CERTAINE ee REASONS TENDING TQ Iawfillnefle and inexpedia cncjp of all Dioccfan Epifco-_ pacy ( even the mofi . % moderate.) eTOGETHERVVITH fame needfilll points fuddenly V e {uggefied confidering the : 4_ feafom . Vntillby the good providence of Q God a more full and mature difcourfe may bee “prepared and pu-blqifhed ( if neede {'0 require) by fame better hand. . 4Wi_/Edoeme is jnfizfiedafber Cbildren: flag.-;___ V...,..,.,. Tiiqted eflimo %1_64.,1., ‘r 1 I 4'“ ‘M ‘ ~ “ .. ; . 7 ’ % % - 4 fed’: platf'orme% of. C%hr1fii'an 6 Cbutch Ggvqrnmpnt fcflt.4AdoWfl“:‘: “ L V by Ch¥i?Q4V4€iWfidhi$’ APQQWSV §he«N¢w~VT’efiame11*»t;_$ « A _ V N Vchfifiian ‘Ohmch.Gm‘tcrm¢7nt, fama Non, ‘ . ‘ V i:hi?i*g§ d*f%%fl¥bfl"d7mi%i11,and they are pair}; % aicu1'ar1ya:=ia14't in%‘thceco~nc1;1fior1eoffthelfipifi 6. !LTim.6l " ” i all me hceha,d ,b¢f9r¢faideWitblléflbi . 4 A 4 cf? éiaié /Jlin» oéfvrw f wen lgim‘ (7/iz%..” touching Clllgrclyngjci. * ~1§:14m ¢;~binds 4 F arse to keen that commandment (a'- 46- l¢°“‘m“l3a§mFnt5«2 tb.E..".}Vl9¥d A ebcilnxglxauc. ,r¢{i«¢?,*év§*J ?‘lPrP‘Q§¢§‘3a,L&»;f;r;l¥il,fi13§ so ah; ” Eéinhilnglfl ta’ -which‘ V’ the the :f1litdf§Tr(3f“'DTiQf¢e3 ' fitn»tf;I.f,p1{coQaeie‘ iZh§mfCIVcS,;“ oelnot deny to beAnncWl;e1;-ggi (food *concern1ngl*thef Cornnxandeinents toucliing Difeiag ; T pIii1t7h;andegove=rnnient ztfiévéll asv ofirine,’ V , v - it 4 r 33%., ~Ic’ise'granted by all, thétfpmefub[iiantia1ltpe,rts';-of Ghurthhgovemment t are éxpre£’t'7.n;.in the N tew;»Tcfiarnen~t,t asfdeoPthe.;0flicers ind fornc of » the Miniffleriall du—:;j* ties and tfomethings of their calling, Etfic (q!e4lig'4 :; Whenccml inferrc, that therefore all are fet downer; font 415 aW€r¢=7tl1e’Scripture a mle defcfiive, timper-£e&_:and ina- ¢ffé&u:iIl”"for the ~ehd<' for which; it ..Wl‘itte“n-; iwhiéh wasto‘ male‘ the man ofiGodp‘erf2»£l(nac go {‘om.¢,;bm_-),%w to ;-...%';n wjerygqodmrkgiz !Zr"z"m.3.1 7;efp_ecially to the work ofGo-9 Verning the Houfe of God; which his” one of his chiefefi workcs,xTim.;.x6. , 3 v ~ in e _; -B *.:4lofE:" ietendowne a fornje of Government for the Iewi " Churchyil much more hath~Chri1ifor ether, G‘_hrifiiannC-hutch, Heé.3.2. e e Hjce tflaufi: .“ hponr whoa: flichidcflthé Govcrnement is laid, Efa}. 9, Agfatt/‘a___;_ 28; at 3; Andbfiin 'morcfai§h£nU;thcnr9W(vfit, c;O;.u.1d b.=_=-. in allhthingsitntoue ingthc hou12o£Gpd.i;qhiehas his churchg; For as fo"r+=the civil! State iourfSaviouWr nnevheremeddled" with it. . .\ .7 ’ Neither canzilyisrueheafoni Bi: reindredh ‘Why '4 E flannldditnwth N win: Chm-nch,ina certain forms ofgo- uemie;nient}’*.rathf:1‘fthei1edhrtifhthe _,Chrifii_aI1 Church». ‘ V5; ‘W Ifit were notthus, there would be no unitie inthé‘ geuernement of the Churches, but infinite diuerfitie {No eertainet-;ie,bnt Heifitation, ,and daily doubting, whether i men were right or wrong ;No confiancie but continual} mutabilitie 5 In call: of any errour committed; there Wouldtbe no meanes, no hopes ofreétifyin them,ifthcre_ no rule :4 Or rather no poflibilitie o doin erthcr, right or wrong therein, otherwife then by con ormitie noreitnconxformitie to the flippery 8: nnflable will ofsmgfi 4 ‘( ‘*4 3'7‘ * :5 TBéCl'xAu1*cI1 ofGodpisphis’Hou&;Ki.n*gdmne,“Bodyu§ is to. thereof; whofi: office,“ honour, "' and.£tua.,pxop9£ry$bc1g_4 fore it mufl ncedcs beAto_give rules lawcsm. pbcezobfér-g 5. to~aeppdi=nt_offitcrs,d‘11d ~pIeI'crib¢. pthéir dutigs; V and thplepmanncrp of VpallA.thcir %admini£irafliCtB*p=inAAAhi§UW1i3‘ Hoqfes a Kingdoms; and ovcrphis‘ body; a~nd.nw 1 Apérmit the fame tofvanyp other plgafure or diihrcxionf whacfoevcb A , A n 4 A p_ N p 7 Theénd "oAfGIhu chagovcrngmemzis pcrnatutall, viz. The edificaition of the body of “ gracc untoppglory,Athcrcf'Ore%th¢ proper and-di.1‘€'&-mfiaflfly thcrcunto A mutt bee ,fpii'itual1:_anpdp %fuperna;urAap1l.‘p and fo‘ mufi Bfeerthe abilitiasp to~tI’t&ariglw,ly rhpfe thfi blcfling upgn the fame. But none i$.1b@ep~m7dw.i%«pH¥d! mcancs, nof furnifhvt}iI:h ~fuch:i«biIitics,n~or gi:vcfi1oh Hef} p fing,~butpGod“alone who appointed that ¢n::1°.A A Q‘ ~ 3 All proper and _dirc& meancs ofgrace, arcalfoipmi .. . 4:‘ ‘ per Péresppof Gods immediate worfbi ,which.nbnc. may lawfully -appofintppiibfit-iG@d~pp A A A A Church 'gdvr;'pn;n;ét (£0: t'hc?=m0fl5 part‘ bfmhaftiblianfialk) is a proper and dipreflmitahes p of grace‘: ispmadiffcfl , in particulirsmelétidnedp !Ab¢A:£ore Ihb fimfl mafbm AndAthercforcV none mayplpawfully appoinrthc T Go-dvhimfclfe; ~ 3 "Q AAdvéi*{5;ries_;,th'e mogsma their fwiimrits pp fclvesi-doc grant afmuch. 4» Yea i'dine;of'ppmhbm‘doav~ky RIM rhcifbapfis whcrepn to btéfild, ‘and-p_élii'€fi:fpillar iavhertby to uphold their owns pifi:c">paay‘,A_ éfwcll W3 fundry pp A ;_ppertainAi~ngtoppChUft1f1 agowmmncmicomménpm them withlusfiw A A A A A ' ' " , ‘ ‘ “ ‘. v ‘ V 5 A ‘ ‘ I """I“H"."‘L1 :.‘;"~'.”._ 'r'::%.h;*»~. 4 5 » V- -wp-r~——— w——T—, ____‘ ;Cf1r;i‘flimw»C5i1?6I2.gov%er):méntfiE" ii? 1;; ‘ =46)? C571} 2%? eflmant;i: &unal1;r4—W"€/'W9”- 3: fie, wadperpzmafly biudcxlmll r¢’a':bé,e:vd aftlw wforzq. aqua in was aiaxsbineea sy¢cmm (gm xq,.g /fieqflfig, » A ¢ M AA A "1! V 9 mf ch; Ch1%m;hw_)1wichout%1imitdtiqncd ‘any A nme:0r placp, nexthen hash he: himfclfg: at any ciméfinég "ihmgatedr it, mt g1yen%authoyrityA 1:9 any other fo to doc, - And iwitbout his%%auth9nity l1QW:Ci\n0rdarc¢a1;y man an. % xempcco doeic I: It 15. a £0mmpnru1;:«in xearon it, felfc, ;thanwhnfower%powA r;loQfqthAIiufib§ °it1}¢¥‘h¢‘{5m¢aor gifrvfi‘/1 H-L ’ LWhK+hWh}=®;cAhad~ oun . “ » V Ifmcn without fp¢cia11.Wa.m%11tfr0m&Ch'rifl, may alter: Wham o“vcrml;1¢nthehath%oncc fit up, and fct ‘up % that wfiibh r ~ eehvnevcr did, M and bind men ,5 «thcnmay % gghe” bothbind the confcicncc, where hee hath looiéd it, A % ~31!‘ lobfc‘ it from that A whmumo he: hath. 1:5 % Mbrnmen re can no fufficicnt rcafoén givcigwhy the Ago; mnhfioh:l:{ncmau1oc,l4raz.;+:.I 2.. I - ¢ dcvifitd‘ by Chrifi: himfelfe, fhoulcl giyc placp to anbthcr bfinncny nw: ,can it be Adtonnwithouc unfufl“cr-a.‘ -bin a=omumei1yqagain&%»Fhim.For what can itelfc impIy,bu1: fan ixnpt1té.tion”b(_V {came weakncflé or. folly in him, or ,wilfu1lncglc&4(iFq_ot contempt) of his fuprcmc authq- xity in us. % { ’ ;; :4. "Chmch-govcrriihcntis-apart.bfCHi~ifis4 ixigciqmkc in and Vovcri: his Church“,__and thjifore he n % her may mp: will quit,’ lay down: ti;/c fa , .. untill hc. It-fig 11¢ if-. V 34! ha up 3_m_oM the fha nds of his‘ Father at the lafi day. E Cor; i5] 1* d G d A A tfi ff ointe by 0 . viz.. V e }::::aatiog:.ar:fl.pbui1ding«$19.,fiAI§1¢1‘..5l%..d?§&“*° 0£8'%CF.) renames iri_imutab%l'e; ‘iiid §A?}iynb‘t:e‘¢thcn7fl‘fe progerj zihd di”ri:&‘ ‘t*r1eanes"%thereé>fA 3113,; ‘HD1655 i Ged@hi%mfe' fa; lhad teem: obd"t0 aItex*the’4fairié? " '1 ’ Churches cob-A; 6 he Scripture tcfiifi of L Tim. 6;. 14.. before mentioned,ratifying as well all mat- A tens Qf difcipline or gouememcnt contained in that fhpi. A ” A “ 1: e:ITi6.-. file: as‘0thp1‘ thiI,ig5_ : Ahde Whcréas: I:§f>h~ ‘4e.= '1; e.f"*“13.- _ YApO{fI'é‘I.éiith,‘ God ‘giitezr Paf’z‘or.?$ and .9" h‘ r: to /91.: acvmcb A V ” p1:mee15:’V 3'“; A w‘ée’5uha1te.fliMe;k§fi&M their office,‘ W ‘y not ” 7alle other Hoflivces alfd :?r ar$m( eIJfpcake%efliJIro?§*nl1t “fubfi‘a‘ntiall4s )then ma%y“ujbc it‘ is, A *~"ca,‘nnb.!:* 10'-_j-‘ "cei'an~EpiIi:opaciebmelawfM “ batter groua?adaA%Vthun;tI‘m¢, ‘and? in ;a proper A A I ‘% on,!hcre~ being no ‘other difl'cren‘ce bctwficrfe thcmfiul q1;..gu«“$a»wm, that that is thy grater. ..th.¢ irojitian. Note; ding law, and as due by ri ‘full in the Church. <"Z" ;_(‘I5)'= 3.. ..._.... wi, 73"“ . ;‘ 3‘ . ~._,._...., ma- .f'W‘ .fl'?:fl.""‘.“P~.‘£i’aI.(.r mic 5/1m;vfifp::yaf fttséytery) L uéatlz mi! fclfe ¢mlatvft4l1,y rind al/'acf43:t_au:dbz1«;y_ .<, gem: and tbernefare" not to ~66 4dz»itt,u!.; i c]:Rta'b?iiP8tha£§tI1£ gt-arndf.ii{i:apa'Eyiii-6hs'E»wiiai.b&ibg:)» "3 ihbuld bee parted andypullieddownc fo1oiW*s'a‘sthmat thciiiiflgopsiflaotlldi have ‘nothing left‘ them, bi1tio1'1cly‘,(as,~ {¢;niq;.yha\3c:y proje§tcd,) firfl 3; good bemf1§fi¢;ciwith:cnre;o£ i1‘33>'Jn§f§*;; ~ 59 *~ V y 4 %5;F¥W;an4 $594!: 8?: “ _ “ A ‘I cqnélysvcry. fm111T‘D1OAC€{€8~; Thirdly, the.namqBi1hop .p;cp1iatf1j to§th¢mf€1¥¢S,y= Forthly, .t_o. oxtdainc Minificrsin theirbioccfcs, but not without concurrence of other Mi». inf V gym‘ ifglylyn agfld I-,l3y,;h¢ir aidvicea-nld :afli3a‘nceTtoa5or- i°i§1..y? ; .¥‘9i3§'F!‘.’§:{iJ"jw f i ' h1I¢5.~»S1x¥i« :a..Aj‘?‘di»m A. ‘I . A A auiy.m.n A , ism: qfiéffitmé VI Aflérpblics .or.pubi iquc nicsecihgiof Pr9§bytcrie§.~c1aIfe5s 8cc- *9.b.¢f0Onfiant M<3d¢ratora:§ ' . ' E; on ;;;1?9&1 :7 ‘A ogdmfimmlhl y x;;,;.q“,°.~:!1=e.vs~ae1m;z;ativ3gv¢»xo:s 42goub16s