AN Avogocv THE TREA TISE Te non temer4ndi:"“Ecc/e 1;}. AGAINST A TREATISE BY A A an unlmowhe Authour, written againflit in fomcparticulars. ‘ By Sir Henry Spelmcm, Knight. %~/yard Caren: Efquire, of 4 xint/non} in Comwafl Con: A ccrning T ithcs. q"3%%3°%8° ..m. _ A A L 0 N’ D am V ‘PrZ*intcd by L. for Philemon Stephens, and are to be A {old at his {hop in Paul: Church-yard, at tbcfiguc of the gilded Lion. '1 64 6; A ALSO HISEPISTLETOW I thm: Autho1fsj'u%d% vc:rfaxi€esA rcafons. TO TH EREADE R, . ~ H e .firPc‘.T1'catiI?:, Ta? ttmermdz} mz¢;;,. “N «lacing publifhed above thirty years agoc, 7 there wanted not the :zpprobat%ion of the % A ‘ A 4 A {u;,.* bet’: and moi’: re1igious_mcn1'n behalf: thcr;-» of : nexthcr alfo wanted ch ere on~cpfaLco,nt17aryhumamg to oppof: fometlung : whxch though it be in fi1ch Weak: y }ufi: anfwcr fro1n~fo cmincm: lfafflfid kfiighta out ofluiscare Lma.nncr,as d_eferv¢d not an “:1 pcxfon, yet; it pleafcd% the toAinfh:L1;c5i:%«11i111 and others, to fhcw the Wcjaknctfe of Ahié‘, ’ rcafonfi ~ :A and thatnot oncly in gsjhis apology; ' but alfo A a%n1orc'fe1*ious workeg, his learned Gloflfifirya 1?; much: commended, and dcfired to be finifhed, by great; Princes "€11 parts. ~~Thc“ and fcbhiycfc men,,bot11 at home andin» forreu A I” yjscflimony gemcnt, and ofthx:%vvc.:111ra Iota in qzzezafépoizrveiiitzzr, :4; lexiczz tczjfwtur. Lu?» gjmjusji ma} J‘zacs;m§a'a4r7aa\725'5u §’mcM2{aar, 25.5; #52 ecclgfzlezm (foil. cgrjdm E32 qiwz ~coxfi¢Ztm¢;) Aundique flravero.j>er12zA’éet;;r 04- V Qjjyqflolz44,fl2cm¢a’z¢m‘p1ure5imrerjwretesg‘amiqgm, 77¢£’_a’:7_0.s',,re— '1 gcor. 11.22.. aentiores, 1706‘ f ezzfw a’ix2?jfe.% :'n3~:%xKhv1as 7'8‘ 3%‘ %¢7¢¢’P¢4?*H7é5A Er:- ‘ élefiam j_Dez' 'co;¢temz2iti;v,Liquia’e'Sg17¢aa7z1,5L;zaa'ice;¢a,1}.:1 "vi abyxmgf 7c£}n Z=4£x:Aao':¢t ‘A7135’ cEy1m7c£7?1€ #49???‘ §U@1*i1£C<§nVéniunfi in .bCc1efié1m ‘ A confil?-g gip;1t=in ecclefiam. t¢gt¢j?m_. : epgfi‘; s—?o9. @ando ergo: fi‘1_r1u1‘eflis in echlefiaa, ubicu“n"quc”Vir.i.fi1nt,7i.nvice1n 8; ppdicujam X ‘ Eiiaiamagb 60. . Vi+- ‘A Caefares ,%A..A.4,g;,__ a';jd'jfiCa1‘C'CC(:‘1€:fi‘;-;£iS expzenfis ‘p1ib1it:%is ;: A, f» ,"A1;ij 8? 9Te~ :T/Je Apalogy. Ag fot;the.patt§ of_4N1nyV_booke whetein ilabeutr as he faithgto p1‘OV€t1thCS"tO bedue We diwimagand hisganfwers L thereto, my purpofe is not there to medic with them, A for that they require a more fpaciousi difcioutiei then ei- ther that volume admaitted, qt Iwnowgmeanen 3;o_ enter in... ttcbait :b€iengeen:ott%a p;€ivat%e‘f“qiie£?Eion, bjietfiiveenchthim and A me, but longcontrovetted by greater t:ierks«)‘iandai1efta " to this ‘day as We/iiveern vexamm mm jed£cge4m;Thi.c truth, the tourfe of; atgumeilt 1eada:me7 .L1‘]l_)(i3.|.l"'1‘"‘*1':?Z, A -and, I A W ”thcteftc*ptoeiut:ed ‘“f01*t1e itaiguitttents -tendi+nig«—i—to the maintenance thereof , but 1'€f€ir1'iflg the point uitto a » greater wQrk_ , tand forbearing to deelare my felfe there- ‘in‘,ei_Withoute;amp1eand more laborious examination of foe great econtrovex-fie* tv_1eavi11g therefore that :.iftsfa gé» ‘herall caui-E,iL~whte1'e<)“t“ he may perhaps have~~e;ab1=e tame; the1‘time, I iwillherewagemy fclfeagainit l‘1'ir1*‘i""i"o'i«-‘1'je‘1j‘y‘ “in thoife things, wherein he chatgeth mepatticu1a1fly”in my 0\VflC‘P§I."f0I15 and pafiing over among{’c‘.them fu‘<":h 3fnatCIi¢$i0f his, asiifcarcely rufflte the haiaiteg ~Ih‘?vvi1-lticixiely tmcdd1eWith'etho£?: parts, where he‘thin1«;eth he bitcth , decpeft. V » Firfi,4heiquar19e11eth with me,aboutthe_tit1e oftmy ‘books, “in 4that_ I ufi: I the wotd e;Eo:1qfiat‘forea+?aa miatetiall ;Church, ot(‘as in contempt he tet*mcchiti:)a’§/%o;ée-:&mfi».- iaffitming irthis learning, that it fignifiet-Iaonely the teen-he grcgation : which aflettion if ~h~e',coti1d-_makeeV goad, would gaze himia;~«gLreat hand in the cat1‘fe_;, £01541 that ch ofhisarguimcnt fo11owing“i1i‘eth very h_my;1y4at;poa this pin. ‘ Su‘rc1fy'if I gu efl‘eri'ght_fe)me ti6tiémarythiat‘hadecci~ A vcdhimg W or perihapgshis feading~« Areachéth»1t<§tii%fo*ifa1§,mast to rcfolvc himh~ef'rcin b1gt}if‘tWO,_‘thOuf§t11d %jat1thtiti.es_. t b¢;fuffic;chti t:OZ'ki7cf§§ijfc‘e ime: w§itl§ia11,;,fpeak¢ ittiiityllifiiiiti ‘ l:* ilaffurcmy 1E1*feI7*&t7>1fld prcdiuce:heirfi:¥t'Whoi i 4 a kndwetlie" [1 Q7?‘ 3:: A ~ ma Apazagy‘: 1I<::ow¢thntotAt how. ordina1fyt*aA;thing it 1?$i,A_ctQ;V ,l;1;tv?ero‘n¢ word£1gnifieebot11Athe perfons, and the p1a:cet4:Ah”eisLtCg§/itxgx, the citizens, or IOWIIC5 Col/egiumd the foctety or houf: ;_ Semztw, the Senators, or Senate houfe,;&oSyzmgaga, .§tlf1.e; affembly, or place of aiferriblhy; at;n}fi11*e he ‘Cone?-Q A feffe, th.‘lt;Wh€1‘CitiSfaid,. hfletlawdj»oz;:?;é4t?b;4;«k:;za’;h;z;I}g, em/tewffleegogae = It is mt ?11t¢1i¢:‘m€%11to0ft11A¢P51‘5€>n9gf hebtxilttltetn a congregatiomfl but of the%place.hoA%hSyc¢-W mzgagzte, and Ecclefiag, figniifie both onetaindfl thing, the congregation, or place of congfegatihohg iii which hfenfc (“we A Chrifiizms notwithftandingco onely t~hCAWO1’d Eccltficz, for our congregations,A and houfes of ‘prayer, fo1ft11:3.t the Jews had taken up the other Word, for their e‘O1*2ttot1*ies, according to an old verfe: Nah; Ecclcfia datugfleérmk Symzgoga. At A A And inthis manner was the word éxxzxno-fa ufed amongflt the A~':G1'—.eeks before the Chrifiians borrowed ithhhfrom them, I as it appearethby fome of your Lexicons, Where o itis faidb Exxmzcrfoc, Cgetwg concilium, fongregatia, &c.%"tfa€ mimr etidm 1270 A law ipflv 2"}? quem cozavenitztr. I Ltlcianusg "Mu? =’WPw’‘‘y ’p1aece ofprayer .one11ye. This~?;ef0hLindati<)h.“b.ei»11gnow 1ahid.up;01ae the worda c>;f' —-ghe §Apof’£le" hirnfelfe, let"us§fee how it hath been fince h~u.1ide?rfcood by the Fj£1tI1CI’S, A and .DQc'j:ors ofthe Church, ashwellh : ancient A as modeTrne~. % Hicrams opinion appezizreth “a1rrea5dyh1’ne my? ebhooke%,_ and C?/2ryfiflamc’s‘~ you A man V heare ah-non. But hthis;m.arg defpifeth the .firfl,az1d therefore. I-am fu1je.hc wi11‘acc;0unt asA.h7ght1y.oftl1e fiécohd‘. A Senace of XE:-ithe1'si’ moves _hifm:n“0t‘"ane haire: ea f1:';ighs m~0»hot;he1:ite,hie oppofethz his owne ‘...OnC1yWin11 Iagainfi them 311; Yet to fatxsfie fome others,%who{Te;ez1rcsh perhaps naay be better ‘imzune, I will cite one who for humbleneffc of fpirit,in-- tegritie oflifc-,‘ 'andfad1nir:ib1ef 1eafning”efoi‘ the time he 1iV€d§»CiI1,.hIith’€VCf fince been ver1e.ra,b'le t“h1*o”u ghout the wbrlcl ;. and 1. no: forreigncr “but: our Cou ntrcyman Bedea Wholu P021 hth‘efei Wo1'ds.Nzmzqm’d demo: zzm /aaeéétix ?-«---+- are .E6T6'16fi4w Ialflftiifflitzl‘ .? - ‘ ‘ e ‘ i“_:1 .2. , M ‘ . 1?. Ezrclzfla Cfaiftll hey lzomirzesfzmt dz? qzziéw a’i'cz'tzmm* ex/vi» batik ,1" ig“/0KiQfilm"‘E6é‘[§’fldm,* Ziaz: mmézz rvomri €iidfi¢’.1}J{:'177S ddmume:ar4ti9.Z'um,'.;iidem lpq/Zvlw htefléj Mg/1‘, Fzzéi xzit, rmm- A A gaiddwnosflonh“1a2z5eti:7mC_mzmdzicmdum’ éiéendum .9 am wclefiam Dev‘ aa;zt€mz¢it1_2s?f?";: (fie '12:»; qzwtidmnm loqiamdz’ a!3tirmi:t,b nit .:i1¢;‘ ccclezfiamprodire, mm’ ecclefiam wmfwge—re,h hm e diam? gm’. mflzmzm 2']: ggézriétefqzze prad2m‘t',rt)elecw4:~e faggerit; A4 gmjémflebaigfiaeeomgreggptia;¢anizne¢z£;*.:~? f But he will * fay:th"at' all this cash-:,~ therhefore zhenewmhfiawyg fp'en.dfhd naldreibfimc breaching of?i—t.* Taficv of fiartymxlponéh chee;p1ace;"th;%_mz2¥aroTmza+ g ' i I ‘I ‘ ‘V n H q “. ~.> ‘ A nfi#3_h A A T/ye Apology. A A Wis] ‘h]Mtcfl"‘ “( faith he) ‘I90: refirri ad [mm qzmmm omrzezr ca;¢t;iz2eéat,z'nz M rzotemr aorjmmlir ca2=2]'zmé3‘z'o,éé£. and then, .422 ecclcflzzm D62’ conztemmitzz .? patefi acczfi .Eccle_*/i44( he)‘ pro mmfzzcra, welpro /am qurofideles cozwmiwzt, &cf 52; weep dc/aw z'z2te[./exerzls ( wt C/aryflvflemw ruieletur fin- me) 6;/‘ommr coizmmimzri locum exfgzlwfiv. Vmle xfzaguflzhzm dfL‘c‘5zIt,, In Oratorio memo aliquid agar ad quad faéfum efl, vnde &“ mzmm recepits, ad aim mzmem oéezmda pldtcw ea» mm /méemu«:.And cexnplaining ofabufing«ofChur- chese he goeth on : Atmmc temple deam&ulationil:m,f4éu— [l:.$'Aé“e,~ mmzéwnegatii: ])ro_pb.wi.r tow a'.ie}uzt‘eflz‘C./arfiusbfld-» A ge/Jo pamtoh exfwaiczzlzée, ‘ejed7z': emmtiéw, &“ ~*vmdc22tz'_ m, e non mwravcritjntcllegfium ); ,;th§e1ito; .difgraAec l1;i}m:4;e_z :+« V temylum Dex’ repurgzwit .- and goeth ftill on in this man- ner muchhfixrther. L/"I/Iztrlorztt alfo a common and good friend to our Preachers being well pleaded withthis 'CXt§' e pofition and inveéiive of Peter .1/‘I/Iartyr, tranflateth Cit veib4iz'm into his ovvnc Comrnentary upon this place ~.;, and thereby de1iVe1‘etl1.it_;t1f0 to the..w.orld as his eofwne c>pinion.e. _ A h e A A A ‘ g A : _h?—Bue«ecome Wc7r1OW.'tO that ‘part of my books whieh puts him moi’: out ofpaticnce above a11A:heh1-cfl, myaph-« A Aplication ofthe 83. P/Zzlme to fuch as deftr0yChurches, and berciave them of their me;-inteAnanfce. This;he ‘faith; V ;fiAI;tcth1ny matt:a1'a,s an E1epI1ants*skinedothf agnat, it hath no-.col1ae1’¢necy«therewith eitherfigL1ratively,;’.alle§a goricall, oreanagogicall. To retort: his fcoffe I xnight ;it{e.cmeth, an Elephant fabfurdity 1:0 th.emGnate Tab his » Iea1‘ning : but defire e:rather=hA~=m TfZ1tisfi;¢:;hi.A12nf Ee(*Sz'e ' A ItAc/ajnnot%be denied if there; be fa correfg0zyd"cnéy:*be% twecnethe body Qfoux‘ Church and Comrrgdn A wealth; with t:hC body of the Church andCom fi1'ohhWeaIth,érf _ ~91:-it J the ’f3m§ih%mUfAfya1f@h,“Hd;Prdp0£t10na1fi1§f3‘“ B§” V mongffe The ../fpology mongflzthe members thereof, and in confequence that the pafiages of Rate, of government, ofpeace, warte,.li- therty, opprefliomzprofperity,‘ adverfity, and other oc- A currents either aétive or paflive, mutt hold fome afpeéii and analogy, one" unto the other. And then alifo that Whatfoeveris denounced againfi the enemies of the one, trencheth comparatively againft the enemies of the o-.- ther. Come then unto the matter. The prophet inveigh-t— eth againft them that feekc to fpoile,oppreffe,ordifturbc the Church of God feated in India 5 be it openly by war, or iecretly by fome ftratagetn of wit: Doth not this i thwart them alfo that attempt the like in our Church 2’ Yes, faith he, againit them of the King of Spaines Ar-~ mado in 88. and theft of the PowderTreafon, wherein the univcrfltll defolation both of the King and King- dome, Church and Common-wealth were not onely projeétcd, but attempted by our enemies. at t M But thew me, will he iitygwhat hath the appropri- ating of a pelting Parfonage, or the pulling downe ofu jt‘arze-—‘I2onfl’, which you call a Church, is unto this 2’ for the one is an El: hant, the other but a Gnatt. t I anfwer. Ea “ em efl ratio parrim qua: (J? totim.lAnd out A ofthis rcafon and analogy out Saviour Chrift argueeth him that cafieth but a lafitivious looke to be guilty Bftht great Commandement, mm mccbaégris, as w ell as him that committed the veiy‘ heinous act it felfe: and then i alfo that whatfoevcri the Prophet kdenouncethagainflz them that fpoilc the” Church in tlgfenerall, the flame" tie»- pfitends upohfi every particular" man?iith"atipIpoilet11.p;the {ithc in any particular partt: as, omne genm pnedicar )9 oz’: l T film évm fplmebm diam infimzls é’ if 1’ icing taking up ofthefee patfonagcs”anci.defa» L ,TlJeApology. a gang ofplacesofpublike prayer is a fiaoile of the Church; of God, appeareth in this, that the mfianesi and mainte« nance of the feruice ofGod,’and of his minifters is there- i by diminifhecl, and defiroved, which fubtrafiiony of maintenance from the minii’eer,God in cjmalaclai 3 .8. cle- Jclareth to be a fpoyling of hirnfelfe , for that his feruice is thereby hindrecl, and his Church impaired; And :1»- though this man aflirmeth, that although there were me. ver a flrme-C/mrc/a or minifier in the kingdome, yet the Church, {and fcrvice of God might itaind well enough, for that every mans family is a Church, and every ma» flzer thereoftyed to inliruét his fervants, every father his A \ children : yet by example of the Church in the time of _, the Apofiles, we ought to have places ofpublicke pra - w ear, and fome to inltruét thefe rnafters and fathers, n, _o the husbandman, the artifan, the day—-labourer, are not commanded to neglect their vocation and turns: preach- ers, as too many now iadayes do. And though perhhaps fome fuch good men out of their devotionwould preach now and then to inltruét their brethren, yet who {hall i ‘ do it ordinarily, and where fliall the Affembly be enter- tained -, for every town hath not aGuild—hall,a$e1,li0i1S:- ' houfe, a Cock-pit, or a Play-houfe fit_fo1',fi1ch'iarrri_ulti- rudfe; And though they may, as he faith; 4 férve Abroad with P2m1,in a dungeon with Icremy,or on a muck? hill with fol», yet heat or cold, wet or wind will them at one time or other : fo that doubt1efl'e‘it,w§rejve- ry neceffary to have a man, and a place ,p::b1ic1g1,; éjagf pointed for the fierviee of God in every Congregation. :f And then fince this man cannot perform gout maintenance, and fuch a placeas Wefjalge "taking of them. iaway puts him from doiy ¢ll2"?Ya 5192" - ‘a. 4 prives his parifhioners of their in K C0 €-if; - Pmfam. ‘five Ajvalogygi icienlequenee'the'~ChurcI1of Geld 3 and {'0 ,the A _‘cu’rfeyt~t)f theP{a.lme lyethjufily againft them. i ‘Butt let u-s now tal£_€ a. viewofthe gust he fpeal be a;prophecie. find thus ye -feeboth“ the gnat and the Ele.phan:t that he ‘fpcaketh ht; thoughil mean not to propofe them tosyou by way‘ofc':l‘Q’n1parifon, but difcover l1isint‘e1npetance»or want of judgement. . s A A _ A A A , " But-to fuppott his C1‘€dlt? with 9. eb1*okCn prop, it A may bathe-willfay", that upon the appropriatiiig thefe Chur- ches and transferring ofthern to the King," there was ,2: ‘provifion“iefi:in~ I~nCYfi‘.0fthC..j3aI'ifl]CS fora Vicaiyor ‘Cu-A 1 *ri3',tc.t0’ do divine fcrvice there, and that nothingiwas ta-.; fl{§he".l’.I.'pm them but f.1perflui‘ty:_ t foy to keepe them in diet, \V W ‘- a andiil’iidl§litl1eit imimloderatedtluxurk, "VVThl.Chlh_._C pr_o‘¢la_i-;- A it '” " ” i A " math l ‘t’ Jr’ 5-‘ 4‘. ‘\ “\ " ‘Hi '3 ‘I-.“‘. ‘V V n 7l'l‘V1 W.- 'Tbe.)4poIogy:' mcth to be Po exorbitant as fcarcely all England, and _ Virginian to boot, can iatisfie. Lord blefle us 3* is it pol?- fible that our Chu7rc.h-men fhould become fol mon- l itrous if or hath S/aineei thus" railed‘ againflc the body of them without‘ his perillt‘ I hope much betterof their temperance, then of his tongue: But I leave them to make their own Apology, forI have digrelled beyond my purpofe, and therefore will {pend no time in dill ‘ , courfing upon the provifion made for Vicars and Cu- A rates in thefe Churches appropriate. He feetneth to be of .tMz’c4/as mind, that ten Ihekels‘, or a matter of foure nobles a year, befides diet and a fuite of apparellisa faire maintenance for one of our Minifters. In which oint I have elfe-where declared my felfe at large, and will not therefore here infift upon it .3, onely this ll would ' i know of him, what furplufage, or fuperfluity there could be to give unto the King, or take from the Church, when befides at the maintenance of the Mini-- 4 fters, much was to be dif ofed by them in relieving the t poore, and other pious u es. v (5: A oHeui°iczu Henri: m Spy/mzm~nI»u .icb;4rr{o]Em {T cam: ”>riraA pfr4:flamtii457521.AP. D. ; “ »;:anam:ud1nis ;u%m»;prgm*us ea :%(yirExifi1ie} \ I’ V‘ w:~mvwo1e‘nti;a a111pl~e:&e1'errc;' »*Qqan-quammim A719 .,. -ffectrfndunl flhonorumg vocabula qua: fitflus A mun’da7nus%)Vam o»bt:inu‘it, Equcfkris d”igni~ta.s f may {it Ar:1‘nigc*ra; in A rx.1u"1tisAAtamté Spa/mzimm mine rAcfl: Caren. Ncc me certeapudct hoc.1ibe‘1:ii‘1s%[profiteri, Cunza Amagnus ipfc fic: cdocuit %./Iuguflizms.-5 «Sc Epifcopus licct, AprVesbyte“ro cefiit Hieronym. Placcnt equidcm ‘8c1itc1%9: tuee,AA & tua;o111nViz1; .p1raccnt4fe1+ia5 tplaccnt jocii, “in &*m--- 41nine;ve1*E:>»V1neo quae ‘egrcgia bcnignitatc “ lufifii non poi?- ‘=i§f”u1n in me (mu'1t€‘> illufiriori) Arecribuere. ‘V Palfnam igi-« stur ccdo, & quod Graecis olim, in Caria fl1a‘gCntC~adv- emirati funt, nos fin Carca noftra gent: agnofcimus : Am-« jgenium fplendiéiuln, bellarumqucintentionum f2ecun-- ‘dxfiimum. Deus bone 1. quantutnA1nA.nom1n“c5, ééwiminis A numinis 1’ Cariae gcntcs (inquit Herodotm in client) ~-omniumquae illis tcmporibus cl:-rrueru4ntA%.»ingci1i0{iffi1nm ’erant. %Anfata1¢ 110C. Careo 5:n<:11nini4€ht;i:é1n in 2110 '<':31:- be, &poPcto1: fazcula 2* tquin 8: 2’ nionA';equ"id4c1x1’31 inMi~ deo, mi1'or1nagis: fed qucm.1audas:.%autl10rem;*ai1nn ‘ms hzmc -tibi p1'f9e‘cmt‘e1*iSVc:opii.1m“fr:cit>sUnAcc;%fo1aM;h9cc ‘fed <:Q11c0*1nitantia ~1*x1t;i1ta»i%?c1m;git21mSwfit6W..T:2 .»‘iergo::bf5:cro nos libcros facicz ab his vinculxsgf audax oratoxj caufam ham: apud 4D€L11fi1aCt_-;: 5:An Aflfqggi fvcndcas *1 %C2W<= ne-fidcm, quaxn apwdgme %fp1Vc%nd;d:?A _ mabcs i11ic.0 labxéfzinflcs. Si%bcatiRc'chabit2e, % qui II1patriVsf’uiAmandata obfcrvavcrunt , An4,wn,1flaled;a'ti F nos, qui non fingularis unius, non] privm Ac;uiufda;x1&pa- rcntxs mandata contcmn1mu$AA:* ‘ %qm>s dmi; ‘ A B.‘ 3» omniumi; I‘17':i1f3€‘.1>”i;é?f' AA 0 amnmm eé, fanz&i:9Iic;s,*-Jofa,:f :a:5.?pe»1-ciwrcfi A "iIifibro15it:iE§,::p*Ei'ff=£zfI‘Lg§?1:i*1is$,~f'“ViOla1i u%$,M':ma«nLiat%aq1Ire1n%c> —.:p6fibuA§ ar71at1«*1‘c.1nzita‘,' r W ?f:ngauI10:‘1+du*x11 » »C"21p15t:{ It-arii:1u*afi1v~"ca2: fl1efid€‘1‘iOipfi3t‘t{ Szzj2er;v2o~s /52%;; w.rz4z:s%vi%:;~¢“a_~f%ivc»a+—; A 1 % A i .‘ r ‘ A 6-‘, rah”i1r-ms,'rEu'm;‘:i‘e£%a«£%a%_1‘§i%is ;[uda2¢is. d-’1n‘c¢i1ia-5,‘V S4en;’I:u?s»c:_o_nfu1:a t(3iti鑧3?I1,»" <31-iv"zrtv2i%:;i‘:tn:fg>*s;»gx£1*s1:rm% ”I1@§ia”c1*‘et~@£,, i~'i1?1"aéxpiblm-i1e*’diifrt&4 pe:1:iu:— ?a£ii&a::iiét i%a*A ea; ‘Lfi*2a1§xi*t?v9%«i«*$'fit%?rvltMva?seI«»?rw1~¢lc~-iatbwtla A A ATrMeatiiE, collcerniiaglmprom, priationsi of benefiéesa H A Czwzpiruilegia reg4li.l THE PREFACE. i To the King ourmnfl graciom Sovereigns Lordai V Ifirancis Bigo d tI<‘m'g/2t_, [akin/mméle andtruefait/2ful£ Afzétéiefi, aria’ dailj Omtaur, m'_/bath dai{y.a3gm:n. , mini: and increafl: of grace and 1/zonamd . l _ -?D_id -not;,pérl§rtlyknoWii(§m:oPc gracious,Vrno§l1;i chrxfitrn, :md»1noftvyétotious Prince) how‘ I that zunonge allfothervertues,that.thc vertua H W it xous gyftcs. given by gratcc only,th1'oughc_th(: goodncs ofAl1nighty God,»ofthc‘incompa«t t table? cryfizc of gentlcnes and lhumanitc, did [0 habun»-o 4 ' ED ' dantlyv, accumulately, and fo manifcflly tpoffelfc and A reigns 1n your noble and princely hart, tillthat now it aappeattctlt lmnifcftly by yourcxtflerior noble aétsiiiand dctdcs g-5 fotcls undoubtedly I would not only have bin afhaincd fo to attemptrudcly, foolifhly; andirather'prc-»V fumptuottfly totroublc anddifquict lfuch an i~1I1pC1fj/_3.u: A majcity, with this my rude and barbarous ~W1*iting,in;thc hijndctancc ;of your godly and fpirituall -flufdics 5 (‘W-ith which your highncs takethfuc‘hintol1erablc painc pas well to fez: forth the mere fynccrco and new glorywofu A God, as V alfo thc cftabliflainont, quictnes, and unitic of this; ly0urcl1riflcnC0m€n Welthc. But alfo in my iownc it conceit and opinion Calling to ” orfilmllcmbrance myjgrjeati and Inanifbld infufiicisncyinlcarningg t0l‘Vfit¢,H1’l§0f0l mighty mi fa1noi1s* aiPrintce I i—fl1ou1d~cvénttibi$r and;t;b.uY havcu. Adifallowed mine «own: ,7behaviouifwin that b¢«halfc,i and "ad «id flrlfc wiorthi i‘o£b1aine;t;§ burnow-éértfii A gt t W Art i D dcrmg i T/1:2 Preface. dexingemoyft hen-igne Soveraigne Lord, how rhuch all ‘your fubjeyc-Sits bleimperpetually ltgouncl to laL1d3p1jaife,and glorifie almighty "god 5 A ‘:0’ fiihd unto us 570 Clirifien :3. A A kinge to have rule and 'governar1ce over us your fubjeclsa by whofe great and Linelltillxiable‘diligent lzihour, charge, fiudy and paine, We belclellivetecl from th€ hard, fllzlrpe, ¢I and 5 times more than juchcyall eaptivlcy of that Bahyloniealle man offloxne to the fiveet and loft fervice, yea rathAerliher:yg_Qf‘the gQfpell.e I can for mypart rio leflqe do, then :opre“I‘ent to ypqr gmce fomthing thCr¢r~- » by ta ‘clecilafi: how glzadlyl would give thahkes to your highnesfolr fuch proofé,as I among others h ave received bylthisfiid benefit in olur‘delive;=zmAce which aétis ofit A felfielfolhighlyzen the yg1"‘(::1t p5eace5 uAnyte and VV5ltl‘};Ql:"tlhiS§ noble Empyxfe of England, that iftlifire were non other caufe blfitfthat only wewere‘ houncly to and with all y 0}1r=‘Cllllg€F1CCganCl induflry_to«f’cudy, lrlhourv and devifc ’ A how this benefit ¢3zcceAel1ng othex‘, 1nightwQrld wit:h- mjxft eh Abel extolled; p1?aifcd,and ‘rrIadeil1I11n01'talll£;,and to. receytehgw much the furtherance of gods glory is by thefameafi fct fqrzlu and advanced, my learning ne yet A V wytpe will fiatllewe Yet dare boldly afferme, pone» anld eonficle»1*ing depely theefl?eé?; andi ‘ciy1‘cum- ~l~kem wiorthyli 159 be fer in the bookel of Kings of the old te&a- yofthis xnatter;This ac}: is no lcfle W0fEl1€ then well « afhing lfougndinlg} uoggods honour, as much as. 2t1yAothc1'A hifimyt tvhegcinly eonteyned. but What fhould I‘=acte~mpc- or got: alheiuttol exp!refTe"’thel» A‘ccfmdigx1cZ ar1d7c—4 « y A A v¢vl~afi:ix:ig»prai;l'es and chankes, which your majefiy hath. clefewe v ”aIll‘l«y01~1rholeColmiin~alt for therbencfitcs be- fé§ree"?«11am~cel,- lur;tc%;AI“l‘ewouId take hand like larmvillf “ V 1hich—l;of’ his y,unperf'eé?:nes in Awhis 7 i. }fv9ul& V _m;e:‘lly a-And» deface?‘ the thing he Tlae,“Prqj"atE3"‘” jwlould molt earnefily and diligently fhevv iantgllfettlforthei, I will therefore mofl: excellent Emperor oft,hi—s irealme, {et all th1S afide, and fhew to your grace the ca,uft:ofi1ny'r* enterprife, for fo much as I perceave that all your graci«'- i ous proceedings are onely driven and conveyed to the molt highe, jufc, and fine-ere honour of Almighty God, the -a publique welth , and unity of all Chriltendome, a molt efpecially of this your moi‘: noble Realme of ‘Eng?- land, it hath animated and incouraged me accordingto the {malls talent of learning that the Lord hath lent to me to put your grace in remembrance? of the intollerlable peftilence of Impropriations of benefices to 1*eIigious perfons, (as they will be called) fome to men, and {onto to women, which in mine opinion is athing plainly ro- pugnant to the mofl holy and bleffcd decrees and ordia « nuances of Almighty God, and highly to the extolling, fupporting, and maintenance of the ufurped powers of the Bil-hop of Reine, was (your M ajefiy {hall perccavetin; readirrg ofthisu little tt'eatil e, awh:ich your grace not being ohlerided, I a {hall ever, God willing, be able juftly to do-l~ fiend, and alfo flop the mouthes of them, that and abide by the contrary, and that not with maineievene words], but withaauthorities of holy Scripture.‘ ther I doe molt humbly upon both my knees belee i our Imperiall Majefty, that unto lhch time,as this my little book be clearly confuted by like holy Scripture and authorities,as I have approved thelarne, that it may A fifely goe abroad under? proteditionm-of 1-edoubted~name.“ i i i i , l :for the profperous prefervateion of _» toyalll *C:llitté~,yGur molt noble and ;9. H. 84 as our content. mom Ghranicles doe rfiporta-. A cfidlew faith ofhime T Frdafflifls Bzgerti it ea: 9Eéor4o'e;¢fidp4tr2'az ii mmzmsi eqizm,-,:, flm, eé' e'va;¢gelz'me_, li0m0.224talz‘m'n /lblemiore mzéilzk, no 0 «zreritatis mam, Seripfit comm rlemm. ------- De Impro- e'iPt?i3¥i.b,U$~ 135- I -A rfllffdflm iitem. lama: liéras Angliczirzos. iaterfedztiqfla: tandem, ezzzm:o._iDami2¢i 1 3 37, imzito A ea, rapgrim, cadem ragga {Z123 indigm: mrte feriit. V To 4 .f;:§v§,é?§:$%iL3d§@m-@9E®@)i§‘°§f§@%@§i To me right ReverendFathers and T Brethren, “etheeBifl1opsea'ndhMi.3‘V A e i A niPcers.o~f Scotland. ii W r V ' reverend and be1ovedinthe’LordiJc+ ” H4 fus)to beeprintedieagainein North«Bri4-L 4 ‘ mine, formanycaufes: firfigbecaufic he I.wasinformed5t11at there came foifuh, " " buta few copicjsaz: the firft priiiting A . ' ' thereof in S0uthe~B1fitaine:,: iAgéit1‘e,‘I* hope this doing williincite that worthy Knight, th‘eAu-”:-’ thour thereof, quicklier to -“feind out the greater worI_"u":,‘i? t@‘i Have caufed this little T1'eatifE:*(1?ighr which hezpromifethiiofthat fizineiaiguementg» but princie A pallyw 1nCitC.yO'Ll, whom thefe :matte1‘s7moPci nearely‘ ‘ doe concerne, to elookinto them, more:1dvifedly,‘tihen‘ Vasfyet ye ehavcfideone xv it Awash-21 private 0ccafi~or1,; asjthatw W0.1'fl1ipfu1i.; ..Gent1em:1n fl1eweth,~ that led hi111w;to*i2}1fisehe writing: You have a publique, whereof it are ft) little moved: iwh~oiefeet11»j1ot u11e1"c“a:e*o£‘i:hc Church. of Scotland asconcernAinlgithe patrimony to go} daily firom Worfeto worfe eh Sdmlege and Simanyhavee £2) prevailed twlmteite beginneth to be doubted~*iof:"many; ‘ whetherthere. be any fucl1finncs;,; forbide‘i‘i‘ iiihi'Gbd§*e and : condemned in“ hiseVVOrdc’; Neithe7i‘i5~cahe y0i’1~“dCfiy* the caufe of this evill, for the moft A part to have‘;floW‘cr£ "V from your felves: your felling‘ Church rights Without ae11y‘confCiencie;:t;_ Med 'bartering~ ofbenifices, with iyou1*,:eefl15aefiit_?1effe”e iéndefléivifli courting of ehco‘m1pepac1*oncsg hath “madie the p 3 thinkc,- '= thinkc,that things Ecclefiaf‘;iea1"1 are of the nature of A Temporall things, which may be done away at your p1e‘afurcs: and where aethefirit it was Vmeere wor1d1i- neflei«t1'xate’1ed men o«n.etho{e courfes, now a great many V to outfac; coniiience, anddelude all reproofcs, they fland not to d'efendw1:hat Lands, Tithes, yea whatfocver belongedeto the Church in formerages,‘ may lawfull beeaee1ienfate%d by“ ypu, anede po fl"efl"edbyef%cu%1ar;s : whicg takex1’outof=t1?1ee%mindes of men, ore.ené;cdAyE>u noelooke to have thefe tvickedefaéis in this e 1uni%efo1‘meed: to thisend fhould all Ecclefiafiicall. 1abg_um infopme themfiilves, as well by the Word 3L5,P?Yf"Eh‘3‘iWFi¥3i1'1g50f_A1'1Ci€fl‘5a arid Confiimtionsof (iounceis, ‘touching theright and 1a‘Wfi11nefTe ofeccle-A fiafl'.iACa1IV i:hifigs, that, when they are perfwaded th€1’Il-t A ‘§r§f"ei;heN4tr:41t;l1,A; they mayethe more efi’e6i:u2ily teach qzghers, ‘ There is no xmpiety againfl: which it is more re» Ql}ifil“-“-’T ~ 0‘1:e»£¢t Y0“? ’\.fclLlV:;‘:¢S. inthis time: e for befides the’ bfthisfinne and the judgement of God up- on theialnd fen: the fame, who doth not foreiTec.., in the continuanee ofthxswcourjfe ilihifi,’ affiared minefand decay Qftirucfieligiérn s.’ e A A Qfeeaue eperfeecutionsintended the §'ttZi4p}w;zsVeverhe1d to be the moi’: dangerous :% force» cz41er§pfe:§yge:fo:,e”i$ npthing fe hu rtfull, ‘as accjdcre pref- 5f3'¢€?’iW7?- ~ When talien away, thcerc is yet hope, chat~%ioche;s W111 raifed “ in théir places but if the meanese Qf maintenance be taken away, there fofloweth Khtedecayeoftbe profeffion it felfe: Men doe noeapply thcmfélvcs commenly :t$3::Cal1ings , ferewbichho 1re«- eagre ;;p;poinc€,desV fined {eye tvhaete efome have edone it ai5?:¢<>I3r1c 0t1t~ofezea*1~c, anfieeffimc out of heat <35 {~03 . e§~e»Yse£:4in ,after—times ~ it is ngoz: like to continue y to ;, naeitherlet any man tell me, thatl a Minifler‘ have other ends propofed to him, ‘th«enWo1‘ldly5 maintck» nance. I l{nO'W‘ that to be truth, yetas our Lord inthe Gofpel , laoc mam aportet _f.:zm*e, E2: i[1.wdii¢m‘0mitter8*. Speaking of payment of tithes to thCPha1'7l»l£7€'€S : It ac... hoveth them, faith he’, to be paid : if not, it not tovbc t expecfited, that men will follow” the Calling. M _ To reft upon the benevolence ofthepeople, as it is at gbeggarly thing, and not belonging to the dignity of the Minifiery, fo the firi-‘t maintainers of that concetthave efouncl the elrari‘tyofthvis7“ kincle lfo lcoltl, that they? will not any more {land by tl1elirgood~w'ilils,;. to this; anew; ance. Therefore it lieth upon youtoi forefele the efcateof your Church, andyeitlaer in this point of maintenance to” provide that it may be competent 31'-l’Gli’¢c'1fl3“l”tli«vITW1l§:{..:%fi€i‘l£.6 looke not for any thing but ignorance‘ and blafenefféa and all manner_ of mifchiefes which flow from thefé; to line vacle the whole K'ingdome.i ” ‘ in W in 1 : J How acompetencyymay he pyrovitled‘, except’ iloring, the Churchi to their rights, I cloe not fee; ‘anti what this right is, ifl ihoultl {land to defi‘ne,‘_ and iumfie. y ithere, I fhould exceed the bounds of an Epiflile. ofthis time have cleared the poi;nt‘i'iiffioien"fily?; it any lffirnple be remaining, itheiworthy r it at 9 ye,» will re move it in the greater tvorke etrtpeét: l‘ iudgement and dexterity in handling the argfumentg xnay. l be perceived by this his little pinnace. It us ofour calling to come behiniderrrrenr oMri9"plaeé ther in knowledge, or zea1e.His exiarmplee were ism” “ obliged, to labour in thefe points, as you are, Ihalldoe much, I truft, with your for the time to come. Shoulfl A any look carefuller to the Vineyard thenthe keepers e l or fhould any out--goc the ftrXfan§§ _o§_th'e<.houfe in diliu . ” eraser‘: , '1 nv§‘WI V‘ 5 Natal gcnce €,iRepem: tliereforeand amend your dwne -neglim gence, in this behalfe, and call upon others for amend- emenr, Whileft you have time. Thinkeitnotalig’l1tfin., to fpoile Giadsinlieritahceaiand ifwe Lookfoxr heaven, let us befaithfu11~ IO our~;Lord here on earth. Ibefeechi God ti) give usall Wifdomey and keep us in ke-, Gods‘ vengeance upon theflcomnnitteres t'here<>f,e whereof you w111~fee1<_e ’redre{fe‘oe£i.God hnd~‘n:1m1. God give you wifdorne, fire-ngth and courage .»in.~f0.c jufiacaufe, and meane hap py end; A I<'mx...: A Saint calm/rem. Augufc. ‘157 ;:. nine2anaaanaanaaaaaaaaaan Ananlwer to a queftion of a ;Gentle.~! man of quality (propelled to anal ltnade by a Rc*verendvand'llearned Divine living in London) con» i eerning the fettlement or abolition of Tithes by the Parlia-- lament, whieheaufed him to doubt how tordifpofe of his Sonnei whom he had defigned for the Miniltrewwherein alfoi are c‘om-- i prifed foifne iAr1irnadverfi»ons uponiia late little pamphlet ca 1.... led,iTlae Cqzmtrjrer plaamgaiafl T itlamdifcovering the ignorant! ” vtniflakings of the Authors of it, touching the maintenance of the Miniliery. ~ . Sir, Hough it were high prefumption for a private -mafn,as I am, to prefage whatfo wife a}Senate as the Parliavment c « will doe for the future, either in point of Tithcsv, or any other afiarre of lo pubhke concernment, yet I hope Imay, withoutireaching above my line, take upon meto tell you, that the groundof your doubt touching their alienation of Tithes from the Mini{?tery,(which I lhall bring in its proper place) is but fuch as will ferve rathetto beare up a tranlient fufpicion on furmife of fuch a matter, then a fettled aliurance that it either is In already, or that hereafter it will be to. For the firfiz, T/:{_/It it :5: izatflz, I am lure; becaufe, “ 1.‘ They have pcaffed an Ordinance for the Minilters recovery ofTithes, and other Minilieriall dues from fuch as doe detaine“ them, Nove1nberj8. 1644. which is Pcill in force, through the H influence of their power and favour. 4 it i V a * 2. They have made competent additions to verylmany living; out of impropriated,TiI:hes in the hands of Delinqtlentsganidathisi theyhave‘ done withfo rnuch cheerefulnefle, and ibeneficaenceltiont the Miniiiers behalfe, by the Committee for plundred Mirailters, ’ that many have ca«ul‘e to blefle God for them also their great Pa-A trons, aandbenefafiors fox; that mariner fofmain-tenance-;' whem A ‘? in they have :done pl;>Neya0lI1€llan§l.v5lboveeany Parli.amem; t.l1a.gv;ere V‘ ‘ ” A c one a Ca] * pies and unquiet fpieits have been put U;i‘[)‘:foL1{r Kingdrome, A eke nfm eAl’eeame<~ H gpemw _ M ' W ‘h? ‘Mu ’ A?‘-‘ W; ‘ A! ‘ 3 ' ' ‘~"A~ hh‘ 3V-'’''’‘ -V M A -A " I '3-:“ Ltd; at ;~ - '-:9 . Ax; 3 4"’€iA"‘ “'d9fifi"'~’-’*:> '@y"9'”I1 *2””i@5'“7”-‘3 €flWW~*’5’El“-“ *9’4‘~I€W77t3fl54?7* “ Mamet t;1:¢'wz:2£ ¢mpezzt.~'* ‘fjgxd. A e :2 A M A 7 with equallconfidencean-d diligence ' not anely to.wtite;, A,h:ut~“ I publikejly to difpute againlt them both. A A t 7 g _ A .d E0Wm'=t 5&.;.hTha:t ifrjghts, I X firmely fethuponfotmantytefohdfeuhdacit e:a»;;;¢;;—y:,zmi ans, ,fl16tild he fupplanted, it:Wmi1l.61 mlhfhi*'W€3}I§€fXhhh.AFThC.t_£‘2mlI'C "W P”5?"”i‘ ‘T, confetztaamzrrg be aXread3r;pIeat:f0r rafh,etinn,o:va‘totrstA:; and the rathe1:,: becaufe of ;,m,»f,mAm;,,. the mannetr «ofgthc .;Anavhapt1fl:s proceedxngs, who begmtheirf2ze.ueqmz!e:,e gimme he of ,(3hr1'fi:1aI1t‘.l1bfirty_».W1th“‘ a ‘? rclamtiqn sf ffirim, = made -9-? cetzdétim A *mnt‘ih;an to take .ofl?=the~1n:_crdiett m:*:tef?cta%int. in iafizifiezg t;fijJz£n‘g, their pritnciples went IOAORT3 £0 whciie :their¢hprarfiriCts ~1i.ii€titi011$,fbr pv~npe*1?m!m; Eht¢y:=ehfiliecy wef¢...b,_-Agken jdown; andAfoLno: COntcntt'Q‘AVhéWC Aother mans goodsat their pfo faAll; and; to bef quit fcorfl ApayAm-€Anti%‘o;f ~rCI1tS;,;;a;II‘&¥4 d,A¢bAA;§5;;~ Qhg, A A vinfg +ma;.V%mo;noAp0’Vlypf$aintfhip%t~0th1:mfe1§?cs>)'ifhey’gxcgm; Wflftiebfl‘ wh%oAAwere%x*not of the1:r‘faéhon both out offacred. .""“’.”»‘1.‘“’ ‘ ~ ‘ociet-y~““% ofithe ChA:u"rch,andr Out Of C0mm0fl Communionw in the V ‘- ‘ A 1«yV?hq~9c£sbAut;AofLif€ aMo~;‘%A.Aa*ndA ufutpc.dA*aA.pApweAArA “ro_a§ depApfi-p;ag;,¢.:;A if y Afi"’t“‘_‘.L fivnf”to4A Qileftlaem, 4341,’: i‘d?i¢0"_%/fimw fit??? in 1‘J91r:ir;V‘._/2‘m,;l _,-. fbg} a’ % j fiould At‘bin/A55-A A 1’ I¢$7fl‘tC /9;/'g'dlfA?1'0A¢£»! 4nd_/Ezngzfimry DaEf42rx5<*'.Aa§%L;¢:- V - "m‘mfi‘WzW’ ¢ =3.;Y§%1"‘3 «i:1C,1.€é¢;7§1'::fi*5VFb°;§1§¢:‘fi19.¥1§:5)“mfi£k«£A§?i5ras{;I:9-QlichtleMr 4s.p.z com. in ;Kn_ightwasAratedt:o 20. a years, of ajBaron tO.4Q.».Q' ma1‘k€5~aVicn}i9per~ aAyég1*, and Aofa_nEarle4oo,1. a year : Cfala\.e.cInfl:ic._I.g2.c. 3. petzmzgzfiipendiag ~Se&w.%9§. fol. an=dLim1woqdinhis_provinciall ;C0n‘f’citli1ti0n.s‘ 7"” €IW1q5”W‘*« nifz iizpartibus _ % % _ _ aliqsaibzzs Wal- of T1Eh€5af afld PL"? 10 P6115905) that It AW?as4Lto%b€: 5 marksin limwiminare A ‘~.EJ¢(g"l»znd,*5/"b1gt in {om/Ae parts of Wale; they %wae_rc contentfwith ¢‘0_W6’?1*5fiW- _ lclfc , a‘ft6rWardS:their 111531335W35flugmififlffiwd1-5"QV$‘.m111'KCS’3. L‘”dW°°d‘°‘”“”% . % . % .4 . G‘ .1. . —- ; year,“ but:flfomA¢ would no.1: be c»ont€ncc»dJ}w:x1:hv1e11:<:»menazoVmaxks J.;‘j_"‘,‘§/.5,,‘,f.,._‘?._,‘1’{°% pine‘ iofinhe fupexjigr P0.Pif1‘i C;1.€3>YgY Wérfi .ma’ny%:*tinf1cs% dcprjvgrd « f.0,{Pi"5*51.liit'Y:of;’ Aaflnd; 0.E11¢r :¢:éP.¢9;¢¢S~s:»imP1Ying that: VIo%rnahi1kcs ms T€xt11_&fo1.. 47~P.-6°’-L . 3%-J As .f0.rm.on6y= ’1f01.f0_r_; %omm'oc1iti¢s_; 5:0.b6,b.011.g§1t»;WAi§h;:*icg 7:.-the ,§”j;:§fj;{;af§j‘; @ hm: .b¢%4¢m.e§5IVyv%£1o@Ss;1wn.%th¢£ :13zSfi9~!§UE£1fi*§I§iE*LiJ@daiflfl?/C2 pt» Jféfgfl cfi mi 3 n}*3‘x1§%iA.Qn3Q: 5.~”3.fi7 5:-2123. ,I;;1’~...C$;6;.. the Mczrms‘,/2vdz%a« PA .d¢arcIf%A*ra;Z£t!: fiorvdés.9.nar£ér:9i?v:w12@aVt¢:£w~h.icini:n;a:he4midd1e¢ofche W fl1i~‘L1L?. peAc£4es,« .1 rm-: ("ff ‘“”’"W"% .d,e;r~i::by*tMhat;PrQp19r_¢tims;béfiwffii;c%.r.s:p1.Ao:e$%gmeamllygimowneg fi§;:§;.,E§?:,;ffj,’“ A -»W.1 ’.i?~.457~.¢iP115,?'?b§:¢3:P;§fl?::E§:5a:%zfQ, l?%@t}§?i$£m1¥4Q3~@£W0; .'¢i§£%£rm‘1‘11es 5 Emma mm —' FI&;§§afi?i£33E~!9fi sh4;.mx:m;:%LA:a4d am, am fl¢fl9ciwIt ad 90-» ;~1ano.a:Aifmfi1xs;:§;h@”5qaw§e.,«£¢~§: 99194‘ »a:‘§ls‘1¢*'¥7‘.1fl1?~~®z§1i,€*9~flf;£?1.1"*,-i'¢d},;;Eshérzflfiiglieé of fgétafgggm -. MC:f¢%§0nd‘Wa§~§h1A$s£A .4??.;@-’fié*:f4‘fr¢d.wait/zygrw fifi~éme. 331;’; 13,1,“ V: =.f»’z%z4!_z?:4g?*’:J’g'*!va,fi?€A 2v;¢/vswz :t:=¥’??i%’};f72i~/éifig—€;»;/ze:é_¢J’rieWW:rzmvé? Esee Pol?A.-M V 1355 .€‘§7;€{*RA¢é.§Tf@%17‘9?Ab.fl[i?4gJI.5’;Lffififféfiffi hx‘idg._Edi&.' ‘> Jéfirw15i?¥ér£§‘F:¢xkfi.~maaA;~*3’5!¥2% =?1?@V;:fi€5§€A?-fA~$?§£%:fiM@jEf5 ::‘r¢:rfm:gnvf,ss*:Ivw1aA 1°““'“-‘64f?~A‘- ~AW:~/?r%.»Z;??£§szw1f¢t:e:4ee:zr,z2:v;gz§E¢e;!24%v«;2nyam5 az;*Ia:;¢»:ep?«y, P" “ J ‘ TV‘Z1§.:§L ‘ V ‘ , 3 ' 3 1% -Um‘. L422 fip15ma‘ixI% 5fowr;.:p£(g&mwz pmy, Ajb t/‘mt wbojbewrfild wAéawj%a:u!al farfm rim‘? *W:4'1;’b’ I0 I56 I(i?¢g.%Dflh.Hifi.l.2.\P1.2‘09. :An_d Iwefl femgmbef not verymany yeares agoe there wasAa.con~tr9ver{rie brought be- fore E116 commxffi-one rs of charitable ufcs in=Che{hire,vvherr:im ‘wafi idifcavertzd; the ctveapncffe ¢:>f~thmgs_:rin~f0r%mer times~: the cafe was mus. W There was a_.l“Ae A acy 16f -”tW€¥flU_V imarkes given to the -parifh of VV0Od3-1C§Yl1«rCCH ‘ii?r1":3 at County I’.-0A buyA4oxen smtillsthe grodnd 0fpo0VremeAn, withA“1which fmall fumme at Lthe time of the dona- uon, (about fevenfcore Wares 1 before) were bought nofewm then tW‘?E‘tn<:t§/‘ yo<1~:e ofoxen .; A wfhzchhbecaufe thfipoorfi people were ~~v-notAabe1%:wfo to “keep that may mighAr. be 1?c;r6fi’g to labour, it was .;tho11ght«**fitAtoAfelKl tihsm and 1:0 -buy ;in theirfiead as many milch Kine as t«hem%ony would reach umto, which were to be hired at a . Jmv rat: to fuck as were ‘n-‘O4; able to buy fuch metal! for them»- ..1’e«~1vAes. A BM it is yet-a ch~‘t;?ap¢-r price Wew read of in giwami the firfl: his. ;d;;1yéc:=:%=«;:,A AAW%h7&"*11‘Lbyx: —Sia:m~%1I/fi’efim.7 an ~b2jt74C W a§' ‘tbA‘7bé ‘TU”Al:Ad bu‘t" Tat: L ?s;:. they W~i%1}A;dki;:~%%the%ym”Qr’AeV rbeldng fl‘e‘4%t0% c'o”mse:mne Aitgescaufe it &s‘1'1éx7ir,ai1dAfwnhat it névizher imh, nAor4:is.A1i=1m= roAL:H2ve1‘:rcAh':aL‘a59enifiéation%of auflto mity, ;e+i‘nhVjeer_di» 4 vi:L1*«*c ,As::»1: hxlmaneg by 'c0n{9c%itf~mion%AOrépréferiptinfls 39 Iithing%1ii15§h A *':ha‘d:.;_;.::nQy;»’*~l5h0L1g3fiit‘; fhowum B»‘Ae‘> fiippafcd éouiafla~At0Vr‘the"j§1‘tdA&i5ifthe A V WQ1f1dAg« ¥§ow?.:If}: VI A ”yWr€AA~ pa~_i{1+;l9‘3;3 A"yeages;, axmortz éeg*yca’ré‘sf=bé— A ” ” ” " A om # 4 1171 .Appendix. 2 foroA%hAChriR; Sagim fmnaI?.TamIho.p,A2 Io.'2% 41;. -& fincoa Chrifc (exp? cepting fume "txmres ofpcxfecmiono) for theo1i:aaf*“@a,;c of fixtcene hundred fourty fixe yeares; arid we cannothopexhfiremaining A age of the World will hold om; halfe ft) long’. 1 ..To xhofe I could adde idivcxs oxhmf confiderations ofimhpor- tanczfiswhoich carmotbfi11id«f1:Ao;m,.£*h:hmdcnoco offuch ah m;u1ti£l1d€3* “offaAg<=: (§ounfc;ilo:1'sA as that 1mo{£“H9:nouArahtc ’$‘Y€l1a:tE-‘tilfyfipwartlivafl A n§u:n~t confifltoth ; jwhrichyom do-nt that obefo to they give aflltnt to any fuch petitions as are pm: up agaion[£hTi:hes,Atheyd V o A tcncci eithe1fofScrip:1:=u.reA0hr re1Aigio%L1sh,£e:afo;r1. will be plcafed to hears What. the Aflémgblic ofDivines:can fityin 3;l1$-W€rh.EO’fL1Cfi oob}C&Aion5: 3.vs~are framfido againft them, upon p1j€%~ hAnima.hdv*erfi~ons upon the Peoticion oftlie . ACommi::teé of Keizt. A h ’ Gainffthis, that which moved you to hthinko the Parlimmcnt A h would take aW>'ay‘T’ithel$"jy“‘ hwahs,th‘acAyo‘i1;havc read ‘in oneoof the 13¢-':weshAbookcs, that the Iihighcs and GcmlAemeAn oflfem prc- fenced a petitihon to the Honourable Houfc: 0fC0mm0h5,:.1g;1i of’: the payment of '1"ithcs unto Miniftsrs, and tha.t they received thanks {:01}; this Speaker in the fl;1m~€_Ofth~C Ho-uf<:;_for :;ha;t {ct rvi¢;§:,h ”a.nd<:ha=t it i5hr:1.d fix: 3:0 b; a leading gafc for a1l;oL;hc:;r Cotxmizzsh A of the Kingdome. M 7 A You Amufi lgnewaro how yohubeliehvcothc nev”v¢s,b;o,ookes&,o for they are ,11‘;,zm;r”Ei:n«es Lg-noxan:hlAhy and inconfidhehragtehly ,eAr:ron,o,m.1s, or fa!» 1‘aci¢oufly%falf¢,«pm;1of anill affcfiion E0ff0h1TXo€J an_da1ppor£:1.tpaAr« tiality £r@\D‘Iv~4thfi:"rS‘ A " A M A A A A A For the l’vc:ti.n§onnAooit;f€o*Ife, ‘I-1A£‘C%)?fI1fI.1%€oAt.h:1'h().t as f-xfiom‘ the Knights , ant} Gentlemen ofthat;Count:y"‘in common, o(who,I‘am CI,‘€d§ibAl_£,' . zhformed are ;11O.:.C YA§3l.‘37_ well pleafed wish it) ,1‘k&!“\£’A-u«'f1f0‘§ that @Q~m17F1iW:C§A’Q€K?W?:‘ Wh0_o(if :.nh£:y;b¢oogli;keAAsAh@zQommittc¢é iAn:m~4~ .P1m=») mo hon an 17AQf~“ ohmm: off .h*f€AW'.I1§1oa A and ortzhociami. ]‘~hL1IdJg,¢:hhrncn;,o% neiAch,oro AAfQf_'f;fl14#.t[€f~QA'fTiLhC-;5, floor fox: c1;io5-ze;:s»o¢:hc;r% Ten“-5Aorf:I1c1i;g&ion~- h . I ‘ ,. A 2-L» Hawflfiémr, they ;Pmf<:z£f¢Aa hm-.oc1h.m,oemhihgo tQ‘€&iflbiifh .21 )5 A fififiififlt h¥nain;m:ian9:¢*h 3:44/.3’; wad mm darf?:'mmgA:Mimz]?¢rwAs, W¢1‘=5T gfiflid mfilfimgg £9 Asfafm asoA.§9_+{m:;oxM chm wh- A dnhwocs, ‘ 8 1 % H refizlution at am; dowes and fathetleffe tchildren, as we feeAby“the Sfllpropofitlion t ofth‘e‘it new pro1eét.%It will.beiaAprobleme (which the prefentf ‘ age perhaps will not be able to Arefolve) who the Trnfiies in after t times will accept for fuch Miniftersgalthough theymay have caufc to fixfpefl th”ati"fome part of Km: fotthe tprefent is not to refor- med as it fhonlcl be ;, Anabaptilisand other feélsaerics having mil?- letl many into adiyetfe principles, not onelyi to Tithes, but to othcrimattelrs oftnomenit, .conAcAetning mans duty both of the firft and feconcl'Table. 4 it A» A A T i ' " t .3. lFor.their exceptionstagainlt the. received maintenance by Tithes jtheyafayt fiztlh. in generall, .T/':raz1f“tkeyA évewazyle tin-fled co':¢d;'« rim of the C azmtry, in re/}veAfi‘.’q_7" t[ae.:mwrMAmefioting;A and mzfl°-'- warble coiwdirioag aftlze 211 imflry , atwzfiorzeai 6} the var] mzmre, ??.‘.lrZ}’»’~" seer, “mad aoiiaztaffs affine army afT7it/ae: ; which the e.t*periem‘e oft/am mm} get dot/a plain/J eazirzce to be 2fwfl°r.eél} attended with t/aefe an-=5 ftting mzfc‘/aiefe.r. . We » » . a ‘To which I anfwert A A it it A u i A A l A That the mifetable and f-loting condition of the MA‘iniflry pro- ceeds not from the natnre_.,manner or ad junéts of their fubfillencei by way of Tithcs; A not doth the experience of thus many ages i (that is, of the precedent ages hitherto)evince fo much; for God A (who isAornAni{cientA, and therefore cannot but forefee all fubfe-~ quent inconveniences for many hundred yeares to come ) ePcabli- ihecl that meanes to beiallanding and fettled= maintenance for A A his fervice ; and the mifery of the "Miniftry proceeds not from the nature or manner of Tithes(whichto affirme may feem to coafl: tGO_rI€€'IT€»tl1€ir conceipt who imagine God ~ to be the author of finne) but A fromthe ill confciences of men, who: make no fetu- tple totob Godof his right, M41465. 3. (for Tithes are his por- tion, Let/it. 27.; 30.) and Minifcers may fuffet very mnchiin the prefent age,becaufe therei be many Anabaptifticall fec‘l7aries( from which Km; is notmore freegbut as fome "faygmoire infefled then {omen other Counties) who take up importunatie “clarnours againlt = Tithes as Antichtillian and ‘Je.Wifl1; and there will be the mote A ibythe countenance the may have from fnch apetition; and fucihpetition-ers, becanfe tvers of them are of good reputation, 'n‘O“n‘Qme1AY“Af0,,r wealth ,;‘bntlfor their“ weifedotne and learning well afle&ed:AltloaReali;gion and the AParliam'eAnt‘Aand Iiiebetleeveitthei A i i it A "tathct toztchingthe alienation of?!’ I-1 E 3; i rather, b€iCaul.€ifOmC‘ godly miniflsers have exprelfedttheit approé it bation both of it & them, though therein Iconceiye they fhewed A more of the yfimplicity of the dove then of the wifedorne yofthe fetpent; for ralbeit their meaning might befo to gather theTithes, and toyput them into fuch hands, as might be rather for the Mi? niltets eafe then for their loffe; no man can prophefie that to good a fpitit will defcend upon their fucceflbrs, not how crolfe A they may prove to fuch a Chtifiian. Intention. a a l * y 2.‘ For the particular eXceptions,they fay; firlt,T/Emfar the am p€¢,7;m~ , zflatre ofthzitfzahfifleme it 23 n1 tier] myfler], amdflecret, not mfily \-i’irh- iv one: match fl7"1.°é3i'f2'I.’»h irzdatjfr] attained amen; Mme!) fir the Mini/la? to mini ht}; dzzextdermzhdnhle, or the p.en:/Zvinzterx their nhzespatjnhle ; whence art:/E’-th th.-at‘ mo/tit:ade affihhdhlom mad traxatianzafiaites and V52”:/3516’! hetnvixt /l«Iz'mfz‘er.r mm’ people, which dathfill nlithe C'c?#7‘t£l' at PVef;’mi;¢fz‘er, and ether the }Znfiice—-fitting: in the Country [£@-- wzfz’ ‘With manflea 2'72 nth:/Lv hihoie. i ; ~ % In this charge there be two piarticulars contained , fitli , — of the diiliiculty of knowing the right of Tithes; fecondly, of the vexatious {unites railed betwixt paftotg and people upon that ground. . A ‘ A _ M. A 4. For thfifirfl’, It is a very Ptrange myliery, that afterufo many hundred yeares of Ti thing it lhould not yet be knowne what it is; but;I doubtonot but in thistafetheright is better knowne' unto Mlfllfi€fS(that fhould receii/ehTithes,i thena‘cknowledgedy_ iby the people that ought to paythem;l‘And h0W4Caw11,th€yif€'t up their new defigne upon the oldfoundationy:ofiTithing,t as cthey projefl it, if it cannot behknovirneywhiat isfthe Mitiifters dew mandable due,‘ what the peopleé payable duty: that modell is. more like to be a rnyltery which they propound, fince it was ne- mvet heard .ofein this;y1{in,gydome untillythey had deviled it 5 and as! H like it is to prove altniliery to Miniiieis , lfth€l15.‘,p0:r'l;iO~n fhould {come into no better hands then moftofy theits,who have petxtt... oned againit Tithes lincefthis ysemonot‘ the Patliamenyt. * i o i iAnd, fecondly, for thetnultitude yofifcandalousatfd vexatiotis fuitesg theymalie 11o,nntorelagayihfiethe Right ofTithes, then a- -gainfi: botrowingand lending, buying and «l"el’ling, _ letting of Jeafes,‘fetltnginheritances, Joyntures, fizcffitiponxithich titles l i are fet the gteateft number offuites; and for fuiites for Tithes 1; b 1 A i it y 71*‘? ll flJllK5ejbZzztib72~0fa flottét t A Elf thelllllfldw ztllovt them 3. 1'lgl1t'_.,llZ‘ alloweth them a remedy to reco-A A ‘vet that right 4; and for the fuites that were occtfioned thereby, :they are neither ft)‘ many as is here prelented, not lo fczmclalous for the MiniPtets”part,for they may be imputed to the old avarice ofworldly tnindedl metal, wholbfeing of a comraryt mind to the % lAp0l7cle“,thinlz”Ml(’)'t“€7'a}]’e.,_ l l l ’ V l Perit. l _,é_:z;~«;fm‘ If it be 51 mututll fcottrge, it would well become the wife.» dome ofthelfe Con*xmitttlee—men ,t0‘€l1”1q11'*i*1”C where the right is, met who "cloth the wrong, ztntl to projeét :1 way how the wrong-- A l.doett'n"a»y be made to doe" right and to give due fatisfaétien to l A ,fite;he,a;s.fttf’feri1:gnder atthxtdeferved fcourge, and Ihofiple when out i"nj13;;t‘i"i3‘n gtt>}3t~ttfittp~to%fL1eha cotnlpeteltzt ed egtee offtrength “f’m'ttt”tel’aé tftl1j;t.t mayqttit the fervite 0fz'lc‘fif‘1t étg; I/at: 2;¢-atiz.r;tm»z”lt;¢tel'--;€'1yt Tiltb;-w)ll ‘Me fof litfill “ittftziflteettztwetf fregfinnty half" V _AI:2;¢e;'_I}Il_a;}z'a eégi §0;tfi22’e2*¢“;;l; ‘;5z;zme*ZjI,‘£72,"i5léé"t:»i;¢re;t,fE»}mMeprvaporteidtt af[ieitzg.t;6;'*vd7zze:lof 7532275‘/Jar to tn?/9ic‘?9'z"/9?] JZ7‘€"56’]a7!z‘gsf7i4‘g‘, nzbefice ififipitraélé 7 V i xft'»'»‘fl>”’~’ W A Byiwhliilt7”Ij1€Wff0‘L11‘&Cl‘fI.0gi‘CkjWlll you frame "fi.lCl1 V ~at1In_du&i- '4én,t as A4 ~ftom_;l:c)11"le *‘%p:t‘ft‘litula’rl ‘ito inlfette e ihfmtllmleml:£l%¢.t mif-« ehiiefes; lpartietilarlgf ‘from the l&ifptopottitofiljbf_lllilvings ?~Y03L1L- tfeeme to lth‘in'lfte %oth4e twife, ll vthe re you lay in your 8*“ ptopofiti- lOi5igl’_lt‘}79.att in z‘k}§?"‘,l“ic1i]?‘tl*i9*z‘ztz'o2l'2 7‘(‘»’_‘Z/d:i’»"z‘«21l:5’.f_](t77’l]L{2:l7’Zz:fl‘45’7”5V regtzmll ~ 53 km? t0""t/ée_.9le;[£?r’lt '0f?t.5J‘e"pe“rf5tflj§ M5‘ family,’ z73;1¢5l'"C}Jae?‘g€‘ ;liffo, M£‘ettailntly.,ltherets» at lgreatldilfptéppotrtilon{in defetts; tancllutforv ,Ch8L_15~g%‘5.ilt«\iStC0nfiCl€r9§l5l'€,“n§0fti onfely format greatneffe of a“Mini-- l «,£’:ets’l"fa“mily,, but“for_the 9cle.atn’e{fe of hisletclucatiton 5; lfomehave ca} f~~t:hLé:.;:;;;§§i§~M0»tT=fi@ _1fl117Ci7;‘11-§.*t,€}".1'i:€PQ‘¥Zil.3ii:£9.i3§€.'r.W*hy; .«flm u_1d;tIéi"¢:y notmjoy "*1"! tom/airzgt/2e alierzrztiorrzafilfi I If it E '3; ‘ fpjent manyyeares, and2;1Iarge patrin 1’a%nyAi;1 tI1%cj%UAn;i%ve$rfi:c%y, to. make mama: for :zhcMini{’ccry;.$ and {homd not they bcifizppli- -« ed with :aAmQ‘re liAber.:aL1l a.11ow»a.n.ce ( C‘c€l”€7'é“]Jiz‘7";1'£??«.1~.¢')'\T*1T1Iz'fI1”ChQfC xxrho‘h7a§zVe%%been at little expence both dfcime 8; c:Pca te to bcduely , q alifiedi for fuch.aca11ing? if the p%ropoArtiongo;fparts,‘ and paifles‘, ofcharge both AAcad€micaU,Aand%Oeconomica11, be~d uc-5= ¢ iy wéighed;thcre Wiflbe manyxnorc Eivings found mo litt1€_ithcnA ‘ too gm: fora Minifcers,jnmimzenzmce ; efpecialiy ifyou will ali‘--' flow‘ him at Lébrary (fuch as :a. learned Knight thought neceflary for a M§nifim‘) of 600. I. -vaiue. But ifthe proportion be unrea- f0nabAie,%mLL1ft '1"ia:hes_be fupplagztrsd and t:h:£r%:1hnci€n%;t Tenure abo- iifliefld for fuch a di{pz‘opartiW%0n4?m};fi zh;%c%AfpL1n;;ia:iQn be dégged up becaufi: the bfiiidizéw is we hi-ah? ma not aflsree whofe bran» 7 E3 2:» . Y 2 ;chesare EQOEL1”l%'.L1.vL‘i£?.Z1f,E)t“31€E)f)pi§fid; and Left entire in the bodixe and 1‘00tEV? Wh€n.7‘é. nlrms bcaird is too long, will you%cu.t Offhis chinnr: P‘ that out of doubt were an unrea%fQnable reformation. 4. From this unrcafonabiti?proportion,youfaya arifcthefe finfcparablc evils. I That” mzwort/9} pa;-~fi7m , Moo {2} fiz-— ~z»awg.jor frimdflwgp or A Vw\?m)_r¢.c, mm get into t/aegrcjzzreff liz'i2zg:, éeizag am'e mvafied with at legal! right affree/20/oi far xlaeir liwx, fe*cm*e.!y- fleece tkeflocfie, med feed t/wmfilzrey ’2a=itbozxtfcu:zre. 974' Mrs, more than to kegp t/ac’?»“»afis*.[~z);e*:% uazitlaawt t/ye comppzfl} of afi- qm=fz‘mtia2¢, 02‘/can (saw painful! and ca2¢fc%i_a2mé%/c éot}2f:.’m+e flazrw. % % % » ‘ AM \‘ 4' %- This is not A (as you callit) an un~1"eparab'!c-V evill¢fron-Ithe proportion youyfpcake of; for there be fomemcn who have M h3d= ‘and a‘3:Ehi9 %Pr€%%,fen;; . have *great.MAli:vings,A not by any finifcer. M Wayesybut bymf,zc%h fav0ur;md f1:iendflaip~~as 1si~ngem1ous, and; . ipff, and who keep as great a. difmnccfrom defert offe:quefi:rat*i-A-» onas any ~Con1m2m:-:6 ma*n doth within the County wh*c;ci'nM they live» And_ifthcy‘carry ¢tI1emf::Iv%c:‘s R) as to be w%i%thoLzc.Afcare and L " €:54“*W= V3n»d;%"Y%1%?1%hO1~1§E%Eh€A'C.0«mpai-£1%§ 0f%%.;; VfeqL1e17tratVion$, in zherem W ' gi1iAfi\EiAV§i[;@IjAd .gc«;L1{;;tiV¢,4Izimes, :%g1;<:yA;AaAre more%to he co%L1n::ena4nced a1id.€n§Qg§Ix*agcd' III1Cfl.m:3F1.§f.Of’fl10f€ who are %pr0feflE£d7 ac{ver_f—~ A 131$‘-‘E633 film%:mdt%t%m-§i*£Avfeemes, ‘tlmr; t’rou_blesyou%is5 flmfitfé?~e-9% me%:irzz»%e/;*ea2vL2;»x:z;1»3‘z zegazz fldgifot affm ybaldfar ;A:1ae%;;»%.z;rz»a;, .2?LfId «1f’Eh,¢Y% l%»¢1T,?x.\%z*3ght: A .:an?d%;wa Hit’: sA70,=;é'wa%riI§ as A to keep on: [W H? Pml". Awflv. [high 4 A V/I Refolution _”l'/‘oztht it? would you hhavehall to be betrmflzed to the clifctetion anal confciente ofyo;ur arbitrary Comntitteesffmely Gentelexnelywe A are afraid to truPt you fo farre, as to‘ gm up futh 3. certaine title as formerly and an’cientlyel‘tablilhe<;l upon the Incumbent by the . ¢ fundamental! Lawes of the L:md,as»the right of axgy perfon to his Temporall eltate, and to {tend to your atbitrarydifpenfations for our livelihood ; left L.«;zh:m—l"ll{_e you lhould change our wage; me tz'mex p: and if‘ your petition dnould take plate,it might prove ofvet3,r ill tonfequenteyin kaoothet generation,» wereyyou never ~ fowell lminclechantl ittmiw be ‘foonek (ion the nextfutcelfionzh) for iftheTtuf’tees lllxhilldl be either p1‘_C=hd or covetous, or pm. A pllaoe otlicentious, het'et:t;zll, or ftlnlmatxtall, the bell Mini«- 4 nilters might happily be thewloer{’c dealt withall; and the right: C~f1‘€CeiVingTitlh€s taken out of their hands might put them in; to the paflive cottclition of filly and impotent Wards under {ub- ' “kill and dOmin€eringTm‘or: or Gzmm/llam,ltin namelfllchtbllt in- . ’ deed nothing lelle then aflzrtots andeclef enders of their rights, as Tutots and“Guardians ought to be. And that our feare and jea-— loul1e'i‘s' not Without caufe in lrefplefll, of Trulltees and Committee- meomot To much ofyoufliln partitculalr, of fome ofwhom we have heard a,nclbe'leeve much good,as of ftlchitasltnay have as great an-A t-hority without fol good an intention, we {hall give you our vtountl out of the obfervation and corn laint of witnefies above , b exceptioln, wise. the well afiefled freeman and covenant-engaged Citizsem of the City of London, in their hmstshle reprefmtatloh to ‘ the right Hohcovrzzhle the Lard; azml Common: ‘£72 Parliament of-» ft"«’mhled,A in thefe words. /Iml hert*'Wc’77¢l:z)I mt omit to him zmta t your Horzmrs the e.xorhlzfi¢m't pmfllfar of mm} Cammzitzw>.r owl Cawmitteewmw, who hamefllch an izaflmrzce hj magma qfrhmfr ma- thorily zqvon rhgpaople, they hating at their wills and in their power ‘ ta doe them /l dzfileagfwre, l’—;J6Zi‘l’l'£36’7lV alazrenat doe athermi/Ef, rim whey their unlawful! a'emmz.w5l:, without the imolt;zh~le hazard of their \~ pehcetahdfizfety 5,. through. which 77$6’(«Z?2lt?'J'h.4r)lll"43J7tfv’l’r’}"fi...’s‘ éxcrcfld l} 0729; e fi?llow-4]-ahjefl aspen another, wzmdj-zzflice alzalt eqm':z‘]’ mmzot amen The crye: afall _/Earl: ofpeaplethrcwgh the» lzmd ore grawmfb laml‘ % ¢ig(ti?¢fl‘thepeaIple A qftohzl: vazacazrioh and praféfllcm, hy zfmfiw afthzafé ” grzerwm oppreflomx that are continually azéleol hy them, tthm‘ in tem- dtmtfllt Jeftfiivtltawtd ate hZ€l7?7‘f’”v tetétiet ’l§?’€”1’.€”?I"’”5’*'f"”‘*“ \ e ' to fil7l:.~e- _them) in z‘heir"dz'@afl?5 fmh .:«2rtz:fice.r 2'.-«.2 eo:«:rfrri'z2z7ng,j7'r'm@: . touching the czliemztimz T E 5. crewing to the Parliament t/aerehj/,t-/mt we memo; hm he 6;’;17‘}26’_[zZo/V2931"-4* far: to your merby azizdjag/fire thaztfluch may he dzflblwa’. ~ e W’ 2. For ahmirxment afthefle livzhgj: weffee fm'hfi9mh'd compfimzce: ‘withfmch p~e'rfi2m .425 heme the fzzttefl henefice: (as they cozmt mm’ ml! 'ng, and Jcolapzriiag (rarer Simamitzm/I and finfz/I h;erg:zz';ae.v, c'c:rmpm‘?.r, and ' "1 » fihle of my a}%*nef%fiering: in thzés l{f1¢p.’,' amdthe great di;fl;o;¢om~ac~ “ Mr» matches, fmh chopping of Chzzrches, amt! re;/i‘[efl'e change of P141665, , hzfill they get into the mfiefi /ma.’ m:zrmefl: and otherfmh bk prm$2‘z'- ‘ fin‘ not to he named, nor yet to he prevented or removed, atherwzffi‘ ‘than [7] plmfiizg gap the wry more which mzmrzzl/y hromcheth out it felfe z’-221:0 t/aefeforefézid mzfchiqfex, firoohflrmflioe mad deflrafiive to azllwformaz rim. ‘ o . o . - “ Here is a great deale of aggravating rhetoricke againfi the great:--o A nefle ofChurch--livings. But why fhould all this evil] be imagined A rather of Minifiers fat beraefices as you fay they are,called,then of great and gainfL11l.oi"‘fices iri the State?‘Is there not more care had, and more fir1é’ctmll taken eofMm1fi:ers fincerity andintew A gritty then of fecular ooflicers? furely we are bound in charity to expefl a more reformed Minifiery, then we have had, who will rather fay unto a Simoniacsall patron as Peter to Simon ./14Gzgm,, ‘ Thy mamiepmflg: wirhtheg’ , AW: 8. 20.. then be Levies to fuchza Simeon in making at bare and corrupt ocontraéifore -a benefiee. And‘f0r'£hat you flay, thatfm:/2 pr-m9Ei_/E’: are not to he pggwentegd or removed, 0£'he7"fi*J£/Z’. t/hm lay plm/Q';rzg up the wry route,‘ which me»- to be this route; or the.dii‘proporteion of Bexuefices, ox~t1'xe1~ig_h,t A22/w;~ gmmlly hm;m’7‘er»/9 it [9/fr: oz-.222: Ema t/aeflr efareflzide 2s4¢ifchz'efe.r, fa oh-- e V flr2mE‘z’*iw ml deflrzz&oi2ve%ta a/[ere/i‘gia:2.WheE~her you mear1eH'Iithes h of patronage and proteftion, I cannot tell, but fare I am,%:haI: the Apofile C313 :7r*z/eituzzfzzefllet/ye mat ofazll max, andhffo the root. V ofzhac evillewhichfometimes paflisah beewizcii ma Patron and his will be an amendment on the Minifiers part, byiethe regular way A oChap1.a‘i‘ne :. and may a:sf‘, and with as n‘xL1eh.'%“:ju1-y be found betvvxxt‘ fome §omm1ttee~ni§fl and TmP:ees and the Minx» A afiers of then: choxcegas any other.'But as I am conhde13‘t'*th‘at there ’ h o¥~ftiie;Par1iaments raeformationficcordingeto the direrftions ofor--A gdination ofMini&e_rs -aiready printed at a'ccord«ing%ly prac"eii”ed,“ Io w.i1h1.‘hinbee not onely :')i_:C>h1_m:3_fl€,,beL1"lZ‘ eagfie for teh€_$_t3.EC :hofi‘ndceo1ze.. V 13. ~ A » kl, A A A (P\efo1.t{tio;1of ozA3Doubti ii ‘A A a. fiE.'ITi€'A3ifi3:7Cih0¥)1'CV€flt'p"f€'Va riicaszioni on the part of the Paitrc.-h bL1tii:Tiath€sjb€ remoived from their ancient fomndatiion, and Alefc V loofe to the difpofall of Tru£tces‘Aor Committecn-main, they ‘will A “be: a imore ready preyifor the_covetousA into Awhofe ‘hands they may come, and from whofr: hands perhaps thty cannot ’”wi:ho11t* greatdiffictxlzy bf: redAeemedA. A A A i .i A - A A ‘ _ Lai[°dy,gin the: Ciflfii‘; ofthis PetitAion,ithi": Petitio.nei‘$jAifljew great care thatA;heiMi11iiieirsmay be freed from the incumbrance of Tithes, hirofer-wit/93 LaA7'a’Aw%it/oapstA difl‘mfZz'rm, a7:a:alAAto gi*Uc*itla¢*m- féA1,w: ta‘ rim am’ % of AGM hazéml Prnglleiyf 5,i.-.A¢;mL:ta;,ég mgely gmp,[;,ygg[ ‘ “AA2'.*o ~AmdI{€r£dd} wz p.eAopr1:a prepdrézlfiar tlaeALorid; Andiifo they may, ~;do.ift.hey%fbe maintaincciby Tithe-is 5 for that means of mam:--M tenance gives a man Qccafion of more and better acquaintance iiwithithe pamcxilar dxfpofittlon ofhzs people, and“ 11: IS his part to 5: diligent Izbknaw tlmjfipztei of 1aio‘fiacZ§, Pr0'v.27.2 3 . Andffor ;that trouble which mayibe thought inconfifhzntwith the Calling of iAaAMiniP:er, if his mmns be fuificienr,ihe may have an fervant to t:1keitAfr01f~nihi*m, and eafc him of it. I know a” Minifteiriiyk whofc .;Benefice was a Vicarage; and his? Parifh fo v1Amargei,Aithat ituwas [1 I [miles inAlength,A'and of aproportionable breadth, yet did it :,ino;AApuAc*himtothe expence ifonieciayiniayear toicomporund A for, or gath°erAAi11hisAdifper{edA‘portion; V Now for the fuccefliz iandacceptance of theiPetition in the Honourablél-ioAL1fe of Commons, to which itwas prefented; if i fuch ian‘inn ovation A” had ibiecin’ g‘irante%d for that County , it 1 had A ibeen hfitte r to have beennfaade a“‘S;iéé,olef/55 for th'atc«mtk,Ae qr an-A- Agie’ “the Kingdoms (for fo the hwdrdw I(‘::¢ti« fignifieth) A as their iAiG“”‘”””di»‘s AAcAL1fiome ff ‘i4’?Gaw¢Z.Qz¥¢d,?tAhCn to iibemadca pwfident or pattern” A! cuflome an-~ d in Kent, ‘fifififok *6? the weiekiprefcribed itihia.tIA to his Reader; V hfirfibyfbfi * But t‘hie«ianfwerof theworthy«~ScAnateAwas fi1‘C‘h"‘aS‘may:i'ifmrW' if is equ;zi,Iy% [ividcd am orig ihieiland of a A i A A -A A A % » A > Oflicr eqtxaliymdiyviikid ”3’mGn.gi1iSibr¢thr€1),i if he a ct1ii;~omc"i;:3 3-£3 S1:ari.’i1'1A:.i9¢ "1 83 % f-Q or 4oip;:rforxs Aizfi by my otlw tcrzggrgg % V upon Iiecitjigfirigoic ".§.'ff’"2Tf‘€A1”3ffbihi‘£i1EfEiQ“f. V’ may chm... Alxof conformityitoiotlxerhpartsof theKingdome,astheiNr:wf- A d ofthi’ ’C“”‘Vthcfric0nfi1‘imAL1siniour cgnfidence, that thzeyaiwéiiii f’ciiLvi”if@0h1:tiinuie "‘f0L1S~P8xtI'*()2n«S' of the «maintenance ofMinifi¢rsw,wnd that f %~ M11113 {ons,or thAé:=y «wii1_bemore=r@adyito‘ rastififipr€CEd€I‘1£“StaiEut@SA:§;i1d ‘their \ his: mmgchisi wesfo 90%» toucfiizzg the aizemztzoz-2 of T1 T H he s; ” If A own Ordinance madein that behalf, thento diflettle their the- note which is founded upon them , and to make MiniPcers arbi- trary Peniioners to fuchas maybe fo far fwayed by ntifprifion l of judgement, or perfonall dif-affeyftion, as to ‘deal moA{’c pent:-.~— rioufly with thofe , who being truly valued (without erroneous i inilhking or‘inji.1irious mifliking) may both by the eminence of theitparts, and theirfaithfulnemtyin their plates, deferve the. molt ample, and mat: honourable Revenue.‘I will give you their anfwer in their own words, which are moi’: attthentiek, they are ‘theie. l A A it e M. Spat:/gar :9}! order ofthe Hemfe of C ammom did give the Petz'-.- tianew (tibc Committeeaf Kent) t/mm/{.ff-zlr their former ferwicm. mat! tool1_ ;«tat:'cc aft/Mir gaotiltzfeftimx to the I’tzz’J[z'qzw 5 mad did ttcqmziitt tibem, That the great ”5t'¢_/f1‘i2£fl‘ es of t/we Ixfiizgdome m f/tow A iufltznt mwlpre/firzg upon tlwm, and that they will ttz/{c the Petition irztlo Acot2fi..:!em:2tia;4 in due time , and that in the meeta time they ttz/cg; cure tbt-zit Tithe; mnzy be ptzia’ éicfardifflg to Lafié. But there are ibzne in the Parliitment that hold the mainte—- 0!7jg(Fg'A; nance ofminilhzrs by Tithesto be }evv}ili andiPopill1,and tl'1(2t“€- fore they will give eotuntenance to Petitions that are put up zit»-__ gainfl: them , and doc what they can under fueh titles to render them offextfive to fuel-1 as are truly religilfins, efpeciully to thofe M who have molt power to abolifh them. A Ittuay be there are fotfie Inch," and if there be fome fire-he:-i gjmfixrtll .« mong fo many, it is 1‘lt3iEl1€t‘EO be thought ftrange, not trAAue,l fitted fuch a number omen: as. maytibe nbleto carry the .c:ml'e Aagaiuflt A the continuance of Tithes. ‘ i t i A y i ” A 2. For the tearm }?ewi{h,iitisxnif-dpplyedtagainlt Tithes, as A it was by the Prelates oflttteg this by the AAn:tbdptiilAs aE‘E‘1}‘€‘P1~€‘ i ‘T yllznit againft the Sabbath; nor are they more Popilh tlien Jewilla; Eur the.Papif’c5,Atl1oi2ighitheit peo-lple p21},fjt.l1t.':m,h:1"I1a‘flitl1v€3lr Ptielte l1‘CCf:’iV€ thfimg Wit they for the molt the to depend A *A it meetly upon Eeclefiafticalt.conltitutionl‘, made no fcruple ofcl1an-- A flging themintoi feculztrtitles or ufes, as in Improptiations in the i T hmds of eL1y-men,and many other difhibutions made out of A i-them ‘l.€;‘V’&1‘3ill ways, without any refpeét tor the fetvice of the i iSanéi:uat’y. Nor is thete any thing in theifpayittent and teeeii-~ A A ving of Tithes the {late of they Gofpel, which may pi;o-A i A A 5 A l A baoly M A R:1.’f0Z:'»¢L‘Z.072‘ (7% mm bably b::fui”per.°o:d tohaveany favour of fixdaifme , or Pope;-y’, §T3‘nzaIgep.1s'- V fave omfily the payment.ofT€nths by the 1\./Iinifhers to the King, 5 «K *3 (9 : as kfathbeen la:ely_we11 obferved _by' MRL. in hisfegond Book %bmm fide agam{’c M~S. I wail fer dowr} his w0rds,%a“n;c14fer1oL2fly com... iflitgziifgpfiyg, flgifnd chain :30 ghcv Eonfideriéaon of our églzgzoxxs R€f0rm.E:1“s; iapifiis cox:--~~ 1: ey are I: lit 6, 111 an werto I‘ 3. his Q36 xon. . ?I°rIJ:_'o’I¢?'I'_€?* -!'3§l1- Q13. )'«V/agar .3 4,-re'r!J.e% mszintemnce of _/M’i:4z:/fer; éy Tit/955.? fawzfé *4”? ‘qt.’ 7'” I ‘ m‘a' 1):: iv Wider: '25}-”. ” " 5:’! (.'l9rzfi'a,'l‘a;'/2. N (PI? 9 ‘V./, ) - , . . 9 . ‘ fifmmd COW An... aw} few.-=zu,3; fczpxjlv zwm’e;zz..-aély .A A: 23¢?/2’c[€;"»2zaI5/)7 any the ’%:o*uerfige22cral. S.¢£[2L‘;.i£‘.-Z) mm fmmfl; :m12.»:»;-.z the Prfe[uzM.r_,C9 m/[ea/if, or the .azrri.»s'[.9 of .271. « % 2‘/ac Trmzry Papzflr, mbV.»:1leE14t1nL1s G€m:1hs4tooIQ}z't , wézem be .d.ifl,«:.... @252.’ the claffrine of rbe1f'ef&rmedClmrc/ye: in rim: point , éemztzfi’ In vererilcga , _ V i , .4 . , fimmw dc;,e_ .S'zr m t/acf tmzzsre af Tzt/96*: , forf r/aaz>zcg12 z‘4/aera ée 42 :3/5;-' trz@7z% _nnL'urfacerda»4 up zzgzzznfl t/Jemlrjféw/9 M makg ma [ample either of_/Z;zma’er or af gibitfadt-°0Z7”_43_ fiz;rz'[edge , mzdfome would change t/2.9 _/lfim]i‘e=7*.r% porriam, 232/2z'c/Z2 Q ;ft§’$f;:z:m’ their m“""./‘"Z“”7.‘~" W='?g6’.c for /9:3 own‘ ’I¥’07"»I{_, and reduce them my zxolzm... :1 wrdoiibm % -M’-.7] perzfiom pf t/ye 17601315’, (lzccazfi they wmld /azwea [iéerty to ;_,m,g-he emu’, écj gar Z“/067% Xi.’/90 wz/1% not /mmomfl then; 1;: I/9c*z7rfa;afc_l mm’ a- Do2;gm:¢s_ma2za pzrziom, and lzc'e;»zt,zom prafizflsx , Mt oppofi t/gem 4»; of carzfcieme :I;.§;;”"'t/J6’)! We ./ymml to doe) :¢eiz‘13er% jazz, mar :1lZ%_y0At7'%pm1t_)'f can prow- L0wmmf”m_ them ezf/aer Iewzg/E 07' pz/Z2‘, ‘M 2/93} are allowed and recaiwdfirr m,fim,,.dm;_ . the m;£mtHmnc‘e.0f I/ac’ Z!/1.z;{z/zlermof England. Ami éemzcgfls’ yew fec;mam 51351.. wzrefia confident m yam‘ apmzm agazir/5‘ Tzrkex, arm! _/72€w)umr Walmvle W776 ta /mm 4 good apz':=¢z'a;¢- of /14*‘ Nye, ( Wham with Mr%%G00dWin "“l"”‘ "'“’5"”e C em cite br 5z1'3‘?07‘l'}.7 oz in tom‘/am A the alden Ball 0 Gawm— fnentztr Clerfzzci J’ j jfy g 3 g ‘ umzfzopazatiwci % ‘ % _ 7 _ _ . _ _ mgmam 4m. /16 battle dame dmer: 0t/:h‘.’7‘J' w my /aezzrzng) that ./Lfznzflsrx of “t/9e Egxigm-t.A— »Gafp€l mtg /cold, and receive %Tz't[ae’.r for their maintenance 5] 44, z’:’::’i2°9~37- right and ‘title wfiic/:~ 23' fizeif/ye}: flejnri,/7: mgr 1.’apz/Z75, [mt rm/7 C/;2ri- S'0r'0 9 W flaw 3 and t/acre 2:5 net/amg I 6232117: or P0];z_/}2 m T21/76:, ézarr the ‘ -0 n ‘ a ' " y In ‘ ' " ' d ‘ 6 . a ‘ nu‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ g_4_ m_‘M%d_3_ figafztzan aft/ae declmx d.€ClfT1£1l'U1T1,_j/‘OW? the Le ./mm]! Pmcfl; to they agreed with the Pazpiflx rlyereirz. % You are gréjfely mzj.'[3g(;~-;g ' mam‘) I rqfar yozz fbrflzrzéc :2-Sign ta him, who will re?! yam C M» Lm;;_ 5;; N;,,;;;.~$v.t/2:? lgigio Pri;j[;‘,fi'om the /swig/J Priefl M the 9.1’ apcgzrzntl from 2.523 Pope % £353.13-}‘9.5_3 7— Tran tx’:e%Ii';'ng;%1av»’a%e22 Pope Urbzme gave rlmm ta Richard 2‘/ire If"lJ£dI* £7373‘ "_]E=(:o¢zd to aid /aim zagazinff; Charles I/96 F;«-emb I€z'ng ., ¢mz:[o2f7s'cr.r r/mt 3%”; 2g H.8.;zzp£ae[a,’§C1gment r/aefezzmt/2 flgeiififi laim,-M f Polydt) re Virgil raf- ¢_1.».‘ P m4lg_ ,5- * /mte.*%/9, AA;:;1Iciz~ .CHt.’nryz*l;e aiglczr/2 t.:zkg'7:gfrom the Pope I/act tr?- b_r;'_r{g.p. 56 1, {la of/9md)0f't«9€_ Cfmrc/2 :0‘/c»:'::»=a_'fcn{féy 3 /162 of P4rlz1ame;_¢t%, _~ taak_ I%‘ from tr‘ltouthing»yythe aliezratiozz if T 141 E 3; i 57 from }J1;’-’fl..g§&;Ji6’.tfi’1¢_lfr,9.f, and atherlprofir: annexed tarot/mt riiflc, 23?/15¢‘/qjhl IMLM 0_- y were fl-z[eJ‘:tpt&}i;“ilJe Crown :5] 1‘ S mtme in the 26thym;r inf’ Henry ,555_y_ tbe~8._/‘Zr that the Iemiflv high Prieffkaad ééirag expired, I/jeypzptz/J iLa:ra'flvip d1zaZz'fIyea’,,2‘/Ja Ti!/hex paid‘ madam: 2%‘/aaflek titles, we} ée c:‘ziz[-y_ fled j 167321]/}‘afldfapi_/%5_é’zti§_ mt rim: lirbzirb zzfligrzed fine the iirziwzinui tgmznce of Miniflerr, éeclzmfé’ they areyet. to Joe _fe-halite taitheir Mafier, and fir to receive it/ae maintenance of 7155 a/lowmacefar/my i War/Q; wavljiic/af«9lla13s7—_/"érwtsttrh ctmizaf teéelzapon them to 2‘a?lQ€’¢Z'I27é!}! without ‘pm-fvzmptiorzg their a'ao;f—;¢eig}2.éozg7* will Amt ezzllolilirhem £- —powW.‘to.~appoi>2t the mzge_r7vafttykeir3/E;r72pr7¢t.r‘, &L_;¢2z2:cf/9rl~l¢7flf¢"risz;z)v 2‘/Mg; zgfurp tarpon the rigktof G’oa'.l, tifiélyylfialiéry‘./l/11711:/2'€7‘J,f0 zzliermte titlac-.9 from vthcfirpportyl of /zzlrervice anal §2¢_;30r_/fi}9.;hf0‘r t’/M‘? yzérltrm‘./Jar Pa- pijlhm k»zt/oyéeforeweia aéfitrtzezi. to ‘- , , r V , \ % it A A ‘Which being true and clear, ( asgtouching the pedegree of fuch Tithes from the high Priyefiheod of Aaron to the Indeperw dent Prelacy of the yPope,Janyd from him’ to the King, as by claim from the title, Heed ofitke Clmrc/9; tranflated fioin cheM;'—?_ ter to the Crown ) it will not eortceiveybe thought con»- gruous to the.Chril“tian Reformation (the thorow Reformation profeflfed by our.wor.t:hy and religious Rulers) thyatfuch1VIonur- ments of Superltition or Poperyw ihould be _ removed, which were unprofitable, and th:.1tyonely””retained ( as 9. lilver ihrine to Di4mz)lwhich brings gain to the King or .Stziite, aindwputisy.the charge upon the Minifters of the Gofpel; who thereby ,(/I may -fay it confidently for fome whom I know)are brought to this perplexed Dilemnm, either to pay them with re1ué’tanCy.,{a’si “no lefle contrary to their confcientes then to.their"commodities) or to deny or withhold them with fufpition, or imputation of avarice, or difobediencetolawfull Authorit . f “ A A. But the Parliament lilcethnot that Tithesi aoultl be oypropofeél, 05]; or preffed , as many Divine; doe,both in"Pulpit, and from the rg;r;Ed.Cd&é'§r; Prelfe, as of divine right; which blecgule they think to be WtOn‘g5’yihis lecond Re... they will rather rejeét them, thentatifie them under a title of A {'0 "Pofijiirllthe h,igha__fl;fai;_'3,. : ii i y H i ii ' , he '£frChb5°fC3n.. ;_ x.Not one_ly Divrinreys, but divers iothers( who are men ofjve-jy; ryiieminenitin0~tle)3~~yh91ld :Iji;Eh.C3 to the f due by diVi§i”¢7f"iiii*£§ht,$ .i=m:§i:-;:,thout ofthe A fomcof thr:-‘17:fiIhi?-Yfirrlilldflfiilifin we th¢m7"f0}$Qahlfidi3§1‘1.{iY?E’Vf°1'°g°i“%leaf“ aelliobiefiioes ~agair11’c::1iltms XihhhyyholivTfaifih¢Ti?l 1i“iiv“é'.:3'erf6rxrie€il.i‘“““_j’1Y*}k- tic] r 1/2Weatldtotfeedidfmeats of which another faitehi, that; they 2."'I'€""'i_/Czc..zvflg«;fi‘Z“¢‘i6l iCb;rf.i1*e.28.i (fer hie; fake that faith it ie,“ eq::hloh“gh~~b-in: a;,‘pi'iv€tte& Ch rill’tiia~nl;)~ fol if Dlvines‘ l7ay,(iandl“ bring». - S‘criptu~re'é1nd’reafc3nfor it) that Tithes are dedicated to God,’ or by him a{l‘umed,ifirft to himfelfitandllthen affigned otfet over“ by himieo his l7ervatnts,lf<)’r his wqrk in V waiting on his worllhipr WhiilehLtnufigii:l:ge'itin*mintai«ne'd to’ iiiwqrlds‘ end, ~it_will berather A at reafon vli)i** thetntii illhp p7Qrt;_ the t _é11;u1‘El’OfI‘iiith€S~b'y~!:h€it iP‘a;‘lli-«» aintentargiipexveig then any way to » ompt or difpofe themxtow defer: it ,i or to alienate their right frmn Eccllefi-aflzicall ufes. The feamf facriileidge hath been offuth force with fome hea-A-~— then Moralifisih has Plzmzrclai ohfervethin*ah~is Morals, that if they pulled down A hohfe, co*ntigt1oius1t0«a temphleegtheyiwotild leave i fome=.of“thatl132trtil’can»din-g which wash next unto it , left they. ihoulcl with ittakfl‘ away any part of the Temple it felfey‘ wherein i£they,fh'eweid any fpice ofrfuperftitlitani, it will be A V moreeapableeofpardon,i..ot lefl'elia'b‘_le~v tdpunilhment at the handy?‘ God , theni we iinayi expeeh if~jv_ve proceed haflzily tp lay vicllent hands upon any,_ thingrpeculiarly entituled to his lhonbur; who is the authour and giver of all things to allmen-.i. 2.11? the plea of: adivinei right _for’[‘ithes (fiippoling hit fet-- Mteth them udp-tdo high)ifhould incline to“ irritation in fame‘ to/3 ymakc oppofition aigaltnP[,lIlIt‘3m,~,VVhY;‘fl10L1ld not the cvoinittaryhte-‘: net ‘wl1iic’h iperemptorily talieeh then: down too «low 3, calling: _i them ” ]"ewifl*l,: Alntichtiflian, and Popxlhgand that undehm-ab»ly,(as~ lha,th.beenfaid,hbutnever can he proved) movejpthers the rather-. ;,. rmgné, _,;gi~e,+;”1i“i,5,5j and 7confii5r;i4 them; eifachiieflyile the Parliament. ' ?i(i7vli:bfc*‘auth.;3fitS? is edged *:?W1iélriii**¥*ifi¢etMlii‘ae‘le** fine “f€:_T¥Y?€¥!fi9i§‘3..9_€1."??;V.?5 P»‘5lr€fii°“°f .them~ fol1tl“9;‘ny la We; and‘ liflnjigii?-‘Piwfi Si »?f°1i 7 Wcordlngtgg M p feirly .e+z2ie‘Zec:l out Aofit. 'rto"ucl5inCg tbedlienation T I TH E sA.A A tip 4 A “the maxime of the law, tpbepoffeflhrr title 2% the éefi until! he éee Ltmgzz £120,177:/yin A A A . \ .— A. A” A flczztjm)pzzriitg# A 3. IfthePatliament dloehot intheir approbation of Tithes JA’“i1"”fl‘A‘l‘A”d’A w . . . __ . . ézrtollit (£515.50-— t COIIIC up to the tenure of divine right, theymayl yet be Willing Wm W0 ,,m;_A enough to“el’tablil3n them upon other gr‘ounds,andAleaveADivines ;zo,_Bra€t,l.2,. to the liberty of their judgment cAonleienceAs to plead for them f0»5 3- . eecordAi;ngtoltheprineiplesof theirown. profeflion, esin their A A Oprtlinancesmadpe foAArAfetAtiAng; t2pojfl;_hePresbyteriglGovernment, though yet they be not fatisfied ol the claim of divine right for it, they were pleafed to authorize it by their iOrcliAnant_:e , and to V‘ require Diviriestfo prepare the people for the reception there- of thy preaching of it» eancltforricr ifolras both to clear it. and all. ifure it (foptfgrrelas they eouleoclj by thefacred SciripAtuAre. A And on the other ficle while they approve it; though but by A A :1 civilloafl‘ent,( as to ; aeprudentiallidelign,untill theyw fee Amore -lighgwhich they look Afor in the Anfwer to their Qu_eres propo- -fed to the~A,AfIem«blyt;C>fl lDivines) the Presbyterians who hold it inthe higheft efieem take A none offence that they proeeecl no rfdrther, and p_rofelli: Athemfelves wellfatisfied with their civill fan&ioAnA ; fo one of the learned Commiflioners of Sc'0tlm/Id hath A A _ fMaicAl,% in the name of the refit, in Athefe wordé, AIf at/aeyféa/Z in at A 7 -l , 1?er!€m¢etezr7éwéllkegifletive way effaélzfla rim t/Mg» x'av/sic/a ' MW"fl“ *“‘ -brotherly exa-r p twat/fr» «indie if flélf agreereéle 1."“’l;??i/J’»’r:7’P..'t07e?'}¢3 oft God: .r/mg/9 t/my ldde mination of not declare it to lecrrbe «Will offsfm C the} _¢zg~e_flztz§5fied.% A M. commm; Y 0/5. If there were no purpofe to put down TithcAsby,fi1ch_Aas Serm-p-3 2,33; are in AAuthority, how eommeth it to patife that the Anabaptifcs are more bold in Lomian to take up pa. publiquc CQLflA!;€flCaA:A£iOn Aa-~ gainfithem,'th¢'€'1ttltphe Presbyteriansw make, apology it foriiithem? , for did nonone M"B« C» anAnabap:tiPc r»manage ya difpt1te;a;lga;ih1lh»: M*'WA.I.,of Chr. and after that'iund,eii'talteranAotherAppupot1j:tlje;.;A fame argtimentagainftl M. Cr. andtoffelredg to 5pr«oA>eeed;in_pitp,;. l lalgaittlfl: a1l.0pp0fi;t;ion, whicAh Mg Cr. dLlvU7fi:,”n0t doc, l1PQ»n‘.:p.r€" i€@l?;G¢ Prohibitionr;fremraurl1o.rrity~? , y "f , r. . la; H ; A Anfix. It is no Grange thing for meitwho have Aa bad cegfe A to f€l3.37730Qd facetton it , brand lflajfkfiel,9ubwllthv:hGi»l€l;n€=fi7¢ and Cfmfidfincfi Wh3Cr‘ji5.¥W1?§ii3?%i11tITIl1£hr0flt1d§“§mfinIi 4a-S-lg firengih t Ofargllment s l;this;isA tobfervrclofmeirPepiL’usr bf§7jAaiL1Adiilti0i15 Au:-9% Ed: Sands 7‘ an - tliotllta Whemiehe fl7:.e’W,€;l:hm)).hW‘l@$?‘h§§n~f};=£0FW5l.1ICl.:.l1'&§?fi.5’?h’/79f:d£TAA.£§r0p'Spe£m'§ «A A [C 2] p /pater?’ " t 32 O fpfltoztiofl, m'rht.z' mzd irhportnmzretfmitsfizrpwhliqw audience * andjgdgemenr. And Be/ijrmiflfi’ 1‘€P0fE¢th~e0u_ety of-Sarita, that‘Ia.~; Cochhrm 2. great Zealcithvt the Papacyh -.s_ offeredhtza difjmte with h ltfa, ha” fa;/ad "£72 the t,proafaf/3,5: , mlit fie ad A putaxzdum M at qzzawa» £}JEYdl??0*_/lib M capitza .2 praimtz’o7zi- dcfeciflét. L ce-.EccIe1‘. Vtid ;'~3.S;’ ' ' ' ’ ‘x I‘ 051 12:12:12’ A Refilutiora of}: may any Lutheran export peril! afhz}: pair: the_Q'{¢eflian.t ' A V . ‘ 4 V y g2..,. For the bo~1d,nAefl“e ofthe A—‘nabapt:f’t‘s at‘ this~tirne,* and‘ in this~‘Caui1=,' arid t;h‘is7 Chity, ttheretmaytbc dive rs‘ conjeéttxtal reatfotns‘ in pz={tticulhr*gEiven th”€1’~f‘.‘;0*f.,‘ befiees the genetmllhalteady obfezfi-A I; Becaufe they Madwvancee in ‘their-hopes ‘efh toleration 0f'th€if‘ S‘eétandytot~promote that hope-ttthey have been fo ready “to- ehgage in Amilztary fetvzce , wxth a defigne no doubt to get‘ that liberty by force (» whiththb~y;[favet1r of_auth0«- T Iity they cannot obtain.. V A e A 2; For this matter ofTithes; they might be more forwardy ‘ tjt) oppofe their tenure, becaufe it is a vjety popular and plaufible 2%-rg-ument, wherein they might. have theigoiod wtilAs~,otf; the pea-== A ple,that— they might prevail, and theircotihcteit‘s«that3theytdidti fo,( theydid not)~AbAecaAufe they would he ‘3ue:~*yv;z;~z- W héa--t musfézcilé leave what ‘they *2/ehememly jdefire may came ro~~.p;z_[]"é;ettand 3 it is not ' A 3;: Fort lhet»wot‘deifpuees(;the"i(me tn~a~nagedvb”e‘twixttA 1 . .‘ _ ., A 4 ». .__ ,1 W: to be doubted but ya. dram: of feeminge ptobahility wil1- prevail % _ more withmoftvvfrrldtlih gs to fpare their putrfes, then an OL1flCf€." g0f*fOL1'~ndh1'€,a\_f0n to putythemhhto charges. A A _ _y ‘A 7 A I V 3.”Theymighttake fame encouragementtoA’>dif'pute againfh Tithes in this«CityA, ‘becatife there is’AaA prtojeétfloh thhyangethc ‘ maintenance ofthe tMit1iPters Lifet pn" hf‘-00tt« by ‘many worthy, and?‘ we111+minded.t the~Citizens,«as they?int~end 9. more libe- ~ rail allowance‘ thAe-in;thefo1*mer»=, I (fince they _fee«~" m any of '- their Churches ware deft«itAutAe’- oi? Misnifteré, ; becatufe their-A Mintifitersw , have;been¢edeP:.’itute:t»ofmeatas)‘fo they meanAtthat it Iha1‘Ijybehtce.r- tarin, fetletim by Authotity, eandtneet lefttatrbitrary toe the cim'em ‘c‘e3m'_erfii72g Tit/at: , Alas . a Reply to lc'ermzTm=- paper: from famgyt_44g;;§/}g‘r;,npretendiyg to pram Titlae‘s* due {'2} dzéf/auritj of gamma. It had been faire dealing if they had printed thofe pa»;- pers of the Minilters , that it might appeare how wellthey had anfivered them, 2 But for the confident contradiétionofthe Divine right they altledge, A _ y to I. The novelty of them in ythelChrif’cian Rate. dd 2. The lcerernonialitvx of them, as being meerely Leviticalll. A 3 . The inequality of them in feverall ‘refpe<‘:'ts.l 4. The trouble of them to the Minifter. V A -‘ -l - For the firllg; they referee the origimzll of them under the Gofpell, for the authors toAPope Vrlmfleg forthehtime, to the three hundredth ye-are afte:tChrilts afqgenfiong, and for proofe of yyboth, they cite Orzgezz, Cjplridn, and=Gregory.l at large without any partlcularquotation to find what they cite: until! wfaic/‘aAtz'me, ' fay they, there rum: ‘community ofall thing: azm0ngC'/arifliamx. A yk: Ben: firfi, they would tell us which Vr‘2S-rm it was,'(who they fay l V began to bring Tithes into ufe for the maintenlalnceof the Minille-A xy) for there were 8 of that Name, and of thofe 8 ( if Orige:-z be at witne{fe'oflit)lyittlmufclbe Vréwm‘ the fitPr,Anno227 wholfaite but A W 6 yeatles,8z 7 monethls, 8: ther~e»was nyotanother Pope called Vam- lmn untill the year 1087y;yvhiql1 was long after the lateft ofthofe llll " three; fIJiz..G'régo_r],( whether they mean G’feg.Z\Z3zz.i:znz.. or Giweg. y yfen, or Gregary. urAn:u:r1ed,)* the Gre2tt,‘Bilh6pyyOf‘R.0lme ; and A 0ri‘g'eAi1 ”.t*€l'l‘.i W.’ ta»toAAlhyt:t-lggtzgshl‘oemhes recalled ._;lby-APo15el;Vr&m‘¢, tbuclyiigg the aiimzztiorztf i'TH E 5.” T their originallmult be ancienter then .300 yeyarstafter the al'een{I--» -on; for that V2_~étz;¢l1ved not beyond the yeat:>.34, and Omgm floutifhed Anno 226.and ifTithes begantwhen Cht*iltl.ans gave 0- .ver the community ol'goods,as thefe men fay p. the name of Term!/imz, but bring no ptoole Oflt, then had Mimi‘tets apro- tpriety in Tithes as foot: as others had aptopietyof eltate 3 and lfooner itcould not be. And A that which Cat1l'ed; this conznmnity, the perfecution of the Church (which reached to his age: for the A next ptedecelfor to thatVréa7I,‘.Ca:Z1'xiI¢i was a lvlartyr ) might 'I.‘]°m"'E:°”l very wellcaufe a filfpelnfion ofelfithes for all that time. ‘ A 4 A C1 ' l7'm”‘7’ A M2". Fer z~z;emm~e 0fTz't!am‘;.. there be gdifputable opinions : DWW-’fiW V1’ «Whether they be M~oyrall;.z whether Judicial] 5 3».w~lwetl2et‘ Ce» "“j"""]”‘;""§ remoniall,f( there ~£s:»a "fourth conceiypt that they ayremeete Almes, which is imputed to 14*/lick/.».v[f' in the 8' feflion ofthe eotmcetll“ofJ;;ecc,2tafito;«;;, Confcanceg but that admitstof no difplutefince it is repttgmmt to ymelzzzformiz, yalleappearance of reafon.) 1 Some hold them Mota.ll., astlaotie 1'5W"’73fl¢W1 1;:/liniy{‘cersywl1ona thefe, men pretend to anfwer ; molt of the ‘é(‘J'¢°*'*’€;-’v‘*Z;’{" , ,OflCl.a. 01'} C‘oZ.?f0?1'£_/2.f,[7/.{i:«'f‘£'.-,z‘3'}1l.‘07Z$6?’c$’ D0m;V-df Rep. Earl. /. 9. c. ‘7..‘Z'epp.e7~zh_r fl.m.'S,_,1«fiOn' in Explic. legzamfercnfl -Me . 6'. 1 0_.amd many Engli{l1_Divines. Tom.7.Con~ : 2.! Some hold them Iuditiall, as Bel/. Zié ale C/er-.c.2.:5 .. A Ci3.P:.wI6.c< 3. Some Ceremoniall, as thefe parifhiohers doe. Thereis the "‘A”‘l°*“3f*- leall: reafon for thts lafi opmton. For Tithes were taken as a tri-~ t ' hute by God himfelfe as lthelchiefe Lord ofafi the €9.t‘tlh Lmvizm 27.30. whereby he-e is acknowledged giver of al7l;land that it is in his power to turfe the earth with b3.fI'€2‘!lfiCl‘ll?,-t and to {tatve the creatures that leitveupon it 5,. and tlhisis true ofalll ages*,, and therefore we reade Of'p;'.tym€nt ofTithes by Aémlmm, Gm. o :14", 21. Heé. V7. 4.§andvowing of7T1"thes by fazaoé», tbxefore. the Levi»-r teicall Priel’t'hO70‘d was e{’tablifl1ed,Gcw. 28. 22., 1 V l 3 t A But facrifices, fay they,-ate ancienterv-tl1en Tithesgmd Werelong oéjcfi, before the Ceremot1iall.Law w2zs‘lord:tined,»l yet they atenot to A be contintzedlntthe time ofthe Gofpel. ' W True, becahfe they were types of future things to be exhttih..i-— /1;W,__ tedotn the New Teltamentxbttt Tithese have no typtieall im:imati- l on in themnlltitutioln or L1f€‘,b€ingft=:t apartbyfiiodt for himfelfe, ll _ A and given by him as the wages to htisyyyfeyrvantsllfor doing his wvotk; I whiychlh€afligned' to the Lerazze; lot_theitt1:tyime, hddttnadlelthelln » A futaeblé to heireyflayteby pectttlilaxtordinam§ee,7e;s yj.Z‘W?:«z.l It 8%. A 2 ;6327.. écc. ;.2xa fliFR;zfilm‘ion If at 3024173 it-Sec. Levi}. 2 S..3‘.’.,%.‘5. which expired withl the Ptitiihood, tho.tigit Tithesin genetall did not; andthevtefore » futh particulars are no -more to—beur,ged againlt that trlaintenance oflviinilltersin the New Tefiament, then the Jewijlh ohfetvationsofthleSabbath agaihlt thekeeping ofa Chlri£ltian7Sal:~baith at this day. _ i ‘g 3. For thaitlthey fay afineqmzliigf in refpeéi: of iwprop7'ietz'am, ,p. 6. in tefpeéiioftraalefmen in Towne:~.;a;¢_dCitie:,m%’h0 lgaine more then farmers and pay no Tithes, p. 9. andiin r€l'p€57l:.Of‘"thC,'lOll7: gwhifiil may hefa‘-ll the farmer, when he hath not incteafe to SIX“ {wet his coft andolahiour, raga. ‘For the two firlhit is worthycohfide"tation ofthofewho are in authority how to reduce them to more equality. For the third; the exception lyeth no more agaiufi Tithes now, then in the time when they acknowledge them ITIOPC in force ; and when it proveth an ill yeare with the plowman, it will be well f01'l1i—m to coniider whether his unconfciionnableneflie in Tithes have not procured a curfe upon his portion, according to the c-ommi- ,nation in the third of/‘llelazc. 8,9. AndlaPcly,forthe trorzélcé of time Minfier; I If he have but alittle Tithe,»it’will be no great trouble for him to order it,e{pe-- cially lince he may lawfully exchange it intowmohey. 2.. If he “ have a great Tithe, it will beare the charge of afervant to eafe him of the trouble???“ And 3. If this inconvenience could not be a-- voided, (as well it may) therewould follow fatre greater upon the taking away Tithes, fuch as before we have obfetved. With the fe cxeeptions againft this revenue of Tithes they have delivered foegetlhing worthy the acceptation ofMinil’te ts,whith is p. 3.6.1: £5 ttfggaeefiregfay they,af .21 God: peop!c(C§°fi: it .0513,‘/at it: be) elmt the the Ga./fuel! fborxzld lmzre .2 fnflicicaet rmzinteé it-t.5z2¢c.~: .41/olfivciiiafiemgli_l§2;z_y not a:ae[y_lazfujj7cz'en»t ta/;azi2zre:m7:zce;, 614: mi _.=zé:md.»zazr, .42 large 7”iL‘19 n;m£rzte;¢.az22lce,fz¢c/9 4 ~m;zirlzremznc'e .44 I136)’ may Jim liéremlly aavit/aazzt .».m}.otl9erz°mployme7¢t {mt t/ae Minaijiery ; .Nur is it fit or éecommirtg C/arz:fi‘i..m.r 2‘/mt their Mixiffer _/7yaz4r[d [we iaz ti meme condition Bit/oer sfdiert or clazzt/aiaag_.,é.vzt 4.5 /0613'-771076 me- tcallwt £72 re/lingfi‘ mg/at /ce ta hens (Z more large lca'- éetier mainte- ‘§ ‘-3 ‘E5 i gamma in tka_/¢_j% re I/écazygtfi/aar.r,]‘2¥r befeedimg tbefEw[ xafiir/afiairiu he ramfl tlaiagx, 2'}/2iet;w9:r*j:1 of rise pwjilae aiaigbtsiota feed 12:55. lacing’; ll'b5:‘_ ..r.:.:’.’y rm}/a.tl2eia'éuzfle tem.parolZ.t/fiizgt.:and in the next page faytheyg s 21 Text for this copy ends here. Missing pages 25-27.