pamitentia aptimaanaezzz rvitcg the heft: repentanceisia new life ; yet in the praétife of it we fl1allall.find_., thatthough contrition may begin our peace with God, iyeta new life muff crowne lt;Il1OUgl1» teares may {often the-wax for pardon, yet.ta‘refolL1tea- mendment muff fet to thle feale; you therefore that have recovered out of the contagion of any particular boa» forne finn-e, let me befeech youz, as ever youwould‘ have the Angels joy for you, not toleane, orlifien.-, or incline againe to the opportunities, the occafionsthat have be» ‘ trayed your to caft ofl7all§inducements to lime, to hate eventhe garment that is {potted by «the flc{h,~. for who; having fca idthe plague, would not bnrne the clothes I hexwore w fen heilwlas infeéied 2’ Be notlike .tthol7e plane-«'3 tarp, unfieady Pen1tents,twho l having; “ difcharged their * finne; r (19/ l V ifinne this day in the cares oftheirGod 5, take it up again the next day in the Armes of a Sinner :% es if God were bound to fet no end of pardoningt, ibecaufe they are wilfulltto fer no end of {inning : A Hoccineipcezzitere «3 is this to repent *3 [can the Angels joy at this 2’ no : as there are no refis,! no flops, no paufes in their intermitted An- themes; fothey look too theirelhould be no digreffi» ons, no b1_'eal