:3 ”01311113111 1.1mm . THE WORLD To COME, Heb. z '5. The Doétrine of the RKingdom of GOD and hts C H R [S T, to come on Earth, Rev II 15. which [hall {horny be overall Nations. Tendted 1n the mean time out of Faith in his.) ownsSouI, and . , - we tomards all Men, -- “131111.1th Ptinciplgg Founi QIOnSthereoF,inFo1117- parts. Second ly. In the PM; It‘d? 01" mprovements 01 it on feveral Text3,v as is more paggulatlytf pec1fied 1n theflext IeaF. MY. wp—u—M——.'__1———~ By W. S Minil’ter of the Gofpel, whofe Faith thereof IS fnpported [be- fides many Others] by the Twelve Fpeeial enfuing Foundations, as by Fo many Divine GradationsoFGods7 R5eVealing Confirming and Compleating the {311313111 its due time. L539? 41131311an thigh: “ good of all men.]-—1~—As being ~ 5 ‘f‘ I ' ‘ I. Ptomifcd' ny God the Father,G 72 37 15. T79! Setd of 1.9th171, Sic.“ WEE-714795.14 I Can 15.25. Sée T1 eEt 0116211.; “3- II. P1 ophehed 07F by E7I06b 1n the old 1V01Id,7j’7/Zdé I74, 15. .III Poretol d by fatal: 1,131 the, New World); 64211143 '1‘ “1,315 34-57;; 1:.S infidab’s Bléllhin- 31V.” Wonder 11 ILy mmifelled by Balearh’s th‘e Sorcerers‘Patabie, Numh: ‘24 7.7117,18,t9., and “hen, verl. _.23,z4 V. .Typified by w.) partial Types in the Old Worl,d viz. by 230612 End Noah, the Types elf the firIt and fecond [Late thereof. ”VI. Typlfied aIFo in the New World by three pairs of partial Types, the 76th: of Ab alum and Melchf $612,131? feeond Qfiiunfis-End fully”, the third 30F David and 80102710727de 16 three fit& 7of t7.'c7he Kingdom of the Stone, Dan 2.. 34. The three lafl: . of the K77: nadom of the Maintain As n“1‘61:‘e1fi11.7’y 331m 111 “the IeIlomnc‘EprI- cation, pace 9, 23:. VII. Confirmed alto both to DEE/27d End Sol7b7mon by E Dmne Charter, 7ve1y eminently ' illul‘trateml Sam. 7. 8. to the end. \ VIII. Proved by a fevenofold Fv1dence717n thE Ira/Wort 1vi77t7h771ts Adjunfis Formerly, by 5 7 many Forrsof- Ammenmdrc ....;11313s. 1X. Twiceal Ifo7 11101101 Iy rEtified to DIX/1221‘ P17177II by‘Revesatibn oneh,‘ EFter NEbzflbad.‘ E93347” s d1eam, 1171 the two Rates tI .ereoF, viz. oF the Stone, Chap. 2. .34. and of the Mountain, verf. 3 5. Secondly, By both V1F on and Revelation. where after the four Be afis D472. 7. was {hewed to him when Chtifi lhall receive his Dauidim! Kingdom,,. (yetf.14.) over all Nations. X. App iei by our Savxour himfelf to the Son of Mans Kingdom, Mattb. 13. 4. His coming: in his Kinadom, Mattb. 16. 2.8. Ca‘ led the Kingdom of God, L716. 2. 1-. 31. XI.Expla71ned by St. Paul at the deftruétion of the Man 0F Sin, 2. Tbefl 2.. 8. And Saints Refi, 2. The/7.1.7. Appearance and Kingdom, 2, Tim.4.1. XII. By Revelation molt fully made known to the beloved Apoille fob», Chap. 19. 1 I. and Chap. 2.0, 2.1, 22.. [See tbefl: XII explaitzcdpage 4,5, 6,7,8,&c. ] L o N D o N, Printed “in-the year 1671,, ‘1 ._~‘ The 'ST'X‘E‘i'o-fifia's Adveniremem w RE A D E R; Ingenuoujs Readers, ' ' ' ‘ g, E plea/Ed to take natice 2'71reference'toyonrfihét. . terfatkfafiz’mz’nfome refpefim, That the Te- ' flimorzy of div/er: Cram and 7ndiciom,Do. , Hortof'. Diwflitywerfiinfuch Studiem, 16 given to Ethi6 Warlg‘,»%with~mnywher Mimflem (if-the Gofpel, ‘ and Learned Doyfiom~ ofPhy/icé, and dther knowing . ‘I’erfom, {of ,itiipreflefi't. uflafulmfr in "the Church of God 3 wherein-~the-Truth1'6 carefully-vindicated from )amient and modem Error: ‘5 andScriptme- Evidence given for may} Excellenciex‘helmging to thatflate, Sic. And who have alfo [by their Suhfcriptiom moon. raged the fpeedy cqmplmtiflggftbe f aid W ark; vr.»+r—v-r \ '- tr) Here Radar olfiree arm the fir}? Part of tlegeneral fieleopaé e,‘ ------Tbet according to the reference before, lrfl the {aid Doarine is prOVed In the Principles or Foun- .. dations of it, contained in the forefaid four parts, which are- thefe folZowing : Firfl, The Prodramo: or Fore-runner, conlii’ting of {eventeen Tbefir ovain’tv, leading in the {aid D06trine, peg. 9, to, n, 12. and of fome ufefuloccafional Letters and Papers there fct down, whereunto reftrence is afterwards often fitly made in the enfuing HTS. p The fecond is the Irenicon ) or the ‘peaceable confideration of I Chrifls peaceful Kingdom on Barth-to come, chiefly proving from. Scripture. and many forts of Arguments, that fuch a Kingdom and Rate of things {hall be in the world, upon a {even-fold foundation, fet down in the beginning thereof. Whereunto is added an Appen- dix of the firfi bleflEd Refurreaion of the loft, Rev.zo.6. to be in the time of Chrifls {aid Reign with his Saints on Earth. The third is intituled. The Parallel of the Prophetiml Vifiam of D4-- niel, for after-times, and of the Revelation of 7efw chrijl 5 rerpeéting . and unfolding the matters of the fame times, very briefly and divinely couched before in Daniel's {aid Viflons, to be [hut up and fealed unto the time of the end, i. e. untilChrifl came, who afterwards by his {0 wonderful giv'ng the Book of Revelation to the Evangelift St. 791:», opened and nnlealed them, and gave them a Ipecial command not to. feel them any longer, Rev.zz.lo. Which {aid ‘ Parallel was the fourth thing propounded to be’conlidered in this fu’bjeét, in the fecond page of the Irenicon,‘ and afterwards, as an Additional thereof, was anne- xed toit, to makeup that part of the {aid Irenic‘on, :5 containing the main-ground thereof, boch from that greatly beloved Prophet Daniel in the Old Tei’tament, and the beloved Difciple 70.611 in the New : To prepare for which Parallel (being of {0 very great concernment inthe {aid Doétrine) firfi there is let down an abridgement Oi the chiefPtophttical Viiiors of Daniel, wherein are comprifed the titres, fates, and fucceihons of the four Metric-Kingdoms or Monarchies, Den 2‘ and of the {our Beafls, Deny. in fubflance the fame; yet ‘ each being not only a flrong confirmation, but alfo an inlargement, and in fome things an explication ofthe Other, 25 in both the lamina- ry of Daniel, and in the harallel is to be oblerved. All-o a like A- g , hridgmentof the Revelation, was to fuch pnrpole before {er down, ' . B Chap; , , - ("2 l” i ' ‘ ' - Chapgrpag.267,27,28.'0F the Irenicen, to be compared with the Eehii ter to Mr. Cal.“ Ma} 2 C. 1664. pag. 2.2, 23, @“c. oi“ the . Pradrame; : ‘and iafi of all, to luch purpofe thereto is prefixed the Scheme of the whole Book of the Revelation, and a fummary of Daniel’s VifiOns, further to make the way more plain to {o ufeful a part as the Parallel “may prove to {uch as withthefe or the iike helps may further and more fully (by Gods goodnefs‘) improve it hereafter. as there is great rea- fon and divine engagement for Chrifiians {0 to do, Rev. 1.3. 81- 2 2.10; Fourthly, Thelaii part confifling chiefly of 3: ufeiul Obfervat-i- _ or; to underfland myfiical Prophelies, with anfwers. to fundry Obj;- 850m made by {ome perlons againfi thefe Doétrines, which, being of a middle nature, fuhervient to both the {aid Principles and Prat} cals, they are now conjoyncd with the latter: And unto the {aid Princi- ples- is prefixed in the Read thereof, The Word written, or eight con~~ vincing Arguments for thefe Truths, {et in the firfi place, beforethe Pradromo: or Forerunner, as containing a lhort Abridgment of much ‘ Divine T rutbof this natnre,.(3'r. ‘ And Secondly, The {aid Do&ri‘ne isiimproved to many good purpofes-vin the Praazicals. ' _ The firfl whereof is the Treatife upon Gen. 3. 15. The Seed of the. Woman flmll breakthe Serpent: head. The Abridgment of which, as. the firfl part of the Everlafling Gofpel, with the Treatii‘e allo, are prefixed before the refl. The fecond part of which everlafling Gofpel being the {econd Fra-- étical piece, given by God the Son and the Holy Ghofi, is. contained ina Traa: upon Remus; o. B'elwld I come quickly : Amen: Even fa:- came, Lard fefiu. Setting forth the different names, times, natures ‘ahd‘ purpofes of Chrifts fecond coming at the beginning of. the thou- find years, Rev.19..11. And of his defcending from Heaven at the founding of the lafl Trump, at the general Rapture and Change of all the Saints, when the little {pace of Satanslofing is ended, and the Mt Gag and Magog deflroyed by fire from God out of Heaven. after . rhethoufand years, when he [hell come to fit on the great white :I'hrone, and Heaven and Earth {hall flee away before his face, and no: '1”ch be found for thf-‘mi Rev.zo,1 1., And all wicked men {hell he rai. {ed to be judged, and the irrevocable Sentence in Gods order {hall be pafl‘ed upon Good and Bad to~all Eternity... Unto which-are adjoyned‘ nine Ufes of the fame Doéizrine. The third praétical piece is on far. 3; 1-7. At the: time yerufalem, find! 56 called the Throne of the Lord. and all Nation: f/mllrome, to the. Name 0f (it It’d at irrufaéem. F-WlliCh is now placed after- thcafmc- " . ” " " ' {aid l —-'=—-—A ‘\ 1 mega??? -. 11 ‘ja'fv ' 'W - ( ) faid Obl'ervations and Anfwers 103011e£1 0113 as being the Topflone , of this Der‘inal Edifice, and which will reach at length to the high- ei’t Heavens. And now, Prudent Chriflian Reader, I hop. thou wilt indulge me in fome matters thy jufl excufe 5 for though fome are clear and evi- dent from fundry Texts of holy Scripture, yet Others are only proba« ble, and fome but meerly conjeQural (as was We advertil’ed', Pradrom peg 44. ) and confequently the grounds thereof are fnitably either evi- ‘dent probable, or conJeQural only Whence it will be imprudence ’ and unequal Ju lging, to rejeQ many evident truths of this nature, be~ caufe of fome Other mii’caken conjeQures . But havin6 long fince [at th fail in fuch a veil and rough floating Ocean, wherein it was to be eXpeQed (notwithfianding any hoped advantage) I was like to be much tofl'e .1 With various winds and tempefls, be fore I could look to arrive at the Cape of good Hope; and being alfo to travel far in a 111 1th untraced Wildernefs, or which was worl'e, to fall into fuch Ma; * zes and Meanders wherein many have loft themfelves; yet fince that Inch 11 W1ldernefs was my way to come to the promifed Land ,though the Cloud by day, and the Pillar of Fire by night, did not always ap- pear to go before me ,yet I may not fay but that I have in a graciws manner many times found the r guidance: But yet have met with ma- 11y Amalakites, Moabim, and Anymonites, to hinder my paffige thi- ther; befides the Sons of AIMIQ and alfo the flinging fiery Serpents, , Which caufed me often to look up to the true Brazen Serpent , for my needful cure: VVhereupon I have by cemfortable experience found. That Creature ObliruQions have [onetimes proved to me Gods In. flruQions', - and {ome mens hindrances have often (to them unwitting- ly) produced Gods help for me, who by remarkable Provi dences hath many times turned great ieemi n6 difficulties to real ufeiul adVantages. '~ _ Otherwife I could noc have hoped {afar by faith to have feen the New 311114111111» s Beauty and Bleffednels on Earth, (as they He!) 3 1 and as now throu ah the mercy and goodneis of my God, is here ofiered to my view: [$131 which haply much may be added, if God give opp1>r.~ tunitya by Xplications orD ~{comics} ’VVherein I hopeI my fell', - with the many ten thoufands and ten times ten thoufands of faithful Chrifiians {hall attai na Ion 6 lap: 11g 1111;111:1011 as appointed of God, In that time The Tabernacle of Gad [hall be With men upon Earth, Rev. 211,691....where4we ihaIL all behold .Chrii’ts gl<;-,rywwh1clltl1e Father hath givenhzmmgnd he toithemz, by his la’fi VVill and Teflaments 301m 17 24 when the fa” L8mh (hell he the Light-of that City To B a which» ‘ ~. \h (4“) . ‘ Which [groundcdly by faith lay, Amen. For confirmation Where; of, {Or Others benefit, I defire (till to be by all good man: fubfer; - vient, Septemhal. 1671. ‘ ”7' S. . —. Q %##”~ .——~—--——i'~.. 0f the X11 fore—named Foundation: of the [aid Dofirine, 2'22 the [wand part of the general thle~pzzge believed: r ' A: being, 7!. V Irll'promifed by God the Father, Grn.3.15. as themofl'rmi.‘ ‘ ' nent breaking of the Serpents [Satans] Head, both natural, ., (as 1 my fay) and politick, of his Craft and Dominion, when all his former Babylonifli .Defigns lhall be defeated and utterly deflroyed ,9 which was, faith the Apoflle yohn, 1 Epi/l. 3.8. one end of Chriflsl coming into the world, to deflroy the works of the Devil 5 which in an el‘pecial manner will mofl evidently and po‘werlullybe done, when= Chrifieomes from the right hand of the Father, whither (asizthat No.3 bleman in the Gofpel, Lula;- r9.) he went at his afce—ntion into Heaven, _ te receive his Kingdom, and to return, ashe himfelf fp‘eaketh ; to: wit, when he, will (9 come, and in fuch wonderful manner make his foeshis footllool; until which faid time he will continue there, ac, cording to that Divine Oracle {0 frequently mentioned and improved ' in the, New Teflament, P/‘al. I 10.1, 85c. Sit than on my right handing; rill make thyfmtlyfootfloalrVVhere, as the Apoflle faith,- he fits llill, expcaing till hisfoes are made his f'ootflool, mam-1,3, whjch . at Chriflslaid coming in the Glouds will molt certainly and powerful. 1y be accomplilhed above 1000 years before the lafl Refurreélion and ‘ General Judgment, asis mofi orderly let down in that divine and glo- rious Revelation to St. film, Chap. 19 I l. 85' Chap,~2o;.-to M r.‘ when . he will caufe his mofi prOud and. mighty foes to hide themlelves again in the holes of the Rocks, as in lomemeafure in C viz/lamina: ruining of the Paganilh Rowers, Rev.6.15-:.1 6,17, was terribly fulfilled : but: at the 1210 wine of thewofl abominably tyrannous~ Kingdom of the Beafl and falfe Prophet, at the appearanceaof-Chrifls {aid Coming and‘ Kingdom will much more terriblyby himfelf be accomplilhed, 1 Thef, 2.8. 211212.44. As then the Prophet quiah. twice of thofe timeé L‘ confirms the terrour of - it, Chap 2. verifel 9,21. That the 10ftinefi,of‘f amnflm”. be éeecdaern. arfléthautbrinef: awe?" 0.741! it made In»; V 7" ' ” and ‘5 imd‘th‘e Lord“ alone he exalted in t(hat he}; When he we'd utterly deli/h Idol’s, thanhe} 17M] gointe the hole: of the Rocks, and into the cave: of the Earth, for fear of the Lord, emdfor the glory of hi}: Male/i], when be ”life“: to [haheierrihly the Earth: And the forcible efficacy of this his Prophecy he again further illultrates and confirmsevcrfe 20, 21. Yet. obierve. though he faith there, He will lhake terribly the Earth, twice 5 yet he faith net that then he will utterly deflroy the world, which ncic' ther will he till‘the {aid I 000 years, and little {pace of Satans loofing; be afterwards fulfilled, as Rev.2o.8,9,to, (we, But then the Lord, as the Pfalmialeaks, will fend the Rod of his firength out of'Sim, and he ihall then rulein the midfl'of his Enemies, Pfal. I 10.6, (ft. and {mitewx'l the Headgnot Heads (astranflated) of divers Countreys,‘ viz. the Pope or Tur~k,.(or both, as making in feveral relpeas the whole Antichrifi'of the latter times) but much more upo the {aid Text G€”.3.IS-‘. maybe obferved to the fame purpofer-in t .. reatil'e thereupon. ‘ y I I. Secondly, Prophelied of by Enoch in the Old VVorld,‘77ude 14: 15. Behold the Lord cometh withten thonfand of hie Saintr, to execute ffudgment upon all, andtto convince all that are ungodly amongst/Jen: of all their ungodly deeds which the} havwngadly committed, andvef allvtheir ,m. godly fpeethe: which ungodlffinnen haveflvelgen again]! him. Vthre obferve how general he declares this Judgment ihall be in the iflheof it»; and then how throughly he will-difcover ungodly men, though now they hide themfelves in the Crowd, and for a time towardsgodly men fhift off and excufe and hide their ungodlinefs, yet then Chrifl will convince themfelves which, were the concealerséand hiders ; and not fome fewonly, or many, but all of them 3 and not of few, or: only fome forts or numbers of their deeds, but of all their ungodly deeds; nor Only of the lubflance of them, but of all the circumflané ces and aggravations ohthem, asungodlily committed by them ; and not onely- of their deeds, but of their words alfo, year of their mofl" fecret thoughts {ubfervient to both ; for they {hall be convinced of them, which conviaion will reach the mofl fecret workings of their fpirits; and borhtand all in the molt large extent, Whatever hath been done or f poken againlt him, that is Chrifl, whereby mens. fins are molt hainoufly aggravated manyuw’ays, though they little at prefent confi. den-it; but inChrifls execution of judgment upon all in his own or- .. . der, manner and time, they mult know all thefe. ‘ This excellent Prophecy feems to have been handed in a wonder-fur way ol gracious divine Providence from Enoch to the Apoflle fade, by, whofg hand ghtifls fpirit hath made it to hegome holy Scripture, And, " m a, r 4 .“'6) it"is‘inoinii‘rvel that God '{houid {o greferve that Prophecy of the let! lame; and things, line: he wonid, for. the warning of all, .haaeall his Prophets witnefs thereto, as his Spi‘rittin the Apoi’tle Peter maniiefta . '-' ed Aéi: 3. 20, 2. t. A: (faith he") be fpaka b} the moatbxof all" bit bal}. Pram phat: fince the world began ; He _ would noc have even the old wicked wot 1d without fuch an eminent warning" : nor fuch as godly Enoch then: to be without the comfort of that Deliverer of his pepple then to come, to recompence their {ufferings for him witha fuitahle-thappinefs’ ' - with him afterwards, as the Apofile Paul declareth, ziTz'madz. for his faiql coming then is to bOth thofe purpofes, wherein the fame Spi-‘i rit could enlighten fuch as Enoch then, as he did Abraham, Ifadc. 74606, and, Sarah, afterwards, who by their faith {aw thofe Promifes afar ofl', » whilethey lived on earth, Which they believed to fee accomplilhed in their due time, Hem 1.13.. viz. which will beat the {aid coming of the Lord wifien thoufand of his Saints; and at the.Refurre&Eon of the Juft (as 1/21.26.14,19) which asit will be the year of the Lords-re- ~ comp'ence to take‘vengea'nce on the’wicke‘d (quick) by a furl-den de- ‘ flruétion to fend them tohell 5 {o alfo of recompence to the godly, to whom they will be times of reftelhing from the prefenre of the Lord, and of the refiitution of all things, for their real good and ,comfort in all that God hath before promifed or revealed to fuch purpofe, A&.3,’ I 9,20,21 . though particular Saints have not or may not in many things attain to the knowledge of them, nor (haply) any one ihall in many things more tillthe fruition of them : Even as the mofl knowing bed. fore Chrifls coming, knew nor of many things done atthat his com- ing, as of the Star, the Shepherds, of Herod’s trouble at his birth, nor: the earthquake, darknefs, the cleaving of the Vail of the TempEe, or dead Saints rifing at his death, (at. (befides the many things which- happened in his life) although much more of thele laft times timeout: Saviour afcended (as he {aid 1 little before it, 246}: :.8.)is now reveal-z ed of his {econd coming, as al'fo was before in the Old Teftament con-. ‘ cerning the fame. than at any time was of his firfl, as is' eafily to be obferved, (9’s. . " ‘ . . . I ~ 111. Thirdly, Foretold by facob inthe New World, 0412:49- who" yerfet. {peaketh ofthingstobein the‘latter orspofiremity of days '; which is efpecially applicable to what he l‘aith afterwards, verf. 10,:- t, 12; in his Prophecy of facial), to which Tribe is therein afcrihed the preheminence with plenty and peace (as is therein manifefl) chitfly'to be‘enioyed after Sliila’s coming, to Whom the gathering of the peo- ple fh'ouldfbe, but molt eip‘ecially iathzir greatcfl gatherings, when Jews and Gentiles {hail reioycetoge‘ther (moi! eminently) as Dear. 2243-; . '3 2.43. is by Mofes alfo foretOld to be inthe latter or tofltcmity ‘oi’ days ; ‘ofwhich timtsaiio our Saviourfaith, There 0131le one {beep- fold under himfelf that one Shepherd of them borh, 701m 10.16. ‘ IV. Fourthly, Wonderfully and gracioufly manifelled by Balaam’s ' Parable, noc being an holy Prophet, as others Abbe 3.2 I. but a Sorceé a rer, hired by Balaak King oiMoab to curfe Gods "People, who turn- ed his attempting of the worfl of Curfings into the c-hoicefi of Blef- fings to them ; giving him thereby to know, That there‘was no‘en- thantment againi’t 3450b, neither any divination againfi Ifmel: for Satan cairn-0t hurt thofe whom God undertakes to preferve, as Numb. 2 3,2 0,2 2. But when he had further tried his Enchantments, Chap: 4, he is further in {pecial forced to pronounce greater bleflings for them. 'verfl6,7,8,9. frying, Howgaodl} are thy Tents, 074m, and thy Taber: ' melee, Olfmel! But being further urged by Balaah, he lhews what that Peop’e ihould do againfi his People in the latter days 3 and then. Verf.i7. falls upon the coming of the Mafia]: far off, laying, I [hall fee him, but mt new ; I [hall behold him, but not nigh : There [hail come 4. St” out of 3460b, 4nd 4 ,Seepter [hall rife eat of Jfrael, and (hell [mite ah the Corner: of M046, end deflro} all the Children of Sheth, and Edam {hub be epojfefsion, Seir alfo fhall be; poflhfsion for hi: Enemiee, and I ji- met alfo [hall do valiantly : And vetfe 19. Out of 74605 [hall come he that gha/l have Dominion, and/hall tie/ire} him Jhet remaineth in the City, 82c." But after all, he comes to the left terrible times, verfe 2 3,24. laying, .41.“ who [[7411 live when God doth thie l And verf. 2.4. he fore-tells (hip: »» [hell come from the mafia of Chittim; which. Mr. Made evidently lhews to he meant of the Roman Navy coming from Italy, and are fo appli-‘ ed in the order of accomdlifliment by Daniel, Chap.It.3o. and then declares what the Romans flull do, viz. The] [hall afiiiéi Aflmr, and/bell. afihé‘ Eber, which they have long done 5 but fince they were to be the . lafl Oppreiior of _ the few, he further adds, And he alfo [bell perifh for ever, or jhall go into perdieien, as is otherwife expreffed by the holy 'Ghofi, Rer.17.8 thatis, the Roman Monarchies being the left, lhall Utterly be ruined when Chrifl lhall deflroy the man of fin, when all wicked and tyrannous Dominion {hell utterly ceafe, and the Kingdom of the Stone {hall betoma great Mountain fillingthe whole Earth 5. when that Star, and'that Scepter, and that Dominion he fpake of bee fore, verfe 17,19. which are often in Scripture afterwards fpoken of. {ball continue for ever, viz, to the end of the world. Theie things. are obvious, I [hell not therefore here infill further on them. V. Fifthly, Typified fitfl by one pair of partial Types in the, Qld florid, {ecgndly by three partial pairsin the flew, P' Q: , - 51f. 568‘s) :'Efi0€b,'s afcending; lhewing the bginning of the Kingdm of the Stone. at Chrifls afeention into Heaven, Dana. 34. . . _ . . .. . . And » .Frrfi thefaid pair of partial Types . N0 4,1,5 {aving his by the Amman-e m “1991‘! World, are A , how Chrilt at the general Ra p- ture of all Saints, as the true Ark will fave them, when all wicked men fhall peril]: at the finilhing of the Kingdom of the. Mountain, Damn . 3-3 . Fun, "Enoch wasa Type of 'Chrift ini‘his walking with God, who ' (as the Apoflle faith, Hem 1.5.) before his Tranflati'on had this Telli- tnony, That he pleafed God, and therefore was tranflated thathe {heuld not fee death, in'a wonderful manner, Body and Soul, in a way un- known. to man, into an ever-blefl'ed and happy condition: Even as Chrifl having fulfilled the work God gave him to do on earth, and fulfilled all the wills of his heavenly Father, in the Body which he gave , to him-Heb. 10.5,7,8,9.' who therefore had this Teflimony from the Father, Thathe was his beloved Son, in whom heme well pleafed, Matt/1.3.17. and after all things were done in order byrhi‘m, to the laft finilh'ng of the work of Redemption, and the witnefiing of his- Re- furreé’tion from thedead to his Apoftles, and Other faithful Witnef- {es thereof, he then afeended vifibly into Heaven, in the fight of his Difciples, Adt: 1;.9.Luke24;52. which was his eminent beginning of the Kingdom of the Stone, which is the firfl {late thereOf 5 when he . fo triumphed glorioufly overall the fpiritual Powers of Darknefs, as, the Apoltleteacheth, Col.2.15 fo leading Captivity captive, to give his Kingly Divine Gifts unto men. Secondly, Noah alfo, that Preacher of Righteoufnefs, as he is Hi.- ledHeb.t I. may be added unto Enoch, being anOther partial Type of Chrifis Kingdom in the fccond fine of it, or the Kingdom of the Mountain 3 who by faith (faith the Apoflle Heb 11.) performed that Princely or Kingly fervice, to-make the Ark in the fight ofthat wick- ed Generation in the‘Old World, that after perilhed by the Flood, thereby to fave hihfelfand all his Relations that entred with him into it ; So Chril}, who {hall be called (faith the Prophet feremiab, Chap. 2}) by his Church, The Lord our Rightecufnefx, and hath long fenti ‘ . ' " ' abroad \ 1"" ’f'sahroad the Preachers of his gRighteou‘fnefs into the Wicked Wane, .Who regardeth it not : when thetimeof their perilhing at left lltall in- _ efirablycome upon them hy a deluge offire, as It did on the-old world :bymaten: He will himl‘elt become at tintstime the true Arkprepared foraallthis true Members united {pirrtually unto, him , at the general F-Rapture or change of all the Saints, when the Wicked remaining 0n Barthlhallall perifhat the worlds lafi deflrué’tion ‘ by fire, Where all ,theother (hallabide with Chril’t, in the greatefi fafety and leeurity, above all worldly dangers fufi‘erings, or changes, even when the Heat mm and [Earth Hull-be difl‘olvcd for ever.» f Firfl, In Abraham, towards the firli times ofthe new world; Firfl: of the Secondly , In Mafrs his Condua: Kingdom of from Egjpt, and in the Wilder: the Stone, . ners afterwards. ' _ A Thirdly, In Davzd’s Conquefi and . VI.- Sixth-iv, Kingdom which God fet up and Again alfo cypi~<| gave him- vfied b three airs - , ofparfimypfis mi Sun, In Melahr‘federk King ofSew the New world. - 16m: that is, King of Peace. 1 i ' 7 j Secondly of .Second’y, In yo/hua’s Conduét of the Kingdom i find; People into the promiftd an . of the Moun- ltain. 'Thirdly, In, Solomon’s peaceiul 1 ~ ‘ Kingdom, the immediate Seed of Devid's Loyns. Firfl, In the New world God laid anew foundation with Abraham oi Chrifls Kingdom, in his free Covenant with him, to be his God, , and the God of hisSeed, which-Stile Apolile faith was one, namely Chrifl, 641.3.16. and by no other way was Abraham capable of’that mercy, that God lhould become his God ’: Indeed God borh promil'ed and befiowed many Benefits and Priviledgesupon Abraham’s, .1 [44575, and jacob’s-natural Seed, upon the. renewing or repeating of the fubs fiance of that Covenant ;\ but‘all upon that Foundation-Truth where- in’their Souls were divinely illuminated , that the Son of God {hoard become the Son of Abraham in a wonderful difii'ne manner, and to by him in a fpirit-ual way of grace, fuch hisChildren by faithfiflrould be- comcthe Sons of God 5 and both he. and they byline-h a way of felt: . s. (m) ’ '1 .. _ _ fwd graiepihoald inherit all the promil‘es,’ as‘the Spirit of God‘r'e'yea.‘ led findh’purqued f<)-t0fillfi1 thc'm' : And therefore the APORle'Heng-i, , doth fimfikably flzew how Abra/mm, 1/440, yacab,‘ and 34rd,, bYfiidh Et-éiii‘iirlifia‘ééfln of their. Souls,“ Ta'w'afar off byfaith the prémifesjtovnc l-filllfilifd: in 'Chriiis Kingdom,;'aznd at the Refurre&'i.dn Oil’thethfl'f; iWhefi Abraham {hall be heirOf the world eternally, which he was 59: : ,onclyby faith whilfl he lived in theWorld, as he 8l{0’teigh’eth,...,R;€:,h. { 4° 1&2 and Onely {Item that groundall Gods Servants (fire‘inféréfre'din nail}? {33185111} Pmmifes or Blefiintgsfi And m {nth t’ime‘of ’Fhis’l‘i-vEfig hat by faith, fibmlmm wasagreatconquerour of lli‘S‘Enemi‘eggr "when he delivered h‘s Brother Lot and his houfe, and thofe with him, from ‘ [i393 Kfilgs that carrie'd'them Captives '- So Chrifl whilll he is fulfil. I gl'rgg the Covenant mide with the Faichlhl, he is a great Conquerour, i and tie? vereth all his Brethren, whole fielh,l1etook,i'rom their nature, 331,4 El“? thfim hisfipirit-from hisiowhpivine Nature, which makgs‘. them new” “laced-w him, “and dearly Slowed “or him. and in whole hehzlf andtfor whoie‘deliverarfice he did not "onely venture himfelf, as- ' jibmlmm did for Latand his, but 'afiually l'uffeied death, to i-dgh‘vcr‘ them from their {piritzialhondage'and eternal mifery. _ , ’ The ozher of this firfl pair of pzrtial Types in the firfl. Qiugqg‘gftm New World, is Méldaifi’deak‘, who is not improhahly Conceiviedzqobe Shem-I533 Clddl $913: of Noah} who both of them lived in bol'b‘IhBrQid and‘the New! Wmlds 5, by- both holdingbut unto us the-Eternity of God the Father and the Son,‘ fiommhom the Worlds deliverance was fully in time to he accomplifized. But Melchifedeck. as alfo Abra/mm, _ was both‘a Priefiand King 5 even as Abralmmwho feemed notonely,. to be a King by his {aid Conqueli, but a Eriefl‘ 'n offering his Son 1/4, ‘ “5 whom (faiththe ApOflle) ’15 received‘again from death-m afigflre, V and was then appointed really to offer the Ram in the Bull] in his Read; and w;s-al{o {aid in fome fence to be. a Prophet, toipray for Abimelecb.,Gen,20.7. .Alfo Melclaifedeckwas Prieflof the mofl; high God) withoutFather anclmiithont:Mothsr (then k-nowniin Abraham’s "4:8515) typifying the-eternal Prieflhood‘ of Chrifl: after. his ordeal! 312:7. .r vandalfo King of Salem, that is, King Oil’cace s typifying alfo'there. iahYChliiI’tfihB great King of the-New fem/41m, to. come from God- ._out of «Haven, (as he (flies h'imfelf. Mdtt’hi.) which as the-Son and. meflfir of 4.44.5me dorh aslfo according to Gods Covenant belong 1m. filifigbim gand fromits it is very obf‘ervable, that Chrifls-Ollice and Ti. 2‘ #3163393” Kingdwn.iS'mntinnally‘confirmed ‘and‘ renewed in all the re. .fifpgwggifllgmifes and Types .miéa‘de byGod to and by‘the faithful-mite, 35'? "F3316“ fucgeflivelm as allo McItbQ/ederk is here exprefly {aid $.13: f ' mg; \ - ~ ( '1) .. A . King of Salem, an evident'l'ype of “Civil! the great King" of, fetufe.‘ Ie’m,m(as.wasfaid) who do h ‘an‘d Willblels his PeoPYe with fall {defitaé bl: Peat-'65 as Melcbifedcok bleITed Abraham returning with the'fpo'i?S{ from the flaughter of the {aid Kings" ; as Chr'iflkvill alld’more fully confirm to them, when all'his and theit'Foes are madehisflfooc- {too}. ' ‘ v ‘ , ”S‘ecomgly,’(;htjfls Kingdom‘i‘n' the faidztwoffold {late of it, was CVidehtly‘deciphered i‘n .Mofes‘h‘is Conduét'iof Ifmel out oFEgypt, and mute W’ildemefs 3 and then by f’éflzua’s Cottduél: into camn; But Chrifi, to anfwer borh,‘ dOthnot onely fpirlitua’ll'y; by his Death, Rea- furreaion and Afcentton, deliver hi; Ifmel,’ and leave them then’in their Wildern‘efs condition ; ht}: as thé‘true fire/hue alfo, 0r J'VE S U’ S, will {ave them from allevil, andfrotfi all their enemies, Lam. and btihg them into poffelhon of the, heavenly Canaa—nges it is. filled H95," 3. being the City whofe Builder ' and Maker'is God; preparedfot the“; faithful fore-fathers Heb. I I. ' ‘ I. . And lid! for Mo/es, who wasthen filled Kinginfi‘efumn, as to. Chrifls Ch: rehes firfl fla‘e‘, during the Kingdom of the Stone, {et’ugj by his? 'firfljc‘oming, Dang; ”3 4.5 In refpe'ét‘ of which, though Mefi's; a 5‘ the Apolll‘e Paul {peakethfiwes faithfhli‘éin all Gods Houfe, Hebggkh yet bu: as'a Servantand Mhifler of tfie’LOrd, the Antitypé ; {Or 53f: mad: "or gave :10 Laws (then) of his own to'Gods people, hut what he" reee'iVed from'God for. them ;,nor executed judgment inextraOrdinaéf’" r’y‘tafe‘s} hut by Godsd-irééliom asin thegathering flicks on? .th'efiS “' 3‘ hath day, 5‘“ Chasm?“ 3590 (wheelie came)tin¢bi3t9wn Ho "'3' H‘e‘b.s‘6sj“wliofél Home liis Pearle-are when GQng’lef/ék mgr} 1W!» Gflétbefore them (theeywés'buc in ,thé‘rypc‘;'cm‘t’he tmc o I Reformation, P14563910“ till Chrifi W933 éfid tqill‘tyhitalégéirfhipel Bu ’._ ' Mam tou‘ld not bring them“ to the pt'gj’mgfcg Rel}; that jh'eilefiif :: MW p’e‘flbfm$931.11cheléfé9add rbmcotaguwgrypccfi Cremnié‘iS" W??? Weill f“’}b:¢.¢©§?h,3illichfi‘w ‘He‘ “thetrhe £811? May?” S bti'fif‘ficfd ., "tar-ted 53.1.1- t1i6f¢thfisltdktqt mama peace {haggaagh will!" he the} we" 'peaee“a mt; fieflhPh’i’s’ F30 p’em * {135113533 07;? E11 é L21; V‘ifie (as‘that, Wdrl'd'.§o.. 90sz “66475-7 it»: "rnbfihrb‘héflt’fO' Lined? “,th Abralmm, sztaz.ar;g{?flfab lhufi thanjjvg again, While“ the? Pazhaml mghgttique‘rndmme ff é “.3, ._ , , , ,1”: 1‘ Bdgthd: 13";th fiac’e’ol'Clrtits’fifafd‘MedmtkorsKingdom oh ng[[1,.ié$’} w'EE'hoted: .Vfwa’s flirthgeratyprifif‘é‘d ih’fparthy 7917541,". “thougIfi'fi-{he baits”: part, uhdei" Whole-{Coh'vdhét' Ifrét‘i’ oh'télh-‘éé‘flleitit’firoh’fiftd Inhetia-"f tahce of 61mm, wherein Mafia: came lhhf‘tj " but lfejb’rought them in; :o'tlle .foffelfimhf it: Which Refi Vivas'aft’fif’fiollutetl by. th’e‘tng as“. . -- -— c 3, feithz 4—:‘lzsz v—m;-m.xu faiththe Prophet, Michizao, which canfed by degrees the utter tits; . pnlfion of that. People from it": i~ Yetaas the A poflle proveth Hebnips ' Ibex: remain: [fill a (Sahbatifm, or) Reflfarltbe‘l’eople of’God, With Whom one d4}? 13 M a tbaufdhdjedfls and a than/andijrarr a: one d4} (as: the Apoflle Peter informs us, 2 P'et.3‘.9.) and throngh the {aid true 34mm 3ES'US,this Ref} remains to the People of God; upon which, as on all former Sahhaths, the Word and Works of God'us’u-v ally were appointed to he eonfidered in them (as he was always pieafed: \- l in the fix foregoing Millenniumrto, giVe occafion and command) for, ' that lOng continued Sahhatifm or holy Rel} of his people from [in and; ferrow, Will be a time to contemplate on the Word and WOrks of ‘ God, when their great .hind'erersgtviz. evil men and Devils, will'be re- moved Onto—i their way, and a‘llrequifite helps from God, Men, and Angels, will be affordedthem, for that long continued Sabbatifm of that {aid thOulan-d years ; whence Men and Angels too will be more»: fitted for perpetual Hallelnjabs in Heaven afterwards, by fo much more j than they could have been from all that was poflible to be learned by them to fuch purpofe by all-they" had feen, or known, or heard before; (as [doubt 'not’but might largely-he made manifefl througlia-ll the fix, thoufandv-years oftheworld-s being before :) Which Sabhatifm may he, ‘ thereupon fitly filled Gods highefl School to train up his Children of? thehighefiiorm for‘their bell employment of theirmofl eminent and " ‘ inlarged praiiing of God through their mofl happy Eternity thence to; ‘n {”60 ' 3 . , InwhichRefloréahbatifm Chrii’c will inl'eofl' his People, and give? .. them poileliion thereOf with himl’elf ; even as the Father hath appOin- ted fuch 3 Kingdom unto him, {0 he will appoint it unto them, as Lats; 12,29. not as a Subflitute oneiy, or Type, like filo/bud, to give them. their Lots therein; but as LOrd of thelnhetitance. end. by his own." Gift; and no: asto fuch as may call away, or find, or lofe their fair! ~ Inheritance ; but as tofuch‘ as {hall there find a (me Ref! and Dutch; ling Place, from which neitherinward nor outward, {piritual or tem- poral Adverfarieslhall expel them : fo certainly bleffed {hall they be; then that partake of that firil- blcffed RefurreBcion, Ream-6. when, they {hall be liaiyyikflb like Angels of (30d in Heaven, as our Savi- our {peaks of thofe Children oh the Refurreétion, Matti), 27,. 5°" in: that and many Other rel'peéts ; and {uch of the Saintsuaslive in the ‘- animal Life thenunder the Proteétion of Chrifl the great King, win he as fate as his Difciples were, of whom he faid, Of the]: which that. ' val? me, have I [a]! noneJohn 17. Yea more, his Word feems in mail. Iii 218.699. to. he!!! 99: next: §¢§é§§sl1s§iah§¢99§ihall they. literatu- flit u . .___—n_j va - u . .. . l h—Tw—rv .4’ and linesll‘y' bertblgd’ed‘g ( yea:bleffe(dncfs {hall then (itfeems) be intailed upon them ftheflinljg, "to them, theirZSeed, and Seeds Seed for ever, as is veryremarkablyzietdown at the great Reflau‘ration of [fleet in Earle”: when Chrifl, there called by David’s ’name, as his Type, and Progenitor,s_, who by a lineal defcent from him {ball then obtain the long-before-promifedRightgoi David’s Kingdom, and fit upon theiThrone 05an hi s‘Father, as the Angel told‘the blefl‘ecl Virgin, 145.132. both Kingdomsof Ifml a'nd facial), being for eye; then. to: -. be again united into one under him, that then the Very Land given un-t to grab his SerVant,out of whofe Loyns‘immediately'theHeads of an the Twelve Tribes Oi I [rue] were derived ', ”and therefore it is further, 2‘ addedsxthat Land Where their Fathers dw‘éit,’thattw alfo. [hall dwell; _ ‘ peritahce, which, . onely he whozis the abfolute; Froprieto'r, and every way able to make its, -‘ therein 3 and then adds a perpetuity oi firec’eiiive’i ood, and to make nulliti‘es-o’f mens perpetuities as oftas he plealeth, " .He ( I fay) then tells them fully at this period, when David's Kingdom. fhall then be {0 fully reacted to Chrifl upon the old’everlaflingcos, 'v‘enantmade to their fore-fathers, (which carries all prbmifed mercies. with it) that they, their Children, and their ChildrensChildren ihall , dwe'll‘zn the fad promifed Land for ever, venzis (Mr And this may _ further appear by the improvement of Gods promife by Abraham’s . faith Hem 1. who (though. he over-look’d'nodram-«ofpromifedmer- cy to any of his Seed, even in'temporal‘ re~fpe&s~)- yet his. faith, as. ~, theJApgiflleceaches‘, Wrought upon therma-in, that o'nepromifed Seed - [Chri'itj as he is called 641.}. 16.- in whom particularly all Nations of! the Earth 'lhould be‘ blamed; which at the {aid time will: be mofl’ fully -, and really accomplilhed, in whom he forelaw (with the others there named) the fulfilling of thofe promifes~ was (then).-afar OH ; and that ; by vertue of fuch‘ divine and fpiritual grace, all temporal gOOd-muflw be adyanced and enioyed a. :Yet his faith fixed. {0 upOnthat lure Foam... dation of alitbleffings reallly.g;c.)'0d, which will bcffo derived to, and: prefervedfor all fuChihis 'faid‘bleffed Seed then, that there will be a . wonderful uninterrupted blefl‘ednefs at that time continued to them. In fecing the actomplilhment whereof, a great meafure of Abraham's. happinefs through Chrifl will (then) aaually confifi, when he flrall eminently be" Heir of the World a&ually,bya blefl‘ed fruition thereof _ for"a‘long {eafon above loco-years, who as the A pofile {peaketh Rom..- 4.13. was in his lifetime but Heir thereof by-faith onely ; which ye: ; he was then (me lhouid not be fruflrated. Much inlargement might: be added to this effea if it were requifite, and many Divine Rea one, . given from the Covenant t9 3452341247», and Pgomiigs repeated to his W "M “ ’ “ ”" " " ” Seed, 6 . . (-14)— \ Sc¢d ~as fpiritufl’g-(O mVfiQCCLWM’J” shcfifiml’firfi ‘ blgifings 9‘ 113$. Mediators Kingdom, iwfiefipédfifié C’hrmm ‘66"9690476261 ‘07 6?" with chem; ‘and wife: his Tiabfétpaék ,affibfig the‘mf,g.,wruic6. Will ica‘r‘ry, along with it both the rcmgvail‘fif'éiiils. & ‘c'ofif'e'rrfn’g‘Téu{ui’tablégmi for m: Rate. . We Maggy; name 51 fewzmorc momgresi be‘lbnging. to thelamefia‘ce”; as 1/4-613 666691: @1101"? Chaptei 36323 1019» mid 14’8"? p'i’redi'é’rio‘n and” prdmffi: ,r6adc‘jcgdgé,liaggc'hcnrhlfifffd K5616: €671? $116461??- chm {666$}: (axis nocedxbmhcf’fi' ’"éflle Rink-[1.163165% there 1am; Hy" evident ,o'fgwhacgfineif’atmh ofm‘en he fpake, Tlm'f Seed/ball é: knbwn; (twang the Gentilu, 2de tbeif‘QflE/iéring among the People ;_' bu; for What: Q13” FhCY 1193 (071600.699? ‘Icwfggffldw‘sgfill Mia/66 than ”17221;” 64.661266]:de 1-62)»; Wit/161' 2;ng 636.6 WW 6621qu 6416: b66672! The 2615’ ‘imi’é éd Cavenant‘f'r'o'rh ’Z525i7‘1ibéil4i‘;1léfica 33“ 34595, M“ [Emir 5.,5 {Oiled bf. fo‘r’ce, 6646366516165 a‘n‘d:faich‘rumieréchen acknoMedgé d"; Wheré-i fére the Apofile thgrcjzeiatesthatépromifcs W159 2Q.“ W/Jfi’fl; the De- [wary/77.111 come'mlbf 570"”, “mi/[34:11 mm mm} ungodz’inéf} fromfac'olz Rom'sjt 1,266, 3366’)!!! 611;,walI66e41faichEng/7741!66162264636061. V32]? iféwddsthe$68511"ciiefirhéfi‘.3riz§r§£66((36956653”}!-&CQ?’T‘5:"”ZV4”P~?”6’”* wbén 16414122666666‘t‘ri’eixfifiki: 15076135. 6115 69mm“ Mei“ 9559*“ 66 theft pedblé,‘ Which 17561716113626 e‘x‘cchf; “that When 65"8Fofi'ndééi tion.mcrcy‘ chcrc‘inllv he {hall c‘quajgway ungodnnéf; from $260526 {and {0 take away their fin‘s. {for'OfiCI-Y, QQFHWEQ hazb rhé pr omifc éf flii SL1". F66 and HR; pf cm: wort-d to dome} 166661695669. (rum ' ‘ap..De'iTv-cr‘¢*-‘t 16611664 w‘i‘ll EH} 3:16:66 1‘ uch "rpm mg I afifii‘flfi? 71315533. flit)? other? 761‘ I 7:111“? {'5 thaé hayrai-d cmfiiifii, warl‘éfletij‘léfw.Li‘ri:§",;ll.é um? 3156566":75150133745566"1 P'rbmffed’tempéflalmt‘rciéé i-fifthe _{am¢"§qvenhnt containéd,‘ ‘éVefifa‘re"; madam;66;nimrrojw‘the,{gbfi‘ancc of the Ipiri‘tual._ ‘And 3‘16: P6661755 ' of the 66:: 1166616?— cost! I mat given; 1/6662?» 19666606 6'2" (”36? New H6m6-s:66611 of Chili-{mm chill; {leash oi the ‘Budl’r~ thich {aid fecénd [emPFCs bV che’diviue W0?k‘--'0ii>iod “Pb“ . Efitil':§ifit’0'l' 5),”, being {g‘rebnilc,ffliould ii) cominue (ou‘elyuiter fe’pgfigcd and adorned by Herod) ch-‘eniceforward mmy hundred years, um) dilthifls Were fully abcompiifll if“)? him who wsS‘b‘eforc '{0 i0“ ‘tim-e‘affiicl‘mani’kvays ‘beioreéti’P‘fied' 51’ if 5' '3‘i’thfi'563tih “Whore” ’35in we variawcixacsrunpie aéiuallywfi‘s‘l‘ini from Wm WM: wherci wggh Mofi»: vailc‘d Goifpelofi‘CC'remo-niai i'WOYfi-pr Gear“): iflld' “Patti weresfie’fin-reaish énmicéhcisn-ché silk)?! eff/n" fan‘s? ”M‘im‘fK-iflg- film, was Fpeedily, and pow'g'rfu‘lly,‘ahd‘evidienilg preached by the 60m- , m‘liiméied‘Embamdoxfs ohCiuifi throughgt‘hfi Wbfiié'wpfld éi‘WbéH ' alfo ch-eKingdqm of the Stone'forestfildiiflimfi‘tl; "di‘ibiei‘gmi' or the ,ypg-rimi :m we; m1 Kingdom off-"thriflihs‘ss‘ fez-u 9:5": asdhschs, sfid “,5 um} ‘50; } gogpbwemfuny-uphehlfIwhiiiéflhrifliifiValle Golipflftifltdi 0:“ conqueriflgand [o COI‘tiCTi 35 he b53133“ 'UUdCr the fiffl' Seal, 6i“ he fistglreniy,‘ When‘he eéafech’ cofit‘fihis Wm“ Right’ihalnd 5" Heat- ‘34,. 3 ' VCR, I~ .- \ - A -‘. . ‘ ' A .‘ if? :wm'mgx.“:~ J (233'a‘ a v r...t' ' .1 “ven, Pfam 1-0.1. {hall make his foes his footfimi; andtt’tencei‘orwarh giorioufly‘ and powerfully on David’s and Solomon’s Throne (ashere \ ipromi-fed) in the Kingdom of the Mountain, to the Worlds end and "la judgment,1)an.z "3;; And {0 the great King of the'New inufizy ‘Ierrg will tmdouhtedly facceed lineahytrom the’m’ bOth‘, iniwhom ’th‘e Houfe. and Throne of the Kingdomsof hOth ' {hill he eflabiiflied forever, as in Pfal 4;. is largeiy iliufirated with many excehencies belonging to the gorious flame of the Ltrfizlr’s K ingdom ' with his Saints; h's Sponi‘efliied the Kéngs Daughter, and glorionfly there ‘ 'defcrihed and eni‘ec-fi‘ed with her Dowry, very divinely“ in a great part of that'Pt’aYm. i ” ' . , ‘ ' ” But Vt’rfl4,15. In regard God fore-knew Solomon wouid great'y fail by he own hair-ions fins; which weald deferve great Judgments; even as the great Mefsiab was firfl to fufier and fatisfie for ' Soiamap, before the vtfihie ”glory of his K ngdom {houid i'hine forths and'fOr, all- penitent andtruiy believing PthOHS; and that therefore God fore-mews how he would Faehedy chaflife Solomon, but nottake his , mercie from him as he togk it from Saul. (which is avery evident proof that Salomon was raved) andfemmdiy typify’ing therein» that Che-iii {houid be Lived in his iufiering for mans fin; and oVercom‘e “mm by dyinf, ifi regard that Chrifi {hould 'per‘fonally come in the . "flefh to that end, which was fignifiedby that Heufe which was to re- mttin then in its ufe; andthat till then,‘thofcfervi€es to be performed in th t houfe did denote that work ofRedemption of his peopie which - he was 5;; ascompihh at that his cornmg, whereby {uh Rec'onciliati‘on {hozdd be made with (3*~ d for thém; and then that'faid Home, and the fervices tZ'z'ereSn perform-ed, were thereupon to ceafe: '1 here'forein Veriho. thelait of Gods {aid Meifage to David by Net/Jan, he twice confirms the perpetuiyof the (aid Mercy, not oneiy to ratifie the - furenefs thereof, as is nine! in holv Scripture, as in the four “Mettie' Kingdoms,Darz 2. end-7.3M the Font‘Beaflgbnt it {eemsin' vcrfiop he fir étthrnugh the {aid Reconcdiation made when he put an end to the ' _ fervices of the fetid Houfc, whereby the influence of all promifed v-mercies to the Saints reached in ah Ages to them. fets down there over and over for David’s comfort, this that concerned Chrifis Daw- ' 5112's»! Kingdom of the “thoniand years Reign with the Show, 'that‘ it {houid be BXEFORE Desi/ID; that-is, at the bieffed and hOIy Reid:- reaion of the lath, Rev.2.o,6. when David and ‘Daniel {hahfland up in their Lot-5,; ti'ioutihtherc was a Refcmbianse of it, as {ome db! ferve, in that Solomon was in the Throne befOre David died 2 Yet“ this promiie is of trant’cendent exceilencyfitbovc that matter; neit’herctlid f ~ 7‘ [tat "2 . . 4 ' ' . . . , that flate lal'til'or ever, ire. to the worldsend, which is' {0 many time?- infifled‘npon, both from Gods Riches of Mercy towards David, and David} uneiprefl‘lblc gratitude (as he {aid verf.2o.) due unto God: Wherefbre. he. {peaksin inch a full Comprehenfive mannerycrfilo. Th] .Hoaf: and rig} Kingdom/ball be e/labli/bcd for ever BEFORE THEE : and . again; Th) Throne [ball be eflablifliedfirewr ; which is onely poflihlc in Chrifl, and in himisneccifary, according to that prophecy If4.9.7_. ‘12th of the increafr of hie Governmentthrre (honld be no end. upon the Throneof David, to order it and-to eflnblifb it with judgment and with. jufliwfizom bcflcefwtb evenfor War :‘ And the reafon hereof is very re~ maxim-hie : The-zeal 'of the Lord of Hefl: will perform thin; his Truth, thieFaithfulnefs willth lie unto David, for whom he hath this {are mercy to perform: to .raife'uphis Tabernacle which was» fallen, as Ami: ‘_15.is.explained.:- and- as t‘he-Angel toid theblefl‘ed Virgin, Lumgzg, 3.3.- 172:“ Lord [7741! give unto him the Throne of bit Father David : The Scripture is {0 full in'this point, than if mens eyes be nor ihut,,it is, obvious to.,be {6C1}; And thus,,much of. Gods melfigeby N41194:}. \ ‘Nowri‘r‘om vet-{J72 to theendiof' the Chapter, we have Davidis. mofi grateful acceptance of the {aid Meflige, and very pious improve- .ment of it. by... fairh,,prayer, acknowledgment and thankfulnefs, and well might he do {0, {eeing he {0..well underfloodfinchfo fully. believed every, branch by theteachingiof Gods' Spirit, and every, particular therein contained, viz. That he {hodcl havea Kingdom,tandlfuch :1 Kingdom confirmed to him, and not to him alone, but to him and his.,-_ _ Reopleof Ifmel, and for them withhis Seed ; and not to his mtnral Seed onely, as firth, coming out of his own Bowels, but as typical o£.-:‘ afieedand Kingdom divine and heavenly; to begiven ina wonderful}; _ manner, and as he faith verf. 1:9. for a long time to come, andupon filial]. ‘ Security from God. himfelf, who undertook to do it himfelf, with the» greatefl aifnrance imaginable, yea above all imagination or capacity-~- , obi matures, in fuch a waymnder inch Types. in inch order, time andg manifoldrgniraculoufnefs, that it all men arzdall Creatures-mould joy”, ,. alltheirfigkill. andtPow-er', ,Wealth, Strength, and lnterefls, to confer a» , Kingdom upon .aPerfon, by right of Covenants. Purchals, Charter, . ProwefsaPolicy. Prudence, Conquefl, Merit, or whatever they could 1' congruent-procure to {rich intent, itwould be but nullity inflead of " ,_ , fecurity, compared with this, and-no: worthy even to be named in the, , fame, day.with itre- Yea mensKingdoms on the contrary, the grew“ theyate; are therefore, many times the more uncertain and metering. Where“ this, in the, gteatcfl entenr, ,lhould be the. mofl liable; hem ‘ iog, ’ . i. ’ « , " ‘ ' ' " , ’, m! f’ V w," .v (15:5) ‘ . - ingfounded in Righteoufner's, which is the‘habitation or flahilityoi , Chrifis'l'hrone, P/al.97.2.. whim the greatefl combination of men and creatures touphold by any means Kingdoms and States in unrigh- teoufneis agajnfl God and his People, do thereby the (ooner bring them to their periods, and by inch means oft-times more certain ruine befalls them, as in Nebmbadnezun great Monarchy,whether we look ‘ upon him perfonally, asthat great Tree then 'flourilhing, Dan 4.‘ but iuddenly cut down, under whofe Branches all Creatures (then) {hel- tred themfelves; or lineally, which ended in his Granchild Bel/buzzer, ,. Dams. as that Kingdom was then the Head of Gold, in refpeét of the Other MettlesKingdoms fucceeding it. even {0 it w as but of {hurt continuance for that reafon, Dan.s.2o,2t.2ztzt. for fomc ofthc {aid flmrt continuance : But inch :1 title, and of {.0 long continuance, yea. furl: it :fecure perpetuity God paifeth over by his Divine Charter to: David hisSeed and Peot le here, of that his mofl excellent Kingdom in the world (that though in fome fence it ihould be interrupted for a; time) yet {hnuld certainly Rand good in due time to them, when all, meerly worldly Monarchies {hall be worn out, yet that lhould remain for ever, as often was repeated, even to the worlds end‘; thelilte af— furance was never made before David’s time, never fince, of any King, cloth in the world, nor ever will be, when that un‘iverfal vifible Domi- nion {hall hereafter begin to take place in the w0rld. (as it was {aid of it, Dene 28 ) itinever {hall be deflrhyed in the world, but betranfla- ted into, or perfefied in celefiial Glory : And therefore it is no mare, viil that holy David from fuch Divine Illumination, and from fuel) {uitable firength of faith, doth aniwerably (as we hinted ) receive wii-hi humble acceptation and inlerged thankt'ulnefs and acknowledgment; that blcfled news thereof from God, and accordingly improve it as follows. ' A t. For verl'.18. In the firfl' place David retires himfelf into the a; lone prefence of his mo‘fl gracious God. and in a mofl humble mannen -- arknbwledgeth before him his wonderful mercy and goodnefs to him- l’ellandhia Houfe, both pill and prefent : »Wbo am I (faith he) ’07 Lard God .’ And Morris 12:} Houfe, .tlmtptbanibafl brought me lair-berm! ' i 2. In verfrr 9,. He fetsitforth for the time to-come, further obfer- ving and explaining the long continuance thereof,not to himfelf alone, but to his Houfe, upon a mol’i true and certain perpetuity, upon the hei} fecuriry, in an unparalled manner; (for his w0rds are weighty) faying, Andy: this was afmall thing in 1b} fight, 0 LordGad, (mt t/sou lmjifpaken alfo of 1b} Servant: Haufe {or agree: whilefito come, viz. whi‘e time {hall continue, which he revolves again with a holy admira- EA 2 ' tion, l i l ! mm;.;z_“.:c-a:. .4._;,;; _~ .; ("-261 51M, M14111! u the the manner of M411, 0 LORD GOD. ’ 3 In verf 10. he deciates that he was at a 10% for verbal expreflid 011's of due 11111111111111; for 111' s mercies, but tenders his‘ iniarged heart .. to Gods view, faying, And W/Mt can DWI/id [4} more mm the: .3 For: 21:012. Lord God know/3 lb} Savant. 4 In Vern-.1. he 11111111111125, in his way of gratitude, the truth of Gods promifc, the ireenefs of his mercy to him, with the greatnefs lhereofin 1111 1111111611, 111 1111 thoie great things whi ch were [11111111111111- . ted by their prefent manifei iation of them unto 111111. —--To make « (faith he) th} Servant to 14110111 them. 5. In Verflzz ,z;,z4 he farther 111 uflrates with his own, Gods W011- 'detful gloritms and 11th mercy to m: people of Ifmel; firfl for time pafl, magnifying the greatnefs of the unpara11e11ed mercy of God to them,cXt0111n’g 111m above 1111 gods, and as the oneiy true God, and that he had proved him elf 111 by his works, recorded in h 5 word or related by h1s peop1e verllzz. Wherefore thou art gm. .1t, 01.0111, and 11m: 2': none like that 8:11. " ' And verf-‘z 3. He {ets forth the great honour he had p1 ocured to his peOpfe of Ifiael, by ngs and wonders for them, @6 Whom be re- «acme-11011101119111 the in them 1111111 ht be glorified above the. heathen gods, (it. A 11d 1n verfa4 He gratefuliy reheari‘eth 111s now-con firmed mercy win his pcOpie oi‘I/mel for perpetuity and hi 5 Covenant renewed with them to be their God3 as with Abraham... Gen. 17 7 8 {0 now to them by the Mefliah the Son of 13.111111, much after the ame tenure 01 Words ; even as th s @‘Mefljge is m aeh the fame with that recorded in; . I be’"-¥7 718 9‘6. 61 New aeto verity; 23412111111111 made his grateful acknowiedges meat of {11 than {rendent :11 mercy to H1m1e11 1111: People and H13111fe 121‘ 110-11111: proceeds further to imprnVe it by faith and prayer veri 25: 26: And {5111.} 105' ntiy for Himicif 111d his 11111111.», vcr11- 2.5 New 0 La: 11, , Ebb/(fl) th} word for ever cmceming 1b} Serve»! and concemmg In}: ”flu/e, and ’da 115 than b.1jé [4111 [11111111111 1111126 He: d;o5’ns Gods Covenant with his peopie of. 12:11:11.5! to be t‘ at God tor ever wi: 111115 continued prayer fm hit Hioue 1,, film 1111:: heh: tn eiih .d 51101111211 {om Gods prcfc1zcczmp'()—-« 1:11 by pray-1; 1' 1.51111: 111: gm 01.11111: 11>: heiicv: 115311.. e. P111111 11:, he put: 1.- 121110111113 1 1”>31" 3'13 7 In 11151117 He {1:15 down the [111111511131 11131).“ 0. t’i {upfent 1111:1511 h 51111111 r111.1 prayer 1111111111 (311115 151121211 {.1 .53 3: (115 Re ”111111111 of his 111d: 1111.11.41 meicy to -1 i111: 1111 1 211111 111:,”1111111. 1?:- 110112;; . (“12%;kf114." ‘ " ,Mfl-wm 7,”. -—.—w.——.-7—,.. (z) , turd God, In]? revealId to II] Servant ,faflyg, I will IuIlII IIeI 1m Hog/3; therefere Iath Ila} Servant found 111 I123 been to [2111}th Prayer unto thee; In verf 28 he rumihaces upon the former grounds of his faith, viz. Firfl that this Promife was from that God that was the great and moi} glorious God of IfmcI 5 and fecondly from the truth of a?! his words, Ieund experimentally to be 111-: e 5 and at prefent applies both to his pa1tzcular promife then made to himfelf: Tim: (faith he) art that God and 111] words (19.11119. 9 1111111: lafl verfe he improveth, his‘ {pecial faith 1n reIerenee to the {aid {gerial promife to H1111 eII and n s HOufe, by a twofold Amen, or [a bcIt, (as I may term them) twice running again Over the fame. °' the 5 ' one {ecming to refer (as before) to Chrifis {aid DdVIdIMl Kinngm of _ the thoufand years, TIM-t God would Ila/1 I113 serum Houfe, that It may " continue. for ever before God. '- and the other to eternity. T124111 ngb: be waged with Im blefiingfor ever . Or elfe for further 1nia1 gement of hi5 p153 er, That it might not or ely continue befOre him”, butbe bleflhd 111R) W th his Bkfling forever. And thus by f0 Zratefui acknowledgeme t manifefied by (pecial' faith and Iervent prayer, 11151111111115, hoiy, kingly Prophet imprOved ' Gods {0 great 3111 marvellous m rcy, by the Prophet Nathan rcslcaied tohimieh, for h 5 Home and Peeple oi 1/1111 for ever. Amen. -=...VIII Eighthly, CInIflIIm Readtrr, If 3011 {hall reckon with me;- the eight faid T yges in the 0‘ d and New World, as the Rich Founda. tion 01 Faith, and this from 551151111211 be the BE ghth, the number 1111.111: the fame, anI the flrengrh much greater . For as the other two creater Prophets, Ifamh and feremiab torctold lfrael’s and 7IIIIIII1'5. Capt vi: y, as 11210111 11 tome of the {mailer , and by the Ia111e Pmphets ' did God 5110, for the com rt of We aithful ]e 1 s fore el the 11 great Refluura‘tion: for prziabis largeconcernings me New fem/41m chap... 60.115751! ed by the holy (3111191 to the New yam] 1111111 Rev 21. And as ‘j nemiab hath many threatr 111515 of Judgz neat and Captivity, {11 he hath 11111111' Promxfes of wonder ulmemes, 1111: 0'11er cor: tern-111g their: Red (11011 from 15111211111, butof many more 11111516111115; them parti- cularIy5 Ihat jrmfalemjhallce the Throne OfI‘IIe Lord (M1151 3.5;1E5ee- our T150: 0151 th 11: {est (3:0 ‘5 so al 0 EzchIeI th 1°C 1211-3511:: 111. 11 fibu' m in his Perfun had 11111111» 555115 11 his MiniIIr 51 appo 1151‘ 113 God 011 pc- ciai Otrafions 3e£1 Vt: 132 much (A h 5 P1 sphec. was 311111111I1ca15r2111ght with I i‘ivine I~11eroon5 11 cit: WICII aere11‘P 111111;. and "215155 11111 2.11 ea 3y 35111 7111I11’o a:. 13 fans hiemsfad Casamit e5 :heni :1: her a11d1urther prev-.11111g5111'1. b1111.1111_e..52‘a-Iy E11. 1.11, rumC: 13936.1 2,3513“ 6‘6 I30" b.-' mag..- \/ 'rwtheend of that Book, is in mahy I)’rophe.cit*‘s, ‘Vifionsf'Explication-s,‘ large decipherings. {0 {till Concerning I/rael’s andfudab’smercies at their lafl great Reflauratien; that both Daniel and Chrilt in his new-- lation apply, improve, and explain many things in E’ukz‘el very remark, " ably 3 io eecraotdina-y glo.ious were many of Eukiel's Revelations, - “as in Chap.t. & to. much to be parallelled with Rev.4 {etting forth a like “glorous and gracious _manii'el}ation- of God unto. his Church , through Jefus Chrili, and by he holy Spirit, fetforth by Refemhlan- . ‘ 1 ces of luch Appearances,likeFire, Precious Stones, Rain-Bow,Wheels, T Cherubitns, Living Wiggins, and thelike ,5 and the, Newfierufal‘em in ” 4 the nine 1211 Chapters of Ezekiel, Which Learned Men have [tiled for- , merlytheRevelation of the 0 d Teflament : and indeed it appears to be a Revelation of the Ptomifesaof former Prophets, and of fame oi his own Prediétions concernfng the happyeflste of Ifmel and 3’“- d‘ab tocome, when the Tabernacle of God will be with men, Reva 1., and the City whith he had deicribed {hall really be yebevab Simmem, hecaufe the Lord our Saviour will be perfonally there : And as many differences are obfervable in that foretold. by Ezekiel for the comfort of the gem, a.nd,.that by the Apoflle 301m rt-fiice’cingeipecia/le the" Gent; 1:5 that were behead-edfor the Name of. jefus, and refifled Anti- chrifi, (etc. And' hence eke/(tel {peaks as to a peoplein that Rate, un-i; .der fuchdifpcnfatinns as the Jews were uied to 5 but the other is emi- nently more glorio‘ufly deferibed I conceive for form Reafons, as in rt- gard that partiof Chr its Subifis and Servants that elnfnentiyttht n- will’ferve him,tas Rei*.22..3.s being in thenarurallife, firii Ith, then Gentiles converted (beingthe N‘ati tns of thoie that are faved) will walk inzthe light of the ozher Eerufizlem, Rev. ,1 . that came from God .outof Heaven, by a Mezonymie of the iubieét being the Spirits of jail men made per-feel, wh'ch/Chriii 3:2.rfngs with him at his {scone} com- ing, and upon the taking their Bodies, they become Inhabftants ofthe jemfizlem' Whole Maker and. Builder is. God, Heb] 1.10. prepared for- z the fore-fathers, andeil that without us {hell no: be made perfeaw 40. or perieéi in one, as our Saviour prayed, fable :7 23. when they {hail behnl i. 0:.an glory,v.24 See me on £753.17. 8; other parcels, (or. And Danicldeciares in a fet order of PrOphecy, firfl more gerzeraily, gn Chapagand Chapi7. and after more particularly in Cha p.8..v..1 3. to, 20. with had. and chap. to; as in Rem. Chrifls refemb'ance, and ‘chap. 11. much of the Roman Kingdom, from v.36. as Mr, .Med: accurately and evidently explains: and chant: v. 5 6, 7. the {amein fubiiance with REVJQ. and Daniel’s Lot net es the firfl Refurreaion, Rev. 2.0,. 6. and. to the fame .purpofe Ezekiel (the p. 36.) foretels largeiy the happy i ' cit-ate M , 3:3!m12; my o«.:-'3..;;:-‘L . §‘\ 3—, ,. ,. . f... .. 2.9. effate of the Jews then, to whofn the Gentiles will flew in, being: bath in the natural life, and lhews the {are foundation of that mercy, ver£25526,27. viz. Godrfprix/{limg clean water upontbem, andgiving them a new heart, mid putting his Spirit into them : in the merit Vifion, chap.37. the {aid Promifes are conhrmcd by two vifions andexplita- tions plainly and diflinétly {et down by God himfelf.- as in our Wont" writtenfiyag. to, 1 I. In the next Vifion he them how qutheir great; Oppre or (hell be..deflroyed, who is aptly there defcribed to the life-s and {aid to comein the latter days twice, -Ezel{.38.¥8,2z 6d & chap.3 9:"; and from thence to the end of. that Book deciphers in reference to the: Jews their happy efiate’iri the Davidx'ml Kingdom. of Chri-fl,- who be- ing that iebaveb. will perfonally be there,,... as we {heaved before upon= many confiderations, (26'. Soithat Bee/{id’s evidence beingrightly um derllood, as in manyof thofe may appear, compared withlike portie One of Scripture, his Tefl-iinony may well be applied as a very flrong; Eonndatio-n of Eaith, bearingits Weight with all the refl. ‘ ' IX. Nifltbly, Twice flrOn-gly ratified-to Daniel twowayse » ’firfl, By Viou onely, Damz. upon Gods revealing to him the: Expofition of Nebmlmdneum’s Dream, viz-l T hat after'rhe" four Mettle-Kingd’oms were psf’r‘,‘ there “would fuccecd the” two- fold Rate of Chrifl the Son of mans Kingdom; namely,__, 1- The-Kingdom of" the Stone, verf. 54; ' l 2. TheKing-glomzof the-Mountain,,.,.ver{, 35-; _ Secondly. Both by Vifion and Revelation, Chap}; g; By Vifion offour Beam, 0‘: four Ki ngs.,as v. r7.'rnining~: each-Other, ‘before the Kingdomgof the Son of" man 'ihould“ rake place,.at his coming in the; Elouds of Heaven, when Dominion overall Nations {hell he givento him, to the, worldp end, verl”. 1-3, 14,- . 3% By Revelation, from verl. 16-. to the end‘of the Chap: ' " ter, eipec.ally_.verf. I7. the four Beaftsere laid"? to be {our Kings; and ver£z7. and as Luazzsa... 29. they {hall be made his Delegateswyetlo as»; all {hell obey him. , t ' Both Daniel’s {aid Revelations-and the {everal Vlifions- eitherffeen- or" recorded byhimconcerning Chrilis Davidiml Kingdom, are 9030,1319. .. _ ._ .. - .- EOE-‘3‘ are It / -confon-aiat'to ffomer‘Prophecics and Types thereof ;--and feibeciaf‘fly with Gods gracious Mcflage by Nathan, latefy ihfificd upon fmnh 254mg.» but lalfo with air the: particuiar Branches foétowing to be ‘ gonfidcrc’d in» their (ifdsrand nature, - whiCh *manifbfi mare and mm Echis {aid {0 diVine Md glorioué Scripture4Truch rcfpea'ing the-{aid Kingdom, which IS the main fubi:& of our third part, yiz; the Parana! with its appendancs, as thereby may be {can andconfidcred, "being 0; «wry great ufc righciyt'o underfland much‘of 11on Scripture, (.9 c. Th‘éfflf- Aft-9% We {hall fists fay no mom chasm; 'bucrref‘cr the Reader thereuntd; 0:1er ad mo-nifhing him againfi two learned Ermurs; [for i'ear‘néd mens ““3103” 1W hiJ-th' becn'much pleaded ‘forthem, and‘hath tong upheld them]- Firfl of {ash as will have the Book 0?: Revelation tobegin where Dame! ends, as if both thoiéBoOks were "a toniima'cion of the fame ‘Hiiloryflfc, Seconily, .1" inch 35 "make the l"-Sela.-cidae and Lagifig; Which- wac biu-c'thc'broken‘péfrts of the'Greak Kingdom, :0 he the ‘ fours!) M‘Jmm‘Y it: 0:1ng whiéh the Spirit of‘God recko;.ech [its :further than Am'wcbm, Epipbams, who was repuifed by the Roman Naq iviesapp‘earance befOic Alexindgvz'am 15d] MnMcde mauEfefls to be (hiofc Ships of Cbittim, {om-cold by lelnigm, Nxmb 4.24.“ and-,fulfiiled then, as Dmming, 1 :Unci) Which two. 8, {Mid flue miflgxke may he ihdded, of ytti‘icmitlxa; wouidsmake the .B.;0k of‘z’iewlafi‘iom: notbean Hi- zfiory of thingschh pafllwfien given, and not a Prophecyiof things to come to the'cna‘ oi me world: Whgi‘sas runawaytoail three, the Book oi‘.-Reveimian is mcerw a divine myf‘.‘flis:.:l Commeni‘ or Expofiti'on Of that hiddea parg of Daniel, Chen 01:13:; up and caicd up til! the time «of th; end) as we {hex-Vet? in spur pr'cficewto the: iii-Mafia; ahd’" eifcz'wherc. 501115;: {has right mxdcriiandiag 0i“ walfl‘iefi‘VPI‘QPEWKISY mufi t'iéict’ira‘ iri'yvébe {but catchereby c > all (xix as mmm any <3»ch30 t: mi s-aipinians. €Scc fortixis alfo the contrary ~judgment and zieafuns of may learned men in our fifthcomincing Afbumcnc 1:: ch; Ward W2 itten, XITentbiifl AppFed oftcgzwn: by 011? Saviour in the Gifpci, to the Kixgdymo‘f tic-c Son qf man, Match.” 4.?- »nd t-{acfisan of man: consigg 5%” W Kingdom“ Minimaw; find, It is 390:.” Father‘s gobtfpleizfme to give 11014 a Kingdom3 Lam 2‘32. Again‘ [Wm 1'4 171} Kingdom natfrom -' heme, john 18.37., And, 1 have appaimed untujou a 1(i.-.gdozn,'a m} Fa:be:,bhtb appointed/mm me; which is th-i. ’fame which Daniel in vili- on {aw him coming tof‘ecgive, D332 7 1;. :4. and was prc'mii'Cd Iheefore: to him, :66 the Son of Dn'vz'd, 2 37am. 7. which was 3110 itii‘cfi by Chrifl, Tim Kéflgdm: (,féGodI that was i’Oi'cmi-fiby him fhmid {fraw near a: hand ' firm-2a ymef's. grslacilieyjmmgggn (11;; uizcniffiégcn grin :i‘ie Prppi'zets} ' , ' flail . x 3’1 . {hall beaccomplilhed, and upon the beholdi‘nh the'fign’s thereof, he biz-‘5 the'Jews lift upthei‘r heads, becaufe their Redemption‘then draws near, (as is very evident from Luc,zI.31.) ofwhich our Saviour’fp‘ake in a Parable, Lithium.” 24 2,7; the time whereof is exp?ained‘in the order of accomplilhment, Raving. as is eafily dilcernable to fuch as are acquainted with the Series of that Book ; whiih faid Des ' riding] Kingdom of the Son of man {hall begin in the world, as Dee m'el declares, Chap.7.13, I 4. at his coming in the Clouds of Heathen, which Chrifl himleli alfo further illullrates, {bewing it, {hall be with hisown Glory; and oi‘the Fathers, and of his holy Angels, Lac 9 26.. when ten thoufand times ten thoufand {hall miniiler to him, and ltand befo: e him, Dan.7.lo. when the Judgment is fet to deflroy the Beef}, and give his Body toxhe burningfl tine, verm I. All Which Texts of holy Scripture will be fulfilled above a thoufand years before the Re- ' furreélion of Wicked men to the‘general judgment, as is mofl evident from the {cries and order of things let down both by anid, and more fully explainel in the Book of ReVeZation efpecially in the twentieth Chapter the molt clear "Fable of'thefe lal’t times and order ofthingsto be done in them, for which purpofe alfo confide: the forefaid Parallel- XI. Eleventhly, Being alfo {o Expounded by the Apollle Paul, and others of the Apoflles; concerning which Doétrine, fill the Apoflle Pauldelivereth many things by way of explication thereof, we {hall touch upon fome of them briefly. . Fitfl, When he comforts the troubled Saints, that they {hall have ' iRefl with him and Other Apofiles and Saints. whilfi Chril‘c will render - tribulation to fuch as troubled them, he fees down that time to be when the Lord yifmfkall Zze reVealed wit-b bis-might} Angels,” inflmningfire, m- _ king vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the Gofprl 9f our Lord Mm Cbrifl, 8m 2. Thef.1.7,8,9. and in Chap 2.8. he declares further from Dang. that Morher-Text, (as Mr. Made aptly lilies it) of all fuch Scriptures in the New Teflament, That Chril‘twill parti- cularly deflroy that man of Sin at the fame appearance of his coming or prefence, when the body of the fame Beafl, as was fail, {hall be ‘gi~ ven to the burning flame, as D4117. 1 1. whieh he alfo farther decipher- ” eth by his Appearance and Kingdom, 2 Tim 4.1. as alfo was by Da- niel feen in vifiOn, (9's. . A ' « _ 'A gain, He further informs us firongly, ’Ilm Clarifl mufl reign till he hath put all his Enemies under his feet, 6: Cor.15.25.i Now when he molt eminently begins to do this, his laid Reign begins, for till then he fits at the Fathers right hand, yea aEd fits there expeé’ting till‘th’al‘. ( ' “51¢ . 6 z) « j time-come, (asth‘e fame A‘poiile minifcflly declares, Heb Huang.) and at that time the Beef} is cxpreflylaidto be call into the lake of fire burning with beimllon, after the language of thaLmofl “acred Pro- phecy. And-«to make his i x-pofition yet more clear and forcible, he lurtherteatheth, That the lall Enemy that [ball be deliroyedin the faid Reign of (brill. {hall be Death; viz“. Bodily Death, that {epa- rates Soul and Body ; not’the death of Soul and Body, forthat 1116:“? upon will egintnoll to "reign, and to reign over the. Damned eternal: ly : but the other, namely thedeath ofthe Body, lhall be dcflroyed and call into’thelake burning with fire and briml‘rone, that-is, in its.- eapacity, and after the language of Gods Spirit in that Book, the very being of it, as the general Deflroyer of humane Nature in this life, will be taken away, when no {uch matter will remain for it to work upon 5 when all Saints are rapt up to meet Chrillr in the air in a mo- ment, and wicked men Rand intheir Hate to be judged, the prefent being or Humane Nature, leparable of Soul and Body, will be utterly, ahelilbzd : Now this laid deflrnékion of bodily Death, that lafi Ene- my, will no: be cffeéied till above a thoufand years after the coming of the Son or man in the Clouds-of Heaven, as wae (aid, and after the {aid cafiing of the Beafl and‘falfe Prophet into the - {aid lake burning- with briml’cone, as is very evident from Rev.19.1o. compared withthc order of the {aid Table of the Times, in Chap.2o. to verfir4. where..- Death and Hell are allfo {aid to be cal} intOthe lake of fire, that is, 'Death and the Grave in the (aid fence, have no more ufe, or matter to work upon, and by confeqnence no more being in the world. And... whofo faithfully and {erioufly endeavours tightly to weigh and confi. der thele things without partiallity or prepoflemon (which at fitfi may, l‘eem an hard thing for-(om: forts of men to perform) yet upon {uch en‘deavour,vwith humble leaking unto God for direétion in thefe truths, and faithful and patient waiting upon him in the ule of pertinent means, ’ I! doubt not but-in Gods good time they may be Well {atisfied fromhe; .Word and good Spirit Of Grace in the reallity and truth of the fun- l-iance of them»: for which purpofe I conceive it no: needful here to»- 1‘ay more for infermation or conviétion (whichis mainly my bulinefs) and for particul .rappl cation hereof, it will be obvious to all {mow-I ing and pious-Chrill'ans, which lam forced to leave to themfclves at - prefent, for brevity-fake, (publilhing by Pref: having long been to me. a difficultytaslt) and when “a Doéizrinal Foundation‘in this caleis once lurely laid, application of thefe, with iome points oflu-ch nature, will infome refpeéics be made ai/ortieri, as from an additional confideration, but yet. a yery weighty and moving. confideratign (it particularities ’ ' a F “‘3 13.1.. A. , « . . m- a“ WWW; ., L. ,,,...,..-,., therein to be confidered in their {everal kinds ”and "natures, be duly in}; - proved by Scripture-guidance) and the hofy‘Spi‘ric of Gods gracious aififlange; the infallible means of being rightly‘guided‘ into all nee‘dfnl profitable DiVine Truth, as all holy Scripture-Truths‘are, and their: in ‘ particular (thouch too much over-look’d and lighted by forge) though the great things of God, and an excellent and glorious part of the (30. ,i fpel 0f Chrifl, a rich and long inheritance/of the Saints, yea,(as We not ted) the highefl: form of God-glorifying Creatures (then) viz. Saints and Angels, [0 fit them wonderfully above all Other means in the pre~ ceding fix thoufand years, to glorifie him more excellently for ever and ever; We {hall but even mention {ome likeevédence; from the other 513011135: Peter, 7mm: and film, the Witneifes at Chrifls Transfigurat tion, who then joyntly {aw that repre’entation of Chrlfis glory at his comingin his Kinngm, (for he calls that his coming inthat fence, « Ma-ttb..16 28~ Afar/(9.1.) when thofe eminent glorified Saints and Prophets, Mali: and Elias, appeared talking with him : Firfi,“l’:ier {ets forth the beginning of that Rate by the Re/h'tution of all things, and the time: of refre/hment from the'prefcnce 0f'the Lord, Afis 3.19 20,21. and as witnefled by all the holy Prophets of God fince the World hen "gan. And the Apofile 7mm: fiiles it from the Prophet Amos 9. II. The 19¢}me of the Tabernacle of David that mu fallen down, with form: I explication ol the {aid PrOphecy, Aft: 15.16) 17. Alfo the Evangelil’i ‘ Viohn makes a relation of Chrifls Kingdom n t being of this wurld, PTO- ving it not {0 to be, in regard his Servants did nor fightthat' he ihould '~ no: then be delivered tothe jews 5 New therefore (faith he.) mj Kingdom is not from hence, John 8. 36,37. 1 might adde jina’e’s old Tradition, turned by him into {acted Scripture, v. 13, 14. but that was {pokeni of before particularly. ' ‘ ' XII. 'Twelfthfy, Come We now to the twelfth and left Foundation of our Faith, named in ourlgeneralTitle-pa-ge, andthat is from the mofl full and lirongly evidencedtRevcfation, in that many waysmoit excellent {art oi the h ly Scripture given by Chrift tohis beloved Dif- ciple john, concernihg the ending of the fourth Monarchy, at the Beafis defirué’tion, Chap 38.11..to the‘end, and the beginning and continuance of‘Chriflfs Kai-93am or Reign with his Szfints fuccrcding it, Chap'.2o.4_i thereby very evidently eXpIaining by his bell authority what Daniel {aw and {aid more darkly and briefly before; hOthofthc-rm being/Gods beloved Witnelfes‘ ol‘th: fame Divine Truth ; hutChriiis by his beloved Difciple ?ohn, is the true and infallible Comment ofthe other: Which laid lafl Vifions,Chap.19,r 'I. and Chap 20,21,22. now - F 2. ,» are 3 ) . are hafl‘tning in order of accompliihment (3S We him.) to '5!“ placer (”is upon niailllconliderations may“ appear probable) when that hm" V611,." \Jeneral'oi all Gods Hoils (Will-tre (Name. ‘53 T H E WORD OF GOD, (ashe is there (tiled) JESUS CHRIST the Great. Meio- ’ fiahand Deliverer oihis People; '1 HE ION-G OF KlNGS AND LORD OF LORDS, Verb 6. will tl‘en come the [econd time with- on: iin unto lalvation. 11:30.9 air. for them: nor one]? as in the King- dom of the Stone, {plr toally and divinely to lave their Souls from. ' the hands of their lpiritual Enemies, which he fulfilled at, his firfl: coming, and hath improved and carried on ever fince, in their {affer- ing Condition, and will do whilft that Kingdom of Patience Grail cm dare; but when he will work an outward vifible temporal initiation, withthe lpiritual, {or all his people, from all their Enemies, tolerver him liit'ilOllCiC‘r of them, in righteoulnel‘s and holinefs before him,. all the days of their lives, Lam .7 5. (which withthe context hath been bnt'ina {mill mealtireyttfulfilled, in the aptefl fence, in comparilon of what it will in {cytral refpeé’cs then be) for then will be the great Vintage or Harvel’t of Belfevers, which is to come in unto Chrifl in, the lad thonfand years reign, when Jj/éz 53. chiefly 'fliafl (it items) take pl: re, thal he {hallfee on férd and :19: pleafur: oftbe Lord flmll profper in halmnd; in the prolonging of his days, even in ail that time, as alfo he ' {malts Chap. 9. l 0. wherein he flan/I'fit apou the Throne of David, and up- hr'a Kingdom (marltthatexpreflion) to order it; that is, David’s King. dam: for what end P namely, in fuch a way as to eflablilb it, namely, by Juflice and Judgment: and the Pfalmift excellently fpealteth-there- of particularly, fir/lice and fudgment [ball be the habitation (or eflablifhe . ment,or fiabilityflfr/y Throne, Pfal.89.14. and efpecially Pfal 97.;5 which pa t5cl‘2larly fets down the beginning of Chrifls Kingdom, {0 explained Hahn-8. for Kingdoms are ('0 to be eflablifh’ed, (faith the wilt-fl Solomon, Prov.16.12. The Throne :2: eflablt/bed 6} Righteoujmfr, tit-(2,5753) the contrary whereunto being aéted by the ten Kings that give their-.- power tothe Beafl, with Others at the lafl, will bring deg ilruétion both upon him and them together. R‘ov.19.18;19,2o. like as {(‘mc of them before that time had bewailed the burning of the Whore of Babylon withtheiralaa, alga, Chap.1839 10- ButChrifl being that Great King that [with an Bore] is foretold {hall eminently rule in Righteouinefs, 7w. 2 35,6; Thereforehe vilill f0 cfiablifla his Davidiml Throne (as was (aid) in Righteoulnefs. and Judgment, the {media- lilhment thereof: For all their great temporal Promifes then (as we. flaewcd before) {hall appear to be rounded upon their fpiritual endow. mtntiof Grate, when God will circumcife their hearts, and the hcan5 of”. $5 5. w of their See-d, Dean; 6. rm. to I? 5b)ecaufe Ifiael then {hall 'be a moflv holy people, therefore they {hall be a mall happy People; their 130-! minion then Will be founded in grace; and thereby pre’ierved. alfo for ever, as God promifed in that eminent Ten 2 84713.7. and all their out- ward mercies wil/l appearthen to be derived to, and preferved for them and their Seed, from that fpiritual Covenant with Abraham, and tho row that one Seed Chrifliand from their interefi therein,lrom whence the temporal will flow in unto them, according to’ their large meafure - of grace and fan&ification. But at the fulfilling of that laid Vii’ion, Rem 9. I I. when that Great General with his holy and 'celellial Army .. {hall overcome and u:terly deflroy the Bealt and lalfe Prophet, there- ' npon will en {ne‘Satans binding, and that fecurely, for 1000 years, that he may not deceivethe Nations any more, till the {aid thonla’nd years -~ be fulfilled, (W. Chapao. uhich alfo will be contemporaneous with Chrifls Reign with his Saints on earth, thelame thoufand years, which ~ is Chrilis Davidical Kingdcm, of which God gave {uch alfarance (0» David that it lhould continue for ever, to the end (if the world inthe {aid 3 54:12.7. 'From which ground, with others all fuch as have buta .. lmall mealure of David’s faith thereof, may by the due reading, im- _ proving, and the right and {erio;s cOnfidering of his fecurity therein, ' (through Gods mercy) he i’ufficiently fatisfied in it. And in very deed, . fomuch hath by many learned perfons teen written to this purpofes . and preached upon this Text, {Rec/.20 4,5, (9 c. that I judge it needlefs to adde any more here upon that account : Onely obferve how Daniel- and theRevclation agree in our Parallel of the Ruine of the Roman? 1' Empir'e, (which is nowhallening under the hall head thereof) when . Chrifis laid Reign will begin : Wh-éle abominable wickedneis, vail'ed under luch hypocritical pretences of piety and charity, varnilhed over, with a {eeming colourable antiquity, propt up bythe Popes to long lal- . fified infallibility, under which and Other falfe Vizards, whilfl the {aid . Pope with his Compliécs pretend m‘oa zeal for Chrifls Religion and \ Souls Salvation, even then they reallyfight‘mofl againfl the one, and really leek to dellroy the Other, (as wolul experience hath long mani- - felted) one the one part undermining the Truth, making void the Or- dinances and lnflitutions of Chrifi, by adding to them, or taking from them, pollute his Worlhip, dilhonourhis Gofpel, and caufe his Reli- -_ Cgion to be reproached, and’his Name blalphemed, amongl‘tprophane . Paganilh and Barbarous Nations, that know him not: And ”on the _. other part, by their many Crafts and Cruelties to enfnare, torment and perfecute poor ignorant Souls, or Others that fall into their Nets, or», bytheirtyrannous Praéhces, J. (the mylterionsiniquitywhereof will be ' . _- 7 . ‘ revealed- 5k“ g.,tifl,i ;_l_w,r (36) e , ‘ " 3' ”wevea'led‘when their Inqulfitors {hall come to be anatom’Zed) whereby they have earneilly laboured to force them to yield to theirevil deli-gut;| Yea how have they violently for many hundreds of years, pelt kille; the Saints? How many molt barbarous malTacres and bloody perfecu— (ions have they aé’ced in againf} thofemeek Lambs of that (now alive, yet once was) flain Lamb of God Chrifljefus , who {hortly to their ‘ terror {hall‘appear to be the Lion of the Tribe 6f ffldab, Rm; 5. when they have filled up their meafure, which they have ever been dos “ ing from the timethe great red Dragon gave unto that multi-form’d Beafl his Seat, with great power and authority to'aét therein for his forty'two months,Rev. 13.1,6 7. which hehith accordingly improved, as borh Hiflory and Experience hath abundantly (though fadly) dif- covered; and willdo fo more and more to his power. (Which is (h: heavy fpiritual Judgment of that man'of Sin, and therefore more hear yy, becaufe fo-fencelefs ofit) even until his time {hall ben) longer, Rmioe 7. as the Angel ‘(probably Chrifl) forewarns that [image Creature, and when it will be: Anddoth flat the height of thofe proa- 'digiousi-mpieties and prevailing "abominations tootoo confpicuous in ' that whole ‘Antichriflian Body, and every Limb thereof, in the fight a of all 'ohfervant perfons and people appear evidently to hafien the‘ defiruaion thereof, together with that {aid Beall, who as Daniel alfo , orefaw fhould be then (lain, and his body given to the burning flame, chap 7,} 1. Of which PrOphefie and Vifion this glorious a ppear- ance made by Chrili of "his nut-coming. chap-19 II. is a clear com. ment and decyphered completion lhortly to take place (as we ham: 1 realon to expeét, and alfo to be fully accomplilhed accordingly. _ And then like Wife together with Baéilom wine will happily haflen theraifingupof Sim- And upon Antichrifls delirué’tion will cer-' tainly fizcceecl Chri'fis faidfo wonderful exaltatiou in in the wOrldL in. that his- Divine and'Kiugly vifible Glory and, Majefly then robe ma- uifefl, namely to be the Prince of the Kings of the earth (a; ; Runny. though formerly «rejefted by {uch many tines) andthat 'in': ’ "the lightoi men, angelss'and all creatures, Rev. 5. 9, 13, 11,12; 13. who (ball then how the, knee and aelfmowledgehim to be the Lord; ”Phil; 2. 9. for which at prefent the whole creation moi‘l heavily groan’eth, 1.2027298. 22,“ 2 3. When that blefledrnew yemfalem [late 'flaallappear, which then will be replenilhed withjits holy and happy" new railed Inhabitants, with all that. bleffed communion of doubly . faved Saints and holy Angels in fuch great and innumeiahle multi- tudes, which {aid Angels as" in heaven before they were wont to re.- - ’ioyce in (innersnconverlion,and even to be fei‘viceable therein, {0 .\ t ' _ " will _ '2‘“ u. ..—-—--—.-"‘.1=‘ ,n—n-v- ~' ’ " 7_ 'r, , r _ ,_..-'-."> ' . 37 i 'will they then much more rejoyce in fuc‘h happy coinrnu‘nion oz" fetch" multitudes of faved Saints,Jews and Gentiles then to come in, and 1 of the perfefily ho‘lycom‘munion of'the before deceafed Saints, but then invefled'(happily)with their new raifed bodies by the fame power of Chrifl, whereby then he will perf‘eé’cly fuhdue all things (in‘rheir due order) unto himfelf (as the Apoflle Paul inflrué’cs us, Phil. 3. air.) Then {hall they‘be ‘Ifangeloi, as our Saviour (peaks, like to the An- gels of God (before) in heaven, when the laid Hiera-metropoliz, or holy mocher City, as the Prophet Efizy foretold,will arife and [him bemufe her tight 3: come, and tbeglor} of the Lord is rifen upon ber,ch.6'o. vent. as in thofelarge’ and various deferiptons of the manifold excellency of that City, b0th in former and followingchapters are fet down, as alfo in many Other portions of holy Scripture may be obferved:$ome of which are applied, Rev auto that City particularly (as we nored.) whereby the Spirit God teacheth us evidently their proper meaning and literal fence, riz..refpe&ing the happy eflate of that great and holy New yc'rufalem, whofe beauty and glory; and bleffednefs on earth would require a large volumn aptlyto dil'play, in what from Scripture grounds might to that purpo’e be evidenced, refpeéiting the fame, and _ yet many thingsmore than what now we can attain to, may be ground- edly expeéted. For that; time when the Temple of God lhall be yOpeuedin heaven, and men .iha-l'l fee in his Temple the Ark of “his Tefiament, Rev. 11. r 9, and the light of the Moon ihall be asthe light of the Sun, and the light of one day {hall be fevenfold asthe light offeven daies, as is foretoldthereoi’, E]. 30. 2‘6. many myficries of Chrifl and his Religion, of his works of Creation, Redemption and. Providence, and many myfleries now in the varieties ofthe erearures (many wayes till then little underflood asis probable) when the Lord {hall be unto that Cityher everlaiting light, and her God her glory, 74.60.19. And the earth [7741! be filled with t/Jelgaowiedge of ~‘ theglory oft/2e Lord, as the Waters cover the Sm. Hab.2 up it. will then be a filling of the Earth With knowledge, and thatoi‘ the glory of the » Lord, and in fuch meafure as {hall be to the uttermofl capacity of it, asthe Sea, ready to overflow where it hath any pafrrage,iand would co- ,, ,/Ver every place with-its waters 5 {o in that time there will be a know-- ledge of all then Moi/able, as We may fay. 'Befidesthole Bxcelieneics let down to be before, in, and after the thouland years of Chrilis {aid Reign (as in our firfi convincing Argument in the Ward Written are to be feen)‘ concerning which a Body of Divinity rel‘peé’ting that world might ufefully be written from Scripture warrant, from all which as from an exceiient School referred for thehigheli former" ~> . thofe ' , ( 8-) . more than fo excellent God gloiifying Creatures, railed Saints and Angels; with others, when all things by Chrifi lhall then be made “new, as Rev.“ 5 I doubt noc but abundant matter of everlafling pra {e will {bong y for that l‘tate enforce the fame, yet with the great- efi will ngnefs and complacency, upon all {uch or the like advantages. Whereupon thefe afterwards everlafling Hallelujahs will molt amp y ’-=and perpetually be fang tothe Trin Une Deity of Father, Son, and ho y Ono-fl, eternally molt blefl‘; d holy and glorious, by men and An- _~gcls (as was laid) f0: eve r and ever. Amen. ‘ To Glory .r God all Crlorjéi J‘ due for aye. '1 . To him alone tbi: Due let all fuck 174}. 1-1. M ,1: N f I N11 s. RARE ET 823' , . SS .035. ‘- [(034 mar arm cow-u ELL spc nae RARE 801270 BT823. $5 035 167 I llllllllllllll O1 0-005840227