§EVERAL AR% u ME % AGAINST “BY Learnecl Author. an-uug........‘.a.....‘..-......_....—~~......._......L.~ the Year :66. ¢Maazaere=x=ere=xi=«%5sI¢éz?=er=«mvaz~eE»e:e©z2sre«:isez> G U EN T S Aflgainil Bowing. at ytheName A A 0f] E 3 u S_ A M A1*gA.I. ?Wil‘l—Worf79zAp, mad fimp/J unlawful : ~ A .Bl1t_/A2>t_A6‘}) thZ3&QW;fA7gAt1l' t/9c’Nozmeqf_7J'efzw,; VEr_g0a% ;_ - %?‘A7’1@7‘f/W5,«wdfimpbwml4wf#l- A A 1 , A, _ TAhA3AMajAar PrAopofitio11w;iS from Heaven mind m%ther%_Vforc‘gt§?rgr;V;han1:o*be dienied, Efrz.::.9.I3. CaL~:..:>.2..L .¢i’:*7zAA5z*~:Af‘AA A ] % ‘A A A A ‘ LL Warflaip pf Gaol tbdtzls‘ taught éywt/2eCoAm;mz;m’é Q "mmt“ofm.m, and z¢Aat%prq[cri£vedé} Gad /oimfe/f, rixn * ¢The M;mAA%1ikg»v:re4I cohcéive to be éyident ; A-beware zxuemig; 4 no Afugh wqrflfip %tAo‘AChr1{¥‘caught:Aby God or ”ChriPcA Ahimfclfy as the bbAwAfi:ng'dft%heABodyto hirnupon the me.ntiAbn, or foL1x*.din§g,;of the Name ].ESAA‘A1AJ. £01‘ that place, Phil. 2. 10;. A %Whic:n fozne A Jlook upon a1§AAA¢ouA11tcnahcing this worfhip, I c.":on<:civcit doth not (0 much as 1ooktow.1rds 1: :M _ For, A» A ~ .1; “ W I * %It1sV'1;fere faid_,4% ncA>t%that: atL‘f1'E:N'ame.ofJefL1S,.But??? 5v57vwA4'm- ‘in“thén:1mé % QE**]ef;ist\Ar¢1'y knee fha1A1‘bow; tl1cPrc:pofirio11 5~9z’:z.§,; % neveA::i(t'd‘my“x:emembr:mce )’ noting the tixne AAw1aC:An (cxccpc it bein co11Pcrué‘?cim1., with words fignifyihrr time; as,/l«.’.’2z7'kIA.9.A 12-A cA‘éz17zcvtapaf:€Az}2AAi/99ft?dfliést, and fuchlikccfi but veryf1'equeAm1y:t1':e cimfe f@%r,’jc1fthroL1g11»vhich5f:1$s.z1{zzrQ I11, 28w ,i.;é.42,iA¢r23;';éz%%z’;'a%a*£+z '2A--.aé°umV A vzmfise »vha:T‘poweAr,jA 1A..A‘..6.VA3)y”OfA tl3{dugh_ \‘{IA1:lf]Z_5QV’»i<_3‘_1_; dofi thou th+efe;thV11xg~';A ?7=S-0 Rom.7.mx3.@ r=§¢XM¢Aw7IC¢V7v5x4eA cv767#5.Mcv 77v?~s'cr5,zé'«eL§’w7'm * ‘ A %cAifry%i11rm%;, J tzn .-‘tc:rr1’yieng"=efleading me caprivetin , 2'. :1.» by the efayvfoffin :etBefide many *o:h€!‘;e%1iketIn1%ance~~;;A: So that me Name.of 353/92: here meant, V I3£‘1,tiITA:‘_1”1C)£’ be by any”11ameA13:1ade of Letter9a11dtSyi1ables , but of _A pom:-,t fIi1j€i’ty_a11(2i terrourgm becaufe there tmufl befound iiithis A A nmte thatWhichml1f’t‘bCtlZh€‘€mCi€11£ catxfe of the fubjeétion here fjroketi of, thmwhich‘ mufi conm}1and’this bowmgthevknee from A311rcreatures.xflatfoevet;tiewhich oft‘ a1‘l%tA!eiAteraIV11.i:i1eS or titIes‘th‘;=.i:, tate',gwe}1;totC;htti‘Pcin the Scfiriptuterye, 1s Ieafl of all tmphed or in» timatedinAtAb:3.t%fweett and tgtacious Namet of J at.SaViour at *Wh..w.tis there Ln this Name to compel or force the DeAv11stoAbow T: the knee tothim? » A ” A A A :.r..Neitheris4it% h€’.r§g:f3id,1__:h;;t,._3;g7 sv6,wnIna%‘.A bum; 22»? awémwié‘. I not that at ,2 otiri name E S11 8, A but in the name (Aof) jefus every knee fhou1dAbow , and as all Trarxflators read it. Now any other Name or Tttle gitfen to our Saytour tn the Scrtpmre, as Ckr/fl, EmAma2me!,;&c. may iritbetrer propriety of fpeech be called A the names-ofjefus, tAthAan_] ES L1tSAitfe}fA:A Toprge and fay, that ‘At ]ef'us is the of]efus,favours not the Dlaleét of the Holy A t A 3t.7eThateN:ame AoEE=:fus~ here fpoiéefiof, wherein A it isjfitid thae thattevery kneefhal1bAo'W at. A every knee f»1mI1Ab‘o»v, is rut-h ta*ANameAats was not given to Chrifftili t after his fuficerings, tandtaAteth.etitI~1eAt of his exaltation andefittitag down at the right hand of Majefiy: Afo_rf1mse;expref1y_£a1d: tohave been given unto him by; God (hi3VFather byvjfaymohfrewardtcr 3»:e-A» A «be*mpe11cetferttthe“grAea‘t fervieeAhe&i1Ad AAui1,tO hm, m that greatabafe-s * men: é111c_i humi1iation.ofAhignfe1f unto degthz eAI4{5dr€fi4m.¢je<9; Atoftreprefen cation madethyieither, i‘“th::_tIe is home ;FQA"rt the A Image £ieprefeinits.«.unt‘o*th.e veryi Tame -Pethfonfi”;]AAA poi eAothen) whic:Ah ::heName dot1ihA.'.:i ¢I*'~97‘So‘; that if the worfhipbe ” it wi1lA;ArbAe as liaxvfuli before ‘I h;e7=ImAage~ ;; =bC:‘caufe :2. reptefehtatioxu a1foo»f. ‘cheif¢ttneiii=«1?fe?rfoh. rs “ A u ‘~ ‘ at Though the bseAt}e£7Divine ~In{iitutioin far the reg prefentzrtion Aioftt-Aheiipei#foh5a iéwiheifi 1"pe€t of zi”i1y"ot1'tv\i.1tdhad©r';t:ti{3h‘T7i.AAg, A A A A by that xnameg ithAetehisi11o moieiéotbe i‘ift>imidiotEia1<)y Diviixeglhiiiru-g rich for the mm‘-’, than for thetlmage, hLtthatq,}tt0A A ‘:tp*ef§‘~iaih oujt—¢ W-ltd tziétiioif ia:,d0Ai:aitioniupo11~theAb:LAte4-1uni“ T Image failesigi tAt'y5€‘t‘ in re-4 E 53’? Image that h,i E apparexuitlyfoilmzves‘ U 3"‘? ir.*he‘0tiher. A E 3; The Na11"1eej"eftm« being oEDivine Ihiiirp-tiion,;( f 1: ) hutthat t1AtttstA; cqmrnon t0AA Tother perfoAnSw1thAh1mt,A_ alld-AL‘C_;31’€f(‘:nESA others to the mind, as‘ W611 A as him, whereas the Image 15 wholly ,::1PPI'Opr1M.‘€dl11‘1’EOAbim_, anti_A reprefents noother to the mindthuthhitit alone ; A; in this hrefteét the A Image feetnst“ to he the fa-feE~arA1'td'bettet't§&I~I" tnexhihit 7w~orihtip=unettr ("3hri1t,A than the bare foundtof At4heNatne ; becaufe it doth not give that certain and cAhPc1né‘c reptefentatton 0f»[hC perfon to he worfhiph-'- ed, which the Image doth; As Paul fpeaks of the Trumpet , V ,1" Cam 4.8 Jfit Agim an yzzcgrraizz fimndt who flmllprrpnre loimfiifutztoif t:5etB»ztt€[ 3% So this Nztmej ES ALIS givingntt‘Aon1yAaAn tuncettainfound or gprefentation, teptefentAi11gas w;:11A other ‘peirfo 1:; to the mind ., ‘t;baurcn(A)t to beworlhipped , as him ttywhom that worflzip is A A due, it (cents agvery unfit Afignal for worfhip to heflgiven untoit : yea inthis refpetft which is moPc intrinfecal ande Point in hand ) to come {hart ofthelmage. A A 7 A 5; Laflly, Wherteas it isyfaide "n the QbjeA&io11,th.1t thcrejsint ‘ ential to the f‘ the Name an 11‘1At1I'11atiO,n given of that S:AzAlvatioAnV which cqrnes to: the wotidhy him, which is ttdt in theltnagett A ATo thisl AAnfwerthreee things- A .t A A I. That: there is tn a C uct‘ixAn1.ore thm tan‘1nt1matton;gtvenAof,A that Salvation thatt~C0‘.nA€S7by him ;A ,thAeAre ista teprefentation ofhhhthhatt dcith, or of thofefuffertngsby whAicAhA that Salvation was pnrch-fled -andhwrcughfut A A _ AA A AA 2.. A If that antnt1:nat1on of tltesalvattnnthat comes by Chnfl, be a"prop‘er;;Amd jtfufficientttn ground to fcbnndhhan at} of adoration upon“;- then ‘is thtetN2tme otTit1e of S A VAI011 R the fittefi futnmons A Name " IE S115; for men of thisNation whot(geneta11y) undetfitntd nctthe inti-e mattons or figntfitattonsafotluet Languages, but onlytn I 3. Laf*1Yvttt;If:a,nintimmzion of Séhmtion comingbyChrift, were proper to huili’;c*3‘%%ir1f%the Sound or Name: thaxu in’ Image, Arm CwwT “ and A‘ or Izawrztion ‘afmm, rim: ztpér-§.22da:c:ffJ.me} M1557‘ “ Q é#fi~*ardeva;e »!pwmsyt/as Sflfffd JVZWW 0?‘ Title: of Gaga’, égronat what /smzfelf hath declared‘ m 1914 ‘Ward, 23 roaée rc°cm;ed?.- B:i¢t%;% (3'b?fi1iamé¢d of_ Bon2i?2g* }*8C¢-’*' “dbt/9 t/:257:>'%,~‘iz: mwzliesit/7:*J\7it;zvze~%ar itlaé ff E % 5 Z! 5 t6 ferwj%r mm/m» fifirpofga % ]°%*'fW G 06414 ”/Mfxztb any wlaére den-A A a A %%_The..AMajar% ( I conceive ) W111 not b,e;d*e«n1-ed A Becaufefor men A x:%9+m4edd=1»eA with any the greanand feaffi11??NameVs of “God, and cow d<:i pogfe of them as me;vp1¢are,A **WitIgé11t“*ex§I‘Aefs a~u»tho%:izy from him A fe1F,Ai:isd_pmfu:npcion of%t~1*refirGé Magnitude. VA A A A M ~ A TVi1e%Mz72zar‘1ik¢~vife hath evi-dencecnough to be belteved :V% ‘)Be‘—-A H ‘c:mf'etVherei$not Eh<‘:=%1eafi_"iI1C'1fI1atiO11if1 Ehe1%SCri%pt11re,%thg14t God % eveArinte11%d»cd,% %t:%hrfu: [my fuchflfiould W ever benqade of the Name ] E S 11345 a%~s%%%A:ofL1mAm@n men&to-bow thglr Bod1e?s~atrhcNamejor%‘ Sout1d4ofit. g A A ‘ %% .% K ;% , ‘ ' ~ VF W vnW,,‘,,w T, f ‘ , ‘C ./,j..p‘,.“,"..,.‘y4g‘. V» ‘ 1,: .4 , ‘ ‘ ‘ * HM Pm«$‘r'ife%V2a2/aicla direflly twdct/7” % _ % 4“ or domgefom Opinion ifl%%i/9eA%VAC/WW1 A~/Mriziréyg" zgbfilawg .22! it ‘z%¢*aunte;'po}fe fmrla wdmger 135 mrw lie ¢:;2c;anr"1aim/¢'a;t:‘ fadufied ‘ or» dfl'a3md’"WtoV— : $14:tbz2cpmEz‘zfi~qf3awz‘:2g to the Name qffifm ;_diraE?l}’”‘téw%d":tl:%I§er:-A = mm, md%‘barfn-zatlaiazg at all ix aammtmgz fw/J7~ a d4mg;r;»A: Tlajeree ; fore it z§matt;i Zia iwewodflflad ax Ezflfmtad xmta. % Q ‘The; xzmar CaI‘I’fi©Lh’i‘tS Lm‘v11%A%%Ligb.t2 wiLhV'ic., %‘TheA/1»:2’£;m*isV t»hLr£‘”cIe4rIyLpr©véd W »T%h;zr:‘CwhiVch: direéfcly %t:*a~z'fi‘rar%e;V4t\.1zJ<3 différe11t:p¢*rfons,y and%‘1;-hfa?%:3 jfiefzgu; is mam axcallcnr v than ‘Cine ‘/3;, di3.‘<3c‘3:Iiy xgcndeth to? revive at”: old and M dangerms ;AHerefir::4~ VC 3%,, than AAof%Ceri2;r[2z¢4,,a11d ; i'ome- ‘others; who » .h<:1d‘:% $73 A ?7sihA1‘:Ae”1A¢Arro1a?;«;L 'AAa1'A1Ad AArhe*A' ‘oh cr~rAAgré1r:éor r [ban the other.) But this bowing at the Name Jefur, other narméxr. A "being-paffed‘oye’r wirhoutAthe1ike revererme dorm“ atthc mem§;on e _o€tAhem. dire_A<§t1~y tende-ch to induce me11coArAhi11k,@"c;A Erga, AA A The rreafonrof the Minor ‘here is: ’Beca;ufe reverence argueljh 615- A‘ rceirlencryupon wrhomfoeveriv: is cat’: or coAnf’?erred,* arA1d{wAherereirAherA A Air: iAS'\d€13i€d’0r not exhibiteAdAA_, ig:Aimp1yerAh 3A/perfon or cor1dh:ioonAof nu .,,,....,.__ A AA ALL W”a;“rf77zA‘12¢afAf t‘lMAAt_Ai 72:ati:%¢clco{Att‘Dor': the Marni ALz2w, if 3" Andgltcram-of/Varflfvipx hbrée _;wtA%[ir&A1t7’=éd A05‘ AAexj19i29£trd : A$MtA tin)‘ A Bawing earth the meme MA 4 J91/a.rj77z;pA not fa1mAdfed»pM the Moral AA ;.:~ MajrIArco1arceive »unqu¢¢r1ionAab1e: eBecaufeA the VVorfhipAoE ~AC.-‘sod being A oar Moral A duty (i~andAAeAA th a1:AAoA€ chifef'eB:AAA and Ahighefl rank A itcanAhavenoorAhe1:ruIe orfouxidation5’bLrtAAAAthe Mora11ALavy: AMA the ?£9.‘Am€A-AAu£h6f’rthVaE lharh A;povverAAtor Aexa new Worfluipm. ‘LIP: have A or A 7lpoWer alfo to make or new LaW(or Afurther Ait:A,)bec:z1ufe there Ais no a8:A r r (¢fP€Cia1A1YY¢1i%i0US)iufiifi94b1¢5brUtbyforrie mte whereby th6re€1i-- rrtrudeorgoodnefs of icmAufiAbhe hriedAahdA”AdemonPcrated.- A “A ~ A A.I£_iri%Ue faidAgrhiis3‘rBowing is no Worfhip, Ahuta pious Ceremony, A051‘, tor S1gn, or ounvard rexpreflion joElfAWorfl1ip, orthe Alike. AA I an; M“-1‘a' AA Ar AA: A ' * A A A AA 7 r A A ~ V : r1r.»To denybowingtheAbofly«unhoAGodto he truly AAaAnd AproperIA R42’. *WorI}1iap,rer:~isr to 0vért;h1‘oWA the whole Afpecics on kind of at whic A A A WA: 0311 eXtern»‘aé1AAWor{_11iprrA:A Forerwhat orurward AA<9c of ‘the A is:-A?,1.. V the: robe caIIe?d”’Worfhip, thaAnbo»vinvAdownW1;he body AZ'PrqGrati}. % hon happily, or falling flat on the”grounc:{A,h m§yAbt:AconceiveAdafurrheAr A A degreeof this? Worflaip ; bAufr'if proi”craition,~AAbeforeA God be wAor{hiA -properly foeca11edsAthe11 mufi bowing down c”>f~thebod. rowarasche A “earth unto him be of the fame kixidof worfhip alfo A; gecaufe it A degreeor part ofthefl1meA8t. A ~ A A AA AA AA A A A Ifboxvingfirhe “k‘1ree‘ro(:hrifi be noworfl1ipinaofhim,it Amufi meedsbe Ta! moclstingl bf; 9 asA= Air‘ is faidA orrhrche §oiIA1AaA11 ASoi11diAeAs A .rA(.””r"?'27"‘19-)..“hCY3?°W¢£ith¢rir1$n¢€511350:? hin1éf1dAm6rr:k“A % ~ himaéc. He thafldorverha theknee so Ehélnérd é1‘1'ri‘fl‘5aA'Iidd0rF§ no: A A A A A B 2% A AA rintend» Q. ‘< Rt-’fi_’j-A 1 A05;_;le.E!'.. hiA"ub4orc‘1i11a.:_iohn) b“ut coxutradifiixuh” . bc:TtQgg:chert.h%e gr<;>und'cAA)fAthe duty But the Law! Mor.;L_ hand A A%;&La».v Ecc1efiaP:ihcalAare Laws _o£a diffeAring.kind,.nor fubordin.ue- bfi; contradifiingxxiflued Erga.TAheAreafon*hoAf ‘ch: /Minor is, bec;1ufe.= the ‘ I ;LaworconfciturionsrhEcc1efiaH1caA1refpehfi A%matcer of circumfiance, V . and thingsindi1¥cre11:; the MoAAra1L1w only ;:e:n:erhAof,§Aaxahdgbxi; “ txioxu tobe takexar againfi. the thing it..fe1hf,hbuth only avh ichx-;mch~a -;:intcnd towhonouri an_d hworfhip him in ir,: doubdefs '*%&mocké;h,him ’ ,_t:hereb.y; A \ . A “ , 3. Therehfis nothing more apparent from the'S.criptuhe then A '7 hhzha-;bo»vih;1g chehkfie: is Worfhip (properlyAfohca1led;V) Yey, ,h:_A% AWorA[hiAph of h Godhis often fignified by.bOWi11g£hC'kA1'l€€ befoge him, Ff?-45-23-~ 1 “‘k“?"‘ fwém 17 wJf=1ft/W W7 A have 1%.’! im» um h A i AA Ah A A The Ail/1ma«ris= thus declared *; than; wo«rfh”1pwhichAiAsbuiItiupcm,a.n A 'E;cci::{i;1L1ica1con!-m::.1t1o:'1, 1sAnor founc‘!edupAo11:he M7o:aI Law: Bu: A£hi:sAVJorfl’1ip ofhhbcuwxng IS btlilt ugon an*Ecc1e1i3,fli“c.11 Ac:o11‘-iii-;;;;;h1‘.A 0 ?;§0 5; ‘ h A h ’.l{"hr.ez ,M¢zjm~ I explicate,and.hd<:rL:xoe;1f’rrate thu} :‘ A 'T\;'m Laws wh1<:.h are not fubfiprdihace, ( I main with a Logical‘ ~L"1§fl1c:d3,on*:*. aga1“n{’a.tAheh ptzhergc .u*iA11o: v 3 A hhhvmh :0. things oEa;b4folhhutene¢ei13W; » j,Q,_f} 4 ; ggjega. Ifyit behe:eobAje8cedandAfaid:Thoughthehfuhjeélmatte;-ofEc... » M clcfiafiical Laws and Confiitutionsbe ( in thcgeneral Arnatc.er5;_ of AAindifFerencyA andhdécencyh about the; Worfhip of God:;%ye;ifAAAfu§ih ’ Conhflitutiozus takein any paitfithof the niora1ityV;ho€~ it ,_ hthishh makc?:;_h.i~t ’ no: VViI1—Worfl1ip,. becaufehi: ‘t}:1¢hA_V3I;i‘I‘AI of man A it ihoulxd be dime, fuppofingi: bethewhillof. G<5dfirPr..h j - AA ‘ ‘ Eh Tovthis I anfwj r ': True,if thxs A imme- oufly xznpofing r:oA~ .tho&iri::1 h.proceedi1ag;of the Conficicutim F *thi.ngs ofimeeri Adiff'erAency,,v.v.it A A A hyetzhbeen prov;~:d,. rhachhthis Worihip WhArhA,anAyhh»oh;hermo- cher,butc;i§.hcr\th¢.Confiitufi.ox1, dr,CuP:omeofhme;,n‘h: hThe~Word of h God :ofihI\,/i;orah1”LhI;.avv, } cahnbthh ye; be COmpACIICd_‘tZO-. own or, no as-4 brought i*ncohtheTeri1p1eof theLord.A . A ' If “ix: befurrhher hob‘h'e<9cedh:-.hTha: this rule makesras fir£>ng{yA23,g%;iI1{} wkneelingrhan the €ommu;nion,as againflbowing ;aE~Ahtf)€;'Nha1I3;€:‘ jgefus ~: I 1thatharhwhh¥i¢>;h¢>therh f0utnd\a[i.Qm‘.b1uVt.gche like Ecclefiafiical ‘ racelvxilg were the cafe,thhenh vvgre nbhlexcgiij. ‘ h nhxngsof : ahfohxre nece{fir:y.h _But:% A k11o\v1e.dlgc A it fi*.hé11 it being the Sorrofva Scranhger," A it is not to be, “.9? hsh;;it1 is far E5théfwi£>sh.ii2~hhri1is‘ zlnhthe ‘du_ty"<éf A receiving the Sacrament there is as rconourrence of fundry fpirivtmli and imviirdi aéts or duties of the fou1,wh ::1'€uII1L’o the outwardrrgeitiure of imeeiing is mtuml and fumble, and fufficiently licenced and war-r”% ranted in the Scripture ( though .11: be no where indeed determined‘ to he of abfolute neceflity in the performance of them.) As‘ tforiex-t arnpIe,there is an aft of thankfgiving in the duty of receiving :rwhir:hr beinga bl‘-.i11M1Ch'Of Pr.=tyer~( largely taken Jr there can he no outvvard gefiilrreemoire n“atura.1 an ifutable-tor itrthankneeling is; behde , there is gm at}: of Prayer ((h'ié‘tlj,z taken) e_5"c. But there is no fuch ofpecial duty in hand, orinn per'form:tnce"When the Naznejefus is V tne1t'tione;r‘3,npo11 which this gefiurerof Bowing {hould be A founded,- but only the duties of hearing and attending, to the Word of God ‘E. Whezteunto all other Gefluresiof fiztndirig or fitting A» are much more convenient, and have approbation from the Scripture§ ; the former oifltmdiog, oN:hem.8.5. M4t.rI 3. 2. and elfewhere; Thelatterof 1itting,Ez)eclm;o.I . and 3 3.3 I . Mark 3.3 2., (/97. So that to ernjojrn A Bowing fliHrU}30'11 the prolation of the Name Jefus, in the midi} of that Service, ; W1heth€1"1C he in the-hearing » of A a C haptc-:r.or' Gofpelr rea.d,o wherein thofe other Gefiures of Ptanding or fitting are by the fzame Authority allowed ;:. Be1'i‘des,tth.1t1itWants a fpecial foundation v ‘ to hurled rt ~upoh=~;n 1-t idtffolvesr ( for the time) thofe other Ge{’cure.~.'-» which thi’: Scriptnresallow, fubfiittrting another in their £’re..tdtun-- known to thC3iI1:,1t further condemns _1Z1’l«.1‘tr» which it a1lo7vv?es,r by cen- furing meil FOE fittitingorihtading‘ then,ivv“hen they have allowficd both A Hatzflaiob at 135:1 c;ampbund:War_{77ip ta ti/arfratiringhmdh 1 A 7magg';2g up wlderéofitkeretzéravcazmrrrenceparfiflof I/9cfWz'!lof God’, " ‘ _t/ire wi!l;mz"d wzfdomenqftmréz ; aizmzlmxv ml ‘I/Varf/aip, heffrcizrlly \ A wake}: t/Mt: wb«io‘b13‘fia”m man, ~tEefarm, life; andjfirit oftiae War]/nip-', i A “mad that ow/sic/ari»sfi*omtG,ad, 2'; Eat t/ieimnateriazl and lq/}primt'z}4al. part of A . Ah i~£;'.. 3-$!f_/"#6'r]9_»'»:5' 2:/2:31 warflaip oféawi22gat,8ZC. Ergo, or o The Major IfhCQ11C€iVCr1'1€€dhS no relief from iarmttueh dearer than 2 The /14z'fi0?‘iS thus proved : if o’n1y.nithe*outward"A't&, the Vhowincr, of. thehody be from God,, but the bowing of it at firth a £im€:,j an Bx» ‘ « _ A 112011; cm 5 ""LipO11_tfu‘.C:h an‘tocca{:oAta~;bc from tiitata, then~jit it a‘C0m7pOtI1‘fd wotflaips A yea, and thitt-VV11?}i'Ch i5}fOUI-131 mid ptincipatlrin it, is frotntnatta, and to 011iy,~Ehat vtth'i<:httistwe.tk ao11dlefs1'egarided, hit from God.‘ Rmthe V .;§\nttf§Ct£‘£;3.t3~1'1t.iS1I§f'1!€_; om..m.e5y,h :,that the hmvimg 0fthebOdy01‘_11y'_iS o_ . from God, but the bowing ;1‘{i;fLICh mute Landhuopon fuch an occatfiott, A istftohint rmh 3 tChC?€FO‘;t‘€ thefilottfeqttenttot Conclufion is trueal-foe, viz; th~_«.1’C“th'.1I; wtotihip is ajnuixtt and compaound iWO.1‘fl1§‘1,P , hand that t whittch ‘ts t\p.tvi171Gi;pa1 3:-111d: moJ?tte£’teet:ned is ftotn mm, and only;-the ttegieéted and iefs pri11c~ipal partof ,itmis_t‘ from God. The Confe-.— A .|qL:‘:(gI,1¢e‘ is evident in bo:h;the Parts and Members of it; . t. Thatwhich hathapluretlitji and diverfity of ing:et.‘liC3tt‘1tS;i11o<.ir-,V, Irlufillfiflds-tbI3_a~-Eh11‘1gCOlfI'lPOflfld€CL_ 4 A1'3d,‘.- e A A A \ 2. ~F;ot€~~~thelatterpar~tttto£tit;;that,,That whitttAhis* Godin chit Watrfhipt iftavnyrhing a»tW1lttl~ be i11‘it.‘ f2;‘o‘;ft1 hmfti}ttWi:t.§.th€¥bDvVi11g jof the Bothdy. , is but the ‘material and iefs ,_§»a:3%3‘I‘§..‘»:.‘*‘;«‘.:§§T;>’=“+1 part: of it ; “bun ‘mic VVhiChViS from man, mmelyt, tovdo it at ftteim time, and upon ;fuchttantopcafioh,t isthe form2a:1:a.n:d ptincitpaitp:trt»oE it ,4 appears thtus; 'becaufe1tet,tthé b0d“Yhtfbe "bowed never ft) diligently a11dtf1‘fi(.°.-3- que11tly~ttponft;he tttenttion of all other names of Chtifl, A .a.:;,; A AVIOUR, «Yet :tthis:th ‘isxnot regarded ( no more than adead =C;arcafe Whfifl the et1i;5€hh<1Sdepa1t¢d frort1i1:)‘noi‘ taken fotthe wotfhip t ahfolutely fronlygnen, and not»fron:t God. herecotntmandeldh; tthhetegfote ttehat which gives the life and effence £0 i1'..,' is not ihzltttthat makes it an até} of ‘adoration. fnheithterthtti-s*it’ the exhibiting of it to the A pe_rfo11_ tfot : whfom i:t~iS‘C1:aiiI1cd( »ast"ptetencc ismade)but it is the ;exhihitionVVof it fubtalifigna, upon tfuchtha found 5 this is that which gives it the fggcifical nattite, and makes it to accepted and h ack“1”1oW1‘edged foreethe vvotfl1ip?cornmaf£dét3: Therefore this is the 1ife’andfoutl,,ant all “in 4l£t,,Vof~thisVwvorf}1ip. Now for the minor Propofiti;o11 or point in it, A that it fhould and mufl: be given, precifehhatffuch agtime, is pure- he and ‘T15/0t"f ote'm*«Godg:::.o, h£LiZh~t.fliffi”Cién tly Mheean‘5‘d:ehfti”o*t1fifa+ ted :;;ilrC;ad*yst 'aa1'1w€1=1&:h€'t= argement hhthztthehincetth :itbeyndai14conttha« di£9ii0Ih 1*:!'.ShIf()*()nt.1’€‘iPQZ{¢‘€td..’:1‘ « There t.1s.t‘1‘othtth'e 1‘eaPtt1ntirnat1ontof God ‘ at al1itntt»he~Sctiptute,t that any ‘thing more jthould be done in this "kind totot upon in I <1: » L JESUS, than to any other Name ‘of Ti; V % A tie, ’ whether of‘Godt*aottof Chrifi: Therefore to found anaecifwm-.t upomzhe melgltionhorhfoundeofttheName}ESL1S,e A ispuhrelyotyancrl W fir5a.V"»E« A % vx, % F it? iéeo };z oznlmvful‘ to )4} aji~“z¢fizé1i:&g4Hocl{ imthewoy oft/no _ § _weaZa\_oA7‘ éiimi’, or/sezwit Aérzmlamfnj to ;"'egm're‘fs¢c/2 zazarfloip z:zt'tbg mm.“ tfozoarfozmdfof tl:re‘f ]'\?2zméo]efuS,.Vor t_a_f2refcfri.5e arocmxthenmce any fa;-/,o . Cmzmmi .: T Bar mglgnafulg Deut.4VI 9.14; Ergo o The Co11i"eque”nc€ wii1be‘redouc'€-.cMIA to azlightfom truth by :mfo11«- ingthusao A A o V " A ‘A A V A To enjoy1{a11y' Wofflaip ofGod~infucI1a way,orupo11fuch tearms, W”he:reby the xveak and fim.p1‘e‘(yea and Wifer too) may eafily bq" exufnared, drawn axud provoked :oV:cootnoo'moIdo1atry, at leaf’: to commit aboCurdxty,wankd ogxvc dmno worfhxp to thatwl11ch 13 not , fuel; is “an :.m1‘awfui oi~11jii11é*tio11 ,; and it is finful‘ to countenahfceic A Butthis Injuxuétxon to bow at the Name ]ES 11 S, 13 {och an in; ju11é°t%io11 UE?‘g-#5‘ AA V TheoMajarL1"oco11ce1ve1sr;oh1%n %ev1<:Ie11ce‘ofcI$eoar Ifrutla. j. A o _Th:e.,/1/.fi;zar“o1~s11o:: 11kew1fe‘of‘any d'1H1C_ult proof, «ma. Thatphe “ “i1:1jun‘6tion :and%p:aé?cife of %Bowing,'~ is in the nature 05 iC7’apco- t__O11'ni“S-— Ieadcheofimjple either mto Idolatry or oabfurdicy: ’ That; whichdi--K reé‘c1yroc:cafions mwtobow uoiitoothokjoowhpowraro buco méer rmon,o orto xbowoo upon oyrhe mention of’theirV”711amé:s;,fdif¢'9rIyii_nd*in vthfi: A~wnay;u:¢“oVfi::o1ea;ds'men either to commit Idfo1“atry,V or (in the: befioj i‘nterpI‘etati0n) a cirofs abfurdxty in theservxcc of God But thi.S command a%1!1d% prao jfo of bowing at “the .oNarIre§.QF r‘dir€§é’:Iy tends to one or both of fhefc ;oE‘rg'a. !Wz"2:2ar‘%‘is%%c1har5»A beoaufii-‘~~ 1: he Noamo: ]_EiSL1So is a Name common 1790. Ofthens‘ befides, the Lord fifm ; as to4'j“of2’m’, who is called ]e%fus,fHab;4.8o‘; And jthe‘fon%o of Sims/9 , and Bar»-Efefw Aconjureor, At}: A13 6; A Now hoowv 463%“;- is fit to rni&aA1;.eAone"pe;fonfor another, that goeth oihthe fame name A with, him, Without ,any% diffinfiion or “no”occ~':.of diVfference, “in that.’- found nTon<:_ C211’: be. L ‘A cm AA Are. Vii- NO out-}amrdA Ccremafi} pr A5? 9f%rfl¢ip, A rim: tam! to the prgjudist prafhfe oférmaiimg at the Nafize‘Aafj—cfm-; Ergo. V % A AA AA A A The Major 13ropofit1on1sex~1de11n ; Be<::aufeADut;ies of inferiofur nature and confequence,i when greater are 111 place, axixdmnnot be performed 1n the1_r ‘due Aimanner, wvhen there are thrufi “upon them, Aeris fufpcrldedforthat time» I ' A A A _ A , A , And for the other Propofimon ; That: bowmg at the Name of Jefus is fuch a worfhip or -outward a€t thaticannot Pcandewich the A A duei perform ance, of that which is greater and more fpiricual ;f it is A{:IearlyA ciexnonflrablel from hen<;e,I ibecfaufe A at:At:entiv‘e A hearingiande ~ minding the Word of God, either read-or preached; ijsi{‘uchaedutyAAi;~ in _ and c.mnonAbut be i.r1_t:errupred;' 8; futierdifiraiéiion a11Ad=idi\*erni71t)171An of mind, iii’ the cane: duty of bowfingbe attended alfo. A The mind of A man finds a‘ marvellous diffiiicultyand infuiiiciency init {elf togive thgc diligent a1‘1d~dA€.]epattC11tiO1;i.AAtGat'h¢ Wd:d;AAAA of God a‘\Which Avbe-A V longs wit, when ii: hath its full flrength A imzix-ieand ur1broinarne only being jttdgi V ’ hfin, others not thoughtworthy offuch an Office or Employment, this tnufi needs» ftllrn‘ to at reproach unto them, that they ‘fl1aIlA2tIl‘bc“‘d_e— e .£cé’civethis way in comparifon of this one?» " A Neither is It any part of fattisfaéhion to fay, That ithies i1ot‘de”nei*ed V :unto the refhtatmen may do the fame reverence fdpon the menttonyof A any other name. t 4 to 4 y t a , _j,TO..Ch1SIAnfWCI'; * r«4~u. A berry to deal with.the-erePtte‘as they “pleafeg It A is a fign that the A ;,L:aWe_maketsttttake not much tcagre what becomes of the refh, fothe maybe exalted withit. name they have £ancied,may be exalted, that their fancy likewife ;tyy2tt.I£tj1this Knee-Servibe weretdonet-zpon thetmentionof every name yfuch names come manyfory A bodyof theservice ridicu1ons,and agoodparoof a7 little" better than 9; meet tdiflraétion : Er ea , The+ liberty that his lefttoy men inthis cafedoth not cafe the gufinefs at“all,t, becaufe if it be taken in the Wayby which it is: intended, the other names of Chrifl {ball be be brought t.o*anTequ:1liry_of' honour with “that of JESUS 1; h The truth 15,: that It-will» berm farhtfrotn doing this; thatitwill thring them 21-» A 1 together one and other Without exception into contempt. ‘ A mg.+ X. * t H4: dwarf/flip’ Whitby intend: ta exozlthtwzc Name tfad or af to , éycfaikj otber:,:. zztédeto Kiri}? all ‘t/oat i22t¢y“cautem;t,b it e at-m hand y t;~It’«0hé't.'L_.‘0i¢dL’fi‘6I!d66% mrtat .f .B#htf§c‘/J itvtbzéréawifi-'-worfI7z'p at 13/36 Npzmeedf “_'-fafm ; it read: to mgmfi: we Nam ofC/Jrg‘/z",*nvz'z*/9j_vt/J: tdikfnragemeztc 4 y 1 . Thea to it manifeflfy argues a'compar;kfttive contempt, when hthetfee 4 115 h,onour:han;d. reverence tfetled t orfeebgiybe Law,andtemenrerat~1t~ A befides, fomtimes it rnightfofall '0ut,*w'z.*.When very oft together, ; that 1:: may make the V e f #1!- A 7 Hat warjkfp {”efia£?w d1]f§a5:;zgén%c'ntA A A twq Perf7m'_.,~ A~;.)bey~mre ;znf€mr}flr ma wad awrt~12j%1eff?Ia%o- fl0u;.’ Aiflgz no Jamzd tawéeA%AalZowed%:A A§3#!.*ftAi6J2 .,E::1j0}/1262410121] to IA/9eVSecon d Perfim ‘‘ ; A _ _ . A , \- W 1c«is4;rue, God hath given all the Honour a11dAAignicyAmm; A Chrmifi, whereof he%noyv,;?c’gmds__pAofl'c{¥ed?a.s%'%;;Mcdiawr, ,:o;1gh5:3A end , all men: A£hou1dA§A ’[hwoAur, ,_At;Ah;c my mom: Athe AaFmiherA[, A 70“/J’: 7A4’=":'=:T+’—*3~ But %h'imAAaib~ove¢:hs2AA1I=a:her, or Wsithany finch ikiI1d¢Qf; %womfl2ip;wherexwichAckc ho- A nourcda there Aismno Scriptmfcwifi bear it, ;n-ozr nhe zfmaiogy o£APai;-h, A Afindureir. A A _ - A A % A& A AA * A 951;, Ifig ;bp Areplxedandimd, AAAthat:j the A;£ame’ho_nAeurM»anA{d wow A Aip be exhxbxced no the other Perfians whgn tmnf mm, they aregn«r+c— ;finain¢dinrhis%cafe.4' A .4 I A iw Id ;r.h'is I Anfwcc %;:5 A,’ has bgfoie 'V1‘hisA1tibertTy AAIIEEE vunto Af‘r1en'£:IdI:h1i’ovvay jufiifierheconmmand, by wbich'£AhacifpeciaAl and A.pecu1Aiar»vorI}1iptothe Second Perfon is%injny4n“éd, other two ,P1eI;fo1-as a~b¢ing W¢ArA,Ai A%’it4v%AmoMid¢s M. A A.W*x:A A'~pA eithw for A ;fiicW~Fa%ther%pr Holy Ghoflg,,AiA:.,gi$rcs..mQn+libm,:y,.,_:m.s;wgtlagmjgpggva . :heAmAAef%in %"@S:?°t@AA%¢A 9 £1; “ the is I icof Am,%yA %greawf.r 7» Wye pretend; ‘ flowing to Chrgfl, ; f AnotAexc1uded:, vthemgsh -nhqy aadr»-Aa8t.ma1;1§z teamed % '%% yet? 'A Au 1:" " Vfiriéi .%prc>[vifio.n Ifn;;id‘feA?iat1 gmhe ScA:i%;a:ur,e;, thé I % F-at;1e D1v'1ne AVVQrfl~1;p%_AA$—Ato§A ~©Xh1fi’.§1%fi@d“'?tO‘vth§m :aEI.:;.j.wh8‘*re;aar; At 1115 A A Worfhxp of bowmg 13 by the commandment fetled _only upon the Sc. _ a:4:md%I?,ex:fon,a% and not fo»muchAms rhc[Ie.~;£’cVrne11z:io11“tnade_of eichg: es: appears eviclentl h ' ‘E153 of ghgother, as havingnny right. ttmommunicate in the £ame.Wat~ fhipwithltim. A %, he i A V 2. A’ man direeting his Prayer Antonie time to oneot: the Per- fons (in particular) may at another time direél: it to another; and a third time to theThircl: and fo the requalityn rob‘ the Three Per»- fCi)‘1°lfS‘iS‘ifull‘j7l‘ acknowledged : Bllt in thecommand and tender of this naeenvernttp, a manisrionly fen: with. it to the Son neithergwillj it lferve or be accepted tie render this honour to thei San in the Fae- ther or in the Holyj Ghofl (t as in Prayer it is accepted with God)‘ but it Willi‘ lfufl1'ce' if the“"Fathe'r and Holy nGhol‘lTb“e worlihipped in the Son, "y¢':;;ifth6yb€ nnt vvdrflmippcd it".-i wilrlrfervc 3 alto : by which it V A y, ‘' ii that there is a’ wicle idifferenee Between the one and the other. A A A A A i 3 . If the Scripture had ~limi.tt,t.‘.de or remained the duty or W01‘-~ A ~-%ipof Prayer toonetof the Plerfons only, limited‘ Imean in fuch at A fen'ciie,“that it; had“ mentioned only thisr.ot.1e‘Perf<5n as capable of this worffxip, and htadrgiven no intimation of a like ca acity in thether 4 two" (Vrhonghtt had net exgirefly“ lexceptedtjatgainfi them« in this be» A 'ha§lE“)* is evid‘ent,‘ that titllhad el?’c"ab1ifl’1'ed, atlllelaflr£lrong1l¥]inti~ r mated; an tne ualttfy betwe‘er1LtlhenP’erfonS,, and given at pte it "A nlenceto the onefahove‘ the other two : This is the very cafe of this 19recept"forbovt_tngatthe'N.a‘me_TESuS‘: There is a-full ell‘21bl'i{h-- ; men: at‘ "a capacrrytofthtsfl vvorlhit; in the Sec:t>n‘d, Perl'6n,hut,therei in notthe?l*eat’é:tinrimation”,‘§iVen ejfithe like ncapacity in’e’itfler of the emi-A in other}.-* Ezjgag i‘t‘dirc}9,t1y‘ tengzls ‘to re: upa conceit or an inequality; b€fWce‘n theperfons‘ tn‘ themtnds of men,¢ andttherefore ismt tn V lbealfenreedrrun-to“. U63 tArg'"X' I Lafitttpflfd, Worfkfr mice afAGaaz,~tw new we em “ rmfomzéle ezzdg évixgtazzljfto z'zttwzp' mm’? i7zf22"%¢z2*eAAt/aha fgizkfyl 5¢;~;. } t7H_M”A”, :0]: god 5 »;}>‘j12tét £9 £4? mdzzréd %Bm7fucb:J.r 1:52;: lvaivafqg-envqrfI2z'12 ; A Erho.fl ~ ~ AA _ . A | A AA %ut if itbe here excepted and fetid, It ;{'erveshtoAtef’:ifieh the iinvatd 1'”fieVe\r611C€"OAf t1}eheatt,; izmfid tethhe“ pf A the S0111 f j Ahmv it A Hands a€£‘e&ed to rAki<~:» teAALd‘r"dtet" ]efL:_s‘",n and tefsvtm be he A To nh1sA1.A11r»ver: ; AIh..‘It is coA1x1%rnandhed"to be done vvhether the I.-V1.e.‘11V-Ht be inxvattllyt ’ ‘ t1'fAt,biAni‘be‘tthAe A;iAntent of.it,:to ex; A P;lf¢fs thé it§,1'1~*!=51I.CAn1A ?¢V€tr€11}C¢A I. Both aApparAentlyAdue from the A A ord of God and his Imv, and? the Law of the Church. A And, A be. It is Lowly, tf1eAA‘§o&y ev"ierAy"-rAva§f;?fta"ri§«édto the humblefi de—-» A porture of the Soul.” A A . A , A 3. Such a reverence hath b’eenA Pcill accufiomhed, “and is (“till the r cufiom ofa1—I the true Servants of God, both in Ernglzmd, and elfe-- where: Thefe three qua1'ific;1tions of (ram, lowly and reverence ), will ,,;fL(*3,\7mt’;;r he req1Iy;rntiAAge13era11jinro H-rAatAreverence of; bmving, as they do to thatwheverentariaAAAHi3m”hhATé”"hAfEehti5‘H"?:i‘f“h a - hug the AWord of God; and this is moi’: p1ia»b1e.«to the rneaningof theCanoAn.AA A A A . A . A AIV. Nothing is enjoyned in this Canon thatisA notprefcrihed; not mentioned in the Book of Common-Prayer~,r Imdit is eevidene L from hence, becaufe inAth::ztAA€’t of conforrnityp refixed before the: Beck, That ifémy other Ceremonytbe in thefierviee-o=f“God, itisev }.p.roh71b*ired undercAhepehe~:Irty; “but for the Ceremony of bowing at 8 r“he.rname,ref ]Aeft1rA,,.,1:hetrBoo3:< of .COII1fI’101'1r~.I).I'.1)7~€sI? no where mem:i«-. A0553’ 2% Erga ~, it islnot liklelyltol bc¢:nli0Y11~cd~by the~Gai1o11;;:"l A 1 ‘ic"b¢gran;cd,. lclhenlithc Bioolioffl lCommo11;.p;ay¢;%%4W~i1'1lAfm hmvylupul I A l.olnh“mlthan‘fl1allobfcrvcA the Canon, 0: on the otfierllfide, .;;l5::fcj;,;,_:.;._;~ anon, will condemn him that {hall obfervellflhe fiolokaof Commm; His Maicfiics fpecial cammand anflpleafure is *in:'the‘f<>rm§‘:r l Declj.1rari"on', that the .1?iuceMral pnd grgmmatiqfil fenfcl.;flxa,1‘1 mu: be. taken andlIi<.-Z> other. But:.no\v_1f the lCangmhavcnoother Midwife: sbu1:_ the literal and the gramxnatxcal fenfe, 41: W111 .néve1-_b¢4 d¢11ve;¢d A of this bowing lworflaip atthc name of jefusa If ; the Canon were lcxa&1yl:ranflared by a11Langu?g€s.an;d afuit ma;d¢ to the bell Gram-A ffmarians of all lNaeion9f0Bi.V¢ thl¢.1itera1l;f¢nfe scific; it is not no l be w_contcivcdHl thaE"=a1f1y onmof , thfiI1‘*LWOll1d— ever finld, that bowing‘ A:l the Bo<;:lyl anthc found of; thelname fléfus, lever tolble meant by it. VTl1e Judgement and Praéfife * OFTHE Old 3 OHE M Concerning A A A Bowing;at the Name of j"€SZzS, Ad mentiamm numinzk Iefu mime: mm gemm fleihmt ; car- A 474 fim, mm capipa aperizmt .- we arebra carparzli morn tam dopentzk, qua»: diftentium Mimi pmurémmr .-V m Iefm at fitkvulgo, tanmm adfalam nomimis‘ ipfim «wcem colt‘ w'de4~ 4- tmgjohannes Lafitius,DeEcclefiaflicz2Difiiplimz mflribfliég &*2:1§£im;zIsFratru1n .Bohemorum%, Cap. 13‘. 'Se&._ 3," Acthe mention of the name _IESt1S zheybow their minds, not their knees ; and uncover( or open) their hearts , not their heads :« lefle by the frequent motion of, the body thewminds both of the Teacher and Ofthe Heaters {hou»1d*be diflunbed, and leftjefusf as com: M4 monlyit comes to pafs ), fl1ouIdfeetnto;bcA worfhippcd; only as the mention of his Name,“