w %m%hurch OFTHE \71s1B1A; aw ‘ A‘, l ‘ < 3., . “Q * 4 N "L 44‘ . ‘- w _ M V A ‘ ‘ K And the Prioritie thereofin regard of P~..art1cuIar Churches Difcuflcd. mm § Bysamuglgl-Juafin Miuiflcr of the Gofpcll. A 0 ND ON, _ V V prmmd by George Miller for Cbriffoplaer Meredith at the: ' Signs of the Cmne in Paul: Church» A. % V ya.rd.. Kv6,z§.S'«- A ...............u. It ‘ Q 3% V ;;_;,A ‘A ‘V 4....‘ %‘t§§aé=3'£=%9?9 W"”'§ifl""s V4 T0tth¢R<~':ader. 4 5 t ' H 4.go¢j,ftr the actammadaticmoj‘p‘rirvatej$‘m¢d;, V % yetfinew the tape mty .t/aeapgtroétttiatztof‘ 1 % *~ 1-" , fime wfiam I mitt}; re/}5eo‘t',t: I "am induced ta tattfént to t/tepttévltflatttg ufit. I cmfifft the texture aft’: tlmtore I3 ’ A M/er%;v W13‘ 'Th€xfis mt! cttnjttled zzétttt gt years A and tww nattintettdcd éyme f0r:t}>ttéltIte3zIt5£1v§ ‘ :3 “J ’ % AAAA u- Mmtly, and tbefhlt more incompt wen “Wt./1pl£'tt_/3 the tma’tr? A’ 6): esxxsnd delitatc care: aftlués dainty critiazz1lnagett~Bwt ‘t‘/Jay t/mt?” Imttdlqtotttroewrfitx mttft endmvtztr my fitakc ii?‘-f«'rtI])€f‘t and figmft*Mtwtrd:,t and dealer 5] flrengtlfaf yrvtfi: 4nd ar 55...: A mews, and mutflandt ttpan ncatmyye, or‘ tttéattr ttatdetk ctr‘: ltttitt» with flamers aflilzttoritk. I acknowledge tbtét qttcftiatt it an ttmtfmfl fitéjefidttd tbtrefore fiat little troddettée]»’arcm‘e.;' tum! barb many paths‘ that unfit it, more fieqzmttly étateit, wréitb-didflomembattt. élattt mine‘ ttttttttiwt, and titftwde me Afiom malmtg aft’: pztéli/ea, cram afitr I: badyecldtdtbtreutntt; A Farflrff lfirtde tktttfltéjeéft?f1t:{yf?i¥t]tt£?fl2‘att" n73tttt't1‘%'t*tjttt5'7£dfltti(‘,;*;t V yea,fl4tty .;;d€fl£"£’dtéj?‘W1flfl]’LDiWt3Wfl3'tl#:_€’7’€ti??"9ti5?T(7}'3%1’ wit’ Engrw ltfln, Frtttté; Md Gtftttdtttt twéoi an*§]ff7.?‘fi59€’At;é?2t¢‘« there mt V C/attrtb C't1t)%@0Zz']8a9t‘W;l‘tZH£»,% tut“ HM? t/ya Cféwttb ‘ tcatlyalz/ee it z‘”t§ettdt2W{fi!'61a't.Céttr€i§ :art’Iy;t% ‘Bztt tbzgjet’/}awtittg toatté divert " tmttatts out lately which barve tatttlam’ tb4r:éjfl£j*ei%l";;‘I-" prove a Clmrtb Catbaltke vzjiéle, effect);/[_y Gulielmi Apt3l~ Xonii, Confidcratio quarundam Contrmrerfiar11m,&c. ézy command and 4//manta cftlae Watlzzcriazzg Cbzttcétet (f?mte;fcwf fintemres wberéofl k4'IJct£at'a7ed Izereta) mmrt Print» izxti tmt/2 trt'ztmpIamg ow?‘ F41/7740d:({J‘6raI~1>t+'t£5V t/abtmotetottfirmm? that tbtlr {It 2to41g:(jmrttt¢%aptntaw,arftra “V .,.w“ 33,; *3}; «A: I’-‘ W‘ ‘ “Irv ‘,‘v_“~f/_M ‘H: . : ‘W : ‘ "A €34-J i',~m‘w'~ tzge /Jcteratlaxiejvttt 4jz'tm.: M A ' ?7Z?fi@_», .-— TO the R E A D E R. tx~rb.4ndrberIefire¢I w«z5Vté¢:i:,r»m :mr¢raged to 4’iva%1.€¢.it.?»VJ ifidfivrflzc F,3h"3di€é¥?3..’@f" tbé Jq:aéflian%itA:ls fizme fmef witéwill, e/ffiepiafly flaztéd 2'92 znlagfé £er222g:?:,A% and tbqfi: ilmflate it fli, make the p4rti¢‘ m*? iG£2m;:rbmtak he 4tbé~;w'me ‘C/fiwrcéws, AA wlm/21 l2ave%ena’earz7b::rea1 W mfim: 4ccordz}f¢g to my A ‘ L/{mIé.em;;fiA dye qmeflimi ly eibzizir }lw=?ra0t of aii?ver§5€5é}é‘;ww"‘ trowerfiesfianddzfirereficcs :1mr;a.m-my aérmd, «I W49: wiiliéag !0r=;l6F?d ‘%n?IMt=. Jégb; I wzgld tame % f4;w2:e.:,:.:.“V.c,‘«¥»!é1¢gA$$g:g¢g;;2;j{o;§;; at F’ émgfz /iexééj wm4 jf.ém11m:pd Vlmwa 2+/:a%;c;2a3»~3:%%;4% . But ifamyfeem %A:antextiamA%z;éautAi¢5Lcw:mat%4nfwer'in Paulk "’ IC°r«II»15~ wards, ’=*; have me fuch czgfiomszg, n‘€3i‘:€h¢'C§hLIBCh€S" of Gfld ._.,A *J’ax]t£ze.: mflamel. e4L:c'r.§y; mlrfrg» “mm”; Mia. ca§¢ie‘22d4mmd_.4% 'q"!Mrré[1450wt%’ewkryp4rt a$f1);irui?z¢ity:J:e_jw1s'::.ma.e.£aa”2Jy; M4: . Carma: carp 4t,.wd wrarsgle ag4fnfl.e we» trim) my ozéver, fa”’T?*3rT %_t‘.;A all 6141? ~pmé2‘.t'm[1Dz'rérinz'ty mm’:d. mtér Fvlejmimll, mad #2: ' Pflmm . gadligxa. Hm; M ‘int 0 gmm-,A~ M45 #149 e Vtmtbx ‘nzbic/2.J‘&rrm*rljz%fi*£?tMid rééoflfiwmfl fl[:Yi2";P§?ii‘,;‘2¢i$?‘:4?Q*'lf71i'MI?12,Az“ ,.z1r‘e:;zaw by %t£2eVcrorclvet: afmcm ‘éraiiags rurém 44i:mA flu:/a%~.a’m;’fia;q, % 423:2’ éecam: flzlwatty Md prick1;1,tbat.afiimp, x lmamasf, mt ¢m%£;m A in», ;dft'c7s M ’¢t£w.m; firxbew ta Enid: ta&em‘;,‘i:$#t »lae;p’ricle A 5:39 . M fi5'g¢7S=’Wi:tb.9fl“€‘,l/JQ?'fij‘fl5j”E5?i01‘3=.0r4¢t7flI£I::;V3.,:':FM‘. wy??paft% m V A 7. not iwmamd 014; or, n2ada’cd:~>:*taifi*rn‘i.:3c osémc» apimfawi, *&m‘:§f'~ — V my cancanmimc ‘me 0;‘ mwr, %:I./71%’ fie miflimg to retrdéf A A it, and emémce At/ac ‘I3-at/r GM,» er my cmv;¢fi72rd;m, ' fmwer ligéxt im zlulcfzaéj fln;lMe find? tzz‘fécj imnd 51%’: Gfidfir. ........ I H3V¢.p:rufe;{ 't!3i%sM %D%i%fcgaJui‘f¢s,“;%?”% Endin'gQthat:%—handIes .£1xq:utfii0n%:: Iof _gx:ea: impqrtgnceggnd difguflcrhdc mi%;hA%,%J4ud%_ge%mént ttn‘d;,M€$d¢ra5ip§3,I%%d30c <1 A % ~cbmm‘end it to the‘ Prcflié, Hcxpj’ng‘tha%.V.t%hé'1:zteI%1$i;fP€°+ pic that are ca11e:i,or ta be cd11éAd4.nd Joyned togethm, Branding in %1'ome, fpirituall relation to God. And {"0 thé wofrd is taken divcrfly. ; A 'F‘i1‘f’cA and mofi properly, for the A\?A»*lag;vZe comm; afdae eleAEi‘, as they arefoppefite tQ§repArobaAtAcs,.” Awheghsir jaw orGenAti1e, and [in A thisffz-:n§fe it is takeh,]BpAb4~fi”5,2 5f,%2:6AA.4 AC/argiff .(awadAA,tAla¢;, C’ lozmla A Aandgave laimfielfi £t”,;AImAt /9eA,migAhtclmnfc itgrpit/2 tb:A2am]/Biéi ’ ofvmter by the ‘Ward. 80 C'9lzA:f]”. I.18.A;AH1és17od] At/ae?A»C'/ak4rc/9. AA A A4 A A A "B A AAIn:erd#m M A A (A) R ,;AAheA hzi11d1ingA6fAtfiis§AAqL1é*Ridr1;A4Al1€r<:-‘firetfiefé % flaew only; 50 A5}: 3.3. Safiillfiiflntéid‘ /ypgzrac/{of tin: C/mrzf/1, A&s V I 2“’._I . HCI'._0d ffretc/.2353 amt/2:3‘ band to exam: wrmin oft‘/ac Church 9,3 Tmrme. The ma: Rejolutioze of apréfiwt Comrowrfié’; I é2t¢%r6lzamV‘ mi}; %Ec&1efi¢m~7’xamimm4t emit £nre»!ligu2zt ~q1m'2‘".é.';zrc1'£ cfl éovrktm .-D4302; ‘ii! qrmm mzlfi reci;")i_m¢t;1¢r%:x£_fi’ %% 7% gdaprianiar graz- M tie? me; if;-my % 6" Spirirm ,vC‘m£Zzfimrio5ze m9r:z C’/arfii mem- ém~"A% Tm‘ :W’“‘; qziidfm ”W;??.t¢'Wf#?7¢ /riézéhr 43*’ W5?:iIm?” Lcampfahmdit, f%»dV%.r-laf3¢${wa;mm*Jf ~qr#£= A15? %a7~:igi3¢ém;gfldi Ca1Vii1 I7»2fl£t::. 1i£:¢V4,cap;‘:i.. . »where%Tyou.may %{::*r:%1Ia»or€<~’c>%if this fubjcét Of%%%t”h§§ie%‘t§1efeV are‘ tb.rr;=eforts%: The firft are%éZé;£'z‘ M» A ca/led, which arenot 9;<'f%L1ally%the Church, hu}E~ 1'2: potentifi ; the ft?--,_ ccmd_par; are m£!£mm~_,% warring with A principalities Aafid powers, with the fiefllfworld and Dtrvill, being jufiified and fanfiifiedt i;p~:;,-12.. fbns : the third part are t3~;’:¢m;l:m2: Vin I-ieavemfhaving finifhed ;hei»: courfe,and are now the ‘£15575?! ofjuil‘ men mwzdeperfi 6?. For the fourth fortwhich t"h€P~ap.iPcS make, viz... Ecclefia darmiemin Purgatory Weacknowlttdge not. “ % A V Secondly, The word C’/mm‘/2, {ometimes fignifiéthrmore then ”th”E‘ 51:13.’, viz’... the mtzltitudr: off»:-leavers, W/act/Jar truly or in Now it %3is*ccrtai12,1 t%hat »neit31er‘»H eroa’ nor San! %1mew% who were ¢1€¢’<»bu? as blmiéfé ?XP99nd¢¢¢1.i%r»g H?,.aP*97‘f3"“”.4 =rIw»&7a“«é%*a aw ¥2t%*d:¢fi2fr¢?¢Iv%r‘Wré*afi'i,aF§us.W €519/vtefmwliaauy iét¥.§az«z*%.;%,v;«;Eg%’§t a;;¢4z{;;7gz;»‘a.;; ‘ 72152:“ 3 .‘Ijj1 %V;FwzzrLjé¢-me M}: an ~ #11 the cgamga/y.% v%NQW"fli[t c:mnot be conceived"thaVt7thc~3?;v”%i':%1}i‘jm'iI1”E:7"f’EI2%:-4676fgfific boIi’é5tié5fi;.“5L1Ev‘the"WfiéIé°uxribér of fE%flbq1's5+°4V‘Whi%ch yt_:cf:trc; A ‘éaliexithe Churbh. f 5% ,1I~;*¢,~z-zap pm/rim%*i ]:i:§{5*)9fi.7::fti: Ia}p§2j‘c4ri’ne ‘qiiiflilrfl Clér-’i}?z“%Ia;zé“’e::%r%p*rcet‘er44A tiimfum‘ c%;‘-fi>“Aey-W61» ? Church 1s-d1Po1ngu:fl14ed iqto wfléle ztn4'4i.=j:7:r£fiN4'a " which yet “3%re%notA*t%W0 d1fhn& Churches,’ or fpc:c‘ies ofChurches, but it 9. dii’cribution of :heS4ubieé‘t bxthe AVdiunsf%, viz; V¢’w2?i¢i‘m@Ad;V~ car»ww»£am3e~vt:rfi0 Suchqas have fpirituall ‘ withiVChriPc%3:m1§evA’ifiAwaffl L hers, Which4aVré o111y’knov§rn% %to'God%a%nd notmen, 1y; ‘Aaxye be anwflgfléze 1n;e:r1‘~ T % 7 % A A fiaving this %5£:a1c,;lae_Lard~AIq_gzawerla who are 12;’: 5 Such as have extcrnall com-- munion wzym» W em/9. Gjaflvalika ;;n¥~%ic?i1lar“'6mra£;}WZéf}yl ig 5 :nu'niOn%inA m:1Eward4. ordinances 9%:/5 they ” afiéfcaé wt;/iélqf % znembers, becaufe their communion Vis;vifibl,e ax1ci_¢gpp#ar¢um;Nm,m; only the. irxvifible coxnpa,nyA. haw.-V¢:_ommuni9n fqr4.ltf§,.aL1dA,agc;el;eék, many of ; chofe than have%v%externa1l ,c.’Qm1nu,mQn5‘; anmara siifiblé members Vflcxall perifh. Andyet by re.af:>.,nof£hei1:V,mOf€:£i"i%on,;‘am'a {aid (2 fI'/a:f.I.I.) m be in God tba F41:/a.er,.; dfld the ,[,o;§fdj}'e@,¢‘ C/mfi, as Amen: a.lfo%co%n-fefleth. Suc11“: was the Church bf Co;- _rg‘nth and. Epbaflu, 30:, wherein all” were» not _in com1mun~i:cm"A,fQg life. And offuch Chrii’c fpeaketh, .%alv.. 15 ;E émznarisr imA%2m tlmr £*a£¢7%retk mat fiupit kw mEe.mw«ay.$ Thcfe ; are ;faidE: to ~b.e’ rej- dae*me.:1,; 2 P&t%.z.I“L« ‘%D;?a;¢ying _t/me: %L:ara3 yjtlmx :3-zmg/at them. And fin‘ 5Z‘ifi“ed,:‘;H€b.4‘%%!A6. 39. mi bath Mcaxniwd tine lzlami oft/ya mu, ‘wmw:t% zaz!mrem’x/:2 be was /?m£Zifi:~:»*d,, mz'm2laa.l)¢t1aizzg-- Ami in M21; cxmsdimns Vof'hi3 Ep%iPcles.:.::;$Z"o‘t1a'e tC7/mrwclax af Go4d,=ta=;tuégvi33** ";bg:,;gg:e*fin&ifi edin’:C'krfl} ?;afl¢.r,4c.o2Iled to &:,.Sz:i2zt,;,? ;I:“iC0t. 1..m WV Now We are to know ;thac:this diftinétion of :vifi!zlesand< inzzi-v [$514 is arwry.1.am.¢ one, and the 1an‘x_ene_fl'e fghereof V d:ceizzamla%ima«A my A fhpwheircas all diftinfticns orA4d1fl::1bup1o113 flzxould have their pans di£’gini?c,;-,nd dfifi-rrent, and thpmorc oppofite ‘flic: gpenjxbegg 4 A thereof‘ be-,f the be:terc1:e di&rib%uti6ii is’; " thcfe %:wo~Vb;a11Ches‘0f' thisAdiPciné‘tion interfere orwwinhanocher, and the one ccimprfe-e hands the other :. the 'zzz]i£=Ze'»compr.e/amd z‘/ac‘ im2ifl:.‘r1c%her6 in this world, I means the perionsthough not the notions. ? ;P%or;.~:ham£b indegd ewerywifiélemembwr nat[inv-zfiévle, ya’: evé,y:::;‘iflm3fx’fil: ' Amcméar alfa 'zxifil2Z€.» A ‘They 1:h*ac%% haw: inward CO1n?%muniéfl with%Chri%Pc for life, are not taught and nouriihed on1y7by»anF inward um’?cion*or inipiration, but: arewfainc to %have‘ex1rerna1l communimn alfo in the outward Qrdina.nces of God, *ADaErclefz‘m fiifzkomm Vmadfl uagiturt cm’ S} mbolw : e/sTpq[1'a1£Mm‘z pMfaripn4;, % mm efi mm d: mleffi. Ramm in Symé. So that this’Adii’cin&;§oxi., islike. the”o1d*diftiné’cic$n dfgratid gzsatzér d.m,% @774 grmhia gmm fncficmt, hereas aomnzéf Agrafid ;grmt.1émfgxcia~n:, ‘Jeff xaiam gra,;%iAs.; gram data; If invifiblmhad v*b~q§2n'1;akenfc:urtSa‘ints in E-I@avezi,icu@i;1§.,;2l:qA, ..AEcc1:?fid d£c£rt¢r-; w1)d€m~~ a .% Aggczgfig figmfimt Mtajtm-ii A ilL4m$ amniumv mpzlritz4dinew£.AT%V fiqime «vermin» hexzrocatiame-,@’~ pr%oféfl}'ane cxterm: aflimxztzmr-; \\ Tffilcuq V gAEccl¢fl4efl'V vffiéilzk emu: amplmfh-ntium Eoan‘gel£:¢n¢G/aria % fl1',§§_-4 rc&EA u:r2n:iximV¥Sacrpzmam;vé>~. 1.Ger9,rd..V A A 7. V%ASu£m_m col efiuim :qu.a~ndam%Wmai 22 c~rfilém% ex tar-;;m Aw-21¢ ;pg;aim. z;1mAor£r;mfl di/‘bar’/aim, nah} in fgicrzéc litefzk dcfi'r.i.M,I ‘cfinr: fyiyfé-i... [iqmdam politiat unicum Ecclefiaflimm 0r‘gazni¢zzmV$44Acarymw coflflitflit, fié qua Aomm: Ecclefiae p.micdu1m..- :c1¢q74;¢+.,;:z¢»;.:~~p,»¢,.: winciialex Acét Nmfiwrzalex mnqmm %partc.cf Atatim ;AcanA:£m;=2z:;m _.,Apo1.1on.; 29.pag. % % r V % V A - « ‘ =4 A A T)./aim»; e'éiqmnaloc:¢n{§,_fiz$erin: looming: co/fpof}al.r.‘c'»A fide- infirmati’, Clarifl-iazmm %Ele£'larum rempultlicmflat 002.:/t‘Aitz4*.mm gtimgg-/£ diflfieyf:/I in ammar A0r[2:k%par.te5.% A % % V. . % A ‘ ;;J :S;i;qAInt0ninus Plailafipbm 'vwem:A%Rron¢;z7ixzrn~ dim-i¢%A afleqpzi. pang; 1EAo;1mz¢z'.-c% Aegiézzx ‘zrfivéretg 1t:z;jA:fuic:«.znA‘t};,$ C brtfliawij zgggzua ‘maribufg ezzizwit, z:2I2icMn§.i,‘élt,V ni/oil £nt%er.:fi+,:V rcivva§c:Aé§1P;%C}Jri§?i»2+ rma, A ad publicumde rcgendéi civimre D ei cmfilizim‘ ¢z%dl2ié%e~‘n-4- k dm, mt Ecclejiae ['4t}9filica>:.dM:'ip1irm. C;zZ¥aalAim ]I>..AARamus zit ,Ec3:¢'/.C.¢t};vl. V % A % “ Sometimes, iaith z’fi%eld,y Church:fignifienh a=;cfe1‘fi%ng,-,. 5? is called vifible +Chx;1rch.%w% Eifiaeld an-M9: gr. A: := ;: A ‘Z: A ;“Catho1ic~l§ in :‘ht:mo{t‘ evident Afenfcvz Aagreegxhtw Arhg Chsurcrhnow 1?‘ under. the Gofpell, ffince the partition“Wa11;bAc;1:Wk:cne ]»;:Wes*andA Vi Gentiles was broken down, and,yet i;1 fame fenfe it ¢ may ~agree F‘ roA%ch;:%A%,%CAhw:chVfromzhe beginning. Idem. A A B 3 1303:: ,..‘............—— a-,' '9"""“P'. E4 . H ‘_ » t ' ' ‘7 5;‘! ’. _‘t~ruT*e%~Refvlm‘op “of 41 .prefir};amirwarfie, ~ % . nun. ‘ §3lmri::hes7”, eisthéarfingle“ om wmbincd ~ei.r;1ief“ J A Nstifmall ’ (3 hutch. 2+ Vida A pvollfr. P0390 Naciongll, Provincial}, vfilagflicalh; ’orCongvegaciona1I, icf:is“’%%noc bglon gngzm tghgs %C&1,eft1onem:difcu{{'emthe (games about them, and there or}: I {hall only fiat down {bme dcfcriptions of them‘: pofime. a§:%;aEhey%arczufqaugggakaavmg % “ ' prehenfions of tliem; _<./£_Nm'ana—{la m%,;%4Av2,,,.;%;m We, ,,,.M,,, ;,;;g;.. fffirfiéliex bf1::gN4ti%an, A bring 7péé~t:‘ cf :19: C/mrch %7C’atf1a.. I-i:w.fl.Q’ wander argagkrpalifiitkg». aiaejili Gaircrwgn rnr,1,4re‘“ by W» prafiflian oj"t/ac fiméfaitb, fwd cammzzn~i:am%£i¢ tr/at fima Ayxwfiipj mag! G;¢L_W£iWm?flfl,‘;fi;‘Ww$'tf& d@flt01‘1a%£5550$i'E€c‘[zefl;zfl£cf " , ma f.£'5-,;-[¢_. fsgfiwgmz Ilflepné : lg. :<%‘~Two~Ath1ngs5¢fAa%s; I ‘camzexvgfa are réquired my xnakyfi a%%NaVtiona&i7?K;‘hur‘ch. Fix-13:, National! *%%st%’greéxne%n£v in -‘Lthew fame faith arid wor[h"ip.: 5?Seconefly,; ;»N¢a:ion?a1l”?aI*fl1fi»@m?533n on?é:EAc+ % V clefiaiizififiafl boc!y.imthcfwmdc0m1xi.uni.ny;’»cxfi Ecch:—fiafi:icalA GcWérn- L m”e‘*m. A %T;he_A‘(LAhu%rch%%es%.in ~;Fn"zncz-‘~an“d :.x;I71eV “Ncr“b¢rlzmdra$hVave the fan1§éfais:h;and’wQrfl1ip,:and “kind bf Government, but they are norringthefaméNaciofxa11%community *?*chereof*. Sr:e% prpofes for 1‘v~T:a,!:ional:1:%V(JAhurc:hes un+der:hc:mGo{;pe1, IVf:xi.55.%.5. T/am jb,z1;—¢-,3]; % a Naticm which thou linewcfi‘ mat, and Nation: 1_?0/aicflrr Ww Mr A r‘7a;ae]7m?'Z funk: ;:1¢tat/ow." .%I»t’is«fpoken%0f’.%Chrif}: under” th€Go... " fpeliand there i*s‘.fendown , both‘ Gadxmxzof «NM», and a A A N atiam amfwcr to that call, and there can be no more required to make aCh.urch. A%1fo,%I%fai.~19. 25¢.-Egypt r peap1.,»,::Ag3,ria :12: jWarIQe%afi1zy4lMmf1x, -mzd‘ Ifrael miner ni.2:z?-it;zn:*e.~— »a1l: nhofe ch1:ee‘.Nanions% are called’ three‘ fif’c’ér “Ch@m:ches;% in"‘efl’e&, if 4 you marke thdcoherence. Iris a prophecy ofGofpe1l times, Pfal. 21.27. the end: oft/:2}: W&r1d_/Zmflmrn" wzta 1‘/16* Lord, and ‘ afl the lginredx oft/ae N atiom: [ball War/Mp érfire thee, Revel“ 1, xha ifame veafon twhén; a.=p2irt of a9NacTicxnafl A ACh‘urch ‘ %fl1a11‘ ‘~parmculVarconfoc1acxaon and “commumry inaj,Cicy or Province; of A A «name C‘3:arah;" 5. T/ar=.€imgdo1§4: bf?! rizpét-:!d;;f774g?ré%é':}eri'*a%i;721:1%t£2i: X A ‘ V .Q£n_g‘dom.g af"Hwe »;l.%qrdy%. Aafmd qf/air§£”w.C/1zMyi'».A :%;;:=mfo5.;I?fi1.7.2“.:'I% I: ‘and 86.9; ynein ?C1affis,_% they may vgeceive dergimiinarimn ?:f'rom- thence : ~contain:ngT& greater‘ ::par;_; ";O£;1‘."hflx Church %Caitholikc,% ~}f-he Géhtfr A a‘ le£I'c.r», iw9.wz1€7«'—?2 camzmtm mawzm“ pl:».r.fj£i9wsA£96~¢% wqgim«fit&m.A.A % ,,.03,;.;*,,;,a,,;m.i22 ..q;¢~iaé2£J corwenimr %%2¢r4m8%m; amzimmm Aé%rs==wa’f%1,% 415551516-'1 “Ecclcfiz parzfiimlartlr e{fmm«m pmim-m~.% NOW 1fé€3- me-th to me to be a defcription of a‘ APresbyAt~eria1‘L»~—or %c14a%4Yicai1*1 (, hatch, and ‘fonomo Advbvicle thA¢C4hurchC'at:ho1ic%k mm anyAAA1<:fi§e ~«par~cAs for 611j0y[I1i6l1tA_();f'Aal1t5h€ uruau pub1ikeAo;dinanAcé:s',A= etbezcialgly ‘ “o!fA’fomé ¢afi%idit¢!p1i*ne and A'*ordi‘1*raci®n‘,3 A*~2:Ah~en a. A1’rceshayc»f;:?r-iaii %"Ni“‘Gb1‘A.t0n tels us, that at vifllvle «C/mrc/9 A135‘ rwy_/}£b';nl.! A~ZMa>”_y; ‘\?WMrwfClJrifl£5At/96 A/sud, AAtl7c Mcmévrr Safwtf,16¢:/1€d%AA@§!fiA-‘bff %A*tba»AWbrld,wwfidwnitadtogat/9Aar into aw-AA (,’aAngregn:£an;‘ Aéy Tmiitl .1 ?AAA£§7~b-®We1‘:a*Mt%5?'A- i¢v{bwfl'i£p7’t*béALord, Am¢al $9 iedifi.-3 ow 21A:w29£V§:*@9T~?-£-3’; I =Aal! l9£:”“l;riaIjv10rV%$4$ zzW6?;e.~r;“ AABMAI: (wim dAAAue%refpt::‘:A?c$tVo% lb g_;¥r?a\’5éA‘a»1"£Aé{~ worthy an ?mAan) this A~fceznAes to me to belong cc.» :a~z~aA%~£An«z)A£f£MA¢'~ Achxzreb, "Arid: a“ Lfwifiéie, becaufe the m azzer tAherco'f' is AcA11e~1:ay~£+’c~i;c-{$1 ‘ H b0dyA0f'*C°1¢rriB:, confiflingAon1yMof Saints ca1k;:‘d,~m>c oA111yAA*3fi?oivi%1; A~IdoZr,A ‘mbtitbut At2if»~~;*hé3§waArZa’,f a%IidLA%the1*eForeA’~ttu*l§’ iilflr. Nc°ifi4jE‘t A dare I%AAma*AkeaA pm‘tie1§1arA~e:cp1iairholy MC'cw£':nAa mi Anoibe me;-A fi;v;m‘%M£T V ;aA~~pA3ércicL11arA (,h~urch5 thisAAdefini%:i°0An.d~oth, b<:=ca..ufeA AI Afi»miv;L*1a:b mt ziAt‘Aioz1AAoFAany1hch covenant, befi%d::s’Arhe gemefaliAAooAxr<:~1na1*rAc»;A3A%i:m4«- jrpwféd"AonsclmrcAhAes,A*nqr4é:§aAmp1c~0r WzxrramzF0r\AitA*irm11At%1eVA:S%¢%’i‘fi- A V:AaAures, an d*»fiherefo%«eA=AcanIa ‘aztzemunt it e£Az:~1»ordimance mi God, a Ahumade poluzxck devxce to keeps themembers together, wvhAiAeAhAAi1511, Afoméplaces and ‘cafes may hap1y“beof good ufe,A 17oit4bAeAnoA: u ed M as‘ anAAAox:dAina.I~1ce of".God, andioitbe not ufed to Ainthrall A7any,* A abridgé AtAhemA*0F$1ibAerty -of-A‘ VAr¢mov$a1l into &ocher*p‘1ace:~s and’ ?7g1‘c‘A’gatiGI1S'foi'ithE7iE‘%C0nV€Xfi¢nC€L A or urged as Athb’ feAr1ne me A A-Church. Andfbr Irfxe enjcayment at all“ the Ordinances A ofGod.in one Acongrcgatxon , 1: feemethA to Ame very imronvdnieflt Afar; 4 dibine of rahc: OrdiAna’ng:es, AAAanda1:ogethcr impafifilc AfbrAAA?oAthérs.; Euft, V 3 ;,; a. flxag WM. gggfaizwtéoge e;‘z£_Pt‘4r[é;¢t Cmtroemrfie, ‘Ste M tam: boob {ct out by M. Gaadwizz «St %M.Nie. nu 2:1 .3Fi‘rih* It is inter: zxcmiettt; tcfmdeftdemgeteue confeqtienc e,“ that Ma. £;bu,tcthtcOflfift;ng of 731% %_20m.t9Y :3 0.9 {hou1c_1 paife the form. dable fentence of E:CCOi'I'217flLmlC9;£’iE)11.figalnpt any petfon,-A to cm bib! §)utC:()f‘COT£i11'm~1flie0n,t no oniy Witli thetnfelves, but the Whole tcghmych tCacho1itkecviEib1e,e% and deiiver him up toeSa.tan.: ct efidjr.’ if it A be infiiéted tby,;thet~ Vot€S}Qf the whole“ congregation , as fome wouldthaveteit, many of the Members being private men, and I uhj‘$f.ply altogether i1h'tcra.te,ot uncxpetiencedg throughttwant of age, A ..{.‘_s;,§~A{II?l,1Qa.{;i”(V,)_I‘_]O;‘E);21t5CS_-,7aI'€ not able to undetitand the nature of the callegations andfprobatio;1s,, they may be fa eintricette, ;ot_not c able L'HI’6~aP_~g"1y the tale unto the cafe, for xnfhftxng ot a Jtxft tcenfuteg and ,;11ay be in;dar;1g<:rto beate particular favpur, or ill will ttuntflo ttheit A ,fp_er£‘ot1s‘, and fo aptbb to be fwayed by love, pity, or‘ hopes f.f0m themgttcot tube eover--awed by b,fctareeor Ehf€3mings,f'tb€itn°‘ pqote ;men,- fervantsg « children ', wcirkemen‘ '";K:s‘:If1,7I1’1’I;S; A‘ “and 71: C re b£et;=ccout brethren for congregational! Churches, have of latig féeingethis mcgnvetnieme, debat‘red_the people fiomi votes, mud put it into the hand of the Elders one1y*. Yea even the Elders of one econ- gregation tnaybein danger of the tfamee 'C€1__11PC3vti0,n$9 bf3Cfl11{752 Of .tp_articularr€:1at10nS, andethc1tidep_endance on:themtfor7x11ait1te_;- mpceeA ,-,.but Vluppofe they were as fteees Angelstfipm temptations Lcminfirxnities, which they are not, yet the bweig tineITe,* and {be- Letxmjcy of‘ the cenfurc require to be performed‘ by a colledge of V ;E1Ndfers, of a combined Presbytery, that fa it being» paffed net by 'a1fo,but by the joynt content cfa greater Presbytery, ftee ~frtom t ttlxevotes 093. or <+~ori¢1ya and they iyable to f0Vma£1Y»§¢I¥%PFai;i00$ anyfuch temp tations or excepticgns, may be done with the more *_,ac3ivice, and combinedauthotity, and be-emote dreadfullto the P%F£Ya andjbfi the‘bb€tw~‘ W-‘<’-“Freda Ihxbtrlicted unto. without .heart burning: andtetudee eeeinff t?&r¢~%9,+:1%Ir,E1siets.; feaxtef .reteng€- * tsecondxy, in itsttimpwézetfotonc cengregiuenbb :2» erijoy b at its :Ot;dibnances of'Gt5d withib tbexi1ft1ve$;$; blfirgft, Synpds eandCput3~ "macknetwledeéd cfobe tfi€t9rdinatnce§ of tt“‘G.Q~d-3,: ind Pattictr -laflibbbibthat reverend Dime M”ttCétt0mV” tiila late ’:§b»,O01‘V{"e“‘ tf<:=tt«eu.c him, and he wgroun&_‘e"th itbn 5&1 5. 3 though '{QII3;C- df fbqubr cbrethrenbfor congtegatiopellb «Churches Wave that tplace, yet M m$Ofi dinance ;g1r:ezI1:;t1?¢rhing> and arébmfmbérsof once: this timeandt “ ‘-‘.7 jI:¢..a,1;. mm A ousas fomefay. I/Hi/'/ietber tbegvifiblec/mrah Cat/2aA[ike;la:-pzitticular C‘/aim“/re‘: éeflrfi. A « j 5 9: A dinaince, all men Will grant, cannot be had in onewcongregation, A .4» but fometimes;'l~;ereqniresf%the helpe of ‘air; whole Province‘ ,* King; . dome, yea many‘Kingdorr1ee. Year fecondly , the Ordinances be that nearly concerne a particular congregation cannot be iperfora-' i medfiby that alone for howuctan a congregation of’ i;privalte;;C*hri~i T iltiansg. try the fufficiency of7ar1n‘Elderl to be eleéted A over them, i and if they have a ttyed man among them, who {hall give himimpo... fition~oEhands, which is belonging only to Elders to iperforme. Neither have our Brethren ofcongregationall Churches ever dae- reci (as farre. as Ihaveheard ) , to permit common Chri£’cians~t‘o< impeofe hands on their Elders, but alwayes clefired the Elders of o- ther congregations to doe it, t and therefore they cannot have this Ordinance: among themfelves. And though this feeme to fotne7a« thing ioflfmall weight, yea but a * complement, yet: is it an Or- l dinanee ofGod_:i And the Aptolile, H:‘b.i6.I,2. reckoneth it” up amonglt the Principle: of Religion, and part of the fiandatiam which place Hen: §’aa'a[9 urgeth vehemently to overthrowthe 3‘ éfhni/@mil’ie4r‘ oerztaris fimrrf pretiafifliznea lawfixlneffe of all tlreils/liniltetst of the Church of England, i becaufe * they have (i as he conceived) erred inethelfihmdatian,‘ not having right andldueimipofition ofhands of_ the Presbytery, though, by his leave, he was millaken, for thole that impofed their hands on them were .‘Z’ren’2]tere.r.i r ‘ ‘ V ’ e l i ‘ l And this irnpoflibility befixls a Church, eitherin the beginning‘ of it, and firft conftitution, or may, at other times by mortality of Elders,or when but one remains falive,which will be frequent. ~And becaufe it is not rationally probable that the Churches of fie... mfilam,Rame, Caitirttii,P/ailippi,T/an-j]721waic.:z, or the 7 Cimrc/ac: of A/iawere meerly cangregn:*£an.a!1,but ratherPr::.r5 terii¢l!,unleS it were in their very infancy for a little time before 1: ch: numbers’ Wereincreafedit feemeth ditlicult to me to find in Scripture an ex- preflie einftanoer example of a congregationall Church, (landing and con-tinuing fo by it lelfe. The Church of Cent/mm mentioned, Ra. I6. I .is the molt probable,becaufe of the conceived fnialnelle of the place, llyétit is not certainea for it was a Port iTown~i*, and yet it may;be;, the neceflity of thole times, and disjunfiion from other A places might make it fizand fingle for a wh1letat,ilea{t.And yet there might bernore congregations then one therin, if it were fopopu- :Indeed ~ I "’ Oppfdam 60- § rizarbiarum “ma- Mum /fatiom: celeberrimzmnet ideal fitquta: -wattle (gt pa- ipa!afi1m.Gua‘lt. in Rommé. u—._....._. —._...___ ‘ __A_ . .A......A » epiQyAAthe publikc ‘()rdinancc:3, and that Vthei»;:7co1npanies¢ are.Aca1led% '3‘ A .' »“'3?£ae1rmaA“ }Zejolf;mc2¢:i& of :1 %}dr€”flMtw* Coz%z‘9?;9‘vve(fia; 1 AI? Cari.%I4...g:4~'. Whfir3s,%.3$’Let 2102591-A.nw:awa.::A2; V.‘,1§:qp,£;”filé’2l;zZbJ}z¢;?“HJ~.e-7URACS gywhich ‘Word (% AC71mrcf:e.t A it dfirth ~impo::.z: f¢vcra11«cmpa.nies meeting in I fevrerall places, to % Qhé;r£li€$,.(Awhich is to fo me a AQm3P:ion) .5262; it is cextain Acheytt:;wereA a;1l;AcM}e.c§mbincdA:fiiiurch of CaArig=21*l2,tdfc€nAfpo1{mofin the fingu- O 13_m:AAthis difpvgtge belongggs mm: {:9 this Qgefiioxag yet % the prefent dxfier-fm<_:e ofc‘c_>pmwns and pmé’a£es_hax/_e cauffcsd mete dilate a%l.ic;;1a nigger: :tf.1‘l.s‘f‘&4;1‘bJ£)‘5%,‘ “beyond t11cc:xp11Cat10n'.of'£h£ Tearme. And L1nd‘er9cand by pzzrcicnlar Churches, any , or all the fbArer1n€An.wA £i;QIAfxc'd?ChL1r£h€s;A Whértiler Zwatiamzll , Pramfrsciazll , Pre;cl7):%:e«:t A rm/l,AAor Cangreg.:2rA£o;m/1: and this la/1’: p1*i:1cipa11y,: forthczfer meal Orm. TI1isdiPc:imf§:ion, or a:1ea.fl:%inAthefe tezwmess is-.Anot.an-%A that: hzzve firfl: mooved this Cmeftion ,, meant principally, ‘ if they holduo atlzcfparticular Cimrches”, but fuxgh; L % AAA A I TheVfcA:«m”t-hA Tc‘a1:Ame to be 015Lcned%: is,A4Whar is mean: A by Pwimm V A n~otf0i<:ly, £i"1t3c013:3_r<3gatiOm§;11 Ch11rch, becaufi: ( as I Vfuppoiit) ‘Mint, for 1%” P:zra’=;§-“r 55:: W3‘ Polireiqz Ecol. was the firfi: that N Ids: not in this Qg_ePci0n~hy pr£am¢:m n2eanea£rfi.lz4téprimz¢;m,~ % fgxung it, as farre as 1 iazzcnm nfi B.rimr¢m i:1L-0gick4 isdei1:1e’d"% toibb, es‘? 0rz{g£»3zI¢.4A 0rt.=>.!m*q2rwAi. orimr :5 primo. But I £L1ppO'1’E,‘iI‘1 this‘ QuePciun;. it is xiizmztzt, vxhich haath zrhe priority in con{idetatioz1.;A AW*he~ £1".§i‘.’1": Am our apprci1t'niE01a» Churches we ar<:A IO beginfiat the» Church:%Ca;zho1zkeAanAAd ‘c}.a;;,£:.'.*<:~z3d to. AApa*r:1miar Chu1F ;.tl’1e*Cll1utehe Ca‘dtht)ll"l'§e*,fA’A to belAfé|1l‘e.l;:‘.;.lFor,j A , At A e l A _ Firft, They?»Adtakeltzifllvlafolrpafiffiieuem, glariazex and d4f}Jec£am‘ and fipturifbiffgl. g A “ V A A A , ‘ A AC2 l Second- A it/22Waomféwioeovfr“WW . bi. W‘ Iv-Inw?'1"'“ ~ Secondly, 'I_"heY;_h01;dth3t- the name, CW0!‘/<6 ttC?Wv’/9 belongs gfignwg WChu15(;%h,tt_ ‘viz, %»T%Ia§a-_ we Cflmrf/J af_R“aHn_;e, and that being the , Church Catholike, and,con;;pt;r’iz1ngthe untverfalitty of‘ the Church H in_ it fetfe, all that will be membetrs of the “Church Catholike to mufl: . "I 4.‘ fiibmittothem,and?bc memberspftthat Churchs V‘ '1‘hird1y,t They hold tum: is neceffaty that this vifible tCat.ho.»~ , 7 1ikeChurch{hou1d be under one vifible univerfall head, which they make to be the Pope, Chrifis Vicar Genetjall, and in the-fe regards out Divines doe coottadiét end confmae them. . But there atepaifages enough inout DivinesWtitiogs,that may be brought M to allow andapprove -vifiiailizy, ;t[']9e6bs./rility and #.m5_tyiI1 all the to chumhes ofthc Saints throughout the Wftole world. I will give you a tafte, but ofone of the fore-~ment1onec_I, for _brevity fake, and he the moi’: rigid intdifcipline, arid exaft _m Logical} dtivifions V andtdeduftions of any of them, and that is Dryfmcx; who <. ' his Mzalla faith : Ecclefia :-mr:q;z..r»zm defim} eflfle vifiévilzkt Which cannot be meant of any particular Church, for that may Faile. A- gain, he faith, fongregationex illce pazrticpzlarexflwt qmtfi pmttex fimi{4ra:HEcc1efiw Cgzziqolicac, zztfé, adeo eév m2m:m,V€fi" naztm'¢z2*.az.».e W, Imvi;~;ficip.;zy¢t%'. ‘ And further faith, I 11:? gm’ profiflhm menmmo [€5;;;.fiVdeIe,_r, tdwro rcmmwnt in zlfla Aféciamete, fifmt “mefm6m:fi/Jim“ Ecclefzlz, fimt axiom Eccleflaz fmlaolicw, qtwxzd [forum tmtera Jmm. And in his Bellartnxntls ezaerwzrm, he faxth, Nosfamemur fipclefiam miliizzmrcm mffiéilenz efje qzwgzdfirmazm mraidcnmlem, %extexmzVm,z?:¢ fix}: partiétmo fia£gzzI;z;:€m,c§7‘v c'aw]utn.é}im,r3"~L‘. "Nowthough I have for: downe thefe humane tef’cimonies firth. yet it is notothat I meant: to leane upon thefe as my maine proofes, but ooly to {hevmhat our Divines in denying the Popiih tenet of: a;%7ChiirchtC‘athoiike vifiblein theirfenccj, yoetea11:of thett%fore»men;+t.o; , zgioned deny it not in my fenfefif aI"1Y _dO€«.t A Q A ; 5 ; A ; At t Bot forptfoofe that there is a Chm:cI1Cattho1ike vtifible, Iwilltt give you S Efiptstre, and fiecondly , onfimtim. For Seffriprxrc, fee A5}: 8.3. Saul mode /1,3995}; fm CW. lihewed you before they £hiStmuft‘"'nce§1$ a:tvif1bletChurch, :f0r.; they ecovuld fI1r;>t_t€1i"e b¢t,o\PCrfecut¢d, §11'Jd...C€ftT3in1ytSaw}£l (.'OuId..nOt.L.- difcerne theinvifiblc company, ebuttperfecuted pmmifcuouflyt am ;~im~.wm~ afzbaztwu 5 neither Was1t.a,{Jarticu1at Chur:ch,fbrothis A PVetj¢f;eetMt1ition ‘ gerufalem,” ant} in awry .$’yntngag:¢:,e mmljuiw ' : A t Dgtmafimg Wzk; tvifiélc Cburclv ‘C4tI20l1'ke,or_par;im14,-..g[,,W;,,_,.Qfi,,fiz_ % o I 3 _Dmmfi'm', and men »to firange Cities-. So {hat byChurch here is meant, an indefinite mwmbcr of «zkzfizle cIamL¢»;.y,. Cgyggrg- _ gztiam, which were in no other community but profcflion of hthéoo fame f'aith‘;M and an indefinite, is eqzgizmlmtore-owgandwill, gand by -the fame.-orcsaion that the word Church owouid reach all . fliefe Churchesgit would reach all the Churches in the World; I A The fame Word there isg Gala.t.;I.Ig. olperfemtcd the Clmircb, ‘ A of G cad, mad mfieal it : and yet it is {aid when he was converted’, } than law the Cbzxrche: r£’fl' throughout all 7:34:52, mm! Galilei, ~ Md Samaria, which yet: were but fome parts of. the Clmrch (in the fingular number ) which he perfecu-ted.» A , Againe, See I C or.IO.3o2. Gim no efénce to ‘ the ]‘Vew, ‘ flay- Gemilc, nor to ‘that Church cf God: Where the word C/am‘:/9, cannotfignific the ehefi on1y,nor any oneparticular Congregaotion; ‘ or Kingdoxnegbut indefinitely. \ A % A “ V Seeealfo, Io Car.12.2.3. God /mt/9 fat fime in the C‘/mrcb,oofirji"{ e/fpofilex, fircandarily Prophets, thirdly Teachers. A AA The Church there fpoken of, is mm the triumplmm: Cl2i§rcla,mr we I um’ fible (‘bmcb e,m1_y, for they were vifib1.emeiTer1gcrs, «and; forms: ofthem but only vifible, f01T~?f£6lu‘M' hadooobtained * part in the Apofflefhip and Minifl:ry,oand was fem: to preach andowork ma- racles :‘ and many Prophets were not of the invifible number, fir mamy flmll fij, Lord, Lord We have propbecied iw thy name, and yjctfha11notbe_favcd. But: to be {me they were fen-t: o. to afiord the. \ , Sa7i11ts vifible communion in ordinances. o be: bbingo equall, and o b or ought to have, an A A M an-..,A, This is not meant oftbe C/mrclao~Enritiw, whi‘ch is ax fimiiar , % and (as I ma?! fax)“ an léamageniall bad}, .ofleirery1h./fin. thiflhme capacity,as a member,but of the. Church orgéznicdll, aigfiggfififilallgbody, ,b¢cauf¢ V,here are fat V \ downe the officers. N either 2}: /acre mean: .4 pazrtimlmv-~Clmrcla, but‘a11..co1lcrf‘tive1y that ‘wercf within the; bounds of the A oPc1es~ commiflion, which was the Church in thc Whole worl , Goa * tcabla all 4t3m.r,@’~e', and all the Chuxchés that have Pafiorsando. Teachers ovei: them, which all the Churcheso in nhoworld havc,: , - d yet all thefe arccallcd but 071:, Clmrcly one .’zaa'],'z:erj'..2o. NOW if there be ofliumoaf the Church o0;ztbali;Qg::~ <;z.z:/t5’§V~‘i.£*' theie things wex'e:fpoken ofa, particularcQ1:3gregat_éon4ezfxlyj :.m¢:2a= pa r;zieular%e Congregatinn in? the weor1dee.ne;a11 vxxinproyréietej~*ti1e{e* things to it‘£elf'e? But if true of every oneein parcicumr‘; arid ”a~1~1’ei”5r‘?r: generall, and were allebe ecominually c5al1ed* 4a.»;-;~m,;2 "' i‘v3;n:_g 3,. :2r,,.;,m7,- —{~-1'1.‘-t. 1 3:. 13.} Wlmt 1mv: » I tdfldae‘ A I de-fire to knoxv~xvhm;~N0une ihal-1‘eb eu1'1de;:ftood or {applied % % it. Is it. not €53 ¢w3‘e¢5*%n?\%?e0‘5*’4:~', ewichéutthe Church I-I %think»_ g 16 V A ‘t ; 3 The true Rcfiolution afhfprefént Contrmverfic, nhink~ that than Church [was she Church of ;m,,;l cmly 2 Had yllml nothing to doeto judge ‘dnyathat where out of the Church of Chrimb, when he was an Apoftle all over: the Chrifti an world 9* Thislcould not be mean: of the invifible cqmpany only 5 V What‘ hadyfhul nothing toy doe to cenfure anybur: xnvxfible memmhers? l Why did he thenexcommunicatcl Hyminegu; Pbile-rm, A Pbjgglg. l#J.,H:rmog£m:~ and efllexdnder .5’ And faith, I would t/5l¢'1I'z”a;i':r¢»’ wtlafi” that trmblcyau ..- and therefore it mull: he meant of the V Chu15chCa tholike vifib1e.Whaclhave I :0 do ch fudge chofe; that are witbyaxgz the pale of the Church ? lchey are not under my power or cognizance, blit belong only ‘t0“"Eh”'e. civlll Magiflzrate. * Andxve. ‘ ufually fpcake oflclthe countries; that are Within the pale of the ' Church, and thofc that are without, And we have an axiomc, Emm Ecclefinm non efl _f:2Zm, Whichlcanfxot be mean: of any particular congregation~ inthe world, l)l1!:‘iS true ?of' the Church Catholihe viyfible,tyypified by the Ark of: Non/2, Without which or» dinarilyland vifibly,thereisno hope oflalvation. = A Alfoic is faid, A6}: 2.47. God added to :19: C’/mm}: daily film/9 4.; jzumld 6: fii-cad ; which was not a particular cengregationall A Church, but the Cacholike. For it is m‘«t~prob.c¢He t/Mt Vt/70/2? /mm- draw!‘ and twenty that were together at Panza; ,l were one can-6 gr: atiwmll _C‘émrc_b, fir many of them war} "l’mm of Gglilgc, whxch by then: habitation [could not pertains, to the Church in ye... mfill.-m,and yet the refi were added to them. 4 A A yAgaine,Epb.-xfi 3. I 0. To the intent that mm t/94! principaliticx mgci power: in l/aeavenéyplaccx, wig/atlbe /{namz 5} the Clmn-la, ” ' the manifilalwifdamc afG'ad. This Church here {poken of, was e ‘ e not“ a particular Congregacien, but the Whole Church Catholike whereof Tax! was made a. Minifier, as he faith in the fame chap- ‘1;er.An_clthis proficiency of the Angels ( Forjoucrht I knew )was L e 4'9 hyythe =t:"ruchslwli,ich yitpleafed God by the niinifcry of the word to 4 make knowne audibly to ycheChurch. ‘ . ‘=\‘And Ep/J:f.3.2Il. Tanhlaimy he glory in the C’/merely tlaraitg/oalwt < nk’ age:-,c’9'~c. This place fpeakes of the Church Catholike vifiblc » ’ “inche: largefl: fiance: yzhatycan bepoflible, bnthin refpeél ofplaae, fot it is thewhole Chn1fch_by which God hath glory ,Which is uni-— \ verfall: and ltixne-fiarlitlyis they: Church in all ages, but no particular congregation, not nationall Chyurchycan be ihrelto laft to all ages, I19 Me:/yer t/lgl+yWel.r:aura1,:qmylazzzge,anp4miaulcm/ézarqbes éefirff. fl -6; ,.M.....‘-m...v...fl ,~.,,,,. (W, A ‘ho nbéllay fu‘cccfli¢3n, butth e €hm=.ch(;atho1ikc thalll, _ ,l.-Agai;1cl.l_Ep£:qfil ;~.4,:sA. T!hfc1;Alpb9clcl%lljp17ov;:;h<_th;: (lhtlrcljl ta.b¢. but by ;1isrcrslvarg9rn=n§sr. Firfi h5lf83FfhsT77?€?’¢m is 0,”;efb‘,,4x of Chrift, whichis therefore called Epb. 3.5. Zfiadébya ,bm1M,¥f4 lcwcs landllC3cnt:il¢:sl 55¢. thafamcbfidy-l :5 ¢¢0nn'ci%.lb ody, A 'Ihi.1fl'?uy,thV¢[‘l€“ is butnlopql laape lafflaeir Pourth1y.,=t.hem"‘i$‘but ‘ wéefiord lor K598 9*’¢.l';. thq.w1boL1¢i. 7CliL1r¢h~ll '1‘ifib15%.th¢r¢ is but‘ we Faitme. loB¢~Rl¢1ligi9lD:> DJ1&r:iI?¢3‘s;sViV0rfl1ilP:l lb? fam¢ Cams Mmjands and Statutes foriall. llSi!§§bl$>,. T1‘ is btIt%«l0n¢;@$4ptifwe m ad1n_itinto,tl1‘i—s C‘hl.1I‘«’Ch.{ lNowltb:.w_ho1c%lwprl_d were undc;-r one King, and g0-VC1'fl§‘.'.'»d;lby p.nc:Law,l «and all capable of the falma ' Pr-ilvilcdgcsa and all made Dtnizonslbyl:lt;h¢1ém¢l;waylof inwwk- went; itwculdlm2k¢butlsqt1¢~Empir§,m:~»f9ll:litlis =With:a1llf7t13F§ ‘ Qhurchcsin”th¢,wolr1da;th¢3?.lhav9lvthc@mcl,King~. Word, Sacraménts, cfadxniffion, aundM_nutritiox1._;r which they lvifiblyl'ubs- j::& thcmzfclvcs ump, Al and receive,lthcrcforcllthcy are allone Algainfi;AlchrlluaithlW W3‘ !'r°%~"? ?*?i/!ll1:ét4¢¥d my ll‘C’ém/a,lA.[l-aria’ "'M:mh.16.18 :45: _g4;?n’t:.r "pat, prgwaifl/:% ,u‘g'4ji1¢_/is in 3 Aa %I9?lrt~ilcuIar= * F V Cupglrcgat1on?§,,.”No furléljq, bu} the Chgpréb; Cgathclikc,‘ for ‘any particular Churjfzh mlalybcprcvailcd againftN,A bplt the whole % {hall not. I Th; play; is .;n<:an1:; gfa %Chm‘Ch ftftflm to bc b11i~1t,; which Chrill t.bf:fliwildfidt0%fi=l.‘iL1}i“=.Whi¢h»W_8$»;tb€ Emvggelica/I lea» fizplilzé ' &a<’m :n: nt&% g$ §Ii e‘aS‘ fcz=ml~tal*“Wbifih; we4%hav%¢%;no4Lg—rc;und fo1::in.rhc%% ~?= a”1n4< Exccgmg ‘ 2 _ah"‘8 ;i£~_’ 8% tare xfifiblc Va-’¥woAa:1aknow,*« mvhg.-gm V e;;%¢i‘Va‘mm:uzjziTé:a7%;ed»V‘in‘%#¢:ié?C_h;wch4 ex: ‘CQng"7reg7a1?ion,4?i%s n”ocV:1aereby egcumumjn;ea:eaI* rm: brozb fixlowiaaip‘ wma: ancangr¢gmensAVa*A or whq:h¢r:AcaaL;deA1zf4vcring~~up‘tm sazanbeA«V¢ nqxywicain hams corn greg4a¢iop,~ T2? Arms if he m4- %% csr‘cz=‘~t%o‘ amber; he %“$«‘a¥t=~§ HS bm1d$5 3>gVa§%in}5c§%fahd%‘ tifiéy coAm>un‘ica_:e»¢ t’n~:‘:t‘¢% Ta‘f'c:31y I c!ény~na€ :wmi:ha*c tI1tcug=;13T,"i*g*"rio”ra‘fiEé: rush ming*maybe»faami:ai tvcdi, bfit “ck:f?rta4inIy if7th%: %eci1fm'e”b€ “f)a&'égain{%*h’img nccdcth nu ozhcr_%Ex:;;gm mux;i,cati9n,_ but his (ir£’cVfentcnc,c:wi14Ib;igddc him in» a&%1j%th¢A(m£i»PaianA YRi‘§)ijid;“;iLf:'3i:t cahbé Im‘ow‘n;« I~%a%:r;7‘i1L%d‘tr Jignorant f‘hiatfI“ ~hf‘av:a“'-W ‘g3?fl'5b_‘:Wzv/Q:'iv:‘L'r,;g»§:afr1':!l7VIl‘iafiy“Pitotcfczmté‘DiVir§éS“iIgd‘infii mcfhem-.in;”and’tb%.-r*Efk$r¢*”Ifofi¢ly pr6pofa*wh#at my lighé'”gui"déth ‘ ' fudge :h:*:v'ci«n3.% Herein I agree w«ith«Apbllanimf,;» 1- .S’3i£:r1:4 pews e.9e';‘0ri&;7255:§2ic*.%:*ti¢)xérrt /¢;g£:;m_mV *excammuniMm:%% rranf rg:2é2tx¢'m~%éx”~la;zc '£r¢2’:"i!d"4~ ‘ ;W3ba:[,:§ri' §E';::j'cf/M gm-ipmxg AA zkéicwezg; gera- rgamm Zmiijjg. M9}vgttréibzgafidie-§j%:xz~V*t1iéi'i)a%fili;rV Wz*t'l£yia¢7? éx4’-I 1:’/z4dim5w;%‘ezMa¢%£ik. 13;I!7;u1 81.; pl‘;-5% sacrahaaxzkgm aptifmi A firrw pIc‘:6arL:/E‘i;a; bemiwiwrmfizwiia*Ecc2'éflaaflic4 ?npn4fza}zmm* in par’-;% a*€cpx[a:rz3fEdV@"*%;kni~a::=rflzlé’€ £;:-‘~14;/;a V%vé/icgdlatur. *"A'3va!lw¢.; p.~w26V.% A Wavy We i‘AA5‘w$-Vi~fi¢w//ad a * mt/5er,dLbe a,d?U§1k3Td+1‘ai1cI’§i“3ict'0l‘-¥~ /tiormr;8tb‘.éW}jaE~»r1f:gkés;?himMio’Bc:7‘&:aNéé¥ ’3m::%itH¢‘i:A?«é I§Vi1*.* bVfé2:ai;[;¢fl A be is Qfthat pamctilar Congrcgafion, ;@hut‘¢":5I‘r CI”afh”;:‘>IikVe??* Is~V:itbctfi2u£e1%hc1331*}“1nvifib1¢[m%cmbcfi,%or a’ V1%fiVblcF3roFeI7fioAn Pi’ — jForni?ca‘roArsj,? I dolarcrs, D:-rim kard$;:4&%c; ‘aft: A invifib1:%W¢}n1cm4- Ecr$«[;§: é - ‘J % »Agai“n*¢.L’éI1A ‘rbofei A“McfapheVré‘¢ii *whwr¢e cam; the‘. C43hfircI1'~“ in scripture, mtw 3113* ;sn42*:y%¢»§‘mc Vc+hur‘e;1+.= 4craeho1ike. Lrrmsf Tié an wamm ciofihéd with thc'Sum;c,% the Riflightéoufnfif: pF‘(; hrifl:,an&i~Ai; aha Momnmli. t;'rrcfiriaI1-;_;nu%tablc things undcr~h%cr:. fewer clothed; ‘ “With; % % 4M:~§icaoibj?i1fi«in;r.s=pg;;roe»; m. is"‘c':al‘Ii‘»’§3f““c"4fz‘i’32'= ai2*£‘bf:bé:Ch»&fcb;T-%?WhatChi1éch‘isfthéit?;;Ii* cé§nAndt%‘bc?T:4rE¢ In1n.;A_> A fiblc‘ Ch'ui‘cbé,fij.fiE”;*§11“fthe'¢Eh=fr;1'tés jin thé*“W0r1*d " éanno'1:} wk 5» «;nan~~ am hi .?i‘f;on‘c%?ef1 he?bfé1ii~fi§-~-*thétt:f'éi*é~ it ,i's~>* [t‘b¢?'?7~i,vifib1e? Church 5} Was not. ‘£0! W7§_m A %be%§:nL wamm, noM%wawmn.%. A -‘ ‘ % £f7s;4s=7é$i11 th¢C“V”“"v wrmrlg *0 ruifi51¢%C ‘t«'dib£?l;f:k'€g0;i‘i‘}'?fJ631C.l'i&l:[dI‘:. <5/Jésrckes be fir 7 I he pumy M AAI:3.0€$%*in%‘?e~4»{¢:r2%«?‘~4;e th<~=¢ as A A A A ,h¢_.r +f”'e«eftJ.iiSw.1;r9;,ly% t;his«;Vw4om*an a pmacu1a: c¢ngr4¢ga n»i4bAut;t1?%c, Cbvrfih Carholilm it ‘mean: of papticular ‘Congrf'~fga;t1g.f.v n$, 1t {h0ul§iwVhaw: t S‘. withxha $‘ur%n¢» I7 me%wi11‘Ahm it) D2IgipA1if:1?=: eundegxg A W V I ‘ W‘ hype‘? *w h%i%ch&i%s: mfiént bfthc;"Church7Cé1thoh%l4~’if,wandthat vifibh, ,c,:an«ii«- fling gfjcw andGcmi1c.A % _ A A _ “ Thg Church is callcfl the 3oa{y of Cbmfl ,.,an& that mthe Church Catho1£k«=J0r Cbifi ha1h‘i?“t~°n¢.;b¢dY~ Rm%IV2»AsAe A4» we /.~a.-we’ man; éersiwmé 9%)» mild fl/I;%w¢wéw:1dWevatfie gfligg ; fiz we éaizrg waxy are one éady in Clgraifffimcl war} on; warm» ’ ' This%tihg4.Ap;oPcIr.: fpszakcsdofthc vifible, Orgzas-« (war; we af(t7¢§9t]W'- 35ical1...Church,fcr%thci'cupun he Falls 27:: rccktm the £7:vcra1l%%qE- {N Them; IbaI1’Vb me;v;rn£zhi¢c§: -f01t3§¢9%mbput¢ gf fan C3336; {T riburion of the C 0? <=~°-‘S- ~ 0 P -4;4~4 tis ca 6 1&4’ E Hag,/5 A 9}? god, f?Ha4w:»¢hm,%/boyldeflée/save £nAt¢{7e.%%%H4o:w/€§L af god, Amid t/.7»: ‘Gig af god 1’... Now? thc:f¢ %th1ngAJ had tbgy been i13c:an£z£1f~P3¥ti¢P1‘” ¢0nVgVrAcgat1vns,fhoVu1d We bccnBv@’z€!»H0#~ fig;c£:ag;,,s.zm;fi/dx%. Bums m='~.!:w m!«=mbcrs*1n%abv§y hmchzr mt thzfi umy oftbe whole, and, many towne § _m a Kxngdonaganci many houfcs in a Cicic=:,_and «many ro‘o;r‘nesT%xn an h_ou{c, or in thc Arkc, hinder not the unity thcrcof: fo many partzguljar Cmngtca gatians,hindmf not th<::.ur§xty ofthc.Ch§Jrch Catholxlccj. Ca;m6.9. LL-,“;A.,-{y f2';}awew my Mxdefi/¢jd 13‘ &zz;fla%A22aj,_ flz5;t{9c?‘ 0224’) cmeqf laer¢7‘2¢.o»t/yer, 517:: is.%t1:Ae~ .L_i/ly c among the thorny, whm:h1s%thc Church Wxnxlztam. 31553 callggd {£25 Spmjc of Clmfl 5, Yea, that: Husly Gboft clwaufcth .m_ joyn many partic.ular_Churchestogether by N:muVzmsca§11:r&1vr:, Noumea of n1L1_1titudt5‘_ an the fingulgr %Anm1'z:.m,AA% what‘: It can 13% %\;§)k%i:hA.k:or1Tvcjni::nc<:.; _R€1'naYkC‘3.b1¢ 13 that 714 Peter 5. _2; wh¢;Lrc % ” N that {hangers fca,ta."c:red%tl1rcaughout fPamm-,4 GalmTa,4 Afi,;z,and Tit/oinia, he C318 =th"cf:m allnnq flack, nut flaws, Feed t/ae&fZ:ac.Q‘ofC}';2dA1avl:;ic/.a immang you. The fame wo_rd‘ Pm: Lxfiflh A «fix, W I/a%¢»;E{<:é¢rrvf -EP./’_€/W» fflgw fiv/-6 01vr¢fi= l5E_5¢V[¢_/5%; ggmg , ab Aid egrz'zz2:f;: dzczmr Caztizalxm. %%wPartzcu!arg%: 1 Ecclefia mm Iq,,»,,»;» '£fiflP6’.g;Z’1".fl3_£’-_77t0 qzmq {Ina fit .E::_'cl:¢z;1_.%aynclo.%dg Eacle 14,- ‘% k .._A_ mend %kin,dc: ofprcgmfc hereof 18 %; Argfiment 0: demo» % 2 ’ 11%/A=§av';.€”;%:%*73””“"”""é€ Catppfidwith mm. jflhéi 993 fie: asxmrorkexjings77e¢¢?4ivr,€»A€-r/vartiwéga 9«’vivg» 4 ’5“I€."or.m,z. Mint. 33'...’ 1 £33102. E;.»7i1.z.; 6, ‘ 55 IE Tim.3;x« b Epbom. kg, bé Heb” mam. Rcv.guz., % C (Imam. 2; & C;snr.’4,,8,9, 3331333 3:43 .fg¥r.¢2%- ' 20. I-1 g ' flaw.“ §i_n57f:dV6*}%-t/9:3; W/WI: eg2:r_'_)f_(o]nt_fi¢12}ftjrtb, Gzcg,‘ This glaccgis {pc- tfiom‘ "Pv2I?tiic*:JIm§ C*8x4rrb!: ‘&a rz3:£j9Z5l:, ¢£i§b3e :2: _%'o_g'/7€'M§'i Carbaliké C?a»r}°:jb’ 3 Mt: p2:r:*”icpzZ.ai- (§“l:u7¢;6e:vaAn- -zzifiéle: thcrcfom-;T'hc4&c0’nf;:;, qucnéga w‘il1%Fol“1ow, whctbclfyou confide: the part%iculVar Chub?- Chas as Spefie: or as-‘Tm'tc:. Own: pafticslzarc éaéetfimm gemmla, % M _/i-aw‘ uniwrflxle: eéw amncmtwlvrum qb}a!re:[unmA inzegmm, c«j~?ap;n;; A” % AA pm we: [am mm». If’;hcrcforcM there bc*p.a‘rncular Churchcs, % ihcrc ‘is a gcnéral1”,and2Vift%E%c pa'rticniar bc: vifiblc,Afo' is the gen:-A A 1:311; if :hc: particu1ars be ming1cd,whcat% and tar:-s together, {"0 is the ger~)cra_l3~a" G’:-rm; é‘ Spetiagpar: 6» tamm(_.firm'1:m- prefirtim) ji:ntA\.iJejr4fd&m praedimmenti; ;'l"cn; Mthoufimd particular‘ corporeal‘! Afub{1aiic¢sA¥cannIpt ifi%a;‘kc:V]Vonc %gc:n hath at head: ofthé fame nature, conlilling of body and fault, who fnmctimycslivcd in thislkingdomt: of gragqin the dagteslofhifiltflag «and did vlfibly partakcflin:lcxtcrna1l%ordinances, thonghlindbtld nnW?hea%bnafccnnded’i into~jhi't tkingdnme of glntyg, hat ccafcth 7not‘toFblc*a mam» as we am though glomfyed, and V l ccafcthlnnt no rule and govcrn his Church hcrc below; forlitgis an awe cnnlcflc the gojmnmcnt qfthc Churchgin regard nfthc head ; afacrldflizag 1gi¢ggdame¢: 9.7. Aswhcn King lame: Was:tranfla- tedjfrdm Scatlzwd to England , Iannd"1ivcd? hart-,'a he: did not ccaf: to be King of.§’cozland:fo ncithat doth Chr’ilt“ccaft to be the head of - his Church, thought he bctranflatcd to his? :othcr kingdomc of: glory .: and as for at vicar or deputy here below, it is not necdfull. . V s.,"" 1%. 34 ll ...—...._ .————uug “WT/Iéfffifl Refblgttiapbaf 4 prcfent Cafltrdvézgfie, 4 Oéj. Anfw. A Al is abfclutely ménarcliicall,lbu$tlin regard ofthc olfiécrs it is Arifio: A c-raticall. ‘ A A Ycal but the Church Czgholikc cannot A be Avifiblc, bccaufc it , wantctlm proper ex.ifler:ce of my own, and CXlP€Cth;10nly“ir1TthC L.:x..l,l iflcncc of particular Cburches,lon the: mcrnbars thereof Pl t.hisIob- V‘ j :é’cio?n js fomcwhat lxkcl alfarxncn-, onclythcrc, A the ‘eiciflcncc was {aid to be in the Species, here, in the mcmém-. A 4 A A ‘ A _A 50 wcmay fay ofcv_cry aggrcgativc body. A heaps of llzones cxlflccth only in the cxltflcnce of particular lliOfI‘lCS athc: whole 2-- lcmcnttfwater cxillcth only in particular clmpp3_ By this ‘Db; . j zcfcion youmzy deny particular vifi-blc Churches,‘ bccaufc they cxlfi not, but in particular familAi<:s, and particular Families cxilll not, but in particular members’: but as I faid bcforc-,z'frkepar:.r dc» exifl, :I9¢AAexz_7[}ence qft 154:’ 132691: rqfctltcftlx IA/Scréafi A V An armyczkillzcth not but in rhc: favcrall brigadcsganlcl regi-F lmcnts, and they are billctcd in diftant places, afncl yet havingonc G:-nerall,, the fame lawns martx.alA,l thcfam¢l,caufc,, the fame enca- Amics, though-they fhould never be drawnup together into on: A l3oo’y , yet arconc army :.Su is the Church CatVluollln as not -bctwcm therl nvifie vf,AIAr>AiArAtorem A Church, but bctwccn Churches ofthc fame hie, ané tht: vifiblc kinda, zsim. The Carlmlzkr wifiélea-, % rim .- And then} anfwc:r,I conceive, the Church Cathoiike is A‘F’w'm4,and ths .parrEcu1ar Churches are Game. For A A Pirfit, all the rrmer that are in Scriprfure giver: runtd the Church vifible, agree primarily to the ChurcAh~Cath‘o1ike gfircone ciariiy ta particular Congregations; As ’EW‘~Ha*fc&.r Kuexxscfi, we: are fir‘-fr cornfidercd as calm: but from Idrrls, and dsxrotrd to be rhg Loads peoples brfarc wcgarr bcconfidcrcd cfrhis or timr Cun- grsgarion, Arm” far priority of time, We 1{n0\«Vtl*:ey' wercggivm no rbc pecrple rrf rhc Jew.-as before ever’ any Ccrzngrcrgatiemall rChurch¢sh:2d cxificnm-.Az5Er 7.38. The Church in the wilder-~ H3311: And the jcwrsarc fiicquently C21-1661 the Larch pezzpie. So the Church is calied the Hm]? cf the Living grad. I Tim, 3. 1;” And the gramrd rzmfpi/[arr of zmtb. The C irir of Gad, fléi. 1, 21, . 970:2’: vineyard, fakn I 3.1. Whrzrcin branches in Chrifi bearing no fruit arr: cut off. * CAA'/Jrifi‘J‘ Séeepfild, «'1 Edffluflqgfgg bqjmg mt.’ I«V1:e.ear»firld, IC£wgdowre,af rHcaw2r, agrrnr km]? Wlncrein were Wéflélg amen ofziiflvozrow, z T£m.2.2o. 'I'h<:i%: names camwt be Imfitcd to, or impmpriamd by any particular Congregation, but arcfirfic tI‘u;'_=; AA of the whralrs Church, and of every particular Church as a par: thereof. Imuflr here remember you againc: of that faying of Dr Ame: in his .¢’1’j£'..2,ZI/Z421. Cozrgregatiams particrrfarer flmt qrrryi pm. re: /Emilrzmr 55:5/qfla: ‘Cflz‘,l.70!iGd3 rang, mire cfi~ rramen o’-v mzmrazm cym miricipazzr. 4 Where: he graxarsrhc Church Catholikc to have:-the: firfr right rm the name-,and nature of a Church,and thf: particulars amly by participation. A Srcorzdly, that is the primary Church to which the: Pmmé/Ear aAAnd‘:2'3ri"Uil'r:*rz:g.rIr of the Church due primarily bclcng : but the Promifirs and Privilcdgcs ofthc Church doc primarily belong to A r{t1r.A Church Cathoiikr*.Thcrcforr:,&‘c.The minorl prove, brzcaufa the {Mk Eraz1ge1ica11P$romife that ever Wasmadflin the: World was r0 rfldrzm and Em, rcprrrrrfenting all mankindc, and rhrzra fbre y the whalc Church of God. This was befiércrthrrcr was any div: Gentile, Nationall or Congrcgationall. Againe, rhc rminc cummifiiun for gathrring the Evaniclicafl Church was genes.- 3 VA" A r r A rai}. ..4.4un.qa and the }Wticzz_!ar m7_/fiéle C°3m:r'- _ Argfimwzrx; " John m. 16. “ D«11t‘th.3,,Ax z.,, 5 Ma1:_rh.i3. 37:38- 24? {ion or difiinékion madeofr Churches into jcrrr, and ‘ ‘ as we tmebfiefoluziaét afa{ prefmt cantraaelpa, V tall». A Got f€.%¢6‘}J”4/lfifltiaflj mzdéaptiee titer}: in the ‘Name of the 1é.1a:r,Slbé:~.{éa:,vznd Hal} GIJQ/?., And this was ahefere. £337 dlVlfi0l'lS'g or fuhdivilions, were appointed , and they ‘were feeandarily ,broug‘h‘tlin,$ for order and better eclification, and being parts 0? «the whele receive particular dillizuftiont from the places where ’ j they.livecl and other particularities. They all retain: the genetall tlormet and eifentiall difierence fi-om heathens; and among them» {elves as parts ofa fimilar body, are difcinguilhed but by aceiden-f_ ~ tall deifiierences. . “ e e A and that Promif‘: that tl1eVg4m of hell _/Z(48[!‘71x9?>£:7llP}“£Z7flZ.[£' hgeinfl the (‘ljmrc/9 ispfimarily given to the Church Cathollike viiiblel here ‘on earth, for that in Heaven is not aflailecl by the A gatestof hell; but onely that on earth. And though it befgzppliméle hi it to like izsvé/17!:/e omfjbffif !0~Wf5‘ -4°‘ W5/1W6’: forth they are affailed, by pexffecutions,andlwrefics. % T V A ; A At T lAgaline._,He I/Mt éelewctég, mid. tit baptized ,/1141154 féeged. This doth primarily belong to the Church Catluolike, and that avi{' 4-» A ble Church, becauf: capable of'Ba”ptifme, anecl though it be apple-at cahleittetevery member of any particular Congregeationget not as Wbeing a member? thereohebut of the Church Catholikgtoawhich A A ff: ¢,hat‘lPrem:fe was made: yea,~loek over all the Promifes in the A New '1‘ CllZam€nl',_ and you {hall finale them made in general}, without the ieait refpeét orteferepcetto the ‘particular Congre- gat.l0tf1S-lWl!c:1‘Cm the Beleeverst lived; in any fimilar body, as water, the acciclents deenot primarily pertains to this or that particulardmp, and feconelarily to the. whole, but firft. to the 'wholc,_ancl fizcondarily to this or that drops. .504 the Priviledgcs ef the Church doe not primarily belong to this or that particulae % Chm‘ch,and fecondarily to the general}, " but firft to the generall,-. ‘ and feconclarily to this partMi~cula'r,heing a”part"of'it.; A The maine Priviledges of the Church vifible are, firilr Federal} i Ha/£2-zeffetolitslat tchilalrem ;. fecoridly, right to the Oijdinmecex, (qmoazlx at 410.: filtem.-) new neither of b0.r.h thefe beticle any man primarily as a ntember ofa particular Con gregataion, but as a member ofthei Chutch?Cathoi:l1xlpofc an Apoiflc flmulcl havchpreached in “a citie; and ccanvcrcad at Erfizhut two or three, or c~on.*.*crtcd ahcompany . h;,[c;f'women,has it was ‘Paul: lot to preach to a company of?-women,‘ 1 at 3. So that they could not be: bmught in mi an organig . call congrhcgafion, could it be conceived thaththcy, thoughbapti-h med, Wars: [till Wizbam .3 and were not their chihlhdrcn °5D»:oi,? And if any Mthcm flwuld mifcarry in their fudgcmcnts, or prac‘5’?cifl:s,,z » had Pm! nothing ta doc: to cmflzrc them, bsclaufc thcy were noti in a Clmfrc/2 W41. (asfmne farms it) orhin at particular Cangrcgati-.~ qn5tI1hugh they were in fthhc C hurch Catholikc vifiblc If they Wem lyahlc to cenfurc, or capable thereof; not heinghin a particu- lar congcegatiun, but the Church Catholikc only ; then Dsfciu -pflinc bel~ongs_to the Church Cathalilcc, and that primarily... Tim 1?L’g¢~.-rhhaf D gfl:ip [:-he \i”’fl"efirf? gizmztowt/ac C';'mrc*b‘athb1ike, écmarfi-A firjflgiwen to t/9hapafh'e;r,; who were genera/I Pa__/aVmr~:,h% and téercfim the IC'cywaz;‘c Curbalzkg. » h h A AA M M Alfo ccnfmres paft it! one Ccmgrcgation rczach th7c-fwhole Chdfch Catholikc vifiblc, as {hall ha-hfhcwcd more aF:c1‘~Ward.% Timthwifiicfa éezamgezb to all and every part rgfvzfimilar éaa§y,1wpArt.r«» af ,'A that ~prima1*i::y éelaiggchz/.1144 tia I/ac‘ W‘/gala: h Em [3 dark’ o thvahhiilhnrch Cahitholikch hem hchlowh. h_;H<:h is h%I(i:¢g;. Fri?/it. and ‘Pro- p;h2:,hhprimari1y in h‘rcfpc&~Of the: w»hoh*:h,h and bL“lmtf£COI)d3I'i1yiDh rc:-I fpcfl ofa particular coMngr;:ga“ti0nmf m¢mbcr.,Gods “aimé it: Re» dcmption was to rcdccmathc whc-.13: firmy, and i7ccondatily par- ~1.'§§L{i1§fS.Gbdfi; lawfdélae fworlqézbwt gawahlowk cvmfyéétgmm S'a}2,&e.; h Tlmtme Refivldhhn afapreflwt Chzimverg/‘Fé, ‘A A. A Afi/zetker téh rhifléle C/lvzmé 'C4t£ro/zléegvrpmifi Afilflf.‘ hcfzzzfcvhes Aéé firfl. AA 2 And’ {'0 is thcapplication of that rcdcmptionl‘ by Chrill. As a V A Priell he re;concilcth,clcanfcth and in;te,r;cccl::th»for all of the clca-; and profli-rs it to the Wlflfllrs Church Caltl‘)Ql_l=k¢-Ylfiblflz. As a Pro-- “ phcthc teachcth all. As a King he tulcth all pri1nAarily,and par- ticularlshzlcondarilgv. lAs,an earthly King is ihdccd King of Ziéa-. ma»: and yoga, 8:-C. but not primarily, but feconclarily as they are members ofhi5 kingdoms. And the naturall head islihda-ed head to the little finger arfl lixgtletoc, but net primarily, but as they A Aamparts ‘cafthfi Whole body, whmcofit lis‘hcad%:A,fo »isChri£?c a my£licall"Kinghanbcl hca-clfirll: of the whole, am facondarily ofthrz: A particular parts contained in and under the Whale. Yea Chxjill: A ,, may be Kizzgg, A Priell, and A Prophet to a partimlazr cMAm=rt',A. brought in, and ncurifhcd by. the Word of Goal p_rcachr;-.’dj in a L A ieifiblc co21gregatio;n,A’écj“ar:lqa £2: Admitted 41 memfwr of that cpn-A .1‘egati0n,A or any other by fipublike confcnt, rcmaining in no» A Church but the Church Catholikc vifible, and haply fcarce,bciug. a .compleat member of that, being as yet notAbaptizx:d; A ‘ A A A Fourthly, the figne: rkatdafiéramce 4 zrm-H Cflmrcigfiiam Agfag/.3, dg, : not primarily belong to a particular cc;:ng1je.”gAaltion, .but ‘tame A Church Catholikg Avifiblc, v%izAprofi:fl2'anAoftbel lfmefgzir/ah; zbq min: A wing’/frzztiazz aft/ac tme ardimmce: of God, the Ward pmd .S’;scr;am.w2t:, l for therein. all the Whole Church agree, and i3_»tl1crcby dlftingulw A {hcclfi-om thof: that arc wit/aowt, not from theft: thatare ;W£[b‘£m‘~'“ This ism noté; to know thisorlhthapparticulatChurch-l by, A from; V another, for it is common to Athfi UtlivcrfallClhu1?Chall~iAtdillilngllim {hath not among themfclvcs, but froznthc gem-rallA common 09”‘; A polite, thc h::athen, or the grbfl": hcrctick. A A ma11b:iAngA 133$ into a vault what; were thqfculls of many dead men, and undrsru : (landing thht/Ilexsgnderl fcull was there, mdsfircd hi:-z gnids: ‘toy fl1;ew him thamhis guide: tcpldg him it wasAtha:: {pull with the Ahol-x lbw eye holes, andwiththc griflly nofa, and with futurrts crof-. A fiAng%thcAbr%ain pahn, andltvhcnlthc:m_;m’lrAcplyccl=th1t they had all Afo.,g ycgfaithlhislguida, then: is no cliflhrcnccl bctwccn Kings and; Gthcr mcnsl ,fc?l11i*3.Al.lWh«¢bn thcy 311*» dead.A~ Slolxf anylman flwulsrl l ask you or mawhlfihjlsthc~gCl1ut‘ChAAéf7A1g/‘wAiqh5 fDad/mam. oh C01»-?.AA’»l A mtq fay it istha Church whtrc the ward of. ~ A él/me/kw it wma fully God is preached, andfacra.lmcr1tsladm.ihi€’crcd,l and that profI:l1'v:; : l[:;f.e.;-.3 Chrxfft to bc crucify ad, dcgclhan-:1 burycd, lfifcn againm an-:L, A 2 A " EAg__. A’ 4 . afcendcdl- . ,, ..A . ""' ""' ‘W5 A A A f1‘l;emac-e‘ttfitejoltgtizmQf2zAA_g2r%22t‘ C’ontrq-aerfze; A A afccndcdinto I-Ic;wcn,,‘ for to do all the Church Cath zzviilte.-,f but I Atrmft give: finmctotthttr notcs to glifiingtziflu any of them, ‘for thcfe A tgigtam mt diflimffiwag ‘éecapgfi »ca:§:m.£m._ 'Ih«;:t'cf'ot'e uh: figms of the tractChurch%b::longAptimari1y ‘to ti*‘m?$-‘Awhfllfi, f*:t:bndari1yV to par... tiaixlar partstltercof, and are therfore ‘mi: dzyfinfiizve to téé parts, A '_["Ahg{ which i‘3prima2jr?to~anyt}1ing (Ed?/i‘in52%‘ive to that thing, but th at which iAAi/écatndary andtcommon is M: dzfiméftw from other “ jaarticttlarsofthe like kind. A A A A A A AA t I n A may tail t/:e meméer: cf pdrticmlar /91F3?’L'bc'.5‘A'?*'6’ maméar: of :55 6‘/amt‘/J atéalikg, jut rim: relation éelang: to them. A Jf 2/26} 5: am within the pain: of the Church, they fiavc fcdcrallg holincs, A and are £52403, not bceaufe: mcmbtrs oftbis at that ;congrcgatic-n, Abutbficatjfc born of paz't:ntsAwxthzn Atht: gcrmwrall covenant c::ttc't‘- _ A nAaHy,% andfu Within the Chtmcb Catholtkef. Jfrkay 5: converted {mm hciathens, they are Iidt 51”“ t‘CdI}vert€d into this or that par» ticular Church, but converted fitft mto the Church? Catbélikc, and 1:56?!) feccmdarily admitted mgmbcrs ofthisflor thatvpatrticular A ~congrc:gation.‘ A man may dWe1Im1nAoVnetC1ty,‘and hears the word m‘.AAC30d by m;cidcntAinA anoth_cr:city,2mdthereby be canvtcrtcd, but A A 115 is not mnmtctd toAb<‘:A at mA¢flnbA€5X' fifths Chutchwhcrc he was *itconvcrtcd;ttbttut into the Church Catholikc;-..A so that particular car:-3-A A ‘gregationx :27‘: madcap 0 f maméer: oft/96* C/mrc/J Car/golilgg, 3.: %they;..' Atfidrtemoftpropt-r1y~ar¢fixid to be 0rM,fbt fucha cévcrt may joi'n_c:_V htimAfe1f{: aftgr his cor;vcr(ictn‘,to% what confg,regA7at§an he plcaftth to AAinhabitamong;[Ifa“man come intota‘ pariih that is a ‘h-cathcn,IieAist Amt a mcrtibet ofthat particular,Chu:cht,bccau{E.- not amcmbcr of Atfhc: Church CatholikAc,? but if babe :1 Chriitiamthen is he a mem- -bcrtcmhat patticular cungragatim wherehc refidcth, for fit ft: to A A b%,'aAttd Aoufiglit not to bc &et'*xyr:«:I admifliotn at c0mmunion,though Ah: AI*Ai5ta&h1cA:vt:r bixtt mcmbctof any‘ oth¢*r.7A7 Thé A afiitculart campa-1 nits in Lamina are Amadc up only offrccmcn, t at are joyncd ” to-A-~ gather i n fame particttlar? bor:¥y‘or f'0cit;'Aty,t beIongingA to fucAh‘”[ 6;: fuck ttta;hAaE1,nowt the fizgflnctiota that mmcs tipan any of thfiffi per; AtAfm*ts‘brA compaAnAics,AA tsthac th;:y’*arcA ¢>fte¢m¢AnAA0f Lem», and ’fé-A- . A AA?!‘-:lA'AA{A]&a’Af£\1Y'AA$%1A3t AtI}¢5?~if.ra di{finc?c f'r0mtA‘oAthcr‘f"te“c men, tAby~bt:iAnAgtoF A AA Af this at that partzcu1a’r~focrety, belonging to fuch a hall. 5AACIgi“t is Fm-A.A3I1Churchcs~, Firfl, all the mtcmbcrsare conccivttd mbeV‘ fit: -gft12aACkr4r:/:24 Cwtéalifie, andflvcondariljg Acfiflimfi z£ti3i5'ff?W;3fiA¢Jf§ifl A I A A A A A A A ‘ A A thiSAA iii;/irvetber the vifiérlewcl/Barri: CathoZi»i‘e,oriparri'im{ar Charo/ye: he 3? this or thatlpartieular aiiembly. And though hflapllythis Iitniliu _ tude holdethnotin every thing, as the not removing from one 4 company to another, and being received in “there, ecaufe he is at A t freeman, yet is it<’fi'ee for any Chrillian to change his particular relation from one congregation to another, lbecaufi he is a Chri. " iiian, and takes not up his firft freeclome into a particular con-r gregetion or company, but into theCatholilri viledges% given by (30.1 to the:Cht:rch,vC~atho1ikc,primariiy to thcmfrlvcs, and leave than-; , fccondarily to the Church Catholike. V A/Sixthly, tbe%%¢/“§*Zimfz’er: aria pr:_m.4r:!] flfinzfiery cf ,7',,, C';_,m.¢% ca:lm’:'l»\.:; fccondarxly, c»f’thi5 «Gr thatwpa1‘ticu1arflock otcongrc- gation and thCt?V¢f0*r'€ that C3tbQm~i§‘: is the prizna Qhumh_ Ami this appcarczs by this dcmon{3£_rfi*;i«3n. T/mt C/mrcb to the Wlvicb :5; ..dm2'.43ti0;¢ aft‘/2:9 /l4'im?J/fry 71304»: ‘made, :24 the firfl f;‘,5j¢g}..,§;m.wf'" ézzt r:’:7attWaz5 the C kmfc"/a C atbalikg, tlaarqfbra, 130;; pmcfé hfifeafnfcg ,1. C0r¢I%%2%.28,2f9+ %QT04'{}24tbfir fig;-re: in % rlas Césmécla Apaflzm. ffl“ csmdarily Pr9p;!m:aVFt/éird/J Té»zc7%%l5a2?;.AA4Ncmrf:his Church «mfthc % Church .fCatho1:ke, and not a.nEy.p3rticu1a¢ con g%r¢gAagdn’AAfbr it is the Chmc:-wh towhich A the T..0rr:i gswcdpofliex. ‘A M at A if f hence, thaw/as fime Ckwre*-;’az*%a%1WJicé qod gazéza ;1Mz~}::, 221 $23.21, Mpéetazo flacfimc /9: gave ?’"c¢£clJ6r.wzlfl:' WBi{1mp,& and .p3ftQm. nmy 1-slams tohiic up rfifpc}-;.‘i tca*%:1;§:a»‘_: p3;_f1§L112x‘1-,rdfiti0nu§..f?,m¢ pmgtmm. P 3C‘3a%W W310 Y? 5 1?? “W0 tht Church a par:1cuA1ar%iMini&m-L xsfa-r,bL1t I’rcSbytcr,Mm1i’r.er, and Teacher, mgr: g<;:ncra11,cxtcn~A dmg to the wholc Church Cathxnlxke. ‘Pam! an Apofilc cafshim-F fzlfc a ‘Teacher and .Pr::im'./::=ez*, m%Tim.1_,1 1,, Pm»,- a1f0 and gagmtbc Apofilcsca1}‘Jtl3emA4$f:lirr:s Prmzbyters,1AI?er,;,1_;3gfP_;l017_I_g ?a;g‘I__ we finds: a1i0thatMini£‘zers arc: in Scriptim: fpokm ofundcr 3 ga- ‘%j}m’.ra1Inoti0n.‘Ti1cy are ca1L€.‘dL)’£*Zz'n{/7‘er: offzl.u: Word‘, L;¢@.%Lm //.I‘1;j fl/A'imj2"er.s of C] ad, 2 Car. 6.4., And .M'z'mfle'r.r ofC’l;rz:fi, 1 can 4“! . Aud%1DIi;e£§1‘er:ofzhe New Tgflamcnt, 2 Car.3.6. Anci"Jl4'im£» A flgrs of the Q'ofl5eI1, I T/a:f.}g.2. And .174i;2g'fl«ar_Mf the Lama A E-l’iM 6.2:; whcrcjtlmés_1\rIiniPc<:ria1l Offica is 2* t db h {P M- thcrcof to the Authmfitbat -imploxyeth I31-,5-_cn,, intd 6&1‘: V about which they are imploycd, and mt by the; Objgfi W Wham they pr_e~achcd» ‘.Tl.2ey.m3na:%c:.sz1!ed fldimgflerg’ ;/g 1 75 A - ‘ % Tmcber.r, Rulgrx, Pafimr: , % Ormg/4m~:, or glingjif ‘}Wf‘;b:::? CaloI!7I H M And if a AMimI’ccr% of twh«iser. that .Congrcgation were new 4 ;2Enifl:7.cx: iiieteer the ‘WW: c/am/2iqzgzéélékeiorpwréicvlariCWW5 éefirfh Isis 4iMiniifi~eroif‘ t'hciiChurch Catholikc viifiblei,_ziéeg2 /ac am :10 M)?» M A ” ‘jfer am‘ of /9it.a.wn Congragntiah,and:/2m]‘?2re amid not ‘predc/a,Aiar mlminifler am] Sacrament, M 4 Minziflgf, dam of./aiixown Cangregdtii. faizi. Ycagfiany: mcmb¢rsi0€aDOfh¢1‘Qflflgfflgationifhoiuld come Iénd-_ hi‘-‘arc iahlinifiérq in, his own? jCbrzgrci”gé;fibi3; ha. cfould not preach to them, nor ‘theyj heart: him” asia Miriifier”,, but‘ only as a L giftcdibriotihcr. ‘And though ha: imey,pray and bcfécch his iowne flock as_ an Ambaffidqqr of Chrifl: to .b<:;’¢cong;i1cdivunto God, ai("ar.i.54.2a.i yet he canti_ot;.fay’ifo tiogany oichét; éxc;~:pt;hic be an iAmbid£;fidour’ib officci utito" otI*1c;r$falf0 -5‘ add‘ "ifi"h¢“ib¢;ai'Mini[’:¢r’ti: done member bcfidcs his 0wTh‘Cbii”gié‘ggsti"on,“ th¢n,*iiS_ be To iind&cF;- nitely to all,Abyi the fame rcafan... iBW.utiiiifiibc'd’i¢1£V'cri. itI1c4Word as fa MiniPtc:r to his’ own Congrcgatibq onliy,i tberi. the fame: Word vg=hich is delivered‘ at thc’faimc.itimc iiby_;b‘c' faziiéiman is dclivcrcd by vcmid: of Iviinificriéfl to f(;ffh¢5 ain‘d'£oothcrs~tx bfiicia A it/akriizzfzlf gemmli, cmcly !_21s a‘ gifted bm:Im=.“ And "if" this beff granted, which is abfurd, yet a greater abfurdity willifollowgzuh. i lthatifhe adininificr the Lords Suppcr to any méihbcrs of am. that Congregation, hjciimufl: dd‘: ~.that% am, as a igifiediibrdthcr, and as a private pcrfon, w;hich'yct‘ all men hold hath nothing tddoa in adminifier the Scales ofthc Covenant. ITAnd*yct this comma. A nion ofimembcrs or other Congregations is frcqucmamong our brethren for Congrcgationall Chuirichds; Ncithicri can this be an... *fWcttd‘t‘ba‘t it is done b vclrtuci oféonfuiciatibflipfCliurghcsgxu éwpt the civnfvciétionv Chutchcsand thi¢ir mér11b¢rsimak¢ alfa fa coinfuciaiion uFot‘ficc:s” and officers} and to cviéryi Minifiér ~ibc gr gcncrall officer, and aminiflzcr of the: Church Catholik»:-,as well as the particular imcmbaris be members ofthc Church Catholikc. And if a i’Mii1ii’cctii0f:0;nc:§i Congregation b: a gcncmll Qfficcr} and 1' iicafi]'adminifi[crA tilt-’:*5i<=aI::‘s of the C0V‘3‘7¥3‘“§;ii»Baiptifinc,and the Lqrds" ‘sizppcri, "tci firgmgcrs ‘in his ‘own cmgrcgaitxdh indhis; ownc » * mcctiindg~ihoufe, than any iwhczm cm: in anjrothcr meeting houfc, for no mzmwill fayhis miniflcriall offic¢iiisicircu'mfc1fib:d by,or: tied unt{Ot_hc1iz11it:» ag;d~ifabl‘iCk*0fhis oiwd mc¢:tingihvoufc,i“or any Efpdciall iifalflumccl orautlgdrity afibrdcd’ him ifitjhfi §:7i§r.£ciut‘ion’i¢3f his ‘iminifierialli f"un&i;zm”by thy: prcfcncc iiofhis iqwncfbongnpgati. ion. Ha, whofc offi;ccidisi“li;vniti:d withi’n,; anidflands wholly "infe- latianuntoa particular i?41=?¥¢¢;iiS‘b£1t01f;““doffic¢ when he‘ iiisoutbof \ A i » M A ~ ' x at 34 K h T”? C””‘*WW" 41¢‘ 4.... thafgélaccg as amine of¢1Chtporati<:§r3, émd cénfiabxe on pm‘ Bufithis notfo Whith"1a"MhiniA&cr,h F1c'AAAj'is no privatchman, as foon as hhehihg out ofhig Am*eetin%g houf:-fiprh the limits of his” congregation; Ah ‘and ihbufghhhc ind€ €d' hf: pe¢;ilfa:vt1y’ their Pafiour‘ or f:BAiihop,A one _ "1-héthhhathth¢Aov;rfighAtAGfthémhinjthe LofdinAA;1 m'orcAimni<:‘diatc Ad=.:.fpccia1lA’mai1nei-,yetthisesctcnds to a‘11“times,and pIaccs,whcrc- A ‘ever he or they AfhAAa1AiA come by «occafion; though never {'0 fiarrc from «thcir dwellings, but f.) is not a Major or Cnnffablc; if An~dj;bcfid¢5 ‘mat particular Adffic¢Ahe ishan officer, a M%i%niflcr in>gencra11htoail ”hthcrs,A audmayhh Ajcxggutc his‘ office toAthemA as Gad’ gixzcthA= hiri: “oc¢ahfi=on,batAjfocannbta M«afm7A prAACon&ablc,bccaufc they are”on+é- hly [p A ticular officcrs; ’SuppAofc" 2 AAMAini£h=:rsA flock by" mm-tality, captivity, or the fwAort¥, Afhou1AdA’be diflhlvcd, cxtin:&,.anAdfai1c:, ink A f AdAi:¢d he ftmafcth‘ to b::jthc1VI‘4 hPa{¥:ouMr;AAb‘ccaufc the «co}rr¢1ativ":: failtith, ‘ '”b;1t:hf颢afi:th not up ‘bC"."a. Miniflgcr hf‘ the GQfp'allA. Kingor ”AMajbr.‘ haphly ccafehto‘ be {'0 any longer, ‘if hisKimgdhmc,or Cm-pox. ~*:*Aat1<:n'A{11k:suAld finke,;bc‘cauf¢ them is no Cathclike: KAin’gdome,; or ‘_’IAowAm11ip%WhercofAthcy>wcr¢‘o“ffic'crS1 but thfi.‘ office: of the Mi- "nflh:-rc¢ahf¢thhAnot,V zcaurchg wars" «an, (wfficw of arm Church Ca:-' *-h*th0l'ik&,‘ whiirh ‘corr;:1a:cAhAA finkgthhixrfw,And%:Being?an h.oi?fi<:ir:rh ofthc AChhui'bIiAChatholikcghc h§th°thcrEhyA.w£?émprimum to adminiffcr A an the Ordinances‘, of;Chrif’r, Aw:hi"ch éhfing1cAohAFficcr may or can doc in any pla‘cc,only wantcth Afksmflficundaw, éwl’ Acxercitum, pro, A bit (69 I¢tt3‘9?{,h Whi;ch'i§‘ appdihtéd bythlc hpo“1iticjc>f the Chutch, For A ‘mdcr.'iAFor‘;3thhpi1ghA‘ thcir hffitch‘ fbt AAAgcnctall, jas» %Mini§_hb::rs of htht‘: A fGhd1}:Ac1l,ycthh rhéy "°taAke* pérticu1”arA divificms ,‘,fl’aA:nAd hparcels of the V Church to Afécd,hAhhAand PcrctA*c:h not thcAmf<:Ivhcs W15‘t”hir1h"Onc anothcrh. line, withouta galfl, ‘ptrmiflibn or Kintrcaty. A * % Axwhthdt a4Mini£t&r“isAa.MAini&$i:r 0fAh‘th€'ChulfCh CAatho1ike Vifiblfih ~”3PP¢31‘¢5ihi7bY Wvf‘ "NASA %AatgUrncnAt. this-«Mar cw! m""Wr5¢”!~" A3‘-§'2§f:;¢;n.w&m'é{;r§inw‘£179.?C;7:§trob«'Catbo7§kq.v:%'5lé,$z2 'A1¢i§i‘;er, Ojfi’zf:7jA tkohcbgrcb (,_’.atlaqfi/1: j"?/f./175/e‘-.h Brat emfr} ‘ émgfxcammafizruttun, .§g:]:E?:i;/.2 ‘M: "aw? ‘oh h A A A Eéxzrcb flarfialifi? @Az‘fi$le,“T£ze:a more Afixllyfilhid dow%n‘chby' Apallanfm, @A==:7>g;f;‘or Aw ‘P45/?arAAAAe:m::t % hf‘ mtlzcmzfim miugfferialg: mm mmnm‘arguhEcclg/_ixam_ /Fmm particw-A» qfa2?7'e,mc§~c;. §ThhiAs h‘b.rgument‘:I'A1ifix1+‘8‘é3h V f‘ {gram ~ 4 Wk-ewer t/16 wéflfile V‘+7/W421: c4;aaggke;g¢g4;:;cazac/mcaesé5.: fififafem cnjm saféinaria M53513 M0 44 «*?”4f9.e,» [M ttiam grgaAAEccl¢¢ AA s" fi44Va‘Zi44 A%Pérti&r2laré:, @' Pvfwiizcig ex; ‘ 65"’ N4riqm!g:,&£m&f er.» _ vs gn ‘E,ccZqfi'arén 'Z,_J22ifzxarz"fi’z16’_-'0?-' A N P?’ 3+'WfW4w rfiemém ME‘:-. - '9‘§:[qfi4mMflniW67‘f51'¢’mfldmmit‘. ‘Per Exwmwunicguioizem gigmgyg A méw %%t"Ari;2tMz:; e.t'V[m A atticalarig, etiam‘ P rqfzifitialia 1~{¢,,j,W[;; £5 1‘2.')wi1}e;>fizZi%E;glz«:fi£éji¢£:::j!/lapffigl 8. I 8,,_V1%94. Ex afi¢£a'&?45{3araii%j A “ pram ‘Dee efivrrrrv vwném é'1*?~5’¢¢’éfi*%* lwéérmiw Mum M M. 1;; 3;‘ ,.;,¢ g/;,4,; ggagjx-'4parxicglaripradicmpazqfi mm n,~m:m;A«u;n;4. * 5;‘ té _MtiaAn:¢4!angrrz2s¢,f€d mm %pf?fl"07’f4/5 diitflifiiztte, "5126 at *be,r5aV c‘¢Af,a,a liget fi:fl91*zM§'t pc{c‘cArare:,:f°am3ttat @- Vrgxinmr pecjfijgztzgz, @«,Lw lg." A ¢#%‘ga':"zM$m§{]'z§5*é Dea yaéféjcrqt" bamim; at l"_t160?¢Z‘1,[ie7éf!{f?"D‘}92b;\ sf «§palz'a”:¢.confidef4ti0 qfmrwddwa @?_5'”-]1f¢,¢i£~+ “$5-_ "OF Excommuni-‘ V cation 1, fpa1;c%b¢:flzrc,prc:ving fh3tf1¢¢fi»¢&¢¥h 3 man out of the 15.vI‘m1c”gCwbx,xr;:h ‘Aflatholikfi V'ifib1¢“WbiCh “ tbcmgh it 13: paifcd xazéialwfiv; km;w%1¢dg¢ find Véfinfmt 05156 C°fl%*¢%atfiDn. (as”aifo is 4 % B4a;prii~1i1Wc-’=)‘3’¢'tibisama&,;0fthe¢1’r¢$bY?~?¢i‘$é‘,éBi1tfb“=<:a1ifc“it is ‘ arr ». ,, cGr.z.$m A fig}; ¢3fm.a1;y ’ *:¢a~$‘~A~§frJ' whwévk-v«*,fjI‘VyWi.ll thcr¢ f’qr¢ Linlifif more large- lyand&p2fficu1ar1y upon Bap"tifm¢,. .yvhichqxjs4 the attt of a finglc 1:-gfliour or l\/iiniffclf. ,§«;[AT1j§‘t by. Baptiffmjc jwc are a‘dm,i%ttcfd into ihmhdréb, 1» thin £4'.;ci"“;s Awxthaut dou1at;.% for pcrfbns baptized in g1g¢mA¢n:B,ets;oFa4 ;v1fib1e,Chburcb,%réen W1 Aeféala: of :IaecjaAe;m;z:, @4523;/73 izzzblci/I Asa/a t’/wcafi z3“4dmin;]?rég! tb tlazfi tea; are and remix 0.'}g)tA0']'1£l7e‘ Clam-b; wPhich‘wcr;"abfu:Yd t’9 .f:iy. ’M1"'.B4!l‘ iphis ca. r;a:¢!2?fv4éhatb tbi$%4t>aff«>%<=- A BaP”t;ifmi= Vis é §é¢ramcnc~ of Our am. *5‘? grafiinzyintn C1:rAi*¥:’%Commu‘n1°nwifirham. mi éwmvfi irzra ‘.‘,t,[a}::? ..,G./9#W5,.£5ffWhiQh h¢ci«tct11 AMa?t19«z8-I9s‘«4 37: ,8]. 3’ 8..%And ‘ % kcagrxerxizara escpiziings Iii:n£e1*f‘¢’. " Ie_‘*do:*IW»”,%;;1%?a_iit’1d4.hs:, fQl::§mn¢lyfig.}.: ?fnific°: and fcalethexr ¢flg1‘3fi1F!g1.m'0Cht‘1Pt5"andcamfirmé2/mt» ¢<:E.9v¢ mée édclqmfrwfedged mrmém of Me C/onrcb, and Qfntffidv‘ in-A «WoVsr, #though%it; dQth‘ngt‘§x)2jl{¢}J$«S:h15m i3!7! fbulcs; AndAthg.t% we arc,V.ti:c%ré[;byLadmittcd dmambéfsa ”ri,<5tA bf 1d‘par‘ticuIar4V% Cungrca gatianfliut" t"‘lar;‘,£ Churcfi Cat‘ho1ikeapp¢arcs,4becaufc w¢?:a‘r¢'£mpti;. i:zta~m¢¢ 4éa”dy?.,_1 5‘ mix 2.1 3”. And this appeams %f’urrh¢r%, L be. ucafuf: he "that is.bapti4zéc1 fin onc?Co’n,grcgVation, is baptized ali ever Lfh¢A%wo-; 1d,%%and i§”11otflto%V‘b¢ rfibaptizcdgbut ‘is takcud was a member 2»wh¢rceeve;r?Vhje=bccoms=s,.w‘NOW that. édmlzivgis an «#5? of afiicre ap- .pear'cs }’0/18% A1}-:3 3-? H13 At54#fi12twme% to éflpti-$6!’ akfiiéiwgod Vteacla «ad . gmtians, anti éapti-‘§?’tbtfi#, Waathfifubfi ahcc .”oéf'tI1c Apoftlcs Corrg- F 2 % mifliOfl4' 35 -r....._ N j .‘I ?}27e irks Rcfalpifiafi C¢o72travve:v:fle,,‘V % * And4c5"¢uigh:41§;g;;2;»>z’c*a;e.x%.;; 7; ram; wag/2 pm me an [ to baptize; éllZf0AP?'3‘Il1‘__6l'5th_éJ Gaff’?/I, ya: that is ‘meant mt prim?» pflfi .f0Igh¢ \5Va8‘f$nta1VfoAto bapthizc-, clfc he might notihavc done it-. Anal that... by vcrtucé of .this_ office, we are éapti-ted inta the Gbyrcfi C¢ttbol£k<;,% appparcs, Epéceiufszja/aéi ’3f4;2tg'/5, éaptizada/13¢» ‘ aéixfalem, §f’;:m’aA,fand Athle Rfiian’ Paw??? 46‘am flardaia : And Mil): wiplex qf Cbrffl £13221, éaptiziéd mm ‘TDzfc°ipl.+:s than 3101.»: , and that Witisaxurélntian to any pdrticfl/mf Cangmgatiam, which had in V . bccn nccicflarythcyflccmldhavcwcombined them into. So Peter- % csiifcd Carmfliiw and;his%Fricnds4 robs: baptiz¢d,An4¢?.1c.w,8. but no; m-:ntio“n is W made of any, Cbngijcgatlidflfi %iVntt) which“t;hcy were bfaptiz9cd..%And Bbilifi bap:izcdVAthe.€umcb mt into any particu-- % larjCongtcgat~ion”. «And thc Apofllcscarryed fab‘ou: one with a_hcm;:wh_om they callgtd \5:w‘—~‘=s~'rTm A.VI1%I‘i22i[l¢r,gz1é?;§‘rA3;5. who% was no Apofflc, an d4 hr: l:)f3ptifzJ:;df-or ;th§&m..% So Tjclaicty, CalJ4;fi;‘$ .59 V,4CaI1¢d a'.5c10vM 5I?a37J¢r. anafiziréfi:/1 /WHiflér,and fi/!¢»:iv‘»-jflvpjwqeit égfl/at Lard, yet Hiwéstititlc"of’tl1s:'ir%%‘MiI1i1?i%ct: and E}:/.2:-J/.'6;“zi, Ahc,-. bath the Afameflilc givcn him againc, certainly be coul~;Inot‘b7¢a‘ A peculiar Minificr t‘o bo1__h tb%ofcdi1}53ntA.Ch'fitchcs, land I {uppofc 3.1w¢i%Was,of naithcrg ‘Amalia: éapti-256:4’ At jCa1j:ix;b, 1 C’ar.g,4.‘ancf yctww AasAno App‘£tI§,'i bzit gs "4;MMfig;,L.ahdfleward Acz;’;:Iae’%%:z14flz*e;>ia;é V 5f g0d5W?”f44A»?£"“ &5eIA‘C9. 5*-143:-I wH:¢h‘ ,é° 53 this”di\{’ci;1fliwOn*of}7::«.¢ grim in his gliziim wrfim on Be/farm. c4p,%7.‘nam 7. “ £15.; afilgéliafivc mania" carflézgunzh; qua fair éanm, pim, doflgggq, aptw; 2154'-f J/ "ol:4;‘Z'“A::l1;_giHtitr gdficriam vcréi, 3?fli‘?7£€hU_{J.r;'g;;:; 3 A 21112;“ j)dr't1}:'ul.}3r:&. ./:_77.2e& Afifigularzé _§f;g;£'4é%I¢‘»giiz£§?e;ji2¢z22 fingufmiftf bait “-2i9;élVji§h7I3 cieflcé. ézfazfioiandm¢ligitr1r,,'3€J‘Wv£. A % ' V A A A W V fl ,A_ndth¢ n:-”uA:h is,»g;bcscr;p:'m¢% i alwaycs caliing the Bales:-vars in mic Citic one’ Chmch ; .i¢vcn]c ruf3l::m though tyhcm warp many] thoufan,ds,yca,g2z}rxze£c,thaAt A 1s,f“‘tr1any4txmg-,sjtcn%tl1’oufands;of V §¢1¢¢Yin g 116' wjcs th¢rcin,fa§ "Vj"%éwe:*%" tale %‘7’A«%m!, ’A%%Ef.%"2‘1.2o; vramé ,uue:za:J‘e:A( which W'¢§¢4al1 probably A of crufalem, as jappga,-¢‘s' _% fix.-R: becaufc the.-y1x?c:{rc:‘ mt. fur,-h‘ as ‘c1:su‘1‘d emf: 2122} ‘wirng.-flz» Againfl ‘P4251 batyby Lh-t.*§ar- féy a 1:13;} arcixfonmd oftlaae : %“bu:-_- H4 thc cwcs D; alma3.ngi‘t ;thc?Gcn tilcg _dpf::%Pt h‘2HJring_ f:cnw$Aémd A4 hjcardfatzl, muld have tcihfifidaflf their ownAknow%1cd%g_e, i am’ ‘M1424 A may ,1}; élixdaél With Pam]; ';g_rqfl*i¢t c"mfirmi»t)r.‘% %»AndVfccondIy,bc;Vaufc théjfonly (if %% srufldgm could rccfiive fat;sfa,&io::1byV Paul: cpnformity tb the: A ilfberher ma «zizii/i6le‘Cfl;z:r“cIB cgmz2g¢,arA;a{tacaz4r ic;,,,;;;,,,g, fi,+p,j * ;iatr';".em_/';:l:Ir1, at that tiimc, andnot th¢icthcrs)iAr_1dVa1fo A i ‘ the Holyfihoff calling the Elders in thofc Cities, the iE1dA¢-rs of a the Church, in rémmmzi, it leave th it uncertain: to mc,“vvhctl-icy; thc fcvcrall Elders were fixcdovcr particular congrcgations,,,'or- taught and raise! in cdmmmci, asthc Miniftcrs darnow in Jkfiddle; fivasrgly, and Straséurgb, and other places, yet becauf:’iiti'makc‘tti mofi: for cdificaltion, and order, tc) have them fixed,I fluallirhihke they were, untill the contrary fnall be proved. And I verily b¢.. A A lccvc rigs} mlcd in opmmrmi , thoughihaply thcy did notrtcach. for x - i A V _ A _ I iv Scvsnthlyitlmtr Chm-‘ab taf'Waiic}:we1y C/9r.§/flan 5;.-mfirfi rglmig. an, arm’ which relatian cantimaetb lafl, and Myrna: 6.:-i £21-olq;-n 6} him, m't6a#tfl2:,1B' rlsefirji‘ Glmrchlmtfucb is the (lmrcb far/aalikg amaze” _ V 1:/aerfarc. The mmor appcarmbecaufc none can be admitted in-4 to a piarrricular congrcgationrcxccpti he be judged ,firPc;A «sf the _ Church Catholikc zfo againc though hcchangc his habitation. A ricvcr fa ofrcn, and bcarc relation to never £0 many particular congragations, one afitcr another, yer in allmthofc the gcncrall rclationholdcth (till, he is aibapthizcd ivifiblci mcm%bciriof'ithc Ghurch Catho1ikc,aAandi thckrfcnjcr tr» be rzzccivcd where ever he bc-A-A cométh into any particular congregation. A" Yca in thc lnrarimirbg. twacn his breaking ’ofl"from one congregation and placing in ‘ai- raothcr congregation, hr: rctaincs the gcncrall relation, and bap;-A tifmc, and is Vilot a heathen’ or infidcfla he is not one _m';1aa;;: in l thc.i‘ApoiUf:s phrafl-:.A };Y§:aVA{up“paf¢Ha man fhoi1ld{b[cAa ‘Ifravc1I¢r,W Mcrchant or Faétour, and fctlcd in no ij3a”rtiiczil‘ari cbngrcgationi iyctiimidg a Chrifiian he is a ,mcmbcr_ ofthc WC hurch ii Cathalikc I yea am! ifhcbmacha any crmurs, or lwc rinordinat¢IAy,_ aha {hall bc - Aaccoutitablcta thg-,AC_bur¢hiwwhcr¢in he forthciprefcnrréfiwdcs, or rfuchcrimcs are cammiacd, AA and bi::.ilyAab1/c:to,r;thri:irq;:nfuri=:‘,*i as bra» A :;:;ing>a mcmbcr Cifthc Church Cathalikciz a(x3'liich‘1;‘aip;5r;ai*;*:s, ‘that r the Church p/aeflw ziwammmdcd lRcz:.izi;:z_;; far A trjiézg f_/ifdaqtr: rim: 6fA‘meAi\AéWQ,?gg “t1aem,;mm'er yr/an mtian ofre/{ppfl/er, * A.iadfin4£n_g . A. A itlarm ljam did natAfzzfl};rt1aew; nqw prohibition is a ccnfilfe. Tiifcy ii are not to *be:A_l¢f't ¢roA‘thc: ;I\/liaigifiratc on1}z,'}bi1i:[to‘ th¢,(;3Vhur¢h tryiali, _.f0l‘]th0f‘: crAimcsrr¢amc ncmalwayqsundcrthc.cfigraiizaincaofiihtfié A civil! Magifiratcs, M and thcyido," he fixiayrbc a hrathcn arsdf Nwwgl.1 flotrregardran Jhazgctick, ‘ nor can jgdgc ofihixn... And 1f—.cv;cry . 3 ?, kingdom: , f “ ...A11(i.f\[§]g(icA$1:1';‘){:Mv:‘v‘(r_i4'?!”.‘41'}Vfmurdfif,’ of tet‘14e”af'<:in,; oirflany nch¢rtm&1e'crim¢TA .% Acommittcd i:1‘thc:Vfa1rxe,Vthougb by a&ran‘gcr, or A‘ aIicn,% bccaufc ;h:ecrim:s‘at¢3gaitifl: thcitlawcs, and fr.°wcra_ignc, ‘ tb0Augh Axhein “ lawT&s‘pcrt[ni%n not Vtathe touritry wVh¢~rVe tha %fm§’t'ain*ct was barns, fanid Id £?c%‘eIIc:h;thct1'%much ’%morc {hall every ‘Church try thcrffc méem. - "Bars of the ChAurch»A*CAafh*o1ika Arcfiding ambng‘ ‘ifhcrm tfiax-A kbeie crxmcs,f¢eingt1hcy‘havc allthe fame fovcx-‘aigna ¥heéd~;,szhcA fame: 1aw:s,fand aremotjn: body. A . A A _ A A ‘ “ ‘Ag=:‘fi“ne it nfofinnc far a man torcmmvc from%onc=cungrcg:a« ti91;_tAo.another, asofi: aspccafiorl requirqth, but fora mat: to rpm: ;';n'avcAo"ut efthe C’hurt>:I1ff Cmfhb1i}1tc’%is%%:i finnc?£md< afipofiacy. v No. man is aVfchifmatickA For %i'cm0?ving fromonr: mngrcgéatiun m anothér,’outhcVt11at Hm! fcparm: hi’mfc1faffron1A’a%1l ‘1Cfhurch;c,.g~= n:1ALj‘;r:.iAi%on%,: Wand Vflwll z‘cI1dWhia?'i*€1:fcrfro»ri*; the: Church Catholikc; -is affchifmatick, ‘hr::»isA an*apo{°cat*c[. A thcr£'o‘re%4y:our fcvumll rem though they pr:-tv::nd4‘bcca’uf“c Aofwa“nMr4tsATar b1cfinifl1cs=tciAtaend;frs:>m= the C?hurch QfE:s;q1and or swim: é*c~.’4Y=et net from1tlwCburch V * 3CatVhoI*ikc by no m<:a‘n*cs, bccatifd tbdy‘ liéhow that AWCUC a‘fii-me-.. ~:;.;_ ‘ 3 W 1:‘, ig'nthly,that Ch'urghfi~am wbivb pnmrimlar fkurflaaxjjwingg ’ mid taAW1:icb“ May are d4~an;éa3difammtV-a?n»dimcre¢fl:, »t}:atAA:kAAt£rep1¢i§2:¢ ,4, A&_1_47_- ¢C’/mrc/J_L, fiat that ii 2'“/124.! /yard}: aiéalz‘kg;&*“t;bw»fir:,efi+a.A The &appearc5,bccau’fc firfl t“ c‘wh01¢ €fT¢I‘1C¢'0f9t3hc C%hur«ch% Cath%o1i;kc ” ‘W%as4ir1%Adamand Eve, and fio*mt;l1cwm "{;jjvrc:»adv tohis fccdbyvthcir ‘fcdcrall right Afmm :4th::m,;, ’e_ndf §hc 1_r %A*aE'-luxa41+1 taking A upthatA;%£frcm- *domA¢ 5; and continuance“ jth‘ercm.%4 fa» a{ga;inc ‘fr0m*"A;=Nan-"bx fArkc“..” .1 A ’ A A ~s» ~ Av AA % A A ‘And For the Church’undcyr %tAhc% ‘Gofpc*H;1thaf* 1i‘ttlc% handfixli Awhich Cbrift 1<:f::,% lcavened thc whsolc Vwbrld, amd?!bmuAght them A ‘i_n%. as “an a3:d,ition umzotbcmr; T/at” werata ée witnaflksfirfi infam- filem, ifi I#g:7e4,% %t1a*e;¢ ta-’%tg::Aendx zflamxazft/2. v ar we I/?va!i.::afiw*VrM"Zian W the wardAAefGw1fidm 2waf»lm‘eIM.2.eA. A Izr: C was with tbcflhiwcfi ‘fhérrg as Wa$;AfaidA d‘f’“tficA-r”i%vb~r%Ardf Sdm 1§'»en.’&‘-A. fao. r'i£rz::rAf‘h?:iaz%a¢zt Edar1*taVn+nter‘tbz.-garden, andjwm 2/mm :53‘ mm A Vmszunai J;€ve¢a:;;q%_ int» 4,/dead‘: .2 fo; the watt? of 1if‘c 'fi0?Wé& Afiom izito qua:-ta-rsff%ofa1l tTh‘c**~.v*0r*lc!; 2S“a that asthezrc -is"ni3 ASc5b1it~%%'hnth in‘I-‘lu%cncc,,“ and;cont*inuity " with the Vmainc “Sc-“af., mad rccbivcsf mm”: from “thcnt:"c: : «fax A*4no particular Church fhath his fir1’c rift, %andfpirituafl Amini*&cria1l'influcncc fig}: th:A\ V " A A urc A 1?;/Azwetbertlee wifiblq Church%C4t1Wi£e,arpa;ticuZ4r Ebzifclrés 5ejA5'A2Afl. 3.9 Church Catholike, andireceivcd the Gmfpcll and priAirVil«r:dAgcs of A it from thence. God cals no E van gclicall Churches By inI'pira«. tion,but fly the miniftry ofthofc that are mcmbcrs ofthe chm-¢-,h_ Catholi~ke; or form ~ part thercbf; and ‘thmfore God would not ; have fzormliw ‘infiruéicd by an Angcll,though‘he could have done V A A it, but by APmr,A a member of the Church E'vangeIica1I.V So that abs Church isas the Sca, and particular Churches as Afo many ¢A‘:rc¢ks,m cor armcs, and rivers, % not running into the fca, but rtma A m'n_g fFzamVbhcfca,%%a%nd receiving acin&urc and fcafon‘ ‘ofhcr wag. % ms. . Th: ChurchCathqlikc ‘isias thatm, aChrift~ aséhe ,-my and particular Churches as éranabas. » She istheAmat11ar%and~«thcy% asdxmglaterx bo‘rnVof hcr,j and ‘receiving from herAAminnifkAevia~1ly both nature, name and Aprivilcdgcso Para! ind:-.cd was ca1Icd~ex”-+- ‘ tr-gardimrilgr f'rom- Hcavgm by Chum h‘imf'¢lf2:, the head of the Chur’ch~“(re:fe%2at4£.‘ant2*arverjie,%. % “ I133. A 4thcrcunto.w *An& ¢ this is:-as ‘much *asth¢ Apo£1_les_rcquir¢d4,gg:,V in cm <:a{'::. of the Eanua;/9. andA51Z?~’0”%~M4gW. and 1f',1t were fufficicnt then, it is; fufficicnt Qmildl : for Vthofe wcrc: the M purcrfi ~ Churches. :Saema"n} 4; gladly rccfiméi I/M Wordwtfe 4419!:-’<«:srl.flAé2‘.: ,2 .4fr.»_A ad Ayc_t;.this;is no mega then may be found m at: hypocr4itc,AA%;%f;'ar um % ~¢{1:ony%ground’tcc<:i?c<31 gfithfi Vvord with joy-r And;wcha~v¢ no A ~othcrru1i-cs to gee by m gathcrzng ;Ch,urches, or receiving Amcm. A bets into a Church, then they had then; neither may w¢%;pr¢{_,&ma to makg any other to our f;1vcs.~ Sic owns: firé W Rgfixmmg 7;,,gw, /ogi»;clvére: fi1#f¢.?iP37?9 véfiéi/M Ewkfldzafléi W eff»? borzim ex;:exm‘+ %-vaimto: _fidc"WC£rr5fl5 P’A"fi“’”‘€’-‘ T-’ fiflmfé d6fiHitgnt%%%mmm /aamz'2§.w;;‘; iramtiana cxtermflm pmdimtiam Verivi éj Sncrammroxgm romma» ..;nit:atx'om wocatorum ad cyltam ‘Def ;C~§ffic£e1zztqm E¢c/rzféztflicam im- jzomé celeérvmddm. >;4.Wan~r4z .754? mm #fM?”9?;w 77"e1c42it4mA4ia .zac«;:cammsé%w. Lm scctwa :Prvz‘é1T=’?’eI l3¢id€”fi'4,“Di—{5.4o. ‘YI‘Jc'fl4_’s:3- Neither is it »rcquifit"c thatx11.cy.IhoIuid %bccru1ygoa1y, '%'«to%vm2;kc fthcxn mcn1bcrs;.of'a% vifiblc Ch urch,+f'ur thcnjno man cggujd ~,tcll. wboii: child were to bc.l5a'pt§7z:.~d, or who, are members Of a (;huréh,,or %wbcn%4;h¢ is in a true ChWflrc%I3~., And xjf ,;thc living me.m_ bars rot‘ }7.sfiz¢%(,"lmj/B wcr<:Ath.c4on1Y.;mfq{f:;q:gia11'xmmbcrs—AoFa vifiblc ChurAcha»thcn nonmrcj»truc«cI£s:ntiaVuAi members onhc V-CHUFCH Vifiblfi but they, and $5611 a {Yul} gfldly 7‘/Iiniflcr is a more A c{T':ntiall1\/I4i:ni{’ccrA then _flfl°Fh‘-’«l': fiflfi ithc Ordinances d8dmi_nifircd by him are A v are cfi?:nt;al1y,admi%n;flrcd t¢hc‘r;Vby,%another, am} ghg 4.v¢%rtu¢A—4of;§;cOfdina;ice: flmuld dcpghdgpgt on Qhrifis Inflituticm, ,, .hut*=t_hJc, worthxncffc of ~1hr:p‘crfqn~ad:mn;fir1na%.¢ V 1161‘;CW'C!DfyvOl':th1N*y\y1.¢3rc511'”ng Ufldfir 3 Minificr that fccmcd religions, that Minificr by Fallingraway prmrcs himf:-if: not ti; [)3 ,m;1y ¢gpdly, and [9 all thofc Ordinances were null, being adminj. ,ePc‘rc:d by one that wasnotionly no“.Mini&cr,’bu‘txlAtnazt;¢r2A‘% with the t*¢ho1c,ycfta11thcmrzmbcrsthatarcadd-ad fucccflivcly findcit at Coz*p<:»Aration before their addttion, and Aft) are Amt fimul mzmrfi t Withthc: vaholcr, A V A A 4 AA . A A ‘ I The ChurIchtCatho1ikc i3 tmadctup of the particular Chutchcs,. ~05jv§?. arid therefore itis Ortzz, andtthey are Prim: S’ A A A A "re lrtt paffc Logical) djrpuccs , _confid;:r" 5 mg u,,mrtr;.11~ and particular *Chur*Ch€‘S ma thcologcifall notion, and wt: than A”f”“~ *4; ' 4 A~ A‘ we tmew RefaMianAof at prtfiwt Comfrowr/it, A fin"d7(Aashath been altcaAdy"provtd)that the-;pattitu1atmChutchAes or congrtgatinns do rife outofthe Church Cathoglikc, and not com traty. For the mtmbcrs pfa particular congregation arc fitit A C nicmbtts nfthc Church Catholiltct and arlmitted thctcinttw, be- fntnthcycbmc tn ‘ha capable of being members of a particular Cnngrcgatio“n:f'nr no Congregation takes a heathen in ifirfi, and makes him a mett1b::r,anldithcn a Chtiliian, but he is fitlt made a: Chriilian,Vand than made: a member. Yea, I conc»:ivc“_th’at there may be: many belonging to the Church Catholilct-,that bcl-bang tn inn particular Congregation, whofc convcrfien hath been by ac» cidtntall pmvidcnct-, as bytcading, or difcourfa, or ha ply hcating aldifputationmr Sermon, and yet thlcsit habitatinn, or imprifon-A mant,flavcry;banifl1n1ent, travail, Ot“A¥0ti‘)Cr occafinns may not {nth-rtthcm to joync thcmftlvcs tn any particular Cnngrcgati- on, and yet an: vifiblc Chrilfians ycclding prohfiledb fubjtcftionlf to the Gofpcll‘ in their ‘lives and tconvctfations. And ‘are, lbyr» bcing of thCCi‘}L!)."Cl'1 Cathnlikc,‘ fit to be members of any Con»-A grcgation, but are aélually none. Suppnfs a man by tranfi-A planting into America, flzfl-bring fhipwrack, lhbulcl fwimmci * to fame unknowncaland, and there live among the naatives, is that man witiaam ? cmif he {hould convert a nativc to the faith in Chrtifi, is ht Yt~'iz:/yam E‘ is he not oi;/.:6<;.<" OFwhat Congregation was the Ema:/9, that was baptized by Philip? ancll yet we clmtbt A not to £I:y,he was a_ Chtiltian, and tn: of the Church members» but it ‘imult beithle Church CatholAike.t A A A A 'n A So that wake the Church Catholiltc confillcth not of pattiwf culat Congregations only, but particular members, that may not haply be drawnc into congrcgatitms. As not my all Cities,- Tnwns,andAPari{hts inAaKingdoxnt: belong to that Kingdomc, but all parAti£ularlPcrf0nS_living under, and by the fame law‘cs, though hapl}t‘tlzcref%f11t>nld be fbmc that lii°vcAnoAt in any townfhip; nrjillagc, but in fa1neIiland,.fhrrel'i, or in fhips, as the manner is of many families in the Netherlands, or as A] have heard of fame hnufitthat iiancls lb that no Parilh in their lPctam.bulation did mt-animal it in. " A A A ‘ C b A ‘ C And if we mnlhaccottnt tAhtF t>articularAChurchcs ta be pri2_ww,A baclcanfc thelChu"tchjCathol“ikcl’is made upnofthcm, than we mull: V at:<;nuan.t parttt;alatfam.ilica to ht: the prime Churchttglaecanfa thn Congregatibna C m"’7"*”9” WW1‘ CW55Cvmlikesorpertimlar C/zmlres éé firfl M4}. A A Cungregatitms are made up of'tlmm,and they are called; Clmrggiheg in the Scripture. Rz:m.16.5.r I AC0A1‘;I6j;I9. A C 01.4.»; 5-; A %A”%mékc :1 man capableof bcinga member of a flvifiifilc Achurch, qwadex:errmmfarmam- « A4'By 13aptifmcmcxnbmarevifibly and 1nin{i1‘tAcrial}yAwadmi£~ . ml jIit9~thc ChurchAcatholikdtyifiblc. A , A S.=By Excmmmmication righjy admxnifirmi Aancrfl?:n};1c: i5 V safi put cf thg ACh:,m:h CathQ1ikc4vifib1c as muph as out of; %a;.paz'-- A Aticular cengr¢gatio:n. _V A 6. Fedcxzail HQ1inc£T¢b€i.iQflg& ta p'rim£11?i.ly,b4c%t:a1:fl=:%b‘ornc ofmcmbers of a particular cQngr¢gat1QnA,but of the Achuirch Ca» Athmlikc. 7, They mag‘: are m1Y&hV%:‘Church CAathp1ik¢‘ vifiblc zmnot I¢*i:4laa:4t“,in thc Aposfilcs fmfc; M. A ‘ A A . 8. Children of belccving patents Ahavc right to Baptifmc, though :t_h¢~ir% pa.1':AcmAs%w¢_rc :nm:.; mcmbcrs ofvany .ApartAicular ;com» grcgation,anci are debarredof their ducyifdcnycd Ait. A A; r ; . A 9. Emry /1ncmb¢‘”:‘.Qfth¢\‘%:@hmch"‘flatcholikg is or qu_ght;.ta be an1e:mb¢;fV<>f%thcparticularflburchwhereinh¢dwclls%. A A ; 10. The bcinginAth¢‘ g1d,Aan<"i yet let tfm: old ones Rand ‘as %‘ mMock-churches, wh¢‘vn.thf:y1hav4cg;1§aned put all Elia; are gem! <~plf%1tw¢% t:f thcm ; thcfyfiwauld .takcai‘1%V& &thAc.g0_ldAcn and i11vr.nfvcflE:1s~r._;u ~ {.rtffsIs%ofhono,ur; and Gus I:1Qi1§3:w.b!f]jf wooden-and Rana, m°:%£T¢ls asfdimnour ; and fmnfc are for fcpara:1on%%who1ly, and fa turns ¢ all the rcftover"to»AntichriG: ; yc%a,fon1«:fo«vio1e:1:sr, as that they wouid pluck down: ourv¢1‘y mc:cting6 houfl-rs (tr0pica1!y%ca11:ro§ Churthés) whiéh théjy déridc by the: name of Swtfifiiplcfi houfzzsg and ' gliareifiwayes of cOntt:rM1ti§;)r1&V,,.%foA Wthét at'¢Iik7c{Sampj22m fbxes A tyed togjctherbygthe taylcs wxth fir¢brands,bctWccn thcm to burnppth.ci1and1ng come % V ‘ IR lwbemr r/Qelwfibzalcbuizbcamel;/ee,o»;m;»muzlr c/mrmsbgfirjt. A :3 I I ihallconcluclcj with an ttarnclitlclciircz oflancl, €:;;*;h€3rtati<)i‘3t;:3‘ rv-r ; unity amfé p¢:a5“;::é.. The unit y of thf: Ch:.2rch%tl1oul-we ail firasnglmlw turn to unity in yudgcmcnmheart, and Way.% It isthat rm: liipggl lfiltfi prcaflkah gplal 4.3%.}. Mdealzxaarizgg :0 [gap M: unity cf téelffiirit’ W N in tballaand afpmc‘e,fi5r "there 32: ‘am éédjmzd az¢:@irit,6ccl.Thlls zpiri-4‘ mall unity it is that Chrlifi fa aarncfily and often played Fm‘ in that _ {hurt prayer,?alm I 7.1 I ,‘z%1v,.2g .% Tlmtj the] mg; A 15: low 4»: we mu ‘\ om. Tlaattlaq all ma} lay me, that tlaejralfi ma} éemae in my; T/M: tlagy may 5: mad: perfiflin me; And this was ‘Pamlx carncllfé:- I ucfl, I ‘ Cm‘.IaIOo" Now I bcflecbjom, ézret/Jren, by rid.-5‘ mtmfifiaf ow Lard}"efm(1:r%,% tlmtycl a/lflmz/23' we firm thing; mad that there fie na dwmm amazzg yam ém tlmtymbgperfiéllyjajzml ‘rogctéer in thefim: mind, wdize téefiz‘mejm1geme;z;, And agagnaz C_'ar,1*3 _ 1 14, it is one bf thc lailllltluings he concludes his Epillle. with. Fxlm/{y ~ érctbrw,faremT11:f£2£pgrféfi,5.: ofgaad oamfirtgée afana mind,/£7122 in peace, and the gqd aflow mdpencc final! 5: With] ox4.And Phil. I .2 7. He prclléth it asthcz on1y’t'ning he dcfircd ofthcm; 07¢!) let your camzcrfition 5: am‘: éacbmmet/9 the Cjafiqcll lllof AC/org’/3, tbaatf W/ale‘:/aer I A came and fie fag, ar ¢-M: fie ¢W3nt,lI may hem afjaur affairax, that}:- madfafl in 'ane'fj)irit,’Wit}J omqmina’, ffriwing together farlrbefait/3‘ qftlae _C]o.s‘fell. Certainly unity of judgement is of more im pot» tancc than we are aware of", clfc the Apoftlc would not prcffc it with fuch folcmnc adj urations_.,and intrcaties, fo often as he doth. Yea, wbcntherc were: but two women that differed inlloplnion’ (as it is ccm«:civcd)tl1e Apoillc: thought it bcéfccminlg apol-lolicall gravity, and the holy Gholl Judged it meet for la piece of cano- nicall Scripture to taken sticc af it, and compofc it. I’bil,4.2, 1* beféec/9 E uadiaq, mad écfiec/2‘ Sjrmicbe, that they 6: cf the pan» wind in the Lord. Though it might fccmc but womcns brabblcsgyct We ‘know how great a ‘matrerla little fire kindlcthg a little: {lrifc and 3 ‘ crrour will cncrcafc to more ungodlincflét. A A l V * ~ “ Colnfidrxr wc,that thcrc is lzmtlonctmch, anclllthat isf lofI'.God; and llflodll is truth, and crrour is of the Davill. ) A l l . ‘ Conficlmr What the ltndcrilarlding is tbs: bigheflll and lsorcmolltl‘ facultl oftllct fmule, it is as the fore-horf: inthc tcamcglthc leak- din :1 lraculty, zasnd as that is infiarmed, fol 1th: will, and confciwzncc, A landkéflhétioxzs mull: nccds works, and fallow that, and if lthatbc A lcacllinto crrourfiz: mull: ncccfllxrily mifulcadcthc whole: mm. ' l A A H _ Cenfidcr % 5° W A g \ AA A Confidbr tzma Chiefdpart of the image of'God in man con- 1 A. fificch in Almowlcdgcg and {dis uponthc undcrftanding, which by‘ _,crrour isdcfacw A A A A A - A VRcAm¢mb¢rVthe fo1cmnc‘cavciat§ gAiw:n4by thcApoPclc, Rafi»; A 16.17. I éséflecbyéa Mérat/arm, m.-;mé_ I/mm which c‘d;¢feMdizx£fion.r me %#g"[;e;r:ag Rie:fol;4iiAa)iAafAd~Af)rcf&rz;A Canfraruerfle, AA A A 4 I ojfiwce:Acontm:j to the do Eirimé AW/aiark ye have learned, and Amid: % them. For they _ti9.1tAA are fszciés, fer’:/e not war Lard fcfm C/9ri.5i',A 4 £51: their am: 5:11;, and 5} good ‘word: and élefli-d or fairc jjveac/ae.rA A A decA‘e£zie% the heart: of the fimpla. And E p/:1...-4-.14. Tém We éencefirzh V 5: no more children taflied to mdfia, and %mrr£cdJ aé-o1¢tT ‘Wit/J avert! Wirid cg‘ dew Eirim éj 1/mefleigét ofmm, and amazing. cmfiinafl} (er a A tcr the mcthAoo1ot'c:rrour«) Waerefij they lie in Wait to dcceiw. Chrifl: himfclfc tgilé us, that 1931/? Propbctx /lm/I com} t/mt deceive (if it A WAere.pafl:'éle.) the very cleft’, A 3:/2ald,IV!mw taidjou éafiirc, Marsh. M 14A-.24.,25. And Paul tcls us, 0 f jmr film-1 /5411. mm o7£7"A1:fl5‘fl't£:'¢%ki21gA pcrwrfi-A thingy, to dmiav aznmyds:/Acz'pic: flfief thaws. Therefore Watch. A A.AA&‘.r 20.3 0,31 . ‘TbercfarcAVHaldfiz35‘ tbafarm:%of/Bfind Ward}, Wéicfb thou /mfl heard afma-,2 Tim; I . I 3 . Thcy that coin: new Words and &.nc:w% high ftrangc cxprcflions to amaze the people, it is afignc ~ as Ca1z»in‘tcl‘sAus ,‘that they have fame new opxnxcmupon the.- Anvill. A 0 Alec us labour to be of once heart, fcscing we: are all but A antibody, and ham: but one hca=:i,~and% om: -fpirit,A anci Abe- Mca;AuA{'c we are all brethren of the fame. hcavcnly Fathcr. ,{AI'hi‘s A A~t1h"Aat%AwhiC17 Gad hath pmmifsd his people , £'z.ek, I r. 19. 9] wiflgive them mm /amrt, mad I wiflpm‘ 5 nvewfiairit wit/Jimjm; And we fimi. I A2. x11/was-. J pdah 1%? 94%’ 0f§°.4w44 t>%.gi¢I€AA€/We 0% I9<»°-W t0AAA4a¢tfie»~ A»ComTmM[d4:AWW qft/26 King and aftIacW‘Pri71cc.r, 5] téc ward aftéc Lamf. Cértainly them is but can: rule For Do..t"&rimc-:,AWorf11i p, Difcipline. Mada many 4»: walks‘ according to this mle, peace 5: an tézemzmd an {/16 If?- mcll of God. Gal, 6. 16., .."L—?r::d this is ths:°AApoftles cxhor ration, R‘am.I 5 ,6. T/mt ye 2&4} aévit/10.22: mind and am mazatizglorifjv §/‘ad. V Yea though we be not ofthc fame jgcmrznt in every thing, yet as it iSA‘Pkil.3 . I 6. w/ammo We have a1lreaa§1v.¢zm_eizéed, Let W m:l@» 5} t/defame rule,/at m mimlréafiame tbingx.“ And this unity in way % is that which we have {worn unto, and co vcnantsed in our lat: A Natimtsali League and Covgmant, in the 'firj& Vbranch ofir. That A A we flmallmdeavnur td briz3%gth¢ Churches of God in the three: A Kingdoxnes of Snglmd Scotlmxdand Ireland, to the nccrefi con- junflion and unifurmity in Religion, Cozzfcfiion offaith, Fonn bf Church Govcrnmczmt, Dxrcétory for Worfhip and Catcchi- fizzzg 5 That We and our puzficrityf after us may as brethren live in V faith and love, and th-::ALm'd may 4 delight‘ to dwell’ in thc fizidft ufus. And We fhaljba forfwome if we madcavour it mt. All; A the: membcm (sf thé‘: tame body natural} agree“ to go the farm: Way“ 4» Yeathe ?,%rengch,hca1th, and beauty of thc body naturall confi- ficch in mm fgfic knitting ofall the mébers mgcthcr to each other, and m the ha:ad,and afrhfi luxation therofis dangcrozmfo and much \ mom it is in a body Politikc or ificcicfiaflicalh. And though the at % divifiona in our civill Mata bmrcry fad, _ and might dcfzrmtcarcs A , A A H ‘as. A A A .3... :3» —._w...-...r‘. “ » VT/1e"tmex»R€j[0l1t#tiaMf as preflmt Cantromfie, 7 " 4 ofiblzitzd m beWai1c%Athcm,» ya: ’£V%l0c—wE»t:§a~ upan flivifions in ma A Church as a mattct%of'mm'c fad and d.ol§:mll cozmiqutaaucav, and I fears, ( but wifh I might be mifiakm) £:i*mtwhcn the: brmches.‘ of th¢~c~3mmon wcalth {hall be ch:»f:ci ,% that bmachcs in the Church maygrow widmand *thcv,d:AiH'Z:mnc%cs rails: .::~*:rug?1cr ; which A having f;-:az¢df upon the ~undcr&an&ing;$ comczcnces «cf mm cannot be compofcdby%comm:1mfis mar ciubmzci «:31:;;»w;z“n by force, Only ‘hate is my hope herein, that Em: whim fomm‘: a way to rc- 5Icb.x3¢ 303:3 . ” y 1 concilc God and man Wham they were csnmim can finda way ‘tovreconAci1cn“j1anAandman thougfi: thew baxwm. a:%§V‘f’f?:=.%x°enc¢. Now 2be‘_C]adqf'pezgce t/'9ae4t1i5ra;5g/at agafima fkrzm £193 défad mar Lord [aflu ('/my, that great 5'/aapbcardzy’ %t!:M:fléeep, A zifimaflgifi E/Ia £u’ax4dMcfté?rc% ca- %wcrlafl£n(q. Gazrarmnt, Amakg m parjééi aim e‘wery%~gbod Work; to do 6;} will; 1>vor.Qin_Q-in u‘uIm:A which‘ 25.4 WellApZm;fi'2gbg in /éixgézt, tbrowgb 7:-» [mt Cbrfft‘, M Wham ée_glw:yf22rem-rV ‘¢fldl£z)E2T$ yfigpew. A “ A A