A “T? . A5,! 1 ;»gfl.qretIAyy,Jrzdge5 as atjI‘r_[lg* azacit/jyACazmfi:/far: ‘$35 . asat t /2¢é'égizér5i7%‘g'A3:i»“"* % 4 A “ A A A A 4% %%§ . M @%@s%é.W$$@“§A'A§A¥@@$*3f$’%@*:Ji»9‘@?%‘;$§*u 4 , ’ Aaig .«“~c= »fi:=;.s~‘ 4333+ % -2,,‘ m. - ~ WA‘ -tnzi%.«» w.«:~ ff e W? -- % :5.» »'9e:I's % t£":w‘:Ua’*2‘5s.&~. ar Wm Gl‘?~;...fl “in A, A '97,,‘ ‘ ‘ , 4?» * ‘ ‘ 5!!‘ n “" "$4 ’ A ‘ infirm‘ . Tvfa ‘ A , \.A ‘. AND -AAA AA 9 %A A ' "" rxA AA "v Prfiachedxn a ‘S E: R MON 0 at .Stowe-- » th*e +;o, 16; 6A.bcfore thefilefiionof A A P:;irlia1nen«t-mie4n fo1'Vthefa‘me"C%ounty. ~ , On Ifai-xfm x.26.A1;heforme1~p:z41*t. A AAA_hA¢%Church of ?(£I11"if’cin Lawén/dam.=5';¢flZ;»Z/Q. A —"“““_._.........u\ vnnuuw-w AA'”LAoN®oN. * me M5,, u the Royal Excllange. 165 6. . '5 Market in ‘Szgfi’0A[k~,up.0z1.4zzg2/1]}, MM Gv.ru\.7.4LL, M.AA. of co//.;aow~§v:"_§.!’~g.d% Q AIA>ArintiedAA4Afo1A:°%I£alplaA Asmz;/9,? at the Bible in Com’/957,~ Arlz=arfi?z~iA @ A .13 :5 :2 s*i'u'xi HWWI1 h n*u‘ifi tr M % ‘n" 'A ~*' ~ A ‘M4-v "T* A‘ "-u""1‘Ir % '. %¢unuauuununun 9e9p1$ am *“- -——- .._..._..L.. —-w ‘ -~.._._... ‘ ‘ , ‘ _ ‘ ‘ I . ___‘ ._ .. ,, .4. - _ . .y d W ‘ W W -‘ .4 F M‘ “ 'f “ “ M. , ‘ ‘V H , - 1», “ i I I ' \ ‘ V H_ ‘ “ _ ‘ I ‘_ J» V“ ;' ‘ ‘ ‘ , V ‘ ‘ ‘"4 " ‘. ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ . ‘ ‘ “ *- "" vs-— \ V ’ ddtfififififfifiépuunduiubiunnunt n bananauuunnnuuunflnunnnnunnnuunfiufiflanqf 2-—-—...... an-—-.—........ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ , “ ‘ _ M .2 wk‘ ‘ ’ ‘A _ ‘ ‘ I ." ‘. “ ‘ ‘ ‘ “j ‘ ‘ }‘ _ ”“‘ . ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ " ' ‘ I A Y‘ - ‘ ~ ~ ‘ r. mi _ " ‘ ‘ ‘ - - - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ V” ‘ . ‘NW ‘ “‘ ' ' ‘ . ‘ A V 1 “ . . I‘ ‘ V ‘ ‘ a‘ r . ‘ ‘ m A "wDrawn from4;the R 3 pi . T "5' %IsA%MtA1H1*:.26.theformcr part. an-nun-nub Mws RATES ./I-V1261 I willreflore thy yudgerax at izmd by V Connfialldurs 4.5‘ at tbevl9e_ginrzingA. Y1 *- ‘N ;the‘pe4ople, jtowhom thisholy Prophet B: F, v1veéo'nfid[cr‘ tbe Agreac wickednelfc-of ”was«fent,% wemaywonderthat God fuf.-[_ . A‘ feited foVr4areé?JAcwe1;” At mug *{o1onVg‘0n“A V A {hch a difobsediem: "care; VtA A-2175 Atheirs. Was; ; % phat lenthis Prophet: f(i)' long to A _ V4-made him A . and ; his mcfl'age%4nomoriew4 V eomiea ifwe confidwer hovz 1on53~h€avfin A .du1ged h u a A A A V T/JAe_M‘dg P0nrtr;:ifin‘re.i’... duigiied t'hem,i this incomparableimercy, A and éalcula uw»....w. H wu. »~ . , ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' W _ » ‘ " \ ‘ - w ‘ ‘ 4 mm w . -I-r . . w ‘ 4-_._._..‘-. WOW the 1'ongi}xaci;eii'z ‘ U ‘ -A """‘1W gimhimatheh cvehaumhres, . x as them; I £1 .‘. H , M. Tbe*Mag§flmte:TPohvtiéiture. 1 l l .'fiJt“‘d‘.'..a1l-'~“:‘...t1“is'\is “n or charged l*upm=7llfomé A :lpt*ftiyli41p1ai-£3156, :;~and&in:cclmfide table faélion _irilft.l1ci l\l?z1%tiOIjl,? which not ;;~?been‘fo muclnlx ; but [he'Xn.fl'lt?m'ent*."l$. lllagxciaigialxnlfilltlie whale Nationil “=lverl”;, . 3 _ llfi-ac! fz1atZ2”l; l;rsolt~ Imam 1}. ' fizefal Nm'an,l , he xivhole V hea.d_l 3._I'ld-f ‘heart’ were as gsfick of“ ;{in,c meyw C1’"eT.iof :{'uffe11_i%r%ag; 5 « l‘ll’:Tié'~.fg;;c:ll when II: 3 ;_-lh.Ou’fe_.[...3l'C._d0 wit} tdglethlér; orithllofeltlhatare wcll, no; enough ytolook, to the =fiTcl<'.V lTllhe:1*e * were llilndegdl "llfome_llgra’ciousones in. th:I_t »degene‘race agég?‘ bu:ll1«brew, ’ that? their Religion, like a pintesofwinel —in‘a'tun”nel of Wa- .~tf xhe PrQV£nif:e:un;1ver:.'thai1:, mflaz»”e.% ,% " % A M ;4.Thewo1:dsvar‘e‘aVPmmi%f<:54Whcgrcin-obfcsxzve ~ 4_ A E~‘ir£L.%chePer{on.prmnifing, I wi/lrq»/$oréf,c§z"a, V *Se°cond:Iy,‘ :thd1n€1‘cyfpt50mi‘fed§ ‘.It££1g€5.4S,AFt‘.7/.1¢fif/E, Mafia’ Caxknfi'£laur:_%%43at tbe éegimmifigg ‘ * A V A » A ; % T bi1'd1y,4VAthe‘ci1‘ne and Vmamnaezg when and~hm»g9 A :fo1'med, wrap’t:'up in Achewotdy ‘And 5 which flzimds in thefxionn of czaeymw, pointing. to nine" prec@dingwords, A ‘They indeed t-e1l4A us when and how Godwin do‘ this, ‘fol: W % athemr. I~Iz2i'1.lf!I7’?JZff:72)# bagdupqfl1/Jet,mdpure1y]7m’g@ Amy” ' flay .dr:fl{e, and take mvay thy tinne.vT~hé.m fol1owsz£h¢~Pro." %mife in the MA'I“c?xt,_ 5 whiclzl: czomes in:.é1s ea ,cQrn fb,quenLof:' Azrlmt great Natio nal ;caIamiry to come upqn them; the lB;}by10I1 ifl ) captivicy.~,; SO tV!2at1;hough?the.4~birch would be joyous, yAetbefore1:11is A APro mi’Ee¢Vc0u1d b.e:%% d€1iiiz;Var:éiax%.A they need~ed’%H"e, rm: “the-it NaAtionAmigh.c ‘ V be c2=_z&%intow‘Aa nAewmo*..i1d,;% fa) ‘new, that the very forme v,ofG0ve1jnm%ent w:1sAtobeichanged.A A A tpF;irfi, of’ .t.h¢¢7Perfo~np1*omifinMg,” I:villAAreffl2re ; In ivhiclir obferve, A hawrin prgmifing A;5mgive Judges and V AC c:>vunfellou1'S,‘ A he ovvnes this :order df M agi{’c racy as ~1:1W~ h1l;,yea,cla1mes as %Ahi"As Ordinance. Whience % A ;no:e_._ % ‘ A Magifiracy is an*:OrdAer and Office, which God him- D062‘. A fi:A1fAfetsf11p, yea, which hevwill h;1ve‘ up in*hisChurcI1, % A wheninits bcft%puricy,%Aashe1fehe {peaks of a tAimeoE more Re»for1natVion then ordxnary. A In t/mt rim: A/1eAnvzk' A rcffbre. A Hereis Div1mty flamp’c upon-the face of It; ’%'[isca1lédAin{*deedar1ordimmcgofmam, I “Pet. 2. 113. ’A:«9;.»m:«u:m'a—:;, not asxf xtwfi-ren1aAAns xnventxonz for‘ *41lAPawer: are afood, but becauI'c*Li‘s d1fcharged.by v men, and‘intend‘edAf3r m:msAgood.. And tru1yAit is for A diI’cafic{u1’tothe ungodl world, A=‘bec;w1feAit layes luflsfi in Viichaines, .and ‘o; -torments‘thé:m before A ~cime,tha>At ifGod had not been in this bufh ((0 of: on fire.) it‘ had been c'onfin'ned’be%foreV4 this. There hasAbeeAm\o1d %tugging_topI'uck”this plant up, but being of-Gods plant» V Jug, it.%ftandst[oo furcfor manshand to root up. ’ I 9 V V A A AWe maya~u£"eAAAéhie Afame firghmentco provc*thAe A Div~i-- Anityeof Magifhjacy, .whichfometimewe dothe Divini- t'yAdf%: Sc‘1‘iptuire, tvi{:;’thc {flange ?prefer4i7a:ri&QnofM it in allthe revLo1uuoAns and chafigAeVs that I Have tome over: the 'head«of=”times, A by warrés, and “thecox1fuAfidnsmhzxcAAAai:a~ alfimofl "C0'mpan7y‘them: °3%0:me 4 have"-in_deed% thfrdwn “ off theiit %VéVf‘*1i1rS,*AA_b4iit~zfleV¢f€GD3d yafijoverhments as ibcn A * £1no:tI"i&r isAAiimAhcfac«1dle;-,» yea, A A A con- AA f()UofidATL0i@3Ch‘Aif- ‘A I ufi x. A~rhmxecusoobloe “C iéyinde and’Aweizthora; A ftormes I A AV 7om7ean*4oA of . Perfiamfi a Cl1flv‘0i'§nC,'4V o:fhAi1“‘ACA 'Wh€fl:7t miofr~ul¢o;oAo:.were~ mighc‘AAAdoo:,wha:~ o ou:rages,* whichmighootwiéll be thou A‘5’lmo*w thAeohappincff;'cAAof %a Governm 1:. toAiAt by Gods own lmdo 3 :hancallAMa “ m» the baraer coAIbow1esA(3ooom1I1ioon Afeducgrsv, A ]»da8.' did+deffii/'eAL>ami A AA ‘*V£i£~:II1,'l’ti,AA‘AD1;g)zit3r-,~A Ma1fkAA5 non pco1?Afotis;A%d%Afi7o -mzuch A A andoAAoioAhaAd boon} V A, AA A A A A AA oAE”fl$~A&iod* . ,fjwA’1"ftAl_1_AAott1 € FQaolaei1ts’”o*F; 'fom@‘ ‘Audéafitiflx *ofA* o f15il;I:¢3r3?.§AifI1éS3if‘hm;€%tA: " ’ - A u¢onnam~a1 ?is A:o“:neop~rinci;p1es gum o‘;oS¢roiopture A ‘mm;-;, toha"t=.aA@overnom’ehn iSAAfiou.n“d ;Aow1§é:%reo n A A A A Gfoodofor a..A .tho1igAhlit i{h‘oA‘uId*bAeo ‘r1”onfe*of the %.AI%t'“-"34 “M ti“ ‘;”"”"W‘L%‘r”f'V."'%‘w~’; Vc/mft %«y(~fay they) ran w.A*W Wow in bi: I-Tr’1I4r«=‘5*;.. éthctffiaas Asvhich q1';:W$: betWi$<4tr tha2t iland afr:ri'— om's%,» had AA¢An~ab1e%to-kee.9this “~‘1f*‘°m'_fT°~iTi Fwidg few on£ngIzyhgrouAd¢. wt :1-9 Mag1firac¥.~fu§h an unclrr ¢;u,ng,}¢i1‘ed._;ghin,AA gthat‘ it ;mwu:ftb¢ «(hut of the :p.1.1e of gh¢¢(j~hm+gh , Is an oflicg: ‘fictcd% % and form ed: fozi: 9 Heathcns, 4~andM«nVoc%C4hrifii3.fl5? Tmlfla the“ I %fl“5i".1f1F5 L¢hu%1f¢m4A1iverather am4ong «Hcatbens then“ :15‘ ~ Bucwhmv ca«nrhofercade%~thc Scripture an~d~not bluihr avme chcsainrsat;RomcH¢athms or 7Ch1*i=£tians§~:# and dQ {h Lhg ApqvfllebringA.%?any%fuchnewes tr t.hen1,, doth be A {sin me,m"Apu»r«Mof 4cheMa%if*rates précinéts 2' No; Hm? my _M)iniflgraf% adto mrsmfargood _ and hc; tells them mgymun needs be rmyea, (mough than raw: MagiV-1 A{1;mc,ew, wfaAs4 no friend no %?tWl1eVC.b1AarCh) a,ndy..4tbat ndt only _f9TWr6U}J, to favehis skit; f1‘om111ams Wr3.th,%butfar 60115 A cigngefakg {O fave ~t°h:&i1_‘Q f0vl11%€S V. % i4 3;. Tbw€Lannot fa*t’14ermtbc1AAr brat “P00? we 5cri~ ~ pm;tye%»;g 1 °ti$ am Amgfflwapen AA Abra! cVon3ce.1V:€d m ; the womb: o;f~iVg£1:<)~f€1I1C~€aVV aqgl B; vi>;t¢?Aby 1>¥§d¢» and it ‘,W@fl ‘ appcarfo by :xn§;“jW»flA£1P€5a ‘WW5 “*»“he.VeF¥ feed, of thrs e~rrou:r1s formedsa%n~d they ate» ,Firfl,~ alibemiwbich theyfaxncic 'C.h::iff hath Vgivenl chem. 4 cowmh, ftzbjrafitionundex4Masi“=£a§YCf0Arfoé>thp is inconfifient ’ Whatjfi will fl3‘°“—%1‘W8im£i§@”9 finae in ⪼_i-prune: M A em that which was 4 ongdefirc ii!» ,:rito F= coxafufiphrne{feh,;ahd "exidshih W L h ‘A A V V "‘hh5'2ri’dr7cjjcétA€é+ ' {fi]";]‘a1ii1d"fl}i$ giftracy isj}:‘re6’ced% djej~f‘£:'”fi‘d ~"lthh§c; _ é{oi‘ng;R-omh.h‘h1;u h *R:x+lar:774rc no‘t’*’.c“-V‘ tefr:mhrhA§~jtdgoadxiibrksh... -‘- ‘*.-C1 W T be Magifihatex Po;;;~2:%.:2z.;zT»4e. ‘V ___:‘.-;-m--- V _......n W» hbndageh; **I3»ruhehh.a‘w¢i«vehVar¢rfel«zye;;h A ; Aamlz Afru*t!y,”i;f not firm, ; 1, ohrzfly A But tsheAhChur§ L of :A‘€hrifi*fiav¢“hha~d tom rrimyh pf theihgivch‘hthémi§théir‘h;andsrobe h f€&'t’53in'tShéflgihh i‘ A A A ?A1A’i'1ftS'ihefn.!?Pé%35°V§AAhhM9€ifi"3¢J’2 Lbfit’ t1iAeir1vhfish«hrhar A aka‘ fi*h*erhA* ho‘t;,hhhfibilc~*“th~d“ hhbA%c:iirr%h» éPi*Ia%g2,ia*{hflt€Sp%0xm¢f;:‘ ‘wtis noht~h"thehirh pherfeé’:ion[‘t”h3t uwzb; H X ”i‘317s*‘<3’th%‘:1*s’;:Aigfiiiél *dE;them,*”~hthhofe«I»-megzn»amamuiw-4 - Tlaamagijczrazey Pomrazrm. % cfiesdA4again4fi¢— Magifir’acyAA at a fiyrfl) A th42i;c‘th’rey 1i1€¢.c1Jthe:4 .Magiftratmf¢:1rw¢l1%cnough,’ \vbcn tI1ey coulEi.AM .orx¢c; A cotneA rd-Afelt; +t,fiem l:“eiv*esV ink". A If God 1nt¢nd,m.c1*cyfor” lixglzmdnbis Anti-%Mag4iflraric4l f pirit _fh:é1l not p1*¢trgil§” If %we: be mo good no live unc36A1j% A AMagifh;a%resA-, A Ggds: AVi'cc§gerents,~ % Aweare too bad to hveAA under odss ovmi? Careand %Governnient%; The Heémewer have VAI3ro*5erb,-ff ‘ VMz4'gr.cma’um:.fl e.-we loco, i;aqxw,Rex_ nmtimAetz¢r.” We,4 had heft make hafle from thgir placex:vheré_theKingisno,t f:earec!5 as if fomeheavy jud gemenc xmpendedb that placfaf 4where.M.ggi{h*ates aArc:A dcfpifed; and it were Aa {in“th aAtA VcoL1A1dnot Long ftayforitsguerdlonéhd reward. jA I am: A furcthofefanatxck fp1r1ts1nGerm«myA found the warrant L with Afpeed. A _i X ofvvengeance fentfromr God againfi ‘ chem, fefidfjrfetfv‘ yv-‘,n‘...‘. _.,.,l . ‘,.. A 1" - "5. I ‘L flew. tmanj th€Wdr1d,' (for V V 1Ahird1yy1sMag:aAm;y;m%orde:osV?cods‘ereaingA:ufe 3. a‘ wordrhen to you (wart/ay Gentlezrzm) into*whoVfelap t‘hAe1otAofthis dayesA~choice{ha1l faAl1;A 1“ % Decline not the place for féar or cafe. If God g ivesyou a C"ommifl‘19 on, 1 you neged not fearetoaét ; 4 you are bu%tundV¢r~ cars, and of a1A1C"mvardS, he is t*heworft‘chatdares4not ?fo11o7.v,%Vwh~enGod%%l'eadS%hi.m on‘. 3 Gaint/1i:tIJymig/if (faithGqdto4Gizz%7¢) ‘hwy: na t{ Iflmt thee? :«]udgesW6.$x4:4,"‘ Gods% %Word wa s his AW arrant, * and —GfodsA A W'i11‘1ja;i; wag 4 his"Prote&ionf. rederitlz Duke of Saxonfigxvihch. W A bad, read‘Lut5cr:’book, put,_ou1;inr VindicaAtioMnAoF,thI§ 4 divine~Authority%‘ of A %Magif’c‘racyA againff the Awqbapgflisg 1 A1i'f=uPV¢hishandsV?0ih§3Ven;<¥nd%b:’¢f’rGod;%A~th:¢Ih€1iv¢d 4 to rec the place \ g % _ AA A , ifi’§CY§M’ ,?VVhé‘1‘€i§1§§&:h€ clear} y»provedA'fro‘1n%AScr1prurea :1 evidence, f to be,’a%¢ %p1a1c;e Svherein good cmfcicnce aft Lifo C 3 r“ . V‘m' Vinifcarry !=**$*'€r1Iis~hand-V Imked Stet: PéJ;*r’¢i*<:v:.tbough =fie%vcr f o Afatthfuh 11ardlyL¢f_cape% blame; if my do me the cum " %VThe%‘ 1int11%ci”tL":de :3 uiige 4 :$he“%p11gA¢¢go9;;N%¢f; V ind, ' asthc VOYV»ag¢h¢ ma-kes,is gainful or :l#o"fi,n?gV no 4che A wncrs.” But I hQP¢YOuV5ha«veVvl¢arn’t not :6 in dge. your felvesfiby Others thogzghcg “ 1 New miifer %/cafe alimb,Ai1:) AA tiian is mifefablébyT}vha%t,%Othe1’s think of him A 5 N If you be not willing :9 gixlte Dp y»ou”r~ovEm name to.befaprifiv+ .céfc1, by th”e 1i1ti4cu<3¢,% there is lixtle hope of%ibc4inga 34:. Yiwfhto Your VC%ountr€Y- "Chrific9u1dnot% have rived r;tI13n5if he had éfloodupza faviqg hisN'am_c Vamong.m~¢n, be ’7Wa"s Willing do them; A vthoulgh ‘:B9‘%%h£4,LandA§p0kend na%ugfic" % ,1)? them A %fc%>r% an . =i%'¢ifTeaA‘usabIufirIng~At1mF; §uc4f9m¢"t¢1me”Marrinérs&find h:ac%ffiTttihitsttoahdtfave>lou'from it: “h Cheats A noti mo.ré~h faint Lml I’ea:ot€nip€fl$,trhetn is in land» tfiormes; *mh¢an‘, of $taor¢5o‘atnd N~é+tifonS[+ A :11: tbzgtjiillg‘ tlreimj W hfmg: am 15:! mmfii/t of tire people, P%fa1t,¢s5;7‘. V are theref,h andothay well. hput together; Walk jw;h:1tever”comes' of’tt,t it tvill be morehonourabkfandtfafe for y<2ut(whcnica11ed) to bc: fotuindinjlfltrliqiizcntg A‘oh"¢t1d‘e&V0u~_ringh to heal the hlteediogt. “Vwoutndst ¢f:?he‘i1¢$Ittattiott though to your ptiv.ate ha;zardh, r then favingyhourown sk’ins'wh”oIéAhatt hhotm-.t 2. Is 1?tnto;;,- ‘fad. that; pooirwomaningtravel fluouldt die for f w;1n‘£?of . he1p,b6cautfet’ttis midnightt when fh¢‘hca1t15.,and her neighe Lboilf55tlothtth0~b17€'31C@unfellou1's like ;%tVliei’1' lfirfi; fbieze ”henCe,f ‘” A A” ’l‘ eel ' “l“l‘” n ‘ That um only the ~Offic“e 0f“Magi{le'aé3z~ isef; Gl®;,dsle-L *reean%g; bi): tl1e*p?e1'f0nslalfoin the place of Megiflracy, ‘(whether goodbr bad)il4?a1§e oPCyods ‘appointing’. When fife Magiflratesllpivlmtel is robe filled, though it be but “in ;a pl-ieace _C2'dr'por_zztio2‘2, % xvhatlplotging ancl'fidin'g is there, eeve1:y;onetoli~fcup head forelhiéelltownlfalifiolnf? Andi“ A Wilflmlthlerew werelnot tiooemuclx of this crowded into the 4 great AfTe”pnbly‘pef “this? day, wherein molt‘ (itis?to* be f'ea1~ed)Acome reth er to {ewe a "party, yea,‘ I Come particu» _ llllar perron with cheirfufl‘ragess;e :henGod and ltheir eccen- ‘étr‘ey;,1_wel1,plloewfiatlyou can; Heaveln“ will carry “it; ~gfi~om~you all,yo1; (With/al‘lth€ lbuffle and p‘edder“that is xnadejare bnrthe me upon Fthewheelw, ’tis Fthe wheele Providence,“ notyou, that clece1*3"rnines%t'hei{fi1e of llthisedayes meeting, ‘A A‘ Matches are made id heaven ‘be-« “tween Magiflrates and people; when they avotedhfbr {Chrift to die ,l and Bambéa»: tolive,‘ they" did but make ~t1p4th:e Wofirk, that~Godhad cut our to their l1and5% chule :vs;*l’el1‘”or ’ ill, ll you canehpeli élefnie A God.‘ lglilsl 4‘cafting_ ‘Vqice. 'Wh~e‘n¢he«cenlttibe5 made 21lrenclfr@mVthe hon feiiof ‘la- ~vg”d,l_ it. isfaid indeed, oflnz .8? f They me‘ gap Kingrt, malnozeymaatléay Leblzliiie n}l:e:lePri72€er,zi3d I knfiew i~tle27a:-ache: A ;is,’ they askednog God§‘le;-We, ltbeymérefizafe 5y g1aim,that l>ji5,“‘el‘%nm by his approbation, ~l”rin*ce}f/94tlze%£z";“rjf , thacis, ;fipt”by their acqtigzinting hizrgthey to7oknp1.'G A '+ilntptl1eilfllC0unCc1, ‘land»‘liflGl0d ClOulCl have lknifiwgzi it no A A A A A W33’: V -fgyptVidh:hhpoIhici§s5 and A ifrmél:prajfers,helpcd’on t ....z‘ _...........—~ we:‘»PWtr‘¢iW%?-’ % u.” _—-.____: tfiefe.véry“Ki:1gs~and hPrince;<‘.“, f .Ir1afcahI3A.h1 hGhods , fcijcmzc‘Pifc§vid¢nhhc'e ’h:1d;he ‘C>rde1'ing 0f_ihthhh€7'11‘l;itt;E?1‘, while .h:bey; plefie rhéir own 1ufi,4thdeytu1fi11edGodsCQLmcel wrath; who “by hAthc%i1h*.oavn wi.c'kedAAa choice inhthetld plague them‘ fax’ r.‘hr:hihrim'1neir 1313.} A "7 ed to ; AreMh.t§;-ih{t:";1:hesA ;.g00“d.h.c31*bad fem, of God 8 ; Tee hche J A «xxr.3y howtcu mb:a1ir*;:zAgood -choice «chhis, day, ‘thzltisyby A . plyhinghmi z.I“a¢-;3hz‘l1.:'<)heOfhgrace, if we hh.1v€:;f"a:izhh,ih ’M.3gh.iR1'aY€5,Iht33} mufi be AM’ Ghodis ft-jnding, A I 2272"/l_ re} A fiofe, .;;%m§'x1c>VMI$iT€3}73ike prayer tohophenhGodshearr». GM wit’: 1£vezaw7*!dé}tiIc luff‘: his hemmm, Md by I/Jep;*¢:y~ _ an ‘of’/vi:hSzzim.:';AhebyAhcii%£fippointin.gthe one, and”°fiir-~ I V ring up, as :aIhf‘ugr3Ci0‘ufly anfwering * the other, zaccm-n~%— ’ *4 plxfhexhv his own cincis in the affiaires of that‘ wot ~d. The % % fl be I'll #- *1n€?3;'0fh the one A and de1iAverance'm of the 7% other 5 when A I/'r4e‘l groanéd underhtht: bc3n1perfwade mhins, ; ;J4c‘"(2l7 Wahs ‘ afraid bf Bfauk, handfnalces VG?0d his f friend, élhfld GM’ ngmde [am his. frieqdg? HeAthat,Vc01';11d give-941:5! anc):- A , therffpirit, Tandfoa1t‘érr:d theh.prope1‘ty‘of ; the man, than: bfforé he is awarg: he {hall prophe-fie with the P!{0P,7€1‘55"‘ h+e:can;‘a1htcrthhofé“‘?”gpiirpbfesv hhwhich‘ marl, had Th 5 Athéir ;“\‘I"§.‘éI!ts when A=hth¢'y,AA“qari1ehhhforththis d'ay,'andh1nakeA‘Atherx1fl VOW ,]fQrhthQhFCChCyh?li1tt1€ thoi’1gHt onyhecanrnalhc-e * fan: hlm;)whnA‘AhihtAnowAay, e1fehA‘I1AeT11ouldhhf;1ve.beeziAifiiho1lyhigno- M A (rant (of tixemxu.-vze1*, yet Ghodh.rc11srhem, hh hegave chem --r-,..,, ..—.-.--W. .._,. '-.~¢-an-our - :6 A TW1dC*'V0i! A A i.£a&n4%eF mcsscafi x:1iae §r7G§i?£:raL‘g.&;45 imo 4513.3 M yap V%¢f%;‘.t'hd{e that aV.nd:tru1y;=i£ it were norm, 1a,¢=u1dwbndeAr h‘D1V’:3Afdz¢éful,% %g;zmfly mrz24mm-m;¢ could be cho fen E¢zgVl4nd,‘n%whA§re;i the he.1Vp%ca—ri‘iesit, j %IIAr;h3~th*Wbecn acu- lhme in form~ §rti‘mes am@»ns.r.,a 113.7 “for le¢t:te~:~3A1.m come A fhéifiék I-Q“m _Cou1‘t, P2 r%§Aiamentswe1:e to be Chofm V \ 't0MTownes‘ and Co‘vrpo1'atios:s, -whic:h% had g«1h},Q.fi ee&J%0’f=uMm1amw« To be fare, wcodc.-an rend in; ta; eh“ebo1?omesofa man {his {ecmc mefiiages 7 vvL31¢hV 11131.1 . awe ét‘heirco11_{‘Ciencs5s%,»:GEm. 3x.:~9.° }'t 22:21:? A 1 ~ ?‘’?7 V947“! Ufiid »luié’4W:tU fiizcqbj‘) to rloyw/m‘r:,' {W ¢;,,, j 9”" of 7““’f“A"“*"fP4'<’€“W Wflwmigbrafflyizvg, Tm 1120»!/feed: ~Poo;rwm:ari!Aimhis power when (Md ti’€d‘%This% binds .bschindc;him, yea, -{7g':g;]%"e;3i1 U M moutm xh_air~ he cw1dnotrpeakAa "~.wm1'~dél;$:utwh‘atP(;.0§ formed 99* mini?‘ 5 H331 hot .rhu5I/mat i‘o§m e{: y0'u% y‘ta>ur way, mmr-rpowegrmg :ymr%;hm.ms agai Wm &9or%mr::r tshoughtm? If he 4VA=m,r’.:;rnr<:.cA g A rasuco V baa ~% ~ VOW‘ % U71Ca%3E%O. E up yomshana f;§l-Wan" is nWi’01‘:tf—hy &per{on,~ you .may .rc_xpe& jm m get as W 1 ;*ghoma;, -fmmemmeA’,m‘rhe4r um ,1; .fa”ddA remand ” 3? 5‘W¢1' 0 «had ve‘tG0d befmrc 'AA%‘ameVm7AA b s “WW: Wave %“*3’Y**=<1 »-his ahémd fro‘mfir~i1n. j‘Vh}"J“d8‘55 as 3t%%th’e:firPc?“ ‘ A A ‘ » % %Fi%rfi:,’AWéy ]udgc3a:ad§'ozmfEllpMrs, .eu2dflotKing: 4nd A Pri72cAé:”? j_ 4 ’ A ' A ” Becaufe A this Pfomife had particularrdpcfi to A3 ti'xn éV,V?Vh1Aen “th¢"i%r*G OLver‘nment wzisnot to? be MoAnarcbi'- ca1,4(-v“iz..) after their xfeturne f1'oAm*capt4ivity,4 when this Promife took A"pl"ace#Vin Ne/yemi;tb,E:sm, Z’ 5}’Z1éé4b€l§A aVndother4faithfu1 judges, tbatafter chem‘ru1ed~1:hc: A ]ewz]b..AStat%e; where I pray obferve,”: 'I‘h;1§t4AicAmart€rs NM, not fomuchwhaskinde of Government ajpeoplc: live T‘ under, ‘aswhat kinds of Govemours. V Let the G0-5 A wvcimrnentbe wjhfat, it will-, if the perfons be naught in whofe hah%dsVic"'is,“al1‘% will bcnaughc: -The Jemexfaw. A "ha:pPYAd«ayts unhs upfoni Nations and C lint‘-Aches ,‘ onefchange ’1sprodm,‘,i1vAé0,f; a%not‘I1¢1i ; A;j:irfl, ithcyl‘chavngeinpurity, rand grow AAcorrupt:,; T£:e.m_Goa! iahanges their peace and A .PI‘Dfpf'.‘I1tAY:, A,Ayea‘,fomcm1zes of .*the1rvery 5:31-inc and’ v1{ib1ec;.*onAi’m:ut1:,)11.'; A A Bmz‘wefla3.I%l waveV:.-Ahe%4_.po:ncs:ho:“e caniiaimciang Awouldaffoxjd us, and Amke»-Aupon3:fConc1u{Aix_)n, xvy{1j1c:I1 .1... A i*ifeAAthA Afrbln thESubj€fli~1mJft€1‘:Of Lrh-5: .PromifAeA;in gene-V 7ra1,andTtis!:his.’ A N A A ‘Thatflii»/aft?!§Magiff3*mt25;re'wi1iing1y to leave their own land, ‘upon this ac»- i count,tthat’:‘when they retume, they fhould gainthis by t ztlitheir fufferings, to hzwe ]z4dgesA.Aas ht thet flrff. as if‘ this were a recompentfe adeq mate to i all their ioifesand.“ t.roub1es.‘? ‘Jr mufleneeds be {QOITU3'gI‘f:‘LiEEhing_AI1h;1t3. A'17/9e.l\7I»zigzfz?rz1;t~eA4'Pcmftréimre.‘ A V V the h$Wiintgt- tvhatGod [hiflk5"iSWOrCi1_::'[i)e_pIiQ‘I‘1'1ififlg-5" ' yeai,“:AAA~ when he g1V€Sa,p€OpiCfé3i:£h"flJ1A G941 €1Atitf' A boiome; ilndeedmsMAA*§§i9t1*:at€S .ate._,it »f0Axvettni1yexe+ A 4 : There is noione place A _w:here WCt1T1&yfl2&I‘ld" at“g,i‘€A£It€reaa3\7';if1€3§’,€tof€€Am'i13f:: pee’: things will itm.Nett’io‘n : God iiintendsfoetr at pimple e(.f.;oAod “ evil? tAhen‘by%0b(efi1'-it A Aving tvm: Rtxiers ‘V and AGiQve1'enottrs, thiél Providence 0:» A ders .‘oAt‘t:t to_t:hetm«A The -;very AAAHmtlJ€:22:.i fignth ed th us A A i V A D3_ A A A ‘ e “much. _ .»- m‘-‘.a'...1'..n~“:‘o§'.“"" " "‘""“" ‘ ' :""-"""“tqJ u... i Ii’!-I<=***>3'A tfieif wfi94m&¢» % ifiérfififigthe f¥atti‘¢S V :"'%;h€itiAMag1?firatesby foumaxnes, did 1tpp1yT5Vth4a§from~ SW ;;yes. it 4g%<%:'>§s i;l1f”o:rj %w”c11~wi%th21 Natiomi V ‘fthemi_i{T11;Ed%dut‘th¢V gbod VorAe’vi1' dfA‘\_:1:'V%p?¢op1gf%%> : ;~~%%Firm%whenRang‘ n and Righr¢oufne.ffefiénd%orfa11£%Vh A ‘3Wich_out thofe, Nationis a1'e«b1w1t¢ forreflzfis o'fAw _iI%de Ab eaflsg. V gwh¢e1~ejthe firongerdevouArc the xveakAe;r;" /As‘ the M3; 4 Agifcfateisa{oare't11e\feL1iftupjortzifidowng :10 .f.QOfi¢ %ei:he're inftbe Acefif. is Religion avnd%Rigbteoufne1Ie%' fat % dcjwnin the Chaireéof" Go_y.exnrrient,4 but we finderhe AA influence of it AamongL4:l1e;-pbople, A I will rcflore thy Jxm'g- gszzslzzt‘ 1:‘/aeVfir/I, é'c..% vw,.cbeni+t}4fb1lows, ylfterwarzl tlmrér flmltbe called a %City4 V Rig/a’tea#frz_¢*fl'e4, 4 fzmhfwl %Ci,ty.V So foon doth the ‘Ci’¢y1car‘ne to write, afE'e1i*‘4"t_he »Copy% jwhichthe Comm {'6 sh e1} The Scptuwagint[ upcn that A Vpl-.tcie,V‘ 'P]alme z4.7.—%L:ft up 3{_aiIr/2345155 M0 yeg-a%te3§, .(;;ues,V Q‘ye7VPrin¢‘cs. A ' The_GateA1eads the way go; the: A City, a_t‘1dVthc* Magifirate h‘ath~phe command of the Gate, V3S$he open%s(>/f {huts the Gate, [0 is%Re1igi0n em Vtertain€*dor%_ {hut <;5u°c‘ofV a Nation‘, * inthe %Vpublic1; Pkg»-* feffion of Therefore the dpen ido1;1t—fyaNa tioh’;’ jg laidby God himfeflf arthe Magiftrz1tesd’oor, v*]Micl.r'.- reafd thus‘ «fem 1:v'I‘~»i§‘%%%A5I~¢1"-"§’;1v_as*7‘E£..%% v‘§%i/Z1 Chronicle ‘will A Aceo:1fi:'111e.zh1s,.gthatwAhenL:yode1ntended emercyro them, ed being kept in A rather by his .reoya1»San«.‘?cion,e, meg; ‘ V A their own 1nc1_mat10n, for e£1M%S‘f3i1C1a%~ he " made tr9emfl4;m' zzfe. 7' he: % "game £heri:14‘faitf‘1fu1 IVI.:e‘gifl;f;2tes3.whe.p xvratheeand judgement, . he opened the d'Q()”1‘e for ~1te,1‘ byf;1k1»ng chem outofthe way. ‘]afia,b,xvImc:;me,to the t;hrc>neineaIf1 illtime, andAfm;1Und jLdee%p\,ip‘arfea1fes wiche God,_yea,ufi1+-_ A deran arrefl from God, V «for cheaboanmatzonz ofeeet"om A mertimes; and the p€V0Pw1'€;e3ti}7‘Téf€nE; not much ameAnCf- w wit) tI3efC0~vmm”1:. ' ‘Which implies “they would rqon have £411enco‘id5. « latrys andtheir own wayfes, had not he (horeed ‘them up M by hi“s_aurh9rity 5 yet this holy mans 'ze“alforVGod and Religion; deoing as muchfis he COW» ’W‘v feecépvzwlia xegriéved them,’ and was th.€1“I“B3l1f3 E10-7kee%p than out . A of“ prifon, “as long as he was’ above ground A; <‘buc-no, 0011- - er his head M laid in cheduft, and hiswicked children in the tyone,bucGod,ca1§s fer his debs? gmdeesviould fi.:1y.;n§:) T lone-gm. ’ “ 5%; ~ Ae ‘ ? e 1‘ Are faithful%M.a;_<;;if’£r;iv%tes ueh c'hc5‘icfeeebeIemne%ge?-LTf;eh e in,tbe"feare ofGpd,befe1'1ous, and confiaer L-he Weighte : of:_th3.t.W_Q1‘k, »abot:rwhi.:ch from afle qua1*~cersVA fi‘f"|t‘hiS,,v are me? this e eefmébid» 4 was f ‘cketfimlc anyofi eymre meemzfi fo» gmoked a app dea, 5*c8ed“é‘*cnis1¥Jee&;i5n,e* theplace or? y d’§1ir'N:§.tiyi.c’y, a;me“£. ;;.-, A yet 1et“tit1e teellA}v ‘you; than if* you did, owe»~ "3 A erpighn E theiriee“ _i Ti/ac-“Ii/!agz'flrzzte:l tPiaurtiroit}zrelA 4 A to’: the peace and happiheflethercof, Il1Jf0WI1 bf €€1PtS,l A and foAyoui7Am-ofAtAA truly Abecome fcla deje, guilty~ofyour‘own rniferies .~, iandletAmete1l'y’ou; thofe tbrrowshayeia peculiar bitte1jtAuc_{I"einthem above A V ’a1Lother, Which;3’1‘€fl0i5i1T1P0l{¢d[ on us,»but Choicinbat us.’ fBt.fEt€1‘AAafl enemyAfl1ouldAlAcome Ainangl“ 1:L1me Furcie of -armes, outof pofi"Aeflion"of thefe, then we Xfeny ;AthofeA yytha:t~-fa11a1lAAAVote us yjout of them, partly " lat. hecaufeof‘the~li'ttieu pity we 1hal,lideferve,A or can AAIie,a»;A A .‘ A A At; Afonzihly 23. In ..._ ._.. J..- .—._+.-—._...—w_._......~___....._“..._ ,_ ‘N A _ 4 The 7] N&‘Y‘?A’¥*‘ A 5PofizvWw-’a%‘i‘v3»ré1“fe~‘1A V 4 A VA f ‘iia‘ril§Ayo'é7x7pve:e”rTon,ywhom be A cA1*ufi¢d £30 wat~¢hyya‘nd~i;iw?;a? threw away "A rmour, “though AAw7eFr‘ey 73; A 1r(ing:,‘b¢caufe h:id‘notyt*1*ired‘yiw;-,4 yin‘ WQ,A-35.gfyAQu A wcrbbuco :0_thAoo'fe A “a” S;.beP§h€1'w§,”T0f“3 A 4' A mom %_% FI*7‘1oti;1*Ld not fcrvc A your Lturne. # M ii:*J1jmt be‘nea»th, his*cax'e, t.hQufgh Wife low Ta‘ buVflne{1?e, % 662.47%. tlmo/mqwgft any mA7¢,%%Eai;,;»h to._]I&~V-3 . fipb, auéiivity azazangff Mg. lvret/:ran,.mwIc:%if tizémurulmf ’ A %?you are A to%.¢» oofe; fuch, as «Aa1fejm)t; t9 1,gO V M (mar my mt‘z‘»el;:,“ _ _ V A V béfore baa (ts, 7 ; but to lfiiadlfl‘ and; out the Lords people _; ° an I‘ ,. V 9. . , ru-=m»,n...u;--av .: M, " - W =na%te&*;[Pawrtréi}A1\w,e. ~ W , —__v_... T’”?eMi42fi[ ,.J.), Sec:ond}1y5 con fid 1‘ your mites and fuiffi‘agg;_31«g ‘nor your Qwne, ft03be:{.}:OW them where%'y0u1Ai~L7c, to=g:rmh.« A fiicj‘this"fri”énc4i",. orthat p;myx.vi’thal. A N0“, : 'nFyo»u db; y“oL1VgAi~ve%xsrhat% rm: ~jzOtb}'.4Q‘Wr1_%a faid tohis ]4udges%,, 1‘ _‘m?‘.1y’j\’Vlth£i?1‘1t[1f:%alteffitiofl a.spf1'y: %thi1*E'c1__; 4 Iyeed_m/9afyou& do, foryec?i*c.f2 nofe’ nfat:fm+: 773 t17:¢.," A b4flt‘_‘¢f0r’fi;U_6fl L‘ar'd,_ "w/in is rvit‘/9 yahiiit/7.6 z'b§ide ? ‘ is: =_with%§ to t{B~{’erVé- whm yougive youtlmnd"for;.%and‘whyyou 4giga Aifg Thcre» is one more‘ that takes hands, chenPAyhu (766; when Bi»flmp &Lm‘mer» pcard arA1men» gaing 4bVeb;i.md~A fihfev as» he was Lwpon e:xa%m:inationA be?f0re;*A-am‘: A ;?;;*em5-» u1dh§ef%Ul1ahl<¢_yh Glmrernmcnt. A 'l7hishdaayh?thhe'j-temper of EMS Nfistig-, on-willbedifcovered;Jnolway thatlflknovv Mlih‘10*W*8¢ A "Ab§;yA1ab”o~1ubrb‘t"o ‘blow t1~sT3ufaAtbyAAc*;;1?ar1ia n17€ut;s . ., - A The Magiflratea‘ Paurtraitufé. A unworthy choice 1' Suppofeb one fhould put himfc-IEAA undetAan ‘oath of Afrientifhip, to Atoptomote the good and I A welfarcbof auo‘thAer, to cltisotutmofi power, (as fana- tlmn to David) ‘andtthts his friend, to whom he isthus-‘ Aeingaggedfalling fick, fluould trufi him to bring a P hyfi-A tciiatuh to him._; A bandhe {hould fetch z-1 murdcrercopoiron ~ A him, or an Em pcerick which bythits ignorance fhould killAA him (which comtAes_to all one) Oh, _howwou1dA his oath totupou hxsconfqence ? Thts thou doefhonly With’ this”‘*“ aggAraAva"t1on, thou AdoeflA1t to a A Nation, he to at p1'i'-'-= A wvateperfon; ‘before ttlmgrefore thou fubfctibefh {pend oncthought morcuponthé Amatter, Co.nIider5 thou ftandefi at thegreateft advantage of paying thyVOWS,+ and performing thy‘COV€nant this day,7thA;1ttthouAAmAay-‘~. e&finfa}ltAhry1AifeA; poffihlitg. before the three yearns for? aA+Ptar1iAamencA :com*e ab our, thou mayeft befummbontedh in-tr H to anotherAwor1d_., to give an account, how than be ftowwt edit thy“A Voice now A; or if alive, Athou-«AmayePc be re f'e1‘<- A vedzo fe7é!a;poot Nation hc‘Ipe_d E0 iAts1'ui.ne by thy ha:nd~j‘ andA1fu'cho.:#esthou aA1‘AtL A o AA A A AA A A A 1 A i‘Po’u rthIy,con"fidcr- theg 1‘eatEfl~h0p¢5 ~ou»t lent m1e$Ah;1V Cr 13. to A1‘ ufi rtei ” ‘béonA,; oAAoewl%oAt *=waAs* to —b1oWAAfuAApOm‘~ tAP‘:1r1:i'§tnents,-A ‘ us by”ouAr% own A Councels: he"’tAime%~bhat:h: V E. 3 JQAWT‘ I1‘ 27 ‘°fu1Aelx'pe6tation of - Gods A Wrath AA thoat (come it foo no?" or later) 'wfi11‘otakc ho1dA‘0hr't"theeh_’ A And_‘tnowA‘lte11*Ac mg, A A Ahadfi thou ‘not better hive been afluecp in thy bcd,b y?ea,t A AfiA<:k-inthy bed,A"yea, deadin thy grave, then to have" bCAOmeI1§thA€f1tQAAdOfO unhappya daycs workhct Oh, A A thinA1€wAhe%h thougoefi thisdayt to give my fuflrage for any that thouodidftfee the Coventatntto AwAith’thyf1anAAdatt itjfprejad before, th'ee;A; dutgt thou thenbventure, ;to‘A o b1o:;..o‘utwhat‘ttAhere thou hafth wrote, by a wicked and“ ‘q ,. 152. W- 21rfv~ V r _._, ., \' ‘ ‘ n->41 - .‘T"',§'“ - fin an .‘ ' '7 : :;.-- M’ . ‘M V A. ‘Y - V ‘ l = 1b r - A A _ W '3 4 ‘_ r‘ 1,.‘ -«A - 1,7 A imam PzmAi:tmitz1ArerrA A r:rA’Pa‘r1iavrr1enes, -;I%eamr blow us‘:up.by3rhéi;¥rve£crru»r: C;QunAce1s, and a.N:ationA Acannocicrr of a_ worfgr cgemrgrchen to»bqArrui‘ned by rrheirsa-xzirours,A A;‘AandrAhdWj % me of themA,r. ‘sis fa 5 n;reAmfr brave; b€¢7l':1 Lmdoinrg . by $0 late; 1 thiAnk,»VI- ne»edAno;tAher1:p };ou‘rr Am‘er,norAics;.; . A ;f f71%:4;:~ yomwiMfay%,AW/rats t/remdflgfitzfa’ Ah*ardQuAe:fiiomA,who for uc.f1r_a*A,léc¢,AAra:mongf apeoplea ;aAnd"a-rgfizcha crirne, a~;AO‘t_1e£tiAon, IAAh0pe»yo1Ai»r \‘.~‘ hgaxre been asking -Ayour fe1Avesr;,Aahd others, wi«fer~ than aha P reactreAr,Abefo;r:e you camehither; 1' Ah: werer irnpudenfifi; A for me to I1f.le.rtake a~re['olutA1on, yetl flml~1Ang>:Arb”e; AAAAcnAQ3A hold, if I) lay a ~few Sc1~iprurelinesA cogAe:rI;acr,A whiAcAAhwAiriA14% arm amongthr fQmS:0f NEW; Whofe grgces a1fc:gAfog.r. ~ r Iififltrandrr‘Ufl{t1H’i¢dA%5 ::asrA rrovaaria rm‘.kcA up ” « exczellent I?otrrrc_ra~i‘ture ‘of a+A Parzliwria Amara, tbo4ugh,, _lrfw,ri=vqA muifl: aar;€ff9m¢chingrrprf Ebb} A A \9hH,W1?lgl5#3§@eatIn£he‘7f&qe..@ffl1§m.'1f‘v§.’Cl3\Q.;@"{:: A A £1113: (my. ;The;A~AA r~facieA« A AF&li£;1’t>A fo fzMrreg'r as Eh?-' 4 iéturc. furs -xvrrlrl: ads: rt; 1mp~0I__-fible :9 nice: A A ,rr er theMagr 1: rraresrfac¢,;fis; drawn by Holy $p11‘1r;sr*cur1o?yéA pentil :4 Arghg, oA:'d: ‘A A Arnd r.rbeArefrore yo l1*:1‘Cr211jAC’J-tS« re A cAomeA A_nc:;r¢;; “the patterns asArApheimrpAerfer&i~onSfifthe beftamorg A Will} 6:rrIii£..; You ma 9‘ {cc 011- at AA Ai€.C;€r;ofA C13; »AA,Ar.Arh_mi:A A prefl: Aa cuI‘;iQusArcut:rAA fe~a1,rits "trnhoughr .for.1rag;gciA;d, ‘as will trre-LIA] youftisrcla y, Ano:;Ag<01§C1a1irkeAAA {gal 30 there are fome: amogg us. A I A doubt no:7)A. om«AwhOm you may finds thofc»Magrii’trafgA;ca1.;e_ndA.q-W, ?"gnerzmsA anAd graces; nghgat re e;1Ag;rmred-; b}&AthTe5».SApi;?icA; ‘Godrron thé feral of the ‘Word, ~yer,foasArhAeAir -in3rpA¢rf&A~AAA ch 4 andAAi51md‘;A A A A ‘T - Eirfb, enquimfor therfedar'réAA¢;3fA ‘£n;.rr%rhdfei¥you A Ea? r rwrfwfraga ? A rare rrprinted Au;3r%QnArfrailAe3 A tthem,e;m.t:,ztt1“8 nisdat, -"power was to great,‘ that ift he ’ venlaw to hisficonfci-once, he hadtthcm at fiich advahtage, " that he might have reveng¢d%thimfe1Fupon them fortheir t un»Iimett‘a1=.' as every ut1go~d1ie man is, how much ‘foever his-t» natnteifwells tit] riches and honours in the wor1ds‘fti1e.;t t21nritoclm2tt"cz111ed* a vile pet*f<3n, ;D.»m;,t1t.21;. The poot-- efi Saint heperfecuted, was a Starre,*ht and he as ‘vile as-= h"dirt,, even whiie‘ heftatnped thern*under—*his foot of!‘ A htide, He'tha‘t_: puts a wickedman in plttcetvhillingltiey t would, ifhe could, pull aor1'ghteous,Godhout of place. ’ had‘ need look forthe fe‘at*of G oditn ;thoIfetw’e cghttfc ‘ into Government, the more becaufe they are forfar a- bove the feitr ofany elfeg and ifthey have not the fearof“ God tokeepthetnrtght; tnooavonder tf they ttnifcarrie: 7 tWheA%nt]ofepI9“wo4u1dperfmdehis bre thtetntthey ’ hfhould V haw-':h‘onefi dealing withhitn, fee what pawne~htt=: giV“éS {iartlfeare (mi, cod his“ {care of God hid not giw A o*wentL= . .\T——“ _ A V not%:Ao»ci1,c. A _.a AAJ.‘e“fit before Nekcmiab, wanting this, Anothingcould, okeepmhem from oppfreflion, AA whereas good omeéemzzb himfelflhad no otheroc_ord but was to tie his hands, Ne» A 1 laemiabsas- Bfltofidid M’ 1: 53'€rt¢‘f€ 0‘ t/7L¢AfW off?“ oL‘0I'.6Al-o M ” o _ Secondly, eqquire Wifdom aqd .'abA_iA“[3A70fPfl_l_'AES:f0EAA ”thCW01‘ktO wh1ch_y.ouchoofe“the1n,1ix;9d.7'1 8. 2AAIAA .m. rm’: out ofall t/at peep]: able mm, A fun}; as Af3:4rfGod 'A Afi that fear GodAare4_not";Qable men; o m Every, godly fimah odoth not carry a A _CounfeI1oursA headon A his {AhAQuIdeA;'53 othercoare fome 1'0 holy, thgt in regard of thieif Prayers and thePoweroof godlineff e in their lives maybe ofaidm be Saviours, (I am fore the:N:1tion hadd)'oWnedA,-Ah:A1cAI not; they helped to hold its chin above Aowatef) butgf moheoyfwere called to Par1iament~work, they AmightA for V want of Wifdom andAAag0V€rning *’Pi1'it be inodangerooof proving d¢Pfl‘0y€1;S§0fit; A AandAis1t:noc”pitie, chazthgy ' who do”Afuch fervicé: to the‘ publick in their private capg. ‘oCAiAci¢s Ihould be called from Aprayihg for, to ruiningof tho V? Nauoon do Every good Lhrxflxan could nocAmake%A a gem Miniffeoorzd ~t-heApAo_fi%14e fpeaksof 2'1 fpecialgiftg befidggs ggracexncommon wxthothers, that belongs ftofhezfn’, t/v6yv¢tifl5M1>tf0 read’; A 302! Senatour‘ rr>uPcbe 3pAtA * ‘advmflodCOUHE1»Wlthourthisnllisoinfufiicientgbecaufa o h: WQIIIS that Whlcbfhouldoenablehim to‘re3ch'A1;hg %e;nfd L oofhisplacoe.” Amie, Ath0U§hi:11Aathafl1ea:hofgoié, " o_&a t ofdiamond,A.y'eitAif it hath no édgcgit is. nI0‘tagoo“do olfiflife, ay B6 geodofo (Wand oma1apt~ijl:;,, Seckeml Qmkgr:,&c_:, lI1~th.€ Nat1on,asthei1' pet-tyChapr'nen, A V toretailnit for them: A aI1d~pucn;ofF fome one point, and form anotl1er,ftas theirtrade liesrbere and there in then __Land5 fo thatasit is obferved of thofe glifeafes, Pox; "p;;rf;1g;e and Malignant Eewerse, when they abound, ’tis A a {igne thep1aguc1sno_t” far off, thefxrmalignity being Men oflow fpirits are borne tofervea nottorulc. Itis “ A wellif» they will follow; never expeét thcywill lealcllon innntatime ofdanger; there are fome maybe blown like 4 lglaJfl"es,inlto any (hape, lwitlithe flatterilflg orthreaten- ing bréathnnofo’thers;. -\‘ A coward eannotbe a good Chrifiian; mu_ch»lefl'e a good Magzfirate, fuch a’ one will be wonne with a, nut; and loft with an apple. nSola- mmhgone olfivonrie.WaslI'upp“ortedbyLions; ninnlo-V- c_ence,~andinte‘grity cannot bepreferved loin MagiIlrac~i;e- therefore“ Hfoughtlhow he might’ r‘e1eafc him, ‘but wlhcnl he heanrdd thejewesfcty out, A If won’ lettcjtn ‘t/71': mxmgq, 1 l tbouart natal:/}zrsfri::2a1,~ nthe,vcry_wlindel0f tl1’is’bu11T¢t A killed the mans heart,and makes him V fieer a c1eannC0n- tgzrary“ courfe, J0/71¢ I99. I 2,13. l Wbefi. Pilate therefore e beard ; V withontcouragep blot wasbafe feare made Pilate 1 cruel ‘ by dto,Cht,i;fl, tolfavehisforryflake that he handn inkC'&ef.4rA‘M_ hand. .The man had no minde to {bed irmocentblood» Tbe%”JMagififatw‘Fonrtrézftn 2. . A ' A razag mm: W quétedW;z?9tA’35eA% am! f4te&.in‘t }fndgmenrfeat;' A and 4bafe1yproceed_ed,to,w an V ’ =1i'nrightedus'fente"ncewagaxnfi his Confcience. I\1agi,{1ratesf. A a?régrea‘t bl&efIings%(faith‘0“n4e) mm'o gmdeant, W fl:'Vmz'_t»mt4 ,ifAAc11“éyda1‘eVVdo i:héeir confcie r 1”c:e.~ C1'*m1' e mflén mhiit -d‘m=:. b_e"righteous, soniy “I Wifli We .sv€t5V‘e 1ii%W'i'fe44%Lfo f A ;cIiPci,ngti=ifh b‘¢t';x7ixt an humb1eboldnefs'.in agood caufe,’ ancféflproud; ftoucnefs inany caufe,”; be 1:’ wrzght“ or A wrong. *,Th;u:, éyourageisof .th‘€: right: me:tta1,'4vvjhich like ’ f’c€ele._,V”wi11 bend,'“but[not»li1{e1e.3cL, Pcilfldbéilfg, fdme men ;ifth ey . I;jé dIice engaged; \vi‘11%bafie1y be ‘befit and bowed into pat?‘ 5 - i A fF‘ifth1y; findeou: menthatwfll make it theirbufinefs A t§QwatteVAm%dqfi ;If1¢~ publiqgle" aficairés 5671‘ the 7 ms j_}ab.i*.w9%-I 4- fliid 6? }'0Er;"befz;t M §2‘ti'otlf2¢£fi', dkzfiii ¥iélMt}i€.d h§ A M _ could as fiafily forgettp p11tO‘n hiS .C10athS ina mornuingg % When"hea1‘ofe.,%as todo hisxvork as a»Magiftrate.7“ilwveré a fad thing A we fh5oulgiM%;13”itkch up*‘onany?4 who ‘When % they are %ch;of¢;%fl1bu1d4i'1eepi che4imm¢ in the Eiirngirgéig <3: ffeaf’c"‘ar1d‘juhcketitziway in d'1e Cit,,y,% no‘t‘caArix1g%f¢’W&hf6+ %‘ :her-;he“ Nation finck ~01‘, f wim.~: A ; Non-&.refid‘ence is"TaS4bflV€3~ j in amdgfftrateg as aMinifi¢r, theY.s%r¢»GvcPs Mmifiers; as fWé:1V1aswacherss gfo faithrzzzzl;RWIIA3-6.VIM‘?/vs? W5 G¢d3Vi”ifl€’34*Wii‘#'£ “W ffifiverév Viking. J “O;%.; i.-Inch ‘hswell, when tE1e*Magi{t m*te A :iti:@nd{“s to .43, i“t,ddnh, bobzzere wlfiertg‘ flaouldt“‘h*eV;“t’fad%fmanb¢but,‘ -«aw “ ' ‘ ‘ Aliisflwop“%andJ¢whe»r¢aAPa*r*1iame:iwrrfaan,»%Mbur4whcfehis arréé w“eary*of th%a%41:fibour5 s>vhAichVgoesw1:h:t;xe% A Why dA<:thche%he*‘$’d« the hatfizhehbnourqftht §a111.%“1QU1d%ChUf¢ 5Y§hi5t 50315 Chafaéfter, A but cak%eVit%;~i1;t% ‘- .cOn§gAgajonV-with chéreit 4, tb¢hfife_ meeay for eftat§A:A‘,Ais.w cooxmthe Ifraezirer folly; who fmpagolden caitm ]\1of3.i'%fO0Vm€.,A‘ Bjuft re: no? PW?‘ ” and Vgrace,1*eCei.Ve«&any prgiipdiwgthroughenvy, bccaafe r»h¢y§re in.ame1Ied%with riches;andd:W¢11.i:nagArcat houfe- IAc1sAnoreda~sa+figne4 % of uadeclining ScaAAte%,%whVen[rhe%A1i1oney A, gnd-coy ne ofa %N:.r-A A cionis embafésh,0fl?;f¥¢A*th€n W3S%xV0nt%a when theme‘?- calis not, f0” pVu1'~c,, nor th“e‘piece fo weighty, vAvhen1;fet“C “~vgQ1;ds«vand*fi1.Ver:vFiaefiisbraffea.. A fometime itAb.‘lth. Qegzp. M The9ASpmc.; o E. God Tcompar“"es %T'M58ifiF3t€5\t°F3“€0fth¢ purdt ; fut-Ael y, “it fheAws :1 people alje going __AdQwn the hi1lA‘of no- nour, Wh,°n;.Fh° ;V1a¢es ofMagi£tt%cyA¢¢thar ufewbe EML wiIéh;thechi€fheads the ¢ C0L!$ntrY,V conic to beofwthe It nifcex are N 'A_Offb 5 laiwff their 3Co11m:ry fervice. = ~ A &Mkigi%fiers,%Aand ‘Mtiniftery of the G0fpCl5 Mconfcfle, I” »at¢m A be cdmzent toswait .for‘ chegreat fly» fiery -, I am not therefore afra1Ad,A or A aLham*ed&a,& Prcffe th1s- «AEnqu~we»for men tbéar arcwfairbfu1¢ pcation A towhafve drowned this in filence,L knoWing Wi_th.AWhat 1d ifadvari mge % 1 {ball fpeakon ghis many ;Wi’11thinkmebut fe1v"ifl1i n this,“ and only it 1 too.1 God; " cyoureyebe%onru¢hasare_Mfaa:mu1mthe co] X I A: A b“ n A finC,5'i“¢:,th*§, A 03716 3 AA J The Magzfirafe:iPom9imitAnre'§ AA ..........M..........—....r.-......'.-... i 5......- Eygland ; of her Religion, V ztndcofpel, is to divide the pee ie from their Minifiers, and that Acheyeh¥o1dfl~i1l inf A thefarnernrndg we feehy their irrgnrous er1.Ade'avour,i:o . periue thisA‘0nething, as if they had laid afide Tall other piots,and ihipr their whAo1e;advenAture in this one bottom; hence for manyAb_itterA inAveé‘tives rprinted Aagainftthe A FaAi“thfu1~ Minifiers" of Chrriflg f their Perfons, and OAAffice“«,_-, V and railing R46/hekabs ‘fen: about the Land ,who whatever ~ their text is,’ robe {me make this theirSermon,ft to throw dirt upon the AM1n1'fiers «face 5: to turnethe hearts of the _children from their fpiritual Fathers, Hy rendring thenjirs V V ,bafe andfi1_thy' totheirhearers, _Aasthe: dirt Ul‘g*Ci»E1‘Ati'1€iI.‘ V feet, and have theynot prevailed farre herein‘ when memy thoufands in the Landitare frnade Profylites rnithem; A AyAea,when fomehave’ventured‘in Par1~iamentirAi ifeiflf iitio heave both at thettnaintenanicc, and 0flA‘ice cAA)ft.heAMinif’re—A ry =_~,t andAc:an' your rhinkihim worthy of the r.Magi{i‘rates feat, thatnzonid not al1AovvAyou eiMini{’ceriAn the Pitllpitf.’ A Oh myibrethrren, Ikinovv» the Miniftery hath the fame;AAAu- ‘A ‘ thoritytofl1ewA foritheir calling, theMagifirate hath; r A the fame ‘God that gave at/infer, A gave “Am*rm .3 Airtistrifaici V be led /2z_'_: people 12} t‘l.2z=./mrizds of Mofes zmdmzrmr.“ A The A fame hangi that" planted one O1ive- tree, Ai on the one fine of A the b0VVi§AA., to tvit,Zerul2éabel theMAaAgiPcrat€,i'idiidp13ht V gfio/buzz, theMiniPrer, on the‘o_ther,”andboth_ to cirnptiheir A A tofeed the*i;tme1ampe~“ofGodsChurch the A great rbleifings have beenA given i’nAbyArAa rconcnrrénceof heath, ‘a‘sA we fee in Reformiatiions of V the ewifh Church erieverrai iAAI Ahax_7eAAheardthat; flqeen Elizybetb, r e0ming- [her A_progrefl’e 4 into Ithis our cunt}: AQfA‘Srufiovlk,Ai wI1enAtflter‘ob:r¢rved thatthe ”Gent1emen;0f the ‘A ("loun- 7 fly, . A r A 37 A lA’epes Czanclzrrvee, that the furefi and.ffpeetiie{i vsAz2A1yetoActihe:u: * A ty, who camey out tomeety her, A had’ every— one” his uMi4-~( 1;;en/ragusfzrdiey mum;¢ure*; L niftef’ by his fide, V5 _fai.d,f Nyaiwy I bzzrzze learned wby.my_~ ‘TC ozmty of Su5fi°oIk is [0 2~ve11g'W€I‘2¢ed,£t z2t,£»amuf?:_ the Mat» 1 giffmtes and Mifif‘/Z§f5.' go together. ’ Indeedchey %'arue'¢tyhe itwoyylegges on which 21% Church and State fiand. yHe' ~that_W0uld faw off theoue,‘ _canno;t ;mem_ Wen ta yto:theothe1[':, “ ._3yn4._AJ‘¢W47WZ7‘7l1ZC7'Z4l' fpmt, 15 an Am‘-'- magiflraticalfp11'1t; theP'ulp1t guards thethroneg -Be’ ypeirfwaded to take that away,» and you give u the Ma- ~g.i‘fi rate% enemiesu room yto fetch ayfull b_low«‘ac themsas the Duke of Somerfet in King Edwzxrd the fixths daysa, » y ‘cunfeming to ; his brothers death, «make ‘way form; “own, by‘thefameaxeandhandm.y 1- y _ A :Iha‘uvc no more by Way of Councel for you, as m thetranfaécion cf this day , uBu$cy my) deare friends}. uthin1f%y5311r%poor 4Nat10n,4 as to difchargé the dutie of :your_pf1a:ce,Awh1ch %you owe tO.»G0d and z§s%”&§$%:‘§'z9Ies:'§éeéaé§seéa= fié N