C1) tmemmawawtmmee:w¢ew¢emememem t TI-IE A OATHOFC I-I R1513 AND THE‘ Aces» ANTICI-IRIST.; e V OR I» €DA:7\(IéLS SD11/'R.7\(ALL: 4-§u...._...._ And 7 [guard the man clothed in [imam , which mu upon the water: aft the river, when he balamp 6:2: rggbt /sand, amdbzéc left lmmita /Janos», and fW¢¢"¢" éykbime abut Ii-uetbfar ctr.-:r,:Iaat it]/would 6: for at mm, man, and are/mlfe ; and yplmu E be {ball have accampl://red ta fautter :73: fewer of the 1191; people , All tbrflv thing:/77411 5efim_/725d, Dan. I 2. 7. J _.r—_-—-our . He eat’: of Chrifl . and the «cg: of Antichrifl are two ,_ ,_ of thcn.1ofl:lerio_us and folemne fecrets in theflible, A V and containc thoie great myllcries that thelv*__ery Ana ' . gels 111 uire after, wee may in the words obierve the both. The oath 1s repeatecl, Row. ro.e‘.In this placelho _ % ' ='. is laid to bee /Wars that iwearer‘. in the other an flagell. ext he is clothed as a Pmffl.-.i11 the other that is omitted. In both, he is laid to fhmd, in the one u on a River, in the other, upon the Sea , and to the Sea the earth is adt ed.» and all this :0 ihevv his gteatinelle. Hec: {lands upon the tnoveable - and boundlefle waters that lets them t_l_1C11‘_‘_ oath ta en, the anfwer gzvemand the end ohierved bencks, and Anfiels to guard thoie bas1cks_.and his providence is-over all f Ins workes an they ore all at his will, and in the greateft conf».;fio11ts of Jewes and Gentiles he 13 the God of order, and lweares that the greats-It dilorders of Antichrxitt {hall ferve for the illuflratton of his glory and to confitme us in the truth of his word he lifts up his lmndsl to heaven that made it , andfwcars by no leffe then hgnfelfe that Antxchtrifl {hall hfire A ~ .o - .t A is L 2): his age and anger to ~do- all the evill. he cam and vvh ens hcvhath der1e*it;+he ” will curbs; him and all fuch infl'run1ents of the lDevi_ll to his owne will , ~ and title were not tor ll'lCl1 an oath, and luch allurzmcre ofG ods truth,who would not doubt 1n the errours *ofAnet1e_l11'i'lt, to believe there were no providence greater then the prudence or, his lmpl.§0u£; policies, and 1ii.:Ll5l+ Chrevous plots. anfvver is tosh1s.A11g“elsltl1at asl<«;:edhi111%of‘e the end of great wonders. There is pet~tcfl:ioL1 in .th.e works of God, and the longer the worldlafl:etl1,tl1e greater glory a ppeareth. The booke that Ihut up by Driniclge conmines that myjfterie in Sai11t10/M.-. that is revealed inthe 7‘l‘« T7'W”PW;uKe?2. fo. 7.'A myfi:e1'ie declaired to the Propl1‘ets,afid tolD”z:- m‘:-I in fpeciall, who feales it up iztlet booke, Drw. I 2. '4. and then looking about llitmas he by the River I’—1:'dde(el_Dau. 1 o 5,.Angels appeare to be wrth hi111,w‘~ith whom he had to long conferred-‘about the Pcr_/;2.m,<;'re. cine: aI1d_R97IPJ3a1‘3?3 ./1//estzwfc‘/i7f:7, as may appeare after his mourning three full Weel{'s;‘*0f;‘ 2".‘ "\‘«/‘itl‘1fi1l’ti11g..l ‘:2. _;t;am1;1s longl'a.sllreelfi1Pted, lb long the An-- gel.Cl1rilt.wvrallled for him_.. '0. re 3. and the vittory is gotten wnth the ‘end ofllisfalt, and this A11gel.lco111es to give him notice of the times that fl1onl.da he-. and Wlnleft they are 111 conference about the an, in the clolb clotrreen othertwog. and one ofthem fpeaks to ’Z3amiel.r Pal“w3m - .Hm%-dub- 6er,D.:m. 8. I 3. ofthe end..and that is anlizvered by the times of Antiehrifi _; f¢rvvi;1‘S"hCJ-]tmv1.;&I’1'£.ltI1 wraftled, ands.heer1»rrefil’ced when Daniel prayed, fo hoe, " fliall be refilled by A11ticl1rilt_,a11tl as he hath granted his former enennes “' a 13l?leic2r’D”‘1 h KN: A -L L of-the daV’es. ohéslaztaio. la2u,andthe’lll? A’ '. thei:r.t:i"n1ess for will. he grant the longeft tixneto this, but in the end he Willl,.l)‘1‘¢al(B him too? and appeare for his Churcl1 in the greatefi glory., "lZ%'l1*eu end,4bhl'erved both .i.11 the oath and anfwenisl the‘ unlflmaenit oftli c" 1feév;w:.£k)r rejefiirmg l1in1; *and the recoenipence: of all .t ilat wilely waitfor‘; himmlten they wicked in their wickedneflqe flmall l he firvallovwd up with A-ntichrilhat thefecondco111111i11f;,of Clirill in his owne perfon. ;, for he confumes him by the he»?!/9 0f /M mom/9,’ lo Will he defcroy hilin.-shy the /£=;7':g/gmafle of /aid‘ cpwmit¢g,.2 T/Jef..2.8. . s ‘ .s .. . 1 e" t ; .r ' A “ A. dayesofe/,z’e:ia1£;»rz]f.l l l _ . A l.;3 ‘ Hellldaieslrof’ »4<#ti0vl>u: are 2 200 .n aturall dayese;Defm-8. 1_ 4: n6..and.inItI*11e t txaidfi ofthef: daies he fetsirpalhis al*amz'ndrt0_fil11”tlIe 111ateriallTe1’11plae,*4 A 13_gms,1 .3_:r».and' the wife laws ihal unxlerltand itufgnil dotworthillyglbtlts tlrofefi that are Wicked {hall doe wxckedly agaxnfi the1r covenant, and fiaajlllnotre ltnaowfl themfelves corrupted by wnrzocbus hrs flattenes, 3'2. The wtlerr rfert_:I11a1l.fuf1"er'lofthe vlrorle, and gaine others by theirinflru¢°cions, 71- 33- ‘ fgf ("fish 'i1h’¢y'fl1al11‘f"avlI:1ati&‘fiifiI1-(Ely?)‘butyxlofilre friexzdsgtz. 3&4“. yetGod by nerfellih ' 'g;~ut1j0.n ‘V111? fiirge thenmaaake then: tr/aim.-, and my tliem torhis owne, v.3 55 and 10» /intwc/JW {hall end has Dimrm/I and A1 mt/my/i‘ beg1'n’h1s, '0. 36. who like ¢tnrza¢ia:.::, flxall for his time do what he lift in prid e, profp€.tit§/,. and T that beeaufe ot”divine 1'nd'ignation to puniih his own’ people for their ex--j ceedmg great ingtatitude in lending them a SW10”? which another people fimould rcceiveand abufe. To receive him, they Ihould re je6tt11eir Idols, and make an Idofl of huh and his Saints, 72. :3 .3 8,39, and for this new Idolatry ihould be UI1ifl1Cd by the S«zr» Wrongin :.:thé a;1’«G.W_nes, ofK1°ngs_;to, efefiz. the: erueltieee Qli}5ff0uCl»J ~ . T » 1l‘3-,-3» A eyes tosforee the elatee ;; fob‘ wkrialaeriji ( 5) l _ l is rightlyylefimecl by Pope Gr: W}, to be the King. ofpri. m'£r&.prcpar¢d°[ a-rxny mtl“’1‘lC13C.St0figl1tag€1lI1ll the.Lm1r: vvxth lus" Wine harms: tzb..4.n A Npmy. So111eu1z11es tl1ell*'l.L*aT:Llc;I1‘fl1all‘ mectwith the Imzjfl and his Image, ; l and tl1:;n I aclmonifli 'w~c01;ceivc by the Bengt, chi; two harmed Beufl,‘ mud by 1113 }.111ag«:: tl1.:::; cll«-W wlth t%c11‘h.gr11_es ; for hcym rm otherlbm:“1*l1c~ very fl‘raclc.;w to: follow‘ ‘£1163 l:ifT?;1ilC'(L< pzall Cl1.I'C¢f1011: and to have hiscrowxncs -at chm; c011"1111£:n~:.:§.?(3ll Lille *';l-'r0fiw;a1l1cl 3115 4>‘vc(2«<=¢# at the will 01: thcllfi/5’¢ep—/001% “ To b~*gin;tl1e '”I’run1pcts~ vve muit nmrlcc the txzanfition Kgv. 7. 1%-f-AI‘fi1.“.11«; the fixt lclmz to thn: lcvemh is the preface of a'Wh.QlC;.,'£‘.h3;ptCI3 cmzufifiiirlg (fill 7 thc 1‘¢;»a1gng gt the 7"né-:5 or true ch urch, excltgdtmg .£gi:ra:,vmf1f:n11n‘ tlxat catalogue for idolatry, not pagan, but of Gods peoplafor paganxlmcl ends in the fixt And when he epwcd the 7th Sean’: , Itczzeiia. ta‘. 1» jflenw was in heaven , the fame Angeli being at the Allmrl to receive pray¢rs,_ that . had him at the Hwat to 133316 with the Sacrament of B‘apti.1111.c:, for 8”’ Pa“! telfifies of this that it fa yxxites us to Ch1'ifl,_tha:cwe can be narm-d byno M other, nor pray nor profcilg‘. our lelves Chr_1flE1a11sm any other name but A this, 1 Car. 1 . 1 3. Every lcalc hath fomc xndmcaticm as a» finger to pomt: , at it. The» 4 firft have the 4- Beafis as porters f’cand1'nga*t the doors and a calling the reader, mime andflw. 5’ . is known by an 1112-41‘ and tha 6 . by ., an Em/o qmtkg. The 7._is fionecl opt by 7 Trgcmpm, as 7 alarums to awa- km the Roman: Empire tor the perlecution of the Saints, and they bcgliln with the div ifion of it, and Hifiorians tell us of ;. Firfi locall when C. an W flmdtine“ departcd from Rome. 2. Pcrfonall when 7f/vcwlafitét the lfirfl div17d«ed - ~ hisl~En1pire bctwccnc his zfoonqs. 3. Papall in tI1<;l’o cs co1to11.em'or1 of { Gbmlw thcllgrcalt. The fccond wall be-to our purpolell an pla-inein»I*i.i:£’c_o+ ry; for Hommim had the firfl ofthe Trumpct~s, and thus they proceed: A; ~ - lariam gives him thlcfirfl alaruml andthvc plagulc falls rievq_ufly,u~pon the grajfi and rrm, lthat: imthe people and Princas; of provinces, for fo they are called as. tzlac ltalcr‘ C cdars, Zm’: . X‘ 1. 2 . and xvam as it l11'e:k'cs u p 1?~‘he" one as the Bqaflsl eatc graflc, fa" it culcsTd'ownclthclo1:h;cr as with the: 511313116" 0501-16 l'l?6W‘6S down Wood. Av. 40:! . Alarimx with h..f3'lGatl/91,» xllamr and Hhmuf: enters lmlm and fa bcfets: .Hanamu that his lltwliam lthilnkc théirfiafetie islto remove and be gone Sxiliclao the G‘encral2_B afitfiarnarium Army... drives;li*1=»,im1. baekc agalne inm Pairwwd. and he is no ldmcr gcyna, but Kaldagaujivx 9; Sayl... t/w>mvlcadi11gan;;2§rmy of G0!/3.! Sam¢.ztf'aM;f,. and (licermimul mu. 4;¢$;4;.’i1‘1lv£i£lCS Italic, and at:lFla,rem:=cl by Sriliwba is c0nqw~uer“edand killed; ~m.“4oz5«,l axxmrc‘ grievous invafion 1.SAII1aCl€l)y.Va¢rda:l.m,‘ :.eAt;~nel.c,: Mur€0md‘r-gs; :«4ImAal2:x”.; flux- g~uxd:“mva.r Swedmr: Hcmlex, éw. andll:m.hifl:orian.not 111ind1En‘g’ltla1islTrumpet fpfiakiflg'..V()fthlf3f€:llJ&t‘b£lI‘!UU8l nations compares; thenfxtaa nol*thé1~nflrdr1n, aMrurA§Qfilc:d'oes, :»N;-cepba /._z. 6». 7.‘ a«ncl;.§"‘¢“]wrom»a I:‘p.j z=17< ~li~V.in'g éizh thou; C 6 o) thofe times laments‘ their miferie. <'/.7/u1?’2'£?l’4l€5f<i’l11QS"‘t0 give the ;-;df alartaitif and Stilitha bging dead creates Amzlm a new l3m.perour , and H0m_mm is. brought to that delpaire that l11S tl1oL3.ghts were yholl y to depart out or » ’ the Weft into the Ealhbuit ./flaw’-'cw1‘Cpcr1£'i11g OfWl"1‘a't: he had do1'1e,cau1.eth xmalm to 1-eligne his right_andtrefl"ores llarzmms again to his honour. "lf"l1e‘ 3“ Truiiipet is fatall to all the£in1pe1'o_rsin the Welt, and they breath out th€11‘la1lZ~1I?_1 adflglg/1‘ll.f;W'l11Cl1.a1.S‘tl1(?ifittlllg oi; the Weltc1'n_l’tar,er' the going downe of l'+’c-fierm never to IT1lC'8.gé?t1I1C. Notwithflaxiding as yet TQM: r‘e111a1ned with form: lights, which are all deltroyed With the fourth Trumpet_.,and tl1e“.Cityleft tributary t0.L‘\5:seIer22a;t. All this vyhile is the Pope;hatcl1ing.,of his abomination, and takes ‘Ryrrxe as .l1ee hndes it, and builds it againe for l11'l11l6’ll‘«‘3’;. and the great Worke is given to Hm-.’mm the .’irfta11d Leo the fourth, and it is COI’1Ct771"l€Cl to be but a tenth part ofwhat it Was under the C:f»m,a11dremaines for mine in due t.i..n1e, ligv. 1 ix . I ~. As. the Pope hath gotten the Cityxlo he continues the poweizand by his keys -lgeepes in awe all thole W‘1Cl(t".(l ones Dwell hath ipolceii oh find for his hunt: is punifhed by.the fifth and lixth Truinpets, to tlxe which Saint lalm makes a tranlition, Revfd . I 3 . and calls them woes, and in the lecond inti-— i mates the caule, 9. 2.o.-a iiewjh-lol.i1try appropriate to Axtrclm'ji‘.a who by the Slzrflfflllf and ‘Y3-trr{*.§*Il-. is .gi-itvotiily vexed by his 111 lhcceile in l thehol y warres; for thou gh the-lea T.1"fl111pCtSV fell. upon tllc 134/? as the ‘ formt 1‘ had done upon tl1c1*Ve_/»l*’.yet«a11 ,oct*‘a11 oftlle blood. of our Wejlcrne Armies was fpilt in the plate. Astor the lad. Trumpet, it containes the , [time when Mtclauel {hall ltand 1.1 p for T)a'*licl*lg‘ peo l.e. s l ._tA11d tow make /¥”t.i6‘/mfl iinarr the n1ore.,i.l,evenl Halls Pcrike in with the 7'?'flz7l1p{tJ.t,0, conlh111_111ate the 11.1eal"ures.of God-s wratl1.3c are called the lalh is «hecaule they are of a latter editiom though the 7 mmpm and they end to« "-gether. The briefe narration whereof is this :_ The firlt Vmlljs the caufc he ‘Of 61 fore, anda fore is a folution of the whole, which now is divided by ' y the leparation the wife make t1~o1a:.-gm wyic:ked,~ and itappearesin the y rrWaldw/cs. Tl1Cl€CO1‘ld1S111OITC:tl1CI1«'Z£l.01‘t1‘, torzittalls L1pontl1eaffM.l and baniflxed rlvrtlc/my? out ofmany kixigdonies, and tliis; begins with Mr/rrcr. The third Wall is very bloody, for Arm's/9 rt/2" loleth nothings but to get: it . againe, he fparesnot the blood_of' his deareit friends. The fourth_ ‘Vial! -I_]'Udg€;1S1'1OW in being, and itis the /earl‘/mg fin-at __ that now rageth 111 the Pcrwt, of the great City, 1%-"z2.y1 I . 8. and hatl1"l:.urn‘d along to us, who ends .. lit} for the Wells God fend us a fpeecly s quenching of"‘tl1i,Sfir6,i and "then the _ . ;F’iiall: will have the vaile ofoblcurity removed, and the curtaine drawne \ to looke more clearely upon the next Vialll. Who knovves not the fiat! glftbc Bcqfl to be Rama .1’ Euphrates diyednp the reftraint of the Turks)? and 4 Z the i (.7) ‘ ""tli6'V1all upon’ the'ea1re'hto .be“upon the.D:t'eH5l the Prince thereofland 1 {o .311 end vxfxtli the Drago11,.B_eafi, qendi fa"1f.F?f;[)1‘OlP'}1’et3‘ and now I come to ‘(She counfclls and ‘_C{zmpz'm2x impudentl and tl1ra1o.m.call brag. Cami/[in »o77¢z2zi.«z;ge22er»zl‘,a..¢z mcafnmt, primam; M,l£zm12?Q'1, media, Ra..4f AS the Dwell aid “till” thine; f'o‘thi§ tdi*;:vi~1:i’e all generall* eouneells are inifie, 'theofi:17t} tlieilatt, and all be'tvveer1tthem.* A Vauint fo‘v;u11e that it co11fht'es it lelfeliitii theveii ry dwifion. 7a aépxoiiac riéln .mpot’}e{I:o_ mare: mztiqm lemvmt, lo {aid o the‘ Pa. thers in the firfl genetall counfell, andfor Home to be let before filcxandrie andi..m:zo;b, was more for good mianners_the_n any matter of faith. In the econdg-eetieréill couhcell the ='fatl1e1's;fl1ew it was no xxiatter offaithybutt a __flfa'V301:'1I%"ltlT€y..111i'gl1fiaSiW€ll Iiiavet beltowediupon "av/fcznrttoplt as upon Rome. - They‘be1ng*now atiC’anfiamrmo_p1e the Emperours feat, fet the Patriarch of th~is’City before“ Alex-«smdrm and /Imam , ~and good Lord how doth the church ofkome fizorm at this;. deny ing the very coL111lell,as ifjt had chan- ged the N icew faith . mid Pope Leo is11oetafl1m11ed toiay that the N 26:22: degree for at matter» of order was i1i11111'utahle;,and in the 4. generall coun- ft-.ll,t11efi1thers are forced to llfand it out with fem;-ac tluit ,'o.=:zjzHw2nnoplq fhould have the fecond place Leo hie l.CgEll;‘C3 in this \COL1l1lil’.._ll not without choller C'0I1tradlC3E;fi1yi1]g, aantmdzfho no frat his cge/11225 izzlmreet , I as tsjnedxczz using; 5 "rm mm /M/Wt‘?! 7".» proud prelaticall Anticl1tilt. were thine own condenmiatiotl i ’i';n£tlllthe gefietall eouncelle. Tl164‘fiI‘l-JE CC5iI1clemI1ic’tl1C€f01‘ pride: the fift and fixt tor hereiie: tltefevexntlu and eiglxtli for Id olatryg the ten lat’: fox: tyranxmyo, Idolatry was never decreed li>€fl)1‘t: the fecoxtid N we»: .. and that by a VViCl{CCli1\VO1—"fl;—1I1 tliat put out the eyes ofher 0\V11“‘“f0L11lC;f01‘ calli11gl1is «ehildihy the name of his gteatgt;a11d—:h1tl1et',, Law: an ominous 11z11i1etito T; 111ages.iwl‘-iieh Lee 1' flmérmr, his iom,;1e,a11d fo1111es 1,ono__c , her own lmuslzaand hated, and i11l1.i.s~life“fhe durft ootebe.lee11e toll;111tl forhet Idolls. Heo found fome in lmer-’eloil'e’t for the which he alnhorx-eel het company , and put them to ClCz’ttl“’l5l1€"fi1llD3LEj(f3Ll to intiee his wite. The-le q:; Ex.11perorsel:.1nd V two more were C£1l.l.ed {imam seer/ix and 160710614,/3:, and one held a couhczellh ~' heFo1‘e the ft3COI1<:l'?Q3‘cem';£l11£ld.CCrcS?.Cd I111-ztges fl1o1.11dhe called Idolls 5‘ mad} C/mrlt: 2:122.» great atFr+1*2h‘f"0?"t‘ held another" com 12:11 afteex; the /Vg'o‘r"i'é’. and condemned their worfliip . and /rcmn1igl1tl1av e .{"eene G ode j Lxclgenietut fi“0Ii1‘1 h cameo in I 7.d:;1yes da1*knefle that1n'ariiners could not fee great flxipss-,~ at the Sea til they rufhed one upon another.And for his:ty1f*a.m1yi-n hi8 1 o‘ eounfels, ".’;‘f1Cl them all and fee ifthey be not to 11) take aw;ty¢ii1t:n by hloo-5 dy warret, 17?7!ip#p€!“aFVvt/61673165-y Em/verami.Empex-ours; PI“iI"iC€.‘§,_ P.1.‘Cl£liI€S,», if’ V they plealctlnoth_L1n1Went to the pot; nei.,ther111ul’t he lotg,'et‘,the‘c'oun1el' ofPzf’3¢"1Wl, Saint him ifyou will ., would not heieeve it, and fo at this day the greater is their flttame. many are of opinion. Antichrifll is yet to corner . and that fiath niadie many fliclce E00 date to a.“ proud ptelacic . which is now 129 hated that the very calling of 2. Bilhop is cryed downe. I dare {éy X10thlI‘l£_';mO1'C , bee zealous for thefe times in the lfieformation of them, but Prudv to bee will: and tightly to undetlhnd them ., and he: that gives this _rINIS. ‘ "‘ W?‘ l 'VV‘”“‘Vu‘%'y7’- ~_ _,