sIs%I£s;Er.afr»aia%*;».1i'«::,*:er‘~f'ae.’«»»Ms%a£s§e A R A P H R A S fig Am) gfi %%EXPOSHHON § ofthcProphefie of V %?: 3 M . 1 f ‘C «s!gt2‘3eC011cerz11ng't11e day of C H R I s T 3 G6 fecond Comming 5 Defcribed in the third Chapter ofehis 95%? fecond E P 1 s T L E. ’>%":‘g:i A 132: +9 AS ALso, W _,.§22t2 _ *.‘=*E~§%How the CONFLAGRATION, or De-1% I 9533 ftruéfion of the \No RLD by fire , (whereof $693? Saint Peter f peaks) and cfpecially of ~ $7g‘3{‘ theHI=.-AVI.=.Ns,istobe % underfiood. V 4 . .1 3% B Y 435%; % Io 51-39 H / ED E,B.D.Iate Fellow of a C hri s C01Icdge in Cambridg. AV '9 *3%f-g’§}§, *LoNsD07~{, Printed by R.Bi{bap,for SAM ms L’ MAN,d Welling at the fign ofthee Swan in PauIseChurch~yard.:64v. T W 9 “‘ i 35 92%*9reb,gg eeweewwweee wesweveeeef «z=«:>~:ac:6£t~='€:«~:» A M R .A EXPOS SAINI" Epls W Aint Peter exhorts _ the éhelieving Ietvs, _ F meta whomhe wmes ‘ ‘W’ " A to hee mmdfufl of the «words of the holy Prophets, (9.) Efiy , Daniel, and ‘Mala- ’ eeneemmg the cumming A 1:32 J u H , %%@%%@@%%@@% e@@%@%e%@m%%@%m@% '3>¢J¢J*?¢1¢°¢-:t»W=¢~i>*?i?*¢>§4‘i5*“e*e*3~"z*>'%‘~' PHRA6E AND ITION ofthe Prophefie of A 7’8T8‘R, ‘Concerning the day of Can 1 s -r s fccond Commmg, e (tn the third Chapter of the fecond TLE. . J (4) F that which St. Peter here. defcribeth were ’ foretold by the old pm- phets,then mutt Saint Peter be fo expounded, as it may be {hewen in them,and agree with them. ch1, of Chrifi to judgement , and the Apafiles of our Lordand the reflauratim then pramifed, itiheirzg alfa confirmed Z}: Savzaur. t “A2 h’ . gi[”~.‘3'> I <1»/40 -7-——-— V Vcrfee Verfe 3,4 . le;j‘.“,»tleeY‘hoth hy [ewes and C hri- i ‘ tu,__éi§e'e3l‘Ger2,tilesf,)‘et imhe luff " -. ;.« rm m h '‘w“ U9 .. .. ,. . ' fhozjla’ come thofe, who 3‘ .c --w tiihlhing after their lozzme de- fires (or hammers) ,/hould deny M any fetch pramife (b) of that Tab} of C hrzfi , fztjing, Where Z3‘ ' r-the premi/e (C) ofi his com- tmz;eg.3 Where 1):‘ the new hen» , were ezmlieenz earthjau talk of? whichiChri{t was to come Kingdomet (5) Itake , plying thatt Pramife here for , fomewhat thinke that I am.- condemning the op be neere upon the b fiian Apofia-fie , ( times 5 ) and that within thefe time not the like reafo 9; Fex,:J?pwfaet'er it were then he» r and deride the expetizztion of 0 be the meaning, wfzs. 1}: the promife ofhtir cumming .3 Nerz/erthelej]i:we1oioh far 4 new _hetwen and a new earth, according ,(Reader)in the appli erre ; but be not thou unchati n of the fitft Authours 1 . ~ , 2' (5) This iaiapg-tTov TQJV :«;,uu'_o.'.;::', 3 or left day-es , fhould feem to chtifhaccotding to that of Saint ‘Paul, I Tz'm.4. I #72‘: the- lbe the time of the C hut-e. ches Apofiafie under Atari» * later times fame jhafl depart firam the feitb,giving headte- fpirits oferraur ,4/ed doélrizzes» of demons. For as the times,» 22iel$’Kingd0mes were the lalt times in general], during ,and found his Church and’ So the latter times of the — being the period of a time, times, in the wicked home {houlcl “dom l times of the lafi times, or lafi tim fourth Kingdoms, es in fpeciall. res plromgfléz, the aémithefls im- A’ 7 he fcoflers fa} , Where-_ of the fourth and Iafi of De. ‘ ‘and halfe ta time,where- f ineere, are the latemoft f tohirpromife. But here is cationivherein thou maili table of crying down at» . in thy cenfute, not For although the crying dovvne and inion of the Chiliezfls, will be Found to eginning of the times of the Antichri- which I fuppofe to bee called the lafi the utteributying ofthat opinion falls s : yet thou muff know, firfl, That there is truth ,, -vr ~u-av-. _ ‘'p--.-— ‘v truth, and ofthofe, who led by their authority, take tterwa-rds , without further examination, for an errour. . Secondly,To fcoffe, is one thing,and barely nottotbe. tleeve, is another. Thirdly, it is one thing to deny a pro-l t (3) ..-p-nu.-n.——-o.-—.——--—-. , mife fimply, and another to deny and quefiion the manner thereof :as alfo, to re}1:e& a truth fincerely propounded, land when it is entangled with errours , as that of the later hcbilieff may feem to have been. . Verfe altem. ‘ The reaftm of tbtii‘ their um.- liefe éeizrg, éecaufe they ima- :gi22e,tlaere /mt/9 22e=veryet,fizzce the creation of the world, éem may example offuch as defiru£ii- tamzzza’ change enfuing it , as third: the cumming of C hrzfi Touching the ]'ewes,and the nion amongft them in the later times _, I find amongfi the Doétors of the Gemam, (which was finifhecl about W auldée. For _/aim the F4. 5.00.. yeers after Chrifi) a zfbergfell aflcep ( fay theflevezz /inc: Adam died , afl things /mrve tontinuecl as they were fram the éeginnincg qf the Cre- ation. 7 ‘berefare t/oe e.~cpeE?az‘ti. :02: of any fuck change oftbe vrtrorldvjrziid the flare qf things itbereirz (.25 uppofed) is tvainl anc1_fzritJol’o2/at, and never to ée fulfil/ed. nW'upn ninth rm nwn 11: :*x::: n~.wx:>‘>n -nave N‘7N {tare of the world , and the dayesof Mefliah,but in‘re- gardof the bondage under the kingdoms of the Gen» efing the more ancient opi- nion and tradition of the renovation of the world. After this time there app :1 fed’: of the followers 0 l hich at length was greatly advanced by the auth . A 3 lemzecl‘ it af- impeachment of this opi— ' or gloffi of their Talmud, A tenet of one R. Samuels, we ' That there was to be no clif- - ference between the prefent t tiles onely-'5 thereby 0pp0- 1 " eares to have been amongfl the Jewes 1 f the opinion of this R .Samuel, v orityof ' .4._..:. IV- vu-r- ,‘’*-'v"''*‘ M fenfe and tneaning is the {elfe fame with that here of the ’ (coffers: All -thifigf (fay they) eom‘z'mte,ax: they were from the ’ f0ll0vvers;as one called Dtufifiri 'DirJ‘.17 creli nevi, proving _,__LA. , v.:-.ui- .1 ...n ur ‘C4? Philofophy of Artflotle , (wherein he was admirably skil--‘ worlds renovation to be in the dayes of Meliiahg and that upon this ‘ground, Qgtod mzmdm retinet é’ fegzaitztr eaxzftte- itudifiemfuttflg which faying he adfcribeth to fame other Rabbins of the fame opinion before him , which for the hegimzizzg ofthe cr-eation. Neverthelefie r;4.ém Ez.m,who li- thers did) the contrarygszthere are extant certain difcour- fes and ttaétates amongfl them, purpolely wtittenofthisl argumcr. t, and confuting the opinion of Ramham and his the neceffity of the renovation of the world, and direfied againft cttp.z9.lih,z.of./Maimanides his lbtore Nehothim... Anothetby R.lfzmk Aharhinel, 'D'!n5.N nwbvnn Opera .Dei,, (out of Pjal.6 5.5.) wherein all the arguments brought a- gainft the renovation are confuted. And no doubt there are more ofthelikc nature,which we know not of. Verfe 5,6. ;' But thafe who fuppofe thia‘ (5,, e,-Q,-0 o,g;W’]g ;) that there hath zwvernyet any fuch tie/tmfiikan or change heft:/Zen the create? 022, and thence tomlmle ,, there. inter [hall fztth ever he - theyi ‘Br weigh and cortflt/er ‘not, thef %u72i7,'erfal/etelucgfe in th erime qf Noah, (when the L‘tlVfl?S laid; upon the ereaturefar mam‘ fizz learned Maimonit/65 , who having drunk too deep of the 4 full)became a champion againit the opinion of o the. ved not long after Meimonides, maintained fiill(as alfo 0-»: V M water,viz. that of the great (5) firft falemnly‘ toohe pl.ace,); “ hrought at at lthe cleftrmfitcon, f o ~‘, a like change upon the world‘ for the degeneration of the lcreatzere; As their at thefecond‘ hcomming ofChrifl.r [hall he for the refiazcration and a.reno=vati- on of the fame in the glorious liberty of the children of God. For the heavens were of old’, aneltheglolze of the earth, con- fifiifig PW"tl)l !l]J\oLTO§) Of cleepganclpartly ( Jn’ z'JIJ7o:.'z‘o§ )4 clouds ancl_flooel.'gates of heat. meclhyuthe word 0fG0cl: By the 5 H¢””°dW‘3 3 JV}. vhocov , 5W6’? the world which“ then wat,,he- d6!’ fhfl P1‘€P0fifi0n 3 I fUP" ing overwhelmed with water, ' POE‘ S-PW’ by his '”‘7J*¢T@‘ Noah: lzfe, in the feconcl‘ tainsof the great deep hroken PIRCC Of G9”?/l5~ alledged up-, fieverf. 18 . and the wa- t z~ers»3 8; 2'‘! .and all diedi Vcrfc 7 ; A E’"l¢t"l5lJl'€ heacvens and the earth (i.e.thc7 world)“ which ianow-,l rrrr U _rvr-—¢v amongft Cd) wateralto wit, the (d) An},'es fignifiés« : iinte-r,‘ amongftpr in themiclfllr rvenltangingahout it,.afl fra..\0f;aS hifritwercr :91; Mice : Sow mbgct, mm,-r. (N 5‘, Ufi ,;\dfT.,.1,,, ) irtfulac. Hovvfoevcrevve rcn-A-» perifloedg as it is written Gen, I mcens the fuperitnut water, 7 7.11 ,feq. in the 6oo.yeere-of’; vvh1ch t'ogethe:r wxth that of _ the fea,or great dcep,concur-- ; moneth, in the feventeenth clay red to the dI'OWfl'.iflg. of the g of themonth were all thefozm- world , as appcares by the" b _ e - ‘ er - l fore the ledge of the worldfznd . the haafii cf’ the fourth lheafl t i y dingto the prophefie of Dani- e ‘ el,.ca'tp.7 .wh_afaw dfi€7‘]flt’€tlI7¢ V ' Efay,cap.6 6. who faith ofthet = day, That the Lorelfhetll come f withfire, tmd with his chariots ' lihe 4 whirlwind; to render his - emger zvithfury ,and his re. A .(i.e. by his {word of firefiv " J‘:£.m-tr) the Lord would plead with allfiefh, and the flair: of r A Butwheredi I me22tioned(faith (6) -.—.....,.————u A A thy thefame word are heft in t V f’care,refer'ved imtofire (e) at . the day of judgement tmdper. ditian of ungodly merz,aetor- zfltting and cumming forth he- ' hurried therewith : And of (e) From this proportion which the judgement l to come by fire, hatghfpnto that E which was by wafhflg the‘ deluge, I renew calls l.t‘b.Z'lll- oium ignis, lih. 5 .c.2 9. jitx.te edit.Fewrdentii. ‘ ‘W halves with flames offiré : And i that h} fire and h} his fword, the tLord[hzzll he meets)’. S0 41.. helm M cm at-were‘, and all the proud, and all that doe wicked» ly [hell he flithhle, which at the eomming of that day (f) Ihall he heir/at up. A t Verfe 8. fin Malachy cap.4. That the ‘V M great and terrihle day Ihall (F) Itmay be it is ofthisi; day that the Prophet Eféty al- fo fpcaks, cep.9. 5 . where he i “ faith, that the battell of the Saint Peter) the day of judge- H‘,- mezet, left yem/fight mqtahe it A-. "< Meffiah fbould not be as the Whettell of the A mzrriour , with i fbr ' ..:‘—~— n. .._. (7) ‘ rm fbort blot)/,0’/‘It day of few confufecl ‘noife , andgarmenft \ homes, I would not, Beloved, rolledin élood; em with bar- tlnwe you ignorant , tlmt one ’ ningandfuel/offire.Forthe ‘day (g) zritlotlae Lord is as a old Prophets for the moi-it itlzoujanclyeers zanda tlaozlfand part {peak of the comming of Chrifi indefinitely 85in ; ‘years no one day. general], without that diftinétion of fit{’t and fecond corn- ming, which the Gofpelout of Daniel hath more clearly taught us: And fo confequently they fpake of the things to be at Chrifts comming indefinitely and all together; and what befits both alike , may be applyed unto both. i (g) Thus I expound the-fe words by way of pre-occuw pation or premunitiombecaufe they are the formall words i of the Jevvifh Doétots, when they fpeak of the day of judgemengor day of Chriit, as Saint ‘Peter here dothfuizs. ‘exam 115:: t*’::"'q7:'t “mks tan mm dies Dez'S.B. [font mills nnni-. And though they Life to quote that of the ninth Pfalme, (mille zmni in ocztlis mix at alias lzeflzrnns) for Confirmation thereof, yet are not the fe words formally in the Pfztlme». So the t S'aintPeter in this paffige feems rather to h ave had W refpeét to that common faying of the Jewes in this argu- ment,than to the words of the Pfaltne 5 where the words (one clajwitlo the Lord is» as a. tlaozofanrl years) notgthough the later part of the fentence (rt tlJ0£t_fz1nol.)'eeres .45 one day) it, for a confirmation of the former. 2. The (E: words are commonly taken as an -argument ,why God fhonld not be e ~ B J i thought which we who are now more fully informed by the Reve~ . lation of the Gofpel, ofa twofold comtning, mutt apply it . each of them to his proper time : thofe thingswhich be-l . fit the {late of his firft comming,nnto it 5 and fnch things as befit the Rate of his fecond contming , to the fecond-5 W rt'iay.allyude thither 5 as the Jewes aifo were wont to bring ......~l L»-*""“ ‘L ‘_, vu up. tthought {lack in his promife (which folio ’vc1'f*: But the firi’: Fathers took Ltottnerwzfiz sand bcfides, tit proverb it not : forthc queflion us not, Wlletliérthc _,..—-.1»...-.- 100060. years are in the cyesof God no more than one day is to us, and fo it would not {earn Iong; to God, if the judicious confide: it , v.vh-ether this paifige fo prone to be taken in the expofiuon 1 have gwen ,yca and-alledgcd I I I L ffamtc time of the Apacz;/yps..o The pretence againfk this Er ifilc wa»s,that. it vyamcd the teftimonic of allegation by dftbc féirfl Fathers. But (Dies Domz'm'_fiwt mi//ed azzni) (lug- ‘fled both by Iufiiiz /I4ar.fyr and Ireizdtm, is not Out Of the finch words,‘ but out of the Epifllc of P* , who apply- 1 dflélfd. Kvfid ; COUfidCT it... Verfe 9. %i./ind though tbtlxzday ée clafer. :%ed,yet 13’ {/93 Lord not /1451: .~:;a;2ce:;rnlng My promife, _(.1-5.. tlflmet men atflount‘/Z£1c£v.I2ej]€,4~5» lam’ atlserea’ /aid’ purpofg or % :2-meant 72€’L'€7‘ to performe z't}::‘ 17’é'2'&;tt the-tcaufe of this delay , £5« ‘%5l2is lung zarfikrivg (3) towards 1 Z}r1in.t11 Pfalm , as they make for granted, (for there are nofi ws intI1cnexr 7 . time be Iongorfhorc in refpeét of God abut whethcrit be . ‘long or (hort in refpeét of us; otherwiofc not I-ooo. but {day of judgment fhouldtbe defeated tilltlmn. 3». Lfitthe ;to.tha.c pustpofgwere not form: part ofa motive to maze- A ifoticall ..».~s'mi-Chilia_[fs(whereof Eufaéim,,»vhom»twe trufl A fwasnonc of thelcalt) t0 be fo willing and ready to quc- _o t>£’cion the authority of this Epifilcgas they did alfo at the o bah itzetotbcday of judgm=cnt,whi,ch he calletha Dies Da- (42 Saint Pettoer f-‘peaks and bwmtcs in this E-piflle to his. ; !?3::4.c.» aftiim feed of lfmel; mat m'l... J . .v,‘7"",- . V“ v .-r~'_ - vw-9 W, . V... x M -——-.V ling - —,.¢~,<,_.._..‘ 9--5.. .,—.——_. war (9) ling that an) ‘lhould perifh at that day, hut that the whale 224- ' tint: fhould tome unto repen- tance ,(b) »nvhich,5if that day fhould fttrprize them in their yzmhelzefe , muff inevitahly pe- ‘rifh with the raft of the ene- i mics of Chrifl, refreflring Refp. But it Verfe 1 o. ‘ But at for the manner QF the A .-eamming of this great day of i brethren the Jcwes , as ap.-ti; pcares by the firft vetfe of this chapter. l (5) So the fame Saint Peter in his ‘éfirlt publike Sermon to his Nation in the Term ple,after the fending of the . Tholy Gholt»"( A3. 3.1 9,@'t. ) t _' exhorts them to repent and be converted sis re‘ c/gem-mabfiu Tali ahapréas évtffl‘, for the wafh- ’ A ing away of their rfiunes ,that fo (6’nwca.‘r)-thofe times of and refiit-ution of all things which God had {poken by the mouth of all his holy Ptophetsmight comet, which till then were to be fufpended. Objeft. But God could have haltcned the Iewes icon- verfion, if it had pleafed him. ‘ flood with the oeconomy of Gods juftice, ' - when the jewes had rejc-éted Chri{t,theit cxpiation, to V‘ grant them this grace,untill they time of pennance for all the finsof their Nation , even from the firfl: time they werea people , untill the laft dc- flruétion of Hierufalem. For fince they would none of their pardon and attoncment by Chrift, (with tefpeét un- to whofe comming God had fo long f pared them; for all their expiation by facrifice looked unto him) God would not bate them an lace of the judgment they had merited, * but would vifit all the former finnes of their Nation up- 1 on them ,from the golden Calf'e,untill their crueifying, and fin-‘ally rejeéting of their M effiah. lhould have fulfilled 2 B2 .. l l (Io) ithe Lord,,it [hall he fctcldenly 1-: and yztnawareS,w:t a thief: in w the night , in which the rhea-F ‘ vens ( c_) with ya erachling (c) \/Vhatthefc Heavens are, noife offire jhall1oaj]eraway,and and why I render co:;»;_é-Lt the the gu{XeT:'ae or hoflf them 1 hofi ofthenz 5 and how this [hall melt with fervent heat; ronflagrationis to beunder- the earth alfot and the worlzes ; flood , I will fhevv when 1 thereof [hell he hurned. {have done my Paraphrafe. Verflx 1,1 2 . Seeing then that all thefe things [hall hedrflol-ved, what manner of perfons ought we to he,“ in all holy con-verjation and ocllinefle, to make our r fel-ves fireqzroof; arzdfttch as may ahide the day of re- fining .3 no namely hecornmeth thofie who hyfizith looh for,and haflen the ramming of the day of theLord, wherein the heavens heing on fire fhall he olved , and the hofi‘ of them their withferrvent heat, For our ltfe and conrverfittian Ollght to he fittahle to our faith, and we are [0 to walha as that were alwayes prefent which hy faith we loch for. y Verfe I 3. But this conflagration ended , (whatfo. erzter thofeftoflers fay , who gweffion the prornife of Chrifls fecond comrning ; wee looh according to his promife Efa.65.8z 66. fora new hearven anda new earth, (that is,a new and refined {late of the world) wherein rigl2teoafnty]e [hall dwell, according 45' the fame Prophet faith cap.o'o.2o,zI. A The Lord fhall he thine everlafling light, and the dayes of thy moctr. A ning [ha ll he ended, thy people alfo fhallhe all righte. ens , they lhall inherite the land,;yor earthgfor eryey-_ Vcrf.r4,r 5, 1 6. Wherefore helflfljed ( feeing that ye look for fttth things at his comming) he diligent . rum»-».. ‘N-Cm ... ¢‘:r¢V*P'D9<-uwwqwwultu ..... .»vvv\...........r....—.-............m.———--—..—.....-—wv- v- - ‘ that y a (nor)? delay thereof to hefalvation. Even as our heloved hro. therPaul»alfo (one of the Apoflles of ourL oral,who con- firmeth thefe words of the holy Prophets‘) according to the wifdomegiven untohim, hath written unto you; enforcing the like exhortation unto holineflé of life, from this our faith and experience of the Lord Ic- fus his appearing to judgement, nihich we now males untoyou : viz. Heb. 1 2.1 4,2 8,29. As alfo in all his Epift/ets,_{peahing in them ofthefe things,viz*.Rom. 2-.4.co1l~.cum verf. 5“,6,7.8t 1 Cor.1.7,8.8c 3.13. 2 Cor. 5.9,1o,1 I .in initio, 8: 7.1. Phil.1 . IO. 8: :.v...15,1 6. 85 cap.3.1o... Co1o{T.3.4,5 . 1 Thefliz . 12. 8: 3. 13. denique 5.23. 2 Thcfll 1. 3', Ir. 1- Tim.6.I4,I 5.. Tit.z.12,13_.,. o l ~ l i._ How this Conflagra tion of the world’, whereof 8. Water {peaks , an d efpeci—- t ally of the Heawrzs, is to b:c E Or refolution of this que fiion, Imuft premife fomehthings, totmakehthe way thegfetokthe more cafic; t A r = r , l t "t " ‘ 13.1. That theold Hebrew» -language wherein the Scripture fpeaks,.there is no one word tpi‘cx4-4 preflé the compages of the fuperiourand infifcri-5 our bodies, which we call undus, butithe fe twpé that ye may hcfouncl in him in peace, without f pot and h hlamelcffland account the long-fujfering of Gocljn the 3 words earvcnande Eartb*(37'1N\ 1:m:w) joynedjtdt-t ,.,_._. B 3 andg 2 (.132 l E l and putetogether,onely'fo that when Saint Peter r by that generall deluge ; and the creatures be-4 -faitll (the VVorld that then was , erifhed by wa- ters 5 but the Heavens and earth t at are now, are r refetved to firez) He might as well have faid ac- cording to his meaning , The Heavens and the Earth which then were, perifhed by wat-ers,as the world that now is fhall by fire. For the words‘ Heaven and Earth joyned , imply no more in the one (according the Scriptures notion) than the fingl-e word Mandzes or World cloth in the other,l being applyed to the hiliory of the great deluge : as alfo, a New heaven and a New earth is the fame 3 notion with that in our expreflion ,where we fay a New World 5 that is to fay, N we rerumfaciesma-g em remm caisditio 5 which we_ otherwhile apply to very {mall , and even particular and domeflicall‘ changes , when we lay‘, Here is a new V\/orld; which the Hebrew would or might exprelTe,Here ‘ is a new Heaven and a new l:arth. 2 . That it is not like that any other World, or Heaven and Earth ,’fhall perifh by fire, than fuch- a one as heretofore perifhed by water : for fo the azetitlae/is importeth, 'uiz.The Vs/orld , or Hea-l ven and Earth that then was ,peri[hed by water , the Heaven and Earth which now is , is referved perifhed byewater was no other than the fubluna; ty world ;'the Heaven whereof is that which we u call Ayre,but the Scripture Heavengwhich fublu- nary heaven, together with the earth , was marred; '1 longinggrtot them both either wholly delh'u&ed,or ‘ A »marv.el-3 for a defivtuvétion by fire. Now the world which l V__-.-~—....____ ‘ .,.u- mnv (*3) marvelliouflyt corrupted from that they were be- fore: fuch a World thercfore,and no other Hea- ven and Earth , {hall undergo the fecond deluge A of fire for re Ilauration, which before fuflered the deluge of water for corruption. V 3. Obferve alfo,for the better underflanding of Saint Peters meaning ,That the word S‘6t)(_éiat,. which we in this place are wont to turnElements,.., is not like to be underfloor! in the notion of the Greek Do€tors,whofe termes and notions the Scripture ufeth not,bu~t other-wife divideth the W’0/‘/‘éi-C Nay Further,in' this place it cannot be for- underfloocl ,for that the Hebrew divifion of the V.Vo-rld into«~ Heaven and Earth is here exprefled, and the sotxéra diP(l;.D§})Ul{il€d fromthctn both.But: when the whole world isdividcd into Heaven... and Earth er’: 73:iirw ,9 «:5 afgitwy by Earth is meant the- Eanlaezzg/oée-,wl1it:th Saint Peter faith is J5 {M76- a'u_:e.¢Z70br,.$ll'1(Zi fo the water and earth are both inclu- ded in the {ole name of Earth :~In Heaven the Ayre is inclucled". Thus three of the Phyficall‘ Elements are bcfi0wed.The fourth is the Fire: but thisis that which is to burn the smxeict. ,and for», none of the <;2>’3Ce3at to bee burnt. And; if any of t.l‘1efe Elements. could be exemptede-from thistdi-~ vifion into Heaven and Earth, befides the Fire, ‘viz. the Aire,yet could not that, not anyofthem; alone be s-o:;(si3a. in Saint Peter: For gorxtfta notes» morethan one. It muft neeclstherefore bce,that» smxefa here meaneth fomething elfe. Bet us fee-— i=fwe~ can finde out what it is. Markthen Saint Pa».- fzfffi =O1‘ICi€1', 5: Evpattoi s'o:.X_t«7at, than yii ‘Ia?’ E4'ct’u'/Z‘? ipya 2 1. ,,’.:.-—....... (I4)__i B y which -correfpowhdcnce it fhould ‘feeme that Swxeim efhould be fome furniture belonging to c‘a2?- I {um,as nz Ema are the buildings 8: whole furniture ofcreatzeres belonging to term 3 which furniture of both , but efpecially that of the Heaven the Scripture 'calls Dunn‘ the hop of them , Gen.2.I. The heavens and the earth were fizeijhed , ‘Drain’ .531 and all the hoflf ofthem: LXX . '5Joc'o'[A@‘ a:’ufi§1f. Vulg. Omatm eomm. Nay , feeing the whole world is nothing elfe but the heaven and the earth , and What is contained in them, (i.e.) exereitmeomma: and feeing heaven and earth are both here di- flinétly named, and 793 Em put for the hot’: of the earth 5 it muff needs be that s'c:;:e7ac, named as di- fliné} things from all three, fhould note the hot} Of 7164116”: And fo the meaning of Saint Perm fhould be, when he «faith 51 zupewai :9 taxed, as ifhee had félid, 51 Evpau/oz‘ golxévdb 1% 5u;>ctyii , I‘/J3 /J6’(l’ZJ€l7S (0261 the hafz’: thereof’; or 7:2 an ‘aunt? sazxcie, as he (ayes, y-ii )9‘ 5.0 new’; i’p;a, the*earth and the worhes zhereirz. But how, will fome man fay, fhould svIXe7d- come to have this notion?I anfwer thus,The Hebtewverb N3? fign ifieth, in ordim mz'litarz'flo , imedo, and fo anfwets to the Greek verb s1ax';>La:, which is expoun- ded, év rrcéifee &g4;,ipa,wa.e, LC. in erdizze militmri imedo, Vide Seap.ex E tjmolog. Accordingly the LXX. render the Hebrew N23‘ r:.5e5z7a£v7c,.w,z, i.e. in prescien- Bufio, inflmfia acie fio. NOW if the verbc N21‘ fig- nifie thefame with the GTCCk?El%:3.Why may not the Hebrew Noune N:n*(wl1ich we tutnc exam’- tus)be tendered sozpgravg the I-lelleniflstbr G reckifh Jewes’. as in other words {'0 here following the Etymo- V A of Chaldee. The paffages which this Ramhm (ts) Etymology from mix», and having eye more to their owne native language ,than to the ufeof Greece. ltwould be long to {hevv in how tmny words they, andthe Greek Scriptures written ac= cording to their Dialeét, ufe notions which the Greek ufed not; (_w'z..) rcfpeéting fotne confor- mity or other intheir owne Tongue.‘ '1 he works of the learned; in {acted Criricifme are of late full of fuch oblervati0ns,wherehy many difficul- tl(*S‘3flCl ohfcurities in Scripture become cleare and eafie. Neverthelelle the Gentile-Cireekes themfelves ufe «;:';¢@ and ga'?;r;ti} (which come of thefame verbe s‘?i';§J) in the fame {enfe we plead for,=w'2:.for ordo militam, Military array 5 why may not than the He!/enzfls (lo the * Greek [ewes 1* see the are called) doe lb with Sblxtiolflabfiflg for the ety- ‘ 5f{f{““f mology every way as fit , feeing alfo they are 0- t v’;*f“,‘f§’1§_}, 'therwil‘e wont to permute fignifications from vi- anmaftare " ‘ . , _ ! turn-:d.m- cmtty of found. dmm M —_....-.—- lgoixeliav I contend for, I will aclde what I have met yGWé- with to that purpofe . S c/aickardus, a learned Pro- feffor of the Oriental] Languages at Taéingemin ‘ his Bekinath /agzepperuflaimfi frag. 4 4.11:: th difcovered i out 0fRamézms',i0t 1?.“ Mofcs £2512 Nachmzms Pre-l» face in Perufche batmrotb, twollpallages taken out 1 of the Chaldee Copy of the Wifdome of Satoman, “ which that llaééi had feene : whereby the {aid Schickard proveth againfi Saint Ierome , that‘tl)e Greek is not the originall, but was tranflated out quoterhthence are cap .7 . 5 ,6,7. and patrol the 8 . C J "And .»_..a-an.-u..u .. .. ....a..,....y .~ -nu-»«cgéuflIn.. -u rjs. .- -..u. an - ur~ V -la-‘pg.’ . rs ’ -v - -- -a-- u ......._.._....-—....-..-....~.. ........—~-.....- «..-.. ..-. r ~....._.......... pm- For a further confirmariondof this notion of qtggbgntur . (I6) ' Ihave fine: looked in >rh': Pre- face of i £{('/Zx’2£3(1,"l1, s where I = found thofe Chaldcc _~ paflhgcs Lmenttom V; ncd,which _ tlteliahbin tranflateth t into He- .brcw, and 7 for-the “Chaldee [which ar;-. ”' fwcreth to évépvycfav v solxeirav ;he renders i 717175 3773 mm: J And again,«verf.t7:18,19,2o,2t. In the lalimosf , which quotations, becaufe there is in the Greek évigyemv sozxaiav , I gteedily looked what word in = the C haldee anfwered here to su:Xe'%'ap , which I found to bee t~1f\‘:>‘V.‘J,wl1icl1 thofe who have skill know to fignifie the Planets. , 1 2 . fignes or con» flellations of Heaven,as being the fame with the Hebrew *1'\15‘.‘r2. Erttxéat therefore here are Stats and Planets,which I {hall not need prove to bee the hoft of the Ethereall Heaven : yea , and per- haps too rwztn and ::t:"\‘7\r.3 are derived of the verb ‘71Nire, as s-ozxtiap is of s-elm». Now wee know the Scriptures make mention of three Heavens 5 firft, a the Ayre or fublnnary Heaven: fecondly , the r T Etherealland {tarry Heaven: thirdly, the Heaven: l of gl_ory_, or Empyreall Heaven. Every of thefe Heavens have their hoft or army: the hoftofthe heaven of glory, or the third ,are the Angels and blefled Spirits :the hoft of the Ethereall heavens are the Stars and Planets :the holl; of the Aereall, or fublunaty heaven, are either vifible, as the clouds of heaven, mam a"~&5vpau%” , and other me- teors,as alfo the tell: of the creatures rnanfioning therein, as the fowls of the heaven, mam? 79 aupa.;;'.- or invilible ,-viz. the wicked Spirits and Devils, whofe Prince Sathan, is called the Prince of they , power of the A;vre,Epl2.2,2 . and" his hoft xx>a‘,L¢a;tpraIi7'a;rg;, a‘ swim qftlae world, i.e. the fublunary world ; and . ‘ml wtauyanggi vii; rarorneidt E9 117: éarugatioxc ,’ Wtiktd fpi... traits in /J€d‘2'J€i21)7pla6‘€S , viz. in the loweft or fub- H lunary heavens , Ephef. 6. 12. And whether Saint Paul,Gal.a;..,8, 9.. and Cal'.2.3L,é,‘c. includes not " fame I . (I7) forneofthofe under his s‘o13?5<=& ml :«.o'a.ux , I cannot aflirnte : let the learned further confider it, when namely he fpeakes to Gentiles; and of Gentiles, and not jews. - Having hitherto prepared the way, let us now come clofer home to 5. Peter, whole words evi- dently import,that fome of thefe imz-z2ens,or all t [of them,fhall fuffer a conflagration at the day of Chrill. Not allof them , fen’ whoever put the Ennpyreallheaven into thattecltoninga And for , the Ethereall heaven, he that conlidereth the fu- pereminent nature and immenfity thereof, and ~ 7 ofthole innumerable bodies therein, in regard of which the whole fublunary world is but a point or center; and that it no way can be proved that ever thofe bodies received any curfe for mans fin,or contagion by the worlds deluge, or that any ene- mies of God dwell in them to pollute them: he that conlidereth this will not eafily be induced to beleeve that the fire of the day of judgement {hould burne them . It remaineth therefore that the fublunary heavens onely , with their smxéota are to be the fubjeét of this conflagration . Thefe Iaewvem (faith Saint Peter) 2.uer3mnmu,i.e. folvemtur, and their gor;.(_€3'ot {hall melt with fervent heat: It is a Metaphor taken from the refiningof me tails, gum'gngJI;g1«yun1'rn' at pzrrifirmtur : fo that ‘ 51 5:15;/.uai 77119:?//.l»‘_«.«'ol M/.°.’r;:'o'o;*'.r7.l.l, i3 33 lTlU’Ch 33 igi2e_ ad/aiéito corgflagraéuntur. This to be the meaning of Avfhlawvw appears,becaul'e Saint Peterhitrrfelfe interprets folvi to be liquefieri. For having in the tenth verfe S'DlXeid. 7tL~f}:':ovvruJ , (LE3) f0l‘U€'?¢tZl?”, 2 { he V. . .. no ---v--98"’ W-Q! * <18) ‘ -0 . . .~ he tn the twelfth verfe repeatrngtt f3y€S,sv:x>:—m mmm, (L2,) liquefimt.5 Now melting is for re- fining and ‘,pU1’if}_'iI1g.‘ Nor is the word 7IUKgé,u£Uo1 ayerfe from this notion, the LXX .ufing 7ru9<'W~fDr the Hebrew ?}‘‘-.3’' as in the Plitlms morethan once: The words bf the Lord are 415 refined /z‘lrver, LXX, 'cfpju'e1or 7re7rvpa:u,"-/«'0:/3 P_/(11.1 2. and {O ClfC'VVll(’l'€. But when the fublunary heaven {hall be thus refined, even the Ethereall lights of the Srarres , ofthe Sunne and Moone, (Sac. will appeare to tbofe on earth much more glorious than now they doe, as fenclingtheir rayes through a purer Medium; fo that all the world to us~ward ‘(hall be as it were re- newed. e As for 'm1p§Aeu'amI'zw (or pzzfling away) verfe to. it is an Hcbraifme,rfignifyingjany change,0r going ofa thing from the {tare wherein irwas, and an-— fwers tothe verb nlvn, which fignifieth both tram]?- . ire and permztrari,as T3‘) in Chaldiatgifme doth. And Sc/Mia’/er notes t that Pfalme 102,. the Ara. . bickg for 155117 muméurztur, hath'm‘13S7z'v trzmfi. bunt. In the twelfth yverfeit is expotrnded by }‘.U31la'ov7wI , but Aussie-wm I have already {ht-wed is commuted with vnméaurm 5 they therefore all three of them fignifie one and the fame thing 5 and I fee no reafbn why wee lhcmlds imagine a greater amphafis in 7rd9€7~W'W7IU for an utter abolition in the deflruétion by fire, than is be Fore implyed in aims- tmm, when he fpake ofthe deflruéfion by water: 57-fm xJa'ptI§)' (1:??t’]ZH.t) t7J&ocrz 2¢grr:s;cA'.~a3‘el; cZ;:m’M7o.. 7 l . o ‘But what {hall become of the invifihle hoof} which I natned as part of the some?» of this fublu: nary 4 ( I9)? nary hC3VCl'l , '1/1.2». [hOfC vmdh{.coc7n(gi 737; rwavneiecg, the . fwere : Though the operation of the fire [hall army of wicked and uncleane fpirits : fhall the fire of the lafl judgement touch rhefe? 1.33. not be upon them to burne them , yer (hall they allb lhffer by this fit-ry judgement ,rbeing thereby to be exiled and dejefied from thofe highmanfi- ons,ancl bellowed in fome lower place: for fo that of male feemeth to imply, The Angels (faith be) which kept not their firs? eflate , hzttlleft their own (or p1‘()_p:‘r) hahimnozz, he hath refewued to (be bound with) everlzzflieg chaines crfdzmlwefle, at the jzmlrgement of the great day. Vide Pifcanin hunc locum. And this leemes to me to he the molt literall i and unforced expofition of this defcription of « Saint Peter ,of the hezruen and earths conflagra- tion at the day of Chtifi , and [0 to he preferred F before any other. 4 i But if :1 Prophetimll Prraine or fclleme mayhere : be admitted ,there is anorheteway of explicati-, on, which yet in the conclufibn will come to thei fame purpofe the former did , although the way. thereto be not the lame. And certainly our S;z.-l viour in the Golpel defcribing the commingof _ this day ,ufeth a~Propheticall expteflion : The S mme (faith he) [hell he darkened, and the Mame [ha/I rzatgivue her light , and the Starrest jhzr./I Fzzfl from hewuen, zmdthe powers of heaven flu/llhejha- hen: Forilithis be takentlherally, vrhitherlhall l the flames fall from hea}ven~,whiCh’ are either as bigge , or many times bigger than the glube of” nuan--—-ww C 3 V the‘ (20) the earth , where {hall bee roome for_them2 if; fuch a fcheme there be fuppoled in Saint Peters defcript-ion, the explication may be after this‘ manner. F Mundw, or the World, (to omit other particu- lar exceptions) is according to the Scriptures huf'e,either Alandm continent, or fllzmdzts conten- tux, (give me leave to ufe thofe termes for di- fiinfiion fakeg) By Manda: cantmezzs I meant‘: the compages and frame of the Phyficall heaven and earth , wherein the ref’: of the creatures are contained : By Manda: eontenms , the Ptate or body of the inhabitants or Kingdomes of the earth. Now to whatfoever the notion ‘of Man- day is appliable , there is alfo fuppofed to bee an heaven and earth, as being the names and parts whereby the Scriptures exprefle the World. The been/en then of this Pvlitim/1 World is the foveraignty or foveraigne part thereof, whofe hofi and ftarres are the powers ruling in the World: In the higheft place Gods and Ida/:3 next, I(z'z