‘ <;?all:.,..§...i W , ‘ W. a§§&§§§1»§3£~£&[§iih=§1¢§;§:§%t3fl§&§&9§,&i§&§&*9}&%%i W ‘was ‘W M E D 1 T A T 1 0 N E s 1 N D IE BV 5 DO MIN 1C 1:5 “DE VITA FUTURA; 162:8. Meditation: oftbe life to come. % an » W 0rd, vvhcn thouivcrcatcdfi Man as L- A the lat’: ofthy nobieii wor:ks,rhat Cregjion é. thou mighteii crown him asthe fi¢l10fM4». endiiandiperfetfiiqn of thy work... manfhip, I hdoumadcPcihirna Kingiatfirfi, gavefl: him Fruit: and dominionovcriall the Creatures spfthc Earth; ”I~hou entcrtai-ned’ft him likeiaPrénceby bringingzhim intoaimofl i {fate-I y PaIlace,covcrcd ovcnwith as. glorious Argh3¢;ml3n(Tndwithinfinitefiuds aindefpanr with all the varieties anddaintics that were pn.;c:adr»rb.”i iiihouiiplaccdffi him in thy. own Gan- dgamwhczre all his fcmfes werofatisficdiwith uxmuttgqrablc delights, 1 th€l'C,th01:I'igU3l'dv¢flZ him «ivithiinnun1arab1cA~ngdls ‘and .p.crmita- glc ofigoid.'Iifdl1ou madcfléhiimairoiyiallfnafl: V tcdffi 2 . T/Je /964- «vmly Rm- filem. fie.-.b.rz.,zz. Meditations of ted’l't him to walke in thy owne Walk as a companion for thy felfe.But that man might be taught an etetnall lelion of humilit y,The A commiflion of that one finne in eating the forbidden fruit,coli him his life and the lolie of all his happinelie I together, and derived an everlaliing curfe and corruption upon all his polieriry, But yet {uch was thy excee- ding goodneflt.-,0 o D, that rather then thou woulldfl loofe the company of lo noble a'creature,thou devi{ed'Pt a means to redeem him,and thereby to joynehim nearer to th lelfe in more glorious manfions and farre greater pleafures,both for a duration oftime and extention ofdelight. n Glorious things are fpoken of thee thou City ofGod, thou Motmtsian, thou Hemaenli Iemfalem, thou City of tbs great King, for by divers fuch names art thou called. This is the ‘place wherein the Ancient of daies hath chofen to dwell, whofe molt glorious pre» fence fo illightnetlh that Imperiall feate,that the darkefl corner: ofll-Imrzten u (if I rnay fo {peake of luch infinite brightnefle is farre lighter then the greatefl: fpleadour of the ‘ A _' §unne the life to come. 3'unne fhining iii his full flrength, There are“ the innumerable company*ofAngels,tho{e celefiiall quires with molt melodious *‘ ezjres r continually laudingand praifing him that fitteth upon the Throne. There are thofe ' numberles numbersofthe fpirits ofjullc and perfect men, outof all Nations, kindteds and peoplefianding before the Throne clo- thed with white robes, and palmes in their hands, giving glory, wifedome, thankcfgi... ving,honour,power and might "io G o D,‘ for ever and ever; Vi/hen we but confider what company we {hall meet with in Heaven,we neede not be curious to fearch after the exe- ceedingjoyes which G o D hath there pm-- i ‘Que (entice? qute orgenae’ g grace eantilence P we meloditeihl ginefine deterr- tahwztur! 80- i new ibifizmper meliiflue hym- norum organs, filwiflima An- getamm melo- die Aug. Men. Rcvel.7.9,8£c. vided for their entcrtainement eonely let us * content our fclves with what we read inge- nerall and beravilht in the reading of it, that eye hath notjeme,eare hath notheezra’, neither is the heart ofmem able to conceive the things which God hath prepared for tho]; that love hz'm.lf the onely delight we have here be in the com- munion with the Saints on Earth, how {hall our delight exceed in Heaven, where we {hall meet with innumerable Saints that W A 2 there % 6 {re fig». -'i’t‘U:i‘ I aCor.ze9. t :4 ll Meditationslof "”"”‘ vlmrefllrallbeamcus¥companyV rot-m.% 3 , sthis is mat alLl,;for zbatwhlchh lluslalllltlh ere Bedtiflall inoll loflall dclightus; ll‘ll1all*blcle‘rhe ll/highs: of 515:” ‘mm ?G«Od,flh3t beat~ificallvi{1on which thc“‘Arzcielnt: <9» «sips fczcief lb niuch lipcallce ()f,t0 wit; the bcholcling of “"“““"“r “*" df ~ f Th ‘I 1’ f 11 glena ffzentza JO » EICL T0 * 3094.. at l5 [0 ;1y,ap Rifle, U ;’,,’:,,"f,?’,,’:§4‘”i‘,’f, ff; andfamiliar revelation of"hi1nl7elfc to us, [0 f“f'*‘l”"“ ‘D“'."°' much as our nalturesare capable of, a figura- nzmzs ccrmtur _ l . ‘ A . _ <93 lumen :'I1u— nve kmdc of {peach talccnfrom the Adm-:6’: WW‘ 4 ‘W b h ld' f b h l tliaglarficetsr. C ‘- 0 llflg 0 0D€“m3fl y 2110! 61', W ICFC‘ ;,‘,‘,;<*§;;"““”;1’;‘,:; by the beauty ofthc faccls the better difco- “‘-'='W"’9'D€°= vcred and it is called ‘ch-c Face ofGo D bya cujm alfieflm 3 ' pulcber, facie: ‘phtafc taken from men, b7ccau‘l"c the perfe- decara, eloquiii duke: de!e¢5la- élzion ofbealutylin man orwo.mani’si.n thcl “fj,[,‘j.§;' Face,whichcl1icfly dclightcth the eycs,a’r-Id “4P"‘fi*“’“’“'” »tl1CtCf0l‘CGOD in difcovcring his beauty to V (9%. O beam _ _ _ 5 gfio yiftcf us tea._rmlcs1_tbylh1s Face. Hence arcthofe, :1 et 0, % % , . _ A . _ ..,.-ff:§’.Z’,-n flax; fvveezdefcrxptlons by the Brzde, or her hea- e_'9~' no: in ca. l BM vcnly B;‘ia'c;groametl1rOughout the Canticle: Medir-wP-7- by his Eyes, his Lippes, hi*sMout/9, his Haire, I. , - ‘ 39/Qpwvrom .&a§. his Tectb,i9’c which all concurre to hcautific the face of man , but yet all fo farrc flmrt to rcprcfcnt unto us that which is fignificd by ‘ theFaccofGon,thar ifall theexc*cllcncyof * beauty in the faccsldfallthcsmenl and we. men s there is no appetite. L4 ‘gs---O-v-‘“ the tolcome. iI’1C1&‘ln'ltl1é world “were? unitetl into we gular perfeetion; y'Ct—iit‘WOt1l’(i not fotnritlt astdt=4ci~pher t"ll‘it‘O us "one ta t':»’fG on s glib’- rioustcciuntenance thiatlhall°‘lhiitie ‘iupffori :13 in Heaven! In his ]>re[ence({aith thePj2tt’;:wi/2) 2;: fztt7nq;7e ofj0)’$' and it is the fullneife that makes upthe joy. A Hence iris that in the earth the foule can have no truejloy,beCélufi': it tan have no fulr1efl'e,nothingin earth can fill the defires of it,foAr when we have heaped up never (0 many pleafuremnever fo many delights we (‘till dcfirc more. Thercafdn is, the {oule hath not yetattained thofe dtelights that will fillitmortevcr will,till it meet with him thatfils heaven and earth, and then will it cverlallingly fill it {elfe.For beyond fulnes But this is not all,our ties of Gov ifiuing from his gletious coun- tenance; but herein isthe fingularity éfour t delight in 1¥Ieaven. that we lha1lbehold,thc inexpreflible beau- ffal.16. 4. Tbe delight Offbe féttle in Hcwvm. joy,thatwe1ha1lbe wonderfully taken with -his beauty,aml out foules linwatdlylraviflied with the things chatwelhall behold. ll.*.”c”lt“LiS refume that former inl"tian“tf‘c‘l,“ “wlilch is the A 3 ‘Qt. oftneft i ,%7..__._. M editdtiom of _ oftnefl ufed in Scripture to expielie the joycs of H eavennoiz. of the Bridegroome and the Bride. If the Bridegroom: appearc never fo lovely in comclineffe of body and condi- tion ; never fo amiable in the endowments of minde; yet if the affefiions of the Bride be not inflamed with a love of them,if {he prize them not above all,if her heart be not thete- M by tied to him with a conitant and perpe- tuall tye.3 by how much {he is deprived of thcfe, by (0 much is {hee difpoyled of her chiefefl comfort. B ut here is the excellency of our (‘care in Heaven, that we {hall behold from the face of Goo molt fingular beauties beyond what we are able to fpeake or think. And which is mote,our foules {hall be conti- nually ravilht with adelight of themsnothing {hall bee able to make out joyes either to faintor to fail:-.,for.that nothing can Ieparate betwixtGon and the glorified foule,either to darken thofe beamcs of glory fliining ’ 4 upon it, or to diminifh its joyes in the frui- tion of tllem. Fotfirme which made all the bate bctwcenc Got) and uswc. left behind p uswith our fleih, A for it could not follow us A i into ’ncth_; how light then istheatvfen whenevcry r ----\-w—----..- the life to come. w-— . , ...,.. into heaven, and together with finne wee ” atted with all our mifeties, all our gticfes and fearcs, and other calamities the vvteti.-— ched fruits and effefis therofiwhich the Scrip... ture tels us {hall be there abolilhcd, when it tells us that ezfl teares /7140 he wiped fi-om our eyes. There [hall be no matter not caufeof riefc in H cavcn,but only of joyes un{.'peakt~ able and glorious. ’ v And how can thofejloyes bee othcrwife, when Goo from whom they flow is infinite in power to make them fo, and everlafling in goodncffe and love to them who {hall he made partalters of them. When Chrifiwho hath pulrchafed this glory for them, con- traits with his Father that his children (hall cnjoyyit, ~ Iohn17.2.4. Father I wifl that they whom thou hafigivenhme he with me where I am, that they may behold myglory ‘whichthou hefigi.» wen me; ‘ As w ercceived from his fullncflc a Revels]. 17.8: 1104.; 5- M Czmfi: ef _ this jay . meafurc ofgrace on earth, fo {hall we an exceeding meafure of glory in heaven. We fee when the Sunnc neth all parts ofthe vvotldon which: it [his lhincth how it illight- i Meditations of 0 Civitaa C4813- [;'.v,'5, mm:fiofe- P curigpatrta fer- rili; why vvilt thou any longer fet- tle thy heart upon that which is nothing? what are the choifefi delights hereelow be- ing rightly ballanced, other then recruit} and rvexarzon ofjfirit. Ceafe then to admirean outward excellencies and be vvholy taken with thofe refplendent beauties that are in the face of thy Saviour, to vvhom ere long thou [halt bemarried, and partake of that great feaft with which hee vvill entertaine thee at that vvedding day. Carl: e and care onely for thofe durable riches that (ball then abide with thee vvhen thou (halt bee here no more.I-laflen and hunt after the ho- nour and happinelle of the Saints 3 there is no preferment like being in heaven, politffe thy felfe of him vvho hath beetle thy G 0 D from thy yourh,vvho hath many a time rai- fed thee up with his comforts, vvhen thou halt beene in the V alley oftlae//tmdovo of death, who hath bee we the portion oft:/vine in/Jeritancea and bath maz'nmz'n’d t/9} lot: forfake -him not and he will bring thee to honour at the lafi,to {uch honours as all the glory of this World cannot reach unto? He that made heaven for ~ the life to come. % ..._..____¥ f~<;hi~e oivvne Childieon, can oncly declare thcjoyes of that place 2 lflemrzae t/yen imto L“/ay rgfi 0 myfoule, from vvhlch than hail long ~ vvanderccl, Be content to part with any thing on earth which thou canli net keepe, to gain: every thing in Heaven; whlch thou canfi never loofe; drowne all thy delights in thofc fweete comemplations of heavenly blifie, prefle hard to this matke, Pcrive for this viétorie, fight for this C ro=wne,Zay bola’ on ctermzfl life, andlet nothing in this world take away they Crowne-. ¥¥ *. I'‘**1N13s 2; Saint taro me- a,defidmr ilfud mm fitbflantia memdazzec intré‘ in gaudium Dornini meijbil permanfurua per fecula. Amen.‘ Aug. M4n.cap.36. _