“"":4/ agar A!‘ m-alivercd in A6’: at OR-=oz:§ * W’ Jane; 1 6 2‘ 231’ “m A mézV%1?=%%1», W .- .. «mu .~‘‘ 1 ' \ Q.» . \ ‘ia.-'4':‘u;"ibl¥,"‘:I’:“ .\ _-WV 4‘ ~*- ’ ~-’ 4:. a.w"a ‘- " "1"? “'.'.4»"' A. w LoN§Ofi5WW P tinted by .l P. f0rVH’em§y Stile, and are to be fldat, V his fh~0pwatVthe figneof the Tygers—heafuKd%,§%*4%‘W-‘””" “ A A inSt.P:ml.r;Church~yard,I6 _ A _....._..x« i 1‘ The PrfifaceWmTfanflmraf . vT0.1:bg-1C§r£flf53]';T‘R_£gdc?"?, A * ; - -% FAA ¢fll' the: contrgzserfiey’ F \ A whzchlmrve exemfed the 4 Church efChtift,tlaere . \ i‘ 2:921: zware .mc:icnz:thm 3 Lthatafthe Sabbath : S9 § ¢mz:z'ent:, that it mlaefie-as A .? ginzeingeven in Vthcgiflffwig-_‘_» ‘ A M "““ {dis}: » LN gre fq>m%th.zt.Fara:we \ -L . % % A 7 ' , .1’T£t1dZ7¢'fil7€‘A‘"~&S, Tghéfe 531,; !;,._;‘gf; ;3 4rofe%up_<:ertain af tI1e”fed?c of the Phari%fes,,.Which A ' .beI€eved,.{aying,that it vvaségzeedfull £0 circa my “V cifc the people, andtoL%c—or%nmandw them t0»Iifllet‘a 4tlae%ColofIiai?1§, Lfit 44¢4!«:%e16.d!?- A’ man judigcAyou*in451’€fpeVfiof h0lyA%day~,%%m‘ of warm fhadowof things no cQn1e,%bu;th€b0_dy’; ,.isl0f Céfhriflz. Afiotb‘wbicb~xAexfreflian.r4sf S ..Pau1, m A 7 in thisfallomiggdzfiaurfiprodmkd £9 tbér wry fflJ’P0fl?,,,,, ¢ A _...?"ct xgtwiglfimding all Hair mre, b9tb£¢?9€rai{y afthe A‘ Apafilesg andmarc'ejfeci4&,f) of 18 .Paul, tafufprejfc, % pdecdfl heretic£.i*%oftbc9 pfimitiue Am, Mr “ ;;;,’j;; them A A A11inaris,4r¢ jizid ta ;m:emceandd¢ I ma, " it 3 n:hick,doizét1§fie tlvemcientfmrherx declm A »;zgI;:4a;;2yzan ether: to%%m£k¢%qu;efiiagofw#rAsaviqm-5 1 .wu‘rfi',.zd~4é12¢%,Lqrdsda¥.wb§3§ %hadfrom’fh¢ Af1pQ£i1¢s«ti27%6; &Ie§@§«i?fliWtc%'~ W V"‘1’WJ4y1tf6'1 *1 *??0??’..f<*"»’*.¢4’.i”»B,;~C*»1?é3<-:;w»e2¢e +¢ln},o;.»{A14i2zalxa,%% ._i;, #942 {W} W14-??¢;itb¢r4%a@&xkM1zo«zAtbe¢ L #21965 hymn *?”*>1'**d¢h»€ i¢%~tlzvug€2%v?:I2¢~ % 4 dé: Bruis~V¢bA§f%m2z4lw0fit1wa1?§£§§2m1fim1s(ke;;w.4zM ,; ‘.i%5”’?ztf??F%1a¢re{i¢4~<¥zz2x~t4A 1ée)5-¢g4,azV;t9 i A,“ . azzxm-JV§5Ag-wbergfkgigyaex zkemecrb ufia » '?h¢fé1?}‘4s;fil:*i§I?4!9ex£42#,?%»JQ;, #5lmitW#évE,hi0fii:§%Vs:4; am is??? 4,, «:4 AP 05?’i?1Bq~l‘ ¥!1¢0V«%4'4,E.r¢n@h_ P%ri§fi,[. éwl;mra%a ‘S ice A England f§Mfl,rTa%%? % % i:~M0@§£4@?A tk.e-§%::Al2¢y~$ 3 - W41 1 3.W?th W%’€<*5?% [ ‘WC hwian ozzafimaxdaym *tW€e r’f'tr146*~4"I¥‘%€l’;%mi?4?t¢~«E9?z£i2Wti!£S¢erz:=1¢zfi2zg#w:h2 1' M!1ndayAmOrf1i!1g=D%2ri2t;§fna12i r1a~!g¢:»r’*m4’si:#f A U $1‘. {~1- was <7: 3." § A‘? $5 4 ‘H ' y t mu 5 4» .220; ‘ v %" ‘Q’ 33 § ''§ 3?‘! 4% fig ‘Y 13 13' 3 Q réadV»L0 5; m xv .. V no ‘ —morr'owcs *mri*ng- .Tt'4Jb‘ey12ad rnifac%1esL1z[A ,. ' N: _.._:r .. - .‘ , “ \ __‘ ‘ , I _ __ ‘ ‘ -vw ‘ y ..~..‘ . ,.-e u .. ‘. ... E I “IQ v-m 4 *v\?§wN'V ....“ ...y..,,..,,w,_,,‘_,_‘._‘ 1 zmreézéicd :2» fi%:mrozrgh:%v>vfa;b%m: 1244' ?1Q%t,»j¢£J “;*»%@€;£!«éw, ffifrévfi n24£e1mL.é;w:edg j:-4”} ="}‘v4/’-A 0?? «W1 1%_%£_F!?fl!:‘*€25?fiW!,[ii£i9w* A V fdmfiffiafii ?F44%’i«‘1r%3g.;=r4a€z7«é - ‘%E15?fi»”3J;ix;‘ 4444 E“fI§é19zfr4e?z f A A %- #5:; In Rag.Hg;wd?w~A A’ v jaag » ‘ = 3 ,@79;z@ge4¢d ,@§rf¢a£3z2% i «% saeumy f m « %$1Ifld'W¢s“~€atingA; gto. erdxy lim1én% fair Athé. . % £5???‘ ; “1 I. ]7-11¢ T”3‘“f1;3F°‘517?¢jf3C5: fizeir dafifiims tlafiruééy to countemnce !theVS‘L1p&r£¥;i~* magma mzfomzd -the weake... A And which 22744 Amara ¢ my Myhfi &,~ for tire gawharme of their.‘devz‘ce, they {mi 1 %4 flrfagzge opirzf9}¢(fbr*72¢2vit-{Jr revived .mdpu5lif}5ed.') A i; IIfi§tW.?_-riufflpo .' _ 792z:gl9£lamful2:y rewiricfet timeyfbr Go‘_dr_"{bZeréme:/Er- -an to [Em 74 letterfImtfmmA»God himfilfe ,‘ and left prom digiaafly avcrxhe 4-«flmf in Saint Simco1=z.s’Church A we swim" ‘I, mhereéj $b£a‘% dofirina am: confirmed. I‘ thafé_mir4c-I313 wkigh are tIm‘eV related : orfkw !%:my 4 A rich ‘iikéf r‘Ia”_Vofl',v< ta‘ camterianre ff/7eA reviiving ‘of’ thkgr , : I“é;;2:gI_9t'perI74p:_perfivade fielfl: to czztertaizze it. 356% fmeiwév W thercformarion ?w‘ ,3» ‘,.. _A L ‘ t_::“'\.;- ’ W ‘ _‘M..‘,,‘M ‘ , ’ .. ouI:~af effig though mwm as , Aewg«};,,;,, ; «tn Atifispzé 1‘t"";:'¢£*é i t) mid reczéogzed fkzz“;7 the‘ Léfdsday \ at the%C%hurcIi §£‘0)¢tI.1m6Jdt t,w.q; 4 Icwifh ceremanie. : f7z‘t79éTTex§r5efbre kemznwed, ¢z;2dz'7i the: I 4.“ta the A A»Rpm”g6lidf&e?ne_;o >themA, ’ta‘4Vc1{7i?é&{a2zi)ee zzllfiw/7 dzfléu “ I :ir‘£‘726‘£"_pf' dajgs" and away,“ the Church 7'82‘-2'Zffl€di.' \ ~To*g7zeetEV2z3hirh wjiiegzndpem:mt¢kumor,CaIVin _ 9; f;m A:"a f5end’Z9z1ffért¢I 5 Jeclgrirgg howdy: hizréh‘ ziiteg 4 .‘_V,. K MG olga rhea : wherein this‘ Sa.b4batar£an mama W, % f; ;'mfafl:dfb:jfa0r{2 afar: all the war/d ,5 012 pziize: o_f'a.’z‘..% « %;J€§f6'p1IZg14€.,'t‘ ?fl5.Edj tcrriéie cammi7mrim.rA, ifit were ‘A 4 not yunmzg oéfifmed. The imfer £5 “atldrge re-- ; feared £3: Roget‘-dcf_ HV@véd2c,n%45 and 01¢--z:40f'I9z'.w, 44; ‘lfupp0_fi!j!y Matth; Paris 54 wloajdoz: mithafl repeat A c e adds 920%-more “£25: this‘; timtrould ’1V eithér 66166223’ A 5 are it £lid.%Par time were mic Wham cam . _ 1 _ V .___11 % fgedkigrg who !1:0fl‘[d}1)d_‘[,!B:If7dd¢Z”‘d#ll6’.I' fll££’€ 5; M c... @411): “w*5e¢:%%a»eg‘;¢ralcd;# f(h:::‘V:v‘z¢m-zey tIae-‘’Anabap.. : “ " Afirminggit tficjra/]'e,t71édo%é?rine§cg"Saiat Paulgvko 5 . J zsta,-,m'mminfringing any of s. Pauls commande- ~ ‘meaty- Butettthe othttfjide, at mmmenty the ex» h 4 item“ the Lords day f%fl3.6i6flfi1y‘A, #tIJ8;.“ retthey did A ttzughtmsnege fimtedoe, Momlem em‘: unius dicii he the Lord one day in fewest, to heAthe mora.l1A;mrtA A elf;-: is it , (fly hee preteede.r, and here the Dhoétorh fit repeatex it in his third Seftiazz) than in con. A A thofe evertclide A’: for himfelfe frveefevauritg A V e “bro A xable by the Church at this prefent time, Mfirft it my , arhetthefromethet Saturday they tmg/Zated it A meta the Sunday. So that wifee, that Cal W h 'I'.hc Tranflators Preface. h A I ee.fl'e.t't were exerhitmt than the elefeft, there men» = ted not [me ethert, who theztght they could 1tat.~ho=- tzfixe as greatafanfititie untd itt,xd4'[A'-the lewés did mtte their Sabbath. So that theAeh;mg'efeemed to he eztely of the day 5 the fttperfiitien ffilltremay-A hing no ttfle I€‘.VVi.fl§A,_FtI,74J"1 hefereit :~mt.h ‘I’hhefe-A’ -obfervatianehm in" hebdornada,3 the heefzing holy efthefburth _Camma2zdeme2tt: which do éirine, what. tempt of the Iewcs to" change the day,an‘d ta W afixe a greater A fanétitie unto the day , than ’/ WW A V t we", fhtit M Vcjhn Barclay maleerreperghee heel e tettfulttztiazt -once, dc transferenda" folennitate Dominica an feriam quintam 5; to alter the Lords day from Ag ». r 1 Sunday mztoThurfday. How true thifif -[H371-1 A A 710tfi¢.y.e Butftre it 13!, that Calvin wake the Lords day to he an ecclefiafiicall and humane cc:mfii- tution A oztely , ari;1nt,appeintedhy'aur Anceflors ta fhppt) .ttheh%te\;;€AA;;0f the Iewifh Sabbath : and (42: em" D0- &or tell: M3f1"0m.I9im in hie feventh Sefiietz) as ahea- ur » ‘A W, Vin here A (gem veteres in locum Sabbati . 1». amt; Puma lift. 1:} I h cup. wit. \ 1nfi§tut.I.s.tfa_pS‘ 8: S» 3&9 eej‘bl7,'e.r it —r W... A :m__ A 4 —....., ..._........-...m -w...m....¢..—-———-um:-u..mA A AIhe TranflaAtOrsPreface. mag, but with’ £1/furcqffk, that $1919 A Co.~wm¢mdémeArzt A A ~T0ffatu$A4z;:g2zi¢g/J him, tlJAoAz¢£g/7 hemz1¢1eAAIai;Agz V Viwt. ‘A/1;fi9m’7e 1?rc.ate flsa»m ASr:hoo!e“s, éejidex gzahgzt 1 A" 3~.¢g;_3,¢.7. aflxrmedfiy CaA4Iv~in,;wd;;‘fi’;md£d 55;» the Dofi-or A % A A _ Im&f4 .""'€T" . H rejblvex apart .threeCo:;clA}41ic2£i3A .~.- flrjhatimr the: m; A ping Iqaly gafoneday in fevcn, 4'; not the .mora1-limrt V A the fimrthcammzmdement ." .fec0:2dZy,¢t!mt tlvedzty ? ; -‘zzw; d1¢mged_f7‘£?m the /aft’ day af the weeK’eAmzta tiae? A firfl,_by thcauthoricie of the Clmrch, 1 mzd%710.tA A A A )« a7z_y4,.a‘i'vi22e 0raii:m1méA:A iazzd »t.’az'rd[y , that thch Vda} ié yet altc:ra%b1_e by ~:che Church, M atfirfl A_ V at: am. } _ % A A A A Neither mzxxliee the agazelj one tfmat hath fiadeter-AA ’AAi AFa:r;,,*,%.fE'2Asé thgtto keepe hoiy one} may A Q: not the mmall pan: of t;.hieAfmurLh. A Com »;1.a;:A: men I.‘ , Ao¢4rADo,;5t01j 4 wharh delivered in A z:.h.eAté;i7*d seam, t}1atri0tX'AIAOfl:a:£uS wzely, 5»; am»; A quinas , IZ7ZA6l12A7;itl7 himAAaI1£he ScImo1emAen, have A agreed upmit.g Na¢€A~:m».r were any rim: oppafid it irz the Schoolcs of Rome, tlm:AJAlmave; met wit/7, tifl Cazharinus Vtwke mp arm4émgai7zfl Taflatus A: afiir... W vqf o. «%iz.zz;a¢AA%weaiAwwpi2 V Adam in :15 1%.; Cmwlleqf tlav méfld ;A fhéré" A:23l9AAx£A;AAiAA*AiAA3AAiAiA*AAfi,7$}éA ~ AA am to ggw,;A A bleflé the feventh day and f&‘fl!5tifi'EAiAt.A‘ P:*»*’JaA‘’V1’«A2AA % A A fmm'e,5y ouirAAAALithor iii‘ rA:¢;‘efied,A:mzd tin: apz32iA AA:2A.of’f Aim rh1kA _f22[!z322vi¢z;g*A Dzfiauvfii 5? Atlm‘ feeréazzer em fie time, . Aj’u¢{gem€nt of Atldef ADAA2’1,'i}2éx lcafittke L:oW+CA0untrit::s . A A Francifc. Gonfzams,AAo;2e:£vzaAzé«;zve fi~:fif:z'ewt1~;« _ i %u%§derta‘:Z’ingx Aagaizzfl Atminius , pufiliffied Ammo % A 16287.? ¢z.lit;t1e»Trrezzz~i]EA.¢£Io‘uththe Ofiginall Aofthc AASab‘bath, 2229;! rtfaereifi ‘p2%r'ii22 Acz";m[@> +:*zza¢fz:;;'1«»_%/]‘wl the]? me. ggqfliaxy :fi'rf§,AA;W79m'4ér tbe_4S.ab?£aath we.-reAAord ai-~= 2;? _ héd by God, ixagxmediately onthe Creati'¢5_I1:>? __..._._.__.__ A hpinion A A hhhcanféiiflhnhemihtxtfi e Thc"Trat1I1a£¢rs;Prcfaéc. h the World: the feco2zhl,VV hether all Chriilialis holy’ worfhig hath which haeh‘aietezWi2:ex rzega; .htz'veiy.. Amid A Dcrnfior Ryvet,ho1¢e9fhthefeure Pro- 7 feffors Leiden, czlthazggh hedifikr: in thhéhfirflsyeth % £22 the fecwzdyhich doth mafi cerzceme mt Chrifiians, they agree together afiirming alfb faintly , hthdfii the .appO1'.fl'tifl.g0ffh€~L0rdS‘day far Gczqds publikc A h hfcrv~i“cc_, was neither done by God himfelfc, nor V by his A Apofilcs , but" by authritiie of the Church. For ‘Second: , Gotnams hringxin Vata- bins,’ Md hwolfgangu-hs hMufcuIué5 agzd Ryvet wiwheth tin: dutharitie uh 0m{D°o6’cQr here; I’ 01* J5 * A‘ G0mr-Irus, in z:ma?:x:ion and Adcfence of thefirfl‘ again]! that?‘ Ryvet 3 Die quibus etiam*C1. A co em judi.:£:i%oh [hy hRyvets infarmaticwjyh libenter ihxatfcllcxxmhms. ”1‘ mil Adda. Dhovéft. D. Pridcatix in0r: : A ~ A‘ A we hthingone@9:z$hibhjwirV 'hrz'~e“fely A The Hollhan-5 A dc-rs, rm» theydifcaverecl Fretuhm leg Maire, Anne V‘ ;I6wI5‘.h%hthéhtgglyithéy dhfizrvedh at hiofl hhexafi apmuzzyr Qf 1 theirtime 4zt‘S€+:a”5}yhehth at their ammir2ghome,they “ fimwl, cam‘p¢ring;thheiMérahflt mihthh them in ;Hol- _ l2md,th;zthhtheyh,hhha[ loflkz day; that which W Sunday * M-«hhkgq;¢e,~~héir2g':M2hn&iay to theathher. Whirhhof he; €€flit%£ehV"hwflhhappeh, "it é3‘Zc2aZ:1/ilzztiecfil hy Geogra- I pI1ers,t;o thefe thnthcompszfle the Warld frami Wefl to Egh‘ 3&2: cmtswie, they had got :2 day, had theyfazyled A it Eaflmard. .A’fld Wohthtrhhtfhowlol théflf fg‘?0f»’ls‘?d0”€ B2 , ,.....j___ -—-W" In—'-‘1 ' r-rvup-"5 -1 "" are ob-iiéged by the fourthhCcammande1ncnt, al- ‘ A "h wayes 120 {ct apart one dayin feven,1:o Gods Gamar. clefeézfio A ” finzem, am Sflbiojfi cafafio ' h " zvhenthey mere. retz;m”~cl .3 If they wufifa-z.zé1‘§fie"yrr?[ A : . “‘1”h1c:"1‘r"a1nI1atorsPrcfacjc:.. A A ~ A‘ day :spgrt% from their other cazmzrymen, azmflmzl :2. Sabbath lay z‘t'aem_/'e!'zL'e: 5% or ta. comply mth arkerx, 2"ej}c%é¥; £28 z:iol.¢tAVrfin:1As,tel1i2tg as W zj — Goa” —.—v a 1»- V G'ad ha?! aéragatedw the Ié:v%;=ifl1Sabbat%h gaddex femsljr, that he left it A‘ fre~鑧L;nto the Churc}3V,a!ia.r * A ~lz'gwerzmt which isan a'rgamenA_r,thatth!£»:yA15ef't4 % ‘ its wholly: unto Vrhe difpoficion rhechurchg Arecius, S;1'rnIer%,_:Dav.T‘Parxu§, :mc‘_l.Bu%cewrL1s_,4 V wfivbichzixe Alivthére alledgfidfl 7i2z'gbt”5ee4hcre produtéd, % "were;z9t:thefef¢1jiaiemt 5‘ x1c1alel7gré_'"w¢totiaeAAe2zem‘:‘Z 4‘ ‘t H’ "N? “tv. Ia ‘. u ‘N ‘ _‘ cwzfezz of’mrEngI1fl1Prc1 res, §f%c1t§g"$ Mm?‘ Wm M "I; J V The TranfI§:gmrsPrcface. W- die:e[ige1*e,1. to of any other day to % imade choice of i}£g-Ajémour of igour $‘aviom-5 % r efurre€3:;iQn«»; Zanch.iuY=_g rnze.v:§ItJéEjZ¢£'¢t3-~ %::Nu§*; Iibi Iegimug‘ Ap0£’to'Ios;% % thisday robe obferved in &.he€hurch' of God 31 AA T.;0neLym: finde what the poflile a;ido‘thcrs Q1’ tI1eLfaithfu1l ufed ta do“e%uponA it,li£ emm ¢s=rgoV re- __ 6 “ am *%*s9wI%9v-f:z V¢iwA€E"‘%6T‘f>3.‘fTiamen%t giant’ keeping be féleéfced for thatthwe Church M A We readen0tan~y%4 AA where ( faith he) that the Apo?»{Hes.did command %[% Of 51 54?-3 gg 3 holy dayes, have determirzeal tkm,togetI9er‘4w}'th the “ re}? ry“thatgrzmalaflem&eIy 3 viz. Neither is it to be ’I:1ivte mjxmb er qofdjayx-2:3,; ,pr%efc:ribed in holy Scsrip:-VA ‘ rare, but that the*a’p"p0intm¢nt both ofthetimée and alfbofthe numb er ~ of the daycs , isflleft by" hthe authority of God 5 ‘Word, torthc amrhority A A “mf’"~C.~h1:%i4fis % Chr.-im:h,n to bée AedI;*- pic... Whit/a Ereamble zZ‘72o=t;‘to Eva urzcfierflaodqfhoa B 3; %1§g‘ ,., «f..—- 3 .———,,———-w =1 1 AA main Ge T The ‘I’.t$anf1atbr-sAP£efacc, " 53:11: bodyofthc A A& dathm':fu!!appé.4re.M A A A ‘ L4/2 afzzll fir the third. aged lafl conclufiazz, that V flzill the CAhufch hath power to Change the day} A um" Doéfm’, in fhc fevéntb ASeé?io7g Prizzgrifi Bulu .nitius,a1iiAfque inofiris, with dzwje othermot M»- A Amedp4rticé:IMlj,;a: they are; which Wtbinlyc 2:9 antiwar» wifé thereof than Calvin dzkl, mzfi [herbal ”5j:4:i:hJ:t: jiiméfioiz Suarez, [thaugla athemifi: 229 friemdunto the mag, dark defeiéd their da&ri‘rzeA_: new as the dofirirze. wmfiach alfo ix the.pm&z‘f: oftlyafie mm and Cbbrcbés, A” dwo_ydofamytl1e leaflfuperfiitioux rigour; effcmbizzg it 4:956 43‘ La dayleft arbitrary, and‘ tlgerefb:r'cA open to" All/vaizefl exéwiféx and lawful! recreation: 5 j: wbirh ‘A mi tlwfivifiw quivhwde _v_ ‘ ‘An 4 nevmw V V _V A A {he ir;i4rgement‘ofBé3terfis é’yR0bC1‘t’Ihnf0n5AlI A Ahtmeft cAxcrcifc‘s; {boating in Peeces, Long‘- Wesg CrdH'e~Bowes,8zc. a1*¢&ufed'A0n the S3 A - % A A bath day,ahdthat‘Ab"oAth if-1 thembArni11’g5Vb*efo:e: I He_ylz'mAGea_g;r. ; in France. A and affjex? ethb Sermon rieither ‘doe fthe‘ Mini» Afters findsfauVIVtAA%%the1f*eWith, Afo that they hinder A A not fro hearingofthé Word.& at the"timeJ 'ap-- A ipointeclf. ¢ Dancing Aindtéd tlgéy daé r2atfzzfi%2r5 ‘fiat; A I/753‘ flat fit’ relzztioiz w the S unday ,» '59:": the port A it felfej, /W/::7z°ck A z'.r “Heidi uazlmfull, 4ndA‘A gexerafly fwéidden in the” French ‘Churches. if/7a§rh?fi?iE?+ . 22*efl'e,A A3‘. fameAw3wte,%”"cémfidering Alaaiv %zrfé'e* AV'FrénchA dag delzglat in ~d;a”Ancir1g,A hark fiemé a great liifid;em2zce% J -- —:.—...,.‘ I§.dayes,'9rAA0f$3intsdayes ofielj (whvf fitinglgftéi _, the autlearityof the C1‘-mrch%wM never quejfianed) * éut af‘ the Lords day alfa { M ;~m~mimi5.xe1qtedi3 “ V1ing§¢-t,A Bucer, Brentius, Vrfinus", amd Chem» A the c0nvtrw%crtedpoizzz;a]”the ChrifiiianfaitE1,.-:w2cw- tar, that meelizz Engiand flvould take up Mw2Ai:rM 9;, ’ The .‘I'rat1flators Preface. to. the grawtpk of the Lrcformm AV.ReZigian 1'2: my ”Kz°ngdamc. % 7% V‘ A A % WFJl'éhV5€Aifi‘g_f5, five A af'jbAma11yAme:3, and offmh fcvcrall. p4erAfwafions in V ring [5 ufld?zffimAzf/Z3; together : the A29sira:le¢7:4V;ly,e;Agrm_w pinion, and t§aereI}y%fieparate owfelwexfram all ma t?hm:£aj,r 7it;;%;2;?7;?‘;e:, _m+ tI7e,11ame%:mdtThi.nAre- V A fact: tothcfim ‘ . ‘Kingdomeg Ar viz. That to doe any ferviie » childes throat; that cg ring more Befls than one A on the Lords day , rs as great a firms as” to com»- Q % mnventedfor it. And 1' ~5.9[£’€"tJ’é’ himjht thereft. The , A { narycalling M the Sabbath day,wztrttto dyethere-= fare. Jfttdl knew:}Aal3@,&hMéhmmzftwne 0 mydcgtmitta t that they who literally ur1derPsa7nd”‘the fourth er Commandemengdoe not yet favour ofthe Spi- A fith,hSeEtittt the third; A A At A ‘ A A ’ . Thitwhett I had wxfidered, wheat I had flerioufly A g . ".r‘heTranflators1’rcfaee. h 1? fuchflmzzge paradaxes, M” in ceztfideratioit tfthe pre» ; ‘mzfitr, have heme delivered from flmte Prrlprts m thts‘ 1 worke or bufirre ffe on the Lords day, is as great ¥ 9. firme, as to kill a rnarr, or comrnir adultery; that to’ throw a Bowie, to make a Feafl:,0r dreffe a. wedding dinner on the Lords day, is as great a* finne, asffar a mantra take a knife and cuts his mic murder. The ,.Author tthith repart: tthcm“ all, - em preflent wheat the hrtmtherfof‘ the lair pofition mm ; rather, fimrelhawe heard it Pretthed in London, A? that the Law ofMofes, wherehy ‘death remporall mt: apptirttedfar the Sabbatll-breaker , mt; Jet its force; and that who ever did the wolikes tfhi: ordi- tmzte, the Preachers theft? httdh peofle to by that pafie, that neither baked nor I01}-meat, my ta heefqmtti in all the Pariefh fbmt Sundayes dimer thrtughauththe ytere» Theft are the ordinary fruit: offwh dangerous‘»Do étrines 3 attthtgztittfl thefc‘: and fttthm‘ theft, am‘ Author in this“ falltwitzg Trézztifi: A doth adtftefl'e:hitttfelf‘e, attttfieg ‘\ them that Efltfirtdiite A thefatmet? Do&rinaIls,evei*ytthere, ofmr lq/fethmz _ =Iudaifrr1e, and preflitzg them .mz'thh that of Aufiirt, , T , 5, —.-.—.—-— ——-r- ahfltwed; ~a&f%%rwd iabzvé1itmch+the]‘e fm‘1cie;MMwvre%repugnant barb ta the tmdrie: of this C19s2f?c:h,%%a2zd%Ljudg§ment: af mt? kinda afWrz'ter:, and ham zmfafe twee adm»z't«ted 5 I A; Ag,-rf&o1i% W a%wor}é’é,m% Ica2zc;itvi!lcra'ete Azem,» "Ink gérea‘»t;e'r‘~5e%zgfit%; £0":1"£}2.€2ti" ‘tIj8’fi57.%2771'E thereof; which 1Js'Ié2/9-§ef’eZ5: this" Pirfl,7thézt the Sab-4 theW0r1d,norever.l’ept\5y gzrzyof the AncientPa-7 triarkes, n*F2o/[i*z2ecMef?9%re":f-Joe Lé1WbfM€)fes»: _therei- ther, _[£r:ce.of fate the c_l4;nour13'4e2zcrea{£:d, aiadathzzt % A tvhefe is not &tfr”ing:nbvlr .1i1ore frequent “in; A {E3%me4ZeJ£it:rnouthes5;.QtoVufi:I9e4D06’cO3:sMmord;) than that the %Lords day is with us %1icentioufl.y1,4 4 A mi2zc‘le.c_’,'I vlouét not.5m::1rh¢2v following Difl:am”fe«A’1vi[lA‘: » fie Vfnfiibienf’ A : nwcbfar that caufzfl hmue rm;/Zdted’ ; fnkerviigany gsherefrom thefimce. 5 “ ml 5:. little I ‘ _ , — -~ '* 4 The Tranflatmfs Preface; 1 Mar, Sc&. 3 Secmdfy, that the ffinficifying af~0;a:c “Hay in Maya, 5: Ceremonial! anal}, and aiwligrd the A leaves 5 mt Moral}, M W11’ gr: an Chriftiams to the M=*e‘o£fem*ance, Scrfi. 3. 5: 4. Thirdfiy, rim; Wthc Churchggziided tkkrcin 1?} praflrice cf’ 1 fifiesyxot an thrlfmdrth C0mrmandcmcnr,(n;%i1%v/zw he cafér 4 iicxmdaious Doéhine, Se-Ef.7.) inar any atlas! 4 ¢xprcfl"eauthariri:: in 1101; 1 Scripture, ,Seé?.. 6.. 6‘ 7 .. T]?€flf~‘03#~2“tl7[j,‘tI Mt the ‘“ V urch {mthfliz¥au:ho~ Workcs aflabwr relgwired saw Mr, 423% MM exwffed af , the Icw*cs5 éwrflthat me lamfizfly may a flfcatgraw part.zar:.a=.5!e mm marry mm; e3%te,m>ml due [Wk é.tl:7'€’3”" 1%, day M . .$fi~ cmzfs mmuéil low: rmighbcyzrhd nmmgfi ms: mgd¢tlaaaw t1ya&i21a%ms%esi*nv£aarza5y :th£.Iewcs did ‘W wail r»*‘2:e*i:r' :Fe&m,:s% (~,mi7crefif fix 3a»:bba7iIh Me Lords day :¢'rflumd¢*d..am£1y M flue amhmitm ofrlve % ritie ta damage #9: dayi,tho:.zgh]}urb 2u”1‘th%0ritAié*5*¢%:72*9t A ft m éepm inpraéizfi, Sr:-:'&.7.. A Fiftiviyw that in the ccfiebrmon af'z'z=, rlyrrmlrmofiwcb ceffationfiampthe A réixg; M be mhimdermm M we pub! ikc Scrxice W» 1 Ii3a~d‘.z_;,~,S_¢ &L 8% Sixtlyflmr mike Lords 1 mm kameflly may m-fie¢the* fpirits ,%amf) em‘; ahiéfej maria &~m"rww€dVf'mw ¢mHcbi‘€W Word, whit}? figmfifietifi tm dance, xmd” M be mc;~rAr3r, or make gIa& the c0xunfenanc"e. i.Ij”'_fb 3’ if fuck Recreé.ticrns% M mcrmfv go oL%L:m*§ ghbourh dad ' 3 than Wyakes, and % F€3flS,¥l«fid“&$§?£‘f M eetirégs af tim Mme. 7 Iffiwla M hanefzhfiv mmvyrcfrefh the 1‘ pirits 3 than Dancing, Sh00ting,VVraPcling5amd af/ariwr Pm%meJ-,2-wt 55; % Lavwr prohibited, Maiik 4ez‘rIoe;;r exmifie the body, or 2~"Wf~:.“e the m§”nde.: And !£fl*l:yf:hat% it appertwinex in LA T 58%. 8... Addezfgr théjtiqfa of aléhaw drmhtingly our Au_th9;j2¢4ke: Wake é¢W¢7°f 5?%h»b%§haWhi?h*’"#9wi$ grohhéfi fife ambngfi mg "Se;6t£~8it‘”t‘c.‘23i9’t;Aée7;thing Match; take h¢ret.th2tt‘f7fi5?‘hb1é Ezikemriaai arklay, ’ the hatter to in c;gunterh:th,éfl? nzhaflilretaine the name, _ and iimpofi: the rigougw: Cuiporro ifium diam plcrique ; *j‘”hc’"*f*}fa nfl§gor5 firéfégé. W . from lawfullffifiihnei) dath incline to Iudaifm e", A .S'e£z‘£zri0rtv21a54f;$'.s¢hh£zt3‘u%7‘2 ap}5ellgt§t'i,e§?¢.‘ Whatis the 1 cahufc Cfaihthhee) thfilt t?1af’4ai:iy‘tcaféAn.'x1€Sc¢9caries call ‘ V this day the Sabbhath If they 1 Sabbath, they ’rfi1u’fi@btfcm¢hi A * A j fledon thatday: a’? . that day whereon Go _ as now they d5agv§1iér*e¢og chf¢f;ord be A hours. If they obférvc’ itas the day 0 our Savi-A ours refurreétion, why doe thcy call it {till the ébférve itasa V; , A 1uwfe‘%God rt}- *"e‘Tn~t ejr ought to keepe d xcficd 3-n<1notAthefirf%, am his Ia; abbé;'th"“§'“”"fé"é”ifig"EfpEEi”“a"II§“fhfii"§f‘ fiat altogether ref’: that day,but_val;}ant1y ovcrcam e ; the powers of death? is‘ the fttmztte af;¢h'.' ’ AA and ;h1J::mz[1:AI h'wve_ to fay ma thee (Good C hriu f’EianiReader) this thpfefitrtt hfujiéégffiw. God [a ' the Chri£tianMagifl:rate to ordermA2d4ppaint,wh4a' A M h h . Paflimtx are t0‘5£P8fmitt8£{h,afld what are net, (aha-» ‘ dzfegtgguzztagthafg comiéiaizglxjrhhgttgrfgrrg th}ggz[4cri—4 A ‘j ficetét'an_y\%afftthe;LIdoZt bfomf?awneA1§7t1ae:ttig;t3:)ihatmzta everyfriéaatc pérfing (arm thafiqfiois ownéhiééord: \ W3 r=°tunF°€VerY mansthrafb zea1e.who our of a. SchiAft§nV;§t“i§é.1L{‘”Afitbicifznéi ( Hfhharring mm at We K i give zheeh right t1;:1de_rf’ta.nding‘i2z ‘ V all thingmhed a good W111 to Ida: thereafter. C2 pm; i re . " ‘ w ‘ , . A if « ‘ 4'" w- -' A " ' F ; '’L:.'7r‘.-;’. M ». ‘ WEE‘ )- ,_ V , 4G (I I fl..Ehu_ Cfiffl O . 3,“ 1 _> ' ' ‘ M-‘ 1 I... .; W .3 1 . . q 7 77f?f)9d[7/ééépe 72:2}§'aaMazf),a;5g5l')*e1J2*r£2zr£12933)“ . “ :, Smfhfdrze V%1:4mIthe*L»érrd, % _ * I .. A . ‘ “‘ 1‘ :7 ‘ .. r . ‘ -’ ‘ ' - -: .. . . _m ‘, ‘ , " 2 I V % ‘M - 3 3 » 3 w. -V ._ . V -_ ‘v . ~_ _ ‘ v ; . A . . . ¢ v. N. u ‘ my ~ “ M » 1, . — M‘ S ' 11 ‘ * ‘ .,""' . “ .._V W:-‘ ,‘ Vs»... “ . ., ~ ._ . _r ~ ‘ _»,.h . -— _, . A .~ _‘ , , . ‘ ‘ 4 5 , -...- .. ‘ . V 5 “ ; v 0x,5%% 4Ac eec1i.ng%Do6%ors@,” A ' T v . M ,y I!" ‘ ' *'~‘% wk Q ;.‘,"~_p A») M‘ *5,‘ W, " ‘ xxx um‘ “W, Mn,“ ‘ v . ‘ 3 L ,. Q m % , : ..\v«R?"“‘VI“‘;y‘<_S)l‘,#.T";:”" I 6 % - %%touch1ng;_theystzzlib/trlz. ‘__:1-““ aw . W» a 3“ V v ‘-. ,,,‘ ‘ “ _ .. ‘ ‘ m ‘V , 1. ‘Jul->.f: ;-r ‘. 'n_ ‘ ‘ ‘ M‘...-x V _ ‘. _‘—“ ‘” F‘. ‘ v \ I‘ V‘ ‘ ‘ W ‘ L‘ Q ‘I! V ‘‘ Tb“; 3' fl ‘ ‘ . , . A ‘ . ‘ Mn ‘amt. 9.39,: . ‘ x ‘ ‘ . =r». ..r : ,_ Lé‘aué4zfu:,»I&irnuftof*II€Z§“é1T"““i;tTe cxpofc, my 0% * r -Wcaumpm ../Iudztm )1s as Z '2 ‘ 4 you rfct4urnedd%a;gyaine : “ »k1f%'e% to M 1'0 na;any#€‘UuZtures; A Di);irii¢ia‘tOC- (Which was muchV=fca.red) asyet mifaan. A 4 riedw. flébold J and tbeframdes izzbicb God bat/J given‘ mes. . And though {has doc .110: g10"ry,as beforefhee‘ hath done; of a :m— acc0}::- 5. 1'"-V-~ '%57wh>eretoei;agLAm1nd (as! unto» merow zflue 3 7 yet fhee. is. tbmfbrted with § ; thefcfém , whofemodeffie doth" promife % tofupp=1yAthat want‘,% and hideher rm» j;fk:dm;{3’a.. It is.-m}'%@0fléce“ (as you = ; L ilnnliall %tasEe4'(leamez{an& ' fed with To xnanfi f’corn1e§“, and by her Y owne unworthi y handled , hath not J \ pg; Q4 Heéro 21:1: é of late diPcurbed the quiet: of the Church : ‘ (F4:/am andfiretbren) to fpeaIi¢j*11flt0¢+y~L1A . « fomewhat of thxs argumcncgand therein lace, +hon¢Pdy E0 difmiffe m ‘never f+%cd and prov1dcd‘af:e;~%jAall and thgat there Wantz not Afome jlitigxous differences about the Sabéatbgwhich have I hope it will not fcemc unfeafonablc, rather to explode their errors, who either -v M. ‘ , ‘M; * I" A _mhQ(¢%;4g And“that»our p-u%rc:r Fountaxnc, Wc W111 rd £o11owing%%d:ircourre% 1efih,+*fc»r1:hie.V grfeam certaintic thereof, is ~ 1SaM:atb5the1earnedA in; the Hebrew Lam: A vfrom Iabolp: and~fe¢mesAto%haTsre "afiinwi £1? , % I ‘A % A W3F11'7” A Aagaine}repcat:A%,~. cap. 2.’6.} f I2fe flmll \ kespe my*%A8abbatI2;¢i.% ; for the fix-R wdrd gtiaaderive it; nn<%fr<§rr;1 Firzxv, whieli be~ mg1nt§§rpreted,%1siSe’vezi; but; from¢~n:m:, whxchfignxficch to «safe, lemme Vofifiorqyefi »ofm{s%4amb.% ‘ L 1 W A:accordingto thccufiome of thii sA Vtheirlabours‘. And being it is the pmta % A geereafincc I -firfl: attained unto this place; feemc: to tend , on the one %fidetoA:/aeifme, 14 4 % or on tzheotherfide to ]gd4i[‘ma,Ch3Il3Hy gm-.i from the 19. of Lavit; ;‘?'U. 30.‘ which4~doubt- '\ A idutiesalfo 013% a1'1iwEho}f¢VV;$Who age Bb,o,und%% to 1 :ksepe in Int my%%intem: :c:lay~~w»efQrc frequently I:E:&1d‘=1c<1"*i$‘,¢1 linre; , ’ o;;4Wm;,. 73 s I 3% "ghinkes the %AIemas, though very §"much4 \ $.h~e1%ctint';in£1ifl§~r+me2! é;q2}‘E£w.«=:5. I-mm waf." Na}. were .? “T’hey4wVhiCh: aficomznonlyanore % Vi a1 t toflgy My z1n;»:rg;=%than Labia afterwards; 1:, prove it’; ¢1I1ain*taime<:«¢agfEi*awL¢?'V4:zivacm:athat A itwas, V 159: WhaE= f21y“rh€y,f Isit notafl f : Que: ct) IalqfleAand%fa&¢aéEzf,€ét/as 1%-vmzbdaQa2, A in rhe4;cginning oftE1e4%VVor1d;,%»»vas to Q’ imp 01:6 it theno13vi};,fi7e‘gpo{’tericici of ggfdam, % $03!.‘ =»,,,W ya".-‘w»V‘mt"~ Mn ‘ ‘A the %Commandemems flow from jthe AP.r~in— % ciples of Nature, how isMthis~exc1udcde Can Wee conceive, that this onely 6am- mama J‘Law crept in , wee know not ; howi, ar1ic3ngi’c the J71/Iomls ? rthatt ' % the Wrajibat %.5z7/Iofizs Awould ~ have ufed % Vftlfih. TG31‘7.<:‘;~ ordering the .Decalogue , L A oiieIy%Ato ‘bring the Church into greater A traublesfl, A.ddc4 hereunto,that Tormlim .Am-mI.f2eri¢d 4 % ifhould apart%4himfelfe froyfn thefomgaes W % of 4in,kt%O call upon the mm of %tbeZ;ord, to hem; and/waged: 11-‘an thereft SE )_ thinkcsA it hardly credible, that Em/72 M V’ F without fame ~«certaine and appointed ‘ time, frT, that ‘performance. Nor were thefrequcntSam-1fic:es,as 0211920 thmks, maxed. M "i performed by Abraham, and the other T?e11 may =(*fa.y,¢they)zwh0 can,VVhere- forc,4bc’fQrc thc. publication of —the»Lm> Pnccep. 4, ‘?m:rinrkes,withou4t relation to this4day..", A of oflw,» there felil no .7!4anmz;’y on * the A if[érz2.¢2;.@t{9 .d4y ? 3'-‘\~n.0EE she s;;z;bg:;;,¢%a¢-%A V ;cQrdZ‘ng¢td G0c:§7s:;;fi;:I’c% ‘example ,‘ beene f,u;.k [V * ~ lgcpt continua11y,fromthe'foundat10ns~q » , A ithfl Wflrldfa hefe Aare «indeed f1cl»1 Joxtbemma. ,f 1 %i£i1§gi,11]f1A§:E1tS 312,35 "make 1 fizz”; flog; E7 w V %% D2. 4Actm- A5 M 1 1- wv 5% Dang? “N ,. if ‘O ~ mm'um/-4» 30.». x "FM-.q_ 1 Ed! 34-. a % 1 ' as 1 Ac ‘- Of tl9e.%Scz&Z7a1tb::~ %cm;__AWrit:er4 ,_ ma-intaines the contrarie: Lat 1/Jai?3faythi4hee in a Txacii ggaivijflg7Ehc-~%1cn2e;g .) ,a[wae'“mee, ‘t.~b'ey cam ,1:/mt A D‘-A M A the ‘Sabbath IB1BL,;» 1:255:39/2ee%»¢y‘?. A few?! mlfé Gad. Vé*12j‘AAVatc*4:p1t_&f2i ~1S7acrifiE¢, had regard tbemgf 5. or 2194:’ N 0 A H CC 16 C ft A“./t:%.;1»til‘l;% m-any% Ages after. E5 is ,7 that the: probéblybc?con§* are» not therewith fatisficdf: and%ther:-*~ fore it concernes them who mamtaxnc“ the ./Ifiirmative , to 11131;; gt» g.0_Qd by; 4 Crcatima A ," the? Jngels did ob1"e*rv:cr Zthfii ; Sabbath. ‘But’ 1thcn%% hec% addcs, that; £116 *4 oéferfwznce of» it heérc up%0n%'thTe—% Em/2* , fiahéfificatim af t/:7: S4££iatb%%4w2sbcforc&Lthé«1 Law. But many of our later W'rntcrsA=‘ In Gffiiaqféfi-h ‘ true fh at cm-fan hachV:~arn;¢d4§,V)_;;ha; 5*" WM rirmgz. 4.»: fig‘ " Léj In Gen. 649.2; 3*-49 A 19 % painted %«cima ofther, anal feldomer ,%as d}‘ occafionfi .% nd §1.S..§f0r the; Win01: A A -N M MN 4“ %:‘fQ1g::rfhé Sablmtbr 5? day,"this rath ea-%wés} af 4*‘£hc: We gm. __._4- mént ,* than ihd m'gz‘;m[fi..7 ’Enb/Séinight % Acflmlponi the Lmzand ylivrq/Mm .czfi 7":zéz*- ¢ %crz'fi‘ce, without~*relat1mi td 3~::fi=t;a11dafi~ W For what makeproafis are th ey,which , before % wére wgwed vGa ‘ A _% raentl: Jay, amé!j;m€tg&‘ed% %2't;’~:th»e1“€fO1‘c:hecM V zhcn commanded it to be kept 1m): by %* his Tpeopl;c.% J7/Iofés, ;a s.,4éulm/is hath it, ” fp;akech»ié by waypf 7’antib£pa3ti’aih rather to'fh.ewthe egmzze “of the‘: >:~[%f’omIhae-- A '%‘VMe[/Ed ‘the f:-- A. Comgnéndem En; ,;.1;than any %promulgm'gg A Sabbaifz “'had:¢ fesgbaeéied that the; and chagjtfiié ijééaeiimsAundermi?/2mmob,i1ad not made up weir tf£3I'?;iC.?f'I3’?”i£‘~k.«?.5 Aneythcr" had hee eibaped a abiding, nor they the ? inf01ent”fm'z'e of their Tau=k~mazflers. fwd M » M “the” Pr1ncip1e*s**%Aof atayffifij Wfluld you _j counfailc them to dds «Did they ob- % A fervc ‘A 5 ».int,0 v1§Mt£a¢zzz£I»é%*:% ,: Fiauid E ‘ Church A ievm £0 4 ,:w0,ga“.ex:‘7’:‘aH«~‘£L;i. 0'fiu?\‘j3 ii L m:(£z‘o‘#7i0g‘¢ :;,.of.V£§‘2¢ .1am e in §ép5k’1ffiY.:3 t;;6;,f. .Q[Li-:- ‘ % £33 5} whisk: am, when Ciwzrela T.was~* ’ ;g::0vv:nc: 7,1) and; re1eafed4%fr<5m%i; boixdage, : V was ':impo:£ecL» 11ter:eo«n=_.?, as: a Ganians. ~ mént"-i Suppofe i‘Et‘.vfG f’:i*:1l»thé:#;- V W ofzIw*§ sabm;a;% 4 the; l?a;a;%:e«rs¢;:e4"¢;bfifo.m: r «%:%afies;:iaaeI» a V4 M €Lfirfi?.mBe~ férvation of it , is fOl.1I1aGd”“033%fIIh€fi!z£3‘3b Nz»ztzzm%l1A at-1d Ma*3mIZ%:~,. A Gr :e~ife&~.%Ee3A%~prp;vh? keeping d£¢i12.%inwnotkirid1i:¢gyi}?e3»%,%:ariéi P‘f';’§t3i“€$; :50 i‘:1S‘ii“1i3i“f Ethati ’ Infiimz. 35.2.. Vbi fiapm, {ct 4,3 ' a%Slm'aw, 3;wFz:gflKe;on6:1f,I;» Thiree . Cfifuggfefinzgoé ' ‘ 1‘ A gjém‘ 3fibM,,_ W %. and a $k§£p,aA I '9‘ ‘ x 7» " ‘ _ I fl. W ‘ to W“ ‘N «aw uhaxr pro€iuceAany:rhin.g fiom scripzmée. F011‘ gm:-1tingL all: that hath“ been: fiid; I-A a daykjof t:h“’e%&%1m‘»: '3: 1,53; amwm@@m :- 6” .‘ "‘i""“ ‘ V ‘ 4 . , —. .7. ‘ Q, ‘ -‘ «-2- ml’ ~,»:. fare m1‘aAr%e%A+4the~. $45M A _., 1”:“venrI: day M £1115? % «%;mm4n¢aanm;;v;4 a?*s=4 ” to . ’ ‘ ._._....._.. “ 5 fat %d9wnc%AfomewI1a: of %%che1r 1 ycAt Wi"H¢.l0,gke upon the f1fe;fiy3pAa1;‘tg;§ & . , "5-i i.F*‘fi‘3h*‘~‘f°‘ P¥”é417€nts itkfelfethithe A 4 I £13035 :5 A the 54 V Ila: SaI2Ws<:? fivcrzzfi flag. HOW*:efi@kz1’ed%~~2 %%;Ex%%%lth~e? ‘1lf§'rfi3of‘ the {€§21?a¢ion..; But izflisxfalzls Vj'ui;ti pox; % I _ :S;;£gs_;;;,;;;,4,‘-A 4, MA % day 333 ago biiiniij, 1;f;d,¢;;Jr‘;;4g>;‘~ °”’?“’~.“i“*;”“§’* *"“‘f’““ S“f"‘¥" A“V“s:? life; \ _V 4 éifi‘a“%A¢V1§,%g4A ghat;3:,wcorchng:w~c};¢:1;:eéa11%1§;;.¢e;,e ‘ M M 3* wk M M M _ A ,"Y *—-———---fl—'"”‘ A Qlfldfi ;;§i4;e¢wLpra4:: V¢%a’;q3:V:;;§gzt.: » Ajfuto Lg;-,» § ,“ %'Ji1‘3t%1;T?:f*a £;€O;I1;n»t: 4ws_¢ '39”: ch 5; Am,,[,i5’;;“;4 A V 952 $16 ,‘2.I§ex2fes~ ; flloflld T31?‘ Li;L1p*Ae ‘with? A ; ®urs.%%.4A*¢ 1»f::£+§hem .%we;¢3 e:m{%:f. 5-fix”-_; %0ix;g:#:g’4r£am:%*,;; grin, V:t~hcy were A 4 310$?» : M ; not borrowedfrom the Iawi/Z» Synqgogue; ‘ or thatthe infititutipa :.’”-D'£i the Lords dag . .; were of no efféflz‘ ,” were it not I’cr4cng.—4 1 - chencdand"fUpdpAorted 4by@%thicféurtAb~Cam-3» ; k %ma(zdem;nt4."';V%% 4 12:‘): :-ii~sA 4‘v:£y:;%ro_1md% with‘ Wit. I-z;¢ap.8. ‘f 4 ~ +—-«- the me fa,z/a.m:;,z‘n g excgedingly om?-gone:/9}e\ laws, in} “ tlaeirgrofle azsd carnal! fizperflitions about bf tlxesablmtb to tf1%e7 Lords dog; (which iS.n€xt in order to be handled) will more 4¢1earwc%1yIn3;nifeft.% T \ of1‘z¥:;es.4.12z»m.% :5 * [nu-‘-r"-v-‘»-; .4 "3 .2 4' tbejefife, %IauzAcbAnge&4.tZgE%.ixiaLy ,I in a'zf- 4 I20!10m* cf tbe% ,fI6W63, ;., retaining in L%'t£~ez'r Q5. cc thereungo he: addfcsf! A cerminely which aallaerc W their» inflruftiang , Im-- A n C n tbeS4Z2£wz"zb.J;BMflt« this, theAc11ar~1ging __..___._._4 a—-—-----.— WQA ihr % mongfc ‘och e1&~'=‘.»«.51/I07‘4‘fl t7’re%¢ept:"»5:% which‘ .1 . ‘. .. J: ,»m w W . «:2 - ‘ um w ~-* A ~'“" M . - ‘ . «’ ““ W ‘ ;‘ - _ v H 3‘ . , _ ‘ . , \ I ‘ ‘ n \ - ' - . ‘_ __ . “ kw ‘ “ , $ ‘ . \ ,. ,“ H . ‘ . ‘ . xa 2: “‘ A . X. ' ‘N '- i V‘ ‘~.‘".a. mm“ W ~,a.: nu v ' “~ " ‘ """ " “W ‘ V‘ K’ *. “ y. ' w ‘ ~ ‘ 4 ‘ M" .,v 3 5,. 2 w l 1= '3 ‘ » ' c. -n ‘ . , , ‘ ‘ _ ‘ ‘r 4-‘ “ M‘: -“ ‘I v _« w W - ‘ W ;_ _L.. .‘ .a.\ " .‘w'u ' 4,, X"““‘V ",,.‘ .. ‘W : N ‘ V, “ ,.' ; . ‘ ’ , ‘ »l. ‘‘ ' “ M ‘I ‘ " \ ‘ W ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘M a “ , A ‘ v I A ‘ 3- ,, - - ‘ J ‘ ‘ M‘ ‘ V ‘ -- ‘ I ‘ .. . - - ‘e » : ‘ ' ‘ .. .\ . ‘ Hm ‘~ ‘ ' .‘ "- ' ‘ ' ‘ -1‘ r ' “M .w‘« u .9 M ‘W ‘ ‘ »-’.., We - ‘u ‘ q .. ~ » A: H M _ V -’ ' - ~ I ‘ .~ 4. ~ < ‘ ‘ .‘.. ‘ ( _ .. ‘ ‘ ,~ 3',‘ ~‘ , W" _ ~ ~ 3. , U -r “ff V" 9 ““ ". H J; - V Thusghavefouna‘ .zhc.Ainfi2m:ian % “ of: thé mmzfly;W~}a1m7; ” A mndemem, ;»V;»mnfinmcd by th L?‘éxartiii-*pIe[ ‘of ..him~felfe; and wce%"havba»1fo~ no:¢c;!,:*wha%tA;is%; cg. bce*v,1:etainedM;tAh crein, % ; as%Am-zzH; 1 '.i4.r61méin-E611 Wee“; ' 4 whatkthereyis in.ir: Car2a::mm'azl!,A%dand howv - {jVabrog}at:cd. _ For if % this ‘“.f‘,b1€3_.HI1A0E‘ made % % ‘apparan:~,.%iAa4nd;; Canfciemcé would; %§bée*’i$%dv:riIig 5‘ “ 3.nd77rei ’ pmfcs tlié lapfc at lafi to Iudazfmé.~ 4F0r“Wh”"o aI_- * “an ,2 filfei Iysfeewffi %%?;ea¢4g35g:%A;*V;;,1+a1§~g§éa %g.~':,~,,F ‘doth %com1nar;d% mac“? ca csbferve the &va%z¢mf£2,:Lé,¢!}.zd3: %p’reqi1”e1§y,‘¢fi5i)m thefirfil‘C§-¢§,ii.% } tion rind fi11?cc~ ~ fihe‘%Qche»rs are in f7ém’~;% 1 why «is not t:hisl%%.>? "1: f%«‘nAeyA:he1-“ % figs” ‘¢‘;he¢% ; Cbzarcb, nor was, to refpe£ilegthe_Em:i%€>f ; % God , at our difcretiotzgs 5% but rather to= A %o$-e,aI his p1eafi1re.: &.%Wh2tA%i%t*E1en*A2dd{§ffé' ~ wee_to1%b%ee—doncan Not as {come doe 5 4 who urge the words. oftI1i's C0mmam- T % A damem; \ ....————u-__._ %o;:zzes4w.»a;b. . you é ' é A % ; dams. fo.“*farxe,~¢ till atfihwey draw blood, in ? Read 4ofVco”m~fort4.- Samiémf 4‘Ab;4$f’§¢”1:e+% % &fo1ve;s»:%thiVs;4dduc 2 ;;4; 317b:_i?3}zl2123}4tl§ mg.» :7; -1” % rmda far-T: dfidiimt H75? [ 7 % Sdlzérmr/2». :?tbeA4;*~Sanbe££f:fiiam M Lard ::0,%,¥tl2e,V S.flb5£#jb’“‘?;E:T. anc1;%;tAh‘cxc:f<>f?¢;s % % fie; L+A%thea;§lpflI:.% Vflolzttsii it,; ou1;.0f % C vmmé % into ‘Waring nu» we daflrrqy E the Law,” i2m:?to fi:lfi1Y4it£%AA%To,Which; ‘W56 A A "tbe“‘L;zm.=~ Ea"it¥:«V:T*Gdd i~::‘fOrE':>id.:‘ M wee V confirme it ratHer;.[ ;Ii“Cbrz‘fl p_11t,%away:t«hc:%:/Z:2zidw:,‘%bI3tAA’féféiiTi¢d the : lz'g/97t;"'‘,- and fprca‘ds<~’it wider.j%~chm ?b€fofe‘A; L fhewing thereby,%4th*e-- cxc’cllent~:.ha1‘fir1d~ * mic A vibécvveene thew Gaflaal and the Lm. : Saint“ ’P A V Ram. :1,,4.«:énd: §ml.4:; dcith ‘% 0;’:/:é.'S‘a£»z5azI2‘;: authori.tie:.11to:?;~c“mgé¢;ir;,V5for..z1i1agns “gtea/-. & was . '~ A 2 2», ms (A ~ -I “w Ch 3.. ~» 1 ”aa«:: 'n”m:;de]Zro}2 g'ene£2,11yA.fc§axeL% the Iewiflx obfervation éf haw»: dayes and times i' ‘ particularly hec fh4cv§rg» eth usg fthat i:hcSa517atb abrogated; V é‘olofl'.»A i:11e*!‘fccond %Let% w my ‘judg"e:vyau % fiyth hec)I”2'r1 mam: Md dfinke: , or in 4 * - arejjzeffi Ofan Fjoilyt day», or of tiaefisézé-Izaztbg. “Micki were tbe /badaw of tbings‘%Atb come , 1 * j but E 3% , v . - ‘ . , . , ‘._ , __ ‘I ; - “ J a , mtzb. 54 .. 5 .. wu- ~ L A ojrxaesaam, J ba{:trtbeeI:ael;_ytz1': of CH R1 31;. let no m;»§rt -- 4 judge you e; Let none condemns you, e A if youkeepe them not : bccaufe thofi: {Z1da'0wes"aIt0g'5tjh€1'Vanifhfid , at the ri-- , r em}; , wee aretdelivercd “ by the Gaj}>el.% 4 what rrght t ded in the place thereof : VVhercinI mufl of force pafle over many tlaings, 1,, , which are at 1argedifcufl"ed byothers. 1 f M A For to WhattpurpofeflmuldIhfallup... 4 Swerzcfeldian ? who making all dayeseet —_..--my fing of «_£I‘I“Btm,ne.r of rQ{_i;qbteoufizeflE.t As ‘ ethereiforct 7 attire rcquiresr‘ M4-gm and Drinker; but for the choyfetethcreef , wee Care; left free ,“ to Clarifiian 1;1mz.e dag: tandi ’ncc’e{Iitie of the 1ewzj77 Sela--A Since then wee ‘lee the ab1cogation%of’e us confider , by 1 he j*Lom2ayer “I h A rrfuccee- oh the euflndlzreptzflr, the Fzzmilzfi‘ , and, quail , and equa'1lytro be regarded , in _ .-1‘ Soh4»4@{_e4fén.teteIlst 1%1‘st,r that there he 1* fome certain: time‘ appointed for Gods; publike fisrhrvice” 5 though from the bond-—‘ head of Qbrz}/Zikm lzéerzie , rw_oul;d bring ‘H * mto the Cimrc/3 an Hmtbeni/5 Zzicémtiaujl t tzefle : ;;,Orje1_fe exclaime gagarinf-’tthe S45... fiatarians K 'batbéfiét:&l&vZwn.;~z_W@u1f; the Land of Palefline ,, %cha;;;g1;§‘4; Saééaticm 5% which being dric%%flxe&;»gé5, y d0t'h0I]“Uh€ fi3rv"entb‘"‘fiAl~1 up his +( 3haI”1-44~; fw’i;ftly.»4 Contra;-% A noted % 3:: A J Qur fanatic?zA: and ,"peev.i;fh¢. fpirits~ it vvam-z befi;- ?fénd,: to¥rma,ke.,_ enguir1e~4f0*rr4.th1;&.+ A ¢;:Ri“rm‘ g::whi~1e% in mean: txnxa "mm-e‘Vdo€~J ~_4..I A % ¢,z,;s4.;m.A ‘E VA éfi££1r£¢m73.%'b£§f Et Anell, and run11g~ve,§g,.&V ,;_ % « _ ’ ~ 11:6, &Pliflj'e;. tha”t”it f%fifi11@s% fwiftly all tfic , ’da;r‘é: : isi?5di*:iEf%one1§‘z—%or;% Q- ; Cl Ac ‘fxextznhzctadfz W3S,§ dcéeiized, 12;SCa-1, A A 7 F~Gal¢zinm.% fimsiax jiflé .em;_5 Sac. -‘ 41:3 ¢(Mfayth i hcez) rim: River Wbilééi Arc: the Rabbins , they are thus *fil*enc¢d:Q 9 Triad now, ‘fince. were 431% .120 éfiigver ' ’ e:xtm‘zt;.it4V £1 oz-A.bzttemrgz1m5en,;,*:tbz:t their ¢,;.A Sabbath i:"%not wberg 10? M regardvd. wke E_ .. jig; bgipg a%’:;:gb'ad. Argumen; 7 V that the Iewz;1.Z»%% -S‘;zl7bc:‘t/.v ‘am; he olgfeir--A L7 . c4p.z4, I‘ ‘again _ Exflwn I Sofia ; 3.09 %~ I-I.5gI'g Fig.9; SD: W10 Judaic. % j:2\T#zt:47'.H§'}?.’.l-,_z,.x. A % |.Jfifl0*33=:?fl.3 8. , _& J Aunfoléig Va-0 Oftbc Snlrbatlh .._._.._nn . -%.an‘1 flux _ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘. _.w' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ | ‘W .‘ A - . \ ‘ ‘ ., an .;;. ,. ‘ _ ‘ r ‘ > » ‘ " ~‘ ' ‘ 1- 'v ‘ - V ‘ ‘ V ‘ A an 4“ ‘ V I ‘I 8 ‘ j A ' v V ‘ N { 4 V ““8":!“ L ‘ h ‘ “ "‘ ' 3' H E‘ ' A” ‘ ‘I ‘ .. « ~* A Diéuine 4mbbritié~ ; 0:: introduced *by'?Ec+ A ctefia/2ic“aa% mfiizatian. 'Ihcy%whia_ch gm-g derive tIicir;Ma“rgu-i*- ; d V mm: oryclfe more writ Ti, fmin A the Ngw And from ithcf Old. Teflanyem ghcy % produce: two Varguments «Amewnifle, boxrowg ed. from the iflanftzfication of “’thcfle'remb ?d4y,.4 in the firfi ,Creation. of the _World % % the V.oth4e1: , from the fnfiituti%on4~& OE _;I;he: comippfé ’ Ithéi ‘,1 Which‘V‘ have 1 becne rayfed‘ %§g‘g[11s‘ ‘Pom: , amongflzj H 4 .m_ .,. «M ; W. ‘ _ . A “W ‘,_ Ln e :hen%whic the Iéwifl; §;S'ab«5.».-fig afirme ¢yghcx;«4;s et1ab1i£hcd~byA =:h%e %:Lkw qf«Gad, MM». .‘ mentsfmorc waakebv ~ 4Sal21mtb, in the fimrtb Commandemqfite Wunfo1éI:‘an fit as .in;us is ,', - L %,rep¢,maca, V that thc‘Lord:d4y Iuccecd6’s& in place Of % thofeIJA build ”up on_ th%C¢ conflitfiéw “ % zz'ok2of.&;tbe ~~*Cl9mtcb "f0mGifdOE:'»%35£*£m§£+%§ lizzflwzutczgr‘ g :'as”%doe‘:the rmp;fis+and A .% minians ,;_ % of%2bés;§1;;9m§.J % W i iséiniéés 5 as fnaybee,m adc apparant u-L: Of the _I6jrM2;W.5, Cm$0m'fl5,%;aHdf Scbflalfivmfiflg andthcCoI1feffion of the Remozzflrnnts. To whgm adde Brmzzm, on Le’vit.z; Whethfil‘ £1191‘? %.impu( ntZy«,~;rA' noréntl ; that -I camiot fay the V224- 1cci«'veciMOpinz'0n4 Of %Dz%”bz'ne:. For who V Aknovqesnott:hatC0mmonPrincip1c of % th§:.ScIlJ0ol;§+-men, o;1§0f%tl1Vc;fevcnth unto A fhfi; Hééflewes §Z_‘be& ’Pfie]3l2oodb7eing cbaf2- A ged, tV_/Jgre 1}: made of neVcef§izieW 23 clmrgayzlfla ; of tbs: .LflWf' 1?; T %%W'h;en<;e they %é0nC1iL1E1“éT%, that at ;this %day the J/Icsrail L4‘m bin- ~ djer.jh pot‘, as it Wa.¢spub1ifl1ed and: pro- % c1aim=:d% by ‘lg/I;0fi3f5:.,3 but as at firfi: it V ewpertaainsd ;10J1efl"é %than Cbgmnitiw. in 4 Common Places .3 and %ofo}11f ovgrne Writers, not a few. Others %v fo fortific and ;cQ;roborate this Cmsfli- mien “Eqqléfiafiioafl 5 “as if the A Church did « %A onelypubliih and continue that,Lwhich 1 by the ./Ipoflles was firfl: ordered. But; (as it fecmeth to mac). thefc DiH’cren~ fl ces are of no; great meamént: rave that A Qpinion‘ inclines too much; to Iudazfme _; angi d9th_too much oppugne _.A...,____; , Ballade mil. ' R saw. [.3 MI- Eflim 533.8011» % d.37.fc.5z,": 3» V Verfl I 3. unto. " the G‘a2itil“e5, 2 2:371. M --um TomJ.x.c-m ‘~'- Mo sun 5.‘ um tbeb 1"fi~belz'zes-,* 4pperm2~ b ‘‘ nor Tmuld bA:’.’£”."v&0-nfilflgdbl tbT4%k&bpb» tbs bbibifdb" “-A [2ri¢’£+n.e«a,b 4:; tbs ?I.ezm;v ;}h.an the b:b lama; }%fld5 abfi;e1**;iva»r&s‘b1,; was A explaned énd*,»confibmed by Cbréfi blih b his hqly com. z4mzzubdoa1a‘firong1y i prcve the fame ( amongP_cot}:1e»;*things”) om ofthiS.,.C0mm4#a’emm#'&bOut"tAh6*S;zb;~‘ A mg. 82' Dbmlagmbquazenwj-per M o gm b trgdijw flab: Z/rabzzm, -ad? gmzcs q%z»a-ogfiitkfi ‘V; perfifrieret ; 5 ,; 860. _; zbeb ”Com?mndamefits , 9! ff‘ ” g ’ fayth hee’ b?Z£I¢_é“)'195’$l9¢f¢fgi7)7;€1¢ “ wed aw zo.{ _iz/13.. bGenzilbsbj; tbe Gentiles -bn ‘Lu ‘P to fanébifle tbe m«9dbbdt5f339i1/7 mzwb >@u?.t bwfizgce ‘ bbm:.é’dg;¢; , timz-+ebb‘bt)bb“~é ‘:§m‘ize:;m:be::*. gwbm abligbdrrb:%’kbé7m~:b ;_ Ag; pzamxgyfbaomezb, 2/7a3.f?'2bojy wxber we b 7“ isbe ‘ Combmmzdbbééms by p»ub!z)/b.:sb.’ }z22b.’ “%~ procbsfmed by Mo SE 5.: zmto :ms- of « obfervc, how _thcybbbbbibntangIeb:t:hem;{eIVes3 dayfrom bithe Law o~f.7'/.lo{e.r.~% For if mmxdamefim. Why keeps they not that V /3m£.bbe.ma‘* bzmmlb »b.y‘b%«23bz3'bAComm::2nd;mérét; " Vlfiael. Nor doc shefe bozvjlbmws Webbj 4 A b;y1bborrowing the auzbmzia of‘ *theL ordsb A £l1eybbground£hemfe1ves ppcin that Com- b 4433.’? _-u_-‘ ‘ b bt/as-swgztzy; b M f b AV K .'v‘__ of,beW,;,:j[ V . pre%Cife1y, Which theTeXt commm— % detb .9 By wl1at¢i7utborizie_'l}1ave they fi1b- ~ fiituted thefir/2 dqyof «t11eVVeek€:, for; the fed: me Adgy exéfitlyf frb'rx:t1A% the Worlds (,‘re::tian% Wl1a1: dyifp en’fatic>n h*av‘e thed A A got ,‘ to kimdleflre, EQ dreffe7and% 1‘I£akfiéiI4 1 teadie .71/Iedt V,A "wVhi“ChLv'“TWas‘ ~ t?he%Iciv:es ,“ by the fame ‘ Conzmimzdemenz. In cafemhey bee afixamed of chefs and“ fuch like bgggmy elm-ms ,‘ anal tell us, ‘ that the .24orazfi%4zzties ‘of the day 31‘C * finely A I1OW&t071b€¢ ’obferved« ~.;. 110:: to. 4 fay any thing of adifiiinaion fo A'i*r%1- " firme , and which the T ext aflfordethA% ‘ not A they defer: ~*'t‘hci‘r“ %St4“As‘i“oAn}‘;A%“and Awiil they, niil they, iqync with them, A who letting¢pafl“c%the r-veils of Mo--; 5; E s ,% feekc for the origimzll of the Lords day in the Wsunnegfhincf onelytof the cam-1%. J ~ #.——n.. A E2. Pr0{1ibiEedM4 sEcn Luke 6.. Y % Alobuiz i ,4, A%0fvtbes4lvb.4zb.‘ % ¢.§1:£arlg.zL ‘.Aé'1‘5.I _9,’.1','--18.‘ mg. 2??/e;:,%;a%bou’t “their fupcrfiitious’ .:obferva-- tion of the Sabzm/2 a.'4y5 and manytimes. cxplancd, the“ meaning of th‘at%%4.Comm.:m. demant Butwhcra isanyftlle lc;1[’c,fuI7» pitioiiof thefiabrgation 01? in: f? L ahy mention ,~‘ that me Lord: dégy W.as* _ ir1.[ti't[@tAfl‘:;’ELi~,I-.1 %%;%l1g.;p1;aMce %dt1iereof ;>% Wci:t ? C £[c“?ndaai%¢tj5’i §’V‘%aiiiVel7cfti% 1B4ea% T hind him I1is;%./fgéaflles, * to preach the Gojjael. And %Wh%at,%4~d;id’%tI1ey~ L Did they not keeepg the V:;1e:z»‘.%'#"d~* noyfc, or {ample 9 .And gladly) tmc/97 wise people , congregated on the Saééatb ‘ ' days? Nay, xnore thanthis : Did not :H6fi7.‘ I235. ‘M % '@brifl...5._9. A CFE‘d1\4€€tiflgS Thefe things arab- notorious.’ that they need no proofs‘. '.M1@"g% . _ ‘ ' , O - Q . " - ‘ ‘ ‘. , . ‘ 4 ‘ . ‘ ‘ M ‘.. W For thofe chat_’make their bmfl, that ~ they have fotind. [t;h%é:« inflitutian A Of. the % Lara’s ¢z'4,)’ 531-’h6f NewrTcflz2mam«‘ ~exprejflE- V » g2;AIe‘:tVthem fl1ewthc*pIace..~ Our Sa... ~ A wattlfiiz-. VV A aaiowefmieimes wdifpuced with the P/m« A 355325115/1. , witlmut. thb ’iPri:92iti12.eA(bz¢rc/9» defigne as well: the Vsabbm, as the Lords 344;, unto fa... .—.....—.qnh..._._ }. mzrzce iiayth Brem*z'w) _not;:aAA%gmmW.‘ A damn: of €116 90%?!» ;‘%A%fld 1311¢iRev¢zo71~; A_féfion% That Izpzoiw Lord‘ CVHVRI 5.7 ’ cepta -Diving dc accidemafibwy 0§f£f39xfifitf13’ 5. touching accidemzzli Diztie-s. Yet notwith. %fwa Sabbath. :””’The ’P.;zpzfls Ahfereupon inferre, that the} ; Jfiazztkaian, 2.5 i '1. Lara’: day is HOE %O»f:any ‘Dijajne 1nflgm.4 flizzwion %o£z:h«;-; Cbmaé/9. cm‘; Om’:-:1 fifnmts have V4Vdd%eC1}1red in the;i13 late com- I E say 3,43 dgjeméce%~:0f days: ‘W23’ '9o!j_oL;y abrogcztca‘ an ~tlaev% New afl4memt.,g vA.:U’ which accord exaéfly ‘wicI1 that gm-' V ma 4:1}!/fax£meA5 which "in this Véfyf Ar- 0 gument1s 1aycI‘d1ao£fi‘er , haVe~f’coutIry1'e2; them’-~ ¢‘M”"'P“”“""' iélves againf’c thcfe fake-mzrmé ./édvow‘ scams‘ 4 in aflirmation of the Divine nu:-er I/Ooritie of the Lord: ‘dgzy. AFo.r,V, ( asir: :_a?igh;l_y is Qbferved by the defenders of; % A k F 3 % 1 the} A tian , “but: groundcd%one1y4$on the Com? g;g:wra.§nsa&- 9 ...,_ Ehiefiifourth Opinion icififcemed a dang of Relégion , ihould humane Ordinances “ A iimi: the ncceflitic of Gods [poly haw--‘ /7,2 Or that thhc=-C/iurc/2 Ihould not a aifemblc , but at the pleafurc. of the V Clergia , and they ( perhaps) not 1 _-Dameflicke "trouble: ! {eafilyi iitiifpen-fc with their ahfenting ehinde the Confiieizce ? A ‘Well therefore 5 i ' and With good advice , the /16}: and prmfiicc of the flpoflles hath bcicne aifo. _ aprcflied ; befi&cs,othce conftanrc and con- tinuail .tmdz”tz‘cmMOf the [bare/J :_ That V fo, ., I ...——.—--uurv.‘ i«tlae‘i3a!>£mtIa. i gerous thing to the Whole Fabrickci well atone amongft themfelvcs. For what would men buficd about their _ Farmes , Ibake: of Oxm ,‘ and A ( as the invited Gmfisin the holy Gajfiel) would a they ~ not cafilyfet at ‘naught an humane Or- dinance .? Would not propbane men of themfe'lvcsn~ from ’P)*ayiars% , and ‘Preaching ,; and give themfelvesi free ' A leave of doing or neglefiing any thing; -“were there not fomething found in Scripture _., which ‘II10r6_;fhan any /.:u~ mme Ordinance , or Inflimtion , fhould % of:/aas2:m~b; w 5“ Afoleme iiqfiitutiw may bee iPmY,..£*°W' A % Jdgd_i or wecarguc 111 this 1113115 % H ’ f ifner ; Dytiplfifi? met” rim.» dxgy rage:/9er..: “ *j5%f6v it mayappéfire ,%t§1a£:%iu aiAtI.1ingf31"° 1 1 5 nothing ~Witi1outL5?p;zrrv~a%¥r4z frcand thofe; I5 ’-“--‘9~ Erie/]e1d;’(_i»i?7it£'. _theArwe ¢arc... A A . which are: Inofi ;Com;110Ifl Y; ;»»pr0d%1-4 A ” %%c1¢d ;, in Tfulljpraafe .the:e0f.% EirfiA,;4 /1&3 zo- 7+ +‘Z??9n’W %4:2vV40f t$’v-6' Wggkgfé A=‘:s;;£»gn%V2,!Jg»,% Difciples came Vtergegfz.-e_zr,% breaks Breaci%,A1)AAVL Jwaclvéd We ‘figkem readie ta ,.depar2 @Aflpm§ Mt/Je arming, A and; lcdifiinued 122:: %Sp“‘eec1a$¢4Vv%tiE &.7I4idmz‘g!a2. Why; isiti fiyfl VexpreM , That the game‘ tagezberg. Ato /years I/1.-ff“ Ward ‘ *pm¢bgd* J and 4ra,cei12e<4Ad%A the Sacmgsew; .1“=a?°éher :on.¢4 this than mntlier %«Ara- Vt;-hér"tha11 on the Alexvijb Sablmzb % .W'~6£€ Ha not then a cufiome to celébrlate} degreeé, ta 'va§;hfl1. "The Fcazb;:r:%,4 and a;1A1mrpx.:%zers ( almdt) .Ld.0 :” £0 conceive it 4 .-.” ‘Though I % C0fl5€TT€- ,‘ that t A fmm. g_¢~/4[%.-;[]“:f;z2':'f, fee nccliow a S,;[;i9.,q;b o£ch_g1ms bégihning (by ” M 2.7 % ; {ugh greati“Amomcnt ,‘ Ache A Ciétmz./a did 'z.w.:-;’a.tm.4. them 1 2.8: ' But what is that hee"r‘~h¢’¢;rz1ehre»t/v:hh Not ‘ =that?1:hcfi‘rfl day: mould bee fcthapare. ~. : for the Lora‘: fervice 5 but than uppn h =CalZeEh'on: fiar the Saints. The third and A lied it fa any otlxer of the we Weeks Iqy him in flare : W/hat 9 have an Ordinance fct downs bythc A- hpofihle, I10 bfic qbfi:r‘vedhhinT the . Gburcb the firfi day; the W cake they make: laflz, is Revel. 1- and lo‘. I mu(fayth” the AA Evgflgelfi?) :be"Spiriz on '25»: Lords day : And VV hat dgzy A Had ’hee meam:%h oncly the Iewz/79 85:1»-4 nu!’ W66/Q, hOftbe Sabbath; h ‘ M therefore they gave commandment, that on that =d¢gy‘ the ...C/mrcla fhould alwayfles bee ajfismbled for Gods puézlike ‘war//sip. Who markcs not heere a reatand no-J‘ table incoherence“ [2 . Loo e ‘therefore ‘ mext uponhthc fix-Pt to the ~Carintl:z'an.g-_, h%c4p“.16¢h‘rve2f.2., where wee] ‘fceme to have a Chommhcmdemam :~ Let‘ «every man ’ (faythh t7'he../!j‘2ofil_e~) uhpann the firflh.day of Cofleftiem fbr‘ tbeh Sairztésh. And Why 2 h 'Beca.‘ufc ‘hce had fo ordered it X" in the ~Glmrcbes -cf ‘Galatia. Hccre then Wee is that h 5': 54:19, doubtlefle hee would have ,, -not Mh unto Iuflin .57/farzgvre lived" vetie neete the ./ipofiles timese Thealtera- \. tion of the rmmeedoth intimate , that A pointment of thctime. A the Sab&a_t7é. W A W me not eminent above the reft , the title 4 had beene needlefle 31% and aznbiguous 5 ° and rather‘ had obfcured , than expia- ned his meaning; ‘What =theteforerefis.= but that fmmpating this [ place with h the former htwe , .Ime7‘pre:ers both new " and oidwconclude gethter, that here ~“tI‘le-er.AP*0‘dfill¢ meant the firftaday of the; 4 WCCk@5 whereupon cvmfl: rofé, and 'tk‘l:cd.D¢_;[czfP[€$ mm: rage:/yer ;t for Ehfi dif- «Charge of holy duties; and P4z~zl.com+- manded , that at Colleélims tihould bee‘ made as was the cufiome afterwards, ‘_ in the ‘Primitive Clmrc/2 , according the Salzivatb was alfo altered 5 not in relation to Qods worflzip , but the ap-- before J/"fl/loféetz‘me and he ’ MS~gc~r-=&§ VII. the firgumems like mee not; , Wherebe rence firfl ‘o_;fflm.e’Esi meee , That in the ’C:1'3Cu€e0f,£h¢3 ‘World ,~4A God filoffed thee fejivcm/:1 , mzd_[4né't’§?ed iz 4 therefore 1 all men are bound ;to flefléfzfieeit, the y LezeneefeeNewre .- efmce I‘ both doubt 1.» ‘. fit2vAI1eth¢re”??tfI‘:e4,e “ ' e“ ' ‘Q C learnt f3, that afliefi Lem. of Netgzmee 72¢ eimmzzmlale. Next theigeseedzflgfiefimee, That theyvvould‘ ‘~- » héfi/C the fpencfineg Qfeozfledqly in./5e'22e;z_.,e on Gods I201} war/Exp, to bee perpemefi, and Marcel}. As congruozw, or mwement, A A all men admit it 5% but VCannot‘efec*”fb« eafily that it flzpuld bee Mom!) , an&~ A perpetmzll. Nor is it, third ly, withowi [ fczmdeli , tat the fiurtb Comzensmdemeee ? ; Oftbe$S:4l*5etb. ““’ ‘What then 2 Shall Wee affirme,‘ 4 That the Lordr dayiis fclindedon Dir-e mine nut/Joriziee? For mye part, With» { eutprejudice unto any mans pini-M. jon) I affent unto}: : however that the eOpinii0n is fe5pp0rtea'.eeThi5 Ainfi3~~fiw 1;t, I ala- % z‘’fi:2e.j %Four:t111y%,% as little hkethem, ‘ % 1:jVof» the New Yéflamgmr, which the 4 ‘I'ext’afFordcth mt. Forwhete is any expreflTe viufi'imion- of the Lurdm?%V, any ‘Ol“]e‘“0f- the4“.Afl¥é§;*' of%“”E”v”4ng:%lz;fls%§ ‘ $_ Yea’, Or What T€Xl: is l?h:€1‘6, VVh6flC,e } - it mayn%eCefl§rilyb¢ecblle%<5°ced , in Cafe L I @ ~% oft/j‘6_Sd 5mh% 3‘ to iufiifie our kecping of the Lord: day, by the Text Athereof'. If they re- quired no moxie, but the 4n41agie,the eqaitie, or the rmfim of that Cammm;m’e—- mmt, WeTe%Wou1d notflicke to.yce1d unto it : But wlaiiesrheyfland too; 1 cl-.o{é:e_M%t the very letter, they may (per? haps ) bee iuffly charged Vwith 1m';;~§ flhould EA3eem4V fo cbmmonly producegjx .44; - «— who ‘promife much“ iii proofs h c1&'€<5f, I _Wee n;1eetean Adverfarie , who mufl bee dealt =witha11‘%exa&Iy V5 ‘%1an'd will not eaiily afl7en.t , but to fofidc: Ar-:1, / gummts P Nor Iaffly I f4;igfiadV with°%tl:w ‘ba F6 flrdinwzm o F the C‘/barely; which vwitjhthe fame facilitie may bee .l2ro1:«3, as sits: was emtéZea’ .~ Which .a£vj’o§?- l££z‘.»2f1}‘2%AA«AtO aafirme Vef the Lords day, War: A to urxagdvifed . Thereforqamongxfi fo 4 ” G2-V many .nn___ hj mg» Bell. in ee[vA&:rigfurg ,;-in teermees exprcjfleg ae _ ; .e“”"”°7**"‘°° fleafi deduétecf’ thence, by neceflerie con- ?‘ "\ .‘ 0f‘¢1aesabzm. T % A many uncertainties, to 4 re/ehre efixfzelvly on femeething ,j Whereupen ;t0e j?efleVqe A Aethieg may bee a.€”firm.ed roelmve pg... . rzxiiza ezeberirie, twee manner Ofhhhwayesg \ eyther hecaiufe zghatit may bee,_found~ _._—-.3 ‘ Megueeaae 01t_ , :ha1:# there are _exzzmj>Ze: ' of it, which the Cbwcbaterwarwclsehjdid continue. The inflixeiioe of the Lara’: day , Of.” cripture , cythere eécpreflely, or e on necejjkrie confizquence’ , hflteew mee hee that Caxglf. Examples there are of it, I Jfiame _., whereon V the prafcice of the § it £'c1F€e- They which 100 e béglaerhe earchmgintq the 7165155 and 5/J.4e’a2ves" of the Old ffg; " with ~ thfch Eéiomite , and ‘?m*oh f3rW4n, ’i:it0thehT0y1esof 1zae’ei‘me.e And on the other fide , they vrzhich hlookee not f0 /iig/9 , ettainenote unm that fiegirz-~ eing , wherein both the Primitive Be-9 neafiéiioe and Rezfon of the Cemmtmde-.e derived. thereon from. :he*L,/ma of m0‘!. ___ we ._. w-uwwr ; Aw’ % _ % A flees fiaem2,to finds this Ieflimziwz 5 fan, A game» feeme tomect rogeether: Not as . - ST§.i, “W name 51. yet ‘weir/ml? Tit [£9 eDi'viiee5t/Jet , “ bee veboe/beflnegleée it, or rejbly breeke “:z"ee,e 6103}? fore/mreit/7 lveeome veorfetbeneezbe A V “' Jew , or IzefldeH.e And the ./I5rVmz'm'em5 A e“ ‘d~oeMpr0fefl‘e, That tbey eomeivetbem “‘ fleece:/see of e jzefiee rebzske, eervioletereef A A “ the pzebli-kc Order, ‘ilebieb doe not keepe “fa lemdelzle and good on Cufiomeg. ezccer-— ' A “‘ ding .20 the peazteme of the flémitifne bf:/9; Sebzi'2e2b.- 4 !‘ Cz-’ariflz‘ems. fNo3: ‘doe tI1c?: *L;m;e5 gf%:E,~maé perozm , and other Pr1nccse*,’ethe Cemmer’ 6‘ gelicallr “Precept: , 5143751 Civil! OFdz'- ff“ Q/aurc/23 Yea, and ..Azor;'w Iefiaére —-pa of thfi Cimreb , or‘ Deeree3«e‘0f: eGoufleef:’s,,,m;5 iveeto this day any Divine ezetirozeieiege which bcforeit had :.. But fileewf % et1Aseee1fa£hcrey%e,»e What tehe‘y,. xecaivedfrozzi . their ./imefiers , by them:-oabcme tx:an£;e % mitlfed l1I1totheirPofz‘egjitie.e Thié,notf A Amuch _contradi€i:ede and e oppofed by them, who ‘efecmee to {peaks leffe ho. Q nourably of this day ,A and icsf~inP£ituti— “-' A on. For Brerm‘m,tI1us’ : Hezve3aeeer:ie; > V “*betowe1ze‘ V fir iAE’ii.eez~? L '".""""' W V eeee ] as {;«,e«_.-, but (as».e-Cbemnitim righ:I}7m3et€th % t;heerve0e‘"zeeeW4'ie eozfeeridtieie Of it , bf_yA the ' . . , .3-2.1 P4”: 19 191- 5032: Iflfiitiet. Meml; .11 A ,.T-u-duo om, swam.‘ % V 34 * €‘ia:z'1! , Eicciefinflimll rdimmce but- -.doTtl%1 diflinguifll with us, of flivine an-‘ zborifie ,‘ and largelyraken :gthat ~ good canfequence may bee drawne from ' thence , eythcr 11: reference to the in-‘ flitutian , or fame example of 1c , or (at . a A%’Pawr is alfxzlzztgbw in the {mu-b 3,?’ ” though not canwizientnow to bee put” _...__.n fo , not that alone Whricla 4 is found in V.Sm'pmre may properly be {and to have L. “"Di‘m'ne zzutboritie _; but vvhatfoevcr by leafi) fomé amzlogie ‘thefeunto. Whereas Calvin, Bullinger, Buaerw, Bran- tim , .Cbem$¢z'zz'm , A“C)r/fin: , and others of rthc Reformed C/mrc/ye: affirms _, That flill the C/mrcb hath power to change «re Lord: day ‘to. 161116 other : Samrez _ Ath: in it, That it is“ méjfoiutegy alterablc, fi0t?:%%%prztElicalgy that is as I conceive it) That fuch in pm:-fife». V The rcafons of it _.,L two Fifi’: , biecaufc inflimted ( as generally; by: 0Ur“5'a‘)7iaurs refizrrefiion : Next; bccaufe not A depcnditag Zmrely upon a“ M ‘on _...J. the Fathers grant )in memorie of out’ A Redemption 5 4 made perfefl: on that:dgyj,A A not, %thénfv:%p¢rmi‘t V11i%n1fve;:Ife bee A 136$ %diVed%rnofi %miferably ,a under- A flood not %~righAt%iy$ celebrati9n«and . %:C1'I1C.%V&'uff€ of A cyjther. W‘ Of which the‘ oft/.MS;:I2Zmzb. * I 6; x i W/115011“ bfleeing £04; if ally Wfaywardiy by Chance tn a Prisxvia. ; and ;‘§voul,.d Out, ~bfiqa:u;f§ git.» Wasvhthc lewi/79 S45£mb%; Cbriffians: And fa, both daycs, § f : onktlae pméEicéWAaind eAxp1*effe4zmr!izém%z of % 3 the ./4po[-173:}; “Wh (qucfiionleflé) were ledde ‘into cfllhtrmb Z2 yAA4itl2aHo;’y Gfmfig fhall oppefi as ifchey pofi: fame Saéléaziwzil Mal] out of an cw-‘A quail mi2£tLIVru6%0f d,L:¢%r22£lfld Cwflzflg they 4 maybce%very% «fitly w1:ik¢enedAto% the1%1ew %o€ Té.':vf:SI2z£7‘ic , xnentiomed 1nou%r4ACom, “ 111011 .Anrz4Zs Win 911 3 Satum'dy4 —¢ M1 celebm1im.9f day %3%% 1 Vnexz ta £pLeak§.AA4V% W A ~~ ~ A A .4” " 7 as 3' Fax! 22" Stawe 1'7: vita I-Ierzr.3o ‘ 31 tI1cnce[~£~h¢ Anmzg ;d;;ayA?»4efd;lIewing; bs:-- Caufe the Lords%% %d4_yv., fcclebmteycgl by tilm 3;; 3 ‘ Ff“l9"«559hh the. Sabbath. es“; 1-. evxug whee/ban 4:2 fiefbcome. ‘rheemeofeze. ‘tie and efleligion , is Gods jrwblike war» 4 A mozm of particular men , in this pre-~ fem: Argument 5 cntreth into a mail reduced moi}: fitly unto e chef: two A --‘Pray/9 waitetb efir thee ,h 0 L-ordgehhinh h zS‘z'an , and‘ mm thee /ball :berzm»1w.g per- A firmed : *0 thou tlmthhfbearefl prayer , unto /Zaip; the foule of A publike '-worjbip, is the due perfermance of ‘the fame. They V ;Wh1chefleeme not this as they ought - to doe , Whether jvroplmmz , carmzll , or fibifmmricall perfons‘, doe not alone (as much as m them as 1 mm-ie. I-Iee that endevours to purfue the feverafl ly-*sv4y‘es and diffonant“ cla- inextricable Labyrinth; But generally, thofe things which others have pro--- pounded in fome obfcuritie ,‘ may bee A ) teare the C/mrcb 1 weifices A is the fleézmclefle Coat of C H R: s '1: ; butehoerenunce the Heritage ,bpught for us at “fovgreac a ~1m‘cee*, and oflered to us with {O great -can eheadaal ' I % ‘heads: Firfi, thatwveeVmarkedif’Liné’c~ ly, in “ th.-:.- ce1eéwm'onA0ff this day‘, What; % fie-ciall duties are commzz:rzr!w{; 2 and next," 7. Whatvafiices areAp2rmitted.4 To the diff ceverie whcreof , chefs wo1§d‘si», our ’% God.‘ ,m— gnezlgblaours , and our‘%{elmé:.'3 like a .717feI<~z:uri:zflv‘ /fag-er%AV,A uwill vdire«£t’d% our joumey", amidfi .t.h=e Iévérall tn 1:»- , -nijngs of zzhis Lprefenc World. ; .‘1'5hefc . tbr.-:2: are primci pally aymed at in thofc, J ~V piaw duties , which f on this 7da,y-L have % A be€ne4:ommmz!ed to’ us ',4'or.r.~ather im-J A pqfisdwwon us , «byjhei and pr46£icad&d A of the flpofllgs. % irfl: ,4‘ 7 the Difcipla: mm: toga!/Jar, to bredte Brand; A and "*£re¢4r e A ftbe Ward Whiclm _., without folemnc A and preparatorie Przgyers‘, were a faint % ‘d:votion,./46%: m. This is the honour "A yd; ducA[%:to God. ; folleftiom , rfecondly are’ V1 appbinted, 1 .%.Carint7J;v1A6;. T This dis in re? } fcfcncc to A ou~r;: %nez;gb;6our.t¢ %Amd 1éPcof' % all , Saint ' I o was zfmtbe ..%Spirit on T‘ tbs Lordxrdgy , «Re;;»el:.* ;. This in rela- ‘ Ewba Sam. % H tion to ourfcvlws : That fo our pious Contcmplations, borne by the wmg~s Of%.th¢A Spirit ,% wmay, afccngl pnhigh 5 % W .,_- ’"'I‘ ‘ H 4 “wan F ';L_ ; V L Ag‘-.j.«,:' _‘ _-4, ,.. ,» - yr. :1 -I" > - sp-_---». -. . .L_, ;of:bes4z:*mb. % f it ié an pediment=A~ am they} 7.1196 Lof fuoh a‘1m'e.n as»-;.,a1:e then ema- ’+m'mde.d;% ‘V Saincs;¢E£'am‘;a io1~i~.the%eig*hM=-- ccmfithjimf ¢Saitita;.r ~’mz%,;% when hm ‘ hadj .,none ‘ i W#b% iz:1~%2t11¢w% >Cangreg4iigz§ 4 ” mach to ibaf: Hiflsr from whence com- matb: our }f4lmtion. Therefore ‘ upon this: day , -Gods people are to meet ” in the Congmegatiarz , to. Celebrate‘ Diving -Sew--' am ,am1» to heart: c Ward ,~ -films: {CO bee .giV€1:1°; ,9 and godly ;WI¢dz'tntionsA I60-% 1bee»”gherifl1cdV{ with our befl endevours. ‘~VFr0m%. whence arifefth. that‘ , as an ;/fa. ;ceflurz'a % in the A Gojfiel ,” which was ‘Trim cipafl inthc Law of Mos gs, Reflfiam fer‘m'I:»'worke.r , and ,4 from the ordz'mtrie~ % nwar%k%m~: Af= urizzocation. 17 or finceV;t%h%ere~ is not extant Cyther Vcqgmnzndament ,% or _*%exampIe, izfthg, Gbjfiel ,» which can. af... ‘ % of ‘ the Ie.wz_'/Z71 Snlzlmt/9‘ ~ ~ ” - ou3:«£3br2yiim lzfizertie wi1I‘“not42 awa~ywich% A tzha-cikvr:.&c Z‘m=mcmiuI1AkindV of %%Re/A i then :Jwee~ «Away ‘ -V Mam :fo”$ *;fari: