xmzma A Ex mm; am 3 0 -K3 mtcnm of aha In mtim of Setfigmes We L Y T 3; Q; '}¥ ‘3 " , * 4’. ‘ .~ 4 ~ 1 _ 7' " " ‘ «'1' W) t L “‘ “ " "‘,»l*"M;e ‘"”‘:{"" €"13«-"K. ;“7’” W"; ‘ I “X? ‘K Cam... M... 3%” Hmfimaw WWW wwfime mmmmm‘ "09 gflflw a.~a’;gg,mm,¢Eag é§@a3g,, % mfm” yzpwm, «E.» mémuw m'2's* 3'mmn:rf:m: «W ofgzfic-mr., MM NW fiiritx af m5w%%V1’rapbm aw fstfijtéi‘ M zfltw fiwaphrtw Furfiwd sir am #5: awtbarafmmjéagfiaw, m mf pmwsg #5 im M 613%-3 A 7 film“ sIy":lan$'.uuim.r.4 A M AA A V rinted in the Ycem , aim Eda 3u.."vx.,. ~» . I’ " “ 3., .* . ifcxirfc afsoncerning R A Y E 3. Ex tempera, écc. 4 Have read over thifi bowl; which the;,Afl?:~m-+3 ‘ ' . bly of Divincs is picafcd recall ‘me Dia»em~ ” * ’i ryforP.myer , 1 c:onfFcfl”a¢ I camemit vsmh ' ‘ V ‘ much expeéiation, gmd wasin farm mm» “ ‘* {um confident, I fhould have foundit a«n%¢x;-» afiand unbla.:mcab1c modcll of Drcvotiom, free f'm;m ail mhofc objcétions which man of their ownc pcrfwafmn had obtrudedagainft thc publikc Liturgy of th«:=:Chu~rch mf England; or at ltzafl , it. flaouldhavc been compofcd withfiw muchartific: and finencife, that it might: have Man m all thwworld .3 an argument0fVutlwir»:1carn6img and cxccllamcyaf fpirit , if nt of thcgoadneffeand in» mgricy —mfs:1:h~cir= rcligimn and purpofcs. I {hall give :1 mhcr c:ha;ra&.cr'm:f chcwholc, rtha%t thge publike difi. relifh whichl flndc amongfl _.perfons of great piety, of allqualitics, mt cmely of greats. but even uf ordinary umdmfiandings, is :0 me fume argummt thatit lyccs ~19 0pm to chm obiaétions even ask commun fpirits, stlmttha comailcrs emf it didimcnd mare mpmvailebychc;fuc«» ~ec*ac:{fw mfthcir Armies, than the: flcrcngzch of rcafirm, and the: ¢prmpergmu}nds 0f;pcrfi*va~fi0n., which yct~m0Ik Wife a¢n1d4Vgo*mdmi:.nabcl%ecvc tom~thermmra;e C~hx1fti¢m way of thaytwm Ethic =;S*'i'r ymx A haw ;mg~;a g/«rd ta fay {Q m;,eeh1.ng $.11 parci*cularém4fatis’fic y@urc«3nfaiemc:¢. in which valfa A m : decfim af"en~ -% 3 « ‘.vn.M " (M defire I may referve a leave to my {elf em conceal muclg 4 A iflmayiniiptle doeyou fatisfafiiion. ; [fire : ' B I {hail therefore decline to {peak mfthe Efficient cauféhe of this Direétory, and not quaL‘1‘€Uatit that it was com.- Vpofed, againft the Lawes both of Emgimd and all Chrfiw fiehdethe. “If the thing were goodahnd pious, Iflwuld learner to fuhmit It the lmpoficion ., and never querreli at the inwm petency cafhis authority that ingagcd me m doe pious and isazsigr things. And it may be when I am a A iittle more ufed wit, 1 flnalinot wonder am Syxmd, m ‘whichhhnoe one Bifhop fim (in the capacity afa Bifhop) though I am mm} cercaine this is the heft example in ;Emglmm’,fincei: was firfi Chrifened. But for the pee- fem: it feemes fomshing hard to digefl: it, becaufe I know fo well that a1lAfTemblyc:s of the Church have admit»-A ‘X ted Priefis to‘c<0nfu1ta‘tion anddifpute, but never‘ to am... thorityand decifion, till the Pope enlarging the phyig... ~ére=ries of the Arcehimandrices and Abbots, did ibmtimes by wayof priviledge and di{pe»n{atic:sn give to 1" ome. Of them deeifivc myces» in epublike Co~uncelis...h But. this “was~cme ofchc things in which he dxd inncwame ’a5;nd in» evade againfethe publikc refoluticms of Chxifiendome, thoughhedur{tz1othdoc.ic ufcen, and when hehdiclimehir; ivwm“-;inv~e4ryfmall and inconfideracc numbers. I I4»-{aj~id wouldsahot meddle with tihé Effieient, andf. ecarmot mednhdile with the Final! caufe, nor giJefl"e"ihat§any " gother endshand purpofes ofchc.-hs then at jwhat:t.heey:hV h»- eelihquelyhprmfcfile, which is the abolitioneahd d«.e-mfueéiiom 0-fthe Book of Comm0n.mPm.ycr; which great: charigeg, .- *bhecau'fc they are pleafcd em call Refarmation, I am Cunw mat in charity to beleeve they thunk it fo, and that they A ‘havce‘Zc!u‘m Dei, but Whfithfir‘/Ec!’}’d“”}fb‘£g”t‘$£a??1§ , :mc.~.;or-ha» ding to klhnowledge ox: go, mufih be judged by the :w~hr:b ‘ (35 T mnfidcr the matter mm Bu: bcczwfc the mamaris Mia wxzuyhrgy and mi... flute confiiafisratxcsyza every patpwrwrwif mg-me: as much {crummy aza K purpofe m msfiow upwzaa Mm vzymficsfl have for aim pmimr ck-wfim zmrmniider onciiy the mm: 0H:-aami xbcmufc fré: prcs;c:nds.V4 ag:1i2~a[_t.the fomm effeg L3'taV;1“gie, ar:~s+;21 cx‘te:wp0re forms; gfoe fucccm in mam ‘ of the ctiabmfl-mfimd m"u;i; dCt¢2l‘ml["lCd ierv1ccs,'HhaH give you m y §1,z:.,ii§;es?;1c'I1t ofit, wichoutany flaarpncife or bit- t'm:;c:flE+ of fgairit, far I am refoivctd name be angry with any mm agncgxtheer pcrfwafion, as knowing that Idiflbr juflt as-much {Tom than as they doc from me. And N firifi confider that the true flare afthc QgeRi- mnnis only this, WI1eth%e2rVA%jt is better to pray to G0 d_ with wcom'fideratic:;n or Without :' Whmhcl‘ 15 the wifcr nun of the two; he who thinks, and de1ibm*atcs- what to fay, or hcthat utters has znznd :15; fafiasxt mmcs 2:‘ ‘»—"Vl"1ct11c-ris Atha bczttemmn} he who 0m:o1i‘rc:-vc".rcnce to Gc.1disn.10fi Acarcfull and curimxs that he offend no; in his tongue, and rhercforche himfclfc deliiacrates and takac»s:thc belt‘ *gu~id*es hecang. orhc wha out of the Aconfide=nc¢ crfhis ownce abiAl&ties or other cxteriour afliPtanccs~, fpc‘ak‘cs~ whaciwer comes uppcwmofl 6 A 4 And hm Ihavc that advice and counccflfof avery wife‘ man, rm lcffc than Salomm Ecde.c.5.2.. Be mt M A Twit/at/.1y mom/7,, and let rm t./J] mm ée lmfly to war my t/éing befmr Gad,forG0da53 in hwveza mm’ £1901!-afar; cart/aazézerfiare let t/zy-ward: lvcfcm. 4ThcAconIidm-atzon or the vafl diflancc: betwcrm God and us, Heaven andcartln, flwuld create , fuch apprchcnfiions -in us,th2u: the very befband choyccflzw A0four'-cfifcrtnrycs are not-acceptable but by Godsgraml dzimm _vouchfafcin~g and ‘corzdcfccnfion : and thcrdorc fincc w¢:are I30 Amuch indebted to Gad for gcccpting ¢%oux? w 3” A ' bfifl be mm: it will, <4) Abefiitis not fafe~-ventured to prc-fen: him with a dew; bakcd Afacri*ficc,v«and_,put him aff with that whichim nan mm:a.m humme mnfidemtion is abfolumly tha worm forsfuch isamhg crude and imp:-r»fc& utmrance ofom A more imper£m5% conceptions. But let Solammm reafom oodwc: are wt: in 15» Letus confides whokccpes aha precept bet’: 4;, He that ciclxbcratcs orha that cmfidcrs nut bwcwhcu he fpeakcs :*What mm in mine wofld is hafiy M aflirr my tbmgbefirc Gad, ifhe ba mm revhca majmrcs ex tempera--? And then addc wit but the wfcightofsalamany u*:a1cm, and lmzany cmmn aniwerma if Ahethmkcs it can fmsll fizfud with thatrcverenccpvc owe azmhe Izmmmfe, the mfimtcx, and tothic eternal! Gqd, the {God -of wzfcdomc, to offer hum a facrificc Whlllh we cfunyfi nag prcfcnt. to a PYIRCC’, or a prudent Gwemmu’ an rcflrrm, fuch as our praycrs ought go A Andthat this may not bedafhcd with a. prctcnccit its §a%rnallA rca‘I*<;mi’ng, «I dc:-:fi»rq€ it n;1aymberw‘:aAz:1nbrcdM, that at 13 the argument -God hxmfz.-lfc uies agaanfl la%m¢,§vmat1« , mad, and in"1~perfi;'«5’c{:1cr1fic¢s, sGoe wad afar #2:}: M M} grrinceg Secif he ‘wviifi acccpmc;ln.:x;.~}1y1njg, €.‘h;;'£fi the beik’ Aperfan is to ham the bcflc ,prc£}tnt.-.;, and what time Prmm Willflight jastrucly unworthy of him, mudh mairm isit‘ unfit for Mfiwod. j:5E{:>4%rG xod accepts not 09' any thing Mwa g=i%vcVar 4dm-,, as he wmrc bmmczl bym :fm: tetzcrcmra ~it$~efi*im1ami:«: nan.-mlccm buy Aims mla.~t;im:n m Amm.:ra11‘cmm-5 A v1;gc&ncy%tAo him, his ail aiiksa tn h§.ma:f01.‘ initi’E:.1fi::%»i: is V :o»l1im as mining. But Gad acp::sptsVit:~byits prmp::;~.~rt:§.«- omandcom miuragimn to us. That whirgh we can mus: bcih ’and_.:is truly iv in hunrimme ¢fiim*au:, that plcafw G0d,f£it‘dc¢c4lT«Aa.rr:s At met if we had bettfierawc wcxufidgim A it4%;hi:§1.An@t tf rdferve the bait. iaycs mt.) plaxnlm, th think *€¢*s> M Athi-imam/y thing Vii3¥g~od enough Fm‘ him. Ast&heWfb»rc Gad in t“h=c~’La%w' w4ou~l?d mm Em ferved: ay {hat which was V i‘mVperfc€i:iAn gmm mmme: 170 naithcr mow xmr ever will =‘ml1a.t~ pleafc hm: w?h1ch% xs xmperfctft imgmcw: marmmczr 'oke 42: they were mama! lvyzt/7cbély_7Gbq{l,‘faith Saint Peter.. And certainly they were moved bya morcimmediate motion, 8: emotion» nearer to an «Enthufiafmc, then now. adayes in the gift and fpiritl«oflPray{er. jA:nd yetin the mill ofthofegreat: A alliflalnccslahd motions they did ufe ltutl.y,art-,induflry,_ and humane abilities. This is more then prglhablein ~ A the different fcylcsofithc feverall Books,fome being of A A admirable art, others lower andyplaineg, A The words» A were their own at leafifomtimes, notthci holy Ghho£ts.l l%9ell€£12§»Ba513¢_t§ 9-.9£1G1§mm“ar%313s3:%¢£¢Anos déccivgd 22;." oz) by falfe Go:pics,r butthat they truely did obfc1'Vc,fome3 at M crimes .to be proprietyof expreflionin. the language, 4 .{om'etimesnot true Gireeko, who will think thofe errors t orimperfeéiionsin Grammar, were (in refpcét of the lswords Itfay precifely) immediate infpirations and dig at ftatles rofthe holy ‘Ghofl, * and not rather theirown pror- tlu<_Stit;>t-lsyofinduftiryi anclihumanity ‘.1’ Butcleerly fome of «theiirywords were the worelsrofldrataar, form: of Epimmi» i day, fome ofMcmmaier, form: of S . Paul, [fbzkjfeake I, mt ittbcLorrl5'1ttCory. 7.]rand a yet becaufe the holy Ghofi re- sneaweclfitheiri memoryy,im.proved their underiiarndingi, ; fuppiyed to fome theirwant of humane learning, arid fo atflifieid them that they fhould not commit an arrow: in ‘ faétor opinion, neither in the narrative nor dogmatrcallc parts, therefore the ywrit by the Spirit. Since then we cannot pretend upon any groundsof probability to an infpiratiota fo immediate as theirs, anclyet their aliifian.-V ces which they had from the Spirit didnot exclude hun- mahe arts, and itadufiry, but that theableflz Scholler did write the befl, much rather is this true in the gifts and aflifmnces we receive, and particularly in the gift of Prayer,it is nottanlex tempera and an infpired faculty, but the facultiesyyyofynatur-e and the abilities of art at indufiry areirnproved and ermobled by the fuperveninigailil’tan_-4; cesiofthe Spirit. y ‘H ;. And now‘ let us take avrnan that pretends he hath the gifi:of*Pra"yer, and loves to pray ex tempm, I fuppoyfethis l A oe alittle baefor-yc his tongue 51 demand then, Whteth iranuot this man,rwhen itis once come: into his heatl," hold his tongue, and writer clowne what? he hath i conceived 2'.’ hiisffirft conceptions“ were ofGod, A ma Goods S.pit»;it;‘,-irhcn they; ayroyy afo} fiilli, I =laoMenn twhenrthey atrej " l mitten. ” -PO"-.1‘fli5-thC5~i{S§il3llZdépalsifitdi-lff(§.fn5»hiIfi~, upointhe W . JUL, i fight by n if 13) ‘ fight of a pen and Ink-horne 2.’ It did ufe to he etherwife among the old and new Prophets 5 whether they {Vere Prophets of Prediétion, or or ordinary Miniftery.’ But if his conception may be written, and being written is fun a produétion of the Spirigthen it follows that fet-forms otPrayer deliberate and elefcribed , may ag. well be a praying with the Spiritgas fudden formes and ex tempura out-lets. A y A A A _ . A Now the cafe being thus put, I would faine know what the difference is betweene deliberate and extempare Prayers, fave onely that in thefe thereis leile COHfidCl'ar tion and prudence,-, for that the atherare (at leafitas a much as them) the producftions ofthe Spirit, is evident inthe very cafe put inthrs very argument :and whether to confidcr and to weigh them, be any difadvamage‘ to . our devotions, I leaveit to all wile men to determine. Sothatin efitéf, fince after the pretended aflifiance of the Spirit in eur Prayers, we may write them downe, confider th“eAm,ttry the fpirits,t and ponder the manner, the reafon and the religion of the addrcffeg let the world judge Awhether this fuddeni utterance andim tempura.» forms beany thing elfe, but a direcitr relolution not to confitderbefore-hand~what we fpeak. _ A A I But letus look a littlclfurther into the myfterie, and fee what ismeant in Scripture by praying wit/at/at Spirz}; In what fenfe the holy Ghof-‘t is called the j]>z'rit of Prayer, A I have already fhewne, was. by the fame reafon, as he is the flririt offaitlz, o‘f_pmdem'e, of knowledge, toAf:ma’erfland.. « ing,and the like. iBut prayiflg" witbtbe fpzrit hath befides A this other fenfes talfouin Scripture. I find in one place, A thatthenwe pray with the Spirit, when the holy Ghoft does taciually excite usto clefires and earnefi tendencies to the obtaining aux holy ;piiypeeo;fes,,ilwhen he “gives” us a ~ g A i I t l i A A A zeale =43 \ e 25) £6. ?7.C (M) V zealeand devotion,‘ iieharity and fervour, fpirituallvio: telenicesand holy importunity.This fenfe is alfo in the lat"- ”ter patch oftheobjeétecl words ofSaint Paul, Raw. 8. 1'5; l L yspirit irfelf: maker/5 intercgfiian fora; wit”/1 graanings, é'p_'. Indeedthis istruly as praying in thcfpitit, hutsthis will tidoe our reverend Brethren ofthe Aflemhlyi little ad-l vantageas to the prefentqxeflion. For this fpirit is nocg . e ipirit of utterancegnot at all clameorous in the eares of the “people, but cryes leud in the eares of God with i "_¢Eg?‘(Ildfl€S:.fiflflittfablflj lo itefellowes-, and (surely [He that {Bare/yer/2 we heart, lye. underflandctb the meaning oft/staff?» m.'_] This is the fpiritof the Sonne, which God hath {cm into our hearts, ( not into our tongues) whereby we cry, Abbzg Father, Gal. 4.6.And this is the great axlewevm for mentallPrayer, whichlisprqperly and truly pray- A ing by the Spirit. y “ Another swaying‘ with the Spirit Isifind in that place ofsaint Paul, from whencethis expreflion is taken, and commonly ufed, Iwillpray wit/at/ae[}>z'rz't, ands! wi!l.pr4y with the zmdezflmding alfo. _ Here they are oppoled, orat leaf’: declared to berthings feverall and difparate : where by the way obfer.~ve, that praying with the fpirit, even in fenfe of Scripture, is not alwayes molt to edifieation of the peetple. Not alwayes with underftanding. And when thefeitwe arefeparated, S. Paul prefers five words with underfianding, before tent thoufand in the «fpirit. For this praying with the fpirit was indeed then agift e:x~ traordinaryand miraculouglike as prophecying with the fpirit, and expired witheit. i*But“while itdid laft, it was theloweft of giftsrnter dam lizxgzmmm, it was but a gift of the tongue, and motto be the A benefit ofthe Church direétly or immediately. a i i a By the way.only.I*fiSaint 1{mldidfo__ undervaluethe g a A praying” 3 .... .9‘ fame ‘manneigtoithe if3mC‘ “end, and» I knowno realign (Is) * praying ‘withthespirit, that he preferred cdifying the Church a thoniand degrees beyond it.Ifn}ppofe hewould have been: of the fame mind, it this cm:-{tion had beetle between praying with the Spirit and obeying our fupc- riots, as he was when it was between praying with the Spirit and edification of the ~Churc'h;, becaufe (if I be not mifiakcn) it isinatter ofgreat concernment towards the e cdificacion of the Church: to obey our fuperionrs,notto innovate inpublick formes ofworihip, cfpecially with i the fcandall and offence of very wife and learned men, and to the difgrace oi the dead Martyrs, who fealed out as Liturgy with their blood. . ' ‘ But to return. In this place praying with the Spirit, is no more than my fpirit praying. For [0 8. Paula joynes them -as termes identical], and expreflive one of ano-- thers meaning, as you may pleafe to read ever. 14. and 15. 1 Car. 14. Iwill pray with the Syirit, and my Spirit truly prayetlr. It is the act ofour inner man," praying holy and fpirituall Prayers. But then indeed at that time there wasfomthinig i extraordinary joyned, for it wasiin an une- knovvne tongue,*the praéiicc of which Saint Pdill there diflikes; This alfo will be tonone of their pnrpofes. For whether it were exmsnpm, or by prcmeditation, is not here expreifed 5 or if it had, yet that aliiftance extract» dinary in prayer , if there was any befide the gift of tongues (which I much doubt) is no more t«rani'mitted torus, then the fpeaking tongues in the fpirit, or prophe- tying Ex temporeand by thefpirit. :: .. n i ‘ ” W But ‘I Wouvldadde alfo oneexperiment-iavhichiyS;iyPdal ‘ alfo there addeysibt way of infiancc. nlfprayeing with '11“ fpiritin this place e praying icxy;temP'f;¢.t 11161-ITO 1S_fiI1g;- ing tom Porethey are iexprefled in tilt: Iarnc Q113C¢.ii1!1th¢ A 28. 29. A 30- ; i"pea.k;:s%%.2my thing empreffaly ovfit,;>andA;%,:.,_ v = we mic‘ AA%«céi?t*t;x=ainve ethc» holy huijflxzatha fupplyed (13 ‘t1*1!é§l¥z_d*arc*i4x’aAifi‘er3etat~m??onTc“Ior%x%hn;mhmttcrfcc.f«p‘mi A * 4 m 4 (x6) ” Muwy Vthéfér%1fhcmldAbc%~difEc ring» £et1{*'r:s”‘ put Vupcbn th~c"m_m fbtvfc p:urn{c":rs.% new let us have Icmsfz ACAhurch%~mu&; fi*c'kc«=too, rhoughnthc Organs bc.pz1*lIed <;IOWne,. and let a:'%1“y» the 'b¢Pcl?ialmi[t*:o*f chem a.1I%,Lg:ompofcahAymncis1_ metrwica‘llA.fm'm wand fing itm 3, new t;ur»1.c' xvii:jh~pqrfc<5k andum¢‘mufick,{4aAnd‘a11this%%~exzempaxe.:LForall thi5vth;¢ : hfoly:Gh0ft c:i1n%Vd~omit.hc pivsaliss. Butifitbe {aid that the4CorinthiantChrifiians compefed‘ their (bugs and, ‘hymncs accerding m%a1:LandNr%u1cs~. 0,fmufi<¢k, b y Rudy =inVdu(’c‘ry,%, and nha1:to~fA1::his.thcy: were Aaflificd by the Spirit *anid.th*a%t% uhiisjVtogmhcr wakh ch c.dcvotion=of chair; fpirit, was finging withwzhe fpirit, r.h'en,f.1y I,%{"o cQ%mpo¢,% ling {ct formcts of ALitm3:_:3y by ski! and prudence, and hw- anc intiufiry, a‘y %b%a j-as uch ;: praying, with the fpiria as the Oth%€31rViS ‘fimVginA“g%~ withrihc;{pir&itV. Plaincly enough; In 52111’%t:h~.:f«f?:n?1Te%s& bf gmying with the fp.iri£»a<‘3«c in al1iC5:aC~9_ W.-%pt;uioi;x’si:L1~S«wi»pm1*ae,,% tv:>‘%v~pr%a:y;A<3»;‘A flag»;-Wigzh thVcfpixis::g, , hcitlstmof ‘thr:1*;1‘1 ot7nm:.c{fit"y imp1~yr:s&:[x tempura. A A « -'4 "I?#hr:- Afum +m«"@v0V1‘~ GAaZ1a«E?a.::V0Af the Jprém iffi sis? t.hi$_,,, ‘ififg with rim Ipirity; is t*:iAth:j_::~.;; whm th¢hfpi%rit fiir«r;c;s,, “01ir‘4dcfitrc:s’ to pray, Ear matiamm.44¢?malIk amxilii~, or when fpi«a*¢it—‘taachcs us W hat, or how to p.ra.y, telling us the inatmem and“ mannegr mi our. ‘p-.j~ay¢r»s. Iaftsiy ‘(fir ’6t':fl’:tiflWg-fih%i;V§T~y):;w”Ord$4=Uf4 m§_mn»pr4aAyc1:S. T 1'l=difFcr:cneceV cam :bc»x. as; fig}: "iihé ‘d*efi‘~A%A»%« w;, f ";fi3F;.P3Qf¢ 'i.;£" A»5;2itid%~ac5Ewa.aEl»mfitiom: Aorincimmmits t;®»p:;f A ' 1‘a%rqecedero fame few: arguments which are AAmore cxtrinw (17)y AA V A tnextémpoie. z. (But: as to ther:mm:r»e~r;Aeand; mannerreff \ prayer,r1tisclcerly concaineed inrthes expreffes, arxcl fetiz; ferrmrcs ofscriptures, anditisfu12plycdr0%us by the {piw rirgforheis thegrear Diéiatqr ofrit, A A A 2 owrhen for the very words. » T A 9 man caneafigure rha: the wordis of his exAAtampare prayer-are the Awards mhcxvhoily aSpiritr<: it is not: reafon; narsmodeflzy; :6 expecitg irmmerdéiater aflifiancres to forlirtle pimrposfc , he hear viing fupplyedr;rus with yjgiliticsv merer:henA enoaugI1.~m: expreffe our defires dliMfid€,,,0d»1CrWifC‘ then imimedi;-re arterrdiéteate. Bucifewe will {taka Davids Pfalrerg, Aorehe t-her hymnes of holy Scripture,‘ or any ofthe Prayers \ which» are refperfed (%5werr'£her Bible, We are lure enough‘ t"7hatA they. are the Words of Gods Spirit,mediace1y or imnr i rneiately, byway’ of infufionr or extafie, by vifien‘, or? fir; lefafi: by ordinary .aHi[‘rance. And now then, what’ greater confidcmtecan any man have for the cxcellencyr (if h'isfPrayer, and the probability of their being a.cc:ep- t§ed,r%hen’~whcn he praycs his Pfalrenor the Lords prayer, rianother orifice whichr heLfindAs CG)flfigflC;d in Script~urer_; Gods Srpirriteftirs us up to an a&ual1 devotion ,and £21-imar we-.~?*rA uf<:rhe“smatter he «hath Tdefcribcd and rtaughr, fir1“!d%the“ve*ry words whrich'Chrift.,Aand Chrifcs Spirirgand Apofiles, aéndrorher per-{ems full of the holy Ghofiv did?‘ ufey.-,*ifin the world there be any praying nwithether Spiri~it,(I mean: in vocaill prayer) this is i.£.e r A ii» And thus I? have examined theintire andfull {cope of —eh?is;(me ffiom, and rifled ‘their 0 bjeérione. A Now=eI1h:dAl; f7eca§l1m«chenarurco£cAhczhi,ug. er r »‘ A A A A A AA»: 9”’ It a graerice prevairlrirrgarnorrgthofecf eurBrethrem that’areVzea?louf.§ fferflcgfe teempereja pray.er~s5Aro‘p*ray their rams ever, dt;r;o*r§dur:e"thgire4g.€1o‘ArinAer:rintqDeveriegr;‘, M: j V r C 3. 31:‘ e 32. % t r y (1 8 )m A A V “ Lyturgie.‘ I miflikeit not for the thirirg ittfelfe, if it were «done regularly for the manner, and the matter were al.- yvayetsi pious and true; But, who {hall affurc me when t the preacher hath difputed, or rather dogmatically dc-1 creed apointof predeftinatiion, or ofprefeience, ofcon- tingency, or of liberty, or anyofiithe mofl: rmyfieriéius parts of D-ivinity,and then yprayes A his Sermon over, that he then prayes with the Spirit 2.’ llnleffe lobe furc that he alfo preached withthe Spirit,I cannot befure that he prayes withthe fpirit,for all he prayes ycxtemfom ' Nay if I hear: at Protefiant preach in the morning,.ahd an Anabaptifi inthe aftemoone, today a. Presbyterian, to mortow an Independantt, am Inot moft fun: that 4 when they have preached Contra,diétoryes_, and all of them pray theirfiermons ovcr,that they doe not all pray withthe fpirite More.than one in this cafecarmot pray 4 wirhrthe»fpir’it', pofiibly all maypréryegainft him.~ A " N 2. From.whence I thus arguein "behalfeoHetfo1fm's. of prayer. Thatin the cafe above p.ut,_thoW ihalllor i any man eife fay Amen to their p-rayets that pr-cache and pray con-tradiétoryes 4! At leaf}: L am much: hindredin my devotion. For befidcs that, it derives our opinions into ourdevoti-ons, makes every fchoole point, become our religion,_ and makes God a party, (to farm: was we cam intitling him ~to.»our im pertinent wrang-1-ingis. Bea- {ides this Ifay,whi1e we fhou1d-- attendto our addreffes “towards r od, we are toconfider whether=rthe‘pointbe A f true~tor~no, 8.: by thatttime we havetacitly difeourfedit, e weyare ,upon another point which altfo perhaps is as efiiohable as the former, andby this time. our fpirit of devotion, isa little diTcompo‘fedand fomething out of eountenatnce, there ~is.fo much other imploymcnt for 111-» ethcfpirirtthefpiris 9f§!ifcs§;zing,ar!d iudeine AIIWWFII (I9) . ittconveniences areavoytled in fet fotmes lof=Liturgy‘.i For weylmolw before hand the conditions ofour Com- thunion, and to what we are to fay Amen, to whichif we like it wemay repayre 5ifIlOt, there is no harm done, your devot-iota {hall not be furprrzedmor your Comma... nion invaded, as it may be and often is in your extempore préaytts. And thisthmg hath. anothficr eiollaterall ineon- venience,which is of. great conlidera.tion,.for upon what’: Cflnfidctncecan wefollicite any Recufants to cometoour Church, where we cannot promife them that the devo- t tionsthere tobe ufed, ihallbc innocent, nor can weput him into a condi.ti0~u to judge for himfelfe *.’aI.i he will it venture he may, but we cauufe no argument to make him choofc our Churches,:though heilhould rq—uit.,his ownet i i ‘ r t r 4 3... But agai-ne, let us confider with fobtiety- A Are not V, thofe prayers and h yrnnesin holy~Seripture,excellent tzompofirtions, admirable inflruments ofdevotion,full of p:iety,rare and ytncompatable addreifes to Gods" Dare any man With his gift of prayer pretend, that he can as: tempera orby fludy ~make better 6 Who dares pretend _ that he hath a. better fpirittheu D4«vidhad,. or themthe Apoflles and Prophets, and. other holyyperfonsin Scrip- ture, whofe Prayers~landeP1Etlmes are by Gods Spirit _ conligned. to the ufe of the Church for ever 2' Or will it be denyed butthatthey alfo are excellent direétories and patterns for prayers: And ifpatternesghe neeter we draw to our example,_ are not_ the rmttattons and repre--be fentments the better 3 And what then if we tool: the A famplers themfclves,isthc1:eany”*imperfec.‘;'tionin-them andtcan: wemcnd them and corrcfi Magmficat .? a — Ina iguit porportiontand eommenfuratton, Ieargue fo: V n concerning £h€rpIifl'l_i.l'§iVC and .a{1_§ic1lt_'f0rII,lC$ 0fC hutch . 4 . V C3 ' i'etvtce$ 34- 35:. ifwl £¢'$:VE'Ce,.A§;:i.w%1Ech7a§rc~ corrrpofed 9.-ccordiu'gr‘torhoferfol cg-. cellchr pacternes, which if they‘ had remained pure as in their ifirfl: lin‘fiir*urion, or had alwayes beene asrhe-y have heme reformed by thc~Clmrchof Enlg1,and,:theyewould againfi alldefianceepuce in for the next.p1acc‘~wthof¢ £0rmes~erro£lLirurgie Vawhichie Mmris mutmdzk are nothing b;rutlrthe Woerds of r;;a'yer rm» p;.:si%»s£1«i-w Lytuxgm, M and ufgrcagtwfl wnve;ni@%mmiw3&vem fibx pI'iVenmi2,dfl‘VOt1(3§fiS¢ A 9. 7, Andxmhcchurchowaa in an Agmiadundermy 4 A fiamd in ilthail nat:i»1?:u?.£i;plyi authbricyes tmthia purpmfcg, for cheyam mu many and» various abut {hm unaly Wm» farvetwo great infiamcs nfrhwir be-i:ia:~t%e and praéitizse M 39:: ‘ this Vpaxticumt: A1... f"fi"he mm as am parpmum u;£‘ée &?1‘fi@3: great Eaflmgics ohm: Lm*d§ P4r;«ayurmm§ii%.¢;d? Erw aazfm 2% any fiommmcaryes wfthe Emma upm in W ahatfalemnc fgrm cf 0%" bmed%i6%iQx'2 myflziaz méayw {as Saint Augzaj?z?;¢eca*l1$Ait5 .L~iéa 3. ;dm5’r£mit. an. )Aw;hég’h all Chumhm Landthemfmvwfi faidfiimvag by rdimznam .Apmfi0iica.M) mficdimkm mom‘m:mm wfiflm Me;fiE~d Sacrament; M: N msftlmm ufwd Mm Kmds Mayer in aha: Canon, and mffiac: mf Qmnkzcratiom mm mmhm praw- W9 tam fmm SAcripW» ( Fw%¥w;/W Wrtyméfiififisflam the Cmfecratimn isVAnmé¢pvrymcxwaréidflwi,Aby4%%thev%4d Can n or£j4¢i»»cca"rminc& and myflériousm % V Whw‘ %ifi¢'$fiV4%¢ W W A V _ WA A A _ flm fimi térmughim VIé”iaZwf5"iza'z£»xS:tr;am , A;yma¢a£ag;¢3Caefi'"a5;Mm“3 Flmsim I;’Ym"aw._, faflfiam V£Jg€@?w€$% mam”. filhatg“ mhm‘ Riazim»-~ MR5, mm izmlm <::§dj¢;a&ff‘fia:z:m tmgsamfiwivmm Szithatlnem mm wt yam in mind wk fimtfammus d@:mEmg§e:%4mE'flm fifwrm mm g’3”6'. mar Mm Trzfagiwgnmr :3;r2y«t:«i*' ;tE10:f’m'm@.€w momma hym ms aficd in aha mmzimt A €;'jI,1mmh, f kmwwm» Vb “U M «when fmfimm that thwfiht . th¢mf¢1V¢$b 2% ’”M}"m mhagsir m 9ray¢r~5tWrr1 fmmtha WwArdm"God) and fmmcr fatisfitd in mimrci~auIarm‘[A A % tixncrprctmd E0 the hwy Sp§i?£'i€.‘.., ma &m":r.giE’md xwuidiw v;mtmcirag=¢at comzeiwd‘farmcgmf m»,3;; mw;m:f<:‘:, timm was 3 mmiy reflraintnmade in d~mL Cw~mnctE§ mmmzms inglfrim, Piwmiz M P733535 qme pmhm A fmmzt ém=Emré!i0A 45 amrzzma‘ fiflffwgflfitfir, am’ Maw mm mm a’ z'mmmr M E.cc.Ze:fi;z, nifi1qme¢3c pmdeyztéarzms fif./t.§}ct?fgm«- m’mi;~.2 Syzmla. TAhm’a the Arefitmim amdpmhiizican‘, pub.» A mm pmycm nmfi be Rich as. am pubh7kc:-fly zappeinccdg and prefbribed byur Supcmurs '5 and H0 pr.ivatc fomm. mf our c0ncciving«mu£% be ufcd in ma Church. The ra:a..‘.T; fomfuflmwesfi Ne farm aliqzm’ cafitmifizfem, W3; per égmgw rmtz'wm,ov c’lpe2j mmmfistdziwmfiz wmgofimm.- tAhvr0wgh, ign0mm;& or wam wf deiiberaticm any mingbe fpakcm in ow: pmycrs ~ag.:z§rzfi mm. [and guard manmm] Tim mamma good 9 Mad they are mam-W§.tncfl"cs of ix man V“ hmre th::4vm«;:~a;y (:95 garayem ?hac:fow:: ar—1d after Sermons” »nhVe~*re, xarkmxws. aim Dim é7ta;w1°ty.i;s pméiiicfifidawhe tie to» {peak mufi mwdcifiy ) 21c;t**«3:m4}3wm¢ir aprimte mpinimns ._.,A but 3.} M iv; a;1m.;1im :immr«s:~2 fig , 4 an;ci:% :itm- »0,wm pa:::;,fQm:1i“ mm cc:%rn‘zm'3ms4, and mm fajncim. bortmipmchaps mm tww: dam beforwflarc made me mE::;?at:,~ai%s3ojf’t?cwpmplcs*11op(¢s, A «Q ftheir defim:sA, and thc1rpm yAm*s94A and all ixmhc mmim A Iwmnotnomr in:«fmzac,we in aim mim» gim‘y,¥:lmt r'is\...<.%1%p..,;‘ pe1*1~c§aat1tt0£h:&f@ ax £6’;-Wpa5r=c.* Afmrawmsg 0fp1.“giy€r,. wltwe gift ofi the Amman ismoreAt;4hr:;~nVN4"t%1V:cdcv0ticmaf the man 3 mrwiil I confidernhatAMt1<‘mAn his gift is4bm%fl;.,.whera hm prayer ismngcfia and if *hr1; ak.c a cwmplacmcy in mm A g::ift( as who is not apt. m d weir z:”~)% he wi11;”b£AAfumttmsem tcind.his VPr«ayer $3. mill 3. f.1fpi<:io1,.1;s« and fcrupulcms mm V W>ui_be agmmfay, his prayer prcfiéd hardA upon ichag 4 "Wh§£.h;>‘ L1Y‘b-Efifffid Saviour re-prehendcd in ma P.harifccsg,. who thmsglfsttw be hsardfw their much babling. Bum J i-%3mig:a4%§© ;%§§%é§.%3§§%£AE9; we §@€&z¥§ mf chethimgs luau has .‘..-..—- in ‘;“‘f"‘.f, n I ., wash} M AM thcmfom thoughthcy are mo cermwimiy canfceqtwam m we perfemg yet I will amt heme {cavemen but pmmm myfwflfc an fihfl fumr fide emf charitable mmfimémm 3 Which tmlyl dmfirem lamp, rzomnciy Atothcir4pcrfm1s Wham I mum reverence, but alfo ta their a.&ims,A But gym Murfimo:*t Wdaethwe fame thing, evienim theaffc 151% mafons, thcfiugh I had no oachm A M V Vfiutic is0;}pjVcétcd,that in fem formcs of'Pmym-V, We mm A flmineand Conffimethe blefléd Spirit ; and in camgmived fmmesfiwhcn wary man is Left t his iibemy, than the Spirit is frcc,m'2hm1ted and Lmmnfiramcd. I anfwcrg emherthcnmcmceived fmmeg {I ufe fiwiav .@WWfl€W0r613$5th‘0Ug7EI indeed mhle expreflion is very in» artificiali) are pm‘med1tam~and dVci%Vm*ibcd, Qt they am$ mm tempwe. Iftlmy beprr:mw:d1itaa:c an dafcribcd, chm Elm Spirit has limmd in their mmccived f0m*ws3,. as in theflhurches mnceived terms.» For as m mks pair» Eicular, itAis“all mm who dcfcribms and liming the%~forma+,. whaither thc;Oh+urch44, mt ta; fifiglc mm A Sgpirit is in cmfl4m.intVamd‘4Iimi.m tha:Vi%1wtM$‘[fitrlii ancnotangryamecfmxncs MfPmyer,bm;mh:u:they,» n4otmake4th¢m[,’Ae¢ ” ‘A A M}nd~itVAAi:A,3 mplyed, that M ~ mg and fa: 7*hi5- f3pi¢:.*in4viA5' m:7A‘libAcrty. zmfwer, M rmay mhicf Ghm1'Ch'*; ~i=ffl1 s2 fcitrmufe for it: and um§:M~‘:2% mete he caufemtm fingic; perfbnwifl nmmiter it , un'l«::ffe m da ahimgs unreafézxt-mblae, and withmauz ca‘u*{7m ; Sm thaxit WM, anumsqaagfl and 3 peeviflw quarmll m%al1mWiwffet~d fmmm ofpmym‘ mzadc by private pfiri7mns,:zmd§ n1zw0fA A mmaformres mszdm“ by thm pu§i.keV%fpi1'it axVfV;tV1fi!e°”4 !GVhu1*c”h_,L4%vL% It‘Vi4sm.-'identw, thfl me 3pi1*if"is4% A1i%mim_,dAAin bwchéfaggi mace. A A AA MA & 4“ A A A um y Etfaézmwm’ farmm] tritaim je;~u%¢ir2'th¢455z D 2 Tmemm ct‘ pe:rIf*on m1i1+Vnpr4n»fc£%af¢:1,t~fm'm»;.,; shat may alterimi£¢%hcV4VVplaaafcg A g25p“A m;can.c extempm prayers (far fa téwy mofi genez*aIIy p1~a,c$tic¢it) md that in ma me 0% mhafe the liberty 0% the fpi1*’2,v.: is bwfi pzrdcrvedm To this Mmfwcr, thatthc baa- irzgm tmwrs mpmmfifiitagfw win he; whwily imperm nmt :0 man Qggmfiom M" iia‘mmng the fpmm For them A mei/3FV bcgmaax iibk-{Ky Ainfstforgnm, when when theta is, xmmn vwictygzand them may be great mfimim mm xerwgaavre prayers, even than Wham: {mu bgcaiieci um» iawmfl to ufe fer formes. Thatthefpirit is rafirmncda Gr that iuisfrcfi inieinherg is‘accidcn,ta;ll,~mA;»%th¢m bOEh:;, ‘fr it may bfi fiithcrw free 0}: mt‘ fI,«..‘f.'£ A it1%bb§i:1)9VaAs .im1?ay. hfiPpCfl., V %. % But the refiminus this? that every omimmt Ecfmma. hxsfifibcrzym pray hmv,hcIi&:, (with prcmeditatiom W A without, it makes not much Amatcergfl but that he is pm...» %%fcribed mxm. bymhe fpirit wf ifit ba a‘t::mit gchu1sm%ra1fira»inczhc {pir%it; Lwould faim: kmw, igmot tfm VA¢,lfAitit.r€f’h+aincd_whmtha whole Congrtsgacfonl flmfl [ma L«"V%'§¢.(m%fifl¢4d to mike forms of this onc mans mmpofing «:~ _% uy AA;Vm*7itfl1allhc unlawful}, or at km :34. difgracc %andV4dii;pa-5 ;md;g¢m::.:nt mufe any.}fct:%..form¢s, cfpazcially 7o»fahc4Ci-lum cht$“cry thm%‘ t:hing which is ham *rou‘gh»t e.ppeare=¢~s, this Dereéiery net being mecie by Gaels Spire; may ‘fine an enemy wit. Butif this ap- pesimrmemt baby the Spirit, then the deetcrniinettezl an :mmunionAWwizhthéfe pirayxgém whicljnzhey ahinkc m ha.V€*ifl.5th&m3 the:=‘nmatier manna m‘5%d;mVu%}::¥;ing. which maféon on Ehe:-A omhmépam 4mafcs,,%V fm: thcMinifler being up {peak from: God to} aha pw:p%ic,4 A ziHzcf§pea.k ¢s w.hath9e might !1 0t,GQd <:anvVri g§h:£"aiir;£"¢§%£é"e% ’ A ‘ hewémri to pray,is not alwayes fittto Pl'Gfl.Ch5bllt it is more i fake can however is not ‘partner ofthie‘ lir:,as in the other calfefihe people pofli bly may be. t ‘ It y ‘ 2“. It is more lit a liberty be left in preaching than praying, becaufe the addrelie of our dilcourfesi and ex- hortaticms are to be made accerding to the underfian- ding and capacity of the audiettce,their prejudices are to; be removed, all advantages £0 be taken, and they are to be furprizedthat i way they lye mutt open [ 31,; [aging- crafty I muglat you, faith Saint Paul to the Garizatbzansj and dilcourfes and arguments and faamizaem, upon their parti- cular principles and praefiicee may mere move them than the rnofi poiite and accurate that doe net cam ply and windabout their fancies and affeéiions. 8. Paul from the abfurd praé;iicelof' being baptized “for the -dead, madetan excellent argumentto convince the Carin:/vi» any of the Refurreéiion. But this realm alfo cealesin our prayers. For God underftandeth what we fay furc cnough,he~l1ath no prejudices the he re:moved,no infirmi- ties to be wroughtupongand 21 Eat: figureof Rl1Ct01‘iCl¢&; A“*ndA lam fu‘re:iif~tihe peoplebeimcliigenr,firicicani A d‘ifcern"tfi*cy arc i’i‘iifld‘1‘Cd ir1’th;;mm;as mt than way 0f concéivcd p.my~ mu. lam fume wcry few of the lcarnedft, very many §noramAs,, mm thanks whcaz have made lcafi abodic imhc $%ech0-mics Qfthc Prophets. And that I may difgrace rm mans perform , we {cc %~ad<.:fmc:n of the mofi il1ibcra7l:fi arts3%anVd wumm prctmd w it, and doc is: with as many Wm-ds (and thm:’$ the m aim: thing; with as much confi- demcm, &~nd7Vfp<:'Ciu*u1“I‘1:;;ffR;, and fpiriz, as the hm among thcm. And ifi ix but 3. i’m~ai§; parifimnof learning that will {awe 3. mamm make conceived forxxfea uf;.raycr,which tmy may have cafily upmmrhc: {mask cw; mhcr zm:n,or up-5 ma their own fa.ncic,or ugmn any thing m w his;;h. no learn aing%is rcequmd. He that knows nut :. haf§%,7émUW€$ numbing the: emit that may be in the Fm-;'.:M;awx%$ trade... But ~f Is God brz;-m-:x:* ferved :3’ I wcwfzd. m3m:: fee any an-~ :rity,,m: amy% ream, or any prubaiaimryr for what. I am. fl-1mignAo1'ancAAmcn €’Jffcf1‘ him mum emf heft mcrificzcs M £~emyar£,A and~~1earnvc*dAm»én will ha 17: re roVcis:1iberatc,x'.§»c Kmuyw, Gad £5 mm ham‘. ferwsdg, he is fcsrvcd by 3. A pubv1i=k¢e,them when by :2 p1¢iv.2;.r.::;: fpim. 1¢:;w:1m.c»tima.gin& what acVcrumm"n%:::E. wifi Erm:*:c;r:;-:V cm-rim m iiihfl pubiilmfitit may fume adv-zmtagzzs m thsrf‘; wivgata: imcmfts 0f mm». Fear mm arc a {am m:- an W °:‘;::33<%i7f::~d jSa»~ viiwur nnmd, who 0%» dzzmrmer nrz*e«.¢:5m:a2.;—.:%,:r 5?M,ae.;:%»:,"ZI4,«::',b,, awdfbr aprteé xwmtvmgske !Wg$~prayam. 'I'I‘h«:.‘-$39‘ m :,!t:‘£’$, zmdz zinc makVw.&E*z:z~m 51c%>rz“g,; by{3;his4 m@a5§hc:y a:;:acw;iAvc; dzjmble ad» VW“; ' V A e (37) “ vantages, the they get reztsuttttiatl te etxeit teiiitymntd te their piety" And tlthmugh the Commott-pmyee make in the Ptetece to‘ the ADit‘€c§ttt}t‘};? be ehttged with unmet eeflitty ieragth, yet we fee that met-t efthefe men, they thee are t.nwt.t emment 01‘ WOHH be to, make theit ptay... eta Btmger, and? M1! met late the benefits which their ere».- dit gets ., and they by their credit 3. fer mating their §lr?£“iiy(.“’Z.‘$» ” t Adee to: this that there is me pmmife in Sctipture,tha.t hetitho pteyet ex tempera flttii be heard the better , or that he {hall be atmtedé at Mt E0 finch purputesgend ctmere... tare mizmuvete in 10 high rmtttet without wan-etntteta tam mend us, or a promife to Wewettt us, is no better then vanityeimzhe thit‘1g,3.E"id preium prim in the perfon. He therefme that cetsfidert that ttaie way at pttyett it Without an mtner of precedent in the ptimitivc»Church, againfi the extmpic at all tzmmus Chuttiehfifi in Mt Chet» flendome in the. ‘t‘h:;.:1e defi:e~nt M 15. Ages, withmttt all eemmand and wtrttnwt S€I‘iptu{@9.thatt gt it unretfonta me in the nature iufthe thing, egainft ptude‘ncte and the theft Wtfdome eat hutnanity , beeaufe it it without delibe- tettmn, that it is innovzttitm in a high degree withaut that auttmtity, which I15 truby and by inherent and ancient tigtat4;,, tn eemmtnd and tarefetibe to us; in external fermt mt“ Wt17,'t'K'fi'2§_§'$9 that it it much ta the dtitgraee of the rFttren~ tt, 1; ttut*'tt.% m we P.eEig.im=x, that it gives encouragememte eh ii.’ 11,; t {"3 qtltrrttrfl tvtth ftjnme 1'eaft2n‘« and mm‘c* ere- tettee RetT?e;tmeti0tt,:tt beefing by the~%te&e» W emttft fled te twat: been done in much blindteffe, and th€t“t‘t2“t“tZ?tl't3 E15'ti;’~‘__«:{§'mt etre in the t;m_eefIe as well as in the dc»- tee, in the thrcttvéng out tot)‘ rtttxeéw, as cafting eat? too liteite 3 wmeth is the I”tf.{03.fft;“ _}.1k€}y”3 becauf” e they Wanted mete te catty him ftrre eneugh. He that ccmfiders the uttivextait cttftbrmity ef pubtike wot-fl1ip,8c the no meanef A A V 0 4». (3334 “ of unitm,r1,o§ Symbtaiofpubiicit mmmuniozr btirngpub«$?_ iicitiycmxfigntfimthttt ail htrtfits may ‘with the fame arr. % thmity jbt brought mm mm prayers, and ofitrtd ta Geri in behaii or the peoglmwith the farm authority that any truth may, an the miatter ofour prayers being left to tire- thoicc ofaii man, ofail pcrftvafions, and then obfervcs that afiuaily there are in many places, hcrrfic, and ‘bit; i‘pemy,a.ndimpc1‘tincncy, 8:: i1ii_t‘c:rat~e rudcncfies put into the devotions ofthc moft Stulcmnt daycs, and the moft pubiikc meetings,-, and then iamy, that there are divers parts of Lyttxrgxtgir which “no provifions atall is made in the Diteéttaty, and the very a,dmizti£tration of the S3.» cramcms itit £70 iooi"tiy,that it there be any thing tiiEn~ tiail in the tonnes of Sacraments, the Sacrament may tomtimt-fltéltuaii by want of due Words, and due traini- iflrationr I fay hcthat canfipitrs all theft things (and many morthemayconfider) will finds thatrpatticular t mm are not fit to be irrtruficcito ofifeirifl publikc with their private fpirimo Gochtor the pcoplcain rfuch foicm» rrritiesr in matters of (0 great concernmentb whett the he» mat of God, tht br’:;'?I1€fit ofrhc PGQPEC? the inttrett of Kirsgdomes, the bring oft Chu1‘Ci~I,ti1€ unity of mi:-rdsg the mnformity of pr;.:é’cicc, the truth at pcrfwafiongand the faiviationtcii forties, are fa very much C¢Z)Z“.lCCl'I“1€d,a.$ they are in tht publilm praycrs of a. whole National! Church. Art unltamtd man is not to be trufled, and a cannot, hcthat is ktmwirig will mt. rrwtifebman dartrmt trinfi himfeifc.-5h: that is ignorant \ .!_ FINI3r